How to increase website traffic to your eCommerce integration ...

How to increase website traffic to your eCommerce integration agency

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How to increase website traffic to your eCommerce integration agency

How to Increase Website Traffic to Your eCommerce Integration Agency 2

Have you been thinking of ways to expand lead generation efforts without high-pressure selling? Ever wondered why some prospective clients bring up the same companies or experts over and over? Or how other agencies attract huge audiences to their websites?

It normally takes a combination of communication strategies and marketing tactics, executed over a period of time, to achieve optimal results that could answer some of the questions above.

As is in marketing, so goes with content marketing. It must be eye-catching, compelling, and highly targeted to your ideal customer.

Like a game of darts, you must aim in order to hit the board. If you do so successfully, you score. But if your aim is very good, you’ll hit the bullseye and score big! With time and practice, you’ll continue hitting that bullseye.

But hold your pens! Before creating any content, why not learning more about your ideal customer first? What do they like and don’t like? What drives them to action? One easy way to get that insight is by creating an ideal customer profile (or buyer persona).

But one strategy that consistently drives website traffic and builds credibility is content marketing.

Creating theideal customerprofileThe following 2 pages have beenformatted for print. Feel free toprint them out for your usage.

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Ask yourself these 10 pivotal questions:

1. Who are they? Age, gender, education, work experience, location.2. What is their primary job?3. Yearly income or revenue range?4. What are their primary pain points? 5. Their likes and dislikes?6. What are their goals?7. What do they value the most?8. Where do they go to get more information?9. What’s important to them when selecting a vendor?10. What are their common objections?

Your turn. Jot down your answers below:

Creating the ideal customer profile

Your Customer Profile

How to Increase Website Traffic to Your eCommerce Integration Agency 5

Let’s dive deeper into your customer’s journey.

1. What kinds of problems do customers come to you with?

2. Do they have other concerns after working with agencies like yours?

3. Are they experiencing parallel or adjacent issues that may be hidden from plain sight?

4. Are there questions being asked online that aren’t being addressed well?

5. If they are being addressed accordingly, anything you can add, clarify or improve upon?

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That’s right!

Your answers can be converted to blog content or as a lead magnet for landing pages.

Think about it. Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day. Even just a fraction of that are queries related to your product or services. So why not be part of those search query results?

One way to start your content strategy is to use websites like Ahrefs Keyword Explorer, Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends or SEMrush to calculate site traffic potential and keyword / key phrase search volumes.

Congratulations!You have just created5 pieces of content results page for “eCommerce design”.

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These tools provide insights into the average number of monthly searches for a given keyword over a 12-month period. For example, the above shows a healthy amount of monthly searches for the phrase “eCommerce design.”

Next, use sites like BuzzSumo to analyze what content performs best for any topic or competitor. It could provide you clues as to parallel or adjacent issues that are widely written about and shared; but could use additional context, clarification or a whole new perspective from you.

We bet you have better ideas and solutions compared to your competitors! Write them down and turn them into blog posts.

BuzzSumo shows top online content shared around the keyword phrase: “eCommerce Replatform”.

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BuzzSumo shows top-engaging content about eCommerce replatforming including one post on “How to Migrate Data in an eCommerce Replatform.” This is a great indicator that “eCommerce Replatform” is widely shared. Why not create your own content, using the same keyword phrase, but add to or make better to what’s already published.

Problem-based posts are just one of several types of content that can drive traffic to your website and help build your credibility as an industry thought leader.

But before we share any more content types...

Think about the journey a consumer takes when searching for information.

First, they may read about an interesting topic – like running an eCommerce business – on social media, in a magazine article or an ad.

When they have a problem, they’ll search online for a solution, ask friends and family for recommendations, or look up the people and businesses mentioned in the article, ad or social media post.

Then when they’re ready to move forward, they’ll either trust a personal recommendation or go with a solution that they’re familiar with.

With time, business grows but so do their issues and challenges. Their quest for relevant and useful information (or vendors) never ends.

The opportunity therein lies with providing relevant and useful information to keep you, your products and services top-of-mind. This information can be created and shared in content formats discussed next.

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To attract people in the early stages of your marketing, create value-packed content in bite-sized formats such as Lists. Not only are they a breeze to read (scannable) but they’re also widely shared. Think about Buzzfeed’s “listicles” or fun quizzes that go viral.

Lists posts such as “5 Tools for eCommerce Email Marketing” signal to readers what to expect (versus a 50-page guidebook) and how much work they’ll need to commit to.

Some examples of lists posts:

• Tips & Tricks• Tools• Strategies or Tactics• Events• “Top” or “Best Of” or Roundups• Your Checklist• Reviews - List of Vendors and Why

1. List posts

7 Content types to drivesite traffic and buildthought leadership

How to Increase Website Traffic to Your eCommerce Integration Agency 10

We watch tutorials by experienced professionals and experts to solve our most basic problems. Tutorials and how-to’s are great ways for companies and experts to establish authority while helping consumers go through the steps to solve their pain points. A bonus if the company’s products are used as part of the step-by-step demo. It’s important to keep the content relevant to the consumer, and not just as a mask to sell your product or service. Some examples:

• How to Build an eCommerce Website in 1 Day• Step-by-Step Guide to eCommerce Replatforming• Your Definitive Guide to eCommerce Marketing

You are surrounded by subject matter experts – within your company and in your industry. Reach out to them and ask if they are willing to answer a couple of questions. Responses are typically honest, heartfelt and insightful; just the kind of reading that people love. Q&As can include:

• Tips & advice• Biggest mistakes• Secret to successes• Their take on X topic

2. How-to posts

3. Q&A with an Expert / Op-Ed

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Some of you may reach out to at least a dozen contacts to spread your odds of getting a reply back. If you get a handful of responses (great!), you can create a Q&A series and a standalone roundup post that combines the juiciest soundbites to close out the series.

In contrast, if you or another employee wants to take a stance on a long-standing issue or a news story, consider writing an opinion editorial (or Op-Ed) blog post. Make sure to back up your opinions with evidence and support, and to end it with a call to action.

People love stories, especially ones where people reveal how they’ve achieved success. Success stories are not just powerful tools in motivating people, but they also serve as roadmaps as to how we can achieve the same success. Some examples of success story pillars:

• Why you started and how you grew your business• Any recent accomplishments by your team• Tangible results your customers want to read or achieve themselves• Any mistakes you can share that others should avoid• Step-by-step tactics

4. Personal success stories

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Now that you’ve established authority and trust with the content types previously mentioned, start building a narrative around your company. Write about feature releases, product developments, partnership announcements, launches or expansions.

Think of these content types as a pared down version of a formal press release. Company and product news help present facts clearly, create fresh site content which search engines like, and signal to your customers and prospects that your company is constantly innovating and serving their customers’ growing needs.

What better way to build your reputation and draw attention to your skills than with a customer case study? Share your customer’s plight or pain points, the process / strategy you’ve laid out, and the results achieved after working together. Case studies will appeal naturally to your current and prospective clients as they, too, may be experiencing the same challenges you’ve expertly outlined.

You don’t need to be lengthy. 3-4 paragraphs containing concise descriptions and statistics are always valuable to your audience. Even better if you can include screenshots of the work, a hyperlink or a client video testimonial.

5. Company news and product releases

6. Case studies

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Seeing is believing. Why use a thousand words to describe your product or service when a short video demo will do?

But it’s not about you, is it? Don’t focus on showcasing your product features. Instead, distill your dozen or so features and selling points into a handful that will really resonate with your target audience.

Show how your product can help people accomplish their goals or solve their problem.

7. Video demos

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The last thing you want is to have your content sit idly on the proverbial bookshelf. So make sure to put effort into distributing and promoting your content. Frankly, it’s the most important aspect of any content strategy!

• Encourage readers to sign-up for your email list and automatically send new blog posts by email.

• Share them on social media; make sure to include additional context.• Share them with your colleagues, partners and advocates by email.• Boost status updates (paid promotions) that include links to the posts.

This way, it will reach others who may not be following your company on social media.

• Send direct messages to your followers who care about the particular topic. Ask for their thoughts or opinions (what they say could be content fodder for the future).

• Promote them again a few weeks later. Try different headlines or verbiage on social media to promote them. It never hurts to resurface and repurpose old content!

In our experience, the content types discussed above are the most effective in drawing attention to your website and building your credibility online. So if you’re lacking in time and resources, stick to these. But when you have additional support, don’t be afraid to branch out and experiment with new content ideas!

Distribution andpromotion

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