Letter in Support of the Nordic Approach to Prostitution in Canada

1 Right Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Mr. Thomas Mulcair, MP, Leader of the Official Opposition, the New Democratic Party of Canada, Mr. Justin Trudeau, MP, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Mr. Jean-François Fortin, MP, Interim Leader of the Bloc Québécois, Ms. Elizabeth May, MP, Leader of the Green Party of Canada April 23, 2014 Dear Sirs and Madam, Wethe undersignedare women who work in different capacities to end violence against women and to protect and advance women’s rights to equality. Prostitution is a practice in which women’s subordination to men is inherent and lived out repeatedly. Consequently, we are writing to you today to urge you to support the “Nordic approach” to legislation on prostitution for Canada, because it includes legislation, intensive social supports, and public education strategies, all designed to reduce and eliminate prostitution. We are aware of the March 27 open letter from the Gender and Sexual Health Initiative at the University of British Columbia (GSHI), which calls for decriminalization of all aspects of prostitution, including buyers and profiteers, on the grounds that this is the only “evidence-based” policy option. The use of the term “evidence-based” has become a smear used by those supporting the sex industry to suggest that those who oppose it in the name of women’s equality are arguing from a position of nothing more than anecdote or opinion. The list of signatories implies that only those with formal credentials can “research” or interpret evidence. We reject both of these premises. Evidence about the harms of prostitution is gathered by academic researchers, survivors of prostitution and those working on the front-line. That evidence proves that prostitution is violence against women. This is not only a dispute about evidence; it is a dispute about goals and principles, and legislators will have to decide carefully which principles they wish to uphold, and which goals they wish to pursue, for women in Canada. The evidence in the same studies and government reports cited in the GHSI letter supports intensive efforts, worldwide, to reduce and eliminate prostitution. All reports and studies on prostitution confirm that, as the Ontario Court of Appeal said in Bedford, “prostitution is inherently dangerous in virtually any circumstance.” 1 Merely attempting to reduce the ancillary dangers of prostitution is an inadequate, and in our view, discriminatory strategy. The signatories to the GHSI letter believe that prostitution, or ‘sex work’, is sex between consenting adults; that a bright line can be drawn between ‘sex work’ and trafficking and child prostitution; and that a harm reduction strategy is all that is necessary to moderate the worst effects of the commercial sex industry. We believe that prostitution constitutes violence against women because it is a practice of subordination and exploitation that is gendered, raced, and classed; that, as the Supreme Court of Canada found in Bedford, most women cannot be said to choose prostitution, 2 and consequently, in the experience of women, any line between prostitution, trafficking and child prostitution is more artificial than real. Therefore, we believe that a strategy that affirms the human dignity of women and girls is essential and the only approach consistent with Canada’s principles of equality.

Transcript of Letter in Support of the Nordic Approach to Prostitution in Canada


Right Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Mr. Thomas Mulcair, MP, Leader of the Official Opposition, the New Democratic Party of Canada, Mr. Justin Trudeau, MP, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Mr. Jean-­­François Fortin, MP, Interim Leader of the Bloc Québécois, Ms. Elizabeth May, MP, Leader of the Green Party of Canada

April 23, 2014

Dear Sirs and Madam,

We—the undersigned—are women who work in different capacities to end violence against women and to protect and advance women’s rights to equality. Prostitution is a practice in which women’s subordination to men is inherent and lived out repeatedly. Consequently, we are writing to you today to urge you to support the “Nordic approach” to legislation on prostitution for Canada, because it includes legislation, intensive social supports, and public education strategies, all designed to reduce and eliminate prostitution.

We are aware of the March 27 open letter from the Gender and Sexual Health Initiative at the University of British Columbia (GSHI), which calls for decriminalization of all aspects of prostitution, including buyers and profiteers, on the grounds that this is the only “evidence-based” policy option.

The use of the term “evidence-­­based” has become a smear used by those supporting the sex industry to suggest that those who oppose it in the name of women’s equality are arguing from a position of nothing more than anecdote or opinion. The list of signatories implies that only those with formal credentials can “research” or interpret evidence. We reject both of these premises. Evidence about the harms of prostitution is gathered by academic researchers, survivors of prostitution and those working on the front-­­line. That evidence proves that prostitution is violence against women.

This is not only a dispute about evidence; it is a dispute about goals and principles, and legislators will have to decide carefully which principles they wish to uphold, and which goals they wish to pursue, for women in Canada. The evidence in the same studies and government reports cited in the GHSI letter supports intensive efforts, worldwide, to reduce and eliminate prostitution. All reports and studies on prostitution confirm that, as the Ontario Court of Appeal said in Bedford, “prostitution is inherently dangerous in virtually any circumstance.”1 Merely attempting to reduce the ancillary dangers of prostitution is an inadequate, and in our view, discriminatory strategy.

The signatories to the GHSI letter believe that prostitution, or ‘sex work’, is sex between consenting adults; that a bright line can be drawn between ‘sex work’ and trafficking and child prostitution; and that a harm reduction strategy is all that is necessary to moderate the worst effects of the commercial sex industry. We believe that prostitution constitutes violence against women because it is a practice of subordination and exploitation that is gendered, raced, and classed; that, as the Supreme Court of Canada found in Bedford, most women cannot be said to choose prostitution,2 and consequently, in the experience of women, any line between prostitution, trafficking and child prostitution is more artificial than real. Therefore, we believe that a strategy that affirms the human dignity of women and girls is essential and the only approach consistent with Canada’s principles of equality.


A Women’s Equality Framework First of all, any new approach to prostitution must be set in a women’s equality framework and reflect the fact that equality for women is a fundamental principle of Canadian law, enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and set out in human rights legislation that governs employment and services in all jurisdictions in the country. Prostitution is a social institution that both manifests and embeds the inequality between women and men, perpetuating women’s subordination to men, and their status as sexual commodities for men’s use. In Canada, as elsewhere, men are overwhelmingly buyers and women are the ones being sold. It is not sufficient in the face of these facts to take an approach that might merely reduce the harms that surround prostitution, when prostitution itself is a reinforcement of women’s subordination.

Further, the evidence is clear, including in affidavits filed by both the claimants and the defendants in the Bedford case, that women enter into prostitution because of economic need and profound social disadvantage. As it makes no sense to penalize women for their sexual, social, and economic inequality, we endorse the legislative approach of the Nordic model, that is, to decriminalize those—usually women— who are being bought and sold, but to apply criminal sanctions to buyers, pimps, and those who profit from the sale of women’s bodies. The criminal law by itself is not a solution to the inequality problem that prostitution represents, but it is essential, in our view, that the criminal law convey a clear message about women’s equality in Canada: in this case, the message that men’s purchase of sex is an egregious and impermissible violation of equality rights.

Who is in Prostitution?

Most women in prostitution in Canada are there because of poverty, homelessness, addictions, lack of social supports, racism, and the many harsh impacts of colonialism on Aboriginal communities and families. Aboriginal women and girls are disproportionately represented in street prostitution and among women in prostitution who have been murdered. In British Columbia, as the Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution (AWCEP) has documented, Asian women are disproportionately represented in indoor prostitution, in venues such as massage parlours, where they are advertised to clients as ‘exotic.’ Many women enter prostitution as children; many have histories of child sexual abuse. Most say they would leave prostitution if they could.

These are well-established facts. Prostitution is evidence of, and entrenches, sex, race, and class hierarchies. In the face of this, it is wholly inaccurate to call prostitution sex between consenting adults or to explain women’s presence in prostitution as choice, when the choice of women to be in prostitution, or to leave it, is so heavily constrained. Prostitution for poor, racialized women in Canada cannot be called liberty.

The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) has made a public call for help to stop the buying and pimping of Aboriginal women, and to stop the poverty and abuse that funnels them into prostitution. NWAC has said that its goal is to “end the prostitution of women and girls through legal and public policy measures that recognize the state’s obligations to 1) provide for basic needs and 2) protect women and girls from male violence.” The Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution (AWCEP) makes the same call. We support NWAC and AWCEP and join our voices to theirs.

It is apparent from the facts about women in prostitution that concerted and comprehensive social program intervention is required to prevent women and girls from entering prostitution and to assist them to leave it. Well-designed interventions by Canada’s governments, with long-term commitments to


address the social and economic disadvantage of women and girls, and particularly of Aboriginal and other racialized women and girls, will be needed, not just piecemeal short-term exit services, drop-in centers, or safe houses. Creating conditions that minimize the risk of women entering prostitution, and genuinely helping them to leave it, requires providing women and girls with adequate alternative sources of income, including social assistance sufficient to meet basic needs, adequate housing, access to all levels of education, decent work, child care, and counseling, addiction, and mental health services.

On this point too we find the Nordic model helpful, because it is clear that criminal law, by itself, is not a sufficient solution to the profound inequality that prostitution represents. Genuine programmatic and budgetary commitments by governments are also necessary to address the deeply rooted social and economic disadvantages of women and the history of sexism, racism, and colonialism that underlie prostitution.

Why Canada Should Not Legalize Buying, Pimping and Profiting

Legalizing or decriminalizing prostitution has been tried in the Netherlands, Germany, the state of Nevada, some states in Australia, and New Zealand. Such an approach means that governments and societies accept that there is an underclass of women (defined by some combination of poverty, race and addiction) who can continue to be exploited in prostitution, even though prostitution is inherently an institution of sex inequality and violence. We do not agree that prostitution is acceptable for any women, or that the goal of equality between women and men can be abandoned for some women.

The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) flatly rejects the prospect of indoor prostitution in legalized brothels as an advance for Aboriginal women and girls. They point out that Aboriginal women and girls who are in street prostitution are unlikely to move indoors because poverty and racism keep them in the most dangerous forms of prostitution. Even if this were not the case, NWAC finds that, over time, Aboriginal women and girls have been shifted from institution to institution by settler governments—residential schools, group homes, prisons. The brothel appears to be the most recent institution that is considered better and safer for Aboriginal women. But this is not equality for Aboriginal women and girls. As AWCEP knows from the experience of its members, indoor prostitution is no answer; it merely puts hard walls around the inequality of poor and racialized women, and leaves it unchanged.

Further, legalization and decriminalization, as an approach, renders the men who are buyers, pimps, and prostitution entrepreneurs invisible; their activities become protected, legal, and normalized. We believe that this is a wrong approach: men must be held accountable when they subordinate and exploit women. Equality for women cannot be achieved in Canada if we are unwilling to engage with the cruel reality that men exploit women in prostitution.

Even within the limited goal that legalization sets for itself – i.e., to reduce the harms that surround prostitution – the evidence does not show that it has succeeded. The most recent comprehensive study of prostitution and trafficking in one hundred and fifty countries finds that countries that have legalized prostitution show an increased inflow of trafficked persons, and growth in the size of the prostitution industry.3 Government reports from Germany, the Netherlands, and New Zealand say that street prostitution persists,4 and that there is little improvement in the conditions of women in prostitution.5

The violence inherent in prostitution is accepted by legalization, and the violence regularly associated with prostitution does not disappear.

In addition, what is legalized and normalized is not just individual prostitution transactions, but the prostitution industry. It not only becomes legal for individual men to purchase access to women’s bodies,


but also legal to own and run a business that sells access to women’s bodies, or for employers in isolated work locations to provide men access to women for sex as an aspect of employment. For Canada to take this step would be both dangerous and discriminatory.

Where Should Canada Stand?

Canada has a history of commitment to women’s equality, to racial equality, and to vigorous social programs as a means of creating a more egalitarian society in which the basic needs of all Canadians are met. In addition the rights of Aboriginal peoples, and of Aboriginal women to live free from violence, are set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, recently endorsed by Canada. Consistent with Canada’s long-­­standing commitments to equality, we urge you now to support a Nordic-­­model approach to new legislative, programmatic, and public education strategies to reduce and eliminate prostitution in Canada.

We do not accept prostitution as a solution to women’s poverty; we want something much better for Canada’s poor and racialized women and girls. We believe you do too, and we urge you to act on your commitments to women and to an egalitarian Canada.

1 Canada (Attorney General) v.Bedford, 2012 ONCA 186, para. 117, online at:



Canada (Attorney General) v. Bedford, 2013 SCC 72, para. 86, online at: http://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-


3 Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher, Eric Neumayer,“Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?” World Development, vol.

41, pp. 67–82, 2013.

4 Ministry of Justice (New Zealand), “Street-Based Workers,” Report of the Prostitution Law Review Committee on the Operation of

the Prostitution Reform Act 2003, chap. 8, 2008, online at: http://www.justice.govt.nz/policy/commercial-property-and-


5 Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Germany), Report by the Federal Government on the

Impact of the Act Regulating the Legal Situation of Prostitutes (Prostitution Act) , July 2007, at 79. online at: www.mvcr.cz/soubor/05-

regulating-legal-situation-of-prostitutes.aspx. See also, Ministry of Security and Justice (The Netherlands), Daalder, A.L., WODC

(Research and Documentation Centre), “Conclusions,” Prostitution in the Netherlands since the lifting of the brothel ban, 2007, online

at: https://english.wodc.nl/onderzoeksdatabase/1204e-engelse-vertaling-rapport-evaluatie-opheffing-bordeelverbod.aspx.

List of Signatories

1. Hamai Abdiwahabu - Bénévole GAP, Chateauguay, QC, Canada


2. Saadatou Abdoulkarim - Militante féministe, QC, Canada

3. Esohe Aghatise - Executive Director, Associazione Iroko Onlus, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, Torino, Italy

4. Ijose Aghatise - Ospedale Amedeo di Savoia, Turin, Italy

5. Roseline Iroghama Aghatise - Iroko Charity Organisation, Nigeria

6. Isoken Aikpitanyi - Sex Trafficking Survivor and co founder of Associazione Ragazze di Benin City, Italy

7. Dr. Ochuko Ajari - Boston, MA, United States

8. Soerette Alexandre - Mémorante en linguistique, Militante féministe, Haïti

9. Geneviève Allard - Scientfique en environnement, Rimouski, QC, Canada

10. Jess Alley - TDEV Concordia University, Montreal QC, Canada

11. Gwendoline Allison - Foy Allison Law Group, Vancouver, BC, Canada

12. Gisèle Ampleman - Membre du comité québécois de conscientisation, QC, Canada

13. Rachel Ariey-Jouglard - Gatineau, QC, Canada

14. Margaretha Aronson - Member of Fredrika Bremer Förbundet, Sweden

15. Association Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir, France

16. Gertrud Åström - President, the Swedish Women's Lobby

17. Kelsey Atkinson - Vancouver, BC, Canada

18. Ti-Grace Atkinson - Radical feminist, Cambridge, MA, United States

19. Nancy Aubé - Intervenante, Rouyn-Noranda, PQ, Canada

20. Michele Audette – President, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

21. Professor Constance Backhouse - B.A., LL.B., LL.M., LL.D. (HonsLSUC), LL.D. (Hons U Man), Distinguished University

Professor and University Research Chair at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

22. Roxanne Badger - Bénévole GAP, Chateaugay, QC, Canada

23. Cenen M. Bagon - Vancouver Committee for Domestic Workers and Caregivers Rights, Vancouver, BC, Cana

24. Jane Bailey - B.A.S., M.I.R., LL.B., LL.M. Associate Professor, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

25. Iliana Balabanova-Stoicheva - Coordinator of Bulgarian Women's Lobby, Bulgaria

26. Grace Balbutin - Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution, Canada

27. Ilaria Baldini - Resistenza femminista, Italy

28. Sheila Ballantyne - PhD candidate, Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

29. Gabriela Delgado Ballesteros - Investigadora, Programa Universitario Derechos Humanos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma

de México

30. Ixtlan Pax Ballesteros - Azusa, CA, United States

31. Jose Krisanto Ballesteros - Manila, Philippines

32. Pauline Ballesteros - Azusa, CA, United States

33. Kat Banyard - UK Feminista, United Kingdom

34. Trisha Baptie - Formerly Exploited Voices Now Educating, Vancouver, BC, Canada

35. Paula Barber - Toronto, ON, Canada

36. Pauline Baril - Montréal, QC, Canada

37. Sharon Barnes - Student, Vancouver, BC, Canada

38. Cassandra Barnaby - Reception, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

39. Kathleen Barry - Ph.D. Sociologist, Professor Emerita, Author of: Female Sexual Slavery and Prostitution of Sexuality:

Global Exploitation of Women, United States

40. Claudette Bastien - Présidente du Comité d’action contre la traite humaine interne et internationale, Infirmière semi -retraitée,

Montréal, QC, Canada

41. Brigitte Martel Baussant - Secrétaire générale de la Coordination française pour le lobby européen des femmes

42. Suzanne Baustad - Immigration and Refugee Law Paralegal, Vancouver, BC, Canada

43. Rosalyn Baxandall - Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, SUNY, Old Westbury (now CUNY Labor School), NY,

United States

44. Rose Beatty - Member of University Women’s Club, Vancouver, BC, Canada

45. Huguette Beauchamp, S.M. - Travailleuse sociale retraitée mais secrétaire au conseil général des srs. De miséricorde, QC,


46. Julie Béchard - Centre Passerelle, Timmins, ON, Canada

47. Carole Bédard - QC, Canada

48. Hélène Bédard - QC, Canada

49. Louise Bégin - Montréal, QC, Canada

50. Professor Louise Bélanger Hardy LL.B., LL.M. – University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

51. Claire Bélanger - Saint-Nicolas, QC, Canada

52. Josée Bélisle - Intervenante communautaire, Amos, QC, Canada

53. Janine Benedet - LLB, LLM, SJD, Associate professor of Law, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

54. Axelle Beniey - coordinatrice de projet, Guadeloupe

55. Sophie Bennett - UK Feminista, United Kingdon

56. Annette Benoit - Montréal, QC, Canada

57. Josée Benoit - survivante et militante, Malartic, QC, Canada

58. Sarah Benson - Chief Executive Officer, Ruhama: Frontline service to women affected by prostitution and sex trafficking,


59. Summer-Rain Bentham - Squamish Nation, Front line anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter,

BC, Canada

60. Kristen Berg - Equality Now, New York, NY, United States

61. Samantha Berg - Journalist and organizer, Johnstompers.com, Portland, OR, United States

62. Marina Bergadano - Law Offices, Marina Bergadano & Co., Turin, Italy

63. Catie Bergeron – intervenante, CALACS, Charlevoix, QC, Canada

64. Jocelyne Bernatchez - Directrice des ventes, Amos, QC, Canada

65. Nicole Bernier - Animatrice provinciale, QC, Canada

66. Helene Berry - RN, Vancouver, BC, Canada

67. Christine Bickson - Vancouver, BC, Canada

68. Taina Bien Aime - Executive Director, Coalition Against the Trafficking in Women

69. Geneva Biggers - Women’s peer support group member, Vancouver, BC, Canada

70. Julie Bindel - Journalist, author and feminist campaigner, United Kingdom

71. Lucie Bilodeau - Aide-jardinière, Ste-Christine, QC, Canada

72. Rebecca Bishop - Vancouver, BC, Canada

73. Cécile Bisson – QC, Canada

74. Francine Blais - Retraitée en Service social et à mi-temps, coordonnatrice des Ami-e-s de la Famille Internationale de la

Miséricorde, Montréal, QC, Canada

75. Nadine Blais - Enseignante au cégep de l'Outaouais, Travailleuse sociale de formation (niveau maitrise), Gatineau, QC,


76. Stassy Blais - Étudiante en technique de travail social, Amos, QC, Canada

77. Annie Blouin - Intervenante sociale au CALACS, Granby, QC, Canada

78. Linda Boisclair - Responsable du comité de la condition féminine du Conseil central du Montréal métropolitain -CSN,

Longueuil, QC, Canada

79. Pierrette Boissé - Responsable du dossier sur la traite humaine à la Congrégation de Notre-Dame, Montréal, QC, Canada

80. Gabrielle Boissonneault - Intervenante, Rouyn-Noranda, PQ, Canada

81. Annick Boissonneault - travailleuse sociale, Val d'Or, QC, Canada

82. Sophie Bolduc - Stagiaire au CALCS de Chateauguay, Montréal, QC, Canada=

83. Antonia Bonito - Turin Municipality Police Force, Turin, Italy

84. Bernard Bosc - Réseau féministe “Ruptures”, QC, Canada

85. Claudia Bouchard - travaille au quotidien avec des femmes qui ont été dans la prostitution, Montréal, QC, Canada

86. Diane Bouchard - Retraitée, Charlevoix, QC, Canada

87. France Boucher - Avocate et chargée de cours à l’UQAM, Montréal, QC, Canada

88. Boucher, Mahara - ASETS Adminstrative Assistant, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

89. Nadjet Bouda - Responsable administrative à la Concertation des luttes contre l’exploitation sexuelle, Étudiante à la maitrise

en science politique à l’UQAM, Montréal, QC, Canada

90. Claudie Bougon-Guibert - Conseil national des femmes françaises

91. Carole Boulebsol - Sociologue Ma., Montréal, QC, Canada

92. Mary-Lee Bouma - Resist Exploitation, Embrace Dignity (REED), Vancouver, BC,


93. Ginette Bourdon - Infirmière retraitée, Brossard, QC, Canada

94. Jeannine Bourget - Animatrice, Montréal, QC, Canada

95. Nadine Bouteilly-Dupont - President, Libres Mariannes, LMS, Member of the European Women Lobby

96. Lise Bouvet - Gender Studies Researcher, Switzerland

97. Susan B. Boyd - F.R.S.C. Professor, Chair in Feminist Legal Studies Faculty of Law at Allard Hall, The University of British

Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

98. Christine Boyle - Professor Emeritus States, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

99. Professor Karen Boyle - Chair in Feminist Media Studies, University of Stirling, UK

100.Easton Branam - Seattle, WA, United States

101. Valérie Brancquart - Québec, QC, Canada

102. Chantal Brassard - Intervenante sociale au CALACS, Granby, QC, Canada

103.Marie-Claude Brault - QC, Canada

104. Annick Brazeau - Travailleuse sociale, Baccalauréat en travail social, Diplôme d’études collégiales en techniques policières,

Certificat universitaire en développement international, Étudiante à la maîtrise en travail social

105. Hélène Brazeau - Professeure au cégep de l'Outaouais, Maîtrise en psychoéducation de l'UQO, Cantley, QC, Canada


106. Cathy Brennan - Gender Identity Watch, United States

107.Janie Breton - Féministe, QC, Canada

108. Judith Bridge - Vancouver, BC, Canada

109. Elizabeth Briemberg - Retired Supreme Court of BC Family Conciliator, Burnaby, BC, Canada

110. Dr. Gwen Brodsky - LLB, LLm, PhD, Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, BC,


111. Pascale Brosseau - Intervenante, Lévis, QC, Canada

112. Cleta Brown - LLB, LLM, member of University Women’s Club, Vancouver, BC, Canada

113.Kimberly Brown - Equality Now, Nairobi, Kenya

114. Nancy Brown - SC, OBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada

115. Alma Bulawan - President, BUKLOD Survivors' Group, Olongapo, Philippines

116.Autumn Burris - Survivors for Solutions, United States

117. Twiss Butler - Member Abolish Prostitution Now Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW International), National

Organization for Women, United States

118. Dr. Shauna Butterwick - Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia,

Vancouver, BC, Canada

119. Elizabeth Cahill - St John’s, NL, Canada

120. Laure Caille - General Secretary, Libres Mariannes, LMS, Member of the European Women Lobby

121.Serena Caldarone - Resistenza Femminista, Italy

122.Tulsi Callichum - Bénévole GAP, Chateauguay, QC, Canada

123.Callie Fleeger – Student, Talent, OR, United States

124.Associate Professor Angela Cameron BA, LLB, LLM, PhD – University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

125.Annie Campbell - Director, Women’s Aid Federation, Northern Ireland

126. Laura Capuzzo - Gruppo Femminile Plurale, Italy

127. Marie-Josée Carbonneau - Agente de sécurité, Amos, QC, Canada

128.Elda Carly - Équipes d'Action Contre le Proxénétisme, Paris, France

129.Chantale Caron - Agricultrice, St-Roch-de-Richelieu, QC, Canada

130.Chiara Carpita - Resistenza femminista, Italy

131. Francesca Carpita - Italy

132. Melina Caudo - Executive Director, Associazione Progettarsì, Turin, Italy

133.Carole Cayer – Intervenante, CALACS de Chateauguay, Mercier, QC, Canada

134.Ida Centola - Avigliana, Italy

135.Martha Centola - Vice President, Associazione Iroko Onlus, Turin, Italy

136.Pat Cervelli - Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Tuolumne, CA, United States

137.Gaétane Chabot - Saint-Laurent-de-l’île-d'Orléans, QC, Canada

138.Maude Chalvin - Chargée de projet intersectionnalité et agente de communication RQCALACS, Montréal, PQ, Canada

139.Yuly Chan - Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution, Canada

140.Jaclyn Chang - MA, Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution, Canada

141.Elaine Charkowski – United States

142.Emmanuelle Charlebois - Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes Ottawa, ON, Canada

143.Alexandra Charles - Ordförande, Stockholm, Sweden

144.Vanessa Chase - Board Member, Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada

145.Christiana Cheng - PhD, Vancouver, BC, Canada

146.Gaétane Chénier - Intervenante communautaire, Amos, QC, Canada

147.Missy Chirprin - Radio Host/Producer, United States.

148.Youngsook Cho - Korean Women's Association United, South Korea

149.Jomini Chu - Vancouver, BC, Canada

150. Kim Chu - University of Calgary Nursing, Vancouver, BC, Canada,

151. Mélanie Clément - Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes Ottawa, ON, Canada

152.Christina Clément - femme, Val d'Or, QC, Canada

153.Karen Cody - President of the Board of Directors for The Organization for Prostitution Survivors, Seattle, WA, United States

154.Mylène Collin - Intervenante, Québec, QC, Canada

155.Jennifer Conkie - Vancouver, BC, Canada

156.Conseil national des femmes françaises

157.Coordination française pour le lobby européen des femmes

158.Lynda Coplin - retired teacher, Surrey, BC, Canada

159.Jeannine Cornellier - SNJM, Association des religieuses pour les Droits des femmes, Montréal, QC, Canada

160.Luce Côté - Montréal, QC, Canada

161. Madeleine Côté - Montréal, QC, Canada

162. Véronique Couillard – Intervenante, CALACS Charlevoix, Charlevoix, PQ, Canada


163. Kelly Coulter - Drug Policy Advocate, Ottawa, ON, Canada

164. Dr. Maddy Coy - Reader in Sexual Exploitation and Gender Equality, London Metropolitan University, UK

165.Larissa Crack - Northern Women's Connection, Canada

166. Annie Crepin - France

167. Maisie Faith J. Dagapioso - Woman Health Philippines, Zamboanga City

168. Madeleine Dagenais - Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes Ottawa, ON, Canada

169.Octavia Dahl - United States

170. Florence Daigneault - Montréal, QC, Canada

171. Lucie Daigneault - Comptable à l'administration locale de la Maison mère des Soeurs de Miséricorde, Laval, QC, Canada

172.Mathilde Darton - Intervenante, Rouyn-Noranda, QC, Canada

173.Mélissa Dauphin - Artiste engagée, Montréal, QC, Canada

174.Jo-Anne David - Centre Colibri, Barrie, ON, Canada

175.Stephanie Davies-Arai – United Kingdom.

176.Shelagh Day - CM, Director, Poverty and Human Rights Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada

177.Docteure Michèle Dayras - présidente de SOS sexisme, France

178.Aurora Javate De Dios - Executive Director, Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College, Philippines

179.Blathnaid de Faoite - Daughter of a survivor of prostitution, Ireland

180.Mia de Faoite - Survivor of Prostitution & Philosophy student at The National University of Ireland, Ireland

181.Yolande de La Bruère - Montréal, QC, Canada

182.Mary DeFusco - Esq. Director of Training and Recruitment, Defender Association of Philadelphia, United States

183.Veronica DeLorme - BA, MA, Retired, Vancouver, BC, Canada

184.Yvette Delorme - Montréal, QC, Canada

185.Theresa Delory – QC, Canada

186. Christiane Delteil - Présidente d'honneur du CIDFF 34, Membre du CT de l'Amicale du Nid "La babotte", Montpellier,


187. Line Demers - Adjointe administrative, Diplôme de commis-comptable, Maison d’hébergement pour elles des Deux Vallées,

QC, Canada

188. Kim Deniger - Policière, DEC en Techniques Policières, Gatineau, QC, Canada

189.Amelia Denny-Keys - Student, Langley, BC, Canada

190. Linda Denny - MSW, RSW, Langley, BC, Canada

191. Annie Denoncourt - Criminologue, Intervenante jeunesse, Ste-Brigitte-des-Saults, QC, Canada

192.Anastasia DeRosa - Front line crisis worker, Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter, BC, Canada

193.Claire Desaint - Vice-President, Réussir l'égalité femmes-hommes, France=

194. Francine Descarries - Ph.D, Professeure et Directrice scientifique du Réseau québécois en études féministes (RéQEF)

UQAM, Montreal, QC, Canada

195. Lise Desrochers - Éducatrice retraitée, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada

196.Tamar Dina - Music Liberatory, Halifax, NS, Canada

197.Dr. Gail Dines - Professor of Sociology, Wheelock College, Boston, MA, United States

198.Carmen Dion - Intervenante, Rouyn-Noranda, QC, Canada

199. Françoise Dion - Donnacona, QC, Canada

200. Christine Dionne - Employée du gouvernement du Canada - école de la fonction du Canada, Spécialiste en apprentissage et

en développement, Baccalauréat en éducacion de l'anglais langue seconde de l'UQAM, Diplôme d'éducation aux adultes du

Collège de Vancouver, Diplôme de business administration du Collège de Kingston, ON, Canada

201. Dr. Peggy Dobbins - Port Lavaca, TX, United States

202. Winifred Doherty - Good Shepherd Sister and NGO representative to the United Nations

203.Isabelle Dostie, intervenante CALACS, Val d'Or, QC, Canada

204.Francine Doucette - Secrétaire et aussi amie dans la famille internationale de la miséricorde, St-Eustache, QC, Canada

205.Siméon Doucette - Retraité de la compagnie Bell canada et ami dans la fam. Int. De la miséricorde, St -Eustache, QC, Canada

206.Jennifer Drew - Consultant to Scottish Women Against Pornography, United Kingdom

207.Marie Drouin - Militante et survivante de la prostitution, Montréal, QC, Canada

208.Laurie Drummond - Member of University Women’s Club, Vancouver, BC, Canada

209.Kim Dubé - Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes Ottawa, ON, Canada

210.Geneviève Duché - présidente de l’Amicale du Nid, France

211. Micheline Dufour - Retraitée, Charlevoix, PQ, Canada

212. Rose Dufour - Anthropologue, Directrice générale et fondatrice de la Maison De Marthe, QC, Canada

213.Caroline Dufresne - intervenante CALACS, Val d'Or, QC, Canada

214.Nathalie Duhamel - Coordonnatrice RQCALACS, Montréal, PQ, Canada

215.Monique Dumais - O.S.U., Coordonnatrice pour l'association des religieuses pour les

216.Droits des femmes, ARDF

217. Claudette Dumont-Smith - Executive Director, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada


218. Caryn Duncan - MA, Vancouver, BC, Canada

219.Catherine Dunne - Act to Prevent Trafficking, Ireland

220.Lyne Duplain - Intervenante CALACS Charlevoix, Charlevoix, PQ, Canada

221.Arianne Duplessis - Montréal, QC, Canada

222.Genevieve Dupuis - Travailleuse sociale CALACS de l’Outaouais, BAC en travail social, Aylmer, QC, Canada

223.Ilaria Durigon - Gruppo Femminile Plurale, Italy

224.Lotte Kristine Dysted - Praktikant hos Danners videncenter, NGO Danner, Denmark=

225.Eaves For Women, United Kingdom

226. Anna Edman - Sweden

227. Dele Edokpayi - Esq., Dele Edokpayi and Co Law Chambers, Benin City, Nigeria

228. Teresa Edwards - B.A., JD. Director, International Affairs and Human Rights, In-House Legal Counsel, Native Women’s

Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

229. Gunilla S. Ekberg - Former special advisor on prostitution and human trafficking to the Swedish government, human r ights

lawyer, Canada and Sweden

230. F. Elodie Ekobena - Agente de pastorale sociale Villeray, Montréal, QC, Canada

231. Vera Chigbufue Elue - Legal Counsel, Chicago Municipality Law Office, Chicago, United States

232.Fiona Elvines - Operations Coordinator, Rape & Sexual Support Centre Croydon, UK

233. Jean Enriquez - Executive Director, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Asia Pacific

234. Priscilla Eppinger - Associate Professor of Religion, Chairperson of the Peace Studies Committee at Graceland University,

United States

235. Carla Francesca Erie - Linguiste, Membre d'organisation féministe, Haïti

236. Professor Maria Eriksson - Professor of Social Work, School for Health, Care, and Social Welfare, Mälardalen University,


237. Dr. Elizabeth Evans - Lecturer in Politics, University of Bristol, UK

238. Jimena Eyzaguirre - M.Sc., M.R.M. Senior Climate Change Specialist, ESSA Technologies Ltd. Ottawa Chapter Co-chair,

Canada-Mathare Education Trust

239. Natasha Falle - SEXTRADE101, ON, Canada

240. Melissa Farley - Ph.D., Prostitution Research & Education, San Francisco, CA, United States

241.Danielle Fay - BAA, Thérapeute en santé globale et naturelle, St-Alfred, QC, Canada

242.Madeleine Ferland - Criminologue, Cowansville, QC, Canada

243. Elizabetta Ferrero - Turin, Italy

244. Suzanna Finley - Equality Now, New York, NY, United States

245.Mia Finn - Mother, Langley, BC, Canada

246.Jean Fong – Frontline anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter, BC, Canada

247.Janick Fontaine - Intervenante sensibilisation, Technicienne en travail social, Thurso, QC, Canada

248.Suzanne Fortier - militante, Val d'Or, QC, Canada

249.Mireille Fortin - Montréal, QC, Canada

250.Nicole Fortin - Retraitée, Charlevoix, PQ, Canada

251. Valérie Fortin - infirmière clinicienne, Brossard, QC, Canada

252. Nicole Fouché - Présidente de Réussir l'égalité femmes-hommes, Cherchs associée, CNRS, Céna-mascipo-EHESS, Paris,


253. Isabelle Fournier – Intervenante, CALACS de Rimouski, Rimouski, QC, Canada

254.Monique Fournier - Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC, Canada

255. Lindsey Fox – Victoria, BC, Canada

256. Kirsty Foy - Foy Allison Law Group, Vancouver, BC, Canada

257. Maggie Fredette - Coordonnatrice intervention CALACS, Sherbrooke, PQ, Canada

258.Frappier, Julie - travailleuse CALACS, Val d'Or, QC, Canada

259. Lina Fucà - Turin, Italy

260. Colleen Fuller - Vancouver, BC, Canada

261.Carolyne Gagné - Professeur, Granby, QC, Canada

262.Émilie Gagnon - Infographe, Valleyfield, QC, Canada

263.Gabrielle Gagnon - Ottawa, ON, Canada

264.Jocelyne Gagnon - Retraitée, Charlevoix, PQ, Canada

265.Marielle Gagnon - Montréal, QC, Canada

266.Mariette Gagnon - Montréal, QC, Canada

267.Michèle Garceau - Citoyenne, Lachine, QC, Canada

268. Joane Garon - Intervenante CALACS de Rimouski, Rimouski, QC, Canada

269. Elizabeth Gautchi - Med, member of University Women’s Club, Vancouver, BC, Canada

270.Chantal Gauthier - Auxilière aux familles à domicile, Montréal, QC, Canada


271.Noga Gayle - PhD, member of University Women’s Club, Vancouver, BC, Canada

272.Angela Gbemisola – United Kingdom

273.Yolande Geadah - Author, Montreal, QC, Canada

274.Monina Geaga - Secretary-General, SARILAYA, Philippines

275.Jenny Geng - Burnaby, BC, Canada

276.Mylène Geoffroy - Intervenante communautaire, Saint-Jean-de-Matha, QC, Canada

277.Carol Giardina - Asst Professor, History Dept. Queens College, NY, United States

278.Lucia Giffi - Turin, Italy

279. Lise Giguère - QC, Canada

280. Marcella Gilardoni - Gilardoni Law Offices, Turin, Italy

281. Associate Professor Daphne Gilbert BA, LLB, LLM – University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

282.Dr. Aisha K. Gill - Reader in Criminology, University of Roehampton, UK

283. Marie-Chanel Gillier – New Delhi, India

284. Jay Ginn - Older Feminists Network, United Kingdom

285.Rosanna Giorgietti - Italy

286.France Giroux - Coiffeuse, Granby, QC, Canada

287.Phyllis Giroux - S.C., M.A.(J), Kelowna, BC, Canada

288. Catriona Gold - Executive Member CUPE 2278, Vancouver, BC, Canada

289. Irene Goodwin - Director, Evidence to Action, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

290.Sonya Grenier - intervenante CALACS, Val d'Or, QC, Canada

291.Leah Gruenpeter Gold - PhD Philosophy Dept. Tel Aviv University, Israel

292.Tamara Gorin - Port Moody, BC, Canada

293.Leanore Gough - Front line anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter, BC, Canada

294.Francine Gravel - Réceptioniste à l'Infirmerie de la Maison mère des Soeurs de Miséricorde, Terrebonne, QC, Canada

295. Arlana Green - Victim Services Support worker, Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre, Vancouver,

BC, Canada

296. Samantha Grey - Front line anti-violence worker, Vancouver, BC, Canada

297.Élaine Grisé - Montréal, QC, Canada

298.Associate Professor Vanessa Gruben B.Sc.H, LLB, LLM – University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

299.Catherine Guay-Quirion - Étudiante universitaire à temps plein, Amos, QC, Canada

300. Julie Guibord – Intervenante, CALACS de Chateauguay, Valleyfield, QC, Canada

301. Joana Guillaume - Professeure de philosophie, Études juridiques, Membre d'organisation féministe, Haïti

302.Susanna Gulin - Finland

303.Bernadette Gullion - Educator, BC, Canada

304.Jacqueline Gullion - MA, Vancouver, BC, Canada

305.Czarina M. Gutierrez - B.A., BC, Canada

306. Irit Hakim - Safe World for Women, United Kingdom, Correspondent in Israel

307. Francine Hamel - Retraitée, Diplômes de Maîtrise en littérature et Maîtrise en éducation (counselling de carrière), QC,


308. Nicole Hamel – coordonnatrice, CALACS, Lac-à-la-Tortue, PQ, Canada

309.Carol Hanisch - Editor, MeetingGroundOnLine.org, Ellenville, NY, United States

310. Joyce Harris - Chair Sisters of St. Ann B. C. Social Justice Committee, BC, Canada

311. Jayme Hass - Junior Policy Analyst / Researcher, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Arnprior, ON

312.Karah Hawkins - Victim Advocate CEASE, Edmonton, AB, Canada

313.Katherine Hébert-Metthé - Consultante sur l'hypersexualisation, Montréal, QC, Canada

314.Orla Hegarty – NL, Canada

315.Hanne Helth - Board Member, Danish Women's Society, Copenhagen, Denmark

316.Terrie Hendrickson - Vancouver, BC, Canada

317.Cathryn Henley - President, Canadian Federation of University Women Cranbrook Club, Cranbrook, BC, Canada

318.Céline Héon - Montréal, QC, Canada

319. Loralie Hettler – Vancouver, BC, Canada

320. Mary Honeyball - Member of the European Parliament, United Kingdom

321.Christine Honor - Australia

322.Myriam Houde - Criminologue au Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau, Gatineau, QC, Canada

323.Bernett Huang - Archival Studies, Fu Ren University, Vancouver, BC, Canada

324. Jade Hudon - QC, Canada

325. Donna M. Hughes - B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Professor & Carlson Endowed Chair, Gender & Women's Studies Program, University

of Rhode Island, United States

326. Charlotta Huldt-Ramberg - Member of the board or the UN Women National Committee, Sweden

327.Jacqui Hunt - Equality Now, London, United Kingdom


328. Patricia Hynes - Retired Professor of Environmental Health, Boston University and Director, Traprock Center for Peace and

Justice, Greenfield, MA, United States

329. Valentina Iamotti - Resistenza femminista, Italy

330. Chantal Ismé - Organisatrice communautaire à la Concertation des luttes contre l’exploitation sexuelle, Montréal, QC,


331. Ghada Jabbour - KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation, Lebanon

332. Professor Martha Jackman - LL.B., LL.M., L.S.M. Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, ON, Canada

333.Cynthia Jacques - Intervenante, Rouyn-Noranda, PQ, Canada

334.Suzanne Jay - MA, Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution, Canada

335.Patricia Jean - Linguiste, Féministe, Haïti

336.Rhéa Jean - Ph. D in Philosophy (Laval University), Postdoctoral fellow at the

337.University of Luxembourg

338.Kimberly Jerome - Bookkeeper, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

339.Sonya Johal - BSc, Surrey, BC, Canada

340. Lone Alice Johansen - Head of Information, The Secretariat of the Shelter Movement, Oslo, Norway

341. Hedwig Johl - NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC, Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good


342. Natasha Johnson - Graphic Designer, Vancouver, BC, Canada

343.Guðrún Jónsdóttir - talskona Stígamóta, Stígamótum, Reykjavík, Iceland

344.Valerie Judge - MBA, Management Consultant, Ireland

345. Justice for Girls, Vancouver, BC, Canada

346. Ludmila Karabaciska - Étudiante à l’Université Concordia, Applied human science, Montréal, QC, Canada

347.Annpôl Kassis - Paris, France

348. Soka Handinah Katjasungkana - LBH-Apik, Semarang, Indonesia

349. Ranjit Kaur - Ex Magistrate, ex-Director of Rights of Women UK, Lawyer, United Kingdom

350.Roisin Kelly - Ireland

351.Helen Kelsey - Status of Women Committee, Surrey Teachers Association, Surrey, BC, Canada

352.Marilyn Kempf - Équipes d'Action Contre le Proxénétisme, Paris, France

353. Hilla Kerner - Front line anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter, BC, Canada

354. K. Kilbride - Surrey, BC, Canada

355. Jennifer Kim - BA Philosophy, Vancouver, BC, CanadA

356.Morgan King - Australia

357. Ann Kirkey – Toronto, ON, Canada

358. Antonia Kirkland - Equality Now, New York, United States

359. Daisy Kler - Front line anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter, BC, Canada

360.Dr. Renate Klien - Spinifex Press, Australia

361.Donée-Maude Kobin - Intervenante, Rouyn-Noranda, PQ, Canada

362.Patsy Kolesar - Vancouver, BC, Canada

363.Donna Christie Kolkey - member of University Women’s Club, Vancouver, BC, Canada

364.Monica Krake - Communications Director, Vancouver, BC, Canada

365. Izabela Krekora - Manager of fund development, Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre, Vancouver,

BC, Canada

366. Cathrine Linn Kristiansen – Norway

367. Leanne Kwan - PharmD, Vancouver, BC, Canada

368.Renée Labrie - St-Jean-de-l’île-d'Orléans, QC, Canada

369.Sophie Labrie - Intervenante sociale au CALACS, Bromont, QC, Canada

370.Maryse Lafleur - QC, Canada

371. Isabelle Lafontaine - Étudiante au doctorat en travail social à l’Université de Montréal, Auxiliaire de recherche, Intervenante

à l’association des familles monoparentales et recomposées de l’Outaouais, Professeure à la cité collégiale aux programmes

de techniques de travail social et d’éducation spécialisée, Gatineau, QC, Canada

372. Judy Lafontaine, intervenante, CALACS, Val d'Or, QC, Canada

373.Allison Laing - BA, Vancouver, BC, Canada

374. Jennifer E. Laing - RN, BScN, Vancouver, BC, Canada

375. Monique, S.M. Lallier - Supérieure générale de l'Institut des Soeurs de miséricorde de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada

376.Lee Lakeman - Women’s rights advocate, Vancouver, BC, Canada

377.Ève Lamont - Réalisatrice, Montréal, QC, Canada

378.Nancy Langlois - Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes Ottawa, ON, Canada

379.Catherine Lapointe - Canada

380. Ghislaine Laporte - S.N.J.M., QC, Canada

381. Marai Larasi - MBE, M.A. Executive Director, Imkaan, UK


382. Marilyn Larocque - R.H.S.J. Kingston, ON, Canada

383. Myriam Larocque - Intervenante, Étudiante, Montréal, QC, Canada

384. Trine Porret Randahl Larsen - President, Women’s Council in Denmark (Kvinderådet)

385.Gemma Laser - Belfast, ME, United States

386. Widlande Laurol - Linguiste, Membre d'organisation féministe, Haïti

387. Claudia Lavigueur – Intervenante, CALACS de Chateauguay, Ste-Clotilde, QC, Canada

388.Marie-Josée Lavoie - Secrétaire-administratrice RQCALACS, Montréal, PQ, Canada

389. Katherine B. Lawrence - J.D. Member, Board of Directors, Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre,

Vancouver, BC, Canada

390. Annette Lawson - Chair, the National alliance of Women's Organizations, United Kingdom

391. M. Paule Lebel - Membre de la coordination du Québec de la marche mondiale des femmes, QC, Canada

392.Aurélie Lebrun, PhD - QC, Canada

393.Marie-Paule Lebrun - Montréal, QC, Canada

394.Brigitte Lechenr - Woman, United Kingdom

395.Patricia Leclair - Militante, Montréal, QC, Canada

396.Marie Lecomte - Vice President, Libres Mariannes, LMS, Member of the European Women Lobby

397.Alice Lee - Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution, Canada

398.Jessica Lee - Front-line Crisis Worker, Vancouver, BC, Canada

399.Young Sun Lee - Vancouver, BC, Canada

400.Éliane Legault-Roy - Responsable des communications à la Concertation des luttes contre l’exploitation sexuelle, Maitrise en

science politique, Montréal, QC, Canada

401.Dorchen A. Leidholdt - Director, Center for Battered Women's Legal Services, Sanctuary for Families, New York

402.Ronitin Lentin - University Professor, Ireland

403.Barbara Leon - Watsonville, CA, United States

404.Carla Lesh - Kingston, NY, United States

405.Constance Létourneau - Membre du Comité de Montréal contre la traite des personnes, QC, Canada

406.Guilaine Levesque - Coordonnatrice CALACS, Baie-Comeau, PQ, Canada

407.Lévesque, Sandra - intervenante CALACS, Val d'Or, QC, Canada

408.Jacqueline Lewis - Emergency Medical Technician & Front line crisis worker at Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter,

BC, Canada

409.Maureen Lewis – Red Deer, AB, Canada

410.Raïssa Leyan’Simbi - Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes Ottawa, ON, Canada

411.Jytte Lindgaard - Lawyer, member of The Danish National Observatory on Violence Against Women

412.Linklater, Sheila - Director of Finance, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

413.Pak Ka Liu - Victim Services Medical Support Worker, Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre,

Vancouver, BC, Canada

414.Josée Longchamps - Thérapeute, Tingwick, QC, Canada

415.Letizia Longo - Accountant, Turin, Italy

416.Marissa Lorenz - Colorado, United States

417.Lovely Jean Louis - Mémorante en lingUnited Statesitique et en études juridiques, Militante féministe, Haïti

418.Laura L. Lovett - Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United States

419.Brenda Lucke - RN, BSN, BA, GNC(C), Langley, BC, Canada

420.Emma Luke - Occupational Therapist, Australia

421.Nathalie Lussier - Secrétaire-comptable, Granby, QC, Canada

422.Ilaria Maccaroni - Resistenza femminista, Italy

423.Linda MacDonald - Persons Against NST, Canada

424.Ainsley MacGregor - Front-line anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter, BC, Canada

425.R. MacKenzie - Feminist campaigner, Scotland

426.Alison Luke - Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

427.Eliana Maestri - Feminist Group, Birmingham, UK

428.Dr. Arianna Maffiotti - Turin Local Health Services, Moncalieri (TO), Italy

429.Sarah M. Mah - BSc, Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution, Canada

430.Grace Malkihara - Vancouver, BC, Canada

432.Sylvie Mantha - Chef Division recherche, développement et stratégie organisationnelle du Service de police de Gatineau,

Gatineau, QC, Canada

433.Maude Marcaurelle - Intervenante sociale, Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, QC, Canada

434.Berthe Marcotte - Montréal, QC, Canada

435.Louise Marcotte - Survivante, Montréal, QC, Canada

436.Malka Marcovich - Historian and feminist writer, International consultant, Paris, France


437.Lorna Martin - Executive Assistant, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

438.Angela Martinez - TTS, Coordonatrice des services d’interventions du Calacs francophone d’Ottawa, ON, Canada

439.Virginia Martinez - Burnaby, BC, Canada

440.Annalise Masear-Gough – Vancouver, BC, Canada

441.Kristine Massey - Lecturer in Criminal Psychology, Canterbury Christchurch University, UK

442.Maureen Master - Human Rights Lawyer, United States

443.Ane Mathieson - Fulbright Fellow & Staff with the Organization for Prostitution Survivors, Seattle, Unites States

444.Jade Mathieu - Intervenante CALACS de Chateauguay, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada

445.Andrea Matolcsi - Equality Now, London, UK

446.Diane Matte - Activiste féministe, Concertation des luttes contre l’exploitation sexuelle, Montréal, QC, Canada

447.Maria Grazia Mauti - Resistenza femminista, Italy

448.Paula May - Experte en ressources humaines, Montréal, QC, Canada

449.Philippe Mayer - Géomaticien, Montréal, PQ, Canada

450.Paola Mazzei - Resistenza femminista, Italy

451.Dr. Melanie McCarry - Guild Senior Research Fellow, Connect Centre for International Research on Gender and Harm,

University of Central Lancashire, UK

452.Geraldine McCarthy - Act to Prevent Trafficking, Ireland

453.Annie McCombs – Kalamazoo, MI, United States

454.Maureen McGowan – New York, NY, United States

455.Sheila McIntyre - Retired Professor of Law, University of Ottawa; specializing in Constitutional and Human Rights Law,

Ottawa, ON, Canada

456.Caitlin McKellar - Board Member, Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada

457.Myriam Meilleur – Stagiaire, CALACS Chateauguay, QC, Canada

458.Chiara Melloni - Gruppo Femminile Plurale, Italy

459.Émilie Mercier-Roy - Survivante de la prostitution et co-fondatrice du Gîte L'Autre porte, Val-d'Or, QC, Canada

460.Gunhild Mewes - Germany

461.Nancy J. Meyer - Hyattsville, MD, United States

462.Ashley Milbury – MA, Front line anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter, BC, Canada

463.Michelle Miller - DMin, Resist Exploitation, Embrace Dignity, Vancouver, BC, Canada

464.Jodie Millward - MCP, CCC, Aboriginal Family Counselor, Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre,

Vancouver, BC, Canada

465.Suzy Mingus - Accountant, Vancouver, BC, Canada

466.Shiloh Minor - Teacher, Vancouver, BC, Canada

467.Phyllis Minsky - Teacher and Aboriginal Advocate, Queen Elizabeth Secondary School, Surrey, BC, Canada

468.Kathy Miriam - PhD, Brooklyn, NY, United States

469.Adrienne Montani - Child Rights Advocate, Vancouver, BC, Canada

470.Rachel Moran - Founding Member of SPACE International (Survivors of Prostitution-Abuse Calling for Enlightenment),


471.Magdala Moreau - Mémorante en linguistique, Militante féministe, Haïti

472.Marthe Moreau - Montréal, QC, Canada

473.Michele Morek - PhD. UNANIMA International Inc. an ECOSOC-accredited NGO of the United Nations

474.Rachael Morgan – Student, Australia

475.Émilie Morin-Rivest - Intervenante à la maison d'hébergement pour elles des deux vallées, Gatineau, QC, Canada

476.Julie Charbonneau Morin - Éducatrice spécialisée, Montréal, QC, Canada

477.Marcelle Morin – QC, Canada

478.Nathalie Morin - Commis comptable, Amos, QC, Canada

479.Libby Morrison - United Kingdom

480.Françoise Morvan - Vice-présidente de la Coordination française pour le lobby européen des femmes

481.Dr. Helen Mott - Bristol Fawcett, United Kingdom

482.Rebecca Mott - Survivor of indoor prostitution, United Kingdom

483.Jeanne Françoise Mouè - La Maison, Toronto, ON, Canada

484.Debs Munn - Refugee Settlement Worker, Vancouver, BC, Canada

485.Lily Munroe - Women’s rights advocate and abolitionist, Australia

486.Meghan Murphy - Journalist, Canada

487.Jeannine Nadeau - Infirmière, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada

488.Marie-Michelle Nault - Survivante, Montréal, QC, Canada

489.Amy Nahwegahbow - Senior Policy Analyst/ Researcher, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON

490.Ana Maria R. Nemenzo - National Coordinator, Woman Health Philippines

491.Frederica Newell - Ireland

492.Donna-Marie Newfield - Therapist, Canada


493.Kendra Newman - Heiltsuk Nation, front line anti-violence worker, Burnaby, BC, Canada

494.Liette Nobert - Montréal, QC, Canada

495.Clare Nolan - Srs of the Good Shepherd, New York, NY, United States

496.Celia Nord - Archaeologist, Lee Creek, BC, Canada

497.Jane Norlund – Norway

498.Dr. Caroline Norma - Lecturer in Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University, Australia

499.Ana Novakovic – Front-line anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter, BC, Canada

500.Zdenka Novakovic - Burnaby, BC, Canada

501.Daniella Nunes-Taveira - Intervenante à la maison d'amitié - télécommunications à l'hôpital d'Ottawa, Technique de

réadaptation et de justice pénale et présentement à l'université en criminologie, Ottawa, ON, Canada

502.Dr. Monica O'Connor - Independent Researcher, Ireland

503.Maura O’Donohue - Doctor, Ireland

504.Aibhlín O’Leary - Anti-Trafficking Project Coordinator Immigrant Council of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland

505.Katrin Öberg - Sweden

506.Lis Ehmer Olesen - Board member of the Women’s Council and The Danish National Observatory on Violence Against

Women, Denmark

507.Catherine Olivier - Enseignante au collegial, Montréal, PQ, Canada

508.Maren Ollman - Turin, Italy

509.Kajsa Olsson – Sweden

510.Alina Olszewska - Turin, Italy

511.Blessing Osatohanmwen - Turin, Italy

512.Sonia Ossorio - President, National Organization for Women, New York, NY, United States

513.Oti Anukpe Ovrawah - Director, Nigerian Human Rights Commission, Abuja, Nigeria

514.Angel Love Owens – Perth, Australia

515.Geneviève Pagé - Phd, Professeure de science politique à l’UQAM, Montréal, QC, Canada

516.Karina Painchaud - QC, Canada

517.Celeste Pang - Freelance Bookkeeper, Vancouver, BC, Canada

518.Marie-Noël Paradis - Intervenante, Québec, PQ, Canada

519.Monique Paradis - Enseignante retraitée, QC, Canada

520.María Paredes - Student, Vancouver, BC, Canada

521.So Eyun Park - BMLSc., Burnaby, BC, Canada

522.Maggie Parks - Chief Executive, Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, Cornwall, UK

523.Giulia Parm - Turin, Italy

524.Carla Pastorino - Genova, Italy

525.Kim Pate – Executive Director, Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies, Ottawa, ON, Canada

526.Niovi Patsicakis - B.Ed, M.Ed., Special Education Consultant, SENG-trained facilitator, Canada

527.Yolaine Paul - Responsable de bibliothèque, Études administratives et comptable, Membre d'organisation féministe, Haïti

528.Sokie Paulin - Glendale, CA, United States

529.Françoise Pellerin - Montréal, QC, Canada

530.Gisèle Pellerin - Montréal, QC, Canada

531.Céline Pelletier - Maison Interlude, Hawkesbury, ON, Canada

532.Lise Perras - Montréal, QC, Canada

533.Julie-Anne Perrault - Féministe, Montréal, QC, Canada

534.Nathalie Perreault - Travailleuse culturelle et féministe (abolitionniste), Montréal, QC, Canada

535.Bridget Perrier - SexTrade101, ON, Canada

536.Marisa Perrone - Turin, Italy

537.Dr. Jenny Petrak – MSc, PsychD

538.Heidi Petrak - Msc. Nursing Professor, BC, Canada

539.Gaëtane Pharand - Centre Victoria, Sudbury, ON, Canada

540.Jacqueline Picard – QC, Canada

541.Stéphanie Picard - Intervenante, Rouyn-Noranda, PQ, Canada

542.Elizabeth A. Pickett - LL.M, ON, Canada

543.Ellen Pilcher – Activist & Writer, United Kingdom

544.Candice Pilgrim – Lawyer, Belleville, ON, Canada

545.Maudy Piot - Présidente de l'Association Femmes Pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir, France

546.Kathleen Piovesan – Ph.D. Candidate, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United States

547.Marie-Christine Plante - Ph.D. candidate sociology, UQAM, Montreal, QC, Canada

548.Anne Plourde - Doctorante en science politique UQAM, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, PQ, Canada

549.Dianne Post - Attorney, Phoenix Women Take Back the Night, Phoenix, Arizona, United States

550.Monique Potin - Bibliothécaire et féministe, Val-d’Or, QC, Canada


551.Claudette Poupart - Retraitée, Boucherville, PQ, Canada

552.Brittney Powell - Feminist, BA, Nelson, BC, Canada

553.Jalysha Pratap – Vancouver, BC, Canada

554.Colette Price - Midwife, Feminist, NY, United States

555.Dr. Helen Pringle - School of Social Sciences UNSW, Sydney, Australia

556.Claudia Quendo - Turin, Italy

557.Marielle Quenneville - Montréal, QC, Canada

558.Suzanne Quinn - Réseau femmes sud-ouest, Sarnia, ON, Canada

559.Chanelle Ram - Feminist nursing student, Vancouver, BC, Canada

560.Claudia Ramirez - Bénévole GAP, Chateauguay, QC, Canada

561.Sandra Ramos - Founder/Executive Director, Strengthen Our Sisters, Shelter and Advocacy for homeless/battered women

and children, NJ, United States

562.Natalie Ranspot - BA, Vancouver, BC, Canada

563.Jody Raphael - Visiting Professor of Law, Depaul University, United States

564.Anne Rasmussen - LivaRehab, Denmark

565.Christelle Raspolini - Présidente du comité Ni putes ni soumises de Guadeloupe, Le gosier, Guadeloupe

566.Janice G. Raymond - Professor Emerita of Women's Studies and Medical Ethics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA,

United States

567.Anyta Raymond - Reviseur, Cowansville, QC, Canada

568.Anber Raz - Equality Now, London, UK

569.Sarah Mélodie Razafintsehere - Bénévole GAP, Chateauguay, QC, Canada

570.Jennifer Reed - Rain and Thunder Collective, MA, United States

571.Yasmin Rehman - Women's rights campaigner, member of the End Violence Against Women Coalition Board, UK

572.Stephanie Reifferscheid - BA, Women’s Advocate and counselor for more than 25 years, Vancouver, BC, Canada

573.Jennifer Remnant – United Kingdom

574.Sandrine Ricci - Phd Student and Assistant professor (UQAM), Montréal, PQ, Canada

575.Hélène Richard - Intervenante auprès des femmes, Montréal, QC, Canada

576.Mylène Richer - Éducatrice en garderie, Beauharnois, QC, Canada

577.Jenny Rickmann - Nurse, Germany

578.Chantelle Rideout - MFA University of New Brunswick, Halifax, NS, Canada

579.Nella Righetti - Turin, Italy

580.Cossette Rivera - Equality Now, New York, United States

581.Haile Rivera - New York, United States

582.Chantal Robitaille - Intervenante CALACS Chateauguay, Beauharnois, QC, Canada

583.Sanda Rodgers - Emeritus Professor, University of Ottawa, ON, Canada

584.Eleanor Roffman - Ed.D. Professor and Director of Field Training, Division of Counseling and Psychology, Graduate School

of Arts and Social Sciences, Lesley University, MA, United States

585.Caitlin Roper - WA State Coordinator, Collective Shout, Australia

586.Carissa Ropponen - BA, Executive and Development Assistant, Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis

Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada

587.Nina Rose, MD - Vice President, Swedish Medical Women's Association, Sweden

588.Garine Roubinian - Rain and Thunder Collective, MA, United States

589.Nayiree Roubinian - Rain and Thunder Collective, MA, United States

590.Isabelle Rouillard - Intervenante, QC, Canada

591.Justine Rouse-Lamarre - Étudiante à la maîtrise en histoire à l'UQAM, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

592.Gerardine Rowley – Ruhama, Ireland

593.Lorraine Roy - Militante et survivante de la prostitution, St-Jérôme, QC, Canada

594.Michèle Roy - Organisatrice communautaire, Montréal, QC, Canada

595.Sylvie Roy - Désigner, St-Pie, QC, Canada

596.Rita Ruel - Enseignante retraitée, QC, Canada

597.Marion Runcie - Vancouver BC, Canada

598.Assistant Professor Rakhi Ruparelia B.Sc., B.S.W., LL.B. M.S.W., LL.M. – University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

599.Dr. Emma Rush - Lecturer in Ethics and Philosophy, Charles Stuart University, Australia

600.Louisa Russell - Front-line anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter, BC, Canada

601.Roweena Russell – United Kingdom

602.Persia Rutchinski - Sydney, Australia

603.Susanne Rutchinski - BA, graphic designer, Vancouver, BC, Canada

604.Valentina S., - Resistenza femminista, Italy

605.Marie-Claude Saindon - Intervenante CALACS de Rimouski, Rimouski, QC, Canada

606.Peggy Sakow - Founding Co-Chair and Member, Temple Committee Against Human


607.Trafficking, Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom, Montreal, QC, Canada

608.Anaïs Salamon - Bibliothécaire en chef bibliothèque d'études islamiques de l’Université McGill, Montréal, QC, Canada

609.Roberta Salper - Resident Scholar, Women's Studies Research Center, Brandeis University Boston, MA, United States

610.Julieta Montaño Salvatierra - Abogada, Directora de la Oficina Jurídica Para la Mujer

611.Yolanda Sanchez-Contreras - Communications Coordinator GSIJP Office Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good

Shepherd (An NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC, UN)

612.Myles Sanchez - President, Bagong Kamalayan Prostitution Survivors' Collective, Manila, Philippines

613.Aida F. Santos-Maranan - President & Executive Director, Board of Trustees Consultant on Gender, Development, Human

Rights, Philippines

614.Mélanie Sarroino - LL.M., Agente de liaison et de promotion RQCALACS (Regroupement québécois des centres d’aide et de

lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel), Montréal, PQ, Canada

615.Jeanne Sarson - Persons Against Non-State Torture, Canada

616.Katharina Sass - Norway

617.Kathryn Scarbrough - PhD, East Brunswick, NJ, United States

618.Sarah Schwartz - United States

619.Emma Scott - Director, Rights of Women, London, UK

620.Amy Sebes - Founder, Association of Albanian Girls and Women (AAGW), Albania

621.Karen Segal - B.A, JD candidate 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada

622.Solveig Senft - Abolitionist, Member of Terre des Femmes, Germany

623.Brittney Sharma - Activist, Vancouver, BC, Canada

624.Jonnie Sharp – NC, United States

625.Carole Shea - Militante, Rawdon, QC, Canada

626.Professor Elizabeth Sheehy - LLB, LLM, LLD (Hons LSUC), 2014 Recipient of the CBA Ramon Hnatyshyn Award for Law

627.Idit Harel Shemesh - Machon Toda'a Awareness Center, Israel

628.Victoria Sherman - Italy

629.Sr. Terry Shields - MSHR President, Dawn's Place, Philadelphia, United States

630.Maire Ni Shuilleabhain - Support worker with women affected by prostitution and THB, Ireland

631.Linda Shuto - Vancouver, BC, Canada

632.Christiane Sibillotte - Comité justice sociale des soeurs auxiliatrices, Montréal, QC, Canada

633.Rachèle Simard - Artiste, Montréal, QC, Canada

634.Associate Professor Penelope Simons – BA, LLB, LLM, PhD, Honours: Human Security Fellow 2002-2004 Faculty of Law,

University of Toronto, ON, Canada

635.Ann Simonton - Media Watch, United States

636.Indrani Sinha - Executive Director, Sanlaap, India

637.Georgette Sirois - Infirmière retraitée, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada

638.Chris Sitka – Australia

639.Shannon Slight – Tasmania, Australia

640.Stephanie-Grace Skrobisz - Santa Cruz, CA, United States

641.Cherry Smiley - Nlaka’pamux/Thompson and Dine’/Navajo Nations, co-founder of Indigenous Women Against the Sex

Industry, BC, Canada

642.Keira Smith-Tague - Front line anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter, BC, Canada

643.Betty M. Smith - Camden, ME, United States

644.Linnea W. Smith - MD, North Carolina, United States

645.Peggy R. Smith - Lincolnville, ME, United States

646.Joan Smurthwaite - Catholic Women's League WA, Australia

647.Mudahogora Solange - Maitrise en sociologie avec spécialisation en études des femmes de l'université d'Ottawa,

Représentante de Femmes action en région métropolitaine de Halifax, NS, Canada

648.Silvia Elida Ortiz Solis - Representante del Grupo Civil VI.D.A, Torreon, Mexico

649.Carole Anne Soong - University Women’s Club, Vancouver, BC, Canada

650.Lisa Sparrow - Skowkale First Nation, Front-line anti-violence worker Chilliwack, BC, Canada

651.Emily Spence - BA, Vancouver, BC, Canada

652.Terre Spencer - United States

653.Anne-Marie Spera - Travaillese Sociale, Gatineau, QC, Canada

654.Nadine Spuls - Vancouver, BC, Canada

655.Michèle St-Amand - Sexologue et psychothérapeute, Laval, QC, Canada

656.Johanne St-Amour - Féministe, QC, Canada

657.Ginette St-Jean - Val Joli, QC, Canada

658.Professor Joanne St. Lewis BA, LLB - University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ONCanada

659.Ivana Stazio – Italy

660.Lisa Steacy - BA, front-line anti-violence worker, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter, BC, Canada


661.Cornelia Sternberg - Germany

662.Holly Stevens – Vancouver, BC, Canada

663.Hanne Storset - Analyzer, Social Sciences, Norway

664.Johanna Strand - Teacher and feminist, Norway

665.Terrie Strange - Organizing for Women’s Liberation, Yuma, AZ, United States

666.Emily Streibel - Raymond, AB, Canada

667.Eva Streibel - Raymond, AB, Canada

668.Katie Streibel - Transition House Worker, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter, BC, Canada

669.Agnete Strøm - The Women’s Front of Norway, Bergen, Norway

670.Leah Strudwick – Student, Toronto, ON, Canada

671.Annie Sugier - President, Ligue du Droit International des Femmes, Paris, France

672.Eun Soon Suh - Burnaby, BC, Canada

673.Amanda Sullivan - Equality Now, New York, United States

674.Doris Sullivan - Militante abolitionniste, Rawdon, QC, Canada

675.Rose Sullivan - Militante et survivante de la prostitution, Rawdon, QC, Canada

676.Elsie Suréna - Intervenante dans le domaine de la violence contre les femmes, Toronto, ON, Canada

677.Jacqueline Sutton - BA, Vancouver, BC, Canada

678.Fumi Suzuki - Executive Director, Space Allies, Japan

679.Eva-Britt Svensson - former Member of the European Parliament, Sweden

680.Hélène Sylvain - Conseillère pédagogique, St-Jérome, QC, Canada

681.Geneviève Szczepanik - Ph.d., Montréal, QC, Canada

682.Carolina Tafuri - Italy

683.Mairead Tagg - Clinical Psychologist and specialist in gender based violence, Scotland

684.Julie Talbot - Montréal, QC, Canada

685.Elsie Tan - MSN, member of University Women’s Club, Vancouver, BC, Canada

686.Emilia Tedesco - Turin, Italy

687.Karin Temerpley – Melbourne, Australia

688.Danièle Tessier - Sociologue, Montréal, QC, Canada

689.Randi Theil - Head of Secretariat, Women’s Council in Denmark (Kvinderådet)

690.Maj Britt Theorin - F. member of European Parliament and chairwomen of the

Committee of Women’s Right and Equality

691.Carole Thériault - Intervenante sociale au CALACS, St-Alphonse, QC, Canada

692.Mélanie Thétrault - Intervenante, Granby, QC, Canada

693.Joan Thomas - RN, PhD, Memphis, Tennessee, United States

694.Nia Thomas - Artist, London, United Kingdom

695.Linda Thompson - Women's Support Project, Scotland

696.Virginie Tiberghien - Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes Ottawa, ON, Canada

697.Yvonne Tierney – ON, Canada

698.Léa Trahan - Montréal, QC, Canada

699.Alice Tremblay - Montréal, QC, Canada

700.Karine Tremblay - Agente de liaison RQCALACS, Montréal, PQ, Canada

701.Dr. Jill Trenholm - Lecturer/researcher, Women's and Children's Health, Uppsala University, Sweden

702.Rita Trottier - Montréal, QC, Canada

703.Ada Tsang - BSW, Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution, Canada

704.Irene Tsepnopoulos-Elhaimer - Executive Director, Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre,

Vancouver, BC, Canada

705.Louise Turmel - Enseignante retraitée, Ville de Québec, QC, Canada

706.Jane Turner - Teacher, Burnaby, BC, Canada

707.Gale Tyler - Vancouver, BC, Canada

708.Anna Ulatowshki - Germany

709.Sara Ungar – ON, Canada

710.Nordic Model Advocates, United Kingdom

711.Adina Ungureanu - Ville Saint-Laurent, QC, Canada

712.Helen Uwangue - Benin City, Nigeria

713.France Vallières - Retraitée, Rive Sud, QC, Canada

714.Sylvie Van Brabant - Cinéaste, Montréal, QC, Canada

715.Nicolien Van Luijk - MA, PhD (c), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

716.Toni Van Pelt - Public Policy Director, Institute for Science and Human Values, Inc. FL, United States

717.Claudette Vandal - Montréal, QC, Canada

718.Helen Vasa - Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canada


719.Roberta Veenstra - Engaged Citizen, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

720.Marie Hélène Veillette - Conseillère en rééducation, Granby, QC, Canada

721.Sue Veneer - United Kingdom

722.Michèle Vianès - Présidente de regards de femmes, Lyon, France

723.Marilou Vidal - Bénévole GAP, Mercier, QC, Canada

724.Monique Vigneault - Retraitée, Amos, QC, Canada

725.Jeanne Villeneuve - Directrice des institutions patrimoniales Blueland, Conseillère de quartier mairie du 7° arrondissement de

Paris, Présidente de l’Association quartier Breteuil de Paris, France

726.Ariane Vinet-Bonin - Étudiante à la maîtrise en service social à l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada

727.Dr. Judith Walker - Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

728.Megan Walker - Executive Director, London Abused Women's Centre, London, ON, Canada

729.Zuilmah Wallis - Ireland

730.Dr. Renate Walther - Germany

731.Pei-Ju Wang - Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution, Canada

732.Claire Warmels - Étudiante en philosophie à Concordia University, Montréal, QC, Canada

733.Simone Watso - Exited survivor, Australia

734.Maureen Watt - Citoyenne, St-Lin-Laurentides, QC, Canada

735.Megan Watt - Leduc, AB, Canada

736.Karin Werkman - Researcher, the Netherlands

737.Morgan Westcott – Vancouver, BC, Canada

738.Chloe Westlake - BA, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

739.Vicki Wharton - Antipornculture, United Kingdom

740.Dr. Rebecca Whisnant - Director of Women's and Gender Studies, University of Dayton, United States

741.Cindy Wilkinson – ON, Canada

742.Jeri Williams - Survivor 2 Survivor, Portland, OR, United States

743.Jacqueline Wilson - Businesswoman and Philanthropist, Board Chair, Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis

Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada

744.Margareta Winberg - Former deputy prime minister and minister for gender equality, Sweden

745.Ursula Wojciechowski - Translator, Germany

746.Elizabeth Wolber – Teacher at Fraser Heights Secondary School, Collective member with Vancouver Rape Relief and

Women’s Shelter, BC, Canada

747.Angela Wong - Edmonton, AB, Canada

748.Crystal Wong – Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution, Canada

749.Maria Wong - Front line anti-violence worker Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter, BC, Canada

750.Jodie Woodward - Head of Operations, Nia Ending Violence, UK

751.Corey Lee Wrenn – founder Vegan Feminist Network, United States

752.Pauline Yargeau - Administratrice d’un centre d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel, Amos, QC, Canada

753.Elisabeth Zadnick – QC, Canada

754.Kerstin Zander - Re-Empowerment e.V., Deutschland

755.Clorinde Zephir - Professeure de littérature française, Directrice d'organisation féministe, Haïti

Men in support of this letter

756.Brian Africa – Vancouver, BC, Canada=

757.Dr. Ifode Ajari - Medical doctor, United States

758.Iroro Ajari - Nigeria

759.Obuks Ajari - Lagos, Nigeria

760.Kevin Ault - High School Teacher, Vancouver, BC, Canada

761.Louis Bélisle - Consultant en développement organisationnel, Montréal, QC, Canada

762.Alain Benoit - Travailleur du réseau de la santé, Montréal, QC, Canada

763.Bert Bjarland - Vice President, Profeministmiehet, Finland

764.Didier Bois - Enseignant, Paris, France

765.Andrew Bomberry - Policy Analyst/ Researcher, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

766.Paolo Botti - Executive Director, Associazione Amici di Lazzaro, Italy

767.Dr. Christoph Brake – Germany

768.Dr. Robert Brannon, Department of Psychology, Brooklyn College CUNY.

National Chairperson, NOMAS Task Group on Pornography, Prostitution, and Sex-Trafficking

769.Mordecai Briemberg - Member of StopWar.ca, retired College Instructor, Burnaby, BC, Canada

770.Stan Burditt - Founder, MAST-Men Against Sexual Trafficking, Canada

771.Giorgio Carpita - Italy

772.Denis Carrier - QC, Canada



773.Philippe Fortier Charette - Travailleur, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

774.Mathieu Charland-Faucher - Organisateur communautaire, Granby, QC, Canada

775.Gagan Chhabra - Student, Norway

776.Alex Coles - BFA Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada

777.Guillaume Danis - Militant, Saint-Lin, QC, Canada

778.James Darbouze - Enseignant-chercheur, Militant syndical, Port-au-Prince, Haïti

779.Jhonson Desir - Linguiste, Membre d'organisation féministe, Haïti

780.Timothy Dickau - DMin, Vancouver, BC, Canada

781.Martin Dufresne - Journalist, Le COUAC, Canada

782.Paul Eid - Professeur au Département de sociologie de l’UQAM, Montréal, QC, Canada

783.Pius Elue - Chicago, IL, United States

784.Renel Exentus - Militant Assumer Ayiti, Montréal, QC, Canada

785.Marco Fasoli - Turin, Italy

786.Professor Gene Feder - Professor of Primary Health Care, School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol,


787.Professor Bruce Feldthusen - former Dean, BA Queen’s, JD Michigan, LLB Western and LLM Michigan

788.Antonio Chiadò Fiorio Tin - Mayor, Massello Municipality, Province of Turin, Italy

789.Joshua Flavell - Sydney, Australia

790.Nicolas Flechier - Travailleur social, Membre d'organisation féministe, Haïti

791.Matt Fodor – ON, Canada

792.Daniele Gaglianone - Film Producer, Turin, Italy

793.Adam Gagnon - Militant, Beauharnois, QC, Canada

794.Martin Gallié - Professeur de droit à l’Université du Québec à Montréal, QC, Canada

795.Gabriel Garcia - Comptable, Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, QC, Canada

796.Claude Gendron - Retraité, Responsable des achats à la maison mère des Soeurs de miséricorde, Brossard, QC, Canada

797.Ioan Gi-Kwong - Étudiant, Bromont, QC, Canada

798.Massimo Gianasso - Turin Municipality Police Force, Turin, Italy

799.Maurizio Gili - Accountant, Senior Partner, Maurizio Gili & Co, Turin, Italy

800.Azlan Graves - LPN/Outreach nurse, Vancouver, BC, Canada

801.Chris Green - Director White Ribbon Campaign, UK

802.Michael Horowitz - CEO, 21 Century Initiatives, Principal Author of the US Trafficking Victims

803.Protection Act

804.Benedict Hynes - PhD candidate, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada

805.Biko Ismé-René - Étudiant, Artiste, Travailleur, Montréal, QC, Canada

806.Dr. Robert Jensen - University of Texas at Austin, Texas, United States

807.Thomas H. Kemsley - Vancouver, BC, Canada

808.Edoardo Kibongui - Italian Baptist Union of Churches, Turin, Italy

809.Anton Klepke - Sweden

810.Claude Labrecque - QC, Canada

811.Benjamin Lach – Germany

812.Marie-Thérèse Lacourse – QC, Canada

813.Matthew K. Laing - Vancouver, BC, Canada

814.Michael Laxer - Toronto City Council Candidate-Ward 6, Toronto, ON, Canada

815.Gabriel Legault - Mi-retraité service quincaillerie et ami dans la fam. Int. De la miséricorde, Lachine, QC, Canada

816.Gabriele Lenzi - Resistenza femminista, Italy

817.David Lohan - Co-Author "Open Secrets: An Irish Perspective on Trafficking & Witchcraft", Ireland

818.Oscar Sanchez Viesca Lopez - Miembro activo del grupo civil VI.D.A y amnrdac, Torreon, Mexico

819.Eli Mack-Hardiman – NY, United States

820.Claudio Magnabosco - Director and co-founder, Associazione Ragazze di Benin City, Italy

821.Guy Malette - Responsable des Achats et de la maintenance de la Maison mère des Soeurs de Miséricorde, Montréal, QC,


822.Pascal Marcil - Senior specialist, Bromont, QC, Canada

823.Dr. Michael Markwick - Capilano University, North Vancouver, BC, Canada

824.Colin Mingus – Vancouver, BC, Canada

825.Josua Mata - Secretary-General, SENTRO Labor Center, Philippines

826.Hugh McElveen - Independent Researcher, Ireland

827.David McHugh - Vancouver, BC, Canada

828.Ronald Meyer - Halfmoon Bay, BC, Canada

829.Patrick Morin - Militant, Valleyfield, QC, Canada

830.Ryan Munn – Vancouver, BC, Canada


831.Jonathan Nambu - Executive Director, Samaritana Transformation Ministries, Inc., Philippines

832.Michael Nestor - Australia

833.David H. Nguyen - Editor-in-Chief, Cancer InCytes Magazine, USA

834.Irwin Oostindie - Media producer, Vancouver, BC, Canada

835.Arinze Orakue - Director of PR, Nigerian National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), Abuja,


836.Joe Osagie - Greater London City Council, London, UK

837.Lucky Oseye - Turin, Italy

838. Simeon Pang – Vancouver, BC, Canada

839. Pascale Parent - Interventante CALACS de Rimouski, Rimouski, QC, Canada

840. Dan Peters - Partnership Co-ordinator, Native Women’s Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

841. Alain Philoctète - Coordonateur de programmes, Poète, Maîtrise en pratique de recherche et action publique, Montréal, QC,


842. Richard Poulin - Professeur émérite département de sociologie et d'anthropologie de l’Université d'Ottawa, Professeur

associé à l’Institut de recherches et d'études féministes (IREF) de l’Université du

843. Québec à Montréal, Ville Mont-Royal, QC, Canada

844. Professor Keith Pringle - Professor of Sociology with a specialism in social work, Uppsala University, Sweden; Adjungeret

Professor, Aalborg University, Denmark; and Honorary Professor, University of Warwick, UK

845. Fred Robert - Fondateur, Zéromacho

846. Vincent Romani - Professeur régulier, département de science politique à l’Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, QC,


847. Marc Andris Saint Louis - Travailleur social, Membre d'organisation féministe, Haïti

848.Dario Saluz - Architect, Turin, Italy

849.Hugh Samson - B.Sc, P. Geo. Vancouver, BC, Canada

850.François Savard - Directeur de la Maison mère des Soeurs de Miséricorde, Montréal, QC, Canada

851.Philippe Scelles - Président d'honneur et vice-président de la Fondation Scelles

852.Yves Scelles - Vice-président de la Fondation Scelles, France

853.Reece K. Sellin - Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada

854.Marc André Sullivan - Militant, Montréal, QC, Canada

855.François Trudel - Directeur d'entreprise Chandelles tradition, St-Constant, QC, Canada

856.Elcid Vedinel - Linguiste, Membre d'organisation féministe, Haïti

857.Ray Justin Ventura - National Chairperson, Youth and Students Advancing Gender Equality (YSAGE), Philippines

858.Max Waltman - PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University, Sweden

859.Marv Wheale - Home Health Air, Vancouver, BC, Canada

860.Jonathan R. Wilson - Ph.D., Carey Theological College, Vancouver, BC, Canada

861.Carlo Italo Zanotti - Architect, Senior Partner, Artom & Zanotti Associati, Turin, Italy

862.David Zimmerman - GEMS Council of Daughters, National Survivor Network, Polaris Project Legislative Circle, United

States of America