IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY THROUGH WATCHING WESTERN MOVIES (A CASE STUDY AT ENGLISH DEPARTMENT) A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Cultural Science Hasanudin University In partial fulfillment of requirements To obtain Sarjana degree at English Department By: YANUAR KURNIAWAN TANGAHU F21108301 MAKASSAR 2012 UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN






Submitted to the Faculty of Cultural Science Hasanudin University

In partial fulfillment of requirements

To obtain Sarjana degree at English Department








Sesuai Surat Tugas Dekan Fakultas Sastra Universitas Hasanuddin Nomor:

470/UN.4.11.1/PP.27/2012 tanggal 2 Februari 2012, dengan ini kami menyatakan

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Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra Universitas Hasanuddin.

Makassar, 02 Mei 2012

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Prof. Dr. Hamzah A. Machmoed, MA Dra. Marleiny Radjuni, M.Ed NIP. 19440927 197803 1001 NIP. 19600409 198703 2001

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Drs. Husain Hasyim, M.Hum NIP. 19611028 198703 1003



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Prof. Dr. Hamzah A. Machmoed, MA Dra. Marleiny Radjuni, M.Ed NIP. 19440927 197803 1001 NIP. 19600409 198703 2001

Dekan Fakultas Sastra Ketua Jurusan Sastra Inggris Universitas Hasanuddin

Prof. Drs. H. Burhanuddin Arafah, M.Hum., Ph.D Drs. Husain Hasyim, M.Hum NIP. 19650303 199002 1001 NIP. 19611028 198703 1003


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘alamin. First of all, the writer wants to praise to

Allah SWT. who has give ways, spirit, chances, patience and health to help him to

finish the thesis.

The writer dedicates this writing to his parents Sudarman Tangahu and

Cila Puluala who have devote their affection given everything what they have in

his life. Hopefully, he can help them to realze their dream. And also for his

beloved soulmate, Rahayu Indah Sari, who has been the inspiration, motivation,

spirit, problem solution, and everything for him.

Then, the writer wishes to extend his thanks for:

1. Prof. Dr. Dr. Idrus A. Paturusi as the Rector of Hasanuddin University and

Prof. Drs. H. Burhanuddin Arafah, M.Hum., Ph.D as the Dean of Cultural

Science Faculty.

2. Prof. Dr. Hamzah A. Machmoed, MA. and Dra. Marleiny Radjuni, M.Ed as

the consultant of the writer. The writer would like to thank so much for the

suggestion and guidance in order to finish the thesis.

3. Drs. Abd Madjid Djuraid, M.Hum and Dra. Hj. Hamsinah Yasin, M.Hum as

the examiner. The writer would like to express his deep appreciation for their

corrections, critics, idea, and guidance for completing this thesis.

4. Drs. Husain Hasyim, M.Hum as the Chief of English Department and Drs.

Simon Sitoto, M.A as the Secretary of English Department Faculty of Cultural

Science. The writer would like to thank for the advice and guidance to finish

the study.

5. Wasono Widodo, Sri Mulyani, and Agung Heriyanto as the best support in his

life and also all the prays.

6. Mr. Nahri, Mrs. Uga, and Mr. Agus as the staffs in English Department and

Mr. John as the staff of Cultural Science Faculty and also Mr. Dg. Nai As the

staff of Pasca Sarjana.

7. My Best Buddy, Ancha, Thank you so much for your help, prays, and

motivation and also for the laptop.

8. Special Thanks to all of Grotesque 08, thank you so much for your support,

prays, motivation and all the memories that we have written. Gooo

Grotesque!!!!! To Be or Not To Be.

9. All people in English Department such us Anglophile 06, Independent 07,

Redemption 09, Wish-Key 10, Caterpillar 11 and all people who have not

been mention (sorry for that).

10. All people in Cultural Science Faculty

11. People in Spentibels, especially for all people in 3.1

12. All smada people, Especially for Winamp Comunity

Finally the writer realize that this thesis still need addition, therefore critics

and suggenstions are very welcomed. He hopes that this thesis will give much

benefits for all of the readers.

Makassar, 24 Mei 2012

The writer


Yanuar Kurniawan Tangahu. Improving Students’ Vocabulary through Watching

Western Movie (A Case Study of English Department Students) (Supervised by:

Hamzah A. Machmoed and Marleiny Radjuni)

This study aimed to disclose students’ batch 2011 of English Department

Hasanuddin University vocabulary through watching western movie.

There were 24 students batch 2011 of English Department Hasanuddin

University as the samples in this study. The writer applied descriptive qualitative and

quantitative method in this study. The students were given test consist of multiple

choice and then they were given questionnaire. The data were processed and analyzed

according to these steps: taking the data, editing, grouping, scoring, classification,

coding, tabulating, charting, and taking the conclusion based on the statistical result.

The result of this study shows that “the habit of watching western film has

significant effect to improve students’ vocabulary”. It can be seen from the increasing in

every group. The mean score of Group A (who watch only one film) is 41,25. And there is

an increasing in group B (who watch two films) which is 54,37 and followed by Group C

(who watch three films) which is 64,37 also with an increasing.In individual score also

has shown an increasing.Students who get ‘very poor’ are decreased from group A to

group B and also more decrease when we compare with group C. While students who

get ‘good’ and ‘excellent’ classification from group A to group C are increasing.


Yanuar Kurniawan Tangahu. Meningkatkan Vocabulary Mahasiswa Melalui Kebiasaan

Menonton Film Barat (studi kasus Mahasiswa di Jurusan Sastra

Inggris)(Dibimbing oleh: Hamzah A. Machmoed and Marleiny Radjuni)

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperlihatkan peningkatkan vocabulary

mahasiswa jurusan Sastra Inggris Universitas Hasanuddin angkatan 2011.

Terdapat 24 mahasiswa jurusan sastra Inggris Universitas Hasanuddin Tahun

angkatan 2011 sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Penulis menggunakan metode

eksperimen kualitatif dan kuantitatif dalam penelitian ini. Mahasiswa diberikan tes yang

terdiri dari soal-soal pilihan ganda dan kemudian mereka diberikan kuisioner.Data yang

diperoleh diproses dan dianalisis berdasarkan tahapan-tahapan berikut: mengambil

data, mengedit data, menilai data, mengklasifikasi, mencoding, mentabulasi,

menggambarkan grafik, dan mengambil kesimpulan berdasarkan analisis statistik..

Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa“Kebiasaan menonton film barat memiliki efek

yang signifikan untuk meningkatkan vocabulary mahasiswa”. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari

peningkatan nilai rata-rata dari masing-masing grup. Nilai rata-rata dari grup A

(mahasiswa yang menonton satu film) adalah 41.25 dan terjadi peningkatan di grup B

(mahasiswa yang menonton dua film) yang mendapatkan nilai 54.37 dan diikuti oleh

grup C (mahasiswa yang menonton tiga film) yang mendapatkan nilai 64.37 yang juga

mengalami peningkatan. Selain itu, jumlah mahasiswa yang masuk dalam klasifikasi

“very poor” mengalami penurunan dari grup A ke Grup B dan juga lebih menurun jika

dibandingkan dengan Grup C. Sedangkan mahasiswa yang mendapatkan klasifikasi

‘good’ dan ‘excellent’ mengalami peningkatan dari Grup A hingga ke Grup C.


LEGITIMACY.......................................................................................... i

AGREEMENT .......................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL .............................................................................................. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ iv

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ viii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1

A. Background ..................................................................................... 1 B. Research Questions ......................................................................... 2 C. Objectives of Study ......................................................................... 3 D. Scope of Problem ............................................................................ 3 E. Significance of Study ...................................................................... 3

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................. 4

A. Previous Study ................................................................................ 4 B. Theoretical Background .................................................................. 5

1. Film ..................................................................................... 5 2. Vocabulary .......................................................................... 7

a. Types of Vocabulary ................................................ 7 b. The Importance of Vocabulary ................................. 8 c. Degree of Knowledge ............................................... 8 d. Depth of Knowledge ................................................ 9 e. Vocabulary Growth .................................................. 10 f. The effect of vocab. Size on language comprehension 11

C. Theoretical Framework ................................................................... 12

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY .......................................................... 15

A. Research Design .............................................................................. 15 B. Population and Sample .................................................................... 15 C. Instrument ....................................................................................... 16 D. Method of Collecting Data .............................................................. 16 E. Method of Processing Data .............................................................. 17

CHAPTER IV RESULT OF STUDY ...................................................... 20

A. Analysisof Data ............................................................................... 20 1. Document Test .................................................................... 20

a. Group A ................................................................... 21 b. Group B ................................................................... 22 c. Group C ................................................................... 23

2. Questionnaire....................................................................... 25 a. Question no. 1 .......................................................... 25

1) Group A ....................................................... 26 2) Group B ........................................................ 27 3) Group C ........................................................ 27

b. Question no. 2 .......................................................... 28 1) Group A ....................................................... 29 2) Group B ........................................................ 30 3) Group C ........................................................ 30

c. Question no. 3 .......................................................... 31 1) Group A ....................................................... 32 2) Group B ........................................................ 32 3) Group C ........................................................ 32

d. Question no. 4 .......................................................... 33 1) Group A ....................................................... 34 2) Group B ........................................................ 35 3) Group C ........................................................ 36

e. Question no. 5 .......................................................... 37 1) Group A ....................................................... 38 2) Group B ........................................................ 38 3) Group C ........................................................ 39

f. Question no. 6 .......................................................... 39 1) Group A ....................................................... 40 2) Group B ........................................................ 41 3) Group C ........................................................ 42

g. Question no. 7 .......................................................... 43 1) Group A ....................................................... 44 2) Group B ........................................................ 44 3) Group C ........................................................ 45

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .......................... 48

A. Conclusions ..................................................................................... 48 B. Suggestions ..................................................................................... 48

APPENDICES ........................................................................................... 50

REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 59



A. Background

Nowadays, English becomes a global language in this world. In order to

speak English well, most people must have a lot of vocabulary. It is very hard

for people to understand what speaker say if the vocabulary we know only

few. A person's vocabulary is the set of words within a language that are

familiar to that person. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as

a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge.

Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning

a second language.Moreover, for English Literature students’ who are

learning English as a second language, course vocabulary is indispensable.

Improving students’vocabulary can be done at any age and any level of

education. Even college students have the benefit from an enlarged

vocabulary, which will enhance spoken and written communication as well as

providing a deeper grasp of any language. Most people are spurred to

improve their vocabularies by a major test, but improving vocabulary can be

done for fun as well.

There are a variety of ways to improve student vocabulary; some of them

are interactive and easy. One of them is by watching film. Almost everyone

in this world love doing it. Through the film, students can learn by seeing and


Today, movies become a habit for the students. So, unconsciously they

will learn through their own habits. Learning may occur consciously or

without conscious awareness. There is evidence for human behavioral

learning prenatally, in which habituation has been observed as early as 32

weeks into gestation, indicating that the central nervous system is sufficiently

developed and primed for learning and memory to occur very early on in


Therefore, the writer chooses watching film to improving students’

vocabulary. Because if the vocabulary has been increased, it will be very

useful to improve students performance in academics as well as their

knowledge in the non-academics. The writer also wants to show that people

who watch more movies has better vocabulary rather than people who watch

less movies. It means that the more people watch movies it will be the more

their vocabulary improved. Besides that, the writer wants to show that this

method can be another way to improve students’ vocabulary.

B. Research Questions

From the explanation above, the writer identified the problem that needed

to be done in research to improve students’ vocabulary as follows:

1. How does watching film influence the improvement of students


2. To what extent does watching film trigger students’ interest in improving

their vocabulary?

C. Objectives of Study

1. To explain the effect of watching film in improving students’ vocabulary.

2. To explain the level of students’ interest in improving vocabulary

through watching film.

D. Scope of Problem

In this study, the writer only focuses in improving students’ vocabulary

and the level of students’ interest in improving vocabulary through watching

film. It is conducted only for 24 students’ batch 2011 of English Department

Hasanuddin University. The result of this study can only be generalized or

applied to the target population, specifically to the students’ batch 2011 of

English Department Hasanuddin University.

E. Significance of Study

This study aims to produce new method in learning and improving

vocabulary through watching film habit. The writer concerned many people

(especially teenagers) in favor to watch film. Therefore, the writer considers

that this way will improve their vocabulary.



A. Previous Studies

Thereare some studies about improving vocabulary on students learning

process. But all of those studies are different in methods, objectives, and

subjects. The first writer is Frila Kartikadewi (2009) with her titled study

“Penggunaan Pictorial Board Game untuk meningkatkan Penguasaan

Kosakata Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Pakel, Tulungagung”. She found

that student ability in vocabulary was still weak, and all of the students still

gained score below the standard (Standard Score = 75). Therefore the writer

tried to use other method in order to improve students’ vocabulary. The writer

used pictorial board game as her instrument. It is a modification of ‘ular

tangga’ game which is in every box there is a picture. She recommended the

teacher to use this method instead of memorize the words.

The second writer was Nurul Aulia (2010), she focused in using pictorial

word puzzles (her thesis titled was “Penggunaan Teka-Teki Bergambar untuk

Meningkatkan Perbendaharaan Kosakata Pada Siswa Kelas Delapan MTs

Surya Buana Malang”). Similar with the study above, this writer found that

students still weak in vocabulary, they just got score below the standard

(Standard Score = 75). According to the writer this method was very useful,

the students were more active and more enjoyin learning english. She

suggested the teacher to use this method in lerning english.

The last writer is Lustia Ritia Putri (2011) with her thesis titled “The Use

Popup Pictures to Improve Vocabulary Mastery of The Second Year Students

of State Elementary School ‘Gempol 3’ at Pasuruan Regency”. In this study

the writer used two instrument which are the popup pictures and clue cards.

The writer asked the sudents to take one of the clue card, and then she will

read all the clue, after that if the students have known the answer, they must

took the picture of that thing based on the clue. This method was very useful

too, because students more enjoyable, besides that there were an increasing of

students’ vocabulary. The writer also suggested to use this method in learning


All of the writers have similar results which are all the three methods can

improve students’ vocabulary. They also suggested the teacher to use those

various methods in learning process. Different with those three researches, in

this study, the writer wants to explain the effect of watching film in

improving students’ vocabulary. In this study, the writer uses movies as the

instrument to explain the improvement of students’ vocabulary.

B. Theoretical Background

1. Film

A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or

moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with

cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual

effects. The process of filmmaking has developed into an art form and


Films are cultural artifacts created by specific cultures, which reflect

those cultures, and, in turn, affect them. Film is considered to be an

important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful

method for educating – or indoctrinating – citizens. The visual elements of

cinema give motion pictures a universal power of communication. Some

films have become popular worldwide attractions by using dubbing or

subtitles that translate the dialogue into the language of the viewer.

Film is used for education and propaganda. When the purpose is

primarily educational, a film is called an "educational film". Examples are

recordings of lectures and experiments, or more marginally, a film based

on a classic novel. The same film may be considered educational by some,

and propaganda by others, such as some of the films of Michael Moore

(Wikipedia, 2012).

Watching film to improve student vocabulary can be classified as

multimedia learning. Multimedia learning Multimedia learning is where a

person uses both auditory and visual stimuli to learn information (Mayer

2001). This type of learning relies on dual-coding theory (Paivio, 1971).

2. Vocabulary

A person’s vocabulary is the set of words within the languages that are

familiar to that person. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is the one of the

largest challenge in learning second languages (Wikipedia, 2012).

a. Types of vocabulary (Wikipedia):

According to Wikipedia, there are four types of vocabulary. They

are reading vocabulary, listening vocabulary, writing vocabulary, and

speaking vocabulary. Those four types are different in using and really

help people when they do English. Those four types are explained as


1) Reading vocabulary

Reading vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize

when reading. This is generally the largest type of vocabulary

simply because it includes the other three of types vocabulary

(listening, writing, and speaking vocabulary), though in some

cases, notably Chinese characters, as in Chinese and Japanese,

where the pronunciation is not transparent, some words may be

part of the oral vocabulary but not the written.

2) Listening vocabulary

Similar with reading vocabulary, listening vocabulary is all

the words that someone can recognize but in this type is used

when listening to speech. This vocabulary is aided in size by

context and tone of voice.

3) Writing vocabulary

All the words that people can employ in writing were the

definition of writing vocabulary. Contrary to the previous two

vocabulary type, the writing vocabulary is stimulated by its user.

4) Speaking vocabulary

In this type, speaking vocabulary is all the words that

someone can use in speech. Due to the spontaneous nature of the

speaking vocabulary, words are often misused. This misuse –

though slight and unintentional – may be compensated by facial

expressions, tone of voice, or hand gestures.

b. The importance of a vocabulary as follows (Wikipedia) :

1) An extensive vocabulary aids expressions and communication.

2) Vocabulary size has been directly linked to reading


3) Linguistic vocabulary is synonymous with thinking vocabulary.

4) A person may be judged by others based on his or her vocabulary.

c. Degree of knowledge (Wikipedia)

Within the receptive / productive distinction lies a range of abilities

which are often referred to as degree of knowledge. This simply

indicates that a word gradually enters a person's vocabulary over a

period of time as more aspects of word knowledge are learnt.

Roughly, these stages could be described as:

1) Never encountered the word.

2) Heard the word, but cannot define it.

3) Recognize the word due to context or tone of voice.

4) Able to use the word and understand the general and/or intended

meaning, but cannot clearly explain it.

5) Fluent with the word – its use and definition.

d. Depth of knowledge (Wikipedia)

The differing degrees of word knowledge imply a greater depth of

knowledge, but the process is more complex than that. There are many

facts to knowing a word, some of which are not hierarchical so their

acquisition does not necessarily follow a linear progression suggested

by degree of knowledge. Several frameworks of work knowledge have

been proposed to better operationalise this concept. One such

framework includes nine facets:

1) orthography - written form

2) phonology - spoken form

3) reference - meaning

4) semantics - concept and reference

5) register - appropriacy of use

6) collocation - lexical neighbours

7) word associations

8) syntax - grammatical function

9) morphology - word parts

e. Vocabulary growth

During his/her infancy, a child builds a vocabulary by instinct, with

zero effort. Infants imitate words that they hear and then associate

those words with objects and actions. This is the listening vocabulary.

The speaking vocabulary follows, as a child's thoughts become more

reliant on his/her ability to self-express in a gesture-free and babble-

free manner. Once the reading and writing vocabularies are attained –

through questions and education – the anomalies and irregularities of

language can be discovered.

In first grade, an advantaged student (i.e. a literate student) learns

about twice as many words as a disadvantaged student. Generally, this

gap does not tighten. This translates into a wide range of vocabulary

size by age five or six, at which time an English-speaking child will

have learned about 2,500–5,000 words. An average student learns

some 3,000 words per year, or approximately eight words per day.

After leaving school, vocabulary growth reaches a plateau. People

usually then expand their vocabularies by engaging in activities such

as reading, playing word games, and by participating in vocabulary-

related programs. Exposure to traditional print media increases

people's acceptability of words, while exposure to text messaging

contributes to more rigid word acceptability constraints according to

the thesis “What does texting do 2 language: The influences of

exposure to messaging and print media on acceptability constraints”

(2011) by Joan H. Lee

f. The effects of vocabulary size on language comprehension

Francis and Kucera studied English texts totaling one million

words and found that the learning of the most frequent words in an

English text provides a comprehension of most of the words in those


Vocabulary Size Written Text


1000 words 72.0%

2000 79.7

3000 84.0

4000 86.8

5000 88.7

6000 89.9

15,851 97.8

The knowledge of the 2000 most frequent English words provides

a comprehension of 80% of English words. The figures look even

better than this if we want to cover the words we come across in an

informally spoken context. Then the 2000 most common words would

cover 96% of the vocabulary. These numbers should be encouraging

to beginning language learners, especially because the numbers in the

table are for word lemmas and knowing that many word families

would give even higher coverage. However, the number of words

needed may differ substantially between different languages.

C. Theoretical Framework

As far as the writer concerned, to speak English well, people should have a

lot of vocabularies. It would be very difficult to understand the intention of

the speaker if the words that we know only few. According to Stahl and

Fairbanks (1986) conducted a meta-analysis of all vocabulary studies from

1924–1984 and concluded that vocabulary instruction was an important

component for the development of comprehension.

There are so many ways to improve vocabulary through entertaining

methods, such us watching film or listening to music. So in addition to

entertaint the students indirectly can improve the knowledge of English


The explanation above as experienced by the writer. The writer who

enjoys listening to music indirectly has improved his vocabulary. Though

initially the writer quite difficult to communicate using English language, but

because often hear the western songs, the writer has started to understand if

he did the conversation. But in this research, the writer wants to examine

whether watching films can improve students’ vocabulary. Just like listening

to music, watching film also may indirectly increase the vocabulary. This is

because, if we watch a film then automatically we have heard a lot of foreign

words so it will improve vocabulary that we have even though we do not yet

know what the meaning of the new words.

By watching film, people can add more vocabulary in order to overcome

their limitations in conversation. Especially in this era of globalization need

to be more innovative teaching method that does not make students become

bored. Actually this method is quite easy to implement because most people

love watching films so it is not difficult to apply in daily life.

In this method, students can learn by audio-visual mode. Students will

learn indirectly reading and listening. So they can hear the foreign word and

read the written form of that word. In addition the more we watch a film the

more vocabulary that we have, because of the many films we watch so the

more words we have heard.

The writer found a case in the field where some students who liked to

watch film feel not understood the film story line if they did not use the

Indonesian languages subtitle. This proves that the student lacks a sufficient

vocabulary to understand the story of the film. In fact, the actual English

subtitles used in film only the daily conversations that are not too complicated

to understand.

Many researchers today have agreed that only words and images are used

in mental representation (Phylyshyn, 1973). Supporting evidence comes from

research that shows that memory for some verbal information is enhanced if a

relevant visual is also presented or if the learner can imagine a visual image

to go with the verbal information. Likewise visual information can often be

enhanced when paired with relevant verbal information, whether real-world

or imagined (Anderson and Bower, 1973). This theory has been applied to the

use of multimedia presentations. Therefore, the writer tries to examine

whether watching film will improve students’ vocabulary.



A. Research Design

This research was designed to be done through descriptive qualitative and

quantitative. “Descriptive qualitative researches are necessary to do in the class. It

must give description about the method of the research to solve the problem of the

class.” (Suhardjono: 2005). The problem in this class was to investigate the effect

of watching western movie to improve students’ vocabulary. And this research

(case studies at English Department) – Ultimate goal was to improve practice.

This presupposes a cause/effect relationship between students habit of watching

western movies and their vocabulary level; however, this method will only let the

writer hypothesize about variables and describe them. Then the writer also show

correlation among the sample and the problem, it means that the writer also done

quantitative work.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The writer chooses students batch 2011 of English Department

Hasanuddin University as his population of the research.

2. Sample

The writer chooses the sample randomly. The samples for this reasearch

are students from batch 2011 of English Department Hasanuddin

University. The writer will take 24 people to be the sample of this

research. The writer chooses those students because student batch 2011 is

the fresh graduated from high school. So they still have the basic

vocabulary from high school. The writer takes those students from

structure class. Those students are chosen by randomly from students who

attended the class.

C. Instrument

The writer uses questionnaire and test to collect the data. First, the writer

gives questionnaire to identify the factors that influent in students’ vocabulary

improvement. And then the writer distributes document test to measure

students’ vocabulary improvement.The test consists of 20 multiple choice

questions. The writer made question based on four films. Those four film

were Titanic, Tomb Raider, Harry Potter, And Ocean’s Eleven. The writer

used those movies, because they were western film and successful movies in

box office.

D. Method of Collecting Data

The writer wants to get clear information from the object and wants to

know the effect of watching film in improving students’ vocabulary. Data

retrieval will be done by giving questionnaire, which ask questions about film

that have correlation with improving vocabulary. The writer also gives test to

the students after they have answered the questionnaire. Then, the results can

be classified by using statistical analysis to test the hypotheses and results of

the research.

E. Method of Processing Data

The writer uses test to collect the data. After collecting the data, they were

process with the following procedures:

1. Collecting data

Giving questionnaire and test to the sample

2. Grouping

In this part, the writer classified the people into groups. Group A was

people who watch only one film from four film that used by the writer.

Group B was people who watch two films and Group C was people who

watch three films. This grouping aims to show how people who whatch

more movies had more score in their test rather than groups that only

watch two or less films.

3. Scoring

In this step, the writer checking the students’ answers and gives the score

for the students’ work based on the correct answer that the students make

by using the following formula:



ant X 100

Questionnaire → Document Test

(Depdikbud, 1989:7)

4. Classification

After that the writer arrange them based on the highest score to the lowest

score. And then the writer label the sample with clasification based on

their score


- 80 – 100 is classified as excellent

- 70 – 79 is classified as good

- 60 – 69 is classified as fair

- 50 – 59 is classified as poor

- 0 – 49 is classified as very poor

(Syah, 2008)

5. Coding

Each answer sheet is coded by giving code such as A1, A2,B1,B2,…and

so on in order to keep the students privacy.

6. Tabulating

After scoring the students’ works, the data will be classified on the table.

In here, the data sorted based the highest score to the lowest. And the

writer also sum the mean in every group.

7. The writer calculated the mean score from each group to know the

difference between group A, group B, and group C. The formula is as


� = 1


X = mean

å� = the sum of the students

n = number of students (Sudjana, 2006)

8. Charting

In this part, the writer made a chart to show that there was an increasing in

every groups. It also proved that people who watch more films had more


9. Taking the conclusion based on the statistical result.



In this chapter the writer analyzes the data about improving students’

vocabulary through watching western movie of English Department Students. The

writer shows the students’ vocabulary improvement after their experience in

watching films.

The data are collected by giving a written test and questionnaire. The test

consists of 20 items of multiple choice about films to measure the students’

vocabulary improvement and the questionnaire consist of 10 items of essay and

multiple choice to identify the factors that influent students’ vocabulary

improvement and to investigate students’ interest in improving vocabulary. The

test are taken from and some questions are made by the


A. Analysis of Data

In this part, the writer will explain the result of study in order to answer

the research question number 1 and 2 of this research (see page 2).

1. Document Test

The writer uses students batch 2011 of English Department as the

sample for this research. The samples for this research are given a

questionnaire at first. They are asked about question about watching

movie and learning process. After that the samples are given document

test about film. In this research the writer uses four films as the question

in document test. They are Titanic, Tomb Raider, Harry Potter and

Ocean’s Eleven. The writer uses those 4 movies because all of those were

western movie and successful in Box Office. The document test uses to

measure the students’ vocabulary. In this research the writer clasify the

samples into 3 groups. First, group who only watch one film from those

four films. Second group is group who watch two films and the last

group is group who watch three films.

a. Group who watch only one film (Group A)

In this group the writer arrange the students who watch only one

film to be in group A. The writer order them based the highest score

to lowest score. We can see the detail of group from table below :

Table 1.1 : The score of Group A

Student Document Test

Score Classification

A1 70 good

A2 55 poor

A3 50 poor

A4 40 very poor

A5 40 very poor

A6 35 very poor

A7 25 very poor

A8 15 very poor

Mean 41,25

From the table above, we can see the highest score is getting by

A1 with 70 and the lowest is A8 with 15. We also can see in this

group there are 5 people who get ‘very poor’ clasification which is

mean on this group there are still have weak vocabulary.

b. Group who watch two films (Group B)

In this group the writer arrenged the students who watch two

film to be in group B. The writer order them based the highest score

to lowest score. We can see the detail of group from table below :

Table 1.2 : The score of Group B

Student Document Test

Score Classification

B1 75 good

B2 70 good

B3 65 fair

B4 60 fair

B5 50 poor

B6 45 very poor

B7 40 very poor

B8 30 very poor

Mean 54,37

From the table above, we can see that student B1 get the highest

score which is 75 and student B8 get the lowest score which is 30. In

this goup there are only three students whose got ‘very poor’ and one

student got ‘poor’ clasification which is mean is in this goup there is

an increasing with people in group A.

c. Group who watch three films (Group C)

In this group the writer arrenge the students who watch three

film to be in group C. The writer order them based the highest score

to lowest score. We can see the detail of group from table below :

Table 1.3 : The Score of Goup C

Student Document Test

Score Classification

C1 90 excellent

C2 75 good

C3 75 good

C4 65 fair

C5 60 fair

C6 60 fair

C7 50 poor

C8 40 very poor

Mean 64,37

From the table above, we can see that student C1 get the highest

score which is 90, and student C8 get the lowest score which is 40.

We can also see that in this group ‘very poor’ and ‘poor’

classification only one person, which is mean there are anincreasing

compared to Group B.

In order to see the effect of watching film in improving

vocabulary of students, we can see the chart below

Chart 1.1: Graphic of Vocabulary Improvement

Based on the chart above, we can see that there is an increasing

in every group. The mean score of Group A (who watch only one

film) is 41,25. And there was an increasing in group B (who watch

two films) which is 54,37 and followed by Group C (who watch

three films) that got 64,37 also with an increasing.

This chart proves that there is a colleration between watching

films habit and improving vocabulary. The more students watch film

the more students improve their vocabulary. In individual score also

have shown an increasing. Based on table 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3, students

who get ‘very poor’ are decreasing from group A to group B and

also more decrease when we compare with group C. In other hand,












Group A Group B Group C





Graphic of Vocabulary Improvement

students who get ‘good’ and ‘excellent’ classification from group A

to group C are increasing.

In this research we can see that watching western film habit is

really helpful for someone who want to improve their vocabulary.

2. Questionnaire

The writer uses questionnaire to support the data from document test.

In this part, the writer explain all the answer from all students that have

been researched. The data will explain one by one based on their groups.

a. Question no. 1

Table 2.1: Answer of question no. 1



From those four hobbies which one is the most you like?

a. Watching movies

b. Reading books

c. Listening to music

d. Writing

Group A

A1 ×

A2 ×

A3 ×

A4 ×

A5 × × × ×

A6 ×

A7 ×

A8 ×

Group B

B1 ×



B3 ×

B4 ×

B5 ×

B6 ×

B7 ×

B8 ×

Group C

C1 ×



C3 ×

C4 ×

C5 ×

C6 ×



C8 ×

1) Group who watch only one movie (Group A)

In this group the writer has identified eight students. All of

students’ answer in this group will be explain one by one.

Based on the table above we can see that student A1 choose

watching movies as her favorite hobby, same like A1, A2 also

choose watching movies as her favorite hobby. While student A3

choose listening to music, so does with student A4. Different with

others, student A5 choose all the options, which are watching

movies, reading books, listening to music, and writing. It seems

students A5 loves to do all those activities. Students A6 choose

listening to music for his favorite hobby. Meanwhile, student A7

and A8 choose watching movies.

From that table we can conclude that in this group there are

four students answer watching movies as their favorite hobby,

three students answer listening to music, and one student answer

all those hobbies.

Based on table 1.1 student A1 is the best in this group and

she gets the highest score. While student A8 was the least in this

group with the lowest score.

2) Group who watch two movies (Group B)

Similar with group A, in this group there are also eight

students that have been identified by the writer.

According to table 2.1, we can see that student B1 prefers

listening to music as his favorite hobby, so does with student B2.

While student B3 more like to watch movie. And four of them,

which are B4, B5, B6, B7 more prefer reading books as their

favorite. And the last student, which is B8 chooses listening to


In this group we can conclude that there is only one person

who likes watching movies, four people who like reading books

and three people who like listening to music.

In this goup B1 has the greatest score and B8 has the worst


3) Group who watch three movies (Group C)

In this group there are eight students that have been

identified, those students answer will be explain one by one.

Student C1 and C2 have the same answer which is listening

to music as their favorite hobby. While student C3 more likes to

read books. Different with them, C4, C5, C6 prefer watching

movies as their favorite. Same like C1 and C2, student C7

chooses listening to music also as his favorite hobby. And the last

student (which is C8) prefers watching movies.

In this group we can conclude that there are four students

who like to watch movie, one student more like reading books,

and three students prefer listening to music.

C1 is the greatest student in this group with highest score and

C8 is the least with lowest score.

Basically, from those three groups we can see on the table

above, most of them really like to watch movies and listen to

music (at least 10 of them choose this activity as their hobby), and

followed by reading books which is choosen by five students.

b. Question no. 2

Table 2.2: Answer of question no. 2



How often do you do that?

a. Every day

b. Three times a week

c. Three times every month

d. Once every month

Group A

A1 ×

A2 ×

A3 ×

A4 ×

A5 ×

A6 ×

A7 ×

A8 ×

Group B

B1 ×

B2 ×

B3 ×

B4 ×

B5 ×

B6 ×

B7 ×

B8 ×

Group C

C1 ×

C2 ×

C3 ×

C4 ×

C5 ×

C6 ×

C7 ×

C8 ×

1) Group who watch only one movie (Group A)

In this group, student A1, A5, A7 have similar answer. Those

three students choose ‘once every month’. While the rest of

students, which are A2, A3, A4, A6, and A8 choose ‘every day’.

From the table 2.2 above, we can conclude that there are five

students who answer ‘every day’ in this group and only three

students who answer ‘once every month’. While none of student

who answer ‘three times every week’ and ‘three times every


2) Group who watch two movies (Group B)

According to table 2.2, every students in this group choose

‘every day’ as their answer and only one student who answer

‘three times a week’. Student who answer ‘three times a week’ is

A5 and the rest (A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8) answer ‘every


In this group we can conclude that there are seven student

who have choose similar answer which is ‘every day’ and only

one students is choose different answer which is ‘three times a

week’. While none of the students answer ‘three times every

month’ and ‘once every month’.

3) Group who watch three movies (Group C)

Based on table above, students C1, C2, C3, C4, C6, C7 have

similar answer. Those students choose ‘every day’ as their

answer. In other hand, only C5 and C8 choose ‘three times a

week’ as their answer.

In this group, we can conclude that six students answer

‘every day’ and only two students who answer ‘three times a

week’. Meanwhile, none of them who answer ‘three times every

month’ and ‘once every month’.

From all groups, we can see that most people choose ‘every

day’ (at least eighteen of students have choose this answer).

While ‘three times a week’ and ‘once every month’ is choosen

only by three students. In other hand none of student take ‘three

times every month’ as their answer.

c. Question no. 3

Tabel 2.3: Answer Question no. 3



Do you like watching movies?

a. Yes b. No

Group A

A1 ×

A2 ×

A3 ×


A5 ×

A6 ×

A7 ×

A8 ×

Group B

B1 ×

B2 ×

B3 ×

B4 ×

B5 ×

B6 ×

B7 ×

B8 ×

Group C

C1 ×

C2 ×

C3 ×

C4 ×

C5 ×

C6 ×

C7 ×

C8 ×

1) Group who watch only one movie (Group A)

In this group almost all of the students, which are A1, A2,

A3, A5, A6, A7, A8 choose ‘yes’ as their answer. While student

A4 not choose any of the options.

From the table we can conclude, most student agree that they

like to watch movies. It is because seven of those student choose

‘yes’ and none of them who do not like to watch movies.

2) Group who watch two movies (Group B)

In this group, all of the students choose same answer, which

is ‘yes’.

We can conclude that in this group, all of the students love to

watch movies, therefore they are choose ‘yes’ as their answer.

While in this group, none of the students choose ‘no’.

3) Group who watch three movies (Group C)

Similar with group B, in this group all of the students choose

‘yes’ for their answer. It means all those student love to watch

movies. In other hand, none of the students choose ‘no’.

Based on the table and the presentation above, we can see all

of the students love to watch movies. At least twenty three of

them choose ‘yes’ as their answer. And nobody choose ‘no’ for

their answer.

d. Question no. 4

Tabel 2.4: Answer of question no. 4



What is your favorite genre movies?

a. Action

b. Thriller

c. Horr


d. Comedy

e. Romance

f. War

g. Fantasy

h. Crime

i. Drama

j. Spor


Group A

A1 × × ×

A2 ×


A3 × × × ×



A5 × ×

A6 × × ×

A7 × × ×

A8 ×

Group B

B1 ×



× × ×



B4 × × ×

B5 × ×




× × × ×

B8 ×

Group C

C1 × × × ×

C2 × × ×

× ×

C3 ×

× × × ×



C5 × × × ×

C6 ×


C7 ×


× ×

C8 × × ×

1) Group who watch only one movie (Group A)

Based on the table 2.4 above, we can see that student A1

chooses ‘horror’, ‘comedy’, and ‘romance’ as her favorite genre

movies. While student A2 only chooses ‘horror’ and ‘drama’.

Student A3 prefers ‘horror’, ‘comedy’, ‘war’, and ‘drama’ as her

favorite. Different with others, student A4 only chooses one

option, which is ‘romance’. Meanwhile, student A5 chooses

‘horror’ and ‘comedy’. For student A6, ‘action’, ‘comedy’, and

‘drama’ are her favorite genre. In other hand, student A7 more

likes ‘action’, ‘comedy’, and ‘romance’. And the last student,

which is A8, only likes ‘Action’ for her favorite genre movies.

According to the table above, option ‘action’ is choosen by

three students. While none of students choose ‘thriller’ as their

favorite genre. For option ‘horror’ there are four students choose

this option. In other hand, ‘comedy’ is the most favorite because

this option is choosen by five students. Meanwhile, three students

choose ‘romance’ for their favorite genre. Different with other

options, ‘war’ only choosed by one person. While ‘fantasy’ and

‘crime’ are not choose by any of students. In this group, ‘drama’

is chosen by three students. And same with ‘fantasy’, ‘crime’, and

‘thriller’, in this group ‘sport’ also does not choose by any


2) Group who watch two movies (Group B)

Based on the table above, student B1 only chooses ‘comedy’.

In other hand, student B2 chooses ‘horror’, ‘fantasy’, ‘drama’,

and ‘romance’ as her favorite genre. Student B3 only chooses

‘war’ for his answer. Different with others, student B4 chooses

‘action’, ‘thriller’, and ‘comedy’ for his favorite. While student

B5 chooses ‘thriller’ and ‘romance’. And ‘fantasy' is chosen by

student B6. Meanwhile student B7 chooses ‘horror’, ‘comedy’,

‘romance’, and ‘drama’ for his answer. And the last student

(which is B8) only chooses drama for his favorite genre.

We can see on the table above, almost all the genre is chosen.

For ‘action’ only one student choose this genre. In ‘thriller’, there

are two students prefer this genre. Similar with ‘thriller’, ‘horror’

also only choose by two students. And for ‘comedy’, there are

three people who choose this genre. Also with ‘romance’, there

are three students vote for this option. Meanwhile only one

student like ‘war’ in this group. And for ‘fantasy’, there are two

students who like it. Different with others option, for ‘war’, none

of students choose this genre. While there are three students who

loves ‘drama’. Same like ‘war’, nobody choose ‘sport’ for their

favorite genre.

3) Group who watch three movies (Group C)

In this group, C1 chooses ‘action’, ‘romance’, ‘fantasy’, and

‘drama’ as her favorite genre movies. While student C2 chooses

five options, which are ‘action’, ‘thriller’, ‘horror’, ‘fantasy’, and

‘crime’. Same like C2, C3 also chooses five option as her favorite

genre, those are ‘action’, ‘comedy’, ‘romance’, ‘fantasy’, and

‘drama’. In other hand, C4 only chooses one option which is

‘fantasy’. Meanwhile, for student C5 ‘action’, ‘horror’, ‘comedy’,

and ‘drama’ are her favorite genre movies. And for student C6,

she prefers ‘action’ and ‘sport’ as her favorite. While student C7

more likes ‘action’, ‘horror’, ‘romance’, and ‘crime’. And for the

last student (which is C8) only ‘horror’, ‘comedy’, and ‘drama’

that he prefers from all the options.

In this group ‘action’ is the most option that students like, at

least six students prefer for this option. In other hand, only one

student choose ‘thriller’. While four students like ‘horror’ as their

favorite genre. And for ‘comedy’ ad ‘romance’, at least three

students prefer those two genre. Unfortunately, none of the

students ‘war’ as their favorite genre. Meanwhile there are four

students choose ‘fantasy’ for their favorite genre. For option

‘crime’ and ‘sport’ at least two students love this genre. And for

‘drama’, three students in this group like this genre movies.

e. Qusetion no. 5

Table 2.5: Answer of question no. 5

Student Question

Choose movie that you have been watching (based on movie that used in research)

a. Titanic

b. Harry Potter Series

c. Tomb Raider Series

d. Ocean's Eleven Series

Group A

A1 ×

A2 ×

A3 ×

A4 ×

A5 ×

A6 ×

A7 ×

A8 ×

Group B

B1 × ×

B2 × ×

B3 × ×

B4 × ×

B5 × ×

B6 × ×

B7 × ×

B8 × ×

Group C

C1 × × ×

C2 × × ×

C3 × × ×

C4 × × ×

C5 × × ×

C6 × × ×

C7 × × ×

C8 × × ×

1) Group who watch only one movie (Group A)

Based on table above, we can see that student A1 and student

A2 loves ‘titanic’. While student A3 more prefers ‘harry potter

series’. Similar with student A1 and A2, four students else which

are A4, A5, A6, and A7 choose ‘titanic’ also. And student A8

more likes ‘harry potter series’

In ths group, at least six students choose ‘titanic’ for their

answer. Meanwhile for ‘harry potter series’ only two students like

it. Unfortunately for ‘tomb raider series’ and ‘ocean’s eleven

series’, nobody choose both of those two movies.

2) Group who watch two movies (Group B)

According to table 2.5, student B2 loves ‘titanic’ and

‘ocean’s eleven series’. While the rest of the students, which are

student B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8 more prefer ‘titanic’ and

‘harry potter series’.

In this group, all of students choose ‘titanic’ for their answer.

And for ‘harry potter series’, it is about seven students choose it.

Same like Group A, none of students in this group choose ‘tomb

raider series’ for their answer. Meanwhile, for ‘ocean’s eleven

series’ at least one student choose it.

3) Group who watch three movies (Group C)

Based on the table above, student C1 more prefers ‘titanic’,

‘harry potter series’, and ‘ocean’s eleven series’. While the rest of

students which are student C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 choose ‘

titanic’, ‘harry potter series’, and ‘tomb raider series’ as their


In this group, all of the student also choose ‘titanic’ for their

answer. Meanwhile there are seven student choose ‘harry potter

series’ and ‘tomb raider series’. In other hand, only one student

choose ‘ocean’s eleven series’ in this group.

f. Question no. 6

Tabel 2.6: Answer of question no. 6



Choose movie that you have been watching (outside of movies that used in research)

a. Avatar

b. Twilight


c. Transformers


d. Spiderman


e. Lord of the ring series

f. The dark


Group A

A1 × × ×

A2 × ×

A3 × × × × ×

A4 ×


A6 × × ×

A7 × × ×


Group B

B1 × ×

B2 × × × × ×

B3 × × × ×

B4 × × × × × ×



B6 × × × ×

B7 × × ×

B8 ×

Group C

C1 × × ×

C2 × × × × ×

C3 × ×

C4 × × × × ×

C5 × × × × × ×

C6 × × × ×

C7 × × × × × ×

C8 × × × × × ×

1) Group who watch only one movie (Group A)

According to the table above, student A1 love ‘avatar’,

‘twilight series’ and ‘lord of the ring series’ as her answer. While

student A2 only prefers ‘twilight’ and ‘spiderman series’. For

students A3, there are five option that she chooses, which are

‘avatar’, ‘twilight series’, ‘transformers series’, ‘spiderman

series’, and ‘the dark knight’. Meanwhile for student A4 only

‘twilight series’ that she chooses. In other hand, student A5 does

not choose any of those options. And for A6, ‘avatar’,

‘tansformers series’, and ‘spiderman’ are three movies that she

have been watched. ‘twilight’, ‘transformers’, and ‘the dark

knight’ are the movies that A7 has watched. Similar with A5,

there is none of the option that A8 chooe for her answer.

In this group, three students choose ‘avatar’. While for

‘twilight series’ there are five students choose it. And for

‘transformer series’ and ‘spiderman series’ at least three students

choose each those two movies. In other hand, only one student

choose ‘lord of the ring series’ and there are two students who

choose ‘the dark knight’ in this group.

2) Group who watch two movies (Group B)

Based on table above, student B1 choose ‘transformers

series’ and ‘spiderman series’ as his answer. Meanwhile for

student B2 ther are five movies that she choose, which are

‘twilight series’, ‘transformers series’, ‘spiderman series’, ‘lord of

the ring series’, and ‘the dark knight’. For student B3, he prefers

only ‘twilight series’, ‘transformers series’, ‘spiderman series’,

and ‘lord of the ring series’. Different with other students, for B4

all of the movies have been watched by him. In other hand, there

is only one movie that student B5 has watched, which is

‘spiderman series’. And for B6, she chooses ‘twilight series’,

‘avatar’, ‘spiderman series’, and ‘lord of the ring series’ as her

answer. While for student B7, she prefers ‘avatar’, ‘twilight

series’, and ‘spiderman series’. And for the last student, he more

prefers only ‘spiderman series’.

In this group, only three students choose ‘avatar’ as their

answer. While for ‘twilight series’ there are five students choose

it. And for ‘transformers series’ there are four student choose this

movie. Different with others, all of students choose ‘spiderman

series’. And only four students who answer ‘lord of the ring

series’. In other hand, there are only two students choose ‘the

dark knight’ as their answer.

3) Group who watch three movies (Group C)

According to the table above, C1 chooses ‘avatar’,

‘transformers series’, and ‘spiderman series’ as her answer. While

for student C2, there are five movies that he ever watched, those

movies are ‘avatar’, ‘twilight series’, ‘transformer series’,

‘spiderman series’, and ‘lord of the ring series’. Meanwhile,

student C3 only choose ‘twilight series’ and ‘lord of the ring

series’. Similar with C2, C4 also choose those five movies.

Different with other students, for C5, all of the movies have been

watched by her. And for C6, ‘avatar’, ‘twilight series’,

‘transformers series’, and ‘spiderman series’ as her answer.

Meanwhle for student B7 and B8, all the movies have been

watched by them.

In this group, there are seven students that have been watched

‘avatar’, ‘twilight series’, ‘transformers series’, and ‘spiderman

series’. Meanwhile, it is about six students that have been

watched ‘lord of the ring series’. And in other hand, there are only

three students choose ‘the dark knight’.

g. Question no. 7

Table 2.7: Answer of question no 7



What is your technique to increase your vocabulary besides learning in classroom?

a. Reading books

b. Listening to western


c. Writing with English

d. Watching western movies

Group A

A1 ×

A2 ×

A3 ×

A4 ×

A5 × ×

A6 ×

A7 ×

A8 ×

Group B

B1 ×

B2 × × × ×

B3 × ×

B4 ×

B5 ×

B6 ×

B7 ×

B8 ×

Group C

C1 ×

C2 ×

C3 ×

C4 × ×

C5 ×

C6 × ×

C7 ×

C8 × ×

1) Group who watch only one movie (Group A)

According to the table above, student A1 more prefers

‘watching western movies’ to improve her vocabulary. While for

student A2 ‘writing in English’ is more effective for her. For

student A3 and A4, ‘listening to western music’ is the best way

for them. Different with others, student A5 more likes ‘reading

books’ and ‘writing in English’ to improve her vocabulary.

Meanwhile for student A6, she more prefers ‘listening to western

music’. And for student C7 to improve her vocabulary, she

chooses ‘reading books’. And for the last student in this group,

A8 more loves ‘listening to western music’ to improve her


In this group there are only two students who choose ‘reading

books’ and ‘writing in english. Meanwhile, there are four students

choose ‘listening to western music’. In other hand, only one

student who choose ‘watching western movies’.

2) Group who watch two movies (Group B)

Based on the table above, student B1 only prefers ‘watching

western movies’ to improve his vocabulary. While student B2

more like all methods, therefore she chooses all the options. And

for student B3 ‘listening western music’ and ‘watching western

movies’ is more effective. In other hand, B4 thinks that ‘reading

books’ is the best way for him. Different with B5, he thinks his

vocabulary more increase through ‘listening to western music’.

For B6, she agrees with B4 which means she more prefers

through ‘reading books’. In other hand, B7 thinks the best way is

through ’watching western movies’. While for the last student,

‘listening western music’ is more effective for him.

In this group, there are three students who choose ‘reading

books’. While it is about four students who answer ‘listening to

western movies’ and ‘watching western movies’. In other hand,

there is only one student who answer ‘writing in English’.

3) Group who watch three movies (Group C)

According to the table above, student C1 and C2 more prefer

to improve their vocabulary through ‘listening to western music’.

While student C3 more likes through ‘watching western movies’.

And for C4 ‘listening to western music’ and ‘watching wetern

movies is the best way. For C5, ‘watching western movies’ more

effective to increase her vocabulary. Meanwhile, ‘reading books’

and ‘watching western movies’ are the technique that student C6

uses to improve her vocabulary. In other hand, student C7 only

prefers ‘watching western movies’. And for the last student,

‘listening to western music’ and ‘watching western movies’ are

the best way for him to increase his vocabulary.

In this group, there is only one student who choose ‘reading

books’. While for student who answer ‘listening to music’, there

are four student who choose that. In other hand no one choose

‘writing in English’ in this group. Meanwhile, ‘watching western

movies’ is the most chosen answer in this group, at least six

student choose this technique.

Besides all those above questionnaires for individual, there

are also questionnaires for all groups. This questionnaires use to

know the percentage of students opinion about vocabulary

improvement and learning process. The questionnaire as follows:

Table 2.25 Questionnaire for All Groups

No. Indicator Classification Total

Respondent Percentage (%)

1 Do you agree if watching

western film habit can improve students' vocabulary?

a. Strongly Agree 10 41,7

b. Agree 12 50

c. Enough 2 8,3

d. Disagree 0 0

e. Strongly Disagree 0 0

24 100


Do you agree that fun learning process can provide

greater knowledge of students including students'


a. Strongly Agree 12 50

b. Agree 10 41,7

c. Enough 2 8,3

d. Disagree 0 0

e. Strongly Disagree 0 0

24 100


According to you, what percentage of teaching and learning in the classroom affect your knowledge?

a. 100% 0 0

b. >75% 2 8,3

c. <75 % 11 45,8

d. <50% 10 41,7

e. <25% 1 4,2

24 100

The table above can be presented as follows:

1. The Students’ answers on the first question show that 41.7% students answer

strongly agree, 50% answer agree, and 8.3% answer enough.

2. The Students’ answers on the second question show that 50%

students’answers strongly agree, 41.7% students answers agree, and 8.3%

students answer enough.

3. The answers of students on third question show that from 8.3% students think

that teaching learning affect >75% knowledge , 45.8% students answer 8

(53.34%)students think that teaching learning affect <75% knowledge, 41.7%

students think that teaching learning affect <50% knowledge, and 4.2%

students think that teaching learning affect <50% knowledge.

Based on the presentation above, it can be concluded that most students agree

thatwatching western movie can improve their vocabulary and agree that fun

learning process also improve greater knowledge especially their vocabulary.

However, none of them answer that students get 100% knowledge in classroom. It

means they believe that they must learn in another ways to improve their

knowledge including vocabulary.



In this chapter, the writer concludes the result of the analysis and gives some

suggestions that can be useful for the further thesis.

a. Conclusions

1. Based on the research, students who are watching three movies

have better scores than those who are watching only one movie and

two movies. It means, the students’ habit in watching western

movies have significant effects to improve their vocabulary.

Beause the more we watch movies it will be the more we have

heard the new words, and the more we hear the new words it will

be the more we have improved our vocabulary.

2. The are many factors that trigger students’ interest in improving

vocabulary. First, improving English through watching movies is a

fun new method in learning which is made student do not feel

bored and also students need another way in learning process

especially in outside classroom. Besides that, watching movies is

one of favorite hobby in this world (especially in teenagers) which

means most people love doing it. So, it is not hard to apply it in our

daily life.

b. Suggestions

1. The writer suggests the students to improve their vocabulary

through developing the habit they have in watching western film.

2. The writer suggests the teacher to use this method in learning

process or can be used as assignment for students.

3. The result of this research may be used as a reference for the next

research to expose the importance of improving vocabulary

through habit in watching western film.


A. Document Test

This following text below is used to answer number 1 – 5

Titanic is a 1997 American epic romance and disaster film directed, written,

co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron. A fictionalized account of the

sinking of the RMS Titanic, it stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson, Kate

Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater, Gloria Stuart as Old Rose, and Billy Zane as

Rose's fiancé, Cal Hockley. Jack and Rose are members of different social

classes who fall in love aboard the ship during its ill-fated maiden voyage.

Cameron's inspiration for the film was predicated on his fascination

with shipwrecks; he wanted to convey the emotional message of the tragedy, and

felt that a love story interspersed with the human loss would be essential to

achieving this.

Upon its release on December 19, 1997, the film achieved critical and

commercial success from critics. It equaled records with fourteenAcademy

Award nominations and eleven wins, receiving the prizes for Best

Picture and Best Director. With a worldwide gross of over $1.8 billion, it was the

first film to reach the billion dollar mark, remaining the top-grossing film of all

time for twelve years, until Cameron's next directorial effort, Avatar, surpassed it

in 2010.

1. What is the meaning of ‘epic’?

a. Unusual c. Great

b. Extraordinary d. Worst

2. Maiden voyage means....

a. Virginity c. an adventure girl

b. First time sailing d. Little girl

3. Shipwrecks means...

a. Defect on the ship c. A luxury ship

b. An accident ship d. A unique ship

4. What is the meaning of ‘critics’?

a. People who write reviews c. People who like things

b. People who dislike things d. People who hate things

5. Top grossing means...

a. Most disgusting c. Worst selling

b. Most exiting d. Best selling

This following text below is used to answer number 6 – 10

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) (or simply Tomb Raider) is an

adventurethriller film adapted from the Tomb Raider video game series. Directed

by Simon West and starring Angelina Jolie with her role as Lara Croft, it was

released in U.S. theaters on June 15, 2001. The film was a commercial success.

The film held the title of highest grossing video game to film adaptation

worldwide, until on June 16, 2010, the record was taken by Prince of Persia: The

Sands of Time, which grossed $335 million worldwide as of October 10, 2010.

Reviews were largely negative, with critics criticizing the sloppy direction and

video-game-esque action-sequences, but praising Jolie's performance. A sequel,

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, was released in 2003.

6. Tomb means...

a. Fort c. Field

b. Graveyard d. Palace

7. What is the meaning of ‘role’?

a. Character c. Setting

b. Message d. Plot

8. What is the meaning of ‘cradle’?

a. Born place c. Dungeon

b. Grave d. Prison

9. Sequel means...

a. Action movie

b. Thriller movie

c. Movies that follows a previous movies with the storyline before the

previous movies

d. Movies that follows a previous movies

10. Raider means...

a. Priest

b. People whom ride a motorcycle

c. Pirate

d. People whom ride a horse

This following text below is used to answer number 11 – 15

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, is a 2001 fantasy film directed by

Chris Columbus and based on the novel of the same name by J. K. Rowling. The

film is the first instalment in the Harry Potter film series, written by Steve Kloves

and produced by David Heyman. The story follows Harry Potter's first year at

Hogwarts as he discovers that he is a famous wizard and begins his magical

education. The film stars Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, with Rupert Grint and

Emma Watson as Harry's best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. It is

followed by seven sequels with the first being Harry Potter and the Chamber of


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a 2002 fantasy film directed by

Chris Columbus. It is the second instalment in the Harry Potter film series. The

story follows Harry Potter's second year at Hogwarts as the Heir of Salazar

Slytherin opens the Chamber of Secrets, unleashing a deadly monster that petrifies

the school's pupils.

The Harry Potter film series is a British-American film series based on the

Harry Potternovels by the British author J. K. Rowling. The series is distributed

by Warner Bros. and consists of eight fantasy films[1] beginning with Harry Potter

and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) and culminating with Harry Potter and the

Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011).

11. Philosophers means...

a. An expert in philosophy c. A witch

b. An archaeologist d. A paleontologist

12. What is the meaning of ‘wizard’?

a. An expert in piracy c. An expert in war

b. An expert in witchcraft d. An expert in music

13. What is the meaning of ‘chamber’?

a. Tomb c. A room

b. Dungeon d. Palace

14. What is the meaning of ‘pupil’?

a. Teacher c. Coach

b. Master d. Student

15. Hallow means...

a. Curse c. Bright

b. Dark d. Holy

This following text below is used to answer number 16 – 20

Ocean twelve is the star-studded sequel to Ocean’s eleven. Once again the

plot follows the adventures of Danny Ocean nd his team of con men (and


Although ocean’s twelve is setto be a hollywood blockbuster just like eleven,

it falls shorts in term of excitement and trills. Stiil, if you want to watch a gang of

guys attempting to steal US$ 200 Million dollars from a casino with a plenty of

gags along the way, then this could be the movie for you. The cast feature George

Clooney, Matt Damon, Julia Roberts and Heart-throb Brad Pitt

16. Star-studded means...

a. Full of famous actors c. Full of expensive cars

b. Full of unfamous actors d. Full of beautiful scenes

17. What is the meaning of ‘gags’?

a. Romantic moments c. Funny moments

b. Scary moments d. Action moments

18. What is the meaning of ‘cast’?

a. Director c. Producer

b. Group of actors/actress d. Script

19. Heart-throb means...

a. Handsome actor c. Expensive actor

b. Famous actor d. Unfamous actor

20. Blockbuster means...

a. Classic movies c. Succesful movies

b. Big failure movies d. Unfamous movies

Answer Sheet:

1. C

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. D

10. C

11. A

12. B

13. C

14. D

15. D

16. A

17. C

18. B

19. A

20. C

B. Questionnaire

1. From those four hobbies which one is the most you like?

a. Watching film

b. Reading books

c. Listening to Music

d. Writing

2. How often do you do that?

a. Every Day

b. Three times every Week

c. Three times every month

d. Once every month

3. Do you like watching film?

a. Yes, .....

b. No, .....

4. What is your favourite genre films?

a. Action f. War

b. Thriller g. Fantasi

c. Horror h. Crime

d. Comedy i. Drama

e. Romance j. Sport

5. Choose film that you had been watching:

a. Titanic f. Twilight series

b. Harry Potter series g. Transgformers series

c. Tomb Raider series h. Spiderman series

d. Ocean Eleven series i. Lord of the ring series

e. Avatar j. The dark knight

6. What is your technique to increase your vocabulary beside learning in


a. Readiing books

b. Listening western music

c. Writing in English

d. Watching western films

7. Do you agree if watching western film habit can improve students'


a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Enough

d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree

8. Do you agree that fun learning process can provide greater knowledge of

students including students' vocabulary?

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Enough

d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree

9. According to you, what percentage of teaching and learning in the

classroom affect your knowledge?

a. 100% d. <50%

b. >75% e. <25%

c. <75%

10. What is your suggestion to improve learning process in the class?
