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"VTOTICE.—Tho Water*i "V—_3N. ii ford Steamship Cpra»

~S-raJ ^WCS, iGowfi «nd Lite Stock foe Ship.~ ¦" i i T cotnt on the conditions mentioned1 Jn Silling lists, Sc, to be had itjthelr Offices.ScJ; Oo early Morning Sailing Cabins of the steamerswill t>« open to receiTe Passenger* arriving by tin Nl£httiill trains. !


: UKlSTOt. . WATERFOKD.. Sailing from Cumberland

Basin caUiog at MlUord-Havcn.

Tuesday i.. 4 0 p-tn Friday «:. ;jo" jo a.ra

Tuesday «..11'. a Ri ,ni- Friday. "r "W . . 5 3 3 P^"*Boiir ' 15.. « pjn Mday, i! 3a a-ruTuesday »i.. 'i u am' Friday, »$•• 5 J° P-ra


Wednesday j.. 12 0 noon Wednesday 3.. j o p.rnFriday 4 . - u 0 noon Friday, 4.. 6 o a_mSumta? & .. r o a.m Monday, 7.. 8 30 imWednesday q.. a o r-.ra Wednesday g.. 9 30 * t i . . 3 o p.m Friday, u..xi 0 ajnSunday, 13. . 7 o , a in Monday 14., 1 o rxxnWc4aesdayio., i2 oam n Wedac*dayi6., 2 o pjnFriday, iS ., 12 o noon Friday 18.. 5 o a.mSanday, 30... 7 o a.m Uond y i t . . 9 o a.mWednesday}?.. 1 o j pm Wednesday JJ .. 9 30 unFriday, 25.. 1 0 ip,m *' 'day 2 5.. it o ajnSunday 27., 7 a ia.u- Monday i$ ,.ia o ooon

Areragt B«a Passage, 14 to 15 Horn.Loadl-s Berth -Cumberland Basin, Brfite-t,Return Tickets Issued at Bristol to Cork per Drlttel

HN. Cc. arc available' (or return from Dublin vrlthoat«itra ehar«, or from jWaterford to Bristol by WatcrfordSteamship Cp.'t steamer* on payment of is. 3d. extra

Ketum Tickets Issued at Bristol to DubUti per Briitnl8. N Co. art available for return from Waterlord toBristol by Waterford 8tta:D»hlp Ox's steamers »n pay-toent of 6s. extra , or frorn Cork on payment of 3s. 9d. extra.

Return Tickets issifcd at Waterford to Bristol byWaterford Steamship £0. are available for return perBristol S V Co. from Bristol to Cork or to Dublinwithout p-iymenl.

Loading Hertli—Prince's Dock. Liverpool.The fiund.iy Vessels Load at North wharf . Waterford.FAK1^>—lV-:er(oid and Liverpool and twterford and

Bristol—-, abin. Single.' 15s. ; do. dn. Childre n under uyears of ajt or Setvan s travelling with families . 101. :<5o. Krtur . available for two mo lbs. optional to eturoto of from liristol or Liverpool, ijs. : Cabin Return.Children iTn*lcr 12 years, 151. ; Deck, single. 7s. 6d. ;dtt.. da, Children under 12 years <s

Passengers booked tnrougb between Waterford andCheshire UiuV I'ailway Sutlous and Lancashire andYortsl) :e \U\\ ..ay Stations.

Cood ;:'.J 1 arcels Booted through between an twin-dp£ Stations on Great Southern and Western, Great\oriiern, Grrat Wes-tern, Lancashire and Yorkshire,Vtedon nd N'ortb Western, London and Sooth Western,<sm(CeaUri»nd UidUad Rulmyi f i n d rti Witaioat

NOTK—The Waterford Steamship Company, Limited,{¦sore All Coo<l> S h i p p e d by these Une» of Steamers ata*, ti. per cent , to Trader* having Yearly AtreetnenU,ana* Js. per cent, ta Occasional Shippers, value to be4 *c\lre d at time of sUpment. Korms and all Infoi maUontsbehad at tlir 0»cev

Berths secured ajtd eTery Information £lretib7Acents atWATF.VrORD—Waterford Steamship Co. (Umllcd),

DeaJ OiTirr< The Uall. National Telrpnone No. 15.ttVERPOOL—Waterford Steamship Co. (UmltedX tg

Draswick street. and Prince's Dock. Telephone Ho. tif f a .BRISTOL-Waterford Stcamahip Co. (Limited), U

Qnttv't Sgnart—and Cusbtjland Basin.HJIEKICK—I^>wer Shannon Steamship OIEoe,

Mount Kennet Quay :K1LRUSH—Lower Shannon Steamship Office, Cappa

Qtiay.Registered Address for Telegrams :—• STEAM," at

Wilexfotd. liverpo*! Brislol, «r Umerlck.

nnERBCAP LDrJEi Liyerpool—iPihaadelffliSa Barvtoo,1 Every Wednceriaj.

I . Liverpool to PihiladeJjihia,CJalling at Quecnstown every Thureday.

Pcajengere and Goade are landed atBhiladelpihia <xn tho .WJiiri of thePenjM>ivania, Railroad, which boa £hnGhjortest and mart Direct Eoule Jo tilr2wcn-in 'ih»-We eai etalci.1

QTJEBKSTOWNTTO NEW YG&K'Ddr&ci TSiuredalyB doling Wcinlcr Mcmt2i .

'Jvppiy to Aincria3a lin©, Laveppool,Ecratisaiptera, or to

,Wa*erfcmd—iBDanrey ond Son, 12, G-la*.: I ttone-Btreot.

JETiaSerfocd—Ward BittJ, 2, BanoasXwai-i ;EtrceL

TJpperaiy—John Cbtrrig'an, 51. Mlain-el.Cairick-on-Suix—>Rioha«» Landk.

CJtamnel—P. . Nngeat, 75, O'CbnneU-et.Dnngaa-van—J., CiiH,iT»ai. Tbe SoTiare.Cbppoquin-^WJ Jones Troy, 33, Allen-st.GrMgne—John i>Iurphy, GrtceT.New Roes—Batmok Hun?, 15, Quay, and

. 1W. G. WiHasms.Tfclojoastowii—M. Weatonmaa, Cbxtrcti i.Wcxftxrd-rjW. Ttimpsan, North Mkun-et.Ktlmooiihioaiiafir-iW. O'Donogihue.

AND CO.55, Aunslzr St., DdOLIC J ,

Cork Merchants and Uannfcctarcrg.j»

" H OVJ to Bottle."" How to Cork."

! r iRiStf ¦*

1 <*• /C. B«rr asd Stout

: <„ EMPLOYING Ox. srir irai" . tP qu»litie^

.*• l l« J»: i I T co.,-0 A «, M

-J 1 1 ?"""?* ywr !»»»-«* t» ' " ' *_ < sfcirinnery, will

: . n *f i \ l V brinr youAfl ' A Sample, of .»r

i O jy** ?7« /v Cork* dr*j'rea,¦ rk, * >y Kr" °' to.'—<i -.0 I»»'»K« »' obli-

in. . t& sratioo.'f ilSH V> jj



' ilcDalrs to Cork Drawcro, &c



Now i united with "the 'SUN ! Fine OTTTCC.

: (Founded 17W).Frawb in Haiids £2, 25 28.

Firo Iosuranccs in oil its 'Branches.Wbc&mcn'e Cchr.pea«i''j»n JCinoIudin?

1 T»m<fi£ie SfcrvaniB), Emrtf texy. end ¦

: ! . : Fidelity. ¦ ' :; ! ¦ DIRECTORS.



V71I.: COOTE CMtefflger &V IWbiia). ; !


i | : MONEY ' ADVANCED " ¦ | i

From &2 TJpwa *>"\*i wijxiiafcle

liaisons an th«£r. own Appro ved .Seear»y-


I) . - [ "d-OOACH HOUSE." gfeBOBj ' gj^S. 00 |




ConTentent to- M O Tl PICan't bo boaten (or Comfort , 'Cleaallnoss & Uoderato Charges.

coo acDnaocio Ftioa «/Terras tor Bd&rdora from a s. bd.

por woott.Wedding Partici tpecially Catrred 'Jor

HENRY - GT ' KILBEY,?anaging Olroollor

Te'ejnimi:—" EICSL, DCB U N "


We beg to draw mention to the superior qtuCty ofour Ljqnon

J. I. & S.¦ • • • WHISKEY.JOHN POWER'S 3 SWALLOW WHISKEY.,1 SCOTCH—GlenliTct. and Long John"i,

: the Dew of Ben Nevis.HENNESSrs • * • BRANDY.


Verj Best Brandt of Claret, Port and Sherry.Guinness's Stobt in Splendid Condition.

Bass* East India Pale Ale in Sparkling Condi'ioo.Tobacio, Cigars, and Cigarettes,

Note Address—30, QUAY.



Ctotrcl]y situaiod. MJodcnato and MoGtGarulortablc .

High-dees Rcstauraisi. attaxihed1.Wedding BraaMaiifl a 6pccii2ity.

F. (VXAHOM, Man&g«T.Tolegrams—" Wiciiow Hatol. "


: (Open to {he Gonoral Pnbllct.25 WE8TU0RBLAND STRKKT , DPBT.IX

1 KstabUshod 1864. InoorporAt<jd 1874.LOANS GRANTED ON THE MOS 1


PA.D LP CAPITAL , £124.'G50Auoaal Iacomo, a Qnirtor o( a ilililuu

Btonlor; .RESERVE FUN D , £19,000

Dopoaits received at tho fullo«ini; r«teof tuwreat :—

At Call 2J PorCcDt. pet Am> ";.ForOnoorTwotcars a ,, ,.For Throe Year* SJ ,, „

Current Accounts Opened, and iDtere-allowed on the tfalDlmam monthly bal&DcrTor Proopoctaa and all lDfortuanoi

oppty to. -. ' . tl SEDT EU IIEBOSB, E?p:*.ary

"It Ja cow L^40 years stace Z- -** s

I first smoked (i \MURR AY 'S fet^trU,MIXTURE 1 \ :F*VAtavetriexlottcr ^-^c^ \.tobaccos, but /""'V""- jalways conie -, / • / /iy/back to yol

^( V L S

famous brand/' . . . Birmingham." Aa an c!i caoier c& 25 years

stanJing I : esa (aitbrully say.after trying most brani*. MellowMixture b 1 tie greatest pipe-tobacco I keow." . . . . London.

5<3. ocr oi. padtet everywbxre.





With Branches in oil 1iho priacipa]to>wn» in Ireland.

Every Tuesday—il»». RuJdy'iB, 68.Main Btrect, Oarrick-cn-Suir.

; »<uy Ttraflsday—iKonnodys tVsmpcr-«nce HoitW , Qu3y Street, K«w Rioea.Artiiicial Tooth to suit dicntB at c21

Priooa.Exlrajctions \&Jki lialctft Anaas*Jbo'dcli, 3D.

OaniiJtatJona dadly at 9, Tho 'Mdl.' Watorford. ;

'¦¦ i HXPOUTAXJT TO liOTHSnd.; Brcry i> other who values Ib* HeatUl snd CleinMnroM her Child thooU w H AJiBiSON'S -RELIABLE "NURSEKY POUADE. OO* tppUutjusi >Ub all Nilstod Vermin: btanttSe* sod strcofC<hcD» lie Hilr. laVat. <li and e4. , Putt. id. CEO. W. HARRIEON ,Chemist, Reading. Soli] br Chemists. Aj rnls (orU .terford—WHITE h SONS. CCoonea Sired ; II.DELL, 6a Qnr ; GOKUAN » UeslicaJ IliU Pirrlck oo-Sulr—J. T. TURNEk. DunfarMo—O. |. NUGENT.Bridge eutel i W. J. S'OLAN * CO. USJMCT-JAUEStuHHY. 1 : ; .


;Or««dllr eat Harrison's "Reliable" itat Poiion. Cats

snd <foj« will not tuii^h It. Vcmdn iij <4> >u<1 leatt no

smell . Price*, 6d, it., a*. Id, aad >s. (<L Post—id.Q. u . HAKKISON.CheinUt. lUjdJor;. 8old 6jr Ctemlstt,

Aceots (or \VitetVbrd-v\HITE S SONS, OConotU

Stieet : H. I1KLU ta Qarv; GOBUAV * Utdlcal HalLiOirrickjjn-Stilr—I. I , iUllNEK , I?. Uais MittL Dun-e.rvju-tt). J NUGENT Urldge Stroet ; W. j. K0LANill). U ni.ire—JAMES DARKY. ; ' !

GktY HAIR per.i'anentlT *na *pe«.|jly rtstored to

Us orlKt=«l tolnur >y rahic HARRISON'S HAIRCOLOUR ISESTOREK. II U not a cNe, but b>nat ural sneaba act* MM s rc«lanUJve. - Cootaios ac4lilti£l(i]orU>us and If beoeftoal to the rowtb ao<l beaiitrcl tDeHulr. la »»,tiles , pnee j/fl rpostaCe f t dlrav aluut-rearert-(i W. tJABHtlOS. Hair ptcjjllrt. ReadingKdd by CMmlxa. 1 Apenls lor W>terfold -CV. WH ITSA SONS. Cl^nUts. CmkkoO-SjUr-J. T. IU8.NEB.

.HARBISONS' HAIR GROWTH.—A culalnHair producer, , EeautiSes aod promotes thit mwtlt <Xih* if Ar . and U a nrerrnlati>e of (M RMSS and (alJU>K on'la boM*. peice t/- each. It keer» the Half fre« fromficnid nail Daodruel. and promote* a heallbjr tjooclirloa o(lbe tt-.lp. Nunvrc.i»tesllm..rJ»lsrec«lvei i loldbjaUCbcmlsT. U.oulacturer ;-QfcO. W. HARRlSdN,Chemist . Deidlni!. i Agents for Waterford > O V. HUBX SONS, UitrnW Carrici-on^ulr-LT. IUIiMMUrhnt^rran-D.LiiDCEfiXBridJtStmt ; •

" ^ "4^

: " : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ '

¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦¦ -¦•

¦: -": ;;t? 'few ^

Byilqers' ironmo^g'ery. ;¦- ' -1 Household Ironr^on^or^Chimhey Pieces^PrbIO« €£"^m ci3 '!Ch i nr)rt;ey Pibces^^pgl jSf*?l5b?'!

Ranges and d.tates. ¦¦ ! ' ! ¦ ' ' ¦ I; Kitchen Ute^silfi

Forid ars and Kerbs, ;. Fi :r6 lBraaCjQ ;!I " Dofes. ah"d/ R. ts.1 ¦ : ' v r ';

Bpdsteads-arid Sedding*,: i i : ; \ ] . : ¦ I

; Farm l iinplomonts ahd Ut©nsi liD;v. *". J.Gardbli R@QUiSlte3--- ollorci Scatb, Ai?ehc3.

F.iropropf Safes.Brujphes—Household ' ari$ Stable. ;

Harness -- Sllvor-platcd, Bfaob Qttfj WI OEIGIOHluptin^ Saddles and Bridlec.

I Cork Drawers.Slidii tig Poor, Hangers and Tracks.

Ornkmenied Catieo, Fancy CaUep acic]French Paoinr Jn Groat Varloty. ; -

PJIrise Piec, Barm Bi^actic, eflp. Far 7BOJIO 3 of Cticcolato cuitabtc for Precorata

(?aEiQO Carefully pacUccfl idj EoKcd" }•roacil tor Pootlnre* j ^r

" ii)CD.3R.^3Nr f S „I //0, QU0Y, VJf lTER lFp nB.



Now end fcwcrfol Stecmere. Exoclien-t Passenger Aoooojaqoida'Qiwni. EUsairia' I Lirfit. -Stewards and StevmTd s carried^

BEST en4 6KE.\PEST RODTK fcir Cargo end Live Btock to and from oil rcrtaoi SCOTLAND, LONDON, PLY3J0DTH, S0IJTIlA:MPTOiN cad SOUTH C7



To G-LASGOW—Every Mondlivy (direct)ond ovcrv 'XTorlnesday (via Piyntoulii).

To LONflO S—Every Saturday,via, &>uJhiun.5Um end Rnil 4 pjm.

To Londoi-(Every Mioiidiiy (viaGiacgofW; , Claipo only 2 p.m.

To 6butharr}frtJon--Every Satur-diay (diroot) „ _ 4 p rx

To Nowhijiv ja—Every Baturci'ay<via BiiutibanipSon) A pj n .

To Dovcr -Evcry Satnrday (vjaSooifham ton & Ncrarhaven) 4 p s a .

To Piymouiiv—Every Wednesday! (dirccA).

To Beiicsfc—Every Batuniay (direct 1 pjnTo DnK5ii—Bvciy Saturday (Tin

BHiaM 1 pjn.To Ctok—Every Tiraroday (dlMiot) 2 p.m.> Oofrk—fivcry Thursday (dircot) 2 p.m. I (carps arJy).

NOTE—No Cabin PesuCB^era carriod' to Cbrit , Bdlasl and Dublin, durlnwinter njoithfl.

For Raits of frefcht, Ptosscitjcr Fares, and rfjhcr iirfinaation otn>)y toCLYDE SHIPPING CO., LTD.. Custom House Qjuay. WATERFORD.

Tclosrapi Addrcs*—" Ovnn-brao.'"

Chairm.rt- Stn THOMAS HEWITT.K.ft



1 1* <*eecd

HEAD ^j LP /§)ltC6t, ^RichBrd J Paull""' oot ^K figpoii; !«srr*" " mr-4i h\-^

f a a'...,-- X ^- W .

SHSSS ^SSsI SsK * ' %1 %J BT V A sV B Sk4«S(ft f ^TS S ESS E^ sUHsiRIMS9 WftVBttCCCSSIi ¦ ' tlffiS EHH

Pf ^ kted «ts«9 jrou;.««St!for - : . iT®

. . dSAQBmsa -J^

+M+*Agf3A \

WALTEKlik'lll II |lblMllD§llnn w&m Uwll

/^T) (5 -^i^fACeiDENTAN^GVARANficiT-

• Vi-V»'S--*tiri



: : .

' I ¦

/, ,. ;_



WALSH* sop


From GLASGOW—Every Mon-i dav <md Thtaroday (direct) 0 p.m.i CaU Rail W> Groenock, 6^0.

From LONDON (Bt. Ka<icrinp Doci>-I Every Th,tjr6aay and Saturday.! Fjum DUBLIN j - Every Wedne ay

Q&sccl).From BcJ last—Every Tutcday

(via Dublin) 7 pJa,Fnxm Cork—Evesy Friday (direct) 0 p j a .From Plymouth—^Every oalujday (direct)

j From Southampton—Every mursdayj (via Nowfhavell) oaigto oalr.

From Nov.-iaven-r-Evcxy Fraiiy ISam-ins Wargo oniy).

From Dover—Every TAicarlay Afternoon

" l , , t i i l l ' : i

Indemnity ajqinst liiblllly forAeeldentS to the Publ icIDriversMotop Car ind General.)Bolla-snd lift Inspeetjdn and Insurance



•Sl '

y CORPORA TION 111% P^lMlTfeD. I IIS 1

¦ «r—r ' "lUfJ- * S ' .. 'BitW -' al I ItiFowmtD «r V——>; JO i22 ?*12!fi! ~1 \,f«ClAi »CT or f '

i|P _ s>* ,

; ' ! ; : . : : - ' " ¦' : i : : | ' :- T H S ;,j v j ; ; ; . ^ , ¦]¦• ,.

¦;; . ; . ; . i ,

\y - CITY :a C9UWTYiiLOAM €i|. blSGQUWT ; ' BANICT "- - 1- ¦ : (Wlil ch la estAbHshed for 'a jpuUbei: of yjears) ¦ ' ¦ ': ' ' : '

l i ' . "' ' ¦'

, ' ' ; ! I

- I ' ' I ' '¦¦¦ ¦ .' . \i ¦

;. - . 'i '-

i ilaiia oavanccs d4"y '»n» fi3| iuPWARDS, in: Uy part of Ireland, TO FARMERS,H i . ' . ipHOPKEEPERB, GOVERNJ1JENT| OFFICIAliS, ; : 1 |

\j . . . 1 , jj iiTOALL E^

SPONBIBIVBPERSONS;aaj ; i :; J; !; - j . . ) . ' ,-.:

¦;; ;¦ '¦- " :-¦- i - .'"j -i 'I ' . j vwiTrioiiT

¦ pu'SuferrvJ '. 'V- \'\ 'i ¦: i ' ¦ • ; "

j - Thia amomit borro TC<S oaQ bo ropaifl by lnsialmint^ or

M iriay tw> arranged

. - : ! 'i' Tcnns axe f^ren q:. Vet lpi'?' tprllcnlloc, wldijlfiwo not fil^en by cpjora baloroj?ntt!ngApplicant |to iiQQblo ond e«;p'enso« and will bi> foatd taj1 bottoi th&a others tto WtVatjce;6n Privoto Beonrltyi ts fhtai BANK to now woll-tntwa'tor tacit cttalBhWoi^Mfiaepnasunu ouenbi;,^ ,:: .! ; ^vV ;:[;

¦. .;- . - -- -U i .Q . ! i .:v

:.v: , : - i .: ' . : - ; . . fv^' I C3" To those rc<i ilrlng a temporary odTonoe, w« Bbovo la tto best and tnoat rellaMa.

: For tortns ami pi;rUonlaxn apply, : -|| ' . ' , < - : • . , '¦ >[ ¦ ¦; ¦ | ,

i ' ' O'lponnoll. pt«fcqofti|WATEi4Fpi?|p.


Q, J OHN S T BEt^WATERFORD , \Aro prepared to tro: t, vHtb the greatost conflderjod and secrecy, all appUcatlonB from £2

UPWARDS, to. 1JI per,ona on their OWN AttfROVED PER80NAI. BEOURTTyIn any part of jlroland.

BaBlneaa carried on in 0 moat straightforward iana exact manner.No connection with )ny o^bor Loan Offices or so-called Banks In this Connly.

App ly -THE' \\hlhNAGER,: • ' i 0. JOHN STREET, WATERFORP.

! I , ' Pti JABB 'HOTB TfiAT

QRACEDIEU BPaya HIGHEST PRICES hvi^ND) CATTLE ; came removed f t 'mat any place- \7itbijj a ra&uc

•| of Twelve Mileo < fj Watc7foirdL

All animalo Jromediatcly removed on receipt of Tcbcroms:

O'Kdsfe's, Graced , Waterford,I Or by TELEPH^E No. 89.


O'Keefe's jpay Higher Prides than any other Firm

.. A , T? TT ftpa/ c ^X) L iJL^rsU

— LIGHT BINDER ALEfiteayo t» bo bed froa " H A W O jU t?."



Ponsono ou«7oplnafrom Rhaumatlom, Qosornoi

iCorofuIa. oi" Klnct'o Qvll, GlandufacSwalllnCe, Bono Dlaoa8O(

Coroa, Abooioooa, Dad LoctiPcorlaolsj Rln^wopm, Ervptlono

on tho OKin, and Bloodand Skin Olooaoos o? ovoiv

;£csoplptlon, will find It a Cpc- jjand Ef7odtual Romcdy. ,

SOLD BY 4PL CHEMISTS: In Bohlti, jjrt>, «a V/O ^

eacU. 1IDIttritmHor A(fent»'-+aEO. WRITS'ft 'aOMO.Cheralatp, Iiinj| Street, WftterfonJ.

Proprietorm-Qarretf* Herbloe Co., Ltd-, p, Upper Batffot Street. Doblln. ; nI t ' -: ¦


' 1/ not and you , tltnZl let tw lip owby 'pRons, mee8e7tgrcr, i pr pre-f erably by p otttcard, '.toe ehaU he¦p leased tti ref acdy tiKatcver iovrrong. ' ' ! -.-. ' ¦. -•

' Do not\ pu t up ttn&> any inkonrvenience ihhritgh bad. lights,defective \presin ire'f etc., but lei uoJmotD. Wp urep erd totsattofy you,land are anxiouo to Jjaw? yourcomplainto wtiich y >e know muetjraliet. I ,- !. ! • ¦ l i | ; I ;k ' .

: ! - "

^ATERFiinB: I L:; ' j ! .; •. ;

I 'ff kond W. !J " : I- i f f i i 1 ;0 ' :; " l - . : : . ;¦ . ; ;

¦ . =f r . - - i " :Mj ls ! i • ¦ ¦ :• • ¦

OlfOSS I 60UNTB|y :- ND joyEB THE'

;i ¦ -j ;.|; f- rj . . ; ; gTKH8. j ;! ! |i

; - ; !- '\ ¦

'.:- }:°=]-j ; '"iify ¦ ii|: crijyirHi

1 !.;: , v ::;

' ¦' .r ij A'l TAliBOTJ eiUEETj JpUBLIK. ,Far. ocnvxauenoe |«t bia ;tan» ; dientiowtoo -srtH oonOnrwf to ©xcopteOTABTINGJPEJJOB ] COMMLSalONS "duriBg Wtator

- iT«fteffr^mjv~''§*«^ . ] )uT*n.: ' : ' •Book of Bales Ifreo oo ep^Ucaticm.

. . • ¦M I! 1 - . ' ¦ J j ' v; : - I I-Ti ¦' ¦ ¦• "¦•

¦'¦ RANQE^ ' 10?*? [f f t o V?",' ' AND"... ;

^Irr teifflki¦?'k, JirM.ijIirid rakod-r«ti>oijc ''oi; H' ting1

8tWe», Tfemgoa, iOnatM, I ~«arJ/.]uitutitit>ple«x>f-Nei»]W«*ftf .Blate tWtn tkoaajrjat'artverjliii v«W Iate6V^wa v/ B«tvaioo yei'ioflewq in.|Boiritb]«|:Iielia|a;'.

;,- .!j !¦;¦*' Q'ls irjffjLnd jOov.!; J :;' j 'j . :].

¦ ; I¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦-' i '

i ' :' 1 - :; - ! ! ¦? !t iri '• ¦

And Fsirmers


^JK^i&i i l o ipacn . ADD la cpannuna connrypca

_. , .

! i wEHM i¦

I : ¦ ' •¦ ' '

! NEWS ; ¦


| TO

2S coiiUiis¦ KliflTII:,i . i ¦

I ', i . ;

T E LARGEST ij5- IBISHi : : . ' . . pAPEJR | j |fl btJ TSlbE DUBLI i:|j ppTSII)E ;DUfiLM :BELFAST AND CORK.

.1.1 !. . ' I • y_ h: . - i l i . -' ; FQ? 4EIO Laundiry> ! ii ' ¦i L j i ' j i

o , - i | j . H j

[j il i- ' i ! ¦.¦ ' ; i—-— if !: : |H:1 ! QUICK—eASy—REUABLfi

111 | xiBiii5tftlai^2ja., '3a.1' 8jtt|: ' ¦; 1> 'i ' pud In Cartons eTory%hew. ; i

.! !'.!i;i :.i-f-r^-J:;,. ¦:- ] ¦¦

• ¦•» !* T*' rii»svfi/^nR/%is.T:-i;-

I H '-jOF / ALt-Kj aDa • •• ; ; .i:-:j ; . ; : -¦ ,:! i , At fcbiWW*- ;*fttBK ;, i!-: :


aiESfi ^sss-ii ¦i;i::':cV ;j M J . '''iw;:i[M::ir ::!' - ;4?i^.:

' ssl -ai'*:!•;:»..end Euaraotee- ¦ ,*-.

¦! i' 'i* ;-: pi v7 -A- --J |*f l- ^sk1 :-1-: li jl- ^

Pi : " "." ¦ : -Nj Mj i] i • tf lf t^ trk

^ITA Mpi! j ^i^M.:;HLt s)tTAlilA'f,ond TOECANiA"-are . the XlaisasS' and , .Fti£teEA! hnx&els xn

W«w';1t5t5ni«r i^FRANiOOiNIA;M,i SwinrTriple -sc&w, TuiMne | If OAEMANIA,"' ¦ [ - i fj ' - . , . 20,000. abni': J^T • ¦ . :Twuwfecrow- Staapi«j "GARONIA-'i' 20,000

!lV 6rBg Stoairdcr 'VCAlCPAiin-A." i', OE^ rMs- noTn^GmlDATT.T

t<ABG B9T;. AND; PAOTW 8JTEAMJ3R8OACJi lOflUyASpfiROim;; KPiBCIAL¦••: |' j iir-"i ; - :i !BA;nBa] ': ' n - : - : - ¦; '5ron» jttTVEBIVX)l]; ;,(Vj»: Queajfitown). .I TO WEW YORK| '• i i .t iraxx jiosTfciN: ¦':¦ ¦ ''Manrtti n(a> ¦: Sat. Jan. J9, Jvtnii, I I Tue«, War. «Umbrla .]:||- ..Bjt,-Ff»;»i Itoiila.^ .: jTnt April»TOHDIBPASSED'J [ AOt 0MAJ1ODATION-, .-.! ¦ M l U - vAfl1' . LOW-i-ElTEg.-!- '. ¦¦'!- : :->

?' .:Second} ttn«J TASiVjci& fengers,:' ua'How- (¦Boric/ .'irjay' ttavet ¦¦wfitab'tBt . 'extra;itfliiajsg &' 'Bc& ott : oiid ¦ Pi wla)di<i!j>)jia, ¦ OBKIdelpSla.iI¦ ' ¦:¦ ':, . ' i ¦. ' • hj " l I : '! ;: ' .¦ ' BaEfeengere booked tfcrOTigh to oD portfa: , ¦ Api Iv4-The Crxmard ; Steanihfp Ootr*-piany, I Imited; \ LiverpopT; loir ;.fo 4ibaix'agieaw—iWard Brothers "and jHarrey anddiufl } Mtiteiea EV)iI©y an<S P. Evsu 'Dun-swvwi.;! lMi3. Kaite Bejiey^) Cbppoirfliia ;Jlatne? Aih'euirne br 'JPos.'iJGeiariTf, Ilsinore;Jajmei 'MQQTMIM. Carraok-on-Bair. ; :•

1 ¦ : ' ' I

¦ "'. ' : : • ; ¦ i i | I ! ¦ ¦; [ ¦' . Tto; NO PROM £E TO '£1,000.

: TO JTOBLEM'BNJ !; LADIE8! ANDCrEW OMEN, i | AND i Ati] | OTHERS,5n; &i y |:Wt of; Great !:Britein ipd Ire-liaiuf oo ' thedr cswn fliittatrjjje, ii-wtftlhotriflrmvtW ¦' ' 'T ! ' ' 'leaecvl 'I ' ' i] !

i "'¦


: ' EABY . lREPA^iEOTS.Ipj ly. pereimaUy <vr -bjr loU r i io J. 0.AL 3HE. Mjanagw, 6wndiutl-, | Privatemlj oil LreLind. , ;j i



X MUSH,BliBEBl |Y, WkTEBPOBD,'W^Kffirii AND |i

JBOAlbtmDERj'• fiaais' . 'ilwflt! ti Oztdfar l or oan-. ^|- V "¦<* £ - i |

:j j ' .!

jpen<jry and' Joinery ¦ »?t; jevery

1 I^ork ra<te:owa euplaxviaixa. '

pro far liiio: on iGhjorriGstnefliic©.

9 incderUtB, aad .|jn>rE .guaranteed.

hKbtaAiWreav- | :|| |


WH' xLBaAi ;!; AND J j BETIIL ;FISH,Cr'A3 £B POUI.TRY,! AWD loi J8TOEES, ' .

|!] HB> .U STREET, VpATEBF(j>B!Dr |

Tho attentdon oJ i tie Ctentry l arid PoMio|:4> caiUed to l thia IE6tabl5ahiment. ".

GOC DSj OF THE 0HO10EST! QUAtTTY.Omntry, orders circftdly aitoidsd to.

J -|; ¦¦ ¦¦5!PEET|,PnpPBQrro ..

(££lhieTi . £BC!UK r packed tap] oonvttjoxuoobyj i i aiflj. etc , ' T«Bin3 .oo j appJieialfiicm." • i'T^erjrianB — ''Salimm,] Wctaitoad.'''

Tolejihone No. 170. ;! j . , ; ; ; : ' - | r

1 30DNTT; OF; ^7ATBRF0RD. !p iiaCj toe&' ~ty \ &«:! CoKntyiC(«is«7 o/jtW^t/wd /or holding f f 'l AtnartirlgWettings f o r year admg l Siet May,XW\ ] ¦ i i M N T! !: | " ; :'- > . i

UP" I i' ^flf-lti ~

!^S |Is - - - -I -l-sffi tgl. ¦

H' ^ i - f - * ' - ! - ^utr- IM;:LiBA iiiii-yuik ¦ •-

I - ; ''i • 'I-

¦¦i f'- - P %¦ ¦!|_jL | • ll ! |Jj ; ; . : ;.

a - i Sa J. - j i [ i ' l isf .:S 3I -U | | § 4l ife . - S!?S* 'i:S | 2 !? ,? :7 !i «i|8'. ' f t »i

¦© • ¦ ¦¦% "¦ ° Q * * i « ? ; « .r- ! g

i-j ij iiui-ift!. .1 a| » . . .iSSBBSfaiiS .§•

, - fi ¦.! - | :V' : j l ' i Lilt .Uj , !

«g: *':!imifm^' -|

Jg-^ : ;i . ' ri .M«?ti :ji r l: ih ?ri ir ilh

. 'irll Wsrnni ' L—¦' 1 J'j ' '' '• '

Axa«-iju« ^

iJir .vrAV: :

18 hlhfc lV al ;WAtElM)RDlipW.VjoiWcfco tp^cit^.. . J l . l l - ¦> ' .. JillZii': aCiilKJ* llJ U. 1 llJil i

* mnWKM at UKM .' WtMW. -SH W IN

j!-M ¦

ISwSy.jMci ;«*.¦!& (E vir i; :.. --7;.j ,Thi.Friw* will cbi»W; 11 • EnlWeri«t boot',j: >i ,PpK^ il «S3pT t-.;,

ri lt*nr*tt«| Wit" • !.'*!!,!*' 0<l. '»i:C(J«D*I««, ,,i; Ui .OuCW :

1 AI PfjrlirwTirT-i rv \rfk*$ «1 <>« f M* SttK&L.'

lrv: i- ''4F>»::i]S|wi'';*AM.'B i- 'i- W;-J:We sf« iaflstlap&rk**'»k'> *&* i W J»«ite««:j Per r»lt WaaR»it)p*ftai.»)&iiuSIw.4dU||

\;A Hi m u» j ^ffiW««^kitofr

h i r .fi-j lUMsafflyf.l

Crdrity arid :C ty i -[q f>i- :Wdteiifor<M¦¦ ¦ ; : | : ! . r | : , r!l -,: i!i)-|^i:U}, ^p; .!- J ; . ' .:{QENERA.L QUABTEn &E$SI0FS}j i s J D'Sii l0Nos of itHE d6cry irti,t i q OKf r fp RFHEy Y8JU&f t9J0f L.;-\¦'i \\.' HILAicVS; BB38IONS. -!, - |v • ¦V . :

Iiitnore. dfliBosincOT—Totsday <th January, 1910 •CrowS BmlDCsS—Tuesday, 4U) piouirj. '9<?V t^md an4Bralllr—Wedoesdiy, 5th lanbary, 191a , ., '.- :'i : . '¦¦/ ¦

DutuRirrisV OTU Daaineov—T»unday, «lh. |ariua»y,1910^Crosm BOSISBSS—Friday, 7U1 Jnnnaf^, 1910 j Lour) j«iul Bprlty—Friday,7th Jao;ary, ima ' • <' , ¦ 1 - '•!• •! ; •(Watcrford. jCtyU BmlDtss—Samrii )', f X t x January, 1910 ; 1Crown BnsWu—Honjliy, 10th Jiaaary, 1910 ; Laud andEonltv—TmiJair.'iitb January, 1910, . ! .' ' v . •¦ /Wsierfort I dry. Crown Bislaess—Tundar, ntbJaan:rj, i9io \ \ \ <\ \ \ ¦. • 1 ,. ;• ' '¦¦.. . , .- i . . . .• •. ' ¦ : !

¦- EASTER t3E5SSr6. HBi: ' i ' --;-:/: f' i i :' 'Llraoro—ClTll Bnjinea>-io«ilay,5lh'April,- i9I0 ;Ocown-BosWoJ- tiieidayi stb >4prit loiq,; • Ltn3 .milEanl&,Wed(ie»da7.'6th April, «9u);: ;; .. ' .[.- rj:: ",- -: f!Onbgaino: Citll Bn«JtiMa-;Tliiirt<i3y 7IS April, 1410: -

UWsueri'bnU.Ci'TO Biulncwt—Saturday, 5(fi Apri), 1910 ;[Crown HosIdess—MondjT,uti ApriJ, 1910; tand and,. t-irilfJicrt «1 r-SSi-tt BcriiriS^Ttfaiiyr.IiUl.-iJldli

i - . [ i - fj.-i*LN-iTX-BiKBaiONBr' ';"- ; > !¦ •. !¦ LJ.rji <«v 'CiTij ;Bialna»—VVtdneiiiay, Istijoiie, 1910;

I OUoJirTji CifU Businejjr-Krlday, j d junt, 19WCrowa BusuMJs^&totday, <tt lutm, 1910; Lzul dot ;E*ilrj—Sati nlarvathjune, 1910. ¦ "' I ¦ '|;' " i f; Wilertortl CW1 XJuslncss-rJIondajr, «h Jvbe, Vf lOtCrown Busli c35-t-Tu«da>-; 7th>jBrie, 191* ; Laid amiEquity—Wednesday,8thJune , 'I910.! : • ¦ jj ¦ ' . , • ¦• .1 Waicrford CltV. Ciowo' Busings—WWneadiy,; 8fl»: ) ! i jradKAiELMASISESSIONfi.; ' ! ['i U mm. jCltU' Brainess -Tiiesday, ajthiStptemiKTi>9io i Crown Business—Tuesday, .soltf Seplembcr, 1910 £Land and Equity—W«lne*iay; 21st September, tgio. ; . I.' Dunginao. CIfUBusiae<*r'7hcrtday,2>iid Sjpterabeti191a!: Crown Business— Friday. 23rd September,' iji ffiLand and Equity—Saturday, 2|th SeptemberJ 191a ¦; '. \I Waterford;' aril Business—Monday. i6Ux Septeaber;t9io|; Crown Business—Tuesday, a7tb September, 1910 JLand and Equltj—Wednesday, s3tn September, iglo. 1 !:1 Waferfordj Q(y. : Crowa Biuincss—Wednesday, HSUVSeptember, raid.^ !' - I '¦ ' .!! " 1 ¦ !f jj ¦:/ ¦

' I'¦ •tfarrldcb^glOff Carrick^n-Salr: Courthobje). ', OlSBasii)esa,. 1r^ursa3y,39tfa f8eptcmber. rgio. i : l ^ ' - ¦' ' 'f* waterlcrd Division Civil Bills and £lectmedubntr. ;

: j. | . : i| I DIVISIONS. : '. I 1 i. ; • ; [1 ¦ ' j14 more—Tb« Baron/ ol ^Mhmom uAlCoebM&lf. ,,«na tie Ptrfin]of;A!Urje, la ih» BATCH/ oi Ueefcbi , jWltl mot I)nn::l |; , ' - ¦ •; . > | : ¦¦ ii ; i ; • : ; r ;. :Di nyirrsn—'rho l BaronlMof Deoles; WithiB Dram.; !jOlc atieirj, »nd Oobies Without Drum, fars 19 mosa ,of l ie KirooyolDeoies WUtont Drum ak li ioolodrf: iin t it.DIVblonj of Waterfon), isd also tore ao modi'" '!tbM Wl u Is oomprlsed within th»Pailsh of Aflans ¦'.:1 , Pford-Th« Barouie* ofiiTuldlMliW Qaalfl erf !iaa , pexthad, tna thai part of tha Barony «fPacle9. -iWificot Dram; ooularinV of tho parlj!ies;of Koos* {mlr 1, fffltirrjineaitei, and IfonkaUndr and that port {of tn« Parian of Nowcaatlo, C9> slitloir of cb«ToifnUn4 ¦of tlaime; wi ib»OoonsT oftb« i;ltTol 17ktuford.*

Tho Coort will ait ou Uis firai; day in [each OivudcA !at ElerenXm;¦!>!;. ' : ; ~ :™. ' | ::: ii' The Entire £ik» of TJndeferidMCases wflT D»'oiine4 '!U *lpb<betieal 'order <-t the l-telat!nY,iuun«a at ti9eltt)«| of thoiCwrt, wboa iB p»rOei mastics inJEjooun[)Ot»,|w!ll be callod next aitar" tha CrowH

1 Iu<«ery fjecimealforDon^payaentof rtatoflos t 1Ui'Uuof.ttaaboldinjmaitMinsartod tadlaoiMitl 1doeb Boi Mceed h»lf-aa-»cre statuw mesmrre.'a : eas*> 'tlBciue /rok tb* Cl«rk ol the> PnlOT itwoJd £w Bfor'.'dprW »t th« be»»ui)t.- : ¦ . - i ¦'¦;. ".iI ' .: i\\ •: ; ¦ .! |:- .. :f - .j; Wbeu. A uWj' I* put on an Efecfanant-Dajte^ K ;,will b< retuipedby the Clerk'of; ti» Cra.* kid 'Pesn'nqTIl tts perlol erpirem and If Iha «tij( iS ift*] tea 04 'b«:oonditlon ttui De£on4aal osmmctl-lwith certain-farnu bafo» ¦ putloojat d«t«, and h* > !falls to do|ao,|t!» TJeCTW csnnot b»BSO«lailaietl '.tSiJtf ritol ; KuViehnitirtitd.v •¦:. r.':Mf - .-]'.•- ••< .(" i{ iErietlon NotioH ibonldsUta tlia SeRSosait lriilcb !The origin*! ]CJ»ii Bills tna Onjrlnal EJaotmsnta, '.wltfiMiatf of I i Defence*, all In alphabetical! order jtxcorJlDt to Plalntuls' names, and accompanied by"|properly sfarniled! Reqnlilllnm,:mast bt; lodged or is-;celted,br postjin the Crown and Piac<J Ofice.1 Comtr¦bouse,; Waterfordvat least two.dear days beiore t&fl 'Coyrt sltsln cacbDiTi8ioo.: l- : ¦ ¦ '¦ ) ' U . ¦ ~i '] .'in default cases tha srfldam most be lodged befOTJ 'the Ciril BiUUlMaed! it will sot be aoeepud attef- 'varHs. Tht wurds" By DcbuJti should be writtSD ill 'larre t«tUfW «,< , lhe head of tb* CitillBiHandCcrox.and also 61 the Decree. : : , || :: r\ : |: : ; ' ! ¦ ;i JDecrees aid Duunlssearmat Ve SOT« io for tinualiua Iir> albbabeUcsl snd oumericol order (those for exfii 1'dlTialofl beiss se aiate); not later this autoHaUrU {aluf: li«; close of the Seaatoas at: whlehJ'Jiey fballiat# beiajbroooonoed. othezwis» they irlUJno^ be> Iaifntd sistultoa; following Sondoba,; Th^Staiap sbonU |b»ptaoed!oi>!thdi»areia of tb> decreoordiamijs, rjotjoa th* «pao* for cterk of Crosta «nd fesjeVa sdroafatao. >_ »S3--xne Mown and Peeyje UfSoss tdn/r oaitai to!,tbirCvjn y,-sata\T» ftano«tl*T»i4 iB-XSisli art sohr'payble «l raesns nt Coantjt 0oa<$ SUnp?,Jmjreiiti.or adhei)T«, oi Eaioiilttal rorBU.'.ail'Ctah asj;Postage Btampa(?anon na«couafltberece'l«d. j I .;•

!T0fWW,i iiEIJ^LOTB: AbTi:ANb LABOD&i¦ - .:, ;; l i i i - ^- EBS A0E8^- -Hl ¦• ; • !i • i t " ': Claim* nnder the Town .TVnaau Act t«A aad'FetlUoast) njx)o lie Labourers Acts, vwJU be taken, on O» ttttday In each piTislon. Ii ' ; ' ' : h r I i |i ' .; " .. 1 [jqEOWN BUSINESS. ; i i f : iTie Or«nd and Petit Jaror»o<tb<i County Waterfort;wlU baealUdat V<t«rforaaiilaif-pa«i3eWo'eIoaka in, on tWCoonty Crown day, , . : ; : ' \: • < - , . <

The Orjad Wd Petit Jaron of (be City of Witerfart Iwill be coiled at Tea o'clock i m,pntbeClty Crows dsj. iJaroTssietaaaiwdto bopaaetaa, ta attnnitanoe, tj itli* Couri is com pelted to iieose Ptow of not Una tlaa |Two Poairdsonsuch t enoiu ai f*U to anjirorlWrnsfflea. J | I i j i i ' > ¦ : ¦ ¦ || ' ; ;l ¦; 'j - i; - 1 . .• ; - , ,- Icounty I ol i ,Wateriorf -Apji!ic»tioixs ! for SpiritUoensesiud Petty Bsados*. Appeals ,wffl be hesil;in LteffioreaadXrannrTanlat XweltA p'olooav and laWitertord at HaK-paat Eleteo, : ' f i - ' 1 . -i j i lCity of Walirford.—Applications IcJSmt Ucaues assiPetty Bmlons Appeals trUl l be beard oo the aty BsrfImxnedlaUly after the Criminal fiusinesa (If anyXandtfna)Criminal Bnilsess then at tio sUttog of the Court (to

o'clock).1 I i ' ' ¦ { - i ¦ ' . ' ; ' i < : I I ' i!

¦ •; 1 ~ f ¦¦ ' [AppUcsiioss (or TraosSsri of Incenses sboisl Ifl Cftfti\case ctateitboname of (bej [persoiiI fRifia.[Wb0inrSQjcav-:1tui£cf fifflTyfTft* y"*^t&t' tt&%tz2s of. O19 BKBfioa)S>''e avOOSyw * I ea 9e7 aflT^TUCdvlO^Q'V' mVt i OttwsT2Stta30 3JI 4* 103£ ss

. ' - O1ERKB OF PlETl'Jf SESSIONS ; i . jatv 'direated W:lodri ,iuformaaOTis,i a oo M i i l i a n o aand Appeal*, la tlw Crows and FeabeOfiosi WttattiaO ,'jwittdr eer«>dtja after, they thail cararacdTOl gam&ltnitoapeBUSjoliafos MKiec*.-!; - .--([¦..,;, .-( ; ¦ •".' •• ¦• ;¦._ E*ch J iblleasV after-oMoialn»'« ITew JiteiaaMTransln; esurt loan a form of C«rfiflcats (ttamped wttfi:3i 6d8ttiopl fAi»fnjw»tn** by tbe derfc of $be Cfowft'and PeAoe,1 bafora the rnil»<f Rjimium«ni ¦ .^« t ,, »v 'Duty. (Stamped. Koran of Ccrtliipates arToblaioablc atjthafort QtBaay •¦ ' :¦ ' •• M - N - ¦) ¦: ¦ ¦'¦

, I J

I 'Vna b» Ulxast: the stttnir'ot ths! Coart; ja ttanaro.'asd Donptrran,.' mad lmmmti«t«t/ after 1 the City!;C.own Badfleato Watfirtord.,. 1 (1 I: - . I |-; I . ' .! Bollrifco* |«jro|roquerted to |la«crt ta 'OrJitaatiia;NoUoetaodAxreemoatBtboDlrtaloti lad Banl 015-!trlet ia whlefi ta*) Lands ar» sttoate, i»ttd •th£»» thire; art rooro than1 one Landlord tbeli iumea most bo inserted'^ ¦V ; ;| ! ' IB^tnTY BUSINESS i i- iTTTj1 Tbelflslntia tm swety BnUrji Cue mast, thiea deal 1days beforetb«return day Jor each Wrkioou ladi«{iwlih th»Ocrkof tha Crown ead Peaoa B,Teop»cf <£»!Clril BlIL;ind<rfttnyd/wumeoith*i«rj^ar««3Tra on.i hlm.bji so* IDeCssdaot, or: br bis oath* Detendsntr-,lOrdtr, Till.! Bale » of CoooeyCoart;Eol«3,J89o,«!dtbsfore sax wdaejr Is paid oot of Coart » OeiUfiaS* lofVnii la Coort »os» tw flrtt o"btalaod la Urn Crowa zMPeicoOg^oo kJd^pijpropttlyiUniped JtefiIllUo»"All modles to b/lodged lacWiEiatjCases Totatbe lodgtd In ;tio Bank of Ireland oi a pririlyto.boobufoed fronj (He Clerk of the Crtwraaid Peace.: •-. ;Notices! of an Equity Ajtpllcitibiu and reyuUIUois'fotctrtlflcalei of i ftmds fn. Coorrlmtat b* Iqagedl lfl ««acrown tiaiPtaee Office. Watcrford, al Jeut two. dendan before tie Court slt» la each Drrtsloril F i i ¦ Ml :OBIMINAIi I ¦ INJURIBS; AKD i iVOJBS:*\ \ ; ;• MEN'9'.qompBNfcHiioN; GASES I .; I -;; •W10b«ta>eal£n|nedlatclyafte»Ui«ciosiof the onflowi ; 1Qrlj Emlo»CTloLlsinoreontho;aJ<lay oi tJiisessleni .atiDmigirTMlnnncdljteiTifltlUieETOltTCattSOnUt ; : -i•soeond . day! .¦of toe Srtslnia.i and; fn*i Walertord to- :- :;¦m«lliWJani» t*e£qtftfSCT»lOT«oatwatyCh>woclr# : ' <

«r* reo ilrodjte Begistar thett; Xic*n»es a&BjLBjr-.'.; 1 i8^«slot.s,iwn«atba*aTO»ooBimen<»artdf toe Wadsj '. • ; , ¦ :• o f JanuiV.OUienrts* at EMtef, ;6a«staa. SaUdtaM I ' > 'froax.flUj^ eoustiea ra*tp»t>do«tbeb>X4oaoie«tmr'Hi !

1 Each d»U Bm OnVwrUtwWiBpeiatiedfor'Ui* whoa* ••¦) '': county eJuatatU tmi cart toa«cast*;; be. sent- to.U& 'i- -n£art.tcfflcer<oTdeieodantV8o»14tnco. , < ' ! '¦¦ - { [ \ > i . ~~ ¦ < : 'i artl KfU Oflwo s»aJreoi*d[ta rrtorn t orifijsa :' ¦CI»B B1Q*,tb «ba SoHdtora, fioo> wbcm tba mar ¦. .I ibar*tea* n*etr«a,aitb«<ts)r .taffistVtW fo« - i !'!::Serrk*j ITtajs»»onlrt4.1pl B»«r«toi»p»Jt>| .'f rf -:the CleA ef tb« Crown !sad| S»>« stbaaTnd ¦»•:,-•: !often a* tl* Jndge thai) dfcaetilmd attend nmctaaW'* I > ; '¦ at Uie'attttnt ofitha Oonrt to** a*bmjI >ijl £" ¦'¦ j ? ' ¦


', • *ft|ajifa ||.ij| ¦' is%sf *la?HWafas-«il l ( affttilaT-'srWa a. I T aiwatl asa «1 %Jf ' j ' '-'"'. Edm'nnd jlTanar, CUp^oin,i|L'JstiSasi^aiaaftaj-: f : \'iBrldatS MSST-IL wallam'/o^ Cr^w CajitoJutal fJ j!!iPatnctCollIraVSwlMCottiteOaiBioreJl.Tl'fivi '':' 'T ' i l. "' imis>of«ftn«itf»»o--J, Tpurtai. Itaddsi jBalljrJ ;: j.;''* *»^WssaP AiaVi^SoS«lwsl««P : ft'OlSS? CJonmeJ; K^SsMalcCsrttfi oSc&SSff t 'i- '-'|i KTiaio7-©|Twit»a*>rd—1^ i J»uie» iBagge, ;;BiDatw-! ] • ,>

fordir?; pa TTsal atejSrt'^^.^oSiSrirMintl-Hi.i, warenorq, i( lj*on»B*o»oojrittmorfc^ Jcjltali»(tt<»jj A-ii-i

S*™S52ssw*3J23» S!I3Sw33' E333 5w**s'335!SS3B5B*5CJBi55 "5*iI eMs BS* Evf£ p> i ¦v '




'' ii , f




i ¦•" ¦ ¦

- { ¦ !




The Selections for the Shrievalty

Choosing Committee Men


\ ipiarterly meiimg of th-e Wato.-io.rtl('-> .-^>raiian was ii<i\l ALvniitiy m uh-.Council Chiurabej , T\nvn Hbil . for th>pu_-pMev> oiJ electing the Mayor,, HOgi,Hhenit , and momibors of the vari.>u.-Oxauni-titces for the year 1910.

A great deal of in*<-ivs.t was fvund'd inUie proceedings by ihe general publac ,the space belon* the barrier boing paoke<ll» overflowing; in la.o'». never have"en ao many of tie general public pev-BTOit at a Corporation rtwetir.g before.

Tie Right Worshipful the Mayor (.V!dT W'hsttlti) prvsidod , an<i th« o&hier mieai.bjorii present, weTO—tAJ(IeTin«n: I>i . J

T Whue, Richard Power , J.P ; EflcJiarc•Heorni1., J.P; Sir James A. Power, (Juinlan (Oity Htigih Sherin),Maurioe Quinlan , Matthew E. YoungOnuivcillojb Janies HaakeOT, Owen Daw.fiorv, Win. J-'ltapainck, Rioh'aixi Wihj ittle\V . P. Maher , Matther Gosoin . DurndHyJai»t. \V J. Snuth , M F. Qiugk«yJ-jhn Hourne , E. Walsh , Jdhn WhitAl*.Jazneo Power , E Murphy, W. A MurrayP. M. Doyle, Dr. Montis , Patncik Qiun-Um , Philip Grimes. Richard Giaiu, Maurice QirinJaxi , Thonias Filz-oerald . J-nziass Pende-r . P. Giildpin , MalcDanneU , John Hi ggdna D. 0'iHaolon

The officials present were—OIo6sr8. JJ Fecly . Town Clerk ; P. Higsrina, Assist-*oi aV, P. Kent , Bo-">>ugh Treasurer . I'A. Murphy, Law Axlvker , Hi^h Oon-stoble Grant; Mr. James Collins, SwoniBearer , Mr. John H&nriaon , M;ioeBearer.

The Mayor having taken the chair ,said that before the business of thetne<vtin'g commenced, h<- would appeal t<->thew; pivt^erit for the wie of the dignity-of the city and the Corporation to ha.vono scones, but to olkw the business to1) > %<x\e on. with in a dignified manner.

Th«; Town Cle.rk then rend the manutoof th<- previous meeting and the notir*'COT verting the meeting.

'Mr. Dovle aa>.-<l the T«>wn Cl.-rii•w h> «the-r a!] the new iiw-nrtH-n? of thrCouncil had signed the dcolaratiion . an.the Town Clejk answered un the attirmui -live.ilr. Doyle—1 would like to know JromiMr . Murphy whether it 16 lopaJ for tii >candidates to vote for th«ni«5ve«i.

Law Adviser—In my opinion trisry oughtnot to vote.

Town Clerk—TIKIY don't vote.AIMwman Power then r»c and said-

In owmpliance wj fh the request of Aidil. E. Young, I am rising to propose himas a fit and proper person to occupy thedignified position af Ma^or for the »\m-:nj year. I don't thini it necessary tosay much about him. Ytm all kn<»w h:n>ju rt as wel l as I do He is a wny r>ra> -ticol and jrood but^nt-Si- man. and I a:n"UTO he would mnke a ^0° Ohn:rii :;ni

Mayor—Is there any seconder f-jr \J<iPower's pToposition?

Mi. E. WaJsh—I beg t» (•*'.»r»i :'¦:• >proposition.

Aid. White—As an amendment ,, I b>'gtn propose the name of Councillor JarrusJls-ckrtt as a fit and proper person toGil the office- of Mayor for thU dity Iam hippy to state to-day that I thini Iam in a e.*ronger portion than I wasthis day UreJfve months in proposing thekaroo candidate for the same hononiT.Thanks to the intelligence shown at therecent MuniccpaJ elections thy>9e who woremp to that time in a minorily in tihifiCorporation are now in a position to puta man of their own choice in the Mayora]chair a man who at tut/iire, meolingd vnUcarry on the business of thje 'Council ina. lair., straightforward and honest—(hear , hear and applause- from thebaci ol the room). Grentlemcn, hithertoI have been amazed and phonlwid at theapparent apathy and torpidity shoiwn bythe greal mass oi voter 8 in this city 06to their interest? in thia Corporation.iT.aamuch aa tihe clays of men .-whoin theyreturned to civic, honours , have not d»n<?the duty, wihkxh, in my opinion they•ihoiuld oV), and which was ejnpected fromthern by tho?e who returnoci tnem to thisCorpnTialion—(hear, heart . I am glad toKiy that the result of the rdce-nt e]«>tionB has , in a frreat nwwsure , btVenaway these apprehensions from me. ThinCorporation, gaatlemhen, at the pr - c t^r .'.time and {or same years ptwt, hau boonexisting under vary extraordinary C£T»oumstances. I mus-t soy that so lar as IJooTf from ' nearl y tkventy years' ex-perience of this Corporation, the mem-lxra of it are good task musters and goodpay nyia^r*- I never knenr anyone, nomatteT what, himible pwfiition ho nf-Jd¦under thi.- Corporation , to <nax> 1wf<i.'ethifi Council with a reasonable c lait u foran increase of wogea and be rei\i_s«l.The merits oi the applications w«re . Imust s«y m gone through very cAr«fullyaf the Finance and Law OomimitU'e , andwhere there was a reasonable and justca-u&e to show that the official was de-wrving of an increasixi r<"wvnneration forhis services to the Corpi>ration, it wasnot denied him. Well., goatlamen, undk'r<he^e ciroinnstancef it wns only ro^u-oo-able to expect t hat tlio mafftoirs, thatis the membar> of the Corporation, wouldat least experi onof; gratr;.i»de firont th«ie;npl'>>-ee«, that they would ai leatt ex-perience a certain measure off courtesyand kindnea-i in their rvlntionf with the-irfmij>lo->ws., but cA late, B< ntle<nwn . I aniBoiry to say, that an intolerable btatc oiaffairs has cwn< to p.i. s in the manag'e"ment of the affaire of the city. Some ofthe well paid officials of this Corporationaro not satisfied witb doing the dutiesf.>r which they «.>.re tJ.x'.ted, but theynm.4 forsooth . inJorf^re in the election*of Miiyon*, Councillors and AJ<te:nnio.n. Iwiy . gentlemen, that when an ofBcdnl iswvll paid for doing a certain -«xw.k heshould do *

Mr. O'H.inlon—(I r>e to a j>>int oiorder, Mr. Mayor. la Dr. While in ord^tin diasisoing theee matters?

Mayor—Just fxw a^ m f nmc n*. ,p!oa«'s^V5lat is youxi point of orlit'j , ^fi,O'Haolon ? i

.Mr. O'Hanlon—I ttiink thai if AlcJ.iWhita stood up to propose a. candidate,he should,stick to that, and not.mnke anelectioneering Bpeech. i

Aid. White—Aim I in ' order , Mir. MVi-yor?M'ayoi*-IYOU ere. jAid. White—Thank jj -ou. I bow to your

ralinjr. Now, gentlemen, that this' littleinterrerotion has paswd off , I hoj>c I willba able to rcBume the Wend otf the di6-cussioo. I will not . deiay th<| rmeelingCurtaiar except to sa^.that the cxlsiingEinie at affairs to whixjh I have- referred,ttas aroused &e 6piri-q of certain men inthis Oorpora.*ion who itviLl n.-. longercuibiimt to it, atfd ithey gee now the neces-sity for putting a strong man in thedbaiT—a man who will b« above wire-pulling of any kind, ij .nd Vho will maketbe "well paid,: and- it: .some- cases or«r-ipt&A. efTku'alj of the Corjuor&iiVxn attendto liedr . orxh boainess'' ;aiid nothiflj clee.t <protnis« thia Council that if Mr.Ha&ett is e\&Ao& —- , ' ! ¦

MajxSr—Juat lp/f a nwment, i pJoase. 1. .i.taut, -iCdcTtnan Wlile, Jhat.|yoqr ex-

;.pm£6s»ns ; dam't ;. Teiar- lry your ivmlU*

,- «e.tvani.' TTiben yen ;meniioaod urtnspnH'¦ring1, to far 4B tie ocoqpai)* of f l i e chaii

• it cottccroed, • I-trust yon did net attrf.Unite ttvat to your hutr&U« servant.

AM. Wbite^—No, I did not—not in theerijrhteBt defrree. I only Bail} paid ofil-chia. I think. ! . . ¦ !j ;- ¦ ( :¦

Mayoy—I am -very glad.yo^ did notattribute it to mis: Top naid yon wanted

: ' a airora? nxui irho' noulii not' Bboop to: wire-pttHiny, and il :ftihk that Sn iustJao¦ ¦t o n:5T=«lf and the portion wihWh I oo' , copy, I should ^ay th'ai I hayej done my¦ . .• ' i lbeA. «3iU« j viuwlbeen Maiyor, and I

,'.. hava' Tiot been 'frbiUy i : of, anything rf»e', that trrwld thibtp diearaiop «n ^tho ptBi-

. .. lion wbi'cSi X hold in the sligWest degreei Md. Wbite--I ^J f o or J|r Mayor,

> ' L M I 'n«ver connex:t*d ytta unth' the. ¦; ccaCter ct oS<,'I tqferren to paid offtciite.

. .• ¦¦- ¦• ^ Mwor-^Iftaiot!><>«.¦ ] ' . ', ¦ \. . •¦• ¦ • ' ¦' ¦ - *•'• . : ¦ ;aS^.. l*UHB ia

p c lewj; piofiSleirm'n.IV/ to wwajte;Dw, WmwipT, I will ,be bdtf!'f -v -*Bi* 'Of>ijetodfe by! MySn^.' this,1 tb»<. !i!P f ic K aam t m d k i is «Iectod to,' the Ji^h

office oi i CSiief - MagAdtaite, , < f ; thda oit?I pcomEsO, .and I thank I can] c<u5ciy pro-itnuse. 4he ' mfijnbers afi this .Ooaiticil thaiCouTictillct , HJ3ciett will eee, as I eaidibtwr ' that t)i« paid offljbial3 n oif thisOoungul Siteittd- atridiJy to t ie< ibaaineGBthfry wW9 elected" for,: and & xihing else,¦and tlhat. is all that w«. eijjoci beenthom. Aniuthe-r tlhin^ I will ptoiQJBe you,genUomen,: and it w |this| tbAtJif youi•vote is gm-ea in iavour of Cox natlar Jas.iHackaU and U he is eloctted k> :the ohairIj -ym will-sound1 the death k letl! of offi-cial ibuKiyiom in -trta Cdumiil—<h<ar,tear). ! . . ' M i l : - ; '

Sir Jarcea Power—I have jmiich plea-euire, Mr. .Mayor asd goitlcai'ein^ insooonding the amendment that CouneaUiorJames. Htoekett be 'cleoiied ah Mbyior ofAVuterford,; which ivnu) so ably.' and elo-quontliy proposed tjy ! Dr. 'Wi riilfj . Ckxun-cillor HacJie-tt has been a stxj igdvtfoirwardand stoKty reprvseintiative of the r-aV-payers few a pood .msny yoirsj: He isI.horoushjy oonw^tant with the ¦ workingsrxf the Cwporaj tion. He has ftl3cd ynlf o'honour to himseH and wtith satitiactioi]•to the oitizensj the high and|| ancientr.fTwv oi the Shrisvaitiy, aad h« has toa »>naidqraWe extent somnfid hw aji f ren-ite^3hip to ,the Kisheir one t) .' whixsi he¦ hall be elected to-day—(1 onor , he>ar).Tiv* oltsotioj i , g<'j i:'<mn , is iii-irkcd by¦ a surrounding that u differ-onthorn th« ponoral run of the Mayoralvoi)!t«»>. It is a recognition try us odithe roghts of labour. There is a awiirriwnd1-abie mCivmcnt abroad to (Tive'. fu'rfhercountena'neo to laboiiT and ¦ eiplital as'Jnir in:uire.'ts QLV id-rnHc-al. 'and the(V.rp\>ran ion oi Wait/?r!ford , byi: puttingC<..tin<i:li!f»r Kaok*tt In the cteL", giw»-!'i . lujrh ast su^fp^rt in their powjr to-thaiv< ry ttvrthy iniavcmenl— ,ih"<?<ir , hea.r).—nfci nai the lul g-heist gift in¦ >I;T povv^r to that Fame CtMincillor

lircrvt f ooTicOiuivJy th:it ilfbere are,hj Rh-»r 4uaJi£nal:i>n» for such'than tohave a btg baLance at y<«r baTiiers or'.<> be the proud onrji er oi fi<idks andhordis. A radioaJ. is about to beerode in the mnuiiaipaJ government oithe aity . Suoh a change has been maxloN-fo.-<5, hut the citizeT is look f->n\-u.-id \n1 In? cha.i^p with c.rmildenoe, bocnu?e•hoy beJ;.i\-e theur interests f.vill t>e weiJl<M>ked oft*: . They are also of upincon»hat thoi;e uitcj ests hawc been to a e»n-sidoraible extent noglected tor some tnroepri^t. (luiViidv orf the striking pereonaJily> .f MT Jamec H adkctC, there is nor.v a-t.nj n(r and de.tenro'i n^d ptirty resoliwid ,iu: £ar as l;<w in Ihc-it power, to lookaitor tha bert intereatt ; of the ratepayers:md to »ee that there will be no undueinfluence with thej r voting aod po undtielafluej ice with their liberty. Dr White:n the aoun*' oi h-.s -«markR has. alluded1- a staSe of affairt< that h«p eX45i«d in•h ie Corporation for eonie time. I wiUnot <Iw«ll on that condition of affairs,but I say to you now , that thai candi-1c^n of affaiTB . a^ tar as w? are oo-noern-<><J . is tul an end—(hear. hcvu). I trair.t'¦> .>.it t'hfl g-en'j ieman whom- it ba« been'Tiv puivaege \f -> second wo 11 ibe eloetedby no Uncertain voice, but by a majo-"ify^a sitbtvtantia] majority that willt>n»v* that th'>i«» who voto for tam arefuliiy alive to the re«pon"ibility—tthc'."vat retpo risibility—that to-day isplficixi in their hand?—(h«<.ir, h-pAr)

Mr liiawson—'M r Mayv ir - - t have an-'>th i- r to propose

T<-wn Clerk—This amendinont and the'•«>l:u.ti '>n muf-t be put first, and then

f you have anyone olw to pr»xpx»se > [>ro?oe it n« another amo.iKtmonV

Mr nnn-pon—Tli at haj^pen ed l ast year« hen the polj wus ta.'kni. and the amend-ment w^MiJd not be aooipted.

Town (Jerk—^1 am on\y ' tJO-IJing yiouthat it is irreijrular to rirofxv* anotiher¦'nine unti l th< - ¦j ricinal motion and the;ii!iein<£nlent are put t-o the nwc'ting.

M-' Dawson—<M r M\'DonneJ3 s*->od upl-;ii?t year to propose another m< :.m!bi-i andh.^i amrhdrai-nt w. >u)d tv*. l)f 4e»Tp!<«il

Miayor—I will take the opinion oif the?^¦•initx>ri> p-osent a* to whfthe : «•« erKnuldi..-~»-jit Tfiie thrxv namw n^>w cr not.

I,aw Anlsist-r—W hat M r F"?ly iaj-K 15•>r*^ot . i

Mr. K'Miiiy- .Tile p:oc«yiliro f.h«'j" &o\»pft¦11 o&<ir (\ ..-j > .ura-tiorw if a simple on<> .\ inon ilVKv ;.* propoeeti and 5e<»nvl<yl

.¦.¦ d ar- an .Hin'ru f .Tj 'nt ftnatihfr memlhej:¦ prapis.-<l and (M?«"<)nd< 'd A pr>U i thenUvk^n . ^no mosiibw is Minoecsf:rul at thet ime and it is ojx'n t< > any other m>*m-Virr \o ppopoi^* a furttih »T memitxT and POHI itnti] eA'ejy momlj f o! the Corpora-

Lon is proj>o.-ied—(hf«T . hear)Twn C3t-nk—That u> what 1 said at

firet.Md. Quinlan-'You r^iniemfbiir ln^'. y.-ar

•he Mayor ruled it otherwise-Mr. Kenny—J kno>v thatAid. IPawvr—(He might have nwuie, a

mistake—(laughter).Mr vNfahej—Th*re were oniy two

nnm<*. rrroposeJ year , and a v"->:etJiJien :ind then it mas decided theMayor would not take an wmindimentthen , because tiho aamt was net proposed1/1 th>- first uistanxx).

Mr Ke.nrvy—I mroift s.iy m >usdioe tothe Mayor on that oc<vasi>>n ttut tie a.-Aed.f any oth<v_ gi'.nllnnian tvad a ru.nd5dJatein prupuee, and UuK-e being no r»sp>nset«' that he Uv .k a pt>'.l on tihv originalpwpofiition an<> the aniej iclnuMVt, andQiat clewed the buiiinc>ed. There was ani>linlon taken on the niatttv , Biui coun^eJgave it .is their opinion that ina&much asthe Mayo- luul ask»id at tftat s\ag? ifany otlier mvn>b< rr had* a mWirfbi-r to pro-pom1 , and there being nt> resj» >rtj t- . hewan quite jui-tified in the ruling Vie gave—(hear , hear)

ilayoi—I tlunk Lt ic due t-> M.T . Kennytliat I .&h<iu3d thank hum Un coming ODDie rescue in connexion rtJth what oc-curoed ;Uiio Lmie. twcJvo monsiki. 1 amdxiepQiy gTakiSul to hia. I will put the twonanits now before us to the mooting, andwheci oJie of thoac mentbers are kuookt-dout, Mr Da%vioii or any oLh>-x menilx.'-Tcan stand up and propose any aandi->t;it- lie likes We wcj l tak«' a p»!l onUde.rman Young and 0.>uacilli>r Hacfery,first , and on tlie rdvult of thn^ any otheriiiciulx.*.: can propose any c;indida*.e }ieJiket

AJdt -nnaj) M. Qui nJan—As- a maUor.> .' facn , if Councillor HioketA or Aldei-tnan Young has a clear majority oi thethir:y-»'3ght nifiir.b«-r6 present, 1a he n«>tt-locited ?

Mayor- No . even if he got thirty-runev'ot^-^

it. w ould be. <j pt *n to ;inj m>>.mber

preswit t .> projui L-i' any ./JUT numbvr.MT . Mahar—1 think this »r>uid be an

¦•pj ».-»rtune timo to make rt'iereru» tr> amatter whuih has txvri nracih disoussiiii i i t t ' ly . that is tilic (j uwtfon ctf a fvecondy*-ar of o|Dce.

Ma.y«.r-J lun 6».-ry . M T . Maher, butwe ciiatiot bind futurv Corporations inr> -fi>ren cv i.> that matter. If w»? pa* ar>r> >! ut:i.n he.'f to-d:vj- to thai eJTocti thaone year of nfri«- is suflioi«'nt for anj':r>:vn . it would not be binding on anyone.

M^r. MaheT—Jiut it could bx- done inJhi * way. You could ask tlie suocessiuloa mlJdiile to pledge hi.< w.j ni: of honourthat ho tvomld n<>t f it\\k a iv.x>:>nd year.The.-i- J j - a W of talk g>t:ng an oufeidcabout uw oi two men Ae<\UiiC t«> tnxmo-polir-c '<lie chair. I have no wish for tliehonour nvyrclf, but if you go: the e-uaate-(at candidate to ple^jje hift word tiKat hewill not eeelt the office a sfocw} year itwill giv*> overyone a ohanccj

LVldernian young—You jwer« intcrrup(t-cd hero during the course! of your re-marks, and the proposer !o the pretontcj indidaie when you were aiiking him topledge h?a honour, said iht\i it would beimpossilJe for him to do thh.ti:

.Mr. Haokett—-There is' . n|o I doubt baitMr. ybun^ is a very honoumbZa man. Heis what I call an opportuhikt, and heought riot to be hero Ii3toj)ir;3 to whatpooWe are saying. ' ' I

LVld. WWte—It is very aeljociv he ccni-cshere. I

Mr. \V:ikhe—I tfiilik tJiu ' word oiliortour \rould be ni as littl<j c hsequtneeas : the i m.j v'iiig of blio w«)k (-ion, ¦ Youoomld Te^crMl the: r\'solij it(>n a-t anytime, aad as far asithe^wordiof honourg\>e» I remember this ^ tirr o ; ftvo yearsiriira 8ir JOJI.CS Poorer Wfle ieeking re-leledion1 for tie third timeL me of the¦c&ndida-W: propottcd. lo-dav, and wiioorxihis Buppxiitwre ere; confidant mil be-elect-ed.iBnixi on th'at occasion |(hat it wasan. unirriticn Lwr o-f the Ckninxii that'erery incnilbeY iras; in theor y! it lesast,lentitlod: to 1 one year of oD t f, and henffewsff iBir ! Jszrxs Ws year of]joffice , buthe U now! seeking ; the « fEoe vriihouigirittg hid ;wprd oi honour — -flit. Hadiett'-il had a. riaj it to leave it

1o you—{laughter aad appk nr Q from thebaok of;the room). 1 | I ;

Md. James' Quinlan—Or. Opullivan isafter caming in nOTf; MT.iF ely, and hashe a right to vote'it thei oIexAionf i '

Town i Clerk—Certainly.: ' : |^ftoyorv-We will proceed t > Jake a poll

now, ! i ¦ " . I ¦ -I j "

Aid. IV, Quinlan- Befoire jw take . apoll, Mr. iMsyor , I would like! to say as<>n« oi Uw»e who octrapfed ib f lohaii for¦two years, that; aftcrr being (f leiAcd' .forthe secotad time I Undc'red rfiy teaign&-Won to ,M>.; Fedy. but the rnajoiity' iKie Cbuntil tralted on mo a IE I a-iked i ;f o witJrfrnir i*. Speaking Jorlpufaell, Xiiranted "w second year of |>fi f»._ •:I Sir : James Power-^I |cnTt<anly ;»wa«elected lor oao whole ywir. i i ,' Aid. M. QuJnlaa-lVndj it , ;iras: : Mr.VValsrie'J rote docrt&d1 j x A i ) i, tlie tuns

I . Jv '¦¦! : ¦

' :¦ ¦


! ; : ' ¦ ' . : I . i !

loken—-the vote , ihe' was stcr& ¦ iw-r(laughter). . ' ¦[ ¦ . '¦¦ - ¦ i f :'¦ • : : ! !

Sir Jlmei '.Power (con-Unuin^-Jilntdnot when. I was elected the slighASstJ in-•teatioo' or hope of . a second year; imit'he members thought otiherwiso jnfcStd-ing Mr..' Wialeho, and tihey elected : rltuaaniniously for a second yoar. It' ptja*then my good fortune to horo th« honwajof . reocnvinip on : behlalf <xf. you and I ticcitizens oi W'atonford, the Kingj -uidQueen ; ! i IF :

A Voice—God help us. , '< ¦] iSir Jam«3 (coatinuing)—CTIhen wfc'e 1 3

was !asked to go forward foc i the tl irdyear 1 1 consented, and by; an. overwhtiliii*JJjg majority |I ras elected. • |

iSlayor—Theire was no emoh. thing ai inoverrwiielrrj ing; ijnajori.ty oca that ocdaj i )nat all. It was your humble servant iraocontested tlhe 'ohair with the. last ^pw ljeiron that oocartion( arid his majority |WaBtwo or three vxrtea—that i» not vejy ¦ cms}-wheLnxing^-Oaugh^or). [ f i

Se -eral Members—iPoJ i , poll. ! 1 IllVj(wii CDerk—(Beiforo toting a pca i I

will -ask the candddateo not to viote. j |\Ald. Young-nT will vote myself. ' ITown CQ«ri—-You can it you like. ' '(Mayor—It is illegal . , jIMT. HaoJcatt—U am not in tihe S- ume

poaition as AJdn>nman Young. I will no!'Vote for nxyBelf , evxm if it was to| wintlie M.-.vyoralty for me. ¦ ¦ 1

Aid. POWCT I irlll Mk AJder:nahYyur,<?, as his priypo&er, not -to vote fdrhimseJf. as it wilJ no eifeci t vehif he dooi. ' '

Aid. Yooru; doei.ded not to vote, 'And a poll «-a« then t<akej i, whior re-sulted as follows

For the arnendnjunt—lVld\aran«n: | SirJame& Powx; White, Mjiurico Quirilan,Farreit ; Couadillora: Gilligan, Mro3ray#lXiwijon , Murphy, Morris , Heoine, Doyle,Kenn,j\ ffiggins, P. Qtuirrlan, Bmith,Quigley, Rt^erald McDonnell. P<aideir,Grant, Cassin, Miiher . Grimes, Pcrjirelr-1-*A.

Agiinst the amendinent—(AMer menHeariie, Power ; CtounedllarB: Wlij ; she,Hyland, 0'Hanlt>n, Fitzpafcrick. ;rohnU'hiKJe , Maurice QuinJan , and tihe Moyor

Di<J n-»t vx>1«—uUderman Jamea C iuin-lan , I)r 0'Sull ivo.ii, Jli<ihard Will, ttlo,Aliahntfl Kiirw^in . Jamea Htuikott andAldennan Young.

Mayor—You have heanl the result olI'V pk.JJ. gentiemen , aixt now the <JUOB-tion aris&s . ha^ any other mejnb'J'r acandidate to propose as an amendment.

Nz Dawson—I aoi sure M>r Ha^kottwon't take it as pe-nsono] [rom me.i batI hav« a man in my mind whom. I tlhiakis onp of the moat suitable nueinbois oitins (.V>unctJ to fill the office of M'Jyar.H"LS conduct m tho past a« a memlHsr ojthe Counoii has. without any mannftr oidoubt ounrinoed the oitiiena of VViater-ixrd , that he w a iruxu suitlable man forthe [K.«itioa. He IB a man whom I .tjbinkwill a«V bo carj"i«l a»ay by any partyftvJi^s 111 truo Counci l , and gwoflnosskixiwii we have had »m>ugh of that kiind> ¦; thing hore 1 think it only lair for me1<> staU* tihat I have not even!al<vitihio. fiV'Qtlonran of my intention1 Lo'nomurate him for the Mayoral chair, butknowing, as I <fc > that he is a iruln ofhigh (j 'UalvfiiCation.H. I think that hv wouldtil U)« offioe with crrtfa t t»> himseif; and«-ith .ta.Mdfiacrtn-j -ii w ut —

MT Hearn«^- -What IK has name?ill. Daws<>n --1 am coming tv that, anti

1 will oonohide now by saying tiial 1have the ( posso-Ue ploasuio miji r./]>o.«.ing tlhat tVuncillocr P. W Kf'nnjbe e.looteil as Mayor of the (Xiff ojWajU-i^iird foi one whcJe year

J£d. M. Quinlan—'MJ Kenny w^ll nolbe a tool of Mr Dawsuns here. Ilf youth'itujj ht he had a parUeW ui a charto' oJb.Mng ele<ited y«u would not jxroposehun,

M.: . Da.rtion (vanrnfly l—Hvery miin inW UfvCo.n.1 kj iowv what Mr Kenny is.He ^s n<rt gtnng to be made a tiool of bpliny man. TV> uvj' mind , he is tlie cniryiiH-nit oT of tihis C<>u.nril wh.> is fit U> IK'Mayor , anil 1 nervor intended making aVOJ! <>f hun- -(Anp]auseV

Mr K^nny- -IW<-r* flki* thuig g>*:9 otwipcj) fuirOiiiT . i aj n ofcuirfin? up rutlieiU.-fon> ny I03IH- u. p :i'v,-j it atvyt<n« evenM-ooriddnt ' it. 1.' they W .MV f-> dhsp/xverf.1 have to flvarek M r i>;i;» wry imixxli{•>¦• tli<- v^ry Ingh tiio«iiLiuini> he ha^p^ias«".l on me I uia)' say rtiat th«r<; w m:n-.'-Julxir -.»f this rt>unr..l nio:>- .-furifKrttivdti ian 1 am tat m-y iianie should txj pro-P tveii uxtay. UT.-IU --*- I hiivo kept mry-soli ontireJy aliwf , as you kifcuw , IA > BJIparty fwJingi^ a* far a.- I t\>u3d. Dl \Ba go«. i thing that thw<; a.rv? two pat4i<>aii> this CouncaJ . beciausf l>y virtue of tli.jverry oppotii'.doti that they hold t<> oneanoHiex public feeling has be»?n aroused,and the maises oS the people hove at lost .I am glad to MI>\ been aroused \ti atj crtso of th<Si r>'spnriKill«lLUies. and t3i«result, of tho r>«»iut tj Ui^aonb have «h[>wnUiat. Tht-re is a vwr y ->td saying rtwv, 1thinlt tin1 onigination of it was Aj brahamLmo-Jn . whi-n tw W»A Presid«ii.t oi tfheUmiV-.d i?t,:i.u-- t»ut y it appl i«s u> manu»-

ipal f«>buii- her<> as it did to poIJtta* 111the Un-i tfxi 8IAU'.S. He said that iS «rUitt-a^y to tooJ 6>one •>( the pf»Tll<' all of(he t<an<\, an<i nil of tiho peoiple' »<JD«e ofliie tixru*, Uit y<-u can not fxx.l all of tSief>eop!o an th«- tirru>—(laughter). TBw-pe t iq>)f of Wtttv.'fopd . s.> far as my ex-K-riiOTC*'. of iimnioiixiil «v >rk if- poaotsmedhave been larg-''1y fooltid all the lime ,but 1 think uli«' turni ng p«;iiu rum l»»>ni«vuch«l now BJK I U 't us hopt' for ix'M^rt!run;;.s in Uif futun' 1 am tlMmklliuJ toeverybody vrti . 1 li.'ul it >"v«rj in thoir minethat 1 wvmld t»' i pnipej person fbr th<Mayoral chaiT— who erven gavv me athou;5ht 'in t>n».t oaparfitry. Iliury won'thave an opjKi rt um tiy ojf exjpirv tian},' ^1now. bix-au.e I rt-fute to allo-w my nam*ti be put forward. On Uie lart occaTjonF dad not vote for Mr Hackott . I w-i.1h-Bield my vo.1>e but I ha\T bov n cxusldlv-lnir Ifiy rKK^ition ->v> *r nirioe , and asJcvn^niys«U wl»'.Winr u man r<>pret*iitiiig uj iy•ward in the cnt\ 1* jnstiflfd on any o>iDa-n:K)n in w^iiihoUtin^ :n.« \MU>, and I havecom<- t« . th«- oi nw-l u -. <>n tihat he IH nt«t .The.rc ar- n .. two ()• >- "j wif that will lx'Aubj ni-tJt« <i to h; in U> >¦ Jcurctir* In.-* ju<i it-j iH 'iLt in w'bioh he cannot see some pwdfvxint in one i>«i tion crver and at»iv<'the ' ."th-T. ami •'ven \l the tw< > p> >9i tium«are suoh th at h<- oim*"J«Mitiiau$J(j;nv In* support t/ i any of thorn. y>4 Ittnruk that .¦vpnwn.tinj; thr citizfin * h«is bouii<l >>n all .wca^oiu^

t<» rocopcl hii;vvte and to rruavniisv the evil . Eiron dJie mnsndors thej e nr> t-w» position*there , botli ¦> ( wh ich an I > TO1 h< : isUiun>l to votr ^ >r the K^^IT i-vi l oj tilieV\vo He cannot do more < M KVSS tihan<h;U In future timre may b»' o»nt;njren-c;)* arusi' where <>v i'ii I waD witMioildmy v\>te. but I thini werjy merribor atttic (Jtyrporation u> txrand as a ral-i- U>rtyvwvt his vixi* Ilhe resrnairl^i wihii^hi Ihove just mad. ii'W do not apply U J flicpresent contest. I have known Mr tlae-kett now fur som<- consideirablc time. Wehave been looking at each orBliej tcr-vyithe rvKJin- for the past two or three y^are,sometimes rather iriendlily and wameJitlmesolherwiAe . bu< we liave Wn w-atlcilviiicoiw (mother all tO«j tutu;, and T thinkMr. ifaokeU it- a man worthy of ctae-'ssteel . He is a bit of a aVhter , ho h'dds\\is opinions strongly, and 1 Jiiive flj iaUydiwidiM} that he 10 rugged, honcut andpossibly boisterous on dome occasions, buthe is a thoroughly sound rejxrie&entiitiivewho means well. He- has a lot of figlifj ihgonAtiti et in him, but I believe he tpeanijhone.-.'tly , and is a tryer, and lhativtfhen!)<¦ in ttio dhatr he will 6U-ftprlae6<ome oi those who did not think ihjat hehad the oapaariry or training for tiheoff ice . Any man, if he has it in him. itwill came out. Tfiiuj tho case erf '.JohnBurno. He was put in one ot the rrichtstoffia?.? of th« Stale, having rise^ ¦ fnimtlie rank* of the wiork<\r3 and he is' aFurpri.=e to the nation . Put a irtin inoffice, and if it LK in him at all it will o>meout , nnd n'e will nee Mill at in in Mr.Hack'.tt. '

M.i>»r—Mow, gentlemen, i« thor« anyfurther ampndincntf '

ni>?r© being no respon&e, x , |THH: Jfiayox dcolaied M*. HacCccst|. j cflett

ed a» Mayor of Witerfcird t/xr the yoai1010, amidij . gioat applause. : i r ] - ;

1M1. Haokett—Mr. Ifoyw, and G-cpiUe-rnen, I Kare to rotum tihanJcB to you for©¦ecting mo as Mayor. It is brcaiuiiignew ({rx^und to-daj; by cJctrtinjf niei to tfhoMayoral ohair; it is brtciiing ocnr p rJ taioAin - ttrismaimcTt that it i& one b4 Hhewor3c«>r8 M-hlo has' been placed in. titiatvery ii?h j position. TJnior£u-rta6ely; aoroeof. th« Tneiober* of this Counicdl, sotrjc ofthem whojhold tjhe posifion ;ol Aldttrnnanat the pwent timo, havo gone thrtWljthe Utwii and said that it would bej ttl &&¦grace, to appoint' ft worrying '*nau» asMayor of tht» city. but ^I promise ithJaCouncil' and tihai Alderman jn'particalar,that F will^di-Jappoint hjg 'r>r6di'ctio™. Atanother timo I ni-ill" h^niq tfio gentjeminwho I*a6 gone, around saying. this,1 hoi Idefy Iwn here to-day to lay a. flnigei|r cmany dirgr'awftrl not tival James .Kacbeifever PoimrnKted. Thcee riven h'av© ^3i towork (or tieix wogea thcmsel'Vi(». as \HK21s« James ITaakctt, and when iti |naancshout that Hiey happeuod to be *

¦ JiUlemare luoty than lames HookerUj ,(lh*ysaid Hw ivarfcm*n rwa3 not Cl fdr ttKMHh JdrI am paying SOa. in tho £ na :«eU tiethese AJdennea, and I defy any mail, anW?iiorfoTo> to point hia fingw ito iricffa iliiEay "Pay mo lihai £1 or £3 y^i am



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mJ." I* that toe; ease with.!a lo* xnoj jof ihem? It say it is"jaoJ.':I win iw;ovc( ii-l\ au> ; yejy thaakJhii- to -Xh« 'OoauUil ,ti ifday—to;, those vHo ' ihoiight welj . ol put.,tdn^ me. into , the position, aad wh,enl : 0ooune to that chairi: I :-inll- proimjgi,. 'it ,Mi1. Kenny : said : i that ' whatweiWis I'; will come out, jlfar .:tihe tDsvn\iww &&•posed me I. have pb^anlmoiityj if ti£ I .didnot .see him 'three times al ithe 'Ooubluduring ; the yoar, and .1 tavbi Jam'ibim.hete only wfhen ! thja MayoriaMor W ' fflfe"Shhievaltj is in hands. 1; counih ia f tu 3one , of the opportunists who ia Wadtiigto j rush in. I have been talking to saneoi j his ' coj istituonte; lately, ; Ithty- aisfta dmei 'was' Aldonmatt' Young';~going • lorMayor. I said yes., j and they; aaid, I' .Me-ought to- go Uria ;year and geUit,' iotlljews-M hardly- ev«r 'bwve a. chantee again j"¦Klwud laugihter); In obniolusion, I miuB,tgratefully return; thanks to : IXr..i WhoioanU Sir Ja-mea A. P«(wcr fox lie ablenSh*nor in which they proposed 4nd'B6c«>nd<&"»« . ¦;. <¦

' .

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Md. Young—As the beaten dari&dfttieI have a few word* to &ay.; Ii;iurppo^^it is no disgrao* to be faeatan for th«Mlaryortalty •¦ : ! .;• j r i - i i ' • :|

itr. Hackett—uAjddress the chair, pl^^land not me. ; . ' " , I ;

Aild, Young (contmujng)—(I am dioj ingso. I vranit to state riowj dp rather; i»maie the public ujjderaitand; tliait I lainnot the Alds-rman wihoim- j fou; referred-l^as having gone around the trawn : stoiiigthat a workman would not be fit for j tofaetfhair; I am not the one you alhtded tfe?

Mir. Ha«kiett—Enipihat'iiQalilry, not. IMd . Youngs—!l ' know1 poedtiwej liy tih'at| I

wmild not be elected here to-day, but] Iwanted to test itlhe Binoedty af a fewpejople wihom I !belie<vied ..mcro dosofrieodu od mine. I have hlad a!tosi aafe«now*. I know the result, anxi I iun pte.pared to toke H.' IJ am noti a bit difiap-p-rinted, but witb re&Ksnoe :to the'aarpsir*aiona which wore torown, on- tie*; preseiiioccupier of th«: chair by soxne <rf tiheg&ntlemen who spoke, I Uiink ho con'-diadted th(? busineGS very 'iweJl. dtarifagtilils t)wo yeairs he decupaed .th* cJiato —L-

flila.ylo.T— Jiuat Jioiri a fflkwaeinrt;-- pfleas©;there wias nxy.lhing &add so far ¦ as I ainconcerned, and I will oek . you or anyother member not to mention mry j iameia coniuaotlion with this contest. i

Add. Youiig—I have vary littde more'Itosny . I thank those who voted for me ,and those who did- not vote far me-, andI was qui4e preipared tor the resulKi—flieiar. h«ai). '

BELEOTlIDiN OF HIGH SHERIFF.Mayar—G«ntlemen, tlie nest nuaiiWHs

OQ the agenda is tb nomiirxate thmee pt-ir-tons for the office utf High Shexifl. ;

Aid. M . Quinlan—J have great pleasore:n proposing the ffaanea of tihree geniile-inen for the ajccopjtance of tfhe OoTinaiJ.T3iey ar©—Messrs.' Motitiraw OaSfcin, \V.J. Smiith and Edward Munphy. I

Dr Mojiris—(Mr. Mayor and Q>eatile-me-ji , 1 have niuclh ploaaure in aeaoid-ing Uie reeojuti-cin proposed by AldenmjanQuiinJan . In doing so, I may state tfhiat Ihave k-nuwn tho geatlamaa whose niim«i-t first on tlie list for a cousidiejralblenumber ol yvara, and diuting- 'tihat WineI have always found him an upright alndhonourable memlber of this Oonxncil: I/ia.i> no dauibt that if elodted to tihis b4g!h.>ffice ho WTrill oarry out the duties w}.thfer exlit to himseJif and the. citiy,. ;

MT . Kirwan—I l)a,w great pleasure|inp(rop«>sing aa ah 'nmeiidaKai't* tlhat| tjhename of Oouricilloc Maurioe Quml'ah i beput firest on the lirt , and1 t arm sure hewill nlake a good Sheriff.

Aid. Young—I have great pfleasrttrel inrieoouding that. "Dhe reason I have 101doing so ia, that itirequires a litUe Kno/w-ledge to be Sh«rifl, and his brofchea: hasbeen Sherriff , and !b.e:has.carried ouf theAities for tie paut triMeiv*' months ]wiU]crcdilt to the- cdty.

Town Olerli—You havo not pnonoscdthrve muneti, Mr Kirwan. I !

Mir. Kraran—<Let the other trwo frtaj id^Inii substritute Mr. Quinlan'»i niam<) lot

M r fXiswj i V as first on tiho list.A poll iras tlhen taken, wlhen tih&re

votedFor tlie amendment—L\Jo>unmeii Youtig.

Hftarne , Power and Jaiaes Quiijl iui ,Councillors Walsh, Hyland. O''Hlanli>n,Damon 0"9ulli vaj i , F^tzpatridt , Gx«int,Quiglej- . Kirnvin, John Wiittie . MauriceQuirUan . Richard Whittle . Jamcfc Pori-ej -a.ii.l the Mayor—18.} ¦'••: th>: original mtytionv-v\JI<liennen SirJain*** IW:. Wh-ite , Maurice Quinlan.aii<l Karr<JJ . Councillors Grilji gan , Mjurrni> . Murphy ., .Morris , Hcarne , DojrJr ,Kviuvy . ILiggins,; P. Quinlan, SrnjjthFitz^'rald, MkJDoniieJl. Peiulor; Haokott,C."Ks>vj i., Mailer and Grimes—81,. j

Thr amen<Inierit , was devJared lost, andMr Casiin's name iwilj fiheirefore bepliicexl first on tile liet af t2ioee to bertiibmitted to the Lord Lieutenant

Mr. Uasiiu—1 suji>pc-«e it devolves up<>nnw now to return ithanka to the COUDCQ I& IT ruiving nominated me for ch* ptvsi-Uon of Hj gh Slierj iff. Th«rx; has been u;w i-f sTx-eid) maWin^ UP to tibi^

and I

.lou t inland malfiir.g a speech , buj I•hani the genttamJen who naive prop>»cdand seconded me, Wt .flret orf all I thankthe people of tfhej We&t Ward for elect-ing me and putting ni« in a posntion, tobe nonimated. If I am selected by th«Lord Lieutenant to fill tiho office , I iiann scni rr you tihat when mry time comes tohand up the chann , the people of Wat -f«. '<) will have no ^ause

to regr-ot havingA ticu<l eitmir mr or the njaa who is goingui tin the ofEco- of Mlaynr. Wo an- .bothrff»r»-s<j utatnv<.v af, the W«:; Ward andwonkrnen I Uiink 'KV hsive both dono.6urshare of the work on thw Couno:!, flj itlI am .<ure tho citizens will bave ! nocause tw" be aislijmied of eit3i<ir of usii

CMJ . M Quiniani aw the defeated ' can-didate, for the Shrievalty, said—I bejj ; tothank th'a?o w'ho voted for me, to-day;- Ib.Jiciw m my heart and soul that noman <«!> ac-hiovt- anything walhout flrvrt.Pj ucir xjr dtrfeat , and' that has b*«-n my lotu.-<Uy 1 h/xpo that Mr. Oassin will havea very enjoyable y<iar 'B office—{hear .hear)—and I hope also that during lii^yeat 0! oflice he , wi)J not have to per-form tlhat very unWeasant duty of hang-ing anytxudy—VempSause and laughter);

fflj I'XTTXON OiF CmiM ITCHES.Tho GouncSl then prooeedtid to ej eci

liie various Oonunittens for. the ensuinpyear

On the proposition of Mr. Walsllieseoarnxtad by Mr. M. Quu nJajx, Addesnj iariRi<-Jiaird Hearne ^.P., was uj ianimoijslyre-eJectad Park Ranger.

FLNAuVQE AMD LAW OOimm^-Miayor—•! would suggest, gpntleimioin,

tilnat the inoomntg memiben* take itheprace of the outgoing 'meira.'bdr& on |Ui«Conunitteee, diat ia the usual austoin .1

The Town Clerk xoad out the namesof the old Finance and Law Committedas follows: n

The Mayo! (Ex-()fl.) . Aldejunen Mj au-nce Quinlan , Sir James A. Powex, 3JP ;JoeHph T. White (Dr.); Uichard He&rue,I P , William R. Ward, I.P; Mitithow) E.Young Andrew Farrell; Counoililors: A.Nelrton '. D.L.. J ,P; s Daimd MottDonald,J.P , Jx>ho Hi^ins, Miaharf Rir.wan, J.J O'Sullivsju (Dr) Micihiael MWDonnlaliLPeter M. Doyle, William A. Mtoraayi M..T. MMTirtWv J.P -. .tohn J. Roaera. Batik.W. JCenny, J.P; Michael F. Quigloy, D.O'Handon, Itkihard Grant. 11 | ' I

Add. M. Quin3an>~I havo , & Flinuneeand Law Committee to nropose], wjhidhI hope will meet I with tho appixxvaj odtih« Council. It if a|s follows:-r- I I

MJayoT (ex-o0.); AJdcnmen ; ' MkrisiccQulflfan Sir Jome-a A. 3W«ir, JJI*.;Joooph, T. White (Dr.) ; McihtiTd Heirae,J.P.; W. R. Ward, J JP.; AmrJiem- Far-re4) . CJouncdllore. : \ P. GUliiglan , Or.Mlorm, John Higgins. Midhaol: Kdri,viuCJ J. O'SuH iivan ! (I>r.); Sfidhjael fltc.Donnell, P. M J Doylo W.1 Al ' MJB <rb<y,W. J. Smtth, P. W. Kenny, TX . \ 1 1'.Qaigloy, D. O'Hai>lon , Riohard Grai' i.! '

IMayor—You have hoard . Oie nai tt»t«ad out, peaitlemen, lahd ^bedioire 1 mtthe propoBitkxnMf mwhit Wkj a \i ile,pxir'eonal on my- port- but .it ' ip!, act j -er-sonal—I leave it to the menibera' af tihe.Council to sayihohv it is ' thit I elioildtic pnociioslry thoionfy AJMe^xfuw vj h»onaine, baa been . ej imauatod > tfxon> { : JheJitrance and If txri. Coinjndtieo. ! Hi i tttnoat ' extraordinary .thing,1 ' Uharc' H ive.6oon 21 mee!tens»{ of ^ thij' J Gatnmi" W«jhaid during the pistj t f&re ' mbtttho nxniI ' 'AttendaJ -eishaeen moctingB out , otftho 31. One ol thej ¦ Aldchtnoni -"teblxnt:mended for j deselection : j maw . onlyattended ono : nwatirig and 1 in) !the c ueeoi another AJdcnman, who! id | 'proposedfor re-clcciaon,; he wtaa; preseat at :ta*o.q^ee.tin^i5. Now, j goatlenien, tell ¦! mowhe-re, the-.justice ,a>mefl N in. "Qieie, oaf 1 Uit ooasistent? ; I have no ambW/ioniWiiat-01 ta 1 to be oh thfi Finance! and j th.wCommittee, I have ', given my I time . ndsenvnoea in Ufa inrUireata oi [the pea H&,And 1 am yeiy proud thai;: it bis tnr iedout here tc-daythii theio ia not a "mtmAJdcrtnan on tho iCommibttej who 'amehow mow attendances i&ipn 11 oahJ . Iioat wUh to" dr&ir !oU«ntiorA, v>i that let.'i AJd. M. Quinlanj-il propel tlie CVan-

trUttop nnd I Uiini tj )«jt« ¦ {« )3Ji |«xjylk »a-li<m duo to you; llr1. lie&or. !- ;8 mfe untno di&wwrtcey to you whiteynrt It :vtnbo within your i recollection Utat wi^ iintihe last lwt> yeans ytn> hjv7e; ibeeti: Aitoibcx oi the' Oammttteoi;; (Pr^ndoiis to

¦i ' L ' ' . ' i <i\ \ I I i . I ¦ .i

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.Hue iim4:yoo! wfcro tl&cAed aa <M: <3(ypB:j w.w'ore , -dta.'! the"; Btreet Ocim^att|te»,- qnA* as9'iiu|»t«i 'mratf«. 'ibv'i4aiia!ali.'ftteTO on; ttw',Stjr^ti'Oomnxrt4«o and l o b ' t h e :'iFiniartoej g&iteoiltee.- ¦'¦ I '¦• :,. '¦ j ! i :[ '' ' i ' ; ¦¦;.' - - . j:' "i :-; .¦¦.ntfr. iKifeanryr-i.'Vyfiyi not fi i ( . ; . < ,• ;' i *• • '- 'J sad. I Quindan—Mr; jFecly • M S not', ; litta^tbeeai done over andljryye

^ again,: ¦ 1

( IjMj r; iKfenny-Hfrt has ibx a! puirpoue. iXouciml flficve on Finance i esid Street 0an>adMee^iln,-.apltej oil: M»» -HFeeiljy'e-! 'pp-plfleaiMoaji - " :¦'• ! ' | ¦'¦ I ¦ ( ,!¦ ! ¦:. ¦

l lTown ( Olerk—Ctt is wKf UmT I opposij iion.' lAUdBrihian" • Quinianl-jYiOlU |; have i saidtff et and over again' thai Jo . : memlbercoruJd .not be on tiwx> :C6)Diiii)Mit<i0B. j 1

" !rIVi>wp:;Cle(rk^-iI have paid feit there iaairesoj ltititon on tlie bojodis to1 that effect.

j IrMx. I Kenny—fflhere : ia| -no I liesoluiiion';dij i^ a W» oi Mr, F«aj>'».' j ; . : . ,1 ¦, :

i:n*«wii l ijtteri£7-tlt ia. i not-.1 ¦ . . ¦•! •I tM^r.; IKinwan iaocved l and &b. i M.

Quinlan: seconded ,thaj : SlhS MiayoVBitameibia added to the Halt oi thos«ipro-jJOBedj by Aid.-' Quinlan. 1. i j : : : I . - ! i

1 :3ir.) Kenny ; eaid ;that]there- . wto' ; no¦limit : to the hurober ih!at; ;oo.uld ^o onitih'e;;'Committee and ,]he>-|thoug!ht that in"¦irder :-tj ) exrpedtte mattcia |thery ouglhi^o add'jtihe names of! any momlbers- wiho,ifrj shBd .'to serv« on lti ;. > \ . t]

: ; ' . ! ''i' -.' Aid. ! Qainilan—Jt ! j -ras 'fehe tSartiiestihihg from my mindj toj ^lie. the :'4'ajrorSff i tihe' Ooiinanlttee, but j having the in-fj rination froik lir;|F|C-eJy!.during! theiiisi ten or twelve yearri that I have:beenhere that' no member ; caudd seirve ontvotih the Mnanoe and Street CommitteesI took ji t that ,the Mejy^f would be- ion.tihej Street Commitwti aa !hereto!orel TheMiayor [wdll tell you! I that Jie -wai .re-peatedly told ho could ;nbt go pn[ theFij iaiwie Conunittee i when 5le> was, orithq Street'¦Commitrleeii t II- h'aivei -no.vob^jecJaon I to him boin^^ o ilh^! Comandite*,but thq, roaspn I obj^ctci to leoirie of thenreimbej s is that Ironi'time!to tinie-^asIt jwiaa in the case.¦ |of .Mr/ Focly beSngteisponj ible oivcr, tihe heads ol the' ,Jlin'ijinca ' uoirnndttee -wbipsl have been ©eatout by i ihe. :fir«men;j *rid ' coira to bringLbosc in«nhe-rs toi :thc> I nieej tdntj .wihfinthere, wiaa a jmajortty , wantiiff.

Aid . J>ow«r4-iLe.t|i the fwflii p bo whet itas, thefe were some 'memibera wiho didnot repily to the whip.' 'j . ! :

Add.* Qninlanr—I gavt mi , a spiecdficinateaiW! af where. thoV Idid atitend to the.whip by oar and foot. I

Aid. PoTTer—I think 'it i& an anttm!a3j'to put these mejribeifa on who neverattended. i I

(MT . HacJcettr-You! did not UrinK UhaJt«wmo time ago. I was, a mermiber oi the\Kyiuim Committee.; iwlho iattended itihemeefcinga thexe regularly, and ywi hadno coirepninotwn in ^putting m* ,of t itwhen you hlad a raajordty.

Aid. Power—J know what I ain saydifg>ind yoa should not .fiKJ shots at mp tlhiatway, because they axe. blank shots. ;

fi£r . M. QuJnUn-rff notice that t Mr.Wtafla/he , the sendor member olf the TowerWiard, who is taking tlie pJace af JCoruj'oillox Nelson, is not;on uilvat liet, igxdfGiliigori is on in&Wd.j I al^.itCr.;™Alderman Young w *fp^V»d ^Xthey say Uhia is not ajpaift*~ . ^M dT% Quinlan-Uidnf^J™.*11'it was a party matter P>5 at

^ftthe A«ylum Commit fe w^

Mayor—The only l/liftn11 hln_ ...n Tvi8 v df - fc I have taken hia ex^u v *V , ¦ uthe Street Committee, afe Crmmhthere is any^ ^.ther , geptft?/*™*thin« to propose,now, we sKj it ^ i'v iuU> hear him. , ^


Aild. Power—With your permission,M!r. Mwyox, I' will clall attention to orfofa»t. Hhere ia a m«iiribor. h<rfo wiho nevertttj tended and ' yet h,e ii proposed for re-Edootiiion . ' I think:that : :& not the properthing to do. , : ' !

Aid. Qi»niait-fHhU Is JMr. QuigDey,and he ha3 been ' ill tor -five or sixmonths. ; j

Aid. Potwejr-«Five.ior isix monitlhs wontconstitute tm-oHie, and he huts nwerattended for the tvyelvt * months.

Aid. Quinlan Bflid lie had added theMayor's naime t» the liist of those he hadalready proposed. ¦

Aid. Power—Has AJdermian Young1*name been added? , 1

j \Jd. Quintan—iNo. .Aid. Power—Th«r( I i prapo?« that his

name be added instead of Mr . Qui^ley'*.¦MJ . Kenny—Js ^lr'. iQudjlcry saticfled ?M.r Quig'loy—il ain peinj adtj iy satosifled.Mr . Haokcft-tr—Wo will have a Doll on

j t. 1Aid. Quinlan—fl lav^i sfen AWeitmon

Power put on men Who did not attend1,bj it wh»> vot«d for lint , and that is , theroiV>n we 'are-ptlting? Mr. Qixigley 'onto-day . i

Aid. Power'c ame^idirient,. to subttitAitethe name-ol Alderarrao Young fox Mr.Quigley was then puti to the poll andpassed by 18 to 117,! wh ich were thenurrtbeif announced byl th<' Town CQork.

AJd. Quinlan—il iay lit is 17 to 17.Town Clerk—(Mr. Hij gini nMies it 18

tj 17 and so do I. j,Mtvy»r—^1 will take no count but the

official one, and I declare the amendmentcarried. ' I I

Councillor Mauriie Quinlan propoMd-,as a further amendjnerit , and CouncillorRichard Whittle sedandted that CouncillorWalshe's name be idd^d to the Financeand'Law Comsnitteo. I

A poll wart tnken1, when there voted ,fo- the 'amendment 19' ; atrainst 20. Th<am»Mid.nven.t was declared lo<?.t .

Mr W. P. M'ahet pbpoaed. and Aid.iPowor seconded, thijitj Mr. Oassin'e nameher add<jd. Passed unantmontf ly .' Mt. Cassin proposed, and Aldeirtmian

PoHrer seconded, Jihat, Mr. Maherfe Bam*be addod. Po^^d uhanrimouslry.

O>uncillors M'aunce j Qyinlan ,and 0.Dawson; were addedi to j the list (i:s<>.i ano;¦ Aid. M. Qninlan'sj original proposition,with the adaitiomal ! naines given aibove,havinjr boon seconded !by AMurcntan A.FarreH , was passed; !


AJd Dr . White pjroppwd thlat the fol-lowing members folmlj the Street Com-njil.tee: ' ,

Mnjjvj r (Ex-nfO ; Alder-men . Rddi'-airdPu»-w , J.P; Thontas |Whit11e.; Council-lors : David HjiLatj d. I Bd.1 M'UPpTa-y, P.Grimes .John H<:ameJ -Janjes- Pender, J.Power, M. Casein, T. FttzgeAiJd. Maurice.Quinlan, W.i P.: Maher, Patrick, Quin-]in , RScjvaJd Whittle.! I - , : J

: IMT . Haclsett seeoid-e^.the; prbpukitiion.i iMr. Hyfland—I hprcpose itihat Mr.Walshe'B na.traj be iqdW to that, ! as heL * not 1 on the 'Finq.nb(J Committee. ! !

Mr. !Pateic4: 'Quiril'anj -rl ¦ propo&S Waibe 'be not put on tlh* Sweet Ccttoanilte*.

Mt. .Walah^-iBefo^ .t-puf tUe Ooiunoilto any Ifudher delay i l l-1 iwi-tlhdiivw mynmme. W is rithcr a irelief t6 me tt>! be- off<ihni Comindtt(M?s Ifh'nn ¦ otherwiiee. Ofcourse, as waa poirallwl out, X am re-placing the senior theniber in the TowerWard - ' H : | '. Mr. P. Quinlan-Wt'tras ; a mere ana.-dent tihat yo-u w«xe! Returned at all.

MT. O'HarJonr-lj-wiH ask AldcrrounQ&iilan to allow MT. Walihe'e naanc tobo mt on without [any opposition. •

AIdo,Quinlan—N ,b; i I oppose it.(A poll was.1 Ukenlj ttf en. .tihere TOtcd1—

'.For addin?, • Mx. I Walshe's- noma, 17;against; ID. | ¦ ' I | i „ ' ¦ ¦- ¦ ; .i (Ml. iWaklhe'a nafnq *-as ! thereiore notladkkid. - I ¦ ! ' I : ' ; I ' ' i ' '

Ale. Da^-so'n (addreasihg the ahttonlari)Hfa Mr. SmiUi'e rfcuncj on.; that I; Md. Quinlan—tffy dedlines to go ¦, on it.i ijlt. I Dawstm—I ttrhiivWt osWrrg you atWl; J iam iistonK fife iCiyoT. : j : "I &ir. : Wohaid WJiiMlft: jtwarailyHLj Aid.Qiiirilah going to bbfis rlhoieSioiw .hero?p k at hT - A iqnoStnn1 1 Ua j been potj ;toVh»- Miiyor and no!otihx?r nKsnbeT >!J\of»il*firWe'r' it 'iSie queislldMl l has becn'i aSked;£-1* Mr/ Smith'ft nfainf 1 oti 1 the .lj*t fbrittie- B^cet Committee,, and I sayj it ia

^M T, jpavraan-iHaye j m withdba^, ]Mx,

fw r.'l W*i--l'Yci ii $ ^W ; n^>0BKib3y] i$M [Wilk th« • EWanie «infl' thp ; Btirdet

kxkiicM i^ 'm b* thota-except, ¦WBW t*|<re

F i; je4tricit ¦ l[ f ni^pSJjyni !•«»•"»|Hi«8»tjj<jybcjr yaareoW, Uian I ;«"_>, ' *«*•}WSM - V;J:;- .- ! ! i \ |r 1 1 ' - . - ' [ ¦ ' ¦ '¦

T :'tios6r—& ',<m very *6lwy|U>Wi «v!sh ,»nkxpittiW a* jobbo ? s!lliauffli i)ei.u*«*J!pyKil)«*:Mww".Ele«A;- iaqdlj< *<xel allyi : to; avery- re6oe<dUii>Le andi, TionouraWe] TnMn>

oldesti moniows m\ tfi« iwiijwra«»i ,ruo3»1oTJe 0* the Old.jBrii ide,: and a. moetteetoc^BWe inan; atu*\ l

em veiy: *oxryithaV»ncih. a)ri topwissiion Blwiuld' be ttcod:lo.vreiT* - him,. %f - *6fll* . abk'. tpouacdJloT.Hidketil to--.m*hd«wr.!!:: •'. ' |i .'

¦¦ -' ¦' • .'!•.:¦; Mr; Hsasketf—indeed I ««U do nb sxaAiitem 1 ¦¦ ¦! ¦

: [j F i j i ; rV '-iL'it- '-: A ' v«iBal v»to.wn«4.tiBen as. to ujheUie*.m. fdtopalttiS ahWild be adttett to awConmilttoe or not,! and the. Minyw de-

:: 0>.,' Wihdt^fl- moUon ' wtu ' then > de- fn^eaj t to iot i&BW^osn} deelgns.l . - -vESAc-lared: :;oanried, M»J iP. tzpitof oM name mafteiii free.HffiVaJtW JWOSBJI -«ad 9toi«bWpg:be«n|added, l;- ;:^:.. ; i :|: ¦;]¦ ; BamnBtpm i , Bt«ta().j TfatedMT. ™

' ; |. ' i ' ^ . ' - : < - , 1 -: if ' ;' . :i ¦ ¦ I- j r . ' : - ! ¦' ¦¦ ; ¦ . ;: ' f I ¦ : ; .


¦ '!;¦¦; ' ' • ; ' .¦ ¦.• J • ' •¦

;' yi .'IK :¦ |: ( - ;:i . - . . ' i ! f : : ;. ' ! ¦ ¦

¦'¥ !¦

¦ ¦¦:¦; !¦ ¦i '-- W : -f ::i : - : f :- i - . pj

:i iiH:;;?i: ¦¦ :;!!!!: S fXb^ m.f lm- W<mttM

Mmf -; fi ¦- ¦ ¦WM

¦.¦!&,] <&:WospbiT, P» l vSld;M?;Jr '. :; -;.l:i"].n s " :! :: !-i^'- '.'-4 ;;'' r '^ - ^ :; :; :

•Mf-: MaDoniellf, PJ ; Crrimes, ¦ B - Mwiplhy '» . W ' j ¦ t :J \li'^%2^lAJi 2.* Wt intp ?

James^ 'lfockett/ ^' 8^? ;-• ' \' " QUCSflOll pf PaW06»W DmOT3:

'¦ Mr. :Hylanlrljaadd; ifae mattoadii>&tl -haa .! ; > ! - ,j . , ; i io-iiJit^tW'- : " ' .ii ¦.' ¦ '" 'i¦pnarh« !had. - b4ni:k oicft:edi'oiitlhe:0oni(i j 1.N j SnWtlHJieS.t ii :; - - '¦ \\.'mitfte«i :.'and he wouWH like; v> asi i thf |" \i :, ! '; ' : • ; J ¦• ¦ \ \\. \ - I j i .- *, :- -" -! :•Mayo* i how1 nianry kiae*tiiiga . he hnd i . | l j : ¦ i | . ; ¦

-; '¦ ¦• ' . i - l !| .-; ¦ '-¦":tende4:duLMiie;tihop<ifit>^ei^e inWi!tJha. [ li™ !. - vw; : meetingi^«di<ll>e I a'bwe'tendea <luiring ;Kio p?fit wreuve moDTina. ; . »™J. Weiklff. meeting..\ ta- \ me : arxxve-

Mj amxr-jYou aifend, . 6, . loo*;otf 11 '^J^ iaa Seld pn|IWeaal^daarJ. .Mr, ^ ;I>.:oneelaii*. ; • ¦ ) • ;• : . : ' ( ' ,v: , ¦ ¦ ¦: {: -! iHytaod/ T.C;,' Cliairtman,; pr^sWiny, Band1

Mrr.:i?. Quifden-II wld fike to|ask; . ?^:; inemberi jpireaeat iw«rej-ffitos.;Mr. -Feel^ vrto ini nied; him that! Mr. , l ^ir^ssirB.: P. .W. Kenny 12..IB;Hyiland:is Vi«-Ohairaian of Jihe Wfatei-: , pSbfertf iWkftb, BaUindud; G*o'.| »ishgpy¦wo.-kfliCornmE'tJtee.1 Ij 6«e he ii puf , down, Cathedml:i Buoare; j Jl ;J.: |!poee*», Vso»\as.-th "©. VaoefShaimwai «n jbe agenda; Q^^-.J Nii&olae Pheto,1- B^dBistoe;.P3^iii Cqerki-rraj aj t li s a miatiake. ' ] { ¦

^ar^^ n'M^eryi'.Wk ^llJ^n-¦ Mr.iiQmnlEan^Tfou are veiy fondj of ; ri lia'ipJ Moloney; A^tetaai Otedte;nraktog: mjatak«e. Tlbere, are ppople:dlowii' jr^^a.A : Mastflr; v2.'- BtoWo; a«rk-¦here as - attendinglmeetings [iwho neyeri OJ 'jw3rks:-T Di&.' Fordi' ;«n4' i Jaotanani'attended at all:: You! put llw down:,toi jJ^SOfiUra;-K^ierrii«jpfflx>S , IWta-suit y»ureeUt. p ¦: I • . ¦! i ; !i • ' ¦! ' \ , j itewTlHealy. •Kenjiedy'>:w4k(h»'iiDx)!yile'thS S.te.M .fe aad,fe.w^m;a« d ij

,.prepared it. ." ¦,' : |_ i1 . _ I' -; ; i ' .j : :J. ,|: : ¦ SEATE.. OP- - HHE ;B»DfiE.j . _ : ; ;

; .'

VkH^ahaii'mah, ! and i ' yo^^iaivc : M^ 1 'fpheJiwire in^e^rti^last S^wrrrlriand oW! here!. • \ -i , I . J ^ d$ night S pereciu^lW, 42i j*».«!«>• Mr ' ; Hrylahd—Thlat might be due to * that day itm-elve mon-Uis;! admitted d«r-clcrical 4«orHlaitt«pitir). j ¦' ¦' ' I ing|-ffi^ n^ W. ipewoiiavi^gortj flj :««*•.

M^Higy:tCy i a l a ^ priikerU kt>k clSrgil fl^died «5 -<«t


Mr,:- Maurioe Qu5nlan-tAs 1 an amend- eonsuijod! J during! tb*1 ; M$&j. *Pb*£.•nenft .fi beg to' proi«>se; thai the oldj ICom- ifeainit ilW i<»

^' 'Jf'P^^JJSior^rndttee bo reieleoted Witt -the eufetitri- ofk S \ i cc»t !ol SoutrJoflr:.reH«f i*i :iiiuuuDo ™ »v _ •> , j . _, . . . , . , . J I ": i_ _i, pen Hi- pa iKrainat- 1W8Son of Mr, Kenny add , Mr.! Wouaie m-ste-ad!;(>I t/he two members, wne out, Mr.Xebocn' and 4lr. Ward. . j. • • ! ; I -

". 'Alii M.jQuJnlan )-<Piit the'Tjamtes sepex-* ilSrl -Konniyi-Yei; -Ii\taunfc|tittlaA shouldbs danei, betaiuse sorrne irtMr,b>£ir4! vto°would like to vole fbr hini mighit m>toare to Vote for , nie atnd vnoe versa;. ' ¦¦

Jt, ¦vpas urtiviiiimopdy^iagreed to add .Mir.Kenny's name to'lihe Cornxnlttee. :| - ' ;'¦'

IMTV Mi. .Qudnlati then proposed thftthe n'am«B of Aldennan Jiones Qiiinlanand- MT; E. Walai© be addcd. j; :

TOiis waa dafeaied . :by 21 votes ¦ to lo-'And the origundl motion vas deplaTod

carried, Mr. Ken^iy'-s naTne b'aving! .been'added;. ¦ ! . : ; .

PUBMC K&VLTH; COMMiHriEE.¦Mx. Cassin' proposed^ and Mr. ;Doyle

eeooniied, and it was passed JinandmouE-'liy:ttiat the folloiwi'tig memibtirs form thePulblio Health Committee :

¦Miayor ' (Ex-off.) ; Aldernreh: Sar Jba.A. Power, J.P; Richard Ponver. JJ*; JiT. Wihite (Dr[) ; Th'onias Wliittle:. Conn-ccillors: J. J.i O'SuDliyan (Dr.); ThwriaaFitegeruJd, W. J. Srmth, Dr. Morris, J;Heffrne. P. GdiliganJ M. OisSin, i |TaimesT -wer P. M. Doyle - Maurice Quinlaln,

rici Quinlan,, Philip Grames, P. W.^y . J-P ; Onren Dawson, M. F. QuJx-¦)avid O'JJanlon,, W. P. Maheir, B;

X . : i i I - . , •YflJREE LTpRJVIlY CaMD|fJIT,TEE.

lertiter vrste read --from 'Mr. Morrin,leitary to the . aboive Coromittet!, say-

, ahat hia Committee de.4red the Ooun-j . to re-eleci i the citizensjith .-thc addition of Mr. N^Lson. ,'

Mr. P, M. Doyle proposied tlhat theJomimittee be • toimsd a» ICOCJLOV^-3—TTiheJ^I'aybr (Ex^>ff) ; AJdcirmen

: Heiafue, R.Pow-ex, Sir Jumea Pcwer, A.i Flarrell, andDr. 'White; Councillors: W. J. i Smith,iDr. iMoxris, .J. Hearne, Dr. OTSnllivtan,P. W. Kenny, and M. MMDonniH; re-ore&entative ' citizens : KeyJ . Thoirias ;F;Furlona, Aidlm'; j Robert ¦ MlcOiirdry,! Jarne^j; Plhelan, Ridhard Doyle, Rev. ThomasModeler ,. Rev. W. B. O'iDonnell; PJP ;Very Rev. Dean;Hackcitt. D/D ; Rtev. iR.J. Macartney. MlA ; Rew. K. Little ThePresident l\rad«s Club, and A. Nelson,DSL., J.P. I

GIT. M. QuirJan proposed ' tlilft tiheM'ayor'ft ntaie be added. I

¦Mr. Doyle said he (h.ought the Miiyor'enamie was on. He had much pflc-aisure inaoVdixi it. !

Alt. iDoyle'6 pjoposition iwas thenpna&ed unanimously.. , '

I THELiTTRfe D6MMtnTr.EE .Mr. P. QuinTan asked how maniy meet-

ings] of this Camrmittee wece summonedd-uring the year.

ToW n Clerk—I don 't thinki l suxnjEoncdany one at all .'Mi. P. Qudnlan—T?V>u ha<3 a right to.

There were , ti!)ing> . ./pr€*c4ited in the*¦theat:e Wiat had no right ti> be. , ' ]

Mt. Maurice Quinlan-Mls; it &}>eakicgon the moTal quesriion you axe? j

(Mr. P. QuinJan—No, but these were,peorfe gulled \ there by parying irJohcgr tosee boxing nmtiches. . '

Hit. DawBon—I think Mr, Quinlan isri^hi , tliat the&e, £a4ed fights ouglht t-|>tx- pjut a stop: to^-anld in f&tft all ftgil;lt«i.

Mr. P. Quinlan—Thait id what thtytire---ftikod ftehtj , and Uhe pubitc acegulled. : ; ¦ . :

M r. Hy^tind—il propose tfeit tj ie oldCommittee be re-elected.

Aid. Powex-rtI ieeiond that. ;Mr. P. Quinlan proposed that tihe fol-

loriw Committee be elected;, and then 'U-" X ' 'T. ' T'' T ' H - 'thejl w-ould . set a to Shwr fcf theSi. ;™£jSm *i«ik prbvaHb heaL>ng ar-monty VA The Mayor (Ex-o«.); Alder- i ^e rf axX &&&&$& i ¦ .men} Farren and Dr._Wli:t^: Oiuakdlor* ; j j ,jfrT j Wdlah .This man was - anxttms fioMurray. O'Sttlbvtin , John Hearae, P

^M [f a

la-1 sanatoriam^ash't! be?. 'DoyJc, M-uxphy, Caajwi. Smith; Mjc- TOlSls-HY*©.'He anade k])plica. n hew•Don'K-J-1 and Kenny. , n !' to befisettt i tto-a'aanaBokmfi. ^Heretofore|MJ . Doyle—I second thai. proposition «« tiawellpaSdi lsj .aldiiy forj: tWe «naiin-j

and m docng so. I would like t(^£dry:ii temaiWciof patiente in.1 «' aantortoTOom id[ew worffs. It , appears this Corininate^ tie Co). WjoHow.-r l made lu tipplicatrodhas nerver been palled, altHon»h' it ^

t» other! day. in coniiexstW .with, tixioa very important Ctmaiittee. The con- ^San land I floif a!:lefeor 'frW'^Jho Secrc-iitrol \oi that Tjieatre is lea in th<j ;hanKajof ooe man, and i the TheaUe Cornnriitteeshould be opnsulited. I. think, it je- yourduty as M/ayoir td see that sV is cn|ll«ds¦'• j

As an amepdroenit. Mr. |M. Cj iiinlanprop »cd that the old Oomhiitted be it-electied. . ' ¦ ' ' \ i

In Kecionding the .amendimsnt, Young fa-id ,he thougrit the- •May'cij'wns not to blame for not summoningthe :neotiingH. ¦¦¦¦•|

TQie Mbyor told ho had no rtonitrolover | the summoning- of meetings 'of tiheTheatre Committee. U anyone objectedto a iything in tHi o Theatre then the•Mayor wouJd summon a meeting, buthe had never heaW any corrtplairtte.

Siij James ; PWer said he thought itwas rbhe fault of the old Co-minritteo thhAno meetimgs 'werei held. H<s was | pn theold ComrnStKfee hiaiself.^ . | i ; , j

Mayor—Then ! yiu ; ought [to withdraw-your home tip m the , new one. I I : :J ^^ 4* I «««-M <«» V rt I ¦ ' "** I ¦ VlklV ll^'IV V^AAV * I S i :

ait. Dawson—(I think 8i{ • James wisfired but before;and tWat U enougih.

OTIIE: original pr^poedtion Was declaredcarried'. ," , i . j ; ; i

' ; I' ¦

,. ¦ ¦ TECHNICAL! INSTRUCTION i• . , • . jCOMMTETEE. ! . '¦ •

On. the pripoaLtinn^of Mr. Hicftettjsectonded, Tjy- JM*.] McDonne>!il:, the j -follow--cng (were aprJodntkllloh th^ TechnicalInstrucUon Coanmltee—Ttfos-tj Reyi Dr.Shseinan (Ohainmaln); Sir J&imes i Power,AW. I Richanf Power, the Mayor, Dr.:O'SnlKvon, MT. .Wl 1: Smith Dr. Mbrris;'Mr. W. A. - j qnrim; and Mr. jp. W.!Knnny. Rerpretientative e tizens»i-iE«(v.iW. fi. - ODonncDJ P.P; Rfcv. Birothor;Thomas, M A, -BJj ; Rev. T.j F. Furtoajr,;AKlmj ; Rev: P. p.! Fitzperald. I [AdrovJwuiai J. PielanJ Bsq: Tlio Preaid'eiitof - the Trod'ea1 Cjub; John' N. !White ,!Esq.J J.P; Jwnes. Ycwnj , Esq.; and A,Nels4n, Mj , . ; |; ; . j - j | : ;;


: ill BII tiiwi' nAinimnmTT i i ¦ ¦ ¦; j iaAniuiiWj wai'jiriaj sj s. ¦ ::The old owm ikittee: wero n^kiteO-on

Wie -propositox I .M ) i Mr.' M. Quinlah,soctonded byi MT. Dq/wa>o. I I ] - "iv

|; ' 'j : HOTOIi ra cimilTTBE..! j . ' \\:On,, !*ihe prtxpo^tton if Mr, ILU*OB.

uxMdcd bf> ib. Hackoti. I ft -Was de-adtoalitb!a.t;.tJft> -HIou?insr Committoa be!a icttpHj iittecj !od| Uje .Whble hbuaeJ I ' i , i

Tbe! aomie' lrulo I Wis- oidorfecl U oon-nectico' witihj ;Uie Pr«e BridgA Ocxmiiiftleie.

A Fire, B«gaa» Comimittee and ;a a>a>laifUt^^njnd flt . ttf©]' Ctan' gioije USeaEea''of: ABlrr^lA^-T*Bie .i el*> Iappajoted-J : - |. ¦ ¦j

:vH -: |:B|l^im ?|oAKD; - ' *!' ¦ j .; ,:!

; On; ilihe pfoposiikin. oi Aj irJ. (Winlaii,Mr. t |WJ; Jf; i . Sniatt'v ind I Mr. f James:HbctoiW;,.<i«*e'.[ *pp cAti$& ¦ aa ¦ tw^eritr1ativcj3jOi 1;lM lOo'rpicHia4k>n on ithe HtoboarBoaiPt ' ''' ' 1r-M' . -T.'!i :T.' - - ' (• ' ¦¦¦.- . l.r I . - .:;. TOblpotinaJl:t^; qurn<j d;: ¦ d I . ! j ' [ ,. .]

, ' f t I Jntmui tttt»tni«« 'to ihi !oil

;"j !?i*» «w'«Sttto "'W^ ¥i$£P}*}'±*> 9s»z! "vritett' .otrtct ' ,from Tbiinlca ' ' d

iiiil -ipl

ing- the iweeK,- tw as.. aa\ nx *1," ?™l aj./lfar th'e correspomtingj week J af jBaSt

ftoeilHiaiete - 'is i»- ¦ KdtKrtjoDi {<#'&. .¦! oSt ; bif iproTia»ns|r«xnsan).'ed-! dttwng

§i week',: trot ^here is 'an MKa»ase Otf £1iiiitoe[outdoor:relief. ,Wf have a petit

EwinJU pU evenlte.!«i/Jf-^ j \ ¦!. ¦¦

: I Ole'rtt-rJxes, the; outddew' raJwtf is. '< ¦ .¦ .•i I Stiiimulante consumeld auhn'K Jtihe -weekU«Nfo ¦ winet against 15: «lasee^' Wff i. °°f"¦nKiwWing week- of las* y*:: t tj glaaE^ki? wKskey,: as. .against 69 list year, and.38 '-piiAa If* pouter,'! as, j a;rau^t-23 last"nsar. l I ' i i

: : ¦ ; ' ' i ' ¦ i ': ' i !'i| ' .. '• >¦ ¦IChlaiWialn—flihere. -to' incflring erfcra-opdimary lfa that ireptart.' j , i : |- . N - . ¦ j !! fcto*--It «Isafefiadiory U tor the:«nsffl jinafease.ialthe owM:<3orfredief. J |

OhE uman-We must be. pij eWrad «?rthat |at Itha* tiim© -rf : tihe; year; • ; j .

; ; ! mpoimAmoN i lw^NTED.i ¦'¦'. ' '¦'. [ ¦" ' ! ' i : : ; i i !' L ; 1'¦ijTho Low Government 1 i BogJJa .T^r'olctaawtetof «-oeiP*L'Of ; wr i^P ^,'their iencjuarkt ; respecitong pf s s ^} p . 'AB U e¦iM> } ias been employed ,temip«Biiiiy as'innsa i in I tihe -workhonse' ttepaflal, anaIrpouesfed ^at MEtal^e'


:tjSn-i4g.|M§rit .be forwardddi i for thea]iirforrtoiatidn'. ; .' . '• ' ' I !¦! :'" .! - ,- i 1 1 ' i : ' JTJ To lbei&Twardea. ; H ; : ! : ;i J j ; ' ¦' i!:SHHLi|EJa8 FOR cbNiSTraEMffVES.- '

¦ ¦ I I I : ' •¦ i ' ' ¦ ¦ \ i

¦ ¦ ¦

i cierlJ—il ocnrHHinacated to'Mra ShortaB,tie llhon1.; eecretaryi \ at -tjhia' j i ^ ?ioinen;T9Nitadrial 1 Heteffltih: : Abaolaiaffida .; a dopy., oftie Tesolufcioii paased: «lt! thi last meetangwitfl» .raference to th«j .«aattei! oi f r e m a e rtea tihts Iconsuraptive j patient and ji re-caivea thfe following, reply!:-- ¦¦ \\ ' ¦_ ' .¦' '' The MaH, Water-fciid; !. j . ' ¦ i

, I . . Jianraary; 25ti> 1910. :¦ [I -To tihe .Clerk- of -Union}. !

¦; . ;;:

Ddar aiir—The' Badt| WaiberEcWti'.' Broichw ffiid Wlotmen'a SlirKpnaa | Health iAsso-eriafcikxa are in receipt! of ypiir oamflnun.><jatl3oi> • v,<hioli was • gryen.;|faU : . onetfdera'ttrxn, iffltithe moritMyj .;ineetii)ig held onBatoniay.l 23rtf -Jianuairyi K. .TJrafri dedij?(ltMat wiT 1 furab v.VyBd | ttoV-peirmit'at .pre-sent Wf our purcfhiasiing. 'a secj ondi theater,tut Bincej fflien a nianbei; -of ] the! cota-a&X Uid .h$a very !. gEnarously: ^Wme

¦ for-ward1; I and. . offered W|;. supply . tihie

1 d&,floierloy. i • ' ¦ ¦ . 1 : <¦ ' '¦ ¦ il ! ii ' : , V- , ; II) We jhbpe. thfereSore shortly :to bo eibteto plaice j a i ahieCter at j y»irf d^ntrj aaL In;the rhbaAtiane -wall ybjii be j good | enoughto tat l ma kniaw if ytni ai«,jwbear the cost oi erection; fiirncisfcjLng anairpkeep wiifle in ybrrr1 Jiahzfe:—Iiaan; «it!cj

! ¦[ J j E. W. SHORT^,; Hon. -Sac. q

' ¦ Ohainrriari—The i aheLter: vwuH| bwt "ooat!mudiJ If is tihe mainftenahoe1 arid turnip;ture Slhat i wouSld' be tie irfiWe .ttiing. I]; i Mr- IKenny—I thEni! jUheaa dieltexa axeiirabee aiui &ey i ani I irtalde in IseotSonBto be; runi up eos%". j XDU "V'ouldlJiiavie tt>keep j thona paUnted [and r laintafixued. ' Itiling ithaftj ul -w<hat .8H"'awpM1-' : ^

epeafcwithout ¦' KriowIeHse' Koweveir. ^ •; ' | -'I •: i;1 1 Clh?5ranAn—I' taaugtA] ittiey; Tsere oox-.jugiaileiJ iritrjrn.1

'. ' j 'i i . ! ' ;j i • ; ; ¦' ' ¦ : '¦'I! iMxsJ FoTdf—Jfo; jthey are' fnade pf lirood!E t hS»k..1!i ' . . i ? J S ' ¦ !, ' i i ' l ' K


! dhaiiranan—Well, the';, painting would'hot U much. f " l! ;; : i

i : ' !•: - " - i li! i Clerr c—As reganrlB ime , furmvtQre, ItiierewwnM be! none Ii pr<isnir«j, as ]thie: toaitotebif has has bed.; ;. ' ¦ |i ! : 11 i : ;: |ii, i Mx Wiailkih—He mdgftt 'have a .chair andtable it hbme too... ||. :;- . :¦.{ i - i | : . ¦ j j11 Olewc—rnhe ,nrdt- - .questioi]i £3, 1 Will fih<5rrsajj pcoij ipy it -ff ye ¦•; £ive j it | jto i fcimjXher t3 ' n& obli^ajrimi 1 on tdm TO do at>j11 Mr KennT—You WHt wanjti tol have 0.

.tiry saying1 thlat ttie iBfaaTdfof G^vernoriiWen mcrctoed the dhaxgeof trxsfiKtenanoe¦dl uiiion; pa'trients Jto icme gmnea la \roekf:7)hen| ifflei questJon aiw&a . as'vto; hwhetoeirthe Shelter couM be got.' 1' -:|.:¦: !. ' \[ ' : • ' ]

! I j R.O.I D!oy2e said he l.thpogHt |«he Man¦iiW^JbeJwJlling to oc>popjf' t3ie,'slhelter. II j Clerk-fThe first i strip,1 -if iyou, ¦, decide on-¦acoopti-njf|a,' TMo.uM' ..w>rtolast|the sane-!;tdon pf jtlne Local i Gt^rernirWnv J^oard to|,the neco^tary expehtdftuTo| for, erecting itJ¦ I Air iRogera—fwHero are ,- van' going ii>:<jrect| it? j 1 ¦ : - • , -¦: 1| ¦ IF i !- i l - : - j:j CleTk-riA-Songaide the rnjin'Bl roxuse. -. ;!! R.O.i Dp'yfle-7-Hs baa ao ground) attax&-ed t4 !hW house, . I : . T ! !j f| ¦' ' ; ' :

,! ChtoSnJKi'n—'Whero'db yon irifend put-,H ng it «p then—ia it on the noiaid? : ¦ i¦\ R.O. Doyle—I don't koo*. <T\\

¦ [ }i; XTldrt-pThero w i n - b e: nol wiry of' njr \fy 'up ' except xt itih ' tr)e jpeipnnSssioin;01 tho man on whbse land toe ihouEe1¦'& bailt.MI • .: • ! , ¦; " : i ^ !;iTj . - .. , ; :j 1] R.O.I IXvyle—I don't,1 thirtt Vtxat, would.Be: any dufficulty ioibcyrit .thW ;' : ' . •• ! •II MT| iW«)*-ra?ihte3o I»i«difeil? . 'i ¦ ''i Clerk «f ¦WbrKa-Mr. • Hilloy's. ¦ :il (MrJ jWi lUr*—You will want to. know wPhe rravnil-ttdlling :tio Jive |CiereJj '¦ ' "¦ '.j| )Cnclrk-r-Tea, xai y eni will mail \o know:<«m the j aite. be ob'CarinedJ |aiv} •whd'Jher:wo, cfiri legally mcut any ekpeobe in oonrhectaon wiith tibe furnfeSvirig of: the ahd-;¦ter. I I :j ' - | ¦' !¦ •'. .1; j |- : | •TT -;!||Orde)redr-"Mr: poyj ej fyO.L !to report|ivihe1iher: the patient ; bei' wetting I to oc-'.«?ppy | the | fihelter (if prowjrforj: I ftir him, ¦iaiid, ifj irU^erj whetiher: the ' &el is aryaH-acue u>j na,ve at ereoteo> on.- The pierfc to«P<juire I from the Ijocali QqvernmentIJoowl iwitlh regarti to .tho ' I«^fttj( of thoexpenditure." . j . : . ; ' j ;j i .. I- ¦ . ; - .j ilMrJ- l^ebny—I thSitk,' .iM^. OhMiisnan;-'toj i 'hfhoii ]Mr. i Maokw; !& iSf ty iTig toa&l tatter from :,tho, .Wotnen'a] NattonBlHeoXtft Aeaooiatlon he ehculd Icbnyey tihe<bcea ¦tl!ian!l5b of the Boaid 'f i>: tihe Oonor'0t thj ei tfielter. -I; -ankferetana itmt thisMay pshWie! name: ia -withbdki from :osiw£U bft r^ito tWe.exnense;: «flfittn- £ie;S-iSPi >4proving «hfe $sboKipr^ &x&\XShank;' kite «-v-eTyi' genetousl1o|ret!fi» bet:!U> maiel ! Vfhet ¦ the COerlc 8*1 writdnar' he:•SSIlLi!*: :!"" tanejayitkt.iwo.wjuMucaoK^e:.» every v way taw bWecto off tt»Woci«*'6J N&K<>n^ . Hehlthl,; Aka6cie.t :w tat joa MiSs boostt :Iegal3y. okni db sb.;anrj that; -wo htope there .well belno <fl>-g»d«. in OUT way,,'became;I 'im kw.:Ball |«. w>> dan get.thife!oM:ere<#>d:ai$:il aoy good; rea^s-trarn: iu itiwwld bei}1 d<law^r^e, ,«dcpeo»^«»,!ij«.' infigW;Rnj^^eat-pBtta ft -.thadtifeiati iSd^ffl!I*™? tw necdsffitjrol *cn)diajffr£5lera»1¦<1ww|"to-- aatorMJn«,'' ¦::i" i t ' '- ¦ rT' :"¦ '¦ ¦ Ti|:! Cbhjpawa-'irtjhfink' ¦ itiy m L v«y' ''Mm)

¦wjne anqe^w... , . . ; ¦/. -,;•: -. - ; : ¦¦ .1 r,' ' . ¦::¦!• i

^eo • abdve , hamtog^b^aBdej .V™

, . flwffl tttaon: aafcarjatera; &;¦¦ *KtoLr:

I} :.;x) ¦ 'it .hy'>OBgAaf;(v. . ¦{•-]; ^;;=;;. :-|={J¦ W!W^WtoB^Ji ^; -^m

SQw ^^"flBftviiBr 'OTOl 'l it ti ^ '4 ''f -I.CW B ant^^'irnttffi^M. - 1 ¦¦ ¦ . 3 ":.' »T" !j!i!. .j '"r. ™!r •# :¦¦•• ;¦ ;.. •



liiilS^f^iiilfiimmmmmsmm^mm M%i* #^ i-pendinfrJa :ri«eeS5iiK of • tae ¦ Doaia. I •. ii jj ! j;H^Sr(a»i-He csoesi jjjot «ay iwrrj mis. •¦.beif^flll^fbe'\'mft .i'¦-¦'} - " ¦ •J^' i • ' ¦ l - i ' . i

' -Hpiei5c-^H«|,'«B0W;iii9 : : cafled jBWJWp cra ;

uri?en* piiTate bftiBioesa, i • : ¦ 1 - I . I . .! ,. :" !!.^ Sfr. ; vyatebrrle! 'he :l gotog • to I pay,: :fba ;-:^atetftato' : ihBriieaUt?..; ;j ;; : , :| '. .y > : :|;| ' i ;¦

^',-'Ws^ 'Vf i^b>TrU'hs 't id' ivot' elj hoiwoaM 'iurte: be; errfilied;.W. a jsubEttitute.; ;

. 1 ;f ' J .^TGlerk-^NVit inafliesa iyofuv-choae to give it. ;OlEero' are»TiXiKfc.;on -which e Ja ; ;imrtliitada . fl»' !hds Isubstitulto\ p ?ql i W;;.

SSa«a W^.- tofl! tWrd whien^» »::•to^cdWedliferxi tho diBdharge idl. ta^ '

9tfatote..i;,i;i ;_ :.:;i 1:1 ' \y . *- i-l.; ; J Ii-i-.SOBaintiiwiWnnsi oase' does. i not ooanevtnba any 'df 'thaia^headings, i | ; ¦ ,, Ir I Mr. 'Kenxjy-flForj «.:aimaar.-MaaonJ to^'¦we eTCr!a!ll()wed a subb&Aute befc<rri ,!.MrrMacikey!1: . - I "V il ¦, '¦ ' < '¦'¦ I ¦ M - - :'!.j .<3tot-~liiT(rti 'naV» the 1 eo' re-'tn^ tihlat.ifidbn.

iwcJalljit pft present;'Gentleiriea ;in ;these; poaitisns -when f a er tisire ¦ going: away- '<ia \ prawato buaneBa. sl-/wiys isTjpply..' tiheiii1 own ;8ub*6tutea^ : ^J .! j - Ohs^imfara-rlYr'e.i|wj31' let!' him: pay;; nucrwai..etHtetrtpSber., ;i ; I i - : ' ! :. ¦) ' : ' ';

j jOterk-r-OI <*ra*»e Mr. Healy had .tj o ap-jp dkot' a! fiubsiiitffte.; The presenV ar-itoganDent ; msuBt I Bo: on; but ; as w wh»jar tt» nay. eveniwaiIy-Jtlhat:''i'S <*« wiix. '. I;ji .'MrJ .Fh^a^riv:dkm't¦ aeeii rway .tho

cSa (like ; that. :;I; propose that to paywy awn.BubeStrtite. i ¦ ¦• [ 1

¦ [ . . '¦'¦ 'I:; :™Er: :Keriny-ir-r|6.uppo9e : hoj coula : notanpioint' a 'eobstStnite without [ first . subr;nBtttng-his nSflne jb oj tihe goaidiaiis.. :' • CleiS-Mnh 'prosumptJon iaj that :if heBppotattti aidtJalirled inan w» ;woul»i apj-pnore -if :it.j;:j- ' •; - i.j{ ¦:¦; '! ' I j I ' l ; - : \'t -MT1:. i helan-^I ipropctse that :hier pay(toi 'dwn^sribstetute^ . ' : ¦! j '. I ¦ ' ¦ i;;-Mr. K«nnyr-II d»a°% . tj iinJr we 'have.any ^aritihdJtity heiie: as a boaixi to do'«m.\ !¦ : .i: J !|i - : \ ! ;- i 1'¦V.Mr. - Bi>gfiT^-J»idr.iiio :

MrJ H«aly em-.'pitoy 'a eubstitui'fejat four guineas a Sreek?\[\Tai. ¦Kenny 11a4; fe etfbjeot :iti the'eajncteoii oi the bota.Td.1 '- -i i : ; ; ¦ ' • - I;; i Cbiaiiman-j-il tiaiiik when :j Mir,j Healy'einploryied him'ilh© boaiil is bouiid to pay.: '¦ I -Mr. ¦ Kennyl—I ; aupp(03e | in.: a! .•way :tiioHoatiri are respanffiixa: for ti>e;docng ofJh'etx servants. Wt nobos did he givej»u,! Mr.. HeaJy; tMiat :he jwas I going?j JR.O. IIHealy—-I; gift ibfii I ntoftfe) onj Satnt-

iday iand'he ! iwtes gpne that evening, jI Mr. Kenny—Then Mr. Healy CouM do

nblSiing els© "but empSay|a substitute. IIIdtai't think j there jfe anythan^ ai alt iaih2i nibte: to! W l ' Healy j wiicih ! wouldumrrj fljy that we aire |to pay, hib larabstitute.He samjAy.' gave; .autftcfrity to Mr.f HeaJyrti> cflnrpfcy a 8ui»titute in hiis absenofe.;iMs heard; dtoes ruwtj come in |at al| there.I i <3h(airrmian—Mr. Healy will! convey tine^eelriffs of ; this Jb'oard j to I Dr.' MutDrmy-l :i i iClefk—'I i waa j asWn? Mr. Hoaly- jnEtmow' ankl lheidayB I Jbhat it was :tli» ' in-temtaon; -of iDr. Mupany |t!iat i ye"j«ah!oroldfey :hds sutetituifeJJ : I: ' j : : l ! ; ' |.

I Mr. -jKeniriy-l—It is ourlj intention !thatwe aiMI ibt; a> tihere ia an ( end.; to it-

i nhere |ia ii]6! preoetfenit at all ; fbr this,:and there j is nto lira tho rifcy J to do any-tiiicih thing1.1" I ¦ second- Mr. Hielaii 'a pnu^kxfitifon. l .! | : i v i ; -

¦ : - i i ! ; ¦ I .

j . Mr. iPheBin—We'ih-'ave no aurQiority to;pay . (his. substitute! • ! ' . . !: ; " !I Glerh—1 Jwould; nbt go j so , far as that,bnt jrj i the 'exercise ot your! dJWcretioniyou decline! to: do it—that lis 1 -WThb-ti iJi<*taaies ito.- I ¦ - I ' . ! . - . ; [ | I .-: : :• . 'Mr. ;WalsH—Yes;i ¦ ¦ \ I ¦. ! 1 1: Mr: jKenny—H ti. doctor go?<? «way toattend( a case, -where 1 there I fs : a; , con-euliialtrpn be ' gete <& nice ifee, :and jyet liejifenks . usf. to! pay ' hdii . substitu-tie | ' Wewbnifr j caow!.whtat;j]ilia prurate I baameBajnay b^-jhe gave ua -no clue I and: Ho. may¦be earning , j tenl or tweaty gudne«9 fioxdU -vsre kntoiw. : ) [| ¦•' ¦ ; : ¦!' i | |¦ ,R.O.'. 'Healy—In!:this otse 'he: : igwt onTxngerati telegram fnb^n> ; hM wiife,1 Svr.ho 13ja-RVjy, 'Isayinff' tihht .:h«r father fwaa 'dying1.¦

iMr K^rmy—That!changes it! altogelOier-|W!hy dS* inert yam j teU us ;that. ;'a-t first.iThere ps nbtWlnfe yery private rcbout it.¦'.The' lfoClorvvlng ardor wd3 Wado:—"Ttizr^uttfldEansr granit. Dr. MnllaTiy leave t3absence, i but mnKti.docline to piy ' hissubfetirtiuteiuniiejr tbe cirprurtrstanoos." :

- . The Bpariij then j adjiour^ed. I i j ' j '•

: ' : . 'v '!- i ' '' ' ¦ : 1 1 : !

GttCHRIST LECTOKE= v. i ,- .[' i.ic6iiMfliiTj £KJ ¦:!: ': \; / . ' j ; ! j ,

; t ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ . : : . . ; !| ¦ ; • ; ;

I A apecial; iraeeti-ng of ihe abwei wcapresiki^d;6ver by Revi-Dr. aheebakl • onMpndhyi ,'¦ ;i The johhea- mem'bers iwesent'.wew-Pr. I BaUoy; 1 J. : iN. WinateTj Esq:,JJ^

Ai Nelson,: Esq., D.L:; J.Pi| j f j .Phdan; ;i J^JTaoonB., Efeq;-iIrrr:G3;iW. ' Onuphy.' E«jL <Prea3deaV • TroidcaCSub^.iand 'tiie Hon. Secretajy..:.l |;; TSae Secretary ; read barrespdndeoce usa lecture to ibe dleEevered byi Mr. :Anr»-; Fefbrtfary 3ijd or 4th. ' I \\ The prices I fixed ; aie:—Reserved eeoi^.2s.; sadend seats, ils.; book:of 1 hi I amigaajery, 6d.!' 'j Ij .; " : 1 I i : I ':; ' Othfcr oorTeapondenoe ,woe. nisi 'des£i¦wiithj th3& ihichided a copy of! alcncalarBent'; to to> 'SecrcitaTy of jthe CamindttecorespionsSble j far th«j organisatEloin |«f thoGilahrist: Leotiuresijin:: Cork, | iLirmsiuci-, :¦KZikenny onlri WekJoiwL' It »as| | UhSs' letter ' that: iba local j comtnitWe¦was anxrous to! arrange i for a; Be&ds at2«rt,i»eb to'be givan' in the ftitut^, and.¦wiorald he glad to k^iow if ; the Cbmcn3tltec&oddl«t£«i .yoiuMJ undertake to1 ajrbrxjraiowith tCicyh in .-tflwj j nciatter, ati | gcfcf4: leb-tiurea ochld;' ; be I s&crured j at rivudh morereaSanrtblel, lemma when ooJleotiVe eipp -oaffian 'was' inade than ol&erwJse', i

i The Sccretiarie3 of thej Cork IimariciBocC Werford j Cfammatteess | - '-exprassaa<flieir 1 pleoBirre I ' at the! propoeial . anxJunJfertottk -oii.behallf of ; thecT^^ Ooaiiiiibefcafo okiperate. ( | - \ ! ¦ • • • 1 1 r| ¦ ~ -• i |In. - xcepauio ' jBo ¦; the Becretaryfe' £i>-gnitriaa it i tronspipad that.Chere"are iaIcteh' Lecture' Alreiixaes. ' : ( • . - (| . I : i:¦ 'A ;«j<rnnnini<5a/tio'n had been msedvedt !from an EngMah! teoture Ageioy.l landja iEsub-eoaonnittee cionaisUng of iAieil ¦ NeJ- !son, I>.L., JJP.J Jnlbn N. ¦'VMhitcU Esq.,JJP ; Dr. O'SirHSvan. Dr. Bailey and f.G'. TcomB-,;Esq.] was! appointed tb ek-<ajmind; the IKt of |lectures supplied andanako a -reotemaandaticm thereohl to thageneral damkndtteeji ; ¦ ; - , I , .. ; . . J ;:•: Mr. par! .Aranfortster, Mnsical Advfeerto; London:: County I Oonnct3; j mrfiedniuaioi under JRfaget at1 Neniwieii i and!wider Hqoipesch at ; Cologne ;| conductorTO stage band! and; ciiorus art: EdirentliWagner Fasdival; 1 1886-W ; cohdwfrxr itthe ..Cpurtj meatre, J831; Hayrriarkct;1889; :Lycetirin, 1890; |. osndtictad l i xnanyperfonpancea of. Opera at Drury' Lanotmd : Covent:Giaildfin,: 1892-93; ihaliKiveaeves im IetWreg, iappoarini? b^o}e- tboI^»,4neen ; !a£ |BaJoi»ral .CastJej 1893;SOT? . Lowell j Leoturw, .Boston,! v£M ij o loe|:ana: wbrfe |«f .Wasnerd xwi«^doy-tira^«e8:

to deliver arwthei^ seKas «a

eangs ae Mowni^ieeSidon.XaiBt tihie mjwatory'j of:. tbc Institution that 6ania lejs¦troer.: ngagett a«j ! two sucoaasivd ,ee!hwans); afea .lectuieB: at .WclleBl y 'ditiege.DfexelJ IPstrtute! (OM) .:Uniflraitiy £Illinsofli Chicago, jMoatreal, Pittstrarp.etc., 1900-1901 ; . T i; ¦; ¦¦ •: •;¦

¦ ¦ :j : i 1 . *

felriE WAT FpRD ijiEWS^

m \W INSUItANhE;¦¦ :;. |ONlliE»xfA^Eli ;BY THE j \"

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QUERIES AND REPLIES./April Cabbacea.—I havo Bome cabbage

planted slnca October which I expect to 10marketable about April. What Mud cr,binds of manure would you recommend fctspring dressing and when should It beapplied ? If tho land bo damp whenapplying the manure wonld It bo BufBoientto spread tho manure en top ot the drill Andmould afterwards when clay dries ?—Cabbages respond ncll a to dressing ofnitrogenous manures tind aro gross feeders,so it wonld oe well to Rive a mixture of 1$to 2 cwL sulphate t f ammonia, 2 cwt. tcalnitand 3 c\?t. Kupurpliospbate applied abontJteftlrming ot March. Or yon could applythe kalnit and superphosphate now andabout March Rive a dressing of 1J to 2 cwt.Of nitrate of soda , which, has a remarkableeffect in quickening np growth. Spreadtbe manures on top of tbo drills as nun-geatcd.

Grain Crop t^r Reclaimed Blacl; Moor— Ihave threo acres of reclaimed blaclj moorTvhfch was uiuitr turnips aud manuals lastseason. I am noxious to t>ow a (jniiu crop¦witb grass Reeds to let out to pormauontpasture. Kimlly let me know if wheatwould be likel y to £row well on this class ofland, and if so what kind of wheat and tbotiruo to sow. The land was highly manuredlast seasoD and is socuowhat wet. — Weshould prefer to sow oatB on such «landrather than wheat and particularly as tbeland is homeivhat wet. You might tryBlack Tartnry, Waverley, Bountiful orTartar King.

Furze in Grass Field—A field of richsandy soil was covered with furze someyears ago. A crop of oats was taken , thenflax , then a green crop, aud then oats withthe usual grass seed mixture. I am nowgrazing it , bnt can see young furze be-ginning to show freel y. Is there auyremedy sb rt of ploughing again In a coupleof years ? My wish was to keep In grass fora much longer period , but 1 fear the furzeicill develop very quickly. —At this seasonyon should send a boy round the field to¦tab out with a mattock every yonng furzeplant bo can find. Tbe cost will not betnnch If done at once and persistently.Short ot this wo fear there 1B no other planbat tho ploughing.

Dexter Stores—As my land Is Dot richenough to fatten 2$ year old Shorthornbullocks I intend going in for Dexters.Where will I get good two-year-old storeB ,arid about what price per bead?—Yonshould iusert a small advertisement in ourpaper. It will only cost y u about ashilling or two and by this means you willget plenty of offers. For pure Dexters wofind In I'urdon't Almanac tho name of Mr.Pj M. Battray, Gortnaskeby, Ballybunion,and for Dexter-Shorthorns the Dame ofUajor Homier, Aidenode, Branneckstown,KCdare.

Bay for Horses and Cows—1. How manypounds weight of cat hay should I giro myterm horses at each feed and will It bonecessary to give long hay aa well ? 2.How many pounds weight of cat strawwill bo sufficient for milch cows at eachmeal ? I intend mixing polp«d turnips•xrith tbe straw : wbat length of tlmo shouldthey be kept in a heap to allow them toferment, as I am told tbe cattle like a- littlefermentation to set in.—1. Ton can givealmost tbe whole of the bay ration chaffedit yon wish, in which caso less may bo usedthan if the bay were git-en long. Foralarge horse yon might give 10 to 12 lbs. ofcb,afTcd hay, or tbis weight of • mixture ofone part bay to three of straw, per day,-with 2 or 3 lbs. of long bav in tbe rack attbe evening feed. Cut the straw a day ortwo before feeding It. Divide this evenlyaccongat the number of foods per day andof { course givu oats, cake, roots, etc., asrequired, in proportion. 2. It will benecessary to give your cows long hay u¦well as chuffed straw (or bay), and tberation or cut straw would depend to BOmeextent on the other foods also. If yon giveft jstoue of long bay per day abont half aotono of chaffed straw would be snfDdent,aud this amount is to be divided Into thenumber of feeds tbe COWB woald get duringthe day. If the turnips are pulped andmade up in a hoap each day for tbe nextday 's (cod they should ferment sufficientlyIn 'that tlmo to be pleasantly warm andcallable lor (veiling.

Analyses of Manures. —How can I calcu-late, according to the unit sytttotn , the per-ceuta^i- ¦•; nitrogen tu "J4 per cent Rolpbatoof ammonia ; ,ilso the pure potaxh in 80 percent muriate ot pnta-h , and 90 per centful|i 'iaie of potash ? 'Z. What in the moan-ing <>1 m.irK K.jU ai> |, ii> - d to kalnit 12 percem ?--1 lly tin; i. n.i 2t per cent sul phateof aiiiui ij uiii in pruH.miy ui. ii.ut RUlphate Ofaninm iU coniaimui; n cuui of combinedluniDonia. As &mm >uln Is to nitrogen,as 17 is to 14 yuu have tho proportion24x14—I or almost 20 per cent , and thus BUI-

i"phate of ammonia conuins 20 per cent ofnitrogen ID combination; We may sul phatu of ammonia 1B usually sold¦with a fiiaraiitce ot 95 per cent purity.Tiiu u-rms SO per ceui inurtato uf potashaud 9J |irr cent mj iphnto of pot-isb have adifferent fi<iai the 24 per cuntSUlp h .1'- u( Huiinuiua, vif . 80 per cent andSO |x;r ivnt of p u nf j reK|Wct)vnly. Frompure muriate of pot&xii CUD be oiittilucd,Wor, iH' ul ly, abuut 153 pur ceui uf purojMtu si) 1K 3 O) aud 80 per ceut of (liN uj»>an»ab.Mit '-y > ;» r cent pure pui>mh . In cimitiina-tiuu , in So )>er cent muriate of potash.Hi lu i l t r lv 54 per ceui pure putasli tuny bo{{tit , ila "ri.iical |v frotn pure M>l|>naiu ofl>nu».i;. HIK I so 4SJ per cent tuny I MI ob-tiiu'.-.. r- in MI ' |H,; ,! I> ¦.( r>otrt-ii of 00 perc«iii |. . ir i i , . If y d would iil.e to knowtsi»c!i, <i ;.w t|i~s< fl^ux'fc ure obtained letOH kt/ow . LIUI nc siimi no wore folly intotlia utut tt r. . 'I. Tim nu'.iiiiing of tho termK'-.-U ii-eii lu Rxiitiocti n with Ualnit 1M«UIM "mark " ia tbv ch^nilcAl fcyiubol forwljai wo term }u>tas>li. lti&t 1B , potash Inn.chemical couj poutn f mude up of twoatouiH of tbe metal potassium (kallum) andone atom of tbe gab oxygen , onitod to-gether to form ono modeculo of potash.Kalnit , as Usually sold, contains 12 percent of ita bulk of combined potash or K»Oalthough not necessarily In tjio fora of pnropotash.

Oats, Barley, and Potatoco—I. What IsCho best kind of vrbito heaTy oats to mixxf tib barley to be ion In land Utoly tolodge, and what quantity' of oats eight beGafflcient ? 2. What bind of o&ts Is bestfor grinding? 3. What kind of barley Ubent to sow in good land and. wbea sbonldIt be xown? 4. Give particulars bow toraise a new potato fro m twe differentTSxleties?—1. Any of tbe new varlotles,each as Storm King, which have boon bred WM -fa tocroaaing •vtosne of mechbnicolopccially for strength in the straw, wonld ij al^!on an<j tho KWO& tahd utrerigthcn-bo snitable; as we presnme yonr idea is

j^tJm deroaod

tor Out best nwrca.merely to afford support for the barley U>,.y 1i oui fartnarB have been frightenedprevent It from lodging. Ton might use;

^ brooding- the

(maddOe-cCass ; horee.,por Irish acre, abont 14 stone of barley and Onxrifttifl .and cab horses aro practically1eetono of oats. Bow these broadcast. 2i ^^g ^i and thoro £3 oonbidemblo dSl-Jt wiU be hard to beat the Potato oat for . flJ^Hy in. findatoff yaunff/ freiab. horsesgrinding pnrposes. 3. Oheraller and Archer ^_4cre in tie oountry. 1Trill probably giTe yott the best retarni. ¦ 1 «'Tjnqi»c»jt^>rjTAiPjr lihore are fewer horsesBarley may be eo wn about middle of March I .Waiuc tihrnurfi itao rcpotatoriea thrtjuglh-ed end of April, i Tho mla Is to sow It at .

kdngabwu. What few gjoodcoon aa yon can got iho seed ted properly ijajnajg there are ajo quickly snappedprepared In spring, and heneouo fixed date 1 ^, fo«cgn bcyere. The l«Mcr fere thoc*n be given. 4. When tho blossoms of tbe 1 £& customert—olwaya ready to give anpotato are forming yon mast tie little bags I aateftte figure ¦when uioy set their, mindisct fine mnslln DTer those of the rarletli i ' on petting any particular borto. I : , :yon wish to cross, b' fore the flowers opeoi n "f\reuvcn swlfGrennan ojecnta ere veiryTba Immature stamens of some of the tmsy in >IrcSand new, ej» -we are toldflowers must ba carefully snipped off , ; <jj, aro even] dDtnccffiiur themcrfrooUaTlng the OTarles free to derelop nnderr jg f lorder !to bSutate tSc^^eS

ojaries must tten ba Impregnated by means .Hbreo 3b»vr ,"tto -forafgn I bayere werecilhepoUen from tho other plant and tbe ; Very prominent They purekaia, ioreeacorering again pot en. When tbe OTaries tight «nd left «t Ihigh prScea." 'axo ripe the seeds ore to he matered and ||^j thfak / thero inould be groat d5f-

Ej, and after thr*e;or four years of ficviJty Sa aWiaSnia* on adequate eupp!y

Ung you may tthxit the tabors most # laj rnala witabl* for tarroy purpoeea/'y to be snocoasful- Thta Is ona method eaii Mr. Stodlary, pnoprfetor of tho Sot-

ef work, and tbe process depends 00 tho Mean Kopwitary. " At tar OB 1 <*M see,tetUUaaon of ope plant by that with whlcb Sere & now fitUe encbtiragwnefflt fccyou wish to crpis It, and by no other. ! ijbreedera to tarn out tfco bee-t Kyjpe df

Donkey withl wartf.—I h»re a donkey iioiunesa hbrse»>ie« tli« trade demsmd fix

tbjoe years old; which has a good many f°^ ankdafs d» dodixring vapktPjr."

wrte on different parta of tho body and ho : j ; . ' !, 1 . ' . L '- :

te&»c*tbe«lda with Ws tnoatt- \They i.—~ KAmmAIJ9T " Gij mhMFT '

tbea flotiunsBOf ¦ to bleed and are ray on. 1 *•**.¦ tiAt-iy aAiAien, | umaahi i,

S wtteg^ ^ttemi, h?i HWto t" fa p fehidl fbor

^Se iSw kept todnp wbea toto i J lj m a «?** ?*£; tt fe11 031 "S0*


p^rfHtoiaaiT^nfefikiOfl fcfid


||8 ?|| :§lS:^ ¦ ™,f :W.; J| ;HDEPHY. .M^.

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Profeacor J. W. Kfcrmcldy dxxlaica thiaftHbreesiaro of oil daesw ol'-livo etocith« most difiloult to ' appraise. , " ThoJudge," he &ays, "usually has ihorsee¦mM-ed when ttioy finst; ogaue out; anylameneea ' may oasily be noticed; Honext has tihtjm tarroirtsvki in line, aridUilen begins e& one end and eoctaiincothem as Uiey ooene.

" It is yf el l to approach tho horsefrany the front. Standing ut a tea.-on-aUVs distance his general bearing andpiyporticn oi parts s3i>ul<i bo BcnituuEed,the Blraightnesa ot£ hiB toro legs and h>:awEdth of c-hest and sjxring oil iab alsonoted. Tho judge now i.approache~! choserarul otiservr-d t3)© hoaid moxo oarei-ully.moiUcirrg tho ftize of tiie noetrile BJIIJ theltntrth oi the head, the width, of tholorShcaki an<l Uie shapo, size, and hright-n^cs

or dtraruesa of the eyes. He next

sti?p9 back a little and drops d*:wn sotliak he aau kxA book between £ho foro-lega * tho hooks , ruid he also viewsthem from a pvatiton in front yet «little to one s:d<' of the foreJlirnh?, Fromthese bvro pcj ai&y nn any abnorniiLlity itltho hook can easily be (iotoctx'd, and :nanakirrg tliCa survey tho judge is cure>-ful to oompara-oJie hock wit3i the nUit'jHe ne-lt obsorws the foje-limbs o!o.-<'ly.«md il ho noticed an enlargement on theiniide of the cannon bone he exiuninesit vith his hand tor splint H<? thennlotieea tlie fcot at tlie hoof hciuls, andin hairy gged hoi os it 19 alwu>L6 wellto examim? with tlhe hand f«T sideboneIThft foot in allao lifted, and its general6l)hpe aiut texture is observed, a.s well03 the tato of the £rog.

;" Having eomplotoi thv- inspectioninrni the front , the jydg<' to onosiri? and maJiois a critical oxamiaatioJio£ the ' animal, noticing hit Ient^h erfneck, cheat, carriage of the head, ftlopeof s hou3de-r, depth .>f br)dy, fllliru: cJ fort-flank , ehOTtnets-s of back and rfhortrnwand strength of couplin?. He rurtes theJeiting down <>f tbe hind- flan k , oojnparcothv length o< Uie upper and \crwt ldn«s,and alii) observes the lengtli ami levol-ness of the croup, tlie sot of lop's fromthw side, anid tho muscling of the forearms and gaakins. Pitting to tlho r«irhe taikes the spring of the nib andgeneral niiftih of tjhe barrel ; judgvtj w idthand thighs, and raises the fcvil to nwScetho depth of the nvusclrng in th« h'mdquarters between the \<ig». aivd alsouottces. the hiock at tho «arne time. ThelitranghttTiess of 'the lega is alj -o observed',and the inspecftiion of form is finished.

" Tlie judge n/xw has the liorso movedstraight aivay &txm him !»t a n-aJ3<. TTusaUbWB him to observe th« stranghtnefsof movement and the snap with whichthe horse piidks up his feet , and as thehoc* is led back towards the judge thestroightness of mxrvwnent is again ob-eervekl , and the jirdga tihen stops to onoEido .-aid iiUowa the horse to pass. Aslie cfocs en the length and baClnce ofstride, and the freedom 0/ knee andhbek adion are noted. The hotse isiTCDved apain. this time at the trot, andfWne point* obAomod as at the walk.Any tendency towards going wide be-hiiid , or to throw Ae front fe<*t out inthe mmner kniQwn as winging, is rend-By seen aa the horse moves straightft'Wtiy ; and from the aide view, over-reaeWng. a short stilted s-trcde, or a-nytendency to drag the limbs m revealed.Besides taking nxvU- the detaitr* df actionilw iudffe watches the general carriage,tho freedom and buoyancy w*th which¦th«; aninuVJ moves off. There 6hould bea e-pr ang and itnnp to the acliton thatarit^es from an exhilaration of spirit ,arid which reflects the happy poise and1vicour of tfie animoJ.

"When the inspootibn of tlio first hasbeen finietfied he ahoulti be sent to thoother end ol the lino and the inspectionof the second hoise lakfca up in thotame manner as befow;. After nJl havebeen inspectdd in this manner, and«ucoo*ttvely sent to the foot of U10 lino,the judge has c few pricked out for »•ehbrt leet, andl mokes a mare cninutoextunination and comparison oi thosehe has ehoson as likely prise winners,until he has defin&tely decJded betweenthem. Goodi judgjnient in balancingpaints ia very important just hero, formany judges are able to ?ee differencesbut go astray in their attempt to esti-mate the refcjtiive importance of tiv&odifferences.

' "In actuaj wx>ri in ^Arge ringa it isdHen advisable to movo nil of tho borees.In suoh oases tho ju dge passes rapidlyover tihe Une, picking oul thlot* taat byreason of unsoundneES or defictencieu inctonionuation ore not entitled to be con-sidered. Tho rest he oendis U> tlio headtocf the line and makes a. complete ex-amination of them. This Bom-Winesarouses somo pjvjbcGt fitom oxhihitore,irtu> htfd thai ervery horse has a rightto be shown in action—but in all largorings there are a goodly number thatus* eo ctoaily lacking in top qualifica-tions that it is waste of fcme to sUxp toinove them."



Some tknp ago we drew atteivtrtHi toth»> fact that reprasentativcs of foreigngtn'arnitiprkib were ibuying up tior;o9 inftiarteTftard and oftex part* <oi Irejj and.The " Daily Mail" saiya:—Ni> Ktat<imentwill be .made by tho War Office »>n tlheguvstioa of 'the ehtartisge of SihrMa inEngland before ¦tho con^us of horses atprt««nt b(\ing taken ia compilioterJ. Worefiterated again yesterdhy tlie swrioufy-nete of this question. The country findsiW rewjves of Wirsos cravely depletedowing to tiie Carge pinwiases by toredgnGoverniments.

On inquiry yesterday at Whiti-5\all ar<7>r<ssen.tativo of " The Doaly Mai]" wasinformed <!hat the Aremy Remount De-part'ment is fuHy alive to the prl>blc>irt,and titr that Jdadom haw taken tho un-pn'coclcnteri' Btcp mi the census. , TheBitter, us rejioirtod.lirt being can'axl outby the pcJice under the dlreciiion of theHome Office, and it i« expected to beCniAod in about a month.; "When thca great task is completed 13IOWar Office will Iknaw exactly, ffiow imanyIfoirnea Ihiw tare in Groat Britartn tindIreDaTiicJ swailabl© floor draught ami ridingpioiptjses. . An4 <m tliht ¦ SnAMtnatSwispecial action wiill (be tflken if neoeUcTary.In tho mramtrnie fbere is no lack of ex-pert evufenoe thai things ore not ee theyKhauffiJ be in Uie howo world.! ftleaarg. J>eoman . tihe propnetara ofAldridge's, yesieitlary ascribed lh.o pie-eent scarcity tfo.three imdtn oau&ijs-^thodr«inac<o caused by the {South AfricaniWlar, tihe dncroaaing Ttopue iof mechbnicalilradilon, and thp RTCO& hhd istrertgthen-Insf toreigrn d«twmd for bux best nwireo.i "Our fartnsro have . been frightenedtram breeding the enflddde-ctass ; horce..Otmriihua and cab horses aro practicallyidyfrig out, end thoro £3 conbidemblo dSf-flcalty in ifindjbg yaunff/ frdah Ihoreosanywhere in the oountry. 1

."UnqwsUonatiPy lihore are fewer hoc&es¦pesttinff thnxiESi the repot-itoriea tbxbugih-out tiBo kdnsk&nw. What lew good'Animals there ore a^o quickly snapped'trp by forttgn boyero. Tho latter fcxe tho£>est customers—olwcya ready to civo an¦ . -. - _ • A. l ll.! ~_I.JI,

¦ '• ' i -"M -:

' ' - !

; v ¦ i ! :¦! .! L_L


Jf it io stIH ituly to talk of barley yaw-ing; it ifl noi: !too BOOI} to coiisidei ¦ tih«prepanatlort of: the land ior Hhe crop.f cany eowiriff u?, in fact, a cacdinal podntin iucceealhil 1 'barley g.rvxwjng1, and tieiroia no reosdn why Isowdrig sfiooild not booompienced in January. Tlho iraportaTuoiytt>f vihat latroejs call a " eoaaon '¦ hbdalr<?pdy Ix4h ; insisted upon , and it tad¦been t'jqpla^ned that it ie. Tioi'dependentwin iii-i <j .»t«ndar but oi|Kxn 'he eitute\A 'ihe .woaj hiir uu-cl tne soil.1 /When liieCand is roejlofiv and the ^sccd is at oncocov«red hy ifiii«> and dry soil dn .the drill-h>w, even .before tlie harrow ooonj iletesihe ^vorit , itl is said to gone in well,snd no one! unfold -bo likely to Wbject.onthe' i^rouud j that the -work has.,il>een dbnetoo soon .. Thii^; desirable state wf

eoillhasnot occurred yet, as ihe •Bicalher baf-beeintoo damp W dthe «>il too olanMny, Itmay not, however, he long deJ:\yed, andploughing up the land after the sheepcan be dom' even di the soil ia too moistfar the light-;r Ullages conTie>jted' withactual fowirjg.

Land m'ended for barlej' should neverr><> allowed to Tcmairi ffat and ui)(plaughed;iitcr folding It i* "th«i firmly fcodderf,and i.« -.laMly washed, like a floor , bjha5.'.y siornu. The manure ]rft by the<ne#p ia cairled away, either to dittih«!aand drama or is concentrated rin. hollwwplacid, and produces an uno^uiil growtlhH<'no»- tfv»rjy treatise on ibarley ciultova-l:<> [) irirists up'jn i 'Alovring it-he she<"pu'lth in' (ijough . and prciswvang themarrurv '.Ji Situ The hir.-r>w shtntld no-t than ;i;n «kr 4:a. d.'i-p, for barltiyd<x ?n best on .1 firm <iub-<sk-atuin orboMonv and c<!Vel.< :n fuif t-ai nface. ABv> iilu- advantage ol d<vp cu'tivatr.on. itrnru .'. ¦;*• rx.weni.bered that tihe eoin*- landvriis jxr. ..baihjy ,p5ougrno<l for Tvnotv onJy tdxor »tn moaths tJncv. sind Rhat the re-"i t*n-vu I:HUILUI» baiicv, sino n.nai me re- ' some edict fmic-ted prev(>nting farmersmot*r ^ ".v.t* o.f thorough itilJajfe &x .the from making use of thoir land during.barU-y v.i) ..ulcl be om.para.tively shallow , i the wtinter season.Tho .pin>o<\i«i>s of 'folding and 'breakiTig^uji ; " O« this at-eAo •<! affaire viththe *»l<i dr. - intrinsic partb of. ~l *y what IH to be «ei-n «.t the farm Con-oui)tiv ;itii<>n already far advanced/, >* he noot«} with the expermient Here halfa«taal *->\u nc n;ay ibe delaj'ed ' \ the stubble is at present (February, 1909)" W»M >II already indicated a*—» r-j/" I tXETl-'nf stolen crop.1! of ryegnaRs. winter¦Quality :s ,th^aim ofal l barle,vj ' || II V\ [j »d giani rape, which will givo in-nj id 1h»- ta-oalcien-t of the ia«MIII]I'll Cy linn 7Teen fe«d ng in earl y spring,tihetip. as VcU as its eultrvtartJi u w

wi KUOH »*l is particularly

tho>' 'ha ve tasi<ed ov-er 'tho minitu hv all classes of stock . «=-hotSi cf iiiijf.vrt.inoi\ Heavy oaJcing—: ' • oa|ved <f(tiry orrwB, andconsis-U'iit 'wjth l/no prootucttion * - y saiaU farmer who hasb-.>«t qun l hy Of barley. Et' may prf | 'T tiling" ipends mosta h-icvy y. a) t \, Iiu.1 rh-e grain is hxX B O) C" / ! \ I Btuffa . The remaininghe Ion? '.ind nair row in shajxv anh I M u £ i

hi was rail- only ploufih-y«:!tw !JI colour. The crop is ^il^o li'i tod ;o^ NovemlbeT but theto lexijo .ind ¦this is sure to prod "HI .noire ' «tia carted on and¦lodiy ifiUod .bernee and poasiTj'jy gro>UeC. FS8V r*1"3? toa next season1

^out grains. The beat <rualit:es oi barlcj. j _ /->->Gn a cnib of winter oats wasare often grown ai'j i i •wheat when i«he iM1 in the early part of Dccemiberiund ha'*, in some degree, Imn depleted, under very favomrAblo circnimstancea. Asand tbis alone show3 tfiat barioy, of ailcom crops icnay be oyer^manuivd. Th«conditions 'that make far fcgh qual ityaro an tho fu t place, good baan'ojyground. (2)i ia, moderate dogTw- of rich-ncisa. (3) g<K)d tillogi?. (4) oady sowing,(5) goid 6o«df (6) a good season Otlhre-01 reuinrttanoej might be mentioned, Aabarley is n v«- safe unt i l u "is deliveredand paid far , but a1 thas iimo af yea*attention .IB duectod to the first £rv ?

oonditionii just enuaiorated.Tillage is of great importance, and m»y

be obtainwj by ' one ploughing, iWl-^ed¦by a sufncaoTit [number oi ih-ajrowirn'Band rolling. If I the ploughing Was j- r-formed sevcr3l ! weeks Ibe-fore aeed-'im- .it n ay bo dosifaide to filough & SOO.MK!time- , brui not nexofs the original fmw»Thtf land should be " run book ," I J O .,tii* CHK row eSiould eimpfly be r«ve **d .as this produces no cJoddiiiee^ ]ik«cross^pJbrighJng. It is also in nux-t Da«MdcciraWo to roll the land at onoa n£ta -4ihe pecond ploughing, which i» r«iiin-o.biy made immediately iboSore dialling.The joll^r preveuta the newJ.y tAirn*slfujrom' from bWring and becoming ihurdrnd intiractable. it 6iatters Che te.odn,andenabloaithfeh-ajrows to comjilete ih#irpulvtrtsalion. 'When the Wd s brokenup foT ;he first ftjmc only a few diLy* 'be-fore drilling, tihere ia no need <jf 1 Fpcv^dploughing, (u> the fresh gnoaind oan mul ybe reduced to a tilth (by tlho •¦*«> 01 thechain hoirrow, the collej, and i '.a *tv<{hanrow . TJiUa baxley ouJtivation iiiil ysimjxle and inexpensive, so far r,s "Lhej>:epttration of the ground i-s «w> n<vrfl«dIt ia. hbwovCT, ol impoolancr u> tow good(vei-di and on 51i:s point il t» on.i«ii^'ii-ynow to du more than lay stress.






At Olomnp) Quarter Sessioni Uie ca^oof J W. Rj obineon v Hon . l«la ilas^yr.-as Jioaj d.

Mr. J F. Quirk appeared for the plain-tafl . and Mr. llcKensJe for dafendanl.

This was o (proceES- brought by thoplaintiff , who resides iat Watoribrd, tortxxx\-or £4 ^s., money paid on bdhaJf trfThe defendant by plaintiff.

Mr. MoKcnale applied for an adjoum-mMit on tlho ground, of hi. olicnt'ia severeillness. Ho lead a letter from Dr. Power,of Ardiinnan , certifying that it Would bedangerous to Wni. 'Massy 'a life if rihewere tio attend icourt, aa she truffered fromheart disease.

Mr. Quirk opposed tho adjemnunentOn a former frccasion ho Wad rectivcid)k-tlera from ICr. iMoKenzie aho\ying tiiatthere was tio question of non-iiabdlityraised , anid ; fn j which it was stated (Jiafctihe rreonoy IdLiimed ¦would be jxiid, andit was only at ithe torcner quarter i=ct>sions that Ihe iound a defence to Iflioaoiion had been set up. His client wascecretttry V) t3io poultry •section of thoWateJ-iord Agricultural Show. Mrs.Miaasv hnd . d, -lot of poultry on ex-hiihOtoon at ithil ' dhow. and ¦when it wascanciudeii iho irea alkrft'ed <» removeher terdw wtiiout paying the (fees. Hiaclient Jiaid1 to pay thean out of hfia ownptoeiet, ind it ihad no\-er been re-paid>tb him. I |;|. i ¦

M,r. 'MxiKensJo in formed ; the rourt that(ho advised I io3; client "bo pay Khe ¦fees ,but;she toid him that &he "waa not bemndto pay thei money, aa thcro TV «IB ram?Vistabe. j :

Ilia Honor I declined iti> adjourn thecnL-o, and .tho |plaintiff gave e^-idenco ensupport of hi;- cli&n.

Ttie dofeiieo set "up vraa that tho de-fendant was: hoti liable for tiha oumcChirneid. i ; 1 .

Hii Honor, i gavo a kJecroe for the«Lmtount ctiinaf*3» with 1&. CA witnoisa'8expenses; :| |

In the oaso of John O'ljougJilin ngainlstthe Barn© dc-Jendant there wuq no ap-pearance by the plaintiff , -.and it was6truck out.I i : J . ' :

Ohlirlea Atldns v. <W. Barrett, nntfloWierg. , yr.' IIig'zin3_ 'fi>r tho plaintiff.ana Mr. ; Gioofgo H. esrgint fox defen-dants. ; I ;| I : . :

Tho latter irexe sudd cs exccutoxB oftk farmer: mianed, TbbUn tot the repair ofmachSnco ufcdl on tho farm. It nppeareUlhai t&e ! plhip.tiS wcU employcdl by Itodeoeasedjt Btmi tb repair a anevwingmachine.1 « i«i 1 having eiecutocl itha re-ouirai wbrl 2^e had to EUO f a t Idaousney.The Befcoo • «i up -was Ihat Mr. Atiins(hiad iw> iuLhopiy frDini the executors toTcpiir the piJ)aprje. :' ; ;

Ilis Hbnoi Rafe & docroe for <TJ Ite. fid .Ttonai Butler v, Oaxricj f-on-6ud¥ Rurdi

Council Ko 0>! |Mr. TWomaa R. etephen-

sell ftxr tli( cjpfj anidants. ¦ '¦¦Tjisa was alprocesa tb jreoover £6 ICs.

tax txtS&t Bftd lb defenliantj . It appear-ed tibhi the tf«& >wero' 6npp]ia>i in 1907,and -wfcien €b^ bill wai ftimfsheii iheItxkl Gwe Trtot nl Board, to per-;'m&t pnymkii \ of tho money on theground fhat fChe b'& -was bod recoi'vtd¦wEthin a c uiain p«ritad • to aUfcw of Usbedo; pdk}. • j! i > ¦ :¦ . • - . ,' ilr 0'Dor|nc£lJ ton ihe part x>t fie Eural

Ocnincfl, roiapa 00 kiefenoo, onif &ut>-mEUed ib ai'dpfsfe* if it could bo granlod;

A! dSscusiion Hook ttlaoe between Mr;Stepftenison arwl hte Honor, vMt expr«s&ted a kfoubt kis- m viuf iivr :ha'co\£ii emntA decree, ¦ kaA (ho. finially roserved IbisiuBgroent vii& next eosafons to on&Wehim io look invo tb« anthlcvcitiKr hbaringaa. lha puWoci. .¦ : ; , :


¦ 1 ! . . . . .: ' - ' V!

Air. ^VdbbC'riey, AgrdculturoJ Inspectiontor tho Co. Iiifterfck:, is contributing totihe "Farmer's Gazette" a Boxj ea <oiarticles entitled -'HE foAj Tillage Pay.'!This week he deouBsoa dhiefly : the•wreatlier oonditJonal ' Fauncns- are : con-w-tanUy declajmdng against th-o weaihonThey teli you the climate is changed;that the rainfall io heavier at tho wrongseason of the year1 than it used to be(anki that : there is in increasing lack ofwarm fitnabihe. , 1' Scieritiflo meteoro-Jiagiits," eayij Ifrl i Wibberiey, " statethkt no appreciable differenoa is obser-vable in the olimhtp e-f : this oountry.They refer to yeans,) qixty and ai hundred'yeaiB ia»>, quite I na depreisdnily wet asthat of "1D07; sprints! oe cold: and back-ward; summers 33 'wann and brigM asthose of 1908." ' i .

MT. Wibberley . gpee on to say:—»" Whether tho cj irnarte has or, has notchanged, the strongest advocate of grassis fbr«y} to ado&t I that farmens do nottake full advantage of faVcumbloclimatiio oondjtioj ii | to jpuslh.. forwardffiHage operations, and that many taodih-dations could be Intrpioeed into ourfanming practice to; moet the exigenciesof unfavourable yreather. To illustratetihese statemontli it rfVay be pointed outthat . tho ps6t autumn and winter werephenomenally dry.And mild , yet outsidethe Oomnty Committee's demonstrationplWtii not one pe^idh ,of winter oato haBbeen «wi ; grairi Htubbles wlliich mlightto a large extent hive been mode , toyield a (¦ocond crop of luxuriant jrreenreeding were allowed to remain bare;bare if one overlooks tihe dense crop ofweeds wKch vegetated. Except in thetrifllnge dfetrsctfi ol tho county, it wasown exceptional br> wo the Rtubblesploughed before January, as though

a penult tho crop will be rrp e o full fort-night befo-re any othr-r oate in ihe dis-trict , tlhua giving a better chance of Gas-ing th«Tn ' under fivournblo condatitons,and aiso facilitatirig the early flowing ofttio HoJlowing stolleh. or catch cropn. Allthe patiatoeti intcnd/*i for Bced have beentwxed «noe the dlaty theiy were dug. Thissimple mtxlifiaatiori of Hho UBUaJ Rystam1means that not 00]y will an inoreiasenJenryp rcnuil, but thai three or (our weeks'growth haa been o!bt.arinvri before puttdngthe tubers into tjue gnmnd Needless topoint out . tlhe farroer nan delay thepointing of the »pr<>u,1*'d crop in theevent of a wet sjj rpng 8udh a syste-rmilj c m-ethlod <xf ttillagp ae describedabove brings into o-peratexra another, and11 mr^.t important/ factor , nnonefly, tihe•Iblbour both of men and horses is morerronly distributed ' ttoougQxout the year.

" Tfitrt the tU3^ig<> dloes poriddlioallymeet with seasons which militate againsttbe proper carry ink out of Ms industrycannot be denied; irai £0 does every far-mer. It may not take the form oi con-tinued dTencihing diiwere of rain, but ifhis gmm Jhnd i» pardhod up witlh *Vifconcjving sumimer, or if hlalf Ma calviesdie with Mack-leg or w^to SCOUT, or hisdairy c/>w» prove to be " mia^ere" or" Ktripper&," he neft'erthelees lia* ex-pnr.entvd a bad anid iinprontablo peaaon.

" Before leaving than rrjucih deibatedsuhje^.t of climate and trillago, it may beof importance to diiroct at.ten.1ikm to tbefaodlitieti whoch 1he lintroduotwvn mio thecounty of improved madhSnery wouldgive, btvtli for tho oxitPnsixin of tliliageind also for tiho expeditious carrying outof tillage operationa. paniculairiLy duringunfavourable 'catchiy' waKuvs.

" As far ae the ¦writer is aware thereari> in the county Unly tttiroo Norwegianspike harrown, aibbut .fifteen spring-tooth-od harrows, throe or Jour potato diggers,and perhaps five corn reapers andbinder*. Even in tho tillage area of thecounty it is urrusual to meet a farmerwith more impleanemta tihan a cdmanenbaiancrt plrnigh , a. db-01 cultavator, awiooden framed harrow, and perhaps ahv>rrowing intcrwA. in a fongle drill tur-nip sawer and a faej ayy stone roller. Indhoj e unfilled portions of the countyfor whdeh thin report i» printinily in-t^mdotd, it ifl vexy little exagsjeration to>=ay that the small funmex's ehiof t2Hageimpl<Mmeul8 arc the epnde and1 theRhoveJ. with which 3t is no unocrrmmonthing to sec him till OR much land in aweek aes he could tiB in a day by a littlemodification an his. rotation and the useof .proper implements and hoife labour.To vierw tho matter in Rrnothej- iBigfht hewnrtai hand with la* Obsolete tools totill ono aero, whero with horee imple-niontu he could till nix acrne -witih ease."


The cu]Sination of Ut-it- tvixly potatoflhbuld bo already weU adVAnoiW, nadit might bo arguekl that, unlc% tlb© pre-liminary cullavataoh and manuring havebeen already diorre, it is of little use tt>attempt it this Mfe$qr>. Such, 'htawenrej1,IH scarcely true, aS tiho details are dap-able of being considerably nnuKltiietl, anait would be wronj tio imagino in Uhe.seday8 that a heavy dressing of dung iaunavoidable. Wihofover land bas bedndeeply ploughed . txj foro winter, and,better still, wftuen : It. has been dungeki,tJhore is nio relaaoo Wl y it should not bednvcDdd with gruKptia and harrows anilplanted witih. earjy] ptottitoes, cithar by

¦by planting :in the ' cfe, or even by dib-blinj them 1 to a ' jnb.

•Miain-oropJ potatoes iarc generally plant-ekl in Marah. AprU and even May , tp-cording to tlie Boaiip i( and in cuoh cacatihe pTuparation of] ho lnnd will be • ac-compKeiieri in a lfaqurety manner.: Therotiro, however, solid aJdVantases in grow-ing early vaaticties,Ills 1 they niat only comi.mind a hMi pri?«J, 1rut escape thqblight, whici rarr!]y visits tho potatoffieOkis until ; AuTustI | Such results Whave been micftddli ppoar to mean «ui>etanti'dl profits, ia «pit« jof tbo heavyexpenses entaileai I Especially does thj»cultivation appeal; it o small holders posr&4is«i at eufficieirt capital, as they canconoenlUute tlneir tmaKutm upon a tmauarea in ordcT to tmcKluoo' heavy crops;arid marloet' lhem ii new potatoes' trhqaprioes ore at tb« irl W^heit point. . . .' I

u ; ¦ . i ¦ i .

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' j .&C'i "

; ' : KiLLAKNisi -RAzoB/ 'r• ;


'Ask for and eea you. cot iho " KJ31-OTney" Raroc. Otex i bsodi *1 rTaya' "Uecd.OXcoryla "eHvcr Kinj'i Eaaxr i beatvalue in tbe trad» Jlor 3sv/ 0d. Razorsfrjoma Is. upwanfiJ. lloneV returned ¦ Ifnot gaUsfactory. ; ¦;¦ \ '. \ . ¦; -; ;


, ¦ r 1 1 ¦ . ] ':; capable 'ol eppre*odating; ; quaiiaty [Bay ' IWaii Doolan'i

Draught : Stoui h !ftf ahead of that ob-tained- clsowhcro. '- . : \

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THE CULTIVATION OE FlAS, !: |f^ :-4t -li _JlLiLL- ;i i: !

¦ 'l .rrhc .latest I leaflet! issued'; by ; tlhe 1 Be-

jpa ttrneni'lol .Agriculture : deals wilhi theQuestion ' ,of* flax ddtovatriion. UzkmA , \i>BedrnsJ; i3;|ii<>ti Uhe only country I ¦where ' atfoirease oi the aire^.'iun'deor flax:|& notioe-iWe.. .The;|.uin3 |tor ; Hdl^andi! for ilSUJoi w a decrease of ISO per as com-pared with, the figures af 1908. :i. ¦ 1:¦ 't'he expC^niaiion \i)i Uie Dutch fallingoilTia scumevrhat siniiiar to ; the;iexijCflrta-lion off«j ed by Irif-h ogriwuJlLurigtd-Vihei .cJccnency,;. -or ¦uhcertainty, oi j. itlho


¦' -It was ex!o*.ptionally oold in, Hollanddjuiing Uhis 1 9 &opon. April and Mayfiufj ered txoia a loftiness of tem|r>&taituxewhich intq.-ferpd w^th; the growth of j the'crop, and.thpilieavji tinria iu Jiily raUrd-eu ,the :rlpWiing, ointi proveniod. puiopejlia-toring bfj 1 tihe beed, 'Hie: crop y raa,motec/vcTi j hapvesttelq under inoet con-rtiaiy ¦jveaith<iri toondiliansy and. the -yieldo,[ &tiid wak much b^iow the Siverajge. .

rThe quabtity of Dutch seed avaUaUeit- t [therefore , «r*alJ: and. good qualitys.»w(fng seed ii soa'ix}* .¦ As"; reJoAiA li}' liMio.Riga eeedf Iwaa sawn in Holland in 1603•ttexe is only : a very limited i quanltitiy ofJj Lj g-a OHild seed to be disposed of :f6>oapUrt. niitiph seed for 1SJ10 sowing isn,ot'large in the "piislde," and is gener-allv Door in colour. Several samBtai xe-otiv«di by tne Departinent haive, hW«ivpr,shown a ¦ fcatisfaotorv g*rmSn!aiiing aaipajcdty. , :

IlLrosh grttw-ers wuio may be offered'Dutoh 8ie*d ol the 1&08 crop, &houd<l takestepb to hive ite ge-ininatlori tegited1,1 forif iii, gxowfth haa ndt been impaired bykeeping, eueh se«d ii in many cases pre-feraible to |muoh of the lflOO crop.

: Rejx>itt« jfrorri Eni^ia turniehed tO'theDepantmedt are to the effect that ih thatcountry ta<jre »-as <i sJigihft dfettrease; iathe area tinder flai ae comipaired witih1008. The oliroaitic conditions during1 thegr.Kttitb and harvesting of the crop were,on the whole, mast tavaujraible, and itj aeicpectied that tihere will be a' ptteaiifulsupply of sowing eeeti of good qiuoiitiy,

' These reports are borne' out try tboresults of the testing of gamplea of Rius«ian 6eed aliready to hand, tihose of" Peiroau Crown " being ot higlh qualitr/,nad growiarB sowing Russian- Seed irj1910 are again recontunondod to purchase' 'Pernau Grown." :

From tho albove report as 00 the harvesioi seed in parts oi Holland and Russia itin evident that it wiJil be necessary foxgT<wers, particuiltirlj' if they intend topurchase Duibdh Beed1, to bo •'more tihanoidinarily carefud jn th« eeleotdori oftheir aowdng seed. Qf, aJl the more generalcraps, flaa; is the j one for iwroch [ the'greatest caution is Required in tihe pur-chase of teed. The: Department would,therefore, urg« on f l A x grawere tho nejee3-fiity of hawing t2i»> gerumnalion, pctiritty,aj id weight of- tbeic seed tested ot|thoSeed Testing Ht-atSoii, at wibdeto, for a.rtaminaJ oliarge of 3di p er, saaajifle, groves*axe afforded ea»epjaonal privileges ofsatisfying 'theroeelves ae to the qualityoj the Beed they pnoioie to sow fox nextreason's crop. Irish ] grower© know STOUthe diflerdnoe beitiw^en the crop grown/ram good and that grown iram Daa goeo,and that the small extra outlay imvohnediin the purchase of high-alow seed is re-turned many times bver in the suipeiioryoeld and qmality a! tlhe reriulting drop.

The returns from f|eld trials with vsirie-tien of flax seed oarpied put by tihe De-partment in variotis districts and ¦ onmany classes of soils during the iaet nineyeaw haive shown that mo definite rulecivn be told down as to 6uitatoility! ofeitheT variety of seed—'Riga or Dutxjih—for a oertoin soil dr dictriot. In tomoyeare Oho first named variety has almost.uniformly given the 1!better resmita on oil*>otl3 and in all districts, and in otheryeans the latter varierty has prerved ;thetwtter. FaTm«i» are, therejor©, adivi)&edchit to confine t/hedrtseLvas, to the ruseyear alter year of.eitiheT variety of-6C«sl,but to sow in any;' one year 1i seedwhich eivee the best result* on beanutested. I I

Special envelope* in which to forwardiimipllea of seed for itedfcing may be pro-cureo free^ oif ohorgo on ajipflination toihe Deporbneat. .


In the course exf a leading articLq inwhich more sknlful 'cultivation cA cropsia Insisted upon, thej ' Palmers' Gazette "eays —" In Great . Britain *n 1908 OV«Tten times as much land was devoted tobariey as- wias the case in Ireland, theAgurea being; 1,667,4^7 and 164 93 ajcrea,xeep&ctively. In the fanner case about 5per cent. ' exf tie totil'i crap acreage wasdevt*ed: to barley,, wjbile" in dseJand onlya' shade oyef 1 per cent, was grow.. In.<3reat Britain 9} per ceni of oats wiezbgrown (3,108 16 acres), while in Irediodthe percentage was:: onljy about 7} pereeat. Rye represeatod 0A6 per ceat. ofCie craps of, Great Britain, but oaiSy.about 0.05 per ceat. of those in IreJanU.Ahout 5.000 odd acres of buok)w!he&.t tooregrown in Great Britain, whereas Unawag not grown at allj in Ireland!, at leastin oiiffiaent quantity to be entered onthe- reitarns. As it foj ins a hi^My naLtri-ticniB food for stock,!|and pantJiimlarly forpoultry, which thrive splendidly aa i it,buckwheat is well vprth the attention ofIrish Jaxmers. It is kirweiy grormn op theContinent of BuropeT also, Wuft it is (in-deed praoticaUy unknown in thdfi country.

" Striking dafferencjee are ahtown in theaoreages under beans and peas in tbeeecountries. In Great Britain oloeo on Onoper ceat. of the ortmpting land1 is undertx-ane: in Ireland |here is only aboutoneihiindredth af one par cent, underthis crop. ; Simdlarly for pdaa. the per-centages are about half of on« per Great Britain on against tiwo-fthau-6an<Jl:h<> of B per oent . in Lreland, that is,only 297 acred peas out of Himillion acres, or about two out af every100,000. Now, it 18 we|U kporam that beansand peas are highly nutritious tfoWdU,¦flesh-dorming In an Eminent degree, anddecidedly suifabl-e Jot- feeding horees andfor put-tong a finish j on pork ; therefor*-their almost total ne^ledt in pii a dcmnlrymuct Jiepreseat a very conaidero!b(U> lossog efficiency 'in 1 connootdon w^^tih

the feed-

ing of farm animals.] . i< "If we turn to root and forage wp&

Btwdlor figares are ^bserWabJe. Wo niaynejriect potafoea, aa I the atish acreageunder that crop exceeds the| Bri-tisdi j io tonly, relatively but ttieoftutciliy, Ireland,hliwever gro<rs inapirweetialble; breiadtihls. oioniona, iohl-rttbi ami lucerne aa fieldcrops, whilo these are grown fairly ex-tentively aoroBa the Channel. Greatftritoin ppns, nearly four acres in. everythotisand in ivetene«,i while I Ireland1 onlymam .about 13 in ^.vcry lpO.000. ' KapeIs grown to tihe extent of ^O acres inevery IO.OOQI "'On 1 the other side," Vatonly 21 acrea in ever* 100,000 of this veryutieiuJ crop! ore cujimiied Ii4 IrelandW« Ineed nol,| howermer, go- jurtlhet intothe; matter ai presen', tor &uih fiSuro astheeio aftond ja f.tritii g comparison. It isBale! to' -assort ; that, Irish &t»l is quitecapable of prodncanj as ahunriimt. yieldsxif the, crops we hav< > meolionexi/^s thatof any1 other muntryi and irideexi we hop*

5U&ia of various crops,as gfojra "ln-Ir«-laad. Great Britain, (arfii emse Oon^dnea-MI: caantrie> too; but it: Is ialaa! well topos t a l oat that: . o» . Oontdnepial 1 farmerscorwiijef" the/ inethods in Great, Retainrather waEtejJiil, and oi Irish method6' inree$tec& U> Xaehe crot » tc. wihlcih ,\re ;haW6referred1 are I behind thoso 'af our ' eidercouotriea, we in Ire and I need ntever ex-pect to win pi« racejed agrichltural prc»-ftrity against j Brltaeh and ContinentalhratezB urJeta we bexxxawj more tiAet-prisinig arid' hesito.'j> not 'ito \tirj oilierme&hoob than merely . t&lonr i in : oar"Others' jSootfitjepo regardle* jo*- "-;' y b *.Ground which we an losing; Tear] by year,and day by [ c ay in, tie race tar oupre-nl'ady, j with-.ttoipetiii B comMeo.". '*. I ;;

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i- iTW 'laa} whioh Ireland- si ffers awingto!to^ifaiqt;flwlt. Qi« *v& ot (Uh© nffli- .tathei country is of ¦sn mer jxnioiuiatSonjhas.been I pointed out Irepeededljt, j and vaii-OUB|isuggestams. have been 'niade forieh-oajirpi rij .iJarnrers-; Jo prodra»& latterqnaatitiesi of milk in wdnitorj I"ia!maerafis|v»!been constantly urgodl.tfr taJce1 upihe ppfoduation ; of milk in rwiiuteir, Ibui¦thj rp |haye olhgdotad on the ground that1hos '<loti3.not pay; at p?«6entTpcice«. I Tome|et |thra' abjection: '.and ,to ascertain j thecoat if producing mdlk 'in wiiltfT -the :De-jpaiiunj cnit ' of Asrioul-ture ftj c llreC'arjd in-stibo'Jed an exipej'iment at one of fee-irzgrioiiiltuial stations, and |a£»3Jt'ainedthit ' Wth suitable cows propeilry dietedand 3i<ki5e d> -wiutcT !nri& pccd/iicKon iW&ll(pay^Wt- preiient1 prices. A vim (Co n>aic,pnJfilttbly-;auring-winter must; b& ca.pabje"if I fftjoduding 650 i gafflotti. <^f '¦ a£li per¦an^iurn. Snfficient !hdme gtoim foods ix>forari th.e,j bTxlk of the- rations SOT ?ritM?tifeejdKil j nxust be raised.. Wintex mlilkiiiigcawsi rmiHl be regularly fedi^ritih a euit:alMa 'ration ¦'¦ ana 1 com'ftxrtuibQy houietd.Incceose'di cmpdtal I to produce milk 1 -,niwinSei ia small. V\, -will jpay. the .earjaill(farrrrer, au well as . the tarcej femmer , toipcodiuoe rhiik in .winter if the condStion&are' /iic'itahle. WSnter calves thrive belftej "arid,ire easier reared than Ajuril calves.

. ' ! I

I 'Aiinea.t boycott; of vast |dimen8ion5cs going on in the Stataj . In tihe whoJecounlay tiheire are fully a million personsplodded1 to abstain frccn meat eating forthirty! days, and some tor fixty days.Bottoh hu6 joine d the other cities, endUherej was a great ma2& meeting thereon ',:8undla.y ewenling for the purpose ofabtadoins rexsruits. EflVicrt* are beingtnatfe^ to induce New York to Join theTOOvemmt. The Central FederatedDndon has endloirseld tho boyoot. It haa170,000 members. A number of ¦women'eeocrierties have announced thieir intentionof slirfing a movement. It is predictedthat'too Govearranent will institute pTO-ceedHhga agannEt tlho Ghiaago packexanext !*eek .

Whale the New York Federated UnionhaS'idecMned formally to endorse themoat I boycott many of its 170,000 mem-bers ; Wre working indavidaially for theadvancement of tiao moveineat.

Ihd horee is having an anxious timeof it I just now in theses parts. In thiscountry the terror of Inyairion over-aha<Jiws him. In London tfhe| motor 'basIhus almjodt overwh-ftlmed & certain doesof cattle. Last week about fire hundredom&ibus hloreea -were sold bj auction inLouden. , ; Sales of this kind ha-ve beenoccurlrin^', oodsdiondly for i&}& p«u3t sismobtbb.

: ;B<9 <ev«r tlhe War Office and .foreignCTrccrinniento ore tclancintr 12io matter-by sdtthty up an inareased aemand- torhoreei. '.

A'coording to a return issued laet meekduririg tihe quarter ended I SeptenJbeT3001, 1 1909, 54 evict*** tenaritft or per-sons nontinateJd by tlhe Estateb Oom-rnissiibnerB to,be tiie peraktal ropre-sontatives of dteceaseki evicted tenants,were,| with ,:the assistance of [the EstatesComrtiivifentirfl, ireuusSated eilJier by tawlandlord or by the OommiBedonere aspureQjaKe!r3 of tihtoir, or their predleeee-aora'.J former hbldiags, or prjovdidj efti witlh« hew parcel of ileuod under the LandPurchase Acts, laik return ttoee mat in-oradxy' oafces of evicted tenante otiherwisetrednsiated. The. valuo of thb {anna onwhich evicted tenanuj "werje napilacednangos from remiialfi of £600 down to £-4.

At J a rale on M'ondoy alt TatiewaiTBthere Wus keen cDinpetitiionl tor Irishtiwat^ra. Pj jde of Bromin; 0 bay goM-ing. by RayBcrtoss (by St. Flbrian), dapn(Bartina by Ascetic) winner of first prisesat Belfast and Airdeo 8bow4' ^^ ?ear,and; bred; in Ocmniy Antrim-, waa 'dis-potxd of; for 220 guineas. 6tl Patiriok, &tkty gcflidinj , np to ltet, a fast end clfcverhamter (bred in County Meath), made 129cuin<*is. Tippet, a , brown geM£n?,: by;Viterj (eiro of Cmdstmas Da&yl a goodhointiir, up to l^fatj was sif id tar 70Waindne. • Mjasterpieoe, a brown peh$ng,by WToanisgate, np to 14st, a good fetioerfarad j tut, broo^at CO CTtineas. FarstiFiifrWt, d chestnut folding,! by RoyeiiMiinistrel, dam by Pasaion luower (bredih Oohinty Limerick), was knocked downcit 80) guinaas; r and Miillinear, a |baygaldiflg, ; by Thoapnilus, byl Arbitrator(bred| inliCounty Westnieatii), wentrior67 { aneas. Troasurfi a black, geidong'by yortuiruo, darn by. Brawn Princej wascfieajf at '80 guineas; as was Iimrod, atii»wn gtfliirtg' by Bruree, at }9Q gnineaaiAt frlj guineias, Curragh Orange, a tarpwngeldiiig, by Orotanstown (by| GaUinuleVnj gjorid hnnter, up to 14st.,: and weJVkaoorn vrtffh the ¦ Kildaire . Hounds,chan^dd hands. Other transactions wereU-Doiik Pennds, a bay gelding, by TJO-demiiq, 86 guinaas; Suirmoni, a , bnowmgeldarig by ChBtleblayney. np to 15ftt., 71gtkinocs; finpresa, a bay mare, byiOamcin Bmperor, up to 14et, 51 guineas;Giptcy Bait, a hay mlaie, by Fitzwilliam,trp to Hja t, 110 guineas'; Morrdetown, a[bay !gelding, hunted by .Major Orocierin Ireland during .the past two seasons,47 (ftiincaB; ahtl Clonmoney Lass, & bayntarej winner!of the Kiidare Open Point-to-Pount Race, 55 gnineaB.

i 'Manitoba ha'9 enjoyed1 a year of ctoond-ahoe.1 Tho value ct its crops iflnd caWois : oatfnxated at dose . upon Eaventeenmillita pounkti sterling. En addition,iDairyt produce was wortth at!least threehundred thousand pounds. .

Ttnb wealth h'as been prothroed in ftcountiy with a poipuTiation (indttdingtown hrescdents) cf less thian one mtll|0n.! The-1 United SSaten ia elowly annexing

Ctmiaiia—".by the emignatlon process iup-Tmrdi!* of 90,000 new tvettlerp from I theetate4 a(i>ved- in Uie Manibotia districtJj ttSVI'j rtar. I : . 1 '

i iP<JoUatuff prfoes in New Ytori are |£h«hlrfiefet pn record,' ! The! meat boycottcontiituea to ertX&t tens of ttaotcsoaaf! ofntiw; I supporters. •. The Federal irwesti-'^ation;! of I tne-tlKXto of the Beof Iteustpqanniionoed in Ohicogo this week. ! | :;

In; kniilaipaittm ct a fliartago p i eggsin tht winter large quantities ot eggsvrcro fJaced in dole storage some monthsago. :,:WoiEihortage howovex, aroao, -jHtJitbe result thlat egga now proraiae1 to bo-conre, very cheap, eince tihe tupptty | .idmuch aver tihe demand. :- ; 1 ]. ' ¦ !i : i:- - : ! rr- : - i l i - IPToe Ainiejuctui fooycott dti mxisS andUVber foodstuff hias already brourfrt jtihoiMiUt CTnti to Jta knecti. ITen trf tho'bdgMflt ; CompsaSea t o ". Now Yorl tiavedtrepp Jd thear prioca bora. 4idi Co 4d, per«*«¦ : | i ! • ¦ , ' ¦¦


¦¦M: !- : ¦ l


• hl' . - lL- i rt - l- i i rK ^I The Dfpartmcntt' of Aprulonlturo againannaunceo* that ! e ' Ilmited' 'n.Tniiber ¦ 08schoHirE3hip3 trill be offered in1 lGQOJforootnpiMition among young'Irishmen whodesat^ tol receive technical edutttfiori jin

\ agrioulturb, and that-one or- more eoholar-3»ip»l '*'ill' be provided for 6tudejit3 wbointend to | spaoialii«!,eitljor in , hontiouJ-tore;' forestry or oreamery' n&aa^einfeni.XheH liast! date for receiving apffliaaiionBIwys bicen tiie Deparfttoent aa i atAvOTft 3rd.: 1M0. • I• I - ¦'¦. j : - ' !" .11 ' .|-

i -M ;- iv'jJ j ^ ^ K I Cur6a

In 48HoUng

J&QMA mWItnL detunmeat* at It* UrbuirfeJlWk ByirA OfttM. Swrler to CopticffSfmfijMf Jj Ol' "^ii' "ll Jjt " '" iiiiiHM T BTB * B3BSC>rttiTw^' OftOCbcsplsSrM

Bi / LHBBHHST POMHM M sffftuB** - '¦ f 1'

) ¦ ; - j T - i ' l - ' I, :¦¦¦> ^.¦¦;,- - ^nn7rr- rpp;[

[ :i ii J : iA^ 'iiiNp-e tt4^B!sr. .; J'!,;j . ¦

j O'i;>ary's Btock c4!Harr^e» 'andT SaoiJ ¦;qjeryi deflca Doairpetition.|B<$rse,i $I»»toi ;lined i from &. | Gd.: «iding Reins; tod; »Brdd;,i:ifram;3e.'; ..Dain.OovOTs; Sadfc los,1 1ete.^ta: Jarge,«axietreA,' i.';Afa| O'Learr'a. ;l^(^' bi*we!bnylp«iebe*l<fe'.¦;;•'.¦¦¦; M H j

• ! l. i i - :! - ; ' : S ; i - . !i !- te >i :: :i i-JM4 "!ij5 |;lih 1 ;! : • ; . ' ¦ •; M^ ' . - ; - a :- :^ : f 'M : : ' ., -;¦- J

: - -' i :- i .. 1. . • ' ' ¦ ! • !- , : -ii- ; : | .¦ K r '; ;i • • ¦"¦ !¦- - - ut- ;-r r T - j - j J :- ' . ..j ^ : 1 j- ; ;i ;; ^vf' ^Hrm :;>:¦;

'¦ ' ] ¦ ¦ ! ¦ ¦ -''f 1 ' : ^T " T :''r 'r "- - -:

> 1 - ¦' ""ift^i' - ' . ; . - |- i ^ > - ; ! ' vj ;-;in :T| ;c

¦. i}-: b i|f^P^Pft ;'lsl: ft^pR|E- .iiiBIifP ¦|:|MS8:;;f |N|ip!i ' ' J

¦ Is jby. farltlie'Mstj uiojs't pprrrianerit,! and, \c )hsistent Avitfci! |quaUtyJ I j :' j : "'-¦; ' | ' : J !; i ^eij1 cheapest jilanure -'ia]ttl« :SfairWet." :|.U- :-| |j! ¦. - - ¦"I- "•;; !- l i | ' i: i - i- '-1 -i ¦ You'will have Early Grassland you need; not iop-dress again for i ' i ^.: • ¦ > ! ¦ ¦ ¦; ^ |\!:!:M. ; .fl fKi ;^ -^' -^4 ; i ^^ J- ' t ilf i iv -j i i ihi : ', -We can also .'supply* jXXX ]Suppc 35 per cent; Albert's Basic SlaafKaiiafc,. . . ; ^itrate of ; !Soda,;'$^

ulphate !j jAj trinipnia;.«tc;tj!^tc '|or we| vyiU imaki :upi--i ;^ .-.¦ / ! ¦: l i ¦! your;:!bwn mixtures at ¦venr -'-lotrest- ' Drices.- > ! i'V :1- ' ¦¦¦' l i . ' i ; 1 ."!; :• ? I ^ SN SPEcM EARl^^OTAiTO' JMiNUEE:!.!!'!• I :' I \ !. ' giy'ei 'eirhest,: most abundant, - and j iouncjest-potatoes. : ir .h j'riji i i !¦ ,;{:¦¦ ¦ ^cESLTLpff's |s |qM| - - :toBLfltrJ ! j fifl^TinaJsji vi ' ; ;ii H :- :!i -r U l: -::- ":;! -4 ;as |recomniended;Jb y tne ; JJe'partpient ¦ of j AgricultureJ ior; JrelandJl \V^Pure! Cn«hed- t ^laMeeii" : (L asj^d ; Cake/ Meal), i batnieat; Floiir; 1 ^\:Catit6j ' PUR^ Ln?SEp);iCAE i DECORTICAiT I)


I Cotton C^kettes for^ Grass, F sidyig: . We" will sell tol youcheaper thari Liyerpo'oIJ!¦ ; j

¦ , :;j fM: :THE MEW .; sc^4:-ic^^^^:::^!i ;::iv ' !i 'ij ¦ !- Splendid : fpr Stall and Grass Feedaie: or / Dairy 'Cows, M ' 'I .ij . ¦ !- Splendid ; f >r Stall and- Grass' Feeding^ or/ Dairy; : CpvraJ i ":! ^ .-Sertd'a Postcardj forj Sari pleS| and Prices to' onr"Ag(j rJts; !or to!" i ^ ' ¦' ; : ' ^

: ll j ] ; ¦

, , SEJS^ UM ,0 -$MM EM$--::!¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ Head Officel—John s Lair eiij - I^lsj)r^: i:d, ar


es bbiir8iMtti ' '- '¦; Manure Factory—Graccdieii.'' j{ ] 8ee'd -and! Uannie Stofes-Ul'Gbnnell 'SerecC

, -¦ : - , . ^ 1 , ^ i - i iJ O , M ; ; ! . -L ; VU!.; :: . .: - : : ^^^'i.^^Mc

iD ^ iRittj SiiS,! - ¦ ¦

¦ '

¦! ! i

By Bt. Simon, Own, brother |to ILA.i:i ROCHE, i : 1 ¦

li' ¦ 1:

¦- ¦

¦ [ ] ' ¦ ¦ ' ' i '

Will stland: Tj-tiCTXRlRAGHlMOEE dur-ing tihe SfeaBon^i^i, an} will cover atimiteid niimbcir|./«i1i 6pa ilaiHyi approved!Moirea on the ' fcllblwing I terms :-~

•!' ! ' ' ! ¦ I - ! - ': ACaxes the property | of wallcerB oittiaund puppies beJarigfaig Ho ti« MarquSsof Watjorford, Free Secvdce. ' '

Wares tlh« property di Bona |FdkJe Far-jnera, ewer whioBp IamJd3| the ' iWaterfordiHounkfe hiunt (except -tine townsl nldfi oi

.Mounit Noill, eitc., etc.), Servieo Ffe, £1;Grctam'B Fee. &.: 6d. 1 I •

A(B other Maree, £10 Oe. 0d.: Groom'eFee, 10B. I I

AB Mares must be ¦approvied. iof by1>orid Waterford- at a- Ehtiw io; Ibe '.bold atOurraghlmore on a dlate' 'to Ibe nlcxtfiiledlater. * "*"t '~ 1'

kTdn I

By Ppoi'ttao, cDaim rUauohe,; jwill dtandat- Qprraghinoro !at; thej samB terms- cs

! D'AfcEKKERG. ,: ! 4

HAiE; ¥pf :l!i' : ;:¦ ¦ B|l^iEftWJtih wounda thai difecliaTge oil oiihiei-wi£0, perhaps £.turounjded wuth, {infl un-mation and swollen,; thmts whei' yon pressyour finger on the utfTamed pact itleaves the impression? 'If si, I under theEstin yon Ibiwe poison thiat' defies ¦all tiheremedies ;you have ,tried, whiah, I if notextractod; ytra nevtr lean eecoy r. but0a on suffering -till death, releases you.Perhaps iyour knees < are ewioUen, theinrints bemc ulcerated: I the I same; withyia anilgj, roirnd hit^h tiielsMn maybe dtooodmired, or tiere|taay be wounds;the disease, if allowed | to continue, willdeprive yon of the purser to [wtd^.: Yonciay havle attended 1 ykirious hospitalsand had mediictj adiviice', and been toldytour caee' is 'hioipelesa,' orf advised to eub-mit to cinputotaoni bu1 do !n»t, tor .

i CANl-otiEi: :Yoii -. ¦¦: ¦Ii DONT pAT PERHA?a; BUT I "WILL.Beoaxue: Ottoers 'have fat ed is no reasonI shouMJ 8endl a.1i! onco. a P.O. for 2a.6d.; to W. N. ALBERT!. 73, 1 FABRING-DON STREET, LONDON, and you willreceive a! box of ; , i ; , I ,; I ¦ ;^»^ «~ <v'»N«..i^^psiF»««J

r» I I . ::.r :

"' ;| I ioiilNijpiElWTand FHhi "which io a isore remedy fortheia cure of Bad; Legs,' Housemaid'eKnee, Ulcerated:: Joints,: Oarb^ncles,Poisoned I Baruijy ' TunsinxsJ [Abscesses,Stare ThWiat, Bnanchitiri Bunions, andRingworm. (Corpyright).I i I ,'. | _ , . . -

i , iii!Uh

Cf J nir:Wmm\ i 1 g


MECHANICAL fiOODS! OFAli KINDS! i I i • I !i . ;: l i lr~] r ' : !i | i ; | | : i J

To Farmers, Poultry Defers, &c.! ' I i ' :• '! I ::. - i '

Dueko and Chlclton6.W.I H. THOkAS,; i^otdtiy i- Dealer.

Queen Stroeti, Torgj ayJ: ?J3 open- jt o ie-cedve Good; Fed] Oiicken^, |31b3J ! endupwards. | Oaeli prioa,! 6s. _per oonple.7«". !per oonple iforJGtoad ; FJai J *a&3.Oarriage paij tc wmgioy. fVrfo <xnjdeJivery. I . j i f!| , : ' " ;.| I : i ,_ W. H. THOJJTAS. | j


! !" j ¦ ¦ . ! I PtouitrV' Bal- smi »; .' . '; ¦ . , : ¦¦ ; . Qneen ; 8t»oe*. Vorqa sy. ¦

! ' isiX i DOZEN FOE ! SIXPENCE.: ; ! ¦' I ' V I L_ I ' - L 1 S- - ;; !- 1 ¦ ¦¦

: ; ! : M ¦

: ¦ i|h V :;!; . " .i i '1 ¦ ' , ONB' TIN JOB1 " I :| : ' '

I roitefr; 11 -Gavd ;aa a irecnlt Six. Dozen' Eegs (est.[ i'j . i - i - j £«»» :¦ eB&iaooto. j ':!¦ ,'. ' ¦

i : 'Asen^riWei<sUid; m \p aaldev&Qo.itXi,', QeoL Wliit^ <tad Sim. Oaxridk-<m-Snir—J. Tyrie. Tamerv Msmortr-^iwiroWan*y. |:|--, .ipf:||rr]i ::j : ! rr¦, ":¦ • H i I- "-

"' .-. v ' i. :'- I ' - ', ij l k - i i '.!- ! ;¦ :: -• - •

G20 to 5,C00 ADVANCED.By.PrivatA-Lendiar okskti&a' Vtraa&SBeaj

NojKHsV bf-Bale t -k£i | and : itiaabait,privacy] gbtcrantexj. .Rmslettgr,' of ap-pHeatfon receives pi smpt sbbjinTun; 'asdinienums I DoriuwwB ate»wasted xxp cm byaf»«preae^ttv^;[yaa, :nrean^»>wered' tooarawe4e>i z<asaactt3anioa- testeo imitu^Uyi£vmt&. r NO I QmS06r%«1 madevxdSS ! fBwfew* /-AOtUAMHr^ 0OM-PLEOTO). iv^& toMf am far! Short

iNH|::ij iSiil |:f|]|> I ai .lEXC HB0UE H >?Kj$jrY': Dl)B:Lti«.v4p

; rfl>¦:*¦ mn%teimIH QWUBM ¦ jH't <:-t¦kfnSBt^tt sj Swyi smfs i # •*»*Cott* M- » .KMtlw : t f o iwXm > 'Mr *(•,Sh}wcqodit>oo,T Qp nia «t* Co i • Kf

bi-ililffli ililpiB

i Published cl tbi Offi£c3 cJ¦ . !¦ : i - l l ! i hi - - ' ¦!. ¦ ; ¦ : • ; • ¦ : ' - i

f idejf'IndialV ii . .By i iyiiss l MAUP i POWERl

With nurjierons IllustratJonsmGolorflfroml Pidurca painted by the Author.

!.i:|>?l:.M : i ' !" Glashmore," j '

i ¦ ¦ ¦ I

¦ ¦ i ! ¦ '

. 1 ,J ¦


A Story of the County WaterfordBy ibMbND DOWNEY; !;| Cljpp Edibo:n|.ui aoth;;-| j

pisiKsd E^o^i' kccaLi&td¦¦¦'¦ ¦ "

! - : 1 ;^ ; 0 0\ : ¦:

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I - ' ¦ ; - : ; i . ; i - I ' . ' ¦ : ' ¦ '

; | ' ;

'My Obi l&r Boip: ; ; : 'By ;j|i#ES.:WHiT ;|f \

' , JLi—^- LL ' " '; ' iffy^T^ffif,'._ ¦¦..'.-iii,.. .'. j..Ji- ; >:

PKiidEiS/- ;:: R«j>ffias© ;<J€.;: \ \ ' \ \f i i o o \ ' ¦

¦;; ¦!:] I"IStl U^ulasI Annual"!

Coatrpbptions by Pup3s of the, ( |Urculmi Convent! jWaterford.! !

mi. IU--4 if; " .i¦ .

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.!- ! i \y

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^ Bs u8y Spote[ iri tihie j . [ ¦SoufeEaitEMla,"By O5 P. REDMOND.' |:

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PEJI0E ;i1/- ; . ; - Pc^ftas©:-^;|: i ¦ ¦; ;: ; ii j \[v \ c>^': rj :. : \>/ \ i \

! Stair; in Wkierfoht"I

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r\ i :#» ' ||»> i- nrr\n/\vtiMByi p. lP. REpMpNPl! | !: ?\O. |; ||I^fti|i ; -i ; : ( : - H;; ¦ [ : !P$j fGISr

:.$iiBal. ; ^ob$aa^1«IU!!

I-"|P';jlS^[' - :i^ - ;;;if :;t;|" IFKfe . (GIcigH eltt.;:;; y i # ' ;| . '¦ |. h

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- ; 'of die Murder Icommitted. ; \^Ixy-Ricijcrd Bv0 ; '} ; ;:j f ,

PIRlbiST'ltf. ¦ - POPtaJBeiiclli.'

• ¦' ¦ j. > i - .

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«^AT^ORDjto -K : .: H Vr ^-EASp»N GUIpE.t j

' :|rhe|cbbv^ BooWjarePul&hed ¦¦ -f; ; ^t-the'bgcei'of ^i1: |' ; ' ;; !" ' ;, ' ' %\

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Jji^p j ^^fe . ;qu|i y;.i-Hji;|irelieve and curerlBiliousflesaJlH-.f^¦ Si.cK ;or ' jNervous j'Head ch iflj i .3

: Indigestiob and alljl ailmentsMw -:Mi arising from Constipatioa;.' : )?;«(>"j

i i . Hotto^AV s i Qvwuimfo^wl-| g drerfljklyfpr^ut^Bripe^ gjp

ouras, ocaias, asi wcu aa ioj i ( i:c:nrBadl Leg3J> ,01d Sop&,: 6! f<*! ?AtRheumatem and Lambago. ^v-'j -j H

"fiThesefainott*nteif«<3ne5%ter; iRf

cases [when jwthanitrtatnrtnt;? :,|>ihai'Jiritiray faaSi ! "fr if^ ;

f \% 'f o»raxi»' jorzkakr iartrijMaa.raomr • *3' ;i - :vj - ; tHP^.'WWtni>i;^Mi. >!!l;q';?ij ? ? »' '' '¦•< ] '- ¦ '?"*' ) ¦• '..'" ' !¦ ¦'¦'J'.; . iS}.'J': -i«|nlVS'-ij ¦'• '• 3

";'f ¦ j!i '¦ i^Mftgiffi ) m

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t - ! i f t .' ¦ - . •".¦ : f . ' ¦ '



Which have established an unassailable reci tationI " ; ' ; ' , : I

;. ; ¦"

I t .Quality, Distinctive Styles. ' and Hard Wearing

'! J :ideal Rough Weathor Outfit would bo a pair of ^

or a pair of City " K "a wiih ^terproof Soles,





Many advertisers in this coJumne&ipulato that applicant shall apply totie number attached -loir __v_rtise-merit, and in future the ___<_ of ad-vert r* will aot be given to caUerB atthe, but art us-ual tiieir opplicationflin w?.iing will be ft>rw_rued to ad-vextiszrs with £h© least possible delay.

¦When replying to AdTi_ _ _iame_t_where a number is given instead of anaddress, leetere should be addressed infoS< manner:—



ANEW TuBkar LodRinfi Honao now

open. 51 , Kifctg Street , next KingStreet PoBt Office. Bods, 4d. each.ARE yon aware Bell's have a very pood

Lamp Oil at 6d. per gal. by tbo cask ;6>d". by 5 gal. lota ; 7d. alngle gallonB. 62,Qnay-

A CIDINE—Ono of the best Cough Cures_. ever Invented. The prescription of

a noted Physician. 1/- per bottle. BellBros., 89 Quay, Waterfora.

A HTIBEPTIO Throat Pastlloa—Excdlonl__ for allaying an unpleasant Irritationon the Throat caused by log or dampatmosphere. 6d. per tin. At Bell's, theChemists. '

» PPLE Tonic (Dr. Baldwin's) la a fine__ t-onlo restorative and digestivemedicine. Solo agents—H. Bell and BellBrothers, Chemists, Quay.


SPEEDY PROMOTION.—The City Life_Usnranco Company, Ltd., possess—g fundsexceeding £430,000, Is about to extend andstrengthen its representative staff In Tarionsparts of the conntry. | Up-to-dato Policiesore belDg issued in both Ordinary and In-dustrial branches, including the now "IdealPolicy," -which is meeting with a cordialreception wherever introduces, and whichprovides Life Assurance without Medical.Examination, with Loan, Cash Surrender,and Paid-up Policy Valnes guaranteed andendorsed on overy Policy. Applicantswould find an appointment lucrative, withspecial opportunities for promotion to im-portant positions. Address, In confidence,lor further particulars, stating prosentoccupation, whether whole or part ti(nowould be given, and 1 whether a salariedappointment la desired, H. H., 6, PaulStreet, Fingbnry, London, E.C. '

A NOVELTY—"Babj- " Safety NightLight Lamps; at>3olDtc!y esfo : can-

cot tnrn over. 8d. each. Q. White _ Sons,¦** City Lamp Honse." BICYCLE for 6a!e—-Pree whocl ; splon-

did roadster ; in very good condition ;£3 10s. Apply 3137, thla office. BAKERS' TISSUE, l&rge and tmaUsicco.

Hews Office, Waterford. EOTTLE Wrapping Tissues. Hlco assort-

ment of colours. Large consignmentreceived. Cheap. Water-ford Hews, Ltd.EIOYCLE Duplex Lamp Oil barns with

a bright steady Tight and an ex-ceptionally good Lubricating Oil ; 6d. tins,4M. G. White and Sons.BOOTS.—Bave nearly 50 per cent., by

buying from factory direct. AGENT8WANTED. Bend postage Zd. for largeill narrated List (600 j varieties) and par-ticulars. British Boot Co., Department; 212,Tortland Square. Bristol.pHABWOMAN requires Dally Work.\J Excellent recommendation. Apply3146, this office. j . ,"|j\XC___ _NT Photographs of Bov. FatherJ_l Benson, M.A., Cabinet sir©, 1/1 , orlarge st_o for framing, ' 5/- each, post; freefrom A. n. Poole_ CO., Artists and Photo-graphers, 34, Mall , Waterford.CART Lamps for candle or oil. ' Boo

our Special Candlo Lamp at 2/- . Bestvalue offered. O. White _ Sons, "CityLamp House."r V R U N K E N N E S S CORED, quickly\J secretly, permanently, harmlessly.Cost trifling. Save loved ones you can withcertainty. Trial freo. ¦ Carlton ChemicalCo., 684, Gnlldball Buildings , Birmingham.TjiXPERIENCED Cook, disengaged , agedJJi 34. Good discharges. 3152 NewBofflee.FOR BALE.—Best Cardiff Coal at Lower

Prices than yon: can buy elsewhere.Veale's Coal Yard , Lower Yellow Road. _FOR Brown Tapers and Paper Bags of

all classes, plain or printed, try "ThoHews" OHlco, Waterford.

OR SALE—Donkey Cart _rd Tackling.Apply E. Phelan, Gaelic Bar, Water-

ford.FOR BALK—Brood Mare by FaTO in foal

to Ambition, winner of races and twofirst frizes Dublin Show. Ch. Yearlingby The Gunner, dam Colleen, good lookingwith good bone. Ch. S Year Old byWildfowl or. dam Colleen, vory fast andgood looking, never ran. Black Marc, finegoer in double and single harness; veryElroBg and steady ; all hollered to beperfectly Bound. Apply Tramdro Houoo,'Jramoro. i ; ¦ - . : _______TinOB SALE—Seed Potatoes, BritishJ_ Queens, Main Crop, and DacboM ofCornwall, at 6d. per , stono. Apply toMartin Shannon, . Loughnsgecr, fpnlk'eZIllls, Wctford. ¦ ] ' !i Ir\ RAZING TO I-ET—2 Fields at Bally.VX tractlo. Apply Carton, Colbcck Street.i lENHRAL Serv&nb required In City.\X Woman who onderstanda childrenpreferred. Most bo recommended. Apply3147. thin office. ; ' IGROOM doslrea! situation. Can be well

recommended. Apply 31 5, this'office.HIGHEST PRICES paid, for Furniture

of " efery • description. ___' __t;txcose«,.Feather Beda, Old Pictures, China,Or_odf_t_ct CJocSVany cln_J of lumber,Job, : Burping, Salvage ___ .' BankraptStocks. C_s_ onjths epot, . ;AU ba__c_if rriTnnnir f tnnm pTDtnptly ! _ttfi_3C_ - _3de_ic_y oo_Me_M«_ HeOark, 21, H__s_BtraO, WatcrfgrtU • :- : ¦¦ - ILABOR P_ste_ IiOCcrg, £9 z 10. far

I XB__Bg T?l_!lOW_S_i,_ _p t_ !__£_.TJetraPrlntiai? Works. : J

1 OST. M Theatre _rt r_>h» (25th),.aJj Leopard Necklet. Fin.or will plcaoeretxtra to Now» Ojnce. ' : ; , Y_ PT la the Cathedral alter 11 o'clockJJ Van l_rt ! Snnday, Lady's BUkUmbrella with patent h__Ue. Rewardwill be given _ rstaned to 3160 tfcU offleo.MA&STON'S, 24, Bradford Bt., Birming-

ham, Modern; _ght'F_aeral| »toc_,BaJo or hire:. Hew knd Beco__-b_n_, 60,

, low pflces, etoy terms, Hearst*; Oars,:-' , . OdfttiM*. Br*kwt

r Landaus; H-nsotns, £20-• :' : I_n»_»*e-caUltetH«a-4prices free. '.

>v>'-::; i "WACDOHA-D'S Bina Bread U pare a_3&#ri J_t i; -WntaWiw; I.Cto: _» hW ftom Enop,;&::- ,*tl_i « / ,a» Brt_g»kreet and from5»>>'ftr!ii_i<r 'iif i- j j y~ 'c .\ 'fi \ i :-; '¦¦'¦ \j i j'.t' "

¦*- '_ , ¦' . " •¦

^ ffis feaf^s

• : v. i:.. -^- .' :! ,: . - " !;. V1

:¦ ¦ : ' ¦¦ ¦- !- • > ¦ ¦¦'






Everything further reduced in all Departments.

Anything tossed or soiled , Oddments , Remnants

etc , etc , almost given away

See Windows dav by

by purchasing at


L7. Qti£dj/. Waterf' ord .

i i

i¦¦VTEWBAGENTS, Btatlonera , IJa^kors,1M Street .Sellers, Dealers, etc.; etc.,send 6d. in damps to coror postage, etc,,on ono dozen samples of the boat PennyLines over offered. Monoy refnndpd if notas represented. List of Job Llnca en-closed. J. McOnrk , 8olo AgODt for Ire-land, 21, Michael-street, Waterford. jMERSONS VVantod, either sox, to afldrcsa

JL envelopea , work at home , oxporiencounnecessary ; spare or whole time ; no can-vaesing. Particulars addressed onyelopeSupply Co., 2. Kingl y Street , London.RUBBER Btampa, with yonr name and

self-inking pad, fitted with paa andpencil, only one SMLUDK . News FeintingWorks, Watcrtord. j TJTA

'T _T~A N D "~ MTO _" greedffy eat

XL " RODINE " RAT POI8ON--R>s_t :Instant Death. Millions Perish. Extermi-nation Bnre. AChomlcal Marvel, cjl., Is.,2s., 3s., Bs. Post, 2d.—Harley, Chbmist,Perth. Agents :—H. BeU , Choml , 62,Qnay, Watorford. J. Tyrlo I Turner,Chemist, Carrlck-on-6nlr.STOCK of Incandescent Gaa Olpbes, re»

dnced to halt price to clear. 8i>o ourwindow. O. Whlto _ Sons, Klng-et.

SET of bold Robber Figures for Eta -plntfprlco carfls for window's (suit! _ apera

or Provision merchants), 4/- the Eel NewsOfflco, Wnterford. i

ETER O'BRIEN , Practical Watc i andClock Maker, Apple Market, I John-

street (Late R. Dillon). Watchos cleaned,2s. Mainspring, 2a. Mainsprings cleaned,3s. Hands, felaases, 4d. Clocks cleanedfrom Is. All work guaranteed for 12 njonthsand done on the shortest notlco. iPUBLIC Hanging was abolished In Ire-

Und some time In the early sixties.The Becond last occasion was tbo executionof Richard Barko, who was bong,id Clon-mel in 1862 for the poisoning of his wife,who lived at l Cloghocn, in Co. Tipperary.The wholo ctory or the trial Is tola In abook of GO .pages, published at Id- iU theoOce of this paper. , | SCEAP Copper, Brass, Zinc, Lead', etc.,

wantod. Highest pilco paid. Williams& Co., UetaJ Beflners, MoncricS iLane ,Olasgow. I _QILVER BAO8.—£5and £10slzca sjookedO at News PrlnHne Works, 'Watorliurd.rnwo Bed Booms and Bitting Room. 5,J

Railway Sqna.te. Torms moderate.

fpR^MORE—3, Lyon Terrace uTbVLet,-I fumls od, by month or year. Contains

5 Bedrooms and 2 Bitting Rooms. Hot andcold water In Kitchen and Bath Room.Apply Mrs. Moore.

O BE LET on Lcaso for 150 yea; 8, twoDwelling Booses with shops an 1 large

yards, at 14 and IS , Jonn-strcct, producinggross yearly Rent of £26. For tertni applyD. Dnnford, Solicitor. _ VENTJB Gas Mantles represei t the

" Standard of Excellence," 31 d and4Jd each. Agonta—O. White _ SO&B , "CityLamp Honee;"

WILL tbo Gentleman wbo took ;lufflor

with Gold Shawl Pin by; nictatefrom Cloak Boom at Charity Ball plcacorctnrn thorn to Fred Randal, Towf> : I all.WHITEBON'B Pino Tablets,'* *o jderfnl

reme_y tor all Throat and Cbesttroubles, only 7}d per box at George White

Sons. WALLPAPERS' from ljd. pox roll.

Any qbantlt ft-large or einall, . sup-plied at Wholesale Prices. Oar ; stockexceeds 250,000 rolls. Write for .patterns,stating what' class you require Dcpt. 602.The Barnett Wallpaper Co., Ltc|., Camp-Cold Avenue, Manchester , |___ , A OLD OIL PA1UTI.SGS for Balo. Apply_f 3151 tbl»of!leo. ¦ ! • , ! ¦

A GOOD ; RESOLUTION FOB ITHENEW YEAR. PAY YOITB- DEBTS:YOUB EKSTi AND BATES; pJOOMETAX, end i Xp_AS BXLL8. Voioz'. ; thanow B_K_KJ 6M_o B. JF. Co. this la aneasy matter aa tihey aro prepared Oo td-wanoe you as irm_i as you require, eothat you onn pay all off (other loanaincluded). 'Riuii you will haw? I only oneora—itor, w_om you c_n repayj by! easyi_6tolmen_ t : suit your own ¦ con-venioncei ' Interest and Repsynjcnts—cnrost in Irc&nid. Monthly and £UOT-terly piaymcnts liaken. . Di-tanoo : no ob-eot, aa lettora arc tnjwercd bjvi i c_shkru-ch*• to yoar i _O_M.—BBITtSlI -FDI-



: NOTICE TO a_EDrTOli3i'1 ¦ ' i : ; I ! :

The aitettUoa'af Crediinrsij epeciallydipootod to Seefcion 51 (7) of]Uw j Loc_lGtovcmmeot (b___d) ; Act, l$33, vrhiciirequ3ros that overy d_bt/ .<____ or de>mantf, Vhidh b diroo-7 or I i__trecUypayable out of j the Peer Raw, t_a_.' bepaad vnf ihm the _cdf-yc_r in wircto eomewtw inonrrod or beoaiae duo,! or wi-bdnthree, nto-tt-i '_Rer the «xp_-3_n_ ofsuch haU-reaj aod not afteftn_*d«v -¦

NOTIOB 18 kBBEBY G1V£-N tb_t a_o__o_ __«_ld be sent'i to me las tJOjom aapoeaJMe after the cloud of tbo.1 pjuartcr in«0_b _M b__m: diK. ; I 1 i ; -

: . '¦

; . . . ! ' ¦_, O. PAUIi, :8«crp__y. \: County I Sec-eliaryiB Offlc*,'Ihi_g_n_n,. :¦;;¦

¦ • ; ¦ 1«_ :i*3xt&[i low. • j -7: :¦ ¦¦ . :

¦ ' ' • - ¦ i- I ¦ . , > • - .

¦• ¦!- • .

¦ ¦ ¦ » • . ; '• - ¦

¦ .;;!FRAkfti8 jw.';BAtt_Y. DiWJ3.,!V :;aoreaon Diaiaift, 7 Ti» M*H, .UTaWford,Wteoda Tiannore vratf W_ir ced*y foom... - ; i : '4° i«_i' ,te :l- 'pJB . j r • -¦ l^ . i ' i .. • : ¦ : ;-..-, I -:- ' •

i' "by the Sterling

Properties, Anj

Waterproof "K"Q

day and save mone^



Tlio ClxOTnatee of Managemeat will , atthair Montiily Meeting to l>e HieW ontho 14_h flEBRDARY, 1910, reoedvc6o_lod Tenders ibr Artificial iranuresi.Fbrm of 'CemJer (nono oth«r» tiooepted)can be oW_in<_ u.t the Asylum Office onany day (tiunkJ-y exTOptod) tnam 10 3 pjn.

Manures to t» siibjocr; U> analymaTho Jbwest .>r any tender not rwoe.*-

sarijy aJoarptad.Tenoeru will be r<*xriv<vi up u> 10 a.jn.

on the 14i!h Fobrinry. 1910I_tie_dins a>nt_iaor_vn4 will be t*>undl

with regajvl to their envp_:>y««_ ti> acHier©to the " F-arir Rate Scale of Wa.goti" aaprovfidod fbr by Aot of Parliament

By Oriler,G;T!X>RGE J. BRLSOOE Cl«u-k

CCt_i January. 1910

Ftem P.LOa\_ G<)V_RN'il_NT (IRKLAND)

ACT. 1698.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN _i_t theOciunty OouncU of WUrterfand have aip- !pliod to the Local Government Boardfar Ireland for their ot>ascnt to the bar-'rowing of £1368 0a. Od. far tho purposeof Stoam Rolling Roads in the Rur_lIXLstjiiot of Dungarvtvn.

Any r_top_yoiu or owner of propertyratell tlo the poor reirtie in tlho Countydesirrng to make a repreaent__on in con-¦neotJon wd_ tiw? pmopossd Loan to UioLooal G<ov<rn_aoTit Board under the provi_Jo_j of Articfle 22 (1) of the E&hedu-e1to tlie Loa Goveo-nmont (Applidation ofEnaotments) Orti<<r. 1698, rm_s.t do ee>within fourteen _iy6 fiom _w> date ofihist NVyjia .

By Omler ,(Signed) R. G. PA OT. ,

Secretary t» tha? Oorurrty Oomncdl.6oGret_rj»\» Offlco , Dungarvan.

Dabod Ijhis 19th day of January , 1910.



Tlio following (lpplioitions for N<;WWor__ wit] be consici'ered by tbe PPO>-posals Oocnrmiittoe of th<- County Oourt-dil of Walerfoni at their Meeting to to:(held on Saturday . 6'oh dav <if February,1010: —

No. 134—That a Quay tv eroct«id o(tKillahaua, on tlio Rlvor Blaokwater . £300tti. Od. (bne-t_iidS contruboited by the Li^more Town Oammiss-oacre).

No. 128—To provide and ibt a ra__irfto tho stop;> and two laddeTa ih Dun_it>r,_tin Harhoarr, £10 Ob. Od '

B. G. PAUL ,Sfcretaxy Copnty Goluncii. , '

County Secretary's OfBoe . Dungarvan,2G'uh January, 1910.

PUR3UANT to an Order off ttio Oian- ,eery Oiv.yicm erf the High Cburt <4\Justice in Ireland made in matter ttfthe Estate of Margartft Maokoy, late pf¦W___m Strerit, Carrickon-Suir, in the1Oorunty c«f Tipperary, 6Ju>p_eepcr oiidjSpiinetcr. Deoesaxi, and in a c_usei"Ddoley v. Mlackoy" (1909, No- 417) QWCroditora of tho eiiU MaTearet iEackcy.i•wiho diocl in \xr _bout the Month fJfOctober, 1906, aro, on or before Uio 2J1_day lot F<ibr__7, 1010. to send by poet,prepaid, jflo Mcssra Hunter and B_ri_nWiof No. 11, Dame 8s_roet, in _ie C_ty jdll•DiibKn, lite EWictitor- of the Ded_ad_ritjtho AJd-nmietitatiM-, wiah ' W_l annexed ,ofjtfhe deoeUaed. tlh_r G_rlstian and OITAXKXVO, aii&lrc_5eB and descrCptaons, the1foil partecnlors D< tihcnr c__n>3, a Bt_ic-;«nont"o_ tneir _xau__; and _ho _aiU_rqtot the socruritiea (if any) (b__ by -hcniJor in <lefai_t _icw»o<f, Uhcy will bqperefntptboly exclddedl trofnj Uio bene_tof the saiid Ondcr. "

Every Creditor ho—ling ¦any goeurity 'L1o prtoduoe the eamo 'beiore. the Hianoiirable Mr. JuM&oe Bartbn, o,t _ia Charrvbem, Fiotw Coortb, Dublin, on tho Mitttihy ol Ukrdb, lino, _t Eleven o'dbock fri_t« forenoon, being tlhie. tkno cppodntodfor cH;wl__ii_5r. too ito <__ci_s. • ¦ ;

D_tod _L_. . 2T_I day 'of JhnTtcry, 191pC3isn«i) H. A. CpSOEAiVE,: ' ; :


• • ¦ ¦.- ¦ ' { . .; .Ohici ';GIeri.!

• DUNCAiBVAN, DKiONj. ¦ • ¦ | i

'. ' POTA_X>_3 ! vrj mmrI

¦ ii - '

TOe Board of Gvoxdi__V'Of the ai>orj«Dttion will, at their r_eo_rer U> be __don TUJ__MY, Site' BQi iHBBHDIAiQY;11910, oo__der: TENIffiRS for ErapritojiTfhe Workhouse' with POfllATOESf "nS toi_ie:iGl J_ie, 1010. i ' i ¦ : . ' .

¦ ¦> [, ' ITbEtens containing fujther p_rtiat__ s

can ba had Irbm . ¦ ! ' ¦ : ¦ ¦ TT: JOTlto< IL DpWiEIR,., Tl

: i ¦ [ CSerJc of UnloinCJcr_*8 O_lc€. 27th Janti_ry, 1SU0. j i

• ; BI)T1CT A^b CtlBAM. : |j ' l '[ .Choicest Or__nery "and' BuUor/ m» 2 , ''¦ ¦ j

or «_»; Lww*«t Prfcofca. '; I ¦:-. : v ; . . ; '.^1 .. -' - IRioh TWc_ <>c_my de_ci0Ta with Ui , : , ¦

fciada CTf l Ffttit, in J_hs 6d.'end lid. d_SI *'.v|¦¦¦ ' '

; ¦ '¦ * '

- . , - ¦;¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ' " ' • ' '

• i V i : I '•} .

'¦ ~i\

niE t DA-aYjjnxHN en^ET; ' ''"!, !- ¦- WATEBFORJ), ' : : ; ' . j * ' K \ i: ; [ - { -i W .M .iM' ; I |: \ i

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦,'¦ ¦ ¦- • -i'h :i :- ¦ = i : - :; M:..M

^''¦v ' ti l- fi-^^^iPiKt^^

;v !. ¦m:mmvm^mA?m^2: mi \;/ m ;i; ^

u}^ f a. mm '} I; WlwmWW

:FP R; i i1:#li;| P^^S!i-@ N |_|!f>! ;j. i ; ;' / i - 'A : -:r \\ j r ^n {H :0 V 'iM0 MA ii'l' ^^^l^i|| N^fe

: • ¦ ¦ • ¦' ' ;¦ ¦; ! ] 'TT'W^i Prf - .iki ' ¦ ' l::':'i - \ l :' : v ': -^ ¦ ¦

U ^M ^WS 'M EiMMij M^^ ?$f c oiifiibAv; j4i_jF4brpary, 1910,

r cosTu^ ^iiM^ ¦¦ ; . - ':, VI ^yJ{ilj| ipI|M' i

; ¦ ' ¦ h • ' ¦ ' i ; - ; ' ' : • ¦ • ¦ i l . i . . : ¦

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• ¦ . H i ¦ -: . . • ¦! ! ! ¦ ¦ • ' . , I- '! iTi- ¦ • : ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ . ¦ • ; ¦ ' [ ' ¦ I ' ; . ' -. . . V . - I " " i- HAS JUSr, .iJB^UUa, : i <, •;- : - lr : - .: . Eck8S _i_v bB ot____l! _t _0s. BttiiiKs.;."

¦ j - iiAis - JUDII wft

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i i - - . : ' ' i ¦¦! ¦ . ¦: ;

¦ - iPURTHER ' REDUbTIOQ^ : jk lAli OTHEiR |

' ¦ I ' DEPARTi_EN_'S. .- ii i: M¦ ¦"-- ¦¦ ; : . :

. - iFTl ¦ ' -¦! ¦ ¦ '

¦ ' ¦ ¦"• l ;

> ¦ ; i

i • ; ¦ -per ¦:%¦-. ¦ i }i' - .- i : .-i



LARGE HOUSE, No. 19, HENRIETTASTREET , va«_nt lBt Etooamber.

BALI.YMAOAW, DUUMORE EAST -House. Three Cottages, lately occupiedby CtasttfuardS; t_so Boat House.

^-fdJM C21__ IH_G1__G

a Handsome • Profit

by Topdressing you T

EHea'doisrs aBd Pastures , taritli

Paml fir ITincent'o Fertdisers.



T_KS Walls Afi lemliI ' ¦ ' .___ .!______ !_

\Jtf E befj to announce to Advertisero| and' ReaderoGenerally that, from {he comraencemcht of

the New Year tho i \

! ¦





. . :.¦':, ;

i' ¦'' ..-

Iliplii - frB_,; i . ¦i[ : , Y \-] ¦/ . . [


¦¦[ $ : *

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' ¦ ¦ "¦ ¦ ¦ • • ¦! M . : ;

:v ¦ { ¦ :¦¦

} : > ¦ ; . •¦

; : : - ¦; ¦! •'


F iff f! MICHAEL

H AHVEY* S0IM12, Cj laclctone Street, WATERFORD,! $


j " ALL TfcMT :#

3t QhOttldmtereot |ou _o T^^^p^]1_ _ __ ., that at the N.U.T. Conference about S-J^ ** -__I_OW 9° _>«r cPt»t ofi the! Teaphers had l i l ^ rTV-^___U>w vv } rAN, Foun pen . | ~ ! ~7The "SWAN- also helped the first s \ ; '¦¦ \ \flve prizewinnetp in the • recent ,. ( tv rr r? T7 A ! 'rv:V7>? <"??>World'o Shorthand Championship "vNU ll f ) .\"! ,0a| i °//to success and tolwritea2o words a . _ I TNI A / \ X /-A 1\ I ¦ *¦ '•minute. Is this not convincing, C _ ' V V —IT iiii \J O'proof of the venr marked supers , ' :

ority of the I IJ I f t is Ihe buiy •rritn'i pto—II hold* » tot of Int. la ea_lyA A A W. #rlt_ ln>__ly and crtnly; lad. I!JT_ DO tronblo

/ !\ / \ Jl\ GET YOURG TO-DAY I/ i\ f , U '.] Pricos irom 10/0.

I !';/ ) II : ; j Sbldby allStaUonero&llev/ellcrc

i i . i

n^itefp&ipfiii - nfensu™iiiiiii:i ¦¦yiiSwQ: ! \ \ . . ; AND THE ' ¦ :.¦ ; . !¦,

; : •

iiii|:O J ll iisl |ii|ii! The cpedal otleatioa or Advertiser* is directed to this';! i

! , : ; ; - 'annou icement.' . ; . . ' | ; . J ¦ I :i j

! ' • . ; ; ; , : 'tHE' wAT'EfeRD ' NEW^itdl,

p -

:¦: ¦!

/¦• • ; •

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y? P!l i ijy^ _ ' iy/ v_y o UsSTJREET,|



1_\ ROE HOUSE. No. 17 . WILJJAMsniEirr. :


OJUS.1I Reoewod on Deposit Ol 3 per cent.,repaya/ble (pr&ctioally) oh demand.

ClaupanB and Abncrioan Money Ck__cd.




ifcSl te;!!! '

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uXfllE, TODD ft CO.. 7».&\ Hlfih llolbo*n Lonion, W.U

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QoBtlsi or;: Profits lor: ijosee^ l !w_l not, - ; ;

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- J i .Ji ._^0 :—1 ¦ ) . ^'i'lTTp ~Tv r-'Xj

! LE -BON^ MAmfDHE.. ' ^ [;

' THE V/BRLD' GREATpsti WINE :tQNl6.i; ' | i :NATURE'S j FINEST BRAINiANI JWERVE' F(^pD/ :Disposition, thoognt, activity]every. _ove_«t; of \t\ body, are dep—jdent on: tlus :brain , and the power of the brain is dependent on the blood. Languor, fainhies-,1 ;deprexsion; oxhanstion. nervq decay, and keno'ral ill-hieilth|_re sSgnsjof a losa of vitalforce , an impoverished blood, and of Wastinglj tissues, if^

hleh idanng hot .w_Uberquickl y affect tbe brain. To be strong, fqrceml. with ji blear, healthy brain, a goodj .mtmort, tp feel that work iai pleasure. ta_J'||\yiriii_nji.1T It is a natural.nirvo \and brain food, because it epnehes and| rejpreijates |thej blood. at*&a£ »trejjigtb :

: and vitality In everpf orgaiji of tie body. | ! '. '¦ j ' I !

NOW IS tarMaiwnlabealtb ind'itKal-J If i BflwRI? llPOf AI d?ftl_BlftTOTHK ypu »cn<l 3 penny itampi to eoVer ilj J—LiU—i _, __.____/ wV»»E*WIttTlilK wUIreceive *ttbJ lxxtlo i fllCW THiaMl Te CoU-AX * Co . _TI>~fre«— lar|e eHDL«li W do yog (ood »dder_bl«ron | i.|»Jrt_> i tnl'u _i.nnl.w«t. Mn™irSite^— un» TOU«II »oo j uuiTOiauti-uwiuu i: NOW., I SOtll wlacai—• Wotkf. Norwicbi i

s-sgs-ss&a-! 4ffj^_8fff?rt!by tbe CI^M, and In 1/ llukt >t bo|eU, lic_ns«d Mule. . ! II , , ¦ .homes, and railway refreshment bjrt. . Koaixu

' I ' ', ] | ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ ' '1

I . 1 ,' ¦ ¦

:' : '" I I !i i i

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\ I I

"V/INCABNIS" PREVENTS COLDS. CHIIXS, and INFMJENZA! ' . I . I- ' ! i r ! !N i !¦ ¦ F- ' i i ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ - i '¦

L . Lit i

AfualrekJ ip*t" : »p?!\/ f tf Oirf e j ; %h\' : A-TANpBD LIBERALLY.' PEOMPiXLY,

* OT^lV ;J^i^ 'Hi ' ¦ ! I PRm™-T> ; ; :;; h :! vv / 3-1 ! ?KS>3l ; T' T wil 5i Oni DJiianonitfa. GoJ_ M fiilvet Plate,*y >fll OvrrSsl Si- ill I W«ch^iJ<W«u«y»Bicotlea;i Q«n9; Har-E^ >fri '/ / i CEs rt. i

»8«. PypjV

Fornitare, 0&>i-__KJ_idv rW i \J J i T>i Z mP\ i f V H |Ev€ry; Dee«c_p_ool., - • • '*~N \> ! ' 'W'S ' 'XJ^fwy f -j Sank i Kokb o_

Pt __:!Oi_er8;j-r__e.>—W->' : \2* VW /&?*&¦M • #?_?1y *gm£tto« an reoedjst «rQooda by

^J_^^!_^^11li f ^/tf 'i^a__vl jF_*Proo.1-Safc_;' forl 'tbe

V-Viti^'l*T«*Al5S^L' '.J^' i : :iow; _^S__j 8d_TOr.teI_^t;- .;::;: I;' ' :-

- -m; : f [LES .;i i: ; ! ; | ;FOT 'fo___3, Sawing,1 Near, Si Jt, Fbr

¦". . Si ht, ' Aj_imr_iianV:Cte.;: by" , ; ' •;"

¦ ¦:! !¦? :- :-/ : l:rfi -lh

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' . i 'i . ' T 1 1 !v r - '' ' -i >' . : i ' :¦¦ ¦ •' i


Our Annual WinterSaturday

We would Invite yonr attenttal wbich there will ba Special Reductions,] i ' j ; ! ' ;

a'jiui Wo hoia a Large Selection of PUTS (which alwa,yB come in useful). Thes'^b wlll bo $oia at nearly Half Prices, as vre carry] over no stock from on&

season to another;. i ' !| j ¦ . ' ;• (

IgJJ' Our Millinery will bo inarkedjrogardless of cpsij . If?_niln Blouses (for wbiqb (we'are jioted) there w_l be Grsat Bargain8. ¦

^_ _ Wo hope to ho faTonrofl with a vlalt ol'inapacOon daring 'the Sale*; | |; f

; i : : i i 7 ¦ ; : '¦[ ,. ; ! !¦ D /- -. i.

— TT ¦[ ~ ' , ~ !f j

[ .1 I: I I . i •mEm flfiill liu^iiil fillip feiti wiw^pSUPPLIES! ALL klNDs j 6 ?; ] FURNITURE; 1 : AND I

' : | dRAPERlY ON J EASY [iJERMSJ : r . h / ' M tSUITS IV^ADE

TO MEASL|jREi;j Fii aj_j d Finish GucSranteecl.

NOTE ADDJrdsS: rPi . , -| - , ; :; ! !j ! ; . ,j j i j ! ¦¦ ¦ . : .f • ' ' ¦¦l.T!- : 'i

:¦ f : !|. ^ TERp^ i ^ lj iMJ i

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> ::;!![S/;:POBBE7JTi-j :l"BcgB to ttpiioancoj ttmti^oia :| '!

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.•;[' ¦•]AV;C^em|i W^lprtoryi: and

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s bbiebt j is iio clearh ;i i i - : :


- ! ¦ :i Stock!:: J ; : ; • ;• ^ :,

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LADIESJi ; ; '

Sale! v/|ID |commoncp ' on '

5th JFo^riiary. ¦ ¦ ' ¦' . . ¦:

on to oar Cogtome on_jDress Department j

¦ ftKT"->¦_¦

! , [ ; !' i M l l i :- ¦ : ' :-:- ¦ 'V ;-U

55,p6hn Street, |r\ U imTERFORDi i ; : - ; I ¦ p. . : i . V i- i ' 1 : 1.] ;.

• ipU-" a j a n n _ ¦¦- _ j. - -i! i!~i" j t P ¦¦ • ¦ : - - i : - : | . .| i.: ; . | -; ; ;

-^1 Pav^ n^pfi^-ii^pwp^er:;j ii ^.a. E___Y3ffiB_ <M&;|r


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I^,____5_JieMfi lE3a

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rttratlciaaa's Ke___i j 22s;: &J. eacfl_ - ',': -;La^|i'-Tickets, j H!». j 6d. • «aj d_ j .; , ; j •

:! I1 iirariri-Mod.MbeforeiiSoifl.' Jap-ubry,Ecketsi may be otftiairied1 jaf 20s.. Bnd ;I6s.r^pectlv—r. ;a_d' eaiity : appl__iioa'; i a_TBgne sted io edaUe arnangeanetats I to ibomide.': ' .¦V:".- - - ' !!;- :.T; I t ; i ''- .| ; ; : i i ' '¦• I ! ICbptaln B. C. JBIiLICOE; ., ¦ ! :

.. " •) ¦:i ¦? .. ;-J - - ;. V I :: I . • • . ¦ | ! ; "i_fan.i BecJ.; :A.gxj.;Qu_rte»,i T_e;B_rr_j_3, Cld_r_e2;

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iff. , :::: ; ';;. W^i b9iiield :at ;: : | I; !.¦|KI_iB_nE.. : ;!^_i|']MABCiH. JI910. |

'#i_M_BS'' . E_b_i-U! .'Cup; : iprirentj-by; _ie. M_r<5_&[ of iWtftortorti, arid £10tio ,ihe. 1st _orSe £5' _.!i1»e 2nd, iu_t £3to 'the 3rd> to i fvOtuai! •will be add«d £5fof. 'the iflrst of; the plkioed htorwes wiotoowner's, landls, jin tKej opinion ol !__o,< 'irtrr_lte«, are. !niot : ]' \vw«<l'' so as iointerfere wi_t bunting, land th'Ut. in;_ io'ojiintOn of ;t_e |!8tew_ry«, 'are . th« 1 a_ePripperty oi bon^ l fld ifWrncra i u ; j_ »'WbterfiMd IHvmt; Dttethiot since the i IrtW_terfo«i iHTintl District eiivx the ! IrtW?fjelbiru_Tr,: iaiO.j H ! " , : , ; ¦¦

j ¦¦ j

-BE ': OO_aiITTE_ v i BBSKRVES THE¦ RIGHT TO: REFUSE ANY|EN_iB_B8.hweijjhts-j-fiix ' inji iajyedj 12st .71b; ! _TC,

last ; !; fo_r|.and i under,! list;i Ages ' ! __-culatel- frAm 1st j oi ' Jfay. | Honiea i ex-cluded tibat have Tron| a^oe vtaJried!_SOcir over einoe 'Jiafau_ry ; Ut, 1908. .P_>-fee4ion_la exol-diex!.; | To be i___e_ incbiKmra. ; Ddstanoe ! a/Wxut .3 : __!_»: | '

_3p___S;' wibich | will . be!. pa__|i_f,CLOSE :PEBBUiiRY; - 28th with

I | : i

: 'We. T. j irSMji ANDERSON,!

M ¦ :v ! I jGflaoe Dieu; IWlaterfard.

i ih - ¦ H ;!' - i | ! l : i

l i |_;i: ; T!¦: I ; ¦ i ; ¦ IIJ l> H -/-J- » K i y _/i; ! • _lk: - 1 :! I ;• I i : ¦

I j ii ; : : - t ¦ . M l i i ! . • ! . !!¦ :

¦ __CEBBI__9. : ' ' i !! j I ;__^OT?___LY !

I .:ii I C_E_NED I ; I . ¦ ,; ,: : AND "BETUENED i- : i j '\ [ . UKE NEw '

| ii ¦ , ||!i . ' ¦iNj Ai F^pAYe., ; . , ' 1;'

PdI2Ep_«_l|i '« The''.ijy rs &' eiea_ersi:r;

% QUAY, WATERFdRDj; .: [. i: - :! ;|4_ «l4s - : i - : - | : | - :i CORK; DUBLIN, I Ln_EBICK.: . : ¦ • ! ¦ : : ' i . : i ; ¦ ! : ! - ¦ ! - i : I j

I f r - - : |- - - = l ! l- - }ll !T.- | i h rrrn : - . ; ; i i ;

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:- . i | f - ;¦; ^Hl F^ik : : -- ] : ; r

i r_?BBlUFABj¥ JNTJJMBER.!i ! :Hi :iHiK HE: i v;r i i: !;-

i i^EW j auiDEhVIlfflE AliL B_T_WA|r' iiND 8___>P_KG

i i ¦ ! I " • ; : ¦ - 1 " I I i t - = ! ¦ !: • i :• •¦\ j . CHANGES TO'DATE. | , ;!: • ' ii : ; ;i ! i ;r. i ¦ ; ! : iI - : • ¦ ¦

: ' : i I ! : > - ' ¦ \ ' i j : :

Besides tme j ,_3_al | Tcme ; T*_Jea; t__»iGjiile <_^ _a:io«!mpCIete' lists, joi.- tirapuS—So bodijes '• in; tffiei Oity' and Cotr_tybf! lWateri[rj<rd, •, (fcmprcijnff |Corp<>i»_o_,JBotojra ol i <H_jry___,i - .QM_ity !¦_ _ _ ; 'jbis-,fajxs l Qj__e__,i !Asy:_i_ ;Et_rd;: Tcc!h___IIliis -tttto, ; Ctalnty and j City Infirmaryi,__bar of ' Cfaiineroei . Port ! Sa_i1_ry•u3__rHyi. Harliortiri Cam__sE_oncra,| Fxcc

T abWy, the' •' Cfariflies ^ jctf all ; de_os_i_rp_3o__j rye_L- _i_ |_o_rs :oJ Ditdne 8ervico,' tha;<X«v _fanfc», _jja| |8C3K)O1S, 01 1 !a_3Saraetieb. IPosfai XndkU_a_b_t i C cnAtur,ouuitruc—*, ._^u_i>_4 luuuuiujuui;-) ' VAUVU^— «)Oy<kisttf Lj jtujgr-Upi Tim«, TSd4j'I_b_>,

I1 - : l ¦ l ! - : -J iiirh : - h i ; ' -MONTHLY, ONE -.PEliNYi FKEE j Uy! '; ;.|P0aT.

:ii0.;;6_.; P1EB J AlNMrnM!. ;

Of iail Neissig-ente, |or ait the Pablyi^n'Tg

O-ffioe; 49 O'Caninda i Street. Watir&i-* ,

•\yj_l'x£OHUB<__;. 1 CO. WATER_X>__». }. ¦

r- ' .rJT- i : : H-h . : | r4|" !t ;- ! :!j HIGHLY IMPO_ai_NT lAUCTION :¦iri i \ \ : \ ' - v \ ^ \ V . I i- f i - ; ! i - [ t

D^IRY . i STOCK, I BULLOCKS J | H33I- '•WEBS, .FAKM I__?ia ENT-lj l i:tc. ' :' . .¦'__W_ONiD

! '' K_OH_N!- ._j_ : 'been' ! !inr' ¦ i

etracted by -WaDKaani Stack. Esqj, |JiP.. :vrfmv Ji1 <_ _ag}_g- bis leyeteni af: idttnittSi r

fcoii aELL BY iiPUBLIC! AUCTION. |ca_(c, LamJi rat; 'TVH-XECQBTURCH; l utor ; !Qap,pafl_.i on MONDAY, 14th: i^EBRU-j : !_RY, iB- Entire Dkiry; and.orai&r, ?li«S; . 'SO—vpriadng 2Q: In-€_lf Cows,' 2 Strippore. ! , :Ii! Yeaxlinf BnH» 2 jTe-jlin , B_llooJ_-', 8 \Hejfers, aiwi! tai'nice -iiW-tMn1 and gooa ° j&_>_?:- IPIAMiWFeariOlid M_» !tramed[:= :tiof «ngle . iind donbte _ainieas;: Ften-,tor '¦.Sa___ta;|, a ?:S_Jar-.. :<jPJwtig_. : ,ii .noabla:Mo_HtttaWf Ttough.' It Bpriag. H-srbwi. jl-l| B__StJ;-3<- "- »Mw_4 i ¦

¦!• t ¦ ¦ H_<vjr. :Mit_- •;BbBe*.! 2 rg»_ ; P»r_e-si !l rrNow: Cart iand i,

(W_e_b; rtoy:;_3d:W_e»_i 1 Chiirn1 B_>. ;¦cds qt_tejjnetr>;large: quantity ol Tabs;ll.Pony, Tt»p;i-l! C_»y_>n.- i ¦ T . ;: i I ! ; -t _aler aiil-^rf-todi _jarp:r - ! .i |: i . l i. • :j Toi__-«_s_;!wi_i tBiial Aud_on F(_s.k: :iEDMP«TD»i. -KEOH1AIN,' A- tKBjecr.' :¦ J !t . i ; ViAliMi 'lanldl Occn__i__jcai' Aitsxt^'pi TOw-t- f

-j n? [,i ::rM i: ::: r i;¦! : : . ¦ ;

- -; *¦ \ \ \ \ . \ ¦::¦¦ I- s j i i .

¦ ¦

pi' ^y .-rMirrMiri ih- ;CHARLES HSCKS :

.SB ip^jsita^s^ j sotiai- ¦jBxn_|j>Ei | :iji]vs?:;

.- .'.' p__r*_*_i'! 1T.__4»f_tMi ¦ * _*V>L* ) 'a1Xnk_>A-i_4 ff>r__H9j.i,* -w jMn ,:_j jucra '«uxu

i TTn_rr^Ptf*off« ¦¦- -; .

|f Ti iU :i i-k ';¦• Li i. ii ' __¦'"¦ •f'i '-'iiJif !' i^V'KJ fiEBI ilNOB;OF ii:iPAHTfJ_"- liioV^.TvV .

I Ii ¥'^_l_^Ij_i^_^_f i'temlillMill_h K " *-¦3W^^_^1__ _dVMK' "J t * _E—__ ^__4_A_^ ftV—f^ftflVfe '*" ¦ ^C_ F..^ ¦ - r .

sl f__Bli!l_^_S^__ lm MM U&mbwmmwWi

mm iMiiiiiStemm; £$ '&M rste fe i»j E|-':3 fe:::


i - ; ; .

LisS^ l^/ J m s QiJ a s sD ^i -J/gi \J s^" SPLENDIDSWWF7 I ff PD " ^




ii oui j -ss**5 Azcnt for Rptherban's Priso Hrfal Lc«r Woicfcei.

• ^ss^* : i; u «3>C <n»t t A^7^s-tfS

55 ! Please Note Only Address in ^aterford: Jl l&9. O UH H o; : ; ¦' 6PBC1ALJTY— ¦ ! : : . ' ¦¦¦• . - . . i

¦ '¦

Irish Manufactured arid Ir&fli Hall Marked'Silver GtaodB/ <







Oa-toJojru.v Yie> on Agxpflioalion.The Piit: ro will bo on Viow T/wo Daiy-s prior to the Sale.



The late Mr. BL P. Lynam,


.\ Oornfliatittv of Waiiijartorti Pratwrwnlias I)WD f->rani«xt and a fund opened anIwftaj f »»f the ntidbw and orphans of theSato Mr. H. P Lynam, vf tno was foi.main- y. -ur= Kv3it«xr ol " Tho WatirrtorldStar.""

Rev T. F. Furlong, Adm., writes . —Cathedral Presbytery. Waterford,

flMh. Jtinuary. 1910.IVSIT Mr. R.T,»i—J iatn instructed by

u:y Ij2.<t i> vp (M<xn Rev . Dd. Shedhan) totake it 'y.u-^i? cA the <'ncJut*d cheque inmil thf tiho fund bang raided fwr Ithe\i-.di >.\v mid eliSUlten of ullio late Mr.Ly nam , and as you hsrvc very fcindfly tn-teresr. l yoursr-Jf in indtia.t 'ing the hind,I bog to "forward you tho BKhopV) lettermid cheque. I eneJIose. also a eraaH!J>>TVRt;\j .n frv«n mysedf, watih my bestwishes f>r t3io succ«=s of tihe pcn£se-vrt>rthy undertaking.

I krvv.* tin- loie. iMr Lynara wry "wi&U ,and tad cnaidh acimiiration for hicWaraWoi. Ho wai- an exemplarydhriRtAin, regular in aMlendJng to (ho& pe-I'.ipnuK dMtif.v.- and the servtoes of hiaOhajT'rth Tiliouj fh a quiet, undetnon-Biralive 1ov«.r of hTs oountry he •K'ZB a<>tuncii end ,-)in<vre "no. and was &veiready to wj rk an<t smfftir in her oauee.

I.T my intercourse wi^ih ancmbexs ofTOUT prttfrtfKiDTj for tho past twecity yearsin Waterford , I CV>UIK1 tho Tat<? Mr Lynamtn he one ol Oie mofft rpfi-pedtaWe andbapobl-i* Prrtwiirti 1 (met amongst them.I attended ''h.i:ni flhTou^ lh a Jong sickneas,end was odificti by hoa patience and'ii .n. A» he was a Itoving and df>-vrfoi ihuy.Vcirid and -father, hfe youngv^ife am) oliildren mlust tjufter Entcnsetrrie f r.t his dVS'th. Tlh« mnxk of respectMIVI.I'1' \ i-n pn>r> o»=<j to imako to i£alDeim.'.ry will tgi\n domsola'ion 8o tihosnin \) r ('.-"m florrro .

I tV:. -k it 7ii.y duty to th'ank you torjiyur Hndness mid attention to my latepaTC.4)Doner, Mr., during h5Sioag illneei.% and tox your ^oodnesa andfi.rai7>aXihy towards his afQjcteid' wife amdlrtiildren, shlawn fin so pnactioaS a ntm-ner by tho ^aTtin<j of t)us fund.—I re-main , yoiuo fciitliruUy.

T. F FURLONG . Adrn.

; (Oopy).iiislhop's Hmi-o, Johns HiU . Waterftnti,

, January CSnd. 1&10.; ~Uy Bear Fd'Jhei Furlbijs—I am gladCo )&3rn that an appoal is about to botnadf for tho widb-w and dhSldiren <yf thielate Mr. H. Lynacn by a oanunittcjo re-pres^ntix.? diff^Toni ?ectinnH in tlie oom-Tirunrty. I bopo that a Eberal response•will be piven h> tfris aprpeal. Mr. Lynainiwan a worth y man. a capaWe journalist,rind a sincerv) lover of ihis oountxy. Hedied at tij r> earty an ag« to make anyprov.iuon hi hd3 fanaHy. but Hie c«xiTXYX"1" n-^'vrKrrt wharn and for u\htamEe labcnnad ¦wSH, I cannot dVxubt, damo totheir aid. Will you kindly Kike chanfeof my subscription enclosed.—PadthfaUyywirF,

tj4 R. A. SHEEHAN .Bishop of Waterfond ajxl Liinnore.

Iicv. T. F. FurJonjr. A<tni .The Cathedral . Wiitepford.

Tn-' C crrHttce beg to cickrwiwOodge re-cvpt of <Iho WIOWCTJ? mihMpriptJiinH tathi< fund1 : —Mo?t Rev. I)r. Shoe3wtD £3 3 CMr. Jv iih n Kelly, B<T«ifoTd-»vtre t 2 2 0Mr. J AJrtncbiam, Harbour Office 2 2 0Mr. P. J. Power, M.P. 2 0 CIota . Waterford 2 0 0Mr . P Hiinrins, J.P. . A^nisfiant

Town C!«Tk 1 1 0Mr. E O'Grady . Parade Quay . 1 1 0Mr P W. Kenny . J.P. . T.C 1 1 0Mr }, im Mackey. Clerk «f

I'nrVm . . . . 1 1 0Mr E. Downey, " Wator*>rd

N'eM-.-< " . 1 I 0Mr R. A. Morry. 9. Mall 1 0 0Mr M. J. Murplhy. J S > .

TraTn»:.Tv .. , 1 I CSf>. J. OTIvnn. Chrrfck-on-Siiir 1 0 CRav. T. F. Furlong, Adin .. 1 0 0" In recujrn it i' .n of r- ceni. f«u-

iless .-"uppon tn> non-politirwltrublic work."—R.D.r . Kil-mnrihomas 1 o 0

Mr DinvW Hylanrf . T C ... 0 10 0Mr. G. D. Ei rfhixp , P L.G. l exuV^

Scruaro 0 . 10 0E.D., Trntmrvro 0 5 0

Furfhor KurMaription.o \r$\ \yy irrate-fudly nvoived iby tho Hon. Trefcwurer."Stawlard OrBoe." and kvtme wrill beduly actnvjw^t.lged in tfwse COIIITMB.

Kgnedi r>a boha]f d the Ooqamittee,THOS. BOYD. Hon. Treasurer.

"Stkmdard" OfBoc. Waterford.



NOTICE IS HEREBY G1VENJ ttcrtoJl persons carrying on in t)ie RuraJDfctrict of DuBgUxvan the trade of Caw-keeper, IXiiryman or Purveyor of Milk,ore. required to be registered to, tnioh•with Uie Dungarvan Rural DistrictOouncul not later than th« tet Mftrr^i ,1910, and: it eh'adl not be. lawful lor anypcreon W darry on an-y of the aforesaidtrades in! the said Rural District aftertliat dbui unless he ij duly registeredok sudh Uierdin. . ! .

ApplicatuMi for Rejriiration rauei bomade on! a printed fcnm wtcch oaa bedbtained ;from (be vnd&isgnaL I ;

A O^ESOQ trt*> oatriea cm tfad trade of

Ocrwkeeper or Dairyman for the pnrpeceonly i i of 4H3i£irg and n^kisg butter orcheese, or bd&i end wlw .doee not carryCa th« trBJde 'of Parvcyor of MilkJ EII&Hcot, for the purpose erf RegirfnaGcm, bedeemed to be a person coxrjen? on thebode of . Oowkeeper- or Dairyman, andQsed not be rcgisiJered. : ! : >

55» exja^ion "Cowieeper" ratafeeOny peraoa w}» J6*?* * amr °°! <w«Bad cootsmtatt&j eff re^olarijr> or _ habi*¦to^Sy ,'eellfe, or Bopfffies the pSUt; <» w*

ta » to any poiaon, cr^n«ry «•

fcrt^d^ged in th« nlafciDg w bntlcfi epeeee,

*ss?: ssa - -.aJsetoehxtes i aay wadon irtu»e bosuja* (or

:tek, ,<*; wi*> . conanwosly or, rejuiafflyHsr habftroUy edl* ojSlk. ' ¦ I : '' ',;¦ • ' ' | ^ JOHN R. DOWEB,; | |

Oeri. rf Choac^i «w* Bejpstwr> !' • Oxaus i QQcea, .WoraBWBe..; .panga^

•JSjaia , ' Jatraarr. ;W10: - - : vj i - .j . .

C* Mil - ¦< Ait «wV ¦ Ohftrft Ol rl^UHU^IUi .» f »»•

<^ mN®

%\% SHaterf ori ctosFRIDAY , JANUARY 28, 19)0.


( T is fflu rly plain fr»»n) t)i<? aMitude oithi' Tory Prefe Oiat tih«" Unionists havtapre«<l ivmong th emseJvrs to force tramM.- . A^uiti) , oi «>«)•• («f Jus otxDaisut*.an admission oi a HVMD P Rule policy, IDorder that , even befmrc a Iiill inoanpocu.1-ing that policy has boen launiohed. Oi«opipo,sj 1J(>n U> it may be seot&iog and(boiJ ing ail over England. Thi? " DailyTel<>gr.'i.;>h " handt; itsoli n.n(y),ntjnenllyowi to tin- Tories, and in ite columns yet-Ko.rd.a v ftp:rK»3,red a Jeadcr intended to iachthe l'rrmier into sxrnw sort of an avowaloi a r.ish characUv. Here is what br.i-" Tel<- -"-aj>h'' 6a.ys —"We novel not SJJthat if Mr. Asquith made the finai s irj-tcdo^ u> the extremist* ho would lv lr.every political fcnse a lost man . N<<-fforte on the part erf those, whos^m&O.iodi' ts cre never vtiry hard to pfne-trate and are now we1]) knorwn , will availt«> put the Un ionis'i. I'art.y in the falsejxxsation into which it :s hoped to¦inancK TUMre them. In our view", nothingin Englic^h potatoes was even more oertauitli.-in tliat if Mr . A&quith deicidte to pro-cv»<l in the tetmpec (xf tihe decmtig'cg^ues ,;in«i to piul himself at the hend of tiheircampaign , he will unddirtiike an enun-•pri --*- ,*>on and irpetrierrably tr> be shat-tered . Nfj -tihing could disguise the grossand unsonuptdous ohanaot«c oi the tiran*-a*5tion ox its <j\-iden/t and iamea^urnilxlenia&oihiervou^neai}. We have t*-en t<hefli jperAte nature of the political tyrannyvh-cth Mr William O'Brien , Mi. HeaJy.and their trieiuis dar. ng t») call their«yuly Uieir own, hav« rt'si^t^l1, at tiheiri^k oi ILeir ipoii.t)l&al, and almost oftheir perGonal, lives, its. Re<Crr»nd andbis inunwliaio tollnwAr* a.-* eoivtTolledby the 'Molly Moguires. ' Tht- PrimeWiniste.r will be utterly dopon<L?nt on the' Molly Magirires.' % these , then, thowb'-de hipt/^rio oharaot<ir of English m-stit-ufcons LS to be changvd. By tbtae theHouse of Lords is to be praclically de-etTOyed. By tibuf e Social ;stio finance isto be definitely established. Tnrous'h the' MW\y Maguir*'*.' ae Mr. Hoarst 'a jour-nal boosts in N«»* York—the illumcnat-¦ing mtt\sag<) U> Oiat effoot ought to bo.• (printed at onoo and cairt. lulwoadtrirmugh the countrj' —ithe money oi Pro-it(\itionis.t America, is to bo ustd to keep.the yoke of CobdTii.'in) -uporj BritishConstitution in the same u-iy it io to bouTiaaipulaied or mutilated at will . By'¦hive, tfho cause of da-*1 Iinpi-rial Union

« V) bf eiippf^' s^d- By Uuse

the rcpro-f-sT.ts.tion <xf thirtj eonalituoj icj ies or toi'VM in this oountry is to bo doleirmincd.And, in short, the ' Molly Mogviros.' witihMinititers nt> thoir salaried afrentiN , aincoMimVU*r!iil Kdarie* would depend uponth<cii. are to be a* nruch the tnas:*\rs o^<1iii> island as of the other . Tliat is iiMr Asquiih raaJ«t. tho final surrender.\\V can only I-JI> that if thu challong-.' ,;:«lertJ . is to i>r tli ronv n out on th<>;<»-t i 'r r r> , Uiu-om^^ would tako it up—<tluycould imagine nothing th.'U<T L-oro theirip-Hnt oi rfew—and tilu'V wvuld iis'ht asno pa.rt.y in tfl)if> country has yirt &msht.All the condition*, let as rt-mtOTiber, arevastly improved."

This simn-uL-Ltod h<vrrot <rf a "aiol'lyMsgiiire " organieaJion—ii sudh exi'-fJrt—comes well from the r-uj ^rferb oiBjMkriiwt Foster, and the advocate.' oithe severest measures of Coercion for thef/uppreetcon of every expre^ion oi LrishXational /icntiment. j' j .¦¦\V3iatev« may bp said oi fo'e Itboralo

—au<i many unpleisint Ihin^a m.g3ii besaid—dt cannot be laid to 'thcsx cflmrj c<hat they etver countenanced itiho pmewd-ingrt /xf alarmUtrt or extrtiniste.or tried towake use of t'he conypdrocHes of anti-J.rifJi Irishmen . Tlhe Wiigb may havedeceived u*-: but Uipy never adbjited theBalfourian policy contained in tho warda—" Don't hefita'e; to j.hoot! "¦ Their poMcy has ,ncfv<sr been acsresstve,

and (or tbb.i reason no Irlkflinan ecudkrina to regard thorn 03 Ida a-norrndd onldtinootnprcenislng toeB.i 'But l£beml Pro-trAcsra hava aKmobt. ¦effwayg playod a ptcnoof ixxcohvg ndtiit j Ircfiand. j Hbcy havevnf Sl jooctftly B«at Iweak-kncocl CWofQecrttiiTiea ovar Ho - 123>—men Kko JdhnMbrtey, «4vo, uyorptiSlotlc c$ , ho «u,'ctmtrivod! to leave Ireiand in a (.tile tat',¦morse torn Jin ftinind H. Jdhn Marley,:in the rangwige til tie. lWe M. A; ¦JEan-^¦ - . ! « wx t -i - l.-:_*j— i t . * i.l i .-— - .j.i_ 'Ding, left th« Oruntry . "« ; jocfce-7 di*-;qusiliflcd i for . k«d ridiug." It toj ayrtafeJiy bo rts the lanJy Iflbcra]Chief, BeereUry y t lo \t\a acted rtaidly:5rt ioconSanoo' witih. <hda convictAtna istlip . preBeiA one, j Mr.' Birrett; Ho int«H«iu«d', Jiiio iPUxBajnont & iBacaa ¦ Bulo1

BiH outlining 0)^ EngKA Mea of what

was- necessary for Irtfand.i Ii ranMrafcr Mr.: Eed'rriotd to presenl PArliscncnilirSOf"ttie' vfowsjof NaflonlJSsts. , Th<jStm4 is '&Ai£tSto' VWjpwHive; »nd w^tiopp t&ni tte R&li Ltfoler will, iduitLogn«xi Bomaa, &ie steps Do| p^tipo Ibefcr?i «J«H*t,' • faltjr end finoHyl' tho dotafUiJlj Sfe" '.<hanadd trf .&« oountry lor Bo!doverranenl. \ '. '.. - ' I- '¦¦' ? . ;. '^•:- ! - i ;!!¦. '

¦ N ; ¦ : • '¦ : -:

: . y -'- V-r

¦' "¦¦>W- - r \ i

-- r . >: ,;. '¦. : : , ¦ ' ¦! Pi . : ' . t

Mlji|ii||iiPi|iMj|| ^BIS1MCT GOSSIFJIONlX\Yk:C»iia>pEA.Ta)0I( t ¦ "


j fThe' Cjomwration meeting; on Moniday1was a fow"! orw> . J Out' 'oi£ th« fointjy ;meanibera oiily one—Mderman - Ward1—:was absent.] . ¦ : • ¦ ¦ \! The pHtoipal ovont,' o f «aaree, iwaa'we election] of . a new ' Mayiw. It wasialmost I

¦. i ! iorcgone ooncj liusion. itihat 1CounoHlbr ' Haoj eAt •Rxiuild 6*oure a!majority. cf;vote3 and it was alratost a!piity that a candidate was put ¦upcgainst p if n . • '

MTTJiNp RACK.1 (When [it came to the eleolioa of mesm-tress to ^c- -ye on the 'Oommlittoes it wasobvious|U at a. dead1 6ot waa to be mad<son MT. JMward Walslhe by the majorityrly. Mr.J Walshc his taken 'hob revenge

puWiailing in (iie "IMamBtes1 ii-ipeees " !a sained article, whidh cannotJail to Em bitter the quarrel beflween tiho.rival parties in the Council .

THE ONE YEAR POMOY.On-qr point dwelt •upon dhiring 1Uhe

dobatp : Was the unfairn<*» of theMayoralty! being held by an;y one citizenfor more ffiian one year. It is only lair,th'at eviery membe-r of Mhe OoumcdJshooild jhavc a reasonable : ohanoe oiobtaoning j MayoTalty honovu-*. iit migihttake a ' long time to conifer tlve honouron f orty uuLividuals, but it- irould no«ttako Xort.y| yeara, for memt,>eis of tiheCboneil (iinp out oe»as;on.'iily for onoreat»n <xr knother.

¦We tHiiik it wad the laU; Mr. L. C.Strange V. io at the tun« he enJeKdi UieOoruncil pointed oTit tibaA, in viow dfthe prvicit: N? oj g-Aing a Mnyior a threeyear6 t^rro, it would be cortfideralhltj .¦>v<>r a tvjtury before his turn to we.-uLhc Oivlc |ahain would awive.

A MiAY-Oat.VLTY YAitN .TJietv ix> t time wthen the M.ayai

and Corp rati-on of \Vatorf<>rd f thn- tur «i»atat[oi Bor o\>nvi-vialitiyv -A <5IJV<yeans Maj or of thv olden time used t<relaw hw upon the ooaLsdon. rxf igroat dtinnm&traUon in l>uWin the Ooip-^ration «[ WaAoraordi aUenj led1 in StaleThe Mny w and a few lUdermanicfriendt i (•t ipcped into a hooded carriageU> j oin th< pTooession. and liiere wvia m:oxciKse U II drawing ovor tht: hood as thoday w!M f no. The pTOOO=<?Jon was ionaand AIO* ind by the time it debbmchtiiUpon Cbil :ge Green the r<>(r>reseinitiaJtivcsj ? '-ur rity vwre tuflvj ing ftrom a nortunnatuT fU Ithirst. But in the faco of tineInnnouse Ihrcing irurroTinding them Uienid^-guato ^u^ncih-ing of this thirst :vnioi j3>r**<>ibJel.Suddenly down came heavy da-ope of

ram . an<1 1 the 'thirsty senators utteirdd a[>ja.y<.-r i)i thanksgiving as they ord^sri'dJ)e h»xl |o t« drawn elos«.

THE AIM MIBLE cx)iu'oa.\frai(>N.Tharc w :is a rfunge I'ndVr tho eeatfl

fof bottki -, tumMet-s, and other para-phrenaila; and then (ai Rillar Hc^gard;has a liiiW.t of saying) a strange t£in#hspiHvu^l.! Tho soda water ibottk-asyponiantopsly combusted and Mhe noj ^vof oi>ri-^x(ppuig was heard high aboveeitcy otht'f oound- The occupants oftiu- tii>- «Jrtl carriage were quite un-nerved by! tho expio^ion ol corks, andas they jstbod quaking a loud voice w--entm> from a man in the crowd —''Bloodaluv, boj> J d\> you hear thv Wator-t.>rd CV.rp-t.ration - "

TH!K UUT'l IvS OF AJS M.P." Sl<'.i|iil>iTo. of Patliamej it are (says

T P V W-eti kly ") in prae^ce if m>tthcorcticj illy, not repret<?n1.'it.>v>ij at all ,but {\\rtry delepaU'.i. To them tiliemaj ur sty of the elecfiorate hnvv rekg-au-d:)it-! r autj ituity to «j p(port in the Houseoi (Vcnnions certain polh ical pnn-oipie*. 'W11ia.te.ver local dltaiuirtej thetNi l' . pos;ec&et3 ma(y be said to die-j .;i;)« 'ar .entircJ y a* so<)n as he pTCtsentathe rft.urn of the writ to the fieri atthe \a.\£e of the Hou^e <xf Comoxxns ,shakfts handU -with the Speaker, tuidtih-en , amid party ohoer*, makiB hisway to ten? I/ibora], o.* Unionist orI«IIAAIT , or Nationalist benches, aoci'rd-ins to :thf parity ^e-Ris he has reallychosen to r>nipj»rt. By thut action h«,stand".-i. revealed as a party delegate. Andyet Iho is a repreeejatati-ve, in a sense,deeiper and wider than tlhat which pie-i-ailfd of old, bafore the iipnae of liioIpcn^rfal- pSi T\ff organisationw/'Ho is aropi¥vv>4ita''.iv<i not ol the narrow vietwoof the locality, but ol th<! ptarainoiuntan<l alj idiog apinioas of the nation.'

For Dursidve^ we are inclined to t>»ht^ve tfia.'. the perfect Mi' , w tihe one-who, whilsi giving full attention to theaffaire of the nation , does not allcgvtt)«\rforget or neglttat tihe intcresls of tiheHbcniit-j i he stands tew.

" WHRN WE WiHRiE BOY.S."HUrlcing back to old tizo«*». w« find

that about forty yoaxs agi.i there was a< on thus very subject , of the rola-tion between a membej snd hi^ oon-r.tii-aent- , in the Waierford YoungM«n 'b S-jciefy. If we aie not niucliz; .kj nj Mr. Thomas Sexton waspitt-ed f ma.:nst J.udge Marlin K*1- . atUict d(ii«i;o

MiU. ^RNNY. DEI JKGATE.Mr. jP.j 'W. K<-nny gi.iv* » pr.wt^cal

illu-itrntbn »J tlh> duitoi of a ddlcpu'uoat UrX irondj .>^f; wiect-ing of tUx- Cor-pwratiwi.i He saad he had not \\<~ <.<l foria (Maycrr last year hrut he Ihad In- . noivrni-.xWn^ig Its position and he JwkJarrllAtkf at the ckmcltusion tfutt li« u'.isir.rt jUf.tiiififrf. in rofrt ining trrm voting.Even if lie considers that theiv nro be-foTC h'iTi two potaLti^n-s wh'idh *$>i notapw.Tii 'W Ij i-m tho repr/v^ontiiftiw io< tJ^ecit.ixev ;?houl'd Vot»> for one or tilei*tilvr and should o;ust 6i:-s wte for tJioni-wjlt ion "wlvich ho l>elicvo..>. to dym-itft-ui^tfio ' lesfer oviT. Mr. K-.Tiuy added tWatKb* roitKirks <XA not apply to the presentcontest for th/? iMayoraHy. Ho ha*}known Mr Hocked fVvr ;i oon-rdcrnWi-t»rpe and lisd oaine tti t1i«- o>neluftii>nthat b.o was ruggivi, hottest, pxxiPihly¦UlifitoOo'ji- on liVj ine ooaasions, nnd tihiAJie -VVTIP :i thfi^rouR-lily K>'iiid r<<presenta-tiw> wtio meant weD. He ccirrtparod himwiitfi Jf itxrt Burns, wOiiu hod A ASI fromtilio irmili.- of tlho worker to th<: heghet-tnfliw <>{ Sti je.


TJie following dates have been fix«ltor the holding of quarterly meotinj .s <rfth<" Wattirford1 OorrniraiivHn—(A|pril fWh ;July 5th!; Oy.obej 4th , and January 33rd,vm. jn<3TAxtuvraoN O-F M VYOR.

J^tr.l Inmee Hackctt, -n-ho was cl<jattdiMiujwr cf Watarford at last THutlday'omi-ciiaiJj'- of tho Oorporation will be in-ttbllod (n thut hinli OHIXM! at a cpccdalmfxrtihs! to be held on tho C3rd of noc^month. ] ' . ¦ ' '


¦TQici itsenicta for the mooting of tjhe:Tirfvn| Council on Tuesday next is verymeagre. There is ono rosoltrtion to ibesubinitted'. It is from OouncBllor HicJuirldWhi tile J .' and rano:—"I will nwvp ;a.1tJio lieiV meeting of flhn Cbuna2 thatnow footways bo ntulo in John's Lanearid > ctiiport'fl Lano at once." !

Th« only Committee r«conun»ndati>nfalth^t j from tihe FSnance add Low OttmrnfilJep, I urgjp? Iho Ckundl to oppfcwetho GJV?.R. (General Pow<rc) Bill. I j

A riuiiber bif owmbeTU ctf t!h« QmndildedJaxo tihatin sput« oi tlie "dnnoocwio"of | ibb i ^endc. the monthly roecttrjg \HUnot pbsp i ofl, us quietly, fas aright be. j i


SVnktj pwentes to bo a nice* csedtingMurathon Race will' tail* plruco e.t Tta-jnbre | obi Sunday next. «Rj * rex» fwihklhJ» und^r O^^A. Rules)

wilt start, tmm

ihe Ra lwa-7! BUtion at 3 olfllddk. ah+rpand; h< jdisSance'to be covered is about'ten nrL 6*. Already over trtr^nty coiriesiiv« b*n received; tor the' erenit. BIr.TJ F Feehiiy i» octingr iw haodioapjjcr,Biart sr, j Mrf Peter ! O'Connor. JtuSgeo,Vtttem, iJas h Widger, E. P. Partan-bbn, trid Pieroe KcJ&uirei <Pr«Sdcrtl,

Mr. Btcpiea Piowie-r. Bacrelary, Mr.Pi; PoVpr, Carxigavlantry, anid Tiea-surcjlit. f o t > h Quann. ' ¦' i ' i ) .'

irttHATtJIBNT OF ASELtEJ: RA.TJEN!lBTi T ' ¦ ¦ ' !

¦ ¦ ¦ -. '¦ : ¦ ' i'¦W< draw aiicaition to a , corutrovcrty.wMcii has tban'ewnfOtt reneatiy [ i n<fi}je . " Brening N«jwa a>n<»rnan^ thetreat n i tt of, patients in the: ' DxstrictJwyt sn i.] : - 1 - - - - 1 - * ,.- ¦ r ' ~ -

¦ ¦ ::mf3i s aabj«ct ,: 44 coorstt , is one cbollt

nt lbidi do ouiaidcr oaa be expeo(edi| .toelW'a i ' opinion; TWo aUeqdoots in' ;»Sidj <t-tqy that thiwr ' ctJdtoda ; towajtfatioee Xi their c&*rjje<'can bo krjrprovEd

! ] ' • I . . ' ' ; i . ;: - - : -V I - : " , • ¦- 1 !,

I " - :' - 'i!j

' ' ¦¦ : . •¦

. .' " ¦¦" I I ! ' .

¦• ! ' • > " - I : ] ' -. . ; . . : ¦ : ¦ ,¦ :¦ ¦ • - j !

Mpani In' oidarft^'^Bkttice : their poaiUonquite! unassailable- .the. j attjendanite ou^ht;.t>j bting-tbd ! ipiittet, j baDpirov^lib'*

¦¦¦&!&&]jrAttee.' of Mkncrioinehli r^qiieslang thfesn,«o ntake ift pupfijei sfawinent aa to fhei f i r f'tie oajsa',.. . ' ! -j| ¦•/ ' ,- ¦ ¦' ' .jv'

•¦PBESaNTivriw fPO! MR,'-MTZ- - •"> ;- .]! • GHERALD. ' ' 'i !| ' ' .. i ' ^ i , i' 'A rraeeting a I the officers and etafi - oltho TVa-tcnford Asyliun. iivas. held on fiae:iXMh iinst.1 at .vjiluflh Dr., .Oakshoit, Re»i-:ytent j Medical iBijiperintkna'ent, j»eaided>|aocompanied' by|Af r»i paJcahott, for the;puirposo of maiinff a ;prcsentatiion to :pT:\Aleris Fitegerald on! has ;aj (pip(noa»bjn^marriage. The presentation waa a massive;silver aalvex And case of Bilver fish!carvers, . j 1 j - j i i j • ' ' ¦' ¦ ' \\ | 1• Dr. Fiitg *reJ<ii vx&eiteod hia hoartfeJ*.-«hsjv}« and 6aid that he had found hisdru.tiea oompanalUvely; easy owing to tie;conirtesy and l ahdneeeihe had roceivied'at the hands xf his ifaUow-^xnikerB. . - j¦ ' r i c ' - A ',C.YMS. Dfi^ATENO CtLAQS '* M

"Hho woeJdy nj eeting of the C..Y.M.S,I/iUrary and IKib^ting Claea waB' Held,on Sunday-night last, tfhe Rev. T. F <Furiang-, AdftrJ, - | <S(puritual ' iDirootor ! 'o£the "Socae^y, presiding A doacutHHontook; pliacc on Ib o .suibjeiat of "On wbatprinciple should, tihe lllayor be elected."The : foHowingj krieirfbera took "part—iM««re. Marti D |Ha.nagan, Tfoqmae Ooprpinger, Owen DaTrson, 0avid 0'iHanlon^Jo&eph , Sjpenoor , Cornelius Mhirjpiby, j T.|Henebery, Ilii tunas lltuirfiihiy, DcaidBuokley, John: | \Vholin, and! • EdprkrdI>ariiin. The Wooeedings were brv>ijgfh,t;to a alo3e with a votoi of thania to theOh airman for preaiding, , iand rfioj thdintexest he bad taken in the Cttatfs since:its inOcgj /tioh , ft-hdeh was passed, with. ;nio-;clamation, on the propoaation of Mr.iM.1PJanagan, seoqndod by WT. Josc!p[biSpencer. \kt .a Conimittec nvoeiing h«W;during the weeJc it VOB arranged to h.Wda detiate on Sunday nnght next, on liheJsubject of "'Is ithc rrm>nitenanK>e of theUnion more behofteiad to Ireland tihanHran-e Rule. " !,MessrB. P. Hogon andfJosnph Spencor ; wore selected to Sjpe&k;i>n the affirnmt vo side and MedsjB., TJH«nebt>rry and ; James Daly on tho ¦negative. THie jprooei'dingw- will cwtn-me.ruoo at hali-paet eigJhit o'olfvi shaflP.

ANNUAL DAlXflE.The Coinraititctc in cilwirgc of tlio ar-

naitgementa Joj; the annual- OsndtoreJl'aDane*, which j s to be iht'Jd in HiheBooms of the. | C.YAI JS, at Poirne-llncir<!*it on Wed'riesday night next, oreleaving notihnng undone to provide forthi ' enjoyment of tlie large nuni'rx'Tisw h o arc exjpaukd to atitund. Alroady

v » vtir one hundred nannw have been,handed in to the Hern 8ocs.

THE OROMESTOAL OLASSUnder the alUirpiciee of thf Orc!hes1!iraj !

Cia»>s, (i conoe-rt will be guvn in ' iHtof ,Hall uf tho B<x-j ety on Sunday o:glitnexit. iTIlie vt»oial;sts will include lli&iOuilen MIHJ Mario Foltiy and Mr.Miwwrioe Murray IV^fesor H. MJoCaxirvy•RAM. , wi!i <M>ntri lbu.t«' a couiple ofviol in solw A smal l charge will bemade for adm.u'fiion

LOOAL DESTRUCTION OK TnniER." Paul Pry " ivr.Ui- "J si-o in last

veok 'a "^Now* " a rofemntv 'by Mr.Jaodl). N«w.iown. U> wanton eu1/fing<kj wn of treets in the distriot aroundWAterfurd. Near John '* Hill, at G-len-tKm-er Hill fWoodslowii) and near BalJiinaJjr JI , claw of vandafcin is going¦ •n In all thttit! plact^s bttautiful avenues

.f treert liave been ru.-{fliJe5<ily t/tmick«lo»-n . I spvak only of what I per--onaJly hav f s»-en <>r OieArd>-. Doubtli'.ss in >>:hcr pOacr'S, t'K) ,•hv tri'cj ar* tUnvlrl uxg

" I don 't Ukt > io Hi ii farmer Uurmnjjh, - r in to nion. -y It tnaiket on<»Lh itk tliat )iouct-t k» ".i docs not pay."


A sim'plo and .sale method >xf restartingthe flow otf water i-n fr..zen pipes is toiniroifticc a oonet}n.t:&t<'<i Bolutionanio t'he p;p««. and U4. i.he eat i tiiway iraio the ic». Th<? t ime taJsen to meltitht' ice is rarely tnorf than hall an hour,} ¦'¦'! TOnvviiirnC K' . merejjy fill the pipee¦with dry salt t-> u-hush n little hot or(tJi l water sliliuld Un-n t>e uddied .

ST V I N C K N T OF. PAUL SOCIETY.Tli« annual u>ll«-<itJ >Ti m £td of tho

funds of tho St. Vinoent de Paul Society,WaU-rflurd, tor the nfliflf <J the pocu withiout religibus <tt.tuiicrt!i/)n. wSll be roaldeu,t tht< <Ionrs wf tlhc «<vor«l -Ohurdhea oiltho ciity on Sunday, February Otih.

During the year 1909 tone members t>ftihe \Tirdrno Confe renoee paid 2,543 vcwitst»t Uho poor ui . their h«ne8 lur tho pur-rxnio of di«1ril?ntir>g t.h« Mlowing re>lief —67J U»ru of oral . H .820 tiur ptouwjloaves, 8G7 gaUons <«f milk , G3J 8.b.->. tea,462 lbs. suga r , 33 no""-' "' Ulankt^a , 139sO>n«\3 t.t renv for \x*l*

T1K> Soasc.ty dtuire JI '..i lx; known thairecairuaeii'lSiUj iia ' ftir ruiliof from any rc-Npecti2)bk- citj iien -will t« c.-rrefully con-MJo.roJ. IX>t«atl>>n3 fixmi tiho-w who oan-iu>t attend fur tlio dJlectJ^n wflj bethankful l y reocivtd , and duly aeknofw-¦loigoU . In tlh«. Bish« <j) .»r Clergy or any(iiienyln-r of tho Sxiu'l v

THE 0ON.FBRKNCE8.Thero »r» four Oonfi-r.-nces of Hhe. 8t.

Virecent da I'tuul Bucirty in Waterft-rd.TPie P-rosideut <if St. OtieranV Gmfprenoe(the CatliFiJrol Pariah ) ^

Mr E. Egan,thu 8ecretar>' bi-9u g Mr. T Mtmnix. fit.AtinoVi l fV/n(ffirt'n< ,v> (BaHybriokwi) i» pre--VIKI mer by Mr Rirttfard Olees<>ii, nnklflu- Sccro'arjt 1- Mr J Wari Tho Pr<-orient of St. Iin.tri-c-J* H Onf-n nee is 'Mr.HJcluird C?->«{;b title iSexri'lnry U'iiij r Mr.P.:iri}i«.r>.fn<»w Miii r.iy In St John 's thel'r<-.- r']"iii is NU kicilMrtf Duyl^ , <Jie^ i^ .-r tV Evr y M r J . [ ' l i n i n g

W KST W v T E R R i l t l ) VOT10RST' :'- i \ > ! ! ' ? * -.up rAvw- h .* muny vo'. jd

ii t - uic-'i p . i l l i i l ; ? <)>H: :> 1 on WVIil- '-d ly—

Xd 1 — \ :dni-. .ii- Sci! i ^-<l .h->u>- i - f .r !,. ¦ , :. r ArdTiiore C Si i . 1). Union(Jl.- mv-Uliani-l l lI -iu1 i.f 1C6.

No . S—'Kil)Jvl|t< .U "R Scho(ilh>ru-i: .'illI ' Di t r i <..f Kinsiit-U 1? (N '> > . H G r i i ' .i h

( N < - I ) . Gratis ^47 ..ut of G4No ,'i—-HlllyUKU'irt tii-1100111'KU.-o f"r

an : ; .- af lialjy ai i acor 1 . .M .un .t Stua.-t (Nr;'J.

1. .' i( \ti I i Aj <l:uore (Dun;rftr-\nn Ulr ionV- -IJ9 out <> f 17;)

iN" 4—Cappoqiiin C-mrtlxTu.-*' for units•I ( 'airpoc)UJn apd I>ninior»—200 qUt :of

3JC. i ( !No 5—'Mod<Ai£o Sobi.'-lhoure for unite

nf liiiihonmutlt. Ballyh.-mi' . M<xM :g&-:144 out of 16-1, ' :

No. 6—Cla.*ihinor« ' Cuiirt}i<>usc fo-r units.'¦ if itaUyheeny1 , Glashmbre , Gralla^h (N».2) Kinsnlel>ea (}lo. 2) , Mount Stuart (No.:4)—221 aut of 357.

¦ ] !

No. 7—iMe<fk5)orna 8choolhouse , lot,unite a! Rinpviilj e , Ardnwre (^o. SJ-f l VTXM\ of 138. h i i

No. | &-Todriieen(» Stflioolhoiusp tot.units pf BalllbaimM CNo. 2). Oouro&jagJJin , KoockepWraiidaun (i\o. 2), Mwleligo,Sc-skiriane—2t2 tut of 270. ' !. i- . 'o. ! 9—Oo<Jnh»5meiar SchooMiQUse lorunits of Ooillfeaii . Bohadcon—023 outicif104. -I . • !

No. 10—D.unijarvan CourihouiBC for unitsot DungarvanT Urban No. 1 (A to Q inriciu^i-vtr;—JUJ VU L \ji WJ . ,

No. 11—iDiingaryan Courthouse forunits f«f Dungarvab Ooiban No. 1 (R.jto;Y), Dungaivun] No. 2, Olonea ,CNo. (3),:DUngarvan 'Rural, Mount Stuiwit fNo. :3)-O>» out oi Xii. • .' j ! :

No. 12-4>Vfcit. schuich Schoolh'onisje &wunits of Whit & iuioh (No. I) K^ran (No.1), Gappash—^OJ out of 124. ] j \ | '

No. 13—<Qarrifcleft Bohoolhou&o for unitof Oarriglca-H9 out of ,72, • ; - ¦: i [ \

•No. l-t-^itbnpMJ Cour.thauae j fox Lw-!more llaral, jL iBmbrc Urban—C13 out : of300/ . i i ! l \ ' ! | , ' .. -' ! •¦ ;;.

¦' :. -]

; Nj eiJ l&-^a|eiia^aira Bclroo'MrioufA Sot,u'nitsi Of BallWi»? and BaHysaffl:altm»r€,¦ lOllout 04 833. I i . -! i^ . 'l ' i - r :

I NoJ let—Ballvduff fchoolhV>u5<3 lod uhltao! B£l:ywff, ''C&*Uwichard, Giur^iai^aJtJr,!Macoilop—\(£K Aut o< 276. ' I ,1 •: ";

^ iSo; n-^alWw OouTtihouie for TaVlci*,

;KiJwffterwai}r B.i Kraiw torjJro. ' V.- fiiCout at za. j r':: 1 ¦ | "- ' : - . • - *\ CJ\ :|FT

i Wo. • 16—<Kt ooliurOP? SahootlhouDo ioiiKikockej iy. i sPernplcbiiohaeJ—If f l out | of135. . ¦ I ;

¦ i ' i ; |' ! ¦!

. JJo. i$—Vil iorsfitw n Schoolhouee Jor.ttnHs ol Droijana, Ihomotc, Kereeh <JiV>.2> Mount : Stkart CNo. 3), Wlhite<fli.urclhtNo. 2)H1<H to oi m ¦ | . !| | •_,

; 11hcr* WPritl, i thwaorcj S0M vdips '}«•Wided'out ot a posjdbl*1 4,234. " ' ) ' ', ;. 'r ¦

i:-i1l ( M ¦.-¦ •¦

. :| } ¦¦ ¦'¦ ¦] ' ,¦

¦DavrH'OF.iSiiiss F. o. portscMpy.. ;¦ .The Hon. ^"ranccii CQ&rlolte Pbnsoiby

died at BaUt yesterday at Uwiaga[pfi 93.She «r»' th^ daughitor of t3ie : Jfight Rov.John P nsoa3*. KAiop of pa«v; Wj hfewife Firancoi, dandhter of tihe ] ?iijjnt f toh,John SUple> ,^aaid!Bister

oi Qje Jtwtntjiand last ;rl«rq ' Pmineoniby oi OmoikciUy,Who di.]d In'1SC8. This W\ wta^ coWfwrcdon i nfTftcnrl or the, second EAtl at Bern-borou^Q, In (aO6. M^*« Ponsonlby Km^-ed a patent at jprccedence in 1$S2. ' ; [!' ¦; ' ;;• i [ I- ' ;' j- . .]' .' • : ' • t- .j . -j

<jba wv€rage:rat©i'Icir !(&e( pnnxapaft IibkbtownB.vAl Newry 37>8,i"th-e'lh5g5ieat! matein~tpej!an)il, Jwte4 !f«etoitifoi. !i.'. .»^ii- :;v. ;:. •

. ite^ele '-f m dmt»::.!inv WaifepJord

;' ! - . yRADEi V , . " . ; !.| ] : : .y| .; !' : . ¦

-iTlbat--woeJc 'W^erfordl expocnteii ; trpbracattlq 'itJhBn' Biny ofth^r , Irish, port EiOTeDublin: The - total |; j n fumbei eacpiorted¦was 3,771, Hhe -beasta ..uedng debarked asibUo-wst—JSrWol, 430j.; Fjslhgiuanl;: J,489i<Maagww, (59; OUVerpop ,|-783.|. : :: j " • • : . - ' :¦M&f m OF ¦A!N:'::BiiSH JPEIBST W'> •¦ '•': f ¦AMEKKU/'T ^ j]j .•;. ¦;; 11 .. ; .:i "We - ire reit to

^ Isavo j *l' anntounce liedeaullh inf low B<y. Jtwn IWoUh... eHestson ofiMraJ ^iljen WoillaJi. Mooton, 'Kol-j -nMBtaorSri-1 ;w(hd<;li' ftkjk.ipllaoe cai 'Deocttniber6t3i at; M^arcy /HitjritMJ Dubuque, uftej ;aijig!Iiiesy-:w;-torf weSds. FciltowinK <heSolemn Requiem ; Mass, 'ArdblbiEiibpIreland preadhejd li »[| lunoxal flsewnon.Sev.-Jottn iWWtslh -wais ibbrn in . 186ft, andwent <to Asnerioa(in: l?flS to «tariipll«rt« ihcla<&vex>ioeM ,{- 8tiid3€B .' Tat . th«» &t. - TiaulSonriTvary:! 'H« -Wsus oi idiained on Niorv«mi-ber 11th, 1 1898. He . mfterwards i took aintet giroduate • o xuree .j latj Uhe OattiaEcUniveraioyi tin 1W, l neiJcm. and- on ' Mareturn;-was' appiint^f; As^tistent J>nstoTo£-k the -hamacf ak <to Cibhoept&m I Churdh;PaWbau}. j 'Fram tineM jhje went to . BoaitliS$. Paul', i'whore he j ivaj iBastor toreovtjral years. £is h ealth bogan Vo Mlabout tout or f(ve v^are. ago, and hecome to lh!ia nutliive plaice wdffli1 the !hdpeof retraining it/ but Qjnd- mlled .oilherwiKeand BO pa38ad TKlaoi&Ibly away, to liarewumid, osj iatta.t«t a-"bjyo, on Deoomlbe/rStij . To (his iaaisily! tand 1 friends - wetpnUior bur 'ettneore tsj rppathy.

KNTERjTAINMJE|fT A,i| KN0CK-; . \HOUSE. I . - ' ; |- ; - < * . . !.

A "Whry enjoya| >J« enrtertalnment wiaacivon iby Mr. «Iton«a| FJynn , ' KnJook-;ik>iac>,- »ri - Sunday j iagbt' daat. Tb€palatial j tumfidorl of tjhe latter gentlo•man TtfaB filled to overcrowxiing . witlh'¦numerous/ frier* a of- M\a 'faiminRfralterndty. The host, caa he weletoimedlhis friendls. at lilno dboT, loalked (ho .perrBoroficotJon of oonwviality amdJicGplita-'Iity. Tort Fitzgerald opened) thoproeeddSngb witlh soiecitonti on theviialin, rXJayirrj? "Thfl 'i Lost Cliord-' ¦par-ticularly well. The next item was lanedLftition, "Uhe iPour jMaatexs," by Mr.T. Oannoily, -wljo in 1 I rcsponso to on<-niaore, dianoedr'ia 'hornpipe in tmastoriyB'tyUo. Mr. SoaoWan ¦¦ Flynn follbwedw-iMj a Tecitaftoni in Irish , "An Ghfcftiair "Mr. Connolly meoitfd "Briian Bonn'sAddreea to his ' Awriiy.'1 ttyr. (Plad!d(yiMJa&rj i-th was vary hafxpy in "•Queen ofn^e Bairth" andi "BotieratJon.' Th5s<mded the concent part of the e „

'Dancing was coj iunenoed with grea-t'yifi 'ouT, and was kept up without pauseu(yt)l an adiwanced hour in tihe morninj c,when the entertainTne,i)lt terminated! \ri43ithe fii«ang of 'Tor JH«V a Jolly GoodF(\llow?' and " A Nation Once Again/

THE GB'-VRITY BAOUL.The Committee of . the above Mum

th«r grateful thanks to Mr, Broom headfur the profusion of beautiflul flowwa-palms, and planfb so kindly lerit by himto nd<>ra the rooms, and to Meesirs.¦Robortoon, Ledlie and Co., JajnojHearne and Co;, O'Loary and Co., and•M-r. E. Murplhyl T.C, (Meters. MJurphyBroth em) Jar tree v-arious decorjationb-,AI RO to Messre. T. WaJislh- and So i, wfhoSuppEtd the furn.ita»e. (We are .verypleased to learn that the ball w-es- a(Treat success.

fflillPPiLVG SEWS.' The ert. "Kernrwood ." of AliddJes-l<»rou| h , arrwad . in this port yesterdayNBirnin ? from Uri.' Ri.ver Piate with aC^-RO cf 4 .600 tons of maze to the or<tar¦A Mt&-n?. R. and H. H«T1, Ltd. Thev- -tool . wQikih is being disoluiirg^d att ru- EW-vntior Stores at the North Sicta,n-at four days ovwdue, having on-cfmntcrc-d v^ry h«a,vy «<iMllicr on thev(i>-ago. aiesfiTS. M. FSir-reH and Sonare the agents


A targely at/tended meeting of HieWj .Jorford Oity and Dostrict Ass«-iat.ion<>f Tiiac-hera was held on Saturday, 22nd:nst., at the Gaelic League Rooms,W.itorford. A feature ol the incitingwjis tho very large attendance of ladjymmribt'.iv.. The (t>H-^wing naminaili'&nswere for th« CJEXJ. eJecitiion ,1010:—iPrvsidcnt , MT . E. iManfifield;¦Vk-e-nroriident, Mr. G. OXWl'lngh'an;Central Secretary, Mr. JtoGowian '; Trea-«ur«r , M-r. U-urlaglh ; District Rapr.&j«n-tal ive, M*r. Shwhan ; Lady 'PrincupaJRnpreoenitaitive, Marts C. Mihon ; XjadjyAtisistante' Representative, iMlies Lar-nviur; Assistants' Rep<r««>nllativ£. Mi.Nunan ; Parliaimen)t.mry Reprosentative,.None. Now Oflioere eleoted tfor ithecoming year:—(President, MT . W. C.•PoJoy, Perrybartk' NJS-, IWIatertonJ;Vice-president, Mlra. Dougl'ps, liadyLnne \£.. Waterford ; Hon. Becretery,Mr. N. Curran, Gfl^nmore N.S., W^teT-Crrd ; Trftasurftr , Masa C. FUvnn, StjJo^pJi 's Convent , Waterford. -CordMJvo;p.i <,f tlianlm to the outgoing offiwira"¦<"rr p-i^aed with ocolaniati-im. MrJW 0. Folqy . Fejrybank N.S.j Water-]hmi, and Mr. James Connolly wert)t ail ed dvleg.ratC3 to CongTOrS. . ;


Thu elootiori of a Petty Sessions derlifo.- KiJroiaconv District will take placo aio' .< ' P<t.ty Spsfiiwis to be held on Tttiurs'l,i,y . the 3rd .>f Mareh. There were </c-gin|al' y n:.7rA1tJiing like twenty candidate* irjth , - fi.>lj f.r rhU position , hut tlho numJb'-r titl.s now (tondjed down to about ftv<<or -"j: .

1 N.F.S. (BRANCH E. I. RICE). No. 173i\ nn-eting t>f tlio above bnino3i wai)

i}ii>M on Sunday last , B.-oMier T. O'iNoill ,C R., prew ided , >-upport<d by Brother E,K.'ll y, BX3.R ; Brother P. Murphy. Trrar*utvi \ Brothers T. Phclan, and,J. 0il-(,, n , Boiwiits ; and Brother J. 8. .OTNoiU,ioere^ary. ' and a, (food1 attendance ofmcm»bcrr . A vote of sympathy was pasUed«> BrotlK-r E. pio(ine-y on the death ofh.s fistw. The Secretary reported tlhat.h«; liad not yet secured a suitaMe niaeitrin? room , w it waa unanimously deiendfedii« lu>ld the nest meeting at BiMiopH,Mich ael street , on Sunday . January 30,at 1 o'cloet prompt. On« now nwimberwns initiated and several noirow weffnhunded in fdr Honorary and BenoTitMonrber.-ibip. Tho Woodward* 'roportou ,the brj inch frc-<' from ekknets and tlh oniootdng conoluded. :|

NO QUOR.UM. j |A (special m.oating <^ &c Joint Coaiii

mittcu ' ot Manugcment. oi fh« DistrictLunatic. Asyluin -was to ' hawe. been holdon Twsday lost for pie purpose of ottri-oiderintr the ^fitirh-ate lor | the financial¦year endling 4lBt ' March, 1 1011, but fcijlItoroujihi for want of a: quomnrvTho mee^-baa ' rtowrybe-'n 'Suiranoncd fcr nextMtondaj(,. w : ' ' [aAl-E AT FE>i0R., j

Ovyirig to th« inolomcncy of the weaithor'o-<taj-.' tho aujotjon of small form and;cffeoiBj advertfeed in aurila^t istmo forMr. O'igihf\a, h^d!

tb he adjimrneid. PiriVaitieoffers wall, however, "be reccivwJ by ttjoftac4iioriecr, Mi. Jdhn, Murphy, OldonniiUefraci .liwxthiD Ihe lnest week. ¦ ¦¦ . ; - I

: i. i , . ;• !: . i 1 1 ¦;- . . . ... - i i ' . ¦

._ _: McL^oikiZA.'niiN IAIJO) Bm-iuamvinioN

FVtwiouJtsidelflie. body iteeif and th^seacqiiainwd ynif ii it h"a--ve.(eiB(ys fhe "Int^hCutholJo ]') i an ^equiyUi idea erf theamount, of war: J that annuaUr.ialfo to .the1tot oil the Bac-ed; Oonpregatfoniaf Bilce:untdl a prograitorto jdf its labours for ,tJieoomips ieax i» gives eaoh Jlarrurury tothe piibllc ThS» ye*i! finife tihe Oongwgiution-uxj nfrontcd ip X h j tJueiibundred. j wdltweniy-one .causes-; for beattfication andcanoTgsatiocn. tth<> partloulara df wlhachnurnbar-pje nM devoid, o£ interest.." *i •

It; Js; not ¦ anticipated than' ¦ Si. Pcftornswj -Jl; *i<jni*6 thiis'jreay any boaitiffca'tdoji otc^olofli M'itat' .toHli'j.ita wills,I no*«5li|i-i:

A.uonff . the fim caiMies of c4ncmi;»?niaon; tu-be conclpded WlU,be-rat.l«uft ; ooctardHirft«> present. hour1 : -cAloul«ti<ynis-i--ft8i«>»«J ' itB1(Y?*«J Maflparei Mary Almfocfn* olU ieRaoredjHeort land |B-eKcd Channel, Pij o:to rnir.iyr of (X^eanfo. • : '/¦ { j. . ¦ ' j - j j i

navTHloFiMiis, IVBRTENI TIIE j j lj :

••nho death wourinwi on|TuB*ii!y ' lairf,Wf pixgi,!!MlaTj"ttnp^ O'JJnien, ; i Hhe OoVe:(Phehrrtrtajna' ¦wore rwnbvo^i te f &; J0hH'«Ohnmh on iWo3ru$Klaiy' and tuio- - funerttUMdok dtaoe ittm I thence' on. Thttrtflsy,oSftetf pfflo>' cttj Hitoh.1 MI SB. to( iBaTJy-»ruftiieTl ;:ThelRwj TMc^mJa-,Cfelv&i- 'ftjakHie odlebmatl ra :tf» : ^ 'MiasaJ-:1- Bcac^W,Rovi <Wi K«9fc«s<«wh-d^a<»ri,-!B«v. '.%iOrmonde. .Inl; tfcoii fHosr lvrere-fltev.i JpjURIMIUC, . JUiM vuv.'. nmf if i» i<.-»t7r-uvciy.. ,r<

Attn.t t'ReV. i W :).f. . 6 >CbflnMJ, » TVTfettW :i ' -MocWer;! and I Rev,! , MMrtWlW#i. i j. :' - • M l - ;¦ i l - :i -.!; : ::- . iN i: ' !i: . : ; i ; - . ; ii: \, !: Ji'v !:' M!¦¦ ¦ ; i : \ ' - l : ,

' -; \:1 •

¦: i : - . - i " :'i - ' i - . . .

¦ ¦ ¦ ' !: \>

j ^M&tiht bf^nAP.L:i ha» t*m >«d ^::#SISH set in A^C^O*: S> th^

i afl(^uaa»ibne». of waterwa tor. tn© 3nA nf*** -r;io>iSJ :m>,'Aii-'?oiJ^4»:.~»iaTityim -!-»,— f urri™n uu TI *IUCIJ«4M JLUT rum|J |.fi ' : weddB».v v r;: . ". -v.{f y| "f^|i: ^ii#lij4ME^AL:8ocii •:! i j - : ] ! ; -i;'fctlho aoninitttee of tihe Water&Dmi iiln-BtriJliaental Society htave Qx&i nbefif nextciginoeitt: fx». i fitoove Twi iay ' ByeningiFffbru^iry^Kh. -The vociilMsta -mil |]beMtfe»;|-JE. -- t Borns, - LJt.A.M./ ! and>v|^r,Herbert Hkrria. The itastananenti)! prb*Atonrno is likely to t a '»; -very populalrone; iand wdDfl-' Hnclmde such -weDUkiUxwiiiteina «te flia Ov«rtuie frtxm •¦ the VOaEpfebif .i ' .'Bfigdad,"!.' the- 'Initemniezzol! fromftxrf 13ve etiingb »ii37, tie "II tr&v tor'e"BcJieptaoh,; an' d : one of I iWCyMdleDcra'aMltrionia] geloctions. iProfesdoirj sIHlHniClairU* • trill. «antKibute dame I MioKridqOcw.i iM>. ¦ Malaofflni' wfll ¦ conduct f| : asj ra-i- - . 1 ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦

• : : |i |r|^KM;ET.a)MWirrTBE. ; ; J i . j j j i i:! 'A nWttiing of Hho StroH 0cttnim&ttoe!;ic>ltfh'

^ Whterdoddi'Oorrioilatioin, vrais to JiavoIpeen SheM'to-idiiy, :£ut it fed! 1SiwngJ).'|ft>f¦wbia't jo! a qutottm. The only ' traxf ; risemJ-beta": ;wh!t> attendjeri: w*ire OounciEciireRitWawl ¦WWUle . land Joroea Powerj |li |

iRksHlCONOBET At TRAMQRE. |:.:: I /fine -WateBtord- Bnasochi lot the I G&lic¦Letigtte .Wave raiid'e arringaments to KoWanj:Iriah oonoent at tihe' PavffifcmJTralDrttire,' on next Sunday nSpht. ; Mr. PJ JlPbr>ver, M.P.,iwill preside at .ilhie lamidert. land -an esKxirsiign -train, -wfj il^boruh;fa)in WatecJard ' in rmeotkm'lwiitlhtM-event. An exceHent pipoguiajrtoiej bs$|beki provided for tihe occasion, andiit is<jxpeoted the-re will be a laiige aitrfeind-I -i ! •; ¦ - ' ¦¦'¦ . : . : ; :r ,¦.KBAN10H OFi.THE Q-A'BL'liC J^lAGfUiB:. i .j . SflOB XaAJEOKB.. i- ¦ ' : , i i | : [

!We j Undeirstetndi that it is the inibn^ioitit tihe .Gaelic League to form a Brahcbof fihe .'organasatcon in Xifamore at' lia'n¦eidily dato, and to bold [open air ! 6on-k4lt« on tlho Strand during the MimiiKtoi^DiUiB. . •' : ¦ ] :'

Al jSHRANGiE ITEOT). . - I; ;%)n 'VVediiesda.y evening; about i>ur

ojciook,' a female ohdld only a few 'dayiold was found1 near the Wate.TOxirdk3',aiTybor, just ou/tside the oily. The child!wp.» alive at the time and apparentlyw<i!l cared for . It was well WMippad;; u-pin I flannelette and a shawl and wa» qfiit*mTirm', The person who made tfhe strangedWoovery brought the child to Piter'aJiine Police Barraiak. lit was ,su:b-«ei}UentUy removed to ilhe WorMionsej ,nhd on enquiring this eivewing we ' wereInformed that it is still alive and doingwall. The police are malting stiringenitciwruiries about the maM«r.

CORNER'S INQUEST EN j THE CBDnf .bn Wednesday last Ihe Wimxiy

CVironer, TX i. \rG. T. Modsiey, J.P., heldan- incfuest ' touiciin^ the | death oS anj nfanii. aged eleven tnorrthrt, namediBiiidgeit Pihelan , of Watkr-ptreeit. A' re-spj eotable jury, oi which Mr. RnrfiardP<iwer. Johm-atre*it, »-a& foreman , sitee^orn. Head-constable Allen wnteihed^hb proceedings on behalf of the police¦authorities. : I >TifE MOTHER'S EVIDENCE. j

(Mis. Jdhanna Phelanj :nwthec ofJ theddoeased child, w-aa the ( fir£J iwithet.celled and *he deposed tbat on Sundaynigtht last a daughter of hers, aged aibauttwelve yearij, vras minding the d'eceaseychild. Shd ' was in the act oi pJacniig as-hWl , around it when i dt eadjdienJy«l)ppc«f- fr<j<m he- anus and fell . to!1 theftior- iWdthpfs took the [child UP '


pit ii to bod. It f<vr a long timeiuji)d niter a white the mother noticedtKat rU little handy and eyed <reccwynking a« if the child was fn, eon-vtilfiions. She o^nt for a neigji lbcmrnngwicnan and tihe.v both cared the <ihil& aaibd=.t they could- and at baMixisi ft^wno'icJock the following morninc thty sentifoir Dr. Kelledier. lie; arrived at abouta | quarter past eight o*«lbok . but ' Wieclliild was then dead.

MiHOTOAX EVOiDENOE.;Dr. Kelleh&Tj deposed that IIP -was

called aibooat a quarter past eight o'cOotik:oh Monday morning by the pr *i\f au3witnais. 'He went to vi;-Tit Uhe chdld im-frrJcdiiaitely but found it had been deadfojr somo sihort time preWtious ito his'arrival. There wwe no external mirksori the ohild and U. would be dj ffitiult toa-iiy whether tihe fall had anything tlo- dowith the dorwu'ltMons, from ' whiah he woaol opinion bhe child died.- The jury re-Ittirned aiveirdiict in aa?ord.-inoe with tiheimedioal t^sti-mony, thkd Ithe ciiild diedfrtwn ooiw.ulf-aona.

FjDNER'AL OF MRS. J. D0WLINO.iThe remaina of this lady arrived at

iWatfirfondJ .NorOi aoout i2 o'oiuok «h3t=afternijon anldl were cnibswruently < <!on-

'veydd 1JO Biillygunner fw !inte*nentj On'tile pi>Jttfonm ¦ the loEowing oMzensJliivaited tihe arnival of the tntain:—liOufeMurphy tnep^w of the deceased),.Vtai* SanraeT MJarris, ' P . Haiwf, i D .Koo«li , H. iD; Keane, J. WaMi; ,(TheiMaJl), Bdwarti! Downey, |A. Ha4kih-9on,\y. U«"vx>r<;ux , M. Grant,- Edmund Diow-nic>y .(" Wm'tfirford. NCWB")'.I I.Mr. J. Itowling (pwaband) and' Mr,Jtfon J. Murpfhy (bratlher). land! MrissrsJk**.ipli awl John J. DorwHng (son») ao-fterepandwl -tho renidins from. DuibC/in.ilAin i iongat Uie wreaths wtei one from MuXinj -aws SL'xton. j • ' j : ;.


I iPOWiBR.! The rrartoiins of tho !ate Milw IJlen

Pranidlv lPhwer, wihiose sad dcrpife1 oo-Mirrcd on WodntiaJhy , [were rcilj iKWcU1

fi<«ni her rescildence, Baxronstianid'-st^eet,tti St. Patricik's Ohaiiroli last evening,4nd flie fuhePal took place frdrn th^ncuto St. Ma'ryW Bjuilygunner, «ftw Officej iind High Mbs* to-day, the ctortege :bedn(rIkrge and Tepresentative. Uhie johwrfnifouorneni ware M<tans J. BowSing1,1 W.ttowiliing and- C. Dawliiw?] (n.;iphevs);!anHMlicihiael Flwiiing, DuWin (first , cousin).A mKriber of beautiful weiaDhs ¦wctreilaiixlon Uie frrave. llhe Rl?ht R«v. , :Mon-iy gtHfii Fiynn, P.P., BailybTickenJi-pre-ii&ai at the High Mass} The <*BelfrtJ-nti-As Oie Rov. W. B. OTVinmcJl, P,P.'i St.PatnWkV.; darcon, Revi Father O'Brfen;iMMtaioon; Rov. Wi5»t«m W<ilshJ j Inip-e -were—Rev. T.1 ?. Furlong .Ainm.*i- Gi«iodT,vl; Rev. P; F. Futzjeralil,Alil.n-, St, JmWn'a; Rtvi W. .O|Connell,.Rerv. W, Kffhoe, Revi j Henry i Gjnirvin,Rev. TlliJjnaas O'DOoo^hiifi , Rev. L. liEgn®!flew, Mrdhaei i W-aCtih, ^aind Rev. PalmerP'Cbnncr, 0.-P.-M, " . { |

T || . ¦

PHE ElifD OF THE WORM).; |j '¦¦ ..

DttfpHe tihe. wmet ati'i t&' ihatl jso ddjillijiA Budh viftitanbi, ji t would. Appearhb ij t h e end of libe world rrti.y etitlfl j boi tyng -Riay off. At tftife ' reoent oniAialneetdng in;Boston, H^.A., ol tlho Ainwi--an; AsSociatibn for the iAJdv&ncfnaent pfJciienioe, the wlilrets ol <tih© ' ¦retnpinjr i' pre^I'UenH), Plrv»fe£l3or H. '1., Ctoilbwflacn,*3i4:tKa,t in the century' ju^f cj osy i thehou^hlt

of geolaj?ista ,was dSamibate'd j byii ho i ooncepiion ttint -fihrough |th firr*dualtaking oi tihe sod'ar Bjatem, ljife; uponhis planelt Tvmfld at some! ' ¦ future :diite

l>e<*jbj« exterict. Hh« • soicnti^ta flowi |be-|Sdevb that the vast ointrante of criergy:(which. ¦ 1ihe . sun 'daily I giv^a ! iSoifflhtire nbiSi Bull loBit, but, tlhat its raini ;fn«mifctiheT sources are no* ttmoh lofiaJtar' tpfits I output.; Recent discoveniea tin |ridkhbtaftwty hiave reveiafletf :'newi s^urj se^i of;iorbcjrjgy, go that instead oi the fepr ii)i)!$onihrcaire the geoIoc'lfltB ffarmerly eHWed i fWMoi! on .tihia pitamrt, they fnJMfc' f»Bte*ethill; the, eun\a pWvrer to: warm: pd[ei»rUvi

lTH ;QF !MB..MJXiaAEL , j .; I. ; ¦:

I ' : ! j IROOHNSON. '; : N : ' j ];"] ii j 'hI W« regret to anntwir^oo <!ha idet§ *' . 'dtiEr 'MactorfiiHabjnson, whldk 'i oaf and

(Jay; evencntf.:. The deeeasedl biw[ ;beeaifarj a long rrarabear ol years.employed as(Onjiman cablnotj oakwl in ' MeMre. Hobcmtj-]ror( l and - Ledlie'a Fnatkwy. .Tho' ; mr/ato?[wexe reOTOTed1, to the Oitjh«Jrt]!hU niilfeWionU, tho funowl will jteke--ptooe:! frtjnrthence to• BaUygormeri-tb-iaarrbw.i . l' • Ii - !j .

'¦ ' > ¦ -. (.

• ¦ ¦ : ¦ :'


¦¦ ¦¦ H |M| V i

'TH ^DAUCWttTER ; OF THE V ] \ I¦ j |; EEiOlMENT.":.- .' - I ¦;/ ;¦¦ \\ j ! 'On 'next Sktrajday : riigfht ' vi» ( I th< (

'WBAer&Htf -No. 1 Diwrmtic Bade Jr. TflUtprdtluoe¦¦ '"^be ' Dlin^hter ! oM the! R«-;«rii»«rrtJ; at tthe TJwtttre Royfil.'.LWatcr.lead. Tb& is Htm smuS oonpzm h^Sotoprtl>.snt*d " Meftthw. »1 the SMW f fi so4iuo«strifiMly.not Ibng e o

1. ::¦ i ;.| i |Su^a^ly^Jot Jbn^ ;«d«; ;} ^

;.[ i ': jii>T^;. /:©Ej *iK>>rI •;, V i* -!-::.. ¦/.;ij- " ] - : 1:"| Kj' T^>dfciy' at' Wotertord NbJ*b'.'i;a ' &&&»tam prSntedii out to , fas 6BTepa??aigfltoicui ftOcih 1were:.-being JsnBMI tejj r*pJcktfotn* ou4 oi a, iriggiBge; vam 'i T<V rasa*

Wbfrtrold !rt* pas*; I " Sn*r H^W wu'/he lidferfWffJ.i -" And Swtoaivflftibi iJ Vabpt &t»r\ ip -

( f u t a fa &j ,:; ¦-. [ ¦ ¦ ;i• ; I j .n-;i:-

Illii^lil iififilii PlilIlii il lliii iiiis ai

out/ vuyy - i*iacx»,t H'u<de; -Biiy>v. [je. .riwtBy&eta; .ii now IJe^ swe^;inaieej(deep. AJ1.the hills arcjan<l ./Wiiuisraoia' jnreseDt. aj>ery,; IfeiffcoKTO - ^^lfh^Tafijwflani ^ 'iaiooomipsniiwi I by i -ai istekrj), -iipiHnetraiting(Wiad,1 i!aiid.:. tiiot)«!W''.Ii»ll!J«^ia5.1ia{'. aj ldive'xjuitdoodr j . .«xoaipalioiiStdo, :;- fiot'l find" tiheweather ; ¦ 8o| ¦ very i jnnpkia£aij4 jS nose wtbo•work ':indJoor«i 'camplaail:;'pf. th'e exilrem*

ff i : i^!riK !i] :|| f :- - : :'i•MFFKTDl/T aJKA'WHuuMGj .'i i :[ i ;• •/ ' .¦

; 'iReptorto carningi 'inu>1 .iowrr, 'e ate ; tihatitrafQo bn : country irfflads! :» pta^faeulartiy!difflouit; - .if not ! poiiiifely WangerouBjowing' t)o-the ¦wealhex. .'IRhe ffianpj a 'attnfislhiliienderAi t(he j sniortvp end'haiidj i^aiud' tmailay, 'onl Uh«m yesteidayl nnjirpitgi' into aliquid, 'toonipoandj, [wihjcihi as 3inr:jreeaingthis niorning1 provided 'ia: ^«rb> i Eowoefflhglassy ..JEurlaioq, bwr jjwh'ich bdth ¦hcitM.and man found it Idiffiipblt to tftiv'el. ' !DBSAPEJOliNJlEpJ !,-:;( i! J - . i'i l ' i . f . - '- ,•! .Ihrrirlg : iha\ Soft !.weather UJjat inane;dBately; fciabwed-' .thejC Jhriiinia's1 eeafconone ought h«iar* j int^h«» ai]d,jU lackib5rd3ntuMng", OJU [" over.] the ! Idottntry. . Many

;-W€ialtiheir-wise-:lpeoi>Ie atloold Imveiir heaitfeanxJ pitencbftlcaiteid.1 Wtaft;! Grjci blrtfe . .-were" too j pTevious,"j ;a'nd! bti e^enis proved !<ihey were right. ! -BoBnel fifteen or ej iteenyears I ago we lAtid :a fine OHiristiniBi3 andfcrds iaould; f o $ hdard1 ^in«inK!irilt(he saioetnannei. The! end oK Januiary ;{urnied outintensely doM . and .thj aro||vid*' a : anwy(frtorrh in', Fe&ruafy; Irt rriainy.! parts oltihe,; cfcujintry inoat ; of ,j pe sinuller. birdl^Kjded of gftaryatAm^ W - ¦n^reiieia'teh- byWihjeiiB --iBf # ;s6bn« .!8pMScs.].j ; n i SaxA. (n•scoEe 'dBstriotef Uirnshey we' a rarely seen'Jar four' or five iyeaiS-i Mter. - 1 11 I' ¦¦- ! ;' v I T ! i ; - 'D. ' ¦ ''' I ' ¦ J;; : . apSH iHQRSESJ,: .;'| j j j

' , ". ¦ ¦

1 '"nhire & noidtrabiltaiai bofih at tfheIhibHn'iHoree Sho* arid at j thej pumerons!hoi8e: fcirs- and laatesjj ip 'add)dwvn thecountry a very lange niutnla>er j od: tho befit-m-lmafe go:to| for-wen eirB/' iaidlltihe manro er jxf 'MeSBra.; !8en^5l4 I

tihe famousJi-ih1 repository, to' a- fDuibjin ' ;Pa"ess> car-ri'sp'onoent tine ottfier day. ! i

I 1 ( ' I ' i '"JfO'tj 'only B^?nts, bijut- a! l irge numlber

of liertnan -andr l otlieiri lofflceisi wurxie overhere to. buy hories. Oite Gj erman offifceex ,to my «now.Iedigel haaj j gfvepl ai^ much as150 guineas ' for a hwse, .Tjhe average.p-rioj paid by tT:i«J foreigner! fiw ' a gctodanimial1 is nearer £50 itihan | £.A0

[, and fre-q'uen.tly as tryuch as £60 to jj£fep fa given1.The Germana think aj greitl {dfa3 of the.j iorses '/irom IreJand;, and brjyiwjs are con-tinuall^ ooroiri^; tac-k;

to- get! nriorj 1

" This Bort1 off thing-J paiurpllyj makelslihe competaiion far go<>d Idnitnala verykeen , ^Whough I do [i ot tfhiiiuk theie is-anjit!hihg in the nalurej of q eerjoa* sihkwtt-.•i?e in Irclij id, t-i ihe pr«i:' Hv.wovj-r , I ami t'lirprls^d that theJirtitaflh' Government i not iP?yinS nioreoittention to the qiie&'ion oj f .horse sappilyin , Ir<Jand. j '. '

" One does not- eye1 so , many buyerson bdhaW of the Brn 'ri- &d.Veirnanent asfonmOTly." ' ? , | |

Tbe |princdpal torei^i l buyer^ are

fromGermany. Belgduni, taisftTja !, \ and Waly,but France Holland oij d Switzerland also!o->k t6 Ireland for cf>m© i i>£ itlheir bestarmy horses, ; I ; 1

WATERFOR© POST DiEWraE ! BXmEN-¦ ¦ - . : ;. r.:;|i ;' : • ;'Wilih a vd«w to j rpvidinjf'iladUiiteona^

nr.d much-needed' • i^conj irpcdatdoin fo!both the ptfblio and tihe staff;! -lihe ' Post-irrar.ti^TfGenc.ral ;has Ji dqulrj ed'tf^ve h'cmse'Eand a; largej ya.rd ;in -jKeiy?^ -M*«**.' a^-joining the pi»t ofnVM pir<jni.:irtt?. Pu /1.'-fion of th.!s proi>e.riir, was j oUptaincd to-day item Mesenw; 'Thorr.itori ;!and Son ,=oiictitOT», acting on behtat-I !o.f tihe late¦kwn-eir .i and as the 'pl'ihs of (l'h(j puwposedej tfben,?ians and- a-iiwatr.bnftj are.1,. it_ ?aunder-stood, well , n rfvarc^d,] taoldirgopfTation p o>re especial. to,bejciOTiiinc!nc*:d.ihvartJy. It is stated m^i thW new bunld-in'gp, etc., will cost artmt £9,000.

CITY PUaliREY! :J! LJU!" '

! ! i ¦

i ii iri 'r ¦SHOPKEEPERS j AND -

These Scssiona vrere I heM today.Mx. Alex, keletxa; :ij, .,".' fawai<fetf , andtba following <ma?ist rato j w^re iatVio preeenM^«are Ulick JEtoark pi j i ltM.V W.'

R;. fWird, oind R. ifi arna (Aid).I } ) I ! I : '¦

Mr. jA . ,B. Fmunkbn, HJM, Inspectortxf Factories, Dublin pr^saroteki MissMargaret AherneJ 2l Patodck-street, forttiat en MtondayJ 23Ji CDex^imlber last ,being | the1 joceupier M aj tertlain work-sihop wthim She rnej ,ning dfi the Fbaibryankl .Worlaihapa :Acft; 1 190I,j three womentKnpdi Joscipjrc^Hiopan.i Hlannalh Scully,Eitidget McKe6Tt,|.arJd- a| young pertronnamed Mary Hayes j were \ ein(pioyert inSaiid workfilhop' tajte*! the! [hour ol ftxuro' docik; in' tho ia1t«rnidu'n ,j:oi>ritrary tlo tiheprovisions of th^ i satd AotJ ' ;! i ¦ ¦ • i :

«MTJ| Franklip,|- iww> ' appeared -to prfr-eecuto, said; Uhe summonses; Tvcre broughtunder; Section 26; of 'MM; AJO6. I Mr. Parkerviritod file, worirrotwh ion|th«i Bate men-tioned anid! fcuwlj tlliroe women 1 amid oneyoung pcrlrioQ ai''|wo«k at ;25i :mdnutes!tosix. Aa oUcnved'iby ifl» Act tffie oooupEcrhid cWan^pd ' tlie ¦weeklyl nJalMtiilidayfrom Saturday to; MindayJ and the per-a>mi jEcflind; tihere ahiciuM | h* left at4 Vclpek. i -j . 'h ' I I ;| !

Mrij John H^rbcuii i P«rA^ 'AssistantPaj ctory Inspector, de'poodd! that on Mon-dUy. tho COth i DeceaiberJ hi JTO'sited the¦wwfelhpp i at 5J5; pin. tnd| fbunid dhereJiasophSne ! Hogan, JI iBridget| ; McKeoo,HaaiiMi Scully^ ontt I a I ytj ung personnataoil Mjiry Hayes j .Ilbc .jvrctoen slhouldno-X j nave Doeii wrertt |Uivar i wian « y- m.Tho Jrjuail i: ia.hstnoctl)o(f The factory Act¦ma flx«d! | in '¦¦ tihis. *oJrkrcjbiD, and alsotj ie inioftiDe (tori wangmgj iltihe weeklybaif-JhioCdtltiy to Mbrrcliiy. ¦ Tntf hlotira werefrccnie a.-m. tJc>B fP .n> : ] ; ' ¦:! 2HiTi FrankMnj osfeeii fcr »; fcubstantilal

perMty. ; [ ¦ : ¦ I i . -| jj ' ;I Mrj Bounke oi-ked M-i^e Afliern if &lie

.hlaid fenytlitng to|Sa!3 .' : ': M« Ahern-r-I jfowot aU{ about £t as it

wsis jdrundttmas I weep, ared j I did notknow* tOieyi wore th^rc : ¦'

i -Mrj 1 FirankUri-fTha. i.-n» excuse ataU.: I : i l ! 1 ! ¦ I ! ¦ I PI . : ¦ ' "

J TIV>A MAri l^ «'hv«nfi.i_J « l KiiA ~f Oa ' IVV

in <tioh oaso, o^nl oirtowea }23. ' doste.'•: Th« fiaime (Wnr/ia'- aiil tooaeeruterl Vr.m;

Joijei Si Hester ( IWj ljjr, ptC &mxSS-tireel,Sari a eEnnilar ipffei co ; ttwdfer ¦ sanw Acton .8tum» daltei j ; : I ; •! ' ' ¦ ' ' ;

'Mr, PaakeT: iFepx led (©at! 3io -yisitedMr! Jbmiee' 'wwrkroomi at| 5J52 pjm..'' on20th 1 December land I Somiitll there], SlayMariBride -;and Cis^fe 1 Bir'kSri i ; ¦ !¦¦' ': ¦MiT Bugjgy, .-soU<sMo»'. Sj hOmuT Mr:Jonca.' proaJd'cd i guxlty, ;uii4 eaWI it >B*SGhriStaiasi week i toi j Ihii:i dlfent hijdord!e B\41hat eh'oiild fee gW.j <wrt.; He ga-vei&e s&fistants a, fprtoiglhi'BJh'aEkJayB aitOhn^tanrasi Thelcwii vfere' lenilitiUtf. ttoworx> i conir3vaiic«eu>er.] i i- ¦; MrVPariker4-But 1(hey: abtff -work afteli o'<ttick.| : j i i j i . ; ¦ ' 11 if:!- ! . i

¦- -' TheldefenXfiintlwals fin wile.- and doataof court In eacJi'cteBfe, ; : !|:."|- ¦'. :.. . .! Same :oDcapQalnnj it eWrjrrtoned liaseKateJ .i/ Daikigan/ j :Wiiajam»st<B6t^ fcr . aaSmSIsr6ffeao».! I- ¦[-: ¦'¦> -.• f :| (,- ¦ '¦ '¦:.-. '¦¦. Ma^Paj 'to dapoaw «hht !'<jto isaax> d#at , 5 JO p-in. he . yititcd thjO I defemJ.Tnt'iawtartrtiotn arid ilpumdC thicre 'EUaa MaOef«md iAhno! O^aeai u-hc .'atkrald toveyleftot-i| pjn.|' ' f i - l ' -J^ 'i - i l i-ltrl V^^- 'ii'1 .iHt.^tfdOay, apBrftor. I WHO, ; (qrpettr^itor the1 'defendant.! I «aid . M%a L&rviganbad iL 'w^Wipjf - taMor ifihuWljIrfiSciDW-becot (inift ' before (Wedfaedd*?,1 dnd/effie wtoto civ* them ;th .yfiadtoejwisjj^bff, . ¦ ¦ '¦:::j Thjo IdteUendagt1 Wro fln^sJ If: and 'costts.I MISH Agnes' Baatlfe i/Ai brosecutesd] bypiri»9'axmpl&lnii^it-J|o< si $3sp blrence"on4aith«a»faC' ¦ j ' H -j , 1' f - ' i - I 'M' ¦j l: :' - ' - :- - :'-! l : : :;:pM)f.!iP)oi%*i'*pis id: «Wfc;*era''SnSatira ¦¦fflfop,j st .Hi* i JO.: [•He)|ki*icS«d- 'oi<tlbe dborj oi thb wo* kirtittr^ im, there mrdsridmf'<&Ia!r.,*UWt|3 ?e * IU itrf U 'p tekf :rtirne ..b p Utt]'.aM^,.:MHdowni i r ;In ,U» torrtiinM ¦ ii - 8aw

- ,the$rbj -runntng !owaj i.'- Miisi| Beattie itidj-rrfittetf , th^ai tv»y W ia r afcfcft' Joaeiftat»lismpifgan .UuktrEB^e <W »U rere i nj t i h eWarftBOBOul ..' • -.( if 1 "<| ji ¦',' ; ':!' !• ¦ ¦ r: -. . \.': .'C- i. - 'ii' M ' '%i ti\im/y} '.»oixi' , wKc»Ltowar»od-:: at¦ !Mjsj ; B«m»,; att d Mje |»* 'tocirdei-, iWhftb i teujti) to jfi»M: ted wbettwr

PCB; aij inA^u,! ne U jhB eti ifrajd of; tJ»{aMa iandcian. -j ^ i' H;^, ,; ^v^hvMiRj ;ITSf; ¦ JJTiirplijW&Wto >v ! < J t>iipiite»!jw» w^ R fep' S «^STftii'f!(!!5>rg cdhi <BH*«i-Mnilhj ^i&|(ti^ K

jc tnjrt.' ,;::) "^J .

i li^iiililiS

Rffi.lftn\l ;O?BRIE!3fEI^Cll©;;:'i :;;;;. k;: |coMi];| j 'j j:¦ 'i f :! - : ' .:. i . :- ' .< . i i ' ! - :'ii :v :- :|:" i - ' i ^ . . . . i4-A TREITIENBOUS MAJORTiT¦ ¦¦ '¦ i ' l . ' ' ' ' ; ¦:!:! :ii : : - 5 ! L"''V-:- '].' ' ' I- '! |

. Qfthe result -o«;i] ie^5^fe-jp(oilliiti : |& ,Nortih-East' ".'Orat : 'iwa^ I: jd«ifcod' ; saltoilows tolyay:-^; ii[ " i- - ;| :¦'¦'¦'::[ ' .¦¦ 'C :\ :!ME. ' TOII o'KBa^'ipiki^L. ¦

¦, e a: ?MB;" W. :'iA!BBl3rfliASt '(N.>lT..:;i.!i. .' MOO ;v- ;H ? - v,iR^| ; .:;:j {;M;.;J;>> |B;^¦ ; ;[ ;; \ -Mr. O^fcr^:ni«i(Say:!.i.'t .-. i¦'j '_ J) i-Rosuita, o f 'prefrtaaa i EleclKons. ;"|; :ii 4M-rJ W.' A^i j);,ii[:|! »«ji a*l :jf 1;

:]: «' ;i c eaitaWfliaf •tft-OiWf:^ »? DW-J^iwferi!:";ii '.:M^ ilK^i4l| !#p

JM- ID: ,D ¦ sfe k : mm zmm *mw

MW ^^ S ^mMMM..


m ffipipw¦¦-i f E iiE n i> £!. -.;'.;i ; j i;. i'V' '[v''i'"- ':'M:|i;;'i'

i:-' •-1. i';i-::jp ;i>;i:ri' .'Whiiej a hali ¦ galei'was, Mo-wing, cSIDoyei.j ekrly;-Jihi8' otoniinjjrJ the dedt«>ief,Bd^ •B'ejat'jfl ^tibreivfeihin a; Sair if& |§|

^^f^l ;i - / :'!;:i:i-;i;v' i "i -lH^j ij- She wae battered;by; tio he avy i eaaa-' ;;!' .-•nia «remrJ ImiBnfbffli 'iuri JSJitarJ w«y ltan<3>!.¦ ¦'~r ""¦.¦':.|—r~~~'i~?;""f". 'j "."¦(¦; r-~77-

edj by j ineam ol tUwJlfreetxheisi IMJO/^ ' J :JTih«re wj ie no -panic.! ; • || i- : •!; ¦ ' j \ : - y - - '-

' j WIhVn th^ tide itapecUd tf ai ¦d«Btnodrcj{

was left .Mgi i ' and ^bjri i. 1' ^j : - ; 1 i - i j !¦ • ¦' ! jJi the "freitiher c»ntahneBJ b d, and Qi»

.5-essel |ia :un^bi©;,toj


&a.t:shJB. wii-be hipoien'.to .p epeal::_!: .( ' j';.|- T5ugsl |are jatandirig;]ijyi ',:!; ! ; !l- '; j .-; ; j .|j' ' V?Ihri3e.enjj aiged 'eaviiig: th«^ (JasttaycaBden, at: Dover ' to-day; fcrukfeen. \ &kZa&of [the !Aib«JtWu-le had.'; a na irenr e&^gfc jtih«ir l|oat^ikte« -uptiet.'., ,.'. ; ' ' l '\ !- ; ; |j. Cine jinan :!was oatngti' ^«ai l=tf.; .'thii.-^aand piaintialry atiunnefli , j :j :. : ' ] | !'j.

^ AJ1 Ihe '.dbrpedWa-j .girrintiimrittenj,- pii;

moroajble'sUtrea have .been ' removed j fcofrsSse .de ij . :;r :;j ;:t; - i : ' J i v r ij. j -: 'H ;.''During. th,e 6alyinff:' ctf ;ii© Bqen; t3j-

moroaiWe'aUuea hare .been removed, fcopihe .destroyer. - ¦ V "; ||: = ^|"I i |j W' !j j -: ' £ - '. .''OWr&g. the 6alyiQff:' ctf ^e BrMn.;;-CSJiDorer to-day, a 'bpat^'ntainciigiJotBteeabadlois! o f ; the' AlhWmarie ci sized. 53&iifien; |wwe' .j«i3aued.::'| •¦;: , . :.. , '; :j j ' ; !.,; 'j ) ; j ' j

¦The : Etfen,j wQ6 towed off on tlie: oiidr-jnoon ; tide, ¦but ' saaiik'ii' '' ; ..- ¦( •' '. ' '' : ' ¦¦¦ :\

' i i ; ¦ !! ¦ - • : ::i:i: : ; ij | - - : : :

¦ ' ;¦•

=i ;: i ' . .l ' .: si ii;M : i:i !-lt \¦ : > '¦ . SEVEBE WEATHEISi : !:;; ;:;- :. ; J / m \ : . : i i v \\ ; i IA Wizzary preTO ;in' Cunin>er&wi'«>T

diay,' and tih'e engine kMvera |rei*xn thtianew -is g^fera} between: iJondtoiij aidA^4en."i ' ¦ ::|:J : l | j "\ l \ '-/}\¦ Owing to- jrain foUirpdng |a! haaty £t3of straw fkatA'ng imatdhea lairrdngieJd ;in CtaFens, for tofdoy antt ' f naorj loiw. •w£B in»5taike pilaoe.,! :

; T | j; : . j ij "!' !' J

Snow in jPrestooi 'caused: 'enMra msrpenajon of tfoe tram Service.:j ,' :; i I

The lixrtT layor of

jLcndonVhaBj opencaa^ BDansion -Hbuse .EJuad focj fee reHeJ io?sufferers by !tihe Pa-r£^' floci<dB.< i ! j¦ ¦ . " •___iUii___ -/.i ¦ i ; . i¦¦


¦: •

¦¦¦ • "" ¦ ¦ i!

: ;J ' !

ANOTHER UNIONIST GAIU> :!¦ #- < ! : ;iN!Tliis morning the VniMiiafe won 3BlrS

Grinetead1, biub makUg their 'hu^dieQ*n«t gain during lihej ' elcaitona. i J !;¦ " . : I ' M jj • , ¦ : . ij ; [ i

:- S^^EJ;^$INKfe| :IN .! -¦" l ; j .:::.; ;!|coiiiksioNj| H;;U:T:-

'- ¦ j l ;|; ^¦•^ ; v ¦ . ; . j . ;. ' ' i : .;. ;

' 'U :jA,' ;liloyd's- Quxilranren . jniiragieij efclaj . | tie Bntifiis^amar Miri»a lee Ihb iI '¦' I I I I ' '' ¦ ¦ I ! ' ' ¦ ¦ I ¦ ' ¦ J ' !

been sunk .in a cbuli^on .wi«h -a Gernrrs isteamier, K»irt Peliioff; . . '; : ; :j i j

A;il Ion board1 Wre saved. ¦ . '¦'}] !Th*,' Kurt Petal off proceeded j ipp ibB

civer undaimagedJl j . : : : , j: ' j j j . j


Tlbe- Marion Le >*a crenv jbeJoEBed) tti>King's Lynn.. ' [ - , - .; :. j ! . j > l . j: j j

THE NEW'i! ! PARIIAMEBr?;;;(;i ¦ ; ! - ' ¦¦ - li|_4j.:- "Hi "- . 'H :|v• Tihe ' n«w:,PlajBa]nin.i'is. rarjEdJyijri<amiil3;eom'pletiion'; 640 'members.. haviig b< «3elected/ j :! ' ; ¦ H [ [, \ ;: j \ - ; ! '| ' : ] ' |: ¦•TilEP. jto' tjh'rea o'cJoci! this adlenMon, iic|dfiaTMatipna- made Iknorwn $6; iar ; jtJo-diarjr,;Tesuiiiea ia Hhe petnrn of i ] J Mte m a i s ,j &-iUmonifit3;,'i an .d'I iiridependeni' KsSsofea*i } \ "[ '( ¦/ ¦ ¦ '- \W 'f- . ¦: |i U'i . I I - !: Thi Unionists fiiined four eea/ta. !: '¦'¦ ' V/*' ! ' I ' ' I ' ! i

[TAe ooaipositiph' of the new* Hpus^ isi>DJ IOUOWE';;; I |''|1- - i ' | ! i ' ;|i ;

i :i!iLIBBRAIfi|i ]..L.....I..i..L:2G3 )' ! . .:' i - | : iLAfiODB, : |j |..Li:... ;..iJ. . -; :

4p' I J - 1¦i. 'j .ujnpwisre!! !:L -

¦..Ll .ab ,' l ' ;

, ; : ;NA?mo5Rkisre: ,...|.11175 |'j / '-

RAILWAY DIVIDENDS, ii .i 1 ' ! ' i: ' ' i_Lli_ : i ;:' - i " 1• i H


¦ j| ¦ ^TT : ¦ ¦;¦ ;

¦) • !

¦ i'IBJCJ Great.Nbrtjheiii j Railnvay: divadei)d

onj !tib«- Ordinarjrj.i Orpital wiU Ijei ai -ti^rat 'al..43 ; 'per. c^nlt. ;;;j-; ; - .: . !;: || . j ;] j

. Tjh.e-, Great . Central : Railway ;jjwill psy-0 ^ull divij lend 'bri 'SKeir!

Ft va :pex ctei.

P*««cei«!e! Stoisik|1

[-V J •¦.-.;. ! : Mi . : '. ¦¦

• •n ; ' : ' .- ll . , - ''" I""' ,- ' ,. . !. , i ;!' ' :t "i1

; . I- "i . - ¦ ¦ ; I : ' ¦ '¦ ¦: ' - i i - - I - ! ¦ ' ¦ ¦ i I 1 :1 ¦ ¦' - :

, ; . .11 I- •! .; ¦ ¦ : j \ . : '¦] ' !¦

j i

CHILDREN DEE m A F I E E¦;i:i';|

¦ i - j i!|;- :M :!:; : S ¦¦j;.| ]

Tihxee childreij :; >rere sufj ocar.|ed hi j ' at OLtlv Roail,! London,', to^ay.' ! j '¦ :;¦ ¦! ¦ : : ' T . i - j ; ! [ , ;

¦ ,: :| M ; il ' :| I ' :

1 ;¦ .- ' - ' " ' '" '' " ' "j—- I j I j

RIGOROUS IVEATHER TO¦H '" ¦ ¦' mteiNbJ i i-i - ' l - i it \ i liiiiLJ - ^ - i i - l i ' i 1

- ; ' ¦; j i p j i ' : : - " ; . ¦ ¦.' . : i ! ;. h - ; ; ' |,(S!pw&tLTolegraih).; ;'' ;! ¦ |i- j '

T^ie weather al| |owri-IsnelianSi . te to be terribly s«ver<i,.. ; ]. < \\ \ > ,- iIn many parts of>the o6wtry,':awing jt<>the! intense cold/ all . ouSdoor j worii j i»jnrp'ossiMfJ. '. ;. j ;i j ij - • | • ; ¦ !¦•¦!; . ' ;i: - |'] ;

The wiild wad very- 1; keen¦: and -InpisSbiltter injj Du-hliri toUiay.Vj The;' eS&atino;wires in some dt !hi stieets bec-ke, MII-ing a numibei 'of nocreea.:i , ¦;' ¦ ! • ¦ : ; ; • ¦;! ¦ '|' ¦ ¦ !

V ¦¦¦'

' ' ' ' '

"" ' ' ' *¦¦¦ '':' ' •*¦ |- '|-i

^¦¦ ¦¦ ¦k - l f l U :;¦ ¦ i

I ¦ ¦

i ; I ; . ' ' ; - i j ' ¦!! ! : : : ¦; ' ';-: ;i"" -t);p- h • '. [ •j

£l ' ' '¦ ¦ ' ' " '¦' " '¦ ¦ \ *

' ¦ ' «v: J ' -v*» ¦ ¦

1 ¦ -

¦ - ¦ . • | ¦ . ¦

. .! jU

J ^' ~'Or ^TTOT^T^TOrrii fnTf ' ySrTr*T"'"'" i^E ''jflfli'1 j 1 £ ^L

r»" —rfiT—r . Inr . ' . tni —for— fm1 ' i


¦ i

. ; . .- ¦ - - . . - ¦

I. • . . ¦ . " .

Election of Chairman andVlcepChalnnan.

A special meeting ot the Cajxick-on-BiSix Urban Oouncia was heltf on MVw-«2ay night far the purpose of eltdtdlig aChairman tavi ViooJOhLiinnan for tinecswuing year. Mr. B. O'Donnell pre-sided. Also present—^lesars T. F. Mor-ii»sey, J. E. Grubb, J.P; M. don-way, T.MflGratti, K. WaWh, T. O'GomneJI, ft.Fitzgerald. M. Poww, J. H. Pow«r, J.P;W- Ga]vin. T. Mbrri&soy (Moin-6treet).

Mr. J. K. Gruub proposed , and- Mr.Morrissoy sJecwnddd, 1iho re-electinn oiMx. K. O'DonneM, solicitor, the outgoingChairman, as Ghainrtan.

"KIOTO was no otoxr name proposed,and Mx. O'Donnell was uaaj iinj oualy re-elected.

Mr. O'DonneU Ulankoil the mwiibprHheartil y for ha\jing ag.ian ejected himihtMr Uhivrmiun , and prtwnistti to doeverything in his power to prow thiin-fielf worth y of (iiair r«nt".v(ld oxnfldencein him.

Mr- Oanwviy prupotfe*!, And Mr. M»<r-rivisey sacomiod , tho reduct ion i>( Mr. J.Krnet^- GruUb (us Vico-Ohairman .

No otihrr name waa propostvi . and t3\oQaj iiriian dt-cdarad Mr Grubb ro-nloctodunaram.>u.-Jy.

Mr Grub 1' in rotuming tihatik.s s.i'iiho ftsti i«tr«Mi«fly graitoful U> the Oaun-cd for the honour Uioy had oonfemniupon h:in Hi* g-r&.tituxli> and; appro<£a£H>n of tho Council 's unanimous re-cl«"tii>n of Oiim as tfli«ii V-ioe-jGlvaiTmaj iwas ail tho pri'aiAir lx>rausiu hie liiul beenproposed and nooondfti by twv> gentle-Dion wtro held very different views onmatiera that hiui been prominently bo-tore tho Council Buch as the valorquestion. Ho wtAj xi to take that op-portunity to hrart&y thank the rnt<>-payorc), of 1'ho oown for hiu-ing done«2to honour of pfading him at tri e hen»loi tfho poJl at tine rect-nt eWtnona.

FINANCE COMMITTEE.The wholo Council \wrf> irpi«ninted to

ed ab a Finance -dammit tee during theensuing year.


Town Clcrlk—Pt -will bv nooessary toappoint four m«irtberU tx> represent liteCpunail un tflie Soutih Tipperarj1 Tecdi-iricsal Instrucluon fior Uwoxmng year.

Mr. Grubb—'The. bftit tihinj to dkwould bj to re-appoant tho four tilatnctod last year. Wliat gentlamen repre-sented nhe Council?

Tow-n (Jerk— MO^TS T F. NUnrissey,

IS . Convay, T MoGra'jh aj id T. M UJ-tiSiey (Mflirt-ttivet).

Mx. Oanway— I wish 'XJ withdraw myname as I find it almost impossible t»attend. I have to bo eJsowhein on theday ths meetings of the Conrmintteo nobeW.

Mr. Grubb—A ppoint Mr. J. H. POWOTin Mr. Oaaway a jjdaoe and Qtxt wj]]Bottle the imatter. .

MesSB T. F. Mornisoy, J. H. PowerT. M»niKej (M3a.:n-B.tPee.U, and T Me-G-itath vrcre then appointed as the UTJ»IIOounoil's members of Ibe Si>utih Tip-perary TechnicaJ Imsitruetion OanimitteeTHE MONTHLY PIG FATR^AN UN

FOBTUNATE fiRKOR.Mr. J. E. Grubb.said that on Uiat day

Mr. J>ohn M_ah«r, the Preskient oi theWaterford Pigbuy«rb' Assodiatiun, hjiddotme to "him and. staUid thit he had taoenin the Press that i the Council ted dooMod to change tWe day for holding themonthly pig fair at OaTri<?k-on-Suir andtliat flhe cliango had been modie at therequest of tine Waterlord piybuyene.tlr. Maher said tho WaterrKnii pig-bnyiers know nothdrig about fibe matV'rtintfl Umy saw it in tiiie Press and theywere iamiloU3 hhat^ no dhlange should beQMude, as the laat MomdUy of '.ho mortlJimas She mast oonvendent day tor themand all oonoonied.! Ho (Mr. Grubb) hadnwt hoird anything at the Counos) rneeVinga ahout thi dhange from Momdiiy toTuesday, and iio told Mr. ifahar tttat lieiwraJd mention the matter than evening.

Town Cterk—The Deoamber montliTypij market wat dhanged ty request fr>xnLTnniiay, Deconber 37th, whioih waa abank holiday, to • Tuesday. DecetmbtffCSth. TThat was tho only ahango tfltatwas mrtde. The rnuslake was made iiiitho Prose report from whadh it would ap-pear tthlait the ahango was to be pcr-BKVDent.

ilr. Grubb—I ihopo t2ie, PtrcEU will oor-root tfiJat mistake and moke it cCeiar thattJ» change VJ Tuctday was only for De-<!omber,. and that in future the pigmarket will be Iheld on tire last Mxmtlayol the month as iKtfal .i It would be•wall also if the Town Clerk would WTjteto Mr. Maber inSomring] him 'that theCouncil has no •wndh. or uitontoon tw<iiinge tho pig market, and that thewhble tilting was can erro? arising out oftiu> dhange made tor Doecnnbor on ao-count of tho Christoi^B holidtivs.

Town CJcrk-J ^ml] writ^ to Mr.

MaherCo tihiat effect.

The Ot>undil then adjourned.


At tiivt^o SefiiioTls on Monday theotag^ctratcs present were—(Messrs U.Bourke. R^M., and J. Erhcat Grubb.


A n.uit'ber of tairoera \v-er> »n»nmjonc*lby the police for failing to send in theooco^ary nt/tioo to tho p»lia> re havingcomplied wOtlh the County Council Slw?tj>Dipping Order.

V<ines of ld^ anfJ oosfe w<w impo^ddin each. case.


The GuurtEaiti nt Oarriqk-on-8uirUnian summonud Patrick Hijgins CorCoiling ti> maintain liislwife andi ohiMrenand allowing them to > be a burtlhen ontho rates.

Kx. R. O'DbnneH, «xk\, appeoroi forthe guarttctns. ;

Mr. JameB Waflah , Maeter of tho Car-r5ak-onrSuir Workhouse, dop0j<xl, inropOy tx> Mr. Of Donnoll , tlpt Higgins'wife BIKJ oliiklrOn had been in the wrxrk-(Uatibo for fifteen months, j ;' MT. O'JXmnell—I will ask ypur ¦wor-.-Oiipi to' impose a heavy penalty in thisoase. This man ; haa al reedy bfon pro-esoutad for a . Simiku loflcnoix and oldoVy the Soediaty &r the Prevention ofCtircMy to CThadren. | ;

The Beudh Imposed a &vatence oi f»trmonfehb" imprieionaienti

NO; LiGHTSj- _Vli>ut haif-Ordozen personB wore finedCat laSling to |hnve Irghls pn tisiir cartsd nigit, and; some otheri for aJlon'inganimal, t5Mif properAy, tx> winder ondie public raad. j '

I DRUNKS. :gongeant Hayai Bunnttoneld Patrici

deary for dninkeness and1 ciisorklerlyconduct aA Carrick^on-lSudr on tflie rrigOitd January Gtb. i: ¦

] i• ©emg«iant Kayo taid(.<h6 idefeniian,t hadbocn oonvicWrJ of drunkennoia aJx timce«icntng <3i6 past twelve, nvwifchs.; On lostcourt day no WU3 dined; 103. Gd. tor<lnmkeTin(>63 iand diiEordercfy conduct,.; Pined 21a. oir a month's j:rr)(prisansm.ent.

Thtamas Gorman: was (jummoriod byCon<uiii'U« Tiirons; Jar dj -^nkenaeGS asJUteona. i ' | i ¦•

Fined 23. 6d. and posts. jT3rla conclodek}1 Hi© ibttetiaea*1 of tho

Derail. ¦ I . . : ! i ¦ :


Tbo be&t paper tor 8omi'i Kilkennyvan fa the 'IKiiienny Jou - us^." Notas«Hj d sews town ev«ry:.village and dlytrict Special i Q;-AIA. eerfice, ' and ex-«4aai5B! leatorca i every week. \ Water-

m *l mi ii T l U it 1I«,»I VTT in ¦ *»? |1 11 ,. ,SIPCI avr. rcdurjdi vAjpp£uxi s3i. ^JTOZCX B.

Agents :m Moonooin, PilWwn ,0-iraing,Cterick, Fenybini, : 81fervera«» Eu<

U ' scKxrw' IMulDnvK «U?. °ipit \on salek'i - 1' po FxiJays iu u»x>Te-iiam&i centres. ; j> .(

' I - .• ,' ¦ : .¦ ¦¦ ! * > I ¦ 'i | ¦


Jt" .. . .->¦'¦>¦¦¦. . . . .¦ , ; , . r, 5S - • - t

W\r 5b» U$A BtttBt AlerscJd bj ( T. andvl -A. 'i.E Dbolaa «t> lat 6d. per ldtwao cannotfci/r fe« excelled. j - ;Only 1*. W. par doten

!h!; i ,!-rlr ()¦ ¦ ! ;'

¦ • '

¦ ¦ I , ! i : .

: ¦ ' . I I " I * ¦ •¦ -

— — ¦ - . I I , ,;• ;


Y I-- 1 ' I : "At ihe Weekly mereifsiM of tiie .abov*

Woard on Saturaiy, Mr. John O'Dj onnell,iM.CC, CKainaan, presidjed. ! Atfao pre-Bont—Alias E. . M. Kenny; lleesre R.WalsTi, T. CG'rady, Jj Thompson.


Remaining on previous jSatpijdfiy. night,232; admfiUad durtns tho week! (trampsincluded),1 72; ddfcd , 1; ¦ reirtiinang xnhousQ, 330; numtjer ot tramps i «iievedduring tho vit&k', , ;50; ! riumlbari in hos-piteJ. 67;, in fover htepctal, 6;;<»st ofprovisions ; consumed during Itho week,£33 3<~. 6d^ Weekly ootJt of maintenance-Jn boldy: of house, 3a. 4d.; in j Wotepdtal,4s. 7Jd; number of cases on ¦ out-doorrelief lists, 150; aost of out-door Tertief forweek. £16 fe. Gd. i !


The Clwk reud Uie (dOowing: —IJocal Gwermnient Boaiw,

aatJi January, 1910.Sir—1 am directed; by tho ' Local Go-

vernment Board fvxr Ireland to acknow-ledge tlio receipt of the iepli(» to theiiinquiries re^poctlng Ellen Tobdn wftto hasIxxsn elootod as wardamaid in the work-hoaife hoapitia), aad I am to state thatit appears Irum Uio reply to query 9 tihatH-lon Tohin wa^ guilty of •' gioss in-submlinatiiit m " when (jmp'oycxr on a for-nior ocoosioa, ^iid UiAt the MedioalOflicer c^ML-nders sho la unfit for thepositi'.vn «.)! waTdsmaid. tho Ixxsal Govermnent Board csinnot sanction her ap-p> ki-ntiiiont. Tin' jruatxl ians f,h»a!d there-6 >rv ;>r.K\'.vi to a new eVoct'jpn.

J E UEVI.IN . .Wii uit Sec.

Mis- Kenny- I dvu 'i th ink rt will b<nf<\'-fc;ir>' to ni>ld any new election.

M-iister—Miss Orp.xn, th<- nfer candi-<fato . is acting a* ten>porary wanl-^rruud,and ni ' could cont: QUO hex services tem-porarily.

Chairman—It is a pity wo did notkiv>w tli'at khf d>xNU>7 would n*>i tianc-tiontJii s g:rl on the day we ejected h«\

It W.'LS decided U) r»>ntmue tho tern-p -rv iry f>tm«fc of M »•>.•< Organ at £10o yi-ar with raliona.


Tiw Local Government Board wrotenanotianing tbo appoin tmont , of MissAii<xi Nugent ns ward.; for nightdiity in the workhouse huienittil at osi-iLxry n! £15 a year with itntinns andH.:Ki.rti;nents.

They fin.not.'j>ned a ^.iipertvnnuatioTall?iw^inc«>, of £13 A year t/i Mif(.* A oasliaOi'iiry w3io recently m-ij rnt'd tiho posi-Uoii <if asi.:stant n^?3it nur?e l owing tcnd,vanciiig years and failing ljealtih.

M iris KiOnny^—'V7U1 thu> payrodnt of th«porksion begin from this dat<> J

Clerk—It will from the da{i> <rf thesanctim. '

M:Hs Konny-s'They mn' fw 16np aboutfunctioning it Mi?a CQoar>' becominga bit anxii>UH about it. I


The Master report*:*! Chat during theweek he purohaaud (58 <raik>u4 trt milkat tho contractor'« <ixpens<>

The Cl<>rk read the foJlowj ng letterftv>n> MT John I) Power , one oj the milkcontractors • —

TinluUla Mills..January lBlfii . 1910.

IVar Si r- Your* to hand njbout newmilk. I 'was told by the milkman thai.Mass Prendergast was supplying wirat-over I was back in my porliiii. YouwtiU k inidty inform tho board f iat I willprovide all the milk I possiWy can untilmy own feowss will have calved, which Iexpect will bo in a fbrtniijht's lime. Iroeerttly paid £•< Cor thneo trojl cb cowswnhioli turned out the worst I lhave hadin all my Ufa. —Flithfiilly j -xnira,

JOJTN I) fOWERMr R. Walsh—Thore is no doubt but

Mr . P<wKr is doing his best to supplythe niilkv

dh;uimian—Ho is 1 am sure Afterandtiher couple of wocike aliey t!\] l be al-right.

Tin? cMicJudtid the businot^ of theBc>;Lrd-


CARR1CKBEG PETTY SE^IOlsN.At tfiese Sessions on TutttLiy Mr. 0.

Bourke. R.M., The othermagiptratts in sittcndivnce wvre MetiaxsJwh n Shfdi&n and MatUiias WoJfih. Thobusiiitt-t! dealt with was g*>t torough inabout a quarter v! an hour. |Ia a casein which Mr Jiohn SheohMi , J.P, Mnlhel,EhiiU Thomas Ryan, a hhrse trainer, Car-rick , sunimttned for assault, Mr. Quirk ,bioir., applieU for an adjournment tonext court day which was grajited. Thefollowing were each fined l(k. Od. fordrunkenness—Tlh>xnaB McGrtith. PatrickMoGrflA. and ThomoB Vow) t There¦were pronoun rtj nvicfxonfl for | \ha sameoflence ogtiinst all tie defendant. Ser-geant O'Keeffe , Ratlhgoror4ok. pro-secuted. !

Sergeaait O'NrtU, C!anea, fcuminDn<'dMartin Plician and Thtama* Power for(trunk< !nneBe. Fined 5s. each, PatrickGmdloin was fined 2s. Gd. for a likeoffence Tliccnas rfcissett wnxi fined it.Gd for {ailing tl> hlavc « ligllit on hiacart ul aighlt. :


Th*1 <ieath took place on i Tuesdayiii>>rning of Mr. Evinund j Walsh oiBaMindosoTt, Cantckibe?. Dm^siod wtusone of the best-kivrwn and rn'tt popularfcirmers resident in tiie di-tj ridi. Hi be-l'xnged to a hiirfily eBteemod ; nd widelyocmnoctiod famiiily One of hi: bnotihere,tihe Rev. Patrick Walrfi, us a i .vll-knownmember of the IrWl) Viinccnt ap Onlar,and a popuiu and: able jj issbonaxypreaciher. The funeral of t^ic late M.r.W'oMi t^nJc place on Thiir^la; ' and wan\>-ry laT(^»ly attenidod. Thb intermentUH>K pGace in tihe fanuily burt'il pliioe atiUhe Krituy, Oarrickbt-g, afVrr Y jch Mass.

"AURJCK MONTH1.Y PIG MARKET.In tho " Evvning Nows" an<l "Water-

ford News'' o. few wcekri Kinqe a paxa-graph appeared stating that bite Caxrick-on-&.uir jnonUily pkf. markot piiiid boendlwngmi by t5ie Urliin CcninWI t* tihorequest of tho Wa'Jurfnrd j rf.g buyersfrom the list Mbnday to Ui^> (last Tuos-diiy in ctadh mrmtii. Our corr^ponilentwTited us staling Uiat UMS was an errorof hie, tiho cause of wiiUih waa tiechhngo of tito Deccaiiber moi tbi'y pigmarket ftram Mcmdivy, Doccnib T| 27th, toTuesday 28Sh, cmine ito the fa< t ,that Uio27th was a bank holiday. |T as' chimgewas tor Uooetnibor only, am j tho, pigniarkei -will of • course contii uo- to' beiwhi on the last MlxKlay in |« ch monthas heretofore. We tnd oujr aarxe&p cn-dent rogTtii very rrmdii any iaa nwniencoor nnsunderstanding that the jnror mayhave caurod- to buyers and; farmero.IXVNCEfl LN CARBIpK-ON-^UER.

On SaiuidViy and Tuesday light Iciitvery EMacessful and!enjoyaW< pH-nWhlIdanoes cuxne off at the Town Sail, Cbr-ifck-on-Sulr. Tlw orffanasert oif bothcixntb left notfnng undbn« td i rake Oiema success from every paint <|f v5ow, andthear energy and pains 'wore rowaitfdclby a very; large aUendanoe <if folk bantthe town and eurroumling ( ii tracts, allof Wlicrai thoitrag4)Jy pnjby«J t&emselvea.


• ' ¦• " ! . T1

I IA quarterly mooting of Uio auave body

was IneM. on WodnoSoay. ilr.l 51. Bowers¦proKkiing. ' At» ptcBenft—Albasra M.AlTiCina, 'J. Ittira, J.| P&wer, J. Blanch-fieJO. Mir/ Hactott, iCb. Bvhefor, waaafco present. A itrge numibcr^of pro-posals fo«r ncevd repairs and naanteniinco«sd eofTKJ qusurtorly- payment! sere pass-ed at the ' oiDotins. ' ' |

M ^1, 1- ! ! • ¦

na\TH !OF MH. IIKASE. !¦ An eli and teghW; rMpcc^oi icEadcntof C'arriik-oiri-8ulr, dw.trict pjiAi&i awayon Wedileactay morning \BA jia the per-««n <4 Mr- PffltHok • ;Tjaafe. BiQind«rry.De«jaeed' jru lather of Mr. Tj X. Toafe,imd Suivevwr. cto., OatTJck-Km-iSuir. nm<f

of MrsTI'.T. Skehlan; , Mein-ktiwt, Cto-riak-on-Stiir. Ariother soa oi deoeased38 a modkol practttkmer in; England.¦ ¦ ¦ ! ¦ ! ; ¦ ¦ ;:¦ ¦

¦¦ i T i . ii i .-



¦ . ' .. . \ , l

y . - . ; •¦

I . i

A quarterly j general^ meeting oi theWiateritordi Branch, Gaelic League, «ia(hcJd, ion 'Friday last,;at the roams, -,MQuay, Rev. L. Ormonde, CXI, Vii-Preisident, presided,: TTh« membera pne-Bt-nt were—iMi&j Hatpin, Mifis Mhrrjinjr;Messrs. P. Brett, B.!. O'Neill, P. Woods,P Murphy, W. A KafUs K. Oonbdt»,: T,O'Keeffi;, J. Geary, J. Moore, O. Heijir,J. MaEltoiy, T.'F. H»! Jacob, J. : Ifatihewg,¦M. Doj -'le, M. O'iConnor,. W. Waish,; f.Burke, K. MuAhwwsJHon.' TreaeuivJ;| f.Poiver, J. O'Keeoe, T: D. Oonnolly, H'fn.Bocretaiy; W. MxsEboy, etc, «to. j j|

• 'Mr. M. D. Foley, G«eibo League Oiiqi-niser, was also pxesont. j 11


The Kev. CDiairmari said that the" firstbusinew to be dealt with was tfh« Hen.Secretai-y's report. H* thdrSIore calledon the Secretary to deliver his addred3.

The Hon. 8eorotarj said—Rev. Ohalr-miit, I,adie>j and Gentlemen, thb wbikof the cession waa started the ktj of Oct.Five 'classes for the! study of the lurchlangaaye were formed ; a .class far -tye-sinners was hold on Tuesdays and Fri-days, and was taught by Mir,. M. OlOdn-nor , District: Teacher, j trwh CoJl j e,Ring. The class was very well attienicipduntil Chri-stmas, but since the holidaysa slight tailing off waa noticwible. Ithobtudenitn who attended, punctually, miaJdecreat projrrefe.. A class for staidenlts yihopossete a fair knowledge of the langujvgewas oouduc^Kl by Mr. W. K. RaWis. Jlheattendance for this claaa was ei»e(pl!i<>n-aUy go'xl. The a-v-erage nuimbcT erf etu-dente who attended reg-uflarly wo-9 about25. The text book used iras 0"Gravmx<jII., lrut the greater part of the workwas done on the direct method system.Tho direct method charts which wereeniplo'yt 'd l>y the teacher made the Sea-sons wry interestixvg. An ad'vamced c3a?aivaj ciuluded on Tuesdays and Friday.The st-udentij in th'i* claiss mtadt rdipiidpn\5r«is. The t*m boote u«d w.*,reO'G-ro^r iH^ En

and IV . Dictation PS«-

CISCS rtvre given by the teatilier erorycilia ii.-jjh .l . A cla.v 0>r studerrtt who arestudying Seadna and Cnu^aoht Traglia»iw held Dii Mondcys 3"<i Baturdap.and vru* taught by M r 1' Brett linechildren's dz t*. held on Tueediays widFridays from 6.30 t<> 7J(I p.m., has l>v^nvery *un>- .-^uJ . About Ih st-y childrena:itt-nd<'d regular l y, and the lit*J«- wieshave aequi rod a good k.n<ni-letig»- of OhelttOgTi'-nKiv I nm glad t.i trtate that a g^Kxlmany ni-cniiburs oJ t he branch lwlv«-reaohed a sMg>' o! proftmen'cy wfticii en-alJea thvin to dispense &Hog«-i,h<v vn 'hthe u.s» oi Engl ish . Tt"1 danring cilassnae )>'en very ^uooitt'tul. Owing V> thelarge number '>f persona attending thealai-^ il was considered n«<-«ssajy to K-rma children's olans.. 8o a it'i.ncinR clars1 Jewchildren was started in Navorr.'ber , alvoul40 children h/ive attended t!he li5SdOnBwh'.oh were given on Wednei-Tdays from7 .3O pj iu Ui fl.30 pnn. \ ^.pocdai w>n^ adpra:.--»- i> <I-ue U> Mr K MathflWH , triioha^ taught txitfi dassi-s. Ho has fiparediuMiCier nor energj' m Ins offortot« [uroiiiote the weWare o Tni^h daj Katig.Two public CeJidtie w»-re hp!d in theLarge Roam . Ti/ n-n HaJ ) A .tf>I e.n<li<l ex-h-<bi:ion of Irish figure dancing iraspiven on both nooasnons. Manj p»!0|)l?are under the impression .that Irishdanaini; is ct>nflned to hom-piipes dndjigs. The membcirs ixf ihe Gaeilic Leagueare &) ing tiheir rxv.t Ui dii/ipfil «uoh . anerroruvjus idea. Theff have {Jhown the[vxiipj e of Wnt-erford tilie f^ilejulid Slib-?taa!e w'Koh Ir.j <h LreJand pofisettftiS in-> of the forej im cruadrilie or la.n«*rIt t a matter for congratulation thatboth ,if tiese Jun ctions were cjB.inen.tliyfrom a prc^paganddst and MnarioiAl pain/toJ vii-w And tJira brandh cxn olavrn, tohave i>'l«>brated tih e ancient fvBUvalN odSaimha.i n and N-xllag in a Uuliy tradi-lional man ner \ most lnte.realiinj lec-ture in tiw Int.h Rowval \ra? dthvpcfldMI the Ij at^e Rotirn , Tuwn Hiall . (ry ! theHon. William Gibson, under the bus-pio'i '«f this bra n oh The )carnr<t , leip-turor < 1< > w-.tii tit ie *u:hject j n a rtv«tnbl e manner The-rc «na one poini '.i\Mr. Gibrion'.s lecture to which I wcaiidlike to re for . that did n<vt appear ui| tiherniblished report It nrtfertfed U> the :3» aluJ G»i<"lio Leaguetre in pushing the Lwileof Ir irh manuf ac-tnired g' »xfs . M,r Gitiean*tot<"-d tnat he waa present at an Ao^nchin London last year. The exhibition i KTai?i.>r(rani)-ed by Uie Ix)nd .m Brantfli of j theCraehc Lwipie. and Sir Horac<> Phirflt PMwas i'h? principa-1 fipv*aker at the opepingo"7\>nK>ny. 8ij Hor ao- said tftat a fj reu.tmany lush-men in Ixindon «-«re foml ofniroclaijning the.j nationality from ] tihe¦hou. ** tuj )ri . an<i wer^ raot.t anxnou ; topionvote their country's welfare ft\ \ itwnp n matter of « to him to findrhat tihe " dre,-tmorK " ,<f tH)e G. ;elioLiogue we,re the (Vrftt to organic an ex-hj l>i {-i(pn of iruOi inolu.stinf'a in tiie mtyof London The atnendanc*' at the Wtinreleft r/>mnthing V' be desired. Tbe tiinio.of, was very inopportoinej, asthere waa a grt-at dej i l of enpnieimerit inthe city uibout the municvipal «le«Mt^oinf.The Committee were inolaned to postini)n<the m.i'Am . buit they found that the flon.WTO GiK-on would not be ahle to at-t<"nd .'it a Jater diaite. Hw«nT.r. the juai-eneo on the ocoj rtion WTLS a th«>"»»ujj lh.ljyanprwiative one . and MT Gf k-tinl ex-ipressed hi^rni i.-Lf highly pleased with hiavisit to Wate.rford. Our Ddpitiru* TetidhejCMT . O'Connor) ip t«'ii<-h-.nx Iiish in1 '.hofollowing Schools —<SisteTS of Mwtw NS . .Philip street . St John of God- H BAlphonsu-s' nxi<l ; Central TeohnfcaJSohliod . and the Ballyigunner M'ale andFtimale NationaJ Soiio-idK. In tih e Philipftreet sohooli* very (jvoxl w«>rk L l»:nRdone , about 50 (ihildrej i nje- ^.tudy ngt-he language 1 had an intej anow witi?)the R>iv. M«rthor rexseaffiy. Bhe eipre^^edher w-illingnttss to ofMinenvte niith :iheGaelic L»>flgni« tn furthering the Ir.siiReAtvaJ G real pro;rr>i« in man.3fe*teriin tiho St. Jnhn '>f G< K) fj dKoold A larg-n nutoT of oihildren passed the ernrnlna -tion^ . in I rirth , recently 'hefld by Tj ieXatiotial Board Inspector . I am by Mr. Foley. GviW ic Lengur OrgB-uiser. that the c.hil<lren in th- Hiilly-ininjw.t >oih'Hj !s have a fpleiidid k-it»«v-ledsye of Iridh . This is ait-ributed U> tfh einfluence of <nu este«meid Vice-Kiivi-dent . Father Ormonde , who is manage rD ( the scdv>olp. Our teacher also eonduatdo)ass<'.<i at Uie JCilmacow braneih | theplasswi are we.ll attended a,nd the ftu-cienfe ifliow a keen desire ti aoo.a)ir«' aknawk"dge at the language I ttvuldl liketo mej ition that thwe arc two i«ihoo|i> in1-he city that are doing excellent workfor the Iririh language movement, viz.,De La Salle Bchoole, Stephen street l andthe Christian Brothers' Sohools, MountSion. The Re.f. Brothor Gall , Bupsrior1).' La Salle N.8.. is a most enlhusioEiieIrish Irelandor , and he is giving f voryfacility to his jyupila to obtain a know-ledge of Irish . I had an interview : kxnetLm e n({0 with the Rev. Brother Btiple-ton , Superior Mount Sion ,. BrulJie-rStaploton is nwet anxious : that orerypupil in his schools would possets amnditnim oi Iriah. He believes, andrighUjr so, that the teaching ai>Hity i>f af<!iiool should not bo concentrated ^n afavoured faw to <the detriment ot i tihe>-T?IOO1 as a whole. The Committee1 loreindohted- to the Rev. Brother Staplctbnfor Rome valuable suggestions in Ivion-nection with the Feis syllabuss TJie pro-K'-'iW of the movement in a city likeWa'.erXord—"where the old custoniB anditraditions were neglected for a long Jim«—must necessarily be slow. Bai I 'ampleased to know that tho movement ismaking great headway in the OoiinJt(yiWaterEord. Tih«re are over 90 brandiesof tho Gaelic League in the couniy a1tke present time, in som$ of whidh tljecearo af.-out 300 membora. A branch ; y msetarto<l in Tramore last week. ' AlSieir atime we expect to eee it in a very flouridhing oonditr.o^u It i» the intention of burbranch to form a Kttriot OamtnitUkt togovern all the bnanohes 'p i tiio Leaguewitihin & radius of crigtit mil«5 from jthe'y-

'' .1

' '¦:

" ¦¦ ; ¦

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'Mr. T. F. H. Jacort) p rcpos(^ the alltog>-tion of the report, and Mx. W-. A. Eitltiaseoorujed. , : ' I : .

;VT. P. Brett supported !lho pnopdii Ion.He conskfeJed lh« Becretary's stiaAci jenta very lucid one. ' . | ¦

The Rev. i Oh'ainn an. pui the pro posi-tion t<> ; the meeting and dbdlarc i itpawed unanimously. : I ;~ tMir.' E. Mothcrm?. Hon. Trcasuxer. ijulb-nvittcd & statement of amnintfe, wl iidhfchoiml . a eobsfanbal Bum of money! onhands. '¦ ¦

. ¦ i : •

litr. O'Neill pr«po6«d th« adoptio l ofit5ie Ttvftsneer 'e icport, !, and Mr. |W.Walsh sacondod. Tho propofeition wascarried nnantaiousSy. ¦ : ¦' '

¦The.preliminary arrangemcniiB f!>j [the£i.. Prttrlak'a Day procoseion wai> (15&-cuisiod at ! <»nsid«raWe • ; length. Mr.O'Neill proposed, an^ Mr. iTacob:seo md-ed: "That oH the I Sonxeiite- in tihe tf .t ybo invited ta take jiart inline prooesis; j >n.'The resolution WU3 passod;unandmon &Ty.

H, was agreed, on the! proposition oftfr. O'Neill, eoo^nded by sfi. M«ffln *ro, :

; ' :" :¦ I;: !;j - -:j y -~ ' V ;! I V ' [ { ¦; '! . .¦.' : , . :¦_ >;

^h-] ^

- i • ] : ¦:: • • - . ;• ! [¦ : ¦: ; '': : - lA ' S' T^ i i

! :.'M ~,f;- ;' ¦- i"1v ;- !-v '; •,'. ;i- i":

Ti .sotoi!- i - : i i ; ; - ^.C'tuota,.- ; |: j . \ ¦ • ¦ ;. -^; .j

jamJ'DloheQ^N-V ::: :i: : .;!vEirtre ' Dibhec, ' ]] ] %¦' - 'kn|v!o jRos oL i ! ¦ i Hr ' i'r

¦ !¦ \

¦ ¦ I |: . i | :¦;:¦

.. ! i : . ¦

: |Lar eot j and'. , 'rtioci


: .¦¦ ' ¦

¦¦¦; !¦

! - :<tfiie i.|[; .

'¦¦ .

: T- ! 1 .' - -j - ,1 ' ¦'¦¦

I i i i ! . ' i I ¦

Ko j osk the[ Railway! Ccumjyanics to .'issuevxcureion . ticdreta at; cheap fares ipn SlIKktnick'B Day. ; > ' • ¦: ¦ '. i

Mr. M: p. Foley made a slhtomenit aito .the possibility of Sanmina: a: Ooun/tyCtarmmittecl to- gloveirn the branlcJieB in¦tfhe Deiee. territory. ' '

A long I disctussioin ensmod, and1 tfhfcroesting fipally agreed thlat 4)h« pj rogdetvrould be nnraxM-ta.'bte. It was considered<n»re {eia^iible

to fljmm «evyoa!l drlat.rit tooanmittoe| to be controlled by a OoisdbCciann.tsir.1

Mr. O'JJeill proposed, and Mr. J .AIath«wo BeoonidW , "That itfhe .GaeliciOrganiee-r be int,tniated to invite delij -gaitos. L-om the surrounding- districte tpa moe.tin«i in WaterJbrd City. The- daitleof bhe meeting to be fixed- by the. Waitedford liranch oi the! Gaelic Lco uie. irh,emotnon wiis passed- unanianoTisly. :

AiJ;«sr transacting ¦ somo routine baii?j-neso tihe meeAing adjourned.




With a view U> promote the atudy andpractioo of tflJe Irish language in tj )eNatiional Schx>2» of the south-easternanmties. Dr. Skefftrigtion, late 8enior In-epectior , Wa'lerford ' Oirouat, offers throeprizes—1st of £3. 2nd of £2. 3rd of £1 -to tfhe three monliliora or pupil-teaoheiriiwho amswitxr best at the Easter Ex-aminations for entrance to TrainingCiiTlegeu this year , 1010, olao for 1911,and 1912; aa an experiment, an cn-cour«8«in*n;t, and, it it> to bo hflperf , anexaanple.

The candidates ale to be monitors <vrpiipul-teftchera in National Sohbul's int(h© Oounty Watcniord, Wcxford, Kil-kenny, or Carliow , who are entitled toattetui those exiuranataona in eu<jhcapacity, and wihto |pasa eaitisfaottonily ingenerall 60 as to be edigsble fur tradninb.

Thn Ckxmmisaronem of National Edu-catmn hive, with their well-known de-sire u> prOTnwte the stuidy of Iridh , aidwiMi Dr. Starlrie'B specia] interest nlinguistic cultuTei, ^irwity consented tx>fuinuih sudli infCKnnatJon ns to the r|e-*ult» obtained by tiho candidvatebi atitend-tng bhiose exajnina*3on» aii wiHl be necq.*nary to award, the prizoa , for which theOjrmnisicEoners deeerve the tSianks of allwiho are interested' m tlie Iridh langusigeand in sdhlaoQ ciilluie.


The Corporation to Lodge niwataj -y ones, tall he gets an adequatea Petition. "# In de-bate ha dUes not inteirnipiwitih excOaoialiions. BTe paLnsM by the

—, provooaliyve Vioj tia of the tj rrant SaXDEin fxi>rrj ful gLIienc©. tlw/ugh his face re-A meotans oi the Finance and Law ', v™& . what he thinks, i

Ooramittj ec of the Waterfurd. Corporate>n Jl J a, tiua -MlpenetraMe aeif-pestra£n(.waa -held yesterday, in the Mayor's Office. I *™?*1. ," ncV<?4 Mr. Redmond to ob-Ald. W. B. Wand, JJ> ., presided, ahd : jj *1 ¦h* present ' pwwW. He orginfjses,the other meanlberbi present -wore—Conn- j" f iiLr 9

ti*' "P. «ontr»l8; He is a, master

cillor ' P. Gfllifean , Dr. Morris, W. K . ¦ZSaf ih ' liXdaP strbftbgy . He

jknowsMurray, Mlchaed Kirwan. W. P. Maher . .J *™ *" play , Uie walUrig game, but heP W Kenny W. J Smith, P. M. Doyie. \ haB "&¦ wasted the tfctio he has spentOwen Dawson, and Dr. O'Sulllivan. M !"aJ<ung. Many j-oara he has utHlwed

Mr. J«,m£ J. Feely. Town Uerk , P. m i ulding has imipulbivo and ' hi^i-Ke.nt, Eofwugh Treasurer , and P. A. aPQIlt «a pa*l<y nnto a ixnE'tted whole, Dook-M/u nphy , Law AdwiMT, were also present , i J?8 torwaird to the opportunity |which

TJie Law Adviser Euhmrilted a report : tJ'm' 3 ,wa» sure to lining True, he hasin referenco to the BiM lodged by tie s k mcLdentAl WOWB, | and struck •themG.W Bailey Company for pexw^r to d& tSU™3/: »«L hf ?'¦«*«?"•»««?«» ««toontinue tie dbily sailings of th^cisteaOTiere frkxm iWsalerford,

After considerable daccuiision ia vr.oadecided u> reconamend- Khe Council tottj dge a potiJtiilon against same, and thematter -*fil come ,up fttr ddsouwkra atthe 'nuamhly meefling of the Oorpuratibnto bo h<>M on Tuesday next.

Se.vcnal cKtlhor miatters were also dtl>fni's-xl and t3io necetfcary torderfl nuidetlier<»n .



In iiw K)ng '6 Benoli on Tuesday (he cawof tlie King- (John AE3efx>rd) versus Morriraey and others wai* heard before MrJustice Johnsbn.

Mr De Renzy (instructed by . MessrsHemn and Langriilie, solicitbrs) appliedi>n behalf of John Aalteford, of Millhanks,Roe.beroom, Co. Kilkenny, eetato bailifl ,for an order making aVvluto! n can-ilLt'ianal order, of ' 10th Decenjber lafct ,i«f quo w'arranto calling on Thomas Mor-riBaoy. of Tinneranny; Jumes B. Heailn,tA Chlfloombo, andi James LaiJi|on ' o1C-odiagh, to show cauao why they heldthe office oi Conservators for the EJ'^c-toral Diyiaion B of the Waterford Fish-«ry District. OonnBcl moved on tiieaffidavit, of 1>»v nnrJn/5ant. wlho KtM.ilthtit Mr. Patrick Mackey, of Hoodbgrove,Co. KilVbiny, v,iaB: electod Ohaiilnian topreside it a duly aummoined'TOeeting atNew Rosa, Co. Wexford . on iwlh;.|Noyem-b«r la;st , for Uus purpose of electing thr jepcnBons 10 serve las OonBervatiorsj in saiddistrict; I that Uie ! following1 Candida teawere pnoposerf—namely, the ea&d .ThompaMornsBcy, Jaraoea B. Hearn , an4 JamjusLaniuon. j Besides i these, ther* wtirenwrrfirmtcd—Richard Power, of M1U-banke, IBTU) JnTnea! Wal&h, of R»ch<»s-town. ;That dpponenf wa? present a1said election, and saw a number tofprbarJcW landed,

in ion bchall of'feyeralcAndidates ; that all the proxies haij d-<ii in onjbehaif oi saicj Morrissey; Hearh,and loianon were i admrittedi ^hougTisflvfittol At the^n had been Drevioilslv tc~jected by tho eiuno chnlirnuin ati a pre-vious .olccttcm on tlie ground ioj infortirnttlity ; ithey becng improperly attcwtjylor witnessed: that jtho following prorwaWere inetectca -witihtiot tho puthcidty Softho cHalnmaii—onej by James j HanViUJtmtq ' Mi^h ilel Lacoy; <on« hj J*Am( Ifahertytcj tho gnno Slichael Laccy;| onei byPitrilck Quinn toi t3ie chiuirman;!ione,WPoter i HcnncsBy - to' tho said MichaelLapey, alnd ono ;by. Welter .Kennedy p>Ui» dhadrmari. Thct:gioondi.<6fiobjectii'6ntcj tiic ciid proxies; HUB that I the stompjtihoreca Were .ntt^ properly cfinceUed1, ui-asanudh ias the grantbrs wore, lillflcrato,and made thedr i ruarito on - '.im stamps,*hcn ;they dioalf d ihaye rrtado| them Anthe prosiea in «irMitkxn, and .canoeHAdtUjp etarnps. !Th«t :tho chairman! signalthe oortifloate of tho edection! erf eafdMorrJsaav. Hearn. and : Lannonl! vtnilorpmtcfib,laid , applicant was inforimed bythe:chairman! that the tatter;:had1;writtentoi •tho: Waterford Board of Conservatorsobjectfcj ¦ to the election; tWat -applioahtfurther i AjeoWJ .to ', ««KJ eleotictn on »thcground) iiat- Edward K. B.| Tigte , wteaBowcd Bour vtAee jj n respect of; lioen{»duty of £J0, on the) prnnnd that'Section0 ;ot th< Statute ! 11 and> laiVlcI , o. Si,dicb no allon <inj ^ vote in; reptcot bfJioencd ,«uty of tlhaA amotinti. I Th« ftp-'plicant, va* informed1 and believod thatUrurehc. > Portuno, | wlik> . prbposcd tfye ;safd conaidiates, jvas 'i y raltal biUiff , and'cnlleatedj proxies; f/or Bald,! Mjotrrlescy;Hoara f i n d 1/a.nnon, |although I; !at thotirrvo ha wasT iwitfir; bailiff for tfaid-, dis-'trfct. Ominsel appKM on'the.jfowgwiri ggronittti for Uie order! of qu»j> wahantd.. Th« '¦ Cpurt reservpdl ; iudtfment,; : ; ,

\ < \ . i ! ;; , :; - i , ^¦«! i ;! : i L ' L- ! ' ;l i i : ; -

wzmm -I K Itefiili1?! iptfi *?«!*

. .¦;VJ^V :!;l :-i,; :y ,j : ;:;t :'^V-:l. |

-|,-lt -y "jT^I;''v' | ; . ::,:jj V ' f - f

Ji:;jT©5ii jSi>6orjs.;.j:i;i..:j ]¦;,' essjert/Spijjcini i:'" I j :.i ¦.¦ i h' niyos^isic?' porEss;':!' ug^r::Slftep, ;i: ;j : - ! ; ¦: ; [ oso ;Bowl9||| i ;j v i¦ ¦


• ; ToaGt Racks,,- ' -j j -"1 ! - ; i¦ ¦ ¦ I - .

• ' - ' ^ ! ' •

¦ ¦;¦ ' '!; ! . i ;

Up-to-dato Stock InItyl ati*. :: . ! - . , \ ') •]! . \ ' i \ .'JiUc '

'¦ ¦ ¦ ' : - ¦ • : ' ; -' !:¦ ' ; • •

lkPRiSSSIONS' i |oi? THSj 'HOSE LEikibER. j - '<

• ¦ i i . i ¦

A Thumb-Nail SketcU of theIrish leader.' ;i

The Pariiamentarjr reproaeniiaijve ofthe " Daiijy Marl" writdii —A ;fiSlen4 man,squaxe-fawekl, and! ha^k-eyedj sat in thelaiit Parliament at tho cna 61 ona of thebench** on tiho Opplositiiori aide KaSf-waydlown tlie HJouae. He! surveyed 1 thelj ibejal host opposite, cwiacious thiat hiaday wouid come. i

Oh/ief «f tihe Iflinh rfetibnalistb, Mr.Jtk 'nn Redmomkl lxad gaUierekl hii eightymum around ham as a leader must- whowould have his faroe in |r6adan<ass to in-tervene at the right (moment. Ho mukstbo surveyiine tlie po&tiiiul field- wdtUi acertain sartSafaiation. Th^re is every in-diiottibn tliat -wihien he a&ain gflotipa hasto.Uo.wers round him bplfw the gimpvayh>? w-Il be a/blo to Tegiard the Housewnth the knowCiedgo tdiitjfor the momentho is mapiter of tihe aitdatton. He cankeejp a Government in j power; he canturn it out when h»? pleases.

Mr. J</hn Rodatond his made MmseKa i>jv.-.'r by steady, porwstent work, andinun will , and1 on unuuhchSirz dewtionflo Uio cause wh'Ush he j conaioera right.TTie son of an Iritlh AWmbor of Plant'a-iri»'jxt , he was cduoated at- 'TrinityCbllece, Dublin , and waa afterwards(13AW to tho Englfch antt tho Irish Bar.He beciaime a olerk in Hie VWte OfBcej ofaho House oi Oomnimonsj in 1881, but <he#av<- this up to represent, a ooj idtituencyin Win n'ative country. Electedi for NewWoaj . he left the Vote Office to tfcAe hieplace on tQiB floor of the Houseu 'Hebejjan with a reoortl, tor on his firstd!ay alt Wcstaminiter he .made hik maidenspeech, creatdd a scenei and wiaa aus-pontied boSoro tho clixk ptruok tweUve.He was in the twenliai then ; now hisfeelingt? are ju rft aa naiisionBte but iiamcttixfs are maro eflootive.

MT Reimond is one of !uha most seriousmen in bhe House. I have, not hoajdMai make a j olce in tlie course of i hascpeeoiheB during the pfest, three yesrb.Alwlays in HZA place, hb g"ives one theJmprcvsion of niadntodnlnff a sam&wfhataioof relat'icKJshjp to thej men he leads—a facit which may havb SoTmsthinjf to dlowiifla his authority overi thein. He sitsin has corner <wat, amis folded acro«ahis breaist, gtoomHIy aflant, , rarely is heimo-red ti, smile. Witty gibes by hlacoTrupatpSjta Nv!il3 sametDmeg lighten hisface, but pleasantheii? from, the Govem-irrent or OppwiiiBon behohes o"oey notshake htR Liidiiffcrence. He gives one thefrniprea-S/m of bcinff a very sitif.rn perBonwih» revtardb tfiese Engisfti jukes as wasteojf time. ' :

Unlike many oi ht* foUbv?«n=, het-ipeoitr. bul eetdiam. At questton-time,far instanoo, ho har63y| ever catechisesiTinisteTB, although hdaj raipporters rainquceulbins on theon by tho «<wre. When,ho-vvwer, he dioa? put ] a question, heptttn it vnry effectively, | and he brushceJiwjdo «in ovtettve anewTE* liko chaff. Witibaji aJjnost ruthless peiisistencc he r«-P^JB his question, ijr puts supple-

TOiiiupa ofYuam . any ouier leaaer in theHm?ae. he knlor^ hW to make the bestuf ppponiuntty, wihen tt> remain fflent ,wihon to move. All the. (espottsible; mem-beni of the Houso krur* rJiM wibon MrEtKj -nxnwl wiaa FayW least) h» Vas1 asnru^Ji

to bo rocldoned \rfth as wihen ¦ he

"'•M uttering grave warnings fmm belowthe I gangway. ¦;

Hte Itas been desowbid as an oratorThat , pertiapi. is hartDy oorrect. He**»M a cloar, forceful, but rattier hardvrj ieo. Hirf words are rcM chosen andlu> jaiwiays makes his j meaning dear,uutj there ih no quadiDy of appeal in hiia¦worlis , and dt b ddmoudi to rrrragine himxftiifi njr tihe ejnotions. I of an audience.HIIB perwimality tells; lieaau.-e it ds evi-den : that he kroxwa ihht he wante and¦mor ns to (jet iU Bnt lie faas no px>weiof broi-masrion o>-er (i gfatherang. Hk istnfci.i«r in tbJi «o . md of the yonngeimoi »boT3 of hits party, notably • to MrKei Je.

Tlie Houi^e of Octamtons iikds MrItiti iwutj . He eorrtts of RO«] stock andevea in his fierceat nte^dH one does notforgot fchut ho' ia an Irish gentlaroanHe |7«its harkl m dobatte, but he is al-waj- d couTteaus, ttlwaj 'tt luctfua and dlg-n\6M . OrttanisatJon fend opportunityIfav been the two thing* m his mindfor a genaratoon p qiit Jfow his hand1 iaon Jim Bwiord , and he is JooWng to theuecisave conflict boforo him.

»i i

@£&yf '¦ wh&Bvct<A0 there' w o case

l v • of ?' o!!-bl ii|i ' ' ! diseMioii, I whether

from advnncinc;age1, ilJncGs, or ! general;d<jBHity, thcr y .4 j pose

1 foir!Behgcr'a Fobdj '•¦ ' :

. 11 Whcri the stoniath l|<jcomsjiweatcned, the ( digestiin ofordinary- food _ fefccfcndi' ; ¦ onlypartial, and at times'is DiinhJ:littlcj of 'the food! ,S Uij rj ilated,et(d| lhe body uijclnidqucDtlyuuuiSdcntly nou'rWioi! | . ] ¦

', jTnw is where p«ogerV Foodhe!pj. It contains jin iUtlf the!natural . digestivo: prtn;cip!c3,end I it quite iiSircaX ' from'any I other foodi liuixlable. 1 ¦!' [ ' ¦ ' ¦ .:; '• ] ; ¦ I '

¦- . | I

AH doctor* .know andapprove of tti ; cjamp sibon/

'and, prescribe It f ieK/i¦¦;•'•• : -: , ;, , - | - j r , ¦ ' ; ' . ' {'¦ j

'¦ > ' 1 j ¦ • ''

*¦: '\ B(7iic/i Food n ' ttU tn Mnt ] - ;

tiCtiemUtt, elel 'ticrjahtre. \ ' ''•¦ V ' ¦ I • • T i i l i I! ' - i ;

;.]f T' - iVOLiiMAtt WAkHEBS. : ' ' ¦

I - ', ;' ' '!.iV M - - : '•¦'¦. ¦—-ill ; . M " .\: • ¦

irti'Haye|y)cra. «iiod thojiVtilmix .Washerafi'sjiyeh.;- bate, Jahour aaij (Ho^bea,,¦' • f l e s t i-!monlab faim present tiwrsi caa ba eeenat orLekryiB, :- •

¦ |. : i 1 . ;- . ; . ..

i -i i \ \ ::v y ¦ '¦ M i f ; . . : - * .I \ \ \ A I t - V H .

¦ ¦ ¦; ; . . ! ¦

¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ; ' •¦

IRISH:';-:iVOtE ¦•n3!jBMTADi i' ¦¦: ; ¦ } : ; ¦ : .;:

¦ rV<jV- || i|j : V j. .! • ¦

• ¦. . ~* .! :i- ;. -:l! -;-)-:; - ^ - i [-;, [ .;¦ ¦, - - : - ! ¦':


' j ^ihe' trisih. vote] whicVisi caat 'on 'Con-!eoderajiiona entirely diffepaj-t rtxn -thesej¦wibidh >influence ! tie iioocdiniiry' .Biitifi-hlelecrtor; .haal hid: »n«deiable «-eighi'in!ieaiiring: the .r^taimjof LilberiaJ. mambers!m (frcat :Briteinf The Rowing ia..:';e3ti-!anated .to be the a p(p>oxjniate atrengw. of;the Irish vote in j tuejfototigh, manjtwm«d : 1

r r :T;;. ; ittyi a PODL. r Jj ;:, .; [ ¦

In almost erepj jone of, the' idne ,Bair-jJiameatiary, Diyi8at>nA:af liiAreirpool there1is a fttJXMiKilrifihiCatholio 'vWte^The Boot^land ¦ DLvufidoni ; -ijeptesentUd by . Mir;. - T..P. (yConriar.j! ia no*oiiously| Iiish. It¦has on ita regtawt 6,326 names, aid bt.fihds total it- ^

<»Uulaited| tihat-3,0W| oddsw Irish C7at5i!olitejl :there : 8Je very 'fernLiberals.' M i& irjoi ¦dlffioultj to ' unda>atand,-in the illsH* of tiheseifigurea.i howat'is - that Mrv||0[O6nno? .hea had sudhJasafe seat tor 60 ' many ye ^rs. lit ia ;c«m-(pmted^ttiat.the ijod it regifiterj few thejnin«diwsioina contain Uje names |of boi*jw«erja.OQO nnd j 10,00Ct p^rebna -w!b;o may becorrectly dEScribei' s Jiriah1 voters. : The-vast majority |of these,' il noi all, votedfor , the Ubaral i feaodidatteaj In tih«l Exichang* , Division}: which.- .¦sraj the ;onlyoonstitueaicT to |?etuni;, B Liberal, thereeie aibout ! 1,000 Iknocwa ]xah \ wtera. Inthe. AheroKjmby-Division the Jjegieter om-tiraoes tihe names¦ of iuipiWBxds. txf 600 Irishconstituente, -whilat In tie Kirisdale Biyi-ttion there'are oferl 1,000, in ' West Tox-teth, -aibout 750, iia the Walton, Divisionover 600, in trie Eyertan DtwiBdon 730, inthe Weat Derby iDivoaon;500, l and in theKast Toxtetih electoral i area 500 or 600.

TheiMsh. voters-are: almiost to a^manOatiholits. nhi ^ngl-j si'h Catholic vote inLiverpool is atrnoaV enftirely| Oomseitva'tive. In Biricenhead there are a*, least2,000 or 3,000! datholios,, who voted forAIT. Henry Vivian.1 Thus, in Laweiixto]and Birkenheidl fth«a Irish Cajtholio vot«is a factor whose j iniftuence canno* begiiu-nsnvid. Mr. ' Max iflisprattj, the onilyLiberal candndatfe- ietnimed ip. the nineLi-vej -poel Divisions, undtouiltodly aweshia election to the weight of the Itristivote falling in his favduc.


In itanchester the Irith vote ia beV.eidistributed than in Liverpool, and iaonsequeratlff a more ptfteati imfliLenwe.It is powerful enough in some divisdoneto be able to put either cand;dtite at thetop of the poll. Whilst its greateststrength ie in the .North ManciheetorDivas;on, where it carries over 2,000votej, it is a hardly less effecti ve forcein SouUi-WeW AlandhteRer, where thevoting strength is estimated! at 1,400. Thexe^ter for North Manchester includes10 84 voters only, so that the Irishmonmre aibile to poll nearly a fifth of tihe ychulediviaion . (>n the otier hand , th« , 1/400in Bouth-Weet Manchester, whiere thesdngle Tariff Reform victory w-a& won onJanuary 16, is only about one-sixth oithe whole voting) strength of the division,and in Nwrth-Weat 'Manchester, whereMr. Joy son Hiaks was defeated , the.I'Tiih vote ia only 1,000, out |of an: elec-torate -of alose- ujkon 12,000. But iti ia. awond<]<rfuUy weH organised: thousand,and it went solid for Sit George KarrJpat the recent ¦ election . In fact, one Work-er who bad ' a j block of fLfty-oire- Irishs-oters lo l<jou< j ' alter, is prepared tovouxih that only, tihe odd one w-enit inf-arvour of Mr, JoynEon Hicks. In North-East M&nehe&tei the Irishmen are reck-oned to nueVbej 1,500 out of an electorateof 9,925 and tthey are fairly numerous inin Rust and South Manchester, thoughnot quite BO strong as in thei othec diyi-sions named. In Sallord, alao, tihe. Irish¦Party carry a substantial cart of the¦voting strength ; particTu3ar,|y: in Mr.¦Belloo's df.-vi?don oi South .iBalford, inthe midst oi which is St. John's Cathe-dral, and the1 official beadmKtrtens of theBishop oi SaU6«l. The; Oath'olica hannealwayB taken an arth*e pani in localgwwnraent in fh« bbrough,1 and aleo; inthe cdtry, and theie are haif a dozenOatholic members of tihe Gity CounctH,including two ,Mdennen, one of whioan,.Vldiemvan B<3;yile, the leader of Xantoa-ehire .Irishman , ia standing is a nomineec-/ Mi. Redrhond for North jMayo in thepresent election.1 "Whilst i the I Manchesterand 6alford Irifihtaen nr;e stronglyLiberal in tttiei r political ivdrfwa, there aremany In th»e- working ola*S j districts whowould almoil as readily support LabouroandidatceiDojjTal to Jt. Ifcttmdjnd , lasthe pledge bound leador oi a: HJome1 R(uJeParty, is, however, thedr guiding1 prin-ciple, and the word of tha Irish leatfeoris all but la\*. with them ; even thepriests cannot : jalways ' cduhteraol thislTyaltry. EJvidenpo of the fldeliiry <>f theAfancQH^tor Iri&hmen to .the Panty Jeaderwas strongly rnanlffested | dn a j«c<mtoccasion, when !a local branch wasiabouie<ruaJry divided]las to wJhi<jsh| of thfe twocandidates should receive their support.The question was referred! to headooiar-terB, and when Mr. Redmond: bad spokenevery. merrJber of the branch; tflirefw 'him-self into .the oonteat on behalf oi thecandidate reoonimended by thedr leader.

LEEDS: 1 voters in ({he City at Leeds ar-eestimated to.- niilmlbW bc^wfeea; 4,000. aind5,000, the fonriEr, figure prcjbaWiy beingnearer the mj irk. By fax Qie ( greater mj>,jo rity. of these jres ide in the' East Ddm-sion, and r&ally. it is only in that divii-&ion tihat the Jriah can |nake their: in-fluence felt a* a preponderance. ShwildHomo Ride be the dominant: issue" in anr-leotion in East Leeds; M)f j "QXSiady,' theoittdng La-boor | meinVber, , mVyufld dloubt-less be returned again, foil he hirnseltu an Irishmani and a Ca.tihiUc-60 thatin the event of 'a straight iflgixi he .wouldrtoedve the subport of tihe Irisih, ' theOatholics who s§& not Irish,! the LabourParty, and probably some pii Uhe LiberalParty. There is no snch| sojid! mass, ofIrish in any other divwion, though thereare somo in the; West anjd , Sou^h. HomeRule would oultiK<eig!h j -eUgfou* edhica-tion, .though oil this llasft j quesUion ; theCatholic priests ivtwild1 ^ipjp^rlt the- Obn-liervatLvea. Tht iEnglish 'Catholics'arenearJy all CpnitvrvativesJ i 'ln1 the WeS4and South Divisions tlie Liberal majorityis almost entirely' made up] of Englishartizana and labourew. . I ;

: ¦ • ¦ . ! ' \ - I s : -

NI-WC.\STI*E-ON-TiyNiE. !In view oi the recent lirgej ma jority oi

the Liberal ;ai(d Lalbouf. candtidates ' atthe N«weastil-e-on-Tyne jil^afiona, I it ianoteworthy tha^ the leaders of the IrfiBhP<urrty| in Newcastle! stlate] i!hai# i ilh«etrength of trie! Irieh vote 1 in • that;townii fully 5,000, 'A ; fewi yeare jago it was3,000, (but sanceitben tfc| Jarge.ouiHti-rteof Bewvell ijj .the; west j and Walter ! inthe east have, been incdrporjatedi WitJi'inthe bforough.! thus ; adding ^ another; 2,000¦tc the Irish voting; strength-klThe i Irish,, riaim ta ¦ have retuxned Mr. Shbrttand ,Mr. Hudson!at thelreceiit election,nl*o alaim th^titihty ihoJd the balarioe: otPower in NewciuBtle, - and to' be able : toput ih or kj ^p1 . out either I side. I Thiir5,000 i i? .independtot of ¦ <Jif Ed^lkhOflitrtolio yotei, ajthoogh t hey dpciare thiatmany Bra!iyb! Catholics would vbtelJ&MHonui Uulc. ' ¦ ¦'¦ I- ;¦ -¦ !' ¦ ; iHom<i lime. ;

¦ ¦ : |; ;¦ -.- ¦ ¦ ; 1 ¦

¦ I ¦ ; j ; PRESTCGi . : ;'j ;' \ \ \

The' total strength1 oi t ie ' Irish vtatb, inPreston U estimated by rearJopsiWo . offl-cl-ails [of . the||pfEtry-:a.t i,400ji ,The| loctJIrMh [party is eompoaed alrriost entirelyoi working people ;with leaders ofj : tnediown class. Tije«-' i4' a: cpnsideraiblf feed-ing amongtst |icap>^ : & tie ipuiiSxy againstthe alleged undue influanoe of CathoKoclergy at thejIreo^it'ele^iicinJlLeit oione.Xrisb jelccftorBJ; would' hatte Voped stiraijhiJor Hbme:Ruje 'candidates, but the drug-ging in ,at the! Oatholii, sdixxxls* issuecaused many'] isiflibs.1 ; . ¦ ¦ . ; ; j• • ¦' ¦ . ¦ : . ;• I I t ¦ 1 = :i n- ' ¦ "

¦;• '¦ ¦ • ' ' ! !

. , - , = : BAKI^-I -iETOBNESS.' V; , | j .!The strerigto «f thei lripb. rote ii - Btuf-s

rorw^aJNirne can 'safely be ml bdtwecn850 and 670.1 .t the )ast° electd< n there yr&e ,1 strong aff^pal; by the I Catholic crerg?on bdhalf of ;^h4'Unloni5|t caridSdate, andit'te iher*tor^' 'not knenm Jiw the; Irishvote' went.. In ordinary biroqirMianc^o itia of ccnsid«^ib|o pOTKa-'iri BipTOw.aiKJ,g4>ntM two! good ;6arrdkia1<5S,. it' wouldpnobaSbly deefaei .iihel cleotian.1 i : j ' ¦ ! i :

:.- '¦ P00T^8Jj?ifS K ioNfli' '|. I

¦ .¦ ' ;ki - . - ' 11! :|, ; 1;; , - ,:. j ; ,' '. - ¦ • } . . ¦'. |- . j - i ' iEvwy care, j fcj l^ken^iin.the dS^ensmg

olf: - Dio«XMa^MP<ep<SriptA»»s,: to- ejoppilydrpga:and. cb^mfca^a cif.ia f a h «Sapdaroof: qoality the !,puTest ' iam best i«3cmebo5a'»; djookcid ftt i*«|!'|:Pb!anrmcr; andDrug Ball. eaJeiw BgjjQi iay, 6y H ReOland B&U Erwwe.! Tho pri«a' cirargwlm*-vn&exe&aA\tttA thtorotag^l*j co'ns&Afatritto ;tlie' qnalAylof; dT^^u'3jplliodL i l l¦ • -¦¦¦

-''•''¦ ¦ " ' \ I ,

1 • ¦ " ' r i i :-'- • ¦• i ! : 1

Dobiaa'*' Irjvttlid Stoi»l ia j -tite"/ past-artdclo of its jkutd. ;{n »e.!tw fld.. Guai-,onteed pure nmiiet » peiiltj - f t '<!&,!-: I .. i ;

• i ; - : ? • ; vM^iri^ . Ki;¦ ¦ • iif- : r . ::- ¦; W :Kir " i i - ' ' :! . i!|5;iJ

!i 15 iligiflfPSi

!¦; ¦ ¦¦!¦ •¦ ¦-!|Jr:.1

-- ; i : ;l'i : - .';: irJ| .i . i • • ¦¦.: -!¦ ¦' :i :; .':: 'U (Si>i<^y- «mtiilmted).;, f;'.,,;].; '

I^;;&)SAL 'RE^y&L,- ¦ - '.V ' i '

an loialUoiyal -r-enfival.- ¦ i TJh«t:i.oRenSngletHi loanMtntifaaar-&e-- toJdrng by. , BharMfc esX/Jes ot" th'e- ear3y:-Oo.mt3| will «**wSSdetiy l.tepple , to ' fflxsk ,, eadhit^WerMj a4tStt l-will- be>' ;BeB|«ri; l ofbr^iliaiit,oinCTt«fininent8 ;3ud: hoe^plteiity.AnrnimiSiis'lJy? Barge; nranniberi oi girls - a«sloSkMgl floBraW!" -;to ¦ their-' flri*- .' -yepr : : iwsokii-al : iiiSety,1 ani eeveirail: ot, those de-.bii inlteknyail -.item 'the leading hB tesaeaot Loriffipn'; itoi . give balfe anfl -eTitemSn-

la^dTtriS Dpctes .tf . -.L«*fc.;{fhe D«^^s!ctf SutSetland; and LaSyj Deiby, all Jwv»yw ing: daughters ! storting on bear1- aoeialdireer. [The season TttiJi a'jSjD/ vati&sa ,the•TSanMi £ put;1- oi Iiady Martj artti Scott>eOBest £ns(biter of lixra-and.LsayMM-,kaith,: irid- WeetlCTandldhiTdfcif .tlha Dutotatn Duohe^tj ¦ of ;pnc«leii«h: jAro-onRother :i'debntanUs- bre' Misa; MaiSaiie*BeauniiiAi: (dSiu^hter of Lady i Afllenmle ;(Jtfe Laura LeateT,; seO3Ttd'!d«Bghtar;<)tLfeiJy RSbbIe>!diale, wlhto -ia iEEater tb . Mr».:Aeir^itlriJ and, ;-L«ciy jVistorsaii yiounfrestkJaiighitex 6ij 'Lady. OarrdriBton.< -ThePttncels, Royal's: secbmld tiauj lhtery Prio-cak . 3^a.™»! will molke ,'her; aebrui wtthr1ofct farafaalihiy.,; andl LakJy^Ihidlfiy.i:^ ire>-

tJoughfti.- Ljsdy .Honor:Waid, to Soooety.AMERICAN ; wAiis. l; i ; • ¦ ''y \ - - \r ,h\1

l lSw ietailij wWirih .-hayp- been, ptiblMi-f d 'ocmcerhrlng tibe- betaxtihail : of MiaaMlarjoia4 CkniwS,, tffia Aanertcbin.' ixaxeeei¦stll ! ih0p ' US i tfii Understend :¦ w(hV it:- is¦tlbiii moiiy people Inxn tSiie itJuStekl States


either fnc«I: their 'ihtaea ia/tavtoj!ry I oir ¦ irblake a ruJe of apenkKng apart of the year in Biictennj; "..AfflQ'4uM"s euitloj»," we-are toW, "arei

Tettdleal tb-idJay,, and a fatthful: reWofd S*|.ujij,rverfairjlyi ,jyirb3'j6ft«d : .oif;- .her- rujnerared!exigagehaenXs diurjhg tihe p|aaf few- jyeaJB^':l\Ve are told I ih'a.t sucfb extrasvsgsrA pob-.Kdity is " invariably paitaentily em lnr<id,":Wat iit ':'l$ d£|fflcult to imlaj ine euch ithSn.^s:ibii!.Tig fe-rpi' cti' m tJife C(>um.try, o- :to be-~Save tWat i tbo reparte/ oan.ibe ot iervxse-tih3n mb6t.: diBaereeabCe to Masa < Gfciu.M;BT d Mr. : prexel, as well aa to tiheir;mentJi, I and fc>

¦ tte rrieri ;- u<ho<mj Fbcna;

j iirt-wito.assod-'ata wlith th» hetroirtl sf?h4"vilng been canldcdi tes for her life nd !anldiaHuTio-i : j . ¦:. j¦WINTER; REVELS,. ' .. i

: iTlhe raUer-.nka.t'ing craze ie a i mtt ot\¦gfaj iety that|-ia 5tiil in ilavonr nJl o[yer! 1lhfi 'cwunrryj It seecna also- to hlave pene-trpted for ,and wede, and- rir;ik:n^ haU*have b(}en: openedereninStPe5ersiburg!h¦vwiere anywne can ' hlsve s»> irmidh icef.k'afling I as lbs or phe may ! fancy I duif.nff 'tihe IOM winter seiol;bn. In LomcSan and.•thj e prijtv-Jrlcea ruOJer stoting; appears toIba rutining a claae:race wdtih dan^rng £or-firdt place.iin pjpulair favor. It is not a'.S ci«%' • -amusement. . but- , foshdoriablepeople imrxilmnns hiik ' one or oKher ofaih'e V-njiaJlwl liniks aind, give private itti*l?x-;sli?n*ingj reyela. It; i» with 'tha nfdldfBctyweis ithat. it ia all the ' rage for| thetilrne b<iin^, aad argan£s*rs of sr >bscnp-iiStm dances and fancy dress ballf -whctlh¦tlalke plicej in. wtinter tlrne m isubuijbaihhlaHii OT tihe town haTQ in tihe" provincesturb suffering from toe effect' cf thia;counter aftractj on.; j It: will ipjrdhliMy;nftt ivlp.Tr 1/vnff I fllKhiillP v. th£Tft '"ara"UUU 1U,!', itCl V iUIJK * UU«blf^U^JT-

UUi*V «n

Htanguinte ' f flis wfti&| say- that th$ roHer-pliattriig craze wall i'avo a iife oi tf hwoa crftmr ye irs) . ! , ' ' j ' j . (.o]t7T-DOO$ TRAntlXG FOR GIELSi

' Lbdy Worvnidk '. 1 who . did -a> nxudfr toi\(l!p me 'SiocnaTist oandida'tea oi tihe ladtGenerkll Hedtnton appears . to-have ret: redfrom tihe i political anecia. ! She ia', one oifiKe many wymen for wihom merei Society!plebsurfii dfci not afford an all sufHcrjancyj1u:j.til ahe has dtense .mudh at one fctao .andunoUieri notably in founding lAgrtioul-t-diiid Oollegea for gMs ti heJp1, young¦peojpflei Ito |find for theTruselves/j lialdlyOonfelitoce- j -Ste*art RushSaildBon is.: ao-.itotedj |by aimaJar ; moltiived. ., i8h$j ij .'.ap-ipeialangi a3 a p«xfefeFconal idaaoeri bn . tihevariety I efac© in> ortier- to raise fusda fora, home <-<}hool for bpysiamJiicihepecnaldite<ntl!bn|i= to be given1 to-!i>hjwiaal: train-ing. I Another eramiple t> ¦affOTideH byLfedy EmeBtine Hunt 'wtol has travelledin' ail,'parts;of the'lEmjwie] amdiia sthrt-dng : a! Gpldnrbl training1 Bch6<4 fior Rirlsat Oo^rieuml PaTk,. n«air., Porrfiimouth-. liesis liMy ior mSridre-clssfi' griiH^'wihO haveMt1 Eda'ool| and may dteare to 6eek theirlorbunlaj !ra tihe i Ckxtoriiea. iTIheV .will beflsu^hi'l ififfing, 'dtivirair. . ;'stj a!b!ia!' wttrk,sibiptte doctoring^' cbokang.; I,slid in|flhbrt hew to fit themselves : fore[ft .oinljlitBOns oif CWto'ial' i Hfe. i No 'eer-vttrftis 1 vri1^

be kept at the Softool;,, eothhA iiil! dbmiestcc work! muj it be1 done byChe' pupils, and the faea ]:wall [ only beBrush as pill' make the j | scheme -.-BeJf-evppj tfz ng. ' , i|| . ¦ 1 i ' \ 1

1 : : ! t 1 1 1 ¦ - ¦ ;

¦. 1

.eupponang; . ¦ , . ¦ , \ ; | ,

THE iBAlbwiAY. TH. VELXTING ; ^: ! ; TyPrlST. ' . , - l i ' .-' I ij ;.| Amsrica has long .hiad|;ite ah'arthandtjp3f.t|:nbtpttJed in an;. office on i*s| ex-prcufl jrains, and next month the Ntorth-¦Wes.tem ¦' Railway : w31: provji del"' snialaT-

.uxxfcixnrJoiJlatiioia. on- one of ; {its fast trainsibeftweeri London and Birioinghain. . IfJihe . eacpereiaient proves a | isucoasb wepKaU ;d)aubi&es *ee it I extenJdett1 and c,¦cfTrtaga reserved on Uie-; *in line,' ex-1!pres« tw&isjfoar an office and gjrl tyiusUso thiii blwincss people loan , attena. totheir . Icprrespondence whilst: ¦ travellingJA- malB-. typist win in tihe;i first instance'We' ¦ eaniotoveld- : tar tibia inStM: experi-ime-nt. lq* tihe North -Western; Cb.; but, itcs anrwun<»d tteti tihe d-oties will after-«tHids| he undertaken, by 'is girt typist

im&ighdmi Xo Loruion and j back i diaily ' for¦five days of the week. , 11. I .| , ¦ : '. -II i|l- j . l I ¦ i : ¦ i ! :

I ¦ ; : ' i

i^TYPJiprj':0[B "lYPESSl", ;; , : , ij j

; i |"Tyri2it'' is one more: .wird i that i b&qiobme Itt> ; fitay! and ia 'not lespreraivecofarfiJijjSr'bTji of eex. No doubt: the TaStf:','|!t«iiir«»kl up, in true feminity1! whb!!d&iscnJbea herself as a " ejpinsteieiia'' -VTOURIjhkro had ,p i> idiffieulfcy jn Isupplyingi th*><defl<a'«!dcy,;j hnit just as.iw 'e nave: to, get•aOongj-wtthoot "cookess'^br "paintrea^'-a> jpparentCy: we ahaM Mye; to <io wfflj -iout oxty f^ihninB equivalent lot "*yj>fet."jDe 1 Qu^ncpy, |Uie aaioaxecaog1 essayist;8Ugs«6ts irjhi« "UtertLTy* Reirimatdesuses'"thlat :ffie, I word' <' y ,"aS.trpis '' i wonH aSsoi.'have i 'bwj a ludBcroiB in hHe tame, andi!hM ;te was inot unM i Queen Victoraaicame Ito wje1 thrqnj ej that it began to { beiiraaogmiii iea ano came. mto-i uae, ; ¦ , ¦


;: ! ¦Liincihenn j rpar)Ke8 i <ire j ia gr4at ' :in-BtDbuiSbt i | at 'the ireoaueni anJi proimbe tocon.'t&niu»i ao | dhiring tihe: ccmin^ Lontdonseason. 4?ore . attention howeyer! eefamSto be I i jeyjowBd upon the'ieelfcSonj ofpuests ' Kan : vpan tihe DUniiberTof ft Vrioffered. Three or four pourees! on^ylarejberyed, ftnij | tihe wines eie tevr, ¦¦vaj ferwJMineral waters take tibe plaoe of wSncdRenerally;|j and these are taken iiito ' the!ttTOwio^riMxin afterwartisi. as utaay gailej»hd women nowtutaya prefer .tKein .;'ir^p&uje bl I! thb one-tinw1 insdfcpensaole-If " ! i !| : i - M - mU :; - ! ¦ ! : ;| 4CESS <?EBEajDaNY ,-AT J TA^LE.j ' ,: .- ' ' - ';[j 'ln ich'e lUereJy.' mokfefitdyl/^pefintedih^usehtfl*; servanta !art ' Mce3yj reiba£ned;iho&teak' ee^' to .it thfei! «|! beU-poahh is!Axed at her ; feet or 'on tihe| nni3j orl side oftl!» jtiable, itoch -a ' prooadW enahj iag herto; siFjuuuii i a-1 servant jtnstri'wi«a reJquireidi andf thps ensure k certain iarttrant01 qulelj and" privacy. TJie: appDintoWMts'of a gQHj ltt \beOraomtao'Ht& «£dteJy 'dif-;ferent| train ithose. of bygone diiye. !1 A«U»a3cin tiihe' to the Berrants" qaartew& fnv'a-EdWj |.6,upnKed,;' -wHicJ» docs CrBay.'^^i&!;co!ha rawo[ a8notiiit b! rnuiinglW>,jafl'fl ^4?"? fit ont , *nii .tht ';.elw*rto¦bell'rijwtolJfor;Cbo earjy!jmBerilnff 1 13tei'fW oooaefonid. i hot'iwB^w'- cati- to! &n'*wg»vatfb(ti r^ke?y tb'W i -btprebteted^bi;

vSfkT.T ^toTStnoo ' /^^vnmcL' '- : ' ! . :i , i ' . :' : ' i

iii-^h»Icj oEarleba • altOT(*i<n;.iboTm' >s 'onde:

n«>»M wjdfencQ, !bj it, ft;j» r«itdlcm ithe!MX&. -.P lm exposed; ;

¦ AliibiEact veJvet;

Wtar,! and u f aAeneb eSiSr .ih ¦ i$h«.'frpmt ta} b< the b^ok by-mea^iB- of a<;??S**S' l°t< c3lasP.: 'skadediiwSiai < nal: at,u^tiqbl:>;K«e.- '.' r9nd4«Scl; tW bttjkfr .u!f t iBrva «aff dently tighftj fo (keep' well i'sajMPW®:w«*No«*,-bll{!at 'tiaa &m&; tfime ) oao\, mat' vt&s sterna*

^^^a ttirtwgH6tAit6r*ntofnn^l

^K!-! -jjMwS^n'-l-iO1*irJ!a5S5»/-.-:fWti

muni, i RriMc-.; - .!'! iTV^ .-¦.' irr- *i .-ir*1*


^Amm^m *

\ 'fcivi^^O ffiWiCTifej j JV -oWvesCerdftylwehaa, for<ihe fltst timetBB pftotoe dttnsi^ang'tfi^a^giniM&ryioi, Wr,:EawIo£*a:.QrtbMW»ta5««tJS xotbii am^lwft -1*4* noToodon b»;It» ej

ittiB Bn»UiBa6;U> tbpfa^estTohlclo known tItBepBbUc,,cAtt be inannfactured In;« 0> It;paH« la tbfe cciDcerB.I :We saw tin wop 1its flniBtiea anainnflnlsnedstate.' Amongiitip ti) t.vy}y ebl<At$' -Inl the; establUhmerit-infiadJng5rt»8Btoas ,i fclftrenccs. gf,g8, j eanM.—our attention wak particularly direetetof ! »' 'maguincent i : .BDiiouiu"i <»- : ;"«¦especiallyrbaiiti for Joba i CoDBrejre , EsqJ;PiY Mount Copgteve.: Its p b&p ti la;^«4rettyl;;'lt-te|'pftintea tn:darfe: gden ,;'wit: Ctfhtte i pahelH ln lniltdt}6n ot!cane|worh ;biis ereveri plate glass j lghtsi its interior:iriaiined IwltU the: best green Iclotblan¦lace; fCRtoonea with Crjmson; silk;. the ^oxiCitrriage Jsw'ado on in. injprovea ptlngtpli

lAort compoBaft iofj the ibest roallible ;lrpn,J|Je; draul imoveablaI froiij tbe nip &t by'iij rtnfi, id also i madd on |an Improved : plaiii'iio' bus is uaipted either for a pMr or for!jj6rscsw .liil8h«hiy,cr:eaitabIetotH6boHae• ¦yf .e wereialsOBhevrnjanqllher sp ieudiei btyhlch Mi. Uawlor inade tor sale, and ivhfoMr. JpW Power,; tbej opirltea 'proprietor (tbe Addphi'HdtoJ,iba4 puycbased|for prnbllPHU* '.!¦ IB.fJUUJ VyU. at* |»ui W V g| , UAUO

trimrued!insia6!;iwUb' crimson velvet ,) attine and wbite ; laeel, it has se|ven| pla)¦tfasB lights,-&q; | We;aio gratified to be ia position to state that, Independent of ttlarge employment which Mr. Lawlor, glvi(n this dty, b'6;is enabled to, dispose of hvpblcleslrpto tweritv t<t> thirty-;per!centi.lei(not Including [carriage^ than; slrnllarpnicivn be purchased 'olthor ;in London i (liDublln. 'Mr. L'awlor; blingelt being! a; jflr sirtte practloal iWorktn an , ot cxt<inslvp e;tpirlence.-we can, therefore, recommend bVictory aa one ofj the| finest in Ireland.1

| [ ! i H THE WilATklJB. ! ':: fpn '^Frtday- jnlght! last, Satarfay,: anSunday morning |we | wore i visited yrlthregolar tempest, I blowing ' W.N.WJ , 0IMday night every precaution yasitaktby double mooriDRa and other fastenings i

.Tender tbe vessels atj our quay snffloientliBOcnre to, enable tbem to ride outj tbe; !tfa)nyhlch we are: happy to: say they did ii perfect security J j So violent was the ga!on Saturday knight ,tbat tbe pilot bntt<"Seagnlli" ntilcb j Was ont on ^laty, weforced ito run j fpr .i shelter to Passage anthere : remain ' untlil i three, o'clock In tbniomiDp.wheri, tbe gale eomowhat abatlnfste was ' enabled tolretnrn to her work otbe Toner ot Hoot. | [Towards mid-day : oSaturday tbe gale had increased ,] to suchdegree that ^h^ ; steamer from ( bore t-Uilford remained | at| Passage on heir wa[opt nntU tbo moment when Its tdry 'wool!60mewhat abateJ ,On Sunday morning tb'"¦Y«sta ", (s.) arrived unro in the I height; (tbe storm with sails split. , Tbe j gale' diej tiwfty on Bnnday, and on that night ai(Monday we had a fearrolly heavy«nd coiI tinned fall of rain, j pn Tuesday) and <Weijnesday tbe weather became finer , ai sllgltrost visiting us each 'of tbe ! two mofnlngjbbt on 'Wednesday I night the clouds agalcongregated and! a ^crfocti delnge of raltflll all day yesterday from in early benr ijtjj ie morning. | In: fact this has' been tt

j wettest wintac Trhich wel remember f<ycaojaj rlcttltural ^operations are iJmoiotn stand, the seed wheat bos bcon: mooInjured everywhere!! and the farmer i wibare a OUneuI^ taalc^with spring BO

!C1COO Ihind, to supply tho deficiency j with ine1CCCd. It will bo a hnrrled and very bustsason pith the farmers all through th;«w»W :- - ;N ! Mk' ; ¦ [ } ¦ s !i-0 !hvi, ' ! : t ,¦ j : ; HAV?)aiia :

:N !; ! ¦

i !;-A tpedtneo I of 'tho ancient, noble,- as!esc}Ung|0port;oI [Hawking was given: o!Saturday lest j at PicltardHtown.j Doar Tnrapre, but owing !tb ttj ewUdinclemtaitlstat!ol tte weather'it was not as successful i eU!might otherwlestj have ibeen: . IMr. ^JBirr, falconer I Ito: His ' Highness : thHabaragah pnlqep Sing, with six beantlfcbawfts, hooded, 'andljoorried faateneil to iamall platform', met ia party-of gentlemei!ai lio'cloci and commenced operations; bjflytnfi two of I bis fiery birds after som''que»tD trom Pickorilstown: wood. I ; The;Jrrere soon ; captured and ; slain , When ipfmilarohaEB aid (catastrophe took placeAltnongb: eereral fields, rivulets^ embankiaonts, - and! walls Were irosatd , by tbiTiar^ies presentij no iherons, tha peoulioigame of the nawB,[ were star tea, ia GODteqaenca of whlob, along with the contlnneiIndemenoy ot Ithe jtweather, the ! eearclafter sport had to jbe given qpi ¦ In; thievening [one of! tbe ljbawka strayed \ awa]

' and was'not recovered nntll next mornlDg1 ! i ' ' \' '

'¦ i I '¦" ' I ' ' I ! ¦' ' " ! ¦ ! ¦

: ! ! : - '¦

I ¦

• i : : aJcMj ENT8. : ¦ 1 ' !!; Doring tbe.lAtterlpnrtj of last week tb

vfiter pipe id Hj ghfst. 'bdr it; tlie wut'j r'dall 'oozed ajj to tbe' toj i of tbbl roadway J on'tll ibole ot live I DC IK JH j dotp! was aiudo ' .'.vheithe water bejjin ! j frtj ely] to rnn .'H criUvihistreet Into ' the obAnnelJ On :V6:litfty ibcjt«e a' d!dray we're) cbniin^ I OD K TU ; tb!street,. irhcn|J|by ' Boroy ; luiMctuimi - ,! tbidriver not Uajng iit ' hlHll icin! :-.r tl -.y tlranthe animal (Jutj bri ti of lit '-: fo.-kfe i t inio tbhnlfi , ;»ttd wai (u»t 'aut) y t lir.-^Vn! rol th

, grounfl ,;the car on, top of him ]wirh ROIUqif&colty and loboptj. thu HOMO iyas rescuewithout having suffered any ser.lorm iujur jIj t .woold boT de*ir.i5:e. whou'evi t tracburstings taUp; piaqc, 'ttias thny w.inld bloobed to at puce, forj not to speii.k of tb>aste of watbr -whlcli ! la occasioned btheir ; being, left neglected, tlit lv , nie vcrdangerous either toihj arl or benU ht ni.'h.On last evening ;a [;ccrnian 'ucuie'di DavlKelly, wnUe drftwini? oats! to tlie '.stor- iMessrs. ; Hennebeiry!tand CawW, o( Kimstreet, was -knocked down by hln ! ibornrunnlng;away:

^ owing to hip bv-inp »!mldcnlstartledi aoaj the^waoel of th^l.iden'c'apassed over bis leg. ieverety Ifracoirb" tbUrnb. ' He waa c6n+eyed (|by cWUrot Dif .P.: Mackesy, toll tha . Le|iorj 'HoRpi tawhere he waB lmmedlately: visited \bv thngentleman, wfio promptly admin^u-red thim 'every medical aid hi8 case rLqialrecHis Injury la very:ee.rere.: , : ; | ' : ; i

!: i ' ' . j . . ' rBHIp'iNEWS. i- : j ! , ' ! ¦ :

iP" ,."* tjjnoUce that the,' sbl :"Bombay Pacte^" belonging to box fellowCitizen, Danlol.Canlg.anJ. i- Bq.; o< Traiuorearrived safe |;at 'Sa.vannah, from i Rio d,|JineJroi'on thft'26tb nlt.?aoa was' .:iiarWretto loaa a full cargo or cotton for lUvcrpool

j ;0n Friday morning, the brig "Amlelzla 1was discoverea by ithe revenue offlcer oijwatch at tbd Port! of Eosslore.i on thiDogger BanbJwhen -Ijthe tide Borvoyor antsome of bis moh Immediately boardedi herTho.i "Amlcl?la,"ii^ta8so1 : master,, tronLiverpool for <^endaj i with a general cargohad grounaea on tlie previous night, strifelmheavUy, I Bhich caused her to mahe niuctwater, o mncb ithat the i>umr«' weriunable to teep ha! free, the tudder als<Mag ttmai Shalwjdter at <he|«m'e wal1| toa» orer the <jabln floor.1 Byj cuttini*tray » |porUon ofJtha wood wort aft IWflaer was managed; and sails being setfoztha veaa, thai ship tna got into the, SbuttBay; Miehoiea therp HU near hj gh; water';«p« t3uj |«ealnii|tagrErln,'fana:wmher assi»tanc«*owediber; on *ha'ateana-oJtbeHantoooOhanbel. wbere'she now lleS¦ liiOa- Batnnlay mernlng, a amack belong-

ilngto Walter preen, Esq., ioti Bladei Udeiwith puop wood, fwm BaUyhactto wXitus cangh»by;thi gale,; andi3^Weri btare het^and ith

i Ure

a of the

JBnr ,ia,«m«nanfliet tan \et for the nMrioar«iBannow,!. whicb ena ; forturiatelyi^rnadartongb tuttht on tee barfor swnotodwhere the wak in immjuent niriij Tr ! rf

jfatefnny: ActiowWg*:tb«°i e&M &tM

toSffl! *. • " 2f :$&5 Bx

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i«*« !i;n|"".pi :;'rTV •m.'i ;-Tr™ifheateretaryoffthb fdnn'g Men'a!Bonf«ri

'WMfpi^elU'fowet,1"Esq., Bebw Hill

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LOCAIi&GEHElAli¦¦ ¦ " SPOBT. ¦ • / ! . - I i

LOCAL COURSING FIXTURESSclveTArdnpii—January . 3tet. ~ . JTuidge,

filr. -M. F.I IXivin. SJipper, Mr. P..F.Mock'itr. ! . . • ¦ ' ¦ • ! ' ¦¦

Dxtmgun—February 1st. Judge, 'Mr.M. F. l>avin. Slipper, MT. P. F. Mook-ler. I

¦ ;Croihune,! Tihurk's — February 8t&.

Judge, Mr. M. F. Davin. Slipper, Mr.P. f. }locJc\r . . ; . ;

CU>:!i-i:«.- . and Kiltlhcelan—Felbini&ry17th, Judge, Mi. M. F. Darin.. Slipper.Mr. P. MoSweeney. "'

G-n:ii^':i:i>rkloj and Nine-Milc-House-r-JV-bruary 3rd. Judge,, Mr. J. Wynne.(Slipper , Mr. P. MoSweeney.


<if the Internatiional Matchesfor the calling season are:— :

February ' a—.Wai**- v . Scotland. Car-diff.

February 12—England v. Ireland.TwiokenhUcn. , ¦

February i!f>— Ireland T. Scotland. Bel-tist.

RACING.Ne-xt wev.k we 5J1.aU report the under-

mentioned Race Meetings : —ENGLAND.

Windsor—Jan uary SlfcA ami February1st. r

Leicester— 2nd anil 3rd.Sonidown-—>Fi:!bruaJ7 -1th and 5th.

ELIMINATE.Sir . E. \V. .Barren's Pressman has been

struck out «.j f :3n- Gitmd Prtize and Im-perial Cup at Sandlcwn Park.

W. M ORGAN'S STRING .17"r f > > ) '' v i n g -Vion-os aie trained at

Th.; W' .irroji , i>-tj . i i . by WrM K-j im Mor-q.\n — Ktd ( i '. ou-.i . ,i . eh g l>y Baron'eHeir—Maria T0ivr.-.<i , Keld . a, b g byAyr-fiiro—Giau]<wy ; Mttoerva , a, br m bySforr o... -.ibnit hv M Sifte r Ned , Rexhaven,a, <0i ^ by lt-ya3 Mcaj ih—Crotthaven;Roso'v. rn. (j , u g by Avdngfon—Ltfko-wise ; Au'cum-n s 5, br h by U'sterltti—Mild air. o Royalo ; InnamnratSon. ¦», b gby Rising Glas^—Fl.-uiuna.; Arbutus, 4,b f by Kclj x—RaUey Bello. He trainsfor Mr. A. MJ , Mtijtar W. B. Mynore,Mr . iVRourkt" . and Mr C. H. Moens.

AUTHORISED AGENT.Capt Perry hits ibeon, appointed author-

ised n^nt W 1010 under Rule, 1 Rulesvi Eaesnsj for Lj>rd WaU'ribni.

MR. R. X TAI^BOT.Mr. R. N. TH.NJU:.. rriniore. who has

Iwn Appointed hundaca-pper to UieWo.-:!, m Ind.ii Turf Club , left IrelandDii Wtdtto^Jyy tb tci -ke. up (his new duties.3Ir. Ta'ibot »'««¦ ,'it one tiin« « ¦well-tntw n breeder tind raced su:i:e aanartI U.THII;.

CIL\A"GE OK STABLKS.Copt. MaL'CxUio'.* h.xrtes in training

liav- b.en j\>n:->void Irtwn Queenaberrylivil^-i, NenTi'Auki't. to Regal Dougo, Ken-neti. t-ho H\I1J)O« U'-ng owner by liady

TJio Be-l (5yr>), and Atty (4JTS). twouscfuJ pi -rlorcix-rs in Irrlanxl imi. year,luivo f.rr:v>;l a^ S".l ek-Drdigc. where theywiU (>e lT;:i:ne.l '5>r future en<?j iram<en'tsby H. S. IVrsso.

TRAM ORE MARATHON R.VCE.Bp.'t inifd <'iitrj *.j » have bam receCvexl

f vr if.--«..kion Ivacv wliirfi tak»> placeat Tr;-.mar«. \;n Sunday \nort. All theUKTI ! <ri.irript '...r.s arc entorod «jud an ex-(Vt l ¦ ¦ •-'. p>::t;-i t ;r !.y be expeictttf. Thesi art is tlj TiiLil for 2 x/oft^-'i

FLOTSAM.Fi>- ' -:i.T. ;.f .- .p' i .ip ' ' i> bo cent frtxm Uru-

K V -\'- ' &<.•¦'.: to EiiRlaj id.Y.l i". i". ¦:''.- i tA 'J a- a raoeliorsc is well

rit iit-rhcrcii. lie (»* fcii KtiAxle coav1>MU . Rock S-Jj ii. for the Mi'llile ParkPLil- , a:iJ n- -. .-r finiifJwd implaced in;ir.y .v>:-e. H:.- \ :.V'.iricii as a tlirev-year-o'il !I..-!IK I;.:1 -ij i '» i>'<™p.i .u.rVri; Staieb andithe }> ir»lii ' r i(ii"cii "i> F(xd Stakes.

FCI ?... tl' io tia-pi <' ! FSotai'm. W:LS quitetiie 1»:M". Uwt-yi 'ix- . i\i filly of her year,and r>.» j s by &«'••;) out <xf FWi^ht(drj ii uf Glar. '). by Crftmorn© cut ofParcfTin. fr/ im whan iiiio deivend Lada5.f.K-n , Nc-J G> ;w , l/sibia . Flinir. <mJvivo:-. : . ¦ .

¦ • •

GAELIC.Tb? Cork Omvi ntJon ¦»).') be beJd on

tlio a?:Ji inst. at fVxrk .TTi nMiici-to CUii vention wj1j be heM

nt l'" i^ eric]£ pn ' Frf>rut3.T\- IStOi .T3ic> A21-Irriand General CvnvenSion at

th> G.A.A. w'/J b.- 'n«>W at Dublin oniMjTiu 7fJ!i.

GROSS COUNTRY.The Southern Cross GcwntTy Gham-

p-ontsJi i p will 1;i'ke ptaoe at Clonskcagi'tiwn ^rr.rtv. Ttie o'.ubi-- pnterod O.TP3—OT-j ru-fTo Hnrniers " A" team, CfonliffeHor r : . r - >- B" tvu.Ti , Duridalk Harrdera,Qi*y an3 Suliurixan Harrier^ " A" teiam,Dt>ni ,.:e Harriers " A" team . Cbty BudSubr.rt an Harriers " B" ¦u-acn. and!limon- Harriers " B" /Uttm.

SPRING HANDICAPS.The nocvptanoeh for tho Sprmg Han-

lifi-up.-i wiil b<> published in a specialcaferxLar tin Wednesdlay next.

EuNTRIES.Col:>nol KiirkwcH i has entoroJ KnigM

of tV-iia and Kn^'Ort «aif the Htilk inthe NatSfiiial Hunt J<uvea:-le SteepCecJiajjowhich will |>;. run on Maxell 9th at War-wick. There is m> JnLsh entry in «heNat ional Hunt St-.vplechatve thi.-r year.

RUGBY FOOTBALL.Th<- oirn.:r ;rtt .-e <>i the WV1-* Rxxghy

Foofibidl Uny/n have soJect<xJ the following fifteen to pJ-ay apaiiM SootlanJ &1Cantifl >xn F^bruaiy 5th —

Baci.J Bancr.Jt (Swar j ea).

TliTet>-<juartej Back*.R. A Gibbs (Oarddff).W. Spilor (Cardiff).W. Trew (Swansea).A. M. Bak>T (\t«wjx>m.

HxUiMxix'ks.¦P. F. Budi (Oirdaff)AV. L. M unran (Cardifl).

Forwards.Ivt>r Mbrgnn (Swan.-sea).T. Evanl- (LIUneily).B. Granirtv (Bridgend).J. Wellb (Abertillery).I). J. Th xi:.-)* (SwwiMa).¦H. Jarroaa (Newport).C. M. Pritohiard CS<3wpr>n)J . PugHley (Cardiff).

vBOXING.nUie matcih between Johnny Bummexa

pand1 Unnalz. »Ci:ch took plaoe at Sytineyon Wednesu'uy, f tvuH tet i m a draw aftertwenty TOuiids. . "" ; . : i '


Tho bij r rvent oo io-xnorrwv'i cartf Sothe iMidfJlefex Hurdle R.w oi 250 PDTB.The wclglits are—Burta Sahib, list 113b;Broadside, JK-t 71b; Shy Lid, lb=-t !4Tb;H0J7 War,.: j ]st fib; BiUy tihe Verger,diet 4lb; Chestnut, 1 lit 41b; Nbrebo, list ;Tiger II., list; Blind Hookey, list ;£jrth«?i 8s.t3Bl>altf, list ; Sabnon Fly, ll£t;lingo J'ioo, lOst lllb ; Ash<tot, lOst lllb;Hunwritt, lOst 41b; Fop, 1CU 4lb; F3©ury.II., lOst; 4lb; Ctarbenmere, 10at 4Tb;. Rc-Eef. lftit 41b. i : :

S^vci ionp .— : I. : jJfiddJe-sevt Hurdlo Rare (2 n>Je8> -r

Blindi litx&ey* ' |j ;Hbndicai> HuitiJe Race (2, cuK'shpO -

Pailil>ci '!'Ctha«> (3 miJcii)—du-Deen. :,Iitt3et»n:;.HandJeap 'Chose (2J raa«3)H

HerrsveD&or. . ' ' . .„ I . J JThames Valley Hurtilo Kace (2 asie )

—Gctii&Trin.) . - : ¦.- . [ i :i i ' p


Tbo IGlienny Co. FootbaH 0hainpn«n-6bap fkial ire Say. between Uic *"**??ud Kiwokt^Ser was boofced for , da«.Bjon .at SJ Jssoek'm Park. Kiikenoy. inSundaiy, and ejwktf in a flaaoo. Mr. , JoanIhmrihy, Glenmore, act«d IU refer**!. Tbo

ing which: tone; wme brjlhaol , toS«WJIwo* wiaMBed, bat » f<MHiL i l^Miners i gavo i ee W * P' ^Lr JW*;end ewafcaalljr Mr. Du y <tedbi»4jto•How the ;match to J*cceed. mwfh ¦ totba dsaanpointmeat of the faxsatatoTP, J*oiad pald aeir money to;zee Uja nw i.(Has is Hit e nd tunrx tb»J1*,rf^™maaner.- atJd iit: U »aUcK*Usd *«*¦««Kil*«nJ>y Okxiily ' CkKtsdUtoo w» i ;»f•«*y dxa3ti? «P» iritt ..l>? UMM f , - ' |l !.


LINOOiiNSHIRE HANI>KUP.(Kun Tuesdby, MattA 15Ui—One mile).

Dean Swift, Sat^ -tlb ; ^ Sir MaWin, 6stUXb; VcEen*. Bst 61b; .Qhitia'tiMB I>aigy,8et Wb; MJusftfc'pbia, 8st 6db; Arraninore,Sst 31b; The Tower, 83t; Dolirium, 7etISS/b; The Story and: Hj ayden.1 Tst 121b;fiuuflower -II., Nonmani HI. ; and Por-eeub . III.,.. 7st 101b;- EakadXij 7«t 81b;Pnxioipe, 7Et fflto; ;Old Ohina,1 CkuuxniioWooiba II. and Temnos, 7&t 5]b; Hymip^Utus, Descotond/s Pride and Kaffir Chief,7et 3lb ; I'Anson, 7st 2H); Ntarenanie, 8toiof Daoa <md JuHet M.,: 7st lib; Myrtasndnkl RatMea, Vet; BLsotrie- Boy, (Dukeol Spanta and yiyikncOk ftst ilSLb; Edinam- Ost 12lb; Biverinla and ForerunnerU., fat lllb ; Billy <te Verger: and Cin-derelio, 6st JOlb; St. Nin£im and.' Cto$-(htm, GSt 01b; Sett ' King arid i Dalkeftto-,a=.t 81b; WXBe iMaaon and KingTs Cvmrt-iship, S t 71b; Tiecsi War, Sir Perflg'ordand Orquil , GBI CJb ; ArtisanJ Dst 51biBlack Sea, 6st.31b; Humbrigi), 6et 21b;Ailono 8ir, Bit llb;,Todher, Mbtity, Bose-\ieni; Bonny Bw. Swoet Haduiesa andSuaday's -well 6et.

GRAND NA/riONAJJ(Run Friday, Marcti 18th.—Four miles,

856 jAairis).Jerry M. and Oacfeler , 12it 71b; Lut-

tour III., !*<• -lib; Mtoonutruck, lls?121b; Mount Proepect's Fortune andHoly War, lUi 101b; Oaubeen and BloodVetono, list 81b; Kinjr ol the Soarleta, list7lb : Atratp,! lfct 6lb; Springbok andJutfas, list 61b;; LoinKter, Ilst 4lb ; Ratih-\\de, list lib ; Schwsrmer, 11etl\ Wydh-\i1aod nnd Rbunid Dimce, 10«t 131b : LordQhaihiaim, fiimon Pure II. send Albuera,lCbt 121b; Abelarxi, Wdokliam, OannockLad and Fetlar's Pridte, lOst lllb; Hyp-Qos and Bonfire II., lOtt 10lb; RoryO'Mcoro, SimDn Passe, P*cWy AfniheriandTom West, 10.-t Mb; SSi'ody Girl and PntCullinan , lOst 81b; Preoentor II . andCareey, lOst 7lb ; Viz , Axle Pio and KiBrteon, lOet 6lb ; Lord Rivers and Jenktne-tawn, l(kt 61b; GJeneido and Bruuo^e,lOst 4lb, Shtenawan, lOst 31b; GeneralFox nnd Fllaxnnan, 10W, 21b; Exclite,Sore Toes . Phactlion , Kibnucklin, TheDuffrey and The PdClot, 10at; Borouirhand N«wry. Ost 121b; Flaxen tuid l\hoTyke' II.. 9st 1Mb; BcdeTove, MooraideII., Hercules II. and The Lurcher , 9stX h ; uMii»jchcisttnim, 9st Plb; OaptfaSn Far-rel], Butter Biall , Iyvgan Ro<A, OakparkII . Playboy II., Odor. WiM Fax II.,WUZiam the Fii>4. Noyau and Buslhiidlo.,Be.t 71b: UTiat Shanks (dead).

CITY A UiD SUBURBAN.Dean Swift , a>t 51b; Sir Martin. 8st

13lb; Minoru, 8st lllb , Valenti, 6st 101b ,Land League, &st 71b; Ohristn^is Daisy ,8st 61b ; McE-tepho; 8st &lb ; An-aninore,8st 41 b , Buckwheat, Sat 31b , Phaleron.a^t 2b; THie Story and BaaheJor'eIX>ub3<-, 8st; HayUen, 7st 12!b ; 8«0edOTkierp, 7st llCb; Kakadu, 7*.t 10lb ,I>andj-prat and SabmJt , 7st 9tb ; Canon-ite, 7.--1 fflt> . Tcimnos and Bir BcCii, 7Bt7flb ; Old Neck. 7dt 61b ; Duke MiohaeJ.7st 4Jh , Electric Boy. 7e* 31b , BalniitcoSl.TVit 'JC.b; Sunhright, 7?t lib; Tressady.frt lalti , danabalh and Striokhnd , 6st12K) ; Otanteiir, &£ SEh; Colonial andLady Virfa, 66t 71b; Accurate, 6et 6lb ;Sinaonson , Ost 51h; KKght Light and'Wolfe Lfcd . 6st 41 b; Black Soa, 6st 21b;Ga!h.*j ine, 6.-3t lib ; Halcyon, Bronmiio.AsJicot and. FQydnj lima. Gat.

JU.BI-LEE STAKES.Llanywtm and Dtvin Smift . 9st; Sir

Martin and Suooour, Bat, Mb , Monioru .&;t Tub ; Viaflcns. a<;t 5lb; Ebor , 8A 4lb ;Christmas Daj sy, 44 2!b; Mustapha, 8stlib ; Arranmore, av.; The NHrt , Buck-¦whMX und Cargill . 7st 131b ; ffcotra andPlhaleron, 7«t 123b; S^inon'e Pride . 7-<t1Mb The 6tory, 7st 101b; Pj -imor andH.-»}-d<m4 7*-9jb ; Soa led OiiderB pndMaided the Mint, 7st 71b; Ktikadu. 7*t6ib ; Diindypjut. and Submiitj 7at 6ib ,CarooRte and Feuerlarm, 7st 41b ; Tcn>ni?s. Sir BoJd and Thaddeus, 7st 31b;Pirinooss De GaUes and Duke Michael .7st; Cinderello, Sun'bri^ht and Adver-sary, Gst 13Tb ; Balnacdn, fct lJUTi ; Trest-ady, 6st lllb ; Boll Block. GM 91b , Lucus,6H 613) ; Lady Vista , fist 31b;-0oro . ftrtlib; Knightlisfrt, The Cox and GeneralBotha. 6st. '



Comanitteo—iRiohiutl Walsli, ThomasBarry, R. F. O'Gorman, John BeH andThhmas Chapmen. Hon. treasurer , ThbB.Plonrer. Judjgc, A Power Sfcpp«r , JbhnCusack.

In epite of tho unfavourable tatiherthere was c capctul attendance at Ferry-bany on Sunday for tho annual mootling.Thanks to tho officials all t!ha arrange-ments were perfect and a very iniferest-ing card was gon«; through. Grecnvalcproved the 'best of Uie eight in theFerrybiank Stakes, and Mr L. Powereecurod the RoclaahJiv Stakes andSliewrue 6tak(u with S3ent Birtiand Trick y Laxry respoalivrfy. Greatinterest W46 oentrWd in tlw> cJuii-lengu match for 3 itovs. a side betweenthe winner and tlx> runner up in tieiMMvy-wecgM 6taket. for tihe best of thxeocourses. Speccal Ciilorus turned thetabSts on Tricky Larry, winning twooaurfc»s. Detai ls-.—

FERRYBANK STAKES for 8 .iixj* lHlbaand uraliy. Winnnr, £1 lCfe ; seoand10a. ; third , 4s.

Mr. T. Relay 's Qucck Alarm beat Mr£ Knox 's Catiiol Hill.

Mr. T. Kcilyi, Hidden Quetii beat MrT. Kotine's Undje.p^ndii.ble.

Jfr. T. Koane's Venture Out be-at MrJ K<.i>frh'fl Oajnpilo Law.

Mr. K. Costollo's Gn-t 'n Vn O<> btvit MrJ. WCiyto'H Ntgj itfall.n.

Quid: Alarm beat Venture OutGTcenvaJe beat Hidden Quwn

II J.Grernv-alp Lx-M Quick .Vlarm.

ROCKSHIRli: STAKES fur 9 dos* i'lbs.kind under. WHnnvr, £1 K1-.; second,10s.; Ihiid, 4s.

Mr. J. Grant\> Full Weight beat Mr.W. Murphy's Winking Annie.

Mr. L. Power 's Siliait Bird t>cn.t Mr.J. Moore's Pikeman. I

Mr. P. Jcry's Bnwrt>al! bout Mi J.Drm'fi Think I'm Sick.

Mr. R. ShaHoe's Reinstated b«it Mr.P. Joy 's LangfonJ.

Mr. R. SJiiilloe'B Maid of the Mill abye.

II.Silent Bird beat Full Wi^it.SnorsrbaU beat ; Maid of the MillJteinstaied a bye . ;¦¦ V I :III.Silent Bdrd l>c&t Reinstat^d.Snorwftiall a bye.rv.Silent Bird bont Srtow-ball.


8DLEVERUE STAKES for 16 dosr-. Mbs.and under. Winne r, XI lCb. ; eocond ,10s. j tIJird, 4J.

Mr. R. WnMheV: dastle Doy beat Mr.J. Regan's iBa&Tybrieken Boy;

Mr. T. Dwyer'is B.aCy£acoy Boy beatMr. W. MHUsa'e Frisky Boy j.

Afr. J. Walk's .Lady Killer beat Mr.J. McGrolD^g KilMrJo Hannnli.

•Mr. L. ; Power'a iTridky LaTry b«A Mi.J. GrAnt'fl !Eo2ip8e Bdauiy.

Mr. 1 T.i Koffly's ijuick Ros,ult bctti Mr.J. Moortfb"|K5U 'acc\ Qj ick. ¦

Mr. J. iMJcGriatlh'B IGreenvale Laai. teatMr. M. H5nCdenVaa.fB Roci- .

Mr. JJ Power'ri -Sdailat R'mnier beatMr. E. Kriox-b Tqry.Hai OiilLMrl A. Fitzgeroid'B flpecial Chianra beatMr. J. Mixure'e TJJOI B>y. :

Castle Boy beat 'Rdlyfapsey Boy. 'Trioky Itary : befcit '¦ Lady .IyS!er.Quick Result'bcial Greemiillo Loss.Spodal CBKTUS beat Scarldt Runner.

• - 1 : i ; — ; IIL;:. - : ; :Tridry' lJarryi best CbsUe Boy.SpcoraliOhoarus boat Quick Eeeult.

' ¦ r- : :! :¦ • ! IV; ' ; j

'¦ ' . ¦ ¦

Tricky Ltotry -beat Bpeci.iif Ctkma.:'

CHALLENGE • MiVTCH' fcj ' £3 a side,Oi^besi-of thteo 'daamM^^ ;

Mr. A'. Fat«reriild'»;i' .SpedB!/ Ohtarasbeat Mr. L. PbvfBr' ¦'. T^dqr \Dairy by2 to 1. ! I - ! ! ! : '¦ > : ¦ ! - . ; .

: HORSE.CLIPPEES .Preoa Sai. trpwai*. eveayj aacfiine gntr-anteed. Boa oorJSuperb Sfdft Oaia ove*threo'leltiJ , 7W, besf marfhan« ot> moxkgat pWeent fcttet «J6>? Si wrflno SwUtSpeSaTiF&ie M ***™ tor; nw?W»,

S av-Tinwat »t O'lvmry imd Oo1*.

¦• . 'Bib«»e |a pe»''ri«x»| - «od|poiwer. 4M}£F£$»*0*x*<i&. Power Ptetes fiw

W dt e r W d l d b Modj Soaa. annoatrozue ert, Wytoioni. • ¦

: : :\ | , \ . '

• :"

, V: ¦!•


!i ¦

. ; : ! " ¦ ¦¦ .

: i , : '¦ i .

h |- ,¦¦ ( . -.



-:: -¦ -¦¦ ¦

.- . ¦:: :?

TBE \ NEW . COxMET.!¦. :¦ i . ! v ' I

¦ "-

¦ ! ¦ .

• ¦ ' ¦: • : '. ' " " '

While' : <i31 -niho tak« an. intcreBt ;inma-tiiolnij .astAmarnjcoll . &ro ' aruaiouely•watching : : tor tho re-appeaKUioo jofHiallcjy'Ki Cbcnet a BKI& interesting diver-tiion iln .too 'search h!is he<>a ctmi^d bythe stda'en autburet of a n<sw comet ap-parenyyj (fudte unknorwn JjJiihorlio, Xmadomcit jn-ill' pTotehly • be " known iaaDitLkVi'fl i Oocnet as,,. awarding tt> .tele-ptaenn from [the CentnalsteQOe at Kiel/itwas firut [ seen • at JohatineeAxurg onJlaauaryl 17tih* by. «•• Mr. Dnake. * Ilhoofflcdol f<slcigKims from KHi-1, ab inen-tiined1 ma ' | " Nature,". Jnnuary £06h,JocaAc tJie comet at 5 to.'10:d(^rees Saruth-West ' of j tihol sun , wh.:oh it is npproaoh-ing. lAopc^rVEng to iaJormntian nram tihtoeamo soorde'hit' is j sppiioiaohing the Northat the itat© 'of 2 degrees p<ir dby. and¦rttll , if Ith 'e sky is clear, be di^linoilyvisible in tlietie ialandls during tihe pi*>sent weak, j• 66 far ' fls [we .are aware tho firtst an-nwunoctrnctit of the appearance of tineoarnet in IrvJand was made in tihe " In-dependent" of January 21*iti. A. ropre-aenDattve pf that paper wihil© returningfieun DuredaJk to thibffin after the poll-ing in North Lautlh on tiho eveainij oitihe 20Ui saw the cosnet tor the first tone,and a droving of it was given in tihe" Inldoptrndont'' of tihe 21et.< It is onlyfair to |eay thkt all whb have «ncoseen the1 comet tare agreed that tlhc " In-dbpondetit" ariufet brough* all ho B senseswitih hiin Stem Dundalk—nofcwitiislbnd.cng fbv ej ioitement there—<sss his sketchis extroinely accurate. It hie since be-ooroe kiown that tihe oonnet was alko»*on byj i 3..Mne pupils of tho .Convenl ofSt. Loua^, Mtomaghan , on tho 6aine even-ing. ' ; .

As eoen from. Waterford on Friday andSaturday .ervonings the cwmet was 0plioutiouslobject. Tt appeared in the Souih-iWee* at cibtnit 5.15 pjn. Its heightabove th« ihtoriaon was about half thatof Venus which is now bloziusg fcrthbf.iutifufiy in abcruJ tho ezme dlrvaiioniTihe cornet is however further v> theNV>rtJi tlTsn Venus, and wns about 10df{rr«'e» or so above tho horizon wQuinnj vit seon ; it sinks r<elow the honi!!on inabouit lietH fin hour. Its tail extendsisam ton doRTCOP aJong tiho i>k y, and itsnucleus (Ijrightest part) fc apparentlyone or tv.v> degrees in diameter. ThiiBad.TK't is cne of sarnewhnt unusual brill-ancy as ii' iir not very often that comotsenn b«' &!>«n in daylight or twilight, 09-ixx-nally n^ar tihe eaun In t.Tie nhnrt timeduninj? whiioth dt i> viable it is net po«-i-dbl i 1 wifthout specal arrnngornent? 60fltx'ure .1 satisfactory p'ho('.r:^7^'llr>h of ;t..KJI attempt wtab nxilio. in W.iterford nnSii^urday but oven with h iH an hour 'soxposuro an impresses eotrid not boKvurcO

Tiio appennanee of thiA comet , and oilHaUoy 's in tho near futtin? , must c/tnooossritv sr t. people thanking arf to whia.1tliu . n.ttiiri1 <¦£ sudh a e.tTan[jt-l«: ob-j<x-t .nv.j 'ht bo. It appoarn pit present:»>»•* prtft> {ifble th'at tixv1 cc«met crmnu^aof an np^rcigate of eolid psirticleB ofvnnrrus sizoB, the nuclnus oonsfisting oft0i> :' J'artftj r aTid the tail] of sin^ailleT stonos.AocmincJinjr to this viiow , first jnf t for-ward by tihe Lxte ProftAaor Fitzgerdild,tlfie curvature of tho fail iti due to thogrcn-'jor roipuision of tiie ?nin's rays uponthe smaller than '>n ttiv Liii?er particJ<=!K.

Thi s R:imc tOwWy of the constiltutnon ofa->rrf cl? was formeJy put forwa rd hy K«T5-tir 'bin -was raitJi«r rantily ruled cut oi

fount by tliote &cien.4j;L;t3 who. hn,ving dl:s-r>rvn-o<i X<wton"d Co.rpuscu.l ar th««iry ofraglHt aj id provod that light, consisted o)waves ih i.1n> other of spiioe, assumiodtfhr it i^rht o«ikl nt>t possibly exert apims*urf> . HoW*>vOT tho lh/vyn!(*; oif Mnx-vcV. nnd t .hf rmire rec-.-nt expprinientF•if IJO)XX D?W ;ind of NidhoJs i.nd Hullprn «•> • e» inclusively tlint *imliclit &>&*

< >x« 'rt .1 procure on lirlie? r jcpnsi-d *o :t ,t.h<> jxrossure s<> exor1«*f on ourFartli Ixriric ahmit 75.WX) touts This niay>> »^in<) a fcTRC quanti ty but it i« ol<i .IUTI* quite ni!in.iOo-(topic co-nparod toV'10 SunV (rravitatitonfll attrnotion on tih e<vi.rth »<h:rei ia 40 b';l!li/>n tinic.« as gTctit.Thr full expoi=it.foii of tl«r» tiioory wvise:v<ni 11 frw years JRo by PTofen.-'iorPvwni '.ny of Biriiingham. an<l his coJ-cii.i'l.t:k>np ahuw that a. stone about liJiJf'?.:i inch in (IvirmcH-or if th rown in 'o ej>:u\-ivnuM )viv<' the pravits'ronj ul attra<j ti»n<i tJ ic iuii just balaiKied by bisir.-«I;iitij .>n pres- ure or r<>puL-.»n—thep:rv.t=cvuro of sunlifrht. For smalOer par-tu^'n* t.ho Tepulsion would piwafl. and¦tHis tJioary V= in iocfjT\l with Uu> fiu-tttMoh ia n.tAoeahl<> in til is and nil urtlwrOCTK'ts. xt i t ., that the tiiril io always OUT-ved away from the sun .

TUiis theory has been ipven ns themot-it prtibabfe; it is at any j ate probaiWethouj^ > there are some obj«ctiona to vt.Ono -> thv fact that faint stairs arcv'fihio thiymgh tho tail of the earned ,oj iotllier ii the fact that Uie light fnn»nthe comet } \<n. when aireftiHy examinedin a spc..'.tn»c)opo a3 tilw din rectors <>fthe Itiijli lt ' frum an inaanxk'sc»»rrt ga«-Truvi." however are not in«upo7ta,b)« ol>-jty?t.ii>V:H, ind wo nray for tiie presenttvmtej it ourselv'ttt with waidiing it withtnV'TCi^t and rf-ga.rd it na ft rrra5H of fly-ing 3tt>iio^ ' bound on one <j f tho longestf.>UTneys thia* over n stvino made .

¦Whilv we are enjoying the specu-wlei>f onf c»»nn>t and kicking forward to Ui«N-isst t .-f a greater one ii might bu of 111-t.'r*..- 1; to consider some fa r t's alxnitrv r r ,-;>- TIMTC aro t-aine i>> duubt «iho•wi ll ri'tniiinbe r the visit of ttxnati ' 6comet 1(1 Junv , 1S5?. It wi)l t>e viHible:i{T.i.-n tt> Man ft^newhore about the y««.ir3*.XX) .-is it takes n bkiu t iwo thc/usaiulyears t«) make a voyage mund th<' tun.O iiirfj ilt-ring the enormous .-psei atw!Tirih travel it inakeu t'iio brainroo- t^ i cawld'j T tho enonnot£> exponsp<»( Si».!At> thrijugh which thi-s oj ;r<>t -»!llIUITO trav^llod ere it aga in I KVN .CIH 'S\~rfblr il> dvveUervi Ufwvn the oariCi. ButU«» Djmai.i. comet 's ur lut ¦.. ;!ie.:Rmfi<-intwhen oimptinsl w.:rh fJi .v. <>l ot.horoxwicts In 174 1 one wa> obsorvod ami:t w.i? cuiiiputod rhat :t'' |>erixl >v:isl lii .663 ycaw. A etmio!, v.'l uoli n]> ;>-'nroti;i century lati'r wa.- inveot:c::it<4 by:!.<tni ii<kjii ivrs nnd it was o.vloulat/yl Uiat-A'hcn \i, v.a.4 at if- srreateoi distance fnmilite suu it wu 40G.'l"0,(XK),()<)0 m&;s awayfrwi t,hv ce-j itre of the ,-o)ar nystcTn

The Uil .:s the nuv.t poouliar fcaT.un-i .f a>M.«!ti . Tiie tail of tho <jxv. *A of I »<>1wo? •Hi ,lKi9,(KX» miles l ing . Vhat <j f 1GSO)K*d a t;ia of G0.00(l .0(»i) . Uua t of LSI I .wh ioih was viKible ^>r suTntivn irain tlu- .¦ivor l ( «) . (>Xi ,(l00 , w h i l e t0 i« - v:.-.:1or («f l ist.') .»!i(iwci | a tu:l in the eA'eninj ,' twiligh t »tG5<1«'S ncr (ubiUt 2OO.(XHI.(K)i) inilt-j inVniftj f -u'Uioh exooediS tiho dj a.n»4er ufthe ear lh' a orliit

Tlii> thoj ry advanced by wiientisfe istliat wiju-ri particle* <>f mattor are ofnucroscbjulc fize . tay Uvo <«¦ thnx)¦hunj clriKl-tJiou^aTidths of an incQi in dSa-m«iter , itlie sun'e light would re!pel suchpartielLt niore than the rruiss of a tfflnctwould j rittr.i<.'t thoni. Tliis tihoory ha.^b(-< n pmved to be true by various ex-poni.mjente ; , and tiie Cambridge mlatlhe-matiirtiah:? Have diom'j i tliat if comcb oon-sidt largely f at sudh fine , g»uzy jnait-tci" ofa5nx»t j V.i-piritAial texture, (o usoH«'rsdl»t«l'ii.' IpbT.T. ', t3xii rcpulKiv'a action')f li (^ht would account lor the tails ofcx .mfito , nnd fcr thair cc/mTnon sickle-^liape outjUhie. It would holp to erplaintlio apparent brtxik-aip of comwtiaryma.=.v?isJ </JT which there ser-ms to bo readevidence. ' j It ia not unlikely th« oametof 1QI0l-nA-iy Ui renv furflier light on thisromarkablb lij/lit force Ihe discoveryand Mmobe-tratiori of wihich ii one oflive n>dst |;Ccuinent adliisvementa of re-cent physio?.

Tiie ortidiing velocity .at which Cornells,travel |w1ie}» near the tim ns an»thcTstirikinj; fxiture. Ifla.a.0 Newton oonvputrtl that 'the speed of the comet v.G£chhe o/bscrvdcl in 1650 was 250 m5Jc3 aseoondj T3i^ oomct of 1843 travelled evenfrtore swdftl y—at the rate of 370 mtflcs aBcdond; !' ! :. !

Tho cairh in its cxrOj it movcu nt tliojopr trwt :of 181 miles per eecond.

Speaklirig of cometarv movements a rc-oent Tt-riter iSiya:—" W* can* octoipaTOfho ;co'fn<iti to a falling b«ly. Suppost itto bo Urousands of mil&one of irrilesaway fnwn the sun, osd to take 1,000jcai a., I like' Donatl'*, to rirttrm fnotn itsoutenrpft! ,"Mm!it back t> ipeniihelion—nearest Ho jUie pun—then we may eay itis ft>r ; tyai 1,000 years tailing; Unrard?tho' sun iand gathoring. vplooity1 everymetnerit: |! Why, <fcc it not fill into thifcan? Ik«au«o the Aroltfeot of the uni-vrese kraycf ;t , ot ils birth, , mtllions ofyears njja , j a motion of il» awn, wliicii,

i. 1 : .; I - ^* • : ¦ ' -^ :

j 1 J - \ ! THB MARVKU/MJ3 RRsTORATIVB '] ! ¦ ,

' \ B Fits you tp dee safely the woretj of wli % ry weather,g «a ftee from fear of oougbs, colds or influenza. ,- ;^fiig. Bases and qnickij r, removes your!cough 1 and colds.jJSLiM 1 Nonrishes nad'snstsiaa, gives you vigor and vitality, j ¦- ,..! ¦ i

M£8_H . I : CM all il»len wilh wi n* license. \ ' ¦ '¦¦ ¦ '¦

makes it mov^ in. an cpu£L" . : ! 1 .. iyj SVVS ' • Oi?-f ;

As L0. ulu uwu nuiAi) uiu mi fuu irai ouuutif it axata in i> oonteql' with the :iaflDf tt comet -thcl direct«>r.6f|.<4iei .pibiefavotary ait Pans 'feayV-tihlat ]"iwe\.'rihiaUsoaroely perceive the^ t<as£ ag>e of tieeoiti> tfciwugh, S i*e ooimeV» taaLl '. ' Tiiegnsea that form] tie tail ar« f » itaroflod,|landlar tj epsKsa over! etidii great <£»¦:tianode, that it i4l possible, if Utcre, be..anyBhock botween tjhe twK> ataiid^plherils-liie'ooinwt'.will be'the1 'loser." ; • ) : . ; : ,. - i . i

Ifcis reminds j oao 'of tno stcwy lotGoorg© Stopihcnaooi wlbirt h«) was. asked;would it not bej very bad; if a . raiiiway;train were to camo lnltio aont&at. Itvdth a<JOW. "Very bad for \ the «*>/" -waa'StephensOin^ rejpfly. , ; } ¦' , . .: , I

Mi 1 -Bigaurdlaol of 1 the Academy :ofScienceo says:— ]' It iB Ipoasihle that thegaseous atmospih.«ie of the cxwniet mlljtoudh us, as itlj passoB/fbu^ jwe shall 'ben» more upsat:itMan $e wore in 1819::and l8Gl." Sir|:W. Chriatie tihlaks thatin 1961 we poised tihirougih] tihd ouferpart1 of a. aonnetj i " the pamtacJes ot whlich;appaairdd BS a wifciwer of to^ang'j stixa.'On June 30th, 1.1861, wo were prarjtaM^,pasbling ttonougOiIthe tail ofi t^he obmetj ofthat year, "Which waa then seen as«iat fan, She obly unusuall appearance&nng A phoaphij ffeaoenco in the northern:aky, eamethdug like on aurpra. '"'" ' :

Tho appeapaniie of tihe obanet wihidhjfor tho momwnt jis styled " Drake 61" haseet a good many peopflio dcvi-giazing andspecailating as''x> the hisUjry, nature,and roovCTnentsjixf ctamete. ' I ; ,

I t ' ia stiatdd ! that upwotda ,of dxhundred oomett* luavo been bbseryed ;byWestern astronomers. Arietolle describedtho counse of. a|ocnnat *h)as© appcaranoo.diatunbed the ¦wtjrld in :t3ie year 370 5.c:In 1679 a oamet appoired in such cv-parently close NCrosiimity lij> ih(! eanhthat a multitude of people were terrified;.tt was suppose^, ttot i,ta toil would Betfire to tihe oartbi ; Isaac Noiv|<m oibeorvedthus cornet and ilrrived at ih© oonelu&ioii«hat. comote were subject to t ihe;law: pTgnivitotion, and' that they moved inoJaptica] orbits. I ; !

But the coiiniet wihich has repedyedtmoj t attention . &t the hands of the astronomor iB the one which ia now knownas Halley 'ci oorbi;t. Tht; earliest record-ed perioa of thijj oomet's app|earance waa1456, but it is paid that it! is i'dentifeajwith the pJi'er.'cinvnon which xras ob-eerved in thd year 12 B.C. by theQhinese. Hallqy\i first obiervafcion ofHhe oamet nsubea after liim jwas in 1682,He declared ihat it . hod its regularregulaj course and th'at it re-appearedevery 75 y.eaiU. It waa tost 1 s^n in 1P35and it ifi now travelling' earthwardsrapidly. Prodded it foliyi%-w tihe Clav*];i.".d down for it by tho as.tronoiners itwill be wdtihan our ken next May (lat a das-tanco of I4 ,OO0.Od0 m£iIies). It Will bo near-est to the eartJi on Mny 21), and afterdisappearing IAIMII our v 'mv it will 001.-tinut its elipti^aj course for i period oj7C.u ¦ yenxs. !

Some say th' t at its approaching visitnort May the ; brilliancy of the ITaJdeyComet wall be roncriderably dimindiahied:that the dkiintegra,ting influence of theaun will liave nraide its iriark on it.The head of tftig Oomet iB 1 fiacd to becomposed od a compact mass of BonaJJ!>>dii«is and a^t|ouooK-re suj>po&e that inthe course of time dhe^e will bo das*-rupted und will <rv«n/ti»ally rervtsail Uhem-selevoj u> us in the form of a naeteoniedisplay of the Lt-onicfs clhracter Anunyber of famous aimeis havo dk>iLppoarexl.—oonverbud into ! a metooxi*streaiin.

During tht eeventoen yoar? frcan 1830to 1896 sixteen now * comets oi ghsxiperiod were observed . There are atleast four cametU \vtv.eo period of returnshaiild occur His yo-ir—l\vnpel'6 in Feb-ruary ; Halley 'a in May , D'Arreat 'a inS«ptcml)er ; Tciupel 'a in Xo1 vein her. And-tr> this, luit jnay IUJW be added the

Drake "

Amthorelative lnlonimti<vn is now Urhand re^pectinB the path ( of Ihe greanr.«mei deduced by cnloulation from the< lje<Tva.tionK alread y made. Thicc.t TVOI'<.lhave 6onio aoqil&inianc; wifh afitironojni-cal^ ogy w ;l l understand whatii m^aj it \n saying Uia.1 it is moving in;i plane nn-j: p i4!d 62 degree's 16 rainu!*^i> » th> . [>;.uiv ->f th> - ecsiiptit , and that th*1

Img ludt >! t.!ie uso-ndaj i^ mode is f*diirrtt ;* '* nuiiuui* T'hv loiigitud<" otffH-r ihe l i 'j a mt?ai-UTi'd fr*mi this node on:<n< . plunt- oi the orl) it M 253 degrete Bminuted, a.nd the o,uu!t was in p«rihe-l-.on abuut thrc« houxH U-fcre niidn:gh'tof January 17, the perihelion distanctbeing 0.W

Translated mlo inw* Hi-neial languagetinid nu-ajLH tiuit on ihe evening of thtJ7Uh—at will be. remembered that it wat?first seen on th«f moj oiing oi that day—tlu> oinittt was not auitf tour millaoiini:l«s from , the AH a. tx;ing then a.t iter.narrst U> the oemral body, 60 that , asco mctH ni^.rea&e ;n br . i l l ianoy . a~< theyupproach tihv sun , it wvu- not surprisingthat it R-as very c oiispv ,ouf>u> wiien ceenby ite disoovcir.-r Tbe bright comet olIH&i pas?fd witl i in a ni i l l ; .>o milts oi tihesun 's centre , so thai Uie prt-se^nt visitai(.Oft. not tx-at the ri'ou rd .n this respet*;but i ts p«vi'lilion disuuio.. is auiusually.vniall. M 'in' time .»( tins perihelion pas-sagy tihe coMiet was un the rade of tiho<un r«n<M< . f rom ilw <or lh . tho tbr«»obiidio.- not bomj in a «tralgtit l ine , butr»>ucnly approxim ating Un';etj o., so tfnwattJae cociicl was R-hcn fir.--t Beea aU ut St"mi Hi on nii U-s distant frum us , reniem -btnng tliat at di u- tun- .if the y<-:u thvtartli Is :n th« yru.r < of her Mit'.t w h.:cli: i n a-'f :¦¦*. h\w SUn.

I-'u r 11 J •.' consideration r>f tlio fiffurm- i i ( i«s Uiat tht O'm:«v. I'ame within our>obit i.-\iin spacv , from thi dtKcjion. in«'h;oh tli«- «'ii rUl . lies wii th r.'.-p<K.^ to the

uu nt the i'iK.1 of D<v*.n:ib< r , Ijiut the)jJi.n. - > . f t3i«- coiiiiifs or.tut is =o DJUCJI

:n;'lin«'d to the plane of the ea rth'.- pci'iil.hiit the risk .>f colliiuon wu^ nisiiOciible.[>u: .[ig its j ..u:iU'}' tv t- iv- -Un in the daj'.sb>.J. >TM t v^ a- actually ?<-<II the d^nictinu. ^v haw nsi n very UttiU - bt-fore sun-•!.-v . un<i a.s It I IJCI rn-t attaiiud itsnin.'aniujii brilbui oy . Mr Drake donbl -lert^ p n.\\ t at th« - first j>v> .-*~Lble oj.-p' r-t iftiitv

Hnv;n ;; now jont - round the Bun tilecomet 5 leaving in almo.-t thu san{<-il:.-r\ -ti ..n r t t i '-ii<v it ennw. but is rv/t yh¦ u.'.-ide thf earth' s orbi t , aiui tiiouirti \y!:gt)t m:iy dtdoiu- ln>ttvu.-e of iis in -c.-easini; d/.'pflTturc fr. m 1 hi- c«?ntraliujn ;iui.r j i t * di-stanoc f n m t!u' earth Uhv>iHt!wha i d imimshin^ , so that it y ri'iniii n a visible and con.spuou-o-iis object for njmc time yet in the.¦vrTiing sl y Tiie fol hvu'ing: fiffuroa show-ini; the Raght i\£consion and North Polar'.);"rJatico will indicate its position t<>n. tHJilonu'ri"

K. A. 8JPJD.I), in. <\xg. min.

Jun 2i, . 21 J9.2 01 47Jan. 3G . 21 25.0 69 40Jan. 27 . .. . 151 31.3 81 40:.Jan 23 , 21 36.7 . 85 <&Jan. 29 . ... . SI 42.1 ... 83 63Tim Irirfli ^

VstT<>n,Mri--r Boyal AniJotht-w autlioritj tm say thoy ore struck•with the riMtnftfl anc*' of j dhe ¦ present^lwi .v-enly visitbr . to Ooggdu 'e doincit d:b-covvu-cd in lfe7j tJ And some 6ay ,Uut tliccomet h ;s-nev?r before been' ^<:n

^ tiy

mnn. j ¦ i > '1 f


Por those wao requiro a j superiox burn-ing oil, Clare uito PetJioile^m islttronglyrecwium-nded us it , giv*U a j hrMa&rliighi and ha: a much hj ightr | flaj&ingjAjjnt than e ndinary, pot.roteuin,' thfiincosribining . th. 11 two greatj ' casehrtlialA ofhiglh dllumin itlng pawor and greiitMfoty. CUnj iring it with , appaTenUydhoapex burn rig ail, J it ia evwent.; forequal amount ) oon&ujrxxl,,1 Uvat j Ui p - l i i r ihtobTiairicd ftrun: CQuend'o ,fo oonisidorablygreater. Orii; from Henry Bell, Oil Im-porter, Water; osd. ' :; , ! !¦

., ¦

: tAMPS. LASltS. . i ' > I ;¦

¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ , ' I i 1 ] 1

8urpdsing vino an Regulation j 0MLcanps at. Ctoity'*, 1 We can supplyyou wth a 1 air of OairiMo Lamps forfc*. : ' Havo . yo J «eon our' jfltable Lamps•will) Uie ce ltral dK-aitM Nothing' :toeqaal it. ¦. | • - ¦ I. I I " ; - : , ; • ¦;


: ' YE\R, 1 j j . I ¦. .

With a batW ' of Gillian's ^Whiskey,(fUAranteod Pure Pot, StiU, to bo hid ai"Tho Royal BaW 1 \ I :

! Iil

¦¦ ¦ - ¦

zmm¦j -r- r-iW 1 '*-. 1 .!; '" ¦s;

$ wiM ,MOaESE.j OF ipW.T.felRafi6KJ); AND • ' .: :: . ;. :,TafiM)OBE.j . j ; j . \ ] - \ ' , . ¦ [ ¦ ; ' ::.Hk ! Lofabhip; *rie j Moet ' jWt (Dr.She han haa made tihe! foBcnring anppotijt-men}t»:_—IEW. Jamea. iraher OXJ.J .tio belAdminifitrattxr of bhe ipaiirih of Newcastleand F<iui-ihi2e-W<ttefl: Rev! John Mfuxphy,CX?.. - .to bb fOufale. -"it! St-i'Miary's/ Clorn-jnd; \RevJ Jamei. Utiigent, O.O. to : beOorote; -at iiltattfhgriniriack;' j&W. ¦ Miatibh fKrGaproOI, <3 JC to;be jOata| «,|. OlaiHow..SUp:iR.;I>R^umGE._ j | ! ' j i . ;. : .

' ¦ ¦ ] - . . '•

^i .'iMr'. Jiu'sUoe Boyd ob 8atu*iW crahiteo

y*e aftpliiation .dade by Mr. ;W. ft. Gib-eorn 'tiniitrrueted' Hy iMessiB. Bcrddlge andBridge, .eolfcdtoiiti), !on ¦ ' .rbeihaH <yf theplaintiffs; jSridgeTar id'-1 ahothcr v&o aretirt^ees ; of ¦ the I Raver : \&iii Dnijiixog«¦Boaid/'for an ftr^or| ft>r ; i3iu.lfetitutdbii ofgomco : oi j the ; vrait f it sunionoh» in tihettctaejjr iiiToughit by the : totustd&s-' againsltSir John Oaiden,! of jThe .Ai^bety/ T«5np3e-.'pibore, loi I the jiecov*<ry lot £20 7«- tordrainage lidhaigob. j Sir John (had l«£tTempleanore temporarily, i and would, be.resident in ; England! lor ioaue tiotej buttua ' agent (Mr. Hewy1 MiOiragn) was nwtring for him in this ooj intiiy, aid couneelsaid that any oortj nunj cataoiisen.t to himwould be fornvaidbd to Bit John, j

THE LABjQUR fiXOHANGES.' : Tho -i Labonr . E ccih'anged -will be for-mtJiy'opened on She 'first (of next monlh.When Jthe i Botanl- Jiii? been ; hHiyt deve-, loped ] tlhere wiifl be ' fnjm ; -filteen toIfwenty enciliange4 ^| *he |lJbindon:roetro-poMtari aitea, thouizh' atfipreoent l toerearc xxpHy tt (dozen1, chieflyhlociied |tn . in-dustrial diatiicteJ Btyveral applndatixjnefor labour' of various kiridSs. are | undeibomsideration, anj d ih' many' instancedemployers and vnorlopoopje have, beenbroug<ht toget!her| with satisfactory re-sults. As alreaidy announced, excihlangesare bo be establirihiSi .in Dublin, Belfaelt.Ooxk , Derry, Witerfoid, Limerioli, andperhaps one or I two other importantcentres. . :

\MILL OP MR. i> nEVBRBUX.Probate of tihe imill of &fcr. "PthaTip

iIHivert-ux has Men granted to .the (Retv.W. JJ. OTDonnell , P.'P. and Mr. \JkznesDav<reu2. of Ra ihnagore, WexliJoiid', theexecutors. The personal «stai:e ia .vaiuedat £3,314 .183. 9d.j <rf whJch i£,l,008 ft*. Cd.Is English estate.

The testator left, £60 cadh to >tfhe execu-Wre ol hi3 will ; £800 to his nephew, Alex.Devereux ; £500 to his pophew, JamesDovere<ux; £400 to his nephew, iWalterASpail ; £300 to has -niece, Mpiriy Ifenn;O160 for itihe relocation of Masses; £.160for the repair o. 8t. Patridk'8 Qhurdh,Waterfoxd; £200 to the tittle 8isters offjhe Poor; £200 to the Society of fit.Vincent de Paul £200 tip the Sistere oiCharity ; £100 to • he Convent of 'the GoodSh-eipherd ; £100 ior the peppair of IJhech.urch at BaJlycaillane; £100 for tihe me-paria- oi I/he ohuij ch at Quissentun. [Thertsidu© of hi< * eatate Ihe left as to pneimcviety to the Little Sdsters of the Poor,th* Sisters of CSiarity, the Oonivent oi theGood Sh<>pih<.jd, j tbe 8ooiety of St. Vin-cent de Paul , aji d the other mwieto' ofhis tatatte ihe le-fj , to 'hia ni«ce,i MivryDenn , and hi* net>h«w, James Oevereuxand (Walter Aspell.

D.VNG1KR8 OF OOyLBH-GAZJSm.Now that a good many of us •aire &tai-

pazing, a &tory j cajblcd tram New YorkshouJd have epepial interest. Tdie drft;ol-iers in' the Empire City have ibeen peex-ing in their thoukuids at tho new comiet.Mr. Van Norden , Praj idwit of a "Trust "Company, remaiied late at the WaldorfAstoria Hotel duwiisAing the oom^t, aoidaa h« got into Jhe tstreet (wo... womenpasted liim. On 1 of them dropped her.s.i.tchol . Mr. Vai harden packed; it upj>obtiily and retu rned it, whereupou '.re¦ .f the pair alair ped him on the badk,calling him- lit fluff ifeJlow , thc athej almostsiimultaneooialy ifiaj ling over bim , andboth mailing good their escape. When thebanker arrived ljume h«j ifound that hehad 'Kvn JUUIKJCI oi 28,000 dollars, in1.0U0 d'llliir bdUa. .Acting on the viotim/Bdescription, the jioliioo arrftsted a oouplei>t women thj evep They (are hold under30,000 dollsups bail .BUBiIJbC .DiBMOMSdlRATrON (IN THE

CITY RA'LL.A ipubiio denrvnistrution , organized by

rhf W&terford United Trades andI.inbour Hal l , will be bold at 3.30 in the•City HaJl 011 6ujnda.y neoct.

A prooesaion I will 6tart from theJrades HaJl at J2.46 in .the ibj lcnvingorder : —Trades . .HaJl Contingent andBand . Pipemakcfrs , Pmmishing TradesAsscHMaUon, Coa<5limal«!«, Carpenteira,Bakers, Drapeo' Atsistan.ts', ; Erin'sHope Band , Transport, iWorkere.' Rail-way Servant* , Barrack-streot Band,Gaelic Lettjfu.-, (Joupors, Tailors, MlaconsSiu-ntautUir;. . iPa n tors, Grocers' itej -ist-untt>.

A J i h l S D M..P.TJiere ia one blind metnlxM oi the new

H->u.v ul 0<'nim0ns—ilr. Joseph King—win * *• the Libf-raJ nijireneritotiive oiN'urtli 8uineri(;t.

I)e»f>;u- his lo| * of ni^ht he leads alu xst. active life , . and is an accomplivincdnvudifian. As a,.speaker he id eJJoquentand impressive.. ,

K<>rmer blind 'niemberii of >th e Jltousoof Conunons •wt\re MT. Fawoedt, onceruitiira-sUTr-Ge-nTlrril, ilr. William Mac-¦ lonald . «.)i' ' eat 1 for Queen'* County forh. -vcnil yvare a« a Natioiiiilist, and Dr.T;ndal Kolx rtsoj i. who at 6ne <ime re-;•: H»:U. d Br.ghVin as a Conservative.

\S Vf liRFOJU) 01STIUXJT ASYLUM.In o»nn(x?ti ^n w;t h th«^ Mfn^cial nteeting

uf t l i > ' (' .knumttoi' .ii MunaKornent of theik l>. > vi - , c.illt-ii on- Monday, but postponedm i n g to th> ' uby<'n<v ou a quorum, tht

^st ;.mai»t- t < . be: rtiibj intU^l for the yearending 31»t March, 1911, showed a de-.-ri-as. - <>f £130 p o: an Inert-aso ot £420:u* sta.ttrd.

\ tpoccail meeting oi the CommitteeA il l bv held on) Monday neit. lAkeady'hii> mcotioi? has had to be postponedt w-ico orwi^g to the absence of a quorum.

SURCHARGED.!AT Luiiiiore Union the Clerk announced

that tin.' Audito^ had tj -urcluj ged'et-iVC'ralnumbers fgr various (nuns owing to. theirhav in g hiigined the outdoor .relief bookin each instance. The moirfbera giurciha^g-.•d ij i,clu<le—(Meijns. O'Gomun, O'Brien(Vincent), .Bdn; ond Walsli, Gallowiy,Condon and tht Chairntan. The reasonsan.signsd for the surcharge.: in the caseswexe principally witih rrferenoc t-a thequarter aero cl vuee, aid ai-p vtitcre ' aW'tman whose II usba'ndj wa&, in Aimerlcawas irolioyed a* itihotit coniuig into theUnion , and in inotiher dnstrmoe wlwre aHjnall dbrtner nith 27 acres of inountain-o-iif lanH, ^.nd vho «med- his livelihoodriJi-I^flty by cartir 3 timber, had got "hid legfeiokon . Th:? tn»- n , who liad a. large help-l*.s* famijy , IVO I also relieved, ond thelAwhtotr «urdmiged in each case, thesums ivu.ryinff frbm £2 8s. t<j 10j .

H was decided in the 'majority of casesto appeal to the Local Government Board

CHAEJTABIiE [NiTBRVENTION , ;Al. Bhe jpreviou-3 picetdng of the Lis- j

more Unrion It; waa|decndea to take twochildren from Ch« ciustbdylbf MTB. Oan-ningj on]iaccount oi jthe j ibSid exampleafforded thorn tlhere: At laat nreeiins thoVen. i Aofhdeaoin Moaraitar. .PJ., V-F..Lismore iwrote recommending lMi». Canrning. as w suit! Me Rosier: parent, as she:had !; jEai<ih!tulliy' p*o<mis«dii not bo- oJlow8udi ; coiidluct /) be cj artied ; oii At herhottf^. ad^JierelxforcJ ' | ¦ • '. ¦'

• ;It : was:;d>acid|d A<y 1« . her tomiin cus-todian , of ..the children : j . .

ECHX) .{] THE Bi>YOE. 0AJ3E..' . ,; . .

Tht derk rei d o loon m-uplcbiibn whScl¦waa. ;to' ,tbe effect" Chat a Bum of dtGbf7d. laii lodged to.tthe t wdit of if o« Q-borj<linns out ol th; Boyro |edtatn>: " :¦ ¦ ' ( ' I: It1: will be remembered that an action;at law took p nix \pStfauA iweWt jntonth 1flgo!' ovej !lthis estate. Art'"ihi&./imicin! ie*'veraUon B tof an extraordinary oharaotef¦tvan^ m^dei: r ' I' ¦¦

: ¦ i -.' ¦ ¦ ¦ i ¦!

DRVT ji pP, 4W^!ffi JF£^:.LAiinr. " ' i! . VTe hear srfth deep reerot oi th« dtfaithin Dublifa of MrsJ .Joteph Downing, i Th^deceasedj lady] wa^; a Wster ol ]M5r. JohnJ. i Mhirjpinyi lomi(}rly &xi<Miy oJi tMWaierford and Limer cJc I Railway Com-pany. Bhe «xjnre64ed p' WRh ;tp be burledin ;t^e tenily'grnVe at :Bailv0nnnerJandihex i rcmilns arrived (t Wat6itf<>rd toiJajrat JJ3 0, lihen ithe funeral] took place.1 ' ij

A aoiiteG /s^ : . ; .• ¦ ! j|' ¦¦' A jjWeacfcwd |orre^>o idelit!wiite6; to the

" Irsib [Timt!8|' *enigaiiat5n!ij thifit ' insteadof torcibly feedinff li mlcte Baffragettts,tihe' lpritioa authorise! should crop Vheijr.'hair, cSitee—ju&t a*;il ie Suffra^eMo wsMo memj m i e si Man. ¦". - .1 : !r¦ < '. ¦ I , •

: ; i j : .-+ [ : a . - I : ¦¦

;¦ ¦ ¦

: : - '¦ ¦ ¦¦ • ! " .¦¦

. ' i i ' ¦!; I ; ¦ ¦ i ! ¦ ¦ " ¦ r ^! . '; - V i. ij! '" : . . r ' I ¦ . ¦ . " : . , . ! :

" - I U f.V' . : ;" - : ¦ " :•- - i : - :; -in ¦ i ^

j - BHIEI' 0tMsm& *Ep dr#:*::. \ | ¦!-j | • •¦¦"!r Wej ire pleased to notice tj iat MJ. Jtohnl%Jrip6bn*e : grand . jteaboiniiiae', j "fJIbejfljeapinsr Beaiuty,''¦¦vrihaeih'f ia atJOTCS^at¦oo<nft>7ing>:.tii«.boioayss;,' <4j ' ftlhe^ i ?1h©aitrf e/Royal,: ia ,re«ieivJnK Ui^ support. |phii<>h ItBO! wijlj deseiryes.' The i wihble. ptfo^uairdb'ie excellent, and wiae highly aijrosinjj ,iB Ifcee! from vulgarity ofiany idn4.: ISieymil conclude' tihelr ej igBgein«nt' iW<lh.1iheBafturday matinee/ a»• it was fonad-thatit I would be. impos6.iUl« to pliy |a !\ i-'leeJoxd dni Paiardiay.: n^ht, as', tht Opin-iP»a*iry ,vHl Have'to'leave',bV 'the Nxja iess'that higOvt ti> open ' an leaj gageimentVJi.nWilea-bn-'Mondayni ht pext,-f ; ;'¦ *-;r-i-

^[E jBIJFraAGjrETE.i i i ' 'f - ' i . ljM ;

'.A cpntroWsy rogei 'i 'betspeenl DbcriorHary Btoaiysman and1 Mi!.' fiitepaon -wth*oiinaiJfault- iwitih 1 aotmo j p i t£e' |Ja^^

sliiteinMiits ia - her ; recent Sufirage|ttocturt; : Dr,1 Strancimarii ammdim Inaft

she - I «t: safer autthonlty ¦ on • fflje Cbn,-isttftutilMHal i Hiitloiy ' &f England |; ihinJMroai, aaki tUsA six. Hert>ert Gladstonerircn [ he makes on official statement 12?odkeo)iTipon by or Suffragette as li j inereInctiinn manoeravrerr.; ; |: ! ||! .::j j ii j EsacjiIy !: "'. j

: . . . ;, ' ; ' : |! : \ "\ \ \ VA iiijtr POLICE COURT, i \

¦ {¦ ' i , j li 1 m :the 'Cdty Police : Caust yeUeadajy

Ibeforei |Mr. Da-vidi MoDonald, J.Pj; : 0^xifenan; aa/atop Margtaret Fiddb jwa« in<frotody dhtLTgeiJ; wiQi being drunk ^astnaJht |«ln'd was fined Qls. 'or a Aioaiih'pjtijjrislcmnien't; A young lad. i inatmedJoseph !Keeffe! was suramoneif} for playingbvktocfll at the Yelbw iRoadi and in^as

flnVrf i lB. andl costs. Michael hrnasSh•inwl. Jbaeph Oorr.'were eummoned-i for,ieingi rtotous af MiohaeJ-stWet bf fight-n^ wfitib each other. Neither of jttwi'de-:enidlaata lappaaredU ' TAe ifiiratrBairiedijH'as

fin ed |2s.' Ca. .and tho latter &. I li ' ''ks' pjp.c.; . I ' ¦ ¦ - : ! ' ; . ; I ]/ j

j ,'PheJ TOaterfoAI .and District BnkndhiofBi a: National !8o<nety for tho Preyeaktiiotaif Cruelty tW Children Has' during!;theji arter end«l; Slbt December; l$09,i ; ia;p. ired intio 4f campi!ain;ts; of neglect; i2]-j

trea.tinent and oWheT wronga of) . dhiOd-;hjoi3|d,' cl •whildh all were found to ob true]¦affecting 127 iehildTen artd 49 offenders jActdon waa token as- follows:—36 caseswise i-warnedj Q were profecuted (conJ\WJted 2); onid 6 were otherwise dealtwith.1 The Society's Inspeotora maidsi4S3 visits of euperviJon. - IDEATH OF! MIS3 ELLEN FRANClI^

POWER, BARRONSTRANDl 6T. j, I We deeply (regret ,t» Nannbunbe- tiedaulih; of man JQllen, -Franoia I Power(Neffiie), the second; daughter of 3Iru; W1.Power, whicJi ocourred' at her residence1,27!, Baxronstrand-fstreet, on Wekliui&day,PGtli inbt. Mihs Pbiwer passed pea'ioafullyowiay, fortified by the rites 6f |«he3aiUhbiIlie Churdh. after a rather f j -bfci^tf11 ness, which Elie bore wdth CHriiiltiaihpitience and fbrtctnde. Th? re-rnainswj *re removed to Si. Patrieik's CTiurrih1y^Aterday evening at 8J0 from Bat-Airi-Hittrand-stree.t. To-day after Office andHjigh Masa far the repose af the ^cml oittj ? dece<i *d lady the iuTieiraJ • tookpliaice, to Ballygunner.

Ho Mrs. Power and the relatives. Of;li« deoeaiiod we tenider our moet hearirelt sympathy en tflieir aid beroaveunen.'t.


A Reiigious Cenwus of the world hasbeen Truade by .Dr. H. Zeller, directtor oftt o Statrjstical Bureau in Stuttgart.. Ofct iurso the figures ajre only approai-mtaitionB. IDr. Zeiller estimates itihat of1,M4,610,000 ¦ people in the ' -wiOTld6* ,310,00 OTQ Chiktiaaf ,. .175,290,000 airejMlohammodiians, 10,800.000 are Jews,1 and!3d3,420jM0 'hlpM'. other beliefs. Of these3tto,000,000 are Oonfueqana, 214;000,000aifo Brahai:n,5i; land 121,000,000 Buddolhiists,Wth other bod5«s oi Ies3er numbers. ¦ Inother wtxrds, out of overv thousand of the«»rtl i'a inhabdtaoto 346 aro Cluiitian , U4are Mchainttnedan, 7 are Israelite, andoi3 are of otlher religions.

TliE FORTH BlRlIDGE.MThe quarteriiy inspection of the For:hBredge ha^ just b-en ciotm(p(leted. It ier<Wrted tlittt the maj sonry looks ab irtaiio'i tllie day il was built—Uventy-fivj e yearsafcn>. Tihe piers require no rciCacj ig. . Hadtoey .been concrete piers thoy uxjuldikve in ad! probability to be r«fa'ced be-

Wre they had) attained twenty years' life.Tpie rer/acting of concxtlte, I7 the way,Is more expensive than the painting' odf-teel.

T. F. M'EACHHiER CLUB:j I His many friends in the city and thenpembore of the above CJiu-b in pazi'icufcuy,M rcgiclt tb learn tfli'at Mr. ; JiaimeEJlurphy, one oi the most energetio m«n-(Uew oi the Gtob, h^s accidenteHy ¦ te-ctiived rathe r sedoms injuries to :hisright hand, wh4ah wnU incapacitate hiintfpim taking any pant in ids faivoulnite$j im<' for some weeks to come at lejast.iW* wash him a speedy Teoovery. !

WATERFORD HUNT POINT-TO-POINT RACES. j¦ Thise races have been fixed to take

place at Kilbride on MbndUy , the 28thoi Mij rch. Entries for Uie Forpicrs'tacc wi!il dtiio w:lh tihe 1 Hon. Bee, Mr.

T. W. Anderson. Gracedii'.u. on Feb-rbary 28Ui. f1JEAT0I OF A DISTINGUISHED

CATHOUC. ,I We regret to hear of the dnatih of a

<lj istinfruirihed CaihoHc wTiter, Mr. , Wil-led WilbeTioroe. He ^as a son i ofj the^vd. Henry WaiH-rforce, and a grftnd-bn of Williaan Wdlberforce. thp jAnti-wivcry Champion, wihio inspired) a:few

n Longfellow'tj most touclun,* jpofjnt-.tiie Revd. Henry Wilberforco joine d| thetttholic Church in 185U and jetairtedThe Weekly Register." Tp ' Jluin

'iirdinnl Newman dtidiicfte<i " CiUista."he writer , .whose daaOj U anrtoujj<«id,¦as reflated an hb motherU eadof to

Oard'inal M'anrting. The] famnily [at I onettmo wviiiwl a targe portion ol the intendutf AcihUl. ^

ppE CATHOLIC PRESS. j: fippaking in London on Ifondayj FitheT•Bernaird Vaughan, 8.J., ftvid a FrenchArchbishop not Jong axi told his , flockillhiat had they expended on the Po^sb'at*nth part of the nuonoy" jwhidh tliey: haklf?>ent on pioiis and 'dhiritiWe |in.statu-

ona, those fame in-strtuiions would not}i':wo been confi-icatedj . He furUjei j toldtliis to axpCiilin ti> th© peojilo tiie n»cid«( ,vi apff.itolaiie of the Prea^. | Hewould oak them to attach the Rr ialte&tliniiportiance to tho Oat&oiic Priets^ L^botarto promote it. Take a persDnitl ini erjett In

.. Do noi regard it w.j lii a oold, entioal•efye aa samejhling wfoidh does ' not] I oon-icern, you. Regard it afe •'*. faimSly ^ffair,

a a rrtattOT wWclh touches -yoU'lcOij igely,U businetss in i which y<j ii are inviuved.'Woy i he would htwo thecn regaati it tb anlOxtcnerion oi thoir owr); civtdiolio| Jier-timality, tlheir mreasaga to the! ; de-

ipcraxy,. the I picture ol i tiheim^elv'esUbroivn an th«| puhlio sdreeni Letllthemil>o loyal to i thecr Ptrcas and j their IPrena•*iuEU , be' loyal to them.' i ¦' > ¦ j

m.MLY V. OiaKEE. ;• : ;; ! :

The case »o<f I M>. T. M. Hlealy wrsiisilr. J. J. O'Shee twas bdfore j Mr; Jrnstic©toyd on Tuesday in the ' Court af King'sJenj oh. Mr. Timotiby Sullivan o-nplied forin order making b iconi-en.t of the iaotionliirdle af Court. TIhe: Court decided ,'thnt

the W interim to.juataon to restrain' .tih«tieJondant from maiiing;¦: piubliahing orfepeaiting a. lalae"Btatetneat at' teJA intelajtioTi to the personal :chAraater ;iM tihetilaintifl for thie purpose' pi taflexhing "beeiurn af the tJalntifl as o candidate for

j lho: ParJiaanettory . nivikion at j^TarthLouliti or elsete-heiro, shall be madeiiwr-xstpal, and:that tflie defendantfeh^U pay.he plaintifTa coBtu, -when taxed iand n&-

bfj fained, and that (ho consent IbeilmadewMe. oi Court. Hii UoirdsWp^rgjjeiviednod made tl»,oonecnt s. role af jOiflart.iFllSHGTJAiODiiverW. QtJffi IjOr , ; ¦

i .Fish uaid ia on ita trjail :oa a. VaruB-

^Atlantic poW !otf call. The dink*. Cunard*eryiif6 from. New York to IFishgSia&d' fc!aabeen:an opWation sinotdHh© operlteas''afthei Near Year, and not ono earigXajbnerhas been able to call at FasJiguardi] TheseEarners txaM 'wdthoui! QifOaultgr! Mve:callea at Queenstcm-n and Jand^dj Home-waird1 .American tnaiiis;; ibeneftcr iftrtlajgoonsiderat^o delay, ini !iih«irl ...d0iv»iiy.Ao|an xampJe; ( tho Itoitanii | (parsed |Qutensiovni. at 1 p,m. on MondajlJ Sltii¦in«t4 but 'did not caO; : .inteiuiilfe tbdiBcmbark jtbe mails at1 •Fieb^uiW1,: but1not* beinjc able to coil tlwro cma$ to thestate, of tihe weather, she i>rfcicieed'dl ; tojLiveriKiol, -and did not reach-thoj Dand-mst Stage .until noon 15 esdiy.[OT)f maife

ijrere- .not 1 dtsptttehed; iboini!. LLitotpoto^.until about ; 3.45 ,pj ni~, i t ind w<^r6 not,availaW<> ribnsioeaa jpiaipostt 'ii> ! Lon-idon '. or - throughout 4be :KiD»xint, .nn!UIiexf tn&rpii^r. 1 If ! :<hb ! tami f.! hodseen landed at ftueenaUwn tttey^wauldlave been! delivered1 liy> toe '()r« r postori| Tuesday, ar &aving id*: an :<hil*> dajjthrowjhoirt the.i KirujSoaoJ'' >IUI!|»JV £h«'eapeaHxi^ m Uref rQceendbown-i-at ;BH;,jvwite i» * WinMir iiroiiKr-i* ««a Iy.

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¦ ¦ '

¦ ¦ !


1 .The- I farffiy-eSghMhi ; iloidhnj ary geaiei' lmeeting 0* the lA'are&fcilders! of the Mtm-ater iand -Learteter Baiiik ' v<ii$ held lat thehead office , i-Sou'th iilalll 1 Coirk,! at ]1o'clock- on Saturdiyj,; tide; ibusin^ss for•(mnsacrtib.n being;:—7m reqeiyo jtih^ dCreo-tirp i' report and sfiitament j of the cfcinvpiaay's accouhte, to^dlioTiiTe q idcyMend,tand elect dtrecton? and ai»diton3.| : - Mr.floroeTB1 Payne, J.P.; iipre«j icled,! and the'd!ih<?T directors presen't were Sir' StianleyWjiTriniH^n i.T P • MA OLTK T\ i ft I Ti:lli"«.Chaa. E. Moirplhy, Jdhn {Murphy, J.P.,DJL. Tihe ahbicJiWd^ns present were:—Me3:T8! JcCiri O'SuUiyan, I Jas.| C. Caw-Wig, E.I J. Julcian , EJ |B; Edwatd?] T. G.Birry, I OaTrigSlwahiH ;| T.i I H;| BfoJome,James iHartdet t; C. BairryL'IQueenistown;M. D.i DalyJ J.P ; Mi' J. jStapJettan, M.J. Daly, JCaifeton ; JohnMAhern,.' J.P:,Laherdiane; M. P. Bncldey, J.P; JWbnF. Ctnikertin , Blarney-; J.i H. Rutteir<junr.), l Sir John Scoftit , TJ H Gtoggin,H.C.; JpAn O'iMullflhe, Wpittr Mcnrogih,Rdhn fUeAuJCffe, Annwteauiat|1 Jiolhn -P.Howard, E. Fitzgerdfii, JJ?J iQueerte-tevn ; Jiames: Wil'-tai, :!do. |ML I D.! SpiPi-ane, J.i J. MxSwaneyJ ftna JohW Mjurphy,Sunday's Well. . : '! , .I j j : ' r

The jroport, wihpjdhi l.hlaU; been alreadypuibCasiicd, wias ^abe^ las, read.! F.rwn' iftliaii appearred thjait- the :pWfits| of; Hhe: Bank,after djeducltiibg 'expenses |aaid- iprovddingft>T "ihteree.t dn depoi^!)-, r^iba.iei

on billis,

and bdd' anVl diDarbtinl dohfe, laimciunt to£at .C07| flt-. 3d., to wiitah kr ti Ibe ' -addeidthe balance' frum ¦ i tihe j last account£8,267 |la, 10d...*,totei; £32,§'?! H6- ld> Bwaa proposEj i to pay la aLySdpiid for tihehbflf-yej ar at U10 rate'of M 'fpefloent. perannum;, free ! orf incoaa© t'ai iEI4,000, totmnsfeir to reserve fund £10,QOO, And tocarry to next acavant. £ J;87-l 11s. In.,mtakln^ a to&il of

£32,874 11s. fid.! :¦ '.


The CliVJinnan 8a3dr-Th'«{ ; fepoxt and'baQance sheet "Kave I been in v<jmr .hands jfo etoxe dayti pub^t, and Ilproauipje may •be ta'Kcn ss read. ; ;T(he 'half-jj ffcar,' >vst !cloiied I has | nci, -beeh a | .p&irticularly jOaivoarfWe one for ¦ tWpBsing: profits. Dur- !ing the first three&lSii'ths 'i^f itftih<rbug!h- )out Jidy, Aiugu&T; : aijd Septepber—'.(he:jBonk of Enguand nrXn^muirn was as low |as 2) per cent. CoirJxrJtJX«iit5||ttilBreibTe,^enterei in|u , during I these | mpnitlhli., and ;h*vni{i a currency esJiendlne pii towards'the end oi tihe yearU ' left rbut a fonall 'rrcp^n of prUfit wlian; aa itieppendd in ¦

OcUibdr , Uie Irate r^nltip rapidly.from 3*per1 cent, to 5, withj ^.cort«sp<5indiing m-crsase in bha deposit ' tDoiWfince.

We are^Wow-ever; abl? to pwijent lto yjo.ii figures

under . the h^d of; Ipi»flt3 ^

(huch wet'hKnk may be ' regained a^ dtjjtisfacfary.Tlhu net profits for1 [.the >alf-«€ari alterimalaihg full IprotvisiiOR. fxw j evexytSnng inr>ur bdotcs dscertaineiii to. belted OTdoubtful. arei^ai,G07 i9s>-3d.« tin imewiaseaf £91B l&a. !JOd. o^'et tJW*e 61 Ihe cwr-reapdnidEng peri*!' of last I year. I .These,i£)d3ed|to the suai ? W £8.267 Is. 10d'.crWugSit from, tihe Hist accounts gtve ns£32*74 Us. Id. tto deal wjflhL !;We pro-pose 'tb dl<t-rJb<ute> a-divideiidllat the rateof li'-ter cent, per eijiHUni.lthfej rate paidfor the preoedhng Kaif-y«ar,il«nd oon-taaKtirijr with 13 per i«nt. twelve monthsago. .We plaoe £JO,(00 Itb [the reservefund, thute roEaing ih fai .opp; AB youkntw, : we covafJasT '• V ¦ I . obi igatoo on ns,and it has i- always IbeeiT ¦: :bur eetffleidlppfj icyi to go on h&lf-yeaij by| haCi-yeaxpas onir business gnaws!in implprianoe. ankJmagnitude Eetitcng.1 Btodia . j igubstantiaDeamfiTlto Eitecngtihen' our |reserve&.' OntM> bboas£on! we, placb nd groja' towardsthe preir/iscs accwunij: as; litllstands nt>ust ii? the i neigilbtatoho^

Mt £60,000,ihe figure to wKdhi: tot aotmeii yeare now¦VTO have been keeping iil: written dc;.vn.-We hblve been. piwwiijng out Ipjf earrnsngsfor All outlay, in- cannection With oiirpiwnNeli in | the: : Shape | j t$\Jxw bank,¦bimldfing*. tihe buying out; pf jheald rente.;¦etc., 'e.p<i Oie^ag^rega^e arnonni <U»VCK<Win Uii' way ito the. writing down 01 uwattccomit exceedii! £.73,000. | |Yoii hisnrt>. ! Iam 3uie, been' model aware that we ar«•nt> longcor able to defer xmdeiriaking tihe•axtension and reruKvulftxri I of.jour headoffices I here I in Corlij .1: ; ^?o I nave 'fromKiTmei to time been .licqudrin^l |8icEdahonalspace .here, |and Kiw bfeenj - , adding : aswli ai we could' tc. tjhe aocoThimokiationtor tihe pui^c- antl !onr stafl||but tihe¦•ir.rango:nenl'J> have ¦'• at. bftrt been very.TCUOII (c*f a iipttkesftiftJ and Wave n'ct bv¦any tatuJA enabled; iii=| to [keep pace with¦tihe growth of our busin<?£S.|: \Tim areimost, M you faimaor w«.11i &\* unooin-fortuWty croiwdad anfl tioritjestcA appear-(ante! JA'hJch i oat cash office 1 frequently-pctsenb foriwant of WdteriuaJ*! Jrp^m, (wdia readily ' understlaiid | tlhjat in ,de-

iciding; to renew 1 artd |:enlarge, our. pre-im.5.sei5 we are s&nplyf wel<Eng to an in>

iperativei necfeasilty. :iwe invite^, a nun>>er of gentlftmen ol lUnefhighpst staniov

ing aiiraTohitects in| >rk ind Duibhn .tofuTnfcih ius ' with-ddagns, ?inld' the plansselected* by 1 tfe Bb-itd. wdtti the ableias=£6,tej ee an'd jruiiancoj of. their as-sttvorl Mr. l AiMinj prbVedlto. be Mflieirorlc of a Cork ar*itett,'.IMr.i ArtmirHSlJ to wilioni accortunslyl Vba tork Was¦been1 emBrasted. :Wj tj hlavo|nJ>;floubt thattie ItArildjihsfs- wKen |ooc#leted wdV be-woriCiy of the Bank and|.worthy of ttoscFlv.1 the eeiiiiire dt ' if e opemlfena.. Bur-.f n i f a * proferesi of! |t3ie] jwM we look

rtxuntI •eulte.tAntial iioiaocUj ocai.:^* «hat.(tie flow1 figure rrprewroiuigj.' Xhtis assetelM CVA be! altowedj to nild^Ty increaipe.Huha ifc-rn in our occopnw ia WJU«I wenararaMy Icih3t as- Uhe'cKleif index of tlh©(Banic's progress ah«f ptV^pe*tr

>s «*<•

wthiiiia espTCcaei. ami ;lioiV«3ity I nnBer theIhetid lot d^pois.Lte aftO .-citoenl j accounts,.

iheMi 'now dtand at.the K^eH1 to**1 yetPKoWed, £5,-G1.972r

r t aiM ;are . £206^88greater than at ttiia ttime: pst year. W:asuiy=itikritr<i1 lincrcoaei In qKp" ! rMOTtrces B

v&t, eacccp&ionnl¦ d : ibncf tr.ti 'l I On-theimnlreTy it 1 cocrreApbniij\\ti>; iabonit . »nlaverraff© oi the umau at iaxsretnienla wihichifor ism* time past ;wei;»iayp '; been ex-periencing, j iK you: pxrn tbadk; .fflje^

ae-MU« aiivf cWetft BWuni flfftre ! ^reap*- ago y«» wffl finflftto" In the Jn-arS a haa gwn£ -' aH? '

p o

^^wr an averages, of.£ a rmllsmaT yleftr^ HHe Banik S' Iiqtjiiij wsonroea—^caeiOinvestiroents.iWitt if lpt if W at oaB—emiwnt to ,,S8miMji| ".!J>p,.- '- - -fP#!££2 03,405, las*. yeat>: *&*!&< *8&''P tWe jW>prtrtiiin! : \aai 'j:cpinpftred ¦wim :.0urtebatttcs-. of BWaiiwin ?*lJ« r''- Sff*r;; - i

neeOl riot esy ttW i- jfihw -i*"ft f ° i^Vets comfcrMife :strength'l^decn.: A*vancesi by my ' vt !'Wate'lW. is«*?«n*; P&ocraMBt atmic umi ItoiCiSMjflOo ! OTowfingj ^uinc:e5»' o4 £fl7,*0.|T •wIH|t» *RpaH tat,

tiheaWrei; tjhat tihSilpsIwci "het't iuniOT

^^S 'tlhanr«SSBiBrii3TOl »V:'any::me-'.•vtoW'tinne iwe i hJsvwj Jtttaww'i il'*""r~p*?ib • Ettjipodejthlat' ,t2je :repb rt i^f.bai^MO. leei; fnowi taken;. «w -re p i, w iw»W€O,

13iat ( B7<Ji^d«iij4 ;ai i ihe rfato «>f. foitftertiDeri cent, per .snmHa ibe 1' iJaj I/at'i the Kalf-%$«&# m a* m : ?tki ;5H!'I*SalibiotthB 1 tax; vprniH ( »• Jf».-<«» flwtn¦j biT^Msa.pittSI

ati jrkw flt»»<lw

TOBfl<er. .'I'l'-. -' jU !': ' • '! JH'-ir'i!>;--i; . Mi.-y J , I Mwby r - WeJl- aOA ^ipociivtn,' .Trt)icih.. : wi.ii -ftiJ 5Q !f !toj .«A«nl-ttcf ntty< ' - 1 ' r "¦''1'.- 1 - :- j ' ¦ ¦. j 'i|":"r v-" ''Sft''; . :Mfcf'JnMlwTWa' ! it 'ii f a ? MSO M SKA

n*rtf Ki&wMBl sag i, ija Mil mBap t ¦vnmcn«m t® - IM$ M|mmMmmlWKiW

iiliiii P

Wcth' regard' to MrJ Mj arphy, all he ioikukdisaiy was Oust—,He wafl the. vrbiihy;- B^no f a worthy fe.'ther .liJiaTnes 3',\ Mturphy;iii foot-,' only for1, tie :w£y ' in wibicih;JiazaesJ.: Murp(hy threw" hS-nfeeW^heairt and kmlinto bhe reviyai pf.the (old' Muheter Baaikvihe <fil -not be3£ ;tiiait. tlie Baii£:-wcccMhave:!ever. ;re-starWdij: because' -ihi& -' d&iiwjhM ; very few ?.oaniltlj |Jaye dotte [cA- ttetine; he ;nafc only j gave- h3i ;tamij ' andfajpv ' but -'he- aJsoi;-gave : .¦ an1 emoTsuwiadnawmt of imbney. Cor tihe piirpbfo i<j f¦ giv-jr.n% tihe' • B^ni '' a"i!gj qotj : seT)*i<>ff 'flitarjFnaai). Holhbjxii that]Mr. lallda and UrJMurphy wtojald 1 be | long .' <apared to i oarry;out tihe very kadccEisfiu] work" aocoan-jpl .heid by! the Mtuj silerr, snod LehiBter.RAMS ; up to the iprcfeent : fene -(hear^JKIIT).' ; It i WKniM1 ' be; j •-iwbtla=3, j wtJlliiatheir 1 recKfllectfob thati ; at the- Joily imeet-ing he announcecliihiai intention of nsjiv-¦ir.g .ai.reHpil'iiiiion t!ha4|>vpuld give tea in-crease, to ail tho9& oonineotettt wltih ibsmanagement dfj the ; Bank ,at ,.tih!a* pir-tConlax meeting, Ijbai t on OoaeulWi'tton•tti'itih - sdme of tihe memibeirs of the Board,fosj iywnd tOnarfj w-cmlid. 'be a: .tar'-be*^«nnd more 'eiTpEiaKe j ' : ar>p»<rtiunity. i . -wbenfhay ,<not on .tihlj 12fitt ;|o-fi next: July; ThoBank: wdll then haye been i pitwittcal^i1 quarter otf a century, in existence, ahahi oc-uJd certainly] daiotose nb; stXp o ap-jpnoori-atie tiane £0 pB poee thtat: those wfeo-had' diaae &> nvjafl fe !the EOiarefcicQdelrssfhlmld ¦ receiveT otione ¦ ?n the way ofeiorba-tEnenlfl than :it5|ey aS tfhje pie-sent itima"(Hear, hiaar). ¦ ' '. ' . ; ,!. I . !

Mi.: Bbrry ! said he <bla:<i greiat pieasuiwin !««rading the' peeoloition,'1 whnohl Wo»^fS 'i ,. J :iLUiL, ¦i i , i»: Liunipne mortcon o^imx- fliornoen , secano-jeki by Mr. :Jclhin O'Sulliyian,'it waa 4e-icfdiad ! that : Me(kiG |'We.Tiibn,.|Jione3 aiid':Co.,be re-elected auaiitorsiforitihe coming:y«&T. : ; .' :¦ ' ¦ " : | I | : : : v - : ' THr^:!

Mr. T. Hy M.aihonyj propcisM ffliat lihe:best1 Hhanfc* of the; moctihg be- gcven I to!^iha directors, ct. Vhe Ban}:: and"its :officeiH:for their efncdanft Iservicea during • fibe;past;, halt-year.; In -dbSiig 1 so1 rhe isafdj ft:idM^ .niot: reqirije ariiyi¦words of h&$;jt» re-;oanMtaerid that reaciuicon' .to their laooeptj :amwl It' amst: bei.a-rj m'atter- of eitrame'i«Tatificstdon : to' tha 'diriotcmjl - tihei !'s5ibin>-:WaldersJ and depegitoraj oif tihe Bank {to!sse it in 6.TKih:a pKsnerpns corudiitCbn> jc3-wiais discilo«d,by.ite;btifiince:£lieet!:fheor»;heax). Tha!t sfatte "«6t\ 'sfiaJra! ;coii£d;.- iic*;be' . .bj 1cvu ;. b(ont'j _exoept by very prn-!jdent; and ¦ very 'co^npelt^nt manageinin*'on the port of tiei darcotorft ,-ltlhe:6tlafflfit !fea 1

he d' office ,: add'- itihia : 'etaSs' all oyeritlhe benmtry. Ini piwnosing : that rero^il-ut-'iono: |he felt.;tihat;:}i59: actl:hh- yfjfc ; *ar>ii

hear). !¦ ¦; ; i ; ¦' • ! .-; il , i F - - ¦ ' !;: ; , i : ¦ | . iMr. Sta'p'letiah seooiiiiJed! • ffie ' propasS^

fton,, :ajjd it I Was adopted. ¦[ ¦ ¦ .-.¦' ] ¦ jfUhe OhblTiu&Ddi, ooi i>elh!alf' of tihe| daiiEio-

tiors, tihiankeidi tlhe'. nfeeftng foj; : their kfadreaohitSon. j They Md always jdl one' iUescbei-t, end he was' gllaid. ;to' see that theireffbrfk I were' appreciilited. • i ¦ ¦! |' :

Mr. 8.i Gi-Httriasj- 'on WhaH: of tiwtftoff, tihainked tiie jtneej lang for the&r j i»>doUutawi, and j "!i!'j ; !:: !¦ ' ¦'" ' !

The : proceedcrgsf ended. . : ¦ ' ". ': \ -


: ' ' ¦ ¦ '¦¦- • ¦¦¦ • '¦ 1 ;¦¦¦¦¦ ' ' I ; "¦¦ '

I !" ¦ , .

¦ *¦! . . . , . . . . . „ , . =f= :- | - :- : ¦! !' •naAN'8 DfQUIRY KESTJM?p. ¦ I

- ;¦¦' ¦ t - - 1 ¦ -(¦' Hl'-I' .': .'¦¦•¦¦ : -.:i - '"; !

i¦ := - - - i s . T -Trri ': ; : . ) i - - ':r -|- !;ANOTHER KILKENNY EEPORTi ¦¦

'•-Tho JejpresentaKye 'ispedlaiHy cdrnmist•siffled j fo ; invesffigat the cbres <A, fcS4»ncy \axtd iMiad&er.|' troubles | i by Doan'a.baokadhe' fciiney: JpSis, reportaa ,'ia' i3v&lot?a|; press: dtariitij: j t^ie : past ! few. ! jrear^lSomwa'rolj : the Jowtttng. statement, by: aKESkeniiy rman-j . '. i i l :¦ ' ¦- I ' ' ;|' • i ii¦: MrJ E. Butler, pf iZI, (WotCfe4rae;'Street;1Kilkenny, .slye:—-'f For' a Jong time I1 'ufleted witih jpains j' JBce ijheutn!atiBl» s


they j ¦Hfere ioH |oyexj me; and! 6x«net2meany Inflhs ached u6;tcuch..tibLt I did ioti- : iln-i-A. ii_ ' Jt_Ll J ' ii . _ jn: _ t _ : _» • ¦ '_ . - •

¦ • :j inpw; .-woai ¦«>¦. QDi i j o , oKneri tnnes iny:hack j was so baldl |tihtat 'T pauld nbti [get!upnigh!t>I—I j Ho3 'rfb ¦. wtaCik :atwut \ 'eZma£dSoiMed up.- No^liiainrlithea: I ^aa I sir,ttawked j . by; ! 8h<jttt5ijg jpaias in my! tide! ;iMy'iappefee - #|as (poor; I and ' I felt' (' SIgcneteUly.' '; I ;

i [ j :j ;., .: i ; ... ;j. ,'-r . .j i"Dafferent nje<3;cinfe« failed to p«t to*

riglhft; but -vtiheij I 'Jiad i been using Docm"**haisKaohe Kdnev ip'iB* 'a little ^ wMe' TQotjt . alj i 't2ie 'pain?::eiii*!Teltj lrke'Moi iEf-:fereat man; '(Signed) Rentier."-i ' • | '• •¦

E^Vyeirs later;-Mr; ; Biitler Bajcr:-4:"'Alttoighj -I Kave; ,tMe [heaviest crfl workijI stdll ( keep ii s fesweniber ttet ibe*fore J used. Bonn's' baak&cfcejkidney jpfiQiI ,wiaa so bad" that 11 was afnaocC I «.TihtiM.never be welT jagajnl"! . .. h . ; j : i !|!

Doan'e btMssaoh \] kidney, ; pflla ' bx^two: shillings andjninepenee! per boxj or.six boxes ifor ' tmrteen fshialings ' endninepenoe.i Of

|eheani&tsi and iatoresii

or i post free difectl i -from i j Fosler-McrlCleHad Co., 8; WellMt, Oxford-atiestL)Londta), W. Be!8rtreiyon get the ci-nri1kind! of pills' as: Mrji BnUeii haB.1- : i . i

I . ! • ;HUNTING.FIXTURES. '.! 1

i'i i i ' ¦¦ H K i i U i : 1 1 - V' ¦ : ! - -J ' i

j i ; i j WATEnRFOBp.pHOUNDS;:- :-;}:

li ; ' ; ¦ .' CHASGEbip'-MEETS. •''¦!: - \ i

Mo.niiay, January,1, &lst; .....'. >Ooi>lxiaByackI' . I i Instead; i ofi Woodhouse. ' j ¦ - '.j |

BaKaway, Jainiwrjf |2{Wb.:,GrModien, M-5S-. ;¦ ; j j . - ,; Iristekfjof ll .: . :. ; ! ; , ]

' ¦ 'WATERFOiai [A!ND TRAMOBJei¦: ; i i I'"' HARRIERS, i ¦.- - - ! ¦ ¦¦ ~ i ¦

;. ' i -j j ' ! ¦ larAJHTiABY.'• !. .' ¦• • ' |:-fiatuwEy, !29tb i ii;llj.-....;;.j.;;; ^ KaSnda

Wednesday, ^2ndi; \l ..J.';...),. ' BalHnieloln^

Saturday, 6th ;i i. - .;..- ....'...!., danghferaagh¦¦¦.

¦ ' . j ¦ At;

j'12,30o'ciriek. • ¦

• .¦: l

i^- !' :

, : ; iTc- p - |ApR s:jr3: '^Tfj y- ritl^'v^jf1:- ;-|j :MKNOW^.jbp^H;.k3UKEv .r [ I

"fn ' By. &!LtofeiftMj "BciieBist'. i ' -'' .f iiU"' 1 ' ; i,v.:l ! iLiT"' ': -:T^ '" ' : ' ' ' '1'

£.g.8X., ,Ba|toi W '.Ptopaar-.i«c£tiirtSaioJB. ¦*#% j iA jltolib lin.j Shate, i Trutiulte, i . king * -vit'!¦liv^WmSla form of. meoii: im aesided to dbJEniSjotwustron ¦, .air ens «tovrtjoij,; toA eotr&aJ^fef^?^^ «*«we«laBrSO fe Cure and"pp 'a:iiVTOi3 5I lWcnd: f t n s.rtewd , ontaiii?d j;ta»iev«l}| i'iUroee j ia j* ratwa; :!o6^h£n»ris.piin^Tnerre; »«feS sir- BiAi'Smiie iS^Snot; johly applklribTe! ip iltfmtfiKgpJl<Omibfrbrtnk& i t )etWghfe l&l&lSaftJHpt ^'.: ^ |i« b»i pBi

<fc^undeo\^ iP^ls^ P^^



IKi -f ijhi Ii'.W- 'AI


j 7 nr—-rr)T-Mf>i r-it—TH iarr&/A j j ft££3or- : II lOCZriOr—16irrJ0 VI

' t-li irift 'r mi inr ' ini I ini —rrrn-— ill! ¦ V !

¦ i I

: !: : i .

- ¦ - : ¦ ' •

¦• ¦ I . !

I : . 1 ! ¦ ] ¦ I ¦ !


¦ i - . i i




From Our Reporter)[email protected] , Tuesday Night.

Nether candidate has reJajced vigourin pursuing the canvassing oanvpaijjn..tlr. O'Shw 's supporters and himself areoo'uively engage, while Mr. RQian andlids eJ^titjwn ootnmiu*'* are leaving nostone unturned in thou endeavour to6«3urt tjh e tnuinph. To-day botih Mi.O'&W «.n<l Mr. Ryan ar<- my in thorspxA of ihe eons.:.ituenoy , each tii.pci rt -.tit?the finai exhortations u> the constituentsof Lci-ni'j r« . Tsilliyw , Gapjwquin midiiallydrufl . and of the rural districts tihit<uijom ihi;-.-.- to«rir;. B->rh side.i are con-fident i>f vi crtory . To tiho ordinary voterwho :s «-..r.h->uc the circle of either ejec-tion o>mni:ttee the situation precontsiicn-Jf ad UJI cquaJ dhanee for tstiher aan-«tiiatc. Vigorous canvassing at the poll-ing bo>ths t»xnor.rovir (W»vlrii<iay) »\*uldwin the election toe either srido. Tlieirvatruv. u») , mig-hl plh,y a prourrinotntpart in the success oi one and the de-iea.t of O.u1 *>£ h*vr candidittt*

Mr O 'SI KK- 'S most en.T.'hu.sia.-t.ia sap-portoro ;IJV in the rural portion of tihe«>nei-:tu«»ii< -y, und man y of rinsm are atcontiMi-r.ib li1 diKij nced from tihe puJKngbooths . while Mr Ryan 's chieif support*?!*art? in the tomis and villager . It «v»uldappear Uk^-ty tilien . should the weatherprove lnclecuftnt UMmonvrw tihb.1 ev tm i> oiMT. O'Sh i -.' ' ,<upj>.' rtors will not ov>m<?to th«- pollt-

Tnc r«\ -u)t of the election , no matterhow it may be. rtnJl ovtAii il y o>tn<? aa aj rarpriee to many. The voU\- nil ) not becounted until Wednosd-ay.

J3->th cwndidaU-s hav< ' ifofn m-xrtganorotisly aided -witih inj ect to con-v^vyiances for t heir fAipjx) rt«\rK. hy thoircnany tr iends MJ. Rj >un and Mr. O 'Sh<vhave acccryi<Kl off.'Oi of ni»W carh andiMtmt-rous vehicleei , all oi « hicii WLII pl yin-morrow bttween the h<»nieti of the.Yx>t*J9 and the polling booths.

Ms. O'Shec's supporters he.ld a i«ryemeeting at Modeligo in the evening,¦vnhwe he Jiatj a larp? 'following.

iilr. Ryan adVlreised a. large TOt 'tingfrom the balcony oi th<; ' VvciohireAmii 'HoM, Ihingarvan. Th> > j ia i ty,headed bo- a band , earned c. iici* - ¦ i t f > rtasrel and so effigy of iLr. (;'Sh •.> . vi)i ;chwas burned in the ctrve't.

Mr. John Waiih, Go.C, tl» n«- wCShairman of Dungarwm iL'rban Counc-i!,who presided1, was loudly chty-n'd w^ii nh« aim^uncod that eo sucoes^uJ u-art MrHyan 'e canvass tlal he. suire- to Oieid iU.«poll.

Mr. Rj-an eaid ibis opponents liad g^ v-?nii out that .the priests inert' against him ,but it "*'&3 BOW genenaity adkivowJcyWdAhat <he majority oi the priests in theoonjJiituency were witlh him.

Explaining mfc y he had -no aifads nominations, he said t!ha1! .M.rl y inthe oonterf, h* iwau told by o lh>5gh eocios-isstio in tho dioceae that no priest »r a^fo .take port in the eJeotioro. ^wefore,on a poiat of 'honour , he did not ask onypriest to edgn iii>i naminaiioa p-ipors.Canon Durrtphy, the' oldest priest in Mie<Kocese, did actually eign one j i ± ^3papers, but on a point oi honour, he {MrEjnn) did not present it. He ¦found , how.ever, that Air. O'Shee had beggvd some«1 tihe clergy to sign Wa papers, and thatwns why Mr. O'Shee «aid he lhad thepriests iwith Ihim.

Pjocccding-, MJ. Ryan eaid that ,f thepeople were united on the (jutetion oitaxation, tiie JJudgjei would Ihave '-•> l>eccjoct>i<}. and1 he promij sed that Ui !he v-ioretained' he -would do his part in 'hat¦Bori. fTheare oould not, he eaid . (be ron".vniiq unless ih>gTi3 Conw-elions were,

dxm« away witb , and the electorate wvie«Jeitermined to thini and act for ithem-|CDrve6, «s they Jiad beon dojng rctoontly,in many Jrifih i constituencies. Inc'people -Hiere beginning to oppose thexaaiing otf a "cornej " in tho politioallife of Ireland.


Dungirwui, Wt-dj iiiadayPolling tor the election of a i'arlia-

«n©ntary representative for the W*stWa'usrXord ttvision bfgan this morningit eight o'clock. The content lies bdweeadlr. J. J. O'Shee, the ooitgoing uioaribeT,«&o goes forward as t&e. candidate oiihe Irish Party, and MJ. E. A. Rj-an.¦who seeks election as an IndjqpondontN&tDonalict.

There are nineteen pairing Bunions inthf> di^eion as follows :

1N0. 1—AirdaiOTO , lor registration unitsof Ajrdmore (No. 1), Youghal Union, Gk-n-xdllcoin, at Ardmwe School houw.

iNo. 3—lAxdmorf. for Kinsalebeg (No1) &ral!ag.h (No. J), Grange, aft«<alebCR &fc00lh0USC.;

No. 3—.Vrdmore, for tlin units of Bally-maoart. Mount SUiart , (No. 1), Ilinga-fille(No. 1) Ardmore,' Dungarvan Union , atCallvmacflirt Schooliouse.

No. 4—Cappoquin dUAriift , -units «fObippoquin and Dramort?, at CSapjxxroii-nfidhocilhouse, '

£No. 5—CappoQiiin di*,triot, for units (A; Ballinnnralt. BaJlyhaw, and M-OxfeligWj at)II«3e]i > 8ol)oolbous<?.I Wo. &—CCoshmoTt.' distriot , for units ofiUallyiieony, Cla^hnwri', GniHrtgli (No. 2).Kintale±>eg <No. 2), Mount Stuart (No. 4).

No. 7—'IhinEirvan ddstxicit, for unitsel Rin;rville and Awlmoro at MelolianeflcihoolhoTJse.

Kb. B—iDungarvan , for unite of Rallina-urult (No. 2), Coumarglin , Knookcn-Jjranden (No. 2). Modeligo, S«'»Janane, atTtouroena' S^hooUiouso.

No. 9—iDungarvjui , ior units oi Cooli-rsa, Bohado^D. at Ooolnafime«i Schoolbouse.

Wo. JO—<I>ungarvan, for units of I>un-Carvan Urban (No. I) (A to Q inclusive)at Dungarvon Courthouse.

No. Jl—il>un g&ivan , lot units of Duii-psrvian Urban (No-. V) (R. to Y inclu&hv),ftunffanvBn Urban (No. 2), doonea (1X0.£). IXungan-ah Rurivl, Mount St/uairi , atuangarvan, Gourthouao. ! I! No. 13-HDiunparrvian , ior limits |»f^Vihitocih'urdh (Xo. .J) Kerecn (No. 1) Cap-pafih , at Wihitedhurch SchooUioast. 1! No. 13—'Duo^arvan , unit of CarrijjUb,at Oarriglva Sahoolhotisei i ! ;'' He. 14--ili«tnore , lor unite:of Lien»>r«Kami Iij anare Urban, nt i IosznorctSourthouse. , : ' . i ; ; I iI No. 16—iLiamoreidMricA. units of Ballyj un, Boilj-wgijartTiiwe, at iGlenagarraBdhooihouie. ; 1\ Ho. : 16—lyismore , -unii1

* cS J3allyid)uiT,i Oafrtlorichard'i GiurtnsKp>»k.y, Maooll<>p,nt Ballj idiiff Sc-hoolhouse.! No. 17—TaMcrw,: far units 1 af Tallow-,Kii^ratecsray ¦¦£., ¦ Ki Waterway W., !atTkJlorar Oauiihause. . , . ¦'I 3fa - 18—(Tallo, KJcooiken, ' Temfio-fcidbocJ a* Knocianore Scipolhouise. ,¦I No. 19—4Vslli«rfttovn , unlta: df .Diroin-«ns, Dronrire; 'KLHea, Mount iStnart (No.3), WhitocihuTdh (No. 2) at jVilierstowTipAoothouse. . : ! : : 1I BaSi eddes mado Dtmgarv'atj thorr hwlciicaartora, and started out on ivirdts tolie difl&rent polling stations {ruin Ihostul-iri*j situated.: &ido by eide -opposite tHieCtoarthouse. : ' . ; ' | i ' '' W2refth«r it "was th« shb.rp frorfy bTeero¦ tlcrain? ox tho ; heavy • snow1 /ill wibMiJa^in : about eleven' o'clock 'orj ao, thftt

, leooled electioneering ardVau'.: we cannotnarjr, btot <her© wi little or nrt exocoto-(usnt daring, the «&rly hall bl it-Tie day.I ,On© !or two |individuals began : to shoutpnJ ' )spocdh«!i orj -wlhftt -would be nvofejpjopenly colled ha,Ta«g5U<»,i from j daffedxintcorners oi tbe Sqoare, hut did ! mot sni>ooed in oven , .aUrutting .". cip-¦¦'!, out iolcurioiJty. A nnrrrber of rimy, feBcrofe,bertweentiia agoft.oi,twelve and ' .aghtain¦ f mtitr- scattered Urmhd the Sctxrare, nr)din Jbe'virinj fy bl 1&* Oourtbduse,- irhiaJH» snovr c?<*T«d- off 1 and kept up a. rup-

^ ;jKinr *ti« ofj «fewt«: "Vet* l lof Koran'."-4 <•*¦!**'»¦ >•»•->-*»- S-n*V>W '. wv«wi|H7 \MAHW1i" ^U«il I

iijdS al-rto -r**-' !11**' !*&' *2* all ittat:, iOOaM> be «ald !u • itt» nmy |o|i «Jt-rfti<!«i

. UddOBr-'fcxnd 1- tfwied . from -j aJawia 'aJ»*6i:.te' *: iaoter' tow to- fee diflere a*

¦ Shont y, afterward? anotheir oair filled•with the . supportere ol M<!. OShoe, vn-cWdnng: Mr. Hawlton, MijP., Mr. MLMoagtbcsr MJ., loft, on a. similai erraiiid.:

LVboUt. half an hour later , Mx. Rybn'and Borno supportorB loft tic -town in a;motor. : ! ' I . : ' ! [

A&;tihc afternoon advanoeKJ yortarB frwmtfhle OTitJyling duatricrte began i|oi.drop in:more frtKjuenUy. Apparently every voterwas woD' known to tho canvassers ofboth ecjies. The young ^oiitSciana etomiuah in o-vddlcmco iinoe mafning -wereBaatfercid along frani tihe 8qUat« to thoCourtlhi>us», and each ttyt/er tod to runa gauntlet of dolioita1lion» to!"yote" fofRyan-."; But if Mr. O'Shee'ts 'supportenswere not q\iit« aa much in evidence inthe matter oi calling his ; tscnte werono Jasa : eneigetio in iniiervierwdng "doubt-fu3" voters and. enoourasSng "ecouro"toncu.

Ju>t outsid« tiho preointite of the Court-ih'Jusp vms fixed a pole &-umik)ran,tedby a minatttro American flag-,: find lc«var<J<nvn there had been fixed a j green flagw i t h n golden harp. Wih-iU nUay bs thosymbolic menTiing af ptaci-np the Stara

nnd Stoijs 'h a;bo\"C tihio Ipisti emjblesmA is n-A pw6ibl« to naj


Dungarvan, Thursday.< " -I MIT -1 J On»v« White . High Sh.vj ff ,

.-i !id M.t . rluds."»n. Sub-fShoriO. were int K» niagistKiitiT !' nxaii '>f Oit- Q>urt,houioh;i!.f an h.»u r txJore. 11 (AJoi 'k . tho timofix. -»l tor tilif conaiifn««n«Tjt <>f thowrut i i i f .

Viw Candida.-!es and ohf-ir l.gcuita w»ire(lil.'v * ponctuiiiliy in stt«ndiim^o. Eachj io iitl as hL < imn li - U upso^s-tir.

t '-m n t ing wt-nt on oteedily until aftert>vvo oVJ'iok, « hen the High Sb"r:ff an-n-kumt -tl thj it the JV J J owing waa t!uj(hfiiiiig : —

Mr . OShiv . . . 17&3\K- . RyAji . . . . . 1309

Maj ior MJ . O'Shet' . ... 444PREVIOUS .ELKCTION3.

1CO0Mr J J O'She* iNat ) Unrnp.

1906.Mr J J O'Slieo (Nat ) Unop.

Tbc result was received wi'jh apjx!a,us»:insid< " . and was quickly transmitted tothe «.«A<i out side.

MT O'S!iftv eaid H wttj his d-uty tk* the<!t< -^ id. «indi:da>t« to proposo a vote of'..ha.n>u- u> th.- Higb Shi'J-iff , Bub^li<iriffnnd thecr assii>*»ant» , for t!ie £au andui)parti»aJ mannw in wHiiv^h the election»as coiidut-*<-d . That was not tho placefor any political ipei'Oih . aj id he did notiproposa to make one.

iMr. )tyan, in n«x>nding tho \xito oithanltsj said it wxxald be a good triing ftwirt'Jandi ii every man did hi* work aswell as the ttish Sheriff &nd tihe Sub-Sheriff 1 hid dono their work during thevUvtioa; thorwfore, he had. SK-sA pioa-buro in txonding tflie rt^ilu'tion. Heasriwd witih MJ. O'Sheo that that wasnot the place for speech making.

CVJoritJ G roove White , ffigih Sheriff ,in j ^pEying to the vote of tiiank.s paidhe waa a mere Ejrurfht:ad , ond was veryJoJturm.te in ha^ng as 6u.b-Sheriff , MJITAuison, wttio hlad exp^-nej ioo of con-tested Paji lfruTiontaj Ty oloctdons- in thej.ast. Lt wcw a very fatrl jy forught outlOv/ction , aud was a fncndlj' el«&ion.There was no bad feeling on any side.

."MT Hudton . Sub-Sheriff , tlso detriredto thank the propose* and tiecond^-r ofthe resolution, lt was a trying time onu-irr t, and a time oi muoih cxKctenvent.and ho waa glad tlhat the fOoclion gotthrougJi without anj hitrh Tlioxe was«no msLtttf he wis-hi-d to mention , andthat w-a3 tlia l Uhe pm«j ding ofilcera andI>-»11 clonks bad carried out their dutieswry saiitiacfcorily.

The candidates and their anpporteirfthen l«£t the Courthouse and were bothloudly cheooed outside.

Twenty-nine vot«« dc-iJarod m-v.ilid utidor tihe lollowTng h<rad3—'Votingfor mor* candidates than onv , 3;,4nd«;n.ti-!y*ng inaris, M; unoortadR^-, ;-3, un-

niark-cd , 11.The candidates went across tihe street

to thedr recpoctive- hotels—(Mr. O 'Shee toI «nWoT'!3 Hotel and Mr Ri/an to theDovonshire Arms. The crowd then sepa-ratod into »edtk>n& aocort j ig to thie

oandidate whose view they saflported.Cheers wvre givun again and again forboth eondidait'e. The puilioe drew a oor-<l- >n betiween the different paxtcs.

AI T. Rg-an was the fin>t to address thotepresent, which he did rrom a -window inthe Devonshire Amis. He «v«* reotived¦with loud ahoers . He tuud though bea'enal the (>r«t«nt eJ<«tion, he and his sup-porters were not down hi'arted1—(lap-plauw); TCvreo weeks ago he \nmt downto the CVnirfhoufie to offor hiijnpeli as acandidate fox tihe repTeBentation, of thatconstituency, and twentyj fv>ur hours be-fore notidiy knew of his inttmlion . Y«ft inthat (*!i rt sj>ac«? of tim« he hod- gatheredunder his scandtard all the ind'op^nd'ent\x»!cr» frf the di\"ision from Balilyduff tothe Rriuf gv of Youghal. He did not lookon himself as a defeated candidate, bute* a v.ot)rioun aandidate^ cohflidtTing thenuui he had to face. He (<M;r Ryan) wasnot ashamed to stand before them as.Uie cUJt-fl.ted candidate, for ho looked onArthur Ryan as the selected candidh"e.Without a single memboi of Parliamentor any body from outaido to h"lp him hehad obtained thirteen hundred vxxteo. Hehud on orgaaisation bo ng-Jit his tiw expense of tihe p<-opte. But he¦went forward ae ono whW \nauld try toJdurjn ian orgajnixalion that baxlly n«*d-od rofottnnXJnm , an OTjranitai?on run byoliquea—<appCi«ii;e). He did n»t OSKanyone to c^«ne in to dictate to the In-dcpenxfont KfutiunaSij ts of WitcrfkMxi howithoy wore w> vote. Ho Iboked; on Mr.O"Snee'n majority as sniull' inlib<'id. Agreat dealt lhad b*cm i<aid aticvut <h©alejgy tibing skloj . Well, ho rooaived aloiter from a cflorjoinan faling Uuvt itwnt> nlcft uauaJ for the clergy to takcisides, and from that >iay lie (Mr. Ryan)ilmd not aftlttvl ime of tii«an to aUcnjd1 any<*f his nicetinga , but he oould say tiiathe had as many rrf tiio derjry of WnetfWatcrt/tti on his side as had ~&\r. O'Shee.Ho cvmj cluxlod 'by thanking the .men ofWetrt Wntcrioni -wlho tupportaJ hin, andprVjni3S(y;t til&t when, ocoaeipn arw^o inthe lufcu r* ho woutkl; again «>£ter| bii ser-^¦ioca to-; tho d>n«Sit\>«ncy, | ' | i

Mr. 031)ee addrcnoOd th^^o' astemWedfrom a windtorar of LawlorV Hotel . He¦was rwxnved with entliUiiastLs appiauioiby his fcuppoetten*. ; H« r\'«r>?M«<J thatthotaj, opiposed! to bitb covld' not taketheir beating like m*n. Ttiiaj contetl wa*ft)rc»id on him qasito uncxpt-c<«.'dly4 andthe opposition was on« oi tho rttrongestUhat e>utd be found. Firet of icill tliey hada Btron;j local candidate, and; a?p>ndly,all the DnionirtJs and Obn/)Ptvn.tH,ves bithe divW.on vxjted ifor Mr. iRyan. Howiishenl Jlr. Ryan joy. with lik iuippiirtcHTlie U»:on&9 of Lisraore and ^hij igiu-van wo-pt? on Mr. Ryan 's side. A UnipniB'drapor arttl a Unionist grocer, even weitfor MJ-. Jlj ian , who had also Colonel j OA~ton, who a week ago in»ulti<?<3 Rav. FV.MbcSder, on the, titeef s. They IJIW* Maj ^rCheomley and othw Union,id& | lenxfaiigMr. 'Rj -an tlbeir rodtioSt CPJ& to- gocanvassing wiiiih. nhd ticy h\u^ Union-dst laiiio canvassing for him. But hfi(Mr. O'Bhcc) had to thank th« pooploM Dungtmtw ** vrcM os Oho peop!* WUie ret* of the ctnuAituency Onl 5±iiviricrotureusl him at tho head of tie poli•wdUi stich a Jirgo majority, notwiti}i-trtantling tho Umbnisla, Ool. Cotton and;Major Chearnloy , !«ad tho : nnibndftdnapor &nd 1he Unionist ' grower—(op-plaose). j

¦ .• ' : ¦ ; ¦ j \ j


¦ jrTin. T. q. Hzdu, I '¦ ¦ ;

, I¦ ¦

j I • " • • : : ¦¦ - I

¦ '< :

BURGEON DEKTIST, DUKGAEVACf.;i i . - ' • ' * ¦ ¦ ' ' I ¦

bverj Day except nct&af, 10 to 4.,

¦ . :¦ j !¦ • i ; Lteioro: i • '¦!. ! ¦ . 1Ai Miss' O'liwpdan'd, Bonlh iCsb, evc^I .:Wc*IiicUiJai)r, ^romj J

to 11ifbrning.;. ; ,

' : ;i ;. !;:;!.Cteppoj »nb: ;j , | :i ; = ; \ - I ;

it Mr. !OEeiuk»r'« f Woua Btreot, evcrjij '.' W«lin<»fe7 fatcb I JO io'j Slso. • . < \

i - - 'O // ;J . M:i! :i- l j | j ; i fe .U


Tho usual w-cckly nuocting oi 'tihe a'wyveboard was held on Tucsd'ay!; Mr. ThoB.Ptowcr (LEckenidarra) p'residang. lAi-Joproscnfc—Meaj TS, B. J. ! Brtwra. PJiEipiBer<»foTd, Tliomaa Fljnn ! (Two-SIilo-iBrilire ; Jifocli^ol Bymoj Pateiok I\aley(TOUJ ), WiUiaon O'DlonnoS1, P, ,E. Ouiran.

In attondanoo verc—'Mosira J. R.Dower, Clerk ; Tlhbmias .WakJh, M'nitor;Thomaa Dee, R.O; Bchvurd Kietly, K.O;Mibhiiel Flynn^ Asaittant Clerk. ;


Tho Olerk xeported that the eiiard-ians rihould now advertise fox tho usualyearly supplies.

Mr. T. nymn raid he was glald i theClerk brought th!at before the board.Thejvi had been .somo trouble abou^ Uieim<ia.t contract before fMs. He v/oukisu£se*t now that the guardians EjjpoWyin tlioir adverfi&emcnts ¦w'hat ih'ey \iiant.For instance tihey should' say mittonin qriiartere, taid ala> whut jainta of the¦beef tflvo7 wanted. >?aturaDy & mancbulc? give nrveat cheapor in joints tilian'ho could when ho w*ould have tc» cutdt up.

Mr. Kl ynn . Mr. Byrne fmd iihe Mnstor•tt etnt to int"p«rt the .rmsst d<Jjvero<l thtitrfay Hiat tfhey might Crame the- adr<!rt!:-s»-ment.

MASTER'S REPORT.Tho Ma.-t!«r rnportod that tho supply

- > f tJi» potakK's gv>t off the farm -wai) nowIL- XI . und tho (ruRpdians bhouW pioauro(i supply fi>r tlio inmute*1

Th'.TL1 waj - H child dn hnapittill vh)>si'nv>th«!r refuwyl to kike it out.

Pi WQ.- Kixheiro ) tli^t nKr\-:>rtisifrn]eDtb l»?- .fii«l for p<rt.ito<"P nw 'cquir«i.

CrKwmin.n — How mudh n"i> thfy : u.Sf'Mct- tor- I ^up l^-)^( '

fn>m •«) to 100, f tont 1

a w<^. 1Mr. B>lw iiKjj re^ud Un-<y sh> >uUJ

not priK' thorn after Juno lti-t as iil».-vvjuid lx> ei'tfe'iig twd after th!a£ ;

MiO'ti !r- V.-ry wi'U Ii1r Fl ynn ^iud that tbey"lib<l .<**.n thn

M>atr<m. The virTan^oment that they bad>Wkle<i on was, viz. — : Mutton :n ¦ (ruar -tr.r» /is r-fquinvl . Ixn f in roaimi> as re-quire!; leg and lap off . nnd 4ii>uld<xn5»-;tfli b>)no out

This wa*t agrood U\ and it was ord«lr-ftl Ihm axive.rti ;s<»iiuyiU bi1 lnsiuti onthew tinr.i .

CARE TAKER APPOINTED.Dr. W'li iiiim Whilt- wr\>U- statung tlliat

t.Tu1 oar»-t«kar ••! the 'liepensarv atKnivJtn.t-kc'iirh !i<uf <Ji <<i He h atl ap-n» <:itl«J a temj»>r!u-y (vi rotakcr. MrsKati ' K lynn

H W;M <k>c i< l»Hl u< nj>p-i:ri-t tire tc.11>p irary o»retRukt> r a» \bv porrrtAnt-i iA ,ik(".r on tibe FUTIX ' J. ;i) it) us Q\e Im^t , vizx] il C\ ptir qiiarUsr


Mr ThotHKift Power, V. ( ' ., prestdodMr . Ryan , C K . a-rtd Mr D V Sli^kcK .

Clerk of Wttrks . »ias abo prewjit.Mr. Bro ivn roul Umi lie propu-oc! dlxat

the '-itinxit^ oif tho Cl<?rk be boVTod .and Ke objeotdd to tho mtnuU-a benngsignt-dl.

MJ Flynn (.Wsr.s-t.nnt Clerk ) saai Unitit was he wiio W;UJ pr««>nt , and ninatMr Hruwn stated t<«.)li place at thoCTianKaas' meotcng and not at tihi> Rur.ilOouncil Mr. Broo»n ovidcntJ y did notknow the difference between tho fuard-ians an<i the Council

Mr. Brown—It Ujok place nt tlu; O>un-cil nn'OtinR.

Mr P Foley (1\>ur)- - You ore railingthinci up . Mr. Br<»wn . It tixxk pdiicvat the fruardians

Ch<v^rui*; for the d'lm'rt lubour eiigiigwl-at t!io IniiWin g .»f tlio cwtthgeti -W\T«paas<d- to tin: aaiount of £.r>2 10s. 6d.

The Local Government Board /wfloteasking to have nn nvornge rent filbd onthe <tittuges, and tiie board having de-aiHwt pni"t»r U> tins thia.1. the rent tJhiMiWU1 fixed in nccurdance with the qutJityof tihe aero The guardian's tlook thoarliiitra .'tur 'e nw«ir<l as tilieir b.-i<i i.s.

Tho yuartfians docuted that tho rentffvxuM renxrin .vi it wal> , at it WJUS notfoil that a rnan «huuld pay the name¦n'nt COT poo«i land ar» h>T bad .

WATER Sn»Pl.Y AT KNOOKTho I/ioal (r *iverr Ln '.«-nt Roartf ivrt>to

askung the Council to find a K(1M>1<»-menf-Tiry watier »cti«m« ftj r KnoCK asDr. WiHiama hhd r>"[>ortod as to tirodearth mf water in tli« !k>cj iity

Mr. Flynn—What Knor k is thait?Cork— It ir. near CU IIM-U . U WHS

twice \x'ioro y ~<m . anil ycxu (yjxi.s3derodthUt - tlie WOJUT nm not I kul ly tioixiotithere.

CliJiiminD—Wo nufl refer it U) th<'euartitians of Uu' distnict . Who ar« they.Mr. Dower?

Clej-k—^MeaiTS Hayos trui Din CaKoyOh.-i£imian»—Vf c -wj .11 refe r A tk> tl«m

I think I rem<>cirt>er Mr Hnye« tivvinisliero th>a.t tiie WUIKT »-U not biidly Deci-od t!b«re.

Clerk —Yes . I have an Alea I heanlham. Ray BO

TJi'1 matter w^u-< utjjourn tii. |x?nxfdng nretvxtt frv«m tfl»k> Cuun/rtfJorw oi tJi« <}¦»¦tri'ct.

THE ACJ-IJHH PUMPTJw> Ix>nai (rov«rnim»'.nl Ifoanl w-mu?

endlvuiff a lotted froun Mr Brow n u« t*ilUie condition of .\gl'i<^!i piunp.

Mr. Flynn—IVan not there & own-unlittcv of the bociTti to s-i- it that tMinipim tlie diy of the pboug-hing niatol i '

Mr. Brown—Tlwy did ru>t .Gh iU Finan—Jt Seems from tin- t>ij ie >f

y trw letter that it w a water "irpj)ly forthe military you want.

Mr. Biota's *trJd. tluil ihL> brutherted <>reoted c. pump there ocoordlinp toplans and specification.

iMr. P. E. Curran—Ihtirn that letterinto the flro. We have somethinfr elsetio do here bepddes littenitw to ISrownand <ihe Local Govemlment Board.

IMT. Stokes ctid thit he. wanted! to¦hring a matter before the OouncB; Hohad einteTed1 a Hooil quarry on | Mr.Quinii's land and ho had rccedv«l aletter from Major Kirkwodd thlat il i«he (Afajor Kdrkwood) who shioiiM: bepaid. 1

Mr. Quirm sar.d that ho v?ca tihoirtianwhi> should be psvki fbr Uie Bwiies.Every j iian from whioso fajm stones j^-crctaken thJodiM bo poid. He vnat»' a rrjlTkfor Mlajoa- Kflrkwioiod j S the latter olaiimodit ait«>rw«riis. ' ¦ \ ¦

.MT. Flynn said that Maior KirkJBiood¦anld M^r. Quann ought tb .'©UJp ii be-tween tiietn. They ought to bo lo aKiJinllnr.

Mr. Quinn ^aid that'(he iwould-^n*, ^fivctho attunes nnlc-a ho got pacd. : Iti woato obTige Mr. 6tyk«a that he i oirnwodhfini In use O10 quarry. If a cb.w (or aIhtxrso belonging to htm wlis kilkxl Uiereiiftenvunfo it waa he himself and, not¦Maj' .tr Kirkwlood ehould1 pay fof it.

COiainrnian—Will TOU iUemiiJfy thoO>unoil if Major Kirkwood cliiirnH ithecnoney from the Coundl afterward »

Mr. Quinn—I will. [Mr. Bereeford'—We-U' vn: are j ^ti^fled.IMr. Brown—MT. Quinn is ihe' lmun to

bo paid.. , • ¦ ¦: I ¦ '•Mj. iBoreiioml—H© is. ' ! IJlr. Ouxran—And'.Mnjor KirlfWooc Is

tho nan thlat goca hunting, ovqry iq&y.• TH.13 DrSQUAXIFEED: MEMSEl^.:¦ The CLcrk 'BOMT thht ho ' had | tccewod

s reply fawn 'Jfr. Ed:. Phelhn that! ho hmadfl arid ooulU not aUcxtd. \ l .j t !

¦Mr. Browii—ille vraa veiy well ;tho lastday J10 was Jicro. ' i i ' I ' •Cha'irmanV-'Wcll, thongh it tairfttJ boputting a prwndam on latinisa. i i I p avowe ¦ giro ; .EdtJic , Phelan 'o c'hanco. :

Mr. Curran—I second It | | |iMr. Berefiford—'Ho %3 nJollo b «l' i i5rt

at oJJ 1. • ;¦¦: ¦ : : - | 1 -i • ¦

Mr. Phelan mu re-appointed*. IMr. JnniDS Wtll wrttte Hi at !ne jhad

no expiaoflifon to offer but ¦ thstj hawilieUT to wacate hi* seat. . | . \ \ '

The Ohofrtnan mndo am order j : tJo-dj arin^ the 1 seat vacant. ' : i ¦

T3wi Clcri eaid he had reoqiyidtl noreply fctan ; Mr. Ketmo. . ! ; 1 :; ;

T1A* eebt : vta also declared wsr|t.. 1It MftA ordered 'iiai co-op-tiJan EiipuM

(hie placo; Uitit day fartnkht. , : ;Mr* Cnrroa—WJiat about |U|ft .: noa

fiwtm AgUdi now.' . Will 1 they ama tot-wartl? ¦ ; . : ¦¦ ¦ ¦ . ' • |. < ¦ ¦ - ¦¦ !: . :, Mr. Biwwtwl don't t«-ijk i theJH wij . !

Mr. Chima—Aiter Ojcy-. , Uniting.'Jfx. Bmwri—It wxina ithat JetUj f vps 0fcrRef7-<la^iteT). ¦ : ! 1-,

Th<> CbttncJ ' thon trijourned i j i;

1 : ' ¦ ¦; ' • I - v | i ! l ¦ . .


¦¦!!- .

¦. I . ' - " '!!¦-•.

NOTES ;¦ jFttQBl ; ' -';OTEf:b|D¦ I - I — 'BOROUGH.' } V ' 1 ¦ '"¦

MR. JOHN": .WLAj iBEH;' QHjAiIKJJLwf,:|. ¦-¦| ¦- ;|0.D.Ci i |! : , - ¦ j ;[]:.;¦ j ; j ' i ' » :

I Aa wo anticipkiiqd .lastlw^ek/Mr,' Jqlhn\Vial*l) -wiaB . elected 1 ^G(iftirm4rL oi, flb<CUxbai) Council oni Monday^ No poll .yoataken! ¦but 1. Weseyrs. .Cur-rah: iwf Oa^eydissented £roin j the alppoiniianeiit1. Otfl«Jr»w-ho yrp ro present; w6r&—fl^efisre'. Bextion(JKroMdanc); ! Byrne, i Btokoa, Btuairt;i T.Po\v«r, O^lhee, ; Wlm.iPower, Vim. Fo4ey.,Flynri, P. iFoleyJ Bt^K&.i- Oasey.j Canijttn,John jWal'alt l£r. Stuart waa the propioseir;of the resolution to appoint .Miy Wfilsih..MT. Byme 'seconded.; No VicefOhairiman.was a|ppointed. ; i . . :! : . 1THE ' jmBcsrioN.j. - . V i l ' i ' .^v -I

I A j^rge .contingent, reipfcsonxwig ;j therarioUB dastriicts I of the ' coheitdtueiior/awaiwd knpatiently ; outedde tihe Cojirt-housel while the votes wero bedng1 count-e.l. The couinting began !at , eleven oWbekand tihe result: -Has jdedared aib'v>at -itwoo'clock. The ballot boxe* tliat! were /iMtopened: were tj i'oai in wJpcH' the rb'-denta l of BaHymiaiOart, Poltown. .Yrd'm>pxe,and Grange polled. These we«) a|togt>tl)erin Mi. 0 Shoe's favour,1 and , gam; .'uuft majority of about 300 votes. Then cameTouianeena; and HodeligoJ 'wihich 1:- .vly(rnprpHied Mr. O'Shce's flying1 lata'irt, Timflifitricts of IVilljeretonvn/'otid Rio(f 'Trh :<shy/ese .trongly in favour of. Mr. .Ry an, batwhoso register waa not very \<osge. he3|)ed(J bring tihe candida-tes rieaiei :*K> one an-otherJ In Cappoquin, anidl lisma-e. Mr.R-j ian i feome 'small majority. In 1'al-lo'w aid Baliyduff ; and Whiteoihu.f'h .Cfi hcandidate appeared to be. fav-onr°."l' •.;<>*>¦ally. [Therel was now a difference ^ f JaOOv<>t« | bit-ween .the candidates, u.n/J j llwCarxLj lea ballot !box, whioli . w^d t f^nopened , added soiacwhat to Ma\ O'^lj c» iimajorj iiy. The Dungarvan Urban ;vad '; ih ,eJast W the boilot box«, arid ! that , re-duced] the majori-jiy by about 80. Of'the807 vrj tea that wej e polled in Dun^rvanl;.-:ban, Mr. Ryaij received 1W :mu M r( i Mie *- 113, The declaration of llie JXJ II•.Mi? .received with cheering '•. </ -^ ¦¦!tJt'oso asiiembled outside the C ur-i m-e¦hut with great disfavour by .1 ¦ nxi ] —c i t y . Ilotlt Mf. Ryan and M OS'i.vaJurwvsod meetiuirs of U.< u ssjij/in '-t 1 whoj n tiify tendert><l thoir thianks. H "1(i: n-tlemen spoke at. the sanio t! in - . 1: <i:i l ine of policejnon ^ rat*yl t 'i ? cro,*' I-.Mi. O"Sh«< spok»> I.- .>m the .\ ml JIT .iI.-nvlor 'b Ifotel and Mr R.y-:ui ¦om 't'h-l-ali-orry of the IX«von-,l.-u- A in- . V.f'voai that was created vr ta >j < i f .?n - :¦¦,',Me. R^nan 's supporters booing j .i-d h ting those «-ho spoko 'trom the naj i iv -ntIVwlel to *uoh an extent a* " ., j rer .-n t3nni nt times fc> «m U-onj; 'I O J I J ,M rlO 'Snev fa>id that it wa« t hje To-v »'&l int 'hc constituency that CAUJ M r . Rvnn1i> poll so many as he &d t vh.U \i*liy in said that hi- had only l>"«?n t in-va.-.iin{,' for a fortnight, uj ld th «¦¦• vo ;>-:s-who f-irmed- Mr. 0'Sh iVn uuijo-ri 'y M . --1 HA-* ' vving in the extreme pi r i i ^nj i »!tli t constituency , wham he wr > ^ un.inl i-xnv nj ( U> tlie shurt time at lus d'i$p.'- *lti, vidM Though lu> W H S not lec.:od ¦ 11-this his first a/jtreiJ'plt . yet he iv -.lid t e.r<"*iirned by thum at the n<e x.i Gvm i .i iKl 'if ition



Tlio polling fur a Member of Parlia-¦:n*nt t>r \V«=.t Waterford took placeyesterday in tho Courthouse here. '

Th<Te. are ono hundred and iWty voJewtm lilie rt^giater for thi?. dUtrict. anid <>1th<*e very feiw lrad paj leii up to noon.In tho CTening1, however, things becjwnen little morr limlv w-fhen the countryw^tTS came in. Aoorft eighty per centrxf tho twtal on tihe register hiajdi polledwdi«™ the lidcj fili closed1 at ei^ht o cls*-k.

"Hie polling pasje<l ofl witfioui anyr< »w . and ruo in,<i3demt of any Jmportontrn«ik place. Of courc* both canidfdiiteshud1 their backer*, and a.t times cheersand wiltticiATns VJOTS indulged in byhkJ13i yiid'ea for tihe^r ««pective men, butbey.ynkl thb notliirig occurred1, thoughon ino or two oconsiona a ecuffle seejtped1tmnuinpnt , but the police whto rero. <Jon-stiantly present under the directixxn. ofServant Morrough prevented an alter-cation.

In the aiternicpn Mr. John O'Connor.M.P.. and Mr. Green, of Dun«3TV<in,r.ViiteVl the pollU oti behlaQ'f of Mr. 0"Shee,•and Mr. Ryan also rrtatorod to townalbou t the goimc time. Both paiftu* woroheartily cheered.

Th« youths of the town fiang severalfx>eti 'caj- pi»d!ucti<>ns nbotA tthe candi-dbtets ana some of thciir local backersduring tilu.1 evening. Then* caused agood deal of amusi?.mej it and were Iif>ien-<yl U> with tho bi»t of godd feeling I bytilio appobing cToirdii.

Hho sporting iratflmity of ttie ftrwn but(vmsiderable suma of rruoney on tfe)oiiartoes of the respective candildtiteswinning.

Tho Presbdjnj Officer was Mr BerniirdO'Keeffe , of Lisiriore, and Mr, ToTjin,<if RaDjxluff , wok the poll clerk . vf iiF.vMr E. M. O'Leary ftxrtmcl as (ureovt forMr. 11531) , and1 MT. P. F. Wa3rh ootedin a ciirniirar capacity for Mr. O'Sheo.

8ru»w feU during- the morning, and•altogether Uie day was an-ytMnj fiutpT--;ii-ia.nt. :

Wihen thi1 newj of the result of 1hepnll was nceeaved in town about four(j clock there waa a d«al of exoitejnAnt.aruf tihe supporters otf Mr. O'Sheo wientnr»Min<i' ltih<> town fx.prefi?in(7 appivrv;iii oftt and c-heerintf eaUmahintiesally for kiio-iiicec.'i-fikl candidiitd until a late hour.

MARRIAGES.Verv few marriages have taien place

flhts Shrove eo lar, thwugih one or twoare arranged tor. wiithiin j -he nej dt w«^kir «> in the town and several in thel/xmlity before Lent ae-ts in.CLKRIO.U. OHi G-HS.

Tiho Ilev, Faiher Murphy. CJC . wOiohoa boon d'Jtivdhj 'd to thiB panvh for•f»ni o years pevt has been appointodiOiirato at St . Msry 'e, CVhnmeJ , anicf theRtw F\it3ior Carnxll. C.C.; Carriclt^mr3uir. liha been appointed. here il» hisrrt-ej id.

Births, Marriages an d DeathsBIRTH

6P1NKS—January : 23tii, 1910, at |heMcdiical H-all, Tratoore, : tihe wif^ ' olF. W. Spinka. txf ^a dauEhltor.


Mtk. kt tho Cathe<rnJ , Wawrford',. [bytflib Kov. P. VvTird, C.C:; OarAik-in-Suir, lasilted |by tho Eov. T. F. F \ii-long, .Vim, and: Rev. W. O'OonniU,CO., ' .Vaterford.Edmiosad^cldest BDnfo^

lUie lale Denial Fogarty, Kilballyquilty,Cajiniok-«4-SuJ'. j to . : 'Minnie, , onlydaugh^esr pf Mir.' M. BolinVr, Batlln-a-(rnanaj Catnick-on-Suir. 1 , , '

LYLVOHI and WMITTLfi-ilt Ui« CaJJhc-dral , Waterfoird, on tbe ,26th '.lotJan-uafy, 1910,1 after NupHSal Maes, !f>ytho Rfev. Dean McMahonj OillJngliafn,Kent !(cou3in of l the bridegrooai) A?-siated by Uie Re<v!. T. F. Firlong, Adiin;Rev. W. ;J, . O'lCannfJl , CJC., end K*7.W. Krtioe, C.C.J Thomas son of tielate Thomas I^ynolj, Jfc»J Inn ( Cah ir ,to Minnie, (Mary) second duugfaXer 1 ofthe . lite. ! Wi-llQian-: Whittle,, : a-io • '*Knook:, Wlater^prd. | .

. i ¦ DEATHS. ¦ i ¦ ¦ jPARKER—At W f A^Majton Rood,1 Locidon.

IWtllioin Henry j Parltor. :iate -of. TheHc4tn5<bcei KBmtoocf rr, aivxl 73 ircaia ,"i

JXlWHjUsG-HjanuaTy I 20th. 1310; ; a t ; 43IXCaiy ptmeet, DnMiiJ, ASico M.; ibalovklIwifo of MJ. Joaciplhl J;l Do-wljnir. AigUiOT.-RJJ';, - T | ;| - j ' ; ¦ .- ,'p ¦

\ ¦

POWHR—On WcdacixJay.o'Jamiary 1 f5,1010, at her re^ence; S7:BaJrrtoniitmiaiStreet; Waterfbrd-; Eilien .' ,'Fmnria^NeJlie) 4cond IdaUffhlarj of Mra. W.Power, iorlifled by Uie .fitOftof the Hj ;C.Ohwroh. : : !" | : ¦!- ! ' | :- i i i ¦ , :

•WRIGHT-rOri ijfovamiber, ISbb, 1009 <6U4-denly); at) her residence,! York-street,Newmaritct, ^twftlaiid:, , Now&enliindsJohanna Mlny Wrcght; dearly ; bok>Vfl(tjwife <A WdTlHkmi Wi"«hi;•: dUwahiter LoijPatridc OfOannepl anxi flj o feto Eljlmj OUrien, of Li-cnorc, ' Owrrty: Woter-'iftwtt , IrcSabd1, an|tcr SQtJi y*ar.—R:I).P,iRffativca l«(ilhling to ttorresbOTid'wSiJi

%!Hly ^ff tho ^

i JJi»V. <WrigDH kinldlywna 10 eaaaiii eon >an wuuawinz auureop—•W'afrod WrkditJ York-rtrcet, Nevjrmarlj et..Aboklawt, 'NowwaluwJ, ' ; [ < f :i • <\ ¦.

I: • • ! ¦ . ' • i ! '' \i -. } ¦ ¦ '¦¦

¦ i ¦ r I I ¦¦: :| J

f IHG ' iVflTCB:' fo. on^awr.'-T '¦'; : M. : ;

¦ j - !¦ ¦• •.;:i- -,y.'.ij -j ':ik-<:

1WATEBF0W). , TJSAMOBE). "Worn.! '. ' I ! EtP.L ' ; 'UoTn.- . i! Ev(», , :

i f f ** ' -1' ^' MJLJ ' : 1 '¦¦ &$.'¦

" 'i i ', LIGHTIf.'2.UP TIIHE i j "' ;¦ j

- J . I 1 ¦

; 1 1 I . ¦ ' ¦¦( ¦ ¦ •T«M.

¦¦ .

; IO-alehl l ¦

:..;! ; ;... j ; 6.39 ¦

I H i - i U ' *-mvI !v

¦ 1 '

¦ ¦'¦ •¦

! !-¦¦ : ¦

. !':, ¦ ( ¦, • ¦


[ "¦¥/ '] ¦ ¦ -;¦¦: ' ¦ ' ' ¦' .Q:'' i - - j | { . : { ¦$,.

• \ ¦ ¦; f ( .¦¦•!(Spoaiaj :-ft> -fl». f 'N ews',0. j - -ij , . -:

;..:: ! :. I' , i ' ¦ L : I^wJonj i Thursfdajr,: ¦ :

¦ : i • ) : '

.- : : ¦ ¦¦: ¦ ¦ ; j i ' ' ! i . •: ' . .

' : ; i ' : -

yTHE IffiBERAL MUJjoiffiEZ. • , I i|: 'W&& Greneral Election: b'practicaily Over; an<l i ii) would ' deem; thii mjf ioreoae. oi:a- inajarityl of 120 id '.{tiQt jv ^ry. far -wit.'At Ithej moment the iiberail,1 labour and.Nationalist ,vwt« • tots: | jto' ;3w . and-:theiUqiondat to-258. ' Without the 'Irish votetltio Government (ttiita'. the laibout.Parly)wL|l i have ; a majority 161 iaboait 40: 6.ves;tihe Dnionoste. In a ^HoUsaioonfitttutell as:th^ ncict one will be>;!tbis !naj irofw; mago-'•rity ^ wilU mftlM business ! iuvri<«talbJe—iunj ffis (' the ;-i Irish Pitiy i fthrow*1 . iteeli¦heirt-fij -'hollyiinto thc'fig'h .t !and eroploye.toKJrtrh and nail, for the Radicals. : .:T^-SPiIMT"T4X.|

:. f { [ > '¦ ¦: V ' ¦:.'. ilhe i genexal impree^on 1 !here is -thatM^. iUdmvsnd. will insist

pa having thes-upor-tax on spdrita j dropped. If this is¦arranged^ the teeUntfii: MJW. will !be.upinJairBas. Mr.: Aiquithi n«i donibt find* him-self on the 'hocna of 'a! idileimmia. ' Bornesay he will- : not ooiciii tho situation—th*t he wall;resign and leave if oe kdder-Bhlp of the party to JteJ Ifloyd George oxMT. Wanatlon ChurohillJ |But] I very! rouehdodibt th&t-the .PfemWrf wiHioomirtj it him-seif tq.-tlhaB kind of *e3f-efft»cemient. ' ;¦AiNOTtHBR GffiNERl.iit


.1910.' : : ; \, . I , . : .Other rumours run to tho effedt that

the Unionists will - nidk* a: bid lor tiheHome Rule vote. If! -M*. Redmond wereto throw in hi* lot] with the Tories, heMould be atfle to give/ them :a majority . of40; but (just B3 -.w in! : the i Wberals)^ 'naj Tow a majoiity would result in 1 a poli-tical deadJook. On tihi whole I aim in-cHnad1 to think it will , lie nbceasary beforeg-ffnusc dhoottny begins I to go to the coun-try again. The; City :is usually veiy keeniflibiout eJeotioa resultsl and guaged theluiUOUt* UltMLjiWJ itnu^wb KUI >«

Q ^ , ^ , _— V

fituB-Di-on wuto a fair amount oi accuracy.Tho batting ia now alliout level that an-other General Election wiill take pl-aceixifor* 1910 is out. Lliyds are acceptingir^urancea to cover tij aiims in the ewentof thTv beAng ana!lher| election iri twefiiven*>ru;h-- at 35!p<>r o>rtt. This in a £oTniof (riumibling; but for the trxatter of thatmsuranoj buiiniSii 6n the whole iisij .rg*-l y a gamble. '¦

The majority of I$niV>n« look upon the• iuj .ti>>n irocn a BritcKh fflanorxj in't—

t.':iot is to say, from a rk>'nt of view «ihiidi<:x<']ud> >t; the Irish Plarty. And Britishparties are so evenly | baLi.nct»d tihat thenwrajc elector Tegarxls the' prec^nt elec-i:nn «s a heat , iind ho is anxious*to tee th<? race, run over again.

Above all thinj i tuie ave.rng? Bretonmnr.oit stoa'ia<i:i Uw vdoa of having hisParllMiwn t con'j olled! by the Vote o-f

1 V'M : mera Irish." !

TiHJ5 KLNG'S SPEECH .The opendng of the new Parliament

w ilJi prulwibly b<^ Aeifelred to the 21cA ofF«bnua.ry . T3it> Kin^ will read the peecihhorn the Throne , anil there ia aln.kaidyJitisn interest arouM.'d i about the poavjble-Wrens oi the s-pconh. There are rumoureUiaX Hi* Mejestjy will inJerfare boJdiyin the struggle- Hiddb is to take pflacebt'tween Uhe Lorde elnd" tihe Coromonf,but I douibt ' very rruich ii Edward will e^

mtoroil him.sclf in th« war.W-tAvocn hi* f:uthiful Uorda and hw Iiitih-Xul Oooamona.' 'THIK •• TELRGjunnre " J-Esrr.

The " Daily Tel-egTJaph " \*> an inex-¦hsiustiibCe fount of tJniijonism. For monthsit hois been, reeling oit pugus of attacik*upon the Radicals and of Tory hosannas.ft« earnedllneoS and fierceness have nesvershown any dgn of reiainrtiion. and uinlilthis week harily a gldajn of humour hasiillujninated iis political column*. But itnru*t maike an Ixitib A;adej «mlile to seethe Indepeiule-nlt Niailionalasto tnoludejiby tih-e " Teiegrapli "j in the. Unionistphalanx. Even Mr. Wddliam OTBcrien , Mr.Tdmd Healy and Mr.] GanneJl must beatmised at RCt'ing therri«?lveo cot down asmreaiiibsru of the Oniion^t Party.

MWMLEQN MS.D A COMiET.'I ee« by t!he " Bvcinirlg News " that you

are taking a live'jy in'teieit in the newc'omot. We LondoniM-s I consider that theoomct is treating ua rathei .wunVily, hid-inar itself bvihind oloukb and giivang U3l ittle or no opportunity of viewing it.There was a time when the wodd mouldbe quaking beoauae of |a comeitairy vi*dta-tion ; but we seejn to have grown out ofitihat kind of ^earifulnerifi. The greatNiapoltion was a superstitious man , andho was egotistical enobgh to think that«vcn the heavenly wdies conoemed<heimseives with hw f' dwtiny." A1>ou-ta month belore hie deAth at St. Helena,lie was told that a cotnet had been o(b-Minve<l . "Ah I " said, I" a comeit was aprwiansory f iga of thi death of XuliusCatviar."

KGiCTlieM BXTRi.\.OKDliNu\iRY.Om' wuuld tiliink th-at the consideinar

tion of tho nwveimenfftsj of & comet wouldrmaJie any human being modesty he Cor-sihe) nv>uJd be gtrucJc ;liy the litUe'neea ofnhe world and the paltriness of humanlife ; but there are 1 many inslaicea ofKoyal per«j i<>r)£££s wio 'Delievcid thatc:mi«ita WOT bent in order to warn a King1«.>' Queen or Pji ihce br (Pji incesa thatideath waa imminent. |Lout?ia of Baivoy,irjj itlhMr of Francis I., ft-as inionned tihBita strange light whicW she absorveid intihe sliry wai a ooni'et.l " That iis a &ignwhich do«tv' not apfJoar- lor commoni;«oplo," said «he. " Gjxi eenda it for thexrwit, l'lke us. That coineit announces mydea-th." And; oonvanic«<!i that dhe was of9ufTicient importance to have ijninorfbedwarning eomete into j the wxlar syB-teim,Louisria of Bavoy pvJacefuilVy exipfired.Evudenrtly a <y»net occw-pied in the rriicklol Lou-sia a p\)Kjtdon a!dn to that of theBanehe*!. I

There must be soniotlhiog poouliariy?¦got'isiiacal in Uie Gillie comipioaiidon. lt03 ol a, Frenchman—»|t'row>h Catlholio—the 3tory is told 'tha-t <?ne Friday enter-ing a restaurant he fat down and ordereda mutlUxn chop. Hid ;ionaoionce prickediUm an he doYoured i tJie rn^aU Suddenlya 'bnilliant 8-ash of' |ligihtning daizledh '/m ; and: as he liBU'i-neidi to (3ie growl of thethunder, he &aid : " What ai fuss to makeaibout a mmtton ohot>!j "¦THE DROP IN COKsbL8.

TP10 iPari3 "Matin." jniW-iiies: anartdclo irom the pen J of , !M. BdmondThory in which it io contendEd tliat Eng-lnndfe credit is failing?. He revie|w» the{xtfition of the Consoll maikwt and eayah(f » "irreaw-tibly l^d to tihe concfiiusion,•that the fina-ttciai poWcjy otf the LiberalPa.rty is the cause oil the progressiveCall of the credit of thfl Knglash State.".iM. TJvery.;jd.knotW*i of.&hose- egotistic

Otwala -RJW ia 'doubtloMkti'ilified to U^ch;hife gxandmtotheT to' \»iA 'tG3& ot to eee

in ' the price of Consols: Jras jcaused whollyond solely by that h*6»t dSaas-trciUA ofVimminal : bliiindws, ithc Bper War; ¦ |OUR STKiATiDOGS. ' - ; i i : ' ¦

, :i j ilt scorns almost iinchidiW*: that oneSh^titubion eyen in ;Uili' begicity. shouldJiave in ttre 1 caurtv' ofi bne i yeae takent<harge of -24,819 t?t-ray d^JThij is, how-iwfr . the record .W ^009

of Ithe Ba.UerseaJionve for ; Leeft . Dosd.llt I*. i.-in: neatlyHfiiififflctory to loarn tb'at not a singlecp<e of xaUea wa^ r.ooik'dcd.' . . . -

JKTBX6E' COUD. ¦! , i | : ' ! ' . • i . ¦: ¦

. .Tho cold her? is irtteiiic. T-hi? ni<?mJ.rrjrn 't'imni; oVJook, tlhe ! ,te;liip«i.'tu:re i oi . 20

(ntcsirecn , Y«'rtt»r<Tay.,! th« : fijn i.'re:, a t- the^hinoi hour wn* 28 tlfigrt-^.; In Kaciing-i

i: bamshire 23 df-jgrees of ;firo»t wad rqcordea

!;-jSAi> ^DISCOVERY ; ATL 'A 'hBMJiYNiAtE. ; i - ' ' -i

i: !li : i::.M IV !^ - v ; ;YpUIIG CARR|pK MAN|

f . ) r i ¦ :FOUND : DjSAD.£4: y , [! i . i ;- j - ' : / -

:i ¦ ¦ , - ' -

'I'j l i "!' 'In :• " ¦;

:|- *)rh i8i :mor«ing .wheai!l)Idtirici,!lku5r><5(3SjijWood3 was jdri ving to 3! :ullinah'pa>e|pokoe

ykti,-4irjn;- he found , ;at . SaHyneiJe*;CbbiS8('aliiout three, inilo* traj j !0Mj4cjs-pn-6uirj

D, lyoting man lyang dtfui on :'&!«| roadJ:.R«?eJI -.- ' ¦ i. -; . '¦ -ui . i-": > '- M . -; ' "• • ' ¦He; irhnie4ia.t«Jy -'hsflj i the ' bomr - boo;'Tflvcd to the l police bwrickfl^ait Oamntok,liiyl he was! idonii-fledit jr ij s rch.'tiy«,i-,l -..,*¦ ffU "liame 'j^w " .MicOj, id ! Bhoi .; H«;;W'ilotgi' to ;JJ»!

'toWn : .ofj 3srrj *ikV.anid , jwas-[eiiijagod mtii' ; a fAtMntii laboiit \m>\ tnsiekifrom: the, town. He -i^ -Bsjabout tweaioriyfij uwJ' flJ Wb.:,-. . :;' ;• ;- . . .-^ !

•> :¦; ¦¦;.:!; ¦[,' r ;[;:

-• Tl» polioe «r<3 invtatd j atin^ Uvej rwaAter.1: Tha Coroh<ir for Sat t^ Tatiparnry.ha«!l>een awmnunlcatediwi<l); ina »D itqtwatwill be held totmom* SaWday)! ;"; ^; r=l- :i; h:: ' :i! !;- !:fi ;iK :::

• f, - ^^ ' wir . ™ " - ^ " '" ^ I \. ' , -, I . . ; " I ¦ [ I ' ' - 1 ' ( ' I ' 1 . ' ' f '*' ¦ ' -¦ ,**.', f I L ' " M " ¦ * ' 'Mil " *' ' l PBSA ' ' •! *> ¦ J K. ' ^ k ' ' ; '< * ' I' I r ¦ ' I ' ¦ 1

W ¦ \ '\ y -sfeir:be! gM*>fUt f| yQtl||atfip ag f::i%' ¦ ¦. | |

¦ I; ! .'Wiij iyirti«iiiltiij il:^ !¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦

- ' 1J »•!

a H 'lI'ML A M.;:^! J J. ¦ J. A*IV.*- *'- ! ! . - ¦ i . l - ; 1 j— . —T ' ¦ 7. . . - ;| : :. .

¦ ¦ ; : ¦;., , , . . ifrT -TliTT • ' " • - •"' ¦¦ l-ffi.-IT' ;!-1 - - '--- . :1 - -- " :-^'-;- ' : i!- - - -lnii ^r. :- i . :M . i - = - .- - :: - ! i t ' ! - • : . . :!'

;. ,;; ; \\ .^V i J ' i U i ^ i k 'y ¦ J- i' r ' i l l l . rj^ :| !.; „ - i :^ - : -^.!;ji | ¦. : : - i i i' W ' iM ff k N tU^

ij.! ! jM ' ; : ; \ "J ]

' i i . ¦! ¦ ! i ¦ i :¦ ' ¦ •¦:¦ . T- ' : I

" ' - ; ¦ ¦ - 1 ' i !

^ i ' - ' "¦ ' '-¦ • ¦ ¦"i ; "i' :'- • ¦""•¦ '

'''"' ¦' " ' ¦ '¦ ' ' : : : "

'' ' ' ' ' ' : ' '

. | - -i||


A very pretW iniaxriage -was, eolcmnSied&t the Oaiiiadril, fWlateffbrd^ tm.,¦Wednes-day, the contracting 'parties' twing Mj.Thoxnaij Lynch(,l t=pn o'f-llhe l«te TBamasLyiidh, New linn, Caihir, and fw many;yeaiB mana^ea of the firm cf JohnCarnoU and Coi.l dmo^rs, the! Qutay, andMtli} Minnio 'TOiittW, eecorui dtvaiehterol the late TCflliara WhitUe, | PSi'oKnlook, and AicterJ of Ubo B5gh.t ¦VVbrahBp-,ful ithe MbyOr, and I of . Medsrd JohnWhittle, Tj fl., odd Eiothard Wbdtt2e. TIC.

Tlw ceremony ! i woa : pertojroeiJ, oilerNuplfel .JlSsrribjf . thfe : VcryTSReif. DoaaiMaMahon, (Gcllinghaoii, Kent (cousin j ofthe IbndleKaWi'j ilTassisied by tiia E^?,T. P. l loik, lAi3!m.;jEev. W. J.IOXto-noiUi C.C., find i ev. "W. JKirfhbe. CC;tiho Oaltihedir t. i: ; j I ; !' ! ¦ ! • ! iTbe bebt anaah. wals Mr. PitWcik lliynch;47, iQuay (brother of i tbe j brddckrraoin.).'and ithe 'bridtkEntwcfe jwere iMiss iBridgctt¦Whittl p (aister!: of tho ¦bride), arid 8C15&Kattdt Whittle; Aiidi M5 Mb-y pTSri^nj

After Hhe ceraaibny !a large! ntunberlclffriends, about '50, or 60 in Bill, iqeno ta^tfiftadined to ibreakftist' at tbe GpanvilleHotel. The Rrv. ; .Dean MoMlahpn iri o,niody worded Bpaecib, propoadd • thahealth of the I ;biude ; anU trri<fegrt»Djuwhich waa jneJfpiwildied to by! tbe teiae-grtottm. Saveral! o/ther toasts •wore olaoprbposed aiidj hsponde'cKto. I I ' i :

A large numbed °? b^Tit-ifuJ ond <to6|1ilypreiaeinti wcire ; received Jby - theJ ihap^>ypair, lirfbo olftenrards 1'ef^ ', for Dublin [bythe 3.40 traia l where '<ih« ' bfonestoooir iato"i)^"^)entrT i] ; ¦¦ ' '' I ' I • - •¦

¦ ! ! i L. ¦ ! ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦• -


. (! I . I .On ^lon-iay joothiDg a v«y ipreUy wed-

ding wtas 60l 5rnnaiedT «it tool' Ch-tiiedrial,Wteterford. bi' flib' Rev. Fitihor! WsmfcCJO., Camclfldn Suir (a^fistefl'by the

BJevT. F. FuKbng, Adhii iibe Catlhedteal, anflEov: W. 31 O'C reneill , C.C1, db-V/tSecontracting partta* blcSng .M(r. EdtatthHFpgarty. eMeSt floaTof -the MM Mr^ DenisFbcarty, | KdlttallyimHtiy, Ca!rrnc6-on-6uir,andt il^fiS Mdnnie- QSolSaod. only dloiuj^itcr^^^1^4 . fc^^^D y \* f v 'I I I I | JT*, ",jhM F I-B ' " \JX\ kj IHlriJW l liiTjir¦of Fr-: M. BolM4> BaUinagrarta, Carrick-on-Sair. ! . ] j . ¦ j f j : J

¦ j. Mr, Pr^aarty, ; BaJlyitntarDas,1 acted tiiopatt of b*.toton, and ; the ) ijroJciamnidswore; Miss O'Daherty frnd Mhsa OfReilly^Oamok-onJSuir.| line' ibifide jwaa1 rtv^niom'ay ;(by_' lrer,|aun > ifoi- DbWertyyV Nej».' Ahla rgcn l umibar oMSrceha tA <- V^ onewly-jwcidaOT ojmplo were afterwards en-tertained, i at n pejeunet at' ibo ' A'dfeipihtHblolJ iTiie Kealth of tbfe ibrMo '«nldbrodegiioorn w«us proposed :by i tt<j Rev.Father Wattt m la, ndoe 'Cttle (fpeeoh,and tt»B rospjjrufck} to by tihe bridesuCnriv,Sevcroi other, Itaasfe were aim. propoisea.andiieongj and, (ecitataona were renderedby i meinbers 'of JUIIB company.I . J .. ..] -,'' !The I happy; 'cwupla R>ft for, Dublin oni?JieStJ toneyatnaou ,;by i ,tnel ' jUO : .tr"aih,-bcfarinif with1 ItlieaH the b^it iwishe* ; f a ttlKfix* friendfl! far 'i,-bnghH "erui,' Slippyfuturej ] | j i |. ;i|' ;

¦ :: .; |1 . ; » ..- . , }- • . . -.i¦ Tho -I presepla: reoeivwi i:were |, oo hinuTDartoua, and loceiU-y/ i .. . i:| i'M-i ; \ . ¦':.;};'

z y, . . II • , •uri.— . M . ¦.. -.


=S ;

ThL i Priprie tori:o^ "THE WAfERF^ ^^ pr^afedlta ; ; |: : ; ;pfcM ofrer -o eve^ yfelv siibocri^ |

; ¦ ' j : L

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Tho Annual Sub

i ;i: jJ I ;

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To anyone vj ho -fprwarcfls uo. ll/IOa-Copifi . of ;; i - j . - : : ;|

v/lll be delivered and a Oopy of thlsiSfaporj will 6>4 suppled everywee£ti fbr; one year. ; in c^Ges'wWer^ tho .niewspapeB-'or j ^he p olttiavo to be: fbrviraifdetl byi|poo*,: |t^e!.c6Gt of ;s>pstage| of ;.4he : news.papelr for twelve JTi^nt^fwill :


^.and o^:*he| &<>p¥- *i#m l { - . \ \\Those who are 'al^ealdyi eUbeibribdrQ to p ur Mper-wlllj toe ;entl^8cd: .to !hayo |a!!&b^|<^v i-;.!jy^ld6j lntf^ - J j ^ i i i"Wayside India " j i&j kut al'lsMdl at liflli/- andilf cannot be obtained

for less than¦2i /-r j excel pt thr:oafyh^l";fhQ^IA/aierf^rd l ^efel' \ \ \—~— '"¦ :—:—'¦ ¦ ¦ ; i -v h \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

! :;:! i '| ¦!¦ I ' M 1 ^MiH J: ; ¦ ;/

i ¦ !i j I ' • .! .! '¦'"IVayoide India" contalno 32-:ftj rtl c*as© Illustrations, repjro dufced

in colour fronj i ^/ateirj Colouri . Dirvawingq i'by- !ryilss |pbiwer. ¦ ji ;

I 1 ; 3pe &IM \ Ii<sF r^0;y,^0a^^ .:'<s>Fj . ij ; j ] ;|' " " ' ™"^ ™ ' - - i- L-L "-"•». I -«*B»J •¦la***. <mx** J .¦ ¦ , ] T*% TT «TJ_U\ TTT ' T5T TT. O^W CS ' a 1

ff \ ' ' SriediM wmrl m:YM0m$f * :<s i . i i - ii ¦ ! ¦ I 'fl '

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crij ptionlto " the;jwaterfortf

I . .

,:, j:wili i»0T. j Otrfiii,iTHUltHlN(ll.lU:

; CHBOHIC BRONCHmS and; WEAHHE89 Of lUWCI, .Wti ' • I ¦:.¦¦ty iy mi^^^t '•i -'H-j '":iCONSUMPTION«" V twUnxwln MMtj t»t*mMtM**ii

i . r 'k ; : i ;¦ ' ¦'• h- 1 i - 1' i :-:-TH 'itf * W; COKClU!Vjr« 1 AisAMlC Kt-Wllt i»tTH«i»l; tt tk. y is . ifW.Ottoim» mpA, **, %*• <I «(d IU f KftST] I.'-|..T.: [, i; ,vit f ViT' Yi ¦

M vil;|-;v^iiir-,t^|i- :;!';:¦•|:;;:S*



=====jqE== ;|' ! j

l!j fc ^r i l -tLv :iI: BL'i'lITDiR—Uheane ! wetro : 2 flrjdns oftutteffj for gale in theHxtefl i nai-ket onlaJst'Satnrtiay,' 2Snd" inat.'nnd, wpreIsoldft BQal per cw*. SamS Duariber Axrgalein ititj e corretpondSng week di <h»t year.Erfiae1, 8Ssl per owt. |- '¦' ' t ' j j V

ilfif iAY - ! r4iN!D -STBAiW—(EEa(jl.' :j««!'toQL.70s. to 85s.; - inferior, 60 ;to 70s.;- oatentttnacw,|-«b). fa> 52s. €O; wl^ateaa dheaf, 60s..j iTXJKinPlS^l^L :to I5$r per| too. '¦'. ;: ¦' ;' 3£iSGCfWSrrKsJ to Ids, ; per | tioai. ¦"- . ¦:, |po|nA.iiMS^p«nUia' i'br&k ' «rti |«d. ,tx>:4i<£-per! j etahe.. i- I !.'i | '. : ' ; i .| " '^ ' 1

I FiCSH -lAiNiD. P)p!DI>TB>Y--Jies sri. j Flynn!and, Youn : return; quotations' is 'undBr-^-;Fish CretaJ) - Boje aid turflM.' Is. Sdr.- periHJ ; Ibcili Bd; oodj ihUk©; and ilaipe,--'6d ;doryj | S dj IhhdUDok i 4i<3-; ; ntodkere-1; and;bfrrdngs' Is. to la. 6d. per dozen; wlhaing'ad. toiSd,; lobstera-ind orabs slitt ecanee.!ji Poultry! CftiholeEale)—(FoWla 4a. to &3.;per pair; ducts as.|6d. toi-l». ' i .. : .; j OAaEE-fllhe supply ol gtune contstniea'ip ;irii(pnoye. ¦. ¦ i ; : , . i ; i ! ' : -i i - j¦; Pltit&fCelO'ar qaotatCbn, Ma.! pcr. :owtl;ibp-prioel |- . ¦ . i - ; ; - i : .;¦ • . I ;. l. ' " j: | iBaJlybraoien Beport>-?Toip prieei (Wett-netliay ' inairkeit),' 58a. per pwtj I i |: ;i| .Jxa^S-j^nha prioe- of egija !th8a vneek %ft*, per- "<$Q ifor "h^ans and docks, i n - ;-'l l GBififj -:'

¦¦- . ; , • ! ¦ : ¦ ' : : | K' j i :|;iji'BIayk .il'pats^-inir$cet; -!xery . firm j 'ead:'euppj * amftn; VAIUO SURJ ; od. id J03.;p»:

iTSrfaJari; Maol—•Demaiud, sJbw at 176: QL<b !8?i par.fisici; •' { , ' ¦[ ' ,. ' ¦ \\\ :!- .

I f BarleyiiMesJ, Ms. per 2 ctrt. : M , ' :f i i RedlPWCard, 6s. 3$. to to. 6d. perj l crsrt.| I NVflnite ' JPollaxd, 7s. 6d. per 1 ewt; , ' .\|j| imMte - |Bran,, 79. 3d. -to: 7«.- . 6d.|per ,;1

'EedSBmn, 5s..9di f o .teL per l 'crert. :iKelJjr arid Co., Iftd.— .1' ;' ; . '; i I- i 1:iilrisih Flour, 333. tb 3 3. per Back, .ii !¦Iri Red Bran, 6a.:fld.;tr> fe-jpiar 'aff*.Iniyh White Bmn, 7a. to:7aJ GL per e rt.

II -Iriii BrWn Pollard, 8fii- 3d. to 5s. 9i:pex cnrtJ .] [ ¦ :- - ' ; . . M |." : !.- f I i ¦

:.ii \\tMOif W j ite' PdOaid, 8s. per crU. ;;|-;IIj Uh tih B£fley...M«J.-j3¦:;*>!%,'M,i per,; Hlndtinilfc^,- 17o. &t to I£S.:p<»' aaft.;! | 'Bast jEo SlMi Unseed: Cbie, 10sJ ed. per<sivt. j 'il l '!' "" • ¦ ¦ - i ' \ ' [ \ ¦ ', ' ' ; ! • ' ¦> ;|--l )FW«sri;££nseexl'Gake, 10&. &). per owtr ;

IjBestj tAriBeed Oako Mcal .l0a.rpd. :pfcr,Rpnre'iCrushrti' Faul 8eed/3s.:peJ-etaae!;peoostiioafecl Cfcxttoi CUie, 9a.|6d. p«<r! grlKh j Oattncal/-S33i-.t(> ;-3f5a.¦ p>x! *MJk*.ii I. K«lIr8;;Fraie pa'biieal.::|lS5...per:cr!»t.';' i. iKeH3f"»:i0a3I:MieaI;f &;:iiper : etojttei: :¦!;•' ;;

Now !Black Oois, 9a. 9d; :piei'rbtir!rel1.'' i: . 'if .'-ilTT^—:—rl—i- ' - ¦¦¦', \ ; i ; I' .'li '- 'jf,-;!; ?l "

CilvHfit. CtAvnANIilff ! JrfUUfifi -:j ¦: ";l jr- ::l r ¦- . ''¦'t-""-?.''- ' i''r [T[j' ;!'".:ysiC: !l.' '-> !ll1. jSapJ&ea by P.i^frb^JnBatri:*' :|

,'[fl!riei - - " .l! , ' ¦.¦'- ; ¦/ >U " ..i- ; ¦:.-.;;i ? s30 ':||

:•; pi8* i ita5.GwnVN j l..;-f J :i::-:.i.ii->;!;; -!Ba E!¦' Bontj stt fflBta. > • ?. .: wli ft - i .~:;i. : SO '#|jil<»iian»p«ca. ' / : V : W !i !' -,iU- ' !-:iS2 it!|ii jnipgjJi;! ;' .:. r} H.i 'J .j rs 'mlrfJ ; Ammli amuedCopper ... M ;-;¦ j... ;;c.: Ml 'il;

11; J own l«s2; !:!¦ H! -vr- ^«; '!i iv.!.i[ r-i? */*&

ipsipfsil'liMi BiiilAw¦¦ I Vest (a i fcOawfefeKlSi 3? }»

p ¦j^:'V- '| ;i';i?:|!>; -;i!l in - ;'i']r; Ml |4" !f:

l^tfwjwiiklfci^iij !v .i ft: I

Wewo "i »s! ( >¦ !/ :i ;: ; ¦ h i . ; ! M :

;:r .lV ; i- " :. ir s i Hi" ii'H I i- i !-¦


: ( - :r . " - -{(r ¦ i i : l - ' : i ; ': | ; : ' \i

if : '5(he itonual ! ball givon Ky the| WVitarftiinJiHunt takes jj>laoe n] the lLaxgie Eown ttfthe Town-BWl Ito-nigikt, i dancingl ijeginTj iuttg ait 9J3o'J:Tlao Iiwge Ho«n land a^n-!:proach<»; theretoi as ;weli \as: suppei andand ciher. apaitmettW j and j Jbaloomiep.OuiA-6 been beacJifully •decorated, (ritb;^inls.'and'

¦&aperJe8.:|Hhe colouir of'. tSa

Jiiint (acarlet, and whijte): are bv^rytvliere;ir.; eviidenoe. i Eioh. scarlet carpets hai76,:been .'loid on tie stairs and landings,fend ;rafls. oad; banSstera t'aye ' : been.Haovered ¦: wtM> gcarlet dlapfngs, i hung ¦ '¦mXh.•whUe:: j fa&teain^. i TJhe j ball; room jae&nmaniy. ,aecoraiett. | [.irciiies land i Mng-in^l» jbi- soarljet aiul wlijite ' are fc\v«7wbetcin: piokninence,| hat j lrelieived: wiitv; thogreen of palms: and "other' plants. Theifloor laB bees' specdaUy prepcicd flirdancing, and , toast ! prove incet ;4a±5s-.factory. : "¦) ¦ • ' ! . ! j i ; "- ! : ! : i '¦¦¦ :¦ ¦

:-.\ ¦!' The f arniture (ph5&j>endale and Shere-¦tonr 'epecciafly . i'nppiied ;l>y ' Meam T..'Woteh : and -sou; auictiioneer, jTh e; Mall)is i in ie«pirij -vrillb tHe richn,es3 of th|e<Jecnraiions. The g^zi^ml app&iiitinextisIna^re been jWeU'1 carried; ont.j DriesEJnyeobjns, '€iaJ)orately:fitf4d; rba.v<'i becia pro-Vared for, ladieej and' 'gentleinen. j : '¦}iHie fcoierins- is to; be execated i oa air;«Jaibbrate:l acale. !¦'•! . ! H ' : r - i : I ¦ i ; ^ f '

p IKokeis h'«.ve beeh iirl great requ«rft tjy-TOembe^ of : t'W Hrant,. ;and!iit. !ia ;ex- ;needed that ' the. atterjdlartce ;KI]I nuruJxat-1|be!JH;eer|-'forliy- aridj fiitjy - .cpnpltj s.; i ; , - . ' J;

ik Sii - ' i l ii ^i ii i -i-p; ; _ . opiCIA^ i

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!<'NeU'-|)i ; •!I: AH engas»aienfs—Ohioir'ct£l! i ' ^i j W^coie|thK«. EWn, 4i; ^

h Q^en'e Prize,; Kem_j>toii Park-i-ku^-

M ' kLtLUlMi- ;iL ; siTHE lBJSH.jP»il2nJri:- l ¦' •• ¦ ' ;¦ !¦¦!' .' :: ¦;t ijj t 'a pnbIw![n«3eUng,-held in !'>faw Jast*ee&- nidw ! 'the; BusjriCea df rtn'e (todajbrowai of Ui<?: UilJ.,; Mr.;I>..T. O/Jftiea: protpoeed a' "vote >of j cot fidehc$ jjn." Jif J Ji¦.Iii jmiMinis bte -motion^.Mr.: OiTBfien. in: we 'coarse. '-flf ! a .«lev«j ['g!petedhi| eibtenred; tlj ai'.- 'at: maaj ; phight-j lfce . rery ¦ jolorei!i -Wany;- lndivddjaal | inigi t:. be clever—iral[it 1,: n««d^d-al];"t2Mj cohid: do, ausVinow,:hound, end '•;¦« andiag • t | vwina¦;anjfhanir',"w'hit»olaver : -:irom : t5u> :BKtisn

:^ ! iMr;'.;.p:''j ;.O[Bi;ien; nt -fa needJieesi W;;j [Nn^nB ^M«'- rpa|d«!W,.ii a- native .'of; Wafiit-erifbiil :wfiere^h«:' pra4 asai ¦¦ in| .las', prcv-i flbteloin,:: for • st«n<i tfrwj . -b^aro: eefjjina

rARA2OTQ;if^lir^;f«;12tnonii6«^thli' i : - M i -I-


^ttea a* may i»«ffair^fl , JThe'&ikJtifl oli ' ; ;' ;¦¦ i i "i ;

l-tio&-RAV.a^»LL^Jl--i- . '"'¦' ¦ ' ¦' '"¦' ¦ ¦ ' • 1| •-

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