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•Wetther to-morrow • Probably light snow; brisk southeast winds LAST E D irm



Jm or's Wife Is Sick and Coort Is Adjooraed Until This



V *ntjP P h 7 « l« la « T eitlA caA kovt 0 « a « n l C o n d itio n - o f Thaw *! & « ir W A an H e B M m ln e d th e Da- la n d a n t a n d A lao D e tc rJb a a an 0 n m n a l D ep reas lo D In th e P rliion - • r ^ a . H e a d ^ W lfo T a llia to Thaw*

K isw TORK* Pab. II.—After a loni con- farenea^ with Dtatrlot Attorney Jerome and counaat for H arry K. Thaw thin knomlhc^ JuatJca P ltv e ra ld ordered court ooBTanad, and then announced that, owlna to tha lllneva of Ju ro r Joseph 6. BqI' ton’s wife, the tria l of the slayer of Stanford W hite would be ndjoumed un­t i l '! o^clock th is afternoon.

I t was shortly a f te r th a t time whon Juror Bolton retu rned io the courtroom with the o thar Jurore, whom he had joined a t their hotel. It wne understood th a t while his w ife's condition Is serious, there Is no im m ediate cause for alarm, and afte r a brief conference the lawyers decided to go on with the triah

The cpntlnuanoe of the tria l was agreed upon afte r Mr. Delmas had Informed the court th a t he would require only about twenty minutes to complete the dlifeot ex­amination of Dr. Evans, the alienist who was on the stand yesterday. This was done so that In the event of the adjourn­ment for a day or two the caae may be reopened with Evelyn Nesblt Thaw on the stand. Dr. Britton D. Evans was the first witness this afternoon.

"Doctor," began Mr. Delmas. "taking the fact^ gathered by you during the eight viettk y*ou made to Mr. Thaw, and taking the fac ts embodied In my hypo­thetical question, when did the inanjfes- UMlons of Insanity take place?"

Mr* Jerome at once objected to the question, on the gn^und that Dr. Kvane had testified to the various points, pliysl* (Hi m fl otherwise, on which he examined Th»w. but had not sta led the results nt these tests, or the m anner In which they w art t^&Ilad.

Mr. Delmas said Dr. Evans had stated w h tt fie observed, what (he condition was

SBd h li opinion. Justice FItsgeruld aald • undtrstood the objection to call for the

faets oh which the opinion was based.Mr. Delmas thereupon took up the

various points of the physical examina­tion, one a fte r another, asking Dr. Evans to explain the method and result of each.

Dr. Evans lestlfled first as to the gen­eral .condition of Thaw ’s body ns to nu­trition and said It was good. The condi­tion o( the skin also was good.

“W hat do you say as to the conforma­tion of the h e a d ? "

“The shape of the head showed no par­ticular points or facts, except that lliere was an unusual and marked depression here,” and Dr. Evans pointed to a spot on the back of bis own heed to Illustrate to the Jury.

" W u this depresalon unusual?’''■yery.""W hat stgniflcance do you attach to

the depression or valley In the rear of the hBad?" ■

" r am unable to a ttrib u te any special •IgniflcBnce to It."

Dr. Evans next gave the details of hts g em inations of T haw 's pulse, tests be­ing made on num erous occasions.

“He exhibited the most remarkable her- woui pallse it haa ever been my oppor­tunity to. examine," said th e alienist.-

“The pulM Indicated a nervous conlrol o f the hsart, show ing the sympathlUc nervous system to be sSrtously a t fault. The Irregularity of the heart was orl- deneed by the pulse changing, Its rate four times wUhin a m inute, the variance being kweive to tw enty-four beats,

" i have never before known a heart to act th a t way. I have known the pulse to change once In a mhiate, but Mr, Thaw’e pulse would s ta r t the flrst quar­ter of a m inute a t beats and In the next .flrteen seconds would run up to IIJ o r more. I t would then change to 90 end back to SO or I took his pulse many times and noticed thla variance-on every •ocastoB.

"Fearing sqmetlmes th a t the exertion e f the physical examination had tired him. I tried to compose his mind and then again took his pulse with the same result.

"This led me to examine hts heart, ■which I 'fbund, of course. In the same ^ regu lar oonditton a s the pulse.

"I examined the heart for murmurs o f syldeneiB .of valvular troubles, but toudd non^’’

Ths next exam ination ,, Dr. Evans said, wae for muscular coordination. After a very careful sxaiftinatlon, the doctor said,'

ihe found no evidences of abnormal muscular .tneo-ordlnatlon.

'A search for evidences j of the drug habit was also made. The only possible tests; said the doctor, was n physicalSiamlaatlopL _ - _____.....-■^•Whafwni the . result of the .tests of the reflexes'?"

The-doctor explained tbgt the tSsts of the reflexes have no bearing on the men­tal condition, but are need to determine whether there is a spinal lesion and as p a rt o f the physical examination.

U s explained the reflexds known as knee Jerk and tickling of the foot to dc-

. tefmlne lensUIveness. In the k ilter test


NOW a O S E TO 200




Sole Survivor of Lifeboat's Load Tells a Frightful

Tale of Horror.

Tales of Terrible Suffer­ings in Frozen Sea Are

Told by Survivors*



I.A lter Wn« H en ry Rork* ntiil IV hrn R o n ted la Hl» B tn tr ra d m H r B iruu- B led L ike « M nntnc— OtlierH P e r le h tn LK ebont. an il One Man.

1 T nnb le io H n iln re I 'dIiL L nl llln

Several Residents of New Jer­sey on the Ill-Fated



T h ro n t—W om an W'ae l,e ft lo D row n | MameM of T hove W ho P erU h ed W kea

I BDtK’K ISLAND. R I,. F ib . 1«. -Oliver Jamlf*!', iTA-piity-oiie yonrs of of

I Pt'ovlilenoe, lo-tlR.y told of orio of t lif m ost j try ing t>f hU the horrHiJo experlent’^a of I the pur\‘lvriri. l ie onnv' oHhoro In a boat at 7 nVlnck yenlf>nSn> murnlng with

I Nearly deail hlnip^lf finjii '"M nml fX-j hiiUHiIon, he waded mmIioih' in w n iir v\4i1nI

lirep Hi Stiiuly JMin!. Ii! » wuli Mh> oHi'KO In on ili<- tMo.* Hi' sold he had or''ij>liil h si ;> t.i f io n i ssit!!

IL'nry Uoi’k. of J r ifo y roniu h ilwhli M "tVUd Wont" hliov, Uoilt u.iHon hi» v,ny from I'pivUicm i {>• ■■■ .j i i - jo\v lo join his w lfr Hoih in-u tiwd turned In ahorlly bcf+>n' iho roinnon

(tren f C u iifii» ioo tle iu iird .

J o y L in e r ilB4l S cboottcr KnofrUoM 4 'o llld ed Mmy N ever A lt Re llofileM WnHhed ,<Aghore A re iKeBeed le f^cvernl Incites o# lee»W <»rk of Id e iifilU 'n llo ll I 'roneed lttB i lo i r l r *nn .Mlia}' Vlrtlni* Wore NlglileloAlm*

n i .U i ’K lt l I , . \ . \D . Tl I,, Feb. I 3 .-A a fu r - ihet drttiljH of ihe coNUiDti ycuLardtiy be­tween ih« Jiiy LIiih Bieiimer Larchmont and ilin schootief Hurry Knowllna nr« mudo known the iu?rror of ihe iiccldent grows. nniJ U la aaid ilmt a t Iraat JBl ivt’i!4ii||ii Ifjst their liy dfOwiiliiK orirt^ezing lo ut'urh in tlia icy wuacs th a t coriK.Mlf-d they dashed over Ihu amuU bouts and life inDH on which the utvfi>r-

When the fllioi-k rarnf* Jam ier lusloii I weie endeavoring to make shore,np nn di r-li to nnM*i a si eno uf gri ai i ioi- ; from Ihe pausenfuBloM. ' ' ............alHiut.

“Good hay, tweet hay, hath no fellow."


Originate in the Cellar of 151 Market Street and Spread

to No.‘ 153.


pA m tiBe Ifl R a ttm iited a t 92C.4ttM>. D e m e 0 m o k e a n d B s fre n ie Cold a B erlona H a a d lo a o to F lre n te o , Sev­e r a l of W hom A re N early O ver- eo m e—OlrlM ob th e Second F lo o r H a v e D lflloo lly la G etilnar Ont*


Congress Indifferent to Chance to R^iulate Public Utilities

in Federal District.


^ e d WomanFell Against Stove and Husband W as Too In­

firm to Aid Her.



Collision Occurs a t Avon Avenue Crossing of Pcnnsylvania's

West Newark Branch.

O ra rv a p l ta l la a t lo n B nrviy A b n irb a Kat E a rn in g * —Xnt fu r A n tl-M an ic l- p a l O tvnam talp H eu to C ra c k In A e- d n e e d T axc* a t E n g lla h U tt«» , rlnm* o f Men la C oagre** W ho 'W ill Not M ove In ReforaifU K S lla u llu a ,

^ e ra leemed to be unuiuat rexponBivcncaa. Ill* puplllaiy refleiM, y,e reaction of the pupil* of the eyea to Ugnt, were teated,

A F o u n d a tlo w Lnld,The flefenea awumea tbut it boa now

laid the foundation tor the introduction ' «( teitlibony which ha* heretofore been

excluded'from the cnee. Among the thinga whteh have been ab excluded la Thew’a will and the eodicli thereto, which la aald 1h provlda a. fund'of tSO.OOO for the proae- gutlon of hi* mUedarar, ahould ha d ie: d violent death, and a fund of ,476.990 for the eare of a number of youi;g women, aald to ba named In the will, who. Thaw la ealid to have believed, were viettma of ■tan^ord White. The defenae counta largely on thta will to show tlie effect OB Thaw's, nitnd'of the stories which were told him regarding the relations of White and Evelyn htesblt.

It will also form a proper foundation for the teatlmohy. of Evelyn Nesblt Thow re­garding converaallons with her husband, te 'whleh were mentioned the names of a number of dlher young glrle who are said to luiva haa'ilm llar relation* with White. The defense, .claim* th a t these atoiiea preyed on TbaW'e mind and contributed largely to the mehtal oohdltton which In-

hint to shoot White.Although Hr. Delmas haa announced in

aipen court , th a t 'I t -would only .take him • few d»y« longer to finlth Ida direct «aw for the defenae, that, does not meao

Starting, it la believed, from an over­heated furnace In the cellar, under the Bloro of the Beattr-MuntgomeryCompimy. a t hil Market street. Are did damage to the amount of t l ’i.OOO Inst night, and proved a atubbom blaxe for the flremeti. hampered by the extreme cold, to cope with. The flamea spread to 153 and 565 Market .street, and necessitated sending in a second iilann. Besides the Beatty- Montgoinery nompaiiy. the Arms that suffered loss were the,jFlnkelsteln Broth­ers, ths Hilton tailor cstabllshtnont and F. A. Faulhaber Company.

Several firemen were almost overcome by smoke, and girls working In the Hilton tailor establishment on Ihe second Aoor of 161 Market ntreet experienced some difficulty in getting out. They were frightened a t the smoke which was quickly Ailing the rooms, and excitedly rushed down the rear stairw ay to the alley leading from Market to Bank street. Firem an John Hines, of Chemical No. 1. was In the alley a t the time and assured tliB women there was no danger. He had Just sent In an alarm fiPm box Sl .at Broad and Market streets, ;

D lw o v e ry of th e B lase .The Are was discovered a t about 7

o’clock by a colored man. Running down Nutria street to Arehouse of Chem­ical 1, he told Battalion Chief Morgan there was a Are In Mnrket street. Chief Morgan sent Hines around on a run. See­ing sihoke coming out of the sub-cellar aresw ey of the Beatty-Monlgomery store, Hines hurried to box 27. Chemical I was ready to go out on the first tap of the hell and was around to the Are in quick time. Breaking In the rear door In the alleyway, a line was run into the cellar, but the smoke was so dense tha t thq men were unable to stay there.

When Battalion Chief Morgan came up ho sent In the second alarm, The, Are was then eating Us way through the cellar partitions of the stores and was roaring a t a terrifle rate. Boon after the flrst engine arrived three streaiapof water'WerC going and the firemeii went down in thi- cellar-w ith the lines Of hose. They ; were also forced back by the smoke i t th e

's ta r t , and Chief Morgan ordered acverni stream s in the Beatty-Montgomery and tho Flnketsteln stores. Moles were cbt In tlw floors and w ater played Into the ceiSir.

The places were fllled with smoke nnd the firemen groped around with lanternfi to tb s rear of the buildings. SeeltiL the flames wore apreadlng to (he second floor over the Seatty-Hontgomery store ;Chlef K lsrsted.and Deputy Chief Astloy decided to make an effort in getting water in the cellar through the rear of the building. Fireman DoretaUB, pf Tyi(alc 2. and Parks, of Truck i, took a line from engine 1 down Into the cellar. -The s(ittrway. lead­ing to the first floor had beeniium ed and th i men were obliged to lepp down through the burned, airway. - Khtlclng tho hoae wiggle, .Deputy Chief t.Aetley feared the men were In troublo and went


Ithem K r^ Klitlit}' _O ver. H ud Millie B rnve F lK tit f o r A ntiiitvtenee f o r H liunelf Hnil S ick | W ife , H e m e lf 8event>>ulne Y earn I o f A^e—P ro te n fe tl A qainut R e m o v a l Co H onpltol—No Food Foiinil In Hoone

(ContiQiidd oft 4th pOffti M coluifto.) iCoftUnudft tm Ath PMti.


. _____________

W hether of: n o t persona who get tired ..hi oburohi eltliex 4m pugh listening to the ' ■ennon or beecuse 'the atre*s of dahj- e m e which th e ; cannot stu k e oft w k su ' they .come to. .worship. Was the question e t isBut in’ the Fourth Bratflnct Police Court , thla m orhtW . Bev. J. H . Qordon, pastor of Bt. ’tm ke 'o A. H, E. Church, M penred ns com plainant against Oeorge T hom psonf' Of li l Bwkiine Hreet, and TUtle Boland, both oolored. Tflie m iplater sta ted th a t during the oar- .vices la the . edUlo* In Baldwin street duBday n igh t h e wo» much disturbed be- eduee Thompson And H ies Botoiid shuffled thetr feat ishUe he m u preaching. Judge H err asked th e aceoasd, who was fonm i-

5fM Neks* JU ieW im U a Jtesied}- I M iget BoimaMr'B, cor. Kn«M oad Broad t t a -A*T,.,

I f e r y te liI. Bos # I

1; charged with disorderly conduct, how he pleaded, and Thompson allowed that he night have shuffled hts feet once i>r twice.

"But t only did it 'cause I was tlrsd.” ths accused etated. "1 was siltin’, there so long 1 got weary, an”*! jers shuffled, th a t’s all,*'

•He duturbed the congregetlouf' the minister said. j •

•Tirp, i ahuflled, but only-'cause 1 was tired," h i repssted. "1 didn't Intend go dfartvpwta"

"Don’v do It again,'* warded the court, as hs dismllsed the charge, knd, .Tboigp- eon promised hs would not.; Boland was not arralgnsd. ..-v.

■ ■„ I, ---- - ^'Wkew Ton WBBt to iH se W ell'

go to Be J ls m 'a tba bwt r«eUunst In the ^tx ; coavenitu to shopiitog; servlOT and ssr, roilBdtngs •out! te b**t-4n N*w Torlt. Fine nmn luaelieon, SOc. Ftn»o> t l dinaer even-

> av a^ jn sr Steed

From a t trasMuillOB Bxrron of rSc Et’f.’V- l \ ( l

WASHINGTON. Feb. l3 .-P o r a few minutes the other day It looked as though the House of Representatives, embold­ened by the recent victory of Totn John­son In his three-cent fore fight, might really throw off some of its corporation shackles and go on retorfl In cutting down somewhat the enormous profits of the trolley roads of this city aiiji giving tho people the benefit of cheaper farea It was a false aLsrm. though. In com- ndllep of the whole enough members did allow evldencfs of Independence lo vote for an amendJhent lo a charter tor a new company, providing tha t the fares on the new road should be four cents, or eight tickets for a quarter. Before the vole- could he taken in the qperi House, however, enough of these cheaper tare advocates had by some means been smug­gled o u t of the chamber to prevent ap­proval of the committee's nctibii.

W ashington Is Ideal for the study of the public utilities question. I t should have ^ W |(i,ajjilltle9. W ithout local pnll- ri'es'^o bring in petty graft, with its utUl- tles under sepftraio ownerships, pnd with the whole administration of ttia city gov­ernm ent directly In the hnnijs of Cop- gresk, the city 's utilities sluiuld be ideal. I f there were not so many Congressmen flnnriclalty Interested In gas, trolley, elec- trie, telephone and other stocks, or tied up by the fact that their friends are In­terested, W ashington would have bstt^r Utilities. ■ .

All the franchises of ths c ity* public utility corporations are of the Jndclot”’ m lnate type. C?ohgres» may amertd.etuinge, a lte r o r repeal them at will. Wlmt Con- gresa has persistently TOfused to do la avea to ask questions about tlieir opera­tion o r how -niuOh money Biey are mak- Ing.

WUh all d epartm en t uniler,-clvUsm -lsa liiWB. iffl tviTltari'' im ail nnfl fgr the most piirt thickly settled, and its i»p- ulatlon unUeually welMoWo and of the Class which mahes liber#! ■’use of public utilities and /apprecia tes good service, th tra Is not a city In the world; better adapted to municipal ownership of pub­lic utilities. A public-spirited admltflslru- tlnn c t D istrict of Columbia Affairs, in the management o f Its 'utilUles, could make W ashington's, utilities iKiodels lor all tho cities of .the country,

Instcod of making ony e ffo r t, toward making the system moBel. Congress re- iuses lo even ^consider measures for forcing the pi’escn't corporation owners lo give belter accommodations to tho pub­lic, , ; ? : .

C o a g res* la J n d l t m n t .W ith Information before its commlHees

that In o ther clilea private corporations are making and seHliiggas tor eighty and clghty-iive cents Per thousand feet, and paying big <Uvld«rids on 'thetr stock a t tha t price, / ConefcM refuses to even- n iaks inquiry Into the affairs o t the gas rotnpany owned in largo, part ijy John R- Mcl^ean. Although the (aw and Its char­ter require thin companjf hr make any report* CangTfss of Its bifsl- nc«s C^ugresg does npt; ask for reports V’hlrh BWiflP -anyUilng -.or show anything.

With' puidlrhefl slateihentf, fnadc by the 'comphny lt»ei(, th a t 'o n e of > the tronej- corporations las t year deared mure, than fifty p e r 'een t. of i ts receipts as ppoflt,_ Conr'V** nnalBs. because of the attb- tode o f liS ’OommIttew and Teaders, to W an get H .’tfliancs to vo'te on bills tq pi* diice fares, o r to requ_fre the companies 00 giv# tranitertr. ■ js; With- only ona telephone company to town, a branch of the American Belt T ro il, In' wlttotv Beoatur Murray djriptc, of H assachnsetls, Is one of the ia rg u t Ihdlviduai stoekhalders, price# • for; sari- views a re made by .the 'oompsiny .atbl- tn u ily . UnttmUed Bsrvlea. contracts are rbtused, and evrn the entire gsvendoient servlaa Is poW for by the m m soto, /Whilp Congresa. through Its oommlttsos, which alw aya TepredWti the setttlmant of theleaders Who Appoint them, refosss id^ e s allow an inoulry a* to whetheif>the

*fCimhfued on"ifl 'MURiist e o lin n iu i" '’■line............. II I S # MW f ■* I .........■l■l|,|■ l <yms

S lip p er} Hull* CaiiN« Kle<>lric. Y .ebi- e lf' to fillliie Dottr U rn d r a n d On to Ih e C roN aln|[-<Tbrer F n avrn iiv fa A b o ard Jn n ip in T lm r tn ICKrupe I n j a r i —F o rrr o t Craiih Throvvii (,'ar A ronnd P a r n l l r l 'w lih th o TrarlAKi

ItUoTmir BrficJi, afi octogemirinn. who haa workf*d liard ftll his life to keep a roof over himself nnd his wife, who Ls seventy-nine years old. totteri’d hilo the F irst Pveclnot Police btntluri. early tills mormngf and tvlth Potlcemf^n Harms re­turned lo the top floor a t 51 Willlum street and there the officer found Mrs. Beach ly­ing on the kitchen floor, suffering with burns on tho bacK Bustalned by a fall on a. red-hot stove, Mrs. Beach Is now In Ihu City Hospital In a crlllcal condition, and ie not expected to live throughout the day. She Is suffering from shock and the Intim ities of age ns wpI! ns tht' bunts.

Mrs. Beach tumbled from a rucking chair, which, according to her husband, has been her constant position for the pnsi month, owing to an lllnepB which made It Impossible for her to He down. Phe landed on the stove and her do thes caught fire. Her aged husband wim dozing a t tho time, nnd was so exhausted by the slight effort U took m put nut tho. flames as to be unable to lift his wife bnck into the chair. No one else Hvetj. in the liou ie, so Beach made his way to ,, the polico smtlon,

to **' ^ ^ ^ 9 ' kjiR GQUpIc are ill abject poverty, EWC^wfth the nmljliion ': that has been his strongest f*haracieris-'; tia for yenrB, and too protid lo seek as- Blfltnnro. I ho aged man stoutly denied th is ; and could not be persuaded, at th “ thne ' of hSr lllnesB, to allow his wife's removal to a 'hospital.

PolIccAnAii C a lled D octor.When H arm s got lo the house he quick­

ly r<sollsed there was need of medical a t- LentkJn for Mrs. Beach, and he called In Dr. Edward W. Sprngne, the district phyatclnn. In the mean while the blue- ctjat turned hla hand toward helping, and With as ftiuch care as posalblf? applied some ointment to the wmnnn's burns ami advised the husband to keep the a f ­fected purts Inithcd with the U»tlon. When t>r. Sprague saw the woman he «>rdcped her taken to tho hospital, which was tlnno, musMi the wish <r linr luw-oaud.

While their apartm ents were rom forta- ble, there was no food or ineJIrlne th a t could be uariiinlsteied to the iigeil couple When the .police reached th'.' bouse. Harme sought in vain through the house for food- or medlolfie. so went idoan Into his own pocket, giving Beach'flrii' cents <■; buy Home food for ibc wife. '

The Bcach'ea have lived In Uie tVllllam street house for thirty-four ycut;» anfl Until five years ago did not know- it was to w aht for anything. Bcni-h Is on old street ral!ruiid,mnn nnd was one of tVie first drlvfers «n the old Orange street hOrwenr line'. When these earn went nu* of C’oromlsaloh Beech set up In n buslneas of ’ii'ls own, gathering old newsp.ipers and soiling them. He has been a familiar rtguro In ijte streets for ten or fifteen year*. He bad a pushnirt In which ha gaUierad the paper from different stores nnd shop#.

— ------ ---------------- —

h e a v y b a il in a r so n CASES

WwdfU#* C#arM#. . ta x tgaobtliyv


Nwsj H eld In D efau lt of *11,1(00a n d lio n U l a D efau lt n f

rf* -. ■ , vKjroo.Jains* Iksrdl ond William Horan., who

w*Sro oireated last Bamrdny night. t|t D Uonroe street, charged with sefring- firo to 'ChOt bulKlIng, »nfl robbing the tenante, were arraignea before Judge 'Howell to- doy on the two additional oomplninla. mEde u ia in e t tbem, in tho Thtrd-Breolnot PoHea eoU rt yektortfaJr- Ball wae fixedI t Oh «»oh ' ’'*** eomplnlnt*tor eachV f the men. 'm is makaa (be to tal arnffllQt o f Horan’s bull HOOO. and of lAirtU’# K ^ ' The men were commit tod to IMi ttrdefou lt of a bondsman to await the bOttOn of the grand Juiy.

th o eOinplalnls on which rhe men w ire x rH iU iM to-day spedty t ! » t they ore euopeciod of getting fire to the lenemeiit- houat a t t f Monroe gttWet. .Eebrimry t, ginl alldgo th a t th e man Ob th a t date rob­bed Q w n e DO Sgntn. of th a t address, of tt.h v oagh,i:

Ckwleo V«*e*tI«oe.Dstnty. eetedUoa A f . ; ^ t Ftewers 'In' ne»t

Boxi* -PhtUps Bros., tte gnsil ti.i.t*!, Illg.— __________----------------- :

I ■ , . t 'M om * CbalM . ■ ueta Cablaet*. noelntr*.

'Cshn'di’* KH l(iirU rM .i:4 I daWg'.M 'IM-. "O'.

Lacking ^>xarlly one week of tlifi fniirth anniversary n r the Clifton /H'Cmif* prailo croasiiig calasiropbe, a collision of ibe same kintl. bui iml followed by any serl- uus roneP(|uenrf'‘', occuiTCtl at Un? Avon avcniia grade crtiBsIng of tha West New­ark fr*>lght hr.T,ncU of the Pcmiflylvanla Rn|lrun<l late yest^^rdny afternoon. The crossing han no j?aten. while a derailing BWllch was dertinged. A drill engine and an ensthound Clifton avenue trolley rar, both runnlTTg under rcdurrcl speed and with brakes net, came together, mul ihe Impact of the colllMlon threw the Imlley enr around parnMel with the railroad tracks. •-

Two men nml a wonuin. who were paH* seTtgepfl on tlie trolley car. Jumped nff before the crash. The motornmn. Mnrtln Hifgliis. of ?J Chadwick avent^, stuck to his poRf nml escaped Injury hej’ond a alight almklng up. As in the case of the Clifton avenue dlMster. slippery mils were the primary enuBP of the colMslon.

T.he Piihlle flervlce Corporation had nut flniflh«l ll.s investigation nf the occur­rence up In this oftemoon. A gang of mcri was sent In the Rpot chls morning h repiili 'th e deratUjTs; awUr-b col-llafon prompters onthe branch this morning to lake every pafns to notify drivers and pedeatrlans Of-the approach of trains.

The ncoldcnt bappenod nt 4:05 and was witnewed by few persons. !>rlll ouglne No. 40, with Engineer Isaac Asifalk. of 240 ElplitM?nth avfnucs a t Hie throKle. was drilling cars Into th*- clevsiicd pocket nf the '^egen & M'lebkc Ln., on the east sId? of tho railroad tracks, aouth of Avon avenue. The cnglno Blurt­ed to push a gondola up tin* licavy gr.adn of the approach to the pnckcls. ujid luid all but sorniounted It. when Mio drivers lust- their purchase on the slippery rails and the engine started lo slip backward

Up to IhlB point the diffcreiu ftt»r(<« o f ' what occurred agree, hm there nre diffej^nt versions of how tiic trolley ^\ir apB i^phctl the cros^jug. John Osmruul. of 7N Murray street, the conductor or the freight, and Thomas J. Wells nml Frank J. purcoU* brakemen, say they stmitl on the croeslTig when tho trolley car fume along. When It was ut the point where the dornlUng switch Is located, thc> wvre alfrac tcd by Ihe warning cries of A«t- ffllk and' another brnkeman, and waved to Higgins to stop.■ The rgUroitders assevi that Jumes J. Bass, of 63J1 Springfield xivenue. the con­ductor of the trollf^y car, remained Insldo •the car and did not come down to the crossing to see If the tracks w’cre clear, ns he would have b ^ n fp rw l to do had the derailing switch been In working order/ Osmond say* that Thomas Cahill, th e liftgmnn a t the crossing. Joined with them tn slgnaUng H^nchis.

The car was going down grade, how­ever, nod slid on, notwithstanding the power was off and brakes on. Higgins, BO eye-wltneises say, stfove frantically to atay,rthe crash, and Astf&lk did like­wise with his ponderous charge.

C ahlir shouted to the passengers on the trolley Jump. On tho rear p lat­form yvfM W . J* 8. Ayres, of 21 Avon aVeftUftr wbtle inside was n man and wpftian. Dr. Ayres said this morning the oftT was going slow enough to permit hbTi Bffd the others on the car to step off vHthout running any great risk or Injury, All we^e off by the time the main ra||^' rftftd track w as reached* and the trolley car h id Just crossed over to the Tegen slfftng when the locomotive banged It end forced it About fsce. The locomotive thftft stopped In leas than Its own leagth,

I'flggins hopped out of th e vAatlbule and saVveysfi the result* o f the ''com e-on/' T h t front truck of the trolley car w ag smftshed In places and aeveml penSi o f g la f i broken. The Public Service officials refused to allow Higgins or Bess lo ta lk for puhllofttlon. P r. A jreg laM. regarding the allefatloft th a t Base failed to leave hig

before Oroisiat the trseks^ as cui^onv- B?Y* th a t he left the ear before th t dw* W in g .sw U ch was p a i i^ .HPor ikree years there has bben

aft agtitttlon for the, sUmlnatlop oC the grad# orosalQgs -on the W est Newwrg brane!&,..and there b a ^ ^ e e n negotlatJond and ceafershess b e tw M the Pennsyl­vania and* the Beard o f Works, bu t little

PaBjfi'Tmii'H wrrt' iIn nuilriiHt. Ii«isvi'

sprang lo quaj-lt-iw, vin h . lifeboat, a t Ibc <*iill ef \\\t kept hack the i-b l>y tniihi fi>t<from pprlngiriR /ivci Ikihi;«i "r niUfioiM ihft boRiB anti rafia na llir-y \m‘T«*' liiw»'i<‘it, Janvlor rufllu'il tuivk in IiIh HiHl 't-uum h) get some cUnlU'H an I to rc+* whnl liiiiil h< - fomo of Hock The li'Mi*r m-fiurd lo be ill II Mtnpor ami win ii .l.invivr ifh-ii to make him rcoUzt* tlo'lr tlonitn' Ho- Inner.

Jersey nuin paj-j*. nHio I('mI hint iiUo a manlav

Jm ttivr maiiagnl tn iItuk h!p vmpnnum, slnigtflloff uikI pri.O'hUMK. noi ioio ihf» paHHEigcway of llic sliMiiUrr nml llicrt* Innl to leave him. Ih* sjoanB itnn n l»iat vt»n- tainltnf seven oUkm- nii'ii iOol inmlo'u off. Two men wi ati'ii^ifihnK hi tlt« j wnier hcarl.>v and Janvh'f ihri'W a rope j tn them, luinJImf them on lnnud. tth ' jcompanions i\t tin* ours luul ni'iircf'lv hciit tn tlielr work iiKnlri wlien lionnl n .woman's cry fm hvli> coiiiliiK ow r llie wnter. Ilf cjllrd to hi i ooimwiiihmH lo | aavrt her, Imt so Im'Si'I w«ru lho>' wllli | thvir «»wn rivriK In kr-.‘piriR nfltnit In Ihv j trcmemltMjJ* s' liii that ilu v !>oUl no aii.-n- tlon «i lihti.

Only T « o luAfter a Hmv. ih.-y Uotoim- tu-niimbPil

from pnhi uii;l colU. tiic ours hHpPI'II I’om their hands and the men dnjpiivt Ui t if* Ixjtiom of tiie l»ont und died whUi? tlnj spray and Ihot spisslicd over ihugUlOB c-uv.'tP'i luenl ulMi ii " ir ,!of Ice, The buuilo.'Hi ■ HniiMs' 'I" '" " ! , flown to Jniivlpr iiiiit one ntlioi' man, 1 lit nti-nuxer luoXed Jnnvle,' m ill n ri.'.inX" loiili oil Ills Imir-rrozi'ii f.o-e _

“Tills Is awful." I"' '‘“ I''- ’ ,ketp up much loiiser. I uni Oiilng t“ ' "It ilil L w ," uiHl ilriiwinK [1 raxm rn- ’ hla pocket, In- '''ll 111* llii-oni Whlh .I nvhT. f.lniosi atirr wli'' 111'- ...........erleas to previ tiL Ihe aiili irte.

Jam lei- was enm l f'U' al I"' ' u,iiii.l la In :i serlinin cimiltlon l ‘""i ‘ ''I''and cipijftiit





leoiir Mr. n.iil Mr*. Jnnie*XV.'TO l,o*( o ft l,H r.'l.- iiril Sirs, .Innen .M' l.ood o

hleliee, Who livei! In Keneiiy mi'il '1 last j-enr. uml '-■'■'■e rainniliic i!Bgnln take up ilu'ii’ i'«sWcno those reiiPi'ieh tplsshoe fioo inont. Mr, iinJ Mrs. kh l.i peeled lo mrlvi- at H"' I'"'""Miller new, Mrs. M' l."od a »i-H" • n ieam ut atreel. Keneuy. y s te n ie ; henrlnx of H'C Mrs HeuBrtiphefl 10 J. S, PurUer. u hrolher-i of 1!K Crniwton atre. !, |'r-el.l»i ■ ■ replU'ii Ins' elxiit tlu'l o'" tioll ll" ll>'<l "'lia that Mr. ultd Me |.eml had left on Hu' I-arolimnlll mul weivnnionx lltofie repoi >ed uiIssIuk.

Iiioa; I nml of both veHHCls, only•. Mm ' r- w I iwt-nty, im'itidhiK tlic liupda of ilie Kiiowl- hi.s s|c; iril wei'y snvcil, and HOiiie uf the eur-

i|fif«‘fs, nml I vI'/iRi'B jUy In :i scrlmis condllton,Among ih<* dcn<t Is Jacob Zadmus, of

I’nictBi'ii, N. J., who WMH a. watchmuii on liic IaaicJunoiu. In the Hat of mlBSlug are Hie iKimea of Samuel Olivsr, uf Orungs,N. J,, Mr. uiid Mr$i, Jnm«s McLeod, q| Kvnrny. N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Korcrt Ko- rnJJiin. uf Wfnt Hoboken, N. J .; Henry Rnt'k. of t.'lty, N. J., «nd John Ml- chiiolwon, <fT Hclnmr. N. J. The le tter wu* accouipnnied hy hi* coaeln, Miss Sadie AUohiu IhCHi, of New York, whom he was engaged to marry. Hhc 1* also missing. faivUl I'Vix, of ih'ldgeion, N. J., I* report- cd to have hefii saved. ''

nf Horror*j* the list of Identified dead.

Tht' wiifk uf hrlnghig the hudlen ashore, of taking ihrnt to n sLiltable place In [hi mUlei nf the scene* of horror, with the r/arpBc i ciicflBcd In Ice several Inches thick, hard, hut men arc working heroically ni |i As ffocm possible the ' cluihiiiK of thr- diow'ned I* searched for ineiLitM n[ IdcniificiiMArn. Bnt of the scores kno'wn to Ijnve perished <n*ly a few Tiame* arc nbldlinihlc. These arc;

dtew ard Jam es B. Hurrisun, Brooklyn. F irst Asaistani Engineer Jasper Hest,

.tliHiiiy, . VKevoml A ssisum Engineer Edward

Logan. Providence.Walchnmiii Jneob ZadmuB, r'alerson*

N. .1.WjiImt Hcvrgi* Rrnlih. iTovidenec.

i J. M. Ktklee. p.fss.jiscr. Block Island.— hull. I'.ilm'ftl w:HtfT, i-esldenco un ­

knownMu-i'.s I'tiniiinlnc. colored waiter, rcsl-

doiivi' i:;>kiiaW'11.MnM'.v .tpiiic. farmci’. Block Islaiid.

I'lutTcr, cither nf Block Island orI’rfjVhh'iir'',

Soctnnl .\>!;-latii)it Eiixliiccr Erik Nelsoit, Provldi-mn' ,

AmojiK Mil' mlMaliiK so f; r ns can 1>S h‘ai m (I iire*.

Ft !■' J‘erki)ia> Dorchrelor.II. Mnlgrcn, Providence.Aurijiilo laiiftCLH, Pn^vldcncc.Rc't'Si'di. iKldvcsp !i;iktK>wti..I'lHciih P. Mulligan, Woonsocket, R. I. R 'v. Philip Mnrflo. pastor Italian M. 15.

( I ni'i’h. Providence.V nink L. Wilson, drug clerk. PrnvldeiicA J^inlUet I'nnI. PowlUcKct, R I..\lM. Samuel PnnJ.Hflulinc F^iul. ngrd ninotccii, and Ma-

Mldn Pniil. ngc4l fifteen, dfinghter* of Smiiiuc] Panh

PhiUdo W. Lyml, I’rcvidencf. k'reu !|. Mooney, I'Jiist J^m\‘ideitce,John LiiWlj*. Provhlctifc.

I J.ihn PiimpheH Weaver. Smltlifleld, R. I*I .IfiC'jh Bonce, ITcnldencf.I I Bu ry Ih'uvldf'Jice.I Mrs. J. T. Jensen. Providence. ^\ MIhs FxtiiilHP Jensen, Providence.) Ficd l’:ih*hree. .Providence,j rop lah i niflini'd Swan, Paivatlotl Army,I WunrcHtcr. Katvijktte*'' -



' Jdeittt nant John Mollu, ; - l\V'm’ceBicf..Vie

nnd hie tiiarricd ;- o f Mrs McLo. lived until Mnplc Klrc^i.

Mr ,wrlfc Jw’em y-fo iir . I hey \v> iehaul f"'ir ycara Hgo m Um- home

Httftcr. Mrs- IMd, iiniJ Orluher 1, liisl Vf’ur, :ll

R ejirny T h -re arc no chHdren, Mr M cLeod before her nmr-ringe w:J8 Jennie M cN auglif. S hecam e lo th is cou n l-y from Pnbii-y j->ml. about si'C y^arH ago, ond Mv'Ihe time, with H Hftrnt In Prto M* IH’C lUin to he: lerKeurny.

fleoi- I 7lil 0[

p."(ecption o f Ih.Ti i?i K carnv In nddi

Ml>, Rohi. nnolher sh- xVllsa R-L'C'jr-ii M cN tiufilii. liv es In

■rhe nthcr m em bers of the f|uii- lly {ire: W illlnni M cNauglM , o hrtYlhcr. nf p aw tu ch el. n . L: a s ifter . Mr*. ThrminFi H unter, of W orcester. M oss.; tw o slater^, SI brolher nm! father, till nf Pnlfth’>. Sct>f- latid.

Mr. McLeod, wlih Ih'' exccpHun of the t im e 'h e lived hi Kcnm y. resided in jh- New England HIuIcm. T wo hr-9dttcr.fl, fTil- bert of Hi!s eUv. and RolM'rt. of fcllb,:!- Iv’lh. are ilio only known lelnth es In Hii.h flection. HIh fa ther, fou r s is te rs nml brother, live hi fiiul ahtnit Providence.

Advertising Is recognized as indispens­able to business prosperity. The only question th st needs solution Is tiow It should be done. We say contract for space In the NEWARK EVENING NEWS. It reaches the people. Approximately 300,000 readers every day.

Mi^H |•hlmm Bccklund, Snlvatlon Army.W'KUTCHlcr. r

;mIss Alma Johnson, Salvation Army, Wnn?' «ter.

.MIhh Aniiii Oden, Salvation Army,Worcc'ftie.v

F aiitsln Anna Riinchorg, Salvation Army. Lyrm, Masa.

(’aptaln llrlgii Hellgren. Salvalloo Army. Ijynn.

Cadet John Ci'tU'rbolm. Bfilvfllinn Army, l.ynn. Muf*s. i

Evjin Criicticlow. fhiivldeticf'.J. D. Pit In. Prfn ldciiec. jnm ea M. McLood, Frovkianec.Mrs. Jam es McLeod.Henjumin Sieliier. Frovldetic^Honjctmln Wlrinlk'^r, Providence. Stephen R. Hedges. Providence.Koren Korajinn, West HiRbnkcn, N. J. Mrs. KorojlHn, Went FlL'bolten, N. J. Brdicrt niKgurd, Worcester.Clsudc R. H<?cd. P»-ovJd«'n«'c,Wlllord Krnnkhn. Noi'th Alllpbnro.Prji! 111 r>orcc'0, Pro vldcitc^.Emiiino-l Lyon. New York.Benjamin C'ohen. P roi'ldm c.Mri<. - - Mci klnz. male], Wnonsookei. KphrnUii FsHplun. N>w York.Mr'». Jcnpic, f3ostcm.MIh*i ltd Hill Shall!, Hoaton.MoitIh ihilmholx. Boftlon. j.K'oh MIchnllHtYn, Fbdmar. X. J.Suilm MlehallHon, New York..Lim'N Hlnckwood. Aflhlon, R. I •

f'armonty. New York.Th-oimH Ciilh'n, Pawtucket.

(Continued on 2d page, 1st coluiBii*i


x « d * Rndo t no.']*«*rta;-ii»» IwMi'pi*'*®-

-TT— ^i * ^ -taM YhvMtt mm*. CoUi t a C kn* ,- -

•M Oanw tiU. Trfti totu* iOb, 'ifly.


iitv M d M r*r jim o » MoL,#od w*r* m nflfl pMo*i»*ort •» Ut-f*t*d *»«•«

m.t.- - .



j^boken H ifl Will Claim In­sanity as His Defense

for Slaying.


tpe^fiil DtipJ*!-* to fJERSEY CITY. Ffb, U -T h e tria l Ot

H triM ti T. Ahl, of Hotoken, charged « d h the murder of hi* wife. <m Ju n r *'• began In the Hudaon County Coiirl of Oyer and Terminer here to-day. Ahl i» accuaed of cutting hla wife’e th roat »Hh ft rexor Th«* dff«nfW will be insanity.

Policeman bennla Lakey, on Park av.e. aue, Hoboken, saya that Juat before ihe murder, Ahl invited him lo have n drink paying tt waa the laat chance he would have to treat him. aa he was going «e ny. Seemingly Ahl m uil have ol once gone In hla apartmenta a t 13« Park avenue, m .i after killing hla wife cut hie own throJi. for the polloeman only wniked to Tnito itreet. a half a hloek away, and tum lng when informed that a mini had «ut hla wife i throat In the hou«e m Which Ahl lived

tug went out lo aearch the watere for bodlea.

Frightful itorlea of their ailfferlnga are tolh by the lurvlvora. The 'iaae.1 lime of the rolllahin wns W C. I* M.. and moat of Ihc pnasenitevM I'.ad turned In for the night. So itul'.'kly did the Larchmnnt eettle. nfter the crusli, thnt they had not B miitneiit let dreaa. They were driven on (leek and Into the boata nud wlOi f"" ',” ' centluna were in their ntghl elnthea' thermomeler w.ia iieiir the *en> ,

Craaeri hy the horror of the .Ituntlon one of the acamen In the cnldnln a j stabbed himself as the h«it Ioff from the wrecked cn< i rh e ^ tl i i i^ WTO BtruKKlInjf to f«v»* , r :and not a hand wns mined ,

hla Ihrnnt and fell ‘tend Into ihe holtoin .the boat. ]

Im trs rr lh a h le P an le . |Aceordliwt to the few aiirvlynrs h"

rcTlhnl.le’"'Thn lmrsl'lng'‘'or lhe% tennr is x s . ' ’’‘r \ . r o r " : n r , f : h / ' h " a r o f .

noon II 1.- .said 'h " l ' t Ih'’ "11 of tl.o . I.a^chniont I. raised she will he found averiiahli' I'lmti, . . . . .u „s I

tVIlh ihe Ural shoeK. and the Inrush of . water and gscni'C of ateiim 'torn the | hroken main slenm pipe, t 'ipinln - '

111.......ope of the iieeldcnt, The(T.-W was called to quartern, each man springing lo his atntlon ns the nail *o ds- sprt thf whip was Panlc-8trlcKi*nl)ri“(ienK«'r8. aroused from iound ruHh<*d wtmiy on deck and mohbod liie l.oni!i and n if li. men and wompn nftbj


/ • *'#1« ■'si


the atohinboat Lgrtbintmt- Book, *ocord- ing to the dtapatotliea, w ta g realdent of thia oln* and conBOCtod w ith a W ild W est show. Thjf.Jaraey City directory contains the ham t* of .three men of the name of iBook, none of .whom bears th e Christian name Henry. The reapective occupa­tions of theae reocmled Rocka are given as follows; Bartender, house pain ter and oiler.


r '

M '.

*nlCu A«i uveu. , I iifinip emv .■•..o. ............. - , , . .v.On going there the policeman snys In- I forgetful of all h'll in«1k«a>o Ahl k-lllir dead In her own ,found Mrs. Ahl lying dead In

blood In a room on th r tot. floor. II.r throat was cut from rnr lo ear and ui her feet lay her husband wllh his throat cut.. A hlood-heimearc'd msor at (h« woman's head mutely aitenle.l that it had been the liisirumeiit of dcaih aiul attempted Kuiclilc

In his statement to ihe police ni the hOiPltal Ahl said h- hod qunrreled with hla wife and she sold "“>a' d]*'" ‘ gnytbing more m do wlih me." He said:

"Is th a t Ihe love you li.ivc for me after working for you and your children for seventeen years?"

She answered, he said: If you don tband your knees lo me itm e other manwill." 9 ,

Ahl declared that this angered him so that he drew a rasor. which he had Just purchased, and cut his wife's throat Ac­cording to his statements she got out of the bed and alaggered to the place at which she fell dead. He then cut his own throat.

I.rtmal Instinct of self-nreservaHon, The erew fought oft the moh re*i“ ' ' " 7 Y, though hard pressed, and provided for in women and chUdreu first, ami Inter some of the male passengers recovered from IhPir lirst fright and nsslated In the

Miin,v passengers iirvet deck. Tliey were eufforaled below In their quurtors liv the steam nr drowned hc- nciith the deck, Koni- of the boats got away from the ship's sid- Just as i (jn.IU.,1 low In the water, with the ^dashing over her and ....... every avaU- "'W

suit of having Peeu dashed agnlnat the cliffs by the liieh sea. whicii la atlll run- nlng.

Owing to Ihe fio'l that many of the bod­ies are incased In lee a foot thick, the rescue biiata are having eonslderable dlf- fleulty In distinguishing them from the floating Ice. The ^'"1* of Ihe life savers and voliiiileer lesi-ueis has baen most heroic, anil arori'S of ilose are aufterlng terribly from Uie hurdslilps they have undergone.

Thero are only. »o far ns Is now known, two women among tlo- survivors. Mrs. H arris Feldmati. of N'-w York, end MissSadie Gallup, of llostoii.

iMirlng the night ibv coast guards from i the iwi) llfs-siivlag Btiiilona, aided by n

large number of tin populace, patrolled beaches on llie watch for additional

odles. Each ciirpsr th a t enme ashore

a t Kane, Pa. His mother was seen thle | wtmkencd by the cold a i^ exposure,^loat morning, hut ahe feds certain the Dnvis ........Fo* referred to as among the saved from the wrecked steam boat iairchmoiu Is not her son. -----s —


J a c o b M lchnelson an d Xew V orlt Cowsin W ere H o m ew ard llonn il

to P re p a re fo r J in p tla ls .fipcrial Dl.pnfrA lo ffic /?I'/f.Nf.iff tA'lTg.

BELMAR, Feb. ,13.-.Jacob Mlehaelson. of this place, who was one of the victims of the steamboat Larchmont colllsitm disaster, was the son of Solomon Ml

able foiilUold. Cold and high seas com- nleled the work of d"SiruoOon, and tn . little band of people who got away from the Larchmont was decimated In groups, and In Hie helpless drift la the hitler cold It became Hie old story of the 'su rv U a l of the miesl


(Continued from First Page.)

, r 1?— ; ' :r;:» s; I r i .n ,v l J „ f e . b e a llr , n f .M w ,Ivors, who reached here unknown, and Dar Id Fu*. of uritlgeion.


Nicolas Jarella, Providence, musician.Tony Lecourt, Boston.'Ralph li*vtn, Chelsea.Rosa Uaddad, Woonsocket.Frank Mel..aughlln, Providence.Frank Miltlken, Boston, o( The Tran-

h-rlpt.Deorfe A. Monk, Woonsocket.Mrs. Oeorga A. Honk.Henry Rook. Jerioy City, of "Pawnee

BUT Company.C, M. Schlenker, New Britain. Conn,Louis FolabKk, address unknown.Mtas Louis Selkregf, Northeast, Erie

County, Pa.Alvin aimonl, New York.Cstfaller Francesco Btatola. Palermo,

lU ly. , ^Dennis Thibou, Providence, colored.N athan L. Adelman, Providence.Mrs. A lta EdeUteIn,' Boston. 31.Herman Bdelsleln, her elght-year-old

*'Morrts A. tchleniter. New York.B. K . Parkins, Providence, u n . Anna Heckling, Providence.Two oWldren of Mrs. Heckling.

J Samuel Oliver, Orange, N. J,D. A. Kinner, address unknown.A neng the passengers known to have

been saved are: M annert Cook, Antonio Rosen, Oliver Janvier, F red Helrgaell. Anthony H eidt. F rank Riley; H arris Feld­man, IM E ast Forty-ninth etreet, New York; Mrs. H arris Feldm an; David Fox, Bridgeton, N, J .; Hamuel L. Combe, Mau- Chester, N. H .: Miss fladle Qaltup. Bos-

a ton; CapUln Oeorgo MoVey, Providence; P urser Oscar A. Young, Providence; Quar- tsrm sste r Jam es Stables, Brookville, Me.: W altsr Jam as Ifarn, New York; W alter Louts H soFarlsnd, W ellington, N. C.; W atchm an R ichard Hall. Providence; Firem an M artin U ebert, New York: F ire­man Jam es Poland, providence; Deckhand Antony H eidt, New York; Deckhand F rank Rilsy. Jfew York.

H eartrending are the scenes here. Every now and then the waves wash up on tbs beach bodies sneased In Ice. Sixteen float­ed In this morning. To the n o r th ^ t this place those aboard Ihe Kentucky, sent here to pick up poselble survlvore, count­ed forty bodlea floating, but It was Im­possible to get them because of the high eeas. All eRorts ■will be made, hosrever, to bring them ashore.

,. Up to noon flfty-two bodies had been tj. recovered, but the work of Identifying

them proceeded slowly. Effcrta are now being made to determine Just how many were aboard both vessels. The crew of the Knowlton, numbering seven, were alt saved. I t la estim ated th a t there were ISO psssengei't on the Larchmont, which car-

' ried a crew of th irty . Of them the cap­tain and seven oflicere were saved.

KeaponslbiUty fo r the accident has u.d been fixed, bu t the United Stntea steam, tioat Inspectors of ihe Providence dis­trict are preparing to make an Invesllga-

-r 't lo n . Captain George MeVay. of Hie Larchmont, saya the Knowlton suddenly shifted her courge, and steered straight

- for hie vessel. On the otbet bao,d.tain F reak . JtofGBt.says the Larchmont uriexpeeteifttr tried to crosa ills bows, giving him no. time to sh ift his helm.

Block Island's two life-saving stations— one a t Sandy Point and the other a t New Bhoreham-were turned Into morgues and hospUale during the night, and Ihe dead crowded out the living. The boatroom floors were lined with Ihe dead, ench body frtiEcn as stiff as the boards on which it rested.

In the living and sleeping rooms the suffering survivors rested on rots and | beds, racked wlfh Hie pain of froien limbs and shuddering with the recollec­tion of the horror of their expertenrei.

Purser Young's feci were In a bad st.ite and It was doubted If he rould be removed to Providence to-day. Captain MeVey fared somewhat better than his aobordliiate olTleeri hui be seemed to he overcomn by the dlsiister wlilcti linii be­fallen hla ship and by the appalling loss o f life among hla pa.sseiigrrs. i-evrrsl times during Ihe night he was nivrr.ime by emotion. So serious wii.s hla coiullHnii I that a representative of the Joy l.lne. ■ who came here to secure a Biiiiviiviit, was obliged to leave the Island wlHiinii securing It. , , .

The life-savers, atlhaugh wearied by their day of loll yesterday, iiclrolled ihe bcarh throughout the night and their

■ efforts were rewarded by finding four bodies, three of thorn shortly after mid­night and one shortly after sunrise.

One of ih r inni who spent the night on Ihe beach espresBCd the opinion th a t (eg more bodies would be washed ashore. He ■aid that they would be washed to the ■astwnrd t'f the Island Early lo the day a Binall fleet of fishing srlioonere and a

uml nineteen siirvl In lifeboats yeslerday. Many of the sur- vivurs, us soon as they reach will he taken to hospltabs for treatm ent All are. Buffering from froslhltes and freesing and some may be subjected to auiiJulaHon of limbs,

Hgiy rumors of cownrJive end nrutfiiiiy on the part of the members of the crew of the 1-archinont are to-day following mose on the heels of the sliork ooeasloned by the dlsaeler,

C a p ta ln a B lam e E ach O ther.Each coptiiln blames the oilier for the

collision. Uaptnln Haley Is aocused of thinking more of saying hla vessel, whioh he benched, than of lending aid to the ■Inking steamer, Cnplatn MeVay says ha was the last man to leave his vessel, se a ­faring men point significantly to the as­sertion thn t he left In the largest b o a t- tlie captain'* boat—which wns only partly flilad while many of the other boats and the life raft* were so overcrowded that Ihe first wave swamped them or washed half their luckless occupants Inlo the Icjf sea.

Purser Young can tell only o disjointed ■lory of Ihe nccideni. He etnieil that ho was below in hla room with his assistant, William Carroll, going over the freight bill, when the shock came. He Uurrh-d to the deck, only to be caught up In In­describable coniusicn, and, seeing that he could do but Uttle, he ran below again, finding nearly all the rooms and the sa­loon filled wllh steam from the broken pipes.

FauBengers rueli^d out of Iheir slate- rooms lialf-dresied. or with only their night clothes oil. The water was rlsijig rapidly and aoon the bade on the anloon deck ware afloat. Young again rushed up on deck. The rlelng water, he says, caught many of the passengers, who were unable to force their way up the already crowdfld Blulrd.

An exact death record wll! never ba ob­tained. aa Purser O. A. Yomig. of the l>archmont. did not save btn imasenBer Hal. the only one In existence. All hope of tlmling tthy other eurvlvors of the dl«- aster baa b ten abandoned. It Is Incon­ceivable th a t any one nfloat on the Mrd-Bwept Hound since the dlaaater could ■till be ative.

All the bodks are froxen stiff and few have been iUenllfled. owing Iftrgety to the fact that moat of them are dressed In night clothes.' The bodlea were scattered fttong the beach a t intervals of several milek ftnd a number were cm as the re-

wf!5 enciLecd In Ire several Inches thick, j ^ FftJoon-krepeT of W est Bel-On a piore of the aftar-decK of_tne j Young Mlchaeleon was twenty-five

I years old. Ho waa accompanied on the ' ill-fated steam boat by his coupin, Sadie

Mlehaelson, of New York* lo whom he WHS to have bA-en married In n few daye, and who was also lost.

The fwo had been vlaillng relatives In Boston and were cm tholr way home to prepare for the tiupllal.s. Mies Mlchnel- son waa twenty yearw old. Jacob Ml- chaelaon whh u Krndudie of the Asbuiy Park High School.

steamer were picked up Mr and Mrs. Feldman and n dcHd man. nil th a t re- miLlned of sixteen wiio had sought ref­uge on the frull support.

The Uttlo llshlng schooner Elsie put In

N. J. BolU men were picked up from a piece of wreckage off Hhore. The victim w'tt-H a wnnann, who was attired Jn a hlnck jjult. white Bhlrtwnlsl, wllh short sleeves. Hhe wore a gold brnrE-lcl around caoh arm, and on her left hand were two gold rings. At ft Ifue hour to-night the body lijid not bt-pn identified.

The schooner rfiieed, whlf’h came In a short time inter, had on hnard the iinlrlen- tllled body iif u colored m«n ntid also the body of iu irry KckU?*i, of Block Island. Both bodiei were picked up about ai mile off Shore, t

PROVIDttNfTB, R- I., Feb. 13.-TUe Joy Lino offlclftls have begun an iiive.stignlion of the collision between tho Joy I.lne's BtfftJTier Uirchmont and the sobuoner I H arry Knowlton on Momlnv night.

WhHt ofllclul Invprfllgiitlon will be made reals upon the derision ijf Ihe rn tte d States Inspectors, and wll) probably lake place In this city. It will be Hie 4uty of such ofticlalH lo place the blame of the disaster and report to the Department of Commerce.

,— • -----T h in k s S av ed Man Isn 'i H e r Son,

fiofciol tu Otr kiVEM'SGBRIDGETON, Feb. lS.-The only Davis

Fox known here Is a young gUssblower who a t present, It la said. Is working

A WOMAN SURVIVES.Mrs. H a r r i s FeLdimiti H us T e r r ib le

E x p e r ie n c e on Isife 1lHft« W h ile Men » le .

BIjOCK is l a n d . H, I., F<‘b. ofthe two women aurvlvcirs of the disaster was Mrs. ilarrlH FeldnuiTi. of New York City, who was I'eacued with her tnisbiUid | from the after portion of the deckhouse, which had been torn from ilie sienmei by the bursting of the lower decks frum.Uus air preasure sir the water ruftbed in.

That a wumtin should luiva survived ihe horrible expcvlenceB on the frail support was R mlrarle. She was one of sixteen persons Were w'Rre tiarrled off i>n a- pleee of wreckage. There was one other woman on the deekhouBe. but In n minute nfier the ra ft went afloat, seaa Kwept uverl>os\rd the second wonuin and two men. From 11 o'clock Monday night until piofced up by the flahlng schooner Elsie m H o clock Monday morning, the smHll portion of tijo after deck drifted helplesRly.

One by oiie the men dropped off. Some,

lliHr grip on the ripport» and wore washed aw'uy by the wave* and drowned OtHera died and rolled overboard. Still Mrs. Feldman aided by her husband, clung to the l•f ft. Feldman a t one time w:i8 a sailor on the Black Bea and he know the necessity of keeping up aome physical acthm to muke th^ blood olrcu- lute In such biting weather.

By word and example, he induced his wife to keep arm s and lega moving, a l­though the wninan became so greatly ex-

, hiiusted that she could scarcely muke her ' muscles respond 10 her will. *She wa»! frpuifoiuly rubbed by Mr. Feldiruin. but ' hui' limbs were sn benumbed that she was ! more nearly dead than alive when the I Klale appeared.[ "My IjUBbttnd.” said Mrs. Feldman to ­

day, “kept me cui^sinnlly moving to keep up 'a drcnUitlon. lie urged the other men on the ra ft to ke.-]i In moiiyii fi» we did. but they Say dowTi and groaned and died one by one. Two or three, craxed by the cold, leaped Inio the wa'ter. The rest fnvic to death as the raft rolled, plunged into the waves and ftonted away.

"W hen morning came few of ue were left—1 don't know how many. 'Hie air prt'W no w arm er and w'e weie being blown out lo sea. We saw hmd In the distance and some tim es a Iur or stciimboal, but could not a ttra c t thvir fttieiitlon. When we had been adrift I dmVt know bow long we saw n sailing vcHs el approaclilug. H luoved to be the Kls?le. By that time my huabupd and I alone were left alive. Sev­eral bodies were still ho flrmly frozen to the raft th a t the sailors of the Elsie had la cut ihem loose,”

L * rs e B siftte D ls i r tb u te d A m onv R«1fttlveii*a-F«cd BiiAlnesii to Bo

In e o rp o ro te d a n d C o a tin n o d .By the wll) of Alpbeus Cyphers, who

died F'ehruary 2 last, a large esta te is dis­tributed Among relatives of the deceased. The will was admitted to probate In the sufrofiate's office to-day. The testa to r directs that his nephew, W illiam H. j Cyphers, shall Inherit the farm occupied by the latter, near BultsvIUft. W arren County, with all the testa to r 's Intereat In the personal property. To M ark D. Cyphers, another nephew, is beQueathed all the real estate owned by the testa to r In the vicinity of Valentine, Cherry Coun­ty, Neb., together with ILtlOO, the money to be paid one year after th e te s ta to r’s death.

Because Frederick W. Schwars, of 8t, David’s, Pa.; secured employment for tho tes ta to r "'when 1 was greatly In need of the Bame," he Is remembered w ith 11,000 In cash, and a like amount is to be given Jopeph W ard, husband of Ida W ard, a i niece of the testator, one year after the la tte r 's death. Frank V. Cyphers, an ­other nephew, in recognition of business services rendered the dficeased, la left ia,000. to be paid one year after the tes ta ­to r 's death; the grain and feed store a t 66 Nesbitt street: a house a t 334 Roseville avenue, wllh conlentB, and property on McKinley avenue. East Orange. He la alHO requested to hold In tru st (J.OOO for the leslutor'a namesake. Alpheus Cyphers, the Income to be paid until be is of age, when he shall be given the principal. Four brothers and a sister and brother-in-law are left Incomes for life.

F rank V. Cyphers is named as executor of the will, which bears da te of June 30, 1905. The witnesses were Michael J, Tan- sey, Saul Cohen and Patrick J. Dolan.


Outlook Now Seems Briglit for Settlemeat of the Keligioos

Trouble in France.

h ie r a r c h y a g a in r e c o g n iz e d

PARIS, Feb. 13.—Church and S tate In France seem a t laat lo he on the verge ol a final aBreement relative to the terrae o( the lease ofl the churches.

Following the government’s announce­ment ot it* wlllingnes* to modify I ti counter-proposition making the contracts run eighteen years and for the benefit o t ■ th e pariah prleat named oh hU aucceeaor “ fulfllUng the same conditions," uegoOa- llons have taken place between Monelgnor Amiette, coadjutor archbishop of P a rti and the prefect of the Seine, and De Solves, acting reepactlvely to r Cardi­nal Richard and Minister of Education Brland,

The dlecuseiona were oetenilbly limited to the acceptance of the modified con­trac ts by the ehurchee o t P arti, but It W8» tacitly understood th a t If a form of contract miilually acceptable was decided upon tt would be extended to all th e churches In France. Ae e result of th e conferencss the prsfsot of th s Selno has now offered a modlflsd formula which simply raqulres the successor of a pariah priest to he a party to the original con­trac t signed, and to assume thfi obliga­tions of his predecessor, thus Insuring a continuation of the lease of the church for eighteen years and quieting the Vati­can's apprehensions that new Mayors might decline lo renew the coniraota un­der the old conditions.

The new formula still declines to allow the bishops to become direct partlea to the contract*, but, like the first, It Indi­rectly recognliee tho hierarchy, whioh was the main point for which the churoh contended.


NEW YORK, Feb, 13.—To he born white and on a Third avenue elevated train Is perhaps a Imppler fate than lo be born black on a Twenty-eighth street horsecar, but Hie future may have com­pensations In store which will reverse the present relative social position of Baby Tonaanvec ami Baby Hall. At least, both of them will preserve a special Interest In different branches of the New York Rapid T ransit system, which failed to be rapid enough to get their mothers to Bellevue Hospital In lime. The Tonaao- vec Infant was born on a Third avenue elevated train between the Tw enty-third street and Eighteenth street stations, yeslerday, while her mother an d father were hurying to the hospital from The

Bronx. The mother waa made as com­fortable as possible ny women paaBfmgcrs who were returning from Charles F. Mur- ph.v’B ball at the Amiwanda Club, Until an ambiiladce surgeon from Bellevue, who got on a t Twenty-third street, removed her to the hospital In an ambulance- Sev- era! hours later Mrs. William Hall, a negro women, gave birth to a baby boy In an east-bOund -.Twenty-eighth street car. She was attended by an ambulance surgeon from Relfcvue Hospital. Tho stork alighted at First avenue, a call for un ambulance was sent In. and the crowd­ed car was quickly emptied an;l made Into a tem porary hospital. After the birth, mother and baby were removed to the hospital, and the boy was christened At­kins Hall.

vili«*l.iK fro n t th e L areh tiin n t.IIu H O K E N . Feb. 13.—Mr, and Mr?.

Kori-n K oranjinn . w ho are reported us m lsstiis from th e lu irchm ont, are re s i­dents of W est -Hoboken. He Is nn e lch tr .

J e i s e y r i t j - V ic t im I 'n tr a c c d .Spot id' niKiiiilth lo me f.'l'f'.'.VJYO .VBfi'S.

JlCItSKY t ’ITV. f’cb. H .- l ' i ia v a ll ln g e f ­forts h ave h ten m ade to locate here the rcaldetice o f H enry Rock, whohe nantc iip- pcars In the list o f m iss in g p a ssen g e is on

Watson'Made $16, $18, $Z0&$2'2Sttits$l2.50

Gathered at this price are suits every bit as good as those that will be found among next season’s assortments. Styles will remain about the same, workmanship cannot be better, and material that is superior to quality in these suits is hard to imagine. So that if you buy one of these suits for next season’s wear

You will save $3.50 to $9.50

GEO. WATSON & GO.troiEi ind Msritit Sts.

N E W A R K . N. J .

_ *prtcrr Mg rouwTAiH

S i e g e l M o o p e r G____________ PwcarocHT. *

f tH E B IG IS T O R E :•

A C ITYN ITSELF 11 H wNccnoN with any (TmcR snwe

SIXTH AVEl te™ A M 01 9 1 IS T R E E T J


A Sale of Women’s New Spring SuitsW

'E OFFER YOU a choice from four styles of Spring tailor-made suits to-morrow at $10. They are all extraordinary values, secured by

giving unusually large and unusually early ord e^T h e s ty le s a re c o r re c t a n d a t t r a c t iv e ;

the materials excellent; the tailwing well done. l,ater in the season duplicates of these suits will sell for $2.-SO to $5 more than to-mor.ow’s price; they are low priced now only because it is an early offer, made before the Spring rush for such suits has begun.

Choice of These Suits at

This is the "first gun” of our Spring campaign in the Women’s Suit Section—a campaign that we promise you is going to make some new records, both in style- production and value-giving. You will see these same

'■? "*^6$ in the' windows o f ' the stores yiatpiWe' 'themselves on the high prices they _«a.?for their garments, at $lS and higher, and, if anj^ thing is different, you will find better linings an8 better finish in these at glO. That’s the result of being able to order in hundreds instead of half- dozens.

Your Choice of These Suits at $10

Hilborn Makes Carrect Eyeflasses

H is O w n C o rrec t H xam inatJoas.

Cbeap“Sale” 61assss - O f Correct Ones?

Are you going to throw away good money on cheap *‘*ale” glasses that will not suit your eyes—that may even injure them?

Or do you tWhk it wiser to get CORRECT glasses from a man who guaraH- teet to furnish correct ones —«r refund?

I guaran tee . And 1 charge the lowest price for the .best work. ^

i l ( ^ W e st P ark S treet-A N fStaB iiltiaiN nA #,”


FirstA very Jaunty moilel made r f an

aH-wool Scutch tweed mixture In gray. The tfeht - fitthig cutaway ccat, huttanlfiK snugly up the front, has a 'decidedly mannish effect; stitched seams, full coat sleeves and strictly tailored collar, cuffs and lapels. .Lined with a durable satin,. Full skirt, plaited / \ and cut will) a very’ sty- ip I I I lish flare..,,.___________

SecondA beautiful fitting Eton suit of fine,

all-wool small check suiting, in black and white and gray and black checks. Front and back are out­lined alike In the Gibson effect, 'with a silk braid vest, trimmed with nar­row braid and buttons: full plaited sk irt; coat lined throughwt with guaranteed satin. Thia ^ suit would ordinarily sell a t f f l i e O urprkaia ...

;num wunm

'HiirdA suit of lustrous Panama,

made in the jaunty 24-inch . length coat, with velvet coF rftar; lapped fstitched seams; ‘ coat satin lined; cluster

plaited skirt. You can’t find such a well made suit outside of this store at our unusual price $ 1 A


FourthA beautiful mode!, made of

a rich quality fancy Pana­ma in the new gray mix­ture. The coat is a fancy, Norfolk style, 24 inches long; satin lined through­

-out; skirt is a charming ’ plaited model. An-

other unusual value ^ | | |flt* • a • q * • •*

CoQpy Storct Beoonfl Jloor*.;


tiStriS ■n.."

store Closes at 5:30 P. M.

Today We Present One of The Most Popular Features of

These Periodic Furniture Sales—

The Offering BOX COUCHES

Made To OrderFor this semi-annual event, we take several of our

regular styles of popular Box Couches, on which, for a limited period, we take orders at very decisive reduc­tions from regular prices. This is done by agreement with the manufacturers, to provide one of the great offerings of each February and August Sale.

We show only the sample couches— giving you wide choice of coverings for each— and each couch is made up to order, and delivered in about a week’s time.

The couches offered are as follows; »

$20 Box Couches at $15Box Couches, 6 ft, long by 2 ft, 6 in . wide; 7-inch wardrobe b o x ; but­

toned top with spring edge; 32 heat quality steel springs; all short hair filling: patent self-opening top; covered in best quality plain denim.

$22 Box Couches at $17Box Couches, 6 ft. long, 2 ft. 6 in. wide, deep wardrobe box ; patent

self-opening top; all short hair filling; 32 springs; five rows of tufting; round end; plain denim cover.

$25 Raised-head Couches at $18Raised-head Couches; plain seat to d head; oak or im itation m ahogany

irame; 6 ft. 5 in, long, 28 in . w id e ; all short hair f ill in g ; covered in figtiTcd veloars.

$30 Raised-head Couches at $23Raiacd-head Conches, 6 ft. 4 id, long, 29 InchM w ide; plain seat

and bead; spring edges: all short hair filling; covered in figured velonr.

$35 Raised-head Couches at $27Raised-head Couches; five row s of diam ond tafting; Turkish springs;

all short hair filling; 6 ft. 4 In. long, 29 inches ■sfide; covered in fancy tapestries, with brass nail* for trim m ing . ^

Here are some other Couchea that have been used as samples—only one of a kind—to be sold os they are at time of pnrehtae.

At $7, from 110.50—Denim Divan. At *12,from |18—Denim Box Cou<^. At fl8,from |2fi—Velonr Box Couch. At 122, from $33—Denim Box Couch. At$28ifrom f37 .50-L eather Conch.

At $30, from $37.50—Tapestry Box Couch.

At $40, from $60—Leather Conch. At $45, from $65—Leather Conch. At $75, from $105—Leather Conch.

Sixth, Seventh and B i p h th j ^ t s , Wanamaker Building,

JOHN WANAMAKERF o n a tr ly A . T. S t tw a r t 4 Co„

BmMdwMy. f o u r th A vw a a t. B tg h th to Tottth S tm tB . S o w York.

\ %elP Spring WaistsS$ 1 . 7 5 W h i t e L a w n $ | H

N o v e l 1907 M odels, * ^Thursday's Sale |

Beautiful Selections VBest values that hive ever been given in f f

Newark appear te-aorrow In the-charming y Bedell Waist Store.

Swifl Studio Mode'*BcautKoHy OmimenUd with

Ptiilait Pen Embr dcryV'-, {(S io N o w M o M P k iM O d )

• Made of dainty, shew white Ueii,s*artJytare trioaJied ftents and demt sleevre. Yon will wonder tithe prire. 4'u

Odds ind Cnd$ I f$2 and $3 Wabt». % *

s thuraday Sift of attriettw itylM- Popllns, Madras end Non'* VelBng- -some bytton back, edme wfliilsttely e»bw«ered and fcre

w i i * ^

Superb W Nun’s Veilingy ^' Sorine Model Waists, .

' -------------^ H i t O 0. '■ a r a u V jasE S jro R S S .






Send Resolutions to S ecto r Kean Favoring Shipments

(d Opened Bivalves.


From -the Waohtoifton Bureau of tXo S fE S - 'IVQ BEWB.

WABHIKaTON. Fflb. J i.-S € n a to r Kean haa filed In tba Sonnte a aet of reeolu- tloQi recently adopted by the e«eouttve committee o f the Oyatermen's Protective Aaaodatlon of New York In rei^ard to tba ahlpment of bulk oyatera. The reeolu-* tlone Were forwarded to the Senator by Henry C Ellaworth. of Bayonne, of the firm of J, A X w . Ellsworth Co., who writes th a t he Is engaged In the oys­ter business in New Jersey and New York, and Js, therefore, vitally Interested in the whole Question covered by the reao-* lutions.

The resolutions, which are very long, set forth In a preamble th a t It is proposed to forbid the in tersta te commerce in opened oysters upon the assumption that they may be detrim ental to health, and that the association has been assured by Che best acientiflo authorities that oystera BO shipped are wholesome, and that there la no other way to ship oysters into the Interior in large QuantlUes.

I t la further sta ted th a t the oyster In- duatry gives employment along the Atlan­tic coast to hundreds- o f thousands of persona; th i t m any millions of dollars are invested, and th a t the culture of the oystera is Increasing, I t Is also declared th a t more than ninety-eight per cent, of tha oysters shipped to interior points are forwarded during the cool months, and th a t they are transported In refrigerator cars, and arrive a t their destination, even Denver and all parts of Canada, In splen­did condition.

Continuing, the resolutions stale lh,'it tha weight and bulk of the oyster shells precludes their ehipment In th a t manner, aa the cost would be prohibitive, and that any legislation having for its pur­pose the forbidding of the aJilpment of opened oystera le absolutely uncalled for, in view of the facta, and would resy 't hi tha dsitruclion of an industry ir, dhicli many persons are Interested y ^ u c h capital la invested \

The reaolutloiia contain this criticism of the statem ent verently made hy Dr. Wiley: "Ft is unfortunate that any grad­uate of a medical school, who Itches for notoriety, can make hiniHelf prominent Ip the newspapers by a reckless attack upon somo staple food products of the I'nlted States, and can do this withoul oven ac­quiring a Bupcrflolal knowledge of the facts beforn opening his mouth."

The concluding paragraph c»f th#« res­olutions reads as follows; ‘T he repre- eentatlvei of the oyster oultm-e of the United States ask yoTt to oppose iiny leglS' latlon which will destroy this Industry, and we ask to be fully heard before any suoh legislation shall be recomnnended. The oyster consumers of the country will also indorse this protest "

Samuel N. Rhoads, of Haddonfield, has written a characteristic plea to the two New Jersey Senators for the passage of the pending Congo legislation. He wrote: '‘As the 'King's business demands haste.' 1 write to urge you to favor the Lodge raaolutlons regarding th e Congo Free State Commission. I believe It Lm our duty to act strenuously in this matter now. To th a t extent, a t least, the tJnlted States is rightly his ‘brother's keeper.’ "

Senator Dryden has filed a petition for the passage of the Littlefield liquor bill from 648 cltlsens of Paulsborp, Gloucester County, 828 of them representing St. Paul's M. E. Church, 168 the Congrega­tional Methodist Church, 73 the Epworth League and 48 the W. C. T. U. He has also filed similar petitions from the Cape May W. C, T. U. and the First M. E. Church of Cape May.

Congressman Howell has received notice of the allowance of pensions as follows: To Btsphen T. Van Gelder, of Long Branch, W; to Benjamltf T. Pettit, of iiokewood, 312. and accrued pension to H enrietta M. Qutnn, of Roosevelt.

Congressman Van W lnkls has alio been notified th a t a pension a t the ra te of SX£ has been granted to Jam es P. WlUtams, of Newark, and one a t the rate of 36 a month allowed to F rancis C. Lssdy, of Bayonne.

Congressman G ardner has also been notified of the allowance of petitions os follows: To WilUani Johnson, of Atlan­tic Clty^ 110; to Chauncey Towns, of Vine- land. 312; to Henry W. M atts, of Wlld- wrro^ 18; to Charles P. Taylor, of Bur­lington, 38, and to H annah W ist, of Vine- land. 18,

Congressman Loudsnslager has secured a psnstpn a t the ra te of 36 a month for W ilton McKeighsn, of Wllllamstown.

H. B. W.

'f i ) l K i N e P o W D E f vM akes 4eIicious hot biscuit,

griddle cakes, rolls and muffins.An absolutely pure, cream of tartar powder.



(ContlDU«d fTQm FIrvt Fag*.)

ra ta l a r t fair. a i compared with Oioia «r other ettlea and eountrlei.

W ith Congreai paylmt one-half the ex- penaa of the guverrm aiil of the D litrtct, ■overnmant plants are Inatallad In acme of tha larger public btilldlnsa for aconom]'Ih haatlnit and lighting, whlla cgntracts ara made with prlvata ccmpanlea for atreat llghUoff. A b is oantral power plant, or two. could light and baat the itraeta and buUdlnga of tha whole" dlatrlct a t great economr over t h i nr***“1»t OongreM n fn ie a t« aviu ovorMir

'’luoh a propoalUon. - Whlla tha D latrlet of Oolumbla troUay

oompanlea ara oittragaouily ovarcapltal- taad. there haa a i y i t been na merger of public utlllUee In t h i District, and It la poaelble, from w hat little la abown bqr th a reportf, to gain a t least an Idea of the prollta o f trolley operation*, f h i ripo rte of the two. principal troUay com- panlea In th li city throw eoma very bright light upon the whole queition of trolley proSta, e s p ^ a l ly In view of the Public Service claim, wo have ao long heard In New Jeriey , th a t there la no money In running trolley roada.

The report of the Capitol Traction Com­pany, the oldcat and beat-paying of the oompanlei, ahowa th a t laet year Iti to tal reoelpta w ire fl,16»,0M.U; Its operating expenses and fixed chargee, 1991,3(16.111, and itf nat profit!, yi.337,6»l.33.

The receipts of the W ashington Rail­w ay and ^ e c tr ic Company, the other of th e two principal trolley compatilea In th e District, were 31,64S,3tNI; Its operating axpensae and fixed chargee, |1,12I,TH>, and Its lurplua o r net profits to r the year, Ki3,l».

C a p ita l T ra e t la n P vogta.In the case of the Capital Traction Com­

pany, It! profits were divided up Into elx per cent, dividend! on Its total capitalisa­tion. wfaloh amounted to 9730,000 In dlvl- dend*. more than 909,000 spent for con-

f atm ctlon, and 9497,000 for extension!.' These proOta ware made on fares of leei ' tbiut five c e n ta The trolley componlei here eell six tlekete fo r a quarter, good a t any tlma on any lines of any company for any dlstanoa within the Dletrlct limits, w ith transfer privileges on the llnei of tb s company collecting the ticket. I t is an n eo n c^ by th e W ashington Bailwsy and Bleclrie Company that, cpUntlng Ita tranefers a s fares, the average fare paid by paetengere on It! lines during the year

. , was .0196, B ut a t th a t lew: average far* Hnaa of this cmnpaily yielded profits

: of more than half a aiiHlon dollai*, or r . th irty per c e n t of ita groaa receipts,

I t w ^ b t seen alao, from the figures, th a t Uie paaaengera who paid fare to t i n Capital oompaay paid no t only their aitaic of the coat of operating and moloUlnlnit tha rood and Its equipment and paring atx par cent, d iv id en d on all, tho watarefi M o ^ .b u t alaa paid more than hfilf a m inion doltaiTS toward building n t ic MlMa to r 'th e e o s i^ lty ,

These p ro flu .o f a million and threa- qnartare In Om yaar bjr-the two iroUoy ooinpanlis of the D lstrlcti o f Columbia throw a flood of light upon tba trbiloy quaatlon. m ake silty and puerile tha claims of the private companlee th a t they eannot'g ive better service, charge lower fa ra i and Jive, They ttpaet a lot of the argum ents agalhet mnalripBl owseriblp.

Moat of the ,troltoy.loads In Washington are, equipped w ith th e uadergroimd trolley

' ayetem.. I t coata, we know, not mere than 9t69U per mile for overhead tcolley con- •fruetloa. under ordinary olrcurastaiwee. I t is bo rtah t.tha t laifIDIl a mlla ta a, very Ubaral o a tis lits Of th e cost of under­ground GonOtroctfim aitd.equlpment. Here la a sta tataent by R j^ aaen ta tlv e films, qf Teenesgsa, p u t into n i s Baeord this vreok.

which telle not only the story of the tro l­ley robbery In W ashington through the meana of overcapltftlisellon and w aterei Block, but In a more ganeral way tells the story of private ownership of public utilities generally:

a im s o n T ro l le y Costs."The outstanding stock of the Capital

Tracllon Company is tl3.(!00,000,’' said Mr. Hliue, After prefacing his rem arks with the declaration th a t he had been giving Boine study to the m atter of capitalisation and finances of W ashington trolley com- patties. " I ts bonded Indebedneas is 91,000,- QOO, W hen the capital stock of the Capi­tal Traction roads was first Issued It was for 9l2,tm,000. I t h as never been Inorenaed or decreased since. According to the tes­timony before our committee, given a t a public hearing, th e president of that com­pany slated th a t a fter lids stock was Issued It went down In the market to forty-five cents on the dollar. Twelve million dotlare of stock, multiplied by forty-five cents, will give something like 93.000,000 as the to tal value of the Capital Traction Company, measured by the m ar­ket value of its stuck. That value In­cluded all the tangible property and all the value ntlnching to the franchise. The stock oC th a t company 1s still 912,000,000. and the stock sells on the m arket to-day fttr 91-41, 31-42 and as high as 31.45. In other words, the profit due to Increased value of stock la about 312,000.000, Since that lime they sold the power-house slle fni- yTO-W, and declared an extra divi­dend of Sisn.OOO out of that amount, and put It in their pockets, which reduced the original vulue of SlS.OOO.OCO by $480,000, They pay a elx per cent, dividend, o r 3730,000. on the 312,000,000, and four or five per cent, on the SI.OiKi.OOO, The ennanced value of the slock, the excessive dividends and the construciioii of about four or five miles uf double truck that hiia since been met out of earnings, tnukes this entire properly a clear prnfu to Its present owners. And yet (hut company persistently refuses to agree tn free mdversa] m insfers, I notified them Lliat I would offer an arnendnieni to that effect on the hill referred to hy the chairman, and they stoutly resisted It; nod yet when I asked them If this amend­ment was adopted find passed would they take tme cent less for their stock lhatt Its preseiti n tarket value, the answer was: ‘No: It Is not fur sale.

"Ttike ttp the other company here. It has a caplt.vl stock of 315,000,000 and a bonded itnlehteditess uf 312,933,000, and pai-s a dividend of five per cent, on the pre­ferred stock of 38,500,000, and four or five or six per cent, on the bonds. It has 20.28 miles of track fti the District of Colttmblu. In all. the W ashington Hallway and Elec­tric Coitipatiy, measured hy tlte bond and stock Issue, Is bonded iitid stocked a t over 31,200,000 to the mile. The stock of Ihe Capital T raction Cotnpany 1s 3066,666 per mile par. The bonded Indobtedness of tlte road la 91.000,000, and that makes, with the capital stock and bonded Indebtedness, something like $700,000 per mile of cnpl- tallsatlon. The president of that company stated th a t he only claimed It coat 360,000 per mile of single track underground. Borne <3f th a t constructed within the last year coat a little more. But you must remember th a t there Is five miles of this Capital T raction road that Is overhead trolley, and th a t does not cost more than half w hat tho underground does.

"T he taxes paid hy the Capital Traction Company on 318,000,000 of actual m arket value la 976.000, In a city where we have the lowest tax value of any city where property la taxed a t all. Yet we aland here helpless—for some reason or other—I do not know w hat It 1s—and seem to regard as sacred and holy the rights of companies whose very life depends upon a repealable franchise. No franchise has yet been given which has not a repeal ur am endm ent clause In It. They even claim there ie no franchise value: yet when you calculate by the most liberal method pos­sible, It would not cost 96,000.000 to re­produce every mile of track, all the equip­ment, and all the real estate. In the most modern style a t the present price of m a­terial and labor, the highest known In the history of thi* country."

No attem pt to refute or modify any. of the facts sta ted by Mr. films has been made. H e shows. In so many words, th a t the same condition exists in Washington trolley affali'e as In railroad public utility operations through the country generally; namely, th a t the w ater In the stocks and bonds is m ade the excuse for keeping up high ra tes In order to earn exorbitant profits.

M ore T h a n T w e n ty P e r e n t. P ro fit,This one W ashington trolley company

last year made more than twenty per cent, profit on th e actual value of Its property. To-day its stock Is held a t a m arket value of 918,606,00(1, of which one- th ird represents the investment, and two- thirds represents the fmncblae value of the roads. And the fares are kept up so th a t the passengers pay dividends to the stockholders on both Investment and fran ­chise value, and last year enabled the company to spend half a million o u t of profits in extending Its lines. This half million fo r extensions was no .mors or leas than th e passengers oontrlbutlng so much to Increase the value of the com- pani^'s property.

Xnd th is Is Just w hat every trolley, gas, electric, telephone, telegraph, siectrio Ught, railroad and other public utllUy corporation In th e country Is doing svery year, excepting th a t In the case of most trolley roads, especially those In New Jersey, there Is a greater prcportlon of w ater tn the capitalisation to eat up the profits and keep them from showing.

W ithout in terest to pay on millions of w atered capital. W ashington nr any othar city In th is country could operate Its pub­lic utilities under the eame scale of ra tes and charges now paid by users and, make enough profit out of the operation to prac­tically bear the cost of city government and wipe ou t taxes, even with allowance for a reaaoneble am ount of dishonesty and g ra ft In thfelr administration, Tn the en­tire history of th s Postolflos Department, our one g rea t government ownership en­terprise. there has never been as much combined g ra ft In the actual admlnletra- tton of the postal business as was devel­o p ^ in the Investigation of the Pennsyl­vania Railroad la s t year, and th a t was udder private ownership. If there-Is ex­cluded from consideration the enormoUB g ra ft ih railw ay mall pay, ship subsidies and o ther incldetits caused by the govern­ment m aking contracts with private own­ership carriers. The bulk of the gi-aft In our cities IS In aonhscticn with franchises and con tracts in which private ownership u tn ity corporations a re conoecned. Abol­ishment of th e tem ptation to corruption In the granting o f . franchises, contracts and privileges to private corporations, through abolishm ent of private ownership in transportation sofl'UtlllUei gensrallv, would bring w ith It.sbollsluneot of mosi of the grafting to public office.

Along the line of reducing prices for necessities, there have been some re ­m arkable tllu itra tlo as wttbln the last tew weeks o f the tren d of the times. Jersey C ity 's "no seat, no faref' ordinSnoe .1* perhaps th e m ost TSflleat. Tom Uohnaon’s victory In the Ohio courts for three-cent tares In Olsvetand M another. In A tlanta the Common Council- ttas under cenaldera- tton an ordinance provldtog th a t trolley fares to r passengers who a te tw eed to stand because tbess are no seakt ahall pay only one-eent.'fure. In Ind ian! the t ^ s l a l u r a has In course of paaaag* a

two-cent-a-mllc law for railroad paseen- ger transportation.

Consular report! tell. In recent Issues, of the celebration m Germany of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of workingmen's Insurance by the Kaiser. This is a comblnkd death, old age, sick­ness and accident Insurance fund m an­aged by the Btate, In which the premiums are small and a p a rt of the cost Is borne by govsm m snt subsidy. In the twenty- five years the fund has been In existence mors than 9052,000,000 has been paid from the fund in benefits to 60,000,060 people.

Prom Italy comes a report of a govern­ment decree reducing railroad freight charges.

The American Consul from Berlin tells how ths municipal gas works In tlint city have brought about reduction of pric* to eighty cents a thousand feet for Illuminating gas. and has forced down the price tor electric incandescent lights for business use and street lighting to 3.8 cents per kilowatt hour.

Mexico Is making It* railroad commis­sion lawB more atrlngent and apparently getting ready tor government ownership of the railroads.

And In the mean while, what Is the Con­gress of the United States, acting as com, mon council of ths national capital, (loin,! to set tho pace for progre.Bs in munlclpo' governnicnl and Improvement of public utilities’ , .

W ith the facts slated a t the beginning of this letter before the House the other day, a bill was pending to give a franchise u, a company, nut one of the two mentioned, to extend its tracks into the District uf Columbia. An amendment was o/terail proposing that the tare on the new road, within the dl.strlct, be a t the rate of e l j ' ' tickets fur a quarter, or four cents per single fare. Bahpock. th a t patrjuHc (h- fender of the special mterests from Wis­consin whuin the people of his dlstncl refuaed lu le-olect last November, and whom I-a Fulletle took a hand in defeai- Ing despite the fact that Bahooch poses us a Repabllnin. made a point of order .against Its consideration. Babcock is chairman of the House committee whirl ha£ charge of District of Columbia affulr.s He urged that such an aniendmeiu hhoiiid be cuiisiderid In a generiil hill. Oil.i r inemhfis joined wllh him In tin- iimlefi- Shncldrturd. of Mississippi, who Is s member uf Ihe committee headed by Babcack, enpresscd Ida views uiJun Hie chances 'of that commlUee ever report lug a general hill which would permit a vote on the uui-silon of reducing the fares. Here ie whnt he said:

W h a t 'B a b c o c k Said.Tho gemlemaii from Maiyland says we

should wall till a general bill on the sub­ject la reported and comeg up for consider­ation, when we could properly offer amendiiierU! The gentleman from Mary­land has lived in vain, If, after his long flcrvlce ill this House, he believes th a t II Is possible to report a bill out atid gel con- aldeittllon of It here tlial would look to efieierkl reduction of the street car tares.

befieve th a t two-thirds of the inemhcr- ghlp of this House are tn favor of a threo- cenl tara on all the roads In the diatrict, and I believe th a t they will vote for It If an opportunity Is given them. I also ha- llBve three-fourths of the memberaliip of this House are In favor of passing what Is known oa the "La Pollette hill," but they have not voted on It, and to the day of Judgment they never will vtXe ujion It,If the present organizallon shall continue I believe that will be true of every other demand tor reform until a change Is made. Gentlemen say: "Oh, let ua notload this bill down with amendments. Let us wait till another time and fur a more appropriate bill." Qontlemen are not will­ing to take the responsibility of voting agnlnst reduction of car fares and a t ­tem pt to avoid the consequences by ask­ing us to wait for a more appronrlale bill end a more convenient season. They seek to excuse themselvee to their con.stltuems by sarihg thoy favor a reduction of tares, hut "Let us do It In some other way. Let It be done on a general bUl." But ao long as the House Is organised ae at presejit no general bill will be voted upon."

L ater Ollle James, of Kentucky, took Issue with Babcock.. I-et m e.quote again from the I t ^ r d :

Mr. Jam es—"I understood the gentle­man a moment ago to say that his com­mittee perliaps would report a bill making a three-cenl rate."

Mr. Babcock—"I will get to that If the gentleman will contain tilm«elf."

Mr. Jam es—"Is It not true th a t the gentleman bs* been chairm an of the com­mittee four years a t least, to my knowl- e ^ e , and th a t he has never brought In any such bill, notwithstanding the enor­mous charges and profits made by the street cars in this district?" .

Mr, B abcock-"W hat biU r'Mr. Jam es—'Eatabllehlng a three-cent

rate of fare."Mr. Babeock—"No. sir: and I hope the

commlUee never will.'When another franchise bill came up

the saihe throe-eent fare amendment waa proposed. Babcock again opposed It. Me used all the old, fam iliar arguments. If lower fares were demanded, the road would not be built. Capital was timid and must not be frightened away from trolley enteiyrlses by anreasonable de­mand*. Trolleys developed the cntintry and those who put their money Into them were entitled to consideration. Finally, however, the amendment was put Into the franchise bill. That was wiille It In committee of the whole. When thp blU got into the Houee for consideration, so many members who didn 't want to go on record, and some of whom possibly feared a roll call, had left, th a t there was not a quorum. On ths adoption of tha amend­ment the vote In the House wo* 54 to 61. Somebody noticed the absence of a quorum and the m atter was left In abey­ance until the next day on which dletrlct business is considered, a week from next Monday, There wo* no roll cell.

There Is the same old, fam iliar story, The Babcocks of Congress and of pol­itics generally give consideration first, lost and always to the Interest* of the tew capitalists, stock-waterers and pro­moters. If somebody suggests th a t the trahchlss value belongs to the people, and th a t the people, ae owners pf the fran- ohlst value, are a* m ush antltled to profits o r returns In ths form of better service or lower fare* said rates, as the stock­holders and bondholders In the corpora­tions. th sy ar* looked upon as radical and revolutionary. S trange how h ttle part the publlo Interests, the In tereits of the majority of the imople, tho common Inter- este. plays In consideration of public questions, when special Intsreafs are a t stake. H. B. W.



^ B E £ H I V E . " J* re * y ’sMwPpiM Cenire. N E W A R K .

Sale WonMa's Spring Sammer Underwear.

Of (H»rac w» huiiy—Womentak4* prido In et'-onumlzliiE on suchf'o q j undw fw enr; th e y com e, te l l

heir friend* and coma affalti. anc, imci sfto. Vem* a t .* * * * * }n«3B«e a n d V>bta a t ............24odflt*. a n d KOc. t!n d « rw « ar at.AOa KUc* to 75Ci I 'n d e r iT e a r a t . .DOo 6flo. to lifilnn Nattb a t . .4To l.UO to 1.50 HiiluD Knll* a t . .Olto

Wonderful ^ ' . n Suit SellingSaits Wortli 20.W to 22.5» - " ’' set a pace and a ' new

standard of .satisfaction tha t has atna?.ed the women of Newark—suit styles weeks ahead of their usual debut, and prices that please and profit early buyers as never before. We set out to surpass the business of any previous February, and the reward for this enterpriie is a lead that we intend to more than just hold by continuing the great offer; New models added—models of o r ig in a li ty - broadcloth, panama and ever reliable Venetian; eton and semi-fitted models, all beautifully lined with -ri satin; tastefully trimmed w ith silk braid; the style I of skirts is a special feature this Spring—and ours I lead in novel ideas; you wilt be delighted with I them. Black and colors in fine variety ; values that J most critical will acknowledge to be f2 0 to $22.50— a bargain never matcht at this time of the year, at

12.M (015.M Jackets and C o a l s i t i I S „ " r ; ;also 5(Mnch toiirist coats of fancy mixtures; notch collar and cnllarless; V 1 1 1 1 balance of best selling styles to close, variety of sixes and mlxlures, s J * \ / V s regular 12.00 to IS.OO, at...........................................................................

New Moire Safeco Petticoats; IMnot, come to-morrow. W hen we say m oire sateen, we mean it—not moreen effect. Entirely new cloth tha t cannot fail to find favor with all who appreciate beautiful new fabrics; has a slight wavy effect, is absolutely fast black, guaranteed for wear.

Then, too, the model is one you will like—a three-section flounce, beautifully strapt and well finislit; real 2.00 value, a t...................................................................................................................

B r a d b u r yP i a n o s

Beautiful h igh-grade tngtrum entl th a t embody all there is of real merit in modern piano con struction

Special Values New Spring Waists- - — --- -------- ----------------- - --------------- T----------------- ---

M a n y a w o m a n is enriching her w ardrobe and beuefiiiiig hef purse by keeping “ tab " on our new waist arrivals. In the incoming stream of new models a re not a few special values that are quickly bought b y women on the lookout. Here are two that will not stay long :

W hite w aists worth 2.00 —Lari^emiuiber new inoilrls, yoke effet'l of fine pin lucks, etjgeil with \'aleacieuneR Uce. \n')dy of liauiisome eyelet L‘mhroi(U*fi ,tucke«i hack, short sleeves, Qpert back ; olliers witli all- over emhroificry fronts, some pretty tuckeil rnodels^open front, ionj? sleeves, tucked or lace trinjuied collars—Hue at....


New w hite w a is ts w orth to 3.00—I'lxCellent sheer lawn, sinarl styles, dainty ' yf>ke effect t>f lace insertingaii«l eiiihroiflery, stripes f*f eyelet embroidery ami larjfe box plaits lictweeii ] others solid embroiilery fronts, lackt yoke, full across front, three-quarter and loiift sleeves, some open hiirk, some open front, lace trim'd collar,at

2 . 0 0

First Show Entirely New Spring Millinery

<! ’ ■'*1 ,


V ‘

I t is r e f r e s h i n g to a display like this—to take in trim ­med millinery beauty unniarred by a suggestion of the past season— lor we have sold every 1906 trimmed hat we had—a tribute to the superiority again prominent in tliese distinguished modes.

New straw hats Best first of the season styles, triinnied with ribbons, qmlls and wings, black, white, brown, navy, liglit blue, chamijagnc,at 4,95 and 5.95

New pyroxallne shapes—Novel, tagteful turban, dress and nm shroom styles, hand m ade, black, | A Q white and colors, unusually L y Q fine; special a t ...........................

New hand m adeturbans—Trim­med with wmgs and quills, natty tur­bans, rich dress shapes, modish mush­room types; black, white and A ff color.s; unusually novel con- ceptiona, not luutcht at.........

New ready-to-wear hats—Of line black pyroxallne braid, drei* styles, turban dfects and mushroom ideas, all new, especially good

5.95 to 6.95New braid turbans—Of pyroxa-

line, band made, ready to wear; origi­nal conceptiona, with ball 2 C pins; most fashionable shades, A black and white.....................

New mallne trimmed hats—With flowers, wings and ostrich tips; types that idealiie the conventional, iaithfully aligned with best fashion features; value and attractiveness un- surpasst at.................... 5,95 to 15.00

Women’s New Kid 6 [ov« LOOWc sustain our reputation as Newark's best kid,, glove store by a bargain unmatcht in recent kid glove history. Every woman knows how kid gloves have risen in price, and women who bought $ 1 .0 0 gloves now fin d either no gloves a t that price or inferior grades advanced to that figure. Here are gloves worth 1.25 by all former standards—real kid, from Grenoble, France; fine glace kid, that has greatly increased in value since we plac*d this order m any m onths ^ ago; make and finish equal very finest standard gloves—gusaeted I fingers, F aria point em broidered backs; two-clasp; new spring I shades, tan , golden brown, fawn and mode, brow n, oxblood, I vrav. also white and b lack ; tru e $1.25 gloves, special M

P e a c e B S o rt* h r N elv h lio r* E x p e c te dto P e e v e a t i to n d a ra * a n d N leaxa-

g n a f ro m F lA h tla p ,WASHINGTON, Feb. lA - I l looks now

aa though there xrould ^ no w ar In Cen­tra l America. Ofllcer* of the State De­partm ent think th a t the combined eirorts o f the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador and C otta Rloa toward peace will keep NtaaraAua and Honduras from flghtlns.

Notes o t a slmUar character have been sent by a ll of these countries to the gov- em inenU o f N icaragua and Banduras, urging th a t the ptospectlva belligerents m ake pence w lth m t resorting to actual hostilities. .

The gunboat U orletta, o t the Atlantio fleet, h ss atrivad a t Oroytown, N lw ragua, trom /G uantanantivciB be will go on to Blueflelds. anbiher port o t NlcaraJitia on tfie Caribbaaa. „ „


iitfBkki:’ Munvon's Cold Cure Relieves the heed.

Ipper Store: 679-681 Broad St. tower Store: 951-953 Broad St.SPECIALS'. THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY

Very tender and delicate,

Special for this sale a fancy lot of thosedelicious


No half hams at this price-

It will not hap­pen again—a lim­ited lot otSNIDER’S CATSUP i W Bottle.

This Is a pint bottle ot the regular goods, worth 25c.

^ 0 5 f E ‘B A ¥Munyon's Cold Cure Relieves the head, throat and tungs Almost immediately. Checks Feversi Stops Dtschiiries of the nose, takes away all aches and. pains caused by colds. It cures Grtp? and ob­stinate Coughs and prevent* Pneur monia; If you have G atarth^r are afflicted with deafness use Munyon's

Inhaler. It-cutes obstinate and chronic cases. flOiD BY ALL pBUGtGlSTS USo.

Bltie Label SoupsFor this sale a limited quan­tity of these famous goods in fuU quart tins, regular r « i«2Sc„ special at....................

Radel’a Oyster Bouillon, just the thing for oyster soup, reguUr JSc. bottle,-Zde.; regular 20c. bottle.. I V *

Tri OUves, a novelty in olives,3 varieties of stuffed olives in bottlefcfaL Olives stuffed with ce le ry , hot., 25c. JVlainfnoth Queen Wives, hot., 28c.

A. 4 C. Olive Oil, only a few 7 Q - bottlesleft and all pints, specisl.V-^” V

Wesson’s Cooking Oil, 'he b ^ Oilhn the market forfrying, quart 22cI Very special on Heinz (? A ^ 1 I Preserved Pineapple, 3- JI lb. crocks, reg, 75c., special , I

Sitfewslmry Chutney, regular 2Sc„special 22c .

SbtewsbuiT Chiu Sauce, regular ZSc.; special 22C.

Shrewshniw Catsup, pints, regular 2Sc., apprial 19c. ;v

Shre^bury Meyoonaise, regulir tSc,, pints, 39c.; reg. tSe. bottle, 23c.

M d er's Oyster Cocktail Sauce, pints, 28c.

. fiiader'a Salad Dmstiig, I5c. and 125c. per bottle.

S m e r 's Chill Sauce, 15c. and 28c.per bottle. „

Very ledsl on Richardson's Tiny Tlmr Ptcldes, Ifmlhid quantities,« g ^ r jSc. hotths, spedaU.........

Jit. Jaaiea Worceatcrsiilre Sauce^ pint bottles, regutsr 25c.,'*peclsl, 21c.;

pints, regulsf lSc., spechd 12c.

Maple SyrupThe well-kno«T White Label brand Vermont Maple Syrup, quart cam, 33c.; „

gallons St 55c., and.... u a i lO f lChase’s Home Made Maple

Syrup is the finest; gallon cans,, 1.38; }i gallon, 69c.

Duff’s Refined Molasses, gallon cans,spec., SSc.; gal,, 29c.;qts.,I7c.

Lyle's Imported Oolden Syrup is perfection, regular 2Sc. can, spe- 1 7 ^d a l................................. I f t

Hunt's Sliced Pineapple, in a j-lb; tins, regular JOc. can, spec’l t U L

White Label Sliced or tirat- | od Pineapple, 2.25 dozen, can I V L

Peek-a-boo brand Blackberries, Bpedsl 18c.

B. C. Haxard ft Co. Blackberries, speefai 28c. .Oneida brand Quinces,qb4 n,spT 27c. Marrona in cans, spedsi 33c."Hmz Preserved Raspberriea) «p-™ KetiizPres' rv’d Sthiwberries]' 32ctlartihiini'i€liim 01iofwd«r,qt. CAas ldc.

Yankee CIeaiier;S>S,IJKt’' 7 V ‘*1 can. eprctal SSo.i Jlc, cans, sps- I AC, etal t»4v; IB«„ special................... ‘ " rSpedil on Pucake FIrar O rAnot Jemima,Nabob or WbltcRn** *

Sara Rising Buckwheat Ftour, specialPB^ 1*C.WJxHwlAbel Bnekwltnl Tlonr, spec- l»*. ■Wblt* IAb*l Fr*p*r*a Flwar, tpecUl, po., t*r.IbrijcBiH CiMim poi^; quartA

■fleAiti piBts, saw. .J,, . i,


Lima BeansJust a few cases of the

A. & C, brand Extra Fancy Lima. B e a n s .Spedal, dot,, 1.40.

A. & C. Spinach, in large J-lb. cans, regular 20c., spedal, do i., 1.60; 1 > _can ........... ,7 ....... .'.7;. ..........

White Castile Soap, very dry and not very clean; to clean up, spe- |rial, lb............ , ...... .......................... m e

Stuart’s Imported Finnan Had- 17 ^dock, regular.25c. can, special..... I f v

Marshall’s imported Herring, 9 7 _ in tomato sauce; reg. 2Sc.can,spe'l 1 1 v

Oalaa Imported Sardines, lOc. can Laton’s Boneless Sardines, large

cans, 20c.Catlfomis Claret In gallon I I C

Jugs, put up expre.tsly for us..... I * I DCalifornia Claret, dozen qts., 2 .5 0 . CallfomlaJIinfandei, doz.qts., 3 .5 0 . Willow Crest Brand Relsling, duz,

qU.^ 4 .0 0 .

MONOGRAM RYE, 7 5 cMedtcinsl Port, qt. bots................SOcPore Rock and Rye, qt. bats......89cFallen’s Famous Beer, Doz........ 90cOld Kentui^y Rye, I


Pure Juice Port, .Old P*le Sherry, f i;iOld Apple Whiskey,

VIn Mariana, per bot., 93c. Cusaalr’s Crams de Mentha, bot.,

J .2 0 .Cusanlr’s French BraadyT I p a

In jiill quart bottles..,.............. ; i>WV

For use in the home or for concert use, no other instru­ment has the qualifications to give such genuine satisfaction as the BRADBURY. It is thoroughly high-grade in every detail of construction, and its case is beautiful and artistic in design-and finish. It pos.sesses a tone of rare singing quality, and its responsive touch is a source of inspiration to all per-' formers.

We are manufacturers of the Bradbury Piano and always show a big stock of the latest models. You can buy a BRAD­BURY Piano here at FACTORY prices and pay for it on easy terms.

A number of Used Uprights (v.irious makes) from $75 up.

B r a d b u r y ,755 Broad St. Bulidlngf

Are Cutlcura Remedlss—Suffered Six Months—Skin Full of Red Spots and Face Full of Pimples— Made Life Miserable—Was Dia* couraged—Doctors Useless


" Cutioura Sizap and Orntmciit m tlw gr«at««t ramodle* for skin diseusis on earth. I have suffered six months from a difffwtr wNob 1 cannot dssenb^ will tell you the symptoms. Hy ski& . was full of red s p ^ snd my face wag full of red pimples. It made life miser- aUe for me and t waa dbeouraged with everything. I xreut to aaveral dooton, but It wu uatleaa. But vdiile reading a newspaper 1 came aoroas one of youg. taetimoniala telling the value of (>- Cutioura Soap and Ointment. 1 folv^ to try them, and after ualpg them (01 about one week I beoanm a new man. The {HmidBa. and tho red Bpot* have diaappearea and they made my iktn aa toft aa velvet. Now I nm a oonitant uier el the Cutioura Soap and Omtment and I recommend' them

Albert Coabman, Bedford Sta>■ Nov, 2». 1905."

Ihighly. Alb(iJnT N .Y ..:

FOOT COMFORTObtained from Cuttcura Soap

and Ointmciit.For tired, aching, irritated,itohingfeet,

inffiiumatioD and painful swelliug of the joints, and rough­ened akin, corns, bun­ions, eto., and for puri­fying tbe peiepiratory riau^: Soak the feet m Cutioura Soap and Hot Water, dry, and anoint w ith Cuti- cura Ointment. _ For the itching and irrita­

tion of eceema this treatm ent is moat grateful, affording immediate relief and pointing to a speedy cure.■ (Jompla«E*twii.l »oa lihniil Tn.lw*nt Huw,r . 1 chlldrin, t.d AOglU railtSW. .(.ur* Soap iJae-llo Cl«u,* th« Skin,) toHfftlkh*Rlftu, aoiCtoileur*R*ia)Fiiii (fa >Purify thi Blood, iold througbout tho W®"*' biitf B Chon- Corp., iolo Pfops, -“ Jll lgd Vi*g, "liow io Cut IBT llw 8Un**

STOVES!All Kinds

Lowest Prices.

The ROUND OAKBURNS Less Coal, Gives More Heat and Lasts More Year«- Than Any Other SfoVe Maoe.~

ALL OIK STOVES ARE NOT ALIKEDon't Fail to See This Wonderful Stove.

-T H E -

I.H.DiMIIOIDCO.6 0 Newark, N.J.


'y s f j

P o Y o u K n o w •


P o reK b it W hlikcy ^

enmooughs,«(iild*, . i Bip, flathma. broA*1 dtu^iiuid cmisiimp-

atlimiStai I tbe blood. Thexnat- glffltiM^hitrttOhlat

- -LT-

■ - - J#





Joint Conf erena of Republican and Democratic Aldermen

to Help SUuation.

HHSLER c a s e n e a r s a O S E

There will b* • conference eotne ttma next week between three inetnbori of each of the poHtlcel pertlee In the Common ColWcU, the object of which, It If under- etood. will be to trafgeet wnye end mean* h r which the pretent elluatlon relative to tbe held-up nppolntinente of the Mayor and council may be diepoeed of In a m an­ner that will be agreeable to both eldce and, Incidentally, to end the prefent nn- eettled ita te of altn lri In the city govern-

"'The movement had )t» Inception among the Republican aldermen, who h.ive majle overtnrci to the leaden of the Demo- ?ratle fide, the propofitlon. which l» n w being oonildered by the majority mem- here, being to have the conference take up the eeveral m atters In dlnpnle a compromife afreoment of eome eori, reach a definite conclueton.

The negotlatlone have reachrf 'h e etngo that It h f f been agreed to hold a eace. The Republican “ Mermen will he reprefcnted by Meffra, ^ tin, Curtlf R. Burnett nnd lloufley. The Democrats, II l« »a1d. may ielect Prefldent John F. Slnnoit,Patrick H. Ryan and Alderman Adolph Holiner to m'eet the minority member, and hear what the latter h“ ''® *“ dvike in the way of a propoRl'lon. No apeetfle day or hour hae been a e yet fet for the conferee* to get ' “»'‘'her.

Although the Idea of proposing the con- hrence le Itesed on genera! condltlona Mlfttlnr to the appi'lritmcntB to cltj plaeei. It if understood that will he Inatttuted on the haele of apaeiilc proposttiona. One of these. It Is2 ^ . concern, (ho AnoTherHelfler as police comml.eloner. AnolherIt eaU to relate to the position of Intendont of building., and there ore .1 11 other offlee* upon which It If “have agtw ntentf entered Into, e lth tr In the infereit of those who are now m "t- flce or IhofS whom It le contemplated to appoint

P lan e K e p t g e c re t.Bo Mr a» could be learned to-day. ell of

the Interested aldermen being unwilling, seemingly, to admit that they know any- K ^ ^ t the movement, the arrnnge- mente for the propoecd conference h^ 'Ing mado by a Republican " “'^^h '-lde , the heed of a department, who may be coneldered to have n .troitg pemonal in­terest In having an agreement entered Into on a oompvomiso basis,

Bevcral of the aldermen have admitted that they have heard rumors of a plan to propose a eompromlae, but none would admit more Intimate knowOedge of the n atter. The Democrats generally take tho view that they will not agree to anything th a t idll Involve thetr yielding up any­thing they have already leenred for their conatltnente for the sake merely o f bring­ing about tho oonfirroatlon of a nominee for police commlfsloner, which, a t pres-

■ ent, so far as they seem to know, la about the only advantage they eOuM gain by an Kgreement with the Republican members.

It Is not understood that th e pending legal proceedings th a t are belhg conduel- ed by Chandler W. Hiker, In the IntcrB*! ot the clerks and other olBolals whom the Democrate'are trying to put out, will ester Into the m atters to be discussed at the proposed conference. The O em ociut. have faith in the ultimate ability of their tew yert to overcome all the legal ob- ftaeles th a t Mr, Hiker may raise to tbe ousting of tho olWce-holders.

If the proposed oompromise falls, It is probable th a t the next meeting of the couadl will witness the disposal o t the

. Ilelsler appointment, one way or the ‘her, no m atter how the propoaed cemfer-

reaults. I f Helsler la not confirmed V 'I t is hinted th a t the Mayor will send In

another name without delay, and there le a strong rumor th a t William H. F. Fied­ler may be the men. , -

BAND'OF HONOR'S SMOKER.MwasbMw o f fit. M lehacPa Ba>y Raiwe

IW elety H nva »ts H a jo y a b le j T im e.

■ The Band of Honor of the Holy Name tkiclety of St. .Michael's Church had a ■■smoker'' last night. I t was held In the

m om a o t the Young Men's Association end wne attended by about fifty members. Martin Toohey rm s selected as m a tte r of ctremcnlee. and under his guidance a very pU assnt Informal time was enjoyed.

Rev. Denis McCartle. pastor of the ' ehnreh. In a brief address thanked tbe Btemberi for the seat they have shown In th e affairs of the perteh. He said th a t tbatr aottva Interest had Increased the ytvsnuea of the church, bu t ot greater value woa the good which resulted from the example set by the Band ot Honor men, thetr activities having Infused new

3)ltlt In o ther members of the congrega- on,Rlpes and tobacco, sandwiches and cof-

faa were distributed and while the smoke eurlod upw ard.'tbe. msmbere were enter- isined by Rrolsgeor Francia Dunn, with piano telecUbas; Joaeph L. Uullin and P a t­rick Tracey, with songs; John Walsh,

„ W lth'fiuts solok and Jam es Hea)ey, with ib. geleotlons on the phonograph. There was

. a brief discourse by J. L, O’Toole, a reci­tation by David Uulcahey and a presantH- tloa speMh by William I. Toohey direct­ed at John T. Murdoch, who was the re- niplent of a QiedaL

The oommittte which armngttd thp gf- fa lr consisted o l Ur. Murdooh, Mr. HIil- cabay. William Ford, Thomas IScCoriaack J r , and W aiter J . Healey,

TRIAL OF THAW(Continued from F irst Page.)

th a t the ease Is nearly over. I t does not count the time Mr. Jeronio will occupy In cri>M-«xatnlnation. It Is snM In. Graeme M. Hammonil and Dr. fhiorli'e D. Dapa, both well-known olli Jil"t». w take the stand for the (lef'-ii.e, TIhb will mean tour experts tor Mr. .Icr.imH tocross-esamlne. ............

Evelyn Nesblt Thaw h a . not llm.uifd her direct eiarolnallon. and I he c! ,'«i ex­amination will probably take some ime.Mrs. William Thaw 1. to ic tlfy oml so,It Is tald, I. Miss May McK.niile. tl's chorus g in friend of Evelyn .S-.bit Ih.-w. W hat MA Jerome's case In rt'hutinl 11 b« It Is hard to saVi seemfl itrifilnnow that he will put on at l‘-isi three alienists In an attempt lo controvert '.he testimony of Thaw", experts.

Mr. Peabody, of the defondnnf. counsel, said this morning that It Is the ptirposo ,Of the defense to have Dr. Evans toko the Btend this afternoon for cross-exom- [ Inelfon. Dr. Evan, will he foMowod by Ure. Evelyn Tiiaw, who In view of the 1 '■broader foundation" of the prisoner', tn- .anlty, Isld by the expert., will be a .k e j to concluile her ntory. Mr. Jerome had 1 objected lo her doing .0 on the grov.nd i that what .he had to say was permis­sible only after the defendant wn. shown by oompetent testimony to have he™ of unsound mind.

Mrs. TlkHW V l.lta lltish u iid .After the recess In the 'I’hiiw Irlol ttii.

morning Hoger O'Muru, the PUtsinirK de­tective. took the news to Thaw In llni Tombs; When told- th n f the r-iiHon ter the recoB. was that Juror Bolton's wife was 111 with pneumonia, Tlniw .aid:

■T ath very sorry for Holton, and I hope his wife Is not a . sick ti. 1. reported, i cannot hut feel disappointed at tho delay and hope Mr«. Bolton wl'J he well enough 80 that the trial can proceed without fur­ther delay,"

Y e .te r iln y ’. I .a le I 'rn e eed ln sB .A . Kjon ji. court reronvened yesterday

afternoon, Mr. Delmas ii.ked Dr, Evans whether, In hi. opinion. Thaw, on the occasion of Dr. E vans', visits to the Tombs, was of sound mind or not, Mr, Jerome wanted the witness to confine bin aiiawf-rs Btrkui,v to Ids examination and nothing else, irinnlly tho ijuesllons wore pul In this manner;

"As the result ot the first three visits whirl, you m ide to Mr. Thaw, did you form an opinion of hlo mental condition a t the time of those three visits?"

1 did.""As a result o t the five subsequent

visits, did you form an opinion as to the mental condition ot the defendant during tlnise five subsequent visits?"

"I did.""W hat was your opinion, then, doctor,

based upon your observation ot the first three visits, as to the then menial e,nndl- tlnn of H arry K. Thaw, with roferenee to Houndnens or unsoundnees?''

"! was then and am now firmly of the opinion tha t during the three first visits H.arry K. Thaw was of unsound mind be­cause of diseased conditions of the hraln."

"As the result of your observation on the lest five visit* that you made to Mr. Thaw, did you form an opinion as to his then mental condition, meaning hla men­tal condition a t each successive visit. If you choose to segregate It In th a t way?"

“I aid.""Will you please sta te w hat that condi­

tion w a. In your opinion?""That hla mental condition. Integrity or

BlablUty of mind was still Impaired, though somewhat Improved over tlm con­dition H ound a t my first three visits."

"Will you please sta te whether that con­dition of Improvement during the Inst five visits was one of sta tionary or of grad­ual improvement?"

'■I am of the opinion that It was ot gradual Improvement."

"Now. doctor,you have already described the condition which you then found, If t understood you. as the sequel ol' result of some condition of the mind which you de- iKJflbod in your teBtlmony this mnrnluif afc an expioelon—

"A hnUn storm, which hod preceded this, eondltlou. Am 1 right?"

■‘You are correct."I t than developed th a t Dr. Evans hod

not rend the latter exhibits and a recesa waa taken to give the expert an oppor­tunity to peruse the documents. The re­cess lasted more than an hour.

Mr. Delmas then read his long hypo­thetical question and after ths question hud been' rearranged to comply with the facts as testified to, Dr. Evans was per­mitted to answer.

‘T will ask you, doctor, to sla te upon these facta embodied In the hypothetical question that I put to you, aa It has been amended In your presence, and the light that these leltera ihnt you have read from Exhibit A to Exhibit I shed upon his mental sta te , whether nt the lime the fatal shot was fired the defendant, assum­ing him to he the person referred to In the question, lu your opinion knew that the aqt was wrong?"

"I do not believe he did know that the aot was wrong."" I n your opinion, doctor, did he know the nature and quality of the aot ho was ^ I n f f "

"1 am ot the opinion he did not."■'In your opinion w as hla failure or In-

oapaclty to know the nature and quality of the ac t he was doing, or to know that the act WHB wrong, duo to the tael that he was laboring a t that tim e under a

.defect o f reason produced by mental dls-

," I am of the opinion It was."The doctor's examinalUm hud not been

concluded when court adjourned for the day.


(Continued (rom F irs t Rage.)

down himaelf. Both firemen were choked with smoke and unable to manage the hose.

The chief assisted the men lo the street, where they quickly lavlved. At the same time Captain Johh J . ToW*y, who wiUi Firemen McCrea, Benedict and Dough­erty. was working with a line of buac in the cellar of the five and ten cent store, became faint with smoke and had to be asslsled to the street. They also revived In the chilly a ir and went back to work with vlni. 1

I t was a cold night for the'firemen, and I the lines ol hose were slippery from a , coating of loe, as were Ihe sta irs and floora of the boildlnfs. For more than two hours the firemen fought Ihe flames. I

Plnkelsteln Brothers probably sustained I ihe heaviest loss, The firemen were com­pelled to out through the floors of the


Only Way to Cure Stonicb Diseaaet is by Streiq tben-

ioK Digestive Organs.

SIMPLE REMEDY QiVEtiThe ordinary pepsin tablet has ruined

more atomachs than all other causes com­bined. While It gives temporary relltf. It leaves the digestive system weaker then ever, and the tablets must be oonttnusA with Increased frequency., The only way lo permanently curs stomach troubles Is by stfengthenipg the

store in order to ’g T p f p : = n t o | f ^ r Y a k T h ^ ^ o T m ^ a r n r t S s “T a ?oellar, and In doing this the flames shot itom seh for fo i^up through the store, Ipt the stock, ^ the »“ th a t when the food li* eaten the stum-Moptgotnery Company the stock w as | prepared to digest It,

I f Jtl-o-na was a mera digestive, It would be taken afte r eating, so as to ml* -with tho food, but then perm anent relief would not be gained.

Ml-o-na stomach tablets are sold only In a neat metal box, oonvenlmit for th s purse or vest pocket, and cost hut lOc. Wo have seen bo many cures made by Ml-o-na stomach tablets th a t we give a guarantee with every ho* th a t the money will be refunded if the remedy falls to give satisfaction. You run no risk In using Ml-o-na, for you Are sura lo be cured a t trilling expense, or else your money will be returned.

Ml-o-na, natu re 's cure for dyspepsia and nil stomach troubles, Is sold by E. R. Petty with the understanding th a t the price, when purchased a t hie store, will be refunded on request, should it fall to Ijo all that Is claimed for It,

pracilcany all destroyed.‘At one tim e during the progress of tlie

fire Chief K lersted feared that the lire Would get to the confectionery store of R. W alsh A Co. The girts working In the store were ordered out, as the smoke be­gan pouring into the cellar. A chemical j stream was taken Into the cellar, and as fact as any signs of fire were discovered It was quickly put out. Twice did the flames eat through the wooden partition in the rear o t the store, but llule damage was done.



Forfdture of License Provided, Under Certain Conditions,

by Breurig Bill.




PAM RSON. Feb. l«»t Bight

11—W ith A TT&ettDK

iJ/ Telflprnp/i frnw* « S'fi/;TUliNTON, Fi'h, U .-These bills were

Introdiicuii in tlie Houpc to-day;Mr, Breuniff, provides that the holder or

tiny soil IlKpiurH ofTerltig for saleor burtpr or lo givt- any liquors to any femuk* uhovG !wenty-onf years of age, tinioBs Hill? i» ancompnnli li by her father, a brother of full age or her husband, the holder of sucli license Hhall lose the «ame and Ihe licenae l»ecoiiieH forfelled and void. Any female unlesa ao accompanied asking for liquor shall be a disorderly peraon, and any peraon falsely represent­ing himaelf as a husband, brother or father shall be subject to eonvlclton as a disorderly person.

Mr. Hahn, provides th a t In estates of leas than iSfiO, there shall be no fees for admlntslration thereof, except paying for the edvertlsement.

Mr. Hahn (by request), provides that all corporations or iwrsona supplying electric current through a -meter or other regis­tering device, such meter or device shall have a transparent front clear glass fact exposing the Interior mechanism at all times, fine for failure.

Mr. H ahn request). makes it Illegal for any corporation or person supplying electric current to ask or demand for such current for more than shall be actually oonaumed according to the reading Of the meter or other registering device; penally. t&O fine.

Mr. Klenert (by request), provides tha t In every city school district the city Board of HJdm'sllon shall appoint two of Its mem- bera. and the board In such city having the power to make appropriations of money shall appoint two of Its rnembers. These four persons appointed, together with the Mayor, shall constitute the Hoard of School Estim ate for said d is tr ic t

Mr. Klenert (hy requoKi), authorises boards of chosen freeholders to con­tract with the sheriff of the county for the support, etc., of prisoners in the coun- ty jail.

M r UUagore, annexes the borough of Neptune City to the borough of Bradley Bench, Momnoiith County.

Mr. Hendrickson, aiithotizes . the . Armory Commiaelon in Jersey City lo

purchase lands or condemn the same ad­joining the present armory site in Jersey City on which to erect a gymnasium for the me’inbera of the National Guard and appropriates 140.000 for that purpose.

Mr. Perkins, charges the salaries of two of the labor Inspectors, the aesltt- ant commissioner being raised from H iG'jO to $1,8(10, and the inspectors from $1,000 to $1,600.

Mi‘. Perkins (by request), authorixes any railroad to lay out and construct or ac­quire, lease or purchase any branch Hue not exceeding two miles In length, ex* 3 }dlng from the main line or from any

playing [f a t ao election In the munici­pality a majority of the voter* thereof shall vote therefor.

Mr. Baker* repeals Bed Ion 1 of the vice and immornllty aCt. which prohibits work, business, elc.» on the Sabbath Day, provided the legal voters of a munici­pality by a majority of (he votes shall so declare.

Bir. Auf der Hdde. amends the tax act of 1903, relative to fees and expenses to be allowed holders of a tax title fo r a search.

Mr. Crnwther. Axes per diem of district court, sergeant-al-urm s a t $1 per day.

Mr. Tumulty--AuthorlZ€B the city clerks In Newark and Jersey City, by and with Ihe consent of* tho Board of ‘Aldermen, to appoint such clerks and assistants as the public buslneHs may require, and fix the salaries therefor, and the Board of Finance of such cities shall provide the moneys necessary for these aalaiies.

Mr. Alexander (by request)-M akes It tllPgaJ to Import dependent children In the Slats for the purpose of placing such child in any home In New Jersey.

Mr. Alexander, provides th a t ail cor­porations or pereons employing females shall provide and maintain seats a t or near the chunter, bench or other place where such persons are working.

Mr. Alexander, regulates the employ­ment of children In m ercanllle establish­ments,

Mr, W right (by request), amend* the execution act, so that Incomes from trust property exceeding $1,000 shall be liable to execution.

Mr. Brady, authorises town halls to be erected In towns of this S tate and the appropriating of not over $100,000 therefor.

Mr. Brady, provides for the abolition of grade crossings of railroad companies and street or electric railways, and gives to the chancellor the right upon applica­tion to abolish the same.

Mr Holcombe, fixes the time for shoot­ing wild dove, flicker or gray squirrel from September I lo October I of each


Measure to Purify Passaic River Valley Introduced by Mr,

Baader, of Essex.


MU B lv H achlQ * Could Not g o t tu te 8 iiow B a n k a n d H ad

to R e t u rn to Honso.While answering a second alarm turned

!? from box 21, a t Broad and Market streets, lust night, the big automobile engine No. 3 got Into trouble in Court street. Tt la thought a defective rubber lire was tlje cause, a* the machine would not "tuke" a small anew bank. It puffed and blew, but to no use. It had to tu rn around and go back to Its house.

Chief K lersted aald this morning thht ho liadn't been able to ascertain Just why the machine balked, but he thought It might be due to the fact th a t the wheels iiad a set of old rubber (Ires.

Sparks flew from the funnel of the en­gine a t such a rale that a large crowd was altriicted, thinking the fire was Court street.



#rfW B tal D a g re s C««rt» J r . O. V. A. M., WAll S m ltsta lD T o -iu o rro w N igh t.

Oriental Degree Court No. 192, of (Jeorge A. Ual*sy Council, Jr. O. U. A. M.. will give an old-fashioned burn dance a t the New Auditorium, Orange street, to-mor- fOW tUght. The committee In chat'ge hua tnuiotormed the Interior of the hall Into ft representation of a country barn, with

of hay find quantities uf grain, fftnu Implementip etc.

No vaudevllla entertainm ent will be given th is yeati but danolpg will continue ftU the evening* with reels and old-fuBh- loned dances. Country cider and crullers will be provided and various live animals WtU be offered for the amusement of (ho- guests- Oriental Degree Coui't now num-

among it* member* men connected with nearly every Junior Order council tn Essex County.

■' I '*♦ ' ■N am ed ns T sv C le rk .

Francis P . Conlon, of tbe F irs t Ward, was to-day appointed by the tax comims- lloner* to the position of clerk In the offlee of the surveyor of the board. The appointment carries with It a sa lary of £tOO B year. I t was moated becaiiee of tha necessity of making a complete newML of block maps for the use of the board of tbe annexed district* of Vatlsbuiwh and the territory that was formerly Clinton Township.

Jersey Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis, the sixth annual New Jersey Btato conference of cliarltles and correcllon came to an end.

The new ofilcers of the latter, body ars; prealiient, Rev. Francis A. Foy. of Nut-

ley; vjee-preeidenti, Governor B. C. Stoke.'?, Trenton; HI. R^v. Jam es A. Me- Paul, Trenlon; Ri. Rev, Edwin S. Lines, Newark: Peter Quackenbuah* Paterson; RSchftjd Stevens, Uolwkwn; treasurer, John A. Cullen, Newark; eeerelary, Mrs. F. C. Jacobson. Newark; aHslatant secre- luiies, Rev. Mr. Nlckessun, FlalnfleUl: Mrs. E. E. Williamson, EllsabatU; J. J. Mulvaney, Jersey City; J. Moore White, Hoboken', expcutlve committee, Profeasor E. R. Johnstone, Vineland; Cnptaln Charles P. Currie, Oreenlock; Thomas McGlwait* Jersey (TUy; Rev. W aller Rued Hunt, Ofungc; Archibald Alexander, Ho­boken; Arthur W. McDougall, Newark; AlbeVt C- Aborii, Orange; Geiu-ge O. <>s- borne. Trenton; Algernon T. Sweeney, Newark; Bleecker Van Wagenen, Orange; Benjamin Atliu, Newark.; Hev. David Stuart Hamilton, Paterson; George B. White, Camden: Father Kelly, Hoboken: Rabbi Wnl/e, Hoboken.

Bleeeker Vbi Wugenen, presldf'nt nf the New Jersey Assodiitlon for the Preven­tion and HelWr of TubercuIoalB. presided a t its meeting lust night.

line to nnj- mill, factory, etc.

SEABRIOHT.An o rp in reiiital wll Ibe held In .the

M- B. church to-morrow niglit unfler the direction of Frank D. Uraham anfi a quarte t from Bt. Ipiatluo 'e Church, New York.

Aahland Council No. 28, J r , o . U. A. U.; wfll' hold a M an inlttatton rfaxt Mon- A»y ntcht.


H m stood th o T o st o v e r lO V rs. WiS step Thfit Whoop,

WiU Bftac Up tbe PMepn, Wiy CHromMiopta«Cou(li.

Do not let ;o u r Uttle h w , mam taSer. I t tMtee DO

O v e r TefttmonUle t r o mthauklnt iBOtliM* who b a re flrea •ORWASK’R WHOOPING GODOBi IIFHBDY A TBUU

Ask tb o n whb hare osefl I t wbat tklak of tut*' woRderfu] rWdcCIj.

S. SCHWARZ! |S q S > t r N l l T M i i n m i

H |p ,iH »8e«aitS < „ . X sw ark. It, .Si


year. .Mr. Olwelt, provide* th a t any board,

committee or comwlaalon now vested with the power to expend moneys other than by w arrant upon the treasnrer or collector ot the municipality or county shall within tep day* after the flecal year pubtlih an Itemixed statement.

By Mr, Olwell, provide* that no contract for any public Improvement or furnleh- Inq materials or supplies to any county, municipality o r commission which .hall exceed the eum o l »1,000, shall be awarded except after two weeks' public adverllae- ment therefore. . .. , , ,

Th* House passed the resolution of Mr, Jess of Camden, amending the rules so that all bills amending laws the s ta t­ute books hereafter shall set forth the page on which the law sought to be re­pealed or amended appears In the revised statutes or pamphlet laws.

The House adjourned Ull to-morrow morning.


Shortage of Cars and Cold Weather Tic Up Output

from Mines.

By TetyrapA from a Sia/f CorrespoJidenf.TRENTON, Feb. 13.-Rabbl Jullua Bll-

bprfeld, of the CongregnUnn B'nnI Abra­ham, of Newark^ opened tho Assembly to-day with prayer.

Mr. Baader, of Essex, Introduced the bill for the abolishment of the pollution of the PaBsalo River, which was prepared by (he Jolni commltiee of cltlaene of Newark. Paterson and the other coin* munitles Interested in the matter, “n ie measure was published lit the NEWS on January 1

Too late to be of any effect, there was received by Mayor Jacob Hau&stlng to­day at the city hall, a letter from Mayor John Johnson, of Paterson, containing a request th a t the Introduction of the sewer | bill Into the Legislature be deferred until next Monday night.

Mayor Johnson gave as his reason for making the request th a t the flnul action of the Paterson cotnailUee on Ihe plan for the relief of the Passaic River, as embodied In the bill, has not as yet been taken, but that a meeting for that pur­pose Is to be held next Friday night.

Mr. Johnson assured Newark's Mayor tha t the proposed meeting will ha te but one resu lt" ttm t of the full ratification of the bill and a declatnn to assist In Its passage. He wa* of the opinion, how­ever, th a t the Introduction of the bill prior to the taking of thl* proposed ac­tion by the Pateraon representatives might give an opportunity to the few who are atJli opposed to any kind of l«%la!at1on. to raise an outcry.

j\ h «oon as the request of the Paleison Mayor was received here, the Mayor's Rtcrctary, Wilson J. Vance, got Into com­munication with City Counsel Janie.n R. Nugent, who. at the request of the local committee, had taken the bill to Trenton this morning.

Mr. Nugent Informed Mr. Vance that the mesjsage from Paterson came just too late, a* Assemblyman Baader had put the bill in a t this morning's aesalon of the House.

Mrs. Rofte Merrlaro Vlllers, wife of Rev. Dr. Thomoe J. Vlllers. pastor of Peddle Memorial Church, died at her home, Bft Mt. Pleasant avenue, this morning. The end was not unexpected, as she had been fluiTerIng for a, long time.

Dr. and Mrs. Vlllers came here from Indianapolis, Ind., about a year ago, Be- Bldea her husband, Mr*. Vlllers leaves one daughter, about seventeen year* old.

Mrs. V^lllers was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mose* Merrlam and wa* a direct descendunl of General Israel Putnam . She was born a t ClillUcothe, O.. and was married to Dr. VlUera October 35. 18SH, They went to live a t Gloucester, Mobs.,- where Dr. Vlllers was pastor of the F irs t Baptist Church. In IHM they moved to Syracuse. N. Y.. Dr. Viller* having ac­cepted a call to the F irs t Baptist Gliurch of that city. Their next home wo* In In­dianapolis. Dr, VIHers being called as pastor of the F irst Baptist Church of that city. Ha remained eight years. Their

Mr. Manson, amends Section 47 of the railroad revl*lon act by giving forty- eight hour* Inktead of twenty-four for a consignee to unload car*, providing, how­ever. th a t obstructions or weather may excuRe a longer length of time.

Mr. Hftker, provides th a t any person who phall break nnd enter any house with Intent to kill, rob or steal, and shall une nltro-glycerln, dynamite, powder or other high explosive, *ba11 be gutUy of

high rnlBdemennor. Penalty from twenty-four to forty year*’ Imprisonment at hard labor,

Mr. Baker, authorizes cities to pave or repave any street* or highways therein with wood block pavement

Mr. Baker, authorises Sunday batehail


D om tal«Bii P r l* s t in Ha t .- ChHk|,e of I t . C A tkarlue '* C lm rcli. M auhattxB .Bev. Orol'ge I. Conlan. who b u be«n

stationed a t St. Antoninus’s,R. 0. Church tor the past five y ean , will leave on Fri­day to take nhasge of St, Catharine's Church, M anhattan. The clergyman has been appointed to thl* church by Rev, Lawrence P. Kearney, provincial of the Dominican Order.

For several years fit. Cstharlne’s Clvuroh has been conducted ae a chtkiel, but it will be made a separate parish In^about a month.

— ----- ------ • ---------------ObJecR to B e e fh o n se Nol*«*.

Residents of High street, near the Laok- awauna Railroad to-day got an order from Vice-Chancellor Stevens, through John Montelth, directing the CoOln Brothers Company to show causa next Tuesday why It should not be restrained from unloading beet In the early hours of the morning In a manner to disturb ths neighborhood. The complainants areSmile J. Beln, George W. Lawrence nnd

Isnry C. Davis, the la tter being a tenant of Lawrence, a t IW High street.

l i s t e r M ary A lnaeda D ead.Bister Mary Almedo, a former teacher-Hi

ths Sacred Heart Parochial School. la isl orange, and also eonnocted with 81. M ary* Orphanage, Booth Orjc*-’ and Banrort avenues, died a t th e la iU r insti­tution last night of tmlmuiiary trohhle, BUter Altneda hud been »n Inslructerr of the orobana and a t the paroclilal school du ring ' the past five yearn Ths tuncrnl will take place from the Sacred Heart Church a t » o’cloek Friday morning, when a U ih mas* o t requiem . will .M o f f e ^ up for the repose o f her so u l

A lady writes how coffee treated her family.

1 wua born nf a slck-headache family." she aav*i "my father, Bnglikh by birth, loved his roast beef and plum pudding, and every rich dish th a t could' be brought on she table, nnd alw ays drank coffee.

■‘Associated with thF earliest memories Is the picture ot my father, a t times walking the floor, his bead bandaged, hls fine face drawn with pain, and hls eyes roHIng ae In a delirium. He suffered thl, every few weeks. HU brother was slm llarly afflicted, as w as also their sister.

■'J have had many ailments, which can now see were property chargeable to the coffee I drank. 1 am 6S yeara old, and to r the last h a lt of my life haye been a sufferer from kidney troubles and ex tre'ine nervonsnesa, often tossing about till t or B o'clock In the morning. My general' health auffered, o f course, and along with everything else was the con stantly recurring agonies of sick head- achel

“Loving to live, yet life only a burden "A friend u rted rue to quit coffee and

drink Posiuro Food.Coffee, I was loath to give It up, but a t la s t I made the change, and It soon mude a wonderful change In me. JFor two yeara now I nave used Postura Food Coffee; 11 has brought mo souiHl and refreshing sleep a t night, ns When a child. 1 have had the headache only twice In the last year, the kiSney tremble Is passing away and my flesh has been renewed. I used to ea t little or no breakfast—had no appetite. Now I wake up hungry and enjoy the meal with a relish. I do not tremble or stagger from dlislners, as formerly; my nervousness i» giitip The old fit* of depression and deapoiiUoncy httvo given way to ths en- Jovnlent -rf HfC*

"I cni.clud* from my own experience that c. ffee Is A subtle and deadly poison, slow but sure In Its harmful results, and that It Is the oatiso of many disorders In the human system.

"I find Poslum Food Coffee, properly made, a m ost detldou*. Invigorating bev­erage that Heals While It nourishes. It has cured me, and Tm sure It has added ■yewr* to my Iffe-" Name given by Postuw Co., BatUo Creek, tllch .

a d d e d c o st t o THE CITY

A combination ot clrcuraatanoes. due mainly to the hard w eather and a short­age ot freight care, has created a scarcity la the supply ot steam sixes of coal, and many of the large consumere In the city and sorroundln^g been compelled toand more costly grades, o t which there la an abundant store. The city I*, per­haps tho hardest hit o t all, to r t use. pea coat also known as No. 2 nut. The dealer, supplying the public "bho^* unable to furnish No. ! out. ‘he rost of which to the city Is H per ton. and are delivering egg b'»*

**^veral*de*lers said to-day they did not believe the situation would ease up muchS:fore m “ f"’’: .J 5 * J '‘tonSs-hools consume a p p ro * lm « ly 6.TO tons (lurlne the winter, and U has been cal culatfd that It the scarcity of contluues for a month ot so fSS. tonlEducation will have to purchase 1,000 tons of domeitto coal, which will Involve an additional outlay of 12,000, , , ,

The m arket price of pea Is a ton bul under Its contracts, the Education secures Its supply for $* a ton.

According to the '**’« « <» al­ways a dearth In the supply o* pea, buck­wheat und rice slge* *hls tim e h* but never has It been so present one. The first cause that the cold weather p rav m ts mlnero wnrhing full time, thus restricting the output.* Then. It Is hoosehtddersare using No, 2 nut tn tlilM, leaving a aurplu* domestic sipei po the mo'hot- remaining In caw op <htlon adds to tho oar

Because o l the aooutnulatlon ot domes­tic grades, the miners. It was Mid, had m irlc ted tho etrtput o f sm aller slioa. with a view to eliminating the glut In " r m r ones. Bsveral dealers said there was a cmtildorable am ount of p ra trosen on In care between here and the mlfies, making It Impotslbla for upe I t was eoW ™al desptte the eoarclty. There would bo no lump in ^


6INGERELLA ADMITS GUILT.John Qlngerella, of Nutley, accused by

Joseph MSllo with aseaultli.g him Febru­ary 17, HHW, who was to have been placed on tria l In the Court of Quarter Beaslons to-day, rotraoted hls former plea ol not guilty and pleaded guilty. He will be sentenced Monday and waa released under t m ball.

H o a-Ila lo n L a b o r B aals o t S alt.Alleging th a t because non-union labor­

ers w ere '"b a rre r from worK'.lir ttie 'cttn- structlon of iron-work on a factory u t Tonk Brothers, In Falnpiount avenue, a breach of oonlract wa'S caused, C, C. Llenuu Bona ds Co, have brniigiit suit against Georgs fl. Clark, Sons & Co., ounlractori. In the ../Circuit Court, for tjixn. In papers flied by the plaintiffs attorney, Jacob L. Newman, It Is charged that the defendant had contracted with the plaintiff for Iron-work on the factory. Ascertaining th a t non-union laborers were to be put to work on the Job, the defendant. It Is alleged, noilfled the Arm that It must not do the work unless union men were employed. Refusing to comply with the term s of the notice, al­leging there was nothing in the contract as tq union hr non-union laborers, the plaintiff claims th a t It was a violation of the contract.


Don't Use Any Remedy th s t K teps Its Formuls s Secret.

People who are troubled with stomach weakness cannot afford to use any remedy unless they know w hat It contains.

Ml-o-na Is hot a mere digestive, giving only temporary relief, but a apeolflo for all disorders ot the digestive organs, and so effects a permanent cure for stomach troubi*B*

Your physician will tel! you th a t nothing la better than a combination ot chemically Pbre bismuth aubgallate to afiny any In­flammation ot the stomach and bowels, cerium oxalate, to strengthen the stomach nerves; sodium bl-oarbonate, which neu- tmllxes the poisonous acids that are present In stomach troubles; and nux vomica, which will res to re v igor to th e digest Iv€ organs fttiij ton* the whole ner­vous Byeteni.

This eomblnallcn Is found only In Ml-o-ua stomach tablets, and It so rarely falls to strengthen the digestive system nnd cure nil forms ot stomach disorders ihnt we sell the remedy under a g u ^ antee to refund the money unless 11 cure*.

If you suffer from Indigestion, distress after eating, specks before the eyes, hw d- achee, pains In the back and sW*. «™«- clatlon, bloating, nervousness, ■>®«P*®" L . m or any of th* other *yinptoms ot “ omach troubles, begin the use stomach tablets a t once. W e sell thsm in 500. boxes with a guarantee to refundmoney unless they cure* athI

Ml-o-na, nature s cure for dyspcpela *«□ all stomach troubles, la sold by E, R P etty with the understanding th a t ths nrtre when purchased a t hie store, will

refunded ?n request, should It f.U W do all th a t Is claimed to r it.


U b sril w ay in Which Ml-o-na Stom ish Tablet* Are Sold by Drugglrt*-

If a friend should tell you th a t he would-pay the doctor's bill If h* did not cure you, would It not Impress you with

skill of th a t physician? I t Is really m th ifw a y t t o t we sell Ml-o-na stomach labtetJ, guaranteeing to refund tho money If Ml-o-na do** hot cure,

If you have any ol the “•“ ** of Indigestion and weak etomach, euch aa

HusklnSBs of voloeOffenelv* breath ■ DHoherge from the Drynes* of Ih® no** nose pain »oto»* the eye* Stoppage ef tbe neee Pain la book of the at alght ,

hiwd Aching of the bodyPain la front of the Dropringe In t lm «

Mouth epan while Tendenoy to tek* cold •leeplnf . . . . Biminx pain In the TIcMIBg back of th*

Throat palate.Hawking to clear the Forisatlon of oruata la

ths noM.Piln la the cheit Dryne** ot the throat A wugh In the morningA ooyan etrengtnStitch In side.

M rs. R o sa H . T ll la ra .only child la E leanor Rosella 'Vlllera.

Mrs. Vlllere leaves six sisters and two brothers. She had been president of the missionary societies ol the church for the past ten months. She was educated In the public schools and High School ol Morletta, 0 .. being a teacher of music.

The funeral will be held from the Peddle Church Saturday afternoon a t 2 o'clock, when Rev. Dr. Thomea B. V assar, of Elisabeth, will officiate, being assisted by Rev. Samuel J . Shevlngton, pastor of Clinton Avenue Baptist Church, and others. Mrs. Orrie Kinsey Taylor will sing "Memory Bells," written by Mrs, Vlllera. The choir will render "Take the Kamo of Jesus with You," Mrs. Vlllers's favorite hymn, and Louis A rthur Russell will preside a t the organ. The Interm ent ■will be 'a F»lrnifHUif,.C«me**'”■ ‘ - ------------------. _ >sqpj

F u n e r a l o f P e rc y » . Y o a u g .The funeral of Percy B. Young, a for­

mer resident of th is city, was held at Yonkers, N. Y., yesterday, with burial a t Greenwood- Mr. Young, who was thirty- throe years old, died a t Yonkers Saturday. He was a son of the late Major Edw ard B. Youns, of Nowark. and hls b o y t^ a and early manhood wera spent In this For a number of year* he wa* employed in the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance ComDsny. Of late he had been In bu»l- nSS*^ln^TbSer“ He la iui^^ved by a widow and tWo children, by hls mother, Mr*. Edward R. Y ouii, of ^ r ^ a o N. Y.» and a brother, S. Russell TounSi of Saranac Lake.

^H ln* " **'of ** fm "y worse nlghi*mioiii and m orotui

EiDSctorstlng yellow Lose In vlMl foimA feeling ef ttrtrtn*** Difficulty la bresthlag ooroes the upper part Frequent eneeilng of tho che*t

If you have any of these symptoms use Ml-o-na stomach tablets.

They coat but BOc. a box; nothing It they do not cure. E. R .‘P e tty is the local distributor.

Ml-o-na. nature s cure for dyspepsia and all stom ach troubles, Is solfl by E, R. P etty with tho understanding th a t the price, when purchased a t hla store, will be refunded on request, should It fall to ao all th a t Is claimed for It.

------- ------- a -------------- -k n jo y e a t in g .

JW IMPOBTANT CASEM Ient Curtd of AUxIa QIvm tba

Entiro Crodit to Dr. Wlltiam^ Fink Pint.

Mrs. 8 . C. Wellock, ot llA Cloveland Avonuo, Everott. Mais., tho wlfo of an employ* In tha Borernmant vorhi at Chalioa, aayr

“I had been troubled with nerroui- neia for ten years and the dlaeaa* kept growlDg on me. Then I learnod that t wee suffertns from locomotor ataxia. 1 had terrible trembllngi in my right leg which would get rigid and when thli'baiipened in the street 1 ued to atand still until It pused away to keep fr<wi blUng. Uy right arm felt aa It e thouitnd needles were prloklng It The eheet touching my knee In bed would nearly cause me to ecream out with pain and both

R g a lc ra n t 's CrsdM oxa M eet,Tho first meeting of o r s d l ^

Augusta B urkhardt, a bankrupt, was held In Hie offlEB of Edwin O. Adaras, referee In bankruptcy, this morning. Henry Koehler, ot 30 Johnson avenue, was elect- ad trustee of the estate. Hls bond WM fixed a t 18.000. Mre, Burkhardt conduct­ed a cooperage factory a t 83 Alym street and voluntarily " 'em Into bankruptcy.

QTY NEWS NOTES.The Congregation Oheb Bholom will

hold Its ninth annual reception In K rueger Auditorium to-night.

The coll In Circuit Court A, before Judge Adame, to-morrow, will be Hoa. S7(, WS, sn, HO, 262, 399, 271, 3Jl, 222 Slid 388,

The Damen Vereln of the N ewark Tum - vereln will hold Its twenty-fourth ennoal masque ball In Turn Hall, ,1*2 W«Ham street. Friday evanlng.

The twenty-second annual n » sq u s ball - .. . . . w . . i of the Young Gerraan-Amerlcan Benevp-

hneM wdw s* w « k I could hirdly.i will be heidln toK ru e-•Uud. I ger Auditorium next Monday evenliv-

" I hid to use R cane t a d be helped ; Vloe-Chancellor fernery tp-day continued About by my lOc. Then the pain be- r until Saturday morning aP awdientlon g«n to settle id the calves ot my lags ! made in behalf of the Woodford Land and the muscles became mirab tad | company for the appotatment « ^ ®s- eutrered oonitantly. The cords ulP 1 « iv e r for the B r iu k iu ^ T e rra CotU Com- der my Imeee seemed to be drswn up ; New _ B r u n ^ l^ ^light end the terrible ehootlng palne '**'■*■ Catharine Lich^nbeW ; se— y tn my legs' would nesrly drtre me lo* sane, Ity toes became numb (tnd et times would prickle as If needlei were

Good DIaeatlon Can Re Hasdlly Qiined with Ml-o-na gtomaoh Tabtete.

I t Is torm ent to look upon a tempting dinner and realise th a t lo eat freely means distress srid suffering.

7 toll you how y m can enlov eat- th a t the heartiest meals witr-efct

well and eauee no pain, dletresi or un­comfortable feeling of fulness.

I f you cannot eat and enjoy three good, hearty, satisfying meals a day •with­out any feeling of discomfort, yoqr stom­ach fe weak and needs the strength which Ml-o-na stomach tablets will give i t You cannot afford to delay treatm ent, for the longer you allow the digestive organs to be weak, the harder It will be to get help,

Tlie remarkable curative and strength­ening.puffer of Ml-o-na IS attested by r te guarantee which we give with every Ke. box. "W e return the money It Ml-o-na

*1^*you'^flnd th a t eating well-cooked and nroperiy chewed food Is followed by beartnees and load on the stomach, by bloating, by gulping of aolds and wind, by dlstrese, nervousneSF. bsadaoh*. trouble to aleap or bjt any other symptoms of disordered or weak stomach, you sboald begin tbe use of Ml-o-ng, a t once. I t is- aiiBTsnteed by one of the best known d J S X w i n Newark to cure all diaordore of the stomach, or ooet nothing. A guar­antee like thl* means a gofid deal.

Mi-o-Sk n a tu re s cure fq r dyspepsia and all Btomaoh t ro u b l^ Is Wild by^H. M Betty With the underetandtng that the oriofc when purchased a t hls etoVe, wUI ha r^n n d ed On request, should It fall te S ; all th a t Is claimed for I t


six years old. of » New York avenue.r home a frac-

; fell on ihe Ice In tho rear of her home yesterday afternoon and sustained •

'■We Nevsr Know We havs « ttemMb Unless •omsthlng Is Wreng with It” When you begin to rsallse that yon

have i^atomaoh. It means'ttwA this organ is not In good oonditlon, and It Is rsmlnd- Ing ycqi of tb* fact.

Do not feel dlacouraged and miserable bebause of the prettnee of tn4lge#t|sn; It - Is the beat thing In the world ft* you If you can only see tt and give the stomach proper treatraehl.

Ghang* the weak stomach to a healthy one by using Ml-o-na storaaoh toUets. This remedy Is not « mere dlgtaUvo, giving only temporary relief, but a «om- binatlon of remedies that kotusitystrengthen the stomaoh, excite thsM re.

of goirtriii ^Ices smd enabb the

Mies Charrllle RunalS will deliver an uiuetraled lecture on "America In Bong and Bli>ty" In ‘he A loiander"Streel Pub­lic School to*night.

Mrs. George Bchmldt. of South Orange avenue, i™ entertain tlm members of the Llh«Hy W hist Club th is afternoon

I.,enten servkee will be held In the Bacred H eart Ohuroh this evening. ^

Miss Minnie Bowers gave * social to a | . ,number of M ends a t her home In Hoisted | gll d ru g g lit i « w n t, postpaid , OB » street la « n ig h t chlpt o f prlflfi. 50 cafltg P*r bOX, i l l

Tbe dtreotors of tho Valleburgh Build- [ | j .bo, try th e Dr. W llU anu Mod-

being thnigt lnto them. My eyes be­come dull oml blocli spota floated be- tore them. My hekit wot very weak.

"My attention was called te Dr. Wllllatna' Pink Pllla and 1 bonght sev. eral boxeg right avraj and goon felt relief. I wag go pletaed that ? 'kept on taking them nntli they cured me enttrely, and 1 have bed no gymptoma of the trouble ter over a year."

tion „ .. . . . . . . . . . . . ---- - - - . ; jwntive organs to care fer fend you eattore of the left !w. She WM W k^Jo nalnriri, normal way.James's Hosirttal by the Third Pwolnot police. Her condition Is hot dangerous.

Mistaking a bottle cantolntng a solutkw of carbolic acid for cough madkane. rasnk Willow, thirty years old, nt 20 High street, swallowed some of the solution yetter- day. He was « h en ,to « t Jam «s Hot- pltal by the Third P»*olact po)lce. HW condition vraa not ,daa|^us. and After he hnd been treated Tlmlow want home.

Vtoe-ChaoeeUor Emery to-day gave

By taking • Ml-o-na tsbtat hetore eoah joal you eon 'SRjoy a goed dinner with­out dlstrsoe and suffierlnf, and you will

Dr.' W tlllim t’ P in k W lla i r e sold by ert h , B u n t who «o«htiy unsoceesjtuUysued hi* wife for divorce, four weeks time in .which to settle " J “ jalimony, am ounting to B u mwaa In court in raw fn#e to a c*ui$* w hy bti shifluM Jiot adIjQiicfiQ

never kfiow that you hava a t t ^ e k ,We have sold « fCod many Ms. boaet

of Mi-o-oa stomach tahlato, uid the mere the remedy !■ used the mote fttend# It has. for ertSty t»* «ftt** eaUsfactloo, B Srooid under an thatthe money ’*• reftnded should Ml-o-» IMl to give sntlsfaotlei;; We laltt all the risk, and the remedy will cost yoi nothing nnleea It curao.

Ml-owa, nature’s cure for dyaPWett a ^ all etontooh troublee. I# sold, ay fe. it, Pettv Wtth the understondhif that the ni^e puwhased,at hls s lm , WUl

on requesl sbouia It M l «»► c;S 5 « ;t for iRuH To pay « | .&. , me rnti of «* • week »nd W ooimM fen, [ do oh tfcet la ciotoe* tor It.

NEWARK EVENING iraiwa WfeDNE^AT, FEBRUARY 13. 190T.— I II |<ji>if-'iii V''; ’ iii*'tr'i II "I';—



jp eaie is a t Annual Dinner ot Roseville Qub Named for Him

Laud Emancipator.



Convention or Primary Ap­proved by Ju ^ ce Fort.


Abraham Llncnln as a patriot, lend'^r and Btatesninn was by the Lin 'coin Ciub of Roseville a t lEO tenth ban­quet In observance of the anniversary of the lib«ralDr‘a natal day In the Conti- nentnl Hotel Inst night. The affair was a ttended 'by about UiO persons, Incluilini;a score of city and county nfflclals, F'or- , - . n-um er State Senator George \V. Ketclinin. Neptune Township High School.. Yne prMldent or th« orBnnlZiUlon. In lli.i | bnmiu?t hall of ' the Mni-lborough Hotel toaBtTnnster*a chair, and after rcfenlng j was elaborately decorated with bunting hHpfly to the career of the mnrtSTecI |

ASBUKY PARK. Feb. 13,-The banquet j of the Lincoln Club here last night was a I notable event,

Charles Woodcock Savage, the noveliet, acted as toastm asier, President James F. Ackerman presided. Music was fu r­nished by an orchestra of thlriy-flve

I pieces, the players being pupils of. tho____1.1_ Cnhnnl 'TV.*

President, Introduced How^ard MaeShorvy. to whom was assigned iha toast “ Abra­ham Lincoln/'

rir. MacBherry refrained from talking directly on his subject for several mhi- utea, regaling bis listeners with eome humorouu references to the new dourl- house. Tbo lawyer said the lusw county building w’aa a triumph archlteoturally, but the high and beautifully expreSiSlve a rt In the courtrooms had a tendency lu occupy the uttentlon of jurors.

Speaking of Lincoln, Mr. MaeSherry ■aid he did not believe In always laying I BtresH on tlie fact that the Pres'tdeni hnd been born and rained in suffering and want. Every man th a t had served bl« country conspicuously, he said, liad been of lo.wiy birth and teldom, If ever, did It occur that the nation went to the high, ^gdluslve or select ctrclea for geniuses. Mr. MacSh«rry lamented th a t this Btnte did not lift genius Into a high place. The troubl* In New Jersey, he eatd, and. In fact» throughout the country to-day, was that too much time was spent In dls- cussing persouajitles.

“If the country had stopped to con­sider the personal failings of Us sta tes­men seven ly-flve years ago. It would have been bereft of Its great men of that period/' said Mr. MaeSherry, who Bdded th a t Lincoln was a man among men. a great patriot and a great politician,

R o o sev e lt « P o lltic lw n .“A man to succeed has got to be a

politician/' declared the speaker. Roose­velt la, In ray Judgment, oye of the greatest men the world ba* producqtUyet he> Is. a • poUtlclan.'/

The speaker talked of the P residenrs policy In the Japanese school question, and said, speaking of the spirit of Cali­fornians, that he had seen a petition In a hotel In San Francisco, in the nineties, for ah Independent country, and it was signed b« 16,000 porsons.

ComlnB haclc to U nfoln, Mr. ^acB herry deolared him to havB been a reverent <Jt\rlsli0if. and M ia his debates with Douglas showed the depth o t his Inle!- Icetuat tliought. Lincoln taught pride In State and. country, ho declared.

"I t eometlmes occurs to me," added Mr. MncBherry, " tha t we in New Jersey do not propeni' appreciate this State. In pnmo respects It Is the most unique Com­monwealth In the world. I t Is one of the few out of debt, and tt has. In my Judgment, the finest system of law to be found anywhere. Do you suppose that two weeks would be spent In New Jersey getting a jury for a tria l like th a t going on over In Netv York now? We'd have one In two days. There Is no place where life and properly are so secure, yet you gp into a vmidevllte theatre and hear the roan from Jersey-spoken of as something to be laughed or sneered a t.”

It was all very well, Mr. MaeShevry continued, to tnlk about the sacred herh- nge Lincoln left, but the question waa; W hat are 'you going to do with this great country?

" I t seems to-- me." went on the speaker, "fhal the first thing to d ij.(s In take the gates\o f Castle Garden find shut ‘em tight for a 'w h ile . ,W e_cua’t. “nsefmiiale the foreign population a t the rate It Is pouring !«.■ You talk about the purity, of the ballot,- when you permit men to go to the polls who have no con­ception of the piivllege they are enjoy­ing. Sometimes, during a campaign, a speaker Witt say: 'W e've got to look out for American labor.* .Wl\ere .Is It? To­day the very laborer th a t you and I are trying to protect comes ‘ from a systeni e t pafirehlsm—the w orst system ever pro­duced," ■ '

Mr. Mac^herry decried the Indiecrlm-; Inate use of thO license given the press In this country., and th fn went on ts> disavow th a t he was a pessimist.

Dellgltlfal Patcirson.Rev.- Dr. George C. tVlldlng, ot the

M arket Street M. E. Church, PnlerstRi, responded to the toast, "TMa Great Ooidr manor." H e told a numbin' a f atnrias td lllustratio Lincoln's democracy, and de­clared that ho was a bigger man In his­tory that W ashington or his contempb- rarles. Dr. W ilding.referred to Futerson a s "» delightful suburb and. the gem p( New Jersey,'*

Former Assemblyman Austen Colgate, ef Orange, answered the tQa8t."Toplcs of th e Times,” and- covered ii wide range of spbjects. He grew hum orous a n tiit hie plunge Into politlbi. and naively ndtoltted he had hnd enough tor a while,

" I always did w hat I w as told, and th a t 's why I 'm here," H id ML Colgate, turning to'W ’iTtlam P. Martin- who was on hjs left. The isrowa thought the ad- tnlsslpn butte funny. -Nest, Mr, Colgate made h little , bantiony spew h, And . ad­vanced the thbughf th a t bhshhfii cercnln people In Msw ' ^ f u y Roosevelt had a ''n e w WSa" every-day,'-and; It w as a task io r -the Republlchn p a « r to keep "tittce ■with him. . ''

Tha speaker gald . b* wan glad the -regulaii" .1 ^ slood Jh*5J. -*iWi he said, their stand -Wat a sort o f a ' ' '

and memurlal designs appropriate to the occasion.

Nearly, four hundrefi wer^ pres­ent. Including most of the cUy nnd county oftlclala and several State dignitaries.

The .sppflktrs and their toasts Included State Senator KvereJt Colby, "lAncoln the Tliiniorlst S tste Senator T. J. Hil- j lery, “Linroln the StaleBmHu/' Attorney- | General Robert H. lloC’arter. “ LlTicoln the j L aw yer/' Judge John E. Poster, ‘'Lincoln thp M an /' Vlce-Fresldent A- E. Ballard, of the Ocean Orove Asioclailon. “Lincoln in the Home*:" General Pasaenger Agent W. C. Hope, of the New .lersey Central Riillroad. “ lalncoln and the Railroad,’* and Supreme Court Justice John FranKUn Fori.

L tn o o ln tb e P o li t ic ia n .Ju.stlce Fqrt spoke on “ Lincoln the

Pulltician.'' He viewed the early slrugglea of the man, his rise to' the Freeldenoy and his war against slavery, fn the courae-of his address he advocated election to the United States Senatorahip by the people In nominating convenUona or primaries, saying “ it is the right way/^ The justice spoke In part as follows:

“Lincoln waa an Intense partisan; yet his country was always drst, and Uls party second. From 1832 to 1865 he never rested In his political activity. He aspired to leadsiihip, and attained it lionorably and 'grandly. E ig h t'y ears In the Legis­lature of IlUnots. two years In Congress, over four years President of the nation, and, ut o ther limes, candidate for Con­gress and the Senate of the United Sts'te.i, and defeated. He loved the political arena. Yet, he never sought public offloe save for the promotion of the public weal. How grandly* he succeeded! Can we give a reason fo r his sucoesg? #

“In my view, the reason waa twofold. First, he always declared w bat he iH' tended to do, and why he desired ofites. Second, he relied a t aU llraes upon the people only. He was not a tlrp® server, He never Issued addresses or constructed meaningless .plalforras, to deceive the peo­ple. W hat he said he uttered in sincerity, and never swayed from his pfomSses. He stood for conditions ns they were until they could be overthrown by constitu­tional methods. He believed In the re­public, with an intensity bom of glorious prosperity under it.

H is P u rp o se s A ll N oble.“I t was* this spirit of his, which liad

permeated the nation, which led Qarlleld to declare, when Lincoln fell by the band of an assassin. 'Qod relgni and the gov­ernment a t W ashington still lives/


D eclares* a t R n lh e r fo tf i D inner^ l l ta t P r a d e a t t a l P re s lA e a t’s Overifavciw

W a s to r P e o p le 's B est In te re s t.DitputrA to (A« SViS}>'I}iG KBV8.

RUTHERFORD. Feb. 13.-A spirit of patriotism was the feature of tha first annua banquet of the Rutherford Repub­lican Club, held last night In tha audito­rium of the T^nlon Clubhouse, Jn honor of the memory of Abiwham Lincoln, Among the 15D representative professional and business men from several sections of Bergen County there were Republi­cans. Democrats and “new Idea " follow­ers, But the political battles nf the past seemed to have dropped into, oblivion.

Oharles R. Suley. president of the club, presided, and a t his right was Senator Edmund W. Wakelee and Assemblyman Guy L. Falte. Among the other guests were Assemblyman Jam es DeVine Jr., Pustm ailer Charles Burrows, Corporation i Counsel John M. Bell, V'lce-Preatdenls A. ' L. W atson and Edward J, Turner and County Commliieeman W alter A. Kipp,

Senator Wakelee said In part In his speech: “There looms up before us the greatest problem In otir history, and It Is a serious one. the Interests of the com­mon people against the great and power* ful corix>ratlona. such as the railroads, the public service and the insurance com­panies. The Republican parly Is getting Us eyes open and is advocating the con­trol of these vast machines tn order to give the people proper consideration. If these principles are to be carried out ihs people must elect to public office men who will carrj* aui their wishea,

"We have had a case In point at Tren- tun, the fant'='8t over the United States Benalorahipk 1 do hot believe that there is a man in this audience who does not consider Senator John F. Drydett a n»an of rem arkable tiblllty, a good man. a man of the atiTciest Integrity, but that by rea­son of hla being tlie governing power of one of the greatest of insuraiice compan­ies, the people have been brought to re- Rllgf! (hni he is not the man to continue in such wn Im portant position. PoBseaglng that knowledge, myself and colleagues, who stood out against the Senator, were cuTsfronted ■with a difficult question.

“But tlie situation soon became clear, find our influence and volea were used In the interest of w hat w t conscientious­ly believed to be fo r lhn hcit intercala of the people.'*

Freeholder Louis Coe, of Englewoed, startled the guests by Implying that the freeholders In Bergen County need to have a 'w a tch fu l eye on their doings. His reference was apparently to the new courthouse scheme. "I am going to ask one Senator to Introduce a bill.'' said the freeholder, “to take the capital away from Hackensack, and let Englewood and Rutherford toss up and see who wins lt.“

All the speakers paid high tributes to fJncoln.


Republion Caticas Names Morris M in as Candidate

for State Treasorer.



State Treasurer Aspirant T hinb Legislators W on't Be Bound

by Leader's Past,


By Tfitegraph from a Staff Oorretpotident.'FRENTON, Feb. 13.—The RepuSlIrnn

Idglslalora held ft. eaucua here thla after­noon and agreed upon Daniel E. Voorheeh, of Morris County, as a candidate for State treasurer, to succeed United States Senator-elect F ra ak O, Briggs.

President Minch, of the Spoale. sub­mitted the resignation of Treusurp’* Briggs, which Is dated February G, ami Intended to take effect March 1.

TRENTON. Feb. ]3.-AIlhongh n large majority of the members arrived at the State house on time thlK morning, the Assembly waft over an hour late in con­vening. Thla waa due to th * fa n tliat several of the committees met to take action on bills.

During the wait the S tale ire:isurer- Bhlp formed the chief topic of dlSi'usfiloii.

I v'prcful Di*patrh to fAe fc'Vf V/YO I P L A IN K IB L D , Keh. l3 .-F o rm er S ta te I S e n a io i O h arles A. Ref'd broke silen ce j th is m orning lon g cniuigh to ed n d t to

the N E W S correspon d en l that he w as a i can d id ate for th e S ta te treasurershlps pro*

vlded the p o lit ica l cards had n ot been stack ed , w hich is tlie accepted report about th e S ta te .

H e d eclared , m oreover, that he did not believe that the leglalalur* would carry nut any b argain or deal that m ight have been math* by a handful of leaders, uud added th at lie did not believe that "Uncle Dan" V oorh ees had any such num ber o f promL^efl qh he clahned.

W hen naked the direct question to w hether lio w as a candiilate, Tlvcd sold:

■•■\Vlicn It w as recen tly iinnounced that U rlled H intes Sr-tiaior Dryden had w ith- draw n, and S cm u nr-elect Hrlgga beciunc li caralldate. si.ruH nf m y frituids from d if­ferent jiarts o f ihf' S la te at uaro urged

I me tu iicpom c again a camUtlnte for theThere was a story afloat th a t the Demo- j fisiate treoHurershlp. They recalled that

HONOR LINCOLN’S MEMORY.Pl«liiflr1 il P a ftlo r Bud F o rm e r Aft-

sc m b lF m a n {^rrackhm ner Speak la T rito a te to M a rty re d P re s td e a t .

BfjtpafcA fo tAe h'VBSiyo ysWB. PLA IN FIELD . Peb^ IB.-^Before^ft large

body of representative men. Rev. Dr. J. A. Chambysft, pastor of the First Baptlat Church, who w as the chaplain of General Rol)ert E. Lee, during the Civil War, eulogised the character of Dneolu last night a t the annual dinner of the ^Irst Presbyterian Church Men’s Club.

Form er Asftcmblymon S. S Swackharaer also spoke on Lincoln. In <oncludln^, he suld: “W here did Shakeefaare get his

crata wduld refuse to enter the joint meeting fol" the election of a succeseur to United Stalea Senator-elect Frank tj. Briggs, unless the Bepubllcanft would agree to make a bargain with them for the purpose of obtaining the repeal or some modification of the "bishops' law /'

The foundation was knocked fnim un­der this story by a prominent Uudaon member, who simply ashed what the Doniocrats would gain by stirh a ooiirBe nhO’ild the I^epuhllcana refuse to enter Into tbe bargain.

The failure to elect a treasurer, he said, would ollow the Oovernor to npptdnl a Republican to succeed Mr. Briggs until next year, and then, should the Senate be Republican, k could play the same game and oontlnue the Republican In office.

The story was entirely disposed of, when It was annomic-ed that the DemocriUs would hold ft caucus tminedlatcly after the session. The same Democratic mem­ber said that the caucus would consider the treasurerShlp, and that Laurence T. Fell, the Democratic member of the ne'W Eseox County Tax Board, *would be made tlid party 's nominee for the office,

Mr, Pel! la regarded with' favor by the Hudson members as well es those wtio are In touch with the Snilth-Qourley com­bine, and his selection as a minority can­didate is regarded as an indication that no objection to the election of Mr. Voor- hees will 1>e made by the minority.


. genius? "Wbere did Mozart gel hU music? . . . . ! Whose hand smote the lyre of the Scottish

Courage, the quality of statesm anship and stayed the lifit of the Gor-BO needfa priest? God, God, aud God alone.

" " And n s su r e ly a s tt ,e se wei-e f:ileed updominating charaetertsttc of Lincoln. As a national polltfeal leader, his first sreat advance was made In 18M, when he de­clared 111, the SprinKfleld convention, which nominated him for Senator; '*A house divided against. Itaelt cannot stand.I believe this government cannot endure permanently halt slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to. be dissolved.I do not expect the house to fall. But, I do expect It will cease to be divided. I t wtll become all one thing or all tbe

■. tn f^ in a ittf tn j.J to J «tl*de'*at th a t ’ lime, th a t was. prolmbly, the' moAt courageous statem ent ever uttered by any political leader. U was staking all upon a single throw. Lincoln knew tt. His friends knew It. They counseled'tliat ho omit It from the speech. But he said, no. And while It probably coat him the Henatorehlp It mads him the President.

I', S. gcaatoTB b y P o p u la r C bolee."Did It ever occur to you th a t th s mod­

ern suggestions th a t United States Sena­tors should be' elected by the people by nominating eoovehtlon or primaries was pot novel In the States? Both Douglas and Lincoln a« re so nominated by their

by Bod, Inspired by God, so was .tbraham Lincoln: and a thousand years hence no drama, no tragedy, no epic pjcm will be lllled with great wonder o r bo followed by mankind with deeper Ceelljtg than that which lelts the Btary of hU life arid d ea th /' v

PAYS TRIBUTE TO LINCOLN.R ev. H e u r r ■ tt-_JUw*.. A t^ te v ra r lc .

J.HAVAW--, Ai. — erSeyC ity D in n e r.

JERSEY CITY. Feb. IL -The Lincoln Association of th is city, which has never failed since the death of Lincoln to ob­serve bla birthday anniversary, held Its dinner last night a t the Jersey City Club. Judge Jam es 8. Erwin presided. Among those a t the guests' table were Congress­man J, Thomas Heflin, of AInhama; Con- greasman W illiam Suljer, Congressma" Charles N. Brumm, Congressman Charles A. *rowne. Judge John A. Elalf. former Justice Gilbert Colltne, R, W. Wiley, ot

___ _______ A laska; Vice-Chancellor Llndley M, Gar-party In 1»S8. I t is the right way. The | j|gon and 0. M, Jam es, of Kentucky, people have a right to know for whom | Rev. H enry R. Rose, of Newark, spoke their" representative Is to vote for this „n "The H eart of Lincoln."g tea t ofice. They have an equal right to ( ----- :------- .z*-------------*khovt w l» t views tha prospective Senator i tlnldt on all Important public queethmi.

"Xb it not remarkable that in alt Lin- 1 -------------coin's political career there Is not a een- i g e n a te 's A p p ro v a l P a t o a J a d g e s tence of anydetlor o r public addiws^ | (;c„a.vt9- would wiftb lift bad n^vor written of spokt til* Hie waa ths i^$\ political Wari­er, Woutd%we had more like him. Men Who put prJnclipleft above party, honor above. b*ce, fewln8 Above money, Integ­rity lUiioVe poht&ciU .policy, and oountry above ftCSf: ■

"TheK li a ■plOridlil. efvio spirit abroad in our day .. U Is ITOwlilf. The people a re ‘quickening. In Intorept In. public a f­fairs. They are domandfiig higher prin­ciples Ip ■ public ifervlw; UiiU pubilc oJW- cJa1e,ehrill be g o v a rp ^ b y ’H,Blngta ypotlve, nariielyt thgt puhUb oVia9 ,Is .a public truat ttrid lu s t evetY fLCt,,*sh'Bil be par-formed vH h the erite object pf volp^nf tha pqpulir ‘ ^ tbort, th a t 'ig e ehall

W a ld o Ce G cB O ns T e lia W h y Averagre M odern C h n ro li 1ft Compoftod

C hiefly o f W om en .TRENTON, Fab, 13.—More than 200 Pres­

byterians from all p a its of the Slate came to thla city yesterday to attend the first convention of the new Brotherhood of th« Synod of New Jarsey. Thnt the average modern church Is composed chiefly of women la due to the fact that men arc not set to work In the church oa they should he, waft the declRratlon of Waldo C. Qenung, president of the Men's So­ciety of the Sixth Pres.iyterian Church of Newark. He spoke on “The Brother­hood ami Church Actlvliiea," and said: “Give every man something to do, and then you have got him, Th« average ma*i drifts away from the church beoauae he simply goes looks on with no real p a n In the church work."

Mr. Genung deacrlbed the average 1 prayer-meeting as a gathering of forty | •women and two men. but said that (hla I would all be changed If e v e r \ ^ " ch urch trere made a worker. 1 tus, irb ubt* , clareii. w aft the surest way to overcom*.' , the temlency to gambling, dancing a n d ; o ther things which take men away from the church.

five yi-ars a go I hml hqen flvi’fnUid by one u)tp, the tfjUy sTHivtllng 3<i to 31. and aaltl ihut ih<*y thougin I ought to try again. They promli^ej me their heurty nupport.'

“Vau are ji i-uncildate nil right then?" iiueiitd the NI* \VB man.

“Well, k wfKH like thlH." responded Mr. Iletd. ' A sftuiy waa pviHlsaeiitly cli<*u lati'cl ihut ii runference of four nr flvp gentltmi'iii mid decldwl that after Treas­urer ihliKRN was chosen Henntor, Daniel S. \'ot)rlieeK, of Morris Ui’iunty, ahoulri be elected Statf irensurer. It was also as­sent'd that tha Governor strongly urged tliiu tlilH afirvemont should be carried out uTid that he would help In any way in which he cuuld.

"It w as lik ew ise sa id that Senator A ck ­erm an w ould Hupport VoorhecB. Of coursu, t£ all th ese Fiturlcs are li\ir and all th ese fornofi u n lihJ , ■ th ere Is ve iy little encour­a gem en t to tiny on e opposing V oorhees H ow ever, i l i t s e slorlea have been denied and le p o r ttd an d denied again . I do not know w h e in er liu'y are true or not, but w ill be ab le to determ in e by Die even ts of tlie next few d a y s, i f 1 find that th e cards have been dealt and the resuH is ceiMftln. I sh a ll not pursue the m attei further.

“My own belief, however, Is that but few meriibere of the 8enate and House will be bound by uny deal made in ad­vance and without their knowledge. 1 have alread.v recelx'ed sevcTal assuranceft of support, and my Information convinces me that Voorhees Is very much overesti­mating hla strength. It Is certain that he has nothing like the number of pleriges claimed for him."

Mr. Reed bad something Interesting to Bay about hlw defeat five years ago. ex- preealng his belief that t]iR enmity he had incurred with the newspaper men at Trenton was responsible for his losing the fight.

■ Of course, I lost then becRusc the othe? fellow got there," said he. "As a side light upon that, however. It Is perhaps fair to say that 1 had ht'en so unfortunatv Pis to antngoiilite the large corps of leglsla- Itve rorreypondenls who reprosent the newspiiperp at the Stnte liouse during thf session. Tho election.of the aiote treas­urer followed yoon afi'^r the choice ot John r . Dryden for United StHtew Sena* tor.* In that contest I was with those who opposed his election. The newspsper men asked that they be admitted to the Republican caucus at which the choice for filenator was to he made. 8uch cau­cuses bad always been secret und most of those opposing Mr. Dryden* were opposed to having ihu caucus open to reporters.

“I was, unfortunately for me. put for­ward to voice this opposition and did so. Very" naturally many of the newspaper men, who had always treated me well, re Bented my apposing them In this way. Most In turn opposed my elec

J j t f f iierisu’rership. I t 'h irS f /”" he&n^Cnlinied that they brought about my defect and I believe they did- At any rate 1 lost by the narrow margin of one vote end I nm sura that If they had been with me 1 would have won easily."



• Mtaalane^ Legijaa.Bv Trttfraph frnm a SUiif Correiiwrisiit.

TRENTON, Peb, lA—Til* Ssnat* '*qt to work olmoat on tints this momln*, and altar a brief meeting went Into exeoutlTs

' Bssslon: • * .1 1These appointments wers oonArmed;C. V. D.. JoUne, president Jiiaiie ■r' th»

Camden Counlf Court of Common Pl#aa, Franclrf Scott. preaideDt Judte ‘ of ' the

Passaic County Court of Comimon Plea*.William'a. Logne, member of the Fish

soi. Game Commission, vice Btehard T. Miller, ^ceased. 1

"new Idea’*anchor for" fW

itation. Ha was. sure

Tm t'i

liat'Dkmy and peaa* .waa coming a td th a t : (bare would be a ctiberful tala to tell naitt- November. Mr. Cotgffte told of go lnr to Paterson during the primary campaign and making an mMnwa from a wmgou, Ha said be ,saw .about - AOOO faces' of alt sorts and daeadptlons-ttinnigh the giera of two flaming i^htfi.^and wab abouti:to. logo hla .nenra whan ha turned-to: Mr: Hartln and aelnd wXtat :he trould talk gbotit. ■' ‘ ' . , ■

•’.'Talk abgul.anything,' but avtdd the. toeuei,’. was,what.X waa tola.*? add Mr. Colgate. “I started to talk about New Jersey. h W -l was born hen^ XlissS Jmtg and .hoped to die hsris. ■Jwt -wnwiA'.M fellow shouted: T ou’ae A dead one aP rsady .'", ' - .

Otber dwokars wgre^Rev, Dr. Thomas I, Coultaa, of this Bm yUla SL j i Church, and. William :9..Tarry. - ■ . ,

_ - V '*''' ' * ........ .. . ■U aoaliiia DfaWSMbSwiilites B tro n a d ,

MT, PUBjUUNT, ta ., Feb. tt-TVarren- BaekWlth w m yeaterdaF'grantad a dlvoret m the Diatri'cY Court here from Jsaala Uneala.' Baokwith, a danghted of Robert T. Xdnaatn. and a grantMtaueb ter of Ahra. ham Unooln. Reokwith allegad deaenloA. Tha jooupto w m m a r r t a f r . i i y a j^ nkta

havii to represooh ua lit an pu^le <^ce, mot, aiitlv tim priwMptaa of Lihcaln BiT. pliblk'atV!."

Sadat* Colby* who, was .IntArtucea ah.- .A-; greatar majv^tl^, Solpmwi,. wh« ggtd there' Was notSlnf; new -anaeri.tiw ’ .adii, was cheered.

'I havp eev*'*' funny In mv Ufel' Id tae espoeent of the f n w ‘ideu," i ,« i

w il l i a m B ln n c b a rd , of N ew ark , E le c te d a G u a rd a t Seselou

lu Trenton,TRENTON, Feb. IJ.—When the annual

convention of the Supreme Foreet of the Tall Cedars ot Lebanon wna opened In the Masonic Temple here yes'erdsy a tta r, noon, Supreme T ail' Cedar Frank W. Bowen, of Camden, In presenting his re­port. said thol prosperity li'itti In numer­ical strength and flnani'Ist elnndlng has been the lot of the order during the past year.' The following officers were elected;

Supremo toll cedar. F rank W. Howen, of CamdM; senior deputy, Thomee P. Holmes, o f Trenton: junior deputy, G. W, Rogdrs, of Glassboro; secretary, Thomas W„ Ohen, of TrentDii; ireaaurer, George Katsenhaoh, Trenton; chsplaln: Charles Bowden, Camden; preeeptt*, Charles H, Breesford, of Philadelphia: guide, Howard A. Poster, ot Jenhlntown;

'atew ard, Johh 8. Broughton. TTentoni m arsh il, Captain Robert H. Klrklapd, Bllaabeth; gttard, ■H'llllam Btaneluird. Newark; trustees, John 8, Broughton, Trenton; David H. Lukens, Trenton; Charles B. Wood, Phll.ndelphla.

the more 1 »« ***•• PoHtlci, boalnesAtha mora l raallse the only thing In Ufa . „„ .worth thlriklrig of la humao s> mparhy: and with hla work, tho . heart' » o“t great btmian

to study pollltos," he added."The pbopte have nearly lost oouftdanao Ih poiMfar gosbrnm ent.b^use of-ahiiios wblqh h a v e T h e average

. ’ S e v lo e d C h ild F t u H y PiOB. .TRENTON, Feb. 13.~John Pet^ue, tsrlh OWld of Nicholas Persltiue. who ly- .rived the day before yesterday Just as an uh^ctaker was aX>out to embalm .him for I hehig believed that he had dlM j sArernI .hours before, actually poaied i away yerterday, , having coBaperf iaimn i In Bpite .of alt a hhfslolan could do-fur

him. Thn sams^Uha) ..........dertaker waa. callM

A a a o a w e e W oA A Iac law s g«fwr4 ajr.- |1 ----------gyeemi Dtsiwkh to ths ffYainm irsva.

raHWAT, Feb; has Joat hwh'annooheed that Josaph iBehr aftB: MMt ,Grace Gardner, both of ais ol^ .awt ■ ■— Balufday night by Ryr,, at tbe 'Trinlte it; '& Mr. and Mrs. uahr wSini«b Whot m do la to disouas


Kevrarkora at.Pfi^ie Pet*. ■I mOHT8'roW N ,.I^c1|.riThe birthday

S3s ijr s 'tjK S s '» ? '« r? 3 B klions .ware «nt oj*t tn M psinons aitd atomni of th# tesUtbiloifc and large puBther of gueais 'Ware WtWl. Among tha guests wereMrt, TotiSO Iwur^y, sXdaughter of the founder. Newark; Mf.

M r s.,and fiigion;Preahold; . t o . .

B. Dskts, '91^d .’W, ffem-.

P a n iisy a ^ B » g « « t L aiw l Ogdliak.BlU.BftXDGETUN, FVb.. UL-The Brldifeton Ministerial Aumoetathm, m a a^lU ueeN ^ YMteTdar. dhcidad fo ^ |^ .aariwat

support to the local opUon_bDWhlolL’WUI bepraaented to theiresaht iiislon'wrtM limslatore. N**t BOnday th* seainhBf* of the assoplatlon will present the matter to. their reapecUve yngregaflnnaVI*a>CIian.eYjMisto * « a lg a a |lB * . B U M

a Ohiirt of Chsnoary (o-doY,.hMutlnn of jknuary >7,.to.ia>ai,ags<it Aaifll.

MagK Bled-nrtth tha

WOULDcSAVl BISHOPS' LAW.aeW ate n rebelves P e t l l lo a s A go laat

^ I S |te»e«l Yrosa BswAtey, t A via a n d Lee.

By Telqtnwh !nm a B»1t Coitwpcmdest TBENTQN, Feb. IS.—In the Benato to­

day (wUttons against the repeal ot the ".blahops' law were presented by Sena­tors Bradley, Avi* Lee-. ------

B r ig g s N e e e p lto a P la a a C pm plel*.TRENTON. Fab.' lA—Arrangemenls for

th e reoaptlqa ta b * g i™ b y ^ ^ 'lil; can Club lb United State* Benutor-eleoi P renh 0 . Briggs were completed a t a m «U ng of e club t a s t ^ h t , The r*;- caption w la take Pinch Tuafitay e v e i i l^ PkibruaiT W, * t the ritthhojill^-A lu n c h wI have I

evenlrijf.wlll beMmrad. It wa* antiual^twr of the eUfb ^A i^M ; to* *vs of Oeaarajl Grants blrt day anniYcrsary,■,,, , .Q —

ll*i« wa MatMnI*kl*wt Charge.WilltomTyacke Jr., OT North NWh

stream w*h ariwrted:lMit j»jjTOi;g by Do* tactiva Khlm. of thO Krdt Preot^.^n *■ charge ot mobcsslemwtproferTed by D vM Hoflaadar. of in Van Buren atraat. TyankaiMaTraignad tafore Judgsi^wair ftnd eoMoilltftd ib* dltfftttlt. of wOO Mil,H oU ^ lS riy* TlVka tjaa given ^ u l

SfrretYHrt that ha'never paid tha *di».ganiea imrtgtonwd tha monar*

S u i t s i n B l a c kBldck glwdys fooki'

wel] — dlwAyi appropri- Ate—a A r s d r e I s y.Eweyy nun lifc« to hgve A blEeic giiit «t hdodt a laacy vdftteoAt intko praetiMlfy two gidtn a fuir of itripcd trouien AfJtlf two tnofC."' Sttiti of fine unfliuihed woutedi. thibetd And ebeviotL iti- ■oltflelr flit eobr. cor- Ntt ‘ ■tyle. itipertef fit* $ 1 2 to $ 9 5 .

futer Ootb.Visb, toXV Wgfattn wp tlwftack Blit.■•n $3To4 7 . ■ ' -

■t W jg b V r tto r lb e s sm a, pwpam, ;L»to<b.

S h n d e i i l m ^7 9 7 -8 0 5 B road M n w t

M l Valentines Reduced to One-Half Former Prices.

All Post Cards-?'«‘>'‘*''“ »t'<»«-«- id u c e d f o r 1 o -m o rro w ■ ^ o n ly to . e a c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PetticoatsA new lot of our spring line of petticoats. Made of

moreen, or sateen, in a variety of flounces, shirred, tucked, accordion plaited, single or double ,- O ruffles, and dust ruffle, Black only. | x ^ Specia l................................................................

Women’s knitted underskirts, in plain or combina­tion colorings. Very comfortable for cold weather.

P r i c e s 5 9 c . , 6 9 c . , 9 8 c . u p t o $ 2 . 9 8A nice assortment to choose from.

W e a r e n o w s h o w in g a n e x q u is i te l in e o f n e w S p r in g

Laces, Veilings, Neckwear and Trimmings


When You Buy a Watchyou generally need a little expert advice. There’s where we help you immensely. Our stock of Watches is large— very large. There are Elgins, Waltbams, “ W iss” Spe­cials and all the other popular American and foreign makes. And the wide range and variety of styles and effects makes choosing very easy. They are shown in gold, gold-filled and silver, in plain, en­graved aud jeweled effects. And every Watch is guaranteed. We also pride our­selves on our repair department. If you have a Watch that needs fixing in any way or another, bring it here and we will repair it properly and reasonably. And we’ll guarantee it, too.

mmDoa' t rhk your eyesight by weartttg

cheap, bar^ln-counter glmatea. You waarsucA gUases at the risk of j'our eyesight. You can gel expert optical advice aad exammatloa here, (tee ot Charge, aad you pay no more tor your glasses than you do elsewhere.





FOLKS YOU KNOW.—Am oa H . and Jarnesi Vftn H orn arb

■pending a Bhort vacation at A tla n tic C ity, ^

—Mlftft Barnhftrd gavi' a ’‘valftfitinop a tty " Ri rier home, 173 South O ran^f avfbpuf, luftt night,

—Mrft- John M. Schmidt, of BreintnaH place, fterpetary o f tho Curtomie Chib, ia In Ooetiv Rica. She will return about Feb-ruary

iT’S A GOOD LINE TO HOOK ON TOIt's a line of happiness that is within your ov/n hands. If a ftiere dollar or so a week purchases happiness, why not take a throw? The dollar or so a week purchases DIAMONDS, WATCHES and JEWELS on the CREDIT SYSTEM.

n n r T e r i n s o n f f t n s * ^ - o o .................... # i « w e e i cJ » « 0 . 0 0 ............................ e a W o o t c

W & i c l i c s o r < 0 1 0 0 . 0 0 ................... f . A V o o I tD i a m o n d s : ( 9 H O O . O O .................................« ' W e e l c

1 Broad StroelA Nearly Oppostto Contral £ Sallroad of Naw iFcrioy

Phaaa 1180 eoaaecte a ll .tore.. Mall ana 'phone order* AiledprompHr.

O C H K U R R ’ OV M A R K K ' T ^

C O R . P A R K P L A C E A l i D C A N A L S T R E E T .

T H U R S D A Y ’ S L Iwill Ba'VB you m any a dim e—y e t QUA m eagure akimped to do It.

E A D E R SATY’S not hurt nor

Amiour’g Extra n f _ Fine Smoked 1 1 P Tongnei, a U>. . 1 1 U

Igfpton*# Colft- ft ■ 1 hrated EnilUh 1 Ik 1 Af r ’:,? !.^ r/.‘. ' l u 2 u

Qur Own Mako a A tofftmuLagoMf ftte 1 J 1 AI0 2 u

FISH.Belt Mftckrrel, e*f h......■, *«’HcolB Htifiiag, box........IJeBalt Coafirb, bon.lM.,tblke a. t-la,ean lue Lobitei*. Blrfirock, cnD..18. BoOMd Hackiinl, taa....lM ranar Bloater UaelieFal,

lb..... - ...................... »e«Bolt Metrlng. doaaB.......l*eBmokeri Mlmoa, lb~....-fa*Mfflokeri 'llarl>-*r*l, reeb-lOe Bmilied Baddie*. lb.....l*e

B A K E R Y .Zvi Zu............ ................4eL*>..-™».u..... .daFiM, all ktada, eaah.. „„10cAngel Oakee, each.........laePa«Bit (Jafc«,lb.,.„.v;......l»elAjer Gakia, egehu.....Aaebnad. ekeb............*eftg ban, lb....Maeaiwme, lb ......»..„;m.i ToBoela) Teaa, lb..,....,......l i eCream ......Zutfor ka

B A R G A I N S .ratatoe*. Jk hu,hul~......S8eFlorida GrungBa, doL...***Urapr FruR, each.... .—a«Bnuta Clara Prunea, lb.....loEraporated Apple*, lb,-iae Prep. Dncktehwit * Iba. Khi. MapleByrep, bot..........lfe,T«He, M mttmpe tree. lb-*b« Codee, 6* Btaoip. Irrelb..**® Pott or llberry, lull gA..***

Strictly Fresh H Q Q 5 , doz. * • • 30c Fancy Creamery

B i n r t E R , lb . . , o B C

1 PrM dallverlea laoralBk and T .•'SPECIAI.S" aR food at all 1 >Ma*B«oii Wasdolia.. BoaeviUe 1 .. c .4.aaMr>a » n M j amd Maal Oraag*.- - . .. I.

Q-£ & r

6 NEWARK EVENIM NEWS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13,---------------------------" ...J t r ---------- '

d»llT. >>T

mm ms nwjsBiwi compasy,2 ! M I 7 MARKET STREET.

m b w a r k , U M « !*• N. J.. Pmt0«M M

iMoad-etan aattw .

falaphnne BM -Prlvat« Branch Eachanf* connactiiMI aU departoen ti.

Dallverefl by newaa«aleri and carrlw a Jn any part « Nawark and B «a« County, in ail towna In Northern Now Ja n ay and aU alone tha Jeraoy Coaat a t tan canto a week.m a il H U ^ M p r iO N S -

Tho Newark Branlne Newa. one month, arty canto: oia inonthi, two dollata and aity cento; one yaaf, Bya dollara.

New York Offlee, Jf World Bvlldlna. TeL B«t John

Chicago OBce, Tribune Butldhif. Waohlngton Bureau, Room lU, Colorado

Building.Orange Branch OtOce. Tal. *9 Orange.

tocA t, BRANCH nry icB a.Btlintllc avmu*. IM.IHaBibw Pl«a ' t ,

otreet, *•*. I *Saaglnton avana*. 34S. I Heath With otiw , aaa. i”din otreetT^. I W»U»M olan*. »■


MB. BRIOOi AND THB PBBMOhllrT.The interview given out by Benator-eleot

ITank O. Briggi yeeterday, outlining hU attitude on the iwllclea of Prealdent Hooaevelt. waa fa r from saMofantory to the warmeat frienda of the preeanl na- ttonai admtnlatratlon. Although Mr. Brlgw deal red to place hlm ialf on record ae a gnpporter of tha Preaidant, It m u tt be Mid that hla pledge of allegiance la fa r from eonvlnctagi Beading between the Unea, there le plainly evident In th e In* tarvlow the fact th a t tha Benator-elect h a t not been eoundly converted to the Booaeveit Idea, Mr. Brtgga wne an antl- Bodievelt man early In UOt, prevloua to the bolding of the BopttbUoan, national ooaventton, but i t waa la ter announced th a t ha bad »een the erro r <ti hla weye and had hagrtllr Joined in th e Indorae- mant that New 9 u m r gave to the Preal-

IftMnt. Now, th e gentleman who, a i State ohalrman, oonducled the national cam- peMn, oomea out w ith th e atatement th a t ha la In antlra accord 'w ith the roan he hetpeil to etaot on the building of the FijHuna Cangl, on tha enforcement ol ex­isting lawa. and on the propoaltion to ■trangtben both the arm y and navy.

But It la on tha great vital and over- Miadowlng In u e of the preeent moment that Mr. Brigga la eciulvooal. The attitude of tha Irtwddent' toward the Iruata and

I tha rwfulatlon of corporatloni will be the * arux of the relatione between the Sena-

tor*aIect and tha Chief Executive. The fhrtheet th a t Mr. BrIggi r » * la to aay th a t 'I f the Sherman an tl-true t law la a good one to keep on the ata tu te booka. It shoidd be enforced, in my Judgment, the tima to dtacuag'leglalatlon la before It la enaoled. O nee'a law U on tha booka, It ehould be enforced." How weak an In- doreament th li la o f th e Preaidentlal poll- elan on this alM m portant aubject may bait be Judged by compering the language of Mr. Brtgga wUh the uttem noa of Secre­tary of S tate Boot, who, a t the Penney I- vanla Soobity ,dhwi*r In New York In De­cember labt. outlined In advance the atend a t h b chief, In dlamiMini the control of Muata a t thak tln a , Mr. iM ot aald:

j r I t b t ta e M tb r *bg advoeatea of s ta te '-^ .T lfh ta to IrtyMi^ MgailMt the aupremac^

■uf tM oom '

conclutloac drawn from them will not be Inddraed by everybody. While no one can prove th a t had the roada gone Into hankruptoy tha general public would now be better o«, atm there la reaeon to aua- pect th a t had the oompanlea been thrown Into the hand! of receivers and the prop­erties reorganised upon a bed-rock basis, the atreat railway situation hereabouta would have been Improved. Even Mr. McCarter tails to touch on this feature of the matter, but prefers Instead to tell of how much cheaper and better the lervlea now b than It wna In the dayi of high hnanolerlng, under the regime of Qaxret A. Hobart, B. M. Shatiley anduthert. .

Mr, McCarter glvei h b th r o alma, while head of the Public B ^ c e , as the making good of every d ^ r inveeted In tha underlying p ro p e r ty ‘he giving of effleient and economldSl aervloe In the matCar of gaa a n d ^ lec tr lc lighting and street car transpoktatlon, and In aseur- Ing to itockholdcih ultim ate fa ir returns for their InveatmVnte. Me expeota to aohleva theie th re i alma, provided that “aoolalljmi and oonsaeallon" do not be- ooma dominant In New Jo raey -a con­dition that, he predlcti, will never be brought about. I t m ay be aald th a t the head of the Pubtio Barvloe h a i dennl- tlone of h b own as to w hat conatitule ’‘eocbllam" and "oonflacatlon," A care fu! study of h b argum anb and slate- m enti shows oohciualvely th a t ha would clast Sanalor Colby and others of h b class a s BooIsJbts and would-be oonfla- oators. n b tb s Colby Idea of the reguls- tlon s i oorporattohs to which Mr. Mc- C aftsr devotes h ii ohief dlipleaiurs. He attacka, for Initanoe, the limited franchise law a s an outgrowth of a mlataksn public aentlment. He Inveighs agalnat any plea th a t would Increase the taxes upon the proparty of public utility companies. H s holds that the Public Service ought to be spared the inlllotton of any further public burden until ten per cent, divi­dends are forthcoming to all the atoflk- holders of the oorpomtlon, H a atanda BQuarely agalnat municipal ownership, and predlcti calamity to any qommon- wealth th a t attem pts It. I t la clearly to be seen th a t the Ideas arraigned by him are to b b mind "soclallatto and oon- flacatory.”

One other Important point touched upon by Mr. MeCarter It the assertion that the Public Service b not In polUlca "W e do not control politics." says Mr, Mc­C arter. "On the contrary. Public Ser­vice b the football of th e politician, tha pray of the grafter, and the chief concern of the vblonary theorist." And It b with thb_ atartllng revelation to the people of New JSney th a t the prealdent of the Public Service reaches the eltm ai of hie addreaa th a t b Intended to have a far reaching effect upon th a policies of the S tate in dealing with public utility cor porallone.

been the growth of condltlona whloh havo been created within a few year*' ItnY* ahet up mushroom faahlon Into g iant ila tu te . A thorough dlagnoab had to be made before g i ^ anrgery could be'A p­plied. On the whole, unleao th e cost of the Inquiry haa been w asteful and un­principled on the p a rt of Its Instrum ent’s, or unneoiasary in the reckisssneps of ItS a lm .ln theip lrlt of the ShakeapSAibn line, 'Wrfll even to It like French taloonars,

fly a t what we see." the country will not be greatly Inclined to crltlobe th a budgst tor tb b raaaon.


' I to tM or a g a lm B ^ b extqislon o f national AttthorltV m tha^ frid a of neoesaary con­trol where the S tates themaalvea fall In

[awe o f the U n ll^


the performance of thMr duty stinel for

... ________ __ The In-tUMoyarnment among the

10 or ins tw ita d States la too s » o l« ' itm it them long to respect any one a

peopb of theto permit theMi kw» iv -.--r.-itgfil to exerclM An g n i to exorvmo ■, k—to esarolse. T h e govarnineAtal control jw hlS tosy^deen t Just And neeesAAry they

m A ff^ th a t such control could better io «MR«sad in ,h?[the gUTsrnmanta of the sta tea, bu t the naopia w w have tha o o n tr^T n ie r AoM SiihiH' t r £ n tha S ta tes or fram the na- t l o iS g S 3 lim ian t, and If the Statae fAll to Immtah It in dua, la te r oonatruotlona of the Conatltiltion wnTbe found to veat the power wharw It will be ex e rcb ed -ln the national govern­ment.

There U no tnaorsoment of auoh ganU- tnOnta aa thaae in th e Briggs Intervierw. On the contTAiT. the Banator-ehwi from Maw Jsraay praotloAlIy declarea th a t he to o»oBed to any such radical program . Bto Aland on th ta m atter to se t fo rth in Ms tntsrvtew In tbasa wmrds:. I t b true, of coutsa, th a t nsw Industrtti

and aeolm auaatlona have arlaan a a d for aolttlion. but tlwy are no greater


M ayor Pagan, of Jersey City, b not atone In h b "no neat, no fare” crusade, for the eame kind of a movement on a atm wider scale is In progreea In Cali­fornia. A m easure drafted by Grove L. Johnaon h a t been Introduced In the Cal­ifornia Leglslnture which provides th a t no fares need ha paid, or tickets surren­dered; unless seat# are provided for paa- aengert. While the Mil does not apeolfl- cally sta te th a t It appllea to alreet cars, and only reads "tallroad." the father of the measure ita tea th a t the hill was In­tended to apply, and u n d o u b t^ ly does ap­ply, to stree t ra llw aya I t b \ o o early to predict whether or not the bill will p an . but IJ has been favorably reported In the Assembly and bldi fa ir to become a law.

■Wltb auota a m easure In danger of being enacted into a s ta tu te In Calllom la, the litigation hero over tha Jarasy City ordi naooa WUTba of more th an local Im portawia. When th a t ordinance waa pass­ed by the Street and W ater Board a t the behest of Mayor Fagan. It waa brought before the courts on the application of the general counsel of the Pnbllo Service Corporation for a w rit of oartlorarl. 8u pram s Court Justice F o rt granted the ap­plication and fixed next Tuesday as the day for Ha return. I t la pcaalble th a t a daobion wlU be reached In time to let the California lawmakera know, before finally ac ting on the Jehnaon bill, w hat the Je r- say oourti think of auoh legblatlon.


Three b itb have been IntroducfOd In the I.ieg1slature, or have been made ready for Introduction, for the creation of oommto- alone to govern munlclpallttea In the place of existing City Council! or Boards of Alderman. Tha bills referred to are ouriouB documanta. They are made to apply to alt cities In th is S tate having a population of not leaa than andnot .more than a)0,(lciD. A oltlien not famUlar with New Jersey’s munlclpalltlaa might bnoglne th a t a t least three or four cities would be affected by auoh measures, partloularly becauae 'three of these bills have been drawn.

But the faot of the m atter to th a t only one city kin the whole S tate comes within the limitations of these bllla. The only muntclpallty affected la Pateraon, with Ha population of Ul.liM. Newark and Jaraay City have each more than 200.000, while Trenton, Cetmden, Hoboken and Ellaabath have each leas than 100,000. The Mila therefore, are vary general In their term s and very special In their application. They are drawn In th is form so a s to evade th a t provision of tha Constitution whloh forbids ipactal tegislatloa. They show the need of a general municipal corporation law.

Possibly these bllle may be changed, so as to Include all cities having between (0,000 and 200,000 population, with such referendum provleiont aa will allow tha people to change the form of government It they ohoose. Thus they would be au- Ihorlied to abolish City Councils and Boards of Aldermen and substitute com­missions therefor. Just a s the Strong act permits counties to aboUih old and oum- beriame Boards of Freeholders for smaller boards, th a t partake somewhat of the character of commissions.

The tendenoy In Paterson not only, but In othef oltiss, is tow ard municipal gov­ernment by commlBslona. And why? Be- oause It la diflluult. under preeent political conditions, to elect men who will properly manage city affairs. In a m ultitude of counselors there la aafely, but there Beoms to be a difference between coun- selOTS and oouncllmen. The members elected under the ordinary eysteni get little or no salary and they cannot be ex­pected to devote their whole time to the public Interests, They give such deeultory service as they c a n ; sometimes very good, sonietliues very bad. Of late years, In the plenlltude of corrupt politics and graft, the bed seems to have been greatly In ex- oess and Ibla has Induced the taxpayers to desire a radical change in the manage­ment of mutllolpal affelrs.

The old Idea th a t men elected from the several wards of a city would combine a special knowledge of and Interest In ward affairs with a broad-minded consideration of the affatra o f the city a t large, has not worked out as well aa was hoped. There haa been no lack of Interest In ward m at­ters, particularly those of a partisan eharacter. but polttlos and personal am­bitions have too often crowded the gen­eral municipal w elfare Into a very small comer. The Paterson bills would make oouncllmen, aldermen and the appoin­tive city ofllclalB of small Importance, hut would put the burden of the management Of public affairs OD a few able commlo- eloners, who would be required to devote their Whole lime and attention to the olty’a business.

a pretty low ra te to pay for money from now until Ju ly 1, and after hearing ex­pert banking opinion, th a t not many of the bonds would be obtained by lha gov- artiment a t the price offered.

From this the Inference w as easy that It Is the ra te for money whloh Is again looming up aa a bogey tn the stock m ar­ket. Call loan ra tes beg^n the week at five per cent., o r twice w hat they had been within a few daya. This, too. was on top of a |U,MO,0ai loss In cash by the banks, whloh tha bank atatement not only failed to explain, but which was so divided up, and so unexpectedly largo os to defy ever) k supposition as to'bslances having been transferred to trust com­panies. Evidently the monetary altuatlon a t the metropolis had not been cleared up for two months or more as thoroughly as

. anticipsted. The Inferenci Is forced, therefore, tha t the rates a t two and oils- halt and three per cent, for call loans, which havo lent so much encouragement Within a fortnight, were misleading; that they did not represent existing condltlona One to alm ost forced to the ooncluslon th a t some of the big W all straat banks actually put out funds a t tha rates men­tioned ra ther to assist In a rally whloh never came, than becauae existing and prospective supplies warranted such course.

W hen It comes to Judging the Now York money m arket, the rate a t which money- uninfluenced by abnormal conditions, may be obtained In, large blacks tor apecula live and Investment purposes, one Undo gages In the greater, city 's borrowings of late. For Its gold loan, ranking next to govarnmenta and oon-taxabla to r oily purposaa. It Is paying ^bout four per cent., but, jn addition, within a month, It baa borrowed nearly (20,000,000 temporal- rlly oh rovenne bonds, the bulk of it a t Jive, aoma a t five and one-eighth per cent, and the rem ainder a t from four and one- half to foui^ and seven-eighths per cent. W hen one forces a picture of this on to the sensitive plates of the mind and sup­plements It with the records of such ra il­road companies aa New York Central. Chicago, Northwestern and others, bor­rowing on their credit for three years a t six p y cent., some of them a t six and one-half per cent,, something like actual m etropolitan money m arket conditions are observed. These a re not calculated to s ta r t a boom In demanu tor bonds, nor to enable any coterie of speculators to engineer a s trong and sustained advance In quotations for stocks.

JAP 60DGEX PASSED.MeasBxe FlravIdlBx fu r th e BxpeBdi-

luxe a l f80S,000A)IM> OwM T livoaxh W ith o u t CwrtollBicHt.

TPKIO, Feb. U.—The national budget for IWI-I passed the House of Bepreten- tatlvei y n le rd a y without the slightest curtailment. Buch an occurrence Is w ith­out preosdent since the opening of the Japanese Diet. The powerlestneaa of the opposition la regarded by m any persons ■-— — - bad sign for th e progress of


hereIldXi AW 81. U(AU Mi gg Aua haav: hsa..>Bswvwconstitutional gavernm eat In Japan.

The budget for Uvl-S provides for tha expenditure of m , m m m m oO O more than last year, and la twice os much aa was raquirad to cover all expenaea prior to the Russo-Japanase w a r . Thera are large appropriatlona to r naval and mili­tary Increaadl, and new undertaklnga In the D epartm ent of Communloatlona are to be met by an Internal loan of MS,080,000,

T o k io A dv teea a a 'r i i U nfounded T a lk o f W a r a t ( a la n d E m p ire

w i th A n e r ie n .t o k io , Feb. 13,—Deeplts the apparent

hitch In the Japanese negotiations be­tween President Roosevelt and the Ban Francisco Bchoo] B oanl authorities, con- Bdence continues In the President's final success.

Reports received here from a creditable source agree In attribu ting the talk of war with America as an uttl-Jspaneau agitation, the work of emlisarlce of a power hostile to Japan, ever watebing to victimise her and disparage her power.


U OlUIOkkl. UICUI k-l— ■ —jntad the fra w a rt Constitution.

X i a practtoal bualneas man, i t la my fico; th a t tbe bnmieaa. of the govenunent aE ^ be eoMMUed atrrag eonaonratlvs;

V,-ttAeg. OusaS wui of OQually grave Import ^ Xi thaaa now. before the country h a v ^

■Maan In the peat and have been M tlled 5 oonservatlvA action. H ere In New Jer-

the BapuNloan party haa met andaay the BapuNloan party has met and aolvad tha g rea t queetlon of taxing tbe i S l ^ d i and of llM ttlng public utilitya— .C-S-i — ..,.. Akm n ii M sari is St n ti XTSb #/sM8fl tlf

A curious blunder was mads, about month ago, In reporting the proceedings of tha S tate Board of Agriculture. The secretary of the board. Mr. Franklin Dye, rend b is annual paper, and It was with reference to thiB th a t the mtatake was made. According to the reports sent out from Trentop. Mr. Dye said that “this Slate, through Ita farma. produces enough to supply ISD.OOO.OOO people.” He really said nothing of ih* kind, hnd New Jersey cannot lay claim 'to any such pro* ductlveness. W hat he did say wae that the United States last year produced enough to supply th a t number of people, and as there are only about 86.000.WO con- aumera here, the surplus must And a m arket In o th sr parte of the world. The total value of all New Jersey’s farms Is a little Qvsr *134,000,000, and Jhe values of live stock and the gross earnings have Increased from («,000,000 In 19W io nearly (38,1)00,000 in IMS. This is certainly a m ar­velous rise in values, and It is not In the Increased number of heads of live stuck or tn the largeil acreage of land put to crops, bu t in the higher grades of ani­mals and in the better and more produc­tive tillage of the fields previously under cultivation. The taim ere are. In a word, doing belter work and making more money than they did elx yeare ago, and the value of farm tend Is Inoreasing. The time for buying New Jersey farnm for a mere song, or for less than they would bring fifty years ago, eeemi to be draw­ing to a close.

Mev. J , R . O lbaox fUtwiAA ttatAW AAta H aA e In Nevra S to ry -

To t»s Fditor 0/ tta M W *:Blr—An article appeared on the flrat

page of your {taper last Monday which to rem arkable for the am ount of Ignorance of facta displayed, aa welt ae to r Its lack of tru th and its contradiction o f . sta te ments. \

While reading It the perplevlng ques­tion of Rip 'Van Winkle arose In my mind, "Who am IT" or to It possible th a t I am an Illustration of a dual existence? but soon concluded th a t qomebody had mis represented, or, w hat to more probable the reporter had Just "le t himself out.' W here be received som e. Information th a t he gave la a mystery to me, and why he did not apply to an authentic source seems Inexcusable. W hoever knowe so much about me and my views as he or she pretends must surely know of my location, where I would have been pleased to answ er any pertinent question, though I fall to see how It could bo of any Inter eat to tho pubUo.

The artlola begins th u t; "M rs, J. H. Olbson In Bolanoe Fold—Husband. Minis ter. W ith H er." 1 am the husband named. NolwIthaUindlng the faot, a a re ported In the article, th a t Mrs. Gibson sta ted she to a member of the Presby­terian Chu)fch, the head lines declare daughter Joins mother In change of faith and tha t the husband, m inister, la with her. One consoling thought remains, the reporter keeps us together somewhere, but keeps one guessing where. I did not know th a t 1 'h a d changed my faith or had authorised any one to make such a statement. One thing I do. know, should I ever contemplate such a ehpnge, notice of It would first bo made by me person­ally to the presbytery of which I am a member and not to an outsider who Is In search of nowx regardless of Its char aeter.

While I am not a Christian Scientist and cannot accept many of their teachings, 1 am not blind to the good work they ore doing, many Instances of which have come to my observation. In tho Judg­ment of the unbiased, their members will compare favorably with those of other denominations In regard to mielllgence character and Chrlstllkenesa. No doubt they receive little or no sym pathy from those, who are ever sniffing to detect the scent of heresy, whose orthodoxy seems more Important to them th an a Christ like life. I am not of th a t number who refuse to recognise any light of tru th ex­cept th a t which shines through my denom­ination window. Surely we should wet come whatever tends to make the world brighter and better, and Join hands with those of whatever cult or denomination th a t may he endeavoring to lift up fallenand sinful humanity. __

(REV.) JAMEB B. GIBBON, Newark, February 13, IMO.

----------- — -----------------

J e r s e y B o y s a t W esleyMIDDLETOWN, Feb. IS.—A number of

Students at Wesleyan University Who pre­pared for college a t the Newark (N. J.) High Bchool have formed an organisation th a t Is to be called the Newn^rk High Bchool Club. The ofllcers are: President, Charles G. Crane, '07; vice-president. Charles F. Edsall. 'Os; secretary and

vice-president_ ___ •etary ___

rraai'u rer,'A rthur T. Vanderbilt, TheCrCUUkOr. Al C.UU( -L ■ X ttiivsve -y ---latter and Carl R. Searing, 10, of Dover,

■ w w s u ' i i s f r p . - 'nisi of Newark, N. J.. hasvice-preatdant of thePhilip L, Given. 'OS, of Newark, who hasbeen 111 with typhoid fever. Is rapidly re-severing.

F re a e h T a x 'B ill P u b lish ed .PARIS, Feb. 1*.—The full ^*1 Of It’S

Income *rax Bill, the main features p j which were explained In Deputies on February 8, law been made public. The governmenUal papers th s morning praise the project, but I le Figaro, |n an editorial article, says tho pS llca tlo n of the details of the meas­ure win deprive the warmest supporters. I t calls the bill the bAffinfilns ck th® dl»niptli>n of tno Ke-^ l l c , and severely orltlcliee ‘h« Ploelng of inquisitorial powers In tho hands of ofllclais.

B a p e r lo r o f C o llag e o f M . B l lw l ie tk H e a e lv e s L ow log C op AOg T h re e

fl.M M m ile f r o n A l o n a e .MADIBON. Feb. H —Members of tha

A lum nae of Bt. EUtabeth i Academy are sllll talk ing of th* fine reception th a t was tendered to m e superio r of the col­lege, M other Xavier, here yeeterday. She received a dlam ond-iet loving cup. In which there were three (1.0» hllla, folded in diamond shape. This gift came from tho graduates. Tbe new oellege dormi­tory waa finally opened yesterday, and th is added. Interest to tha celebration.

The donors of rooms In the new dorm­itory a re : Mrs. Teresa A. flhaiinon- Sheridan, '79; Mrs. Rhona Mayer-Brill,

the 81. Elisabeth Alumnae Aasocla- lloii; Mrs, Ellen 8. Bosdevex-Bhea, In memory of her daughter, R ita Boadevci- Bhea; Mrs. Gertrud* Hughes-Hlllanbrand. '#6. two rooms, one In memory of her sister, Maude Hughes-Bradley. M ; the college classes of '08. 'W, '06, 'OA '07, '06. 'OB and '10; the. Countess Panclatlol\l; Mrs. K atherine Nugent-Bmtth, 'M; Mrs. Mary Relmann, and her daughter. Miss M ary A. Relmann. '04: Mrs, William Courtney, and Mrs. Bara Phllllps-Bgan, '79; the vlce-prealdent of the aasoclation end Mrs. John F. Bhanley.

There was a large number of Newark- ers present. Among them ware; Mrs, Jam es Smith Jr.. Mrs. P eter Hauck Jr., Mrs. William Delehanty, Mrs. K. Clarke- MoDonald. Mrs. Daniel Elliott, Misses M argaret and K atherine Bhanley, Jose­phine. Agnes and G eorge Garrigan, Beton McCabe, Mrs. B, M. Bhanley, Misses Eltx- abeth and Katherlna Conlon, Mary Con- lan, Mrs. John Holbrook, Mrs. William O'Connor, Mias Isahelea Mathews, and the Misses Agnes Barry and May Blrk- enhauer.

B ry o a SAlla lo r A m erica.SprdaJ DispOtcA to (*e BPFN/A'U AfiffS

LONDON Feb. U.—James Bryce, the new J ^ b a is a d o r to ‘h® sailed to-day on the W hite Star liner Oceanic. Hie departure was mfO" ‘|'® occasion for a demanstratlfm In Ids nO''"® which has seldom If ever been equaled in connection w ith a similar ev-enb A great crowd of notable personages Rath- ered to see him off and wish him success on hie mission.

No D a n g e r o f C heap J a p L abor.CHICAGO, Feb. 13.-Cheap Japanese

labor In America will not inaterlaltw. according to Congressman McKinley, ot California, who was the principal "pfak- er a t the eleventh annual banquet of the Chicago Credit Men's Association here last iSght. Mr. McKinley described the growth of m anufacturing In Japan, and predicted that within n *®« J ® “‘® ',’'®: cause of this Increase, the labor of that count**y would b® dlBcourageci from emi­grating.

H ftliw iiy D e le tt t t P liilti4«ld*Special UletMto* to l4e £ r s / f t \ 0 ttBVB.

RAHWAY. Feb. 13.-T h e Rahw ay Y. M. C A, Junior basketball team defeated the Hope Chapel Boys’ Club five yester­day In a one-sided game by the score of 48 to 16. The Pialnfleldera put up a good game, bu t wer® b.Rti.dlcappftd owing to the superior weight of the loculi.

A iW eetIns f« r C red it 5Ien,A meellng of tht> N ew ark. Asaodatjon1,14 S.IJX ....... —- —-- ^

of Credit Men, the local branjLdi of the h a tional Association ot Credit Men, will w held at Achtel Better's, S43 Broad nlreel to-night 0. G. Fesseniien and Charlce E Meeic, the president :mtl secretary- treasurer, respectively, ot tlie N.iilonal AsBoclatlnn, and William A. Frentlcrgast. a former secretary, will make addresses. The meeting will be open to business men generally.

O. M. C airns A ssaola tia ii’a DIawar.The Oliver Maxwell Cairns Asrodatlon

held Its sixth annual banquet In Doslger s Prospect Hall, Morris avenue, last nwht. About 200 attended. The committee of a r­rangem ents consisted of William L. Be bone, chairm an; Alderman Oliver M. Cairns. William Mullock, Thomas Finch and Robert J. Harrison, The ofllcers of the association are; F rank Mills, presi­dent; C harles Dey, vice-president: Thom­a s Keogh, treasurer; William L . Bahone. secretary, and Thomas Finch, sergeant- a t-arm s.

F ra n c e s W tlla r il M em o ria l.B ranch No. S, of the Wqmnn'a Chris­

tian Temperance Union, will hold a F ran ­ces W illard m em orial servlM a t the home of Mrs. W. F. Jacobus. 383 to u lh Sixth ptreel, to-morrow afternoon « t * o ctocK- Addresses will be made by Rev. W ^ re ti R. Neff and representatives ot vanoui unions.


W iroaos ana m auuuua fyanohlses, and th* oonaervatlv* fore* of th e party will continue to meet and solve Ute economic problem* th a t present them- gelvta.'T here la little of aatiafaotlon to he

found by tha aupportera o t the F rea ld aq ^; fgliela* In thea* wbWt*. bu t they Joyfully acolalmed as having th* right

g by the "conaervAtlve bualneee men" o f the S tate who. In 1904, favored the gemination of Mark H enna for the Preal- denoy.

t h e p u b l i c s e r v i c e V IB W P 0I8T .In hi* address before the Board of

Trade, a t Plainfield, on "The Public (TtlUtles of New Jersey," Thomas N. 'MeCarter ttSJlc advantage of Ih* oppor-

^ tunlty granted him to place before the i" people of the SWte, In the best light 1 passible, the history of the Public Bervlce

j- Cotporatlon, together with 11s alms and Die views of Us president on the great quetUons Of the day that have to deal With the conduct and regulation of each anterprisBB, That this address, inUnded to give all Jeraeymen an Insight Into the workings of the corporation from the viewpoint of Its promoters. Is a strong praseutatlon of the ease, le not to be fetiled. The president of the Publlo (arvlce undoubtedly devoted hla best ef­forts to tha arrangement of his details and to the evolution ot hla special pita, end the consummation to undoubt­edly satisfactory to him and to those for Whom he acted. Yet, in truth, tbara I* fttlc In tha way of new facte or strangth- tned argument, but tha force of lb* fgpar to to Its careful arrangement and tha endeavor to bring tacts and figures iogatbar In’ lRteb g conytoclng manner gg to give to Um eonclustons faachsd ah

. g fp f/^n o * of .pnantweiable logic.' Tli* Public Sdrvle* Is'accorded Its full meed of inatoe tor what It haa accom-

E‘ led In tha past and for it* alms for ga' battarmaati. I t waa th* forma, fff this 'Sorpotxttoii, St the sugges­

tion of Mri' l i^ a r le r , that saVed the (treet raltxsFinwnpsAibB of this section

gtb* Bliai* from absolute bankruptcy.detailing this t a ^ Mr. McCarter

phMW* great ftras* upon the Ona&otol panto-that WM-thus avartod,-and how Wjdnwa and orphxna. a* waR aa other iwastora In the sfook* ot the underlying gtonpantes, ware pcavantad from heavy tomes. H* makei as slight rMarenoe as jgM bis fK pto deormoiui wgtaMug d'f

t stock tna^ ijfuught about the sondltlon* jpMCadlfig , the formation of .the IhibUc Im de*. bat he O'^lM that ths men ip- topoastbl* for It btundared. I t was to wrreot those ailstakas that th e haP ®°T- poratJon was tonned io lOaedM thg .water

^ fmm stoeka and praVebt : ^ lloanclal JAn m U. TIh 'sonwetnes* of thsse fietaUs

^ qiMSttofkMt

jA aiLUO K DOLLAR 8B8IION.A lew year* ago "A biUIon-dollar Con-

g ree i" got g reat twlUlcal b ru it m a by Word of reproach. Yat Rapreasntatlv* fto|Fn4i]l', ohalrman of tha House Commit- te e on AppropriAllhh*, and speaking by vtotue a t th x t g rea t au thority , to cited by a New York conrespondent aa laying: VDolew the brakes are po t on, we shall appN Pflat* a billion dollars a t this ie»- elon, more th an w as ever appropriated a t an y other saialon in th* blatory o t the government, either hL rim e of peap* or

These are startling w orts, and w hat­ever lies behind them either of blame or Justification should be made ae clear aa ptwslbl*. There are many reasons which g rs obvious In a general way why ths expenses of government should have In­creased with the enormou* Increase In the buelnees Interests of the natl&n. This laoreaae entails more complexity In the retotlons between the governmont and tbe Industrial condltlona o t the people Into whloh mony ohangee have been en­tered. In addition to this, thought a t onod' recurs to the grea ter expense* of the army and navy rexultlng from the larger senae of territorial reeponslbllity of an axoaptlonal sort and new Interna­tional relatlona arisen since tha Bpenleh sfsr.

'There i t one feature of cost, however, which loom! up into epeclel blgnete, a* U r. Tawney suggests. This It the great oxpeneo of the numerous Investlgntlone and inquiries which have been entered Into relatively to reform atory laws, either passed or agitated by Congreee. To get a t the toot* In an unbiased foihlon haa been neceeaary before Intelligent work oould be done. Bucb commlealone which have been laboring more or lees for the last thr4* year* have been enormously coetly, and have p r o s ^ t e d their duties In tli* most liberal way. Woman and child labor, m eat inspection, free aleohol, the tremendoua ratio of Inoreaeed expense of tbe In terstate Gorameroe Commluton, In meeting I tf vast addition o t work, special Inspection of land tltlee and similar kinds o t omolal rerearch probably answer for expenditures which bulk up into great sum*.

Senator TlUman'a resolution, whloh waa adopted, oalfing fo r a report of the mem. here, n a m # and compenaatlon* of apeclal agents and inapectore cm iloyed by th* different bureaus and ecmrolsMons with­out any epeelfic aulherWy of Congraea will no doubt make vary tntareetlng read-

, .lug In it* result, Bpaoial agenoy work ^ h a * been a p retty big ttotonre of th e

Roosevelt adm inistration. If Its ordoome has been ridieuloua In aonie ways, it may be admitted th a t i t ha*, been very effect­ive tn otbera. a i for exanople, tha CbteiH. go best Inveetlgation.

Each of there InvrettgaUpns will stand on Hi own bottom and .be megsured by reoults. There would have been no need

their Institution had therg not been an'WItormoua deal of rottenaeaa In tbe af-

W H ISK Y , GOOD AND BAD.In h ii testimony before the Agricultural

Committee of the House the other day. Dr. Wiley made some rem arks concerning whisky that, taken together, form one ot the atrongeat temperance sermons that has reoently been published. Moat o t tbs whisky which passes over the bars ot the country, be alHrms, Is not whisky a t all, and his rem srk applies to a good deal of the beverage th a t hoe high Bounding names and sells a t good prlcei. I t to sim­ply neutral splrlte, colored and fiavored, and the, g reat chemist positively pro­nounces tt a "poison, pure and simple."

Hla degerlpOon of the process of making whisky It Vivid. "N ature," he says, "has a sray of combining siementa in foods wbJoh man cannot Imitate, and therefore, when nature produces twenty different Bubstancfa, aa she does every time a whisky Is fermented, and al! twenty of them come over In the still, alcohol among tbem. then you pu t thee* natural ele­ments away to become mellow, to marry (a* tha distiller aaya), whloh takes year* to accomplish, you make a beverage which to tonie and wholesome and health­ful and nod-poisonous."

The ordinary whisky of th* saloon I* mnde from Interior grain In the flret place, comes fresh from the still. Is doc­tored Into a color and taste that Imitates real whisky so closely ns to deceive the ordinary man, and haa, therefore, even when pare, much the eame effect upon the system a s alcohol. "It coagulates the protoplaim s In tho cells," to quote Dr. Wiley again, "and brings op old age." In good whisky, however, while It con­tains alcohol, the elements are ao mingled during the year* th a t tt remains "In the wood" that tho ofleot Is entirely dlfferepil,

Naturally, the distilling fratern ity Ison arms against these statenoenli of tho great government expert, and every news­paper office le flooded with llteraturii whloh profeoses to disprove hi* asBertlans. It must be confeasad, (hough, th a t tha weight ot opinion will rem ain with Doctor Wiley In the verdlot th a t good whisky Is wholetome and bad whisky to poison. No doubt, too, he to corraot In the atatement that "th* only w ay to avoid the risk of polsonqua d rlijia sold overtel* bars Is to keap out o f tho saloon* or Mve in a prohi­bition S la ta "

We cannot really decide ae to the provi­dential aspect o t Bob Evens'e scheme for the government to eetoe the anthracite coal of the oountry> for the use ot the navy until w* have heard from good Deacon Baer.

A millionaire has Just deeded a fortune to be expended 1^ making Springfield,Maes., beautiful, A big chunk of th* money should bo Immediately applied to the Springfield Republican.

A careful study of the conscience fund reveals th s rem arkable fact that It la only th e party who steals a dollar or so who permit* his conaclencs to finally overcome him.

su n , the sort of women who scramble for Beats In the courtroom a t the Thaw trial aren’t th e ones to be coptamlnated by anything th a t Is to be heard there.

Castro le no t only alive, but ra ther unanimously’ so. The gentle wodejc.jylll remember th a t we've been sesiixcuDg something of,, the eort right along.

HaseachuBetts gives us to understand th a t she not only wishes tariff revlelon, but tbat she Insists upon having tt p. d. q.

W hat's the use of sending an Infernal machine to Count W itte? He's out of palltlcs end can 't get back.

Presum ably Castro will soon be well enough to m ake things Interesting for France again. _________ _

Rev. Lanl* Bhrev* Oaburu* D efeuds Be- IlgtouB E ierelae* in P ublle gcbools.

To (Ae Edilor of the NEWS:Blr—On board an outward-bound ship

lost summer, a fter half an hour's con­versation with a rem arkably agreeable and cultured gentleman from the South upon Immigration and kindred topic*, my companion remarked, "I auppoee you know I am a Hebrew?" I replied th a t I did not, but th a t the fact made our oon- veraatton alt the more interesting. Then the talk drifted to the public school ques­tion and I asked the gentlem an how he and other representative Hebrews fell about tbe oppoaltlon ol certain of their race to religious eierclees In the schools. Upon this my friend waxed warm, and with decided emphasis replied, “ I t’s Just such condemned fooltohnes* aa this tha t keeps alive the prejudice against our race. I t our people would only learn to mind their own business and quit Interfering with Ailatlng Institution* they need never complain ot being dlecrlmlnated against,"

Up to within a year ago in our city Jew and Christian have lived on terms of per­fect am ity. It Is unfortunate, to say the leoat. th a t a young man, a comparatively ij®wcoiTi6rs should take It upon hlmwlf to aseall the inatliutlons o t our fathers end incidentally to Instruct the benighted ChrUtlane ol thia city In Americanism, patrlotlim and the correct Interpre^tatlon of the Conitltutton of th® Untied Statc^ Bless your dear heart. Dr. Foeter. a many of us were American* and patriots before you were born and could repeat the Conetltutlon word tor word as a part of our public school exercises.

The Ten Commandments and the Lord s Prayer, a n d r t i might add the Sermon on the Mount dhtt the Golden Rule. In the Douny or In the King Jam es, or any other version, are good for every one to know, Jew, Christian, Moalem, Buddhist, be­cause they belong to humanity, and to call theae "aectarlan" is to Juggle with words. Because m ajorities have erred does not prove th a t m ajority rule Is bad. Otherwise, republican government is a ghastly absurdity. W ith ®“‘' naOmUivfrlebdB complaining of too Htrie

I jg a b re w brethren of tooltoUch re­ligion in the public cherished institution to In danger of being between the devil and th e deep sea.

H ands off, gentlemen I All quibbling aside, tbe public school theae shores by men . of stock and habits o t thought. While t Is the duty and privilege of every B«h“*"® boat to make his guests a* comfortable and as welcome as possible. It '*

r r i r m s T f - r faCuV fn d - jra d a p t

rrhe^^ar!.'* “" " tNewark, February 13, 1907.

BTATE ETCMNOB.W hat Joy there will be in the 'Whits

House now th a t Bonator-etoet F rank 0. Brigga has sen t out an Interview approv­ing o l presiden t Roosevelt. The people ot the United S tates can now take a long breath w ithout a shudder of apprehan- Sion.


T h in k s


C loaing BUI

W hy wouldn’t i t be a good idea for tha "leader*" to invito Prerident Thomas N, McCartar to repeat hla Plainfield apeech (It Trenton for the benefit of the Lsglsla- tureT Hla few rem arks oii the limited francblto law ought to bg enough to crush the las t vestige o t the "new Idea" In the lawmaklDf body.

the nation. Bona of it to the grad­ual I tpenlng of foroa* which have b**n

jwiM) ftw A tong OHM. XusA

W H E R E T H E PINCH U .The m olt Ttm arkable thing about tha

check to tbe three or four week*’ reac­tion whldh reaultod In * twelve-point de­cline In th e New York stock market, has seemed to be the indifference of quota­tion* to th a t fact, their Inability or un- wUUngneag to rally sharply. While the bears found prtnoa refused to yield read- Ily In response to their characteristic tao- tlce, they llkewtae noted that no espec­ial realtleney wa* shown In reply to ooneerted efforts to buy. When the "bad bank statement*' appeared In New York on Saturday, showing a tWelvp-mllllen instead of * tbrae-mniton-dollar loss iq caib, there waa t a r greater surprise on^ reactlonaiy impulse in the coromant by professional traders than tn quotations of •hares.

Wblle the la tte r drooped again and were not particularly nnlmatod a t Mon­day 's opehing, a s explained becauae of the failure of American banking-houses to secure any of th e new gold offered a t London, they noon grew stronger on Seu- rotary Bha-W* offer to buy (25.1I0A600 of goveniineob fours falling due on July 1 next, a t , R ut a little later tbey.were beavler, 0» th e refleettob, apparent-

l,ty, tbU 0P8 An4jm«*k*U m ostto. (HD:

I t th e ‘‘Big Five" has ealeojated w ith­out It* solid South Jersey bo*t In select­ing a S ta te treasurer, there is not likely to be a revival of tbe rumor tb a t the Democrafj* oao be depended upon to help out Unola Dno Vooihees,

Our GRAND Pianos, our SMALL GRAND Pianos, our PLAYERPIANOS and our UPRIGHT Pianos are things of beauty that appeal alike to the eye and the ear.

The Lauter Piano has a tone of exquisitely beautiful quality. It is rich and clear in the treble, and wondrously powerful and sonorousin the bass. i

The construction is exceptionally fine; the details are finished off in a way that leaves no room for improvement.

The case work of each of the many stylesis very handsome indeed.

The Lauter Piano is made for people who appreciate the highest quality of musical tone, and who insist upon having it.

We gladly mail finely illustrated catalog toany address on request.

"ikU TtK . CO6 5 7 « 6 5 9 B r o tik d S t r e e t

• " N d w e r k

‘That Naw York iXhquet left a B rtw n taste tn Senator Colby's mouth, birt not a dark brown on*. • . *

M a tts n m ust be growing axeeedingly w ann In A tlantio OUy when Mayor Btoy, In hi* annual meaaag* to tb* Common CounoiV flnM nw aatary to » u a* * t th a t the an tl-< m ftere there ought to be oora- ftd and w it bscoma ov*r-a**lou*.

Mr. S riggs w in be owreoil enough Ben- a to r <qr M arch U next to be a moat ao- ceptabia apaaker a t tbe S t Patrick'* D a t batujugt. Of tha Frletidly Bona a t Btlxa- bettl,

aino* Sfmator Aobmmin ■>*• pledgaA hla, vote to Mr. Yoorheca, i t must betaicen to r gran ted tb a t the dtotttrbad con- d l t l ^ ...... . '_____1 ao long exiating In 'Onion Oountyhave paaaed away.

Tbore iHto bean no organlaed protest In New jaraay agalnat tb a t one cent In- crcaae in the price of kerosene. T hat (32,lM(ltiW g ift by Jobn>,D. meat have p o u rrt th e necessary oil on water* th a t m ight otherwlae have beoome troubled.

I t 1* greatly to be hoped th a t the man who sent tb a t fa ta l bomb to the Pateraon. Juatlot WlU b* dtocovered before the au tl- pollution MU come* op for aonsldcratiim And diacandlain IB Uw Lagtalgtbn.

K eno’e BrldAeI s a G ood O ne

TO flto BMtor M J/BWM:Slr-The average reader of the variou*

reeolullona that have been paaaed In auch abundance In oppoaltlon to the bill to reg. ulate the hours for opening the draw­bridge* WlU be likely to gain the Imprea- •lon from tbalr atrenuousoaae that th* propoaM la to cloae the bridges for good and for aU time to come, whll* t»**Y a * ^ to point the plain moral mat If thia WIl passes river traffic la doomed.

Let ua aee If thia la tru*? The raltre*«« carry to and from New York and thoueanda of people, wfeoee bual® ^ (nterreta require that ttiey r«tofe ««* «»? at a certain time each Bay- “ Y*'* do for the bank teller to se t to h ls tank a t U;D becauae a achooner ol brick nma up hie train. Ho muat Be 0>*re_ on t(m*. and every time a train is held up and miasea Ita boat reveral bonared people are late a t Dualoewb The bU! almply prepwes that tbe bridges aball not be opanad^tor- Inc certain hoiire, night and ntortlng. This will net prove a hardihlp, bacause for ons tiling there la not traffic a i ^ a y »• *5,*road tra®e. »"<* **“** la is of anature tbat tt makes Uttle difference what time of th* day it peases toroiigh the biid»®ie For instaince ft boat Ip a m wltb cement or brick. What difference doe* It make whether t t reaches tt# •o'clock dr » ? None whatever. But It’a a very dittereat matter if a train load of commuter* due a t * o'clmsk are hew up until oven bffil. *

The traffic on the Harlem Rl-var 1* much heavier thAn on tba.Jlhaaaio and Hacken- enck combined, but i t ,h*#n*t bean ruined because the New. .York Central draw is clooed during rush boura River traffic almply be* adjusted itself to the eondl- thma, < ,

The bill Introduced by Senator Rpah 1* a good one, and ought to be .Supported a’nd passed. I t 1* simply fotiowlag out tbe old-fashioned rule of the majority. Rail­road traffic haa Jnoreaaed enormcualy dor- Ing recent yaara, and i,lll continue to If properly treated, but 'tt 1* absurd to put the rlghtsiot a few boat captalna ahead ot a whole auburban cottmuntty, etoariat- |y wbare th* boau can (five way to the

.Oemmutor* without any a u te tia l aacrlSce.D. W- .F,

Xaat Otattga. FabrwUT & UOL

Received Twice WhatShe Expected.

"I have just been handed another check for $41,25, making a itotal payment of $122.51 under a poficy that called for doty one>hatf that amooot. f appreciate this fib- eratity on the part of ydoT Company, and whenever an oppmtooity presents itsetf t shaO take pfeasore in recom­mending The Pmdeotiat"the Conqiany that pays more than ft p raises.”


Xhefflwld L o d g e 's A w nnal FUBCtlon.The twvnly-lhlrd *’ltortmnment

iinri ball id the Sheffield iJJdge No. Order or Sons o( St. George, wa* held In

0 Auditorium. Belmont IflHt night A large audience expreaaed Ub appVSvul of the auractloni. on the and ptirtlcipaled lii the dancing which fol lowed-



ri"; >,wsrA'.V




Major £ . G. 5udd Anumg Those Who Trailed Mormon Ptir-

suers Years Ago.



Bportilt Jtiiputrh ihc KYE? ISG \EW S.FLANDERS, Feb. 13.-T h e funeral aer-

vlc«a of Mujor Enoa Goble Bndd will be held to-morrow morning a t the family residence a t Budd Lake, where he died Sunday after a brief lllnesa. They will be conducted by Rev. Jonn H. Brown, of th e Presbyterian chtirch a t Mt. Olive. The interment will he in the family plot In the B optiit Cemelery a t th a t place.

Major Budd was born a t Budd l.aikQ August D, IKlL', nml wan « de«rendnnt nf Cftgtain John Hudd, of England, who ceiiiB to America In IGJi Jiml Hclib-d In Connecticut, .MeniberR of the fartilliy later removed to NVsv Jeri^ey, where they were prominent In the alTulre of the \ iiiiii- try . eepcclally during the RevoluUon, the " Vnr of and the Civil War,

W hen hut little m ore th an tw en ty year’! old, Mr. Budd went W’wft, w'here he bud

fipfdfll D im itfi to thf B Y B N !\0 NEWS.NEW PROVIDENCE, Feb, 18,-“Old

Sorrel,” the mate of “Old Calico/* who died about a year ago at the age of twen­ty-three years a t the closlnf out of the gr<K'ery buBlnesB of hla m aster, Mayor ThomuB P, Oranej has alao died, and the Mayor haa draped his stable door with a black crepe In honor of the old horee. “Old Sorrel” was a year younger thaJt "Old Calico,” and th a t inakei the for- m er’a age ulao JUBt tw eniy-three at hla death. It was an a ttack of colic which caused the animal’s death. He was a l­ready weakened by old age and could not Btand tlic sickness. Mayor Crane raleed both horeea from coUa. and afte r serving aa carriage horses for sovne tlmei they were used ah 0. grocery dellvetr team for

many years. The horse has been prac ti­cally useless for the past year, but the Alayor, on account of his aitnchm ent for the equine, refused to either sell the anl- i mal or h a te It klllrd. When asked yhkr terday by a NEWS reporter why he put the crepe on the burn door, the Mayor said: “I hfid th a t luua« for a good many years, and I thoughl as ifiucli of him as 1 would, of ft human friend. The least I could do was to give him decent burial honors,” The only >nan who docs not seem to Bympatblao with Mr, Crane is John F. Wahl, the slllsige blnckfimlth. He said yestk'tday: "It B a shame th a t th a t horse died when he tlld. Mayor Crane was Just going to bring him down to my shop to have him shod when he look lick."


H lu lD ir—K e lt M o n g e r Sef fo r !<IeA M lfb a p In n o e e t.

.'SprrMi; lu ll<i' WVKA/.VfJ .VWWfl.B F:L V ID E R E . F^h. is .—W llllnm Cook,

tlio drivpr of Ihe team Ihnf w as run into by th f trolloy c a r a t tV ush ington . ■N. J,, Uumtiiy m orning, In w htrii accident one Itfp WOB lout, lia s not yet m ade IiIh ap ­p earance at htB hom e tiere, and eff rla Id tlnd him have proved fu tile , Hl« w ife Is proBlrated w ith Brief nvei- hia dlBnppear- nnee. U la feared th a t he lia» waurtered aw a y and periahed in th e cold.

Cnrnner Edw ard Elini p w as liere y ester ­day v iew ing th e btxiy o f Fvenneih G ard­ner. w ho w a s k illed by the acc ld en i. Con- BUble Hhrope. u l W aaliliig ton , and ih e Jnrv o f nix m en nocnnipanled him, Tlia Inq'ueat w ill be held a t W aahlngtnn n e s t M onday m orning. A m m iber of the you n g m en whn w ere In ih e w reck hav*‘ been subpoenaeil to b e preaenl. rn rn ier Judge WMlInni Slonnn. o f Belvlitere, w ill ap pear for the fa m ily o f young G ardner.


Major EtioM itoTkle Butlfl.iia n y remurkriM#’ cxpcrb'nrfs. DiirliiLj bi-s, jkffiy In ihr- l lif* t'lv ll U’iir m in -

Ai'd Mftjfir I5i!i]i! iMnno KjhI mulfii Hhi -iI

Ih,''ll f.-r h \^ (iiil'i's hi-

M> f! .ii-^^Nnnt \irnv iHt ,st M;ir>'h'il F ry . uik-

1 o-iilali'in:^. whi<h .1 I rd !i I F’ltlrfnx Seni- : < 'tilisinblu nn<lne-tr the c lnsf of ihv

'r1' f 1 in-,rni-'

r.-.:i r.-ih:' 1 -- i^r ! r'liiifr J n n in • ' i uf fnrTnfil pnn ' ; i inary, - I *' ;Af Ab'xnntij ici, \ ’:i ■w-ar.

Field P o ll t l iM l n in rf^s.H p lutf^r rctiirni-fl lo his olil hornf" .it

Brnlil i.okp, vihf’rt* I'.e iK'ld ft nunih^r uf rolUicHl olHrt’H. Ht.- wris tow'n-slvip rornmUtPiTiiun, lu^ysesaor for rurally twenty yt-ars, [losimii.'stvr for a dt'k:!!'.!!-* and corortor for hIx yonr> . For four years he Wftfl »n Ifitf-rn.'jl revenue giiger find glso aervcfl deputy collcctnr umlpr the ClevplaiiiJ MilmijiiHlrdUoii.

Major nu<Kl, rm survnyiir and engineer, assL-Hted PrnfeEaor Ikiwser. of the States CbftFl Survey, in locating tha e.=ia; and West Jcrsiey lifu* ns riui In 1T65 by John Laurerue. 3 -'vc: k1 times lie was made coionel of the veteran asporlallnn of the Fifteenth New .Torre>' Volunteer Regiment, lie nlao was a member of F. and A. M.

Mftjnr Rudd married Mies Mar>’ A. A. Dyer, of Chlcego, in IJISI, who died In 3902. He lepves one aon, Enos Oablo Budd, and three dauirlUers. Miss Rose Budd, who, with her brother, la nt home; Mlsa Augusta Hu«1d, who Is laklns li course for a trained nurse In Philadel­phia, and Miss Grace Budd. a stutlenl In the State Normal Sehnnl, Trenton.

i; Major Budd nyver saw the Inside of a■ Bchoolhouwe until he was twelve years

old, and then not heeause he wanted to. More from a Bcnae of duty, he mastered a convenient knowledge of French, Span­ish, eiiRlneerlng and chem istry; from pure Jove of It he went In for athletic exor- clBC. When he was Utile more than twen­ty, Budd Miirted, v/ith aeveral other young companions, to go huniltig on the great plains whlrh, for 600 Jiiiles. swept, tlm- berlesB and sparsely trarerfiod, from, the Mlasoun Rjvpr to the Rocky Mountains.

The band followed the trail of General Albert Sidney Johnston and his 10,000 reg­ulars, sent by President Jamca Buchanan to bring under subjection Brigham Young end his Mormnmt In the valley the Great Salt Lake. TTiali.

The fedorul forces had wintered a t Fori . Bridges and the pioneers from Jersey

trailed the troops to their deatlnatlon. Where General Johnston had cHtabllshed Camp Floyd. I t hstppened th a t the Mor­mon Church controlled a large area of fertile grassland, and the men from Mor­ris, looking for pasttire privileges, had occaslou to call upon the president,Young. They found him very genial and with an avowed fondness for Jerseymen,

W oods F a l l o f ln d lao s>, A fter ft forlnlght's stay In the strong-

kold of the Aformotts Budd and his com- radea rolled up north into the Thousand Spring Valley and coursed the head ' w aters iof the W alla W alla a n ^ Snake rivers, Whose confluence forma the

■ mighty Columbia. Game wag plenty arTd the woods 'full of Indians, Reaching *outh again acroas the desert In southern Oregon, the pilgrims struck the Ilum- iMldt River, and In another month came to a halt a t Placervllle. a new mining camp in El Dorado County, Cal. There they found conaiderable "pay d irt," but Budd was a farffier llrst a miner only when he couldn’t find a farm. He left the rest of the hoys to try soil tUlliig farther down the valley.

Budd came E ast to eiiilst from New Jersey, the Civil W ar having broken out. He Joined Captain G, C. King’s Com­pany F, Fifteenth New Jersey VolimteerB, and was soon made a drill sergeant.

CONTEST OVER $100,000 ESTATE( n v e n l K lle il k s n l i i a t t l i r W i l l o f

a F o rm o v H obI.Io u I o f M l l lv i l l r .

r.OON"i'ON, F.'li. i3 —A L'mU.:Bt over Hie ttiil I.r W ilbur K iiv iinr l. o f M ontvllle, Is mi ill (lie r o u n ty Court. The PBtute is VBlueil ut JliJO.WiO. 'i'lic lin k er fu iii Is Sett to a Kun. Edw ard, w lio la nam ed aa ex- c r u lo t .

G eorge D ecker Iuim filed a ca v ea t and lg represi-nii’d by Sen ator Tliom aa HllU^ry Hjul E uym onJ tl:i\rnon, ot‘ B oontnii. uml l iv in g sA lm oii jmkI I’barlea S t lllw ill, of Morrlatuwn Edw ard Ku.vhart Is leprP ’ M«>iit<‘d liy N ew ton K U chell, o f Hoonlon, ftnd (.’harlCB R athhiin , of M orristown

MAIL TRAIN'S NARROW ESCAPEr i i i n g e oil W h e e l o f H m iquelism iia

e Breal»N on llrld ice Si’AP- Fw lerm on.

PA'l'i-lHSuN, Ff b in -A Mange nn the wheel nf Ih'^ engine nf ;i rnuil inih i n;i the Biisuiielian'in Kullniiid hri>kr emi live bridge w hich enrrlc.H th e luud ac^os.^ PiiHHiili' I tl \e r iMHi night tlilr iy feet hl^h.

The 3(XJ piiH>-e!igcTe rscaped w illiuut in- J \irj, hut they rfMvivKl a wevere pliiiklng. up ow in g Lu the HiiildcnnesH w ith w'hh u ihp Irnin waa el )p$>ed. The train s e r \ WHH delayed eaBt and we,'*! for hours.

J o b a H ay tts , E l t f b ty - n i i i e y r t f i o ld , W a s a F a m i l i a r C h i i r a M r r « f

M o rr is C on iU y T o n n .S/>rcifll J)l"pa(rA (f* E l AEWg.

D O V ER , Fch. in .—T he funeral serv ices o f John Mayee. for yearH ii fam iliar char- ac ivr on the s lr c e ts of Duver, w ho died Mondtiy (if gi’lp, will be h(hi io-moiTOW- Mr. H a y es w a s in>rn e lg lU y-tiln e yea rs ago flt DuiigarsM ii, I'ou iii) W aterford, Ireland. H e cam e lo th is country In ItilS, and for m uny years wbh ji w Jl-to-O o con­tractor In Bruoklyn, and fit one lim e o w n ­ed property In N ew Y ork ('liy , w'here th e Grand C entral a ta llo n now stand*.

For th e past fou rteen years Mr. H a y e s had m ad e h is hom e w ith Mr. and Mrs.

I heThe brldg*' Is



!H| M M IT.The young people Jiave token ad v a n la g c ‘ the situghlnr und have enjoyed niHuy

week. 'I’ci- fJlsu'kburn

of .. . . ...............s traw rides during the pa»i nIgliL tlio m eitib eis of the B uw liiig t-lub w ill go ou l. and to■m^l^t•ol iilEhi. the rneiT.beitf lif E p w o ilh l^fagiic* of Ih t M ethodist Epiacupiii c liurch w ill go in a load to M orristow n. A num ber o i tin* Preshyteriftit Sun d ay sch o o l sobolavs drovv to M orriFlown ye.'sterdoy.

Mr. and Mrs Hoi Sayles, of Long llw Farm are the guests of friends a t AlUin- tic CilyMr. uiid Mrs. Henry Perk, rormei'ly ot this city, b’.il who have lived at New Frovldence for sotiio time, on theirway to Europe. , v •David Bunj’on, of U eat Hunimlt, W’ho ift spending the winter In New' York, r.lHlled friends hure yesterday. . - nr .

Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo IJergetl. of West SunimU, and their daughter, Miss Mar- ceretle Hergett, have returned from a visit to friends In New York City.

Jam es Grimth. better known as ”Fop, Ibe aged West Summit paper dealer, whom the i^sldenls of that section pre­sented w ith 'a horse some time Jigo when hts animal died of old age, has teen un­able to use his new lior»e recently ht- CHUse the extreme cold weather has made the animal too skittish for ''Pop ' to han­dle. So he again deliver* his papers on foot, and Is &a had off aa before he goi the horse. , , ,

The loc.'al T. W. C. T. U. will hold a rake and candy sale Saturday at the home of Mrs. H. N. Bullard.

Seantore Coynmiin, of Orange, formerly of this city, visited friends here yesterday.

The freshman class of the High School la arranging tn hold a heart party in the near future in honor of the sophomore class.

Bev. W I. Haven, of this city, dellverad an address last night a t the banquet re­ception of the E ast Orange Republican Club.

Mies May Belle Bryant, of W eal Sum­mit, has returned from a three weeks' Visit to Wading River, Long Island where she was the guest of Mrs. Joseph Mary. ------ - ^--

b e h n a u d s v i l l d .Among those who ore spending several

days a t their Mine Mount summer homes and enjoying the excellent slelgliing here­about. are the families of E5. T. fl. Tal- mage and Charios Fflser Jr. The latter are entertaining several friends from New

The notice published last s^ ek by the Towtishlp Committee to the effect th a t It

J o h n H ayes .

ffol»ert Phillips, llviuR 1hi>m fuurit'jirs 111 ctMTilng fowllh i- n .s'Cftrs ago t-i lAf* In thif'hl riiilllpH iintiicHtriul, neur llu* Cuthcilb rh iirrh TUitjuk l lv Inm r ‘ f iiiH of hh llf«- Mr. Uflvi-^ hia-amc v r;- ' devoul. ami fm' Lhf pari lei! vfiir'K l;i‘ aU^ncl*^l msias e\*»ry morning hi Hi. Miiry’n Churvh ;uit wpnt lo iwo nniBst's phi ii Sunday, hi adclUInn to th is he vlulted Hip church fvery a ftc r- iioori up to the limp of his lost lllnefi*.

.Slree ili-“ tiiJvojit nf ihp iivlley in Morris ('’minty the old man found great enjoy­ment In ridhnr on the cars, making trips .■Imo&t diiMy h e lw ^ n his home and Rock- nwft.v. He leaves two soup. Fa'.rlek llayeH. warden of Kings rnnntj,- ppultentlary, and rhnrlea Hayes, who Is o detectlve-fier- goaru on the Brooklyn poli-'p force.

The Cunenil will b* liohi In Si. Mary's Church, whore u hl^b masw of requlero will be sung. Inlermpni will be In Calvary Cemetery, Brooklyn.

Jersf^y City P rie s t 's Punern l.JERSEY CITY. Feb. 13.—Requiem mass

for Rev. Michael Hyrne. fl. J.. took place in St. Peter’s Rc/man rolholic Church here yosiordrt>‘. I'u the straluH of "Dies Irae” the lauly of I ho priest waa borne Into the flnirch. The divine waschanied. The mass was cclehrated by the nrovlnvlul of Iho order, B“v. Joseph a. Hauselmfui, 8. J., who also gave tne oijsotutlon. T he body W'fts taken to Ford- hnm. N. Y.. for hurial.


would meet a t Bernard's Inh to-night for the purpose of appointing an official dog killer for the lowrtship, whose dtity f.

sequonlly he was promoted to the first tleuienancy of Company A, and for dis­tinguished gallantry In action was hrevat- ted major. He was In all the battles In which the regiment was engaged, and at BpottsylvanlA waa laid out by four rebel bullets and as many bayonet wounds. He was daringly rescued by some of hts com­mand. but for eight weeks went on orutches. Then lie was ordered before an sxaminlhg board and commissioned as­sistant provost marshal. Then ho was

’ 4>rdered to New York to assist in cloehar up the volimtfeer recruiting service, the headquarters of which were a t Broome and Elm streets- After this was effected he was on the staff of Major-General Terry in Virginia and North Carolina. Hs ' served in the oj’dnanne, quartermaster’s gnd eommISBary .branches of the service, s.nd resignW, when his old wounds began to incapacitate him for further active 4uty, In October, 1S6S.

PUilMlffOTON.The pupils of the WertsvIUs Public

ffc.hool will present “AwAt Dinah’s Quilt­ing Party" in tbe ptibllo hall Thursday evening. Februar!r tl. The p ro em s will be di'nated io the fund started to secure m library for the school.

Mrs. T. 84 Fiilper, of JuhcUoh, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs- C- 6. Alvater here.

Mrs. Bergen D- N. Carter has returned to her bdme» i^Yter having ^derio iie a succoessful ojieratlon a t the Mercer Hos­pital, Trenton. .

Miss Kate Boos, of Philadelphia, ts the gUMt nf Mrs. H. A. Pluck.

H^gh Thatcher Is spending A lew days with friends in Nsw York.

Mlsi Leila SUydam bas returned from a visit to herpem nts^'M r. and Mrs* B. B. Buyda»j of Quakertowti.

The Hunterdon County Medical Society held a m d o i ratetiag la tha ecmrtaotise

■ . TJ --------------- ---------- ‘T. M.

blectAbbtit OoeUt^ V i^cti OoQlan OHi«rWttAVklA einAPB* IfTtiiiMi ■'* teiJUktlwie*

will be, beglnnlnif on F(i(Jay, to Bhoot on sight any and nil dogs found running ut largo without wire mUiBles, ha« created a stir ot Indignation among owners of the canine, and It Is understood that sev­eral persons will attend the meeting to protest against the committee talcing such action, on the ground that It would be illegal

Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Oakley, of Newark, who had been spending several days with Mr and Mrs. Thomas Holmes, of New s trw t. returned to their home to-day.

Dr. and Mrs. LynforiJ E. Tuttle are en­tertaining Mr. nnd Mrs. E. B. Thompson, of E ast Andover, N, H., for a few weeks

The Icehouse of Bomalne C. Nichols, of Mlrte Mount, has ju st been IHlsd with IM tons o t eleven-inch tee from the Japanese garden pond on Charles Pflser Jr. s es­tate. This is the thickest lee th a t has been harvested here this winter, aocorulng to rauortiMn ind Mrs, C. M ast and daughter, Mrs. S. Sinclair, and her children, whl re­move from here to-morrow to Plalnfleid, where they will m»ke their home,

' ' ' ♦'' --- - •' W E S T P IB L D .

The funeral services of Mrs. Alice Atkins were held yesterday afternoon a t the huiiie ot her son, Howard Atkins, here. Mrs, A tkins was IB her seventy-fourth year, and leaves ssTcral children. . „

I t Is announced th a t Miss Sarah Davis and Jam es Gunn, o t Westfleld, are to be m arried Fehrn* '"' ^ a t Berwick, Pa., where they will m ake their home.

tee twelve Inches thick la being harvest­ed on Echo Lake a t Branch Mills. This Is the best th a t has besn 'eu t there in five years.

Sneclal evangelisttc services will be re­sumed a t the w ettneld B aptist Church the flrat week In Mhfnb.

Twenty-four WestUeld rsstdsnts who tailed to clean the snow from their elde- walks will have to give the reason for the neglect In the poUce court to-morrow.

Valentines.Prices Rednced

6 8 3 - 6 8 7 B r o a d S t . 2 1 W . P a r k S t .

Sale of Black Silks Continues

In Newark’s Best Cloak and Suit Department.

February Clearance of All

WINTER COATSIn Women’s and Misses’ Siz^s.

Long Black Ker­sey a n d Cheviot C oats — Collarless s t y l e , fashionably trimmed with velv<;t and braid; these are r e g u l a r A ^10 coats, i l . I I I I choice now

H andsom e S a t­in Lined B road­cloth C oats— Cutfull ankle length, with wide sweep aioimd the bottom— these coats sold in sea.son at S18.75. choicenow

New ISpring SuitsWe have row on display a liberal showing of tlie

new est Spring sty les. W hy not stop iu and look them over— try on the most becoming style and get an idea of what you would like for Easter? The various models shown are in Eton, Blouse, Poneta, Tight- fitting, Prince Chap, Cutaway and Regulation Coat ef­fects. All sort^of materials— in light and dark color­ings, plain shades as well as stripes, checks and mixtures. The prices range from

10 .0 0 , 12 .9 8 , 1 4 .9 8 , 18 .7 5 , 2 2 .5 0 t o 3 7 .5 0 .

J a p . S ilk W a is ts . 2.50 W o m e n ’s S h o e s a t 1.7 9 . T a f fe ta P e t t ic o a ts .M ad e o f v o o d q u a l i ty w liite

J a p , .silk, g r a d u a te d tu c k e d Iro iits , lac(' tn i i iu ie d v o k e s , b a b y tu c k e d lihcks. e lb o w .sleevc.i, la c e t r im m e d

c o lla rs a n d ' cu ffs , a ll s iz e s , a 20od $'■' v a lu e ,

a t ...............................................

few davs ago we placed on .sale a lot of slioea made for one of New Y ork's leading retailers, and Uis name is branded in each one. ffe refused to accept them on account of lateiies.s in delivery; vve look them Hi a coiieessioti in price. They are made of good quality kid and have patent leather and kill tips—hnlh button and lace styles, we Htill have left si/ea 2'4 to 7—B, C and D widths, value JJ.5U, s.ale price.......................................

1 . 7 9

Made of good quality taffeta in changeable and plain colors, full width, deep plaited, shirred and tucked flounce, silk or merceriied dust ruffle, |4 and f 5 values, special, wliite lot lasts, at................

Colored E v lio rle r’s F n iirrn l./Jf.pefcft to the KVEh‘I\th .N/JIVS.

t.ONO BRANCH, Feh. 13,-Jirmes Brntl- loy. a colored eshorter In the Becond Baptist Church, was buried jcHierday at StHilli Setontowli. He wns s"vputy-thrce years old, and (lied Sunday from ptinilydc stroke.- —4---------------

M a tl ld n H . Iv e s .iSperia! DfHpaIrft (« (he EyE.Vf-VO .Vfc'lTS.

DOVER, Fob 13.—Mrs, Matlldn H. Ives died n t the home of her dnugbler. Mrs. Sidney T. Smith, on Morris street, yes­terday. Mrs. Ives hnd been til for over a year. Had she lived until ne.vt April she would have been eighty years old, W llh me exception of eighteen years spent in Jersey City and two years In New Httv.-n, Mrs. Ives lived all her life In Dover. Site was born on what was known as the H urd farm, near St. Mary's Church, in the house now oeeupted by Robert Phli- ilp s^ th e n owned by her grandfather, T liW anilly was one of the first to settle In lE ve r, and Mrs. Ives's father. Sidney Brtwfc, Kept a general storo for many vears on the corner of Blackwell and Morris streets, where the Lehman build- , Ing now stands. Mrs. Ives was the widow of Sidney T. Ives, nnd Mrs. am ith le her only .survivor. The funeral servlees will lie held a t Mrs. Smith's resldece on Thurs. day afteirnoon. Rev. Dr. W. W. Halhi- way, pastor of the Presbyterian Meinorlul Church, will ofllelate. Interm ent will bo In Orchard Street C’emetery.

J a m e s E d g ra r S tr o u d .DOA'KB, Peb. 13,-T h e funeral of Jam es

Edgar Stroud, who died on Saturday, was held a t his lute residence on Chrystal street, yesterday atteruoon. Rev. Dr. Al* bert B. Richardson, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Cliurch uffletated. Interm ent was in Locust Hill Cemetery. Mr. Stroud was born in Bloomfield forty- nine years ago. He had been a rcsldenl of Dover for the past twelve years. He leaves a widow and three eons.

C a le b C o rb y .DOVER, Feb, IS.—The funeral of Caleb

Corby, who died a t his home on Mlltbroek avenue, on Saturday was held yesterday afterntson tn the Mlllbrook Methodist Episcopal Church. Interm ent wns In the Millbrook Cemetery. Mr. Corby was s*v- enty years old, and had lived ail his llte In Morris County. He waa u veteran of the Civil W ar, having been a member of Company K. Thirty-ninth New Jeroey Volunteers. H* leaves a widow and three sons. They are William, Jetterson and Ployd Corby, all residents of this town.

D ied t a T h e a t r e L ab b y .NEW YORK, Feb. !» .-Ashton LsmoHie,

aged fifty-four years, a ship broksr and a members of the firm of Tama, Idm olne « Crane, dropped dead while purdhoslnd tickets a t the lobby of the Bijou Theatre last night. D eath Is supposed to have been due to heart failure.

We devote our energies entirely toward m a k i n g p e r f e c t-fitting, comfortable and becoming e y e - glasses. No ex­tra charge for “ Clips ” if we m a k e t h e glasses.


IF you are nervous, instead of drink­ing tea or coffee, which can only siimulaie, drink cocoa, which is not only a drink, but a food, too—

a builder-up of nerves and strength. But drink good cocoa, pure cocoa— drink R u n k d \

r d n k e i:s COCOA(Sbictly in sccoriiince willi the Nilionil Puie Food lawi.) is just the powdered bean blended into a delight­ful achievement of tastefulness, and never adulter­ated with starch or anew toot, of cheapened with sugar, which occupies the same bulk and costs I -4 as much. No cocoa goes so far. Since 1870,

the standard of purity and excellence.

MAGIC H A IH STAIN.For Brown or JflHck. Prepared by Qeorsr*

Ormeby, Wife Maker and Hair VVorker, No. liiD Tremont »t.* Boston. Il la afmple. aafa and fHSlly appMad- Contains no lead or nerve jinlson. Use It once arxl you will never u«e any other. Price, Jl, For sale b'y

CHA5. ITO!.7TTArFR. 7S7 BrnSifl st.


E very E ven lnf^-llfe llnee T n-m orrow .t > U t o ' r X 1J7 T Y X v E J K

Preaent-lntc the LatPBt New York 8 iiccetiB| ‘ THE LOVE KOCTE.’*

P o p u le r MtttVne-e Meffnwmlay JSttc. * 60c. N e ll W eek—t*eat aal* T o-m orrow .

t R O N G i m SM R S .



P r ie s . , S » ,11 .80, | l . IS c.. HOc.


Tfopta Onidit to l^ a w .'" T ti t tntN»tlng s o u not ' rSatrletad to members of the ni*dl(ml profsMioa aod tho attMidanee

unusually large,.-r4- •---- Htin— r - ■

' DOVRia AMO V lD tN I t r , B dnatfi a . MUrmy and Mrs. Mbry C.

Bum s have rotum ed to New Tork City from B 'vMIt to Miss XkitIJy McCarthy, a t S u sa n strast. D over..

The pupils of St. M U v 't School went on a slelghrMe . to Denvilte yasterdhy sttsTnoosa

U n . TnOtoss C srr Is 111 s t her horns oa S M BRKkMftfl strse t, D

The Dover Bosrd of F ire W ardens wilt b o ^ t s y ^ l s r m onthly w o s tta g » Shs



IS Blastls Truss ses- ftited with water-pMe—wtlh Ms-smsgs

•w siy t;&^^.nyyif.a',i'‘£«

Above to o n the orlnlnal Rprias Tniee, wllh lu page made to pteee on the bCne end on parts not oonneotedi with Uie Rapture a t ell. Whet nnneeeesstr and herntol prteeure la esensd hr Ssoh a Tnael it' yes wear a oitmlasl Sprlag Truea like , this, T b n v e I t

■ e w h y * . .,o; ' ' . ri?. .THB CLVTAB T m rM n DIFFBUIBIIT-No teg-straps. no heavy spring, no cutting belts, but on the ooatniry—the one tmeBtlfio Holder with bati-baarlng Fad

—itenteed to stSF ln phtss and HMd eny Rupture Bemember, there la - - pt H O I^g. Hy Frew poofc—malted In plain ,' seeled en-

'xwt jhiiitttre sad aheitg photographip lUustreUMs bf .u y^ ’liSiis

East Med M»W TOHK c m f .- ' -itBCtwt fi HttwrlUkys HU r r. H.

DAILT m a t i n KES, iiMeftnff kde.



lT alili«ei TUHi. * 8ftte

A ll Ktar \>U(i«yUlw. Toltftp 9 HnwnttHe Lew SHUye H ulrhln tto ii A B ain-

i i t t i UnrlnyR, Col- llOnA( Brnwti, ntherR. Nlghft,

Tho K IR K K LA 6 H SLLV O rig in a l P rfidue ttn ii o f Henry Bloneoiire Ortat

Boeing riey,

C H E C K E R SKelt Week—Wilton Laknyc.

C O L U M B I A r e n ; y ^ ( ?AT THE


N«*t Wtek-Den Sutiy In "The Matcbmeker.^'

ISlggeAt Heneatfenol Helodraniwtle

j^nceeie o f tbe Soaaon.

B L A N E Y ’S T-b‘:e.'*^;;.^ HAPI^Y HOOLIGAN’S


w A M M A m s----- ALU THIS W ------

F eb . 1 1 -^H ate. M os,, T e a e . *>*“ * ^ 1”T H B W O R IjO B K A T E H *


■ M KR R L L

^ l ia e g a r M le risa i,TRURSDAV, FEB. 2 1 .

Admlailon ^asn tlsinen «a.M, 1.00Lidiss

TIeheta en sale et-HolshaueVs, Menk's spd Bplesls thrug.,stores ! and Krueger Audttortuin.

Ttonlflbt at ■ p'elock, Aiietloei tala at PiHygts ■axes gt Krueger AuditerliMh

Ctiretl by Dr. BulTg Cou|^ Synip.This dangerous throat dtnaaBa has often led

to more serToua ao(i fatal diseases through neg- iMt to onto It m Its nrst stages with


"I have lasbgotten over seevere oaeaotbnon. ciltls. wmeh Tcoatraolea liom riding on the eurlaoo nars whloti wore so ewwded, oompoUlng me to stand on the pUHorm, I was unable to speak lor several dayhbsd I owe my uomplets tiiuuierr (K>1«fy to Dr. Bull's Ooneh Bynip. .

Jessie BehuUe, laOT Lexington Ave„ hew Tork,

8 A M P I.B SE N T FREEto all readers, oonfldenoethat end, w--------wUI write (or ij no Address A. 0. u a .



Ballet & Davis P I A N O

To n e is fail, round and Ult* lodtous. Jnst the k ind ot tone that ta pleasing to ypur

ear, pleasant to sing with, and the best of it all is that Hallet & Davis retains its good sweet tone longer than any of its competitors. See and hear the Hallet & Davis and the chances are yon will buy no other. You have, however, at our store,

Choics of Many Makesand we offer you the very best plan upon which to buy a plsno. A plan that makes piano buying easy, A plan that protects you In case of sickness or adversity, A plan that positively saves yoo money. There are many reasons why the Hallet & Davis plan snits you best. Suppose you Investigate?


(B it. 18301,

185 Market St. B r»d.“The Hallet A Davie paymeat plan

aiivwf 70U pioii«j, a«YW* yoar nenr#« wnd iRT^f jour patlwiicci.’'

! R 1 5 M O V J V L , J V O 'I X O G I


t r

N BWsrmj w \



LiS T Q R £ l*» ^

Fair and Industrial Exposition------ UNDER TttB AUSPICES OF THE-----

F i r s t R e g i m e n t o f I n f a n t r yUT. Or. 3ST. J . .

A t t i n e A r t x i L O i ^ ^ r ,Sussex Avenue and Jay Street,

F e b ru a ry 18th to 23d Inclusive7iJO P. M. to n P. J«. MitfaWM Fridiy fisd Sgtnrdoy 2 P. M. •

Sehogl Cbtldeaa Adm lttod to KaHooea tor 10 eeato.

SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS.T i m e X i o r r o T r t o

X l i e B f o t l m c s r * I C o t o u tT f t m e O x y e « » t S t t . T B e t g x m o M

P l r u t B a r x c l O o t m o e m * t *> P o c m u l a x * \ r o o « l l « t u

'1' 'KM9' ECaotm KlggAmt

ADMISSION . . . . . 26 C E N T S .

NniF Butldlntt S I N tL s C ir S T .HEADCVAMTKBi FOB ALL

TALKINB MAOHWES,41titflU tr«m | i DowB-'f i

Op«n IToitfiMdaj (tnd ffAturdftj lBtwuM|Be

msmum» I 2 NEW S T . t o a V ^Op«a XlTtly ItlMlit. A# O, F i l l ITg

a i E K tV I C ^ O «

gtebroary Boeards Few w I tls t


■ I r■ * —

i 's to ia id a n s ’ FootbaU, Says

otid the » t r « t ra ilw ay «yal«m j ^obviate* l l« * 'l»

really auwiantial.

r McCarter, and VisionaryTheorists' Chief 0)ncem.


ihrcfal DUimIrk ru Ihr HYFM'tO SHWS, Tp LAINKIELD, Etb, la.^rruhably for l|ie llrit time In the I. atory uf lliat gigan­tic concern, an elahorale and careful puh- l(i! eiplanatlon of the dllHculilt'a eontroni- | | ( the Public Service (’orporutlon. ue ^ 1 1 aa Ita alitia, wua made by Its highest A c e r, Preitdent 'niumHa N. McCarter,

last night. Mr. McCarter was nd- !;*4ig«llng the several lumdred pronduetil

Illgena gathered m the antmai bahq let ' Ihe Plcilnlteld-Norlh Plalnlleld llojiil

Trade, and IiIh formal deft nr >• of the prpornttoh raiiaed no little eiiri,rlae. labile Utilities ' iva.a the topic iisalgr.ed ll hint.

Pablle SeMlee Hend'a Siieeeh. introduced by tivc loustniaater, Mayor ‘■'srlei J., Mr. McCarter aaid

'> oi 'ha psai tw o yeaiH. ilurltig I haE «aak—as we suy In llie electI'li'id huBliitss. . . ................ 1__• ■ r..a. llf ■■ :i4 o £ the public feeling agulnrl eorpornihms

t . general, and iimiHl luthllc corponiilons£ particular, I haye conceived It lo he W ter. In the perform.inee of my duty as i ^ l d e n t of Publlr 8er%(:e, to rcti.ihi

epeechmnklTig. and rfevoie my enthi'■ irgy to the routine and ardiimt" diitlor.

my position, Tim pnblle, • rightly or 'ongly, hns not lieen in a reropllvc .me of mind, and nnythitig ihiit 1. or

le slinllnrly sltUHted, might hnve said lid have had little. If "tiv, eff«T Tiie

idulum line swung so far. however, thinking men of the emmlry are be-

ining to BpprtduU' the gravity Of the iuiation, and therefore It Hcmied lo me.

iSIt I received the courteous Invllatloii my friend, yoi'ir Miiyor, lo come here

.night and ipeuk on this aubject, Ihnt the time waa ripe for me to

discuss before an intelllRCht oiidi. this character, the problema whieii

liifront me as the head of the l.nge ror- Iratlnn over which I proalde, and nffeci I alt na cltliensot the old CoinmonweiiHh r N"ew Jersey.‘T o begin with, nl the risk of wetiryhig lu I am going lo give you u hit of iny raoiiat history. In order ilml you may

reclate the viewpoint from whicli I iroach tny present dullea. and 1 iiin

going to tell you soineihlng "f the ory of Public Service, for any rtlsyue-

a|Ml of public iillllllcs' In New Jersey is Sagatarlly . for the most part, a dlscua- 4 o n of the aflalrB of Ihut eorpunitlon.

g a t In o e lg lu a l K aiiliiltnllD u." “I Wta educated as a lawyer, and 1 pur-

f d my profession uiiill the formailon Plibllo Service and tny election to Its

:^'M«ttllehoy in 1900, The few years prior U IMI had been forma tlve nr construe- nve yMirs of the underlying companies jjfwt in Public Service, and in my profes-

work 1 had been considerably em-

E trld' In doing lli* legal work involved, toveral Inilaiices I Invested money

the enterprises which I was comlnei- ' legally, out of one or two of which

K ipUtde money, out of others not. My tS tfat It tha t I waa not one of the gcnile- S to concerned In the original exploltn-

of these various enterprises. Not I am QMtlng any rellectloii upon Who W*re; that work was done by 0( the strongest men this Blute lies

.peed. I t waa a strenuous undci'tnk- tn d undouhtedlv shortened the lives

Vtob-Presldehl H obart and the late K . Shanlay, of Newark. There Is much admire In the work of these gentlemen

and thHr aMoelates. .They quickened the ' and development of our Stale,

IkP gave employment to thousands uf lUi and they madq living more cum-

^Wa.Sat from the present standpoint It Is

th a t they made mistakes, too. In t they over-discounted the future, and iroapltallsed aome of the great proper-

they constructed. This was all done, iwavtr. In the open, under due forms law. and without public hostility at Hm t; In fact, those who were given

Ita M iw rtunlty lo ‘come In ' were regnrd- P w diighly fortunate. In the course of n norl.period theae aecurltles became wlde-

•ealtered for value, in the hands of the pah|)c. I t la not too much to they p atted Into the possession

rich and the. poor, the corporation the Individual, the husband and the

While we all, I think, disapprove p t the extent to which this .over-

Itkllaatlon wee carried on, we must iber that the theory mi which It

hated waa justified a t the lime, both law and public sentiment, and that

.thotlt the expectation on the part oj b*. promoters of some profit above the

finary Interest return, these properties :1b their resultant benefits would not LVe been constructed.

•■ ggw etea th e P a b lle Service., But time waa passing on, and It grnd- Blly became apparent that white In the N o . 'g a a electric properlifB were KD0ta,ble cxpcctatiuiii, the

oads did not. By the winter 01 INH-UOS It waa eviaent to those at .ill |i touch with the situation, thnt without low capital for necessary Improvements, M the r«0taratlon of impalrec!M ix , railroads.could not on. Just

th ii ttmfe a horrible cainfltrophe uc- •tJrred. A cni*l0Hil full of school children

lUlded a t a dangerous crossing in New- Wlth a Lnckawanmi train, resulting

mueh loea of llf«, groat pomonfil injury, tminir the whole coiintr> with con-

imatlon, Thia waa the lost straw which, WM Wlcltly fleeiL . would.,

il!s back. Somethlhg had to fie doner Uial quickly, or u great flimnrlnl

Jjc atftred Nc-w Jersey In thp taco. The dltoada could not meet their accruing

JUB. Tlils was betM>nilng geiiertilly nown. and 1 knew Li iirofesslomilly, os leU ge a m atter of gencrnl infoniiuUnn. bil6 the aecurltlcfi Wf rc held hTninlcast,

|M)Hcy of die eonslliimit (.ompnnlcs tfBB flhaped by a, annparatlvply small vum ber of mm. ^Tu Ui»*Be gentlcnion 1, Suggested, as the solution <if the pitib- J<Srrt, the formation of a new inmpnnv. » ith_ K large cnab cnplud. which shouUI M qulre, upon fair terms, nil (he coO' Ktltueht properties, pooil and b:uL repre- l^nted by them, the iheory being ihai (tur- ih f the critical period Uv‘ strong hthJ prolperouA should corr) dir tliiiiiH'billy b d physlcaliy weak pr<fp«iu ii«T, s ’Thuft Public Service was foiTiicd. WiMi

‘ |( c&ih capital nf fully [Uikl uijlplthout one dollar of Wfder Acquired all of Its gaa and jfflfctTte properties by Icjs^ Thr snu-ks the flnftTidall:.' ffnbarraBaotl rrillnimts. ami

Sr the United Kleclilc LVimpany <jf New ersey, which aerved ICssex, Hialson ami

Ik part of Vrilon comillea eleciriewlly. and %rhlch waa also In tv strugglliiy camiStloii. Surere exchanged for ilie nbllgjiilonft - not ihe oasb—of llie new coinpai;.v. but in the doing of I' uyproxlmutely «>ficock ubllgntitm wus iransforiued IniofipproxlmaTely of new ohllga-

ion. This Irftnsacilnii was cr‘rtalnlyJfrom the Injectiuo of wiiu-r.

'■ * ’'A t th is jxinctnrc the gertdem^'n pul up to mCp na the tu iggesior o f d ie snlerprlac, N «ticce«8ful consunm nulon ns a go in g .concern, arid 1 wlthVirew from iny pro- &Mlon to ttcrepi Ua presidency. T h is fact

ll shun! ninny of U

i i only of imporinnce uh sliowlng the un- i i 2,iStled point of vi**w wUli which 1 op- •

Id Trenton. . ,w *‘Tlilu Ih b vftit undertaking, and iniit

ll la not done wUh entire asilisfaeilion lo the public or fo ourselvea. no on* kimwft m> well or 1. Hemember. If you t'leaae. lhal public Service came Inlo posarSBlou 0%-er iilclit. UH n were, of a vast num ber of properllcH of dllTereni kinds. In an BlBgcB of efficiency and devompoHUlou. and Ihiu waa only four years ago. In the railway depurtmeui uUmc wi- me In prncesK uf amulgumalli^K humugeneous wb<»lt*. nlm- dlfferenl -8>s- lems of rnllrouilH Ihui pievluusl.v li:‘d no Irilertb la-ndcnce Many of 'hem wen- In fi atole of phyrioul ns well hh Jinaiuim i-ollttpsc. anil have hnil to b'’ •'■hnlU i ids work Is pn'Bri’»Blnig. ioh H "III •erul yvarH to cfimpletr

Ag<M>OUa<HKI III liM prOvrwrtiU ."We luixp in four years al.'catlv'

ftpeni upwani of In themeui, exlfiislou iimJ ivliabUnmloh of ih* properfles. ami have ;ippiol>rla!ed (o.«m aix mnitoiiB additional for slmllai- exjK-ii- dlture ihls year- This m oney, o \e r ami above the of nipltal h«s Ibeen CNlaed by U»e sab' of wcrurltles, W.- | have Inilll mtd I 'b dli over 110 m llfi of j trjn'k. W'e haw joiLvbaS'cd Ws n»*W' riii.s,Wo hftve built iM*w jKiwsr stafloiifl: wv huve i-xlemlcU Ujs ('a iiu b u g n s pip-' Mio* from T rillion lu PiulnmUd, nrd so oii a i- j rarisl ml liUlnllmn. TIi.- oommunilN is grow ing so rnpldiy ihni it is itiffli iiii Ui I keep ] ‘jc i w llli It. tfl :ili 11' t 'OiiluiniiUiB, N ew rthrlf«H . th ej h p * b t ij ig ' liijp juv'd. eiii'h year Un‘i'f in it HubsUndtailinprovQnwr.J, sad this will IftjfeReiit adm inisl rutit e pulb'i'*« pret nll. hiitil ihe time w ill s u i t ly i-vinv wheji ifili*eunipaso' will give as salIsfiu iiu*y vlve m IJje rmture o f the huHliosa will pfimlt ll will m‘ver be perfrfl. ll U lutl perf«'v-t unywhortj.

"Thi* g;!.'* luiHlmiss has been devi i>i|n<l I" a ifu xon ab le d egree o f nH tU fu 'il■ll I Hu> ad vised ly lh a l w here pour Intills line o f busfnrflri are uhsiT \e.i in u boiiae ll la a ln iosl unlieraaM y fmonl lo bt ilue lo tb 'fectlve bur?\ela or the l■.lI:lIll Inn of Ibe Hervlce plj>es hi lln ‘ Imnsr' Tlie HMC« 10 w hich gas lo put. are e v u mi the IncieaHe, jind Iho w hole Im siress Iuik u m osl en cou raging p raspe-t,

"The e le ilr le Im.HlneMrt I& in ii s ln le of developm ent iind tram dllo!! M iiehitifi y . llf"iv lo*da>'. is id isolete hi-nmrrirVi. The bUHlness IS Huhl'M-i uerhil dls[urbaiw'i» and sijbw ijys nml <’oi duilA iiri- a freciitpnt siniree nf trouble, T'iie iroubii-s of strc'ei rHiJwov o|)era()i'Ti iir t legJoii, ojul in win* ler lim e ur«* nlwiivsi w ith ii.*' They are eiiufled h> diffli'uitli'H loo iiumeruua to mefilioti, over nfuiny uf w hich lUo e<inipHny liiiR iio lon tru l, such na snow , veh icu lar iram e. blocking o f enra, etc,

Not f r o m H lu m e ."Of cniirHC W'e nre nut free from bliim e.

Xtj iiijieetli handlltig u\-er lO.biif) e tiip lu jes In wurk uf thlH ch arn ctor 1» free from error, from llie preftSxlenl down to the humbkHl em p lu je . .Ml we ran du Ift i > do the bt‘Nl w e can. and lituipH ih e lioturSi. purpose o f m y ad m ln lstm iu m

■ ,VJy isttentUini h as been «'nl|ptj lo a !>'- cent repori iiiude by an expert on the gns; and electr ic serv ice In I’lalnfleld l i emukeft uo Huhsianilul coinph^bit uf the gJlH Bcrvlc*. bul doea speak eaiiH lleally of the coildlllOii o f the h iciilidescejit street lam ps. I am now hiiv liig on InveMilgntluii mude, and i f tilis report Is w ell founde<l the d efects w ill be correcu-d »m l th ose reHponsIldf for ib e neglei t diRclpUned.

" A h lo ih e se'-ond branch o f (he «ub' ject of w lilcli 1 nui irenllivg, v iz . tin* econom y o f scrvlue, 1 um proud nf w hat We have H ccom pilshed iind yve tbdrig for the fjeople o f Ihe S tate. To nm ninarlze briefly, a co m p le te Irhiiftfer s y ile m bus been put Into effect b etw een the n ine m iJ- road ayatBina ill a ll con n ecU n g points, w here hone form erly ex isted , and the flve- cen l fare zone bus been ex icn d cd t»> tin' bm lla o f reuBoii, It bein g now poMsShk to ride over fifteen m iles for u n ick el In cer­ta in loculltlee. T h e price o f gaa, w hich ranged from IhSO dow n lU llie lim e o f the form ation o f Public S ervice. Is gra d ­u a lly bein g reduced to tlie u niversal ilol- liir s tan d ard —a fa ir price for a d l y like N ew ark , b u l an ex trem ely low price for a or suburban U»eatlty.

"Here, when we took hold, the price of lUumltuiUng gns vyhr 51,40; ll l» now Jt.U), tn d Oil January 1. ll!00. It goes lo tl. 'I'lie electric bn Be rate la being reduciMj to ten cenia» involving, In BOme a reduc­tion of fifty per cent. This new rale be­comes generally cffecilve, with one or two exceptions, on January 1 next. Four years ago the base rate hero wns eighteen cents. Such u low riitc us ten cem s never could have been obtained for a com­munity of tills charncter pxcepl bs ii re- DuU of consolldAllon. After ibo seiireh- llglil of the I4ughe» liU'cHlIgatlng com- mlttca Wiik turned on In New York. tii« base rate for M anhattan wnj fixed a t ten cents and for liruoklyn twelve cents. The mere mention of tills dcnionatmiea bow favorable a rate the ten-ceiit one for a suburban locality like New Jersey Is. I am Indeed proud of all of this.

"We have al«o promulguled a new schedule for public lighting that ad ­mittedly brings the price down to nenrly n coat baals, It being our policy hence­forth not lo expect to reap much profll OUl of th is character uf business.

P r ic e <if Thinigfl N lotnillng."While all this reduction has been going

on the price of nearly evcrythlne else has been going up. laxta. Iflbur, coal, o il m anufactured produtTs of cnery charac­ter all advancing, v.hlle ihu cost of the finished producl-gns. eleclrlclly or irnuw- portadoih as the case may he—ha« been coming down. This sta le of affairs, w'lth Its aUendunt results, If carried to ex- trcmefti W’as connnented On wUli great force by Samuel Spencer, the late prenl- dent of Ihoi Southern Hallway, in a public addrcBB Shortly before his death. The public should renlUe th a t there Is u point beyond which these opposing forces must not go. If conflict Is lo be uvoided

"All this Is of tlie very greatest import­ance. It heft a direct bearing on the ability of eorporatlunp lo the neces­sary capilal to properly exteml If rates are to be put below the where faireurnlngH on obllgHtiona con bo Nevured. fresh capllyl cannot be sreured. and

..u4j*Matlon of enterprise w’ili result.J. Ijm Htiys It w ill tak e live blU

I lloHH Of dollars lo properly »levplnp the 1 Bietim rHllroails nf th is cou iu ry during

Uie n ex t Hvp yonrrt. W here w ill it com e from If such <hingerouN Ihrorlew ptevfilJ?

■‘What 1b true of the h(«‘Rm rallroRds is equally true of public vUiliti»*H. I t lakea. nod will ponthiue to take, for sonie years. | If not Uuleflnilely. nlmul four million dol- ’ lars uiiuually of money |o huniiceiho new- biislnoas at\tl rMimsIons of Hub- , Ilf Service. This d’o-s lun Include a niilo j nf flxteiuied riidruad truck. In tlie-iO ' iroiiblouf. times e\en tlila coiiipuriilUcly ; small Hiim of money is not cuHily ac- , i|ulied. j

"This sluitiUiui, so fni’ OH new • x- | leliSlOPS *ue cuiu'vriivd, Is acu e!iiuat*'d b\‘ , il pfissagr, m resptjiL ie pi h well (IvHyii-d

bijl, in my opinion iiOHluk'h jjubllf hi h- luceni of the co-<-.illcil limtieil fratich I:\\v, resirlcliiiB l In* ijciUmI for ■rtdii'-ti rranclilseB mn.v t«e gT“aiited U> Iwcrty

t-X- fpt WUeH' by Vclc uf the proi'l- Mie period IrmKtheiieJ iti forty sear?»

'" n ils fiovH not uffcf’i publk* Rcrvicc im Hfiy o x tn il . for I HO n itlr e lv si.ilififlnl Hull W’e have ennuKh to dii to dt-velop Mn* iri'peiTlea wt liu\'e, w ithout ft it ih e rsob.slon lia l rxtem nou In u pensso, il Ia a

bein-llt to I'ubltc Service, for It pi'W fU a ollUTS from ob ia ln ln g w iia i Hilti-

, 111 Service iilready has. Hot It w ill, in I niy Judgm ent, rt-lanl iho ilevelopnieni uf ' the rural Bei tlim s of the S la te . In tliesc I liiheB It Is utterly futile Vo consider the

financing of ru^al covintry llm-s upon any such lim ited basiff. urul we are n ot a t-

j lem p tlop ll.1 T^vo llliia trad u iiB i1 riiis Is not the munlfcsiatlun of I dog in the manger pulley, b'li aim

recogidtlon of (-undillonB. I will give jou uiie or two illustrailons

I yet p m ervo iilly 8Ubit:iH---- „ ,

, The tRird ftlt" Public flcrvlcff, a * ‘T . s lo le d som e tJine ago. Is lo earn a fa ir ' return lo stockhuhlM-B upon ilwlr invest.■ „,eru We base been golCK four years.= In i m . for the in xl tunc, we earned* s lJUle ow r five p^r I'enr. im OUr Btock,J sail that on a grusa buflUicaH of Ml.000.- 1 OOU umJ H ffluck cM'hul of $12,'4)0,001, I ' ihljik thill all vill ttgie**' lliat IhiB l i aft i Hotti- H niirgiiJ ks any U.gliimnle butln^as

should tie cmnJurierl ujion Hut with the fU nniuius increni^i in vh*- coiniiany a btifti- iiess each yc<ir, iinlrfs«t nil cnndlMoprt

cbnnse, within n r'-.t; on^ble time the I iiiiilag‘‘ will subiitaiii l;il ly lucj’fa ie . Al leaHl this In unr hope and belief.

MtoeL W ntrrtufb Huj »>ver."Ilow iheu shall Uitfev cn n iln g s l»c <hs-

ml>ul'cr. T he du> of rtui k wc.K ring and <,-v“fi'njmii;iZiil!uii of properiic* of I hlK cb.irHs ter In ^lVll, nnd proiooly so. 0<iv- eiimr Siikes in hie annual nicsBUga uf Ifni', tlroiigly liiVfVtflied Hg.iUitii thlB evil. Kml lei Mill men tied leKlsIrtlloii to jTevmit K In l oinijliuii’»■ ihi-rewllli thv Lcg‘»-liitiiii* i.f I'tsl si'Ri .1 scry d ras-(ic m l . w lib svhuh I i!-< nut ild n k lh a jm uhe .lU- u-t.v fr.jniMur, bill w hich punJ- i l s . l y iorlild‘i iniMI<- iilillts' et>inp:mle» f[-<im i.^svuiig Ihei!' uIjilgiilbmM for less ihssii pac. M xip i ri h ank er'sco m ie jlib o i itiul lortildH ties ll st'oi I. . X^^\A bo- ll , lie s ni'e Mtnteh'd. r,; g n! I I'C Si - u i'll H iiu i-i n ii will b'-iii me o il, I niu-'e uf m> fam iliiilit'.>1-1. !, 'll Id.i I'l.p ' 1 1

A dvertising u retardeda s in d is p e n s a b le to b u s ­in e s s p r o s p e r i ty . T h e

o n ly q u e s t io n t h a t n e e d s so lu ­t io n is h o w i t sh o u id be do n e . W e s a y c o n t r a c t fo r sp a c e in th e N E W A R K E V E N i N O N E W S , i t re a c h e s t h e peopie. A p p ro x im a te ly 300 ,000 re a d ­e r s e v e ry d a y .

piHrltup, tha aaparaU daiielapmitnt of tfio ( Tenlhfwo loUMcrs la IncraaMos; nml In tl«« . In ,.,^00 to r ,h . , aa.


ISHuaUCe ofru\-> peiuil-lli»- tv'lilcr-

Thi* Mbv- Ibiiik, Ih-U be- wl'h th*‘ nub-

I ililN id 1.In hi'-m v w lih Ms

ralRcilmull il

dlHttncllmi.liK'icjst; our


I lj«-|!tVO ih:U we rucogiiizi co p .dlilojin a s Ihoy arc. w iilnuii any .lU em pt lf» ui dcrmiiii' '.alnt'.-' nr corifisesii-* se- I ’lrhlci; ht':Plt*rure If'B'ipd nr'Icr fiu m s uf law lh a l siioulc!. as iibuv-' prvsirnt iii[ fortb er tvaterlruj; lh;il ^tockli'ildcrft i f f.t;«tiriK tMtniiaiilCH eliiiuld )>“ iillnw ed to rHrfi.U n ten pM‘ Ci'DI, aiiCMrt!b\ --a fa ir irUHluesH prufli. iiptiii iliHr in vr* lin eiil hc- furf there it iiii.s' fn iin ce rc^tfictlun placed iif»»ii theae com panb's i‘>' tiixatlu n ur otherwiHc. I’utll Hiich lim i’ c inie**,th e conU'-iulf*^ uf'? iftX'’d sufhcicr'tly In rtll IMMl ClPTlCe.

"The liiNfS uf PiibllrS3crvir-H for th e year niDUiinlrd lu the vasi Hurn of Sh^b-

ijrt'. T'fci'cc i ai'c iiBBis.tefl np'Ui Ihe r.ingl- blc property of (he Cumphny, J is l hd all (Uln-r property Is tax fd . and In o ib iiilon ih c ic to ih cre Is tnx of tw o per I'CiU. tjf ilu' reccliits uf lltc c'im pany hba fran ch ise tax for Ihe use tif th e slrt-eis T h is tax Ih pnhl ro the B la le , bul Is -I's- ir lb iited utTuing tla' ni'»n1olpn Ml les con- Cerned. The T»egl.Al[Ui:rc (if rei-og-nizod Ji dlatlniTtun belwet?Ti the exten t u f flic use iiifulc of FI piildh street by a g'ls com pany w ith pl]K' iiTuhTgruuiHl. ah clcc- LiTo cmiipiiuv with wirv overhead o r umlerKroiiml uml a HtnuU rah - rouil comp,-111) occuiiyh ig so mu- hmure uf the h igh w ay . ninJ lll•c^el il th a t The rniiK’h'Si' lax mi the b itter c la ss o f iiruperly shauld t»e gra ilu ad j one-hH lf iff I'TiH per cent, a your. fcachpH five per cent. Thin u llb oijgh It will m a leria lly mxcH, I lieheve lu be aum d.

liroBN l le c e l iU t i J’ltx tb K ."No h eller m eilu.d uf it ix h ii a {ran-

ch isif ih:in un 111- basis of gro:«s recc ln ls h as (»ver been tllsi‘u\ eretl. It IH aim ple, sa fe . 3iiilomnllv mul true. U has bee s u g g c ‘-led llnit tliin m ethod Hlioiild he iibaiuluned. and ilm.t franchlsyB shou ld be taxed by the usscs.sur. juftl lift real atnl personal propert.l. T ills inelln>d I. none o f the virtues of the groSft receip ts

and !h fraught with d im cu lty . U oi>cn8 the door fur the wurBt kind uf g ra ft, Thtj iisseBsment cun on ly be m iole firbllrarily*^u very d an gm iu a plan.

"Rut, som e one w ill any, b ase ih e si.s- Hestmicnl on ih - difference U jtw een tin* HSWMMed VHhia nf the en m p any’s la n c i- blr property and rhe m arket va lu e uf its Rfumrlllcp. hi the fimt place, thijt la u t ­ter ly -Im practical. The fn iiich isea o(cr* ItM) from One m utilclpalhy to iinolhH f. l be Bfttiiti comsiuuy con lro ls fruTichlseH uf various Ulndo hi different localU les. bm

'th e sam e aecurltteft repreaent a ll li'<? 'frnnehiBeH. lt ’**<kould Im a b so lu te ly Im-

paaalble In N ew Jersey . In atty coiislderii- ble num ber of cases, to accuruLely as- ciTtnin the secu rities rcpresprited by any p drlicu lar franciiise. N oth ing but ch s 'n could result, or rather an a rb liray ussesa-juent. ^

"T his 1ft quite n dlffprent sltim tlon from th o l In N ew Vorlt Cll.v, wlH-r.- <>ne lo m - (-■eny haB all Sts tranctilSPB wUhIn tlie lim ­its o f the cits'. If anch n raoUioa o f us- tOHsmont coiiUl 1>* wnrkeii on t. H would am ount to a tax on earnlnft pow ar puce uml sim ple, wMtIi lias not yot bp*» ad opl- n i 111 N ew Jersey on an y c la ss o f prop­er ly . T liere Is no m ore reason for ta .\ln g th is c la ss nt property on the fu ll am ount o f ita earning power than there t.s n f stm l- tarlv to x in s every o th er c la ss o f property. I f we should be th us taxed , &o slionid every com m ercial busIm-.Bs of every ch a r ­acter .

"Let ns see how- It w ould w ork out as fo r a s Ibibllc Pervlce Ib concerned . 'I'hls p lan of osseBSnienl for ta x a tio n Is erpilva- le iu to iHxatlon upon th e m ark et value of all seetiritlcs. The to ta l m ark et va lu e o f Ptihllc Service secu rities a t th e preecnt lim e is approxln iately KOO.UOO.hOP. .kssum - Ing the average la x ra te o f th e m im ld - p a lltles to be U.tiO—It Is n ot le ss —th is w ould impose a tota l tax of }3,(MX),I»0 an- n ually . w hereas w e now p ay ap p n ix l- in a te ly Jl,000.000. Such a resn lt w ould be iKilh confiscatory and d tsasrrocs. It w ould not be tiled , and live aa.sessing pow ers would h ave to fall b ack on an ar-

object e.iB imtnupei but I llilnk we HlioukI iih^lcu, frotli unj IlcriR of llie kind tinr rnlv ,.h|ei t was L, Mfiuslnini a <in ly

I dltfli l!, I>:ex i'Ud IMMtst' eiiiiiillea into ' a model II opfii .ilr hlkli speed eiibtv.iy to

the lastli.x bei.ctii of im-si! comninnliles.ami tirr iheli ....... 1 l" 'ie It may somed ay yet be e. e..m |.llehcd, but not iJpun out laltlaU ve,

"No, wi. do nut Iiiiiro l polities, mi Ibc contlury Pulthe SelVi." Is 111*' fnotlmll of the puu'lli iau, the pr.-y of tin- Klafler and the chief (’lUu'ciii l«t.

"Getil lriu‘-it, W; h \ ' lu /Wc till Ji‘i Kl luf 1- himIjiloiid o f it T!ic S' it-' u-s I', wui’d , bIh t*- iniu-lly b-igb'K iHUk (if I j' Ib-nl>out tu be liiiV < .1 1" I >'• lUi: nulluri b \ :i >wuid^i ful M Itj. bulU ful “ ■ ' i!-i ■ tu b flux uf JK'pUl.ll -u HllUllhl

uf Ifji* ^jiih'tiary (h»-«

, Kii'ul Htal^. w< Hhiudd be I a I'.'-iiiiii tbu Inuil iiUm. Sl> ' i!* I'l-TiiipuliH uf

s. inIii ITJ Ilf tuu- ilSH Thr

tliPh Ih‘ t'iiir-


IllOUH. UJUi |||<l'*:.’Uwlioiiki fulinw W-- purl. My um bitl' ij Iny ibiwji th is



tu II

ll iirij'-pfiiiy f'u’Hh.ill IfV tu «lo uur is tbai wlif-ri I shiili

b tin- peuuiibim w ill Hwung brick l3um ilu- pule of iuisMU'

Clillidxui tu a pohit wluu'f all fait luliulvd m m w ill sa y 'In the f in e of utm ost In­superable eondlltoliK, be bus done ttie beul lie could.'

I . S. S e i ia l i . r - e le e l l'.rlt;a;e ,\l> «eiH .I'liiled S la te s S cu J im -e ie c l H rl(gs, who

laid siiiiinlsed to hpeak. sent tits regrets at the last n ion iriit. Tbc toH Slm asler read u specia l d elivery le t le r from him . In wb'ieh It w a s set fo ith th at n ia i- teiK kept lilm fio in bein g pres. iii

llesIdi'S Mr. Mct’ al ler, th e .speakeis w ere A ssem b lym an h'lHiili I 'row ther, of I 'e iiii Allilniv; TtBV. It. M, tiogaa , p astor of St M ary's t'lilircb . t in s ■ lly ; Hev, Georgi- A. W arner, rector of Ibo ( ’biirclj of ll ie Holy t l io ss , N ortli Plabitlold, and f l. I. Uowiie. of L ast Orniigc

tVheii .\lnvor Klsk art'Sc to s t a l l Ulo oralorleut ball r.ilbng. K, IC. Irem onger. Ills snceesaor aa iln iirn ian “ f the c ity Ke- publieaii eon im !tli-e. led In g l ' ln g bltii Oivcf rtU'VTB,

toast lu l.hK’oln ( 'u-j Mruiik hiuI iluui iliu Mnyui- tiuidc u b-" brief re-U iiiiks. ilw e lliiig prinelpiillv mi tho propo- slilo ii lo irn-ige N itrlli S 'libitlcld w ith Plalndelil In oonim erniiik on I’resldent .McCarter's ta ler ii: the even ing . M ayor I'lsk deeUireit tliat I'luInfieM w as w ell cared for eo far us Its fram -hlses w ere emu erned, and he patted llie 1', S I' on I he tiui'k,

Re\ .Ml' W .ilne l m ade UTi eu in est plea fiu a ’lrmle sch oo l for P lalntlel.l ufleJ' he had wiirm lv advouiited th e>llilutlon of I'lly and borough H>- pointed "id b'*w im lfh ’ slich an lust il iil Ion waa needed and w as roundly npplam led tim e uiul agiiliilim in g W» te im irk s A fter A saeridilyniun Crnwther tiad on teila lm 'd the d lu m s for ten m in u tes w ith a hutch nf funny stories leather Kogan w as liltiod u ced , arnl. u.s uhiiiil got II heurlv reception . In , o iig ln t- o la iln g PresW ent M cCarter on bl« spee.-h llie p.lcHt rem arked th at the nexttim e Ills m eter got to “fast life he w as sure th at the 1, R. t . - ch ief would com e iironnd and g le e d a se ­vere check. Mr. Knwne w as Introdllc.xl ns a sobstltiili- for .keiia lor-e lcct Ilrigg.H^ He d iscu ssed “T h e H u m oin lis Stile of 1 i f r * *'A m ong tlic prminiiicni m en from out nf

tow n aboiU llw boards w ere form er oini- tv rh a lrm an lln m illo n P. b e a n amiP'rank B ergen, of co u n se l for th e 1 nbbeServk’e C orporation.



Special Presidential Message Urging that Government Re­

tain Title or Control.


bltrary a»Be89mo"l, w hich m lg lit or m igh t not IncreaBO our proaftnt t'lxex.

'Tn n great co ip ora ilu n o f th is ch a ra c ­ter. tflses. w hile properly ch a rg i’d to op ­eratin g. are o f the,»nflttire o f a fixed ci'argc , and nhould be cerin ln and beyorul the ijower o f m anipuln llon . No, th e prea- ent m ethod la right until ftie earn- IngH ava ilab le for dintrtbutlou exceed ten per cent, o f bona (#te sto ck cap ita l. W hat then?

Finn CoiiNlder^tl n» F a i r . Isom e of th e N ew E n glan d S ta te s a

prini’tple has l>oen adopted th a t seem s to ! m e fair. viz., o f requiring com panieB able [ to pay d ivldeude In e x c e ss o f w hat ia enn- I eliiuTi'd a reasi-nnhle am on n i, to pay an ' nu'iount eqmil tn the exceaa d iv idend ovt-r 1 th e Bu-called reasunable d ividend , by w ay j o f iidrtlUoJiHl la x a ilo n . >4- —

"Thun the proapr-rlly o f ihfi (Company I and additional taxotlrm go hand In hand.I tiovern or Htokes ha» rJivcii hla approval to ' Ibis m ethod, and tho KeglBloUire o f last y ear iippoinu-d a conimlBBlon to consider I It T hat com m ission Ih now a t w ork, and ’ wlH shortly report ro the T.'-glsttUdre now

lb r.PMHion. I cemfeen I ho plan s tr ik es m e I a.B both prncilcal and eijuilrtble. i "Ah an alternOUvo propoaltlon. It might

be well t'> pn^vide tlia t Instead o f th e In- ! ci-caseU iHXeN. Ihc fom p u iiy p ay in g lliot ex c ess iJividenU Bhonld be required lu! rhxTke sunn* fiirlliM' reduction In th e prlt'c

o f lt.'« I oinrnudltles. This w ould probably be the bcU fr plan. I du nu( ih lh k ilu' pvibllc Is av much JntereMud In the pru’>- Icrii o f hiCH'uHed taxa tion o f public u tility com p an ies as it Is Jn thru- eftlclcn t arvl cronomicgil «t*rvii'e A plan som ew hat sim ilar to ib is iius a lso hHcii su ccesafu b ly tlcveloped In S > w tCnglniub A t nil even le, in sonu' Hiirii m anner lltoflo cror- porntlonN ciui ljf' yuiitroUed for th e futur-. wIMi jufll rehullH lu the public nnd tcT nbur-'holders.

"Time will not permit o f m y eincrln g hero upon th e quHatlon o f'm u n ic ip a l owit- ersti\lp. Ho far as public lig h tin g goes. St mpy be pocslhlc for a large m u nicipality to iiRHillc th is btishiesB h o n e stly and ecu- nondcally , but I do n ot Ijolleve It to be

W ASHlxNOTON. F eb , U .-P rcH ld en t H oosevelt lo -d iiy sen t to luith houflOH of C ongresa u lon g m essage ca llin g arten- Llon in w hat he term s th e "urgent need o f leg is la tion n ffe e im g the d ifferen t p hases o f the p ub lic Ipnd altiKiiltm in the U nited S la te s ." H e a d v o ca tes tlie eon- BOivatlon o£ coa l an d oth «r fu el resources on Innds aiUl b e lon g in g to th e go v ern ­m ent, s a y in g th a t h en ceforth th e nation should re ta in Its lU lc to Ita fuel resources, u rges govern m en t con tro l o f th e w estern public lan d p astu ree . w ith a nystem of pmall g raz in g fees , e tc ., and naks for an approprbitloii o f h a lf a m illion dollars, Im m edlfitely KvallnbSc, In addition to pres-' Hut eHlIraales. to aid In d etectin g and prevpm lng land frau d s. H e con ten d s f'^r u ayi-tem o f g overn m en t leasin g o f Ita m ineral lan d s and for trea tin g th ese fu el lands a s public utillllc-s.

‘I’lie F rcsiiU n t p o in ts out that It would have been b etter if som e of the eastern coat lan d s had been le f t nnd*'r g o v er n ­ment control, and su g g e sts pruviflion In Uie W est " aga in st recurrence uf th e con^dUlon'i we dep lore In th e H a s t ............2,120(1. CUSPS o f public liipd en tries In fou r i diKtrtcLa itwuiLlcKltid, -. 1 'b*- Tion-<'F»mpllanee w itli lh€ iav» vtB'" >In over h alf o f th em and d eliberate frau d s In very mxany co ses . |

TlJP Hresldent first refpva to b is p revious mesBiiges tu F o n ir r s a on itie subject and again ra ils a tten tio n U the Im p ortarce f.f such legTslaflon ns would provide for l i i lc tu and d evelop m en t o f th e Hurfaco land a.s sep ara te and d is tin c t from the right In ihG u nd er ly in g m ineral fu 'ils In regiouK w here thnae m ay occur, and the rllsposui o f Utosc tn lnerul fu els undev u Icneing Hyalem on condltlmiH w htcii wmikl inure (o Ihe benefit o f the public us a whole. H e su y s he ca res little

I tlje il»*tails an d th at th e prim e tlifli 'll'' sy s le a i should be

I The rnt'sBagr' In p art SRya:I l.en itlna Ni«t S ew .

"Sach a le a sin g ayRt rii a» that pro- I pu.siul icprcftcn is b y iiu m ean s an untried

pu!l- y In th e Au*trrvHnn count*'tf»*‘ ‘i^r- ' 1H« nu hiRt fifteen years, con i h as been I milled iUKler a syftlem of governm en t i iind on condUlonfF so fa v o n ih le for

ih .' iDpmQnt th a t ih clr *'oal and, coke are (n-dnv iif in g f^o\a on th e P ac ific co a st o f buiii Amerlnnu can tliien la . In tb®g i'.tt uiml produotng E uropean countries.

G reat LSiitatn, coa l la b ein g mined uh'li'v pciVernment lea se s, lu Grem B rit­ain li'ases rtre gran ted Hhnoat en tire ly by

land o w n ers , b ut there, as and Middle Btateq n large purt of ih» coni Is being mined under h sy«- i lem "f private Is gratlfylriK ton'-'i' thill in IheBH HtHles. »• 1» fondgn

ULirlt-H, !h«se iwo great ludualrleB. kKrl- l ihurnl and mining, are conducted > wiiluu the saute boundurlefl, .’Hiil thi' vouiJ- I ir \ fliiia ailu lns ita highest dim! tlevelop- iiu-u' wiiliout oonfik’t of InieivatH. lu- Uc'«i.l. Ml? mining lnrtusli>. anfl the fac- \nrl>!* iKilng these fuela, I'reule larger im'iil KiurkelH for the pm durta of the f;i nil

■•Mineral fuels, like the forestH and tnn, iiiubi*' R lie .iu ’H, sliouhl bu tn -ated -'S [Iiiblf ■ mlhllos. T h is is geu era ily lyeug- uiz'-'l ubvojul. Tn honie foreign counlrleH jji.M-ii'.il i cjutrul nf n liirge pimtloii uf Mb' find I'k-aiUircest waH a llow ed y»’’urs ago l<> puH.s in io p rivate hutuls. bul the e‘x le lln g ^ni\<'rnmcTU.'< are endeuvoring m re^ta'u tiilfi cu n tru l’ in tteder th at ilie d ln ilu lsliln g fil’d supply ma>* Ih ' s a f i’guarded for ih c conin',nt: good in'iiteHil rif being dlspuneil (if fur llie tieunfU of th e fe w -I lm u g h Ihv jh lsU k e u f the p iec i’d lng geq ernllon in (3laposlnK nf these fu els fur n nominal return cunnui a lw a y s be corrected by i)n; piei*en! generathm . a s tlie co st m ay be su enurmnuH as to be proiilbhury,

"1 .am u'Wjiiu that objerlluusi lo thin RYh- (i-m are being urged, ll is rhilnied that HU Ir.rgt' a purl of Iiu* ruul In sonic uf (lit*\S‘« ptn-rii iUaies ban nlr''iul; piiSMCil iiit'j

li'iml.'’' uf certa in liirif' curiiu i:itlons (Milu-h I’lidedvurins n* op erate cn-

:i lehHu sysicm ulhcr ''"al thiueJills hi lu* Hiiahlc t" esmipiM'' w ith ilu c e unitlun:’ , niul G ievcfutc UihI the lu (l isliH still beloiiy'.iiJT (" ' h'' governme itjM uIhu beillluWeil l»i |«is i Inlu prl'*-'b

uw ueri-hlp. prePiimnbls iJUu lh> ham l' *t the eame or other large cotT'>r'illunK

r a i i ' t H a v e r iieru » ‘r im b c v V ow- ■ ll If ulso claimed that reservaihiu - i

'lie ruel HUppllcH sttll helungliig lu I"' guven'rnent would i:iis<* the i-rJce uf jit III' West, and, :is an :'rgunHMil in fii>'M i.f Ibis l•outctlUun, claimed that theM'^-r\i!llon of the natural forcwlH L«i rais^■Ing Ibe price of lum ber in thy W est. H eln"ild be n rnember' d Ihnt the lu st wmi m ust an-'Hsllily bodies "f llm bci m ib W est pjissful Into p riva te h o ld in gs Ijcfoic the fi.jrcei leeervca w eic cHinbllHln'd; iluiiwhile ibc Pi b'‘‘ tiiiibcr has adv:i‘i'-cd m the West It has iidvHin-cd still iiKjre In th»‘ Kasl. where there ,ifc no furesl re- verveic that siipplles uf timber are iu-dny !>clng shlpiitid from the ^ ■cst lu the mar­kets i-ir' the MlJ'eissippl \ ‘alicy. ninl ''\eii lu fi.irelKU cuuiitrb'S: and Giai iln- I'lcba- ulllly «'f utitahdng future MUpplles uf b. th llnilicr and mineral fuel in the Wesi fit ■cusoiiuMt prices will Ic niiich g r ': iu r svllli a large portion uf both the tu i 'r ts .itul the fuclH under thi- ci-iitrol uf Gv kON'crniiieui than If this conlrul pass tu private parties. Tr> sceiire ehej'iv !U‘SH uf Jiiiih^T and fuel fur the nnaiieiit .it the cost of ruin to om* own (.lilldrcii would siircls' be a suicidal pulley,

KHfil«*rrs 4 n th i‘a r l tv R r g r e l s .• It would surely he grea tly to ihe :ul-

(a n iu g c of th is cu u ntry if sum e at h‘ - f the cual lieids uf the EuhI, amt e?iac- i;ill>- ('f Ihe a iU lin ic ite tb*l<lH. li«d betn left m ider lln* cuiliro) uf the guVerrituem. ua pr"' !de In tlie e s l aga in st lln lecL .rrcace of tbc con d ition s w hich we dv- plure lu the Ka.' l. At llie outset (l:C hiw wuuld be iuliinnlHlered in a sp irit of the bruad* «l lioeralltv , w ith the lea st pos.sibi'' liUi’vf* rence wHh (ho des'elupnicnt of tlo- coal tleUlH- M oreuvei, I ta iin u l luu em ­p h a tica lly siiN lh a l a ll law s w hich imre% seek tu prevent m ojtopoly ur the haiid lltig uf ihi- public by fortjlddlng cui4% hin otlon , are ceiiR in to fa ll o f their pu* pores' OiiP exp erien ce w ith th e InlerH lute G oinm crce and an ll-tru a i law s show a Unit w lia i la needed iw not prohibition of all cumblnatlotiH, l)ut s'ich supervlaioti and cunt Till over cu n ih liiatlo iis. and over cor- puiLitkms eaU-ring Intu ilit-ni. a s will pit V'nt the evll.s w hile g lv iitg In llu? put|- lii’ th e advanlFiges o f cum binallun,

"l,ct me nl?f» again urge that legisln- tlon be pa.sse*<l lu [iru\‘kb’ fur go\eiiimeni ( Uittrnl nf tin- public past ore lands of llu- Went on the .same general principles which uuw apply In ihe guMunnient cuii- trul of forest re»cr\'es. The luciil ctm- trol of the range should be In the hands of W eslern men familiar with sluck ralf- Ipg, and there should be full local pnr- tleipiitlon In the manugotnent of llte range. There Is no need at present that Uie government should gel n net revenue from grazing on the public rnnge. but only emmgh to pay for atlinlnlstniilon and Irnprovemenl. and K may be vt'lse to provide that any surplus shnll go lo the Htatps nn«1 Tcrrllurles in which tltc fecB ure collected.

H a lf H M illio n DollnrH Anked."Ixei me urge tha t Congress pruvlJe

Ji-OO.'JiW in addliioii lo the present esll- jiiaies, 10 be Immediately applied 10 the clearing of tho arrears of biislne.''s In the geiicrul land oITlce ns rcgnrds the detec­tion and prevc-ntlon of fraud In disposing uf nppllcatlonH for patents to the public lands.

”1 wish to express my u tter ana com­plete dlBBont from the stuteThenta Hint have been niaiTe u.s lo there being but u minimum of fraud In the nctmil working of our present land laws. I am exceed­ingly anxious lo protect the Intcrcsla of bona-fide Beltlors and lo prevent Uardahlp being intUeted upon theni. But surely we are working In their Inleresis when we try to prevent the land wiilch should be resetwed for liieni and for those like them from being taken possoalon of for apecu- hitive purpiJBes, or obtained In any fraudulent fashion."

rijc president aaya the present force or ftpeclal agents is utterly Insufflcienl lo conduct the proper field oxamlnaGons, but adds that In six months ending IJecember 31 last they secured indictments In 197 actions for fraud, twenty-six uf which have been tried, rrsulilng In fourteen convictions and twelve acquittals. In the forest reserves, where we liave been able to exumlne n g r ta l number of dnlms, he adJ-. tn tilktut oiie-tiiird tlie law whs noi complli-d with. The message conchsrica:

'T ro m the standpolnl of the public In­terest failure to prevent tr.and of Ihla kind is peciillarly BerioiiB beeaits" In an mnnv ouaca the sucresa of the fratidiilent

‘ clnlninntB meatia the prevention of the ea- labllahment of a home by aoiJie

H nghee renew ed acq u a in tan ce with the I | m em bers w ith w liom he served in the F if tv -a .sh th Congresa,- uml introduced | Hiimlll to n mtntibeb o f h la . prtupectlvr coileusues. l l w«* I la m tll’B Aral v isit to i the national cap ita l. I

I 'oain tae te r ,Puhn A ^kerm un jind hla , d iuighter. ML-ie Alice A ckerm an, of Or- : ange, W'ere aniJUK the gneata a l the re- e..p1lnn a lie n by 1’reeldetil mid Mt« ' Boiiaeveh Id the a rm y and nav.v a t t h e . . W hile Ih 'iiae last TlUiradliy IliKht. 1

11. It. \V. )

W ith in t h is }artbne b mote of tli« tMtl tubitanc^ of Beef—awl ■ tiigber quality of Beef—

I than In any othee Meat Extract Jar of equal tbe.


M4-Miilui-n AVho l l a « ' j“ lJ ;i« k ii n n d llM r ilr n n n " Kjlrnt*)] j

TU<*li' KalnrU'iH. |W.YHHlNGT'iIN. I’'-''. i:i ■ rtciiarui'a o ic ;

run tiu uccoih! iiMW d ia l riirirk 's I?. Hfinlih ! urul G«iirg« R ll.irr liu an dhl iu»tcu m ihM r Kiilui-irs aa spcclHl em ployes ■ di:octtal by ihe int'ald'-ni lu eoinplli*figures rvKiirillug Tallruiul. freight |i:iHH'llgcr rptl’W


in blue, or ll'e iwrt (l*»i*in»..

LIEBIG COMPANYSE x tra c t o f B e e f

lilUlT h is nullull arjwi*3 un th t

ri*c.'li»t of fl reply (‘|•"m Go* InterstuG*('urtii:iL-rt'i» C’uitimlKHltm i" Sctialur ».!nlbt‘i- H iu' k rt eulullun calling l"r all I he p.ipcrs Huhnili It'd by llaukfiaiiii llarriinau.

A big d f liv n .v v.iii tlt.iwM by f'lm'lUffSCS. '


StUIHlutlml> <>\i-uver J

....... rtip ilrf .l t - bTi:lK the icP 'ilHCnpltul. I5u*(cs uf duciTiicnla v\-n-

■I'll l*!"Iik Uu- ui>r"lilurH usil;i- I'lUiip'c!!' J t" s l(lc ‘ l.tqi <

< jn 'n c- flucun" Mt-'n !-eni ■ ifU niiii;i la iii i Ic 1 'i.ltt il S: i i+-h..ipr*. u u HTh. uoiup..! niuim hiuI wil '• liiita ,\u K-nut'■ml lu luuk "Vcf I Ilia gfcul m.tss ul fX hilH 111 sung*‘al IhftI Ih c i ]>rlhtcd a:duCUTUM)!.

Colonist Rates to the West,VIA

Erie Railroad.! ^■|•uln l■■t■ ,l• ll[ly ilB to April 29, ISuT. the

F cle w ill se ll t ic k e ts ul rate of aai to I'u llfofn la , N orth ern P u cldc C onei. M on­tano, Idaho, .Mexico, etc., and lU propor-

I tlofTiil low raifts tf> o il ie r VVefttern points- In s loiil Ihe hiii'dl- For p a n lcu lH fe InquIi'B of K'''®" ! tick e t n gem o r I!. W. H aw ley d ivision

paHfteiigtT u g cu i, tlh a in b ers Street S ta tion . N ew York (.’Ky.

NEW DOMINICAN T R E A H .T h e theo i-n i o f C n i lv e i i l t o i i a l ( h

U lu tu i U e p n b U r J n n t >^eui tu t h e S em ite '.

\ \ \S ) U N G T U N . l‘'tb . wltlciMIh-u.-cvcli seB icrd ay a^-ut a lu-w Ixim lni- t:;iu irtul.v lu ih c Sem Ue fur rnUfiCHlkuu it \v»y irnuHm ltlcd iiR « MubHlUule lor llie peMihug lu iiv cn tlo ti. w hich fa iled lo ihr Huijruval of iw o -tb lrd s uf Ihc Senuh .

Th<* m lm in lstra llo ii has m ade a ih o n i'isbicvcsiiuaiiui^

•qATTLtft I te o a d B ait. tF ita and inat^nmwl

I I'l'Ul VHe......Gli.s i"lipUTl

r tbd- clm n ces uf the new a id o flltliils feel (“ rtalp lliiil llie w ill tak e favurrihU- ;u-tkiii. W h'‘u

iio iif Saul" D om in go w ill he placed I firm hmmciLil am i. In the

cph .io 'i of the lu lm in lftn itlu n . a p iu sp n - lUCF fiiHiTi* fur th e republic YlM tie asftured.

Thi- new irca iy Is m uch sln ip ler In form ihiiii llie oTI ll ml dues nul hliiJ the I'niled S ill ie s su cluM‘] \ . tlK m am featu re Is GH' pn'\ Isiun I'nr ih e o l l c i lion <d ih e eiistmus' M*veni'»' uf (he lu iin iry hv Artifiiicaiis.




.A lit I 'T r c a t I n K l<nn' Pjianet].I’IKURF:, tf. I>., Fell, II T h e Huuse

>(‘sre[-d:i‘\- iwistseil a re<'iprucal d em iiirageii'll fiimI III'" w hlc): iiroh ih its "(rcntjngshIooiis, 'The GuVelTiur,

-measures imsv to the

CASTO R IAFor In&nti and Chlldten.

me Kind You HateB e a rs th e

S ig n r tu re o f

1 . A llm a n $c (En.FASHION-


W O M K N ’S AND C H l l .D R H N ’S B O O T S in t h e





W H N 'S , W O M B N 'S AND C H I L D R E N 'S







Tlfift Jlwnut, J4th and jsib Streets, new York.

l i n d e r b e r gU t * p o o n e l « n n i | )

BittersThe Best Bitter Liqueur.

honest -^ h the iid-

I mlnUiti'nOon „.*Tm rrtU ie thv lU ver-tixement u f friind tn conrnctlon w ith the public linnl system , h u t the only way

I nccom pllsh th is In by p u tting llie frtiml itse lf.’

n stop to

foru(] Is



Drink to the health of your friends in U nderbers Boonekam p Bitter* andimprove your own. Taken before meals it gives a relish to food and aids digestion—always the same since 1846 Cqll lor a “ pony ’’ a t any first-class bar, CBjqyaUe u a ceddaU better tw ynu 6,000,000 bottles imported to the U. S.

At alt H»Uls, Cft**# mnd ar i^ .,^H4t*4 ml wina U*rt>fnit4Md UrMtri,


LUYTI6S BROTHERfl^s 0«iiM A g ^ t i SO*i WIIIUb W n e t, WHW VOBK

W lll l i im S ln v k n y W il l P r o h n b ly S u e - i-eed r h n r l e n B u r ro w * —lv e » v y u 'c n

lU L -riitly n t t h e C n p ltn l.Front Ihr (Pasbinplon Hurrait of the J'/'Vi’-V-

l \ U SI;WH.W A S IliN fiT O X . Fch. 13,-R u th e r fo r d a

lon g .d raw n -ou t postMlllcc ligh t is again to the front. Th«postm aster.T'Xtruat'jfiuzAn

my duUes. jO lije e tz in V lfw . |

the commencf?mont of n:y nOminls- jilo n 1 had , npfi I sGh have, three and '

i l y three objects In view.The m aking good of nvory dollar

f e 1 " tbPiir tinrlrrlylng bnurts nud sr- ' (uriMea by w liom socver hrkl. 11 nil th e pic- ;

„ „tBBOn u( the financial pimlc lhal wniild ;enaued, and genllcmriv, unless

■‘.IriKMUain and confiscation an- to p rem tl .Y’ lil thbl country , w hich they are not. th a t ,

ob jec t baa been a tta in ed beyond peradren- ' tu re . '

tS * 'T *r 0—The glying of efilrlent trodSiottblBlCBl aeYvk-e to the people of this

t t l e In th e th ree g re a t public uim iles of * 1 . e lectricity an d a tree t railw ay trana- O itatlon.. “ Three—T he atasuraOee of on ulttniat* k ir re tu rn to th e etockhotdera who have gVisUd th e ir ih o n e r in the stock of tlita ^ p e n v a t p a r, f ir s t , tb the ex ten t o f ten

hhU V hs'dallara. a u b s e q ii« tly increased by tw o s h d n n d -h ilt m liltons. now m aking

low pi'1cf>a a t w hich Ibe com panies offrrlng to do th e biiflttefts.

"From (lie oompany Ptandpolof. Hi" margin of profit dlaappeftrs. ho dOf»ft nie* Intensliyxif th»lr drsiro for ih? buehu's:: -

r aiiy I In Ur bremder \ iinvp studied HVh Iply a ! quratlon much, ftnd without trgurd tu Its !

effect upon any prlvalu inlrreftt I may 1 have, e r a citizen proud nf IiIb State. I '

Til" SUHe iiiithorIHra ha\e vho»en :■» n ' say woe belldo the common wealth when aUe for a new Normal fiehoul a location [ enc anlefft upon any policy of municipal betwcfii .\iontcIalr and Pflterson, not iiow i owner&Ul3» or commerclaj irudlng aa car- p arh' d by our lines. They luive re- ' rted on with ftiioh dubious ritaulta acrostjmieei**d Uf to flit In thlR Rap betwryn , It Is not to my mind n propertliese plnceft, aixl we ought to do, K, but ] funcilon of a democratic govprnmenl.U la out of the qiieHtlon. For the l.irt ( Sim|»1y Me«t L«fflalatloiisHiree years ynitr felkw-t^ow-nsuian. ami \ "One more mnUev Iwfore I conclude.

We hear much In thJft day aboul corpora­tion control of legislation, and thlH charge

wTae cxpfrlrnrn t, espeijlally In view of Ihe I , h , su rface . 'u ln irevery low prices a t which the - - - P - i ' - a r \^ ^

In .hpen .iotu ly o t Pacb oth er . In N ova Hi'uitn, British Columbia. Indln and other

’ iJrlHnii oqlonlea, a govem n ierit leafttugHVH'*'iu hA» been adopted and is workingfcaiieriutorliy. In the United Slates, a l­ii chkIi conveyance of the mineral right* with the surface has been the common

th ln l lerm of Ihe present Chark-a Burrows, explreil

Ifxtfi. There have been a half raiullihites for Ihe pltvee, lint be-

! cansc of local tHillileoi (llfteri'in’es ami I the InahllUy uf aenutors and the Bergen

County Repiiblloan leaders to iigi-ee. Hie place lilts not liuen filled, and Hurrows has continued In office,

William Miickay will tie the appointee, in all prohablMly. He was indorsed for the office Inst year by Congresamati Allen, tant Ihe United S tates Senntnrs refused to approve the selection. Mackay and Captain Koesler, of Rutherford, have been In Wnshington this week, and ll Is iindersUiod th a t the appointment will be made shortly. Congressman Allen said i last night that he could not talk, about the m atter then, but th a t something would probably happen In a tew days, !

William Hughes, Representative-elect t from the Sixth District, and James A, liam lll, Representative-elect from the j

Frpm Making to Eating

Desserts Are BestSo Easy lo Make So G ood lo Lai

RlvRylO e.

at all g rochts IN THB PACICAI^

OlANDAli, • (WDLEV CO. W n -IR FYadtUn SL.N-V.





niv vft-y good friends Mr. MeU1r*k. has In- | IvroBted hlmsHf In ihe exienGon of our l*;irk jsvenue lino here, by llie Golf Club over trj .Mo-turheu. 'Ve agreed to build, bm the nm uer wup delayed because of clltTicully in oblahilng uonaenu. until after Ihe passage of lUifi law.

"Now I have been forced lO'dlaappolut Mr. Melllck by telling him <hat the ex- teuslun IB lmpractlcable~-a fac t which ns a banker I have no doiibl J»e 't*dry well appreciatea. And so the Inslanrea might b« muhipjled. Tn thus speslBng J have no desire to create any fresh agitation of thla m atter. 1 simply give tny vio'ws.

, '"rhere Is a bill pending In the Leglala- ! tore Ht the pteHnl time Ip repeal the

’4««lva and one-half mtUlows In alL thus , operation of the law outsTde of first-cisiswtUiout a aient o f m u m thereon.

then , h av e been the th ree ob- iMfore rae. T he first, th a t o f eate-

the underly ing eecuritie* has. M I M y . b e e f kecompUAteri.

h a t of th e le o o n d - tb e giving of *C-

eltte*. I never heard of It before Its In- j trodueilon, slid we shall neither favor 1 nor oppose lls pHseasc. My own view of ' Ole correct tolullon of th is problem Is th a t I th e grants should not be limited, unte.'S ; Tor n very long term of yesrs. like a

hut th a t there should=;■ 'S e lM t a ad econom ical servlc* to the p«o- I leasehold of lend, hut th a t th e re should | t iam n™ ors it™ b '*-«-« l e t u s b e a r in mind th a t th e com - I be frequen t in te rva ls of from ten lo tw «n- j all there It to It.r S S r S i m t e e aJt th e im tto rtam gas. else- ) fy-flv* y e a rs ap a r t, when th e ;le r in e upon , ’’ r *tp flawwi-v® «eii •iMK*' 1 *hss r*».s.* siwis trt Kfl invMj j i.ha T.«h1ch Valh


la frcqu^'iiity ftp4»clflca1ly broughi agnlnsi I’ubJIc Service. Th« factH are thesP’: Ah«nn trn per cent, of Iha bills JtitrodueT»d Into Ihe Jjeglfllaturc directly affect Hu.'

I buBlneaa nnd tiffa.|rs o f (hla com pany.' Some of theae bllfi«‘are meritorious, more

are Ill-considered and Altogether Imprac- ; Ileal. Of course I deem It my duty lo see

th a t our InlerestH are protected Jn every , legitimate way. 1 wotiid not be nt for my - position IM dUl not. -We do not introduce ‘ the bills. It tn seldom th a t we need any . affirmative legislation. We slniply meflt ' whiit we finds

"If ten per cent, of the bills introdoctd ' directly affected the bund business of ; Harvey Fisk & Siine, the banking busU j nens of Ij^denburg, Tljnlman & Co., uf \ which Brother MelHck Is a member, or

even the cement business presided over by I Senator AckfiTman, J think you would i promptly find it sturdy delegation of

FlatnrteMcrs huiUMttg to Trenton, That is


Sure Armor Against Disease

Thoro is aaty om» ,

^^Bromo QuMno^’Thai is . - ^

Laxative'Bronto Quhthm.

i j l y p C K 'S

t ^ n i p o u n d ^ n i i l s i o n

M i w g y ! n the I which the franchises are to be enjoyed r u t sduih Bs Gam en. with the should be revised to the mutual lairaMgt e i t l ^ S M property In and fcbeut l a l the puUlc and tb s coMpang. th U -

«ge «« did eo-nperate wlln the I.«h!fh Valley Ballreod Companiy tor the ebandonmeft of, the Morrl* Canal, I. fa»T* ^ w a y i ra g n tte d It, ool tajMUue o w

Tlw great armor that protecU one from disease Is a well nourUlied body with good pure blood. After an exhaustive test extending over several years the fofeBost phy.sicians of Greater New York have recognised and afe'piefcrihing Turck's Conpound Enmlalon as the best Emulsion known with which to build up the gystem. This Emulsion Is not g patent medicine, but a highly eoncetrtrated food, formulated by physicians, tor physicians and DitIr patients, and has reached on enormon* recognition through t te physician’s presi:rfptk)o.

There Is no mystery about It, for the formula Is made public.K contains no codHver nor other fish oils, has a pleasant fruit flavor, and unUke other Emulsions, Is retained by ihe most dell- ! cate stomach, aids digestion and improves the apatite. Its gobd ■ efliKU ate noticeable within three daya. We have hundreds of physidsns’ testimonUls open to the inspection of an y one Interasted.

FREE tA M PLE* a t Tollowing dniefflo**’ •Qeo. LInnatt A Era., )Un-

% . .

gtollw ly named rmnedloa .aereiTf. I1ile Hist and ortgliwl ®wdJEk“'**.It a W H IT K rA C h ( \f l l* U r ta i bfoekMd red Uttering, n d e w i t t* aip*bll* X

Oreanllef'i Pharmacy, fSl Broad JR., opp. Bridge Bt.

g. Ballman, !)S Itarket at,. COT. Mul^rry.

cola Park and Clinton Ave.. Sherman and FrrilBghuya*. -ATgg. ^ '

Car. BUiDlAltflL

B6|,“O T ^ ic bt f i r o r

C hti. P. Molly Contrgl Ave** Cor. 8tiraiafcVtT H E f i l C I t O M H I H f , I h n i i i l i v f ^



B V E f f lsse$B


Formef Governor of New York Socounbs to Kidney Disease

After Long Fight.


CLEAN, N. T., Feb. 13,-Form er Qov- ernor Franlc Waylanci HlEBln# Sted a t SitO last n isb t a t Itls lionse In 3anth atreet. Death was due to the disease of the kidneys, from which hp had su |l*r4d tojr sume time. His Ifist day was spent. In a i>,apor.

At hie bedside when be died were Mrs. llllg lps, who has been there a lu io it oon- stnntlV' to r three weeks: Miss Josephlns lltgslns, a dauithter: T. Harrison HIe - Elns, the younEoet son; the former Qov. ernor's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, F, B. Smith, of Ancellce; Dr. Hib­bard and his private secretary, Allan R. Williams.

The funeral will be held on Friday a t 2 o’clock at Hie Higgins residence. The services will be conducted by Rev. Dr. James W. Ashton, rector of St. Stephen's Church, of which Governor Higgins was a vestryman tor more than twenty years. I t Is the desire of the family th a t the oceaslon be devoid of all ostentation. In ­terment Will be a t the convenience of the family.

Frank W ayland Higgins was born In Rushford, N. ¥., on August 1*. Ib66, ond received his education In the district school of hH home town, in the seminary a t Pike, Wyoming County, and in the


AiLd. "E IoiPiOLtv 5e.ixagSpt'iTuI to the EVh^h'IMQ SIJWB.

WASHINGTON, N, J., Ft*b. 13.-An ad- vftrtlsumcnt In the want columnii of the EVENING NEWS laat February has culminated In the m arrtuge of F lorlar i3enH, of WaBhlugton, and MIsb Mary Scheida, of Newark. Both young people are nalivee of Auatrla. Mr. Bens has re- Midod In thla country for several years. HIm bride came to America two yeare ago. l^ a t February she adverllacd In the NEWS for a poaltlon In a German fumlly III Newark. Mr. Sene Is a dully reader of the paper and eaw the warn mitlce. In a spirit of fun he wrote to the young wom­an and learned thut she was u native of tho same section of A ustria from which ho came. The corroapoudenca begun In this way ripened Into love when the

couple met for the first time. Two weeks ago MIhb Schelda oaiTie to Waehtngton atirj (iKsLiitiil In furnishing a home a t U Cornibh Hlrwt. On Mondai ulght Rev. John Caulheld, pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, married the couple. The ceremony was parfortiYad In the church. Alfred Galea and M lu Alice P''ltsgsrBld acted ps wIlnasseM. A wedding supper was aerved a t the home of Mr. and Mra. Howell Allshftuse in Lincoln avenue, where the bridegroom has lived during his resi­dence In Washington. Mr. and Mrs. 0sni went to ihelr new home after the supper. Tho bridegroom Is an employe of ths H. R. R. Woodworking Company. Ho Is a member of the Bloomsbury brass band, and the mcmhcrB are planning a akTgh- ride to Washington In order to give the couple a sereimde.


F m n k W a y la n d i l lg g ln s .

Rlvervlew Military Academy a t Poiigh- keeepsle, from wliich he was graduated in 1873. He Wfis a son of the late Orrin T Higgins, and hig {srandfaiher was one of the early settlers In A]l<*gheny County.

I l ls P o lJlIo a l C a ree r ,His political career began In H>8S. when

he was elected a delegate to the Republi­can national convention in Chicago, He was elected State Senator in 1S93 and served four terms. In 1902 he dcciiitcd to run again for office, and practically an ­nounced his retirement from poUllca.

It wA's a t th a t time that he was nom­inated for Lieutenant-Governor on the ticket with Benjamin B. Odell Jr., and was elected. Mr. Higgins got fiG3.6S0 votes, against 6B3,E cast for hla opponent, Charles N. Bulger. In 1904 B. B. Odell Jr. selected Mr. Hlgglne as an "available'' man to run for Governor. He wns iiom* Inated and elected, defeating D'Cady Her­rick, candidate of the Democratic party, by a large m ajority, but running 80.000 votes behind President Roosevelt in the Btata

HIh two years in the Governor’s chulr were turbulent. Governor Higgins, an amiable, peace loving man, was puiled tills way and th a t by powerful polUl- dnna. He broke with Odell soon after hla election, one of the reasons being that Odell had referred contemptuously to him as "a nice little man.” Governor Higgins caused James W. W adsworth J r to be chosen Speaker of the Assembly against Odeil's wishes. When the insur­ance scandals developed and there was an outcry R>r leglilative iTtvestigation Governor Higgins a t first demurred, thtii consented to send a mewage to the Leg- Islaturo calling for an Investigation. Later ih«re was a demand for an investi­gation of the banking departm ent, pre­sided over by his friend KllburB'. Govern­or 'Hlgglna would not consent.

Towa.vd (he close of his term be was talked of as a candidate to su o c a ^ him ­self. Ha was urged to run by many Re­publican politicians th a t were not espec­ially in favor with President R oosevelt The Governor vaclltated for a time, but fiimlly, DO September 24, 1906, Issued a statem ent saying th a t he had kept hie pledges while in office, and th a t by doing io he had Incurred the enmity of those who believe th a t Governors should fol­low the dictates of party bosses, and that^ as another reason for deoUnlng renomina- tlon he needed time for ^«4t and to attend To personal affairs. The health of the Governor a t th a t time was poor, and whpn he gave way to Oov«;;nor Charles E. Hughes on January 1, lB(r7, he W'as un­doubtedly a sick man. He retired tp his home in Olean and remained there until hjs death.

F re p a ra ilo n s fu r th e I ssu a n c e «( AtHlInn DoUsrs* W o r th o f

[ n iu lu r B onds.BAN JUAN, P. B,. Fob. 6.—Preparations

for the lawiiance of the mlllioii-dollar loan, aulhoi'lzfd a t tho last seealon of tiio Legislative Angcmbly of Porto Rico, are practically cumpleted, The executive council hue dveiritsd that It will best meet the Interesls of ihe Island to issue these bonds In serial form. The Secretary of the Treasury has agreed to accept the bonds Eil par us eecurliy for public de­posits Hhiiuld further deposits be made iind to pprmlt them to be subHUltuicd for Untied Stales Government bondH now held Hs aecurny for deposita, on condition that the goveinment bonds thus rek-tiaed ba used as security foi‘ adtlltloual circula­tion. whenever in the j\jtlgmenl of the Secretary of the Treuaury ll la defilr- ahle to allmulute. rin Increase In UBUonal bunk urrulntlon. Fie hdH uiao oonaented to fiHow the engraving to be done by his department.

Fiscal agents hnve been selected and It IB hop'd that the bonds will be placed on the market within the next few weeks.


''IT 'S A L IE ," SAYS BAILEY.S e n a to r O b jects to T e s tim o n y nnd

Ask* C om niiliee to **Stop T hese I n s o l t i .”

Al'PTlN, Tex . Feb. IS.—Dorlarlng that "all Ibis prattle Is a He." atid urging that the committee Interpurtc ami "slop these InHtill.'*," Ftiited States Sfrmtor Jtii^epli W. Eiiilley brought to a climax ypsterduy afternoon an exciting aeBalon of the leg- Isluilve committee appointed to Investi­gate charges tiled againat him.

When Representative Cocke ref|uested that nddlllona) witnesses he summoned, by which ho hoped to prove that Sona tor Bailey had borrowed I7.CKX) from J. D. 8ugg». of Iron County, It was suggeated that the committee leave a t once for St. Ijpuis, where additional testimony is to be taken Senator Bailey proleated that lie should not be compelled lo "go over the country as the principal In an In­vestigation of this nature."

It also developed iliai the comitilttee is averse lo allowing tcsilmony to ap­pear In ihe record befoie being cenaon'd by ft niajorlly of ihe commltiee, assisted by Senator Btilley.

Annft L. Kipp* (fwvble So Ftim iaoe In v g n tio n , Ju m p * tu F ro n t of

■ nbw ay T ra in .NEW YORK, Feb. 18.—Despondent, It

Is said, because of her failure to capital­ize ft company to m anufacture a ateanier chair W'hloh she bad patented fn four countrleR, Miss Anna L. Kipp, a trained mirae, about ihirty-flve years old, threw herself In front of a south-bound local train in the subway a t Blxty-slxth street yesterday. The woman was so badly cnifilted by the train that she died several hours frfivrward lii Roosevelt Hoepllal.

Before jumping Miss Kipp walked sev­eral times HcrosB Um platforni, and ap­peared t<i be wringing her hands as though In mental Jlstresa. She had walkeil to the extreme north end of the plalforni, wlien the lighlB of a south- bmiml local flashed imo eight. A second later. sFie was seen to deliberately run tn tlie edge of the platform and throw her­self, head foremtmt, in front of the on­coming miln. The train tossed her be­tween the Iron girders which sppnriue tt;e lornl from the express trucks, itnd sFje fell across the express tracks.


TROLLEY CAR JUMPS RAILS.Seven P e rao u s I n ju r e d In CTitsh nt

P l l t s b n r g — W o m en H n rie il T h ro n g b W in d o w .

PTTTBBURG, Pa., Feb. 18.—Seven per­sona were seriously injured and a number of others silglifly h u rt In a collision to­day between a heavy double-truck trac­tion car, on the W est W ilklnaburg line, and a trolley pole.

Tho car got beyond the control of the motorman a t Penn and Trenton avenues and, dashing dowm th e heavy grado.jump- ed the rails and crashed Into the pule. Tho passengers were thrown tn a heap On the floor by the im pact, ana Margaret Braun was burled through the car win­dow. The Injured were removed to a hos­pital, ,

PROBE FOR SWETTEHHAH.E lfK lI.h G o v ern m en t to Be A .k e d fo r

'^ r r e i t i o n i f e t i c e o n th e K I b k i - to n In e ld e n t.

l/)N D O N , Feb, 13.—The Incldeni Be­tween Governor Swettenham, of K w jaton, Jam aica, and Rear-Admiral Dnvle, of the U n tt0 S ta te . Navy, a t the time of the recejit earthquake a t KIngaton. la not to bo permitted to drop out of sl,rht.

ERorte will be made In P arliam ent to obtain a governmfintal atntem ent on the aubject; A» a preliminary John D. Reea, Liberal, chairman -of the British Central Africa Company, and a high au­thority in colonial affairs, gave notice to­day of his Intention £o ask the govem- ment on February 1! that the corre- tpanflonce between the Governor and Ihe American admiral, concerning the aaalat- ance rendered by the latter, be furnish­ed to the House of Commons.

B r i t i s h B a ii le s b lp s C o llid e .LONDQN, Feb. IS.—The British battle­

ships Albemarle and Comtiumwealth, which were participating In inaneovera off the coast of Portuggl, were In colli* Sion during the night of P ibrunry U and were so damaged th a t they w ere obliged to procBsd t« G ibraltar for rew lrs . p e - tails of the accident have not reached here, but It Is known th a t there were no sasualtles among the crews.

Prcasler CteBienoeaw HI.PARIS, Feb. 11—There was a rumor

on the Bourse to-day that Prem ier Clem' eneeau had resigned. The report couu not be confirmed^ hut In well Informed circles th e Premier’s retirem ent under the ' p resent circumstances, without awaiting an adverse vote In the Cham'

f IJeputleA would r. H e has been sUfl..... ..

thfluspish.1: ! '1-

T h e o lo s tlc a l S eh o a ls O oaao lldh to .PMO.ADBLPHIA, Feb. 11—T he dtrec-

Son! M IFrslnus College have decided .to ............ ' of Taw

„ — S p ti^ V lS rw im nspltdkBon wUlSi*dirA ■“ -w the O f ^ J M h r t iL

IH ler the .'orAnini:

her of D eputies would not oause any sur­prise. H e has been suffering for over a Week from an. attack of luflue|«a.

oUdate the ' B rrinui B uSbpl'ut The' ideated in Uus.,T!Hy. With

S tn b b cd w ltb flolsaoriv I17 Ani»(h«r P r l* u n e r In a V IrK iiiln

F « n l te n t lu ry .M O U N D SV IL L E , W. Va., Feb, 13.-T.ot-

Ug HfcLWkliia waa Btabbvd to dv;Uh w llh ft pair o f sclBBora, In tba fem ale w a iii of Iho p en iten tiary , ia.Bi n i^lit by Ada Croxs. u n otoriou s con vict. Both w ere colorf>d F edera l prlsonere, sent hern from the D lulrlct o f Colum bia, and eaeh w as about (h lr ly yearb old, T he murdereHB hua been liere th ree tim es, and is now Herring a tw en ty -y ea r sen ten ce, H er vlcUtn w as serv in g a tw o -y ea r term for stealing .

T he w om en w ere trlnimlriB garm ents, under the au rervislon o f th e matron, and luoltjft H aw k in s com plained o f in ls iie a t- m ent a t the i)umla oJ Atift C ross. 8hc w as sen t back to her place, and w hile the m atron ’s back w ns turned, the Cross WOmaii leaped ut the n lher anil aiibk her sh ea rs Into tlie H aw k in s wnnian b neck, Hvverlng the ju gu lar vein . 'I'he la t­ter w alk ed tow ard the m atron, then sw oon ed and died in n few m inutes.


Would you like to own a good Victor of Edison Tslking Machine ?

W« make it easy for you to buy them by asking only a small payment at the lime of purcliasa and accepting easy monthly payments thereafter.

It Is not worth whllo to buy cheaply made, unworthy Instruments when the best kinds can be had so easily.

1E might do something sen­timental—we might send flowers, for instance, to

ail our patrons as a Valentine re­membrance, but we have thought it

over and w e decided that we could not please you better on St. Valentine’s Day than by presenting a host of offerings of a sub­stantial character, devoid of sentiment, full of pleasure-giving i possibilities to those who accept them.

There are many things told of below, the possession of which will make the heart beat faster—and as you will see they may be had for little.

Smartest Spring Suits«S o m e M a k k e r s * S a m p l e s a t 1 - 3 L e s s T h a n U s u a l

ORETHOUGHTFUL women will see in opportunities we present just now the best buying time of the season and they will pick one or more of these pretty suits and save a considerable sum by buying early. Besides, they will have the advantage of being smartly

dressed at the very outset of the season when most people are looking frazzled out. Of course, we could not afford to name such prices If we had not secured

tliese sample garments from a couple of makers from whom we buy much of our regular stock.Folks who are going south will find it decidedly advantageous to select suits from these sample

lines. Many charming things are here~suits of dainty plaids and stripes, plain chiffon panama*, broadcloths, voiles and fine serges—and they are cut in the most striking models—Pony Coats,Cutaway >

Coats,Eton and Pony Etons.wlth trimmings of plain and fancy silk braid and lace,the skirts beautifully plaited. There are five lots of these suits, priced as follows:

Women’s M9.50 Suits, *12.98 W om en’s *25 Suits, *16.50W omen’s *22.50 Suits, *14.50 W om en’s *29 Suits, *18.50

W omen’s *35 Suits, *22.50

S ilk D r e s s e s o..nd S K ir tw a ist S u i t sS e l l i n g f o r O n e - H a . 1 ! R - e g u l a - r S e e > . s o n P r i c e .

iHESE are particularly handsome suits in newest models and are being shown by New York houses and sold at a price far beyond what we are asking.

The Dresses and Suits are made of new silks in beautiful stripes and plaids as well as in plain colors, with exquisite tuckings, lace trimmed yokes and sleeves and nicely plaited skirts. We count them worth 525, and we are offering them T 2 .5 0m

Spurned State’* Cnalt.TOPEKA, Kan., 13*-PmnJt E.

Grimes, former S tate treasurer, who re­cently voluntarily paid the State $9,000to RQVer nri alleged shortage found under his adm lhiitratton, yeBtertay stopped a movement In the Legislature to ralmbureehim.

WOMAX’g BIG BID.L'ncle Sam G«t« a P ro p o sa l O ver

E lK h tr F e e t Lon^f.LAWTON. Okla., Feb. 13.—The largest

bid. else considered, that the United StHies Government hn» ever received In response to an advertisement offering land or other government property for sale, waa recently submitted to those In charge of the sale of the KInwa and Co­manche Indian puature lands near here by Mrs. Adelo French, of South McAleg- ter. t T.

The bids were for 1,830 tracts, which was the entire number In the largest reserve oftered for sale. The sheet on which these bids were recorded wbls over Hgiity feet long and it required the recording clerks the larger pert of four days to iranaciTbe them. Mrs. French was the highest bid­der on six tracts. She will move to the tract awarded and begin farming it this year.

In ju re d In H ote l F ire ,CHARLESTON. W. Va.. Fob. 13.-The

St. Albert H old , one of the oldest In the city, waa almost totally destroyed by flro here early- to-day. The loss will reacli ^.noo. J. H. Crouse, of IJaltiniore, a traveling salesman, leaped from a third- story window and Is thought to be fatally Injured.

victor Machinal, $17 to $2(M),Edison Machinet, $10 to $SO.Record, — Edison and Victor - Red

Seal and Black Seal, 35c to $5 each.Amone the Red Sial Records will ba

found the wonderful solos by such famous artists as

Eames, Sembrlch, Schumann- Helnk.

Calve, MelbaCaruso and Campanarl.Flower Horns, $1.50,Demonstration daily.Second Floor, rear.

as an early season trade winner at only.

Underwear N e w S p r in g C oftts.

Fern BallsThese Fern Balls are mighty' nice to

have about the house for they can be hung up in any room or in the h..ll, and they grow beautliully. Our first shipment Is now on sale 'and 'J Cc the price Is only......................... “ v

D raw ers of Canton ptanneS; heavy twill; trimmed with cambric, hemstitcht ruffles; also some ol While I'lunnelidte with scalloped edge nilfle; 7Sc, C l lc and SOc. kinds for...........................

Draw-ers of Cambric, trimmed with deep ruffles of English Eyelet Embroidery; vntslied with cluster of tucks; regu- C Q c lar price 75c.; a tempting bargain at 0 - '

Washlnjt MachinesThe “ Majestic" Washer is the lightest

running machine on the market, Ol thK we are very sure, for we have seen them all at work and tested them, giving our preference to the Majestl; because of its Lperior merits. Half the liorrors o washday can be saved by using one of these working machines. .

The Majestic isregularfy sold at Fo-’ W We offer it to you at the special $C '7 C price of.......................................

RLENDID Coats of Broadcloth, Covert, Imported Fancy Plaids and Stripes—all cut in the most distinctive and stylish models—are now offered

at prices that certainly will not be duplicated in the height of tile se-dson. See how modestly these are priced;

W om en’s Coats, w o rth $18,50, a t $12,50. W om en’s Coats, w o rth $22.50, a t $18.50. W om en’s Coats, w o rth $37.50. a t $25. ;

W irvter C oact C learirv^


Tired Nervous WomenM a k e U n h a p p y H o r n e s

MRS.NELUE MAKHAM M R S .-G E a A .JA M E 5. 1 u ", I nlFired «o I did uat c a n who* fawana* o(A nepfous, imtaW e woman, often on| family d ^ ja lr td ^ t

the verge ol byaterica, ia a aonree ofi eovWy: misery to every o»e who comes under her itiSnence, and unhappy and mi»* erable hereelf.

The ills of women act like a fire brand upon the nerves, contpquently seven- tenths of the hervottS prostration, nervous deapondency, the “blues," sleeplessness, «sd ne^ont' Irritability of women arise fnim some otfonic de­rangement.

Do yon expaHanee fit* of4nptea*kni with roatlassnaM adteEBatbig fsfith «<- tritea fnitnblUty t -Do . yon tnltar

palfta tn tiie ' tl|^iMidm| . |:egton,

f t s a n f u a iy « « » W W 10,aorvea oi« iii doB-

Itoheto ms, i, a . IPhkhi

ditioa you nt» nsrvous ppootrotloiii 3 ; ■ .n- .

i i mcmutnoQw thot nothing In thfi ardrid ta Jidipie ft# nerroni bdaVilM of fsfOBMBiVCIwii' Lydik B.

0 * 5 ^ 4 , tioffl aaUvo »>pb u t lairln.

fhniiasda md tbjaiuiihdii hf woowt eihi tcotlty to thlA not.

h C m Uo M o l* S tt. 'W I W l i o i s t o8t.,B n«*lo,» . Y-r


nrged lo try Lydia 1. flnkhwn’s table Compound and I want to tell you

thaTitthas entirely cured ma I It it the finest medicine on eorw end I am teoommendlng It to oU my Mends end ecquolutaaoes.

Mrs. Oeo, A. James, a life long resident of Fredonia, It. F,, writes:

Dear Mre. Plnkham i—'I woe In a terrlWy run down condition

and had nervous prostration caused* by female trouble. In fact I bad not been well since my children were bom. This con­dition worked on my nerves and I was Ir­ritable and miserable. 1 had tried many remedies wllhunt se tllo g much help, but Lydia E. Plnkhom 's Vegetable Compoundbrought me bock to bealtb and atremgih. T esimqt too sfeoagiy raeommetid your nedl'olne.” ’ ty;,Nri. PlakkM’i InitRltoii t$ W$aci.

WMaiAiMfftring from any form, of ieqisidL weali&Mi. a n . luvltad - . to

Mta wwdvtty t h ^p ro m p tly .^a tL ^ i^ , »*«■..from 0i«

w i a M f t t eway offeocmivi Van wtftM otai

troubl* nn;^ faganfekeat had g n m t

pavlaed;and th« onialnat

adrloed; Out ofil({^$iiee la ttoaf

Smya fanlp .

a t t n g 'femate Uft Mm '^kham ptphafalyhai the very t o iw t a d i^ a t

Lydia B^ innkhdifabt Vbipdiable Commnnd, madp from wota Mdb « M oontMdaao ateT»*bia «'ba?«t«l arnga and today toldo the la m o t nnmber of aoiufil euPM of feaoaledlaeaeM of oay medieiae tbo

known, and tboniaitda : of voinntary tOaumonlalt a » oa-' fa tiw labcwatoiy MMa. wbloh teaUfy to i(a fwoadeitttl vahis.


cally every kind of Valentine you might wish for from the postcard to the fancy

novelty, we make a leading specialty of framed picture val­entines and this season have our famous Cupid Pictures framed in dark walnut, the opening in lieart shaped design as appears in the illustration herewith,

showing Cupid Awake and Cupid Asleep.You can have either subject separate or the two in one frame as

shown in the picture.Price for the single ones is 59c.For the double ones, $1.49.Extra large single ones—just in—■$1.98.

.. l u .. ■ "■■ ~]^^j^with gold heart *-■"ing sentiment'and at ttre same time having a pe picture to hang on the wall.


IHE odds and ends of Winter Coats, Capes and EVening Coats must positively be sold within a few days to give us clear racks and tables for the Spring Coats'Oow fast arriv­ing, and we are naming prices on them that will make It

pay you to buy them if only for wearing (he balance of the season, and most of them will be good for next Fall and Winter.

Choose from black, tan, cream and pretty mixtures in a variety of styles large enough to please almost any one.

V alues $10, $16.50. $29.50, $39.50 and $59,50$ c $ | Q


SpecialP r i c e s ’3 , * 5 «n 1

^1.35 B la c k T a ffe ta s 1.10These Black Dress Taffetas are pure dye and one yard wide ; a

perfect, beautiful black; firm in weave, possessing heavy body with­out any dressing to give it weight; thoroughly dependable grade that we can highly recommend for coat or dress uses, and worth fully fl.35 a yard ; to be sold while this lot of 600 yards last, * 1 . 1 0at

_ ^ f l y t n g l yjfman ent '

Night Gowns Kitchen Needsconvey-

value as

K nit U n d e r w e a r_________ ___ ___ shade with high neck,

long s le e v e s , ankle lengths, silk finish; the regular 50c. and l A c600 Pieces Women’s Union Sulto

sn ;59c, kinds, for only.

Women’s White Lisle Vests; low neck; no sleeves; fancy lace trimmed; regular 3Sc. grades; to-morrow at.......... ;........... *

Women’s Imported High-Qrade Swiss Lisle Vests; low necks; sleeveless; embroidered and trimmed in various styles ; an im- a QC porter’s sample tines of regular dollar grades, to be sold for...... V 7

S aL m ple W autchesB e i n g S o l d C ct L e s s T h c L n H a l f .

® S5)A T C H E Sfor Men, Women, Boys and Girls, with open face B i j Km and hunting cases. In solid gold, gold-filled, sterling, lySrw II gun metal, enameled, fancy antique and novelty e fr

fects, fitted with W altham , Elgin and other high-grade and fully guaranteed movements; stem winding and stem

setting: some stop watches and calendar watches in the lot—almost every kind of watch you can think of, and because they are what they a r e —samples—and canrfat' be included in our regular lines, and because some are slightly marred from being handled and displayed, we are going to sell them at prices in no case less than one-third usual cost, and in many ctses at much less than half.


Flannelette Nfgfit Oowns instripes and solid colors; trimmed with ruffles and wash braid; ^Cc good dollar grade for.......... * ^

Oil HeatersThe need of an Oil Heater !■ felt In

many a house these days and will be thru- out the Spring season, especially when a little heat Is needed only In the evenings, and we do not care to have the furnace running in full blast,

These Heaters will warm a good-sired fooin and do it quickly. They have smokeless center draft burners which are easy to regulate and the oit tank holds one gallon. In ntckel finish the regular price Is $5.Z3, and these we will sell at »4 .7 5 . In japanned finish the regular price is fd .98 and the price for i j i ' } Z this week will bo....................... ' l . i i J

Japanned Canisters — flat hinged; top; stenciled “ Flour” and “ Coffee;" regularly 13c. and 15c. ; your | A _ choice of either a t ......... ................. l U t

Bread Boxes—japanned; slightly im­perfect; large sizes; regularly 63c. and 69c,; your choice for only....

Oval Wash Boilers ol heavy tin with genuine copper bcttoni; regularly 98c., f l.09 and 81.20; yuiir choice of Q ( J « these three sires a t ..... ................. O ^ t

Tin Coffee Pots two-qt. size; A _ regularly 15c.; special price............ l e t

Tin Tea Pots—copper bottoms; two- quart size; regularly 2Sc., special I J - price................................................... l o t

Asbestos Sad Irons—the newest and best of all cold handled irons, are now being demonstrated in our House Furnish­ing Department In the Basement. Com­plete Laundry Sets of these splen- 1 C A did irons are on sate a t ............... ■ • O v

Pftnibngfrfttiori This Wc^k

0 E woulditlkfr you to,become acquainted with the exceptional merit$'(jf the La Florence Corwt which is strictly hand­made and is our own importation.

We are showirig these splendid stays in the latest P a r is ia n models ill a variety of, pew and beautiful materials, prettily tfiiTiTned with siftki ribbon bows and deep falls of lace; boned with genuine GreenWind whalebone; prices run from $3 to $1L

"*The DenMWttHtlon tWs w«h wifi wabJe oor expert to ds^iiate for those who attond hist what coiwt Is best fitted to thotr todivlilB*l flfure. if yw desire perloet-

pwat n fs ftseotiil that yoU have a eoroet Hut fiu you aecamtely,l a . . . ■ t ”v - -

B E D D R E S S IN G .1 S sale of Blankets and Quilts is most pleasing to

housekeepers of an economical turn of mind—and who does not feel economical these days when so many things are going up in price.

See how we have cut the prices on dependable Bed Dressing.Bed Spreads—Marseilles and Satin Finish Bed Spreads, hemmed

ready for use; full double bed sizes; new floral designs;Regular prices $2,25 $3.00Special prices $1.85 $2.50 $2.75

Marseilles and Satin Finish Bed Spreads, fringed on alK. square or cut corners; full double brass bed sizes; newest designsViV Regular prices $3.00 $3.25 $3.75 $4.00 $S.WSpecial prices »2.25 $2.50 $2.75 $3.25 $3.75

B la n k e t s — Swansdown White Blankets; full double bed size; pink and blue border,s; regular price $2,25 the pair; special *f.7S

W hite Wool Blankets—full double bed size, red and $ ^ >blue borders only; regular price $3.50 the pair; special...... Afal t l l?

High Grade California Wool Blankets; full double tod , siz^ ' 4-inch silk binding; pink, blue, red and yellow borders; $ C C A regular price $7.50 the pair; sj^dal at

Comfortables—alt Lamb's Wool and Down Filled Coi^forialAMi;| sateen and silk coverings; ail high grade, *t cot prices to.^close out;a $2.25 Up to $19.75 each, ■'


■ fj'.5

E Y E S a a i f f i f f B . F E B B P A B Y 18.


local PoHa Looking for |talian Canying Package, S ek on

Car from Paterson.



After having rollovefi up vnrlotiF cIuch ^ hiPh have 14k1 ilen*cHvei» of thin fUy. l*aterson and N^w Y -rU on n Irnitli'fHi&aie. the BoIuiiuTT I'f myBtfrv rur- Hrandtng the de.nh uf Justlov M tlii* Pisuo ItDbert Coriese. who wnn blown la de.Uh'

a hoBib Jn W« ottloe a l IJ) PdJ >«alc sirei’t, p te r io n , laai Friday ev«-i!lnK. ha« tie^n l ^ t up to the lot-pl pnllce. iMid within Uv*

twelve houri* llu*r<‘ have hern i^ewl* pptnents which. ii ts tiulnvnL nrj on-CDOrasIrig'. Pnllcemnji A<hibnto, oi ih«? iThlrd Precinct, haw hoeii a? *5Kne<l la work ^B the case In ct«nJufU‘UaTj wlili l>eiei-ilve- yeifean t Long, of iwlict* heaiiqunriorn. •nd he apont Iob( nfghi In tin' JiMk <ity fathering Infonnailon;

Much ifcrecy liaa boon (hrtjwn .Adubeto'a movcmvnia. l«ut it line in tn 1 tagnied tha t on iho day ll*i; IrTein-d jWwshine waa left nt ihf- brnrvh «»llh o af Iih* United Suite* iCxpvoNH Lionpany. nt (he Lackttwminri HUiiJon. an luillati, I llhofe rtppearHtiee. It ia «nld. talllu^ with that of the man who on riled tlic Iwunh IbIo the etproau offli’o and talked with the clerk there, rode nu the bnoK plal- form of ft IMileTsmi-Nowitrk car. fram

‘ fhp 811k City, and Had with lilm ii han­dle, but of which the cotnliuior of llm

hUK Wen unabti- to give any (U*r.niU' As neni an In' V.iiiivit,

police have boon Infariiied th it the dtrangor with the bumllo nllsl'i^d frt)in

car a t Elglitli


eonilitgl)(w$J will be found OR nle atthe follow- tng Koteli tn WttKinglOQi







An excylB* b«cliyart runaw ay waa-wtt- | It cleared the fence In the rear ot John


neseed In the tHoctf W un4«4 by Acaiemy, Valley. Third and Fourth etreeta, South uiunge, yeelerdny afternoon and before tile muetong waa aubdued It had jumped fi tii ea, broken clotlieillnM. dietrlbuted the waali to the Wind*, bitten a man and Duown a poHcPmad.

The fraettoui horse belonged to Albert ]' Cain, of Morrte avenue. Bprlnglleld. iUid run away from W est Orange, where It amashed a co lte r to which' It waa a l- lui hed. Conllmilng through South Or- uiigi' the animal raced through Valley all-vet. along the car truck, hut turned i![, the driveway adjoining the heme of H'llllam M. Bowen, when It saw a trolley car upproachlng.

Through the Bowen hack yard and over fi ricee It leaped. I t eairk to Ita hneee tn the anew, but It continued Ha efforU until

J. F arre ll's home. In Academy atreet Farrell saw the horse and, armed with

a clothespole, tried to corner It. He Anal­ly eueceeded and grabbed the bridle, but the horse snapped hie right hand, In- Atcllrg a gash. The mustang continued Ite bUtpg tactics, but was compelled to remain tn the corner of the yard until Pollcenmn John Mattie arrived. The of- (ioer conceived an idea which was suceess- fuliy carried out.

The strap of the policeman's club was slipped over the lower Jaw ot the horse and twisted, and only then did the rntlmal cease Its Idling. Mattie Bloated to lead It out of the yurd through a narrow,Ice-cuvered driveway The m uatang again sta rted to Jump and plunge, lost its foot­hold and tell. brliiBfng the policeman down also. M attie held on and Anutly landedhis trouble some charge In a livery stable. i S tT C I lg th

N e e d V I N O Lfor it hastens recovery by


tin r


rfwflptlatA* police

F . ^

............. - ---------i t m i . after u»kliig Him fr<Mdvivf'>i fa. ill- i*cL*ot»n tP tb f fonn^r ibarRiJSbf«re.

AdubBto m in J»«i nlsm 111 ih f vaiTouii I t l l l in calon!e» hihI ufifi ward imd a lon« wnferancf with tiiie f nf Vnllvf Blinjum te p i le W in, fJtirfiiR whlvh ihe liYtter tb«

ft plciui’e of on<* of the men wlio WM nanitii In iha antl-m orttm

by CortM* Vs'htihMr ih<? plciiii'i* fornifhed Adtibaia with a)iy iiiform:>tum U - lo lb* UriM of it;v«‘MdKHlIon he la ful- lov lnf could uut be uunicit.. ^ t e f BlmaoVi'a "Ja in 'W ti> New York jTNterdayr accfmpaitb'tl by^ht? rteieoUvts IPMl the ejtpres* cohipuiiy'a ch^rh, Wfia pro­ductive rtf n« rownlis. The expives livrk Wfti ihown Mcverat photogi'apHti Im Him

galJery In iniltoo Inthat City of Xtuljans wh« haw lrv<-n ar- Mftted in vaiiDiia rrlnilnul ruBes, IpeclaHy in the ■ Hlmk Jlaialbtjcurrence*- of l«ic hi Nhw York, and none of the plouire*. U i* auld. wan i ffitR- btfted by him as Hml *»f the »ir linger who l i f t the bomb« l^ith hlra foe ehUnn'-ft'

T ra ill fro m I 'a te ra o ii Uiiwlil ^o l M ake Trlt>—IVu Tsiiit;lii« to

D raw It,The Kubui'bfln aerviev on Hie Kil^ HiUl*

roufl lo«day wai* dvm'jruli7.vd mine ih.iii any lime ftJrire Iliv recent mijuw hIoihi. Men and wornun the UiU' wlia wi»rkIn sNrw**tk. of whtJiii thvrv aro alioiH 15'\ who usually tnlce the irHlm* that leave

. ralersoii ill 7;13 and weib frum hf-iin I Uroiirt iren inlnuten to nn hour lule this morning

reaching this city,i i ie llr«t nii-nlUmed iraln did not run. at

nil tu-day, It arrived at th^ Palareon Blttilon from llie ECrie yards lU Nurfh PalefMon altoiU ten mlnuleti late. After the lUiaHviigeiH hud boarded Ui'" iruin and wutird for u few mnmeiH« they were ordered off iigaln. being u»id ihftl lh*> train would nut go to Newaik.

Al iliMi a liirge iiuniber oI iho paHsen- gers rcfuseil to leave liie viini. iJiey weie udd Nie engine oould not make atearn enough and If the nm Wiin at- tetnpied ihe iruln would m n h the Je r ­sey City lentdnal u l Itaat an Iwjur after scliedulw time.

None uf the passengers doubted this, for during ihe lust sevaral dayu they had experlAJices of th a t kind. The next New­ark trulii wet* scheduled to Ivuve FalerHun ai 7 .41. but was about leu nilnuiea lute. \ l was tw'efiiy-ftve nvlnutna hcldnd time when It reached the Fourth Avenue Siailun.

When same uf the road's empluyee wei'-


$pf^al Dl»!Kitrh fir TtUi KVt : \ i \ 0 .V/;IIN.PATEHSON. Feh. IJ. -Ii was Iviirned

8«r* to-day th a t tlif* investlguilon Into the death of Justice of tlm Pvace Itoberl CorteK, wlio wn.s hilled by a bomb In his «mcc here Friday night, depends greatly

L— vpgB the efforts of «he Newark detpcllves k t work on the case, and that develnp-

- jgenta there may legd to the solution not jffgly of the myaiory eutroundlng tbs ship-Sm t of the bomb to th is city, but also

8 t which hap hampered (he authorities UUgclty and Newark in getting on the

tr to k of the supposed assailant of Joseph .^ liq tto .’o t Newark, who waa found deud

the railroad tiaek s here January 14 ' )8it.: I t Is the belief of the police lo this cityth a t the man mentioned by the JusiJcu uf f te peace Id his ante-m ortem stutemeut

;#a btlBC tiiterested In the Motto case, ' aii8 a friend of th e la tte r’a slayer, knows •'.dtfRMtklBff abbot the sending of the in- i i in ia l naob ine to Cortese, and that the

f» death wae the result of vengeance b t upoa blm by those who feared

JU w t b e r connection .with the in- th a t waa being conducted into the

y b sa th tigrald Uad tp the capture of , ttbUrdanr. U -was also said by ths Dkt th a t Jifftlee O ortise was related to

_ 9kts b r m a n la ts . ir >A fp s d a l m eetlog of tbs Board of Frea-

b s ld m has been o a l ^ for this after- issea, a t which It la expected that I600 Will be Votsd as & rew ard tm the arrest ^ those (^jpOTiJlrn^a t i e death of

u?ked why sums of Uie lurgcr enKlnea thul could keep up enough atv-am lo haul trains were not used, ihi-v replied that the locumoUvvs were luvi heavy lo vruss tho llttckoiisdfk River brUlgv wUlioul uii- duly weaheiiliii the siruciurti. Oib^r trainm en volunteered the s ta itn iftu lluit they were working from five to six houre overtime every day. mid receive no pay for 11. I t was alsu said ihat tln-y liud luj lime fur dinner.


JiM im m Sf FRIEST^RETURNS'.ijl 'xiwloom* raoetiUon wgii flv m In

''tWrtWi S a il Bloomllnld, l u t nlgbt, by the .'IlwmiiM'^ o f lil t Cnthollo Lyonum, *>elat«d S f the AuzIIUry, In honor of Rev..iOMpli M. NuAlello, who returned home

, M tn rd n y from n three week*’ trip to the ’ n W iTKlIee. Coetn RIeg and Unitrd

il |M « Of Coloniblg, A fter receiving the . fgiMtliil* of hl» partnlitonere a euchre

held, sixty tables being in play. The priie-wlnners were Jam es J. Hlgglrie, Joseph Drudy, Qeorge Rawson, Charles |f . leyons, Qeorge Caffrey, Frank HIg*

Sn a Edward Fay, Edward J. Moran, the isses W inifred Hickey, Mary Uochstuhl, naie Haemsch. Julia Dunnlgon, Nellie

I CaYanaugh. Kose Murphy, Rose Hanley, Ibidle McNally, Elizabeth Murray, Mary

Mrs. A ugustus Ungcniah, Mrs. #aho F lannery and Mrs, John J. Hughes.

\>i.^The oonimittee In charge was composed ‘•fif John A. Morftn^ Joseph Hrudy and

Jsm ee A. Carroll.F ather Nardlelio WaYS aceomp«nle<l on

bis trip by Monstitnor John F. >lrudy, nf i/Bouth Amboy, and Deun D. J. MuUlgiin,' of, Camden. The party Mopped for throe

ffays a l Kingston and while they heard « IBVch comment over the action of Qov-

: tfno r Bwcttenhain In ordering Admiral ' l ^ v is away from the stricken city, F ather Nnrdlello declared lluu the In-

'(Bgoatlon had somewhat abated and that g new city w’OUld rl«« from the riilna* The

It W as IB L ad y o f H t. ( a n n i - l Iris tt- tu tiu u ^ K a s t OraiigH, n tid l)l<l

$400 D am ag e .Damage aggregating 1400 was doiHi ihlst

morning In the paroclilal slIjooI of ihc Churcri of Our J^udy of Ml. (.‘aniiol, nn Ceiitre strcel. Orange. The fire orlglJiaitU from, ft defective funmvc Hue plp«. and had spread under the fluorato the accond story before Its location waa discovered by the firemen^ who chased up und down Uie btrsata for ten minutes In a vain andeuvur to locate the blase.

The a lan n wus telephoned In to Are headquarters s i 7:69 q'cluck by Rev, John Rongettl* rector of the church, and the firemen got the ImpresMon that it w ia the church which was on Are. Ai tTvIng in front of the church building, the ftreimfii want Inside, but could And no Are, They looked around, and even went tia fur wts Henry street. There waa nothing dulng, and the men hud aboui mode up their minds th a t they had been fooled, and were on their way home, wAf-n Tllicrmnn George Elager. of Hook-and-lndder Com­pany No. 1. saw smoke iBsiilug from the cellar of the school, and nottA<^d Chief Matthews.

The crew of Chemical Fnglne No. S got busy, and by icarltig down some plnster succeeded In puuing the tire out w ith­out using much water. The bulltlliig can­not be used for the achoo) claseoi . hnw- aver, until the fuinnce Is Axed and some of the plaster pau-hed. FoUior Uongclli has his ftpartmentH In the building, mid he discovered the Are Just about break* fast ttms.

T rouh^e lu D ran ite O ie r thl e t t in g o f k to n e W ork by

C o n tm c lo r Dndil.Bccaiise all atfctnpis to Mctii'* a small

confroverxy hy HibilriiUon failed, the .MiiBter Mnhona' Assnclnllnri nf the Or- ftijgea declared a lockout this morning. There are about fmc liuinJn-d and Aftjr members of Urlcklnyere. Masons and I'lUHterers' Union No, £. ami less than one hundred are affected, a» many of the Jfnirneynjeii have been working In New­ark iirul Montclair during the winter.

Tin* JiK-kuiit Jh Ihe echo of h strike which j lied up the building trade for several days

luHi spring, and as In ihe former dlffi- iiiUy, (ht! trouble Hurled ut the Uoth biiijilinB, 'U M;i!n and t'en ire alreela, whk-Ji Is now almost completed. Churles K lliuld Ihih Ihe conlrsiol for the imifion work on iliv building, und he sublet the coidrfu't for the arlillcial Htime work. When the hiiJIdlng was siarted no pro- vlaUui wuH made In ihc terms of agree- im;iii be ’Ween the ImnficH and the jour­neymen for Biiblenitig such work, but the new ugreemeiit. wlilcli wiiM uccepled lust June, sutew lluu li Hlituilii be done by mcrnbvrH of Local N'o 6.

Two wci'Ks ago there wan a Biuall umount of tifilflclal stone work lo be done, and Mr. Dodd eloUn*'iJ that the estim ates foi the construnlon of tlie building liad been based on ihe previous agre‘*nTcni and lhai he wuh just!fU'*d In Hiihleul]}g the work. The union men In­sisted Ihul the m*w rulee bad been violated niul th n Mr. I>o<lcl should be subJectCAl to o line.

WItli a vU w Ul a petu'eful settlement of the irmible twn fonfefflices> were held n,»n#',.en lln' executive ctinimlltefl of llie Master Musuna and the arhltrution com- mlttee of the Inojil. hut nO agreerneiH A’ouUl he reached. The Muster Moboiih held a Jiieeting of ttieir organlznil-m Last 'riHirsdJiy night and passed rPMuluiioiift inviting the Journeymen tn suggeiU n set- tlenunr of ihe controveray. This Invita­tion was HPl'iiretilly igiioietl. and. In ac- cord.'ini'p with iUher i es--1 ]lh>as, tlie lock­out wem Inlo effei't to day.

Polkenun Riker Wounds Burg­lar, Who W as Robbing East

Orange Cash Register.




M nniln'M Ih rd id n y P a r ty .parly wuh given last night ftlA parly wuh given hist night ftl Uio

jeeldi'iice til Ml', und M ih. ThHodoie Oeg- eiilietmer, IN Valley i\unJ, nratige, in honor of twvlfib hirihday of iheir daughler Malusl. AppiupiTate to LIncidn s Birthday, iMe house was nttrftcMvely dec­orated with Aags, ami the fooina were illunihialed witli red, white and blue van- dlPH UeclintionK were given by Mubvl and Ruth T. L4cgenlielmer. and piano se- lecilimH hy Grace Gegenhsimer, Anna Menllngcr and Joseph Tlioine Jr Olhvr guests were Kdith vance, Mildred Pllni. Frances KlUhauU, Mary KuglSsh. Russell Flint, Edward ilokler. f’haum-ey Owen. Qrciver Greoiic. Raymond KtIcIT. Anna Alclmsun and John' W. Gegcnhelmer Jr.

N a i le r < 'ndetft in Show .'The ITloonor of Aud^rsouville.'’ a

four-act drama, was produced under tin*ttusolcefl uf the Nudoy' Naval Ciuleia- »' — i— Bi— vT,.iiz.»r Hull

, golored populatlor* .^ c p t . arela p f ax they are supported by ctmrTJlkithar Nardlelio Is In excellent health

U o e r i n g - G l lr o y .^The n^arrlage of Adolph Hocring tn

the auditorium of the Nulley Town last rig h t. (Among those who Inierp, in.--,! oJiaracTerft w*‘n Roy Wood AMhu Stlrru tt, Raymond Van \Mnk!i!. \ \ . I). WIffht K. D. Dtmaldann. Halsey flerge.ini A T Hahn. Mias Elolse HymnndH, Miss '

Miss Euhih flymond Mliw R uth SymondB.

DlorU on T u rn p ik e L ine.The turnpike trolley cars were com­

pelled to use the New Fourth street loop. In Harrison, this nmrnliig, for the (Irsl lime Hince the trackw were laid, severul moiulis u«o. A wiigoti belonging lu the Ifibell-Forier CumpatW this city, or. which wuB ft iwcnty-ton bfdler, broke down on this aide of the Bridge sliect bridge, blocking both tracks. Cars bound frorri Newark to Tiurrisob wont up broinJ fitteid to Ghiy and turned In that llior- oughfure, gohiR over Gentral avenue. E.»»t Newark. From there they turned down Fourth fttreft, and hy ihiii route reached HatrlBon aw niic. ra rp bound for .Ww- ark used ihe same route. It was over

Bridge atrctl

P o licem a n H enry M. R iker, o f E a s l O range, surprised three b urglars a t work in th e d ru g store and p<jstal su b -sta tion run by C hurlea F. Hoblnaon, a t 420 C en­tral ftvenuB, Kaat Orange, early th is m orning. T w o o f the m en got aw ay , but R ik er p ursued th e third, shot him In the r igh t e lb o w , and ran him Into the arm s or P o licem a n F em iessy . who com pleted th e cap tu re . T h e prisoner !■ now looked up In p o lice h ead u aarters, E ast Orange. H e s a y s h ie naiuv la Joseph Ynuni and th a t he liv e s In N>w York. H e Is tw en ty y e a n old and an Itnllau.

T h e robbery and sh oo tin g occurred ab ou t 1 o 'clock . Hiker w us p atrollin g Gen- trul a v en u e and sjiw u natn lurk ing In a shad ow n ear tin- «lrug storv. The ttdlow m oved ifw ay and Hlkvr cotUlm led hla w alk u ntil he got opposita the store and MftW tw o m en, on e o f llieni Yiuuil, w ork ing a l th e cftsh reg ister . iTikfr m ade tt rush for the door, but It whh locked, and he w a s forced to run arom id to the rear lo a w lad ow , w lilch , 1i uirned out. w as Ihe one U irough w hich thv men hud en- lered . H e got Inside w hile Hie burglars w ere try in g t" unlock lit*' d(mr> They fa iled , and Y nanl smaHlieil Gie g la ss . The o th er m en got ih n iu g h hrai and beat It dow n the street til lop speed. Y nanl w us not so Quiek find the pollcem ati wuh c lose m h1s heele wl*'-n he got out.

H iker d rew IiIh rvsulvei- wli^-n he reach- pd th e sidewjilk juin- more Lind cnllnd tipon Ynmil lo halt, ^'ruinl riin uu iind Hiker llred once In the ulr. T lds did not stop the m an. so Hiker slopped, and ta k ­ing (jellh ein to film, fired once mure, the bullet en ter in g the Ita lian 's rigid arm jtial b elow th e rlhuw. He et 111 ran nn th ough until I'vnocHRy. w ho had heurd Ul'' s lio u ts «m l KhixiUng, ciune nji and lo l la ie d him.

Vnofii w as taken to the police Rtallon nnd us lie wu.s l1e^■lanltlg tv -ak the Hi cord anilnilLiine w a s sum ninned and tie whs le in oved to the G n u ige M*'ninrlal H'lSpHaL T he b iil lf l iViiB ex tracted and Ihe wo'ind \lreftsed. Y'nanl w as then raki-n in po­lice heuiUpiarierH. ('My I’ltysh'ijin l^i-rk- WDOd rcKlresHcd th*' Wound th is iiujrmng.

An in \eH tlga llon of Hohimson'H place sh ow ed th ill th e casli reglatf'r had bi en broken Into and robbed of niiout |4 and th a t ft few s lu m p s had ulpo been taken, M osi of Ihe Kjamps w ere kept In the safe, w hich wan not touched . In the butcher shop o f E. L ehm an & Go., at O n ir a J aven u e, the men Imd a lle m p l- i'd to op en the s a fe w ith a b u lcher's c lea v ­er. T h ey didn't m ake m uch p rogress, h ow ever, nnd <uily sM cce'iled hi knock in g o ff a knob or tw o . A fam ily named Fln-

; n cran liv es u psta irs over Koblnaon'e place, but Mipy heard no noise until ih e sh oo tin g started .

Y m inl, In a Ptalem ent th is m orning to C hief of P o lice Jam es Hell, said that he cam e out frorp N ew Y'ork over the p la n k roHtl route and w ent to E ast Or­an ge on ft C entral aven u e car. He said there w a s on ly one man with lilm . but Hiker is sure th ere w ere three In the party. Ynan! sa y s he does not know the nam e o f hl» com panion.

LI<*iiJ»mln B ra w n W aa F elH u tf Ti-eeii, Whr^n He H ece lve il In in r te * W blcb

Cnoxetl HI* De«lU.Benjamin Brown, colored, flfty-clght

>etiiH old, of Hohiiea and liulpii Ktr*ii. Uallevllle, was killed yewterday by a fac ­ing tree, in the Avondale seclloii of Nul- Irv. Anton WrlKtu. fifty years old. of

SLimmll Hlreei. (Ida city, who wa-*) who Brciwn a t the time he m et hlR death, waa taken into custody hy Chief of Hohof Klynti. of Belleville, at the naiuest of Ihe prowcrulor'a office, hat lie was relertsed, as rieputy County Physician Blranion.^ la suTlsded th a t death was ftcddvnial,

Brown nad been employed h> right for aoiue Unu.*. cutting down treea on Uo tarn] tjwned by A rthur Sandford. of ihlii city. Ob River road, neiir the Bend \ p \v Hotel. Avondale. Ycsierdiiy Um men -'iil down ft tree, the upper pari of which, when iHllhig. lodged In nimihcr tr»-e. They then cut down J lie second tree, and win ii toppling <i\'er It knocked down a thiid tree, which struck Brown, ihrowing lihu in the ground and pinning him thcie Wrlglii made his way ’o ids friend a vide and found him apparently lifeless Ha trl-"ij to (qUp hlH body to one Hide, hut WHS unable lo do po. He ihen wenl. he aa\H. to the bote! nf .losepli H«ailefl. w-h«re he lekphonod for n physician nnd could not get one, Accompaolvd hy Bwirlf fliid anotlier mnn. Wrlglit weiu hack in the Bandford property. 'Hie body <»f Brciwn 'Waa removed by the < iTo to R wagon and Inken home. Dr. Herbert H. Vail, of Belleville, wns Honimoned lo th»* house. He feuind the man wuh d. nd.

Ih.iiiuv Physlclon MoK- nzIe was nnlUled of thft death, and he reported the matt; r lo the prosecutor's office.

Dr. Sinimrms stated lhal he found Brown's Hkiill crushed In and that Im had spvi'inl cuts nlmilt the head. Thv iiiiture id all the injuries ina«h U app»aIn* said, that the story ........................the mail was killed tiy

Mr*. M lH n a We»1 ArrrHlod In T h U f 't ly on Coiupliiliit o f Mr*,

iHnry )liill4»y.

Our local druggist, E. R. Fotty, suya: "There is juat one thing the m atter with a person who has hpeti slok—Chut l«, weaknes.H.

"Tu all such people In Kew'nrk wo rec- nmmend our JeJlcIoux ced liver oil prep­aration, Vinol, Hrt live very licsL atrengih croalor fm* <‘Ohvule»cetits we have over sold In Dur alure.

Vinol jitrenglliens the dlgefttive organj:.Mrs LfllSftn Wext, twenty years old. of j tTHuios an uppetile, ftruniolaa sound

BlfomHeld, wma urr«*tcd pi this city last | sleep, makes rich, red blood, nnd builds niglu liv D elw iivt John Dialjt'll, <,r t)r- up n depkl.,rt sysfeni lo lioulth und vlRor. ntiKf. o,.d D„(ectl,.«-snrgn,-„,t WllUn.n , ''TIUm Vinol oontalns li, u,, , „ , J , 1 1 highly concentrated form all of tin* nieii.-t arson. «jf Newark, and locked up « P - strength creating elements "fIlea head(j\iarlerfl In 0Taii«c. f'h''rged .K-juivliy taken from fr'Shwith grand larceiiy 'I'he glr!. ibe pi/lc-? | ends' livers, with the uselasa. minsetulivg say, ftdmlia havluij stolen jewHry valued | oil ellmlmitecl and tonic Iron added.•It 1600 frrrn her friend Mrs; Mary Bailey. "We reUlTli moiwj to those who buy "f 'Jlti Main KU.-et, OrliTiK.’. Sli.' I;* l«i,.B ] Vinol and vnoolve no b*'iiom held for a hearing, j

Mr.s. Bailey repiorted to Drain il vaster- ;

t Wrlglil. tlialA t I'Pt-, was li lie.

KEARNY POLICEMAN HAPPY.T h e y l l e u r t lm l D 'c 4 'o in ic ll M i l l

H n l* c T li f ' ir .N a lu r iee Hi T<»- u lK b l'n M c e l i i ig .

Tlie Kearny police were made happy lo-.lay when it h.-r.ime nimored Mial Die r.ameil had acted favornbly upon ihe re-

«if the iiM-nihers of tlie force for an Inor. J1H'- In pav. D Is lir ili-ved tliat tlu nltiriiil acU n . n the m atter will b- inken 111 tlic m« atlhg of lh<' council fo-uighl It Is said Halt increases will be given to tiie ohli f, sergeaiitH and p.ilrohnen v.lio litise been on llic force mtiu- than three yturn.

Street (^ 1 1mlsHiu^pT M<'Qii(ild snd W ater Burvc.vor Veiile are also dowm for cm incre.itie. rraklnt? th 'l r nalnrlcB |l-h^l. iiisl“Hd ll.iitHt a TIi'’ npp dntnicnt(if a pfilrulman to fill Hie vacancy rnus-

day ftflenioon that sunie thiie betweaii Saturday ami Sunday afternoon, a HmHl box conlalning the j'^wetry had been taken frum her iipiirlmerils. Drah'dl foiiiul th a t the West woman had visited her Sunday aflcmoou frjr n sliorl time, hilt she did not suspect her of having i ilfeii ihe Jewelry. The oftleor iracetl the girl tn this ctiv, and F,o'tllng Oir«on. m.t(U .1 .search for her. The two fouiul her on ('i)urt street. Hhp h:pl one of the ring:-’, alh'giKt lo ha\‘e liee?i Jt<>U■n. She waa t.iken t«j poMi'p iu‘:iiI(pjan(TY and thiro fihc produced two imwii tIcUetH. one for a gold walcti wortli which Him hadph-ilged for J12. mill another for a brooch conlalnlng bine dliiinniidH valued ftt which she had pawned for (S'. Tln-cc wn* cIho the dlnmoml chunter rUig wldch wua found on her linger, lint a sudtnire dln- HYoCid ring wjis sHlI inlsslng.

I-'liinUy the girl said she had given (Ids ring to n man whose name she did not know. Cnder further i|iiPHl1iinh>g kIih sai l that t luj thought this man might bo fmuiU at a smoker whh-li was being held last night In Jacalw’n hall Harrison. Ora- i>HI and I'aranri look the woman over there mv.l slic went through the IihU. ihiidly picking out a man who she Raid liod Ihe ling. The mnn gave \ip thftlew’l l and In- whs not Hirester]. a? he ap- purcnllv luiil loi Idea how it la tiv Into Hie girl's powscsslcii. I

T>ie gPI l.’iic r told Dnd'i-ll Hint out of | th e i47 sh e Irnl recrlved f"3 Ihe proiKnfly sh e had spent for cLiHiIng and finery. She la said to Imve com e nf a good fam ily . She told Drabell lhal she ha<l been m ar- rJi l In W est Be\er;tl m onlhs ago. liiit th at iht-y luitl separated nnvl he had gone tn Lna A ngeles. Cfll.

Pi'lD 'hBharmauy, PrudetiHul Building, and John H Foster. Hosevllle and SoveiUh nvcnucK.

X,)te—Whlle we arc sole ngfiits for\'tnul In NewacK, H Ih now for sale at the leading drug wton- In nearly excry uiwn and oily In tho eountry. Look tor Hie Vinol ftgency In your town.

H o w M a n y T rip sTO T H E

Je w e le rsHave yo'j made with that old or low grade watdi ot Jours, trying lo have it made right, yet without success?

W hy Not Get a Holt Special?It tells the truth and slicks to it,

and only costs 5IS.OO for the works.


FRANK HOLT SCO.■ W T itcliiiiH kcrs ,

6 Academy St •f TuiitcittlCB

V a l e n t i n e s

jin hour before the bUick on waa over.

T vta F a il* o f M ille r S rlU ePoikeniaa Tanwey, uf (Jrange. palroiing

Dftv Htreei iibour H:kJ o’clock Inrtt night, hoard of fire c(,mlng from theiipiirimeut-houHe owned l=y Mcnry Ja- roha. at IM Day Mreei He nutered and found Thoma.M F'’ayne. om* f>t the tcnniUs. trying to pxllngulsh a fire (imong Boma wa-slr paper, Thf tjpi’M mt>n got pull* of WiSler nl\<i BcHlfd the tdaXt-. Tlfft Chief MaMluWH made an in\»*sHKnlion. h\u It

iVnd ' failed to dlsupYRe anyiliing suRpiclou.s i Rhipit the fire.

fi^gth trinc GlU'oy took place in the rectory Of »t. Patrick '^ railp-dral lar i night Tht Wr^tnony, which wmn a iiuiel one. w.:’ p«rrormed by Rev. WlIIlHni K. Grady Tb® bent man was John J (Bind’, n brother of the brides I'ho maid ‘d honar WOB MIhh Catherine (’arroll, uf HnrrlMui A fter the ceremnuy Hu-rr- wriP ii rcci-put n

- f t Ihe home of th« hrlclc'p broGwr, m fa Kbward atrevi. The >'ijug cutipa* whi ■(4.kP up houeekja'pmg tn N»’rlh ■treei.

Eckel>*>1jMllHOu.The mftiTlagi- <>f Mh-s KdiiL Anu ii

Madiaon, liauglilei Mj’. nnd .\lr> W'.il. IM* Madison, of Mldl uui iis'-icu-. ;-i. i Fred Kcket Jr., b.ah r.upi , i>» ,< |plftce e t Ihe hmm- uf llitr lirldt a pai u- , iwit night. The .‘fremony whh p**t i'i<rn,i d i hy the Rev. Wlfilam H Tuvluv rni-mr “•<' i 43t FflurB EplaCt'pal ('hutch. lamnitTi a \ bower of pahne. Thv Pride was ahlp-ii | In a sawn of white satin irminieJ wdli clhffOTi and Iftcc. aau won* a udlc vep CAUfhit up wdlh IIIIPk of the vri!lHy. ^li" carried a ahower tu#uquet of brulo Her only ornamcjit wan h pf-nr! ncrklacc. ft .gift of UlP bl IdfrK! •mill. The maid of honor was Gen rude Fdhcl MluUbom,ft.»lBter of the br1(l« Her gnwn wu* of

r light Hhen.v 'jnim, withembroidered cldff-'n ami loro. Her bou- qUet W£tB pah' pink i-ariuH kins, A foilui c of the tu’lflfil pn-c*'R?‘lt :i w.m six yniuig Iflrta. .who fo rund m\ rdslc of rlhbone irom the stalrcaec to Ho' jjirlor. for the brldfi.1 parSy to puss thr.ojgf'. They were areaaed -in wnlte polni d'l-i-prU i.vtu- fU)L They wefe Elfttc Fckwl, a rIsMt "f lb * groom : Kara :i xi-it-r of tlie

A lm a f^irdwell, Marfiai'ct Kiylt-r, ''iSllftabetli lAmgvhiiw and Hutli Bowltcr.

f e i # cousins of the hrhJe TI bridegro i-u ■■ frftft attended by Frank C‘ivniv,.dl ko-rgo-

■»0n.'ftst beSL rtuiti. The uph^rs W' l c Kd- •■'•aird Betterton, of Rnupvtlh*. ijivd <'uil ‘ IBCkeL R brother of the giofiin Ttm wc<{-

maTcH wa« jihi.'i’ed by llobHri J„ f?^-'»asttnge, of N«w York Chy.

J Np«*iliuun-ra*f>9’.Josep h S pelln lun Htid MLrs Mav F

-'Cftfey, d a u g h ter o f Air. and Mv« John Clftftey. o f Fftlrvlpw ji\»’Tiuc. OriuiHc, w«.ie

;. :,|w^i*iied yesterday aflcrnoun, In tl.c ?jBllttPch o f O ur lA \0 y o f (hr VaUov. Or-

by R ev , Chflrlp* F, Hhaw. curat** ch u rch - W jllluni itMey (ne

■ IDftI). and Murgu^rin- (Tau> S 5 ilvftW Of Tu»nnr. Following ih«- r.«re,-

njr i^ ere w a s a reception .M tl-t hrMr-'p M l ftfter w h ich Mr. u n i Mrs. Hin'llnuiu

..j o s a tr ip to W nahlngtoh und Old BV. K l s t C om fort.

M am m lll-Long:.» tb « 1 M ay ItOhKs daughter of John

* o f |D T ay lo r , s treet, Orangts, ami t 111. H atn n tin . o f Kftst Orange, .m arried yeaterdHY afternoon in

E p tsoop al C hurch, th is city , by ictor. j i e v . l.inulK Bbreve Osborne,

J. L on g , ft broth er of th e bride, ja t n u n r an d M lm A da D. Ixing. th e

H«'t iitiittOT> tffiui fb e m old o f honor..Hi% «UM ii*>Bs4eis« rv

i th« o f Our Lady of the Yai

H or*e '* W ild B an .A horae bulongli g *'» A. E. KInnan

& Son. of W alnut Ptreet. M.untolatr. ImiJ n wild run through the mountain town lafit tiiglU. Hmuftblng a light Hlelgh Unto kindling wood, frightening a number of people, but hurting no nne. The driver was left a t BhiomficM and UpperMountain avenueB. He had pulled up on the enow bank ut the side of the street- When the horse etaricd ll dashed ftcrosft tlic street Into Moutitaln avenue, Find afte r running thcough several elreets, Ihuiliy emerged Into Bloomfield avenue Ilgam, at Midland avenue. From this I'K’lnl the anim al took lo (he sidewalk, us fer aa Park street, where It was caught.

cd hy the reslgiuHijn uf Miller,will probably I'aiift* .i vkisli among the c(nint'!lincn. ■l-hHiirpmnn L iirnelhis Baj’- relt IH Hitid to he the cimiri* of ltu> PcUce Commltti*'. The olher <'hanccai*jn who are pecking HiO pnHlTloii are PcH-r Vree- laii'l J r . Alfred UiPierre and Edward Da \ ci'.

P e te r Boyle'* F tiiip r* l.'I’lie funeral of Petc-r Hoyle, wiio died

Monday morning at Hk* ff.sideni\' of Ills Kon-ln-liiw, Ai«Hemblyman J .seph A. Rlor- oaii, of fd4 I>avi.H avenue. 1 InrriB'.ii, took iil’ice this moMitng, A aok nm Ihgh ma?j« was aimg In llolv C.Turh (‘hurch. H iini- fiiiii. R»‘V. Maurice P. O'f’.muor wftft rcIclirJint, ahd tviis aHslstcd l>y Kev. M. J, (xlennon. deacon, and Ttev. T. J. Cal- lery. BUb di-ucoTi, Miss Katherine Rlnr- (hin. of Harrison, sang n soio cmltUd "Show Me Thy Wavs, O Lord!' The palUjearers w i^ , forme!' As»''*ml>fvman MlchaH J. Bruder. Slreet ComnilsRlnner iHifticI Mahar, Tiiwn TreftRurer Edward J Grace and Thomas (i'unninghuTn. of Harrlpon: Patrick McGl-mTiimMichael Mun>hy. of Fast Newark.

ro m p o n iK l F rn e tn re !4aMtiilni'<1 !»>' 1‘l lU a b e th F en r W h ile roRNtlug;

NI«MHH(ile IIIlLEllzahelli Fear, the clght-ycar-old daugh­

ter of Mr and Mrs. Charlea F'car. uf 33 North WIMijw Htreet, MoiifchUr, BUHlnined a oompoiind fracture of her right leg yes- terdijy afternoon.

Arconipiiiiiod by her brother tTbarleB. fourteen yeiirR old. she liatl gtine to ennst (Ml (.'laremoiit iivcnue, near her lumic. Tlift two had loastcd down nnd were returning lo the Hunnnit. Ch.aiies was pulllTig Ibo sled and EIlzahcHi was walking behind. A heavy bob-sled, slorrcd by J. Brunner, w.tb coming down Ihe hill. This struck Hie g!i*l. breaking tier leg between lli«> knee nnd nnklc, and toRsiiig her lo one aide. The next moment jm<?ther sled. Hint was following the bob­sled, struck the child on the sHmilder, but did not hurt her.

Ohftrles picked his slater up and carried her into the house of Mrs. M. L. Fleming, at 48 Forest atreet. Dr. Richard O. New­ton was called and set the broken hmh, after which she was removed to her home. Mra. Feur aald thia morning tUal her little dau.ghler waa resting as easily fta could be expected.

F loral G ifts A re A lw ays A pp rec ia ted . V i o l e t s and C h o i c e F lo w ers, \o th ln g B e tte r

F o r a . V a J e r v t i n eK«a*o.iahle t>rUe». P rom ptD ellverj

FRANK PENEK17a W e s t P a rk S tre e t .

Telepliftn* 21 lOW. #


lJUTTLED IK BOND.It U nidde uf the beat of grain, distilled un-

d+'T the must rigid fianliary ct>miltlon, age, full Btrength and absolutenurlty guaranieed by tha V. t?. Government omclals. aa ahown by the Btamp gvf i’ the corlc.

FiMiT Full (junrt*. a * t 2 0Kwrircva nrAtialU .......

Mayne: Dayton. O.

Eip'-ess nreuald..— .- . .DlPttllJng Co.. Dlvlalon O. SS*.

fit. Loiila. Mo. SI. Paul. Minn.

Atlanta, G*.;


Hoi>*ci M’n ru itn g fo r P r lrn d * .Mr. and Mr.**. Wimuni Hcnd«»rBon, of

F.iist Mountain avenue. North* Caldwell, recelvPd ft large n'umber of frli^nd:* In their new home last night. The affair wn.R In the uHiure of a housewarming.

For fifty years a stapla remedy of superior merit. Absolutely harmless.

D anve fo r O rniiire Dny !>BrHcrr.The Y'ouhg T-ndlen’ Auxiliary nf the Or­

ange Dny -Nursery held thn llret of ita twn subMCTlptlon dunces In Ucrkeley Ifall, East Orange, Jftfll night. The pati'onfigsea were Mrs*. William Thayer Brown, Mrs. Frank Q Burstow, Mi's. James M. Burr, Mrs. Wllllftm F. Elheringtou. Mrs. Oeorgo T,. Hutchings, Mrs, Charlea .8. Smith. Miss Shaw and Mrs. Amos f.‘. Van Qaaa- 1>G*k. Sha(led red lights au '‘ lu r te red iieartfl decorated th« ballroom. The dances are to benefit the om nge Day Nursery.

Mr*- Hftlenn^^i, Jon«<*.Mr*. Helena Lawrence Jones, widow of

Pavld T. Jimea; died yesterday at the home nf her son, L- Thornlcy Junes, 2A Clarendon place, Bloomlleld, from hoart trouble. She was seventy-three years old and find lived b the town fourteen years. Mr>i, Jones war a member uf the Firftt Baptist Church Her funeral will he held to-morrow afternoon.

MIft* M firr M orton.Miss Mary Morton, daughter of former

Town AsResaor Joseph Morion, of 9 Eft- sex -RtTpet, HarrlRon, died flt the home of her father last night, a fte r a short Illness, from pneumonia. ______

ORANGE bran ch O fnC E ,nmwit Evening news.

ORANGE NATIONAL. BANK BUILDING. T«l*pnanM 4 ^ *nd 793, Orang*.

Advcrtlaamanta raoelvad until 11!19 A. M. ror inurtlon on tha aama day.


AdvvriiiEtntou ulav mc«iv«l io itii o raa in b> ilM. .uilpiklna ,f*oia:

Design) liy Mey Mantnn. line Cioiid Skirl.

East o baNGE-Muivla irna.. 93 Watlilnttrai olsos (Brivk1\^^H'*piiunNy. 3 « ^ s ln ,u « l , TSl. HSJ M. M. Wltdffisn. 100 Msln tltali.D a T«S«r. wa Uim itrart (BrickA.^w'*tlteliar9A Toorth ayMo. u 4 eiie

iniiUi ttfwL Til. Nta.

e■Avc’s.Bu Corner

l i E N R Y

‘ 4 0 . Cakes of'S^ade by Armoar, Colgate, Woodbury, Packer and

Other Big Concerns.The Anm i! Sale ^g in s To-momm. The Lemesi ’Prices of the Year,

ONE of those great big attractive special sales for which THE 14TH STREET STORE has justly become very pop-

ARMOl'R'S I,A RELI.E VIOl.KT l.r I.A HEDLE LILAC 80A [ a. TijMetwo Are of (iDRnrpnftRCd quAllty, niftflMroni Rrlt^ied inftt«*rh ftU, deJlghtfulJy p(‘rfi>n)wJi il IftrgB rab«M, vMhit» rf*gRUr-ly piT cAk ' lOc-; our 9cprice*, box o tS cak e i.....

PACKER'H TAR SOAP or W o a I) R U R Y ' » 17- FACIAL KOA P; cftke...

not more* than fl enke** t(i ft cuBtoinep, 110 mail or-

on.uyai? VALLUT—J J SMllman. Hlfblftftd Av*h'jb 8t*tto».Uon,ro« Pharmaot,

’and a tr^ i. Orftiig*' T*l* W#l.

florTH ORAWae^ Hobart

T*l. 93,fcgtb Ortnir* ftvimft.

OIIIIGE im ElW KIlItB5S3 Bliriiae or Shirt W aist

ONE OF THE LINEN SUITINGS,T her, are a great many exceedingly rharmlng s n i durable suitings being shown

of linen cnmblned with a llUle cotton this seasmi and one and all they make emi­nently attractive ehlrt wt^lst gowns. Here la one Ihttt la cream In tone and the Wf’ave of which 1m a ' fthog^th*r d^ftirtHilf'

vaLENTTHEB. BoyeUls*. l»e< eards. eoinlea.V AL,ENX-,na-h , „ o n „ ,n t ; buy e « ^ ; DghiM »s. eto-ilarg* assortment; buy e « ^ ; rtght t™es UirfrON'S postsl card sloe,. WO Mainnrtces IAJRTDN s postal cam siuir, -■

St.; o p « s v s ^ g s : pooler mo^._loc..’live sh irt waist gowns. n e re la one unit .a cicam lu luiie anu et., -----ileh Is a bit (Hid, showing diagonal Ihrenda th a t give a distinctly nov|el and | gW.eA'HlIIH’ ticiets on alUlnes, accominoda-

beslrnhle effect, while It la Iritntned wSlli one of the many linen braids. : „ ,o New Tort offices; opuThe w ain la H new one with tucks at the ehouldera that give the broad an ! drooping „enlngs, F. 0. TEltME. 93 North Csnirs s t

llowa a Cholee of the regulation shirt sleeves or those ot elbow letigiri

OniW t. yeitarday afternoon, MLas Rfsdemar and Sflehael

l» tb of th a t city, were married C h a rln F . Shaw. Mlaa Sllen

waa the bridetmald, and John bML SMA.. , ■

flnlabed with bands, and can be worn either with the high tnrn-ov’er collar or the low ono that Is so well liked for really warm weather, The skirt Is an eiceet^lngly pretty and attractive one that la lucked a t back and front to give the tax plaited effect and has the gored eircalar sides thal are so satlafactory for washable fab- rlf**- A gr«ftt vftrlety of rnuterUil* are ftpprf>prlot«, not alone the linen fl»3 cotton suitings, bwl also those ot Immediate wear, while both w aist and skirt are adapted to separate use. Tor the medium sl*e will be required 4^4 yards (a material !1, yards « or 214 yards 44 Inches wide: for the skirt 13 yards o r «% yards 44 Inches wide tt material has figure or nap; 8|4 yards 27 or 5 yards 44 inches wide If 11

MAY MANTON PATTERNS—The May Mantnn pattern llliistraled on this page can be had-In all slies for lOc, each. Mall orders promptly BMed. MAT MANTCJN

«v«ntng*« , . -. Tel. 5S0I.. Orange.


PATTERN CO. IN "ne of 1


N ), 133-143 West Twenlv-seventh Street, New York. A com-yleij^ line of May tiaDtati paiierug la carried hy T U S QOBRKB CO„ Broad and


fiRan BisQRERaK Bailof C A ST ORA N O e LODOE No.

2 4 2 ,« . 0 . 0 . F .,'(liiSeB EM U lEriU lL iSiT '.r.:!:

KOHUAT: ETBNIMO, FEB. IS . leoT. Prists of Hold to be awarded tor the baiid-

costumed la^ a a d genL 'nckels BSe.

ular. Toilet §oaps that are absolutely reliable, Soaps for the finest toilets, Soaps for boarding-houses. Soaps for summer homes, camps, etc, Mai! orders promptly filled unless otherwise specified. Special tables Main Floor.

SYI.VAV RKRIES TOtLKTAUMOL’R’aCOMPLRXtOX .■ liKIlJH TOILKT so a r s Oftta^frftl. Cui'uiuber. Hut- tc-riiillk. Lettuce ftafi Eag- llnh TIolet, Tiieae «nape wrnp|>c4l are *ol<1 at Be. n eakft-^lor tbts ante. 8 cakee, utiwrftpmfi In ft box far lO .g o r 1 cloieo Cftkee................... 37c

ARJILiUK'8 l a n o l in , a u MOND'or LETTUCE TOlluKT^OAPS—Box of tbnft* 7 s r CRkfft________ _______NAlurni, ofiorouB nml hi*tlnff_ _ m ’ ..■_ ■ngy/viTk wee > j-y j-I nr. tor 3&r. alle BUTHYUOL TOOTH PASTE.

COLOATE'S T U S C A N CASTILE SOAP,box ol3 cukcA COr,OATE'.S OLYCEHINE,H o n e y o n o a t m e a lSOAP, box of 3 cakes 16cfOT,.

SpAPB, m ade In these fioral odont: Hel1<}fcrui>e> Ko»e, Sftii- flnlwoorl, Oaraatliio.VMolet Aftil

20,0()0 CAKES AHMODR’S I T A L I A N V I O L E T TOILET MOAT. True p«r- htme ,>r (reah rlolet*. large enkes, usual pric^, Sc. cakiTs tills Hftle, 8 cftktM . 8cInr.......

Lllne. I t Is ctnlnied by the makers th a t these soaps are superior to any soap no the m arket offered a t twice 71^the price; box « rakes....... -™CORACALLA T U R K I S H r a t h HOAPl regular value IDc cuke: lur this sale, | 7 |>

DACTYl.tS OH MONAD VIO- LET TOILET SOAP, TfL. cakeOXZVN TOtLBT SOAP, IjL. cake....-...............................

A lso High-grade to ile t Goods Much Underpriced.SH EPPIELD T O O T H p -

paste..................... 3U.R U n iFO A M .- ... 14cC A L P_ X _ .0r_ BELL’S J g jTOOTH POWDER...........

DENTI8EPTINE TOOTH POWDER or WASH, de-Ughtfully fragrant n n d antiseptic, commend. |C - lai; pise................ . lots

AMERICAN BEAUTY LIQUID ItOUOE, udds the iiaLUrai rose tin t to cheeks and lip-; |Q - sp^al............ ............ID E A L IA T O tLE T BENZOIN, a ttnetare made from selerted benioin; k 01., Ike.s 4 20cBANITOL TOOTH POW, IC . DEB or wash...........1........ •* -W OODBURY’S D EN T AL OR F A C IA L CREAM,

largeSEA SALT;bags............ .......)3c. P E T R O L A T U M JELLY ___ I.....................E N Q L I S H T O O T H | g g

at.... S E A M L E S S_____ r u b b e r

I GLOVES, maroon color iC -I guarantee; pair.....,-,...™v

IDEALIA TOILET CRttAM—tor ehnjijiwl bftni]« ITrftnd Upt; IfSc. *IiK.,..s}>4e.s ***'

ARMOUR’S S U P B R , t a b SHAMPOO SOAtP—AbsolutelyPU« and the only trantparent Tar Soap On the market; ilL . cake, ta « ,)3 fo r ....... ..........

OREKN SOAP SHAMPOO odoinsd With Violets;peri___

Uc, KlveSfioet S5c- ■life......IPJALIA, a l m o n d

KAISBRW f a r i n a jflrUOLOO.NB.'Kc. else.,.;....... • ' -v i o L K T a m m o n i a , 7cbottle--.,..H O O P m a n i c u r e i s * 8TMJKB. doeen.............. ..

BRUSHES, special a t .......FACE C HA MO I S , Sc. IfU aod............................. .......c h a m o i s p o w d e r i il . p u f f , each................... ..IDEALIA PERFUMES. I ’OS., A te.I 3 01 .................. 7ScARMOUR'S 19c- CAKES OAT­MEAL BOUQUET. ColdCream and OlycerineSoaps, Ce Aoi. eakee....,..............BENZOIN g l y c e r in e l i e ROSE w a t e r , g US,...___ ***

s a g e t e a HAIR TONIC- This well-koowD preparation, regularly 9Sc.; sale price, lO .. 5Be. 137c. slie.............. .FINEST EXTRACT WITCH h a z e l , U. a. P. guano- JOr tetki; pint. tS c ., qt.LLOYD’S EUXESIS........ 3So

t h e a t r i c a l c o ldCREAM: guaraoteed not to ba atleky or to becoise ran. rtJs 1 10., MM 2.1c tiiBi.,........... ................

SCOTT’S E 1. EC T R IC CDf HAIR BRUSHES............ . ®Vt,

I D E A L I A C U C U M B E R ORSAM; Inr, Iso .! 14- Tgc

'Hx lar.............. .............. -

MEAL, 39e. slse..,..IDEAI4IA BAY RUM: quart ATo.* p lo tM o .1 ti- 2Xc

ROSE WATER AND CEBINE; 3 p a lOe.i6 Ot •a',ii,«isiMsa >i4e-t.n«4e»tt<«eswiPURE GLVCERtKE;SOI. IdW 4l o s .............IDEALIA ^ NAli. b l e a c h , Nall Pifwder o r Cuticle |A |.UrttlMM" S(>. Jll**-...eartee.... ^TV



HotMoer, I9C. sImSfeW JK SK ?:..-...,!*LUSTBITEr PREPARA- JBe

EAU DK QUININE BAIR I S .TBnICV life, elM...........WILLIAMS’S SHAVING STICK.,— — ...............VIOLET SEA SALT, lor tjL . tkehA th .pk t» -............. —

PINAUD'S E A U D £ UL- QUININE, 4 0 e .and ........ O'*"IDEALIA VIOLET AMMO­NIA: .no better made; tnll Tjlcquftrt.ese..e.............. ............

Ea l ia v i o l e t c o l dMUar, IS*.! V4-lb.



IABi ‘ reifolarlj 3te., 21c . ?o myli





r i i i K E v f a n s G Wi t . E b b b t j a r t i s , i 9 » t. 11





‘S avior of His Native Land,” Is the W ay Frof. Bolles

Describes Him.


In c^lfibratlon o f L in coln ’s B lrthd iiy , tlKs Kepubllc.TM Club o f E :isl Oranffo hist tilgtit lielJ U s n lu lh am iunt d inner. 11 %vaa Ilia m o si e lab ora io furicilon nming-^d by the club. Served in th e \'.'umdn'.i Club, the o f Um liiiltdiiii; m.'tOeIt p ossib le Co hold A receiJVlun preceding th e bniiQuct. The sp eak ers w ere i!i# ! th » d u b h a s ever gntbered tojf^ther. And th e pOBt-prantilfll 4'fforix wpm ' lls- 1ened to until liie lr end, wUlv Bejarcely it d iner letivlitif h is noot. 'H ie comnilltGe dlatributed sou ven irs In the fnirm o f w airh fo b s. T h ey oonslHU'd rii' the <r()nve»ill<iu;tl rlbb ori'carryln g fob, w ith Mr. l.Inctiln'H effigy Oil on e side In bn« re lief, w hile on th e o th er o p p e a m l "The R epubllcuri ('l ib o f E a st O m iige ’■ Tlu ru worn nlso but' to n s w ith Lln«‘o lii’6 plc-uirt- on tbem .

The dinner w-ns sprveil in Ihe ni.iin andt- lor lu n i, w ith llie np«';ik<Ts tabUfOn a ]i*vf»| w ith th e o th ers . Instwid o f on llie statjo. AS it lins bet*n nrraiijted at severa l o f iln* d in n ers th is mpumoii. T he s ta g e k se lf wat> a mnsB o f pahns and p otted planiB, w lih

, rt Hag In the harkgrovnuJ. in irliiB iho u in- I iier th ere w:ia iiniHic liv a q uartet of Vt rn*- ■ t la n s , d ressed aa u<Jiihadi»rs. w ho pLnytd ’ and e a n g .^ n d tliA*re wtri* Ktdos a lso hy

W orrnll M oim tnln.T h e lavn ratlo ii w a.i offm od hy Hev.

F ran k M acnim lel, o f O ninge. and the lul- dreso o f w elcom e w a s tnavh* hy H<-!«on \V. J law k eaw oi'lli, presld cm of ihe rlub, w ho

• ijoju'ludid a fte r brief rem arks Ijv propow- Ing a to a st to tiie o f lJa‘ r n llir !Hintos, p ro fe sso r Kciwiii t.'. ]lnlle*s. of T u rtts C ollege, resptjnded to th e toast of “ L in co ln ,” for wliimi be cast h is drat Pr«sldent1fll vo te .

R egard in g Tdnci.ln, Profeptfor Holies puld IhAt It w ould Seem ms tliough he w en in-

I sp ired nad not burn, ju s t a s sud d en ly as th o u g h planned hy larin ilc w isdom la- p rogressed u n lll lu; becam e th e savlnur o f h is n a tiv e hind. A p th e world piro- g ro sse s Tilncoln's life, the speaker a s se r t ­ed , w ould rem ain aw liic r im lcesl product o f A m erican Jdsiory, Anai.vKlng hW char- A cter, th e speaker continued hy recou nt­in g a p erson al expi rlcrn'e In ■\\'Hshfngton d urin g Uic w ar w hon he wont to the W h ite H ou se at n ieh t, a fter .■^pcmllng a d ay in a liowpital, unable t<j sleep, niul Tvhlic not g o ln a In in the p lace Baw L in­co ln at a w indow . wIili a depth of agon y In h is eyes and m lng as ihougb hebore th e nation on h is sliuiilderH. Iko- fe sso r Unlles ilec larfd there w as nolldjig b etter lim n to ko^p beforo the people the llffl o f such a man.

S en ator K. J, HurUelt, o f X ebnipka. who spok e on “ Mmu p Mi-asuTe o f M on,” w as greBled ivlth ''ll:ree cln-era for tlie man w h o heat H rynn,’’ w hU h were proposed by C olonel (ioi rge f ’. o ic o tt . A reference to M ajor W iiilam 11. W iiey, a s “a hard w ork in g m em ber oC (Jongress.'' a lso b rou ght Old tiir«'e chet-rp for th« m ajor. M r. B u rk ett said ho lUd not w a n t to tell th e people w ho spent m ust o f tholr w ak in g Iiours in W all ptropt how' to be good, bm lie w anted to sa y som eth in g o f th e tldnpra ! w hich Indicate suecesH. U elng rich does r o t conetltiK e a m an, but rather his m ethod o f Industry. Ids h on esty a m i. m ora lity , he patd. adding:

" It Ib by w hat m en do th a t th ey are Tiiea&ured. It Is by wMiat th ey W h ile th e w urld adm ires u good m eaning m un l i lovep a good didng man. T h ey any th ere are no op portunities for young m en now. So lon g a s there has been p a in ted no p erfect p ictu re of a sun set, th ere w ill a lw a y s be a p lace for a you n g m an In art. So lon g ns m en are aa they are th ere w ill a lw a y s lie a p lace for a M oody, a Snnkey. So lon g a s rellrondp al*e running there w ill be ft p lace for q m an, esp ec ia lly one w ho can do a tw o- iran k biialncBs on a on e-trark rnnd. The d a y o f th e la*y , good -for-n ntldn g, w h in ­ing, con tem p tib le man Is far d istan t. The ea*y th in g s ere a ll done. P u t th at In you r pipe and sm oke U. Y ou bald h ead s h a v e done a ll th e ea sy th in gs, but w e are ra is in g b etter b oys than ev er before, and th e Bons o f th e old m en w ho d u g th e Erie C an al are g o in g to d ig th e b ig can a l w hich w ill u n ite th e A tlan tic end th e Pacific, T h e e a sy th in g s are done; th e harder th in g s are g o in g (o be accom p lished . It jp b y w h a t m en aceom pU sh th a t th ey are m easu red . I t la for w hat th ey do that th e y are loved and respected ."

Aa th e repreeantatlve o f th e South A m erican repnbUen John B a rrett show ed th e opportuntflea a w a it in g th la n ation for trad e In th ese lands. H e declared John H a y had told him th a t on e o f the th in gs In FJncoln's m ind w as, w hen th e w ar w a s over, to bring th e republloa o f the W estern h em isphere togeth er In h arm on y w ith one an other. Mr. B arrett eu lo g lied E llh u B o o t and declared th a t he w as *'cne o f th e g rea te st o f Btatfismen." Aa to th e trade op portunities In th e L atin rep u b lics he said there w^ns no danger o f com p etition w ith th e races, th a t the c lim a te w a s th e sam e as th a t o f the U n ited S ta te s and th at th ere w ere greater o p p or tu n ities th ere th an in C hina or th e FhlH pplnes. A s to B u en os A yres, he de­c lared th a t he had n ever seen any cap ita l In E urope w hich com pared w ith It In g o v ­ernm en t and he nald th at M ayor M cClel­la n and M ayo^ D unne m igh t profitably sen d com m lsslonB th ere to see h ow to govern a c ity , L atin A m erica to -d a y is look in g to th e U nited S ta tes for leader­sh ip and U la a q u estion w h eth er the U n ited S tP tes w ill let E urope fo llow th em or w h eth er Ihey w ill fo llow E urop e, Mr, B a rr e tt concluded.

"Som eth ing In L igh ter Vein" w a s th e to p ic assign ed R ev. W . W arren O des, o f S um m it, w h o spok e h u m arou sly o f the p reced in g speakers. H e paid a tribu te to L in co ln a s a m an of hum or, a s a leader o f a race, a m an of breadth and o f sy m ­p a th y .

T he e rran g em en ta foi* *tpA Aipnar tnadfe oy a —.-..s-'H . Snedeker, ch airm an; C harles berle, secre ta ry ; Marmis M itchell, C aptain Jo h n H . P a lm er. R obert D, R eyn old s and [W illiam 0 . W iley .

V alley s tr e e t to P ark and Dodd streets . Enel Orange.

Mr. am i Mrs. R u sse ll M arston w ill leave Hiuurday w ith th e latter s parents, Mr. am i Mrs- W illiam H. T u n e ll. on* tlK*lr yn rh l P u lm etto , fur a cruiso In SuutliernwnleiB.

H enry T urner H alley, form er S ta te hu- pcrvJxor of d raw in g in MuBonchuactiN. HiKl ed itor o f tiie School A rts book, w ill d eliver an addrecB a t 3:45 o ’clock to -m or­row aftern oon , in th e H igh School iis.'tcm- bly iiall, oti "A ria and C rafia In I'ubllo B fliooie."

W illiam H u yes, John F erry and W illiam L aw ler lead In th e pool tournam ent In

f rogress am on g the stu d en ts a t Seton lu ll C ollege.M iss I^ury R ice Is hom e from Sm ith

r o llcg e , on n vIbII to her parents, Air. and .Mrs. John F. Ftiue, 2U V ose avenue.

Miws K :itlifr ln e (je lk u lv , daugh ter o f ' Mr. and M ih Frank K. CleltaMy. o f , Tiirrell a v en iif i.*4 ill w llh n puendldtla . i Knlpli H ydr J i‘ , jilso of Turrell nvenu**, j Is rvcm erh ig frimi an openilJon per- loriiV'i] fnr tile Bame d isease.

H arry L FruhThlll. of 14J Twrrell ave- nm-, h'«VHii 8H tiirdav for B'lorldn.

TIih lioard o f TriiAteen w ill hold an In­form al nu'i-iliiK Kridoy n ig lil.

H A i m i S O N - K A S T N K W A B KT he b u ild in gs at -41 uml 243 Elarrlson

nvem ie inid 3 and f. S oiiih Third street, HarrlscjM, w ill dem olished ear ly next m onth. TJie b u ild in gs .on Third atroei h ave been erected about a half centu ry and for eom e tim e pmhi have been an eyesore to Hit: resiilein.s in ilio vlrjnhy, A braham M eizgar and David ii lfn iia n , wlio piirrhiisvd I lie properly, Inicnd put- ! lin g up large Htructm eH on these ullee. I

MIsh r a th a r ln e lu jlty , daugiUer of Po- * Ucenum Jam es Duffy, o f H airlson , is r«- cuverlng fruin an iMiicsh.

Thw fu neral o f John F. D ooley, o f 235 John street, lla rr lto ii, who died at hLs limiie M onday, w ill lake plai-e fio in the Church ul the H oly C ross Fridn> in on i- ing.

.At the n iee lin g o f tlm East N ew ark Connell to -iilg h t li is exi^vciwl ih u i a re- coriier w ill be uppoinied. Artliiir (Jiceri- heid Is the pi'fNiuil liohiei of the office. He Is out f«M- a rtappoliitn ient and 1m op- pusel by Frank M ullen.

Tiuj m em bers o f the R assac R iver Yatdii Club o f ilar ilB on and tludr friends en- Juyt*<l a sm oker g iven by t)uU orgunlKa* lion lit JiLCohs’s h all Iasi n ight. T he com - niU tee in ch a rg e con slsled o f form er ('onjinotlore t'h arlea Caparn, Paul Jusln - ski, C luirlea B icgner, J<diii Behan, W ill­iam K ranlch . C lm rles E. Hall, WUll«m H ouboii, Bumuul Curr, W illiam Hprideii,


Ashland Building, East Orange, Is Referred to as Being

“ Almost Palatial.”


Frank K ruuka. A rthur B angart. Commo----yy ” • -----

dore John W. D av is .doro W lillftm K raut ami vlcc-t;ytniiu)-

jpni^T ,wera


The E ast Newark Public School Alumni Association will hold Its regular meeting In the school lo-nlght.

Joseph McCarthy, of South Fifth street, Harrison, is recovering from a serious rUnesa.

A number of complants have been made to the Harrison police within the last few days about boys In the town wlvo make It a practise to snowball pedestrlunB iiud drivers. Chief of Police Rodgers Is determined to put a atop to the practise. One of the nldermeti of the town was struck In the face with a anowball a few days ago.

John Moluskl and Stanislaus Bush, both realdentfl of E lU nbeth^rt, were arrested by Policeman Jam es Duffy, of Harrison, hiRt night on a charge of disorderly con­duct preferred by Stephen Zag(>, a saloon­keeper of 324 Cross street. 2ago claims that the men came Into his saloon and raised a disturbance. They will be given a hearing to-night.

Thomas Brady, a milk dealer of 42fi W arren street. Harrison, reported to the police to-day th a t his horse had broken away from It.s fastenings in its stable and strayed away. , , _ ^

Josle Drake, twenty years old, of Dover, was arrested yesterday for being disor­derly. She win be given a hearing to-

w ater pipe in front of 605 N orth Fourth street. Harrison, broke yesterday afternoon and flooded the street In th# neighborhood,

MONTCLAIRRev. Dr. William H. Morgan, of New­

ark. gave a description of the battle of Gettysburg a t the dinner given by the Men’s Club of the .F irst Methodist Church las t night. He claimed tha t thla battle was th ^ turning point of the W'ar of the Bebenion; that the war wa* not based on ilav e ix but on the principle of S tates' r l ^ t s . That the Southern people fully boTleved in their contention th a t the State was param ount to the nation was fully eradicated, he claimed, by the fact th a t out of a popu­lation o f 6W,0(W fighting meh 600,000 took up arm s and th a t fully one-half of these Were killed or wounded.

An nfiBembiy dance, under the direction of Joseph Britten, of South Mountain ave­nue, was given a t CTub Hall last night for charily. Between 400 and 600 guests were present. , ^

Mrs. E A. Conger and Mrs. B. P. H ar­ris. of 4 Rockland rood, left this morning

^for & B t Cleveland, 0. • r *Jam es Turner, o f 25 Prospect avenue,

will leave for H ot Springs, Vo., to-m or­row. Mr. iSjrner expects to be abeenl from hla home about five weeks.

EVERTS IN THE ORANGES.Bo much In te ro t has been taken In the

«rt»-craftp exhibit of tho E ast Orange H l«h School pupils a t the E ast Orange Publle L ibrary th a t the exhibit will re­m ain open until Saturday night. I t has bean visited by over 1,000 people, Inolud- Ing a number from out of town.

jkr. and Mrs. Albert Lowther, Mr. and Mra. W illiam J. Andrus and Mrs. Henry W . W lthlngton Jr., all of Arlington ave­nue, E ast O range,'w ill sail next Wed­nesday for Bermuda, where thsy will he guest* a t tho Prlneesa Hotel for about a month.

Mrs. Alfred B. Jenkins, of Chestnut Hall, Llewellyn Park, W'eat Orange, gave a la rge reception yesterday afternoon for h e r daughter,' Miss H arriet Mullett Jen­kins, whose engagement to former Coun- eilm an Parnham Yardley, of East Orange, h as recently been announced. The house was decorated with ptnk and while roses, ferns and begonias. The color scheme in tho dining-room was yellow and white.

Edward McPafland. a hatter, of F orest street. Orange, walked Into the Orange Police Station to-day and said he w aa Blck. The man was apparently-suf- feiflng from pneumonia and Chief of Po- llee W asher sent him to the Orange Me­morial Hospital. -

The annual U ncoln'a Hay smoker of th e Holy Name Society of the Church of O ur Lady Help of Chrlatlans, E ast Or- a n g ^ was held last night In the parish h a ll.- M artin Conboy, president of the clut. I presided and made an address on L1A,>\[i. John H. Moran, William W hite, C U t f t ' J . Werner. Joseph n ertiey , John Kenife.-'Oeorge Kenny and Je rry licCab^ ney titit ' part In th e program. .

> U T H O R A K U K\w n tl)e famous South Or-

wa* enjoyed bj;

B L O O M F I E L DAn Orange and Passalo Valley Railway

car caught Are near the Bay avenue te r­minal last night. The men passengers a s­sisted tho trolley crew In extinguishing the blaxe wllh buckets of water taken from a brook alongside of the tracks. The fire delayed travel for fifteen minutes.

The home of Frederick Cook, in F rank­lin street, Was slightly domaged by Are yesterday afternoon.

Miss W inifred Cavanaugh and William Dunn were married' yesterday by Rev. John J. Preston, curate of the Church of the Saered Heart.

The Golden Leaf Club will hold an en­tertainm ent a t 17 Race street to-morrow" a*’number of the. pupils In the eighth grade of the Liberty Street School will go on a slelghrlde to Pnssalc tu-nlght.

The L adlei’ Aid Society of St, John's Lutheran Church, held a Boduble in the church parlors last night.

The North End Whlal CUtb will meet to-morrow night a t the hotue oI Charles O, Heekel, In Franklin street.

T he r<irniftl opening o f Ihe new A sbliim l Bohool. Laxi UfJiTigo. look pltioe yi'wtf'iHlay uflftnim iti. wliRti r4»mlnl!i«i.PncM'fl uf Die lils- lory I'f Die loiral public so lioo ls w efo g i\e ! i iiiul u p ica WOP maUc for e \‘on ii KreatPf int'TePt In vdiiraDon by pureiilH.A feH ture of Die exorrlai-s Die uii-velltn g Hn<l pr*'f<enlatlon of n bronze tub- le l contulniug' oil e x ln ic i from L incoln's faniouiJ Gellyjtliiirjf npierh Tin- iiresunla- 1b>n apeerli woh riiaUe by Joel \\' H a lt , w ho annyiiiit eil ib a t the iftijjH wa? giv»^n th e m h oa i ii.\ the vuo'ruriii of Die c iv i l tN'iir. An jncldent iioi nn Die proffram th a i WH» enthiisluKtlviiby reoelvrtJ hy the iurgr nud len ce w as Di« prcHehlatlori o f two b ooks w hli'h ilie late Mftjor . \ ijbi1ii Hprugue C ushm iin had Iniemh'd p resen t­in g in person.

'I’tie lorKF luidltorlnni tjf Die new srb ocl wan Well filled at tloi b eg in n in g o f th e p n igra in . the iiutUonoe not 4»nly Including Die parent:^ of the children, but m any o f the c ity offlriiila lUitl represeniuD ve.s | o f Ihe fa cn ltlrs o f flll the public srhufils I In the Orntigep, Healed on llie stii^ e wen* 1 th e iTieuibers of the Hoard o f Kdin a tlon * an d x'l.iiiinE ftchool ccjmmiHSlunerH from t O range am i th is city . ’

R ev. John a\t, T liom as. p astor o f th e , A rlin gton A ien iie P resbyierhm Clniroli, m ad e u prayer, nml ib is w as fo llow ed hy a se lection by the H igh S chool O rclipstm . | W illiam G. ThnniftR, prcsiden l nf thij j B oard o f Edtu^aiion, proHlded. M ayor ) W lllh im C ardw ell wo« nnabic to be pres- ! en i. i

F orm er School C onim tssloner M errill W atson , w ho w a s chairm an o f the fo m - I m lite e In ch arge o f the erection o f tho i n ew sch ool, review ed the build ing operu- ■ tion s . In reply to the cr llldsn iR to th e * effec t th a t the school com m lsslonprs hud been too extravagu tit in erectin g such an ex p en s iv e gram m ar school, Mr. W atson s ta le d th a t th e actu a l com of the school w a s w ell w ith in the am ount appropriated by the Board o f School E stim ate . T h e board had a t Its d isp osa l H82,5(Xi. and the to ta l ex p en se o f the lot. build ing, fu r­n ish in g s and furn iture w a s |1S0.(>eW- In addition to this. Mr. W atson exp lained , th e board had spent fW.dOO from an oth er fu nd for the im provem ent o f n p lay ­grou n d in th e rear o t the schot»!. H e said th a t tho Clttxens o f B a s t O range w ere expecited to ,• oontribute fu n d s for th e fu rth er developm ent'.o f th e p laygroim d.

Mr. Thomaa reviewed the life o f Abra­ham Lincoln, The speaker showed that children of the present day had many more opporfuniilee than Llninjln, and, therefore, much more would be expected of them.

Old a n d Ne'w MelhodH Com pnred*T hat there was a little danger In the

extensive educalloDkl opportunities for the children of the preselit day was pointed out In an address by Buperlntendent of

T/. ’Davey.’ ’ A fter com­paring old-fashioned methods with up-to- date ideas, Mr. Davey said that ail of the Improvements tended lo Increase school socialism, which was desirable in mnny reapects. There was une danger, how­ever, Ihe superintendent declared, and th a t was with all the Irnprovcments and Increase of soclul life In the schools the home was losing Its hbid on the educa­tional situation, and parents were forget­ting their responslbllUles, depending more and mote on the school 'teacher for the development of the child's mind. Mr. I^ v e y stated that tho success of any pub­lic scltool system depended on the oo-op- eratloii of the parents.

Clarence £. Morse» principal of Ashland School, reviewed the history of the school, and declared th a t the members of the faculty had determined upon an even

i brighter future for the new building, i Short congrU'tulatory addrcSfie.s were made I by Randall Spaulding, superintendent of ' ilie Montclair public schools, and County I Superintendent A. B. Meredith.

Asslalant Superintendent David B; Cor­son, of Newark, who $poke In the ab-

I Bence of Dr. Addison B, Poland,- congm tu- I laied the offlcldia In "East Orange for their j Bcbool sy ste m , and made an appeal for

a wider scope of the public sehoolf. The 1 d a y of building factories for schools, he I said, h^d passed, and now E ast Orange ! had taken the lead by er ectin g a gram - ) m ar school that was almost palatlaL ; Other short congratulatory ad dressee : were made, and the sp e ec t^ak ln g was

concluded by Rev. Dr. Jam es F. Riggs,

Hhanc. l..flD[; WuMace Hennunri rend t'.-i Hevrrul siipranu huIo.h, with vluJin ublljjh'o by MisH <Jibljy. T'Iip l»rx>ks beluiiglrij^ 'o the late MliJ u’ Cuslnunn wer« I'leseti:»'d lo Die j'i'h'Kjl by hla graiidsoii, Ruh^-it L’hHplti.

AfUii ;li-- Hinging “AiriPiira, ' Die ex» w» ji‘ Qini hij' il wKh Du' Ih-l*- ilIrDnji hy Itev. Dovld O. l iv in g , pualur o f IhD jol }*rHSihylci; I. CJiurcli.

— ---- - • ......

I K V I N G T O N A M ) H I L T O N *A ji Informal reffpiLuu wa.s iiriU ni it.u

Imme of Mibw Hei«ri ]. Hrlot'. lo ( “ tsii'fi'l, IriiiigU tn, Moinijii night m ln n'T <>t Hvvejjil i.f luM- ym iiig ir ifiu ly. \u i . i l uiid I iiFitfiinienlal lona w m - giM ij.I'liose pri'tHuU w ere .Mi»h Glddyx M'*’"! luiii. AlJHfl 1-I.ijymi \ \ liJtfield ind .Maud <.’liuk , of N ew .irk; .Mis:- LmU ophwf'ibM', ijf J-tj iiiil<L\ 11, and Mli<a iL-linr ilL Itei'il, Of Kast ( iiiingr

'i'hert' waw biin-ly ;i 'lunnini Inl• <t■nt En>-t iilg h l 111 the ni' vDn,^ of tlu' \\'*«l Linl liiiprnv*'Hieut . \ shih l.ihoii, iiinl In r u i f ' -gm -nce of Do- mnall :iUt‘n(i.iiu>* Up I'li'-

huatin-HH rti'.'Hslon wniw ah.iii'l 'ni .1Mrw. W llhuni Dli-k and her w n Willi itn.

of M H rofe, HnollanfJ. wJm I"''nvrsiD iig Mr. aiuJ Mrs. Jam e» llu^giin , </ | ll iin ie U avenue, HSIloii, h n w h.iIImI fi r homo.

T'he S«'oii(3 ^Va^d TinprovHment 'f'taDon of Irvliig lon w ill nn t-i lo-ujgM

I’apUHri D, H MrAlllHler. i.f Dn- iMinin I'Hdr-I woH a hi [ t hd.i.vsu rp r ise la*'l nls?lu. :il hi? If'iiif in IIm.mJi n iivioino. 'i'he pnrtv arrived hIjihii n o o lo r k , niid iffieHhnir'ii!H lni.l lu’onaf-rved a proffram. ron.Hlsling of ........:iIh1 liiH inniieiilal ft4drf'Donj5, waH *?iveii. -Mr. McAllisU-r recrlvvd Die I'oiiKi'af u- l.itions of Ilia gucHtK. imumg whom w* ro Mr. and Mrs. F. De Nonl*^r. of tjrang.-; Mr. and Mrs. Krod*'ritk C nilrr and Mr and Mi'h, Haney, ('f x\'i w ork; D'‘v*."fFHmlDi, of Tnioii T ow nship , xMr. and Mrs. IhujIh BlIrigeiTand. nf IrvhiKlioi. iiml \ \ . W Hrown n)iil Henry F. UpIcIht J r , o f in iin n .

Tlia inihlnot of IrvlnKton ( ’tiap-tf-r or the Fpw orlh Leak'tr li'm lorcl a b:iii'iuf‘t lo Die h a ifu e mt-uiherjr In the Sundii>-srlionl parhu's of Du* liviri«li<n Mi'lho<Mpt F h iin ln lawl night, I'nvnt.s wi-ft* la id for ftfly. The parlor ami fnhh' di-o- uraDoiifi wore rrrtiiiged hi Di+’ lonune coloTs, red uTid w hlD . Tim pnterlalnm iuU furniplie<| hy (he rahluol wuf of .'i blRli rhurrtctcr, vuetD boIos by Mvh n a id iio r hoiiig w ell received, Whur! addrosHtus worn* Jiiade by R pv. (JeorKe WUIIk Diirdm-r. Joseph '^\'alkcr. Krwin G. <' If’iusR, J"bii f' McC’lure nm! Lily L. Tobin, pr^-s-Ideut o f Dig chapter.

■----------------• ---------------

I N T H E C L I N T O N D I S T K H ' TAbout Ddrty-flve relatives hiKl frleuiH

of Duncan M ilnlyre Hr. Kiithercd a t his home. alS IClIsabelh avpiiue. i-*arkvhw. liflt tifght and letulereff him a pleaniini Kurprlp* in lamor of hln slxLs-llTst blrth- liay. Mrs. Hurry Mclniyie. Mrs. Kil- goiir. Miss Gertrutle Hron’/fi, MIph Mn>’ Gibbons and Aflss Hr-hemi Mclniyu- p:ivc vocal and Inatriinir-nlal selectlcms. The Ifible decnmtlons werf* rr-d, white nml blue crepe paper, and a large blrthdny c:ike WHH In the eenire of llie inhle. Tlie Rouvernlrs were Amerlrnn Hugs.

Mlea JoBopblne Schafer, Miss (Terlrude M artin, Mias LitUan Btr.'iitim, MJss L aura I/C\vls. Frank Tunlaon. Arthur Mai tin. ■Fred H aefle and M elville IHman fnrmeiJ a sielghrlde party, w hich Wont to RoaeUe M onday night,

Mra. A m os A cy, o f Rny Head, w ho bud I'Cen v ls llltig M iss M. L Dim ser, on H klgew ood avenue, r^tvimetl hom e yc:i- lerdoy.

Mlk.'t M ary Bntchelsr, of Sisnvnlt, hn.s rctum pd hom e from a visit to M iss Beealo W inner, on R idgew ood avenue.


Dinner in First Christian Edifice, Irvington, Brings to Mind

Pastor's Anniversary.


l‘‘"i Du:- tiisl llOH‘ iluriiig the Im iim- h' lu y '4 Dll* 1'HsvuL pu-sifU', I^-v. \MliUtiin H. ILuner. wbii lifty JlikL eiit*Ti-d upon the tWt-iiTleth o f hU n ilid s liy in Ihe I'lrsi ' Ii i Is Dj'Di r iiin -'ii, lr \lf ig to ii, ihiTi- wii.hJ4tv fn a iLiHi% night Ijj flie obi t'.im iiiiiw ii oilifui-, oil I ’liiji n a u 'n ij i . inm m ghl- riie arino v,;ls luoit- uf ii sih'ohsh Hum It.s pi'i.iiiuloif- 111!].. ,| for iii:d lid s projitpCfil Mr. lJ,iiJif-r lo uiMioiinro tiiiD a hlmlluiI ’."lU w oi.lil 1.1 Ijf lU lu-M .\i-ui oii them glii oi I.liMiilirH HiiD il.iy

Ml Hulm-r pn-MidMl ,in lor isliiu isie i aud Si'Llril ,j' till' yu'.si liDil'- In ilii Si.n-diiy-bL-hool wi-ri- Kev. A iikh^i F llrdner, Id 'i'Mnlly ( ’‘jiiivh . ill ',, r ih ih MeDllrn'Mle,of Die I'Irsi ftofonnetl ( ’ihitt |i , Rmv. W. T S, Lumbar, uf Mt. l*lensunt llupllfji I ’iiiMTh, Dlls vlt> : Fn-dFrk-k I'. Fawli-gran d uuisli r w oih inan of Iht* A. O f\S . of , \ f w ^, vvtsM ,iIho a m* nitM'io f D ig h -iiid o f tru.stiTs of Dm iiu :D rh m v l;, (b iii lo li Ka tilzjiiii N, form er <\»uii fllrm iti Nli'luihi.s W’lb i-i. H arry M' h u v lD , Frodorirk S. lilre . W illhnii H. TtuDj, John U HigKdis nijil Krntik Hi m'h.

The Lidfjn s« o f lh«- e\'"ning wan'- l>y Ml Lum liar. am i ta lk s w .-ilso gU iii h) .Mr. [•'lieiliiiT, .Vie. M<*i'linrhif'. Mr. F ow le , Mr. ii ii .n e r and F ia n i ls H. U reeii.

‘I’iie Dieriie o f nil fhi* addressi s w .is based uii d ia l ;icl iHilhnun, and tlu' need- Dull m en have foi- tin- t h iin h, Mr. Liim lior piiUl ci tribute i-> Mr. Hiiin'r'?. tauetiu.n vn-Jirw of Sorek-e In tin* local Church, and In Mis work and w orth, tit>l on ly In (li * m in istry , hiil lo Die coin- m n nlty nt large.

“ N o m ail c it i do good w ork In the n ln is tr y , ■ ilfcliired (he ftpenker, ” lf m m ehuTi litiii. A nipu can tie Ijntli iiiinl«l.Hr iind mftn ‘I’he greatest th in g lii the ivorJd Ih man, HUd Die h ighest fon n o f m an is a riirlsD rin man. im m .itler w hat ills fa ith Tiin>' be. T lie g ie u le s t m an the w orld has ever SGfn w as Jeans, the c a r ­p en ter .”

I C ontinu ing, Mr. la im h ar said; “T here ' ni’G th ree th in gs that man shrnild do;

F irst, c u lt l \a te the habit o f c learn ess of •sDilenient; second. fiuleknesH "f peroep-

■ tion , the hnlilt o f Beelrig lyiroitph th in gs q ulek lv . nnd last, to cultlVHtG ihe hnhit

1 o f b eing ratr and Just In tlie Judgm ent o f other.s ”

i Mr. 1'lb‘flner. w ho dw elt upon Die ni-ceH- i Blty o f keeping the l^jrd's d o*I "W e read about tlifi lOBt arts, lint Wfl

don't licar alunii the liisi uri of w orslilp. ] f you w ant to l:fl ii]i thin c o m iliy you m u st h'urn the .it! oi w or-l'lo . for then we will biiyi- juiDiiiig I I fear in th is luml id oio'M.”

Mr. Mi’i'llnrhl'- t le ih ifed llu il tlir uo'H o f lid s iierutlon li;ul as nnn b n« ed loi ti,e i luircli ua any o iliv i clu-s?#

■ Wti il we need iH men w lio .m- roiiHcl- fUMioiiH Atiil renpimHildo, w ho li>‘hi\»- In Working fo r 'th e beneht o f m uny, instrad e f tor Ihu feW', and Dien w e o f th is goueru- Dim nball hand dow n to proHperliy a nam e Dint w+' Khali a ll lu' proiul o f. '

Mvssr.^ J''uwle and Hroen Kpuke on Hidiere Iti the ch n iv li nra) counti>',

and ilvi iftved tlint it ivha up in them to Uldioid Die lileAS su g g esied (d Dirrii.

,‘\ t the clone of tin* six'^eohmakiiig tivotr I.f ihuukn uiiH rvicudi'd In Mr H alii- < r for Ills Work bi hr riglng Da moii lo-

I gellir-' .Muvk-iD Heb'> DoUM WU-r*' glvi'llj d'.ihiK' Du- c\ ell]Mg h> I|,,- V, M C. A. or-

cli> [ l ,1.i __ _ »

A U L I N ’ G T O Nli b -I t ||o InI'orniaI . I ' l l lnui o f Mary , C i'or ih , K earny. miDb Tlo' yom ig

bum Ills, .Vii Im-\ (H il u:,d In.stni-

i i i \ i [ i . The Mis- M:ii‘y .Mj-h iKliZfi-

. Mt. H S.idle j\[l.‘7s Iri’MO

K E A K N Y A N 14A liirge num ber iiD-

ilu inr gi\>T1 lis Di.Soi-lr iy of Si. c . . tn I hi- scliool liiDI l.i'-'i ivomi'ti Mi-rvi-d n In proruptn prof^ram -o \ in il lueatHl K* !i‘oi loTiH ini'- jiImo oouim lftve \uiH iiiiifb' ii|> IIIt'on wiiy. MIsh H i I< h III idd' Ti bi-Di Calmin', MJ' s Sadi-- Itlli ;D an-fD . Miss .M,i. I.llllHWal^ li and Miss Sum. Ib id.

John I'biMr, o( I’.iHs.ili' ovotiiio, W est A illiii'bn i, w:ts i-i-k-il up oui nf Dio s mw .,nurD io Ihiibi*: AsphaJl ' ’om p.ui\'.-i jiiniit. [', eiirl>' lusl nh,Dil b \ I 'n h .iio a h W llilaniho.i and Uiknu to Die poiir«. imia- Di*n. T li‘‘ man wtus H.Dr} lo In- d nm li und 1VHM sleepliiy stio-ti Ibo ofllrtu I'mirid him. lb* will Im* given it lii-:ir1lig befuro Ilc- yuider Koi h A ionlgiil,

Knnrny Lo.igi* r.t KIks w ill pay a fr a ­ternal vl'-lt I II I l o k'*iisro k l/Mjgo F r i­day iilglii when 111'* g la n d ^^,D(l‘lJ i-idor will m ake nn uddiu T|jv llaikH iN ui k tody* has itriaiiKcd .i ju-otria’ii for tho onloitiDimu-ni ol Du '.i>l! irs

Miss JtoHiilt. i'.'Mv Mhii.s. , .w |\ty-l 1i?oh >iar.s old. widow of J..l;ii l' 't ,in d M olsc. dlf'.i IjihI night 111 S'.. .\1u Im.-I s H' spUiD, ;ifl*T a long lllm s** Sc:'. I.-i-k Will br* hi'ldJ'"rUla\' nlgrii Hi '■ he huiru* o f iioi /o n bo law, John tl, Hfiiii, L lb-<'oH a tifi.t , A rlbiglnu. In 'harge of Ui \ Hleh.irrl F. 5L-Mjchufl, |KiHl< r o f Die Flr^t lkl[illHl CUiirclt, ArJlngi^sb► ------- ------------- -

4 ' A L D W E L L A N D V E K O N A'I’hP GlcHulnH C h ib ,»r W est C aldw ell

w ill linhl ati all-ilHy m etoing iit tin* rh ap tl I loinorrow.

.Ahoiit forty friendn uf Dora Miumin*; ga th ired at her hom e tn i';iii!iio last night In hoi lor uf li ir len til blrDn!a>'. The .Hiveidle giiejii^*, w ho ca m e from Fulrilelil, F’ln*. ltn_H‘k ami C ald w ell, pre.a-m ed (u Die llDlP nils« a s ilver kn ife , fork and spoon.

The F ife und Drum C orps <tf llio Knluhbs uf K ing A rthar w ill n ieet tor pi'iiiilBi* y«D irday night at th e cUun-h

The Ifiabellu l.lterary Clnh o f \'erotm will hold Its postponed imaMIng ni ihn borne of Mrs. John H. F r a il, o f M,Hvora plflce, to.morrow nfU rnooij.

Mrs. F illm ore iNmiik ani) m/jh ]>omDd, of Hloonifleld nyenue. ViMona. ivlll leave for ( ‘ullfornln next W ‘*dne.s(l:iy


To-morrow will be Va(- entine's Day.

“ Ilirro's inanv a "sip’ 'twixt the .up anJ the l(p."

We can't help you out with candy or fiowcH, but we can supply the dress to make you took "blooming: and sweet."

Tosedo or lull dress coats and trouser ■■ 524.

While Dress Waistcoats $4.50.

Frock coat, gfra'y trousers, white vest-^$26.

If you mean business, here's a business suit $20.

Dfer.s shoes $5.

IVlarshail & Ball807-813 Broad Street.


A TrusM 7 hat Does the H'ark-F itlin fi TruKHfR no that th'" R upture w ill

be ictaliuMl A Ll* ih f Hum w ith out unno^f- iiTir'i' \\]i> Hjicciiit fea ia rc o f our Tn(AS Detiartnu'dt.

W«‘ hnyc th e laieifi Imprpvemfrit In.Mi TniBH. I1H wcH iiA uM the peBt o f Ib^ OthCt* klinH \Vc h ave a mun In ch n rge Wlio JiiiN iiindc T n isjies hml 'I’niMH F itt in g a Hrh-chtlty fill '.M yearn. Hor« you oAn ImvH I hr bcnrrit id expert T R U S S A T- TK N TIO N and Huve tim e, bother «n(i fifiTiBf of frcg iir iii iripB to Now York, ftiui fMTurc n m ’M'hJlv HKRVlOE at»a t l» R IG H T TKl'Sl^.

Open Saturday evenings IIH ^o'clock* '

Npectal ApnHiiieiil lo r LxiUfii* .(iiCoitipcteni Indy iu c ln ig e .)

(dtteU anJ sulJ only at


47 B ank S treet.

A tropical island sends you Wmter Greetings in

W h ite R c^e C ey lo n T e a**The Cap FavorUt."

IHOW LONGI' <IL(I tli4> l a n t in i l i i l > o tt l i a d ati«»4l o n . y o i i r liu Q Jir t»r o t h e r b a t l t l l i t f v iB iit ! iiiMi l o o k w r i l f It'M n o ^ t h o f l r » t t h a t, i p I Ih t h e M fo rj' o f p n i n t v a l u e . H 'h i tnI ( i n r a b l t l t y . T h e W B A U W E L L K IN D

OP PAIKTM BEA D Y M IXED AflD F I ItH '1%'fIITR t.E A D A M I LINSERDiJ|t> |« M'lint «1»oN It. Aori la aohl b}'

J, J. KQGKE JOS C0„I 829 8RQAD ST., Kewark. H. J.


oantaln'h t , a n d e v e r y t h i n * f r o m

; E a i M a n d b t d c o a s t e r * ' p e o p l e w e r e I n u s e . C o b -

' u d u l * l a * t h e s p o r t , w e r e p e r -

Coast)•n *e nvi a crowds small si carryln*dlWoni_fii, ___ . - ____Sect. The course wse covered with Vrell- peeked snow and soon the "rut” was worn Into ths middle of the road, a bob xsca Is beint arrasded for to-night. Cyru* 'WaUace'a Booster,: said to be ths b ^ on tb s hill Unca the dare o t the old "Snake Charmer," that coola beat them all, wUl dafsnd tba honors, captured two years

and Mrs. P. B. Delaney, of Scot- lakd road, returned yesterday irum Nan- tucket.

There ars five. Bases oC scarlet fever In tbS ylUage.

Churlet A. DuVIs, proprietor ot the South Orange Hotel, who has been sett- oUBly ill for seveiul weeks, haa been re­moved to n private hosptts).

H e w H . C, C r o n e , o f D e t r o i t , c o n d u o t e dSer-tneetln* In the Presbyterian

■St ■ night:C roiell, has removed b w ud

d m r c ^ l

B SLLEV ILLEThe Bachelors' Club will have a debate

nt the home of Henry H olti, W ashington avenue. February 23, on the subject,■•Should Bitehelora Be Taxed?" Henry Lowncy and Henry Holts will have (he3or’?lVb"e*on*‘'li;e"^4ar^t*’”A r & ‘' I

AbouT t^w o^hundlW '^ lo 1 ' ’ xhe musical features of the program Ina turkey supper at Wesloy Methodist i eluded songs by the Ashland ScliodI chll Church, last night, p r ^ r e d by the U ren , under the fllMCtlon of Mies Helen

w u it^ j* nf mnvHie <■ L OlbbA supervisor of music tn the pub- . Miss ^ J l f t e n n e ? r of*&aln 'I® srhools; and MoUn solos by Miss Oraoet tro e t f t \ yoa Helfrloh, accompanied by Mies IDdlth

Warning to the Public Against- Deadly Drugs Disguised as “Balsams,” in “Whisky,” Etc.

A t th is time of the year, beware o f the balsams o f .th is and hnleetns of. that, so- called "cough euros," which conialo mor­phine, chlOToIorm and other de*dlT drug*In auan tlty large enuogh to. t u t Many .of t h m "syrups" and "baliam a" are pat- tlBUlarW fa te l to children. One Of thosemlxturee la also loaded with whisky....' a.-*.-,'.— ~

We warn you against these dangcrmla I the system Is given the f lg h t l^ p ' m ixture* th a t con lalt pdUonous drugs, to t l ^ w , off. narcotics or .uptatee. These drug* dwden th e nerve# and weaken the body, while-the disease get# a sttim ger bold. H you tava^A Stvaiw Hold and take polsoaoua'

drugs tbe, effect Is-to atop secretion along the breathing trac t, oongestloh and . In­flammation Mt In, t w you a re down with a aerlous lung troubis, .

UTlthoiit these dnigs <W alcahot, F a th er John 's Medicine cores colds . and all th roat and lohg tfoulites. By batldlnf up the booy and keeping -up lb* warm th.

■ - ■- **- -jower_ _ _ I o h n ' s

M e d i c i n e l a a l l p u r e . n o n r l s h t n s h t ' a n d Q u i b e a t p f b t e c t l o n . a g d l f l s t d n n g e r v f r o m e x p o n s r a t u u l a r i u t - d o U ^ e a n d l n o n . c t t h ei»wy.

Our M onster Sale of M an u fac tu re rs’ S urp lus Stocks P resen ts T housands of Amazing Bargains 1 Every D epartm en t Teem s w ith Them ! The Biggest Sale in Y ears!


25cCorset Covers— Lit rn

fine i|Uiilttj naluHook. iiuiuL Aomeiy trlmmwl with many TOWN of lint* Inoe, ribbon and innertlon tn bnck hii<I from, qU ■!«««. reg, Hilk:. value, for.r.

Qlrls Night Gowns— Long NMgbtGowda, inHile of fine enfu-

hp to 13, have ftrir- Ir tucked joke, doable bark lindniflling trimmeri: regu lar prlci' lo.<l/iy li Rflc. to 44c..................................................

Long Night Gowns—Of.good iilUAiln, f l n i ' l ^ l u c k f d T ami prettlT? trlmined -wHIi e m b r o l u e r j I n t e r - i tlOh, all *Iie«. a 44c. gow n lor..*i..... ....................................

Women’s Petticoats-Of vei7 Une muitlin. extra j wtflr^ deep ombrelle ruff)** tuekM and trlmtneff with fine wideembrolderft a good 41.M petticoat for..... ...........

BOc. All-wool Knee Pants-strictiya l l w o o l k D M p a a t a , d u r a b l y m a d . w i t h t a p e d a c a m a S D d p a t e n t b a n d . , l a b r l c l i i n e a t m l x t n r r p a t t e r n s , f u l l c u t ,W e t t t l t t l n g , i l i c s S t o l f ) y r * . , a t . . . , - ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1907 Spring Walking

, Skirls* A nra lted hihbbw ql braod new |S IMT Ibprlhg Ukirt. w |[lbe.pkecil oncalc’rhur* . day , and while Id tlo aU w a will o((fMli»ia M a i l e n t d s s d n r - Wh JNkabHi,tuitr<>usqBUUtjbrll. KM , I M I B HOhjIhalIn the uew hhaile M U I I ofterowa, blue and htacliH m

w M a t ly tallnred, ejitclul t l * W V ■ TW w day... ....-....,...^.^,..-1..

A Manufacturer’s Surplus Stock oi$5 Isabella Opossum Scarls

k\rry woman who needs a fur neck scarf can huy one to-morrow at h a l f price. These scarfs are fine, thick, heavy Isabella Opossum pelts, trimmed with tails. Are full lengtii and were to retail at $5. We’ve about 100 to sell to-morrow at..................

A Rettrlng Maker’s Stock of$3 White Blankets. . . .

H e r e ’ s t h e b i g g e s t b l a n k e t b a r g a i n w e e v e r h e a r d o f . A r e f o r f u l l s i z e b e d s . O n a c c o u n t o f t h e r e m a r k a b l y l o w p r i c e , w e l i m i t p u r c h a s e s t o 3 p a i r s t o a c u s t o m e r . P o s i t i v e $3 v a l u e s , f o r

A Otssolutlon Partnership of a W aist Concern Brlng:s Us

$1.50 Lingerie Spring WaistsI m a g i n e b u y i n g H . S O S p r i n g ( 1 9 0 J ) W a t i t i now a t 8 3 c , l

A p e c u l m r t r a d e c i r c u m s t a n c e b r o u g h t u s ( h i s l o t a t a v e r y low f i g u r e . A r e m a d e o f fine s h e e r l a w n , t r i m m e d w i t h German V a l . l a c e ; h a n d t o m e l y e m b r o i d e r e d ; o i l . s i t e s ; l o n g o r s h o r t sleeves; a l l beauties; a l t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A Lucky Purchase Enables Us To Offer$1.98 Heavy, Warm Kimonos at

E v e r y w o m a n n ^ s a h e a v y K i m o n o o r D r e s s i n g S a c q u e t o w e a r a b o u t t h e h o u s e t h e s e C o l d d a y s . T o - m u r r o w w e w t | l o f f e r y o u y o u r c h o i c e o f o v e r 3 0 0 , w o r t l i u p t o ll.og, f o r 8 7 c . ; h e a v i l y f l e e c e d f l a n n e l e t t e o r e l d e r d d w n ; p i p e d w i t h s a t i n a n d t r i m ­m e d w l U t f r o g s ; w h i l e t h e y l a s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

English Long Clothr,,i)aij yiiT'U III rh u iintii. •'tn i

Int-liFH 1 full Ijlcni’hon forhllf UtKJeru e /ir ii cdiKi valaoII t l.'iC., Wllllf lOl lllHfH,J a r i l .................. .............. .........

F ru it of th e Loom Muslin.TIiIh HimiilArd, npll knom i luid ftl-

wnvH i!rn]ra1iU* muHlIti. f u l l hlpnclip’d, tC4 n-iijp, koII* reg- ulorly h\ iT»c. ra iil, evezyjklpi'H KfAinp^d ‘'i''rijlt fR the Loom," uppdnl Dm 0 . f). or uirtll onlffNi, yu rd ....................

Pacific Plaids.I'iirirt rnploN of plnifla nflling

for .'iiic. rlHfwIier^: nr- Juat the i I lilnj? f<>r rlillJreh'if (troRHeH.hoiiee Iflr NKr'H fLTiFl ah lrt w alal HiittK,' sur- plan nf It. liitl); heautHul coltir comhliiAtlons:ynrfl wUle,yarti...

Unbleached M uslin.Tull y a n l wlffe, niadd nf h r a r j

rriuini Uirentf lauHhii; free from (JrfKalnK und [lerfreb goaffs tn fy'vry wuj; wholeaAlB market I ijno trsi hi* jfi'aUe to-iluy a t 7^ . , our Kpfclftl price........................... .

B leached T u rk ish Towels.

A Chance UKe This Occurs Rarely t$-lpch 59e. Allover Embroideries a! 23c.

T o - m o r r o w w e w i l l p l a c s e o n s a l e # n i m m e n s e a s s o r t m e n t o f l S - i n c h A l l o v e r E m b t o W M ’i e s , I n o p e n w p t k . d e s i g n s , e y e l e t e f f e c t s , e t c . ; g o o d s t h a t s e l l a t 5 9 c . t h e y e a r r o u r u t ; . i s s u i t a b l e f o r m a U l i u j ; e n t i r e w a i s t s a n d f o r d r e s s j j u r p o s e s ; w b H a t h e y l a s t , y o u r c h o i c e■ t , y a s d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Full lilpHchnl, heory , rlur- 2iblp, rery iilivorlient. anfl '90\lli!t Itiphed in site; (‘nfla irluiped: a towel that w.*Rh rcfeulnrly for 19c. puch: while lot lAstSp spad&l....................

W om en’s Sw eaters.In A full AMortoient ol coforsi Bltuje 0(

gurr woolf closely kpit* louse BtytPa liijih or loi*

neckf HWMisrs tiu^t sell regoiarly a t 75e., cloelaff I out the liar, Atid white they lastr will a t .............. .

75c, W hite l ia o a W etsis,^Also heavy Moili- walsis. tKs vHlH

wnlsis are jtrortily 'erwl nad are iiin,Uc Tuil Jcut ih the lAtws .loni!:eieevrsQuIr. they,«knuo9-aft ■7»«.k o ttripudu pries


' Aw -


V ' t: ■: ■■ ^ v »

liT.f ’# - ”

Newark fiVEltffiJ. news.



Stock Market Here To-day W as Helped by Yesterday's

Advance Abroad.

m a o s E WAS ir r e g u l a r


N IW YORK. Peh. 13.-Advftnse« In •London ovot the boJlday helpwl the open^ t |n f prict* ot itock* h<ire to u higher

The coneplcuout gain* were ehown tin h few of the minor etocke und In the ppeculatlvc leai^era. Some of the Bouih-

,” W»*l«rn rallroada Were rather he“ ’'T' l l l i e r e were li,tlO0 khore* of Annconila anld ^tt( m t i and % conipareil wltli 2S6 on 'Xondny; D elnU re and Hmlaon roae 3; Can«dlan Pacific and Locomotive, Ui;

■ Minneapolla. Bt. Paul and Bault Ste, Mnrte itorefarred, 114, »nd the eotmnim. UnionpitU le. Beading, Orsat Northern pre­ferred and Smelling, I.

I t A, M ,-Reallilng ealea were without appreciable effect on prlcee and the mar- |t* t went iomewhal hlgluT on « Ro™ ■volume of buetneka, NorMiern Pacino •bowed lome heavlneea, but atHidled a f ­ter trteldlng a point from im opening n*- Ur*, Federal Sugar Improved H Lackawanna 6, Manhattan 3V4, DletlllcTe Secarniea !, Oreat Northern pieffirred And United Btalea Steel 1, SI. Lout* Bouthweetern yielded 1, Anaconda touched SM14, a record price, and then aagged to M ow !»S. The market became very dull bafort the flret hour expired,

N oon-Pricre allppwl back when trading b m n e dull, and eilSetied again with the nppaarance of frejh buying ordcra In new Auaiieri. The Hill stoeke, Union PacKlc. Pefinaylvanln and Amalgamated Copper wara the later leadcra. Im portant gnlrtB were Great Northern preferred and Dela­w are and Hudeon. !*i, and Union Paetfle and Northern Pacific, It*. The Btlvnnce b itted again before noon. Honda were Bnn.

1 p. M-—An exceptionally large demand for American Locomotive, which tietfcd (t 4 point!, Induced apeculallve purchuaeB of other raltroiid equipment atodta. nnd Ihe entire group beenme elrong. Among the rallroade the buying ot the till I mocka wag continued on an exteiialve ecale, but thare waa little change In the nitd-day prtcee of the Graiigere and PacIflcB, Gi cnt northern preferred Jumped (f%, with a

' m o tio n of IBt; Northern Pacific nnd Onuiby Mining 1. Cnnadhm pnelHc 314.

.1 frea ied Steel Car Hi, Great Northern Ore t«ittM eatea 1%, Rnllwny Steel Boring 1%,

■ ' Korthweitern and Pullman I'A nnd On-■ S irtf and Wealern, American Car and

Leather 1., i P, II .—There wae a more uniform dls-

' f i V hf atrength by the middle of the •(UmooD, the trunk line gtocka and coul- am tailing the place of the preceding leartirg Bualneaa Increaged In aome ile- Braat g-hd there wag a more confident damand than has exlated for gome time.

'tCABtdlnn Faclflc got up B, National Lead Union P hcIIIv and Minneapolis, Bt.

LIFE COMPANY MEN RESIGN.O fflrla ls o f iB d ta n a State Coacem

Arcnaed ot H e e e lv la g Comniiegl®* OB R e a l Belate Deal.

INDIANAPOT.IS, Feb. U ,-The Inveatl- gnllon Into the State Life Company by the audlior of State, «hft brought out evidence several daya tending to allow Hint President A Sweeney and Vloc-Prealdent yiilmi received 150,000 to vole for ‘he P "■ chiiae of a tlilrleen-atory omcc huiunug In thla city, was brought to a climax Inal night when theae two olBclale ““vereJ their connection with the company. I h . board of directora accepted the reilgna- llona. Both Meaere. Sweeney and yulnu have conalatentty denied eiiy eommlaaton on the purchase of the oftloe building.

It la Ntaicd that Meaert. Sweeney anu CJnhm acted voluntarily. They have re­quested that the directora file aulti agaluat them to recover the IM.OW com mlaaloii they are alleged to have received. They feel. It la aaaerted, that In the eourii. they will’have a hatlor chance to vlndi cate IhemBelvea than a t Ihe preaent Invee- tlgntlon.


Boonton Hen Claim They Were Asked to Enter ' ‘Combina­

tions" or Lose Jobs. •



Special WsriafiA to He AFA-.VI.VO }I/!V8.BOONTON, Feb. 13.-K. J. Cahill, F rank

C, Hopklni and Frank Uoe, fire Inaurancaagentg o t Ihla place, are « odda w ith should be ralaedeeveral of tlia cumpaidea for which they P " '" ' “ - - - ........... .......... -

W h a t F in a n c e C o m m lltee a t t n l t e d g la tea Senate W ill C o n een t to

Have fleeonic l,nw .WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.—The Senate

Finance Comnilucc lo-day ordered a fa ­vorable report on ihe Houac hill to re ­place thtt 110 silver certltlcatea hy gold eertineali's of the same denomination. The amalleHt gold oeiimcate now permttl."d la 130. The new silver certificates when retired are to be reissued In >1 and 12 bills, thus supplying the Inereualng demand fur ■mull hoiefl.

Thti comiiilllRe aJded amendments mak- Ing all national bunk depoeitarlee of p n ^ lie moneys and Inrreftetnif from 13.000,000 to P.OOO.OOO Itie t>f national bank

that may be wUbilrawn In any one month.

A canvaflB hue been made of the eltna- tloTj In the HoUift, and the Republtcan leaden anticipate llttl*' or no oppoelllon

TUNNEL TO STATEN ISLAND?I te p o rt th a t a T nbe May <:anjiect

N clvbbor w ith New Je ra a r a t B nyonne,

NEW YORK, Feb. 18.-Th» annoonce- nient wua made yesterday In Bayonne that the Hiulgon Companlee, builders of the tunnels under the Hudson Hlver. he- tw w n Jersey City and New York, con- leniplate the construction of a rapid tran ­sit line between Staten Island and Man­hattan by way of Bayonne and Jersey City.

The plan. It Is said, la to lay a tunnel under the Kill van Kull and to connect it with an elevated railroad through Bay­onne and Jersey City.

NEW YORK OUTSIDE SECURITIESThe following quotallone are fumletatd

by Van SclialJk A Co.:' d o lin g CloseMonday, to-day.

Bid AskMl. Bld.Aaaed INDUSTRIAL,

American th in .........Amerlciin Can, p r...Ainerlcun Chicle.....American Chicle, pr.American Nickel —A inerican Tobacco..Ainer. W rit. Papei'.Am. Writ. S tate G as.........C entral Foundry......Central F., p r ...........H avana Tobacco.....H avana Tob., p r...,Houston Oil.............Houston Oil, o r ......Int. Mer. M aniie... tn t. Mer. Mor., pr.ini. Balt.........M anhattan TranaltOtis E levator.........Otis Elevator, p r...Standard Oil.........



55 66* ^182 ^H) m 186m IID 110

m 1 %tan 180 S» 390

a 3^ 326 26

t 3 3?tlu 14 17liiVi 13^ 1480 20 20K ft 8

43 60 42 50U 10 8’/t 10

27H 2y 2914Hi 16% IS*,; 17f'H r.4i

iiO 65 m 5596 » 95

m 540 535 m

have tjeen acting, as a rcault, they claim, of their refoaul to go Into a combination designed to prevent' competition. They were visited on February 1, they ataert. hy a special ngent. representing the com­bination, which la guld to cover New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Dela­ware. Maryland and the Dletrlot of Co­lumbia. The agent claimed to represent what he termed the "middle departm ent,” composed of flefd men. He suhmlUsd an agreement calling for strict adherence to certain specified rales and requested the signatures of the agents named.

Mr. Cahill, who Is Senator Hlllcrv's partner In huslnese, and a member of the Morris County Board of Taxation, said that to enter Into » cnmidnntlon Intend­ed to prevent competition was unlawftil. The agent then put It dllferenlly, saying th a t the object was to prevent "unfair uompetitton." Mr, Cuhlll peremptorily declined to sign the agreement and the agent had no better luck with Hopklni and Coe. The three thereupon received or­ders from certain companies to sign or re­sign and Mr. Hopkins without further ado chose the latter allernattve. Mr. Cahill called on Ihe New York inanoger of the Pennsylvania Fire In.surance Company, from which, he asserts, he had received notice to quite In the event of non-compli- unce, and says he waa told that ho m ust either fall In line with the others In the combine or sever tils ounnectlon as agent for the company.

When he did neither., ho claims, ho got a further notice to the effect th a t hu must not write any more liualness for the company after March 1. Mr. CahlU'e an­swer tt. thl-s wos to aciiuBlni niemhera of the Leglaiiiturc with the whole proceed­ing, with a view to bringing the allegi tl offending companies to liimk, Premium rates In Ronnton. Mr, Ciihdl sold to-day. are In urgent need of revhilnn, and any attem pt to holster ihem up would work a diatlnct Injustice to property intereals m the town.

y -------------- a—-----------


RgalnJt ll on the national bank olroulallon fetiturc.


Hiimesota State Attorney Gasp­ed When Sale of W atered . Stock W as Defended.


1- i-A



Atner. L. A Trao.. Am. le tc T., p r... Chicago Subway

lot)»5. 1*14

, P au l and Bault Bqinte Marie I, Pennsyt- TgnU H4. Wheeling and L ake Erie eec- •n d preferred H4. St. Paul. Loulevllle and

i jn KiwhvUIe and New York Central I'q. Erie '• ■■ t IJtr •■><! International Paper 1. Central

c tM lrp ad of New Jersey fell off 2 points.3 P. Jl.—The m arket closed irregular,

With p^flt-toklng in progress. Tile up- . *lrgi«l movement in the laat hour broad-

gned materially, and dealing Increased ‘ |g rs* lr In volume. Many etocks, which

hhd logged, came forward Into the move- m«nt.

O reat Northern preferred wa* carried VP H4, Delaware and Hudson 5, Canadian ' 18c i. Northern Pacific 354, Hkla and

.ther preferred 3, Union Pacific 3%, Bggdlng 3J4, New York Central, Atlantic O W t Line. Northwestern, Amerlenn

^ 'fIffielUng and Central Leather Hi to 2, .Ismitivllle and Ngshville H4< and Bo ul hern

«,|>aclflo, BaUIntore and Ohio and Chesa- " peak# and Ohio IF Room profit taking

niode frnotlona! Inroads on prices In ihe la ta deallnga. Sugar lost a point.


rang* of t^vday'i prtcaa for tb*H a r t aouve •locki And bond! of the New York markelB, a t (urniebed fur the NEWS

. 6» P in t A Flagg. Is given below;Open-Hlgh-Low-Cioa-

Ing. cst. eat. ing. ..... JO)i lkH4 30%

IM 11414 14614 114% 11444 114'*, IT,'* iMti IMt,

44.4 44 44%

Seaboard Company. 17Seaboard, l i t p r ...... 11Seaboard, 3d p r ........ 47

MINING.Argentine Cobalt............Bingham C entral.... 144Boeton Coupar......... 8oBonanza Creek........ 344Urlllah Columbia C. HIButte Coalition....... 37.%Butte & London.... 1% Butte & New York.Butte Cop, and Zlno Cuml)erland-Ely M.. Dominion Cop. new El Rayo M ining...,Ely-Nevada ............Foster Cobalt_____Furnace Creek Cop. Granby Consolld'ted Greene Con. CopperGreene Gold............Greene Gold-Silver,Green. St D'th Val..Qua. Explor. Co......McKIn.-Darrugh ... Micmac Gold Min..Millet Co, ot A mer. 2l Mltchefl MiningNev. Con. Copper...... 17Nevada Smelting.... 4% ■■ ■ ■- . . . .Newhoute Mining 'TlptHSlng Mines Co Old Hundred

Colton Oil Co.. *544BmelUng.......... 14CiSmelting, p r,,.. IH%Sugar .............. 137C, & F. Co...... 44C, * F. Co,, pr, KB,1, Copper.......... 114%

A - c . M. cfo.,. 29»% to 238 Jli& ^Q w rfcaa Ice........... 83

SB 115

A boklFn H, T ......... 74'C onadlait Pe C h u . St Ohio Cbl. Great West ...Chi,. Mil. ft at. p.., Cj G ft St. L


NlpIsuinK Mlneti■ ■■ Min.

Bllvcr Quoen .......Tenn. Cow er Co, , Tonopah BelmdTit . TonoiToh Extension. Tonopah M. of Nev, rn jo n Copper Co.... United Copper.........

W hite K. Cop., r*"BONDS.

Am. Steel Foun. iifi M Am. W rit Pap. £*... S4 Ctnt. Fotin. ti» flat. 7Q Con. Rub. T, cieh. 4s 34* !n t. Mere. Mar. 4%s 74H


NEW YORK, Feb. l3.-FIoijr-Rec*’lpts,S, 4M; BHlee, market Arm but alow.W h eat—Kecelptfl, 5»,000; Bules, 1,200,000;

opem'd lower vjmhT vaaler cables, heavier NorthwfBt reci‘lptB arul good weather West. Botor there wrta a rally on ouvor- Ingmnd with the Wa'sI; May, B6 Ju if. 86 l-iettlWH.

Rye—Nominal.C um —Rvcflpta, H8,3iVi; opticn m arke t

dull and wUtinut tiH iisarttons.B c c f -F ln u .Pui'k -Flm iLai'd-B leady; VVe-stfra prime, 1(1 lOtp

10.20,S u g a r -H a w , steady; fa ir refining,81-32; ce n lr ltu g a l, W tost. 3 7-16; molaasKs

iu g a r . 2 23-M, Refined, quiet: rn iahed ,Ogi; powdered. 4.S3; g ranu lated , 4.7(1

B tilter—Strong, ^inehanged; reeelp ls 11.- 025.

C h e eee-F Ir m , unchan ged , receip ts 5.133 | E g g s—F ltn i: recolpte. 11,337; S la le , l'eiiTi-,|

gy lviiiila and nearby fan cy aelectcd w hite,30@31; do,, rhoice, 28(a'4f(: do., brow n and mixed ex tra , 2S; W ealern, flrstn. 26 (official , price, firsts. 3id; geconds, 2P ,';(2o; firsts to ex tra firsts, 2(itj'27.

P o n U r y -A llv e , firm; fow ls, 14; tnrke.vs.14, Di-eseed, q u ltl: W estern clik-kens. ISCff 13; tu rkeys , 14® 17; fow ls. S®1S'4.

F e lrtdeum —S tead y : refined, all ports. | t-ffWT. JOitJ .75.

Coffee—S te a d y ; No. 7 Ftlo, 7; No- 4 3 i\n-tOB, 8. _

MolaflflM—fltftnily; New O rlrans,


Officers of In iU tu llon to In vok e IViBctr Dfiya’ C lonse—W alk er

Hilll MliBinff.N K W B R IT A IN , Conn., Fob. 1 5 ,-A t

11,BO o'clock the jsavIngB bank o f N ew B rita in itijppeU pnym ent o f m on ey to depuflttors.

A ctin g Treaeurer O liiershaw m ad e a H talem ent that to protect ih e InlerestB of th e bank It wub ueceBsary lo ntop pay^

i m «nt and Invoke the iilnoty-day c lau se } w hich clOBua the bank w llh o a t n otice for

th a t period o f time.N o trace h at yei been found of W llUkiti

F . W alker» the m latlug treasurer.U waa learned to-d ay th at th e sh or tage

■t th e bank through th e a lleged pecu la- B on e o f tin; mlBslng treaaur«T m ay am ou nt to hnir a ijvllllon do llam . The k now n ah orlage a lready la ab ou t |3u0.000, accord in g to the a ia leu ien t o f th e k6ank'a buditora, and !t la etn i grow in g .

T he TUB on the bank, w hich atnrled M onday, waa continued lo -d a y , th e corri­d ors of the bijnk being filled w ith man and wom en w hen the doors w ere throw n open a t B o ’clock. I'P to th e lim e the butih Btopped paytiieiU th e m ajority of Ihoee w ithdraw ing their »a v ln g s w ere foreign ers. T here w iis con sid erab le d is ­order around the bank to -d ay and an ex tra force of pollcenicTi w ere ca lled to ch eck I t

T h at W alker m ade big Inroads Into the t75,0U0 fund of th e Conn^'ctlcut B ap tist con ven lton , of w hich he w as th e irctis- iJrer, w a i ptiHitlvely m ade k now n to-d ay a s the result of n specia l n m lll o f a ten- Itttlve report of Ids nccountH, In stitu ted a lit t le over a w eek ago . The com m u te^

: appointed by the B ap tist S oc ie ty , w ill m ak e a full report withtti a few d a y s at a m eetin g o f ilie tru stees.

ST. PAUL, Feb. IS.—In tha railroad In- vesilgallon by the Mlnneaota f.«egUlutiue, yesterday, FrasIdeiU A. B. Qtlckney, oC the Chicago Great Woeterri Kallroad. admitted tha t he sold considerable watered Block when he buUt up hla road. The attorney for the S tate gasped when the iKilroad preeldent declared th a t the deal would be repeated.

A part of the oroas-examlnatlon was asfollowg:

"Do you mean to a n y /’ asked Attorney Manahatu 'That you eold |t»GOO.OOO worth of Btoekt and bonds for 11,800,COIT"

"Yes, nominal value stocks and nominal value bonds,’" was the answer.

"Then, If I understand you correetty* you practically disposed of 81,800,000 in watered' stookf"

‘‘That's what I did.'" said Mr. Sllckney, "nnd furthermore, 1 am going lu put a whole lot more on the m arket."

“ You are surprisingly frank," to say thfA least." said the attorney.

"Do you think shippers ought to pay such high rates that It will Insure Interest on this watered stock?"

"1 think th a t railroads and owners of railroads are entitled to all the Interest and dividends they cun get. provided rea­sonable rates are charged by the passen­ger and freight departm ents," said Mr. Btlckney.

A Ifing, wrangle followed about Tates and clusaillculluna, during which Mr. Stickney said;

"You may think I'm a fool becojJse I can't answer till your guesUons, but I'm not. T have no hesitancy in saying th a t a mileage tariff would produce the same results as you complain uf,"

B. HBYMAN, FrcHidxnt. I)AJ( MAR-A. A Y f.-P ru iild .nt.O. J. KBHHH, 4lecr« la rr . JAUOB A. GtCUiLH, T reoznrer.

FHARLEfi HOOD, ffallcitor.

D I K S O O r O K t # .J . F . F r i i id . L. M, IlFrUoivlIa, f ln rr ,- S rlilez lo K er,L. FfiiDzfilaw. t 'h H r l .a N lm .daL Niis.on Ilv y iu a ii.F. J . S fo rn , Dr. R a r l i l ln , F rrr t K H an a ,

A ndrew W o lf, H yiuau K ac lilln .



The records for th e p a st few y ears show it to be the m ost profitable in th e S ta te .

Profits to ShareholdersDuring Past Year, Over 0 «

Per^ Cent.

IMMIGRATION AND PASSPORTSA m endincnt Abv*®^ 4o in C onference

at WBBhtnston 6lny H elp Settle C alllu rD lu T ro a b le .

W A ailIN G T O S. Fell. 13. - E x i ’lusloti of forelsnere whu use their pawsporls to e e ta re mimissliiii m the U nited S taiee , tu Ihe delrtm cril (if labor rundltluna In th is coun try , te prut hied for by an ainenfinient to the iminlKmUrai bill, ngn-pil upon by conferees of the Senate and H ouse to-day and reported to Congress. Tlie ninenrt- inent Is the rcsull ot the. dem and from th e Fai'ltli' roast Slatetl for the cxolualon of Japanese coolies, nnd ll Is iiaderstomS th a t It will aid la seeuring an im deretand- ing between Ihe adnihilsirH tlon and ihe

! Hnn F ran risrfi delegation now in W ash ­ington w ith Preelilenl Roose-

! '^ I 'e report was laid before the Sensto I 1)}- Senator Dillingham, rh a lrm an of Ihe 1 s ’enaie Committee on Im m igration . Ob- I Jet linn was mad(i to 11h Im m ediate conald- 1 erntlon aiifi it went over un til tn-m or-

I'he report Is in the form o f a com- plela slatiife.


('arrivA Itufulreila o f F o n n d i of D y nanilto A w ay atiil P revan teil

Ureat D laaafer.NlCiV YORK, Feb. 13-—O nly llie co u r­

age of Ihe eiuployejj of the B elm ont tuti- nel. uruler Superln londen t H errick , a t & lire on M un-of-W ar R eef yeateinlay, aaved scores of Llie lunnel w orkera from ctealh.

HimilredB of pounda of d y n am ite were Blori'd In the reef, ou t Ui the E a s t R iver, when fire broke p u t In the build ing used for the electric plHiil. B efore th e em ­ployes could get a a iream of w a te r on the b lu ie it quickly spread to w ard w here the dynam ite waa sto red , an d then every

waa m ade to get th e exploalves away. Under the dlrecllun of S uperin ­tendent H errick, the d y n am ite and pow ­der were ca rd ed to the shore o f the t.sland.

The laborers b raved g re a t d an g ers In removing the explostvea, th e flam es being all Hfovmd them , but they realized th a t iinlesEi It was done th e en tire iaiand would be blown up.

The Best aod Safest InYestment Yon Can Make.The Easiest Waj to Buy or Build Your Own Home.

For Inttance ; Ten shares eiilitle you to a loan of $J,000. $2,(WOwill buy or build a |2,.SO0 house. This will cost you S20 a montli— very little more than paying rent.

New Series Opens Thursday, February Uth, 1 P. M., at Keller’s Hall, 14 Belmont Avenue.

B E W IS E AND BE ON HAND.M ake up y o u r m in d to sltsrt sav in g n o w - w h e th e r you w ish to h iiih l

or n o t. T ake one sh a re o r a th o u san d . f l .00 p e r .share p e r m on th .

s^. i-,i v-- er oL. j-A...F . ft I, Co........tfouthern..........wHudaon.......

ft West.

jych ., pr............% allo. ft Ohio.

v « B rookin H. T......... 7414Canadian Paclflo.,.,


8721 Hi(Kffi

ft Rio Gr......... 31 4ft Hto Or,, pr. 80

[a .................... 36B. BlectrlC C o,... 161ter. Paper Co...... 17]4

Bter. Pap. Co. pr. fKIJintnohi Central......159

!i*»wn Central.......... *

■::§*ft"T■HO r P .8 5eilean t;eii. R. R. 24V4

.etlonal Hieeuti..... «llatlonai i.emi (.o... 72

f , Y. Air liinlte.... 13S, y . Ccntnil.......... IB't

(orfolk ft West...... rs‘.,ftfi-th Amenean (jo. 34

: ! torthern r’linnr.... irs:ni' lorOnvesi................. ifis

iptnrio ft Weau-rn. to, •tnwyjvama ....... nn-sl,

Mall........... ;w-C fiw plea C s

Bieei fa r f 0, 5114jae. B. C. pr. !i9h>

..adinic ................... littilock Tainnii........... -WiL 1. ft 9. Co.......... aSHL I. ft S. Co. ar... 9SU.

St. Louis 8 . !4U|St. Louis 9 . W„ pr 5T‘4 Southern Paeifir— 05South. Railway...... 27South. Kallwuy,Texas A Paeltlc.T„ BL L ft tv.. i>r 62 Union Pacific R. R 17416U. 6 . S tee l............... 4f.4iU. 8 . Steel, pr....... 10544II- B. Leather ......... 3SU, 8 - 1-eather, pr.... 15144wiAach. pr.............. 3t'AWeet. rnlon Tel,., s.3Wh. ft L. F........... IL'o,Sfh. ft L. E„ :d pr, 19 WIe. Central ......... 2Z‘ 4

164 ti

60',i 4994,37'a 311

214% 21144


37V4 36 4WHi 161 17’4 nvi nn’4 SCA,

The following quoiatlona were fnrnlahed ■ Khby Elaele ft King:

American Railway Co..........Cumbria Iron..........................Cambria Steel..........................Storage ...................................Bleo, Co. ot America............Lehigh Vajley..........................Lake Bnpeirlor Corporation..N. H. 1. ft S.............................N. J. Con, T rac t.....................N. J. Con, Tract. 6e...............Newark Paaa, 5i.....................Philadelphia, jo in .

Bid. Asked.


PiiUadoIpbla Elec. 6a. .................... T ract —PhlludelphlsReading 4e...........U. G. I ....................Union Railway 4a Union Traction ,. W arwick ..............

■ ^ 51

. 4G>'4 •lOS. i'>k, io^

. 150 jy*

. 7 « 7b

. 1G6 lotm

. lie 112ij

, 98 »8U.. K4 K5. 6714 58

.. SH 9

b o st o n s t o c k MARKET.



Wli 10.-,4,



- 'Avn. Tobacco 4.'*.T. & S. F- 4s 101H

AtlahYtc Coast L. 9S^ ft O. 4s................ U'1%

. B jooklyn ft .T. 4s . . . 8» Chea. A Ohio"■ ‘ ‘ ns

n:.Id Bit

Mis'. cat. ireg.

The following quolatloua were furnlahed by W. B. 8mllh & Co.'Adventure ......... ...................................AlloueK ..................................................Amalgamated ......................................Arciidliin ..............................................Bingham ...............................................Bofltoii, C., C. & Q — ..........................Butiv t'ottl ........................... ................Calumet & ArUana.................... ........Calumet A H ecla................................Ctaiunnlul -..........................................Ouppvr Harige......................................Granby ..............................................Greene . ...................................l;s|o Royfih*............................................MiissaHiu.setld ...................................Michigan .............................................Muhawk ...............................................Xorth Bum*.........................................old l>oTii1iilon.......................................OflCfKJia ................................................Bnrvoi .............................. ...................ithode iMhiruS ■ ..................................Ennta ............. ..............................Hhaiinoi) ........ • • ...... ........................i'aniarark ............................................

I Trinity ............................. ...................I I'nltfid Copper ...................................

r . 8. SinelMng ....................................r R, Smelting, pi'...............................1’i.flh Ci)ni»r)HaiUeii ............................

MlRCELLANEOra STOCKSMusa. Electric .....................................Mobs, Elccirlc, p r .......... ...................Moss. Gas ................................Mobs. Ghb. pr...................... ................fn lte d Shoe Machine........................Cnltcil Shoe Machine, pr..................United Fruit .......................................

Wl's Wivi 15i‘4

!hei. ft Ohio lie hie., B. ft G- 4s

K. x h i., Hock I. ft P. 48PttV &1. ft So. 4a........

Dm iH. Co. of Am. 5bIm , Jap . le t 6a i . Jap . 2d. 68........

.. IM. Jap . 4Wn...........^ & . Jnp. e tu 44ia — " ll i r C„ F. B. ft M. 4s

' ■ xlcon let ine


wi(n \


IH’4i K

99'., 9a 9914

. I f . , K. ft T. let If, Y, C. a L. 8.344*


. S3HPacific 3a........ 7244Pacific 4a........1111%

;aaialRf Oen, 4a.... 93 1. If. flouth. lat 4e.. 94

lUiarti Pacific 4a.Jon Pac. iBt .4» .,. 101% a s te e l 8 . F . 5s. 93%

Abnah latH ...........11354



. \:^

. i - h

. !>t

. 114%r>!

. 167

. 36

;- K

. 1F93

./ 74mi

•46. 7H4

. 60

. S5H

. BSVi . 2S44 . IU7.


ket opeivd Kteady nt an mlvunre of 3 1'> 7 ixilnis. In reHtwnse to higher cabins and lighter recelplR. wYjinh w^rn partly attrlbijliible. howf>vrr. io the usual fnlting off in Nfw Orlranp niovement during ihp Mnrdi Grft«. TrniMiiff here was vei y quiet during the early jtt'ssinn, and after Hi*' Initial advautie pTlren sagged off to flho\H the oloflifig flgureji of Monday, un­der Hcattering llijulduilnn and a little Helling by room bears, In the abaence of support.

The market pnntinucd ver>’ qulPt liiie in the forenoon, with pi k 's a t midday about 3 points net hlRher.


opened weak on active nelllng by local and outBldo longs. A sharp decline waa reported from Uverpool and receipts in the Northwest were more liberal, May opened nt and fat a time heldwithin that range.

May corn opened at to 46% and ip'ld stendy for a lime.

M ay o a ta opened nt 4<Y% to 40Vi and sold a t 4f>%. bid

May prnvfMu.x- t-t---- .17.75 lard at lO.06ff|10 Ii) ami ribs at 9,65. '

The following quoioilons were furnished by W. B. Smith ft I’n ;

At the Chicago H>mrd of Trade:

Ten Per Cent. Advniiee A niioanced for Thivse at W enfern t'nion'#

P rincipal Offices.NEW YORK, Feb. 13—An Increase of

ton per cent, in the salaries of telegraph oporatorfl at the coinpnny'.s principal of- tloea ihroughout the cniirtry w'rs an­nounced hy the Weateru l.'nlon Telegraph Company to-day.

The annonneem ent of tYte Increase in gaU ries wiia made In a le tie r frotn Rob^ e r t C. (’’Inwry, pi'csldehl of ilte conipatiy, to (he gen^Tal guperiiUendoms. B. Brooks, New Y'orki T. P. Cook, t’hlcagn; F ran k Jnynea, t3an Francisco, and J. L^evin, lan la.



LONDON POLICE CHARGE WOMENIlandredii nf Snlfn.w l»l» D riven from

llonxe of I'Dmmuni. nnd Some lln r t.Twentj- Arreatx Are Hnile.

LONDON, Feb. 13. —Following n confer­ence nf the woman's Bpeclal fiinl polilloal union to-day, hundreds of woman anf- fraglfite made a determined attack on the House' of Curnmona with the object ot forcing llieir way Into the building,

Tlie Uullce had been forew.arne(l of the attempt, and a large force ot offleers in uniform. In plain clothes and mounted, waa on duly ahuut ihe huHdlng. The doora qf the house were shut In the (aces of the women and the police attem pted to drive them back. In ao doing the mounted men galloped among the women, who Btriiggled fiercely. U.any of the wom­en were thrown down into the mud and badly hurt.

The dem onatratorfl, how ever, w ere kept out of th e house proper, a lth o u g h the fight Willi the police ouislde co n tin ­ued [or a long time, fe v o ra l women JournallBiB, who w ere rftiighly handled hy m istake, fa in ted . Over tw en ty of the so-called "an ltrag e tte s" w ere a rre s lad and taken tu the n aares t police sta tion .

During the confusion following the first onslaugl'l ot the women six Buffra- gists fluceeeoed in obtaining accoBB to Ihe public lobby and altem pled to rush through the corridor leading Into the house, but they were seiied by police­men and eJecLcd.

Five WondersT h a t W e S e l e c t I n N e v m la ’s B tiu n iiA ti C a m p t o S j ie c ln l ly

U r g e UiMiii O u r C n g t t in ie r g a s W o r t h y o t A t t e n t i o n .

Gt. Eetsteriv W ONDER a.t 15c.Jo e W ONDER eat 25c.

D aisy W ONDER n t 50c.Golcorvdax W ONDER a t 30c.

C h r is tm a s W ONDER a t 55c.* D A ISY # t 3 0 c, 19 a c in ch —h a s sam e vein as N evaila W oiiile r, an d tha t is se ll in g a t H.OO,

JO E a t IS c . in crowding han.l as first choice—adjoins Daisy to the east—has 40 acres.

C H R IS T M A S m u st m ak e gooil—ad jo in s th e fam ous S p id e r a n d W asp, th a t can n o t 1» b o u g h t—sam e rem ark ab le vein ha.s b een tra ced _',4U0 leeton C hris tm as claim s. .............

T h ey are all G O O D for qu ick p ro fits and will he d iv id e n d p ayers.


J. LCRUim IIY ilM IT CO., IncorporatedF l r c i n a i i ’s B i i l l iH n g , - - T l i i i t l f l o o r ,


“ H e who walkM with bia tyes on the ground bumps bis bead— be who walks with bis eyes la tbe air stubs bis to t." _____________I

roN’T BE k MISER NOR A SPENDTHRIFTSftTB ft* much of your salary aa paiiajhle each and there will tie

BO trouble Ahuut your g«ttlDg along Our bank o«enj to depoaitor» erery Inducenicot knowo to inodera bankluK- ” b p»ii

32 Per Cent 82



Interefttoa all («imB of and under, and 8 per cent. mcpnb of ll.MG. if deposited in our Ravings Departm ent.

on all RiirtiN In

D rln w n ra an d H ndaiin P leiida e n l l ty to V io la tin g F o d e rn l S a tn ty -

AppllHno* LrPW.ALRANY, Feb. 13.-The Delaware and

Hudson Ritllroiid Company wa* fined W3W In tbe United a ta tp i D istrict Court ycslpnhiy for vlnlallng the federal aafeiy- nppllanro law. This was the first ca*e tocome up under the law in State and Is thus far the largest Judg-

Cimoo' a-fa ttcoadr ..t

NEWARK SECURITIES MARKETTlie following qualntlonB

by J. Rlppftl’t^cUulold........................ ........

are furniehtd

Whf nt — Msiy .. July ..

Cnni— May .. July ..

Oat-H— May .. July .

I V i k - Alny .. July .

Lfii’d—M ayJuly

Open. 79TA# 7'1-h


:n 37Vb

17,75 17.82

10 Ifl!0 in



17 1710.10 10 HI



m b


0.97 9 05

rioae,79 fT&U

4fP 0l m i 40%

17.40n .» i?i7

E rie Bnytng A djocont T rolley*FLMIKA N. Y., Feb. 13.—Negotiation! Mel, the ferle Railroad Company 1b mak,

Tmcy Rogers, of Blnanom -------tic

Ing wilh G. Trncy R ogers ... — „ ten who recently acculred poasesBlon of ShS' VVaverly, S s jre and Athens TracMou Company, for the purchase of th a t prep- erty. are reported as nearing compleUoii ar.ti in a few days it is liurchaBe will be announced. The Erie i» j;,ukiag the Elmira, W averly Corning trolley line, which rune for a long dla- tariec on tSie E r i f s right “ t 'i®purchase ot the Waverly road, w hFh I® to lie extended to Blngnamton In 'ne spring, will give the Brie a trolley sJBtem emrtlng in Corning nnd continuing thr.iugli ibis city to W averty and on to Binghamton.

10144 10H49874


HEW YORK HONEY MARKET,YORK. Feb. 13.—Money on call

at P*r oent.; ruling rate, 4#cloaing bM. 314, offered a t Time

'm n a dull todiftrm; 4D day*. 90 days and •1C uonital, 314. to. 3K per cent.

----------- -F ir s a t Ig rac a ae tlB tx-erattr.

-BTRACUBa, N , Y„ Fyb. 13. - T h e Pal bS ilO ll, F ta U n il ty HouCe, *t., B yracuee Dnlywclty. w*a diicovered on fire after I dfcliMitt thte afternoon. Twenty men WM n the house, but all csca^d. Stu- ents aided the firemen In iu?efc- Th* building 1* valued *1 ©9,OW.

•Uunsulldated Traction•E- sex Co. Park 4a due 1938.......Eaaex ft Hudson On* Co............Gas ft Electric Rergen Co...... ^•Hud*on County Gaa os due 1941Hudeuii County On* atocU.........<J. C., H. ft P- 4s......................Nowark Consolidated Gaa.......•Newark 4a, due 1922................•Newark Conaol. Gas Co. M. .. •N-'wnrk Pasaenger Rallwny 5*•Newark Gas Co, 6*................•North Jereey St, Ry..4ii.........•P. * P. Gas ft Electric Co. 5iPat, ft Pas. G. ft B. Co.............Pub, Ber. Cor. ctf*.....................Public flerylCB Corporation.,,. •Pub. Ser. Cor. 6 p. c. tlote*.., South Jersey O., E. ft T. stock •Bo, Jersey O., E ft T. B*.....•United Electric Co. 4s............

•And Intf-rest.

At the New York Produce Exchange; W h e a l-

May .................. ................ wPAi JSfl% k,--.July ................................... i»

Corn— ,,May ............................................Ju ly ........................................ .-------------- • ----------- —

STEAMSHIP ARRIVALS.S a u l e i s l a n d , N. B„ Feb, l l - T h e

(learner Graf Waldcraeo, from Hamburg for .New York, waa in communication by wireless telegraph with the Marconi S ta­tion here, when south of thla point at 10 A. M. The GraJ Walderaee probably will reach her dock about 8:30 A. M Friday.

The steam er Saxonla, from Llverpfjol for Doaton.was In communtcallDn by wire, lea* telegraph with the Marconi Station here when aoullieaat of thla point a t 0;lfi A. M.

Northward National Bank4 4 3 -4 4 5 BROAD S T R E E T .

h e : « o u i « c ! K ( s o v h > « ^ b , » o o . o o o . o o .

f t■

COMPROMISE LAND BILL.A grrpil on In H oose C o m m itte e on

P nb llo L nnda—H ecom iueB ded fo r F a v o ra b le R e p o rt.

WASHINGTON. Feb. IS.—A compromise coal land bill was finally agreed upon to ­day by the Houae Committee on Public Lauda and recommended for a favorable reporL I t falia far short o t the program President Roosevelt outUned jfpr yie with­drawal ot all coal land from entry and the leasing of such land, Instead of selling It.

G ir l in ju re d W h ile CoBsttng.Dniay Conlun, fourteen years old, daugh­

ter of Mr. and Mre. Owen L'onlon, of 19 Wokemnn avenue, was Injured while coasting down Second avenue on a bob­sled last night. The girl, with severul other boys and glrla, had been enjoying the fporl nil evening, and It was about 9.3U o'clock when Ihe accident happened. The hoh-sled she waa riding on was slackening speed belween W akeman and Bellev lie avenues when It struck another bob-sled which vvna being drawn up the hill. Miss Cunlnn’s left leg was lacerated, and was a.sslsted to her home, where Dr. J. D. I.lpplnrott, of SW Summer avenue, attend- ed her.



Capital $600,000; Surplus and Profits $1,500,001)

P a v s 3 ^On Accounts of *100 or Over, Subject to Chech'

S A M U B L P R B B M A N , P r e s i d e n t .ftVKKLni* n H O I* . Vlea-FiM. WILLABD W. OVXLKR, *ird T loe-Pnb

j U H. B .C 0 » I* 1 .L ,8 « . H A « « * F A "R ftlJ -e ■. ■THKHTt, Amb SM. oad Tma*.

P e n n s y 's T ritlii in e B .PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 13.-Wbl|e tha

Pennsylvania Rallrnud has succaedM w coming to a satisfactory settlement In re ­gard to wages end hours With three claspsk of it* employes, the enfflneer*. the firemen and the Conductor*, lo fa r It has been Impoaslble to come to any agreement with Ihe trslnm en. For mors than * week coitferences have been held with the trainmen's committee, but the duestion of an Increase In ■wages ho» proved a stumbling block and negotia­tions have been abandoned.

FINANCIAL POINTERS.The Chicago union telegraph operators

employed by the W estern Utihm will vote Sunday whether to strike lo enforce cer­tain demands. Tlie telegrapliers ask a wage increase of ten por cent., and the reinstatem ent of several men wlm, the union ufflotals declare, were discharged because of their afflllatlon wilh the union.

• * ftThe report of the NewYork, New Haven

and H artford Rattroad Company for tho quarter ending December 31. 19M, shows gross earnings of 314,527,309. an Increase of 94S1.240. as compared with the correspond­ing quarter of ISOfi; operating expenses, 53.077.000, an Inerenae of 1440,7191. and nei earnings from operation, 35.060,308, an in- creus* of 340,510.02.. . .

l-ne British Indian Secretary to-day pur- ehased fl»,0O) in gold at l 2tndon, due there March 18, * V «

George I., Peck, generol m anager ot the Peiisylvnnla lines west '>f Pittsburg nnd Erie, was to-day elected a director of the Pennsylvania Company and 4he Pan Handle road, to succeed Charles E, Pugh, secund vice-president of the Pennsylvania Railroad L'ompanjr.

LONG UHANCH,George Laekey, of this city, while a t

work trying to locale u leak a t Deal yes­terday. was nearly spITocated by estap- Ing gas He Was unconaclous fur a llnie.

Himes H. Hlmsworih now sings in the quartet of the First Presbyterian Church iit Aebury Park. . . . ,

A county basketball ehamplonslnp series hiiB been arranged hetweetn the O r™ 'if Aaljury Park and the Lyceums of this city. The first game will b ® S " March i a t Long Branch, and the third in this city on Miiroh 20- The dates for As- biiBy Park are March 13 and April 3. Should there be a lie the final game will be played at i reehold.

The first of n aerica of lectm-ea hJ ffO ; fessor SurrettB was held last night a t ihe Lyceum. The subject waa Schu-** Ui'ng Branch Isjdge, No.^TS. F, * A. M., will ceksbrate paat maetcra- night and fonieih anniversary of the constitution of tlie lodge on Friday evening, April 12. The occasion will be made a gal* occa- ckm for fging Branch Lodge, the largest In the Masonic fratern ity in Monmouth"■riie% oard of Trade thlB^ morning ex­tended an Invitation to the Slate En­campment, G. A. R-, to hold Its 1907 en- rampmeut In Long Branch. The m atter will be deblded a t a meeting of the e^un- cll of admlBlitmtlon, to be held a t E lli- ni.eth next week.

M orse 's g te a m s h tp A p p e tite .NEW YORK, Feb, 13,—Charles W,

Morse to-duy announced that he pur­chased a controlling interest In the New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Company, commonly known as the W ard U ne. W taking over the stock owned by H enry P. Booth, president Of that company. The price paid was not dlscloaed. Alfred Q. Smith, general manager of Ihe W ard Line, said that other stockholders would M offered all opportunity to sell their stoeg on the BBine term s ns tha Morse pur-ChflBP.

M lll la n a lre ’s W ill H is s in g .OMAHA, Feb. 18,-T h e last will of the

late Count John A. Crelghtsn has dls- acpeftred* all efforts of the axecuiort to find It have been unavailing. A will made three years ago has been toimd, but as Count Creighton had altice dlt- posed ot much property, Including a mine worth |6,000,ow. and os none o f this Is accounted lo r in the will Just found, the executors are sure another paper is In' existence.

A s tro n o n lea il H T ew t^V o -w lfth t a n d Tc»«morFow H orH laar,

Sun set*. 6:27; rlie i. 6:60. Moon sets, 6;« P M Moon's age, l day. 12.G A. M., moon la conjunction w ith ^ t u r n . pass ng from west to east of the planet, near the sun.

M e ep n rr G o in g lip . t After lingering near the xero mark all

day yesterday, Ihe mercury s ta r te d 'to climb this morning and a t noon registered 20 degrees. -At 3 X. M. It registered 6 d»- greee and cUmbed one point by 8 o clock. The humidity a t 7 A. M. WM 74 per cent, and a t noon 85. The wind was blowing southwest with a maximum velocity of seven miles an hour. Yesterday the high'

* “ wag IS degrees and the lowest ! degrees belcw lero, thc_ a .erage ■ ' Igni - - - ......... . -rcaef

R ep resen ta tiv e Herm aBn o a T r ia l.WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-The tria l of

RepresentAtlve Binger Hermann, of Ore­gon on chargea of conspiracy In connec­tion with alleged land frau d ^ VMil begun to-day before Justice Stafford,. In the Criminal Court. The tw elfth ju ro r ■was obtained without diffiouKy this morhlng, end the attotney* for the government opened the case for the prosecution.

Bonds for Trust Funds.

Howard K. Stokes3 0 P IN E S T R E E T , N E W > D R K ,

City of Trenton i% City Htll loiiiis

EISEIE & (IN tt>f tin* IToifk

P h lla tla lv ltif t 8 to«k

157-T59 Broii^Strii}

The Matflal Beaefit Life Insiiraoce CompaDy


Frederick FrelingfiByseB,President

No company accom- plishes better results for p o l i c y holders.

D A Y A c C O R J V I S HDint. Agents, 776 Broad Strwt


B staM lafead :


T«.1740. Menibsr*

o rth sN aw V«rk BIMH iKchang*.

eat tem peratu re wag IS degrees3 degrees below lero, th t _

being 6.6. The highest point Of humidity :ned was 61 per cent, and the lowest


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Fire, UabUtly, 8te»m, Boiler, Personal AccldanL Burgtnry ahd Plat* Olass Insur- anc*. Fidelity. Contract and Court Ronds.

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W. B. SM ITH & CO.{ a s s s 'j f f f i t " " " -

7 l B m M fw ftF t New Vork, 1U7 M arket S tree t, Newark.

A. I>. G lSaril. M aaaget.Direct wlros to N. T , CblflOgo and Bostoa

b M « l ScaVFitiM*

F. G. STON E &CO.r e t H itoA ik n r i i i iB t .

Siooktf Bonds, Drain, CottonF rao tlo aM ■ »Mcl»ttg* »

C aW M im ndaftta i C ains C om ailxslaa‘^ •n S S S S S k F a i i r P a ia

M. BYRNE 00.,‘ BOO Broftit j5t„ Newftik, N, J.rowest” si'an d ’lhis'avei'tige 41 degrefs. ’ T iii 1

obaracter of the day w oi pgrtiy cloudy. J

t i•M ' 4 4 *

-n. ■ rhif *

38 WftB Strrtt.

Brancb OHke; 114 Droid Sts,n s w a r k , N. 4>

AifrtO L Diimlii tw W B rt ? » r h t rT N u a p w o s s WTO-

Lool loT«»ttli«nt liecartlievj;


•stikM isilea tn a i .

NR SMMdl t tOlPUY,7 im i l ' ttwel, tl*w td *k.

M ^ q S jte .S 'J S S U S f S S ; .* * ,

8!S,t 785 rraiJ Street ’ T F lWOUftwF. u n til, Mgr. - -

LOCAL INVlCgTMBNtTele. nnnn. -liS i

• E C i 'K n u t .

s'p, ..'“-i

45-' “■ - H -

« £ ^ A R K E V E N m 0 n e w s . W E D N E S D A Y . P E B E 0 A R Y 1 3 , I w r f ;53SS^


O V r o M I T H*Littk Wizard’ R ^ in s Cham-

pioiuhip Titie in Enal Bowling Series.


ap*Ci*l D i^pa tth to B r iS h lN Q S E W S , BROOKLYN. Feb. 13.—Since the time

of th« Arct Olympian games it has been an ftxloRi of the sportitig world th a t the beaten champion never comes back. In- numerabls tiroes attem pts have been made In every branch of endeavor, prise* fighting, wreitling, raolng, swimming. In fact evsry competition man has known hks seen a one-time world beater makliijf a second attem pt to regain the top of the ladder. But most of them have fulled. A jt siceptlon i | Johnny Voorhels, the ^'Ldttis W izard," who regained his laurels In tb s gameat uphill fight In the history of th s bowling game, which came to an and la it night a t Billy Cordea'e Grand Central allsya, here, when Johnny won the seven games necessary to capture the win- nsr« tn the Lait block of hla great match ssrtsa of forty-five games with Jimmy ftoUth, the ^'Peerless One."

From S ta n to finish everything waa against Voorhels. The length of the series^ fogty*flve games, on three seta of altsys, WM not altogether in his favor.

Is Uttle bigger than a pint of peanuts and has not the physical strength to stand the gaft fo r so long a route. And w hat was the strongeii factor of all, he was pitted agnlnst the man who throg tlCDSi In Buooesslon look h)s measure and did It deoislvtly. Every one admitted th a t when It came Hght down to the fine points of the game. Smith was not in the sam e class with the ‘'L ittle Wlx- ard." B ut science has more than once proven a frost when In the hands of a man already beaten. The series a t the Tuxedo Academy, In Newark, only Im­pressed th is stronger than ever on the minds of the followers of the game. All kinds of odds were freely offered tha t Smith would prove the man first across the wire. Then Johnny caught his four- time conqueror off his stride, and, gain­ing coafldencB with every ball, com­pletely outclasBcd him and administered the most thorough trouncing the cham­pion had ever received.

Ij« it night’s m atch a t the Grand Central was a repetition of the one a t the Harlem Circle February 2. At every stage of the

, game, except ^ rh a p s in the spare work, Voorhels waa aa u. mnstor to his pupil. At limes Smith showed fiaphes of rare good form, but it was merely a Hash In the pan. When It came down to hard cases there was nothing to It but Voor- heis. Johnny shot the moat Impresslvo series of his career lest night, and right­fully earned the champlonsolp o ftheE ast. T n tfe never was a time, once they got well started , th a t the result was a t all doubtful. Voorhels placed th s hall In the

pocket” time a fte r time on alley No. a In a large maiorJty of times for strikes. On the other he had more trouble. The alley is fast and h!s ball had a very de­cided tendency to run slam Into the bead pin, This he managed to overcome to a great extent aa the scries p rogress^ , but It was on th a t alley th a t he had most of his bad leaves.

And the confidence, grit, nerve and everything t-lse th a t goes to make up *a champion tha t he displayed! I t has never been surpassed and seldom equaled. In th a t res|:^ct he did what few have suc­ceeded in—fairly had his opponent up In the air a t times. 8mUh never could set

foT- him. If Jimmy got a •Jfrlke Johnny followed with another onej If Bmith showed the least sign of lagging, Voorhels Jumped upon him and tore out In front for a lead that seldom If svar was cut down.

On luck the tide favored Smith rather Hian Voorhels, If the reaulta the '‘Peerlesa One attained a t times can really be

His bail is a natural mixer and the pins fall on many doubtful hits. Isot once, but several times, Jimmy got away from splits in a manner truly inlraoulous. No m atter how he tgt them It seemed a t times there wne alwavs ono

f? pinwnicfj. if standijig, would have combined to make an ugly hole

^ In thasam e Hns, but it waa a noticeable fact If.a* strike-splits—the

Pi***' cannot possibly be left up together on anything but good h J ^ mablng three for the emiro forty- seven games, while these same pieces of woM dJd not once confront his opponent

The end of the fourth game found ftbout even on games won and lost,

w ith ^ t t h Just a few pins ahead in the Voorhels rolling more con-

slktently. Smith broke away In the first set-tp. and after leading from sta rt to finish, won out rather easily with 222, In u ie second hev failed somehow to connect wftb strikes as he had in the opener, and wound up w ith 180 to his credit, while Voorhels was pounding out 231, I t was In this j a m e th a t the "Little W laard” first commenced to show the form that won for him ths match- He struck In the flnit frame« bat even a secnfingly good hit In the next box would make alt the pins fall, and a spars was marked up. Then for five straigh t frames he pounded In one strike afte r another until he was 90 fa r tn front th a t Smith gave Jt up. Positions were .reversed In the third, this Bms Smith bunching his strikes, while Voorhels contented himself with rolling afood spare game. I t was in the fourth

bat Voorhels started out on his winning cMp. Smith led off with four strikes, n a r e d the flfth« struck in the sixth and tnsD left up a wide open split in the geventh, A t th a t time Johnny was ten pins to tha bad, and, as he was unable to atrtks In the seventh, eighth or ninth boxes, Went Into the fln ^ frame eight pins to the bad. Smith spared and Voor- h s l t laid In as pretty a double as ever w as made. E ight all on the lost bail


Barden and Cnme Win F n t Honors in Madison 12-Hour

Endurance Omtest.

m ' g r a A g e t s h ig h a v e r a g e

Ten team i competed In the twelve-hour bowling emlurence conteet on the Wever- ly Alleys yesterday, a t Uadlapo. BarUmi and Crane, of the Madison Navajo*, fln- Ished first, with a to u l of * ,ai pIna In slateen games; Neale and flpaln. of Hul- stend, icxilt second honors, wltliand U'M ara and U cO rath. of the Orange Valley I.#c*u«is, third, with i,7« pins. B. McQrnth, of th e Orange, Vallay Ly- etunis, captured the high Individual average prne. With a m ark of aet- ond average prl»o was won by F. W. Bardon, o f Madison, with 17a». and third by W. Neale, of H alstead Hall, with a m ark of 178.8.

The contest started a t 8:15 A. M.. and wae completed a t 8;Si P. M. BUI Grover, of the Hollywoods, of Bast Orange, rolled the longest continuous period during the contest, going eight hours siralglu Grover sturled In a t 3 o'clock and con­tinued tintll the end of the conteat. He displayed good form and wae apparently aa fresh a* a daisy a t the close. In the thirteen games ha rolled In Ihla period he averaged 178.1: The atandlng of the tenma Is us follows:Bardon and C rane.................................... 7.S3IBpain and N eale........................................ 8809fj’Mura and M cG rath...............................87MQrlnstead and I-ateli..........I ...................!,7BTGrover and Middleton............................ 3.74SRuppert and Reilly....................................f,7:SIt'aterfleld and Glelchman......................2,69;Cook and Tunis........................................ 2.311Skelley and W est................................... 2,192Purnlan and Mitchell............................. 81TO

V ictory to r N etvark W om an Bow lers,Mrs. Llttlafleld and Mrs. Hlschofl. of

this d ty . were the winning team la the twelve-hour endurance contest for wom­an bowlers, conducted yesterday on the CIreie alleys. In Brooklyn. Mrs. LIttlefleid earrled off the Individual high score and average honors of the contest, gelling n 209 m ark and an average of 173.3. The total scores follow;

Mrs. IJUlefleld and Mrs. Blevltort 3.1M.Mrs. H arris and Mrs. Frenie. 2.962.Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Riddell, 2,962.Mre. Keosle and Mrs. EnalehHrdt. 2.713Mr*. U em p eey and M rs, W agner. 2,8Ts;Mrs. Boettjer and Mrs. Tresohnian, 2,69ii.Mrs. Brewer and Mrs. Graham, 2,335,



Polishes Off Luckless Montclair Bowlers Easily in Athletic

Leas:ae Series.


There haa always got to be a goat lb every gams or compeUtlon. In the A th­letic Bowling League the Montclair Club team Is certainly ft. Laei night the team from the mountain Bide batted into the Elisabeth Club, rolled around and butted right out again. In other words, the Kig- glne crowd lost all three games.

Prior to last night tlie Montclalrltes hadWa pretty good hold on the tall end tlon; they've got It cinched now. many frlenda will wish them better luck next Bcnson. In an endeavor .to ahake off the hoodoo Capialn Klggins' changed the order of his team and Tnomson. who has for years made a solid anchor, went to No. l . J us t changing places with Lock- wood, Thi

: poBs- Thelr

he shift may be a wise one, butit w as not apparent last n ight

Because of the Illness of Tenney a new face appeared for Elisabeth, It waun’t exactly new, for Karr, who filled In, rolled regularly with the team a few years back.

There Is always more or leas hard luck for the losing side, bionic loir had Uh share, dropping the first game by eight pine and juBt missinK the second by a alngTe pin marglQ. w hen it got down to the anchors m the tenth frame of the second clash It looked like Montclair, as all th a t was needed was a credit. Lock- wood, how'ever, r»n Into a split, and even then the home team barely scratched out, aa Pope filled indifferently on his spare.

Brown began with 234 In the opening game and a v e r te d i06 for the evening* Robinson had 177, Kigglna 173.2. Thomson lftl.2 and Lockwood lw.2. The team got JTD. For Elisabeth A, West averaged IHi.l, Clauss IS&.l, Pope m . K arr 172 and R. W est 1C6.1. The team got 900.2. H ere are the scores;

pretty a double as ever mde. E ight Ml

shoved hiin ahead by two pins, and after th a t it w as all off so fa r os Smith was concerned.

“wyim ons of the match called fo r a of iUlB on the Inst fifteenEames, the two men wont ahead After

avlng really finished up the big match. Voorhels waa Just about all in nftcr the •ieventh set-to and threw awny three ctHk^ht. But when It came down to the deoldlng game, the one th a t was to de- eids wmeh way the money wenL he was

T there and won out on the bit with SID. ‘ e sc o re s :,

eu za big th . Rsrr ....... 164 ISOn. l&T 1B4A, m 201dims* JIM1 203Pop« ....... 200 170 180

MONTCIAIH._ Thomson .J60 IP Urrjwn ..... 234 l |

64I,-, I flrBt-placB tic in the competition. With


Take Odd Game from Celluloids in Suburban League in a

Strong Windup.


The Buy Views were subjected U» a painful period of wtirriment by the Cellu­loid quintet last night on their home alleys In a Bnbi.)Vb.xn l>eogue series. The bay Views look the add game of the series, but only after having a big scare thrown Into them by the tuHenders. The league lenders fuih'd to display iJrelr usual form until the final gome, when they overwhelmed their opponents and clinched the scrips.

Neither team exerted Itself In-the initial contest, the Buy Views winning out by the score of 7S9 to 730, In the second con­test the leaders were given n surprise. Celluloid winning uul by the score of 7&1 to T8G, a margin of three pins. W ith m at­ters evened up the Bay Views settled down to biisincsa, and hit the pins with their oldlimr vim and accuracy, winning out by the score of 923 tO 721. The Hcort s follow:


T sx ed o W ill M iike T h e ir E s i r y liitu N e w a rk Otty C h a iu p lo iish ip

A s a li is t th e O xfords.The Tuxedos will *ru(ike their debut In

the Newark City Championship to-iiJght. %vhen they clash with the Oxfurdi. on the le tter 's alleys. This should be a redhol scries, aa Oxfords are strong on their homo alleys, and will make u supreme ef­fort to catch up to the Emplrea, who are leading In the competition. The friendly rivalry existing between the competing leama will aJao tend to make the series all the more Interesting.

The Tuxedos will probably line up with Pierson, M eyer EIcnter, Fader and Weln- garth, while the Oxford quintet will bu made up of Harris, Brundago, GrillUli, Block and Johns.

Hull RoMnagle LouGrlaas . Albcru .. Cannon


140 144 125, TH.vIor 158 IKS 172i NuaN

.12VI UK) HOiTIclsoh . ,147 17f> IWOj.Mlkfn .. .156 136 1451 Crltchett

.7BU 7i»72ll Tomls

VIEW,,.16H 162 ISO

145 167 .146 137 103

..13K 180 154 ,1<N 183 220

..7NI 786 933

SOUTH SIDE TOURNEY.HsriuoDlsa to Roll A rloas fo r C'ham-

plovahlp T ide—Jo rq u n t Individual A v erag e ’W in n e r ,

There will be a mevUiig of the delegates lo the South Side Flvo-maii Tourney at K leiner's next Sunday. W'hen u date w'ltl probably be set for the roll-off between the Harmonlaa and Arlons to decide the

Klsglns . RoblnBon l.)Ockwo4d ■

.179 17fl m .141 216 174 .170 14i J60

T0UIB....8M 876 028. ToiaU..... 880 875 872

MASONIC LEAGULNortheirn lo A c e Pin K)ila:i>la krore

ESnir T rip le T lctory Over th e R o e e rtlle G—l - le t .

.Bosevllle Lodge's full oomplrment of bowlers failed to appear on ihe Monl- gomery alleys last night In the Maaonie League, with the result tha t tha N orth­ern Lodge quintet wan three slralglit gam es easily. The scores: ' •

NORTHERN.Cooke ...... 160 139 __Schoiidt . . m 167 UTRelzs .......ITS 229 192Wolf .........171 IW ISlClark ........ 190 362 172

Totals ...939 S9B 686

ROfiEVtLLE.fheveni . . . .1(11 198 |00Rou ........... !T« 100 142Erhaeher ..183 IBS 1S9Shaw ............. 182 le r

ToUis ....630 584 (128

FORESTERS' LEAGUE.B ranch iBraok Pinnera Score T rliilc

V ictory Over th e Seth Hoy­den O alutet.

The Branch Brook bowlers registered a Cleon sweep over the Seth Boyden quintet last night In the Foresters' League on the Central alleys. The scores:

BRANCH EBOOK. I SETH BOTDEN.'Tracy .......173 212 I91iC. Day ar..l#9 172 128& »l*haratl6» Uto H41W. Rao(f...lBl 138 1.1BWalsh ......213 Its KBISheppard ..1st 1T+ 136For ......... H9 161 12HA. RuoH....184 n 2 1T6llBgtilre ..169 166 161.C. Day Jr,. 184 IBO 149

Totals... .800 807 TOe! Totals......7T2 'S)4"t26


the wind-up of th e solu-dule hlonduy night each of the team s had won eleven and lost th ree giimes.

Thq Bouth Bide team won the high team score priac by ro lling 1,953. GuaiTu, Of the All KIghls, put up 26(i for high In­d iv idual score, whllo jn en u o l, the Bouth Side crack, w alked off w ith th e Individual average prize. H is m ark is 189.S for ih h - teeti games. T he Ktam stand ing and In­dividual avminges (or ICO nnd b e tte r a re us follows:

T e n iu S ta n d in g .IV. L, Av. H.S,

H arm unla ........ 11 3 859.9 988Arlon .................................. U 3 H7.1 9S1South Side ................... 10 4 903.5 1068Universal ......................... 9 6 803 BISAlt Right ........................ 8 6 S41.6 947b ran ch Brook ................. 7 7 841.7 900La OHse ............................. 7 7 S39.13 946O scaw ana ......................... 7 7 MU 8BSH ook ............. 7 7 783.11 S66D efender ................. 9 8 840.11 945Beck ................................... 5 9 S65.7 934F irs t Ward .................... 5 9 820 872M ueller .............................. 4 10 784 9411S p artan ............................. 8 11 755.3 838Iroquois ............................. o 14 880.8 (jj

In d iv id u a l Ave ra g e s .G.

Jacqoot, South Side.............. 13Klslner, South Bide............... 12Kempt, South Side................ 12Morrlsey, H arm onta...............14Ost, South Bide ..................... 13Banks, Hurmonhi ..................12Hoehe, Humtonla ...................13Miller, South Bide................ MGieialnnan, F irst W urd........ 14Guerin, All Bight .................. 14Miller, Beok ............................ loTracy, Branch Ilrnok........... 14F, W aiters, Oseuwana...... . 10Truman, Oscawana.............. 4Hoasniigle^ All R ight..........., 5Erntete, Mueller .................... 14Mcltwan, All R ight.............. SQuinn, Harmonia ................. laScltmauder. Hook ..................14

, Freebott, Defender .............. 14..LGlfijnepAl-^I^Ji^ej.,..^......... 14

SUSP. VooThala... 5 SVoofhela... 6 Y « iri« l9 ... * voofiUili... 6 V oorhels... 6 Voorfaeta... t VoorhVoorhels.............

irltels... 4 ' SVoorhels... 6 4Voartasis... 4 Voorhels... 6 Vnorhsls... 4 ■Voorhels... 4 Voorhels... 4 Voorhels... « Voorh^s... 6

T otals....16 a aOT3,vorag»..,,..,i, aw,I4

«T. 4t gk. 615 27-43

Sm ith....... 6Sm ith....... 3B m i t h . 6Smrth........ '6Sm ith ...... 3Sm ith........ 3S m ith ...... 6Sm ith........ 4Sm ith........ 5Sm ith........ 5

198 Bmith........ 4Im lth ........ 5im ith ...... 6

St. 6p. Sc.

nlth. 9


170IM234196211136172223ICS234201sm ith ........ 4

Totms...,89 62Average............ aXI.UGr. av. 43gs.. 313 J0-4J

BUB TO UR N EY,ISsoWohs nnd C ntllS lo Bneli T a k e n

thg lt O a t o t th e C lin to n Tenm,

The Hawthorne bawling team defeated tbs Ftsw ess test night in the Bub Tour­ney. The Clintons lost taro games, drop­ping ona each to the Peewees and Car­lisle tsoRie. The scores:

HAWTHORNS. I FEBW BEa Bowing 191|0'Canuor IJfm to ................. . USiBqnnot............. ...161n seh sr IT7 Howard .............. 175u iir y ................ . 16liMorits ....... U2n i t .■..>•(( lOllHsrtlsln 180

' ' ' fflol 'Toul ............ 7M1 PS8W VB8,

136 Q'CQDnoP IR

^OIaIC U N T O K a

A Ikbads..........I ^ k a s r i . . . . . . .mOVT sesepaSsshs

Total 667. CUNTQH8. t S sk U sr......,., UO

aler 141

• sPH>6*4>rs 1A(

lunetHowardK m - ; : : : ; : ; : : : ®

Total ................... 741CARUSLB.

Spaeth Ill^ s l s s n . 1. 1. . 11. . 149& « h . ................ 1 »Htoditara )MYradsnbuts ...... 141


TjtsM bowltiw put an scores of tu and batter tn gtunao b i t nlghii ■

pblnaon, Montclair....................... IHcmwahri, Onuilto A , l U i

Boyd Coubel]......... . UBroolc.................... S i

W a in . Branch Brook..................3U

K ra ew er , o f B qnltnble IB Tenm , P a ls t'p New H igh Score Mark

o f 2BT.Kraem er, of the Kqulteble B team,

rolled op ft score of 257 lest night against the Newark Turners, establishing a new Indlvlduftl record for tha Rabensteln Tour- M yj^lsplaolng the 246 m ark held by ,Mat

Tho Kqultables made an even break in th e series, defeating the Newark Turners and loejng to the Monday Night quintet

imverein.___ ____ .an record by defeatingthe Newark Turners In the last eon lcstof tb s National Tumvereln. The Monday 1711 ■ - - . . . -Ights made a clean record by defentln,

e Newark “ ...................The scores;

BQUITAPLE B.'Boehm ......... 107W ilkinson 169Schue ...................144Henning 143Kraemer S '

Total ................mEQUITABLE B,

Boshm ..................166W ilkinson ........... 166Bchue ................. 169Msnning .............. 291Krasmer .......... .189

Total ............ mMONDAY BIGHT. Senfelder ItiB. Kleiber,Burt ........H. Kleiber,C. Kleiber..-Total ...

Sepin ___PnilllpB ..BuohleinSchwarts

EW, TURNERS,lUth .................... 142

140 .. 166 .. 124

166Total ............... 718

MONDAY NIGHT.Senfeltlrr .............. 179E. Kleiber...... 166Burr ...................... 164M. Kleiber........... 162q. K leiber.,..........348

Total .................mHEW. TURNERS.

Outh .................... 173

IS Euohfeln .............. 134166 Schwarts . . . . . . . 170

Total 768

Asbvrnrth Two-ntnn T n k raer .The following, scores were rolled in the

Ashworth Two-man BowUiv Tourney lost night. The soores:AdamsDowns

Totals Adams Downs ,i...

Totals ■ Walsh .. Whalers


364 lai

JYjJsb ..........170Vi halers , . . , . 1 1 2

T ouis

.1 174 186 U a tg T:,,

l in 'Totals .

Ib ta la -.


966 MB

w n u K ........................ 14F. Kugelmnn, F irs t W ard.. 12Walsh, Harmonia ................ 10Stein, UnlverHal ................... 14Sheehan. Harmonia ............. 9WiilsU. Branch Brook.Connor, All Right ................ 10Koch, Arlon .......................... 10Bollen, U niversal................. 14Blythe, !.« Gllee.................... 12Taylor, All R ight....................14Johnson, Oscawana.............. 10Thelle, Defender.................... 4Haussllng^ Defender............ 10Zimmerman, B eck ,.,.............14May, Mueller ...................... 6Behraft, Arlon................ 10Bchoed'er. Arlon.............. 14VreldBnburg, All R ig h t... . . . 14Franz, Beck..............................14Deiincbaum, Arlon...... ........ 6England, Beck.........................148. W alters, O scawana..........19Reilly. Branch B rook ... . . . . . 4Oppcll. Mueller .......... I4Borman. Beck......................... 14Senfelder, Defender................14Martin. Lo Glito...................... 14Park, Branch Brook............. 6Dennett, F irs t W ard ............ 8Engclhnrdt. Branch Brook.. 14Kleiber, D efender...,...........14A. Btcekler, Mueller..........7. 14Helse, Oscawana................... 6Sohwettser, O scaw ana......... SMaguire. Branch Brook.......14Bepin, Hook .............. 14Mueller. S partan ................. 13Meeker, O scaw an a ....,........ 7

Av. 1189.8 1,18 m.2166.9184.11182.11150.4150.3178.5177.6177.4177.6176.9176.1176.5175.4176.1175.9174.9174.6174.4 1741- 174 174173.7 173.3

- ,173.4 14 < T73.3

172.9 172.6


170.10170.7170170159165.2168.3 168167.9166.9 166.2 167\ r166.1

164.19 164. r164.3162.3 161.11 161.10 181,9160.3 160.7 160.1 169 ■\ r

!H o £ !llw « ln ee o f A ll R lf f b t , T o p i A v e r -n v e L l i f TvMh M n rk o f IKu,

Oe T l i l e l e H Ih Ii Moore Nlnn.W lUium M cK llw alne, o f the A ll RIfrht

tettio. Is BC'ttlng th e puce am ang the indi­vidual b uw lers in the L e O lise Touniu- m ent. He tops th e average list w ith a m ark of secu red In e ig h t ganu.s, O sw ald T h iele , o f th e N ation a l Turners, ho'ds high score honor w ith a tota l of iW. Tho averiigee o f llioae w ith m urks over IGO are aa fo lio wh;

G. Av. IT.9W. M cKlIwalne. A ll R ig h t . , . - 8 leu ;;3aftross. A ll R ig h t ........................... 6 182 202F. W alters, O sen w an n u ............ 10 ISlB lyth e, O r ien ta l............................ 10 iBi mB anks. T u xed o C o lle .................. 10 18!Fla mm fir. O r ien ta l..,................... 7 IJsl 200O, Thiele. N a t io n a l..................... 10 18JIsuiue. F a s t E n d ........................... 12 ISO 223Hcholt, K ru eg er ............................. 10 180Owena. T u xed o C o lts ................ 10 180 2inTulte, C olu m bia ............................... 12 17D 210Taylor. A ll R ig h t ......................... 8 178 SAJ. Thiele, N n tio n o l......................... 8 178 201Dcnnebnuiii, K ru eg er ................... 10 176 210Murtlh, L e G lls e - ......................... tO I7ft . 2.T>D ow ns, T u xed o C olta.................. 10 175 212lU bif. B u st E n d s ........................* .12 174 21*1Pha(Ttn>Lir«, Second H lv er ....... y 174 18SL. Miller. C prom erclal.................. 10 178 232Ivclly, tk in tm erc is l......................... 8 179 237Lelck, K r u e g er ................. 10 172 lUoJohnson, O sc a w a n a ..................... 10 172 22bWellf-r, C o lu m b ia ........................... 12 171 208(Tobnuer. T u xod o C o lts .............. 10 l?l 3HStinors, Second B lv e r .................. 10 170 2L7Sohw ellzcv, O sonw rina................. 10 170 194H opw ood, M a sco t........................... 6 170 218H eim lnger, I>e G U se..................... 10 170 llfflBlcrraan. T u xed o C o lts .............. 10 16B 252H. Shade. N a tio n a l....................... 10 168 l&lE. K leiber, N a tio n a l..................... li 168 20JK lo u , O r ien ta l............................. 1 168 aa.)Murpliy, C olu m b ia ......................... 12 IfS 188Lew is, K r u e g er .............................. 12 168 225W intera, Le G llse ....... ................ 12 187 19LH ow arlh . S o c ia ls .................... 5 1G7 190H iller, E a st E n d ............................ 12 1G6 IRON oonan, Second R iv e r .............. 8 106 iblF uoIu t b , M a sco t............................ 8 IGti 187Swahi- O r ien ta l.............................. 12 16fi 207A. O ’Brien. C olu m bia ...'............ 12 165 320Meeker. O sca w a n a ........................ 10 163 I86Kueblcr, E a s t E n d ....................... 8 163 ISOR e u l N a t io n a l............................... 10 1G2 182Schlegnr, C o m m ercia l,............... 8 162T lm lc, B a s t E n d ............................ 12 162 IfiO91. John. K r u e g er ........................ 12 I6i 202Glk'K, O r ien ta l................................. 9 1GI liMA. Gonef,, H o o k s ............................ 8 l6 l 194S tein , ITnlversa!............................. 6 161 ISI

............ » -------------- -

MONTCLAIR GUNNERS WIN.D e f e a t T r o y M e a d o w C la b T r a p -

■ l io o te r a In Prim e M a tc h b y S c o r eao fi t o 1S ».

M qntclair guifin<^B won su ve i x<frta^ cup con tested for ye-sterday aftern oon tn a m atch w ith th e T roy M eadow Club, a l the H a n o v er N eck trupe T he M antolair Club e x p er ts b roke 206 targets , w hile Troy M eadow 's to ta l num b er of hreaks w as liia.

The tea m s w ere m ad e up a s fo llow s: M ontolalr Gun Club. D ukes. M offett. Box* nil, S overcl and B arn es: T roy M eadow Club, C rane D avenport. Johnson, W om - bold and H ull. In th e m erchnndlse even ts D ukes and B oxall carried off the bulk o f th e p r lies ,

O b s ta b lo R aeln fir a t O ly m p ic P a r k .A t O lym pic p ark to -n igh t an obetacle

race w ill b e on th e cards. This no doubt w ill 'p rove an In terestin g as w ell a s an

;fllng event- On Sunday, F ebruary 17, id

amusing event. On Sunday, . . the greatest pi-ofeaslonal race held In

Februar;grt.-,^ - - r- - - --- - - __

this d ty win be decTdcd betw«*en Oug An


West Orange Lad Pnnniiitat in Outdoor Sports a t New

Jersey College.


Hlldutw 41 C«,’il T c tm a RwU.Team* A and % itnnM niing 4 l^ r t -

meitt Na, 46 of Hahn* A oo. aompetod on tha Alwyi lost nttht, tha A team win. Hint both cont««ti. Tb* iKorek*.

T B A lt A.. ...I_ TKAM B.186IDOMUI............. .-BMA . . . . . __

166 iTeiBriumlaan its i^ O n rlM 174 161 U ithun . . . . . HI

CiMn Brown .. W alberr ,oialM , ...

T otgli 713 6I3|_ T o fto . . . . . TB «a

aiDonitoWj P orM to s <il>in«,Bloomlleld forfelt«d to tha North 2nd

H t«um In ih» Woodmen'* L « m « i* ,t nlBht. Tlie Tforlh Kodi rollod a acrub t*«m, winning Ail .thiWQ gnmea. T h e ■corM follow; A

HOBTIi *MO. 1 BCJlUB TBAM. Hitrria ... .MO IN 107 Beider i S t6lLltMl) ....l*T 164 KH Beiyw ....171 1 « IWnuke 169 m 36316U(gile . . . .m ;.........Benun ...I6e 146 lOlIPnIIle ..... II6 lU l ir

TENNIS CHAMPK^ U p R E D ,U elea WoMon'k !f«-

t lo a a l T it le H older. SwkteijBu ge- were Iwjwrtoli b y P a ll .

NEW YORK, Feb. U.—It became known Uat night Itmt HIM Helen Honwne, the winner of the National Ladles' Tennis Championship Inst leason, lost her bnl- once and fell, sustaining a severe Internal Infury while playing on ,th« oourtf of tb* Seventh Begtiilent Aminry a few Aar* ago.

Hiss Homans fainted repeatedly after itie aocldent, blit It was not until recently that It w«6 known that her tniurlee were Internal end oevere. PhysiclaB* !n at­tendance, It Is saM, ore of the opinion that It w ll be four or live monCha at ledit before Miss Momens la able to again taka her place On a tennis court.

. T-— v ;'".. a -i-'- v —— -H aehtnSoliM igt W ill Meet Ooteh. NEW Y O ^ e F e b , U .-A London dia-

patoh aoya tnat articles o f agreement for a match betwean .Haokenichtnldt Ootoh have Just retmhad ^Londi BaK^nachmidt’r .i™ (..w * ts- a,

thony. of Newark: Tom I.onghetd, of Jersey City, and H arry P. McDonald, Of New York, who finished second In the worid'B ebamplnnshlp a t Cincinnati.

M iss P n n n le H o s tsD H ere.Hiss Fannie Moutan, who wr(S popOlsr

with Newark roller skating fans seveu] years ago, gave o n ' exhibition a t ipe Eleotrlo P ark Rink last night, on Waigi- Ington'a B irthday there will be a mas­querade roller skating carnival a t Electric Park.

and loti for

.......... ......... • sigm tare. .ftr, Scovllte,president of tha iciaaouri Atbleuo Club.,bos (been In coriespondence with Mr.- ■ " • '" s mtmsgor, whoC ochran, ........ .has accepted a proimsal for a mamb at K a n w City In w y for a purse of 119,1X10, of wfdch the winner will taka eeventy- Kve per Mnt. and tha ohatuplcntahip of the #orIdt

OwklaWB W ilt l> » h a M y Close.HOT HPRINOB, Ark., Fsb- l3.~WbU«

tha m anagement-Of the Oaklawn track herii iroula' not diaousa the m atter, t t Is beltaved tlari-tfee paeMng of the Ainmla anU-pool-aeUlng bill by the lower Houia of th* State L H lsIalu ra yeatordoy will reatdf Ib the doathg of tha track sa soon ga A nm g Oovemor Moors aw tas- bis ■■ " ^ t o tk a .g g K ' . ■■ *■(.


The'foHowIng league and tourney games will bo rolled to-night:

N ew ark City Cbam plonalilp.Tuxedo Vi, Oxford. Oxford alleyi,

A tb le tle L eag u e .Passaic a t Coiumbla.

N e w a rk L eag ae .B attery A a t Celluloid, RoserUla

a t Kortnsrn.g a lia r lta B L eag ae .

South Orange a t F irs t Ward, Ns.- Uoiisl St Park A, A.

n u e d o ’T h re e -m a a T a a ra e y .Orange A, Orange B, West End,

Tuxedo alleys.O dd F e llo w s ' ‘r a a r n e y .

K earny vs, Clinlon, Tuxedo a l­leys.

dw alor tivder L eagne.Buck ys. Lawton, jCIsy vs. Irv­

ington, Essex vs, {hoepect, Ox­ford alleys.

Foresters* Loogwe.Halsey vs. Sodtb End B, Central

alleys.W o o d m e a ’s l ^ g a e .

' Baaex va. McKinley, Iroquois sl- feys.

F r tk ia a Leagne.A inerlw Vi. N kVsrk D. Emplr*

alleys. ^N n tlo a a l d an iisv L cogns.

D ark Woods va. Internationals, Paarltss v a Aimrloans.

D lo e e sa a S ea t o r L eagns..Iium tu tta V6L B qtre Nous, Tux­


Uaipli D. Osborne, who has been ac­corded the honor of being elected to tho captaincy of Ihe Princeton liuckey team f(jr next season, is a son of W alter D. Osborne, of Hutton Park, W est Orange. Vming Osborne la a iunlor a t Princeton and bos alwaya been and has also Idenll- lieii iilmselt with outdoor aports more or less. He Is an all-round athlete nnd stands well up In his class.

Osborne before going to Princeton a t. tended the O artaret Aeedemy, Orange, where he played on the hockey tesm rep­resenting that Inslltutlon. lb ' has been a member of the Tiger aeven three senaona and plays a t centre. He Is rated us one of the best hockey players In the ool- leglaie world and has been a member of lha mainstays of the Princeton team. He

U nlph D. O sborn# . (

Is not only an aggrexslve player, but pos- seases a coal head, which goes a long wuy In this strenuous branch of sport.


Schedule for Three-man Bowl­ing; CompiefitioD Will Run

Until June 12.



Red Bank Flier Lands Three Championships a t Sara­

toga, N. y.


The uomplele schedule wen onnuuucod tOoday fur the Tuxedo Threo-vnuin tiowHug Toiirnament. I t comprises a laiigthy lint of dales running along to 'Wednesday, June 12, when the wlml-up will U ke place, the Orange B, Uqultable and ImperlnJ leaiiie fulDng.

In tiuf firai p a rt of the competltkm tht dHtes uiB tjireiched out, but toward the cloae It is proposed lo roll^iflve eenea u week. The competition to-tilgiu will he between the Orange A, Orang« iJ and Weal i&nd leuRiB. The schedule 1b aa fol­lows:

Wednesday, February 13—Orange A Or- angif d, WoHt Kna.

Tnuraduy, Fenruary 14—Prudential, Hnr- mouiu, HusevHle.

Friday, February 16—Tuxedo A, Orange A. A , UeiUral.

Tuenduy, i'ebruary lIl—ArUngtoij, Vn- I’lety, Equitable.

Wednu.^day, February 30 — Central. Krueger, lin^erlul.

Alomiay, Jrebruary aB-iPark, Matinee, Equitable.

Wednesday, February 27—Tuxedo R, PrudmiUui, Orange A. A.

Tuebduy, March h—Orange A, Tuxedo A Prudential.

Friday, March li—W est End vs. Arling­ton, Weal End vs. Variety, Variety vh. Prudential.

Monday. March 11—Orange B, Mtlcker, Variety.

Tuesday, March 12—W est End. Pruden­tial. Jni|HTial,

Wedne?<f1ay, March 13—Orange A, A., Matinee, Roseville.

Tueaday, March 1$—Sticker^ Hurmonlu, Arlington.

Wednesday. March 20—Tuxedo A, H ar­monia, Variety.

Thurbduy, March 21—Oxford, Orange A. imperial.

Monday, March 26—Park, Orange A, Stlrker.

Friday, March 2D—Orange A va, Central, Orange A vy. Krueger, Krueger vt. Or­ange P.

'TuujidLiy. Apr!), . 2—West End. Sticker,Roseville

Friday. April 6—Park ve. Tuxedo B, Park VF. Prudential. Prudential va. Mati­nee.

Tueadiu’. April Krueger. Roseville, Equitable.

w'ediieadu\', April 10—Orange B, Tuxedo A, Tuxedn H.

Monday. April 16—Tuxedo B, Central, Harmonia.

Wednesday, April 17—Krueger, OrangeA. A., Vtirlely,

Thuraaoy. April 18—Central, Roaeville, Park.

Friday, April Open.Mnnday. April 22—Orange B, ITudenllal,

Arlington.Tuefiday. April 23—Oxford, West End,

Tuxedo B.Friday. Ajirll 26—Orange A. A.. Orange

B. Harmonia.Monday, April 29—Central. Mntinee. Or­

ange C.’rueadny. April 80—Tuxedo A. Arlington.

Imperial.Wednesday. May 1—Orange A, Tuxedo

B. Equitable,Thursday. May 2—Park-W est End,

Park-Tuxedo A, Tuxedo A-Roaevllle.Friday. May 3—Mnttnee-Stlcker. BUck-

er-Kritegnr, Kruegcr-Tuxedo B. •Tuesday. May 7—Oxford. Krueger, Mat­

inee.Wednesday. May 8—Park. Imperial, Va­

riety.Friday, May IC^Pnidentlal-Krueger.

Tuxedo A-Krueger. Tuxedo A-Eoultablr.Monday. May 18—W'oat End. Central,

Equitable.tue.Hdny, May 14—Arlington, Krueger,

Park.Wednesday. May 16—Oxford, Tuxedo A,

Blieker.Thursday, May IB—Tuxedo B. Roseville,

Variety.Friday, May 17—Park-Orangf* B. Park-

Hft t monl 11, I larmonhi - Equitable.Mondny. May 20—Orange A. Matinee,

Variety.Tuesday. May 21-Orange A. A.-W^est

End, Oningfi A. A .'Im perial, Imperlal- Rosevllle.

W’odnesdKy, May 22—W'est End. Hnrmo- nln, Krueger.

Thursday. May 23—BtlcHer, Prudential, Central.

Friday. May 24—W eat ®nd, Tuxwlo A, Matinee.. aXiMidiU', May 27—Orange A. A., Orangs

- -#■lutwcfay. May 28—Harmonia.

Im perial. , , ^Wednesday^ Moy 29—Oxford. Oninge B,

Roseville. , ' ,Friday, May 31—Tuxedo B, Sticker, Im ­

perial- - , ^Monday, Juno 3-Oxfnrd. Prudential. Equitable.

Tuesday, June 4—Open.Wedneway, June 6—Orange A-Roseville.

RoMfivilte-Arlington. Arlington-Central.Thursday, June 6—Oxford, Central, Va­

rietyFrldiiy. June 7—Tuxedo B, Arlington.

Mallnee'Mondnj'. June Id-O range A. A.. Blicker.^Tuosdly. June 11—Oxford-Arlington, O*- ford-Harmonta, Harmonla-Ornnge A,

■Weanesdny, June 12—Orange B, P.qul- table, Imperial.

WRESTLERS BEGIN TRAINING.G rap p le ra G et D o w a In W n rli f a r

M n lrh re a t r o to s s c a m 3iext T n e rd a r Hl|gbt.

Hard work Is being Indulged In by the eight wrestlerB wlio a re to compete In tiM series of match contests which will be held a t the Colosseum, on Bprlngneld avenue, this city, next Tuesday nlglu. Most of tbem are training In gymnasiums In this city, New York or Brooklyn, ami all Arc reported to be rounding Into good ihape. The men keep In ftrtrly good con­dition and their effarte now are to put tbem on edge. _ _

Emanuel BriiggHo. th e "Terrible Pole, ' who Is to meal Neronuis, th« colored H^r- culee and bull wreeUbr, tn w hat wlH be the chief m atch of the night, le doing his work on the roud, with a theutrlcal uom^ pciny. He U appearing In Albany, N. T.v thia weekr meeting an comers, and wJl) come on to thia city the f irn of next ^eek. Bnifglio |a practically a stranger to followers of the aport here, as he has not often atm^ttred in th i i city, but be hue the reputation of being a clever artist. He tn M u rea dver alx feet In height, la powerfully pu t together and noaiwaaca a clevemefa which ranka bim high In the pr<ffesalon. W hat is oonaidered h li best work waa done In the Montreal champion^ thipa last aummery when be came through to the finale in h li elaaa and then won the daoidlng bout. In Ihe HiUMde tourney laat fall he eaally outclaaaad all hla op-

^^ero tnu is who ta togp^apple with Jlrug-fibo, ta noted for JCfeat atri^tbi and

e haa i?bmpeM wHb gucceee in several tourneya during tbe pM. two Veara Hd......................... rday g t BlUy Bli^er’e

lew a t ttw

______ ________ ___ . eomlfic herethe la tte r part of th is i "la oondfttonlng himself .stltutes here, of which he la a memlier. and he feela eonfid tst th a t ho wiU bo

NEVVBrHG. Feb. 13.—Mortis Wood, of Red Bank. N, J., nnd repreaenllng the anrntogn Skating Olub of Brooklyn, re.- tallied his title of nnitueur skating cham­pion of the Ignited Staten yesterday afler- fioon In the nuUtnial cluimplonehlpa a t Orange Lake here, won the quarter mile, half mile nnd llve-mlle races, de- fe.'itjng the fiiBit'st Kkuti'i's in ilils country Hn<l Canada.

He Klai’tir?d III Uir onr-mUe event uml iintioiibledly would Imve won Citit but for a fall.

Despite the zero wi-ailn’r and tho A. A. r . 's order rurhl43ding umuiourx to purlicl- pute at the meet, more than (Ifty of iho fasfeHt men on ildh Hide of the Ailarillc competed In tho vhcIojih evoma, ami 2,ryju permmfl nearly froze to death wulching them But evciy one.' rompctllnr and

glad ho mtuie tlic visit to the luke. no thrilling and excliing weft* the conU'yta.

In the one-mile eunlcst Wood fell at ihe Inst turn and Edmund l^nmy. of the twninac Ijake Amateur Skntlng Asanda- iiQi). won, Lnmy. who la hut sixtcKn yeara o d. came In second to Wmul In the

le nnd the five-inlle events.The 1c<* on the quarter-m ile track wtis

perfect, but the weather wna very cold nnd the wind blew hnrcL The prizes were gold, silver and bronze medals,

SummarloB;piiHrler - Mllp rhumplmiHhlp - Morris

Wood, Saratoga 8. C-. first, ( yde Miirlln Foly Prap BrooklvTi. flecoml; Woudwar.i eiuphcn, Barnt(jgi( 8, F., th ird ; lima, t; Bpconds.

Hatf-MIto Chomploiishlp-Morrl.s IVond. first; Edmund La my. flnrnnac Lake A. H. A., pecond: 'r. A. PlndUiyson, Csnadlan A. 8. A., third: time, | minute, 83 3-R sec­onds.

Mile Championship—EdmundLamy.flral:ErncHi Hhulthess. \ erona Lakt' H r., ond; Arthur r . Brown. CanadUin A 8 A third; time, 8 minutes 19 pecondf*.

Five.Mile Championship- Morris Wood, first: Edmund Lnmy, Bficond: ArthurAlrb, Canadian A. B. A., tlilrd: time. 19 tnlnules It socnjids.

N ovice-H arry Burton. Ncwbiirg, nrsl; T. I , Rose. Brooklyn, eecond; James Mul« hoiKind. NewbiirR. th ird ; time 3 miiiules 47 3-5 spcondfl.

SOUTH ORANGE VICTORIOUS,I to eb ^y SuTrn D lk p ln ra Oood ro rm ,

D e fe a tin g V e ro n a H ockey Teatn h r Score o f 4 G oals to U,

The South Orange hockey loam defeated the Verona seven in a game at Verona Lake yesterday afternoon by the score of 4 to 2, In Hplte of the cold wp*-4ther, a large throng turned out to witness the contcHt. Both sevens displayed clever team work Uiroiighout the game, but tho South Orange boys showed they were the better in scoring. F. Freeman and Van Bcrneth tallied a) lof the South Orange team 's, points, while MareiiH scored the points for Verona.

The Veronus cleverly oulplfiymi (he South Orange boys In the first boir, and when the half ended the score stood J to I In their favor. In the secoud half South Orsnge got busy and secured three goniH. while the home seven failed Lo tally. The ilne-up:

Bouth Orange. Verona.Thompson ...........C entre................. WilcoxH. Preoman ........Rover........... W. MarcusW inner........... .Right wing............HtewurtP, F reem an.....Cover p o in t............ BrownVan Bcrneth ........P o in t.................... FoiceSmith ..................... Goal............... Waldron

Score a t end of Ural half Veranu 2, South Orange 1. Flnril Neon 'South Or' Huge ♦, Verona 2.

J a y O oald Defeatm Jio rllin rd .Tl'X ED U PARK. N. V.. I'.-b. 13.~Jay

Gould, of the Gi*orglan Coufl. Lak4*wofMl, N. J,, eanlly def4*atcd Pierre Lorilhifd Jr., of the Tuxedo TcnnLs and Racquet CluD here yeaiLrday for the gold raequel chtim-flonshlp in court 't4‘ni[ta three aets love,

(rorllinrd inadi* a fine showing against GouLd..sid gave ii good exhililtlon or ten-

Th-e-OiU.v alub-. • V-T r a- t sul wui the third, whh h might have been Lorlllard'n. Gould won at and the match.

f^u llIv n u -F ly n n Fl|cli< n B r a n .TJ18 ANGELES, I-Vb. 13.-T h e contest

between Jack fTw'ln) Sullivan of Bostoj., and Jim Flynn, of Pueblo, before (he P a­cific Alhh-tic Club last night, wiin dc- cUireU a draw a t the end of ihe twau!i<.ih round.


Local Oarsmen Make Meirf anJ Realize N at Sum for

Proposed Regatta.


Thf( member* of the Tnitituf* Boat Cluk made merry a t Ihqlr beneflt entertainmmt at liuUtute Halt, New iitrMt, laat nlxIiL 1 be procritm oonelated ot a baakatbali

Jiatnq between tbe Iiiititute Boat Club unlor team and the National Turnverein unlora. exhibitions on the parallel bar*. Moor tumbling nnd a number of other vym- naetlc Btmiu, A large crowd wa» pr«*-

eiit and a conelderable aum realiaed for the proposed regatta, which 1* to b* haU at the Weequahlc. Park Laka next aunt" mer.

A dispute la the last minute of ptav tu the basketball game with the score a tm, eaoli team having Sl-jailnts, waa tha only thing that mnrrra the affair. I t ja i t an ■ abrupt ending lo the gnme. The Turner! used nine men lliroughout the contatt against the five of the home team. Th* dispute was not one exactly with th* players, but was mostly between the «# - dais. Four players were mixed up in a serimmnge aimut the ball, which was in a corner of ihe hall. Referee Ueyen, ot the Newark Y. M. C. A., deeiat^ a foul on the Institutes. Umpire Walsh, of lit* EiUre Nous, called one also on the Turn, ors. Byrnes, of the Natlonall, tried for the goal and misted and the 'rurnen ds» dared thay would leave the Moor If th* Institutes were allowed to try for a goal. Umpire Walsh explained that he called the foul for one of the National playars holding. The two ufflclals held a SMrt conferetico and the referae could apt tin- derstaiid why the umpire should M al­lowed to call the foul, claiming his whlitl* was blown first, and according to th* ruled he Is In charge.

Alter five minutes' delay Referee Mey­ers announced a* the Institute ptaysr* would not abide by hts deoliloa h« de- elurwl the game forfeited to th* Ns- ttoiuild The llne-up was as follows:

liiBiltute R. C. Jre. National Jr*.Cnrroll .......... Right forw ard...........Byrne**ft forward.........CharrierB arrett............... Centre .......... TrautweinFlurtty.............Right gua rd.......... BrlttlngSmyth................I.eft guard...........Donovsii

Score at end of first halt—Inatltut** 39, Nntlonnlii II. plniil acore—Inatltut** 34, Natlnuals 91. Field goals-By Inititut«*tHennlnger 4, Carroll 4, Smyth, B arrett; Nattomils, Charrier 3, Byrnes 3, ItrHtiDS

Trouiwchi 2, Kaxsalll. Referee—SI jrari:of Newark Y. M. C. A. Umpire-.W sish, of B ntre Nous of Harrison. Tlmek«*i>«r —Lynch, of Institutes. SubBtkute*--Na.- tlonals, Zaizulll, BIckenbiiseh, W sgner,Prank,

The N ew ark Turnverein gymnastic team, eoiislsllng of George Ketclmm, Edward K e lln e r , ' Ijiw renee Spawn, Thom** o ’Hhaiighncaay, Edward Doell and F rank P. Holden, gave an Interesting ex­hibition on the parallel bars and wound up ihclr work with a pyramid stunt. They cr(tiiltd much enthusiasm by their clt»v*f work,

The Tuylor brothers. Harry nnd G«OTg*. and George i ’lum acquitted lliemaelv** ’ credliably in the com riy floor tumbling ('Xhlbltlons. H arry Taylor ond Q*iwig* Plum were dressed up as clowna. Th* trio went through their work In eUwar fashion, doing fllnflaiis, hand slsmts. nOtn- ersau lts and working together well.-- -------— • ---- —— —

MAPLEWOOD WINS HOT GAMEW ltli n r l iU a n t Mitart ttomr Clomw Conli*Kt N |tnrtlnf( C'luti Dvf«al«

rlK tow n Iflg-h Sc^hoMl# ’18 t« 3T*Thfi hnskfitbull (cam uf ihe MapleW90d

Kpui’Unj^ i'iub the Morrlfl^wilHifrii Bc.l|oc>l team In an uphill f a m i a t Miiptewoud laai night, Thd game «riaa aii interceling nne tn wIlnesB, on ucoounl dC the evenncfiH nf the two teame and tha . faat and enappy playing. Uorrletowti bald

ailvantaice inrougurKjt iho firat half by only n Tew point*.

VTih iui{ fi\‘e nihiutes lo pUty in thaaao* ond half, MtMfiewood took a rlccldefi hriiQf» and, by protty teom Work, pulled up eVaili The good wifrk wn« continued untilMapw- woo<r scared two more goals, and ttw |4 f i | Bounded tor ihnc, with Maplewood In th*

llmer't New

5 WOTJS.Itvr eomloL

.. _ok. W elter Row ' a t the Central in-

to the i^opularlty of no**, who Is baa o t the cleverest ot th* ynggger w m tie r* in th is city. .

Liro Berlow 1* fSttmut Into shape «C th* Young H«n'a C hriau £ t Aaaootatlon of Montclair, >tt whifib he I* the w m tiin g Instructor. Young FlniBg. who Is to be hi* aspcM ^t, ha* quarter* a t th e w o o k -’ lyn A, C . working w ith young Otoar o tto , who I* to meet Cleorg* Baoklcy, of thi* city. Young Hackenacnm ldt I* being tra ltud by John n n l t t f . the "ftitc jie r

toy." la tb* ta tu f* gymnasiUB Mew brk.

i ■

. - . tAlJtl nS-li.. ■ - . . '( i i: -l: n - li

MepfliiK u t P u lto n A. t.'.There will be a meeting of tlie Fulton

A. C. bai*eball tt-ani a t Ine home of ibe manager lo-jnorrow ntghl. when they wlU elect a vaptaln for next Beftaon.

BASEBALL BITS.The ProvuJi-nee team ot 1997 has divln-

dled ilowD 10 three of the 19(l(i a tsfs-.liirk uronln, Poland and Rock.

OJoe Kelley Imd u very pleaitani vl. ii to

Torunlo, , I'rvsJdcnl P. T. Powers soya he oonsldt-rs the engogemem of that player oy th a t club a m aster stroke.

oCleveland claims to have expended 15«,-

009 tor ball players. Of twenly.ttve men drafted and bought ten remain on iha team, and th a t seems a very good propor­tion, And loijole didn 't cost a cent.

OHenry P. LaBelle, recognised as the

premier firing a rtis t In ilic New England League, and who w as drafted from the Lynn c lu b by Newark a t the close of last sesHon, Is not a t all sure tha t he will play In mi* city next leason. In a letter this week to a friend here, the big pitcher statfi* he has not made any deilnlte ar. rangements, or come to any terms with M anager Burnham, and for these reasone he m ay nut play here.

XgiBelle I* (xinsidered a coming star. He not only h a t the ability to twIiT, but he I* a heavy batter, bitting a t a 349 clip la season. H* has been playing ball In II

load by the score of 43 to 37. MnrrlgWWIt' played ilielr usual fast and clean gdiu*, nnd, cousldering the fact lhat they hDV* lost hut tew games this season, in* vlc- lory for Maplewood rertecled'great ciwdlt on thni team. The llne-up:

Morrlatown H. 9. Maplewood 8. C..M ellek...........Right forward............. Rasv*Buell..................Ixift forw ard............. — ■—i—A rm strong............Centre........; ....... U erdnerMills...................Right guard ............EdwardR oheris.............Left guard.............. I.RItik

Referees—Comptcin, M. H. B, and AlIsO- dnrt, M. 9. C. 'rlnicrs—Roberts, U. 8. C,, and Uogiiltin, M. II. S. Bcoi'C,m end a t flrsi Inilf—Morristown 28, M«pleW(Sod 33. FHnal score-M aplewood 42, Morristown 17. ---------------• --------------

VICTORY FOR ST. BENEDICTSN e n a r h T e a m O o tp lay s De L a to l l*

H a s k e tb a l l F iv e a t k ew Ynrk, .04 tn a i .

The Bl. Benedict College basketball flv* of this city Journeyed to New York yester­day afternoon and easily defeated th* He \m Bnlle Institute team of tha t place by the acore of 54 to 31, The score a t the end of the lirsl half waa 28 to 9 In th* local's favor. M rConnldt and Conlnn played heal for the locals, the former aecurhig nine tlrld goals and the la tter eight, The llne-up:

Bt. Benedfets. De La Btrile.Cnnlun...........Right forward..........If. RyanCtanning......... I.eft forwa n l ..........ChurchillMeKeoii.............. Centre ....... FtlMlinmonaJ. R van ...........night gii:"'d..........McCarthyMcCormIch......Left guard.................Farrell

Bcore at end of llrsL half—91. Benedict* 28. De La Hiille f. Fhuil score-S l, B«0«-, diets M. De Ln Salle 2!. Field g o a ls - 9l. Benedieta, hleC'onnlek 9 Conlnn 6, MeKson 6, J. Ryan 2, Gamiing 2| D» I-A Salle, Clmrchlll 7. H. Ryan 8. Free throw -F a r re l l . Time of halves-Tw enty min­utes. Heferep—Bailey, of Fnlvsretty of Fennaylvanln.

New England League five years, break­ing in with the Nashua Club. From there he went to the tUaterbury Club of the Connecticut l-eaguc, and then tu Lynn. Mr. LaBelle Aral attracted attention aa a fast player In 1897, when he was a member of the IVoy (N. Y.) Y. M. C. A. team. He also played with various independent Mube in New York S tate and Canada be­fore entering the professional ranks.

OWhen Del Mason, who will be with Cin­

cinnati next eea*pn,. was pitching for Washington, his Arat season In the big |*qgue, he was sent In to Mtch against the Highlanders. I t was Mason's «r*t gam* and he Was WtW pervou*. Jlnnny Williams hit the ball every time he c an e to the bat. H it third* lime up he drove In two runner* and Mn**n was yanked out of the bo*. W hen he reachM tb* bench h* tM nark«d to Dtmkle In a snd voice: ‘T tia t fellow W illlaias has theheart a t » m o to rm n ^ .

The relean of idfehsr McCarthy and Catcher Blatfory h a sliisn purohaeeid from Toronto w l w by Httnaffer Irwin, of tn* Alfoon* cluK’ A '

SunSay baseball Is found

FAST W ORK BY SUMMIT.D fffn lii G l«n Kllftii Sehool Unt*

k r tb u l l t^lvv in C lose Uvine h r ficore o f 30 to 5*0-

Tiie Summi t lU»rh School basketball fly* d ffea teJ Mm Oloii lilORi" tenm at SumnliL yeaterdny tiftenioon. by ttie avorc of «0 to 20. In tlif* flrsi half nf.pley both le*m i scored points, but In ihe Mcondperiod ihe tilummlt hoys inHIed fifteen more polnla, while tlie Glen Ridge quintet 8«cur<'’d five. The Une-up;

Sumndl . HlsnKlBSO.'k........ Hlghl forward ....... KmdSllOakes .......... Ia?ft forward .............. uavl*L. Long................ Centre ..................Brow*Buckli.y.......... Right guard ..............-B * rrK irkpatrick .... I.eft guard ..............Butler

acore a t end of first half-Snm m lt U, Glen Ridge IS Final score-aiim m lt M. Oleii R)dira_^-___ ^ _________

C orrorH ii f 'o d e l* to t’la j ' K iitre Yow*.llaiuigvr Wnlsh, of the Enire Nou*

basketball five of Harrison, has secured The I'orouiaii Cadets at Mftihlngtom ft* l!i<* fUiMictloti nl Jflt’Ob 8 IirII, thet JhXc#* for to-morrow night. This iftani enviable record and In confitnerfd cnanj- nion nf the HouUi. c^ « 1 i areinc a tour through this State and, benaB t bolnc wchecJnleU to play tbe Entre Noug, are expected fo play tbo InatlluteBr Crea- reiUfl Faterfion and BrJghtona of Or- liiiKe. ^

AsHOd’In tfo n K iT f to PlBT T o -tilffh l.Tbe HSBOclatlon five of th lt. olty will

plav Itfl first game In the Protective Bm - fietWll Aaeociftlion Cbamplonehlp Toiif'* namenl. when It will line uP th#Kennnwak team a t Jersey City, The flv# will leave on the 7 o clock train on the Central Railroad and a large delegation of rootere l i expected to tccoropanjr them,

--------- ------O '.' '—

B A SK E T B ^L GOSSIP.At T urn Holl. Bruce street, to-night the

N ational Tum vereln Junior* will Rn* up against the A tlas five of Jersey City-

Junior team * wishing to a r r* n » gsmee w ith the .Ogden Five raftv do »o.j>y •«?"- Ing challenge* to Albert hutan , 819 Ogden Street, t

Games w ith the Bay YIew Wheelmm and the Nationaldesired h r the Ctantrals of S rookW . Charle* C srim tt’ U4 Nostrand «vw»*. Brooklyn, Is tha manager. __________

Deal re to |In New England, where the obaerfonce of Sunday lawa has alwaya twen very rigid, ^ r e la a bill before the Maataenasett* liM itlatlire a t nrasent perm itting Sundiy game*. BmplMfes of feolorle* are largely In favor of It, b««aut«. they say, Sunday afternoon li th e only cqpiportunUy which


NO flY TILL eURiO.O n ly specialists in the State with

practise limited strictly to the dis­eases of men, and all nervous and urinary diseases.

1100 reward for a man we fail to cure.

I S l K M U t H i n .3 0 y « * » te < a * p b » .

184 ORANGE ST.. NEWAR»L (one bloek tM»v* Hl(h stn*t>

Hours—a to 10 a . M.; 1 tn a and ato a Sundiy* I'ta I P..H.


B l R T K f l

KlS&«lB»lk p«4>w

M A R R 1 A 6 K S .14W K A M > -¥ B IT T B « -0 j ^

tS r 'S f h VaoW T ."t* r, <o W, C, U o n « d .

O m iB IIT A K B K t.u i iA c a A c i -a b k ,


d e a t h s .A U A W P P -O n r«l)ru*nfA U A JS r .— vn „ .i T Allu.1AUcubP* hu*tnituJ w j i* ** ■ * -

II, iw n, John ~ ALIoflpp


3M Uulh«IT> ti-■ FrAhklln tirMU.(X C . u"i[ob!'fornier1/ ^ ! l b th«

FUtwMB Wgltiui nnclTelephon. 5070.

H B L B W A M T B I^ M A A

biM> Aok«rMO». « . » '•fcpBltwn of HsHM-k I'nlo"' ,1 Dll

r T O K “ i r t S % ^f e j S f e p S S i s i : -Sinet«ry of th* Holy HfpwHrhtv.

BABCADOW-OnU wlll'dW of tAinV#UUi 1t*‘CUI 1 I

a ' i c i » . i s s s f v f ; i

s S L “ J S “ r & ^m i 0Wn.Wry.

CaiAWFORD-On ?*hru»r)' 12. 1007,

“‘ p K m n .’ « rv '.c « wm

tS e lta *»» klcialy InvUwl. Interment ot Fair bottOt CoDttary.

n S l i T A . Jon of Alowndw Marvin andE S rlo t •ni(ih*^«t»on. ag«d 26 yeora. Nolle* Ir Tunoral fcareafior.

SSi.iM<ioAcc. No. aii? ” iV lfewfIAet Fabruarv 10. a t 6 A. Bl.. to t‘ v*y Chomh. W h'i' » Bolemn Hlih

■t o ™ >» »n»rB ' f“' h SivtaU nnM t In th . CPtii.t.ry of th» Holy

DOWKA-Ob WbniUT ‘J?!' * '‘*w % "oi

u r m t Wodaeoday avaninj, l ^ ! & . B « ta tlv u and frlonda S t S r w S w im t Thoraday Hiarrsoon at BaJi- m v , N. J . .

•A U T w at Bloomflold. N- J-. on February w- ot W aJlT o . MU*

ISiUtm itMd Jft montlia

OB FrMay. robruary 16. a i 2.mj n dii*.*. ■» lifMMnt mt Bloomflold C!am«tory

-Af’W—fin Tuoaday. February 18. iWTi btlovad huil»and of Annie

■n\ bm A M yoara. Rtlatlve* and frlw oi to Vit.n'l ih . fu n m l S . T . wSdwc* Mr.. Ch»rlM|kforlu«,

itrMi. on Thu™i»y,i £ Vl 2 N. jjii*no«nt In Woodland PMnatary.

SMITH A SMITH.8ifc c .li.jr . 10 J . A. ! ; h * ? P i _ o .



(1,77 W arren *t, Tol. 11(13 &r.nch Sroojr___im iN W EdLK T'pO RK ER.Brook, undrrt.kcr A .mb.lmer, 50(H Jr.n m ^b T^M. SKIN N N^, und .n»kar and rm hainur,

No, 2H Cllnlon «v». 27*1, ------


o . to dyo ’S lf to t t"

__ ll d*vi*M a aperlnlty. Tb* A r J ^ r 'p y * ln f . Clennlna and Pw lnlan l^ u n -d r y ^ ’r o i i Ha*--!' • " '! ! 'V - MMam (tml f '^ to ry uhoM MSif. OraniTB, HTLI-ER * T>TnnffATl. _____ ,

A v e a ta .A G BN TS-0 "nlI«B(«n of c.7 ' r ' ' p . " S m i n t hoMtlot. . t 422 ^Tudenllal bullditi*. ________

reauir* lit* asfvloea of *in e a p w ie n ^((!.(( to ca t knd h .n * ((w ninn. “a t »>'1> c o .u r . and up lio lii.r .f^ 'n liu tf.

Apply by le tter or In perBJH to ■“ P*7- tm endenl. aeooiva Itoor, 701 to 721 Broad

H E L P -W A H T B O -llB If .H B L P W A IT T B D -W O JIB O .



'h o t w anted to d’fllvar s r ^ r l c . .n a hlmaclf oaaful: one of •'*1 * ^ ? . .? ™ ? ? ! ™ '

bring r* fer« ioa ti nham* lof BflM- a A. Me, ThuraUay. " •« «.\).. ani Baitovlll* ava. ___HOVfl V a n ird ai»~M n«ton(; m . J ® *” ?* 1“

ai,p(,arance. «(Jod chkneo (or adekn(,«menL Apply m uerlntendeiit, bef(jo h> *• “ ■• or 0 to (1 1' M , S. HKYMAM, 77-73_U arkat a t . .

PA l’EB noX E S -W antw ). »n on lltiblnson •corer, Appl> a i one*. N*w

ark J*Kp<r 0OK IJOei 2W ^*nk at.


B O y-W nnted , a hoy to ' " " f W eetern Union Tele«r*ph offlea, a t D.. U

and W. Station, Kaat Or»n«e^


T^U l S h MENT 285 URRHT 3T ,i OPKN BVBNTNOB: L. D. 'PH flV E ailOJ

C B B B T B R tlD ^^^^■ ''JvERrU M iN N eEM trrK BY (o rrin lied

1S5S). N onli Broad *t., betwacn Newark and ElliilHKb, opper road to E llM beih; baautitui eromidi; tmirten. equipment; tot* »4S «P; “ 'h or partial paymonta; trolley, tn .rkod M*'* iln., ' every lb nim ote., w i . " ‘ir.noe ' o cemn, KBNHT M, LO O M H . lupt., BSlea^lth■ RIDGELAWN CEMEfTEBY,

The larEbal ano miwi iteauilful cemetery in the s ta te Jo il opened. Vnlitable p lo t, can ^ bought I t a nomln*! p r ic . V u it the ceineteD

(me aaoenw—trolley . *o dtroct. _Call. _ phone


a h k , n . j .______________________ _____________BHOEfl-KIItHTA’I>ASS

WANTED DNHKN'S AND WOMEN B MNDBHOKH. THOB, CO IH . IhC-.AND aiT!j_ ST;_____________________________ -li iiV ir it DFPOHIT V .'AKB-W nnted, b , «n-

ira v e r" (.ml S oniamenlnl 1'“ '" '* '?uurM Aiitfly In c»r by l^U©r to

TrMil-'n. N. J- ___________

B B U f W A ir rB O -W O M * " -

tit* El'near Al‘lt*n nv<-

wortirnan onS PI NN E K VI’ a n l Pel, t\ r M c I a a* -- --Harman il lw r uml-rt’Ha handlM anti

e l l l« i atrody i*mpliiyfriciit; mat* salary <x-Va S g a l e , 138 Baal

a » ‘^ S ? t X r 7 n « ; 3t ' f . e i r

s ' f e f f i . r s i i s . i S . Y i T “ ; T . , 5U M ^S ldeM ., No. 6M B«rf.n .treat. Inter a m t In Woodlaml Cetnetery.

B A Y D BR-O ii reb ron ry J 2.MavdM (iiH BiTM l. bofoved widow o( 74 llllnntH ^ a I J ( l ! r l u K v e . M l , M «na»i • ' «b a r i of Si J u id * Coani?ll No. IW, L. (•u « kindly tnythid tf ' . r m e l t o7irw dui. tHa 16lh, At S A. M., to n t Jam na*

S L ? f 7 ? r h . '* rp o iJ T f ^ . r ^ r i n r e ^ !m ant Ir th* CAimUBry ** **<• flapuichr*.

H OLDBN -O n February Mm of John and Rith«r Holdsn, f im U w - R«lAllv«* noil fritnd*»t*2i 4a attand th* funeral from MialiMio* M Rttlgara itroiR. on S 2k S ! ^ ' 1? n t I Pe X. lBt*n«ent In R om-

■UMT*H UK'H try

BSa^kav iitMm Clark). astHl 66 ycarii FUM tai Pfc- w rybiaa ^ lU b i hold t l W r iRl* rMidtfiC*. 604

S s i ^ i

• ^ . S t S S f h U ^ v S ' . ‘^ r i t^ . 'o 'l ^ .n ' A^iu.*,:

*“ h e a rt . t l « l tov«l h .r■K Mm p fit a . l l .n t tomb.

B art O nm i*. N. J ., on fu .id a y * £ w Y 11 I W . Eathw M., wlduiy of J. *S5 S n # o iS . Ptuweal prlvat* I« t» rn itn t a t D o w , N. i-

w * . n d * . * s . M f i t i y

S i , t w S f T l i i r t 2;w P. M, in term ent InTYMIiBId ttm e tw y .

bO W B -O n r*him ary 15. 1W 7, M irgm el, w ll" Low*. ag*d 76 ysara. H e la llv ^

fmA ffMirta »f* iBvUtil to attand thoI from th* naldenn* of ft«r daughi^r- Y m f f V D enala IS Humholdt .treet,Ua, on F riday. February 16. » t » P. M.1 a t S v f iirw n Cameisry-

l |n | |g M ..M r u a r y 18. iWI, Ro m 11» ■ S e r i r f l i J o b a «*lRhd Mur#*, ag**! 65 y«tih*.

*arrie#a will be held a t ib#• 6n*ln“t*w, John O. Dean. IJo. 1.4 'M#t. ArUnirlun. on Frldav. ^ b ru a rv

a t V P K. HelatWe* and friend# areuUy Invited. Interm eni a t M inerva ^rnty* N. Y.| a t lb# cunvenlenoe.of the

ta n lly .KOflTON-On February 18, WHIT at

Sla m ldM ica. No. tt Ewe* itj®*!. w****'*' ‘?S; aiw ML b # lov^ daughter of Joeepb and the

of funeral b#tn^'' AftlTr' ' .

J U a ^ t Omair#e N. J ., on P eb riu ry M. Falix, eua .of U arrl# and th# Inih NlMelle. n a liliva# and frlende. ^ # o

^ Fnfttrtar#, and U ar- loiv t r # kindly Invited to ‘at*

• mA th a foneral feom bie late r##ldenc#, ^ M ain aefwat. w ^ g e . <m ^ ld » y , Fe4>rtiary 16. a t 6 a T m .. theno# to th# Churoh of Oor lAdy HM a o< CbrUtLona, wber# a Solemn High MaM ^ ^ a o u l e m will m offered fur the r«poae of M i Im ernient a t the Ometepy of theHoly Sapubrhre.

WOLtiIP&-On pabruary n . tW7, Alfred E. VHaUpa. eon of the late John and ntillip#. a # ^ Si yw *- il#latlvi« ami frlanda *Imi Firat Regiment Fleed Muelc. Fife. Drum and Bugle Oorpe; amuloye* of M r . EWga. WtTITlftK’riiring jewelert, are Invited to attend« aanday. February 17, a t 2 V. M.. from

» roitdanco. 1U6 Hawthorne avenu*. In- ta n m n t Iti Falrm ount .Cemtery.

QUAYIiB-Biidaeoly. <m February is , lUOT. U t t l e H. Q utyle, aged 62 year#, beloved wife M SdvoOd w . 7'Uthlll. Funeral eervice V raradar aveeilng, February 14. a t H o'clock,MJk th# TMldeuce, ftl North Elghteeath »tr«et, I b a t Onhge* Inlerm ent private.

Q U IN N -O n February i i , IW7, loUk . be loved huaband of Oatbarin* Quinn (nf# tiy m « ) and hrolh#T*lo-law of ThomaH Byrnwi. Rela­tive# and frlendij and members of Km «k (’on- elave No. 2W. 1. and tJ ib o rm ' Union.M # kindly Invited to attend hi# funeral fr<vtn mH laie reeldenee, 12 Searing tiree t, on Thun- day . February 14, a t ft A. U.. to Bi. P atrick i Cathedral, where a High Uaits of Requiem w ill b# offered for the reuoee of h it noul. Inior- Bient In Ih# Cenmtery of the Holy Sepulchre.

S i r iK R MART ALM BDA-At HI. MarV* O rn b a ju ^ . VRiiahurah. on Tm «lay. February l i , 1907/ Bleter Mary Aln«da. Her funeral vrtil take pla«j a t 6:80 A, M.. Frldny, ¥Vb- ttu tfy 15. to th# sadred H eart Chaa*!. wUero hT iolem n Hijrb Ua## uf RcuuJem wUl..b&. p f-. feiwd tor the repoae of her *oul. Intertneiit in IE# C«m«iery of ih# Holy Honutchre.

SMITH—At his let* residence. Ko. 107 Thlr< lotflU) av«tiue, on Wediiesdey morning, F#b- runiy 15, 1807, W iniam Soverel Bmith, aged STyem rt. Notloe of funeral hereafter.

VAVaHAN—At 8t. Mlehnel's Hospital, on TiMgday, February 12, 1007, Margaret, beloved Vrtfe of P atrick Vaughsn. Ilelailves and friends h r# kindly invited lo a n end funeral froni I'eei- dimo# of her sUtcr. 89 Cherry street. Montclair, j fT j .t on Thursday, Februflrj’ U, ai b a . M., thenoe to Church of the Immavulaie Conoep' tlOR, wb#r* a High Muse of Re<ml4<m will be eff«r#d for th* repo#* of Imt aoul- Inlerm ent S t kit. Oilvst CeroAtery, yiuotnheUi.

V U ^BIR8-O n Wednesday, February 13, IIKIT, Ifcw IfiiCTlam, wife of Rev 'fhismaR .1. t'ilU'i j.S I #*rvlo*B win be held iii the Ffnl'lle

ial Klr»i Baptist t-liuri-h, corner of and Fulton Sirholv. <m .Satunlay, Firhru-

■ry g t B P. M. Ttolailvvs anti fi'Leniis molarrlted to attend. Inierineiii li) Fairmouiit C#m#tory.

VOW BNDID—On Wednesday.. Fplmiary 13. IBOT, Anna Von End* (nee WVlchhuiit), uK*‘d ->3

H clailvea aud frlendi* aw rwape^'ifully ' attend the funarel pe]-Tiei*a un Fit

at our eipen##—trolleys go . .- to o m c . M l Broaa «t.. N .'v a rk .___ _

"A RU N aTO N CEMETERY omca a t c.ra««iT. ArHniton. N. J

Plctutw qti* tw aolr ot m w ifm perk With DWTBStual enr# w ithout rherge: "**rny S ir . to A r l t r i to n Depot, then to; ™1 ' ^ ' " , 14° gtjwcTl .Y»- an* '■' » (n i'.„ .j w .m 1C

BOY w ln ted to l« t t l . ‘ ‘l y M ;cm not w aded. Ckll * « « ». * l W

Udn It., Bait (Jrani*. mC;_________ _____b o y w anted. I* to 1* pean . who tm dep lta^ ii

a 111114 atHxii the , 7o«'fV hu>lh4« - ** '^I*'uve., com «r 7ih »l. _ ___________ ___ ,S o ^ ^ n t e d T a h o d ' 15 Y“ ™ old, lor N^w

York comm»«.loti houee, A.ldrew P. o. uoa 164. Now York C ity ._______________ _________!N(Y~Waiite(l, atron* lioy to help

P,T month and Imard. V.. M A L LK n . B«r- ilnevilie. N- J . ___ _________ .»

gi^od i-ay; eteady work. Address KlJVi-i. wua I, New* ijfflce. ............... ..... — —BDY-.45.dd b w (or n>«< oWim 'need addrem Butcher, Uoi V. N ew . omce.Orange. __ _____ _ . .|lm T “wftriT«J, bright and

once. YEAGER, fl*U Main *l-t East _O r#£g^

novL...._, ,p*Cl*d, AdrtrepB ]N«w at.. leaiifiaHvr, __________________ _

fh.‘''h“n rA " id S L “ '^n,rh B'‘o ' r ‘4. ' 'N a “. “o*,-:Do*.______ __ _____________ _HALEBMAN-HvIhII ialestiian

w anted, one thoroughly rlSvIng and handling well iiupur, AmeHean only, Address Salesman, Hox DH, ^ews_offl<’e . ____SALESMAN,' with eatalillahfd .rrMB; (jlla.

rreaaee. .pec laltic i; full 1' ' “ ' ' commlialon; Newark amt vicinity, (ft rlw IS Mitchell pl„ E ^I_O r^P |ir^ ._________________ _H U M E lP o im I elnsec "um K l w ith aiM lI « p i -

lal lo alar In an Irlah dm m a a l r e ^ y (.uoaeo- Addreta Siicceaa. Boa 25. New. ofliiju______^


g o o d WAGES 1 I I P E It DAT W H tL l

LEABNIKO! BRIGHT OIRIM W ITH Ab x p b r i b h c b c a m

N U R H E -w anted . »“ rw , o®* “ J*5‘ w J L f ^ onanlon; ae rn tan praterredi

rlirht party . Call MRS. A. M. ROSENBERG, SOS HunterdOTi at. __________ __________________iru R S E ^ W arn ed , O titnan or B nsllth " “ fw

alrl 10 taka c a re ot two hablta; sood iwfer- e(fc> required. Call 111 Houth 12tli i t - oltY-


WAISTS A PEW LBABNER8 TAKEN,' t h e k i n « w a i s t CO..


■ l i r L O T i a D H 'r W A E T B I ^ W O I I j j 8! l . , ’1 I_ _-L-J___-!:'-y*T~'----I DRES8M AM ER--n(»i " > 0UT --T W g ta „ rf l< »

(Hilcki fu a ra n ta . jarfoc* At, MRS. W R4NT" PR ED P U NT, 118 P«aMD. aT ... Jtaar Ctlmon.

I D R E S S M A Iu fe^P lra t-c la* . a tl-nm nd Sand woqM like poMtlon w llh drew m akw , Ad-

d ree i B. H „ Bna I, Nawa ofll(». _________

OPERATORS (etpertapced) oa la d l« ' M th ekirlai aooi pay: Ion* aeaaon. T ha K ins

Walet Co., Sherman ava, and S tanton *ta-

f e w

e a r n


11.80 TO 11.80 P E R DAT.

nPKRATOR wanted on c o n a t covara and a.,wn« Blao a I 'w brlsM s lrta to laam .

NAT LEY'T A C O . Shipman a n d _ ^ l l j a mrvT.u'HATnR-Girl to operate .laev* Iponec and

™ k S m e o ra n re and Domertic L aun­dry, l a i and u tl Oakwood ave., Orans*.



STABLEMAN, eiierlenced •tabla o( hotw a. .Vddrem, illv tn , referMlcie,

V. S. U, Boa 6U, Ni-wi o f f l e e . _____________

r « M R T ^ » T J M I C y R t A l J ; ______O EIlRG EloIuTit N A CO. Eautbllehatl t58U.

D ealiner. and M aiiulactureri of wCNtIMFMTSi MAUP*’H»Kl'M9 AND GFNFHAI, CEMETERY WORK. 1$ OHANITF. MAHIHaR a NT) ftToSK*

RO Y -W anted, boy at».ut IS or n « " o '* *”,to(,e. Addrtwi k._l!M_Ui;_ _____

H OV -Bulclier boy wanted for atoie and route.A. F IN K A SONS, lW_H"lm“n‘ a ' 4;^_______

lloT w 'a n iid ' i^ r '.to re rM m , Apply S. LOW EN. 781 Broad iL . 4to_flo#r ‘ ___ ______

B O Y B ^m ubil' for li»ht bench work. A. P. M. A BHO., 2S Protpect »t;^

BOYS wanted, DIJTCTIER BROS.. B4 NewJeraey lU tlm ad a v e ,__________ ____________

BOY wanted at once lo c .r ry ordera. 141FennsylvanI# #v*-_______ ______ ______ _____

ROY, J5 Id y#*r# old, wanted In drug itor*. 374 I5th ave.

PB R U O N A Ia.

MY WIFK. Mr*. Wygenlk MontvH)*, of JW8 cm io o *vr. Nrwark. having h^ft my b«il and

b i r d , / vriH nni be peeporninil#' far #ny bill# „OPtract«t by her 'f™ p ^ ^ ^ ^ ’»i,'oNTV.LLE.

February J e t . lfl67> ..........WIDOW would like baby to board, 2 to

• year* old; would have g ( r - -------k . Btix TOe .New# offlffc,

8 yi-Vr* old'; would have good honw*. sAddrvB#

Midwife. (KU Iktlfi ave., l&th andFOR adoption, baby of a ntoe lou

- •' ave.. b<*twc2mij frti. '

lookmg mother.

A«<M»T AaioolBtlon,m d Uw fnnarat feoi

Pwpiioiiala.P B R C EtL 'B .


IM PORTED HUMAN HAIR O ^ D B ; 1.AROEa s s o r t m e n t a n d r a r e s h a d e s , n o tFOUND EVERYW HERE.

ORDBHE FOR SW ITCHER POMPADOURS, xtfiV B S giTC KILIaRD WHILIC YOU WAIT. ^ T IM A T B cilE E B ^^^^ GIVEN. SATIS. f a c t io n g u a r a n t e e d .


■K ILLED ATTENDANTS.F acial and Scalp T raatm anu.

H air Oolorlnf. ®Shampooln*. Blnstln*.


iM de a w aN l4W " h t "

J i ^ , u r r u i r M . T i n t t i* l « p?vacy.''?Jm fort aS.l’^nven lem e.



N? B .- I do not adven laa ‘ ‘the ir value, nut do aell Sooda cheaper thanany ou# elee.

BTABLKMAN for tirov1Mi*n dealer: #1» alto hwiidy or ueefulman for private plar#.

52 Cedar #t. ____________ _

d T R l i ^ to 20 year* o ' «2*'' ’K , l V '* ^ r ’d7 y ■pericnce « im from 21 to I1.26 ^ r day , » pay while leanilo*; o'Inlnrlou. work. Newark Rivet Worka.I^ fg y e tt* rt. ______________ __gS l s wanted (or ciertcal w o rk : *Md Jjw o^

(unity (or lliOM who liN^Hieaily amploymem. w JUKBWOOD. 545 Devon at.. Arlington. N. J.a m i .3 w uited to learn itraw hat < "* ''''1.;? ''

W. A G. machine; paid f jo * .d ry rooma; ton* eeaiwn, iteady work. Apply M s, MORK * CO.. 84% O tden tt.OlHIeV-W antad. two wplle ■Irta: one (or cook

D« and .M ilt with laundn ' work; other Chamnerwork and waltln*. » l l . with refer-eace, 74 Ckwtaut it.. EMt Or*n«a-

BUTCHBR—T ouni man, eood *"*'*er. * rt and deliver o rder.; care (or hora t.. Hood " “ S " '

Heady poaltton. At refcwenoe required. Addrea.Reference._to* l i . J f * * ! olfica-^__________ __E U T C H E B -Y oub* man ftom t'he Orangey who

underatanda butcher n“» l ' '« * '^ ' 'S q T A r i ? « (erred. Addrea* p . O. Boa C. F-. iiOo.BU TCHKR-Yomt* inan, about ai. to ta j* care

flf route and work 1b *tor#; re fa re n ^ re qulred. Addrea. Roilte, Sol IP, Nawa_omc_»_

B U 'T ciiER ; young man '‘V lILnJ?™ * A ddr?.. *dg« of th* bualh**^: refertneea, AddreiaButcher. Box 8b, New# office.

SCRKW M A CH IN E-Toung mart w ith eom* experience preferred Apply A. F. M «

BRO.( 28 Vroapect hi. _________ _________SION WSITEIR w anted; on* with a know ing#

of Ih* grocery bualnpee preferred- U LiC.ii'MAN fc CT., Trenton. ____ _ __ _____STAIR BUILDFeB wanted. Apply former

FBIQEN'BPAN cottage. Mlllhum. N- J_-____'T W lL M A k E R sla ti ir hand., P ™ 'l *

machine .crew operator., ro.chlne operatora; alau general marhlnlata M n metal pollthera wanted. Addrcsi RDBSltvAITKEN, Bo . P W. 'roled0;_O.____ _ ■„,■TOOLMAKER-Wanted, ftraT-claea,

tool and die m aker; eteady ^ot**' kood pai^ ARply in perion nr by mall, BHEHISan a CO.. Keyport, N. J _____________

B O O K -K EBpSfe-W anlea, .m a rt book-k«l»jn roUDS man preferred; ita te reference, .a lary

t o ' . t a r t 114 per week; caeh bm d required, Ad- drea# Smart, Box 84, New* offlc^

TOCtUMAKERB and macbinlat wanted f ;jv e» v the R. A T. up to-data apron. B . H. WntJU.

'♦8 3p/ingfleld #ve, _____ __________ .tJPFlTTK RS—Wanl»*d. furniture upftuer#, wUh

tool* IW M arket »t.__ ____ _WANTKD. for t ’nited hintoi Array, abl*»

bodied, unmarvled men. between age# o t i l and 86; GUj**ne of United cbar#ci*r and tomperatp habit#,■peak, r^atl and writ# anglJeh- For Information apply to recruiting -rfflver, 2j5 M arket « ., Newark or 47 Montgomery *t., Jersey c iiy , N. J . _______________

BOOK -K KEPBR"W anted,kMinar- on* that underitands douM# entry.

28, N#wa office.b o o k -k e e p e r s to take oft tria l balance.

Apply P. O. Rok *2.DC/TTLE wuaher; alio helper on (ruck; aleo

wagon waahur; 212 week; alao h a rn c i cleaner, 82 Cedar . 1. ____BA BTEN D BR-W anted, aeatatant hanender.

Call 12 to 12 p. M„ No. 11 Ferry atriOX and lra y maketa wanted. Apply HEAD-

LEY A FARMER CO - HarrlMU.___________Pwiwt'.wR V—Wahl ed. men on table cutlery

(orgerT tripham m er amt S riP "* " ;" '" ..?? .!! non-anlo((; upen Niop; good y W * I iT 'f fpau triinBDfirtatlon I psrtrianent employment. Apply J O ^ WADDELL. Continental Hotel.

fflR i.B -W anted. g ir l , for Ili'J'V paid while laarnln*. te l l MISS M AHllwa,,

0 BE8SM A K ER -FlrM -el*w ^t1b « 4m*>ter wottldItke few engigeinonta by day. a t 21.50. Ad-

dreia B, V - ^ e » t. Nawa oWoe, _______HOlfsEW OBK—Garraan w oman w anta g a w a l

honaeworit; email fam ily : maw offlee. AddreaiP . , Boi__47. _ofll(».___ _________________H O U BEW O RK -airla w lih poaltlon a t gaiieral

hoiaTwotk. 51 Sooth o r a n i e ava., employ- m#nt offlo*. Tell 851Ta. . _xTfiriftBwoRlC-—41iri want# t# do general “ h r a r w h * ^ ca ll 200 o n tn s e « . , c ity ; nocard#.

nTJiPWATiiHS Dxpt bh law n w a l i ^ i■tcady work' and good pay: a lw leBmero. Th#

w o ^ CO., ‘m High # t._____________________

r r ‘& ™ « t i w :rence _______ __ , —OPERATORS-PlM ii *11105 and r ^ a n i i f o ^

pay: experlent-ed help only. W N. J . « . R.

“ f J i ^ a S T o S ' S l S . a r f U r O T

O FFICE W OIRK-Smart voons weimM w antad to HJrtlit In omce

Bortto* In laundry; good rvferancea required. 986 Tliwimfleld av*.. O l^_ I^ d g v » . _________ _

O F F T c ^ 'w O R k -W a n lr f . * ^ S h ^ a n f ^ p a a k ntflee work; muat write EnglUh a n a .p a a a Pollah. 51 South Orange ave.POLISH ER w anted; flr»t-olaaa on

d ry ; m u .t be able totlon. WARDLiFY. ALLSOPP & RLOEM BKB, Columbia and Ijafay*^tte n*- ____________

LAVt'Tenoe i l . __________ __ __ _

HOUBIBWORK—Two O efman girl* wlah gaa-eral houwworli. 8 Bremen et. _________

HOUSEWORK—Colored woman wlahea g*uera!bouaawork. 08 Craw ford a t . ________

HOUBEW ORK-Garman woman w anta gv iaral houaework. *1 H artford at. _______

LAUNDRESS — F ira t-o lm laundreaa F a “ l !a__.>ile ABar* #n KptngF hOTn*. Xa Aer "i t y '# work ODd to bring hdm«.Mlllfgan Pi-t O y w . ____________ ____________LAUNDRE(»-F'lr*Vsl»**

work. Addr#M loiundr*##. Box 15.oB1c«. _________LA U N D RM 8 wonU day*# work. W m # or call,

27 Tichanor tone* city , i#copd floor. _ L A U N D B ^s“ w « n M w a n t, to go out waNi-

log, ironing- ^8 to n k in #t.

PA PER BOXBB-Biperlenced 'IS "turner-1n# wontad- Apply #v#ry morning.

B. P aper Box Co., 148 Summit #t. _________PURSE l i n k e r s on .liver ^ n g m e ih , a lw

learner., not over 16 y ea r, of age. W E IIE NEGOER BROS.. 55S Habwy H -PRESSEH. eaparlenoed on ahlrtw aiati, B EE R -

MAN * FRANK, 18 lA Wrence at.________ _

i i ^ N ^ R A P w i Bvan led for a f*w houiw In th* aw n in g or

Bgnilay IDIlver typew rlt.rl, by jjfcya'eian. true tlng g irl; atata te rm . P«r hour.Per HeW, Bok 28. N ew , offlee.

l a u n d r e s s w lihe . work by the day. 0 Scott at.

pateraon it .. Orange*

o r ’S i^ . 'S 'o r i * '’GUM CO,. 227 H l»h m.__

" a ^ ^ s r £ ! t ™ ^ < 5! r ^ 'a t ^ " w e . ^ ^ . n n ’^^it . , from H to ft A.

r . - ’ rc7 , " ^ n * l} i lr ^ 'S .k V n re ; ta b rh m S l .TCOHEN, tn i Broad . 1.G I R l i wonted. « w r le n c .( l a t j ^ c h « r k . tn

.'(.per bok (aclory. tVM. G A U rK ft W-Jiv N. ,1, P H. £Ve.__________ _ ______________G IRIJi-W am (M , bright young

Bhuttl«- machine JTj IJL S T2 Uarshnll st.GIRL wanted to work In a «Inih"'or^

b* able to apeak German, at 175 South Or ange ave.


m a a k s r and a iao rtar iu laundry . Bx^ri#no#d.S undry. Bog 61. N .w a olBo e ._____

N URBE-W ^r'km g nurM.ence; 112 for 10 day .. MRS. CONWAY, t w

H um .rdon at,, near Cninton av».NURSE—W anted, comflnement < » •« .

Mrlenoed nurae; te rm , reaaonabla. AddTM* Nurae, BOI 51. N ew . olBee-_________________NDRSBL-Practlcal nuiwe .'"“'Bd ' t k . e n g * ^

m eS u; any line of nuraing. 4» South I6th at.. cIllA---------------------------- ---------------------------N U B SE-EftpetW ir** " ' ™ ‘ * * 'dreaa Nurae, Bolt #5, N ew i h f l l c e . _________



ApplyfjQ w ant*d fo r 1 Multaorry a t

STENOGRAPHER. Apply by le tte r T A LENS * BON. Irv ington, N . J.______


r a LBBWOMEN—W anted, e*perl.n(!ed » Ie* - wemen In bakary *"'• ' » ? ' Mainply, With reference., J . ENGLISH, » » M am

■r, S cat Orange. ____SALIJSWOMAN wanted

fum U hiog.. C. T1>1r*t-cla#a

china, glo##, houi# HHIPMAN, 477 Broad #t.

*tarcli#r wontad-Addraea. ita tln g ekporlencs and aa lary *k-

' r, Box 44. New# ofPot-

WEAVEH8 w anted, eaii mflk* good w ag ^ ..■Ipply I'RATISON CO., Pa#ayiP hat factory.

North Arlington. •


T h i. ^ po’;it'fv ,r/V b7 ' . 4 itrV .' v a i ^ o « 5

" p U m S r e i * K ' -m " " " 7 ‘l* tff 'h T g h Q uality hair tr(Jm F ijtno . a t a ir#in*ndoui Having. Thl* hair i nmRrisi in tn ulcganl vhr##'eirand awltcn##* ta m !hS . “.mg, f* whl?h Jther dealata a lw .y .„ k from s h a m p o o .

To every putvhaaer of one of the*#I will giv* a ft#*:' ticket for on# of my new urocci* s^mpc*u# ,

H air “.^ " " .b tn T i r .n ^ g " , '‘'»T(;rS^- w'^vlng.

wifl CAN SAVE YOU MONEY.Fur# l#od on I *lno paint, tl.Bp la llon : no

b#tt«t « » d * a ' any price: unamel#. ijo ., go -, (ific TCks.. I 1..8'''a ftl.50s •tain*. Acni«i IBc-, «w-t 80c" II. | 1-7f. f ''r fionr# or furnlttire; try w B U h iD i p ilo t rtmovera cl#an# off ready tor D#w oM l.

Aft. C. OETCHiTJfl * CO..

183 m a r k e t BT.

CANVAHSER and collector wanted; ^ time# on new bu#m###; frapW urnmotlun for good

men. Apply to JOHN DORAN.Colonial U fa In#urance Company. 24ft Mam W-. O range ______________C U 5HK-—W anted, ■torernom clerk bjr mami-

favturliig comfwny: prevlou* experience pb- aenMnl: #tal* fully experience peeled. AdOreiii!, Box 7. New* offlee.CTwERK—W anted, clerk for foreman

fac ti^ lbg company: etato •a la ry expected. Addree* Clerk, Box 6. New#Qffll.-*. ----------CUTTEH wanted a t ta .la ta n t: one with B.KUa

.k p erlen c . In ahlrt oultllig preferred. (-I.I.Y- t o n H. s m it h ft CO.. 7« Ora((ge i t . ____ _

W AITER wnnt(Nl for eveninga. inquire tn cafe, DE JlA N N E. l7 O n tr a t a r t ._________

YOUNG "m a n , !5 to 80 y ea r, of age. '** ''ted for position with lorgo manufscKi^rlng con­

cern, lujw rlnlen,tent's ,>mce; >n'>si'bv a iTub ten t lo handle rorreepnndence “nd all detaim of offlee work; esc*Hent oppor xo ly refer races required. .Vildreas Competent. B oi SI.New# olHce, ___ __________________________ _y O U N o 'M X N ^ V a n te d , wide-awake y™ "*

man by a large ,-oriiprallon: salairy ■n"'’'™ '* al s tart, with a future for the ''ight roan brat of references required. ^ r P 'V j’’' age, m arried or single, ekpertence and tailaty ekpecled, P. O. B ..t 2flk, Newark .___ ________ _YOUNG M A N -W nnied, in a real

a young man, about 18 or 16 years of a g ^ must rsMde In the O ranges; a flnd-claas o ^ norlunlly for not- who deatres a perm anent SSaiuSa Ipp ly t" V. W. VOOKHEES, oppo­site Brick C hu i;^ ____ ... _____YOUNG MAN wanted. ab(.ul IS. High S c h ^

education, to Haslet on boohs In factory. Ad­dress 1(1 own handUTltln*, s laltng salary and ref*T*nr*f. Rook*. B<'X 71, ______ _Y O l^G man wioited: only oof.

wha workfd In a butcher #>ioi» and to grj emt unil uke i.rdtin ami d<»Uv*T. DAViu liOLeUANUKR. ftOO Broad._____________ _____YO( >T(.i^MAN- Wanted, a young man,

cm-ed In running autom atic machinery. AU- dTPSi. Blallng Halery, B., Box 41, Newa nfllc*.

dl'lllk' f-ir ming work: *alary Hilvancement. Addrea* File, Box *8.

o f f i c e .____ _____________- __________________fii m a wanted at one# to work on i#wlng ffi#*

ft CO- 252 Maukjl St.g ir l s to’ leara on corset covew; paid while

rr.V r(oe C. SIEVEHINO. 47 H amilton st. _g i r l s wanted. National Pearl Works. Mul­

berry and M urray sts. ____________ialHLS'~w^nUd” T ^ 'T C .'H EP BROS., (M New

J«r*ey Railroad a v e - _____________ _GlBl-S wanted. DOYDEN SHOE CQ.

h o u s e W O RK -W antea ffn 'fam ily of three; no w ashing; the ^gheat

wagea to right p arty ; rouet be honeil, w tlllnr

CtlREHAKEHr-W anteil. Hrol-tilaM coretnaiierfo r bratta foundry. Address JOHN J. LAN-

NING. S » Main st,, Bateraon. h . J._________Addr(«i, giving wag*# wanted.CABINET MAKER wanted.

experlenoe, ’ reference and Cabinet. Box S5. New* office-

r,Td'o'bli;:in;*':n,! oomi e t n S 'between 12 and .1 and after 7 In th# evening, 65 Lientux ave,, Eaat Orange

h o u s e w o r k .Competent young woman. b « '';

eral hou-sework. Call a t once, with rK r^ncea . 160 Linden ave.. Bloonideld; 225 per m ontb._

ilOUBEWORK -tllrl tnr general , b o u ^ o * ' ' ';one wiBliIng a |Mell6)n th ^ Iddrlao

Imnte; witli gi»'d wages and steady. Addreao Girl, Uok 2. News offlee.


pected. ^(rtcAeU_________STVRCHER wanted a t once; good c h a n ts for

flret-claae woman. S terling I.aundO ', 5, S andill Perk I t . Orange.__________________________^ W lN G —W anted, a girl who underatanda

aowlng by hand Oh ladlea tailoring. P. SCHW SBT, 3(6 Main al.. Orange.____________


TH E CLARK M I^ -E N D SPOOL COTTONc o m p a n y .


t r i m m e r and dealgiwr w anted, to tu t b# Dractlcal and hav* had #xperl#nce In a ll

b ran o h S of fln* m lUtoerr p a rto rrn iu # ! furn lih b«*t r#t«r«nc##- A ddr«»Millinery. Pox iO, New# offlo#.______TRIMMERS on men’s • t r a w h a t# j f u l l o w n ' l l

work guaranteed. liORNK W illiam #t.. n*ar Broad #t., N#w Toca d ty ^T U C K ^R i^B xpertenced tu ck # «

lo fan ti' wear. L. H. BEST 00 ., Conlrol ave. and SMoed st.

A ^ t o a n fam ily. A ddreai German. Ro* »*.N*w#d'llc*.‘Dr*aHiNfW-To oav# you th# bo th fr of

dav 1# our mlBBlon: th# hou##wlf# of towday km w a ' t h r difflculty of ««ur> hf waaherwomen; It la r igh t hero t W « r t * | t her: w* will take your »ntlTe wa#b. wa#n to batter than you could a t hom#, i t ^ h 4 # d1#c## th a t need itarchlng . r# l^ rn them with the flannela rough d r l^ , and be#t , - i i aj,_ tab le linen, towel#. 4tc .,

» 'JU V ^ n ^ d - r y ^ c ^ ! " m « - T t :'Phone ------■WABKINO—Woman w anta rough dry WBBh-

tng. Call 75 T lcbanor at._________ ________WASHING w antad to take home. Addreai 28

P le n a at., c i t y . ____________________WASHING and Ironing w anted a t home. 85

Shefflald at-W A S H IN G -B m sh dry w aih to take home. 18

E##ei #t.________ -WOMAN wish## w oihtng or houeework. WH

Summit pi.

OIjrHM^JU^E attendant: *1»0 w aiter; alto por­te r: ul#0 l>#llboy for hotel; also pantry man.

32 CSiilar rtt _____________ ___________ __________CARPTCNTHRS wanted. Apply forin#f

KKlGENliPAN ot>lt#ge. MDJburn, ^c o o k —Man tor cooking and hounnwork; refer-

aticcB. 217 Mt. Pl*a#fttu #v*- _________ _^ O K —Order cook wanted; man; white. -Wi

Broad #t. _____ _________ _

YOU NO MAN wanted for c?iSfYtf ‘must furnish i-pferenuea. Apply P- LfcaWt. n -

ZINEH a CT)., 7«2 Proad #t. ______ JYOI N O ^ A N -W a n te d , a young man of 1ft.

experience! Ht cake haklng- Inquire 179 Eilmet.. corner Je ffe rB o n ._____________ __________YOUNG MAN, 18 nr 16. wanlei), AmerRan, to

toarn new btiehips#- Apply afte r 9 A. M-.aSl McWhgrti-r s t . ________ ______________ ___YOrN G M-VN wanted to aBsIst In nffice; must

he accurate In figures. Addrex# Home. Box 6. News office

uorqK W O R K Including washing and Ironing; white ^ r t

honu? night#; wanted M arch 1. 20 North WthIt.. B*con^_ffoor . __________________________Ht)TBEWOHK--An Sntelllxent girl for

ero,l hlusew orh; two R ^ !home for the right girl. Call 5-T P. M-. Doc tor,_2dfl H igh Bt.H O riliw O R K -'T o u n g girl or

w(.man tor light toutowork; * f *2home; iru** BP*#k Gftrman- » » Laiayeto*at., second fla t

W OM AN-W ell aducatad woman.own reeeourcea ncede a m an • jP Jjm e

and la w illing to work bard under In ttroc- tUina 5 hituni dally, can eecure [ w r w e u t ^ a l - tlon with proaPV'tiYe advancem ent, *"the right woman. Call tO to 18 Thuw oay. JAB. CORCORAN. 884 Broad eL, room 505.ifoM A N -A ~ w ell edui^fed,

an for poaltlon requiring ta c t and one willing to work. A ddreta E .. Boa 45, New# offlc*.

D E L 1VYJRT-M*n fof delivery wagon; perma­nent employment; good oalary; excellent op-

portiinlty for advancement. Addr*|». wlin full particular*. Poultton. Box 1, New# offio^_____


M anicuring, fau* and #®alp maisage. #natn- puoing aud Uairdreaalug. doat by expert aUend-


DH. MANDBVILLE.HoeclallBl. STd Hruad #1.. ov^r Child#*. y e ^ # ' experletwe aa a Bp#clall«t on all chronic rHiPua*# of men ftnd woni#n, i-atarrh. nervous d lM a ^ . d l X V o f heart. kldti#y#. etomsch liver or bladder. rhrumatlNtn, urinary and all lung di#ea#e#: hour#, 2 lo 4 I , U.. n to a r. M ■ advice free. Not1a # ^ ’»fflce rloii#il Friday. Saturday and Sunday. Do not tu la 'll nairiBa place and nurn^r^_________________ _______ _


PER IEN C E; UIDDLE'AOBD MEN PRB; FEK RRD : g o o d s a l a r y A N D flT E A m POPITION. APPLY - 4 *A M OR S TO B P. M-, S. HETMAN. 77- 79 MARKET ST.

H(HtflKW^ORK—W'ant*d, an elderly woman to gl"s a helping hand around the houee. In a

good h™ e. VAN R IPER , 5:» Hunterdon at..Newark, N. J. _____ __ _____HOUSEWORk—Experienced girl for “ houaework in .m all 'e th b y : ™“*t plain cooking; g<n)d wagea. 26 Carnegie ave.. K u l O r a n g e . ____________________ _ _ _

WOMEN (eaperlaoced) a t hand and .n ^ b l n eWMk on laillea' <>■>« J l S I titeady work. VAN OPIDBN CO., 814 M arte t

■t.. Newark, N. J. ________ _, raame.awH-. -. — . M#rt#llOt4l, COUtl'paimii"wallreit-cha«nbeima^^^^ H unt

W A IT R B SS-W antid , an

ioneJ reference required- ave.. S eat OrangeW A nRM S-CItA M BBRM A lD 'w m ted Id p « -

vate fam ily; nm*t b*ref«renoe#; wagee t l 8. Call ML Pro#P#et

YOl’NQ MAN—W’H.ntPd. a w liable young man ar UaHlmor# Dairy Lunch, 773 Broad el.

TOt/NG MAN wanted to work about ealoon find be ggnerally 145 Mulberry *1

______ U uU 3RW'OFlK-Wan**d. anu man g fn m 1 _ h()U6ework In ^

( :u T M B s i 'l o H N ‘ l eV b R. "iSS^ W aahlngton

H E L P W A R T E D -W O M B N .

H O l'SEW O RK -Poilsh, H ungarian or <l*rmim girl for general houaework; fltie pay If re­

liable. Aak for MRS. MARSHALL, 221 Broad

IlCO RISWARD(or a m an we fait to euce. aitd no pay tl 1 cured la our offer for nervoua dlecaece a '" ' ab urinary trouble, and all ill5e(iw» of men. ASA Medical Inetttu le (20 y ea r. In one plai;e>. lb* flrnlik" at. (1 block above W gb eU , Newark. lloutS » to 10 A. M„ 1-8 and 6-8 P. M.. Bun- day. I to 2 P. M- . _____

yforte Rci t e i t o d to I W i M r uw r i F t tru a ry t&. a t 2 P. M., from her Ihii> roMdanoe* 9ft Hudw^ll av#nue, M anhattan PurK la term ao t In Woodland CemeTiTy at cvftiVfh Icne# of famlJ}%

ZBBK—On February IS, 1907, Thoma* E , bektred huabond of Mary C-. Xe#k. Funeral ttrvlo## will b# held at hie lute hoinr, 1177 Mul berry etreet, on Frldny morning. K«i>ru*ry U>. a t 11 o'clock. Reletive# and fri#nd£. al*4> gitiober# of Suoaex l^odge, Anctfint ord#r nf V oA roen, i r e kindly in^i(.ed. lnu<riTumt at yWrfleide N. J., a t the family'# cunvNolen*;#.

M OH TU ^f HIWD.IftOLAN—A Month’s Mind Mas# of Itequleru

WtU oflwetl for the repoa# of the «‘>ul nf th# lAto JajfTei Dolan, a t St, Coltmiba'B Churrh. ^ Thuriday. F *bniarr 14. Rf,r7. hi » A M. S p ^ lv e i and friend* are kindly invIUft l#..

IN N IV E H S A E Y MAS8.LONQ—An A nnlvem rr Mbab nf it#qulem

IgiU b« mug ai 8t. Joeeplk’n r'huroh for (h# re- wdo# Of the OQUl nf thv late Paraii El Umg '<B## .8l#1e)a on .TJluredky morning, F^hruury

H#lathe« ami friend*

COflQROVF/B DETECTIVE AUENCY- A »*rv vice for banker#, lawyer#, crtr^ratlone and

Individual#* lnv<»#ilgato* hU matter* fljlf< llnB banking, legal. cKimmernial and persontil Inier- e#t# of either a olvl! or crimln#!•Phone 4977 N ew ark, night telephone epOL. RrMoti"lyrfwk. ' 7nT-Thft_ftrt^d n .

^ s u p E n F i a r o i i a H A iii.

War(# Mtiletj #n>l B irthm arks removed forever by elecirlcUy; 21 .vearn* experience.

MME WKHTERVRLT SOMMEJt,213 Washington *1-

NEW ARK HoiTj'Jopathtc Pharm acy. E*t. o ^ r 36 \ r * , , fine line of homeopathic romedlc#,

end Ihe only original Cm. Reeve* • clflcx, 073 Dtoftd et.. Room tft. over Cnilfl*^-MIDW IFE-I^dl## wlehlng ftrl''*

board, tnnlher'# care. LLDWTG, fliJI Idtn avrt.. l-.i-lwe«n Iftih and 2iHh et#: lake diHlng- fleld #ve or Plank road, via KHh at#.. c#r._THE well'knnnn cirlginnl N. J- Honief'nathlc

Pharmni-y. hendquart^Ts for Dr. R,e«vee a im ­proved Sreolflc Rejitodlea. bHII at 20 Academy #L t>R?~*” MKsVKARCH: ladles wLshlng jirlvuie

nureing, mother'* <'are. forty year# eitperl- rrice, odilrras IhW Eftflt 72d Bt ,i New York.TAiLDR-MADE £«l‘ITrt mfirle from *10 np-rtr.-L

rla#* filler; workman-^htp gunrantee'i, Jt WiyRfi. to4 Hftlrtt*?’ *L. We»t Park.SUP^RFI-timiB halr. ''wttrta7 «t^<„ V

Chlrooody.' nOt'.: mahlcyrlng. DR- -MART flTlCKLK. 0 Wi-eT Park Bt. _____________

GERMAN MIDWIFE OraduHl*'; IndlPB boarded.

MRS. Kv PTTTT.R. ion Chadwiek ave-____'n*PE W IinT N O --i opylng done at home, .^d-

drea# Tv[>ewrmn>f, Box 43. News office.

M A c ia i irK R I f ^ a fA LEft "8KCUND-UAND MACHINERY.


EverytkUig ueetui in • factory alway# In stock, at b#1f the price of new good#. NEWARK SECOND h a n d MACHINERY CO..

ft8 Chestnut #L Thon# 8081.

DKIVKMl—Flr#t'Ola*B man wanted laundry wagon and va.tivan#; on# living in

vicinity £>f t^rangee or Bloomffeld to^ferred. mu»i hav# flret-clas# reference*, none oiher need apply. 9SH Bloomfield ave., Olen Ridge^iTr IVEJI—P ermanent po*litf>n, w ith regular

hi.ura and good pay. oftetod lliible man, able to do heavy work. MbLKJCKFoundry Co., Clay at._______ ___________im iV E f t—Wanted, flral-elaia driver, t

ounlnted with Bloomfleld; reference*. Apply PCHEUBR * BRO.. Bloomfie l d . ________ _DKlVER—A tober and steady young man

raerm an) a* # driver. FLEG EN H EIU EHPROS.. 100 M arket # i , _____________ _mtiVERB*-Tcam and iingle coal wagon driver*

wanted. Apply PRICE DRAYINO CO.. HORoievllle ave. ^ _____ _________D K lV EH —M:in Wanted B* driver; experienced

lu griwrery Mne. Inquire P- NfSBALM .Bprlugflehl Bve. ____ _____DRIVER--SVanied, while mfn tor driving and

rtab l# work. Call I** N i n h . Walnut at..E a s t^ O r f tn g e ^ _ " ______ — _________ —DRrVieR wanted for linjiven- wagon. RR'K-

ENBACHER * TAYLOR ' ’i 4S rllnton


APPLY UBRKOWITZ,CITY ._____ ______b7)Y - Bright young boy wanted to learn

butcher huskneBs and usBlst in Hiore. Apply after 7 o’clock. LOUIS U ‘’gVEN. IH Sayre_#tBOOKBINDBRY—Otrla wanted in fold: experi­

enced. BAKER CO., 361 Marlcot #i-______BtV>K-KRKPl’HS to take ePf trial balance.

Aiiply J’. U. Box 62,

HOUSBlWOflK-Wanted. thoroughly glcl for housework; no w’aahlng or Ironing,

iipj. MARKET 8T.. gi„>d wages. 81 W arrington pL. East Orange.HO U S EK B EPE>R“ W a tl ted, middle-aged

W AITRESS wonieff; on# to do w aiting M d Ojp- s ta in wvrk. 6i Lipcolo —

VOTING WOMAN deeire# poaltlon In a r t em- ^ b S S e r y A d d iS - A. B.. 182 EUxobelb »vf-

’‘’■ " T R M O U J r r S u B H S s B ^ ^ W i o n t SS83J . 18* M arket at.

d * s iI a% ! S ' ' ” » " V p ' ? ? i « m E s .

Dl#c#‘ tw#H itocked; not much money- a r m o u r . 1® M arket___f u RNIBHBD-HOOM HOUSE; near S nyd^*: ^ y J a m S S iM ; rent only M J: Al c e n ta l lo c ^ tion: well worth the money. aRMOUK, iw Market. ____

chlSoa fuv “ oirntown bKatlon; prtae mada right A RM W H , IS* M arkat.4T.T>rtfYiriiv • sotabHehed corner; here 1i a flrit-

a n ^dn lrob le propoftltlon. A RMOUR, ISS s ia ra ti. (unoPBRY- ooroar: hlftb-clftaa nalffhborho(^,

tubllahad; a,b(Mit 21.400 naMaaary. ARMOUR. 188 Marttat. ____HTAtlONERY, c(Mif([(!tloinry alora and th ij*® T q ™ :fh » r U r i . mplaa# to r couple; bar»»In. ARUOUB, i mMarket. _____WANTED—F atah partlcu lara of 5®od Pva^fJ:

t l o n a ^ b i v a to M il; nothing to P»v aala la eomplatad. ARMOUR. 1& Market.

H g L P ^ W A N T E P - M N ^ i J ^ ^ ^C O L O R E R '^ T r d f ^ w ^ C

allton fo r axperlanoad paraon. A ddreaa i . , Boa 17. N ana oBlca-COOK w antad In raatauran t; alao a wofoah to

do laundry. Plan# *t. • _.FTTO^PRESS hand# wanted. 62 Union #L


h o m e w o r k .


WORK TO e x p e r i e n c e d SEAMERS TO




'"uoman" to heap houaa; a good home and « a - aonabK- pay. Addreae U , lloa 8. Newa offlee.H GUSEKKIIPER-A aettlad woman aa working

h((uB(!koeiJer In a amall t a n i j l y :^ o d wagaa nn waahlng. 44 William at., Eaat Orange.H C K Isiw O R K -W anled . a strong houaalW k-

Kf- good cook and taundrese: must furciflnre fersnea. 868 William #t,, E a e ^ r f l y r ____H orH B W O R K -tllrJ wanted for general houie-

work: plain cooking; w ith or without wa*h- ing. M South Cliuton *t.,HOUSEWORK—Neat girl or woman to r gen­

eral houeework, fam ily cf adult#: l»o wa#n- ing: must aleep home. Iftft Bread e t . ______h o u s e w o r k ^ rl iw hltel for hounework In

Bmall tom lly; no cooking; or young girl to aaelHt with houaework. 14P Bank #i. _________.KOl^SEWORK — WBiited, G erm ag-A m erl^n

girt for general houtework: good wage*. 871 South Eleventh bL. »econd floof.


m R ITS COMUraAlNT DEPART MEN'T A HETO SIMl-LAH ^S IT T O N S in PROOFlEPHlVE DE- PAKTSIS.NT s t o r e s PIXE’F B R IlB p . TO .V WOMAN CAPADLiE, a GOOD BALARY IH OFFFRED a p p l y BETPORE 10, 8UPKR- rbmTNn^T: — *— ---------------------- i:

D R lV feP—Plirk driver, with reference. 381 W**tfi#td av#t. I>*ri-alne. N. X _________ _

DRTrOfl—W auled. Junhir clork, with 3 or 4 yeanT i^x iirtsriw . m'HSTF.IN 'S Pharmacy.

16ih ave. and Tth #1. ____________DRITQ CLERK—Waniert, regipiered drug cl® ^:

abort nour*: good i-nlary. Drug#, Box •«. Nflwa offle*.DJHMWABHBR wanted,

t,, Harrlunn.7fW North Fourth

f a r m h a n d wanted, •x^wrlencc In poultry marketing, knowledge of toll work also nece«-

#ary; m an who knows how to bundle tool* I'fc- 'ferred; s ta te iClary wanted by month; home. Addre*# Homo. Btix 22, Newe offtcc- .

V'OREMAN wanted for light japan work: f' ne having had experience In hHndlIng help; muet

be Induitrlnu#. steady ami sober; perleoce. a«e and wage* expected. AddretuiJapan, Box 2. New# office.____ . .FINISHBr” WnaHfl, a ‘b™ufhlJtAKMri«K

llnlllhgr on ftPf g,)1d r™ * '0 . APgY Y™>AE' SIDE ft BLANK, tr ly an5 l a fg y t t ta f l4.




P R EFER R ED ; UfKlD v * RVp e r m a n e n t POSITION.T r'TTP'R s t a t i n g PBBV I01.*8 LMPlXiY- M B ? A S m E 5 , IWX 40, NEW S O FFICE.

OHGANIZBRS-M en »n5 w onijn M to P h tr o(ganlgfr« for f ra u rn s l bMieftcUiT ■ooifttp,

p » l ‘ng d l» b llu y ana aeuth boneSt* ^ c l ftm - dena , ovori 5v* v«kra, 212 8ch«u«r building, 738 Broftd. _____________ __________SIN G ER S-V oluntem •Ingert. A '™

tenore &nd b u m (or E » il» r e g n ta ti . A d d rru B. OADMUB, 37 D Ickm on i t . ulty-_________ _

^^^^B W P L O T W B JW ^

a c c o u n t a n t ( r w r t j ; *>«);•balM ced. dlM ntanglM ; ftOdlt,. “ tvMtig^l^onj, ■yautni, tri«l bsIsniiM, ttn sw la lpurtnerBhIp uttM tnenta. A d d ro u Qunllflrd, PostolIlCf B nl 486.___________

a d v e r t i s e t o u r "W A N TS" «nd your bu ilsH a to U » cl»*»lft«l colum n, __ot th ,

w ortOne 1n##ifO0B ' j 'U i ” * ^ oer wordTwo #r three day#.......................... PJJ

l c " y V ^ % r d l w : : ; ; : ; : ; ; : : : : ; : : ^ : « S i ,

1" F H EIE ZM TO N 0 . ' '7»^ s t .

(u liu t InvM tlntJoiBox 17. N ew , oftlee.Bo, _____________AUTOM OBILES-AI mecluoflo end ulBeman

m i ld like tT i in i i r o t w ith cern; would In v u tday, , Automobile, Box 40, N ew , ofttc*-A l i klnde of tnenSiejidlee. houeho ld g < ^ ‘ ,

cootente of eloree, hou eu and t**!.!-' lo r oerti; coneult 0, before eelllng.Trading CMnpany. 85 Aijademy at. Tel. tf a jJ .

a c c o u n t a n t , expert, to open. ClM# and aud it book#- Addre## Regoonable. Box Ai.

New# offlee. ___________BOOK-KBBPBJR-Toung roan deMrm

a , book-keeper a , a u la ta n t ; good penfflM , experienced; beat roference.* A d d reu Reliable. Bo i 18, Newe offlee.BARTENDER; twelve years experlenM i good

city am) Bhore toferenow : coun try toed.W SMITH, BOI Colonlel Bldg., Reeding. Pa.

HCHIBEWORK-General houaework; n u t , ca- pebie, agreeable helper warned. 220. SB

Early et., Morrletown, N. J._________M OnSBW ORK-Strong g irl WMted to r g« « » 2

housework. At FIED LER S- 171 Lftlleton avenue, com er of I8ih gv*-H O rsEW O BK —Wanted, young g ir l 14 to H*

years, for light tiouMWork In family of two. MRB ELLIS, 41 F ark _______

UOOK8 *22 to | 8fi; cook‘Uundre##es. IW- W2«

worker# 118 to *id: white nnrt polorad h^P wanted for l(«l iltuathiiis In ange», Co-op#ratlve Kmployinent Bureau. 7«o Broad #t.. room 508. _______ .

HOURHm'ORK-Competent girl,W'Tk: wage* reference#. h MERSON, fis

Gtev*^iand y . . Orange. -----HOI SEIWORK-Colered g irl wAnt.fl to Malst

with housework. Inquire MRS. CONBTAM,2WI Hunterdon st. ___ . __ _HOtJPBWOHK—W oman or girl wjmted for

general hou##work; plain family. 604 K earny av#., Arlington. 'HOUSEWORK— Vomon to owiftt w ith hw ##'

work: no cooking n r wooblng; eleep home- 162 Plane «l. „

CABHi'ER-Toung W«n ()f 2«#moke. chew or drink.

•aehler or awilBtaiil b o « -k # # P jr,.np*. AitdrMi Roferenc#. Box 84, Now# oflBc^

COACHMAN. #lngl#. ScoMh. ^^^ulra* « l t« ^In prlvktfl fam ily;

double; experienced In g x r tw ln g . g o ^ ence#. Apply coachman, 10 W arren pl.i Mont­clair.

bought for caeh; quick » n ^ . fapcnilble end rtllah lc . VAN P O ^ A K ^ 4 2South Orange ay e ,; opyneven lnga, p4ione 2071.a n y kind of houeebold goods from touaea M d *llate . elorse. stocks and m crcbsndlsa bought fo" cash e t F. SIMON'S. 73 Academy et. S«*d poetol or call. Tel.SAKBBiT for #al%: flr#i-cla«s place; no rea^ n -

able offar refused. Apply 442 High # t . ; other builnea#; no agent.

cigar, tobacco M d notion atom fo r sale. Apply 451 BJocmfleld ave.,

B|6onaft#ld. ______ • ____..DRUG BTO RBS-Bsal b u y m 'who j i a h to

hnv Bpod paying buslne####. New York, B fflk lraN « w T ^ # r# « r, a t dUtnrent price*. In-

Now To*ke


i ™ Sa L b —Moat m arket and grocery ^ i # combined: dwng gftw:' cash btielnee#:

l y S S w L will cheap If » l d fttonoe. r « - _^lak—, Il1w.aa.u fniTisIMe .T#b. BOC 3S.

HOUP®WORK— wanted to r houtewoiK or one to asilxt. 15ft Monmouth #t., near C lin­

ton ave. _HOUSEWORK—Wonted, girl general hou##'

............. ......... ''"TEll ■wnrk; email family ham pl.


Slai#). on Ttiuredd^ 14. 1W7. a t 8 o'dlook Of# Inviteda

h a r d e n ® wanted for a P W ^te place, muai h«v* ivtorence, « P * r l « o « In thi*

kind of work. AddrewB B. fl. B., B0X 5H. Newsoffice.___________ ______ ____ __HORSHBHOER-Bxporlenced m an to iho®

horse* and eharpen pick#;K. PETER, Igak# V’lew pM w, \# ro n a . N. J.JE\V EU flR wanted; flrat-ctaii pattern maker.

10 go to Pn.ivSd#nce; good ia la ry and steady position. Apply TL’RTOTf JEW ELERfl wanted; all-around good men

8CRLBCKBBR A WWAND, 25-27 Ciun- ftfld *1- * ______________________

COOK and w altrtM t=r experlon^d nam ed for g#n#ral hnu#eworkij #thal! fam ily .

no w aahtek Im R ayrocnd e ve,. jo y iL g ] ? h 8fe COOK-W anted. oepAblo oook

uhtto. for em»ll family. Aimly 51J o r

H O U Saw oRK —A young g irt wanted to aeeisi with houeework, 258 P erk ave., B ait Orange.

COACHMAN, eingle. 28 poaltlon; good driver, ehigle o r doiA le, ■*-

perleociid In gerdening: good ^ e r m M . . pls-coachm an. 10 WirEgg -.COACHMAN wlehM a ltu l^ o n w ith priTSte

fam ily; thoroughlyrleges. hor###. hame##r lawn, ihrub#, Addre*# Box 4g, A llenbum , N. J . ^COACHMAM-Fully com petent tj '

good driver; aleo understand# reference#. Addr##i B. T*. Box 10, New* offldr--------------- -------(N3ACHMAN, ■ itb r 'I 'S .';” -^!'® ’' i n ™ ?poamon; 25 ysare ' refsrence. J- P- m i n » U S63 Baldwin ave.. J sriey Clly._________________

n n (or selling, llln(»e.News offlee.

H,, Bog 77, News offlee. ,GOOD IN VESTBgiN T: to y

and Ffnifid* CompanF slock: w y e eight pe r. cent. ISB -m M arket I*. __________q r o c h u t a t o m itw

inquire 44 J ohn e t., Sellsivllla.______ . •(im ocB ItT a W R E fo r sale, 585 Waverty.ftTe.

c o a c h m a n or butler wlahea position. 545North 9lh It.

H OU SBKEEPBH-W urklng bouiekoepm. Call Tuesday. H5 Hawthorne gve., East Orange.

HOt^RBWORK-A young glfl fw jjg h thouwwork; nleep nfiTnc. 22 Uennlngtoii st.

UOUgEWORK—■Wanted, a fond girl for hopf#- woric; with reference. 78 uaboras t##r*ce.

MAN of good addroii wantei^^ fine po*1ti<-ri extraordinary oppcirtunlly for promotli'ii.

re ildem of West Hudion p toferrtd . Call W ILLIAM JOHNSON. 414 H arrison ave., Har- rloon, Thuroday, H to 10 A. M. _______ _


A iorge circle of frirnda wUl lejirn with dB?i> M r e t of the sudden death of Mr. Percy B. T oua f. of Yoakere. N. Y.. son of the latoS Jor B 'lward R. Young, of Ihi* d ty . Mr

m g wo# well known in Newark, where hi# IlM d and early manhood were pssapd. and

iB McUU, rellglQU# and bualneB# circle* ho wo# tf s o tiy beloved and raipecLed. a tow year* Moc# he removed to Totiker# end wa* In bu#1-

BOILERS, 125 100, dft, 25; ncmtoiual#. LV), eft,18 IS ft: uprlgtato 4lft>hor#e iocumotky# bolter;

e>4g'.ne#'IftO. Wk •«*. 8 : hort*ftnt#l#. 25. S, 5 ; _____ - ____________uprighl#, pump# #11 ^ 7 Clrivion s ir wro- I K>m# experience to work IniircBOor; 10ft-*lfht. d irect cefiBevtou p lant; I MAN •iJ'* * a^., m anufaclurlua ##tab-

MAN—UTiinerrled roan, w ith knowledge of aardenlng. care of ouw anil poultry: al#o to

h# ff#Mr#lly uiefui. t^U afternoon or evening • t 374 Sprlngdala av#., near ArUnglon ave.. B##t O raage. __ ___________ _______________

Huge »t.____________ _«’yt> K -O trl wfcBied aa cook and laiindrt-iw.

ful l Kt once. IW T h ^ < * aL _______ __ _i l io K '^ ^ d J I^ f tn d i^ : ,rvforftncw. dM High tf.(’ix> K lN C i-^lrl w anted to do cooking. exp#rl*

pVrr noTieceaexf^^ Cull 214 aienwt^vl av#..Ebh; f•»ranf# , ______ ___________________—

■■^HrHSID-Wainrfrd. y^ung girt totake ear# of b«by: m ust hav#

ent «• I’a ll a t Klheron ApitrtmenM. Uk>7 BroadM.. tl:U M, l^ tc r ft P ' M._____________C M IL D 'rT iV H S E -W anred . »

u'.mun or youngCtonuHti vr#t#rrr<L fiOfi H arrleon a ;* ,, H arri­son ; baken^. ___ __________ --------------n m s n 'S KURftE-^'Wanted. eiperlefleed girl

V r hHd o r th ree; aleep home ‘f ai.rls U(1W. 88 South CHnlOB e t ., t t e t l QrengriI’ lllLD 'S N U B S E -T oong iiV

men to ai#i#t with children; #l*«P homd, ref- , .r ra q V IM lS S O N , M (TeveHiBd st., Ororge.

HOE’SBWORK--(’f>mpeteBt woman to r hnuso- wiirtt ; nil washing. 2M Brood at.

H OrsPW ’ORK—Girl wanted for houtework. B*8 Broad #1. MR8. HONEYWELL. ______ _

h o u s e w o r k —G irl wanted for general hqoi#e- work, Apply 1S7 N orth 6th *L_______ m.

HOI rsEWORK—G irl wanted for general hou##' work. Apply 65 South Iftth #t>

HOUSEWORK—■Wanted. girt for generalhoueework. HO Orchard #L_____ ________

HOUSEWORK—Girl wanted tp a u ia t tn hou##' werk. 268 W asHIngton «t.

iloU H E W O R K ^ah ted ., a g irl for Ught houie- work. fiS New i t , _ _____

CH AU FFEUR wt#h#» poMtltm dfiv lng Amerl* oan or foreign **' lS?hreferences. A u d rtti GRANT, 580 W i l t 4Tta

■t.. New York. __________CHAUFPSnTR-Competent younff «

vato party p rrierred ; ref#r*ne#e. P rivate. Box 88, New# ofltoe.

tn ; pri- Addre«i

CH A U FFSU B w M le posHloo; ITOT* !«;« N a* experience. Addre## Bxpertaiioe, Box §3,

New# offlee.CH EF—Uan~wuS^# po#Ul5ft M ^h#ff fliw t'^laii. jtT ^ a ro u n d cook. 240 Springfleia wDBAFTBM AN-M eohenlckl

Mgiwr (leslrs* work e l boms tltSS"retlohl ftud piActlcsl- ASdrese Home, Bog 44, N*w# office. ______ '

tM VB«TOBS-Th* Breeee CftrbUfeter Compjby **o( *6 Mein* iU, N ew erk, N. J-. itdOoS of tbo oororoon stook to m jtW e in-

M uS m en t end w o rk li# c ijitto l: i l ro t o T l T S o f f i f S e IbOd b i a s e s t y a w te«B*t be e etookboWeri e e«fe e n l profltebnIn v k fm en t; eetid for proopectue-ICB BOUTB: ebou t S65

b e r n e ie ^ n ^ * * ’d n t i giflhnw*. Bo i 88. New* oipoe.itI m e STOWN B K PO flm O N —H ays h4(M "S l-

Ing ioavenlr ever devfied JejV *®Wiu sell b e lt In te rest; • „t<Ntln» t t* n jjh t la r ty . Address p ow heten. Box 96. M«*» t™°*-JOB PRINTING O m C E . » * « J r ” • * '

b e lt (»el. or « « ! ti»hj ?•htfi# of prpfU. KAX.WfltLl^ PattonlniTg, He

FERSMAN w ant# poaltlon In facto ry or offle# tMtldlng; to used to high o r low waisOr#

Wltota. A ddrart J., W., Box 52, Now# offlo#.jitW B L R T —Stone M iler olid a n g r a w wenW

like to communicate w ith llrma to do work a t lK8Q*, A ddm ii Home, Box 18, N o w oft##.

M iroh vumi'; ell the d y s b o i« <rf u m rosnu ro rtu r^^*** " THOB. A. WEB^R CO , I t W'nrd it . Itohment. ApplY WHARTON * CO. B. 14-

(Tcnuhierc# |t .

o«a# there a t (he tlm# of hi# death. HI* mother, 1^ . Cdwortl R. T o u u , of Bantnac I.,ak». N. T.ft and. hi# brother, Mr. F . Hueseil Young, uf Bgiwnoc Lake, will have the sincere *v;'.,riathy o f I h ^ r ma*'sy frietids hera. fuiKTaf aer-^IM# were h#to a t hl« late residence and in- torrminl In the flunlly plot a t Greenwood, s

price lowl ^ I S HABTUNG & CO., mtr#. of steam

boiler#, tanka. smokeilRCks and heavy ebeet iron work a hpaclalty: boiler r«'pttlr# promptly attended to; new vertical boilers on hand for lmtnedla»« #hlpment, 4U Paw alo ave., Btoet N ew ark: 'phone 2139, Uarrlafni. _________

W'. il. KINGm a c h in e D EPOT; I'UW AND SEOTND-


23-27 Camflold at-, near Rmad and M#rk*l,

TdtAMOee.e'V LO lU ftT S .

e n g i n e —New Ytirh wtfrty vertltasl, lOO-horee- 'i»wer engine; ie» l« rylln .ler; H-((OT lly-

wheel' 6m -e l» ss uondUlun; cost | 2,<I00: sell for 1600 Q. HILDEBRANDT, 48 Csriton ev#., Jeraey City. •_________ _______ _

H. C. n R O B E L L f t BBO„n x m iB T s .

: f S a n ) deilg** s a d emWeros taettfu lly a m ig s d e t short iwlice,

n t BHOftP BT., NKAH MABlUeT 8T.

■ ■ W fc C T O W i IW

..a, «. HBrUALFlB, pehroan, i n llllfb rd ave .; t . eagelutliHU, testlRuau*)* *ii(l (wrltfloatea; legal ■ eMTOiiSd ; (^ adw rttlng.

; ' 'V.. tU B O fO . u io igdu lar,. ■ a m r a v , . ' . . -

-■.f,iF ,a « u := '. 'r s s gf t x e n i i D m m .

KNGINB-1 5 »■ p- horieonla! and steam BuitiD; In good (rondlttim; cheap. THOS. F.

DL'RNIKO. iso Van paren st.

H a r h t n e ' r r Y F a a fa f t.UOrOM DTlVB-TTPE BOILER, 50-bore a power;

iecond-hand, but In g-»d cimditlon: tfflSap to r cash. M IliA H T . '* « fiam lltoo *L, R ah-war- - — ..........- —■ -

Ma n —Wanted, reliable m tn who bss had ek- perlenre tn m eierial eloek department, FISK-

HIB BROS. T O . 100 6hlproen_et.__________ _MEN ITIgh-grnde proposition f(.r m en; ealftrt,

end cortunwsion. rapid advancemeni. Apply 100(0 47, 70 P erk p l , _______________________m a n a g e r - W anted', a mandger h)r a piano

Hl,ir» la Bllsaheth; roust W a good ealeaman, knowledge o t pisnoe not neoeteary: bond re- qulred. Addrel* ftoild, iRoi 5, News offliie.__m a c h in is t —Wanted, ftrst-claas, a ll-a rm rd

machinist; stsaUy work; ro'od 6* ^ *PHU- (n pereon 04 by mall to SHERMAN A CO-, Key port, N. J.

lull's K U B S E -G lrl to roiBd^.ebiid and as- a, U * h t _ h o . ;» ( « r k ^ « ^ _ , i* t ! d ^ ta<»

■ml.s.iutb Orangi. avo. car.

P H H BWOI-QC Y ;M H B W ^^* P B O tC c . LB ROT; helpfal, tstm-

paibetic advice; fu ll read lnga 50c. (.nd ( I ; h w ra 10 to S. 578 Broad at., room 12, same butiaibg ChUdtVe r e e l p r a n t . ^ _______________“ ^ R M N M X X iiK re

Fowler f t Welle Ca., B il. WM.54 Beat 5*d a t,. New York- E aaifim itloin dally.

I invitation*, angravtal c u d * . pl*t* PROFESBOR PRITCHAHD. plftwnOtpgT _^(uidg ift l U U f t w S u i v I tf i *L 1 n thar witaiot*. 511 B n *5 *U aiiatilU ial^,

M At'H lNlVt--AII-an>ro>d nwchlolsl wauled; ra lle iw n to g i. W. PIDET. 487 5th at,, eltyf

O F F ieB 'W O RK-W snted, young woman (or general offlo* work; permanent poelllon to

r ig h t party. Give references and addreai u ,. Box 88, News offlee.

c \ nV ftSSKRS-W othen wanted '"t"™ ;"

^ ro ro m tU 'io r’’ A*jSly ’'HAkB’J i CO., s is Rfood at. ,CU AM BEftilA nM . ccoki. w o ltr e ^ * . nur##A

laundre####: ®ft whU# ot»d c o T o ^ hoUi#»woilier#. 0*11 ■to-morri^k TB C#nli* at.. Orange.f ^ A M A TP wonted, com petent ;^ref#p-

10 J r o f tp w t #t . ,^K*a( Qront#.DEMO^YTIATORB—W anted. 'Wftmen

s tra to f i; talh^P*- d.|>tjly ThuM-day rnorntog* 0 A- M-. I** Academy #t.

H DUaEW ORK-OIrl fo r g w ara l htfUMWork. Mff ftoaBvnSe ave, .

HOUSEMAID: no w aahlng; two in fam ily: good wage#: exceptional good room: only

thoie .w anting a ‘ iiJoa and #i#ady place ij#ed apply. dW Central av#., Ea#t Orange, op- kUlr#. _____ _HELR—W anted, 20 girl*, cooke, cHamb#rt&#lda,

waltreeee# and, houtewofker#; g|M>d. wmree; white and qftlored; clly. or coum tY .' » k 8- BARTON. 156 H igh #1. _______________H ELP—l^wsrlenced Oerman andE ngltob girl*

to r generw hfiuwworh; al#o good coohi. m R 8. BOliOMONs wnploymeftt offlee, 42 Jon## #l4 ^i?AHD~8T®lI-MAKBR wanted on IJiSande*-

eent lamp# (minlat'ore). Th# W G ^B U R T Lamp Co., 49 HiinlUoft et.. cUy.

llA tf (oclor#d) wont# w«fk; undwwtitbda «(- hor###: good d riv en ateody a n a foh«r,

Oa!1 week. 5W N orth F ifth ^ -_______M A If w ith talent fo r d r t i r l^ ^ W fn

model for met«l br*nch. Add N eira office.MAN

I a ., 9 ox I

for sale ehew - A jw ^ f e » • » » T. PSt-K , l i t BI#eok«r if . . N # » * » . J j ________ • ,

T X j a l;T BOCWB:, 78* Broadsight yeeia:

value of itoek . HUB, i t 'g r o c iiR T and candy •to res ow asr t t j r * * l t t t ' " S w » * l l *tooked; «hs»p nm ts nrlo* »«hc

b o o t h . 784 B ni*d *fc

■wfawromr. G*u*r*I o f d |T Food* * t* ^ !■_______________________ ___________ LS S S u A S o r ^ o u n t n r to’w n; readhoiwh[AN wishes iltu*’iloB »* d river, t* ab l* a* a * r i a,. ™ . w ith o r w ithout 2>ro*«dy,'J>j ^ . ^ O U N G . 47 H ecksr at. , ----------------------------------- — X aa iii. ro u se . ^ i ^ . o s w e r

DRESSMAKBB. itnurtJVer and apprcntlc!w a n tr t on doe drw am iktng and ladles tallor-

Inr OliAASREN'a, iff K tleon pl.!R; eiperlenoed eroman: steady he Barrington. 51.53 Halsey at.DISMWA’

poetUoni _______ _ _______DISHW vuEBSb wanted a t Alvord. 18 South

CUnton a t . Bast Oraogfc


PAINTERS wantad, v i t n M h n i b b e ^ r t t iP j r tand flniahef*. *•>!>>'

o a , IM -W a v a , l l * # ^ '




O lR !i wanfed, JWt undrr 16, a t th# Free pub**He Llbrofy: Whdery. »» to at« rt. _____^

a iR l,r-B rig h l ftol in cloihing o0 k o tn make henwic i»Hute W Richmond eL.,_________ '

018LS tor w iring *hd ocretoh brtithlng. 7. K.QgBCRN U P.. H#rrt#on. _

HEHSTjTCHl*R^E»P*rlenc<d girl ofl lawn waiet*; biff p#y: ateady work.: no leam«r#.

F Cu.i 216 Hign at.The WOIF 216 HighH A in D H t^ sa it Itod manJourtot wanted; flr«w

clRi# n a t io n . Call or ad«^ i# . P E R C E iX ft, 677 Broad #L * - -

LAUNDRY-airl wanted to aa#tol In toiAlag and Bortlsg room: muit be hright. wUlifig

and active and food handler; chance for #d- vancctnent. Sterling Laundry, 8, 6 and WP#r^ Bt., 0/anff#a • _______ '

8prlflirflg|d av » . ___________________'rbotMAKEB, 6ral-claaa Wtobiw

jewalry a epeotoltyi- A®'S*d**' c**N«W* office.

Watohmarti(N -Q trm an w irtrt* p® *iti« «

Addreae 6y B oa 41. Nawft offla*-

YOUNG HAN (24), th o p w it i^ , 15gwieral offlo* work. ai|4 n j e ^ 5SS{im ?

stenographystenography Adiiceia. lUtUig 4, Newa offlee,YOUNG MAN 02), know la

deairea poaltton e* ahV olertoal poitUif*, A ddrr- Nswe offlee.,

New# offlM.

CfttteitllDff.« r any

H U ii ,

YOUNG Id fN w*«kind; m ild* worti presarree.

Bo* 24. M«W» OdIOMtr

w an ts wortf of-»"Y ftddre** 8««d*,

l a u n d r e s s —Goo# laondeeei for Tueedaya Apply IH Prewpert te rraoe, Ba i t Orange.

M E iu iN ^ Y -M a k tra Mid approver*. w a n « fa r the raillinery wagknpro. App4» L I8B-

NEB'S. 5tB-«65 Hroad i t . , between 10 «od11 A. M .____ ■ . ______MTLldNBHY-Preperers. R n p ^ " "I®,]*!™'

r ts wiiiied. SEAMAN'S, 408 SprtngSeM ave.

m a r k e r wanted a t one* to m ark tn and Mirt ahlrta and fam ily work; goot .I"***, • ? “

home, sterling. Laundiy. 6. f and 1# P ark I t . orange.

e m p L o v a i l i n ' w

Bax M, KeWiO O d t-’ Wwttan

cook; private «Mh It. __ .

LtuaHd-m gq fffrtHd*#*bckrIl

"MunjfciC O O K -P lra ljla - d T f f lL Y nat.

iJanoaltlmi 1* gn*nUito#d I f f Ute pifiponti*! of

Ktihw offlo*. .

p a r t k M ^ t 0 tek# li» lf fflo®*

; Hi, News odte*.d P S T lf ti . MACfHlKBRT, e g p a r t m ^ l w ort.IntarolauigeaM a wMohin*

J l^ 'iS S S S S ^ "n-lSTre » * I « | a v a . , :

4lw boor.

villa,0MALI.I tWKdillte " S S l S r ^or #m cI*H.^ ■ Yo* td**4wk*l'®2ae Add##*# Be,xtok I T m # ^ . ■ -» - ......

■fwie'offlglnrt TO *>» ** » Cough Ciar*, aa ao- ^ U S r t r t n f t j , » W « w aaorlltarti Man# InveMlgatton,. " * _ * * ? * .• ,* '. . -a — !------------ -■iia.^.f pww

E T O M A a B .

t tS a H is o T O N fPQRAGB. CO,. S T i-W V ftah.

S s a f e r ? ' s s « i S * . ’


N E W A B K E V E N I N G N E W S . W E D N E S D A T , F E B R U A E Y 1 3 . 1 9 0 T .

r o B l A u e .ALL PtiO K O Q IU PH e,

VICTOR, »D180N. COLVBBIA,$10 TO 1)00.

WO e x t r a CHARQE f o r e a s t TERK 0.ALL TH E LATEST HECOBJ>t IN STOCK.


*9i‘t RUe, h.V APRIKOFIBI^D AVB. OP&N BVBNINOB.A LL ktMto of plum blnr matorlal, l a t i a »lock

of roll rim bathtubs, allchtly 4«fectlvo In shipping: onamol lavatori^B, clooet bowta, h lrh UM lo ir p a tu m j kltchon ran fr* . boUrm, « l*w

8ttd w a in tn y a »t low prlcoi to roduoo kjoA . I. B. LEONARD, 14 Lomb«Ajr ot. T«l. 5tBL.

C ^ t t OYealttfa.A LL lUMIo of i« c o n d -^ d bu lld lig m a w ik M o r

• jS lj Mwh. ioori, homlock anU b o ig «BOO p|«c*a 8x12 Bpnior plank, M to U m l . ^ U < ^ g a bcu th t and rrmovrd. A. ROWS, l id M ain «v* eoreor Hollywood ava., E aal O rani*. W. jf.; ^pboft* tJW J. __ ____________

M B t A U L

A LL kind! of taUclur machlnaa i P ab n ia ra raoorda. Bdiaon and VI

raady. M anhatun Fbonofraph Co., .

on oredlt, Victor, now

________________ _ _ Broad andM arictl a la ., opan __________________ALTERATION BALS--100 PHONOGRAPHS

AND 6.<IOO RBCORDB AT LESS THAN H A L F PR IC E: PHONOGRAPHS BOLD AT $1 DOWN AND QOC. WEEKLY. D. REINHORN. B1 j^ R IN G F lE L D AVB.________________ _AtTTOMATic rttenBlon laddrry and polar*

land L addar Co., IW O ratna M * B B .A N W IH G for aala; IS feet lon«: In aood con*

ditioD. 361 Norfolk st.BABT CARRIAGES.


m WASHINGTON BT,B atna tha ia riM t manufaccurera and ratailara ' ‘ baby c a irla ta t, toyx, eto.. In Newartay , wa a r t In an eaoellent poaUlon to do---------------- -------------------- ■ . S uJf fo -carta ,

artay , warap a tilB f of a» klndi u i it ehould ba donaBlBDB—Juat raoelvad, extra Ana lot of elav-

- ...................................................r. braad-era; money rafunded If uneatlalactory i t u cagea, our own make, cbaaper th a n el«e- w naral poultry auppJlei; everw hlna to make your bana lay: ecralcb food, lO Iba., 3oc.; l>Jb- aon aeratch Aiod, 10 Ibe., 2 ^ . BUCllEflji'S P ou ltry Supply. 311 M arkat i t .____________BACK BAR, combination buffet, loebox, larp;e

cap ac ity ; oytter broiler, p late warm er for ataaju and lae , K bant wood chalra, formerly 1a uaa a t Jaeoby’a reetaurant. Inquire Victor Companyt ISO N. J . Railroad ave,


bought, told, rbotad. re-oovered. repaired:Bllaa. LUDLOW, faelory roniuved to ISI Mar* k a t at,, > dooft from Broad. L. D. *pliqoa 2 ^ .

COUNTRY PRODUCE.Ronay la tba moat nutritions health foed; Ava

■aunda Baa. absolutely pure, Jeraey bonev, to r 90c., qellverad frae: mqi] poataJ, Oranga M o w ta ln Baa Farm , w eat Orange

A tT B X A T tO ir 'B X 'u jt-N X V AND S s io N D - MANU H A riH 8UL.U CHBAP, PAYABLK

■ I WGGKI.Y. D. R G lN H O aN , « BPRINO- r iB l ,P AVE,BA V lTyM m a iMir u f « u 4 our px leaT W«

•.II, b u or uelunG O . jhiiii. at our M oora- huM l a f n o r . im eU o*ll|r now. A r. tM r ofcuivT WMI. u k to r prloH. B u u oIh . Y * h .v« tk tm trom SOU p o u n d .'to B,omi pousita. C U or w rit,.NGW AHK ■GCONO-HANOUACHlNCItTCO.. ____________M OHGBTNUT BT. ___________B A FB S-O FFIC C AND “ "H O U ffiP BBJT


H « I U n , C A K IU A G G IV K T C .



•20 BROAD ST. AND lV-21 ATLANTIC ST.* __ NEW ARK, N. J.THURSDAY, PEBRUAHY l i , AT 10 A. M. W e will h iva a t auction on Tbureday, Jan -

Ugry H, tHrT, 2T6 hand of a ll the dlffarenl tvpea of homes tha t a ra tn the moat dem and a t thU Vtim e of the y ___

Among the above will be some extra good big d raft h u n ts , w eight frutn 1,600 to l.l&O; Jaraey chunks, business horsee and some excel­lent expreu chunks and several vary fa it trot-

iR S T IlD C rriO K *



Jeraay City



Kaw YoriL

Oranta> Plalnfteldi

fiAFEB, all elaes. for bouse or oIRea; guaran­teed fireproof: lowest priqts: very b « l mada.

I t R. BRANT, Market and Mulberry ata.

Wsitfliswa mmA gwumpp*ev e ry make of sterling allvarwam repaired

unt] resloretl; every' make of sllverpiatad ware repaired and replated, at the established Jewelry house of B'CNJa m in J. MATO. New­ark Arcade. Our silver polish on aaUl 'phone 2a09L._________________________ ____ _________Diamonds, watches on er«dlt; to pay II wa^lyi

cortfldentlsl. Haw Yorker. »>x fo, Nawaufftoa.THREE heavy gold rings, containing 8 J4-

carat diamonds each; will sacrifice for lao. worth |9u. Addma Riitga, Box Bl, Newa of-

T w v w w H Iw n ■ii<l BRVisUwa.Danaxaora, 820; In i Rax, Box Ih, News oOloe.

REMINGTON, 110; Danaxnora, 820; In perfectoonditloo. Addr "

‘OLDEST INMEWarK;" n w f , » iy A S ifg :AKRS IWAIRBD.lOU^.lffiNTEIX w o ^ [^^R iK T K frn . IBA DBAVER BT. TEL, 4410.


MAKES r ’ ---------------G tM _ ______________ _ _______________________TY PEW RITERS bought, aoldB ran ttd . re p a i r^ ,

exchanged; eupptlea for a ll mschlnes. ^ M. JUDD, agent, D ensmorr. T94 Broad. Tel. 8743L

A RriBTIC B10N8. »HOW CARDS. LE T T E R ­ING. h b n -a -TAR, 786 Broad at., oor. M ar­

ket. All t r olleyi paee the door. P hone 6000.CHARLES B. M AlER. INC., t l in s and allow

<?xrds. 96 M arket at.. New ark. N. J._______^ N S and ehow cards fo r every business, esil

for estim stea E . HARTIO. 148 M arket si,

O kl«R«M a*BARRB3T> ROCKS; owing tn leek of room 1

have for nu lrk dleposal twenty pullet*, two rockere li; flnu,-class stock, all laying srand bargain ; first coins, first served- A. L.

CANAR1E6. fem aU a for breeding Relglans, an d breeding cages; collection of wild birds;

Z lefart training machine. Cali evenings, HOW E LL, 86 Ridfsoroocl ave.OGATB—Two long ooate for sals, 34 bust; la-

dlaa* draieas, genie' cloihlng, be . g ltu fs . Addrete Coats. Box t6. Newe office.

RGG6—Barred Plym outh Rocks and single comb Brown Leghorns, R) per lOU. JOHN

D. MBTLAR, ^ g e m e re Farm , New Bruns­wick, N. J-

dlaa* draiees, gents' cloihlng, banju and fur- Addrets Coats, Box *6. '*

CAUEflA&-A26 kodak. 11^^42 Brownies, |1.60;Aatro, Cyko. Argr>, Lumiere Rapid Films.

N ew ark Photo Sup. Co., IM W ashington st.CAMERA—4x6 plate eam rra fo r ta le cheap.

W ashington Storage Co., 2T4 W ashington a tCHB96TNUT, oak, cyi<ress, whitewood and pine

lum ber. Woodstock Co,. Jersey City.

D o r *.BOSTON BTTLL T E R R IE R for sale; a beauty,

Inquire rea r of 98 Main at., or store, Dfi Main at., E S it Orange.6T. BERNARD P U P for sale; alx weeks old.

MR. COLINA, 864 Duke st.. ne*r Schuyler ave.. K earny, _________________


COW for sale. BLYTHE.

Riverside a^‘e. ROBERT

SARGENT'S Gem food chopper free In ex­change for old magaaines, newspapers or

household goods; grinds coffee and chops everything- W rite QUINN A CO-. Bloomfield.



Do l l a r s eamod by saving agents’ profits;a ir ltg b i lamps, gas fixtures, brackets, globes

■nd Inoandaacaot gas lamps; get my estfiuatea on pipings and fixtures; open evenliigs. C. D AVIDSON. 81 Sprjngflrtd _av^e.: tel. 214SL ^DRKB8EB and coals th a t have been outgrown

fo r sale; will fit girl from 14 to 18; also fine w alats cheap. Address E., Box 78. New's offlee-nX 'TU R B B . FURNIttTr ^ ' B U T . SELL

a n d MANUFACTT’RE. EHRENKRANTZ k BARBAN, 7S FERRY BT.; ‘PHONE 8293J.FO R BALE, four pair of homing pigeons, with

500-mlle record; also very fins coop cheap. liO EaCH BROS., 311) W averly ava, __HOT A IR furnace, radiators and pipes for

sale, ootnplete. Can be seen In use a t ^ 6 Becond et., Harrison.HOM ER HENS, well bred, for sale cheap. Call

or w rite J , V. K A Pr. 02 H ouston st.. city.

LOST—A sea] cape, while sleigh riding, from Lake at., Forest Hill, to R iver road, Beile-

vlUe. Tuesday night. February If found return to MRB. JO H N LEVER, 188 W ashing­ton ave ., re^n'a^d.LOST—On Heller parkw ay, between Lake st.

and Ml. Pr^japect ave., or on Mt. Prospect car, on Monday rnomlng, black lynx neck plerc. Rew ard If returned to 786 tAke at.. Forest llilLHDfiT—Y psterdey afternoon, a t diroad and

M arket et*.. silver bag, containing sum of money and gold watch- "rhe finder will be re warded If addressing Stranger, office.LOST—In E ast Orange, n aabte colHo dog, four

months old, on Thursday evening. Jf finder ill re turn alive to 4.t South Arlington a te ..

Baat Orange, a su itab le reward wUl be given,LOB'T—Pucka ge.

I Beams for building purposes.Canvas covers for masops' trucks, etc.

WALBH'fl SONS A CO..280 W ashington st. 20fi Passaic st.

I n c u b a t o r and brooders for sale. QARRJ- BOK, 107 Sylvan ave., Newark.

L^G G IN B, for" winter wear. W>0. W A LSlFe

BON3 k CO., 260 Washington, 2flh Passaic tt .

going from Now and Colden to D., L. unci vV'. Depot; kist from Adams

Express Company wagon. F tnder will re turn to Adams U p ro se office and receive reward.LOST—In Verona. N. J , ijot-ketbook, con­

taining sum of money and valuable papers. Liberal rew ard offered for Us return to DR. H.

W H ITEHOHNE, Verona. N. J.

PHONOORAPHR, Victors, records: DOo. week. COLON, U2 West Park._______________ ____

F A R T IES leaving town will sell parlor suit, heating stove, gas plate and few canoriee;

mlao sm all Incubator; no reasonable o#f* r re­u s e d ; no dsaJers. Bscund door. 290 South IBlewenth st.POOL and billiard tables, sold, bought end

ren ted ; large stock of new and second-hand: repairing. CANFIELD; 11)0 Market st. Tel.2630LPOTATOES, a t car. ILTTrT.OW M jblT^f apples

13. KAISER Milling Co.. Jelllfl ave. and Pennsylvania Railroad.POOL t a b l e for sate. 102 Springfield ave.b a r e b o o k s —E nglish S tate Trials, ten vol-

umea; quartoa; printed or more y e a n ago; rare , scarce; cotlectora' and libraries' op- portuntty . Address H., Box 16, News office.r a n g e —Large No. 8 range; ctn4 selt for

t t ; good condition. MU.LHR, 19 Vandsrpoolst.

SODA FOUNTAIN for sale ; m arble; made by Puffer A Son*: holds Ig-gallon syrup tanka, 3

•oda and 8 mineral w ater faucets; worth over 11.006; will sell for 1400, un easy terras; call and Inspect, SCHWARZ'S Drug Store, 90i Brood n . , Newark.

SODA FOUNTAINS, many atylea. new and second hand: bargain prices and easy terms;

olau w ire furniture. HAti'SBLING Appatk^tus Co.. 24 Arlington st.. Newark.TW O Buffalo rugs fpr sale. G. C. BAHR,

S e o tla n d s t ana Unooln pi.. Orange.UM BRELIJi. sampiM for sale: repairing a spe­

c ia lty ; silk covers, from |1 up. WOLFSON’S, factory salesrooms. 1T7 Halsey at., cor. Market.





tO N G d is t a n c e .p h o n e 2041 HARRISON.VALENTINES FX>R EVERYBODY.


286-288 SPRINGFIELD AVE.V lO U N , 17,60, worth ISO: *1»o fi«w mandolin.

|2 : o u t of work, compelled toJkell, Addrew V iific iao , Box News offi< '

l U :

mmk P « ra l t« T w ..GAINS—Fins body Brussels rug, 12xT8 ft.

cost $60; two Bruasols carpets, 26 yards, large oak rideboord, fl6 ^ WUHam st.

old-oetAbTished furnitureH N t l l lE OTOCK

t l . t f l slidlnir Couchee,I8 J P ; W ltn o tr • to v e x ,_______ ____ ..m a , 81A98; Bldsboorda, A .M ; extenelOD

n.ts on tjte dollar; cane ' ‘ r f l .W i Iren r -

. . f i ; kitchen filovex, Axmtnxter R u ^

Pf Ironkltchei

tiNAlUDLED bedstead, brass trim m ings; single and double lounge, chairs, stands. Jlm tig ta ­

b le ohd buffet, rugs, carpets, refrigerator, gas tOAge. kitchen furniture, fo1ding_ with to l ira r front. Call 'liiursday and FVldsy. 186 B road st.

BRMAT oasrlo fs in _har*a«« I t; kitohen M: 00 stove, ^.60;

VOR flALB, old mahogany bureaus, . chain tables, ioohlng-glasses.

F o r 6ALB. mission oak dining table. opuoh, 16.60; large oak wardrobe, |8,S0; quw-

' ' 86,60. a» w m ia rn Stssecond-hand furniture; chairs, 36c. ii bedsteads,

, _ . parlor stove. 11.60; aLeeeoTul-hand furniture at a sacrifioe at

■ton. oor, Camflelii st.. d1r*ct1v 1 Theatre; li *. -

furniture hoaee In the HtateBANDtfOinlll oak buffet, dfning and serving

to n e * and chairs a t a bargain ; prtoe lioi), A p H f ififi Upper Mountain ave., Mofitclair.INGRAIN carpet,

8 I . » ‘ c h a i r e d60c, A M reis M.

WaxhlngtL... ........... .. ______•ppoeite Bloneri Theatre; lamest secoad-band

18 yards,' 12; large sofa, tete, 11.6(1; also oilcloth,

Box 8 ? ^ News office.L a r g e essortment of all kinds Sd^hand stove*

the lowest prices In town. A.tangos a tRM OW TTCH ft 4?-4fi B ^levllle ave.RAKG&~Kltchen- range, in good condiUon, (or

s a le cheap. liM Broad pti

■A CA inCB RALE Of household goeds. can>cts, bedding and fu r­n itu re for the next ten days; gooiOe will be soM a t h a lf their actual value to make rcotn fur a tte ro tlan a fl. KANTOR, 266 'Woshlngtcu sL. near Market.RSW INQ MACHINE—Owiag to ciroumatance*

wUI MorUkoe-food ■* new Dpmeeile aewlng ■mAhlae for only 16. Address cSjmp^ied. Box ip . News offips.

RBKLAND. HoTTlfton st., Nutley.

L O S T A N D F O U N D ,

t«rs snd pacers, which will b« shown ness a t S o'clock- W ill tilno haw x tra good big Peansylvnina work Regular auction sales every Monday and

Thursday, commencing at lO A. M.ALFONZO POX. Pioprletor.

FRED B. flCllREVE. A unloueer. Tel. l«l«.

The Drake Scht*iU h iv e t n arm y of 12.000 students employed in the beet buitpsM h o ^

. e l New Yorii end New Jersey. U urlng IM In her- L w* take pleasure In saying, w* placed 2 ,iw i- 85 head Drake groduatee in excsllcnl posltiono, hifrees. Those who a re interested In *»l|her b u t i ^

educstlnn and slrn o g ra i^y will find It profit* able to invoetlgite D rake College of Newark. People who see th is school ere ewrpriteo aao


B A l ^ AND e x c h a n g e BTABLER

87-41 BRIDGE 8T..



eonstsntly on hand to select from. One to two carloads, horses and mtils^j, euUable f<# all purjHiaes, acclimated and ready for Immediate ritv use. receivod weekly. Ratiffaction guaion- teW and prices to su it a ll buyer*.

T6-HOnSH8 FO B H lR E -7 6saltftbia for all kinds of work.

Both 'pbonea. nM Newark._________E. BODENW IESER'S


9- 11, 18 l^D ibardy it . , near Broad,

Newark, N. J . 'in ione 868.

A full line of hoiwee, ponies, carriaaiw, but!- neoB wagons, ham esi. blankets, robes, fur- lloed and Astrakhan coats, et* ,: also a large variety of patent dumping wagona atid oaris. A visit will c<nvtnce you tha t 1 have the best selection In my line In tills S ta te a t the lowes^ twaslble prices.


Largest Commlsalon stab les tn New Jersey. BOtK-HEAD OF HOHBE»-:t60


FRIDAY, KKURUAJIY 15. oommenclng a t 10 A. M., w ith horsen. wagons and ham eas. Any gentlem an who la in need of a horse should not fall to be on hand F ri­day,

Regular auction »Q|ee every Tuesday end F ri­day. commencing a t lu A. M.

JOS. S. HOy. Prop.J . F. SEBnlK G , Salesman,

J. B. MOHEHOUS, Salesman.JACOB C. SHUTTS, Auctioneer.


7 AND » W EUaTER BT.WHEN W a g o n b u y in g s e e u s .


B PE ciA L Ba r g a i n s .Business wagons for oarpentere. plumbers,

painters and maaona, grocers, butchers, m ilk­men and bakers; also for exprojs and xenara.1 delivery purposes; icemen and truckmen can find Just w hat they w ant here; a ll weights and a iie i; one light baggage express wagon, }40, one platform-spring carpenter painters' wagon, ld5; three runabout!, 785 each; R. T. depot wagon, ||40 .


(6c. lb. buys stric tly atl-woul faw n blankets.82 stable blankets..............................................|1 60M 75 favni truck blaaketi, fi Iba....................8 79H r^^d blankets, fancy p la id ...................... 8 00|8.90 road and express bfankeU ..................2 0612.60 truck blankets, P lbs., iHlxPfi.............. I tiO

Bale continued until every Idaniiot Is sold.ABCHENHACH'B,

70 MARKET BT., N EW ARK, N. J.It Will pay out-of-town buyers to call.

delighted with our largo and alegunlly p ^ seUool. 'Visitora aiwaya welcome. Begin a t any time. . ^

Positions aecursd for oil w orthy graduate*.


BROAD AND WEST PA RK WTfi.COLBUAN n a t i o n a l B l’BlNBBS C O IX a tlB

Cor. Academy and Ual«ey ete-f N ew ark. N. J-

Eatablliibrd 1802. Forty-fifth y**t.


BOTH BEXEU-I t costs no more tu attend this old. rall^eble.

hlgh-graile school th a n oidinary or Inferior sohooTa. and the results will be fur more «vU“- factory, ir you w ant the very beet obtain­able In the way of a businw * education, and a good paying position when qualified, tola Is the school to attend. Call or -Write for oatalogiie and full partlcrulare.

a. K U a l.® tl JH.I Frlneltmr.

M O R T O A O K M I A ) l > - « a * L a n A T B .■■ W,U0U LOAN

L)N RGND a n d m o r t g a g e a t 6 P E R:NT,, IN SUMS AND FOR PERIO DS TOIT TH E b o r r o w e r . NO BONUS OB


OKN“ —81'-.U O M ^flSlbN F.XAUtED. A IX N FC SSB A R tP a p e r s f^.^RFFULLT p r e p a r e d ,





IaT a NIs ne-j.itiiitvil on r**i •aiaie . notea, bonds, buiidina luan stock i M *11 kinds of ptraonai

properly, ihort time lo*** on second m orti«g t, C. J. BROWN, rominlexkmer of D ^ s . Nul«ry Public, room 10. I»1 M irttet TO LOAN on bond and m ongag t, in

sums to suit, a t 6 per cent., w ithout bonne. PJDtV.VKD a. llLACICj_CCrtlnselor, 8H Urudeotlal-MONKV lusr on bund end inortg iga; iw

btmus required. FRED ERICK S. HODGn, ^^UhM■'o ai iHW. 7H8 HMSd si., Newark. If. J.MONEY TO LO A fTiN BUMii'T6~BUlT.

B. W. G EERT ft CO..80fl BROAD ST.

f l W EEKfl WBKK tf you Join club now fur per­i l W EEK stiiisl evening Inairuvtluh in

book-keeping, sh'irlhund, typowrlttng. elc.. In the bu*lnesi m an's private echool llterchanii and Bankers Asaoclailon, 053 Br«nad st. A. J- HARD­ING. Prea.

HAVING forcU)sed a chattel mortgaffe on Jones Amour Expreje Co.. «»f i'Jrnoklyn. i have 2,1

head of ln.>rseA and m are for aale; good useful alfjok, BUUable fi>r turmerii. iruvkmen, coal

Box 81, News (Iralers, ptniLcrs and all kinds of buslnass;weight ^f horses from 1,150 to 1,000 pnuntlg; ages from 7 lo 12 years old; prices from >18 to Il6tt; trials aiiowert lO days; top and npen exj^ress wag,ms for 5a1c; 40 seta harness. Call Ol-X»Ki.lE'S boardltig and express sinblea. rea r 12 East Park st , Newark.


w i l l i a m WILUERKOKCtt WINNKH. Pres,Send for catalogue; or better, coll.The World Is n u k in g rapid strides In Intel-

lei'tual and commercial progress. The young nian or woman who want* to succf'c.l now must got up and hustle, he must get a prsctl- caj educatlun first of all. then uoe It to tho be»^ uf h it ab ility .___ _______T im ^ '^ 'v i L L E COMMERCIAL Sl'UCXJL.

167 ;a«i;und «t., near uiaugjt «i., N«wdik.L, BLAKHEK, Prluelpal.

A blgb-grade prlvsto school of Jimltsd mem­bership. tor the study of stebogm iihy, type- writing, book-kssplDg, English branches; n.t dais**.

Catalogue on SDpllc&tlQn. Visitors welcome.Telephone D64L Rranoh Brook.

LOST—On Monday. Fehrutry 11, a small white female Maltese terrier; answers tr> the name

‘Bobhy." 15 reward paid for return to 59 Lincoln Park, city.LOST—F ebruary 8. 1907. black dog, w hite

breast, white on front paws; answers to ram s of N ip: baby 's pet. Return to llO Hunterdon s t . ; reward.LOST—On F ebruary 2, gentlem an's w atch, open

face. steiD winding, plain gold case, with monogram. Rew ard for return to 19 W al­nut st.LOST—Femiile ]x:)Inter dog: color liver and

white; Sunday. February 10, 1SH»7. L iberal rew ard If relum ed to JOHN KBIER, 208 M*ga- slne s tLOST—Loidy's silver watch, early Tuesday af-

ternocm. near O n tre M arket; Is a keepaake. Please notify hy m all, KUE^iLKR, 72 P lane st.l/)BT—Friday, February 8, brown dog,

......... ib J ■,, Irish

setter, nam ed Mike; liberal reward. R eturn to 138 Trem ont ave., corner Lincoln, Orange.

.................... >55

.................... 147

.................... >45

........>30 to >40

........>22 to 130

........$2(1 to i2S

........>2.’t to >35..>10, tVt. $25

LOST—Leather cigar case, from 18th ave. to Broad, l>earing nam e on Inside. R eturn sam e

to 184 South d th st. and receive reward.LOST—R ew ard : liver and white polnler hitch.

H. W. RICHARDSON JR ., Greenwo.>l ave., opposite P ark ave., B ast Orange, N. J.LOST—Between M arket and Broad and P lane

sod W arren ets,, a b*ack purse, containing lao. Call a t FE A R E T , 180 M arket et.LOgT—Tesferday morning, b*tF*»n North flth

a t and Ik th at., a bag of laundtn,'. F inder please notify d river a t South fith st.LO^T- F riday, In Hosvllle. house plana, draw n

by H. E. Heev*. architect. R eturn to 201 North 0th st, and recelva reward.LOST—On Communipaw ave., Jereey Clly. oak

pedestal. W. H. MEAD. tTndertaker, 466 Communlpew av * .; reward.

DOUBLE truck harnesa. Special..Double truck hiirness.......... .............Double truck horuess.......... .............jingle truck liArccHs — .............Single wagon hc-.rn .ginglo grocery tiinneFS...................HwlBS runabout tiNniees..................Buggy hHcncfts......... ..........................

Eh’ervtlfing for your horse ulGEOHGK RO naA UD 'fl. ___

WAGd>T3! < a O N S ! WAGONS!W'E HAVE the tim«t lot of buslncsn wagons

in town; top wagons, open wawone, three springs and platforn^e; also exprtss wagons, moving Vttiie. trudta. etc If there lx any style of wagon you need you will find li lier.', either new or aeconi-haiid, and at the lowest price* and easiest term s uossihle- It will pay you to call. TH E CENTRAL W.4GON WORKS. rK N TR A L .W E . L'.U AND 4TIIFOB SALE cheap, flevfnteen head of horn’s

and m arcs: been used In (itmlraci wc-rk, theso horses must be sold th is week In order ti.» settle between partners; uge.'j frorfi rIx t(i nine years; welglu. i.uOrl ii- i,Wj«# pounds; these horses wll] suit cu rt truck, m ilkman, baker, butcher, grocer or any general business: no reasonable offer refused: ten days' tria l given ic respon­sible parties. Call a t stjl.Je rear of 241) Or­ange and Nesbiii Bta., Newark, N- J ._______

~ SAM DERRY.2H rm iD trE riT

Horses of everV rtcBcrlvlion for sale or ex- i change. An ajjditlon uf 2s head rcct-lved t i-

day IncludcB an extra good lot of work and general purpose horsva, weighing from 1.200 to 1,800 Ibn,: several well-matched pairs uf big d raft horses< *Jso on hand a lilgh-clOJ^s lot of driving and carriage horaea and somo high actors. 'Tel. SO^R Newark.BARGAIN?—105 and t&U buy* choice of (wo

axtra good business horses, seT'en and eight yeare old; suit grocer, butcher, car[»cnter ur most sTiy business: ulso one small horse, suit plumber, coileolor or any light business, >3.5; all taken for debt ln<|Ulre rea r of 14 Gram Bi., near Broad at.

HORSES' HORSES, constantly on hand; extra good big horses sold at the iatvret maziket

prices; uial given. Rear 2t>-22 Urldge at., ALKK. SCHMALBACH. prop.; 'phone 2US1W.

11.00 WEEKLYfor *tenography, typewrit Ing, civil serv'lce. tM»ok-kepp]Ejg. English (French and Gerinuu, uativfl tencncrs). evebings; 12.00 'weekly day­time.

BOWDEN’S.Bh O ntre et., opioialLe MllUary Park; 'phone 4424J. Uoalllons for all graduates.

THE NEWARK 172 (Jiinion *ve,, Newark, N. J.

ANNA FItANOlia WHlTMOKE, PRINCIPAL.Boarding und day school. Courses In music,

art, elocution, physical culture. Puplle enter leading coUegea every year on certificate. Gymnasium. laboratory, athlettco, Cuiulivguua.

^NEW ARK ACADEMY.'Founded 171)2.


Thorough prepurailon for any college or acl- entltlc echonl or for business life. Csialugue on a pp] lea lion.MIBS TOWNBENIf’B boarding and dAV Bchoc>|

for girls, 54 Pork pi.; academic, Intermediate and primary departments; well equipped gym^ naalum and laboratory; certificate admits to leading collegea. Reopens Sent, 2B. Mins Tuwm* Bcni] will be at home from 10 to 3after Bept. 10iriBTON THrUNICAT. INHTITm'iC. 221 brand

st . electrlcHl atudle*>, mechantciil. archllcc- tural drawing, mnlhemalloa, backward slu- dentf;, law, mertlcal, high school courres; cer- tificiite admits to college: 'phone lOSfiL R. B

Mo n e t to lo*n on mortgag* at TO par c*nt_of value. F. HNOVER. ST ^l^ ilber^ st.MoNKV to limn on bond and mortgage. An-

i'1> u> JOHN H. MK?JKER, I’tudentl*i build­ing. cighUi floor.

Ih’ >"U ne<\i money oh your property, ■*« bs. BAM R SOHKUEU. Bch(rtjer bulMIhg.

^ ^II^G A U lC fi, I.OftNS—PEHBONAL.Ilfi 11010 TliEltB'8 A RBAEOK to

$3W1 1300ti)T our beiiig known as the largesi, moat ac- coinni-lailiig and Uher*! concern loaning uicrney un Furuiuire , I 'lano, riorss. Wagon, etc.. In the c ity ; In fact, there are teveral reanous, but one in partichilar is that

WE DO AB W fi SAY.1 liousnnds of satisfied custom ers could t**tlfy

lo thut fuel. We w ant your conltdene* *nd know the only way lo obtain cotne ti by OiQuaro dealing, vuurtrcus trea tm en t and con ildera ' Don ni all times.

, THAT IB OUR PO IJC T,ar.d has been for th* past oixteon ysar*. Those iijpihnjis have engb1e<S u« to defy all compeil- tlun and have been the cause of a continual IhcreHae Ln our busine**. But w t still want to grow, and with tha t idea mind, we ar* c*nni!minll> adding features to our system, which We know will be appreciated by our cua- tornvrs.

SMALL OR LARGE IJ3ANB. it nmkes no difference to us; they a ll recelv* the name enrefui a ltsn tlon our Up‘to-dste metliuda fifTord, of which absolute privacy, pron^pi m ctholi, no humlUxll':'^ or " red Up*” are features. Four strto tty private offle*#.

WTlt*. 'phene or call *nd you will be s«r- prisc'l how (juickly and easily you can o b u ln ft Innn from us. Poaltlvely ho advafio* charges.


Rnoms 401, 402, 4(iS and 404 N iagara building, 186 M arket tt.

■Ph.'ne 4065. P. 0 . Box 5N4.

Special Real Estate DaysW E D N E S D A Y S A N D S A T U R D A Y S ,

H fiA l* E fiT A T Q F O R

IHOO-MODERN two-rainliy, 12, 2 baths;two steam heaters; slate rnoT; fitii* location.

MKNKKL. 4T M arket at.

BARGAIN; M.400; venlral. tw»-fatnlly, l2 room*. 1 b* lh : steam hea t; slate roof; must

oell, MENZEL, 47 M arket St.

aA CRlFfU E-RM evU le, (hrec-tam ll> . fiS Bauth Ninth It.. IT rooms, 'i bothK, all Imiiruvc-

m rnts except boat, m ake offer MKN5',KL *7 Market tt.

MUST BBLI* 180 Booth Klevemii pi., iwn fain- ily, 16 iTKitns, 2 twiths: aterim hpaier; large

lot; make offur. VIKNZKL, 47 ^lurket at.

14,800—TWO-FAMILY, R\>*evllle: well bulU: all Improvements; fib*** louallon: n-^sr tn>llflv

ami station; bargain. ROUKRT U i'N /,K I.. 17 Mnrkst at.

NEAR Bouih Orange * v e .~ F ln e three-family, 11 rooms, Well built and ren ted ; n ea r tri lley;

only U.6IHI. Mi£NZEL. 47 M arket st.

NONE m CTTBR-Blx-farally brick, central, 60 rooms, ail Imprm-cmanla n icept heat and

bath, uhly SLldO; anedher. t t , 20(>, another, franir. s li-fauilly , >d,:>o0. MGNZEL. 47 M ar­ket st.

BK.At'TlFI.'L Roseville one-fam ily; every moil- erii Improvement; 12 rooms, bath, laundry;

stfam heat; near trolley and station ; win s4ll reasonable; term s to su it. MENZb^L, 47 M ar­ket »L

b k a l b s t a t b r o w >albi- c it y ,y o u h a l e - i u m ,

llrMcl « M 8 . asOASOOi twq .Urofld ,e.. IH)!.<(og; lo( 60* 118 .bo*d at., 379-.7IH; tf.w.cor. I8tb xva.: SfixtOI,

I rood *L. XML6LHI; 61x190-iroad «t.. 642; 26x120; brick building. Urrud ft., 134; : Joi two frODlSKM.[je levin* sve.. 654T; 4Bxt04; four stores. Uellevllfe ave.. 72*60; 126xlU6; 12 sto rn .




soMsfactloTi, and If you use our simple end convenlcBi meihodn of helping you over your financial rtimriilty you will a tta in th is end. ! f s ft good ruin always to do the best you can. D nr't worry and fret. Come In end oea u i. It cos is vou nothing to moke Inquiries



Out record of fair doaUng Is known to many who. wlu>n ihey find theinoejves short of reedy «‘ssh, come tn us, knowing theSr credit Is good and also that they are going tn be traeted fair and the ir dealings will be stric tly confidential.


If you hft\-e A loan with anolher company we will pay them off for you and advance you xnoro mon«L'V, also aaaure you as low, if not low't‘1'. niu*e than y >u oan eucura olaewhero. If yng cannni ia!l. writ.* or 'phohn <475fli and ws will sand our repres^ntativo to sea you.




LOST—Ijast week, on Clifton a^e. or O range s t . gedd w atch and fob. |16 rew ard It re­

turned to 471 South 11th flt.LOST—F riday evening, between 170 Peshlna

ave. and W eek's store, * $10 bill. R eturn to 170 Peehlne ave .; rgward.LOBT—On F ebruary 6, brown w ater tpaniel.

Rew ard If ceturned to 0 . W ILLIS, 513 Mid­dlesex ei., H arrison.LOST—Charm, B hrlner'a emblem, w ith llger’a

claw s; rew ard. George MAHR, deputy clerk.

L03T—P a r t of m ink fu r piece with tali* ; to- ard, D. E. H IR6H BERQ . 60 Jam es s(

LOBT'-^QIaok breastpin, pearl centre. Reward If returned to H. GLUCK, 541 Broad e t

FOUND—On Monday, a fox te rrier: ow ner can have aame by ^ v in g fuU descriptiem and

paying expenses. ^ 1 1 lOO Johnson avs.FOUND—Fem ale collie; can be redeemed by

colling a f te r 7 P. M. ROT aTOUT. 6B F air- riew ave.POUND—Stray cow. Apply HARRY J . V IN ­

CENT, P lea san t Valley way. P leeaatitdaie, N. J.

D a n c l f t ^ ,THE DAVIS SLTiUOl- Ob' DANCINQ, C 'E,\"m AL AVENUE. NEW ARK, N. J.


PRIV'ATE LF^dsONfl four apcclohy) d*y of ev^nlna. CLASRES—Ad^ani'ed. Tuesdaya, 8:30 P. M. BcginnerB. Wedneadas’, 5 P. M. KANC7 I AND aTAOE DANCING. W rite ffjr olrcuU r of It-rina. or apply to MRS. UULEN DAVIS, hCentrsl Rve.; 'pbona 25<17R,___________________DURCKHARDT'? Dancing Academy, Slfi Rroail

Bt.; nt?w beginners can Join any evening; Ifijca- BijtiB. gentlemen |5, ladle" >4: half term : gentle­men L'l, ladlefl >2.51/. payatilc half In a ’lv.ince; the latpsi atyie and all daiu'^^a AI.r.UN OSBORNE, aUidln K.'H flreft.l :

waJtr and iw o-tlep taught In n few leK."nna, prl'-ato Icaunns 6t)c. W rite or call

ta n in iA f t '* * -THK BERLITZ SCHOOL



AT SCHOOL OK RES1DF:NCE ToflChera *ent to neighboring towns and luburba.

TRIAL LEBBONB FlllCli French pronounClatlon fOurae. \ \ ‘ednHBdayB. 2

p M. French chnveraatlon circle. VVedneedaya,3 P. M. Abo\ e foursca free to our pupils.

f ih o r f h f in d x n fifiHQRTHAND. typeu riling, Hchool of Y'oung

Women'3 Chrlatlan Assfjclallon, 14 Ecwi Park B( Apply a t ftohewd. from it to 12 A. M.. t.T to principal, I. C. KENNEDY. 35 W rlglu et.

n fle ro lln r ie^ o a ff ,A1„0EP!IA l e s s o n s , aftcrn-'nil ur ev^nlna':

Bpcclal atten tion to beglnnere and probated Btiiicma. Addreas Algebra. Box 52. News office. ___ -■

TO make rmira the following vehicles niuat be •old regardlesft of ooet: one |20t> surrey at

>135; one extenelon front coupe, worth at 13(KL, several ruoabouta at >50 to $125. woith double, and two fine cutters, a t >20 and >36 J LUDWIG. 20-22 Catnfleld s t . : both 'phones.

VERY pretty pony, 18 hands: gentle, fcartesi^ and Bound: safe for moat tim id person to

ride or drive; harness and rubber-llrM run ­about and slflgh: a ll In porfec.l orih'r: owner has no use for rig and will sell reasonable. 6.8 Newtawn ave.. A rlington._______ _____________

135 AND >40 bttya youc ch/jfee of two good work horaeB; nleo first-clas* buslnewi horse,

155; one extra fine cob, su itab le for any light business use. >6C; 10 days’ tr ia l oh each horse. Apply Newark Livery and Boarding Stable, 14 Dey a t . ___________________________________SACRIFICE; hamiitoTne cut-under surrey, trap,

top bugg>' and station wagon, IWle and sliaft; all rubber-tired nm about afid hnnvy harness; very fine family horae, sound and reliable; w arranted. 58 Newlawn *ve., ArilUHion.


est prices paid—more then aay o ther dealer lo the city—for ladles' and gentlemen'* cast-off clothing; bets. shoe*, e tc .; send postal; city or country : 1 will cell day or evening a t yotit con­venience,

CHARLER CAHN.106 Belmont ave.

OLD gold, aitver, diamonds, pearls, dis­carded Javelry . defaced U- 6, c d s a ; posl-

tlveljr fu ll value gtvsa. V KK RIBR Or­ange oiid 11th ito.

WANTED—606 w atebee to repair; o m t , w rite or *pbone. 8CH ELLER, watchm aker. 26S

M arket at., St blocks below Broad st. 'Pbonelaobj.OLD t^ L D , silver and soraps of JeweliTi d ia ­

monds and p u tin u m booght 5 Broad a t., over piano stoce. 0 . G

for c o m / 755 O O I^A LEJ;.

LADIES' and gents' cast-off clothing; also foather beds; higboBt p rleo sp a ld ; oena poatal

o n d ^ w ill c a lL K . FE lN S E E Q , lin Menjor st.b e t t e r PR IC E S I pay fo r all kinds of la-

e M hteg g ad Je ‘ 40. Jongs ft.

dtes* and gents’ «aM-bS tiothlng. gnd ie a th - Send postal to B E C K p - ^ -------- '•

t r a d i n g STAMPS. Oil ktnds. bought for h ighest oaeh prices: Itmia o r book. Jer-

■ey Cotipom Co , 824 P lana t t , near M uscat.WANTED—Old silver-plated tea tra y ; also tea

set and cc m u m ; m ust be c h w - Address B.. 23 Wftohltigton p i., ISost Orange.HIGHimT eoeb pfiee* paid fop tradkif stomp«r

in books or loose* Metropolitan buudifif. Mar­ket. comer Wooblngtau tu* rootn M4.

iB W lN G M A C H IK E R W lllco x f t Gibbs,

^ R A l^ E f i AND .F U R N irb R i !


X PAY the h lgbest i^ c e s for s e o o n ^ n d ladles' and gents* klotnlng. fi LA gA Rnfi^ 62

Belleville eve ., New ark .______ •B tiT C ra A F lX T U R Ffi! m nst be la good con­

dition and bargain . Addfens. Cask. 72. Newa offirs. f ■ f p h o n o g r a p h concert born; v w lOffe and

japanned. Addresa ^ e rn . m I t N ew s of- flee.

H O H B E-lftdy leaving c ity w ill gfjod bu*!- n tss horae cheap to quick buyer; null farm er,

eipresam an or grocer. 888^ O range it . ____P I^T F O R M -w agon: ca rry 2,EiOO pounds; light • nrd»p-wa«titi: good as new ; kieo heavy uo ro

hernese; theap i 1ft Brenner s t ___F IV E lieavy horpes: from the fire departm ent;

ail In finest condition; wind and work. 41P Twelfth ave (Bank s t.l.EXPRESS wagon, platform sprlnga, for sale

cheap. B t a ^ , oor. N orth Iflth end 4th ave., E ast Orange.BAKER, now out of tualnea*, will sell his

horse cheap; >A5. 100 H udson St.MILKS W. BA NET ft BRO.. 87 Bridge i t . ; ,76

work hones to btr*.

I lf trsM k C ftiT liiv f t* i ICt«MCROlVN Pobit Stock F a rm ; Bloomfield avs.,

Trov Hills. N. J . i horses boarded; box stalls, paddockB; tel. 7SF1-4, J^ D D CGNDIT, Prtip.GOOD roafi horee; free d river; fearlesaj lowest

l^ c e and particu lars. 28 RoJstead et., E ast Orange. ^HORSE, ham eea open sp ring wagon w anted;

s ta te price. Address P. O. Box 87. Ekut Or­ange.

>tn.«» 410.00>S| VO TO>> 92IKVOO 42UU.OOf Loaned tn employes of all claesai



f Any boncHi man. holding a parmanent i pcsiUon ho wishes to be Independent, > can b<>rttiw mnnoy from us. without the I humlllaium of having h!i f-mployer. rsla- I live or fricml know his ppreonal business;

i wlihnu! moiigaglrig hie p^TBoiial property and wlthnut ha \lng any one Indorse or guarantee hiB personal note.

.lUBY LIK E A BANK.I Banks loan to employers In the same I manripp tha t we do lf> empl<n'ea{ CALL. TELEPH ON E OR W RITE I and we will Iw pleased to explain t Our methods,f Open from ft A. M- to 0 P. M.i l Weil uml S a t eves, to ft.!s$ NEW .TEKSET FINANCE CO..SS6$ Piilte Iil2 14, Soheuer bldg. f i^ r) .

IIROAD AND COMMUKCB 8T8. 1 , .vBKS Optioslte P i Btoffire. ■'


IN ALL 1T8 BRANUHBl*.MAIN n o o n , UNION b u il u in q .


8. W. ilEIilflY Sc OU,Ws have over one hundred fiat heums fnr

sale; til prices; onc-femlly houses In ev^r? Ward of thf! city and OrangL's; building pi its. factory shea, facturies^ atorei, dtvrillngs f>-r rah and lo let; manugor* uf eatates arid ftp- prti leers, commlsslotier of dretls, notary puhllu; renting, collecting and Insurance u specie ty: eill and st« if w« hevs what you want 9AMUKL W. Q EERY ft CO., m i Broad. roi*m 280.I AM the msn of buelnesn; iiinlci'stanil busi­

ness, tiilk btisidess an<l full of bj;ilnvss, mind tny own huHlnasn, thervfr-trp l rin bu.ilneBR, will seil, rathfc giving ftw-ny, s two-family huu«e fnr >1,400; wilt ssil to uulck buyer ihree-story house, with two itnrex, on W arrm si., for f4.(H»0, mortgage Ik.tHio. ir you imOerstoml business as t do, sn^ip It uuick DAVID HOLLANDIUt. notary public, Broiiil.

t ontral svs., lo . HtxIWi 4-«tury huiliUng. Central Svb„ uj 2Si4xW; 4'<<Tory bimdlng. i-llntofii «ve , i>i>; fram e dwelling; AOxlOO. U im ou svc.. m- fMijna ilwcmng; iQxttO.I tlM y SI., lot DSxns.H gh st.. (Iwcltltigi lOteftOftR gh it., hrlch realdepct; IfiOxtM.High I t . 701; brick reildsncs! DUxBOO. Market at., ^ 2 : urlrk hallding; SlxlUO. Market it, Hlp-IlZl; brick bulldini: bSxllO. Miilbsrry »t.. I02>I04; 40x109.Hpmee »t.. 50; brick rreideneo; lOxim Siulhg st.. 45 car. Hth avs.; 29x100. }yasmngtftn st., 222. oor. Bank s t ; UxlOft Hebster it. 44-44; frame dwslUng: 40x100. Ol.IVER W. JACKSON. Wift MARKET 8T.



40 CLINTON ST. ____excellent

___ .icter; toFRED ROMINB,

VaVCANT l o t on Kprlngfteld ave.location fur huelneu oc any character

rinse eh re la te ; prl«'c W.OOO. —Iftfi Market st.

SPLENDID opportumiy for bulldor, sight lotj, IricJuding two coniftrs, for FRBu.

ROMLNiC. lh5 Mnrkci at.

E it. 1049. 'Phone 839.M K. pn??ri ft CO..

HEAL BaHTATE AND FlRK LNSmiANCR. U'Unif cm Mortgages. Managers of Estate*.

m BROAD 8T.Com'r of Dtede. Notary Public.

GEO. W. BRICINOANa r e a l RHT.aTB. i n s u r a n c e , LOAKft

Unicn bldg.. ^ 1 9 Clinton ab Tel. MBJ.



_ 3UEROD C .JtA LL. 222 MARKET RT.EIGHTH TV ARD™Lfti‘ir'' trad of vuiuuhle

lots, fnriUK two puvol BtrcciB; cb->loc see- tUm; bast surroundings: Imvl Km<»oUi un'\ iliy. will be sold lii\v to tnilt'k Imv-r AdlrenN

ilAHOAINR, lo rli.>»i> estHtv; 5o t.iiit on [‘aved street: sewer, water, gas; Ut mmiii-'H fittm

Itroiul ONd M arket, auliabic fur fh>'iL<ry or dwelling; ailUng price, t;k)0 cauh; easy lei.mi. GHinBiN, rnnb rn si.JAMEfi J. T E F U N G {sui-cMBur to A rihur De­

vins), real estate and 1ni»uiHnce broic^r; funi- mlssloner of deeds for New York. N- .1., Penn.. Conn., Mass, end Cnl. 7AT Hronii, cor. Miirkvl-

J o h n b . h a l l a d a y ,REAL EaTATK AND INflUHANCE.


lio r.^r^s. country eetateH, building sites and furrnu lo a ll part* of New Jersey and ele«*

whi iM*. rfiAfioiiftbtc lerw s.I1U>>TBH JAMEISON ft ftON,

UnUin luiildlng, 9-t5 Cllftton st., Newark^ N, J,

WE build, buy, sell, ren t eml exchange,We make vacant lots return an Inoonie.


HAMUl'UO l ‘L., uosr L^fayel nor Investment iirotierty; look imo this a t

onue; a ichI .■hiinfc. SAM, 8. 8CHKUKR ft C.Q.. Scheurt- hutldliig.GO no further Ihun BCHBUER'S for good la-

vestm enla Get hia Hat a t 215 Hchmier bu lll- ing.BUSINESS

price I7.W0,j»t.

t>ru]>eriy, paying 4hl6 anhuaUg} HENRY OEHLEB. Iftft M arket

IF you weru to lell your prupsrty kindly let iQ* know. M HORWITZ, ISfi Springfleld gT*

GEO. W, UROSa & WM. tT 'ilARRW. REAL F^TATE. TP7-75ft BROAD 8T, ^

JOHN J . QUINN. miH P tta m N R AVEr.**"Jnsiirenre, reel estate, logins. Tat. 200fi1t.

D w e lU r iv e .RiWlDENOfi—Owner going sbrcxirt will ecceM

«n3' rresrineble offer; |0 roomsj_ ateie rooilevery modern litiprovemeni. ............ *k n st

FREY, 188 M ir-

B 1\FA M I1,Y — ExrcptiotlRl btTgiilni r« i t >I.HH: price SlO.tKW: snap for remebody.

Write, call or 'phone S5ftdJ. FREY, IBS Blar-ket Bl.

CAFE PUOI’URTY—N ear Broad and M arkeli luilgvuuuii, ■.llniftg-roum. prlvele

k llchm . living rounds; Investigate this. PRBTt IKS hlarhei nI.

TW O-FAM II.lEHM ’Utiinn hI ii section; goc4 Write. uaU

WE do a general REAL ICftTATK UUSlNEBS. wc mu':]! your irado unJ GUARANTEEyo






lu n 'S E K E K ru n p g e t b u s y .DO YGl: NEED MONEY?


payment oh loan........ . In ...............

........... Is..........B6.......... 75.. .. . . l l . lO ....Jl.ftO

. . .I t UO

PIA N O S A N D O U G A NS.P JA N O ^T liv F. CiuinoX, noied for l u deep,

rich tone and wearing quality; ihe ceiew ated Bailey. >2ljO, sold cWowhere la w ; elegant new uprght, 7 1-8 ocuve , real mahogany, Ivory ktyfl. 1185. 15 monthly: all plunua w arranted for ten year*: stool, scarf or cover; one year's lu ring frw : slightly u»ed uprighls on hand; souart pianos aacrifleed; open evi'ninga.

HENRY HORN'S E«5TATE.51 South Orange gve.. corner Howard »1.___

a m obliged to leave cHy by Frl>ruflfy 20 and would Ulte to know of Bome ui.>rxl C'hr)j«

fftinliy who would stor** my Knahe upright piano fr^. for Us use; would jircfer some (,hy who might buy It later, «rul also take care of rav canary b ird , rpfei«hi*o« exchanged, MRB.'.lAH. K. BRAMHALL. BOX 14. N«ws o f f i c e . ___________ _____________________HAVE bt-Quilful, alm ost hew, piano th a t I

havo paid qdlle an amount of inon*>y on; 1 am unable to keep up paym ents; If reliable party will taki* the piano off my hands they tvm hftvt- It for Just what the balance Is anfi on same terrnfi a» t *m paying. Address JACK- SON, Box »1. News office.


I t wlU pfty to tuvesllgaiw how we do U. join our Plano Club t t Ofic*. and >1 wilt doltyer 1a .

The weekly> 1 " ..................>15 ...............>;-, ..........I.W..................... ........... I’ ..............................»JII................................ » ..............................>5(1................................ .............................

I’aym ents made n ifh ib ly ; If desired, a r«- h.ite cn every paid before due.

We bnvc tipi-n u big help to m any snd may W i'i i'Hi. 1; roKiH you nothing to Irern of d ;r hcl:iful |lnn .

MTTUAL IjOAN CO.,24-25 Wood building,

lift M arket st.Over I 'n ited Cigar Storo________ _

your home a handioma upngh l piano; fUkrati leed for lU yeara: otoc). cover and del free. D. WOLFF ft CO.

Lly used upright pianos a t bUf Gera upright. >h0; walnut medium

ot<M). cover and ' dellvelry ftl-BB M arket st.

EUGHT Bltgluly used upright pianos a t hfclf - ■ prlght, ISO; walnut medium

sire, |I2U: large sire. 1155: mahogany full,price; Little

iioil to >215: *5 monthly; squareB. 115 to H*0. WIBHNER, m anufacturer, wholesale and re»*ll u'ftreroonis, 602 Broad * L ______________SCHlfBERT PIANOS. LOW VRICEft AND




We Jiiftkc 11 as ea^y as passible fnr honest ijeople to lb) biuilneas with ue. We appreciate ih f fBL'i tha t esury person of pride aenlrfts to keet» their personal affairs private, and we can pruiulrv and KU»r,-iiitfK‘ to such absolute confl- dence In nil transactions cm ducted wljh up.

OUR i.-uNITDENTlAL CKEDIT HYHTEM la aatotilriilngly liberal, simple, safe and pri­vate. We take all risk. Wo create no public­ity. make no oluirge for application.

WE TRUST YOT».W e will open a confidential credit oncount with you. If you are In need of money ca ll nl our office. Your account will be wrioomed, and unce opened oun alw ays be used. You have UM of both m<'ney and goods. Money In few hours after applying. Do not fall to cell and ae t our tcTins bc'ore doing business elsewhere.

HE<‘!T'RtTY l o a n COMPANY.Ihk M ARKET BT. T E U 24hftL.

IF you want a loan. buy. sell or Inaure real estate, furnllure aiul sto rai. n o nie; cenfi-

ilentlali II A. M. to It k\ M._U A M K L_A ]-T ._I.d Ntslson pi.

I'T’RRY RT, —HuftlnesB prupony; (wi> sTiprvs;four famlhcH; price righ t; call nr w ihi' at

or,(ia: ft won-1 Ihhi. R.\M. R. H U H EU ru & C'O.. fleheuer bu'ldlng.HAMBUHri PL,, «7-41-*-75xK»0. fine site fur

double brick lints, atro LIM-162 Hamburg pi.; 73x100 iniB, im tlarrls 'in wt., |5<iO t‘HCh. In ­quire 5 1 l ja m tH ^ ^BERGEN 6 T , near South Orojiae ftve.—1, 01

75*100; .price w ry lnt«r«'Htlnir In uuink buyer. FRANKLIN F. MAYg ^ CG-. 7RA Broad st.THREE good slore ])roj>ertle8, on BprtnKfiebl

ave., ranging from Hit.tkJO ami fl4 ,-0(b>; easy paymeniH. R EIN H A RI). 122 Market st.

EDW ARD H. LUM.612 Prudential building.

Real estate. Insurance, loans Qud appraisals.M yR 'd?r wy^M ORBil 'Real E tia te . Insuranee, Renting ft Collecting,___________________________ m THIRD AVK.


bargains; unly I5(K1 or ’j>hnne .‘t.'i«2J.

'iish ihMided, FHHY. ISft Merkel st.

Lf;>TS—I'lliili'n Hill. Vnilstiurgh. Ittlhglcm Slid N utley; lU'tir rallrond, on ireUey: flomn

damly 1nvesfm>"ni‘ for soineb'>dy. FRKT* tftS lla rk e l ntTHREHyUAMlLIEK- Miiimmurh st. ond Clh

t.. near f<oiU|i GrariKP ave.; asphalt street^ good ii**lghborhooil: Improvements. FRfiY, M arket s '. _ __

hT J iI ^ H A D E INVESTMENT.Paying river itP p4T cenU A chDlvs U-fatnliy

houNo In iUH‘ of tlie best ecetJona of Tlosevllle, rirrac tn Ueiitral Bve. Has (d ftparthtenlN nf (i r(K>ms on«l bath ennh; e ll improvements,Uric^- ..............................................iiu.rwoTotal m o rtg ag e ......................... y,!Wtt

rash Invested........... ............. ll.fiCK)yea rly re n ta l............................

5 per cent mi iii ribU mortgage.MTh COTaxes ................... ...................... IHtJiHlW ater j'en ts................................ 44 53Insurance ............. ............ . . Ifi OO

tfidh 53

11,104 09

645 52

PLANS fiT.—Invoitm ent; middle of city; grand chance lo eecurir a central business luvaiiim.

8AM. H. BCHEUER & riO.. Bcheuer hulliling.JEFFERSON BT.—Fine clionee for Invrsimetii

In a_sm alj j)_rlc^ ^r?^«eriy^ Get ^ rtln d u rHfiAU. 8. S C H E ^ n iBAHUEL R. CA1RN8.

494BROAD 8T.

Sr'hiMier bullfling.KphI Ea^Ate. Insurance.

Renls orilected.


PRIVAI'E FAMILY. l8nvih|^clly.&II limp

m BntjfpiTiininent’ m alie t'i g u jra n i» . 21 Eaei

mPBt Bftllupright piano:alasan t PlKh.grade piano, II - - _

uBnil (ew monlhB; brillian t ton^; all Im^irove*

WASTRD—OH ham*** bsu»hl w lJ or tahm in txehant*. ABCHBWBACH'B. TO Marl.*! it.

WTOVEI and ito v t rtiwtM . tW >«*.; M. Z

fumltuw. *t«.j inlontlna „»h» dAkto at the 1*1* II , « , B arnottr S K a M M r ave,. F n r « r H ill, will too k Ai l ^ a t t K le ; Ihiut be dloDoaed at belore t

■aatin will haSM D IOT b b DS. .................................. .....^ asM a t n «M(e the dollar to nwfc* n » » to r ovr ip riiv l lu . a KAKTOR, « M u h l m.1 <w*a «vM anta

' SeMaafeaU S w S a W aataS , -AUUklad* of houMbold do<M* and nMrohaadlt*,

l a i n eontaai* at- nond, hoiiaw and flat* or

jha.ial 9 'ph<in*_»T»i7pOpUtl t f ’§Auction B e o m a M jV ^ e g r *

AMT and all nind* at booietaaia idoda tVtBl> t a n a ^ m arohtndM ao b th t to r « u h ; tohM

A l ^ kind hdtiMiKiifi fb o d i from bniuee kaS" eto^f hod tM to r CMh b f i

^ A«kdao!y ftLi eemt p e ^ l or a t l |.ei. 9H L.

P5<«*' tor all hoiiaateWlealhr ‘ ■ ■ -prlop) (or h a th a r beot; ------------------. tiouaa* , B S R a.

°Si[w n I S f iy ^ h S S h t .

i w i y i w m O T ^


PIAN18T-IRBTRUCTION,Pupil o l Rata*] rd MaoDowell,

102 M onh lOth ( t„ \ '1105 Caraeflle Hall.Eq«l Orang*, N. J . H«w Y ora

— . m ig ic ,ITAR, VIOLIN, nM nd fo r iw *.

a D, ‘Phono,

w h id t s c h o o l q p m u s ic . BANJO, m a n d o l in . O U lT A rP rivate Maone, 5Dc. InetranM n WT H lah »t. (near C entral ave.)BTRON T. BICKBON, td« 1 ana piano tn^

■tnictlon; (tudent* prepared to r *M t* or churoh. Cali W edneidaya o r Balurdaye, olhw dayd by appointment. 755 Broad at. ______

Kinney et.. between Broad and Mulberry,T i j r SOU A u i " f i 'anos” w a n t e d .

H lehest prlcre plven In e*bhan*e on new plvinoe. neat 10 d a 'e . Balance on eosy tarma.

"pP°A8E T’lANO CO.. 10 New et.r’SKD'mTrtglite *125, 5H0. (IflO. plOO; eqnarrt

m tiS to6, |«H); iliSil* piano* h"** l»«n P“*tn nfsi-clam order by factory o ipo rti, and can ha nurchaeed on low monthly paymejit*. a t BAKER'S. 27 te n th Orange ave. ___



TUNING, m palrlne and revarnlehln* of Y lanM - CARL .1. HBBBDEOEN, Booth

Eleventh M ,; 'phnnr 8120,1; formerly w ith L au ter Co. for twenty year*.__________

a NYTHINO you bar* to w ll. em d fo r a SOBIN. 8» ic a d e m r *t,.:.‘f to a e iit m j.

A M C H i'T B C T a A N O • o a n r o a i .


DRALISHB i n R BA l, KSTATR. 'M BpeclaV * ti*ation slv«ii to III* a p p n l ia l at

partition of real aMataSSO BROAD m .

a r c h i t b c t s .M L . tU h - 'C U N T O N A T ,:

a u o u stc s hi fA R c m r ix iT . “ - S S S S S .

» f tS w t i d w . . . . J f

A i n r o s o B i u i s a n d M m m e Y C L s s .

M Baift «le

orsanlet S t,^A itrto jf»*Ste»taa^p1ano, »nlo*i Tuoaday and F rMaF. Studio, 5M Biupd. It.

MISS MAE B. P B R B IN E .~ " ^ Violin, piano; inoUioa prtfctlcol, thotouih and

yat alinple;' ternu tnoderat*. 33 Court *t-WM, W M -l^C B 'CANON, _ ,

VOCAD CULTUb K ^SH Broad a t (Tel. dgR, Branch Brook.) 3u0 Clifton av*.MMB,'"PNTTITE, vocal Inotructlon, Italian

roitnod. Taw day. F iidaya . IT-Is W**l P ark * t; N«w York addrete, H I W w u e th at.

LEABH ^fiKJH T BCIi Filled Dp , th e w ly ofllole

Taendaye, F ^ r * . 'H . N. BA.NOINO. . Jiteat record/ RARR, 558 r -


‘S jlBRT" F M C iE w taaefcer. h a u te m aodotla. vlotiB. tu l ta r i laaaBi>aTe*T»t*.-m O iw w it .

i i i « u larnpa ■ ave.

A lte r

AUTOCAR to r WJa; eeaw tou r p*t*<»*;flOBtlr m in te d : In apod cmiWIffl;:

o n e tia ilia , ROBIJET OBBORNH, IW a * r a - tand a t . O ianar. . : ' -

i f m .^ i« N i i T tA p u c N T je a S i s b R ' mandolin, banjo. H ew n*. -M o MS Wainii^ et.


BECqHD-HAND Urw ^oaalae lira* ., Auto Tlre,B«PjJr p jn t j jm . Bid HahwY I t. ! « . I3SSL; old tirta bouAt. .

V IOU N iD ittaetlaa. A ledva iw JtIfaohiM rt, a t ■tiidto or ro o t ttM ra oa . S7fl Belm ont av*.

■ I n n t l M .

* ok3 ^ wTTwedaye and Friday*. .

A«uidl«ail<’ a a A C o t l * N l a t« ■ tB A Iao .P B l’VATB Ineiructlon In the -aboyo 31 Ml.

Plaaiant av*., e iod io le 'h w a^w 7S Mltebell |C , H alt Oraad*. A. p . 1 ITMIAN, ^ P .

b e a u t i f u l mahoaeny uprlaht p a no. e lm ojl new : none he if er m ade; tc ^ •“ 'd “

wain. Id Howard et., one block west nf court-iiouip .,-_ ______________ _ r .v ..B4UARH PIANO; good condlttan; " elputioarii

m aker; can be eeer. by upM lntnictit, p w or- tbnity fnr a le itaaln. Boa 1153. Caldwell, jf . J .MAHOtlANy n^ |teh t

Si*t-c1aw condition; g u a ra n ty WOLFF A CO„ SJ.83 Market lAuiW O H T ptano. in AI condition, wKh a t ^

and oover. ITS; terme if dealrrt, D> W O UV A CO.. 81-W M arket «t.I f^ T O N O R trE T -P lano

P arti * t . .•eeonf m onr.avt.'', .‘phene

tuning. 17 W eel■ t, . »Kond Beeldence, 75 8*y-

n —PliuM i oraene tub*?, rep e lrrt; •yeaw* teperlei'ce. HBhlHT HWALD, 40New

NLBOANT Sohmer mahoaeny. new. b aria ln . M W enklin i(. _________

n P R t o a r PIANO for eale; *75. Inquire W S ta te » t

A v u n o n flA L ftto


U prlah t and Square f la n o » .^ to PW lw Bull) (Id t3d sCeort, (rood P arlo r O im n , lh » e a ijtd

d a ch i« i* le r» , BriBecr*. Bide-Id 1 ^ 1

........ — —-vr _______ __boftriji, Tkliltf. ]> etlt*r eafi other Uh«1r*i fu n racU - - — - ‘ ------

gndotheriteV lrack< J^enrii Ptete

COM ilitg. Chairs,H gtf jth J l a i '

e lW h t Ru

Desks, nook- rtf '.; Cwriefi

t i o i W a tftc*gn ide i ■ nd’fttsee. mUfft end tfCMnd'-kaad C»r-peU, - ■ - - * - — ----------- — ‘“ -Afid foWertli canmegee.

MONEY! M ONET’ MONEY!BsU bttfhsd isas.


OT'KN RVENINGB.m o n e y to t^»aii oh h<iu*«hold goofte end psr-

Honsl iirop^rly, w llhnut rem oval; our rate* arr! th« lowast In the city; atltck. confldrtitial and rellfthle. Come and get our term e end be convinced.

M ITCHELL'er 103 M ARKET BT..Room 22. ovar Grand I ’nion Tea Stot*.

MONEY LOANED SALaARJBD PEO PLE and othere. w ithout security; easy paym ents; nfficee in fill principal cities; save yoorrelf money by getUtig tny term# first, D. H. TOLMAN. room (112, $tfl W ashington f t . cor. M arket. __________ _______________


'NEW PROCEBf;' esfp e t cleaning le the beet for carpets snd rufft, becaue* thorough smd

careful. Ail duit aiuj foreign m a tte r removed; no fruylng of edgf« and ripping t f eearaa.

Cftipets and rugA taken up, etceneed and re* la id 'in tw enty-four hours If wonted.

C. B, CADMUft, over th irty year* In the buelnsas, In e h srtr ,

AMOS H VAN HORN. LTD,.Office, 7H Market it . . Newark* N* J .

'Phone 580*CARPETS AND R tO S f3-EA N ED BT DC-

PROVED PROCESB. r e f i t t e d a n d RBLAID*

FU RN ITU RE upholstered and repaired. HAIR -^^-TTRffiSSEl* to ofdetU': nd BENOVATOD.' HANSON ft DIUKERSON,------- -

proprletore of ^OEdOLE CARPET CLHANlNO C<X.

Both 'phonea 414- 94d BROAD IT

IF you w ant to buy or ec-ll any Newurk or New York reel estat«. call nr wrlle Cll.Vrt F

HKCKMANN. UjO Nuaanu r t.. New YorkLOTS, chnlcesi part i-f flunmier five . jiloi

50x218: some fru it tre ss ; prl^-u rarechance. HUHERT HCKpTH, 7R4 Ilrusil nl.B T R lN a F liL b A V E . I H - B r k k liuiMtng;

25x87; anep, >17.000; eol^ control. SAM S. eCHEUER ft CO,, Bohpuer hulMlng- ____SOUTH ORANGE A V E -I*o l inOilOf'; good

location for stores and apariracnl* I-'H.\NK- LIN Y-_MAYO_ft_(3Q Uroad #1BUSINESS PROPERTUSS on rjiniMn. <^im-

mcTce anil Mulberry ets. IV jtH liriF .fllN CH).. Prudential buHJlng.FERRY BT-, m a r H am burg pi.—Comer ftaloon .and lensm enl proiierty; all renli'il, Jmiulre

111 Hambui-K p|. _____ __ _ ^ROSEVlLlelS burlness coiner: spletnlM 1tive**t-

£neFjV._BAaL-H. ft .UDubufrJtn|r. - - .

W A L L P A P B R a n d P A P ^ J tH A ji lQ ^ G .

tiPECIAL BALE In wailpuperw; fine piipe-r from eenie up, we do paiicrtrig; $2.5fj «

UP' Inside and outside (>a1ntinK. we gu*u'atit««i uuf work to be first-class; lake advantugv of iliesB exceptionally low pricca. M. ROTHOURB,9 flourii O renK o^vt, ________ _______ __

PAPERB rQomjttPlIlnR iind sidewalls, paper included: paJWjiit; m lt»wost prlreii;

wallpaper 8c. a ^ t’l ready-mixedpalms* >1.15 g a lIo « rt» a ll . w rite, 'photic, I. KATZMAN'S new slofe, 45 Bsllcvllle ave. _>8 W ILL paper your room. Including good

wotitraenshlp; el*o pain ting in and outside; Dsner from He. up ; estlm atee furnished,

B tfP lR E tVALlaPAPER (XiMPANY,91 Sprlngflold avs.

L. KATZ, W flPRIN O FIELD AVE..Js wsU known tor doing the best and cheapret *o rk In tbs city ; w ile paper a t cost price - der- orating end paper-hangin g ; open until T P. M.ROOMS papered, >3-60. up, Including paper and

iRbur; karwmlnlnga ftl-Wl: D*lnUng. >aen:nMt and Inside w otlc call or w rite ; work guereri' teed. fi. R riR lNBriN, 2fiP M ulberry; tel. 443WB

>8 up. Including paper and ning. I I . painting. >3; outside,

ROOMB papered, labor; karsomin

ranteed ._ Cell or ■vk-rlte. HUB postal.

Inside work: guaranteed. Cttll or WITZ ft n B R O ^ . 2fifi Bank at.

__ ___ including paper and' i s W ; kefeomlnlng, f l.6 6 ; painting, f2.50. out

and IzuHd* work; c*U or w rite ; work gueran teed.RA BINO W lT^. 40A #tor»t. 1* D, tol. 12H4R

painting, 12; reedy- , outside work: uieo

M. K ARW ITZK ET, 11 phone 2B21J-

ROOMS psbcred. Ifl.flO up ■ Jeomii

r o o m s papered. >8 in c h , . . . . .iiied peint*. a ll col ore ;__ou t sId e_ work^ uleo

Net Income............................................ |4M *9Which is over HU per crn i. upon money lB-

vpHiel. r iU L iU J- BOWERS ft UO., 188 M nrket et. 'GOULD AVE., best pt»rt. conysiilent to tro l­

leys and de])ot, H> rooms, all Iniprovemenli:* t5..VHi; also Bnulh l l lh st.. U roome, nii im-* provemvnts, steam heat, elegant, >fi,l>0(). lii- gulrp Ifl2 tlr fen wcK^ ave., Keai Orange*WAKEM.AN AVE.. 10 and 12. near Sefioad *r#.

^Three-etory bouss, nine rooms, batbrooin sna laundry, cteam heat; first-claw order; jo t sn ft. hy 112 ft.; term e easy. Address JA H ilS M. BEYMOL'H ,TR.. M-BS l^swrenes Bt,' SVHAT^MORB U 6~ f«5u ' IVANTthan s tliree-fstnUy. with 17 rooms, *11 Im- proveTn^ms but heat, showing Ircotnk >4lMk fur

rinly >1.500 cftHh iioedftd. HAM. 8. HUHKl'KH ft <X>.. Bcheuer building.

1800 DOWN BUYflElcgiitit new two-fam lly house, near trolley; 15 rorims; every modern lmt>rovomcrit: yoa pay seven yenrs, then payments roase. Ad- dlf»'BS Bubstantlal. Box 57. N ew t office.BEHT A R G A lN ir '^ iK M ^ ^W ard-P erfec l.

elcgani, H-room sjid B-rnom modern homes, la.nrNi. i4.75i>; fine two-fam lly. all M parata imprnvemenis, teV,20<>; tH,<s:Ulve snAO- VAN H nllN ft KIERA N. Ifli M arket i t ._______F i'HEBT h i l l , H ighland ave,—Fine rrsldene*;

10 rooms; pine li'lm; prilshM and waxed; fitHirP ftnlshod for rugs; all Imprctvernrms; non- I'eslilem nwiier revs It must be Hold: >T.D0u. HKNRY RUSSEL!*. 22 Cllnfm r t . _______FOR flAT.E. IWo-fWhlfy house wilh all lm-

pmvflhienis. In gw d ItK'RiJon; tleo lhre«- fam lly. buill umler tho new law with the lEctret intrdsrn Improvomsnts Inauire GCO. K E L l a E I ^ .m .^ l0 Prehlno ave.__________ _RIDGEWOOD AVK.—Two-family house (cor.),

yearly ren tal >70H, «]l Improvcmsms, >T*0(k); abm Munmnuth at . near L'llnlnn ave., one. or su itab le for famlllvB, nil ImproveroentSi >0,51)0, DANIKLHBN, 05 Ferry Ht.BIG BARGAIN- TWO six-fam ily houMs, large

rooms, good condlUon: owner muat ssU one; a chiibco to seeurs a bnrgaln; one toetted in Newark, other In suburb. H* C. BEACH, 809 Broad s t . ; phone 8018J.CENTRE RT.." 25-Thre^-etore hrlok and • * ' - 15 W*3ikl-5lMl2d; a r<sl ii>«i><iMutilty fur Khs ts jd pri*^- sitiojv 111 N ew ark; a hergalti now. CRijBfi ft HARRIS. HTcmd tt .HOHE’.'H*LE—$4.7W buys modern 15-room two-

ramiiy housp; nil Inippovemeiiis; two tieem heBtersi elHtn roof: near trolley and staHon; baigain . JOHN RETTINGBR. 102 North HKh

■ Rhone 572R. _________HANUSIOME. large. Iwo-famSly fiat house f^r

Hule: nil Improvements’: separate steam heat­ers; 7lh Kt , between Orange si, artd Bussex avp. Inquire of owner, 115 I8»h si . Kant Gr­ange. 'ai.’RSTANTTAL, well-eonstructed. brick house;

IS roc^ma and bath, with steum heat on $A- fnot lot; asphalt s t r e e t ; Occupancy on May );

..price low. Inquire on promitas, 29 Chsstnut st.

«*llp*p*r for e»le.Boiun Or»B*» «T*.;

■AVK money by having u» reflnlih your *Hvet- *nr* . chaiaeller* »nil

them like new; anyth in* In the m e u l line . I t ■ntehed anfl r™ ir* fl; a M perlsr afVeer p o l " •JUay* on bond. W rit* o r ‘phone IfHW.

NEW ARK NlCKSiL FLATINQ C a ,B ear M and «D W alnut t e ________

i L L K IN BS O F rU R N IT U B B ; C om B N Y S * O r HOUSBB. FLA TS AND__ B T O a ie B O U G H T CASH QUICK; ^ r m s a n u t . *a eO IT O OBANOE A V B.; ’PHONgl 30TL

OUNSBL * KING,C arp e a ten and wheelwrighU; Jobbllw » ***& lU ty ; M lm a tea oheertnlly given. Sw to u th I6 th * t . _________________________________MASON W OBK-tJhlmney* t w l r t d , rebulB i

BOOFINO anil c e m y n l^ ;) iMw nattm t gpivet roof le O. K I t tulN* Slrvey BtueSi^

Cn. t* do I t 7 « South U th a t . ; both 'BhoBteC. L. KtBLBON Is**

a t to ™ Broad * t. . .fo re n p a l te d : m attrim ea

1* ranoovad from M l B r ^ t t . ; uplMtotortng u td M m t- r u H * m to v a lsd .

C H A trs e tacd , dSc. and up. BBBHEB. tH

PATEN T FHAie*!G lO B B 'T t

1(10 BBOAD a r . . r ~ IM S 'S ? 'A N D MK

■ '■ ..7 r-.-ouD JjroB A O E , T H E PBCHIBBS. ^'k ty tiw AM 'IHM B U atN X U .

TO U BING CAR ir*nt*d hi o u r tu u ig e je r a n - tiiH tift^AiBUz. Bouin; MtMw* a« |h . A«>

; i«r«** O u b . K nr* o<B*b . '‘ -I . !- ■; ••• ‘ t -A*''" . „ ••

n c o M a . DK/r o B t r - l w

P X T SaTTS-D K A K f B C Broad and Muflwl e t e ;

ed ll be a t o jnw an — aoilc*. N. T . and I

, SoUolton, w n iw

• i l . a i i d a ^ * v » -

COTTBKLL * CO..T B A p n A R K S .------------- ----------

BOOM «» UNION BLDCt; CUmOII I t .p A T tu m ._ U M ia M S .

I. t » F ? » t a B T B

THB M anhattan D eooratlng Co.; painting room . 1 1 .75 ;. pant ring t3.SD; beat work lobeapnt r a * " g u a ra n ie s . SAMUi El W AX. m gr .51 M erce^ j^ROOMS papered, 13.60 up; lateet dealgn*: beat

woTkinah^tp. H . OBAD. pain ter anil doco- rator. 157.130 Sprtngfleld ave .; 'phone 74<WL

P W S M l U K n i i f t . ^ e J I £ ^ I L ^ J B ^ ^M dD O T T O 2"^ 'D B E 88M A K iN O , LADIES’



BRANCH, ROSB C . l y n c h . 5M BROAD BT.TAYLOR'M Drea*0'‘tt in g ond Millinery Sohool—

L a m M school In the S ta te ; spring term now o m ; dresamaWnu, ladles' tatlorm g. F ^ n ^

----------- . . . . (ndivldual (nstructlon: olasaeaT u t* and Thur, eve's. H ART Broad »*.. oor. Central ave.

l.ADILS. n a d thia: H ate trimmed ^ . . h a l t ‘ 75c ; select aasortnM nt of mllllnory. Mlhand^ your o w n ,m a te ria l mad* up; aatlsfac-tS S g ttuint***- ®i.. BROWN. 5 ^t to u ttN In th et., near South OimiMra ave. fleaetgS At window. ___________________bRESflMAiciNG end m illinery thoroughly

taugh t; eaay paym enta; poattlona free. E nter pow. CaU or w rite. MeDOW ira4, Bctmol. StO Wh av*.. New York City._____________________

p a r l o r M ILLIN BRT,MISS H OFFIM BE. ^

Pomterly of F ifth * v e ^ N e * Yorie. t « N orth Ninth at. Talepbon* OaM Branoh Brook.

c o M i i r a flivi&NTfl,

e l e v e n t h annual m atinee dance and ovtn- Ing maedt.0 bait ,rf th# .d. J . Ehrm ann A*eo-

claikm. at Irpperta! B all, foiroerly New Cen­tury. F ifteenth av*. and M orrit a v a , W aah- HwtoB'i B irthday. uR em ooa a n d avenln*. P r t ^ r y « I» « , Admiaalon, Mioludln* ward- « ** , S6c.

H AV E several properties on Nelson pi., 13th (iv«., HthMug si., Newark. ibvUywoofi ave.

*ml Rleuben ni., East Orange, tha t I will Hi\ cheap. A'bJrnsa Cheap. BoxJSB. News omes.B L K E rk K Il flf.. near High—Thrre-smty brick

h'^use; ihlrr(-cn rooms; bulh; all ImprUVe- mcnt»: Inrome over IJfi iwr cent.; worth mvea- rigstlng . Hff.NnV fttfSBRLTA. 22 Ullntoh at.

‘ W.OOO DOWN flU fflBret twn-ra.ml1y house, nsar Clinton av*.; IT rooms: all Improvemsfits; rents worlb fTW yearly. Adflrres Snap, Hox ftft* News office^b r i c k h o u s e , three Stories; 10 largo, light

rooiu.s ajifi bhlh; fumec*A h ea l: xoofi condi­tion; cf'Fitral incstlos; coah or on oasy terms. Adilrcss Fiim ace. Box lt>. News office._______CHOTCE e«icfHon; cosy ont-fam lly houeeg;

RoHi vilId , EuHi O range; 14.000 in >5,500: Hf>ni<’ buyeru. liivostmetit ft^ckers coneiiH HOUFEN A CO., 012 O range si.

$Eo” d o w nnew. Ifi-rooroy two^CftmlW

J lp li-y « a re . AOOreM iJin lted • 1. News office. ’

WOODSlDF. Rummer ave .—One-f&mlly h o u « ;

h i

siari|{ '

7 roome: bath; laundry; largo a ttic ; oU Im- .-movements; lot 35xl&5. F or prion, etc., aadresj Cn*y. Ilex Bta News office.UKio UAHH buys m odem two-family house, rep*

are te entraticee, sepers ts steam heaters, bet- once of m ortgage a t five ]ter cent. HENRY OFHLKR, !S5 M arket i t ___________________iF w o-F A lilL Y dw elitaf, South 9lh st„ Row-

vine: every Improvement; le t iWxOfi: ld ,fiw | pays 0 ]>er cent. net. WARD-OEHIN CO.. P ruden tial building.>3.050 BUYS 7-room hooes w llh bath, steam

heat, e tc .; n so r new rily hall: nicely decor' M ed; g rea t 811*0. VAN HOJtN ft KIBRAN.W4 a ^ k e t at. __ ■CENITIAL—Double slx-fam ity brick flaty

two low adiolnbig, lOO ft, frual; extra WSU b u ilt: a l t tm prevem ents. Address Bank* Bex 1, N «wi office.R 0 8 E V IL L E -N :3 ! well bum, i w o - f * ^

h o u « ; tw d steam h w te n ; vverythlM in ( J J j toc t p rtW ; price W.SM. L . E . MBWKEH. * » W arren *£,' _ ii i v K N T H WARD-TWO

3-fa*)1!yt ooM w ater, ges, ren t ITW: iiti<» 15,MO; «*sy lereae. GRIJSSTK. 22 CUnton »ta i i w x i R a VB.. m a r Fourth ave.— rwer

tmovements. Itm ulre P. B- TOMPISlWwi. K rtt

near Fourth aTee-rTereR?^

........................... %iSaim y s t ________________ _VAILSBUBOH-Bef* «!£,,, i j l - ‘T S u S t f S

house*. tro ib v ,5 I^ , Visent. Addtvi* P artletilalv, B w a ^ ««» » aWd*. R O i S 'n £ i i - r < * S w mo*-«dom hrlelt touae;

nrst-ctase o an to tM ; l i j i *ImnfCTemeomiL-'TWiflfV

DANtTIND. W aablogtoa’* h l r t h d a ^ l g h t , Feb- CAMP i! ,iJ l" 1 |^ 7 E g u 5 S J 3 JS * ;*' vxui.>.*ir n»n K g unrH u av a ., ad - rooni»i tw s ,nat*»i . ' 'S r 2 r " ? - V * .flltaen

, Doelger'a hull, 3S5 Morrt* av*.s *4- _ 'J l i i i S r 'cludlEg w artw h * . 35a. -* flouth Bt- Bwlw"-

v f■SBi

-«1 t# r-.


W ednesdavs^Special Real Estate D ays=SaturdaysMBAL EITATB

^ D w rlltn cu . ' OOOD BABO-»T»« .L n « r F « ttu rirru -tM ^tn d t.

tl.w«>ve.;**nU“T>r;T v.

cABh; : two-famny: 1* «»««; ftaa^i n«*ten,>-nimnyj

e; le .mtooBUi «H iinprov«n'«'><“' *■'”***l?i?dwlck kve.. M»r Crnilon »»•-;

*Kl'm“«“ !*n«r Had!,*; !-(*»ll!r; «

cood a-ftmlly! # rwJTTii; improvam«nM. *F»by«n pi., » « r CUmon »''»•; *room* *1111 bith; mlNorth IHh «t., nwr Tth av ,.. mo4«n>

uv lit* .«., o a r s u m tt ,r a v .- , n ™ 4-(««llyp iw id hrifh^ I'l «iom* »»d bjthi; »

' «t.. ahoy, P l»wbricli and ,iont hoo« : ImiiroiramMia,Mt. Hlaapant ava., n,m Clark ai^ »-twin

bouaa. with all ImprovahaDl*; »,W», Mulbanr ol„ «-fawSllf: W -™ " •'*“ >

luat; Improvammti: rm ta Wdo,Plana •(., naar Jamaa. modem bouaa, *

rooma, bath, laiindm all ImpmaamaoHi P*a- | « t MndWoni W.uUtf- _

l,oeo otbara to a a l^ *™B'8INN(JTT a riBAN,Ba Broad at., neat Peddle Chureh.RSAL B8TAT»~IttgimAWCll-LO*W8.

«:NTBA1-UV loomed lY-ro™Y mptwaiaffit*; to aim*

ciuh prtoa IT.OOOe ROMINE, IM Mar-

BOBBVnAJB-ModarapmvareHitai barn tm four i r o » , •a«U"d‘

lomtloii: price 111,WO. TO151) HONINBl, IW HarMt at.

nHAL HSTATB FOB •ALB C l? fDyralllBcm





ClARSlDB gT., 1SM-THHEE-8T0BT BRICK riOUBU; IXIT sa.oaioo: »4,W0.

BUMMER AVE., « « a^ W O -S T O R T FRAME HOUSE; ll.dlKlOl |J.Ooa


WMO-FIne. now, 3-famllpi choice IncaUcn; •«a>' modem ^^am, lltm


E a a i OruBE«acorner; extra cbdlm raaldtiuiA

‘sw-llon; lU.WH); lu rfxini ailiJ'balh; «l#aroukai;t [FUIa

i| trim; evtrf Iznprovca <; flne llaht. ^iONNJIS «

RRIHH. Centra! uve., -nr. Soi....................h e a t; hardwacd lioora l .. . merit; lot 6yxl6o; flne light. . - - -

■■ ■ lUth n in to a aL

K&W t*.-i)*ramlly tiOLjieB; aeparato eaimneei;eVcr’- mni'lern tnipm*»man*: extra wail built;

«ide tote; eholm luCHtl>n tor lioma or hnvaa(>

can And the farm you want a* price want lopay ihmiixh flirout'a L ilt No. 17.

a large uatalorue, deicrlhlng hundred! of hur*y»' -a __>1 raw val lulnalriA, with picture! of liulldlna* and trayeliHg Initructloni lo reach each proixTly; atCKra «ti«1 tooli included with roany i#f the farma W lenle eatalea qulchly. Write to-day for free coi>y E. A, HTIiOUT. dejiartmeot 2S. !St) Naxenu Bl.. New York (Mty. ____________________ _

nii*m: DoBUlvely very l"W and a rara qhance at td.nw, noNNIbi «— —• - -cop. South L'Hmon it.

RBISS. Central ave..

1000 Bl'YS dne l-fam!ly. 6 roomi; hewt,; fvery Imi^rovetneut; docomtcii throughout; drive*

way, bam and carpeiui r shop; big barfaln at JH.ttiio. PIONNIE St HLIH8. Central ave., ©or, Clinton i>i.GENLINE barv&in: Central ave,; torner;

choice location for doctor; eight fooma and b a t h e v e r y Improvement; ..wide iotl onlyi4.b*»n. PIONNIB A llEiSB. Ceulral avo„ cor.outli Clinton m.

FINE one-famlly houa# In the he&uUfat aeetlon of Hyde Park: all Improv^mvntii; eteam heat;

lot 50*126; only PIO.VNIB A REISS,Central ave., octr. Bomh Clinton at. ___

light aiphalt »treei, I^Uth EleventhW.0(»-D»ldei1 bK»*tn: new Jj™” :Biate roora; choice location, lota aflxiw, aep grate entraDCea: every nuxlern hanaeuniely decorated: all 'two niinuew from *elation: eaajly worth W,fW0. PlONNIE ftRKI9B. 186 South Itth at.bJX-FAMILY: laria tot large houM. n i f .

well built, due largevrovemeiita; jioved aireet; fine loeatlon for good ateady tenatiU; rent IJ.24H per flO.aOO; a bargain. PIONINIE ft avcJM . 1S0 itouth Btevanth at.

HEDDEN THSRJUCS.-Mott home onth* ' Hiir‘ aectlnn; ^ rtwtn* wnd

iLTown modem improveitianl. APP'S fkjuu itOMINE, 186 Market »t.

UnproYe-allSUMMHR AVB."Nlfi* roomij — - - - - i - ' .uaota; a decided If

« n be had for *1.000. FRED ROMINi. IMMarket et.BGtiEVXTil K SBOTION-Two-ffcMlty

aajpv terma: only *400 oaah RdMlNE. IB6 Market it*irBED R' ____

MILLBB #T,—Sxceptlonul value In one-femlly. .. l#we iHryhkAini Atl t a t OtllyM.lUtiu n u e fiT.-Kew one>fnmliy bmwe; all the

lAftaat modern Iniprovemeni!; 8 rootna and baStTirice nIcwO ROMINM. 186 Mar-liti ft.iioticVlWJS ANT) EAST ORAJfOB BAR-

GAINS,^r»-f*nilly houiei *11 ImprovemeBti; i“-

MM ITt4: we wuit oflir. .Three-fkmlly bcntae; eeperfte wntranoev and

■(•M hMMil lot » * U ; MPh*lt blreet: BUT Rmville SUtlon; W.60O, ■New two-fuiilly boHM, on p«v*d .tree!, lotSSKlOO: pTlo. ip.m-. •tAtlone.

Two-fiuBlly houM; T1 room.;OBe-ttmlly houM! Bine room.; «il lm p««

• .n u : .eleot neishborhood; HLStki: A bar*,in.two-f»mlly home; tB roomi; eo-

trancwi »wl iteBai

U,4a6~Flne two-famllv; nil Improvemeote;wMe lot; uphAli elreel; oonvenlent lo IhrM trolley* PIONNIE « REISS, tSS Hnulh Mlh it.EAST ORANGE offlM, Cenlml *ve., cor, South

Clinton «, _____ ___

BAUOAINS-NIn, roome. nil ImortvemenU, c^Bnvenlent lt> trolleya and <l«pot, nO ft. |u*,

owner leaving city will aarriflce: ilan flne realdence, 60 fc. lot. 12 rooma, all Improve- menti, ti mlnwioe from eUtlon, flne location, tt.fiOOi anmher. 48 ft. lot. 8 raoma and bath, all Improvem^nta. *A,60*i; e»«y term* on all th«B» propenlea. IU2 Greenwood ave.. East Orange. __________*6.160 BUYS an elglil-rwni alnglv-fantlly houae.

ahich win i>* raady for occupancy <m May 1 next; thla heuae «lll coninln kJl the Utaat ImprovemehUi, atoam heat, elf*ctrU; Ughia, etc., tnd will be decrated in the baet manner; aee thia before It la aoirt. for IhetW are few houeee to be had this y#-ar that will compare with It. llERRJtrK. H(K/TH ft CRIBT, op- poatio (Jrovo 8t. Station. _____ ________

CImINTON ave.: lot 1003*126: II rooma; all Impirovementa; garage on rear. *

Stone at.; lot 80x5S; 11 rooma; eteam heat.atabie. with ahop above, ___Slone at.; lot 96xll2j 12 rooma and alore, three tsmlllee. ^ ^

Eighth ave-; lot 22*1M; 6 rooma: E.OOO. Oaralde ■<.: lot 26x100: 8 rooma and y tb ;

•team be»i; *1.0®) caeb.Grant et.i IfR MatUfti 12 rooroi; all Improve- menta; euliable fur phyatclan or demiat; near Broad at.Humboldt at-J lu* flxSO; 8 room* and bath; Iroprovemema; *1,100 oaah.

SAMVKIj R. c a ir n s . 404 Broad I t

BEAl'TlFUl* ten-rriom houae. with two v m nlront ptacsai; elegant atnlile on iot, wnieh

le iOtWi feet* Kouae and atnhie In nrat-claa* condition; altuaied on one of Iho beat atrerte Eaat Orangt, K. J . : aeven rolrmiee walk from Urove Bl. Station, on D., I* and W. R. H ; for vale or rent. F^r further partlculare ad- dreae IL. l(ff Main at., Eaat Orange. N. J.

NEW J?:R8EY FAHMS—Five aurea gwMl. high.dry ianil. nenr AilHnllr Cily, N. 7 ■

payable *6 dow:\, nicmhly; excellpnt aoll ami location for ruising fruit, berrlea. truck an-l poultry; g"od niHrketa cloae by: two raUroRdv


TO LEABB for a term nf year*, tbree-atory- 8TOHK to let at at.; rant tjMO^and-baaem^t brick bunding, within hnlf able. Inquire at AMOB H, VAN HORN B. ?•

block of the retail mercanllle oualneae, centre of the city, cfmtalnlng about 8,000 iQuare feet

Market et.

BIDQBWOOU AVE., U, between Clinton and Madlaon g>ea.—Five light rooma upl bath;

all Itnprovemente; rent reaaonable.

of floor apace, auitfhle for furrier or faahlon- ubie talicvr; light manufadurlpg could be car- r\ed on in eonnectlon with bualneae; owner will

stork 07 Burnet et.-, u» ... , for part eight year*. BONTG

tral ave.

plumbing ahop lEK. m Cen-

jvrranae term* for long Uaae. If thoroughly re- njionalblr, Addreag R., Box S7. Newa office.

STORES to let, 80-82 WilllBtij i t . ; wUl alter to■ult. ienant. __________ .

Ann c/[|T>aie. puri- tille_p*rfect_. lHXikl'*ifree. GANTBI. FRAZIBH CO.. 616 building. Fhlladcl.'hla. P a . ________

i.ROAB BT.. ao. three-itory brick houee. ten r< fme, all improvemenla, May I, *56; pilrd

u\e . H3, houap. 16 rooma, ateam heat, all im- [.rovemrnU. Immediate poaaeaalon, *66: Fnreat Hill. Ridge r*.. new houae. p rooma, (team iiefli, all Improvementa, *40; Immadiate poa- t«-fli»l«>n. HfiNRT RUBBETaU 22 Clinton it.

SHEET mualc department; apace to rent inlaraV department atore on percentage baaia. . . . — ,-----for eh<!ei music; piano loanei

Space. Tiox 46. News, Addraaa


FLATS, c o n ta in in g 6 AND 6 ROOH8 AND ALL MOPBRaN IMPROVBMBNT8:---------------------- ON FRSN-

— MBTROFOU____________ _____ I WASaiNG-


FOII SALK, elegant term pro;»rty In West Orango, conslating of house of nine rooirts.

flne aifttile and atw>m 20 aerw of beautiful fane land: will eacrlflce. Addreaa BROWN. 260 Main st.. Orange.________ ____________ _GET this plaee. good village farm. In Hunter­

don CrtUTUy: M aires; comfortable coUage; bam and rlilrk<m-htuiM*: young orchard: high elevation; Uiveiy plare for n home; *2,OX; would exchange. Addreae Farm, 46 Valaon ave,. city. __________ _FAHMA, all sliee;knowPark,

, (im able to give best In- money; icur Be

C. w. BON'NELL. Pattenburg, N. J.formation and v»Iiie for the money; let me

your wants; l<xatbifi near Bellewoou


land; new T-room house. gi>od bam. liable for I’uWB, aU>ne smokehouse, wagon house. runnlriR siresm; three quarter* mile from Whttehouae Siatlrm: tme-half mile from church and schnoJ; *FJ mnmh. Inquire R. J, flTlLL- WRLU owner, Irvington, N. J.

i.'AN'FlELl) ST., •o-Eigbt-room brick bouae. Apply p. WOLFF. 81-69 Markat at-

STAS.L lo let; Eighteenth ave,, near Bprlng- fleld ave. Itidulre JOSEPH J. MANGER,

4KU S;tiinjulelft ave.. Newark, N. J.STABLE: three stalls and shed.

New y«>rk ave.Inaulra 68

BOUTH BBVBNTH ST., SSO-SM-IT-te, coil- talAlng t and 6 moma and bath; all ImproTe*

roenta: rocma papered and BROOkfi Realty Co*. MetropoUtan Bldg.. 23S Waihlngton rt.i fifth floor.

■LINTON AVE., 102. cor. Thomaa at,—Houae TO LET. North Ward Bank Hall, «Rf>eir lorlo let: eight rooma and hath.

any Thursday evening or every T h«rfay u-jininK. Atmlv to or uddresa A. olMONflON,

WASHINGTON ST., 62{>—Dwelling for renH mndern improvements; 16 rooms. Owner. 63

evening. Apply to or m 62 East Park st.

BOUTH tth AT-, 40e-416-Klefant flata aU larga rooms; tiled hatha; halla furnlahad; all

improveraenta; rent very reasonable. Inquire 8. SEIDLER, on premlaea.

William at.BROAD BT.. U2oi—Houee; 6 rooma; all im-

nroveroenta: rent 166 per month. Inquire 110

TO LET. first floor or part, 3 0 ^ location; five mlnutea from Central or Penn-

syh'ania Station Mechanic at. _

Broad stflEVj£JS'-ROOM house; light rooms; 07 Dawaon

el. Inquire 66 Vincent or 101 Pacifle at. H. BAfM.

TO RENT, top floor, with flne lj£ht all ajound, with steam heal: l,6f0 feet floor space. IQ-

QUlre at ofllce. 14 Ward et.Th Ae e STALLS, wagcti shed, wort ahop « d

,’artb; suitable for k-e dealer. Inquire 611TO LET. 1101 Broad at.; 10 rooma and bath.

Inquire Fidelity Truat Co.. PrudenUal build-Rnuth 10th at., In barber shop.

HOi'BE to let, 862 Halaey sc; 10 roorae andl«th.

WAHHINQTON BT.. Hifl-Biore. baeement and 3 upper ftnOTfc to let fit^^ Jo* Jto buIL Inquire of J. HE JIAKNE, IT Can-

Iral ave.


FARMfl W ANTED-OUT OPBUAIAi FARM wanted to mU; 6 to |A acres:

ffultabJo for dairy. In KUtnn. Union. .Bpring* fteld. MUlburn, South Orange, Maplewoo/i;

FAMILY of three aduila dealre modern house, from 8 to 12 rooms, with bath; furnlahed or

unfurnished; rent not to exceed *60 per momh. Addreas, atatifig termi, locatioo, etCn, Q>, Box flS. Nftwa ofllce.

STABLB“ Want to rent atabie. with ataBs for nine horeea, and room_ to acoommodate five

wagons: must be cunvenlent to Market bl. ue* pot. Addreaa fitable. Box IB. News ofllce,

barn, house not necessary. Address Mapit:- wood. P. 0. pox 186 _ ______rn'W to IWfMy acres; near railroad; con­

venient to Newark. N J Address 0. JEN­SEN, 82 Christopher st.. Grange. N.

WANT to rent house with six or seven rooms and one-half acre or nrtore ground; slate rentt

commuting distance of Newark. Addreaa R H. A-. 68 South Thirteenth st.


NORTH 8EVSNTEENTH B^r.-TWtbfamlly: separate ataam, Wert^rt.^toomer);

two family; separate siearo, *6.TU0> Eaton pi.; two-fa4nliy: icparutc hem, $4,700. (Rhar one,

FARM—Wanted, to rent five scree or more.near Newark. K. 1 STEEL A08 West Bide

ave., Jiney City.

WANTEjD. five or alx room house, rent b' t over *12 to *14 a month, Vailahurgh pre­

ferred, with a little piece of ground. Addrees H.. Hox 22, News olflea.


WANTED, to rent a small farm with plenty of fruit, (128 John st., Harrleop, N, J,

two and three family houee*. at rlghtprlvec tlieae before buying elsewhere. OlrTOHD,

WANTED, detached seven-room houae and hath; all Improvementa; good order; Aral-

class nelgbborho^, al:»oui |9u. Address N. C. M.. Box 98, Newa omce.


Yot water alUchmantt; price nothing1 m this In price in Roeeviuem i W lai* in e»

Sli-famil^ house, on pavad atrart; lotrice no,WO; locome | l , m

b ^ k hbuaa; 14 rewmsi; want oflar *^"TotiS^very weak wa ’bav* to our

I moan than rthara, and wa Mil tham. TOTTEN ft LUBICH,

4 North 91b at., oppotlla RoMTtlle Btatlon. W ie “ ■■ *“ "*^ e Roaavflle cdr, gat off at Bathgate ph,

vaik north « • M ock .__________________

E i»TON HILL BSAL ESTATE.» 11 rooms; parquet Aocn ; burlap

_____ ; tiled botkl quarter oak trim; v«yftM: floor n»mt on flrat floor; 66 feet froift; will a o e r t^ ; make otter; *600 oaah. BRARDBl^r 600 Clinton a¥e.KIKE rooms and bath; all Improstmenta;

hardwood trim: 28 feet front; ■avad itiwrt; lAOO tkkka u i offar; eaoy IffiM. BBURDbLET, 600 CTUiiton ava.

Oargaine to cloaa Mtata, amatl amount «caah;S-famllv betise, Newton at., near Rank, IQ

rooma, alt Improvementa. MiOwJ 2-famlly houae, Sciuih 9th at., near railroad station. *6,000. 12 rooms, steam heftC. all tmprovemmta: two 3-family houset. eeniral. rent for t838 * year, price for the two 17.260; store and one- family house, South Hih it., rant for 1263. price *2.200: 8-fxmi1y houM, 10 rooma, all im- provemanti, Boith 12th at.. $5,600; *-family houae. H room*. Improvemente, Bcutfa ITth at., I6.9OO, 8. ft J. Y. MAT7/, iTfl plckeroon at.

A1 INVBHTMESNT—Double ihrea-famlly excellent condition; ram *1.100 per year,

always rented; two short block* from Brick Church Station; lor *500 down will buy It, Apply CLIFTON D. BAU>W1N. I&5 Market iU

FOUR ACRES, centre of I'lty, 400 feet on luived street; newer, water, gue; price asked,

tib,OCO; will divide. ORIDBIN, 22 Clinton at.

F A C T O R IE S F O R S A L E ,

THREE houees; centrally looated; 10 or more rnome; one for private family; two for roorn’

lux. Eureka Buaineoe Exchange, Union build­ing. _______WANTED, to rent small house with grounds,

with privilege of buying. Full [lartlculars, C. N. C.. 8h8 Decatur st.. Brooklyn. N. T.

NtNHi-ROOU houae; all Improvements; ground*50x8,'iO; handy to trolley, railroad and Bchool;

neighborhood first-class; poasesslon March 1;priw KOOO: *1.000 down, balance five iH»r cant, rackdgage. Apply 114 Cleveland st.. Orange.

O.HOO BUTB factory, with two-fwmHy hou*e, •table, engine and boiler; other factorle*. ull

prices; central and auburban. VAN HDRn ft KIERAN, 164 Market st.

SMALL house; about seven rooms: in nice n lghborhiHKl; for two adults; state terms.

Address Adult*. Bo* 29. News office. ___

*4,000 WILL buy any one of four iwo-famlly bouaes located In East Orange; houeee all

rented: owner will accept purchaM money, mortgage of *3,iXiO and ll.OUO cash. Apply CUFTON D. BALDWIN. 185 Market at.

TWO-STORY frame mill, oonatnictlon 40*80 ft, and boiler room; engine and boiler con­

veniently looaletl. E. II. LUM, 812 Prudential building.

HOUSEB; 51 State at.. *42; 75 Ogden at., *12;218 High SI . *20: 874 Vnlley road. |2i> RAN­

DALL. Main st.. Orange.HOUSE, with T or 8 rooms and bath: In good

kK.-alliy. Reply, etMlng terms, to Loeae, Box S, News office.

P0SB7Vn..LliJ-Plne apartment, buff briak, cor­ner. showing big retunta for money invaatafl;

another property suitable for husltiaa*. three ■mall hoaifs. tT.DODj iwo-famlly, modern, *8,51)0; anotbri. 15,800; another, except he^, 14,700; also *4,600; another with bam, *6,800. brick, steam; three-family, modern, feparete steam, IT.BfiO; atiothar with bam, * 7 .^ : an­other except heat, lAlOO; another 16,800, don t tel) lo call befora buying elsewhere. GIF­FORD, 784 Frvdentlal.

b a st ORANGE-44,600 buya aft up-to-date 9- room alngle-famlly house; all lrnpiw*ment*:

•team heat; elate roof; excell^ t ngitb>9ybciod; near station; bargain. JOHN RESTTINOER, 102 North 19th al. ’Phone 6T2R,FOR SAIjE, Baal Orange, on P ark ave., a

m i^srrt home, nine rooms and bath ; all im-provem ente: hardwood floors; open_nraplacjaF or particular* address L H. TA W est 2fid it . . New York.


f o r e s t H ILL-B uff brick and brownstone, com er, 16 roMns, high clast, oil modem, far

■ale owing (0 death in fam ily; big value at *16,000; eaerlflet a t *12.000. Two-family, mod­ern ImproveTnehti, *8,700. Two-family, flne condition, all Improvementa except heat. *4,000; another a t * 4 ,^ 1 another, cold water, brick, t t *3,600; don’t fail to call before buying alse- wher*. OIFFORP. 784 Prudenttal.

A LL TH E ORANGEH—Two detached cottages.nea r D ,, L. and W., trolley, bank, m arkets;

a ll Improventenii; cosy lerm i; w ant nffer. W ITHROW ft ANOIER. 872 Main *t., East Orange. N. J,EAST O R A N G E-V acant plot. 29x141. north­

west com er Main and Jones its., near P a r l^ w av ; excellent location fo r garage. Inquire of A. H, PEAL, at J. Wlsa ft Bona. 683 Broad si.

TR’G-STORT frame, mill conatruotlon. 40x80 ft., and bpller-room, engine and boiler; con­

veniently located. B. H. L trJi, M2 P rudential bufldlng. _______________

w a n t e d , lo rent an oid houae, two or four rooms. Address M. RXNGKUJBT, 28 Moni-

gomei-y at-______________ .



SOUTH o r a n g e a v e ., 819. aecond f la l-4 ls rtOBiA bath ; ImproveraeoU: excellent neigh­

borhood: rent *%&. Inquire 800 Broad *t., room 490. _______ .. .aOtfTH EIGHTH BT.. M. near C en^l

First and second flata; six rooma: bath; light on all aides. Inquire 36 Montgomery atsotTTH NINTH ST., 191-F ira t floor; ftv# and

hath; all Imi^vements but heat: rent *13. FRED ROMINB. iSg Market et.SHERMAN AVE., IW—Flrat floor; five r o ^ a

and bath; all improvement!; rent nfl. HENRY 8CHEIDEB. 786 Clinton ava.______SEYMOUR AVB.. 172-Secottd floor^ of two-

family house: seven rooma and both: all im­provements except heat; rant *91.

•Two flate: first and oeootidSUMMIT St 101— ___ r ___floors; five and ■!» rooina:"’aU improvaniinta ■xoept heat. Apply 20 Nelaon pi.SPRIN G FIELD AVE.. 726-Nl<» t o t Of 8

rooma and bath , *17. BLASBBRG ft ZIEG­LER. 800 Broad a t . _________________SPRIN G FIELD AVE., 864—F our B l» large

rooma. In good neighborhood; all improve­menta. _____________________8P(UNGF1KI.D AVE., «B-On* flAt, » IWIWL

all Improveraenta: *18. ____

APARTMENTS—New corner house, alx and neiMi rooms; »II raoJern

cstlon best in ths oily; rents W7_W,Becimd SVC., norner Rldse st E liw iis HETTH, dentin, *86 BrosJ st., Wetvsrk, K. J.

A -P A R T -M E N T Sfur early spring. Why h«nil1e « » ' . “ iw". tn rbage another yesr? Engsgs w hst you Sr.w !n Ths Ridgewood. « 0 Lllnton gvo. So* J. C. M eCl’RUV. MS Hr o s d s n ______________APARTMENT—Seven all light rooms tcomer

building!; all modern ImprOTSments; •tM™ hepl rurnlshod; tiled h ithroom ; second floor, rent tSJ. BOSCH'S Jewelry Slot*. Sprlngfleld ave., corner High e t . __________

SIXTEIENTH AVB.. 77. cof. l i t t le to o t v a . - Four nice rooms; price *11 ________________ _

TO LET-^our elegant rooine, with menta, at 8® Bergen it. Inquire F, Nub-

BALT4. 968 Springfield ave,______________TO LET, three room! and bath; fUHable for

dwelling or office; 936 Broad at. Inquire 4 Academy et.. rtwm 7. ______________ _THRUT3 n»m« to let. 61 Aator et.VAILSPURGH, Sanford ave., 8 4 0 - ^

and bath , new tw o-fam ily houee, all Improve­ments. separate rtoam h ea te r; aleo Palm Bt.. 83. five rooms, new two-fftmlly house, | l t . COOLEY, 22-Clinton r t. ___________ _VAiIaSBUROH. Bmlth ot.. 2*6-Flat U» let;

first floor: all Im provem entB ._________ _



FACTORY for Okie, with about feel nffloor space; oloae to freight station. Apply

to W. W. 8WETT, Hlghtstown. N. J.______


FACTORY rpxc* suit: modern equipment;electric power and light. 'WM. 0. C. UEHL-

GACH. 39:4 Mulberry et.

HOUSE for Bile, barn and tw o lot*, a t T8 Bar- In ra its inquire 118 M egaalne at.

■HYDE PARK—Swell residence chanre; we have tw o; eewish with all Improvememe and in


fiine condition: price right; easy terma. B. BC’HEUEm ft CO.. Hrheuer building.

■KAIAN FLh-Blfht. room* rtaAts: pftrauet floeni} niosu

SSttrtflo*. BBAjlDBtAt*.

Impr ebrated; 86x , 600 Clinton

gT.—Brick front; lO^rooms; Alt■ A. 7 A _iu*k aa«toNscondition; lot ttilOfl;lebrovetotiits; good ------- .i S y S ; CROfiiBYg 766 Broad at.CflPmiAL AV*,, nearTuuw

B looaO ftli*BLOOMFIBLD-Eifht ralnute* from Nflw»rt

trolley; five minutee from Brie; on 60-foot lot; 2u-s(ory slate-roof bouMi piaiia front and aide; eleven rooms and bath; extra toilet; ten yeara built; new furnace and rongai house re- ceqtly painted: possession May 1; bargain at I6,0to; W.ODO can remain at B per cent.: oc^e ro Ofllue, NATHAN RUSBEIdU via Lacka­wanna.

FTOE two-famU.v: nine roome; all Iraprove- monta, e*coj>t heal: k'l.tWi. Another two-

fo^ ily , nine rooms; spuaraie baths, IB.OiXt. GIFFORD, 784 Pnidenilal.I IO U siT i rooms awnings and carpets.

.on easy term®, CHRIRTTAN, East Drang*.

all improvements; shades, lot 37x126; barn: *7.500.

107 Main sL,

'itftd bofeneRt; improvements; k*s and w i^ r; lonUSSrCROBBT, m Broad at.

TWO new houeee: ready for occupancy; well located: near park, ohurohes and rahool*:

ET* PUDARAHT AVJB.. near Ciarli hMBu: hart ttftlra; IffiprovesieDta; lot 15x100: to nlote oheop. (3HOBBY, 7M Broad at.

eight and ten ritoms; all Improvement!: five min

■WHTEEWTH iT., hHt CHtilon av»,—Up-te- - - noauanfl b*thi *t»m ti«tiJtxIMi to Mat U-y 1. CROflfiT.I t M39R.

ithutaii to tltolrto rogfl atifl railway statlona; tam a aaay. SDWARti G. WARD, M B«oh at.. Rlooi^sld,HLOOUFIEtJ), Bay avA—-t—rgs frania flwall-

In f i 10 RNiaa add batm a ta tn i h ta ti lot IH a I t l i m m U barn: is m s taay. tnnuirs a t A. H. rS A U a t J. W ill * tons. MS Broad a t

FOR H O «B OR iifv m K n iraN T , _ _ j d 4M« tw o-tanlly honaa, o tt cU nton

•O t,, U room*, t baths: a ll im w ovam snta: aapam ta itaam h iaU fai handaoBWljr trlm nisd

oyaa pluntblnS: p o m is ln bath i : »»M al la n t prtoa hnlanoa ftva v a r canU

in o rtta sa . PQXUP S. BOWERS * 0 0 . . IW SUirMt at. - ■'

B c IleT lIts .FOR BAUC chsafl. naw b o u ts ; a ll

Improvwnftita; n ta r i io lly . to d railroad; oaah or slay oayintnts. ^ G. CALJ., Orsylook

Manor, BslltvUla. ________^ __________, REAL ESTATE ValuaA inauranoa loans. J. J.

OONMELL, IIS W ashington ava.. Ballavlll*.

BAROAIN—Two-tamlly, all modern Improve­ments: IS rooms; two baths; two steam

heaters: rent STO per month. MBNZFa., <T Market s tDWELLING. 9 room*. Central ave. cernef.

East Orange; 40x1^; trolley house:*6,600. 'WABD-OlraiN CO.. Prudential Bldg.*6,80ft-Two-fam11y: all Improvement; 18

rooms; two baths, steam heat; lot 84 by lOU; near station. M ^ZEL. 47 Market el.UODBE of eight rooms and hath; modern tm'

provemenls; tot 87^ 160: convenient lo cars and train. 5 Steuben at.. East Orange.HCVDSE, 9 rooms; all Improvement!; lot 60x

140: *0.500; half cash; barn. CKR1BTIAN.107 Main at.. East Orange,

FOR RENT, for mariufttoluring purpoies, larae• ' 'lit*-- -* ”and small space: water facUltlee; well light-

•d; power If rtqulred: aleo dock to rent on river front. Adareat J. C. SMITH ft WAL-

CO.. 414 OgdBD at., Newark.


Manufacturer light machinery wants to hlro 20,000 wiuare feel, preferably on one floor only wllh or without power; must have abundant light. Mall full particular®, sixe,____________ parheight between fl'Xjra, locatfon and rent to L, E CDMINS, liW Broadway, New York.

TO LET—OUT OF TOWN.AT Short Hills, N. J . : contains sixteen rooms;

two tmihroome; running water; gax; electric IlKhU: sewer connection; house furnished; ilx acres land; stable, garden, fruit and berries; five minutee from etaiinn. Addresa Station, Box 80. News office.iBLOOMFIEIjD. Belleville ave., 3l)2—House S

roorn*. hot air heal, lot «k>xl25 f t . *45; also small store, near Hloomflold Centre, |15; and 7-room house, eteam heat and stable, *S5. K. K- SCUrTI^ER, Bloomfield: 'phone loOTL;house 'phone 716-BLOOMJ'IELD—Fine new corner house, night

rooms, bath, pantry and alcove; gas, electric light end steam heal; ready for occupancy; concession* to May 1. REICHART, 89 Spruce st., Bloomflold.

APARTMENTS: new; central; newly Pero­rated; low rent; fl light roome; tile ba.h,

storage; janitor service; telephone; excellent location. FRITZ. flOO Union building.APARTMENTS—70 Oriental e t.; six rooms and

bath , steam heat and lan lto r; |3 8 : Immediate pfiseeRslon: from March 1, eame oe above, Iks. Apply 289 Hftlleville ave.APARTMENTa-Cenlral: six rooms, bath, all

Improvernems. *30; Ml. Prospect ave.. aH im- provemenls, $90. SAM S. 9CHEI ER ft CO., gcheucr building. __ _________a pa r t m e n t—Steam heated apartment; fiverent to right party. ZKTK HAUSEN. 809 Broad _________ ___________ACADEMY ST.. 27—Third fltior, six room and

bath: sleam heal and Janitor rarvlce; imme­diate poBoeeslon- B. O, DEMARE8T, 792 Broad et. ____ ____ _________ __

EAST ORANGE—Small houne, large grounrle.296 Ckidd st ; nine r<'>ome; all ImprovemeniB;

rent *400 year; poaeeeslon March I; convpnlunt to railroad, trolley and school; neighborhood first-claea

Wa n te d , for buelneoa purpose*, factories.lofts and iltqs for fsotorte* In Newark, by

HERBERT RUBBELL LUDDEN, teewry broker, 100 Remaen at., Brooklyn; 'phone 8886 Main. ____ ___________

FIVB-ROOM houee; nearly new; garden, eto.;mile from station; for rent summer or your;

healthy loeallon; no malaria; spring water. J. M. MAXWELI.,. Patlenburg. N. J.

y - ■ —HOUSE. T rooms; all Improvement*; two mln- titra from Rrjek Chuuh, poseeselon May I

Inquire owner. 269 South Clinton st.,

n^ro'ay i.Bart


ABOUT 0,(M)O square feet In two or three ftoora, with engine and boiler; plenty of

light. '-^Address Factory, Box 9L News offioe.


FOR 8ALE1. new houee: T rooms; ail im­provements; steam heat. A. P. CONDIT,

037 Prudential.

IM B V llL S i oA Oontrol Kva.—Bgtra , well *K Uirte-fontilr houae. with ■tabl^ houa« an gsedon ImproTfmmti, three rteoin

tot 87x1001 rtuble built full erifttta of *1 for AST burtuMi: afttwal jh e ir tMfcrtr U jw r osnL

rtraWWfDt. L. A MaWKafc 6 » Warren

OftIttWftUflRBBITlJNdEi. FABMU-Poultry. truck, h if

S r oSjnWln farms In North venMnt to city; descriptive UiU free. G08II0N BROB.. Gildwrtl, N. J,

HOUSE. S rooms; ell Improvements; lot 8TxtnO: *fi.500. CHRISTIAN. 107 Main et.. East


DETACHED HOUSE, 8 to 12 room*, all mod­ern Unproveiiients, rarest Kill, Roseville or

BMt O nni., IT,COO to I1J.OOO; -1« 'J * " j'®: (Mhea bouiv, 7 or 8 room., .bout W.OflO, »nd two-(»mlly. without htst, b»lh. In Romvllle or vlclolty- THEODORE B. BHARDBDET, « 3 Brosd e t ______

FOR BAT.JS. new nouse; 12 roome; three baths;jleam heat, large lot. CONDIT. 037 pru*


BOMB ONE WANTS YOUR real esUls; we know who It Is; we have hun­dreds of buyers; send descTlpUoa and prlc*


T38 BROAD BT. _________ _

s o t t r a B m A D sB onoM . JM lte^fninlly modem uM rtm ent ehow liif big

rafcttRMi: u tile oaeh raqtUrod.Aaother. |AW , only *090 cart». Another,

Sm ton eve.. M.BM. Two-fssnllr modem, 17,- 609. Another, 17.399. Another, *8,900. An- niher. •5.999. Anuth«r^,590. Thrte-fnJillly, eftoopt beat. Oim>RD. 784 Pmdeattl^.

I Horrleoo_plby from 199 to 800LOTB on ] lion pi.. Irv ington: 60 feet front

■ feet In depth: we,ter. gea.•ewer, atdewoiks and shade trses: restricted to i^ d e n c e : twenty minutes from Broad and iK rke t eta. by Clinton ave. and Bprlngfield



1 want to buy a dealrable l or a nice 7 or 8 room hQuee, city or auburbs. by April 1. An-

drein Cosh, Box 41, Newe office.WTO want a one or two family house in the

Flrat or Second wards; client will pay cash. QRIBBIN. 22 Clinton e t. ______

ave. trollefyai a hergolp In every lot sold a t the preoent pries. 8AMUHL R. CAIRNS. 4M Broad et.

:« 1 0 > BAROAIN-RoM rills, tw o -fu n llr . weU M t , oJl ImjriA. two steam h ea fe m tw o

kiUbe. to rootne, lo t IMOO. elate roof, wellVtM tocatSofi. prioe reoecmable; anothsr

Ltoo HUI, tw < ^ainy , extra well b u l l t r ^ ^ e

IBVINOTON-B1* t » ^ n i »M0 M )i b u n roctlve, flosy. nicely decorated home, near

av*.! price *2.409; be dulcR, A. FISH. 89 William et.. Newark. _____

[I, two steam beaten, lometblng fine.RT HBNZBL, 47 Market at. Tt\. ST64W.

^■WtMrAMn;? detwhed bonee: South 9th ei.;10 ■eomide from Centra] a re .: every modem

hoDforaracflti newly palDted; eei>arate en- tninoe and eteam beaten; rents for 146; after Mfty 1 450} prioe 10.0^: only 1 2 ^ nwrod; ggents h ^ d a i

1800 DOWN, balance *iO monthly, buys a eoiy ■tx-room oottage; near trolley! watw and

gw; Irt 98x199; price *2,700. BTArSlB. Irv- rngton. ' _____________________ ‘IRVINGTON R®AL MJATS HEAOQtJA^^

i o a f b G m w cw ,SOUTH ORANGE HEIGHTS, five houera,

about completed; nine roomi; all Improve­m enta: built by day 's wt-rk; nelghbovhc»od re­stric ted ; location high and healthy; flne. miob- eourod view of Orange and Summit mountalne: fourteen miles from New York, five mlmites’ w alk to trolley c a n , ten mlnutea to L acka­w anna H. R. Btatlfin: prices reasonable: term s liberal- Also unimproved lots for sale. New­ark R ealty Co., South Orange, 'phone 281L or BENJAM IN G, DEMAREST, T93 Broad et.. N ew ark: 'phone 8983R.

SALABLE p r o p e r t ie s In nil, looaim.«l Send US full particular* and lowest price*.

Quick and Balleractory deals aasured. SINNOTT ft DEAN. 683 BROAD BT.


TWO Ihrer-fam lly or one !muet be good Investm ent; *3,600 to H 900 to

Invest- we also have a buyer for good quality,JGBN!?rOK^^TJT*LDING AND REALTY 00-.

776 Broad it.

0,WW, W«T uawt t-vttVirad; urehte hmda ott. AdfirioB Rare Choooa, mat SIX «*wi ofltoe. ________

9U0 DOWN, hslanee mortgage, buys a e-rw m

v s a r DESIRABLShouee: boro; centre of town; large lot; price

14,000. STATES. IrrtngtotL

BEVESIAL bATgalns In houiee for rale In this vlctnliy; poasesilon May 1 or earlier- don't

delay r U will pay you to consult us at once. J. CHARLES O'BBJttN CO.. Sloan at.. South OraJige, K. J.

OVER 60 peraoo! have w ritten ue e lating they want to buy property: yours niay suit them ;

a deecTlptlve list of their w ant! Is published In our paper; 5c. copy by mall or newedealer. Addreae Box A, The Realty Monitor, ffiliia- beth, N. J.

EAGLE ROCK A\TC.. Roaeland—Nine-room house: hot and cold w ater; rent *17. J. R.

HTER. Roaeland, N. J . ________________TO LBJT houae; 11 rooms; all improramenls.

A. P. CONDIT. 087 Pnidentia].

MOUSES WANTED—OUT OP TOWN.WANTED, by fam ily of two, a auburban house

of alx or seven rooms, w ith Improvementa, within 00 minutes' ride of N ew ark; with large garden and place for poultry; s ta te full par- tloul&rs. Addree* Box 80. News offloe^____

ALPINE ST., flfl—Four nr six large light roomi and b a th , improx'ements except h ea t; rent

in . N ear HlllBldu a ve. ______ASTOR ST., 45--SlK rcpoms; all Improvemenl*.


Newly completed apartmentB of IWe and six Uffht and airy room* end bath: steam beat ocaf —B . 1 I .4 AAfSVa V A ■nil*hot water and lanKot K rvlcei d eco m elow ren ts to good tenants; Immediate poeees-

LOUIB 8CHLBSINOER,Union Bulldlnx. CUntem e t . a t Broad.

PEROBN ST., B07—Nice five-room flat, rhree-famlly house, part Improvememe.

QUlre aecond floor; ring middle bell. __BLOOMFIELD AVB.. llB—Six room* and bath;

all Improvements: rent IBS per month. In­quire 110 Broad Bij______________________ _BANK ST., 504—F lat to let, fl rooms and hath,

all Improvements. Inquire 649 I8th ave.BELMONT AVIS.. 298—Second fioof; six rooms;

all Improvementa: $18: near Avon ave.BRUNSWICK ST.. tBfl-FIve-room flat; *12.

TH R EE In family, w ant to ren t small house;improvementa: oonvenlent atatloo and school;

Montolair, Oranges, Maplewood. Addreaa Box 104. Glen Rldge^___________HOUSE Of Sight rooroa; w ithin ten minutee’

walk of E oet Orange or Brick Church Sta­tion; ren t *89. Addreaa 72 Aahload ave.. East O range^

HOUalDtt T O LB T ->9lftA B H O H B .

OCEAN GROVE. ABBURT PARK,Going next aurom ert Mouae», bungalowa,

etc,, for rent, aoie or exchange; complete In­formation, maps, rio . Eureka, 414 Union build­in g . '___________

f u k n ir h b d h o u ^b s t o l e t —aiDft..SHORE.

OCEAN GROVE—Furnished house; improve­ments; electric light; *550 cotUge, IZOO; by

ocean. Box <15. Palenvllle, N. Y.

CLINTON HILL, 100 Chadwick ave.. I block aouth of Clinton—Five large, light, airy

rooms and bath, *16; 4 rooma. *15; all Im- nrnvementa; brand new; three trolleys: 10minutes to Broad and M arket JOHN H. Me- KEON. IW M arket at.___________________ _

VAIIjSBURGH, Benford ai'e., B 4 ^ F o u r room* and bath and Improvement*.________________ _

WALNUT ST.. 434—Fiveroom*: part im provem ents: amalT reapec t^ le

family: handy to two trolley lines; ren t *13.WAIjNT'T b t .. 4S—Nloe fumlahed room; al!

Improvement*: one block from city hall. __WASHINGTON 8T., 418—F our nicg.rronv* to

let inquire J. Os 6 h W ALD JR .. 81 W averlv ave.KITH AVB.. 77, corner L ittleton ave.—Four

nice, airy roome; ren t *11- Inquire grocery store. _____ ______ - ■

ROOMS. PLATS. ETC.. WANTED^APARTMENT o r fiat; best location; five or a l l

rroma; steam heat furnlahed. Address Rea- aonwhic, Box 74. Newa office. ___ _______COZY fiat with Improvemente. iP two-family

house. In ClinPm ave. d istrict (Bllxabeth. Milford aves.. etc.). Address Perm anent, Box fkl. Newe ofllce.f o u r or five nice rooms, convenient

tre Market, for man and wife. Address Room, Box 27. Newa office.

r. ^

REFINED couple want four or five rooms May 1. 129-125: Fnreet Hill or Wnodelde. Addrese

Refined, Box 2.7. News office _______ _______SMALL Mat nf four rooms, not heated, with married couple: locailon

Addressbalh. fur youna central; state reasonable tertna. fined, Box 2.3. News nfllce^____THREK unfurnished rooms In private family

for light housekeeping, no notice paid imlers price, Impirn’ements, location stated. Addiesi Hefined. Box 7, N eva office.TWO unfurnished rooms. In or near Roseville.

for light housekeeping. MRS. J. STEW'ART, 204 North 6th at., city._______YOUNC COUPLE desire nice flat In two-fam­

ity house, not leas than eix rooms; real about *30; second fist preferred, Address Couhl®, Box 97, News office.

H O O m TO L&T—o v r OF TOWN.

CLINTON A^'E.. U99—F lne apartm ent, 7 rOOmi and bath : gas and coal ranges, goa hoateri

on boiler, gas and electric lights; *80. Inolud- Ing heat. THEODORE 8. BEARDSLEY, 46J Bread st., or Janitor. ;__________ ■

CRESCENT APARTMENT.M urray si,. 28, near Clinton ave., abort w alk

to dry good* dlotrlot: bast and most convaniew section o i N ew ark; five rooma and ba in ; oil Improvements. Jan ito r on premises.COMFORTABLE new flata. 678 Third et

Bloomfield ave .: four rooma: Jf*ri Imj m ents; ren t |U . CHARLES' BLOEM f 185 M arket at., seicond floor. ______CORNER W right it . and Frellnghuypea av«.—

81x rooms and bath ; sll Improvements; large, light rooms; *22. Apply first floor or 14 Van- derpool st, ^CORNER AM; OT. I'Btit r®?™ A 'i

Improvement*. Inquire 3B2 South Orange ave., com er 10th at, ______

ATORBi* OFFICES. ETC.. TO LET.BRUN8W ICK BT., 84-4:3oraer store and

basem ent: now a plumber shc^>..., BLABBERQ ft ZIEGLER, 809 Brood e t

BRICK STABIflB W let- Inquire 124 Orchardat. ___________

WOULD purchase small two-fam ily house In Hill section, Clfnlon. Elisabeth, Mll-

Oke-fkioUF brick house, looated beet port of U gb rt«i hoe eeven room, both, hratt oU im- provementi: good loeatton; eonvenietit to buei*neee and _ fltatriot; uinuil rant tiUO;

fH lU P J. ROWBBI A O a.

H e a m r .U>tGAI)(~ll>flfll* of KMUTty. iwo-funlly

bouMi hot wid call) woter, bathi, vaahtubi, - M hlM poreSjaa; IS rooma; W.Ctoltatit Am bif porchaa; 13 rooma;

d iw RoonM. Boa M Niwa office.i.OOO, Ad-

HILiL SBcnON-flobth Tth, MM Booth Or- mi«a, 10 roomi. drtvtmy, 17,100; inothir Bth

:«L, Hfli* MighborlMoa, T rooiu. 14,000; W meBUISV 11 l/UWMBVM] * tiATMIMa n,uuv, ttmmli t . three-fomllr, *6.200; LivtOfSton m.. opart-

‘ " “ .600; don't fall to ooR be-

TWO-FAMILT boiii»4 centre Kearny; 9 roerne: watafi ggs, toilet, oeme&t cellar; lot 60x109:

tftaOD. ira Chestnut it.. Keerny.

W e s t fiommltbW EST fiUMMIT. N- J .-D e tlrab lc dwelling, six

rooma; w ater, gas and garden; tw o oarts; healthy , desirable locality; two minute* to s ta ­tion: In Arit-olsee oonduion; term s cash. Ad­dress MRS. CHARLES SAWYER, M urray Hill, N. J. ______ ____________

CUnlon ---- -------- — - ,ford or Johuson aves.. etc., nut exceedhw fe.OOO; atnall am ount cash; balance monthly or mortgage. Addreie Reliable. Box 49. News office

CORl'fEH SALOON lo let. High and W arren t i e . ; established over 26 y rars; will rent

cheep now. Apply 891 H lg b s t___________d e s k ROOM -Roll-loo, * ^ monthly telephone;

up-to-date. Room 44. 1Z3 M arket at.

MOUSE OWNERS, fiat owners, apartment ownerp, lend me your eyes, ha\"e dosens of

ippllcenla dally: send me memo, of your property; postal will suffice. COE, 609 Century building, 143 Market at.

— DESK ROOM to let 18ft Mftrtet at.

inent, Lnoome fore btqncff ftfttttal.

Illr, *6.200;I t?M, *6.600 •\eewhere. GIFFORD, 764 Fro-

FAAK AVE.—BxoeptlOBal bMwain In a niodant

■«ate twof: oonvemt.. ent to two evoaorte^^TKbiof’ terms to suit buyer. JOHN . . — Phone 6T2R.neighborhood.

JUPrnNGIBR. 102 North 19th rt.

S FAMILY houBea: first block from Clinton.» ave...... lOaioOfNairn pi..............|6iOOOde eve..... IT,IWOf Johnson aye......*11,000

Milford ave.......*8,600 Van Nest pt.......SbinpoUth st....|0,OO9| H3isab«th ave....In.

JAB. A. RORjj^TBON. 667 Breed st.1.000

BELLEVILLE AVE., between Third and fourth aves.—Three-story brick and rtone

neldasoe; lot 60x101; houae In good condL lion: no wsllpap^r; all walle painted or water eelor; can be seen b)’ penult only. BREAK.- KNRIDOE ft TICHENOR. 761 Broad rt.

CAN YOU BEAT THIS? finrmner ave.. finest seotlon; apartnMDt peop-

eriv with three or Utem furnished, which la Included In (rice; income actually over iL.flOOlUUP'l UJ l» C , 4,»VV<a><per year: about *12.600 will buy tt. RAM. S. BCREUER ft CO., 9ohsutr buildliFORS6T BILL bouse at a bargain; nsw, Just

ooniplsted; 11 rcoma, decorated, steam beat.SDllshed floors, las and siectrlo tight; up-to-

ate; lot 87^10$; will take smull payment or lot, bolonoo 5 per cent. mortgaRs. Addreis Small Piyaiafit, Sox b1, News office.ROGEVITjLE—Bargain: ibrt'e-fam.ily house, IT

rooms ahd H buehfl, nil lutesi impfovemon's except heal, v^tibule doors, all material iind workmanship the* beat, 'kvater meter, etc.: nr*r Oould ave.; |tt,Q0U; offer wanted. VAN HORN ft KIERAN, 164 Market st.

Lftkft HOF«tcoik«a ilAgHOUtt FHOPBRTT wanted In axchonge

(or I«ka HopbtcoM rMldenca propony: labd oiMt iobflilon anil jtflc*. RANDA1.L, 2M HnJn r t . Q(»n—' - T. V . rfra- .

^ M onielK lrt■rHaSKWOI!l>T moflatn, Un-room boll**; M-

MUtrt (oeittoni plot «»»»«>:MflUkce on loaving city; price *6,609. FAElD R o k n ^ 166 Market rt.. Nawork.


WANTEfli, a two-fomily house. In the vicinity of aimon avs., within 16 minutes from Broad

and Market s ti.; state full particu lar terma cash. Addreaa House. Box 21. Newa office.

FROM May l nest, the property 64, 06 and 68 Ueohanlo it., running through to railroad,

with biiok building, four storSea and basement, steam oftgine and boiler, either entire or In port, with power ohdtory warehouse or store. Inquire CBAB. F, k il l b u r n .

a p a r t m e n t and foctorr altee for eole. In Newark. Ellubeth. Rahway, Wavtrly and

Htfiisorr. rallrqail and trolley Imca: central Tdcfttl6n.' rtnroii* rtffings: to'oliwie estafe;" E: B JACkiON. trustee, Wudentlol building, HeworJe. N. J , ____________ ___________

LiBT your properties with ua; we have buyer* for all kinds of houae* and lota; etralght

deall. CHARLES HAHN, real estate and In- ' »^ho4. attitayrand- TMdgxr avar. ~

FACTCW-Y &A8EMENT-N*fW building; Bart Kinney end Orchard; 8.0S0 square feet; well

Uahied; dry: machlntsts or light tnonufutur- Ins power, h«et. water; poeseaslon April 1-

ft ctftANB, 4fl Hill r t.| telephone

COLUMBIA BT.. SO-Thlrd flat of five r«m i and bath: rent 120: aleo four rooma, itatloo-

sry tubs and gea, small family-____________EIARL 8T.. ta—OlBdemont Apartments; five

rooms ani bath: *19; Janitor service; e e ^ d floor. Inquire RuBSELi, ft ROBINSON CO., comer Earl et. and Fraltnghuyseo av»._____BUZABKTH AVB., 129-Flve r o ™ ^ t l y

all Improvements; rent *17. h k h r y cpm r.m Eft. 7S0 Clinton ave.________________EIGHT large light rootns to let.

Walnut at.Inquire ITI

For Roseville or Bart OrMge flats applyTOTTUIN ft WJh ICM.

New flats; rent frra ^ - lS r IC^TOTTEN ft LT--------- „4 North 9th et.. oppoelte RoseriUe Station;

Uke Roeevllle cor, get off at Bathgate pi., walk north one block. ________ _

JCLAT—T rooma; all Improvement* except .steam; plenty light; two bay wlndowe; two

minutes' walk from Lackawanna Station; 88 Plane iL Inquire of V. Joooby, 21 Burnet at.FLAT to rent: all Iraprovemeats, Including

steam heat and janitor ■errice:oompletad; reference requited.FIELD. 49 Rlcbypnd >*., 9 ^ ^ Broad et.

a pa r tm en ts of six, seven end eight room* and bath: very latest Improvements; select

location; ready for occupancy April 1: loca­tion cor. Watson and Central aves.. Ewt Or­ange. Hyde Pailt. Full partloularp. R. R. BRANT. 237 Market st.. Newaric. N. J.ARLINGTON. Vermont ave., 17—Flrat floor 2-

famlly houae; six roome and bath; liu. OROBL, 43 Clinton rt. ________BELLEVILLE—Five and atx room

provementa. US. *19. 120. *29. J. J. CON­NELL. U3 Washington ave.. Belleville.tlAST ORANGE, North I7th st., 185—Flrat

flat; March 1; six room*; all Improvements: steam heat; near Ampere Station; Inquire on preTnlses; rent *22.FIVE light roonw; Iraprwemenis; icwd

lion; can be seen from 10 to B: rent BO. 68 Hollywood ave., East Orange.FljAT to let, eeven rooms; all Improvemenie;

rent 116. Inquire 411 Hamilton st,, ttarrl- eon; call 46 Spring at.. oHy.FIRST FTjOORrif-famlly houae; 40 North ITth

•t,, East ^rgnye: all iropeu^euiehts; *81.FLAT~to let: all improvements; seven rooms

and bath. 292 Park ave.. Orange.lT9-»Flat to let,IRVINGTON, Eflmwood are., ..

flve or seven roome, baUi; all Improvementa.ORANGE. HUI rt., 99—Four nloe roomi; newly

decorated. _________ _BIX roome and b ^ h ; all Improvemento; steam

heated. 281 Watohung ave., Wert Orange.

RO^OMtt WAMT1C1>-OOT OF TOWN*UimJRNJBHSD oportEM t, ot with

orlvate family, wanted by two odnlta, In the O ^ g e e . near IftScaw w iw Sp^**^'* *5® be roaeonable.a Address Aduiu. 8., News offioe. Orange.________________ . _WANTBO. floor tn Montclair or Bloomflajd;

new Greenfield ave, ow; withrooma and bath: couple with a boy of 10 yeara. Address 8.. Box $4, New* oflloe._

PU H H IflH BD F L A T I TO L E T -WIDOW will rent of private ho“Mi « ^ y

furnlahed, steam heat, ^bath aj^ mente, to refloed, congenial parties;of courthoueo. News office.

m ir" X d d i^ Congenial, Sox 4S,

■ '-i *: J-t

ACREAGE FOR BALE,Newark. Vaileburgh, South Oramn, irrlnflon. Bloomflrtd. Waveriy. OLIVER W. JACE0ON,

T WANT to buy either one, two or three fam* llv house for cash, but must be very cheap; (i ogeme: give fuU particular!. Addreee CSash.

Box SI, News Offloa_____________

FloRRY FT.. 41—New, larga store, with two large rooms; poeeesslon a t onoe; * Improve-

m«ria. 890 Bread at., room 401.

FLAT of flve rooms and bath, flrrt fl^r, la tWQ-famlly houae, No. 174 South Twelfth it.,

half block south of Central ay*.; *10 per month; poseeaaton Immediately.


NSW eevan-room house; ell inwrorerortita;owner built for a home; plot 86x126; price

84,009; will take MOO cash, baluce raortgep; easy poymenta. f^JKD Ri lMidTNE, 180 Marketet*MONTCLAIR-Oorner; two odjofnlng. elgb^

room dw^Jllngs; ImprovemenU; rented *60 monthly; for ealt very cheap; *3,009 caeb re­quired; price 10,009; must sot quickly: might take several lots part payment. Box 96.


houie, » room*; ««!‘notlgnts; corner lot about 100x160; will sell at KOOO: eaveral othera at attrooUve prteee. J. CHARLES O’BRIEN CO., 141-Broadway, New York, and South Orange.MAPLErVYOOD—Decided bargain: *809 cash

buy* bosutlfiil. attractive seven-room house: all Improvement*: near train or Itolley; price M700. A. FI8K, 39 William et., Newark.a t t r a c t iv e enmar, Ridgewood road and

Baker at., smxH houee, sold for price of land, inquire 66 Broad st., Newark/

CLINTON HILAi.(Inr-Iamlly. rn<»dern, *8,690. Another. *6.000,

some ca low as *3, 60; rtaom beat. Two^am- liv. separate heat, *6,600. Thrce-famlly, IT.OUtK Don't fail to call before buying elsewhere. OlFKOnD, 784 Prudcmlal.SACRIFICE SALE—Owner moving South, of­

fers following Hi SBcrlflce: Modern houae, 7 rooms, on Ijake sti. Forest Hill, Newark, nne* 15.260: three vacant lots near South Broad, on Vianderpool at,, *9oO each. Address Owner, 80 Park pi., Newark.MOMt; INVEHTMENTB-All of the best, In rtie

or two family houeee. as Investments; prices Hfloo to Ih.^Xi; alt lecilons; Bast Orange, Woodridp, Roaevllle, Clinton Hill, easy terms.

' Mhd for list or call, JOHN it. UcKJiON, Market.

OWNER buvjiig farm, will asertflee two ©hole* Iota, Centra rt.. worth *TOO. for *460- terroa,

FITZHERBERT. Broad It., Newark.

O ^ n s a *AN opportunity is offered to rent unfur

■ s in ..............................nMlmd a fipsirable rasidotice of 12 roome and balb. with lanre grounde, iPfixSOO, tn the choicest reeldentirt section of Majn st.. nopo- elte MllHary RarW. in Oranxe: has been oc­cupied naveral years as a nhvelcian'a office and nurses' home: suitable for same nurooeeor would make a Arat-claas boarding-house: an — ...... '— — othi

• FOBITIVE BARGAINS—Roeevllle. nine room*, bath, steem, flne houae, *8,900; elegant, 11

rppraa. hath, heater, lot 50x100, *fl,2U0; three- taaRy, IT rooms, 6 baths, 16,400; rent *024; be qtlek. VAN HORN ft KIERAN^ 164 Horkst

TWC-FAMILT 1NVE8TMFT4T. Oentrslly located, suractive houae, close to

' Mroad iL: has ten rooma; improvements;-wall tested; ownkr obliged to sel]; a bors^n at

PHILIP J. fiOWKRa ft CO., 189 ^I Mar-

Ideal location for a uhyalclan or othor urofei- alonsl men; rant *900 a year. Apply V. W. VOORHEEB, role ogam, opposite Brick Church Station.__________________________WE have aeverol raort dealrable houae* for

sale on and near Berkeley ave., between lilKhlond ave. end UounUin BtaUon, *10,009 upward; send jrarUculan. J. CllARlftlB O'BRIEN CO„ 141 Broadway, New York, aad South Orange, N. J. ________

a t CAU>WB7LL-Mouse, d rooms; electric light........ ....... *4.600House, 7 rooma bath; heated; also bam 0,600 Houae, 14 roomai electric light; heated;

also barn ..................... 6,600House, 1 rooms, bath, butler'* pantry,

rtecirlo light ............................... 4.600AT WESTWOOD- „

House. 7 rooms; all ImpriDvemente.... 8.400House, 8 roome; all Imiinivementa....... 4.000

AT EDGEWATEH- House, 9 rooma. bath, bullef* pantry--

electric light and gas; heated:river view ........ ........... ......... ..,.10,noo

AT BEHKfOLBT HEiaHTB-38 deelrable mt*. All the above on reasonable ternia.Also houae*. country cBlRte*. building

and farms in all parts of New J e rw and ewe- whore.For partirulars apply lo

HUNTER JA^IeboN ft BON.Union building. 9-16 Clinton *1..

Newark, N, J-<-_________.. ,

ONE-FAMILT house, alx or more rowni, w»h barn Newark or suburbs; state partloulara

and term*. MURPHY, 148 Main at,. East Change. ___________

FOR RENT—Bare chance, store ODd graph gallery r 122 Belleville ave.

BREWSTER, 46 FuUon aL_________^

photo- T. C. FIRST-CLASS apartment, with all im prm -

menta; seven rooms and bath: from April i, K. LEHMAN ft CO., 9fl Clinton ave.

WANTHD. email furnished apartem t. 1ft»1V« iM atlm and »Bt. A *

drese Rent. Box 47. Newe offiee. ------

HAVE buyer for stare property, W-foot lot.under *6,000. Newark or suburb*: send par-

llculars Immediately. • FITZHKHBER'I\ 7 ^

FRONT OFFICE; 870 Brot^; sroond fl«r; law, real estate or buslncaa; *W. BL A. dVlLElK-

SON. 8fl6 Broaft_______________________FLAT—To adults, three-room flat; lotf® Mght

rooms; In quiet house, on. Chdttandaii st. in­quire 204 Orange at.

WILL buy any kind of property. enF Toealion, for caeb: must be bargain: no agents; toners

only Addraia BaTxaln. Box 95, Newe office.

LOFTB, with power end steam heaL 4fl Law- oe au WASHINGTON WILSON.

NB^VARK or Orange real estate wanted In ex­change for good 20-horsepower ^tomoblte.

Address Exflhapge, Box T9. News offioe._____

LOFT&-Lawrence et.. nearheat, electrlo light and

Apply to JAMES H. ii and 63 l^wrence r t

CASH BUYttB-Cortier lot. 26x100; neat rail­road: residential nolghhorhood not naoeeaory.

Address P„ BOX 40. Newe office. __________ _

LOFT to lot, 260 Market at. Inqutra 9CHELLER, watchmaker, Jeweler and

optician, 280 l^ rk e t at.; *phone ISQflJ.IF YOU have wal estate for aaK to r s n ^ r

exchanga, why not give It to b BARDSLEJY, 600 Clinton ava. T

LOFT-Llght, airy loft. abont_3,606 J ee t^ f lwapace, with’ power N> lull. The CARL PAA8

CO., Soott at., Newark^^______________ _



fo b b a le or ex c h a n g e a t b e l m a r .N J —101 qr lOB Blgbibave., near oo**an; no

batter‘ic ia ilS : e « h " w flOxWO; No. loi. all Improvementa except heat; No. lO^ all Im- provem«nM, with ntm a h««. laun­dry, two Mlhronnift! .t.hlM oti ^ th liM., betstM c<m»le>Hy md In ntrftctcosaitloni cMnent tli!.w«lk.; Ilnj l.w n.; nlll ul1 either jiroperty enfl t*ke back l.r^e R per cent mortpute. If aejlred, or eKhi*"**for Newafk pronerty. AiMreW IRVIN ii. MflOPBR. H8 Market et.. Newark, N. J.

BIX-EIOHT room house; improvemonts; con- v-enlent ttsHon add ichooli Montclair, Oratwe.

Maiilewood; *B0O flown. balance .tra lth t mortgaee. Addrem Box lOt. Plan Ridge.\VANTtf0 to liny or rent. on. and two family

homea wartmenta .toiw, larmi.bualne.. properties. HANDAIJ.. 267 Main ah.Orange. . _________


HOuees for rent, *27.60 up. TCrTTEN ft LURICHr

[Otises for rent,TOTTEN ft Lufv.*, North (tthTaka BqMvllle oar. gat oft at Bathgate pi.

walk north one block. ______ _________

h e a l b is t a t b f o r b i c h a h o e .

BIG InveaUnefit property, must be sold to close on estate; don't miss tbit chance; moke &a

offer; ranted *40 per month; email amoont of cash required. H. C. BEACH, 890 Brood eu, Newark: phone 80UU, ________________

I^GTON sT.a near wniiam—Lot 80 by W: two-story frame building; wire make otter. FRANKLIN F. MAYO 796 Brood st.

BftAGAlJff’ -Elthtwrcom house, lawn, garden} • idot 6(vlW; Summer ave,, near Third ave. A44r « « Owner, Box 68, News office.

_ FAMILT .bouee; alt Improvemente; 10 the “Hill" epctlon. A4>

~ gift, Bck 89. News offioe.iS f i iv iL i a y North 0th sL, 228—Bar gam; . dsreUlftg; eeven rooms: eteam beat and all faUtroymaentx. BOLL. 214 flth ave.hi.AT AND a ia u sre ., a s ^ , amaii

EXCEPTIONAL. liarg»lna; moflem one and two family heuara, opartmenta, storee. foe*

tertee busineaB properiles, fatmt; cheap. RANDALU 267 Main it., Orange.

THREE-FAMILY house, eteam heal. Ideation Miller 6t.School; rent |7W; will cxehsnge for

two-foaliy bouse, Eighth "Ward. Addrese A. 4 flecopd ave. __________

WILL exchange flne one-family house for good paying three-family bouee. H. L.. room

fl06. IW Market sr____ _ ____________THRFH modem iwo-fsmlly houwe for vacar-t

lira in Roaeville. HENRY OEindER, Ibfl Markat *1. .

CORNER NEW’ AND WASHINGTON R T a- Thre* atorle* and haaement; brick ; good tor

«ny nrlvirte bu.meaa, pnrti™i»rlr doctor and deivtlki now being occupied by aamei from May 1:’ .team h « t; ImprovemMita. Inquire 118 W.abtngton al._________ ______________FOURTH AVB.. Tfl—rrom M.y 1. bay-window.

efl brick houae, with alleyway; len rooma; newly flacoraled: open plumblog and nreplacea; location egcellent; rent MWO. Apply 78 F ^ rth ave. Ala. 8* Fourth ave.. conialitlng Mven


O o c n OroT*.OCEAN GROVE. N. J,-Cottagei. bungalow,

and boardlng-botwea (or aalo ana_renti gen­uine bargaina In *aahore home*, gbr oartlcu- Ian ^ l or write. OSaORN A SMITH, 68 Mainave.. Ocean Grove: N. J , ; booklat upon reqoeet.OCBA.N OBOVB, N. J.-C oitagia and board-

ina-bouae. (or aale and rent: booklet upor apScidJob. call or write, E. rf. WOOlgrON. real eeiaw, 19 Main are. Telephone S98j .

<0 ,800; Ctgy rtie near Broaft * H,«09. lAM 8. K H EU B R A (!».

smell bouse,

. FINR raalideiieft. rtriuitad in ijiKoln Fnrk. . Navnfc ^ rale. For Mrticitlan addrrae

■ A u tn a s A ' Mix ift W»ft* tSra._ ___________ XbnUlT bcniee: High r t ; id

- jM Ni; ft4.0A; rant |S04. Addraee OentM . 9 ra « if Mews office.

SklilramnwUUfiT BEUL tills mooth. smaU cmmlry pUoe,

SL tinm an, N. J.; south ride of mounteln: beautiful sOBUftsr hom«: place will afford nice Uvlng: trice w l l . THbS. L. LHOPHY. ffitlU- mtn, V. J.

FORHtfl' HILL. Highland ave.-lO-room new residence; Steam beat; tsli Improvemeots; auto

hciuee; lot 89xl0u: *7.<W0- rent 167.60 ; sl£0T^srah 1. HENRY huSSBiL, 22 Cllmon si.' ________ _________COTTAGE BT.. 26—Hmjipe, 12 room* and bath;

tot BOxll&l suitable for two families; must be disposed ot quickly. Call at any time and make otter.


'WIIdL sell or exchangf*. a firm In Beat Mill- •tone, wr city properly. Inquire 166 Elio

al.. Newark, y . J. ___________;_____________

f a r m s f o r s a l e o n t o l r t v *o i :tOF TGWNf

FOR 1SABB-"Broad rt.; a flna 16-room house; all linDroveraems: auUsble f « renting room ■ boordinc bouse; has suit* offices f tf »

d^K^TiSft tIOQ a month. J. J. 0-N EIlJ. office ;S1 i ny st.a r tistic une-faiully house to let in Summer ' ‘ten roomae bath, laundry; all Im- Drovemeftl*; olose to trolley: fine nuighborhoewi; pnee UOWEHS A CO., I6»Market gt.RbsBlVn.fcIC--Moua«i. tllJll'mivebwnta Hitt Ml- 12 roome.all Improramania, I.W; aftotfier crmrally liMl- ‘ d B. soHiJtnaR * 0 0 ,. sonW rbulldlfig.TO l * t —Large hemet; Olnty> ave.,near High;

mttabit for physician: private midenot or flrsi-Clara boardlng-taouM: qfltoes could be rfttled seiraraieiy. UTTML 10 -En^abelh are.HlIdL f^>e 151—Iti-room house, most modern ap-

poIntfic^tB; excellent loeotlon and equipment for dodos'. Eureka Duslneoa Exchange. Union building- _ _

■ K r f l g S iiMM, iumuitl ram 'lL lM ; pri«e m j S k JOCMET OKRIJEM 616 Market rt.

IlFpwg M oB lctftlf*UPPER MONTCLAJR^For sale, thrae-acro

chicken funn, good six-room hotiM, barn nod rtx cMekeit house*; fruit, end a brook run­ning through th* plara. For particulars od- draee V. D. w.« Upper Momoleir. M. h

SUSSEX COUNTY FARM for sile or rent, I'^ mliee from Branchvllic and half mile rrom

Culver's l^ke; fsrra contains 20f> acres; Well watered, with plenty hultdlnge in fair condu lion. For partleulara address HENRY CAMP* flCLL, BrancbvIUft M. i*

HANIMOME ten rooms; uU besi improve­ments: steam heat; 60x109: near Ollnton ave.

690; othere for *IH>. b Ba RDBLET. bOo Oltn ton ave. ________TO LflTfa hotioe. ctmtslnins' T^rannas; convtfl*. . . ._alent to railroad and tw ley oars: gee anft wflicx in the ramee. Inquire w Worwieg sL

FOUR rwms, bath and gas, stationary tube and storage room. Inquire 21 Grafton ave.;

rent $18.60 per month.

rvniV lSH ffiD ROOMS TO L B T ^^^broad st.. 600. opposite Washington

Handsomely furnished ^ n l room; convenient to bath: iuira^ for two; very beet accommo­dations; Improvements.

Moriieti eteam iwer, at reduced SHTTMOUa JR..

fo u r nice room* to let. Apply at SlEOlUL BHDS.. 200 Bpringfteld gv*.

BROAD ST.. 872-Two and lhr« oonneotlng ?Sbm*: furnl*hed complrt* for housekeroinsi; with water, sutlonary tubs, plassa; also single rooitki.

FOUR nice large rooms; rent |16- Inquire 169 Camden rt.

broad bt., E08-TWO iMgg. one email room; nicely furolshed; aU Iraprovemepte.

GROVE BT., 843, near 16th ave, Ploak trad ^ carhouB*— UT rooma, water and guSy *9-60.- rooms

LOFTS to lei, wllh power; flrst floor. Apply engineer. William and Shipman sti.

tfANDSOMB now second floor to let tn South Seventh et.g In two-fomily bouse; seven

room*; bath; all Improvemente: separate etuam heater; only *23. F in iJP J. DOWWR8 * CO. 189 Market rt. _________________

BLEKCKEB bt., 91-Two oohhwUng front rooms furnished for light hoiMkeepfiig: all

Improvements; steam hootj rant reoaonable.BLKBCKEH

m a r k e t bt ., 298—Large Wore; 70x30 feot; All Improvements; rent moderate; steam beat; mlior'a sen’Ices. Apply Janitor on premleeo.

HANDBOMB new flats to let in Roeevllle'sec­tion close to Central ave.' five rooms ard

bath; all ImproverTvents; *16 and *16 pgr floor. PHILIP *J. DUWDHB ft CO.. 169 Market *t.

m a r k et ST., 284—Second floor front; rent very low, gutw office rootn; will lease. Apply

HOWARD k ir k . » Clinton iL___ ____NEW SJX'STORY BUILDING.

64-66 Cllnion st.. Newark. Half or whole doors, l.OOU or 2,000 ft, Suitable fof large c.filces. JobberOi showrooms, wholesalers, elo.j etc. Steam heat. Janitor, fast elevator. Very iQuderate rents.

aROBDE-McOOViSSN COMPANY, Owasrs.Clinton and Lawrenc* •ts.. Keworit.

HONTEHDON 8T., Tg«-T(0-F lv* riKima. baUi, pantry I mw hooH; raady (or Dcaupaacyi

rant b,glnnlng from l it o( Frbraary. Apply sn pr«nilMa, or * » Hunterdon at.

OFFICES—A (ew choliia oBlcaa 10 rent: Metro­politan bulldtri; IlfM. beat,'alevatw and

lanltor aervloei apeciaf rataa to May 1. Apply LuBTtO 4 MARX, MatwpoUtan nuildlng.____OFFICES TO LET IN NATIONAL STATM


hot and cold water: gteam-heated; rent glW. Inquire room 40T. Union building.ONE of tba atom to lat, • or II Fnnklto at.,

oppoilta nawclty hall. _____PINE BT.—Fdnr stall,, carrlage-bouia. two llv-

Inf rooma haylo(t, modam itjLble. $30. Id' quire WILLIAM E, LEHMAN. T3B Broad et., Newart;, H. J. *■STORE, BASEMENT AND TWO LOFTS,


I^ A T B 8. H. OONDICT. '

HUNTERDON BT.. Ma-Flat, In two^amlly houae; all ImproveniMiUt T. A. WOOP-____

HAMPDEN ST., IS—Five pleaaant rooma; third Poor. Inquira IB Hampden iC________ ,

LITTLETON AVE., m -F la i . ava rooma and bath: all Improvementa. Apply Jantum. on

premlaea. ____________UTTLETON AVMi. HUA-Seven large,

roome and bath; all Improvemanta,light

MT, p r o s p e c t AVE., 3-H lce a t»w un data;all Improvementa: eteam halt; rant rddaOB-

ablb. Inquire LOI<^ A BEBOKB. room mMetropolitan building.MT. PROSPECT AVB,, Idd-Apartma*

let: new houee: separate Matert; neat gcbcoi. 'Phone 931w. Broneh Brook.

%isMILFORD AVE.-Flal to lat; idg large, llrtt

rooma; all Imorovementa: .aapatata Waam hM.ter; decoiatlqp to autt. Addraaa Bxoallant, Bo* AS. Now, oBice. ______ _ _ _ _ _ _

BIVEBCKER 8T„ JO*—Two ,al,ot front room,: light hon»keoplng.

mT.tiMBIA BT., 81—Neatly fomiBhed room,.large and smart, (or gentlemen only; heated;

bath; all convenience,; term,. reawnable.risNTRAL AVE.. WS, over candy atore-Pleae- ^M t™ ™ M h,d% nt room tot light houmki^P- Ing; |!.80 par weak.riJNTON AVB., B4B-Klogant futnlehed room;

ateam haated; all iBiptovementa; pilvataf a m i l y . ________________ •GBNTKB s t ., S*-Nawly (nrnlitied alngla ormt1 <*b»wwwgnent*> llAUSA hIacItdmbla rooma; all Improvamente; hmua nioaly hsatefl. ;CBNTRB st ., l(l-Elaa,ant aingl, front Worn:

a faw doora from Military Park; all ImBrava- ment!, , ......c r a WTORO «T .i 1ft—Nicely fuiiitohftl. t tw i

room: coroplrt* for hga**jfa*plng^raa»wabl*.

TOOtft, WHh two gentlemen; *3.m o H BT,. * » -T v n i nJOa toanu, • » .

on, dotihta; bloely (2 l5 .^ ^ .k m n r» S ;u ^ a - for gantlnitan and vtlf, or MngM ganuame*. naar Broad, and Markat ata.

MADISON AVB.. «8, eor. JeUIB-ydaM. j a - pMlaiiy adapted for amall tamiUa,; bright,

airy rooma; all modern improvMnawaj rm t,»**- tt®-MCLUBRBlr ST.. aSH im t. *1taB

ImprorcnmnU. Ipouira or ctIABLBS FRAENTZBL, 100 PetmiylraM* 'V m _____ _

STORE. 040 Market M.| 110 ft. deep; doe 10' cation for a garage; ruuti throng to 1(^

Cornmem at. J. C. McCURDT, 8U2 Broad M.STORE-tlR: North Tth M. and Park ava.i

berlwr, ttatlotier, confectlonar, laundry, etc. Apply to any Roseville real ratete egept.STORKS on broad and Hariiet eti,. ci<ar tour

corners; long- leasee; reaeonxple rente. WARD-GKHJN o a , Prudemlftl bunding.grOAB to let, TO Bprlnffield av*. Inquire at

D. WOLF ft CO.'fl. 814B Market et.D^KROOU to let In light oflee, gas. heal,

janitor terriee: desk if fieelrsd; rant *6<a k r ■■■ ■RIBBIK, 2S Clliton e t8T0RE9 mad- tofts to let. Sft Gllntoo r t


NEW alpartment,; 6 ropm, ,and bath;baat and hot water guppllad: pm .ranga, pri­

vate ball; rant |80| Tblrt ona block north of Oaotral ava Imbira a pttiimeee.NEW YORK AVB., »**-• !•»•* « ““ •

bathroom:- rent Ilia - ' . • • .•OHATOW iT.. r iio ^ ;

water: got.

HIGH BT.. lft$-rNlMly ftttnishrti, torw^wKwii iarge porlof: running- w ie r ; hrati ^ th : hoi

■nd oo(a erater; Beat Iftckag^aanai t a t lon. SIQH~BT.a ®flft"Funilsh*d room; i r a t ; l« th ;

gSet ladles or geoti«n»n.HIGH BT., 4ftt—Large*' trail heated rooms to t

light hwwiEeeping: - , ._______ ^HAVING oleoMot bone on Cltntw eve., prf*

ra ti fxmtty wmid Hk* to irt raroUhod roomto gentlamalL tfa*4 olS«.

AddrAta' Home-Ilk,, Boa 4d,

HALbST ST.. aw-Two o o w t ln r room,, fur- nlehad for houmkaaiilogi *».»: aiao one front

room for kohiialtimtmig, » .» .HAI^BT **®“ * "houM k^lagt gkd msar rooma

_ _ AVE.. ISB-IW—New Saw; rooma and b,th;, all l«pr------------------PESHINB

inquira Ott pfetniess or I COHN. «T CenmeToe. r t .HosBVH,Lii, North, ^ aoarttnejit, gecoed floott twiMnwiif noaraj' i rcoma and tath;vonlent to ttoBay, and aWtlon. adnlW only.

Spiingfleid ave. IiwViVa KOELLMOFFER BROS. * CO., IM Skrkat

ROBKVIUJ»-FWb r « « door- glS; haar irtdMy and matlon. Inguna

1. N s J t t k m Btaavina ava

rrORE to lat at 98■t. olotblara.

R o s a v s t l* 8th ' aka., . j a t ;_ dI rooms oiHl rathr rir t w beft* ftfta oU urarora-I raento: rent ISft* :

SAtfflY st.4 ift-Nicrty fftiftWied rraras; aU mparotwnewisi cwtiral, ____ ___

jlALBliY BT.; furnished room; oU■ --- ^ratihftptbvfttidpUa lA > l^A ^pt ffRh » ^ L e rg i »«aUjr f u n d o a

irottt tom-, an -rtram hrat;strim r tirlvatSk dtreetly oppoelte L ^bo tdyPark; ttnna raadonahie to 'pannan tn t fMtla> man. ■ . ‘MARSBAU, iT ,. T. aacond door front B n a d -

LMga (uniTiWd room (or ganflatnuli a r Bonplai kdawd; improvamentaMHLBEBBT bt,, teg. nwr Blm-^Maltahla

(umMiod. largn hoat room ; w,l| haatad; all Itatrovamaatat gtritable (br two man.NDUBRBT s t .. Bg-Boom, lot tight koala-

kaUdBgi alga two ganttakifa.



W iE f> f i tg D A Y 8

M M E stateD a]S A T U R D A Y S

lU B K irr ST., ITO-rnr m « onlr; h .it.Uotilo llftit*; •faffwCT lv « e

roon; .11 p .p«n uid tw m . 11.90to It p«r w tA i «Y«r]rthHiM cHin. Horn, Hotel.KBW ST., fumlAod front room^

flnrt Hoof: luitabl. lor two; w a M arnncrd tor vory Ujht b ou »*k ft»p U i> ._____________NBLiSoy PIa. ST'-NlcAlp fuTBlihAd welt'

be*t«<l room to l«t; ( w ; b«th; t«l<^hone; In private fmnlty,_____________________________ORANOn BT:. l86^H«0tIr tumlPhed front

room for Ifvnt liouaekaepinc; home acooiyi' Cbodatlona; a1*o basement room for houflekeep' tog, tl-ftO._________________________________ORANQB 8T., lli- 'N loe furaUhed room; heat,

faa, bath; for one or two.ORCHARD ST., 42. near new ctty hall—Nteely

fximtehed room; also elngle room.; itght hooaekaepinr; iteam heat; Improvemrntt.ORCHARD ST., 28—Two connoetlng' room#.

with ruimlng water, for light houeekeeplng; aleo otbor rootna.ORL1IAN8 8T.i 88—Large, fumlehed front

room, with alaove; alec email room; alt im- pTWmenu.K jANB BT.. 2T8—Very largo light houieke«p<

l&f roome, or two gentlemen; aleo hall room; ali Improvemanta; central.PLANE BT.. 202. near New-*Furnl«h«d front

room; ete«m heat; aae. hath: rant mixtnraiH; gaatlemea Only._______________________RUTOERfl ST., 64, near South Orange avo.—

Ono nicely fumlehed room for light house­keeping; running water; prU'ate entrance.RoeaVlLLH AVE.. B8-NlceJy furnJehad room.

near atatlun and irolley: aeloct neighborhood; Improvements; tS weekly,ROBEVILLB, 6th Bt., 138—WelUheated front

room; private family; near trolley and I..ack- awanna Station.iEOOND BT., 20—Nicely fumlshed roorna. eln-

gle or double, 12; etenm heal; all Improve­ment!; near Central ave,: board If dealred.BPRINO 8T.»8f—All Imprevt-mente. itaam heat.TH m rB B N T H ^V B r, S B -L arg reuhh7

adjoining bath; alio large room for two, t2. and hall room, 11.25; all Improvement!.TWO nicely fumlehed light, eunny roorne;

looatlon; Improvement!. Addreaa lOT I ct., Bait Oange.WASHINGTON ST.. 168—Pteaaaht. fumlehed

front room; also elngle room, comfortably fumlihed and heated; all ImDrovemente; nrl- vajle family; central.WEST PARK AT,. 8—Neatly furnished, warm,

oomfortable rooine; all Improvemente.WILLIAM BT., 75-Neally

keeping and bed roome.fumlehed houae-

4TH AVE., iflO—iBtone houeal; one or two rooms, completely furnlehed, light housekeep­

ing or otherwiae; heat, gas; no children; pri­vate.

FVRNIBHBD ROOMS W A N T E D .LADT wlehee a furnished room; heated. Ad-

dreee. etatlng terms, Central, Box 18, News «fDo«.TWO men want a heated room, with single

beds; fifteen minutes' walk from Bread and Itafket eta. Addrcee B., Box 14, News olQce.


BAST ORANGE, West st., 41—Nicely furnished roome; eieam heat; private family; con­

venient to Bast Orange Station, Central ave. trolley; gentletnea only,BA6T ORANQE, HaisLed nt., HO—Two unfur­

nished connecting rooms, with steam heati miltable for light housekeeping.

ROARDINO*SROAD ST., 1003—Nice etinoy room In Al

houM» near city hall; Boutherti cooking; ab- eolute cleauUnepa.______________ __BROAJD BT., 1104—Roome, wJth board: all con-

venlenoM; two minutes' walk from South Bt.Btatlon.__________________________________ _BROAD FT.. 804—Meeker mansion; handeome

rooms, wUh b o a r d . _______________TOEBTNUT ST.. 13. second door from B road-

Large elegant front room with alcove, with flrit'Clasi board ___O p U R T ^ '. 66—Would like a bey or gtrl to

board, between 8 or 10 years, a mother'e care. Middle bell.


Paterson Jeweler Named Identifies the Photograph

of Local Prisoner.



A Delightful Soiree Given by Mr. and Mrs, W. Camp­

bell dark.

Evidence, convincing to th® locnl poltco, th a t F rfd frlck H . Selftl'a nam « la Fleas waa furn!!li«d y«»terday afternoon , when L'hlef Adatng received a le tte r from Pollrc Chief film aon, of P a terson , s ta t in g thu t Emil Flcfl!. & jew eler, of th a t city , hart Identified a pho tograph of the p ris ­oner, who l! believed to have operated extensively a s a sw indler of women, a s th a t (if h i! b ro ther. Chief B lm son'a In fo r­m ation cam e as a reply to a query sen t by Chief Adame, requesting him to fo l­low up clues con tained In le tte rs found on the prisoner w hich th e la tte r had r e ­ceived while ho w as In G erm any from Mias M ina K. Klein*, his sw e th ea rt, of 4223 Viola s tree t, W cet fh llade lph la .

In these le tte rs , w hich w ere addressed to "F rederick IT. F less.” the young w om ­an referred to th e m an 's b ro the r an d slste r-tn -law In P a terson . Chief B linson wrote th a t be had Interview ed Mr. Flees In P a terson and th a t th e la tte r ad m itted th a t the p rlaoncr w as Ms bro ther and w as the "black sheep" of the fam ily. From the jeweler the P a to rso a chief aald he learned th a t the accused man w as born In 1804 In P forzheim and a t the age of sixteen years ran aw ay from home end WHS given up for dead by his rolnllvea.

A fter tw en ty-six yeara, rlurlug w hich tim e noth ing had been Been or heard of him, his b ro ttier said, F rederick tu rn ed up In Paterasui. T h a t w as In M urch, la s t year. Ho rem ained th e re a few days, and then re tu rned to G erm anv. He w as In F rank fo rt, a t th e H otel W estm lneter, when he received th e le tte rs from M iss Klelne.

One of the le tto ra w as dated In P h lla- delphla, O ctober 5, fou r days a f te r th e young wom an find her m other had re ­turned from a trip abroad. Tho o th e r mte- alve dated O ctober 10, contained an a p ­peal for a p ic tu re of Pleas from his sw eetheart, and she m entioned th a t eh* had {jiven him severa l of her own. M iss Klelne who, from h e r w ritings. It Is p re­sumed, had no t received m eny le tte rs from Fleas, expressed th e belief In th is le tter th a t licr lover w as suffering from w orry over financial affairs, and hoped th a t everj’th ln g would be stra ig h ten ed out before lojig.

In one nf her epiatles the young wom an a f te r telling o f th e of a hand b agcontaining ,iI)Out a hundrad do llars he- to her m other, m entioned th a t th e fsm lly w as tn financial s tra its ow ing to Ilia fact th a t " th a b ank had gone up, ' She also nienth>ned th a t her m o ther hnd been assured hv the bunk ofhclulH th a t they would suiTi^r tm Ions, bin would r o celve stock for the am ount of th e ir money.

A fter ge tting tlm Inform ation from P a t ­erson, Chief A dam s connnim iculed w ith tho police of tlie Q uaker (.'Itj’, and Klelnfl w as acquain ted wIili F iess’ft a r re s t and detention aiul was quizzed as to w hether she had any com plain t to m ak^ against tho prisoner, Tho young wom an Ls said to have declined to discuss the ca&e fu rth e r th a n to say she w as acquain ted w ith F less and BurprUed to learn w ha t had happened to hJm. ___

OOUHT BT., t l —Room end board. !uUatile fur man end wife or two geatlemeti; all Im-

provementicCOURT ST-, 60—Rooms and board; borne table.EAGLES BT., t i —Large sunny front room, ad-

joinlDf bath; with or without board; seoond floor.FRANKLIN ST., 37—Large desirable loomi

with hot and cold running water, all oon- vealences; near new city hall; raoeonable; ref- emnoifl. ______FRANKLIN BT.. 50—Select furnlehed roomt;

ImprovetnentBi iteam heat; reference; board optional. ______________________________FULTON ST., 51—Nicely furnlehed front

roomi; eteaiti he&t; with or without board.h i l l UT., 21—Conneotlng roome, eultable for

three; heat, running water; flrat-ciaei board; aleo single room, near new city hall; 'phone.h il l bt .. it—Dcelrable roome. with board;

flrft-claea neighborhood; half block from now city hall._________ _______ ___________ _h ig h n*,, 13. near Bloomfield ave.—I ^ g e

eeeoDd. floor front room for two; aleo two single roome; good table; Improvements.HALSE7T BT.. &98—Boordan wanted; clean and

respectable; bath and toilet; flret ttogr.NEWTON BT., 74—Comfortable fUmtehed front

rooms,. luUable for two gentlemen or couple. In private boarding-house; Oermao cooking: 10 minutes from Broad e t ; ID up.ORCHARD 8T.. SO—Flessant, warm rroAt

room, suitable for tw^, with board; imall family; eight minutes' walk Broad and Mar­ked__________________________________________ORCHARD ST, 167—Front room, good table,

near ^uth Bt. Station.PARK PL„

board.SO—Roome. with board; also table

ROSEVILLE AVE.. IM—ReBned email board­ing-house; has one handeome room free;

euitable for couple; exclusive aurraundlngs; ex- eellent table; warm bathe at nny time; aiw for March 1, large beautiful eecond floor front room, magniftcently furnish wd: prices moderate. Telephone 41W Branch Brook; half block from Roseville Btatlon. one block from Orange cars; alio best table board; moderate. __________ROBUYlLLa, North 5tb a t , 26-N1cely fi^-

n l ih ^ rooms for one or two gentlemen; flret- e lan board: ileam heat; handy to three trol­leys:‘py lva te jre^n^M e;_________ __ ' ____ROSBVnJ.<Bl, North

room*, with board.7th et., 60—Desirable

■"BGlTTff''C«CANOTt* AVE., frontroom for two; watlemen. with or .without

board. CHRTBTEN'S Restaurant.TWO targe fumlehed rooms; saean! heat: bath;

small private house, vicinity of courthouse; refined surroundings; breakfast optional. Ad- dnss Refined, Box 9a. News office.WASHINGTON ST., 206—Commercial Hotel;

furnished rooms to let, with or without board; steam heatsd; reasonable rates.^FASHINGTON BT., U^Large room for two;

nicely furnished.

b o a r d w a n t e d .FAIR sized room; gas and heat; with light

breekfast; ten minutes’ walk from Market $ t iu tioh ; ftat* price. Address R „ Box 88, Newt ofllce. ______GENTLEMAN wlzbeg board with private fam­

ily; plolit eoowlnB desired; location above High stT; flfleen minutes from centre. Address Sk D.* Box 9D, News offics,__________________


A iolr€6 muAtcata o f ^ e a t dlstinotlon aad charm was Kiven by Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell Clark, M their home.


PLAIN BOARD: Tounr men (meehenlc), wllh ■ ■ " 101: preferably lower en i of

Itll felTOB. L. BUHICMAN. SOwife and Infanl elty. Addreee, ifa sh t at.ROOK and board

end ave. and Qaraii ntlcvan; private fa

Id the nrisfiborhood of Bec- ejelde at., wanted by vlhele e family oreterred. HR. 8.,

TOUNO KAN wanta board In private family, wlthlD tan mlnutea' walk of Broad and liar-

kM Sti. ( Itata terma Addreae Terma, Boa Ifc H«wi d(Boe. ____________________y o tm a KAK dealrea board In private family;

Vtelnlty of Clinton aftd Avon avee. Addreei Itlvate. Boa A NOwa omce.

a o A n D i N o - o u y o f t o w n .ST PATINO Ih* aaine amoanl etaarfed by tha

ocdmhty boOdlnf-housa you oah live In a flribelaae apartment hotel, with all the inxurlea deaerattona, eonvenlancn, eto., ap- Mftaittlna thereto, Inoludlna tiled bathroom (or «onr eachutve uie; and the location comblnea the eioluitvenHe and beauty of a Hret-kilaat widenttal eestton with the eouvenlencei of the WBtre of tlw eboppln* dlitrict nnd proximity •I o n trolko and ndnoad atatloti..

A t W at once or bthera nKnndnm and

,, « _ Seawaani#

U ratot (WB Btiek Cbtaub NtaOoat ratennoai lavBtMd. ■ ■ ■ /"It ‘BklOK COOXOR. WaeMaitaa t e n m ^

LuntL aoeead-atorir, ftm f toont, atltb board: (wwrTbydgu p i t a t t M unllyualaia boat;

lA M ORAHOS, llu ldM I t , ld-ia>Ta dOuUOO ont-tw n W **«f to « * ir (ontleman;

(ood uMoi' taOna'-raanondW*. _______ _

w s sdan b t I 'ORANOa. Mate n i r i w r t r o w e d poet-

Him i t . . Id. • W b ^ f r o t

w m nf M U K aS . TalldP « t l idW A rS d (t»> fwsbsj room; 40&veiMiil t* w6A O m u» trol*

toy ght Sri* lUltroiidi i M v f ^

wA or two jrottM j£ m s or lAsfaisea eow* iggniithl*^ flmt feae.

SO A R D W A m W D m O V T O F TOW N .


TERRIT\>Ry FORMKBLY VAILRBUROIl- Ass^ssmtut frvr benefits.

Notlcs Is hereby given that an assessment upon all the ownsrs of all the lands utid real estate psculiarly beneflied by each of the fol­lowing Improvsmsms, namely: Ths construction of laterals or conneotlng sewers or syoimii of ■ewers wltbln the territory formerly Vails- burgh, ocoordlng to the provisions of on ordi* nance of tha ctty of Newark, entitled "An urdlnoBoe to oonstruci laterals or ooimeollng ■ewers or system of sewers within the llmlut of the borough of V&llsburgh, connecting with the joint cutlet or trunk sewer," approved De­cember 0, 1903, has been prepared by the un- dorslgned commlsilouerSH, appointed by the Mayor of the city of Newark, and that a report by a certlftcale In writing, with an accompany­ing map and schedule, showing the several aueism enu agalhst the seversl owners pe­culiarly bsneflted as aforesaid, has been de­posited In the office of the city clerk of the city of Newark, for sxsmlnsUon by tha partiea Interested therein.

Bald assessment eomprlsea ell lots, tracts aad parcels of land and real estate liable to ba aiscssed as aforesaid, lying on both sides of

hoitth OR a n o r a v e n u e .from Munn avenue to Brookdale avenue, and from Sanford street to the city lino; on both ■Idea nfKENMORS a v e n u e . PINLAT PLACE,


from Banford street to the city line; on both sides of PALM STREET.from Banford street to a point shout fifty feet louth of the city line; on both sides of

SMITH STREET,from South Orange avenue to a point about one hundred feet south of the city tine; on both sides of __

HAL3TED HTBEET,from South Orange avenue far a distance of about eleven hundred feet north of South Or­ange svenue; '^>ih sides of

CEDAR flTHEET,from South orange avenue to Mount alnvlsw avenue; on both sides of

NORTH MUNN AVENUEl, from Bouth orange avenue to the city lint; on both sides of |GROVE 9THKET, ,from Bouth Orange avenue to Grain street; on i both ildsB ofGRAIN UTREKT AND THIRTEENTH AVE­

NUE,from Grove street lo the old city line; on both sides ofDOVER flTRKKT, ST. PAUL AVHJNUB AND .

OAKLAND t e r r a c e ;. from Bouth Orange avenue to a point about Ave hundred feet south of Cllfl street; on both : ■Ides of CLIFF STREET,from Montrose street to Dover street, and from Rlehellsu terrace to Banford street; on both sides of

RiCHEt.TBU TERRACE, from Helen place to South Orange avenue; on both sides ofHAZELWOOD AVENITE, from Cliff street to South Orajige avauue; onnoth Bldai of ___________ *

SANFORD HTREET,from Commonwealth avenue to Bouth Qrotige avenue; on both sides of

GHSeVA STREET.from Florence etreet to Helen place; on both;


rrom flantort « tr« t to ooneva otreot; on hotk

‘*'*'h ELBN FfcACTE AND NOTJU PIACE, trom Sanfont otnidt to HIchBlleti torrice; on both . ld « otfrom Bouth Orange avenue to a point about three hundred and flfty feet south of Silver ; street; on both sides of

MEAD STREET.from Ocean svenue to Silver street; on both ;

“ ‘ ‘ l?VER BTflKBrr AND BOCK 8TR1CBT, irom atuyveoont nvonuo to 8tolth o trrtt; on both ilflt* ot __ __

a b in o e r p l a c e .from Smith rttso t to Brookdilo nvenuo: on both sides uf8TUTVBBANT AVEKTTK AND VAUjBT » 6TREBT,

from South Orange avenui to Broc^daie ave- sosi on both sides ot

NORWOOD STREET.from South Oxangt avenue to Silver street; on both sides of ___

b o y l a n d - s t r e e tfrom South Orongs aveniw to a point about three hundred and Afty feet aouu . on bothBUNHETT ATBmiB AND ALBIXANDRR AVK-

N1JB,{nm 8outta Onn<« nv«nu* to 8Ut« ilrMt, It satBUdod: on boUi aldoo ot

' ' WBBT B N 0 AVEtTOB.from Bouttt Onne* nwnuo to Ltnnil p lan : on botb idd« AVRJTOB.from Bouth O nnfo nTonu* to n point ono hun- And foot nddtb ot Lintol plwo; on bothp l t m o u t b r ic o r d s t r e w

AND HOWELL RLACf,"m Vermont nronuo to Wool S n l nvintH;.M>

S ai^ l a a v b n u k ^ ^ c o r ,u i ^ A a v b .-

tn m South OrandO » obim to Plm oiHb etroott on both otdod ID E V nta bxIudnt.from m rtconth aeonao douthorlr to tit* ottottno' on both •tdoa ot - ___■

SPEEDWAT AVRKtnt.tnnt Sou& Orons* nvMiid KoUHrip to tho

^ k Ut o TWENTT-KaST STWtKP.(ro a fputh Oran** oaonBO loothertF to tM OltrUHI dn ^ p 'J s a i N o AVamiB.from *“

“ “ ^ O B T K a N T a AVSNUN. tnm Ddrip* otroot to ,thd oltr Ibid: tto both

°* BODWELL ATXTtHE. . . '<Mm tadrtwM j^ouM ihout ,thf** bundred and J m f t f t w e j t t f tto- vtato ttroatt thettoe souIIwNf aoMt tin> hub- drSk w the o «tra of riftoenth

from thd d ^ n n o to Sonth kii3 dtsind, uiho n ino to d»»ita»5- _ ^ ^A rsifsirohti *■ eutn* plot «C ludp

SfSarT tS ? « te e n lh ■* IP ‘Me. gtot’ M S ttiin lir . ibe stxtotttli 4 a r t j FehfUaiV^tWF. *t id A. U.| at* tha eorotwlfd

it*. 4 (third flow) City Hall.

1010 Broad streot, la s t evening, when they afforded abou t lOO of th e ir more In tim ate friend* th e p le a su re o f hearing Mias Suaun M etoalfe a n d limjUo de Oo- porza riiiK and Udo OosaweiJer play. The gu ea t! were received In the la rg e draw* ing-riKmi- and th e rausioal refreabunent wag served In th e sao lou! dining­room , uri a p a rtm en t w hich, having a hardw ood floleh o f F lem ish oak and con tain ing few hang ings or o th e r embel- lishmeniti of Hound-abisorblug m ateria l, Is adm irably adap ted to m usical perfo rm ­ance. Tlio varied and In ic rea tlng p ro­g ram presented was aa follow's; tJonge—

(a) "L a P a r tl r ta " .......... ....................Alvarca{b) "E i CelOBO"...................................A lvarez

Mr. de Qogorzju0031 gs—

(aj "Bola K pnis".....................................Lully(bi ’*So Sw f' i ui S h e " ............. Anonymous(c) "M ugeti"" ................................MouHlguy(dj "MHtnan dltea m ue,"

E igh teen th Century FrenchMlea M etcalfe.

Violoncello Soioe— _KomBnue ................................V an GoensS c h e rz o ................................... Van Golmis

Mr. Goesweller.Bongs—

(u; "D rink to Me Only wrilh ThineEyca" .......... .....................Old English

(b) "M other O' Mine ' ...........................Toursic> "Le F lom seur"................................. W ldor

Mr. do Gogorza.Songs—

ia i "The W ood N ynaph".F . M orris Claes(bJ “The V io le t" ............... F . M orris Ciusa<cj "L /Em bar<iuem ent p o u r C ythore."

cnanB aral(d> "L e S e c re t" .......................................Faure(e) "S titcndchen" ............... lirAhniij

MIee M etcalfe.Violoncello Solos—

(a) C avatina ...................................G olterm an(bj Dause HoHaiidi^lHe................Q olterm aii

Mr. Oossw eller,D uet, "L a cl durein ," from "Don

G iovanni" .........................................M ozartMIbh M etcalfe and Mr. de Qogorza.

Mlkfl M eiro-lfe's cxriulalte a r t In th a uae o f h e r voice produced a c h a rm in g effect. H er delic.ate and finely Riueloal soprano w as happily em ployed In a ll she essayed, bu t w as partlcu liiiiy effective In th e old P 'rench eonga and the ' ‘B taendchen," by B rahm s. Im ercstlng m un b ers am ong ber eelectiona w ere two new songs by F. M or­ris CiosB, a young compoBcr o f unusual taJen t, who played the accomponlmesili!; of Ills ow n lyrics, w hich a re m odem Id style, highly Inm ghiattvo an d full of m any beau tifu l harm onies.

Mr. dn (.K>gor7rL's v irile and eym pathetto baritone w as used w ith so m uch ta s te and IbijHh iliu l his 8:ngin*< a ro u sed m uch on- thusla,‘’in and gave g re a t p leasure . Mr. Goiisweilfr, of O range, p layed the vlo- hjnceUu solos with a tech n ica l fac ility ai3d an ur(lHl3y in In te rp re ta tio n th a t gave dlHtiiu'tUm to his p rifo rm n n c e s and greut- 1\ prom oted en jo j’m ent of th»“ rmislcale. I l ls tone le pure and he h ifusea hla read ­ings with feeling th a t qu ick ly cummoni- ca tea Itself to hl» hearers.

A ssisting a t tho p lanu waB A rthurof New York, who is a dis-

ereet a» well ug sk ilfu l accu3np:UilHl, utid Vihose work ll3rt>UKhout th e evening fur- lilKheil helpful support 10 ihe singers und musk'iui).

In both Its a rtis tic mid bocIuI asperta, th e muplealc w as so en jo y ab le th a t llu)j?o who were privileged to be p reaen t hasten ­ed a t Its ciaae to c o n g ra tu la te the ir hosts upi.ii tig sueccya.

Am ong tUo!:'© p resen t w ere M rs. Thom as T. Kinney, Mr, and Mrs. C arro ll P . Baa- se tt , F rederick T. Fi-olingbuysen, Mr. [Lnd Mrs, .William B. K inney, M rs. Wllllum t 'la j’k. of Edinburgh, S co tland ; J . W illiam C lark, form er G overnor F ran k lin Murphy, Ml63 F lorence D. M urphy, Mies Florence E lm ore M urphy, F ra n k lin M urphy Jr., Mr. and Mr». R obert H. M cC nri^r, A iuhur Johns. *\Ir. and M rs. H en ry Knox and iho M isses Annti mid J u lia W hlie lund , of New Y ork; Mr. an d Mrs. F ru n e ls B .ukhe, Archibald Barklle, Mr. and Mrs. GomUl W lnser, of N utlay; Ilev . E lllo ti White, Ml', and M rs. Simeon Ri^llinaon and Miss Phoebe RolMnson. of W est O range; Mr. and Mrs. P . Sanford Rosa, M iss Loi'etia B ralne, H am ilton B ralne. Rev. Louis Bhreve Osborne, th e M isses E llziibeth and Helen Osborne, Mr. and M rs. M atth ias Pluns Ji'., Mr. and Mrs. J am e s Lawrenoa Ogden, Mr. and M rs. F red e ric k F. Guild, Mr. und Mra. S^achariah B elcher, Mr. and Mre. W alUce M. Boudder, Mias M. An- tc in e tie (Juinby, M1h« l/>uJse E . Polhemus, Miss K atherine Jones, o f S ou th Orange; MSaa Ellzubcili C arte r, W illiam T. C arter J r .. Dr. Jiiul Mfh, C harles Yoting, Gayle Young, M iss K uthf'i’tn e • Young, Mr. anil Mre. Jj'rancte Clilld J e*., Mr. and Mrs. A drian Hiker, Mr. and M rs. Philip N. Jackson, MIsr Alice K irk p a trick , Mrs. M artin Deimla, Jo seph Dennla, Alfred D ennis, D r. and Mrs. A rch iba ld Mercer, MJga M ary Cam pbell, W ard Campbell, Mr. and Mra. G ilbert Pott.s, Mme. De Cerkez. Mr. and M rs. Charle.q A. Grum- mon, Mr. and M rs. K A lvah W ilkinson and Dr. F rederick P au l,

* * •M *p l*w oa« l C h o m ] riT ib .

W ith th e aRSlatance o f M iss Je&nette PerntindcR. soprano: Jo h n BiBnrt, tenor, and W illiam C. N oyes, harittm e, tho M aplewood Choral Club, of which Mrs. Jam es R. Lake to Uie m usical director, gave on In te resting p e rfo rm ance of Sir A lfrod G au l's d ram atlo c a n ta ta . "Jo an of A ro ," In the PuYillc B uild ing H all In M aplewood Ia*t n igh t. T he composition Is no t one to ta x severely the vocal and artlBGo m o u r n s of a w e U Jra ln e d choral body and the M aptewbod o rj^n T ^ tio n gave a c red itab le In te rp re ta tio n o f its voQ&l contents. U ntil th e m ale contingent In the choir can be so s tren g th en ed th u t It will he able to p reserve a to n a l balance In concerted w ork w ith th e m ore num er­ous sopranos und a lto s , the ensem bl* m ust fa ll to c reate the desired effects.

T he society is am b itious, painstaking an d persevering, and since I t cam s Into existence a couple o f y e a rs ago, Ims put m uch good w ork lo Us c re d i t The per­form ance la s t n igh t Incraaaed respect for Its ab ility and encouraged th e hope of finer accom plishm ents In th e fu tu re .

* • *T h e O r a n g e M e B d e ls s o lm Vnton*The program a rra n g e d by th s Orange

M endelssohn U nion fo r th e f irs t subsorlp- tion concert In Its tw e n ty -s fx th season to be given In th e O range T h ea tre ‘to ­m orrow n igh t is a v e ry In te re s tin g one. I t Include# M assenet's o ra to rla , "E ve;" S a in t-S aens 's B iblical opera , " b e Deluge,'^ an d an ex ce rp t from D elibes's ballet, "ByWSa,'’ to be p layed b y H ugo Engel, violinist. The vocal sololstB will be Mise IfOUlse Ormesby, sop ran o ; M ies Grace M unson, con tra lto ; D r. F ran k lin Lawton, tenor, and Claud* C unnlngbam , basso. An o rch estra of tw en ty-flv* m usician# from New Y ork will a s s is t In th e perform ances.

* • *A n A n n lT a ra a ^ y C * l*1stn4 lon -

The tlosevlUe A th le tic A saoclallon will observe th e tw en ty -tW rd an n iv e rsa ry of It* o rganisation T hm adfty night* F eb ru ­a ry £1, by giv ing a concert, th e principal fe a tu re of w hich wUl be a perform ance of L U a Ijehmann^B to n g cydle, *Tn a Persian G a rd e n / ' T he q u a r te t to b e heard In It will GOmpiise Mis# F lo ren ce H enkle, so­p ran o ; Mis* A da HusBey* o o n tra tto ; E d ­w ard J . C althrop, tenor, u i d A lbert Oreg- orow ltech. basso. E th e l CeoillaSm ltb, vtoUnlit*. s ^ : > ‘R tn b u te td the program .

MtCer B U a " S w a y A r a i a ., B u rg la rs en tered th e borne o f W illiam H . SdeaU. 24fi R osevllte avenue , by m eans o f a key, som e tim e b e tw e ^ 3 and ft o^olcck y e ste rd ay afte rn o o n . T he thieves n ^ e aw ay w ith five p la te d silver knives, five p la ted s liv e r f o r u | five solid silver t e a a p o i^ flnd a a itv tr '^ a c k e d oomb and brUBho W hen th e fam U y re tu rn e d a re a r w indow wstS found open,' w hich th e police o f th e F if th d e d u c t th in k w as Used by th e th ieves a i a m epns o f egress.

(A ctiv ities o f ^ ^ W om en’s Q ubs

The m ld^w tp ter c lub reception o f Ray Palm er, a t R u th e rfo rd Hall* 17 W est P ark street, F r id a y afte rnoon , will ta k e the form o f a m usical. T h e a r t is ts will be Mm. A ndrew E. Voss. msssu-Hoprano; Miss Jess ie C oqrte r, p tan is t. and Hoy F. isaw arda, ten o r. T h e p rog ram Is In clutrge of M rs. G eorg ia L. H edden and two rep re sen ta tiv e# from eacli of the o th e r w om an '* olub# lu tU* c ity have been invited.

A m ee tin g o f th e W om en'# A uxiliary to the Y. M. C, A., scheduled fo r yealerday i i ttrn o o ii, w ee n o t held, a* th e re wna not a quorum p resen t.* * *

A rran g em en ts fo r th e cake and candy sale and m ualcale, to be given by iljf (’'Ivjc Club, a t th a hom * o f Mr*. Jam es C. Cor- lles, 29 E a s t P o rk i t r e e t , nex t Tvjo&day afte rnoon w ere m ad e a t a m eeting hold yeatorday efie rnoon . A t the tea table Mra. Gorllo# a n d Mr*. P raue t* Pell will presirta T h e re w ill ba one large table, w here v a rio u s Hinds o f cake and candy will be d isp layed , an d Mrs. IH PoreBl P, Lozier, Mr#, QrenviUe M, Week* und Mr#. John Pe ll w ill bo in charge.

e « •A la rg e a tte n d a n c e Is expected a t the

V alentine tea , to bo g iven by the bni^ril oi m an ag ers an d au x ilia ry of the"E lghi:i Avenue D ay N u rse ry and B aby ShelU-r. a t thd liiB tltutton, to-m orrow , from 3 to : o'clock. T h e deco ra tio n s will be appro- pi'late to the ocoaslOh—rf*d h esr ls and d raperies o f tliQt color being u&od.

• « sMusic w ill be fu rn ished hy a quarte l.

under the d irec tion of Miss E llm beln Marali, a t P h ilitsc lpom a , w hirh will meet a t the residence o f Mrs, Thoinn^ 8. Henry, iii7 B road Hlroet, to-m nrrow afternoon. The lite ra ry p a r t of th e program will In­clude a le c tu re by Mitin. Alico IrO Plon- geon, o( Soroels. N**w York City, on "Old Mexico a n d Y u catan ."

* « •T he p ro g ram fo r th e Prlendly Visitors'

conference a t tlio F ree I ’ulillc U brn ry , to-m orrow m orning , includes u rtlBcusBlon of "T uboroulotils." M rs. Frederick C. Jacobson wUl ba tn th e chair.

H appen in gs in S ocie ty Circles

Mrs. O liver W . Jackson gave an Infor- mnJ te a a t h e r home, 19 W averly avenue, yeste rday afternoota,

* « *Mrs. W illiam C lark , oC I-Mlnburgh. Hcot-

land, to th e guest of Mr. and Mrs. J, W illlain C la rk , a t the ir iK'iiie. 3-lti Mt, P rospec t avenue.

• * •Mra. C harles E. C arrlngtnn and Mias

Ella C arrin g to n gave a necimd and last Inform al " a t hoine'* a t the ir residence, 801 High s tre e t , yeste rday afternoon. In honor of Mrp. E. T orrey Carrington, fwr- m erly of N ew York. T hem wer« about JfMl callers. 'T he house was decorated w ith yellow flnwera. Some of rhoso who receh ’fid llio guests w ere Mrs. H enrie tta C. Lord, Mre. C harles E. Toriyy, Mlaa Helen W oulann and Mtoe Blfinclie Thomae, nil of th is cisy. and M iss UeKule Hallln, of New Volk. «

Mf'nil.tei'i 'if Sr-ctlon No. II, of the Army Uelk'f 8tn-J« iy of N>w‘ Jersey , gnvo llielr annual i-nid p n t y m the reaM'^rioe of Mra. Id w o n i H, W right. 24 Turk place, ycptorday Hftemoofi. The gucBts wore received by Mrs. W rIghI, Mias EniUy W rlghl, Mrs. L<iWiird H. W riglit Jr , MIbs M. A nto liic itn g u inhy . president of the section, wlin fim ingoil th e iiffatr, and Mrs*. John P. D arcy. There w ere twelve tnbloa of-bridge an<1 one of seven-handed euchre. T he cards w ere followed by a tea. Tho drcoratlonB w ere red. Mra. Henry Young served coffee and Mrg. Archibald M ercer poured tea . .Amgng Uiob« pr^acnl were, Mrs- r h a r le s B urcherllng, Mrs. Flobort Gllchrtol, M rs. M aith U s P lum J r , Mra, J. Lewis H ay , Mth. E. Alvah Wilkinson. Mrs. E d g a r W Heller, Mrs. WlUlam T. C arter. M iss E lizabeth C jirtcr, Mh'ia Ellza- ])elh Oaborno. Mrs. B enjam in Atha, Mrs. Charlt-s Aehniun. Mr.4 C harlrs A. G rum ­man. Mra N elson \ \ ’rlghl. Mrs. A rthu r H. MficKle, Mrs. O ilhcrl Itrown, Mra. Joseph FMW'smUli. Mtos rn ro lln e Conflict, Mrs, W illiam A. H alsey and *Mrs. Phltotua W. Vail.

l^ te A Fsbfw nr 3. IWL WILUAM H. Yj

i /v : - m tL T A M VCP iDBHflTunrr

m U K B ,

U m E 4.MENTSo f th e S l o a a d i , U v a f , K U n e y t or Bnwelfl, U M jle c to d , w ill' SDon'<3ev«lop in to on e i of * m ore iwHfriui nfttnre. T h n e fa n i we u rg e evur^ K m or. w om en th u f efflk ted to toeo rt to


et the ite t cten of eiw derugemrat. B teetoM th* eppetite.ifldactei sonitd tieep, •teedMt Uie n em i end enrea BetnleiKy, K e irt lN ira ,

JURORS' QUESTION UP AGAIN.I lIeK n llty o f P am «l t 'lia r ired b y P r is ­

o n e r 's C o u n s e l—('u se P o s ip o u e d f o r A n o th e r rn u se .

The a r ra y o f petit Ju rors on the present panel w as challenged hy H a rry K allach In the C o u rt of Q u a rte r SesBlona this m orning, w hen he a.Hki-iJ the court to de- clarn th a t th e tr ia l of his clleiil. M ark W hite, fo r aBfliinlt and b a tte ry upon Ju lia Sm ith, could not proceed hecausa the Ju rors had not legally draw n.Mr. K allsch advanced p rac tically the Kamo a rg u m en ts aa Irfiuto and Charles Hood hod m ade In the case of yainiiel G oldm an som e w eeks ago, ClrcumBtoiicea In th e p resen t casn m ade It possible for W h ite ’s t r ia l to be postponed until M arch 14 w ithout Judge E yck having lo glvo a drrlHlon a s to the legality of the jury.

Mr. K alisch claim ed (here w as no nu- iho rity g iven under the law to draw the p rf s rn l p an e l of Ju rors; th a t It should have been d raw n on the fourth Tueeday brfo re (he commimcemPiu of the regu lar D er< ^b er te rm , to servo th roughout th a t terrirHind th a t th e Jury w as not draw n by Ihe perHona designa ted by s ta tu te . U wa# the rtuty o f th e sheriff to do #o, and if hn wafl unab le then tho du ty devolved iipfin the coroner, he said. In tho present cnee III# vinder'SherJft had draw n tUo Jurors.

! ’nder-S hertffs M ason and Benedict were nulled, and th e la t te r tesllfted th a t be had lirnw'n th e p re sen t panel.

"W e c an n o t try th is cose to-day, any ­how ." paid AflsSstEint P rosecu to r Mott. "A m ateria l w itneea 1# absen t In Jefsey City, and I would a sk th a t It be poalponed."

"I d o n 't w a n t to ru le on any of theao {iiieatlons u n til I h ave to do bo," rem arked Judge T en Eyck.

"T hese a re doubtfu l question# raised by ccunsol,” said Mr. MoU, "yet sooner o r la te r we h av e got to me«t them , and It m ay aa w ell be now a s la ter. However, I move th a t the t r ia l of W'hlte be pu t off until M arch U ."

The cou rt assen ted . W hite 's alleged crim e wa# com m itted N£>venib<*r 2& last.



Trolley Cars Irom Upper End of City Stalled an Hour by

Broken Coal Wagon.


V on th , U lo a p p o lB te d In L ove , H oa n t t o T a k e O a rb a llc A c id , bn t

G ot W r o o f f R otU e.Because he had a falling oiii -with hil

sweetheart, Joeeph Clark, twenty-eight years old, o f 638 Summer avenue, tried to commit eulclde In a ealooh at Bummer avenue and Irving etreet, e a r ly ' thl« morning, but Instead o f taking carbolic acid, aa he had Intended, he got a doe* ot iodine. Tlie bottle dbntalnlng the lat­ter poison, which he had been ualhg for a brulee, he got mixed up with the bottle 9 i acid.

A fter drinking the iodine Clark told the iolooii-keeper he hart taken carbolic a dd and wofi dying.

The Second P redn otpoU c# were DOtifisfl and th# patro^l w a g iw In charge ot P b - lloeman W illiam * and Miller. hurr|«d Clark to the City HospItaL There It wa*-' found that Clark'* condition wa* not dangerous, and a fter he wa# revived k s was taken to the station and locked up. W hen arraigned before Judge Herr b* pleaded to be given another chonoe and w o* let go. Clark did not tell who was th# ^#1 he had quarreled with.


B r o th e r #* S o o I t t e e L s i i i d la d Tn * A * y B o n d # o a A s s a o lt C h a r ^ *

. jb t o n Srflblngr o f A ro n avenue, wa* attaigned before Judife Herr, in i the Fourth Preoltict thla morning, charged with assault and battery on Vaisntln# m u p itc h , who re#We* at tbe earn# ad­dress. PhUlpltoh. who appeared In the

i*recinct M onday morning vrtth hto hsad swathed In bandage#, clolrai that he was assaultad b y Lelblny and SCrs. U a x flohuUa o f |SB Avon artfiraa with whom b * boardflA

FblHpitch said that be<toua# he b a a ba* s tD w ^ b i* aftMtiona on- a young ststar o f MTS, dchultSr tho latter h*d attaetosft him with a rasoTh and that Lelbing had a ssa tS M him with hla fist*. Mr*. Schulta wad t&abie t * b* % court to a n sM r tha eharg* on socom tt wf illness. M lbtng said uaai Phnipitab bit Mr*> eebubA who I* h i* slaUr, and that he oiuyrj|nfth«d t b t K a a M m r . s a w a s M i i t o m n l N L

W hllo the ru sh to buetne## of uptown reMldpnts and Bubtirbun oom m iiler# was ui lis height this m orn ing 80u(h-bouurt Irolk^y MTVlce In the n o rth e rn p a rt of the clly w as ptii out of oom m lsslnn fo r a l­m ost an hour by th e b reak in g down of a ctfflt w agon belonging to F rederick H. Price, of 24R O range s tre e t , on the west track nf th e P road s t r e e t line, near the Junction of O range etreet*

The accident happened at 7:40 o'clock and, according to George Makinson, of 86 I^ck street, the driver, Wne caused by a I'r 'ken frog In the iw ltoh at tho JunoUon.' Alaklnson explained that he wo# on his wny to East Kinney etreet with two tons uf coal. Because oj the high bank# of snow either aide Of tha roadway he toiik Id the tracks and w’ as turning out of Hie way uf an Orango etreet ca r when the if’fl front wheel o f the truck cauKbt In the frog and the nxlo snapped.

H ad It not been fo r a fou r-foo t pile of /’iiuw t^hioh refused to m elt an d ho# not h '' 'h rem oved since it foil there eight htyn ago, the th re e ho rses m ight have rnili.-rl iho load to one side with lUlle tr<!uhle and c o m p ara th ’oly no delay. But the Hiiow wa.p th e re and not only a g g ra ­vated the blockade, hu t a lm uat caused one i t th e horaes to hronk It# leg a# It w'es driven Into th e fro sen enow in a vain effort to haul the wagon lo one side.

A Public Service re p a ir w agon from the Boyd Btreel shop, w ith a w reck ing crew of two, wa# soon upon th e scene, bu t the men w ere unable to m ove the heavy w agon from th e t r a c k a J a c k s were applied!, tint w ithou t avail, A re lief car w as then sen t fo r and by th e m ean s of n wooden ram the w agon w'as flnaJly d riven from th e track#- In#tend o f w a ll­ing, however, to seo if th e re wa# room enough to perm it the c o m p an y ’e largo cars to pasB, the w recking orew sped sou th ­w ard and wa# «oon beyond recall. The very firet car in line w as one of th e big

cars of the B loom lleld avenue lino and It looked five Inches o f having u cloiir passagew ay. Jack# w ere again put tn UH0 and a fte r a d e lay of a n o th e r llf- toon m inu tes the block w as finally rniHCd a l H:3h

In the m ean tim e a v e rita b le arm y uf biiaIncHs men and wom en w ere JiuHtling out Ilf tlie fo rty o r m ore a ta llod Ciirn utul fo rm ing a procoaslon of no m ean [iropor- tiona on the ir m arch to th e cen tre of the city. M any fltuck to th e sh ip to the hiHt nioiiicnt, hut finally lo#t pa tien ce und <Ih- cldeii (0 wKlk. while o ther# w aited In vain n t (lie emto i>f tho lines foi’ th e cur th a t never cam e. The effect of the blockade wHH nut only felt In th e n o rth e rn part of th e city, but In th e so iith e rn p a r t n« well. In some chh«-.‘< people w a ited fo r almost fm hour for uouthbound E llzjibeth nnd Irv ­ington crtf-H.

D uring the block and ii# th e cars wero jo in ing Ota' by one th# a lread y long line of ulalli'il r;u-8, tro lley ca r 17S7, of the Broitd Rtn-et Une. cruehed Into c a r of ih c ftr'inic !1[h‘, w'hich In tu rn cniwhfrt Into TLir Pil’7. of the Bloomfield line, winch prect-dMfl It. Hhiitterlrig th e gins# In the vnatlbiil---.H funJ duiTinging th e fenrtpr>i. This, it w'us a a k l waw ca^ised by ili# fa ilu re of the b rakes on th e Broad stfeei c a r to work.

It wiiM several hours before the line# affected by the blockude w ere again ru n ­ning on any th in g like achedvile, but thl« end w as g rea tly fa c ilita ted and the sca rc ity nf car# In the e x trem e enrtw nf th e c ity relieved by Hwttehing the cars nf th# Ml. Prospect and Bloom field aveiiuo line# nn 11m B ank Rtroet loop nnd run n lng the K enm y earn dow n M ulbeny s treet.


Board of Trade to Discuss Pro­posed Legislation at Its

Meeting To-night.


Trksont# condition# to which It In allegad local ahlpper# and receivers of freight* e re being sub jected , a n d ■ugfr''stlons for th e ir rem edy, will he the burden of a repo rt w hich w ill be subm itted by the com m ittee on tra n e p o rta tlo n and freight of the Board of T rad e a t Ihe regu lar m eeting o f th a t body to -n ig h t

The chief grievanoe embodied In the re ­po rt to th a t o a r eervioe rule*. aUhongb they have no t undergone any m atartni change of late, a rc being applied much m ore d ras tically th an ever before, and th a t local fre igh t agent# profe#* th a t BtrlGt adherence to the le tte r of th# rego- Intlorks of th# New York and New Jersey C ar Service A eeoclntlon 1* required by th e ra te law enacted by Congress last year, Inastnuoh na any "le tting up" In lndl\1dua1 cases would subject tho ra il- road so offending to pcnaUles for dlscrlm* illation.

One of the 1 hinge w hich tho com m ittee proposes lo bring abou t to extenalon of the BO-called " free tim e" from forty- e igh t hours to Dlnety-flU hour*- A d ra ft of a bjll w hich w ill arcom pany the com­m ittee '# rep o rt omhodlea th is proposition end tnakce fu r th e r provision for recip rocal dem urrage charges, ns pro­vided la th e law governing tran sp o rta ­tion of fre ig h t in force In MIesourl.

The bill w h ich the com m ittee desire# to bring before the L eg is la tu re Is draw n on th# linus o f lb# M tosourl a c t th a t maKe* it tho d u ty o f roJlroad oompanip# to fu r­nish car# fo r conelgnote w ith in four day* from 10 o'clock In the m orning of tne day following th e application , failure lo fu rn ish car# being penalised a t the ra te of 12 per day per c a r a fte r the ex- plratJim of th e fou r day# "free tim e."

The law fu r th e r provlilea th a t cere m ust he moved a l th e ra te o f eighty mile# a diiy nf tw en ty -fo u r hour#, and th a t the ruU roadi Bball place such car# a t ac- ooflfllMo point# or on p riv a te track# if the consignee has such tracks. One Of Ihe com plaint# of local receiver# of fre igh t i* th a t care a re left on the meadows, and utfl then said to ho conslructlvcly p]6c«d, dem urrage ch arg es bf'glrmlng nfler forty- e ight hour#, altliough the curs may bo entire ly InAceeaKlljlM. Ucclproclly In the m a tte r of ob llgatlnns and {ai<na)tlea ie the card inal principle of the Missouri act, and it la this principle which the traus- po rta tlon com m lltce 1# eeeking to have em bodied In the car e en ice regulation# of ihifl S ta te

T he alleged bunching of care 1# another g rievance ocm plalncd of by consignees here, and th is evil Is k1#o fiibicct lo cer­ta in rem edial rpgmHtlnrip. with proper penalttofi, in rhe Mtosourl net. A fu rther I’cm plaln t In thla S ta te Is thu t dem urrage charg## are legally a Iton on frvlght. T his provision the proposed new uol will do 5iH'ay with.

------ ^ -

H a rt W illie t'niiisIlMii..U'lille coasting down ilitj Avon avenue

hill Into ycHtvrday aftevnuon on a bob- sit'd, Ferd inand KoUie. uf '19 Yinuiswick .slrcpt, ra.n Into a Brond eiroet oar, Httiashlng th e fender and hrenking a pttp# (if ghiKs. K nihe w as siforing and ro- I'ldvcrt a cu t over ihe right eye A fter being a tten d ed to a t a nearby drug Htnre, Jio w as taken hto lujm«\ The u lhcrs on the bob escepod Injury.

FOR UNIFORM TAX BOOKS.L « c a l O otin tr 'iloaed I le a r a SuggeH- tton a fr o m Ex|>ert« n « g g r i l t n g Itet-

l e r i(yste iu o f K e e p in g H oeord s .In order to secure n m ore uniform sy.‘‘-

tem of tnl)ulat1ng xissesflments, Lolhrop A nderson, p resident of th e C ounty Board o f T axation , w ith H enry D ickson, a mem­ber of th e board, had a conferenco to-day w ith T hom as B. U sher, w ho fo r fourteen years wa^ sec re ta ry of tho old S tate B oard of T axation , and R o b er t B. H arrto, fo r m any years sec re ta ry of the Cuunly B oard of Agsessora. M r. H a rrla ha# «ln- vlsod a eystom atlcfllly arrang fu l book for hi# ow'n uee, While M r. U sher, who la fam ilia r w lih th e work a ll over the S late, hag Invented ntany vulm iblo a ids to ihe m aking of asseasm enla, w hich h« thoiiglu should be adopted by all the county boards

A fter dlscuaalng the m a tte r U wa# sug­gested by M r. A nderson th a t Mr. Usher p rep a re a form em brac ing tho best Ideari of tilmaelf and Mr. H a rris . While the county board ha# no a u th o rity to compel a«BesHor# to adop t the approved form of field huuk and dup licate. t l>0 buggeaUon wilt be m ade th a t a un ifo rm Hiyle be used by all th e asf>esBOrs ih ru u g h o u t the S tate.

The value of such un ifo rm ity . In Mr. Anderfioo‘8 opinion, will be g re a t. I t wa# fcniml last A uguat, w hen th e asKenstn'R tu rn ed over iheJr books lo tha county board, llia t ih some casea th e reports w ere excellen tly recorded, w hile other asHCRRors had en tered tbe lr# on ruled b lank book*, and s till o th e rs had failed to com ply w ith th e law w hich demands th a t th e aaseBBrnent# on land be kept sep a ra te fro m r th o # # -o n ■ build ings fn- severa l Instances th e assessm ent# bud been tab u la ted r>n sheet* o f footeoap, fa s t­ened w ith cllpe.

"W e havh df^clded to req u est th e Gov­e rn o r to consider o u r recom m eudatlone th a t If the coun ty bo a rd s a re continued some unifo rm s ty le «.jf ta x books be adop ted ," said Mr. A nderson. "IP he a p ­prove#, he con p resen t the m a tte r to the L e g ls la tu ra "

P H lB S 'T fl A iflA ILA N iT H E L D .

F 'a l l e t t e F a t U n d e r fl,KOO B a l l ori T w a C h a rg e # .

Frank Falletta, twenty-five year# old, who was arreated in the reo lorr o f Rev. Jeerph Perottl, pflJllor o f St. Lmcy’e Ro- man Catholic Churoh at 14 A m ity place, Monday night, was com m itted In default o f it,r»0(l ball oh two count* for the action o f Uio grand Jury by Judge Herr, tn the gfi-ond T^recinct Court, this morning, Cap­tain Daly made both com plaints.

Fallette wiia charged with having threatened to kill Rev. Paul Lisa, the a«- *iEiant rector, if the latter did not give him ISO, while th# other com plaint w&e fo r carrying a concealed ________

“ Dim er’ s Coming - I Smell I I ”

Does Y o n r S to m a c h F eel H ap p y W h en M eal-T im e Cornea?

W hen you sniffle In the a ir the appe­tizing a ro m a uf eu tueth iug cooking, do you f<‘el th a t you could Bit down, open your motilli, pin back ypiir Htr# nniS ea t w llh a dellctuua guaio, (vcry tb lng B«i btiforo you, und not ff(d any bad efTecl.s from It?

In o ther word#, cati your poor elom- acli ta k e care of everythlnj; iiml uuy- thliJg you p u t Into It? Tlmry are tliou- sanda an d thousand# o f people who di> nut know w*hat It to tn have a good, s trong, h ealthy stom aoh, nor do they realize w hat It to tu have a good a p ­petite.

You can h ave a n iili-powerful atom- a ah and a fe tch in g appetite for every meal, and every day. If you give your Htomacb a reat, and le t someUilag els* lak e hold of your food for you an d d igest U a# It comcB Into the stomach, som eth ing th a t to harm les# but th a t really doe# the work of dlgcHttng, quickly and thoroughly.

Thto "HOmelhiiiK" la S tu a rt 's Dyspepsia Tablets, the m ost effective little lubtols In the w orld for cu ring anyth ing that m ay be w rong w ith you r atomuch. u ae Ingredient of th e se precloii# IJtlto wurkcc* d igests J.OOO grain# of ouarsefit orrlchOBt fond pu l im u the stonmcti. Think o f U. 3,u(ki K ralna’. Tlit-y aro really an aritfio lal a lom aih , bevitiise They act ju s t like tlie fliomuch, iJicy illgiMi j'Our food, JiiHt a# though you tlldn 'l linvr- a siom - uch a t all. I t Hiippllt^a th'- Htomadi w ith the digestive Juice# wlik:h have becoRia weak arid scanty .

Then your IndlgesHoii. dyspepsia, Hour rlslngR, hra.Hli, helching#, ucldlly, fer- m ejitatlon. loa# of appotllc, aversion to food, bluaty feeling, licartbiirii und naii- eea, will b« nr* more. Y'uu con tiffin eat auyLliing you w ant, ail you warn, when- flVti' you wiinl. and your fllomucii will feel fine bo'Core and a f te r your meato. Your ap p etite will be a th ing of pteaeuie lu have, your m sal# w'lll by a pleaHure lu e a t and reltoh, and ynur digvsUou will be thurough and soo th ing to the whole body.

Yuu can t do your work wall, or be cheerful, or have energy or vim or am ­bition. when your s tom ach is bad. Make yourself feel good a f te r a hearty meat, feel good all over, c lear your mind and m ake you enjoy life, by tak ing S tuart'* D yspepsia Tablela.

Give your Btomach a rcsi, ao tt can rig h t Itaolf, then yo(j nwe] fear uoih- Ing. Rand UB y our nam e and addresB to -day and get n free sam ple package of S tua rt H DyHp<-p8ht Tublot# by re tu rn m all. A ftrr you have trli-d the srunplfi, you will bo RO thoroughly convliu--(I of w h a t they ta n do fo r you th a t you will go to yo(.1r nearesJi d rugg ist and a fifty -cent box o f them .

Send u# Yfur nam e and jtddresR rj.rlny and we will n t once lenr] you by mail a eam pte pa(?kage free . Address F. A. S tu a r t Co,. 63 S tu a r t Blrtg., Mnrehal!, Mloh.

W INTER RESORT&AVhAHTtf) c m , X. 4,

CHALFONTEA tlan tic City, N. J.

ALWAYS OPEN.On tKe Beach. Pireprool!

Send for Literature.

Th^e L e e d s C om panyi

Haddon HallA tlantic City. N. J.Always open. On octaa froDl*

OouitMua a iun tlon . Honkellks larroufldlagi^ Brerx oraffoft

BooklH end s a in d a r on ti^pllestta#.

Leeds & Lippincott*G A I ^ K I V H A J O I o IU O TBL ANU VAAIA'rUKlUMi

ATLANTICUno of ih« newest atouw, brkK vtid itMlInge, with every oonafort. A iw us qpml AlviM*t e ^ . Alwtye beg*

9 D a r l M i 0 t i 9 b * £ l c n l K i sJO aiA H W U IT B * §ONS.

HOTEL BOSCOBEL,Bpeclal rate for February. Llteratiu# calendar mall#d .___________A. S. BAElQ|fc_

HOTEL PavCE) DE LEON. Virginia ave., ag beach. Modern In appointments. CaaMlS

8fi0. Flr#i«cla«s oulalna and service. opeclS winter and sprlni; rates. Booklet,




NEW PARK HOUSEAll rnodom oonvonlvncoa.


_________ •T B A H iH IP t.

lasstii, West lediis, PantnT ren t.............. Feb. 16 I Tagus.............M ar. ISLa P la ta ....... Mar. 2 | Orinoco JOF ao t a n d L u x ario u a S to am o n o f 0000 TmW

N assau , Kingston, Colon, C artagena, L« G uayra , TrlnldaJ, Barbados, C herboiu | and Southampton.

Special l2 -dav tr1|f New York to N a s u i and re tu rn , giving six days’ , stop^iver It N assau, exclusive of hotel, |7 0 ; Single U N assau, f4 a ; Jamaica, Single Trip, f40f Round Trip, $75. Colon, First cabin, $ 7 ^ Second C abin, $40.

The Royal Mail Steam Packet C#i'ur desurlpLive pBiiiphlel, rate#, etc., Sypto fe#

ban-df:rbon & BOH, Agenu. 2a State sL N .fi FOSTER DEBlCV01flK.P.A.,Fl*tlrottBldB.,N.T.


L argo ocean-going atoamora. Com . m o d lou . •tatsroonia ,* ta«rn b*atad,alM . trio llqhtod, and well v tn tlla tad . Low oxeurolon ra to t on aato to all to u th a n i rocorto. W rit* to r copy of groan foldfe con ta in ing .a ilin g d a t f i and o tiiir a a . ta iled Inforrnatlon,J. C. HOKTON, Oen. Paaeonior A ient,

Hoom "B ." Ptor S6, North River, • New York, K. T '

new twitk screw B. 8. '*B«nikudian."B. B. Trtnldind sails February IBth, Haroh Mfei

and l#th. Return tickets, cbclos rooms* HidaoI b I 2 B -d iiF CMil##g flO O ( • 9 I M

/ ' ' I

NOTICE ro UVERTISERS.Claialfled ad v o rtlK m o n t. m u tt b* re-

ooived before 12:16 o 'clock fo r Intortlon In a ll ed ltlo n t of tb c la m a day. A dv.rtlao- fn an tt received betw oan th a t hour and 1 o'clock will appear In a n overflow column o t tho Second and T h ird E d itio n ..

T ran .lo n t advertla lng In th e NEWARK IV E N IN O N EW S m u tt be prepaid . No aeeounta will ba opened -fo r aueb.

No advarttaam en ta will ba rooolvad over th o talophono axoapt thooa aen t by au- thorlxod agents.

A nsw ara to advertlaam onta a re kep t for tw o wooka and than dao trayad . If any othor d lipoaition la d aairsd th o ofllto ahoutd bo notlflad-

Bw.lnoaa ofllco opon each w eak day ovanlng until S ito ofeloek.

No advartlaam ant rooolved fo r lo to than gg eanta, kxoopt Em ploym oiit W anted. F o r th is class o f a m o rtis in g , 1 osn t a w ord, m tntmuni 10 oonts. A gato typo iMod oxcluilvaly on olaaolfled pagaa. No d isp lay o r cuts.

T ran sien t, 1 o sn t a w ord: ono m onth dolly, tl- tO a l in t; ovary o th e r day , H e. a Mna, m inim um th ree linos. T h s avorago Is seven sh o rt w ords to th s Una.

Oho y e a r dally , tlKdO a line; ovary oihar day , 10.00 ■ l in t , mtAlmum th ro a llitat.

c ap ita te and b lank spaces, 10 o sn ts psr tins fo r t r s n s l tn i a d t . ; 4 w orda te a- tins. N e t leoe th en th rM Knee to k en .

D eath N otloo t;: lo v en linea, W eonte; ad d itio n a l llnee, 10 oon ts a lino.

M aM aoe N etloe« M ednts.A uotlen dalee, 10 cen to a line flat,Employnnant Agenclae, to oonte a Une-

flat.Rollflieut Notlcea, A o en ts for fifty

ward* o r loie. A ddItEonil w orde. 1 aent


Y V a s t I n d i a #8, P r c io r la #«fl# F e lm iflfT AM igP

B arbu do«y illitrtlmlttii«» M m u te k t f l^CroiiL* fit. T k om as #ii4 B#nsi«4sio

Fgr liluatratcd p«mpbtoA psH#f«s. sto.* wftt# < A . K . O rT B K U R IO G E A CO»p

Alls. Quebec fi. H. Co., Ltd., 29 BroidWJIK i New York] A. AHBRN. fiao'y. Qu#b«a, CaBAflfc orJ. M. ByRNErCO.,H<HDBroadst..Newark. N. £■ ....................« . .. ■ - -i-jiArt ■


All ipxp^uaea lu c lu d rd .AUa ROT'TL’d



uffices AbriMiii.J , M. BVHNtQ I (L. HiMl B road Hta

C ook#* Trftvnlf*ra' rh«*r-k« l*aT#bl* Kv^^j'w rbrro.

O L I l D O M I N I O N U N B .{'’uf* Uhl PoiBi Cornfcrl. NnrfuIlL l-’ortsmoutli,

Ploner'# Point and Newport Nswt, V#,, oon** nectlag for Pelersburg. Richmond. VlrgllBk Beach. Washington, D. C., fiouLh and w <^. FTsIght A passehger steamfrs sail fruin Pl#r m i N. ft., fool ot Broeh st„ N.T., week days #t I P. M. Tlckais A mfarmallon. N ^ a rk ofltd#i IIS Market St. JNO. A. KJPF. Agsiit.

$ 2 .0 (» T O B O S T O N■ l.oo to KIror. to ProvIrteaM. P lsrlO ^fi.lL , rtW *U 8t.pW 'k d*yid?,lL cSW|-.s liwl L 24lli St. T ups.. Thurs., Bnl. 5;'ifO P. M ) 'P b o i ie 2IUKD B road . F nt#rp iiss Transpartatlon CompaiiF John A. Klpp Ag<.. l#2 Market Et..N«»ark.


New'SLfk, N. J., Feb. 11, l&o"Be&led^oposali a r eaiinmtes wiil be rccDiyiii

by the Committee on Furniture and dfiuimJ iupplles of th# Board of EducatlfYn of the eit> of Newark, a t a meeting in be htiid in tho cliv hall of ths sold city, and In the ntoms of the sold Board of Bducallon. on Tburndsy, the tWShty-llrst day of February, lOOT.

The oomrolUos will be in ip^astnn to receive th# proposals or estimated from H to.'JiJO

In the evening.Th# nroposato or estimates will be opened

promptly a t 8:15 o'clock.Tha proposals or eetimatee to lio for fur-

ttlsMag and delivering manual training sup* pU#k hardware, paints, rlc., In accordance with Speclfloatlons in the eerrefary's office.

Proposals or estlnvatte, properly IrifJorsed,/. must he flubmltted personal ly ami at no other time or place.

Bald propooal* or eottmates to be occom* panted by the consont, in writing, of two sure­ties, who shall a t the time nf putting In suchMtipbsato eotdi qualify as to thvlr respntisiblJlty m the amount of fifty per ceni. (5()%) of the sitlmaled cost of the euppltos on which thepropcMl or estimate is mode, and bind them- gglves that. If the contract be awarded to the person or persons making the proposal, they will, upon Its being so awarded, become his nr tbelr sureties for the faithful performance of sold work; stid ti #t If tti# person or persons omit or refuse to exaciite such contract, they srtll to ths s#ld Board of Bducntlon of the cll^ OI Newark any difference between the sum# to which he or they would have been entitled upon completion of the contract, and that which the said Board <if sducattem of ths city of Newark may be obnffsd to pay the per­son or persons by wncm such ooiiract will be «iecuteS The committee will also rseelve an etirefy # reliable company duly auttwclsed by the laws of this, Btot# to execute such bond at soeh eurety. ^

Speotflcatloas and proposal blank# and on o t w Infotmatlon d w rM In retard lo th above supplies may be htd ^pon oppitetthm to the secretixy of tbs board.

The sold CoDUntUee on Fiirallnre and di«n' seal fiupplles of th# field Board of BdumUab rMSPve for themssirss th* rlghi to accept or reject any or aU of the proposals or esUmoies or ports of proposals or i sathmato* for the sfiovR sQppItes, or to waJv# any defecii therein oietiiey may deem be#l for tK# Interests of the said Basrd o f EMuoatton.

By direotton of the Comarittes on. Flirnlturo and General fiuppfies of Um Board of BdUcallon of th* oily of Newark, N. J .

E « P . ARaUR


NEW JERSEY CENTRALCurreoitJ Nwembm* llArtl.

For Lusion, bullilirhoni. AilrtUuu.M and I f a u ^ Chuuk G.J17 to KasLoU), b.a;# A. M , 1:20, 4;U

to Eftsloiij L. il. yuiiduyH, lii:M, 4:0*.. ... .For Wllkei-Biirre ami HcrJintiin, 8,ri5 A. M.j

l:*JO. 4:2& l \ M. i^uiiduyu, t:r>6 I'. M.l ‘or I'cnb AtTilN y, 0:1*, J1 :flO A*

Al. «:»!!. r .y '. li lil. b:4i., 11:50 P.M 'BuuJayu, i :Ik&, u:u& A. M.; j;kO, a:4u p,

l-\it Ailaiiiji: lllghlundif, rieubrlgbl. elo,, m MM-tWiiii H:aa. H:J0 A. M-: 1.‘20, 4:9g

U-lJi, IL^I (flttturdayi only! P. M. StM- 4ui a U.iJi A. M ; k && P. M.

[•Mr -0 ftiii'k. Umn llranch. Aebury Pork. *,if G;l- (L'lUg iJranch only), H:J15, 0:42 (R#fi lunk only) A- M-. i :20, .'1-36 (Hvd B#nk on lA 4 ‘*6 5. 1#, «:l3. f:-l5 iHeil Bank only), lliflv I-i it SuntJiiys. y:05 .A. M., y:4l! (Red BaoJfi oiilvi S' I"''r J- U:12 A. M., 12;E10 (Saturday„i iv. !:,«». F' M., 4/li,. ft:13 ( S a tu r d ^ ' . )! .^uiuinvN, 7 .20. 1>;42 A. M. _ _

i-, L Ailiiruic City, 0:42 A. M.; 12;50 (HatuT- ,,,, urnlyJ. 3:35 P. M. Sundays. 0:42 A. M. „

jh'ur TrKru.o(i and Philadelphia, 6:t2, Ti|& 35 o;42, 11;3<> A. M.; •DSiOO, LfiO. &:«*

• J S ’ •3:JW. U:55. 7.46, 8:46. 11:56 P. W. flU** (Ui H »:42. 10:06, ILM A, M.; n : » .•. 45, 3:M, •4:M. 6:30. T:86, 6:40 P. M-

vur Baltimore and Washington 7:65. 9:4% llHU A M.. L20t S m 5:M, 11:60 B j L bL<1h h . 11;5» A. M.i 1:56. 0:66. 6:*S0..16 P. M. .

•Ptillafl*l(ih1a onty. . . . .For tIoKets, baggage checks, sleeplni CM

call &f Broad Street fltstleriL Tei*reeorvatlons, enhone 3026. __V . O, BE8LER.

V . - ^ s . A Gen. UonW. C. WOP*. Q«n, Pnia A f l


Newark- Uob<4tSfife BuOalo fr Chleaxo BX.“ *J;16 A.Il. •»«» A.X. Syiu iue ftO «w «o J2i.*flT;4il A.M. “ * !} ! tAokuwAnM UniTtwl,.” •;»5 .^M. ‘ lO;!?N. Y. fr Cllcago Kr..*£:16 P.M. to ScrmtitoB ft Plymouth.,••8:60 P.M. •*<.« - . CklcACO V«tlbu1«t B i."6;W P .K to 4 0 { . Buff., tttoOk * 0 .w*»o.*8a* P . M . ^ e a

For U m . -of local tra in . M. Local Fo *t>aiir. •toJ.llr .xo .p i Sun. ““ IWW —

Monday. Ticket oOlet. 71# Broa8 a t PBOH

SOUTH OH AilOE PKOPOOfr^l.^^ ^P w iS S fiA lB 'j^ ^ S C A V E N aE B W M y |O e

OF 30CTH O H ^ I I V . a T ^ I w l PTopoMtla ar. r^um trf from i

for a term of one yrtr frean the flzto ^Maroh, 1W1. *« , ‘ > 'V 5"r.^ o ,££e ton# an alteroat# bid fnr uree yMra .Starch I. t# « i tor oo lW l!.* * « t o »S h » It. ih . v I l W

eltt-h nf 8 eT' ■t»7lW T. ana pawoly > inrolUw. r m « v » » • O ill bW. It 0>«Y It*!? ** ^(he vlllJur. to <0

* cStoV. rtonW h* umd. pnynhte lo .T.' %$1


• J


T h t M ftaA tr T o -m orrc if W iU P r o U b h P t : Ltght ShoIp a n d V m k Soutkeait W tn d t

Sale Spring

, CarpetsM A t tK K T . M A L 3 K T 6 S A N K S f i


1C to $S

In arranging o^r clothing stocks - for th'^ yec^ tion of Spring line»

encQuntergd various odd lots and brdkenlin e s of m en 's and y o u th s clothing w hich w e m ust dispose of quickly. A sort of early Spring house- dffaning in w hich w e have to tally forgotten the cost or p resen t value Of soine 356 articles of m asculine apparel. The quantities are lim ited, so be am ong the early com ers. No mail or ’phone orders. N o C . Q . D-*s. Sale s ta rts at 9 :30.95 I n’* u i iMths’ 7.I* to I l i t Snits, all at 3.99 39 I n’* Ott Coats to go while thej last, tiO IS Me<s OtU Troasers redaced for this sale to I.N IN IjN’s OM Vests to go la this sale at, each Zsc 28 iN ’V iil Vorths’ 1.9* to ».H lllsters rcdacol 3i9 15 lackistoshei, 34 to were 7 il to 1I.9I, at 1.99

i 'i 1

W om en’* S to c k in g Sato " t to a th c r b lo o m ”

U ii.< K id G love*

F e e t a t 5 c .

tiio** who bar* ui*<S‘ 'atocto-

P e t tic o a ts 1 .65 Instead o f 3 . 0 0

Jutl twenty doien ol the» We will place on sale to-mor-

Iry fMt>' know how really use- pflttleoalglor Thursday’a special row a quantity of velvet mocha

lul th«v If* anil how mpch^iey M yr Here Is a uto lor Thurt-

..aellim. They are prettily lash- glove*, twelve-button length, at

loned srith deep flaring flounce. the very special price of 51.6S.

figy Good quality cotton kinds IfligtilillMs bUch-i-doubto soles and heels—a fiada tlwtwe uU

having ruffle on edge, and shirr- ' All of the finest quality and very

ed with eighteen rows of (iney soflfinlsh, black and good shades

sUtditng-^xtra dust ruffle— of erav and Un—the slies range from 5K' to 7—our reg, price for

In the wfultr way for,9c. per Dilr. but fer Thurs- ■■ dgy’g special H l U n c l i a ^ witt oiler tham at,

p i* ............. - ........ .

come In black only. Petticoats

ularly for *2.00 1 l a l ■ each,onailesp*- dalto-morr’w a t "

rid -r

these .a ^ P *gloves Is 53 per 1 w k |im

dal Thursday...

B u r t

Men’s 3.50 to 5.00 Sample Shoes, 2,50H e a l t h C o .—D u n h f t m W M tg _ C o .

V ■ - Wk have lust itSsid with the three above named firms for their en^re of metres higb. grade shoes. These we will place on sale T h ^ a y

m..n's hat and Mm annex at 2.50, the regular values rangingJrom JjO rTV'nh. They’re all high grade goods, and, being samples are exceptiona l^ well made and finished. Hand sewed welted soles. Varioua last and tog ahapes. Remember,Tegular 3.50 to 5.00 goods.

Fftie qoxIHy p»tenf coli,H ^h eUss RuisUn calf-Saperior g ra d t t» a x a t f ,JSper popular a^n mtial caif>Fine grade o f Wrf kid.L ace, button and b{ucker,'~'S ize s 6 , 6!^, 7 aiuf 7 ^ only.A l l regular 3 .5 0 to 5 .0 0 goods.On sale hai and shoe annex.

Sale Rotters’ Nickel Silver FlatwareSix hundr^ dozen pieces of Rogers’ nifkel silver flatware ready Thursday on si>ecial centre tables at the following reduced prices. Knives, Forks_and Sooons of all descriptions. Fancy or plain handles. _A11 dependable goods that you will be glad to have a b ^ t at these f ig u re s ._ S a le ^ t^ a t^ :_ 3 a

Tea Spoons-A rumier of cof-

),tndl«s in very pretty designs— diring this sale, while they J* U*t, we will offer them sp«- eUl at, each........................

TsMe Spoons — Also dessert spoons, mediam and dessert forks, butter knives, sugar shells and oyster forks- handles in a variety of designs—good quality— i n ^ choice special during this | y ^ sale, each.........................

Berry Spoon*—This assort­ment also include gravy ladles aiid c r e a m ' h a n d l e s ' are of an exceptionally pretty pat­tern—for thfs sale only, ^ C — or while thpy last, we offer them spedal a t......

Soup L«Uo#—These soup ladles are of an exceptionally good quality and have fancy handles of a very pretty design. As especial bargain for this sale we will offer them at the j y tow price of,,...................

Cbrpeia need oleantinyf Look up the ‘'.Veto Proeetd'—eallor ’phone SSO.


f i s J a C t O E ^ ' m ix*

T . J . O S R T BU n U M T U B A f .

— ^


Here’s good news for those vlio came too life for I that fast snap sale of

Brass iTrimmed


ANOTHER stirring sa e starfs] in to-morrow morning on a picked line of Enameled Beds— | every one a 1906 pattern, every design efiective, best of con> atruction, built by one of thel coMntry’n leading manufacturers. A ‘prompt purchase of an entire line gave us mighty close f.gures — they’ll go to you at equally

$3, 50 Beds,neat design. . . . .

$5.00 Beds,brass mounts . .

$7.00 Beds,continuous posts..1.00 Beds, brass rods. . . .

$10.00 Beds,brass scroll. . .

gia.oo Beds,very heavy . . .

200 Beds—all reduced.Also All-Brass Beds.

Amos H. Van Horn, Lit.IACCOUNTS I


V isit the B ig Indian V illa g eChief Longieather and His Tribe Are Encamped Here

A ibore novel and interestiog, as well as instructive exhibmon, w u ld be hard to find. Here you can see Indian life just as it exists on the plains. Chief Longfeather and will welcome you. and show you the wigwams, cooking utensils and o th « paraphernslta that Induns use. Never was a more complete reproduction of an Indian village shown. • Bring the children,and let them become acquainted with th e original Americans.

• • “Indian Village, Third Floor—Admission Absolutely Free.% ---------- — —

/omen’s GarmentsWomen’s $15.00 New Spring Suits at I7.M.Tailored Spring Sait*, in very newest Hton and Bolero effect*, nijide of aerge, cheviiot, broadcloth and fancy woratede. Coat* lined tUrottgbqut with gnaranteed aatin, akirta in tatert plaited model*, in Vine, gray, brown and tnixtnrea, e» well a* black; choice to-mortow

Odd Lots of Suits. Tatteta Suits.Including cheviots, mannish mirtnrea,

serges, broadcloth* and granite - “ ~cloths, also white organdies,Iswn and dotted Swiss suits, worth $5 to 18; apecial a t......

Women’s $10 and $12 Coats at $4.98.We doubt if a better coat waa ever oHered at the price. Pact that there isn’t

one in the lot worth less than *10:00, while m tny are worth at U gh • ^. t *12 00 th e collection conslata of alm oit every known fabric.Satin lined Broadclothi. Scotch m titnre*. tan Kerseys, elegant Cheviots, and elmoet every wanted material. All are 50 inches long handaomelv trimmed, and have the most perlect workman­ship! Regular jflO and |1Z coat*, a t ..........................................................

A choice lot of fine taffeta anita, ahosm in checks, etripe* and plain colors, in dlnerent elylet, worth *6 to *16; special to­morrow a t.................................

4.98Skirts Never Priced So Low.

Serges, SIdrta—including Serge*. Fa gkgN and Mixtures; newest plaited •a I IV ./W raodela; never sold for lest ■ l i l t

than *3.50, special to-morrow

Skirt*—in Plaids, Cheviots, Fancy Mixtures and some with polka dots, 1 1 I colors and styles, worth np to *2.50, spec- ial a t .............................................


D om estics, Etc.H e m s titc h e d P i l l o w C a se s

Siae 45x36 or 42x36F u ll b leach ed and made specially | 1

lor us; these are known as The “ extra quality" Pillow Cases; worth 16c, and i&c. each, choice of either sire to-morrow, special, each ..........................................................

B u c k a n d B a th T o w e lsF itra large size Huck Towels, red borders

medium size hemstitchedbleached or unbleached Bath Towels, reg 1ZJ4C. anil 15c. qualities, to-morrow, special, each.........

H e a v y O u t in g F la n n e lIn orclty stripe and cheek effects; bought at

a specia*! price on account of being late in season, worth 10c. and 121ic.. Jo-morrow, special, yard....,..............................................................................



B ig M bbon S a le30,000 Yards of Loom Ends of Heavy

Quality laffeta %bbor^ at Wonderful Savings. Note Widtl and Prices,

A special purchase from one of the beat New Jersey milla. l/jom ends in lengths of 5 to 10 yards, including heavy taffeta ribbons, satin taf­feta ribbons,'floral and striped ribbons, divided into four lots for easy selection.Lot I— and Ins. wide, worth 10c., yd., 5cLot 2—3 ^ inches wide, worth 15c., y d .......... lOcLot 4— inches wide, worth 26c., y d ...... 15cLot 4—6 and 7 Inches wide, worth 39c., yd., 19c

W a ists at H alf P rice .

H MARKET BT.,Near Plan* St„

N«wnrk, N. if. _____________F rM D «llf*rlM , Both 'Phone* fiBO,(lend fo r th * Catalofu*. I t ’ s Fr*o.

W A L S H ’ S

8 T . V A L E N T IN E ’ S DAV S P E C IA L S :

RASPBERRY HEARTS, IC ^(for filling ValenUne boxes), lb., l u v Molasses Goodies, lb.......................... 10c

A SW EET VALENTINE.Some of our choice Chocolates in fancy

Heart Box.

G loves.

6.00 Brussels Net W aists 2.98h stylish iiigh grade waist, made of

Brussels net over china silk ; front and back of Brussels net, joined with Italian point lace; value *6.00; special to-morrow.

Frtti waist salts have evir offered better values than those presented here to-^OT- row. Such news should rouse the interest of every woman.

1.98 W aists 98c—Made of lingerie and lawn; all superbly tailored and finished, shown in the very newest styles; fine quality lingerie, tucked back and front,full blouse front,withVal. insertions and.ntedallions,lace collar and cuffs, special at

3.60 Net W alila a t 1.98—Handsome waists made of fine Brus­sels net, with .yok* o< 1 trimmed blouse; slerfyes and collar silk lined; value I.1.S0; special at....

Black Silk Jumpers.Made ot heavy black taffeta; full

blouse, tailor stitched and elbow sleeves; jumpers that are sold regularly tor |3.00; Bpedalto-morrow at........* ........................ “

butiOb lenftbt..’FUlu* 99.5$; • ^ n !

W n m « n '* 'K ldai4vM^2<»UBp,bUeky thii and colon, tb$ cntlr* iurp1u« ttocL, of a proTnlnent N«w York Co m ini f i t on men^EDt cloi«4 to u* a t aboat H off regular pricci; r e a l $1.M glOTf# o n ^ A ■ale* whll* f i l J r th«7 1aa$ a t Vp x V p«r pair....., VfaMOtt'a OBhlboUOUVA-Ih Itmoanatatr* 1.98

ua silk ; front


RETAIL STORES!157 Market St.. *71 Broad St„ City.

------ Wholesale: 157,Also Jeresy City and Elltabeth. Market

lie; 157 I St., >»er^

Sale of Aljfer and Henty BooksAs a special Thursday attracbon In our new*Sih floor book section we wiiroSr~2,ooo Alqerjind Henty books aFiZc. Well touni^ln^loth. ■ e S a r ty ^ on lair paper. _ ^ w s ^ atiactively stamped with BBT, jf ordered from the publistor you would have io pay dSc. place on sale ^ titles, 25 by Alger imd n by .^ .yecial

San Frandsco's G reat D laaster—Large volume, doth bnutiil, ronlalltltig a luH account ol the recent Swtrnrtloitotnh and property by earthquake. | U ^Are and Tolcano lu 'cs'irlii*- uX\rSold regularly a t not lee* than Sl.oo, e;>eclal.....


W E H A V E T H E MTO * II IT T O U R T A 8 T 1


Com bs at Sc.One o f the Greatest Bdrg^itis

E\>et Presented*Women’s Side and Back Combs, in all styles and colbrs, some slightly dam- aged, regularly 25c. to 79c. Extraordinary offer to-m’w,

Waman'i Lang oIoth—In black, tan ahd'eblora,mousqu*taln styles, a XtS- regular SS.4S,..pedal, while they [ .D V la it...............................................

W onaa’S' Blbaw: toangtli Olevet— moniquetatre ityW, blSck, tan f% 4 A and colon, 19 bntton length, A A g ralae a t |8 .» to *».7S, special....

Wonten'e Elbow Length Oloves- ereiT pair 14 button length, In black, tan andeolors, also cape .tylea, an « z A exceptionally Sue aMOrtmeut to A f l y lelect Iroin, value op to f*. sp’l ^

Womoa’s Cathmoro Olove.—Strictly pare wool, m eit detlrable lor preunt wear, mousquetatre styl** only, A Q - elbow length. In blaei, brown y O C and navy, regular |J.M........ ..

C orsets.500 la irs of leading R.

& G. Manufacture Coraets —shown in hlgli. medium or low 'bust, with deep, short or dip hip ; In gray and white with garters; riaMlafly 75c-;; special, per pair,

5 Cts.U n d erw ea r and B o sle ry S a c rU e e dMen's, Women's, Boys’ and Girls' Underwear and Hosiery Priced Below Cost of

Production. Genuine Clearance on Gaments. Every, Article Mast Go to Make Room for Early Spring and Sammer Garments.

» ircaaumr giiaai. nucit i.m.w w..Lime nrnwnor. He receive a c la ry o( one thouLiaod live hundred per ennua\ rayablr monthly a i other . . la r le . are

aeetlon a The chief clerk In the city clerk , omee .ti.ll have ««w r.l vherae of the 1.ork. | and record, of the oflice under (ha njperrWca ot the city «l*rk ind (tie ...h itu iw i,., u,... , .QEi the aenerul overalfht and conddet of (he , oorii of the wild ofhee, add .hall pecrorm mich

•other S u t l» ! « the «W cUy Icferk end . .- , m.tant city dork .hall from tlilW lo tune ore• e-suiatvew a aa)k.wy Of Qfl* tuOUo

Mittn. paysbU

WoiD.n’. Vei.U and Fantt, ratun IQr30c. and 30c.. .pedal ............. ............

W om en '. V e it . an S Fomt*, regu- TQf;InrSSc. odd Wc., .JWCinl,..,...................

Hen's Sblrta and Drawers, nat- A fter uralwctol or'eamel’a

Women's Vesta and Faata, our Z A - gl.M. g l.n and |1.M underwear, n y r to-morrow while they last...........

Boys'and Olrlt' StoeUngs, toll mleai, last black, would be a■Meuairwii -rrr.n.v> w-

bargain a t l*3ie. and 16c„ a p e d a l - - - .... .......................................


‘'H i’Sa'n a s iJ i^ of one thou*aft t) flKhl httflred dollar* peri-mittn. payahU rhonthiv *■ ribet' B*lar!e* at* Mtd. The clerk* EIT the^cltV rierk'i otHce fiball pertonn euchiutt™ «. tb e j.1 '7 .j;"* '*5? . '’X1 —.ooir^Tbey shall etchwdyTSSiTwlarles a. kh* Common CoUnc),

; ;r . 'l hat^ bersmto™ « “ *=' d«ls-' ''“n ' .11.11 : be she . to i t S l..'';!. '.'ll



t . B A M B E R G E R & C 0 .


inletlnM of th. Common CotulcH. Slrf 'O *he.' S"lce*rf tioHcw o* edbn'H , M eli.II also .ot a . a clerk lo

oSie. of tht city clerk wid hbaU be under1 the dliagtloo and auDetdijon r t the d tv clerk ' end th . . i t i x .n t city clerk, and .hall iwr-

f^m sSeb dutl» « the ;'<y dfrttaiilstant cUy dark ehall from time to tim.I d«l!nal.. Be shaU recalve a s*lary ot omenS ® r.d and etghS dom^^ P*V.;d wksiA mnnehiv a*-otn*r taiBriet sja pam. It shall be the duly of the .tSSimobw » the Common Connell to at- rind i u ^ e iSetlu*. It tho common Coaaon wd 10 laJ! KoithSid tepert. of iia pr»^d- ma. HatiMaTrecelve a salary of three hun- dtS‘ dollars^r .nnanv pny*M» monthly aS"B«Uon*|fth” c^f>" ‘b *'*•.u ^ o r o f^ ^ u n is ebsll petfom s u ^ jiK lw « th. a^ftw of .ccount. a i ^ l . OMet clerk Ih.ll from ^ to “<™ prewtt^. ThW .hall JiJh mSB»* n solary of one Ihcuianif three.

urni rrv«*va iup to to-morrow they go at

Men’, kblrts and ,Dr**bf^ thonwind to oeteft from, meri­no aanltory Sen', lined or Jer­sey ribbed raluee up to, |1 ■*#:apeclal n l....................... - ........

ISuy.’ SWrU and D r a w m A g fleece lined, albr* H to 34. value •*«. £ j lC

aoy rIbhed.Seeeid Tllseil. grnnihe Me. and the. underwear, apeelt!

Side M u sU n w earSlost Mxtraoramaf9 Values!

Boy*’ and Olilt'Stackings, lull seam- tea* raiiat blaeh, retnforeed knees, | S - denblesblee and toes, value We., I J | i ;ajw dal........... .................................. ......

WomewlibStoektagL tnU wara- Issi. last black, double eolw andimea, all slssa rtgnlar Ite. and ICc., 8csgetuai.. ......... ................ .......r ‘•Ingi, full aeamlata, fartMftok 'and g>ay, an excellent at., i e „ lOftraent to aelact from, raloa 93c. ir iL , to apedal.................... ............ - .

Bays’ and Blrl*’ S took lu full eeamtesi, last b l« k i forced knees, double eolea and toes, value 3*c., speelal, per Tn1r;.b..........i...................................

Jten'*, women's aind ported Btbcklnt*, bennsdort black, and landea, Rood^aeaortmenbTio » A B _ l « t from, ralne* tie. and 5*e„special....... z,,.,.......... ......................t lalants ' Stwiklng*. cashmere and lleUv, gnitlicels and toe*, ai wide range ■ a j T ol color* to odeet Irtsm, t*lue I up to 99c. toeb, *ped*l....... ....o. *

Mob'* S«lk*i fun “ • “ Irtfi '* P fait Wack, lom* whit* *^lt I f i a ^

to w k e t Iroiin, vatu* UPl i f e - " - .....— ......................

Fetlleoatf-Oood quality mutUn or cnmhrici tun cut, wHh ■ — itrep niflle*. hemstitched tucking and embroidery

W om en ’s S h M s '2 . 0 0 ’'LM^oe* a iA t^O O -

V 1. ..r tkA .wis! Efift BUch OiUlM City cduivmI and tbs city*h*n beep the or tb« *hsD from time « time Drew^bi-.tit l ihe oily - e*W« i JfJj to a»ri*t 9fce»n in jbe wortr of »he4*XL>eri In the iheir «■_ -k.„)i rA»flvto'a of Aie- thousand 'iwu

or the- He Rtwll receive a W i t o n r ‘ - * • wwasmki. asaah. iv

f Guiles and fix Blear* sad eia*

duty of tiM city to examine ih* diffemr city de- I to report tbereem

aodj' vhimevef 419' ” • !)1, ‘ to make

expert m ine < «_ reeflv* a of Uhe. thouianu iwui ??u'nS?S!' 5c*f.'a%“ ‘'Styibl* monthly 1 h«mr.t

eliy M other «*lane"^»™ .),lrt Clerk tn the omc» of the^et I ,u ^ 'i i ’ " o S c J U % ^ « r t e r ‘’“o 7 Imuiure. IO keep^e account, arid books of

M^feTbnd twenty dollnm P*r *m,ti m, P ^' S h le ^ th ly a . ctlier salartt. are paid, esoM I th f seooad aMl*l«nt clatli, who thad ,I tpe .vw™-. — taig hundred dollnr*;'

B rS id oSwTaad to P fforathe srslrr.of ucW htaand

traasuter .imu .1. . . --------oHlM, and of the acoflumi. under th . db« llo» and mjpCrvl.lon; of Ih* treasurer, and eha|l

..dBiij-a^onm such dU'*" •• racilve.affipSm tliWe to fime dirm t

V ■{■ g|S .wKBgiWaw. AArWVW.t* SueS l X umtisiied.u-v ssw »"K aggu®- partoh]* nopchly jmi f^er.

■Uch wbrk.shall )r*w

n sa ti M'IM aiffiy • w

the poor. Ltb miSl Od# enamlne Nto ca t l^ fd T r.Uef' b7 •»* oliy, and to parSwm auoti oljAr dttUes •* tha o v n r « r o f jb * ; poor abUlTftfB tint*'to time preweShe. Tbtjr atelli i S b i-rSittWr-a asdary of nine huaWed d d ! ^are Mud.-1 Tbi Oommoa OounOll Aall from appoini so many ekltor* and'

am S S S ^ s ^ I t ^ e**mwiiMdww -saw 1 j r« wibtoll ha th* iu ty mt 1“ o«»r Mtiarim am " 3 S S S ™ f tiSll tStW im y -^ 'th .

jffl. to irate oitect. He shall receive a f i ^ y ol opa tb«iss«d tight hundred per. annum, payable monthly as other B lariu^ e ‘ 'etsrki In the oflice of the tresiurer t iS r nuch duties M tim treaew^■nd tb« ohiA tlcpk Ae:n ffom time to time preecrtbe. each:rite«iv* a Mlary «)fone nuinBWTufl Ttirea hundi1M..a7id tiveniy .dol*lars pw aunqm, ijartbl*, inomhly as other adlariea s r i paid.. Itm t'cancil snatlfrom lime to 3ep» ;aPP0l-t sBch number ^ Clerks Ih the ireailM tis OOw as It may deem niryitiin- d*-'itbc custodian o f•Aool mo* tba kamdW y ta tk* adWai

a'selarV Of one thnUBSOa ty*o Ser aS m n , payable in<>ntbjy»» .^her "slarlei are paid. The epmmon COtUKll eliajl F*i" time To time appoint such number of clerks tn me oElcil of the lUdlbir m«y iseeiMfl linmeilt*<W-;v

or’ laee. with addltionnl underflouuee. special at...

Short, ntlrta —Sample*ntudlln aw r cambric, full cut, deep ombrelte ruffle., with fancy edging, speciala t ...... ...... .............

Drawers—tlond qualify muilln, with ileep ombrrtle flnunda xDit hemnlltehed taeklag



11 Ul 91 Lm arg %. an n«(rf arcoQnti ■* It'ry. • - .oTd^itocii s l^U -taka effect

' V?., President g rp™ sffi.i rq. >. MABTIN rr^wraas

Including rxtrasites; otC- ^era lacs edged ruffle a n ^ - / ^ # ^ riiw oMhMrUun: inierany A y g lL j cut and neatly bn'ndetit E B w W ap^al, per pair.......

Corset Cot. re — S*mp1* nalnsobk, ntaslln and caiur Uric cavers: Krrneh •ffedkg, ,

' ane.ulteeandbluus*iyo|M 09 lace nr embrMdflry t tragt and back, •WI-iiBtd, gfisbale*; talut* np 9o.' ilLniiecialat. caeb -;...^

uwe*’l^watnwQI fln* n*t*-. a >aos^aMv|

Council,WE. dwaawx JH.s

AollWI C?»y Oertc. Pr«Mnt*A'to the F tb n iiry $. im .

- r ” JACIOR ttAt^SBUKO.Hsyor,

Xh« ro rm rlp f' otiItft*ftre .was taken up m M&IttQa C M 0i ^ Frtdiy’evfalnCe Fehruarrl i i tuntA HffeB AtolMOttM V thtt tiMl

o' »-««. ™ ' i


BROSS JR., , Astibg a iE CMik.; 1

, C b lld m - 's anil I. ' son's o r enm brir. y

'embroUfeny ibsartlqjKintoSi ®*asi

lot flt


Made of lic i kid. pstent eoU and iwx calf, Wucher or lice, villtuy or Cuban beds, medium, and heavy soles; siiKs up to 8,

y - wide width* ontYr regularly iZ,


Woiigii’» $4 and $5, Show at 2.11 'This lot coBsi»ta of patent colt, Ttoi kM, ghti

. metal and boxicatf leatbera la t l« very 5 1907 styles; atoo a bigfc gr*d«

Wucher and button stytl*r ugm

•ires to 9, widths to £EE; I.4.& .95. a » ea

. / f f s s d i