July 2013.pdf

July 2013 Vol. 68, #7 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. - Psalm 48:1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Faithful Church: Serves Others page 3 Monthly Sermon page 4 Oklahoma Disaster Response Update page 6 Fishers of Men in Prescott page 8 Biblical Financial Stewardship page 10 Our Spiritual Heritage page 70 Into Subjection page 71

Transcript of July 2013.pdf

July 2013Vol. 68, #7

Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. - Psalm 48:1

InsIde thIs Issuethe Faithful Church: serves Otherspage 3

Monthly sermonpage 4

Oklahoma disaster Response updatepage 6

Fishers of Men in Prescottpage 8

Biblical Financial stewardshippage 10

Our spiritual heritagepage 70

Into subjectionpage 71


to Our Readers

The Silver Lining1523 County Road 400NCongerville, IL 61729

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Published Monthly by the Apostolic

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Tom Stock, Rick Plattner

Official Apostolic Christian Church



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Greetings in the precious name of Jesus!

As you’ve probably already noticed, the Silver Lining looks a little different this month. Our production team has enhanced the publication with the goal of providing consistency of formatting, improved readability and enhanced visual appeal.

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The production team will continue to fine-tune the new template in future issues, so your input is appreciated as we work to make this publication an even greater blessing to our church.

In His Love,

Silver Lining Counseling Elders


Light from the Wordthe Faithful Church: serves Others“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10)

In the midst of a self-serving world, true believers have an opportunity to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ by serving others. It is too easy to get caught up by the whirlwind of activities that surround us nearly every day as we fulfill our earthly pursuits. Although we need to provide for our families, it is not necessary for God’s children to get caught in the web of materialism and entertainment. There is no end to the fleshly desire for more of the “good” things that the world has to offer.

One of the ways we can escape the trap of materialism is by serving others. We only have a fixed number of hours in a day and in our lifetime. If we spend too much time on self interests, there may not be enough time to serve others.

The fourth pillar in the Mission Statement of our church is “To offer loving, humble deeds of service to fellow believers and all mankind in the name of Christ”. As we look to the Bible for instruction to fulfill this mission, we find ample instruction from Jesus about serving others.

When asked by a lawyer what he should do to inherit eternal life, Jesus confirmed to him, and to us, that the two great commandments are to “…love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.” (Luke 10:27) Trying to justify himself, the lawyer asked “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus pointed out very clearly that the true neighbor was the one who served in time of need. (Luke 10:30-37). Mercy was shown by lovingly serving the injured traveler.

To learn true service, we must look to Jesus’ example. If we carefully consider what Jesus said and did, we can learn how to apply the two greatest commandments. Although He was the Master, He was here to serve. “I

am among you as he that serveth.” (Luke 22:27). The Son of God, who truly is our Lord and Master, and had the authority to require others to serve Him “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.” (Phil. 2:7). He taught us that if we think we “…have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.” (Luke 17:10).

As Lord and master, He was willing to humble himself. On the way to the cross He still modeled to all His love for and submission to the Heavenly Father, even though He knew one of His disciples would betray him, one would deny that he even knew Him, and all would for a time desert Him. (John 13:4-5). He still looked into the hearts of His disciples and loved them with deep compassion as He continued to teach truth and to lay the foundation for Holy Communion. Jesus went beyond providing for the needs of this life. He fulfilled the ultimate act of service for each of us by giving His life on the cross and shedding His blood for our sins.

As believers in Christ, we want to follow His example by serving Him and His children. How can we serve Him when He is not on earth? We can worship, honor and praise Him, and glorify His name by following His commandments. A natural response from those who love and serve Him is to perform loving deeds of kindness to His people and to all who are in need. When we serve His people, we serve Him. Jesus told of those who could not remember when they had fed, clothed, visited and given him drink. He said “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:40).

We know that individually we cannot help everyone. Where do we start? Jesus often reminded us to serve the poor: “…call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: and thou shalt be blessed because they cannot recompense thee.”

Writings based on God’s Word

— Continued on pg. 69


Monthly Sermon

sermon by Bro. tony Manz Junction, OhNumbers 3 & 2 Corinthians 9

I’m thankful for the many expressions of prayers and support as we were able to have this noon recess. I’m thankful a mighty God who holds in His hands, not only today, but tomorrow and each day that would come our way. So we understand, don’t we, that while we live in the present we have our challenges that we’re facing, but we are also preparing for the future. That’s part of daily life.

One of those ways that we prepare is we eat, and don’t we appreciate so much that the Lord lays a banquet before us as we come into His house – a spiritual feast. I think you probably find it as I do that as we go away, we’re filled to overflowing. Perhaps we don’t appreciate so much the goodness of the food realizing that God has met our needs so many times and answered prayers so many times that we’ve come to count on it. I think that’s ok, but we do need to continue to pray. We do need to continue to understand that there is a journey to be faced, and we do need to take new sustenance. So to that end we open the Word together prayerfully and let God lead us.

It would good to keep in mind as we read this together that this was brand new to the people as God was revealing His will and order of worship to them. This is something that wasn’t handed down from generation to generation. They didn’t know any of what they were supposed to do, and so understandably they were pretty attentive trying to understand what was expected of them. They had a tradition of faith that was established through their fathers, but it wasn’t an ordered way of worship. They did what their fathers had always done, but now God was asking them to do it His way. Let also pay good attention.

We can see with this new way of worship that we understand when God saves us from disaster, as a right then, we are His. That is reinforced in the New Testament

– it says we are purchased with a price (1 Corinthians 6:20). Jesus came to redeem us, but in that redeemed state, we are not our own anymore. We no longer have the ability to order our own life. We don’t have the right, so to say, to make our own decisions. Since we were destined for death, that which was or that which would have been is dead – our own ability to make decisions, our own ability to set our future course. We die in Him and then we live in Him as it said in the New Testament: we die daily but yet I live and the life which I now live I live through the faith of the Son of God who gave Himself for me (Galatians 2:20).

When we think about that, this principle that was reinforced by our Lord here in this life was established already in this first covenant – that we are not to be our own. We’re to be God’s. We’re to do it His way or allow Him to set aside the pattern and the order of worship.

Then we also see that God had chosen according to His own way, His own timing, His own wishes, that instead of redeeming on the promise that every firstborn would be His, [as we read back in the story of how they were saved by the shedding of blood. The lamb’s blood was put on the lintel of the doorpost and as a result they were saved from death, a death that was as certain as life was. As a result, God said now all of the firstborn are holy. They are mine. (Exodus 12 & 13, Numbers 3:13)], instead of claiming that promise or that right that God had, He said instead take one tribe in twelve and set them aside for my purposes to carry about the needs of the tabernacle, the needs of the ways of worship (Numbers 3:5-8). Because the numbers didn’t add up exactly, there was a specific accounting given that for every excess firstborn there was compared to the men of the Tribe of Levi, there was money to be given as well (Numbers 3:44-51), and then it was God-pleasing. He was satisfied at that point. But then they had to take up these new duties, and as we said they didn’t know what those were. They didn’t know what kind of worship God wanted. One of the principles that we see as we read through some of these


chapters that are perhaps a little bit difficult to get through is that purity was a requirement. Those who were going to be in the service of God had to make themselves pure.

So we take that to the New Testament and we’re told the heart is the temple, the tabernacle, the place where God dwells, the place where He puts His name, and it’s to be pure (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). It’s supposed to be clean. It’s supposed to be a place set aside for the purpose of worshiping God. We call that term ‘set aside’ consecrated. We’re to have a consecrated heart. So all of these things, and there are many others that perhaps God will reveal to us as time would go on, but the pattern of worship in our New Testament church was established as a longstanding pattern of worship by God Himself. God wrote these things for our benefit to help us to understand that when He chooses a soul to work in His vineyard, He will bless both those who send and those who are sent equally. Each has a role, but God blesses each one.

Just a few other thoughts from the Old Testament Scripture before we consider the New Testament teachings contained in many different places on charitable giving. I had to think as God was establishing this new way of worship, He was disappointed by the way in which it was actually carried out. Unfortunately that’s part of the human experience – God trusts us to do the work, and we don’t do it perfectly. But the amazing thing isn’t that we fail; the amazing thing is that God continues to trust us with doing that kind of work. I think it’s a pretty good lead-in to this thought of giving with a cheerful heart.

Levi and Judah were called out. It was first given by their father as he addressed each of his sons. They were given a special role. It wasn’t until these many years later, if we read from the Scriptures somewhere around four hundred years later, that it was actually carried out. Then the actual job that Judah was to take, which was to be the lawgiver, was perhaps another several hundred years until the first king of Judah was established on the throne of which God had said forever there would be one. There would always be a king sitting on the throne of Judah.

But Levi was called out, and from what little we can read in the Scripture about Levi’s qualifications, they weren’t very good. He and his brother Simeon were some of the ones that treacherously dealt with their brother-in-law because they were upset with how he had treated their sister (Genesis 34). It wasn’t a very godly way to react, but nevertheless God called out his family to serve Him.

As we read this together about Moses and Aaron taking their different roles, I just had to wonder – from an earthly sense we would have probably said they had the roles backwards. If we remember the time when the burning bush happened, Moses said I don’t know how to talk. I’m not very good at it, and God said your brother Aaron will meet you. He knows how to speak well so I’m going to send him with you. He can speak for you. (Exodus 3 & 4)

As it turned out, God knew what He was doing. God didn’t, as we often hear, call the qualified. He qualified the called. Moses turned into the one who did the speaking. Moses was the learned one. He’s the one that had spent the time in Egypt perhaps studying religions, perhaps understanding the various different issues that would arise. He was the son-in-law of a priest. It seems Moses perhaps was better suited, from our viewpoint, to be the spiritual leader and Aaron the administrative one, but God didn’t call them that way.

As it works out, God’s needs were met. He was able to teach His people. He was able to lead His people. While sometimes it went contrary to nature, it went. God was able to bless them for their efforts, and the people were satisfied. Their needs were met.

Then as we would think further, God had established that for Moses and his children the administrative role would not be hereditary, but the spiritual one would be. Again that seems backwards. It seems different than what the world would do. A hereditary kingship is very common, and a hereditary priestship isn’t. Even to this

— Continued on pg. 63


Oklahoma Disaster Response UpdateIt’s been a little over a month since a series of devastating tornadoes ripped through the Oklahoma City area. Thousands of homes were destroyed and more than

twenty lives were lost in this disaster.

World Relief responded immediately by partnering with an organization to provide Family Food Boxes. Thousands of food boxes were distributed to victims of these storms who

lost their homes and belongings. Thousands of food boxes were given to victims of these storms. Each box contains food and personal hygiene items to sustain a family of four for 4 to 5 days. A Bible is also included to provide the spiritual sustenance required in this difficult situation.

In addition, World Relief provided financial support to an organization that specializes in first response. By studying weather patterns, they are able to anticipate when and where the next disaster may hit. They position their rapid response team near storm locations and, when alerted to potential disaster, deploy immediately with their fleet of specialized disaster response equipment. They were on the scene in Oklahoma promptly to provide assistance to municipalities and local first responders in the wake of the devastation.

Identifying families who need help Two weeks after the massive EF5 tornado hit Moore, members of the World Relief USA Committee traveled to Oklahoma to survey the damage and to explore ways to be involved in the recovery of this community.

Contact was made with several organizations who are involved in the case management process. This

cooperative effort seeks to identify those families who cannot recover without help from others.

This process requires time for victims to apply for assistance and for case managers to review applications and verify financial need. Typically, this process takes a minimum of three to four months to complete. At the time of our visit, we explained the scope of our capabilities and assured them of our desire to serve.

Rebuilding projects As the process moves forward, the rebuilding projects and the prospect of future volunteer needs is becoming clear. Within the next several weeks, another trip to Oklahoma will provide an opportunity to meet with case management workers to review the needs that have been identified. Through past experiences, we have found this process to be of great value in directing us to those most in need.

Mobilizing our volunteers Critical to the implementation of a disaster-rebuilding project, is the need to locate a suitable facility to house our volunteers. The search for such a facility began on our first visit to the Moore area.

Since that time, a facility has been located and a tentative agreement has been reached regarding the use of

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:10

— Continued on pg. 9


Oklahoma Disaster Response Update AC Publications Overview

...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. – Matthew 9:37-38

It is the mission of Apostolic Christian Publications to promote spiritual growth and religious training by developing, publishing and disseminating Christian materials relating to the needs, purposes and functions of the Apostolic Christian Church of America.

Publications Committee The Publications Committee currently consists of sixteen brothers from various churches throughout the country. Brothers, including two Elder brothers, serve ten-year terms. All churches are welcome to be on the rotation to serve on this committee. If your church is currently not involved, please call or e-mail Apostolic Christian Publications and you will be added to the list. The committee typically meets twice a year in January and June, but is in communication on issues and ideas throughout the year.

scope of services• Provide retail distribution for Christian material sales• Maintain inventory for the brotherhood needs.• Preserve availability of doctrinally sound materials.• Review potential additions to materials offered as

directed by the Communications Committee.

Merging operations Recently the decision was made to bring the operations of the Bluffton Bible Distribution under the umbrella of Apostolic Christian Publications. Each year thousands of Bibles, Bible story books, and tracts are either sold or given away freely through the efforts of volunteers. Offerings are made through hospitals, prison ministries, food pantries, truck stops, doctors’ offices, newspaper advertisements, and many other avenues.

new building plans As a result of the need for additional space arising from the Bible Distribution merger, the Apostolic Christian

Publications Committee has received support to build a new bookstore and warehouse. The new site is on the property of the Goodfield World Relief Distribution Center. The current location in Eureka has served us well since December 1989, but with the additional duties, the Committee felt the need for increased space.

Having the bookstore on the site of the Distribution Center will benefit both organizations, as it provides an opportunity to make effective use of the collective resources already available. Final permitting and plans are under way, with construction at the new site expected to begin around mid-year 2013.

Bible study materials Now available on our website and in the bookstore are Bible study materials developed under the direction of the Bible Study Development Committee. Three studies are currently available with more studies under development. Please check the website or visit the bookstore for new material.

PdF articles Archived PDFs of the Silver Lining starting with the June 2010 issue are available for free download on the Apostolic Christian Publications website. These are complete copies of the Silver Lining publication. Light from the Word articles are also available on the website.

Church practice booklets There are eight booklets describing various aspects of church life. The historical origins of each practice have been traced and explained. These are available in booklet form or as free PDF downloads on our website. These are great for teaching our students and informing those who have a lack of understanding of some of our practices.

— Continued on pg. 9


Families enjoy the area Many of the current families were drawn to the Prescott area by the wonderful four-season climate, including the changing of the leaves in the fall and snow in the winter, as they are at approximately 5,000 feet elevation.

The area includes many small but growing towns, while still offering the relative closeness of large city services. Innumerable opportunities for outdoor activities, full services for retirement and education for younger people, also continue to be attractions to the area today.

Prescott is an easy 100-mile drive north of Phoenix and 100 miles southwest of Flagstaff. It is the county seat of Yavapai County and has a population of 40,000. With nearby small towns, the total population is about 100,000.

Opportunities for service “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matt 4:19

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27

To fulfill the commands, to be “fishers of men” and to take care of orphan children, three families from the Prescott, Arizona church are embarking on an outreach ministry called Redemption Hill Ranch. Two of these families have moved there for this purpose. Their mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where children and families can learn about the saving hope of Jesus Christ, and acquire practical skills such as car mechanics, carpentry, concrete, landscaping, gardening and livestock.

To assist at the ranch, two single members have also moved from the Midwest. This gives Prescott church a total of eleven families, seven singles, and seventeen children who live and worship in this area. Many of these families and singles were also drawn to the area through

Fishers of Men in Prescott, AZ

...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. – Matthew 9:37-38

— Continued on pg. 9

The first sermon by an Apostolic Christian minister was preached in Prescott on May 4, 1986 by Elder Bro. Richard Schupbach from Phoenix, with approximately forty six people in attendance. At that time, they met in a modified mobile home situated behind the office of a chiropractor, Ray Massner. Bro. Harvey and Sis. Ethel Smith, a relative of Ray’s, had moved to the Prescott area to live.

An encouraging footnote to Ray’s generosity of letting the Prescott gathering use part of his facility for many years is that Ray found grace to repent shortly before passing into eternity.

For a number of years thereafter, an average of 45 people attended services, which were held once a month by Phoenix ministers. In 1995, services were started weekly, with ministers continuing to support them from Phoenix and Tucson. In 1998 the congregation was able to purchase land, and in February 2000 a new church building was constructed in a subdivision on the north edge of Prescott.

Recently, Bro. Stan Schambach has been called to the ministry in Prescott. He and his wife, Sis. Norma, will also continue serving as the contacts there. Prescott has and will continue to enjoy support from ministers across the country as part of the national minister rotation. They are also blessed to be supported by the Phoenix, AZ church. Bro. Jon Kokanovich has oversight of the church.


— Continued from pg. 6 — Continued from pg. 7Oklahoma update AC Publications

Combined hymnal This is a combination of the

Hymns of Zion and the Tabernacle Hymns in one book. This hymnal as well as the Hymns of Zion, Tabernacle Hymns, Gospel Hymns, and The Children’s Harp are all available for order.

spanish materialsA number of Spanish materials

have been made available as free downloads or can be ordered from the store. Included among these are a Church Welcome booklet, Himnos de la Iglesia, Statement of Faith, God’s Perfect Plan of Salvation tract, and La Manana Gloriosa, a CD of acappella hymns from Himnos de la Iglesia.

Contact info:Apostolic Christian Publications 805 W Cruger St Eureka, IL 61530Phone and Fax: 309-467-3611 Email: [email protected] www.acpublications.orgHours: Mon - Fri 8:30am – 11:30am


Fishers of Men— Continued from pg. 8

Continued Articles

this facility for the three month time period. This facility offers sleeping areas for both men and women, a commercial kitchen with large dining area, a chapel and adequate parking space for the fleet of World Relief vehicles and equipment. We are thankful for the Lord’s direction in locating this facility.

Worship services Consideration will soon be given to the options for Sunday worship services. With the closest Apostolic Christian Churches around three hours away, this may require services to be held on site. Volunteers would also have the option of attending services in Kiowa or Wichita before driving to Oklahoma City. These small churches would appreciate the opportunity for more fellowship.

Volunteer opportunities Please pray for the Lord’s continued direction as we seek to do His will as we serve the needs of these disaster victims. As plans become more solidified, opportunities for volunteers will be communicated through the World Relief email.

For more information contact:Les Schambach(630) 377-5271 Home(630) 247-5271 [email protected]

the Lord’s leading to support a small church and foster outreach into the community.

In addition to the ranch, the Prescott church family is active in spreading the gospel in their areas of employment and with neighbors and friends. They serve meals monthly at the Prescott Area Woman’s Shelter and provide World Relief activities that involve everyone, ages four and up.

Come worship with us The church family invites everyone to come and worship with them. Please pray for the growth of their congregation and God’s continued blessings. If it is in His will, prayerfully consider moving to the Prescott area.

Services are held at 10:00 am and 12:15 pm (MST) every Sunday. In addition, Bible studies are held one Wednesday night per month. See the Apostolic Christian Churches and Ministers book for additional details and contacts for planning purposes.

The church is located at:5675 Foxglove PlacePrescott, AZ 86305(928) 777-0425

10 SILVER LINING July 2013

Biblical Financial StewardshipPart three of threeHow much a person should give to charitable causes is a very personal and confidential decision. There are so many organizations that depend on donations to finance their ministries. Clearly, the needs are unlimited but our resources are limited. One would receive a wide variety of answers to the question, “How much should I give?” Fortunately, God’s Word gives us clear direction on this all-important matter of giving.

There is no question or doubt that God desires His children to place a high priority on giving. Jesus told His disciples, “ freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8) The Apostle Paul reminded the Corinthians that “God loveth a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) And in Acts, Paul tells the elders of Ephesus that they should, “remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)

An attitude of giving is simply a natural consequence of living out the principle that we do not own our possessions – we are stewards of that which God owns and has entrusted us to manage. Perhaps we were accustomed to asking God the question, “Lord, what should I do with my money?” But once we acknowledge that He owns it all, our prayer changes to, “Lord, what should I do with Thy money?” That’s stewardship versus ownership.

Attitudes for GivingWe first need to understand that God’s Word tells us “how” we give is just as important as “how much” we give. Without a proper attitude, our gifts – no matter how large or small – will not bring the intended blessing. And although our motivation for giving can be hidden from men, it is well known to God because His Word is a “discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

a. Our giving should be done willingly and cheerfully.

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a

cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)The word “grudgingly” in this verse means “with

sadness, grief, sorrow, or heaviness.” It describes one who gives with a reluctant attitude, preferring rather to use his gift for personal pleasure. What’s interesting here is that the recipient still receives the blessing of the gift, but the giver’s blessing is reduced.

b. Our giving should be with humility and pure motives.

In order for our giving to receive the greatest blessing, our motivation must be with the purest of intentions. Jesus Himself taught this very important principle:

“Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: that thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.” (Matthew 6:1-4)

(Note: the word “alms” in this passage means “acts of compassion or beneficence toward the poor” and is not restricted to just the giving of money.)

The principle can be simply stated as follows: When we give the resources that God has bestowed on us to help others, we can have as our reward either the glory and praise of men or the blessing of God; we cannot have both.

c. Our giving should be a high priority.In the Old Testament, God instructed His people

that the firstfruits of the harvest were to be given to Him: “The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the Lord thy God.” (Exodus 34:26) This theme is repeated and extended to all our “substance” in Proverbs: “Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase.” (Proverbs 3:9) The next verse reveals the blessing that will come from obeying this command: “So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy

July 2013 SILVER LINING 11

first be submitted to God and His will for us. We also need to be discerning of God’s leading through the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. Finally, we need to ask for God’s specific direction in giving and to open the doors that will show us His direction for our giving.

Crown Financial Stewardship Bible Study materials can be purchased from www.acpublications.org.

presses shall burst out with new wine.”Paul gave the Corinthians a simple yet effective

method for applying this principle in their daily lives:“Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay

by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” (1 Corinthians 16:2)

Setting a priority on our giving means “taking from the top” instead of “surrendering the leftovers.”

how Much to GiveEven among those who have a heart to give, there is a wide diversity in the answer to the question above.

In the Old Testament, God commanded His people to give a tithe, or ten percent, to the Lord. This was so important that He condemned them for not tithing properly:

“Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.” (Malachi 3:8-9)

The noteworthy characteristic of a tithe is that it is systematic and equitable. Whether an individual has little or great wealth, the tithe results in giving that is proportional to his or her material resources.

The teachings of the New Testament do not command God’s people to tithe. In fact, Jesus used the word “tithe” in rebuking the scribes and Pharisees for their self-righteous acts (see Matthew 23:23). And, when Jesus told the parable of the Pharisee and the publican, the self-righteous Pharisee proudly mentioned his fasting and tithing in his prayer (see Luke 18:12).

What the New Testament does offer are these two recommendations:

a. Our giving should be in proportion to the material blessings we have received.

b. Our giving should be done willingly, cheerfully, and sacrificially.

To answer the above question, it is critical that we

have thine Own Way Lord “Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!Thou art the potter, I am the clay!Mold me and make me after thy will While I am waiting, yielded and still.Have thine own way. Lord! Have thine own way!Search me and try me, master, today!Whiter than snow, Lord, wash me just now, As in thy presence humbly I bow.Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!Wounded and weary, help me, I pray!Power, all power surely is thine! Touch me and heal me, Savior divine.Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!Hold o’er my being absolute sway!Fill with thy Spirit till all shall see Christ only, always, living in me”

“The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.” Zeph. 3:17 “And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27 “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:19

12 SILVER LINING July 2013

Congregation Updates

Apostolic Christian home for the handicappedachh.org A Volunteer Dinner was held thanking those who have donated time and talent to the mission of Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped. Our volunteers include those who have been active in supporting the Home since Day 1, even before the Timber Ridge building was constructed. Many volunteers have come on board over the years since 1971, using their skills to improve life for our residents. There are young people who volunteered for the first time this past year.

The labor done by skilled tradesmen is valued highly. A resident in one of our homes would put a very high value on the young person who spent an evening playing games with them. Each volunteer is a blessing to us.

Speakers at the Volunteer Dinner told of God’s amazing provision through volunteers and donors for the renovation of the Jefferson Street office for the CILA program. Not only did this provision benefit the ACHH agency, but it was also a wonderful testimony of Christ’s love to staff who watched it all unfold.

It took the willingness of drivers to drive the bus and teachers to teach for a mother’s prayers for her child’s spiritual nurturing to be answered. Hearts were touched as she gave us

an inside look at the years and miles of God’s provision for her daughter with special needs.

Everyone who is interested in the mission of Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped can contribute by continuing to pray for us. And we thank you for that.

Gateway Woods Apostolic Christian Children’s homeJanice Beer, Foster Care Secretary Gateway Woods Annual Auction! What is the first thing that comes to your mind—the great fellowship, the yummy food, the fun of bidding? Before I came on staff at Gateway Woods, those were the things I enjoyed too.

Let me tell you what the Gateway Woods Annual Auction means to me now. Encouragement. Yes, encouragement! The fellowship is truly great. The food is indeed yummy. The proceeds raised from the items bid upon provide crucial funding, but an “invisible” benefit of the Auction is the encouragement it gives Gateway Woods staff. There is no dollar value for encouragement.

Gateway Woods Family Services is a ministry to needy, hurting children and families. Because Jesus is the answer, and we follow Him in meeting the needs of our clients, we work on a spiritual battlefield. Satan tries to use all sorts of “weapons” to deter us from God’s work. I believe one of his most successful tactics is

discouragement. Often we don’t get to see the end

result of our labor. We don’t know if the seed of Truth that was planted has yielded any fruit yet. Satan likes to make houseparents or foster parents feel like they are alone in the fight with these young people. Some of us sit in offices behind computers all day and wonder how our work has any impact. Other staff members see their clients refuse the Truth and continue on in their ungodly lifestyles. Discouragement creeps in.

At last year’s Auction, the overwhelming feeling of encouragement from all who attended moved me to tears. It had been a difficult year in the Foster Care Department, and the sight of the huge crowd of people attending the Auction gave me an indescribable feeling of encouragement. Satan wanted me to think that we were in this battle practically alone, but the sight of all the people who came to the Auction killed his lie. Houseparents have told me that they have felt this same refreshing encouragement when seeing so many people attend the Auction to support this mission.

On some of these gray Indiana days when Satan tries to bully me, I quickly remember the sight of the huge crowd of people who attended the Auction. I feel humbled and encouraged to carry on His work. Thank you for the support of your

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attendance. News:

Mark your calendars! The Annual Gateway Woods Auction is coming this year on Saturday, August 3. Come join us and nearly two thousand others for a wonderful day of fellowship with loved ones, good food, giving and so much more! Also, if you are interested in donating an item for this year’s auction, please contact your local representative or contact Ross Feller at 888.443.4283 or [email protected].

Gateway Woods is seeking a dedicated individual to serve as the Executive Director for the organization. If you feel that God has gifted you to lead an organization, and you have a passion to serve children and families, please see the notice at the back of this issue.

We are looking for summer volunteers! This is a great opportunity for brothers or sisters of any age to serve children in need, spend time with old friends, and get to know some new people. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit gatewaywoods.org/supporters/volunteer or contact Bro. Derek Steffen at [email protected] or via phone at 616.822.8409.

We are so thankful to welcome two new sets of Alternate Houseparents to the Gateway Woods residential team! Bro. Jon & Sis. Beth Ringger (Leo) and Bro. Paul & Sis. Leanne Fischer (Leo) will all join the

staff in late June/early July! Please be prayerful for them as they transition into their houses.

Currently our campus is completely full! This is a wonderful opportunity to serve more children and families, but it also is stressful for everyone involved. We would be thankful for your prayers, especially for the houseparents and teachers.

We are grateful to God for providing us with wonderful Staff. We have several career positions available: one opening for a Development Coordinator, and an opening for a Foster Care Program Manager. For more information please see the notice at the back of this issue or visit the Career Opportunities page on our website at www.gatewaywoods.org/supporters/career-opportunities. We trust that God will continue to provide qualified, mature brothers and sisters who will serve Him in a ministry that is ‘Turning Lives Around’. Perhaps this includes you!

You are an important advocate to help us spread the word about God’s work at Gateway Woods. Please continue to lift us up in prayer, check our website www.gatewaywoods.org and our Facebook page at facebook.com/gatewaywoods often for updates, and make sure that you are on our mailing list. If you would like be added to our mailing list, please contact us at 888.443.4283 or send an email to [email protected].

Finally, if you would like to receive a monthly email detailing how the work at Gateway Woods is bringing help and healing to those in need, please consider joining our Restoring Hope email list. You can do so at our website or by emailing [email protected].

Apostolic Christian Preschool Athens, ALSusan Koch June 2013 seemed to fly by. Then we had a solid week of rain which rejuvenated everything. The grass and gardens are green once again. We enjoyed spending time with the Indianapolis Sunday School kids who came down on a work team. They were so willing to work and a joy in fellowship. Thank you so much for your hard work and the love you’ve shown us here at the preschool.

Ms. Kalla’s students are learning how to be cowboys and cowgirls on their Wild West Roundup. With this theme, they are learning just how much they are “Wanted by Christ.”

Ms. Louise’s class is reviewing their letters and numbers. They also made lighthouses to “Shine for Jesus.” Each student was represented by a sea gull flying around the lighthouse. It makes me think about how some animals are attracted to light. We need to shine our lights before men so all can see Jesus in us.

My kids have learned about different modes of transportation.

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Congregation Updates

Brad and Sis. Sandy Bauer and the grandson of Bro. Don and Sis. Glo Bauer. Nick plans to stay in Tucson and continue his education in the fall.

We enjoyed a visit from Bro. Jeff Neihouser (Morton) on Father’s Day weekend. He and his wife, Sue, were here to visit their daughter, Kendra, who is in Tucson for a month in conjunction with her work at the Magdalena orphanage. We appreciate their visit and thank Bro. Jeff for his service on the pulpit.

We officially hit the 100 degree mark in June. It’s not our favorite event of the year, but bound to happen nonetheless. This is the time of year where we start to look forward to monsoon season and the relief it brings from the dry, intense heat.

California, Altadena“For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

We are sorrowed at the passing of Bro. Laszlo (Sis. Maria) Cser on June 14, 2013. He was a godly example and will be sorely missed by his family and church family.

We continue to pray for Marian (Dick) Hecker as she battles illness, Ann (Aaron) Yaussi ‘s recuperation and for Bro. Bob Crockett’s upcoming surgery.

The Sunday School picnic was enjoyed by the church in June. We are grateful to: Bro. Scott (Sis. Shayna) Mangers, Bro. Dave (Sis.

the final destination. Once you turn off Hwy 64, the Fellowship area is the first drive on the left.

Arizona, PhoenixHeather Hinrichsen We thank Bro. Doug Wagenbach (San Diego) and Bro. Matt Steffen (Princeville) for ministering to us this month.

The Jr. and Sr. Bible classes spent a week serving those in Magdalena, MX. Houses were started, concrete was poured, painting was done and friendships were made all in the name of our Lord and Savior. We are grateful and thankful for a safe and blessed trip.

Our prayers and sympathy are extended to the families of Ed Greenbank (Leslie) and Bro. Bud Hartman.

“Fear Not” was the theme of VBS this year. Bro. Jeff Fischer (Fort Scott) instructed us on what fear is and the causes of fear. Bro. Matt Steffen (Princeville) instructed us on what we should and should not fear. We thank these brothers and all the teachers and those who helped make VBS a blessed time for the children and adults.

Arizona, tucsonLisa Knapp We congratulate Nicholas Bauer on his graduation from high school on May 23. Nick is the son of Bro.

We learned about work trucks (dump trucks, semis), vehicles with wheels (cars, jeeps), and vehicles without wheels (boats, planes, etc.). Hope your summer is going as well as ours!

Alabama, AthensRoger and Becky Roberts We were once again blessed by those who traveled many miles to join us for Memorial Day Weekend. Bro. Leland Plattner (Zapata, TX) encouraged us on prayer. Others ministering to us were Elder Bro. Andy (Sis. Roberta) Stoller (Smithville, OH), Elder Bro. Tom (Sis. Sue) Waldbeser (Atlanta, GA), Bro. Mark (Sis. Sue) Steiner (Smithville, OH), Bro. Roger (Sis. Judy) Sauder (Ft. Lauderdale, FL) and Bro. Fred (Sis. Diane) Funk (Morton, IL).

Also sharing God’s Word with us this month were Bro. Duane (Sis. Kay) Reutter (Rockville, CT) and Bro. Bill (Sis. Miriam) Brake (Sardis, OH). We appreciate each one’s willingness to serve.

We are keeping Sis. Mae (Bro. Doug) Haggenmaker in our prayer as she grieves the loss of her father.

A guest apartment is available in the Fellowship Hall across from the church. Reservations can be made by contacting Sis. Susan Koch (309)202-4897 or Sis. Kalla Knobloch (309)231-1755 .

When traveling to the Fellowship area using a GPS, use Frankewing as

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Bro. Fred and Sis. Diane Funk from Morton. God bless all you ministers that have come.

Bro. Vladimir and Sis. Margaretha Fortenbacher’s granddaughter, Sis. Julia Zollinger, got married to Bro. Greg Gasser both from Rittman. We wish them God’s blessings in their marriage.

Our Sunday school children did a wonderful job when Bro. Wayne Saddler recorded some new songs and some songs we already knew. It was all done in such a short time, but the children did a good job regardless. God has blessed each one of them with wonderful singing talent.“Sing unto the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and praise in the congregation of saints.” Psalms 149:1

Colorado, denverLily Zarkovacki Saturday, June 22, was our annual Sunday School picnic. We are so thankful for the children, and appreciate our teachers who teach them!

Vacation Bible School was held the week of June 24. May God bless all those that put forth effort to organize and bring it all together. It was a blessing to all who participated.

Also, this past month our young men held their annual “Young Men’s Retreat” in Lake George, CO. It was a time of sharing, fellowship, and enjoying Gods’ creation.

as they prepare for life together. We have enjoyed having Andrew

Metzger (Lester, IA) with us this summer as he works in the San Diego area! We are also thankful to have Bro. Brent Wagenbach and his fiancé, Sis. Alisha Gutwein, back safely from Haiti.

Many from our congregation are traveling this summer. We lift them up in prayer that God will bring them back safely.

As summer is upon us with busy schedules may we always “Take Time to be Holy”.

“Take time to be holy, The world rushes on; Spend much time in secret With Jesus alone – By looking to Jesus, Like Him thou shalt be; Thy friends in they conduct His likeness shall see.” Hymns of Zion #112, v.2

Canada, Kitchener, OntarioJohanna Fortenbacher We had a wonderful group of ministers who came throughout this month. They were Bro. Tim and Sis. Joni Ramsier along with Bro. Ron and Sis. Ruth Steiner from Rittman. Three of the brothers that came with them were so kind to us and supplied the lunch for the whole church. So, thanks again for that. Then there was Bro. Arlen and Sis. Denise Leman from Forrest and also

Janelle) Klotzle, Sis. Elaine Graf and Sis. Robin (Bro. Justin) Moser for their faithfulness in teaching the children.

We also had two graduates to celebrate with this month. Sis. Alyson (Bro. John and Sis. Shirley Luthi-Cox) Luthi graduated from Biola University and Justin (Bro. Dave and Sis. Janelle) Klotzle graduated from Royal High School in Simi Valley. He plans to attend college at UCLA in the fall. We are grateful they both will still be nearby!

We are happy to welcome back Bro. Jonathan and Sis. Kali Sauder to worship with us. They have been travelling on business for the past few months.

California, san diegoJanelle Brewer We were blessed this past month by the visit of Bro. Justin Moser (Sis. Robin, Altadena, CA) and his family. We pray a blessing upon him for filling our cups with the Living Water. “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14

The engagement of Sis. Lizzie Fulop (Bro. Dennis and Sis. Joy) and Bro. Todd Gasser from Smithville, OH (Bro. Ken and Sis. Sue Ellen Maibach) was made known on May 27. May God continue to bless them

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Congregation Updates

Our young ladies also held their annual “Kanarado” camping trip. It was held in Kansas this year. It is always a blessing when we can get to meet others from our different churches.

Connecticut, RockvilleLauren Gottier Sheila Gerber“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper” Psalm 1:1-3

We were blessed to have visiting Elder Bro. Steve Sauder (Sis. Mary Tremont, IL) with us over the weekend of May 26 to share God’s Word. On this day it was also made known to the congregation that our convert, Courtney Wheeler (Bro. Burt and Sis. Cherinne), has found peace with God and man and desires baptism. Lord willing, she will give her testimony and be baptized the weekend of June 22-23.

We extend our sympathies to the family of Leona Lanz DeCarli who passed away on May 26. Leona was the sister of Sis. Charlotte Limberger, Sis. Eloise Webb, Sis. Alma Luginbuhl, Dick Lanz, Sis.

Florence Kloter, and Howard Lanz. Also, mourning a loss is the family of Sis. Phyllis Lanz. Those left behind are her son, Keith, and brothers: Henry (Elaine) of Costa Rica, and Bro. Ralph (Sis. Diane) of Rittman, OH. We pray that God will provide for these families in the time of their loss.

We are thankful and wish much grace to our two new converts Justin Gottier (Guy and Sis. Beth) and Stephen Schneider (Bro. Dave and Sis. Kim). We pray that God will be near unto them and they will rely fully on Him as they begin their new walk.

We wish many blessings and God’s nearness to our recent high school graduates as they begin a new chapter in their lives. Graduating this year are John Bahler (Bro. Dave and Sis. Peggy), Eric Bahler (Bro. Vern and Sis. Jean), Evan Beutel (Bro. Gene and Sis. Lynne), Logan Garrow (Bro. Ed and Sis. Cindy), Sis. Leah Gerber (Bro. Ron and Sis. Sheila), Heidi Hoffman (Bro. Arlo and Sis. Lynn), Victoria Koch (Bro. Joe and Sis. Sandy), Joey Kratzke (Scott and Joan), Harmony Luginbuhl (Bro. Brian and Sis. Cyndi), Joe Schneider (Bro. Dave and Sis. Kim), Sis. Taylor Welti (Bro. Pete and Sis. Jill), and Courtney Wheeler (Bro. Burt and Sis. Cherrine).

district of Columbia, WashingtonHenrietta Meyer Our caretakers for May were Bro. Ron and Sis. Kayleen Heiniger (Bloomington, IL). Our caretaker schedule is booked for 2013. We are currently taking reservations for 2014. If you feel led to support one of our small churches, this would be a wonderful way to do so. If you are interested and are free to spend 3-4 weeks in the DC area, please contact Sis. Doreen Steffen at [email protected] or 302-540-6574.

Our minsters this month were Bro. Ron Heiniger (Sis. Kayleen, Bloomington, IL), Bro. Jerry Meeks (Sis. Christy, Sabetha, KS), Bro. Kevin Banwart (Sis. Sandy, West Bend, IA) and Bro. Mark Hoffman (Sis. Luella, Clarendon, VT). Other visitors this month were from Rockville, CT and Bloomington, IL. We are truly grateful for the ministers and families that travel, sometimes great distances to be with us.

If you are planning to visit Washington, D.C. area for vacation or business, please contact Bro. Joe and Sis. Holly Bohart at [email protected] or Sis. Henrietta Meyer at (703) 904-8301 for assistance and to let us know how many to expect for Sunday services.

Florida, Ft. LauderdaleRenee Mangold We were grateful to have visiting

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ministers Bro. Tim Hohulin (Sis Cathy, Roanoke, IL) and Bro. Clark Stoller (Sis. Cindy, Gridley, IL). We pray our Lord will bless them for their service.

Our prayers for safety and guidance are with Andrew Mangold (Bro. Mike and Sis. Renee Mangold’s grandson) as he begins his military career. “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” Ephesians 6:13-16

Florida, north Ft. MyersVictor Beer Our church family has been greatly blessed by the many visitors from up north. Some are with us in the winter time too. Our usual summertime rains haven’t cut down on the swimming and fishing (according to some of them).

It was good to have Bro. Fred Witzig (Sis. Nancy, Washington, IL), who brought us a blessing through the Word.

An old hymn that simply brings about God’s love to our hearts,

has become a weekly-appreciated song—“Jesus Loves Me”. The New Beginnings children have learned it well and sing it with lots of enthusiasm. They are new life to our Sunday School.

Florida, sarasotaKim Ott“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

In the beauty of quietness we are able to reflect on God and all that He has designed for our lives. There are many things that battle for our attention throughout our day, but spending time with God is a valuable investment, one that benefits us in this lifetime and has eternal impact.

We are thankful for the visiting ministers this past month who shared of their talents to provide us insight on the Bible and heavenly wisdom. May God bless the efforts of Bro. John Wiegand (Sis. Jane, Silverton, OR) and Bro. Dan Beer (Sis. Deb, Milford, IN) for sharing the Gospel. 

Illinois, BelvidereDoreen Moser Shayla Steffen“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil…” Ephesians 6:11

Our Vacation Bible School was

attended by many eager children who could not wait to learn about the armour of God. They memorized Ephesians 6:11, sang songs with cheerful voices and dug right into the stories, crafts and service projects. I am not sure who learned more, the teachers or the students, but all concluded the week knowing much more about the use of God’s armour .“Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness…” Ephesians 6:14

We are very thankful for brothers and sisters that are willing to be servants to teach our youth in Sunday school. They certainly rely on their belts of truth in order to teach the youth about the breastplate of righteousness, which will protect their hearts against the wiles of the devil.

Sis. Peg Anliker was elected as the 3rd-5th grade Sunday School Teacher and Bro. Sam Bachtold was elected as the Jr. High Sunday School Teacher. Our prayers are certainly with them and with the teachers that have served over the prior years as they work with the tender hearts of our children. “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace …” Ephesians 6:15

With his feet shod with the gospel of peace, Bro. Barry Dietz (Bradford IL) brought forth the gospel message. We are thankful for all the family that came with from Bradford and Elgin, IA. We appreciate each one of you

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Congregation Updates

and hope you could feel the love of the Belvidere brethren.

Bro. Troy and Sis. Ellie Steffen have willingly shod their feet with the gospel of peace and are the correspondents for the Mauston gathering in Wisconsin. Please contact them if you are interested in meeting in the Mauston area. There is a blog spot at, maustonac.blogspot.com or email Bro. Troy Steffen at [email protected].“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked…” Ephesians 6:16

As a nation, we celebrate Father’s day this month. We are truly grateful to have our earthly fathers to raise us in God’s love. They have tried to shield us from evil and teach us the way so that we may be able to deflect the fiery darts of the devil.

Our Sunday school children are in Jamaica this week. We lift them up in prayer and hope they are able to be a light to the children, each other and anyone around them. Hopefully, they may also be able to share with others how to use their shield of faith.“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…” Ephesians 6:17

As we spend time in Bible studies and attend church on Sundays, may we always have on the helmet of salvation and may we be able to use the Bible as the sword to reach out to those that need to hear the good

news of Jesus. As we read the stories in VBS,

the biggest part of each story, whether it was David and Goliath, Paul and Silas in Jail or Noah and the ark, it was their FAITH that stood out! Without faith they had no hope. In our world of many trials and tribulations, disappointments and heartache, we need to have the faith that the Lord will carry us through. The Lord has supplied us with much armour, we just need to use it and celebrate the JOYS the Lord gives us along the way!

Illinois, Bloomington-normalGina HodelTerri Huber Excited for their first baby, Whitney and Jeff Mersman of Chicago welcomed Dexter William on May 17. Grandparents are Bro. Jerry and Sis. Tami Koehl, Maureen Mersman of St. Louis, and Christopher and Christine Mersman of Philadelphia. A precious addition in the form of little Anna Louise was added to Bro. Aaron & Sis. Bekah Kaufmann’s family. Big brother, Titus, welcomed her home. Grandparents are Bro. Dennis & Sis. Bonnie Kaufmann (Bloomington) and Bro. Howard & Sis. Kristen Plattner (Alto, MI).

Congratulations of a different sort are offered to Shelby Koehl, who graduated from Olivet Nazarene University with a Bachelor of Science

Degree in Nursing. The Bible Class has returned

safely from a week-long mission trip to Tennessee. About sixty people went and were blessed themselves, even as they desired to bless others with their construction work and Sunday School lessons. Our entire congregation was able to participate by praying for the travelers, both individually as prayer partners and for the group as a whole.

Another body-builder was the week of Vacation Bible School. In fact, the theme was Building God’s House. We learned about the Architect, the structural components, the tools of the trade and the laborers needed. It was a good opportunity to work together building relationships, serving others, and acting as the Body of Christ. Many thanks to all who participated, planned, taught and sang. The children now know that God’s House is more than just a physical building! Visiting ministers speaking on the above topics were Bros. Frank Sauder (Roanoke), Jeff Wiegand (Goodfield), Daren Metz (Gridley), and Eric Givens (Princeville).

Several in our congregation have lost loved ones recently. Sis. Betty Nussbaum of Fairbury went to be with the Lord. She was the mother of Bro. Jay (Sis. Ann) and grandmother of Bro. Will (Sis. Lexi). Rosella Mowery of Fairbury has also left this life. She was the mother-in-law of

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Sis. Elaine Mowery and grandmother of Teri (Sam) Wenger. Virginia and Robert Lockwood’s daughter, Katherine, passed away after a long fight with cancer in Madison, WI. The sympathy and love of your church family is extended to you all in this time of loss.

Illinois, BradfordRoseann Stahl Sandi Joos “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Psalm 127:3

Our congregation is growing, which we count as a blessing. Ellie Caroline was born to Bro. Ben and Sis. Katie Endress. Welcoming her home are siblings: Corbin, Marissa, Maria, Mallory, Elijah, Libby, and Aubrey. Grandparents are Bro. Richard and Sis. Marilyn Slutz and Bro. Larry and Sis. Becky Endress.

Bro. Steve, Sis. Betsy, and Lexi Endress had Josie Shae join their family circle. Grandparents are Bro. Larry and Sis. Becky Endress and Bro. Roger and Sis. June Schulz (Oakville/Mediapolis, IA).

Bro. Phil, Sis. Beth and Autumn Endress are thankful for the arrival of Caleb Tristan. Bro. Larry and Sis. Becky Endress and Bro. Kurt and Sis. Connie Christ (Princeville, IL) are his grandparents.

Bro. Jordan Elsasser (late Sis. Sharon) welcomed granddaughter, Lilly, into the family circle. Her

parents are Matt and Becky Elsasser. Bro. Richard and Marilyn

Tanner are thankful to have a new granddaughter. Julia was born to Craig and Kate Tanner.

First-time parents, Jordan and Jerrica Blakey, are excited to have Tryson join their family. Grandparents are Joe and Geri Kieser.

Bro. Paul and Sis. Marilyn Nenadov have a new granddaughter, Ruth Kathleen, to hold and cherish. Her parents are Art and Joy Kellenberger.

Along with the growth of our church comes the responsibility of teaching our youth. Bro. Weston Stahl (Sis. Jill), Bro. Adam Endress (Sis. Brittany), and Sis. Kay Kellenberger have been called upon to teach and instruct the children. We want to thank Bro. Greg Johnson (Sis. Kristin), Bro. Robb Kieser (Sis. Kelly), and Sis. Lana Stoller for their time spent in Sunday School.

Our church rejoices along with the angels as Shannon Gudeman (Bro. Brad and Sis. Teresa) has answered the invitation to come unto Him in repentance. Our prayers are with Shannon as he makes a beginning.

Sharing the Word with us this month was Bro. Glenn Steiner (Sis. Rachel, Winthrop, MN.) We are always thankful for the willingness of visiting ministers to bring forth the message.

Illinois, ChampaignSarah Drake Greetings from Champaign-Urbana!

This has been a busy but exciting month for our church, as we had the opportunity to host two weddings. Sis. Sydney Eisenmann (daughter of Bro. David and Sis. Jackie Eisenmann) and Bro. Amit Parkhe (son of Dr. Surendra Parkhe, India) were united in marriage on May 19. They will be making their home in St. Louis. Three weeks later, on June 9, we were blessed to witness the marriage vows of Bro. Joel Furrer (son of Bro. Sam and Sis. Pam Furrer) and Sis. Laura Tucker (daughter of John and Mary Tucker). We wish God’s richest blessings on these dear couples.

We rejoice with Cortney Eisenmann (daughter of Bro. David and Sis. Jackie Eisenmann) as she has expressed her desire to seek the Lord’s direction through repentance and conversion. We offer our love and prayers as she takes this important step.

Our annual Vacation Bible School took place June 3-6. The week was based on lessons of Godly stewardship. Thank you to all who contributed to make VBS a success.

We welcome Bro. Joel and Sis. Mindy Stickling to Champaign. We are excited to have them in our church family. We are also excited for Bro. Joel and Sis. Mindy because they added a new little one to their family, Leo Robert Stickling, on June 17.

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Congregation Updates

Congratulations! We are thankful for our visiting

ministers this month, including: Elder Bro. Brad Eisenmann (Sis. Cindy; Chicago, IL), Elder Bro. John Lehman (Sis. Connie; Bern, KS), Elder Bro. Kent Heimer (Sis. Jan; Taylor, MO), Bro. Loren Shrenk (Sis. Betsy; St. Louis, MO), Bro. Chris Wuethrich (Sis. Carla; St. Louis, MO), Bro. Calvin Schneider (Sis. Jeannie; LaCrosse, IN), Bro. Gary Anliker (Sis. Edie, Elgin, IL), Bro. Dennis Kaufmann (Sis. Bonnie; Bloomington, IL), Bro. Mark Gerber (Sis. Barb; Bluffton, IN), and Elder Bro. Randy Kellenberger (Sis. Karen; Kansas City, MO). Thank you for all you do!

Illinois, ChicagoRachel Meyer Greetings from Chicago. Several in our church family have medical issues and we are reminded to pray for them. Our Sis. Carla Rassi (Bro. Greg) had surgery and is recovering well. Sis. Ella Mae Stoller (Bro. Charles) had cataract surgery and Bro. William Art’s daughter, Sandra Art, had surgery and remains hospitalized. Sis. Christine Eckel’s daughter, Janet, continues to receive treatment and we pray that she, and all of those listed, will call out to our Father for comfort during these uncomfortable situations.

On May 19, many of us joyfully witnessed the wedding of our

Bro. Amit Parkhe and Sis. Sydney Eisenmann in Champaign, IL. May God lead them as only He can.

We thank our ministering Bro. Matthew Rassi for presenting a Topical Bible Study on “Amazing Grace” on May 22. May God bless him for the effort and time he took upon our behalf.

Two of our own were welcomed home from college for the summer! Sis. Julie Eisenmann (Elder Bro. Brad & Sis. Cindy) returned from her semester in Spain and Ian Knapp (Bro. Randy and Sis. Heather) is home from Indiana. It is great to have them safely with us.

June 1 provided an opportunity to do World Relief Activities and June 2 was our Sunday School Picnic. Thank you to all who were involved in making those events a success.

We warmly welcome Tiera Wiegand from Silverton, OR, to Chicago for the summer as well as Bro. Michael Luthi (Lamont-Gridley, KS). Bro. Michael has relocated for employment and we are pleased to have both of these loved ones worshipping with us.Note of Thanks:

We want to thank you for the cards, gifts, and expressions of love and compassion we have received during the months of illness and at the passing of our dear husband, dad, and grampy. It meant so much to us to hear from so many of you. May the Lord bless you. Judy Eisenmann,

Brad & Cindy, Todd, Luann, and the grandchildren

Last night I was driving to VBS and I was behind a car on the highway that had a bumper sticker that had the word “God” in it. It caught my eye so I looked closer and read: “Dear God, please protect me from your followers.” My stomach felt like it had been punched. What was the background story of the driver? What had the driver experienced? Specifically, what kind of Christians had the driver been exposed to that would be the impetus to such vehemence??? I wanted to interact with that driver. I think I would have learned a lot, but I probably would not have been comfortable. But we’re not called to lives of comfort as Christians. Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 2:3, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” The life of a soldier is hard, but he wants to please his commanding officer by enduring the battles and emerging triumphant. As soldiers of our leader, Christ Jesus, may we take courage in the promise… “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” Jude 24 & 25

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Illinois, Cissna ParkJanie WaldbeserTina Walder Our Vacation Bible School was held June 3- 7. We had a week filled with God’s blessings. May the time spent in God’s Word with these precious souls bring honor and praise to our Almighty God. Visiting ministers for our Bible Class/Young adult VBS were: Bro. Todd Sinn (Latty, OH), his topic was the question, “Where are you going?”; Bro. Les Kaeb (Francesville, IN) spoke on the topic of “The Holy Spirit”; and Bro. Neal Widmer (West Lafayette, IN) spoke on “Our Church History”. We pray God will bless them for their efforts.

We were thankful to have several other visiting ministers bring forth the Word also. Bro. Jeff Bahler (Wolcott, IN), and Bro. Arlen Leman (Forrest). May they also be blessed.

Marissa Wilkening (Mark & Sis. Dinah) graduated from college this year. May she feel God’s presence as she looks to Him to guide her into the next chapter in her life.

We have loved ones who spent time in the hospital this month. Sis. Sharon Eisenmann & Sis. Lucille Knapp are in our prayers as they trust in the Lord to heal and strengthen them. We each have a calling to be faithful in praying for our loved ones who are in need.“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5

We have several in our congregation who have experienced the loss of loved ones. Sis. Doris Knapp’s sister, Lorraine Dorman, of Champaign, IL has passed away. Arlene Greiner from Morris MN has gone to her reward. She was a sister-in-law to our Sis. Vi Greiner and an aunt to Sis. Sandy Rudin.

Also, Adeline Kaeb from Fairbury has reached her heavenly home. Our prayers are with her family. She was mother to Bro. Steve & Sis. Bonnie Kaeb, sister-in-law to Bro. Elmer & Sis. Mary Lou Kaeb, and numerous nieces & nephews from our church. May God grant peace and comfort as only He can.

We rejoiced when we heard the announcement of Bro. Ben Kaeb and Sis. Bethann Kafer (Fairbury). Their parents are Bro. Max & Sis. Beth Kaeb and Bro. Ben & Sis. Carol Kafer (Fairbury). We are so thankful for God’s divine guidance as they make their wedding plans.

Illinois, CongervilleErica SteffenMaria Currier Gratefully, Bro. Steven Pamer (Sis. Arliss, Akron), Bro. Roger Aberle (Sis. LaVonne, Sabetha), Bro. Galen Rokey (Sis. Nancy, Bern), Bro. Merlin Meyer (Sis. Marilyn, Lester), Bro. Jacob Kuntz (Sis. Brooke, Croghan-Naumburg), and Bro. Frank Sauder (Sis. Kathy, Roanoke) were willing to minister to us recently. We pray

God will bless these laborers to be “an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12)

Illinois, elginAmy Gasser We thank Bro. Alan Schambach (Remington, IN) for ministering to us recently.

Sis. Lucille Kellenberger passed away in Sabetha, KS on June 6. We extend sympathy to her siblings in Elgin, including Sis. Pat (Bro. Howie) Schifferer, Bob (Eleanor) Weiss, and Bro. Paul Weiss.

We also extend sympathy to Larry (Sis. Jeanne) Hintz in the loss of his mother, Betty Hintz, who passed away on June 11.

Prayers for healing and comfort go out to Bro. Ken (Sis. Vicki) Kellenberger who had surgery resulting from his recent injury. Bro. Ron (Sis. Nancy) Schambach became ill while he and Sis. Nancy were in Washington, D.C. as caretakers for the church for the month of June. Bro. John Moser (Bro. Gene and Sis. Libbie Ann) was also a medical patient. We are thankful that all are improving.“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings...” Malachi 4:2

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Congregation Updates

Illinois, eurekaDebra BlunierLinda Rocke We enjoyed all of the visiting ministers who broke the bread of life with us this month. They were Bro. Gary Endress (Sis. Evelyn, Bradford), Bro. Dale Frank (Sis. Christine, Oakville), and Bro. Randy Mogler (Sis. Evie, Washington).

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Bro. Brent Blunier (Trudy) who is recovering from extensive surgery.

It is always a joy to hear an engagement announcement, and to see how God is working in the hearts of two dear souls. Sis. Livy Anliker (Bro. Art and Sis. Carol) is engaged to Bro. Gabe Knapp (Bro. Steve and Sis. Lori). May God’s blessings and guidance be with you as you begin this new journey in life. Note of Thanks:

I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to all who have made my 95th birthday so special. I enjoyed all the cards very much. God bless you. In His love, Dorothy Ginzel

Illinois, FairburyAngela HerrJanelle Stoller

“Farewell, farewell, my morning dawns, Farewell, my rest I see. The strife is o’er, my morning dawns, The Master calleth me.” Hymns of Zion #194 verse 1

Elder Bro. Rick Plattner (Sis. Mary) said farewell to his father,

Bro. Pete Plattner on May 23. Sis. Betty Bittner passed away on June 2. Wayne (LaVerne) Bittner, Merle Bittner, Cynthia (Clyde) Donelson, Emma (Peter) Schaffer, Sis. Jean Bittner and Sis. Darlene Bittner are her surviving siblings. Sis. Laura Knapp’s brother, Fred Knochel, passed away on May 16. Bro. Morris Kaeb’s mother, Adeline Kaeb, went to her rest on June 11. Rosy Mowery, mother of Sis. June Slagel (Ron) took her last breath on June 12. On June 14, Sis. Janice Nussbaum’s sister-in-law, Sis. Betty Nussbaum, passed away. We extend our sympathy to these families in the passing of their loved one.

We appreciate Bro. Dennis Rassi (Austin, TX) ministering God’s Word to us the past month. We also appreciate and thank the ministering brothers who came and shared with our Bible Class during Vacation Bible School. May God bless Bros. Ryan Hoerr (Princeville, IL), Mark Zimmerman (Eureka, IL) and Dana Nieman (Remington, IN) for taking the time to come and speak to our young people.

Bro. Warren Zehr (Sis. Dolores), Sis. Betty Wiegand (Bro. Dick) and Sis. Mary Beth Maurer were surgical/hospital patients, and our prayers are with them as they recover.

We are thankful to hear that God continues to work in the lives of His children. Sis. Bethann Kafer (Bro. Ben and Sis. Carol) is engaged

to Bro. Ben Kaeb (Bro. Max and Sis. Beth, Cissna Park, IL). The engagement of Sis. Heidi Fehr (Bro. Randall and Sis. Janis) to Bro. Ben Kuntz (Bro. Rollyn and Sis. Brenda, Forrest, IL) was also announced. May God bless and provide for them as they prepare for their life together.

We extend a sincere thank you to the Tremont congregation for hosting our Fairbury congregation for a meal and singing on Sunday, June 9. The fellowship we share with one another is truly a blessing of our precious faith.

Illinois, Forrest Lisa AberleMolly Zimmerman What a blessed weekend we had as we gathered to listen to the testimonies of four dear souls and witness their baptisms. Our new brothers and sisters in Christ are Mitchell Lanz (Bro. Troy and Sis. Kathleen), Tyson Stork (Bro. Reuben and Sis. Devra), Shannon Teubel (Bro. John and Sis. Lavonne) and Zoë Koehl (Bro. Joe and Sis. Marie). We were blessed to have Elder Bros. Steve Ringger (Bluffton North, IN) and Rick Plattner (Fairbury, IL) helping our Bro. Marvin for this weekend.

Other ministers this month were Bro. Trent Meiss (Eureka, IL), and Bro. Ned Bahler (Fairbury, IL). We are so thankful that these brothers were willing to serve.

We have had five more new

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additions to our congregation this month. Bro. Tim and Sis. Myra Mueller welcome Olivia Jo to their family. Excited big brothers are Conner and Cody. Thankful grandparents are Bro. Ray and Sis. Shelly Steidinger and Bro. Ron Sr. and Sis. Loida Mueller. Bro. Nathan and Sis. Heidi, and big sister, Amyla Bachman, welcome Whitney Lyn home. Her grandparents are Bro. Marvin and Sis. Nancy Dotterer and Bro. Larry and Sis. Donna Bachman. We are so thankful for the safe return from Poland of our Bro. Bryan and Sis. Lisa Aberle. They welcome, with open and loving arms, David and Roksana into their home. Their new grandparents are Bro. Dan and Sis. Kathy Banwart and Bro. Mark and Sis. Laverne Aberle. Ted and Teresa, Kinzey, Naomi, and Sydney Bachtold also welcome home Bryson Daniel. Grateful grandparents are Bro. Marvin and Sis. Mary Bachtold and Ralph and Martha Fehr. We pray that God will lead them as they raise these precious souls.

Engagements announced this month are Sis. Wendi Kelson (Bro. Paul and Sis. Sherri) to Bro. Philip Kaeb (Merlin and Ida Lou of Arrowsmith), and Bro. Ben Kuntz (Bro. Rollyn and Sis. Brenda) to Sis. Heidi Fehr (Bro. Randall and Sis. Janice Fehr) of Fairbury. Our prayers are with these two couples as they start a new chapter in their lives.

We had a couple of weddings

this month: Sis. Jenna Dotterer (Bro. Dan and Sis. Kathy Banwart) to Bro. Darwin Sinn (Bro. Tom and Sis. Edith) of Silverton OR; and David Kuntz (Bro. Rollyn and Sis. Brenda) to Brittney Helmers (Doug and Brenda of Cropsey). May they find God’s continued guidance as they begin their lives together.

As the angels rejoice over one sinner who repents, we also rejoice with Levi Kaeb (late Bro. Eldon and late Sis. Stephanie) who has answered the call of God. May he continue to seek the Lord and feel His love and grace.

We thank our Sis. Jill Wenger who has fulfilled her term as a Sunday School teacher. Taking her place is Sis. Paulette Zimmerman. Our prayers and support also go to three brothers who will be teaching our children in Sunday School. They are Bro. Matt Zimmerman (Sis. Kim), Bro. David Mueller (Sis. Holly), and Bro. Stan Mueller (Sis. Kristen). We also thank the ministering brothers who came to help with Vacation Bible School this month. They were Bros. Nathan Walder (Cissna Park, IL), David Eisenmann (Champaign, IL), Tom Schambach (Elgin, IL) and Barry Dietz (Bradford, IL).

Our prayers have been with Bro. Duane Schneider and Sis. Lynelle Steidinger (Bro. Colin) as they have spent time in the hospital this month. May they continue to feel God’s healing hand and His unbounded

grace. “Beyond the sunset, no clouds will gather, no storms will threaten, no fears annoy; Oh day of gladness, O day unending, Beyond the sunset, eternal joy!” Hymns of Zion #172

We give our prayers and sympathy to the dear families that lost loved ones. Adeline Kaeb, mother of our Sis. Jean Knapp (Bro. Harlen), and grandmother to many in our congregation, has passed away. Also finishing her earthly pilgrimage is our Sis. Betty Nussbaum. Our prayers are with her husband Bro. Dean and their children, Bro. Terry and Sis. Debbie Nussbaum; Sis Luann and Bro. Jerold Endress (Dunlap, IL); Bro. Jay and Sis. Ann Nussbaum (Bloomington, IL); and Sis. Elaine and Bro. Lynn Stoller (Gridley, IL). Sis. Betty also has many grandchildren in our congregation that she loved dearly. Our prayers and sympathy also extend to Sis. Laverne and Bro. Mark Aberle and family, as her brother Harold Martin has passed away. May each of the bereaved find comfort in our dear Lord during this sad time.

Illinois, GoodfieldMelissa Rokey Kayla Wiegand On Wednesday, May 22, we witnessed the testimony and baptism of Cecil Nohl. We are so thankful that God worked in Cecil’s heart and that he was able to surrender his will and life to God’s service at age of 95.

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Congregation Updates

We give our encouragement and blessings for the future to our graduating senior class which include: Bro. Matt Grimm (Bro. Jeff and Sis. Ruth), Sis. Maria Berardi (Bro. Randy and Sis. Elli), convert Brad Cook, Whitley Gregoire (Rob and Diane), Sis. Marisa Wiegand (Bro. Brad and Sis. Karen), and Jake Lowery (Ken and Sis. Jaci).

On May 28, Trent Robert blessed the home of Bro. Robert and Sis. Melissa Rokey. He was welcomed home by his excited sister, Merideth. Trent’s grandparents are Bro. Jim and Sis. Barb Kuenzi (Silverton, OR) and Bro. Kenneth and Sis. Phyllis (Goodfield, IL). We are so thankful for Trent’s safe arrival.“But Godliness with contentment is great gain.” 1 Timothy 6:6

Vacation Bible School was June 3-7. On Monday night, Bro. Jon Zeller (Morton, IL) spoke on “The battle of Contentment”. We were encouraged in song by Kindred Spirit from Peoria, IL. On Wednesday night, Bro. Tom Bolliger (Tremont, IL) spoke on “Influences on our Contentment”. The group 15:6 from Bloomington, IL shared God’s Word in song. On Friday night, Bro. Trent Meiss (Eureka, IL) spoke on “Our Attitude”. We were blessed in song by some Goodfield brothers. It was a wonderful week of learning how we should be more content. May God grant us the grace to realize how blessed we are and that we can truly

count our blessings. May God bless each one that was involved during the week and gave of their time to the service of our great Lord and Redeemer.

We continue to lift Bro. Randy and Sis Elli Berardi and their family in our prayers as his nephew, Cory Lane, passed away at the age of 16 years old. May God provide comfort through this difficult time.

Harold “Bud” Hartman from Glendale, AZ passed away. He grew up in Deer Creek and went to church in Goodfield in his youth. His sisters are Sis. Loretta Hess and Sis. Vi Wagner. We are so thankful that he had acknowledged his need for a Savior, made confession and was baptized before God took him home. Praise God!

We are so thankful that God is still patient and calling souls to repentance and conversion. We plan to have testimonies and baptisms July 20 and 21 for Zach and Whitney Wiegand (Bro. Brad and Sis. Karen), Jamie Wiegand (Bro. Wayne and Sis. Rosemary), and Cole Steffen (Bro. Dirk and Sis. Deb).

Sis. Jill Wagner (Bro. Greg), Bro. Daniel Wiegand (Sis. Verla), Sandi Wiegand, Bro. Keith Leman (Sis. Dort), and Bro. Tony Monfre (Sis. Deonne) have all been hospitalized this past month. We continue to pray for their health and healing in the days ahead.

Illinois, GridleyPerry Klopfenstein We have several visiting ministers lately and appreciated their efforts: Bros. Curtis Kaufman, Tucson, AZ; Earl Beery, Rittman, OH; Mark Wettstein, LaCrosse, IN; Troy Leyse, Bluffton, IN; Randy Mogler, Washington, IL; James Fehr, Tremont, IL; Jon Zeller, Morton, IL; and Trent Meiss, Eureka, IL.

Sis. Gerry Sievers has returned home after surgery.

Bro. John Funk is recovering from bile duct surgery. We surely commit him to God in this serious illness.

Bro. Bob Hock had surgery after a fall, and is recovering.

Judy Valentine, a daughter of Sis. Lucille Wagner, had brain surgery in June. May God help her.

Keegan Douglas Dohman was born on May 30. He is the first child of Bro. Doug and Sis. Kendra Dohman. Grandparents are Bro. John and Sis. Judy Dohman and Bro. Charlie and Sis. Paula Knapp, Bloomington. May God grant much grace to these new parents as they raise this child in the nurture of the Lord.

A son of Lorraine Clark, who attends our church, has died. We surely extend our sympathy to the family.“Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

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and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord.” Eph. 2:19-20

In the above scripture, it is comforting to know of our standing (fellowcitizens with the saints) and our foundation (the apostles and prophets, Jesus being the chief cornerstone). Thanks be to God. By God’s grace, let us maintain our standing and preserve our foundation.

Illinois, MortonAnnette Tanner Julie Bahr Once again God granted us an awesome week of His teachings during our Adult Vacation Bible School Week. Our Theme being “VICTORY-Over ‘Subtle’ Sins”! On Monday, Bro. Howard Plattner (Sis. Kristen, Alto) taught on “Sin-What Is It? Who Has the Remedy?” Tuesday, Bro. Tim Drayer (Sis. Gwen, Bluffton North) taught on “Winning the Battle Over Ungodliness and Unthankfullness”. Wednesday, Bro. Ed Sauder (Sis. Bonnie, Roanoke) taught on “Victory Over Pride and Selfishness, Envy and Jealousy, Lack of Self-Control”. Thursday, Bro. Jeff Waibel (Sis. Margo, Leo) taught on “Overcoming Judgmentalism, Sins of the Tongue, Worldliness”. On Friday, Bro. Craig Stickling (Sis. Jackie, Peoria) taught on

“Victory Over Anxiety, Frustration and Discontentment/Impatience, Irritability, and Anger”. 

Our Theme song then revealed that through the Precious Blood of our Risen Savior we have “A New Name Written Down in Glory and YES It’s Mine!” What an Inspiring and Encouraging Week to reveal to us that we CAN be Victorious over the human sins that we want to call “Subtle”. Lord Jesus, help us to not grieve your Holy Heart!

Our gratitude also goes to our faithful singing groups that blessed us in song: The Morton Ladies Group, Testify Quartet, Mortonaires, The Goodfield Choir, and Hearts of Praise. What an added blessing to our VBS Evenings!

Our thanks and appreciation also go to visiting ministers who served us this month: Bro. Virgil Kaeb (Sis. Suellen, Sarasota), Elder Bro. Steve Sauder (Sis Mary, Tremont) and Bro. Tom Hoffman.

Bro. Jeremiah Psinas has been given the responsibility to assume the duties in the Ministry of the Gospel to our Morton Church. Bro. Jeremiah covets the prayers of our church. He is the son of Bro. Gary and Sis. Heidi Psinas.

Our love and sympathy is shared with our Sis. Marlene and Sis. Jean (Bro. Jim) Metzger in the loss of their husband and father Bro. Richard Seidel. We also extend our heartfelt sympathy to the dear family

of Bro. Lloyd Pflederer (the late Sis. Margaret) who passed from this life June 13. God is our Refuge!

Bro. Mark and Sis. Cheryl Wuthrich welcomed a new granddaughter, Hazel Jane, born to their son, Luke; wife, Leisa; and big brother, Silas Wuthrich, who just recently moved to Australia for his work. Maternal grandparents are Randy and Sis. Dawn Maloney, Goodfield.

Illinois, PeoriaPam Fritzenmeier We are thankful to report a new convert, Billy Waibel, son of Bro. Matt and Sis. Lisa, and pray for him as he starts his journey as a child of God.

Bro. Pete (Sis. Ella) Plattner, ended his life’s journey as a child of God on May 23. He was the father of Sis. JoAnn (Bro. Tom) Rieker.

Vacation Bible School is looked forward to each year by our church family. Thank you to all who helped make it a memorable, spiritually uplifting week. Visiting ministers for the week included Bro. Ron Bollier, (Indianapolis), Bro. Clark Stoller, (Gridley), Bro. Frank Sauder, (Roanoke), Bro. Justin Koch, (Washington), and Bro. Doyle Frauhiger, (Bluffton North). Bro. Doug (Sis. Janelle) Brewer (San Diego) came “home” to visit and shared himself from our pulpit for the first time June 9. May God bless each

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Congregation Updates

one. Congratulations on the April 20

wedding of Jolyne Scholl to Brendon Kaar in Chicago. Jolyne’s parents are Bro. Bill and Sis. Joanne Scholl.

Bro. Spark and Sis. Rhonda Meister are grandparents to a precious baby boy, Charlie Paul, born May 5 to Jake and Andi (Gerst) Meister.

There is always a list of those needing prayers for health issues. Included this month are Sis. Kathy (Bro. Dave) Obergfel, Bro. Ed (Sis. Bernie) Meister, Sis. Maria Graham, Allison Stickling (daughter of Chris and Sis. Marsha, who is awaiting a kidney transplant), Bro. Dan (Sis. Miriam) Messerli, Sis. Kathy Wiekert, and Rosalie (Bruce) Johnson.

Please keep our church family serving far from home in your prayers also. These include Bro. Tim and Sis. Joan Reinhard and family and Sis. Kelsey Klopfenstein in Haiti; and Bro. Jonathan and Sis. Bere Aupperle, Bro. Zach and Sis. Daniela Knobloch, and Bro. Jason Grassi in Magdalena, MX. Note of Thanks:

What would we do without our church family? Where would you find so many who really care? God bless you all and thank you for your prayers for Harry, his counts are getting better. Love, Bro. Harry and Sis. Loretta Eisenmann

Illinois, PrincevilleGloria WhiteRenee Herrmann We were reminded recently of the privilege we have to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (1 Thess. 2:4) We thank Bro. Craig Stickling (Sis. Jackie, Peoria, IL) and Bro. Brad Eisenmann (Sis. Cindy, Chicago, IL) for ministering to our church family. We also appreciated Bro. Doug Brewer (Sis. Janelle, San Diego, CA) and Bro. John Bradle (Sis. Jill, Roanoke, IL) for sharing with our young students at VBS.

We rejoice with God’s gift of life and the opportunity to extend His love through another generation. Bro. Kurt and Sis. Connie Christ are again grandparents. Bro. Phil and Sis. Beth Endress (Bradford, IL) are the parents of Caleb Tristan Endress. Bro. Dana and Sis. Martha Kay Regier have also welcomed a grandson. Israel John Sceggel was welcomed by Bro. David and Sis. Stephanie Sceggel (Peoria, IL).

We congratulate Sis. Katie Schick (Bro. Stan & Sis. Margie) and Bro. Landon Isaia (Bro. Rich Isaia, Roanoke, IL and Deanna Herrell) as they have announced their engagement. We are thankful that God continues to establish Godly homes to further His work.

We ask “the God of all comfort” (2 Cor. 1:3) to comfort those who have recently said goodbye to loved ones. Our sympathy is extended to

Sis. Carolyn Banwart for the loss of her brother, Frank Banwart, of Lake Mills, IA. Sis Luann (Bro. Jerry) Endress has said an earthly goodbye to her mother, Sis. Betty (Bro. Dean) Nussbaum, Forrest, IL. Sis. Frieda Feucht has also finished her earthly race. Her daughter is Ardeane (Gary) Ruckle.

It was recently shared in our congregation how the meaning of the word love has changed in our culture. In times past, it would have been an indication of how much we would be willing to give up for the object of our love. Today, we tend to “love” that which gives us pleasure. We were also reminded that Zacchaeus probably gave up considerable dignity when he climbed the tree to see Jesus. We were asked what “tree” we were willing to climb to see Him.

Illinois, RoanokeJamie Hodel Barb Schwind Josh Hoffman (Bro. Mike and Sis. Nancy) and Jenny Mattern of Bloomington have announced their marriage engagement. Jenny’s parents are John and Marsha Mattern of Washington. We wish Josh and Jenny the Lord’s blessings during this special time in their lives.

We rejoice with Bro. Landon Isaia (Bro. Rich Isaia and Deanna Harrell) and Sis. Katie Schick (Bro. Stan and Sis. Margie) from Princeville, who announced their

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engagement on June 9. Shelby Ott (Bro. Jim and Lorna)

and Mitch Rogers of Roanoke (son of Darren and Tina Rogers of Bloomington) were married May 25. May Shelby and Mitch feel the Lord’s nearness as they begin their life together.

Jeremy and Amber Hilton welcomed precious little Declan Dean on May 21. Happy grandparents are Sis. Jane Hilton, Steve and Deb McCann (Roanoke), and Bob and Roxie Hilton of Indiana.

Haley and Laney Hodel are excited to have a baby brother. Cooper James was born June 5 to Bro. Nate and Sis. Jamie. Bro. Brent and Sis. Marge Hodel and Bro. Jim and Sis. Kay Knochel (Bay City) are Cooper’s thankful grandparents.

Our prayers are with Andrew Mangold (Bro. Matt and Sis. Jennifer) as he leaves for service to our country.

We appreciate the godly example of love and Christian marriage shown by Bro. Ray and Sis. Carol Luginbuhl and Bro. Les and Sis. Judy Luginbuhl. Both couples recently celebrated 50 years of marriage.

On June 3, our church grieved the death of Lora Braker Wuethrich, a 45 year-old mother with 4 precious school-aged children. We extend our love and sympathy to Olivia, Alex, Isaac, and Emma Wuethrich, Sis. Martha Braker, Sis. Kim (Jim) Bucher (Indianapolis), Rachel (Greg) Braman, Sis. Rena (Jason) Hodel,

and Reggie Wuethrich. May the Lord comfort their hearts and give them strength for the days ahead. We will remember Lora’s radiant smile and love for her children.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

VBS was held June 3-7 for young and old. We studied God’s gifts as shown through the life of Joseph. Bro. Dennis Kaufman (Bloomington) spoke on “God Gives Us Hope,” encouraging us to look to Jesus, the anchor of our soul for hope. He shared the story of Viet Nam P.O.W. Jim Stockdale, who knew he would prevail and use his experience, because he never lost faith in the end of the story. We who know Jesus know that He prevails in the end of the story and He is worthy of our hope and trust. Bro. Erik Givens’ (Princeville) topic was “God Gives Us Special Abilities.” He shared the story of a Texas rancher who lived like a pauper until he discovered the oil on his land. He encouraged us not to live as spiritual paupers, but dig deep, discover our gifts, and use them for God’s glory. Bro. Randy Mogler (Washington) spoke on “God Gives Us Wisdom.” He used the acronym JOSEPH: J - just have a right relationship with God, O - open your heart to knowledge of God and experiences He has placed around

you, S - survival plans are good, E - enduring presence of God glorifies His name, P - pit to prison to palace - most opportunities come from challenging situations, H - heavenly mercy and hope is revealed. Bro. Ted Witzig Jr. (Morton) discussed “God Gives Us Forgiveness.” Bro. Ted encouraged us not to let bitterness rot our soul. Not forgiving is like swallowing poison and waiting for the other person to die. God can bring beauty for ashes and restore the years the locusts have eaten. Bro. Daren Metz (Gridley) ended the week with “God Gives Us Family.” Bro. Daren shared 4 important family components: completeness, encouragement, prayer, and love. He used examples from the life of his grandpa’s family, whose father died leaving a widow with 11 children, the oldest age 13. He expressed appreciation for the church family who reached out to help his grandpa’s family. Bro. Daren encouraged us not to break the family circle in heaven and to come to Jesus now if you are not part of God’s family. We thank these visiting ministers, the VBS planners, teachers, craft helpers, song leaders, lunch volunteers, and all who helped make the week a wonderful time of learning for our church.

We thank our visiting ministers. On May 22, Bro. Steve Baner (Gridley) presented the topical Bible Study on the “Uncertainties in Life.” Elder Bro. Kent Heimer (Taylor)

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Congregation Updates

and Bro. Tim Lehman (Taylor) ministered to us on June 2.

New Sunday School teachers are: intermediate- Bro. Sam Bertschi, Bro. Nate Hodel, Bro. Jason Rassi, Bro. Brad Sauder; and Bible Class – Bro. Nate Fehr and Bro. Chad Martin.

Gary Wettstein II and Andy and Rebekah Wettstein have begun their walk with the Lord. We rejoice with Bro. Gary and Sis. Elna and their family.

Prayers continue for those in our church battling illness or recovering from accidents: Sally Achtenberg, Bro. Bill Hodel, Bro.Gene Metz, Sis. Sally Blunier, Bro. Todd Harris, and Sis. Dorothy Sauder.

Illinois, tremontTeresa Rowell Janice SauderHow thankful we are to have many visiting brothers on the pulpit this past month. We are so blessed to have humble brethren willing to speak the words of God. Bro. Brian Waibel (Sis. Wendy, Champaign, IL) was here on a Wednesday evening for a topical lesson on “Purpose of Marriage and Family”. We enjoyed having Elder Bro. Tom Hoffman (Sis. Kathy, Roanoke, IL) and Bro. Virgil Kaeb (Sis. Sue Ellen, Sarasota, FL) here for baptisms. Bro. Fred Witzig (Washington, IL) spoke to our high school children at Vacation Bible School, and the entire congregation was invited to

listen in on the topic of “Teen/Parent Relationship”. Elder Bro. Ben Walder (Sis. Juanita, Congerville, IL), Bro. Joe Gerst (Sis. Connie, Iowa City, IA), Bro. Dewayne Dill (Sis. Larae, Minneapolis, MN) and Bro. Dan Moser (Sis. Ann, Elgin, IL) were are in attendance at a wedding .

We had many visitors for the wedding of Sis. Christy Gress (Bro. Cloyce and Sis. Carol, Detroit, MI) and Bro. Ryan Schrock (Bro. Ken and Sis. Janet, Congerville). We wish this dear couple God’s richest blessings as they begin a new life together, bound by that three-fold cord.

We rejoice with Bro. Kappy, Sis. Gayle and son, Bro. Ryan Koch, as they brought their testimony to the church on how Jesus has changed their lives. We welcome them as our brothers and sister in Christ.

We extend our congratulations to Bro. Greg and Sis. Mary Beutel on the birth of their son, Griffin Edward. He has three excited siblings: Max, Nora, and Tirzah, and grandparents: Bro. Curt and Sis. Kathy Rassi and Bro. Dean and Sis. Karen Beutel, to welcome him home.

As we celebrate life, so we sorrow with death. Our sympathy is upon Sis. Arlene Heutte’s family as she passed into Eternity. We pray God’s comforting hand upon each of her family members.

We have several graduating seniors who will be taking a big step

out into the world. We wish them the Lord’s leading as they move into a new phase of life. They are Sis. Katy Beutel (Bro. Dean and Sis. Karen), Sis. Lucy Wagenbach (Bro. Marv and Sis. Paula), Sis. Carly Ehnle (Bro. Russ and Sis. Terry), Corey Rollins (Bro. Marty and Sis. Karla), Judah Blunier (Bro. Greg and Sis. Julieanne), Bro. Jesse Kaiser (Bro. Tim and Sis. Ruth), Luke Wagenbach (Jeff and Heather), Bro. Ryan Koch (Bro. Kappy and Sis. Gayle), Bro. Ben Sauder (Bro. Greg and Sis. Cindy), and Bro. Caleb Rassi (Bro. Curt and Sis. Kathy).

Illinois, WashingtonMarlene Prather Jodi Fehr We extend our heartfelt thanks to Bro. Bill Schick (Sis. Joan) of Magdalena, MX and Bro. Glen Steiner (Sis. Rachel) of Winthrop, MN for ministering this month. We appreciate their willingness to travel and share the Word.

We rejoice with Isaac and Rachel Wofford along with their children: Sam, Caleb, and Grace on the birth of Anna Ruth. We welcome Anna into our church family.

Our thoughts and prayers go to Sis. Jan Sigafus in the passing of her mother, Viola Sigafus. We enjoyed the time that Viola was able to attend our congregation with Sis. Jan.

We just completed a week of VBS and were blessed by the

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students’ enthusiasm to learn and participate. Following VBS, the high school students and teachers left to spend a week in Magdalena. We pray that the Lord blesses their work and time spent together.

Indiana, BlufftonSuzie FiechterKim Meyer With summer upon us, our eyes are turned upon Jesus as we see flowers blooming and gardens growing. Here at Bluffton we had a blessed two weeks of turning our eyes upon Jesus during our Vacation Bible School. It was another wonderful year for the students and teachers.

During VBS, we had a very special weekend. We had testimonies and baptisms for Whitney Isch (Bro. Jim & Sis. Rachel), Sophie Isch (Bro. Doug & Sis. Tonia), Alyssa Bertsch (Bro. Tom & Sis. Brenda), and Tianne Fiechter (Bro. Don & Sis. Suzie). We rejoice with these four young ladies and pray for their continued growth in Jesus.

For our Sunday morning service, we had the funeral for our Bro. Zach Bertsch (Sis. Jenny). The love and support for this dear young family was overwhelming. We only pray that as a church body we can stand in the gap for Jenny, Zion, and Moriah as God leads this family into the future. One thing that really stuck out to me during Bro. Zach’s funeral was why God used Bro. Zach in this battle for

cancer. Bro. Zach understood what it meant for God to get all the glory and to do whatever to gain just one more soul in heaven. Do we get it?

We also extend our love and prayers to Bro. Zach and Sis. Jenny’s families: Bro. Mike and Sis. Carmon Bertsch, Bro. John and Sis. Janice Ruefner, Jenny Fosnaugh, Bro. Ryan and Sis. Jessica Bertsch, Bro. Brad and Sis. Sonja Bertsch, Bro. Aaron and Sis. Cassie Gerber and Bro. Danny Bertsch.

Al Isch (Carole – dec.) also passed away. We pray for his family as well as they go through this time of saying goodbye to their dear father.

We are rejoicing with three new converts: Maddie Isch (Bro. Doug & Sis. Tonia), Desiah Reinhard (Bro. Kent & Sis. Jodi) and Kevin Green. What joy fills our souls when we hear of someone turning their heart to Jesus!

Bro. Clint & Sis. Amy Gerber along with Hudson, Cline, and Sunny welcomed home their baby sister, Wren Suzanne. She is also embraced with the loving arms of her grandparents, Bro. Keith & Sis. Kay Gerber and Bro. Don & Sis. Suzie Fiechter.

Bro. Joe Leman (Bro. Jeff & Sis. Val. Bluffton North) and Sis. Lisa Frauhiger (Bro. Lynn & Sis. Jenny) were united as one in the Lord. We rejoice with these families as these two hearts are brought together as one to better serve the Lord.

We were blessed to hear from Bro. Jeff Waibel (Sis. Margo) and Bro. Steve Stieglitz (Sis. Jane) of Leo. We were given some great principles from 1 Thessalonians 2 for Father’s Day. The love and examples we have in our fathers is a very precious thing that, unfortunately, a lot of children are missing in this world. Thank you, faithful fathers. We were also visited by Bro. Jeff Leman (Sis. Val) and Elder Bro. Steve Ringger (Sis. Myra) for the wedding.

As a church body, we continue to lift up Bro. Jack Schwartz (Sis. Diane), Bro. Charles Zorio, Bryan Aschliman, and Bro. Steve Reinhard (Sis. Renee) in prayer. Physical ailments, surgeries, and hospitalizations can be wearing. But we rejoice in the fact that every day as our physical bodies die, our spiritual bodies are renewed day by day! What hope and joy the Lord can bring to our situations in life that sometimes seem too hard to bear.

We also sent prayers said tearful goodbyes to Bro. Jon & Sis. Amy Gerst along with their girls, Jada and Adia, as they departed for Ethiopia. As they are being faithful to God’s calling to “Go” and spread the Gospel, we pray we will be faithful in “Sending” them with our ongoing prayers and support.

Indiana, Bluffton northAmy MoserJessie Longenberger

Prepare for Survival

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Pray for RevivalPonder His Arrival

We rejoice with Bro. Kellan Kershner (Bro. Dan and Sis. Jacki) as he has recently announced his engagement to Sis. Elisabeth Conzo (Jerry and Becky Repasky, Bradford, IL). We wish them God’s richest blessings as they prepare to become one in Christ in September.

Our Sunday School students came together for two weeks of Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme was “Turn your eyes upon Jesus.” The children learned songs, listened to stories from the Bible, developed new friendships, did a good deed, made a craft, and memorized Bible verses. The last day of Bible School was an evening program to glorify God. Thank you for all who helped to share the love of Jesus and taught about his return.

Our visiting minister this month was Bro. Duane Rocke (Sis. Bonnie; Minneapolis, MN). We are thankful for their labors on our behalf and for the precious Holy Spirit of inspiration which guided his words.

We offer our sympathy and prayers to Bro. Ryan Bertsch (Sis. Jessica) and his family in the passing of his brother, Bro. Zach Bertsch (Sis. Jenny, Bluffton). May the Lord grant comfort and peace to the hearts of those that trust in Jesus Christ.

Our thoughts have been with Bro. Brian Brewster (Marcia) as he has undergone surgery this month.

Thankfully, his surgery went well and we lift him up in our prayers that he can be granted a full recovery.

We welcome convert Terry Murray (Darrell) to our congregation. She has heard and heeded the call of the Savior.

Indiana, FrancesvilleJacki HuberMildred Clauss

“Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind and fills us with a steady and perpetual serenity”! (Addison)

Sis. Leah Kaeb (Bro. Les & Sis. Christine) has returned home after spending several months doing mission work in Haiti. We are happy to have her back, but we are thankful she could experience this time of serving.

Sis. Elizabeth Rayburn (Bro. Jim & Sis. Barb) and Bro. Brett Gerber (Bro. Bob & Sis. Luann) from Wolcott, IN, exchanged marriage vows on June 16. Visiting ministers for the occasion were Bro. John Reinhard (Sis. Pam) from Bluffton; Bro. Jeff Bahler (Sis. Heidi) from Wolcott and Bro. Neal Widmer (Sis. Kris) from West Lafayette. We pray for the Lord’s blessing on this dear young couple as they continue to look to Him for direction and grace!

Bro. Mark Wettstein (Sis. Karen) from LaCrosse and Elder Bro. Dan Kilgus (Sis. Jenna) from Remington have also visited our congregation.

We are indeed thankful for all of our ministering brothers who willingly share the truths of God’s Word.

Hospital patients during the past month include: Sis. Ruth Wuethrich (Bro. Chris Lee), Sis. Diane Clevenger (Jon), Sis. Eldora Bonges and Bro. Eugene Huber.

Bro. Leon Wuethrich has gone to his eternal rest at age 91. We extend our sympathy to his children: Susan Koebcke, with whom he made his home for the past year; Larry (Carol) Wuethrich; Marcia (Tom) Hale; Carol (Michael) Appleby; and also to his surviving siblings: Sis. Nancy Klopfenstein; Sis. Bernice Houk and Marjorie (Fred) Hess.

Sympathy is extended to Bro. Harold & Sis. Sherry Fritz at the death of her mother, Sis. Ruth Heinold of LaCrosse. Sis. Ruth had resided at Parkview Haven for the past several years and often assembled with us here.

We also extend sympathy to Bro. Burt & Sis. Karlene Isch in the passing of his father, Al Isch of Bluffton. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” Psalm 116:15

Indiana, IndianapolisKaty FrantzGail Bradford It is always a precious moment when we learn of dear ones who have declared they have peace in their hearts and are looking forward to

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baptism and a renewed life in Jesus. They are: Leah Baumgartner (Bro. Greg and Sis. Missy), Ashley Creigh and Lance Schwab. We rejoice with them!

Several of us volunteer at the Midwest Food Bank. This month Bro. Glen and Sis. Nancy Pfeifer opened their home (and yard) for a time of fellowship and opportunity to support its mission of feeding Indiana’s hungry.

Bro. Chad Hoerr (Sis. Heather) is leading us in a Bible study of Revelation.

Baby Wells Jacob was born on May 24 to Bro. Sam and Sis. Kaitlin Kaufman. Happy grandparents are Joel and Sally Kaufman (Japan) and Bro. Ed and Sis. Annette Bahler (West Lafayette, IN).

Also, we celebrate with Bro. Morgan and Sis. Kyra Langhofer on the joy of Chelise Renae being born on June 17. Grandparents are Bro. Erik and Sis. Cynthia Langhofer (Phoenix, AZ) and Bro. Wayne and Sis. Carol Klopfenstein (Peoria, IL).

On the fifth Wednesday nights, a special presentation is generally planned. This month we were blessed by Bro. Troy Leyse’s (Sis. Kelly, Bluffton, IN) interesting talk about Loving Shepherd Ministries. We were especially touched by their work to permanently place orphans with indigenous families in Haiti and Ethiopia.

The first week of June brought

children, teens and adults together at Vacation Bible School for an exciting journey with Paul and Silas on the road to Damascus and beyond. The fellowship area was transformed into the city of Athens, as its “citizens” heard the Gospel message from one of Christianity’s greatest and most courageous preachers. Funds were collected for the Sunday school mission trip to Athens, AL (not a coincidence!).

We welcome several newcomers this month who have moved here for work: Sis. Tianna Stieglitz (Bro. Lynn and Sis. Leonda) from Leo, IN; Bro. Jackson Troxel (Bro. Tom and Sis. LuAnn Troxel) from Lacrosse, IN; and Bro. Bryce and Sis. Andrea Westfall from Alto, MI. We are glad that Nicole Steiner (Bro. Kurt and Sis. Robin) of Smithville, OH will worship with us during a summer internship here.

As believers, it is our privilege and responsibility, as Bro. Ken said recently, “having received the Word and such a great salvation, to live it out and share it with others.”

Indiana, LacrosseJulie Rocke Meagan Frank “Be still, and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10

The length of this article attests to the fact that summer busyness is upon us. This past Sunday, Father’s Day, Bro. Dan Stoller (Sis. Deb,

Remington, IN) encouraged us with this verse to stop and spend time with our fathers, our families, and, most importantly, our Heavenly Father.

We thank Bro. Lucas Frank (Sis. Crystal, Detroit, MI) who also gave of himself on Father’s Day, and Bro. Chris Wuethrich (Sis. Carla, St. Louis, MO) who ministered to us Memorial Day Weekend.

It saddens us to announce that Bro. David & Sis. Margene Peasley are relocating to Lester, IA for Bro. David’s employment. While we are thankful for the Lord’s leading and answered prayer, we will sorely miss this dear couple.

Sis. Ruth Heinold (the late Bro. Virgil) recently passed from this life, giving us more reasons this month to grieve as well as rejoice. Her children Sis. Sherri & Bro. Harold Fritz of Francesville, IN, Jim & Karen Heinold of Pensacola, FL, Jill & Jay Plattner of Bend, OR, and Vic & Sue Heinold of Covington, LA along with her grandchildren, great grandchildren, a great-great grandchildren rejoice that she is now in her long-awaited mansion in Heaven, but will miss her joyful enthusiasm for life in the Lord. What a beautiful legacy of faith she, and many others, have preserved for us with the responsibility to carry on!

Also mourning the loss of a loved one are Sis. Betsy Virkler (Bro. David) and her family as her grandmother, Adeline Kaeb, of Fairbury, IL recently

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went to be with the Lord.We rejoice in the arrival of new

life with Bro. Glen & Sis. Sandy Heinold as they received another granddaughter, Lucy Megan, who was born to Mark & Katie Heinold and big sister, Libby.

We pray for recovery for Sis. Bobbi Ann Heinold (Bro. Eric) who recently had knee surgery, and for Bro. Owen Gudeman (Sis. Nicole) who is again in the hospital. As of this writing, he has had surgery and we pray for healing for Bro. Owen and grace for his family during this time.

Our annual Sunday School Picnic was held at the beginning of June. Despite the cold weather, the fellowship, good food, and singing were thoroughly enjoyed. The picnic also signaled the arrival of Vacation Bible School week. As always, the children enjoyed their lessons and activities, and we thank our Sunday School teachers for their many efforts. The adults and Bible Class were blessed to have Bros. Chris Wuethrich (Sis. Carla, St. Louis, MO), Randy Beer (Sis. Deb, Milford, IN) and Chris Laukhuf (Sis. Erica, Latty, OH) expound on the topics of “Trusting in God; Letting God Lead”, “The effects of Social Media”, and “The Results of True Fellowship”; all with the overriding theme that ‘God is Enough’. We thank these brothers for giving of themselves and pray that God will bless them richly!

We thank young and old that participated in our annual days for church cleaning and landscaping, as well as the brothers spending extra time felling some trees around the church. What a blessing to work together as a church family for the Lord’s house.

Indiana, LeoKirby Reutter If Christ had preached the Sermon on the Mount at Gateway Woods, He might have said something like this: “Blessed be the teachers, for you shall be taught from the Word of Life. Blessed be the adoption workers, for you too shall be adopted by our Father who art in Heaven. Blessed be the house parents, for my father’s house has many mansions. And very least of all, blessed be the counselors, for you too will be consoled by the Comforter when you can’t even figure out yourself, much less someone else. Blessed are you when probation officers don’t understand you either; when caseworkers misrepresent you; when judges don’t follow your recommendations; and when parents yell at you on the phone. Blessed are you, for great is your reward in HEAVEN—so in other words, stop looking for your respect, recompense, reinforcement, or recognition on this side of the grave.”

Sometimes the only way I can keep track of the current Gateway staff is to write an article about them.

Just in the last month or so, Bro. Jon and Sis. Beth Ringger (from Bluffton North) joined us to serve as House Parents; Bro. Brian Wenninger (also from Bluffton North) joined us to serve as the new Math Teacher; and Bro. Derek Steffen (from Alto) joined us to serve as our summertime Volunteer Coordinator. In addition, our very own local homegrown Bro. Phil Fischer (from Leo) quickly rose the ranks from intern to Top Quality Manager.

Speaking of interns, Sis. Emily Wiegand (from Philadelphia) has also joined us for the summer. Incidentally, Emily is one of at least five elder’s kids currently on staff. Thank you so much dear elder brothers for sharing and entrusting your children to labor with us in the Lord!

Perhaps most noteworthy of all, Bro. Paul and Sis. Leanne Fischer also re-joined us to serve as house parents—again. This is a unique situation. Paul and Leanne originally left Roanoke to serve as Gateway house parents in 1981. Now 32 years (and 8 children of their own) later, they have recently decided to serve another tour at Gateway. What a testimony to those of us who think we are entitled to a leisurely retirement!

Incidentally, Paul and Leanne are also the parents of aforementioned Bro. Phil, as well as the parents-in-law of Sis. Emily Fischer (our

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secretary). This recent influx of Fischer’s prompted one nameless staff member to wonder aloud if the Fischer’s were taking over the place. That point aside, hasn’t the Master called ALL of us to be Fishers of Men? (And NOT pursuers of property or possession, position or prestige, pomp or pleasure, power or privilege, pride or prejudice, promotion or presumption, predominance or preeminence—or any other earthly paraphernalia.)

Finally, our dear Bro. Joe and Sis. Heather Beer (Hannah, Cooper, Connor) recently moved on after 5 years of dedicated house parenting, bequeathing us with these final parting words: “We have enjoyed working alongside each of you over the past five years. We’re sure it gets said all the time, but Gateway has changed our lives in more ways than we expected when we began our service here. For those of you in the office, thank you for your support and keeping things running, and thanks for your bright smiles. Thanks also to those who faithfully pray multiple times a week. I know that’s a big reason why houseparents are able to do what they do. For the school staff, thank you for your commitment to your students and holding a line of structure and love. We’ve seen many kids flourish under your teaching. You’ve given many kids a confidence in their learning power that they never had prior to Gateway. For the

houseparents, thank you for your tireless investment in the kids God has placed in your homes. Thank you for the times you came along side our family during times of crisis. Thank you for the wisdom you’ve shared and for being willing to be open when you disagree. Thank you for your servant hearts and your desire to share Jesus with a hurting population. You have been an inspiration to us. And thank you for your ability to find humor in a work that can be far from humorous at times! Our prayers will continue for this ministry and the work that goes on here. Keep the faith. Hold the banner high. We love you all deeply!”

We will deeply miss Joe and Heather and their three precious children at Gateway—but we are SO thankful they plan to stay in the Leo area. We will also deeply miss Sis. Katie Kauffman (the current Math teacher who is also moving on)—but we are SO thankful that she likewise plans to stay in the Leo area. For the rest of us that remain in the labor, we are quite likely the very least worthy of your prayers (at least speaking for myself). And that is precisely why we need them.

Indiana, MilfordJanie Price Jodi Beer We welcome Bro. Larry & Sis. Melinda Gramm and their daughters: Nikki, Cassie and Jasmine to our congregation. They have relocated to

our area from Atlanta, GA. We are thankful to have them with us.

We appreciated having our Elder Bro. Bill Schlatter (Sis. Emily, Junction, OH) visit and minister to us. We thank him for having the graduation service for our 2013 High School graduates.

We had a very blessed week of VBS. Our theme was “Lord Help Me Live.”

Bro. Dave Zehr (Gridley, IL) “The Subtlety of Sin.”

Bro. Jeff Bahler (Wolcott, IN) “Crossing Your Red Sea”

Bro. Ron Kipfer (Bluffton, IN) “Validating God’s Way”

Bro. Ken Wuethrich (Indianapolis, IN) “I Am Not Ashamed”

We thank these visiting ministers and their wives for coming and speaking God’s Word.

We are rejoicing with Anne Beer (Bro. Randy and Sis. Deb) as she has turned to the Lord in repentance. We pray that God will richly bless her with grace and peace.

Indiana, RemingtonJenni Honegger Marcella TylerWe are thankful to several visiting ministers this month. Bro. Gary Tonner (Sis. Diann) from Bluffton, Bro. Chuck Kellenberger (Sis. Debbie) from Elgin, and Bro. Steven Frauhiger (Sis. Irene) from Bluffton North all shared the Word. We are thankful

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for their time and effort. In addition, Bro. Todd Sinn (Sis. Janet) from Latty, Bro. Brian Waibel (Sis. Wendy) from Champaign, Bro. Dale Stoller (Sis. Sandra) from Fairbury, Bro. Mark Wettstein (Sis. Karen) from LaCrosse, and Bro. Todd Graf (Sis. Lydia) from Akron each gave a talk to our Vacation Bible School students this year. The theme was “The Salvation Plan” and each brother did a wonderful job of laying out the steps to God’s perfect plan for our young people. This year the Wolcott congregation hosted VBS. We are thankful to each one for the many hours they spent to make the week both a glory to God and a fun time for the children.

Bro. Andy Zickmund (Sis. Mary) recently had surgery. We pray for his speedy recovery and healing.

Our prayers go out to Dale (Roberta) Greenbank on the passing of his brother, Ed Greenbank (Leslie) of Republic, Missouri. May God comfort the hearts of the family in each one’s grief.

We celebrated Father’s Day this week. The fathers among us were challenged to follow the example given in Deuteronomy when teaching the ways of the Lord to their children. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command

thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.” Deuteronomy 6:4-9.

How thankful we should be to our earthly fathers who diligently and prayerfully show us the way to our Father in heaven!Lost & Found:

We are repeating the following announcement in the hopes that someone will claim this suit jacket. During our recent church cleaning, there were several items that were discovered. One was a man’s suit jacket that has evidentially been there for several months. Since no one here has claimed it, we decided to let others know that it is here in case a visitor accidentally left it. The name brand is “Cellini Collection”. The size is 40 Long and it is a darker blue/gray with a lighter blue pinstripe. Please call Marcella Tyler at 219-261-2539, if you think this could belong to you.

Indiana, south BendJoshua Martinez “And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout,

waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law, Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.” Luke 2: 25-32

The South Bend church family joyfully welcomes another future Mighty Man of God. Simeon Ray Schafer was born to Bro. Caleb and Sis. Laura Schafer on May 21. Happy grandparents are Bro. Scott and Sis. Gigi Schafer and Bro. Lynn and Sis. Valerie Kipfer (Austin, TX).

We are thankful for the many visitors from near and far who shared a time of fellowship and worship with us this month. We are especially grateful for the words of Truth and Life shared with us by Bro. Thomas Troxel (Sis. LuAnn, LaCrosse, IN ) and Bro. Alan Schambach (Sis. Sarah, Remington, IN).

Our prayers were answered for the safe return of loved ones from travel abroad. We are happy to have Bro. Bob and Sis. Sue Beebe back

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from Haiti and Chip and Kasha Iacob from Romania.

Our South Bend children enjoyed a time of learning and fun at the joint Vacation Bible School with our Milford, IN brethren. May the Lord bless the efforts of all involved in planting seeds of the Good News in our children’s hearts.

We appreciate the work and sacrifice of all Sunday School teachers. Special thanks go to outgoing teachers, Sis. Gigi Schafer, Sis. Rachel Langhofer and Bro. Otto Schlatter for being shining lights to our children. Our prayers go with Sis. Samantha Gramm, Sis. Janelle Steffen and Bro. Joshua Martinez who will assume their places in the next school year. “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for ever and ever. And all the people said, Amen, and praised the Lord.” 1 Chronicles 16:36

Indiana, ValparaisoMarguerite HoerrSherry Meiss What a weekend we had in Valpo church! We heard the testimony of LaToya Thomas, ably assisted by Elder Bro. Curt Frank (Sis. Lyla) and our own Elder Bro. Dan Kilgus (Sis. Jenna). LaToya is the youngest daughter of our ministering Bro. Mike Thomas and Sis. Claudia. Her baptism followed the next day and there was rejoicing in the Valpo church over the addition of another member to our little flock. I’ve always

appreciated her friendship, despite the difference in our ages. Now I will appreciate it even more, because now we are united as sisters in the body of Christ.

The following Sunday, we were totally blest with the visit of ministering Bro. Joe Gerst (Sis. Connie) and their daughter, Sis. Ruth of Iowa City. They came to be with their two daughters: Sis. Sharon (Bro. Jon Pratt) of Valpo and Sis. Amy Troxel (Bro. Joel) and their baby son of LaCrosse. Bro. Joe blest us, by proclaiming God’s Word from the pulpit both morning and afternoon. Having both daughters close by, we look forward to more visits from them.

Isaiah Thomas graduated from high school. We are all looking forward to attending his open house later this month. Isaiah (son of Bro. Mike and Sis. Claudia) has been a blessing to all of us. His cheerful personality lights up our church family each time he’s with us. We wish him God’s blessings as he pursues his college days in Southern IN. We will miss his warm handshake and welcome smile.

Former ministering Bro. Carl Wyss and his wife, Sis. Lydiann (Washington, IL) visited Valpo in June, along with 35 members of their family. They were vacationing on Lake Michigan. Among them were Elder Bro. Randy Kellenberger and Sis. Karen from Kansas City. Bro. Randy

ably and with inspiration, fed our congregation. Bob and I were unable to be there, but we were told about all the blessings derived from their visit. We didn’t have to be disappointed for long, though because the first of the week, Sis. Lydiann called us and invited us to be with them for their family’s midweek services. Bro. Lyle and Sis. Marilyn Zeltwanger were with us as we sat in the vast room of their lodge and benefitted from the Bible lesson and the singing during these services. We received so much love and inspiration that our hearts were filled to overflowing. We can’t express our gratitude enough for the loving invitation to join them. May God bless them all for sharing with us. The older Bob and I get, the more we appreciate fellowship such as this.

I want to thank Sis. Sharon Meiss for posting last month’s Valpo news. She has a willing heart that is so appreciated. She has been a blessing to our church in so many ways.

Don’t forget, we’re just 2¾ miles south of U. S. 30 on S.R. 49. We love visitors and invite you to worship with us if you are in the area. Remember we’re at “the Crossroads of the U.S.A”.

Indiana, West LafayetteKatie Widmer Bro. Ben Stoller, and my dear cousin, is missed as he is now bringing even more sunshine to Yellow Street in Francesville, IN. “Blessed be the Tie” has been sung a few too many times

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in West Lafayette, but we are excited for Ben as he follows where God leads. Thanks for your partnership in writing the Silver Lining this year too!

We enjoyed a week of God’s Backyard Bible Camp, learning how the Holy Spirit can make us more like Jesus.

We welcome Semaj Barrett from Kingston, Jamaica. She is staying with Bro. Kirk and Sis. Keri Plattner during her summer break from college. She is already actively jumping in and serving. We love having her with us for the summer.

We wish God’s blessings on Bro. Brett and Sis. Elizabeth Gerber as they begin their lives together!

Happy Father’s Day and thanks to all Dads who are actively leading your family to a closer walk with Christ.

Indiana, WolcottMichelle EarneyBeckie Lehman June has passed by in a rush of activity. The children are enjoying being out of school for summer vacation. Our congregation was blessed to once again share Vacation Bible School with the Remington congregation. Wolcott hosted the week of activities. The theme this year was “The Salvation Plan”. We want to thank each of the visiting ministers who came and gave of their time to share a topic with the

Bible Class and congregation. Those brothers were Bro. Todd Sinn, Latty; Bro. Brian Waibel, Champaign; Bro. Dale Stoller, Fairbury; Bro Mark Wettstein, Lacrosse; and Bro. Todd Graf, Akron. May God bless them for their efforts.

Mike and Sis. Nancy Scott welcomed two new grandchildren into their family circle in the past month. Nick and Niki Pilotte are thankful for the arrival of Gage Harris who joins his sister, Viola. Myles Tyler joins his sister, Lily, and parents, Tyler and Megan Bryant. We pray for God’s blessings on these growing families.

Last month we failed to include Sis. Leah Lehman with our graduates. We pray God will bless her as she takes the next step into her future.

Iowa, BloomfieldTeresa Schock Our sympathy to Sis. Teresa (Bro. Dale) Schock and Sis. Rita (Bro. Jon) Wettstein as their mother, Sis. Arlene Huette, has gone to her eternal reward.

We rejoice with Bro. Bill Wuthrich (the late Ernestine) and Sis. Gloria Frieden (Elgin, IA) as they were united in holy matrimony. May their union be blest and may Sis. Gloria feel at home here.

Bro. Jon and Sis. Rita Wettstein’s daughter, Jacki, was married to Craig Amstutz on June 8. His parents are

Keith and Gail Amstutz.On Fathers’s Day, Bro. Matt

Wettstein (Bro. Jon and Sis. Rita) was engaged to Sis. Emma Fehr (Bro. Cory and Sis. Jennifer, West Bend, IA). We also heard that God places us in a place where He sees best—where He can best use us. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bro. Matt and Sis. Emma as they follow God’s will for their lives.

Iowa, BurlingtonMarilyn Anderson Monica Eisenmann With thankful hearts we welcome Bro. Dallas and Sis. Christy Massner, and their children: Caleb, Sophie, Lillian and Naomi to our church family.

We held our Sunday School election on June 2. New teachers will be Sis. Josie Wulf and Bro. Brett Wulf. We wish them the Lord’s direction as they teach the children. Bro. Gary Schulz and Sis. Tami Banwart have completed their terms and we wish to thank them for their dedication in serving.

We were blessed with many visitors this past month, among them were Elder Bro. Jon Schmidgall and Bro. Mark Schmidgall.

Iowa, elginMaria Rocke “And they called onto Rebekah, and said unto her, Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I will go.”

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Genesis 25:11On June 2, Bro. Bill Wuthrich

and Sis. Gloria Frieden were united in marriage. It is such a blessed occasion to witness, a marriage in the Lord! Among the many visitors were Elder Bro. Wayne Grimm (Sis. Rose, West Bend, IA), Bro. Brad Funk (Sis. Laura, Garden Grove, IA), Bro. Ron Joos (Sis. Christy, Bloomfield, IA), Bro. Ryan Schock (Sis. Melanie, Bloomfield, IA), and Bro. Leland Plattner (Sis. Mary, Zapata, TX). We had an encouraging weekend. May God bless Bro. Bill and Sis. Gloria in their walk together and those who served us from the pulpit.

Michael and Nikki Schupbach (Spirit Lake, IA) were blessed with a baby boy, Knox Curtis, on June 11. They have certainly been in our prayers as little Knox has a heart condition that will need to be corrected by surgery. We wish them God’s blessings as they enjoy their precious bundle of love. Thankful grandparents are Bro. John and Sis. Janet Schupbach.

Iowa, Garden GroveLaura Funk

Our Parents - A Gift From God“Lord, we thank Thee for our Parents, Who have reared us in their care.Gently, they’ d sing “Jesus Loves Me”, As they’ d rock us in their arms.Soon, around their feet we’d scamper; Curious as we could be.Patiently they’ d answer question;

Listening so tenderly.Now we’ve come to know the Savior, And the riches of His Love.Oh, how sweet to think that we’ve been Taught the straight and narrow way.Lord, we thank Thee for our parents; Bless and keep them, Lord we pray!Oh, how truly we do love them, For their kind, unselfish ways.”

We have celebrated Mother and Father’s Day. What would the condition of our soul be if our parents had not taken time to show us God’s love and take us to church?

Welcoming Kristopher James into their heart and home is Kris, Britany and Lydia Braun. Grandparents are Bro. Tom and Sis. Dawn Moser.

Bringing God’s Word to Garden Grove over the past few weeks were Bro. Ed Stoller (Denver, CO), Bro. Galen Rokey (Bern, KS), Elder Bro. John Lehman (Bern, KS), Elder Bro. Jim Plattner (Princeville, IL), Bro. John Steiner (Oakville, IA), Bro. Wes Moser (Lester, IA), Elder Bro. Ted Witzig (Morton, IL) and Elder Bro. Doug Schock (Bloomfield, IA). If our ears and understanding were open and our heart empty, many teachings, admonishments, lessons and encouraging words were spoken. Did we hear and take advantage of the free offerings?

Elder Bro. Jim Plattner gave the exhortation for Holy Communion. Elder Bro. Ted Witzig and Elder Bro. Doug Schock served Communion.

As several new lambs have been added to the fold here, some from moving here and some from baptism, Communion was a special blessing to share with these new souls.

Iowa, Iowa CityDiana Butikofer Congratulations to our high school graduates! We wish Michaela Landherr (Ron & Audrey) and Joshua Snodgrass (Bro. Wayne and Sis. Becky). God’s blessings as they pursue future education or occupation.

Bro. Luke Gerst (Sis. Michelle) graduated from the University of Dubuque. We trust they will be a blessing to the Columbus, OH church since moving for a job (Luke) and college (Michelle).

We pray for God’s care and guidance for Matt Landherr (Ron and Audrey) as he moves to Hawaii for his residency following his graduation from University of Iowa medical school.

Iowa, LesterAudrey MetzgerJoyce MoserMemorial Day weekend brought many visiting ministers and brethren to our congregation: Bro. Mark Schmidgall (Oakville,IA), Bro. Chris Laukhuf (Latty, OH), Bro. Darren Fehr (West Bend, IA), Bro. Bruce Frank (Cissna Park, IL) and Bro. Virgil Metzger (Chicago, IL). On June 2, we were thankful to have

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Bro. Roger Aberle (Sabetha, KS) and Bro. John Baumgartner (Bern, KS) here to minister the Word. We were blessed by their willing service and appreciated the kind and loving exhortations.

The wedding of Bro. Nate Knobloch (Bro. Dan & Sis. ReJean) and Sis. Ashley Fehr (Bro. Gary & Sis. Sandy, Morris, MN) was June 2 in Morris, MN. We rejoice with them as they begin their married life together in the Lord. We welcome Sis. Ashley to our Lester congregation.

It was a beautiful evening on June 5 for our annual Sunday School picnic, which was enjoyed by all the children and our church family.

“Flourishing youth, Thou our hope and our fond expectation, Hark to the voice that is calling in kind invitation! That hand obey which oft has pointed the way, to the dear Saviour’s salvation!” Zion’s Harp #168, vs. 1

This year was Lester’s turn to host the Sunday School Youth Fellowship weekend on June 8 & 9. Elder Bro. Paul Messner (Winthrop, MN), Elder Bro. Wayne Grimm (West Bend, IA), Elder Bro. Duane Rocke (Minneapolis, MN), Bro. Gary Sinn (Latty, OH), and Bro. Kevin Wulf (Morris, MN) were here to minister the Gospel. Bro. Gary shared an inspirational message to the youth on Saturday evening and the elders, along with our Elder Bro.

Rod, addressed questions from the students on Sunday afternoon. It was a very blessed weekend for all who were involved. We want to thank our Sunday School teachers for all of their labors on behalf of our children who, Lord willing, will become the future church.

Our sincere sympathy goes out to Jim and Ronda Thielen as Jim’s mother, Ramona Thielen, passed away on June 10. May God provide comfort to them in their time of sorrow.

With Father’s Day here, the Word reminds us to “honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” Ephesians 6:2-3.

Iowa, OakvilleSharla Wiegand Graduation weekend was May 19. Visiting ministers were Elder Bro. Rod Bajema and Bro. Dale Wulf (Lester IA) and Bro. Michael Wagenbach (Wolcott IN).

Our Sunday School election was held June 2. New teachers are Bros. Kent Schmidgall, Mitch Schulz and Jeremy Steiner and Sis. Kelsey Banwart, Sis. Tami Lanz. We thank the outgoing teachers for their service: Bros. Brent Frank, Dave Stoller, Colin Wagenbach and Sis. Charlene Gerst, Sis. Kelly Lanz.

Our new Gateway Woods

representative is Bro. Jeff Wagenbach. We are thankful for Bro. Tom Steiner’s years of service.

Bro. Travis, Sis. Kenna and Ava Frank were happy to welcome Cohen Reilly into their family on June 14. Grandparents are Bro. Curt and Sis. Kathy Frank and Bro. Brad and Sis. Teresa Kellenberger (Sabetha, KS).

On June 9, we witnessed the baptism of five dear souls: Bailey Lanz (Bro. Ron and Sis. Timna), Austin Frank (Bro. Curt and Sis. Kathy), Claire Lanz (Bro. Regan and Sis. Tricia), Carrie Carruthers (Fred and Korkee) and Erika Massner (Bro. Troy and Sis. Joni). Visiting ministers were Elder Bro. John Laukhuf (Latty, OH) and Bro. John Hartman (Fairbury, IL).

Iowa, West BendYvonne BruellmanBecky Virkler Our sympathy is extended to Sis. Bernice Banwart, Sis. Betty Wirtz, Sis. Phyllis Banwart, Sis. Marilyn Banwart and Becky Banwart on the loss of family member, Franklin Banwart.

We have blessed with many visitors this month. Among them were visiting ministers: Bro. Wes Moser (Sis. Esther, Lester, IA), Bro. Larry Bahr (Sis. Julie, Fort Scott, KS), Bro. Ron Isch (Sis. Jane, Lamont-Gridley, KS), Bro. Wayne Banwart (Sis. Charlen, Champaign, IL) and Bro. Galen Rokey (Sis.

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Nancy, Bern, KS).On the evening of Memorial Day,

the church gathered for a singing to wish Bro. Dallas, Sis. Christy Massner and family well on their move to the Burlington congregation.

On the weekend of June 8 and 9, our Bible Classes attended the annual youth fellowship weekend in Lester. Once again the students enjoyed fellowshipping and worshipping together with the surrounding churches. We thank God for his guiding and protecting hand and to the Lester congregation for hosting this event for our youth.

Our best wishes go to Tyson and Autumn Wirtz on their recent marriage. Tyson is the son of Bro. Chuck and Sis. Trela Wirtz. May God bless them as they establish their lives together.

This time of the year reminds us of faithful fathers who have led by example and faithfulness. May the fathers that are sojourning at this present time be willing and able, by God’s grace, to pass this onto their posterity. We are so blessed.

We rejoice with Sis. Emma Fehr (Bro. Cory and Sis. Jennifer) and Bro. Matthew Wettstein (Bro. Jon and Sis. Rita, of Bloomfield, IA) on their engagement. May God bless their hearts as they make future plans.

God’s goodness has been showered on our two recently hospitalized patients. Bro. Ken Banwart (Sis. Marlene) is home

recovering from surgery. Dexter Knobloch (Bro. Denton and Sis. Rose) is home recovering from injuries sustained in a farm accident. We thank God for the avenue and power of prayer.

Japan, tokyoManuela Denes Marie Inoue “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

We were very interested to hear of a group of believers living in the Philippines. Brethren from Tremont, IL have been assisting them with their material and spiritual needs. Bros. Akito Inoue and Akihiro Ito flew from Manila to the island of Mindanao to meet with a small group. What a blessing it is to be able to travel safely and share the Gospel! We pray for continued growth in faith and that God can continue to help and support this small group of believers.

It is hard to believe that I am writing my last article for Tokyo. I am so thankful for the two years I’ve had to worship with our loved ones in both Tokyo and Shioda. There have been many challenges, not the least one being away from my family. The Lord provides us with many opportunities to grow in faith and I’m thankful and so blessed for all that He has provided for not only me, but for my family as well. Praise be to

God for creating opportunities for us to experience the beautiful world that He has created. I would encourage any who are feeling led to support a small church to consider Japan—you will be greatly blessed!

I’d like to thank my Japanese family, not only the brothers and sisters, but also those friends who faithfully come and worship on Sundays. My prayer would be that their hearts would be touched enough that they would one day be able to humble themselves and give their lives to the Lord. God be with you ‘til we meet again!“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” Philippians 1:3

Kansas, BernJill MeyerRita Menold We rejoice with three new souls who have buried their sins in the watery grave! Bro. Jordan Rokey (Bro. Galen and Sis. Nancy), Bro. Marcus Baumgartner (Bro. John and Sis. Lori) and Sis. Jessalyn Strahm (Bro. Faron and Sis. Jana) gave their testimonies and were baptized the weekend of June 8 and 9. We are thankful Elder Bro. Mike Leman (Sis. Deb; Denver, CO) came to share in this work, as well as visiting ministers Bro. Duane Metzger (Sis. Ruth; West Bend, IA) and Bro. Roger Aberle (Sis. Lavonne; Sabetha, KS).Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall

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keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.

We are so thankful that Kara Goodman (Mike and Sis. Luci) has found peace with God and man! We rejoice with her and look forward to hearing her testimony of faith in the near future.

Our theme this year for Vacation Bible School was “The 8 P’s of Jonah”: Preach, Proclaim, Powerful, Patience, Purpose, Prophet, Pray, Promise. Even though it seems that the parents are exhausted after the week, it is so refreshing to see the overflowing joy and excitement in the children. Our prayer is that as each one grows older, they will continue to have a love for Jesus and a desire to learn about God and his perfect ways!

Bro. Wayne Strahm has met with some afflictions of the flesh, and spent some time in the hospital healing.

If your family is traveling close to our area for vacation, we warmly welcome you to worship with us. We love having visitors! One thing I appreciate so much about our church, is that we can stop and visit any Apostolic Christian church and feel a warm welcome from the brethren – what a Blessing!

Love, joy and peace to each of you.

Kansas, Fort scottTeresa Bahr Two new babies have arrived to

join our fellowship. On 6/13/13, Jaxon Lee Banwart was born to Bro. Tim and Sis. Nicole. His siblings are Jonah, Jayden, and Jordon. Grandparents are Steve and Beverly Scott and Bro. Lon and Sis Debbie Banwart. Then on 6/17/13, Anika Rose Banwart was born to Bro. Trent and Sis. Kristi. Her siblings are Benjamin, Josiah, Noelle, and Chloe. Grandparents are Bro. Rick and Sis. Karen Kellenberger and Bro. Lon and Sis. Debbie Banwart.

Vacation Bible School was held June 17-21 with the students excited about learning Bible truths and doing arts and crafts. We offer special thanks and blessings to the teachers and others who gave of their time.

Sis. Aleta Banwart (Bro. Don) and Darcy Sinn (Doug) are both recovering from surgery and we are thankful they are both able to assemble with us.

Kansas, KiowaJanice Bahr Jenny Stewart “Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” Matt. 13:30

It’s harvest in our area. It is so interesting to watch the wheat being cut, and see the chaff (tares) being cast out the back of the combine, while the wheat is collected in the

bin. God in His infinite wisdom used this example (though using reapers instead of a combine) to compare to the end of the age when the children of God will be separated from the children of Satan - God’s children to live eternally with Him in Glory, and Satan’s children to live forever with Satan in eternal torment. May we be ready for God’s harvest that we not be caught sleeping and be cast out as the chaff.

We recently had the privilege of Elder Bro. Mike and Sis. Deb Leman and Bro. Jake and Sis. Tifani Leman (Denver) for a weekend. We so appreciate the effort given and miles traveled to share the love of fellowship, and the precious Word of God. May God bless each of you who give of yourselves for the Lord’s work.

“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so; little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong: yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus love me, the Bible tells me so.” Hymns of Zion #176

We would like to thank everyone who recently took part in our Bible School. We especially thank our Wichita Church family, who joined us for the day of fellowship and teaching of God’s Word to our precious youth who are God’s joy and ours also.

We still seek prayers for our dear Sis. Kathleen Miner, who has had surgery and is undergoing further

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treatments for cancer. May our Great Physician put healing hands on her and be her constant companion during this trying time.

Kansas, Lamont-GridleySarah Somerhalder On May 31, the Sunday school students enjoyed Vacation Bible School where they learned about “Creation”. May God bless the teachers and the others who assisted with the students.

Kansas, sabethaDawn Strahm Sally Strahm Salome Hartter (Bro. Tim and Sis. Charleen) has made a beginning in repentance. We thank God that hearts are still being moved to serve Him.

Sis. Ruby Grimm (Bro. Gerald) has been in our prayers as she contends with physical pain and undergoes surgery.

Bro. Marc and Sis. Julie Wenger became grandparents when little Crew Wenger Kellenberger was born. Crew’s parents are Travis and Erica Kellenberger. Our Sis. Marian Kellenberger (late Bro. Gene) is happy to welcome another new granddaughter, Ruth Kathleen. Baby Ruth is the daughter of Art and Joy Kellenberger.

Sharing God’s Word this month was Bro. Scott Wegman (Sis. Dawn, Taylor, MO). We thank Bro. Scott for his willingness to serve.

Our sympathy is extended to Sis. Phyllis Strahm (Bro. Elmer) as her brother, Franklin Banwart of Lake Mills, IA, passed away.

Prayers and sympathy are also with Bro. Calvin Weiss and his wife, Sis. Dena, as they bid an earthly farewell to Bro. Calvin’s sibling, our dear Sis. Lucille Kellenberger (late Bro. Freeman). Sis. Lucille’s bright smile and quick laughter will be missed by many.

We gathered at the Fellowship Center last month to learn of our role as a church family in sending Bro. Rick and Sis. Komari Aberle and their children, Mara, Krae and Selah as missionaries to Haiti. Bro. Kirk Plattner (Sis. Keri, West Lafeyette, IN) presented information on ways we can support the Aberles in their time away. Bro. Rick and Sis. Komari’s move will leave a void in our congregation, but we know they are still part of our home church and need our prayers as they continue to serve God in a different capacity.

June 1 was our annual Sunday school picnic. We enjoyed an evening of food and fellowship with our precious children. These times spent together are a blessing to be cherished.

Kansas, WichitaGlen Funk “Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.” Jer. 23:24

I’m sorry it seems we’ve fallen off the map. We regret deeply our dear Sister Emma Miller has advancing Parkinson’s conditions and is unable to continue our correspondence. She still is brought lovingly to church by her daughter, Jane, and son, Chris.

We have each month received such blessings as in April, Bros. Chuck Kellenberger and Les Shambach (Elgin, IL) with their wives came to evaluate the need for church parking lot renovation. We felt they were truly God-sent. Bro. Chuck filled the monthly minister rotation which we appreciate so much! In May, Elder Bro. Doug Shock (Bloomfield, IA) rotated and also helped our Elder Bro. Jay Luthi (Lamont/Gridley, KS) serve Communion. The weekend of June 2, Bro. Jay and Elder Bro. Gary Hertzel (Sabetha, KS) came and shepherdly interviewed our church. How uplifting it was as they found in conclusion a peaceful, loving attitude with unity. We appreciated both their ministry. Father’s Day, Bro. Eric Givens (Princeville, IL) blessed us with ministry along with his wife and daughters.

We have two 8th grade graduates, William Setser and Hans Schrader. Katy Carnahan received an associate degree. The Sunday school children enjoyed youth gatherings at Ft. Scott and Kiowa. They were excited to tell me they met my twin cousin, Bro. Tony Funk (Sunday school teacher, Garden Grove). For a Father’s

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Day gift, I received a beautiful inspirational photo book of America. In it, Calvin Coolidge, U.S. President (1923-1929) is quoted “the strength of a country is the strength of its religious convictions”. “Finally, brethren”, may we as a nation this Independence Day “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might”!!

Mexico, IxtlánMatt Gerber “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt. 5:14-16

Preparations are being made for the Ixtlán fellowship weekend June 28-30, and for VBS in Barra Vieja/Lomas, Morelia, and Ixtlan scheduled for the month of July. Please be prayerful for God to be glorified through these activities.

As the current school year comes to a close, we thank God for His patience and faithfulness, and for providing several new teachers for this coming school year.

Mexico, MagdalenaStephanie Rinkenberger “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what

is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2

We are thankful for the teams and helpers who have arrived this last month in preparation for our summer here in Magdalena! As usual, it is a busy time, but one in which we can rejoice as we see God’s work in our lives unfold and feel renewed as we daily choose to trust in Him and believe His promises.

We are excited to announce the birth of Bro. Jonathan and Sis. Berenice Aupperle’s daughter, Camila Faith, born on May 31. Children are a blessing from the Lord!

This month we also welcomed several new arrivals to our Magdalena congregation: Sis. Belinda Frank (Cissna Park, IL), Bro. Denver Slagel (Silverton, OR), and Sis. Kendra Neihauser (Morton, IL) will be living and working at the orphanage here. We are thankful for their servant hearts!

We also welcomed several of the short-term summer staff who have devoted their time and efforts to the mission here: Bro. Zach Romersberger (Gridley, IL), Sis. Larissa Metz (Bloomington, IL), and Sis. Madison Kuperschmidt (Gridley, IL). We are also grateful for the attendance of Bro. Joe Klotzle (Altadena, CA) and Bro. Andrew Steiner (Morris, MN) who are interning in Magdalena this summer.

Two teams worshipped with us this month; the first from

Phoenix, AZ and the second from Washington, IL. We were grateful for their labor of love and the sharing of fellowship!

We also were thankful for the visits of Bro. Mike and Sis. Deb Leman (Denver, CO) and Bro. Jose and Sis. Cathy Cervantes (Tecate, MX). We are blessed to hear the Word of God preached!

Thank you for your continued prayers for the church here. We would ask specifically for your prayers concerning the many single mothers who attend with their children – that they would know the love, support and care of their Heavenly Father.

Michigan, AltoMelissa Blough

“With the Lord as your ShepherdYou have all that you need,For if you follow in His footstepsWherever He may lead,He will guard and guide and keep youIn His loving, watchful care,And when traveling in dark valleys,Your Shepherd will be there…His goodness is unfailing,His kindness knows no end,For the Lord is a Good ShepherdOn whom you can depend…So when your heart is troubled,You’ ll find quiet, peace and calmIf you’ ll open up the Bible andJust read this treasured psalm.”Helen Steiner Rice

Sun rays, camping and

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watermelon…it must be summer. And with summer comes a new set of busy. Things are in full swing here in Alto and yet we feel the comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Blessings have come in all shapes and sizes this month. From birth to marriage union; graduates to converts.

Anna Louise was received into her loving family: Bro. Aaron and Sis. Bekah Plattner and big brother, Titus. Thankful grandparents are Bro. Howard and Sis. Kristen Plattner as well as Bro. Dennis and Sis. Bonnie Kaufmann (Bloomington, IL). We pray for them as they raise their children after the heart of God.

Our congregation witnessed the beautiful union of Bro. Bjorn Taba (Bro. Laszlo and Sis. Marion, Breidenbach, Germany) to Sis. Tasha Steffen (Bro. Ted and Sis. Sandy). Prayers are lifted as they start a new three-cord journey. “For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh.” Matthew 19:5

High School graduates this year were Nicole Steffen (Bro. Ted and Sis. Sandy), Conner Blough (Gordon and Trisha) and Travis Sixberry (Jason and Angela). May God bless and guide these dear hearts as they seek to learn and grow in this next chapter of life.

We rejoice with Peggy Vasvinder as she has sought the Lord in repentance. We are thankful and blessed to welcome her into our body.

Among the blessings of the past month was the traveling of loved ones across the miles. We were touched by the service and labor of dear Bros. Matt Steffen (Sis. Deanna, Princeville, IL), John Lehman (Wolcott, IN), Mark Wettstein (Sis. Karen LaCrosse, IN), and Laszlo Taba ( Sis. Marion Breidenbach, Germany).

Our earthly shell is weak, but we have a hope of our eternal being, were pain no longer corrupts. We pray for Bro. Ott Schlatter (Sis. Pat) as he recently had surgery. May he experience a smooth and fast recovery.

Our annual business meeting was held. With much appreciation we thank all those brothers and sisters going out from their terms of service. Each part of the body is important. Entering into service are: Sis. Donna Oesch, Sis. Laurie Steffen and Bro. Aaron Plattner as Sunday school teachers; Bro. Jim McCormick as trustee; Sis. Luanne Kaeb and Bro. Ed Sanders on World Relief; Bro. Tom Oesch as Sunday school superintendent; Sis. Sue Daniels and Sis. Julie Sanders on food committee; and Bro. Eric Spangler as usher. May God bless each heart for their willingness to serve.

Michigan, Bay CitySarah Knochel Janelle Ramseyer Memorial Day Weekend our congregation hosted an Invite-a-Friend Weekend. Elder Bro. Mark

Streitmatter (Sis. Sara, Bloomington, IL) and Bro. Ron Kipfer (Sis. Linda, Bluffton, IN) were among our guests for the weekend.

Our prayers are with Sis. Della Erismann as she spent time in the hospital recently.

We rejoice with Bro. Jim and Sis. Kay Knochel as they welcomed their first grandson, Cooper James, on June 5. Cooper’s parents are Bro. Nathan and Sis. Jamie Hodel (Roanoke, IL). He is also welcomed by two older sisters: Haley and Delaney.

During the week of June 17-21, we hosted our annual Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme was “Let This Mind Be In You” (Philippians 2:5). Throughout the week, we hosted approximately 100 students for our daytime program. We also hosted two evening programs. Bro. Craig Stickling (Sis. Jackie, Peoria, IL) spoke about “The Mind of Christ”. On Friday evening, Bro. James Fehr (Sis. Brenda, Tremont, IL) shared the topic, “Nurturing the Spiritual Mind”. It is such a blessing to work and interact with the students and to see their enthusiasm and desire to learn more about Christ. We pray that this desire would remain with them throughout their life.

Michigan, detroitKrista Wieland Bro. Abraham Nolan and Sis. Sarah Nolan shared their testimonies of faith in Jesus Christ on a Saturday

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evening followed by a baptismal service on Sunday. It was a wonderful time for the church. We rejoice that God has brought them into our church family.

Last month’s article contained news about a tragic house fire at the home of Bro. Pat Allen and his daughter, AnnMarie, along with her sons, Cody and Luke. The Allen Family has recently relocated into a rental home back in the neighborhood which will allow the boys to be able to play with their friends this summer and will allow Bro. Pat to monitor the reconstruction and restoration activities of their damaged home. Before the rental house became available, the Allen family had been staying with Bro. Tom and Sis. Cindy Hitz and their daughter, Sis. Kristen. In the words of Bro. Pat: “We are grateful that God opened the door to live at their home and we have been blessed by their warm hospitality. With no prior planning, four of us arrived at the Hitz home in the middle of the night with only the clothes on our back. As we begin the next phase in our rental home, it is appropriate to acknowledge how kind and welcoming the Hitz family has been. We will never forget how much you made us feel at home and loved.”

We are thankful that Sis. Mary Kaisner is back in church after surgery and a period of rehabilitation. Kim Smith has continued with

difficult chemotherapy treatments for cancer and our prayers and support continue with Kim and her husband, Ray, and their three children: Devin, Kaitlyn and Aaryn.

We pray for the Lord’s blessings on Laura Kujawa and David Stevens as they have recently announced their engagement. Laura is the daughter of Bro. Bill and Sis. Darlene Kujawa and David is the son of Greg and Marcia Stevens of Novi, MI.

Visiting ministers this month included Bro. Nick Gutwein (Sis. Suzanne) from West Lafayette, IN and Bro. Doug Harmon (Sis. Lana) from Toledo, OH. We thank them for their willingness to share their gifts and allow the Lord to speak through them.“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” James 4:8

Our church family is looking forward to sharing Communion together this next weekend. Elder Bro. Paul (Sis. Jan) Messner from Winthrop, MN plans to be with us. We have found the promises in the Word so true in the past that when we draw nigh to Him, He will draw near to us. We know that it will be the same again as we remember our Lord and Saviour’s sacrifice for us.

On behalf of the Detroit Choir, we would like to extend a warm welcome to all to join us for the 25th Annual Livonia Choir Benefit for the support of our church-sponsored Woodhaven Retirement Community.

All activities will take place at the church starting with a pork chop dinner at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 13, followed by the Choral program at 7:00 p.m. Please make it a weekend to remember by accepting our invitation to stay overnight and worship with us on Sunday. For overnight accommodations, please call or text Bro. Scott Bahr at (248) 924-7547 or email him at [email protected].

Minnesota, MinneapolisBrenda Messner Betty Rassi Lindwall We extend our sympathy to Bro. Dewayne and Sis. LaRae Dill in the loss of LaRae’s uncle, Bro. Marion Meiss (Fairbury, IL).

We were blessed with many visiting ministers this month: Bro. Glen Steiner (Sis. Rachel) of Winthrop, MN; Bro. Robert Beebe (Sis. Sue) and Bro. Scott Schafer (Sis. Gigi) of South Bend, IN; Elder Bro. Randy Kellenberger (Sis. Karen) of Kansas City, MO; Bro. Jim Koehl (Sis. Hilde) of Morris, MN.

Our high school graduates this year are Thomas Messner (Todd and Sis. Renee) and Mikayla Jacobson (Tim and Sandy). We also give congratulations to Courtney Gramm (Morris) as she graduates from college. We pray for God’s blessings on each of these young people as they move forward in their life.

As we celebrated another Father’s

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Day, our thoughts were about what a Christian man’s responsibility in the home should be: Proverbs 22: 6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We offer our prayers to all of the father’s across the nation.

Minnesota, MorrisAmy Ekren Heidi Pfaffmann We are thankful for ministering Bros. Curt Walter (Sis. Elizabeth, Mansfield, OH), Wayne Fehr (Sis. Kathy, Portland, OR), Dale Zeltwanger (Sis. Rachel, Morris North, MN), Dale Wulf (Sis. Becky, Lester, IA), Mark Schmidgall (Sis. Sally, Oakville-Mediapolis, IA), and Dana Nieman (Sis. Lea, Remington, IN) who have come to share the Word.

We are also grateful for Elder Bros. Jon Schmidgall (Sis. Julie, Oakville-Mediapolis, IA) and Rod Bajema (Sis. Sue, Lester, IA) who were here to share in a beautiful wedding weekend. We wish Bro. Nate and Sis. Ashley (Fehr) Knobloch God’s richest blessings as they begin their life together as one in the Lord.

“Heart with heart in love united, Seek upon God’s heart repose. Let your love, to flames ignited, To the Savior upward flow. He the Head and we His members; He the light and we the glow; He the Master, we His brethren, In true fellowship we grow.” Zion’s Harp #33, vs. 1

We extend our congratulations to our high school graduates: Kaitlin Koehl (Bro. Chris & Sis. Shelly) and Connor Metzger (Bro. Dick & Sis. Gail).

Our prayers are with Sis. Minnie Kussatz, Bro. Howard Goll and Sis. Pam Fehr, as they have spent time in the hospital this past month.

We realize our lives do pass away as we gathered to pay our last respects to Arlene Greiner (Emil-dec.). We are trusting God will wrap His comforting arms around her family.

Minnesota, Morris northLois Schmidgall Wanda Gramm “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him” Acts 10:34-35.

Do we follow this instruction and give equal priority to each person we come in contact with, regardless of their possessions, financial status, looks, or behavior?

We appreciate to the visiting ministers this past month who were: Bro. Steve Ringer (Sis. Myra, Bluffton North, IN) and Bro. Jeff Waibel (Sis. Margo, Leo, IN) whom also gave our congregation a brief informational presentation on Gateway Woods. Thank you brothers for your dedication in the service of the Lord and for assisting our ministers Eld. Bro. Paul Messner, Bro. Dale

Zeltwanger and Bro. Doug Moser. The presentation of the Four

Pillar Mission of the Church (Present the Gospel, Teach and Nurture, Preserve Sound Doctrine, and Service) was given to our church family by Bro. Ted Witzig Jr. Special thanks for the educational evening. The Gospel message is for ALL.

Medical patients this month were Sis. Steph Knobloch (Bro. Damon) and Abram Schmidgall (son of Andy & Amy Schmidgall). May GOD bless each one with his healing mercies.

“Putting on the Armor of GOD” was the theme for Vacation Bible School. Thanks to everyone who helped with this special event for our youth. May GOD bless each one for giving of your time and talents. Also, the youth in grades 8-12 were invited to attend the Youth Fellowship Weekend in Lester, IA. We thank the Lester church for hosting this special event.

Abby Ascheman (Bro. Tony & Sis. Peggy) has announced that GOD has given His peace in her heart and anxiously awaits baptism. We are so thankful for her and pray that we can continue to encourage her on this important decision she has made in her life.

Minnesota, RochesterMark Stork We are again thankful for those willing to travel here to share God’s Word. Here for our Wednesday

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evening service was Bro. Dale Moore (Sis. Cheryl, Elgin, IA). We enjoyed the fellowship even though we were small in number.

We are in the process of redoing the deck at the Guesthouse. Many thanks to the Minneapolis brothers who have spent time on this project. We hope to complete the deck after we finish the rest of the landscaping.

The Guesthouse was quite busy the month of June. We had visitors from Bradford, Tremont, Winthrop, and Louisville, KY. It is a blessing for us to meet and greet those who stay here.

We currently have openings at the Guesthouse. Information is in the back of this issue.Editor’s Note:

Last month’s article was accidently a reprint of last year’s article and apologize for any confusion it created. Our humanness comes out too often!

Minnesota, WinthropLindsay Schmidt “And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest,” Genesis 28:15

Our hearts and prayers go with Sis. Heather Steiner (Bro. Glen & Sis. Rachel) as she follows God’s leading to move to Tremont, IL. We will miss her here in our congregation, but wish her God’s richest blessings as she begins a new journey.“Honour thy father and mother;

which is the first commandment with promise;” Ephesians 6:2

The Lord has so commanded it and our country has set aside a day to recognize and appreciate our fathers and mothers. We’re thankful for their love, guidance and support. However, more importantly, we want to thank them for teaching us about God and Jesus, and the way of truth.“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24

Our 8-12th grade students and teachers were invited to Lester, IA for the Youth Fellowship weekend. We want to thank the Lester Church and Sunday School teachers for their efforts in hosting. Hopefully many memories and friendships were formed over the weekend.

As this Sunday School year has ended, we extend heartfelt thanks to the teachers who have taught our precious students this year. “Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears:” Psalm 39:12

Our hearts ache for Bobbi Jo Schmidt (Ben) and her family in the loss of her father, Bob Nelson (Becky). May God grant comfort and fill the void with His love.

Missouri, LamarVenetta Banwart Our visiting ministers this month were: Bro. Ed Fritz (Sis. Sally,

Washington IL), Bro. Dale Frank (Sis. Christine, Oakville, IA), Retired Elder Bro. Don Braker (Sis. Eileen, Kansas City, MO), Bro. Dale Stoller (Sis. Sandra, Fairbury, IL) and Bro. Kim Sutter (Sis. Vonette, Taylor, MO). Many thanks for being a willing servant and feeding us from God’s living and holy Word. May God richly bless you always.

May God grant our hospital patient his healing blessing: Bro. Martin Hohulin (Sis. Edith).

Missouri, st. LouisKary Mangers Not enough thanks can be expressed to those from Taylor and Roanoke who came down to help with the tornado cleanup at our church property. As I looked out on the workers toward the end of the day, I was reminded of Titus 2. Several older brothers came down with the young people to help with clean-up. They gave direction and instruction as they worked alongside the younger people. By the end of the day, they may have had a little less energy than the younger people, but the job was done, because they lead by example and passed on their wisdom and knowledge and then let the younger people finish the task.

Such a spiritual analogy of how both age groups should interact and encourage one another. Again, we were so blessed by all the hands that physically supported us and the

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hearts that had the desire to help us. Thank you!

Our thanks also go out to Bro. Matthew and Sis. Bridget Rassi (Chicago) for supporting us during our monthly rotation and Elder Bro. Kent and Jan Heimer (Taylor) for their visit. Jesus served in both physical ways and spiritual ways while He was here on earth and because of His disciples, our congregation was blessed in both ways this past month.

Missouri, taylorMarcia Sutter Bro. Jeff and Sis. Carrie Rocke and their children are moving to Prescott, AZ for a new job opportunity. Sis. Carrie’s sister and brother-in-law, Jared and Jen Haas and Sis. Megan Kieser are also moving to Prescott with them. We will miss them, but wish them God’s very special blessings and protection until we see them again.

Bro. Dean (Sis. Carol) Steffen was our visiting minister on May 19. We appreciate his willingness to serve us when they come to visit family.

Our June 5, Bro. Arlen (Sis. Denise) Leman from Forrest, IL presented our monthly Bible study on Genesis 1 about the creation. It is so amazing what God created in those seven days and continues to do every day in our lives.

Sis. Dona Grimm (Bro. Roy) had surgery several weeks ago for a compression fracture in her back and

is now feeling some better and is able to attend church. Bro. Roy and Sis. Dona are being assisted with their care at home by their children and grandchildren.

Sis. Phyllis (Bro. Kenny) Knapp had back surgery and is recuperating at the Maple Lawn Nursing Home. We pray that she is able to go home soon.

Vernon (Sis. Judy) Huber continues to have health problems. We miss him when he is unable to come to church.

A special thanks to Bro. Norman and Sis. Jan Rechkemmer for all the work they do and for time they spend coordinating our local World Relief activities.

Those of us that still have our fathers here on earth are so blessed. Many of our forefathers have gone on to their reward to be in the presence of our Heavenly Father. It is so important for fathers and mothers, as well as grandparents, to pass on the importance of salvation and the legacy of our precious faith to their children.“...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

new York, Crogham-naumburgHope Graves It was a blessing to be able to sing with Sis. Louise Purvines and Sis. Anna Mellnitz on Sunday evening, June 9. We were able to gather together for the evening at the Lewis

County Extended Care and were thankful for each resident who could join us.

We thank God for bringing Elder Bro. Dave Graf and his wife, Sis. Barb, from Akron, OH. We were blessed to be able to share Holy Communion together on Saturday evening, June 16, after a potluck together. This was also the weekend that our Rockville, CT church served us lunch. We are so thankful for the Lord’s provision for our earthly and spiritual bodies! What a reminder of His love and mercy and grace. May the Lord bless each one for their service to us, but most of all their service to our Heavenly Father!

We pray that the Lord will be with Josh Herzig and Jessica Young who were married on June 8. May the Lord also guide the following graduates as they move into the next phase of their life: Shirley Hellinger, Gregory Panowicz, Melissa Vallenti and Joshua Himmelstein.“Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah

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55, 6-9. This is a beautiful chapter. May

we all prosper in the will of God that we may “go out with joy” and be “ led forth with peace.”

Ohio, AkronErika Gal God has richly blessed our small congregation with three precious babies born within a week of each other! We hope they grow up to be special friends! Kanaan Mark was born first on May 21 to Bro. Mark and Sis. Megan Steidl. His big brothers, Conner and Maverick, are excited to welcome him home. His grandparents are Bro. Don and Sis. Nan Steidl and Bro. Ken and Sis. Carol Rupp (Rittman). Ashton Jonathan was born next on May 24 to Bro. Justin and Sis. Lisa Gherian. His happy siblings are Reagan, Cole and Cameron. Sis. Sharon Gherian and Bro. Steve and Sis. Jenee Rufener (Rittman) are Ashton’s grandparents. On May 25, a sweet baby girl, Marta Rose, joined the family of Bro. Andy, Sis. Mary, Mya, Naomi, Gwen, Amos, and Grant Steidl. Bro. Don and Sis. Nan Steidl and Bro. Jerry and Sis. Martha Bauman (Rittman) are the grandparents. We thank God that each of these babies arrived safely. We pray that God will also provide the needed grace and wisdom to bring them up to fear Him!

We wish to share the news of two engagements. Sis. Octavia

Demrovsky was announced to Ryan Andras, a brother in the West Akron (Nazarean) congregation. She is the daughter of Bro. Andy and Sis. Vera Demrovsky. Sis. Rebecca Pamer was announced to Bro. Matthew Stoller from Rittman. She is the daughter of Bro. Steve and Sis. Arliss Pamer. He is the son of Bro. Ken and Sis. Lori Stoller. We wish both of these couples God’s blessings and joy in their lives together.

Our thoughts and prayers are often with Bro. Al (Sis. Mary Ann) Weigele as he has been hospitalized recently. We trust he can feel our love and God’s nearness through it all.

Ohio, ColumbusLauren Rufener “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving diver lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; that being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.” Titus 3:3-7

We will miss Bro. Andreas Schlatter as he has moved back to Bay City, MI. May the Lord

continue to guide him.We appreciate visiting minister,

Bro. Mark Masters (Mansfield, OH), for sharing God’s Word.

Ohio, JunctionVicki Boroff We were thankful to have several visiting ministers this month: Bros. Dan Goric (Sis. Mary-Lou, Rockville), Warren Zahner (Sis. Bonnie, Rockville), Matt Feucht (Sis. Jennifer, Roanoke), and Dana Indermuhle (Sis. Joy, Sardis).

Aric and Jessica Mericle are first-time parents to little Rebeka Nichole. Pleased grandparents are Sis. Verginia Manz and Mike and Deb Mericle.

Ohio, LattyCarmen Stoller Mindy Stoller Greetings of love! We had several visiting ministers this month. They included Bro. Dale Wulf (Sis. Becky, Lester, IA), Bro. Dan Stoller (Sis. Deb, Remington, IN), Bro. Randy Gasser (Sis. Sue, Detroit, MI), and Bro. Justin Koch (Sis. Marcia, Washington, IL). May God bless these brothers for their labor of love.

We are thankful to report that Zach Sinn (Bro. Tim and Sis. Marlene) and Jared Klopfenstein (Bro. Lee and Sis. Desma) have turned to the Lord in repentance and are seeking out their soul salvation! May God bless them with grace, mercy, and joy.

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Ohio, MansfieldElizabeth Walter We extend our sincere thanks to Bro. Matthew Manz (Sis. Deanna, Toledo, OH) for visiting and bringing God’s Word to us this month.

Our prayers are with Bro. Phil Keiper (Sis. Theresa) as he has moved to the Rittman Nursing Home. May God provide during this time of transition. We remember Bro. Larry Bocka as he continues to receive care in the hospital.

The beginning of the summer season is always a blessing as we share a week of Bible School together. We thank all of those who lent their time and talents to make the week special. We also extend a heartfelt thank you to the visiting ministers who took time to come and share from God’s Word: Bro. Ned Stoller (Sis. Heidi, Alto, MI), Bro. Matthew Manz (Sis. Deanna, Toledo, OH), Bro. Bob Riggenbach (Sis. Lorie, Rittman, OH), Bro. Warren Schlatter (Sis. Cindy, Junction, OH), and Bro. Mark Ramsier (Sis. Alice, Sardis, OH). May we be encouraged to grow in wisdom and knowledge of the truth!

Ohio, RittmanJulia ZollingerAnna Bauman “But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the

kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” Mark 10:14-15

We have been blessed this month with quite a few new babies in our congregation. I wish to apologize for missing the recent addition to our church, Tess Diann, adopted daughter of Bro. Mark and Sis. April Dotterer. Her new older siblings are Max and Morgan. She was born October 1, 2012 and was adopted March 2013. Grandparents are Bro. Rick and Sis. Dawn Dotterer and Bro. Mark and Sis. Diane Miller (Smithville, OH). On May 21, Bro. Mark and Sis. Megan Steidl of Akron welcomed Kanaan Mark. Older siblings are Conner and Maverick. Grandparents are Bro. Ken and Sis. Carol Rupp and Bro. Don and Sis. Nan Steidl (Akron,OH). On May 24, Bro. Nate and Sis. Morgan became first-time parents with the birth of Avery Lynn. Grandparents are Bro. Virgil and Sis. Lois Gasser and Dave and Shelly Colvin. On the same day, Bro. Justin and Sis. Lisa Gherian welcomed Ashton Jonathon. Older siblings are Reagan, Cole, and Cameron. Grandparents are Sis. Sharon Gherian and Bro. Steven and Sis. Jeneé Rufener. Marta Rose was born to Bro. Andy and Sis. Mary Steidl (Arkon, OH) on May 25. Older siblings are Mya, Naomi, Gwen, Amos, and Grant. Bro. Don

and Sis. Nan Steidl (Arkon, OH) and Bro. Jerry and Sis. Martha Bauman are thankful grandparents. Also this month Jeremiah Daniel was born to Roanda Ramos. Miguel Ramos is a thankful grandfather.

We are thankful for the new convert in Rittman. Jacob Blough has begun seeking the Lord in repentance. We wish him the Lord’s grace and nearness.

The engagement of Bro. Matthew Stoller (Bro. Ken and Sis. Lori) to Sis. Rebecca Pamer of Akron (Bro. Steve and Sis. Arliss) was known recently. We wish them the Lord’s blessings as they prepare for marriage.

There were quite a few weddings this month as well. Jacob Zimmerly and Megan Hanzie were married May 25. Jacob is the son of Michael and Diane Zimmerly and Megan is the daughter of Tim and Sis. Kim Hanzie. Bradley Hartzler and Emily Starkey were married May 26. Parents are Dick and Sis. Karen Hartzler and Brad and Bette Starkey. Bro. Jeremy Steiner and Sis. Lois Steiner were united in marriage on June 2.Parents are Bro. Rod and Sis. Jill Steiner and Bro. Matt and Sis. Gail. On June 16, Bro. Greg Gasser and Sis. Julia Zollinger became one in the Lord. Parents are Bro. Jim and Sis. Janice Gasser and Bro. Arlyn and Sis. Barbara Zollinger. We wish all of these couples the Lord’s blessings in their marriage.

In the hospital this month were

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Cameron Stoller (Bro. Jordan and Sis. Joy), Sis. Clara Jenkins, Sis. Margaret Calame, and Bro. Stan Winkler (Sis. Marge). May the Lord be with them as they recover.

Visiting ministers this month were Elder Bros. Andy Stoller (Smithville, OH) and Ken Indermuhle (Sardis, OH); and Bros. Dean Messner (Winthrop, MN), Randy Gasser (Detroit, MI), Mark Steiner (Smithville, OH), Clint Schmidt (Winthrop MN), and Todd Graf (Akron, OH). We thank these brothers for bringing forth His Word. Note of Thanks:

Thank you for your prayers, cards, gifts and notes of encouragement during the time of Phyllis Lanz’s stay at our nursing home and her recent death. We pray the Lord will bless you for your thoughtfulness.

Bro. Ralph, Sis. Diane Lanz and family

Ohio, sardisFaith Beard “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you…” Galatians 4:20

Can there be any greater calling to a parent as this? To teach and nurture those children whom God has entrusted in our care in such a way that Christ may be formed in them as they grow? Even though this is a lifetime travail, it can be both a joyful and fulfilling work. Another

dear child was born to Bro. Joel and Sis. Heidi Beard on April 24 as Rachel Lanae entered their family. She was eagerly welcomed by siblings: Loren, Katie, Luke, Leah, Raelynn and Carson. Grandparents are Bro. Ed and Sis. Dee Beard and Greg and Jill Stoller.

We give our thanks to Bro. Matthew and Sis. Bridget Rassi (Chicago, IL) as he preached the Gospel during a recent visit. May God bless their travels and their efforts.

We always enjoy our yearly Sunday School picnic as a time when we, as a church, can interact with the children on more of their level. Speaking to us that evening about the Sower and the Seed was Bro. David Hartter (Sis. Beth, Sabetha, KS). We so appreciate his efforts on behalf of our children, and also as much the next day, when he preached the Word during our Sunday service.

“Seeds of goodness we are sowingIn the hearts of man today.Bless it Lord, that it may prosper,And bear fruit for harvest day.Children come the grain to gather,While the morning sun doth shine;And ere long, beloved brethren,It will be your harvest time.”Hymns of Zion, #46

Ohio, smithvilleSara Crist Kara Stoller Congratulations to Bro. Ron and

Tammy Marty on the birth of a new grandson, Logan Warner! He was born June 4, 2013 to Patrick and Rhonda Gowin of Wooster, OH.

We rejoice that two more souls, Trinity Walder (Bro. Michael and Sis. Susie) and Nicole Steiner (Curt and Robin), have seen their need for repentance for their sins and have surrendered their lives to Christ. We praise God for His goodness in drawing souls unto Himself!

We are thankful to announce the engagement of Bro. Todd Gasser (late Bro. Greg Gasser; Bro. Ken and Sis. Sue Ellen Maibach) to Sis. Lizzie Fulop (Bro. Dennis and Sis. Joy of San Diego, CA). It is a joy to witness God bringing two souls together, to walk as one in the Lord.

Those hospitalized this month are Sis. Gail Riggenbach (Bro. Don) and Bro. Corbin Riggenbach (Sis. Jessica). We pray for healing as God wills and that He will strengthen you in your time of need.

Our prayers and love go out to the recent high school graduates as they begin this new stage of their lives. Graduates are Jessica Gray (Bro. Ron and Sis. Carrie), Neil Stoller (Bro. Jeff and Sis. Millie), Nelson Stoller (Bro. Scott and Sis. Charlene), Trent Weber (Bro. Myron and Sis. Darlene), and Carla Zollinger (Bro. Marvin and Sis. Pam). “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the

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knowledge of God;” Colossians 1:10We thank our visiting minister

this month, Bro. Mark Ramsier (Sis. Alice, Sardis, OH), for his service in the ministry of God’s Word. May God bless you richly for your willingness to labor for the Kingdom.

Ohio, toledoDeanna ManzJenny Manz This month we were thankful for the opportunity to have several visiting ministers preach the Word. Elder Bro. Mark Masters (Sis. Jeannine, Mansfield, OH), Bro. Todd Stoller (Sis. Pam, Latty, OH) and Bro. Mark Ramsier (Sis. Alice, Sardis, OH) were willing servants. We appreciate their efforts and trust the Lord will richly bless them.

We welcome another precious baby girl to our congregation. Paiton Collette Tucker was born to Bro. Luke and Sis. Shari on Father’s Day morning. Excited grandparents are Bro. Doug and Sis. Lanna Harmon and Dan and Sis. Barb Tucker (Mansfield, OH). May the Lord guide them as they began this new journey together as a family.

Our prayers are with those who have spent time in the hospital recently. Bro. Gale Stoller (Sis. Janet), Bro. Howard Harmon (Sis. Emily), and Heidi Kipfer (Sis. Janet) are all recovering from surgery. We pray for a swift recovery. As we think of physical illness, we are also reminded

that God is able to heal our spiritual ailments as well. How wonderful it is to have access to the Great Physician whenever we are in need! May we always remember to pray for those in need of His healing.

Oregon, PortlandLiz JonesMany thanks to ministering Bro. Gary Anliker (Sis. Edie, Elgin, IL) for sharing the Word and fellowship last month. A big thank you also to Elder Bro. John Wiegand (Sis. Jane, Silverton) for the same.

Congratulations to our high school graduates, Shane Gallup (Bro. Mark and Sis. Louisa) and Maris Leman (Bro. Mike and Sis. Lisa). Our thoughts and prayers are with these two as they make decisions regarding their future. It is also a blessing to add that Maris has professed peace with God and man and awaits baptism. What a wonderful beginning to adulthood!

Oregon, silvertonKelsey Walder Ann Kuenzi The weekend of May 18 was a joyful one, as we were able to listen to the testimonies and witness the baptisms of Wendi Roth (Bro. Jim and Sis. Deb) and Clinton Sinn (Bro. Don and Sis. Linda). Elder Bro. Rick Plattner (Sis. Mary) from Fairbury, IL came to help in this work. Also here for this occasion, and sharing in

the pulpit, was Bro. Les Kaeb (Sis. Christine) from Francesville, IN.

A new bundle of joy has arrived to Bro. Jeremy and Sis. Kristy Kuenzi. Maria Kay was born May 22, and is welcomed home also by Micah, Drew, Kate, Russ and Angela.

Grandparents are Jim and Joan Dietrich, and Bro. Terry and Sis. Ann Kuenzi.

Sis. Becky Von Flue has been hospitalized in Portland, for several surgeries on her leg. She has also spent time at Benedictine care center in Mt. Angel. She came home for a short time, but is now back in the hospital, due to infection. She pleads for prayers that she can heal, as she has had problems with this leg in the past.

Memorial Day, the single brothers hosted a breakfast at the Pratum Gym. It was a wonderful time to visit, as it was raining outside.

Bro. Ben and Sis. Carolyn Bolliger are grandparents again. On May 2, Alex and Katie Bolliger added Cole Stephen to their home. Big sister, Brynn, is excited for a new playmate.

Also Bro. Jim and Sis. Barb Kuenzi are rejoicing at being grandparents again. Bro. Robert and Sis. Melissa Rokey (Goodfield, IL) have a new son, Trent Robert, born May 28. Also, big sister, Meredith, is glad for a little brother.

Sunday, June 2 was the celebration potluck for our high

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school graduates. We wish the very best for all of them. Listed are the graduates and their parents.• Jessica Kraft- Bro. Richard and

Sis. Marianne• Annaleise Kuenzi- Bro. Troy and

Sis. Sherri• Cole Kuenzi- Mark and Carly• Maris Leman- Bro. Mike and Sis.

Lisa (Portland)• Sis. Lydianne Metzger- Bro. Kurt

and Sis. Koreen• Erinn Sinn- Bro. Tom and Sis.

Edith• Trever Stadeli- Bro. Nick and Sis.

Lori• Paul Tribbett- Bro. Mark and Sis.

Ann-MarieOther visiting ministers this

month were Bro. Wayne Fehr (Sis. Kathy) from Portland, OR and Bro. Brandon Emch (Sis. Maria) from Kansas City, MO. We appreciate their labors of love.

Our sympathy is extended to Bro. Loren and Sis. Marlene Dettwyler and their family, in the recent loss of Sis. Marlene’s mother, Adeline Kaeb (Forrest, IL).

Bro. Darwin Sinn and Sis. Jenna Dotterer were united in marriage June 16 in Forrest, IL. Darwin’s parents are Bro. Tom and Sis. Edith. Jenna’s parents are Bro. Dan and Sis. Kathy Banwart and the late Bro. Wendell Dotterer. We rejoice with them and look forward to having Sis. Jenna in our Silverton church.

Broken bones seem to go in

two’s. Caleb Dettwyler (Bro. Kevin and Sis. Jill) and Kathryn Walter (Bro. Chad and Sis. Megan) are both in casts. Sis. Shirley Zollinger (Bro. Ed) had recent surgery on her ear. We hope for a speedy recovery for all of them.

Pennsylvania, PhiladelphiaLaura Isch We congratulate Tanner Metzger (Bro. Shawn and Sis. Sandy) and Brittany Lanz (Bro. John and Sis. Kay) upon graduating from high school. We pray God will bless both of them as they move forward with their lives.

On June 9, we were thankful to have Bro. Daryl and Sis. Norma back with us from Haiti for a blessed time of fellowship. It was wonderful to be with them again and to hear of God’s faithfulness in their lives. We wish them a safe trip back.

Our prayers are with Kierstyn Lanz (Bro. John and Sis. Kay) as she was hospitalized after an accident. We are thankful she is recovering and we will continue to pray for her throughout the rest of her recovery.

We were thankful that retired Elder Bro. Ron Shambach (Elgin, IL) was willing to share the Word this month.

May God bless each one and keep them in His care.

tennessee, nashvilleMike and Monica Fritz We have enjoyed many blessings this past year in Nashville with Bro. Adam and Sis. Jami Luginbuhl and their children: Simon, Reigan, and Evan, but now they are returning to the Philadelphia, PA area for employment. It is hard to say goodbye, but we wish them the Lord’s richest blessings as they move on to this next opportunity.

We are thankful for the Lord’s rich blessings from His Word through the service of our recent visiting ministers: Bros. David Eisenmann (Sis. Jackie; Champaign, IL), Dale Stoller (Sis. Sandra; Fairbury), Brad Gudeman (Sis. Teresa; Bradford), and Nelson Beer (Sis. Minnie; Milford), as well as Elder Bro. Elder Bro. Rick Plattner (Sis. Mary; Fairbury). We have also appreciated the fellowship of those visiting from Bradford, Champaign, Fairbury, Forrest, and Gridley, IL; Milford, IN; and Elgin, IA.

If you are traveling to or through the Nashville area, please plan to worship with us. The following churches are scheduled for services in the near future: Fairbury (7/21), Smithville (7/28), Rockville (8/4), Taylor (8/11), Leo (8/18), and Morton (8/25). If you plan to worship with us, please call ahead to confirm our schedule. Often we gather on Saturday evenings for fellowship, and all are heartily welcome. Contacts are

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Bro. Don and Sis. Faye Sauder, (615) 373-8928; and Bro. Mike and Sis. Monica Fritz, (615) 866-5543, [email protected].

texas, AustinSerenity and Jasmine Ringger Congratulations to Bro. Lynn and Sis. Val Kipfer on their new grandson, Simeon Ray! Simeon was born to Bro. Caleb and Sis. Laura Schafer from South Bend, IN.

We welcome Trevor Meiss (Bro. Jim and Sis. Candy) to Austin for the summer. Trevor has an internship in Austin and we hope he enjoys his time here. May God lead him in the future.

We were blessed with ministering Bros. Chuck Kellenberger (Sis. Debbie, Elgin, IL), Mike Leman (Sis. Lisa, Portland, OR), and Leland Plattner (Sis. Mary, Zapata, TX) who came and preached the Word of God. Visitors also came from Fairbury.

The following is the minister schedule for August: (4) Rockville, CT; (11) Remington, IN, (25) Minneapolis, MN.

Please refer to the minister’s directory for directions and contacts.

texas, dallas-Fort Worth If we are becoming weary, we are spending more energy fighting the enemy than we are seeking God’s presence, “Seek the Lord and ye shall live…Seek Him that makes the seven stars and Orion…” Amos 5:6-7

Services are being held generally the second Sunday of each month at the Holiday Inn Express, 4450 W. John Carpenter Freeway, Irving TX. Please call ahead to verify.• Leland & Mary Plattner

956-265-0351 or • Dennis & Diane Rassi


Vermont, north ClarendonNathan and Miriam Reutter We have had a very busy few months. “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:15b

We are thankful to God for His word being expounded each Sunday. To help in this work, Bro. Kevin Ryan installed our Bro. Mark Hoffman (Sis. Luella) to the ministry on May 5. We so appreciate the presence of a local minister in our church. It helps to feel (in many respects) more settled and permanent. We praise God for his evident provision in our time of need!

To help Bro. Mark in the ministry, many other ministers and their wives and families came to be with us. The ministers that came from the Rockville, CT are Bro. Tom Bahler, Bro. Kevin Ryan (Sis. Cheryl), Bro. Brent (Sis. Naomi) Walder and family, Bro. Jeff (Sis. Carol) Gerber, and Bro. Warren (Sis. Bonnie) Zahner. We also enjoyed the

fellowship and ministry of Bro. Jerry (Sis. Linda) Isch and their family from the Philadelphia, PA on May 19.

On June 9, we enjoyed Holy Communion with Bro. Kevin Ryan and Bro. Warren Zahner officiating. We appreciated the time of reflection from the time of our Communion exhortation until Communion, and the spiritual renewal felt during the Communion service.

We are hopeful for a renewal of the spring in Sis. Luella Hoffman’s step as she submits herself to a hip replacement in early June. We pray for her speedy recuperation.

If you are interested in fellowshipping with us here in Vermont, and would like information about dates of services, please contact Bro. Nathan and Sis. Miriam Reutter at 802-447-2426. We love to fellowship with believers whether it is during the week or on the weekend. Please let us know if you are planning to be in our area so we can accommodate you.

Service times are as follows:• Mid-week services (Contact local

brethren)• Sunday Morning Service

10:10 AM• Sunday Afternoon Service

12:15 PM• Sunday school held during the

morning service.

54 SILVER LINING July 2013

News & Notices

Light from the WordNow available by downloadable PDF from the

Apostolic Christian Publication website: www.acpublications.org

After entering the website, click on the item located at the left hand frame entitled, “Light from the Word Reprints”. The entire set of editorials are available in a complete download (June 1987 to current).

Interested in receiving a printed sermon?

To order, contact:Printed SermonsP.O. Box 154Forrest, IL 61741(815) 848-5113

[email protected]


ORDER ONLINE AT: www.acpublications.org

A set of hymnals makes a great gift for the new couple

HOW TO ORDER: Order Online at www.acpublications.org. During Store Hours call 309.467.3611. After hours fax a form to the same number or leave a message. Order Forms are available at your local church, for printing off our website, by calling AC Publications, or by emailing [email protected]


805 W Cruger St., PO Box 52, Eureka, IL 61530

STORE HOURS M – F, 8:30a – 11:30a (CST) Phone & Fax: 309.467.3611

July 2013 SILVER LINING 55

Important notice to Americans Crossing the Canadian Border

by Land

All adults will need just ONE of the following documents:• Regular U.S. passport• U.S. passport card• Enhanced driver’s license• Any Trusted Traveler Program (for example, Nexus card)

U.S. citizens under the age of 16 (or under the age of 19 if traveling with a school, religious, or other youth group) may present a birth certificate, Consular Report of Birth Abroad, or a naturalization certificate. Birth certificates can be original, photocopy, or certified copy.

Bible distributionSharing the Word in Love

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Prov 29:18

Bibles in English and other languages, plus Bible Story Books approved by the Apostolic Christian Mission Committee, are available for those who wish to distribute them in the name of Jesus Christ. The inventory is computerized. These materials can be drop-shipped do nearly any address.

To order, contact: Apostolic Christian ChurchBible DistributionP.O. Box 30Bluffton, IN 46714Ph/Fax: (260) [email protected]

A limited number of duplex (1,000 sq. ft) and condo (800 sq. ft.) units are now available on the Eureka Home campus. These living options are great for seniors who enjoy good fellowship and the independence of community living without having to worry about any maintenance issues on their home or grounds. Many amenities are included.

Independent Living Units Availableat The Apostolic Christian Home of Eureka

For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact the Eureka Home today at 309-467-2311.


56 SILVER LINING July 2013


World Relief Informational MeetingsOpportunities to Serve One Another

The mission of World Relief is to provide humanitarian aid and

volunteer labor to alleviate human misery and suffering throughout the world, first to the household of faith, and then to others as much as we are able, in a way that is a Christian witness and brings glory to God. We thank God for the various opportunities to help the needy of the world made available to our congregations through World Relief, not only with funds, but with volunteer labor by our brethren. One way to hear about these opportunities is to attend one of three presentations held through- out the year.

ScheduleThe Western Meeting is held the second Saturday of March and is rotated between the Apostolic Christian Churches west of the line between Indiana and Illinois. The Eastern Meeting is held on the second Saturday of November and is rotated between the churches in Indiana and all churches eastward. Also, Thursday before the conference in August, there are

presentations scheduled by the church holding the conference. For more information, go to the World Relief web site (www.acworldrelief.org) and check under Informational Meetings.

Next meetingsBefore Conference:Fairbury, IL Fellowship HallAugust 8, 20131:00 pm to 4:00 pmEastern Meeting:Latty, OHNovember 9, 20138:00 am - 4:00 pm

Are you a college student needing to actively participate in a classroom setting to fulfill Early Education school requirements?

Or are you someone simply wanting to influence small children and make a difference?

If so, here is an opportunity for you and it is just a day’s drive from our Illinois, Indiana and Ohio churches!

The Apostolic Christian Preschool of Athens, AL is seeking volunteers who will work Mon. – Fri. for 1 to 4 weeks between May 20 and August 16. Help “train up” our children, who are ages 2-5.

Housing is provided at no cost, in a 2-bedroom apart-ment on church grounds.

To reserve your spot in our summer schedule, or to get more information please contact:

Sis. Susan Koch, Program Coordinator [email protected] or 309.202.4897 orBro. Duane Reutter, Administrator [email protected]

Short-Term Teaching Helpers Needed this Summer at Athens Preschool

July 2013 SILVER LINING 57

To sponsor a child


To sponsor a student fill out this form and send to the office. A student will be assigned to you and you will be sent further information.Name _________________________ Mr. Mrs. Miss

Spouse ________________________Address _______________________City ____________St ___ Zip _____Home Ph ______________________Cell Ph ________________________Email _________________________

Please check preference: Haiti Guatemala Mexico Jamaica Zambia Wherever needed

If possible I would prefer: Boy – Age Girl – Age No Preference

Cost: $25.00/monthFor details: www.acworldrelief.org

Send to: ACWR Child Sponsorship PO Box 36Morton, IL 61550Phone: 309-266-6080Fax: 309-266-5281 E-mail: [email protected]

Give a Child HopeChild SponsorshipsThose in the child sponsorship pro-

gram have several things in com-mon. They are very poor, desire to learn and they have an undying soul.

The goal of this program is to provide an edu-cation to help these children

learn life skills to improve their stan-dard of living, and also to provide spiritual training to address the true need...the need for a knowledge of and a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. IsaIah 54:13


English Teacher Needed in Ixtlan, Mexico

The Ixtlan church has started a private elementary school

that presently teaches first through fourth grades, with plans to add a fifth grade in August 2013 and a sixth grade the following year. We are looking for a replacement English teacher who is available to begin teaching in late March 2013. Classes continue through July 5 and begin again in mid-August for the 2013-2014 school year. If you are a graduating college senior who would like to apply for the position, but cannot come down until after graduation in May or until the beginning of next school year, we would be open to that possibility. We also would consider applicants to just finish out the 2012-2013 school year.

Qualifications:• Member in good standing of the

Apostolic Christian Church.• A degree in Education and/

or TESOL is preferred but not required.

• Ability to communicate in the Spanish language.

• Enjoys being with and working with children.

• Willing to be sent by the AC Mission Committee and to work together as a missionary team in Ixtlan.

Counselling Elder for Ixtlan:Mike Leman

Please contact:Grant and Hannah HerrmannCurrent English [email protected]

Matt GerberSchool [email protected]

58 SILVER LINING July 2013

Mexico Work Teams

Location Year 2013 Coordinator

Juarez Sep 18-25 Cheryl HerrmannMedical [email protected]

Magdalena Nov 2-9 Vance SnookConstruction 503-580-3419

[email protected]

Magdalena Nov 23-30 Rod SchmidtConstruction 303-774-7913

[email protected]

Location Year 2014 Coordinator

Magdalena Jan 4-11 Karl EdelmanConstruction 815-657-7385

[email protected]

Magdalena Jan 11-18 Steve KaebConstruction 217-781-4709

[email protected]

Magdalena Feb 15-22 Jon BanerConstruction 309-532-9435

[email protected]

Magdalena Mar 8-15 Caleb HoerrConstruction ISU

[email protected]

Magdalena Mar 22-29 Mike FiechterConstruction Bluffton/BN Senior Class

[email protected]

Questions? Contact Mike Fiechter [email protected]

Project Year 2013 Coordinator Capacity

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Oct 19-26 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Nov 2-9 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes AWA Water Aid Nov 8 - 15 Maurice Schaefer 309-253-9003 [email protected] 4

Les Cayes MEBSH Haiti Support Nov 15-20 Jon Zeller 309-266-9009 [email protected] ACWR-CC

Les Cayes MEBSH/Bluffton Construction Dec 6-13 Lane Gerber 260-241-4099 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes Haiti Trade Schools Vocational School Dec 12-19 Rick Wuethrich 219-863-4163 [email protected] 4

Project Year 2014 Coordinator Capacity

Les Cayes MEBSH/Ohio Construction Jan 3-10 Ron Palitto 330-336-5373 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes AWA Water Aid Jan 10-17 Maurice Schaefer 309-253-9003 [email protected] 4

Simone Orphanage Francesville Construction Jan 24-30 Rick Wuethrich 219-863-4163 [email protected] 12

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Jan 25-Feb 1 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes MEBSH/Silverton Construction Jan 31-Feb 7 Richard Kraft 503-364-3103 [email protected] 12

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Feb 22-Mar 1 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Mar 8-15 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes MEBSH/Peoria Construction Mar 14-21 Steve Leuthold 309-645-2208 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes AWA Water Aid Mar 21-28 Maurice Schaefer 309-253-9003 [email protected] 4

Les Cayes Haiti Trade Schools Vocational School Mar 21-28 Rick Wuethrich 219-863-4163 [email protected] 4

Haiti Construction Work Teams

July 2013 SILVER LINING 59

Project Year 2013 Coordinator Capacity

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Oct 19-26 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Nov 2-9 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes AWA Water Aid Nov 8 - 15 Maurice Schaefer 309-253-9003 [email protected] 4

Les Cayes MEBSH Haiti Support Nov 15-20 Jon Zeller 309-266-9009 [email protected] ACWR-CC

Les Cayes MEBSH/Bluffton Construction Dec 6-13 Lane Gerber 260-241-4099 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes Haiti Trade Schools Vocational School Dec 12-19 Rick Wuethrich 219-863-4163 [email protected] 4

Project Year 2014 Coordinator Capacity

Les Cayes MEBSH/Ohio Construction Jan 3-10 Ron Palitto 330-336-5373 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes AWA Water Aid Jan 10-17 Maurice Schaefer 309-253-9003 [email protected] 4

Simone Orphanage Francesville Construction Jan 24-30 Rick Wuethrich 219-863-4163 [email protected] 12

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Jan 25-Feb 1 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes MEBSH/Silverton Construction Jan 31-Feb 7 Richard Kraft 503-364-3103 [email protected] 12

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Feb 22-Mar 1 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Mar 8-15 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes MEBSH/Peoria Construction Mar 14-21 Steve Leuthold 309-645-2208 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes AWA Water Aid Mar 21-28 Maurice Schaefer 309-253-9003 [email protected] 4

Les Cayes Haiti Trade Schools Vocational School Mar 21-28 Rick Wuethrich 219-863-4163 [email protected] 4

Haiti Construction Work Teams

Les Cayes MEBSH/Roanoke Construction Mar 28 - Apr 4 Rich Bertschi 309-467-2351 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes MEBSH Maintenance Apr 15-22 Jon Zeller 4

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction Apr 15-22 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Les Cayes MEBSH Haiti Support Apr 24-28 Jon Zeller 309-266-9009 [email protected] ACWR-CC

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Construction May 17-24 Daryl Luginbuhl 484-433-1205 [email protected] 12

Project Year 2013 Coordinator Capacity

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Medical Sept 14-21 Alice Widmer 330-939-0083 [email protected] 8

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Medical Oct 5-12 Alice Widmer 330-939-0083 [email protected] 8

Project Year 2014 Coordinator Capacity

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Medical Jan 11-18 Alice Widmer 330-939-0083 [email protected] 8

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Medical Feb 8-15 Alice Widmer 330-939-0083 [email protected] 8

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Medical Mar 22-29 Alice Widmer 330-939-0083 [email protected] 8

Bonne Finn, Haiti Hospital Lumiere Medical May 3-10 Alice Widmer 330-939-0083 [email protected] 8

Haiti Medical Work Teams

60 SILVER LINING July 2013

development Coordinator needed - Gateway Woods

With Bro. Tim Sauder stepping away after over 27 years of service, Gateway Woods is now seeking to fill his posi-tion with a brother or sister desiring to tell our story of helping broken children and reuniting families to support-ers. The Development Coordinator position is open to full-time or part-time applicants, and offers responsibility, creativity and unique challenges. This position also offers unique flexibility as applicants can live and work from

either Leo, IN or the IL area. If you have a passion for helping troubled children and families, versatile inter-personal relationship building abilities and strong communication skills, and are a motivated self-starter, please

contact one of the brothers listed below for more information and a job description.

Mark Maibach Lynn StieglitzBusiness Manager Counseling ElderPO Box 151 15417 Doty Rd.Leo, IN 46765 New Haven, IN 46774888.443.4283 Cell: [email protected] [email protected]

Foster Care Program Manager needed - Gateway Woods

Gateway Woods has an opening for a brother or sister to manage our Foster Care Program. We are seeking someone who desires to serve in a ministry that serves troubled and broken children and families. The Foster Care Program Manager is a key full-time position that offers responsibility, management and creativity. If you have a dedicated interest, love and sensitivity for youth and families, at least a bachelor’s degree in social work, counseling or a related field, and possess good motivational, organizational, teaching and communications skills please contact one of the brothers listed below for more information and a job description.

Ed Graf Lynn StieglitzResidential Program Manager Counseling ElderPO Box 125 15417 Doty Rd.Leo, IN 46765 New Haven, IN 46774888.443.4283 Cell:260.466.6712 [email protected] [email protected]

July 2013 SILVER LINING 61

executive director needed - Gateway Woods

Gateway Woods is seeking a dedicated individual to serve as the Executive Director for the organization. A Masters Degree in Social Work, Counseling, or related field is preferred, with a Bachelor’s Degree acceptable in certain circumstances. In addition, four years of supervisory experience in a child welfare agency or therapeutic setting that serves children is required.

If you feel that God has gifted you to lead an organization, and you have a passion to serve children and families, please prayerfully consider applying. The deadline to apply is July 31, 2013. A complete job description is available upon request.

Please prayerfully consider this rewarding opportunity to serve; you may contact Bro. Jeff Banwart (Gateway Woods Family Services Board Chairman) or Bro. Lynn Stieglitz (Counseling Elder) for further information.

Jeff Banwart Lynn StieglitzGateway Woods Family Services Board Chairman Counseling ElderCell: 309.303.4220 Cell: [email protected] [email protected]

Christian Guesthouse and Worship services in Rochester, Mn

Accommodations for Mayo Clinic outpatients and families:Three bedrooms with private baths, laundry, kitchen and family room area.

Sunday Service: (held monthly at guesthouse residence) 10:00 AM and 12:30 PMFor schedule, see: www.acmission.org/minister-rotationFor information and reservations, contact caretakers:Bro. Mark and Sis. Sandy Stork4733 Birdie Lane NWRochester, MN 55901(507) 288-0072

Mid-week Service: (held on 3rd Wednesday in Rochester area)For information, contact:Bro. Jim and Sis. Deb Tilbury(507) 281-2875

62 SILVER LINING July 2013

summer Worship services - Breckenridge, ColoradoLord willing, in addition to our regular worship schedule in Aurora, CO, we plan to hold services

July 21 and July 28Breckenridge River Mountain Lodge

100 South Park Avenue, Breckenridge, CO 80424Office: (970) 453-4711

Breckenridge is located in Summit County. If you take the Frisco exit on Interstate 70, Breckenridge is about 9 miles past Frisco on Highway 9.

It is less than 2 hours from Granby, Glenwood Springs, Denver, and Buena Vista.

There is free parking available in lots north and south of the entrance that are only about a 5 minute walk away.Morning song service will begin at 10:15 A.M.; worship service at 10:30; followed by lunch and afternoon service. Minis-tering Brothers from the Denver congregation will be supporting the service, however we welcome and encourage visiting ministers to support this effort also if your travel plans bring you out west this summer. The intent of these services is to alleviate some of the crowding that we tend to experience during the busy summer travel season. (We don’t want all our visitors to avoid Aurora!) We welcome all our visitors and deeply appreciate the fellowship that we share in Christ, whether in Aurora, or at the optional locations. For more information, and to help us plan more effectively, please notify Bro. Tom Leman if you will be attending services on any of these dates. (303) 696-1540 E-mail: [email protected]

Apostolic Christian Church services – Mauston, Wisconsin

In 2010, Bro. Nathan and Sis. Marilyn Steffen began a retirement relocation near Mauston, WI (from Elgin, IL). Mauston is located on Interstate 90-94 about 25 miles northwest of Wisconsin Dells and 45 minutes south of Tomah, WI. It is ap-proximately halfway between our Minneapolis, MN and Elgin, IL churches. Mauston is a town of 4,500 people with new schools, library, and hospital located in a grain and dairy farming area.

Details of the vision and mission of the Steffen’s for moving to this area can be found at the following address: maustonac.blogspot.com. While building their house, they included a room in which church services could be held for those passing through or anyone living in the area. Occasionally brethren from some Midwest churches, while vacationing or meeting with families for reunions or holidays have called and made arrangements for services. The Steffen’s would welcome anyone passing through to worship with them.

Services are held 10:30 AM followed by lunch and an afternoon service. Dates for scheduled services for summer 2013 are listed below. Bro. Troy Steffen from Belvidere will be the correspondent to anyone interested in services or the area. One may also contact Bro. Nathan or Sis. Marilyn directly.May 26 (Elgin, IL minister), June 16, June 23, July 7

Contact by email or phone:Troy and Ellie Steffen (Correspondent) Nathan and Marilyn Steffen Troy’s Phone: 847.833.1215 Home phone: 608.462.4344 Ellie’s Phone: 309.229.8821 Address: N2816 Overgaard Rd. Email: [email protected] Mauston, WI 53948

July 2013 SILVER LINING 63

Monthly Sermon, continued— Continued from pg. 5day we see examples of those who come into power. They’re still called kings, and their sons continue to be the ones that are ruling. In some cases dictatorships are set up the same way. As we think through the different religious heads, it is very unusual for there to be a father-son passing of the responsibility.

But God knew what he wanted. He knew that the temptation for power and for the people to be misled was going to be very real, and so history has borne it out. The hereditary kingships always run into trouble because eventually there are those who have no merits of their own other than they happen to be born into the right family. They are not suited for the task, and so the people suffer.

On the other hand, in a spiritual sense, every one of us has a desire to pass on to our children practical matters of faith, and spiritual things are more learned perhaps than administrative talent. For that special role, there are those who have better qualifications for it, but each one of us has the opportunity and the ability to be priests as we are called to teach the Word to our children. Each one of us is given that responsibility. It can’t very well be filled by anyone else outside the home. If the teaching in a spiritual way isn’t inside the household, the children are going to suffer. So God laid down a pattern,

and we see the benefits of it.As we said, people get involved,

and they make mistakes. Here were two sons called for this purpose – Nadab and Abihu. They didn’t want to do what God asked them to do. They felt they had a better way, something that would be more flamboyant, something that would impress the people. So they brought a strange fire – something perhaps they had observed. Perhaps not. Perhaps they made it up. They thought this would be a good thing to do, and God was displeased. (Numbers 3:4)

We find what God has asked us to eat and drink from – the manna from heaven, spiritual water, the Word of Life – it should be satisfying. It should be enough. It shouldn’t have to be that we do it a different and new way, that it’s always got to be something unusual, not said before, not thought of before. That’s not the way it ought to be. We should be satisfied with plain food, nourishing food, reinforced so that we understand it.

It’s not something where we have to follow the curve and understand how to keep up. Instead God teaches, as He says, a line upon a line, here a little bit, there a little bit (Isaiah 28:10). 99% of it is the same thing you’ve heard before. Perhaps it is something that’s a bit of a revelation, something that sticks a little deeper. But for the most part it’s just reinforcement time after time after

time that we come to believe it so when God calls us into situations, our response is predictable, it will be Christlike, it will follow the same footprints, and we’re not off here trying to figure out, ok now what am I supposed to do in this particular situation? It becomes Spirit lead. It becomes predictable.

As we read in this New Testament Scripture about giving with a cheerful heart (2 Corinthians 9:7), all we’re hearing is what’s been told through the entire Scriptures up to this point. The Apostle Paul wasn’t saying anything new. If we would read in the Scriptures, we could probably corroborate each point one sentence at a time, finding plenty of substantiating evidence for why we should do it this way.

Perhaps the individual thoughts that he strung together were a little different when he admitted that he overstepped his bounds and boasted a little about how well this particular congregation was doing and was just human enough to reinforce them in saying don’t disappoint me now. I’ve told people how well you are doing. Keep it up. (2 Corinthians 9:3-4). But what he was asking them to do wasn’t something shameful. It wasn’t something that was better kept hidden. No, this was something that the Scriptures have encouraged from the beginning to the end – that we would give.

Now if we were able to say that

64 SILVER LINING July 2013

the things we have – and it’s probably good to just call them things – happens to be a number of different items: money, both in a real and an electronic sense, it’s also time, it’s talents, it’s abilities, it’s words, it’s thoughts, it’s prayer time, it’s many different things. If we could say that by reason of the labor we exerted, by the innovation we applied, by the talents we created in ourselves, studied, were able to develop on our own by trial and error, if we were able to say with confidence that everything we have was created by ourselves and we take ownership of it, that nobody else gave us a boost, nobody else made it easier, we had to go against the stream the whole way, and now all of these things are ours and with them we can then do what we want. If that was our situation and we really believed it, it would be difficult for us to say I’m going to give it up.

We think about it – if we would really be honest, that’s God’s position. He did make it all. Nobody else contributed. We’re told nothing that we see was made out of materials. Nothing that we see was made out of anything that we can see. God created it. It wasn’t before. If we can see it, God made it. The elements, the atoms, across the board God did it. God made all of these things. He has ownership of it. He has ownership of us. He created the power, the wealth, the achievement, the mind, everything, and God gives freely.

So we understand that there’s underlying this whole chapter a principle about God – God doesn’t have to, but He does. So then if we find ourselves in the same situation, and obviously it’s silly to think that all of this was our own creation but if it were and we are to follow God’s pattern, we would give it away.

Then we stop and think what it is really like. The conditions that we find ourselves in – good homes, loving homes, stable communities, protection of our government, the combined knowledge of those who have gone before making improvements in various areas of our lives, we have a printed Word, we have physical examples. We have many things that, if we stop and think about it, many of us are hard pressed to see where our energy and efforts made any difference at all to change whether we have excess resources or we don’t. If we’re really honest, we would say perhaps we have all of these things in spite of ourselves, and the external conditions have a lot more to do with the fact that we have these resources than anything we’ve done.

So if that’s the background and if that’s the way we approach this chapter, which is the way we should approach it, then we understand we don’t own any of it. We don’t own our time. We don’t own our talents. We don’t own our money. We don’t own any of our possessions. It’s all God’s. It’s all meant to be for His purpose.

Perhaps our biggest challenge is for us to keep to ourselves as little of it as possible.

Now for many of us, that’s hard because we worry. We have anxieties. We have things that could happen. We want to be able to be wise and good stewards of what God has given us. We don’t want to be reckless. That’s ok for us to have that mindset until it gets to the point where we keep too much of it or we consume too much of it. Again, it could be any of those things. If we consume too much of our own time, we could be called to account for that. Are we really using it? Time wasn’t meant to be used in a selfish way. There’s too much to do, and too few are willing to do it. Remember the stirring call that Jesus put to His disciples and said look around you and see. You say it’s a few more months until harvest. You’re not looking at it the right way. It’s harvest time right now. There are many people who need the Lord. They’re white. (St. John 4:35) They’re ready. There’s loss because it’s being delayed too much.

So there is that work to be done, and how could we then say that the best use of our time is to spend it on us? We could go through each one of these different areas. Do we really need to spend that much money? I lay that to each of your hearts. It’s hard for me to look on and answer, but in this prosperous time that we live, we really have to answer in a way

Monthly Sermon, continued

July 2013 SILVER LINING 65

we feel comfortable with in a deep spiritual sense. Am I spending too much money? Is too much of it being consumed on me? It’s something that troubles me as I look at the way and standard of which we live. Yes, we give, and we doing it cheerfully. I believe that with all of my heart. When I look at myself, I still have to ask the question – am I giving enough? Am I keeping too much is perhaps the better question.

We understand and it’s alluded to here. Jesus spent quite a bit of time on this subject because holding onto riches is a human dilemma. It’s a problem. So He spent some time talking to the rich people. He sent His apostles to follow up on that theme. He told us in no uncertain terms – it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (St. Matthew 19:24). Now we could look at many different ways and I’ve heard several of what the camel is and what the eye is. It doesn’t make any difference. It’s a hard thing to do.

We’re told woe unto you rich because you have your reward (St. Luke 6:24). So when we think about it that way, the risk of keeping too much, the risk of holding onto the riches is pretty serious. So we have to think about it truthfully and honestly. Am I keeping too much? Am I looking at it the right way?

Assuming all of us are reminded

to give and to share, Jesus covered that also. He said woe unto them who sound a trumpet before them as they go to give that others can see as they cast in their offerings. Yeah, I say unto you, they have their reward. (St. Matthew 6:2) If we think about that, it’s a comment that just gives me the shivers to think I’m going to all this work, I’m doing what I think is right, I’m doing what I think God wants, and there isn’t a single reward in heaven being created by my doing it that way. Again, the risk is great so we have to think about it.

Jesus went further and said don’t let your right hand know what your left hand does (St. Matthew 6:3). What did He mean? Perhaps a number of different things. He didn’t clarify it overmuch, and so it was left for us to ponder motives since we can’t simply just say action on the list, not on the list, good or not good. Jesus meant for us to look deep.

What do the right hand and the left hand do? For the most part they work together, don’t they, but one is better at certain tasks than the other. I think most of us find one is more skilled at small detailed work, and one is a little stronger. Usually they are separate in those things.

That sounds a lot like a marriage, and that’s how we often interpret it. In a marriage one is better at certain things than others. Is that to say that husband and wife shouldn’t know what’s being given? No, I think that

goes a little bit too far, but if we start thinking about it in those types of things, what is it that each of us needs to know? Do we puff each other up by the amount of money we give? Do we together as a husband and wife feel pretty good about the amount of money we set aside? If so maybe we need to think about that relationship in our marriage. Perhaps we need to be reminding each other that God gave us this. Maybe we need to be giving a little more rather than to take credit for what we are doing.

Then as it gets outside of the marriage, we start to get to the point where, I think it is true, the less we know the better. If God is able through whatever means He chooses to enable one couple to give more off the same income because of lifestyle choices, that isn’t meant to have others going around down in the mouth because they can’t do the same. Since that would be the likely outcome of sharing information, perhaps that’s what Jesus meant as well – that we should each do as much as we can, as much as God moves us to do with the sharing of our time, our talents, and the money He’s given us; we shouldn’t have all these facts and figures available so that we can rank ourselves among those that we’re around and then take some credit. The specific thought comes to mind that when we compare ourselves among ourselves,

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that isn’t considered wise in God’s sight (2 Corinthians 10:12).

So what does it mean? I thought a lot about this, not with any intention of sharing it this afternoon. It feels like the thing we’re called to do the most is to take stock of our life, to take a look at how we use 24 hours a day, how we use the money that flows into our household, how we use the talents He’s given us, and to just ask ourselves on a continual basis, is there any way that those could be used better? Is there any way that God could use it better? Is there any way that I am holding onto any of those areas so that God has to pry it free from my grasp before He can use it?

I think if we’re asking those questions, God will lead us in the right way, and it won’t be uniform. We don’t have all the same resources. We don’t have all the same calling. We don’t have all the same opportunities. But if we put all of it at God’s disposal then He can get His work done, and isn’t that what we really want to do? Besides all of that, since there is great risk in being rich, we’d rather not be. We’d rather that God found a way to keep us, in whatever sense He needs to, poor, needy, humble people.

Now with that said, there are some administrative needs in the church. We can’t all participate fully in knowing the financial needs, the needs for time visits, all of those things that the church

has, and so there are those who are called out. Often with that calling there is additional knowledge, and it’s a burden. I think we could say that without question. Knowing about needs and knowing about the charitable heart of others is perhaps more of a burden than it is a blessing.

Now that isn’t to say that we aren’t blessed when we serve. God takes care of that part. There are needs in the church, and the Apostle Paul took precious letter time to make various congregations know about needs. That same practice continues. We do have to share information. Sometimes the knowledge we have where a need is exceeds our ability personally to meet the need, and so we have to call in the resources of others. We have some methods to do that. We have local charity funds and those types of things.

Perhaps the greatest need – I think all of you know it, but it bears repeating – the biggest need we have is for prayers of each other that God would bless us because when we think about it, it isn’t the amount of money or time that we move around and share with each other that really makes the difference. God had said and we often come back to this in Malachi: just try me out; prove me now; give me the tithes and see what I can do with them. God told us you won’t be able to hold it. I’ll give you a reward that if you get together all of the containers you have, you can’t

hold the blessings that I can give. (Malachi 3:10)

So it really isn’t that God needs our money. God doesn’t really need our time. God doesn’t need our talents. He made them all. He can make more. But, He does want them. Not only does He want them so He can use those resources to meet the needs of others, but He knows it’s good for us. He knows it’s good for us to give up what we’ve been given. It reduces the pride of ownership that we’re subject to.

So there’s this principle – it says, “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly;” and we could turn that around, and it says, “and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.” 2 Corinthians 9:6. We could misuse that. We could say, well if I give money, I’ll get more back than I give. That’s not the point. It isn’t always in like-kind. What God gives is precious, and the things of this earth… they’re just that; they’re things of the earth. That isn’t what treasure is made up of. That isn’t what we want more of, but we do want more of the blessings of God, the treasure that He can lay up for us.

As I read this Scripture I’m often reminded of the verse that is turned into a song. It says he that goeth forth with weeping bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bearing his sheaves with him (Psalm 126:6; Hymns of Zion #297). So what is it that we should

Monthly Sermon, continued

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sow bountifully? Isn’t it that precious seed? Isn’t it faith and things of faith? Isn’t it spiritual needs that are the greatest? Isn’t that where God has given the most resources? So we can’t forget – putting enough money in the box isn’t all there is to giving. We need to give spiritually. We need to give, perhaps, until it hurts some times because the needs of others are so great.

Then it goes on to say, “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7. If you think it’s a good idea, if you know it’s a good idea, follow through on it. I think that’s what this Scripture is plainly saying. When you feel moved in heart to do something, do it! God will take care of you. God will meet your needs. Perhaps that thought was put in your heart by Him, and that’s what He wants you to do. Good intentions aren’t what we’re asking for. We’re asking for the following through. So it says as a man purposeth in his heart. When we understand that this is something that’s a worthy purpose, a worthy cause, let’s go ahead and do it.

But God loveth a cheerful giver. If we love the things we’re giving away, it will be very hard to give them away cheerfully, but if we love the things we’ll get in return more, we’ll gladly give it away because we understand that we’re getting

something worth more than what we’re giving. Grudging gifts are not God-pleasing.

Then it’s interesting as we think about this. We summarize it, and we go to 1 Corinthians chapter 13, don’t we. It says though we give our body to burned, though we bestow our gifts upon the poor, if we give all these things but don’t have true charity – not money but godly love – there’s nothing gained. There’s no profit. We aren’t going to get more than we give.

So we’re called, as we consider these things, that first of all we have a heart of compassion toward those who have a need. That’s not easy. It really isn’t. If we have been in the particular condition ourselves it’s perhaps a little easy, but for us to be sitting warmed and filled with our needs met and to see someone who’s cold and hungry, again we’re talking about in a spiritual sense, for us to leave that place of comfort and go where there’s depravity, it’s hard. It’s uncomfortable. It’s something we don’t want to do, but we are called to do it. It doesn’t do us any good to go with the wrong attitude. It says not grudgingly or of necessity.

It’s ok to know that we should. It’s ok to know that we need to. It’s ok to know that God commands it, and we should follow through. But the blessing is in looking at it as an opportunity, as a calling, as a special privilege to be able to do these things

and to be put in a position where we can share of the abundance that God has given us. That’s where the real blessing comes – in that attitude where we look at this as something that I get to do. I’m glad I can.

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you…” 2 Corinthians 9:8. So we understand that it’s contrary to human nature. We understand it’s going to stick a little, and so God is able to give us power to do what we can’t do ourselves. That’s what grace is. God is able not only to give it but to give it abundantly. What is abundance? Abundance is more than we need. So God’s able to give us more than we could possibly use. That means there’s no fear of running out or that somehow we’ll meet up with a situation and it’s beyond God’s ability. That won’t happen. That’s what we’re assured here. God is able to make this happen. “…always having all sufficiency in all things…” that if we are in that state, we “…may abound to every good work”. 2 Corinthians 9:8.

So one of the principles that we need to understand from this is we all have something to give away. It doesn’t matter what set of needs we face. It doesn’t matter how destitute we feel that we are. We all have something to give away. We’re all called to this responsibility. Now it’s not all the same thing, and it’s not all to the same degree. That’s clear.

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same time He’ll “increase the fruits of your righteousness”. The fruit of the Spirit will abound more the more you give them away. Isn’t that a wonderful thing?

Some of the things we don’t like to give are what we term finite resources. Perhaps the one that’s the hardest for me to give is time because we only have so much of it. We can think of more ways that we could spend it than we can get it, but if we give it away, God adds the blessing, increases the fruits, so that we eat of the same. It’s one of the things I so appreciate about the fruit of the Spirit. We probably don’t have time to go into that thought very much, but the more we give those fruits away, the more we live by them, the better our life is, the more we reap a blessing, the sweeter our life is. God’s able to make that increase happen.

Then toward the end here it says, “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.”

But we do have a requirement that we have a giving heart and that we should be doing this.

“As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever.” 2 Corinthians 9:9. It still brings back to mind the question why does God ask this of us? Couldn’t He just meet the needs of the world? The answer is yes! Resoundingly yes! He could do that, and He has chosen not to do so. It’s not for us to question even though we do have questions at times why He did it this way, but Jesus said a lot when He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35. It’s good for you to give things that you could hold onto too tightly.

Summing that up, He said it all. We need to give more than God needs us to do it. It says, “Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness”. 2 Corinthians 9:10. This is perhaps just a little mini prayer, and I appreciate it. We talked about the seed that was being sown. It’s good seed. Jesus reinforced that time and time again with parables. This was good seed. This was precious seed. This was the Word of God. It should be dealt with accordingly. It says “now he that ministereth that seed” – so He who supplies all of what you need to be able to distribute to others, He’ll take care of your needs too, and at the

Monthly Sermon, continued

— Continued from pg. 70spiritual heritage

Isaiah 43:1-5“But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.Fear not: for I am with thee...”

but withdrew it under a stream of profanity. Finally, he tore his clothes and emptied his pockets, in order to find his books. Then he ordered the gendarme to put him into prison. When Froehlich appealed to the fact that the magistrate at Aragau had not arrested him, he was finally allowed to go free.

Outside, two brethren awaited him, who had followed him from the meeting at Leutwil to Lenzburg, to see what would happen. He greeted them like angels from heaven, and they accompanied him on his wearisome journey to Brugg.”– by Perry Klopfenstein

Next Issue: Froehlich’s second missionary journey.

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provides evidence of faith. James wrote “…faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” (James 2:17). Service will enrich our lives. “That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate.” (1 Tim. 6:18).

We may be concerned that we cannot do enough, and what we do is so small that it is not of any value. The parable of the talents helps us understand that God only expects from us what He has given us. He does, however, expect us to use wisely what we have. (Matt. 25:15-28). Even very small deeds of service are not forgotten by God. “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.” (Mark 9:41). The poor widow only gave two mites, but her “give all” servant attitude is still remembered nearly 2000 years later.

Our service must be done willingly and with a godly attitude. When we do so we find that “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35). This is made clear in a hymn we sing:

“Seeds of goodness we are sowing, In the hearts of men today. Bless it Lord that it many prosper, And bear fruit for harvest day. Hasten gladly to the labor, Consecrate to God your heart. Say this day unto your Savior, Lord, I’ ll gladly do my part.” Hymns of Zion, #46, verse 1.

Continued Articles

(Luke 14:13-14). There does not seem to be a down side to helping the very poor. The poorest of the poor will not complain that our help was not good enough.

There are many organizations not of our denomination that do very good work and are worthy of support. However, we are blessed to have a very sound structure in our brotherhood that enables us to reach many who are in dire straits with minimal administrative costs. Through our brotherhood it is possible to give and “…let not your left hand know what thy right hand doeth: That thine alms may be is secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.” (Matt. 4:3-4).

We may think that by serving others we are giving more than we receive, but we receive many blessings by serving others. Service to others allows us to glorify God by letting our “…light so shine before men, that they can see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matt.5:16).

We are blessed by encouraging others to serve as we show “a pattern of good works” (Titus 2:7) and by considering “…one another to provoke unto love and good works.” (Heb. 10:24). Service to others also

— Continued from pg. 3Light from the Word

— Continued from pg. 71

Into subjection

Lord. To be in subjection is a sign of strength and self-control, it is not a sign of weakness.

Referring again to 1 Peter 5:5, it is written, “Yea, all of you be subject one to another.” This would seem to exhort us to invite others to admonish us, and to make suggestions as to how we can follow the Bible more closely, and more faithfully serve Christ. I invite you to admonish me and I appreciate your concern for me. But, please admonish with love. Do we all welcome admonition given in love? The Bible says we are to bring our bodies into subjection.– by Willis Ehnle

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.” Eph. 3:20-21

“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” Jude 24-25

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Our Spiritual HeritageIn the next few issues we will be focusing on the “missionary journeys” of Bro. Samuel H. Froehlich in Switzerland as, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he worked to revive a true faith that was based on the Word of God. His intent was to re-establish a faith (and practice) that was rooted in God’s Word. It is important to know how he began his work, because with God’s help he established a spiritual course that has affected thousands of souls over the generations, including us yet today.

Samuel H. Froehlich was dismissed from the Swiss State Church for views that differed with that organization, that is, he was too evangelical in his thinking, and his doctrinal outlook varied from the Reformed doctrine of that time. He left that organization in 1831. He had to decide what to do, as he wanted to serve the Lord. The term “missionary journeys” was one given by Herman Reugger in his book, “Apostolic Church History, Volume 1,” published in 1949. At the outset, it is likely that Bro. Froehlich did not see himself so much as a missionary, but more so as one who was testing the waters to see who would respond to the gospel as he traveled and preached, and churches were thence established. An enduring motto of Bro. Froehlich and his early followers was they would serve the Lord, “whatever the cost might be.”

Froehlich’s AttitudeOn January 9, 1836 (after five years of spiritual work),

Samuel Froehlich wrote in a letter, “It never entered my mind that I should found a sect here on earth, rather it was and is my purpose to gather children (potential believers) to God. If I could not place my confidence in the Lord my God, I would indeed repent to have begun something on which the Lord could not place His blessing, or with which He could not be pleased. Now, however, I placed myself wholly into His hands, that He might lead me according to His good pleasure.”

First Missionary JourneyAuthor Herman Reugger describes Froehlich’s first

journey: “On the first of April, 1831, Froehlich began his missionary work in Leutwil on Hallwilersee, his former

congregation. Hardly had the news spread that he was there when from two to three hundred people gathered every evening in order that he might preach to them the Word of Christ. Some came to spy on him (government authorities); the majority, however, came from desire.

Within eight days many hearers, whom he had instructed before and in whom God had prepared the way, requested baptism. Froehlich examined them carefully to be convinced of the uprightness of their faith and of their knowledge, and admonished them to count the cost of following Christ. Then, he baptized them according to the instruction of the Lord, and on Palm Sunday he could, for the first time, celebrate the Lord’s Supper with 38 members.

Meanwhile, the foe was not idle. On the evening of April 13, 1831, when many were gathered together, a gendarme (policeman) appeared and ordered that all who had sheltered Froehlich must appear before the district magistrate. As Froehlich did not permit himself to be intimidated, he continued to preach the good tidings, and a summons followed.

He was told to leave the village at once and to return to his native Brugg. In vain, he referred to the highest Aarau court and traveled to Aarau to the magistrate. He was dismissed with a warning. (Note: Aarau is the capital city of the northern Swiss canton of Aargau).

On May 6, a gendarme dragged Froehlich out of a meeting and brought him to the district magistrate at Lenzburg. In answer to the question: ‘Who had commanded him to preach,’ his reply was, calmly: ‘Christ.’ The angry official raised his hand to strike him,

Learning from our history

— Continued on pg. 68

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The Light of HopeInto subjectionDo we relish being in subjection to God, or do we want to be our own boss? My thinking is that we grow up wanting to be our own boss, without being in subjection to anyone. However, we do want the protection and security that comes from our own parents and our own home. In Exodus, chapter 20, we have The Ten Commandments given to Moses, and number 5 reads, “Honor thy father and thy mother.” We honor them by being in subjection to them, although it is not always easy even if they are following the teachings of the Bible as true children of God.

The words “Into Subjection,” are written in 1 Corinthians 9:27. The Apostle Paul writes, “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.” The apostle indicates that it is necessary, in order to avoid becoming a castaway, or becoming disqualified, to keep his body in subjection to what the Holy Spirit tells him.

To say that you must bring your body into subjection indicates that it takes some doing, that you have to work at it. If a person is used to being in subjection to his parents, to his school teachers, and Sunday school teachers, he or she will find it easier to be in subjection to God. It is a good thing to be subject to authority, unless that authority contradicts the Word of God.

In Hebrews 12:9 we read, “Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?” Here a willingness to be in subjection to God, the Father of spirits, is given as a qualification of living spiritually and eternally.

Wouldn’t you say that the teaching of being in subjection to God, and keeping our bodies in subjection to the Holy Spirit, is closely related to being humble? Peter writes of humility in 1 Peter 5:5, “Likewise, ye

younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.”

Romans 13:1 reads, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” The Bible teaches us that we should be in subjection to, and obey, the laws of the land, as long as they do not conflict with obeying God. If there is a conflict, then we do well to say with Peter and the other apostles as recorded in Acts 5:29 “We ought to obey God rather than men.”

For all of us to be in subjection to the laws of the land, brings order and safety to society at large. For all of us to be in subjection to the guidelines of our church, brings order and safety to our church. If everyone wants to be his own boss, it brings lack of order.

Even Christ is in subjection to the Heavenly Father. John 3:16 informs us that God so loved the world that he gave, or sent, His only begotten Son. 1 Corinthians 15:28 reads, “And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.” That we should all be willing to be in subjection is an important part of the teachings in the Bible. May none of us get or maintain the idea that we can and will be our own boss.

In Titus 3:1, Titus was instructed by Paul to, “Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work.” The government of the Roman Empire which was in power during the time of the New Testament, was not a Christian government. Nevertheless, Christ was obedient to it and so were the disciples of Christ, so long as it did not conflict with God’s teachings. We would do well to follow their example (and I believe we do). Where we tend to fall short is in a willingness to be in subjection to the church guidelines based on God’s Word. Let’s try to be more humble and meek. We can still be strong in the

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THE SILVER LINING1523 County Road 400NCongerville, IL 61729

O beautiful for spacious skies,For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majestiesAbove the fruited plain!