List of Patents Granted by the United States - Forgotten Books


Transcript of List of Patents Granted by the United States - Forgotten Books






FROM 1 7 90 T O l


§28 5







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D istrict of Colum bia, to Wit r

BE IT REWEWBEREU, that on th e 25 th day of luly, m th e year Of f ourLord 0

thousand e ig h t , hundre d and twe n ty, and of th e In de pe nde n ce of th e Un ite d State s

A m e ri ca th e forty-fifth S . ALFRED ELLI OT, of th e said Distric t h ath de posited in th is

fic e the t itle of a b ook, th e righ t wh e reof he c laim s as proprietor in‘

th e words foll

,to w it : A List of Pate n ts g ran te d by th e Un ite d Stat e s for the e n courag e m e n t

and sc ie n c e s, alphab e t ically arrang e d from 1 790 to 1 820; con tain in g th e n am e s

Pat e n te e g'

t h e ir p lac e s of re side nc e , and th e date s of th e'

Pate n ts , w ith an alphab e t“list of th e Pat e n te e s : also all th e ac ts passe d b y Cong re ss on th e subj e c t of,

Patea Wash ing ton D , (3, Prin te d a nd sold by S . ALFRED ELLI OT . July 20th , 1 820In Conform ity to th e Ac t of Con g re ss of th e Un ite d State s , e n title d, A n Ac t for th e

e n courag e m e n t of le arn in g , by se curing th e copie s Of'

maps , charts , and b ooks , to the au

thors and proprie tors of such ,m nh s .d@ 1m tbm tm g hu p

igm e n t ion e d z

”— an d also to

th e ac t, e n tit le d—“A n

?A c t

" ‘

s u p p le m e n tary to an ac t,e n t lt e e n cour

ag e m e n t'

of le arn ing , b y se cu ring th e Oop ie s of m aps , charts, Iand


b ooks, to“

th e authors

and p‘

rop rie tors Of such Oop ie s durin g th e tim e s th e re i n m e n t i on e d, an d

b e n e fits th e re of to th e arts of de sig n ing , e ngravm g , and e tch ing b istorii

pIn testim ony wh e re of, [ have h e re u n to set my hand, and affixe d th e

[su n] lic seal of my office , th e day and ye ar afore said.

EDMUND 1 . LEE,Clerk 'of the District of Columéz







Ashe s, pot and pearl. Samuel Hopkins July3 1 , 1 791)Ashe s, pot andpe arl, furnace for. Edward Ryan April 29, 1 793A sh , pot, imp1 ovem e n t in m anufac turing . Edward Ryan Nov. 19, 1 796

A sh , pot, m anufac turing . William Forb ish er n Nov.

Alkali fro m -W e al r,”

ex rram n g fm m k e lp . J0m1Kaz rD_, A ma ti} 1 797A x e s , im provem en t in Sharpen ing . John Shotwe ll MarchA irPum p , ve n tilator forSh ips

, for m in e s , 81 0 . Richard Robotham Oct. 1 801Antibilious Pills . T homas H . Rawson July 24 , 1 802Astronom ical Quadran t. Matthew C . Grove s Sept . 3, 1 802An tib ilious stom ach cordial. Sim onLaz arus De c 21 , 1802Apple s, mach ine for paring . Mose s Coate s, Coatsville , Penn . Fe b . 1 4

, 1 803An tisceptic gas, im provem e nt in the mode of obtain ing . Pe ter

De LaB igre , andJ. B . M Picorne llAn tib ilious Pills . T hom as H. Rawson , NewLondon , Conn .

Alcohol, improvem e n t in the m e thod Of distilling . Lemue l J.

Hilborn , Fre ehold, N . York, and B iddis , Ph ilade lphia June 4,

a .

A ir, or B e llows Pump , for raising water. Dan ie lM. Miller March 5,

Aug er, im provem e n t. Christoph e r Hoxie 1 July 12, 1 804Ashe s , m ode Of m anufac turing . Joseph Be llows, jun . and Ebe n .

Wh ite De c . 29,

Andirons , 1mprovem ent 1n John Stickney, Baltim ore May 4,

An ti- Stream -Boat Wm . Wadsworth , Hartford, Conn e c ticut July 17, 1806Artific ial Slate , or T ile . T hom as Woodsend Aug . 7,Auger, improvem e n t in . William Hale

, Cham plain . New York Fe b . 7 , 1 807Axle , andb ox of carriage s . Cyrenus Be ach , New Jersey June 26,Angiet for taking and laying down angle s . B . De arbon ,

Boston AprilAlarm Be ll for fire e ng ine s. Jam e s P Parke , Ph ilade lph ia De c . 1 9,Astronom ical Ti m e -ke epe r. T he odore New e ll, She ffie ld, Mass . July 7, 1 809Aug e r. Se e Screw . Ez ra L’

Homm idieu.

Apple s ,m achin e forpairing . Ste ph . Crutte nden, Guilford,Conn. Aug . 25 ,Auge r for m ining . Pe rkin Nichols

,Boston May 18,

Anger. Ste tson and M. Selre e , George town ,Ken . Dec . 1 1 ,1 3

4 B

Apple s,m achm e for coring and quarte ring. Cyrus Gates,Rut

land county, V irg in ia De c . 1 5 , 1 810Andirons and fire place s. John Swee t, Berkshire , Mass . Feb . 26, 1 81 1

Aqueduct pipe s m ade of m arble . T hos . B Rob bins,Stockbridge ,


Air, draught, Sub ignie s . Sam ue l Randall,Provide nce March 1 2,Airflue for a chim n ey. Jam e s Macom b e s

,Gre enw ich ,N. Y . Nov. 19,

Air, diffe re nce of rarefied and unrarefied Sam . Morey,Ph il. April 821 812Ac ids, mode of pre paring Nath . S . A llison and B . Hug

ler, Philade lph ia Jun e 5 ,Asclepias , m anufac ture the . Ge orge Sm ith , New York MayAnge rs . Martin How e , New York April 21 . 1 81 4

Andirons . Willaby De xter, Winch e ste r, Connecticut May 1 7,Alarm Be ll. Be n . E Freymuth , Ph ilade lph ia De c

,. 222

Auge r. Jose ph Brownwe ll, Otse go, New York’

MayAsh e s, pot and pe arl. Jacob Latting , New York April 26, 1 8 1 6

Alternate lift for bricks and m ortar. B e n . De arbon , Boston June

Auge r, s ingle twis t screw . Ez ra L’Hom m edie u, Norw ich , Conn . July 1 7,Anvil and hamm er, Charle s Josse lyn , Pem b roke , Mass. Oc t . 9


Alum made from Lign ite . Ge n it T wost, Ph ilade lph ia March

An ti-attrition , compound. Edward Motts , Ph ilade lph ia Oc t. 4,

Arch im edian Screw . Jerem iah Black, North Pe nn . Jan . 1 7 , 1 81 8

Auger to bore re c tilin ial hole s . Cyrus Jackson , Butte rnuts,N. Y . Feb 1 4,Aromatic Steam Bath . J De ve rin 81. J. B . Isab e lle , Lexing ton . Ken . July6,As iatic Len itive . Ez . Andle r, New York Oc t . 26,An ti-fric tionBush Jam e s Rudde r, Norfolk, V irg in ia Fe b . 6, 1 819

Axle , m oveable . Ge o. N . Reynolds, Charle ston , S . C . April 29, 1 819Auger, tube 1 Rob e rt T homas

,Richm ond co. N. C . May 22

Aug er; tw isted screw . Wm . Holm e s , Winch e ster, N . H . April 1 820

Mass March

An ti-dyspeptic Pills . Ge orge Sm ith , NewYork August 7 ,Andiron s , im proirem e n t in . William Pye , New York, Nov. 1 6,Admdysein teric m ec in g /

An ti-dyse n t e r ic p ills . J. M. Brockw ay, Lym e .

Conn . 1 332Auger, forboring post hole s . Christopher Hoxie , Hudson

, N. Y. JulyApple cutting m ach ine . Andrew Gle nde n ing , Loudon co.

V a. Sept . 9,Apple s ,m ach ine for grating or grinding Joe lFarnham T io.N . Y . June

Auger, improvem e n t in th e strap . Silas Gore , Sh e se quin , Pe nn . July 20,

Angers, mode of turn ing any number. Hardin Branch,N . York Aug . 7, 1 826

Auge r, imp’t applied to ”th e Jose ph H . Schre ine r, Ph ilad

’a Aug . 1 7


Anthracite coal ap plied to g e nerating ste am . Dan ie l Collings andJam e s D Gallup , Wilke sb arre , Pe nnsylvan ia Oct. 1 2


Auge r for boring hubs , imp’t in the . She ldon Cadwe ll,Wind

ham ,Conn e c ticut, Nov.

20,Andirons, pede stal fe e t for. Edm und Smylie , New


Fe b . 1 , 1 827


1 Fe b . 22,

Apple s, m ach ine for grinding . H . E . Paine , ahd S . H . Russe ll, Le

Roy, Ge auga coun ty, Oh io, March 5,

Andirons , casting th e fe e t Ofb rass John Griffiths ,New-York, March 1 5 ,Alcohol, made Of extrac ting by ste am . Anson

"and Norm an

Wolcott, Bloomfie ld,New-York 1 . March 1 9,

Bark, ex tract of. John B idde s ahd T homas Bidwe ll, Phil. Aug . 1 0, 1 791

Bedstead. Ludering Conrad Khun , Ph il.1 Aug . 1 0,

B e llows . Jam e s RumSey, B erkly coun ty, V a. Aug . 26,

Boats , m anufacturing . Pe te r Gordon , Phil. Aug , 1 0,

Boats , prope lling . Henry V oigh t, Ph il. Aug . 1 0,

Bark andWood Saw ing . T homas Harrington , Boston May 9 , 1 792

Bricks, making. D avid Ridgeway, Phil. March 7.

B 5

Bricks, manufacturing of. Christopher Bolls, New-York Jan . 26, 1 793

Bricks, m anufac turing of. Apollos Kin sley, New-York Feb . 1,

B e lls , construc tion and tone of Rob ert Le slie , Ph il. Fe b . 2,

Bricks and Pan- tile s,m anufac ture of. Sam . Bre w e r,New-York Aug . 7


Boats, V e sse ls and Carriage s, m ach ine for prope lling . Abijah Bah

cock, Oh io De c . 2,

Boats , improvem e n t in prope lling . Josiah Shackford, March 21 , 1 794

B e llows, construc tion of. Jam e s Drake, New Jersey May 1 9


Bark, g rinding of. John Mackley, Pe nn . July 1 9 ,

Boats, im provem e n t in prope lling . Dan ie l Ke ller, Pe nn . May 25 , 1 795

Boats and V e sse ls, prope lling . Wm . Pe te r Sprangue , Penn . June 1 9,

Boile r for g e ne rating ste am . Se e Steam .

Bricks,tem pe ring mortar for and making of. A. Kinsley, N. Y . De c . 20,

Be ans , cultivating . Se e Com .

Bolting Cloths, improvem e n t in . Robert Dawson , De l.'

May 1 2,

Bolts and round 1ron , improvem e n t in forg ing . Clem e n t Ren tge n , Nov. 1 7,

Boards . Se e Shing les.

Boiling . Se e Cooking .

Books and paper. Se e Ruling .

1 796

Bridg e s . im provem e n t in . Ch arle s W. Peale Jan . 21,1 79

Bridge s, im provem e n t in . John Fowler Fe b . 24 ,Boats and V e sse ls , prope lling . Je hosaphat Starr April 28,Bridge s , im provem e n t in .

John Sticlm ey‘

June 3,B e llows, B e njam in Wyn coop

Jun e 26,Brick, tile s , 81 0 . im provem e n t in . John Hawkins July 1 1 ,Butte r

, preserving . Mose s Johnson June 30,Bridge s, improvem e n t in . T im othy Palm e r D e c .

Boats,81 0 . m ach ine for prope lling . John Martin Nov. 21 ,

Bre ad, im provem en t'

in m aking . William Banks De c . 1 4 , 1 798

Balloon,Fede ral. Mose s M’Farland Oc t. 28, 1 799

Boat for de sc e nding rap id,s tre am s . Dan ie l Ke lle r Nov. 5


BOOlS and 9 11 0 0 0,m a n u f a c t u r i n g o f. D e a n I IU W U rd A t il - 11 0 1 800

Bricks and tile s, m ach ine for m aking . Ge orge H adl‘ie ay 1 5


Bricks , improvem e nt in m aking . Richard Mansfie ld Oc t . 24 ,Bre w ing w ith Indian coi'n . Alexande rAnde rson ,

Ph il. Jan . 26, 1 801

Boats to asce nd rivers, im provem e n t in . David Grie ve Feb . 20,

Boring m achin e for posts . RichardWe em s,Annapolis , Md. March 16,

Bark for dying , e xtract of. Samue l Down ing , T re n ton , N . J. June 12,Be am ing m ach ine . Ie r. Ladd

,Charle ston , N . H . July 1 7,

Boxe s for carriage s , improvem e n t in . T hos . B . Wh itlock,Moun t Ple asan t, N. J. Feb . 23


Bark, m ach in e for cutting and grinding . Jacob Worre l, March 1 7 ,

Block m aking . Se e Lathe .

Bricks, m ach ine for m aking . Ez ekie l July 1 7,Boiling C iste rn , im provem e nt in . T imothy Kirk De c . 20


Boat, in subm e rsible . Ab . Du'

Buc Mare n tille De c . 23,

Boiler for ac ce le rating the e vaporation of liquids . J. Mufi'

ot Feb . 1,

Brandy, m ode of m aking from all kinds of grain or fruit. Christophe r J. Hutte r Feb . 1 1 ,

Boats,im provem en t in b uilding . William Hopkins , Norfolk, co.

V irg in ia May 13,Bellows for a furnace or forge , improvem e nt in working . John

Godfrey May 25 ,Barks

, &t e . improvem e nt in the m ode of extracting for dying . T .

Bedwe ll andWI1 1 . Mitch e ll June 7,Bre aking and carding . See Wool. June 28,Boring hole s


1n rocks unde r water, m ach ine for. John BaptisteAve ilhe Aug . 24


Boile rs,improve m e n t in ;alsoworking stills w ith the same . Wm

T hornton , Wash ing ton c ity, D . C .- r

Be llows pump , dry. Enoch Alden

1 803

6 B

Brick and T ile , mach ine for making by cutting the mortar. Nath .

Millerand Ph ilip W. Miller JuneBedste ad

, improvem e n t in . Ward GilmanandW. Jackson March 19, -1

Bu ttons, 1mprove

m en t in manufacturing . George W. Robinson ,Providence , Rhode Island March 19,

Bre aking and cleansing flax and hemp,machine for. O.Roberts ,Baltimore

Be ll, she ep . Se e Cow or Sheep .

Blackoak bark. Se e Quereitron .

Boring gun barrels, m ach ine for. Nathan Forbe s, Providence

Rhode IslandBilious cordial, m edicinal. Sam . Chamb e rlaineB eam ing mach ine . Alle n Hill, H insdale ,Mass .

Bark m ill. Thom asW. Pryor, Philade lphBrick, apparatus for. Se e T iles.

Boiling , m e thod of, for distilling , &c .

Etown , Albany, N. Y.

Boilers, mode of se tting . Ebe’

n Jenks,Portland,Maine June 1,

Be llows hoards, m ach ine forplain ing and sawing . John Hinman ,New Have n , Conn .

Bolts, mode of casting for Sh ips . Joseph Share , Baltimore

Balanc e pendulum lock. Se e Lock;

Bridge s, improvem e nt in . T h e odore BurrBrick

, mach in e for m aking John F. Gould MarchBoats, Se e Propelling .

Boxe s for carriag e wh e e ls . Jam e s Gridley, BostonBox e s for carriage Whe e ls, Le vi Brown, Be rksh ire ,Mass . May 30,Boring , m achin e for. Roger Se lde n July 1 7, a n

Boots and shoes, improvem en t in. John Bedford Ph iladelph ia July 1 6,Brads

, machine for cutting . Jonathan Ellis Fe b . 1 0, 1 807

Bottom s for bpotSand shoe s, of m e tal. Sam . Milliken ,Lex ing

Ph ilade lph ia Feb . 1 1,

Butter,m ode of making . B . G . and G . Burtis, New York Fe b . 27,

Bark, m ode of applying for hats, 81 0 . Sylve ster G . Wh ipple , Hallow e ll,Ma

ss . April 1 7,Bridg e s , m ode of construc tion T hom as Pope ,New York 'April 1 8,Bark, m ach ine for grinding , Corns . T oby, Hudson , N . Y. May 7


Box ,for carriageS . Se e .flxle .

Boots and shoe s m ode of m aking. Eli Barnum ,Mass . Jan . 9

, 1808Boats , mode of prope lling . Philemon Heaton ,Mark B. Boys, and

Ph ilem on He atonBoats etc Se e lmpellmg .

Borin g . Se ePressing .

Brick, mode 0 1 making . Asa Frost, Caz e novia, N. Y. Sept. 21,B a ils and Shot m ade by pre ssure . T hos . Brufi

,Washington c ity Oc t. 5 ,

Boots and shoe s . Sam . Cham berlain , Boston Nov . 21 ,Boiler, for distilling double . Amos Gunn , New Haven , Conn . De c .

Be llows . He nry Dotterer, Philadelph ia Fe b . 1 6, 1 809

B ene oil. William Few ,New York March 1

Bow string, for hatte rs . Dan ie lNi cholls, New Milford, Conn . March 1

Boxe s , mode of boring for axle tre e s. A. Brood, Salisbury,Conne c ticut

Boiler.,Se e Worm . Jam e s T rueman

Boiler and he ater. Samue l Bolton ,Ph iladelph ia

BarbalAlkah e st, orMagic Lotion . John Hopkins, P

Boxe s, m ould for runn ing . Samue l Sm ith , Am herst, Mass .

Brick and tile s, m achine for m aking . John F. Gould, Newburyport,Mass. Oct.

Ban lla,mode ofmanufacturing . George Easterly,Richmond, V a.Feb 5 , 1 810

B 7

Bridges, construction of. Joseph Joshua Byster, Phil. Feb . 23, 1 810

Boxe s for carriage s . Leonard Farw e ll, Lancaste r, Mass. March 5,

Bridge s , con struc tion of. John T emplem an

,Georg e town ,D . C .March 6,

Borm g m ach ine . Benjam in Hall, Canaan , New York March 8,

Bore r, m itre poi’

n t. Be njam in Hall, Canaan , New .York March 8,

Be e hive s . John Swe e t, B e thlehem , Mass . April 1 1Boxe s for whee l carriage s. John Nicholson , He rkim er, N. Y . April 28,Boringm ach in e . JohnWe bster, Barring ton , Mass . May 1


Be llow s, e lastic piston . He nry Dotterer, Ph ilade lph 1a May 1,

B ilious pills,‘Le e ’s Windham . Samue l Le e , New London , Conn .May 24 ,

Balance scale . Russe ll H . Wright, Boston June 9,

Bre aking horse s and. cattle . David Cooly , Oran ge co. N Y. June 23,Boat and sh ip building . Wm . Phoe bus , New York 3

June 27,Bolts, rolling iron roundfor Ships. Clem en t Reptge h ,We st Che s

te r, Pe nnsylvan iaBoat, fiat-bottom ed w ith m ove able ke el. S. Bue l, Burling ton ,

V ermon t June 7 ,Brick, m ode ofm aking . Joseph B . Harris ,Ph ilade lph ia Aug . 21


B rick and tile s , m aking . Dan ie l Fre nch , New York Aug . 22,Boiler, im provem e n t in the . Wm . E aton , Baltim ore Oct.

' 29,Boile r and ste am still. Borden Wilb e r and T imothy Soper,WaSh

ing ton , N . Y. Fe b . 4,

Bark m ill, Luthe r Gale , Berksh ire co. Mass. March 20

Boots, m ode of form ing cossacks. John Morgan , Ph ilade lph ia, April 1 0,Brick, m ode pf m anufac turing . Jam e s Gregg , New Hampsh ire May 7


Bolts, m ach in e for cutting off the e nds of. John Rewey, Berksh ire , N . Y. July 8


Balan ce bridg e . Jonathan Je ssup , York T own , Pe nn . July 2,

B e llows, .forge . Charle s M. Murtry, New Marlborough , Mass; July 8,

Boot and shoe making . S . Hitch com b and J. Bem e n t, Hom er,

New York June 30,Boilers , ci r c u la r . Junn S iz er, N ew London , Conn fl Oc t .

1 5,

Boot lays , manufac tory'

of. John V e rnon,Baltim ore

Boxe s . Se e Metallic . Leb b eus Larre b e e .

Boats, St e . construc ting. Franc is Rotch,,New Bedford

,Mass. Nov. 29,Be e -hive s , con struc ting l

T im othy Stanley, Farm ing ton , Conn . Jan . 6,Bedste ad, improved e asydraught Pe te rT iltonWalcot,Monmouth ,

New Je rseyBoot- le gs , m ach ine for cramping .

-N. L. Moore , Sm ithfield,Massachuse tts Fe b . 4,

Bridge , rolling draw . Richard Crosbie,

Newark, N. J. Fe b . 1 7,

Boots and shoe s,m achine


for makingu Elijah T hayer, Le ice ster,Massachuse tts March 1 4


Brick m ach ine . Jam e s M’Donald,New

’ York April 1,

Boring mach in e . Nath .Gille tt andJohn smith,Caz enovia

,N. Y.April 8


Bridg e s, construc tion of. Be njam in Conn er, Portsm outh,N : H . April 23,

B lanke ts, wool m ade in to. Elkan‘

ah Cobb, George town , D . C .

-A pril 29,Boring m ach ine . David Spe rry, Colche ster,

fNew London,

Conne c ticut May 12,Buttons

, m oulds for casting . G . W. Robin son,New Have n ,

Conn e c ticut 1 May 1 4 ,Boots and shoe s, w ith pegs, 81 0 . R. W. Richards


walk,Conn .May 23,

Bark, m ode of grinding , 8 m. Jos . Richardson and B e n . Stout,June 6


, stone , for sulphur. Ab . H . Quincy, Boston ,Mass . Jun e 1 3,

Boats, chain whe e ls and paddleSfor. Robe rt R. Livingston , Clerm ont

, New York 4 JuneBoots and Shoe s , e lastic hair. Wm

". Franc is, Boston Jun e 23;

Boot,m ath ematical. Wm . J. Crease andJ. Morgan, Ph il. July 20,

Book-binding . John T . Sullivan , Philade lphia'

July 27,Boats and ve sse ls f construc ting . Franc is Rotch , Ph iladelphia, Aug . 3


Bodies of carriag eS. Henry Dunlap , George town , D . C . Avg . 27,











1 81 1





Boots, &c . iron bound. Ephraim Tw'

om léy, Norway,Mass. Aug . 28, 1812Book-binding

,Robe rt De S1lve r, Philadelphia Sept . 1 4

Box boile r. John Morris, N. Haven, 0 0 11 0 . Oct»

Be dsteads . John Redm an Cox, Philadelphia Oct. 1 6,

Bridles . Robert Sm e the r,Orange Co . V a. Dec . 10


Boring rocks . John Sanford , Sharon , Conn . Dec . 10:Bread, m achine for m aking. Jehosaphat Starr, Middleton,Connecticut

Bread , m ach in e for making. GeorgeRichards,Manli1is,N. Y. Feb 8


Boil ing Se e D istilling . John Morris , New Haven , ConnBullets and shot by pressure Thom as Bruff,Washington city June 4


Bathing m ach ine“ Hen ry Cheven s, New York July 13Bleach ing cotton by steam . A lexanderMilnerandDan . S .Deane,

Jul 1 4Bark-mill . Caleb Churchm an and GeorgeMartlin

, jr. Upper Chiy

Jul 1 6Bathing vessel . Dan . Harrington

,Cen treville

,Penn . Oc



Boiler, cylindrical . Philo M . Hackley,Hudson

,N. Y. Oct .


9,Boiler and steam still . Tim othy Soper

, jr. and CharlesReynolds,

Boat, the rapid . Fred . W. Guisse nhainer New York “Jan . 1 4, 181 4

Bath ,Warm and c old .

Sam . K Jenn ings, Lynchburg, V a. Jan . 21


Bathing machine . Wm . Merrit,New York 1 Feb . 1




oats, propelling. Moses Rogers, New York Feb . 9,

Boring guns and pis tols . Dan iel Pettibone, Philadelphia Feb . 1 2,

Butter, m aking had good . Zina Phinney,Green co . N . Y . March 4


Black lead pen cils. Christopher Osgood, Salem , Mass March 26,Bark m i lls . Jared Olds Mariden

, New Haven , Conn ;Brick and tile, pressing. Ben . Porter

, Salem ,Mass. May 1 8,

Balancing wheels, mode of. John Andrews, Litchfie ld, N .

Boring m achin e . RicharBuff

,or polish in g Wh e e l . Aaron Broa flf tcm ,

ConnBayonet socket. Andrew Wilson , New York June 1 1 ,Boilers . Gab rie lN . Philips, Goshen , N.. Y. June 28,Brandy, im itating. Hen ry Moore, Aurora,N. Y. July 2,Block head. Joseph Briggs, Schoharie , N. Y. July 9,Bucket for Sap Jerem iah Purdy, Che rburn , Chenango, N. Y. Oct. 3


Boi l ing Caleb Shepard , C incinnatus, N . Y . Oct. 4,

Boiler . Lem uel M. Richards, Cazenovia, N . Y. March 30,Button m oulds . John B . Coll in s


,Conn . April

D .o of wood . Anso‘

nMatthews, South ing tfin , Conn . April 26,Bank notes, prin ting on the back. John Kne as, Philadelphia Ap ril 28,Bark mills . Luther Gale, Lenox,Mass . May 1 6,Box boot

,open back spring. Wm . Atch lson fiNew York

Boat,propell ing. Gabriel Manny, Mon tgomery, N . Y. June 8,

Boat: rocking or lever. Be nne t’

Le e s,New York June 20,

Brads,for cutting . Seth Boyden

,Boston ,Mass. June 27;

Buttons, rounding the edges, St c'

. Ira Ives,Bristol ! Conn . Aug . 7


Do . con struction of the eye. Do . do . do . Aug . 7,Do . setting the eyes of Do. do. do . Aug . 7:

Bow ing W0 0 1 for b atters ." Edward C . Griffing , Lym e , Conn . Aug . 10


Buttons,w ire n ecked . Heman Mathews,Southington, Conn . Sept . 1 2,

Blankets, improvemen t on‘

machine for making. J . Ge tz endan

n e r, Frederick co Md Sept . 30,Bark

,m ach ine forgrinding . David Pel ton

,Lyme , NewHave n,Sept. ‘

302Bark;m achine for shaving. Wm . and John Goodw in , j un . L

non county Q . l

Boilers, for making sal t. Isaac W. Ave rille , Sal ino, N Y.

Boilers. for steam . RoyalYeam an s , Baltim oreDo. do . fin ishing. Royal Ye am ans

,Bal tim ore,

Be ile ind furnace un i ted . Ph iloM. Hackley, New York










Buttons, w ire-necked , fin ishing. H . Mathews , Southington ,Connecticut Sept . 1 2,

Biscui t m aking. Wm . Liddle,New Orlean s Sept. 21 ,

Beef cutter. Be n . Meeker, Brooklyn , N . Y . Oct . 21 ,Boots and shoes , cutting . Joshua Hall

,Fredericktown , Md. Dec . 1 5 ,

Boats,to be worked by quadrupeds . David Porter,Washington , Feb . 8


Bridges,fram e . George Tabb

, Martin sburg, V a. Feb . 23,

Boots and shoes, furred . Samuel Eells , Conn . Feb . 24,

Buttons , composition for Wire-eyed . S . H . Woodruff and AMa

thews, Connecticut- March 1 ,

Buttons, turn ing. Dan iel French , Bridgeport, Penn . April 23,Bolt

,spring. Shad Trumbul l, Sufli e ld, Conn . April 23,

Boxes and axle tt,

rees for carts,etc : Wm . Bachelor, N. Y . May 2


Brew eries,m achine for wash ing. Leon ard Beatty May 1 7 ,

Blocks,casting the sheaves of. Henry Worali, New York June 12,

Button m oulds, polish ing wooden . J . Norton , Southington ,Connecticut

Brick,m aking. Wm . Michael ,Henrico , V a.

Bank notes,to preven t forgery of. A . Brew ster, Hartford,

Conn .July 1 5 ,

Boats,propell ing by horses

, &c .

Rodm an Bowne , New York July 18,Beating, bruis ing, m ach ine for. Se e Cutting . Adam Britz ,

Philadelphia July 1 8,Bricks

,air conducting. Ephraim Treadwell , Essex co . Mass . Sept . 1 2,

Build ing b oats , Src . w ith plank . W. Annesley, Alb any, N. Y . Sept . 1 2,Boots and shoes

,elastic . Pierre Azam ,

Baltim ore Sept . 26,Bells

, m oulding and casting. B e n . Hanks,Albany,N. Y. Nov . 4


Boiler Hum phrey R icketson,New-York Dec .

Bellows, w ooden . B e n . and John Tyler, Clarem on t, N . H . Feb . 1,

Boiler for steam engines . Sam uel Morey, Orford , N . H . March 1 3,Brick-m aking, 81 0 . m achine for. Will iam Mitchell , Rich

m ond , V a. March 26,Building bridges . TheodoreBurr,Burr Haven , Dauphin co .

Pen n .

Boot clean ing m achine . Israel P inkney, Ne w-YorkBench , w ork . Baruch Way, On tario co . N. Y .

Balance , improvem en t on De arb orn’s : S . A . Ro




N . Y . July 31,

Bellow s,japanned . R . B. Richardson , Phil . Aug . 22


Bleaching cotton and l in en. John Kendall , Leom in ster, Mass . Aug . 22,Box for carriages . Wm . Edwards

,Bal tim ore Sept . 1 1 ,

Bit for boring gun barrels . Jam es Greer, Harpersferry, V a. Oct . 3,

Ball s tocks for printers . John Babcock,New Haven , Conn . March 1 8,

Bellows, Sm iths

’. Alan son Holm es March 23


Bricks, m ode ofm ak ing Wm . Mi tchell, Spring Hill , nearRichm ond May 28,

Butter, m aking . Isaac Shepperd,Meredith , Stafford co . N . H . May 28,Boots and shoes , nail ing the sole to the upper leather, JohnBedford, Phil . June 2,

Ben t w ood handle and socket . Sim eon Stedman ,H ,artford Con . July 25 ,

Book- b inding, im provem en t in . John Meer, Phil . Aug . 26,Blocks , sheaves for . Nathan . H . Lew is

,N . Y . Aug . 26,

Bleach ing l inen &c 1m provem en t 1n J. .G Ke ntz el, Hatfield ,Penn . Oct . 8


Breaking flax , m achine for. David Melville,Providence , R . 1 . Nov 1 8


Boiler, treble steam. Sam . Morey,Orford

,New Ham pshire Dec . 1 9,

Boiler, improvem en t on . John L . Sull ivan , Boston Dec . 29,Bridges , building . Naphtal i Bishop

,Barre , Verm on t Jan . 1 1 ,

B locks used in stereotype plates . Matthew Sm i th , New-York Jan. 20,

Broom s,machine for m aking . S . H. Weed, Poughkee’

psie, New

York Feb . 37

1 81 8

1 81 9

10 B

Building houses against fire . Joseph Hadley,

.Morristown, 0 11-11 leans coun ty , V a. .Fe b 3

, 131 9Bush . Se e d n ttfriction . Jam es Rudder . Feb . 6,Boiler, stove . Thom as E. Barker, Green coun ty, N. Y. Feb'

. 1 9,

Boile r fordistillerie s, St e . T . Pierce,Hartw ick,Otsegoco. N. Y. Fe b . 27,

Blasting rocks . Benon i Kluyon ,H 1llsdale ,Columb 1a co. N. Y. March 1 5 ,Balance, improvem en t on his . Benjam in Dearborn , Boston March 24 ,Boats

,propell ing. Jam es Lyon ,

S tate sburgh , S . C . April 3.Brick m aking m achine . Adam Stewart, Bal tim ore April 8


Brew ing, improvem en t in . Arthur Redm ond,Nashville

, Tenne sse e May 20,

Balls and shot, m ode of casting . Daniel Pettibone,Phil .

,Nov. 1 0,

Boring holes 1n posts ,m achine for. Jam es Corbett,West Hano

ve r, Pennsylvan ia 11 De c . 21 , 1 819

Brushes m ade of broom corn . B . Byberry, Philadelphia, Penn . Dec . 21 ,Bridges, improvem en t in John Bragg,Mon treal, Canada Jan 4

,1 820

Bread, improvem en t in m aking Ephraim Treadwe ll,Phil Jan 1 0,

Boats ,‘

im prpvem en t in the m ode of ge e ring for propellingDan iel Fren ch and Fling Bliss, Cincinnati , Ohio 22


Bridges,im provem en t in Ithiel Town

,Faye tteville ,N C Jan“28,

Boil ing sal t, improvem en t in Osborn Parson s, P ittsburg, Penn April 4,

Bridges improvem en t in w ooden acqueduc t M Lew is, Chenango, New York April 1 1 ,

Brew ing by steam . H arveyHackley, New York April 21 ,Boiler

,water and steam still Stephen Stillwe ll, Bai11bridg e ,

New York JuneBoats , m ode of passing up rapids, Stc Lemuel Thwing, Ded

ham ,Massachusetts Aug 1 2,Boot and .shoemaker’s w orkstand Will iam A and N Kelly,Littleton , Massachusetts Oct 1 3,

Bark, St e m achin e for breaking Nathan Sear,Hudson , N Y Oct 1 3,

Bee-hive,improvem en t


1 11 the _E dm ardBlake H artford, ML Nov 1 6,Book-b inding, im provem en t in bands for D K V an V e ch ton ,

New York Dec 12,Boats m ade of m etal Thomas J Bond, Bal tim ore Dec 21 ,Boots andshoes, cutting by rule S im eon Hart, Monckton , Vt Mar 3

,1 821

Bridle for stopping horses Peter Sathrop , Louisa coun ty, V a Mar 20,Ball Speeder for roping cotton S ilas Shepard and CromwellDean , Taun ton ,Massachusetts Mar 23,

Boat, im provemen t in the N C Daw sonand An thony Backer,Pedler’s Mills , Am herst coun ty, Virgin ia 1 April 3,

Bricks,m achine for m aking Se th B e lknap, Newburgh, N Y May 1 7,

Boiler,improvem en t in water and steam still S Stillwell ,

Bainbridge, New York June 6,Braiding m achine John Thorp , Providence, Rhode Island Aug 1 0,Boots and shoe

’s, improvem en t in the manufacture of D Peck,Aug 1 4,

Boiler,stove bottom . Benjam in Simonds , jr Bedford, Mass Oct 1 5 ,

Bedsteads , improvement in . Dan iel Powles, Bal tim ore Oc t 31 ,Band-boxes, m achine for cutting the t0ps and bottom s of Benja

min Mestaye'r,New York Nov 1 3,

Bark m ill, im provemen t in the E 81. J Trash , Sange rfield,N Y Nov 22,Boilers for steam


engines . Thomas Skidman , New York Nov 30,Bedsteads, improvem en t in . Peregrine William son , Baltim ore Dec 6,Boilers

,im provem ent in steam Stephen Baker, New York Dec 1 3,

Bonnets, im provem en t in grass Gurdon 81 SophiaWells,We a

thersfie ld, Conne cticut Dec 29,

Boots and “

1 5 11 0 8 5 , improvemen t in water proof Aaron Dana,Bos ton Dec 31 ,

Bud Blossom s St e . mode of dela in Rob ertMoore Rowan8

00 . N. C .

yMarch 19, 1822

B 1 1

Bending tim be r for E. Gre e n andM.T lackslw ,

Litchfie ld, Conn . March 190, 11822Bank notes, m aking George Murray

,Ph il . March .23


Blubber, machine for cutting up whales . Wil liam B all NewYork

Bricks, machine for m aking . Benjam in Rolfe , During ,‘NewHampshire w

Bricks and ti le , m ach ine for m aking. Jame s C . Stubbs, andJames Bonner, Cincinnati,

‘OhioB locks andWedges, improvem en t in m aking. Oohn T he th as ,Washington , .D . C .

Bark m ill, improvem en t in the . Phil.Bank n otes , m ode of m aking. Jame Ph .

fiAug .i1 3,

Bridle for stopping horses . Peter Laporte ,Richmond,Bleaching unrotted flax . Wm . Cumberland

,New York iAfug . 2‘2

Be adste ads, improvem en t in . Peregrine Williamson ,‘Be itiu

m ore 40§t 1 7, ,

Bricks, improvem en t in the mach ine form ould ing.



H .Maine ,1

Poin t Coupee,Lou .




i fipd shoes

,improvem en t in m aking. A. Bufi



Sm ithe R . I .

Bricks, m ode of press ing. S . Brigg s, Salem ,Massaehuse tts Han.

Boats , improvem en t in the tow1ng , &c Edward S . T ownsend,Palmyra, On tario coun try, .New York ’Mar. 18 ,

Boats , m achinery for propelling Jun ia Ch ittend’

en and [mice

B oats , m ode of propelling

. FlaviusWaterman , 3d,Washingwn,D . C

Bee-hive, improvem en t i n t lhe Sim on C . Will iam s, V if g 1dia ‘Ma’y 1 4 :Bricks, improvem en t in the m aking for pressing. Briggs R .

Reed,Mae s .

Bricks , m achine for pressing; cal led a treadle-ma. Do, do .

Bed-bugs, mode of de stroying . .Richard Sea l New YorkBricks, im provem en t in m aking fire proo‘f. 2Timothy OaTdWeH,

Philadelphia JuneB lasting rocks, im provem en t in loading the bormg for. Eph raimGilbe rt, Rochester, New York

‘June ‘


Bricks , m achine for making. J .


,Mene fe e Landy’PariSh , La.

‘Aug .

‘ 17Bank-b ills , m aking paper for. R ichard Wilcox , New York Sept . T9


Boiler, improvem en t in the . A . Glendenmg , B utler co .,


5Penn Sept. 95 ,Boiler, s team -generator, or. H . B e tts and J . A. M’Le an , Nor

walk, C t. ’Dec .19 4, 4

Boots and shoes, im provem en t in making. Eben . Martin ,


lem , N. J . Jan . 12, 1 8241

Boom s, logs for constructing. Henry Babb ,West Brook,Maine Jan . 13, n

Bellows, preserving the noz le of. James Dodge, j .r ,St."Alban s,

Verm on tB rew ing, improvem en t in . R. L . Lloyd and Adam Bartenheim er, Philadelphia

Bricks,burn ing. Robert Crutchfie ld, Bote torte co.

, V irgin ia £23. 7


Bricks , machine for making. Seth Lewis, Louisiana ll , 91

Bedstead , improvem ent in the Windlass . Leonard Foste rBoston 1 izéb . 1 6,


ilb locks, improvement in m aking . Stacy Costill, Ph iladel

p ia

B ricks , machine for m oulding andmaking. James Le e , Ogden,New-York

Bee-hive , improvem en t in the . Wm . J . Stillwell , Root , N. Y Mar! 43 ,

Bookb inders’ cutting presses . John J . Wells , Hartford, Cord) . 4

Boiler forthe steam cn g inc . Ralph Buik‘lev. New rm : M 53 9 5 :

1 2

Boiler, impt. in the steam engine

. Ralph Bulkl ey,N. Y April 8, 1 824Blinds , padcaps , St e .

,mak ing

Boyden ,Newark,"

.N J April 1 0,Bedstead

, improvem en t in the w indlass . Leonard Foster,Bos 1“

Juhe 25 ,ton

Bank note s, to preven t forgeries of. Nathan iel Sylvester,N .Y . July

Balances, construction of. David Rogers, Auburn , New York ”July

,1 3


Bedsteads,impt. in Windlass. O . R . Herbert Moun t Pleasau

New JerseyBorders for door plates . Joseph L . Lew‘is,NeBedsteads, put toge ther by right and left so

Sm ith , 1Troy, New-York f 1 1


Barrels , machine for shaving and listing. Dan iel North , ofMiddlebury

'and Horace Naramor, Cale don ia, New York Nov. 26,

Bobb in -tub e ,“ improvem ent in the . Job;M anche ster,

‘Warw ick,

w Rhode Island 2

Bricks m ade by pressure ._D.Flagg, jr. ,

Gardine r,Maine Dec . 1 3

B alance beams, casting.

w i th n otches . A . Dana, Troy, N Y. D e c?Boxes, casting,for carr iages Calvin Darby, Worcester,Mass Jan

Bath, m edicated vapour. CharlesWh itlaw ,

New York “ Beb.

Beam s and balan ces, scale s. Solom on ..A Rogers,Ph i lade lph 1a Fe b .

Be dshteads; improvem en t in . Isaac COOper, Bal timore Feb .

Bedstead ,Windlass Charles Adam s, ,Boston 1 ,J Feb . 26,Bells

,triangular cast steel. Wi lliamHoyt, Brookville , Franklin

coun ty,-Indiana March 3,

Bed and bedstead for the sick. Jeremiah Baily, PhiladelphiaMarch 1 8

Boring forwater, machin e for. Levi Disbrow ,New Brunswwk,

March 24,

N .

-Y. March 25 ,

chine . ‘

T imothyP. Kn eeland'

, Ogden , NQW‘YOI‘IF June 21,

Bricks , impt. i n the m ethod of press ing.


. Moore, Gardiner,Maine Aug . 24


Bellow s for forges , St e . 1mpt. in Josiah J . Eddy, Providence ,Rhode Island, Sept . 9 ,

Bonnet pre sser, 1m pt. in the . S imonPattee;Foxborough ,Mass . Sept . 1 4,Brick press, 1m provem e n t 1n the. Mark Twi tchell , Gray, Me . S ept. 24


Boiler andkettle, impt. in the . Philo N . Griffi th,Orange

,N . Y. Sept. 26


Bake oven , improvem ent in the . eury Re ip , Baltimore ,Md.

Boats, improvem en t in . m achine for propelling.

Schenec tady, New YorkBrick presser

,im provem en t in the . Sam . Lane , Hallowell ,Me .

Sept. 30Bricks , improvem ent 1n the m ode of compressing. T Norcross

-and George Pollard,Hallowell, Maine Oct . 1


Brick kiln , im provem en t in the . John. Duff,Wash ington , D C Oct . 31 ,Beds tead, imp ta ind

oub le draw key .- J. M’Clintic


burg, Pennsylvania 2,

“aBedstead, keye d double draw . SamuelfiCooper, Chambersburg ,Pennsylvan ia Nov.

Boats , m achine for raising. Elisha Turner, Rochester, N. Y . Nov. 1 8, 1 825

Boiler,im provem en t in the steam . Stephen T . Conn , N . Y. Nov . 29


Brand , for flour barrels , 81 0 . Wm . Ross,New Orlean s Dec .



Boots and shoes , m aking water tight . Patrick G . Nagle,Philadelphia

Boxes and hubb s of wheels . Jerem iahWil t,Chambersburg,

Pennsylvan ia, Dec . 28, m.

Bricks,pressing etc unburn t. Thom as Norcross

,Hallowe ll,

Maine Dec . 31 ,Bedstead


,dove- tailed . JohnMitchell


Penn sylvan ia Jan .

Bushing sheaves,w i th soft m etal . Theodore and Dan iel Curtis


Washington,District of Columb ia Jan . 23


Bricks , m achine for pressing. John M. Brooking,Wiscasset,Main e Jan . 23,

Bookbinders’ tools, ornam e n tm g David H . Mason,Phila. Jan . 26,

Broom s and brushes . Adam Schlater,Oxford

,Penn . Feb . 1 5


Bisected bedstead . Peter Breasted , Green coun ty, N . Y. Feb . 21 ,Brick press

,spiral m oulding. Jam es Parker, Gardiner, Maine Mar. 28


Boats, wagon s , etc . propelling. Chancey Crafts,Woodbury,

Conn . Mar. 29 .

B eds te ads’faste n ing s . Edw in H . Badger, Petersburg, V a April 3,

Boots and shoes, nail ing. John Trask, Hadfie ld,Mass . April 5


B ricks, m achine for pressing. Jul ius Wille rd,Baltim ore

,Md. May 2


Bricks, m achine for m oulding . Divid Watson,Faye tville , Me . May 6,

B rick kiln s, covering or platting. S . R . Bakewell ,Wellsburg,V a. May 10,

Biscui t and sugar bread m aking. Ephraim Treadwell,N . Y . MayBoots and shoes , m achine for m aking. Elijah Thayer, Le ice s

ter,Mass .

Brick, machin e for m oulding tile , St e . Ezra Fisk,Fayette


Ma’ine June 9,

Boats , m achine for drawing up to repair. Seth C . Jon es

, Ro

chester, N Y. June 1 6,B oats for canals, m ach ine for w eighing . Benjam in Bull, N. Y . June 20,Braiding m achine

,improvem en t on his . John Thorp


dence,R . I .

Bands, iron keyed , im provem en t in . Edward Coop er, Richm ond, V a.

Bells,im provemen t in . Hen ry Tyler

,Utica,N. Y.

Bridles,im provem en t in the m anufacture of. Dan iel H. Read,New-York Oct.

Bark m ill , improvem en t in the . CottonFoss,Mad ison Ohio Oct . 25 ,Bilge levers

,to support ships . John Thom as , New~York Nov . 6,

Bedsteads, im provem en t in fasten ing toge ther posts of. Wm .

Bell,Lexington , Ky. Nov. 7,

Boats and vessels, m achine for raising . Alfred Warner, Rochester

,N. Y . Nov . 1 6,

Brick press,self-feeding. John W1nslow ,

Portland Maine Dec . 8,Bedsteads

,improvem ent in . Samuel Davis, Cattsln


ll, N . Y. Dec. 29,

Bedstead join ts, and sacking bottom Dan iel Pow les , Bal tiJan . 26, 1 827.m ore.

Boilers, an thraci te coal to be used w ith . John Barker, Bal tim ore Feb . 7


Brick, m achinery for pressing. Alfred B Crossm an , Hun tington

, New-YorkBrick

,m achine for grinding clay for. Benjam in H . Hill , Richm ind coun ty ,

GeorgiaB ’ogging m achine . Squire


Collins , Hillsdale , New-YorkBee-hive

,improvemen t in the . Cuthbert Wiggins, Fayette co.

Pennsylvan ia Feb . 27,

1 4 C

M l

gthae blovfipmnd strikin for. L. HaynandEbenezerte rce;Putten ey,New Yor

Blanksmiths,,spring Rainey, Orange co

North Carolina:Brick making m achine .

ee B .


David Rising, Atche ster, V ermon t,

Cahouse, cons ultation ofa. John Youle‘, New Yorlt'

;Candle s, mantifacturing , of. Joseph T . Sampson , Boston ,

Aug .

Do doi , Richard R’obotha'

m , New York JuneCarriages to be propelled by m echanic powers;construction of.

John .I . Staples, New York

Aug .


lothsrraising a nap on Sam. Mullikin ,Philade hia 1 MarchCl oths m ethod of raising arid shearinn

lgqth e nap offi

pBBy 11 1 1 111311511

olm ive s . Sam . G. Corr, Albany,Cloths, w oollen and other shearing Sam

. Kellogg;V erm ont Jan .

Color;yellow , forming a. Thorne s B idwell,Pennsyslvania April

Conduc tor, for conveying person s and goods from house s onfire . Samuel Green, New York

Cordage , manufacturing. Geo. Park inson, Penn sylvania,Cordage , manufacturing of. John Pittman ,

Rhode IslandCotton , spinning. W11 1, Pollard, Ph ilade lphia



, ginning. EliWh itney, New Haven , Conn . MarchCotton, g in . Hb dg en Holmes , Georgia MayCandles, 1mproveme n t 1n m ak1ng Joseph S Sampson Jun eCandles , mach ine fordipping. Samuel Blydenburg



Cards, manufacturing . Am osWh item oreCarriages, improvement i n propell ing. Willtam Farris AprilCasting? See . Iron .

Ch imnie s, improvem ent in . Rich ardson StuartClay fer,

tile;11 n ew method to cut. AndrewW.

and watches, improvem en t in . Eli Terry Novimprovem en t 1 11 11 100 111 for w eavi ng. AmosWhitem ore -

.NovCloths w e MarchCloth, 0

JuneCloth , MarchCloth;CCoffee -grinding, improvement in . Thomas Bruit


Colors and pain t, improvement in m ixing . Lawren ce AllaWine Feb .


.Dec»fi tting, El iakim spanne r “Janlan ting . Eliaki111 Sp ooner Jan.

Rob ert WatkinsD



MarchT. Tryon Feb .

AprilJohn Bi‘d

Cooking, machine fo r. mede eibk ButterChim ntes

, improvement'

in. David Cooly,‘

jr: andPhilips Aug .

1 6;


25 ,

3 1827

25 , 1 111561 1 79025 1 794

11 1 , 1 791

20, 1 79231 , 1 795

20, 1 795

4 , 1 794

1 2, 1 796

26;1 797



117, 1 7971 7, ”SB28, 1 797

23,1 797

27 , 179926


17 97


1 796

1 796'1 799

24.1 2,



2 1 739

1 9,

22, mm1 0

, 1800



1 5

Cotton g‘

in . Eb en. Wh 1ting , Be rksh ire ,Mass . Aug. 22, 1 801

Condenser 1n h e ating wash , in distill ing . A . Anderson ,Ph il’a Jan . 26,

Chain and cleaver shot, m ode of making and discharging . Israe l Hatch March 24


Cut nails . Se e Nails

Cylmders, whe e ls Wi thin wh ich . See Whe els within Cylinders . Sept . 1 5 ,Carrier’s shaving s. Se e Paper.

Churn ing , mm ach ine for. isaac Bake r, Amhe rst,Mass . Feb .

' 20, 1 802

C otton g in , machin e for. Will iam Be ll and Samue l de Mon tm ollin April 7,

Churn ing , m ach ine for. Joe l Pie rce April 10,Clove r se eds, m ach ine for cle an ing . Ashe r Spice r,Ke n t, Mass . April 22,Close stove s

,improvem e n t in casting . Henry Abbott, Ph il . May 4


Cutting fur for the use oil hatte rs, m ach ine for. NicholasYoung ,

Clove r se ed, m ach ine £or clean ing. Martin Mil le rCorn husks. Se e Paper.

Cotton. Se e Saw Millfor cleaning .

Cotton g in , im provem e n t to the patented roller. Wm . Bell andJohn S . de Mon tmollin March

Clove r se ed, m ach ine for cle an ing . John Cottle , Ph ilade lph ia March 21 ,Coole r or conde n se r of vapor

,im proveme n t . Wm . How ,

Buckscm Pe n n 3; 1 803

Crooked ke e ls, m ode of constructing ve sse ls w ith. Eliphale tBuh e

, Allegany co . Penn. April 27,Channe ls, m achine for de epe n ing . Mat . Barne y, Nan tucke t May 1 4,le an ing cot ton , a rollingm ach ine for . Gordon F . SaltonstallChurn , rocking . Walte rKe ele r and Jam e sWarring June 23


Cloths,mach ine for she aring . Se e Slimm ing :Cabooses


‘ improvemen t in the con struction of 1ron one s . W111 .

AshbridgeColum bia fire place s, improvem entin . Robe rt Heteric Win-5

ch e ste r, V a Q

Cooling l iquors , m e thodof. DavidLownde sC love r, m ach ine for separating from pod. T. Kirk, York Bo

rCock. SeeWater Cock.

Cough drop s 1 Se e V eg etable B lixenCarriage s, m ode ofconstructing . J . C . Stroeb el, Reading, Pa. Sept . 1 9,Cotton gm ,

improvem e nt in . Will iam B ill, Camden ,N . C . Nov. 24,

Cylindric rule r, for ruling paper. John Fairbanks , Boston Nov. 30,Cotton g in . Joseph Eve De c . 6,Cards . See Twining Machine s

Conden sors . Se e Still HeadsClove r se ed, wheat, Sac . improvemen t 1n separating from the

husk . David Buckman Dec . 21,

Colors , for pain tmg, prin ting,&c . 1mproveme n t 1n making .

Gay, Baltim ore De c . 30,

Clove r se ed, m ach ine for hulling . JacobWorre ll Feb . 27,1 804

Clove r se e d,mach in e for sh elling. MichaelWithe rs, Lancaste r, April 30

Cu tt ing straw,and hay, m ach ine for. M. Coats and E . Evan s April 30,

Columb ian thre sh ing , break and cle an ing fan . Samue l Houston May 3,


, mach ine to he liked to the top of. Le vi Steve ns May 8,

Corn Se e Shelling .

Chip hats, m ach ine to cut ch ips for. Amos D . Allen May 10,Cotton

, m ach ine for cle aning and m oating . J . Simm ons and J.

M 1a 7,

Cle aring grain from straw,improvem e nt in mach ine s for . William


Tunstodt,Richmond, V a. June 30,

Ch ip hats, mach ine for cutting ch ips for. Am os D . Allen, John

Robe rts and Asahe l A . Ke lse y, Be rlin,Penn.

Carriage Se e WagonChimn ie s, m e thod of preve n ting them froni admi tting wate r 1 11

rainy We athe r. John Jam e s Thomas Oc tl 2Candle sticks, improvem e nt in B en . De arborn , Boston , Oct . 29:omposition Se e Fire

Cow or she e p be ll , impt. in . Simon New tonClose fire place .


Horatio G. Spafi'

ord,Hudson , N. Y .

Carriage s, iron Wh e el, for transporting . R. Crane , jun .Woodhury, Conn e cticut

Cross cramp forfourwhe e led carriage s. S Clever,Fairfield,

Conne cticut '

Clove r- se ed, m ach ine for she l ling and hulling .'_Mi;chae l

Zorgcr, York , Penn .

onde nsing tub , im provem e n t on Ande rson’s“Henry Wi tme r


Lan e/aster,Pe nn .

Cotton , m ach ine for g 1nn 1ng , card1ng andspinning , J.M7Bride,

LNashville ,Te nn .

Casting type s . Se e Types.

Conduits , Clay pipe s for. Samue l Bartle tt,'

Hartford, Conn . Oct . 1,

Casting Bolts : Se e B'

olts .

Cattle m ills see Mills.COpym g m ach ine for charts, 1andscape s, e tc . Cephas T hom son , Feb . 5


Ge orge Youle ,New York March 1806bats for"wool hats . AbnerGuild,

Dedham ,Mass.


C ide r'

and bark m ills. J . Quin tard, Stanfie ld, Conn .

ohn Heavin ,rMon tgom e ry co .

of reducing in to lim e . Charles

Cab ouse stove ,apparatus forcooking , e tc . Ge orge Youle , NewYork

Cloth . Se e Shearing .

Churn . Abne rWing , Wash ing ton , N . Y. May 26,Cable s, apparatus for 1mpro


ving . Nathan ie l Cutting ,Washmg 1

ton co .

Composition for cove ring and flooring houses. Lew is d e'


roth,Baltim ore

Charcoal , mode of making from pe ats . C . Fale s, Worce ste r,Mass . Feb .

Carding fur and wool for hats , m ach inefor . Arnold Bufl'

um , Feb . 21,

Cabouse s tove , for cooking , improvem en t in t Ge orge Youle ,April ll

Carriage s , m ode of dise ngag ingl

swingle-tre é . He nry Dunlap,

Ge org e town, D. C . u Apri l 23,

Curtains or blinds, m ode of hang ing Pe te r Harvey, Ph ilad’a May 9 :Cotton g in . Obadiah Cravvford, June 22.

Churn s , improvem e n t in .

Re ube n Buck, Bal tim ore June 23,Conde nsers m distillation . T O’Conn er, New York

J July 1 0le an ing w indo

w s,apparatus for. 1 T . Brufi


,Wash ing tonC ity July 24,

Churn , improvem ent in. Bue l Butle r,Wash ing ton tN. Y. Oct . 3;Coppe r sh e ath ing nails

, m ould forcasting . Thom as M’Ilwain

Prince ton, N . J . L' 1

’*Oct . 6,

Ch e ese Pre ss , 1mprovem e n t 1n J . Arnold.

Paw l ing s,Duch es scoun ty, N . Y .

Churn, improvem en t in . John Scripture , Alford,Mass .

Cordage , m ode of m anufacturn ing, e tc . R”. Fultonand Nathan

iel Cutting,N . Y .

Comb s, m ach ine for m aking . Ph ineas Pratt, Sa

y Brook,

1 8 C

Comb s, m ode of m aking from hoofs .‘

R.G edney, NCom bs . Tim othy Stan ley, South ing ton ,C onn. July 6Clay, m ach ine for tem pering. John Matthew s

,Baltimore July 6


Corn- stalks,mode 0?disti ll ing-from . B . Allison , Phi lade lphia July 6,

Cheese press . Ben . Atwell , Burl ing ton , N . Y. -July 18


Cabouse , improvem en t in the .’Geo . You le

Churn . Th om asN i cho lson ,WashangtenChurn . Bén .W. Durham , N. H . .


Churn . Nath . Harrington ,White’s Town , N . Y.

Clock i n the striking part of. Le mue l G.Ki lborn,Penn .

Corn . Se e Farrowing , etc.

Churn . Benjam in Atwell and Israe l’Nichols , Otsego,N .


Y. Oc t .

Cotton , hay, etc ,m achin e for b inding. J . 8 1mmons, Ph ilad

’a Nov.

Churn . Enoch Burt, Princeton , New Jers ey,Circular saw m ill . Geo. Huling ,


ftsbu1-y, V erm on tCom pass, mariner

’s . Wm Russell, New Bedford, Mass .Churn . John Whitm ore

, Litchfie ld, Conn .

Chain b and w i th b uckets . Stephen Belnap, New York.

Churn . Dan iel Osborn , Berksh ire, Mass . 3 June“

8,11 8m

Carding and spinn ing w ool, by one operation . AlansenPom fret. N . Y

Cooperingmachine Ol iv er Barbe r,Hartford, Conn .

Camphor, m ode of refin ing. Henry Mead,New Have n ,

Coun te'

rfeits , m ode of pi e ve n ting . George Murray, Ph ilade l-i

Cheese press, E . Raymond, Sherburn, NewYork .

otton press Richard V .

“W. Thorne J Thorne, N . York . .Feb . 22

Churn . Benjam in Fairbanks, Worcester, Mass . March .5

Com bs, m ach in e for manufacturing ivdry. David Willianm, 3d,Saybrook, Conn . W reh



hurn . Aaron Sm ith , Finsb orough , Mas s .opperplate prin ting, m ode of putting on the in


Cheese , vat for pine- apple cheese . Lewis Mills,Norton , Gosh en;Conn .

Chimn eys, to preven t sm oking in . Oliver Richardson, Medivvay,Mass . Apri l 18,

Carbonated silk and paper . JosephHartson , Philadelph ia. Apri l 20,Coaches and other carriages . Frede rickBre

m ler, New York. April 24,Clean ing grain from seed, m ach ine for. Wm . H . Peabody,Wood d

b ury, Conn . JuneCoun terfeits, m ode of preven ting. Jacob Perkin s, Bostom d im e 1 6,Cartouch Boxes, m achine for boring blocks for. V alenfltine

Bogen rufi'

,Georgetown , D 0 .

n e w é July 1 0,Churn . E . Bacon , Hancock coun ty, Mass . July 26,Cram


ping Suwarrow boot- le gs . Ele az erLu1hby, New York . Aug . 1 4,Chaise. Se e Grecian . Ph e ne as Dow .

Carbon ic Acid gas , m ode of saturating l iqu idswith . C harlesD.

Simm on s and Jean J . Charleston , S . C . Aug . 1 6,Combs, socket hair . E11Parson s Bristdl, Conn Aug 1 6


Churn . Sim eon Gray, Ge nne sse e , N. Y. Aug . 1 7,Carriage, block for saw ing

. Wil iam Unde rwood . Herkim er, N .

York . Septo‘

6.Columb ian balance . Wxn. Granger,Middlebury, V a . Se pt . 8


Can cer, composition for curing. EliasWillan , Albany, N.Y. Oct. 8,

urrying kn ife . S . Parsons, Parson sCapstan . Se e lV indlass. John GalvC locks forfluids . JosiahWi therle , Boston

1 Jan.

Combustion and explosion . Augustus Day, Bordentown ,N. J . Jan 1 9,

Churn . Joseph Beach ,Northfie ld, Mass Jan.. 24,

Cotton g in . R. Hancock, sen . and E.W. Carr. Phdadelphia.


1 9

1 81 1Churn . Lew is Cleveland , Holl iston ,Mass .Feb . 7,

Corn s talks , m aking spirits from . J . Saunders, Schenectady,New -York

Colum b ian oil, m aking. Thom asPaul , Baltim oreCutting. Se e Grain . John Com fort.Condensation of vapours . Noel Blanche New York March 2,

Clover seed,m achine for . Ne them iah Price Frederick county,

Maryland March 2,

Chain paddles for boats . A z ae l P1erson Cumberland co . N . J . March 2,

Condenser. Lym an Cook,Wh ite stown , N. Y . March 26,Churn . Henry Mum ford , Ulster coun ty , N . Y. March 28,Carriages . Moved by m anual labor . L . Cook, Whitestown ,

New York March 28,Cards , m achine for s train ing and g i inding . John Boyn ton ,Windham co . Conn .

March 30,Cooking stove . Andrew Sherw ood , New York April 25 ,Churn . Dan iel Robertson , Frankl in, New -York May 3,

Carriages, in the bodies of. Edward Gibson , New -York May 1 0,Card ing machine . Hem an Palm erler, Shoreham , Addison co . May 25 ,

China and glass,composi tion for . Harvey Bascon , Weston , 1

Massachusetts June 1 0,Chair bottom s . Abner Ellis


,Mass . June 12,Cotton- spinn ing machine . J. G . Baxter

,Philadelphia June 22,

Chopping m eat,etc . H‘

aziel Sm ith , Philadelphia July .

Churn , vibrating . Thom as Pratt, Cheshire , N‘ H Sept . 1 2,

Churn . J . H . Shepard Canaan , Mass . Oct. 1 ,

Cutting wh eat,etc . W . P . Claiborne

,KingWilliam ’

s co. V a. Oct . 1 2,Clapp’s crank engin‘e

,im provem en t on . Jo

se ph Clappp



,Mass . Nov .

Churn . Adam Sheble ,PhiladelphiaCotton

, m achine for rov ing. O . Barret,Jun Scagh ticoke N Y. Deon

Cotton . 86 6 Flyers .

A z iriah Wal ton .

Cotton , etc . m achine for sp inn ing. G . Brewster, G Trumball ,Jan . 1 6

,1 812

Jan . 1 8,

and J . Matthew s, Bane , Verm on t e .

Cotton , etc . m achine for clean ing. E . Raym ond , Norton , Mass .Coaches, etc . con struction of. Fred B iem le r, New YorkCase , .or stove



r kettles,etc .

Pennsylvan ia Jan . 31,

Chim neys , hacks for. Joel-

Root Southington , Conn . Feb . 1 3,

Clocks,pin io

ns of. Ira Ives,Bristol

,Conn Feb . 24


Carriages , con struction of. D .an Neal , Milford,Delaware 1 Feb : 26,

Chim ney regulator . D . Shoem aker,Philadelph ia March

Candles from tallow and wax . James Zw isle r, Baltimore April"2,Churn , horizon tal . John Davidson , Che sh ire ,N . H. A pri l 3,Cam phire, refin ing. J . Green


,Massachusetts April

Chair bottom s . J . Ell iot, jun . Philadelphia -April

Consum ption s , cure for. C . S hae ong , Philadelph ia April 27,Cheese press . ,W. W Town send, Add ison , Verm on t


June 1 3,

Canker worm , preven ting the . Paul Adam s , Newbury,Mass June 1 9,

Cordage , m achin e for m akin g. A . Hill,Walpole , N . H . June 30


Candle-holder, econom ical . P . Ward and .B . Allison , Phil . July 20,

Cloth , m achine for fin ishing, etc . S . Hart,Ham stead , N . Y. July 27


Chain carts and railways . John H. Morrison,Bo’scawen , N. H . Sept, 28,

Cooking apparatus . J . Morris,New Haven . Conn. Oct

, 3,C ider. Se e Win e . Henry Seabolt.Cloth , m ade by felting. 0 . Barrett

, jun T roy, N . Y.

Cabouse . John Bouis,Bal tim ore

C harles Gaston William sport,

f l

Jan . 21

Cloth and blanket m aking. Allen Barnes, Sam .Gray, andJabezClark,Windham ,

.Conn .

Carding cloth . John Jessup, Orange county, New York

.b ‘


carding, spinn ing, ,and roving . T Norton and Geo. Biddis,

Mi lford , Penn . April 1 5 ,Carriage 'to be m oved by hand. D. Nine

, jun . Reading, Penn . M y1 4 ,

Cartouch box . Jonathan Mix ,New York Junfe 1 3,Cradle . Samuel Pope , Windsor, Conn a» s 1

‘ Junelotirfrom hair. W. Shotwell and A. Kinde r,

Churn, pe ndulum . Si las Hi tchcock, Ve rnon , N. Y . Aug 7;Cylindric

~polishe r. Eben Stowell,Middlebury , Ver . 20,

om b tw inn ing machine . D. Carring ton and IraIves ,Litchfie ld, Aug 20,2Decylinde r


,re -acting, etc . T . Powell , New Yark

Churn . Wm . Humphrey, OhioCard boards sm oothing . D . Stearns, Battleboro’,Verm ont March 1 0


Com b- cutting machine . J . H. Derby;Leom inster March 26,Canker drops . DfHolbrook, OnOndago,N. Y. Marc h '28 ,Cotton seed

,m achine for hullirig . J . Lineback, Sarle in ,

N . C Marc h 3 1 ;Corn , mach ine for plan ting. John Blocher, Lancaster,Carri ag e lsprmgs R

,and I . C Hmiiphreys, Cantwell

Card ing wpoi. Lewis French , New Haven , Conn .

Chee s e press Joseph Goulding,Worceste r, Mass .

Cornices for house s .

'I‘. K . Beale

, Alexandria, D . C .

up and saucer,Colum bian . John’ Love

,Bal tim ore v»

June 1 4C andles , mould and d ipt . J . Zw isle r, NeW York, JulyC gton,N. Y. July _


C July'

1 ,CCC

J . C urtis,“

Clock,wooden . J. Harrison ,Boston

oks, for poin ting w ire for.

“A . Sperry ,Waterbury, Conn . Aug . 22


0 10 011 plates, boring. Joel Curtis,Cairo

,N . Y .

Clocks, iriach ine for cutting te eth Joel Curtis and D Bradley


s w

C locks, m achine tor cutting te eth A . Hcpkins, Litchfield,Conn ecticut Aug

22,Ch im n ies and fire places Adamspohn;Comrio, Pennsylvan ia Sept . 22

Cloth swearing fm ach ine . H Orth and Fred

1 813


' 1'


h“S teub e nvil le , Ohio ,


-l l;Comb tw inning m ach in e. S. Hills and Mos es Emery, junNewburyport, Massachusetts 7 Oc t. 21 ,

Cultivating the’

earth . Jame s Hall ,“V a:

Carriage s, Wheel . N Y .“Nov .

Ch im nies, .11iach in e ng to'

n,D . 0 . De c . 1 6,Colors

, permane n t De c ; 24,Carriag es;hanging


Cle an ing wlse at. Wil l iam Davis,Fa1rfie ld Connecti cutC lover seed ,


c le an ing. S . Arnold, Botte tort, Virgin iaCradle . *PeterC ooper, Hampstead ,New YorkCombs, cutting h orn or tortoi se she ll . Sim eon Allen b

lim e. J . Nicholas , jun ior, Bradalb in ,April 12,

Clover seed,gathering. John Sm ith , Fredericksburg, Virgin ia Api il

May 1 5 ,C

Cotton Spinn ing . L . Bissel, L . C . Hinmans;and S . Wi lson,

Otseg o . New YorkCorsets . Mary Brush, NewYork


Charcoal, making for gun powde r. F . Parker,Prince George


coun ty, Maryland

Cataract,rem oving by poin ts , e tc . F . B . Shaw ,Ph ilade lph1a July 27,

Candle m oulds . D . M. Randolph , Richm ond, V a.- uAug . l

, ,

Cards, m aking m achine and hand . W . Barker, Sm ithfie ld, R. I. Aug . 1 2,

Cards,com pos ition for. John M. Gates

,Warren , Mass . Sept. 1 4 ,

Carding m achine,glean ing savers . J . Hugus

,Gree nbush , Penn . Sept . 1 5 ,

Cancers, curing. Jacob Ware,Philadelph ia Sept. 20,Cooking m achine . John Seger, Ne w York Nov . 1 4,Cotton g in . Isaiah Jenn ings , New York Dec . 27,

2 1

July 25 , 1 81 5

Churn . A . and H . K . Cornell, Cambridge, New York Jan . 1 5 , 1 81 8

Corn cobs,spirits m ade from . J . and S . Demund, New Jersey Jan . 1 7,

Carding woollen cloths . J . A . Chr1s t1e , El1z ab e th T own , N. J. Jan . 24,

Cheese press . J?Bigelow , Moun t Pel ier, Verm ont Jan . 25 ,Cock, block tin st0p . John Morris

, New Haven , Conn March 7,Carpen ter’s sl iding dovetail join t . G . B . Raym ond March 26,Com bs, m aking. El i Sperry, New Haven , Conn . March 28,Churn . John Erving

,Boston APF1 1 ‘30, “P

Cutting comb teeth . M. J . L1 ttle boy, Phi lade lph 1a May 28,Clocks, thirty hours, brass and wooden . E . Terry, Litchfie ld,Conn .

Chair, Eagle . rWilliam‘

J. Wever, New YorkCharcoal , m aking. Andrew Kurtz , PhiladelphiaCom bs; m ach in e for tw inn ing. Sam uel Parmele, 3Sayb


Connecticut July 1 5 ,Cutting m achine, for beatingand bruis ing . Adam Britz , Phil . July 1 8,Churn . Artim as B ills

,Baltim ore July 29,

Cancers , cure for. Jam es Andrus , Hillsborough ,N. H . July 30.

Churn . Benjam in Webb,Tolland , Connec ticut ,

Aug. 22,Cider and vinegar m ade of ofi


als. W. Richardson , Kingston ,

New York Auug . 26,Coqning , or dowelling in strum en t . W. Bowhay, Philadelphia Oct . 1 4,Cath ete r, flex ible m etall ic . Israel Palch and Moses Carter,

Sah sbury,Massachusetts Oct. 26,Chairs . Se e Posts for Elijah Farrington , New York.

Chair bofi om s . John Wall , Philadelphia 5 Oct . 29,Cotton g in . Englehart Cruse

,Charleston , S


. C . Nov . 1 8,Churn . Abel Bradway

, Mon son'

,Mass . NOV 25 ,Cotton g in . Isaiah Jenn 1ngs, New York Jan . 1 7,Cards, m aking, grinding, &c . G . Drake , Windsor, Connecticut Feb . 28,Couch, accom m odation . John Mead, Albany,New York March 1 4 ,Con valescen t chair. John Mead , Albany, New York March 13,Composition for covering houses . A . Rogers

,Hudson ,

N. Y. March 1 4 ,Compressed air, to propel boats by. J . L . Sul l ivan , Boston

' March 24,Ch im n 1e s , construc t1on of. L . D . Detroism on ts

,New York Apri l 5


Copy books , com position for. Richard wall , Philadelph ia Apri l 28,Cloth , shearing machine . Jam es Collin s ,A n son , Somerset,Md. June 1 0,Combs, m achine for cutting T . G. Thom as

,Ph llade lph 1a JuneCh imn ie s, m achine for sweeping. J . Hun t, Bal timore July 1 2,Cloth shearing m achine . Eliphale t Rem ington , Frankfort,

Comb , machine for tw inn ing. D . E . Noye s,Ph 11ade 1ph 1aCarriage l ife preserver. H . G . De Grandval, Portsmouth ,

New HampshireCarriages Be n . Had

,Newburyport, Mass .

Cordage, machine for laying . C . Lenox, Sargen t, Suffolk,Massachusetts Oct. 4


Cordage , mach in e for making . S . and J . A. Baz in, Can ton ,Massachusetts

Candle Moulds . JoshuaWi therle , BostonCloth , milling ,_fulling, 8 m. M. Le e , Otsego,N. Y


C emen t,to be usedunder water. John Gran t, Saratoga,N. Y. Nov. “1 1 ,

Chimn ie s, machine for sweeping. E . Paine , Philadelphia Dec . 1 1 ,Cotton hopper. Gurdon F . Saltonst‘all, Cum berland , N . C . Dec .



Cannon , m odeof poin ting. J . Blach , Northum berland , Penn Jan . 1 7,

Cloth shearing m achine . Wm : Stillm an,R. I .


Combs,horn . Macphersdn Sm ith,Pou hke eps ie , New York Jan . 20


Com bs,m etall ic . W. A Langworthy, galstown Springs Feb . 28


Cloth shearingmachin e . D .

‘Dewy , Poultney, Rutl‘

and, V a. March 1 6,

Churn . Nathan Porter, Hartford , COnn .1 April 7


Cuttingm ach ine for soft substances . A . King,Lancaster, Penn . May 28,

Churn . T . T . Storm,New York

Com b s , m e tal hair Line us N Y.1 May 28,

C ircular sa‘

w W. F . Hill,Nev

ir YorkCasks

,m aking. J . L1ttle ,Hlllsborough N H. x

otton yarn , mach ine for spinn ing. P . Arnold, ConnCombs, m anufacturing. D . Pettibone , Philadelphiahrystalliz ing tin . G. F . Valen tin e, AlbanyCloth shearing; napping

, 8 m. m achine 'for. Jot . Bryen t,Andover

,New Ham psh i Sept . 2,Cotton , m achine for roping

, w inding and tw isting. David Grieve ,Providence

,R . I . Sept. 1 8,

Colum ns, m ach ine for Ornam en ting C. Durand, Springfield“V

New Jersey Sept . 22 ,Carriages . improvemen t in . J . B . Swan , Albany, N. Y. Se pt 29,Catch for Window shutters

,im provem en t in the . Noble Hurdle

Georgetown , D . C .

Chopping sausage m eat, mach ine for. David Beissel ,Harrisburg,Penn sylvan ia Oc t 26:

Cotton , m ach ine for in specting . Lew is V iale s, vNew Orlean s Oct . 29,Corn s heller . im provem en t on Z . Ph inney

’s . Hugh Gallagher,

P ittsburg, Penn . Oct . 29 ,Castor b i] , clarifying . J . Hallock, Philadelphia 1 Nov. 5 ,Cloth , m ach ine for napping , &c . L . and J . Prescott, P i ttsburgNov .


Coaches,im provem en t in the springs for. M. H . Be n e ville


Can terbury Nov . 1 7,Conduit pipes, im provem en t in . Joshua Clarke and L . CroWe ll Dec . 1 8,Conduit pipes , improvem en t in . Elisha Putnam,

Albany,N . Y . Nov. 1 8,

Cloth , m ach ine for teazling and napping. A . Foster, Putn‘

eyV erm on t

Cordage , m achin e .for m aking. Wi ll iam B , Leonard, Fishkill ,Corks , m achine for mak ing bottle . James Barron ,’ Ham pton

V irgin iaCooking stove . Palm er Jenkin s


,Washington coun ty,

New YorkChurn . Joseph Lloyd , Orange coun ty, New York March 2


Cloth_shearing m achine S . Parsons ,’Hoosack, Ranslaer county,New York March 2


Churn . William L. Frazer, Oxford,Chinango co . N . Y March 1 9 ,Chronom eter, Samuel S. Edmon ston , New Y0 1 k April 3


Cordage,m ach ine-for making. Robert Graves

,Boston April 1 0


Clearing obstructed channels or docks, m ach ine for. T . Baker,Providence, R . I . April 12


Corn shell ing m ach ine,improvem ent in

the . Walter Jones ,Ashford Conn . May 6.

Com posts for soils . An thonyB . Mart1n , Baltimore . May 29 ,Carbonatedm ead. Jam es Heaton

, New York July 28,Cultivator

,Am erican . Fred . Miner

, New London , Conn . Aug . 21,

Cast steel w elded to iron Dan iel Pettibone, Boston. May 21 ,Cards, m achine for pricking holes 1n leather. J Lamb,Le 1ceste rcoun ty 1.

' Aug . 21,

1 81 7‘

1 818


Coaches, improvem en t in . S . Draper, Brookfield, Mass . Aug . 26


C arbonated liquid cream tartar. Sophia Usher,Ne w York Sept. 1 1,

Cotton seed, food for cattle . Dan . Gillet, jun ior, Springfield

MassachusettsComb cu tting m ach ine . D . E . Noyes, PhiladelphiaCom b cutting machine . N ison Foot, PhiladelphiaCombs

, m achin e for m aking. Be n . Haskill, Paris , Fr .Clean ing streets , roads, etc . John Tucker, New YorkClocks

,im provem en t in . S im on Willard , Boston

Cloth shearing m ach ine . El ihu Hotchkiss and Aaron Jaguas,Windham ,

Verm on t Dec . 1 5,

Churn,im provem en t in the . John Hall , Hillsborough , N . H . Dec . 1 5 ,

Candles, m ould ing sperm . W . W. Swain

,New Bedford,Mass . Jan . 1 4

Corn sheller,improvem en t on W. Jones’. Rufus Guthrie,

Brimfie ld, Mass . Jan . 1 8,

Coating for ships’bottom s . Jam es Russel . New Bedford, Mass . Jan . 29,

Cem en t, water proof. Canvass White , Whitestown , Oneida,New York

Coffee roaster,improvem en t in the.

,Pe regrm e Wi lliam son

Bal tim oreC ircular saw . Robert Eastman and Josiah Jaquitt, Brun sw ick,

Massachusetts March 26,Canals , m achine for excavating. Ichabod L . Skinner, Hartford ,Connecticut May ,

Cheese , m ode of packing. Alexander Norton,Goshen

,Conn . May

Corn cracker. Nathan Read, Belfast,Maine Ma

Cloth, m achine for napping etc John Byram and S. D .FullerMendham

,N. J .

Coal , etc . m achine for draw ing . Edward E . Dan ley,Fredon ia


indianaandle Wick, m achine for m aking . Shaylor Ives, Chil icothe,Ohio May 1 7


Currying kn ife . Dan iel Tom l in son , Brookville, Conn . July 1 6,

Carpeting, ingrained . John and Nicholas Haight, New York Aug . 12,Clocks and watch es . Jam es Henry, Maysville

,Ken tucky

"Sept. 1 3,




Cocks,im provem en t


m . E . Hubball, Baltim ore Oct. 4,

Cotton,m achine for spinn ing. Will iam Bald

, jun . Providence,

Rhode Island Oct. 4,

Cocks, valve . John Cluley and Benjam in Stancliffe , Phil. Nov. 8,

Chim neys,m achine for sweeping. Samuel S . Edm on ston

,N. Y . Nov. 8


Cooperage,m ach ine for doweling. Ralph Hun t, On tario , N . Y. Dec . 1 1


Corn shelling m achine . Henry and Elbert J. Roseve lt,N. Y. .Jan . 26,

Cordage,m achine for laying. Robert Graves, Boston Feb . 1


Cem en t, water proof. Canvass White,Whitestown , New York Feb . 1 7,Cotton , foot gear for clean ing. Will iam Gould, M’Intosh co .

Georgia Feb . 20,

Do . Roping (double Speeder. Paul Moody,Boston Feb . 1 9 ,

Do . Machine for roping or spinn ing. Do. Do . 1 9,Do . Spinn ing fram es . Paul Moody, Boston Feb . 1 9


Cloth , m achine for shearing. Z . Carey, Oxford co . Maine Feb . 20,

Clothes , dry scouring. Thom as L . Je nn 1ng ,Ne wYork March 3,Chimn ey and fire -place . Obadiah D ilano‘

,Utica, New York March 3


Crank, an ti-friction for steam engines . Benjam in S . Oliv‘er,Salem

,Mass . March 9 ,Candles

, m achine for dipping. John Ab orn , Nottingham ,N . J . March 20,

Cordage, improvem en t in the top sled for. Robert Graves ,Boston , Mass . March 28


Corn shell ing m ach ine,im provem en t in the . Noah Lindsey,

Catskill,New York . March 28,

Churn , improvemen t in the . Adam Severt,Saratoga,N . Y. Ap ril


Carding machine, improveme n t in the;Franklin township, Ohio

Cutting clothes by rules. Allen Ward,Huntsvi lle, Alabama, June LGCock for draw ing l iquors, improvemen t in the . F . Delano,

Philadelphia June ,

Carriages , improvem en t in travéllin’

gi George H Ric hardsNew London , Conn . Aug .

Churn ing by dog power. Geo. E . Reeve and Joseph Ketcham,

Orange co. New York _ Aug . 1 0,Cocks for drain ing l iquors, e tc . Jonathan Bliss , New York Sept . 24 ,Cem ent for mortar and stucco David Mead Randolph

,Rich’d ,

Virg in ia 1

Candles, m ach inery u se d 1n m aking Franc lsChim neys, im provem ent in the stacks of. Fre derick Grey,Bal tim ore Oct . 8,

Cotton, m ach ine for packing John Cook ,Fayettev ille, N C . Oc t.

Chains for cables, 1mproveme n t 1n I Je nn in gmN;Y‘

. 1 Oct. 29,Clocks, improvem en t in . Joshua Burritt andW. P .


I thaca, New Yorkcanals, roads, e tc m achine for di: ging? John Humes,Richmj’d

V irgin iaChair, improvem en t in the rocking sofa. B .

Fan ny, Re adsb or’

’Verm on tCondensers , improvemen t in the steam . Thomas Skidm ore,

New York r rm, De c. I ,

Candles, m achine for making . Jam esYard,Trenton

,N J . De c ; 4


Cotton yarn , im provem en t incfi

zrnanufacturing Eras tusWolcott,Nj eWport,New York


e ts, improvem ent in . Win . James, Cantelo, New YorkCupola furnace, improvem en t in the Hen ry Worall N Y.

C locks, improvem en t in the machinery of. DeanChaff

,m achine for breaking, e tc : John Bolton,Warren

,N . Y

Chairs, im provem en t i n nursing. Andrew Woods,'Charles town ,

Jeife rson co . Virgin iaClock cases, improvem ent in . Joseph Ives, Bristol , Vt.Cock

,improvem en t in the m etallic screw . Je rem

Clover seed, m achine for getting out. .William Loom is ,Ashford,.April 27,

Cock, stop . John Morris, New Haven , Conn .1 May

Cordage, m achine for pressing the tar out of. Thomas Be rn itt,Philadelphia

Churn , ,improvem ent ~

in the . Be njam in .H‘

ayden .

Churh , im provemen t in the‘

Ele ake r Brown , and Ansel Ke ith"

Winfield , N . Y.

C ider,m ode offerm en ting apple . Will iam Elder,NewBrunswick,


Coffe e,m ach ine for hull ing.

”NathanRead Be lfast,Main e Sept. 10,Churn , im provement in the . Samuel C lark Morris c ,oun ty,

New Jersey .Oct . 4 ,Coopers’work machineryfor, HoraceWright, Onondaga,N . Y . Oct .Cloth

, improvemen t in' the machine for shearing. Ez ekiah Heal

Norridgwork, Maine

orn , improvemen t in the m ode of grinding. John Bickne ll

Casks , im provem en t 1n*

the mode of making .



Cloverseed, mach in e for clean ing.

“Isaac H Hask1n , Columb 1a,

MayCem en t, improvem en t in fire -proof.

H. Heiner,Midim town ship,Pennsylvan ia

Crossing or colapsing lever power. William Scarbrough, Darien ,

Corn shelling m achine, improvem ent in the. Hiram Hubbard ,Palmyra, N. Y

.June 1 7

Carriage springs , improvem en t in Lemuel H .Parsons, Stockbridge

,Mass .

Carding m achine, improvem en-

t 1 11 the . C . Whiting, S Lowde r“and S . Lowder, j

r. Dedham ,Mass. June 25 , n

Ch im neys , c uring sm oky . Sam uel Chase ,WiHiam sport, Penn July 26,Crimping boots . Ebenezer, G . Pom eroy, Lancaster Ohio July 27,Cotton gin , runn ing gear for the Brittain Huckaby

,Hun tsville,

Alabama Aug . 1 6,Cutting .. straw , stocks , &0 . Noah Safi

ord, Springfield , Vt. Aug , 25 ,Cotton rop ing, m achine for, m aking. George Danforth , Norton ,

MassachusettsCrank wheel m otion .

Jam es Wal lace , Colum b ia, S . C .

Curriers’ kn ives , m achin e for sharpen ing JamesI-B



New Hampshire 2“

Corn shelling machine . Lew isWh itney,r



ewYorkCorn shelling m achin e . Benjam in Crooker, ,New York

'Combs , m ode of cutting. Joel Brown Springfield , Mass .Cheese press , improvem en t in the. Joseph Pride,Pottsdam

New York' Cellars , vaults, Si c . con struction of. E .Ludlow , N.Y.

Cloth shearing machine . Wm . Hovey,Worcester, Mass .Corn shelling m achine . Alanson Little , Columb ia, Conn .

utting and rolling crackers . Daniel Pop] ,Philadelphiae


Clapboards, machine for saw ing. E. Pray, E. Benjam in, andS tone , Liverm ore ,Maine 1 De c . 98


cm sheller, improvem en t in the . Peirson Reading, Tren ton ,New Jersey Dec . 27,

Coffee , m achine for hull ingandclean ing . Roswell Abbey,N. Y Jan : , 1 , 1 825

Cordage , m achine for m anufacturing . FranklinKe llsey,Middletown , Conn .

1 Feb .

8,Conden sing steam and cool ing 11quor Ben aam in F . Josl in , N . Y. Feb; 9,Chim neys and fire places . Lew is X ingshu

,Livon ia, N . Y . Feb .

Clover and other seeds, machine for cleamng . B . Sutton , Romulus ,New York Feb . 1 0,

Cooking apparatus, portable . DavidI

Ashhr, Philade lphia Feb 1 8, l


Carding m achine,w ool . E . Hale; j r. S. Hale

, and J .I

-Hale, 1 »

Haverhill, Mass . Feb . 1 8,Card ing, im provem ent in w ool . N. Ridg


,S turbridge ,Mass March 1 2

Cen tre-hoard , used in vessels. G. Foun tain, Staten Island ,New York March 1 5


Changing the m otion of m achinery. Ottis Pe tte e , Newton ,Massachusetts March 1 5 ,

Cotton , separating the seed from. Joseph/C . and ThadeusLeavitt,Suflield, Conn . March 24,

Churn ing,m achine for Ab iram Baird ,

IScoharrie , N. Y. Ma

rch 1 5


Cloth,m ach ine for securing and tullingk

H . Hic kox, RutlandNew York March 26,

Cloth , manufacturing into yarn . LutheriCrane ,Ware,Mass March 26,

Churn , im provem en t in the . John P . Bortle, Claverack, Columb iacoun ty, N. Y. April 1 4,

Corn , shell ing and grinding . Samuel Fowkes, Catskill, N. Y.

May 4,

Corn shelling machine . Fran cis Price, Ne w York May 4,

Cotton, packing . We bb Hart,Petersburg, V a.


Clocks, astronom ical. He nry Miller, East Hanover, Lebanon ,Pa.

Churn , im pt. in th e . Asa Hum phrey , Gray, Maine 1

C utter, rive t and bolt. Holly Se e ly, Unad1 lla, Ne w-York

Cloth , im provem e n t for raising the m ap of. Job Wilkinson ,New-York May 12,

Clocks,woode n whe e led 30 hours . Eli T e rry,Plym outh

,Conn . May 1 8,

Cotton plan ting , im pt. in the m ode of,C . Ford


V irg in ia

Coach e s , im pt. in m aking posts . RichardWard, Sch e ne c tady,Ne w-York June 2,

Cloth , m ach ine for tem pling . Ph ilo C . Curtis ,Paris , New -York Jun e 1 6,Coffe e , m ach ine for roasting . Pe re grin e William son

,Baltim 0 1 e

Maryland June 1 8,

Coal, im pt . in a kiln for charing .

‘ ConradKownslar,MillCre eV irg in ia June 20


Corn she lling m ach ine,im pt. in the . William C . Hawley, N

—Y. June 22,

Corn , im pt. in th e m achin e for sh e lling . John Moore,Morris

v ille,Pa . June 27,

Cloth , im pt . in th e m ach ine fornapping . S . Marsh,Fairfax, V t. July 20,

O1de r m ills , imp t. in .


T . Showe rm an , Coving ton , N-Y. July 20,Corn she lling m ach ine , im p t. in . Sam ue l Lane , Hallowe ll,

Maine Se p’r 9,

Clocks,woode n whe e le d 30 hours . Eli T e rry,Plym outh

,Conn . Se p

’r 9


Combs,imp t . in a m ach in e for cutting P Pi at t

,New-York Se p

’r 9


Carriage , im p t in the Calash top . G . Holloway, Baltim ore,Md. Sap

’r 9,

Cotton packm g , m ac h ine for. Lew is Layssard, Halifax,North

Carolina 1 Sep . 28,Churn , doub le dash . Ez e kie lWate rhouse

, Gardin e r, Main e Se p . 29,Coffe e , m ode of e xtrac ting stre ng th of roas te d. Lew is Marte lly

New -YorkCotton . im pt . in the m ach ine for pre ssing . J. N. Gordon , Ply

m outh, N . C . Oc t. 8,

Canal boats m ach in e for raising . S . Doolittle,Roche s te r

,N-Y. Oc t. 25


Corn she lling mac h ine , imp t. i n the . Am on Bailey, Poultney,V e rm on t Nov. 1


Ch iro ve loc ipe de , imp t. m . Gide on B arke r,Provide nce

,R. 1 . Nov. 1

Currie r’s ,kn 1fe , impt . in the . Jam e s Batch e lde r


N . Ham p. Nov. 3

Cast iron shoe s,for horse s

,im pt. in . S. W. Wh itm an,Madi

son , Oh 1o Nov. 4 ,Cultivator, im pt . in the te e th

, 8 m. of. William Be ach,Ph il’a Nov. 8 ,

Coach lace , m aking , William G . Barne t,Newark

,—N . Je rsey Nov. 1 8,

Cutte r, in the punch rive t and scre w; L . C . Judson , Water

ville , N-Y.

Combs , in cutting PhiloPratt, Me redin,Conn .

Churn , cutting curds , Jam e s Buck,Cha .ham

,Conn .

Cutting pape r, m ach ine for. John M‘Clin tick and Ge orge

Fabe r, Cham be rsburg , Pe nn . De c . 1 8,

Cem e n t, wate r. Sim e on Guilford,Lebanon , Pe nn Jan . 1 1 ,

Carriag e s , m ode of re tarding . Ez ra Slife r,Boon sb orough ,Md. Jan . 1 6,

Cooking apparatus, imp t. in a. John Bouis,

Baltim ore st


Corn s, tinc ture for curing . . Elisha Sm ith , New Brunsw ick,New-Je rsey Jan . 20,

Cooking stove , im pt. in th e . David L ittle , Hage rstow n , Md. Fe b . 1,

Cotton , c le an ing Se a Island. Je sse Re ed,Marshfie ld,Plym outh


Massachuse tts Feb . 3,Canals , digg ing . Jerem iah Brainard, Rom e , One ida coun ty,

New-York, Feb . 10;


1 826

Cotton , machme for cultivating . Franc isH . Sm ith , Richmond,V irgin ia, Feb . 1 5 ,

Clocks , woode n whe e l 30 hours . (re -issued.) E. T erry, Plym outh

, Conn . Mar. 4,

Che s ts,wrough t iron . Je sse De lano

, New -Yo

Candle s , m ach ine ry for dipping . William Day, Gardiner,Me . Mar. 1 1,

Currying le ath e r, knife for. Fre em an Palm e r, New-Hemp . Mar. 1 7

Cotton pre ss . Gide on Gle nn , Louisburg ,North-Carolina Aprill l2,Carpe ting , loom for we aving . Horace Baker, North Salem

New -York, AprilCarronade s , 8 m. e le vating scre Enoch Hidde n , N .

Y . April 26,Cotton pre ss , com bined le ve r. Em] . V e ne ar, Halifax , N . Car. May 1 0


Canals , m ach ine for e xcavating . Lot Forre s ter, Ridg efie ld,Connec ticuti

May 1 0,

Cordag e , m ach in e for m aking . Erastus Bartholom ew ,Boston May 1 7,

Chain cable s,

Do Do May 1 7,C ircular saw . William Kendall, jr. Maine May 1 8,Carts and wagons, mode of loading . Noah Osborn , Eairfie ld,

Conne cticutCanals , inc lined rail-way forrem oving e arth from . William H .

Doll, Harrisburg , Pe nn . . MayCh imneys , improvem e n t 1 11 A . G . D . Tuth ill, Utica, N . Y . June

Cotton , mode of taking from the dofi‘

e r. Elijah T hompson ,Low e ll, Mass . June 9,

Cotton and wool, m ach ine for s

ipinn ing: William Carm ichae l,S andy lake , N . Y .

Cotton , flax and wool, rolling or twisting 1 William Wh iteh e ad, jr. Patte rson , New -Je rsey

Cataract, instrum en t used for the . T hom as R Williams,Ph ilade lph ia v June 1 4,


n she lling mach ine . Je rem iah Dodson , Guilford,N . Carolina June 1 5 ,Clocks , 30 hours,woode n whee led. E11 T erry,Plymouth Con n .

(re -issued,Cleave b arrow for cle aring ground. Lemue l T am , Suss ex coun

ty, De laware July 1 1 ,Cartridg e s for blasting rocks . John B . lv'e s, Lebanon, Pe nn . J-ulyComposrtion , applied towool: Ziba Parkhurst, Grafton , Mass Aug . 1 9,Carding m ach in e

,im provem e nt in . Jam e s H . Arnold, Be lm on t,

Ohi0 1 Sep . 25 ,Ce llars and vaults

,m ode of con struc ting. Henry Hallock,

New -YorkCorn , m ach in e for shelling . Elijah Russe l. Gi e ensb oro’N. C . Oc t. 2 4,Cannon , m e thod of discharg ing . He nry Whitcom b . Adam s,

Ne w-York Oct.

Currying knife , construc ting and grinding the . Samue lBrooks,

1 826

' Q '

New-York Nov. 1 3,

Cabbage machin e for cutting . F. Berkemeg er andJ. De ngler,Gre e nw ick, Pe nn . Nov. 1 4,

Corn,m ach ine for husking . Howle t Bushne ll

,Norwich Conn , Nov. 1 4,

Cot ton g in , m ode of prope lling the . Pe te rKnox ,Augusta Ga. De c . 7 ,

Coal sifte r, im provem e n t in the re volving . T homas Borb idge

and Anson Martin , Kingston tow nsh ip , Penn . De c“

. 30,C em en t

,wate r proof. Simeon Guilford, Washing ton , D. C . Jan .

Corn , m ach ine forshe lling . EdwardNewm an,Guilford coun tyNorth-Carolina

Chair im provem e n t in the .



acob Daley, BaltunoreChurn

, im provem en t in the rocking . John G. Ph ilip , Kinderhook

Cotton , im proveme nt in the m ode of packing . William C .

T hom as, Richm ond coun ty, N. C . Fe b 1 5 ,

Copperas, m the me thod of making IsaacTyson , Baltimore , Feb 1 5 ,


Cotton ,machine forpre ssing . Ph ilemonWh ite , Chatham coun

ty, N r.Feb . 1 9


Cutting garm e n ts,mode of. Jam e s G . Wilson , N . York Fe b . 28


Cuttm g hard sub stan ce s, m ach ine for. John 11 . Hall,Harper


Fe rry, V irg in ia Mar. 7,Ch im neys , wh e e l dampe rs for. Jam e s Re iley and John Flana

gan , Vv ayne shurg , Pe nn . Mar. 10,

Corn she ller, long itudinal. Ge orge E . Waring , Poundridge

New -YorkChurn

,improvem e n t in th e . Samue l L . Bagley, H illsdale ,

New -YorkCotton t obe n , prepared for spinn ing . Gilb ert Brew ste r,Pough

ke e psie , Ne w-York

Cide r m ill, im provem en t in th e . Constan t H . Wicks , Paris ,New -York April 9 ,

Clay tube s , improvem e nt m m aking . John R. Rowe ] andHe nryWise , Fre de ricktown , Pe nn .

May 10,

Canals, safe ty gate for. Jacob V an-Dorn , Clen , Mon tgom e ry

coun ty, New-York May 1 4,

Cook for hydran ts, improvem e n t in the valve . Benj am in Stan

cliffe , Ph ilade lph iaCotton pre ss, improvem e n t 1n the . RichardJarn igan Wayne sbo

rough , North—Caroh na

Cle an ing Mac h ine , forwhe at, rye , 81 0 . John Tyler, Clarem ont,

Ne w-Hampsh ire May 1 8,Carts for rem oving e arth

,improvem e nt in . Jerem iah Price ,

Lockport, New -York May 1 8,Churn

,improvem e n t in th e . Le v 1 Rose nkrans Urb anna, N. Y. May 1 9,

Corn,m achine for crush ing w ith the cob . S . K . Gauntt, Gre en

ville , T enne sse e May 25 ,

D istilling of liquor. Aaron Putnam ,Medford, Mass. Jan . 29,D istilling . Nathan R

e ed, Salem , Mass . Aug . 29,

Docks or harb ors,m ach ine for clean ing or de epen ing P Za

charie Baltim ore , Md. Nov. 24 ,Distilling /

spiritous liquor. Joseph Simpson , Richmond, V a. Mar. 4,

Duck sailweaving . Jam e s Dave nport, New-Jersey Fe b . 1 4,

Docks and harbors, a m achine for c le an ing . Stephen Colver, De c . 1 4 ,Dough and paste , b re akm g . Dam e lPe ttibone Nov. 1 6,Distilling . Se e Evaporation .

Docks,m ach ine for c le an ing out . John Gre e nle af

Dry docks, improvem en t in e re c ting . John Gardiner

Distilling spirits , im provem e nt in . Dan ie l IlsleyDistillation by ste am , in woode n or oth er stills . E . and T homas

We st,Faye tte ville co. Ke n . 8


Double draugh t fire plac e . T alm age Ross Jan . 231Double ste am bath still. John Jam e s Giraud April 1 7 ,Double crank . Sée Pulling Mill.


Dough , m ach ine for bre aking . Laban Folgfir, Hingham ,Mass Nov. 1 ,Di stillation . Se e Boiling .

Dye w oods,m achine for grinding , sawm g . John Matthews,

Ph ilade lph ia Aug . 13

D istilling apparatus . A . H e istand, Yorktown , Pe nn Nov. 27

Dough , m ach ine form akin g . Ge o Richalds, Ston ington , Conn . Fe b . 1 4 ,Dre ssing flax . ElishaMack Mar. 21


D iving m achin e s .- Richard T ripe , Dover, New Hampshire April 1 ,

Dye woods . see Grinding , 817:Double forc ing pumps . Charles Calver, Champlain, N. Y . April 1



1 827

1 791

1 794

1 798

1 796

1 804

1 805

1 806

1 807


D istilling , apparatus for. A . We ave r, Adams co. Penn. April 23,Distilling or boiling wate r. Eli Barnum and Ben . Brooks

, NewMarlboro’Mass .

1 Mar. 21 ,Door h ing e . Se e

,Friction Roller .

Double le ver pre ss . Caleb Johnson ,New Glasgow , V a. .June 3,

Dye woods, m ach ine for rasping . Je sse Re ed, Boston June 3,D istilling . _

.E B arnum and B . Brooks, NewMarlboro’, Mass. July 13,

Doub le . Se e Boiler.

Dipping . Se e Candles .

D ist illing apparatus . A . Bouchrie, Philade lph ia Jan. 33, 1 809

Dying of silk goo'

ds,m ach in e for W. Barre t Jun e 27 ,

Eye wood,n iach in e for cutting . E . Hub b e ll,Middlebury, V e rt. June 27,De laware Spinne r. J. Alricks , Wilming ton , De l Oc t. 1 1


Distilling apparatus . W Cham b e rlain,V e rt. Mar. 1 810

Dough , m ach ine for bre aking . C . Barnard, Nan tucke t,Mass. April 1 7 ,

D istilling by ste am . John Morri s B e nn e t,Middle town , Conn . May

/, 1 ,

D istilling apparatus . A . T ob ey, Alford, Ma Jun e 21 ,Drying grai n of all kinds . B Parry, Bucks co. Penn . July 7,Dist1lling . M. Garde n , Staun ton V a.

1 1 July‘


Drain ing ploug h . Steph e n Hall, Bos ton July 1 3,Dye woods , m ach ine for cutting I . Richards , 3d Norfolk,Conne c ticut Aug . 1 3,

Dom e stic sp inn’

r. E . He avrick,Albany, N . Y. Aug . 1 7,

D i ving dre ss Chaunc ey Hall,Conn . De c . 24,

Drying fue l for glass furnac e s . Jam e s Le e,Ph ilade lph ia. Jan . 1 4

,1 81 1

D istilling e sse n tial oils . D Jow e t,Pitsfie ld Mass . Jan. 24,

D istilling . Jacob Mille r,Lanc aste r

,Pe nn . Mar. 2


D istille rie s and kitchen s . William Gamb le ,Wash ing ton , D . C . April 1 8,Dye woods , m ac h in e forraspin g . Samue l Stone , Enosburg ,V a May 3,D is tilling . Andrew Dun lap , Boston May 3,D istilling . J. Jam e s Giraud

,Baltim ore June 1 4,

D istilling and re fin ing apparatus . Je cob Sherer and Ab rah ’m

llan , Lancaste r, Pe nn June .1 7,Drying house for drying fruit. S . S trong ,Wilke stow nsh ip ,Oh io Se p . 2


D is tilling at one ope ration. Jonathan Sh aw,Palm e r

,Mass . Nov . 1 3,

Distilling . Le w is Lésc esne , Be lle ville , N . J.1 Dec.



Dock, floating dry. Samue lRose N . Y .-

.Jun e 1 5 ,D istilling . Omr1 Carr1 e r

,Enfie ld Conn a Nov . 2,

D istilling . Om ri Carrie r, Enfie ld Conn . Jan . 1 8, 1 813

D is tilling . John Bate s, Hartford, Con n .

1 Jan .

D istilling and b oiling liquors . J. Morris , New Have n , Conn . Mar. 3,

Draw ing w ire , m achin e for . John J. Staple s ,Flush ing ,N . Y . May 10,D ie s , c ircular, im provem e n t on Pe rkins . Jacob Pe rkins and

Ge o . Murray, Ph ilade lph ia

D istilling , a cylinde r he ate r for. C . Je nks and Abie lPerse, East

Windsor,Conn. July

D ie work, inste ad of e tch ing . A . Brewster, Frankfort, Pen n . July 1 5 ,Distilling , he ating th e m ash for. T . Balde n

,Hartford, Aug 18,

D i stillation , he atin g wate r for. A . Ande rson, Ph ilade lph ia Oc t. 27,

Distilling apparatus . 1 . Hoffman , Shawangunk, N . Y . De c .

Dye w oods,for rasping and grinding . Joseph Broad, Springfie ld

Distillation . John W. Alder, Pe nnsborough , Penn .

Distilling . Wm . M. B . Wollias and H P. Barlow ,One ida


Dye s tuffs , cutting . Aaron Broad,Litchfie ld, Conn June 9 ,

D ie s for m e tals Be n . Me ad and Gile s Rich ards, Boston'


Distilling from grain , St e . S imon Shurtliff, One ida co. N. Y . July 5 ,Distilling by ste am . David Dew


, Sullivan , N. Y“ July

Dying silks . T . Harrison and RobertPierpon t, N . Y. Oc'

t. 18,



D 3 1

Distilling . Naph tali Hart, Easton , Pe nn . Oc t. 29, 1 8 1 4

D istilling by ste am ,81 0 . Enos Brown

,On e ida co. N . Y . Jan . 23

, 1 8 1 5

Dis tillation , cooling m ash for. T hos . Wh item e ll,Scotland

Ne ck,N . C . Se p . 2


Distillm g turpe n tine , tar, 8 m. Wm . Adam Rapp N . Y . De c . 4 ,D istillation by ste am . He z ekiah Ke lly, B rooklyn , N . Y. Fe b . 1 6, 1 8 1 6Dye woods , saw m ill for. Joh n Elder

, Ham ilton,Mass . Fe b . 1 6,Dye woods , saw m ill for. John Elde r

, Ham ilton Mass . April 1 1 ,D is tilling and re c tifying , 81 0 . John Wh ips , Je ffe rson co . Ke n . April 22,Dang e r scape . Wm . Start, Gre e nsborough ,Md. May 3


D istilling . Norm an Goodse ll, Paris ,N . Y . June 13,D is tilling . W-m . Richardson , K ingston , N . Y . Jun e 1 5


D istilling . E . T alm age , Lancaste r, Ke n July 8,

D istilling . Amos B lood,Bos ton July 1 6


Doub le Stave and paralle l join te r. J. S. Ke e n,Phil. Oc t. 1


Docks proj e c ting . Mose s Rog e rs , N . Y . Jan . 7,

Dye w oods, m ach ine for rasp ing . B e riah Sw ift,Washing ton

Duche ss co. N. Y .-1

Dry docks , rotary. Joseph Webb,N . Y .

Dying and fin ishing s ilk goods . A . Ste arns and W. Barre t,

Cam bridg e , Mass . Jan .

30, 1 81 8

Drill for potatoe s . Ge org e Harpe r, Je nking ton ,Pe nn . Mar. 23,

Dogs , a n e w pow e r. A . T ie nan , N . Y. Ap ril

Dying and fin ish ing s ilk. A . Ste arn s andW. Barre t, Boston , Se p . 8,

Distilling , improvem ent in . Pie rc e Woods , Frede rick co. Md. Se p . 29,Distilling , im provem e n t in . Charlies Me rot, Phil. Nov. 5


Dry dock, floating . Alb e rt Brux , Augus ta, Ga. Nov. 6,Double Spe e de r. Wm . H in e s , Cove n try. R. I . Fe b . 6


Dying , tann ing , St e . che snut use d in . W. She ldon , Springfie ldHam p ton co. Mass .

D istilling , improvem en t in .


Jam e s Caz e,N . Y .

Doub le spe e de r for roping cotton . Pau‘

lMoody, Boston

D istilling , apparatus for. He n ry'

fie ld,Cam illus , N . Y.

Dom e s tic sp inne r. John Brown , Prov idenc e , R. I .

Diving drum . Jaspe rJohnson , Albany, N . Y .

Dis tillin g , im provem e n t iii the apparatus for. Frede rickKalisky,Ph ilade lph ia D e c . 1 4

, 1 81 9

D istilling , improvem e n t in . RichardWilcox , N . Y. April20, 1 820Div ing , m ode of. William Brookfie ld


,Mich . T e r. July 1 7


Draw grinding m achine . T hom as Dakin , Harpe rs-Fe rry, V a. July 28,

Drying c loth by ste am . Rolan Dun canright,Medway, Mass . Aug . 30,Double spe ede r, improvem e n t on No. 1 . Jon\

. Fisk, Med. Mass . D e c . 7,

Do. No. 2. do. do. De c . 7,

Do. No. 3. do. do . De c . 8,

Do. No . 4 . do. do . De c . 8,Do. No. 5 . do

,do. De c


Double spe ede r, combination of improvem e n ts on th e . Jona

than Fisk,Medway, Mas De c . 9,

Dye v


, m ach in e ior cutting . Elijah Conve rse Daytonh io

Doub le spe ede r for roping cotton . PaulMoody, Boston

Distilling , im prove m e n t in . David Cutte r, Butle r co . Oh io

Dry scouring clothe s . T hom as L . Je n n ings , Ne w-YorkD istilling spirits, im prove m e n t in . Robert Blaikie , N . Y .

Duck or canvass sail, m anufacturing . Josiah Chapm an , Frank

fort,Pe nn .

Distilling , im provem en t in the still for. B allaz arJ. KallenbachPhilade lph ia

Dry docks , im provem e n t in . Ralph Bulkley, N. Y.

Distilling , improvem e n t in th e apparatus for. He nry F. Fish er

Philade lphia.

32 1)

Dry docks, improvem en t in floating . Edward .Covenhoven ,

Gre e nb urgh , N . J. Oc t. ,30,

Draw e rs, im provem e nt in m aking . He nry Brew er, N . Y. Feb . 28,Distilling , improvem e n t in . Ph ilip Gre iner, Braridywine T own


sh ip , Pe nn .

Dough , m ach in e for m aking . Jesiah S . Fishe r andSylve ste rW. T albot, Norfolk, Mass .

Drill, Cotton th inner. and plough . Wm . Willis, Edgefie ld Dis

tric t, S . S.

Distilling , improvem e nt in the apparatus for. Uriah Swe tland,Kingston , Pe nn .

- Nov 1 8,

D istilling by ste am ,improvem e n t in . Elias Gilhausen, Halifax

town sh ip ,Penn . Jan . 1 4 ,

Double Spe ede r, improvem ent in th e . Az . Arnold, North Provide nce , R. I . Jan . 21 ,

Dis tilling , improvem en t in Malcolm M‘Donald,Fayette , Pe nn . Feb . 1 9,

D istilling , im provem ent in . In crease Carpenter and J. Roe ,Ne w-York Jan . 29,

Dre sse s, m ode of finishing. Jam e s R. William s, Baltimore Mar. 3,

Diving suit , improvem e n t in the . W. C . Davison andD Clark,Pittsfie ld, N. Y.

1 July 26,D istilling , m ach inery used Dan ie l Jackson

, Peru, N. Y’

. De c . 28,

D eck ligh ts for sh ips . Georg e Gray, Lynn ,Mass . Mar. 26,

Dowe lling b it, improvem e nt in the . John T homas,Wash ington , D . C .

Dry docks , im provem e nt in . Christian B erg, N . Y .

D istilling sp irits , improvem en t in the m ode . William Ave ry,Pom frey, N . Y .

- May 1 3,

Dry docks , im provement in the floating . Wm . B . Lowere e ,Ne w-York June 23,

Dock, m arine e le vating , improvem ent in apparatus. E; Buckand He nry Crehore , Boston

Do. Robe rt Ge rry and Ab e l Bayard, Boston ,Mass.

D ivitial inve n tion . C . S . Rafin e sque Le xing ton , Ke nDe line ator, im provem e nt in the . Jonas We eks, N . Y .

Dye woods m ach ine for cutting Ephraim Morris,Bloomfie ld,

New-Je rsey Sep. 27,D istilling spirits , improvem e n t in th e m e thod. Abm .Whitson ,De cay of ve sse ls

,m ode of pi eve nting . An thony Plan tou, Ph

’a. Oct.



D is tilling , in th e apparatus for. John 0 . Doug las , T roy. N. Y . Nov. 26,Doors and sash e s, m ode of preve n ting from be ing too tight

Dan ie lFrase r, N . Y .


Dry docks . Le vi H . Clarke andL. M Wiss,N. Y.

Dock , sh ip rail w ay. John T hom as , N. Y.

Doors, making rack bolts for. J. Brown and George W. Robin

Staun ton , V a. Sep . 28,

son , Prov iden c e , R. l .

Dry docks . Alonso Place, N. Y .

D istilling spirits from c ider and grain . Samue l Harwood 3d,B rain tre e , N . Y . April 1 5 ,

Dre ss , Charle s Herw ick,N . Y. May 1 6,

De ck, buoyan t Max im in lsnard,N . Y. Jun e 22,Dock, carrying and lifting trunk. Jame s Barron , Norfolk, V a. Aug . 2


Dock. floating dry, improvem en t in the . John Floyd, KitteryMain e

Dying the hair on skins . Joseph Herring , N.Y.

Dairy coole r,for m ilk

,cre am , 81 0 . David Witmer, Paradise ,

Pen nsylvan ia De c . 7

D istillation,im provem e n t in . Normon and AnsonWolcott,

Bloom fie ld, N . Y . De c . 8,

1 821

1 822

1 823

1 824

1 825

34 E

aiming m ill. Se e Smut, &c.

1 822

1 823

1 823

1 824

1 824

1 826

1 794'

1 795

1 796

i803 '

1 804

Ele vators, for raising water. Soc ial Rolph , Albany, 1 1 Y Nov. 1 6,

Eng in e , im prove m e n t in th e rotary ste am . Dudley L . Farnam ,

New-York - 11 Fe b . 1 9,

Eng ine , 1m provem e n t 1n the ste am . Am os T hayer, jr N . Y . Mar.

Evaporating liquids . Abne r V ansant,Je ffe rson coun ty,Mi. Sep .

Ex te nde r. Asa B isbe e , N . Yarmouth,Maine Jan . 27


St e, re m oving . Orang e H . Dibb le

,Niagara coun 1

Feb .

Eng ine , 1m provem en t 1 n the atm ospheric . Eb . and Js . Prentiss,Baltim ore June 22,

Earth , m ode of loading and unloading : JohnOwings, Balt Aug . 27

Exte nding and multiplying powe r. Wm . Ke ndall, jr. Wate r

Jam - 1 6,Engine , gas or vapour Sam ue lMercy, Oxford, New Hamp


Earth , m ach ine for rem oving . Pe irson Re adm g , Tre n ton ,NewJe rseyDo. Cyrus Barnard, New Lynn town sh ip,Penn .

Evaporatm g liquids Charle s Shole s , Ph e lps, N . Y .

Ele vating liquors to uppe r room s . John A . Sm ith , N. London,

Connec ticut Aug . 7,'

Eng in e for thrdwj ng water. G . Shalk and William T intoti,Lebanon , Penn . Sep . 23


Fire,to rescue from . Se e


Con struction .

_Fire ,

-to stop'

th e progre ss of. B . T aylor,N . Y . Mar. 23,Fish

,im prove m e n t in th e m anne r of catch in g J Ellicot,Penn . Mar. 25


Flax and h e m p , sp inn ing of. Se e hemp andfiax .

Flour and m e al,improvem e n t in manufac turing of. Olive r

Evans ,Ph il. De c . 1 8,Forg e rie s , to pre ve n t. Se e Punches.

Fire e ng in e. S e e Eng in e .

Fire plac e , improveme n t in C . W, Pe al . Nov. 1 6,Flax and h e m p . Se e Mill.Forc e ob taine d by wate r. S . Morey, Alford,N . H . Nov. 1 7 ,Flax , m ach in e for b re aking . John Cannon Jan . 1 7


Flax b re aking , mach in e for. Joh n Cannon ,Wilm ington , De l Jan . 1 7


Forc ing pum p . John Evelth , Provide nce , R. I . Jun e 1 3,Fish , im proved mode ofcarrying in.warm we ather. N .Robm s

Burling ton ,N . J.

Flat roofed house s and balcon ie s, improvem e n t in . Henry John

son , B altim ore

Fire stop , im prove m e n t in the . Elisha,Putman


salt w ate r and m e tals . V . Cook, Ke n tuckyFire e ng ine , im provem e n t in . Steph e n SteWartFire plac e . S

e e Double draug ht

Faste n ings or spring s . Se e Window .

Fire s,m e thod of e xtinguish ing in house s . Sam . F. Lord

,Jr. Mar. 1 0,Flax se ed, machine for cle an ing. Paul Gottry Apri l24Fan . Se e Colum bian .

Fulling m ill, improvem e nt in . called the double crank. Le viOsborn 4 July 12,

Forc ing pum p to raise wate r. Aaron T aylor Oc t. 4,

Filte ring m ac h ine . Dan . M. Mulle n and T hos . M‘Curdy, Ph il. Nov . 1 6,Fire

,composition to pre vent house s from catching . I) . Stodder Nov.

Fire plac e . Se e Close .

Flour m ill. Sam ue l Church , Amherst,Mass. May 4,1 805

3 5

Fluids, m ach ine for raising . D . T om linson , Brookfie ld, Conn . May 27, 1305Flax . Se e Dressing .

Pulling m ill and wash ing m ach ine . John Kenn ion , Duch e ss c .c

Ne w York MarchF1ltering impure wate r and w ine 8 m. SolomonM‘Comb s


Sm ith, and Be n . D . Galpin , Baltimore Ma 24,

Fire place w ith aflat funn e l. Ab raham Fish’

e r FeFire brick, mode ofm aking . Eb e n . Je nks

,Canaan ,

Conn . Fe b 1 7,

Fire plac e s and stove s , improvem e n t in . A . Pollock, Bos ton April 23,Fire e ng ine , improvem e n t in . Jacob Sm ith

, jun . New York May 20,Filte ring pot. Michae l Freytag , Philade lph ia July . 1


Flourandm eal, m ode ofm anufac turing . 0 . Evans

,Ph ilade lph ia Jan 22 1 808

Fire plac e s, or ope n s to‘

ve s,improvem e n t in . J. F. Gould, New

b uryport, Massan huse tts Feb 1 ,Fann ing m ill for grain &c . Samue l Dodge , C le ve land, Ohio Fe b 9,Forc ing pum p, Wi th double ac tion . E . Cady,jun . Chatham ,

N : Y. March 9,

Fire place s , im provem e n t in . G Gridley, Ne w buryport Nlass . March 1 4,Fann ing m ill for gra in or c love r se ed

, 0 . Barre tt, jun . San

dy H ill, New YorkFurnace or stove . Se e Econom ical.

Fric tion , m ode of le sse n ing 1n carriag e s . Robe rt Kilborn , Gre atBarring ton , Massachuse tts April 12

Fauce ts for draw ing liquors. Ira Ive s , Bristol, Con n . April 1 4 ,Fric tion rolle r

,doorh i ng e . Joh n B ailey, jun . Plym outh ,Mass . May 1 6,

Floating dry dock. Wilh am Rhode s New York May 1 6,Funn els for fluids Ph ilip Apple , Ph ilade lph ia July 1 3,Fann ing and w innow ing m ill. B e n . Atwe ll

,Burling ton , N . Y . Sept 1 9,

Forc ing pum p . Se e Pn eumatic .

Faste n ing windowshutte rs . J. Blanch ard, New York Jan 1 4,Flax and hem p, m ach ine fordre ssing . RichardS . Chappe lPawle t,

Rutland coun ty, New York Jan 1 8, 1 809Flax and h e mp m ach ine Eli F. H ill. Onandago, Ne w York Fe b 1 1 ,Fur cutting m ach ine . E . Cutte rs, Battle b oro’, V irgin ia March

‘ ‘


Fin ish ing silks . Se e Silks

Fram e for fin 1shing . Se e‘

Dyeing .

Flax dre ss ing m ach in e . J. B arlow ,Granville , Massachuse tts Aug 23,

Furrow ing mac hin e for. M. and I Nichols , Otse go, N Y . Oc t 12,

Flexible platform for g iving motion . John Johnston,Jun Charle s

ton , South Carolin a Nov 22,

Fishing sein e . P_ Croff, Little York, Pe nnsylvan ia De c 1 6,Fe lloe s, m ach ine for saw i ng W . F. Sh effie ld, New York De c 20

,1809 .

Floating m ill and sile n t fish e r. E .

c i d,Charle ston

, S . C. Dec 20,

Funne l w ith a ve n t D . C larke ,We s t Stockbridg e , Mass . April 9 1810Flax m ach ine . Olive rWilde , Canaan , New York


April 1 6,Fur cutting m ach in e , Martin C lark, Ne w York April 21 ,Fe lloe s , m ach in e for dre ssm g . S . Church , Am herst,Mass. April


Fann ing m ill.v Sam. Sn edeke r, Johnstown , New York April 27,

Fur cutting m ach in e . Ele az er Sprague , Danbury, Conn . May 1 ,Fire place s Ebe nWh iting , Gre at Barring ton , Massachuse tts Jun e 1 8,Fire place s do do


do Jun e 27,

Flax and h em p , m ach ine forbre aking . N . P. Rob inson , Flem ingcoun ty, Ke n tucky Aug 31 ,

Forc ing pump for fire e ngine s. Eli Sm ith,Palm er Mass . Nov

Fire places grated. Aug . Brown . Fre dericktown ,Maryland Nov, 24 ,

Fric tionle ss cylinders . John P. Swain , Roxbury, Massachuse tts Jan

Fe lloe s for whe e ls. J. Goulding , Le ic e ster, Massachuse tts Fe b 28 ,Fire cave rn . Ab raham Quincy, Boston 3 March 20


Fire place s . Pe te r Stemberg , Mon tgom e ry,New York March 28


Floating e ng ine for supplying sh ips . J. P. Randolph, N . Y. April 25 ,Flaxand hemp bre ak. E,

Rum say, Christian county, Ken April 25 ,Flax and h emp bre ak. J C . Johnson

, Faye tte county,Ke n .,May 1 6,

Fire arm s W. T horn ton andJ. H . Hall,Washing ton May

Fur cutting m ach ine . J. V Vhe the rle Bos ton 1 May 28,Fann ing m ill J. W. Je ssup, Fre dermktown ,

Maryland June 18,Flax and hem p , b re ak for. Rob e rtMille r, Lex ington ,Ke n . July 13Flax and h em p, b reakfor. Jacob A Dana, Cassanovia,N Y . July 23


Fish . Se e Wear.

File s, m ach ine for cutting . E Ge b be ,North Hamp ton co.Penn . Oct 1 0,Flax and hemp, bre aking . W1 lliam Harper, Richmond,Ya. Oc t 1 5 ,Flax and hem p , b re aking . A T anner,T 1 um b ull coun ty, Oh io Oc t

re place s, im provem e n t in h is . Pe te r Ste rnb e rg;Mon tgome rycoun ty;Ne w York - l Oc t 28,

Flyers,for spinn ing c otton . A Watton Ke e n e , N . H . Jan


ug e . A . Johnson,North Cumb e rland, Pennsylvan ia Jan 1 1 ,

lax and hemp forroving Sec . William Griffe n ,Ne w Yo Jan 1 1;Flax and h e mp , substitute for. C . Wh itlow ,

New York Jan 1 1 ,Fann ing m ill. T hom as S . Barnum ,

Sharon,Conn e c ticut Jan 1 5 ,

File s , m chine for cu tting . M B urke , B e lknap , Brimfie ld,MaSs ,Jan


1 6,

Flour m anufac turing . , J. R. Madison, New York Jan 27,

Furnac e for h e ating ove ns . A . H . Quin cy, Boston F eb"

1 7,

Fish glue s . Se e Icthryocallalax and h em p pre aring John

Flax and Hemp . Se e Sp inn ing.

ire e ngin e . Se e Pump .

Forts . Edward Clark,Ph ilade lph iaile s cutting . C He sse r and A . Paxton, Ph ilade lph ia


iles cutting . LeVi and David Ande rson Ph ilade lph iaire places ,flute df b a

ck . EliMFauc e t, plugg ed

‘William JonFair de aler, or the cha


rta lusor1 May 1 5 ,

Fur skins, 1_:nach ine for cutting . IraI ves , B ristol, Conne cticut“

18411lFoot s tove w ith stone h e aters A H . Quin cy, Bos

ton Jun e 1 3,

Files , m achine for cutting M Burk,B e lkn ap , Worceste r, Md. Jun e 1 4,

Flax dre ssing m ach in e . J Hawe s Hudson New York June 1 9,File s , rasps , Si c . mach in e for cuttin g . S . Gilman Wh ite , Haven»


hi ll,Massachuse tts July

Fire e ngine s . 1 . Hathaway,Walton , New York Aug‘

Fire e ng in e s . A . Pollock and J. Pe rkin s,Boston Aug

Fum iduc ters . W . A . Baron , Ne w York”

15 136r for sp inning cotton M . New ton Fitchb urgh ,Mass .

-Se p11 28

‘Fc ather cloth . J. and B . Siz er, New 110 1160111 , Conne c ticut 1

Oc t 21 f"

Fuel, saving of. ZinaPh inney, Galro,Ne w Oc t

File s , m ach ine fo;r cutting . Wm’

T . Jame s , Gre e nw ich ,N Y Nov 1 9 ,

Fiye r for spinn ing . Nath . Gile s, Fitchb ury,Me ssachuse tts Nov 1 9

elting , machine form aking of. . O. Barre tt, jun . T roy, N . Y . D e c 8}ire eng ine . John Achm an


”Wash ington , D . C . D e c 301

ire place and ch im ney, 81 0 . Sam . More y, Ph ilade lph ia Jan 1 8 1 813

ur cutting machine . Ephraim Cut te r,Walpole ,1N H .

Fe verm e dic ine fSan me l Thom pson ,Surrv, New Hampsh ire March


Fire place s1

David F. Lanny, Ph ilade lph ia 4 March

Fire en g ine s . Jacob Perkins , New buryport,Massachuse tts March 23,

Furnac e for casting brass, 81 0 portab le. J. Share , Baltimore Marbh 30,

Flax and hem p breaking . IraMillar-d, Ken t, Conne cticut May 6,

Flax and h emp m achine . Franc is H ill, T e nn e sse e 7 1” Oc t 7


Flood gate . ( B e njam in S . Hort,Ge org e town , South Ga1 olih e Oc t 9,

/ Fire place s."John C . Brush , Wlashing ton

1 Jan'

28, 1 81-4

File s cutting .

C . an d D . Platt, Shawn Conn e cticut March 7,

,F 37

Furnace form e l ting ore s ,&c . T . Gre gg , Conne llsville , Pe nn . March 1 6,Fui nace for m e lting ore s . T . and J . Barnhurst andWill iamWalke r

, Plu lade lph ia

File s cutting . Si las Hawe s , B e nn ing ton , Virg in iaFire p roof ce il ing . Be njam in J . Harris , Richm ond,

V a .

Flax and h emp dre ssing . G . H . Ricke ts and John Kinney, jun .

Moun t Ple asan t, Ne w Je rseyFlax and hemp dre ssing . do

Fann ing m il ls . Sam ue l Fi tch , Hom e r, New York

Flax and hemp,m ach ine for spinn ing . J. Francis , Chappins,

Ne w York Nov 8,Flax and hem p

,machine for pre paring . P . An trim

,Ph i lade lph ia Nov 25 ,

Fann ing m ill . Joe l Sope r, Windsor, Con ne cticut D e c 3,Fish ing ve sse l and ne ts : Jam e s WlllS

, jun . Galloway , N . J . De c 1 7,Fur cutting m ac hm e .

aWilliam Jackson , Burl ing ton , N. J . Fe b 2,1 81 5

Fur pull ing m ach ine do do Fe b 2,

Furnace s and fire place s . Pe te r Tom l inson , De rby , Conn . March 7,

Floating batte ry . Ge orge Sti le s , Bal timore Apri l 4 ,File s , m ach in e for cut ting . John Hatch , Dedham ,Mas s . May 1 6,Full ing m lil. Asa Dan ie lson , O tse go , New York May 1 6,Fire p lace s

,construc t1on of. E . Barth olom ew andW. Church ,

Bosto ‘

n Aug 1 8,Fort stove . Alle n Gre e ly , Oxford,Massachuse tts D e c 323


Fil te ring wat’e r. Joseph Du Comm un , Ne w York Fe b 1 0, 1 81 6

Fan for cle an ing whe at . VV ilh am Adam s,V irg i n ia March 1 ,

Franklin s tove . Jam e s Wilson,Poughke e psie , New York March 9


Fan for wh e at . S . We ave r,Fre de rick coun ty

,Maryland March 1 1 ,

Fire plac e s . E . Rand, Hudson , Ne w York March 27,

Fur c uttm g m ach ine . I) . B e ard, Guilford, North Carolina Apr il 30,Flax and h em p, m ach in e for cutting . C . andW. A . B e n ton ,

Arm e n ia, Ne w York May 23,Fann ing m ill for cle an ing wh e at. B . D . Be e che r

,Ne w Have n


Conne cticut May 30,Flax and h em p bre aking . T . Pulle n

,Le xing ton ,

Kentucky June 20,

Franklin stove, im prove m e n t in the . J . T . V an S icke r, Pough

ke epsie , Ne w York July 3,

Flax and h e m p prepared. W. H ickingbottom , New York July 12Floating whe e l . J . Ow ing s , Balt1more Se p t 9

Floating valve whe e l . I . J . Richardson , Ge ne va’

,New York Sept 26


Fur cutting and c lb th sh e aring m ach ine . B . Martial and D .

John son ,Concord, Ne w Ham psh ire

Floating dry dock . J . Adam sofn , BostonFloating Davis

,Baltim ore

Fire place s . Le v1 She phe rd, Massachuse ttsFolding paddle Ebe n . Je nks, Cole broolr, Conn e cticutFire place s . Wi ll iam Sal isbury

,De rby

,Virg in ia

Fire s,m ode of extinguish ing , Se e Chimn ies .

Flour w orm for cool i ng flow J . Sm'

e lZe r,Adam s coun ty, Pe nn . May 6, 1 81 8

Farm e r’s spinn e r,for w ool . John B rown , Provide nce , R . I . May 1 2,

Fi le s , m ach ine for cutting . Cyrus Jackson,Butte rnuts

,N . Y. May 28,

Furnace and boile rs for m anufacturing salt. Sam ue l An thony,Lynchburg , Virg in ia May


Flax and hemp, m ach ine

for bre aking . W. V an Duze r,Wardri ck Jun e 30,

Fe rry boats . “

T h om as Cahoon , Pittsfie ld,Massach use tts June 25,

Fire place s and stove s . E. Haske ll,New London

,Conn e cticut June 25


Fire place s and stove s . Chaunce y Gue rn sey, Poultney N . Y . July 7,

Fur, e xtracting hair from . John Holl ing sh e ad andDan i e l Bake r,T re n ton , Ne w Je rsey

Fe tte rs for horses . Jose ph Watson , New Can aan Conn .

Fan for cleaning wheat . Edward Brooks ,Wilm ing ton , De l.Founder’s mouldin g die s . Ebe n . B ryan t, New London , Conn .

Fire eng in e . John Richardson , jun . Sh rew s'


Fire place s , im provem e n t in . Ebe n Je nks , Colebrook, Conn .

Fire p lace s, im provem e n t inNew York 1

Floor cloths , pape r. Francis Guy, Bal timoreFly wh eels used as a pow e r John Ardronau New YorkFire place s close and ope n . Joh n C B rush Wash ing ton ,

D . C .

Fe rry boats,prope lling . Robe rt Spe ede n ,Easton

,MarylandFlood gate s for mills. J . Lucas , j un Charle ston , S . C



Fire eng ine assistan t,or life


pole . Wm . W. V an Loan , Catskill ,New—York


Fire place s,1m proveme nt 1n JosephMagg in i, Bal timoreFire place s , improve m e n t in

Conne cticut,

Fire e ngin e , im provem e n t in th e . Solomon Lockwood and

i V ill‘

iam Lovland, Little Falls, New-York,

Fire place s , man tle and fe nde r for. El ijah Skinne r,Sandwich ,

Nem am psh-ire


Fire eng ine s, improveme n t ln


Fire place s and stove s, improvem en t in .

We the rsfie ld,V e rm on t,

ax, mach in e

[for bre akin g and sw ing ling . S . Davidson , Ro

m ulus townsh ip , New -York,

Flax and h em p m ach ine . He nry Burde n Alb any,\ N Y .

ax andh em p mach ine . Wi ll iam Cumberland, Ne w-York,

ax and h em p m ach ine, Jam e s Macdonaldj, New-York


Forg e , hollow fire .

“samue l Coll ins, Springfie ld,Mass .

Flax and hem p dre ssing m ach ine . Naman Goodse ll , .Paris,

Ebe ne ze r H iggin s



Lem ue l Hi tchcock,

h ine for .

Albern Holcomb , Litchfie ld,‘



Flum e s form ills , improvem ent i n the / A . Me sse r,Provide n ce ,

Rhode - Island, 1

ax andh em p , improvem en t ln th e m ach in e forbre aking .WmCumberland, New -York

air and hem p, m ach ine for dre ssing Jam e s Macdonald,New -York

Flax and hem p , mach ine fordre ssrwng Joseph H ine s andWm .

B ain , Columbus , Oh io,Fire proof furnace , 1m provem e n t in . John Miller


Northampton coun ty, Pe n nsylvan ia,ax and h em p , mach in e for bre aking . Nam an Goodse ll

, Cl inton, On e ida coun ty, New-York,

Fxre -fe nde r, im provem e n t in th e .

orks , making four pronged.

Connect icut,

Matthe w B e n son,Oh io


Fire e ngine andWate r pum p . E . Will iams andJ. Coll ins,Fal

ley x roads ,Massachuse tts,I‘

e nem g , 1m provem e n t 1n Othe llo Church Friendsh ip , N . Y.

Forks , improvem e n t in m aking dung . Christian Law re nce ,Chatham ,

New-York ,

Fli e s in chimn eys , e xtinguish ing “ Danie-1 Berrie’

n,N . Y

Eliphale t Nott , Seh enne c tady,

phe n Spalding , Colch e‘ste r


John Denny, Que e n An'

n coun

(m ason)

Jan 28,March . 218July Qtl,


Sep t 2,

Feb 3,Fe b 23April 25 ,

1 819

Aug 19,Aug 26,



r 6,

Fe b 2

Fe b 4,

April 1 1 ,

Apri l 1 6,

'April 1 9,

11 11 1 1127,



May 1 7,Jun e 1 5 ,JulyAug 31 ,Sep t i t,

Nov~ 29,

Jan 1 8,

Granville Martin,Wate rbury,

June 13,

June 20July 3


1 822"

‘ D i



Forge s and furnace s , hacks for. Lew 1 s Gille t, Cope nhagen,New-York, Aug 21 ,

Flax , improvem en t in bre aking , dre ss ing , St e . Asa Hook,Maine

,Sept 9,

Fann ing m ills ,’ improvem e n t in the . David Ne e fus ,FlatLands,

lsland, Ne w-York, Se pt 92


Fulling woolle n cloth , improvem e n t in . M. W. Northrup andR . R. Dillon

,Sussex coun ty , New -Je rsey , De c 4


Flax and hemp, mach ine for bre aking . Frederick Cox , Som e rville

,Som e rse t coun ty, Ne w-Je rsey ,

Fids for supporting m asts . B e njam in Rotch , jun ior, 6 Uppe rB e rkley Place , B ris tol , Eng land, De c 1 0

Flax and h em p , m ach ine for dre ss ing . Be njam in Lew is,Ligon ia,-Main e

,Jan 28,

Fur blowe r . William B . Rotch , Bris tol , En g land, March 9 ,Fire e ng in e , horizon tal . Luthe r ll t lland, Be lcne i s town , Mass . Marc h 1 1


Fish ing , improvem e n t in . Dan ie l Goi don , Lowe r Chauc eford, Pe nn sylvan ia, March 27,

Forks,m aking four lined. Martin Ste ve n s

,Ne w-Have n

,Conn . April 1 6,

Flax and hemp dre ssm g m ach in e . Platt Wake le e,Augusta,

One ida coun ty , New -York,

April 1 6,Flex and he m p dre ssing mach in e . Erastus Ke llog , Palmyra,

New -York, May 1 1 ,Flax and hem p dre ssm g m ach in e . Will iam C . Davison

,P i tts

ford, Ne w-York,Fann ing m il] . Lem ue l Pe ck

, Brookficld, Conne cticut,Flye r used in sp inn ing , &c . O . G . and N . Rog e rs , Wh ite stown ,

New nYork, Aug 28,Fly killing m ach ine . Andrew Gle nde n ing , Loudon coun ty, V a. Sept 9,Flax and h emp , m ach ine for bre aking and sw ing l ing . Rey

nolds Gilm an,New -Y0 1 k

, Nov 5,

Flax and h emp , m ach ine for dre ssing . Franklin Ke llsey, Middle town

,Conne cticut, Nov 26


Flax and he mp , m ach in e for dre ssing . T homas S. and A . Bar


1 824


num , New-York, Nov 27,Flour, m ode of pl e se rving William Wood, jun ior, St

. Clairsville , Oh io, 1 Dec 4


Fe lloe s , m ode of cutting . B .L . Gre e nough , Le banon , N. H . De c 21,

Fainily spinne r . D P60 1 and A . Cope land,Ph ilade lph ia

, De c 24,

Flax bre aking m ach in e . Pie rson Re ading , Tren ton, N. J . Jan 3,

Floom for wate r wh e e ls Jab cxB . Fle tche r,Richmond, Me . Fe b


1 6,

Fam i ly spin n e r and bobb in'

w inde r. John Gill ,‘Plum townsh ip


NeW-York, Feb 1 9,

Flax, nia< 1 1 1n e fordre ssing Francis Burdick ,Kortrigh t, N. Y. Fe b 28,

Flour, m ode of pre se rving . Edw in Hord and B . Brown ing ,Flem ing coun ty, Ke n tucky , 1 March 1 2


Flax , m ach ine for dre ss ing . Will iam Whe e le r ,Warren, N . Y . March 26,Fan n ing m i ll , imp 1ovem e n t in the . Enoch Walke r, Spring

fie ld,Pe nn syl vania, March 28

Fire place s and ch im n eys Cyrus Blood, Hag e rstown , Md. April 7,Furnace s for foss il coal Dan ie l Stansbury, B e lle vil le , N . J . April 1 5 ,Friction , m ode of le sse n ing . Pe te r Fre em an

,Morris coun ty ,

NeWoJerseyr June 1,

Fire place s,improvem e n t in . Wil l iam Hoyt , B rookville , Ind. June 3


Fire brick and fire clay,im provem e n t in . Richard H . Sm i th,

Baltim ore , Maryland,‘ Sépt 27;

Fur, m ode ofpreparin g forb atters . Arnold Bufi'

um, Troy,Mass Sept 28,

1 825

Furnace for heating hatte rs’ irons, &c . G. V. Raymond, Richmond, Virgin ia, Sept 29,

Forge and furnace wate r back and tew e l . Asa Blood, Conhocton , New

-York, Sept 29,Fan and screen , improvem e n t ih


the . John Peyton , Orange'coun ty, Virg in ia,

Furnace s , con structing . Olive r Woodrufi'

, New ork,

Furnace s for burn ing an thracite coal . John L . Sullivan , N. Y.

Flax and h emp , rotting by ste am . Arch ille s Chinn , Harrisoncoun ty,Ke n tucky,

Fe lloe s, m ach ine for saw ing . P. [Jam esC . Collie r,Catskill,

New—York,Furnace s and sto

ve s for heating _l10 0ps . Garrett Post;Auburn ,New -York,

Flax an’

d hemp dre ssing , mm ach ine for. Joseph Hine s andW.

Bain , New-York,

Fur, mach in e for cutting . Je rem iah Hubbard, Jam e stown.North Carol ina,

Fann ing m ill, improvem e n t in th e . O . Pinney and Jam e s Olms te ad, Caledon ia, New-York


'Nov 7,Furnace s , fire place s , and stove s, improvem en t in . Social

Rolpl1 ,Whaie s , Ne w -York,



Filrnace s for burn ing an thracite coal . William Church , Boston ,Massachuse tts .

1 Nov 20,Fire arm s , improvem e n t in . Fordyce, Rugg les, Hardw ick,

Mas sachuse tts, Nov 24,Fire place s, forge s, and furnace s, improvemen t in .J. W. Booth

andWill iam Lym an , Boston ,

iGin , cotton . Se e Cotton Gim

Grain and corn ,thrash ing of. Samue l Mullikin,Ph ilade lphia, March 1 1 ,

Gun powde r . He n ry Keyse r, Ph ilade lph ia, Aug 1 0,Grain th rash ing , &0 . Will iam Hodgson , V irg in ia March 28,Thrash ing Of

}Wh eat. Se e Wheat.Cle an ing of

Cle an ing of se ed. Se e Seeds.

Glass , apparatus for cutting . Be njam inDu V alGrist m ills , im prove m e n t in .

Gin for cotton . Se e Cotton G m.A

Grain se parated from straw, machine

for. Chistopher Hom e

Hudson,Ne w-York


Gin rolle rs m e tall ic, for cle an ing cotton . G. F . Sal tonstall,

Faye tte ville , N C Sept 2,Grist mi ll, un provem e nt in . John W. Holley, March 27,Gun lock, improvem en t in . Edward West, Faye tte county,

Ke n tucky,Grain , mach ine for thrash ing . Joseph Pope , July 22,Gauge auge r, improvem e n t in . Abe l Stow e ll, Fe b 1 4,Grain and grass , im provem e n t i n cutting . R. French and J.

T . Hawkins , 1

Grinding pain ters’colour

, [prin te rs’ ink &0 . improvem en t in.

J ohn C ist,


Gallows,Or suspe nde rs, improvement in . S Sm i th ,New-Lon

don , Conn . Oc t 24 ,Gun powde r, m ach ine fer g ranulating . E. J . Du Pon t de

Nemours , Nov 23,

1 791

1 794

1 802 ]

1 803

1 8611

Grammatical Key. Jam e s Brown , jun . Newark,N. J ‘

March 3Gurida depurative . John Jam e s Girand, Baltimore , 9 , 1 81 7Ga te , ris ing and fauce t . J . Br

ainard One ida co . N Yl , 4,

Gun barre ls , m aking . A.

'Wate rs,Milbury ,Mass . 25

G ilding on le ath e r, St e . Andre w Alle n ,‘ ‘

Ne w-York, Dec 96


Gram matical Mirror.‘

John Brown , jun. Springfie ld, N. Y. March 17Grain , mach ine for clean ing , 8 m. A . Fe ttrow


,Pe nn . May 28: 3

Gun , rifle , to di scharge 7 times . Artemas Whe e ler, Rox“3

bury , ne ar Boston ,Gun powde r, g ranulating . Dan ie l Rog e rs , Newburg , N. Y.

G ill n e ts , catch ing fish . Jam e s Drumih ond, N. Y.

Gun barrels . Asa Wate rs , Mil b ury Mass.Gun and rifle barre ls , improveme nt in . Artem as Whe e le r


Fe b 1 9, 1819Grain ,m ach ine for hull ing . B e njam in Mal tbyandMal tb y Fow

le r,New-Have n , Conn Feb 26,Gun or 1 ifle , im provem e n t in the . Obadiah Stith

, Quane lsville ,B run sw ick, Virg inia, March 1 6,

Galley for sh ips , orfire he arth rang e . Ge orgeYoule , N. Y March 1 9,G lass string s for pianos . Richard Bury , Albany, N . Y . Aug 21 ,Granulating gun powde r . Gardin e r Fulton , Philade lph ia, Aug 121 ,Gun stocks, m ach ine for turing . Thom as B lanch

,ard Milbury,

Mass . ”Sept 6,

Gun powde r, im provem e n t in making . Joseph M. Me rrow andRobe rt M. Ke e j, unior

,East Hartford

,Conne cticut, Apri1 1 9

,1822 1


lass l ights for sh ips , Sac Joshua Oake s,Boston


G inn ing cotton, m ach in e for. S Pennoyer, C 1 osChe ster, New -York, July 24;

Gun powde r, m ach ine for granulating. William H . m em e .

sdn , Baltim ore ,Glass button s furnace for. Ge orge W. Robinson


'Attle borough ,Massachuse tts , 5

Glass buttons , fin ish ing . Spe nce r Richards, Attle borough,Massachuse tts ,

Grid- iron s, improvem e n t 1n Dan ie l Bal l ,‘Ballstow n Spa,N. Y.


G lue , im provem e n t i n making . John He nry Ma'


Gas, m aking com bustible . Will iam Game t, R‘ome

,N . York


-Grindi 1g , m alch in e fo1 . John Bolton, Warre n,New-York,

Grass s e eds, m ach in elfor clean ing . Howland Ch ild, Canton ,

Maine ,G ii th , im provem e n t in the

e lastic spring . Pe te r Harry, Harrisonburg , Virg inia, m


Gra in cradle , improvem en t in the . 1 11a Babcock,Ransse le ar

ville , New York,Grain , m ach ine for grindm g . J .

“C. Lang don a ndJ.


Troy,New 1


in , mach in e for scouring and clean ing , Johh Litch e nb erger, Ph i lade lph ia, Nov

Guns , impre vem e n t in. Ale xande r Bewde n , Newark, N . J. Jan 10 1 824

Grain ,improvem e n t in scouring . Lot Forre ste r

,Ridg efie ld,

Conne cticut, Feb 13,Gun barrels , rolling the scalps of. John Bruce ,


rm gfie ld,Massachuse tts . Oct 1 5 ,


mach ine for charg ing l iquids W1 th Jose ph HjLaning , Davidson coun ty, Te nn e sse e ,

Grasse s , m aking brushe s and broom s of. Shad. H We ed,N. Y . Feb 28, 182i?

G 1 ain ,cast i ron‘

mill for grinding . He nry Bailey, Hartford,Conn e cticut,

H 48

Geograph ical garde n , discove ry of. Geo. W. Cherry, Derby,Conne cticut

,May 27, ,

1 825

1 31111 3, im provem en t in making pe rcussion . Jam e s Tyre r,Pe

tersburg , ,Virg in ia, ‘ June 3,

l ass furn i ture knobs , improvem en t in m aking . J . P. B akew e ll

,Pi ttsburg , Pe nnsylvan ia, Sept 9


Grate , improvem e n t in th e re ve rberating . Robe rt Mayo,Rich

m ond, Virg in ia, Nov 1 ,Garm ents , mode of m e asuring and cutting . S . Steph en son ,

Bal timore , MarchGaug e sigh t for ste am boile rs . Wm . B ake r, King ston , Pe nn . March 24 ,Gun stocks , cracking . John ‘

Sch 1re r Charle ston , S. Carolina,April 12,

,Ge er, scre w , for m ach ine ry . Charle s Wartham, Warre n ton


North Carolina, April 24,Grain h c le an ing . Lemue l Le e and Corne l ius Maste n , Pe nn

Yan,Ne w-


April 25 ,Globe s

, making the inn e r body of. Win . B . Ann in,B oston


Massachuse tts,

Garm ents, scale —for draugh ting . N. B . Starr, Ph ilade lph ia,Grinding m ach in e

,for sh e lle d corncobs

, _Src . Jarvis Web ste r,Ph ilade lph ia, July 31 ,

Glass knobs . H . Wh itney and E . Robin son , Cambridg e , Mass . Nov,


Gin , im provem e n t i n th e comm on foot. Jame s B . Barne s,Be aufort , South Carolin a,

Grate and blowe r fon Leh e igh coal . S . C .

Moott andWilliamHolm e s

,New ork,

Grate r, corn and apple . Camm Moore, Gardin e r, N . C .

Gas for e ng in e s , charing w ood for . Samue l T Jone s,Ph il.

Gun lock im provem e n t in th e . Sim on Cromw e ll, Edg e com b,

Main e,

Feb 3,

Ge e rin g for m illsf m aking . Charle s Ne e r, Wate rford, N . Y . March 6,Grinding and pol ish ing h ard and soft subs tance s . B e njam in

Gre e nL Hartford, Ve rm on t, March 27,

Hydraul ics, improvem en t in . JoshuaHath eway, Ve rm on t Oc t 29, 1 794

Harbors . Se e Docks

Hemp , 8 m. bre aking and sw ing l ing of. Sam ue l Mullikin , Ph il . March 1 1 , 1 791Hemp and flax ,

St e . spinn ing of. Ge org e Parkinson , Ph il . March 1 7,Hem p andflax bre aking . Samue l Mull ikin , Ph ilade lph ia Jan 1 5

,1 795

Hats making . Jame s Long'

Aug 5 , 1 799

Hoops of iron,im prove me n t in straigh ten ing . B . Seym our Jun e

Hide s and skins , m ach ine for spl itting . T . 0 . Harri son May 1 9, 1 800

Hydraul ic m ach in e for rais ing wate r. Bar. Langdon , St. Alban ’s , Ve rm on t Fe b 20, 1 801

Hydraul ic e ng in e . John Strong .March 24 ,Hemp and flax ,

m ode of bre aking . He zekiah Be tts May 3, 1 802

Hull ing rice , m ach ine for. Christophe r Hox ie,Hudson

,N . Y . Jan 1 803

Horizon tal w ind m ill . John Baptis te Ave lth e March 1 6,House fan , improved. EdwardMarquam March 28,He ating and boil ing . Se e Water.

Hinge s , mach ine for m aking . David Morse Jun e 1 0,Hats , improvem en t in th e m ode ofm anufacturing . E . Corn ing ,jun . ,Hartford, Conn e cticut June 1 3,

Hats . Se e Seals’Fur.

(Horizon tal draftWind m ill . Samue l Goodw inHydro Me chan ical pre sus John B eve rlyHem p and flax . Se e Breaking

Hone . See .Metallic Grinder

Horses e ars, m ode of im proving . S e th Jan e s D e c 31 , 1 804

4 4

Hackling . S e e Tow.

Hats , m achine for m aking bats or fram e s for wool . R. Gookins ,Ne w -Ham pshire , Massachuse tts Jan

Hoisting m achine. Wm . Purden , Bal tim ore March 1 9,

Hemp and flax m ach in e R . Button , Casse novia, New York FebHats . Se e Carding .

Heating room s, m ode of. Allan Pol lock, Boston 1 April 24,

Heating water for steam by the rays of the sun . Mat. Longw ell, Gettysburg, Pe nn sylvan ia - 1

H arrow , im provem en t 1n . Seth Vin ton , Will ington , Conn .

Hoop and sh eet iron . J . H . P ierson,Rocklan d

Hem p m ach ine for breaking and sw ingl ing . T . Cohoon , Washing ton April 13, 1 808

Hats, cloths , 8120 . m ode ofm anufacturing from the fleece, w i th

out bow ing. R . P i tkin , East Hartford , Connecticut April 23,Hydran t for draw ing water from aquaeduc ts . D . Burt

, Sh e

n e ctady, New-York June 22,


l iquids . Sam uel Bol ton , Philadelphia Jan 1 6,1 809

Holland gin , m ode of m aking A . Bouchr1e,Ph 1lade lph 1a Jan 31 ,

Horse boat . Moses Craft, Troy , New-York Feb . .1 4,

Hand saw . Se e Saw

Harn ess . Benjam in Mirick, Rutlan d coun ty, New -York April 21 ,Hubbs, m achine for dividing and boring . J. BB C. le ve land, Ber

g e n , New-Jersey June 7,Hem p and flax spinn ing m ach ine . N . Foster, Flatn sbury,Ke n . Jun e 28,Hats , m ode of m anufac turing Henry Lainhart, jun . Bal t . July 6,Hot pressing paper . Fran cis Bai ly

,Philadelphia July 31


Hydraul ic ram . Jos . Cerneau and S . J . Hal le t, New -York Aug 3,Horizon tal m i ll . Israel Kelsey


,Conn ecticut, Aug 25 ,

Horse shoes , m ach in e for m aking . S . Decatur and W . T at

h am '


Washington OctHides, im provemen t in Ben t’s m achin e for spli tting.W. Brown ,

Philadelph iaHeat to fluids , m ode of applicat ion . S . Applegate, T . How

ard,and P . H .Wharton , Philadelph ia

Hem p break . Wil liam Mason,Wash ington coun ty, Ohio

Hopper blower . T S . Barnum , Sharon ,Connecticut

Hair, m ethod of extracting from peltry . E . Cutter,Walpole


Ne w Ham pshire } ; Feb 1 2;Hats , planking . John Gregg

,Green coun ty, Penn sylvan ia March 1 4


HOOps , Machine for shaving. Dat 1d Shiver, Peter‘

sburg, Penn . March 1 7,

Horse m il l . Ephraim Brown ,Boston

,Massachusetts April 1 0,

Hides , m achine for shaving and spl itting . N P . Whiting, Pro

vidonce , Rhode Island April 25,

Hats m ode of m anufac turing m il i tary . S . Hoskin s,Catskill


Ne w York April 39H inges , m ode of casting. G . A Rogers


yport,Mass . July j :3

Harness ,m ode ofm akm g for saddlery . B Foster,D .Washburn ,

N . Rockwell andJ 0 . Walker,Castletown

,Virgin ia Aug 1


Hessian fly , m ode of destroying . W. Arm is tead,Prince V V illlam

coun ty, Virgin ia Nov 1 3,

Ha ts,m anufacturing . S . Sibb alls , jun . Tyringham ,

Mass . Dec . 26,

Horses , train ing and breaking. Tow nsend Cock,New York March 1 , 1 81 1

I Iats , planking and setting. Israel Swan , Haverhill , N . H . March 7,

Hats,steam ing

, &c . J . S izer, Ne w London , Connecticut Nov 6,

H ats of paper. Joseph 11 ord and John Whi te , Boston Nov 25,

Hydro pneum at ic engine . R . Crosbie,Newark

,N . J . Jan 6 1 812

Hats” F 1 ede rick Messer, Guildhal l, Verm on t Jan 23,

- .r

Horse hoofs , &c . com bs m ade from . E .Morris , Canv iss, Southing ton , Conne c ticu t

Hatters , m ac hine for boiling for. H . S . Holl iday and E . G .

Griflin , Lym e , ConnecticutH ides , m achine for breaking, 8 m.

Clairsvi lle , OhioHides and skin s b reaking, St e .

ham ,Hudson, New York

Hinge , e liptical. M. and R . Reeve , Burlington , New JcrseyHull ing m achine . S . Hough t, Philade lphiaHide

, m ill for soften ing, 81 0 . W. Edwards , Northampton ,Mass .

Hair . Se e Cloths .

Hats,m ould for form ing, &c . J . We re ly, Albany , New York

Hair, m ach ine for spinn ing . W. Sho twell and A . K inder, N .Y.

Hair, m achine for carding, 8 m. do do

Hopper,fi ller for flour . A . I Ie rsh e , Lancas ter, Pen nsylvania.

Hats , m ak ing fel t. J . Carle ton , Salem ,Ne w Hampsh ire

House warm er, &c . R . Annesley , Ph ilad e lph iaHinges, cast iron . Cyrus Alger, Bo s ton

Horn , splitting and shearing . Joh n Pulsifer, Newbury, Mass .

Holdfast for: buttons . ira l ves , Ne w Have n , Conn e ct icutHorse boats

,m achine for . David Dunhain ,

New YorkHarness buckles

,cutting. Jam es Carm an ,

H udson , N . Y .

Heater and conden ser for distill ing. Thom as Sh urley , Madison coun ty

,Virgin ia

Hedles , m e talic , for w e aving . W. Jam es and D . Bolles , Ashford, Connecticut ,

N . Kirk and S . Clark , St .

T . E . Barker and S . S . Ford

Hats, m anufac turing . Jehiel and John Bryan , Saratoga, N . Y .

Heat, space applied to steam engin e . E . Burrali ,Canaan ,Conn .

Hats, m aking cem en ted . Nathan Weston ,Reading ,Mass .

Hats , blocking . Dav id Beard , Gui lford, North CarolinaHatters’plank kettle . Schuyler F isher, Herkim er co . N . Y .

Hats, improvem en t in . William Goodrich , Philadelph iaHorse m il l . William Corn w e ll, Accom ak, V irg i n iaHydraul ic m achine . ~ Charles Darm and, George tow n

, D . C .

Hats , water proof stiffen ing . Wi lliam Ruckle , Balt im oreHorn , manufacturing for com bs . M. P . Sm ith , Poughkeepsie,

New YorkHul l ing grain , m achine for . Benjam in Mal tby and Mal tbyFow ler, New Haven , Connecticut

Hull ing grain,m ach ine for. James Jones

,Will ington , N . H .

Horse rake . P ierson Reading,Tren ton

, Ne w JerseyHorse wheel to propel boats . R . Bown e and J . Murphey , N .Y.

Hydraul ic m achine . Joseph Jam es Lyngam ore , MarylandHeat retainer and im parter . J . K . Mitchell , Philadelph ia,

Hides, m achine for breaking. William M. D Hashb i ouch andJacob Dufenb ack

,Bloom sbury

,Pennsylvan ia

Hats , m aking. S ilas Mason,Norfolk


Hoe , improvem ent in the . E . Kim ball,Fitch bury, Mass .

Hydraul ic m achine . Jerem iah Black,Northum berland coun ty ,

Pennsylvan iaHat rounder and gauge .

Pennsylvan iaHorse boats , improvem en t in the . B . and J . C . Langdc


mLT roy,New York

Hot press ing, heating plates for . Moses A . Quig ley , Washlugton coun ty

, Maryland 1

He igh ts and distances, m achine formeasuring . Benjam in Wil

m er, Bal tim oreHats,water proof stiffen ing for . J . He inrie T ilge , .Washing ton

Horse wheel. Moses Isaacs,New York

Hang ing bells. An thony Lynar;New York

S . Jones,Bridgeport

,Fayette coun ty,

Jun e (5,

July 1 8,

Oct 1 5,

Oct 31 ,Nov 1 6,Dec 30,

Oct 1 4 ,Nov 4


Nov 4,

Jan 1 5 ,Jan 21 ,April 27 ,May 1 8,May 24 ,June 1 8 ,June 28,Oct 1 2 ,

Nov 1 8 ,

April 26,Hydrastatic paradox to


m ove , m achine . Cad. D . Golde n , N . Y . May 1 9,Aug 26,Jan

May 24 ,

May 28 ,July 1 5 ,Aug 20,D e c 1 4 ,Aug 7


Nov 28,

Jan 28 ,

Feb 28,Feb 25


Aug 1,

Nov 1 8,Nov 1 8


‘Nov 1 9,

April 23,

June 2 ,

June 5,

June 1 5 ,

Aug 20,Sept 23,Nov 1 7 ,Dec 24 ,

4 5


1 81 3

1 81 4

1 81 5

. 1 81 6

1 8 1 1

18 1 8

1 8 1 9

Hollow ing iron for fire , Ste . Se e F m, mode hollowe'

ng a

Hats , elas tic Water proof. Arnold Bufl‘

um and J . Kelly, Medi x


ford,Massachusetts Feb 1Y,Hoe, improvem en t in the common . P. H .Me rri ll ,Hinsdle ,N .

‘ ZH April 0,

Horse shoes im provem ent in . J . B . Brown and J . Farmer‘

Boston March 3'1 1, 1 1822Hair

, m ode of taking from the skins l-of the 'Nutria. SamuelBrooks, New York

Horse hay rake, improvem en t in the . Moses Pennock, EastMarlborough , Penn sylvan ia June '26,

Hull ing machin e for grass seeds '8u

3. T hatcher B lake,Paris


Main e JulyHydrom eter, improvem en t in the . J . C . Tucker andE: Dwel le


Boston Dec 23,Hull ing grain , m achine for . John Bolton , Warren

,New York Jan

Hats and bonnets , w e avm g straw for Lucy Burnap, Merri

mack,New HampshireHam es , im provem en t in

“ the chaise . Herrick Aiken;BrightonMassachuse tts March 1 2

Hoes,im provem ent in .

1 Joseph Watson ,New‘

Canaan ,-C onn . July 26Hulling grain , m achine for. Nathan iel Barrett


, N Y‘

. Aug 21 ,Hats , improvem en t in the kettle for

‘ coloring. Joel Taylor,


, Conn ecticutHarrow teeth im provem en t i n niaking . Will iamM‘Conaugh ey,

NeWgai d‘

e n,Pe nh sylvan ia Dec

Hydran ts, improvem e n t in the constructionof. T . Gibson,Phil. “

'Dec 1 3,

Do S . Ew ing , do Dec

Hats, machine for steam ing and harden ing. Nirum Wildman ,Danbury;Connecticut Apri l

"2,- 1 824

Horse and oxen shoes,im provemen t in making. Peter S tern

berg,Danube , New York 1

April 1 0;Horse whee l , im provem en t in the in cline d J . Keller and SBurt;Cin cinnati, Oh io

Horse wh eel,im provem en t in the incl ined . John Bradford ,

Lexington , Ken tucky May 1 4

Hull ing grain , m ac hin e for. Wi ll iam J . Hart,Talm age , Ohio May 21 ,

Hydraul ic mach ine, double” react ing . Jam es O‘Connor, Bed

ford,Penn sylvan ia May 29,

Hoe-barrow ,im provem en t i n the . Aquila Newbern



Pennsylvan ia JuneHub or gig band , im provem en t in the carriage . ChristianCornel ius

,Philadelph ia Jun e

Horse scythe . John A . Wadswort h,Newport;Rhode Island “July 3


Hats dye ing . Israel T aylor, Tren ton , New Jersey Aug 27,Hatters’grates for boilers , Sec . Hubert V. Raym ond

,N . Y . Sept 1 6,

Harrow ,self- sharpen ing . H . Hopkin s and J . Pratt

,Pom pey


New York Nov 9,

Horse - rake , improvem en t in the'

revolving . Moses Pennockf

Kennett Square, Chester county , Penn sylvan ia Nov 23,

Horse- rake revolving. do Feb 8, 1 825Hoes

,improvem en t in m aking. Paul Wli itin , Northbridge,

Massachusetts Feb 22,Horse power to all k inds of m ach in ery .

’Benj . Mal tby, N . Y . April 1 1 ,Hat bodies , improvem ent in the m ode ofm aking . Joseph Gran t,

Providence,Rhode Island April 28

Hatters’planking kettle, improvem en t in . Ezra Joyce, Brooklyn , Nowr York Jun ia

T1 6

Hubs,cast iron , im provem en t in . B e njam imLym an;Manch‘ester

,Connecticut Oct 29

Hydrostatics , 8 m. improvem en t in . E. C . Genet Oct

1 4 7

H orse whee l ba1 row ,im pi ovem e n t in th e .

ford, New York Nov 1

,1 825

Hats,m ode of coloring and dyeing. Morris Burt

,Warw ick

,N .Y. Nov 8


lreh Rowley , Pi tts

Hats,m ode of planking wool . Laban L . Macom ber


,Me . De c 31 ;

Heat,evolution and m anagem en t of. Eliphale t Nott

,Sche n e c

tady , New York March 23,1 828

Horse m ill . Adl . Warren , Saug ertius, New York April 1 5,

Hats, m achine for fin ishing and iron ing . Jam es Cooper andThom as Barne t t, Ph iladelphia May 31 ,

Heat,evolution and m anagem en t of. E . Nott, Schenectady,

Ne w York June 21,

Hydraul ics , im provem en t in . Wm .Lanph ie r,Alexandria, D . 0 . Se p t 2,

Hub s of wheels , boring m ach ine for the . Ebe n eze r Johnson,

Lexington heights , New York Nov 7,

Hey, doub le box for pressing . E .Waterhouse , Gardiner,Maine Nov 1 4,

Hides,m achine for breaking. Hezekiah S . Clark

, Randolphcoun ty , North Carolina Dec 22,

flats , appl ication of steam in m aking . Will iam Hawkins ,Wheeling

,Ohio coun ty, Virgin ia Dec 29,

Heat,im provem en t in th e evolution and m anagem en t of. E .

Nott,Schen ec tady, New York Dec 29,

Hoes, in m aking. Chaun cey Bulkley, Colchester, Connecticut Jan 1 0

,1 827

Heating oven s, room s, St e : m ode of. Michael B . Poitiaux ,

Richm ond, Virgin ia Jan 1 7,

Hats;improvem en t in the m ode of planking R . Bacon,Boston Jan 31 ,

Harrow teeth,in ~ the apparatus for constructing; Wi ll iam

M‘Conaughey, Ne wg arde n town sh ip, Penn sylvan ia Feb 1 6,

Horse rake , for hay and grain . Moses and Sam uel Penn ock,

East Marlborough,Pennsylvan ia Feb 1 7


Hatters’ cards,m ode of m aking . Joseph C . Seely ,New York March 1 5 ,

Jerem iah Bailey , Phil . March 30,

Horse hay rake, im provem en t in th e .

Hom iny, m achine for m aking. Robert Cambe ll, Martinsburg,

Virgin ia April 9,

Hatb odie s, m ach ine for setting up . Joseph Gran t, Providen ce,Rhode Island April .1 0


Hats,water proof stiffen ing . Stephen Hempstead , jr. Charlescoun ty, Maine May25 ,

Heat, evolution and m anagem en t of. Eliphalet Nott, Sch en e ctady

,New ~York May 30,

Iron,improvem en t 1 n casting. Wil liam HancockImpellen t pump . S . Thayer. Brain tree , MassachusettsIron , m ethod of rolling out for nai ls . Jesse Reedln subm ersible boat . Se e Boat .

Inclined plane , staticalwh e e l. JohnWilliam ,De erfie ld,Mass .

Iron screws . Se e Moulds for casting.

Iron, m ode of m anufacturing . Jam e s Rutland


Im pell ing boats , &C . Benjam in Taylor,Ne w York

Nov 1 2,

April 25 , 1808

March 24,1 804

1 807

Illum inator for lighting stair cases . J . H . Ross,Baltim m e

,Md. June 24 ,

Indigo ,a substitute for. Sam uel De Riem er



New York May 1 5 ,Iron , m achine for m oulding and rolling . Joseph White

,Ph il . March 1 4

,1 81 0

Ink stands of stone . A . H . Quincy , Bo ston Sept 3, 18 1 1

Iron , m ode of m aking b ar from scraps . B . King,Washington


District ofColumbia Nov 1 5,

Iethy occalla, or fish glues . D Waldron ,New York

Iron ore m anufacturing in to pain ts . Nicholson , Bairdstown ,Ken tucky

Interest table , circular. Joseph Jellefi'

. Butternuts, N . Y .

March 4 , 181 2

Ice breaking machine . J J .Wi lliam s,Georgetown

, D.

’ C“. MarchInk stands . Oliver Barker, Hartford , Connecticut 1 1 May 13, 1 81 4

Iron , com posi tion for soften ing . A Scott, jun . and A Seldon ,Winchester

,New Hampshire

Iron back log. Charles Harris,Boston

In terest table, improvem en t on Je llelf’s . Gilbert D . Lowe ,

Hampfie ld, Pennsylvan iaImprin ting on hard substances . John Edwards,New YorkI nclined horse wheel . J . B . Rob in son



Iron rail ing, m achine for m aking holes in‘

. B . King,Washington

,Distric t of Columb ia May 29, 1 81 9

Iron , converting in to ste el partially . Eben . Jenks,Colebrook


ConnecticutIron plates , &c . m anufacturing . E . J . Ellicot, BaltimoreI nk Standish,con struc tion of. A . Hayward


,Mass .

I nclined horse wheel . J . Palm er,Cincinnati , Ohio

Iron and steel , im provem ent in m aking. H G . Spafi‘


bany,Neur York

Inclined whee] , dead weight application to the . Georgex

Lym an

,St . Charles parish

,Louisiana March

Isinglass or ic thycolla, m akm g . Will iam Hall,“Boston March 23,

Do John Hastings,Cam bridge ,Mass .


Aug 1 4,Inclined wheel , propell ing the . N . H . Shaw,

Charlotte Hall ,Maryland Oct 9 , 11 824

Incline d plane double . Archibald Tanner, Warren,Penn . April 1 5 , 1 825

Iron and othe r m etals, m achine for sl itting. Jesse ReedMarshfie ld, Massachusetts

Iron and other m etals,splaying and daring . Noah Sutton ,

Bowery, New York e

Inclined plane . Edward C lark,New York

Ice,applying to conduit p i

pes . Hen ry Cunn ingham,

John stov

vn , New York JuneIncl ined wheel , m anner of using the . Elias Hollidav Scho

harie , New YorkIron ,

improvem en t in th e m ode of rolling . Abraham S . Valentine

,Bellefon te , Penn sylvan ia Jan .3

,1 827

Iron s for plan es and jointers . 0 113 . E .West,Colchester,Conn . Jan 1 0,

In laying gold in tortoise shells . Uriah Bai ley ,West Newbury,Massachusetts Feb 29;

Jaundice b itters . JesseWheaton,Dedham,Massachusetts Jan 17 , 1801

J (i nk old Se e Oakum .

Join ing and plan ing m achine . J . S . Mot t,Alburgh

, St: Albans,Verm on t March , 8, 1 806

Jointer and guage . J . Wadsw orth,Mi l ton

, Massachusetts Fe b 1 0, 1 81 0

Jostick, a com position instead of. Frederick Eckstein , and J .

MIlhe nriy, Philadelph iaJack. Will iam Hoyt, Brookville, Indiana .

Join ting'

and m atching boards . D . Gleason“

and H . Frisbee;Betheny , New York April 8, 1 826

Iointing and tongue ing boards . Elijah B . Clark, Dam ascus,

Penn sylvan ia Jan 31‘

18 27'

Keels . Se e fCrookedKeels. 1

Keels of vessels , im provem en t in construction . Gilbert Livingston , Duchess coun ty, New York Oct

Kilns for drying g rain . William Pool,Wilm ington , Delaware De c 20, 1 805


5 0

Lathe , un iform turning. A . Hagge txMiddle se x ,Mass . June 1 0,

Leve r:"

alanoe , spring catch . Le vLKe ndall,

New York

Lathe , m ode of securing a button in . George W3Rob in son,F

' Providen ce , Rhode. IslandLathe turn ing. W. Ross , Chester coun ty, Pennsylvan ia

Leather m achine , for striping. D . Ridgway,


oom forweaving girt and cloth . R.

"Lloyd, 1Ph1ilade lphiaLamps and l iquid to be burned . J . Hawkin s , B al timore April 21 ,Leather, m achin e for stam ping : and stain ing.

.R. Rob inson ,

Looks for banks; fJacob Perkin s , Newburyport , Mass .

Leather, m ach in e for splitting, 81 0 . Samuel Parker,’

Be llerica

Massachusetts 1

Loom . S Briggs , Canaan , Conn ecticut«Loom .

Alfred Ware , jun . Franklin Massachuse tts

Loom .T . Rob insoa illiam s


,Rhode Island

Loom .E . Rob in son , Augusta , Massachusetts

Locks , con struction of.‘Wu Pye , Ne w York

Lamp , -w i th double reflector . W . and L . Foster , Boston

Loom ,revolving .

J . Hess , Hempfield, .Pennsylvan ia

Leather;w ater proof. J . Board , New York

Loom . Robert Sugden , Boston

Loom . J .

‘M. More] , Guiram ond, Bal tim ore

Loom for warping . 0 . Whi tney, Dedham ,Massachusetts

Lee’s New London b il l ions pills . Samuel H . P . Le e‘

,New Lon

don , Conn ec ticutFeb 8,

Loom s . John Hea’

vin , Mon tgom ery,Virgin iaFeb 1 8,

Loom s . -D .~Briggs, Canaan ,

Connecticut . .Feb

Loom ,water . B. Brown , Albem arle, V irginia March 21 ,

Loom s . ’

J.1 Coul ter and St . Gano,Be rklen irg inia

.April 1 8,

Loom s . Jacob Spmkle ,Wythe‘

C .

H.Virgin ia April 27,

Lamps ..Edward Clarke , Ph iladelphia



t, Massachusetts J.March 1 1 6,

Lan tern , a reflecting and m ag nifying. .W. Lew is, Boston Jun e 11

Loom . Wal ter Janes , Ashford , Con necticut.’

Loom . S . Blyde nb urgh , West Brookfie ld, Massachusetts S ept 12,Loom . P.

-Clin ton Curtis , Paris, One ido, New York Nov 1 7,Loom ,water Thom as Mussey, .Ph ilade lph ia March 14 , 1 81 1

'Lee b oard : J . Swain ,H . Swain,Joshua Swain;CapeMay,NJ, April 10 ,

‘Lever' purchase, for propell ing, Si c . Shub ail tKinb all, Rhinebeck

,New York April 24 ,

Lim e kiln ,perpetual . W. Gorsuch

,Bal tim ore 6 Aug

Loom s . ‘N . Pe rry , Boston Sept 25 ,Loom crank . E . Cutter, Walpole ,New Hampsh ire S ept 27,Loom .

R ichard C . Rogers , Maine ,Massachusetts Nov '29 ,

Loom .Richard Crosbie, Newark, New -Jersey Jan

Loom ,hand and water. John Thorp, Providence, R . I . March 28,

Loom,hand and water . Asa Cam pbell , Kingston , Penn . March

iLoom ,wat e r . S ilas Shepard , Phi ladelphia .April 27,

Linen Spinner. S . Baldw in and E. Tow n, Verm ont May

Liquids ,m ach ine for heating. Rosw el l Valen tine , Canaan ,N.Y: June.

1 R ichard C . Rog ers ,‘

Distric t ofMaine iJune 23,


,plan e for shaving. F .

1Woodward,New Lisbon, N . Y.

July 27,

Loom s .'John Phelps Man l ius , Ne w York Aug 27,

Loom s . C . COOpe r and G . Shaake , Lebanon , Penn sylvan ia Aug 28,

Loom s: John He vin,Mon tgomery, Virgin ia,

Oct 1 6,

Leath er com pressing by a roller. W . Edwards, Northampton,

Massachusetts Oct 1 7,

Lam ps . Jam es Mallory , New Yor Nov 20,'Li

nenspinner . A . Webster, Green countn ew York De c 31 ,

Lam p for nurses . Wil liam Howe, Boston . Dec .31,


,dom estic and m anufactory .

‘ W,Jones , AShford,Conn . March 20,

April 5 ,May127,Jun e 1 8,Ju ly , 3,June 24 ,Aug 5


Aug 20




Looms . Thomas S iddall, Bristol , Pennsylvan ia July 9 ,Loom ,

fam ily. 0 . Hathaway,Wal ton

,New York Oct 1 1 ,

Loom : W. Wright, Brooklin , New Ham pshire Oc t 12,Looms . Seth Craig, Philadelphia

' Oct 1 8,Loom , Stocking. J . Bazen

, jun. Canton,Massachusetts Oct 28,

Looms, temples for . B . Rogers, Beaver Creek, Ohio NovLoom s . S Browson , Ken t, Connecticut Nov 5 ,Lathe Whe e l . B . Hoadly, New Haven , Connecticut Dec 1 6,Lathe ferpol ish ing buttons, L .Meriam ,N . Jan 4


Loom for the warp of suspende rs . W. Squire, New York Jan 1 7,Loom , water or steam . S . B lyde nburg h and H . Ke e ley,Wor

oes ter, MassachusettsLoom s F . C . Lovell andP. T . Jackson , BostonLooms. J . Je lle fs

,Butternuts , New York

Looms. C .

'Cooper and G. Shalk,Lebanon

,Penn sylvan ia.

Ladder, confiagration . Bennet Lies , New YorkLe xodrom ic pul


ly . J . S . Donlevy,New York

Lim e, ardent sp irits obtained from . Jam es Hall,Virgin ia Nov 22,

Lot teries . Joseph Van in i , Wash ington, Distric t of Columbia Dec ' 4,Loom , water. P . C . Curtis , Paris, New YorkLoom . Robe rtJackson , Middleborough , Pennsylvan ia July 23,Loom, power. S . Shepard and J . Mass July?25 ,Loom . Sam uel Chapman , Otsego, Ne w .York r 1


q $ ri,nd

Loom ,water“ Thom as Mussey, New London , Conn e c ticutp

June 10 ,

Last, right and le ft. Wi lliam Young ,Baltim ore,


. 1 . June 10,Loom . Benjam in Cum m ings , Town send , Massachusetts Ge t; 13


Le tte rb, projec ting. Lew i s Chi ld, NeWYork OctLin t loom; Franc is Hall, Charle ston, Massachuse ttsLaths , 81 0 . m achine for spli tting. Dan iel Wright

,Franklin ,

Ne w York Jan 1 5 ,Lamps, improvem en t in . Win slow LeWis, Boston Jan 23,Locks and bolts for doors . Wil l iam Pye , Ne w York Apri l 28,Lock

,called the un ion


l ock.1Will iam .Pye, New York April 28,

Leather tubes, m aking . A L . Pennock and Jam es Selle rs,Phil . July 8;

Leather bags for m ails, 81 0 . A .-

.L Pen nock and Jam es Sellers, 1 1

PhiladelphiaLocks , securing. G. Wh itfield Robinson , Attleborough ,

Mass. July 1 7,

Lathes for turn ing gunbarrels. Dan iel Dana and A . On ley,

Can ton ,MassachusettsLoom ,

improvem en t in the . Edw ardWarren , New YorkLeather, varnishing and japan ing . J . Finegan , New JerseyLamp, Argand

’s,improvemen t

on . David Milville , Newport,Rhode Island ,

Lever,crane . E . Sm ith Paris, Oneida coun ty , New York Dec

Loom,improvem en t in the . '

L Forester, Fairfie’

ld, Conn . May. 1 5 ,

Lathe,(if the power loom . _JohnWhitehead, Providence, R . 1 . Aug 30,

Lam p, candle . Asa Taylor, Philadelphia Oc t 9,Locks for canals . Josiah Whiter, Philade lphia Oct 1 9,Lam p

,pneumatic Ezekiel F . Sm i th, Lenox ,Massachusetts Nov 8,

Lock,water . John Martin , Windham county. Connecticut Jan 1 5 ,

Locks, improvem en t in. Hen ry and Jacob Day, New York April 4,

Letters , sh aded . George Bruce , , New York April 4,

Looks for smal l arm s and cannon . Alexander Augustus Colvile ,Little River

,Ma ine April 28,

Leather, m achine for spl i tting. E . How ard and J . Butters,Bos . May 3,Looks, latches , St e . im provem en t in . Harvey Durkee , ass ignee

of J . Chittenden,Burl ington

,V erm oht Aug 12,

Longitude , m ode of finding th e . Jam es Henry,Maysvflle ,Ke n Sept 1 3,Lathe for stiffen ing hats . Henry Raym ond , Bal tim ore Nov 20,Leather, m ach ine for fin ish ing. Jam es Burr, Johnstown ,Mon t;

Nov 21,

gom ery coun ty , New York7















18 1 8

114111 113 10 1 burn ing fat, St e . Jos iahWarren,Ohio n

Land clearing m achine . Thomas Oxley, Nerfolk, V 1 rg in ia.



Lam ps,'

impi'ovem e nt in . James Dukes, New -York 11

Le eks an d bol ts,improvem en t in . T . Whaley , New York

Loom , improvem en t in rthe .


Edmund 1Warren , New YorkLife pole for fire engines WilliamW. V an Loan


Lam ps , improvemen t i n the tubes forbridge ,Massachuse tts

Loom s, domestic .' Ben


jam in Mal tby,:


'July 1 ,

Cornel ius;Philadelphia 4 D e c 9 8,Nathan Reed, Be lfast, Maine March

T hom as Ph i ll ips , {New York June 2521 .18:


irrt.reDe c 23, , 1rrm i

Apfll lL


, Baltimore,Md.


. 1 ,T urne r,Main.e

Jun ei t Gibson ,Miss .

‘ Jun e 9

ticut Sept _9

S ept 24,'Leading b ar and


pole for carriages . Lucius W Stocktonr’

Uh iontown, Pennsylvan ia v'

s sept 29 ,Look

, m ortise . Turn'er Whitehouse, Bos ton ,Massachusetts Sept 29


tte ri e s,m ethod of.draw ing. Joseph Howard, Providen ce, R . 1 . Nov 8,do FrancisW. Dana, Boston ,Maser Dec 28

Locks, paddle or cul ve rt gra‘ t


es for. Danie l Rodgers, Li ttle 1

Falls, Herkim er coun ty,New York March 1 7, 1 826Lever

,comb ined pendulum and balanc e . Alrick Berry and 0 .

Berry, Poughkeepsie,New YorkLathe “;combin ed . A. Warren

,Saug e rtius ,NewYork . A ril

Loom,im provem e n t in the . Roswe lLWilcox ,Franklin co . Ohio April


s , form ing schem es . Edward Gra ttan , Providence, R . I . May


Lathe, for turn ing broom sticks . John Hun t, Shutesbury,Mass;Loom , improvem en t in the . Cor . Bergen , New YorkLock, m ode of prese rving the timber oi . S im eon Guilford ,Le

banon,Pennsylvan ia


,improved . Sam uel Lehm an , Philadelphia

Lamp black,improvem en t in m aking. Joseph Hastings

, Cam


Loom,improvem en t in the . Samuel Chidester,Windham ,

N . Y .

Loom , improvem en t in the dom estic . Jer . Hubbard,Jam es

town,North Carolina

Lotteme s , m ethod of draw ing . Wni . C . Con ine,Bal tim ore

Lotteries , m ode of draw ing . John C . Rives,Washington , D . C

Lithon triptor, improvem en t in the Isaiah Luken s,Ph ilade l.

Lam p apparatus , for l iquids, 8 m. Thom as Green,Fessenden



Lim e and brick,imp 1 ovem e nt in burn ing. Solom on Hill ,New

”Milford , ConnecticutLocks for doors , constructing : John Brown and Ge orge W.

Rob inson,Providence

,Rhode Island

Marble and stone, polish ing of. Se e V an e , St e .

Mills, tide , 1m prove d m ethod ofworking. J . Dickerson , Morriscounty, New Jersey

Mill wheels, horizon tal hollow . J.. Macom b,Princeton

,N . J .

Mill, improvem en t (in Dr. Barker’s . J . Ram sey, Berkley county, Virgin ia

Mills , convey ing water to operate on . Jam es Rum sey,Be rkley

coun ty, Virgin iaMachine to work i n a curren t of w ater or other fluid . John

Clark, Virgin iaMi ll stones . Se e Ston es.

Mortar, m anufacturing of, for flooring house s, &c . RichardRobotham ,

Verm on tMill s tones , burr, improvem en t in . Oliver EvansMarble and other stone s , improvem e n t insawing and pol ishing .

Joseph F .xMang in

Marble , improvemen t in cutting and pol ish ing . Joseph F .

Mangin '

Mil ls, rollers for sli tting and other m ills , (roll ing iron .) Be n .

Seym ourMills , saw ,

imp rovem en t in . Henry Dulheue r,Mill s , improvement in . J . W. Curt isMachine for heaving down vessels;1 ais ing weights , 81 0 . Ste

phen ColverMil l, a flax and hemp . B Tyler j


Mill , a double cen tred, for w ind or water . B . Dearbon

Machine for raising wate r , 81 0 . Will iam FarisMal t m ashing, a machine for. Wi ll iam Ell isMill , saw . T homasPayn e

Mi lls , improvem e n t in . Mainland ChaseMetal amulets . EdwardWest 1

Musical instrum ents , im provem en t in . J . J . HawkinsM111 for grinding pain ters’colors &0 . Caleb Green , Eas t Green

w ich,Rhode Island

Machine for separating straw from grain . Se e S1r111v. &cMeal, improvem en t for cooling and conveying up, 81 0 . GurdonF . Salton stall, Fayetteville , North Carolina

Mechan ical powers for the use of w indm ills, S‘

e e Windmi lls.

Moveable suspended beam and scale s . Se e Beam and Scales, 8 m.

Jan31, 1 827

Feb 20.

Aug 26

Aug 26

July 2,

Fe b 1 715 -7

July 23,1 80}


Mach ine 1for rul ing paper. S e e Ruling Paper.

Mach ine for rolling 1ron round . S e e Rollm gMusic, n ew plan for prin tin g. Andrew Law

Mi ll wheels , improvem e n t m the construction . Jam es Cowan Dec"

1 4,

Marble . Se e Machin efor sowing ston e , 8m.

Marle , m ode of m anufacturing in to lime . Jedediah Beas leyDeweysburg , Virgin ia

Marb le, m ethod of preparing for pain ting Archibald Robert

Musical types . Ure K., Hill, New York Feb 7,Mi ll,w ind andwater. Moses Pennock

,Kennet Square

,Penn . Feb 1 8,

Mill, m achine for working. J . De ve neur‘

De Lacy, New York March 28,Magn esia, preparing. Will iam Dunn , Bo


stonMitres, m ach ine for cutting . Z . Kelly, Easton ,Maryland April 22,Mills m oved by weights . J . Grann is, Chesh ire, Conne cticut May 12,

son , New York a March 5 , 1 804 1


Metall ic grinder or hone . Christian V e lte nair 1 AugMill . Se e Grist.

Meta ll ic hone . John Houste n ,William sburg, Virgin ia MayMoulds

for c as tm g iron screws , m ethod of making . Eb en;Lester, Herkim er town , New York May 10,

Mills and m ach inery , im provem ent in . Lew is V e lcourt, Ken . June 25 ,Mil ls for cattle, power .

>LaPaype , ain e , Bal timore,Maryland Nov \ 4 ,Mud

, m ach ine for raising John Eveleth FebMoulds, m ethod of m aking , for casting trundle heads of m etal .

Ebe n . Leste r,Kittle Falls , New York 1 Fe b

Main springs for carriages . Jon athan Mix ,Ne wHaven ,Conn . April 1 8,

M il ls,im provem e n t m . Christian Ham aker, Lan caster

1 f MayMortis ing m achine . S . Glove r and D . Parn e lle , Newton , Conn . June 3


Moulds . Se e Copper.

M emos water whe e] . Se e ReactingMilks, improvem en t in . Sam uel Mans and J . Black

,Penn .

Mi lls , iniprovem en t in . Ephraim Rew,Canandaigua, N . Y

Mad dog , m edicine to cure the b ite of. Eliza Stoy, executor ofWilliam Stoy , Lebanon , Pennsylvan ia June 9 ,

Mill for grinding painters’colors J . J .Wells, Hartford , Conn . June 13,Mow ing machine , for rivers , &c . Will iam Schul tz , Ba ltim ore Jun eMorocco leather , mach ine for pol ish ing“ Jacob Perkins , Phi] June 26,Mud,maehine for rais ing. J011 1] Newman

, Pro‘

vidence,R. I . June 27,

Magic lotion . Se e Borbal, 8 m 1

Min eral waters, m ode of imi tat ing . Joseph Hawkin s , Bal t . Se pt 7,


Metals, mode of m elting . Joseph WélW-orth,NewYork 1

.OctMarine tim e keeper. Isaac Gill;Charleston , South Carolina Jan 1 5



1 810

Measuring grain , 81 0 . P . H . Schenk, New York u . Feb 1 5 ,Mortising machine. H . Parm e le , Kill ingworth , Connecticut Feb 1 5


Mortising m achine . Sylvanus Baldw in , Mon tpelie r, Vermon t March 1 7,Mortar, m achm e for m aking. Dan iel Hun t

,S tamford, Conn . March 22,

Mill , screw grist . Joseph L . Mi ller, B rookfie ld, New York March 28,Marh le ,


m achin e forcutting ahd ch isell ing, 819 . An son Clark,

West Stockbridg'

e,Massachusetts 1

Mills, mode of cons tructing. J; Frisb ie, Pennsylvan ia

Moulds for casting boxes forA mherst, Massachusetts July

Mi lls . J . Goulding,Leicester

,Massachusetts 1 March 1 1 81 1

Mil l stones , m achin e for dress ing C Woolverton and Benjam in Ridgeway, jun . Morrisville

,Penn sy lvan ia.

Marble, machine for saw ing and pol ish ing . Luther Bissel , Otsego

,New Yo1 k June 7,

Med ic ine cases . Allen Harrington , Otsego ,NewYork 1July 1 6


Mil l stones . Will iam Miller, Lampeter, Pennsylvan ia Aug 1 5 ,Metall ic boxes for sh ieves . L . Larrabee ,

",Nan tucket Mass . Nov 4

Mill , regulated . Joseph Quinby,Wilm ington , North Carolina Fe b 3, 18121'

5 5


at’s mach ine for boil ing sal t. Zina Phinney, Cairo, N. Y . June 1 8, 1 812Me lting and kiln drying . H . Parson s, Colebrook,N . H. July 9,

Magnetic cyl inders . S . Brown ing, Francon ia, N. Hampsh ire Oct 13,Mil l wheel . R. Lathrope , Wes t Springfie ld , Massachusetts Nov 1 2,Mow ing m achine . P . Gai llard , Lancaster, Pennsylvan ia Dec 4


Magnesia, preparing. William Dunn , Boston April 8, 1813Mil l s tones , for taking the glaz e off. J Derby, Connec ticut June 10,Mill , grist . A . Sawyer, Chester, Verm on t July 20,Mill for grinding and pound ing . Ale x D . Moore , New Haven Aug 7


Mus tard , flour of. S . Hopkin s, Rathaway, Ne w Jersey Aug 19 ,

Mill , gudg eon . M. Wi thers,Strasburg, Pennsylvan ia Aug 24,

Mills . E . Bryan t, New London , Connecticut Feb 8, 181 4Mow ing m achine P . Baker

,Long Island , New York Feb 1 9,

Match l ights and boxes . R . Allison and N . S . Allison , Burlington , New Jersey

Mockasins and socks . W. Bolton ,Northampton

,Mass .

Mill s tones,machine for ra ising. Thom as Reynolds ,WestFallowfie ld


, Penn sylvan ia Nov 8,

Magnetic cyl inder. S . Brown ing, Francon ia, Ne w Hampsh ire Nov 25,

Mi ll,tide . F . Rittal


,Massachusetts Jan .28,

Mockasins,hat trimm ings for . Jam es Jackson , Burling ton , N . J . April 1


Machinery for regulating pow er. Joseph Kells, New York'April


Mills , water power for working J . W. Newbury,Luzerne,

Pennsylvan ia June 28,

Mineral foun tain , fam ily . G . E . .Pendergast, Philadelphia Aug 1 8,Mould for m aking s tone pots . Edward Boston , Glouceste r,N. J. Oct 1 4


Mineral waters, m anufacturing. B Marshall , Albany, N . Y . Dec 5,

Mil l for grin ding grain , &c . Orm sby and T . Cohoon,Washing

1 81 5

ton , District of Colum bia Jan 4, 1 81 6Main tain ipg power on board of ship . David Pearson , Newbu

ryport, Massachuse tts Jan 24,

Mil ls , im provem e n t in saw . Samuel BreWste r,M1ddle sex N . J. March 1 5 ,Mlll tub w innow ing . Moses Elliot , Concord , N . Ham psh ire May 1 8,Mill

,tide . Josiah Cleveland , St. Marys , Maryland Oct 22


Mill , horée . Webb Hart, Drumm ondtoWn , Virgin ia Jan 22, 1 81 7

Min eral w aters, m aking . James S . Ew ing, Philadelphia Feb


1 0,Mustard , flour of. Samuel Hopkin s , Philadelphia May 31Mills , ink and gudgeon for. John Andrews

,Dinw idd ie coun

ty, Virgin ia Aug 1 1 ,Mortising m achine . Nathan Mead and Jonathan Butler,Walpole

,New Hampshire Nov 3


Morocco , m achine for dyeing, 81 0 . Moses Hall,Charleston

,- Massachusetts De c 31 ,

Metall ic portable bedsteads . Joseph Hom er, New York Jan 28, 1 81 8

Motion , m achine for conveying. Will iam Sim pson, Wilkes

coun ty, Georgia Feb 1 9,

Mills, iron and steel . Increase Wilson ,New London , Conn . March 6,Mud m achine . Samuel Davis ,‘Baltimore March 28:Musket barrels

,m achine for turn ing. Sylvester Nash

, Harpers- ferry

Magnesia l iquid . John Cullen , Phi ladelphiaMusic arranged to hooks


. M. Ell iot, Boscawen , Hillsboro’

New Hampshire June 9,

Mi lls for cofie e,bark, seed, Sec . Burrows Sm i th , Cin cinnati ,

Ohio June 9Mill for grinding coffee

, St e . Jonathan Sizer, for Z. Water~house , New London , Connecticut June 12,

Measuring rod , improvem en t'

in . Dan iel Stansbury, Laure l

Hill , New Jerse y Oc t 26,Mil l stones, casting face s for. G Man ter, Londonderry, N. H . Dec 8


5 6 . , M

Moti’on ,’

producing an al ternate late ral . NfMoo'

dy,Kenh eb e


e,Massachuse tts 3 Feb 1 9, 1 81 9Mud m ach ine . Se e Clearing . 1

Mine ral wate rs , apparatus for m aking .

“S Fahne stock

, Lan

caster, Pe nnsylvani a AprilMotion , m ode of conve rting . A. W. Foste r andJ . Hughe s

Hempfie ld,Pe nnsylvan iaMorocco le atherf mach ine for dye ing , Sic .


LaHedg e ,Windsor,Verm on t ‘

ZMapping machine . Jame s Den eale , Dum frie s , V irgin ia . AugMusic, improvemen t in teach ing -

w Ge orge Gich , New York A ug 30,Musical stringed instrum ent s , producing the sw e ll m . C . Pom


er, Philade lph iaMedicine , improvem ent in . Lorenzo Dow Hebron , Conn . Nov 24, 1 829

M1lls , b ieasted tide , improvemen t in . He nry Alle n , Faye ttecounty, Tenn e sse e

Man tle p 1e ce s, cast iron . Isaac Deavs, Phi lade lphia 1

Me rcan tile navigable house . Roge r Haske ll Gen eva, N. Y .

Mud mach ine , im provem e n t in the . MOM Evele th,Ge orge - 1

town , District of Colum biaMill, improvemen t in Barke r’5 . Charle s Goddard, Sab ine Hall,Virg in ia

Medicated ste am bath,~m ach ine used 111 the . Benj . Marshall,New York

Mow ing m ach ine . Je rem iah Baily,Che ste r coun ty,Pe nn .

Mockasins and socks, im provem en t i n Will iamBre wer, Rans- se ,l

ear coun ty, Ne w YorkMills , improveme n t in grist. _John and David Hascall, Likay

Mills , im provem en t in wind, wate r and tide . Pe te r..

Quidor, jr.

New Ye rk 1

r March 21 ,Mapping instrum e nt . Samue l Dew , Romn ey P. 0 . Virg inia 1 April 1 3,M ills , improvem e nt in; Robe rt Burn s , Militia coun ty , Pe nn . Jun e 20,Marine rail way, im provem e n t in the John Roge rs,Wash ing

ton,District of Colum bia Juli e 24,

Marble,mach ine for sawing . Eb e nW.Judd,Middleburgh , V er. A ug 1 4,

Mil ating horizontal whe e le d Ge orgeH. D . Gray, Souampton , Virg in ia

v Se pt 25 ,Medic ine , mode of pre paring . Samue l Thompson , Boston Jan 28, 1 823

Mine ral wate rs . Joseph Hawkins , Ph ilade lph ia Q

AprilMill stone s, m ach ine for dre ssing , Le onard Norcross;Maine May 6,

Mail stage s, con struction of. Danie l D . Eam e s, New York May 8,

Me chanical powe r, improvem e n t in. Lorin Buts Cante rbury “

1 Conne cticutMill spindle , improvem en t in the grist . Wanton Rice, Athe ns,

Bradford coun ty,Pe nn sylvan ia 1 1 Oct 1,

Moccas ins ,im provem e n t in .

Mail bags , improvem e n t in m aking . Pe te r Laporte ,Richmond,V irg in ia

Medicine , improvem ent in. Gide on Jaque s,Wilm ing ton , De l. July 1 6,Me ad, carbonated sarsaparilla. John L . Schiefi

e lin, New York July

Mill for hul ling and grinding grain, 8 m. John Wilson , Man1

l ius, New York1 Aug 27,

Mill , ve rtical cylindrical foot. Samue l Fowks, Catskill ,N. Y. Sept

Moccasins, shoe s, 8 m. improveme n t in m aking . J . J . Staple sandW. H . Corne ll, Newtr York De c 1 5

Mile marks, improvem e n t in . William M. Summ e rs , N.

‘Y . Jan 1 3 1 825

Moccasins, improvem e n t in making . Catharine Ell iott, N. Y . Jan 26,

Mud m ach ine J .Watchman and J . Pratt”

,Baltim ore

Mus ical g lasse s, improvem en t in Francis H . Sm i thampton , V irg in ia

Nails, cut, manufacturing . Pe terClitl'

Nai ls, heading and cutting mach ine for. I . Garre tson

Nai lsh maehine forcutting . Amos;W1h ittemore 1. 1

Nails,ximprovem en t in manufae turing . John B igelow

Nails, cut,manufacturing. Ge orge Chandlee f De’


Nails, cut, improvem en t in manufaetiJring . 1 Dan ielFrench De c

Nails, wrough t, improvement inman utlacttiring . D . Frene

heading , improvem en t in . Jared Bfiying ton Dec 23,Nails, improveme n t in he ading .

J Frost DecNails, a m achine for cutting and heading . N. Re ed Jan


8 , 1 796

Nails, improveme n t in making Le ster Fling De c 19,Nails , improveme nt, in cutting and he ading. Jam e s Spence a Fe b


1 6, 1 7917 ,

Nails, impreve'

ment m h e ading and cutting Jesse Hersey Fe b 124,

Nails , improvem e n t in h e ading and e urtting w Jonathan Nevill Aug 12,m achine for m aking seth Hart 5 Jan 4

, .

11799Nails, improvem en t in making . Jacob He rkins 1 Feb 1 4


fe r‘icu tting and he ading .

Nails, machine for m aking ands

county, Penn sylvan ia

Nails cut from 1ron hoops, 8tc.


sylvan ia

Nails fiendered tough . Nathan

Nails m illed out of heated ro‘

ds . Jesse Re ed, Boston ,

ails, machin e for h eading and cutting . W. Le slie , Clarem‘


New Ham psh ire

Nails,machine for cutting . Edward We st,Faye tte county,Ky.



6, 1 802

Nails, 1m ac h ine for h eading . and cutting . E V i est , Faye tte'


Nails, 1macliine formaking . Nathan Forbe sNails, m ach in e for h eading . B en. S .Walcott

Neutral salts,improvem e nt [ in extrac ting from alkaline . B ;


Nails , m ach ine for making. William CaruthersNails, mach ine for m aking hot wrought. OliverBartle tt, Geo

Bartle tt and Otis Bartle tt 1

Nails an d brads machin e for m aking outof hot rods LazarusRuggle s,Milford, Connec ticut

Nai ls Se e Rolling Plates of Iron .

Nails and brads, improvem e n t in making cut of rolled iroh. Jas

Elg an, Brookville , Maryland1

avigation , mach ine for the improvem e nt of. A'

. Hunn, Dan

ville , Ke n tucky March

Nails , m ach ine for slitting and he ading . Michae l Ge rber April 1 7,Nails and spike s,mach in e form aking. B . Allison and R.French ;June 6


Nails , im provem e nt in m ach ine for cutting . Nicholas Boure au Aug 21 ,Nails , m ach ine for cutting w ith the grain of them e tali F.W.


Geysse nhayner 22;Nails, brads, St e . m ach ine for cutting . Incre ase Kim ball N. H . May 1 , 1 806

Nails, mach ine for cutting and h eading . Je sse Re ed,Boston


Nails,m achine for cutting . Elisha B ig e low ,Baltimore April 1

Nails and bri‘aids ach ine for. Jordan Dodg e , Rutland, V er. July

Nails, m ach ine for wrought. Jona than N 1chols , Rhode Island July 1 1 ,Nails, m ach ine for cutting and he ading . S . Willard, Hudson

New York Nov 30,Nails , machine forheading Samue lRogers, Plymouth ,Mass. Dec

1 5 ,

Nails, m ach ine for cutting . Jonathan Hicks, Hadley, Mass. 1 Jan

Nail mach ine . Joseph Je llefi“

,Butte rnuts , New York June 1 4;

Nails , m ach ine for h e ading . Asaph C . Handler and S . Shepard,T aun ton ,Massachusetts 1 Sept 1 6,

Navigating rivers and shoe ] waters . M.William s, Albany,N.Y Feh 24, 7809

Nail machine . Je sse Re ed, Lingston,Massachuse tts April 1 5 ,

Nailmach ine .

Nail machine

Nails , m ode of casting com position .

Nail m ach ine .

Nail m ach ine , 81 0 . Jacob Pe rkins , BostonNail m ach ine

,e cc e n tric rolle r. John Fairbanks, Boston

Nail m ach ine for cutting and he ading at one operation . BriggsR. Re ed, Salem , Massachuse tts

Nail m ach ine for cutting and he ading at one operation .

Re ed, Kingston , Massachuse tts

Nailm ach ine forcutting and h e ading at one operation . Wi lliamMille r, New York

Nail m ach in e for cutting and‘

he ading at one operation .

Swain and J. Skinne r, Roxbury Massachuse tts

Nail m ach in e , for wrough t. A . Eastm an, Norway,Mass .

Nail m achin e . E . Avery Le ste r, He rkim e r, New YorkNail m achine . Je sse Re e d

,Kingston ,Massachuse tts

Nail m ach ine . Mark and RichardRe eve , Ph ilade lph iaNail m ach ine . Robert T urner, BostonNe t or se ine . Samue lMay, Colum b ia, Pennsylvan iaNails, machin e for cutting and h e ading . J.Wh ite , Ph il.Nails, m achin e for cutting and h e ading . Mark and Richard

Re e ve,Burling ton , New Je rs ey

Nailm ach ine for cutting and he adin g . John Newalls, Nath .

and Dan ie l Ch iche ring , Dove r, Massachuse ttsNails , mach ine for h eading and cutting . Mark and Richard

Luthe r Bisse ll, Hartwich , New YorkJ. VV alworth ,New York


I . P.

Aug 1 8,

Sept 1 6,

Samue lWilmot, jun . New Haven , connec ticut April 21 , 1899June 27,Nov 22,

BriggsRog ers Re ed, Danve rs, Massachuse tts March 8,July 1 7,Aug 1 4,

1 81 0

Re eve, Burling ton ,New Jersey Oct 31 ,

Nails, b 1 ass, coppe r, com position . G H


W Robinson , Attleborough , Massachuse tts March 1 7, 1 813

Nails, m ach in e for cutting and he ading . M. andR. Re e ve,

Philade lphia April 1 6,Nap on cloth , m ach ine for raising . J. Mather, Barre , V er. May 27,Nail m ach in e . William Lutge n , Marie tta Sep t . 8,Nailm achine . Mark and Richard Re e ve , Philade lph ia Se pt 28,Nail m ach in e . Richard Moore , Lycom ing coun ty,Penn . Jan 1 3

, 1 81 4

Nails, m ach in e for he ading . S Roge rs , Br1dgewater,Mass Jan 26,Nail, sprig , brad, mach ine . R. T urn e r, Boston 1 Fe b 21


Nail cutting m ach ine . E . A Le ste r, H erkim e r, New York April 2,Nails, mach in e for h eading . Jacob Davey, Fairhaven , V er. April 7,Nails , brads, St e . m ach in e for. Steph e n B e lnap, Wash ing ton

C ityNails , cutting and he ading . S . Rogers , Bridg e water,Mass.

Nails, cutting and he ading . Je sse Re ed,Hanove r

,Mass .

Nails,cutting and he ading. Je sse Re ed, Hanove r


Nailm achine . Nathan Elgar, York Penn sylvan iaNail m a

ch ine . John Elgar, York Pe nnsylvan iaNails, m ach ine for cutting and he ading . Nathan Elgar, York

town , Pe nnsylvan ia July 25 ,Nail m ach ine . E . Bartholom ew andW . Church

,Boston Aug 1 8 ,

Nails, m ach ine for heading . Henry Sedan, T roy, New York Sep t 6,

Nailm ach ine . Charle s Ph illips, jun . Sacke tts Harbor, N . Y . Oc t 21 ,Nail mach ine . W. Warring and C . Ph ilips, jun . Jefferson , N . Y. Oct 21 ,Na1lcutte r cylindrical improvem e n t. JacobPerkin s,Newbury

port ,Massachuse tts Nov 1,

Nail, b rad, cutting mach ine . E . A . Le ste r, Baltimore D e c 27,Nail m achin e . H enry Haye s , Ph ilade lph ia Fe b 24, 1 816

Nail m ach ine . F. A . Russe ll, Ge orge town , D . C .

‘March 1 4,

Nails cutting and h e ading . Mark Re eve , Philade lph ia June 26, 1 1

Nail m achine , improvem en t on . Mark‘

Reeve , Ph iladelph ia June 27,Note s , b ank. See Mark of Opacity.


Nails, mach ine for cutting and heading. T Newhall,jun . Es

sex county,Massachusetts

Nails, m achine for cutting and heading . Israel Northorp ,One ido, New York

Nails,m ach ine for heading. Elisha B igelow ,

MassachusettsNai l cutting m achine . Roswe l l Noble

,Bal timore

Nap on cloth, m achine for ra ising the . Eli Starr . Thomson ,

Sept -7, 1 81 8

Sullivan township,New York March 29,


181 8Nails , m achine for cutting and heading. Herm an M‘Cluer,

Cortland county, New YorkNail m achine for brads

, 8 m. Gridley Jenkins , Plym outh county, Massachusetts

Nail m achine . J . Kells and J . Garte r, PhiladelphiaNail m achine, improve

m en t on . Melville Otis,Boston

Nails , sprigs, clouts, &c . polished . Roswell Noble , Baltim oreNails, m achine for cutting and heading . Dan iel Poole



May 1 6,June 1 0,Dec 31 ,May 1 819

ville,Ohio March 1 820

Nails, m achine for cutting and he adm‘

g . Ab iel Sm ith , Zanesville, Ohio a March 22,


m achine , im provem en t on, the . Thom as Morgan , N . JNa il mach ine , im provem en t on Perkins

’ and Reed’s . GeorgeThom pson , Philadelphia

Nails , m ode of securing the heads of. Will iam Me llus D,or

chester, Massachuse ttsNails , m achine for cutting and heading . Lem uel Bolles, N . Y .

Navigation , im provem ent in m achinery for . Joseph Godley,.Alexandria

,New JerseyNavigation , im provement in internal . Jame s

.Re nW1ck ,N . Y

Nails, im provem en t in makin g wrought . Leonard Norcross,Liverm ore, Ma ine


Nail engine , im provemen t in the. Thom as Morgan,Paterson,

New JerseyNankeen .dye , for m aking. Adolphus G. Trott

,New York.

N ankeen , a buff color, m ode of m aking. Joseph B .

‘Nones Phil .Na ils , cutting and heading . Jesse Reed


Nails,m achines for feeding. do do

Nanke e n , 1riode ofm aking yellow . Joseph B Nones, Philade l.Nails


,m anufacture of. Henry B

urden, Troy, N . Y .

Nails, Spikes;ac . improvem ent in wrought . Jos Krauser, ofPhiladelphia.

Oil,wh ale, cleansing. Benjam in Folger,Hudson , New York

Oiled s ilk, l inen, 8 m. m anufacturing. Ralph Hodgson,N. Y .

Oil from cotton seeds . (Se e ) 1.

Oil,spermaceti, 8 m. purifying. Richard Robotham

Oil,mode of infusing into Feathe r. H . Guest,New Brunswick,

New Jersey

Sept 5,1 821

Sept 1 5 ,

Aug 3,1 822sept 1 9,

Feb 22, 1 823Nov 7 .

May1 8, 1 824

June 1 7,

Feb 1 1,1 825

April 28,,Apri l 22,April 22,April 28,May 26


Jan 2, 1 792

Feb 1,

Aug 1 4,1 799

Oct 1805

Feb 1 4 1 806

Oil press,im provem ent m . JosiahWhite

Oakum, m ode of m anufacturing from old junk,St e . Dan iel '


French,Middletown , Connec ticut

0 31mm ,m achine for p icking, M . Morrison Newburyport,Massachusetts

Oven . See Perpetual.Oakum ,

m ode of m aking . Dan iel Rider,New YorkOvens. John West

,Stafford county, .Virgin ia

Oil,l intseed

,m ode of discoloring. N. S . Parm antier, Phil .

AprilOct 27


June 30,1 809,

Ovens John Barnett,Upper Providence , Pennsylvan ia March 3,

Ores,m ode of working certain . V. and J . King, B e llawe , Md .

Oils, mode of purifying. Lew-is Lece sne , New YorkMayJune 23,

P 6 1

O il of vi triol, apparatus for. Richard Mab en ,New YorkOven for baking. John Bouis


'Baltim ore

Oars, wheels for elastic . Louis M . LatourOres, reducing topowder . Henry Alexander, Baltim oreOres , m el ting Dan iel Walworth M iddletown

,Connecticu t

Opacity, m ark of. J . Rich and E . S tar


Oin tm en t for various uses . Wm . Judkins,Sm ithfie ld, Ohio

Oar,head for steering. Cornel ius Seam an

,Wash ing toh county,

Marylan dOvens , m ode of constructing E . Treadwell

,Salem ,

Mass .Organs , improvem en t in . Aaron M. Peasley


Odom eter for m easuring distances . J . Cla1 ke,Powhattan coun

ty, Virgin ia Nov 30,

Oxym uriate of l im e, apparatus for the . J . Kendall,Lincoln


MassachusettsOvens for baking . RichardWilcox , New YorkOil from cotton seed . Geo . P . Digges

,Albem arle , Virgin ia

Oven door flue . Benjam in Simm ons , jun . Bedford,"

MOrnam en ting cloth , m ode of. J . C . Wood , PhiladelphiaOil

,m ode of expressing. John Hallock

,Little EggHarb0 1 ,N. J .

Oil , m aking castor . Tim othy Pharo,Tuckerton

,New Jersey

Oil cloth ; improvem en t in m aking . Isaac Macauley,Phil.

Oven,revolving. S tephen Harris


,Virgin ia

Oakum ,m achinery for picking. Ezekiel Waterhouse


ner, Maine .

Ornam en ting walls,ce il ings , 8 m Wm . West

,Ph iladelphia

Oil, m ode of extracting by steam'

. David Dodge,Ham ilton,

Massachusetts May 1 4 , 1 827

Pan tiles,m aking of. See Brick.


Punches for m aking impressions . Francis Bai ley, Philadelphia Jan 29,1 791

P iles,driving for bridges, 8 m. John S tone


,Mass . March 1 0 1 79 1


,for ships . Robert Lesl ie

,Philadelphia Jan 30, 1 793

Pendulum , clock . do do Jan 30,Pendulum , double do do Jan 30,Paper m oulds, improvem ent in . John Carnes

,jun . Delaware Apri l 1 7,

Paper,im provem ent in m anufacturing. John B iddis

,Penn . March

Pumps , w ater working . E . Rigg, Pennsylvan ia July 29,

Pil ls , bilious, composition of. Samuel Lee,jun . Connecticut April 30 1 796

Paste . Se e Doug h .

P iano forte, im provem en t in the . Jam es S . M‘Le an May 27,

Plants, preservation of. George Morris,Philadelphia July 1 0


Pumps , im provem en t in . Theobald Bourke Nov 1 6,Printing press, im provem en t in a . Apollos K insley Nov 1 6,Pre am bulator for m easuring a ship’s way. Am os Whittem ore Nov 1 9


Points to rem ove pains , 81 13. E . Perkins,Connecticut Feb 1 9, 1 797

Pum ps, im provem en t ln boring . Caleb Leach f'

April 1 3,P ills

,an ti-b ilious . Benjam in Duval l May 3,

Ploughs , im provem en t in . Charles Newbold June'


Pipes and pum ps . Se e Water.

Printing paper, leather, 81 0 . a m achine for . John Dixey Jan 24, 1 798Pum p, an obl ique . Jonathan Hun t June 7


Paper m anufacturing, improvem en t in . Cyrus Austin Dec 1 4,

Pills, a com position for. Sam uel Cooley June 6,Pills , bil ious . Sam uel H . P . Lee JunePum ps for ships, m ines, 8 m. John StickneyPaper, m anufacturing of. Robert R . LivingstonPump , un iversal . Apollos KinsleyPills, Hawks

’. John Hawks


Piano forte, improvem en t in . Jot HawkinsPaihters’ colors, m ode of grinding. Se e Millfor doPotash ,mode of m anufac turing . Thomas PowerPaper m ade of currierS’ shavings . J . Condict, jun . Newark,

NewJersey 1

Paddles for prope l ling boats, im provem en t in . R . C laiborne,Monongalia county, V irginia

Potatoe s . Se e Starch madefrom .

Pum ps, im provem ent in . Jacob PerkinsPressing cotton , machine for. J . Idler

,Washington C ity

Papermanufactured from corn husks . Burgess Allison and John

Hawkins, Burl ington , New JerseyPente graph and parallel ruler. .L Hawkins, Bourdenton,

New JerseyPumping, m achine for. John Clark ,Hudson , NewYorkPhysidgnotrace . Isaac To ,

dd Augustus Day and Wm BachePacking goods, m ach ine for. J . Clark and E . Evans , Hudson ,

New YorkPipes, leade n and others, secured from frost . David Lown es,

PhiladelphiaPowde r m ill, improvem en t in .

‘George KeyserPills, fam ily. Dan i el Coit

, St. AlbansPump . Se e Bellows dry.

Propelling boats , for inlan d navigation, improvemen t in . Wm .

Be ll,Cam den , S outh Carol ina

Painting r00m s, improvem ent in . JohnPumps . Se e .flir and Bellows.

Paper m ills, im provem ent in . Thom asLongstreth ilad’

e lphia

Pump boxes, improvem ent in the construction of. J . Stickney ,

Pot and pearl ashe s, furnace for m aking. Edward Crafts , jun

Physiognotrae e . Dan iel Atherton, Richm ond, VirginiaPosts of clay for fencing, m ode of m aking. Will iam Cooley,

Bol ton, ConnecticutP lan ing by m achinery . John B enhock, BostonPolychre stum . Se


e Sulphate , Sfo.

Picking oakum. Se e Oakum .

P lan ing m achine . Joseph Hawklns, PhiladelphiaPlaning m achine . Se e Join ing .

Propelling boats up rivers by cranks and sBe tt ing poles. JohnHaven , Mon tgom ery, V irgin ia

Pantile s . William Harwood, Richm ond;V irginiaPaint . S e e Yellow .

Pe rpetual oven . Jam es Deneal , Dum frie s , V irgim a

Paper trimm er . Parke Shee , PhiladelphiaPendulum screw . Lewis Dupie , Charleston , South Carol inaP lough

,improvem en t 1 11 . David Peacock, Burlington , N . J .

Propelling boats, &c . by cars. Jam es A . Pearce, Lou isville ,Kentucky

Paper, m achine for niaking . Charles K insey, Es sex, N. J .

P iano forte , improvem ent in . Ralph Shaw,Boston

Pills, m achine for m aking: Webster LewisPastes ,mode of m aking Ital ian m accaroni, verm ice lh , John )

B . Sai tot'i, Philadelph iaPlanking hats, m achine fer. Joseph Pitkinand Timothy Kim

ball, Hartford , Connecticu tPlough, improvement in. Hez ekiah Harris, Bul let Kentucky



Feb 12, 1 888

MayMayJune 1 5 ,

May 1,1 804

’ May 1 ,

Feb 19, 1806




VApri l

Oct 19,Feb 22!

April 17,37



' fl fl

1 897


Pump, improvemen t in . Daniel Watson, Plymouth, Mass . March 4 ,Propelling. Se e Boats.

Pump : Se e Forcing .

Prope lling boats ,m ach ine for . W .Wadsworth ,Hartford,Conn . March 1 5 ,Pendulum power for m achinery . J . Tallm an


,N . Y . March 31 ,

Press screw. Thom as Cahoon,Wash ington 1 April 1 4,

Pape r. Se e Smoothing .

Pearl ash , m ode of m aking. Ruben Answorth May 1 0,Pumps, improvem en t in . Will iam Rhodes, New York May 26,Pressing m achine . R. Pe irpoin t Cunn ingham ,

Pom fret, Conn . May‘21 ,

Press . Se e Double Lever.

Propelling boats across rivers by the curren t. Sam uel Stilwell ,and Dan iel S . VV andall, New York June 3


Press ing and boring m achine . Robert Ram sey,New Hampshire July 0,Pressing straw or chip hats ,m ach ine for . Samuel

Prince ,N . Y . Aug 31 ,PM p be llows for furnaces , 81 C . Isaiah Jenn ings ,NewY ork Sept 20,Pigm ent black for printing ink , 81 0 . J . C ist


,Penn . Oct 28,

Plough,im provem en t in . Richard B . Chenoweth

,Bal tim ore Nov 25 ,

Plaster of Paris,m ill for breaking . Will iam Brown , Bal tim ore Dec 8,

P ipes or tubes, m ode of casting. Will iard Badger

,Boston Dec 26,

Pneum atic forcing pump . Ph iny Upham , Brookfie ld, Mass . Jan 6,Pum ps . Abraham Horn , Easton , Pennsylvan ia Jan 6,Pounding rice, m achine for. A . D . Moore

,New Hanover

,N .0 . Jan 1 9,

Pot ash . Se e Lye .

Paper, m ode“

of m aking from alga . S . Gre e n ,New London , Conn . Feb 1 5 ,Paring apples

, machine for. Will iard Badger, Boston Feb 1 6,Pendulum m ills . Isaac Cobb,Walpole, New _Ham psh ire .March I


Plan ting m ach ine . John B eecher,Lycoming coun ty, Penn . March 1 8,

Pounding. Se e Rice .

Pump, m echan ical . Will iam Schul tz , Bal tim ore June 24,Press . Se e 'Washing .

Pum ps Jacob Canfie ld, Morristown , New JerseyPendulum lock. Sam uel Goodwin

,Bal tim ore

Paper m oulds . Se e M re Work‘

P ipe or grate heater. Se e Boi ler.

Prun ing shears. Sim on Joce lin , New Haven , ConnecticutPlanting plough . FrederickWoodward

,New Lisbon


Pump, un iform working . Jam es Josslyn , Hanover , Mass .Plan ing boards . Christian Ritter


,Pennsylvan ia

Press for cheese, 8 m. Israel Nichols,Otsego

, New YorkPlan ing m achine . Joseph Coppinger , Beaufort, S . C .

Preserving an im al and vegetable substances . Joseph Coppinger,Beaufort , South Carolina . Nov 23,

Pen , m etal lic writing x Peregrine“Wil l iam son

,Baltim ore Nov 22


Putnp , double bored pendulum . A . Fana, Mon tgom ery, Penn . Dec 5 ,Pum p, balance wheel . Lew is Schrach

,Norristown , Penn . Dec

Plating gun barrels, Sic . John Fowler,

- Lancaster,Penn . Jan 4


Pla ting horn combs . John P. Spies,Baltimore


Protractor, un ive rsal .'Enn ion Will iam s

,Ph iladelphia Jan 1 9


Prin ting press. J . P. Saw in and T . B . Wai t,Boston Feb 1


Pendulum scale . Moses L . Morse , Cambridge , Massachusetts FebPropelling m achine . Abraham G . D . Tuthill

,New York Feb 22


Pressing m ach ine . R. V. W. and J . Thorne,New York March 26


Pum p, horizon tal . Luthe r Holland, Belchertow’

n , Mass . March 28,

Perpetual . '

Se e Still.

Pressing cloth s : Joseph sage,Berl in , Connecticu t April 1 4,

Pricking leather. m achine for . Robert U . Richards and MillsR ichards , Norfolk, Connecticut

Pumping machine g,

Royal Ye aman s,lSpringfie ld, Mass .Pendulum machine . Joseph Lefever

,Providence , R . I .

Printer’s ink . Ben . Chase, New London Conne cticut


1 808

1 809

1 81 0

. Q

Pump, Ch inese chain . Je 1 em iah Black,Northnmberland, Penn .

Aug 2, 1 81 0

Press, Windlass lever. T . Will iam s, Philadelph ia Aug 31


Press,double screw . Elisha Winter, New Orlean s Sept 4


Prin ting paper and cal ico . Leonard Beatty,Wilkesbarre

,Penn .

Pum p . Se e Steam .

Prin ting press . John P. Saw in e ndT . B .Wai t,Roxbury,Mass . Jan28, 1 811

Pressing cloths w i th plates . Volkert V edde n ,Am sterdam ,N. Y . Feb 6,

Pump, double forcing. Will iam Beach , Franklin coun ty,N . Y . 1 9,Propelling boats by horses , St e . S . Fuller

,Clerk coun ty

,Ind . Feb 1 9,

Pum p , double forcing. T . Ferris,“

Duchess county, New‘ York Fe b 20,

Plat,straw . Will iam Pond,Wrentham , Massachusetts Feb 28


Paddles . Se e Chain .

Pum p, double forcing. Levi Gray, Otsego, New York March 7,

Pum p . Pl iny Upham ,Brookfie ld. Massachusetts March 9


Pendulum steam engine. John Staples , Richm ond, Virgin ia July 1 8,

Pegs for shoes . Sam uel Hitchcock and John Bem en t JulyPum p , sea motion . Bennet Lies, New York Aug 1 9


Plough, varying the m otion of. John Sandford , Sharon , Con n . Aug 20,

Pump for the use of ships . AndrewKe nshaw and Nathlow

, jun. Bangor,Massachusetts

Plough . Nicholas Turbet,Fredericktown, Maryland

Pum p . Luther Holland, B e lchuston , MassachusettsPleasant spinners . Dan iel Reed ,_Brookfie ld, NewYorkPress for p ress ing cotton , hay, Sic . Moses Jaque s and Henry

Freem an ,Woodbridge , New JerseyPendulum m i ll . Solom on Thayer

,Braintree, Massachusetts

Press; wooden screw for cotton. Jacob Pierson’,Knoxville



, m achine for boring. Anthony Butler, Verm on tPortable kitchen . Jam es Truem an


Pump . Jonathan Evans,White stown , New York

Plough . John Klay , Frederick county, MarylandP lough . Roswell Tousley, Cayuga New York Jan 1 1 ;Press

,increasing. Abraham Norton , Litchfie ld, Conn ecticu t Feb 1 1 ,

Pump and fire engine . Is aiah Jennings , Philadelphia AprilPlaster of Paris, breaking. Paul Geiger, Rob isoa erks coun

ty, Pennsylvan iaPropell ing boats . Will iam Shaw,Otsego, New YorkPressing and strain ing oil, &c . John Cunn ingham and Sam uel

S . Edm onston , Ne w YorkPlum ets of lead Thom as Weston



Peacham ,Verm ont

Pum p, cog and pendulum . Benet Lies,New York

Propelling boats and vesse ls , St e . Alexander Anderson , Phil . Aug 21 ,Propell ing boats by scu ll ing Isaac Silum aa h iladelph ia


Dec 1 7,


Pendulum m ill . Will iam Grandin ,Hector, New York Jan ,6, 1 813

P itch forks . Jared Byinton , H ine sborough , Virginia Jan 1 2,

Preparing colors and pa ints . Henry Alexander,Bal tim ore Jan 1 4


P lough . John S ietz ,S trasburg, Pennsylvan ia Feb 8,

Prin ting press and mode of distributing the ink. William Elliot,“l

ashington , District of Colum biaPrinting press Z . M ills , Hartford , ConnecticutPlaning m achine . W. Badger

,Madison county

, Mississipp 1Territory March


Perpetual wool spinner . Burgess All ison , Burlington , N. J. March 3,

Pumps . Jacob Perkins, Newburyport, Massachusetts March 23,

Press forhay'

. Richard V. W. Thorn , New York April 29;Perspective drawing m echan ically. S . DeWitt,Albany, N . Y. April 30


P lane 1rons, m anufacturing . Dan iel Pettibone, Philadelphia MayPlough

,bull. Sylvanus Tousley, Ouandago, New York

Plough . Mathew Patrick, Scipio, New YorkPre ss . S ilas H i tchcock, Vernon , New York 1

Pipes, conduit. Elisha Putnam, Albany;New York De cPump, e liptic valve . Jam es B aker, Charleston ,MassachuSe tts Jan 1 6: 1 8121”Pain ts and colors , 1m pre ssing . Lewis J . B . Wells, Philadelphia Jan 24;Pump . Dan iel W. Christm an, Ne w York Fe b 8,Propeller, sub-m arine . John L Sul livan, Boston March 24,Pumps . John M. Dearborn , BostonPum ps . Thom as Nicholson , Washing ton Ci ty April 29,Pump , s ingle valve . Isaac Scott, Boston MayPum p . Will iam P . Tilton , BostonPump . Jam es Baker, Boston May 9


Pump, horizontal c ircular valve . Eben . Lem on,Boston May 23,

Plough . David Peacock, New M ills Post Office, New Jersey May 29:P lough, angular John Lupton,V irginia July 31 ,Pum p John C .Helm Aug 1


Propelling vessels . Joseph Cerneau, NewYork Aug'

28,Pumps . Luke M andMark La1gh to

jn Portsm outh N. H . Sept . 1


Propelling vessels by an im al power . Durand,New York Oct 3,

Pum ps Spencer Thom as , Bos ton oc'

f 1 0,

Pum ps . Will iam Purcell ,New YorkJ

. Nov 1 , m

Propelling boats by an imal power. Anthony Olney, Can ton,Massachusetts

Perpetual ovens, improvem ent on De neal’s . W. T . Hunter,New York Jan 8, 1 818

Plugs and bungs,machine for cutting . A. Donaldson , Salem ,

Massachusetts Jan i s,Pen , instrum en t for holding : Henry Sm i th , George town,D . C . Jar;Propelling boat s m ode of. J P . Durand , New York Jan 1 7


Pol ish ing powder. Holmes Greenwood, Providence R . _1 .

Pum p , improvem en t 1n . Dan iel Updike , New YorkPropelling boats . Joseph Cerneau , New YorkPlan ing boards,&0 . m achine for . J . Baldwin

,We stfield,Mass. March 7,Pumps . F Harrison, Easton , Pennsylvania March 1 6,Propell ing boats . Moses Isaacs , PhiladelphiaPropell ing boats . M . Ulman and Moses Isaacs

,Philadelphia March 1 7,

Paper, m achine for preparing rags for. B Cox,Northampton


MassachusettsPropelling boats . John Jam es Giraud, Bal tim ore April 10


Propellers for ships . John L . Sull ivan , Boston April 28,Propelling boats , m ach ine for. R. L . Deprest, New York May 5


Pluribus unum . H Clerc and P . Ricardi , New York May 25,i

Pump or suction m achine John Edwards, Urbana, Ohio May 25,

Plough . Gideon Davis May 26:P laster

,m achine for breaking. A . Fe ttrow , York, Penn. 28,

Pain ting fret, St e . John Mackay, New York \ May 28,Printing press . Adam Rim age , Philadelphia May 28


Propell ing boats Thom as Kearsing , New York June (5,Plough Sam uel Ogle, Graceham , Fi ede rick coun ty,Maryland June 9,Pum p . Will iam Hendrick , New York June 1 2


Pum ps, wing valves for . Will iam Francis , Be ston July 1 1 ,P iano fortes , improvem en t in . J . A. Gittwaldt, New York Aug 27,Propell ing boats, improvem en t in . Henry Farm ham , Albanv

New York Sept 5,

Plough , improvem en t in . Perry Miller, Cam bridge, New York Oct 26,Plough share sr im provem en t in roll ing out . Joseph Potts, Mon t

gom ery coun ty, Pennsylvan ia 7,

Propelling boats, im provem en t in . Abraham Taylor, N. Y . Nov 1 8,Propell ing boats, improvem en t in . J . Gray, Peekskill , N . Y. NOW1 8,Propelling boats , improvemen t in . A . Barth olom ew, Albany,

New YorkPlough , improvem en t in the . Lemuel Goodrick and

JphnAdam s, Hudson New York


Plough , improvem ent in th e . Richard N1chols, Ha1 r1 son ,N. Y. De c 1 9,

Paint, m achine for grinding . E . Skinner, Sandwich , N . H . Dec 28,

Plough, improvem en t in the . G. D . Avery, Wood county, Va. Dec 28,

Propelling boats by the screw power. H . W .Wheatley,N. Y . Dec 30


Plough,improvem en t in the . Stephen M‘Corm ick

, FaquierCourt House, Virgin ia

Propelling boats,81 0 Wm . J . Lew is

,Virgin ia

Prin ting press . John J . Wells , Hartford , Conne c twutPump . Jam es Barron , Norfolk, Virgin iaPress

,progress ive lever. Jacob Perkins


Prin ting press, im provem en t in the . B . Allison and WilliamElliot, Washington ,District of Colum bia March 1 1 ,

Plough , improvem en t in the . Zadock Harris,Hartford


ting ton coun ty, New York March 1 7,Propell ing boats . Jam es Lyon , S tate sburgh , SouthCarol ina April 3,Propelling boats, Sac . im provem en t in . D . Cooke , N . J . April 1 6


Pencils, com position for m aking. Joseph Ellis,Dedham ,

Mass . April 26,Pump, im provem en t in . J . L . Munson

,N. H . Connecticut April 26,

Pressing straw bonnets, m achine for. Preston Whiting, Hopkington , M iddlesex coun ty,Massachusetts June 1 1 ,

Plough , improvem en t in the . Abraham'

and J . Tice,Union


Vil lage, New York 1

Plough , improvem en t in the. J . Wood,Poplar Ridge


cou nty New York Sept 1,

Pronunciation , m ode of teaching. Jacob A . Cumm ings,Boston Nov 3


Plough . C . Bergen,New York Nov

Pump . Robert Gray, Mil ton , Pennsylvan ia Nov 1 1 ,Plough . J . Sw ,

-artwout -Taghkan ic, Col . county , New York Nov 1 3,

Paper, m achine for m aking. John B . Pignatelli ,New York Dec 2,

Posts , see a m achine for boring. J . Corbett,West Hanover


Pennsylvan ia Dec 21,

Pump , double forcing. W. Baker, Springfield, Otsegocounty,New York 1 Dec 31 ,

Plough,improvem en t in the . Philip Marshall and Jacob B .

Sm i th , Lam bertsville, New Jersey March 3,Pum p, w ind power . Heman Bronson , Litchfie ld, Conne c tcut March 8,Plough , improvem en t in the . George Gibbs , New York March 8 ,Privies

,improvement 1n . Marc Marie Duplat, Charleston , S .C . March 1 6,

Propelling boats, m achine fer. W. R . Lowere e Queens county,

New York March 29,Pump, improvem en t in the double forcing . S . Gille t



Connecticu t Apri l 6,

Planetarium,or heliog e astrium . Theodore Newall

,Poul tney

Verm on tPropell ing boats. John J . Giraud, Baltim orePump , suction . Levi Gray, Springfield, New York;Propelling boats


by setting poles . Robert Kenny,“Augusta

Pre ssing cotton ,m achine for . John Graham ,China Grove , S . C .

Ploughs . John W. Jenkins, HPropelling boats . Jacob Coon


,gain ing by cog wheels, 8 m. Chas .


Redh efi'

er, Ph il .Plough . John S . Wright

,Greenw ich , New York

Plough . R . and E . A . Stevens , Hoboken New Jersey Sept 20,Power loom , improvem ent in the . Wm . Gilm our, Sm ithfie ld,Rhode Island

Pans, burn ing and baking. William Burtis, NewYorkPlough

,improvem en t in the . Charles Wood and Gilbert Brun

dage,Bloom ing Grove, New York

P1 opening vessels, rgach ine for. John Jam es Giraud, Baltimore


181 8

1 820



Prin ting press , im provem ent in the .

Pa ils,m ach ine for m aking . Reuben Hyde

,Winchester,Mass .

Pegs, m aking wooden . T homas Rew e ll, Hartford, Verm on t

Plough , improvem en t in the cast iron . John Stevens and JohnFay

,Rockingham , Verm on t

Propell ing vessels, m achine for. John Jam es Giraud , Bal timorePloughing a shifting share for . John Wood , Castleton , N. Y .

Printing,m ode of bronzing. George John Newberry,

Propelling vessels by wheels , in calms . B . S . Doxey,U. S . Navy

Thatcher Blake Turner,MainePress , lever.A . C . Flushing

,Queen’sPlan ting Indian corn , m achine for.

coun ty, New YorkPress

,spiral lever. A . O . Stansbury, New York

Printing pre ss,‘

improvem e nt in the . A . O . Stansbury, N.Y.

Ploughs, improvem en t in 'cast iron . Robert L . and E . A. Ste


,New York

Ploughs , harden ing part of the edge of the share of.‘

and E . A . Stevens,Hoboken

,New York

Printing press, improvem ent in the . Samuel Rust , New YorkPlanes , improvem en t in carpen ter

’s . R . Wellford and JosephH . Deas, Philadelphia

Pulverising wood , 81 0 . Alexander Tolson , Ce orge town , D . C .

Plough , im provem en t in the cast iron . George G. Ring,Reds

hook, N. YorkPrinting and stain ing Sllks .

Plough,im provemen t

in the cast iron .Pennsylvan ia

Plough,im provemen t in the cast 1rou . Wm . Falconer,N. Y .

Plough,improvem en t in the . Oliver Phelps and G . Moore

house, Lansingburgh ,New YorkPlough, im provem en t in the cast iron . David Hitchcock, N . Y.

Robert L .

Thom as a,ndWill iam Bryan

,N. Y

0 . ,See ly, Pottstown ,

P ick- axe,improvem en t in .the . Luke Baker


coun ty, Verm on tPlough

,im provem en t in the .

New YorkPlough, im provem en t in the . Wm . G Shuart

,Orange coun ty

New YorkPan taloons and waistcoats

,m aking. Charle s Herwick, N.Y.

Plough,cast iron Jos iah Dutcher, Durham , New York

Ploug h , cas t iron . George W. Hawkins and Horace Emery,Windsor

,Vermon t

Pressing m achine . Phil ip Freem an , Perth Am boy, N . J.

Press fram e, standing. Bejam in F . Brovirn , New YorkPlough for hoeing, St e . Col . George Gill and George Gill (B . S .

Chester Dis trict, South Carolina

Punch ing holes,m achine for . John Sarchet,Philadelphia

Peter Sm i th,New York

Ploughs , improvem en t in John Gibson,Mon tgom ery coun ty,

.New YorkPaper

, m achine for m aking. John Am es , Springfield,Mass .Perons ion gun, im provem en t in the . Joshua Shaw

,Ph iladel.

Plough share , im provemen t in the . Baily Carpen ter, Som ers

town,New Jersey

Pipe s, leaden , for aquedii'

cts:RichardWard ,Waterb ury, Conn .

Plough, im provem ent in the . Abij ah Le e ,West

Chester, N . Y.

Pessaries,im provem ent in . Duke Baker, New York

Plough,im provem en t in the . Joseph Woolly, Troy, New York

Pianos,detached sounding board for. Jam es Stewart


Plough,improvem en t in the . Pe te rJ. Clute, Schenectady,N. Y .

Planking ve ssels,improvem e nt in . J . Thom as ,

‘Wash irigton ,D . C .

P lough , improvem ent in the . Jacob Schoom aker and JacobBolse n the i orm e r of Uls ter and the latter of Dutchesscounty, New York

David Peacock, Northampton,

Nor 24,

Dec 1 4,

Jan 3,Feb 1


FebFeb 21



20,March 21


April 7,

April 23,

April 23,(

May 1 1 1

June 2,

June 23,June

Aug2 7,

Nov 1 7,Dec

March 25 ,Apri l 2,April 6,April 1 9,

May 1 4,

June 1 9,"July 1


July 5,

July 22,

Sept 12,

Sept 1 4 ,

.Nov 1 4,Nov


IG,Dec 2,



. I

. ‘N

Q .

. Q’


o w n,

o m


Plough for covering corn , Src . improvem en t in the . T . Will iam s

,Pittsylvan ia, Virgin ia De c 1 9


Plough , improvem ent in the . Ryland Rodes,Albem arle county,

Virgin ia Fch 25 ,Printing

,im provem en t in the art of. Will iam M . Dodge

,N .Y . March 6,

P ipe, m ode of m aking stove . C aleb Jones

,Verm on t April 5


Percussion guns and pistols . Joseph Finch, New York April 1 2,

P iston and valve cock . John Lacy,Philadelphia May . 6


Pum p , improvem en t in the forcing . J . Paddle ford, N . Y . May 6,

Plough,im provem en t in the . J . Weaver


,D . C . May 8 .

Pipe , m anufacturing plated lead . Thom as Ewbank, N . Y .

MayPress, prin ting. Adam Ram age

,Philadelphia May 1 9


Plough , im provem ent in the . George Nixon,New York June 2


Plough , im provem ent in the . David Hitchcock, New York July 1 6,Pin m achine , improvem en t in the . Henry.Western

,Ph i1 . July 23,

Ploughs, cutters, points, 81 0 . for. David K . Jones,Palmyra,

New York July 29,Plough , im provem en t on Bergen’s self- sharpen ing. Waldren

Beach,Ph iladelphia

Plough , Hackney’s . Obediah Hackney


Pum p ,“forcing and suction .

” Joshua Clark , Verm on tPlough , im provemen t in the . John Nash , Talm age , Portage

coun ty, Ohio Oct 1 4,

Pneum o-hydraulic engine . R ichard Willcox, New York Nov 1,

Protractor, rectangular . Nathan iel Goodw in , Hartford , Conn . Dec 24 ,Pulveriz ing engine for drugs

, 81 0 . Isaac Eddy,BostOn , Mass . Dec 31 ,

Plough , improvem en t in the cast iron . William C . Pancost,

Addison, Verm on t Jan 29,Plough , im provem en t on Jethro Wood’s . Solom on Austin,

Sempron ius,New York Feb 27,

Power produced w ithout the a id of s team . Samuel BrownLondon


Pulverizing m achin e . Isaac Eddy,Boston

Pressing tobacco . Jehu Gallaway, Baltim orePlough , im provem en t on the self-sharpen ing . Waldren Beach


Philadelphia April 9,

Plough, improvem en t in the cast iron . Thom as All ison,New

ton township , Sussex county, New Jersey April 1 6,Pumps , improvem en t I n the suction . Daniel Johnson , Boston April 21


Plough , im provem en t in the cutter of the cas t iron . JonathanSwan , Cayuga coun ty , New York xApril 24 ,

Pressing cotton, m achine for. Franklin Shaler, Georgetown ,

Ohio May 5 ,Plough , im provem en t in the cast iron . Ross W inans, Vernon,

New JerseyPlanking vessels, improvem en t in .


William Scarbrough , Darien

,Georgia May 1 9,

Propell ing, m achinery for .


Will iam O . Sullivan , Jeffersoncounty, Indiana June 5


Piano forte,being in a longi tudinal bar for. John Dwight , Bos . July 29,

Plough,im provem ent in the cast iron . D . Chase, A . Gregg,

and J . Gregg, Palm yra , New York Aug 4,

Propelling boats, &0 . Benj am in F . Joslin , Sche n e c tady, N . Y . Aug 2 1 ,

Paper, m anufac turm g I saac Burbank,Worcester, Mass . Sept 8,Plough , im provem en t in the c ast iron Nathan 1e l G1 11e t, jun 1

Talm age,Ohio

Plough,improvemen t in the . A . Spicer, jun . and Jonas Tower,

Portage coun ty,Oh 10 Sept 25 ,

Poppy seed , m ode of obtaining 0 11 from . Dan iel Markham ,

Lenox, New York Dec 2


Pump,improvemen t in the . James Y . Hun t, Tunbridge , N . Y. Dec 24,


Plough , improvem ent in the b ai , the w ing,

GarlandEling ton , Madison

coun ty, Alabam aPum


p,forcing. Sam uel Currey,Will iam son county, Tenn.

Pan and furnace for e vaporating l iqu ids, St e . Augustus Colb,Steubenville , Ohio

Preserving an im al subs tances, E . Daggett and T . Kensett

New York Jan 1 9,Pharm aceutic composition . John C . Bay

,Moun t Pleasan t, Ohio Jan 26,Plough , improvem ent in the side hill . John Rich

, j u'

n . Troy,New York

egs, pointing, spl itt ing, wax ing wooden . T . Rowell,Harté

ford , erm on tPlough , improve m ent in the . Phineas Pettis



Ploug h , im provem ent in the . George D . Avery,Georgetown,

District of Colum b ia Feb 1 5 ,Pins, m achine for making. L .W.Wright

,Manchester, Eng. March 12,

Propelling leve1 s for m achinery . J . Turner,Marcellus

,N.Y . March 1 3,Plough

,im provemen t in . George D . Avery


,D .C . March 25 ,

Paper,polish ing . George Bird ,Walpole , Massachusetts April 1 1 ,

Pendulum power regulatedby a fly Wheel Wm . M . M‘In tosh

andW11 1 . Earnheart, Aure lilis, Washington county , Ohio April

Plough , self- sharpen ing . C adwallader Evans and Oliver Evans,Philadelphia April 1 4 ,

Pump . Jonathan Babcock,jun . Edm iston , New York May 6,Pumps

,b eer and cider . Richard Sealy, Ne w York May 6,

Plough . Stephen W. Whitm an,Harpezsfie ld, Ohio May ' 7,

Paper,books, 81 9 . cutting . JosephWoodhouse, Oswego, N . Y . May 30,

Press , water power, for cotton , &c Josiah Durden,Wash ing

ton,Alabam a June 23,

Ploug h . Will iam F . R ichardson , Auburn , New York J line 27,Pans or keelers . Amos M inor

,Cam illus

,New York J


uly 20,Preponderating scale . Ezekiel Skinner, Cam illus , New York Aug 23,Plaster, called the three-fold c em en t . Ezra Godfrey

,N . Y . Sept 9

Propelling carriages by steam . Edward C larke , New York 1 Sept 9 ,Plane 1 rons . PeregrineW ill iamson , Baltim ore , Maryland Sept 9

Pans, in the m anufactu re . Sanford S . Perry , Troy, NewYorkPower wheel e ugm o John A . Wadsworth

,Portsm outh ,R. I . Sept 27 ,

P lough . Gideon Davis,Georgetown

,Distr ic t of Colum bia Oct . 1 .

Pendulum lever. Cyrus Berry,“ Poughkeepsie, New York Nov 1 ,

Pressing oil . Isaac Clowes,Ham pton

,V irgin ia Nov 3


Printing press . Dan iel Neall,

” Philadelphia Nov'

1 5 ,Press, for cotton . David W ilkinson

,New Providence , R . 1 Dec 8,

Press for cheese pum ac e, St e . Le b b e us C aswell ,Harrison ,Ma ine Dec 9,

Press for apples, 8 m. Be la Churchill

,Buckfie ld, Maine Dec 9


Piano fortes, m etal fram es for . Alph

eus Babcock , Bos ton De c 1 7,

Propelling carriages . Thomas Blanchard , Springfield,Mass . Dec 28,Plough . Stephen M‘Corm ick, Faquie i coun ty , V irgin ia) Jan 28,Pumps . Silvanus Russell

,Cle an

,Catarag us county, New York Fe b 4


Pressing m achine Nathan Wh itney,Augusta

,Maine Feb 1 5 ,

Pressing m achine . Joseph Wilson,Otse go

,New York Feb 1 7 ,

Picker tu'b . Benj am in Holbrook, Providence, Rhode l sland Feb 21 ,Prm ting press , power . Dan iel Treadwell , Boston , Mass. March 2


Pum ping vessels, power fwh e e l for. S . Town and R. IV . Oli

phan t North Granville , New York AprilPaper

,vib i ating cylindrical mould for m aking . Gardner Bur

bank,Worcester, Massachusetts April 1 2,Plough

,h ill s ide

,double nosed cast iron . John Shepherd , De

Renyter, Madison county, New YorkPump. Theodore Brooks,Rutland, New York .

, ,Ap ril 1 8,Plough

,cast iron . Thadeus Fairbanks, St. Johnsburg, Ver .

‘April 19,Plough . W ill iam Cook

,Luzern, Fayette coun ty;Penn . April 28,


1 826

- fl

Pumping water for propelling m achinery. Liscomb Knap,Brighton , New York

Pumping w ater for dom estic purposes . do .

Press for cider,oil, 81 0 . Will iam H . Hoeg

, Salem , OhioPress for hats . R . Tyler and B . P . C oston , Philadelph iaPre ss for packing cotton . Charles W illiam s

,Petersburg, Va .

Percussion lock, for the rifle, Joseph Medbery and Si] .Kellogg

,Rochester, New York

Pre ssing unburn t brick, m achine for .


Plan ting and working Indian corn .

ter, Pennsylvan iaPlugs

,m achine for cutting. Charles Josse lyn , New York

Plough , improvem en t in the . Zeb S . Holdridge and Hy S.

Lawson , Berne . New YorkPrinting press, im provem ent in the .

MassachusettsPrinting press

,improvem en t in the . Sam uel Fairlamb , N . Y .

Press for packing cotton . J . Boatwright and'

Jam es'


Ephra im Mayo, Hal lo

WilliamRoss,Middle Bax

David Phelps, Boston ,

Richland , South C arolinaPipes , m ode of m aking clay. John Bowe r, Eas t Bethlehem ,Pennsylvan ia

Press , for press ing cheese , cider, 81 0 . Leb b eus Caswe ll,


1 rison,Mam e

Plan ing boards,m achine for. Herm an Allen,Randolph county,

North CarolinaPlan ting cotton seed , corn , 8 m. m achine for.

Warren coun ty,M ississippi

Pressing and packing cotton , machine fer.

land , Fairfie ld, South Carol inaPlane , revolving tim ber. Dan ie lN . Sm i th ,Warwick, Mass .Pendulum m otion

,lever engine for. Justin Jacob,Mon treal,


John Labdell,

Jam esH . M’Cle l

Press,for pressing hay. D . Flagg and Charles Peck, Gardiner,Maine

Plough for planting corn , improvem en t in the . H . Russel,Litchfie ld, Maine

Pipes, tubes , gu‘

tters, 8t c . m ade of clay .


Jos . Putnam ,Salem

MassachusettsPress for tobacco


, 8 m. B . R . Curtis,R ichm ond , Va .

Pum ps,im provem ent in . J . Robinson and L . Shaw, Bath, Me .

Plough , improvem ent in . Ryland Rodes, Charlotteville, Albem arle county, Virginia

Percussion gun lock, im provem en t in the .

Fredon ia, New YorkPump for steam boilers

,improvem en t in the .

den , New YorkPaper

, m ode of pressing.burgh, Verm ont

Propelling vessels by wate r pre sSure . El isha Fuller,North Pro

vide nce , Rhode Island

William A . Hart,

A . Judson , Swe

IraWhite and Leonard Gale,New

May 22,

May 22,May 20,May 23,June 3,

June 1 6,

June 24,

Aug 9.

Sept 1 5,

Nov . 4,

Nov 21 ,

Dec 1 ,

Dec 1 8,

Dec 22,

De c 26,

Dec 29 ,

Dec .30,

Jan 1 6,

Jan 1 7,

Jan 29,

Feb 1,

Feb 20,

Feb 20,

Feb 23,

Feb 28,

Pumping water out of ships by wind . Thom as Brownell ,N .Y . March 23,Press ing and l ifting machi ne . Sam uel Andrews , Bridgetown ,Ma ine March 28


Plough , improvem en t in the twin . Noble G . Cryer, Wentworth , North Carol ina 9 March 24


Pol ishing hard and soft m etall ic substances, m achine for grinding . B . Green , Hartford , V erm on t March 27



mode of obta in ing from certain fluids . Mark I . Brunel,

London , England March 30,

Paper, m ach ine for trimm ing the edges of. John Mfclintock,Cham bersburg, Pennsylvan ia March 31

, 1827Propelling m achinery of al l kinds. William Stan tOp, Centre

township, IndianaPreserving eggs , butter, and lard . Thomas Edmundson





Paint, m i ll for grinding . Allen Holcom b,Butternuts

,N. Y.

Piano fortes , im provem ent in horizon tal . Thomas Loud, jun“


PhiladelphiaPlough , improvem en t in the cast iron . Robert Sweeny


coun ty, Ohio May1 8,

Que rcitron , or black im provem ent inthe preparationfoi exportation or hom e consumption. Thom as Benger ‘ Jan 25

,- 1 804

Quadran t Se e Gunn ers .

Quadrant. Josiah Arnold,Caledon ia

,Verm on t

Quercitron , or black oak bark . N. Harper, Frankfort, Penn .1

Quercitron,m ode of preparing. Joseph Lyon , Philadelphia

Quercitron , m achine for preparing James Andrews, Phil .Qui lls

,m achine for winding . Francis Jones , New York

Quercitron bark,m ode of preparing . Jam es Elliott,Phil.


Rhus,or sum ach , m anufacture of. Se e Sumach .

Raisingw aterby w ind . Sam uel Morey,New Hampshire'

April 1 1 , 1 796R ice and other grain

, m achine for scouring . Robert Geant Oct 1 7,

Rul ing b b oks and paper . Mark Isam b ard Brunel . Nov 1 6,R ice scoured , separating . Jam es De lle t Dec 23


R ice,scouring or skinn ing, improvem ent in; S am uel Mull ikin Feb

Rocks, 81 0 m achine for rem ov ing . Isaac Laz e ll May

Ropes,improvam en t in m aking. Michael Wigglesworth June 1 799

Runners and bows for sleighs and sledges . Ab ij ah Wi lder Dec 1 4,

Rope yarn and tw ine, m achine for sp inn ing. S tephen Gorham Feb

Rice,gunpowder, m achine for pounding. B . Botitho Feb 7


Ruling paper, 81 0 . m achine for . RichardRobotham Oct 1 0, 1 801

Roll ing iron round, 8t e . Henry Abbott, Philadelphia. May 4, 1 802

Roll ing iron for nails . Se e N ails .

R ice . Se e Hulling rice , machin e for.

Refrigerator for dom es tic uses . Thom as MooreRul ing machine, im provement in . Dan iel Bre wer, Phil .

Roll ing m achine . Se e Clean ing cotton .

Rectifying or im proving spiri ts,improvem en t in the applica

tion of the principle . Burgess Allison , Philadelphia May 1 7,

Rocks . Se e Boring under water.

Rul ing paper . Se e Cylindric ru ler.

Rul ing plates of mm and cutting them into nails . Sam uel Ro-s

p gers and Melville OtisRheum atic , l in im ent . Abel Brow nRafts . “filliam Deane Pittsburg, Pennsylvan iaRheum atic p ill . George Barber

,Dexter, Boston

Reaping grain , m achine for. Sam uel Adam sRow ing m achine . Eben Bryant

,New London, Connecticut

Rope yarn . Se e Spin n ing .

Rais ing vessels,m achine for. J. T . Morgan, New

YOrk Oct 9,

Ruptures . Se e Truss.

Ropes,m ode of m aking to any s ize . John Sellers and Andrew

Bartle, AlexandriaRigg ing vessels . Stephe n Sayre, Bordentown , New Jersey May 9


7 4 R

Roller, impressed . John Owings, Bal timore Jan 25 , 181 4Ruler, Spring penn .

'P. M . Poe y and L . Hedge, Windsor,V erm on t

Roller toothed for sow ing. Abel Densmore , Le Roy, N . YReconductor, the. John Sargent, Vernon, New YorkRoving machine for cotton . Will iam Bryant

,Davidson county,Tennessee J April 29,

Reed, weavers . Jeptha A Wilkinson, Otsego, New York July'

3,Ruling paper. Lew is Henry, Bellows Fall, Verm ont Aug 24 ,Rolling bar iron edgew ise . Ge orge Ellicott Baltimore Sept 20,Refining sugar. Mervin Merrill , N ew York Oct 25 ,Rocks blown under water. J M . Sym e

,Richm ond Dec 12,

R ivers, m achine for clean ing the bottom s of. J . Tucker, Bait. Dec 13,

Rul ing machine, double . T . Newhall, jun . Lynn,Maser Dec 26,

R ibbons, mach ine for glossing. Charles Cromwell, N} Y. Jan 27, 1 81 7Revolving ruler . Lem uel Hedge,Windsor, Verm on t March 3,Rope yarn , manufacturing. John Patm an March 1 4 ,Ruling m achine. George Strowhuver and Frederick Sanxay


C incinnati , Ohio Sept 1 ,Rolle r for beating. Hugh Maxwell, Lancaster, Pennsylvan ia De c 26,Re aping and thrashing m achine . John Hersey, Mathews

coun ty, V irgin ia Feb 9, 1 818Rafts, m ode

of constructing. Dan iel Gordon, Chanceford,Penn . Feb 1 4 ,

Rudder, m ode of hanging ships’. Com . John Shaw,Phil . April 1 0,

Rollers, lathe for turn ing. Sam uel Rogers, Bridgewater,Mass . June 24,Roll ing sheet 1ron , m achine for. Do. do . June 24 ,Rubbers, s ide . John L . Sull ivan

,Boston Dec 1 1 ,

Ropes , m achine for. Robert Colbert, Boston MarchRice pol ishe r. J. Lucas, jun . Charleston Nov 6


Rockers for cradles, chairs, 81 0 . Sam uel Simm ons, Baltim ore Dec 21,

Raz or straps“

im provem ent in . Jonas Crum b acke r, Union ,'


derick coun ty, Maryland De c

Readies for cordage and re pes . Robert Graves , Boston Dec 31 ,Ropes and cordage, making. Ele az or Crain, Springfield,N. Y. Jan 1 0, 1 820Ra il ways and carriages, improvem ent in . C . Will iam s, Rich

m ond , V irgin iaR ice,m achine for clean ing. Richard French ,Morrisville,Penn . Oct 1 3


Readies, m achine for m aking rope s Robert Graves, Boston Nov 22,

Readie s , draw ing yarn for. Do . do Nov 22,

Ropes, m achine for m aking and laying. Do do . Nov 22,

Ropes,m ach ine for equalizing the strain . Do . do .

1 Nov 122,Ram rods, machine for m aking. Charles G . Barstow



New Hampshire“

Dec 21 ,Raz or straps, paste for. El ishaM .Pom eroy,New Haven, Conn . JanRifle , repeating. Isaiah Jenn ings , New York Sept 22,Raz or straps , im provem ent in . John M . Fors, Baltim ore x Oct 2


,m achine for clean ing. Lazarus Ruggles , New Ye rk Oct

Reticules and pocket books, im provem en t in . Wi ll iam Winn in

g , New York Nov 7,

Reeds , improveme n t in m etall ic Peter F . Huben,Patterson ,

New JerseyRail ways , improveme n t in . Charles William s, Boston Nov 1 6,Rice , mm achine for hull ing and shelling . Elihu Spencer, New

HavenRotary steam engine . J . Lansing, jun . andA. Thayer, jun . Al

bany, 1New York Jan 1 9, .1 822

Razor straps , improvementin . Jacob Houck, NewMarket,Md. a

g3g,c an .Rail ing,ornamen ting the tops of Paulus Hedl, New York

Raz or straps , composition for . D R itter,New Haven , Conn . March 9,

Rollers,m ode of cove ring . EveretWill iam s, Stratford, N. H. April 1 3,

Rigging,attaching th e s tanding. William H. Allen (killed by

the pirates,) Un ited States

’ navy, Albany, New YorkRevolvin g lever for boats . Lewis Marchand


,Alabam a

Rigging vessels,cal led centre reeving. Sam uel A . Wells , Bos .

Rigging,called lever truss and sling. do . do .

Rivers,navigating and ferrying. Edward Clark, Philadelphia

Rotary m otion , from a m easured rectilineal one . Arch ibaldSm i th , New York

Rul ing m achine , for paper, 81 0 . Richard Willcox,N. Y .

Rice m ills,im provem en t in. steam . Joh n L . Norton , Charles

ton, South Carol ina

Rolling m achine, for cotton or wool .burgh

,Pennsylvan ia

Rolls,m ethod of receiving from the m ach ine . Gilbert BrewsterNorwich

,Connect icut

Rotary m otion , m ode of producing a .

Darien , GeorgiaRudders for vessels

,construction of. AndrewWatkins, Salem ,

MassachusettsRai l roads

,improvem en t in John Stephens


,N . J .

Rapids,81 0 . rende red navigable . do . do .

Raz ors, imprb vem e n t in m aking . J . BroWn , ’Provide n ce , R. I .

Revolving rake,im provem ent in . Henry and Ezra Hoopes,

Wilm ington , DelawareRoping and spinn ing wool and cotton . A . Patterson and Fran

c is Burdick,Delaware county

,New York

Rai l roads, construction of. John Stephens , Hob oken , N . J .

Roping cotton , slack, 81 0 . Sydney Whiting, Franklin , Mass .Rais ing water by weights . Will iam


Dabney,Richm ond , Va.

Rul ing paper, m achine for .


George Crosby,Augusta

,Me .

Rai l ways,'i_mprovem e nt 1n . Edward Gray


Rail way, s ingle . Henry Sargen t,Boston

Rotary m achine . Elisha Hale,Pom fret, New York

Roller,for wagon and carriage springs . John Barton

, jan .

Providence , Rhode IslandRigging, m ode of setting up standing. Benj . Booth

,Wash .

Re c t1fymg l1quor L . C . and Pb . Bodman,B al tim ore, Md .

Reaping and cutting, machine for . Jam es Ten Eyk,Bridge


New JerseyReactin g or lever wheel .


William Scarburgh ,

Luther Davis,Northam pton

,Mass .

July 1 0,July 10,July 24


July 24,

June 25,

Dec 1 6,

Jan 1 4 ,

May 21 ,June 8,June 8,June 28,

July 26,

Sept 29,Oct 23,Nov 1 7,Nov 20,Jan 21


March 1 5,

”May 6,May20,

Nov 2,Nov


Rice, 81 0 . m achine for clean ing . Alexander Sh in ie Charleston , South Carolina

Refrigerators for distilleries . L . C . andPb . Bodman , Balt.Dec 21 ,Jan 6,

Rice, m achine for hull ing and clean ing. John L . Norton,N .Y . March 1 0,

Rollers, heating calender. Joel Brim hal l and Thom as Keyes,

jun . West Boylston,Massachusetts April 1


Repa iring, m ode of rais ing vessels for . Benj .Waterhouse ,N.Y. April 1 5 ,Ra il roads , called forest rail roads . H Pinkus and J R . Wi l

l iam s, Lon don , EnglandRail way, w ith a lift . Ethan Baldwin


,Penn .

Rail ways, fOr te am s to pass on . J . Brown and G . W. Rob inson ,Providence,Rhode Island

Rail way, endless, improvem en t in the . Jerem iah Price,N. Y .

Rail way, improvemen t 1n the subm arine . John Thomas , N . Y . Nov 6,Rai l way, improvemen t in the m arine . Richard Ward , N. Y .

Ropes, m achinery for laying. David Myerle , Philadelphia 14

Rice, m achine for hulling and clean ing . J . Campbell ,Winsborough , South Carolina

June 6,Sept 1 5 ,

Dec 28,March 3,


1 822

1 824

1 825

1 826

Stone andmarble, pol ishing of. Samue l Mulliken ,Ph 1l.Spindles, dimin ishing friction of. Robert K . Livingston , 01a»


m on t county,New YorkSteam engine , improvement on Capta in Savary

’s . James Rum


sey, Berkley county, Virgin ia Augteam , generation of. Do . Aug 26Steam , application of to propel boats or vessels . Do. do. Aug 26Steam engine applied to navigation . John Fitch

,Philadelphia Aug 26

Steam engine, boiler of. Jam es Rum sey, Berkley coun ty, Va . Aug 26,Steam, boiler for generat ing. J . Stevens , jun Bergen county;

New .Jersey Aug 2

Steam , raising water by. do. Aug 2Steam , applying the force of


1 do Aug 2

Steam engine boiler. Nathan Reed,Massachusetts A'

ug '26,Steam engine , improvem ent on Savary


for raising water.En

bglehart Cruse , Baltimore,Maryland

Steam j ack. John Baily, BostonSteel , harden ing and temperingStone s , m ill , handm ill for picking of. Jonathan Dorr and Solemon Hodge , Washin g ton, New Jersey

Spit, new m ethod of turn ing a . St.Morey, Oxford, Graftoncounty, New Ham pshire

Slimach , or rhus RichardR. Sal tonstall ,New London, FebSugar, m oulds for claying. Jonathan William s

,jun . Phil . 1M

Sum ach , orl rhus . R ichard R. Sal tonstall ,’

New London , Conn .

Stone of cast iron . Rob ertH e te riok,Pennsylvan ia

Sails of ships and boats, applying and regulating the . Josepfi iS . Sampson, Boston July

5 , md

Sail , duck, w eaving. Jam e s Davenport , NewJersey Feb 14, 1 794Still, steam, improveme n t in . Alexander Anderson , Pe nn . Sept 2,Salt, m aking from sea water James Fennel , Pennsylvania Sept 24,Still, improvem en t in . John Kincaid , Pennsylvania Nov 25 ,Saw,

round Zachariah Cox 1 4,Still, worm of sheet

“copper . John Taylor,Virgin ia June j

Stone s, sawing and polishing of. Jonathan Dickerson ,N. J . Jan_9,

. 1 796Seed, clover and other, clean ing. Jonathan Robe rts

,jun . Penn . Fe b 1 3,

Silk;l inen, 8 m. oiled . Se e Oiled, Bro.

Sk ins , seals , m anufacturing of. Jame s Eaton, Massachusetts Fe b 1 6,Sumacli


,m anufacturing. Joseph Hilliard, Connecticut May .l2,

Steam e n'


rne and boiler, invention of. Elij ah Bachus May

Stays , im provem en t in, for removing incurvitures or distortions of the spine . Limdin M‘Ke chnie

Sal t, improvement in m aking . George JamesSkins , improvem ent in spli tting sheep; JamesSoap, improvem ent in making John NazroStoves, improvem en t in. Jam es M‘Callm on t

Stoves , improvem ent in . Thom as HirstS toves , improvem en t in . CalebWheatonShingles and boards , improvem en t ,ln m aking. B ill Jervi sSaddles , improvement in . Thom as StickneyStove , a

’soap stone . .Wi lliam PayneSteam engine, application to the saw ing, cutting and manufac: 1


;lumber. RobertM‘Ke an 2

S team engine, a double . James S triallman ,N. J . Roosevelt May 31 ,Steam (S . M SeStoves

,improvem ent in ,

Stoves,coal, i



rove m en

Sal t,a m achine for m anufacturing. John Sears

Steelyards,improvemen t in . Benj am in

'DearbornStones . Se e Marble .

Steam ,appl ication of. SamuelMorey, New Hampsh ire March 25 ,

s 77

Sawing boards, m il l for. Aa1 c h Clarke March 30, 1 729Sh ips , m ach ine to keep its distance at sea (re ckon ing . Che ste r

GouldScrews, m ach ine for cutting . DavidWilkinsonSe eds . _Se e Cotton .

Stove s and g rate s , improvem en t on . Olive r EvansStep cock. Pe te rWalke rS ilk, cotton , worsted, e ng ine for reducing .

Sum ach, m anufacturing . Com fort Hoyt

Sh ips and ve sse ls, improvem en t in the construction of. Je rem iah Brown May 1 4,

Sheath ing ve sse ls, improvem en t in . Hen ry Gue st, New Brun sw ick, New Je rsey Jan 26, 1 801

Stove s , improvem e n t in construction of. W. He nde rson , Middie tou, Conne cticut

Starch manufactured from potatoe s'. John Biddis , Ph il .

Stove , scre w and re e l,grain drying m achine Dav. Ellicot,Ann

Arunde l coun ty,Maryland

Spoons , mode of m anuiac turiug . T. Brufl‘

,Wash ing ton C ity Se pt 1 4,

Seal and be am ,m ove able and suspe nde d. S . Wal lis

,Boston Sept 21 ,

Syphon ic s te am m ach ine . John Pool Oct 1 3,S tills , con struction of. Michae l Krafft, Ph ilade lph ia Oct 28,Sh ip’s pump , improvem en t in . Ge orgeClym e r

,Ph i lade lph ia De c 22,

Saw mil ,l improvem e n t in turn ing the log . M. Coate s Washing ton icounty, Pe nn sylvania April 1 , 1302

Saw m ill im provem e n t 1n . He zekiah Richardson, jun . and

Le vi Richardson , Middle town , Massachuse tts April ‘ 28,Spirits, mode of improving . Burg e ss All ison May 1 2,Scien tific ste e lyards . Lew is Du Pre , South Carolina May 1 2,Sal t, m ach ine for m anufacturing . B . Ellicot

,Lancaste r

,Penn . May 12,

Ste am boat improvem en t i n . EdwardWe st, Faye tte coun ty,Ke n tucky

Still , improvem en t in . Will iam Pain eS te am eng ine ,z 1m provem en t in Samue l Briggs, jun .

Spli tting skins, improvem en t in . AsaW . Ch icke ringS tills, im provem e n t in . John Staple sSal t, improvem en t in making . Valentin e Pe e rsS tone and m arble , m ach ine for saw ing . W. Palme r

Saw m ill for"cle an ing cotton . G . F. Saltonstall

,Faye tte ville


North CarolinaS tills, improvem e n t in . John Mofl


Spirits from starch , m ode of e xtracting . John NaylorS e a sitting chair. A Du<Buc Mare n tille

Sub-m arine passage or hollow inve rted arch . J . Staple s,Flush

ing , Long Island March 1 8,

S ea sal t, improvem e n t in theproce ss of m anufacturing . Ge orgeHun te r March 24,

Ste am ,improvem e n t in producing . John Ste vens

, NewYork April 1 1,

Salt, expediting the man ufacture of. Tim othy Alde n , jun . May 25 :Steam e ng ine , im provem e n t in . Samue l More y

,Rufus Giave s

a nd Giles RichardsShe aring woollen and other cloths , m ach ine . L . Stan leySkins , m ach in e for pulling hair



. N icholas YoungSh ing le s , mach ine for spli tting and shaving . Dan ie l French


Middle tow n , Conne cticutS tills, improvem e n t in the con struction of. L . Gean tySeals’ fur, m e thod of preparing for hats . G. Cle ve land

, Hartford, Conne cticut

She l ling corn , m ach ine for. Paul PilsburyStills .

Se e Boiler.

Spinning whee ls,improvem e nt in . Am os Minor‘

Still heads and condense rs , improvemen t m E. Richatdson ,N. P . De c 16,S tills and boile rs , improvem ent in . Le onard Betty Jan 19,Stills, improvem e n t in the construction and in the proce ss of

distill ing spirits . Will iam Wig ton , Hudson, New YorkScrew m ill , for bre aking and g rinding diffe re n t hard substance s .Olive r Evans , Ph i lade lph ia Feb 1 4 ,

Ste am e ng ine s, improveme n t in . Olive r Evan'

s,Ph iladelphia

Se tting stills and othe r larg e ke ttle s . Israe l Wood Fe b

Smut fann ing m ill , improvem e nt . Thomas P ierce ,Fishkill ,N.Y. Fe b 21 ,Spinn ing Whe e l , im provem e n t in . Wi ll iam B . Dye r Feb .27,Shot, improvem e n t in the m ode ofm aking . P . Dan ie l, Ph il March 21 ,Still and boile r, improvem e n t . John Taylor March 31 ,She e t tin , improvem e n t 1n m ode of working . Calvin Wh iting

and Eli Parsons 1


Springs for w indow sash e s, im provement in . J . Eaton , Bos. Ap ril 1 4,Steam bath still . Se e Double .

S traw and hay. Se e Cutting: 1

She ll ing and cle an ing corn , m ach ine for. Le vi Ste vens,N . Y.'

May 8,Sal t, m ach ine for m aking . Ezra We ld May 1 6,Suspe nde rs

,improvem e n t in . JohnHooke r Nov 1 9,

Sh ing le s , m ach ine for saw ing I saac Baker, Amhe rst,Mass . May, ,8,Sod oil , for leathe r, m e thod of m aking . G . Poyz er, Ph il .

1 May 10,Sluice to convey Water toWhe e ls, 8i x. Jam es Hum iston,

Have n , Con ne ctic utSmut fann in g m ill. Thom as P ie rce , Fishkill, _New YorkSe tting boile rs .

‘S ce rBoilers .

Sulphate of potash , m e thod ofseparating A . M‘Nitt, Geneva,Ne w York

Spring s for wh e e l carriage s . Will iam Wing and_H .

"Sal isbury,

H artford,Conn e cticut

Sh ing le s , improveme n t in m akin g A. A Ke lsey, Hartford,C onn e cticut Oct 9,

pl itting skins, m ach ine fo .r Wm . Lillie,We st Chester,N .Y. Nov 9 ,

Sal t,making . John Gilman Taylor 1 3,Sh e aring woolle n or othe r cloth s by wate r. Frie nd B . Ke llog ,

Marlborough ,Massachuse ttsSpring pum p for raising w ate r . William Finn, Baltimore ,

Suspe nders . Richard Howe l l I

S tove s . Sam ue l D ickey,Oxford

,Pennsylvan ia .

Spl itting skins ,m achine for Stephe n PagneStraw Se e Cutti ng .

Saw m il ls . Joseph QuinbySBostonte e lyards . John Edwards

,Ne w York


May 1 9,cale be am s and balance s . John Edwards,New YorkStove . Se e Cabouse .

She aring c loth , m ach in e for. Be 1 iah Sm ith V Vash ingto

Sal t, m e thod of e xtracting from salt wate r - Stan . Sm ith, Suffolk

,Massachuse tts 1 June 1 12,‘

Sal t, m e thod of facil itating the proce ss of e xtracting from sal twate r . S. Sm i th

,Sufiolk( Massachuse tts June 1 3,

Spinn ing of rope yarn , m ach ine for. N . Cutting,Washing ton

Sw ing‘


dle . ZachariahMills , Hartford?Conne cticutSub l im ation of sulphur. Ge or


g e Barbe r D exte r, BostonScre e n s for free ing grain from dirt &tc . W. T ulloch , Orange

Court House , V 1 rg inia1

Oc t 28,Suspe nde rs . Jonas Daw son ,

Ph ilade lph iaSle igh . Se e Tran sverse

Sw ive l screw ,water tight, for s team «e ng ine s, St e . Abe l W.

Hardenbrook, New YorkSal t m ode ofm aking . T imothy Gre e n , New York

1 804

o n

S hing le s and stave s , mach ine fordre ssing . J . M‘Ilvain,Che s~

ter, Pe nnsylvan iaStumps, m e thod of raising from th e ground. A . Craig , N. H . April 1 5 ,Springs for carriage s . Se e Mai/n .

S tee lyard. Barnabas Langdon , St. Alban s, New York April 23,Shearing cloth , m ach in e for. Russe ll Do

rr,Kinderb rook,N.Y. May’


Sh ingl ing th e roofs of house s , St e . Thom as Young , Ph il . May 1 1 ,Spring buckle , m e chan ical . JohnGre e n , New York May 20,S tills, im provem e n t in . S . Steward,Walpole , N H . Jun e 21 ,Sh earing cloth , m ach ine for. Enoch Burt, Prince ton , N . J . June

23,Saw m ills , improvem e n t in . Jacob Spafford, Ipsw ich ,Mass . June 23,S traw , m ach in e for cutting ; J . Cleave land, Franklin county,

Pe nnsylvan ia July 1 8,

S traw , mach ine for cutting . Be n, ,Gonnor, Portsm outh ,N Y. July 20,S tills, im provem e n t in . Edward Richardson , Frede ricktown Oct 3,S traps for suspe nde rs . Se e Leather, &c.

Stove pipes , m ode of m aking . R. Whe atley and J . Be aumon t,Boston Nov 4


Still , improvem e n t in . Will iam Thorn ton ,Wash ing ton City De c 1 3,

Sugar, m ode of making and re fin ing . An toin e Bouche rie , Ph il . Jan 8,Spl itting le athe r and skin s , m ach ine for. Wi lliam Bre n t, Bos t. Fe b

24,Screw press . Se e Press .

Smooth ing and polish ing pape r, m ach ine for. Wm . Cool idge ,April 1 8


Stripping allum dressed leathe r for shoe b inding w S . Frothingham and Ge orge Harris, Middle town , Conn e cticut

Spinn ing whe e l, improvem e nt in : . T ;Cruztte nde n ,April

She aring m ach ine forcloth Ebe n . Stowe ll,Worce ste r,Mass . April 26,Sp rings , th orough brace for carriage s . » J Mix,New Haven ,

Conn e cticutStove s for heating room s . Allan Pollock, BostonSawing stone , wood, 81 0 . Do . do. 0

She aring cloth , m ach ine for. S . Stewart, EbenHovey and

Jam e s He nde rson , P itts town ,New York June 21,

Springs for carriage s, folding or spiral . J . Arm our, jun . Balt. June 27,

Slitt ing boards, pl ,anks St e . Ezekie l Olds , Brookfie ld,Mass . June 29,

Spli tting skins Isaac Cobb,Walpole , New Hampsh ire July 12,

Shaving and splitting . Se e Leather.

Straw cutting mach ine Elihu Hotchkiss, Battleboro’ V e rt. AugSpinn ing whe e ls . Ob adiah She e ly Aug 1 6,S prings for carriag es . Joshua C one , Re ading , Conne cticut

Aug 26,S tove , rarefying air. Dan ie l Pe ttibone

,Roxbury , Conn e cticut Oct 28


Scrubb ing and scouring m ach ine for floors . Simon B . Wi llard,Bloomfie ld, On tario coun ty , New York Nov 1 7


S tills and rotary steam e ng ine s . Sted. Adam s , Hartford,Conn . Nov 21


S till tubs. Isaac B e nne t, Ne w ton , Conne cticut D e c 12,

Sh ingle s , m ach ine for dre ssing . R. and T . Nicholson,Birds

town , Ke n tucky De c 1 3,

Suspending . Se e Carriag es.

Splitting h ide s, m ach in e for. Se th Boyde n , Foxboro’,Mass .~ Jan 7,

Ste am boats and boile rs . Will iam Thorn ton,Wash ing ton City Jan 1 6,

aw ing tim be r in circular form . J . Lindsey;Cassanov ia, N . Y . Fe b 4,

S te am boats . Robert Fulton , NewY ork F e b 1 1,

Stove s . Jam e s Fale s , Newport, Rhode Island Fe b 22,

Scows ahd boats . E l ihu She rm an ,Lansingb urg , New York March 2


Sal t, m ode of m aking . Be njam in Whe e le r, Boston MarchSaw ,

hand. isaiah Je nn ings , New York March“


S ilk stuffs, mach in e for fin ish ing . Abn e r Ste arns ,We st Cambridge , Massachuse tts March 22


Spl itting le athe r and skins . JohnWoodcock ,Worce ste r, Mass . May 8 ,


1 808

n o”

Strawcutting machine . Roge r Haske ll, Burl ing ton, N. Y May 25 , 1 1399Se a table . Will iam H. Richardson

,Baltim ore 1 June 9,

S hutters forw indows . T rum an Bartholom ew , New York June 1 7,S traw cutting mach ine . Jacob Canfie ld,Morristown ,N. J.

June 26,‘

She aring cloth . David Dewe y, Poultney ,New York June 27,Spiral float whe e l m ill . Fi tch Ive s Lisle , New YorkSpiral truss . Se e Truss.

Sh ing le s, mach ine for riving and shaving . Jacob Balcomb ,Reading;NewYork 1

Shot, manufacturing. John W. Jope , Ph iladelph iaScrews , m ach ine for cutting wood. A Stowell,Worce ster,Massachuse tts

Stum p lifting m ach ine . David Stone,

“Claremon t,N. H . 27 1 7“

Saw for/wood. Jam e s Hamil ton,Brookfie ld,Massachuse tts July 23,

Screw augur, double podded ceritre . E . L’Homm edieu, Saybrook, Conne cticut

Spirits and w ine s , mode of am e l iorating . W. T hornton,Washing ton , District of Columbia Sept I ii

Ste am eng ine , improvem e n t in the . Dan ie l Fre nch , N. Y. Oct 12:Sh ing le s , m ach ine for splitting . Joseph Coppinge r, Bal tim ore Oct 31

Spoons, m ach ine for m anufacturing Isaiah B isbe e , B ,ath Mass . Nov 20,

Stills,cast iron . Jose


ph Coppinger, Beaufort,North Carolina Nov 21 ,w

S aw ing m ach ine . E . Odds andPhineyUpham ,Worce ste r,Mass : De e


2l ,

S te am eng ine s and boile rs . John Ste ve ns ,New York I Jan 3 1 810

Soal leather, m ach ine for com pre ssing J .El l iot, Sharon . Conn . Jan

Saw ing timbe r. Elisha Cook, Be th lehem ,Massachuse tts

She ave s, m e thod ofm aking Enoch C . Topham , Esse x ,Mass Eb b 12

S tove pipe s . John Parkhurst, jun . Che sh ire, New Hamp shire Fe b 13,

Saw ing t imbe r. John Swe e t, Be th le hem ,Massachuse tts Feb l5 aS ignals for vessels . Nath . Shale r,Ne w York. Feb

Saw m ill . Abe lWrigh t, Canaan , New YorkSp ring bolt and key for w indows R Sm ith ,Norwich , Conn . March



S aw ing timbe r . A'

. Jone s, jun . B e th leh em,Massachuse tts ‘ March

S pinn ing whe e l. Winsor Drury, Brookfie ld Massachusetts 'March 19,SaLw ,

driving wh ip . Joseph Coppinge r, Frede rick, Ge org ia Ma’

rCh 1 9,

Sal t, manufacturing . Be njam in Wh e e le r, B‘

oston 2 March 28,Screw . Se e Grist mill.

Spinn ing flax . Alphe us Web ste r, Gre en county New York March 31 ,

Still, pe rpe tual . Robe rt Gille spie, Sen e ca coun ty, N Y . April 2,

S tone turne r, m arble David Clark,We st Stockbridge ,Mass .


Apri l 9,Saw m ill . Jose ph Ennals , New ,Marke t

,Maryland H April

Spinn ing whe e ls, th e he ads of. Am os Mine r,Marce llus, N.Y. April 1 1 , -u

Sawing wood, m ach ine for Roge r Sm i th , Norwich, Conn. Apri l 24,Spring tre e

“saddle . David C . Mose ly,Boston April

Screw s, casting m e tal . John Nicholson , He rkim er, N. Y A

,April 28,

Sash stufi’

,mach ine for trying . E . Basford

,L1verm ore ,Mass April 28;

aw ing boards, mach in e for. O . Judd, jun . London ,Mass. May\ 1 ,

Saw m il l to b e worked by hand Ge orge Harris , Ph ilade l.Sh e ll ing corn . John He avin , Frede rick co

un ty,MarylandS he aring cloth . Ele azar Sprague ,D anbury, Conn e cticutShe aring cloth . He rman ”Mathew s De lawareSuspende rs . Jam e s Davis

,Ph i lade lph iaShe aring cloth . Be riah Sw ift

,New York

Saddle tre e s , mach in e for making. Rubenand E . Fairch ild,Fairfie ld, Conne cticut

Sh ip building . Se e Beat, SN:

spli tting m il l Ph in’

e as Dow , Boston . JulyShaving shing le s, m ach ine for. Ab ie lA. Coole y, Bolton ,Conn July 13,Smooth ing l ine n , m ach ine for. W. P . Smith and Jacob Ode ll,Durham , New Hampshire 1

Spinn ing and w inding rope yarn. C . Brig andP. Scherme rhorn July -1 1

S te am en g ine . Se e Pendulum .

Socke t and sand shove ls, m achine for Jonathan Righ te r,Down ing town , Pennsylvan ia

Still and conde nser. Richard Sealy, Newark, New Je rseySte am carriage s . CharlesReynolds , Ea


StWindsor,Conn .

tills . H enry Witm e r, Lancas te r, Penn sylvan iaS te amb oats . Jam e s Rog e rs, Albany, 1Newtove s . f T hem e s Powe r, NewYork i f m t Se pt 1 7Sal t,rmaking fine from coarse . C W. Se llersSulphuric acid. B enjam in Be ll, Bos ton Nos w

S team e ng ine . Dan ie l Dodd, New York 1;S team kitch en . John Bouis, BaltimoreS te e l, coiive rting pig iron in to . Enoch Le onard,Canton,Mass . Jan 6,

Save all for sarir m ills . J". Hart and Le sterF ling, Chesh ire;New Hamps

Steam eng ine s 1

Stove , cooking . Jonathan Low , Fitchb urgh'


Stove N .-

,Lloyd Ph ilade lph ia 1

Ste amboat to b e sculled. Joseph Hunt, EastChe ster, N Y.

Spinning mach ine . Noe l Jone s,Madisoncoun ty, New York

March 1 4,Shing le s, mach ine fordre ssi ng J . He avin , Montgomery, V a March 1 6}Spinn ing mach ine . S tephe n Cleme nts, Hartford, V e rmon tS team eng ine , prope lled b y pole s. M. Battle , He rkim e r, N Y

Still , wooden , &c R . W. Adam s,Marlboro’, Ve rm on t

Salt , manufacturing . Ambrose Dudley,KingWill iam’s county;Ve rmon t v March315;. t


Steam boat, se tting . JohnEve le tt, BostonS till head, qui lted cloth ing for. C . Je nk,EastWindsor

,Conn .

Still he ad C . Je nks, Eas t Windsor, Conne cticut 1 Aprilhearing m ach ine . Stephe n Tredwe ll , Re ading , Conn e cticutcale board, mach ine for cutting . J . Carrington, Litchfie ld,Conne cticut

pinn ing m ach ine . Burg iss Allison , Philade lph ia April 27 ,Spin n ing whe e l . Jam e s Shaw H e rkim e r coun ty,Sawing m ach ine . Russe l Canfie ld, Pk1 _lade lphiaSaw m il l, cross cut . Samue l Ke nnedy Gore


Pennsylvan iaSpinne r. Se e Lin en .

Ste am e ng ine . Dan iel Dodd,Elizabe thtown, New JerseyScrews , mach ine forcutting . E . Hazard and J . Wh ite , Ph ilSmut , m ach ine for casting . D . Toml in son , Brookfie


S tove , tire proof ston e . Abraham H . Quincy, BostonSaw m ills ' Webb Hart, Che sh ire , Conn e cticu tShe aring clo th , m ach ine for. Wal te r Ke nn edy, Frankfort,

'K’yS tove forheating wate r, 81 0 . T Woolson, Amhe rst , N. H. 1 Julyhearing and laying th e knap of cloth , Lemue l Diclcermau

Schag ticoke , New.York 1 w

Steam e ng ine , horiz ontal. Jacob .W. Sexton , Burling toSpirits,1 purifying of. Ab ie l Pease and Samue l Be stor, Enfield,

Conn e cticut 1

te am e ng ine . Alexande r Ande rson , Ph iladelph 1a w

Ste am w ashe r. Jam e s Trum an, Ph iladelph iate am mach ine to ke ep a wheel H1 motion. M. B .


Parmele e

N. J .

chuse tts

Worc e ste r,Mass .S tove andboile r. Gabrie l N. Ph il ips, Goshen, New YorkStove . Se e Kitchen .

S tove s . Alfred Jam e s, Hartford, Conne cticut

Saw mi lls. H iram Wh itcom b,Cornwall , Conne cticut

S ifting m e al . Dan ie l Hedman , B rookha‘

rve n , New YorkScre w shanks . Jacob Pe rkins

, NewburyportaMassachuse ttsS tove s for boiling . He n ry Ab b e tt, Ph i lade lph iaS tove s . Ge orge VV orrall, Ph iladelph iaSte am e ng ines Jam e s D . Russe ll ,Wash ing ton , N . C .

Spinning and roving m ach ine . 8 Comstock and Mose s Pik’



Harrisburg , Pe nn sylvan iaScrews,mach ine for cuttmg. Jacob Scott,Ramapo Cove ,N.Y.

She aring mach ine , horizon tal . T . B lanchard, Sutton , Mass .She ll g ranade and rocke t . Jam e s Lloyd, Adam s coun ty,Pe nn .

Shot and bulle ts , m ach ine for. Pe re g rine Wi ll iam son , Balt.Sal t

, mach ine for boil ing , 81 0 . John J . Cabell , Lynchburg V

S te am e ngine . S . Brig g s and Andrew S te e l, Baton Roug e ,Lou.

Sh ing le s , mach in e for m aking . Otis Pain e, Foxboro’,Mass .

Sp inn ing c otton .

man and Benon i Gain s, Hartwick, New YorkS till . John Jam e s Giraud, BaltimoreSpoons . Jacob Pe rkin s, 1Ne wburyport,Massachuse ttsSaw m ills. Luthe r B isse l , Hartw ick

, New YorkSpinn ing m ach ine , im prove m e n t in . N. Fos te r P

,le in ing ,Ke n .

S tills . Charle s F. Foste r,York, Penn sylvan ia

Screws, m achine for fin ish ing he ads of. Abe l Stowe ll ,Wor

caste r, Massachuse ttsShot, tabulated cyl inde r. Jam e s M. Ludlum, New YorkS till

, woode n . John Jame s Giraud, Baltim oreSpinn ing whe els . Dan ie l Hurlbut, Aure l ius, New YorkShips, boats , constructing . B . Connor, Pbrtsmouth N H .

Stil ls, se tting . A . Gibbs,Lancaste r, Pe nn sylvan ia

Sh ing le s , sawing . Wi llard Ear],Hubbardstown ,Mass;

Steam eng ine . S. H . Long and G . F Hauto, Ge rman town Pa.

Skins , spl itting . William B en t, BostonShearing cloth, m ach ine for . Silas Hils, Hudson , New YorkS tocking loom. Eben Herrick, S tockbridgeS tone , mach ine for saw ing , 8t c . S . B .Wil lard, Bloonifie ld,N.Y.

S tov‘

e, spiral . Robe rt Roy

,Warw ick, New York

S te e l,made from card te e th , 81 0 . E . Je nks, Colebrook, Conn .

Still , Ste . conde nsing tub . J . Whe atley, Faquier coun ty, V a.

Se i ews , mach ine for Cutting . John Hum es , Richmond, V a.

Sle igh shoe s , ste e l plated. Salmon Hunt Canaan , Conne cticut

Luth e r Bisse l , Justus H inm an'

,Luke C . H in?

IFeb 4:Fe b 6,

March 1,

March 2

March 8,

March 23,March 30,March 30,April 10,

May 29,June 1 8

June 1 9 ,June 26,June 29,July 3,July 8


July 12,


84 S

Screws , m ach ine foi m aking . Abne r Burnham and T hom as S .

Barnum, Sharon , Conn e ct icu t ,

De c 31 ,Steam eng ine s . Francis B . Ogde n , Essex coun ty, New Je rsey De c

Slate s , m ach ine for pol ish ing . John Colem an,Baltim ore De c 31 ,

S tee lyards and scale s . Zina Ph inne y, Gre e ne coun ty, N . Y. Jan 6,1 81 4

She aring mach ine . E. Durrin ,We thersfie ldgV ermon t Jan 21 ,Sal t m anufacturing . William J Lew is Fe b 1


Steam boats . Dan ie l Dodd, IMe ndham,New Je 1 sey Feb 2


S tove, e leve n plate . Charle s Postle y, New York March 7


Sc rew s , cutting , Std. D . Ste arn s,B 1 attleboro’

,W 1udham ,Vt March 7


Sawye r;e xpeditious . John H. Morrison,Boseowe n , N . H . M arch 1 8,

Sp 1nn 1ng ,fam ily billy and je nny . E. sm ith , Paris,NN . .Y March 23,

Ste am still, pe rpe tual . J . J. G iraud, Balt im ore March 24,Spinn ing whe e l . H .Wrigh t and O . Robe rts , Bristol , Conn . March 26


She aring cloth . I Sanford,Provide nce , Rhode Island March

Ste am tow boat,&c . John L . Sull ivan , Boston April 2


Salt, m anufacturing . T homas Hord,Carol in e coun ty

,V a. April

Stills . Ezra Talmage , Richm ond, V 1rg 1n 1a L AprilSteam e ng ine s, 81 0 ) John Dow e rs,Jun . Ph ilade lph ia A


prilQ3,Sm oke drive r. Se e House Warm er.

Shoe s, m ach ine for cutting . Be njam inMille r,

S till and conden se r . B e n Hall,New Have n , Conne cticut ,n 1 3,

Stove , baking , boiling , 8110 . E. B . Colem an,New Have n , Conn . May

'1 3,S tove

,family . Joseph Tuly, Frede rick c oun ty, V irg in ia

Salt, apparatus for m aking . W. and J . D . Hawkin s,Rale igh ,

North Carol inaScythe s , m anufacturing . Luthe r Dudley , Sutton , Mass. May 27,Screws, &c . m anufacturing . AarfmB road, Litchfie ld, Conn

f Jun e 6,

Sal t, making.


.Jot Cabe ll , Lynchburg V irginia”N June

Stair for bridge and fe rry . Dav‘

id Dunh am , New York JuneSaddle t re e s . Chaunce y Stile s , jun . Ph iladelph ia s June

Spinn ing machine , portable . Burg iss All ison Burl ing ton ,NSte am eng ine s . Charle s Reynolds

, EastWindsor, Conn . . JulySulphurate acid, cem e n t for ce iling s . And. Scott;Newb

urn ,North Carolina

Spoons , m aking . Jam e s Ridge way , Groton ,Massachuse ttsSalt, m anufacturing . Pe te r Sarch e t, se n Cincinnati, Oh ioSuspe nde rs . Martin Ne lson , Ph ilade lph iaShing le s , saw ing . Salm on Fulle r


S te amboats . Nicho .las J Roose ve l t,Ne w Je rsey De c 1 ,

Scyth e , farm e r’s carriag e . T heoph ilus Eaton De c 2rScy th e , circular. John andAdam Rhode s , Un ion townsh ip ,N.Y. De c 6,Shearing m ach ine . DavidDe w e y, Poultne y, Ve rm on t De c 7,S team ,

or stove still . John Stone , jun Worth ing ton , Mass . Dec 8,S team boats , im provem en t in . Wm Thorn ton ,Wash ing ton

City,District of Colum b ia

Sawm ills . Elisha Morgan, Clin ton coun ty , NewYorkS tills . Robe rt G ille sp ie , Sene ca, Ne w YorkSle igh shoe s , cast iron .

Screw cutte rs , circular . JoshuaWith erle , BostonStill boile r and w orm Th om as We ston , Peacham ,

Ve rm on tShell ing corn and thre shm g wh e at .Saw-m ills. He nry Quin , Huntington , N J . Feb 21

Spinne r, fam ily. Jo hn B rown , Provide nce ,R. I . Fe b 24S top-cock. John Morris , New Have n , Conn March 1 ,Screw s , m ach ine for cutting and h e ading . John MasonShears for sh e aring cloth Wm . Stillm an , We ste rley, RS tove s . Wm . T . Jam e s

,Un ion Village ,Washing ton , N Y.

S tove s. Charle s Postley, New Yorko

Sylvanus Tousley,Manlius,'

New York Fe b 7,Fe b

Fe b 1 3,ZinaPh inne y, Cairo, N .Y. Fe b



S te am e ng ine . Borde n Wilbor,Wh itestown ,Ne w York April 28,

Stag e s, im provem e n t in the body of. J . Sm i th,Lancaste r

,Pa . April 29 ,

S tove s . Aaron Lan e May 1 1 ,Sp indle for spin n ing . Asa J 1ilson , Dorch e s te r, Massachuse tts May 27 ,Spruce be e r

,bre wing . Wi ll iam B e z e au

, Ph ilade lph ia Jun e 1 3,S te am e ng ine . Sam ue l Morey, Bos ton July 1 4 ,Scale beam s , 81 0 . Alle n Pollock

,Boston July 31 ,

Sh ip building . D . M. Randolph,Richm ond

,V irg in ia Aug 2


S te am e ng ine . Junla Curtis,Bal tim ore Aug 3


Shoem aker’s bench Joe l Sope r, Windsor, Conne cticut A ug 1 2,Spinn ing

m ach ine . Sylvanus Baldw in , Boston Aug 1 8,S te am e ng ine . Math ew Cluff, Norfolk, V irg in ia Sept 1


S te am stove . Erastus Warn e r Se pt 1 2,Spinn ing w ool . W. Ayre s and J . Cochran

,Durham , Ve rm on t Oct 6,

Screw whe e l for prope ll ing . Jam e s Widdefie ld, Ph ilade lph ia Oc t 1 1 ,Saws , se tting the te e th of. John Russe ll , Brooke , Virg in ia Oct 1 4,Saddle s . John B ryan , Lex ing ton, Ke n tucky Oct 24 ,Saw m il l , e le vating . Samue l B re wste r

,Middle sex , New Je rsey Oct '30,

Stove , e conom ical . John Graham, New York Nov 9,

S te e lyards . Sam ue l Hills , Lincoln , Massachuse tts Dec 27,Saw m ill , w ind . Je sse Spring e r, Cape May, New Jersey D e c 27


S tove . Com fort Barney , Warre n,Rhode Island De c 27


Saw m ills . Thom as Cohoon,Wash ing ton C ity Jan 5


S tills . Joseph Wh i te, Baltim ore Jan 1 5 ;

S te am e ng ine s . Will iam Shul tz ,New York Jan 26,

Syph ilis , cure of. Joseph Mose r, Ph ilade lph ia Jan '26,

S alt, m anufacturing of.“ Wm . J . Lew is Fe b



Sock, Colum bian . Joseph Mason , Cunn 1ngham ,Massachuse tts Fe b 8


Spool fram e . Elihu Rob in son , Augusta, Massachuse tts MarchShoemaker, the . Gide on Drake

,Windsor, Conne cticut

’March 1 4,

S te am e ng ine s . Joh‘

n Stephe n s , -Hoboke n , New Je rsey March 1 4 ,S l ide rs for ste am e ng in e s . Ditto 1

,di tto March 1 6,

She l ling corn , m ach ine -

.for Jacob Fulle r, Rockland, V a. March 1 9,

Salt boiling . Alexande r B lack , Barn stable , Massachuse tts“

Apri l 4,

Spinn ing whee l . E . B . Sandford, New ton , Conne cticut h

April 1 1 ,S team , prope ll ing boats by . Wm . Tatham ,

Wash ing tonC ity April 1 8,

Shearing cloth . v Osborn andWm . L . Fraze r April 25 ,Sugar,i purifying and refining B . Edm e Ve rjon ,Wash in


O1 tyS tove s , cooking . Christ . Hox ie ,Hudson ,

New YorkSte am e ng in e . Enoch Burt, Elizabe th town , New Je rse ySt eam , e xtracting spir its of tu

rpe n tine by . H . Ke lley,B rook- a

lyn , New York May 1 7,Spinn ing wool and cotton . Pe te r Paddle ford, Lym an

, N H . May 1 8;Saw ing sh ing le s . Olive r Me rri tt

,Be rkham sted,

Conn . May 22,Spring saddle . Charle sKlass on , Bal timore May 22,She aring cloth , m ach in e for . John D . Sm i th

,Frede r

icktown ,

M land,

May 24,Stove . Eliakim


Cory, Mil ton , North Carol ina“ May 30,S team , ge ne rating . Joseph Hawkins , New York June 1 4 ,S tills . Mon tgom e ry Ste ve ns, New York 1 June 1 7,S team eng ine . Enoch Burt, El izabe thtown , New Je rsey June 25 ,Spool ing , winding and bobb in m ach ine . C . Flagg and 0 .

Wrigh t, Hudson, New YorkSaw , radical . Samue l Fairlam b ,Marie tta, Oh ioSuspe nde rs , buckle for . Orang e Webb


_YorkSheave s, mach in e for moulding bushe s for . T R .Walworth ,

Pate rson , New Je rse y

1 81 6

1 81 6

July 1 5,


Spinn ing mach ine Zac c’

heus Whe e le r,Ri chmond, N. H .

Saw gate s . Samue l Herrick, Cle rm on t coun ty, Oh ioScrew,

cutting wood and m e tal . J. Andrew ,s Dinw iddie coun

ty, V irgin iaSteam e ng in e . Jolm Hulton

, Some rse t,MaineStocking loom . Aaron Porte r, Quee nsbury, New York W

S inn ing tton andwool ,m ach ine for . J . S rinkle ,WP P yS toves . hom as and Isaac Powe r, Hudson ,New YorkS tove s . He nry F . Le ib e nau

,New York

Suspende rs . Jos eph Barne tt,Philade lph ia 1


Sept 1 4,Spinn ing andquil ling m ach ine . Jacob Richardson, Scipio,N.Y. Oct 1 6,Steame ngin es Samue l Fairlam b , Marie tta, Oh io Oc t 24 ,sprnning and re e ling m ach ine . Cale b’ She llede ay aridGeorg


. Caslon , Sh e lbyville , Ken tuckySalt We eks, plan of e re cting .

D . Thatche r;Tuckerton ,’N. J .

Steame ng ine . Jam e s Rum sey,Ken tucky

Steam ,the m ach ine ry for. Jam e s Rum sey, Ken tucky r 1

Ste am e n gin e s . Edward Rum sey,Ke n tuckyS tove s rarefied chim ne y . G . Roge rs, Northampton , MassScale e arns . John Edwards

,Ne w YorkStove s . A n thony B . Martin, Hage rstown / Maryland


Steam e ng ine s , rotary . Isaiah Je nn ings ,New York Jan 1 7, 18 1?

Sa lt water, obtain ing . D . and J . Rutfner, Kanawha,’ V irg inia Jan

S traw cutt in g m ach in e E. Hotchkiss, Brattle b ero’, V erm

1ont Jan 1 8,~i

Scyth e fac tory . Benjam in and John Tyler, Claremont,N H . Fe b 1 ,Stove s, c ooking . A . Swain,Hudson

,New York Fe b”

11 ,S te am en g in e for rais ing w ate r . Will iam Bai le y, Ne lson Coun ty

Ke n tuckySte am eng ine , rotary. Nathan Re ad,BoistonS te am applie d to prope l carria

ge s . B . Langdon,Wh itehall N.Y Fe b 22


Spinn ing wh e e l . Jam e s W1 1 1,Campbe ll coun ty , V irg in ia

1 Fe b

Straw cutting m ach ine . SamuelWh itlo'

ck, Ve rmont March 3,Steam eng in e , Joh n L . Sull ivan , Boston March 124;Spinn ing whe e ls . Nathan Lew is

, Canandaigua, N . Y.

’March 29,Stove .


30 sephP. Sim pson , New York April 15,

Saw m ill. David and‘

Minor Foun tain , Easte rnShore ,Md. April“

5 ,Stoves . Ephraim T re adwe ll, BostonSpinn ing wh e e l . Timothy Crutt

e nden, Coving ton ,N ewYork May 12,Sash work,m ach ine for striking allk inds of. J B liss

Slitting and‘

sawing mach ine . J Jacquith , ShSaw band orbe l t . Adam Stewart

,Baltim ore - 1


Sawing ve ne e ring , m ach in e for. Do . do July 5,

Scre w m ach ine . Ph ineas Dowand Dan ie l Treadwe ll , Boston,

AugStraw cutting m ach ine . W. Ayre s


and H . Gay,Windsor, ,V t1 f’

Aug 1 3;S team e ng in e . John He avin


Sugar m ill . Jean Baptiste Ave ilhe ’

, New Yorkas

““p opening powe r tom i lls . S . Briggs , NewOrleans

S te am eng ine . Israe l J . Richardson,Gene va

,New York

Salt, manutitc ture of. EverardH all, Prince ss Ann , V irg inia Nov 1 4 ,

S te am boilers “ Royal Ye am ans Baltim ore 1 Nov.

Stoves,re tain ing the he at bf. William Phoe bus ,New York Nov 28 ,

Straw cutting m achine .

”Arnold Brayte n and He n ry C . Gre e n,Cheshire , Massachuse tts De c .

Stove , or. fire place and oven . J0 1111 Rice ,Hartland,Stains ,me thod of taking opt . Aaron Hall , Be stonSaw m ill , improveme nt on the . Dan iel Collins, Ge ne see

~county, New.York 1.Jan

S'traw cutting m ach ine Al pheus B igelowWe ston Mass . Fe b 1 3


Sand, m ach ine for colle cting . Rufus Elliot , Georg e tow n , D . C . Fe b 1 4


S team eng in e , wh e e l regulator for th e . John L . Sullivan , Bos . Fe b 28,

S te am e ng ine , supply chambe r for the . John L . Sullivan, Bos . Fe b 28,

S te am eng ine , boile r for th e . John L . Sull ivan , Boston Fe b 28,Sm oke , mach ine for con sum ing . John Eofl


,Baltim ore March 5


S tove and fire place s . John H . Lotz, Sal isbury , Conne cticut March 1 8,S tove s . Burge ss Allison , Burling ton , New Je rsey April 1 0,S te am eng ine , rotary . B e ardsly He ndryx and Hals te adPrice ,

Springfie ld, Otsego coun ty, New York April 13,

Stove s . Robe rt and John Moun t, New York Apri l 1 1 ,S traw cutting mach ine S . A . She rwood,Poughke e ps ie ,N Y. April 1 1


S tove and cooking . John Adam s , Hudson ,Ne w York April 1 6,

Spinn ing whe e l . Z . T . .B radley, Gre at Barring ton , Mass . April 21 ,

S te am eng ine s . Jose ph Eve , Augusta ,Ge org ia May 28,

Swe e ping ch im neys . Francis A . Eve rard, New York May 28,Springsfor

s addle s .,Nathan Mixe r, Ke e n , New Ham psh ire May 28,

Shoemake r s be nch . John Gre e nhold'

,We stminste r , Frede rick

coun ty,Maryland June 9,Subm arine plough ing . J . He ndrick

,Middle sex coun ty , Mass . June

Sp in n ing and roping m ach ine . John Brown , Provide nce , R. I Jun e 12,Sugar cane , m ach ine fo1 grinding . John Gotlie b Bre th ler


New 0 1 le an s June 1 3,

S tone, mach ine forsaw ing . John Sull ivan Dw igh t, Boston Jun e7 127,

Sal t man'

ufactm ing’

by fre e zing . G . Mung er,NeWHave n,Conn . June 23,

Spring saddles. Sam ue l M. Le arn ing , Le x ington , Ken tucky July 6,

S te am e ng ine . Wi ll iam Church , Baltim ore JulyStove for cooking Jam e s Lamb , H artford

,Conn e cticut July

Stove s, im provem e nt: in his patent . Aaron Lane , New YorkSweeping ch imn ey , m ach in e for . Aaron Lan e , New York Sept 29


Stove pipe s , im proveme n t in m ak ing . John Cudhp andGe orgePrice , B al tim ore Nov .1 8,

Sample box . Ge orge P. Oakly,Poughke e psie , New York Nov 25


Ste am e ng ine , imp rovem e nt on Morey’s . J . L . Sull ivan , Boston » De c 1 0


Swe e ping ch im neys . WilliamHall,New York ' 4

De c 1 9,

S inking w e lls, 8Lo. TobiasRuffne


r,Kanawha V irg in ia Dec 22,

Spinn ing‘wh e e l . He nry Wilson , Ontario coun ty, New York De c 29


Spindle and bobbin for cotton .-W B . Le onard, Fishkill , N . Y . Jan 9


Shooting by ste am . Sam ue l Morey , Orford, Ne w Hampsh ire Jan 1 9,S tove s , by leading the flam e through w ire gauze Sam ue l Mo

rey, Oxford, New Ham psh ireStirrups or saddle . Danie l Adams , Ke en e , Ch e sh ire coun ty,

New Ham psh ireShove ls fOl barn s , St e . John Brow e r, Be rks coun ty , Pe nn Fe b 1 9


S te e iyard. Jacob Bartholom ew,Middle bm y, Ve rm on t Fe b 27,

S traw cuttin g m ach ine . G ile s Dayton , jun . Springfie ld,Mass . Mai ch 1 8,

Se at saddle s , e lastic . W. Harper , Nashville , Tenne sse e April 2,

Spinn ing'

Wh e e l h e ad. J. Mudge and M110 Hatch , Che rburneNew York Ap ril 1 0,

Spring for carriage s . Ge org e Norton Reynolds , Charle ston April 30,Spinn ing frame . Paul Moody

, Boston May 6,Sugar and m olasse s fromwh eat J . lWise he art,Wayne coun ty ,

Indiana 1 May 25 ,S te am eng ine , rotary . An toine Batley, Ne w York May26,S team eng ine, rotary . Robe rt Thom as

,Richm ond coun ty,N .C . May 29 ,

Snuff, m anufacturing . Thom as B aldw in,New Castle

, D e l . Jun e 22,

Saddle s , improvem e n t in . Pe te r Dixon,Ph ilade lph ia July

'1 6,

Spiral whe e ls Z . Hiatt,Wayne county

,Indiana Aug 20,

Sausage me at, m ach ine for cut ting. George B .

‘ Craft,Redstone ,

Faye tte county ,Pe nnsylvan ia Oct 9,


0 -0

1 819

1 819

“ d

sitiou for. W. Russe ll, jun .New Bedford,

Will iam Barton , New YorkJam e s Coope r

,Augusta, V irgm la

ton, Ve rm on t

Feb ‘ 23,

Ya Apri l 6,

April 1 9,

Ju lyk


JMy 20,Aug 23,

Ste ve , ope n circular Richard B e rrian and Francis Class , N.Y. Aug 30,

0 0 12

Oct 31 ,horse s . Joseph Kirk ,We ston , Vt . Nov

El ihuWalke r, Aurora, NeW York“

Nov 1 6,"

cob Fishe r, Kenne be ck,Ma ine Dec 30,

Steam ,improvem e n t in the application of. Aaron Nile s Sabin,

Frankfort, Ke n tuckySpinn ing cotton and wool , mach ine for. John B rown , Pro

vidence , Rhode IslandSteam eng ine , improvem en t in zth e

.vibratory. P. Davis, York,

Penn sylvan iaShoe s and b oots, cutting byrule . S imeonHartSteam e ng ine s, improvem e n t in the . Minus Ward, Columb ia,

1 South Carolina f March

Sitting lim e , 81 0 . m achine for E B lanc and B . H . B . Latrobe ,New Orle ans April 1 4,

Saddle s , imuf1'

provem e n t 1 11 . Pe terDixon,‘Ph ilade lph ia A ri1 25


Smutting or hulling m ach ine. S te phe n Cooke,Marce llus,N . Y . ug 7,

S team wh e e l, improvem e n t in .th e Am os T hayor, jun . Albany,New York

Swe eping ch im neys . JohnW. Moore ,Wash ing ton;D . C .


Smut m ach ine , im provem ent in the . F .W oodward, Butternuts ,New York

Sail cloth , im provem en t in m anufacturing . Jame s Richards,Pate rson , New Je rsey Aug 10,

Spinne r, vertical . John Brown ,Providence ,Rhode Island.Saw m ill, improvem en t in . John Bruit

,Som e rse t county, Md Aug 1 6,

Saddle s ,*improvem e n t in . John G . Morris,New York Aug

Sp inn ing wool , 8 m. im provem e n t in th e m ach in e for.

’ WilliamBushne l l and J . Altoffe r, Harrisburg , _V irg in ia Aug 30,

Sector, ,improvem e n t in the plane sl iding . G. H . Thompson ,

Stove s, improvem e nt in . John Taske r,Ph ilade lph iaSe eds, im provem en t in cle an ing . David S.B uck, Hurle y, N.Y.

S team boat, canal . RoberHug in in , Albany, New YorkS te e l , mode ofm aking cast. Samuei Collin s , Troy, N. Y . AprilShe lling corn , mach ine for. Chauncey Bulkley,Manche ster,V t.

S te am boile r,cast iron John R. Averill Manche ste r, N. Y.



Saddle-tree , improveme n t in the . Chris tophe rKurtz , Penn . May 28,S ick, St e m ach in e for raising into various positions the : Jos .

C .

Jencke s , Provide n ce , Rhode IslandSe at for wagons , chairs, 81 0 . She rman B lairSte am eng ine , im provem e n t in the rotary. James Thompson,

Pittsburg , Pe nn sylvan iaSpring cush ion s , beds , 81 13. She rman B la ir,NewHaven,Conn .

Spring saddle - tre e . Joseph and William Dinw iddie , Campbe ll county , V irg in ia 1

Steam eng ine , conve rting a re ctil ineal in t'

e a rotary m otion .

John Y Savage , Rale igh, North Carolina 1 1 AugSte am carriag e , c onst1 uc t10 n of the . Lew is B igel ow ,Mass Aug 29S tove for burning stone coal. G e orge J. Foug e ray, Ph il . Sept 1 1Stove , im provem ent 1n the pom mon Louis Goujon , Ph il . Sept 22Spiral when] , im provem e n t in the . Abne r Vansan t, Jeffe rson

coun ty, MissouriSpinn ing cot ton , improvem e nt in . WilliamB ryant,Mill Creek,

Te nne sse e 11

Ste e l , mode of converging iron 1n to. Ele az ar L . Losey

, NewB runsw ick, New arsey

She ars , w ith curved edge s . Samue l Fry,

New YorkStraw cutting mach ine , improvement in . John Osborn, Bland

ford,Massachuse tts a

Stove for cooking , imPPOV em eflt in the JOhl‘

l Conan t, B ran.

don , Ve rmontb ing le s, m ach in e 'for manufacturing . Manasse h Andrews,Liver-more , Massachuse tts

S tove , improvem e nt in the . J . Talcott andJ M‘Culloch , Smyrna , Ne w Je rsey Jan26,

Sp in n ing , improvem e n t in fwool. Gilbert Brewste r,Norwich , 'Conne cticut

Spinn ing whe e l , improvemen t m the . Charle s P Schaifle, Lew.

isb urg , Pe nn sylvania Fe bSal t, improveme n t in m aking fine andcoarse . Joseph P. Ros

March 2,site r, Selina, NewYorkS tove s, improve m e nt in cooking . Jame s Wilson , N . Y March 1 3,Spindle for the throstle . Gilbe rt Brew ste r, Norw ich Conn . March 13 ,Spinn ing wool , improveme n t in . D itto di tto March 1 3,Spring saddle ,

improvem e n t in . Nathan W. Conklin, Jamaica,New York


olids , m ach in e for rais ing and support ing . He nry M. Ni-echols, Burling ton ,

Ve rm on tSaw~ m ill saw ,

m ach ine for fil ing . Solom on Morse , Sempron ius , Ne h7 York

S team e ngine , im provem e n t in the rotary . Royal N. Pow e rsC inc innati , Ohio

S te am e ng ine , improvem e n t in the . Ralph Bulkle y, N. YS te am Qf h igh temperature , ge ne rating . John Babcock,Ports

mouth , Rhode IslandSh in g le s ,mach in e for m aking . Jam e s Sawye r,T em ple ton ,Mass May 4 ,

Safe ty-ark. William Hollins, Bal tim ore May 4,

S team e ng ine , im provem e n t in the . He nry Lainhe art, jun .

May 6,New O 1 le ans

Straw ,m ach in e forcutting . Robe rt J. Ste e le Richmond coun

ty, No1 th C arolina a

March 27 ,Spinn ing wheel. Gre y Brooks, A thcl, New York April 2;S team g en e rator. Joseph Dixon , jun . Ph iladelph ia 1 AprilStove s , 1m provem en t 1n cast 1 rou William T . Jam e s

,N . Y . 11 11 1 11 23,

F .

Spinn ing mach ine 1y, cotton . William Haworth , Providencetownsh 1p, Pe nnsylvan ia June 2


Spinn ing , 1n the carriag e of th e m ule for. W. Haworth , Provide nc e townsh ip, Pe nn sylvan ia

Steam, m ode of ge nerating . David B . Le e

, Ph ilade lph iaS traw cutting mach ine . Major M‘Donald

,Topsham , Mass .

S ide saddle , improvem e n t in the double . Hugh M.. Rose, Lex

ing ton , Ke n tuckySl iding join t for se tte e s, St e . Isaac Je nn ing s , New YorkSpinn e r, horizon tal . C . Me rrill

,B . Batch e llor and S . King

j un . Lowville , Lew is county ,-New York July,3,

Ste am e ng ine , rotary An thony Cooley, Le Roy, New Y0 1k July 29 ,Smut mach ine , 81 0 . Ph ine as Pe ttis

,T allm adg e 1 0 h io . Aug 12,

Spinn ing and roping mach ine . Z . Knox andWillis Hoskins,Lowville , Lew is coun ty, New York Aug 1 6,

Spinn ing , dom e stic m ach in e for. El ias q d, Low ville , N . Y . Sept 3,

Sausage stufii ng mach ine . Andrew Gle nde n ing , Loudouncounty, V 1rg 1n1 a Sept 9 ,

Saw plate s , m anne r of m aking . Jame s Cloud,Che ster, Penn . Sept 8,

Ste am e ng ine s producing ste am for . Jose ph Buchanan , Le xing ton , Ke n tucky g Se pt 1 3


Ste am , m ode of g en e rating and applying

. S te phe n T . Conn ,Wash ingt on county, Virg in ia 1 Sept 2 7,

Se lvage , double stitched. J . A Wadsworth and E.Wadsworth ,Portsm outh ,Rhode Island Oct 5


Spinne r,wool and cotton . Francis Price , New York Oct 5 ,Spinn ing w ool ,mach ine for. Lafi


e redTo tte n , Sch oha‘rie

,N . Y . Nov 1 3,

Ste am e ng in e , improvem en t in the rotary . J‘

ohn Gilbe rt, u e

Roy, Ne w YorkSte am ,

drying floors for kiln s , St e . Ge orge G Moore ,N . Y .

Ste am and gas e ngine , improvem e n t in the Max im in lz nard,1 »

New York fi e c 1 1 ,Steam ,

m ode of ge ne rating B . F . Joslin , Schene c tady, N Y . De c 1 6,Sal t, mode of m anufacturing Pe te r Coope r, Ne w York De c 23,She llmg ,r1ddl1ng and fann ing . R.Humphrey ,Harpe rsfield N .Y. De c 24


Spinn in g m ach ine , improvem e n t in the . H . Hun t and C . Bra

dish , Lowville , New YorkStave dre sse r and cross cutting jointe r John R. Ave rille


che ste r, New YorkSal t, improveme n t in the manufacture of. Dan ie l Garrard,

Clay coun ty, Ke n tuckySpinn ing w ool

,im provem e n t in . John Grigg s , jun . Ashford


Conne cticut De c .30,Sp inn ing , im provem e n t in . Sidne yWh it ing , Wren tham , Ma

’ss . 31 ,Spiral sprin g latch improvem e n t in . Abraham B lauvelt, New

Brunsw ick, New Je rsey Fe b 9,Shove ls and spade s, improve m e n t in . Jam e sWood, Ph il .


Fe b 1 0,

Shot, scre e n ing. John W. Honey, He rculan eum ,Missouri Feb 1 0,

Stove pip'

e , m anufacturing . John Colby, Salsbury, Mass . Fe b 1 6,

Shove l for rem oving e arth , &c . : T hs . Pie rce , Hartw ick ,N. Y . March 3,Steam eng in e , improvem e n t in the . Isaiahfl e nn ings, N . Y . March 1 5


Spr1ngs , m ak1ng transve rse . N . A . Stoddard, Paw le tt, Vt . April 2,

Spinn ing w ool, improvem e n t in the m ach ine for . S . Slate r,Middle town

, Conne cticut April 4,

Sl i tting m ach ine . Je sse Re ed,Marshfield, Plym outh , Mass . ‘April 21,

School room s , building s for. S . W. Taylor, and J W. Martin ,Low ville , New York April 1 6,

Spinn ing m ach ine . R ichardWoolse y, Kortrigh t, New York May 1 3,S tove s . Thom asWe n tworth , Osw ego, New York May 1 8,Sp inne r, improvem e n t on Brown’s ve rtical J . R. Whe e le r

andJ. B .Whe e le r, Kingsbury,New York1 2

Stove or grate for Le h e igh and othe r coals :'

John Lovatt,Ph il . Jun e

rits, re ctifying by ste am . Jonathan Shaw Southport, N. Y June 21 ,Salt, m anufacturing


oy ste am . Benjamin B arlow, Geddes,N.Y . June 25 ,Spinn ing wool and cotton A . S . Wil tse andJ. Farnham ,


form e r of Carol ina, the latte r of Tiioga”

, New York 1 Jane 28,Salt, m aking . Will iam Bark

er;Sm ithf1eld, Rhode Is land July QO,Ste am boat guard orfe nde r E . C . Gen


e t. Ne w York Sept 9,Salt,making . Calvin Gui te au, Gedde s , Ne w York

’1Se pt 9,

Saw , com pound rotary . Adam Stewart,’

Boston , Mass. Se pt 29 ,S te am e ng ine . Will iam Ave ry and H . Scoville ,Pompey,N. Y Se pt 30 ,Saddles. Thom as G . Pre ttym an

Ale xandria,D, C . j Sept 30,

Saddles . Lacy White, New York Sept 30}

Saw m ills . Ebe ne ze r Wh i ting , I thaca,New York Nev:S te am powe r, m ode of applying dire ct. 1 Robe rt De nn is


ay, New Je rse ySprings for carriage s . ,Hazard Know le s, Colch e ste r, Conn.Straw, mach in e for cutting Be njamin A . Hall and Chauncey

Ha-li, Middle town , Connecticut fN0v 7 7,

Ste am e ng ine , ”rotary J . R. Ave rill and -

F. Hoard Roch e ste rNew York 2 Nov 12,

Sh ing le s, machine for saw ing . Jonathan Culver,Norfolk, N .Y. Nov 1 5 ,S te am e ng ine , e lem e n tary . Tm iothy Be ach , De e r cre ek, Ohio Nov 16,Safe ty valve , th e alarm or. William S . Gil

,le tt Low e r Thre e

Run s , South CarolinaS team .e n O

'in e ry. John A . Wadsworth , Portsmouth , R ISaw m ill . Isaac Ryon , Bridgewate r,

‘Massachuse ttsS te am ,

b y the use of an thracite in g e nerating . MahlonWilm ington , De laware

Shell ing m ach ine . Ch ristophe r Hudson, New York 1 De c

Screws, making wooden square Jame s Lynch , Pulask1, 1T .e nn

Sh ingle m ill . Ephraim‘

Parke r,F1 tZW1ll1am ,NewH ampsh ire z v

’De c 1 7,Steam, im provem e n t in the application of

'Michae l Musse lm an , Ph e lps , NeWYerk .

1 De c 29,pinner, horizon tal . J . a ndB . J : B illing s, More au, N.Y.

~ w Jan 1 826

awing ,boa‘

rds,mac h ine for.

‘Wm . Kendall , jun .Wa te rville,

’Me : Jan 1 6,Saw ing sh ing le s , mach ine for, Willard Foste r, ,

Oswe go, N. Y Jan

Saw m ill Israe l John son jun . V 1lle'

n bvia, Ne w Ym kS te am pump . Ge org e

'W. LungfOldPoin t Comfort,Virg in ia’. .1 . Fe b 1 6,

Ste am still Jame s G . Foley,Harr1sb urg ,Pe nnsylvan 1a Fe b


Spinn ing w ool and cotton . and/J. B .Whe e le r,GalWay,N Y.March 3,

t e am e ngine for boats ..

aGe orge De pn ing ,Niagara,New York March 1 0,S tumps and stone s

, rais ing . Ah ie ze r H Wh i tne y, Bowdoinham

, Ma in e -March 1 5 ,Spinn ing mach ine . Ge org e W. Rob inson ,Provide nce ,R. 1 . March 16,Ste e ring Wh e e l forve sse ls . J . M. Brdwn , Bos ton,Mass . March 24,Sli tting timbe r m ach in e . WilliamBarke r,Kingston ,Pa. March 25 ,

m , w ind and. wate r combin'

ed Wi th . Isaac Garre tson ,B e lle fon taine , Oh io March 95 ,

Sli tting and rolling 1ron m 1lls . TimothyAlle n ,Plym outh ,Mass.' April 5

Saw ing sh ingle s,m ach inery i’

or. Olive r Goddard, Bridge ton ,Me . April 6,

Saw for m ak ing fre t work for the backs of chairs . Ed . and Ch .

B ooth , Southbury;Conn ecticut April 22,Splicing cotton and woolle n rolls . Gardne r Barton , j un . Shafts

bury, Ve rm on tS te e ring ve sse ls , m ach ine ry for. S .G. Clarke and G. Stimp

son , Charleston ,Massachuse tts

Ste am boats for shal low wate r . Be njam inPh ill ips ,Spin n e r, horizon tal B . Hun t

zine s . Whe e lock;Knox , N . Y . May , 2,

Spinn ing j e nny . Jam e s Mathews , Sche n e ctady , New YorkSponge s for artille i y. John Ge the n , Ph ilade lph ia, Pe nn . May 1 6,


Spinning m ach ine , fam ily. J . Watt,F . A . Pi ie st and G . Fre e

born,Jeffe rson coun ty, Oh io

Steam packed rotary ste am e ng ine . S . Fairlanb and D . Bruce ,jun . New York

Springs to th e se at of a w agon . Wa lte r Jan e s Ashford,Wind~

ham coun ty , Conn e cticutSpinn ing wool , tow and cotton ,

(m ach ine for . J . Gorrill andW.

P. Rog e rs , Harpe rsfie ld Oh ioShaving and sm ooth ing wood, m ach ine for A braham Brow n

son,Lockport, New Ym k

Spin n ing . flax and hem p,m ach in e for : ~Wm . Hun t andWm .

Hoskins,Martin sburgh , New YorkSaw ing wood, slitting boards, St e . Barnabus Rugg le s , Poul t

ney, New YorkS te am g e ne rator, Frankl in duplex . John M‘Curdy,Plym outh ,

Eng landS te e ring wh e e l for


ve s‘

se ls . E . S . Coffin,Boston , Mass .

Ste e ring ve sse ls,a


pparatns for .' R. Kinsb ury and E . Row se ,

, Bath ,MaineSalt, m ode of m an ufacturing . Stephe n T . Conn

,Ge org e town ,

District of Colum biaSte am g e ne rator . Ste phe n T . Conn, Ge org e tow n , D C .

Ste am saw m ill . Reube n Nichols, New Orle an sSpinn ing wool and cotton Joseph Hathaway , Poultn ey, N . Y .

S te am ,application to furnac

es . Cotton Foss , Madison tow n

sh ip , Oh ioSte am , plan for working tw iceove r. Joseph H. Lan ing , Nash

ville , Tenne sse eSaw ing circular timbe r . B enj. Ove rm an

,Gre e nboro’, N . C .

Se in e tw in e , St e . m ode of laying . Jos . Clarkson , B altim ore ,Md.

Spools or trusse ls , bobbins, im provem en t in . T . V an Ripe r,Pate rson ,,New Je rsey s

S team e ng ine ry, im provem e n t in . Joseph London,England

S te am w ashe r, for cleansing clothe s Will iam Burton , .jun Ans

ville,New York

Suspe nde rs , im provem e n t in . B e njam inWilso,Utica, N. Y .

Saw se tting , im proveme n t in th e m ode . Joseph K Schre iner,Ph ilade lph ia

Spinn ing and roping cotton and wool. John R . and Joseph B'


Wh e e le r, Galway , New YorkS tock, jub ile e . W. J . Can t


e lo and R M. Ke rrison, NewYork

Singe ing or dre ssing cloth . A Robe son,Ne w Bedford, Mass .

Screw boot tre e . Ge org e Nichol , Madison C . H ., V irg in ia

‘S tone w are , im provem e n t in burn ing . Sanford S . Pe rry, Tm y,New Y0 1 k

Saw m ill,im provem e n t in th e horse . Solom on R .Johnson , N Y .

S te am e ng in e , improvem en t in the . El isha B ige low,Baltimone

Ste am e ng ine , im provem e n t in the rotary . El ijah H . Re id,

Lancaste r,Ke n tuckyS te am ge ne rator . Dan Phe lps

,Bath , Ste ube n coun ty, N. Y .

Spinn ing , mach ine for . Jose ph Woodhull,Ch e s te r, N. Y .

Ste am e ng ine , double atm osphe ric . Will iam Will is , Charle ston

, South CarolinaSpinn ing wool, Src . m ach ine for. Lafi


ordTotte n,Schoharie ,N.Y.

Saddle tre e , im provem e n t in making . Ge org e Wilke s, Fredon ia

, IndianaScrew


used in prope ll ing m ach ine ry. W. H . Godfrey,Ro

che ste r, _New YorkSte am saw m ill, locomotive . W. G . B e rry and J . T . Osborn ,

C inc inn atiSpoons and forks, in the manufacture of. Wm . Gale , N . Y.


1 May 320, .

1 826

May 95 ,

June 1 5,

June 21 ,

June 22,

Jun e 29,

July 10,

July 1 12,July 20


July 2 1,

July 24,

Aug 1 2,A


ug 1 5 ,Aug 1 63

Aug 1 6,Aug 1 6,

Aug 1 6,Aug

'l i) ,

Aug 1 9,

Aug 28,Aug 30 ,

Se pt 8,

Sep t‘


Se pt 12,


Oc t 25,

Nov 6,

Nov 10,Nov 1 4,Nov 1 4 ,

Nov 1 4 ,Nov 22


Nov 22,

Nov 27,

94 T

Spinn ing wool and'

co tton , m achine for."

Seth Boyden,Fox 1"

borough,Massachusetts Dec ; 7 , 1 826

Saw, circular reacting . Wi ll iam Avery, Caz enov1a, NeWYork Dec 8,

Saw ing veneers , m ill for John P . Allen,Manchester

,Mass . Dec :

S team , m ode of preven ting acciden t from John J. Giraud, Bait. Dec

Slate dresser, im provem en t m the . J . M. Porter and P. H.


Easton , Penn sylvan ia 11 110 122, x

Stills, improvem en t in the con struction of. Edmund Capen ,B c s. Jan1 1 7, 1 827

Steam , improvem en t in the m ode of generating . Levi S illio“man , Albany , New York

S tirrup , improvem en t in the . Dan iel Powles, Bal tim ore1

S traw . cutting m ach in e,in the . Thomas Benbow ,

Guilfordcoun ty, North Carolina . Feb ’

Sal t, improvemen t in the m ode of makingSal ina,New York

Ships .zind vessels, [node of constructing .

w ell , Cincinnati , Ohio Fe b’

21 ,Suspenders , In the m anufacture of. Abm. L . V an Horne , Ph il . Feb 22,Sofas , or portable bedsteads . Chester Johnson ,Shovels , improvem ent in m aking. Oliver Ames Easton , Bristol

coun ty,Mas sachusetts March

Stone, m ode of m ak ing artificial Louis Matthey, Brooklyn ,New York March 7 ,

Straw cutting m achine,8 m. Calvin Chanib erli‘h,America,N .Y . March 1 5 ,

S toves, im provem en t in the dom e stic cooking DavidWesterfield

,New York a March 24,

to 1 e s improvem en t in the dom estic cooking. Joseph R PagePhiladelphia

Shingles , im provem en t in m anufacturing Paul H_


W8 8’Lockport

, Ne w York ‘

1 K March 30,Spinn ing m ach in e

,1mprovem e n t in the . Nathan iel Rem inton,

Geneva, Ne w YorkSteam eng ine , 1mp rove rnen t 1 11 the . George Flem ing ,

Goochland C . H . Virg in ia

Scraper or steam shovel , improvem en t in the . G. Davis and JPrlce

, Lockport,N ew YorkSteam en gine

,improvem ent in.

- E. A Leste r, Boston ,Mass May 1 4 ,Stocks, 1m provem e n t 1 11 Joseph Tow son

,Ba] : im ore May 1 4,

S team power emp loym en t of heated air to . Minus Ward , Bait . May“

1 5,

S toves , improvem en t baing in funnel . Hiram Wales,Ra’

ndolphMassachuse tts

Thrash ing of grain and corn. Sam uelMull ikin , Phi ladelphia MarchThrash ng of Wheat, 81 0 . Wm . T honison

, Richmond, V a.

Aug 2,Thread

,spinn in g and tw is ting . Ob ad . Herbert ,Moun t Pleasan t

coun ty, Ne w Jerse y Jan 28

,1 792

Tobacco manufacturing . C . Batterman and J . Caldvve ll, AIbany, New York Jan


26; 1 793

Tallow lamp . Se e Lamp .

Thrash ing of grain . Wi ll iam Hodgson , Vi rgin iaThrash ing machine . Jam es Ward1 op , Ampthill, VirginiaTeeth

,improvem en t in extracting . Thomas Bruil


Tobacco,improvem ent

1 11 cutting. Apollos KinsleyT hre sh ing gram ,

im provem en t in . Richard R . Ell iotTide

,regulation of the other spiral wheel . John Martin

Thrashing for. Thomas C . MartinTobacco , m achine for cutting . Peter LorillardTelegraph . Jonathan Grout, jun . Be lcherstown ,Mass .T ourneque t axle . Joseph Strong



l im e piece , improvem en t in . Simon'

WillardThrashing and cleaning wheat, improved m achine for. Ez e



Feb 8, 1802

July 1 9,T i igonom e trical quadran t

,improveme nt in . Jam e s Tem pleton AUg 1 7

Tide power,obtained from its rising and fall ing. John Staples


Flushing;Long i sland , New YorkTime p ieces, improvem en t in David F . Launcy, Phil .T hre sh ing m achine . Jedediah T TurnerTw illmg m achine for pricking leather for cards : Ph iney Earl ,Le icester, Massachusetts

T hre sh ing and clean ing grain , m ach ine for . Thomas Ba rnet .

Tw isting mill . See Spinn ing .

T ow tor paper m achine tor prrparm g . Abraham FrostTablets , t em pos ition tor. Am os D AllenThimbles , improvem e nt in m aking . A . Spencer, New London,Connecticut

T hrash‘

ing machine, improvem en t in . James B oh enie , PrinceWill iam c oun ty

, V ii g in ia

Transporting carn ages Se e Carn ag es

T in ware , m ode of m anufacturing. B . Langdon , St . Albans;Vt .Tiles , brick , 81 0 . apparatus for m aking . Will iam Hodgson ,Richm ond, Virg in ia

Types , m achine for casting . WilliamWing , Hartford Conn .

T ub m ills . Charles M‘Le an and Solomon Loom isT ow , m ach ine for preparing and hackl ing. Jam es Te tterton ,

Southampton , Long Islan dTan sey . See Essen ce .

Tilt hamm ers . John F. GouldT ransve 1 se sle igh . Levi Rogers

,Berw i ck


Truss, accommodating b elted for ruptures John Beath , BostonT 1 iting wagon s . A . Hobart, Brain tree, MassachusettsTrip hamm er, w i th a pe rpe ndicrtlar handle. Joel Foy, jun .

Middlesex,Massachuse tts

Thim b les for the sails of ships . 1 . Jenn ings , Ne w YorkThrashing‘ m ach ine . Be njam in B . . Bernard . VirginiaT hre sh ing and clean ing grain . Sim on Willard, jun . ,Hudson ,

Ne w York 1 1

Trimm ing strawplat for bonnets . E . Sm ith,Fi anklin

,Mass .

Tanning .S amuel Parke r B e lle rica,Massae i nse tts

T ub m il l“

,roll ing . Samuel Bartlett, East Wir asa ,Conn .

Tailors’b ench . William Burn s , New Brunsw ick , N . J .

Thrash ing andw in now ing m ach ine . L Hook,Frede r1ck coun ty,

Maryland . 11

Thrash ing m achine . Robert Pat ton,Columb ia, Pennsylvan ia

Tob acco, m ode of curing. John Robin son , Charlotte V irgin iaThre sh ing m ach in e . Samuel 0 0 1 1 11 0 11 New Hartford

,Conn .

Tele graph . William Schu ltz,Balt im ore

Tewel. Se e Water back.

Trigonom eter or trigon . Wi lliam Chamberl inTruss

,spiral . Philip A . De Savignhac , Ne w York



s for ruptures . J Cerneau,New


Tw isting tram es . Se e Delaware .

Table bureau,dressing . Nathan iel Beary, Boston

Trip hamm er . John Sm ith , Otsego , Ne w YorkThrashing and clean ing grain . Joseph Ce pp i1 1

g e r, BaltimoreThrashing m achine . J Meriwether Sym e Richm on dT hre sh ing machine . Asa Cady, Florida, New YorkTrip ham m er . Ezra Osborn , Be rksh ire , MassachusettsTh rashing m achine . Joseph Com fort, Bucks , Penn sylvan iaT hresh ing m achine . John Comfort, Buck


s , Pennsylvan ia

March 1 8, 1803March 21 ,Oct 19,

Dec 6,Feb 21 , 1 804

June .8,

Nov SO,

May 4, 1805

May 1 0,Aug 28,Sept 25


March 8, 1 806

Feb 4, 1 807

Fe b'


Feb 1 7,


Nov 30,



July 9,July 1 9 ,Oct 3,

Feb 1 5 . 1 809Fe b 1 7


Feb 25,

March 3,

June 1 4 ,

Oc t 1 3,Oct 1 4


Oct 31,

Nov 29,

Dec 27,

Jan -8, 1 810Jan 25


Jan 25;T hrashing machine . Joseph Beach , Northfie ld,Massachusetts March 30

96 T

T hrash ingMachine . Isaiah Jenning s , Brookfie ld, New Yoi k March,30, 1 810

Tube s for aqueducts, earthen . Jam es Ram say, Burke, V t A pri l 4,Trip hammer . Elisha Downer, Duceyte r April 1 1 ,Turnpike gate . Jerem iah Brainard, Canaan , New York April } 6,Triph amm er. Ol iver Antes , Plymouth, Massachuse tts j~ April 25


Tobacco, mode of m anufacturing. P . Lorillard, New York Apri l 25,

Te non s , machin e for cutting . E . Bashford and E . Johnson,Li

verm ore , Massachusetts Aprfl23,Tide m ill . John P . Swain and Jacob Skinn e r, Roxbury,Mass. May 1 7,Trip hamm er. Joseph Hines

,Provide n ce , Rhode Island June 1 6,

Tanning h ides . Ed. Seter, Delaware coun ty , Pennsylvan iaThrashing and fann ing , m achin e for. Ez ekie l lMiller and JohnAnderson ,Westmoreland, On eida, Ne w

T an hark, mac h ine for cutting . C GriswoldandHosea E. Pot-zter

,Otsego, New York

Tann ing, heating wate r for.

.MassachusettsA Henderson , Great Barrington, 1

Thrashing m achine . Danie lC . Arnold,Bal tim ore


lDec 1 5,

Tann ing leather Nath . Burley , Stafford , New Hampshire Jan 24 ,Type m ould, Arch. Binny, Philade l h ia Jan 29,Types

,mode of1smooth


ing , 8110 . A ch . B 1uny,Ph ilade lph 1a Fe b 4


Th imbles , making rim s for, &c . Stephen Chandler, New York Fe b 4,

Thrashing m achine . .Jam esW. Walker,Wilm ington, N. C . Feb ‘ 9 , r'

Trip hammer . Jolin Goulding, Leicester,Massachusetts March 1,T hre sh ing machine . R . C . V an H

anton,NewYork March 28,

Tanning leather. Joseph Barker Deerfield , Oneida.



ntyr,NewYork 0

_April 10,Tann ing leather .

’ Will iam Holl ingsworth Elkton,Maryland July 30,Truss , double spring angular. Theodore Hart, New York Aug 30,Tann ing. Alexan der H . Avery, Benn ington , Verm on t Sept 30,Trip hammer. Joseph Baal, On tario, N ewYork Oct 5 7Tann ing . Joseph Barker, De erfie ld New York 1 Jan 10, 1 812T hre sh ing machine . Benjam in S. Hort, Georgetown , S . C, 21

T hre sh ing machine . Wm . R ichards, Culpeper county, V a March'


Thrashing m achine . Joseph Gould ing,Bangor,Massachus etts March 1 9,

Tann ing. Samuel Currie, Ph iladelph ia March 28,

Tobacco spinn ing, St e J V anderpoole and J . Eagles,Newark,Ne w Jersey 1 .

,April ''

8,C . Luther and Jam es Sm ith, assigned to Dan iel



Tann ing.

Renn e r,Georgetown , D . C .

"181 1- I

1 813

Trip hammer . Ste phen Me rrill, Redfleld,Massachusetts Sept 28,

T ann ing. Wil liam Edwards, Northam pton ,Massachusetts c Oct '1 9,Thrash in g m achine. T . Judson ’

and J . Hotchkiss ,WoodburyConnecticut Nov 27,

T hre sh ing m achine . Samuel Skiff,Sharon ,

Conne c tieut Dec '


5 ,T hreshing m achine . John Houpt,Jun . Bucks coun ty, Penn . Dec 14 ,Tann ing soal leather . W. Edwards

, Northampton , Mass Dec 30,T assels and cords for boots . A lf0 1 d Jam es , Hartford , Conn . March 1 ,Timber, m achine for cutting . .Dav1d Cram ,

Clarksburg, V a. April 1 5T ann ing i n cold weather, 8 m. Caleb Atwater, Genoa, N . Y . June 2


Throstle for spinn ing w ool , 81 0 . S . Shallcross , New Yo rk Jan 26,T eazling cloth , subst itute for . Isaac Sandford, Providence,R I . March 26,

1 81 4 1

Torpedo . Ebenezer Ford, Bal tim ore April 1 4,

T in plates . David Noble, Philadelphia May 9 ,Ty

,pes m oulds for casting . A . Binney, Philadelphia May 1 7,

T able for the use of ships . G. Patrick,Wi lkesbarre , Penn . Nov 8,

T in p lates . Aaron Burk, New York Feb 1 1 , 1 81 5Tables . Sullivan Snow ,

Saco, District ofMaine . March 2,

Timber, preserving under waterThrashing m achine . Thom as Warner, Ge n e see, New York May 1 1 ,T enons , ma

chine for cutting J . Reynolds,Dutchess county,N.Y. June 24 ,

George Lovett, New York April

T eet h, composition for clean ing“

. Levi s . Parm ly, New.York June 1 7, 1820Thrashing

mashine . Asa Shattuck, Pepperhill , Massachusetts June 23,Tobacco ,

reel,improvemen t in the. 1 S and E, Hardy, Ke nne

T iring carriage wheels. Russe lHun t, 2d, Litchfie ld, Conn. rMarchThrashing m achine . James Gregg, Londonderry, N . H . MarchTilt hamm er, im provem en t in the. Jacob Everse l , Botetourt

county, Virgin ia May‘

3,Threads , mode of packing. Reuben Langdon, Hartford, Conn . June 20,Trucks , mode of cu tting . Robert Rose , -Washing ton , D C AugT e az lin and knapping cloth . Aaron Foster

,Whitestown , N. Y. AugThrash ing m achine , im provem e n t in


. B'

enj .Cumm’

ins, Brooklyn Sept

Thre sh ing and rice cleaning machine Mic hael Morrison ,Wa

terb ury,New Ham pshire x

Thrashing and winno‘w ing mach ine, improvemen t in the . SethBallon , _Liverm ore , Maine

Trunnels for ships , improvem ent in. Thom as Rowell , Vt.

Feb ’

.7,March 2


March 9

N . Y. March 9,Wheat



Thrashingmachine . Reynolds Gillman,New York April 29,

T ayloring, improveme nt in . Isaiah J . Hendryx , Bennington ,


,m ach

Turpentine, distill ing . Frede rick S . Cozzens, NewYork

Thrashingmachine . Joseph Pep e , Hallowell,

Truss she ars, for cutting iron . Enos Baldw in,

Thrashing m ach ine, improvem en t in th e . Timothy H owe , :Turner,Maine


1 D e c 13 7-1"

Tools, artoi m aking edge . Horatio S . Gates,

Thrashing m achine . GideonReynolds , Ne w YorkTanning , improvem e n t in. Leonard Jacobs , Missourihrash 1 ng , 1m prove m e n t 1n John Carll

,New ork: 1

Truss, improvement on the. Am os G . Hull,New York


hing g rain , 81 0 . m achine for. Nam an Goodsel‘

lé .

COneida county, New York

T anniri, m ode of extracting . Will iam Knapp,Milford, N Y. April 5,

Thrashing m achine . P . Reading, Tren ton, New Jersey ~ April 1 5,

Tubs, pails , keelers, 8 m. m ode of m aking. Am os Mide r, Cam il lus ,New York April 25

Thrashing m ach ine . J . R Miller, Dryden , New York April 30,Tinned sheet lead, m anufacture of. Thom as Ewbank, N . Y. r May 30,Telegraph , improve ment in the .



es M . Elford,Charles-1

ton, South Carol ina

Tilt ham m er, im provem ent in th e'

spring. Will iam Boivlin ,Harrisburg, Virgin ia J ly 1


Talley,m ode of keeping. VV illiamA . Turner,Plymouth , N. C . Ju 12,

Thrashing m achine, im provem en t in . Wm . K irk, Bal tim ore July 22,Temples for cloth loom s . John Baz in , jun .

lCan ton , Mass . Aug S,Thrash ing machine , im provemen t in th e . Charles Sm ith , N . Y . Sept 1 6,Thrashing grain, St e . Archibald Douglass, Ne w YorkTann in

,m ode of procuring by the pyrol ig


us acid. D . RC . F.Kellogg an d J.

“W . Gazlay, C incinnati , OhioT ann in , improvemen t 1 11 Joshua Galbra i th , Tren ton , N . J




T hre sh ing and grinding m achine, improvem en t in the . W111 .

S . Lewis,Pittsylvan ia, V irgin ia Oct 20, 1823

Tann in by the pyroligneous acid . Horace H . Hayden , Bal t . Nov 26,T hre shing m achine , improvement in the . Benj am in LoveJoy,

Augusta, New YorkThrashing .m ach ine , improvem en t in the . Andrew Noble



Jan 12, 1 824

Throstle cotton spinne r, improvem en t in th e . Benjam in Brundred, Mamaroneck, New York Jan 1 7,

Truss , improvem en t in the revolving spiral spring. Joseph Farr,Man lius , New York Feb 7,

Tee th, preven tive of. car1es or de cay in . Horac e H . Hayden ,Balt im ore Feb 1 1 ,

T hre shin g and winnowing machine . Edward Warre n , Au

gusta,Maine March 6,

Tide-gauge . Jam es D . Woodside ,Washington , D . C . April ld,’

Trigonom eter, improveme n t in the . Will iam Bolles , Griswold ,Connecticut

Thrash ing m achine,

Gideon Reynolds , New YorkTrusses for ruptures . Am os G. Hull


Tann ing , improveme n t'

in . JosephWam pler and G. MatthewsSteubenville , Ohio Aug 27,

Trunks, m aking leather. Rob e rt C . Martin,Ph iladelph ia

Trusse s for hang ing the yards of ships . Preserved Fish, N . Y. Sept 24 ,T hreshing m achine, 8m . Ger . Boswick and H . Spence r, Ma

ryland,New York Dec 24,

Transporting weights, 81 13 James Cornell, Brookfie ld, N. Y. De c 24,T hre sh ing m achine. James Hyde , So


uth Pem broke, N Y Feb 8 , 1 825T ann in , extra cting. Will iam Lowber, Philadelphia March 1 5 ,Tann ing, improvemen t in . H . Bre tney, Lebanon, Ohio 1 Marc h 24,Truss , con ical spring. Jesse R. Hovey , Sangerfie ld, N. Y . March 31 ,Teeth , s aw ing ivory com b. Philo Pratt, New York April 20,Tann ing, im prove me nt on Demond

’s m ode . Joseph Giles, Gu il

ford, Verm on t Apr1l 1 1 ,T hre sh ing andflax b reaking machine . A . and N . Rem ington ,

Genoa , Ne w York May 1 9,

Thrashing and shellin g machine . Pierson Reading, T re nton ,N.J . May 20,T hre sh ing m achine RichardHolden , Philadelphia May 20,Truss, B . Farr’s improvemen t on Hul l’s paten t . Eli M . Gibbs,

Norwich , New YorkThread of wood

, m achine for m aking. Will iam Bell,Fayette

coun ty, Ken tucky June 1 ,T hresh ing machine , im provem en t on S . Ballou’s . J . C . Boyd,Rush township, and A . K itchen , Danvil le, Penn sylvan ia June 7


T hresh ing machine . Wm . Hoyt,Brookville, Franklin coun ty,

IndianaTrashing grain . Will iam Sm all , Augusta, MaineTire and hoo‘p bending. Joseph Meredith , Lebanon , Penn .

Tee th , apparatus for keeping free from sal iva . Charles Newton , New York

Tire , m achine for bending. Charles Cooper and Abraham T ustin , Le banon , Pennsylvania Sept 28,

T hre shing m achine . Joseph Briggs, Schoharie , New York Oct 5


Thrashing m achine . R. Howard and .) B . FlaggJi e nnebe ck,Me Nov 5 ,Truss . Christian Stockm an , Albany, New York Nov 7


Tann ing. Samuel W illiam s and Amos Wi lliams, Orang ecounty, New Jersey Nov 12,

Trusses , for ruptures . John Blagg,Portland

, Ma ine \ Dec 1 5,

Thrashing m achine . William Sm all , Augusta, Maine Jan 1 0, 1826Thrashing machine . J . A . Heerm ance


,New York Jan 1 6,

Jan 30,Tem ples. use d for weaving. O . M . S tillman, Brookfie ld, N . Y.

1 3

1 00 v

T hre sh ing grain and hulling clover, m achine for. Jos Potter,Re ading , Be rks coun ty , Pe nnsylvan ia -

1 FebThrash ing grain and bre aking flax and h em p, m ach ine . I) .

Hurlburt,N . Eth e redg e andJ.M‘Com b s,He rkim er coun ty 1

Web“21 ,T ann ing , im provem e nt on . Le onardJacobs ,Richm ond, V a. March 1 ,T russ , splraldouble cone . Be laFarr,Norw ich , Che nango,N.Y. March

T ailoring , improvem ent in th e art of. Gre e nbury Ross, Caralisle , Ke n tucky

T oothed cultivator and b arrow . .Waldren Be ach ,Ph ilade lph ia April 1 3,T an vats, pump used 1 11 . Aaron Higg ins , Flore nce , Oh io« April 24 ,T hre sh ing m ach ine . John Shaw , Ke nnebe c coun ty,Maihe 1 MayT hrash ing mach ine . Seth Ballou

,Liverm ore

,Mai ne May 25 ;T hrash ing


m ach ine . Pe irson Re ading , T re n ton Ne w Je rsey .June 1 3,T ire fo

r wagons , St e . m ach ine for b e nding . Walte rJam e s, Ash 1 11»


rd Windham county, Conne c ticut1 f June. 1 9

Trip hamme r, m ethod of moving . .Elisha Crow e ll, Gardine r, .

Malne -'

1Aug x 4 ,T hre shingmachine . Arch . Douglass , .Marce llus New York 1 Sept 8,T hrash ing and winnow ing grain; mach ine for.

1 Sylvanus CH ersey, Roche ster, New York

T rip hainm e r, improveme n t in the Ph ilip Pitts Read,Me rce r,'1

T hre shing m ach ine . James iHyde ,Pem b roke , New 1 It mDe c

T obac co, kiln for dryin g . Edmund

T e e th , m ode of e ngrafting.1


1Elijah March

March 119 “

Allen ., jun .

and Charle s Geogh’

e gan'

,Richmond, V irginia

T ubs , bucke ts , St e . m ach ine for cuttingp ut . . .Jer B

T e non ing Spoke s for ivhe e ls,mach ine

chester, Conne c ticut 1

1 April 1 8 1


T urn ing lathe , im provem e nt in the . Wm . Patrick, Le ve re tt;1/ April 24 ,

Umb rella, 1m provem e n t in the . William Gamble ,Wa

sh ing ton ,

D istric t of Columb ia 1 1- 1 July 319824"

Umbre lla and parasol, improvem e n t in the . William Sle eper 1

Ph ilade lphia1


V e sse ls , im provem e nt ih'


aritim e aii'

alrs B . VV yhkoop ,Phil. Sept 794

V entilators , nautical. Be njam in Wynkoop, Philade lphia Jun e 29, .

1 795

V e sse ls , prope lling. S e e Boats

V e sse ls, im provem e n t i n con structing and rigg ing . J. Garre tson'

May 291


1 791V e sse ls

“bottom s . Sée Woo'

d preservi ng .

V e sse ls, a m ach ine for propelling . Charle s StoudingerV e sse ls , h eaving down , rai sing w e igh ts , 8 mV e ne e ring plough , for cab ine tWork. William Stillm an

V apour bath , portable . C . W. Pe ale , Philade lphia1

V e ntilatorfor sh ips , 8m . Se e .Hir pimpsV apour. Se e Cooler and conden ser 1

V e g e table e lixir or cough drops . S Coclev , Bolton, Conn .

Nov 112,

V e sse ls Se e Raisin g.

102. W

Windows,how hung w i thout weights . W. Young,W1ndham , Con NovWheels w ith in cyl inders,m ode of g iving m otion, See . J . SharplesWindmi lls,m echan ical powers fdr the use ofwhich . J. SharplesWind m i ll

,improvem en t in . John A.Morton 1 6,

Wind mill , im prove m en t in . R Hathaway, Plymouth ,Mass . Jan‘

20, 1 802Wheat, m achine for clean ing. Stephen Stilwell July 9,Window sashes , improveme n t 1n raising and supporting Le on

ard KennedyWater, m achine for ra1s 1ng . John Baptis te Ave ilheWelding cast steel to iron

,improvem en t in the manner of.

Dan 1e lPe tt1b one E. Chapman and J. Nichols Dec 22,6

Water, m achine for rais ing. Benj . Cooley,Wheatley, Mass . Feb 1 1803

Wheel to turn under water. S ilas Ben t March 7

Wind m i ll . See Horiz on tal.

Wreck raft. A . De Buc Mare ntilleWater, improvement in heating and boiling B . PlattWool , m achin e for breaking and icarding B Standring - 1

“’indow sashes , m ode of applying sp

rings S. J . Camp,Norwalk


Wooden stills . Se e Distillation .

Waterc ock; improvem e n t in . GeorgeYoule, New YorkWheel press . Hezekiah B e tts

,Norwalk, Connecticut

\Vind m il l . Se e Horizon tal

W ind m ills,improvem en t in . A . E . Paine, HlV indow sashe s , improvem en t in fasten ing and supporting

Jacob Osborn 5

Wind m i ll, im provem e n t in . Wi lh am Bell , Camden, S . 0

Window springs . Jam es Curtis , ju‘

n .

Wh ee ls, im provem en t in fo1 various purposes John Staples,j un .

”Warren,V i 1 g in ia Fe b


indow sashes im provem en t in hanging . W.W. Hopkins Feb 24 ,Washing m achine

,improvem en t in . Dan iel 8 . Dean J Feb 29,

fasten ings or springs . D . Miller, E . Haddam, 0orm. March“Tate ring cattle, m ach ine fo .

’r '

Moses Smi th Maroh l 6,W

ry fly , improvement appl ied to mills . B e njam ln Tyler, Clarem on t


Ne w Hampshire March 1 9,“Tindow sashes . Se e Springs .

vV ate r, improvem en t in the ra1s1ng of. B enjam in Folge'

r1Water, m ach ine for rais ing from m ills . W. Harrington , Paris,

Kentucky Aug 28, 1

Windlass for ships or vessels , improved . H . Betts, Norwalk,Connecticut Aug 29 ,

Wind m ill , 1m provem e n t 1n R ichardWee m s, Annapolis Sept 20,VV ag e ns o1 ca1 riag e to b e worked by hand . John Bolton , jun . Sept 29.“’ind m i ll,.improvem e n t in f W. Staunton , jun . Plym outh ,N . H Dec 26,

lV indow spring, im provem en t in . Isaac Scott, New Haven'De c ‘2fi,

“fater,m achine for raising . F . Lippart, P . O . Kee tz town ,Pa. May 1 805

1V a‘sh ing and se curing m achine . A . Higham ,

Hudson , N . Y .


May 4,

\V ater, m achine for raising . Seraphim Be llij , Baltim ore .

,Nov 7,

“lash ing m ac hine . Wi l l iam J Fulsom and J . Hayde n ,Kenneb s ck, Distric t ofMaine

‘Vater. Se e Sp i img pumpfm m issing .

‘V e lding cas t s teel to iron , mode of. D . Pettibone, Roxbury,Connecticut March 22, 1 806

Wash ing m achine . Se e Falling m ill

Water wheels for m ills E . Hubbel , Middle burg, VermontlV ind m ill . John Cooper, Philadelph iaWashing machine . Reuben Buck\Vater proof, m ethod of rendering cloth . James P. Weight,

m an,Boston

Winding cotton , m achin e for. D . Brown , jun . Warre n , 11 . 1 . Fe b 5, 1807

washing machine . Richard R . Elliot, VV atertown , Mass . 1 Feb 28,

Washing m achine . S im on Wi llard , jun . Hudson , New York April 25 ,Washing, se curing , and churn ing m ach ine . Thom as Beatty Apr1 i 25

,Washing m achine . Josiah Cleveland ,

-Franklin coun ty, Penn . June 6,

Washing m achine . Eben Jones , Be rksh ii e coun ty , Mass . July 24 ,Washing m achine . M. Lee and T Barber, Oneida coun ty, N .Y. Oct 1


Water whe el , improvem en t in the . S imon W1llard, jun . Hud

son ,Ne w York Dec 1 ,Washing m achine . Wil liam Wadsworth , Hartford , Conn . March 1 5 ,’Wheel to run under water. John Johnson , lnd1ana Ter. March 321 ,VV hale bone , m ode of twis ting for whips . Joseph Reeve , New

burg , New York April 25,

Washing m achine . Leonard Kennedy ,Hartford , Conn . April 26,

Washing m achine . Elam K ing, John stown , Ne w York May 1 4 ,Whip saw , application of. S . Barb er andN . U . T omkm s,N.Y. Jun e 1


tV ash ing m achine . Martin Lee ,New York June 4,

tV ash ing m achine , churn ing, getting out clovers e ed, 81 0 . Robt.Patton

,Colum bia

,Pennsylvan ia 1 June 1 3


Washing m achine , perpendicular. E . Jones , Alfred , Mass . June 20,Washing m achine . Asahel E . Paine , Delh i , Ne w York July 1


Wash ing m achine . Enos Trescott, New Marlboro’, Mass July 1 1 ,“Wash ing m achine . Sheron


Hen ry , Bloomfield , Ne w York July l l ,Washing m ach ine . 'Thom as Osgood , -Charleston , Newl


ork July l l ,Wash ing m ach in e . Eben . Lis ter

,Killingworth , Conn ecticut July 1 1 ,

Washi ng m achine . Dudley Loom is and Ira July~

1 1,

Wind m i ll ..

Uzziel Geer, Norwich , Con necticut 1 July 1 8,W


heels , m achine for m aking: Jacob Coon , Granville , N . Y . Aug 6,Water, m achine for elevating . Wm . Sm ith , Aug 12,lV ashing m achine . , S . W. Dana, Rutland , Verm on t Aug 30,Wheel carriages . Stephen Winchester, New ton . Connecticut A ug 30,W’

ashing and churn ing m ach in‘e . D i tto d itto Aug 30,

‘V ashing and churn ing m ach ine . G . Bishop, Cazenovia, N . Y . Sept'


Winnow ing m achine“ Randal,Wallis , Bal timore Nov 9


Window sashe s,m ach ine for m aking. J . Farnham , Oswego ,N Y .

Jan 7,

lV ash ing mach ine . Septim us Tucker, Dubl in, Pennsylvan ia Jan 1 2,

tV indow shutters, Se e Fasten ing .

washing machine . Eli F . Hill,Onandago, New York Feb 1 1


Wheel , ove rshot s trap or chain . R ichard Berrian , Ne w York‘

Feb 1 3,V Vashingm ach ine . A . Blodge t

,Am herst,Massachusetts Feb 1 6


Washing m achine . Joseph Yarwood ,New Brun sw ick March 1 1,

V V a'

shing machm e . Levi Anderson , Bristol , Pennsylvan ia March 23,

Washing m achine . Wi ll iam Buckm an , Ann Arundel, Md. March 23,

Wash ing mach ine i Garr‘

y B 1 shop , Madison coun ty,N . Y . April 1 7,

Washing mach ine . Lem uel B achelor, Vernon , Ne w York April 24,

Win dow sashes : David Worth ington,Hartford

,Connecticut April 27


Water: wheel . Wil liam Stubs, Ch il icothe May 1,

Weaving straw w i th s ilk, 81 0 . MaryKe is,

’Killing ly, Conn . May 5,

Washing m achine . Orin Chatfie ld, Burl ington , New York May‘V ash ing m achine . Nicholas V an Zandt,Washington May 21 ,i V ash ing and churn ing m achine . G . Osgood

,Mad eson coun ty,

New York June 7,Washin g mach ine . Martin Lee , Burl ington , Ne w York June 8


Washing m achine . Isaiah Jenn ings , Ne w York June 1 3,

Wool carding m achine . Dan iel Sm i th , Phi ladelphia June 1 4,

i V ate r tables, for doors , &c . Nathan iel Briggs , Win dham ,Vt . June 1 7


Water back and tewel for sm i ths . OCAm e s, Plym outh ,Mass . June 24


Wash ing m achine . Thom as P ierce , Fishkill , New York June 24,

Worm boiler . Jam es Trum an , Philadelphia June 24,“lashing m achine and press . Amos Hosford and Ez ekiel Kel-l

sey, Berlin , Connbc ticut June 27,

tV ashing machine . Tim othy Freeman ,Madison coun ty,N.Y. June 28,


1 807

1 808

1 809

Wheat rubber. Jam es D e neale, Dumfries, Virgin ia 1

Wire work, mach ine for weaving . P . Bernard,Whitestone, N.Y.

Wood screw s . Se e Screws .

Wool,machine for draw ing and spinn ing . Wi ll iam Hum phreys,

Hum phreysvil le, ConnecticutWhite lead

,w ashing. Samuel Withe rille

, jun. Philadelphiai te le ad setting the b eds , &c . Ditto ditto

July 1 ,July -7


Washing m achine . Shubael Kimball , Rhinebeck, New York Aug 12,Wheel to operate by w ind or water. W‘

. L . Bakewell,New

Haven , Connecticut Aug 1 8

Wheel ,mode of casting for clocks . Lemuel J . Kilburn , Penn Oct 1 3,

Washing m achine . Rozel Phil 1ps , Otsego, New York Oct 1 4,

Washing m achme Robert Rob inson , Leesburg, Virgin ia Nov 8,Water wheel , horizo

’n tal . David Parm e lee, Reading, C onn . Nov 20


Wells, m ode of sinking. Peleg Easton , Nantucket Mass Feb 1,

Washing m ac hm e .



ylvester Nob le‘


,\ NewYork Feb 1


Weavi ng m achine . Wal ter Janes Ashfcrd, Cdnne c ticut Feb 1 6,Window s . Se e Spring bolt .

Whip saw . Se e Saw .

Water wheels for m ills . J . Minor, Saratoga, New York April 2,Whee l wright’s labor saving m achine . M. Battle, New York April 4


Washing and churn ing m ach ine . J . Roberts,Germ an town , zPa. April 25


Wind m ills . Russel H . Wright, Boston April 25 ,Wire w inding and spinn ing. Henry Burke, Philadelphia June 1 8Washing m achine . Isaac Loofborrow , Ne w York June 26,Winding mach ine forw eavers . Levi Ruggles, Boston Aug 1 6,Winding m achine for weavers . Wal ter Janes ,Ashford, Conn . .Aug 20,Wr iting, teach ing the art of S . Warren


,R . l Oct l


Washing m achine Will iam Jackson , Painsville , OhioWater Whe el . Pindar Antrim and Saniue l Bolton

,Philadelphia Nov

Windlass and capstan11. John Calvin , Philadelphia Nov . 6,Water, m achine for rais ing , 8t e

Jos . Clap , Mon tague,Mass. Nov 21,

Water wheel . Aaron Renek, Chil icothe , Ohio Dec'


Washing machine . Dan iel Robinson , Franklin , New York Dec 1 5,

W indow springs . George Cannon ,Nan tucket,Massachusetts Dé‘i 27,Water boiler and steams till . P Bern ard , Whitestown ,

N . Y. Jan 1 6 1

Wood, preserving i n sal t water. Robert Lloyd N icholas Easton

, Talbot coun ty,Maryland Fe b 1 23,

Wheat . Se e S ,tarch Sfc,Wheel , tide m ill . D . Wheeler, Bristol , MassachusettsWarm ing room s . B . Russel , Hartford , Cbnne c ticu t J

Wind wheel , horizon tal bellows . D .: V an Vorhees,Long Island


New York March 21 ,Water


Wheel , spiral . B . Schoolfie ld andW Stanton , Lynchaburg, Virgin ia


April 26,

Water w heel, raising or lowering . M Andrews, Kennebe ck,

MassachusettsWeighing m achine . Thomas Arnat, Philadelphia May

‘1 0,Writing instrum en t . Ezra L . Mi ller

,Charleston S 0 May 1 1,

Window sashes . John Ballthorp May 22,Washing m achine D Duncan , Uppervil le ,Loudouncoun ty, Va. MayWater wheel, h orizon tal John Osburn , jun . Litchfie ld, Conn . May 29,Water blast: Joseph Ruggles , Ne w Mil ton Connecticut

‘June ‘

6,Water wheels , m achine for two . Luke C . Hinm an

,Luther B is

sel and Moses Barns , Otsego , Ne w York June 7,Yt e l head

,accelerating A . Putnam , Ph iladelphia July 20,

Wooden sp i ings for carriages . L . Som ner, Down ingtown , Pa. July 22,Wear for catching fish . Hawley Em erson , Hancock AugWool picker . Michael Morrison , Boston Aug 1 5 ,Weaving. N . and P Miller, Frankl in ,

Massachusetts Aug 20,“Weaving. Josep h Atkin son , Amherst,Massachusetts Sep t .5 ,

.1 809

Wooden springs for carriages . Levin Brickhead Dec 30, 1 81 4Weaving , spooling,


and w ind ing . Eben Stovve ll, Middlebury,Ver.

Warping mach ine . Thomas Sidde l, German town ,Pe nn .

Water wheel . Geo‘

rge Peck, Whitestown , New YorkWashing

mach ine Joshua Lane , Ne w York May 1 5 , 1

Water used on wheels success ively. A ’

.Dan ielson , Otsego N.Y . May :1 6,Wh iskey making.

“ S ilas Sm ith , Ge nne see , New York a MayWater wheel , horizon tal . Jam es Wood , Moun t Pleasan t, N. Y . June 1 9,Wind and water wheel . Jonathan.Reynb lds Dutchess co. N Y Jun e 24,Water wheel, app lying . Asa Je llson , Roa

’rb ury

, Mass . JulyWheel, vertical horse . John A .

Morton,Baltim ore July

Wool , machine forspin n ing and roping. Sam uel Learned Wa

te rtown, MassachusettsWheels, carriage . B . L . Greenough

,Le bannon ,N . H .

Water whe el , horizon tal R A. Donaldson and J . L Whe eliar

,Newark, New Jersey

Weights, 1iron . Alven Babcock, BoSton

Wash ing machine . Christ . Se ebold, New Be rlin , Penn Feb 1 1 816

Water whee l, overshot. John Green, Virg in ia March 5 ,Win ding yarn . Paul Moody

,Boston 1

Water whe el . S ilas Dal ie , Cum berland, Mas' s .

weav ing.

,Ira Draper, Weston , Mass .

Weights, propelling boats by . Moses Martin,Woodbridge , New

JerseyWillard’s tim e-piece , improvem entin . L . Curtis, Concord, Mas

sachuse tts July 12,Windm i ll, im provem en t m .

—1 Jam e s Barron , El izabeth Ci ty, V a.

'JulyWinde r, socket and bobb in John Th .orp and S . Shepard , Taunton,Mas s 1 Oct

Water m arks in paper. . J. Perkin s and T . Gilpin ,Ph iladelphia Dec 1 8,Water whee l . Wm

. Purnell, Giles co . Tennessee 1 Jan ll), 1 81 7

Weights, m ach ine for rais ing . Hen ry Nold,Bucks (30 . Penn . Jan 22,

Water, re ndering pure . S. Griffith . Stephenson , Re nsalaer conn

Water polwer, appl ied to m achinery . Meredith Malloroy, B enton , Ontario ,

New York March 3,Water wheel , tide and curren t. Samuel Money, Oxford , ,N. H March 13,Water w he e] , tide and current. Benjam in Thomas,Washing

ton ,District of Columb ia

Windowblinds . Ge orge Munger, Cam bridge ,Maryland March 26,Water wheel . Theodore Burr, Burr Haven; Dauphin coun ty, 1

Penn sylvan ia ,pril‘ -3,

Water w heel . Ira Griswold,Granby


”Water whe el , perpetual Jam es Widdifie ld, PhiladelphiaWindow and door fram es . Randolph Ross , Bal timoreWater, mode of le tting on a wheel . 1 J . smi th, Queen

’s county,

Water whe el . Am os Thayer, Albany, New YorkWeaving ,

preparing yarn for .1 H . P. Franklin and W. B.

,V Vm .


so,r Providence, Rhode Island Aug 8,

”Wells , s inking. Eben . Hilyard , Philadelph ial 1 Sept

“later, raising and forcing. L . T 1 B . and s . E . Morse, Charles-1town ,Massachusetts Oc t 3


White lead,making of. George F. Hagne r, Philadelphia ,Dct

Whee l , horizon tal incl ined . M I saacs andJohn Wilbanks,Phil. Oct l‘


Wate r wheels . Charles Agustine Busby, New York Oct 25 ,Water b urner American . Samuel Morey , Oxford ,N H, De c ll , ~

Wood,seasoning . Jam es Ronaldson , Philade lphia Feb ,

2, 1818‘

Winnow ing machine . Ed and John Brooks : Wi lmington ,Del. Feb 2,

El isha Hall, Baltimore1 4

Wate i proof s tifl'

e n ing tor hats . A . and G . V . Raym ond, Bal t. Fe b 7,

Water whee l,spiral screw . Alex . D .M‘Kamy,West Tennessee Fe b 1 0.

Wheel trail ing. John Read Lim e , Connecticut March‘

White lead. Edward Clarke , Philadelphia March 28 ,Weaving. Stephen Armstrong , Poughkeepsie,Ne w York April 7


Weaving m achine . Da‘vid Gr1e ve , Providenc e , Rhode Island April 1 1w a ter wheel . John Evans , Davies coun ty , Indian a Apri l 21 ,“faste steam . John H . Morton , Thom as Bodley and Robert

Huston ,Le xm g ton , Ken tucky AprilYV oode n springs for carriages . Jam es Greenwood, New Castle ,

Delaware April 28,

Water,n ew m ode of applying as a power . A . Thayer, Albany,

New YorkWater wheel . Am os Thayer, Albany , New YorkXV ate r .wheel . John Edwards , Urba

na, OhioWater tew iron . Gideon Davis , Sandy Spri ng, Mon tgom ery

county ,Maryland May 26,White lead . Joseph Richards , Philadelphia May 28,tV ind whee

’l . Moses‘ Isaacs , Cam den , N . J near Philadelphia May 28,Wh e el for propelling boats . John Sayward Trott, Boston Jun e 2


Writing. Se e Tachygvupby.

Weigh ts , m achine for rais ing. S . Gray,Madrid , New York July 1 5 ,

‘Vater w heel,called the boat wheel . H . Brown , Lebanon , Oh io July 24


.Wooden sp i ings . Jam es Clark,Kent county, Delaware July 31 ,

Washing m achine . Jam es Barnet, Providen ce, Rhode Island Se p t 1 5 ,Winnowing m achine

,improvement in the . Thomas Beatty,

Washington Oc t 5,

Window springs , improvem en t in. Gideon Drake,Hartford ,Conn . Oct 26,

Wate r wheel , improvem en t in the . Arthur Hen rie , Miam i , Ohio’Oct 28,

“Tater tew iron . W. Barker, L11 z e rne coun ty , Penn sylvan ia Nov

Winnow ing m achine , improvem en t in the . J . Bromw ell,Bal t. Nov 26


water burner,improvem en t on Morey

’s . J L Sull ivan , Bost. Dec 1 1 ,Wheel

,im provem en t on the double stem . J . L . Sull ivan

,Bost. Dec 1 0


Water burner, improvem en t on h is . J . L Sull ivan , Boston Dec 1 9,“Tater wheel

,im provem en t on . A saWaters

,Mil lbury, Mass . Dec 22


Wooden jack screw . Z . Bunker, Guilford coun ty , N . C . Fe b 3,

1V he at,m ach ine for clean ing garl ic , 81 0 . from . Thom asWi lson


Bal timore coun ty, Maryland Feb 8,

Wheel, chain water. Henry Beidlem an ,Washington coun ty, V a. Feb 8,

Winnow ing‘

m achine . Horatio Watkin s,Washington coun ty


Maryland , March 18,Wheel

,shovel and scraper. Nathan Whiting, Chester, Vt. March 1 9


water wheel,im provemen t m the . T . Eam es

,Newbury , Vt . Apri l 29


Washing m achine . B e ardley He ndryne , Springfield , N . Y May 6,Window springs . Hezekiah Salish 1ry, j un . Brattleboro’, Vt. May 24,Water, m ode of raising . Jphn Am bler, New Berl in

,Chenango May 26,

Wheel, horizon tal . George Dem ing, Burl ington , Vt. July 22,

Winnow ing m achin e for wheat, 81 6. E . Tisdale,Herkim er

coun ty,New York

Wheel barrow. Jerem iah Bainard , Rom e, New Yorki V e aving , im provem en t in . J . H . Pierson and


Jam e s S . Sim

m on s, Rockland coun ty, New York Dec 31,

Wh eat, machine for wash ing and drying. Sam uel Mart in and

Z . Chapin , On tario coun ty, New York'

Jan 1 8,

Water Wings , for propelling boats , 81 0 . J . J . Dyste r, Bal t . Fe b‘


Watch chains, m ach ine for m aking . Samuel Keplinger, Bait. May 4,

Water and coal ,machine for drawing. Edmund C . Dan ley,Pi e.

don ia, Indiana May 1 2Wh ite w ash brush . Elijah S . Curtis

,Charles ton , Mass Jun e 2


Watch chain s , m ach ine for m aking. John Hatch, Baltim0 1 e June 5“faterWheel . July

1 819

fi ‘


16 5 .

‘ WWheel



helm RobertP. Cunn ingham , Poin fre t, Conn . Aug . 3

Wash iiig machine. Benjam in Cox, Hadle y, Massachusetts Aug 1 5 ,Wire screen s for clean ing rice . N . and D Sel lers , Philade l. Aug 1 6,Weighing m ach in es . EliWadsworth , Hartford , Connecticut Sept 7,Wheel, tide . N . Gates and Alexande rMaxwell , New York Sept 13,Water Wheel . James Price , New York


Waterwheel. David Beauchamp, Elizabethtown , VirginiaWind m 1lls

,im provem ent i n . P Ettienne, Ne w York

Winnow ing machine . Josiah Brow n , New London, Conn .

Weaving, im provemen t in the harn ess for . M Chandle‘

r and

E . Brown , Cazen‘


, Ne w YorkWate r wheel , horizon tal pedal. John Jam es Giraud, Balt.“find andwater wheel , improvem ent in the; Will iam Gallup,

Norwalik, Ohio March 29,

Warping and weaving cotton goods . Jam es Morgan , Balt .

Winnow ing m ach ine . Dan iel Donohoe, New YorkWheel , head l in en spinn ing. J . S. Stuart

,Springfield ,N. Y April 19,

Water wheel , ob l ique . Ralph Bulkley, New York Aug 7,Whale’s blubber , m ach in e for niin

c ing . Benj . Taber, Fairha~ve n ,Massachusettste r

,macl 1 1 n e for rais ing, bywe ight JT


Altoii‘e r andBushnell , Harrisburg, V irgin ia Aug

30,V ‘V ater w heel righ t and le ft Ralph Bulkl ey , Nestr York Oct 8


Washing machine , 1m pre vem e n t 1n the . Jam es Barron, V irg in 1a De c 7,

Water,m achine ”i orrais ing. N . N . De ttre han , Cha rles Parish , La. De c 1 3


V aterwh e e l, im provemen t in the horizon tal . H . HowardWooster, Ohio

ashing machine , 1m p1 ovem e n t in the . Pascal Cady,'


ly1 1 , Conn e c tic ut Jan 1 7,Wire , 1mprovcm e n t in draw ing card . Russe l Pro

uty, Spence r,

1 13129"

n o ,

Massachusetts Jan,19,

Window shutte 1 s and b l1nds , fasten ing. Bern iceWest and Philander Soper, Rom e , New York"Wheel, polygonal , chain , paddle , 81 0 . T im. Elm er a-nd AzelP ierson, Bridgetown , New Jersey Jan 31 ,

Wais tcoats , pan taloons , «Sic . m aking . Charles Herw ick, N . Y . Feb 8,Windo‘w curtain s , improvem en t in . Hen ry Andre w V N . Y March 6,Win now ing m ach ine . Harry Beadle

,Wallingford , Conn . March 30,

Washingmachine and_


forgrinding. Jam es Justin ,Pi ttsburg ,Pa.

AprilWater whee l , im provem en t in the tide . Robert Seal

,Delhi ,N .Y. MayYV as

‘n ing machine , im provem en t in the Francis Goucher, Ph il.

Wind m ills , im provem en t in . Will iam Phoe bus,,N ew York JUn e 24,t eels for Whi taker , Dingm an

’s Ferry,Penn . June 24 ,

Wool picker, improvemen t ln the . Beria Brown , Exe te 1 , R . l. Sept 2,Window sashes , self- b allancing . Fran cis Follot, Pe te rsbu1 g , V a. Ob t 1 5 ,"Washing mach ine, improvem en t in the . David Watson,

ette, Maine

Water, elevators for rais in g . Social 'Rolph , Albany, N . YV i at e rWheel, im provem en t in the inclin ed horse and Water. Le e


Wheeler and T im othy Pow ell , Coxackie , Ne w York De c 6,Wind m ills , 1m provem e n t in the m achinery oi‘. John Gue,Wa‘

terford, Ne w YorkWater w heel , im provem en t in the vertical . JohnMaze

, Greenbrier coun ty , V i


1 Jan 10,d mill , im provem en t in the . JesseMollineux ,North Hamps tead

, New York Jan

Water wheel , imp rovemen t ln the . Adolphus Allen , Troy, Penn : Feb 8,

Water, improvem en t i n l e ising, Littlebury H . Mosby, Powhatan coun ty , Virgin ia

Whe at, , mach ine for cle an ing smut from . Dan iel Pease , Jun.


indfie ld, Ne w York

1 10 Y

Washing machine. Edward/ Thurston Burlington ,Wermon t March'

3, 1826

Window shutters and doors, fire proof. J . Brown and GeorgeW. Robinson , Provide nce, Rhode Island March 1 6,

Wheels , machinery to supersede . J . Cooper, Staun ton , V a.

Washing m achine . Richard V. Mudge, De erham , Ne w York AprilWeaving w ire harness . Ezra Brown

, Cazenovia, New York April 12,Washing m achine, rocking. J . G . Phil ip


, N. Y. April 1 2,Water wheel, con ical . Rosw ellWilcox , Franklin coun ty,N . Y. April 19,Water wheels, rel ieving from back water. Jare Benedict, Fa

b ius , New YorkWater w heels and flumes , constructing. Asa Messer


den e, Rhode Island May“find m ills, in the con struction of. W. Coburn , Gardiner,Me . June , 1


Wel l b uc ket, mode of em ptying the. Elijah '

Willard, Egre_mon t , Massachusetts June

Water W‘

heels, m ode of applying water to D .M. Kenzie,M. L.

Baker, S . D ear, J. M‘Naugh ton, Caledon ia, New York JuneWash ing machine , improvem en t in the .

S . Church and HiramClark, Utica Ne w York ' July 6,

WV ater wheels , m ode of letting the water on . Thomas Keys,Henry coun ty, Georgia

Wind_m i lls, im provem en t in . Moses Padly, On tario, N . Y.

Wheels, im provemen t m for boats . John J . Giraud, Bait. 1

Water from wells , m ode of draw ing. El ijahWillard , Egre»m on t



Oct 23,water wheel for propell ing boats . Benjam in Raym ond

, jun .

Beverly,Massachusetts Nov 13,

Washing m achine,im proveme nt in the. Burroughs Beach

,N .

,Milford, Conne cticu t Nov 24,

Washing mach ine . David G . Dunham . New Brunsw ick, N J . DecWh eel for propell ing boats

,paddle . Wm . F . Ke arsing , N . Y. Dec 8,

W0 0 1 and other fibrous sub stances m anufacturing. J . Goulding Dedham ,

Massachuse tts Dec 1 5 ,Water and other fluids , heating and b oil ing George J. Payne,Lockport

,New York Dec;27,

Wheels for carriages , m aking the hubs of. Garretson Lyon ,N .Y De c 28,WaterForc attle ,mach in e for drawing. 1 .Willb ur,Madison , .N Y. Dec 28,Wind m il l, im provem en t 1 n the . T . P. Jone s, New Castle Del F


e b 6, 1827

Wheelwrights’ ass istan t . John Si tton , Pendleton , S C . Fe b 1 5 ,Washing m achine , improvemen t 1 n the Chester Stone,Middle

b ury, ConnecticutWatch seals, improvem en t in m aking. S . Davis,


HH andP.

bi t,and B . P . Grinnell , Providence, Rhode Island March

3,Water wheel for saw m ills . Thom as Shute , Tennessee March 6,Whe e lwrigh ts’as5 1stan t. Cyrus W. Beach, Sch

oharie,N . Y. March 1 6,

'Watch keys , improvemen t in m aking . Joseph S. Davis Providence , Rhode Island April 3,

‘Wood, m ach ine for the use of those who work in . Jerem iahBaily, Phi ladelphia April 7 ,ter Wheel for steam boats . R. L . Stevens

,Hoboken , N. J=


April 1 0,“70 0 1, &c. improvem en t in the m anufacture of. John Gould

ing , Dedham , Massachusetts April 27,‘vV ate rwheel , m ode of letting the w ater on . Robert and Thos .

T M‘Culloch , Albem arle coun ty, Virgin ia

Ye llow paingt mode of preparing . B . .A. Carrende fi'

ez ,N . Y

Yarn beam for loom s . S im eon Pette , Foxboro’,Mass .

Yarn , machi ne for s iz ing and dressing PaulMoody,W'

athem ,

Massachuse tts fan I'

i‘, ISIS


11 0 1 1 JUNE, 1 827, T O APRIL, 1 828.

A .

A n 'rnn acrrn coal, culinary ve sse l s for Jacob F. Walte r, Ph i l

’aJun e 8, 1 837s :

Artificial stone , m ode of makin g . R . McKay, D . McKe nz ie ,and Jos . Woodhu ll, N e w -Yyork Jan . 1 6

,1 828.

Apple g rate r, im provem e n t in th e .. Uri Emm on s, New York Fe b . 1 3,Arch im e de an scre w , in th e . Pe rry Harris, Pre bl e c

’y,() h 1 0 , lMarch 25


Axle , in th e com m on cari iag e . D.W Phillip s andW. Mak e r,Coving ton , N e w -York Apri l 23,

Atm osph e re prop e lling e ng in e . Edward Alle n Talbot, Dub lin ,Ire land Jun e 21 ,

B .

B ricks, m ach in e for pre ssing . Jam e s McDon ald, New -York April24 , 1 827;B oile rs, im p t in th e ste am e ng in e . John Poole , Sh e ffie ld,

Eng land May 1 4,B oile rs, Do . Eb e n e ze r A . Le ste r, B oston , May 1 4,B ed ste ad, im pt . in th e portable . Jacob Dale y, Baltim oreB ridg e s, im p t in bu ilding w oode n Garn e r Wilkin son , Wh i te

Cre e k , N e w ‘YorkB ridg e s, i n m aking th e rib s or arc’h e s of. Joh n P. Bakew e ll,

Pitt sburg, Pe n n sylvan iaB rick

, m ach in e for pre ssing . Joh n How e , Alm a, Mam e

B low e r, impt . in th e coal g rate . R. Ful le r and Th om as Th om as,Ne w York May 22,

B oile rs for ste am e ng in e s, im pt . in . Isaac Doolittle , B e n n ing ton ,V e rm on t Jun e 1 ,

B e llow s, im pt . in Je sse Dixon , Pi ttsboro’Ch atham coun ty, N . C . Jun e

B oring e arth , m ach ine for. Joh n R Prai ling , Canajoharie ,N ew ~York Jun e 1 3,

B oats, 1m pt in th e m e an s of tran sporting from on e canal to anoth e r. Robe rt P. B e ll, of N eo ork Ju ly 1 3,

B uildin g s, im pt . in th e m ode of m oving . Sim e on B rown , of N . Y. July 31B ed sacking s, im pt . in th e m ode of tig h te n ing . Joh n K. Sim p

son , B oston , Massachu se tts Aug . 1 0,B oats, im pt . in th e com b inati on of. Thom as Th orp e , City of

Wash ing t on Aug . 31 ,B rick and tile , m ach in e for m ou lding . E . Fisk and B . H in kle y,

Faye tte , Main e Se p .

Balan ce , im p t. on De arborn’s pate n t . Sam ue l Blaisde l, Lan caste r,

Oh i o Oct . 1 0,B uck e t, im pt in th e ve rti cal . Stacy Costill, Ph i lade lph ia Oct . 1 7,B obbin tub e , for spin n ing , impt in th e . B e njam in Hutch in son ,

Ph ilade lph ia Oct . 1 8,B arre ls , h og sh e ads, &c . m ach in e for mak ing . Wi lliam andMar

cus Adam s, Ogde n , N e w -York Jan’

y 24 1 828.

B rick, im p t . in th e m ach in e for m aking . DavidRi sing , Colch e ste r, N e w York

B e nding sh e e t 1ron , for b oile rs, Sac . Calvin Post, Spring Pos t,N ew -York March 1 1 ,

B oring rocks, 1n th e m ach in e for. Isaac Ove rall, Libe rty, Sm ith 1

Coun ty, T e n n e sse e March 1 4,B rick , i n th e m ode of m oulding , Sac David Flag , jun ior, Gardi

n e r, Main e March 1 9,Bark, in th e m ach in e for grind in g . Aaron B ul l , Cai olin e , N . Y . March 27 ,B e llow s or bl ow ing m ach in e , i n . E lijah Bxady, Moun t Ple asan t,

N e w-York April 3,C.

Carriag e s, im pt . in riding wh e e l. Wm . andJosiah Je ssop, Gu ilfo 1 d coun ty, North Cai oiin a June 1 , 1 827.

Ch e e se s, applying n e t s t o p in e apple . L. M. Norton , Litchfie id,Con n e cticut Jun e 4,

Churning butte r and pum p ing , m ach in e for. Nathan Wh itn ey,Aug usta, Main e Jun e 7,

C ide r, m a. for g rinding app le s for, or fer m ixing m ortar. T ho1 m as Stre e te r and Jam e s S. Wi lb e rt, C h ili, Ne w -York

Cork cutte r, im pt . in th e . Luth e r Hi lls , B ostonCrim ping boots, im pt . in th e m ode of . .Sam ue l More h ouse , East

C em e n ts for roofs or wall s of b uilding s'

from im pt‘

. Charle s Clin

Canal s, m ode of conve ying e arth or oth e r sub stan ces, th e bottomOf. f Olive r Phe lp s, Lan sm g , Tom pkin s c

y, Ne w -YorkCran e, impt in th e portab le . E z e kie l Mann and Ge o Hill, Roch e s

te r, Mon roe coun ty, N ew . Yo 1 kCordag e , im pt . in th e m ode of making . Rob e rt Grav

e s, BrooklynN ew York


’l boats, im p t in the m ode of passing . Rob e rt Grave s,B rooklyn , N e w York

Cutting wh e at, Sac . im pt in th e m achin e for Lab an Durh amand Joh n S . Ple asan ts, of Halifax county, V irg in ia

Coach alarm , im p t in th e . Walte r Hun t, N e w York

Ch im ne y sm oke“

and safe ty valve , impt . in th e . Jos . H Schrein e r,Ph ilade lph ia C

Card te e th ,improve m e n t in th e m ach in e for cutting Jpshua

Lam b,Le i ce st e r, Massach use tt s 1

Cotton Cle an e r, im p t . in th e,J e sse Re e d, Marshfie ld, Plym outh

coun ty, Massachuse ttsCon e s , im prove m e n t in g e arin g .

'T rum an F . Mayh ew ,Bos ton


Massachuse tts Aug . 22,Cem e nt , im prov e m e n t in m aking aque ducts by m e an s of. John

N1: B e n ham ,Bridg e wate r, O n e ida county, N e w York Aug . 29,

Carding m ach in e , im pt . 1 11 th e . Joh n T illow ,N ew ton, Fairfie ld c

’y, 1

Con ne cticut Se pt . 8,Ch um , im p t in th e . Dan ie lSh e ldon , Pulte n ey, New -York Se pt 13,C radle , hydrostatic ste am Charle s Mm e r, Lym e , Con n e cticut Oct 1 2,C orks, m ach in e for cut ting Ge org e Raw l in g s , Ph ilade lph ia Oct 30,Cali co p rin tin g , m ak ing roll e rs for by e tch in g . I) .

. H. Mason and


‘lV . Baldw in , Ph ilade lph ia Oct . 30,‘

Clobks, im pt . in th e con sti uc t 1on of. Ha1 rison G . Dyar, N Y. Nov. 6 ,Com b s;1 11 making orn am e n tal hair. Uriah Bailey,We st N e wb e r

ry, Massachusett sCradle , 1m p t in th e hydrostatic ste am . Charl e s M in e r, Lyme ,

Co n n e ct i cut 1

Comb s , \ i 1n p t . i11 th e back s of tortoi se sh e l l.“Nathanie l B i sh op ,Danbury, Conn e cticu t Nov .

Cham , im provem e nt in ‘ th e fram e . Bayid ‘Le slie , Ne w -York Nov. 1 9,Cai riag e s, im p 1 ove m e n t 1 11 fourwh e e l . T h e odore B rooks and

Dan ie lW E .1m e s , Rutland , Ne w -York De c . 6,Churn , or fluid ag itat0 1 . Samue l H . B ake r, We llsTown sh i

p,Pe n n sylvan ia Jan . 1 0, 1 82851 .

Clo th , vibrating m ach in e for napping . Sam ue l Dun can , Northam p t

'on ,N ew c k

Cotton , m ach in e for packing . Wm J . Coke , Cabin Poin t, Sussex ,coun ty, New Ym k Fe b . 4 ,

Canal ste am b oat . Joh n F . Wigh t , Erie , Pe n n sylvan iaCookin g apparatus, 8263. E ze kie l E . B e nn e t ,King sb ury ,N . York Fe b 1 5 ,Cooking s tove , in th e Dan i e l G . Garn

se y, Pomfre t, New -York March 3,Carriag e b odie s , in . Je sse Re e de r, Le ban on , Oh i o March 4,Cast i ron sh oe s, m ode of m aking . lcab od A

rnold, Oswe gat e hie ,N e w .Yo1 k March 12,

Cz -tri iag e s, im pt . in . T hom ass Knox, Sn ig g e rsville , V 1rg 1 n 1a March 1 5 ,

Corn sh e lling m ach in e . Joh n B row n , Pi ovide n c e , R. Island Marsh



op e i s work , m ach ine for m aking . Hi ram Wate rs, Water?town, N ew-York

1 14 H .

Hubs for carriag e wh e e l s, impt. in . H e rcule s Thom as,M idway,Massachuse tts Jan . 8, 1 828.

Horse m ills , i n th e le ve r forworking . John Galbraith , Maurycoun ty, Te nn e s se e

He at , in th e re volution and m anag em e n t of. Elipt . Nott, Sch en e c tady, New

-YorkHydraul ic e ng in e , in th e re volving.Ash e l Hubbard, Windsor,

V e rmont

I .

Inclin e d and ve rtical tre ad wh e e l. Corn e l i sWatson , Addi son‘

Town sh ip , Oh i o, De c ;22, 1 827 .

Ivory, mach in e for junking . L . Pratt and F. Bush ,Me 1 1de n , Conn . Fe b .

Ivory p late s forcom bs, m a . for sli ttin g . Ph i lo Pratt, Me ridin , Conn . Fe b . 1 2,

Ke nt bugle , 1m pt . 111 th e . Richard Willi s, We st Poin t,N . York Nov . 1 0, 1 827.


Loom , im pt . in th e p ow e r of de live ring th e yarn . Wm . B . Le o.

n a1 d, Fi shkill, New .York May 23, 1 827.

Do . taking up th e cloth Do. Do‘

. May 23,Loom im pt . in th e , for w e avin g figure d g

oods . Horace Bak e r,North Salem , We st Ch e ste r coun ty, N e w -York

Le ath e r. impt . in th e mode of tann ing . Osm ond C og swe l l, Cincin n ati, Oh i o

Le ve r p ow e r g ain ed. E . G. Fi tch , B lake ly, Alabam a

Lath s, m ach in e for m aking p laste ring . Th omas Wrigh t andAb ram P . How e ll, Cincm nat i , Oh i o

Lock,ze ve rp e rcussi on g un Joh n Am b le r jr. S . N ew B e rlin ,

N e w YorkLath e , impt in th e turn ing . Je ffe rson Moore , Le ve ritt, Mass. Jan . 1 2, 1 828 .

Lotte rie s im pt in th e_mode of drawing . Wm . B . Spalding ,

B rooklyn , Con n e cti cut Fe b .1 5 ,Loom , for sat i n e tts , in p ow e r. R. Mitche ll and N . Butte rworth ,

Troy, Massachusetts 1 March , 22,Le ath e r, kn ife s for cutting s ole. Luke Marb le , H e n e rie tta, N . Y .March 28,Lock for the wh e e ls of carriag e s . Ge org e gD 1ve n ,,Franklm

c oun ty, Pe nn sylvan ia

Mill forg rinding g rain, im pt .

/ in the . Rob e rt S . Th om as, Rocking

ham, North Carolina -1 Jun e 4 , 1 827.

Mill, im pt in th e g rist . Sam’l Saw ing and Jam e s Mon te 1 th

State sville , North Carolina Jun eM ill, im p t in th e g

ri st . Wm . W. Forward,Harford c’y, MM’d Jun e 1 5 ,Mill, im pt in th e sug ar loaf. Sidne y and Portius Moore , T ir

z ah , N orth Carolina Jun e 1 5 ,Mill, im pt . in th e g rist . Wm . A Turn e r, Plym

outh ,Wash in g ton

coun ty , N orth Ca1 ol1 h a Jun e'

27,Morocco, ma for dicin g , poli sh ing androlling . Sam ’l Couillard

jr. B oston , Massachu se tts Jun e 27,Mortissing m a im pt . in th e . S im on Le roy, Me xico, Un 1 on

Square , Otswe g o Coun ty , N ew ‘York July 1 0,M ill , imp t . in th e g ri st . Wash ing ton Adams, Gui lford coun ty,

N0 1 th Caroli na July 1 8,Do . Ave ry and Joh n Coe , of Guilfordcoun ty, N . C July 21 ,

Mill ston e , im pt . 1 11 th e bush for a. Nathan , T ay10 1 , Urbana, Ste nb e n c’yN ew York Ju ly 23,

M i ll , im pt m th e tide . Rohe i t Spedde n , Talbot coun ty,M’d A ug . 1


Ma11ufac t 11 t ing , im p t . in th e m ode of. Jno. Goulding , of DedhamMassachuse tts A ug 24,

ill, im p t. in th e cast i ron , for g rinding bark . William Torre y,We stbrook, Maine

31 111 1m 12. in th e tan n in . Rum ih W allt e r S 1 1 fie ld 4 c orn e rs

M .

1 1 5

Ma1 ble , impt. in im itating all kinds of. B e njam in T rem b ly, N . Y. Nov. 1 3;1 827 .

Mill, im pt . in th e g ri st Jas . Robi son , Buckskin Tow n sh ip , Oh i o D e c . 1 1 ,

Mortising m a. im pt in th e ch i se l of. A . G i e e nle at and H.

Am idon , Mexico, N e w -York De c . 28,Mortising m a. im p t i n th e . J . J . Ke l log g , Ri chm ond, Ne w -York Jan . 24 , 1 828 .

M ill, im pt . in th e g rist . \V m . L. Tay lor, McMin n c’

y ,'

l e n n e ss e e Jan . 28

M e dicin e , im pt. in . Trum an Pow e ll, Bu 1 l‘

1 11 g ton , V e xm on t Fe b

Marb le , im p t . in th e m ach in e for cutti ng and polish ing . Arch ibald McA lliste r, Sale m , N e w -Yo 1 k Fe b . 1 8,

M il l , im p t . in th e g xist. Sam ue l llolland, lla11 ove r, Oh io March 1,

Do . Adm i ral V Varre 1i , Saug e 1 tie s , N . Y. March 1 2,

Me dicin e , im p t in . Fitz g e rald B ird, Hancock, G e org ia April 1 9,

O .

Ove n , for baking ove r a furnac e . Eli Moody, Nurthfie ld, Mass. —April 5,1 828.


Pre ss for cotton or hay, impt . in the . T . D .

~Wilson , o'

f Corydon,Indian a

P loug h , im pt in th e . Wm . B e ach , of Ph ilade l ph iaPrin ting p re ss, im pt . in th e hand. Sam ue l Cou illaxd j r. B oston

Massachuse ttsP1 ston , rotat 1ve im pt . in th e . John M . Coope 1 , Gu ildhall, Esse xcoun ty, V e rm on t July 1 6,

Ploug h , im p t . in th e . G e o. Doll'

e r, Fre de ricktow n , ,Maryland A ug . 20,

Plan e stock, im p t . in th e . Haz ard Know le s, Colch e ste r, New

London coun ty, Con n e cticu t Aug . 24,P e rcussion g un locks, im pt. in . Jam e séB . Lowry, Mayville


Chautag n e county, Ne w-York S e p . 1 1


P1 1 11 t 1ng pre ss , im pt . i n th e . Sam u e l Coui llard, B osto n , Mass . Oct . 5 ,Plan ing m ach in e , impt . in th e . Josiah Ri e hm , Savag e factory M

’d Nov . 1


Pe rcuss ion g un l ock , im pt in th e . Jose ph Shuttuck, Je ffe rson 0’y,

Oh ioPun ch in g copp e r, m ach in e for. Wm . B allard, B ostonPe g g in jack , im p t . 1 n th e Windlass. Sam ue l N ourse , of Dan ve rs ,

Massachuse tt s D e c . 8,

Pl ough , im pt. in th e b ar sh e ar. Eli Pugh , Chath am c’

y, N .O.

D e c . 24 ,Ploug h , cal le d th e cotton plan te r. B ird Murphy, Un i on Dist .S . C . De c 31 ,Ploug h , im p t in th e . “Wm . Wiar ,d Avon , N e w York Jan . 26, 1 828 .

P re sse s for hay, St e . im pt. in . Mose s B . 8 113 5 , P 1 tt s ow n ,Main e Jan . 26,

Pain t im pt . .in m ak ing oil Ale xande r Th om pson , B e th e ny , N Y Fe b . 2,

P ills, im p t . in th e Rh e um atic . E z ra D e an e , B idde ford, Main e Fe b .

Pre ssing horn w i th ste e l plate s . Uriah Bai le y, of We st N e wb ury,Massachu se tt s

Prin ting pre ss, im pt in th e . J . C . Holbrook and E . H . Thom asB rattle b oro’, V e rm on t

Do . DoPap e r, 1 n m ate rial for m ak ing . Wm . Magaw, Me adville , C 1 aw

ford coun ty, Pe n n sylvan ia Mat ch 8,P lough s, in th e c on struction of. Richard Love ridg e , Kn oxcoun ty, Oh i o Mat ch 8 ,

Pum p ,‘

b asin, or re se rvoir. G e o. M. Se lde n , Troy, N e w York Ma 1 ch 1 0


Ploug h s, 1m p t in. Chs . Howard, Ixm gham , Massachuse tts March 1 0,Prop e lling boats , 8 m. im pt in th e m ode of . . T imothy Davis , Lawre n ce , Indiaha Mai ch

P ian o forte s, im pt . in . C. F. L . Alb re ch t, Ph ilade lph ia March 1 8,

Pum p log s, m ach in e for boring . Sam’l Drape r, Cam ilus , N . Y. March 8 1


Pape r m aking , from th e Ulva Malina. ElishaH . Colli e r, London, Eng land

P re ss fram e , impt . in the standin g . Rob t . Hoe , New -York


Rail -way carn ag e s, 1m pt . in th e construction of. Richard P.

MOP an St n ckb rid e Ma s sa rh n q p t t c

Karl-way, tran sportm g carn ag e s p n . 1

coun ty, V irg nu aS

San?m ill, im pt . in th e. An th ony B e n em e , Milton . Caswe ll

c oun ty, .

Torth Carolin

I I I Q V I , C I I I'


Jun e , 4 , 1 8527.

Spin nin g cotton and wool,‘

m a.Wm . Church , B i rm ingham ,Engl

’d J 11 11 6 1 1 ,

till, im pt in .,Malcolm McGre g Or, New ork Jun e 1 5 ,

te am, impt in th e . Joh n Jun eSch a


lg i‘

ola, im pt . in m akin g . Salvadore,Pin istrl , Ne w T

York Jun e 1 8,Susp e nde rs , imp t in th e . Edw in, Ch e ste rm an , Ne w York Jun e 1 9,Sawing ‘

shing le s, m ach in e for. Nathan Sw ift, of Le ban on , Con n . Jun e 27,

Spin n ing Wool, m achi n e for. Be njam in Laphan ,’

of Que e n sburyWarre n coun ty, N e w -York

Se ive w h e e ls, im p t . in pre ve n ting frict 1on on Sp indle s . J.


G .

Shoulz e , Pi ckaway Town sh i p , Oh io July 6,

Screw aug e r, im p t . in th e . Judson Sm ith , De rby, N ew-Have nCoun ty, Con n e cticut July 1 3,

Sp in dle , im pt in th e .Oldham ,

B e rg e ncounty,New -Je rse y


July 1 4,Spiri ts im p t . in fe rm e n tin g and di still ing . Ira B e lnap,l

M1lle rs

burg ,Dauph i n . coun ty Pe n n sylvan ia July -20,

Stave s, im pt . in th e m ode of m aking coope rs’. Am ory Akm ode n


B loom fi e ld On tario cou n ty , New-York 1Jli l);27,

Spin n ing m ach in e , im pt. in th e Wm . W. Jon e s, Th ornville , Pe rry coun ty, Oh i o

Straw cutting m ach i n e , im pt . in th e . Saban Durham and I . S .

P l easan ts , Hal ifax, V irg in ia July 27,Ston e ,

. im pt ,in dre ssing , dri llin g , H e rmon B ourn e ,

of Sale m,Esse x cou nty, Massachuse tts Aug . 3,

Sack shou lde re r, im pt Calle d th e . Lew is Rice , of Clarksb oroGlouceste r cou nty, N ew-Je rse y '

Stum ps, im p t . in th e m ach in e for rem oving . Ab 1Jah Pratt, ofJackson ,Wash ing ton cou


n ty, Ne w -York Aug .

Sp irits f im pt . in th e m e th od of de te rm in ing th e proof of. William Corn e ll , Brooklyn , N e w -York


Aug . 20,Sofa 61 b e dste ads, im p t . hi th e Jno R . Pe n nim an , Boston , Mass. A ug . 22,Scouri ng , im pt in th e m ode of. Juo . Goulding , Dedham , Mass . A ug . 24 ,huttle , im pt in th e m ode of th row ing in w e aving . Do . A ug . 25 ,Saw , 1m pt . i n th e . (twoe dg e d saw) Mose s Cass and Aaron

B u ll,Carol in e . T om pkin s coun ty, Nev o

‘rk 1 Aug . 31 ,

Syring e , p i tch, im pt . in the . Dan ie l Flin t, Nob le b oro’, Lin colncounty,N ew York

Sh ing les , im p t on P. Hawe’s mach in e . Ge o. A . Hoard, of An t

we rp , Ne w~York Se p . 20,

Sh ing le s , im pt . in th e m ach in e for cutting . Ge org e W. Dana,Loui sville , N e w -York Sep . 20,

Scurvy, v e g e tabl e composition for curing . Jam e s U. Arm our,

Fre de ricktown , Maryland Se p . 28,Saw m i ll , im pt . in th e . An son B Grah am , Le e , Massachuse tts Se p

. 28,Saw te e th , apparatu s for se tting ,

Joh n B og g s, Ph ilade lph ia Oc t. 4 ,S le ig h shoe , im pt in th e cam iron . Edward Trask, Sang e r

NeW-YorkSh in g le s , im pt . in th e m ach in e for m aki ng . Olive r t e e le r,

Roch e ste r, Ne w~frork Nov. 1 0,S



w m i ll , im p t . in th e"re c iprocal . Wm e ndall, Jun Wate rville ,

Main e , Oct .123,Ste am ,

app lication of th e e scap e . David Em bre e , N ew Richmond,Ohi o , De c . 8,

Spri n g and stiffn e r, im pt . in th e re st . Jam e s G . Shute , B oston”

De c . 5 ,b aw ;n1 1 ll,,

im p t in th e B e njam in Ove rm an,Gre e n sboro’, N . C . De c . 1 1 ,

Subm arin e prop e lle r, im p t . in th e . Elijah Bryan,N ew -York De c . 22,Sp e ctacle s im p t . in th e comm on . 8 . New ton ,Wash ing ton , D. C . De c . 22


Spinn in g cotton bag g in g from cott on . Joh n E . Dewe e s, MasonIc oun ty, Ke n tucky

Sh e ave s for ‘sh ip s’ b locks, cast iron . Franc is Seymour, Plymouth ,1Massachuse tts

D e c’r28,

1 8 . W.


Wate r whe e l, inclin ed re volving . Th om as D. Wilson , Corydon,Indiana June 7, 1 827 .

Wate rwh e e l s, m ode of le tting th e'

wate r on .

"Jacob Amm on ,

Rockin gh am coun ty, V irg in ia Jun e 8,

h in g m ach in e , im pt . in th e . David B e ard,of B ufi'

aloe , N . Y. Jun e 27,Wool, im p t . in th e m ode of m anufacturing . John Goulding ,

De dh am,Norfolk c

y, Massachu se ttsWool and cotton , im p t . in th e m ach ine for roping and spinn ing

by han d He n ry Wil son , Pom fre t, Chataug ue c’

y . New aYork July 1 3,lV ate r wh e e l, im pt . in th e up and down . Hen ry Mi lle r, Alle n

ton , Northam pton, P e n n sylvan ia July 28,Woode n ware , im p t . in th e m an ufactory of h ollow . . Elisha

‘B rigg s, Pe rry , Ge n n e s se e coun ty, N ew ork 1 July, 80,Wate r, im p tuin th e m e th od of cooling . Wm . Th orn ton , City ofWash i ng ton , District of C olum b ia

Water wh e e l im pt . in th e . Jam e s De n i ston , San ierTown sh ip,Pre b le

“coun ty, Oh io Aug’t 22


‘.V ool, im pt . in th e e xtractin g of g re ase from . Joh n Gouldin g ,De dham ,Massach use tt s Aug

’t 24

Wash ing m ach in e , im p t . in th e . Mose s Cass, Carolin e , Tom pk in s coun ty , New -York Aug

’t 29,

Wate rwh ee l, , im pt . in th e screw -spiral E. Skinn e r, Sandwich ,Ne w Ham p sh ire Se p

’t 1 1 ,

Wh e e l, im pt . in th e prop e lling wate r paddle . John J. G iraud,B altim ore Se p’t 1 8

Wash ing m ach in e . Franklin Ke llsey, of M iddle town ,~Con n . Se p’t 25 ,

We igh t, prop e lling m ach in e ry by . Cain B rovle s , Te llico , Te nn . Oct’r 1 9,

Wate r wh e e l, m ode of le t t ing'

water on . M ich ae l H i lde b rand,MoMinu coun ty, T e nne sse e Nov’r

Wate r, m ode of re tain in g and di scharg ing . B radford Se ym our,We stm ore land, N ew -York

Wate r proof, m akin g l e ath e r. David Kiz e r, New -YorkWash ing cloth s and sh e ll ing corn,m ach in e for. B e njamm

Rice , De nm ark, N e w York Nov’r 23,Warm ing and h e ati ng room s, im pt in . A . McAlliste r and J.

Igg e tt, Sale m , N ew -York De c’r 1 5 ,

Wate r proof le ath e r and cloth , m aking . J. L. Com stock , Hartford, Con n e cticu t Jan

’y 21 , 1628.

Wate r wh e e l , im pt . in th e . Jose ph T orny, Rave n na, Portag e1 coun ty, Oh io Fe b ’y 20,Window s’

_shu tte rs , im pt . in th e faste nm g s for. Trum an B artb o

lom e w ,N e w -York Fe b

y 1 9,Wi ck s for candle s, cotton yarn for. Ge org e Dickin son , N . Y . Fe b

y 21 ,Wate rWh e e l , im pt . in th e spiral . Jam e s Ke lly, Jack son c

y, Oh io Fe bf

y 21 ,Wate r, in th e m ode of purifying and fi ltering . Ch ristoph e rHall, Norfolk , V i rg in iaWindow sash e s, cast i ron . Isaac McNary, Stafford, Con n .

Wate i1 , im pt . in the pre ssure of. Ge org e M. Gibb s, PrWilliamParish , B e aufort Di stri ct, South . Caroli na 1 March 1 0,

”Wash stand, in th e con structi on of. Joh n William s, B altim ore March 1 5 ,Wash ing , ch urn in g , w orkin g bu tte r, m a . for. R . R. Palm e r,

Carolin e Tow n sh ip , Tom pkin s coun ty, N e w -York MarchWash ing m ach in e ; in th e . Aaron Bu ll , Carolin e , N e w -York March 28,Wate r} in th e m ode of raising . Jas. S . Fox, Cattaragus c

y, N . Y. April fl,

Yards of ve sse ls, m ode of sling ing th e . Isaac Carve r,Jum or,

Pros pe ct, Main e De c’r1 1 , 1 827.

Yards of ve sse ls, in th e m ode r f susp e nding th e .

Samue l.

Adams, We lls, B oston Jan’y


23, 1 828

L ln'


O i”



A nde rson , A le x . S e pt . 2. 1 794 . Jan . Arm iste ad,‘

xV illiam , Nov . 1 2 1 8 1 1}26

, 1 801 , Jan. 26, 1 801 . A ug . 21 , Arn old, Dan ie l C . De c . 1 3 if) .

1 801 . Jan, 25 , 1 80 1 . Jan . 26, 1 80 1 . A b b ot, isfi le s H . Fe b . 1 8 1 1 ‘

A ug . 2 1 , 1 8 12.,Aug . 2 1 , 1 8 1 2. Oc t . Alg e r, C . M arch 80

, 1 8 1 1 . May97 , 1 8 1 3. 1 8, 1 8

1 41.

A llivin e , Lawre nce . Fe b . 24, 1 797. A th e rton , Dan ie l. Apri1 26Au stin , Cyru s . D e c . 1 4 , 1 798 . A ndre w s , Mark . May 4

Abbott , H e n ry Jan . 24 , 1 799 . May 4 , A rm at, Thom as . May 1 0 if);1 802. March 30, 1 813. A tkin son , Jose ph . S e p t . 5 M. .

A ll ison , B urg iss . May 1 2, 1 802. May A ve ry , Ale x . 1 1 . S e t'

S’ z'

b .

1 803. July 6 , 1 809 . Apri l 97, 1 809 . A nde rson , and April Q0, 1 8 1 8 .

March 3, 1 8 13. Jun e 28, 1 81 4 . Apr . A ll ison , Nath . and B e’

ngi tug le s

Ditto and Joh n Hawkin sm -D e c . 30, ,Aclam

, Paul . Jun e 191 802 . A s tolfi

, Law re n c e . Now-

20Ditto and R. Fre n ch, .Lun e 8, 1 804 . A chm an . Joh n . D e c . 30Ditto andW . Elliot, March 1 1 , 1 8 1 9 . Jan . 1 4 . Out . 27, 1 81 3A ve ilh e , J. J, B ap tiste -

e b lar. 1 6, 1 803 March 30

Aug . 1 802. J u n e 2Alde n , T im othy, jun . May 25 , 1 803 y . Oct. 2Ashbridg e , XV illiam . June 28, fUlison , R andNLS . March 26

, 1 8 14Alde n , 15 11 0 011 NOV . 1 5 £5 . Adde r, Joshua W . A pri l 1 9 z‘

b .All e n , A . D . May 1 0. May 1 0, 1 804 mue sley,~

Rob e rt . AprilDitto. J . Rob e rts, and E . Ke lsey. A ndre ws,J. May 27, 1 8 14 Aug .

S e pt. 2 1 1 , 1 81 7 . A ug . 1 1, 1 8 1 7 .

A rth ur,D an ie l. May 4, 1 805 Isaac ‘

t’V . Nov . 5A braham , Jam e s . D e c . 20 z


b . A n trim, Finder. Nov. 25

Adam s, Sam u e l . D e c . 28 i6. Armo ld, Samu e l . Jan .

‘25 1 8 15Arn old, Th om as . March 5 , 1 806 Alle n , Sim e on . - Apri l 1Arn old, Je sse . Oct . 26, 1 807 tchi son,

”William . BfayAin sworth , Rub e n . May 1 4, 1 808 Ayre s, W . an dJ. Coch ran. Oct . 6 a'

zi .Ar mour, jun .Jam e s . Jun e 2 Alle n , Ch arle s Louis Oc t . 13, 5 5 .Apple , Ph i l ip . July 1 3 i5 Adam s, William . iMarch 1 181 6Atwe ll, B e njam in . S e pt . 1 9 225 . A ndre ’ws, Jam e s . July 1 5Adam s, St e dm an Nov . 2 1 123. Andru s, Jam es . July 30

Adam s, R. D e c . 8, 18 08 March A nn e sle y,

“William . .S e pt .27, 1 8 12 Azam , P ie rre . Sep t. 24

An de rson , Le vi . March 23 1 809 A dam sonfi lohn . De c . I3Allen , Ph in e as . May 13 q

ib . Ayre s,Wi lliam , an d'

H e rm én GrayAm e s, 0 . Jun e 24, 1 809. April Aug . 13‘

25 , 1 81 0. Alle n, Andrew . D e c . 96

Atw e ll, B e n . July 1 8 ib . Arm strong , S te ph e n .

"April 7 1 81 8Ditto and I . N ichols . Oct. 1 4 iii . Adam s, Joh n . Aprilj tiAb ricks

, Jacob . Oct . 1 1 7 £6. Arn old, Pe le'

y. Aug . 1Apple g ate , Sam . Th omas Howard; Andle r, Eze kie l . Oc t 21and B , H .

'Wharton . Nov . 22 5 5 . Adam s, Dan i e l . Fe b . 3

Arn old, Josiah . A pri l 1 4 1 81 0 Amb ler, Jam e s . May 29An trim , P. and ,S . Bolton . Nov. 1 ib .

B .

Bailey, Fran cis"Jan . 29, 179 1 . July B iddis, .J. / 8c B e dwell T h oma". Aug .3 1 , 1 809 . Oc t. 9 , 1 806. 10

, 1 791 .

B rig s, Sain ue l. Aug ust 2, 1 791 . B atte rm an, Christ .

B ail e Jo hn . Fe b . 23, 1 792. March ‘ B rouw e r

, Sam'

s A ug . 1 7, 1 79g . Non e5 ;


B ab cock , Eb IJah . D e c . 2, 1 793.

B iddi s, John . March May6, 1800. March 22, 1 802.

Byiii g ton ,Jare d. Jati. 1 5

, 1 796. D e c .

23, 1796 . Jan .

Be dw e ll, Th om as . April 20, 1796.

B ac ku s, \Eli3ah . May 31 1 796.

B run e l, Marc I sam b ard. N ov . 1 6, 1796.

April 27 , 1 798 .

‘Jan uary 1 7, 1799 .

B e n li e , Th e obald ,Nov . 1 6, 1 796.

B ig e low,Joh n Nov . 1 9, 1796.

B e c ke r, Wi lliam . March 1 1 , 1 797.

B e tts, Si las MarchB rig g s, Nathan ie l MarchJun e Octob e r 13, 1 8 13.

B u rt, Walte r ’ Jun e 23, 1 797.

B rufi'

,Th om as .

1 798 . Se pt . 1 4 , 1 801 . July 24, 1 807 .

Oct . 5 , 1 808, Jun e 4 , 1 8 1 3.

B lyde nb urg , Sam ue l;S e pt

B re w ste r, \Walte r. Jun e 7, 1 798 .

B anks , William . D e c .,1 4 , 1 798.

B olith o , B e n . Fe b . 7

Brow n , Je r. May 1 4

B utle r, Fre de rick . Aug . 22 755 .

B rookfie ld, Aaron . Oct . 24 £6 .

B e dw e ll, Th om as, and B e n . H e nfre y .

Fe b 1 2 1 801

B ake r, 1 . May‘

F e b . 20, 1 802

B rig g s Samue l, jun . Oct, 94 i b .

B e ll, 1 8 m . and J . S . D e Mon tm ollin .

Apri l 7, 1 802. Ditto . Mar. 7, 1 803.

B e t t s, He z ek 1ah May 3, 1 802. Ditto.

S e pt . 1 3, 1 803. AugB ou re au,

N i ch olas . Aug ustA ug . 21 , 1 804 .

artle tt, lE lisha 0 111 e Otis a nd Ge org e .

1 800

Fe b ruarv

B e n t, 8 : le ss . March 7 ib .

B rew e r, Dan ie l. April 22 ib .

B e e b e , Eliphale t. Apri l 27 ib .

B arn e y, Math e w. May 4 ib .

B iddis , Joh n , T . B e dw e ll, and W.

M i tCli e ll. Jun e 7Brow n

,Sam . and E . and T . We st .

July 8“B e l l, Wi lliam . Nov . Nov.

25 . N O V M S,

B uckm an , David . D e c . 21 .

B e ve rl e y, Joh n D e c . 26 ib .

B e atle y, Le i n ard. Jan . 1 9 1 804

B e n g e r, 1 h ow as Jan . 25 if».

B arn e t t, Thom as . Fe b 2 1 ib .

Bo lt on , Joh n , _jun . Se p t . 29 ib .

B row n , Ab e l. O ct ob e r 1 7 ib .

B e llow s, Jos . jun and “

W. Wh ite .

5 17 .

B e n n ock , John. Ju n e 1 , 1 805

B artle t ;Sam . Got 1,


1 805 . July1 9, 1 83338 . Jan . 1 5 , 1 889

B e lly, S e rapii im : Nov . 7 {bu

n e t , Fe b . 8, 1 806

July 1 , 1 797. Jan . 8,

March 22, 1 798.

-Burtis , William Oct . 3

B ryan t, E l Jan . 1 3, 1 806 : Mat chi s, 1 8 1 8 . March

B urr Th e odore . Fe b . 1 4

B uck, R . May 29, 1 806. Jun e1 307

B rown;Lev i. May 30B e dford, Joh n . July 16B rown , David, jun . Feb . 5

B e ath , John. Fe b . 7B u tton , Ribhard . Fe b . 1 1


B uff'

um ,Arn old . Fe b . 2 l

B urtis, Bare n t and Ge rsham .

Fe b . 27

Jan .

B e atty , T . April 25, 1 807 . Oct . 5 ,

8 1 8 .7

B e vit . En och?Jun e 23B e ach

,C . Jun e 2 6,

-4 807 . Nov.


1 809 .

B utland, Jam e s . Nov . 1 2 ~ ih .

B lak e , An son . Nov . 27 ih .

B e rn ard, B e njam in B . Nov . 30 ih .

B ouch e ri e , An toin e . Jan . 8 , 1 808

Jan . 30, 1 809 . Jan”. 31 , 1 809

B arnum , E li . Jan . 9

B e n t, W


m .

Fe b . 24, 1 808 . S e p t .9, 1 8 13.

B arnum ,Eli, and B ~ B rooks , March

,21 , 1 808 . July 1 3, 1 80

8 .

B arn e t, Olive r, 1un . March 23 ih .

B aile y, Joh n , jun . May 1 4 ih .

B arb e r, r: am and N . U. Th om pkin s .

Jun e 1 ih .

B urt, David . June 22 .ih .

B rew ste r, A . July July1 5 , 1 8 1 3 .

B olton,Joh n . Aug. 32

B arke r,”Wm . Au g . 26, 1 808 . A ug .



B i sh op , G . Se p t .1? 1 808 . Ap ril

ih .

B row n,Wm . D ec . Nov . 20 ih .

B e n n e tt, Isaac . D e c . 1 2 ih .

B adg e r, W. D e c . 26, 1 808. Fe b .

1 6, 1 809 1

B lan ch ard ,Jam e s . Jan . 1 4 , 1 809

B olton ,Sam u e l. Jan , 1 6. July 7, ih .

Fe b . 1 3 ih .

B lodg e t,-A z ial . Fe b . 1 6 ih .

B arn e tt , Joh n . i‘


i arch 3 ih .

B e e ch er, Joh n . March 1 8 ih .

B uckm an,Wi lliam ,

March 23,

ih .

B ach e lor, Le m u e l . Apr- ii 24 ih .

B road;A . Jun e 1 4 , 1 809 . Jtzn e 6, 1 8 1 4 .

B row n , G e org e . 1 6 1 806B arth olom e w , Trum an


B i sse l Lu th e r. Jun e 27, 1 809,Jun e lu ly .

B arre tt , Wi li'

lam . lim e 27

Bernard, l’. July 7, 1 809.

Jan l6,: l u 1 1 .


Curtis,Jam e s jun .

Coate s , Mos e s , and Evan s .

A pril 30 1 804

Crafts, Edward, ju n . May 12 ib .

Cham b e i lain e , S am ue l. D e c . 31 i i} .

Cop e s, J to se p h . May 2 1 805

Cran c , ltob e 1 t, 31 1 11 . May 4 £6.

Church , Sam ue l, May. 4 id.



illiam . May 27 26 .

Coop e r, Joh n . May 22 1 806

Cutt ing , Nath . July 1-1 . Aug . 14.~ if) .

Care nde fi e z , T h e B aron A lix is .

S e p t . 2,1 806. Oc t . 1 2, 1 807 .

Colvin , Charle s . April 1 , 1 807

Craig , A le x . A pril 1 5 £0.

Cle ave land, Josiah . Jun e 6, 1 807 .

July IS, 1 807 . Oc t . 1 8 16.

Craw ford, Ob adiah . Jun e 22 £5 .

Con nor, B e n'

July 20, 1 807. Aug .

26,1 813.

Cutle r, B ue l. Oct . 3 i b .

Cady, E le az e r, jun . March 9,

1 808

Coh oon , T . A p ril 1 1 , 1 9508 . A pril

13, 1 808 . April 1 4, 1 808 . Jan 5 ,1 81 1 . Jan . 2 5 , 1 813.

Coolidg e , William . April 1 8 £6.

Crutt e n de n , T im othy A pril 23 1 6 .

Cob , David. A pril 25 i b .

Cunn ingham , Rob e rt P. May 1 8 £6.

Cle ve lan d, Dy .e r July ? i t) .

Cobb , J.

\:luly 1 1 , 1 808 . March I,

1 809.

Coon , Jacob . Aug. 6

Con e , Josmh A u z’

é .

Chandle r, A. and Sam ue l Sh e pard

Se p t . 16 £6.

Cob b , G . Se pt. 7, 1 808. April24 , 1 809.

Cale nde r, Elisha Oct . 3 ib .

Coop e r, Charle s . Nov .


Cham b e rlain , Sam ue l. Nov . 21 £6.

Ch e n ew e th , Richard B . Nov . 25 £11 .

Couch , S . and A ’

I own e . D e c .

Ch app e l, Richard S . Jan

Crafts, Mose s . Fe b . 1 4 ib .

Chard, Hugh . Fe b . 16 ;b .

Cutt e r, Ep hraim . March 1 ib .

Coudon , S . March 3, March 3, ii) .

COWp e rthwaite , Job . March 23 ibs

Chatfie ld, Orin . May 1 5 £5 .

Cle ve land, Jam e s B . Jun e 7 £6.

Canfie ld, J‘Jun e 526, Jun e 28 £6 .

Cham b e rlain , William .1 June 28 ib .


Corn e au, Jtise ph and S . S . Halle t .A ug . 3 ib .

Cgrn e au , Jose ph Aug 17 A ugMarch

Crutte nde n , Ste ph e n Aug . 25 ib .

Cup ing er, Jose ph . Oct . SI . D o . ib .

Nov 21, Nov . 23 MarchCady, A sa D e c . 27 ib .


Cook, Elisha Jan . 20 1 810

C om fort, Jos e ph . Jan . 25 1 811

Com fort, J. Jan . 25 , 1 8 10 . Fe b . 26,

1 81 1 .

Cutt e r, E phraim . Fe b . 1 2, Se pt .

27, 1 811 . Fe b . 4 . 1 81 3.

Clark, Dav 1d . Ap ri l 2 . Do .

C lark, A n son .Ai p ril IO

C lark, Martin . A p i li 21

Curre y, Sam u e l. A p i ll 24

Cooley, D . Jun e 1 8, 1 8 1 1) Oc t. 24,1 8141

COOp er, Charle s, Jun e . 27 ib .

Chas e , B e rry . Jun e 25

Cooley, Ab ie l, A . July 1 3

Curtis , P. C . Nov . 17, 1 811 . May1 8 1 816

Clap , Jose ph . N ov. 2 1. Nov . 16 £6.

Can n on . G e org e B e r 27 i b.

Cli an glle i Jos e ph . Fe b . 4 1 8 1 1

le v e land, Lew is F .e b 7 £6.

Cumm in g s , B . Mai . 2 , 1 8 1 2. Oc t .

3,1 81 7



ow n s e nd . March I 56.

Cook ,Lym an . March 26. March 28 £6

Claib orn e ;W . Pre sle y Nov . 8 £6.

C rosb ie , Richard. Jan . 6 . Fe b . I’7,1812

Curtis , Juuia, and Royal Ye am an s,

Fe b . 8 ibf

Crafts , Chan n ey . Fe b . 1 0 ib .

Clem e n ts,St e p h e n . March 16 i b .

Ch icke rin g , N . and D . March 9 £6.

Currie , Sam ue l. March 28

Cam pb e ll, Asa . March 28 ib .

Clark , Ed.


April 2, 1 812. AprilMarch 28, 1 8 1 8

Can non , B e n . A pril 23 £6.

Carring ton ,1 ,_ April 27 £6 .

vC ob b , A pril 29 £6.

Confie ld, Russ e l. May 1 1 ib .

Convis, Edward Morris . May 6 ib .

Cunn ingham , J. and Sam . Edm on

ston . Jun e 22 ib .

Clark , S . and N . Kirk.luly


1 8 £6.

Com e ll, Gide on , July 22 5 6.

Coop e r, C and G . Shaake , Aug . 22 66.

Cox , Joh n Redm an . Oct . 16, ib .

Christy, Rob e rt . Nov . 21 , i 5 .~

Cavrie r, Am ri. Nov . 2Church , Eli . March 1 8 £6 .

Cham b e rs,Jose ph C March 23 z’

b .

Cram ,David A p ril 1 5 ib .

Com stock , S . and M.Pik e . April ISv’

b .

Cab e ll, J. I . May 28, 1 813. Jun e

Ch e ve n s, H_ .cnry July 13

Churchm an,Cale b and G e o. Mar

tin , jun July 16

Ca1 rin g ton , D and I Ive s . Aug . 20 ih .

Corkin g s, E z ra B . Oct . 8

C e i em an , John D e c . 81 ib .

Carle ton y Je de diah . 1 81 4

Coulte r, J. and s . Gano . April 1 8 ib .

CooPe r, Dav1d May-

I2 ib .

. vi.

Coleman , E . B . May 13Curt is, Joe l. Aug ust 22 ib .

Curtis, J. and D . B radley Aug . 22 1 b

Carm an , Jam e s . Oc t . 1 2 ih .

Craig , Se th . Octob e r 1 8Chapp iu s, Joh n Fran c is . Nov. 8 ih .


Cornwall,Wi lham . D e c . 1 5 ih .

Collin , Joh n B . 1 81 5Calde n , Cad. D. May 1 9 . Jun e 2 ih .


0 0 p e r, C . and,

G . Shaik. May 3l.ib .

Curtis, Jun ica.l August 8 ib .

C lufl“

, Math e w . S e ptem b er 1 ih .

Corn e ll, A and}H iram K. Corn e ll.

Jan . 1 5

ih .

Chart e rs , G e org e . July 8 ih .

Curtis, Lem uel. July 1 2 ib .

Carb e rry H . &fW. Fath an . July 19 ih .

Chapm an, Sam ue ls A ug .

"30 ih


Chandle r, St e ph e n . S e pt . 20 ih .

Crom w e ll, John Oc t . 23 ib .

Cruse , En gle hart . Nov. 1 8

D icke rson, July 30 1791 . Fe b .


Dove , Sam u e l‘

G . Oct. 20.D orr, Jonathan. Oct . 23

Dave nport, Jam e s . Fe b 14D rake , Jam e s .\ May 9Davis,J. April 14, 1796.

1 810.

Dawson , Rob e rt, May 1 2D e lic t,

Jam e s . De c . 23D u V al, B . Ma

y 3, 1 797 . Fe b . 14 ,1 799. Oct . 29

,1 804 . April 26,

1 808

D ulh uie r, H e nry. Aug . 1 8

D ixey, John Jan . 24

D e arborn e , B . F : .b 1 4 , 1799. April1 799 . A pr. 26, 1 808. Jun e 20,

1 8 1 6 March 24 , 1 8 1 9 .

Duty, A n drew W .

D e n e ale , J J. July Nov.

D e c . 4 , 1806. July 1, 1 809 .

w n ing , S . June I 2, 1 801 . A pril

Jun e

May 1 8,

Du Pre , L. May 1 2, 1 802. Feb . 3, 1 807


B uc Mare n tille, A b ram . D e c .

March 1 8 1 803De la B ig ai e e , Pe t e r I . B . M . Pe

c orn e le March 24 lb .

Day, A g ustus , Win . B acl1 e and 1 .

T odd,

Jun e 1 5 ih .


Dye r,W. R,

Fe b . 27 1 804

Dean , Dan ie l S . Fe b . 29 ib . .

Danie l,Ph in e as .

March 31 lb,

D e ave r, Joh n . July 12‘

ih .

Du Pont de Ne m ours , E . 1 . Nov

ih .


1 805

De xt e r, G . B . D e c . 1 8, 1 805 . Oct .

f 1 805

Dickey, Samuel .March 7 ih .

Cornwe ll, William » De c . 14 1

Cromw e ll, Ch arle s . Jan . 27Christm an

,Dan ie l.


Fe b . 8


on ,

and Elliot . A pril 12

Crutt e nde n , T im othy. May 12

Collin s , Jam e s.

'Jun e 10

Ch ild, Le wis . Oct. 4

Collin s, Dan ie l Jan. 6Cox , B e njam in . March 28

Culle n , John . May 4

Glere , H . and P.Riycardi . May 25 ih .

Ch u i ch , William . July 1 1

Clark, Jam e s . July 31 . Nov . 30

1 8 1 6 1 Cudlip , J. and G .

Pric e u Nov. 1 8

Colb e rt, Rob e rt . March 'I’Z

Caz e , Jam e s . March 1 8

Cook, David . April 1 6s .


Clarkson , William K. Jun e 26

Craft, Ge org e B . Oct 9

Cum m ing s, Jacob A . Nov . 3

C i ai n, Ele az er. Jan . 1 0

Dyste r, Jos e ph Joshua. Fe b 23

1 810. Fe b . 9, 1 820 .

Drurv, Win sor. March 1 9

Dow n e r, Elisha. A pril II

David, Joh n . May 5 ,Dow , P July 12, 1 810. Aug . 1 5 ,Day, A ug ustus . Jan 19

D ew e y, Sh e i m on . March 2

D un lap , An dre w . May 3

Dun gan , David . Sl ay 23

Dan a, Jacob A . Jlily 23De cke r, Jacob . S e pt . 2

Dod, Dan . Nov . 29, 1 81 1 . May 12,1 812. Fe b . 2, 1 81 3.

De Lacy, Joln iD March 28“

Dudley, Am b rose . March 31

ih .

ih .

1 81 1

ih .

ib .

ih .

1 b 1

ih .

. ih .

1 812

ib .

D upn , W. A p i li I, 1 812 . April 81 813.

Davidson , ..oh n .

D ick e rson ,Le m ii e l.

D e Silv e r, Rob e rt .

April 3July 1 8

S e p t . 1 4

Daw son , Jam es . Nov . 6

D e Miroth , Lew i s .‘

Fe b . 3

Dun lap, Hen ry . April 23, ISO7 . .

Augu st 27, 1 8 1 2.

Dorr, Ru sse l. May 8

Dodg e , Jordon . July 8

Dodg e , Sam u e l . Fe b . 9

Dana, S .W. A ug . 30

De votie , John . D e c . 5

D i

fie rm au , He z . De c . 27, 1 808.ay 9, 1 809 .

Dotte re r, He n ry . Feb . 1 6, 1 809May 1 , 1 8 1 0.

D e Re im e r, Samue l . May 1 5 1 809

Dewe y , D . .Ju n e 27, 1 809. July 5

1 8 13 . D ec . 7, 1 8 13. Mar 1 6, 28 1 8.

D e . Savig nac, P. A. July~ l$

De catur;S. and W. Tatham . Oct


Everard, Franc is A . April 28E llicott , Evan J . Ap ril 28 ih .

E lli s, Jose ph . April 26 ih .

F itch ,Joh n .

' Aug ust 26 , 1 791

olg e r, B Ja 11 2 , 1 799 . Jai ly 1 7, 1804

Fam ing ton ,


1 . May 9, 1 792

Fe n 11 e l. Ja .n e s S e pt e m b e r 24 , 1 794Fowle r, .loh 11 . N ov

4 , 18 1 0. 1‘

e b . 24 1 797

F ob ish e r,~Wm . Nov 1 79 62

FBe n eh ,1 1 . D e c J 1 137 2 5 ,

O ct . 9 , 1805 Oe t . 1 2, 1 809


April 2 5 , 1 817 .

Fm s t. Jason . D e c . 23, 1 796

Hutton . Jan .

1 802. D e c . 31,

1 804


1 1 81 8 Eam e s, T h om as Ap t 1 1 29

Eastm an, Rob e rt, and Jos . JaquittMai ch 16


Ford, Eb e n e z e r, D ec 1 809Farw e ll, 1 .e onai d . March 5 _1 8 10

Fai1 b ank,B e njan 1 in . March 5 ih .

N ag g ,Josiah and Jos Flag g , jun .

x Fairch ild, Re ub e n ,and Eb e n e ze r


ih ..

1 805

ih .

1 806

Fale s , Charles . Fe b ruary 1 1 1 807

F ish e r,Abraham . F e bruary 1 9, ih .

Fox,Joe l, jun . F eb ruary 25 ih .

Freytag , M ich ae l . July I ih .

Froth ing h am , Sam and G Harris.Apri l 20 1 808

Flow e r,‘

w llliam . May 1 4 ih .

Finle y, Jam e s Jun e 1 7 ih .

Frost, Esa. . .S e ptemb e r 21 ih .

Foure stie r, Eli. Novem b e r 1 7 ih .

b e r 23 ih .

ih .

1 809

ih .

ib .

Jun e ”98, 1 809 0

1 1" Jun e 30 ih .

De c . 5 ih .

Golrdon , Pe ter. Aug ust 1 0, 1 791Gre e n , Sam u e l . MarchGr nt , Rob e rt. Octob e r 1 796Gazre tson , Isaac . Nov . 1 6, 1 796.

MayGre lv e , David. Jun e 8 1 797. Fe b

April l4 \

Se pt . 18 , 1 81 8


Gou ld, Ch e st e r .

Jun e IFri sb ie , Je rem y. Jun e 30Foste r, B e n . Dan i e l, ‘

.V ash b urn e ,North orp Rockw e ll, and J . 0 .

Walk e r, A ug . 16

Fulle r, Sal. Fe b . Nov.

1 4, 1 8 14 .

Fe rris, Th omas. Aug . 20, 1 81 1 ih .

Fre man, E 1 astus, V . Apri l 1 0, ib .

Ford, J . an d J. W'

h it e , Nov. 25 , ih .

Fink, H8 n ry Jan . 6,

1 81 2

Fi anm s,’W1 llvam Jun e 23, ih .

Fe ss eb de n , VV . G . Ge t . 20,

ih .

Fish e r, Charle Ju ly 1 2 1 813

Foste r,”Wm . jun . an d Le onard


.Aug 20

F1 e n e h , Le n i s May 1 8

Fitch , Sam u e l Qe t . 29

Fryum uth , B e njain in E . 1 ih

Fulle r, Jacob Mal eh 1 9 1 81 5

Flag g , Calvin Jun e 29 1h

Eish e r Schuyle ru July _1 5

Fairlam b , Sam ue larr1n g t0 n , .E lzj ah Oct . 26.


Foun tain , D . and M April 5 , 151

817Fran cis, Wm July 1 1 ,



Fran klin, He n ry F . and WilliamB . 171711180 1 3 A 113 8,

Foste r, Aaron . Nov. 25 ih .

Frase fr w . L . March 19, 1 9 19

Fah n e stc e lzt , Samue l A pml 23, 1b n

Foste r, A .W . andJ. R1 gus, April

Fie ld, H en ry.


.Jun e 17!

ih .

Fulton , Gardin e r. Aug 21 ih .

Foot, Nisc n . Octob e r 28j

ib .

Fre n ch ,D . an d P. B liss . Jan . 22 1 820

Fi ase r, Sim on . March 23 1b

Fry, He nry. Ap i il 6 ih .

Godfre y, John and Lan e . July1 4 1 798

May 527,G e bh ard, Joh n G Feb . 4

Gorham , St e ph e nGrout, Jonathan, jun . Oct 24Gue st, 11 . Jan Jan 26

Gal'b e r, M ic h ae l. Fe b . 20 lB'

j l G ib so n . lid“1m ! Mar 10 1 8 1 1,

A pri l 1 7 , 1 804

G re e n ,C ale b . July 23

Gre e n le af, Jo hn. July 13 1 802

G rove s , Math e w C . S e pt . 3"ih .

G orton , B e njam i n . Nov . 29 i i) .

Gardin e r, Joh n . De c 3 i h .

G odfi e ) , Joh n W. May 25 1 803

G e an ty , Le w is . A ug .


4 ih .

Goodw in , Sam . Oc tobe r a ! 1 803.

JulyG ilm an ,“raid, and 1V m . JacksonMarch 19

G iraud, Joh n J . A p ril 1 8. 1 804 .

D e c . 22, 1 8 1 0. May 1 5 ,

Jun e Jun e 26,1 8 l3

A ug . 3, lSlS. Fe b .

March 24, 1 8 14 . S e pt . 9 , 1 8 17 .

April A 11 1 11 1 9, 1 820.

Gol try, Pa ri. Apri l 24 ih .

G eysse n h e y n e i , F . D e c . 22 ih .

Guy, Fi an c is . D e c 30 1803. Fe b .

22 1 8 1 9

G lo i e r, Sim e on . May 4

Goo iw in ,Sam . and Rich . Gaine s


“lan uai y 22 . 1806Gook in s , Richard . January 24 ih .

Go’uld,Joh n F. March 1 , 1 806.

March 8, 1 806 . F .e b

Gain e s, Rich . March 1 7Guild, Ab n e i . Maid ) 8 1G ridle y , . .lam e s May 23

G re e n , Tim oth y Ap ril 1G re e n ,

Joh n . May 20‘

Gl ove r, Sim e on , anal’

D .

Parm e lie .

Jun e 8

G ridlm

il) .

G ile s . Mar. 1 3 . Mar. 14 1 808Gé e r, Uzz ie l . July 1 8 ih .

Grag g , Sam ue l . Aug ust 31 ih .

Gun n , En os . De cem be r 1 9 ih .

G edn ey, Rob e rt Jun e 26 1 809

G rofl‘

,Ph ilip De cem be r 1 6 ih .

G il l, Isaac . January 1 5 1 8 10

G re g g ,Joh n . March 1 4 ih .

G ille Sp ie , Rob e rt . April 2 ih .

Garb e r, Michae l, jun . July 13 ib .

G ray, Sim e on . Aug ust 1 7 ih .

Gran g e r, William . Se ptem b e r 6 ih .

Grah am ,A . Nov . 6. Nov 21 . ib .

Galvin , Joh n Novemb e r 6 ii)

Gre swold, C . and M . A . Potter.

Novem be r 20Gate s, Cyrus . De cem be r 1 5G ouldin g , Jose ph . Fe b .

March ] , 1 81 1 . MarchAugust

fGray, Le vi . March 7Gale , Luth e r.

MayGam bl e , William . Ap ril 18G re g g , Jam e s . May 7

1 3

March 29, 1 81 1 ,

G orsuc h , Wilh am M tg . l

C e lib e ,Earn e st ”em b e r 1 8 lb

G ifll‘ n , W i lliam . Jan uary 1 1

G aston , Charle s . Jan uary 3 1 i h .

G ille t, N. and J. Sm ith. A pril 8 i i .

Gore , Sam u e l ll . May 4

G e ig e r, Paul. May 12

( lran n is , Joh n . A pril 19

Gordon , Elisha. Jun e 25

Gile s , N e h em iah . Pr e v . 1 9; Nov. 1 9 i"

G illard, Pe te r. D e c e m b e r 4 ih .

Grandin ,


illiam . Janu ary 6 I S L »;

G ue rn se y. C haunc e y . Ju l} . ilu .

G ib b s , A b raham . A ug u s t 3 1 ib f

G uirar‘

n and, J. M . Jan ua ry 7 I SMG e iss e nb e im e r, F January 1 4 , ii) .

G ray , Joh n . Fe b ru ary 4

G le ason , Jam e s . V l irc h 7

G re g g ,



hom ae . Mar 1 6; Mar l9 il

S ep t .

G nodwm Wm . and Jonath a n 'zm .

Oc tob e r 1 6 i i

G ille spie . Rob e rt . Ja m ar-

y a ]

Grilli n g , Edward C . Aug u s t 1 0 i.)

G re on ough , B racke t L S e pt 1 2‘


Gate s,Joh n M . S e p t em b e r 1 4 i h .

Grah am , Joh n . Nov e m b e r 9 ih .

Gre e ly, A lle n . D e cem b e r 23 ih .

Gre e n , A lle n , s e n . Marc h 5 . 1 8 1A;

Go0 (ls e ll, zNam an . Jun e 1 3 i h .


Goodrich and l l'

e pb um Aug . 20 m .

G ilp in , T h om as D e c e m b e r/ A ih .

Griffith , Sam . Fe b ruary v l 1 8 17

Griswold, i ra. A pril Mi

Gran dval, H G De .


Uc tob e r fl ih .

Gre e n , Jame s.’

Octob e r q r m .

G e ib , Joh n ,Oc tob e r 3

Grant , John . Nore m b e r ih

Gre e nwoodfl olm e s

. Jan uary 28‘1 8L3

Grie v e ,


David. Ap h l 1 1 18 125 . Se p t.

1 8 1 818 .

_Gordon , Dan ie l. Fe bruary 1 4: ih .

Gre e nwood, Jam e s . _ A pri l 28 ih .

Gre gg , Jam e s and Jose phu Ma} 28 is) .

Gre c nh olt , Joh n . Jun e 9 1 0 .

Gray, Salmon . July 1 5 . ih .

Guttwaldt, Jose ph A loia. Aug . 27 ih .

Gallag h e r, Hugh . Octob e r 29 ih .

Gray, Je rem iah . Novemb e r 1 3 in .

Goodrich , Lem uel, and J. A dam s .

- I) e c em b er3 ih .

Garratt, William . Fe bruary Q7 ih .

Grave s , Rob e rt . April 1 0 ih .

G e ib, Ge org e . Aug ust 30 ih .

G ille t, Dan i e l, jun . Se p te m b e r 1 5 ih .

Gray, Rob e rt . Nove m b e r I 1 “

lb .

Guthrie , Rufus . January 1 8 1 820

Griffith s , Elijah . March 6, ih .

Gibbs, Ge org e . March ‘8 ih .

G ille tt, Se na . Apri l 5

Hopk in s ,57 .3 1n ue l July 31 1 790

A ug . 1 9, 1 81 3. May 31 1 81 7

Horb e rt , Obadiah January 28 1 79?H artle y,

David. Fe bruary 24 ih .

Hodg e , Solom on . Oc tob e r 23 ib l

Hodg son , Ralph . Fe bruary 1 1 793

He te i ick ,Rob ert . June l l , 1 798 .

Jun e 30 1 803.

Hodgson ,William April 28

Hath away; Joh n . Oc t .


1 794,

Hillard, Jos e ph . May 1 2 1 796

H olm e s , Hodg en. May 1 2 ih .

H irst, Marsh 1 1 1 797

Hall, Fitch A pril 1 7 ih .

Hawk in s, lol1 n . July 1 1 lb

H am lin , Sam u e l E ly . Aug 30 1 799

Holde n ,Charle s._ March 1 5 1 798

Hun t , Jonath an s Jun e 27 ih .

H un tle y, Jose ph . January 1 0 1 799

Hart, Se th. Ianuary 4 ih

Hanc ock,”William . February 26 ib . _

D e c em b e r 1 5 ih .

J. F‘

.e b

May 1 7, 1 803.

Wi lliam . March 1 5 1 800

cyt , Con .for t, iun April 7 ih .

ot te n st e’

in , Wm . Ap ril 10 ih .

Han. m , De an . April IO ih .

H atfi e ld, G e org e , May 1 5

H arrison ,T h om as 0 . May 19

e n rle rson"Wm Fe b ruai y 12

Mar. A p

1 801

16, 1 802 .

Hoxie , Ch i ist . A ugust 20, 1 80I .

Jan . 7 , 1 803. July 12, 1804 . May

H ath au av, Rufils . Jan : 28 1 802

Holly, Joh n W . March 27 ih .

Hutte r, Christ ian J. Fe b ruary 1 1 1 803Hun t e r, G e org e . March 24 ih .

How , William April 6 ib‘

Hopkin s ,W111 . May 1 3, 1303 Fe b .

Hun n , A n thony. March 24 1 804

H ouston , Sam u e l. May 3 ih .

Harm g ton ,“7m . Aug ust 28 ib .

Hook e r, Johfn . b ovem b e r 19 ih .


uston , Joh n . May 4 1 805


.A lle n May fi ih'


in h i‘ston , William, jun .

Erm an , Joh n . Jun e 1 ih .

. e is and, A b .rah am Nov. 27 ih .

Hm f lu ;gs , Jos e ph ,Fe b i uary


e p t 7 , 1 809 .


April 1814 .

Jfi l i‘I 4} , 1 816 .

H ow e l, Richard. March 5 ib .


'He av in , Joh‘

n A pril 17 1806 . May'

lV l U’ Oct 1 6,

1 812. A 1 1 0“ 3, 1 813. Fe b .

xHe nderson,Alle n .




s,Wm .

Hubb e l, E . May I 1 806. June 97 18 09Harwood, .IV -m . July 3

1 1 806

Hale , William . Fe b ruary 7 1 807

Harde nbrook , Ab e l“7 . Fe b

H e b e rt , Abraham . Fe b . 1 7 ih .

Hale , E z e k iel. Fe bruary 22 ih .

Hamm on d, Charle s . May 6 ihHarve y, Pe te r. May 9 ih


Ham ake r,Christian May 2 1 ih .

Harris, He z e kiah l e bruary 24 [ 808

H icks, Jon Januai y ih .

H e aton , Ph il. Mark B B oye rs , andPhile m on


H e atm ju igMar. 4

Haye s , Sim on . March 8 ih.

Hopk ins , Roswell. March 25 ih.

Harris, Ge org e . Se e Sam . Frotbs’

ng ham.

How , N e h em iah . A pril 25 ih .

H e n ry, T h e ron . July l l . ih .

Hotchkiss , Elihu . Aug ust 2 ih .

H e n de rson, Jose ph . D e c . 26 ih .

Horn e ;A b raham , Jan uary 6 1 80

H ill, Eli F. Fe b . Fe b . II g ih .

Hock,Lawre nc e Fe bruary 1 5 ih .

Hask e ll, Rog e r. Fe b ruary 25 ih

ag g e t , A nib a Jun e 9 ihHosfoi d, A and E . K e lsey. Jun e 27 ih .

Ham ilton , J ame s July 31 ih .


m m edie u , Ez ra L July SI ib .

Hopkin s , Joh n . August 24 ih .

lg , G e org e . Novemb e r 25 ih .

Holm e s, A lan .

Jan 88 1810. March

H e rri


Hun t, Dan ie l. March 22 ih .

Holland, Luth e r. March 28 ihHart sb oxn e , Jose ph . A pril 20 ih .

Hosk in , Shub ae l.

MApril 30 ih .

Harris, G e org e . May 8 ih .

Hin e s , Jose ph . Jun e 16 ih .

Hall. Ste ph e n .


July 13 ib .

Herri ck, Eb e n' August 17

Harris , Jose ph . Aug ust 2IHarp e r, Nat h an . Oc tob e r 30 ih .

Novembe r 24 ih .

H D e c em b e r 24 ib .

H M Jan . I I, I S1 I

Jan . 1 81 5 .

Han cock , Robe rt, jun . and E. Garr.

Fe b ruary 6 ; March 1


é ,Ele az e r.

May 1 1

Hinm an , Luk e and Luth e r B isse l,and Mose s Carri e s , Jun e . 7

Harrington , A lle n . July 1 6

Hughs on , Joh . .1 July 1 8

olling sw orth ,”Wm July 80

Hanshaw ,A n d . and Nath . Harlow

Aug ust 30 ih . .

Se pte m b e r [0 ih .

Octob e r 4 ih .

I ve s, Fitch . July 5 1 808

I saac s, M and J.Willb ank . Oct . L1 1 8I7

I saac s, M. March 17, .

MayNov. 17, 1819.

John son , Mose s . Jun e 30 1 7 97Jervis , B ill July 8

ib .

Jam e s, G e org e . N ovemb e r 1 6 1 796

Joc e lin , S’

1m e on . Ma‘

y S, 1800. July1 3

, l809

Joh n son,He nry . May 1 0

Jan e s , Se th . De cem be r 31 1 804Je nks, Eb e n . Jun e Apr. 17 ISO7Jon e s, E . July 241 1 807 Jun e 20 1 808

Je n n ings, I . Now. 90 1 8107 April 251 8082. S e pt 81) 1 808 . Ap ril 1 71 809 . 311 1133 13, 1 809 Mar. 30 1 810

Jolm son,John _Maw h 21, 1808 .

J0 11 Ju ne 3 ih .

Je ll Jun e 1 3"

ih .

Jon D e c em b e r 10 ih .

Jon e s,Jonathan .


Fe b . 1 1 1 809Jon e s , E z ra G. Apri l 21 ih

Jon e s, N . May 9 July 83Jop e , John W. July 1 7

Josslyn , Jam e s . July25 ib .

John son , John , jun . Nov. 22’



Jon e s, E . and Y .Wh ite . , De c . 21 ib :

Jan e s, Walte r. Fe b . 16 1810'

Aug .

Se pt . 1; 1 810. March

20 1 813 May 6 1 8I9

Jon e s, Adorida, jun . March 14 1 810

Judd, Olive r, jun . May l ih .

Jackm an , Wm . Octobe r 8 ih.

e w itt, David. Januai y 24 1 8 1 1Joh n son , John C . May 1 6 ib .

Je ssup , T hom as W. Jun e 18 ih .

Je ssup , Jonathan . July I _ib'


Jacque s , Mose s , .m d b e em an .

Ji llX 2.

li uh n , 1911 11n Go A

Ke yz e r, He n ry Aug ust I 0Kirk , T im othy. May 9 17 92“20 180? July 28, 1 803.

Ki n sley, A . Fe b . 1 1793. D e c . 201 794 1\ 0 V .

1 16, 1796. A ug . 12

5 1794

Fe b . 1 797Ke lle y; Hai ti], 211. Fe b 12 1 800

Kilb urn , Jonathan . A ug ust 23 ib .

K e nt , Nathan . May 1 1 801K1 afi t, Mich 1el.


; ih .

K e n n e th ,1 a w ard: Se p t . 7 1889 .

A pril 96 1808r

Kilb orn I J. Jun e 4 1823 . Oct.

m 23 .

1 802

7Jordan , John .

Jam e s , Jos e ph . Oc tob e r 1 8


“Ke ls e y, Israe l.

Johnson , Asa. January 1 1

Jon e s, Noe l. March 1 4

Je nn ing s, 1 . April 1 1 81 2. Nov . 28

18 1 5 . Jan . 17 1817.

Je n cks, Chas . April 2 5Jon e s, Wm . May


Je llefi’

, Jos Se p t . 8 1 812 . May24 1 8 1 5 .

Jam e s, W. T . Nov,19 1 812 . April

86 1 81 5 .

Judson , T im and J. Hotchk issNovem b er 24

Je ssup, Joh n . Fe b ruary 5

Jam e s , Joh n ,Jackson , Cyrus . May 28

Je n cks, C and A . Pe ase .

Jan e s, A lfi e d March IJe n cks , E . Nov. 13, 1 8 13. Jun e

Jan . 928, 1 81 8 Sept . 2

181 8 .

Je nn in g s, Sam ue l K . January 2I 18 14

July I2 ih'


1 813

Jaque s, Eliph ale t . May 24 ih .

Jackson ,Wm . Fe b 181 5

Jacks m Jam es . A pril 1 ih .

Jane s .W. and I) . B olle s .

Jillson , A sa. May 27

Judkin s, W'

m . J1u 1e 26

Jackson , Rob e rt . Jilly 93

John son, Luke . A ug ust 6

Josse lyn , Cha1 1e s Octob e r 9

April 30May 16

April 26 lb .

i .b

1 81 6


ib .

1 817

Je nkins, G 1 idley. ih .

Jaqu i th , Jos iah

Jon e s , Jam e s .1 8 18Fe bru


ary 2 5‘

Fe b rua1 y 6


July 31.

Je nk in s, Palm e r.

Jon e s, Sam u e l

John son , Jasp e r:

11 1 1 13 97Keys e r, G e org e .

Se e‘

.flllen .Ke lse y, E z ekie l.Ken t En an n e l. Se p t . 1 4

Kun itz , Joh n . MKim ball, In cre ase

Nov . 82

Ken sey Cliai le s .

Kilbur jne Rcb ert.

Kim ball, ShuLall A ug I2

A ug . 25

King , Rosw e ll. NOV . 21

Kn e e land, Se th R. Oc t 9‘

Kellog , G e org e C . Mal

,n , 1 11 c e n t an d Je r. May 30

Kis‘y, iSe u 1 5 aya 29

ih .. 4

Klay, Joh n .

K e lle y, Zac ch e us . A p ril 22

K e n n e dy,Wal te r. Jun e 12

Kirk, Nathan . S e e Sam . Clark.

Kim ball, W'

. and S . Willard, junO ctob e r ‘23

Jan uary 1 1

King , Je ss e . March 1

Ke llo, Joseph . April I

K n e ass , Joh n . A pril‘28

K e ndal, Jonas . Jan . 4 1 806. A ug .

92, 18 17: Jan . 98,1 890.

Ke lle y, H . Fe b . 1 6 ;Way 13Kug le r, B e n . A pril 23

Living ston , R R. A ug 4, 1 791 .

Oc tob e r 28, 1 799 .

L e slie , Rob e rt . May 9 1 792. Jan .

30 1 793. Fe b . 2 1 793.

Le e , Sam ue l, jun . April 30 1 796

Le ach , Cale b . A pril 13 1 797Laz e ll, Isaac May 18 1 798

Love , John . Jun e 1 1 ib .

Le e , Sam . H . P. Jun e 26 1 799.

Fe b . 8

Long , Jam e s . Aug ust 5 1799Ladd, Nath an ie l. Fe b . 12 1 800

Lyon , Pal l‘l r q Fe b . 12 ib .

Lorillard, P. June $28 1 800. April25 1 810.

Lossing , Pe te r. August 4Lan gdon , Bar. Fe b . May10 1 805 . Ap ril 23 1 807 . Fe b . 22 1817

Ladd, Je re m iah . July 1 7 1 801Le slie , Wm . Nove m b er5Law

, Andre w . May 12 1 802

Laz arus , Sim on . D e c 31 ibLauny, David F. March 21 , 1 803.

Aug .

‘23, 1 8 1 1 . March 1 8 1 8 1 3.

Low n e s , David . July 2 ]

Living ston , G ilb e rt . Oc t,22

Lord, Sam . P. j an . March 10Lan g stroth , T hos .

'May 1

L e st e r, Eb e n . May 1 0 1 805 . Fe b .

1 2 1 8 06. July 1 1 1 808 . May 1 81 8 1 1 .

Lillie , William . Oct . 9Lippa


rt, Fre d ,May 3 ih .

Loom is, S . C . M ‘Le an . Sept . 25 ih .

La Payp e . Nov. 4 ib .

Le wis,“’

e b st e r. July 1 0 1 807Lon gw e ll, Math ew . Julyt

ll ih .

Le hm an, Jose p h . August H ib .

Le e , Mar. and T . Barb e r. Oct . 1 , ib .

Le e , Mart in,

Jun e 4 1 808. June8 1 809. Nov . 6 1 81 7.

Loom is, Dud. and I . Milling ton .

Ju ly 1 2 1 808

Lew is, WV . Jun e 24 1 808 . Jun e 81 810 . Jan . 23 18 18.

July 12 1808.Lucas, J. Jun .

Lh e ib e tt c, John P. Oct . 7 ib .

1 803

ib .

1 804

ib .

L x iii.

L .

Lam son , W’. and C . Curtis . Jan . 6 1 809Fe b . 4 ih .

Jun e 26, 1 809 .

June 23 18 1 2.

Lin sey, Jam e s .

Le c e sn e , Le wis .

D e c . 4 18 1 1 .

Lainhart, He nry, j un . Ju ly 6 ih .

Lapish , B e n . U . Aug . 1 5 ih .

Lloyd, Rob e rt. Fe b . 8 1 810

Laig hton , Mark. March 1 4 ih .

Le e,Sam ue l. May 24 ib .

Le fe ve r, Jose ph . Jun e 1 3 ih .

Loofb orrow , Isaac . Jun e 26 .

~ ib .

Lun dy, .

Ele az e r. August ,14 ib .

Le tton , Ralph . A ug ust 29, ih .

Le e , Jam e s . January 14 1 81 1

Lew is, Marshall. May


24, 1 8 1 1 .

April 1 2 1 820 .

Lan gdon, B ar. and“7m . MowreyJun e 90

Lyon , Jose ph .

5 1 81 5 .

Lie s , B . A ug . 1 9, 18 1 1 .


. 6,'

1 8 12. Jun e 20 181 5 .

July 1 1 81 1, Jan .

Lande s , Abram . A ug . 28 ih .

Larrab e e , Le b b e us . Nov . 4 ih .

Le onard and Enoch . Jan . 6 1 812Low , Jonathan . Fe b . 24 ih .

Lloyd, Nichodem us . Fe b . 29 ih .

Luth e r, C . and J. Sm ith rMay 5 ih .

Lon g, Charity 8 . May 97 ib .

Living ston ,1 i ob e rt R. Jun e 1 3 ih '

Lath rop ,Rufus . Nov. 1 2 ib .

Larg e , D . and F. Gric e . Nov. 1 2 it .

Lank e ste r, Wm . De c . 24 ii) .Loom is, John . D e c . . 24 ih .

Latour, Lou is M . Fe b . 16 1 81 3Lloyd, Jam e s . May 1 1 ih .


Ludlum , Jam e s A ug . 3 ih .

Lon g , S .

1 . and G e o. R H Hauto

S e pt em b e r 3

Lutg in , He nry. Se pt . 8

Loring , Dan ie l. D e c 31

Lew is, \ V rn . J. Fe b . 1 1 81 4 . Fe b .

Lin e b ack ,'

J0 h n . March 31 ii) .Le ste r, Eb e n . Ave ry. April 2 ih


Lov e , Joh n . Jun e 14 i h .

Laigh ton , Luke M . Nov. 29 ih .

1 812

ih .

1 8 13

1 814

1 815

ih .


ib .

Klasse n , Charle s . May 22

Kurtz , A nd. lun e 28

Ke e n , Jose ph S . Oc tobe r l

Ke llo, J. and C . Jose ph . Jun e 10

K e ndall, Je rem iah March 1 8

King , A bram . A pril 28

Koarsing , T hom as . Jun e 6

Ke ndricks, Joh n . Jun e 10

Kie n tz le , Joh n O Oct . 8

Ke nyon , B e n on i. March 1 5

Kim ball, Ephraim . A pril 8

Keys, Israe l. Fe b . 23


Lowe ll, F. C . and P. Jack son }Fe b . 23


Love tt, Ge orge . April 1Lawre nc e , Wm . A p ril 1 2

Lan e , A aron . May 14 1 8 1 5 . Se pt.


1 5 1 818 . S e pt 18 1 818 ih .

1 81 5

ih .

ih .

la n e , Je shua. . May 1 5 I ih .

Learn e d, Sam . Aug ust 3 ih .

Low e , G ilb e rt A ug . 12 ih .

Liddle ,Wm . Se p t . 21.ih .

Lloyd, Dav‘


Jan . 7 1 8 1 6Latt mg , Jacob . Ap

ril 26 ih .

Le e , David. May 6 ih .

Little b oy,Ma’

ulby J. May 28 ih .


li imlm e die u , Ezra._July 17 ih .

Le lb e nan;H e nry F. Se pt .


Lan nay, Pe te r. Dec. 4

Loth ian , G e org e B . D e c : 18 .ih .

” 1

Lew is,Nath an . : ,March 29 18 17

Leman ,Lupton, John . .July



Mullikin, 83 11 1. MarchJan .

_1 5 ,

F e b . 20, 1 797.

Feb . 1 1 , 1 807 .

Macom b, Jam e s . August 26IMorris

,G e o. July 1 0 .

M orey, S . Jan . 29 1793. Mar.

1795 . Ap ri l 1 1 1 796. Ma'

rch ' 271 799. A pril 24 1799 . Nov. 1 7

April 8 1 812. Jun e 1 8 1 813.

July 1 31 5 . Mar. 13 1 817 . D e c.

1 1 181 7; Jan . 1 9 1 8 1 9 . Jan. 20

Markley, J0h n , July 16”

1794M ‘Le an , Jame s S . May 27

1 79 1

1 792

M ‘Ke ch n ie , Lundin . July 1 ib .

Mang in , Jose ph F. July 2 1 796.

Fe b ruary 16. 1 797,Murray, John . D e c . 23 ih .

M ‘Callm ont, Jam e s . Fe b . 20 1 797Mart in;Joh n . Nov. 21 1797 . April27 , 1 798 . Jan . 5 1 820.

M‘Ke an,

ltob e rt . March 24Mann ing ;


Joh n,April 1 0

artin, T hom as C . Jun e


M ‘Farland, Mose s ,

Man sfie ld, Rich .

ih .


Octobe r24~Morf0

n, Joh n A . D e c . 1 6 1 801 .

JulyMille r

,Eze kie l; July 19 1 802

M iller, Martin . July 1 9 ib .

Morre, T h os. January 27 1 803


at loil n . Fe bruary 1Marquam ,

Edw . March 28 ih .

M ol'

s e , Dav id. Jun e 10 ih .

More y, Sam ual

,R. Grave s,‘

and G .

Richards .

,Jun e 1 5 ih .

M inor, A m os . Nove mb er 16 ib .

ille r, Nath . and P. W. Jun e 5 1 804ilie r

, B an. Mar.8 ib .

M‘Mullin, Dan . and

Mflfiride, .John .

‘.ug ust 8 1 805

1 796‘

Montg om e ry,Wm .

Fe b . IO'

Octob e r 29 1 799’

1 800

Laigh tan, L:M . 81 Mark . Se pt'

1 18 17Langworthy,Wm . A . Fe b . 28 1 8 1 8

Lotz ,\

Jobn H . March 1 8

Le te , Nicholas A . Jun e 1 1

Le am ing , S am . Mi July 6

Lam b , Jam e s . July 1 7

Little , Jose ph . July 2 5

Lew is, Nath . H . Aug . 26

L e onard, Wm . B . Jan. 9

Lew is, Wm . J. Fe b . 3

Lloyd, Jose ph . Marcll 2

Lyon , Jam e s . A pril 3

Lan sin g , Joh n , jun . April 30Langdon,B : and J. C . 1 Jun e 5

Lamb,Joshua . A ug ust 21

Lucas,Jon athan , jun'

. Nov . 6

Lynar, An th ony. D e c . 24

Lick, Ch arle s . Jan . 22

Lamb , Joh n . March 1 8

.i h.

ih .

1 b .

ib .

1 820

ih .

Afath e vi’s , Joh n . August 13July 6 1899 .

M‘Nitt, Ale x . Jun'


1 5

.Mack ,Elisha, Mar. 21 1 806. Nov.

12 1 81 1.

1 7 1 8 1 1 . Aug . 1 51

1 8 1 1 .

Mot-t, Jo se ph 8 . March 58 1

M ‘Lean, Charle s .

S e e 8 .q nzg’

s .

J. Sm ith , and B . D .

111Morgan , Joh n T . Oc tob er 9

M ‘Ilvaili, Jer. April IM IX , Jonathan . April 18 1 807 .

1 7 1808 Jun e 3 1 8 13.

M ‘Ilwh am ,T hos . Oc tobe r 6 ih .

Moon ,Sam u e l, jun . Octob e r 24 1 2808

V Miric le, Ste ph e n . Novem ber 30'

rib .

Martin,Le vi .“

D e c em b e r 1 9, ih .

Mille r,Wm . J

Moss, Mos e s .

Moor",Ale x . D .

7 1 8 13

Man s, S . and J. B lack . Fe b . 1 8

M illin g ton ,Ira. March



Murn ew e ck,Chas . March 1 3

Mirick ,B e ll s A p ril 2 1

M‘Cord, Joh n . Jun e 13ason

,‘Wm . D e c em be r 28

ih c

'ih .

ib .

.Me ad, H e nry. February 1 2Murray, G e org e . Fe b . 1

rg an ,Joe l. Fe b . 20

Moore , Mose s L . Fe bruary 21Me lville , Mar. 1 4. 1 8 10. Mar.

1 8 1 8 13. Nov 1 8 1 8 1 8 .

ih .

M inor, Jonath an . A pril20 ih .

Mave rick , A ndrew . A pril 1 7 ih .

Mose ly, D av id (3. April 25 ih .

x vi .

N ich ols , Rob e rt yd . Fe b . 233 1 81 1

N e fi’

,George . March 1 9 ih .

Noyes, Josiah June 21 ib .

N orton . Ab rah am . Fe b . 1 1“

1 81 2N eal], Dan i el . Fe b 26

Norton, T , and J . Biddi s . A pr. 1 5 ih .

N icholson , Robe rt . June 23 ih.

N ewton, Martin . Sept : 98 ih .

Jun . May 4 1 8 13

N ob le , John June 1 0 1ih .

Nic holson, Thos . and Sam . fl u-1 m

August 6Noble , David. May 9

Nourse , Asa. July 5Nelson, Martin . Oct . 1 7Nas h, Aaron. De c . 17

Nichols, Jon ath an , jun . Apr1 2. 1 8 1 5

Newb ury, Joshua’

W. Jun e 28 ih .

O .


1 798

1 803

Ormsbee , Elijah . March ?!Osborne,

"Jacob . Nov . 94

Se e Rang ers, Samuel.

O’Conn e r, T h om as . JulyOlds, Ez elt ie l. June 30 1 803

O 0 0d, Thom as . July 1 1 , ib .

Os ood, Gardiner June 7, 1 8090 1 , E z ekiah and Pleny



Dec . 21 ,Osborn , Ezra . Jan . 8 1


810Osborn, David . Jan . 8 ih .

Olds , Ezekie l and Ph iny Upham ,

Dec . 26 ih

O sburn, John , 111 11 . MayOw in s , John . March Jan .

Se pt . 9 1 8

Ow e n , Lth e n Oct. 1

1 811

Putnam , Aaron . Jan . 29

Parkins on , G e o. MarchJune

Pollard , William . Dec . 30 ih .

Pope, Joseph . .Jan 20 1 793. July28 1 802

Pe rk 1n s,. Thom as . Feb 7"1794

Perk in s, J . Jan . I6, 1 795 . Fe b .

1 4 1 799 . March 1 9 1 799 . July9 1 802. June 26 1809 . June I61 81 0.

.July I7 1814 March 23


ISIS. Jun e 26 I813. J11 n e 29

1 81 3. Nov . I [ 81 5 Fe b 27 I819 .

Z’itm an , Jo’

hn . May 25 1 795 . Dec“24 1 799 March I4 1 817.

e rkin s, i‘llish . Feb ruary ‘

1 9 1796as sm ore , T 11 0 9 Dec 23 ih .

lPe ale , Chas .W . Jan . 2I ;Nov. 16 1797\July 1 6 1 801 .

@e ttib on e , 11 Nov. 16 1 797. Mar.

2 1 1 806. Oct. 28 1 808 . May 1238 1 2 May 5 1 8 13 Feb . 12 1814 .

Wug 1 1 1 8 1 8 . Aug . 21 1 819 .

N OV LIO1 81 9.

1 791

Olne y , Jam e s.

Putm an , Elisha,

Norton , John . June 13 1 8 1 6Newh all,

"l im othy. Sept . 7 1 81 6

Ob e rt , Pe ter Dec . 1 8 1 8 13Ogden , Franm s B De c . 31 ih .

Osgood, Christopher. March 26 1 81 4Olds, Jared . April 14Orth, C . H. and F. Strohn , Oct. 1 1 ih .

Orwan , Frede rick . Fe b

Otifi Bass. March 1 4

Orm sby, J. and Thom as Cohoon,

Osb orne , Horace . and Will iam L.

Prase r. A pr11 25March 29

Olney, Anth on y .


D e c . 1 1’

Otis , Melvin, D e c . 31

1 81 6

John . Ap ril‘26

Parsons , Ste ph e n . Nov. 29Octobe r 25 1 81 0.

Palm e r, Tim othy. De c . 1 7Payn e, Wm . Dec 1 0Peale , Raphae l. De c 1 4

Pratt, Phineas . April 12Dec . 2

Percy , John. March 3Philip s, G. N. Aug . 25

Palmer, Wm . Aug . 25 1 801\

Pow e r, T .hos 1 Sept . 1 9

Poole, John Oct. 1 3Pe irce, Joe


l. April 1 0Paine, W, Aug z



Aug . 24 1 802,Dec . 3 1 1 8 1 6. Nov . 1 8 1 8 1 8 .

Peers, V alin tine . D ec . 1 8

Pettibon e, D . E . Chapman , and‘J

Nichols , D e c . 22

Peasly, Jede d1ah FCb .


Platt , Benjam in April 27Pills , B . Paul . Oct . 25 .

Paine, Asahel E . Nov. 19

Nob le , R D e c . May 1 7.1 8 1 9

Northrop , Isaac . Jan . 72

N g ld, He n ry . Jan . 221

Noys , D . E . Se pt . 6, 1 817. Oét . 1 4

1 8 19

f on , Samue l. Feb . 28

Nash ;Sylve ste r. April 1 1N oth , Lin us . May 28 .

t t, Ejiphale t . Fe b . 3

Pe irc e , T hm n afl'

, F e b ruary 21 1 804

May'24 ISUS. Ju n e 24 18 09 . Fe b .

97 1 3 19

Pow e r,



hos . July 12 1 804 . Jan

7 18 17 .

Platt, Jose ph . May 4

Poyz e r, G e o . May 1 0

Pryor, 1 1 10 111 33

9 !

Ile c e m b e r 20

Purdén , \V m . March 1 9

Pavn e , Ste ph e n . .

flarch 3 1

Pe ars e , Jam e s A . A pril 7

Pe acock ,David. April 1

P0 e , T hos . A pril 1 8

Pollock ,A . Ap ril

(33 1807. Jun e

1 7 1808 . July 31 1 81 5

Phab us, ‘V m . Jun e 9 1 807. Jun e

27 1 8 10 . Nov . 98 18 17 .

Pitkin s , J. an d T . Kim b all. Oc t . 19 ii) .

Pie rson , Je rem iah H . Déc . 24 ih .

Pie rson ,Isaac . De c . 94

Pratt , Ph in e as . Mar. 5


ondre ll, Jose ph . April 6

Pie rpon t , Dan ie l. xApril22

Pitkin , Rosw e ll. April 23

Patte n , Rob e rt Jun e 13

Parson s, Osb orn e .,Jun e 93 15808 .

April 4-1 1 890 .

Pain e , A ssail e l E . July 1

Park e r,“am .lr ly 9 1 808. April

26 1809. April 5 1 813

Prin c e , Sam . A ugust 3 1

Parm e le , Dan . Se p t . 8

l’arm e le , Mar. R.

Se p t . 21 1 308 .

Aug ust 23 1 812.

Pillsbury, Paul. Se t Q ih .

Parke , Jam e s P. D e c em b e r 19 ih .

Parm an tie r , N i e l) . 8 Jan . 3“ 1 809Pratt, Jon athan . Jan . 1 4 ih .

Patte n , Ro b e rt . Fe b . 17 ih .


Pe rry, N . Oc t . 13 1809 . Se p t .

‘25 1 81 1 .

Ph ilip s , Howsl. Octob e r. 1 4 ih .

Parm e le ,Dav . Nov. 20 ; Oct . 25 ih .

Parkhurst . .1 0‘

n , jun . Fe b . 13 18 10

Parm e le file n ry . Fe bruary 1 5 rib .

Pe abody ,“Tm . H . Jun e 8 ih .

Parry, -B e n . July 7J

Parson s, Eli . Aug ust 1 6,

Pe rkin s, R. Se p t. 1 6 1 8 10. Feb .

26 1 81 1 .

Ph ilips , Joh n , 931 1 Jas . Smallm an

S e‘

p te m'i e r 18

Pott e r, H oz e ah R. N ov . 90

Pau l, T hom as . Fe b . 23Pond, William . Fe b . 98

Pain e , Ot is . March I 1 811 . Jlfil e1 8 18 1 3.

Pric e,N

‘eli e n

. ah . M arch 2 ih .

Pierson , A z e al. March 2 ib .

Palm e rle e . Ti zr xaw May 25 ih .

Park e r, 1 ) S: Sandford , May 30 ih .

Putnam . M‘

c‘ b e an s . July 20 ih '

f ratf,”Finis . S

e pt. 12

Pow e r, T hos. Sept . 27 1 81 1 . Jan .

P1 e rson , Jacob . Oct . 1 7 1 8 1 1

l’e n nock , Mose s F .e b 1 8 1 8 12l’li in n e )

Zin a. Jun e 19 ; Oct . 31 ih .

Jan . 1 6 lSl-i, Mar. 4 ; Fe b . 6 1 816 .

Parson s , H e z e ki ah . July 9 ih .

Pe as e , A . and S . He ste r. July‘27 El)


P llock ,Aug . 6 ih

Palm e r, Jos e ph . A ug ust 21 b .

Ph e lp s, Jolm Aug ust‘27 ih .

Partarrie u ,Joh n 8 . Nov . 80

Pe abody,“7m . H . D e c . 1 4

Ph ilip s, Gab rie l N . Fe b . 6

Jun e 98 38 14 .

Patrick , Math e r. Jun e 2

Pop e , Sam u e l. June 1 5Pe tte e , S im on . Jun e 1 5

Pe rk in s , Jacob , and G e o . Murray

lim e


‘2 5

Pie rson ,1) an ie l. July 1 6

Pye , W . Aug.)r Apri1 28,

1 8 1 8

Pe ase, Horac e . A ugPow e l, T h om as . Ile c . fl

Postle y , C . Marc h 7 181 51 . Ap ril

Platt , Ch as . and Dan . March 7 1 8 1 4

Port e r, B e njam in May 1 8 in

Pulsife r, Joh n . May‘24

Pe ck,B e njam in . July 5

Pe tton , David . S e pt 30 its» .

Patrick, G e org e .«Nov . 8 ih

Pf ttib one,Oz ias March 1 1 8 1 5

Pe ck, G e org e . Ap ril 26 ih .


e r, T im othy May 123 ih .

Pom roy , T h om as M . Jun e 9 1 i i)

Park e r,F ie ldin g . Juiy‘25


ih .

Palm e r, U nban July 31 ih

Porte r, A aro n , Jam e s Me ad an d‘

Jam e s Ste arlw e ll. July 31 ibA ug 1 8 ih .

Philips, Gh arle s , jun . Oct 9 1 18

Pe arson D avi l Jan 24 lg‘

1 3

PO i te r, David . Fe b . 8 i h .

"Pri c e , W Mar Aa O ll

Paddfle ford,Pe t e r. May 1 8

Pulle n , T hou a .s Jun e 90 ill.

Parm e le , Sam u e l. July 1 5 ih .

Port e r,and Mead. A ug . 22 ih . .

Pow e r, T . and Isaac . A u g; 31 ib .?Potte r, B radford A . S e p t . 26 ih .

Pe rkin s, J. and T . G i lp in . De c


Parn e ll, lV illie. 1n . .

‘an . 1 0

Pinkn e y, I srae l.V

A p ril 1 6

Parson s , B ish cp N Em il 1 6

Pe acock , DaV itl Mag. 99

Purdy. Je rem iah . Oc t .


Purde ll. W'

illiam Nov

Pain e Eph raim . D e 0 . 1 1

Pre se nt -Jon ath an . March 6 1 8 1 8I’Ort e r, Nath an . Apri

l ? fi e

Pe n nock, Abram . and Jas . Se lle rs .

Apr11 28, 1 8 1 8. .luiy 6 1 8 1 8

Prescot, Le vi and J. Nov 5,ih .

Pe asley, A aron M Nov. 1 1 ii) .

Potts, Jos e ph Nov . 7‘

1 15 .

Palm e r, Joh n . D e c . 29

Quinfiard, Isaac , April'


Quinb y, Jose ph . (April 251 1h .

Fez 18 1 2.

Qu in cy, A b raham March 20 1 81 1

Quin cy, Abram H . Se p t . 3, 18 1 1 .

Parsons, Se th . March 2Pe ck, Se th . Ap ril 23Pom riie r

, Ch arle s A ug . 30Pign ate lli, John B . De c . 2Pool, Dan ie l. March 22

Fe bruary MayJun e

Quin , H e 1iry. Fe b . QlQuig ley, Mose s A June 1 5 181 9


Rum se y, Jam e s A ug . 96 1791 De c . Jan . 26

Re ad, N . Aug . 26, 1 79 1 . Jan . 8, 1 8 14 . 0 c t. Jan .

l 1 798 . Feb . 21 , 1 8 1 7 . Fe b . 22, Re e d, Aaron . 25

1 8 1 7.

'D e c .

‘ 23, 1 81 7 . Fe b . 1 8, Re eve , Jose ph .

Ridgway, David: .March 7: 1799 .Rhode s.William .

Octob e r 26 1 809 Re e d, Je ss e L J

B yan , E . April 29, 1 93 .Nov . 1 6 Ra


iey, Rob e rt . Jun c

2 1 808“5 7 9

R0b oth em , Rich A prilw12, 1 7.94 .R0 596

, H e n ry, jun Jun e 281 1 1 116 1 794 . A ug . 14 ,

-1 799. Oc t.

1 0 180 1

Rob erts , Jonathan . jun . Fe b . 1 3

Rigs. Elish a . July 29

Re ntge n , Cle m e n l. Nov. 1 7 1796.

Jun e 27 1 8 10 :

Ring ,Elias; De c . 1 0 1 797

Re e i e , M. .De c . Jun e

Re e d,E z ekie l. Fe b . 1 4 1 799Jun e 9, 1 80 1 . Julia

Fe b . 22, 1 807 . April. 1 5

,1 8119 . S e pt A .ug 14

1 8 11 Oct 22, 1 8 1 4 . 1)oc .

A ug . 1 , 1 81 6

Rob ins ,Nathaniel March 21

Rich ardson , He z . jun . and, Le vi .28 ih .

1 802

A pril 4 , 1 803.

Rawson ,11 110 5 . H.

l 803

Rog ers, SS and M . Otis . 11 D e c . 7 ih .

Richardson , Edward De c. 1 6 ih .



alm ag e l

Jan . 1 9 1 804Rob e rtson ,

A l ch ib ald March 5 iii.Rob in son , G W March 241 1 804Jun e May 1 41, 1 812.

March 1 7 ,- 1 813uJuly

l ob e/rt, John ,Am os A lle n , and

Rz e k .e l Ke ls ey. Se p t . 5 ib .

Rob e rts , Ow e n . April I2 1805

Richards , G . Fe b . 14 Fe b .

8 18 13.

Roge rs . Lew Fe b . 41

RlCh u l u S, EdW31 d1 807

Rl e ts , John T . A ug . 8


e rs, G e o. De c . D ec.

-Re w , Eph raim Fe b 22R0 bin son , Joh n . Fe b . 25

Re e d, JaCOb Jun e 9Richardson ,William H .

Ritt e r, Christian . Aug .

Rob e tsb n, Rob e rt . Nov. 3

Russe l,‘William, Dec . 1

Raym ond, Eb e n . Fe b 9 1

Re id, B . R. March A ug .


Rogg le s, L . and Dan .


I om lin son.

March 17

Rob inson , Rob e rt . March 1 9 .ib .

Ri cb ai dson , Oli ve r April 1 8 ih

Richards, R.W. andMills . Apr

Rob e rts . Je sse ! April 25

Rog e rs, G eorg e'

A July 3

Rich ards , Jedediah 3rd. Aug 1 3 ihRug g le s, Le vi. Aug . 16

Rob i n son Nat . P. A ug . 31

Re id Upton . A g 31

Randall, Sam . Oct. Jan .


1 1 1 8 12. March 12 1 811 .1

Rob in son , William . Nov . 27 ib :

Re irc'

k , Aaron . De c . 5

Rob in son , D e c . 1 3 , 1 81 0. May

Russe ll, Elai'z illai March 4

Randolph , Joh n F. April 24 . ib .

Row e y, John May 7Rug g le s Jos e ph; Jun e 6

Rig h t e r . .ln nai han Ju ly 23

Re ynolds , “Charle s . Aug . 21 1811

x x . S

S tillm an , W 11 1 . Ma 0 11 16 1 801alton stall, b n1 rde 1 1 F. A ug ust 2 1 ,1 801 . Sep t. 2Dec . 31 , 1 8 1 7.

Strong , Joh,11 . Won (1 11 24

Sharp less, J am es . Sep t 1 5S picer, A sh e 1 Apm l 28

S t 1llw e ll, St e ph e n 1 11 131 9

S taples , John . Dec . 1 5 1 802. July

Stow ell, A b el . JMy1 9 1 809. F


e b . 4 Jun e 1 5


iaJpIe s, Joh n , jun .

Marcfi éfi

Ste ve n s, Joh n. Ap rllli l 1 803 Jan.

3,1 810.

. IVlay March I4,1 816 . Marchtandring , B e n .

Stan ely, Lib e’

rty. Ju 11 e ‘25

S troe b e ll, John C . Se pt [9

March 1 8 1 803

S 1 . Dec. 6 1 803

Ifee . 31, 1 8 13

S He'

s 30 1 803

Sm ith , Moses . March 16Ste ve 11 s, L e V 1 . 8

Sam ford, &ob n 11d Am os 1 )Allen , n

Simons, J am es and 1 M . Jam es .

ih .

ih .

Sp e n ee r, A sa. Jun e 8,So uth , Sim on . Oct .

Stodde zi, Dav1d.No

S tan ton , Wm . j 1'

1 11 . Dec . 26

Scott, Isaac Dec 26

1 b .


ord, Ho fatio G . Man ]?ISOS.

1805‘25 , 1 886 May7 . 1 11 131 1 1 814 ;

Srm th, Stand f im e’

1 2 1806 . Jun e1 806

ih .

Shee, Park. Fe b ?Stan sb ury, 6 . Rob . 1

Ile l s , J . and A

S yl’e, Ste p b e fi May 9

S . 11 1th , J acob , 31 1 11 May £20

S pafford, 23S i1 a.w

, R:11pl1 m<2


zg iptm e , J oh n . D e c 1 5



Sto ww 1? Amfl l 26

A ug8 6


31311 1 . Sam and !)

tiie o

Stew s-11,8 1m on P k 21 4 6 1 How , and

J ames He nde l son J un e 21S e eij , (1 11 218 14.11 1 .»m

1808 Fe b . .



321 11 8

and T h os


.e r> “8 1 1 1 1 811 .

Sha le r, N afl1 ‘

1 11 1 e I Fe b . 21

8 11 1 1 1 11 , Iog e z‘. 1

“v1 arch April

Sh iver,David


Sm ith , A aron .

Sag e , J oseph .

A pfil II

A pril I4

ril 27 ib :

Sprag ue , Ele fizSaw in

, Joh n T)


Biay 1 7 18 11 1 1 6 1)

8 an él Jacob Ode] .

S”A ugust 1 41

S im ous , (5 11 1 1 1 16 5 1)'

and J ean J.

Riofid e l A ug 1 5

Sn ol1g ,16115 111 11 and Cotton Killog .

Sm 1 th, .E l1 Nov



S tetson , 0 11 1 e 1 11 1‘

1d Wm S'eb ree

b e (3. HSawm 1 1111 11 ?S te wm u ,

Sandu s , J oh n’Is

e b . 71

8 1 11 11 11 5,J am es said,

N Parson s

Sw an ,

St e m b e rg h . Pe ter . March 20l

ib .

S 1 1 t'

1 1'éW . Ap i

'il ‘258 3111 31 . Je re m

Sll e i‘m an , E lih u . March ‘


S t earn s , A li n ek.


March 22S tu b b s, Willi am . May 1S tory, Eliz ab e th ; Ext of WilliamStory Jun e 9

Shultz, ; ‘V illiam . June 1 4 1 809

Jun e Jun e 24 , 1 809 .

May‘26, 1 8 12. Jan .

‘26, 1 8 1 6 :

Sm ith,Dan ie l. Jun e 1 4

Sack e t, Aug us tus . Ju ly 8

S tan ly,’

l imothy July 6 1 809. Jan .

6 1 8 12 .

Stow e , Daw d. July 97

S lm th , Joh n Octob e r 1 4 1 809 ,

Shutb , Sam ue l Slid. Oct . 1 7 1 809

JulyS im on s

, B uw d P. and Candy Ra

g‘ue t

Syme ,

1 809Q


e l'

xrack,Le w is He e l S

Sh e ffie ld, Wm E . D e c . 21 ,

Sw e éf, Jolm . Fe b . April 1 1”

18 1 0 . Fe b .

Ston e , Sam u e l. May 3 1 8 1 1 Sp e rry. Austin , A ug . 92 1 814Sm ith , Sam ue l. Ju n e 1 1 ib . Sarc h e t, Pe te r, se n . S e pt . 27


ll) .

Sh e arc r,Jacob and A . Killon, June Spoon ,A dam . Se p t . 22 fl“1 7 ih . S h e rw ood , A . C . Oc t . 1 8 lbSm ith

, He z ak iah . July 1 9 ih . Scott , A . and A . Solde n , NO“ 3,

lbS omm e r, Leo nard. Ju ly 22 ih . Sh urly,



hom ua. Nov . 1 8 lhS e aley, Ric hard . July 25 ib . S 0 p e r, Joe l. D e c . 3 1 8 1 4 . A ug .

Sanford, Joh n . A ug . 20 1 81I De c . 1 2 1 81 5 .

Sm ith , B rown , and Chas . StewartStron g , Ste ph e n . Se p t . 2 ih . D e c . 8Sh e pard, Jose ph H . Oc t 1 ih . Shultz , H e n ry, D e c . L7S ille rs

, Charle s \ V . Oc t . I I ih . Squ irt V illlam . Jan . 1 7Siz e r, J Oc t . 1 5 ; Nov 6 1 811 , Jun e Snow ,

Sullivan . March 212

, 1 8I8 . Sm ith , Jos e ph . A pril 29Ste rnb e rg Pe te r. Oct . 28 ; Nov . Sm ith , Silas . May 23 1 8 1 5 , Aug .

1 9, ih . 23, 1 81 7 .

Shaw Jon athan Nov . 13 ih . Shaw. F . B . July 27Sh e b le , . Adam . Nov . 27 ih . Sta

_ng e r, Jacob and . D . H . M i lle r


pe nc e r, A sa. Fe b . 1 1 1 8 1 2 A ug) ,

1 6; lb '

S aw. William . Fe b . 19 ; June 5 ih . e dai n , H e nry. S e pt . 6 ih .

Shoem ake r, Danie l. Mar. 27 ih . Se g e r, .lob 11 ~ NOV . 1 4 3b ~Sh e pard, Silas .,A pril 27 ih Spring e r, Je ss e . D e c .

27 1hShaw

, Jam e s , A pril27 ih . S e abold, Ch ristOph e r, jun .


Fe b . 1 1 816Stan to n, Wm May 12 i b . Sm ith , Dan ie l A . Fe b 23 {b eS e xton , Jacob W


. July 18.Sp e rry, E ly . March 28



He nry, Nov. 1 1 ih . Sandford, E lias B .April 1 ] ih .

Somm e r, John . Nov . 1 6 ih . Se rge ant , John , jun


. A pril 24 3b ~

Skiff, Sam ue l. D e c . 5 ih . Start, W


m . May 3 { bSm e th e r, Rob ert .

De c . 1—0 ih . Sm ith , John May 24 } b {S illim an , D ec . 1 7 ib . Ste ve n s, Montg om e ry. Jun e 17 lb iSp e n c e r, Joh n . Fe b . 8 1 813 Scalnm on , E . R. Jun e 20 lbS e i tz

, Joh lr. Fe b . 8 Sh e pard» and T horp , JUIY25 lbx


Share , Jose ph . March 30 ih . prn lkle , Jacob . A ug . 23 {bS toat, Jacob . May 4 ih . Sh i llide an, and M‘Caston . Oct . 24 i h .

m e lz e r, Joh n . May 6 ih . Swain,A lb e rt i na» Fe b . 1

Staple s , Joh n J.

’May 10 ih . Sw op e , Jacob . March 1 4 1

b ..

Sm ith, (i e orge . May 28, Starr, Eli. March 20 3b

Sawye r, Ab raham . July 20 S im p son , Jé se p h . A pril 5 Ib o

Sh otw e ll, Wm andA rthurKinder, Scott , lSdflC MayJuly 23 ;Nov. 4 ib . Sm it h, Jarvis . Jul

Ste e ll, He z e kia h . Se pt 3 ih . Stew art , A dam . Jilly 5 , 1 81 1 . Apr.

Sch e n ch, J.



. Oct . 22 ih . 8 1 81 9 .

Sup e r,'


im othy, jun . and C . Rey Se am an,Corn e lius . A ug . 1 5

h olds, De c . 2 ih . Salisbury , “


illiam.A ug . 16

Rob e rt . D e c . 2 ib . Strow hav e n, G and Fre d. San xayShalcross

, S te ph en. Jan . 21 1 814 S e p t . 1Ste arns

, Dan ie l. March 10 ib . Sh e pard, Cale b . Oct . 4Sm ith , Eb e n . March 23 1814 . De c . S e arg e n t, Charles L . Oct 4’SI 1 818 . Smi th , He n ry . Jan 1 5

Sandford, Isaac . Mal ch 26 ih . Sm ith , M

‘ t’h e rson . Jan . 28

Sprink le , Jacob .

April 27 ih . Ste am s, A . and W . B arre tt . Jan .

Sullivan, Joh n L . A pril 2 1 814 30; S e pt 8D e c 1 8 1 6 Mar. 24 , 1 817. Fe b . S im p son , V

v’illiam . Fe b . 19 lb .

28 333 6 0 . 29, 1 8 1 8. De c 1 0, 1 8 1 9. Sh e re w ood

, St e ph e n . April 1 1 3b .

Sch aife lt,“'

illiam . Jun e 6 ih . Sh e ph e rd,1 5 3 3 0 May 93 l b '

t ile s, u n aun cy . Jun e 28 ih .


St0 1‘m , T . h i lly Q8Shurt lifi

, S im e on . July 5 ib . Sm ith , Burrow s . Jun e 9Swan

, Jon athan . July 5 Spran g h , l. lu is A . .M . Jun e 29 ilk “

Shan n an, Dan ie l July 6 ib . S te dm an , S im on . July 25S idd

all, July 9 181 4 Swan , Jolzn B . Sep t .;29N ov . 1 41 ; Nov. Stan sbury, Danie l: Oct . 26

Scott, Andre w . A ug . 1 5 ih .

f m ith,Math e w . Jan 20Sp ickard, He nr y

: Aug 16 ih . Sheldon , William . F eb . 26

Stith , Obadiah .

March 1 6 ‘

1 8 19Salisb ury, He z e kiah . May


24 ih .

Strattan B e nj am in . Jun e/23 ib .

Srq dde n, Rob e rt . Aug . 26 ih .

Sm i th E z ekie l r..

'Nov . 8‘

ih .

T aylor, March 23 1794 . April_25 1 5 03.

T aylor. J. Jun e 30 1 795 . Oc t . 28 181 5T yle r, B e na


April 1 5 1 796. Fe b ;26 1 799 . March 19 1 804 : Fe b

,20 1 820.

T hom son , 1791T é l‘r‘y, Eli, 97 . Jun e12 1 8 1 6.

T hom pson , T hos. Jan . 1 799f ryon . Isaac . Fam e

,179 5

T haye r, Am os . June 9 IBOI . July7 1 81 7 . May l 1 81 8 .

T em ple ton , Jam e s. A ug .. 17“

J 1 802T odd

, I saac . Se e Aug ustus Day.

T urn e r, Jede diah T . Oc t.

‘l 9 -

.I803T horn ton ,Wm . Oc t . 28 1 808. Dec .

1 3 1 807 . Jan . I6 ; S ep t . 7D e c . 23 1 8 14 .

T lun stall, Wm .

» Jun e 30 1 804T hom as

, Joh n iJam e s . Oc t . 2 ih .

T aylor, A aron . October 4 iah >T om lin son

,Dan i e l. May 27} 1805

May 20 1 8 12 .

T aylor, Joh n G Novemb e r 13: ih .

T atte rson , Jam es . Nb v. 27 ihT 1 806T ib .

T ih .

T ob ey, Corn e lius .

May 7 1 807T ow nse nd . Wm . W .

“March 221 808; Jun e 1 8 1 8 12.

T allm an,

.Je de diah . .March 31T re scot, En

os July. 1 1 ,ih .

T ow n s e nd,E rastus . July 1 2 ih .

T ulle r, Martin . July ,29 ih .

T e m pl’

e m an,John . A ug . 16 1 807.

1 6 1809 .

T uck e r, S e ptimus . January 1 2 1 809T rum an , Jun e 24 1 809.

De c . 3 1 8 1 1 . Aug . 21

T hom as , Luth e r. Jun e 24

Enoch C. Feb . I2

T h orn e , Richard V . W. and John .

March 6 1 809 .


March 26 181 0. 7!

uth ill, Ab ram. Gulie lmu s Dom iny.

Marchg zz'


ih .

ih .

T ob e y, \'

ugu stus . Jone 21 1810T e ale , ,

Joh n (I

. Se pt . 11 ih .

n : De c . 26 i'h .

and John S . Hall.

Upham , Pliny .

March 21 1811 .

Unde rwood, Wm .

' Sept . 6tley, Jos e ph . Nove m b e r 5

Jan uary 6 1 80°

1 810‘

1 811



isdale , E ph raim . July ITI1 81 5


lc e and l‘



art Oi lt, Jam e s; Nov. 1 3 1 8 1 9Swain , William W. Jan . 1 4 1820Sm ith , Ab ie l. March 22 ih .

Skin n e r, I . and Sam ue lF. Hooli e r.

‘March 23

May 2 1 1 8 1 l

T urbot, N icholas. Se ptem b e r 7 ih .

T haye r, Solom on . Oct. 9 ih .

T an n e r, A rch ibald. Oct . 24 ih .

T urne r, Rob e rt . Nov. 25 1 8 1 1 .

Fe bruary 21 1 81 4 .

T ousley, Rosw e ll° Jan . 1 1 1 812

T haye r, E lijah . March 1 4 ih .

T horp ,‘

John .March 28 ih .

T re adw e ll, Ste ph e n . April 27"ih .

T wom b ly, .Eph raim . A ug . 28 ih .

T ude l‘, Fre de rick. De c . 17 ih .

T hom p son , Sam . March 2 1 8 1 3

T horne , R. V .W. April 29 ih .

Tousley, Sylvanus. May 28.

1 8 13.

Fe b . 7 1 8 1 5 . l

T h’

rall, Luke K. N ovem b er 1 0‘

ih .

T alm ag e , E’

z ra. April 9 1 8 1 4:

July 8 181 6 . Se pt . I2 1 816. April26 1 8 17 . Aug . 27

“18 1 8 Jan .

10 1 820.

T odd, Alphe us . AprilT illy, Jos e ph . May 1 7T ousle y, R.and J. Swan . Nov . 9 ih .

T om lin son , Pe te r. March 7 lb

T ann e r, H . S . July 1 db

July 3 1 1 81 8.

T iffany,Wm and P. Alle n . July lb

Tabb , G e org e . Fe b . 23 18 16'

T atham , W'm. April ih .

T rumbull, Shadrach . April 23 ih .

T alb ot, Sylve ste rW, May 4 ih .

T h orp and Sh e pard . Oct . 14 ih :

T hach e r, lgavid. Oct

TJLOkGP, Jam e s . Dec . 1 3

T yler, B . and J. Fe b . 1

T roost , G e rre t. March 3

T hom as , March 20

T ilton , T hos . P. May 6

T hom as, G . T . Jun e 1 0 ih .

T hom as , Spe n c e r. Oct . 10 ih .

T ie m an,A nthony. April 27 1 81 8

T rot t,Joh n‘s .J-u nel2 ih.

T aylor, Ab ram . Nov . 1 8

T hom as, Rob e rt . May 29 9

Aug . 21 f

T ilg e , Joh n He nry. Se pt'

lLaiylor, A sa. Oct . 9

T ucke r, Joh n . Nov . 10

T own , Ith ie l. Jan uary‘28

Updik e , Dan iel. Fe b z lg

U lluan ,M . andM . Isaac s . March 17


1b .

Ush e r, Supii ia. Se pt emb e r 11 lb .


d B . Ridg eway. Ph ilips . 181 513. Jan 1 5 1 8 1 6

B e n . May 29 ih .


We b ste r, Ge org e Ple b . 28 ih '

W ithe rall, Salm . Oc tob e r 29 1 ih Woo .lrufl'

, S H. and A . Math ews .

Walton , A z ariah. January 6. 1 8 12 March 2 1 lbWalton , Pe ter



lanuary 6 ib f. W illson ,Jam e s . March ?) ih .

Wh itlovv, Chas Jan uary 1 1 ih . W'

e ave r,Sam ue l. March 1 1 ih .


ore , Sam . Fe b ruary 23 ib . Wh ip s John April 22 ih .

Wald ron ,Dan ii l “arch 4 ib . We ston , Nathan May 24 ih .

We rnwag , Le w is . March 28 ib l Warrall, He n ry. Jun e 1 2 ih .

We ston , 12 Jun e 26 18I2. Fe b . We aver1vm . 1 . Jun e 1 4 ih .

I3 181 5 . Wilkin son , Je ptha A . July 3 ih .

guly 1 5 ih .

July 1 8 ih .

Wood,P. and B .


Aug . 22 ih .

We ldon,\Jacob ,T . 31 1 b . t g g ih .

William s, Joh n S March ,

2 1 8 13 V lfippds, Pe n c e . Se pt . 29


ih .

Wh itcomb , Hiram . March 2 ih . We lls , L ewis J. B.

'.ah 24

Warre l, G e org e . March 30 / ib . Wrigh t, Jam e s Fe b . 28i

ib .

Wipp le , Joh n T . Jun e 10 ih . Wh itlock , Sam ue l. March 3 ih . ,

Ware ,AIfi'e d, jun . Jun e 1 8 Wall, Richard.

William s, T hom as K July 3 We bb , Jose ph . May 3

William s,Golish . August 24 Wav, B aruch . Jun e 7

We re leyoJohn . 0 c .t 4 We bb , Oran g e . July 5

Whe atle , Jarne s , NOV.13 Wate rs , A sa?Oct . 1 5 1

Wh itin , Colvin . Fe b . 1

Wrigh t, H . st 0 Roberts . Mar. 26 ih .

Wollias, M B W St. H . P. Barlow .

Worsle y, J. 8 R. Park e r. Feb . 21 ih . Wh iting , Nathan . March 1 9

Wh it e , Band March 3 ih Wi seh e art, Jam e s May 25

Wh iting , Pre ston . Jun e 1 1

TV ilme r, B e njam in Aug. 20

Wh ite he ad, Joh n .s Aug . 30

w arn e r, Erastus. Sept . 1 2 ih Williams, Chai le s Jan . 1 8

Ware , Jac ob Se p t . 20 ih . Wh ite, Canvass Feb . 1

ih .


5 1 8 1 4 Mar. 1 9 1819.

Young , fit t e tle rick. Aug . 23 1 800 Young , Fl h timas .

Youn g , W Now. 20 1 800. May YarWood ose ph .

'March 1 1 .1 809

20 1 807 : Jun e 1 0 1 8 1 9. Youngs , Se th . MYeom an s , Rog e r. May 28


Ye ariian R.


Jan . 9 1 8 1 5 Nov..

20 18 19 .

s i.“

Zacharie . Pi Nov. 24 1791 . May Michae l. April 2Jam e s . Julv 1



Eve rv inve n tor b e fore h e p re se n ts h is p e tit ion to th e Se cre tary of fi‘

at e,g ig


n ifyin g


h is de sire of ob tain in g a pat e n t , shall pay in to th e .

tre asury’

o l'

th e Unit

d State s th irty dollars, for w h ic h h e shall b e furn ish e d With dupli cate re c e ipts,

on e of wh ich.

h e sh all d e live r to th e S e cre tary of S tate , w h e n h e p re se n ts h is

p e tition and th e m on e y th u s paid s hall b e in full for th e sundry se rvic e s to.

b e

p e rform e d in th e offi c e of th e Se cre tary of S tat e , c ons e qu e n t to such p e t i t ion .

T h is p e tition m ust b e addre s s e d to th e Se cre tary of S tate , and m ay b e i n th e

fb llow in g , or in a s im ilar s tyle




and Stat eT h e Pe tition of A . B . (if 111 th e coun ty of

of re sp e ctfully re pre se n ts

T hat your p e tit ion e r has inv e n t e d a n e w and use ful im prov em e nt or art ,

m ach i n e, m anufac ture or com pos ition of m att e r, or any n e w and u s e ful im p rove

m e n t in an v art , m ach in e , m an u f'

ac t re , or com pos ition of m att e r] inn ot knownor us e d


b e l'

oi'e h i s ap plic ation ,

” th e radvan tag e s of w h ich h e is de .

s iron s of s e curin g to h im s e lf an d h is le gal re p re s e n tative s , h e th e re fore praysth at le tte rs Pat e n t of th e Un it e d § tate s m ay b e issue d,


g rantin g u nto your p e

t itione r, h is h e irs , adm in istrators or assign s , th e full an d e xclusive righ t ofm ak

in g , c on s truc tin g , us ing and ve nding to oth e rs to b e u se d, 11 1 8 said im prov e .

m e nt , (art, in ve n t ion , m ach in e , m anufac tu re or com pos ition of m atte r,

ag re e ab ly to th e ac t of Con g re ss in such c as e m ade and provide d ;your p e t ition e r h avin g paid th irty dollars in to th e tre asurv of th e Un ite d State s , and

complie d w ith oth e r p rovision s of th e said act s . A . B

T h e specifica tion or de scrip tion of th e m ach in e , art , discove ry , or inve n tion,

m ust b e g ive n in cle ar and spe c ific t e rm s , de sig natin g it from all oth e r ih r e n ~

t ion s , and de scribing th e wh ole in such a m an n e r, as to c om pre h e nd n ot on lyth e form and c on struc tion , (if a m ach in e ) b ut also th e m ode of usin g th e sam e

and if it b e on ly an im provem e n t on a c e rtain m ach in e alre ady in ve n t e d by th eap plican t or any oth e r, it oug h t to b e so m e n t ion e d or de scrib e d ; and as

sth is

sp e c ification , de scrip tion or sch e dule , e nte rs in to, and form s part of th e pat e n t,it m ust b e w ithout any re fe re n c e s to a m ode l or draw ing , an d m ust b e sig n e d

b y th e applicant or app lican ts, b e fore tw o w itn e sse s .~It is m at e rial that this

b e in g ood lang uag e , and c orre c tly w rit t e n , as it is tran scrib e d in to th e pate n t ,and th e orig inal pap e rs w ill b e de pos ite d in an offic e , th at w ill h and th e m dow n

to poste rity g b y wh ich th e h onour oi'

th e c oun try is con c e rn e d in th is att e iition .

T h e m ode st inve n torw ill n o doub t , e x clude th os e pan e gyric s on th e e xc e lle n c eof h is inve n tion or disc ove 37 , wh ich ab oun d som e tim e s in t h e production s oft h e infe rior

, g e nius, b ut wh ich oug ht n ot to e n te r in to th e pate n t .

T h e follow ing , or a sim ilar oath or affirim i tion,tak e n [b e fore a judg e of any

of th e c ourts, or a justic e of th e p e ac e , any p e rson qualifie d t o adm in iste ranoath ] by th e applican t or applican ts, m ust b e subjoin e d .to th e sp e t ification , il

citiz e n s of th e Un ite d State s .


Cou n ty of

State ofM

On th is of 1 8 b efore th e sub scrib e r,'

a Justic e of th ePe ac e

,in and for th e said coun ty, pe rson ally app e are d th e afore nam e d A . B .

and m ade. sole m n oath [or affirm ation ] ac cordin g to law ,that h e ve rily b e lie ve s

h im s e lf to b e th e tru e and orig inal in ve n tor or dis cove re r of th e art, [m ach in e ,in v e n tion

, or im proveme n t, com pos ition of m at te r, 81 0 ] above sp e c ified andd e sc rib e d, for (m e n t ion h e re th e obj e ct or i n te n t ion )and th at h e is a citiz e n of th e Unit e d State s . Just , Pe ac e


If not a c itiz e n ( or c itiz e n s ) th e follow in g addition m u st b e m ade to th ede c laration , that h e ve rily b e lie ve s h im s e lf to b e th e true and orig in al in ve n toror discove re r of th e art , &c . fi n d that the sam e hath not, to the b e s t of his on

h e r know ledg e , or b e lief, be en kn ow n or used either in this or (m y 09°

19 :n country.


Also, th at h e (or sh e )'

h at-h re side d in th e Un ite d State s for two

Ye ars and upwards .

It is n ot n e c e ssary th at‘

th e tim em

of re side n c e sh ould im m e di

at e ly prec edeth e application .

If any in ve ntor or discove re r should die in te state b e fore an ap plicat ion b e

m ade for a p at e n t, h is le g al re pre se n tative s,

m ay app ly for th e p ate n t, in trust

for th e h e irs at law ; oth e rw ise in tru st for th e de vise e s .

T h e sp e cificat ion m ust b e accom pan ie d by a g ood drawing , in p e rsp e c tive ,of th e Wh ole m ach in e or apparatus, wh e re th e"n ature of th e case adm its ofdraw ing s, or w ith, sp e c im e n s of th e


in g re die n ts, and of th e comp osition ofm at

t e r, suffic ie n t in _quan tity for th e pu rpose of?e xp e rim e n t, wh e re th e in ve n tionis ofa comRos ition of m atte r.

” “and such inve ntor sh all, more ove r, de live r a

m ode l of h i s m ach in e , provide d'

th e S e cre tary sh all d e e m such m ode l to b en e c e ssary.

”I t is re qu isite , in g irin g a draw in g of th e m ach in e

, to g ive alsbs e ct ional draw ing s of th e int e rior, iw h e n th e m ach in e is com ple x ;

and e ve rydrawing should b e accom pan ie d w ith e xp lanatory.

re e re nce s . If th e m ach ineb e c om ple x, am ode l w ill lik e w is e b e n e c e ssary, not on ly to e xplain and re n de rit com pre he n sib le ,to a com m on c apacity, b ut also topre ve n t inlrin g e m e n ts of

righ ts for m any w ill p le ad ig norance of draw ing s, wh o cannot avoid con victionb y w h e els and p in ion s . I



T h e draw ing s ough t not ‘

to e xc e ed a quarto'siz e , and .i confin ed to o



th ey,would b e still b e tter, wh e re ,

it can b e don e Con ve n i e n tly and di stin c tly .


A“) flat for th e E n courag em en t of Learn ing , éy s e curing f/ze Coj zz'

es‘ offife/2.9 , C/zarfs and B oo/cs , to th e «fu t/tors an d Proflrie tors of s u e/z


e s ,du r ing 5 11 6 tim e s the re in m en tion e d .

S EC/T e_1 . B e it e nacted by the S en a te . an d Hous e Repre sen ta tiv es {if zhe

S tate s of fi bre’


ca tin Con g re ss assem bled, T hat from and aft e r th e p as silig of th is

ac t , th e auth or and authors of any m ap , chart, book or b ooks alre ady prin t e dw ith in

.th e se Un ite d Stat e s , b e in g a c i tiz en or c it i'

z e n s th e re of, or re side n t w ith »

in th e sam e, h is or th e ir e xe cutors, adm in istrators or assign s, who hath or h aven ot transfe rre d m any oth e r person th e copy

-righ t of such m ap , chart, book or

b ooks , sh are or sh are s th e reof ; and any oth e r p e rson or p e rsons, b e ing a c itiz e n

or c it iz e n s of th e s e Unit e d Stat e s , or re side n ts th e re in , h is or'the ir e xe cutors,

adm in istrators or assig n s, wh o-h ath or have purchase d or le gally acquire d th e

c opy-rig h t of any suc h m ap ,

‘ ch art, book or books , in orde r to prin t , re prin t,

publish or ve nd th e sam e,sh all h ave th e sole righ t and lib e rty of prin tin g , re ~

prin t in g , publish in g and ve n din g su ch m ap“

, ch art , book or books , for th e t e rmof fourte e n ye ars from th e re cording th e title th e re of in th e cle rk

’s offic e , as is

he re after di re ct e d ( A n d that th e author and auth ors of any m ap , chart , bookor b ooks alre ady m ade and com pos ed;and not prin ted or pub lish e d, or that

shall h e re ite rb e m ade and com p ose d, b e in g ac itiz e n or Citiz e n s of t'

h e se Un it

e d State s,or re side nt th e re in , and h is or th eir executors, adm in istrators or as

sign s, sh all h ave th e Sole rig h t and. lib e rty‘

of prin tin g , re prin ting , publish ingand ve nd ing such m ap ,

chart,b ook or books , for th e lik e t e rm of fourte e n

ye ars from th e t im e of re cordin g th e t itle th e re of in th e c le rk’s c ilic e as afore

said . And if, at th e e xp irat ion of said term , _th e auth or or auth ors, or any of

th e m , b e living , an d a c itiz e n or c itiz e n s of'

th e se'

Un it e d Stat e s, or re side n t

th e re in,th e sam e e xc lus ive righ t sh all

-b e c ontin ue d to h im or th e m , h is ,or th e ir

e xe cutp rs, adm in istrators or as sig n s, for th e furth e r t e rm of fourte e n ye ars

B rooz'

ded, h e or th ey sh all. c aus e th e tit le th e re of to b e as e cond t im e re cor de dand



ub lish e'

d in th e . sam e m an n e r as is h e re in afte r, dire c te d, and that Wi th insigc. m onth s b e fore th e e xpiration of th e first term of fourt e e n ye ars afore said.


s :'

r. 2. fi nd-Jae itfi ermer enacte d, ,l'

hat if any oth e r p e rson . or p e rson s, froman d afte r th e re cording th e t itle ol


any m ap , ch art , b oo};or b ooksg a nd publish ing th e sam e as afore said, and w ith in th e tim e s lim it e d and g ran te d 13 hisac t

,sh allprint ,re prin t , pub lish e r im port, or cause to


b e prin t e d, re pri n t ed,

pub lish e d, or im port e d frorn'


ry fore ig n kin g dom or state ,any copy or copie s

of s n ch m ap , chart , book or books , w ithout th e con se nt of th e author or pro~

p rie tor t h e re of, first had and ob tain e d l

in writing , sig n e d in the pre se n c e of twoorm ore creditable witn e sse s ; or


m owing th e sam e to b e so prin t ed, re prin te d,or im porte d, shall publish , se llor e xpose to sale, or caus e to h e pu b lish e d, sold,



A n A CT lojzrom ote th e Prog re s s of tzS eflz'

l an d to refi eal th e flath ere tofore m ade j or _t/zo t j zurfzos e .

Sncr . 1 . B e it en acted by the S e nate an d House ff Repre s en ta tiv es of th e Un itedS tate s offlme rz

ca , in. Cong ress assembled,'


hat whe n an y p e rson ‘

or person s b e inga citiz en or citi z en s of the Un ited State s, shall al ledg e that he’ or they h ave ihvented any n ew and usefu l art

, m achin e, m an ufacture,or com position oi

m at te r,or any n e w and useful im provem ent on any art, m achin e , m an ulac ture or com

p osition of m atter, n ot known or used,before the applicatio n , and shall present


rp e tition to the S ecretary of State , s ig n ifying a desire of obta in ing an exclusiveprop e rty in the sam e , andf

p rayin g t hat a pat en t may b e granted therefor, itshal l and m ay be lawful for th e said Secretary of State

,to caus e letters paten t

to be m ade on tin the nam e of th e Un ited States , bearing test by th e Presidentof the Un ited State s , reciting the allegation s and suggestion s of the said p et ition , an d giving a short description of the said invent ion or discovery, andthereupon g ranting to such pet it ion er or petitioners, l i ls , her or their he irs,adm in i strators


lqr assign s, for a term not exceeding fourtee n years,the ful l and

e xclusive right and lib erty of m aking,con struct in g , us ing, and vending to

others to b e us ed, the said inven tion or discovery, wh i ch lette rs pate n t shall b ede livered , to the Attorn ey Gen eral of the Un ited States, to be exam ined who


,Wit-h irr’

fifte e n days after such delive ry, if he finds th e'

sarh e conform able to thisact, sh all certify accordingly at the foot thereof, and re turn th e same to the Sec re tary of State, wh o shall resen t the l etters Paten t thus ce rtified, to be signed,an <i. shall cause the seal of he Un ited States to be theret o affixed and the sam eshall b e good and available to the gran te e or grant ees, by force of th is act, ands hall b e recorded in a book , to be kept for that purpose, in the ofiice of th eSecretary of State , and del ivered to the pate n tee , or h is order.Snc '

r. 2. Prov ided always, an d b e itfurflzer en acted, T hat any person , Who shallhave discovered an im prove m e nt in the prin ciple of any m achi n e , or i n

the process of any

com pos ition ofm atter, w hich shal l have b ee n paten te d ,and shall

have obtain ed a patent for such im provem en t, he shal l n ot b e a t lib erty to m ake,

_use 0 r’ve nd the original discovery, n or shal l the first in ven tor b e at lib erty to

u se the im provem ent and it is hereby en ac ted and“

de clare d,’

that sim ply chan ging the form or proportion s of any m acln ,n e ,

or com position of m atter, in anyd egre e , shall n ot be deem ed a discove ry.

Smér . 3pflad b e itf ort/ze r e nacted, T hat e ve\ry invent or, \ before he can xc

c e ive a pate nt, shall swear or affirm ,that he does veri ly b elieve , that he is th e

true inven tor or discoverer of th e art, m achin e , or im provem e n t, ,for wh ich h e

solicits a paten t, w hich oath or affirmation m ay b e made b e fdre any person au

thoriz e d to adm in ister oaths, and shal l del iver a written descript ion of his inve ntion , an d of the m ann er of using, or process of compounding the sam e, in suchfull, cl ear and e xact term s, as to distinguish th e sam e from all other things b e .

fore kn own , and to en able any person ski lled in the art; or scie n ce, of wh ich itis a bran ch, or Wi t h which it is m ost n early conne cted, to m ake, com pound, anduse th e sam e . A nd in the case ofany m achin e, h e shall ful ly explain th e princ iple , and the several m odes, in Which h e has con tem plated th e application ofthat prin ciple

‘ or character, by wh ich it m ay be distinguished from other inve n’

t ion s ;and he shall accom pany the whole with draw ings and written referen ce swhere th e nature of the case adm its of drawin s

,or w ith Specim en s of the in

g redie n ts , and o t'

th e com position of m atter,sufiic ie n t in quan tity -for th e purpose ot

e xp e rim e nt , w here th e inven tion i s of a com position of m atter ;svh ichidiscription s s ign ed by him se lf, and atte sted by two witn esses, shall be filedin the office of the Secretary of Stat e , and certified c Op ie s thereof shall b e com .

p eten t eviden ce, in all courts, wh e re fany matter or th ing, touching such paten tright, shall com e in question . A nd such ' in ve n tor shal l m oreover, de live r a.m ode l of his m achin e , provided the S ecretary shall deem such mod e l to b e me »

c e ssary.

S s c '

r . 4 find 6c zt furl/zer enacted, T hat it shall be lawful for any inven tor,h is executor

‘or adm i n istrator, to assign th e title and in tere st in the said in

ve n tion , at any tim e, and the assign ee having recors .ed th e said assignm e n ts inthe offi ce of th e Secretary of State , shall thereafter stand in the place of the orig inal inye n

‘mr, both as to rig h t and respon sibility, and so th e assign ee s or

assign s, to any degre e .

Saw 5 .fi lm b e ir


zlse n e fm cred,T hat ifany person shall m ake , devise and


u s e , or s e ll th e t h i n g“ so in ve n te d, th e e xclus ive rig h t ofwhich shall as afore said,h ave b e e n se c ure d t o an y p e rs on b y p a te n t , w ithout th e con se n t or th e pate n te e ,h is e xe cu tors, adm in istrators or as sig n s , first ob tain e d in w rit in g ,

e ve ry p e rson ,s o offe ndin g , shall forfe it to pay th e pat e n te e , a s um that shall b e at le as t e qualto th re e t im e s t h e p ric e , for w h ic h t h e p ate n te e h as usually sold or lic e n c e d to

oth e r p e rson s , th e use of th e said in ve n tion ; w h ich m ay b e re cove re d in an ac

tion on th e cas e fou nde d on th is ac t, in th e c irc uit c ourt of th e Un it e d State s,or an y oth e r court hav in g c om p e te n t j urisdic tion .

S ECT . 6. Prori i le i l a lways an d b e t urt/i e r e n a cted, T h at th e de fe ndan t in such

ac tion shall b e p e rm it te d to p le ad t h e g e n e ral issue , and g ive th is ac t and anyspe cial m atte r, ofwh ic h n ot ic e in writin g m ay have b e e n g iv e n to th e p lain t iffor h is at torn ey ,

th irty days b e fore t rial, i n e vide n c e , t e ndin g to prove , that th esp e c ification g

fi le d b y t he plain tiff. doe s n ot c on tain th e w h ole truth re la t ive,to

h is discove ry ,0 t h a t it c on tain s m ore than is n e c e ssary to produc e th e de scrib e d

e ffe c t, which con c e alm e n t or addition sh all fully app e ar to have b e e n m ade , for

th e p urpos e of de c e iving t h e p u b lic , or that th e th in g , th us s e cure d b y pate nt

was n ot orig inally dis co ve re d b y th e pate n t e e , b ut h ad b e e n jn us e , or h ad b e e n

de scrib ed in s om e p ub lic w ork, ante rior to th e s uppose d discove ry of th e pate n

t e e , or that h e had surre ptitiously ob tain e d a pat e n t for th e discove ry of anoth e r

p e rson : in e ith e r ofw h ic h c as e s , j udgm e n t sh all b e re nde re d for th e de fe nda nt ,w ith cos ts, and th e p ate n t sh all b e de clare d void .

S ECT . 7 . wind b e i tfurtlwr s noozed, T hat wh e re a ny state b e fore it s adop tionof th e p re s e n t form of gove rnm e n t, sh all h ave g ran te d an exclusive rig h t to anyin ve n tion , th e party c laim in g that rig h t , shall n ot b e capable ofob tain ing an e x

e lusive rig h t unde r th is ac t, b ut on re linqu ish in g h is ri g h t un de r such partie n

lar state , an d of such re lin quishm e nt, his ob tain in g an e xclusive rig h t unde r th is

ac t s h all b e suffi c ie nt e vide nc e .

S ac r. 8 . Ji m! b e étfi zrt/i er ena cted, T hat th e p e rson s , wh os e applicat ion s for

p at e n ts , w e re , at th e t im e p assin g of th is act, de p e nding b e fore th e Se cre tary of

S tate , Se cre tary at V v'

ar, and A ttorn ey G e n e ral, ac cording to th e ac t, passedth e s e cond s e ssion of th e firs t Con g re ss , int itle d, A n ac t to p rom ot e th e pro

g re ss of use ful art s,”on c om plyin g w ith th e c ondition s of th is act, and paying

th e fe e s h e re in re quire d, m ay pursue th e ir re sp e ctive claim s to a pate nt unde r

th e sam e .

S ECT . 9 . fi nd b e it f urthe r e n acted, T hat in case of in t e rferin g application s th e

sam e sh all b e sub m itt e d to th e arb itrat ion of th re e p e rson s , on e of wh om shall

b e chos e n by e ach of th e ap plican ts , and th e th ird‘

p e rson shall b e appoin te d

b y th e S e c re tary of State , and th e de s is ion or award of such arb itrators , de liv e re d to th e S e cre tary of State , in w ritin g and sub sbrib e d b y th e m , ctr any two ofth e m sh all b e final, as far as re sp e c ts th e g ran ting of th e p at e n t f And if e ith e rof th e applican ts shall re fus e or fail to ch oose an arb itr i tor, th e pat e nt shallissue to th e Opposit e party . A nd w h e re th e re sh all b e m ore than two in t e rfe r

in g application s, and th e partie s app lyin g sh all n ot all un it e in appoin t in g thre earb itrators, it shall b e in th e p ow e r of th e S e cre tary oi


State to appoin t thre earb itrators for th e p urpos e .

S e e r . 1 0. fi nd b e itf urzhe r e n ac ie /l, T hat upon oath or affirm ation b e ing m ade ,b e fore th e judg e of th e district c ourt , wh e re th e pate n te e , h is e xe c utors , adm inistrators or h is assig n s re side , th at any p at e n t wh ich shall b e issue d in pursuan c eof th is act, w as ob tain e d surre pt itiously, or upon fals e sug g e stion , and m otion

m ade to th e said court , w ith in thre e ye ars afte r issuin g th e said pat e n t, b ut n otafte rwards , it sh all and m av b e law ful for th e j udg e of th e said district c ourt, ifth e matte r alle dg e d shall app e ar to h im to b e suffi c ie n t , to g ran t a rule , that th e

p ate nt e e , or h is e xe c utor, adm im strator or as sig n , sh e w c aus e why proc e sssh ould not issue ag ainst h im to re p e al such p ate n t , A nd ifsufli c ie n t caus e shalln ot b e show n to th e c ontrar th e rule sh all b e m ade ab solut e , and t h e re uponth e ~

said judg e shall orde r proc e ss to b e issue d ag ain st such pat e n te e , or h is e x

e cutors, adm in is trato rs or assig ns, w ith costs of s u it . A nd in cas e , n o suffic ie n tcau se shall b e show n to th e c on trary, or if it shall app e ar, th at th e pate n t e e wasn ot th e tru e inve n tor or discove re r, judgm e nt sh all b e re nde re d b y such court

for re p e al of such pate n t ; and if th e party, at wh os e com p laint th e proc e ss isé

su e d, shall h ave j udg m e n t g ive n ag ain st h im , h e sh all p ay all s uch cost s , as th ede fe ndan t shall b e put to, in de fe n ding th e suit, to b e taxe d by th e court, andre covere d in due course of law.



l l . fi nd be i‘

zfiznnafienacted, T hat e ve ry i nve n tor, b e fore h e pre sen t sh i s p e ti t ion to th e S e cre tary of State , s ig n ifyin g h is de sire of ob tain in g a pate n t,Shallpay i n to th e Tre asury th irty dollars, forw h ich h e shall tak e duplicat/

ere c e ip ts ; on e


of wh i ch re c e ip ts h e shall de live r to th e Se cre tary ofState , wh e nh e pre se n ts h i s p e t i t ion and th e m on ey, th us paid, shall b e in fu ll for th e sun'dry s e rvm e s, to b e p e rform e d in th e offic e of th e Se cre tary of State , conse qu e n t‘

0 10

1 such p e t i ti on , and shal l pass to th e accoun t of cle rk~h ire in that offic e . Prae nded "


t folt e very c opy Vvh ich m ay b e re quire d at th e said offic e ,of any pap e r re sp e c ti ng any

pate nt , th at h as b e e n g ran te d, th e'

p e rson ob tain ~

m g such copy, shall pay at th e rate of tw e n ty c e n ts , for e ve ry'c 0py-sh e e t of on e

hundre d words, and for e ve ry copy .of a draw ing , th e party ob tain in g'th e sam e ,

shall pay two dollars : of wh i ch paym e n ts, an acc oun t shall b e re nde re d, ann ually to th e tre asury of th e Un ited S tate s, and th e y shallxals


o pas s to th e aoc oun t of c le rk-h ire in th e

offic e (if th e Se cre tary of State .

S E CT . 1 2. Ji m ! be i tf nrthe r m oote d, T hat the act passe d th e te n th day of April,

1 11 the ye ar on e thousand s e ve n h undre d and’

n in e ty, in title d, An act to promote th e p rog re ss Qf'

useful arts,”b e , and thé s am e is h e re by re p e ale d. Pra

rnded always, T h at noth in g’

, contain e d in‘ th i s act, shall b e con s true d to invalidate

any , pate n t, that may h ave b e e n g rant e d 'unde r th e anthori ty of saida Ct ; and allpat e n te e s unde r said act , t he ir e xecutors, adm in istrators or assig ns, shal l b e consrde red wi th in th e purview of th is act , in re sp e ct of th e violation of

th e irrigh ts,Provided, such violation s shall b e comm itt e d, afte r th e passing of this act .


Sp eake a the House of Represen tatives .



ce -Presz’

den tofflze Un ited States, and

Pre siden t of t/re Senate .rt

ap proved, Fe bruary-GEQt{GE WASHlNGT ON, Presfdw t of the Chiited

V lS'

mees .

lai n A CT to ex ten d tlze j zrib ileg e of olitain z’

ng fza ten ls for u seful dis cowme ri

e s-

an d an v em ion s,to c e rtain /lem on s th e re in m en tion ed

,and [ 0

e n larg e and defin e t/ze fi en altz’

e s f or v iola ting th e rig /Ms oj Pa te n z‘

e e e .

S ECT, I, B e it enacted 'by ilze S enate and House, of Represen tativ e s of the Un it663States Of flm erie n , in Cong ress assem bled, T hat all and sing ular th e rig h ts and

p rivile ge s g ive n , inte nde d or p rovided to c itiz e n s of th e Un ite d State s, re s,sp e


c ting Pa te n ts for n e w inve n tion s, discove rie s, _and im prove m e n ts, by th e ac t,

.in titule d A n act to prom ote th e . pr0 g ress of u seful arts , and to re p e al th e act

h e re tofore m ade for that purpose ,” sh all b e , and h e re by are e xte nde d

and g ive nt o all alie n s, who at th e t im e

of p e tition in g in th e m ann e rs -pre scrib e d b’

y th e'

s aid act, sh all h ave re side d for tw o years w itlffift h e Un ite d Stat e s, wh ich pri vil e g e s shall b e ob tain e d, u s e d, and e njoye d, by such p e rson s , in as full and am

ep le m ann e r, and unde r th e sam e condition s, lim itation s ,an d re striction s ,


as b yt h e said ac t is p rovided and dire cte d in case of c itiz en s of th e Un ite d State s.

Prov ided always, T hat e ve ry .p e rson p e tition ing ‘

for a Pate n t for any in ve n t ion ,

art or discovery, p ursuan t to th is act, shall m ak e oath or affirm ation b e fore som e

- p e 1'

son duly auth orize d to admin iste r oath s , b e fore such Pate n t can b e g ran t e d,«that such inv e n tion , art or discovery h ath


n ot, t o th e b e st of h is or h er kn ow:l e dg e or b e lie f, b e e n known or us e d e ith e r in th is or any fore ig n coun try andt hat e ve ry Pa

t e nt wh ich shall b e ob tain e d p ursuan t to th is act,for any i nve n

s tion, art or discove ry, wh ich it

“ sh all aft e rwards appe ar h ad b e e n kn own or‘

used«p re vious to.

suclrapplication for a Pate n t, shall b e utte rly void.

SECT. 2. .dmé be étflm‘

her enacted, T hat w h e re any p e rson hath m ade , or‘

sh all” h ave m ade , any n e w in ve ntion , disc ove ry or im prove m e n t , on accoun t ofwh icha n Pate nt m ig h t , iny virtu e of th is or th e ab ovem e n t ion e d act, b e gran te d to such

._p e rson , and shall die b e fore any Pate n t shal l b e gran te dah e refor, th e righ t-


applying for and ob tain ing ,such Pate n t , shall de volve on th e le gal re pre

se n ta

t ive s, of such p e rson in trustlfor th e’h e irs at law of th e .de c e ase d , i n case h e shall

h ave die d inte state b ut if oth e rwise , th‘

e n in ‘

trust for h is de vis e e s, ino

as full and“ample

m an n e r, and unde r, th e sam e con dit ion s, lim itation s and re stri ct i on s, as

at b o Sam e was h e ld orm ig h t have b e e n claim ed or e njoyed b y such p e rson , i n _l1 18

soe ve r, from and after th e said first day ofJanuary ne xt, w ith in th e tim e lim it e db y th is act


, shall e ngrave , et ch or w ork, as afore said, o'

r in any b th e r m ann ercopy ,

or se ll, or caus e to b e e n g raye d, e tch e d, copie d,«or sold , in th e w hole hr in

part , by varying , addin g to, o‘

r dim i n ish i ng from , th e m ain de sig n , or shallprint,re prin t, or im port for

sale , or cau se to b e printe dy re prin t e d, or im porte d for'

sale , any such prin t:or pri nt s , pr any parts th e re of, w ithout th e c on s e n t of th e

pm prie tor or propri e tors th e re of, first had an d ob tain e d, in writin g , s ig n e d ,

byh im or th e m re sp e c tively, in th e pre se n c e of two or m ore cre ditab le w itn e sse s;or, know in g th e sam e


t b b e so pri n t e d or re prin te d , w ith out th e c on se n t of th e

roprie tor or proprie tors, shall publish , s e ll or Expose to sale , or oth e rwise , or

m any oth e r m an n e r, dispose of any such print or prin ts , w ith out such c on s e nt

first had and obtain e d, as afore said, th’e n Such offe n de r or offe nde rs sh all forfe it

th e p late or p late s on wh ich such,prin t or p rin ts are or sh all b e c op ie d, and all

and e ve ry sh e e t or sh e e ts (b e ing part of, or wh e re on , such p rin t Or p rin t s areor shall b e


COp ie d or prin t e d) to th e proprie tor o r proprie tors of such o rig inal

p rint or prints, who shall forthw ith de stroy th e sam e and furth e r, that e ve ry‘

such offende r or offe nde rs shall forfe it on e dollar for e ve ry p rin t wh ich shall b efound in his, h e r, or th e ir custody, e ith e r prin te d, publish e d, or e xpose d to

sale , or oth e rw ise dispose d of, con trary to th e tru e in t e n t and m e an in g'

or thisact ; th e o

n e m oie ty th e re of to any p e rson wh o shall’

sue for th e sam e, and th e

oth e r moie ty th e re of to and for th e use of th e Un ite d State s, td b e re cove re d inany c ourt having com p e te nt j urisdic tion th e re of.SEsT , 4. fi n d b e z


tf urtlzer enacted, T hat if any e rson or p e rson s, from andaftemth e passing of th is act, shall prin t orpublish a y m ap , chart , b ook or books


p rin t or prints, who have not le gally acquire d th e copy-rig h t of such m ap , chart ,book or: b o

ok s, print or prints, and sh all,con trary .to th e true in te n t and m e an

ing of th is ac t, in se rt th e re in , or im pre ss the re on , that th e sam e h as b e e n e n te r

e d accol


din g to ac t of Con g re ss, or words purporting th e sam e , or: purport ingthat the copyr igh t th e re of h as b e e n acquire d ; e very p e rson offe n ding , shallforfe i t and pay th e sum of on e hundre d doliars, on e m oie ty the re of to th e p erson who shall sue for th e sam e , a nd th e oth e r m oie ty th e re of to and for th e useof the


Un ite d State s, to b e re cove re d by action of de bt , in any court of re cord

in theUn ite d State s having c og n iz an c e th e re of : Provided a lw ays, T hat in e veryc ase for forfe iture s h e re ilib e fdre g ive n , th e action b e in g ocmm e nced with intwo y e ars from th e tim e th e cause of action it)

"”have arisen .

Eflpprw ed, flpnz'

l 29, 1 802-J