Iffl' SLIkJ - Restler API Explorer


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Transcript of Iffl' SLIkJ - Restler API Explorer

__i.. DON DAYS Bk 150-51)41 STINC Eli NJ. SII09% %VILE.

( ONI IN(F IN A FEW NIINLTES (JO %I(de( r.-0. ¶1.90. on 31 ...-

BK 711-CO!ING ctSI)A'i (20 4ik) rcg. 2.9S. no .t - . . ¶2.20

Ilk: 1 0 1 -(g ANN()VFI) % II F H F. R F. I ,I.r.:ASF: II:! I, ((III 11IASAGE3II-TS1 Il-I 1i(leO ¶2.49. "n (Ie 0I .. ¶2.24

lIE 76-OSF \I((\((-I [(,t (17 .4i(TC( .2.69. on Ie mg - - ¶1.87

.S\.. (f StAR (AST (26 Conii Ilg;r(tl - aC!i(,fl IidC% Ironi

(('p lIe I((l;(( of (lie l(iOiCS. teg. S1.90. no i ------ ... $2.86


BK 108-TIlE '.OR1IIFRN LIGHTS (10 Iides) rrg. $1.49, on saI ( ------ ..... ¶1.20

k 2.02-cIN0,ET. ,%IOONR1Sl AND STORM -

420 TiIe. fl(• 52.58, on aIe at ... ¶2.20

W!LD LiFE SL!DES t.K 1 44-A I- RICAN 101(2 CAME (8 slideO rg.

¶1.49. on 'oh. at - ---- - - - ¶ .96 IRK 143-('(f (;\H' cot. yr - nv (S ljI( ron.

¶1.49. on $ .96

BK 160-TIIF ((>1(N S .5 ..% K E AND rIll: ¶IOUSI: (8 Ii(le..( roO. $I .49, 0(1 SOlC at S .96

flK 100F SSTI-:IONRlRl)( OF FIEl) AND %_OO9 (9 .(j(( rOil. ¶1.00. on '(((0 01 S1.60

BK 104-IsI I II ((f Till (JOEAT HORN. El) OSI. IS 1(l0) ron. 51.95. on snle a' ¶1.60

BK 161-P0IS()N(ftS S N A K F S OF TFIK UNIIFI) SIATES IS tkIc( Fee. ¶1.49, oil fl(t at . .... - S .96

01K 170-SNAKES OF 1 lIE Mll)WF.SI 18 'lid(.) ron. 51.49. on '((IC at - - ----- S .96

Ilk 130-SNAKES ((I.IIIE c0WIIIEAS, (8 SI(de) rg. '.1.45. on sale at ------ S .96

RE 174-SNO.KFLS OF T ID: NO101IIEASI (iON I NIlFI) SI AlF_c (8 ..Ii((e( tog. SI.49. on a(e ni ............ % .96

BK 159-7Y41 1u.4I '.N..%KFS OF 1 Hi: SOUTH (S olide'( rog. ¶1.49, on sak 01 S .96

BK 140-WIl.D ANIMkI.c OF THE AFRI. CAN P1. AINS (8 slides) reg. ¶1.49, on sale at ................. 5 .96


K 34-Aiil.E.S OF THE CIVIL WAR (28 slides) fog. ¶3.98. on salg at ---------- ¶3.0*

K 30-IORADY PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE Clvii. WAR (24 slides) reg. $3.49, on sate at . . ......... $2.64

1K 12-CAP1L:RF,) (;FRM&N SR\lv PlC. TLRIs (22 tj,le..) ron. $3.49, SOle at ....... $2.42

K 156-U}lSfll.ESION AND FOR I 5* \II FlO (2(1 s(tleS( rso. ¶2.98. on SO!, oc ------ $2.20

81K 161-C.r.1'lvsn1'Rc AND SIlO. I lN(Ol.N lit sliiIe) ng. 51.90. on solo t St.43

K (90-1 liE (; it 1 A .1 is I F S"I rN;INFS ANI) TRAUE()ltS ol. I:sI Fi4DA' ('i. dil(. .. 1 1 . 913, o" sole II 2- SI;

K 207-Nrcl<%NI) NECK 10 1 lIE WIRE 20 slides P. torrper on:l 1*05 litho.

on hors.' Raei,,, reg. ¶2.98, On sale it ... ... ............ ... '2.20

K 153-THE 1939 SAN FRANCISCO WORLD'S FAIR AT SI(H1 (13 SId0s( reT. $1.98. on SOlO at ....... $1.43

K 546-1IlE SPANISH.AMF.RICAN WAR ON rAN,) AND SEA (16 slide) reg. $2.49. on SOle 01 ................ .. $1.76

1K 69-t"ION (;ESF:RAI.S OF 1 lIE (I\II. WAR (8 (uJesl reT. $1.49. On sale at S .96

IRK(23- 1. S. .%R$IY UNII-OR$lS FlOO"I 1 (IF l(l-.'i ((II TION TO TIlE Sl''.N- tSll-AI[:l(lc-5N W A R 423 slds) SiT. $3.49, On sale at ............... $2.53




111 4000(4 OUR

t Is '19 mv 141,_R ­ . -LI Iffl'

SLIkJ Sihies so!d ii, coni plete seW.c only ---not indriduaiiq!


E CPRCUS I (13 td'.) r. ¶I.US.


EI 74--(Ui(LS TR.UN-I.&ST lAYS OI .11-11 flIC. lOP 130 IIde( rep. ¶4.09. ((, . . $ 3.30

PN 204-TI-IF (ffl I)IN AGLI ((F T(IF (1)0. (IS ((9 ..Iide), rg. ¶2190. on 01 . . . . . ¶2.20

L(l 21)5-Il I'(;I.I\C ((((OS. -V 0 II I. I) S (;RFATIST SIIOV.S (IS lid(. r. S2.0S. S1.90

1 ''T_ .-

DDLE rtT lIE .16_F(( I' ( 1 II! P8 OPLE. rtu Nil P

A NI) I Ill SI. li 24 .ljilis( rev. on '.11*' ;l! $2.44

IlK .17-1 ; :'l - ITS %$( IF N I SsoNDru$ 431 (((s) ii. g. ¶4.49.on s.(!o at ¶3.41

81< 2-0.11 $1 I.. (AND 1)1 TIll 81191.1 (00 l,d,.( rog. 'in sole at ¶990

T 5Ti iS IlK 142-l( I IN()l$ I I R'%IIN (.1 lROl.l.E$ S

(S 'I di ri . ,. no '.,le ol S .96

IlK 179-IN I I Ill t011%\S (5". I III II I I I lO"lI'. $1 I 10 .(i,l,( Fog. $2.59. on

'ili p1 . $1.98

lIlt I l7_'t'\( S ( I I ( T')l( (0 5 II IN $ S (2(1 I:'. 'P r. '. '2 5(5 II $2.20 131

(SI-I'' '.1(1) I I I 511(11(1 I. I N I 20

. 9. 12 '(S. 0 ,, 01 1 2 20

l . Nl i(()Il I \ t BK zIo-t'l':'s$$ l2ts((l''lr. '3 1!:. on sal, 'I 2 11(.

lIE 178-1 III - 'R() $l(l\' I I (.1'$' - 1 'II I \. A I . ((II .l(,( , CiT. (.(4) .: I ill '(.20

RAILROAD SLIDE5 ((Ic 168-S80101) 1 iii. $(()! $'. I. I ()( l. (13

s((lp.sl res. SI .98. on s, Ii :,t ' I .4)

EK 189-- 9 I ()N(; I FIF ON I ((I S'() Rou.I F

I 2(1 siliJi s(. ri '1 2.98. n" oils ,1 42 20

lIE 176-AN I 05l 10 (0 ¶11 $ I ((TON 025 1 III: N RRO'.% C. st:(;i 413 slidcs( r1t. SISO. no 'ale oI S1.43

lIE 148-1Al I l'1OltI 551) 1)1111) 2.821 Al 250W1 II $ 11051)5. (NI)! '.75% 413 *(nlrs( rig, SI .98. oh s.iI at I .43

BK 169-( SNkI)1N N Tl0N SI ' F r A $1 I O('O'ilOTI$ F.S (16 sliiles) ron. $1.99. on site II $1.76

BK 215-($NA1)IA'$ i'ACIFIC STEAM lOt' O'*IOFl\ ES &13 rtg. ¶1.95. on s,de it ¶1.06

IlK 3a-I III ('ALIIORNI.'O /.FPII( Il I'S El Al lIFE Rl$ TN C S N V 0 N. 120 'Ij(Ies( res. 2.99 on oIr at

((Ii. 42-1 \Rt)1 ('S A 5(10(0 I 1 l'Sl.S (19 slii(vs) 0') sale .0 $2.09

BK (,3--( Ill $(.(). rs$ I'S (1 I 115 SI F1F. $l

I 'st 0$ 0 .1 sI's', P 01 0. 4.98. on S. Ic .0

IlK 74- I '?)(l S (r(%l\. I $i I l)'i'.S OF

I (P ,OIC Ill $3.30

lll 2(,-( 1$ It. 5$ SR 10 All lO( 51)5 P I 3 .(((,ç( r,(I. '1)0. on .Ile '0 ¶1,43

BK 128-l)O'SNrn t'ASS ON liii. 901 III- I RN P ¶CIFIC 416 i(ilcs( reT, $2.49, i(II sole at ¶1,76

BK 172-4.8.4s ON (lIE NORFOl K .5 $$F..ST. I K'S I I 3 .119*1. reT. 1 1.98. on si,lc at ¶1.41

BK 217-I P051 1)1' VFR TO (21 FN'S% 001) spr(l'S(;s ON rio: u si it (((('SIt il I'll '* (I I 211 *lId,*P. ron. ¶2.98. nfl 'ale pl 52 21)

BK 18T-(; L 'S ". I 0' 0 •s ER t'S(lI. I( I I) CIIt\l)F 'S41 l(RIt\$ (2$1 (l2 Ill SlP(',1 rIg. SI .40 SI, . IC ,il 5132

RE 129-1 lIE IIl(1l 'II flIt V ( '(1)11 4 ( t. ll()OSl 113 slicIcs) re'. "1 ')S. II $1.41

BK 64-1(115015 Cl 'SIlOtI - SlIi.'.I A(RO'.'-) I Ill PR \ (((II I I 'lid. 055. $2.49. on '. Ic at 1 1.76

IlK 73-h. t N S \ ', ( I I $ I 111111'S ¶1 '18 ' Ii,l,sP ci 4. 1 2.79. on :,to al bi.98

Ilk 187-Nr$s l5(.I $NI) EtlI 190 tI1S 20 sEds( ¶2.98.n 0 sle 01 52.20

BK 180-1111 NEW US$1.25 ((6 hues) reg. '2.49, OII 'ile al $1.76

BK 125-'SF$$ YORK CE"sI II ¶1. S r r .t, i 1.0('fl$l0 I IS ES .9. 1 I'sl)I ¶5 tl'Ol IS ((3 s(i,I,s( rio. $l.')S..o on s.i!i Ill 51.43

BK 191-Nl(Isll PLATE SI I ¶51 POW I U 41 10111 IN t( NI (13 slMis(. i ii", i,Ii,ise $1.43

IlK 1 26-N ICKFI I'l 4TF 2 9.4 P 13 slidesl 1(5. 91.99, on 'ale .il $1.43

BK 171 -NoRFolK 3-, '0 IS I IF'S 4.00, ((3 .In(os( r o. Si .98. i,', .(I,. .11 $1.43

BK 172-NORIOlK & 9' I 'sI I IS'S 40.4s ((3 '((iles) cog. SI .98. on s.Ie aI $1.43

BK 27a-"sORI 01 K A $1 ES I PR', I (2 slides> cog. $4 '25. on '1iIe 01 ¶3.52

BK 109-i'FT525S$ S I F t $1 t.O(O\IOTlS IS I I 1 1(4,,) rs I.'. $1 .08. on sal, at SI .43

BK 17-l( $1! RI> $10. 1. . S. S. (4' tides) 'eg. Ii 'I ¶9(7


/.............. , S

k ..,..

el 4

his s - 111(1 (.11 \\lil 5 l(IO(i$S (;%l_(.I 4211 ,l,d ,.re'.*. '''(4 'i!, II 52.21)

BK l')'-ll $11191) tll'S(; DOSS'S I. 'Ill It (325 '.01 1 II ,t(SI F $1 I tN 10 A11.55 AN S II) '(ides) reT. .11,. ,iI ¶165

It ¶11(1 & 9$ I (($1151; (20 'Ipites) e.g 1 2.M no s.itc .,r $2.20

lIE 173-S I I t\1 I (i(()\hi I I'. I '( ON 1 III. 'S(JKI()I K ,is $3 I ',J I ION (I.. *11 es) rig. 51,19..,, n *.iIe at 5149

EK 147--il. I ((I I') 11.1:511'S $1. '20 ! '"2. 52.15 on ' 'I at 112.20

lIE 40-2 I1l: $5251 t I F C 11111'S 'I( rolor SI ,,,e s) Tcg. $ 9O.i..'. '.110 ,l 53li(

I(K 143--'. I I $'sl I (1(i)$(OTI> I S ON I ((F II I 1501'. (1 'S I iLlI. 413 sl:lesi to:,

'.'IeII 'I 11 BK 167- I Ill %( II t11 (20 slick,) re;. ¶2.98.

oil ':ile at '2.26 liE 10-s IU(;INl ¶'s Il 511 11() $1) S I I \ 31

I (It ((911(1 1$ I S 123 *11(10*) r.g. 33,79.

:f.rr$iT° -

BK 66- k$l\l $1.5 (SI


1102551. PARK 130 sl.ile'l reg, '-I .4').

oil s,.t, III $3.30

IlK 67-A1 j( SIN AND 9$lYlIR IN 'tEl.' l.O%VS_I ((Ni 25.4 110541. PARK (I 2

slides( reL. S 1 .89. 0) oole at S I .32

BK 134-$tT1i 'tIN IN 'tosl:$llI I 117 slIdes)

reT. ¶2. 49. on 5111* 01 $I .87

IlK 165-ti II 'tINS p.tINT101Ot'S(l IN NEW s1C'SI((( I I 3 51,110*) erg. SI .90. on

51,1. Pit $1.33

BK 96-11' NI I $'. I) I. A k I: lA)t ISli (8

5)>,!,, P rIg. S I .49, on '( 8 .96 IlK 31-i ('F ((Ill- (;ILtSS 5l.%1( EF25

I I (El ((S I(,l,( rig. 0(1 sole 0) $1.00

III). 135.-!'4IC'11 lrC;il1

lIE 6I-P(\(' 1 (\'S$O'S' N.'. lION-SI. i'S.Nls 'I o,l,I.*i,e. 12. 11). n '(Ii It

(\14 (l'(tI 21 cc,,'. '7)'l. ,,(( .1 . •(

Ilk ('47-110 (1(11-I I -tNt) ($1 t1'Sr (1 It t I 31 I \ 1(i) 13)) . I ,.l,s(. FtC.

I,,)' ..(i. iii 44.26

IlK 195-0099 5. 7nr IS 141 C 0 A S 1 (II

lIE 221-1111- 1.\l'O(;l tIlES OF I-I (119112-5 "S........,(r (I ¶2 20

lIE IJ_I1..tIll lOC'. I-I ((1(11)5 50 s(j4es) rep. ¶1,99. OI *i((i (I ¶500

IlK 228-Il I 110 fl)'s S l-( Ill_I I t (3 V 1(1>4 I.E ,\NI) Flit: (;Ol I) (O $S1 (0 slides) e.g. 54(9. on 51i1,' ,) ¶333

BK 6*-ClYSERS .5251) ilor SPRIN(S 01

31:1.1 ()',%STONI (31 slitles) reT. ¶4.49. (1,15010 at $3.31

BK 5*-C.RANI) ( A N 't 0 N IRAILS (24 '(Ides) reg. S-.9 .6 .1 . oIl slile 00 ¶2.64

IlK 219-KEY %VEST AND iIIE El 014104 KI.VS 01 ¶2.85

BK 203--I AS vr(;sc $rrFll 1) .5 R K (20 ldes(. n core ) '1PiI

IlK 196-31FX1(O'S $1 0 I) F R 'S CAI'II SI. ( 5 T'i (71" I;d..p. r't1. "'.99 c n sole a,

UK 222-.3IIA\lI, 311 tIll I) I-: -S U II -5 is I)

0 0 it S I r; '.131 ES (30 'IVes>. rep,'. 4$ .4'). ii". .,l,. ot I 53.31

BK 164-'llGll I 3 NI ; S 4.5 ( I 2 ,tSlesP reT. ,

1.99. iso 5)1(0 tI SI .32

I(K I (19_25-5$' .5(4 II .5. N I) I (1 DA % 440 lidec) ron. ¶5.98. on 5115. 5) --. $4.40

BK 11l-'SE%% FN(:I 4251) 5 1 I U $1 N (13 slides) reT. $I .98. on *,,Ie :d $I .43

BK IS-IIIII PACIFIC N(IRTII%$FSi (30 slides) reg. ¶4.99. on spile il . $3.45

BK 43-I lIE I'.&NA$I 1 ('AN SI. (19 slides) reT. s2.93. no (1(15 at - $2.09

BK 59-FE SES, I' SIlKS ,tNl) PASSES IN COl.OIl -51)0) 24 slkles( ceo. 53.69. On 'ale 1)1 . 1 2.64

BK 107-SAN FR.'sNCIS(() .51-11:19 0,510K P I 5 lidesl reT. $2.39. on 'ille iI $1.59

ilK lOS-S SN FRANCISCO. FilE 14 SY AND l lIE I(llll)(;ES (20 sliiIe'.( reT. 32.90. no 'ale at

BK 103-SAN IR SNCIS(() .- Fls}lF:R'tlANS WIIAR1 ((6 iI(des) reT. ¶2.39. no s,ilr 01 . . . . . - . $1.76

BK 105-SAN FRAN(IS(0 IN SPRl25(IlME (20 slide*) reg. ¶2.98. on t;iIe at . $2 .20

BK 106-SICIITSEEINC IN SAN FRANCIS(:O (20 slIdes) reg. $2.98, on sale 01 . . . $2.20

BK 70-SKI rIME I'S ,Si'.PPN (16 slides) Ft's. ¶2,49, <in saI at - . 1 1 - $1.76

BK 98-EIOTON NATIONAl. PARK (11 slidOs) rio. $1.49. on saie It .. S .96

BK IS-FillS IS NESS FNCI.ANI) (33 slides) erg. ¶4.49. 1(1(0(10. (I . - ¶3.85

IlK 149-I RAIl. Rl)GE IO)Al). R 0 9 K 5 \(1)U25 lAIN \.-4jR)7s -SI. l'.AlOE (tO sEcles> rr,1. $2.4'), on sde at $1.76

BK 72-I$$() 'tIll IS I 1l(11 IN I1OCE5 310125 I SIN N-Slll)NAl. l'-%lOI 20 sIIde) re. $2.98. on sol(. 01 1 32.20

BK 29-%V.tSIlINC.10N ON 1(117 r(3I()$l.sC 1 31 slIdes) reg. ¶4.49. mt sole at ¶3 41

((K 199-W11.11,t$l$l11 R(. (01.O7slAI. CAI' II -ti. (97 slSl.sl, rog. 07.90, on sale 01 -------------- -$6.27

OK 142-YEI.I.(h$%SIONE - 3IIE C H A N I) (.ANVON,, l(IVIRS A N I) LAKE 113 Slides( reg. $1.95, on sale at S1.43

PFrc lSr, L.;G: LLE S.EiS

F:,eli of if S s)i,(e' 2.oiiicvs I::(oh so) if 9 lii I (P sIiik'O ............. lie), si-I n) I I I'' 22 51(16.5 ........ 4.(0(1(005

l:ieh si I i.0 23 to 30 sliiI,s ....... I-.osh 'II ot 31 lii 44 s)Ode ........ 1.a4 s'l 01 40 ii, 0)) s(ii(is .........7.,,n,,ees

' F;irli sit of SI to 57 slides ......... Sin ours

F-ch rI 01 00 10 60 '-((dec ....... . 9.005ers

I;,eli of nO 61 In 72 slides ...... .10.ouuiee' I id, set 01 73 or iIiI,re .cli(les . I I .(liifluOS


IlK *(,_ 5 \(IF's IC It I F C r: TOO SY 137

.lii','SI ri g. $1.95. 01 ,(, at S5.17

Ills 211-5(51 lilt . 1111 (II SR\IIN(; (113

Ill S SI iLl ((I; (30 slid,.'', oh,, F,. 4 .c

5 )



Ilk 2))' '.1 $('71 '-9 )( 's'S' (• I I 5 (I'


BK 35 1(2 I (211 91 rIll 11151 I II II. (35 sloles) r. o. 55.4 3. on S,,Ii at ¶3.89

RE 7-I N(:i. S N!) .- I()'.$ N AND ('05'' 1 ((1 49 slides) reT. S9.90. nIl sale il $5.39

lIE 9-F tIll I !4.S25(F 100 slide'.I I, (1. ('.90.

(5( .11* t

BK 59. l .531(11 5 (451 IFS OF (FR$I&NV

(205(4 Ii 'I reT. 42.95, on sole at $2.20

BK 183-Jl'S'SlSJl PASTOR tIE (26 slltics) Fee. I 3.90. on sale i ll ¶2.86

RE 44-)I(ll I .5 'SI)--IIIG!l tl'O rc IN Till: hIll I .5251)5 )32 slides) r.g. 55,98. on ',(lV :1)

RE 41 -lI S I V-N A I'l IS. I'011 i'I:tl. SOR. IlINTO AND (.Sl'l(I ( (0 sloles) reT, 52.98. on .1,10 at

l;K 3o-' I 51.3 -R()57I'. '. . P11 FIT'S ..%"sl)

I Ill S .51 i( t'5 ( 1 9 sli!si rug. '3.96. ((II s:,lt' II

lIls 39--I I $1.3 .-' 1251(1'. Fl.ol(I:SCF, P15.5

AND 'III .325 (42 Iit(rs) reT. ¶5.98. on s.,!.. it . ¶4.61

l:k 102 -'tI 41)1011).5 5.1) I 01.1.0(1 (20 slides)

r(g. 2.90. on s.ilc .it ¶2.20

IlK 181-25(1115% 43' - 3,II)St''I%IrR SKIll'- ('II ES (411 slides) (CT. S5.98, on sale at $4.41

IlK 35--'SOR$% AY. IANI) OF THE $111)- 25l(llT SL'N )40 slides) rig. $6.98. On sale at . ¶5.23

BK 8-I'S Ills ON FIlE ¶1:125K (49 slides)

((0. 56.92. on sile II . $. I?

(19 3(.-1'I( I I Rt(l)l F S N 0 Pll(hC.RI1. 5(5 i: I)I's\l till,, (47 sliiles( rig.

in) sit, .iI ¶5.28

(its 212- l'lOS(;l 1-9113 8 i: II I N o TIll I I) (I 25 (9 IT I S I'S (30 s'id5s). rig.


IlK 215- I III 1(1131 5'. 1 It Il I 3 I F R .5 i2 ,I,(li.S(. I. ii. 42.90, ,,,,io(i It ' 2.20

111< 6--SIC.lI 151:1.125(2 IN I. (I 'S 0 () 'S (5))

hues) reT. 1 10. 98 .1.0.0 (0 01 ¶5.90

BK 13--$l1.I1l(;II i-%IIitR I. A 5 I) (33

sli,lis) 'eg, 59,'):4. on s1lts, ,il 54.73

BK 103-51' 5(25-1 IS St N'S', SI.OI'I'S 5251) SIU)RF .26 sloles( (so. 53.98, ott site at . . ¶2.86

ilK 182-SI 31511 19 IN LAPLAND 116 Iid.$)

r, -. '.2 .39. ((I silo at .. $ I .76

I(K 37 -3 I I I 25L I S 25 I). S$'i 1.1)125 ( 10 slides)

I, . $5•), •i,is.,k. it ¶4.40

BK 207-59 I-S I 1. lI(\l S N't - tl.()NG I III:

io) I It 31 SI'S 12(1 slidesL reg, 52.')o.

liii sal, ,,I $2 20


t) .. ----


.. .-.-.o..S. 0>

: . .. (1 19)1 ,\$--:'\' I:'.

I ((I SI l's (411

siile ol $4.10

IlK 206- 9% 15t ( I: It 31 5 'S 3 -TIll: r SIR 1.5251)5 (II I III 1(111251 20 'lidesi. F, . 5).')O. on sit,. ol _


BK 16-BAlI IOI).&V 15 slides) Tf. ¶3.90,

IlK l-IIAW.-SII-0t'lt \.5('A I ION PAR- ,t 1)141: 400 sliiles roE. 1.4.90, on ,tle

il ------ ------------ 5.50

Tr'.i. '- L-- :-- :E

IlK 75-1N1)l.t--IIIF I. tNT) • NI) ITS l'F.O- Pl.E 936 5)11205) leg. $5.49, (In s.ls 01 ¶3.96

IlK 55-JArS'S. 111V 01 1) AND THE 'SEW (30 slIdes) reT. $5.90. (iii SIllriI..$4.lS

BK SI-K (1 It I; S - s1;oil.-CIlFN('llON AIoF;A 26 slnles. (ST ¶3,95. on Sale at................. .

BK 54-KORF.t-I 1 ISA'S AREA 430 sldgs( (CT. 5.98. on SOle .11 -- - ---- $4.11

BK 50-TO 0 14 P S--S1.0N(; THE 30(5 (23 ihde) es-c. $.4' tiu 5z4e a( ....... $2.53

r -



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Thear1'OrlS tcurivl attractIon In Sou thern Caijornia-Ka 's Eerrv I-arm. The Ghost lown and Calico ttritr.,aj, Gold Mine, Goldie's joint, Vclls Fatito and the Minr'a Suppty Store. the Old l3Fcksnrith Shop, Aunt NeUy and her (po-ycar-old Dulcimer, ltot!.ilI •:emote.y. the Chaoet by the Lake Indian Camp. Miniturc Car Ride and the Wagon Camp.

BK 225, 20 2"o2" clor slides (4-0113.)



.4 orcriative -cue color slide set OF frogs, toads and a ,lanr_uder.s in close-up. The varieties covertd are those principalt, found in eastern and cenlrrrl United States, Included ore: Frogs—Northern Cricket, Green Trecirog, Pine Barresrs Irectrog. Barkng Trecirog, Uptarwi Chorus. Green, Wood and Northern Craw. lush; Toads--Amecican and Jsstem Narrow-mauihcuj; Satamandetc—jellgrsoa, Smti-mouthed, Marbled, Spot-ted Eastern Tiacr, Red-spotted Newt. Four-toed, Northern Red, Long-taitesl and Cave.

BK 235, 20 2"a2" colog Slides (4-005.) 3.49


PENINSULAR CAMPAIGNS lIme is a particularly desirable historical set on the Civil War copicul iroit authen(i photographs of the period that are ;n the tiles of the Library of Cengress and National Aichise, Black and white prints were madc from the ,,ririnal glass plates or from duplicate regat ire,, lire,, h,nrrd c,,lored to i,iniulatc tiaterrut cotor.

ltnesc, in turn, arc re-photograph-tel in Xodactnrome. and our slide sets printed from the Kndachomes Kcep in rnirtd, of course that the original photograptrs were made almost one hundred years ago under ad. scrse COrtdilions. Some 01 the plates are cracked-nrost of theot has-c blemishes The result doesn't look like sontctlting pttotograpttcd today under ideal con-ditions—but, everything considered, the result is good.

Included in this set are stides showing Allen Pinkertttn, Presl,lcttt Lincotn.. Major Central Ferrere, Genera Hancock, Brigadier General Stortcman. Gen-eral Hooker—scenes of Fredcrtcksburg—the troops-Urtion artittery positions at Fair Oaks—Union obsey. ration balloon—ordnance Otorcs and dock at York-town—fort Monrrrc—td many other items of histor-ical value and imeresi dealing with thcsg campaigns.

DK 200, 33 2"s2" cube slides '-oes. 5.49





'I Ire sweep of Rio'; niagniticent horbor and shore are nrc caught In this superlative new slide set tira; shows Cupacabafla Beach, Sugar Loal and the cable car that runs to its top. Cotcovado. "The }Jrrrrcht'sck". and the Statue of Christ at its top, tire Yacirt Basin Jockey Clrtb, International Airport-all cartdtft frorti the great heights around the city. Crortnd level vksss of the Borartical Gardens, tire FedCrat Senore and nstttr-r toertiurns ate also shown

BK 240 20 2'0" color slides (lors.)



Here 1* a rather remarkable new color slide act photographed this winter and earlier last year in Tokyo—afrer dark! You'll see the rokyo TV tower in night itiurminalion, I'aciiinko parlor, soa wagon. the Shibuya district, Trayoka Departrr.cnt Slore, Tokyo Building, Mil,srrkostti Department Store, Scibu Depart-ment Stoic. Asunkuca amusement district, Kokussi Theatre restaurants, cabarets and the Nichiclni Music HatI, Ginea Street. the Ueno and Shmnjulor districts and a srtow1- night in thc Shibuya district This is an unusual s.n( of stidr--one that a caaual visitOr to Jap:rn corrtd ngser catdr

BK 230, 25 2"s2" valor slide', tforest $3.98


Scenes of Honolulu from the air and trout the moun-tains that snirrornnd it. lolani Palace, Govcrnors Palacc, Risltc-p Street. Id stands at lionolutu Air-port. J.npanreac Buddt'itt Temple, Ecyat Mausotcunr, tire Punch dwh dancers at Ma Matntta Park Witlki itctrch and the hotes, Diannond 1-lead, caramararts and surf riders. ftowm, Oahu Ltghtuse, siitages in the Interior at the island, PaLi N,utraou, Kaneotie Bay. Koko heed Natural Park, Hart rums Bay Park. Rabbit Island. :Oasttklc atorrg lIne oindward side.

BK 2-16. IS 2's2" color stintes (fois) $5.98



There are some voclay who question ll, -.r I u.s -'atreete,. with its 5k5' trOt of rarrog, is any l,as'er " llie C is 01 the Attgets We 11555cr, to report- hu,wnrsar, riran no smog is in evidence in this colorist new aiid set that starts 5' liii Ciiy halt and Civic Center and cifectira newt of the Freeway system. ',lrnrw, us risc Old Mission Maca Cirr'rcia, Ohiecra Street, (iunnatorrn modern buildings and parks. Wilshire tloutc'arul arid ''Ibe Miracle Mile', OL ttrowri Dci be - Tr,ssn and Country fnIark2t the Iar,rorts Farmer'; Marts-I, (155 ThIs-s ision Stud los N tIC feles-isiort Stird us the Cpiial Recoreis tluildirg. Hollywood Blvd., (iraunran's Cttine'se 'lit-ta rt with toot print; of lanncntr', stun, Griffith Ot,acrsa-orv aind the ncr Irninas Of Ilrrttrw,ny 66 in Santa Monica.

BK 226, 40 2"x2" rotar slides t6.OzuS.t $5.98 . .......

- .........u'-- ---------------------


pe g


The be;rnrtitrl I'enrsyt.-ania Dutch Cc'ttrttry Of Lan-caSter Cotntily—Ami'h ironies—lire peaplc and tttenr clusirtt dress and nrro'ics of tiantstroltstiOui — tohaccO uieldsroller t,til!—har.cst. anntttrrrn and winter scenes of tIle cotnntrys de—Dorepat C'nrurcti and es-ntis-lily

at Mt. Jo>--Whcattand. home of Pres. Berelranan in Lancaster—tire Old Cutirt House In Lanca,.ier and Tine Cloi.ilcrs In Liphrata.

BK 224, 20 2"x2" color slides (4-0n.s.) 2.93

..--u ---- . ... -




This set does not duplicate Btaekhawk's previonna set ( n 'lire Grand Canyon. No. SB, "Grand Canyon Traits", out esther supplenrents it. We are shown Lite Cntranee to linc park on the toad in from Williams. MaUler Point. Hopi Point, Dcsert Watchlower, sun- rIse over the canyort. the Palisades of the Colorado River, autumn and winter views of the canyon, South Rim Dr.r-e, views from Yanapal Point, Pirtnntorn Ranch, Bright Angel Catryon, last rays of ttie setting Sun in the Conyon, views frost Point Sublime and Yaki Point. the Grand Iatis and Cascades of the


BK 227, 40 2"sl" color slides (6-nm.) $5.98



Here Is a set no rotirist could ever get for birrrsetf, for it cosc,rs tIne st!rote ranree of sc;,sow. in Paris-winter, spring, summer and trtii Yc,ull we Paris —svinh snOw and ice on list grourirl—pat Is on a Soggy ciai—Pari In the rain--spring fters;rrs and unratunirt colors in the flois de Ihoutogne—attir barbers alorrg he Seinc—sldervells s-ales—pigeons perched on Ntrrte l)anre—and spectacular litcssort;s on t 5 r.nnrces Intde-peirdeirce Day. Jul, Il

IlK 232, .241 2"x2" cutor slides (6005.) $5.98


Phorograprartd t, (;cot2c E. Skeet See the ioss-t I. agl -.11 la ke l)isu Set at sutiltS vi I the most beats tent

tints, ,)f tIre' t s-ar—Thirlflrerc tots-. tIls ci Bra(lras. t)crwcni 'O,'ar-tr, \Vindcrn,s-re Laks-. Lake tItan--ocr. tines-as' ile I el':iy f's-Il Ricer Pets-n TIre I uI irS, F-tiles air C V'aier. Costistoni ahcr ;,rrut Itamhrt,uii

BK 223, 211 2 11 x2" rotor slides (4.075.) $2.98

,iW.awaefl?5*5.'aaV.w<<CX:ue-- -- . 5C<-tCC C CC .... C

S'FE-WüIEl'J.ERS Oil floe 0010, MONONG..%HELA


An sinus-anal color sI its- set lit it suregs-als scanrens Ilat the ris el of M;rrk To a i is I jute I ri lire atcrrl-whicClc' a shon ii .nlnr os( all hacC rircir bs-Ciiuninrlgs in tire I Sit. ce'nrulr 5 I iftce-r critters-itt river boals are pichirrcd-including ttte t)clla Qrtes-n—rsilh i,t,ge 'stern pasldie-vtrei-ls—ansJ set ci ii of the rnodcr ,r diesel ru,wboats are plciured. Oh speci ii intu'rCst Is on Olino Riser fireboat tlrtd ups-ones in the Pitt-binrgtt .,re:t.

BK 237, 20 2"aZ" color slides (4.um.) $2.98

- H



The St. Lawrence at Otiebec, St. Larnbcrt Lock. Se, Catherine Lock, ,oulaitge Carat Luck;, Eisenisasser Lock, WileyDonetero Ship Canal, Robert Moses Poacr I)arni, Iroquois Lock, Toronilo. Wetland Canal. Higtnlights of the nitnninrrOttt construction prOicct that has opcncd the Great Lakes to c-.ccam-gohr'g scssels frornn pstrts around the world.

IlK 213, 26 2"x2" color slides (5-005.) $3.93


MAUI AND HAWAII Komahci Bay, Wurilina River, Waimca Caitorl titita Coast, Maui Pains', Hotel. itateakata Crate', K"atran Peninsula. laupahoctrne Point. The Fiery l'it—KOCucus Crater. Kaitua Bay, Korsa Coast, Hanalci Bry, Uap.nln Chits, Has-na tIc. ic h, tropical tloo-ers. sugar pairto-lion_s. oaths-c fisstrerrnein, pineapple held',. Japanese gaseteits. nlalisit d,irrecrs, tropicat auflsnets.

BK 247, SQ 2"xl" color slides (7'om.) $6.98





Here is a set of real appeal for esery intl -I 1-

one desoled sold> to two or the irrosn 1,-eel cias',e', 01 sreanr tittotliotis-eS eser butit in Anrel s-u the U. t' "Cirrrtierr'era '' —the 4-6 C, 4. and Ire U. P's "Big Boys—tIre 4-8 11.45. the'ss-tisttiOuit equally disided herwcrrn the two () p55_tile) It e 5housti in ssliOn—irr stuiridirtg clus,e-rnp -doubtc-hnr-dri.

BK 235, 20 2"xi" color slides (4.015.) $2_98


FERRY, BULL RUN Airittitrie 'Inoiu,Craphv .11 the period Irom the mid 01 I tie titir ary 01 toirtrc-'u and N:,tron;nl A rcl,r;es t h at runes- beers j,;iiittd iforn orngunt.ul Pinch and s'I'iIC

piur IC,- 0' dirrlic;ite nI('t_urii cc- it,, r tirt5ri C n lOrel to

,sirlrtclate t,_uunlrai cu'tr,r and repliutort' ;iplrcu_l is tC,iIun. chruitite - (,snsiderrag that these ptroi,rctratrlicere

nrvde atir,ocl 100 us-i' . a,to, lire restrir us Cvitc

sat i-i .icrn ii C - Si lures- in in this SrI are the lung brrde creel ic

Potottr. tea I 'a'aasiiiiigron that is On t Ite at Ic rn a' tOesirt 1411, Sunset itri<ta'—u5id Auris-denet Br is Is' for the Cissiapeuske arid (Sirius Csr,;nt--rairtas (s'IiO )our-c Fctrt Sic'i litter on tire t'orOni:tc neat .rlrr -:i nil —( 'rrrgetosvfl—M iliur (iCiiCi ut 'ale I )Os cit—tIns- Ia orsa

Rat, at Slerirer's I c-try blrrrt tire t:rilr,,ad budge var trtit tied -:ite Cut ills- s i te aIrs- s the IrurninC of the isnUen —Be-tI Run,— (nitederare winter b,irracts at 'tanrass,s

BK 201. Sd 2"xZ" en)tnsr slIdes (lois.) $3.19










356-205 IRACIIONS (frcrn Fc- .!)uIN(; Set 26 ) ................. 99c


••Stoics to RCal-AfliD1.IS aiSi P.ls.

SL 5) .......................... 99c


"turc 5udy Storks Firding Ani-

rnds•, Sc A) ................

30-13$ AT 110.11 (ironl ( Q,RlUcI and Bc-

k,ur Sc I I 7) .................

23o-266 BALBOA A N D rI/Zfr.RO (from

- ;;arI I\pIorer, Set 33 ) ..... 99

20-153 Ul('\ CIE SAEIl'V (from lleallh

S.ftI • '. Sd IS) ........... 99c

20-5 101.15 SCOOlER Urom Cily Ad-

scnInrc. Fun in the (_•i; ' . Set 7A) .. 99c

230-73 BIRDS (foni Animd Lik, Set 9) ... 99c

2.'50-64 BIRDS OF 11W £00 thorn Nturc

Stcdy Stolics rinding AnirniIs', Sd

8.\) 2350-99 11011 OSBORN, FAK)I BTV Urom

•( V C(nflTflUDilY, lisic Aciv- i flr,:S rt II)

2350127 BUSES AT SToRK (from Tranor- tation, Planes, Tr.ins' Set I(,) ...... 99c

235e-397 CANAlS OF ENGLAND Ifrom Eur- tpe- I (,SVIan4JS.. Motinains. lsInds,

Set 491W) ......................... 99c

2350-116 CARRLNG FRUGHr (front City

Community Workcrs, Childs Ncigh-

borhood', Set I ) 0.73 CATS (from ArtmI Lift Set 9) . .99c

50.395 (IL&N'EL ISLANI) I.WE-.IFRSEY AND GUERNSEY iront Fnropc- tSi ottains itands. Sd

4IH() ........................ 99c

23-8I CIRCLE CRAJ'}IS (from 'Graphs and

( Sart Sri 76) .............. 99c

2350206 ( ()\IMON DLNOSIINkIORS (from

Jr . (iO,O. St 26) . ....... 99c


nel .h (oloPic - I 3 Or iiOrJ Cr,l-

Sd (4) ............ 9c

O273 I Ill COLONY OF )IASSACHU SI .TlS ((roni EnIiii ( olofltcs- 3

Original Colonies Set 3' ........ 99C

2350-I4 CONI ROIlING G E It 51 S Otrom. llcat(h and Sfnt, St I W( ..... 99c

23O-92 TIlE COI.NTY FAIR (from Country Crmntt;ti( 5 et I I ) ........... 99C

230-7 THE couNrRv SChOOL (front

Cr rimury Ccettmnrtitv. Srt 1 I ) ..... 99c

.0-27 I)eLEON ANI) DesOro (froni Span- . ihEp(ordrC', SCI 33) ........

3 ,J.47 TIlE irnc AND THE CAT (front

'Str,rir, In Rad'', Set c ... 99c

2350-$5 E'fEi(G' A N I) ENGINES (from

lttiCeS ynd RocEets' -;rt 13) .


i.'ic: 1 to rr Englkh CofofllcS-1 3 0t itind C&Ionie- . SrI 34) ..... 99c

2350-270 FN(;I...%Nl) PREPARES TO COl.-

ONI1.I- (front EI1hh C&onicr.-I 3

Otiina1 Colote,", Set 14) .. 99c

2350-113 FACrORV %%'ORKERS (from Corn-

ntttnitv \'orkert", Sct ....... 99c


(ton1 ( on ntrv futmtmItttit '..Set I I ) . 99c

2350-253 THE HEll) DAm-%IAN COOPER- AI ES %lIll N&TLRE (frOfl( Coti

SCr'IflC Set . . 99c

230-88 FIEI,I) DAY AT SCHOOL ((root

(otifltrv Ccottnittl)ity'. Set I I ) ..... 99t

2130I 19 [HE FIRE 11(11_SE ((rotC Cotiintt'fl-

itv \V..ikcr". Set It) .. 99c

3400 FISh (fromAIri , 1 ((c. fet . 99c

2350-146 1001) FOR HEAlTH (ItOnt Iletith

arci Strt\ Set IS) 1 .... 99c

2300-570 I ()OI) FOR 34.PAN'S MIlLIONS

rot J1,a;t-LIle and Occupation'

Set 7> .. 99(-

0-9 I OOTII/'.l.I.. 1`11F. 11.1" FORMATION, 11kV No. 358 ........ 9c

23024 I()RESF RESOURCES from Con

'Crjl! Re-ontecs So t 20 . , 99c

2350203 FRACTIONS OF A CR01.11' (fr,ttt

[rOcti (n - Sct 261 ........ 99C

2150-277 FIlE FRENCH COlONIES ((out

"Im.1kh C.o(nnics-1 3 0 pitat Cd-

r,,ie,,__ Set 14( ....... . 99c

2350-9 ION ON A PICNIC (front '\Vork and It with JnCt ' Set 4) . 99c

2350-424 1 lIE C.I!'.GFRIIRE.-tD FAII( PARIS ( (roflt Child men of Other Loud,'

St 53) . . 99e

2350-94 TilE GIRlS' 3-I1 ClUB ((rotO Cont Contily 5 et III . OOe

2350-101 THE (;OAT FARM (froni Country . Contnmt,nil • Sc t I 2) ............ 99C

2330-91 CRASS AND HAY (irotti 'Cnn(ry ((,,tttttunity' Set I I ) ........... 99c

2(50-441 H EI,PING OUR TO',tN GO'CERN- )IFNr (front 'Utrdcrctandiug Dent- ocracy" Set 5) ......... 9C

2350-456 HOW P1514 GET T HEIR FOOD (from'lIon Anim,tC Ci c I Their lcC,d . ', Set 5't ...............

2350-204 IIO'V I ARCE Is A FRACTION (from Frructions Sct 20 .............. 59.

2330-252 hUMAN RESOURCES (from 'Con- tort ing Resorirces Set 52) .. - - 99c

2350-142 IN PUBlIC BUJLI)INGS (f m 0 Condrct anti Echos or Set 7). - 99c

0159 IN DI A N nEcoR%rIONs (from ' rt 'Amerio, hulls ((c-Indian Ac- iiiIirs', Set 19(1)

2350-505 JANIrS BASQUE FROENDS (from "Ma)ing Fric'tts, Froyd", Set 648). - 99(

2530-35 JANET'S BIRTIII)AY CART (from 'Work and Pta> with Janet''. Set 4) 99c

71m0,36 JANE]'S DUCKS ANI) GEl-NE (front "SA'ork and t'I,ta's itt toner', Sd 4) 99e

2550-43 JEALOUS t.4DDIE (from "Stories to Rcart". Set 3) ........- 90c

2350-46 jERRY GIRAFFE AND THE ZOO (frsrs, Stories to Reort" Set 5) 99c

2550-49 JoHN'S SA11BOAf RIDE (from Storics to Read' Sct 3 - oqe

2,150 45 I- y tl't\C fti itSEt o rs iii: st lilY 41,oar '0(0 .,rJ S-(c&3 9cr 114r SYC

2350-44 I,Al)DIE GETS I,OST (front 'Stories

to Rear>', Set 5) .................. 99e

2350-45 LAI)DIE ThE'sUI'EIWOG" (from "Stories to Rear>", Set 5) ----

.... -- 99c

2350-59 THE [AICE IN THE i''kRK (Iront

'Cit) Adve,nturcs', Se- -- ----------- 99

2350-41 IA/S' IAI)I31E (front St-ricO to

Rc.rcF', Set 5) ................. 99c

2350-443 lEARNING ABOUT THE UNITEI) NATIONS ( I r 0 Ot Undcrstrrruleflg

I)crtic, c y Set (5) ............. 99c

2550-440 IIOtRNINC ABOUT 0110 TOWN COVEENMEN I ((roOt (Jrtrtcrstanditg

Dcnrocr,tcy', Set 55) 99c

235065 lOW A IDE AI [lIE JILACII (front

"Nature Strity Storics--NrrItrrc Lx-

perisrtCCrt". Set Sit) ------------- 9 9

2350-97 IIIE I,i.MIIER SIILL (trom 'Cotrotry rl CottttttrttitY". Set 1 2> ------------ 99c

2350-40 MAK I NG (;IN(;t(I(III1EAD BOYS

(Iron '\Vr,rk and ('lay u tb ire>

her 4) - ------- -- -- -- ---- -- FOe

2550-381 yll-LYIN OILER qj,ua Woedtnnd

Anirris", Set 47) --------- 99c

2350-251 MINERAl RESOURCES (front 'Cort

Sc, 5 (I( 8 csources , Set 3 I ) 99c


lAR yIEI(S ((r5tt Crutry L,rtrrrrut-

)ty' Sot (2) ---------- 99c

2550-207 91 I X E I) rSU)IBEHS ((rot I-mac-

tins'. Set 26) - ... ----------- 9qc

2350-17 ML.- IE III MANS ((corn 'ArrretiC.tt

trik f,Es, Set 2) - -- -- --- -- -- FOe

2350-209 MUL;l II'LYlr'iG FRACTIONS (front

"Fractiorx ' . Set 26) ............ FOe


'tntectcprtdeflt Notion-U.S.A ',Sct



SIAN ((rom 'Conscr%ill. Resoorccs

Set 31) --------------------- 99e

2350-1 NUMBERING OF II (1 1, F S-TIlE

lINE-UP MAN IN 5101 ION ('Fool

Fttt 2350-I 14 oFFICE ISORKERS (front 'Ciry

(rrmrrltrity Srokcrs Set L 3) 1 99C

2350-136 ON I II E PI.ACGROL:Nl) (front

'Crndtrrt and Itrltasrr"- Set 17) . . Ste

2550-137 ON illE StREET (from "Condrtdt

trot Itcflrs itt ' Set t 7 )

2350-274 1111: OIlIER NEW ENGI..&Nl) COl_- .

ON IFS 'frr,,n 'Ertdliir (Ortot)C5 t 3

0 gitat (rlsieS Se t tt ----- Ste


Il-S ((rcttt ''F ng(ih CrtotieS- I 3 0 ig

jot (otonics'', Set 34) -- - 99c

2350-432 OUR I)(PINI)FNCE ON AUTOMO- TIS I %SORKER-S ((rut 'Interdcpetd-

err> Nrtiott-t;.SA" Set 54) .- SOc

2350-439 (11.-fl t)E}'FNI)FNCE ON (1,0111-

INC WORKERS (fist ']ntcrrlcpend-

ertt Notir-,t- U.S.A', Set 54) . . SOC

2,550.431 OUR I)l-.PENI)ENCI( (I N COAl.

AND IRoN WORKERS (frost "to-

trrteyn,rert ('OStiot- US.. A., Set Yti> SOc

2350-436 OUR I)EPFNI)FNCE oN fl F. i 1

R.&IsFRS (frrrtt ltrterdepertrtrrtt N-

tim --U.S.A' Sri Y4) . SOc

2350333 ((CIt I)I(lFNl)Ers(:E 0 N C) I I

WORKERS ( I r 0 m Irrterdepe'rtctlt

'(tit--t. 1 5.9.'', Set 4) . 99e


1-ARSIERS fr am tttcdspsrrl-tett \rr-

trOn--J.S.S , Set 54i - 99c

2350-435 OUR I)rI'IosI)EN(I: ON WIIFAF

AND (URN ((tutu tnterrtepetrtetrt

Nation- l. 5.9 " .Set 54) 2350-154 p,AYIN(; IN CITY Si REElS (frs,rn

'Itath arld Safer ' Sst I 5) 99e

23$0-153 1 lIE PICIC r - 'r,r (slut and He-

triottr Set (7) .. - SOc

2550 75 RARIIITS frans .5 tri,,r d I fr" Set 1) SOc

235071 EFIl IlLS fm 'Artir,rrrt I lie Set 91 SOc

2350-144 RFSI'ONSlltIlIIY itr,,rn Cr'ndrret

and t)rlrar it Set 1 - SOc

2550-151 S SEt I V SF IIO'IE ir or t I lcrr(ttt

C t Sully Set t tI SOc

2350-I50 SAlEFI IN THE FL SYGRI)IND (front 'llrrtttt and Sri 1 'tt t 5) . 99c

7350152 S lETS! IN - I - lIE .SC'I%IEI( trort

'IlerIth arId Sot-is ' .Sl t S' - . SOc

2350-392 .SIl)RS OF El. ROI'E f - Or, Err

rIfle - ()crrrpati ,rs'Se t 41 10 . SOc

2390- 2 I SI I I's(;rIllSs t I a tt Anrerir,rn Folk

t ties' Set ) . . . 99c

2350- 14 I 511(111' lN( 1 a ( - rIOt ott> Br-

I lrtriort I Set t ) .-- 90c

2350-72 SNAILS trot) \rir,rrt t (C Set 9) SOc

2350-200 SOCIAL AND CL I;l IRAI lIFE Of p lIE (OIONI'tlS lIr,sO ' [tel h Cr'>- flutes- I Oil itt.-,l:. nuttier . Set )4) SOc

2150-352 sl'II.I.tN(;-JFI 'ii tOOK Al SOME OF III I P1(081 . F 'IS t fern - t.cgtislt

rird Sg-ll,rr c'S Cr 4 si SOc

2350-353 SPElLING - SEJINC;, Ili( SI) I N C AND SI'l-:lLl'sc tftort trr:lish

,td Sprttirtc Se t 13.9) . 2350-355 spnIIN(;_iSE OF IIIF 1)1(110's-

ERY IN Sl'EIIINC (teem i r.gl)sh

and Sneltig". Set 43 10 SOc

2350-I00 TIlE S 1 0 K V OF COHN (fro'tr

- c t,l,ntry C rtrttrtrtflily' . Set t 7) . Ste

2350-140 TR&'.ElING (fym Conduct er n rt

Behrtviortr'', Set 17) -.-. .99c

3350-133 TRAIlERS AT WORK tfronr 'Trans pertarion Planes, Trains", Set I(,) - SOc

2350-66 THE TLIRTIE.S (from "Nrttrrr Struty Str,ries Nature Fuperren res Set 66) SOc

2350-208 USING SI I s: E I) NLMIIF:Rs tfrerrt ' - rraeti,t,s', Set 21t . . . Ste

2350-271 THE VIRGINIA. C (I I, 0 N V (fret 'Entliri, (rrl,t'irs-t 3 (it iertr.rt (ot-

onies, Set (01) .. 91k 2350-139 VISITING i RIENDS ((rn C'orrdtct

,nel Be(rasir,r Set I ) ...... SOc 2350-368 \ISIIIN(; OlI( 's.t%% (front Ptrtri-

Cr Ic - its-( :t ,-rsi, p' Set 480 95c 2390-387 VISIIIN(; 0(10 ARMY (trr,nt letri

rrik lslt5-(iti,rslip' Sr tnt Ste

230-5I %tSITESe; THE PONY fARM ttc,r, 'Stories to Read Set 5) . SOC

2350389 YISITING THE SJNIFI(I) NATIONS SChOOL (front ' t'rtr irrt(C C I, its -

(itigen'trip ',S ci 45) . . - 91k

2351201 U' H A T IS A EKAClION ((tnt

Set 7 fo 99e

23t0-586 It tort I Y.tsr 0 R,. i. t t ) 99C

S/tipping it c/tilts 2-outtc(o Per 3trip



2352-25 AIU;I-i'--1 ISA (black rn-i srhrre) . SOc

2352-16 A(SII4iI.IA - SCENIC, RECRI:-%-

- Tt()Nrk I, 5% III) tilL )hitek trurt 5' (rite: Ste


1 ()-C(ltSI IlIG H I tblrh ott I ' It, t ci . 99c



1)1)5 hi .- C and white) ............. 91k

2352-20 (tRItON ,tr!,ck at,> sciute) ....... SOc

2352-29 CARSII7"--(Ipera (block and wile) . 91k 2352-I1 LEN I HAl. SF tTES - EASlIRN-

3IAN'S A(ll\ ITIES tlstaek and 'Ortet 99c

2,552-4 JIlL CIESIMA (itt cr,ls) . $ItS 2352-18 FOOlBAII - FCNI)'.'rIENlAI-S OF

lINE PLAY (do. C ,tltJ s'hitc( . .99c

2352-9 COIl)Il(ICKS AND THE [1110FF hEARS (itt coIrel ...- 5199

2332-I5 IIISIQIIIC VIRCINIA (btack and rshite) 99c

2352-10 lIOVi [ I) ((>0K SIFAt BY tORY IIFAF (itt eolor) .... ......... -- $1598

2352-24 11(1W 10 I)I,co%t:fl 11115 MEAN-

IrsI; 01° NIL WORDS Lr(;ck owl sshjtr) ... ....... .. ...... .. Ste

1352-I HOW MAN DES I RO'rS SOIl (it too itt) $ 1 .98 2352-3 11(1W 10 Il)ENlIFY )IOTIIS AND

801 -I FRI-Ill-N "1 cetor) ----- 51,9*

2352-5 HUSV TO RE(:o(;rSIIL ltIRL)S (in

color) .. - - 51,99

2352-21 THE L I F F. AND W 0 10 K 01 4 BEAtER (hi, re C ,rrd ss-!tite> . 99c

23528 SlAKE WORIOS WORK 11010 YOU'

(in ct,tor) ------------------ $198 2352-14 MULIIPI'EINC IRAClIONS AND

MIXFI) N4,StIll11S (hirck and sstttt) . .91k

2352-2-5 THE RUBBER INI)Us[Ith (black ad white) .............. SOC

2352-12 SAItLI Y "KNOW 110W" IN THE Wf)OU 'IH)P )bl,rrsk rut sOriret 91k

2592-6 SPAIN, THE lAND AND ITS FF0- PLE On eotOr) S1,98

2352-27 THE StAR SPANGI,I(I) B,e'sNl;l-( (bi,- to C tOt] svtiitet ........ SOC

2352-7 IIIE StORY OF I).-tNIEL BOONE (itt eet(rO) ................ $1598

2352-23 lIti: NALIAGE RIACKSMIFlI, PAUL RES 1141,5 I01I)E tBlods sird strittt 91k

2352.17 Sn1IAl FOOl) CA'sNIN(; SIEANS 10 US IlsIrek atrd sxltile) ..... ... 51,98

239213 SOIIY IR)I'S TIlE S' E A T H FR (IIANUF.' (triack and s,hite) . SOC

2352-2 0% I I. I) F I (I SY I: R S EVERYONE 51101. II) KNOtS tin certor) . 5198



2350-3 1 lIE I)EI'ARI-rILNI 0> AGRICL'L- TIIOL ...... ... .......... 'Sc

2358-5 THE I)EP-%I( lME:N[ OF USIERFOR Ste 2358-I 11151010$ OF CO)l%IUNIC&I IONS 99c 2358-6 IIIST()I0'x OF LAND [RSNSI'ORI A-

1107. .............. 91k 2358-2 IIJSJ(IR) OF SiR ' I RANSPORIA-

1 ION ............ S9C 23587 11151 010% OF WAlER TRANSPOR-

III ION SOc 23584 551; [liE PEOPLE SOC


1JL1CK & U.tIIITE 23591 5 I 1:1 F ON I 'tAO WIII(FIS Ste 2,'592 I O'I JOINS rilE. StEElY PATROL 99,,


DL4CK & WhITE 2357-4 *11111 A'tII(ICSN Sl'FC lAlOR, A.

Fictic >lory irr,trt tot onc t 2357-3 A'IIERI(A'S ElI) SIStER, A I'ictr,c

Story trot (or010t 99c 2357-6 RIIllTsl) 111€ H tION, A Picture

SlotS from Coronet SOc 2357-1 TIfF GLI19IA7s, A l'ttC Szo-y teem

f ore net ....... .

2357.2 tI(ItI( (ANNINC. A Picture Story Iron, (0 rc tet . Soc

2357-3 (III 105% N. ISS At' ictrie Story from Cornet .. - 99c

2357-8 1 lIE 5101051, A Picture St<y (trot Coronet . . . 91k

2357-7 WE ARE IIIE lIRERS I ED, 1, Pictre Stcry free> (retract .. SOc

2357-9 A 5501(11) AND IWO SVAILS, A Pic- tire Story from Circe> . 99c



Tisi p. ; ;-, ectriltri its rrt :ste, ltncrrt or ttiree ects iatflrrl. C tire Iitrri'trips fllaclC by a cart- ire fitiritteip rrolrncer Ejirest rips ilin 25 to .iQ II,flics er-Sli a itt tssre nationally ash - cr- tied at $3 :' r) errch. A it remaining rrsscr

fonts Ire sill' ta itt taity the same.

150-18 (3-ozs.), on sale at ::



2353-I AI)AI'IAI IONS OF lORDS (Iron '((asic bird Strut:, Set in black and White) ......... --- ....... ----------

2t536I ARTIIICIAI, RF.,Sl'IR'rTION (front 'lust Aid lraittirir Set it> black and white) -, st_SI

2353-44 BERNOULI,I'S PRINCIPlE ( from -- I. (rids Set, in biask and whilc) .. 51,98

2353-23 A RIRTIII)AY PA1OlY AT SCHOOL (lrrrttt Livirtg and Vt'otkirg Together' Set in color) ,. .,, $1,9*

2353-25 CATS ON A FARM (trorn 'The Farm- Cr 5 Aitinai Fricn,tc' Set, in color) .. S1.99

2353-21 DATING DAlE ((girt "Guidancc Dirt- CiiS'(OC Series" in color) .. S1,9*

235354 DENSIlY 4 N I) SP&(CEFIC GRAY- II \-FLOTA lION (from "litrids" Set, in black anti s'hite) ----------------- $1.98

2353-40 fISK SANDER (front "W )odworking loots and Machines" Sc>, in black and ,,hite) --------------------------- SOC

235350 EXPlORING THE ATSIOSPIIERE- STREAMLINE FLOW (from "fluids" Set, in tstack titttj white) . $1,9*

2353-53 GAS PRESSURE (from "fltiJs" Set, in htack anti tshita) -- $I_SI

2353-41 IIAND '1001.9 - HAMMERS AND SAWS (front ",\'oodwcyrkrncior'ts and Machines" Set in httck and uhitc) . SOC

2353-27 hANS CLODHOPPER (front "Tales from (7nirtrm and Andersen" In color) $1.98

2353-20 1%YOUT TOOLS AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS ((rent 'Bench Work" Set, in Irtack and wttite'.

2353-58 LIQUID PRESSURE ((torn "IlttjJs" Set, in (dark and wltile) .. $1,9*

2353-26 lOST A II THE FAIR (front "Prctrrrc Stories for Scatting Readiness '• Set, in colt,) .. ..- . $1.49

2353-49 MEASISRINC F L U I 0 I'RFSSURE (from 'Fluidrt" Set, in black and

white) . . .. . . . ....... . ..... . . $1.9$ 2353-59 MOLECULAR FOR('F.S IN LIQUID

(from 'Statler and 5itccutcs" Set, in black and sshitc) .. . $I,9$

235357 SIOLECULAg FORCES IN MATTER (treats ''Matter and MeIrcules'' Set, in Etak and rehite) $1.98

2353-I5 ShElLFISH 0 F T II E SEAShORE (fi,,rii \t'ter Life" Set, In color) . $1.98

23$3-55 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOliDS AND FLUIDS (from Fiids" Set , in stack attd shi!e) ..-

2353-2 THE SrRUC1 ORE OF II1RI)S (from "ftodc Bird Stud)" Set, in black ax> sshirc) .. -

2353-24 'UHF SWAN 1,AKE (front 'Stories of iftrisic Classics" Set, in color) . $198

2353-13 THE S%%EF1' PORRIDGE (frorti "Old Tales for \' utttO loiks' SO, in color) $1.95

2353-14 THE THREE SPINNERS (from 'Old Tales for \'otitg tiCs' set, in color) - St 9*

2353-56 TB A NSM 1 TTING PRESSURE iIII000(;Is 1tQ1II)S (from "FIids' Sri, i n irt:rit and sshite) .- $I 99

235329 WHAT IS AN EXPERIMENT? ((root - First I(speriirents Abortt t'rather" Set, in cetor) .. $159

2553-30 WHAT MAKES THINGS DRY FAST- ER? (freer "First Etpertrtrenls Aboirt )teattler" Set in color) ., . $19k

2353-28 WHY IS I II F ?sIGI1T COOLER III AN THE I)Al? tfrrot 'l-irsl l's- periments About the \\'csthcr' • Set, rn color) , .. . ... . ..... . . . $I_cl

2393-22 bohR FAMILY AND YOU (from Gt- Itlance Di c ttss)ort Series" i n color) $198




2356-16 ,tLsIR%IIA-A CONTINENT D:. 5FIOl'FI) -- - -- - ------- -- -SOc

2396.17 1 hF At SIRALIANS AT WORK ------ SOC 2356-19 BOLINJA AND ChILE . .... . ... . ... . Ste 2350-IS IIRAl'tL ------------------------ SOc 2356-2 fOAl............ ............... 99c 235613 (OItN Ste 2356-10 C(>lOSII3I%, 1 IJ'sEFUFLA AND THE

(.[IANtS .. . . . 'Sc

2356-4 (:(IrrOs I . 91k 736-I 1101 lANI), ,t lARI[lSlF NATION.. Ott 2356-6 1I(lhL-$NI), TIll: LAND ANI) IfS

I'EOPI.r. .................... 91k 2356- 12 itS A AND sL:$IkIRA . ....... ... Ott 23565 lIMBER . SOC 2396-I1 11111 NFIIIER1ANDS FAST INI)IES - 91k 2356-7 TIlE NI I11E1(IA7SDS AN 1(51' INDIES 99e 2396-14 NEW ZI(AIANT) - ---- ---- -SOC 2356'15 1 lIE PI0h'IE OF AUStRAlIA .... 'Sc 23569 l'I°RU AND E(LAh)OR .......... 2356-3 A tIlE' [IIIO0UGII fIlE UNItED

STArES ............. 91k


Bri,td rw 35mm, color Iitirrstrip ., 5,

"ANIMALS IN NATURE" I 'tl),rinc 39 0 ((er rot r ii it crtor It ontes tYOb tic Ire cinhiot)crI. (ot,iS th:c ,,)a'srltca-tins, it I lt,i,lett S(artrtr,-ls, r2) Flesh Later' and 'It R,rr)cts. 0:

73-01 (2'oz.), reg. S500. on 9818 ai$249



2"x2" SLIDE PROJECTOR Nii cro focusing-push button conlrols-illumiflateo con. trøl panel-tilt control ccntcrs imaite on screen above or bctow projector, and horizontally-clectriC outlet tern ro.,ni light out when projector is turned on-changer dcsign pctmit 'single slide' projection for editing-takes all standard slldc in Z"xZ" mounts, 2¼" sc'uarc and single frames of sterc-Casy to read slije number panel on side-automatically pro-jects all 2"x2' slide mounts. intermised-"Jct Strcam'

ting pec-contliioos stide ... keeps them at sale lemperakiree-special "Corrective Editor" clutch offers itick, easy remal and return of slides without r.'mouing tray from projector-cord storage compact-',efltS built into projector b m ase-handsoe dic-cast lumiflurl construction in dust-tiithl integral case. Uses

)OO-Watt projection lamp. Manufacttirer's oatioisstly dertise1 price. $119.95.

16-56. (not mailable-you pay Iransportatlon on de.

Btn.'li,wk priced at .........



:(ets a new standard for slide projection aiitomaticn! . tick the micro-focus switch and pscto-precisian locus! Torch the change button-another tidC t-'ances into the projector! Press a little hurdcr-t5e sequence it reversed. If you prefer-set the automatic timer-let dic projector do all the ss'ork And over-ride the timer wkenever you wish! Show stiden i slividttafly. too!

SOO.watt blower cooled for 35mm. and super u5des. Remote control is built in sillS 12-fl. cord. ii.sy cdifirg with magazine in projector! 4.inch

13.5 color corrected lens. Efficient dovn-dritft "anti-

pap" cooling System.. Provision for sound-slide syn-chronietlion Extremely compact -l0 1/ts7Y4x7-Vm inches. And wellis only It-lbs. Uses standard Aircqnipt n.ctal magaeincs. Manufacturer's nationally advertised p,iCc. $119.15. 1+.57. 13'14., BlacLhavk priced at $ 9 . - 8.


2"x2" SLIDE PROJECTOR The 2"xZ" slide projtclos that has evcrything-lolty-aut.mnlic, remote control Limer-changer-lemI-aUto-snatic rtmote control pu5h-butlon cord-.cye'ease filite -siptr slIde condcnsee. All you do is fook-almosti Your slides change by remote control at the time inlvals you sct_5-8-10-15-secOOds or when you press the button. And between slidcs there is no glare or blackout to hurt your eyes The Eye-ease filter takea cure of that by projecting a restful blue

ugh'. The Keystone K.511 with the super tIlde condenser will show any 2'x2" slidc-Jlantam, 35mm., super. glint-ia glass. metal or cardboard mounts. Every type of slide is projected with manirnum center-to-corner brightness. In self-contained case tot ease in carrying and storing. Not mailable-you pay traits-port.stion on delitety. No C.O.D.'a on this ttem.

y,.laitufactrtrer's list price. $99.93. 16-3a inol mailable, you pay transportation On d.

liveryl list, 999.95 ...................S77.77 a.



2"x2" SLIDE PROJECTOR Identical in appearance to Model K-Slit

llluIr.ntcd above.

2'x2" slide projector that has everything-fully-ut.malic, remolC conlrol time-cltangcr-Scnii-auto-

muic remote conlrol posh-butloil cord-yc-cssc filter -suecr slide condenser. All you do is look-almost!' Your slides change by remote control at the time intervals you st-5-secuiid5 to 60-sccottds or when you press the ballon. And between slides there is no glare or blsckit to burr your eye. The Eye-ease litter takes care of that by projecting a restful blue light.

The Keyslone K-ItO with the stiper slide condenser will show any 2'x2" slide-bantam. 35mm., super-slide-in etass, metal or cardbolrd ,uouitts. Every type of slide is projctcd with maximum center-to-,ser brit:htnesv.. In sclf-cofltainc&t ease for case in

irg and storing. No. COD's on this item. r:.uiacturer's criginal nalionally advertised price was

5! 1 4.90.

16.37. not mallu'Ie-you pay transpof - Ili.fl on delivery-on sIe at ..

New England CS70-Acndia National Park CS930-Autumn Artislry I. New l!anspahlrg C51710-Aalimtn Artlrv In the While Mountai ns CS3II0-Auluntn Splendor, New Hampshire CSSO-Bostuo, Mass. CS60-11,12s.sncliusetls

- CSIO9O-Pktnre.sque Maine C590-Scenic New Hampshire CS80-WiUlcr In Vermont

New York-State and City CSIISO-Famou; Buildings of New York City CSI30-New York City cS500-Niagax. Falls ('el ISO. Our) CS510-Nlag2ra Falls (SrI No. Iwo) CS123Niagara Fall, nil Night CSII70-NigIl and Street Scenes of New Ynrlt City CS1 140-Skyscrapers of New York City CS1I6IJ-Stutiirs and Bridges of New York City

District of Columbia CSIIO-Cherty Bi',som lime, WashIngton. U. C. CS850-Wasltit%ItiOrt, the City Beautiful CS806-%VaabLt51itOi, the Renowned - CIty

Virginia CS3270-Reausiful Blue Ridge Parkway. Virginia CS3280-Auiumu luilenidor, Blur Ridge Parkway CSSSO-Aulntnur Artistry in (Old Virginia CSIGO-Gardens of Old Virginia CStOO-Uistoric Old Virginia C57511-.911. Vernon C33190-Skyline Caverns, Virginia CS740-Sk line Drive, Shenandoah ISaliottal l'nirk C5180-Wiltinimsburg, Virginia

Eastern United States, Miscellaneous CSI000-Abrahsm Ljncoltt in Illinol, CS3240-Among the Scenic Great fMsokte, CS1730-kulumn Aelistry in the Great Smokies CS460-The Beuntlitti Ohio (Ohio River Scents) C51740-The Blue Ridge Mountains C5720-The Great Smoky Mountains CS1440-Creelltield V llhage, I)earbc'rn, Miebiga. CS125Mitmtnoth Onyx Cave, Kentucky CSIOO-New Ortentis, Lonlsiantt CSI90-I'bitadrlphia, Penylani

Colorado CS3230-Aulnnt. in Rocky Mounlair National I'ark,

Cnlo. GS3I60-Colorful Ccloradu In Aurueta CS3320-Colorftil Cplurado, Rock Formations CS3250-Mi&jestic Carden of the Godt C33330-Monumcnt Cstiyon, Colorado, In Winter CS3170-Red Mountain Pass In Autumn. Colorado CSIOSO-llie Beautiful Colorado Rockies CS1660-Cetiir2( City, Colorado CSI29-Cotorudo CSI760-l)cnvtr, the Mile high City CSI790-Fanlaatle Cardea of the Cads CS770-Gaeden Of the Codu. Colorado CSI130-Indlan Shrines aunt Teniple5, Mesa Verde CS1I20-Slesa Verde National Park (25470--Rocky Moun(ain National Park C3240-Roclny Mountain Ramblings, Colorado CSI tOO-Scenic Colorado C.S1770-Seetnie Spots of Denver

California (SlSlO-Beucrly Hilts, Calif. CS6I0-Ctilifornia Missions tSct No. One) Cal 040-Death Valley . . California CSlOSO-Ghosl [owns and ttuttdirigs H Deahh kalley CSI4IO-Hearsr Son Simeon (Set I) CS3420-11carsl Sati Si'nron (Set 2) (2S3430-Ilearsl San Sinicoa (5cr 3) CS3440-lIrarxtSan Sintron (Set 4) c:s3450-Hearvt Suit Simcon (Set 5) CS3460-}lenirat Stin Siniec'n (Set .0) CS1I5O-lloIlywood at Night CS380-tl,illywotsd, Calif. CSI670----llollywood Moxie Stars' Ilotnes C51410-Knotl's Berry Farm CS440-Lns Anget'rs, Calif. CS2270-Pacadena, Calif. CS2060-Redwoorl Iiigb'iay. Calif. C5490-5an DIego, Calif. CS 1390-San Francisco, CallS. CSI400-Sceliic Spots 01 San Fraaeluco C3439-Seqaoia National Path CSI920-Springtime in the Molave Dc'ert CSI4I0-Winler in Yosentite National Pnirk CS900-Vosenilie Nariotnat Park

Arizona CS33OO-Grauld Canyon. Colorful Hasaupals CS3260'-Grundeur of the Grand Canyon, Arirnina CS3180-Orgati Pipe Cactus National Monmtmritt,

Arizona CSIZZO-Saguaro National MonumeUl. Arizona CS570-Crtirtd Canyon, Anion. C3580-Grmnd Canyon Nalional Park CSl960-Itldlxt Sand PaintIng. Arizona CS9501llot1onIenr Valley CS19I0-Nairirt's MirjcIu of Monument Vat'sy ('S1951l-Nas11bo Indian [.ife, ArizoOa (71040-I omberone. Arieofla

Utah Cy1090-Autumn in Zina Canyon CSZIIO-Brattls. Spots of Itryce Canyon C5700-Bryce Cuoyon National Park C52140-Corious lnrnialiOt,s of Beset Comu (4S1070-Hoovcr Omo, filth C52120-Majestic Views of Bryce Canyon CS500-7.ion National Pyrk

New Mexico C53200-AotItmn Glory In Ncr. Mexico C53210-lttrlian Ceremonies, Gallup, "i Men

CSS20-Sanl2 Fe. New Mexico CS3290-Sceoic Santa Fe 4 New Mexico

Texas CSI700--Big Bend National Pack. tenet CSIGBO-San Antonio. fexni CSI830-Scduic San AntonIo, texas

WyomIng COrD-Grand Irlon ISs(ional Park CS2O-Thc Spectacular Grand [clout C9 30-Winler v,il,tiitiir 01 the C 'lid lelatta CS990-Vctlu,'ylOuv Nlliuilal Fisk

Oregon CS2780-Winter Mugic at Crater lake. Oregon CS78II-Crater Luke National Mon'nnent CS2070-Mt. Hood National Park CS2I50-Pictorial Oregon cS2320-S.enir CoSsI of Oregon

Washington State CSZOaO-t'mlumasia River Hinbway CS790-1%1t, Ranier National Park CS2050-OI.vmpic National Park CS2330-Sccnic Slate of Washington

Hawaii CS2i0(t-Esollc llaw -ciiian Floweri CS300-Hawali C62660-H;.ppy Hlinvimlian Islilods, Itawall (:s2(90-112ppy Hawaiian tslnnnds. Kautal C52680-f-iappy Flawaiiatt Islands, Maui CS2670Hnipp, Hawailyu lelaunds. 0th. C5340-Scezic Hawaii, Around Hoaoluta

Miss Universe Cs4220-Miss Universe 1959 (Set It C54230-Miss Lniversr 1959 (Set 21 L'S4240-Miys Uni'.erse 1959 (Set SI C54290-Mis, Un,iverse 195') (Set di C94260-Miss Uttivers, 1999 (Set 5) CS42710-Mi'c, tni'rrxe 1959 (Sel 6)

U. S. Territories C6250-(.t,am. Aires World War El CS I 08t1-Panttttni Canal CSI2II0-San Juan, Puerto Rico CSI2I0-Scetilc Puerlu Rico

Canada (.5t29t)-Ranff Nalionni Park C52310-Bureinnrts Gardens, Victoria, B. C. CSSSD-Canacia C61930-.-Colorful Canadian Rockies (252340-Colorful Gardens, Victorig, B. C. CS1750-Hnllfax, N. S. C51310-insper National Park CA390-Otta,ua. Capital of Canada C0870-Qurbec Ci(y, Canada CSI300-Sceoic BeautIes of Bant1 (S550-Vancouver, It. C. CS2I60-Viclorja the ileaulilnI

Europe CS1520-Attstr,a C624 1 0-floH -sd CS2290-The Principality of Monaco

Switzerland C62440-t';mrnoits Places in Swihzerlaisd c92420-Siajesv of the Martt'rhorn (5t54lo,tli(a,n, of Sn,rzrrtaad CS)yls-Srctiir Switzerland CS2430-Sisis Alpine Scenes

France (:5 1500-Paris, France C51490-liislornc and Scenic France CS24911-Aloflg the Rixicra in I raitce CS2500-Frencls '.mtsd Italian Alps C52470-lnterestiog Spots in Scenic France C624 50--l'niris and Versailles CS2460-R,mrat France

Germany Cn2580-Aniong llle Bavarian Alps CS26I0-'ltte llr lainrl of the l(ttine C92605-t-an,,ous Castles of Germany CS I 5S9-Germayy C5t590-y'l,nnictn Bavaria CS259l)-I1i0iiei rind Scenic Germany

Italy CS230-Aloile 4ic Italian Riviera C52490-Along line Mediterranean Shore Cs2510-Anrirmnt and HistorIc Ronle CS2570-Capri (52520-tanmoits lounlalils of Bottle (:62550-Florence C62540-Pisa and Points 01 littereR C62390-Romnittic and llcaentilul Venice C.S2560-lltmral lrly (,l4Ot)- 5.enlce

England Ci2.O0-lleaOrilul Cathedrals of F.iigiattd C62356-London (1S2380-l'ic(nnresqste and Historic England (:52360-.t(mneal F-ntrland

Spain and Portugal C,28110-Flowetu yl Sunny SpaIn CS2539-Granad2, Spain CS2850-ttladnlrt. Spain (e42860-Piclnrrai I'nringat CS2810-Secnic Spots of Spat. CS2790-Scesic Sunny Portugal C.S2870-Sgos Ia, Spain CS21140-Sevltle, Spain CS2820-Suniiy Southern Spain CS2860-Totedo. Spain

Japan (6150-Colorfni Japan CStlO-I'eslisnl Time in Japan C61030-Tolnyo, Japan (S3340-Japan, land 01 Color and Brat,)7

Miscellaneous (:S3130-floydside America. No. One (S3I40-Roadside America. No. two c63150-ritoadside America, No. three CS4 49-Arkansas Ornirks (1S1370-Iladlands Sutlooni Memorial CS606-Glacler Na!louat Park (61350-1as Niesedni C.5220-Oktaboou, CS1330-Pelrified -, orest Nttaollltl Monumea' C6200-Meylcu C640-Nassas C51640-11juatita. Meatco

Wild Life, Wid Flowers CS2250-An,encao '.ini.', and Wild Fowl CSI70-t)esert Flowers C8I84O-Orsenl %,lld Life, Animal, CSI859---Drsrrt Wild t..tle, Birch CS630-11os'ers (SR No.- I) CS640lrlonsers No. Z) C62260-Ocean Floor Habitat C51970-1'hr Scenic lEranty of Snnseft

CS970-St'i'srts CSI940-'jiiring Flosscrs of the DenciS

The dli' pr-sj.-'-tr u'it. T1-

I-HG!-! F'R I (JR!- Flj)El.ITY . . . BAUSCH & LOMB

RALOMATIC Slides never pop out oh locus ... take all 22 aisles . . . no condenser disuse reqiirrd . .

famous ltiuscli & Lomb lens qial I y - II I iii v .3 centralized control pirels -------- : ' ' -

or rcntotc control!

BALOMATIC 500 sviili itilly auloniail. opel.. Ii. . C'. 'c C 1 ii

at any inlv'rs at you wish. I . -.n 4 i. - I I) .ce-.mJ v l or cacti slide. Also fincr-tip auionisilic control at ny time interval you citoose. Reniotc colirol (optioivsti. Illuminated focusinc nod etcvaliiig knobs. Mgflhlivd slide indey window, 43-slide tray and ease OO-ui1l tamp. I'liich, 1:3.5 projection lens. I6.33 (nor p,nitihtr, yen pay lra,l,itortaIioo On dv-

livery). list. $149.50 $1 09.9 BALOMATIC 305 SilO I macc-tip :ulonn.tic 000ration. Slides ctizi are 1' cIeciricsI impiikc-- iiost advanced tinyct-tip projecloc availsisic. Iront cicvating deeicc. M,ghi(icd slOe iii,le'n windew. 40-slide tray and cisc. 500-walt tory. 4''. I 3.5 liroiccI ion , Iris. 16-32 Inn I".iitnilil, you pay transpOt'ii3rion 00 dr

Ilser)l, list, $99.50 ----- ...... 74•4.4 Balomaric Reroute Cnsrrol Cord. 15-feri no letLi. finn across rite oio,ii OperaliOni s.-li Ii Nindel s 5951. 310 and 303. rna,tulacliirer's list t,rice. $4.95, our So. 16-33 Cl-lI,.! .3...,) .i

-...-. .. . . . . . .

; ,. ...



Nrwcst in compact desigo tot all 2 " x2" and Siiicc Slides. 3DO-att lamp is tiitbo-btower Cooled. 4-inch, (:3.5 color concord and coated lens. Rapid sprin5 raising and lowering device. Easy rack and pinion focusing knob. Aluminum dir'cast construction. Slur-rife cofliparimeilt holds lOO.slides. Presto-Matic chaug. Cr holds 36 slides. Colorful sell-contained case. Malislield Skylark 300-wail 2"x2" Slide Projector 551111 Presto.Malic Changer, mamnftietnrrr" list uric,'.

19-30. 11.ib.. list, $43.15

.'.' . ,.,-....- ,-, I... •:, -_. ij4y


F",r all 2's ,,,, api Silica. ilas Preslo-Ma,c clizii'ger tIli holds tony-six ilides. I)ie-CaSi altimint im conslrucllc'n. S-inch F:3.5 color corrrcted tens, dou6l4 avpt,eric viindr,isci tens system. elI opiics tiaid coaiira. Rack and pinion focusing. Sixes 150--walt rru-toc bula fvIalaAnC;U:CF'5 list price. 924.95

16-29, 6-lbs., list. 624.95

16.39. (aerilsg ti,v (or Manslield "Star,,,

Slide f'roieisor (4.lt,s.. ............. .f • 9

iLkllJ'SLI~.111`r i agozines%'DE TgAYS


17-01 Aiecqo,pr 1 l0-ny,l, $1.77 (li,,l,ts 36.slidet) 6 (3-lbs.), $9.99

17-15 Aii.sco Molded Plan' I 0-11).1, 89 lie Iholds 40 slides) 3 (2-lbs., I, $2.55 rot misc in Ansco. marie

17.12 &ilo,tmalic 1 (1-tb.). 5 .99 (holds 40 ,t,de5i 3 (24bs.), $2.89

! 52 (7-16s,). Slt.4




181krn Molded Plastic I i(12-oz.s.). S .49 lImIts 30 stdesi 3 (2.16s3, $1,29 for use in A. 0., 12 (Ole,,), $4,79 B. A It.. Ke)slone, 'I l)C and Viewten

6,e1siOne S-40 Mold- i gi-tii.t. $ .81) ed Plastic (holds 40 3 (2-lbs.), 52.49 slide-s) toe use lit 12 (7.lbs.), $7.98 A. 0. 1 B. A IL, keystone, IISC, V jesuIts

Universal Molded I (12-or,.), 69e Plastic (holds 36 3 (2-fun.), $1.79 slides) for use in 6 (4-lbs.), $3.39 A. 0., B. & H., Keystone, - T.D.C. and Viewlex

;;;i;; .36 Mold. 1 (1-lb.), $ .89 eel Plastic (boldu 36 3 (2.11w.), $2.59 slidet) for use In 12 (6-lbs.). $9.91 Revere and VoI' l.nak

Side Supp4l gerr ~!ce's


One set (I-az.) .......... 99c Six sets (6-oz.c.)......... .. $4.99 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER SALE SPECIAL!

Any 13 Sets (1-1b.) --------------------------------------------' $9.99





COLOR _ FILM For your Cameras

Fresh ,stock onlv-'lo outdated or surplus li/nil

35imn. ShIpping weight 4-ounces per roll.

KodaCbiOntC pricca include processing in Rochester. N. Y., Boyoflnv, N. i. Philadelphia, Pa., Aurora, Illinois (Chicago uhurb), Dallas, Texas, or Santa Monicy. Calif. (los Angeles). Anscochromc and Fktachrc.nrc prices include processing by Technicolor in New York or llollvwood . Slides are monnted and ieLurncsl postpaid by processor.


13.32 lii g Li Speed Ektachrome Da1llght (A.S.A. 160) 53.49 each

13-33 Hi gli Speed Ektachrome Tpe B Tungsten (A.S.A. 121) $3.49 each

13-03 Super Anccochronte Day- lightA.S.A. 100) . $3.39 each

13.00 Super Anscochronic Tung' sIgn (A.S.A 100) . $3.39 each

13.01 Regular -nsCOcl,rOtUe Day. light A.S.A 32) .. $2.99 each

13.04 Kodachrome Dallight (Is.S.A. tO) $2.99 each

13-Ill Kodachrome Flash $2.99 each 13.06Ektachrome l)ayllght

IA .S.A, 32) $2.99 each 13-07 Fklaetirome Flash $2.99 each


13.21) Kodachrome l)..y light ... $4.49 each 13-29 Kodachrome F Lish 5449 each

25-1t. double 8mm. Shipping irs gill. h-ounces per roU;

7-outlets per rnaga.tine.

triers include processing in Rochester. N.. -- Bayonne, '. I.. Philadelytita, Pa., Aurora. Illinois (Chica,, shut b) Dallas, Texas. or Santa Stor,ica, ('alit. (I on .5 tgchcs'). lint is split. ,Itc,t,nlrsl On cccl ittil relUrntrd r.'stp.,id.

2-14 Ansco .%ttisieehronie'h )A.S.A. 20) Dathight 53.69 each

21 , 05 Kodachrome Daylight Roll 53.69 each 251)6 Iolllcllrt,mc Iytw A Roll S3.69 each 25.07 Kodachrome I). light Mug-

a,ine $4.49 each 2508 Kodachrome lype A Mag

I/lit $4.49 each

161111111. a: I:,, T. , i,Icludc orocessinc in Ros'hcslct,

.............Philadelp',a. P.. .Allrora. (Cl: icigo suhurO). U,illzns, 'lcsas. or Sinta

iltI, (1,os Ann.Cies).

100-ft., 16mm. ROLLS 7-h:ppin5 ssrichl: Id-ounces per roll.

2.I5 Kodachrome t)ayllghl . - . I $9.99 each 0 koilachrt,nte Type A , - - I $9.99 each

SO-ft., 16mm. MAGAZiNES - c)I1: I i-I)LlilCt's per 111.15.1/I Ce.

25.11 Kntlachr,,nte tSiy lighl - . ¶6.99 each 25 12 Kotlachr,nte hype A $6.99 each



I'. ,l.r'rl and prccrSsCd by Vcstttn C7ine in l)cnvar. I: i'X has AS, e\l ,ostIlc rilien of 200 daylight. 160 ia7stcn. l'tu'.-X his ASA cxpostirc rating of 50 day-I'll, 12 IL'xgslen. )'acked in sta ndard 25-It. cictublo

511011. rolls. 25-It. doul'lc 0mm. niagasi nes and on 1)0- II. Ilotes spools. It tell stock Ottlr-tlol outdated

rt:plos hInt.

TRI-X 25-13. dmthle 25-ft.. 8mm, roll. 6-oct .......... . 5L79 23-Il, double 25-lI.. 8mm. omagazioc, 7-too.....$3.29

PLUS-X 25-I 7. donl,l 25-h')., 8mm. roIl, 6-ors.......SL79 25.1. tlon,l, Ic 25-Il., Shut,. ittIgiZiute. 7-o,s.. $3.29


I. lHVtAdll) FILM CEMENT. linen hIm ccntenl for m.pliciitg ill typas sI ntOtiofl piclllrc film. One pint caa n' lb Ca 5-polnri Ii sl'OnL for rcfillinp cement holttCs.

22-01 (2-lbs.) . $ 1.98 L lilY 1.010 FIl.'It ('F$IENT Squcuae-lohc conlainer 1-IIt1 pta-.t:c cap. C crncnt stays right in lube mlii t,1,licd I a p1 icc, Corn ails one-half ounce.

12-02 (2-cia.) ....... ............ 89e OUIK SPLICE PROFESSIONAL MYlAR MOVIE tI'IJCINC 'I'APE. For coth .5mm old 16mm. Instant ...CilIiillCOt - - - fool-proof. Use with HPl or .MnsuiId l)ri Splicers and other nt.ikes. Packet con. Ia ins cii: lie irnt I/pc for several dozen w1 ices.

22-01 (Ice.) ....................... 79c

LEADER STOCK Pill adcclUfllc Icadcru at the beginning gttd end of tour films. Let them protect your saluablc picIlIres by lik-ing the handling that the hIm subiCct would other-wise get.

16mm. Silent lauder Slock. one olde perloraled, ICO' length, our No. 27.02, - (6.0mm, 1.59 Ibn,m.Silenl Leader Shock, (n,o '-ide perfor.uhed, 100 length, our No. 27-03. (6-ozs.), only

0mm. Opaque l.eader Shock. 50' length, •ur ISo. 27-01. U-uas.), only C



For Film and Tape

Reds and clots..Ire 01 ItsitctIIng CarS i-iSv T::ksd enanicl Ii toll . CXC C P1 II' Ic ConOlil, ' crc I...... F 1:101111 in gray citamel, These ccononty" ire is i C -'aillucil froltI sliglttt5 lighter weightl SIcel, z,11d .,ic to gisc added rcsislatrce to benereg.


Of-Oh 200-N. capacity 8.,mn. mccl), hi-I 65( each (AlSo terse as 5-inch diautc(nr u , ..cnel,c lape reels) 3 )l3.oziu.). $1.39 6 12-111,1, '269

1109 200-ft. capocily loin., "economy" cr15 (Also terse as 5-inch diameter niagnelic tape it-dc) 3 114-nm,). $1.33 4 12-lbs.), 52,44

91-14 300-tI. callacmt.v 8mm. reels 3 (14-ozs.). $1.79 6 (24I)s.), $3.49

51-02 400 hI. cIpicily Omit,. reels, lisl SOc each (Also sense 7-inch diam.'ter niripncllc tape icels) 3 12-lbs.). $1.49 6 )2-htrn.t- 52.99

S 1 - 1 0 400-ft. cnparity 11,101. 'ec(ino,Ily" reels IA Iso serva as 7-inch diuuie)er hiutgttctiC lape reels1 .9 (2-lbs.), 5133 6 13-lhts.t. $2.44

91-03 300-il. calOicily lOtion. ccclv. ti-I 005 each 3 12-hIts.). $1.49 6 12-I1l0, $2.59

51-1I 400 -Il. capreily 16mm. 'ecoflofl'y" ret Is 3 12-Ills. I, $1.33 6)3-III'.I. $2.44

51-04 600-ft. cat ic IS ihiit,n. reels, lish ¶2.25 Ca I )2-l)Is.), 5.1.19 3 u4-lIus.), 53,99 C, l6.11tu.l, $7.49

51)13 000-1). c,IttPrsity 16mm. reels. list 52.45 c. I 0-Ills.), 51.49 3 (4-11)s.), $4.29 6 (0-Ills.). $0.29

51-116 1200 11. caprlrily 16mm. reels, list 52 95 Ca, I (2-lbs.), $1.75 3 Il-IllS.). $5.19 6 (9-lbs.), $999

51-07 1600 (I. cipacily 11mm. reels., ll'-h $3.38 Ca. I I 2-tIm. I. '1 I )1) 3 Ib-ILts. P. 55.79 6 Ii I-lbs.). Sl(.99

ii -OS 2000-ft. eapac.)y 16mm. reels.,I .51 14 95 A. I (3-hIts.), $2.99 3 )0:-tl,s.l, y8,49


so-SI 200-fl. caliteits 5 m0m. cans. tish 65c each )Also hot:l 5-inch nmagl)elic lithue reels) 3 12-11.s.I. 51.39 6

50-09 300-fr. cap.icils 8mm. caun 3 Il.tht.t, 51.19 6 )4.lhc.), $3.49

50-02 400-fl, CPIlIlicity lIHInI cans. list hOc each 115450 hall 7-met, loagitetil. (Phd reels) 3 )2-tlts.), Sl.49 6 (4-lbs.). $2,09

50-03 400-fl. cap.ueihv 16mm. cults, lIst SOc each 3 (2-1111 $1.41 It (5-lbs.). S2.19

50-04 601 ctIi,IcilY 161111,1. duOS, list $225 Ca, 1 t24bs.n, St .39 3 (4-11is.), $3.59 I, il-lb-I, $7.49

50-05 800-tI. capirily 16mm. calm, lid $2.45 ea I (2-lbs.), $1.49 3 (5.0)5.), $4.29 6 tO-Ills,), $S.l'i

50'06 1200.0. cap -Icily tOtum. cans, list $2.95 el I (3.1115.). $1.79 3 (0-lbs.), $5.19 (. 114-lbs.), $9.90

50-07 1000-If. CIIIIJdIY (6mm. cans, list $3.30 ea. I (3-ltic.). S1.99 3 (9-11ss.), $5.79 6 )17-lbs), $10.99

50-08 29004t. 5'lIiili 'l) (bulb. cant, list $4.95 ea. I 15-lbs.), $2.55 .3 II t-llts.I, $8.49

A 5 s

y 'I . .-

8inii. and 16niiii.

SPLICERS HPI SlC(1OR SPS.ICLR (illostraled at lu-fl. SIlos e). trIrkes bull spllcZs Ott ttolh 0111,11 ..'uni lhtttnl. film

using My sr srliCifl2 (Ipil. In addition to ntakis0 -plices ititlnoul ecincIll. scraping or overlap. the LIPI pertilil repair of hors I tInt 001110111 loss of any frames. Lotlslroct'rd from cast alu,ninuiti and sIn inless steel. Mounting scicssx. spliciitg Ispe and coittptnc instilic-

l;ons are included, Our No. 34-12 (1-Ib)., o1y $4.99

$IANSI-'IEI.t) DEl St'LICE SPLICER ()lIulruled at right, aluose). This 11.tc economy dry spllcci by Mans' field is deigncg for a II bitt Itt. and I htnt,t. film. Die Ca't nt,tttiinitni haSc-- staiti'cs.s steel splicing htadcs-I'nnilt - ipi slit r:pgcTI1Il',I:ItInl,flt for cIlInclil:: I.- Il' C. Instant

lily splicc'sr,l'IP .1..iIIsCl .: t.ill . no ccnicnt, or, rI:111151l1c. Our Isi) .51- 3 lI-IC.), 0111) ........ S_S_OS

,$'i metal conslrltctln)n. pnanO hinge top and trorl, IC ,eIelI hrttctlg and laId:. Three sizes br I 6,n,,t. II I hnln't. hInt. anti rccarding SIte,

).)-01-11ol,ts toelse 201) fl capacily 81.1,11. Of 5-Inch hilagulelie tape melt (4.ttj,,) $2.55) 33-02-11otrls t welve 400-I1. captcily finn,. or 7-iltch utigitetic trIpe reels (641),.) ., $3.29 l5.fl1..lIoIi e-1tit.100.fl. capjsi9

. S

..S/liopin,1 weig)l!-one /aI1lp, 12-ounces; each adclillc,tal

lanIV in sortie S/liP?1lC/lt, 4.ozirice._

WESTINGHOUSE LAMPS-FRESH STOCK ]his group in made up of the conscm,Ilonal range of luolpa that have been in use for a

period of Jean, now idenlifird by their new ASA symbols. -,-

ie Xe. ASh Symbol Dccri!1ion Lisi Each Blacklaawk's Prics 42-01

BMD loo-waIt, S-Il, S. C. $1.00 1.79c/341,98

42-02 CEW 150.walt, T-8/71, S. C. $230 141.79/3-S4,8

42-03 CFK 150-walt, T.8/79, D. C. $2.05 1-$1.59/3-5449

42-04 CLS 300-walt, T-8 1,12/11, S. C. B. $3.30 142,49/347.19

42-05 CMB 300-walt, T-8 1/2/17, D. C. B. $3.15 1-52.49/3-56.98

42-06 CXK 300-watt 1 T-10, M. P. F. $4.60 1-$3.49/3-$9.98

42-08 CZX 500-walt, T-10, M. P. F. $4,95 1-53.79/3-$10.29

42-10 DMX 500-wait, T-20, M. P. F. $535 143,98/3411.49

42-11 DLIB 750-watt, T-12, 14. P. F. $4.95 143.98/3-S1149

42-13 DEJ 750-walt, 1-12, 3-L. H. $5.95 1-$4.49/3-512.98

42-15 DFD 1000-watt, 1-12, M. P. F. $5.75 1-54,49/3-512.79

42.17 OHS 1000-walt, 1-20, M. P. F. $6.75 1-S5.29/3-$14.98

42-18 OFK 1000-wall, 1-12, 3-L. B. $6.55 1-$5,19/3-514.79

42-28 DHT 1200-walt, 120-volt, T-12,

- M,P.F,,Westinqhouse $7.60 1-55.95 /3-516.99


7'liis group is nt;nde imp of the collIrIuliOlIlt raIigc- of lumps that loire bet- n u in use for a period of 3e.ilS. 11111 do not carry the new AS/i nyotbols.

42-34 300-watt, 120-volt, T-8 1,2. S.C.B. Btackhawk 1-$1.49/3-53.99

42-35 500.wall, 120-vo!t,l T-10. 0'1.P.F. Blackhawk 1-$2,29/3-$5.99

42-21 300-watt, 120-volt, 1-10, M.P.F., General Electric 1-Sl,99/3-S5.69

42-60 750-watt, 115.vol!, 1-12,

3-L. FL, Radiant 1-53.29/30.49

42-12 750-walt, 120-volt, T-12 1

M.P.F. Blackbawk 1-$2.49/3-$6.99/6-S13.49

42-27 1000-watt, 115-volt, 1-12,

M.P.F., Radiant , 142.88/3-58.49


This eroup is made op of lIme cuinsenliuiflih mutlnc itt lamlls 111111 has been in use for a perIod of years, •ow (depoified by the new AS/I symlmols, pin ii hougs or 1510 of the new 4-pin hype.

42-54 CBM 300-watt. T-8 1/z/17D.C,B. $1.49

42-55 DEl 750-watt, T-12, 3-L.R, $249

42-56 DFD 1000-watt, 1-12, M. P F. 42-57 DPIS 1000-watt, 1-20, M. P. F. - $279

42-58 DFK 1000-watt, 1-12, 3-LB. $279

42-59 DAK 500-watt, 1-10, 4-pin $079


Iilaskhatvk's reusable tanir, .cI,,,1i II1 , , ki ' .IIIS IllCdII:IIl to c - 1,1115 a risc I'.i-,c' InnIp I lIrIrsc in a Bell A llonuctt pro)cCIstr.

42 - 14. 2.ora.. , only. ............. .................. ......................... 51,49

WESTINGHOUSE NEW 4-PIN AND FOCUS-LOK LAMPS 'Ibese are the new ty or l.tunps, mutt, III.- ltt.'.nruIZ tO I -o-lollalte fr,nmn transfornler hiulith into Ike projector,

many vu ill, buill-in rd Ircl,nt'-. ,t II are of y'estinglmouse nlanutaclure- ill are fresh. slnch!

- 42-41 CWD 300-wgtt, '1.10,4-pin $3.75 1-52.89/3-58.29

4242 CAL 300-wait, T-10 4-pin,

with retlector $3.65 14279/3-57.98 42-32 DGA 300.watt, 1-10, 4-pin $4.05 1-52.98/3-58.49 42-43 CRA 300-walt, 1-10, 4-pin,

with reflector $4.30 1-53.29/3-$9,29 42-44 BEll 150-watt, 1.10, 4-pin $2.20 141.69/344.79 4245 DBJ 500-watt, 1-12, fogug.Iok $5.50 1-$4.29/3-53229 42-46 DFH 500-wail, T-12, tocus-tok

with reflector $5.50 1-54.29/3-S1129 42-47 CZA 500-watt, 1-10. 4-pin,

with rollectot $4.95 14379/341029 42-48 CZB 500-watt, 1-10 4-pin. -

with rellgclor 54,95 1-53.79/3410.29 42-33 OAK 500-watt, 1-10. 4-pin $4.70 1-53,69/3.S9,98 42-40 EDK 500-watt, T-10, S.C.B. $4.40 143.59 42-49 CAR 150-watt. 1-10, 4-pin,

with retiectot $2.50 1-$1.98/3-55.49 42-50 DFA 150-wail, 1-12, 4-pin,

with reflector $5.25 1-S3.98/3-511 49 42-51 OCA 150-wait 112, 4-pin,

with reflector $5.25 1-53.98/3-SlI 49 42-52 DLG 150-watt, 1-14, 4-pin,

with rettector $6.10 1-54.79/3-513.53

42-53 DEP 750.watt, T-12, 4-pin $5.35 1-54.79

ii, II of the tot los'. log hI antIs of ns.ie lI'. I a real n II I ii II talc mI C on 7-inch d a sIr-Icr rcc except for -ill-I I ishicli is on 5-noch reels.

S/lippl,t.Q 14'('i5.f!lt-CflCh 7-Inc/i reel 01 tr'lL'e, I f37 b,td. I -ounce,'

('(it'll 5-Inch r,( , l of t(lp(, I I-ounces.

41).01 ScoIch Brand I I I itt-elate .............................. 1200-It. $2.19 c-rich 48-01 I2lJO-tl. $1.69 each 48-17 (,tto.ft. $ .99 each 48.03 Scolch lIt-and 190 ICtIra Pl:uy crlite ..................... 1100-IS.


$3.29 cicIt 414-04

Blackhlittli 7.1 IA Aurelate .................. .......... Hlacklui,.k 7.115 Act-tIle 5') ...................... ...

1800-fl. $2.29 each 49.05

Flidehihipe long l'ttyitmg AcrIrle ........................ Hidrlilape Long rhyi,,g Mylar .......................


181)0-ft $2.79 each 48-I9 Ihidelitape Mylar

. I 22111.11. S199 1':rh

401-23 Scolch Briittt 200 l),mol'Je Plis II,t.1r --------------- 2400-ft. 55.oU rich


!ç w!





CMER.t 7 s Ices with coupled viewfinder frilly sill I)-

it ...........L.L,t_Ci'Jill li Clel. (IC CYC svaiani.

/ ion lees sxuh II .8 syeed mom wide angle to with LO( , Ini view nndcr aumonmalicalLy Imnhied haii,. I-tin speed seleCliS InC all prcsrt

0..j j,,(ulc hinlili. (limit ,pCeds. E*pic'urc indicator pin

idc Nittiutil expOsUrC control. RuiLtirm • A"

l.a ,CTs you iliotni outdoors with indoOt (lint. Alit


PRI(I. $I49.9 2mm,

BlaCln.Rik (,rkCd At 1 19.95


3-LENS TIJ1{RET ('.tMEIt.t .S Li. St 4Ci01..a III. SCE A1'IAt til: CASE AND


Tl' K-as-Iowa K-i clectric cc camera is far sulperio( tic, liar dccii-; ccc model,. Its nirchaflisnti responds

cihl i iriatiorm, xe'y quickly. and opesames zmnd

ci iCex cmlx opcmdi rigs while the camera is tofu time. tIre K- 4 xx ill c tie for all pra,ermi - amid atitucipated

ci Spelt,. UxcS low cOst. dpc;ilihlc 8mm. roIl-. ii 1 ha K-i run at coni.mins I - I S standard, wide

ic m.d tcloptioto lenses. Fiimixlucd in iwo-tong

'u ix vjiI witS chronic Irim. In addilion to the i-I jo Itaclic clxv and lop grain lather camera case ic,l.iJed. ou il,u get the h page hook, "How To

Itonie Modes Like A l'reilvsxionial" and a SLime Scone Rcomd (lOot,. \Iamrul.uCtrirer'b nationally

tiC I ice ix 8(4-) 54,

l fl.ttn,, ................... S999



I 1iye) IURRET t LEI%S

0 c CAMERA A 1 ia, c' 1 roiliflnt camera with $em(-au(omSIic cit, rica sir':'' loll, Lcux,e-, include lOntm. Tashinon

I I sn tn,Jm,sl let's In fixed locuS mount, 6:5ntmn. S

I a-rinotu 1 (.8 widC angle couvemler lens, and a 2'ismm. Tashinon (:1.8 telenrlmoto focusing cofl;Crter

'I-ins, P;clt lens mis a sepam ate ntiiIChng optical siew-li,lclCr. i.icwiinlicr i,teptece is adjustable to inditidual i's c,n,ht I3tmiIl-,n Tpc A. (mace and cloud fillers. I-tactic ca-a is CoUltinid to ap-eiluie control as well mm- hIm speed. UI'S and ftfter dials. Accepts films

on ((I to 80.ASA. has siz operating specds-8, 12. Ii. 24, 32 and 4S-FPS. Has rewInd device coupled

t'ootagg counter termIiLing lap dIssolves and fades, miSer features include drop-in roll fIlm leading, u_a-let wind spriumg motor with governor controlled -- ui -- single trante exposure dvie, release lock. i..( 1 c release socc(. Detachable pistol grIp and cable • i.e iitcliiulcd. Importer's list price. SI2.50. 2' 45 1.5-Il,,. I. I,,,nrl.r'r lixi prIer, hI t-1.8. "as $88.95. Lllreckbawk priced

C:tMER.t -: - -- - II., Ii in zoc-m icus of 1:2.8 with (ocal length ranging m•,,tn ai,c-iiall mitch (,iaudami.lI no one and omte.hall iii (telephotoi. 1-ratuc spcexIi: 8. 12, 16, 24, 32

48 per seccnd, Single Iranre exposure. Viewfinder sullphe.J to lens by lexer, Fosuiage coltitler-manual Ic :1 With munaiuimier Lot easy reading and click

'mild evcry 6-inches. Exposure guide and depth 31 1,1,1 tbic, Comtsenuent r.mtchxallype sprimig Wind. Taken a -cur, molt film. lmnpor1cu"s list price. $99.50. 2t'3, Pit. 4.tc. Blackhuwk priced at $749


Ft-re is a Net 01 excellent minor, urn-mrs in ,lar,dmurd 1), ruaumrtls, hard coaled dud xx i11 click ste-ps--n Ire pair raked in a handsunme satin lined cave. 'the II 9

- lx'pliolo lcfls (I i'iflch) is in foclmaiidg mount, with xalluui°.S Ironmi 3 1-S-fcci to inlunity. 'rhc 11:1,9 sn- ide angle I ms i7ttinnn.t is a li-med toes', lens, With thrsc two lcC.,cs, mtiusl (he stanilard lens with is - Itich your 8mm. r tlela Came cquuipped. you'll have thc Ictms equipment 1.1 (il-i prmct icamily stir thiurg' 215.18. 4rvuIt Et11.9 l'elen,lmo(o and - 5'. id- ,t,ru1e Less Sd (2-lbr.l .........

16ain., 8nhIIL,11R1.


Thesc C'inelargers make cc. celleitt enlargements of in-divmd sal Iratlues of your movies using No. 620 roIl-film as a negative. Cilting or splicing youz origlinal is unnecessary!

7-11-02. llimnnt Cinclnrgcr, 2.11es. 11,1. 519.95; flliick-hawk priced ..........


23-0I. Saint. Clnelarger. 2-lbs.. list. $19.95; BlarL-hawk prird ............

$15.55 23.03. 35mm, Cinrlargcr. 3.lbs.. 11,1, $22.95; Illackh'iwk priced

FLUORESCENT 'I'ITLLR 300 mluouecsenm Icticrt and mtunreralv in tiso dmmeeling msulors-13"sIS" easel With two inmcm'clt;ingeablc colorad backgrounds.. Enuclirsive alignment guide Inir various local lengmlt lemnies. Handy letter sorting (lay. Self-aihering plaslie lettrrs aild numerals-no glue. no pins, no proble it. 36.25 43.Ibs.t. usantifaclurer's (lxi price, $5-95, Blackhawk prierd at only. -------


('onttllnx over 400 separate plastic lemmcus, spproxi-nmatdy (-mdi high, in three dillereni colors red, yellow and white. Leticrs peel oft and ore reusable indefjnilely.Stirrdy. '.3"xl8" casel, tauaspyrent plashic jacket irn,l surEuc, three colored background sheets. book [oreasy, clean storage of letter'., storige eun-velope with ittslrujclioits and tilling hints, and handy ruled guide ip properly align titles. Mmitrufacmurer"n list. 8491.

3 -05, 2.IIrs.. ............ .... ...... $4.49




-- 8mm. MOVIE c

C'MLR _i Ic0 with supar fast

f:1.4 lens and long-lived mercury battery powered automatic electric eye

The Snrtm. canada off-rrs a range of ASA settings from 10 to $0. With '.ltc electric eye croas commpted to the ASiA dial amid the diaphragm. - Adolhcr unusual ieaiurc is the viewuinder, which is actuall y a onc.way intinror. Seen front tire front, it appears to be a conncnttloit.ul mirror . When viewing, the mirror of-lords glune-Imec Vision, with an automatic pointter coupled to the nicten' indicating the f-stops and Inre "sale" sliootiag range. When the poinner lulls ottr-side thin red-line cone, it indicates lcuo'liIlle or moo-much higill for proper exposure,

Tbc Cmm,tlsra has a sitnglc fnicd'locxis lvns, a supvr-List f: I .4 'aslainon 10mm, normal br n taxi ni mtiaki a under all cmsrnditions, especially indoors ss-ir'ioul di-naclinty spotlights. The sitigle speed is Ill Irantes.

All f the fimnious 'h'ashic.r [catxmrc-, are inuclutshral in the 1111151 Drop-in s..prockem'ess spool loading for trouble-tree picture ttrmiklrtg In atutommruic rc-.cI foolage cc,un;er: single [[ante lar special effect, and a gocrnor-cc'nmrotIel wiund xvilhi nu,fluloxx'ut stIll,. MANLEACLCREK'S NATION.tI LV utl)VERTISII)

rRt('F: 169.95 2102, S'lbn. BIasha,;I. priced SI



i-, .- - YASU1CA Ia


8u.mu. 1!O%'IE CAMER.%

with electric sg.m motor drive and built-in meter

Not only dime', the e:m'nrera ertusl.,c s mn,icio'm,,lu,r electric xh,i,c. lou. it also include, sucI, lealtures a, a taurilu.in e',posxmtc' tttdlc.tlor. a 1:1 '3 tocusmmmg Ictus rtt(i,llmled in a II ip-oscr tm.rrrl a nd mm zoorn vlcw-finder.

Time meter indi':alor is set In the muir' 01 the daatc',u. 511 -3 cmffels lhrcr, - u'SA seth ul;s. II). 16 litnll 4It, cacti as a differeni cnhors-xl hand of 'li,m;nlnr.mgm selnium', 0' er snitict the needle sss luty,. I t lake, otily a glance to chock the proper setniuug.

The lens, sn-h ich is it Ymmslu (1<>, I utt tnt 00Cm' I. focuses ilossim to lc-s,s mltmumu I li,,lnt. The tuirtel xv it accent Ymishinon 1:1.4 series 01 l)-niu,unt lenses as.'il able In wide anzlc and tclp'.ii'I., local IcligmItS., 1 finder eootims floor 15,5 is dc mu u-I'; to telept• ii 34mm.

Otiter features include a rc,nuoue conrre, 1 it,x,i,, m'itngle speed 01 II', [ps nnnu;ul reset footage csuut'l?"u amtd conlinroims m'unn lock, '('lie price ivcl,rie S'a"lnic.m's 'l-lu'tdic,m - ip' ' pisn.,l g-ri p.


21.91. 5-llrIa. Blsckln,u,,k priced Ill . - only - - --- - --- ------ - -- - -- --- - - -- --.l 3

-c c'"s._ . --- . .,•i'e_\.



Theuvm,mhd's ltncst Srnuniu lictiflf moxie cduuor-rewi,tmis 400-1cd in 50-second. u -,iiut atutommmnic morori.tcd rewintd. Needle that p. flick.ir-ltce scccen-t 4X ulagmu-ticamiomi. Al I irnetal-prccisix,n die ca,l. flntmlt-in, bid-away metal case. It's compm,cI and sturdy-arms fold iin-escryllxing is sell-contained. Axtto,nlairc fcaluteu galore: Built-in Lame marker, i,unill.in Lx-- musing wheeL buill-in frontier. easy drop-in loading, Qxtik.spltce Or, aplicer and ?xlyl;nr lapes are inclxnuicd. Mm,nurtacuurera list price. 149.95.

24-I5 10-I1w., Blacklianslm priced at . S38.88

f.- R ̂P, dsww i ,

7 a'

R.-tLt 8i111n. EDI1'01 This Baua 8mm. Editor, ,aarrling a natmonilli aJscr-Il-med price of $44.50, in an especially goodOmit at Elackhmmwk's specIal purchase price! With it you can enjoyLSSL easy, neil revisions ol your 8mm, tilurus. liii project on screen is or generous sree, and it is well illun,inancd, l)mre-cl llnccailmne- -told-assay reel artit15-sesni.axttootalic spi iced Tmm kc 400- I t I shot re-Cl,,

24-12, 9-lbs. ....................... $2(.66

-m E*15t



sanD.. ACTION EDITOR A new and belIer hdttont c,dimom wth modetn design leatures at an mrltracliic lOW price, l,inmte 2t,Ss..Ia

inch easy-no-watch viewitig acrcen; opmic.mI glass ptirtn shutter; precision ground, polished and coated lenses; geared fdtdaway rc'.'.',tna-i-400-ft, capacity; all alsunt. mum dic.cast couslr xcuion; completu w lii Maumsliclm( Dmi-Spllce Spliccr and Spliciu'g ('ape. Mm,nulac:u:er'a 11,1. $34.95,

24-14. 15-lbs. ............. .... ..... $ I 9.95

Mansfield jjOIIDA" Conan. and 16,smami. EDIlORS A51OtI wiener pros ides tale-C 4d2 S 6''. Drill,ant planre! lltultt-mrn los using. LI ;mitnlng and Imlin ntarkcr, 0 1it cal 'su tsrfl sitsitlet . l'rccisnout gI Oh Cd and polm5hd cialial lans t.stcnu. All front sunlace tourrorti. lold,-Six 0'. . ge,,rr.d S I-to- 1 ralmot [en u SOS Aolom;uttc film spl'ccr imilit tadlal sdlmlltlltC blade. 4150 II, meet capac-Ily. All altittii tttittt d ue -casl conusirxtct cit. S:utmdy wood ca.rying case cOsemcd sn tb tweed-lype cloths,

24-08, 8mm. tditor. 18-Sirs.. 1i51 • $64.50, only 24-09, tSuit',i. edimor, 17-Il's., list . $59.80, o.nl, ....................... II.9t)

(INEFImmEX IH1LEX % for use with

D.MOUNI' 8mm. CAMERAS Hcrc isaur tics S--- -.5 illI,'sysmcu II luuam ci sex collie-melt pub1t::' t li,uuimtm,liiiuu lot aIimcliuflg 10 at:)' l)-niotuitm Snim. .auuIc,a, 5 ill) the (ildelics t,'is'xsCr you slt,tmtt

Is ital yOli see. It is pros mdci'a' Ih ;n close-tip len, fom titling chose-tils cit tlismvcr ,, l'uu.ls and Insects - tilt cooyu'uc p.:gcs nil 01 110.1k -hid t 51.'iC 101111 and IttemitcI. uilliatogr,upl'y. I I pcitulls siiu,iitivg pictUi Cs

tioitn ytUr TV s. 'Iii em, It null xuu,:J (5111.5 a Series IV

or 21 .5ttilin. lihcu'. rluus Ihuc ci 5,55- -li Ii 1,_ui,. at the silIli: d,uie. Slide ta' UlgCet.

37-06, lZ.ors------ ................ S.95



The I'mcmmer l'uotessloual I luim is a precision 511w .511 cli pta5 Ides the ulmtiost cmi Oct 3 rmglijnly and

lcvs, ,.ntoolhi Opeiatm(iti M,,&cs an rnlillule varictl it

colot uI inlet Cxl lug tilles wmu It spec al cllecms sulu .m tsiOulls, (lips. (lops wipes, aninlatios, and nutect t - I

Othcn IF CS. I net In..t OC placed iipmtllmtm lot ct-' -- work. Luiltera plillol lii is ,rnmser,alIy adituslable I

ann flios me c,,ii1l, . ii and most slut L' .rflICl,iS Pm.upcl I

nile1,, ci rc Ilec tot s pu oxide correcl I gill iitg AU pm, . a

Ii xnaso,ttCl I ii,ilied

I, r C in i It C 51-3 I'rnule.s,siOmlal I ii l':r. our t%o. 36 ''I.

tIl-ll,,,t, ouI) -1. $29. 93 PREMiER M-J

A(Cg.SS0t1 hsIT Inch-des 400 icauc's in rca, eiow 51151 wallet &'tuS'tl

x5;i.efl lot re-mi , lit 0JCCi1iint. rOi a) drumn Ion I oil

lities. scus.hh hi_umie. told) pl.i:mOlrii. iJcstimied e'"icc,,Ii-

It ion hue uviili the F',cumij:u tIm 1 Pmo,e,srum,al 'I itIct

(mcxci ui'c,J atIaluc .0 and 'S ut plc -. 11511% Model 51-2

I'uennicr SI-i Accessory hiS, our No *

36'04 uS-lInt. only S I 1.9.,

UNIVERSAL l'lL'LEfl for iiSi scitli 811111111 11- iud

135mm. euanerus This rnespcnsis C tiller PCI nullS mc amainmml in sld.,,tt

pnouesxit.mial'llkC tills.S, in do special cllecls. aria ,,•I -. -

itiaU011. it is desicitrad 10 5101 k w,lb all ntc-d,.'i'. i.:t

bnmlmml. and Ibimnini, cattteias and romuIcs complete w di Grtai!cd unsmimmdlion Dook sln.ulslng now to xci ap. o,• -.

10 Olitmillmnale caRts, n".at exposure to glvC don 10

prepare tille colds. now 10 wake laden and attuirra ad

III ici.

36.06, i'lbs........................


1si'olvf SPECIAl. £lltmEC'tS MASSE ('/5511 V

. . . . s Ii II MOSI' (ASILR.%'.


Title an you drOOl xv lii the aId 01 '3'.-" 1ev- attach-

flt:ttl xx uib I is pat al tax'i I cc vi,.'tx I undnr. S omr CoSt 't

w.msIe Irh:fl (01 titles-yoU Sl,iPERiMl'OSI(t S ou 'Jon t

put off nilikttit, )olir lilIes-yOU shoot ihcri at thuc scene! Y0LI atssays sISrI a reel with a IltIc titus simple wept Ccmutcrimtg is stntpte and acuimuamel L,glttweulnt and easily cairlen with ca:ttera-ssi.il ki With OMit

8mntvn. auld lamar-ton IMatli tndoou and ouat-j,,or

titling. (lie ''35' ' ' a nil which is a purl Of the tuth 'rig kit permits all norms ol sutperimpm)sed (irk ahotu

conipicicly opal u luuafll timici.

0 '3V" trr.Vts,on IuIl:ng Kim rndudes "dy' slyer-

itninosinlg rrnil, ladc'.n'lade-oUl blrll), IWO W9SC S.riPs.

cl',xe-iip lens hi'lcier, maine-box coleus. transpamelul mirror and instn :ucllou booklet dcscuil'mllg trick slr,)ts.

36'08, 4-lbs.. BIackh'awk priCed ...... $32.95

£J;$L 51 k I i i ii- '


lite titan itsetu is we ems: 1,11 iiIclmillm pis'ciSiOh 5Cr.

51._s' Ito, ml_xuI, ire pm,t.;llmi\ civil: ti, his hue Ldn5k

Uauu'bow his 's .icltt Oiliiliittli OSli c-irS 1,11cm. Ii. mm

diumil p:uut)O\e h - rc. Ic that .11k --5 ijilcu poruatxh.t alni c,,n be use ul as a cm::tiera gm p. 1 :1', Inulit cOuIhe-act

ctisuo:it cat t y (tug a ice . Co,uu:s :st,itplctc with povet I I close-tip Icr,. cc:'tcrunmi fliiiv,tS, h,:hlv'rcre alug-snct't

cl:aut. Ilmtsc sp,,'citl cIte-cm. masks ..supply of DitiliC

tmit,k, rem vies puojeellott screen. Marulacluter a

list, ptice. S17.9". Puirrl:mmr.c 01 titter cites you your lirst order 01 %CiCfl

tIm Ic cards lwltialt you uurdet Ircr,ti Iii ricIci ft cc, Tluet e-

alice, 51111 par $ I .25 for seven titles. (Sc for -aat.x1

asldi:in:tal in n.s:nue otden-dnr:ct to f.dri;k. rot no

It l,it, sIlls' k

7-lI,,., ol,:.:.ut,g yrreed .....


7 l)OM-LES





I ja;Et,s

-S.'- - -

RADIANT METEOR RADIANT IMPERIAL 1 in It ccl i t011'1St cucS lId III lIt-i lImb 'I.l'-I. Pebti- COLOR1'vlASTER C5t tillI .11.5 , 0 , 1111115 rdsisi.LI II and c,;so,,r.lc. Ilighr'ui c1lillhIIt IIIIC'dI Stuccil IdOl SiC ilClS I lillIll I.,!

(.I1stipluv lar'i c-lier ',Url_ IC C Cc's ,gured to ,.'ts. 111.1.1.

flillitI hrllmflluiess OIl axiS and side c etSiliC .1; Cs III


Our 'so.


Sise and Model Inst


kti,chti.,sc hi Puce

$ 7.17 30' x 40' Meteor (9-lbs.) 44.06 40' x 40" Meteor (9-lbs.) $14.95 $ 6.18

44-16 37" x 50" Meteor S1895 $11.11

44-10 SO" x 50" Meteor $2095 SI 1.1 I

44.2 30" x 40" Imperial Screenmasler $34 . 95 . $24.95 44-23 40" x 40" Imperial Screenmasler $36.95 $26.95 44- 37" x 50" Imperial Screenmasler $43.95 $29.95 44-2 1 50" x 50

Imperial Screenmasler $4795 $34.55

44-:b 45" x 60" Imperial Screenmasler $63.95 $44.95 44 80" x 60" Imperial Screenmarier $6795 $4795

52" x 70" Imperial Screenmaslex $89. $47.95 44-iS 70" x 70" Imperial Screenmasler $7795 $54.95 44.:3, 40" x 40' Imperial Colormasier $39.95 $29.95

50" x 50" lmperi&l Colormasler £49.95 37.95 43.)', 37" x 50" Walt $19.95 $1395 43-It 40' x 40' Wall (11-lbs.) $15.95 $11.95 43-1 45" x 60" Wall $2995 $21.95 43-i.. 50" x 50" Wall £2395 $16.95 43.4 52" It 70" Wail $38.95 $2795 43-I5 60" z 60" Wall $36.95 $26.95 43-.b . 63" x 84' Wail £62.95 $44.95 43.17 70" x 70" Wall $47.95 $34.95 43.19 72" x 96" WaIl $77.95 S54.95 43-19 84' x 84" Wall $6895 $49.95

'-lot screcnc, because gst clinientcions, are not mailable and ate therefore normally shipped pie's OnIv the 30''t40" tund 40"x40" Radiant Meteor and 41)'x4)I" 'ice of the

Radiant \'aIl are fllaiIZZ tic, and shipping ss eight is sIios n on these itcilts. On express ship-nlcPt, you pay tt'arispctrlalion Oil eIc')icerv ..'\'o C.O . D. .s/tipnu!tLc on .a'rc -cl,s.

i%tlE 811I1n. siIt'nt



II 'vi. IpIlils it pod cci ccc ii Iii lie new Lenlictiliti I i. .lco I abi c-coiiibi icc the best icallin en 01 mcI te cci IC all0 glass headed silrl,,ces to piotitiec brilliant i'' tiles 110th On acts Zulu at ectreflie tiect inc angleS

it lbO.ucgicc$. I unguuc and (lame cool, and wash- •rlc


Superpoul 280013

TESTRITE SUPERPOD 2800/3 (Ii s is a til(CC-ICCI loll IrIplal w eigluuuig i-pouIflds, $ i'lIi:ccs. 76 I1ICIICS coulpIetrIp opened 210 a Iuchcs dcc-etl , I 2.inch Cli,- I tIlor rise. I Icc hori,.ontal acar I or slitooth mock palIltulIg, c,ctna 90-dcgrcc lilt on pan-hc,tds b,mll Icuci run tripod. ratcht-1 to prevent camera 11,1111 (tIling. sungle lock p.In.hcad handle, degree Ill'. I Its lot hol izontal SOul ecrIlcal lulls. adjust,iCIc Ca lid a screw. , altintitutint ii IloIjiced legs , jatti-Erce coo-slIlIdlIlIn, nest' clutch design, non.ski'J tips on legs. a. 1.11illOdiiICS still cc menus to 4x5 sue, moc IC Cain-CUtS 10 16111w.

49-04, (,.tbs. list. '25.95 ............S I

TESTRITE SUPERPOD 2450/3 center post-ltcs.5'OII sllilpcd to

Ill esdIlt IlItlitlIg itt ciiltci direction and to insure rigid-Ill'. Spoclal sprinti clamps to flrzseIlt canleta Iront i.iIilig. P51111 90-deyrce tilt on paflitemid. Single (tack ranitead handle. Adjustable Camera ser.'w. Alumunum legs- lop sections anodized. Aluminum lam-prool IttleliCs. Non-skid leg tips. HorI,onlal gear tot SlttOots

IOOCIC (SltttiiiIg. Thrcc section model, 61-inches fully ,penel, ltl.inchen ita.scd.- t4.init elnitalor rise, Mccii-lactuter 'c list price, .$0.95.

4911, 541tc., lId, S20,95 ............ $12.95 49.06, 4.ihs., llsI $14.95 ............ $9.95 TESTRITE SUPERPOD 24003 Hsu C's -c I clii ccu.'Imonty (00011 In the it'llt Is Clcht clasS. (41 Inches fully opened; IS-incItes doted; 14-inh Ic aloe rise. A llitttiuti,ui resersible educe post-hex.

Cl;OIi shaprui 10 Nes'ent turning in cuber direction 'pccic( tprueg clamps present cameia from Iallittg,


leli;u 90.dc9rce lilt on panheauJ; adjiusutible canicea tiudss; almiltu IlIum legs; nOn-skid lea tips,

49-08, 4-111 lIst, SI6.95 ............ $995

/Ia•ra.% 1P1t11IJ1L 2N2" SLIDE J'ROJECTOR with built-in viewing screen and

filmstrip adapter I 111-os a truly pollable (Only P'tcpouinuis) 2''x2" rotor slide prllmrcior! Assniall as an UtlaChC ease! Color ethics or filrnstuip fraltiCs COUIC to life brillinnity on your labie.top scrcen. Complete with compact. lralhercttc-coecrcd case. Maniltadturer S iit pride. 53995.

M-56, a-Itss, Dlackb;twk prlctd a( ....$33.33

to J 0O-dcgtccs. Resists I gIlt ((pIll selireCi, 01151 lIt .1

Ihc projector, waling for good proirCIon in lighted cc cccli as dare,tcd rooms. F unglis mu ii.. tile proal. and washable.

RADIANT WALL 111gb qll.lI il.1p-i1pc 55.11 551cc im 1sith N. 1i,.I I ct

p1' beaded soultucc. (nnaIe alIi.l II lime ti,l ad

haP IC.



with KIMAC PROTE('I'ORS! ('res ellis sc I lutchrs. linger plillIs alid allras tile nua I Sc! 1 htse plastic r'ntclpes-m;ide of Kmtci.p.k 'heel-may be used it Iih all tu'ldard eardhoatd realJl miamI Its. ecluding 5cclak and An-co. Sealed edge prrss'ntn

sII.Igaing Ill 1111112 ''I 'it- sc iu1;. No puinhir.g to obscure captIons. l'.icked in reul:,ibIc tile box,

1011 Klma 2nr I'ro(eclturs in reucattle - rile box. our No.

' o 19-02 $-o!l, only •.•)


2"x2" SLIDE

READY MOUNTS 'these arc enprinied CI I tI('oturd reads Itll'iIflt S Icr iIU to Ice i n Wi)ZiIttIflR I CIIIC doiibk Iralulc I I t elI; II- psrfc'r I ltait, 35 nittu., Ir.unsparrneics, or suI$liC Li lisle i4perfor, ,t dIn. 3uIInt., 511511 us triulles luilium rt-t'iular I 111151 1 's hantafll or 5UFICI slidc IraIlspa relic ics. flIese ready uusolunls are eunhosscui to hol,l the tr;insgrarcncies in p05111011, and plasuic co:,tcd otu the inside pureR I or perotanent ceiling. fo sc;ui, .rll s oui cccii tie' is to UO 111iliund I'ulre Of mou,uii with OledlIllul ii,t ­n- 'to riot iron over II ansparerey.

*5-04, box f 100 single (name .. (

ftt-o,.s.) .......................... .. .

of 100 double [ruble

15-I1, tio of 100 barnum frante 112-O,x.l ....... ....... ........... S1.ln) 15-12 bog of 100 snIper slide - 11i-uis) ------------------- --------

i 1.i)


SLIDES flerut Is the (smollc one plar ;ululluiinupl Itanlc with ultra thiul mIcro glass tor ttrCliulllng transpIr-

encies in standard EasItnan Rcad;- mollnts-or readymounls of sinlilar tluicidurcss-ccjtholt( renlocitte lrantparcncy from Ille reallynrount. frame is standard size and thIck- ness, and (ins any 2z2" prolecuop, - nlugazinc or Uay.

Run of 21 F.mde Mouzq5 for 2"x2' Slides, our No, 15.08 (I-lb.) .......

80* of 100 nr4e Stonifils for 2"V' • 14

Slides, our No, 1505 tS'lIac.l --------

1 EYS'I'ONE K-I io:i

DilLJ XE i0(flI IINS

SuaaH. I'll O,J I('I'O It with motorized action editor I

The mod anit,,nctiij Oullm. pb,lrcd(oe yet decrkuprd! 'I he ncdd 'Auuo-/oom lens will till a ii)' 544) ' '-I.'ccen at .01) tllSlaDCC from 11 to 2ul-ieci-olher size ci.reeIis

11 jlroportionate clisbance ranges New Super I ru-Elector 21 -stalt. I 90-u ati lunrp, n dIl I 7% G R [A'rER

ollTpu'r '1' II A N CONVENTIONAL 750-wA'rr L A M F'. Iii 111111 tl,ulrd puish-button cOultrol consOle . .

forward, rI.'Sc (SC, slill , slop and iat rewind. Safely

interlock reesrtlbs tewirld brOIlt operanille unless rheO-l;ut control is set for high speed ('i ew mo4Or-drIscfl

action edrtOr with lartc (onCr 6 square itlelIch) Irouwl lcss siewsereen- cplicc) ground odlanoolul prism. Ecu-

nor pdlxvrrcd by push-butbon zonlrois or by detachable hand cranks. Btiitt-in DuPont Mylar lape dry bull splicer. Sue isp-GuI film pate; helucy-l0itigc, SnapOfl 1,1w

l:ilidtt- S. Sd(-tockiflg acar-Scluualed tilt control; IadIo-r / iiItCrtitIeflCc (tI tel ; rolImlipiut "sd itch. I' tully geared Ill rulighouu(. A 111011011 di ' ' I tI nt.grip 400-11 . reels . Stiper-

eocl . 151u1c1 . h l;llI-spced hi It,tser. terillaw .9 reel ci 1110

'tie. !i . tee I C: 11' acji I . 11 ,inijsolne. gold Uintifled. Cast

SIANPFA('lt'RrR'S L011 I'IOICE. 5199.91 30-2 I . fbI rnait.ti,ir-s 01, rimy ICUflS to po,Ialioit tIn btn)irery --------------- I I .7s)

This new tlrownie ''$0O' 1155 11 new II lIlt lomer , pro-

icc uk ,n l;,utip Itir the grctiicsi hr,IIuutcc shu'sssoiir sil)Or 0111, leN LIP to 5-feel sciile. A smelt ' collIrol l_'i 'I IS S Oil lorssl,rd tsad'icctioll. ' SI ills . tese se a'ctlon. and poseer rewinding. I hut Itroonie 'tl(V_ is per tiu.,nentiv ilibricatcd it hue lactom I -voutIl nrser need to oil II! Iltis ­ bix pk'Ilure" 1: I .6 Icius, flltiti.11l pres tew screen. sell coddr. I a 11cc 411(1.11 liltIt 'eels for ball-houlr shouss. SI a I1II(liall,l Cr ' s I s( , 571)

_3 B!tltItunirk priltrd u9$64.95


t lira-briehi im,osc. vtt,l film rcscrsr, at ii real budget frice. New '[111.1 leetog ISO-call, K-tl5.soll lauitp has rre;i;er brightness lilan eonIeltiionull 500'watl luIllIp. Slupdr-cool. sealed harm prirtciple climmnSles fluailttcfl-ncr, case ciecurici'' , Post F: I 6 MagnaScope leuls

lullS 3(tx4il.irich scrccil at 13-lcd. Conlrols for on-off, lorward, telerse. Fl,inulSolllt tan body. Ctwurplctc cc rh case. lbs 40011. is'c I c.tuaacity .51,1 nlIll'dulurcrs list once. 579.95.

30-20 (i5-lIsJ ---------------------$54.95

8mm. GRAB BAG a,

C;oudi uceti eclrrlptete "lilt eeC I I I 90 to 2(1(1- I 1.1 Stt'm. siIjccts-t'_usrlc. Iil.Ickil a Ick. 5101 ling. Pictorial. (Ill cit. I ',mdc'raIl cc of sid'jcei'. but I 1111.5<' teC. Ot,l No. I

One (1 i-ozsj . $2.99 Three (2-lbs.) . $7,99

Six (3-the.). . , $14.99


16mm. SILENT 3-FOR-1

An iesd'rinlcnu of tilled goodl t,tod 100il. 1011111. suient hIm suhjecls--,,tt eomplelc--II 11111 51101 llr , l0nCrs as ('asl Ic, lloi lytcood FlIntu. Pictorial. enc,

150-22 (1-1b.) ....................$2.99


K- 109

8iti iii.


1 he non lcllimsleCI,c actor IS rh eser'tiling. A lr,lt precision lnsbrliuflelll , 51 Ilh flew pu cc lsioit locusllig k iCO that 155111 L's ru/el 'iilalpilcss 01 1OCt15, grCatest pidtul C cLtu iiy eser ... quickly. easily. In ldition. contaIns hulillin splicce. I ibc.o.Mctic room light sssildh and rdilor-sjcwcr. rii.mking it a colnpiete, sclf.coniaiitrd movie wonksh0p. The MagnaScope lens, coaled and cotorcorreicd. fulls 40-ittdll Screen at only I 3-led, Has 0arrd reel utmo rildOslat slIced control, vlt. locking lilt nucucll;unism, rCvCrC,ng switch, rapid iuuI m.,tic reId unli , 750-watl projedlion lamp. takes 400 II. reel. coitlas coosnlcue ssilh carr5 ing cane. Slou ntailahle_

MANUFACII.'RERS lIST PRICO, S174.50 0-07, non muiluble.-nou pa tran.ipor.

ll latioON dcItwer

11 LPEX 8nini.

ii l: ç 0 IE


A pied. 10111115 Ic l,.pl.nese inlpclrl 111.11 (allIes Slut the itnalil, st,iiutl.,,ds 10 dl itlil 11111111 1 dl,ddiul TlIC 5ntnl. c;unlrras iittpurrlcd lronu 11101111 in the laq Idle

S cc Is ..A (sea lit I I Ii I lv ioestrii5 I cii , COIlI pict p riliuli' lilt Sihilsed In .1 'dl i llCO t;.ined ,.'z, Sc. H as all extra t u,st I, I 4 1sroircuion leuls of cc iuir 'creen local lereib, callable spccd cililutol a IlIcrItualic trw bid, swtee luIt iitm glutc. ruukss ilfl to 400-11. uccbt 01 hIre. His 5111)-wall projection I, n p. I nuportcrx I si p-icr. 511' 1.4

30-22, li-Ili,. ...................... $47


2'2" '

IIIllE KIT iblus slIde lltt11Chnlefll

itl II .muislotuns the Al- l0(

pen - 'lh0'' IrIlun. Stotte I ' Prrieelnti 11110 II lhil- I .O5i3< .

led Ion. K II COf101 i IS Is mx a id si cIt I Ilant- er. I iii.

tslrtcl 5 list p r - cc 1-24 '15.

3024, 3 lIns........................ $ I 7.95




•v.a '


MODEL T-1500 Si­ liPlri'OsIIrr,tltIS 6' aslllYudll 5.uI55 \Veiphl, IS bi,SuIu .,ds_ 7111<11 reel clIplIelly. lt) - tc,hit-t piIchlIrUll 1111011*

''Ii (lilt. K es b0,urd COttlI iii. Pre a rnp! (icr output ito I.. l'sclllsis: tligh stlred ievuar. 'l'cso lecel recording irdi. c;itiar. 1)11111 high.lnss ouutput. Install! stop (ccci. Rot-0111 try iou. lislension speaker jack. f'redi',iullu iuldcn

ed,dllltcr. Tuso-specd knob for3!4t-tPS, or 71. II'S. can be 555 itched at litlI' lime (luiriulg any lim' ung or

reucuIIdifl8 operatidun. I-ugh frautuncy ei;usc. P. A. .,nlpllfier oulIpIti. Real perl Inbulit, xc Itt cunsole sm' - lorinance-40 to 1 9 .1.10eps. at 7 1 'a II'S 40 I, , 5, 5 101.

i_ri1. at 395-lbS. sot flulIII.ihle. No C.Ot)'s or, III,


59- I 9, nbablulfllclurd - r', naliolluilly ;bi)s erlised prilu',

y189.50. ftlaeklijtik'x price ...... $ 1 49 . 50

W'()IaIuE%SAK 1'lSlS'l Si'ER 11)PIION1C 1i-l.1 %' I II 1-Fl I)ELITI' RECOil 9E0t

('I. ¶u 'tht 2 (bit 4-I [(k(.l SI ltREO I AIF.s-lel:((Iulaf I I' 10 4 luF;f.ljeA I I-: %IONAPRAI. [RACKS

t Ii C511 11.1 lclittt:L's as PIe ')500 but ,.iih si.mco

ill; U and tIUS1' I_un... It shiltlny mechaltistli III

cn,.yles ii.5ltIg and 'llIOdk siereo tapt uciulItlt

Silr.pronllse. the e\CiIusisC Woltensak Irack chIllS

telul (lit Clia PIes record i ng utp to 4 Separate turoll. air .11

lr.iks on II single roll of iape. resuiliulp in an Ill

to 4-10-I 51l\IC,IlS in tape COst.

The tower sleteo ehantlel with hIlilt-Ill preaniyii.'ier pics discctty into the irrpul of a hi-fl SICICO 'I Still.

radio, pIt,lriollraph or 'fv sersing as a second speaker ormagnificent third diunensional sierro sound. Not

,nailable, No COD's on this 11cm.

59-20, manufse)urer'a lialionally adeefllctd pr)c,

1.229,30, ltlaekhuusks price .......... 119 169.50


Y1Li) LIFE FILI1IS 12 11108113. 1&W1, silc,it

5004t,, IGuusnu, sileuit B&W prtnt, 9-ocs each, ws

53.99, now close-out priced at ........ 2.77 Any two, I-lb.

...... ... ............. $1.99



61)0- 7 uiIRl)S OF THE FOREST 6110- 801011)5 OF THE MARSH


YOU CAN SAVE 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%- AND c- !c14K'S RECENT


16mm. SILENT AND 8mm. FILMS IN BOTH COLOR, AND BLACK & WHITE Thece spect*l prices aspI, only to Blackba"ks remaining stock of Iheoe particula, tItic in the ,er,ions In which they are listed, As the number of twinit of each subject remniusog on hand is limilrd, we Urge you to gise us as many alternate choice,. as you cao-weil send alternates olily when your rh-St choIce, have already been sold.

HLD LUL FILMS in lG,,am. coj,r, silent

100-It.. 16mm SUcH color prints, 9-am. each, were

$12.99, now close-out priced at ...... "S9.99 OIlS- I .t%IERICAN BISON 605- 2 A'.lEl4IC/N DEER 605- I ANIMALS OF THE FOREST 695- -1 ANIMALS OF THE PLAINS 605. 5 Ri:An 605- 6 RIG HORN SIIEI4P 605. 1 BiRDS OV THE FOREST 605- 8 ETRI)S OF THE MARSH 600- 0 RII1L)S OF TIlE PLAINS 105.10 BUSY IIE-sVFR - *05.11 CANADIAN (;OOSU *03.12 COYOTE

DUCKs *05-14 I'I.SIIIN&; 01-I---- - HE ENCUANTE l.SI.ANI)S 605-15 llSIlhN(; OSrILEYS 61)5.16 t.F.'.PINLTL'NA 1-115-17 .\IOOSF 605-I9 MGhIIFR BI,tR AND CUB.S 61)3-19 SIOTIII1R I ION AND KIFIENS (.05-20 MUIt-: 1)0:1:11 *05-21 l'R(IN(.HORN ANTELOPE


WORLD IN COLO111111, 14' ISISII. $$11'-h1, ('49101' fifnts

190.1t.. lOom, siIr oh color prInts, 9.oc,., each. neu-e

512.99, nose close-Gilt priced at $9.99 607- 1 AFRIC&. U.S.-'. 107-3 AIR STRAI'INC 607- 4 ALASKA (;LA(:IIR 607. 5 AL,tSKA HICIIW-'.Y 607- 5 AtASK.-t RIVER JOURNEY 607- 7 AlASKA OSONL)EHI.AND 607- 8 tQUA I'OILIES 07- 9 .-6QUA!IIAIL)S OF CYPRESS GARDENS 697- tO ATOMIC FLR. 407. I) It.-6NFF AND LAKE I.OULSE 607. 14 ltt-:l.lIN(;ll-tTII C.-t000:NS. ALA. 407- 16 BRONX ZOO 607- 19 CSRISII6I) C.-6VERNS 607. 21 C}II(-tGO 6117- 22 COLONIAL WII.II.'SMSBURG 607- 23 CONFY ISIANI) 607- 24 t: -s I'RESS (ARl)FNS *117- 25 I)FATII V-tItFY 6(17. 20 t-:sIpIRo: srt II-: ILL. l0I)ING 607- 27 EVERCI-tDI-:s *1)7- 25 Fx(yrIc S.)'.lO-t - 607- M FLAMINGOS 0)- I HF ILAII,tMAS 607- 32 FI.OWl:htS OF tIlE B6II.tMAS 632' 13 (;ITR\l.-tN V.2 ROCKET TESTS 6117- 34 GETtYSBURG 6117. 35 CLAI:lI-:L; NATIL)NtI. P-tIlE ,Il7 M 36 GOlD INING IN Al'SKA 607. 37 GRANI) CANYON. .&Ilh/O-t N. (Reel One) 1,07- 38 tRANI) CANYON ARIZONA (Reel Two) s,37- 39 THE GRANt) TETONS (.117- 40 TIlE GREAt SSIOKIES 607- 41 )ItWAIIN l'ARAI)IS1-: .07- 43 HOLLYWOOD AND VIN .107. 44 hOlY YEAR, ROME 607- 45 HONOIII U 607- 47 .!.-%CK.SON hOLE. WYOMING 607- 48 JASPER NATIONAL. PARK, CANADA '-07- 53 XIlAL'EA, HAWAII .07. 55 THE IJ\ INC SA (.07- 56 MARINEI.%ND. FLORIDA *07- 57 MARINEIANI) S EI)ucArt-:o PORPOISES .07- 58 MEN ft_c) 4107- 59 MIAMI IIEtChl (107- 60 MI(;HTY NIAGARA - 1,07. 61 MONKEY II. .N CII-: 607- 63 MR. BEAR GOES FIShING 007- 63 SIT. It SNIER 1,07- 65 sri. RUSHMORE 607- 67 NASSAL:. IIAIIAM.tS 607. 68 0K51-ENI)KtIE SWAMP. GEORGIA 607- 70 I'-'sNA'.I-t AND THE CANAL 1,07. 11 I'ARls 607- 75 ROCK CrTY GARDEN. TENN. 607- 76 14O(ISY 1101NT6CN 25tIIONAL I'ARI 1,07- 80 S'IN 1-it,NCISLO


RAIlWAY 607. All TROL-r 1-ISIJENC IN ALASKA 607. 89 U. S. ARMY (;UlDEl) 511550K TESTS 607. 90 V'.IliS' FORGE 607- 91 VENICE 607' 92 SIC roRlA.NuActRA FALLS 607. 1)) WAIKIKI HULA GIRLS 607. 94 WAShINGtON, D. C. 607. 00 WATER SKIITS(; AT CYPRESS CARDEN 607- 97 WIll) ANIMALS OF Al tSKA - 607. 99 WORLD MEtROPOLIs, N. Y. c07-I00 YE IR LLOWSTONE cel One) *07.101 YELI.OWSTONE (lteel iwo) 607.103 ZION NATIONAl, PARK 607-194 WIND CASE;. S. OAK.

WOULD IN COLOR lfnins. sh'n1. f3V fUms 100.11., 16mm ..sih-ult 8&W prints, 9-0n8, rach, were

SE 99, uion clo,.e.ou,h t,riced at ........ S2.77 Any two, I.Ih....... ........... $4.99 602- I ,tI'Rltt. U.S.A. 602- 2 AFRICAN 5A1 1 .-tItI 602- 3 AlIt SIRAFING 602- 5 ALASE6 IIIGllSS.SY 602. 7 ALASKA W()Nl)F;Ri -tNt) 602. 8 AOIA FOLLIES 602 9 AQU-tSIAII)s Al CYPRESS GARDENS 602- hO ATOMI(: lUllS' (A-IIOMR) 602- 16 EIION\ /00 602. 21 CHICAGo 1.02. 22 COLONI SI S%II h.I-l.SISBL'RG 602. 23 (:ONI:\ 191. -SNI) 602. 24 CYFI41-:SS GAiODENS 602- 26 ESIPlIlt' SI ATE BIJU,DING 602. 27 1:5 I- IOCLAI)ES 602. 20 IIXOl IC SAMOA 602. 32 FLOWERS OF THE BAHAMAS 60 2 - 33 (WRStAN V.2 ROCKET TESTS 1,02- 34 (;rrrYsnUut(; 602-36 COIl) SIIJ'-.ING IN ALASKA (,(12- 39 TIlE GR.%NI) TETONS 602- 41 ILSS%AIISN I'tR%I)ISE *02- 42 II 805114 61)2- 43 IIOI.I'u'lS 000 AND VINE 6402- 44 hOly 5 U-AL ROME 602- 47 JACKSON holE. %SYOMINC 602- 4f J.tSI'Elt NATIONAL PARK. CANADA 6112. 50 ilISSIlI. OF THE PACIFIC, HAWAII 602- cl EtSIIKA1I-: Fl ANI-N 602. 54 lISBON 6112- 55 THE LIS INC EA 602- 57 5I.ARINLL-AND'S EI)UCATEI) PORPOISES 602- 58 SIEXICO 602- 59 SIIASIl REACH 602- 21) slI(;Hls NIAGARA 602- 61 SIONKEY JUNGLE 602- 63 SIR. IlEAR (;OES FISIIIN(; 6112. 64 519 14 tNIl-:It 602. 67 ISASSAI:, IIAHASI-%5 602- 69 t)KII 1 IINOKIE SWAMI'. GEORGIA 602 '73 PANAM S .tXt) THE CANAl. (.02. 71 I'AIIII, (1)2. 73 l'IIIIADEI.PHIA 602. 74 ROCK CITY (;ARDENS. IENN. 602- 76 RODEO- 602- 77 ROME 602- 78 ROSS tI,h.ENS RrI'IlI,ES 602- 79 SAN I1 R%S(:1SC() 602- *2 SIGH1SEI-:IrS(; IN FLORIDA (Reel (hie) 602- 83 SICII1SEFINGIN FI.ORhI)A (Reel Two) 602- 94 SOl-ilt SF-A SIUI-NS 602- 105 STEASI RAIIROAI)INC 602- *6 A 'I RIP (IS. -- - - Oh 51 1. WASHINGTON COG

RAIlWAY 602- 87 IItOL 1 t-ISIIIN(; IN ALASKA 602- 48 U. S. ARMY CI lOFt) \IISSI.I1 TESTS 602. 39 V.011EV FOIt(.F 1,02- 90 VENICE 602- 91VICTORI1)NIA(; tIlt F-ti.l S 602- 92 WAIKIKI HUlA CIIII.S 602. 94 5%ArER SKIING AT CYPRESS GARDENS 0102- 96 SYILI) ANIMALS OF ALASKA 602- 91 WORlD M11ROI'OLIS, N. V. 1,02. 99 S'EI.0.0WSTONE IRcel One) 602-103 SURF BOARD RII)INC 602-404 MY 01 I) KENI( (:Ky 1105111 602.105 OI.I)FSr vOODl-:N SCHOOLIIOUSE,

1-LOIcII) -A 602.106 MONTICEllO 602.107 IIo)Wl: ( - -AS - h:RNS. N. V. 602-10* HOME. OF I-DR.. HS l)i: PARK 602-109 D61IG)IT D. EISENHOWER 602-110 CRATERS OF THE MOON 602.111 CIt ICAG() NATIONAl. HISTORY MUSEUM 602.112 CAIRO 602-I13 AUSAIILE CH ASS!. N.Y.

BLACKHAWK FILMS' in tGnun. 1X&1I', sitcfti 1110-ft.. 11mm. 'lIen) 0.655 prints. svere 59.0-9. now

a(oe-lout priced. each I-Il,.. at ou)lY $1.99 1120-29 AT THE IIUB OF THE BIuIlN(;ION 1120-30 THE CHIEFS Oh --- - - lIE SANTA I-F 620-31 I)l)NNER PASS (20-32 SOUTIII;RN PACIFIC-FROM SAN FRAN-


BLACKIIt%VK FILMS' in Itintno. e91(sr. silent 2004l.. 11mm. 'sIlent c,,lor priults, s.c-re $24.99, now

close-nut priced. each I-tb. . 25 onlY - - $ 1 7.77 625' 1 AT THE HUB OF TIlE BURLINGTON (.25. 2 liii; CIIIFFS 01- 1 lIE SANTA FE 625- S HOIlI)AY IN FLORIDA 625- 6 INI)I'.N DANCES OF THE AMERICAN




CA1ITOONS in toO-fl.. 8mm. I* Were $2.95, now close-ouut pciced, each

at only ......... -...........

813. 2 PEG LEG THE PIRATE 813- 3 SIX SIIOOlER MICKEY 913-45 EARLS' 10 BED (l)onsW Duck) 813-46 (.11'6ILEMANs c;ESITLI:M,AN lMickey

MI-use and PIi,Ioi 813-49 P ANTRS PIRAIE )Pl.uIu) 1113.30 PLtjT() JUNIOR iI'Iutol 813-5 U 1 PLTO'S L)IIEA5I 1101)511 oI'lulol $13-112 TIMBER (Donald fluck) 813-04 1111-: S ILI.ACE SSlIrhlY (Donald DIuCkI 1.13-I6 COol) TIME FOR -A DIME 'Donald h)luck) 313-98 BONE IROUBLE (I'Iulo) 103-89 D()-N.AIl)'S (A'.IFR A. O)nuuald DuckI 813.90 l)(IN.tl.I)'s so:l.i' CONTROl IDonald DucE)



in I O-h7 i ., 8111 #0) . color Were 58.95. 110w close-on) priced. each • ).om., at otuly - ---- -- ---------- -- I. I

1118. 4 EARl V 10 1111) (t)onald Duck) lIlt). 5 GENTIEMANS CIINTIF.SI.-AN 45lickc,

Sloutse and P11u1,,) *10. 7 P-ANlfl', PIRAtE (P11,101 LII 0- 8 P1)905 0111:-tM HOLSI; lPlnl* III It- 9 I'I.LIo) Jt : N 10)11 SIN-Il I)ONAIl)s PFNCLIIN lh)uuald Duckl tltLI-14 rIMBEIO II hon .1,1 I)ulckl 818.16 THE S 11.0-AUF; S.SIITIIS I)cuald I)nckl 511-IS GOOD lISlE. FOR 9. 1)15!)- lI)onald I)luck) 818-20 IIONII 11101 nIl: lPIull 210-31 h)(JNAI.D'S (AMER-A •D,,ul,ld I)uc... 818.22 l)(C.kIl)'S SIll U- CON 11101 (Donald Dnckl

C!osi,ig 0.', JFlti(E S!01k (5/ (/t I:,)f/Ul(,j,,( Jff/() of




in 8mm, black & white

013- 5 %LI.I(;-ArQft 1IIRII_I.S (151)41., 9-,....4 $4.40. close-,ofl pricel al .. 53.33

8 I 3. 5 IILONI)I-: 1; OIl III -A 01 511-It.. Sc;.,. $4.49. tI.),e-,',,I priced II - 53.33

813- 8 CtClUS CAPERS (ISO-fl., 9.0,5,). with The III))., Kinut. n,,s 14.19, clo,v.oul l,ro-c,I at ------- $3.33

III). 9 rIlE CIICKO() III- RISER CASE 1150- II. . 9-(is. I, '1 jIb I lip the lu ore. was S4.49. close-null L,iCr1t .11 ------ S3.33

813-10 I)ANNY 1205 1100-fl., ').('(s.), ojIlu )tobrrI flu,,-y " I 1,1,,, , sr:.5 94 49. close- out I,rcCul o) ------ - -- --- S_i 33

$13-I1 LIRE, - FIRE (tSI)-ii., 9-ut,.). 0111) Flip the Iiro. s, .u* 04.49. close-itO prls-ed ,ll 3.33

*13-12 111)11) '1151 (:0551305 115041.. 9-ors.l. rode,, thriller. ,,a, $4.59. cl,se-out prir-r ed al - - - - - ---- - ------ 93

011343 IN I)ARKRST AFRICA )tSO'Il.. 9.0w..). nith 'Ole IJIIIr King. '511,5 54.49. close- 0111 I,riced al - I $3.33

813-I5 SCILASIBI.IiI) 1_ECS (ISO-Il., 9-Or,..), orcstli,,, was 64.49. clnse'ont priced at $3.33

813-14 5IORSIY SEAS ( 15)1.11., 9.1,s.). with FIji. the I-ref. 5115 04.4't . close .o,, I one. ed slI -- 53.33

1)3-I 7 lIlt- it tANG), I I 50-ft.. ').o,s.l. s,III, I- ra,,k ll,,ck. ', .rc 54.49. ci IIW.())t( priced II 53.33

113.14 IIIE %hII.\(;I: S\IIIIS 4150.11.. will, I-I),, lIe i-r,,. (5.15 440. rInse. III, l, ricd ill S3.33

813-19 SIICKEYS GRI-:.-t I 11)1:-A '300-IL. on 2-reels, I 4-ocs. I. 1. II 1 SI I,.I.e, I(o,,u,-v a-. SlIcks 5IcG1)ee. 0a S8.98. close' - (p1(1 prier,) ol

813-20 SII(:El:S.-i SIFSA(;IIRII: 306-fl. .,, 2- , - C s. I 4 .,.,, . . '51111 MicA , , Rooney as 5l1,h,v 51cC IlIle. 51 . 50.99, cI,,,.,, -on) lurked at -

113-22 5lICKI:i 1 Ilb h)I:]E(:IIS I: 300-f). on 2..-eIs. I 4 - n,s.I. 'uh '5 lisle R.onrA as

5 li'k ,.y \TeG,.ire. "Is 51.9$. close-oul tri, ed 'I 56.66

013-23 ON l Ill I-lION I P t(;E (31)0.IL on 2- ru-s Is. I 4.fles I, 5' illi Man Laurel. ,e:,s $9.92. Close-null (reed at 56.61,

81 3-24 CIItltI.II-; III - I IS IN I I 50 -II..

oilh (harlie (lupliul. was 1.4.9*, close. oil) priced a)

1113-25 CItY slICKI•:R I t SI-Il.. ')-.,s.). "ill. (harlis- (Iniplin. s,... 54 9 3. ci ns- 'II,)

lutic C)) - It 53.77 81.9-26 FORGOhI 1-:'-. 55% 1:1:111.5 35(1 - tI ,o, 2-

re,) 5, I 4-c.''. I l II 1, Charles Cl ,IISI .

9'58. ci c-c-'' II ,rieI SI 5666, 1113.27 FRAIl)'. (t I :)fI - (I.. 9.1,15., 0 I I I.

C),;,rle, (:1. III . 5' Is 54.40. cI,,se-ot,I lrt- - c-I at

813-29 GLOVE I-Al's tS')-(I .. 9- o -,. .1, silIl, Il,I IlIlle Ita-.c,ls, s, ,5.s 54.98, close- -

.--- out- I(rlceiI at - 53.77 813-29 (,REENASIC}I AILLACE lUll-Il.. 9.,,,s.)

w44 Charlie Chaplin. ,,as 54.')9. close. 11)11 prjc,d at

813.31 IllS SSt)ODEN s'. 1101)1751; 1)011-f). on 5377

2-reels. I 4-oes. I I-s ltIi (:harle (hase, $0.90,close-,,,,) priced at ¶6.66

813-33 lOOKING FOR SALLY 1900-Il. on 2- reels, 13-on) still, (harlot Chase. was $8_98, close-On) priced at S6.66

013-35 07511 OF THE l-t'SIII.Y (150-Il.. 9.n11.) Silt). (:hirley (Inuse. isas 5449. close' (((II priced at -

$13-.16 P01)11 FISH 4150-fl.. 0.o71.l wj)h Char. Icy chase, was - 54.4'). close-oH priced at 53.33

1113-37 POSS'DEI( ANt) SMOKE (150-Il.. 9.ozs.I nil , (:harlcy (ha-c. was $4.49. eI1'se.11((i lIcked al 53.33

1013.38 5111)1 II) HL:SII-ANI,s B): %YAI CHIlD 4 I 50-fl., I '5 ill, Chiarle, ( hase, WIIS 54.49. c),se-ou) priced at 53.33

8I3•39 B-AT'S KNUCKLES (ISO-fl.. 9-,,,s.l niIh Charhey Chase. sIns 54.49, close-out prlc- Cd 01 ................................

C.-%STLE F1L - 11)51041.. BiIt,I,. cals -

'lYree $3.79, now cloue-oot peiced, each 2-04s., at 0)115- --- --- - - - ...... ç,. 1106. 3 INl)IAN 'iS H6001'l4I4 800- 0 CASIERA ON RUSSIA $06-14 TERMIEES FROSI MAltS with Woody WooJ-

pecker 806-24 II-ASANA IIOIII)t'u' 806-25 ETERNAl, GLACIER NATIONAL PARK 806.26 THE lAST ChASE with SYnody V.'oodpekc 1406-27 It-ill IOOASIIN(; C()MEO with SSoody Wiio:I.

lecher 100-29 SIICRI:l AGO:75I, I'.O.Ih., will. Woody Wont.

Pet her 106-29 .A5II-.III( A -S (APIl Al. 806-30 /.II'I'Y'S IIIR I lII)AY PARTY 806-31 IIUCC-ANFl-:Io WOODY with Wood0 %Soo.J-

perle, -

006-32 ()( 1,11:115 II Al V 1106-33 11 All-ILl) svi)), Woody SSoo,Ipecker 000-34 rIANI) -I 00751-It with SVowIy 50oodpcek.,t 01)6 - 36 ,tI.tSh AN .AI)S ['st I RI-:

FAS'f4L -


i n l.)P.)L, aIO&255. S'.rre 511.49, now s-lose-out pnu,. t - , I. , a. each 9-ocs ...-it 0!11Y '

016.12 ( AStER-A ON RL]SSI.l, 910.211 ll',SAN-A IH)IIO.-','. 0th-Il El 1:147-s-Al. (;lACII-ht NATION-SI. I'AItK 106-22 1

E. I-ts-J- (IIA.SI1 will) SS,uo,Iy SSonl)I,,-rh-c 516-23 11111 HO AMINC; RoMEO with SSooly

IPetSer 816-25 /hI'PiS( BE-A(H AD'. FN11ltC

5l :203221. ff1I -

55 err %4.9 1L uI,n cI,',coul I' ricr I. ., ,

did. 9. o ,. al ,,,ll, .s . SI I- 4 /11.1. III IL. SI I . 9 17', I)lAN 'S IIOH)l'Iltl s,u)h 551,00, 5S,,o,IpiL'r II I I - I 5 1 ElI SI II I:'i 1-14051 513. IfS will, 55(0(1)3 591103.-

lit-c-her -

Ill I .11 ( ASIlIt S ON RUSSIA 101 1-20 ROCK!-. - -- --AN!) 1401.1. 01)11 Abbott ansI

(oslsIlo III 1-22 I1ECKIESS l)RIVER Svi)l) ASondy S9I',sO, (C, Art SI I -25 1(101 (IN lCI nitl, ,(l'bott alt,) (:051,-ho II I I -21, II IC I I FLYERS s-s 1)11 -At,t,00t lInd C',s'rIl,i $11.29 S l(:roloy USER GERMANY Ill I -32 BRUSSELs S%'OItt.I)'S FAIR SI I -31, 1610145 01 I'OI'l-: PlUS XII Ill I -39 -A I ALII(IIINI5 10IIt SI I -41) 5051911 I F 55 - 0". l)IO1I.ANO hi) (-44 101- I101y 1551) 311-46 JOt ItS)- S 1111101 CIt 'IIEXIC() 811-40 SEcI1El -\(.I:Nl, 1-0.11. wIll.

Icc her 81 I -49 III)-: ROA\IIN(; ROSIIIO wi)I. SSoody '.5.11111.

ec h- er 81 I-SO rIO-: 1.551 (hiASI-: ,si)l, V'..,,,d, S5o,sdp -cA-C SI I-SI ErlIONSI. (;I ACIEIS N.t1ION5). ISCIs 81 1-52 IllS .t7', A llO1lh)-''s 1.1 I .53 I'ut!N(I-:s'6 CINDH1EI.LA III I .51, (11151)' rILE ChItMI' Ill I-SI (;flAsl) (ANVO7'l GI4ANDELI1 511-99 NI1'IVc l'-AIlAI)E OF THE SEAR 01) 101 1 .63 So1l.hIIEI4N I I.AIV 1,1 I -6-I II All Ito 'ii)), %%,,0,I, SS,,,ni),l-1 her II I .I,S PIANo TOONERS ,.i!Il V),-,,l) - c,-hel 81 I -60 1111-; BEAT BEATNIK II, We-OI .v000.

ps-s- her S I I -67 5'. RE RII)FRS II 1.61 B AI1NYAI4I) FIIOI.ICS 911.60 ,AI.ASK,AN Al)61-NI I 1-01:5

National Films'

2 -- --

COMLDIF ill 150-h't., 8111111. 11i,

¶Vere 54.98. now closeout prite,I. eat), •-,

1, I 3.1,5 151. (;IIIN(: GIlt s 813.66 511 AND SlY I'-AI, 013.67 III 0 II (I 213-60 ONE COOl) 1 URN 813-70 ill- ItIC 513.71 1111:111 FIRsT 511-SI A1E 013.75 SlI(;I1r 5151(115 \II(;lIr 013.76 I-INDI:Rs 55 EErEl(S II 3-77 01 I OF 1 lIE %500l)%%0I01

flISC4)'I'II.JEI) flIED III"E atitl WILD

-'LWFA( SLIDE S'D'5 Ill, III 2s2 (0)1.01-f SlII)lS

II) -A Sl- I

Vl .rc 51.49


sd .N" . ohile rloch holds o.,l, nun, sd (2.Ots.)

-A,., llir.r sels )6-o4s.) ........... $ 2. 19 -Any sis sets 0 2.0w..) ... ... ...... $-1. 19 RE 02-5% II I) I II- II SET No. I BK Ill- I Sh- I N a. I BK 09-MI11) I It-F: SET "so. 11 1516 ')O-SSII I) I Ii F Sill 75,,. 12 BK 9I-%t II I) I II- o: 50: -I N'.. I) BK 94--%'.ILI) 1:1.01Sh'Il SET N'. 3 BK loll-ZIoN NATIONAL I',ARK

iI'1e1lse 1.11€' US 1I11C LIII ChOICeS from this list As shock is IiOlitc'd. we will use our own IIldgn)csh on alternates, if your choices are already sold, 1(111110 3011 list 5,31111 sc.ond aCIICII000)




:i nil S4)N(800KS OF IIE S('IIEEN

ZOO-ft.. 1611110. sound films with words supet iInposcci over act ion backgrottnds: voice si lii

orgtIt accOmpattitltCltt.


I'rire each 9-oz..i .................S2.99 Any thtec (2.I1,$) ................. S7.99

Stock is lit,, lcd-please ii cc alternate 111k. .,hen you ortlrr

.10. 4 tIlt: ANGIL(S Ito-I z FIOMI1. S%', ELI, llO'IF t, to-Id irow FIIO,\t A FOLNI) Ill-N •1O•3_t PI.IZFECI fl.k't lENt) OF t l'tItIFCT I) YI

010.42 V. ('IlK FOR 1 lIE N1CII r IS (()lIN( 010-43 'I It LI) NI) I TO TE.II' I ATION (,111-44 'rul tORt) IS MY sUEt'IILRO 010.45 LOVE: I)l INI. 010-46 s,% 1.1-i 1101 It OF I'ItA'IsI{

..' ' 01 L. .

U ':il SIDIA D All recordings I,ritd ,tcn . fir-I quIiIy - Sloth,

titirited-pIs'usc gist ittlt.rtta)c (ltI choice, okra orderilig.

61113 'WEt OI.K AND %VE3,IEI1N hAllWAY ( ll)-ittc'lt, rn-c. 5.25). 2-11,s. . .54.85

61.04 l'Otl)MA(: EDiSON I N 1' I.Rl.'RIlANS 110-loch, ret. 65.251. 2-Ills.

41 IS (;I1EAI \IOMEN IS IN STt:AI RAIL- ROAI)IN(; 02-iucIt, rye. ¶5.50), S-Ills, 64110

61-21 1(1(1 (;RANI)L N I0I0OW (,tUCL 12- intO, ,vg. 54.9 5 j, 2-11)s. . . ¶3.95

41-30 (.. 51. I'.. SI. & 0, WABASH (IO-inrIl.

rye. 55.251, 2-Jl,v. ¶4.25

- 41-32 t)t-.N lift AND RIO CRANDE 110-Oich, ryg. 5 5.25L 2-Ilis.. $4.25

41-33 LAS I 11111)61) tOP (I 0-intl, rrg. $5.25). 2.11ls. . $4.25

61-34 F SISI'O'LI.t. hO Si LAst 111-hick. rcg.

¶5.95t, 2-11t 54.95

6152 11.5 II. D56Mt( ', II ti-intl, tee. 2-I1,,. ¶2.98

61-51 It Sit. I)\N 6'ItCS (I2.i,tdt. reg. 6.1.08).

2-lbs. $3.98 01-55 500 LINI: tt.Lt'st)IS (EN I ttAt. 110-

lOt),. ret. ¶4.011). 2-lbs. . . 53110 61-58 SI)t'NI)S OF StEAM LOCO'.tOTlS ES.

¶Ot.. 2 )I2hidt. crc. $5.991. 2-Il....... $4.95 01.59 SOS N1)S 01' I EAM 1.0(05101 IVES,

VOL. 3 (Il-igilt. ret. ¶5.95). 2-I1,,,...... 54.95 41-62 11.61.1 lS10I1l .1, 05110 lIOnel,, leg.

$5.25,. 2-Il, $4.25


Al I Igl:((lul)s 18111.51) NES5. FIllS) 1311.61 II V

i.lsr l'RICI..', Il.1.N(;hi LI' TO ¶5.95

l'eivv'c'.lrli 12 Ilts. I S1 .99 ),l-I0 S.6' ElI - F: (SI" l)ICK KI1FSS .1-12 tIlL I-XlItftlI Ida,, fco,o (.hicgoi cl-Id 1550 01 A ElSIE t\% arcen Kilna plus, .1,151

""x'" SLH)E rtouc'ions

KI)t)AK CAVAlCADE 500. Lsl se,,rs tnsxlel. rIo- ttitt (Iv ztdsv-r),.ocl at 61.19.60. llr.tnd fli'sv, irs, qit.tl- fir. 600.w.,II lanip, )ttII/ IulomOl(C. Our No. h-It,. I .ih,.. jusl IljjI last years naIuor..lIy advertised

. . . $74.75

KFYSTONE' K-SIlO-A. 8.a,t rear, Kv,slitnr 500-osil

1tj}i' :tt,totttaIic. Ilrtt,tci tet . lit-I qualtty. Our 8'.., 1641. 101 tlt;Itlahlt. L1t-cl ear, italiottalty ads Cr- Ii',ed to t.c.s",ts SI 1.l.O. Takt it away for only S55.55

Qt;tCK-sI.r 303. ('urIell model. U'cs CAl ..000-w.,lt protectiOn 1.11118' 111)1 gives eq,tisalenl ill,t,,,ilI.,lton I., flfl1 ClItlOflill 500.ss.l1l. Ritill-in .'Streslrtipl chaflgei - 5. it iirlia'l

Sets ci lied n t $4'l 95. case $4 05, 11lacItl,twk S..lc pi ,ced. conlplele II (,-Ibs. t. only ¶33.33


AIR I' 131 It' I I. It 10-6)1.51 IL'. z'ltIomt.tic 2''-s2 -, .11 cress.-,, \trtrerr,alts- a4-.e,tiesl at 514.°5. Co,npleic tilts I1i_Lg.1?l1fl'. Our '<Ci, 11-01 - '-lIar., BlticItIi.rsvk I 'Lit 1.11cr - Stile N Ced at .........- -

AI.t't:X AL.'rorslA 110: 2"v2" T S Ill. Ii SEll) l S It- V4'ttR. l t ir',h-iltrlT rtt -i.til,- .'I . Tsrltcs lO.,,lides. IltItict 1'- 1 1 0itus i_i ill rrt,ili.,1s:url. Itt'pr_rInr's hal prIce. 09)6. •

lI!adet,,u 1. C ie.rt,Ince Stilt' )IieCd at .. - $5.99

II 6I0)N SLIDE S IEWLIS, Sl.iotr;it, lahIc 1s15 stute I aIr vierling area .-,l',o'tl - l',t. taSes 21 ,"57i, ( ,

v riper' sildus and 2'x2'_ ltnl(rrr- poastrU illtlIiIiIitlt'.ttl II' I 5-5 111,1 IildtICCd). lleasy'. ithistic roItsIrrIcrirtI.

i 5 rt'lrir'. 2-lbs BI.tckltarvk Clr.Ir.,Ilcc Sale priced

- - $2.99


F All meters haled are ConIplclgly intet hange.,i.lg foq Icoth still and mc-, 11 pEt no, K escepI br the Unt,ar,, and Sgkonic SI-Is-iC PcI, ssllrclI are lirnitod 10 tw0cs 0,110. Shit,ping Weilib' is I lb. lot each Illelcu -




39-07 SKYLIGHt N!I I I-k 39- tO L;NICOR N I-' IF R. 'ito ir'. (,,!'e)

39.14 SEKONIC sIOV1E PEt t/<rs /-'c

,Iflf "I




39.0i K.\ I I Nt-\ R 0-2 NIL [ER 39-08 WESTON 853-I)R 39-15 SEKONIC 1.-s 39-t6 SEKONIC l.(' 2 39-17 SIKONI( I.-38

.4/Ii/. 1.) 1/i) .S[H'(', Ill ,)tr'ti't' 1(118)17 - , .

RROCKV%'A "S" The iirti.,itial irIsh 'tilt till - I itlest incident IlgIll ,,,c1cr. with 3.srun,e,ls III 11.11 Ill-Ill rv,ll CtIro Ill_it i'.IlhIci s .iivj I,Ie_i',,,rCS )Il ligat 01)111 s -ut li,c- s. lltji'th. AS.', IL I Ii, I' - I ' : shi,tl'rsi 60 to I - l))1Iit-',s's rn Isis I S S ri,d l':,lz,,oid ,.tt ire,, . dl risc I rr-.,cl,ng IllS Jr C55 ISiarIts of S 81l1d64-I;.'.. torltltIClt lv Ill ra sther cass, heck ord aIld 3 d reel., i. ,iij I Ii.'-tide s and at lach,t,Cltls. Our No. 39-ba. I lb.. i,ali:,st;i)ls' :,rls-crti-ad ii l)lacC)la,t I, s price has bcei, 923,99, Nun - cIrce -li It pi iced at 0111) - ...................... .-

S 18.88

(oil It')!: Ireful so/jr 6-1-01! or 12- toll ear /Ili(/p,')i tel 11 7-1-011.6. 60-cyc1es, ci C

Here's the mstrvelous lIens eon verb, that ops-r.)les from tidier a O-rctlt or I 1-vtdt ci, liOtIer5 (St St'lCCIItr SWiIr,'tt is 5gb tI) itialCit the 501151Cr Oh tire baitci y) t,ild 51111 CIII operate .i 1,irblic add rt-.vvyv ,ct,,. tape rec,arche, , elceIrie i3'asct , 5115001 I ir-Ill. poi I .,11c p;lItiltg system. clecIriC skit I. a unto , pourer sIns or n,tt)er Pu 55, 1. r tools, ,,,ixer-hleilulcl . slec Irui: coffee pert-tilt. or. pll000gr.ip-t and ntallv ollio appl i Inces. II it 1,111 Iii. 11.1115 cOlItiflulcttlS, b 51)-rut-Its iltternlnIIr-lt . C rittfltC Is redly to hIatbery- lilt IrS) CiS'ariIIC liehi,.-r.S iCe sip- prolinle,lClv 95.659''.

69-01. 20-lbs.. llLitiiIIlt,tII :,,h,ertiseil at S12 .. 110. BIrirli-

hank Cleuraucc Salt llricrtl 01 only. $19•99

- --. '4::.,---- -

1111(15% "hI. .51 14151 5 I IC



11 11

El \al))NF. 1.15


Sj,eeial Pii-c /01 II



1: 1.8 10'-ILSi

TURRET CAM-ERA NA I ION.6h.l.V rtI)\5I1ti 151:0 A F $139.90


sl' O"sI V

$69.99 The C-li is ii, Sravr_ tr,llliIrtr r._itller'I. ittIly atiI,l- niatic. rv.III I dinn,. 1: I S ti nial (jIlt btajrintr li-sod fuchs 'ircoled lell, 51 tI sese rsiou, ,lIIi,s in Iilrrct II) .fOrlli 'JtIt,fl. 1:1.5 ,,sete .,i,gle urr 32.51,1,,, 1:1.8 telepho Irlisi Ih a atirl,l.r I ic hoc 1. tI-:Ii I cc.11i s' lissi lion,

2 I -96, 041,,.. RlulcklIuwk IlZ1l ,5 l . Seplen,hcr Stile pri cc, I It , . , S •'

it --,-



EI9YS1'O)NI- K--hIS I I 10101sf S,i,t,.. I' S %IEI(,1. (litcul rvtl), .:?. 0 Elce.1 .i,rrda-.. I Icii, nut) I;rc_iiil pr..sitlnttts itI uncle) l,ir ::Oliij,tii 01 a

,c:ey)-nt:r nd aisle .insile ir.tl5iJS. I lkn. s tIril irs,: ChIC. ()r , l 5,,r. 21-36. i-bb-.,_ Iil.tr.kIi.nrn k (Icau .nt.,e .5. :iStrie nat it r.rrlr $28.88 RI'S ElOhi (.t-7 K,llII. tINE: ZOO.51 LLF(I IOIC EVE-St S'lt( I - 1.511810 5. )s[rs Ourrtly:ts it I - I 6 ens I variit,rnrr rI nil) ii Ii, '5..'ti,,ti thu as hurl,'sed I_i-_I scar -I trlqS, I. I)itr Ni'. 2b-9, lbs . l(l.'5k- li rok CIre,,i-

S.r)C -rI) ttaLu I.1 ¶89.79 I-IFS IRS 1. '.10 On,t,,. ('liSt: 7.00)51 Fl E("IRI( EYF. SI.'. I If ('.S\lFLl 6. 11r., \\'rnIh.tIsSr's lb .4lcrts, (lye, IIII'r/ it, ijIrri. \_,tr:n,trll. ads-erliseu) I_tnt sr_rI at .5311-I S,) iriry -... llrlt, .tl,a. h3Iruclnhark S rise' rE' )'iS_'r St .5' u,. 11015 11.9). ril,li $9 11.75 ilIU)SVN)i-: .-'.I.ES)'it SI IC' 8,,,,. U s 'SI Ii 11 A -'rIOt CEcIl leer e be, si., . mi) (:rre jr csii,,s-tre ilinluvies trri,iI

1 i 15 I Sr's ct,Se:irtI , _Sl r,tllttliii. lbs Keul.rlu I 7 11 \..rsti-sisl)r .'r:rne I:i:cJ ,-it ¶74 OI. 0,11 85,1 21 (.2.

Ir:rrr): ('It- i, -_nCn' _5.nts' p tICS',, I at art)., $40.99 KEYS 105,1 Is.4-C 0,111,,. tLl-(1 ItIC' EVE 3-1.1:5.6 'I I 11)11- I ('.5511 II 6. II i' I 2 ,r.sri,r.ut. rune aIicle .isli

Iscr I, lnt'c, Is test' diii M.uiILlfzrL- itrl- C - S Ii 0. I,.,!) :n'nC ru -Ci I price U ... t111945 () Sr

ny,.', .".i,'.r , him .,)u..nn 6 (earrtIIce S,ilrS p : - u.c -.1 .tt r:flls . KFVSl(l.5l- K.' 8ii,,,t. Fl.li(1'lcI( ESI.3-I_I-:.5,5 'I ERI1I I ( .&)1I-lc.. 51..'. 1:1.11 statisl.nrd. u-isle aIlgIg attrh tclep)t,'rt:t I :, r.rss . Ucs ibm n,alauzitte, lilaltIl. (, ru-i.. t . iIStIlnrOailrn odvs,'l ti'cd lt1'rCC 5 S149.50. lIStS \r l-. I)I:ickt. ,-.6 .s (),:sC Stile psiec (6.:) r' irk 699.95 KESSI ONE K-39,'.X Si,,,,,. 3

,5,5'IL RIot:T (-651.

r:Ig. ,- has I- : I ii i;rrrrtl b. .,de ride er,)rI Iclepliuslo Icr 15cr . lnec tCOiIiIIll icr I irrillllill. 0 s_ri,, .1 a.ltIotr,,IIY .rnlnn, sr-ad 1r1 ice rI.-. arnr.)srtll bets 67th) tilt - ()urr Nut. 2 I '.-u. l:r., s (has ( (lrs.rci,er Slc 11 ieCn r 1 -bbsi. at

S54.44 KF:VSTlrsI-: K.40.-'.X 811,11, .3.I_r Ni.'II RRIT (-651. EllA It's I : I ') lrnIrrtt:uI. n - isle allele and IcicpIt:tto Ic ii'.:'.- I 'C' I lit, ni it.1/irlC. (Si i_iill;il I: ,lr.'ItaII ru_I- rcri:'.c,l t )tsC'.i.:SiitCSu_(' .5 of 50ri,l)l, ()rIr Nn,.

Stb, pIl,..rl 5 II' I at $54.44

%l-%NSI Ill I) 1101 II) SI II t)nrl,t. 1 1 10181:1 '.6\lE:RA 'rS'IIhi 1:1.1(1 1110 F5I \IF1'h.R_ N::) alutrr,n.11ie IT IC CIC. lislE ii' ci nit,i.s. I1F:)tlCr ssIIrrlg, I las F I S I torltt II. 'sle ariC!. -.rnvh Ielcnhctt,s Iteils cnrnibitlalion. (.St_s Cecattonrical rolIhtI-,, SIan. r(.,:Irrrer's utatiranally cl rerlt',n'd price. IflCltIuI Iltni :tr-.e. 167,llO Our Si,.

2 I -5(1. flla kIlrrr,k r I.------- I,. Otte pu ices) (3.lhs. ) . or ,nrlls $39.99

&L rjsk-

1{l% . si,-I2'7 ELL("l'Rlt' Ir:SL_M '' nC

('.tMER.-% it'ifJi

I"l.%Sll-M.%'JI( ('0'I'$9. SU5I 0111 and shn.jt( The ilys'rre EL 127 is ItIcwrilhd'l most ShiC.et.rcillal (s-I ly .lilb011ialiC ,e,rt,tera (ortpl icaleri 'iCIlilIgs 1.'I.e Lsecl, CIrlIllItaled .,.e very ,nemhct of the l.i,n,h can russ' he csperl vlasltcrt.ug without all) tit t' i,)ilS I1II:stutgraphsic experience,

The i0.,serc 1:6-I 27 is eriuipped with the la,est design (:2.5 WolIcIlsak Replar lens. Made of She ti ItC-lt . r.rSt cw th I nile,, i_-lass-its sharp, crisp and (silly color CorcecIcS.

Fl:i,hi l'iiCt)t(ts arc easier Iltarl crer-Ilte rai'n:e liIlde. fltI.vr8nsertt I. coplcd dircnetly with the irs, ifford rIg CltTll(tlelc anlraultalirllt svlbcit the canlera is (ocrrsest. Cuinnectloisir for (IOsSs $1' (Ida5 IlasIt lanlps a rI'- an 'X" sldh:,v Cr.trllaCt fo r idretbe blersll or the shor'l tiraked SM 'last, (r011s'., SI unit (oct11, er. lt.itIrStlttlty advirtisvsl pu ice. S I 3r)'4t

111-32 14-Ills.), close-fbI priced 511 only $79.99

Pt.AS-Tt-('FI JUNIOR lITI.E I.ET'i'h-:R KIT. Cont.tns I 25 p1.arIse l-,fle I S in to'.) er hors. 4 van -Ctdoi rd brick-h-i It) IrIs. I ned_tIc SIlL ci , I , reel . screen. iIlslritcliolls. Naitori.iil' aii,crttscd at 539 4 Our Nil. 3615, 2:16,,,. I.rslI -pr ices I at only . $1.99

1-_04ilI-rl:C1l TITlE 1.1- I I F:I1I"s('; K I'l.Sp.iiklitt. 150511 ihh - aIm-,: I iltdect, :ictihk i - aatn-teclt Idlers adltet'c 10 t,fl) C hothI I 1..'s: III .I5C. Delrtçc axsOrl,ncl,t

t II (ii int box coi,hainss. lCd i'orlI;t,r, Intents. 2 leg-.. I easel, I lable-lop sr' tIt ('.silver old Inane whiR), multi-ier)Io: ed ba(k,trptinds. cirmyttete instructions. 5, ton.iIlv adset tEed 01 811.115. Our No.36-22. i-lbs..

Jllackil.itvg priced 01 only ... ----------$3.99

J)A% -SON TITI.I8 MASTER TIrI.iN(; BOARI) .65,1) lETTERS. Grortsed. pro<Cssieri fsIt background. -et ,e 13 :'nOr a", in frame. Complete with 200 one-11.111 inca Rorn.it, - Arl style plastic inlcrchallee.lolc letters and I igttrcs in handy coolprrI I TIC Ill ho,,. Nation-rIllyadr-rrrlisr.-uJ SrI 6th 119. Our 3 hi.s..

C to le's ,J 48 0118) . . ............ . ....... . S_il9

Dell R CESI 051 90O0

A (1101 -Cf 3EtE(Ti-ON Of D(,JL;R CtS'IOM


Ancepls 1000'',vatt pr rrjecl Irrr l.Ttliy..... 7 'l)-sc_ill 1.11115 str;'titf-.'.I "sir' : out

8-1Ie ., 400-Il. v.iptIcllv "Cl, , . lilt,, splicer in Its sr . 110.1111 light .0,,-I1 of Ca',e tIicIItnitid. Nalitn,aII ad. Cr- risC ii at $ I ISiS),

30- 18. III u,a,il:iI,le. BI;;skI,a,,k (hear. aovc Stile vlcra) at .. .

SI I 1.11

)1.1.NSI-lI-:l.l) hlOt.lI)AY 51-1000



IJsc' 500-ni alt l:i,,lp. 1515Cc .100-lI. I ih,tt corE. Srs ills-out 251Cc ... die cast CC'tISlItlC I I' lii '-.5, 1 I IC bearings. (nsa,-plele with so l.vr Ss_ C,e.t'. Nationally ad,, reel isrrl

30-27. 12.1k-., Bltitkht.wk Clearance Stls- priced at . -



It- I 04)1 New srper-l'riclit Knel stolic 1mm. prr.liectnr with new 2 l-vntlt suioe -e Ti ii-) Iv'c lot l,nip svhiel, gives hri'tlttrr. 151111cc _ light hart rcrnvenl,crnal 7 4 0-uv:itt, (S'ollagc cO,,lpc'Ils.' -

tint, built it,.) Has 'Loont tx-OS that nr II hill scl'ren 511 305.40" at )n'ssshere hinrlll

I I 10 20-InSet. ('uetiplCtc with N1 tar l31,e I i I it splicer. Ni ii,n.tlly anlscrtiscd at St193)5. 34l- 19, 1,111 i't.,ilable, lllaclshaols (lrn,r,,nee

S;,le &arlcvd 01 ...........

88. 88

USED l6ia,rn. SILENT FILMS Shiti,.inq ..cigitt: usnelt subject op In 400.Ir'el. 2-li',.; 491 to tiOnleel, ,t'ibo.i

$01-feet and user. 4-11s.

AlIMONY (Fuhuur Sri... ine Mariha Vkkces JoTst' )1: I and I I ii::v Rrrwks .. . .'\"I)V Pts\DA'.S hOP (OO-fei). An Andy Panda 1.11:100 AN'l)VS (,AkDEN <2O-'leeI), An iodi laneju Cur It ('0 -----------------------f, i)5

ttic; SCARE 050fgcl), An Acuops FutsIc cartoon ......

111111) SCOUTS (20-tcet). A ylcrrvtc,on carToon S6.66 Ih(ll.I)OG AND TH1 BABY (20-teet), An Official cartoon . ... (HO()Stf TO LIV ff (374-fcI). Specially prepared for lay audicilses, the picibure 1db the sTory of one "(nouns CT15QbTfl(CC with cancer, and presents n back-*ro:.fld of etlucaii(snud infornsaumioa no the Stuhkcl

. -

tAREOjViIS ON ICE (.hOO-fcct). Winier sports twIll huroicts iii melting action! Ski aces. uce yacht-iu n unto race on a koacu luke and bobsled IiCCIS .iskiflg their tisco for npccd op the most eultgcrot.s moursinin track in Ameeic*. are all seen in mis 1111.1 ............ l)AY AT THE ZOO (300-(ecO. Monkeys. cbimp.n- aces, crocc'dilea, penguins, bOnes, clephnotn, giraffes and lions are only at few of the animals scen in I ,,rrotIn(tjhbs ktcn(cgI 10 their nhtuhr*i hrbilnms in I Sisit (0 ihc huge nalipoal LQO in Wailtingleun, D. C.

- . . . . . OPEl' SIA El.iiliNCi An exciting 1kb- urIc cspc:lution sslugrc the denicens of Ike decp put an 'iuhiut - buhuics against roth Intl tCCi . .. . b)f)(IOlf i)OOM (451) (Cb). An adsniture in the Tu: 'si:5 with (apt:,iru ArT (linot.inu-.-u:zsç in the ,. ::,s 0 II topic IIae::rd" filmed In the romantic s','lh's'ri 4-li FOilFSiRV CAMP I400-fcct in Cohort. Sitaws lit: cctkit;es of 4-1I CI.:i' rnccnbc,, at a forc:trv S OIp. I-I I e'rs SC lnLrod,uctd to tha different saricties 1 itt - esl: iwl 111ev sure stonsn itt,:, a tree grows and the t:ru''c, fl5e'bltcKt if piani Inc scdIlttgi, Ma fly cic ras OcCtfi 01 lClcstt V 1IC plctt:rrd .., (;.,\yl)\ S Al)\FyTItJRL tOO-fcei.l. A Gandy (io:wc c1' 00,5 . ..

1. ' s5, I 1 OF tilE bi \T IMIO.(crit. "Iron Mike" Ni :0,1, iii aSh \er 'AlhhlC'' i):s Is are tcutuurt in a, 'no l:d 'satrCti" s,-rethIn m:tits ....Sf118

)fl liCTl8SE OF SIlt) \N hPtlftfet'tl, An advcttt::rc slors It'ahiii mr the iaflto:,s :Ioj. Rin.1iu,.Tia and Red, lIflC Of thc s iil ker ses . 5999 Ii wRNitSS ('hi\VPlONS 0041-fecil. Pletures I Is e I : I floug (if ia, c r'. ,.i Irotters lit, the rate dos -cr. Font the. n tfliludc.ssec irs of the ifauwhictnlun (.tp

111 icc 5. ilk iict, -.iuls ju,a C'hcstrlosvn tb-ARTS ARE THUMPS (350-Icet' I-lid Roach's

. - - i, :100l5 K :1'' st::r in titi: hilarious comedy. . 5909

1 I IT 1*11E St 1. K : 211th-k'e tI lhrithiflf slàry of the pa' lcitfllte-ar,d of the darciles is who lump . hhOhISING SHORTAGE IOBfcci). An Aesop's F-,hle

5-aih000. . ... . - 92.99 I hO's'.' TO TiE ' 300.lcetl. A Hussicy-i..ord flint s'-hI'h ehemOnsbrahes the mechniqiucs of teing at tiliclal lists ttiçs .............S6&6 iIf'Si \N OROWTIt (700kch In Color). One of the .. I ncicrsi.'ncling ourselves" stints. A mised fronts C) -c; :11 111cr;. ,krs in a classroom situation sievs and

an itnhutti: Cii fit, which traces huituia fi oross lb :t:d :les-Jt fllcot of ihiC Organism tr'ts mat use thlou.gh r'cl:bl.lncy and Itirtit. and from intany. childhusod and lIt Isnc to the aduhi form Kti 5':I Hit] (lAME (OO-feet) .. -\ gatete bluflt on I ii KCObII Pewis 411, of A Ieika. I nIlThigs aCt jet SiCISS 1,1 it: cult'hllI V. some sIols of tint us ' :. I lint life ::ttd C -''•'.-flnl scq::vnces of muos Of the iC,tllorfs svih:i :Chtktals . . . S.77 Ki'NFi. KING9 1250.(ee'h. Blti-ishi'odcd thoronybi-f' ('l's aro si-en ;,c hi' cv el,ItSOcte lot Isitte ribbons ill the ithue I is anti Essex dog sisow IwNi) H()9)9? (215-fcet). sin Aesolt's i - Nc CarToon

- - - 9200 'r i i t liii [ST i.(; 'L (600-feel in C:,Iorh. ()r,e

th 0.051 tymuos ('Ii r 1,111015 Olin, c- s Cr made ss it ct hi lb' the 'hors of a I Cu s lonely 1 it tIc .njcl 9hosc r It hi. hr ('brid ('h:iJ .vs chosen TO hne as an in' r'irh I lilt for Al men - . - - -----it 5 ?-;.•h) ,iii! Ot)Y 1 250 ftetl. An Arsep's Fable cartoon

. . . . . 92.99 MAIL ((,IS IIIROUOL-I 02T-teh). An t)ffkial car-hOt , 95.5,9 kI,sf','S tiiLVr FRifNi) (200-feel). Wah1r l,.nntz car' I:lln . ........--- --- - -- $9 . 98 9hitOi)'i ON PARAUIE (2,9O-(eet. Macthai airs are fc.i iire:I in ii. s rousi -SC conutnuanity sing pbOfttflr. I ru \\hi: '.. it Ike i,rjia:s accompanies irs-ing i'a:,fsi:': 5' y ci trails it , i liii ry socli Steppy tunes as " I Love a b,r.:dr'. "I he Lh.:hy Parade" 10:1 'Prcsitie'nls riSt lerade" 111!CKFY AND sttor. I.IiGREE (15cct). A Mikev bloubc c.,ticw,rl . . 87.77 \iOkSi. iRAPIb 119 (2)10-ItcO. An a,ttth- P::n. car-l)Ofl . . C 11 R V. I I F I .) 9 fee) 1 . One oh the (u:nr'icst clo,,cmertts rs er screened is (ett:red in tIsis I ,itircl and Hardy ccntcds .- - $19.9') 11,\i'Nfb.jif AND THE PObIsItIR )200-lrci), An Andy $'lnil,i carloen - 116(6 P,.\ I 'sIFRS OF (,'h h F ilrC (41 5-n':') In Color). Sc'en p,)hiICtS of ()ort'cc. r: jill ex:,mnlcs of Iheir snork. niniss F:vi,ch-Caned as this- ,I and s.tried itwpiruticn. SiucoiCore. C1arcne ( hcnon. Ni, ic c-Ai:relc Fordit, iran-Pa:.) I em CIty., Al ret) Peihan. I Icon Man-toe unit Andre Hic)cr :tc inclitiled in this iie1 51115cr of CCOtemporar) r IIch.('afle:iian ,rt Sl$.SR PARIS ( 1 110-fccs I. Renoiso,'d PIIICCS of the f.jrnoos I 115 paSS in r csrs5. Shows the "hips tsf the Rile ic be Pale And the lIoecr markets: the noTed cathe:Ir.:h of 11olre Dame "hith was begun in 1165: and the t'orrkst..11s cf ih Seine :nd the pciuhtcsqIIe Eiicct 'tosser -...................117,77 11'.\RROl\ - ILLE 01 I) FOlKS (225-lcd) ,.'in 011ieiai Cartoon .., $5.55 1- FAR l.IIR$ (5)0-Icc?). iiie story of the men who thl,tI the pcahi:t l:lfCcrs of nothirn Alistrahia, tIiC Source Iht 115051 of the 55(4111'S moihcr'ciI-i-rc;rl 9799 '1 ii I: 11 11 -hN - 011f ROtS FT (HIP-fect). A Ttsni and S :-rrv curio.- It ------- - 56.66 1IIF-\SAN1 FEVER (l 7 ftet) An tsceilent piellIrt, l r 'ii p'hcaca:.t ShOelifllh CflIhtl)asts. Good scqi.rnes r- . ji,liIs,'I )Clh7l'! 1:," in tii'hti stork ..., 57.7; I. I

1,N it-h I 1. h::))) (ccl ) .. -' \\'iliir hh'hopper Carlo::ut

86.98 1_h !L1.Fi) PALS (250-Iccul, / Oi.:le and ltsrrs ow t, . . - $6.99 r -( "1 IFS OF .91 - S ('.9 (2794CCh). "l)eplctu suibsistance oh 11 iitny bribes livinp in the Congo Riser region of ('rOhtal Airica. the mode of hhslitg, gatbet inc Cf (:,od. I1I,n'inII methods. ..flhiti-ri flIlc to the rrrlarl, u comnlanuty mont hunt and harterlzt g'eeesscs ate ,91iI:'tlg the many phacs of noose 1k nrescnls'd in this F.H.F. film .. $9.99 R OCQIJ Er ACTION' l750-leih. Piettircu the Sariote, syortsin Is .kh IOCIIIIVI% are used , ' ......... $5.55

EL) Ilor RHYTHM 1200-17ed), A f(tko the Kanga,00 th,rlOon ......................56. 116 )9F1Ytt-IM IN RHAPSODY (200-feet), Stun KeuiloI.'s orchestra with Nick Luas and Bob Hannon present 'rin The Then the ' blips'', "Moctnhighi Mawj.ier-fair" and "The Night Is Y:,ung' ...........,, - 86.66

['%e(I 16i,igii. Sound

Featnres .4 lergI,':' ,tIliflJhi)t,17 ttd'I,h!lt. 1$ -I/b.) . (l' It

Ai)VENTURF..S (IF GAI.L.-\NT IILAS '(Olorl svOlt Caniecon lititchcbt . .ko,ttv Long oflul Fib, : K nie:t I

0 ............. ¶1111,93 APPOINTMENT FOR lsbVRI)ER sb.:rrintr Jøtin i.11hstt

.:tld lyk (alsrl . . - S 19 ')')

ClSc:t) K ID REl l'RNS starrIng I) is n C 0 It Reiraldo 99 it "5

l)ANC.ER(.IUS iNI RIDES with Charles loot ,:nsl 't'cd.: Ann ijo . - -- - -- S 19.99

l)ANN'i' l5(:)Y with Roman j-t.nrv --- ... ---529.9,9

l)I(K hb,I,ICTQN S'l'RIKIS.S hACK with Don Stannaid

'I nil lcih..'e hValkeb S I

FLitS lSl.ANI) st -arritlg 1)onald ('bok -a. RI Fcy Shi:flf1011 St 1)91)

GAS HOLISF Kjl)5 (Jo WESt wild Carl AIfrit Ssvihaer, 15110) 'mdl and Chili Wiliiams $29.95 (_;_.\S 110t3'E KII)S IN lIOLl.Y\VOOI) s::th (.arrl 'Atioll,: ' S silt, -a, - , RuIb) h\'is,Ir teller Ileriletl

.1i9y, FLF:MFN 9% bIll (it.NS slurrIeIl Bi:ster (rabc

and Al St. Johit . , 92095

C; I Nt. K 19 wuth I ' :, It), A lberlaoo .1 tIll ti:rha1, b-teed ¶29_OS

TIlE (11911.91 IIVI'EbfI wi t h JitlilIby D11I,,nle. icIly

111:):,rc hIlti I 1r irk t )rt h . ¶50.95 I-I it -\IIT.'\Cl-t P.S 50,1 I 51 Sheila lOs an 7111:1 L:tss- aol

'Oh I Is Old Chill 59 :II . SI9.1l9

N'tl.l.hIt 9\'lTIl \\'1NC5 with ('iCobdc 1. IICII I. HOpe Kr;inncr ;ltsd Rlpit I cais,. ¶11)91)

KNOCK-('k.'I slilit Joe Kleksstssrcl antI 1 cs,t, briol

I .\bfCliN ' IN lIER HEART ss'lth I4:gh t4ellIlO11tll

,i,t:I theryl \',,,lkcr . I

SIAN OF THE FORI7ST. a /.ane Ctcy stonr slh,1 I tIc Randolph St dl lb 'tern,: rliII;e owl iluslct (r,:hhc

PItANiOtsI Kbl.I.l1l) ',IllI Ii:cli l'lhrcctl and lo:il Woodhsrry .' . ............... $1999 Rhi) STAt LION (Color) sshh Robert Pigc. Noteen Nash, led Donaldson, Jatle I)arsscll, Ray Colhini and Get Kibbee -----------------999.95 RENEGADE GIRL starring 1iinn Sasage and \b7in Curtis ------- ........ ...... ------ -19.95 RIP ROARING RILEY starring Lto1d Htlgitcs and (;ranl \Viltncrc - ... -------- ......... $19.99 SPOOKS RUN WILD with loc (orccy and Bobby Thrda ,_ .......... . ... -',... ... ... ..... ........ $59 SS

."iLADOIN ANt) IllS 9hlONL)FRLLII. t.AMP (290-leet). A cartoon adlIplatlon of the bamuliar (airy talc ----- - ------ - --- - - - - ---- 50(10 ,\I.ICE IN W0NL)iR1.ANt.) 1200'teetl. Thail lbennett rio 0. ii) this 9vehlOfl 01 the ivi,- tl.1,itsiss'n cblild) - i: a

ciassi ---- .... ---------------,'.SlEktCA'.4 GRAN iR' (4011-feet), America is pic• lured as the ltrllfl)I() p1the world. Shosvs the esohil-lieu) .)1 reapeis ssliettt ha,rincr.: ......... $4.98 ANDY'S (iARDt:N (273'fecl), An Andy Pamai cur-boon ----------------------------94.9$ ANY DAY IN HOLLYWOOD h..)5O-feel). Comedlh,n Hen FlIrpin 15 lit his hiiblrii)lbS best in this iIl:l lime cooled)' ------- - ----- --- --- S5.'hll BARNEY OLL11I-bFl.I)'S RACE FOR A lit-K 3 5 (0 Iced. A Mack St'flItt'il-Ke)'SIdttStl comedy of 1914, barring htllbel fsomand, Slack Scnnebl, Ford 'Ocr-

hing and IllIeflIhy (Jldficld -- ... -----50.00 hA rILE OF lifE BtJl'btS t250.fct), Sturring \k'il. hooT 110)01 05 'Ibopatong Cussidv" -- .... ---$4.09 BEI.t.IfS OF THE SOUTH SEAS 600-leell.- A camera

S kit It) picturesque and rcmolc island,, from Tahiti to New Zealand whcec the ihahise ssomcn prcIsidc aitiazing ccnbrasbs -- ...... -------------$4.98 IIORBD OF EDUCATION 1300-teeth. Hub Roachs Famous Kids star i n this eomcds.. .. . $5.98 BULLDOG AND THE BAttY (275-feet). An Official cartoon -------- ... --- .... ---- ,... 84.98 llUl,LFIGHT 1200-teeth. The utOri of the breeding and raisilbf of The Jatuous Brasura , lighting bulls of Andulttila and Caitile, with many sequences in the arena ---------------------------------40 CALIFORNIA (350 - feet in Colo). The canteen ski'

places of interest and ptcluzesqlle bcauiy in the "OoI,hcn Stale" --------------- - -----$4.98 C A LIFORNIA- Pt(."TLJRE BOOK (350'1scl)..tarttiIlth contrasts; rtlOuflihIiihl, de',eri Saibba Itarbara, Monterey Penilistil,, lloblsssssoct and Yosemite . . . S4.6 CALIFORNIA TOUR 1)00-feet). Pieblees OlIlytanll' in8 scenic attractions 01 the slaIt,.,, , . 54.91) CAMI3RA MACIC (350-leO ). An cflldfti.jnirlg tIt,mon-

slratioti of the tet'hniqlIcI and nirtlirsls of crcat.ng astOfli5ltlttf dffccls ss-ibh the mosic camera ¶5 01) CANNIBAL (7AI1 ERS )2004v0)...alt l)istiry hllckcy Motor cartoon $5.98 CHAMIuS Oil THE Cb-t.ASk t2744crbl .. shbOtt and

CusICilu 500 In this couscdy . ¶5.99 ('HIihIICAI. krt'ECTS OF i(l.hlC'lI(iCl'lY )100.eet). Actiott of two cicclrodes in electrotype trecd from cett(lC begitbnins lb rOt)lb,t 0101k, ii 0, 11:15 nlaI,lll,lctlltl'

electrol) Oh. vlv'cbroplatilbt! to filet :1 I II' II' of Copper and illUItlI lttflt CHihh? THE SAILOR (soorcel:. .9 hit,,ri011s cornedi

ftSlilII 117 I he c 11 iirlpanacc. ''Shoel)-" 94,11 ('HRIST11tAS. C.-'itSlOON 05)).(eI) . CI 'lISP bSE-'.h'IYS ANIMAl. 111511 1 S 13004eetb. \ ic ions Irons .11151 treacherous b b:ers :'bcy a nd per cr111

tricks in a iflt,lll arcil.l under the skitlIlIl svhits of (hInloss a ninli, I it alter. Cly-:le Ocatty (01)13 OF •t'ltlS 'A'E8l b)00-1ce0. A svcvle'rfl ad-

SctllIi(c - - (RACKEt) ICE (21)0-led). Attinuatgil d.111 are bile

'star,, of this Ch ri'itm:,s ston . ¶4.98

CRADlE ROhtIlLRS (6254cct) Hal Roach'. "little Rascals' -star in this ltilarioiw cllfl)Cd' 1 $14.98 CRAZY blOttSE I 41-lcd). A. '11ed11 Panda car. teen - , - 84_911 ct;Rlosi lIES 11-C). I 1525.(eetl. A ccblgcliofl of pie. tlircs of Iitrslstial people, places and lhirs 941)1)

DANOER RIVER )300'teeh). An entrl:,lnlntz film rrcord of the perIlOus passage thro1Itii the treachi'roli'i rapids of the Colorado flEer . $491) DEXTERITY AND MIMICRY OF ANIMALS (2911-feet) . Sc ith 1)00 WANTEI) (250feel). A Paddy the Pup car.

loon ----------- -- -

'J(')N.-\h.DS MLXl(.AN' RoMANCE 1175-led). A thOnIld Otiek cOrtOon ........... 5 41) 1)

t'LIZA ON IC,E 12504eet). A Mihly Mouse cer. toes -------------------- - - - 94.98 EXOTIC BALI -(300-fct). A - flltned story of the strange retiplon and my') it',ih 4nint.. of Bali . 94. i)

IiXOl'lC fiGYl'r (350-feet>. 'roon and COIIOIC$5i11C

Alexandria, Cairo, Pyi',enis)s awlS philts; ancietht .nd inodern erusl-artti... ..... $4.98 FATI-Ililk Ntf.1Z--SU)KY OF E(IYPT (600-feel) $9.96 rIGHT FOR ROMIi..IuI:cSlA'S siic,lt

t3 rY OFFEN-

SIVE 5fI1ct) .Anc acellenb camera aCCount of

this phase. of \Shorl(1 \\'Ir 11 . land n ith the ''F'r7lih. ing FiftIt' Sb Atnlo-sce The AllIed harroacs blast

CasitbO-'-.ibd pl::lttg action in the nbrllgfte for the rodc to Rome. Flint also shows Russias sssecpine

oftensises as Itillef's hcirdyt recl into the BalkOos

I lAM INO I L.NC I 0 4275-fevt). rhirills. sboncer ;l116

r'dcllenlCtlt lIt fltctl and bCllSis fltth. Ill Pt to e s e lire it

searing 55,bl of tl:ntcs In the nllldle of the All Oihll

Sudan 5-I 0)

FOOTBAL F P-9RAI)E OF 1939 (330.lecb). l-lghIihts

front nh:t;l:c cobIei anies that fltIlde grilbirilu bisbr 5

dIliriIl'4 lh season 11't If

tOOL 0' I I P 5 Ii 9 i)E OF 1 940 I 5)111- (eel I. ()iIlst.r lilt ,

lfll bllIISt ii IsIl: t he 50 11111 1 5 hIt ChIlsiCS . ¶44:5

I ()O'lIIAIt. p 55-917K Of 945 )OM% leer: See aflioll.

1'lac ked sitclts ol key 'nehllenls Ii 040 the SCO10I1S

football n,cets - . . ¶2.111)

t'OO'rll-\Ll l 9R.-',DE OF 1947 lilIPteeb). See the

best college beams In t he nabi,,n IS thee hatllC l or I dory itt this eallhI"g lilni '4 1)1)

l'OO'lhlALl rb-lRl.I.9 or 10311 ItOO.t(cil ... 54.119

l0))OTH.'.l.L Tb-tEll I S fIb- 1941 I i00-k:1) .

I 00115.91 I T.lRll IS (II 942 13)11) veil '109 '(II) FOAl I rolt;t I ii (IF 1043 00tSlccll %498

(HE I 0.5 hUN I 1273.fVn'tl. '9 Teeryt.isn l'h'r-

tlil)l4 . I )ll"t (A\'ES I)) SKYSCRAPI-.R.S 000lecu. -h ccllarrrc l - I - r,slscsl,I'l - S of architec ' ,,. it torn,,. ti.ilIt)Icn

iricIlIble the Pvr,,nsid:, a p i": I) .,hnlulC In B,ddck. Sri,, II'.0 lIe r-iplc of Solo,nr::n in iuea it OS

I- (IN ON TI I L It I IN '3 551l.feetl lIed Abbott .n:l

I III CoOl- Ito drIll 0 girls' rraikeilirill slime in Iris

70 lv CIlIlIlsi 5 , - S 9.9$

(1 I DI)Y -)'Ahilal,f, (27 5 fcet ) A '1011111159 C.II loon 94 1)5

(100Db-lYE. hIlt. SlOTb-t 110114t y I). An And:' l'.11l,to

cartoon ¶4,119

THE GRE-Vt CHASE (7234L'et). (h,:'at clrltrelti;Ir.

W. F. I rId'.. 5111(5 in this c(l,nsid'. 95 4)9

hAIL I I-Ill KINIk (250-ferl). A Kits TI'.1 K;llrr.lI,,r

CaTtOO'r - . ¶4.115

IIA9V.'hh I 050-feel). 1,) 5l! theco t.srf:,l liitv or b 111111. _cEiliti to Kii,IIIe,r; craict with its 51915 il ..IC

I hers il tile, alit) enjoy tie prcllIrcsqzlc hr ,tltI, - s

(I, t he beach intl ,,trrl 94.1:11

I-lEAf .-\N'D I IGHT FEOM 1-11 iiCTItl('l! V )3 4 )

feel). rjv'ctr city in tenet and p.'.rd I-I ,. ire II ii v: (bun, lais; tn .111111 aeblI re alu. I llsc kit CCIII] actOrs; . insll)hIiCr'l

are Iliroac,. 5, )tcltllt7 Cl)lIifl.nC.lt - IIISRE (0)l11hl5,S IilE ClRCbS (700-lect). ('aprI1es

I he - thcrlt Ilfilt e9f ils'fltcill of the "bix top ' . Shot-

the hir' pIradC. the '.vorkls tu,tnic'l CtOWllS. bilC

IhlIri 114 II fit trapeze ,lrtisbn and hiell a ii e perfornIel

ItliR FIRSi Ft ,\Slh OlSl)-tclt). An s'Iil bimc C011lCllil

fnntlrl nil Gale I t enry. 'llpportcll sy 111 191111) \borant I

1ifld till0 H. V.rrtb ., . $9.51) lItSRlT.\GE OF h\l)t.'\ )250-fcet). F)els with the picl(lrCteIluc 1iO(l of the hiindti . $4,915 111011 SIERRA FRAIL t1tl)E (-I S0'fciii). An 0)11'

sicior advetttllrt .

l-4OLDUP OF 11-IF ROCKY SIOIJNFAIN kXPRESS i300-fceht. Historical railroad hInt -------$9.98

ltt.UM!NATION (400(cct). An iitstrnctionab ti)iO - ..................................................


IN THE SWIM (275'fcth). An ethi1ribiOfl of swim-wIng and diving -------- .....

t.NvlSl OLE WOODY )275.feet). hVecwty hh'oottpeckrt C ,Illtltllt ................ ... ....... . .......... '

IT cAME 1-1(1)91 OLIEK SPACE (2'OfeS'br. 46 scicnce.liclion IIrr jcr , JIJEiJi be \IARAIJI)lilt )25-1ev':). An ess'ltlog dr.lt,la

oh a ,-ill.tino:us 1ife1 .spru'adiri4 elIcIt as be sl;,hI,s Ill 01159 lIre jllltL'ld' .

lUST h l'ILISR.-',-\l) 025-leer), An sltd.liloc ,)11m5,)y

si.,r(IIIO K:ilhrvu leer) , .-hrbhur Hollsillan arId AIt.,rl Foricst .. - .115"' KNttH I i( Oh' 'I I-IL 11.4.! (lOilIreell, 'Oars fbi Abbolt and Lou Costello .... . - Sc's I. .4.99-LESS FRONTIER 130(1-heel). A thriller of 'hr (414 "est tIlIlIriof Johnny ¶beii Bross II .,. 94 '1.5

lION HI.INT (250-feel), ,a1 l,,e 51 osic Ca'rt,I,.11

--.. S4 1 ,ti l.bON'-'liGlSR FICiH1 127S'lC(l '. .9sl7'en'.t' Ilpielli I'll this filtnc(t batIk, beTween a nta'l-Saliilg tiger .11112 1110 S )CC I flIt Ii. 115111--beth if whom were On SlIt

1110 0 deet, pit . - -- -- -- - -- 'It)

loAN' SiTRANCIFR .iUl)fvcit, A Woody \hlus,'

tucker orloon ... --- ------ -49 8 \iA(;t( I'FN:Il. l250.feeI), a I t'rrytoon buirts III

$4 11 9

7.hkkRRY duRhsrMAS )3254edhl. An Cilbetb)Iin'Ile C hris(ir'.I'. slory 54.9K SIERR'l' VhI)l)iNG BEl 1.1) 1275.1e,,'l), An old-thur oflrcd starritlg bully Bcsan. Vernon Dent and .Alnia

Ik'nrbi,'bl 1 .. - . - $4.91) MEXICO l.iO(J.jcel I, .9 camera bOOe of IlOciCob iowns to sec the prilllitis C life and mS- StcrIoIcs rcllcs of tor1)obben cis ihi,iil ions, t 111 plcal licsla is pictiins-.I

MICE IN COUNCIL n4504ctttl. A bcrryuooei sat-

loon------------ - - - ---- - -- , - Mi('KEY'S DREAM 1229-led). A Mickey Monac i-i-

toiln . - ----- ------ ''15 MICKEY'S MAO DOG •2(85-1cH. A Mickcy Mcii'-ii ,- arboofl .. ................ 5', 'if SlLJI)t)t.Ef) IN MIII) ,(274.fcctb. An oltl-lltne tomesic' 'l-ii ng Mabel Nonuund, Fued Sterling irirst the sbonc (.'e.ps S SEWS l',\RAI)lS OF 1943 050fcet), I5.hoty it i,II-liii Fresco dc,hroy fleet at lonton; C;enerh-1 dec. 4.rth:ir bypasses New Guinea lops: Stillwc)t iiahl. In 1111mb 1 .01) ,rbbtcr tess s headhings 01 the yea r $5.94 \f0)l' 5 }'.\RAh)ti OF 047 12754EvIl. Teicas ('dy disasIcI 1 hiliiflll the world In 72 hours 1 slpri -')lla,

in Krca :,utd F.ht bIne: llribabn'q king In Africa; I )erot.t hurl ii: lltie 1 \9'oi'ltl SerIes and a rIo 1 I onnc flee

'41fRO011-N (]'l'CiE )4110.(ccll, Niltogen cc.scnl)cl to plallt ililli IlilIttIllI g((lll bit natlir,ll and synlIel ti fculllaers NO INI)l AN'S l'b Ie.\SE (300-;ggt) Starring Pith Airhoil :,nsi Lou Costello ¶ .95 (Ill) ¶IOTHIII( I -l1.'ilR.-\Kl) 000'fCerl A Foiy lIe s- art,.l,Slr - 'i t lii)

5)PLt(,s lION S.'h\; l)t'sr 4200-ficell A \Vuods ',A',ro,1 pl'v$cr coiloori

P9RROT\'lb I F (.IID (01 Ks (230-lien, A tot-SI carlosin

PASTIIYTO\VN 'AFt)l)'NG I l0O-beclt. A Itlirl - tC(lll e,lI'lC(,n . . _ . f.4119

FERIfOUS P,'IICAI)ISIE 05(1-leri), PCtilrdn p(iir.:Ilr

life ri Z.,nlhol,'lg,I . . 'Jr 'IS

"THb PIt (iRt11S-CHRONlCl I1S OF ASIEItICI" I I 0110-fee'i. I A lllfll ltladC hs the Yale Uiris CI

lIes:. based CII the voluntes. CIIR()NICI.hiS OF -\SIERICA. piclllrittg the hislors of the countr:- - he9innin7 with the hook, " the Pilttritits" . 5511,99

i-'t,tSN IN 11001'S (2754vet). A iiarioon versln it lilt' fillillliill 51015' . - 54 ill.

l'u/./LI:o PAlS (250-)cr). A Dick and tarts fill 10011 ----- - - I _ c-till) P'l'ILORb-&LA C -\Sl) I'REATFL) 11450feet In (0lo' 1. ,1 'rrci,:ll,et tilirr , tIFf) Hf) I Rll'l'IHtsl )23(l-Ieel), A Kiko the P Ii-

,.roo carII'oii - _ 54l14

1) I t)l 1)111 ('hl\\'btOY I iOl).(eer I. the trIO is,'' I lists nun in IIIiS esCilihif film (eaiilring Star roso - ,, riders . . . , 54_I. '1

-I HI1 RL'Nr b2Sthfeetl A Tcu'rvbcs.ti clrloon 54. I

c/uSiA CL.Ah.S PLtN'C'H AND JUl)' kiOO.(ccrI C Ill iSbIttiiS story er-ached by puppels 54,10)

SCRAIO1 YS .4.1.1081) ,9I'l9,\(t't(,N 4223feei). -s Ncrppy ClnllOOtl SC'ltAl'P'u'S TI-h hit liE (7S(l-lect). A Scrapp


SNOOKUSI BFAI7S ON .9 R,'h\tb'AGE 1529-feet) 9415 StIll IS -'NI) lb ill I F I S I tOObccl) An esclhilrg fitr (CilIlIrItib,'01111, aillit 51111151 by pri,fesslon:,l ilaredc I Is

11.1 '-Ii .SI1 ORT1NO RISCOt9t)S t275-(, c tI. In an intecesril;I Ill rIser. lii. lihn test, sports--tnilsdrd intlis dusts or

Icc K'! Its In V)lIiclt I','poI I-I field

5I'Qbh IS t'ARAI)E OF FIlE YE,'slf ('SO-feel). SpIll- liii ilCbl uI)". 111 liii kinds c-n land and water are S II ,

Ill Ill IS,lCt, , l',1 - tl.l 1.kctt I ili . 4 Ii

Ssf-h(iE( 09(0 11114.5 12 5 04kebl. 9 \h'sroI!v 'Ac, rckrr 1 loOn cc

51(1111 'I 50 II.', ING ilS(l.lrtil) .4. Mitikes II 'ill' -I ,i-I Illl ii -- $4 1 15

1\\ I\tSl-IN(, AND t')iV I NO ACIS 11181 IselI. Ill ,''l'ISilielr hI c9... liI1,illrrc . . . 84 h

- I - i_- (I! sh'.-\IPS 1t'4 , lictt. Eat - lIce I ioo fl I Ain ,I 1 9 10 In i,_t rifle lseS)r(ll blil ftc . 9' '11) I FX \S 1 '1.911 1fF \('lil-RY I i(ll).letl) All CSCII. 1 1t 'tory of a stISist.) ralleir r Ill::, II ribbers 41,1)

111111-F 1 i'll F t'RhiNS SI.'hl'1t hblS(ilhi)U It),),

letIl. ihliec EC,rt Clii's 'n Ill eIllCltalItltlf Cit ii'. IIC

- 541,5

-I lIKih'CIN A 1 1)4.11 ( 5)1() fcet). .Starriirg Vi lIeu Ibey 3 as - ' I lePalallil (asilt" ' SI IlK

I I Il-I I I I -9 s1:('oN I) 06U1's'l 1. Sen. a t lIlt .stlCkI ns,

l.11ifl lId allan.'i i. risk their necks in 1101111110 sPill I I l•,I'l's' tIlls . . _ _ . ¶.)8 l'\Ili) RAbhlilT 1250.tee)1 A rt't'rocrn cartl),i, 34.1$

.l_()Yl \'41) ALi9lf'rIIRE i.i(lil-iccll .. An 011K at - IlliCIt . . . - . $4_as

14t'Ah-t Ol .11111 l'l..ANFhS 1300.1cc)) .5 tar'. Intl 11115 and I :i II II M:Inict 'no: ..ASC <Oct, (icr on low

$9_if 99_h 'I III - I , ¶9 rsr 121Kv CCI). I lIe kids Ill ''Ci,r ( inc ' 'I'l in this C (lIlt:".15 . $4.91) \\l- 1i'rE7 S l-tu)\(Itt - ;fxlfte'I. Kirby (Jo-nt 'lion Ill )his,1i'' dl ii Ill 11cr . 94 'ill I' Ii ST -9 h)ht' ¶1.4, t)I\'t9tO SIPS 130)14eeI1 5.4 118

\h'll(lC 5 (fl).1'l,'' \h 1100)' (250-iccb). A 9911 la \\eo;tr . l. ICIIII'I' Il 55_Os '9 lEt) 10 iROIJIlI b: lISlectt. A 11).ctC

:"en'1clt'4 •1' ' 1-Itt' Cllnleti 'III bh 'tat' Bliseb 'A ,)I,e ('1111cr .0) he 1,1 'SlllnL' (lift 17,1,3

\'.(INl);RS 01- i lI.Locc's'O)N'E I ls)l.Ieclt .9 catneia I I 1 1) b'lll'IC%Ii -i. i, ICCS Ill he Nlional P ii 1, 14.911)

5% t-tLsrh ISO 1111)11 I S l'll.becbl, EtcIbilIg L-(1 1,ls 11)11' ' r. dIed arena" . 4159

9 LSlUtb)"s'l' I I\ I S 'he) 9IN 1 )25-"tiet) Ar eel CISI-

t,'eIIlrs i i i ni. liii 55111115',, the hVrig'il IllotildIs rising

'I I I.. I I I'; I l;,svk , 'se nes 01 I he S::i Fr:nc:co r;i I I Ir-11,l,k .2:.l nd St-tI persslIIs Is Lillian l4.i,seIl. i:n, 1(1

L'l,I I'll. IhlIllilIll lilt ('11)1: , t'rcl,llellI \tl'Klnii c . 8)1111_er

9511. 51 ,,IlJ'Othl_I'_ . 9, uS

t'AcK.&;8; 01"

1600-ft., 16mm. USED REELS

Fitree gills! IIICII 1 1,11))- it. c1,tl.ICIIV from. 141K gels n,osliy 01 (olUhe, g lId Ls:np,o

manuhael lIre

53-07 (6-lbs.). reg. $3.99. on iale at .....,.,.,....,.... $3.77


16111111. S011fth. FlL1S! T'c I group of n.rd I (win. Sound 'ni,irct'-siiurlc and fvaieir;'-,Ifon a now npnortii.ijtc for iliorhhast if. tuslonter, To saSc mOTley. ilitse prohts are for tile fliosi purl err, good used COpiCt-cxc:pi That the main or cud Title, or a shorl :ImuI,nI of fool;ee buy he missing. in it stuttering of CaSes, it print inily ho Included Iniause it has a less liner 'plicts than pernItic.t for our os'usai used groTIdh;g, In a few lnsiancc%, the 5:111w fib it' ma. he listed under I sb lhiffereuli irnuth,. ittis bne, not nhc'un that the shorter length hon n I short a lot of foolagr. I hose .rc Irks isoun p; io,, arId the subject in questIon onu edited into two or more different trsion, to lit different I V tinre spots.

811)1: '1si ('FlicO (2 5 0-(cO), An hdscnthuhc "down 111e5lc0 550) " with little Chico. who longs to become .1 11icaica:t cowboy, and Pavo, t he wonder hor'c

$8.58 R or ON IC '200icct) Abbott and Co,,tellu sl:tr in this cans' comu,tiy ........-, . .- . 5910 tfOhJhN 1(001) JuNIOR (22 , fect), W'liliC The Wbtop-Per cartoon 9777 Ro1:(;H ON RATS 122,9-1 vcil, An Aeop'a Fable cartoon .. .............. ...............$2.99 ROUND TRIP (675-foil). Pcoisle in diflercnb coon-ttics and walks of hifc discuss world Trade. Through dihfering pointS of sicw, the andlcncc gains under-'taliditig Of what world trade ratiy mcans to America

57.98 THE RUN'b (250-feet). An Aciop's Fable cartoon

$2 . 99 SAlT WATitR WONDERLAND (2504cel), Filmed at the world's iaicM occanurium, Marineland, Floe-da. this film iliuslrtcs the many kinds oh Ironical lists found around a cord rccf. i'he anhics of the porpoise are noted from beginaing to end - . . . $8.88 SCHOOl. Ifs'I 1113 MAiL BOX 1550-lcd).. Shows how The children of the AutSIraliaui'y "out back" on farms and ranshco rite educated by correspondence from primary to high school standards . . . . I . .. 115.99 SEE 'filE BIRDIE. h300-fcgil, Various species of urained birds pIll Of an ifltCrcsling eshibition of tricks .......................... ... $6.66 SKI SYMPHONY (27,9-fed), If biw Alps. the sport of skiing oilers some of its greatest thril Is..- Here i.sihgf the c.perts and nos-tcgs----frotn one is pictuhed sihilt 10 (to. from the other. what not to do. 88.115 STORKS OF CHEI.l A (475'1fcl). An (Ituuislial Slstiy set in a ('05*1041 in Moeoco, and told bs Scienc, 'sue of 11w Caikl ...................$ 7 .77 STORY OF THE MAGNET 000-feel). Depicts the ISai and cltue of mancllsm ...........57.95 SUN .SE 9 AND SAILS 1200-lcd), FeallIres )llCtlt racinc On sound. bar and The deep sea. ExcfllcItt ph:,tographr of the rhylhnt and beauty of snow-white C,'ills II 1011 Ion ceing spars ..........$5. 4 5 THIS IS •t II (400-lcd), Outlines The eloIse. the spread. the cure and the presention of ttlOerculOsis . 85 ..95 I 0111 1111 hiii 1250'frcl) .. 9 Fairy Talc cartoon 8(,.66 rRANs--hTI ANFtt,: FLIC)H1 (225-fret). An Aesops Fable cartoon ............ ¶399 1 9 LETOP i)AREI)EV tLS (300-feet). An nnusnal :atn-cr0 story of the Itimber-jach cresvs of the deep ssoo:k. Scqrrcnccs incitale ''toppers" at -dizzy hciyhts. :I,etnen elll:ig rnornio:ls irces. Scott trunks rolling to the

s,ci II ri s-er. log lam blailng, md ether spcciacIIl or phases of thC svotlsmtt's rxclling life. . 116.66 ,rtfou.T FA('TOR 'I' I 300-feet). An excellent Hess-Icy'

- I Iwst 111w ss'tilh shosri the propagation of trout from egg to I till nt '. 0 fIsh, and plantittg , of the brent in st(c,iins ........................&S8 TFIhA TOI.IRNAMISNT (32$4egt). Highlights of the ,illtlttal nina fishing tournament at Cascade, Florida

¶7.99 \'lI.l.AGE SPECIALIST 250-feel), Flip the Frog cinrtool ...... . . , . . - - 55.115 \h'AY OF 'rilE \hII.l) (700fectl. A camera records I.e Inlercyli ng essills Cl it safari to the greatest stud

autittl,:I saticrII:.ry in The world. located in the crater of rn exTinct s olc::oo in deepesl Africa. I nl:Ides nsony ycroci shots of onuso,il 111sCCIN birds..- Intl wild ,.rdnrals ----------------------SI 4.41 \\'AYWARD P1)1'S 4250.fcct>. A Rudolf lying car-loon . \'IISTERN MARSHAI.L (875-feel). Starring SIcte 111cr.,:s an l:t,st i)ougla* Kconcdy 11 .. . $9.99 - WFSnIFRN WHOOP1E t250-fcehl. rex Williams is teatlirCi In it progrant of teal western songs. The sels'chiouls ,tC 'Stun lit the Sky', 'Thai Good Old \Vsrcrit d::8ic" . and "let Mc Shake Your Old ('owh,:II:t' .......................¶9 1)5

h\'FIAT IS Sli)2l.7 1400-feet). lfxplairs the procesa cf making, steel from ore, from the mining of the C'I.'' 0 1: I ash lIlt naccs. converters and shaping I nb .,iil. Itc'hs and L'illlcrs ... ........... ¶8 51) \h . 11l ff (;Olchi.LA 5525-feel). An cnciiing and duo- lOttie ad\t'lllIItt' story ... -- -............ Sb_SR \VII1TK MAGIC (SSl)-fecu). Sri against Americas 5' inter rpOrls pardlsC. Sun Valley. Idaho tire C011iers capllur('s the escitetlicnt of tspert skiing abut other ss inter spa: is .................. - $6.98



USED 16mm. SOUND FILMS S!,ippiu ,,cihts: I ir,, up to 40-fcet one

p%fl1 40I to 600fct, too pouud 601 to

SI)0-ttet, three pouud: $01 to I 200-ted, hot

1201 to 1600-fect. si pounds; 00cr

1600-foot and tetore ICUCI6, eight pouudt.

}'L '\NIG AND I-YlN( OtI \voRI( (375-1et). J:: harris, pIaIt tjV,'i,tt. tabks to his so,), Jin,,,ty.


lia ,, buill a b t in tt,e ha,-e;;tdqt too barge to

go t(t r,ti;, , lire - at,Ottt he ,e,.-s's cy for pt;mnio

a J'b in tadsall - C. and lCOtI,ltS SCCtJl IlbUStI,t,VC

C pc: ,CflC, at tile p2:,,)) ----- ... ---$ 7 . 95

Rb I) lt',btl(IR IN I t-RVtF\S A II"sIN t'I .'sVhI( (),0: at (ti poptila; iii.ti tCI -hour tebe, ,;.,u

tbh'50 5Sitti sp;;,t%,USCl Red Eta,Ier. in an Ilttclslew ,si5 he ouI-tu,tdiflc: tennis chaiitflh()n. Unto 1 titUcri.

.1 he Cites' ,v.i . :rp till, of tI,c t)s;is C up (c_tilt biicIi

bittiti;ttt tile Cup 0_k to tile Uiti;cti St;,Cs se,tr:tb

0 idO $.)

7-t.i,S i.tOO.tCeI). I tie p.-iuic o(tsit-t tCitbi a

((I! LCL (tS.t.i i;baitg,&'.tit - iiec CI (biab)tic - al ,d ice''.-:is

:1 t,00-7iiOtO clew cocs Out to ,hotogr.ph an ahrp } aflc

t,t, , itg 0)) troll the to)) 01 a spcedtitg aiitOflio(iilt

'I .-.b th.n t,;itts,,tts tile bak to the tens -

t , l , Ci Obbicc 01Cr U tvleptii'iie 9ic. Sttos/s and et-

p i;I5 b ins the cttr,ccit is received b:,ek at the octys-p 'r toid ctiatigcd t.iCL tO bi ;ttt values and p1 ited

pIc;iiiC . . . ...............$9 . 99

St ', I t-Y SK("C. (3&0-b.et). A sojourn in Son

' .t I vs . ( titit,. titC - 5: ii (Or ski cnlhasi asts. I bin visits

;i sc,,00b svherc fli)V1CCS at e (.,ttjitt skttttg tech-

IL, tics ,,td t(ri-ic tt;ut,Iait,cuttabs 01 (tic spOrt itt a ten. pC,;od. One 01 (lie Goile Pbacc \itli Uncle

I ....... iettcs . ... . $7.77

I \I1 EL) St.hF!-S (l(,ttO.fect), to liii, tit,n, ntadc by

I.. lliitt,tt Ant,' Inc us On" toe. we hasc the

t lI'CC

to ¶CC Otttst'''CS a, OtIICIS we ItS. It gises

. .111 pliticd vCrsiO,1 0 .. ntcttCa5 hts(Oty. and a(tCntptS

I- , create it ltttt littrtt't.sit ) tt of llic cOt!ttttv as. it ext,:s

, --------. tile_-li 01 ttts - I - jltie of (lii,. ltbitt ItCs in its

tt , e iiSC ('Oliti or Vii. 50 . wbtico cfl;'t't.tS us CO tOt

I . .. t Itttptii :111Cc Iii tii5fl0 (hit t;s tsl,u,li ssc Itate

a! .t.vs taLcit toE Ci titled . .. $21 411 RL7d0i11 I IRS (7110 (OCt in color). t,tr

. t , it -intrscI I f.incici S '.1(u) ntaV be tittet ested ill

,_. LtC C()tUt!ttC a LiicttCn Or Oatltt Os.ttt by installing

and it itt tue. tiete is it titList tt,sttttCtivt (tint

ithi.. Ii gitss sittiptc to button- 'tetthy-stCp proceos-:3 a . a typical ocek vod rcotodct:t ttt,tto,isit.itCS (itt i-._'y and c,trreci nietitods lot ti teinst .iii:i'iotts$9.99 C \t'l:Rs IN (.1 .-'.Y SIX)-kett. Iteoci elects nitIt skitt-(itt it ie,s and bits (it ct. is . . . .

I. I I: b.t)R EN OF 1 t t . Cl I Y 1 I t00-iecit Sets out to ttttt . in Iteitiart IC lit- . tIre Br irib apt,toach and tile

n.,r:'n-r of (tic trirttibc C ottits in that Coiiiitr'. by

tltiiitt2tt s itt the sb, v 01 three youtnN tst,o

ri_etc itiCst a ptocItt 1,i1 ii treii It COtitI ;iciitifl $ t 4.44 0 (is( t.I( I MINIAILIRES 7O. I t.'SO-tectr. Ra(tiiOitd I o,tinjhal. pi;iiti,t. present-. Chopins 'socttite in F.

S'i,tt p .\iitttir - . . . S4 44

1-)\'1vN Of ((F ttti( Li'tNC ((t(tO (eel in cotot. S;,.ttii5li). To clever tiiin,iation and os, i.teciiiiieab iatit.

tile biltn SttCtC.CS (tie ittitior t,iitcc of ;,dcq.iatc w"ing so that the consettiet ice s Ot niodcrn tine-

tiiL it ltVitttt tli: Ut ertjited saints with a masinitini ill 5cr ViC C It itO cl.ctt cab appliaticec. I t aces (noon ac C!i)(ii!iCt(i Of li7btt and eteetrietty irOtO ptimitivc to tratterit tttttcs . . I-VINY (iN(it ()UNtS (400-feet). A - sttpersisor

11 5 ti .1(05 nOt neil b:c:,iisc 01 aI,sc,Iiccts'tt and tardiitcss

in nib dclii Inteiti. His superitttr. itt beitt poittis outmany I Lie ca ttscs. AiR] the sii(tti s isor tObCS StCttS (0

isiit; iv Ittttt . . . - . $7.95 t stttNt; \,\G \tIONt)% t3Ott.fccti t'L(itres careftec ti lit, I 01 sun and tI.it; sitil cattiig. staler s).irvg 'I id sritittti : ii . - . Sit .88 )t(,'rELL AND Ifl'STi.E i3(t feett. i)ctiiit the (lot-

.! 5,1 5 OS City a- tic i siihttrtiafl bris U I sets; uhows ttost (Ii I .1:15 Cult arotsl 3CiLbCt(Is . $6.95 1_ I '.N1.i. KIN) ;'. itçttJ.beett Shitws dog aristoctocy _lt ttenctt Stitiiss a ti dogs itt bCiiOLt at ticbd arid 'ill tis- OCO itittis ...

I 11 F S.\V I N( (t,tt(t.teet) .. .t)owt I tIes of tile saving. rile ;liOt.j , 01 bOuut OI. lii ttt: the ViC' liii . Cat t (Cl 5. relirasco orrU lion to at,;ily aililietai respit:itlOtt . $(495 Sit 9CHIN1NO LAMINA1 RI) PLASTI(;S (700.feett. A tcctttiic.ti film which shows how to ntct%ilic a typical i.,iitottevt part; cit ttte tube stock to ictigib on a cIrcular sass; (0(11 (lie outside diatiteters on a iathc; ittiettitte inside dittiticlers by boring with a bathe; and finish the ttlacitittint: on a miltiny ttiltiOc $899 M(;slc AND Alt(ttITE(f(IRR rtiROUGtl THE Isti IS (5 5 0-(cett. Itow the rtcv2iopincot 01 ntttsical itt-Sri CittCltt aird inslLsnetttalilin patablebs ilte csoiution (tt ;tt I and at hr -sc tiral Ltrnis. ( on .t:iilI use of mon-toC> 3 nJ 4 is-cit s Cs crcalCS t'isttai s at icty. I attet por-tl.11is. of the fitni are coneet ned tvth the spbcndors of li_li cictttt. fitttll., its and b,uibdiiis st Vel,ailles . S14.44 7-. [\b.R ((3 IIACR '950-;cet). (lie Stratton (ltoty of it b liii ltt at t strtdettt . I otititip Davis and his jitat ion i. 1 the pos. Stats Oct ty Nc(o. Don Ibtoittan and Jo 1_sIto Phibtipt 816.66 Is- LVI' WA) S IN I-AR (I I "rU (500-feet). Depicts sireh (ills_IC, it aticutiuraI trends as iai gc-sco)r luctui s--style (iii lttiltg_ with ctops uciettiibie;tbby icltctiit!ed and ctttti. v.,ie.J_ and (tie fat n co-operative. Indicates how flit Traditionally ittdcpeodent tartitet, with the aid of new nhitetiatti,ed cquipnicnt in abbe to make his faint itt- C rev bigly prospirroits .... ............ ... ... 86,1,6 IIIESEC'tt It I ( 300-feet). A charmiitg story of the ;tcitt .Stsiet of Flifty, the cal $7.77

'I i..'.(HIrl&S CR1817, (600-feetI. A March of Time lilt,, wlticil tells [lie story of the CritiCal situattoti '.. iieh faces (tic Aitterican (eacttyr and sv(jch colt-ic titleS a t(ticat to otr ent ire edtiatianai sy.stritt S14.44 ON 1 f-fE AIR (ttjlt-tCet in Spanish or t'ortutuese Color). The siaiy ol rado broudeasiit.g ttottt its bitttiitig in tile vaijtic not ksitop of Dr. Frank ('on-ad to the omplcN networks that cocircic the globe.

l)cpictitte ((it.'ik- tailcJ oper.i(iitits 01 a ( pie.ib hro.;d- I. .istintt d,it . titc- lit tr cosers writi ttn st_rip; tip,. IC- ts'.rtsal_ (btttiflg. ;irtXllCttott aitd ptecclttatton 01 radio I irs' ,idcasls ..... . ..... ... ........ .... .$I)9.)

,( H I; t'AR.S(Tir AND THE hI000Ut tO 000 (ect). 1 ,is' mat,&t in p_il . i-ItC . pbasituxiittni_ iv(tich lists (ilsI ii , itte fettirtic ;ttlivqtllto and then in the htiniatt bciti2, I ,stiitlie 4 itt this inie,e'Iiti'e 1dm. (it trany ttat,slOi'- lll.11ltilI% are sttvitsn itt nticro-Cti icitil tor,iaptiy and alit- iS,lt il'tt COliilt i lcd Oil It I ton action phtsoni apity $9 119

ROSS At I IrS'S REPtIlE INSTITUTE t300-fce(l. litres tstO ultiisll.tI occupztiiotls-teacli ittg various

species Of birds ti pet ft,rttt ninny SitiObs and all ICatot ilrIri;ittg. Intci Cottit; vertilettees are (he critrittrc of

cc (lIllit_ItlIrs hi Ri-s Allen head of Ihir Alteit tCc'tir4 Jtls:itiite ii, Florida - $8.08 Itt SRI OF THE VLST nilbt William t(ovd an flip. aisle iscictt . .................. SW 19

(III: siNc; t7-.G COWGIRl. witlt Dorotlty Pac 29.9a

I S('iPE IN (-\ IdA (3004eei), Sttwr, thc vast C .tiiadtan w i lcterflcss alertS wIt ct, prot ste cainpci arId spirtsttic,I vi itt an escapc lion' tttodctrr civili,a-(ItS ................ ......... ... ..... ..$999

ill IS FIGhT G S$IE (6511-feet), Filni opcttv with a iesllitte Of (tie p1 i.e figttttttg g3tti . and clogs with

itt CX.ttiltlt.tl Citi P1 (aClretCCfit(g and cttltet i(iri nfl I it. II trio tile SPOrt , and tOt-ti Po, , iblc ao(iltictn. Shciws tIm u-cs

Of hoi ititl ho gt oct55 ot boss- to give IIttn btç;ttttr-

4.11) itCECaltoit ..............................$(1 11

r:Ir KtSl

itibtelIts or old age tiiclit-Jtlitt dcl icyl alice UI ,C_isIt,

attd Ocoitotnic ittsc.j,iiity. atiuu, rontedlen ate sti.' geded (or tltcsc and the tithee prctbbctn.s. including litO Iceliti2 of (OlI 1 ittoss aiti tiveletstiess tli.tl so Itt-

qI.tet(tby colne.S with old ace ... ... .... ......$ 14 . 44

PRIZE PACRAGIS I arltlee Al I:itls .......... $8.68 SONGS OI LOVE 1250 lest). I .ttniltnt love suite.,

ate SlIng by tltr .SIelody Matds and L)ovc Sebtoobii "Sit ingheat tv - with Dci c:.isittos oiettcsit a. I Ite voitCI arc'(II Love Witlt a SoltO. '(sn( 'I hal Just liEn

t,ve' and - li All (trinen Back 'Jo Me Nt," . $6.9)

1(51(1eV PULLS TIlE .IR)S6S ((300 ft.'e I). This is

Ilte slol S of eotic_ '.,ttd toticit it try ntecilt (0 t(t.n-kind, told by ptippetv in a pi.ty built aouttd tbt


ONE WORI.L) OR NONE (800-lcrel t, A dratitalie

a tittitated sontnl ary at the Wilt ii ntor,tic stiltrIton and o f (Itir iteci tot sorbd cotttrctl of atonuic

rttergy.................................. 61, RIO) LSARKPR INIt.RVtIOA S A I OOTIIAJ 1. PlAY-

(SR (100-ted). jit(%. Cronies v isor IS eoto'ite((Iatol, a nd

one of the University of Nolt ir l);tmc v f_itttotts ' F-iiiir

1 -forvcttlet '. ilISPC ,ltS 115 Ci(C5( intervicwci On 'Red

Karbcr's (,Orner . tixi chois iitir.rt ittaity vi tb 3 ci din

()ti'cr boi,ttinll coach at \'ntc ......... RUSh-SN ('ARN(A(. ()S't'R ( I It It (325.ieet) I 1w

cotttplcle Ron,a;t ('It lisa1 Oseiture by Ueclor Ibetlitir (S presented by (Ii 7 ()rchrslre it U ( ' ,ultSs i ) atoll c Of

l'cirts with I'hibltt,C Gotil,'ctt di, eliltg .....$7.17 AR(')UNI) A (,IJ$l TREE (350-tecIl. 1btiiritgh the

tilattv Jttfeie,tt vajic0cs Of eui5,iltittti'- (IC tIme cull-

((arts of tile _à.e : ti,tli;ttt (_liicl'eapC ate ro - Ic'alcU, with

01 I fllPtC5 Of tilt people vs bOtt ih,Cllti:ullltuis (ink them 151111 tIle tree that (illiutiii;utes II iC-Sius It . ill'.1 siCile 8 I 1 It

('0(10 S\l 50i0'i ON THE I I 'I AND S%'I( 1.5

-I (III 11 I-('(It( I)'.' (t'(l'IceIl, IIttClCStutlC SCOut-fl_CS

i(l,,St,otilte (tIC P1 ttPt'I oroilucits Oh fU Il1lttlt1 for

((IC 5u11'ltt Or C otto 5.utltlOtl ((itutiLt in (1;iiittibel( It its'

I it the itttliri Cll.'isi of i .litCOIi.C( I'trittd, Itt i(ih

(ulltlOhllta. 1 tiC fOul it otosi irrlCl(stuiitl R , i itt•sttrrlt

of basoboil's ''ktn't 4 sso.ui" 1j,5 Rttltt. itt cisilort.

and answer , tIle CtilCstuOnr • \'tIit (Salle ..siru k cult

(lie itlod hOles 01 Vu'itiid Sei ic £:C"' . $I 2 27

18-18" ( 1 50-(enll, Depicts Its period 01 1' ci'.t'irs

third rcvcubitlion and tile rlecliuti 151 I ot. N ,itii l:iiit

so. presiletlt 01 the Sccuttis( R-u;rtibiliu' ('I rtti'ritii ''ti

tIre Cl tOici'.. tiCs and Cteliillcs ol 1,111010 .1 tistu, Slit'6

as D,uiututier, (;as'atule and others 01 tile petitid 512,22

GRIIS AND (ROASS 1551)-tee 1. Hot, lulilii II n ii 10-

tii)tt ;rdit, sueei_il tttl_-lesl (it IttlI r,,wdv # uuvliiritt

nratvdt bcttveetI 'A'ec SC-'illie Ido-is". ilte ' Itluc-E

l'aIittiCl ' 01 the I ' til(Cd Stat:,. i&vril hIs St 201 S55i SC

,Iitngati;uIi olpjul)iie;tI Si. 88

IIOT iLls ANt) V.11,0 I'S TiltS R('(ittt)'' l42-

feetl, Thc excitirs and colon ut .pnl t at iii 6 -Icicy

iS anaisred (roll SltlIflte t111C to Ill , 1.151 ,' of i_-spell

flu)feSSiOIt.Il pl_tuei.. /,ciJeU iitlCi'CIt I. In il,c 'i8 lit

the Record', ScqulL'flCCS of slit tatitpt ci;; tot cs"crl

and pot tiers On 1105 jtuititiv arc Ic 01 Cd oil I out pIll iltIc

dt5tance, cuilia1e i_tlItul and form ,,. $11.09

Ii L(NO(S (350-fcuett. (Uses a 5 1111Sf 01 l'he I.altd

(if Lincolli and its place in lttl.Iori, Kr itt settles

thovv the Cupilat tiieb,,dtng Liticoliis (OutIb altil StrItlie.

stlilel So'C OCt and the Capt(oI i)ittbdillg. Sl,oIvs SCClOO

of (htcao and its indtislr) , and ilte (Outi also pie-

I urcs iltillist rittl pi,t l.( aIld Opel cllioIts, It Sc 1151501 iati(,n

agri-,llhllule. and Ilte (itversuty of I(linots ---$9.95

LESSONS IN LIS 1511 f700-tcetl. 060555 (111w a 5CIIOI)(

(uroject rcutt:ilitCd ;t celtttllllilltIs by t he cliuttitett

--I (sari in cotllntliitity life. The comntotlit' of I alIt,.'

I I lIe , hOiitislt (,'itttttnbia , acfltsv'sc_'(ion of nation; , I 11cc

and tndiistrial ciOitPS--ialttters. littler tIm, truotbei (It-fl

II td rail rud SI orlcers- hicid a 4 i'pti turd pits tic school.

Hero- it tIle film sIc':; of tile triitstulrnt;lliOlt Of tile

scltc,ol aid the COtlIttUlit 5' - S I I . I I

I 11th Ct(I Li 01' TIlE MOISQFl tO (400-feco. Titus

is aim itt -I I tiettolua( htlni 5' l ti_h deuc:t tics the hi0 etc Ic

SIt 111.101 C and feeding habits of (SC fl105tiI I 0 59 00

N.'SIATI(RA. THE PAINTIIt tutoObe..-'I', Itt-tilt-n

the life ,t,d arltslic devebopiticot of Albert N attEut in a

0 loultrr liboriginal c5utncl boy, now one of Aus(lti;is

iccudtitg water Colot ISIS .... ........... $14 44

TIll YOUR OS\'N 1' I IRS (3504ccl), An excellent I I a uvlcy.I .ord spoi I fil m ccli ti_h denl'inu IrcItCc (tic

Ill Opt-i knc,t.k 0111 skill (tsr tying arlihictal tIes $9 91(

AQUA I 1 R01.tCS l.tJO,fecu. I,tflut,ttal vIolet sports are

ptcuiitcd-b'-keib.tt( i;titlrr waler -dtt iilli bun 300-

fool et i I Is-Wctuct 5$ iittg chuitr tituStis and ret. kiev,

raitocist, In nil,) rclrutds , - - $645

tIlE l)iivI.\N('l',S 13 O-teet. One of the 'Track nod I - ittj i_cl CS oh I oil oclion,ut I I I uts. (II 5 sl,ows I It

jnlporl'alt'CC of 511 Ic. ctet'clotutiterit itt sltuiltilla, ('QuIll 11th

CII lension. lorw,iud koce ruM:x cuit cot automatic

stride. aud other teenniqulos in dilanc7 Cluiltlti( S.99

IlIAD Or 'TIlE HOUSE ((450'lcct)" A MeIttal Health (iltlt wliicn drptciv tIle cmctttcunar prohlenls

of a )OUIIC boy. hts rchclluott 5(011151 ptieulal dii.-

etch lie, p-ul tietih'ii !y h i s fatilet • S rept en,)' C (ItsCitiIlttI,

anti Ii 5 III .Idt(ili tie i cloiuu,ettt itIlit a poit-ni tat itt imic

Jet illqutetit. Shows the assistance CI a c Sittitilt 01' 0

St)cia( 1001 'Ctt and a n Cliii e ho n.e in brin'ttiig aitrilIt

develcipuliefll of Dotter uitjctstauiU ilU bctttccn l.iltie

and son $24,119

ILEADS AND TAll S (200-let-I). I 1 iclltrec CltarclCter -

jIbeS of (lie sends at such a.uiinal'- as tIle b,t,on_

cantels, titters and (tollS, and t<flbSuills how Ilattire

has drst11tied the heads to perleclis' suit lIe elll 1011 - ments in which the ,Oililillil are (oiitd $4.44

H0\V 10 ('flOt).Stc A CASTING ROt) t47 5 fcClt,

Here's one be the fisherman, Ic (tnd,itiirrui (Luslilic

de,crtl'cr poiutts to took for fiticil SClt-o1Iri,t a good

custii(tt rod, and (teltloiis(ralrs Ille toe of nll-vetcetcd

ri-lets ;und hue rititil ('uit witlt pictiules of (tstiuflg evcnr-

siOns in Ilurrida Ill_I Mainc . . .911,99

FLORIDA I'ISHIN(i l300.1eeil. Simon's the variety

of fisit foit is) in I (Or dcl's W_ltCi'i . , . t,arractucia

boneti'h. dolpltin. manIa-ray, sailfish. slImE and slln7-

ray, TI,c unithith sequences aue i,cry gu'u'J anti

chIde niflitY spcctaciitii( picnics 01 Iatge fish and

the proper von to handle ltueuu .... .5 11,95

G1)\LS FOR (tOLD AND (21.(')(t'i l)Ø() , Ieeil, Mod-

tilt loutbull and an inlelcsilu'li tittlilIll into (he diliet-

citce hichvecil the profcsstortiul and collrprc ti-hIlt 5'..95 MElODY '('0(1K (200'fcct.t. An Orcaribititute svti(i

l'occl Is t) y Sits is rru,<is , . $ .98

NET FISIIIRS OF PAT/,(:I;.\R(I OSOket), Tm.tiei

I till, Oil this piettilCsqllC ni ea of Mc c cu 59,90

11411 Pt /v' i'LL PEST LlS0.bcetl ( itttn,hia (,ur

(i_molt .,,,,, . 97,77

SKI P1 lOTS 1300-It-ct I. 'h'he Iutt) zvtd C sct;ii ,iIctut of

busth snullilturr tinS svt'lIcr sLutii Oil ( 'tts 'clICu

Cub,. Lake I'taoid .N.'..'t n it 9'. iilLt'I It IlCul.

('in, . 97,99

SN(IOKLJM IIE'IRS OS A R.\OIt \(;L 1 1 00-lec'ui,

I 'c'sltC ., 5911)

59(5 I FR SI'OR IS (300fee0. Oflicicil Spslls t;liil 81150

((ASS IN AR('tiI'RY tttIO,f'uii. Itritsuri t(ubt,

lit-I I ruictret . thIs- I dcttlfln'tritticilS ritl&l iiiltetu on

(ICI Itt-I I tlt Pt Ott ct'5'Ii' III bow and ;trt lily 911.95

5v\SIftSG'ION 1300'fec().....tnts- t.t usll (0

notion's CtIptiS( ccitt-re hlulldjflCs, Iron lu' 'ills 11151

Scenes o f ttislO(i and titiLOitSli illipOitilliC ci C I lIt .' vi,t

, ', 551'S)

\(_ES I P1)1ST Sr'l' 81 1101 OF 01 K Al-I ui 1' 1

Icel). u'u i' . Cit at a 59'c,I Poiult cash_I is t cii,'_,l,irt,

I:tltn fealnres Cl, s sriItunl 511011ev ;ippltd it minute

buttes,. btring Itilits blilIslille hri,l,ries ulIl slit 'II:

ss'l(li ollules , Si, Ii 0

GILIRALT4R fSOO.fecii, TIn pti_tllrc s.r I CIt It.

(au I> insdeffl (115511 it 111111 6 orti Ri ii , i e 511111,

f101y hut-, Stout . Ii'C b;rt ltI',t.I, 1 It'll'.11151% SliCe. ,

;,tld ricilli' 0: (tie It-crib ciis'o,sts

I\'LR'8 I (IINGS Di'('KY l7 5 0tctlt. 9110,1 step I"

area prcp.iatl(iu in yettitit, ct-till) to it.. si otr


dtter.s Wttt.Il lIlt- (tIlilIct briius Ironic 5.1 1i5

FORISSI' (1-SNOSTISRS l2,0 (cell, In 'ardci to piurt ci

S lvi herds of 8cm nusi ic ca I I IC 1 ni_I silt-vip. i ti cli 5'

deer ;unsl 011151 grtnte allinitli (Il_il Ilill_Ibli tIle *l'CsIsI II

niciins of (tie United St;leS. Pt o(es,il,ll,tl Ilulilic'I

are ciigcttuett Ircitn time to lime to rid (lie du'utrtel ut

nloitnt::tlt 11111(5 and oIlier ktltei ,. $11 '15

1 1)1(0 i -5('TS ( 10(1 fret I. A I tii'C 1 Cell n'IiiIltu'r,t',

Iri.'1,Stit4 (it tpIc. 1, .' 4110 C',srt;, ,.,, Slid

( St tl'l 1,1 if. (II lcti'lI)\ fit I liii 111) .75) ICCII

l'i,,r'rts', S t,'1,tt,,,'itIt.rI,ti I iI.11qiti, do I .iu.ltcIIi_'

in 1St: '511cr I', 'II RcllII'i'Itl't

f_IS' l7.(i i LVI OSLO (SuXt-lOcu). Shuns the inut5lttiCta(tic

CretIilri_ t (toOl live 61 the c 510 -101(110, stlr I .....$9.9 i

SI-IDRILAIOLi) OVSL (515b.lcc() Ast tllsil'tclioIilI

ft(it hstutt ltrtlain ittk piciuicv lIre 1101111 ii It'abilit

of tIle Stlout'talvd Owl, lilt blSlIChtltIi 01 CCCS , and

(Itur p loble m s 01 teediliC tl1c btrdv ,8'l,')

lItRE AS I) tIL uSSI I. I I l_ (27S-ft-eli, (i9ptt(Iie tells

belon2iliO to Ilue CctbotttfClO1iv Ace , gtcunl descit

cacti, yiICC.i patoIs tIll,) tIlt- (iltIct pliies Oh C.cuItiolilI.t

alt Zllll,1t4 the ii.ierestt,lui lot (It Oh seCCI5liiie file

pictured .....-.-..--.- .'.''','''. $8.88

At'RIC S I NT.SMEt') 025-lcd) So aoi,,ztllC it'd

excttttle piotlil'C or Itlo'Ii ill Id S nitust iilicic lice.) arura

((ts, Atti can jumicle. I 1100 I thus nI 611Cc t lii 1i115

Ir,,stilc t.'i'. 11155 II ill) tile i_(tatpvi of a boll c(cph.uilt

toaddcncd ha a 5511151151 .

AlRI'(,,ASI' I)) t)RAkI(.I(' S't SI I-MS (351) tech, A

tech itt_u I C 5l allati01t of Ole workings of (lIe Il I d .ili

tie 5 1'tcuIS (ii an 'airplrtiie. cspct.tlly (110' (OltciiOltS of

iieiti.uliutit tIre riluCtIliltO geat autO wuttg 1(111' owch,sit-

510 . $1.96

ALL 'I 1.5 1-. I Itictt l,175.lecii. TItrougil ,'\,oerierius 31111110

Red (' i 1155 , ArlIerica' 'vciiooi eoilvlrcn leitt II tile

Ii iiI,3 lii csi)((e .cdership se th.2ovcr(ilnent and oOfll-

Iuultiiy set I ICC. I his ti.fi.rcIl 01 Tnt'c plottIlettillI

shosss ,t1ic( Cit on Ilie ib sers 1101 the sctlOsi(S (hilt.

flltlnitICS ,lfld tile natli)fl ............ . .57,94

ART POINT's''IHI' Cl u .-I1 Y (4110-feet in Color), 5,1

li_it il s I,l55t-Oilltl sttuialit)'i Ill all cicaleilbti V pluh(lc

sCIlIlsit in nitIsit u,rt is usc) not only to Cet i,'llllrlrCfl

tO (iSP ccv It CIII'S' se,. trill .oc all aid In lea, i1111'

siiht Cotl,,:iiter . i)l)9

BEANS I \ I IS. 3 51 K I 1(1(1 coil. A '(eli) lot 311,511 $7 . 53

B('l' 01 Il( \R'SI V 12,rO teetI I' sciy.tiut- ustli lOIn

1(1 vi(l'il'i Iliene Ii 1511 I, 11111 iC-I Fl the Pu.'tit t S tiles,lit.'ll

ill I ed 95 .irtllgs Pet'll"l. Iu, 11110 fl5 a nd t he 1 titte'stly

('1101 butn',ilI C ''II, iho 5_line 01,1 Stllllsi.tltl

'Itt riCe Si_Ill Il-mine /5(1111 K.Iluice'-I

R,l I 11,1 (Ic, [.0u5 gal ... , StI ill

11011'S III SI I) Sb (21S.leeil A corul,15 1151111115;

Bob ihiipc Ill (I,e 5,11 Is i_I, ivSl'lthlc cat-Cr S I 7 Sit

5 SOIl) ('IRS' t,tO04e111, An rsil,illril 111111 piCililO

III tit_Sis iii i t (uSd1 lIt-lilt- c_IP'tliil IS It lviii

sI ti i,:


lt,hii.,t .01 1tt,i,iru (sit ill ,' i_tI._lis alit-i lhCir

ut,i.it.1- S 1. 1 16

( \\'DY (((SC'S 121)O'tre0. A luuui';tti lIliEs c1rt,'lltu

('\167sl'u 'ui At t III. /(')() 13101 l'rvIt An eilieiicitit-

- i,,1; iutiit bi_Slill rIll'.1 II IlliCIt Cl-'jul 1,011-I 11,11110! itic hIlt.,,

plul 111.1 tIle Pi. hE'll - aild ('l 1,1 111101 '5 11151511 I pui'r

lu till I 115 I S I I.' 5o1 . J9

I ((( ' f.m S(,l('Kt. 10 (lilt 1,-el Ill It OCt ChiIltCi.Itin ,

\, C'. I clii'. vi. Ir ' ill (lit5 I.iue.t a 1111101 I.'viii 11' SI 2.08

('II Y oh: ( tVtS(i R(:I\1. t.titI)-(:etl. A Ituid itC.

tIlIC of libe in the he. to' tIlt" otiS i_ito of 'Siltl'liIil_

C uuit:nt,il,I .%hillvs (tic I,rrl,lat 'h aol puss '-c' ml cci 'I

Ccult,ifl. iuittei II n,clltods 8111 luortIt- (il. 11 111

( I U I ('II AND II 551) tbtt,'uKtll 1340'1tSltt. A U S.

( It I ice of I',tlIc,lt 1111 lii Ill iil.i I _Itsiti' ; (1510 to sicierinhriC

the amonut of el,is.'h nedia ctc.t,',uiicu' or

cOrr :cl shutiornlil I .islt; check cluitelt I or sIlt'('l ltC.

lu_Ilihifl7 OC dr,iOl ;rnd adiu, lIre hanul brlsc ¶4 It

('RtPPl.I'.It ('ARt DAVIS vs. 0 SNN',' 8(cSH 5SF

(I)1Si.l eel I.

This is a ' 'n 1,1st' I O"55ii SI I i,w I, ns as

liC ('cli hoOt- rs oil;bisi lIst nlic II Top ill ' I tie

Mott Irvenl .522.27

1)1(1 TIt.S't f)(S (225 cell. .'\ 9\ ,.htcr I 011tZ Faill

I' .,I,te CttltO011 .. 87,=7

LVEit(it. 5I)tSS POSSE 050-ft.- ': It. $tt,mi. Floltilcu is

the 5111111 for th i s 111111. f-aturing the SllerttI 5 Posse

54111) iii an 50111(511 il edith111151110'u drill Ieaitl null C

31 IllS cilitruIry (oil ,, . ' $9.45

I 11,51 C OSIML'CIOI:E No. 8 (6O - teh0. -'u World

5'.ur It 'iS ,Ir I)u'p.IhlIllellt rel ace, this Olsens V. liii

stil(1L evcitiilg I s 1W' Ic 'ICI 'trotirbu hg - lOts. and md iiliCv

ssCn:'s of est:ubtishItIC a aeachlicad I'- Italy and ll(c

t,lcn IlcinC atsieked by N..,i 111,0 t,o'nl,er-,. C 'losing

0110(5 -lIons ntcdtc.i( C.lIC at CavIl illieS dll(iIlg billie 59115

l'(RrI AID FOR ('thE'sI((' SI C SOt ''.1 TIES (SOt)'

(cel). An official U. S. \i'ifli Itilil dclhhig wi'la

0 I,enut eat n SI (1011 . ......... 97,45

I. 5 P51)1 Y Ft IFS 1250I':clI. C),le of the Secrets

of Nati,r ' -sertes . tilts dealt will ituc ltttvcrer and

Drltnt- "h(lt liIvt-s . 1i15-, lIlt ilical 1') tls,'ijti leSs of

Itt-sc (li'v 9609

t I 'N AT THE ('16(1 S t,en be,i1 I) ItIlIPt 1(il,lhi t l'is,

leai It. 's tt,h.a Itt-rut' isO5. Ill-I'u_'ktti , ctii 115 ,llld vt-aix

plus ci svtit,(e ('i170111 If \Irnctn tins sInot lle,v,sl


all st'I,slci,-lilig It Ill Ill tills ulory 01 (lIt- I , Ri I l.ltl•' . I $,06

(1.9)' Oh I) I) 5)15

(2'11 ccli. 511 ellIs- rustin lit-, tliiCe_',tI

ccl 115 tca4triuie I 1.111< I 11111(1 _ Siser,,,rn ( IiisFrin

_ui.i I,,iIl I , ii.' 95 I t'?

( ; r>t 511 . (lOSt' t(,tlil (IC! I S it SnIlisittli

coni'Jy starring Ittl.Iltr VCst 0111 I olii P;,ir,.t,is 514,95

UREItI' S ti'ilSl.i't-elI. I n:Ctumri.u( xrrt'Jv at 1111' s'Oiifitry

alt) Av, itCotuic. til5llICCd tii (hi. _.$Itt,eli of Time StIlt

HI 61 I I I t:.5R\t 1.910 (ct-Il, '5 t'arnler Al t,lt

t_', lrtti'l 1 . ' . .57,77

IIERF.8 H(b('KF'l' (351-feel' The iruars of tee hctkcv ill, 510 'ilaiTEi'C ill S and )i ,flt-ssiuura( lrIii'ers deni.iu,-

i_l,nte (Ii,.- s. kilt and It-i. II nt('tll of The .lt,rPe . . $7.71

1115012 1101 100\' (750-ft-elI. This reel deals o'iiii

the tetnptt-s and ret i'1 'ic,ti,. eercl,rolliur, of I 1151151 .Sli'ni.

uacrcd rtcr.lta nut, ,iiecli:a flI (II 0,. gay processions

of ,uc'caris, eII1ICI ill ilIVil c_lrrist7cc and ammtilsellls - lll

p1(5 . . . . . . $0.49

I) Oh Y V F -.5 It Oh' I It.til 1 IOO-leei). I li,ioric seville'

are captured for,,- I 'I 'ill I im '0(1:115 sstti, lIlt- C'pCtl'

toe of tIlt: lt'ti'c t)oul tiid the cplebralion of flue votelul It Sel(it-rs of The ( 'hull 5 ii Yc a r. Ci 11$ COIlI (illl

In tlltlliiltts of pill-rolls 10 (Ilti Ill-Il.' (iIv . .511 99

FIORSIi9 T,'St 1° (250.(eeli ,'9(' Ixite Fairy Ps,l,Io. Va!Ier I c, lii, carIllon .. $7 '77

I4ItNei,'ubttAN RH At'tiODY (tiN) It-ct) ,,& Phi(iirtr- niciflic Orcitt-.ii .1 trIal 5 (tic I.i,,tt(iar classic as a

hacknroutod for a dr,inu 'muon of the nan,ic 9u45

II 5 51 \S 01' TI I I' C 'I I I ' Il ('I I ( I 7t)-bee t. The (amili.,r i,iintm. '(li r;litl. , I ­ J noitl is prcst-i'it-d

s_ 'Ite .81, I 1th ( 115115','II .'i';_'ttitct all tlppioprirltc

5,1 lii)

11)1,5 ritSt'-(6 'I fit. I) 1i 2.1: (27(0 let- 1 Puo-J',cc"J

Es 515,II I)i'.,ir', 1,11 the (I, lirlillISt 9t-toti_uiiltc to

0 1 . 111 the SV I I . I. s. steIn ill itielllttt toll (lit- 'Kinti- 11511,11' . $5.96

tST7R\' 'II 11)\ SI 'SlIt P1111 I i'OO.lcett. 7Ipefluiu d.tt Ccrcli lnhli,,sitll' ,: 1111,11,1 lilt-i .,l 5111,011 ktio,sn Is

ti.tte'illil ,-Sitp1tt. \I'tt. \I 1 i i. ('iii' $li 49

'('lIE 15915(111 II 991)5(55 (tjl).1retl, A silIrs' adrl,,t-(4 froni (lit- Ii,otiltn li_tire hi -atlIr s1' Irl hOt the Cr5_It Jut,lil lIar; I iiiltlC s,i,cl ' lilihliSh Pt (ICC 11995 TIll L.ssr t s' rEEl' t00fceil. TI it-sIc' ly Of (1w Ililtell' St-sIc of Vie tut' 1111 , 11 ii, incttixil I in ihc United Slits. t,Si'lu)r,iltolt. Pl'rtJIlCflllfl. leltIlille tnluIkp iii' 51111) IOSCOICI1 all de(aul.'.l. 'I'lie tOil,. II hrtilt arouri'tl ills 1151 It-Il let-I 0 iOtli_t,i Ill IiIit'l,lIIuiL' h ",,Is1IIt'tl

II II It Irotri a setsiCt: 51:11101 puhllI1) 11110 lIt

01 ltliiltIlI'PtIvis . .. St 0 1)1

I Si lll\1i I; 5.5 (22 8 -bi_i;). A t IIP mile Fus't: c.- 1111111 501:5

I s/S Rh)' I 11-515 13 lO.t.c() Ttiri, e ciii st I1CI.lisl

ale titt.'_s'ihlt'I I Ill tIt ulitilitl5itl( SusIe 01 tIlt7 Cl_I

li''t I Sr bulls Ii,,uticrs, ' IilCsllti'iSt-ti' I_I/i Rt,ei' I Reic L,Il ('lI.rit 1111,1 TitI t'ireil

I 1.5 SI I St\O I Rh 1111' 11100(1'S RING '11,1.

l,','i' S 5) ' ll,1',i:.'t cItil' 'i ttll,t lll' TI: icc' lrt- :

1511' t'. 6S6

DAV a OT, Ib'*

EI''i Slf". Ci S 11I[s"riI('1C ct':t'i :rn ri -c.

liltI 1511 15,11CC II to i_''.tI ,.11.i _iuL'll.,SUlfl,Iil,' I III I' I'

5111ev of bred VS irlli4'x Pc;lll,tt.,iilciiIl and

tillIeflIty ('1101 uS, 5¼Oi .0 t are Suliet ilIlilltsCJ Out

rulsmp. t_ltC b,ickerilll lids for

i8 ui_us 5 ' ui Ivy' . ' I (0,107 do (JIlt ICOIICt a lId

ItI liuC I'Ie,,i I of 'I cx1,x'

I Flit lilAC. IC SCORi) I(il)iJ.icCtb, I'o* Ilsitiousi .IIt

C iesli 75 7-ilelton stat itt (Ills Conway . $ I 'i I

7111(1' OfILI_lIS t 1)O(l.(etit. A siloatiotl CIIfl(Cd) .

itl4 111111 IliC lila and loves of a sCert-islip . S is'',

A 7s101)ISI6N 4.1-I S 1 p1lt.:ell, Spuii.t.ried by 0 C

Uell':t II I.Iectmie C tliflp,llit tilus (tb'il delis u'tth U

511111 of (((('dci II tichIulIC , ' httt\'(ii 01.51k MICKLI t179.ICt-tI. A 7ulivikiis hIlt,

S'I I,

SI) 511 AND l'lhi_'SR r i401)4eell, An tultci'PISI ISIS.,t

01 Ill ., h3t(ltIaI sti() 1111111 $VIlitu'Ii I u,us n.liII'

tell' SIll?

A PIL I tRF IS SISDIC hitOO.ICet itt (0 ) ltrt. .


mortal tiot 1 tistil 115 (hi_- c unleta behritid tIle CalltC'l

Ill,uI IllIflid l ite I caulle ItliliC, 'Snub I e . OIl, , ',

tulItfi' at The inCeniumus ltle;llu.rjs lIst- 4 Ill lItsilu a .. .1

on I :'i ott Lice alilliCiltie ac(iiI(l scOne llCC,5 (I i_lIlt I t .

11, iO,cillt and also show, (lie t (C illeilulltuis ilitSIuhlI 7

1111: pSIrollIn inId(ICd in makIlIg a picnic ctCil'':

l,,u C ti Si uigk catutvi St is sCi lIp .

I'r)R ri,I(; SI (425.fvrIt, 41115 Mar-ri, of I hIflC pluS.i'

1100 siutiles (II_ 5t 11115 Cl ei(tlC,lii'tfl (091)1 , CC1iriIlli'

_,tsiJ 'I It tills :0111111) . hlil;lII:li_I/t-' tIle I rr C

of 11,c Roimirtli CalIlilbIs' <'tiurh In The We it lit.,

l'C5)i 1 !_ (lI,d that ihe CiltillilItil (Ill'' It,'Cii pIrates lIlt II'

utf Ihe Ii jill, lute. of (I.e p.hpZlh entsc 'Ic'.115 ' S '53

P11 I I A ,_ 111 1() ,A I IF F l')lht)'let-Ii. Fis'dIved br III

N 1lj1l5_iI tiisiilltl 01 \7iii_il 130.1111,. iS p0011,1'. 11

of ;,1iibti_t lie Ills' (It ltiOiill'i 1 ,und 1_ililCi's IdI.'_Ils.8' t I

ls'l,li':s lie their child sitU The ill hii,)li it CI: .

in rIle viltill. ti_It'litflhi tts cltz,ticCs of I. itItvlIiii no

by ., whi _usliis.lcsl 5,,itili

PostM O F Pi_'sI,'si,1i (3liciceuI, P.m rli't'-S S 11.1 i

tilt- lilt- If a n(it-ilttt-l'J, pO,i(ot.-rtptled In it Cii , no llettrlvihlcnt S I

I'(l\\ FIt .\'-l) tl( I' SNu ' 1t21)(I'lviI,'lt. .9 mcillliC , l ' t'l

de:ll,ill: tritht itle ri_ui, I_ti 55,11k of lIme pci,t. 'II

iflIlItsIt 5' III tlue dci c',ii1li'.1cmt at 111571 OcI liii. n.ts'IIl',tc

fri 15 I. silt-I I Slates ' Sti Piwem I SI' I'?

'I I If I'( 1)1)1 E P 5 I ('It I, I I it tttll 10 Cell Si I (it

R.tcu,h I.'utti civ ,:arjli, : t..t (.1,1111 fl Ed I)uliul. 5.1111

liulti and 11111, (5'',, I_I 8 63

It 11)11 fiSh f,'OVu'hl(l')' I )08tft-t-tl. Silt- rovIt-Is ii i-ti

11 111 151 all IlfiIl'ii'tll:' ruil him and'(lIlt ti'i_ s 'drib l'iIlI 1 5

tilt 57(150 55'iI.l:I .5 (iIlo.feei, A itltrl le.,trj of

_lihlttrC,ttit'. (lull ihIl ii,t ,Cit-ss s IslI.l It-s of ,tl,i.iV

Ie,It I .li-1 to the (nOel recmd brcako'ISI all 0-let-I1

S 911 Fl 5SF (5(tO,te.'t'. D,',nItIilll)ltt-i. tIlt- 11111111,

lards ails' ht-oiit . ot ,,i'rts,ltcs. Ill 114 Sloe8 of ilIc

,t,'lIirt- 11,5 511, 001 II) ChIld .1 i:IslCn,tl In t-ulil iii -

fci:iut flr,5,'t-s 115 1, P1 itt.' ill f ull iliSilt (lIt- I i_iO1

and o. s'.Ifl Ni. -mc

3, 95 (':151 'lIt I ('ttsI'tc,'l u H,t- c P11cc t-{t l4,i'l' t:tIt-,imc'd s,i'railtItiltC ill (01. 'uresellt ti_hive t xc piI,t,u1.i!

of _'i,ss.sie.il sviI'i.'ttS . SIll

'I HI S('RFF.'S '1 h's I isSO.teett, (81151Cr \.5'cst is tie.-

tl(rCIi tI (((II conlssly . . . 1.10.45

Sut7s(i .'\N() liii lt.\I't't' (OI).ttc't. Sine 'd.t,u; tuiiO

(lIt- .sIl _lttll_iilCi 01 I it-s I 9 ' :li 11125 Petull,, l';u:tu;sirc

smiki OhIO t'jck'nss. Sill':? (:uniibi:,r rnel,xlIe its ''I'll

lie tA 1 ,Ik . ug 5S'IIti Sit HoSt-v ' , 'I Nei'ei Kt;t-ic" ,r'd

- I'll St- S'u'llh i ll Sty D C011lx , .

11111 SINGIN(- hi.SRItIiRS (250.icc(), 'us et 1111'.' ,,luIC

ctailliIlUlit(y sing pill7rnI II featlti lull I'resI

(iulrslilii.t,ts tIns' (jnitttie AlIsills, join in Itle

I I ' t(u the li qht of lime Silvery Slooll'. 1 56 aitl

SI Girl .Old ''(')h 'I u-Ill If,' iuilttut t)s'1l' .

3. t St S S I .5 (275-Cs-ct I. l'clim,es nlcu'tem' of the spiui I

Ill '1011017- racullg down nml'utltain sidcs and rtx'i,t'l-

tint till 110711 bt_r7:lrulomrs fort-sl(d ci ii,t s C' .S

SONIl AND I) 55k F I' ;R.SDE I'e() ft-Ill An 051St-.

tsIiItiIlIt P111CI_Iflt 01 fluulsj , ' and dane-' sb 'In Ui lilt- illitS

Tus Itt Gil Is- the Sulelod lii - :. (fob I'Irtrinci,, and I)stiitIa

11111 It-alt. Sc(eerfotic jri ' ' Si-n Ar'- SI v I lIck)' 51 a I

'Oh (tie Mall' and "Two lOcal (5 TI,ctt P3cc i ll rite

Nicht . . . 57 95

btl)-1 OS (lh I (05 , E (tilt) lv ci I. It 1111.1111 baltads ci e

heat ilti 4 in this m,tsi...it pIt-seIltaitSlfl. I he Mt-li_isle

Mass's, [Nut C.ixiIlcCs oi0ltotrra ins' l)ase SclIOr'ii:

Sus'tn'3h':i,', stt,i 'In I ov'e :tl1l a.Son" .

'IIt.ti Itt-I I tEe I ote alld Ii All Comes 08.'-. (

ml Si.: Nrsiv' r .5'45

9 1151 75 II 1(051 \NC'tS (27S-ft-I ', Ti,e imrche'.r' Ii

of I:r,iei'r I)Cuisclr SlOt Will Ovt''t.'lc, ,viuh St lItluil

,r;d SI.,xjiie. efl(l-- l_,itl rtittl ' Sia'sI,isl'_ 'I,vO (titt,i'."

,sil,I ''I sstt-' - 05) S ret- I S,srt 9' Ilit

.St'OOK 9' 1100K)' ( 1 .leott .,A tl,tl RuvtC!l cillltclO

1 liii 111 ER 'S I ( ('K 000 ft-el), '1 tic Il-leO It Ill

is ihe (jIbe for the CII'ltlilS jiin1i1_ ' tort- tm lIsSt-

C II.'tISI ciers alt I i_Ilk Ttsnnias, ti.Ilit_ is- tab111111,

J nc's 51 tItlilli t . So oat, 5ij lix a titi Pal 0' Brtviit

'r(Nl'YPISS (2(111 it-cI). 1 1 sit- cv frl'tiu an dcl l5ot1

5tIIilliml are the I,ackr,rOund for (Ills Clttltltllll't 17 .1 1'Z prtu"rcutl C I old 111101 lass,, i cc I ew Vv'hite is at I lIt.

151 5 II dines, '(In a Il lets it- Itlitt lot

lEltIre ti he built- 1l TIi,mim ('enslix ,'ed'', ''Yu'hcn S '' i_nd t $'(eie Young .51,11 titO' and 'uA'tth a Pi. II

Pri,,lr CII Yori" cc IC

lIt OIlER I II h' (250'fcci' 'SIll- tIer Al (OTtO C I.

lIon 5 - 0

'I ClASh '(('5 (OlIN IN AC Tt02, itOtO.ft-cIt, ( 'c

151 rIte ('harteicil (Iitsb s t is mIle ii,Ic (01 iltiS ens-I,),-

of he ''orut , um tiI cl11t11 n sot IS

liS('I E (O7i1'S I 51(15 (200.leeit ,.A NIi,'Et-u 51,1111.1

'- II tItlist I . Si I t lit

I rrct')l:t(sv,l,'t'FR I'C'f'CII 1 lIe Ctl'listSl goes hllt,ICI

wamt-r Ii l-t'r 11(5 i1Citli 115C luon of 1551cr t5OiO ill I

pi'ig,tC li'htnii . 9.' S TIR\'tt59S t'IO{l'°eetl, a II. S. Office of Fdlic.,ut It.

111,11 n'hteh dents will, lime princt,ute of the v-:r hr

veil': and its a' p 1 1., j i in to a 01 Ic, iIfllCleI ansI I'

1115011 iusI 011iStde C,ltItlClSi how In u,c and ic J vt-rim! er fl .;._' blue ICI scuu1t v.-r ilter C 1 I lIters 51 114

A av.-at F'S 5\l. I (OStE ': iO.iecli ,, n Rcutnh,ow F ii.

nile cartoorm StI 'IS

\aI't'K.iND t'.-i I )( I 5'5y'O(aI) (,i5-feel). An etS: I,

taiu,mI 11) 10111 It tIll' attlll,ln pucl'Ili capital CII lIlt-

IVIli I'd c_fl

SC't5 s1'h'l('2 P 5( II IC I.\9T Fletlt(lH I 17 $0 (viOl.

One ,f the t(I.''ktm..ncts series of mcilruratl htlul'. - this ç (lie vs

It (S'lkIslid. California to Salt I 'Cc

('ill' c oca t-I hit- tilltih,l.'k So, 57 . S '4

\vf ill's .5 159' '5 1 1 11 F '/,(uO fSlRl-tt-s-ti. An anlo' .17

1'0' iIlC of ''Zfll.l'( Imy IIItIrt.11S at the coo. Pt,1' s'Ititrips St-SI Is. 0iI'tllOs. 111' 1 ulIlItlil, iSIflO, hippos in I -_Iller challIs' Crt-'luilrcs tIC shox it iii SI).

'Vt'-CGS t 't 11.53 Ir,'C 1, The sIt y of di'- t a "c lvt-e 115 of disc ipt inc s nvirnl I II eil 51114) sun I hc'd ISO I I., (erutlinti lIP Ill t,i5l't'ljO0 irc'ii OIlct-i S lIite b,''t,'cl .11 the I' S. Anus ..\t, Forces tr It, Ilie r.ltlk tI xt' v''illsl I I'lli ,'',tulI. ('I ,,i_ (table. rafllflin

Cit itttI1 , Vv'l.iiid \ a (I, t, tl,Iit-'llu'll l i_ti Ihie tutu 59 15



Ii , III''k:i,u:l, Is ,, ',0I',,tII' 1,lt 111.51.51 1,11

5ll'lIS.t. lItfll'll sl!.':lt i:tj Sflt:Il.

lie. IttI P'tl IC P, hIs, (lilt i_',iiitr t'lfll' Ill

1)1.1 t5l lIStS fllti'Si it? ,'Citiiplrie sv'iIlm llttlill aiiul curd (lIlt-s. and jim remiurcill' :IIll,sb coirdiliorl

ivtic'iCs'l'. (.ItiSI IIC ti '.l,uiii:ii 4 sIi,trihsliir:c (ll'lt'

I-u ,IIllu :5 SIt'.ht 510 Z ,slO. 1(1,11 555011 6 ( tIll SIC,

I ii(y- E. B. I- . , C ' ill l'll(t-1 . Pti_ tIll tul .5 N . 1 . .5

do . tie. We tv ill alit but' or t, , lso'iii It-rile Slims of the SOC_Ill ''t".lt ( and htll lc'qii:

lYlIc t,t fil,tm.s as we do not offer That tyIc

01 sUtlit-CI.

If 05111 have a Cr0110 of used films --from

SI fo Sn titlrs to a cot-pIcte Libtu, rt'-gi I C US a

complete ( '-1 i lv by (tile. proilticer or d tsirih:i I

Or, p1 2) cr5, foolatre and as III vshietiier I Ilimltli

%Illlhii2 or sil''nt, or tllimnm, 55'e'tl tlrprit-dtrlio'tu'

sells' yotu our defintir Oiler to iativ,







5n,in conolrle' hlnrk and iIiite diIion.'.. aboiU I5-[eet. 9-ezs,, flalion.

all, al 5.9 1;, ..nI

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tinusual Flints 611-31 CAMERA TIIRII3 14 -OF THE WAR 511-37 THE CORONATION OF POPE JOHN XIJI 111-70 FA\IOUS FIGhTS. No. One 111.10 HARI.I:M GLOBE IROTIERS-BaskCIbaII wir-

ars]ry 911-30 4l0'1ES GREA lEST HE.tDLINES-"Hin-

denbc-r' dicasler. Tacoma bridge, Pearl Har-bor. &Ior,s Bomb


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11mm. 'headline" color sersiol1a aboul ( Fl-tI., 2-o45. nalionally adsrlI.sed II -

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C•:--aJlinn) 816-IS (Complete)

SPECTACULAR NEW YORK ~6-7 (C lcllinn) 1(16-7 (Complete)

YOSEMITE WONDERLAND SUt,-O , t-tladhnc) 616-13 (CompLie)

National Film's



Id -Oh coeb, about I7S-fel. Smn,., 9-ms, nalionally d'erticed at 05.95. -

0(2(1 - -

913-61 .'.N'E OLD PORT - 913-58 BELOW 11-1(0 1413-62 THE IHAIS 1413-60 RCsY BOI)lFI. 613-71 CIIICIENS COME HOME i13-71 Il-OF CHI(Il' 14(3-64 COUNTY HO'-PlIAI, 613-63 O)RTY SYOLK #13-59 Il-HG 0%llI) 913-54 1(E HO(1FGOW -

813.73 THE LAUREl AND HARDY Sit 111)14K CASE 1403-Il) )ICDNIGiIl t'AIRUj 112-97 P7.0FECI F) 902-95 TWICE 1550

WARNER BROS. CARTOONS 6,,nn. color prb.Os, abOut 1I0fedI. 3-em- .................... --------

mom. black and .bilc p1)1*6, about $2.95

106-feet, 30140- ....................

AlONG CAME DAFFY with l)affy Duck No Color Vcri.Ion 914-4 (flAW Version)

SIRDY AND THE BEAST with Tocetie Poe No Color Version 914-7 (B&%V Version) BUCANEER BUNNY ,.ilh Bugs llnnlly No Color Version 814-9 (RAW Version)

BUCKAROO BUGS wi th Bugs Bunny

No Color Version 814-14 (B&%V Version)

RUGS BUNNY RIDE$ .&GALN with Bugs Runny 519-5 (Color 8'CrsiOn) 814-21 (B&\V Version)

CROWUNG PAINS wIlb Leghorn and SyIester 919-4 (Color Version) 814-19 (B&V Version)

DAILY DUCK SLEPT HERE with Daffy Duck and Porky Pig 819-3 (Color Veosion) 914-16 (BAW Version)

EAGER BEAVER with Eager Beaser - No Color Version 814-2 (B&W Version)

COOl-V COLlIERS (Sterile Melody) No Color Vcrsion 014-I5 (flAw Version)

IIAREDEYII. HARE 551111 Btgs Bunny and the MartIan No Color \ersion - 904-22 (RAW Version)

IIOILS%%O(II) D.-1(FFY wiIh Daffy Duck No Color Version 8l4-ll) (3&W Version)

HOP, lOOK AND lI.SIEN s,ill, S.lsesler No Color Vcrsion 914-5 (B&'CV Version)

}IOHSEI-t V FLEAS uilb 11Irr Horsefly and l-redly I-teas -

No Color 8ersion 1414-I8 (RAW Version) --

I TA%V A - PUlTV TAT with Iweelic and Slyvesler 919-2 (Color Version) 814-13 (RAW Version)

NOTIIINC BUT THE TOOTH with Po.ky Pig 619-I (Color Version) 904-8 (RAW Version)

RABBIT PUNCH with Boga Bunny No Color Veisioo 14-3 (R&\V Version)

THE RATTI,ED ROOSTER with Fohoru Leghorn No Color Version 814-I I (IU6W Version)

IIIE SIIELL-SHOCKEI) EGG- s,-iln lIttle Tiurle No Color VersiOn 804-17 (B.t\V Version)

.SQUAS%KIN' HAWK with Henery hank No Color Version 141-0-20 (B&\V Vcrsion)

SNIF1-I.L'4 AND THE OWL with Sniffles Ihe Mouse 919-6 (Color Version) 814-23 (B&\V Version)

TWEISLIE PIE with Tueerlc and Slvcstcr No Color 8'erslon 804-29 (RAW Version)

(IF-STANDING SITTER with Daffy Duck No Color Vrrsion 811-17 ilt3.\' 'erston)

WI-hAT MAKES l)AFFY DUCK? with Daffy l)uck Na Color Version - 914-6 (8kW Version)

WHAT'S IIREWIN' BRUII? nil), The Three Bears No Cole,: \crsion Ill-I (B&\V Vcrsioz)


now avai[able in 8mm. 0mm. black and while trUlls. aboul 175-feet. 9-ozs., u(lli000llv adscrtiscd 01 14595, Black- lIaISE l,r)eed at ... --------- -

814.27 THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT ERIGADE starring Errol Flynn

The slurs of the Iambus charge of )lsç 2 - 114 Lancers I nto the VaIley of l)eollt. a ill, the a efl-knoa n poem

by .\ I fr#d lord Tcnnv'o,t ' ioss-rt along with the action.


starring The Three Stooges TlCcsc 7OICV 1. tv--: i!Cs SIC levision today in a vitd

iOU iSiCCIl / 'CSZCI II. 1 i igSs on top of ac),ort as Ilte 11(2CC Stooros help the Nlarstsal captOrs the gold thics Cs.

814.26 - HIP ACTION with Bobby Jones

Voit cn'l help coltieC: slrokcs n et your score when soil follow the simple out c(I.ctise cnample demon-(CtalCd 14 5 I011dCCCCS g(eoLCSl ligutc.

814-24 KEYSTONE HOTEL with The Keystone Kops and Ben Turpin

All- time CtflCCds tavoriirs. in a resis ml 01 the htlar-

mCi5 pi#-thmi_win9 scenes ol early movie (Ia)'. Nobody o has 55cr been able to d slapstick comedy any better

or tmtnflier .

814-28 MONSTERS OF THE DEEP i lmikint,, mm broamlinil ssvordImsh is only the start of tOte hatllc in land the tiibting fish. Sec es ns - Cry mnmtte

ot the filtt to boat a 700-1b. b,oamlbmtl oft the coast of South America.

2 0s. C -


Sceuc from tIlt, fatuous Latmrnl A hardy Contedv "Double Whoopee", produced by Itoh Roach in 1928. Thig was Join Harbw's firsl screen appearance.


(Sorry, but We can ship prints mH Laur6l and Hardy Comedics only to points in Conlirtcntal United

Slllcs. Alaska and Hmtw9il.) 620. 4 DOUBLE WHOOPEE, 600-feet, with

Jean hlarlow )2-lbs)- --------- 029.98 620-20 IWO TARS, ISO-feel (3-lbs.) -------$39.98

CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDIES in vhicI1 Edna Pttmstancc appaurs as

the (rmttinitic lead

620-34 BEHIND lHE SCREEN, 700-feet iZ.lbs,) ---- ..... ------- ....... -$29.98

620- 3 THE CURE. 700-fsel (2-lbs.) ------- -29.98 620- 7 THE FLOOI('IVALKER .750-feet 13-ll,sj $29.98 620-13 THE PA'.1(N SHOP, 790-feel (3-Ibsj 929.98 620I4 POliCE, OO-Ieet (2-I1)s.) -------¶29.98 620-21 THE sA(;ABOND. 7504c0 13-his.) $30.98


620- 2 BARNEY OLI)I-IELDS RACE FOR A LIFE, 3004gil, with Ford Sterling. Mabel tSnrntand, Mock Sennc)t, Barney OldEigId (I-lb.) -- .............. ----$19.98

620-16 TIlE ROUNL6BI1S, 300-ted, 0 - 111) (bar- lie Chaplin, Fall.,- Arliticlle (i-lb.) $19.98

620-19 TEDDY Al THE L}lROEh LE, 750-Eeei, with Clori., Snanson, Wallace Decry. Ilobby Vernon (3-lbs) - $20.98

620-26 TANGO TANGlES, 300-feet. with Char- lie Chaplin. Fall)- Arbaclile. Fort) 51cr- hog (1-116) - -------- - - - - $1998

620-22 SOIFE AND .tt1O IROUIILE, 450-1ed, -

with %%illiy CollIer, Mae Bosch. The Ecystone Rttp, (2.lbs.) -------$19.90



RAILROADs, 1897-1903, 300-feel (l-lb.) 919.90 620-10 THE GF:c-Rc.ETOWN I 0 0 P ,

225-feel II lbJ 014.98 620-28 IIIF CRE&T TRAIN ROBBERY. 1903-

300-feet 1:-lb.) S19.98 620-I1 THE HOLD-UP OF Il-IL ROCKY

MOUNTAiN EXPRESS. 1906, 300-feel (I-lb.) $19.98

620-38 FROSt 1-hORSE CAR ro SUBWAY IN NEW YORK CITY. 600-feel on 2 reels (2-lbs.) - $29.98

620-25 TIlE l.ONLDALE OPERATOR. 1911, 400-Iegt l7-llec.l $19.98

620-37 THE SET. TASIAIPtIS AND MUIR WOODS .1V.. 300.fl. (1-lb.) S1S.90

620-12 THE NARROW GAUGE CATSKD.L MOUNrAlIS RAILWAY, 1906, 300-feel (1.lb.) ----------------------$19.98

620-15 RAILROADING INTHE EAST. 1897- 1906, 400-feel (2-lbs.) - $22.98

620-35 RAU.ROAD RAIDERS OF '62, jOlt, 300-feet II-lh.l 519.98

620-42 ThREE TRANSCONTINEISTAI.S, 1098 1912, 410-fee) 12-11tmj $19.98


CONGRESS 620- 1 Al)(IIRAL 0I.3REY. HEllo OF 91.-tN-

(LA BAY 1099. 406-feel 2-lbs.) 519.98 620-40 B U F I- '. I. I) Blh.LS 5% ILl) ssh-:sT

5(040W. 1898-1910, 600-Imset 42-lttc.m 520.90 620-27 THE FIIC1SI 500-SIII.F lNl)ltNAPO-

LIS SPEEDWAY RACE, l°0 I. 200-fec, )l-ll,.l $19.98

620- 6 TIlE FIRST GlIh)DEN I OUR. 0905, 3004eet tI-tI,.) $19.98

620- 9 ttmOILIES, FOIBLES AND FAShIONS, 191(3-1905, 301)-feet. Cl,eseeake of the day. U-lb.) $19.98

620-24 ION A ( 0 1) 0 OIl) ElSE CENT TROLLEY Rll)E. 1905, 300-fee) t1-lb.tS19.9I1


620-23 THE l)LAEH RAY, an epitode from "The Ftsloils of ElaIne". 000-feet, with Pearl S%ldle 43-1bs.) $39.98

630- 8 THE 1-OCLEL) ELOI'ESIErSr, an epiSode from "Zudora". 400-feel, with Iai;ies

Cruayr, tlart,merile Snow 42-lbs.t $19.98 620-39 THE 1.11- 1, CURRENT. afl episode from

"Ihc Fn)tmils if i:loioie', 800-0.. Sr II,

Pearl %%ltite (3-lb..) 929.98 620-35 A SAFE iNVESTMENT with 50, and

Mrs. SIdney 13 r r su , 1919, 1400-feet

42-11,s.1 924.98 620-17 THE 5 AG. OF 99lLLlkSl S. IIARI,

1914.1923. 1900-fec) (9-lbs.) ---------- $59.98

---' -. ------------ ,- .


We *a., you 1. be .2121 led wmltt what you buy (torn BC4rtihak. It dter receiviu$ an rIo, mu are Ji,.,tt1wmu,ed In •O wny, return it to ,z, Iran1-POel41iOn prrfnmd. .mn I., otiginat mndilio',. ,nd w,thiu ira d.y, dEer YOU 115mm I,, md well allow yom- (mitt Crcdic on mm. other puzchaac muse y ouaur di, memo which coo nay It,,, al,pi, cm, -tome 025cr tel.-r,:oo. or gi'e you , toll "(-'Sd

Surume I -mm,, m lh, I :mmmr .1 .UtmI llmmrml. Slmc -artmliltet

Fcalure. 'A Champ at Onfoed"


LSm.mm my, htmL we -un 'lCmp LatlrCm amid )l.mrdv smihjcts only to ililCt5 m fl C, Ol 5 ,ntul I:,-mlcj

Slabs. \lackn and It.nwiti)

640-10 BlA)CKIIEADS. 2000-feel )I9-tbs.( $99.00 640-26 -5 CI1USII' Sf OXEOHI). 16004en

(6-llas.i I

. - 1169_98 640-I8 (;t)tNc DOE 8SF, 700-)cel 3-lbs.) 1(29.98 640-13 THE LIVE CI1OS1, 800-1ent )3-)t,s.) 929.91 640-I9 1116 MUSIC 110)1. 100(1 )erl (94bs.) ¶39.98 640-I4 NIGIII OWlS. 800-feet t).hbs.t $29.98 640-20 OlIVER lIcE 14 I (; II I H . 950-fdel

$39.93 6411.29 14 tI'S tI SEA. 2100-lent 1-llms.> - . - SlOe) 640-06 SCI(.-8M 800-feel 13-lhs.i $29.91 640-21 [111:91 I II.'tlt Ill! ICC 700-Irel (3-11>5.) $2 1).98 640-22 171IICKEU I II -5 N ShATER. iSO-lIce)

920.98 640-23 I) I FOR ThI . iflIl-leel 13-lit.l %29.95 640-17 1055151) IN A HOlE. 600-frtyl (3-11-i l 1 .29.93 640-I I WIY 011 55h'SI . 23(l0-lent t9-tt's.i 559 1)S


3Cli-fert il-lb.) - - 5l1'lS

630- 6 1)tYS OF %lsKINLEY, BRYAN AN!) TEDDY ROOSEVELT. 306feel tt-)h.t 517.98

640-24 SUI'ERI.INlIH LiSlIED SlATES, 600- feel (3-lbs) - 524.98


PACIFIC, 300-feel (t-lb.) ------ 17.9(1 630- 5 1111) CALIFORNIA Zt-:PIIIR. 300-4cd

il-Ib) ---------------She) 630- 8 11-111 CIOF-).T IRAIN ROBBERY. 300-

feet (l.lt) - - - - $17.')) 630-13 (IN TIlE BAIlIMORIf A 01110. 30(11-

bet (t -lb.)AN

$11.9) 630-14 ON T H If (ADI.tN NAl., NATIO

3(tO-im,et (t -U).) - ¶17.98 638-15 ON TIlE LAST lIltOtI) 1(tI'. 300-tee)

)l-ll,.m - - - - - $37.08 630- 9 (ON lIIE 1)1-1 ASSARE A7il) IIUISSON.

300-fret ( 1.11). ) - --- $I 7.90

630-10 ON I HE NORFOlK A %Vh1.STERN. 300- tel (1-lb.)

630-I1 ON THE PENNSVLV,tNhA, 300-feel

630- 3 IRE SUPER CHIEF, 300-heel (I-lb.) ¶17.9) 630- 4 SVE-ATERN PACIFIC FAST FREIGHl.

3004eCI (I-Il,,) - - - $17.95 640- 0 SVIIEEI.S A-ROl lING. the ClmkojIo

Railroad Fair of 1949, 1100-led (5-hbs.l 539.93


Walt Disney CARTOOI%S

in color and black and white


, -Coitrlca-m! OlOmy SiS4atY paOomKIsong

Inn,. block and u Itil.' pnili)s. lmtmim)tl 83.95 ISO-fed). 3-015. -

jlttm. color p"ls, alutul 100-feet, •

3-ocs. ' .'

THE Bl1-%Clh rlcNIc (f)on-at,( h)nvk and Pttilo) 14114-I .Stn,mt color) 1412-42 b:tmmnt. H3\U)

BILL P096131(5 (DoPld I)uck anal Guwf) SI S-I 2 ()5(112 col,,) St 3-So iy,mmt.t

DONkht)'S lM)G lALNEaRS th)onahd l)aek) bls-2 ltimtlt. color; 14114-44 (14oCt11. I3&',V)

I)ON/6LI)'S LUCKY I)AY (Donald Dip.-k) 0 tO-S (dmmti. colom I 1413-44 09mm. BA))')

I)ONAID0 SNOW FICIOr (Donald Dark) 518-19 (Smnt .i' lot) . 013-02 t8mnm. B&W)

DoN hI l)S %ACA11(IN (B on-.,td D,tvk)

sI 8-17 (Slm(mtl. cOOt) 613-I5 (50Cm. B&\'/)

1- IRE (II lEl' t I) ,tm, - mId flm.ek I

S I 14-I 5 (Sm,mltl color) ill 3403 )S,Tm BAVOl

I lIE Il(t(KEV CHAMP MIckey Mouse and Plt,lt,) Ni) (odor VcmsiOn 813-47 (StCtttl BAY.)

\IICKE'fS PARROT (Slickly 7.loltmmc (021,1 Plulo) -S I C' -6 (d,mrtlC. C(ot ) S 1 3-40 (Omttlt. B&\'o')

tlICI(EV PLAYS SANTA (Mlckey Mouse) No CoI.mr Versmm,fl 603-51 (2mm. B&'mV)

\IICEIiY.S IRAII.ER (Mickey Mouse, Donald Dunk and Goof)) 1418-12 (8oCt55 eotor) 013-81 (1mm, B&V,m')

TUGBOAT MICKEY i%tickey Mouse, Donald Dit-Ik and Goofy) C, I 9- tO (tn's.). color) St 3-52 ($mm. 03mW)

5511141)0W Cf.E.tNERS (Donald Dunk and Pluto) No CoIma VersiOn 013-53 cOmm. BAWl

Sir Art/lu,- Conan-Doyle's

A LOST WORLD An mmbnidgetrmnt 01 Conan-Doyle's great yarn about prchistnrie anintals roomomr.g a South American s-ilm1ctncss. -

813-14, about 200-fee), 0mm.,

*VEW .?WtT. a-k



R:jwD flLS iL• IRB () EUE 8LII.\C•

iD:'. Iiiu-it S 3•9


I'.%(:iIIC U50-1eeJ .. . . IO-231 Bt(. I)\ A'.t) HIS RoTI1E:Rs 275•

f.... too 2 . $ I I .91

IO.14 jIF Ifl.00K SIGNAL (80()teel on 4 r(et) with Jean ArUlur, Ralph thigh

Allen ....... . ........ ... $19.99

810.3 IttE CA1.lFOR:\, ZII'IIYR (150 teet) S 4.98

8I0.I65 THE CHIlLS Ot• THE SA1A 1I (100.fCt) . : . • S 3.99

90.19 DONNER PASS (1004cet) . . . 11 3.99

910.183 FA1OLS 1IAIS 01 % EST1I&.. RAUROAI)S, 1897.1903 (1S4-fil' S .98

810.218 FR()\1 HORSI (At To SUL%%A% IN NEW \ORI' UI L' (3I)04ect on 2 rcel.) S 9.98

ElO-182 •1 II E (;oRcEro9vN LOOP. 1993 (I1O.fectl . S 4.49

llO.!94 (ItOST OF 1911 (.tN'll)' 000.hiet

H."-.. (jl,..ofl S 9.98

810-93 THE CRh•1 I• RAIN ROBBLR%, I90 (159.teet) . ......



810-79 Ht(;II SPEED FRI:IcuI ON THE NICKEl. P1.411 (1O.tcCl) . S 4.98

810•181 1 lIE ILOLI)-UI' OF I HE ROCKT iU)LNiAtN FXPRESS. I90 00.leetl S 4.98

810.0 THE LONLDALE OPtRAtt)R. 1911 (200.feel) S 4.98

810217 11lF MT. TAMALPAIS AND MUIR 9% 001)., Rh. 41504kcII . S 5.98

819.204 t tti: N.RROW CAUCL CAISItII.L. M()LIAlN RAII.V,Ah, 1906 (150k.0 4.98

81 Q.49 \I(;H I M.UI. 4300•Iect on 2 rcIil • . 8.98

810-5 TIlE OlYMPIAN hIAWAtHA (I00•)ee))

010-81 ON THE I0.L°EI\1ORE AND 01110 II AU-f eel) .. . . S 4.98

819.99 0 N Ill E C.tNADIAN Ntl tONAl. (ISO-feel) . 0 4.98

81J.$2 ON THE Ull AWARE AND IIL050N )l:u-leel) . . S 4.98

811-100 ON THE LASt BROAD rIM' (ISO fee)) . .5 4.96

613-10 ON 1148 NOEl OLE AND WESTERN (150-Ieel) . 0 498

810-75 ON THE I'ENNSVLVANIA 050-feel, S 4.90

810-104 1 lIE OPEN TRACE 000-feel on 2 reeEl 11111 Helen Holnie ...... 0 898


THE PAY TRAIN (150-1eel) sillIl lick-)' Iloliii,,s ............. . 5 4.98

IIIL l'RLsJI)FNrS SPECIAL 1914 13113-led on 2 reelI ... 0 8.98

810.213 RAII.RI1AI) KAII)ERS 01- 62 (150- feel) ..........................5 5.98

810-203 R'sILROADIG IN THE EASI. 1897. 1906 (21)0-feet) ... .5 6.98

8! 0-116 SOUTHERN PACII-lc-lRooI SAN FI1ANCISC() BAY TO ItOSEVILLE (100- feel) ..... ... S 3.99

810-264 SOUTHERN PACIFIC S11-0l [QUO- MOIIYES )100.fCeil 0 £99

81 0-0, THEt1FER (:14188 (150-feel) S 4.49

si0-1l r H II F TI1ANSCONTINENTALS, 1998-1912 (209-feel) .. ... ....... ... ..S 5.98

EIn-oi lIME FIll-IUHI ro TIDEWATER- N. & W. )300-)ccl on 2 reel,) .... 5 9.98

8)1-7 WI:STRRN PACIFIC FAST EREIGII1 (150-feel) .................0 4.49

810-..3 %YIIEELS A-ROlLING (300-feel on 2 red),) .. S 8.98

01(214 WINIER RAII.I(OADING ON tUE 09IRI AND ROulli 1300-feel 0,) 2

$ 9.9$


0113-1-13 IIEIOOLS OF fILE ALAMO (1501cc)),

Il,9 of I)., Croekdll - $ 4.49 I fIr I II II 1:51 ANUI-:L 13(10-led 00

2 I -H-.. - 1 it 1111,1 lflfllOt)i. uI all CI,r-.li,,u-c 9.9$

FMRY TALES I )iI,: _ I .1-1101 Cal .O..I) II) Ill! lIlt

CII:, ( iiI(( I ). )ISU-iddI) S 449 0h1 1 lU .,. AND 1- Il!-: BlIAN STALK '150-

ICCII S 4.49 81 --12 LIill.lI Kill RII)iNh 11001) 11130-

.dll . . . - 04.4') [I I .1 .5N0\9 N1,11FIE AND ROSE Ill:))


.. - $ 4.49

COLLECTOR'S ITEMS Of (1-152 I 1.6 A\IHLICANO (925-led Oil 4

i-eel . I lu II, Dougiao 1-airlonks. AIIII1I Roberts 519.99 8111-2116 AIIOIIItAI. I)E',SE%, HERO OF SIAN-

fiA BAY. 1899, (200-k-Cl). . - $ 5.08 810-2 BAlDING ClEl.S. T1IEN AND NOW 810-223 1111-I-Al 01112 1 0 51' I I U WEST

.Slu))W (31)1)-Feel on 2 reels) S 9.90 (151)-k-cl I, suinl svils do,sn the years S 4.08

Of 0-2111 1 lIE t1LNIIEK (700-fee( on 4 reel,) ,,uIh (hark-, Ik-y, Colleen 0100cc, 3olun (211- ),erl. 1919 ........- $19.98

819-44 CORONAIION I)A'S, 0902 AND 1911 (150-feel) .......... - $ 4.49

810-4 DAYS OF McKINLEY. BRYAN AND lEDDY R000l;E%ELT (1504k,.0 ... .....S 4.49

810-205 TilE 1)01.1. HOUSE SIYSTERY 009- Ieel on 2 reels), 1915 melodr.umu, IrillIlO, niOlor cars - . S 8.91

810-132 AN EI)ISON ALBUM (175-fecO, On. lu1ou_s scenes 1(1,1,1 early Edison flInts, in. cIncli,u I')'oel'e SuIos,' S 4.98

810-85 THE FIJ2ST 500-MILL INDIANtPOI.IS SPELI)WAY R.SCL, 1911 (150-feet) S 4.98

810.187 filE 1114sf CLII)DI;N COUR. 1505 )ISO-teeI) S 5.91

810-190 THE FOILED ELOPEMENT (200-ted), 51)16 31101cc (;r,,ze, Slargoerile 500w-n chapler from the serinI "bOom', 1915 ,. S 4,98

810-192 lOLLIES. FOIBLES AND F.tSIIIONS, 1993-1905 (200-feel). CI,ee,eeake of the OiLy S 5.98

810-200 1111 118113 OF BLil-ItAI.O BIlL. (400. feel on 2 reel,), 0)16 Un). Vul, i-. Cody, "Lt,ufliilo 11(11", 1912 ----- ---- - - - - S 9.98

110-198 ON A GOOD Oil) FIVE CENT I1130l.Ll:0 RII)F: )ISOHeel), l-:di,o)l coIned; of 1905 -- --------- - ---S 449

810-196 TIlE RETURN OF DRAW EGAN (700-fcel on 4 eec),,) with WIll. S. IlotO, 1916.019.98

810-177 THE RUINS OF SAN FRANCISCO, 1906 (100-feel) ........... . $ 3.99

810-226 Till: I(LSE (300.fcel on 2 reel,). 1915 %'r,Ilian, S. 14101 We,lern -------- --- --- S 9.91

810-157 FIlE SAGA OF WM. S. HART C700. led (on 4 reel,L I)ibIiglzl, from Iliurl films - Iro,o 1913 to 1923 --------- 019.98

810-127 lOOIMO SCIONS 0-S. Bill. SQUIRES, 1957 (125-feel). (Ild011 , iOIll, ip ((gO) Olin - - .5 4.49

810-154 TIlE tN9s - FLCO\1F; (211-NI, 1913 (275-feet on 2 reel,) with 910(3 &',ckiord .... 5 9,96

PEARL WHITE SERIAL CHAPTERS Ir),u "Ihe Perils 01 i'aIIliliC" 01111 "fOe Explolto

of Elaine" 8111-109 t)EAI)LY I'UI(NING from "The Perils"

1200-feel) ------------ --- -- ---- -------S 5.98 810-207 IHE DEATh RAY from "EI)c"

(40IEfceI on 2 red') - - - $11.91 610-220 THE lIFE CURRENT from "Elaine"

('IOfl-fel ',, 2 reels) -- -------- --- ---- -- --S 9.98 110-I 4 0 II))-: PI!f-TE'S TREASURE from "The

h'erlI,' (250-k-el on 2 reels) ............... 0 8,96

. .34


S ol00e, 0( -F'


1"Afl %- 1S'1'


hith l't-a,I i-1/i ISO. C i - all o- I i (; III

(HId Peiii! !'e11)5e1

This is 11 wild adseullure 1te in lIe Del) Pauline- s,-)r,sC nerve, SIC aSs!),; tO a, a reul1 0! 11cr (irs) Ptr(l'. ,)cci,Ie-; Ia \ (sit 3 l C)d S1.,rv

lIalts, who has a r,)1ci) it , he cSI I'a,,Iii,_ allIs in Ofontina. and haul),- leases lEe I .i,lr,'id sI.itIell before he is C,, alit- ,I ol I he Sotue of K ,,rr,n, - rs ,,ic,,.

lilt dclii ry her ID S C. IV C, SCSI the CIIIZII1CC end lea ' c her 10 her f:,lC. \\'hen the has iom at'oiII CISCI) LIP in de,rii,ir, 11 ('IX el))C(1. II) l'( . 5) difl,,IOCI

entral)ee. Pauline (101)"..- liUou;il into (i.e lillilet of a fIOtIP of Sio,i'c India,,, who I (1151'- heel, c))nil)g fIle fox. lOdy II) 1)1k she is I)),) Gt,J,Iev'. 01 the Earth vh,) is ,,uppodd to ha cc imnIortIll sIreIglh (lIlt so)'-lille va's "inino,rI). Fit.:, di' lid by l,aslflg lhr 11111 dosv, a 51CC')' inclilte, r ('ill,,'. an l,)),OdltSC rc,k allet lie). Harry, who has just arrived on9 es-.s j.,s,ecs her and polls hel to ,1tdIv. 1 he lult(I,1' engage 1111 CO,VI50VS in all dSCii 1)7 I t1I- I or I 9 I 4 --01(11 the ln1liait, are soon routc'J and I'aut,r-e 5 lakdn SSfCl5 to I'cu tr(er,ds.

The release of thi s seco d cltap!c 'ase the cr00 at surge of populuurily for the olig(naI Perd, of i'SIlIi)te". 'the Goddess of the Far \'tesI' is one of the longest chaplers in the serial. and in maul. 55115$, (ifle of lltc mi,SL it)tereStiIlf ones. The ten) lilIes, lh iltllllCfltia ones enf the perk's). he,e )rCClll'nl IS po7rapIl cal cm tore. Iihe ' iniu,toral''. 10,4 the clEnyter as a uhofe is an encelleflI e,an,,nIn of sshat was one U the gn cat loans of its day.

620-45, 16mm. ,ilefll version. abonl ( 950.IeeI on three 7.incl, ru-el,. 4.lhs S39. J8

810229. $n,fll. versillI,. :u)InnI 375.1eel oil Ilire-e 5-i)lclu reels. 2-Il,,----S I

•* .J8

MACK SENNETT COMEDIES 810-97 ALL NI(;III I.ONG (300•fu-rl oIl 2 reel,)

with liner; l_angd,nn S 11.98 810-57 10)01(5 IN I Hi WOOD (400'ldel on 2

reels) oilh Harr7 I.angllo,l S 0.98 810-63 CIRCUS 1O').% )300-Ict on 2 reels)

'I ilh Hill y Bes Ill, Mads'link- lIorloch S 8.98 810-1 I I A HARLOt ENICIII (360-feel on 2

ri-n-Is) sejIlu Bell rurpin S 9.98 610-64 SUl'FR-IIOOPIR-DYNE LIZZILS (3110-

feel ,u, 2 reel.,) u,llu I1ilI I1r.(m 5 8.98 8111-65 \lEI)N .1 nEt- 1300-k-el oIl 2 els'

Oil)) I),,, T­ pio 9.98

LJWREL & HARDY COMEDIES (SOny. 111,1 use elan) '1111 , pull), or l_a,,rn-I 1,11) tl:nuly

Commute ,,jl, fin iinsli,E,l,,,Il, is) (,,n,lnlnc)lIal (ni)oI 91:11 es.AlI' SEa ;i,d Il: ll%III II

8l0-7(, AN(;oR-o to' Ii 1325-led on 2 rrelnl S 9.911 110.61, IIIU lIt:SINLS)- (300-feel 01) 2 reel,) S 9.98 810-69 1)01:141_k- v(H(I),I'l-F: (31)0k-C) On 2

reel,) s, Ill Jean Hn,rlu', 11, 9.98 810-1 10 (1001-S OF I Ill. (;OLDLN V.1.91

(500-tect on 3 reek-) . 01 3.98 8-10-98 (lIE LIVE (;1 110sI (901)-10el (,n 3 reel,) $13.98 1(10-13)1 1 lIE MUSIC BOX 1550-Eel on 4 reel,) $15.98 010-121 2131(2111 O'nhlS (3254ee1 on 2 en-el-.) 5 9.08 010-147 Sc:14A91 (301).feel on 2 reels) S 9.98

810-221 94.P5-i AC SEA (9(164el1 ))0 6 licrill $24.98 810-139 ILIEM flIAll hILLS, (450.1cc) On 3

reels) .. .513.98 810-101 TOSSED IN A HOLE (500-leel to 3

rdcIn) . . 513.98 810-178 (If FOR fAI (400-lu-el On 2 r(rin) S 9.98

610-73 1050 TARS (425-fect it 3 reel,) S13.98 810-107 TWO ON A TEAR (551)-led on 4

reels) ............. 515.98 810-77 WE EASE 1)000-N (325-teei DII 2 reels) S 9.911 810•72 WRONG AGAiN (300-feel on 2 reel,) 0 9.98

EXPLORATION OF SPACE 810-209 5,-tIl31.1-111. l.AUN(:Il)N(;e. I:XI'I.))l(-

Cr, I ,tN)) Of ('SD-Inc nil 2 rcnt,l ' 55




lIons mall has learned 9b01)) tine luoHerse from Oflelent limes 0111(1 the presCltt day is dc,llOflSi(InlCsl by this (iOn w)ilcii oldilnes (Ill lnnon,Ielgc of (Inc l,nlsern.e line solar sy,)em. Milky 's'n'ay. alE) conIttless 016cr galatics and nchnll.c that eel-nd miiii,nns of light years into apace. AtOnal 11)01(01) picIlnue scelles of an eclipse of the eon-and veenc, of sc'jmcnt, of the Car)it'S SIll lace l,ho)ograrIled Iron, a tocildI' 8)0-227. 8mm. version of Obuul ISO- feel If 5-111th red (lL-oia,.) ........ 4.98

HAL ROACH COMEDIES 1110-88 1141-. (:AKII E.-OTER (300-feel on 2 reeF,)

.,i)l, 00111 Rn5ers . S 9.96 bl(I-J29 (:H,-ilZo' 1.11136: .5. I-OX (300-feel on 2

reef,) ..i)), Cl,arle, (h -ace - .............S 11.9$

CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDIES 010-211 Bl'HlNl) 1111: SCRI-:f:r-s (350-leO 00

2 reel, ) 'n lb f.),.n, Puur,ial,ee - ------ -- - S 9.98 010-197 THE CURE OFO-fecl OIl 2 reels) sii!b

Full,,) l'n,r.jance------ ......... -$ 9.98

810-193 rilE f-LOOI100AI.I13EIt (350-feel on 2 reel,) ojIl, FOlIO I',,rs Eunce 3.90

010-8 (;1-.lTlNC; AtjlAlT'iTFD (150-lee)) .5 4,98

1110-9 HIS NEW l'Roll;ssloN I 1z9)).reel) 7' 498 810-233 1111: I%I\1iLltO2\I 00)1-feel on 2

reels) .......... .- . 01 0.1 I rilE Nl-%% l'Nl 1011 (150-fed) ------ -4.98 610-10 \IAI13INL A II)' lN(; (I50-feel1 . S 4.911 8)0-18l) l'O1.lCF (3504e.) On 2 reels) v,iIh

Li1l1) I'nr, jailer S 9.98

810-105 11-li: P.'.V(S 01101' (3 50-lect UI) 2 reel,) is 111 EtIO;u I'lu,v lance S 9.98

0 11)-I 2 THE ROIJNDIIIOS (1 50'leel) ,,i)h Fall) Ari,l,Cln)n7 - - S 4.98

810-31 l.NGO -f.&N(;l.l-Is (150-lcd) ,,iIfu Fatty - ,trl)I)ehie alId l-n,rc) tOerlitg .........

8111-151 lIIl- %1.tllONl) (350-ferl On 2 reels) 5• ill, F:d,,a Porviai,ce ----------------S 9.98


820-86 1:110 0 I:l(INC 05)1-feel), 1916 eunlelly with Victor SI,,u,re .............S 449

0)11-2)2 A StI:II lNvESl%lENC with Mr. null SIrs. Si(i,n.v Drew 12911-feel on 2 ro.l,l .. S 0.98


820- I I)'RNl S (11.1)1 II I Ii's Roll I- OR A 1 Ii I: 1150-fru-Il •sill, 'slal,e) )5 , ,ri,llnllnI. I ,,,d

t'lrrinl,it. 'slack Se,,lnelI ,,.,l I)i,,,i (11)11,1 I)) 1' 4.98 810-I86 tiI:uLSl- HE I (1% lI) 111:11 (_)inu-lecl

('Ii 2 ru-el) with 9:1,11 Ilero:lrl), Slat 11115131, I,,rd ',t,-r) i uc .un,I I I.e Ers sli,fle ku,1li 1' 8.98

810-60 .0 CI.1.0 1.11 1)1. SISIY (3iiii.feel on 2 reels), ,rill, lIe ,u I orpill S 1198

810-55 HER 1)1(051 tI iC 1)1-BET (100 leO) ,,ill, Mabel Nt,(l,),l'd , I- lull) .trluucklr amd Slack Seu,nn II S 4.49

010.174 HIS [11 I I Ill Pit 1. (3004eel on 2 reels) snill, Macli 5" 11,11. I- I)Oar Ksi,lledy S 8.98

810-57 I.l:AI)INC; I.IEZIE 11,SlI(A0 (ISO-feel) with r,ulls Ar,uluelnIe S 4.49

0)0-237 SI l Fl I I) CT I DF '1: oIl,I: (150- feet) . S *98

810-194 1lDl)Y .0. I 1148 I 111(1) ITI.l2 )3)I0-ts','l OIl 2 ret),) ,ujl)i Gloria SnaIlu,,li, 00 nillace

Brery, 1)0111,3 Vernon S 9.98 81 0-1 69 %01I'I AND A 1. 1 0 I 10)1 'llI.li (200-

(u-rI) I, It, hVillie Collier. Sine Bu,sclu a,l (,

T)nr l n-lI, fl1 llnn . S 4.98

C P::

-'9 ;10

-,- -- : 1 ait. n.Ik-413nnioe n

THE ft ['SE S1(III1H(J

UM. S. IIAR'I' here is all O1ittInI -Jim, .1, in1li-eeStnI' 0illn_inni S- . Il_in

lii,., of . I 'S I : prildIlced h' Tliune,s -I . I 'tee for Ecs,cI 11110 Ban,,nnannit. \ilnfl Ills ne- as ,iadc. 1 Ia, I 1(10 bc-c-n in liinc i'lnh (lIlt IOIIC than : 5C5', and had lippear-

ed l ot only t5llI or two features. TInE 1" in- lee ci in 1v1nicIil 01 Inec-- every charaHer

is ci early Ic I iin:.ikd-- 1,10))-. C and ,n c n ic-nfl are sltanp)y (jefilned. (iiIdI) 'Ii,e 113,ic ' was filnc-cd- liar) 5555

)ready se-cl) on hiss svay to the pnc-natic of his c-real SIICCCSS. Secirilt the film )naJ:,y ,i,akes Hals hold o,, he pkl',)IiC of his t i,,le fan - n,tore e-.ily undetsiood-

for lIar! 55luS boIb ann 'dO- C.5 ,11) dl personali:y-and his '.VCslcrn charaieri'alio,ns were 180-dcgrceen aparl Iron) thc over.clresc-d, singing cowhos of the Cfi(IY years of the ,a)ilics. In shorl. HaE epitonic-cd the I cuhoy.

In ''The Rues'". llur) his 5)1 -Ic-k n rOt ), vein in his prOSpccliflg br c-u)d. :nnd he gocs to ))1C buf iowli 10 ) InS lie a (led . But the slicit prn.nn,olce fjc-,ires i,e call rIo II)) I eI)n) Of Ii is lor),n lit. Ihe ),rnn,oterv seCrCiary hccontcs involves] because H1,r has fatten In rinol,) with her 111016cr (or his slay in the ci)v-InflS! hc- Sn.l)et)ti))2 boss has her ),- id,nappcnl to [C) her out of (1,-n ne-;nl-. k-Il) doc-s he pt,t it C'' c-I 00 \Viiiiam S.? Not on saint 1111k-pc- for Bill is as loutIll 0

coaic.,nler in the 107 Ii)lVn as lic it in the w dc (,pe11 spats S.

810-226. 0,,,.,,. versi,,fl 01,01,1 301)-feel on Inn reel, I I 1-oc-'.) ... $9.98 620.43. 1 6uuunl,. cilenf ver,i,,n. 21,1)01 600,-ferl OIl lou, reels (341.s.) S9.98

SPORT AND ADVENTURE FILMS 810-13 1111(111 01 .0% l.)1.CANO (159-k-el) S 4.19

810-16 OF-OTII IN I lIE AllF:N.o (150-feel) S 4.08

810.176 1-H005Il-:N. r II 6 UNDERWATER EXI'l.(lIthlfs (l'O-Ieel: . S 4.49

810-179 (;l.%N I.') AND I)W 010.-S OF lIIE 111-1(21 'N ('ON(;o )190-Ieel) S 4.90

010-21 l.Il'SIICR AND lnNA\I1TF: (150-1ed) $ 4.911 8)0-62 SisI S3I0I(l 1150-feel) . $ 4.49 810-163 SI13IING 1)00026 [liii 900155 ALl'S

(iSO-fecU -------------- .... --...... ------

S1IIPPIG VEIG1Ii'S Each I -)(6'j Su/'jCCl ............. 1 I -OUIICCO

Each 2-,e'/ .SIfI?JCel ............. I 4OIIIICCS

Each 3-reel subject ...... 1 -pound, 3-ounces

EaC-Jl 4-i -ce! S(l/)i.5.t I -pound. 6-ounces hOluere l))Illlbdi 01 reel, is not Sh0.,n, the ,uOJeeI

I, our reel in ien;)h.

LE STORIES 010-I)-)1i( ),2l.c:H,. SACRIFICE (.31)6 feet on

2 reels) ---------........ -.................

9.90 810-46 TIrE BIRTh OF MOSES (300-feel on

2 reels) ---------------------------------- 9.08 810-119 THE GOOF) SAMARITAN (175-feel) S 5.98 6)0-50 MY BELOVED SON 000-feet on 2

reel,) ------------------------------------ 9,96 910-137 IHE NATIVITY OP OUR 101(4)

(175-1cd) --------------------------------- S 5.911 810-51 TIlE PAI*ABI.E OF THE LOST S1IIEP

(300-feel On 2 ru-cl,) ------------------- --- S 9.9$ 810-52 lIfE SA%1OCIf 19 BORN (300-feel on

2 rerIs) ----------------------------------


Ills DISCII'LIS 1150-feet) ----------- - -- -- - S 4.98 810-215 ME 1101) lAND: ITS liISlOR)CAI.

.0-NI) R1IILICAI. I.ANI)2eIAltI13S (275-feel on 2 reel,) ---------------------------------

810.141 NAZARI3ll1. TIlE TOWN WHERE JESUS 1.101-3D (150-k-el) - - - --------------- S 4.98

1110-38 010) jERUSALEM AND NESS ISRAEL (150-leeli --------------------------------- 4.911

"THE TRUE GLORY" General F:;senho',er Culled II

''Crunsade in lUrl)l)e" 810-112 i'ItELUJ)lI TO INVASION (300-fee) on

2 reel,) ---------------------------------S 9.9* 810-113 1)-DAT' (300-fect on 2 reels) ------- -- S 9.9$ 1,10-114 l).'sTFLE 01 111113 BEACHHEAD (300'

feel on 2 reels) ----------- --------- ---- 9.98 81 fl-I 15 ) HE L1BI-R.ttlION OF PARIS (300-

tect (ill 2 reels) ------ -------- --- - -- -- --- 9.93 810-116 FIlE I'(}SH TO Till: CERS1AN LEON-

rlF:lt (3)10-Ice-I In 2 reefs) --------------- S 9.98 0)0-1)7 TIlE BAIlLE OF 8 HE IhCl.CE (300-

feel on 2 rrrl,) .... ........... .........S 9.98 $10-1 10 fINAL VICtORY (300-feel on 2 reel') S 9.114

All SeWell eIi::p)er, 01 "line 1 rIle Glor; purclua,ed bc-dOer 01 one tinle,

(5.11,5.) .....$59.90


1450-k-el 1,11 3 reek-n .... ---------- ... --512.91 *10-143 I'REPAR.'sIION FOR INh.4,SION (300'

feel oii 2 rOds) ---- ------------------- - - - 11.9$ 810-144 lANDING IN NORTH AFRICA (300-

feel on 2 reel,) ------------------------ S 8.91 910'145 1 HE 00 INTISIO 9IONTIIS (300-feel On

2 reels) ............................ f-)0-14(, THE VICTORIOUS SPItING CASt-

I'.sI(;'s (3))0-(ee) ml 2 reels) --------- --- -S 8.9$ All lOse e)uaIer, of "5ie)ory in Norlh Africa"

purchased le.grlller at One (ime, ...... 534.98

SHIPS AND BOATS 810-195 (Iii-: QLFI3'O EI.IZ.OBETI1 050-feet) $ 4.9$ o10-12191p)-:Rf.INER UNIl EL) STAlES (330-

feel on 2 reel,) ........ ---- .... -------- 010-59 I 09% BOA! ON i lIE RIVER (ISO-k-eli .5 4.49

AVIATION FILMS 1110-03 l-R091 I IllS 1-IItSI All) MAlI. 10

THE l)C-7 (300-led no 2 reels) .....S 9.98 810-104 l.)iOICED t:o it2iIT 608 (300-feel on 2

reels) ..................... S 8.9$


810-216 All) 014l:.N0R I IN I1IE SOUTH PUl)IC (300-feel on 2 reels) . ... S 9.98

810-108 OlE 91113(21 AT p1.01:911 (ISO-leel) S 4.9$ 820-202 IIAITI.E 1-OR BRITtEN (350-feel On

3 redI,) 1110-171 BI- 1191.0 '. 16:1 OIlS (300-feel on 2

reels) $ 9.9$ 810-175 l0.YINC BOAr VS. GERMAN SEA

RA11)ll( )300.feel no 2 reels) . ' - - - --- - S 11.98 810-199 1-1(091 P15W GUINEA 10 JAPAN

Wi011 lilE SIINII2r D1V1SION )150-leel) S 4.98 810'200 I- R011 AU'SfRAi.lA .10 1 IlL I'Ll)I.-

lI'l'12SFS WITH 11111 ICED ARROW 1)1019' ION 1150-k-elI . . $ 4 .98

01 1)-I 73 I13l)l(l-:.A's I-IRS I 1-ORlY DAYS (150-(eel) ..

01 0 -I 08 IAR(; FT I'3)ll TONIC hr (300-fect OIl

2 reels) $ 5.90 1110-219 0 ICIUl)5 I))' 1-11 1 1111 tI 1-I COAl-I-F

(ISO-k-rh -------- ' 4119


810-272 AMAZiNG ANISIsl.S OF 11111 .0510- EON )2))0-frll) ........... S 4.96

610.10,2 111(2 (2.91011 -ONClI-CIS 01- KuL - (;l;R Nol tONAl. P.AllE. ,tf-RICA )300-feel on 2 reel,) 1 1 S 1198

811)-I5O BIRfIl OF A I-LOl('l).tt REV (150. feel) 1 ..-. - 1' 4.49

815-11)2 B! 11 (;Fl;sl; (iSO-feel) S 4.19

810-35 CIIANNI-:l. 11.059 AND STl(IPERS (150' feel) . .

S 4.40

1110-17 FlF1'IIANT IILNT (150-feel) .. S 4.49 1)10-IS FUR AND Ff;.orl.1I;Rs IN ALASKA

(150-feel) . . . . S 4.49 810-19 5IHF . (;RE.&l CtllE OF I'ISIIING

(190-led) ... .......I' 4.49

810-20 RENAl BIG (2 '.ME 1110-feel) .. S 4.49 010-1211 lIttltI)S AND 1118 CILA MONSTER

(ISO-feel) ---------- . . . S 4.49 910-23 I'IILASAN r f-E's'ER ..1150-leel) . . S 4.49 1110-1311 IHI SCORPION AND IRE TRAP-

DOOR SPII)liI( ( 00-feet) S 3.99 810-25 SIIARK ON THE LINE (150-feel) . S 4.49 810-130 SNAICES 01- THE C()Lt)ltAl)l) DS-

EI(T (150-feet) - S 4.49 810-95 STALKING IHE I4OVAIF MOOSE

(150-feel) . . S 4.49 510-29 IfililI.i. RIO ill (ISO-Feel) . S 4.49 810-27 UNDERWAllR -tl)VENTUItE (ISO-

feel) S 4.49 810-160 L'NDl:IOW S lIlt SPF.-ORItIS}IING IN

Till-: C s)(lll)(I:.ON ) ISO-fee)) S 4.49 810.28 '13, ILl) f005l IN SlOW 9101 11)2 1150-

feel) S 4.49


9lESC sl:l'j)fs (ISO-feel) S 4.90 1110-130 11(100-N 5Il'13.h() WOO (150-fee)' 1' 4.41' 810'124 I'l.ORll)-'.'s SE.' LII SPRINGS (300-

[eel in 2 reel,) S 11.98 010-133 1 ill-: (1k-AND CAN'. f)N (300-1ed on

2 reels) S 0.90 810-170 IIISTOI1IC SI. I'AUI.'S (ISO-Ide)) $ 4.49 810.191 IIAWAlI. I',u:ll-IC PARAIJISIS I 150-

feel) S 4.49 810-131 110101)-OS IN El l)till)A (150-feel' S 4.119 810-125 INDIAN I) 5N(l-:S or lIlt: AMER

ICAN SOUTI!vn::,1 1150-1ed' ' 4.49 1110-94 (1.0)5'S I-.'t1ltI.OUS Cl1FS n15')-IeeI) S 4.19 010-37 iONI)ON, I . -0 K C E S I (:ITO' ON

FARftl (1504eel) . ' 4.49 810-90 NEOC 51)1(1-1 IIO)Jl)AY (150-k-el) S 4.49

c-10-153 SAN llt%NCls(:O'S CAIIIF: CARS (100-1eeh . . S 3.94

810-71 s%nI:DEN, LAND OF 11812 VIKINGS (190-feel) . $ 4.49

810-58 SO'. IN(; I N (1 LHI1OI;(;H SWI1 ZfIR- LAND )150-feel) . $ 4.49

810.161 r.thlIrI PARADISE ON I1AI(II1 (300- lee) on 2 reels) 9.98

810-92 OVEST GER152.ANO' AND rio-: RhINE LAND (150.lc-el) S 4.49

810-172 'I)SL5IJIE IN tHIS SPRI'OG (109- feel) .....................................


AIR STRAFING 07 (8mm olor) 802 3 (8mm B&W)

ATOMIC FURY (A BOMB) • .. • • ... ..........................• 07-10 (8mm. color) 802-10 (8mm. B&W

H BOMB H()7.39 (8 n n c br) 802 39 (8mm B&W)

...........:. ARRIA7r PLANES $5e99 (049 (\mmkCo') 80 49 (8mm B('A)

U2!(1 CC /op prults about SO feet (2 o s ) GERMAN V-2 ROCKET TESTS

BA-TV prints. about 50 feet (2 o s ) $1.99 ......... ;. •.. • •. •••

07 0 mm lot) 81) O (8mm B(.W)

U. S. FIREPOWER (Reel One)

\ATIONAL PARKS FLORIDA 807'(8 (Som C lot) 80286 (SmiO B&W)

WER (Rel c 207 8)


BRYCE CANYON (Reel One) 607-2 (wo. c I ) 802-2 (8mm.


oi 87 (8mm olot) 80- (5 (8mm B&Y)

(6 (8flIfl (or) 80 l( (8mm B(V) GARDENS BRYCE CANYON (Reel Two)

B&W) 8079 (sill . I ) 8029 (8mm B&W) "4 SELECT FILMS 802-


: : ::: ::



31fl111. MOVIES 80252 (8mm B&\V)

IN BLACK & WHITE GLACIER 807 S( (h ito coor) 802 (8mm flo.V)


(8u11 ° r) SO (4 ($oni B(.W) .-. Htl1 3ohiiz jnds Don Ci tic and T nv Au Ill Two) GiAND CANYON (Reel ii n

•o•- - c (8mm. oI<,r) 802-35 (Smni. H&W) 802-56 (8mm. B&W) ••••• • with death atv.ry(urfl. ilic mystery ridcrs

r c for (us li( again L xlds no mm .flt def S GREAT SMOKIES MONKEY JUNGLE )

hm omo don 1h rct w Lh- booe shu.l Ii h ((mm b r) 802 (7 (8mm B&A') m olor) 801 c (8mm B 'V) lb C n Ii rr% iC

GRAND TETONS PARROT JUNGLE Y' l•13 7 9 oi.s 4 49

( (mm oloL) 80 6 (8mm B&\V) 807 0 (8mm cclor) 80 69 (8mm R&\V) . u1DIANSUMMER, SMOKIES ALLEN'S REPTILES HIDE AND SHREIK

BW) (8mm B&W) WN nt Ro Ii I Uk. R. .l ( Our Gafl

JASPER, CANADA I& FLORIDA ( 3 LhI ( Or ot lic I t ot I n (-' I 1 80 (8 B&V ) JACKSON HOLE, WYOMING (ReiOnr)

807 80' 7) (8mm B&\\) 9 ois


( Reel Two) ,,dli CharlIe Chaln 0-•1) (8mm. clm) 802-50 (8mm. B&W)


l( l i; INIElr) 802 59 (8mm B&W) WATERSKIING, CYPRESS , mrnY

Smh prcfcsioflaI ,floqcr . . .uh IccIlniqUc . ROCKY MOUNTAIN GARDENS BADLANDS, S. D.

°' '" a 'y.'y with the

iI_-_4 ((mm 010I) 802102 (8mm. color) 807-95 (9,,m. cokr) 802-93 (8mm, H.'\V) 807-I1 (Rini. ccber) 802-I1 (8mm. B$.V) 513-32, 9-ocs...... ... ... . . S4 98


I(1 9 (b.,pm. cobOi) 802.7 (8mm. B&W) 807-98 (mm. oIor) 802-94 (8mm. B&'\') 807-24 c,.Ior)

MT. RUSHMORE, S. 802-24 (8mm. B&\V)

D. ilh Hal Roachs LiIIle R.'rak" ("Our Canc YELLOWSTONE (Reel One)

(8mm B&W) ALASKA SERIES 80761 (8mm. .obor) 802-60 (8mm. B.$V) An,ther of the basI croup of l.UIIC Rascals Com.d a 8II-O2 (9mm color) . $02-°8 r'roducrd b III Roaeh for (-(.-M fl 1937. ' YELLOWSTONE (Reel Two) ALASKA HIGH" y S U Ihc C

HIETOR/CA L SiTES C I (.nl color) 802 99 (8mm R&W) (8mm obor) 80 5 (8mm B 1GW) 9


. . T • O U er a

8l-IO5 19mm. cebor) 807-6 (8mm. color) 802-8 (8mm. B&W) '107-31 (8mm. c.Ior)

•' . . 802-31 8mm B\\')


,atIIcboIhCtiflfl(flgIYPI." 1 deadly fl a ° 802-88 (8mm. 138W) roathunfler 4IIa.kc ilh 89 p

'rD A 1/T.T Q 1 4.- ) 807-4 (8mm. color) 802-4 (8mm. B&\V) WASHINGTON, D. C. bIb. ,icrcing hP raIllers most ytlInrbIc pOI- his

GOLD NG N ALASKA 807-Y4 (8mm. z,Ior) 802 92 (8mm. 1hYV) AFRICAN SAFARI 'V ulI

, 807-33 (8mm. color) 802-33 (8mm. HtW) 813-40, 9-os........................


S0-S Smm. B&W) 807-63 (8mm. color) 802 62 (8mm. B&W) STEAM RAILROADING Hal Koacl,'a "LiCIc Rac:.l" ('Oi,r Cafl(

117-S 8mm. oIor)

BELLINGRATH GARDENS TROUT FISHING IN ALASKA 807-84 (5mm. color) 802-82 (8mm. 0&W) \'lIh AI(.I(a. Slymic. Sp.nky and the (3ang. Ope

° hIP I.O of Ihese (anions con,cd(el prodtic..d ('y

9P.I4 (9mm. color) 802-14 (8mm. B\V) 807-56 (8mm. cobOl) 802-84 (8mm. B.&\V) A TRIP ON THE MT •

WASHINGTON I9 Roadi for 81-CM .IflIuIlofl '8 back 8

BRONX ZOO WILD ANIMALS IN ALASKA COG R. R. 807(9 (8mm. coloT) 802-95 (8mm. ! (.W) 807-85 (8mm. coIrr) 80283 (8mm. 13&W) 813-4!. 9-071 ............

Es;ruF MOUNDS,WISC. , o• , 19 coIo) 802-19 (8mm. B..W)


(8mm. B\V) :

- 8 : ° •. : : :

: : : : • :

. . 8(I'-20 (8,um. cobor) • 802-20 ,


80.2(Ro,m.C8Ir) 807-22(8mm.B?\V)


(8mm. B%W)

g • . , . : . . : : • : : • 7- S (910r0. oIor( 802-29

; • a EXOTICSAMOA go M .

802-27 (8mm. B&W)

8( 7-:'7 (8 m m. color)


Ii • S (Smn,. ,thr) 8(12-38 (8mm. B(\V) E : _ : , • . : : • :

: HOLLYWOODANOVINE i 802-40 (8mm. IIA\V)


•'8.m ( : : _ : lB

. : • o : E

: . :

•2 : :

fl&W) , : 4, IL E : : H-42 (8r8, color) 9O-42 (8mm.


$0 41 Sma 13\V) .

41 I Ofl C ml L • c . . • . 2 :


r, 0 8 : •; : : : : :

(.IY-47 (8mm. 'olOr) 802-47 18mm. Bl.'\') •_ Q : :

Q j. : : : : : n •

JUNKANOO(NatiVeCelebratiofl , .

in the Bahamas) 2 8,m. Cobol) 80248 (8mm. B•t WY ' . :

' : •

LISBON %'8 802-51 (8mm. B.k') .obor)

'S C.J - :

o : u 8 : : • : : : : - • : •

T• MEXICO U : : •

I : : 802-55 (8mm. BW)

< : : - • : : • : : : :


B&W) 4' , : •}• _$ I8.0, .okr) 80297 (8mm.

e : • 0 : . MOVIESTARS . :

I-i 9 2 •3_

(I : : _ . : • B (.2 5mm 802 61 (8mm. B&V) ,


B3W) E ° - t: • . : :

(r) 802-64 (8mm z v

C)KEFENOKEE SWAMP, GEORGiA - U : . : : : : • : •

-0 7 •( SO clIr) 8C)2- (Smal. B&\\') - . : _.. < : : • E

AINTEDDESERT,ARlZONA . .° ') ' : . • . : Q) > . : w '.,- f7 (s , .o I8rJ O( (.(, (8mm. B.8\\) E . C

FANAMAANDTHECANAL ' : .8 • .2 < : : : : '

(4mm oIr,r) 80267 (8mm. B&W) ' >• < : • 0 0 • 0 E : :

' :

FARIS • 802S(8mmR&") Z : -• L8 : : : : : : -. : :

889E8m cobot

VHILADELPHIA 0 - . a • ..

(• 71 .8mm. oh 80-0 (8mm. B&W) .

- < - a . = •- 9 : : D • :

: . : :

ROCKClTYGARDENS,TE. - • . : .8' ( (mm. cclor) 802-72 (8mm. B&V) 4 E '

••: I . c r. .'

. C . RODEO c_) . :

;. • -• : '. : E : •

(Y78 (9mm. cc,bor) 802-73 (8mm. B&W) - . * • 4) 'i') • E

• • o o .

< R ME to 6 (' rn 0 90 /4 (8mm B(\\) .-

£ 0 .

' J

' E . 3


, cohir) 80 6 (8m11

SEVENFALLS,COLO. • . . : : o : •

sIY.s0 (8pm. coI,rI 802-78 (8mm 8&W) (&I : : _a : ' : • • o : : . •


SOUTH SEA SIRENS 802-81 (8m111. B&\)

p., : '' e :r= .0 : T V) : : : • : -: • :

$I7-$ (80101. color) Q VENICE 8P.9l (8mm. color) %02-S') (8mm. B&W .: . .. :


0 r

VlCTORtANIAGARAU • : : : . ,7-O2 (9mm or) 9(J290 (8mm. B&)


• • .• :

:E : .

E : : : :

(8mm B•' 80' )( (8mm. color) 802-91

: : : : o a •

WISCONSINDELLS . . : • 807 00 (8 Om olcr) 80 96 (8mm B ('\ ) o :

a_ - - : • . : WORLDMETROPOLIS,NEWYORK, o : 9 .

8'-IOI 19mm. (or) 802-97 (8mm. fl&\ ) -

E . :

.- : S : :

. : • . • : .

. : : . • : • . •

. .- - . ; • . • : • : . °

•, 0 *. .•

:I1 J

IO D.VEU8pOT. :- C E 000

. •-.E .- < '8 4( It

16 pounds 17 pounds ..... 18 pounds ..... 19 pounds ..... 20 pounds .....

Alnutnawa (uintrllnern Inaif) .............. i.onr 4 (soutluen., buIl) ............. Zquune S

Alaska .................................... lain. II rrizona .................................. Joule Ii A rknunisac .................................. Julie 4 (niliiorning ......... . ...................... Znnin 7 C auund Zone ................................ /.onC I C olonadu .............. . ................. lime S (uunnrclicnnl ............................... Zuinue 5 Dehanuart .............................. District of Coluinnhuia ........................ mule tl nurida . ................................... ..lie 6 rrorgla ................................... 7,nnts- 5 hawaii .................................... .anne I ldrnho ................. . .................. Luniuc I,

lilittiuli (inunrlhern half) ...... ....... /.Ofle 2 tmoin of nonnilterni linttt) - Zonie 3 tevlrr,int south, "little EgipI Srurtiiin) .................... '/roniC

Inudnnunna tniunrttuin crIcru S(tiilnflt Zone 3 I uortlunxnsleru, Section mmd sunutturru ball) .. ......... /one 4

Ion a (cnust.rn tuitfi I ......... mine 2 bntmnSt ol i*erlerti h;nlF) ....... unite 3 ltlnnrllnwurstnern, sec ijunu ii ...... Zaite 4

konnent, iCCucint In, rUrrnuue Weslern. sertlunilt .......... Julie 4 (e.4117eilu 'lest) ............. ionic S

K utitnicl,, ................................. /one 4 l.ouisiann .................................. Zi,tuc S M aine .................................. .Zuune 6 hlmury lcnnnl ................................... ltInussniclnu,eell ............................. /_unite ö hlichignin ........ .................. . Znnne 4 lit null eon tO (csttuI for etrennie nnrtt,

and ii,,, t:,ui ct snctirlinn /.nnne 3 (estnunuur iran lit annul ul,,nlliiisrII I_anne 4

.52 .97 1.18 1.40 1.85 2.27 2.81 3.24 .54 1.01 1.23 1.47 1.95 2.39 2.96 312 .56 1.05 1.28 1.54 2.05 2.51 3.11 3.60 .58 1.09 1.33 1.61 2.15 2.63 3.26 3.78 .60 1.13 1,38 1.68 2.25 2.75 3.41 3.96

Blan - /i t'tintki


lIt ac 5. or S ks ness tl,'' niT t.av.Awcnv l'lan costs

you not a jinroitv ro,,,c than Rtruckhawks ie.

utzu cacti prices-yore -,,y 10: 01 tIre CiSit

of the nnterctiaitdise with youn raider, lIre brnt

anne ssihliiut 913 days at ysiun conveyjenec. As

sour, as tIre s:ulaince Is p:uid Blue ktanvk ships

IluC niniclnandisg! And fts ant easy way to

Ccl iItin-e lintilcd avail abil ity bar gcn i no tin.

tltruc tItans k has as cuitab te. finn the nuoment we

gel your order. it is tittvicalty pulled and Sn

asudc f or you! Rcniuenurlyer-nO iuilcrcst oh

c,iltyirlg clnangcs on Lay.Awrsv



: Ship to .... ... ....................• .....:. • .-:. . .

Street and Nu iuber ...........................• . •. . . ...... .• . .. .. . . :-:.: ........ .. -

City DeliverY Zone (if any) State •...•.-.-.-.••- ..... ......... .............

LI Remittance Enclosed for $ ............ D Ship C.O.D. fl I Have a Credit of $ .............. C

Blackhawk PRICE TOTAL I'RICE StilE. WTS. Do Not I

Quan. uerc Title of Film or Name of Item Dollars Ccttts Lbs. \Vrnscln I This


one is shown) Pacleago Colunirun I

Remit 25c Itandliug Cinarge 10 Adnllli0fl To PoatitOc on All Orders For Lass Than $2.50





TOTAL FOR GOODS I Do not remit In cuinncncy or stairtpi (un rrcney ix vciit at your risk. Stampa are not a :errprnuble. Rights of use u en in nr:ine suet uric drli cecil on this order are limited to -- iuoui-lhe.uit cal and bonnie csinituirinenl -rIncetu int and television tights are specilically ASIOL1 NT FOR TAX I reserved. 2% of sellIng price on I

all itents sitipped to out

Order BitnI Iowa destination. I




refunniany out

U Ainnount 1 One Blade- 1235 W. Fifth St. hinnirie fro itt Previous



POSTAGE CHARGES t5d1 5'hmum , 1 tuoriliceti ineutri :::. : :


Missouri (tnnnrrtnnrn half) .............Zoune 3 - . - lsuUtliel in Ittlt) ..............julie 4

Shipping y.ciilrtS are given on all ntaikiblc nscrchandtses so that you can lemit approxtmate SIonitnna tenueterun tuallI ..............Zante 5

poslage cui:crtzcs with your oi'dcr. Jttst add up shipping weights on all items to be shipped , . tvesle haul : .................oune 6 by Parcel Post and flgutc total pounds (16 outices to a pottntl).

'15 a .tlot staUesi.CtttZouie 3

We are in the plocess of ctttttg 7otle indicalors in all addtcss plates. If your Ccnpy (estncuue nuestero seglion) ..../ou , 5 of this bargttin bulletin is plate addrcsssid, look for all indic:ttor its the lovrer rist corner Nevada tall of stale n'stept

keyed: Z-2 Z-3 Z-4, etc., etc. rite nittncrzul tiller the Z itsdicatcs your parcel post ZOIIe 'httt tuesti .............IonIC 6 .

fI 0111 1) ivtnport H your p1 tll. is not U keyed the gLticr II tic cx at the. rlht ssili j, x c Iestrnine wesluern sOu0ut) /,uute 7

you apploxtnrte cone itsfoi matton v.htclt may be tetslallvey used. lb it Itice t ill or Make except

et.trclntc uortlnn I ... Luiuie S Then, having dcicrnhined the tota' shipping weiItt of your ordcr and the zotse in (eStiCinne northern. seetiont) . ./.iuulr 6

iI)jCIl you are located from Davenport, lefer to the table below to dctrmine the alllottt,t N e w Jersey ............ ........ LOItC S of postage to include x,hen piacing your cash order. (There is no need to figure this New Mcxneu (escelnI nouniieru and

in advatice on C.O.D. or Time Paynsetit orders as actual postagc charges will be billed znsnC S

Isoullueni and i,esicrn SCe(iofle) /oOn 6 to Okl.) New York . ................ LOltC 5

WiC will send credit \'oucter for any overpaynlellts of postage whch may be applied North Carolinna irrneefCru hall of sitC .......o:ie

on your next order. plurIb I)aknnta lurslreunr snintllnettitern secllinflh Zo15e 4 (bnulaulcun of slalCi .............one s ............................. Ohio I.OttC 3

Weigltt, (up to and Zoom Oklaluwnia ((aslrtu hn.lr) ...............7.one 4 innrludinng 15.ouneesr tuse.ilcrun hnrtl) ..............OntC S 3c fuel two ounces. 1 and 2 3 4 5 6 7 p ()regouu ........... .. .................. .pine 7 I '/lc each adulnluon. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _______ t'euntaylvanln (western mall) ................one 4 at oinncc, urrcsperl- (eastern bruIt) ...............Zone 5 lye 01 loRe. . . lorto Rico Zo n e I ................................ Weight, o n t r 15' Up to 150 to 300 to 6110 to 1.00010 1.400 to 04T lllnode Island ................................00e S

ounces but not flatenport 15* 300 600 1000 1,400 11800 1,800 South Carolina Zone S ............................. c*cetdlngt Address oullen wIle, mites miles nuiles mite5 uuile.n South Dalsnnla (etcept esIrCntlC west) ..........nflC 3 . (crulreut. West) ..............Zone S

----- - - - -- reannessew .................................. Zone 4 2 pounds .24 .33 .35 45 .39 .51 .58 .64 Jesnus (extreme northeaslein tecllon) Zone 4 3 pounds .26 .30 47 .41 .55 .64 .74 .83 Irstrennic south and south-

4 pounds 43 47 55 65 77 90 1,02 .28 5 1.21 .48 .53 .63 .75 O 106

(hsl.nne of st.ule) 7n)ne pounds . ....

:___ (Jlnnhn ZOtlii 6 _ 6 pounds 32 53 59 70 85 1 03 1 22 140

inStil ln.ultt /one 4

7 pounds 65 1.16 1.38 1.59 .34 .58 .77 .95 (rnuutnrun bcnitt .............. /.0 ii S

a pounds .36 63 .71 .84 1.05 1.29 1.54 1.78 (Ci.lrenor casl: •


9 pounds 38 68 77 91 1.15 1.42 1.70 1.97 ..........

: mile to pounds .40 .73 .83 98 1.25 1.55 1.86 2.16 We I u irt,nn ( nn run halt) .i

leaitrrn lertilt ... ... .. Lone 5 -.. - --- - - - - - - - -- - - -- Wisconsin (encpt for CrIretune north 11 pounds .42 77 .89 1.05 1.35 1.67 2.02 2.34 and unrlhen'ln . . . . Lone .4

12 pounds .44 Al .95 1.12 1.45 1.79 2.18 2.52 • Zone 4 13 DOUtIdS .46 85 1.01 1.19 1.55 1.91 2.34 2.70 Wyonnin (eincrinl for estreltir 14 pounds .48 .89 1.07 1.26 1.65 2.03 2.50 2.88 noelItwest .ectloot . . /nnnie S

15 pounds :_ :_ 1.13 1.33 1.75 2.15 2.66 3.0 rrslreune itotlhwestern section) Zuunc 6

Road flefore You Ord.rL POSTAGE CHARGES HL:k123vk FiIni prics do not fncludc postage. - Ship-p' weights are now given with each item and you can compute the approxifliatC total wciht and postage dargcs by referring to the postage table given below. While weights of a Single shitflCnt to virlually all post offices in conixicntat United States are Hml(ed to 20 pounds, shipments to the states of Alaska and IL,ss'aii may run as heavy as 70 pnufldS. These two 5atCa 51 C in tIte eighth ionc. and Blackltawk customers cut approximate the correct pastae to remit by tgtIr -is: 18c per pound IL each potnJ above twenty. The su1c toi ,iisa apptks to all U. S. I err Loris and l'rotgctoratcs.

on,C Iarer and heavier items. because of size and weight. are not mailable and ss'ilt ttitis be slopped to you by csorcss or freigttt. you paying the transporta-t iou chat cs on delivery. J n geItrat shitflncttts of

17C and s -right requiting espress or freight transpof-tation will not be forwardad on a C.O.D. basis.

SALES TAX ON SHIPMENTS TO IOWA (_IstontOs ordering films for shipment to points in the State of Iow must also add 2% for the Stale Sates Tax.

C. 0. D. SHIPMENTS J: . n where noird UtackItsk will gladly make shipments of merchandise on a C.O.D. bas,s to any point in the. United States. Uowever. on C.O.D. ship-mecits. the purchaser pays all lransportatiOO charges. jeotranCe and C.O.D. fees, and money order tees, in addition to (he cost of the merchandise. Because of the weight insolvcd we will not forward projcctora on a C.O.D. basis unless a deposit of $25.00 is en-coscd to guaraiStee tiaIlSpOttatiOn charges.

RIGHTS of USE on MOTION PICTURES None of the motion plettire prints offered hereIn. either flew or uscsL may be used for television or theatrical purposes, as these rights arc specifically reserved. All new lginm. and 8mm. short subject tiats (except ' it Laurel and Hardy consejics, Iltinnatogucs and Songbooks of the Screen) may be shipped by (Is to any destination In the world. Cer-lain feature picture prints, both used and new, and a few SItOtt subjects on which used prints are araB. ubic, are restricted as to the territorIes in whicb they may be used.

SHIPMENTS TO CANADA, MEXICO' AND OTHER COUNTRIES () ,,rders that rn.y be stt,ped by parcel post itt a sug1e p. : t,ec. customers in cotintries outside USA ,n.- v have postp,ut detjsnry. A surcharc of 10% is made to cover postrgc, insurance and the preparation of the necessary customs forms. Remittances in full mast aCCOtltpatty ordcs by luternatisri.. t Money Order or ttank Draft. H inimtint Order for sttiputcnt outsidC USAL is $10.00.

Buy Anything Offered By Blackliawk On Convenient Monthly Payments!

C'vtoflterd in the United States (clicluding Alaska, I I awail and otier territories) ittay now purchase airy-thing listed by Blackhnwk on convenient time pay-lireirts .5 penal time payntcnt order blank is inured in alt ixId-titimbened issues of lIre Blacktiawk Barsrn ltrittetin. Furthermore, our convenient ddon payinclit sers CC IS available to those of you already havbig aat,slaetory time ppayiuent accounts in operorion. (Sec '1 5 below.)


ltit or are the inhi,unro at dosvn pa5 rue nis required bs1 On the total anrount of your puiJiase.

(hi orders totaling S25.00 to $50.00 .......S 5.00 t3,i i,i%vc totaling $50.01 to $500.00 ......$15.00 Or, ordeti totaling $100.01 to 150.00 ..... $15.00 (hr orders minting $ 15(1.01 to SZOILOO .....$50.00 (hi orders toluIiig $200.01 (0 $2S0.0U ..... 525.00 Or orders tofaliOg $250.01 to $300.00 .....530.00 Us orders lotrilitig $300.01 to $350.00 .....$35.09

l l anrorrnt of your lirtie payirrent charge and the rohI(' tint 01 your nn,nttity paynrelrt is dcrerttriricd by thc unpaid bat.iircc cetti:Liflhtig alter we lizave deducted your down p) rircirt Irons the total Or )OUi purchase. Thus, the larger you can rn.rke your down p:rnrent. the loner '\ II be your (litie pynreIrt char ges and the stir alter will be r Olin front Sty p:rynSCIriS.

B. Time Payment Charges. Time pa>mcnt ctr:itges arc based on the unpaid hal-a nc.: rcflrahlrilrg after the deduction of your down pay-isicirt trOut the total of soar purchase. here they are scticJuled: 0., unpaId l,alances totaling $25.00 to 550.00. 5 5.00 On unpaid balunces fotulin $50.01 to 5100.00. .$10.00 On unpaid balances totalitig $100.01 to $150.00 $15.00 Oii unpaid balances totaling $150.01 to $200.00)20.00 On unpaid balances totaling $200.01 to S250.00.$25.00 On unpaid balances totaling $250.01 to $300.00)30.00 On unpaid halaneen totaling $340.01 to $350.00.535.00

C. Monthly Payments. As is cuplaincd above, the sIze 01 your monthly pay-irrent is bCd upon the unpaid batance (including the lilac paylItest chage) remaining after deducting your pui unit from the lolal of your purchase. Uric Is lire schedule: On unpaid balances toUting $25.00 to S50.Utl $ 5.00 On unpaid batuncc& toUting $50.01 to 5100.00. .$10.00 On unpaid balances totaling $100.01 10$l50.00 $15.00 Oil unpaid balances totaling $150.01 to $200.00 $20.90 On unpaid balances totaling $200.01 to 5250.00525.00 On unpaid balances llaling $250.01 to $300.00. 530.00 On unpaid brnisulces totaling 300.01 to $350.00 $35.00

D. Add-On Orders. W•re atwa%s gt5n.l (0 add additional purcttascs to linac payuiteltt accounts already outstanding. The addi-tiortat tnliuC parruent charge will be bascd on the aulloUnt added to the time payment contract. The change usd1 will be dcicrmitied from schedule B up above. The amount payable monthly, when an add.on is niade, will be based Oil the total amouttt still due lunetuding Ilte unpaid balance 01 the original account pis, [lie tulip-rid batnitce on the add-ott. When these two are cotnbinrel. tire total will tall into one of the brackets indicated in (.

E. Our Action. Wese pnunvudct this inlornialton so that you will kutuuuv exactly the anrortnt )ou will owe. However, to hell, you trurrtnec, we prepare a little paymcnl scttcdute for tou at the time we ship Lite mccctuandise. We hOrv you the csaet tnmottn5l dug and the dates on

isini.li ilic anrOutti should be iccgivcd hcuc in Davcn-pun:. Sn-sin rent tel the dctaila bother you. Well di the tngnrrntrg.


t)r.enrperni is one ycyrricni I) cc ictrt Tiunte and tint tire .nr Snnnr.:ue In lt.Ld,c-r, Bl;ukli. use kr. .'niece s ii nil ber 9.1)0 A. St. to 5r00 P. SI.. .5, tfld ny ttitotngtt inidni s, except lot %Vednes-

wieni we close at nou)fl WC arc clon.,d It dos on Snuinrnetnnys. Sundays. ladependesce rind Labor Dries. ttcmenutirn that Central !)c. titii Time is one lout bctnind Easter in ISry tugtit. the sOrtie us casteun Slantdznrd, two bernie alienist 01 Moenniain St,rnetard aunt Prcilic l)avl gIrl. and tlnryr hours atirud of tknc(nc Su.nnntai ,t.

)14- ,1()1

Blackha B189 To:


P A I D Davenport, Iowa Permit No. 344

Septi BAGGEST BARGA"Hku~ in used 1Emma sound prc:

IN BLACKHAWK'S HIS';:. Blackhawk las i t s best stock of used I(snim. SollniJ projectors in rnonths—noplllttr nsdic

in excellent used cotidtiion—.a wide solee-lion at the most rIlIractivc prices in Rlackhasv5 history! look over th e selection that is avaihle and make your choice today! All [ 1hcc used tnits may be plIrCilaSed, in cotilinental United States, on Blackhawks cc' - vcnicnt time payment plan . All are available, too, ort Blackhasvks lav-1Iwav 7l: -ca'ti

pay lO'>a c'own, the balance \c'jlhitt 90 davs--sve ship sshen yotlr comr.'. c . yatc,,t is received!


AMPRO PREMIEI 20 r%vooases- c.peratet at ound and silent speeds aid

reverse. Has 15-watt asplifier, $2-inch PM speak-er. Has still picture clutch. Takes up to 2000-ft.

;rcebt, and up to 1000-watt lamp. Hlaclshawk feels this 10 he an uutslandin model. Mantufseturcrl tram 1047 to 1949. Tacktiawk's price has been $149.95.




bELL & HOWELL 179 iwo cares:operaten at both sound and sIlent speeds. and in reverse. Still picture clsilcn. Takcs up to 2000-ft. reels and up to 1000-watt lamp. Has 14-watt amplifier and 12-Inch PM speaker. Manufactured in 1945 and 1946. tttacthawk's price has been Sl59.95



Single case. Operstct at aeth a,vrsl and silent pccdt, on either AC or DC. Takr up to 2000-ft,

ecels and up to 100(1-wall lamp. 'M,uufa,clurud (rem 1948 to 1(151. Has 5-watt anipti(ic. and 8-Thctt PM spkzker. While the MaIc') is no lor.ger being maflo-factitrcd it is a ltth qutli'v virit on whicti replace-ment parts coal flue to he tte and are readily availabtt. 'Ilits 1,511 is in csielaudinC hut! Illack-hawk's oriec lia, oven$jpon5


Single case esper:trs at srnteid ,rtrt -.,Iv,e speedn. I Ins 4-watt amplifier, 9-lucIa PM so-kc r. I ekes up to 2000-ft. reels and up to l000-ssatt lamp. Mann-.lacturcd in 1946 aid 1947 lIlacktiassk's price has bcc'i St 19cc.


RCA 400 'JUNW SIngle ease. Operates at isoth soiiiid and silent spceds. Takes lip in 2000-fl, reels and tip to 1000-watt lamp. Has 7-wall amplifier and t0'inch PM speaker, Manufactured from 1949 10 the present time and stIll one of the most popular t6nim, ouod pro-jeelors (in 1kg ninlkel today. A suparier (toil in every phase of pn'rfitrmance, lllackliarvk's price has been $219.95. AUGUST-SEPTEMBER SPECIAL ..........


8 -

1 -

RCA 400 SER IS Two case. Operales at stssh sound and silent speeds. Takes tip

10 2000-TI. rcelt rind up to 1000-watt

lamp. Has 10-wall amplifier and 10-inch PM speaker. UnilS of i'se series currently being otfered. the sirtS-model PP-tO. were manufactured from 1947 to 1950. A high capacity, high tiCilormance proiector. Black. hawk's price has been 9189.99.


4JL Two ease. Opertutes at heath touirad ,siad dIcta pecd, and in a vs ctse. It Ii vI ill piclrrec it IllicIt . r,ks's lIP

ii) 600-It. reels rid up to 1(111(1 ,vOIt lurnap, Han rimptiier if 26-nt, II,. cares 15. I 2,nch lM spvakvr. 'liii,. is 'toe iii the i:a,,s I geIriller I (rut us sOtrrlj larojecluar iiieulrls over cat a.'ye ii . S best selir U,;, ne Is dies

of Ic-sIi u_ti, ii- I '1.1 I Ii' I 9$t -,u:i,l .ini in lu_ru .1cm_intl ue..tin:ed lar,ateclor. iliac kitasa - price his been SI 1 9.95,


EeRY BANTW c' Asait.ible in both viogte' aisi 1550-case 51,51, In (i

rltrs at both sound and intent speedS.. Takes up to 21)00-ft. reels and up to 1000-watt tamp. Maaiiifartsrrrl between 1949 aild 1951. Has 4-watt antplifiar.5(iOir. case unodt't has 8-Inch Pitt speaker; two cisc inclu_i

has 12-inch speaker, Thenc have been priced at .5119.95 a nc 5129.95 resncuiscls.

AUGUST-SEPTEMBER SPECIAL SINGLE CASE ......... S100.00 TWO CASE ............ 111.11



' Two cases. Operates at froth ,ritifld and sflcnt sperAn. TakCs rip to 200041. reels and tip 'o 790-walt tamp. Has 10-walt amplifier. Itt-inch PM speaker, Majiufac-turcd het,seen lc,46 and 1990. lIsa, been priced at $99.95.


Tsvi, casts. ()t5crit,'i at 'nIt nuiinj ard stirS' spec'l.

'8 .,kes till lii 2015141, )I c ls .,flal ,1r Ic 10481 .i alt 1,11.17. has 25-arch I .i,ich t''ut sr'ea,kt'r. 2illllitt 'rIte ii iii 'ads, at.! l'al_ \k'uiie Ill-: y,1 1_0

proicetor Is no Ii lute i tie.'ii', ' tin;rrantl,:cnnred, replace. fluent ran Is arc I', tiara Inn avd 0111 aml are readily us a I I tale. 1lii nairdci ti It iii (It caper IV, heats' iluly t,nd. ansI a ssiiiz of a hll( ll.in been priced at 59995.



cases: gciteratly identIcal to the Ampro premier COMPA( .20 described shove exce,i that it does not operate in re,'crs. Sinnitfactttrcd in 947 and 1948. Btck. liiavks pcc )ies been $118.88.

V!CT. 60

I'r(Iccicir prices ar: eivinSivC Of lransporintl.ttt 'Two caso, Operates. nI rasard oi.2 ,,I,-itta.j'rts.,'tfltt .110 prolectors, because of weight, are ret in rc'.crsc Ittii still plc uro clutch, laltes tip to viailahle. Railsv)y Express is usually the niis 000fl reels aid ttt, to IOtX)-ssatt lantp. Has antnli- '1 stoetcary method of shipment. bIll we'll he 11cr af 26-snaIls lulpul. 12-inch PM speaker. Mann- tIed to dtiri by freight—either rail or Intel'— faclure'I fiotti 1647 to 1)49. Otttslnding value! Elack- 1 you reqttest. A $25.00 dcposlt Is required hesvk'e rricc lain been $t66.1i6,

atri COD, shipments (if projectorn to gilarafl- AUGUST_SEPTEMBER i ate lrati'ipaslerloii charges. SPECIAL ..........