HE SAME - The Mountain Astrologer

HE SAME fLlfE wlutt-t Your Ne,,xt Move'

Transcript of HE SAME - The Mountain Astrologer


fLlfE wlutt-t Your Ne,,xt Move'

by Anita Nairne

Anita Nairne was born in Kelowna, British Columbia; she attended the Alberta College of Art and the Ontario College of Art and then studied in Los Angeles. After extensive travel, she and her husband settled in Vancouver with their son .

Anita's painting style changed dramatically after her son's death . She began to paint intuitively from her spiritual vision. Her eclectic paintings reflect life around her or people and places from ages past.

As a member of a Vancouver co-op gallery for several years, Anita participated in many group and solo shows. From 1999 to 2005, she had an ongoing exhibition at the Mount Carall Art Gallery in Illinois. In 2000, her Zodiac paintings were used in an astrological calendar that was distributed throughout North America.

Anita conducts workshops at various locations and teaches small classes from her studio. She has developed a method of teaching art that allows the most inexperienced person to become an "artist" in a very short period of time, and she encourages her students to paint from their inner vision .

Contact Anita at [email protected] or (604) 684-6418, or visit her Web site for information about her paintings and classes: www.anitanairne.com

© 1997 Anita Nairne - all rights reserved


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~eHer Jonu £,puflf; Dear Readers:

I want to thank those of you who took the time to respond to my letter in the June/July issue. In that letter, I said that we would be cutting down on wasted (unsold) copies in stores right away to save paper and the energy it takes to harvest, process, and ship that paper. I also men­tioned that, because of economic and environmental neces­sity, TMA would be going exclusively digital after "at least a year. " Many heard that as "within a year. " I have received about 25 responses as of mid June, and the letters were about 4 to 1 against having an exclusively digital magazine.

What surprised me most was the intensity of the reac­tions. There was one death threat from a self-professed Luddite that arrived by e-mail (!) - so I think it was a joke. A more typical response was: "I share your concern for the environment, but I love to read TMA in bed (in the tub, on the plane, at the coffee shop, etc.) - and if I can't do that, I probably won't bother with the magazine at all." Many saw converting to digital as passing the environmental impact along to readers who might want to print out the magazine for themselves. I do understand that some of you simply cannot, for various reasons, use the Internet.

Others were enthusiastic about the prospect of search­able articles - and would appreciate not having to store piles of magazines. Some of you thoughtfully shared con­cerns that I had not at all considered; this helped us to develop our Reader Survey (see page 18). We hope to get a clearer sense of the best way to approach the sticky ques­tion of how we can provide this astrological information to you without further damaging the planet. So, the survey -which is also posted on our Web site, www.mountainastrol ager.com - is your chance to weigh in on that question. We really want to hear from you!

In reconsidering all this, I realized that the goal is not to make TMA digital; the goal is to have TMA emit less carbon into the atmosphere. I will be researching the various ways we can do that besides eliminating the printed magazine entirely. So far, we are using recycled paper that contains at least 403 post-consumer waste. We use soy-based inks, and even the polybag that TMA arrives in can be recycled along with your plastic grocery bags.

But in my view, much more is needed. I'm open to hearing your suggestions (my e-mail is pcurrents@moun tainastrologer.com) ; we'll formulate a plan, based on your responses and our research, by the end of the year. For now, barring unforeseen calamity, subscribers who stay cur­rent will get a "paper TMA " through all of 2007.

TMA Announcements


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Unless you have paid for first-class mail delivery, please do not call or e-mail the subscription department until the first day of the issue month, to report that your magazine has not arrived. For ex­ample, you're welcome to contact us on October 1 if your Oct./Nov. issue has not arrived. We post the first two weeks of the upcoming Forecast Calendar on our Web site, as a service to any readers who experiente postal delivery problems.


At www.mountainastrologer.com, we have posted more than 30 free ar­ticles - including a separate archive of articles in the "Planet Tracks" section. We also provide detailed information on back issues and a complete article index for 1990-2006. You can subscribe (or renew your subscription) through our secure Web site.

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 5

The Mountain Astrologer Issue #128 • August/September 2006

Feature Articles

29 Crazy Wisdom! The Jupiter- 57 Phoenix Rising: Saturn-Neptune T-Square Menopause and Other by Maurice Fernandez Midlife Transformations

During the latter half of 2006, Jupiter, by Lara Owen

Saturn, and Neptune will be combining Midlife can be a confusing and unsettling in at-square in fixed signs - a perfect time - especially for women. The onset recipe for one of those big astrologkal of menopause is often accompanied by "Oh, no!" moments. This author doesn't a feeling of being betrayed by one's own flinch at describing the dark possibilities body. This author lists the transits that of these energies, but he also shows us the arrive between the ages of 40 and 60 and evolutionary light at the end of the tunnel. how these transits might affect us in each

house of the horoscope.

36 The Art of Timing by Joann Hampar 69 The Chance of a Lifetime!

They say that timing is everything - and by Bob Makransky ~

electional astrology is here to help you fin:d Uranus opposes its natal the best times to achieve placement just as we're success in all sorts of getting into our 40s. Midlife endeavors. The heavens crisis, anyone? But the Demi-may never align just Uranus Return can catalyze a right for your wedding major breakthrough, and Bob ,,. or your business start-up; Makransky offers us several still, this article gives you fascinating examples of how Uranus played

a step-by-step guide for making the most out in the lives of notable people. out of your choices.

81 Know Your Nakshatras 44 Hard Aspects between Part Two

Saturn and Neptune by Linda Johnsen by Donna Cunningham

Vedic astrology emphasizes the Moon The meeting of these two planets can be and its "mansions," the nakshatras. ·prickly indeed, because their energies Part 2 of this series introduces us to the are basically incompatible: Saturn rules second group of nakshatras, relating limits, and Neptune has no boundaries. their mythology and their multilayered :rhe Saturn-Neptune celebrities profiled meanings. (Part 1 was published in the here are noted for their dedicated service to April/May 2006 issue of TMA.) humankind, as we might guess.

6 www.mountainastrologer.com


' ) 9 The Moon ~ by Dana Gerhardt


~ 14 1 TMA's Chart Challenge

-' 19 t The Four Astrological Elements

I I by Doria Gambino

• I

j 22 I TMA Chart Tips ~ by Tern Tarriktar

23 Tropical Virgo I Vedic Leo by Jan de Prosse


24 Ask Astro-Coach I by Nicki Michaels I

4 I 4


We hope you will take the time to answer and

return the important

READER SURVEY on page 18.

In our Mercury Direct section

() Asteroid Goddesses and Birth Order by Carrie Megginson

() The lnconjunct, the Quincunx, and Yods by Edward L. Dearborn

Cover art and article illustrations (except where otherwise noted) by M. Tara Sanders

Forecast Section , , ,

91 Where's That Moon?

92 Aug/Sept Forecast Calendar

by Jeff Jawer

101 New and Full Moon Reports

• Aquarius Full Moon

• Virgo New Moon

• Pisces Lunar Eclipse

• Virgo Solar Eclipse

by Stephanie Austin

105 Astro*Carto*Graphy Maps

106 Aug/Sept Declination Graph

TMA Departments

2 Artist's Showcase featuring Anita Nairne

5 Publisher's Letter and Announcements

8 Letters to the Editor

35 Poem: Balsamic Phase of Me by Rheychol Paris

55 ARTICLE PARTICLE: • The Sixties Reloaded by Ray Grasse

65 Fine Fun Factory Cartoons by Ed and Bon Rose Fine

66 Astrology News and Conference Calendar by Gloria Star

77 Book Reviews by Mary Plumb

88 TMA Professional Directory

107 HUMOR: A Conversation with Virgo by Nathan Elderkin

108 Cartoons by Tim Brown

110 Classified Ads

Aug./Sept. 2006 *'The Mountain Astrologer 7



Volume 19, No. 5

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© 2006 The Mountain Astrologer - all rights reserved Manufactured and printed in the United States

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The Mountain Astrologer (ISSN 1079-1345) (Aug./Sept. 2006, Vol. 19, No. 5) is published 6 times per year (bi­monthly) by The Mountain Astrologer, 436 Colfax Ave., Grass Valley, CA 95945-6840. PERIODICALS postage paid at Grass Valley, California and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions are $36.00 for 6 issues in the United States. If you want The Mountain Astrologer delivered via first-class mail, add $12 for extra postage. Postmaster: send address changes to The Mountain Astrologer, P.O. Box 970, Cedar Ridge, CA 95924-0970.

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f.etferJ' to the

f.lifor In TMA's "Letters to the Editor" section, we do not print the street address or phone number of contributors unless the writer requests us to do so. If you wish to have other readers contact you, please specify the information that should be printed with your letter. We do not print anony­mous letters. Letters may be edited for content or shortened to meet space restrictions, subject to the discretion of TMA's editorial staff.

DearTMA: I wish to praise Raye Robertson for

her excellent article, "The Single Eye" (in the April/May 2006 issue of The Mountain Astrologer). It shows how valuable astrological knowledge can be when accompanied by personal obser­vation. The author also emphasizes the difference between vision and eyesight.

"The Single Eye" illustrates the importance of Neptune for the brain, which is discussed in detail in my book, Neptune in Focus: Portfolio of an En­ergy (to be published this summer).

- Rosalind Thorp Powe/(River, British Columbia,


DearTMA: I am very interested in the tenth

planet, which I now insert in all my charts, and am looking forward to your next issue with articles on what others have found. It is much too early to say, but I can't help feeling that the tenth planet has much in common with the prophet Jonah.

Although we don't name planets after biblical prophets, Jonah's story does resonate with that of Planet X. The man who fled as far as possible from the mis­sion that God had given him has a lot in common with the planet that was forced out of its proper orbit around the Sun by an encounter with a massive object. The one was swallowed by a whale; the other was discovered far above the ecliptic in the constellation Cetus.

Jonah, of course, preached to the citizens of Niniveh the terrible conse-

quences of not repenting of their evil ways. The citizens then actually repented en masse, from the king on down, in sackcloth and ashes, and their city was saved from destruction. An ecologi-cal note was sounded when God then destroyed a gourd which had grown over the roof of the prophet's shelter, giving him shade and somewhat assuag­ing his grief. Jonah had grown fond of that gourd, so he was able to compre­hend God's mercy toward Niniveh.

I hope that Pluto does not have the last word and we do not go under in our self-created sea of pollution. The dis­covery of Planet X represents for me the possibility of a way out: that humanity, instead of being driven by inherited sur­vival mechanisms that no longer work, will turn itself around and retrace its steps.

I am especially heartened by the · stand now being taken by Al Gore and Canadian Liberal Party leadership can­didate Stephane Dion. Both see the deterioration of the environment as the emergency it is and are putting it at the top of their agendas.

I have just put down Jared Dia­mond's new book, Collapse, which, encouragingly, is a best seller. The author contrasts different societies, some that persisted in their fixed ideas despite all evidence to the contrary and collapsed, with others that saw rea-son and made sometimes wrenching decisions to change their ways - and survived. He includes a fascinating dis­cussion of the social dynamics involved and makes the important point that col­lapse is not inevitable.

Planet X is now transiting around 20° of Aries, conjunct the U.S. Chiron. Hopefully, we will be hearing now not only from conventional scientists, who have been far from silent all along, but also from unconventional ones and vic­tims of global warming, pollution, and globalization. These groups, as well as

· Native Americans, have been speak­ing out all along, but perhaps now peo­ple will begin to listen. The Centaurs being defeated by the Lapiths were a symbol of "barbarians" overcome by "civilization."

Planet X is also transiting the helio­centric Pluto in the chart for Moham­med's hijra in 622 C.E., the foundation

continued on page 54

g ()£/ aftuf(!/Af/ 6-euv draw-rv to the Moon. As a beginning astrologer, I found Moon signs, aspects, and house positions far more compelling than those for any other planet. The Moon tells the juiciest stories. Our Moon remembers when we cried out in our diapers, wanting nurture, the warmth of touch, a breast or bottle of milk. It remembers what happened next, whether our needs were met and we learned our world was generous and cheerful, or stingy and impatient. Aspects to the Moon describe our interpretation of mother's mothering, whether we experienced her as comforting and supportive, or smothering and resentful. The Moon was also there when we first stamped our feet and tossed our head in that special way we have. Surprised par­ents looked and asked if we thought we were the Queen of Sheba. Well, yes, weren't we the Queen of Sheba? For the Moon's memory stretches even further back, into other lifetimes, when we picked up certain gestures, habits, and expectations that no one else in our family seems to have. The Moon represents a deep imprinting, physical and emo­tional, harboring mysteries a team of psychologists could not itemize or explain. Its reactions are instinc­tive and spontaneous. Its boundaries are porous, its core so sensitive that~ even in our elder years, it can receive a cruel remark with the unprotected vulner­ability of a child. The Moon remembers everything and wants only our happiness. It's the first to raise a fuss if our needs aren't getting met.

Aug. f ~ept. 2006 ¢ TMA

When I began talking with peo-ple about their charts, I naturally went for the Moon, asking about their child­hoods, prying into old angers and recent wounds, collecting gestures, tones of voice, and other psychological clues. "Of course,'' my teacher said one day, "in a reading you don't immediately start talking about someone's Moon." The pained expressions of a few first cli­ents came back to me and made new sense. Oh! The Moon is not an astrolo­ger's dart board.

As my practice grew, I discovered that not all astrologers had learned this lesson. Amy was nervous about her first session with me. Her last re.ading was with a prominent astrologer who'd said that, with Uranus conjunct Amy's Moon, her mother hadn't wanted her and she was destined to repeat this rejec­tion until she dealt with her past. Amy, whose boyfriend had just broken up with her, left that reading shaken and in tears. Amy's mother may have been stressed and less than comforting when Amy was born. But over the long stretch of their relationship, the two were close companions, supporting each other's independence and sharing many sweet and quirky Uranian traits.

Most astrology books say that any­one with a Moon-Pluto aspect must have had a horrific mother. And yet a number of my Moon-Pluto clients have complained, "Every astrologer I've seen wants to talk about my terrible mother. But frankly, my mother wasn't that bad. I love her and I don't feel traumatized." What I've learned from these and other clients is that the Moon's expression is complex. Reduce it to a simple psycho­logical formula at your peril. It is true that, over time, a few of these Moon­Pluto clients would stumble into a tear­provoking memory of helplessness under their mother's power. And while the memory released an integral piece of their own psychology, reflecting a buried need to defend against intimacy, it did not negate the rich and often sup­portive connections they experienced with their mom. Sometimes these lunar breakthroughs went the other way,

~tudent ~ection

as with my Scorpio Moon client who always felt that her mother resented her, until she discovered how tenaciously her mother fought to save her life during an early childhood illness.

As a novice, I thought I knew every­thing by knowing someone's Moon. But over time, my understanding of this placement has become more like the Moon herself: It waxes and wanes. Sometimes the Moon is a potent, lumi­nous presence. Other times, she's a cold glyph staring back from the chart with no depth or poetry. With some clients, the Moon can dominate an entire ses­sion. With others, or with the same cli­ent at another time, the Moon won't even appear. For years, I've had a repu­tation as a Moon expert, but periodically I have to keep asking: What do I really know when I see someone's Moon? What do I know when I see my own?

THE LIVING MOON Vedic astrology invites us to think of

the planets and luminaries as sacred liv­ing entities - as goddesses and gods. Even though I hang out with a circle of women who like to call the Moon a "goddess," I don't come to this lan­guage easily. I've never believed that the orbs above hold deities like smil-ing marshmallow centers. I can believe in powers greater than myself. And though they may not sit at vast control boards within the planets, orchestrating all fates below, perhaps they do speak through the planets. What orbits above or appears on charts below may be like the holy statues in shrines at Hindu tem­ples: visible messengers of a living deity. I am most intrigued by this adjective "living." It suggests to me that, when I'm puzzling about the Moon, instead of opening an astrology book or consulting

the night's Moon phase I can also look for the Moon in my very own life, in my body, emotions, and moods.

I learned volumes about the Moon when I got pregnant. Surely it was the Moon who took over my body, filling it out like a ripe fruit, nurturing the new and fluttering heartbeat inside. I knew nothing about having a baby! I read books, I watched my diet, but mostly I stood aside and watched this mystery unfold through some agency greater than myself. Once my son was born, surely it was the Moon who taught me the exquisite relief of having someone else to worry about. Overnight, self­centeredness, the constant burden of pushing forward "important" projects and shuttling from one entertainment to the next, dissolved. From the Moon, I learned the incomparable pleasure of reflecting another being's light.

But there came a time when I didn 't want to be a mother anymore . I got tired of pleading with Branden to brush his teeth , wipe his nose with Kleenex, and stop tormenting the dog. I didn't want to watch "Lamb Chop" in the morning and "Barney" at night, or play with tow trucks and fire engines on the living-room floor. I cringed at the sound of his sweet three-year-old voice, "Mom, will you play with me now?" I wanted to be attentive to his needs, validate his feelings, set bound­aries, open possibilities, do everything the psychology books said I should, but periodically I ran dry. I lost patience and became the wicked witch .

I can see my struggle depicted in my son's birth chart. He has a Moon­Jupiter conjunction, opposite Venus, squared by Mars. I have guilty memo­ries of enacting that Mars square. One morning in particular, I had waged a long battle trying to get Branden to brush his teeth, wash his face , and sit on the potty, so I could get him dressed and packed for day care. He inched so slowly down the stairs. "Let's go, honey. Mommy's late for work." And then he just stood there , surveying the day. More nagging from me and a few paces further , he stopped at the flower bed and asked me (as he often did) if he could pick flowers for his day care mommy. I said we were too late today; he stamped his feet and let out a cry as

shrill as an ambulance siren, and I lost it. Screaming unkind words, I stalked back, grabbed a fistful of flowers, and threw them at his feet.

I'm often asked by anxious moms what squares or oppositions to their child's Moon mean. "Don't worry," I. want to say, "you'll find out. Watch what you do when you're hungry, hur­ried, angry, lonely, or tired." At-square of Moon-Jupiter, Venus, and Mars? There I was, Branden's impatient, adventurous, indulgent, and angry mom, in a scene far worse than any from my own childhood that I've com­plained to a therapist about.

Enter my Moon. It's in the 12th house, square Saturn. A guilty Moon. I'm supposed to take care of others' needs - especially my son's. Or, in the more psychologically correct ver­sion: I'm supposed to take care of my needs first so that I'm always strong enough to take care of others' needs, especially my son's. But in the 12th house, I trance out of touch with my feelings. Like abandoned rabid dogs, they lunge, snarling and biting at any­one near. This begins my Moon-Saturn mantra: "I am not good enough, I am not good enough." A 12th-house Moon is a caretaking Moon; it is a hungry, victim Moon. It colludes with my llth­house Cancer South Node and says: Serve others before you serve yourself, then break down like a child.

Enter Branden's lunar nodes. His 1st-house North Node points toward developing self-reliance and indepen­dence, while his 7th-house South Node clings - at times, draining vital energy from the others he can't be without. Rebalancing self and other is his soul's



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mission. He's got a lifetime to work on it. So, of course, I knew it was not his most important project as a toddler. But many times I ventured, "Branden, can you play with your stuffed bears tonight instead?" "They are not people," his 7th-house South Node would cry.

Round and round I went, until one morning, the image of the Moon - its reflective light, parceled in phases from dark to full to dark again - came as a message. The Moon receives and holds the light of the Sun, as a mother receives and contains the world of the child. But the Moon goes through phases and so do moms: We can't receive all the time! What the psycholo­gists omit, or pay thin lip service to , the Moon remembers, the Moon enacts. When the Moon is fully illuminated, it demonstrates the height of our reflective powers: our capacity to listen and intuit another's moods and needs. Nights when the Moon is dark teach the neces­sity of pulling back and shutting down. The inner Moon must likewise make her parched return to the well, shaking off the light of her life's many Suns. Neglect these cycles, however, and the inner Moon will take her revenge.

That's how it is with living gods. They fight, they play, they cheat, they lie, they love, they hate; in short, they live. A key difference between polythe­ism, the "many living gods" concept, and our more familiar Western mono­theism, which gives us one supreme Father, is that when there are many gods, the deities get to have both good and bad qualities. Check out the myths of any indigenous people, and you'll find their gods have and do it all. But when there's just one God, he's not allowed any darkness or evil. What's bad is cast out, like that devil Lucifer, fallen from the bosom of our one Chris­tian God. As above, so below: When we don't allow our gods any fallibility, we likewise won't admit it in ourselves.

This expectation of perfection runs deeps, and it profoundly shapes our thinking. It gives us internal pictures of perfect Moon mothers, "on" all the time . W.ith each new child-developmental theory, a mother acquires new expecta­tions of perfection, now nurturing this, refraining from that, as though there were nothing else in her life to worry about. Perhaps this is the real source of mother rage and why our fairy tales are filled with so many wicked step­mothers and so few smiling real ones. Of course, I believed that Mom was responsible for all my problems until I became a mother. Now I wonder: Where is the psychological theory that instructs mothers to listen to their inner Moons? I once heard Anne Wilson Schaef describe an aboriginal tribe that approached its mothering in a more polytheistic spirit. Each child had many mothers; all the women in the tribe shared the nurturing role. That meant

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any mother was free - in fact, encour­aged - to go on a "walkabout" when the spirits spoke and told her to with­draw and be alone.

We're a solar people. The notion that we can or should be present all the time is a particularly solar one, for the Sun is always full and shining. We bring this expectation to work and into all our relationships, especially our loves. Here, too, our disavowed Moons may seek

· revenge. When I'm in relationship with another, my emotional nature is reflec­tive, reactive, and changing. Yet, it can't be said too often: One cannot receive all the time. Even if I secretly know this about me, I will consistently forget it about you. And forgetting this means falling into the perfect mother arche­type. If I'm angry because my partner isn't meeting my needs, I'm demanding my perfect mother, and my inner Moon has transformed me into a dependent child. This is one of the lessons of John Gray's milestone book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. Intimate· relationships are subject to emotional cycles, Gray teaches. Men retreat emo­tionally to renew themselves; women rise and fall in a cycle of emotional highs and lows. Acknowledging this is how we can receive and nurture our­selves - and steer clear of the perfect mother trap. The only thing Gray got wrong is that these cycles aren't rhythms of Venus or Mars. It's what happens when two Moons are involved.

In a solar return , horary, or event chart, we read the Moon's house as an area of changeability. But how do we honor this changeability in a natal chart? What, really, do I know when I see your Moon? What do I know when I see my own? I should know that you and I are fluid and changeable, reflect­ing, reacting, and withdrawing, cycling from dark to full to dark again. This is deeply meaningful information, a pro­found clue to the swing and dance of life. It's why Lord Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction and creation, honors the Moon by wearing the lunar cres­cent on his crown. The Moon teaches that we exist in relationship - to our-

~tudent ~ection


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selves as well as others - by gaining consciousness and losing it, by cycling in and out of light. This is true for men and women. Everyone has a Moon! But when I was the mother of a tod­dler, I searched in vain for the psycho­logical theory that would help me teach this cycle of intimacy to my son, how to pull away and return, so he could learn this was natural and desirable', so that 20 years hence, he wouldn't lose the thread to his own emotions and shut down, or periodically hate the woman he loves, because he was first so dis­appointed in his mom.


Astrologers presume that, when two people have compatible Moons or flow­ing aspects between one's Moon and another's planets, this will be a comfort­able relationship, with plenty of shared sympathies and intuitive understand­ing. The Moon describes what we want from family life and the way we like to be at home. Venus and Mars hold the passion in a relationship. But for day­to-day compatibility - whether we like to hang up our clothes or leave them in scattered piles on the floor - this is the province of the Moon. When Moons are compatible, people say things like "I've always felt so at home with Bob" or "The minute I met Janine, it was like we'd known each other forever. "

If only the relationship stayed that way! The longer we 're together, the more time we have to discover each Moon 's secret hallways and trapdoors, so that what was once familiar and attractive can become irritating and strange . I've had three relationships with men whose charts had a com­mon lunar signature. One had a Virgo

Moon; the others, 6th-house Moons. I have a Virgo Ascendant - the attrac­tion is understandable. A man will often seek a woman to embody the traits of his inner Moon . My men ini­tially loved the way I did Virgo: smart and organized, health-conscious, ana­lytical, and self-possessed . What a mir­acle it was to realize that we agreed on everything. We were so alike! But in each relationship, it wasn't long before I found myself being accused of bad behavior. They said I was judgmental, picky, and unsupportive , all shadow Virgo traits. In my twenties, with my first husband, this was probably a fair complaint. I was only my Ascendant then. During the ten years of my next relationship, with the help of a moun­tain of books and a couple of thera­pists, I worked earnestly to whittle this mask away. I learned that men didn't like to be criticized. (Oh!) I developed new tolerance and patience. I dialed up the fun of my Leo Moon and reveled in the adventurousness of my Sagittarius Sun. When I entered the next relation­ship, I was thrilled to finally be a differ­ent woman. But four months into our love affair, on one dark and very !orig night, I heard those familiar words: "I think you're judgmental, critical, and negating." I was floored .

A friend of mine has a saying: "If ten men say you're drunk, lay down." Perhaps, despite the prior ten years of inner and outer work, I was still nothing more than my critical Virgo Ascendant. But strangely, each time this accusation was hurled, I felt that my critical, judg­mental lover was negating me! So, who was doing the Virgo, really? And why did I keep attracting men with this sensi­tivity? Was it my own 12th-house Moon, opposite the 6th, inviting me to play a familiar role as victim, reciting its trea­sured "Why do they all crucify me?" script? When Moon meets Moon, it's like walking in a house of mirrors!

What really happens when one Moon shines into the dark emotional waters of another? When I look at you, do I see your Moon or mine? When one reflection meets another, we get an optical illusion called "projection." What I see in you may actually be something I don't see in myself. This ambiguity is threaded into our astro-

logical symbolism. A man's Moon, for example, is said to describe his emo­tions, as well as his mother and his wife . Not being a man, I'm ill-equipped to fully sort this out, but even a wom­an 's Moon has a dual role , describing both her feelings and her mother. Most days, I feel as unlike my mother as an orange is to a tomato, so how can my Moon be both of us? And why is my Moon different from my sister's, when the same woman was our mother?

I have a Leo Mpon and tend to describe my mom in Leo terms. I see her as an artist, an actress, a narcis­sist, a child . With my Moon in the 12th house of spirits, I acknowledge my mother as the one who taught me about fairies and magic and all things spiritual - as well as victim scripts and blurred emotional boundaries. My sister has a Capricorn Moon. She describes my mother in Capricorn terms, as a dic­tator and career woman, ambitious, withholding, and cold. My sister's Moon is in the 3rd house of communication. She considers my mother overly talk­ative, full of ideas and promises but ultimately unstable. Each of our charts reflects a different aspect of my mother's chart. My 12th-house Moon reflects my mother's Moon sign, Pisces. My sister's Capricorn Moon reflects my mother's Capricorn Ascendant.

New Age philosophers like to say we choose our parents. Maybe there

was a trip to a giant shopping mall in the upper worlds (about which we might wonder, "What were we think­ing?!"). A more pragmatic explana­tion may be point of view. When we look at our parents, we select the details that corroborate our expec­tations; the rest we minimize . So we "choose" our parents through our plan­etary filters; in essence, we create them by what we choose to believe about them. My mother suffered from post­partum depression when my sister was born, which is consistent with the Cap­ricorn tone of my sister's Moon. But my mother complains that, as a baby, my sister was cold and distant, never smiled at her, and never seemed to like her since the day she was born . Each claims only to have reacted to the oth­er's first move. I, on the other hand, with my more expressive Leo Moon, was a warmer, more loving child - or so my mother claims. And unlike my sister, I can remember my mother often being encouraging and creative . Was her Moon reflected in my waters, or mine in hers?

The Moon is memory, container of our past. But it is also porous, reactive, and changeable. After my last Virgo Moon man, I entered a relationship with a 10th-house Aquarius Moon (opposite my Leo) . What a relief! No longer was I "judgmental" and "picky." After the gauzy veil of romance wore

thin , we were trading insults like "You're such a narcissist" and "You're always working. You never have time for me ." It took a few years for our respective Moons to throw tantrums and negotiate the territory, but now each is quite at home with the other and not at all the same Moon who was with our prior partners.

If the Moon describes our habitual and changing emotional life , plus the traits of our mothers and partners, no astrology text is ca.pable of summing it all up. That is why, when practicing astrology, before saying much about someone's Moon, you should wait for the Moon to rise in the reading of its own accord. In fact, you should make your deepest study of your own Moon, so you can keep its neediness and pro­jections out of the way. Then, your Moon can do what it does best: listen, reflect, intuit, and nourish the radiant Sun in front of you.

© 2006 Dana Gerhardt - all rights reserved

Dana Gerhardt, M.A., is a practicing astrologer in Ashland, Oregon. For appointments, e-mail [email protected] or call (541) 535-7631 . Dana also offers "Moonprints," a personalized report by mail that looks deeply into your birth Moonscape and the current positions of your lunar nature (see ad below). Also available is "Twelve Moons," a monthly workshop in Sun­Moon cycles. For more information, visit her Web site: www.mooncircles.com

Give vourself the. moon! View your life from the

moon's perspective: "Oh­that's why I feel this way!"

No other astrology report will tell you more. Look deeply into your birth moon-sign, aspects, and house; the moon 's nodes, birth moonphase, and elements. Position your­self in time-with transits to the moon, your progressed moon, two progressed luna­tion cycles, a year of new and full moons around your chart. And more. Forty-plus pages of insights. Inspiring, user-friendly text.

Questions? Want me to start on your report before the check arrives? Leave a message and/ or birth data at 541-535-7631 or e-mail me at [email protected]. Visa and MasterCard accepted.

Blue moon special offered all year-round. Buy your first Moonprints for $45 and all Moonprints gifts to friends are only $38 each.

•J)O Send a check for $45 to Dana Gerhardt, M.A. 397 Arnos Street Talent, OR 975~0

Aug. f ~ept. 2006 c- TMA

Chal/e1i ~~ .

Compare Your Skills with the Pros

So. you've been studying astrol­

ogy for a while now and you're

wondering if you're ready to start

interpreting charts for people - per­

haps even make a career of it. Before

you jump in with both feet. wouldn't

it be nice if you could road test your

skills first and see how you score?

Or have you ever looked at a

client's chart and wondered if you've

caught everything important. or

whether another astrologer might

offer a different interpretation?

Well. The Mountain Astrologer

offers its ongoing "Chart Challenge"

to assist you.

Each issue. in our Student Sec­

tion. TMA will publish an anonymous

birth chart (of someone we know)

and a question or two about that

chart for our readers to answer.

You'll have until our next issue to

think about the questions and for­

mulate your answers.

Meanwhile. TMA will ask two

professional astrologers.to review

the same chart and answer the same

question (s). Their expert answers

will be included in our next issue's

Chart Challenge for you to compare

with your own results.

So. pit your wits and astrological

know-how against the professionals!

~tudent ~ection ·

Chart Er Questions from Last Issue:

When will Frea retire and move to

Mexico? When will

his house sell?

(He currently

lives in northern

California and is

a self-employed


Chart Data and Source: "Fred," February 17, 1959; 7:28 p.m. PST; Portland, Oregon, USA (45°N31', 122°W41'). Source: birth certificate.

"Fred" (M. Starck)

TMA asked two professional astrologers to review "Fred's" chart

(published in the June/July issue) and answer the questions. Their answers are included here. so you can compare them with your own!

Marcia Starck Responas:

In this analysis, I have used Fred's natal chart in the Koch house system, including the nodes, Chiron, four major asteroids, Black Moon Lilith, and the Part of Fortune. I have also used Fred's secondary and solar arc progressions for the years cited as well as the transits. In the Solar Maps program, I used both his regular Astro*Carto* Graphy maps and the ones with the geodetic zodiac.

Although Fred is only 4 7 years old, he wants to .retire, move to Mexico,

and sell his house in California. Is this a wise decision at this time? Pluto is opposing his Moon through 2006. The Moon is in the 10th house of profes­sion, so his work is very much con­nected to his home. In fact, he is a self-employed contractor. With Pluto opposing his Moon, he is certainly feel­ing that he is ready for a big change in his lifestyle and place of residence. Pluto is transiting his 4th house, which rules his home. (With the Pluto-Moon aspect, it is possible that Fred has just

ended a relationship, so this could explain why he is thinking of retiring and leaving northern California.)

He has a very good chance for retir­ing, moving, and selling his house at the end of November 2006. Jupiter, ruler of his 4th house, will conjoin his natal Jupiter, which is good for traveling as well as for finances. Since Jupiter rules his 4th house of home, this would be a logical time to sell . Also, the transit­ing North Node will conjoin his Venus at that time. Venus rules both his 2nd house of finances and his 9th house of travel. Saturn at 24° Leo will sextile his Moon, giving him the support to deal with all the details that this large move will require . In Novembe~, his secondary progressed Moon at 2° Aries is conjunct his progressed Mercury, which rules his 10th house of profession and his Ascen­dant. With Saturn conjoining his Uranus at the end of July, he may feel a bit restless then and not want to wait until autumn - but he should wait.

If Fred decides that he wants to remain in northern California a few more years, to complete more work and have more money for his eventual retirement, then I would suggest that he wait until November 2010, when both Pluto and the North Node will con-join his natal Saturn in the 4th house.

Jodie Forrest Responds:

The house system I use is Placidus. I usually don 't discuss asteroids unless a client requests it. '

I'm an evolutionary astrologer with a busy practice working with clients and students. Evolutionary astrology is, of course, not the only way to work, but the fact that I use it is relevant to this chart challenge. Evolutionary astrology assumes that we evolve through succes­sive incarnations. It assumes that one's birth chart represents the result of all the volitional choices (karma) one made in prior lifetimes. It assumes that our charts represent questions we should answer to grow and evolve in this lifetime and that we can always use free will to choose among a range of possible responses to those questions, not make just one predetermined, unavoidable response.

This certainly signifies a new begin­ning and could mean putting down roots in a different country or, per­haps, starting a business in that coun­try. At that time, Jupiter in retrograde motion will conjoin his natal Venus. This is good for finances, and Saturn will conjoin his natal North Node in the 1st house, which also seems to indi­cate a new cycle. Transiting Neptune at 25° Aquarius will be trine his natal Moon; the Moon rules his home, as well as his business, since the Moon is in the 10th house. In the spring of 2009, Ura­nus will have conjoined his Venus and squared his Moon, so a romantic rela­tionship may break up at that time and induce Fred to move again, if he does go to Mexico in 2006.

Another small factor is that, in 2010, secondary progressed Venus con­joins Fred's Part of Fortune in the 9th house of travel. Though I really don't work much with the Arabic parts, I thought this placement in the 9th was interesting.

Is Mexico a good place for Fred to retire? We would want to check his Astro* Carto* Graphy to see what lines he has running through Mexico. I use both the regular A*C*G maps and the geodetic zodiac maps for studying this. Using only the regular A *C*G map, we

Using evolutionary astrology, I do birth charts, transits and progressions, syn­astry, electional charts, relocations, and thematic readings on specific chart issues requested by clients.

I also use the mysterious, ancient, and non-evolutionary techniques of horary astrology for questions that are answerable in this fashion. Harary is an entirely different, fatalistic system. The astrologer casts a chart for the moment she fully understands the cli­ent's question - the moment the ques­tion is "born" in the astrologer's mind - and then interprets the question 's "birth chart," according to traditional, complex, and rigid horary rules. As an evolutior'lary astrologer, I'm ambiva­lent about using horary, yet if it's done correctly, it works about 90 percent of

would find Saturn on his IC line, going through western Mexico. However, with the geodetic map, Venus on the Ascen­dant and the Moon on the IC go through southern Mexico, south of Mexico City. Places like Veracruz, Oaxaca, Puebla, or Acapulco should be very favorable for Fred. Pluto on the Descendant goes through northern Mexico on this map.

If Fred is looking for other choices besides Mexico, both of his maps show Portugal to be another promising place. In his regular A *C*G map, he has the Moon on the Descendant in Portugal, and in his geodetic map, he has Venus on the MC there. Of course, Portugal would be much more expensive than Mexico for retirement, and learning Por­tuguese might be a challenge. So, per­haps his idea of retiring to Mexico is actually a good one. '

Marcia Starck is in­ternationally known for her work in Medical Astrology. Her person­al consultations also in­clude information on psychological and spir­itual aspects, as well as Astro*Carto*Graphy. www.EarthMedicine Ways.com; e-mail: earth [email protected]

the time, and my clients find it help-ful. I came to terms with using horary by realizing that my belief that free will can be applied to our ongoing evolu­tionary journey, as represented by our birth charts, refers to the birth charts of human beings, not to the birth charts of their questions.

Questions about "when" are fatalis­tic and, therefore , the province of horary astrology. However, I'm not using horary here, for two reasons:

1. I always communicate directly with potential horary clients to make sure I completely understand the ques­tion. Harary answers questions ver­batim. Experience has taught me that there 's often a root question upon which other questions may well depend and that the root question must be

Aug. I S::ept. 2006 o TMA

Chart Challenge

articulated, word for word, to the astrol­oger and be fully understood before an horary chart can be done effec­tively. Fred might mean: "If I retire, will I move to Mexico?" Or: "Will my house sell, which would let me retire?" Since I can't communicate with Fred as part of TMA 's exercise, I can't determine his exact question .

2. Even when the client and I arrive at the exact question together, horary is notoriously unreliable about timing. If Fred's root question is, "When will my house sell?" an horary could tell me, "It will ~ell in x fast {or medium or slow) units of time. " But it can't tell me if a fast unit of time is a minute, an hour, or a day - nor if a slow one is a month or a year. There's no way to know, so I'd have to tell Fred that such a question isn't reliably answerable by horary.

Since I can't use horary, I'll look at Fred's birth chart and the time frames of its current transits and progressions.

Fred's 6th-house Sun and Virgo Ascendant ask him, throughout his life, to express his unique (Aquarius) iden­tity (Sun) through the development of some personally meaningful skill (6th house, Virgo) . His 10th-house Moon asks him to fill an emotional need (Moon) for a public identity, for a job title (10th house) where he can exer­cise the "job description" of that 6th­house Sun in Aquarius and Mercury in Pisces. His vocation (10th house) needs to remain interesting and varied (Gemini Moon) , ideally involves some form of communication (Gemini Moon, 6th-house Mercury) , and must let him express emotions, sensitivity, imagina­tion, and a capacity to nurture (Moon).

If Fred were my client, I'd gen-tly explore why he wants to retire and move away. Throughout his life , he'll need to play a recognizable, interesting, helpful role in his community, wherever he lives, regardless of his retirement status. Moving to Mexico is fine , pro­vided he could, for example, volunteer to teach English as a second language or. basic computer skills there , or work with Habitat for Humanity - whatever

~tudent ~ection

he finds appealing that fits within the wide range of choices. indicated by his natal 6th- and lOth­house energies.

Pluto's tran-sit through his 4th house and oppo­sition to his 10th­house Moon may encourage Fred to face dissatis­faction (Pluto) with his voca-tion (10th-house Moon) and a desire to transform (Pluto) his home base (4th­house transit oppos­ing Moon) . A 6th-house Aquarius Sun is happiest with as much professional free­dom as possible, so Fred may be chaf­ing at restrictions there (transiting Pluto opposite 10th-house Moon) . Perhaps, a career change might be another option, besides retirement and relocation.

If Fred has a primary relationship that's been troubled lately (transiting Pluto recently squared natal Venus, and the Sun progressed into the 8th house of relationship with a mate) , he needs to look squarely at those issues and avoid anything that might be a "geographic cure." The progression of Fred's Sun into his 8th house should be examined in this context, because it conjoined his natal 8th-house Aries South Node in January 2006. (The orbs of that progression run from July 2003 to July 2008.) That progres-sion may trigger some karmic issues (South Node) around his relationship with his mate (8th house), making it seem very stressful or full of conflict {Aries) when it needn't be experienced that way now. A more growth-ori­ented choice (North Node) might be to have confidence (North Node in the 2nd house) in his own abil­ity to negotiate and compromise (Libra North Node) . Whether Fred has a mate or not, the same logic is applicable to his relationship with his own uncon-scious mind (8th house) . ·

If selling his house, retiring, and leaving the country feel like

"Fred" (j. Forrest)

Fred's best options, I'd suggest tim-ing them for when Jupiter, the planet of opportunities and expansion, tran­sits through his natal 4th house of the home, between February 2007 and December 2008. Fred will be having his Jupiter return later in 2006. I inter­pret Jupiter returns to cover the entire time that Jupiter transits through its natal sign (in Fred's case, November "2006 through December 2007) , and Jupiter rules Fred's 4th-house cusp, so house hunting could begin as early as November 2006. Jupiter conjoins Fred's 4th-house cusp in February 2007, May 2007, and October 2007. May 2007 would be a particularly good month for house hunting or relocating. February 2007 and October 2007 are complicated by Mercury's retrograda­tions after February 14 and after Octo­ber 12 - it's fine to investigate then, but I wouldn't sign contracts to sell or buy a house under Mercury retrograde, nor move if it were avoidable.

Astrological counselor, teach­er, writer, editor, and pub­lisher Jodie Forrest co­authored Skymates and Skymates: The Composite Chart. Her new book, The Ascendant, will appear in late 2006. Visit her Web site:

c sevenpawspress.com

Your NEW Chart Challenge


Question: When is there a strong possibility for

an intimate relationship/partnership to

develop? When might this woman's

work horizons expand? (She is a pho­

tographer and a yoga teacher.)




Chart Data and Source: "Sara," November 28, 1958; 7:47 a.m. PST; Gardena, California, USA (33°N53', l18°Wl81

) .

Source: birth certificate.

© 2006 The Mountain Astrologer - all rights reserved

Bill Streett, M.A., holds advanced degrees in Philosophy and Religion from the California Institute of Integral Studies and

seling Psychology from JFK U ersity. He is the co-editor of the

47' cently published The Astrology of Film.

email: [email protected]

05' :Q: 58'

05' 1' 58'


r--t------i lI 46'

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We are researching several possible ways to achieve this goal. No final decisions have been made yet regard­ing how to do it. We appreciate how important TMA is to you in its current (paper) form , and your input is impor­tant to us. This short survey has been designed to gather feedback from our readership in order to decide the best course of action. The more responses we receive, the more informed we can be when we make our plans.

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Please send your completed survey to TMA. MAIL: TMA Survey, PO Box 970, Cedar Ridge, CA 95924 • FAX: (530) 477-9423

E-MAIL: [email protected] - or go to our Web site to download this survey as a PDF.

18 www.mountainastrologer.com


The Four Astrological Elements

(Author's Note: Although this article is written primarily for parents, the astrologi­cal information it contains can be applied to the charts of adults as well.)

When a child is born, the plan­ets create an energetic "blue­

print" pointing to special traits within that child. This unique, personal astrol­ogy chart can be used as a handy guide to understanding a child's temperament, personality, strengths and weaknesses, sense of purpose, emotional needs, and relationships with others.

No two children are alike, not even siblings; therefore, parenting techniques that work like a dream with one child may upset, frustrate , or inhibit another. In my 20-year practice as a professional astrologer, I have seen, time and time again, that learning some basic things about astrology can greatly help par­ents to recognize each of their children's unique characteristics and needs.

Somewhere within every person's chart are the astrological locations of ten planets (the Sun, the Moon, Mer­cury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) as well as other key factors like the Ascendant, Midheaven, and the lunar nodes. All of these factors , in specific combinations, make up the unique blueprint that is your child's chart.

It can be quite complex to study all aspects of an astrology chart, but if you break it down into its most basic com­ponents, step by step, you can uncover

by Doria Gambino

valuable , helpful information about your children. In this issue, I will cover an area of astrology that is rather simple to understand: the "elements. " There are four elements in astrology (fire, earth, air, and water) ; each of the 12 signs of the zodiac is associated with one of these elements:

Fire ... . .. . ... Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Earth .. . . ... Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Air . . .. ..... . Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Water ... .. .. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Each of the elements is known for adding certain characteristics to an indi­vidual's personality; therefore, one quick way to get an overview of your child's basic traits is to just "do the math": Add up the planets and other key chart factors in each element, giving extra emphasis to the element of the Sun sign, Moon sign, and Ascendant (or rising sign) . Most (but not all) astrology charts will have a pre­ponderance of factors in just one or two of the four primary elements.

Fire If your child's chart

has a strong emphasis on fire , she will tend to be action-oriented. Fire signs are gener­ally impulsive, quick to make decisions,

and quick to make a move . Kids with a lot of fire energy can throw themselves into a new project or activity with total enthusiasm - but then their interest may "fizzle out," once their attention wanders off to something newer and more exciting. They are great at start­ing things, but not always so great at finishing them.

Fire-oriented children are usually very social; they like parties and gath­erings, love to have fun , and are ener­gized by being around other kids . They can be dramatic at times and thrive on being the center of attention. Fire chil­dren need a lot of freedom to explore and expand their horizons - and the space to be active. They'll get frustrated if they're too confined (try keeping a fiery infant or toddler in a playpen, and you'll see what I mean). For stimulation, they need toys that are action-oriented and other kids to play with; sports are also a good activity for burning up some of that abundant energy. Decorate their room with bold, bright colors.

When fire children get upset or angry, they can make quite a scene -loud, physical, intense. But don't worry; they tend to get over things rather quickly. A fire-child tantrum is like a summer thunderstorm: It rolls in quickly, with a lot of thunder and lightning, but then the sun comes back out and every­thing is fine again.

Positive Traits: Children with an emphasis on fire signs are gener­ally enthusiastic, confident, indepen­dent, optimistic, outgoing, honest and

Aug. f S:ept. 2006 <> TMA


direct, cheerful , and friendly; they tend ·to be go-getters and often possess natural leadership abilities in social situations.

Negative Traits: These children can be restless and impulsive, and they might not listen to instructions because they're in too much of a hurry to pay attention to the details. They can be easily bored or distracted and often lack the patience to stick with a task until completion. With peers, they can be bossy and demanding and some­times egocentric to the point where they have trouble . sharing the spotlight with anyone else.

Care and Feeding: Fire-sign chil­dren are generally happy to eat, once you actually get them to sit still, but they may try to rush through their meals so they can run back outside to play. Try to get them to slow down long enough to really chew and digest their food.

The American College of Vedic Astrology

Online Program

Earth If your child's chart

has a strong emphasis on the earth element, he will tend to have a more practical approach to life . Earth signs generally like to look before they leap. They like to have a plan and they like to know what to expect - a trait that may sometimes cause them to be apprehensive about approaching new situations. It's best to prepare earth-dominant children ahead of time for any upcoming changes in their schedule or environment, so they have time to get ready and acclimate. If their familiar routines are too disrupted, this can really throw them off balance and upset them. They need a fairly calm environment and a stable routine they can count on.

Earth-oriented children tend to like structured games, where they have the opportunity to fully learn the rules so that they can excel with practice. Board games, games of strategy, video games, and organized team sports like base­ball can be very appealing. The arts

and music are often good activities for these kids .:___ also , being in contact with nature. For decor, earth-tone colors will be soothing, and you might want to put plants in their room (unless they have allergies) .

When earthy children get upset or angry, they generally react with a stub­born attitude - they dig in their heels and refuse to budge. You will have to present them with practical reasons for why they have to or cannot do some­thing: If you show them how cooperat­ing will benefit them in some way, they will probably be easier to deal with.

Positive Traits: Earth types are usually stable, practical, organized, goal­oriented, even-tempered (unless they are pushed) , and more patient and per­severing than the other elements.

Negative Traits: Since these chil­dren have a tendency to be very stub­born and set in their ways, they can be reluctant or even anxious about trying new things. Another common

• trait is possessiveness about their toys (and even their friends and family members).


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~tudent ~ection

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Care and Feeding: Mealtime is not usually a problem with children who have a preponderance of earth in their charts, because they are generally quite fond of food (children with a strong Virgo may be a bit more fussy or may have a "nervous stomach" at times). Be sure not to use food as a reward, though, or you may find these chil-dren becoming too food-oriented, to the point of overeating.

Air If your child's chart

has a strong emphasis on the element of air, she will tend to approach the world from a mental/intellectual perspective. These children seek ideas and knowledge; be prepared to answer endless questions, as your air-oriented child seeks to learn about the world by gathering as much information as possible. She can be curious about everything under the Sun!

Air-oriented children like games and activities that provide mental stimu­lation: computer games, word games, puzzles, books, and so forth . And they like to talk! Conversation with others feeds their intellectual processing and keeps things lively; however, air-sign children are also capable of entertain­ing and amusing themselves quite well. They need a lot of variety, changes of scenery, and toys and activities that stimulate their imagination. Fill their room with interesting things to look at: mobiles, posters, books, and a variety of colors (pastels are good).

When air children become upset, they can get quite cranky and fidgety. Anger in air children is usually expressed verbally - they'll hurl insults at you and can be quite sarcastic when riled up. Their alternate tactic is to dazzle you with logical, verbal a,rguments about why they should get their way. Air children need a solid explanation for why they have to or cannot do something. The response "Because I said so" from a parent will not work with these kids!

Positive Traits: Air children are inventive, versatile, communicative, independent, friendly and sociable, adaptable to change and new environ­ments. They generally acclimate well to school, as they enjoy learning and socializing.

Negative Traits: These children have a tendency to be fickle or eas-ily bored; they can scatter their ener­gies in too many directions. Often, they may try to evade responsibility and can be quite creative in their excuses! (It was probably a Gemini child who coined the phrase: "The dog ate my homework.")

Care and Feeding: When air chil­dren are absorbed in a fascinating proj­ect, game, or activity, they are likely to forget all about food , and it may be hard to pull them. away for mealtimes. Air-oriented children often have erratic eating habits and an abundance of ner­vous energy; therefore, frequent snack­ing can suit their temperaments better than three large, regularly scheduled meals.

Water If your child's chart

has a strong emphasis on the water element, he will approach the world through the perspective of his emotions. Water­dominant children are sensitive and empathic and tend to be kind and nur­turing toward others. They are deeply impressionable and can pick up on and become overwhelmed by any discord in their environments; therefore, they need calm and peaceful surroundings. Loud, boisterous people or places can really stress them out! Because they are so sensitive, their feelings are easily hurt, and things that would roll right off the backs of other children dig under their skin. Yelling at these kids is not the best way to discipline them; their sensitive lit­tle nervous systems can't cope well with strong expressions of anger.

Good activities for water-oriented children include being outdoors in nature (especially swimming), arts and crafts, music, and things that stimulate their vivid imaginations. Pets are often won­derful for these kids; a pet can give them something to cuddle and nurture and can provide a safe source of "unconditional love" on those days when the world feels mean and cold. An aquarium in their room will be very soothing, as will the colors blue and green.

Tantrums or hurt feelings in water children will usually result in lots of tears. When they are upset, they need plenty

of hands-on comforting: Hold them, cud-. die them, rock them, wrap them in their favorite blanket, give them their favor­ite stuffed animal. It can take a lot of reassurance to get water-oriented chil­dren over a hurt, because they feel everything so deeply. They tend to withdraw and sulk when upset, and they need to be patiently coaxed out of their down mood.

Positive Traits: Water-sign chil­dren are usually gentle and kind, affec­tionate, imaginative, creative, and often artistically inclined. They tune into and care about the feelings and well-being of others.

Negative Traits: Because these children are so emotional, they can be moody and overly sensitive (overreact­ing to things) and may nurse hurt feel­ings and hold grudges. New places and people make them anxious; therefore, they are often very shy and even clingy to mom or dad until they become famil­iar with the new place or person. They may have a tendency to be secretive, even manipulative.

Care and Feeding: When all is well in their world, these children are easy to feed. However, when they are in the midst of any emotional turmoil, they usually get a nervous or upset stomach. That's one clue that some­thing may be "eating" away at your water child emotionally - when he has a tummy ache!

(A version of this article has also been published in Inner Realm magazine,

New Jersey, Dec. 2005.)

© 2006 Doria Gambino -all rights reserved

Doria Gambino is a professional astrolo­

ger with 20 years' experience, specializing

in natal and progressed charts, relation­

ship compatibility charts, and (her per­

sonal favorite) charts for children. Parents,

you can have a comprehensive Astrologi­

cal Profile custom-prepared for your child

for only $35. For more information and to

view a sample profile, please visit www.

MetamorphosisMagazine.com. Personal

consultations by phone with Doria Gam­bino are also available by appointment.

Aug./ ~ept 2006 <> TMA

TIP #2 ..... <-- Important Degrees in the Zodiac-----

0 ne of the most vital parts of natal chart interpreta­tion is knowing which of the planets are most in the

"foreground" of the personality and which ones are less influential. Of prime importance is determining how planets are strengthened or weakened by the sign they occupy. For example, Mercury is strongest when in Gemini or Virgo (the signs it rules) , all other things being equal. And if a planet is near one of the four angles (Ascendant, Midheaven, Descen­dant, or IC) or conjoining a luminary (the Sun or Moon) , it has more influence in the chart.

One of the less well-known methods for assessing the importance of a planet in a horoscope is using the "critical degrees." To explain why they are important, I need to take you on a geometrical journey. Draw a square and put a cross inside, dividing it into four equal squares. The original square represents the whole zodiac, and the lines of the cross repre­sent the four seasonal points (solstices and equinoxes). These four 0° cardinal points are viewed in Western tropical astrol­ogy as the most powerful. degrees of the zodiac. That's why charts are often cast for the moment when the Sun reaches these degrees each year.

Now, draw a cross inside of each of these four squares, which gives you a total of 16 squares. Notice that the outer rim of the original square now has 12 sections. Each line rep­resents 0° of one of the 12 zodiac signs. These points also lend prominence to any planet so positioned (if it is within one degree on either side) , although they are not as strong as the four seasonal points.

Repeat the process again, drawing a cross inside each box, and you should get the Figure (right) . The outer rim has 28 sections now. These are the traditional 28 critical degrees, start­ing at 0° Aries, with each section comprised of 12°52' (rounded up) .1 You can view these sections as sub-signs of the zodiac, each with its own unique flavor. Again, the cusps are important sensitive points. For example, a planet at 25°31 1 Cancer would be very near 25°431 (the exact critical degree) and would be read as more influential than a planet at 23°201 Cancer.

By following the daily transits of the planets through these special degrees, you can discover for yourself how they affect the planets passing through them. For instance, watch the planet that rules the sign on your own Ascendant (your "ruling planet") as it transits each of these 28 sections of the zodiac. If you have Capricorn or Aquarius rising, track how Saturn has moved through each of those sections over the years; this will give you a feel for the differences.

~tudent ~ection

The astrologically adventurous can take this method even one step further, dividing the squares one more time. This will give an outermost rim of 60 squares. That means that 6°, 12°, 18°, and 24° of any sign are theoretically slightly more sen­sitized than other degrees. Interestingly, 60 is also the num­ber of years in the Chinese astrological cycle (12 signs x 5 elements) .

The most important part of all this is observation - and comparing notes with other observers. If you pay attention to the zodiacal placement of New and Full Moons, eclipses, plan­etary stations, and especially the transiting Moon, you'll expe­rience a new dimension of interpretation.

Note 1. The 28 critical degrees are:

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn: 0°001, 12°521

, 25°431

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius: 8°341, 21°261

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces: 4°171, 17°091

© 2006 T em T arriktar - all rights reserved

Tem Tarriktar is the founder and publisher of The Mountain Astrologer. You can contact him at [email protected]

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Note~ from a Novice:

T'RO'PlCAL Vl'RGO I VEDlC LEO by Jcin de Pros;s;e

I .;is;ked our Vedic editor; Lind.;i Johns;en, to exp!.;iin how .;i mild-m.;innered tropicc;i/ Virgo

like mys;e/f could pos;s;ibly s;ee hers;e!f .;is; .;i Vedic Leo {us;ing the s;iderec;i! zodi.;ic). I h.;ive

tr.;ins;cribed here s;ome of Lindc;i's; thoughts; on this; topic.

Folks: into Western as:trology are often intens:ely identified with their tropical S:un s:ign. The idea that it

might be the "wrong" s:ign Qfthe s:idereal, rather than the tropical zodiac, "turns: out to be true') can feel

extremely threatening.

i.-Jere is: the res:olution to the S:un s:ign "problem," from a traditional Vedic point of view:

S:uppos:e a Wes:terner believes: all her life that s:he's: a Virgo. Then, s:he goes: to a Vedic as:trologer and

is: s:hocked to s:ee that her S:un is: placed in Leo. At firs:t, s:he thinks: the jyotis:hi (Vedic as:trologer) has: made

a mis:take calculating the chart. Then, the jyotis:hi explains: the difference between cons:tellations: and

s:igns:. Though the S:un is: definitely in the tropical s:ign of Virgo, if her father had been looking at the s:ky the

moment s:he was: born, he could actually have s:een the S:un in the cons:tellation Leo. Wes:tern as:trology, as:

you know, for the mos:t part, goes: with the tropical zodiac, which s:lides: around the ecliptic. Jyotis:his: s:tick

with the s:idereal zodiac, which never changes:. '£0th zodiacs: are "true," provided you unders:tand what

each repres:ents:.

Now the woman is: confus:ed. S:he's: always: thought of hers:elf as: a neat, detail-oriented Virgo. The

des:cription feels: s:o right! '£ut now s:he wonders: whether, ins:tead of being a s:ecretary or a nurs:e, like a

good Virgo, s:he s:hould've been an actres:s: or a politician. '£ut if the Virgo des:cription s:eems: correct, how

can s:he be a loud, bombas:tic Leo ins:tead?

The ans:wer is:, s:he's: s:till a Virgo. Wes:tern tropical as:trology really works:, and according to that

s:ys:tem, s:he's: a Virgo .

Does: this: mean that Vedic as:trology is: wrong? No! '£ecaus:e traditional Jyotis:h does: not des:cribe

Leo as: a dynamic s:ign that loves: to be the center of attention. i.-Jere is: the des:cription of Leo from

I 'Paras:hara (the father of Vedic as:trology): "Leo is: ruled by the S:un. Its: es:s:ential quality is: harmony. It has:

four legs:, is: large and white, and ris:es: head firs:t. It's: as:s:ociated with warriors: and adminis:trators:, dwells:

in the fores:t and in the eas:t, and is: s:trong during the day." That's: it! There's: nothing about being creative,

enthus:ias:tic, broadminded, magnanimous:, pompous:, or conceited .

Ajyotis:hi reads: your character in a completely different way than a Wes:tern as:trologer does:, and

it has: very little to do with your S:un cons:tellation. To the jyotis:hi, your S:un is: in Leo, the cons:tellation it

"owns:," and this: means: s:imply that your S:un is: very s:trong; therefore, the hous:e that the S:un controls: will

be powerfully favored, for good or for ill. A traditionally trained jyotis:hi will never tell you: ''Vour S:un is: in

Leo, s:o you like to be in charge" or ''Vour S:un is: in Virgo, s:o you would make a good s:ecretary." This: is: not

how Vedic charts: are read - at leas:t, not clas:s:ically.

At any rate, comparing a Wes:tern Virgo with a Vedic Leo is: s:omething like hooking a Mac up to a

PC. They have different operating s:ys:tems:. It's: like comparing apples: and bas:ketballs:. It does:n't compute.

My s;incere th.;inks; to Lind.;i Johns;en for her eloquent cfarificc;ition of this; is;s;ue.

Jan de Prosse ic; Managing Editor of The Mountain Astrologer.

a tropical Virgo, and {You guesc;ed itO a c;idereal Leo.

© 2006 Janette de Pros:s:e -all rights: res:erved

Aug. / S:ept. 2006 <> TMA p. 23

by Nicki Michaels

The sole purpose of Ask ASTRO­COACH is to demonstrate how an astrological perspective supports better­informed decisions by providing deeper understanding of real-life situations. It is not meant to replace your own good judgment, nor the services of a licensed professional such as a psychologist, attorney, physician, or financial advisor.

Q: I have too many men in my life! Suddenly, they all want to be close to me, even ones from the past that I thought I was long rid of. What's going on? Is there one who will end up being the one? I don't want to alienate any of them, and I feel responsible toward them. Am I meant to be romantically involved with more than one man at a time? Is my natural tendency nonmonog­

. amous? I feel a bit old (mid 50s) to be juggling all these boyfriends.

-In Demand

A: It seems you know the answer to your own question; the big clue is that you "don't want to alienate ... and feel responsible toward them." Which makes me wonder: What do you want? With a strong emphasis in your natal 7th and 8th houses (the nitty-gritty of relationships) , transiting Saturn trundling through those areas seems to have unleashed unfin­ished business - lessons that you have, no doubt, faced before.1 (See Chart 1, opposite.) The theme revolves around the balanced give and take in relationship (2nd house/8th house) , with no misplaced guilt! Any relationship needs to be on your terms - a radical thought, I know. But it's the only way to attract the one and manage to have a rewarding and lov­ing union - shown as a strong potential by your 7th-house Part of Fortune.

£:tudent £:ection

Your chart is a classic funnel pat­tern . 2 All the planets except one (your Pisces Moon) are on the western side of your chart (others) , with the main plan-· etary emphasis in the houses of partners (7th) and partners' resources (8th) . Your 2nd-house Moon (innate responses) opposes your 8th-house Sun-Pluto con­junction (your own powerful needs, often projected onto the men in your life). The Moon is at the heart of the matter, as is your lst,house Aquarius North Node (the capacity and the chal­lenge to be autonomous, particularly within relationship}.

Your singleton Pisces Moon holds the key, revealing your resonance with other's needs - like a cosmic tuning fork. It's challenging to distinguish your own feelings from people you're close to. This is heightened by the Moon's opposition to your 8th-house Sun-Pluto conjunction: the tendency to attract rather demanding men into your life , encouraging you to set your limits and stick to them.

Your closeness to numerous men for the wrong reasons is not only unhealthy - but also you've been there, done that, and it never works. Separate yourself from these high­maintenance males, so you can own your needs as an independent, autono­mous woman (1st-house North Node in Aquarius) . Once your empathic Moon is released from bondage, the natural alignment of your spiritual nature will occur, propelling you along your own path. This shift might ultimately call in the one (though that cannot be your motivating factor).

Your newfound popularity and your urge to develop independence may have been triggered by Saturn's transit over your natal 7th-house South Node last

summer, releasing the underlying ten­sion created by the forthcoming transiting Saturn-Neptune opposition hitting natal Mars, Mercury, and Pluto (a push toward inspired thought and action) .

The promise of this period is com­pounded by the progressed Sun's con­junction to natal Neptune (discover your calling) , trine to natal Jupiter (expand your potential} , sextile to natal Pluto (develop inner strength) , conjunction to natal Saturn (stick to your limits) , and square to natal Venus (be true to your values) . The downside of these transits and progressions can be confusion and being unduly influenced by others.3

As you move through this period, before agreeing to anything, ask your­self, "If I say yes to this, what am I say­ing no to?" If the price is too high, take a strong stand for yourself. Your rewards will be beyond measure.

Q: It seems that my entire adult life I have been placed in leader­ship positions without consciously seeking a leadership role. I am cur­rently working as a supervisor. I resisted becoming part of manage­ment for years, but now I wonder if I'm fighting "fate." I'm trying to decide if I should consciously work toward advancement, instead of resisting the path I seem to keep getting put back onto.

- Fighting Fate

A: As the innovative psychologist Carl Jung said, "The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate. "4

You were born with the powerful apply­ing Uranus-Piute;> conjunction (social revolution) at the apex of a t-square,5

conjunct your IC (the roots of security) ,

so the latent potential of your leadership capacity will hopefully soon be released. (See Chart 2 , below.)

This 176-year conjunction last occurred during the mid 1960s and marked the civil rights movement, the . antiwar movement, and the seeds of the environmental movement, the alterna­tive healing movement, and the human potential movement.6 Those born dur­ing this conjunction, especially those who have it powerfully placed in their charts, embody the potential for planting seeds of change within existing frameworks.

Had this conjunction landed in your 10th house (career, social standing} rather than the 4th (family roots, inner security} and had it not been in a chal­lenging relationship (t-square) with a 12th-house Moon opposing 6th-house Mercury (a behind-the-scenes player} , the leadership potential of this natal placement might have emerged earlier. 7

But as you suggest, destiny calls repeatedly until its cry is heeded. Con­sider the possibility that you are being called forth to perform on a larger stage: transiting Uranus's (release from bond­age) recent conjunction to your Mid­heaven (career}, while squaring the natal Sun (life purpose) and opposing its natal position (the midlife crisis) , while transiting Pluto (deep and profound transformation) opposes the natal Moon (patterned responses) and con]oins natal

Chart l: In Demand

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Mercury (challenging existing ideas and philosophies). The conjunction of tran­siting Neptune (a higher calling) to natal 9th-house Saturn (existing philosophical structures) , as transiting Saturn opposes its natal placement, allows new ideas and possibilities to emerge as outmoded ones fade away.8

All of the above occurs during the final two years, or the Balsamic phase, of the current 30-year progressed luna­tion cycle, revealing the latent potential that may begin to develop at the pro­gressed New Moon in October of 2007.9

At this crucial juncture, the mission you've resisted is potently re-emerging. Ask yourself, "What are the possibili­ties?'.' and watch your own power and magnificence emerge, as you answer Yes! to destiny's call.

Q: I'm approaching 40, and I'm considering changing careers. I did not enjoy studying law, but I was

All charts use Placidus houses and the Mean Node.

determined to finish what I started. My husband and I recently relo­cated, and I found work in the legal publishing industry. I like (not love) what I do, but I am feeling more and more attracted to comple­mentary healing modalities, partly because it is quite a big field in my new locality. I'm constantly look­ing up courses concerning energetic healing, etc., and feel compelled to take up study. Am I just having a mad midlife moment, or does my chart indicate that healing work could be suitable for me?

- Eternal Student

A: If this is a "mad i;nidlife moment," it is a very timely one, indeed. The cur­rent period is laden with potential for dramatic and compelling change of career and identity, as transiting Pluto (transformation) conjoins the natal Mid­heaven (career) while in Last Quarter square to the natal Ascendant (one's persona) - a once-in-a-lifetime event. (See Chart 3 , p. 26.) The potential for deep transition is amplified by the oppo­sition of transiting Neptune (dissolution) to the natal Moon (ingrained pattern­ing) , while transiting Saturn (structure) conjoins it, allowing you to shift patterns that are no longer appropriate. 10 It's clear that the legal publishing field does not fulfill you: You didn't even enjoy

Chart2: Fighting Fate

Aug. I ~ept. 2006 <> TMA

OACH studying law. Imagine how different life would be if you were excited by what you had to look forward to each day. Ask yourself, "If not now, when?"

Yqur birth chart reveals healing capabilities, with your natal Sun (life focus) and Mercury (intellectual inter­est) opposed Neptune (great sensitiv­ity, often the mark of a healer) . With the potent natal Uranus-Pluto conjunc­tion angular11 in the 6th house (heal­ing), it makes sense that you're strongly attracted to (and talented in) alternative healing modalities and that you're will­ing to dump a boring career to honor these capacities. There's more than your career at stake here. Will you allow yourself to blossom, or continue living someone else's dream?

In December 2003, at your pro­gressed Full Moon, you entered the ful­fillment phase of the 30-year progressed lunation cycle, which defines the struc­ture of our lives. 12 This phase is like looking into a mirror that clearly reflects how closely your life accords with the truth of your being. To support that, reflect upon this: "How would life be different if I were living my dream?"

Between now and 2010, there are several other potent planetary place­ments that challenge you to integrate

your life with your true nature. If you begin the process now by moving toward what attracts you, then when you come to your actual astrologi-cal midlife moment (transiting Uranus opposing its birth position and, in your case, natal Pluto also), you'll feel like you are on the cusp of a whole new life . By the time transiting Uranus completes the conjunction to your Ascendant (Feb­ruary 2010), you will feel liberated! 13

You'll look back on your current life and wonder what took you so long, and you'll thank your lucky stars you made a bold change for the better.

Chart Data and Sources Birth data are confidential, but the sources are as follows: Charts 1 and 2: birth certificate; Chart 3: hospital records and mother's memory.

References and Notes 1. Transiting Saturn entered the 7th house on July 1, 2003; moves into the 8th on July 22, 2006; and will leave there on September 9, 2009.

2 . A funnel pattern in a chart is one where "all planets are gathered within one half of the celestial sphere (and often within an even less-extensive area) - all except one ... a 'sin­gleton .' In the most characteristic cases, this isolated planet is found separated from all the others by either the horizon or the meridian. " -Dane Rudhyar, Person Centered Astrology, Aurora Press, 1980, pp. 186-225 (http://aurora press.com/htmVrudhyar _ 5.html)

3 . All transits include 2-degree orbs, unless oth­erwise specified: Transiting Saturn conjoined natal South Node from July 13 to August 13,


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~tudent ~ection

2005; transiting Neptune opposes natal Mars from March 28, 2004 to January 18, 2007; natal Mercury from March 8, 2005 to January 1, 2008; and natal Pluto from March 29, 2007 to January 19, 2010. Transiting Saturn con­joins natal Mars from August 6, 2006 to May 15, 2007; natal Mercury from August 18, 2006 to June 8 , 2007; and natal Pluto from Sep­tember 29, 2006 to July 26, 2007. The three exact oppositions of transiting Saturn to transit­ing Neptune are on August 31 , 2006, February 28, 2007, and June 25, 2007. The progressed Sun exactly conjoined natal Neptune on April 14, 2005, trined natal Jupiter on December 6, 2005, sextiles natal Pluto on August 30, 2006, conjoins natal Saturn on December 28, 2006, and squares natal Venus on May 11, 2007.

4. C. G. Jung, Collected Works 9, II , para. 126, 1959.

5 . At-square is a challenging planetary con- ' figuration where two planets (or sets of plan­ets) are in opposition to each other, and each is also square (at 90 degrees) to a third planet or set of planets. The focal point is the planet at 90 degrees to the opposition. Angular means close to one or more of the four power points of the chart, the Ascendant, Descendant, Mid­heaven, and IC, and adds potency to whatever is so placed.

6. The three exact cemjunctions of Uranus and Pluto took place on October 9, 1965; April 4, 1966; and June 30, 1966.

7. While the Venus-Mars conjunction straddling the Descendant (seeing others as powerful) is also opposed the natal Moon, these planets are not within a 10-degree orb of a square to Ura­nus and Pluto.

8 . Transiting Pluto 9pposes the natal Moon from January 26, 2004 to November 14, 2006; con­joins natal Mercury from February 11 , 2004 to November 27, 2006; transiting Uranus' conjoined

Chart 3:

the natal Midheaven from May 9, 2004 to Febru­ary 23, 2006; squares the natal Sun from March 2, 2005 to December 15, 2006; opposes natal Ura­nus from March 18, 2005 to January 12, 2007; natal Pluto from March 27, 2006 to January 21, 2008. Transiting Neptune conjoins natal Saturn from February 24, 2005 to December 17, 2007; transiting Saturn opposes natal Saturn from August 15, 2006 to June 3, 2007.

9. Each of the eight main phases of the progressed lunation cycle lasts approximately 3.5 years. The Balsamic phase represents the completion of the existing cycle; the essential nature of what's pos­sible at the next new beginning now emerges in nascent form. Your Balsamic phase began on September 16, 2003 and ends at the progressed New Moon on October 11 , 2007.

10. Transiting Pluto conjoins the natal Midheaven from January 14, 2004 to November 2, 2()06; squares the natal Ascendant from January 30, 2004 to November 18, 2006. Transiting Neptune opposes the natal Moon from February 26, 2005 to December 20, 2007.

11. Read more about the Uranus-Pluto conjunc­tion of the 1960s in paragraph 1 of the previous question. See also "angular" in Note 5.

12. The progressed Full Moon occurred on December 1, 2003. The Full phase lasts until July 4, 2007. Learn more about the progressed luna­tion cycle in "An Overview of Dane Rudhyar's Approach to Cycles" (TMA, Feb. 1998), by Nicki Michaels, at http://www.BeyondSunSigns.com/

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rudhyarcycles.html; and The Lunation Cycle: A Key to the Understanding of Personality , by Dane Rudhyar, at http://aurorapress.com/ htrnl/rudhyar _ 8.htrnl

13. The 84-year Uranus cycle equates to a long life. Therefore, transiting Uranus's opposition to its natal position, which occurs between the ages of 38 and 42 (depending on its speed), marks the archetypal halfway point of life, also known as the midlife crisis. Tran­siting Uranus opposes natal Pluto from March 29, 2007 to January 22, 2009; opposes natal Uranus from May 25, 2007 to March 8, 2009; and conjoins the natal Ascendant from May 2, 2008 to February 25, 2010.

© 2006 Nicki Michaels - all rights reserved

Astrologer and Life Coach Nicki Michaels works from her San Francisco office and can be reached at (415) 821-7070.

If you enjoy reading Nicki Michaels's Ask Astra-Coach column, then check out the new

Ask Astra-Coach Archives at www.AskAstroCoach.com

You'll find all past questions and answers, indexed both by topic and TMA issue date, and more!

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Crazy Wisdom! 'the <]upiter-Saturn­

ftleptune 'i-Square

by Maurice Fernandez

crhe year 2005 ended with an intense grand cross in the fixed signs, im.'.olving Saturn in

Leo, Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Aquarius, and Mars in Taurus. A fixed grand cross is no laughing matter: The Wheel of Fortune card in the classic Tarot deck depicts the presence of the four fixed signs and symbolizes a change of direction in life. Even the biblical book of Ezekiel opens with the appearance of the four creatures through which God delivers a message; the creatures are the ox (for Taurus), the lion (for Leo), the eagle (for Scorpio), and the man (for Aquarius). In potent ways, these four signs infuse our mythologies with their embodiment of the four fundamental power sources in life.

The fixed signs represent free will and individ­ual power in astrology. They describe the resource­fulness and creative capacities available to each soul, allowing individual intervention and impact in the greater scheme of things: Taurus, with resources (form); Leo, with heart and willpower (spirit); Scorpio, with introspection and regen­erative capacity (emotional power); and Aquar­ius, with genius (higher mind). Thus, the fixed signs reflect the necessity for all egocentric beings who naturally possess a separate consciousness to actively participate in the life process. The condi­tion for success and productivity in this participa­tion depends on alignment with objective universal

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 29

el'a.zy Wisdom

laws, reflected by the mutable signs. Consequently, the appearance of the four fixed signs calls for human respon­sibility in life management. In other words, this is a time for each person to recognize his or her creative potential and learn to use it well, instead of pas­sively waiting for life to take its course. In this regard, the potential for misusing power increases accordingly.

Typically, t-squares and grand crosses combine initially conflicting ener­gies that pull simultaneously in all dif­ferent directions. Contradictions therein induce stress and sometimes stagnation when the person under the influence

· is tom and ends up paralyzed. How­ever, the purpose of these configurations is to harmonize these ·conflicting forces and learn to manage them productively, because each has its value and necessity.

On December 17, 2005, Jupiter and Saturn formed their first exact square, and on January 27, 2006, Jupiter and Neptune formed their first exact square. The meeting of slower-moving planets through angular aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) always points to sig­nificant shifts of developmental phases in life, on both a personal and a col-

er-squares and grand

crosses combine initiallfl

conflicting energies that

pull simultaneous/fl in all

different directions.

lective level. The number of people in major transition during this period of time is considerable; obviously, charts with a heavy fixed-sign empha­sis are more pointedly targeted. Sta­tus changes, career transitions, deaths, births, and life-cycle completions have - at least to some extent - affected the foundations and directions of many lives; all this is accelerated and inten­sified under these transits. During the period of the fixed grand cross toward the end of 2005, a great deal of frustra­tion was felt when the need for change was so pressing; yet, the actualization of change was often obstructed and slowed down because of the grand cross "multidirectional pull" effect. In the late summer and fall of 2006, Jupi­ter, Neptune, and Saturn will meet again. Although their encounters will not occur simultaneously, they will be close enough to have a powerful impact on our lives once more.

The meeting points are as follows:

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30 www.mountainastrologer.com

• Saturn- Neptune exact opposi­tion: August 31, 2006 at 17°53' Leo-Aquarius

• Jupiter-Neptune exact square: September 24, 2006 at 17°21' Scorpio-Aquarius

• Jupiter-Saturn exact square: October 25, 2006 at 23°32' Scorpio-Leo

Saturn In Leo has the evolutionary purpose to promote growth and matura­tion in matters relating to personal cre­ative efforts and achievements. The bar is set higher, and this forces individu-als to prove their credibility and achieve goals superior to past ones. Saturn reg­ulates time, so it is responsible for clos­ing cycles and promoting new starts with higher requirements; thus, it compels individuals to mature and toughen up. People may experience greater pressure to achieve more or to find more meaning and purpose in their lives. Sometimes,

· feeling overwhelmed, a person can go through phases of shattered self-esteem and a crushing sense of difficulty. Since Leo rules dynasties - children and par­ents, leaders and successors - Saturn in Leo creates a shift in this regard and can generate situations where leaders, kings, or superiors are dethroned to allow new generations to take charge. The new cycle intrinsic to Saturn may also mani­fest in children leaving their childhood home or even parents retiring or passing away. Considering that there is a whole generation with natal Pluto in Leo, this transit is highly significant for changes in world power structures.

Neptune In Aquarius has the evolutionary purpose to align the higher mind with higher truth. The challenge therein is to marry religion or spirituality with science. Thus, Neptune in Aquarius dissolves the absolute faith that people have in the supremacy of scientific and technological progress - or, conversely, in religious and spiritual dogmas. Sci­ence (human effort) cannot thrive with­out spirituality (larger forces), and vice versa. Since Neptune's entrance into Aquarius in 1998, the consequences of pollution, primarily emphasized by the hole in the ozone layer, have become increasingly alarming and have urged individuals and leaders to recon­sider the direction of progress. From

the panic of Y2K to mad cow disease to environmental destruction, the col­lective is now becoming more aware of related dangers. The cultural gap between the fast-paced Western world and the more traditional Middle East was also traumatically depicted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks upon the fore­most symbol of Western world progress - the World Trade Center -via the primitive weapons used to seize con­trol of the airplanes. Previously with SARS and now with the looming avian flu , new measures are being imple­mented to cope with airborne (Aquar­ius) parasites (Neptune) . On the other hand, fraud and abuse within religious institutions and the rise of fundamen­talism across the globe have stimu­lated a more questioning and cerebral approach to faith in order to curb excess and misuse. Eventually, more effort will be invested in aligning the creativity of the higher mind (civilized progress) with universal laws, to pro­mote a better future (Aquarius).

Jupiter entered Scorpio in late October 2005. This is a powerful and

11erazy wisdom" has to do with challenging

commonly accepted morals and ways.

expansive configuration whose evo­lutionary purpose is to expose distor­tions of truth and violations of power. The aim is to discern what needs to be changed or relinquished in order to promote more consistent and genu­ine development- potentially, in all fields . Jupiter in Scorpio typically gener­ates downfalls first by exposing incon­sistencies, weaknesses, or lies, before it stimulates empowerment: It calls for us to connect ourselves to our true nature without compromises. Jupiter in Scor­pio engenders a deep hunger for more in life as it bluntly exposes personal limitations. Financial hardship, emo­tional neediness, or spiritual voids are examples of this sense of deprivation. Lack and deprivation eventually stimu­late inspiration and creativity and urge

individuals to reach out for something greater. From the bottom of the abyss comes the potential to ascend and con­quer new ground, promoting an oppor­tunity for increase and deeper meaning.

When these three bodies end up locking onto each other during the lat­ter half of 2006, a prime opportunity for radical change exists! In late Janu­ary 2006, when Jupiter in Scorpio first squared Neptune in Aquarius, a serious crisis occurred in matters of faith: Dan­ish and French newspapers published caricatures of the prophet Muhammad. This stirred up emotions and exac­erbated the existing distrust between Muslims and Westerners.

Jupiter with Neptune always triggers ideological and spiritual issues. The ultimate purpose is to stimulate spiri­tual growth. However, in typically Nep­tunian fashion , personal projections of truth must first be dissolved before new realizations and higher inspiration can surface; individuals who are influenced by this configuration are pressured to let go of wishful thinking and attachments to beliefs in order to transcend their


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Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 31

erazy Wisdom

own conditioning and to embrace larger meanings. Hence, while Jupiter-Neptune contacts promote inspiration and higher realizations, they also generate spiritual crises and skepticism. False prophets and utopian believers must surrender. In that same vein, the very abstract and expansive quality of this combination often incites excesses that 21 ° eventually culminate in failure ; people rw >------------+----; who have overindulged in one way or 41'

another may become overwhelmed by debt or other forms of dysfunction. The fall of giants can be expected under these influences! (In 2002, when Jupi­ter in Leo was opposing Neptune, air­line companies and big corporations such as Enron faced scandals and a severe economic depression resulting from past excesses.)

Saturn-Neptune combinations describe the evolutionary purpose of finding freedom in laws; the aim is to align human perception of laws with spiritual laws. Thus, manmade laws and systems can be revealed as lack­ing in order to stimulate development in that regard. ·Jn a more abrupt way, the inconsistencies of many systems may be exposed under these influences and cause the collapse of leaderships and regimes. (Remember the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 as Nep­tune and Saturn exac~y conjoined.) In extreme cases, Saturn-Neptune can induce anarchy and revolutions - or even depravity and decadence - if nothing replaces the disappearing sense of order. Saturn with Neptune can also be referred to as the need to embrace crazy wisdom. Something is consid­ered crazy when it contradicts common sense. "Crazy wisdom" has to do with challenging commonly accepted morals and ways; the purpose is to transcend conditioning, open up, and conceptual­ize a greater sense of order.

When all three planets, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, come together - this time, in at-square - we can expect major changes in political, spiri­tual, religious, and moral systems. This t-square can foment a collapse of exist-

- 32 www.mounfainastrologer.com

Inner wheel and house cusps: Denmark; outer wheel: transits of January 28, 2006.

27° ~ 09'

05 f--+-~~--+-~~---iJL


Koch houses and the True Node.

ereation will occur through chaos, but we

must be prepared to face some degree of turmoil.

ing beliefs and a sense of meaningless­ness. That the planets are in fixed signs indicates that possible triggers or targets in the upcoming crisis will be related to resources or nations/corporations com­peting for power. The fixed signs also imply that humans do have a choice and must take on a personal sense of responsibility to reorient the affirmation of power toward collective well-being. A positive example of this dynamic is the elimination of African debt during the summer of 2005 (Venus opposed Neptune in fixed signs at the time). Positive revolutions can generate true progress and upgrade how systems are managed.

Spiritual development and higher realizations may be attained during this transit, which will allow people to considerably expand their conscious­ness; we have a tremendous potential to free the mind from conditioning and to re-program the way life is addressed. Conversely, political and spiritual lead­ers may be dethroned and exposed for inconsistencies or corruption. Scandals around lies and propaganda could eas­ily erupt. The breakdown of systems may come from within or as a result of external provocation.

Going back to late January 2006 and the Danish cartoon scandal, we can see that Denmark's Jupiter is at 17° Leo and was then closely opposed by Nep­tune and squared by Jupiter (see Chart 1, opposite) -a cultural and religious battle, indeed! Countries and individuals with planets in the 17th or 23rd degree of fixed signs are on the spot where these planets will converge. A major candidate for the "feast" is China (see Chart 2) ; its Pluto at 17° Leo squares Venus at 19° Scorpio. China's hunger for economic increase, currently bol­stered by Jupiter's transit in Scorpio, is very likely to create a backlash around the time of the exact Saturn-Neptune opposition in August 2006. Socioeco­nomic gaps are widening without control

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Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 33

erazy Wisdom

in that country, and this may spur a new wave of protest and rebellion or related dysfunction.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has 17° Leo rising and Uranus at 20° Scorpio (see Chart 3, below) . Transiting Pluto is also squaring natal Mars at 25° Pisces. Iran's defiant pursuit of nuclear weap­ons (transiting Jupiter in Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius) clearly triggers antagonism and purposefully stimulates provocation; bold statements (Jupiter­Neptune) may have to face sanctions (Saturn) and a deflation of overconfi­dence (Jupiter-Neptune) . The question is: How much damage will be caused beforehand? Around the time of the Saturn-Neptune opposition at the end of August 2006, it is possible that Iran will intensify its threatening position.

Israel has the Sun at 23° Taurus and Saturn at 16° Leo (see Chart 4) . The transits of Jupiter, Saturn, and Nep­tune mark a highly significant time for the country: On the one hand, new trea­ties and new approaches are feasible ; on the other hand, there is a huge potential for destabilization due to leadership cri­ses or hostilities. The long-lasting Nep­tune transit in Israel's chart has caused

Chart 3:

Islamic Republic of Iran

34 www.mountainastrologer.com

repeated changes and political power reversals. Previously, during the passage of Neptune opposing Israel's natal Pluto and Saturn, the country had to surrender some of its dominance over Palestinian territories. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was incapacitated following a stroke just as Neptune opposed natal Saturn in January 2006. Although things may appear solid at one moment, they are easily destabilized the next. This climate of unrest persists, together with a poten­tial for important political and economic transformation. Israel is also vulnerable to cultural and religious clashes with this transit, because of its complex demo­graphics and fragile cultural diversity.

Conclusion The bottom line for the latter half of

2006 is that anarchy may be necessary; Neptune is such an overwhelming and humbling force that it often paralyzes egocentric control. Since Neptune rep­resents mass effect, collective conscious­ness, and the forces of nature, it does not leave much scope for power trip­pers or control freaks . (And we all have our personal dose of these tendencies.) These transits suggest a fantastic oppor­tunity to clear out many obsolete con­cepts and restrictive approaches. The passage through this period can be seri­ously destabilizing, but the potential to reinstate true and more honorable lead-

ership is at hand. Creation will occur through chaos, but we must be prepared to face some degree of turmoil, since what was once perceived to be reli-able will no longer serve us. It is time to embrace the wisdom of insecurity for a greater order to emerge!

Chart Data and Sources (in alphabetical order)

Communist China, October 1, 1949; 3 :15 p .m. CCT (--8:00) ; Beijing, China (39°N55', 1 l6°E25') ; source: Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes (BWH), The Wes­sex Astrologer Ltd., 2004, Chart 61.

Denmark, June 5, 1849; 12:15 p.m. LMT (-0:50:20) ; Copenhagen, Denmark (55°N40', 12°E35') ; BWH, Chart 82.

Iran (Islamic Republic) , April 1, 1979; 3:00 p.m. !RD (-4:30); Teheran, Iran (35°N40', 51°E26') ; BWH, Chart 159.

Israel, May 14, 1948; 4:00 p.m. EET (-2 :00) ; Tel Aviv, Israel (32°N04', 34°E46') ; BWH, Chart 163.

© 2006 Maurice Fernandez -all rights reserved

Maurice Fernandez is the author of the book, Neptune, the 12th House, and Pisces, and has been a full -time astrologer and writer since 1992. He was born in Burundi, lived in Israel, and is now based in Boulder, Colorado. His Web site (www.mauricefernandez.com) offers a very instructive interactive forum. Maurice is also the producer of Major Sky, an on line astrol­ogy magazine. You may contact him via e-mail: majorsky@earth/ink.net

Chart 4:


Balsamic Phase of Me by Rheychol Paris

Each month I embrace a mini hibernation

as the Moon hides from view.

Inside m1jselfI find the wa11, enerq11 receding,

bearlike in a cave of rest and renewal.

Where has she gone, that Moon of mine,

that lunar liq ht of niqht?

Inside herself as well, perhaps,

preparation for her growing glow?

When aJl is bright as da11 in niqht, forth she grows to full,

opening me to life aqain.

Needing no longer to sleep inside m11self,

out of the cave I step,

Ready to engage once more

in an outward dance with life.

I play, work, and find rh11thm more gracefully now,

trusting the C1jCles in time.

© 2006 Rheychol Paris - all rights reserved

Rheychol Paris liues on the central Oregon coast. She incor­porates meditation, yoga, writing, flower essences, lifestyle attunement, and energy medicine into her practice of astrol­ogy. She can be reached at: (541) 547-5391 ; P.O. Box 686, Yachats, OR 97498; or [email protected]

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Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 35

In electional astrology, it is always advisable to have the planet ruling the matter direct in motion, because a ret­rograde condition weakens or delays the outcome. Remember that the con­dition of any planet is conveyed to the person or matter it rules in the election chart; for instance, if the planet ruling the Ascendant is weak, then the person initiating the action is weak. The aim is to strengthen the planets ruling your election and connect them in construc­tive ways.

Which House Rules the Election? The person initiating the action is

always ruled by the 1st house, and the matter under consideration will fall into one of the twelve houses. To work with • electional astrology, it is first necessary to identify which of the houses rules the main theme of the election. Although the planets are important, the house rul­ing the electional matter is the primary consideration. Once the matter has been placed into the appropriate house, we want to arrange the planets to enhance that house.

Selecting the appropriate house is a rather straightforward matter. The main topic of the election will deter­mine which house applies. However, it becomes a bit more complicated when three or more houses are involved. In that case, we want easy applying aspects between the house rulers, to bring the matter to a successful conclusion.

In a marriage election, the focus is on strengthening the 7th house. In a business . election, the focus is on the 10th house, and in an election to buy property, the 4th house is important. Multiple houses are considered in an election to purchase a home. In such an election, one would consider the 4th house as the primary house because it represents the home. However, the relationship between the 1st and 7th houses is equally important because they represent the buyer and seller. The 2nd and 8th houses show their finances. To reach an agreement, we need easy aspects between the rul-ers of the 1st and 7th houses. Moreover,

38 www.mountainastrologer.com

Table of Planetary Strength Planet Dignity Detriment Exaltation Fall Moon Cancer Capricorn Taurus Scorpio

Mercury GeminWirgo Sagittarius/Pisces Aquarius Leo

Venus Taurus/Libra Scorpio/ Aries Pisces Virgo

Sun Leo Aquarius Aries Libra

Mars Aries/Scorpio Libra!faurus Capricorn Cancer

Jupiter Sagittarius/Pisces GeminWirgo Cancer Capricorn

Saturn . . Capricorn/ Aquarius Cancer/Leo Libra Aries

Uranus Aquarius Leo Scorpio Taurus

Neptune Pisces Virgo

Pluto Scorpio Taurus

if the home is to become the property of the buyer, we want to see easy aspects between the rulers of the 1st, 2nd, and 4th houses as well.

The following section will help you identify where to place the matter. It is always important to connect the rulers of the houses involved by way of posi­tive applying aspects .

1st House: the person initiating the election; one's appearance, physi­cal body, physical health; one's carriage, coordination, facial features; one's char­acter, disposition, demeanor, opinion; the impression one makes; one's man­nerisms, personality, and temperament.

It is always important to strengthen the 1st-house ruler and to achieve a favorable applying aspect between that planet and the planet ruling the house of the election. If there is no contact between these planets, no action will occur. The Moon can always be used as a co-ruler of the 1st-house person, and her applying aspects bring the par­ties together. The 1st house is consid­ered in every election and given special attention in matters pertaining to any personal or physical subject, such as cosmetic surgery, a physical regi­men, improving one's appearance, or self-promotion.

2nd House: one's money, assets, earnings, and earning capacity; personal finances; material possessions such as jewelry or stocks; one's spending habits, purchasing power, personal debts, per­sonal resources, financial prospects, and financial affairs in general.

The 2nd house is considered in mat­ters pertaining to buying and selling and

whenever money changes hands. Since this is the house of your own personal resources, it is important to strengthen this house when making an investment or purchasing anything for gain, such as stocks, fine jewelry, antiques, or col­lectibles. Strengthen the 2nd house to increase your earning capacity, improve your credit rating, eliminate personal debt, or borrow money.

3rd House: one's decisions, agree­ments, contracts, and words; tests and examinations; one's early education and teachers; one's way of communicating thoughts and ideas; siblings, neighbors, and one's everyday environment; the neighborhood and travel therein, such as short trips by car, bus, train, bicycle, and other means of transportation.

The 3rd house is considered in all matters where a binding contract or agreement is signed or entered into by mail. The 3rd house also covers local travel, taking tests, new studies, and schooling. An election to make an impor­tant announcement, speech, or dec­laration should strengthen this house. Former President Ronald Reagan was known to use an electional astrologer to time his important speeches and press conferences.

4th House: one's home, family, and domestic affairs; a parent; one's property; land, buildings, real estate, hotels, motels, houses, farms, produce markets, leases, rental property; self­rehabilitation; one's inherited tenden­cies, ancestry.

The 4th house is considered in elec­tions to purchase a home, a building, property, land, or any real estate. It is

also important when renting or leasing property. The 4th house always illus­trates the conclusion of any elected mat­ter. It is, therefore, advantageous to place a benefic planet there whenever possible. The Moon, as the natural ruler of the 4th house, also reflects the outcome of the elected matter. Strengthen this house to buy or rent a home and to enhance the outcome of your elected matter.

5th House: children, offspring, love affairs, pregnancy; speculation, risk-taking, betting, gambling, games of chance, lotteries, raffles; one's artistic and creative endeavors, hobbies, pas­times, enjoyments, and entertainment.

The 5th house js the primary con­sideration in an election for gambling or any speculative venture where risk is involved. This can include casino gam­bling, lotteries, stock options, the futures market, or the racetrack. An election to begin a new romance would focus on strengthening the 5th house, as would an election to begin a new produc-tive activity. Anything one creates -whether a child, sculpture, or beautiful painting - comes under the auspices of this house. Electional matters involving the welfare of a child would focus on the 5th house.

6th House: one's work, voluntary labor; small and domestic animals, pets; one's health care regimen, nutritional preferences, hygiene; healers, occupa­tional therapists; disease, illness; labor­ers, domestic workers; one's employees, tenants; one's capacity for service.

The 6th house is considered in all matters pertaining to the acquisition or care of pets. It is also the focus of work­related activities, including the hiring of a contractor or other laborer to work for you. Your own voluntary service, such.as military or municipal service, comes under the auspices of the 6th house. Your working conditions and interaction with co-workers are shown here. Together with the 1st house , the 6th house is the main consideration in health-related matters. It is advisable to reinforce this house when undergo­ing regular health care routines, such as physical examinations and tests, physi­cal therapy, endurance training, or bodybuilding.

!.7tt its best, an election

chart will make use

of the most beneficial

planetary alignments

on any given day.

7th House: matrimony, marriage (both legal and common law) , spouse; business partner, business partnerships, alliances; lawsuits, litigation, oppo­nents, rivals, public enemies, strangers, divorce; dealings with the public, pne's social functions and social life .

The 7th house is considered when forming any important alliance, such as a marriage or business partnership. To reach an agreement with another indi­vidual or group of people, it is necessary to have easy aspects between the rul­ers of the 1st and 7th houses. The 7th house is also the focus of litigation and any interaction with a rival or an oppo­nent. If the goal is to achieve a compro­mise, we would look for positive aspects between the 1st- and 7th-house rulers. If the intent is to triumph, such as when filing a lawsuit, we would strengthen the 1st house and link it favorably to the 10th house of judgment.

8th House: alimony, taxes and tax collectors, bankruptcy, finances of one's partner (both personal and business) ; monetary gains from the public, spouse, or business partnership; legacies, inheri­tances, wills; surgery, surgeons; recovery of a debt, reimbursement of a loss, life insurance, pensions, possessions gained through others.

The 8th house is considered when undergoing any surgery. It is necessary to connect it favorably to the ruler of the 1st house and also to the ruler of the 12th, if the surgery takes place in a hos­pital setting. The 8th house is also the focus to recover a debt, borrow money, or receive reimbursement through insur­ance, a tax refund, or other money owed. It is necessary to strengthen this house to file bankruptcy, settle an estate, or obtain public funds . When filing tax returns, strengthen this house and link it favorably with the Moon and the planet ruling the 1st house.

9th House: advanced education, college, universities, final examinations; legalizing and certifying documents, attorneys and courts of law; publish­ers and publishing; extended journeys and travel by air; formal ceremonies; advertising that is far-reaching; reli­gion (both in practice and the study of philosophical concepts) , the clergy, churches, temples, and all other places of worship.

The 9th house is considered when taking a final examination and, in par­ticular, one that will result in licensing or certification. It is also the focus to launch a large-scale advertising campaign or to broadcast across the airwaves. In any legal undertaking, the 9th house repre­sents the attorney, and it is necessary to have easy aspects between its ruler and the 1st-house ruler, if the attorney is to succeed for the client. Air travel also comes under the auspices of the 9th house, and a benefic planet here in trine to the Ascendant provides a protective influence.

10th House: one's career, pro­fession , vocation, honors and reputa­tion, fame or notoriety; one's business and business affairs; persons in author­ity including superiors, employers, and judges; officials, important and famous people; the dominant parent; one's pub­lic image, one's goals and standing in the community.

The 10th house is the primary focus when a business is launched or if one wishes to embark on a public campaign, such as running for political office. A strong 10th house is necessary to achieve a favorable ruling, judgment, or some type of honor, recognition, or promotion. When beginning a new career, reinforce the 10th house. It is the house of success in all matters; there­fore , depending on the objective of the election, the 10th house and/or its ruler should be well aligned with every other planet involved in the matter.

11th House: acquaintances and friends; one's aspirations, hopes, ideals; finances and income from one's busi­ness or profession; civic groups, orga­nizations and club memberships; companions and casual relationships; counselors, fraternities.

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 39

For purposes of determining the best time to initiate an action, the nature of each aspect is as follows:

The conjunction ( d ) is usu­ally a favorable aspect. It supports the beginning of something new or the early stages of development. It brings people together. You shou(d initiate action.

The sextile ( * ) is a favorable aspect offering opportunity, infor­mation, and favorable conditions. It favors discussion, communica­tion, and information gathering.

The square ( a ) is a difficult aspect, although it can be overcome with effort on your part. It often re­quires hard work to get things off the ground.

The trine ( A ) is a very good aspect and usually requires little effort to get things going. It brings favorable results, often a stroke of luck and foreknowledge.

The opposition ( rl' ) is almost always difficult, but you are fully aware of the problem. You can come to an agreement if you are willing to give up something; other­wise, the matter is dropped.

The parallel ( II ) acts like a fa­vorable conjunction in that it brings people together despite their dif­ferences . Help comes from some­one else. Although it is considered a positive final aspect, it may not be strong enough if the other rulers are hindered.

The contraparallel ( .ff' ) indicates temporary help to accomplish the matter, such as the aid of an attor­ney or other professional. As a final aspect, it may not be strong enough if the other rulers are hindered.

40 www.mountainastrologer.com

The 11th house is the house of business income and should be con­sidered, together with the 10th house, when launching any business or profes­sional endeavor. Ideally, we would like to enhance business income by placing a benefic planet in the 11th house, or by placing the 11th-house ruler in the 10th house conjunct a benefic planet. Strengthen this house when seeking membership in a club, group, society, or institute. The 11th house is considered when forming any alliance involving a group of people or friends .

12th House: seclusion, charity and charitable institutions, monaster­ies; confinement of any kind includ-ing hospitalization, imprisonment, or institutionalization; confidential mat­ters and activities, hidden things or places; psychic ability and one's capac­ity to connect with the universal; solitary endeavors such as meditation and spiri­tual practices.

The 12th house comes under con­sideration in an election involving a hospital stay or entrance into a rehabili­tation facility or nursing home. If one is undergoing surgery, the rulers of the 1st, 8th, and 12th houses should be in posi­tive alignment. For all solitary endeav­ors, such as writing or spiritual practices, we would enhance this house. If you want to keep something under wraps, away from prying eyes, or unnoticed, select a time that places the planet ruling the matter in the 12th house. This can be quite helpful when mailing your tax · returns.

Improving House Strength There are various ways to

strengthen the house ruling the sub­ject of your election. Experience is the best teacher, and the more you work with electional astrology, the better the results. For example, if you were asked to select a favorable date to launch a new business, your focus would be on a strong 10th house. You might choose a time of day when most of the plan­ets are in the 10th house or close to the Midheaven. If you were unable to achieve that, you might strengthen the planet ruling the Midheaven and place it in favorable alignment with the Ascen­dant ruler or the Moon.

Ideally, at least one of the benefic planets should be in a positive aspect with the Moon, or the planet ruling the 10th house, or a planet in the 10th house. It has been my experience that the natural rulers of the matter of the election carry more weight. For exam­ple, Venus is the primary consideration in a marriage election, no matter what planet rules the election chart's 7th house. The planets of business and suc­cess are Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun. It is important that they be in good aspect to each other and, to the Moon, direct

·in motion, and strong by sign and/or house. In a business election, place Jupiter in the 10th house in good align­ment with Saturn afld the Sun, or place the planet ruling the business theme in the Midheaven. In an election to open a bookstore, place Mercury in the 10th house.

Try to give priority to the planet rul­ing the matter, and if feasible place it in the house ruling the matter. That planet should be as strong as possible and always in a favorable aspect with the Moon. There are more than a few ways to accomplish what you want. However, the planet ruling the matter of your elec­tion should be direct in motion, if pos­sible in the house ruling the matter, and in good aspect to the luminaries and the other planets ruling the matter. The sign the planet occupies is of secondary importance. Since you will seldom be able to achieve an ideal situation, give priority to the Moon. She should always be in a positive applying aspect with the planet ruling the matter of the election, because she is always a co-ruler of the person initiating the action. The Moon's applying aspects connect the person with the matter under consideration.

The Moon in Electional Astrology The Moon is very important in elec­

tional work, as she is responsible for setting events in motion and is always a co-ruler of the election. Her position by sign and relationship with the other planets determines the ease or diffi­culty with which your elected endeavor will proceed. A primary consideration is her void-of-course condition. 'when the Moon is void, nothing of consequence comes of your election, because there is not enough momentum to get it going.

The Moon changes signs about every two-and-a-half days arid is void of c01:1rse when she ceases to form any major applying aspect to another planet before moving into the next sign. This can occur for a few minutes, a few hours, or longer, depending on the positions of the other planets. We work with the major Ptolemaic aspects: the conjunc­tion, ;;extile, trine, square, and opposi­tion. We also consider two minor aspects: the parallel and contraparallel. (See Sidebar opposite.) However, once the last major aspect is formed, the Moon is void until she moves into the next sign.

As a general rule , a void-of-course Moon does not favor activities that require mental alertness or concentra­tion. Therefore, try not to schedule any­thing of importance when the Moon is void. The Moon's lack of contact with the other planets seems to support intu­ition and perception over intellectual functions. Ordinarily, actions taken dur­ing a void-of-course Moon do not turn out as expected. Decisions may never be acted upon, or a project may fail to get off the ground.

Once you have determined that the Moon is not void of course, you should know two things about the time at which you want to do something: (1) the Moon's next applying aspect, and (2) the final aspect she makes before chang­ing signs. These two faetors describe what to expect initially and what is

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.slltthough the planets

are important, the house

ruling the electional matter

is the primary


likely to be the final outcome. Because the Moon moves so quickly, she may make several aspects during the course of the day. The Moon's first applying aspect, at the time you begin some­thing, describes how your action gets off the ground or the circumstances you may encounter. The Moon's last aspect before she changes signs describes the end result or eventual outcome of your action. Further, the nature of the planet being aspected by the Moon will tell you something about what you can expect.

An elected date and time should have the Moon making a positive final aspect, and the planets ruling the mat­ter of your election should be strong and unafflicted. When the Moon makes a final positive aspect to a retrograde planet, the matter may still succeed, but you may have to repeat something or make changes. There is the possibility that you will drop the matter altogether. When the Moon's final aspect is a refra­nation, something is dropped or some­one decides not to follow through and the project is abandoned. A refranation

occurs when the Moon is applying to a planet that moves out of the sign it is in befor~ the Moon has a chance to com­plete the aspect. This will most often occur when a planet is in the last degree of a sign. The Moon cannot make con­tact before the planet moves into the next sign, so the person or circumstance symbolized by the planet is essentially deserted.

If you don't have time to prepare an election chart, you can still work with the Moon's daily motion. Look for a positive applying aspect to begin your project. Then look ahead to the Moon's last aspect, which will tell you the even­tual outcome. It doesn't matter how long it takes the Moon to complete all of her aspects. If you begin your activity on Monday at 11:00 a .m. , and the Moon is applying to sextile Venus, look ahead to the Moon's last aspect before she changes signs. If the Moon's last aspect is the next day at 2:00 p.m., that is still your frame of reference to verify the outcome. Only applying aspects need be considered, and the aspect must be in effect at the time you begin your activity. If you schedule an appointment for 11:00 a.m., the first applying aspect is the next one to occur after that time. Tracking the Moon's daily activity will enable you to determine the best time to take action. Even on short notice, you can always use the Moon's motion to maximize success.

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Aug./Sept. 2006 *The Mountain Astrologer 41

10th-House Elections One of the most commonly

requested elections is that of a date and time to open a new business. The 10th house is the primary focus because it represents the business. It is also consid­ered the house of success and is given reinforcement when one's reputation or public image is the focus of an election. The 10th house shows one's profession, and it is the focus of an election to make a career change or begin a new occupa­tion. It represents judges and those who hold power and is, therefore, considered when an opinion is handed down or a judgment passed.

In an election for a business, the pri­mary focus is the 10th house, its ruling · planet, and any planet posited there. The Sun plays a major role in business charts, as do the natural rulers of business, Sat­urn and Jupiter. Therefore, try to have

·the Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, and the ruler of the 10th house strong and in good align­ment. Of course, the Moon should be applying by favorable aspect to the plan­ets ruling the business. It is beneficial to place the natural ruler of the business matter in a strong position in the chart. For example, if one is opening a book­store, Mercury should be in high focus. You can place Mercury in the 10th house or the sign of Gemini on its cusp. Mer­cury should also be direct in motion.

Venus is the natural ruler of money and should, therefore, be strong in an election chart for business. She should be in good aspect to the other rulers and direct in motion. The 1 lth house repre­sents the money from the business. It is helpful to place Venus, Jupiter, or the Sun in the 11th house, to improve the cash flow of the business. Saturn and Jupiter, the natural rulers of business, should be well placed, in good aspect to each other, and direct in motion. Along with the Sun, they are important indi­cators of the success of any business. Make sure the Moon is well aligned with them. The Moon in Taurus is particu­larly good for business ventures.

As a way of supporting the busi­ness, place a benefic in the 10th house,

42 www.mountainastrologer.com

Xcking the Moon's

daio/ activity will enable

you to determine the

best time to take action.

or place the planet ruling the nature of the business there . You can place the business planets in good aspect with the Midheaven. The Moon should apply to a favorable aspect with at least one of the business rulers . It is essen­tial to link the client with the business. If the ruling planets are not in aspect, you can always use the Moon. Try to look for days when the Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter are in good alignment, and then rotate the wheel so that the Mid­heaven receives favorable aspects from these planets.

Mars in the 10th house is also con­sidered very good for business. It is dignified by house and reflects the nec­essary drive to succeed. The Moon should always be strong and free from any difficult aspects involving the busi­ness rulers. Good aspects between the Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter will improve success in business. Although Saturn is a primary business significator, avoid placing Saturn in the 10th house, since this can delay or curtail the growth of the business. Instead, have Sat-urn sextile or trine the Midheaven or a planet in the 10th house. Neptune in the 10th house is also considered unfavor­able for business, unless your business is related to music, art, or some other Neptunian endeavor.

The business election begins when the official signed papers are handed over to the registrar or clerk for filing. If official papers are submitted by mail, the important time is when they are dropped into the mailbox. However, there is a secondary consideration, and that is the "grand opening" of your busi­ness. In that case, the time you open your doors to the public is the moment of finality. If you are planning a private party to mark the occasion, the same rule applies; the moment of finality would be when you open the doors to your guests. You may choose to prepare an election for each event.

Electional Astrology in Action

The primary consideration in a business election is the 10th house. It represents the business, and the 11th house defines the income from the busi­ness. The Ascendant ruler should be linked with the business in some way. Here, in this example of an election chart for a restaurant, Mercury ruling both the Ascendant and the Midheaven shows that the client and his business are closely related (see Chart 1, oppo­site). Furthermore, Mercury in Gemini is an accurate description of the dual role the client is undertaking. He is both the business owner and the head chef. This restaurant was the second one opened by the same owner.

This chart has many of the fea-tures we look for in a business election: a strong 10th house with the Sun conjunct the Midheaven, supported by Saturn on the 9th-house side for long-term stability. Mars (drive and ambition) is very positive in the 10th house, and the Moon apply­ing to Jupiter and then Venus is strong in her own sign. The Moon in Cancer is particularly favorable for the food busi­ness, and her conjunction to Jupiter is sure to increase the public appeal of this restaurant. The Moon in the 10th house also attracts public awareness and even fame. We have the added benefit of a waxing Moon to assist in the growth of the business. The Moon's aspects are all favorable.

We were able to place Venus in the 11th house of business income, and Jupiter is conjunct the cusp. There­fore , Jupiter adds benefit to both the 10th house of the business and the 11th house of its assets. This is a pretty strong indication that the business will gener­ate substantial income. Since Jupiter is co-ruler of the 7th house of the public, it tends to confirm this conclusion. The end-of-the-matter 4th house, also ruled by Jupiter, is confirmation of a favorable outcome, as is the Moon's final aspect. She will conjunct Venus in the 11th house of business income. Venus ruling the election 2nd house of the business owner's money adds corroboration of financial success.

This second business election was done for a photographer who trav­eled quite a bit in his line of work and

was seldom in one place. However, at the time he requested this election, he wanted to open a small gallery where he could exhibit his work when he was in town. This election represents the open­ing of his new studio, which would also serve as a gallery.

As always, the universe seems to reflect the need at hand. Photography is ruled by Pisces and Neptune, with Ura­nus and Mercury as secondary rulers. In this chart, Mercury rules the Ascen­dant and is appropriately positioned in Pisces in the vocation/career 10th house (see Chart 2, below) . Uranus, the secondary ruler of photography, is in the 9th house of travel in trine to the Ascendant. This placement was chosen to support the photographer's desire to travel around the world. The Sun, Mars, and Jupiter in the house of money from career resonate with his need to explore new horizons and make a living at the same time. Jupiter is the natural ruler of travel and co-rules the election 10th house of his vocation. Mars is the natu­ral ruler of adventure and co-rules the election 6th house of work. Mars also rules the 11th house of one's wishes and the business income.

The Sun is the natural ruler of enjoyment and rules the election 3rd house of communication. The client communicates through his photography. The Moon is cooperating with a con-

Chart t: Restaurant

Yhere is no contradiction

between the desires of

any individual and the

ability of the universe

to fulfill them.

junction to Venus in the 10th house of fame. Venus rules all creative endeav­ors and is the ruling planet of the elec­tion 5th house of creativity. The Moon conjunct Venus adds the benefit of pub­lic awareness, and the client is indeed sought after for his fine photography.

Neptune is in the 8th house and conjunct the cusp of the 9th, so it influ­ences both houses. The 8th house shows income from the public and oth­ers in general, so we can conclude that the client's photography offers income and travel. The end of the matter is shown by 4th-house ruler Mercury in Pisces sextile Saturn, thus providing the opportunity for a long and successful career.

(Editor's Note: As of May 2006, both of these businesses are still in operation.)

Conclusion There is no contradiction between

the desires of any individual and the ability of the universe to fulfill them.

Charts use Placidus houses and the True Node.

Electional astrology enables us to take advantage of those rare moments in time when everything is in perfect align­ment to support the outcome we want. A very good practice is to keep an accurate record of significant events. If you begin to examine charts for these events, you will always see the correla­tion in the astrological symbolism. The practice of election is the same pro­cess, only it is a preview of the event. On those rare occasions when you are able to achieve a near-perfect election, it is like getting into alignment with the power of the universe and flowing with it- a most exhilarating experience!

Chart Data Restaurant, June 12, 2002; 12:53:23 p.m. EDT; Manhattan, NY, USA (40°N46', 73°W59').

Photography Studio, April 2, 2000; 10:23 a.m. EDT; Manhattan, NY, USA (40°N46', 73°W59').

© 2006 Joann Hampar -all rights reserved

Joann Hampar is a horary-electional astrologer practicing in New York City. She earned her certifications after com­pleting the Gilbert Navarro-Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson course. This article is taken, in part, from her recent book, Electional Astrology: The Art of Tim­ing (Llewellyn, 2005). You can reach Joann through her Web site, Astrological Insights: www.astroinsights.com

Chart2: Photography


Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 43


l \

Ha•d A~pect~ het-...een Satu•n and Neptune "

The Stuff that Stuff Is Made of Meets the Stuff that Dreams Are Made of

by Donna Cunningham

0 ver time, I've written a series of explorations of aspects between the slower-moving planets that affect entire generations - aspects like

the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the 1960s or the Uranus-Neptune aspects of various eras. The most difficult of these seem to involve Saturn. Tough aspects like those between Saturn and Neptune or Saturn and Pluto are often shared by generations who grew up in times of very hard social or economic conditions in the world at large - a global depression, for instance, or a war that impacted many nations.

One example of hard times under Saturn-Neptune aspects was the con­junction of 1916-18, when 675,000 people died of influenza and pneumo­nia in the United States alone.1 Likewise, during the opposition of 1935-36, the U.S., under the leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt, was working hard to develop social programs to recover from the Great Depression. At the same time, Europe was reeling from Germany's invasion of other countries, and some of the concentration camps were in full operation.

Tough times like those can create a peivasive climate - the societal and emotional equivalent of a really bad winter, one of those record-breakers that people remember for decades. ("It was back in the winter of '35, when .. . ") Still, not all those in northern Minne­sota during a bad winter suffer from it. People with the foresight - and the wherewithal - to make provisions for such times stay warm, dry, and well fed despite blizzard after blizzard. Oth­ers, more vulnerable, may suffer from gnawing hunger and constant, bone­chilling cold because they have little in the way of firewood or food in their lar­ders and are thus forced to venture out into the storms. Likewise, not everyone with natal Saturn in aspect to Neptune suffers from hardship in the course of life. Like the luckier Minnesotans, some are well provided with buffers against social and economic storms. As a result of growing up during hard times, how­ever, even the well-favored ones may have a solid grasp of the harsher reali­ties of life and a deep compassion for the suffering of others.

People with natal Saturn-Neptune aspects who are more likely to struggle are those who have the combination prominent in their charts. The planets in the combination might be conjunct the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven (MC); have many aspects; or be in a multiple conjunction or a major configu­ration like at-square or a grand cross. People whose charts are strong in both Capricorn and Pisces may also partake of some qualities and issues of the aspect, since Saturn and Neptune, respectively, rule those signs. When none of these conditions are met, the aspect is not strongly integrated into the chart, so the odds of encountering hard times head­on are not as great. The effect becomes more like the musical score of an epic movie: It creates a mood and generates an expectation of drama, but you get to choose whether to buy the CD and listen to it over and over.

When reviewing what l know of people with Saturn-Neptune aspects, it became clear that most of my clinical obseivations are based on those with the harder aspects (the conjunction, square, and opposition) in combina­tion with the more personal planets and

Table I Keywords for Saturn

The material plane, waking world

Dealing with reality and its demands

Form, structure, rigidity

Recognizing limitations

Setting and respecting boundaries

Parental, authoritarian relatedness

Clear-cut rules, accountability

Conditional acceptance, judgment

Perfectionism, impossible standards

Strenuous, goal-oriented efforts

Material success, accomplishments

the four chart angles (the Ascendant, MC, Descendant, and IC) , so this analy­sis is limited to the hard aspects. I can scarcely remember working intensively with anyone with the trine or sextile, at least not people who complained of the dysfunctional family dynamics and other personal difficulties that I will be describ­ing here. If you have a trine, keep that in mind as you read on.

Getting a Grip on Saturn-Neptune

Whether any given aspect is intrin­sically hard is determined as much by the nature of the two planets involved as by the angle between them. Some pairs of planets are well suited to one another, even in square aspect - Jupi­ter and Venus, for instance, or Mercury and Uranus - whereas others are not so happy together, even in a trine. As we are about to see, Saturn and Nep­tune · are two planets whose concerns and ways of operating are possibly the hardest to reconcile . One way to fathom the degree of comfort or discomfort in a planetary pair like this is to compare and contrast their keywords and phrases (see Table 1, above) .

When you attempt to combine these ·two lists, you begin to grasp the balanc­ing act that people with this aspect are asked to perform - and also the great potential they have for creating new real­ities for all of us. Saturn represents form and structure, and Neptune represents intangibility, formlessness , and chaos, teaching us that this seemingly solid world, with all its woes, is itself an illu-

Keywords for Neptune

The astral/spiritual plane, dream world

Living in fantasy, illusion, denial

Formlessness, chaos, fluidity

Seeing infinite possibilities

Boundlessness, merging

Codependent, enabling relatedness

Lack of accountability, indulgence

Unconditional acceptance, compassion

Celebrating the Soul's perfection

Going with the flow, drifting, dreaming

Spiritual seeking, devotion

sion. In a simplified worldview, Saturn asks us to deal with reality, while Nep­tune tends to dwell in fantasy , imagina­tion, and illusion - dreaming dreams that sustain and inspire us and those we touch. Saturn is the material plane of existence; Neptune is the astral realm. Saturn represents aging and the passage of time; Neptune recognizes the deeper truth that we are eternal and that this life­time is but one in an ever-flowing stream.

Saturn is the part of us that sets long-range goals and has the persistence to succeed over the long haul, whereas Neptune is the part that would rather drift through life effortlessly. It has often been said that genius is 1 % inspiration and 99% perspiration - if that is the case, Saturn supplies the perspiration and Neptune the inspiration. Yet, all form comes out of vision, so this aspect shows great potential to realize visions when the two planets are working in alli­ance. The combination represents Spirit Emerging into Form; and Vision, into Manifestation. The highest potential of the pair is to build compassionate sys­tems and structures and to balance the demands of the material world with the soul's need for spiritual growth.

Saturn has to do with taking responsibility for our actions and their consequences; Neptune shows us where we might be in denial, shifting the blame for our shortcomings to others while claiming to be the innocent victim in the situation. Saturn - and the author­ity figures it represents - can be stern and forbidding. Saturnians set exact-ing standards and hold themselves and

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 45

others accountable to same. They make clear-cut rules and can come down hard on those who disobey those rules. On the other hand, Neptune represents the capacity for the empathy and compas­sion that help us to forgive ourselves and others. Neptune does not recog­nize or respect boundaries, seeing us all as one; Saturn (remember its rings!) is about setting limits and boundaries. Sat­urn's defenses can crystallize into walls that separate us from others; Neptune helps us to be one with All That ls. Fear (Saturn) separates us; forgiveness (Nep­tune) unites us.

I have found that not every_one with prominent natal Saturn-Neptune hard aspects comes through it like a trouper. Some have been severely hampered by their backgrounds and tend to live out the more negative expressions of this combination suggested by the key­words. These people are among the Sat­urn Challenged, finding it hard to fulfill Saturn's functions. They may play the victim card fairly .heavily, for instance, to excuse their shortcomings and lack of self-discipline, or they may abdicate their responsibilities through an addic­tion. However, others with these aspects

Chart I:

46 www.mountainastrologer.com

Saturn and Neptune are two planets whose concerns and ways of operating are possibly

the hardest to reconcile.

who faced similar challenges have been pushed to develop courage, character, and grit. The difference depends in part on soul development and in part on the prominence of the aspect and how it is woven into the natal chart - whether Neptune or Saturn is the more strongly featured or well-aspected of the two planets, for instance.

"When the Going Gets Tough ... " Now let's apply these concepts to

the lives of people born with a prominent Saturn-Neptune aspect. What cultural and familial backgrounds do they tend

· to come from, and what issues do they have in common? Many of my clients with prominent Saturn-Neptune aspects report that they came up the hard way. Hardships endured during their child­hood and/or difficult circumstances in adulthood forced them to grapple with limitations and barriers to success and happiness. Naturally, there is no way to know what proportion of people with these aspects come from blessedly com-

All charts use Placidus houses and the Mean Node.

fortable backgrounds rather than disad­vantaged ones, for those people may not be drawn to seek the help of a psy­chologically oriented astrologer like myself! (Remember my earlier statement that people who are more economi­cally vulnerable - and whose Saturn­Neptune aspects are stronger - are more likely to encounter the difficult manifestations.)

Thinking about clients and researching notables with AstroData­bank, I could not help being impressed by those with this aspect who have honed their capacity to transcend limita­tion, whether based on hardships in the family of origin or encountered later in life. Saturn would represent our limita­tions, whereas Neptune would represent finding spiritual strength to help us rise above our realities. The houses involved in the aspect can suggest the areas of life that have presented hardship or limi­tation. For example, one of my students with the conjunction in the 3rd house had a disabled brother whose special needs drained the parents' time, energy, and finances, so she took on heavy fam­ily responsibilities from a young age.

The late Christopher Reeve came from a wealthy family, not from hardship,

· but he surely counts as a sterling Saturn­Neptune type; he became a role model and inspiration to people with major lim­itations to overcome. His natal chart fea-

Chart 2: Lance Armstrong

(noon chart)

tures a conjunction of Saturn, Neptune, and Venus in Libra in the 3rd house, with Saturn and Neptune squared by Uranus (see Chart 1, opposite) .

Though Reeve was not a profes­sional athlete, he participated in a vari­ety of sports and competed in equestrian events. On May 27, 1995, he was thrown from a horse during such an event and suffered multiple fractures of the spine, resulting in paralysis and the inability to breathe independently. At that time, tran­siting Neptune in Capricorn was tightly square his Venus, .echoing the natal con­junction. When difficult events during a Neptune transit correspond with a pow­erful spiritual unfolding, I call it the "God works in mysterious ways" factor. In this instance, the transit corresponded with his becoming an even more beloved public figure; people around the globe were moved by his courage, determina­tion, and willingness to use his own trag­edy and fame to advocate effectively for others with spinal co;d injuries.

Another inspiring individual is cyclist Lance Armstrong, born with an opposition between Saturn in Gemini

and Neptune and Jupiter in Sagittarius (see Chart 2) . His Saturn is squared by Mercury in Virgo and, possibly, by his Moon in Virgo as well. He has won the Tour de France seven consecutive times, a feat all the more impressive because he overcame a devastating life­threatening illness in the process and became an advocate for people with the disease. On October 2, 1996, he was diagnosed with advanced testicu­lar cancer and was not expected to live. As transiting Pluto repeatedly crossed his Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Sag­ittarius and went on to oppose his Sat­urn, Lance went through several rounds of chemotherapy, was pronounced free of cancer, and created the Lance Arm­strong Foundation to benefit cancer research and further public awareness. On July 25, 1999, he became the first American to win the Tour de France, and he repeated that win six more times in a row, becoming a national hero and a role model for people everywhere with this deadly disease.2 (It will be inter­esting to see what develops during the current Saturn-Neptune oppositions;

perhaps he will retire from competition to devote more time to his foundation.)

When the going gets tough, that's when outstanding athletes really get going. As I researched Saturn-Neptune aspects with AstroDatabank, I was amazed by how many Olympic medal­lists and other world-class athletes were represented.3 By and large, they weren't team captains but, instead, excelled in individual sports. By conventional astro­logical wisdom, we would anticipate a strong Mars, Mars-Jupiter aspects, and strength in the fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo) in athletes' charts. Place­ments like those did occur, certainly, yet champions in individual competitions often had these in combination with Sat­urn and Neptune. The qualities of Nep­tune and Saturn can blend to produce an individual with the traits needed to become a medal winner - an achieve­ment that requires iron determination, self-discipline, endurance, and adher­ence to a long-term goal of climbing that mountain to greatness. Neptune's con­tribution to this picture is in the grand vision that sustains these people and

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Aug./ Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 4 7

their willingness to make incredible sac­rifices to manifest that vision.

Foggy, Soggy Authority Figures When the Sun, Moon, Midheaven,

or the 4th or 10th house is involved in a hard angle between Neptune and Sat­urn , it is often the case that one or both parents had personal difficulties, such as a chronic physical or emotional illness, an addiction, or perhaps extreme finan­cial hardship. Those difficulties may have interfered with the parent's being a stable, reliable authority figure, espe­cially at crucial stages in the child's life, such as the transiting Saturn square and opposition to these natal positions at ages 7 and 14, respectively.

At the very least, these chart signa­tures can suggest inconsistent authority figures who were solidly present part of the time, only to relapse into dysfunc­tional behavior patterns or extended absences. This might involve a father who travels in his work, for instance, or a hard-driving corporate type or doctor who works 80 hours a week. Vacillation in discipline is a common parenting pattern with Saturn-Neptune aspects. Maybe the children got away with almost anything one day, and the next, they may have been held to exact­ing standards of behavior and punished severely for things that were considered cute or funny the day before. This made it hard to know what might be expected or tolerated - an uncertainty about limit-setting that could easily carry over to work habits in adulthood.

When parental functions were weak or intermittent, many oldest chil­dren with this aspect became parenti­fied. That is, they took on some of the parental functions for siblings, assumed a heavy load of household duties, or had to go to work early to help out financially. They might have become caretakers for one or both parents, per­haps being delegated to collect Dad from the neighborhood bar or nurse Mom through a long illness. These peo­ple may be amazingly self-sufficient as youngsters, and yet there can be a wist-

48 www.mountainastrologer.com

The aspect between Neptune and Saturn will provide details about the family configuration and

sources of difficulty.

ful quality about them, even as adults, as though they are asking, "Why me? Why am I always the responsible one? Why is my reality forever shifting? Why can't it stay stable?"

If the absentee parent is the father, this can present difficulty with male role models. An extreme example of this aspect may be seen in the lives of a vast number of children born under the Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunc­tion in 1989-90. With the divorce rate as high as 50% in some states, one mil­lion children per year suffer through their parents' divorce; 85% of them live with their mother, and 20% of chil­dren are part of a step-family. Fathers see more of their children in the first two years, but less and less afterward, especially if the mother remarries. Only 25% of fathers have weekly contact, and 20% of them see their children only once or twice a year.4 Stepparents and blended families are part of the reality of young people in this generation, a tes­tament to the presence of Uranus in the combination.

1 can feel you parents and grand­parents out there worrying about what will happen to youngsters in your fami­lies born with this conjunction or the coming opposition. Remember what we said about looking at the total chart to see how strong the aspect is - and about the amazing capacity of people with these aspects to transcend diffi-cult backgrounds and contribute to our world in very special ways. Keep in mind that these are aspects between two slow­moving planets; therefore, the aspect is not entirely personal in its effects, but rather reflects world conditions and their impact on the collective mind.

The world that these children inhabit will be very different from the one most of us grew up in, and it is likely that the pattern of inconsistent authority figures will result in a genera­tion that both need? and prefers to be

independent. These kids will question the status quo in order to build a new kind of society and a new model of fam­ily bonding not entirely based on blood but on affinity. They may well need the toughness and grit of this aspect to deal with the effects of the changing envi­ronmental and political conditions that are already in play, brought on by their elders' wastefulness and ignorance of the interdependency of an increasingly global community.

Family Dynamics in the Horoscope

Troubled parental role models and family-of-origin difficulties are most likely to be part of the person's history when the aspect between Neptune and Sat­urn is present in the 1st, 4th, or 10th house or when the Sun or Moon is · involved. In analyzing charts of individ­uals of any age with these placements, the type of aspect between Neptune and Saturn, as well as the houses and other planets involved in the picture, will provide details about the family con­figuration and sources of difficulty. One parent may have been the more obvi­ously Neptunian and dysfunctional one - for instance, being a morose (even maudlin) alcoholic. Externally, the other parent may have appeared to be the Saturnian, responsible one who held the alcoholic together; yet, in their impact on their offspring, both parents were a blend of the traits of Neptune and Sat­urn. In this pairing, the more overtly Saturnian one may well have projected a victim/martyr persona that left the child feeling guilty and responsible . To console and protect the Saturnian par­ent·and to heal or make up for the fail­ings of the Neptunian one, the young person can become overly responsible and feel victimized - and may wind up becoming as much of a martyr as the Saturn parent. (Thus it transpires that martyrs beget martyrs .)

When Saturn and Neptune are conjunct, especially in the 10th or 4th house , the parents may have merged and formed a dyad that left no space for the child's needs. However, if Saturn and Neptune are conjunct the Sun or Ascendant as well, the child might also merge with the parents, unable to find a separate identity. When Saturn and

Neptune are square or opposite, there is room between the parents, even active conflict, so the child may feel the need to mediate the conflict and make up for what both parents lack. Let's say that Neptune is conjunct a boy's Sun, while Saturn opposes them both. The boy may strongly identify with a father who has less than a sterling history, while the mother continually tells the boy that he will grow up to be just like his dad. With programming like that, it would be hard for the boy not to make her predictions come true.

The house placements of Neptune and Saturn, the signs they're in, and any additional aspects they form also show areas where these parents may have pro­vided faulty role models. When an inner planet is in the picture, the concerns of that planet show which crucial personal­ity functions had difficulty developing in a wholesome way due to family dynam­ics. With Venus in aspect to Neptune and Saturn, for instance, the child may not have felt lovable because of being unable to rescue the parents. When Mars is involved, the child might have borne the brunt of parental anger or may hav~ cop­ied .a parent's dysfunctional ways of deal­ing with anger, such as stuffing it down, then getting wasted on drugs or alcohol and blowing up. Likewise, there could have been punishment or poor modeling of other Mars functions-like sexuality and taking the initiative.

Codependency vs. Tough Love

Saturnians respect limits or bound­aries, whereas Neptunians tend to merge with others and thus have a poor sense of boundaries. In adulthood, the lack of modeling of good boundaries can cause knotty problems in relationships. When Saturn or Neptune is in the 4th house or aspecting the Moon, poor boundaries could show up in an ongoing dynamic with the mother; in the 5th, with children; and in the 11th, with friends.

In particular, a codependent style of relating can prevail - especially the patterns of rescuing and enabling. There is a tendency to live for and through the other, in a highly addictive way. These people may be compulsively drawn to those with serious problems that they feel responsible to try to fix, just as they

House placements of Neptune and Saturn

show areas where parents may have provided I aulty role models.

may have yearned to do with their par­ents. A client with the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Libra in the 7th house squaring the Midheaven essentially sac­rificed a promising career for the sake of her drug-dependent husband.

When the Midheaven, 10th, or 6th house is involved, codependency can also show up on the job, with compul­sive patterns of rescuing and enabling bosses or co-workers or - especially if this is a service-oriented career - cli­ents. How does the emotional and behavioral residue of poor boundaries with parents impact a relationship with the boss? For all of us, on a less-than­conscious level, the boss often becomes a kind of surrogate parent. When Sat­urn and Neptune are connected with the Midheaven, the 10th house, or planets in the 10th, there is a strong pull toward becoming entrenched in work situa­tions where the boss has addictions or is impaired in some crucial way. Codepen­dents may become caretakers for their bosses, engaging in rescuing or enabling behavior at their own expense, not look­ing out for their own needs, interests, or the career advancement they deserve for their hard work.

In the workplace, these people can be extremely responsible and yet become anxious and overwhelmed by the mountain of responsibilities they so readily assume. When the same-sex par­ent is the Neptunian one, the lack of a sound and consistent role model makes the offspring's adjustment to adulthood particularly difficult. Such people are often forced to grow up far too eaily, without sound adult role models to teach them how to do things properly, so they learn to fake it.

Still, for many with this aspect prominent, that family nest has been the impetus for a lifelong spiritual quest or commitment to service. Spiritual lead­ers and teachers with this aspect come from a variety of persuasions and world

religions. Research in AstroDatabank uncovered Saturn-Neptune aspects in the charts of Christian evangelist Oral Roberts, pagan leader Sybil Leek, the Dalai Lama, Ammachi, and metaphy­sicians like Jane Roberts, author of the Seth material. Many who wind up in the service fields take on too much responsibility for others; some can be classed as martyrs to their cause, to the extent of ignoring their health and their · loved ones. The trick is to find a bal­ance between responsible service and self-sacrifice.

Some people with these aspects are workaholics who put in long hours to escape from painful realities or voids in other areas of life . For instance, take those born with Venus or the 7th house in the aspect picture or those born in 1951-53 with the conjunction prominent in Libra. They may overwork to avoid conflict in a relationship that doesn't ful­fill their fantasies. Singles with that con­junction might work compulsively trying to fill up a void in the heart - being married to the job because they never found the Soul Mate so many Neptune­in-Libra folks yearn for.

Since people in service careers are exposed daily to their clients' sor­row and despair, compassionate servers may give their energy away to the suf­ferer without conscious awareness that doing so can become a source of burn­out. Saturn-Neptune types who become drained or who psychically soak up too much pain from their clients are prone to becoming morose or depressed. The lack of self-care can feed into exhaus­tion and even hopelessness. These people need to give themselves permis­sion to treat themselves kindly and rest. When they feel trapped by their respon­sibilities and yet cannot quit, chronic fatigue or other illnesses may set in as the body's way of helping them to leave the situation. Others turn to addictions to escape the pain - perhaps repeating a family pattern. Still, addicted people with Saturn-Neptune aspects seldom fall apart completely; self-preserving Saturn will step in before they self-destruct.

Over time, many people with these aspects prominent become hard­hearted in self-defense. There is a kind of toughness about Saturn-Neptune folks who grew up the hard way - a

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 49


stern, stoic, self-protective wall between them and the world . We'll be looking at Caroline Myss's chart as an example of a Saturn-Neptune hero; if you've ever seen her on television or in person, she epitomizes the kind of toughness I am trying to describe. Another example would be Werner Erhard of est fame , who has at-square with Saturn in Pisces opposite Neptune, the Sun, and Venus in Virgo, squared by the Moon in Sagittarius. Medium and prolific author of spiritual books Sylvia Browne has that same aura of toughness and realism. She has at-square very similar to Erhard's (charts not shown) , with the Moon in Sagittarius, Saturn in Pisces, and Neptune and Mars in Virgo.

How the Hard Aspects Differ So far , I have made it sound as

though all the Saturn-Neptune aspects are the same, and of course they are not. You might also have the impres­sion that most people with Saturn­Neptune aspects prominent in their charts come from dysfunctional families or from backgrounds of hardship, and of course they do not. Again, this is a generational aspect, appearing in the charts of nearly everyone born within a two- to three-year period, so only when it is strongly featured in a chart would the dynamics outlined here be possibilities. There are also major dif­ferences based on the type of aspect between Neptune and Saturn as well as their signs and any other planets they aspect. The houses involved tell the story of areas of life where these aspects tend to play out, sometimes closer to the bone than others - possi­bly in marriage when one house is the 7th, versus through the belief system and educational experience when one house is the 9th.

I do not have space here to ana­lyze the differences between the vari­ous aspects. I have not even been able to touch on how historical and social conditions have helped to shape the consciousness of successive Saturn­Neptune generations - those long, cold

50 www.mountainastrologer.com

This is a generational aspect, appearing in the charts of nearly everyone

born within a two- to three-year period.

winters I alluded to early on. To further complicate matters, in several of those eras, additional outer-planet aspects were present. (I will expand on these topics in my forthcoming book that includes this article.)

Let us see what role the aspect and signs play, however, by briefly con­trasting just two of the aspects - the conjunction in Libra during parts of 1951-53 and the square between Sat­urn in Aquarius and Neptune in Scor­pio that was in effect from 1962 to early 1964. You may begin to get a sense of how these aspects are simi-lar yet different by comparing notables from the two eras found in AstroData­bank (see Table 2, opposite). Some categories are more noticeable by their underrepresentation in the sample than by their presence, but of course, age is somewhat of a factor. As you scan the table , draw on the impressions you have of the people involved before you become overly analytical.

Comparing the two columns, do you not sense a softer quality to the ones with the conjunction in Libra -Christopher Reeve versus Nicolas Cage; Tim Allen versus Bobcat Goldthwait; Kathi Lee Gifford versus Vanessa Wil­liams? Many in the conjunction column are more other-oriented, more commit­ted to service . If the self-help types with the Aquarius-Scorpio square are out there , they have yet to write their books and appear on Oprah's TV show.

This seems to be related in part to the signs involved and in part to the nature of a conjunction versus a square. People with the conjunction, especially in relationship-oriented Libra, are much more immersed in their environment and caught up in the difficulties of those around them, less able to set good boundaries, more apt to identify with suffering, and more likely to feel a sense of personal responsibility for helping to set things straight. Those with the square

can get some distance from these issues and resist immersion, sometimes quite strenuously.

Looking at the AstroDatabank lists of notables from various eras, the squares in general seem feistier than the conjunctions; these folks are less inclined to allow their boundaries to be invaded and rather more willing to act out the conflicts by firmly taking the side of either Neptune or Saturn. The effects of the square from Saturn in Aquarius to Neptune in Scorpio in the early 1960s are difficult to tease out from the simul­taneous conjunction between Uranus and Pluto, the rulers of Aquarius and Scorpio. Together, the two outer-planet aspects of that era produced a bevy of memorable and exciting - even smol­dering - celebrities.

In my view, Aquarius and Scorpio are about as square as.two signs can get. Both are fixed signs and unlikely to budge an inch in a confrontation, and both tend to go to extremes. At worst, Scorpio has a need to control, while Aquarius rebels against control. And to add to the conflict, Neptune tends to feel like a victim in such circumstances, and Saturn hardens the defenses and shores up boundaries by being rigid. In relationships, the two signs clash over intense intimacy (Scorpio) and imper­sonal detachment (Aquarius). Upping the tension of this particular aspect, Neptune yearns to merge, while Saturn protects itself by building walls . As you can see, the signs of the outer planets do have a considerable impact on how we use an aspect.

Among the hotties born with the Aquarius-Scorpio square, Michael Jor­dan and Paula Abdul share at-square of Mars in Taurus with Saturn and Neptune; Nicolas Cage and Vanessa Williams have either Saturn or Nep­tune conjunct Venus, which squares the remaining planet of the trio. When emphasized and in difficult placements, Uranus and Aquarius can be unconven­tional, iconoclastic, and rebellious; when emphasized, Pluto and Scorpio can be intense, brooding, and even vengeful. Some of these natives have a hard edge or cynical outlook on life: rapper M. C. Hammer; psychic Miss Cleo of television fame (later arrested for fraud) ; and biker comic Bobcat Goldthwait.

Table 2 Categories of Notables

Male actors, entertainers, and personalities

Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in Libra .

Christopher Reeve, Pierce Brosnan, Tony Shalhoub

Female actors and entertainers


Kathi Lee Gifford, Lorna Luft, Lisa Marie

Tim Allen, Roseanne Barr

Political figures

Spiritual/self-help leaders

Astrologers and psychics

Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin

Caroline Myss, John Gray, Ammachi

Caroline Casey, Dr. Lee Lehman, Nick Campion, Karen Hamaker-Zondag

The Healing Power of Tough Love

Let's take an in-depth look at someone who typifies the qualities of Saturn-Neptune aspects in their most useful form . Self-help author and medi­cal intuitive Caroline Myss was born with the Saturn-Neptune conjunction of 1951-53 prominent in her chart. Her body of work straddles Neptune and Saturn by combining mystical and mainstream strains of health care: Her master's degree is in theology, and she has a Ph .D. in Energy Medicine.5

Although Myss is compassionate, she insists that people explore their chronic illnesses and understand why they can't get free of them. Her analysis of why this is so is a perfect blend of Neptune and Saturn. She feels that people become attached to their illnesses because of the attention and sympathy they gain from others and because illness gives them an "out" of things they really do not want to do - the responsibilities and life tasks they find too difficult or onerous. In her 1997 best-seller, Why People Don't Heal and How They Can, Myss exposes the

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Aquarius-Scorpio Square

Nicolas Cage, Michael Jordan, M. C. Hammer

Paula Abdul, Vanessa Williams

Rosie O'Donnell, Bobcat Goldthwait

(no match yet)

(no match yet)

Miss Cleo; a generation of astrologers not yet allowed much of a voice

five myths about healing and explains the cultural and individual contexts in which people become physically and spiritually ill and invested in "woundology."6 The book is not entirely a Tough Love Bible, because it includes rituals and prayers for gaining a symbolic perspective on your life issues, for bolstering your personal power, and for connecting with universal divine energy through energy work in the chakra system. Her current work, center­ing on what she calls a sacred contract, is even more focused on spiritual solutions to our difficulties.



Ecstatic and visionary contact with the divine. Ritual and Meditation

The union of tantric paths: Tantric Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism and Shamanism


Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 51


Myss's chart (see Chart 3, below) features a close conjunction of Neptune and Saturn in Libra in the 10th house, within 10° of the Midheaven. These plan­ets are part of a cardinal t-square with Uranus in Cancer and Venus in Capri­corn. Her Venus surely defines Tough Love; it is twice affected by Saturn: Sat­urn, the ruler of Capricorn, disposits it and also squares it. Her angular Gemini Moon is minutes from a trine to Neptune and less than l° from a trine to Saturn. This strong Moon, along with her Sun­Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius in the 12th house, is part of what makes her such a gifted writer and lecturer. Gemini is often the sign of people who popular­ize important ideas by expressing them clearly, in everyday language, and often in an interesting or humorous way -and surely she has done that. (I made an interesting discovery using AstroData­bank in my research for this article: Karen Hamaker-Zondag, a prominent Jungian astrologer and the author of 18 books, is a date twin - though not a time twin -of Caroline Myss.)

Originally a journalist, Myss attend­ed an Elisabeth Kubler-Ross seminar in the mid 1970s that catalyzed her to pur-

. Chart 3: Caroline Myss

52 www.mountainastrologer.com

sue spiritual studies. I have noted that birds of an astrological feather stick together, meaning that people with a particular aspect or chart pattern tend to be drawn to others with the same or related aspects or chart patterns. Kubler-Ross (chart not shown) has a fixed t-square of Neptune in Leo, Sat­urn in Scorpio in the 8th house, and Jupiter in Aquarius in the 12th, all aspecting Myss's 8th-house Pluto.

I am often struck by the events that transpire in people's lives when transiting aspects echo natal combinations - that is, when the same pair of planets form­ing an aspect by transit matches a pair of planets in aspect in the natal chart. In particular, people who have natal aspects between outer planets seem to enter new and important phases of their lives when those same outer planets form new aspects in the sky. For instance, when transiting Neptune and Saturn aspect one another, many folks with promi­nent natal Saturn-Neptune aspj!cts have responded powerfully and used those windows of opportunity to work through the dynamics of the natal aspect.

That has happened several times during Caroline Myss's career. In 1979, during a transiting square between Sat­urn in Virgo and Neptune in Sagittarius, the spiritual studies that she pursued after her exposure to Kubler-Ross's teachings culminated in a master's degree in The-

ology. Midlife is an era when this echo­ing phenomenon is especially likely to occur, as transiting Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto form hard aspects to their natal positions. During the mid to late 1990s, as the combination of transiting Ura-nus, Neptune, and Saturn in Capricorn set off Myss's t-square during the midlife cycle, she earned a Ph.D. and achieved fame with her best-selling books, talk­show appearances, and huge workshops. We can only wonder what further contri­butions she will make to the world dur­ing the current set of Saturn-Neptune oppositions, especially during the exact periods in February and June 2007. At 20°-21° Leo-Aquarius, these planets will be quite close to her natal Pluto at 23° Leo in the 8th house - the planet and house of death, rebirth, and healing.

Another self-help icon who came into prominence during the conjunction of Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus in Cap­ricorn in the mid 1990s is John Gray, who wrote Men Are from Mars, Woman Are from Venus. He has Saturn, Nep­tune, and Mars conjunct in Venus-ruled Libra, and that conjunction is the signa­ture of his work to understand the ten­sions between the sexes (see Chart 4, below). Adding to the picture, Saturn is involved in at-square with his Moon in Capricorn (a New Moon) in the 8th house and his Uranus in Cancer in the 2nd. Men Are from Mars, Woman Are

Chart 4: john Gray

from Venus was published in 1993, and in the years following, Gray was lion­ized by talk-show hosts. Astrologically, this was a peak era in his life because Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus - all part of the natal picture - were echoed by the aspects formed by transiting Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn to each other and to his own natal positions in the typical midlife series of transits.

The Mountain and the Mist: With Time Comes Clarity

Mountains are a metaphor for Sat­urn and the sign it rules, Capricorn; fog and mist are metaphors for Neptune. Mountains are often shrouded in mist - like the mysteries that await us when we try to scale our own personal peaks. Those who climb Everest, Denali, or other demanding mountains must often wait for the mist to clear before they can go forward. Likewise, the Saturn­Neptune types can wait a long time for their visions to be realized and for their real coming of age - often when transiting Saturn forms aspects to tran­siting or natal Neptune. Many Saturn­Neptune individuals will reach new peaks of achievement during the current opposition. And, yes, many of our read­ers with natal Saturn-Neptune aspects will find that the upcoming oppositions provide challenging yet fruitful opportu­nities to let go of less-desirable expres­sions of the natal aspect and seek more constructive ways of using it.

Note: This is an excerpt from Donna's e-book, The Outer Planets and Inner Life, Volume 3: Exceptional Souls and Their Generations, to be published

this fall by Moon Maven Publications ( www. moonmavenpub/ications. com).

Chart Data and Sources (in alphabetical order)

Lance Armstrong, September 18, 1971; (time unknown; noon CDT is used); Plano, TX, USA (33°NOl', 96°W42'); X: date without a time; Arlene Nimark quotes New York Times, 7/26/1999.

Sylvia Browne, October 19, 1936; 2:00 p.m. CST; Kansas City, KS, USA (39°N06' , 94°W35'); A: from her to Shelley Ackerman.

Werner Erhard, September 5, 1935; 10:30 p.m. EDT; Philadelphia, PA, USA (39°N57', 75°Wl0'); AA: from birth record.

John Gray, December 28, 1951; 2:51 p.m. CST; Houston, TX, USA (29°N46', 95°W22');

A: from memory; Debra Burrell quotes him when she trained under him as a therapist, 10/1996; he was open to astrology and knew something about it.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, July 8 , 1926; 10:45 p.m. MET; Zurich, Switzerland (47°N23' , 08°E 32'); A: from memory; letter in hand from Kubler-Ross to Robert Chandler, 11/1980. She died on August 24, 2004.

Caroline Myss, December 2, 1952; 8:00 a.m. CST; Chicago, IL, USA (41°N51' , 87°W39') ; A: data obtained from her by Shelley Ackerman at a 1998 AFA conference where Myss was a guest speaker.

Christopher Reeve, September 25, 1952; 3:12 a.m. EDT; Manhattan, NY, USA (40°N46', 73°W59'); A: from memory; birth certificate in hand with no time; Linda Clark quotes a letter from him with the time.

References and Notes 1. Robert Gover has written an excellent anal­ysis of influenza epidemics that occurred dur­ing various Saturn-Neptune conjunctions and oppositions throughout history; you can read this on Star IQ's site: www.stariq.com/Main/Articles/ P0006854.HTM (accessed May 2006).

2 . Biographical information is from his official Web site: www.lancearmstrong.com

3. Most of the notables cited throughout this article have birth data rated AA or A by Astro­Databank; however, even when only the date of birth is known, this is acceptable for the Saturn­Neptune and other aspects discussed herein. AstroDatabank is an invaluable tool for both the student and professional, with many use­ful research features . I could not do this type of work without it! To find out more about Astro­Databank and sign up for their free e-mail news­letter about current celebrities, go to www. AstroDatabank.com

4 . Edward Teyer, Helping Children Cope with Divorce, Jossey-Bass, 2001 , pp. 4 and 108.

5. Information on Myss's career comes from her Web site: www.myss.com

6 . This book was published by Three Rivers . Press, a trade paperback subsidiary of Random House, and is still available.

© 2006 Donna Cunningham -all rights reserved

Donna Cunningham, MSW, a long­time TMA contributor, is an in.ternationally respected astrologer and author of 17 books on metaphysical topics. Listed in several Who's Who volumes, she has given semi­nars around the world and won the presti­gious Regulus Award at the 1998 UAC. She also has a master's degree in Social Work from Columbia University and more than 30 years' experience in counseling people. For information about consultations, see her Web site: http://DonnaCunninghamMSW. com, or call (503) 291-7891.


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f.efters to the £.I; tor continued from page 8

chart for Islam. Planet X's natal position in the horoscope of Communist China (C.E.O. Carter's chart for 3 :15 p .m. CCT, October 1, 1949, Beijing) opposes the Sun and trines Chiron, and it is now transiting sesquiquadrate natal Chiron. [Editor's Note: The chart for Communist China can be found on page 32.]

And this is just the tip of the iceberg: I am looking for­ward to hearing from other people about Planet X.


- Georgiq Moritz Prince George, British Columbia


I enjoy reading TMA immensely. However, I notice a dearth of African American contributors, myself (Feb./Mar. 2005, "Saturn and the Shadow") being one of only two I've seen; the other is an African American man named James Coleman.

I was first introduced to TMA in the '80s by an African American astrologer, Ayesha Grice, the resident astrologer of Essence magazine. She told me she loved TMA. Ms. Grice said that African Americans are Neptune-ruled as a race, I suppose mainly because of slavery in America. What might the attendant "traditions" (previously legal and constitutional statutes) of racism (conscious or unconscious) be ruled by? Perhaps, by Saturn and shadow material once again.

I would welcome conversation with all who wish to join a discussion and perhaps actually do something toward rem­edying this situation.


-Donna Lee (718) 291-0478

Jamaica, New York, USA

It was with some dismay and concern that I read Bruce Scofield's letter critiquing Vaughn Manley's article on Vedic astrology (TMA, Feb./March 2006) . The letter seemed to contain some misunderstanding of Vedic chart interpretation principles. This was more troubling than normal because Mr. Scofield is well known in his field, and I respect him greatly for his contributions to astrological knowledge, but he got several concepts wrong he~.

Scofield made the assertion that signs are not impor­tant in Jyotisha. This is not true. Many classical Vedic texts (including books like Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra) contain extensive discussions on the characteristics of the signs, and these characteristics are used in analytical and predic­tive work. Personalities can be evaluated from such place­ments, as is the case in tropical Western astrology. Signs, the placement of the sign's lord, and the elements and nature of the sign - fixed , cardinal (called "movable" by most Jyotish authors) , and mutable (sometimes called "dual") - are definitely used in chart analysis.

continued on page 65

T hroughout 2006 and continuing through next year is a powerful planetary trigger that may shed

important light on some of the global turbulence taking place across the world during the past few months. Simply put, the planet of revolutionary change, Ura­nus, has recently moved into opposition to the zodiacal degrees where it con­joined Pluto in Virgo in 1965 and 1966.

There has been much talk among astrologers concerning the upcoming square between Uranus and Pluto (tech­nically exact for the first time in 2012, though its influence will be felt long before). Many have suggested that it will resurrect some of the major themes ini­tiated by '60s culture in a pronounced, possibly even violent way. Yet, this cur­rent Uranian transit is arguably just as important as that square in some respects and may well serve as a precur -sor to that later energy. Just as individ­uals undergo their Uranus half-returns roughly between the ages of 40 and 43, when transiting Uranus opposes its natal position, so too can generations, ide­als, even eras. In that spirit, the culture of the Sixties is itself undergoing its own Uranus half-return!

First, a few words about the Uranus­Pluto conjunction and what this aspect means. On the collective level , these planets combine to form a power­house energy that can express itself in such ways as grassroots activism or "people power," radicalism_ and sub­versive change, a concern for social reform, and even an interest in alterna­tive forms of sexuality or "free love." And just as transiting Uranus began moving into opposition with that 1965 conjunction point earlier this year, we

saw a veritable tsunami of revolution­ary motifs along these lines emerging throughout global culture .

For example, consider the movie, V for Vendetta, released on March 17. This audacious film (based on a comic novel by Alan Moore) essentially advo­cates the overthrow of the government. Posters for the film trumpeted the incen­diary tagline: "People shouldn't be afraid of their governments; govern­ments should be afraid of their people." Interspersed throughout the movie are scenes focusing on the cause of gay rights and alternative sexual lifestyles. The movie's final sequence features an image of ordinary people marching en masse through city streets in defiance of a totalitarian regime.

That final sequence would prove to be an uncanny precursor of real­life developments unfolding in the

days immediately following the film 's release. For instance, the very next day, March 18, there were worldwide street marches protesting the third anniversary of the war in Iraq. Several days later, masses of people across the United States marched in demonstra­tion against proposed strict immigration policies. (Just moments before writing this, in fact, I saw the granddaughter of '60s icon Cesar Chavez being inter­viewed on TV about these marches.) During the same week, violent protests in France erupted over proposed new labor laws, while unrest boiled over in Spain as well . According to one com­mentator, it would be hard to recall another time when so many grassroots protests over so many diverse issues sprang up in so short a time. More than a few media figures even drew analo­gies with the popular movements of the '60s {for example, Don Hazen's article , "Bring the Sixties out of the Closet!" posted on March 23 at www.alternet. org/story/33896/).

And if you happened to be born during one of those pivotal years -1965 or 1966 - you have undoubt~ edly been feeling this revolutionary energy with special intensity, as an entire generation is now undergo-ing its own Uranus half-return. At any given time, of c:ourse, one generation or another is experiencing this impor­tant planetary trigger. But what makes this particular transit especially power­ful this time around is the sheer vola­tility of that natal fusion with explosive Pluto - an aspect that occurs only about every 130 years. (That Saturn was opposing that powerful conjunc­tion during much of '65 and '66 only underscores the anti-authoritarian bent of this current transit.)

Consider the case of Larry Wachow­ski, one of the two brothers responsible for the Matrix film trilogy and the current V for Vendetta. He was born on June 21 , 1965, and Vendetta was released within just one week of his own Uranus half­return. As many readers may already be aware, Larry's unconventional personal life has made him the target of especially intense tabloid gossip throughout the media these last few years.

On another front, actor Charlie Sheen was also born in 196S; if you

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 55

were following the news closely this spring, you no doubt heard that he triggered a media firestorm during the week after the release of Vendetta by questioning the official version of events regarding 9/11. During a follow­up interview, he remarked in closing: "It feels like you and I have started the revolution, and God bless America."

Then there is the case of comedian Stephen Colbert, born on May 13, 1964, a few months before the Uranus-Pluto conjunction reached exactitude (birth date from Wikipedia; no time or loca­tion given). Colbert has also been experiencing his own Uranus half­return for more than a year now, with transiting Uranus also triggering his natal Saturn-Uranus opposition (a polarity known for its rebellious streak and a desire to overthrow established structures). Besides acquiring his own cable show on The Comedy Channel

this year, Colbert gained worldwide notoriety recently for the in-your-face monologue he delivered before the Washington Correspondents' Dinner on April 30. Jaws dropped through­out the audience as Colbert skewered not only Washington politicos but the national media as well; video clips of the event were widely circulated across the Internet in the days that followed.

These are only three examples of how the Uranus half-return has been affecting certain members of this volatile mid-Sixties generation, and there will n9 doubt be many more before the dust has settled. If you have clients or friends born during this same period (as I do), you'll probably notice that they, too, are undergoing major "revolutions" in their

lives right now, whether personal or pro­fessional - quite possibly both.

This could get interesting!

Chart Data and Sources (charts not shown)

Larry Wachowski, June 21, 1965; time unknown; Chicago, IL, USA (41°N51', 87°W39') ; A: from Lynne Wachowski (mother) .

Charlie Sheen, September 3, 1965; 10:48 p.m. EDT; New York, NY, USA (40°N42', 74°WOO'); A: from memory; Linda Clark quotes him - he said from his birth certificate .

© 2006 Ray Grasse - all rights reserved

Ray Grasse is an associate editor of The Mountain Astrologer and he can be reached at [email protected]. His Web site is www. raygrasse. com

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Asteroid Goddesses and Birth Order

by Carrie Megginson

for Keith Kinsolving, in memoriam

The asteroids occupy the belt between Mars and Jupiter, thereby forming a physi­cal and spiritual bridge that links the per­sonal to the social collective.

- Demetra George1

I believe it is clear that these four goddesses, the archetypes for the four asteroids which have their names, have to do with the civiliz­ing of man [sic], with the general welfare of man and his institutions. Apparently this is a feminine function.

- Eleanor Bach2

D emetra George and Eleanor Bach, pioneers in interpreting the asteroids

for modern astrologers, assert that the four largest asteroids - Ceres, Pallas Athena, Vesta, and Juno - represent social condi­tions and processes. These asteroids form a physical link between the inner planets and the outer solar system, so they metaphori­cally illustrate our patterns and potentials in the arena of socialization and social develop­ment, both culturally and personally. Further, as feminine archetypes, the asteroids help to balance the essential yin and yang of ener­gies in charts by emphasizing the intricacy of the emotional habits that influence our daily behaviors. How do they perform these func­tions? Where can we learn more about their meanings, to make them familiar and useful to us for interpreting charts?

The "personalities" of these goddesses in Greek mythology might be a likely means of amplifying our understanding of the aster­oids. Unfortunately, there's not much writ­ten about the silent Vesta anywhere; Ceres

(Demeter) is confined to her role in the Persephone cycle; Juno is a lonely wife with a bad marriage; and Athena is wholly sub­orned as a patriarchal supporter. The myths, usually so helpful, don't make a good start­ing place for understanding this coterie of divinities. What does work involves consid­ering their larger functions in terms of their earliest peer relationships as siblings.

Alfred Adler, a noted psychologist of the early 20th century, postulated that birth order plays a large role in defining our social­ization in early life. In turn, this conditioning forms our responses to the external world as adults, determining our ability to adapt, sus­tain, ritualize, or evolve our personal con­cerns in terms of cultural norms and shifts. Most of us have some knowledge of the basics of Adler's theory. We know that many first-borns are responsible, goal-oriented, and see things from an either/or perspective. We understand that later-barns are inveter­ate mediators. We expect self-centered yet people-oriented behavior from last-barns. We anticipate mature but emotionally flat responses from only children, due to their reduced exposure to peers and extensive time spent in the presence of adults.

As it happens, Vesta, Ceres, and Juno are the first, later, and last-born of the female half of the Olympians descended from Sat­urn and Rhea. (The males are Pluto, Nep­tune, and Jupiter.) Pallas Athena only sprang from her father's head once she'd reached maturity. Father Jupiter is on record as hav­ing produced more than 80 children, but Athena grew in solitude within his viscera and carries the classic behavioral traits of an only child.

Vesta, Ceres,

Each of these goddesses lays claim to one of the elements and one of the birth-order arche­types. These indicators, plus in­formation amplified from the to­tem animals of these asteroids,

and Juno are

the first, later, well be "quiet, " because her archetype was formed before words played much of a role in · daily life.

and last-born.

of the female Olympians . . Her totemic animal, listed

in Asteroid Goddesses as the can help us to find a deeper understanding and appreciation of these underused but oh­so-accessible archetypes. In most charts, one or more of the asteroids will often play a sig­nificant role in adding depth and detail to the broader brushstrokes of the planets.

Vesta Vesta, the eldest of the off­

spring swallowed by their Olym­pian father, Saturn, resides qui­

etly in the mythos of the Greeks - displaying none of the flamboyant personality and idio­syncratic activity defining the rest of the Greco-Roman pantheon.3 The existing myth fragments featuring Vesta are couched in negatives: She refused marriage to Vulcan and Apollo, and she gave up her throne to make room for the last of the Olympians, Dionysius. She has no famous statues. Her temples are not "hot" tourist destinations.

Unlike her flashier siblings and relatives, silent Vesta had a place in every home in the classical world, no matter how poor. Instead of being an idol . to glorify, Vesta was pres­ent as the sacred flame in her temples and the hearth in each home. Archeo-anthropol­ogists look upon the domestication of fire as a watershed in our evolutionary and cul-. tural developmer:it. Without fire , humans were merely upright apes wandering the veldt, jun­gles, and gorges. With fire, people developed families , affinity groups, and tribes. Indeed, by this reckoning, Vesta, the patron of the hearth, represents the oldest of the gods of culture.

In fact , her silence itself may be telling. If

donkey, further amplifies her character and archetype. However, the animal in question is likelier to have been the wild ass , or ona­ger of the Eurasian plains, as opposed to the donkey, which is native to central Africa. What can the onager tell us about the nature of Vesta?

Onagers are creatures of the steppes, mountains, and deserts of Eurasia. The ona­ger is widely reputed in anecdote and folktale to be able to "forecast" weather conditions and find shelter in inhospitable environments. Onagers can survive on water so brack­ish that camels won't drink it. Their sure­footedness allows them to reach even the most inaccessible water sources or steep­est mountain refuges. They are famed for protecting their frailest members by form­ing a circle around them and kicking out­ward - a threat no predator can challenge successfully. Clearly, the naked apes of long ago found much to imitate in the behavior of these powerful equines. Like the essential possession of fire itself, the intuitive wisdom of the onagers may be a key piece of the silent puzzle that is Vesta.

As the maiden aunt of Mount Olym­pus, sitting by the fireside, Vesta embod­ies the wisdom of the quiet observer. She is more detached and impartial than a parent or grandparent, but caring and involved all the same. Her familiar traits of intuitive mentoring and quiet service are part of her later develop­ment in the vestal temples of Rome, but these traits have their roots in a tradition that under­stood that it took a village to raise a child.

she dates back to the time of the taming of fire , evidence suggests that our vocal development in that era was quite rudimentary and allowed for nothing like the glottal and palate control neces­sary to use even the simplest language forms. Vesta may very

Athena grew Vesta's archetype closely

links to survival instincts and intuition, characteristics of the astrological element of fire. The first culture-bringer, Vesta serves as an initiator into the management and maintenance of the group and its core needs,

in solitude

and carries the

classic traits of an only child.

Aug/Sept 2006

over and above the desires of the individual. She represents a leadership paradigm that value.s adaptability to rapidly changing and unpredictable conditions and whose success is measured by bringing young to maturity so that the species can continue.

Astrologers traditionally use the aster­oid Vesta to describe a connection to sacred space, social contracts, and sexual mores rel­ative to current values. Each of these realms acts as a kind of social glue when respected and passed down. When they are ignored or violated, the society becomes unstable and prone· to revolution or devolution.

Adler's theory postulates that birth order influences the formation of character and lifelong aptitudes. It amplifies Vesta's enigmatic archetype with the classification of first-born. Like the other fiery signs and planets, Vesta as a first-born is competitive, assertive, highly intelligent, and vulnerable to stress-induced disorders.4 Unlike the rest of her elemental tribe, she is also respon­sible, task-oriented, approval-seeking, and prone to achieve a higher socioeconomic status (though fewer group affiliations) than the other sibling models.

First-borns develop the habit of keeping an eye on others, whether that's a stated need

or not. Where Vesta guides our actions, we ordinarily assume burdens without question. We can't conceive of letting the world go its own way when we know



closely links better and have faster reflexes and sharper defenses than those around us.

to survival

instincts and

Vesta is the guardian of standards; she expects' herself, most of all, and those around her to measure up to rigorous criteria. Her demands are not easily ful­filled, and her path is often lonely, but


Mercury Direct

those who follow it learn self-determination that takes the greater good into account every step of the way.

In practice, astrologers can expect Vesta to describe, by house placement, sign, and aspects, what we consider essential to our survival and the lengths we would go to ensure that survival. Vesta in the 5th house might describe an .artist who realizes that, without a concrete expression of the creative

drive, her life will have been pointless and her unique contribution to society will have been withheld. Vesta in Scorpio describes someone who understands that compre­hending the nature and flow of power may be the key to his own survival and the sur­vival of his values. Vesta conjunct the Sun prompts the native to assume charge of oth­ers, with or without their consent, throughout the course of her life.

Vesta transforms the personality formed . by the inner planets, isolated and libido­driven, into a vessel capable of carrying for­ward and evolving cultural values of survival. Her fiery nature inspires radical and irratio­nal adaptive behaviors geared toward bring­ing individuals to a sense of responsibility to the greater whole.

[l] Ce~~~es, the next-born of the asteroid sisters, has a reputation for nurturing, mothering, and

living for others. As Demeter, she is famous for mourning the loss of her daughter, Per­sephone. Derl)eter's grief at her daughter's abduction was so great that she plunged the whole world into sterility and darkness -not a very nurturing thing to do. As lsis,5 she is remembered for her frantic search across two continents for the pieces of her slain, dismembered husband, Osiris. It is less well known that Isis was the one to tell her hus­band's enemy where to find him alone: Was she duped, or was she complicitous?

The sorceress Circe turned men into pigs because, in that form, they were less trouble to her and more comfortable on her island. All of these mythological figures are shel­tered under the cloak of the corn goddess, Ceres. None of them leaves a trail of com­passionate acts in her wake. Perhaps there's more to her legacy than a gift for getting din­ner on the table. In fact, this earthy goddess of the asteroids embraces a more pragmatic side than her myths reveal at first glance.

Ceres represents our concrete aware­ness of ourselves as having an effect on the environment in which we live. This goddess of agriculture displays an archetype bent on

selecting and refining the characteristics of the external world to meet her needs and moods; for endless warmth and nurturing, one must look to the Moon. The mythologies of Ceres emphasize the need for change, even when everything seems just right. Sea­sons happen, and Ceres is ready to accept those shifts and make the most of them. She is the great adaptor; she both adapts (changes) the natural world and also adapts herself to it.

In the Near East, Africa, and all of Old Europe, Ceres is associated with swine. Pigs were ideal animals to facilitate the cultural leap from a scavenger/gleaner society to the beginnings of intentional agriculture. Pigs ran unpenned in the forests throughout the year, guarded py swineherds who kept the worst predators at bay and otherwise left the pigs to their own devices until butchering time. Ceres's swine represent our awareness of the ever-returning cycles of the farming year: cycles of plenty and want, growth and death, preparation and consumption.

Where Vesta claimed the hearth as her special domain, Ceres's emblem is the bed. As the goddess of the fields, Ceres's sacred rit­uals of fructification were celebrated by turn­ing the earth with plows and by the joining of the priestess and her chosen consort to make the fertile land bear fruit in her image. Ceres herself is the bed in which the seed is planted. Equally, her annual consort dies each spring so that the new shoots may sprout from the empty seed casing. Ceres is the receptive cycle of inexorability that shapes us to our environments, and vice versa.

As the bed implies, this goddess requires the stability of a commitment to one region or standard migratory pattern and its sea­sons. Framed furniture is an inconvenience in a culture that never stops traveling. Ceres is a goddess for peoples beyond pure nomadism: those who have settled down and settled into patterns of interaction with each other and a community shaped by commu­nal needs, experiences, and labor.

Like any other well-tended seedbed, Ceres demands that part of our efforts be given to thinning away what isn't viable, to

improve the yield of the crop as a whole. She requires the best to carry the Dar­winian imperative forward: Accepting less than the best only weakens the spe-cies' chances for survival. This evo­lutionary priority was exemplified in Ceres's youthful partners, who were plowed bodily into the field after plow-ing her. Each consort was succeeded by another young, perfect, seasonal beloved.


shows how we interact

with our

immediate Astrology uses this asteroid god­

dess to indicate a focus on collabora- environment. tion and modification, wherever she is situated. Ceres, as the earthy member of the asteroid goddesses, allows mutual efforts to flourish and finds unexpected responses to new combinations of energy. Like the weather, those responses may be the right thing at the right time - or not.

Ceres also shows where a chart requires periodic recharging through contact with nature. Ceres marks the rites of passage we experience in life, whether through organized religion or by means of watershed events bearing strictly personal significance.

Using Adler's template, Ceres as a later­born child carries the reputation common to some earth signs of being aesthetically sen­sitive and deeply moved by nature.6 Most like the sign of Virgo, she acts as mediator in any group and tends to be flexible in approach and opinion in her daily life. This mediation is not necessarily motivated by a desire for peace on earth and goodwill toward all as much as by a desire to continue in a produc­tive vein toward a stated goal. Ceres is prag­matic to the point of carrying on in the best possible tradition of altruistic philosophy. Her altruism, and that of all later-born types, is fueled by a need to see each cycle through to its inevitable conclusion: good, bad, or ugly.

Later-borns like Ceres may object to . things falling short of perfect in the areas where she drives our perceptions. We may settle for everyday china 364 days of the year, but if the good heirloom bone china can't come out on the 365th, we may resort to a hellish sulk until that shortcoming is rec­tified. Sometimes, the adaptability that Ceres

Aug/Sept 2006

Mercury Direct

represents is our capacity to induce others to adapt to us.

The presence of Ceres in the chart makes a space for what we are personally able to imagine happening. Ceres shows us by sign, house, and aspect how we expect to inter­act with our immediate environment: how it changes us and how we try to change it. She represents the point at which one commits to creating an ongoing relationship with a partic­ular location or context-:-- and what that com­mitment means for the one who makes it.

Ceres in Cancer may like to share her values in the kitchen, whether her children are interested in cooking or not. Ceres in the 8th house learns to manipulate her way through minefields of secrets, sexual and psychological dysfunction, and the intrica­cies of insurance forms. Ceres conjunct Mer­cury creates a personal language composed of in-jokes and jargon to reinforce a sense of community in those around her.

Ceres drives us to interdependence, to enhance our chances of surviving and grow­ing in our environment. She encourages us to find ways to work together and get along, even if it's only to further our own ends. Ceres bends us to necessity and makes us appreciate and respect the unavoidable con­flicts between us.

Juno Juno, wife of Jupiter, queen

of the gods, last-born of the dis­taff children of Saturn, is now

remembered as a jealous harridan. She is the goddess of marriage, although disempow­ered by her .own sympathy with the institution of monogamy. Juno's legendary rage at her husband's infidelities permeates the dramatic misfortunes of many of Jupiter's conquests. Her spite and malice in the mythologies of Olympus and the Near East are equaled only by her fidelity to her consort, Jupiter, in every report of her on record. Perhaps Juno's rage has to do with her forced demo­tion from the position of Mother of All Living. Before her coerced alliance to Jupiter, Juno was the goddess of the earliest temples and shrines - and the fixed communities around

them of farmers, crafters, functionaries, and fighters. Her abdication, so that she might be replaced by her younger brother/hus­band, the Aryan storm god (Jupiter), cre­ates a context for her undermining, resentful behavior in her marriage.

Before being saddled with a brother I husband, Juno is depicted in the iconogra­phy of ancient Crete, Egypt, Babylon, Tur­key, the Black Sea region, and pre-Hellenic Greece as the many-times larger Throne of the Sacred King Infant whom she holds on her lap. Homer dignifies her with the title Hera of the Golden Throne in The Iliad. In Egypt, the hieroglyph for Isis is the outline of a throne in profile. 7 Her presence conferred divine authority on her child/consort. Juno's throne is preserved in Roman mythology as magical, yes, but designed by her spurned child, Vulcan, to imprison and humiliate her.

Juno has the cow as her totemic animal. She is cow-eyed Hera in Greece; Hathor; the Egyptian cow-headed goddess of childbirth; and Ninhursag in Sumeria. The domestica­tion of cows came late in agricultural devel­opment. Cattle require more pasturage and labor than their smaller cousins, the sheep and goats. Cows have few multiple births; they make economic sense as draft animals only when farms become larger than subsis­tence requires. Bovines are the signature of prosperous, settled communities where luxu­ries are common to most households.

This diversity of resources and ability to change them through our arts and cus­toms is the key to Juno's traditional mean­ing in astrology. Her queenly status points to her concern with the formal rituals, spe­cial calendars, and hierarchical distribution of power that are the hallmarks of a com­plex, •semi-urban society. Juno thrives under the demands of protocol and liturgy, without which such cultures lose their motivating focus. Her emphasis on the state of her mar­riage translates into a desire for relatedness in general. Juno reaches out and finds a way to make some relationship with others who come into her social sphere.

Juno's affiliation with the element of water is clear from this awareness of the rel-

Juno's . queenly status

ative nature of status and time. Her priestesses govern by cus­tom and continuity reinforced by daily life being told in sacred time. Each act of the individual

points to her tionist at a hospice or men­tal institution. (Juno was also a death goddess, wearing the name of Hecate in her crone

concern with formal rituals.

mirrors an act performed by one of the many gods and goddesses common to Juno's retinue.

Emotion, the substance of astrological water, is learned response to repeated, rec­ognized stimuli. Calendars create emotional seasons for their participating communi­ties by means of the repetitions of days of the week, months of the year, festivals, and holidays. Despite Juno's unhappy home life, she is the consummate hostess of stratified, deity-centered societies.

Juno is reckoned a last-born child in the Adlerian birth-order system. Last-borns are high functioning in social contexts. Accus­tomed to their limited abilities in compari­son to their older siblings, last-borns are less competitive and able to participate in group activities for the sake of building affiliations. A strong Juno in the chart points to the high self-esteem characteristic of last-borns as well as a tendency to seek security over suc­cess. Because the process of relating takes precedence over outcomes for last-borns, they suffer from fewer stress-induced ill­nesses later in life than their more goal­oriented siblings.

Juno in the chart speaks to our concerns around status and participation. Where do we count ourselves "joiners" and "founders" of group activities? If our Juno is in Libra conjunct Venus, we may work out our social urges with a partner, making or teaching an artful form of small business management or better customer service skills. What do we give to organizations? When do we use our networking skills over our job skills to get ahead in the rat race? With Juno in the 9th house, we may make our best contacts in houses of worship - and learn to hand out our business cards during the social hour. Why are some of us naturally adept at work­ing a room while others of us are perpetual wallflowers? If Juno is in the 12th, we could be a lovely health aide or volunteer recep-

phase.) She· points to our relationship to time and

calendars: How valuable is our own time? How much do we value the time of others? If we have Juno in a fire sign, we may well be able to imagine how much others value their time, while being concurrently unable to get anywhere promptly ourselves. How do we customize the personal year with private cel­ebrations and annual rituals? Do we prefer to let sacred institutions and our governments dictate our understanding of the flow of the year? With Juno in an air sign, reinforced by the Moon or Venus, we're definitely content to let the preprinted calendar tell the tale of years. (The rational types of the zodiac tend to express less sentimentality and take a more prosaic attitude toward measuring the passage of time.) Juno in water makes the calendar a memorial to each and every note­worthy occasion and anniversary: Every day can be a red-letter day.

Juno ties communities together with the bonds of shared customs and beliefs. She provides the support of rituals for every time of day and every activity under the Sun. Juno guides us through the uses and intrica­cies of etiquette and other forms of ritualized conduct.

These cultural tics give us a com­mon ground of understanding, keeping the machinery of complex urban life well-oiled with pleasantries and status-based activities like bowing or shaking hands. Juno provides us with enough self-esteem to conduct our­selves with dignity, pride, and respect for the dignity and pride of others, whether known to us or not.

[!] Pallas Athena Pallas Athena is often de­

picted emerging full-grown, and fully armed, from her father Jupi­

ter's head. Her father's daughter in every. way, Pallas Athena sided with Jupiter in mat­ters of policy, politicking, and advocacy. Her

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good example of filial piety was used to help end the overarching natural law of mother­right common throughout the ancient world. 8

Pallas Athena was said to be so attached to her father that she refused every suitor and petitioned Jupiter that she be permitted to remain a spinster always.

A closer look at Athena's birth reveals that Jupiter and Metis - his aunt and her mother-to-be - were one day playing a shape-changing game. They took turns becoming big, fast, fierce, strong, and even

Pallas Athena small. Metis had just become a gnat when Jupiter swallowed her. He feared a prophecy that Metis might have a child that would overthrow him, as he had his father, Saturn, and Saturn had Uranus before him. Metis was the pre­Hellenic goddess of natural law: akin to the Egyptian Ma-at and the function

is the mistress of the arts of government.

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of the Me of lnanna in Sumeria.9 It's not dif­ficult to understand why Pallas Athena might choose to take sides with her father, the swal­lower, rather than her mother, the swallowee - given her gothic family history.

Pallas Athena bore the special relation­ship of tutelary divinity to many cities besides Athens in the ancient world. Her connection to these early urban centers may explain why her totemic animal is the owl and not one of the familiar animals of the barnyard. City-states foster allegiance to the city, phil­osophically promoting the idea that the state can be family, god, culture, and sustenance to all, in return for the full and unquestioning participation of all its citizens.

City-states use the power of symbols to inspire their citizenry. Heraldic animals and devices on flags, buildings, gates, clothes, and artwork reinforce the strength of the political meta-message. Imagine the many holes in the daily landscape of America if the eagle quietly and completely disappeared; so it is with Athena's owl in any of her for­mer demesnes. The wise, predatory eyes and sensitive ears of the master of the night follow one everywhere. Those many owls

. send a message to the people to look to their government for wisdom, defense, policy, and even cunning, to keep the state whole at any

cost. Pallas Athena, mistress of the arts of government, knows how to keep her public relations branch busy on behalf of victory through strategy.

Pallas Athena, like her half-brother Mer­cury, rules at the lintel of every door. Here she serves as the barrier between ours and not ours. Doors - permanent fixtures with framing, countersunk pins, latches, and lin­tels - are a product of any culture that has accepted strangers coming and going at every possible hour of the day. This finite trust in civil order gives Athena her place at the threshold. Where Mercury acts as con -ductor between thresholds and life stages, Pallas Athena is the threshold itself, and her far-seeing wisdom contributes to the safety of all within.

Pallas Athena, youngest of the culture­bringing asteroid goddesses, trains us to accept our isolation so that we may focus on developing our gifts into skills . and mastery. Just as Mars insists on an expression of indi­viduation inspired by the libido, his especial piece of the archetypal pie, Pallas Athena requires individuation based on reason, strat­egy, and application. The city-state needs its members · to understand why each of them · plays a vital role in making and maintaining the condition of society by collective con­sent, preserving the differentiation in craft, art, administration, worship, and defense.

Pallas Athena, reared in her father's immortal vitals, grew up as an only child, despite having more than seven dozen half­siblings. In the Adlerian system, only-barns are more given to analytical thinking, cogni­tive pursuits, post-secondary education, and prestigious careers than the more gregari­ous sibling types. This focus on measurable achievement jives with the practiced execu­tive qualities of Pallas Athena. She also car­ries the onus of the isolation and anomie characteristic of the tribe of only-barns.

Work means more to Athenian types than it does to the other sibling models. As only-barns, we are well adapted to bringing concrete solutions ·to logical problems, but we don't have much resilience in relation­ship conundrums. Only-barns find people

"messy" to deal with, and therefore we often prefer to focus on perfecting our skills and their applications rather than finding time to talk through issues with our life partners. Only-barns find it easy to create and sustain mentoring relationships, from either side of the equation. These professional, and extra­professional, associations carry a built-in reserve that makes them simple to under­stand and maintain for us, when we're more interested in outcomes than interpersonal relations.

Pallas Athena naturally embodies the astrotogical element of air. She works best through strategy and planning, and her chart placement speaks to those skills by house and by sign. With reason as her watch­word and her grail, Pallas Athena shows us where we have the drive to develop ourselves through any art or craft requiring discipline and rational self-development.

In air signs, Pallas Athena can be cold­blooded in achieving her objectives. She drives herself and others with breathtaking competence and ruthless efficiency. , In fire signs, she inspires herself and others through creativity and personal charisma. In earth, she becomes pragmatic and grounds her­self in logistics and applications. But Pallas Athena's airy nature isn't at home with the watery signs, houses, and planets. She veers between jealous turf-skirmishing and aston­ishing acts of compassion. In late maturity, this Pallas may find her equilibrium in a Buddhist-style policy of nonattachment.

Pallas Athena, at her best, helps us to gain awareness of ourselves as pieces of the larger puzzle of society. Without our unique participation, the picture is not complete. When we exclude others, valuable contri­butions are certain to be lost. Our singular characters are milled smooth in the gentle friction of Pallas's community of individu­als. We learn through her to foster related­ness through our specializations. We can no longer count ourselves self-sufficient; we are instead deeply interdependent. Pallas Athena shows us how to manage that adaptation successfully and share it with the whole com­munity.

Example Charts

A Test Case: "Kathy" Several years ago, when I first notic~d

that the birth order of the asteroid goddesses might be meaningful in chart readings, my co-worker, Kathy, challenged me to tell her something about herself based on the theory. It didn't take long to pull up her chart (see Chart 1, below), and it didn't take me long to decide what to say. I prefaced my remarks with this: "I hope this doesn't sound too silly or outlandish, but tell me if it does. If I'm wrong, I can stop trying to develop the idea." My co­worker agreed to be honest with me about whatever I said and its relevance to her.

"You are the oldest, functionally, and are serious about taking care of others. But you feel like the youngest. Though I don't know why you should, or if it's possible," I said, shaking my head in frustration and puzzlement.

The indicators were certainly clear: Vesta (first-born) is conjunct the Sun, and

Chart 1: "Kathy "

Charts use Koch houses and the True Node. AuSfSept 2006

Chart 2:

Juno (last-born) is conjunct the Moon. Kathy seems to have a tight affiliation with the role of the oldest - and that of the youngest. This '>{as plain enough, although it brought up right away the problem that we can have all the indicators for all the birth-order positions in every chart, even though we can mani­fest only one of the birth-order sequence per incarnation. I had decided to tough out any teasing I might earn from saying some­thing so paradoxical. My years of pulling Tarot cards have taught me not to edit my readings, even when the information sounds impossible to me.

Kathy burst out laughing and laughed hard for some minutes. I asked her what was funny. It wasn't the reaction I'd expected. She finally calmed down enough to explain that her mother had become pregnant with her by a neighbor, having already had four children with her husband. Kathy was the youngest of five children for the first 18 months of her life. When her mother was able to leave her hus­band for the neighbor, she started a second family. Kathy grew up the oldest of four sib­lings, and she had no further contact with her mother's first family.

Martha Stewart

Mercury Direct

Since that mini-reading, my confidence in this simple subsystem has only grown. At different stages in life, an oldest child may find himself the youngest in his teen theatre group - and reap some of the privileges and behavioral patterns of Juno types from his circumstances. A last-born child may become the captain of her soccer team, or start babysitting at an early age, and learn the values of Vesta by these courses in intu­itive leadership. An only child may have cousins or neighbors between whose ages he falls. With any disposition to Ceres, that child will soon employ a range of media­tion and manipulation t~chniques. And it is not unusual for middle children to seek out special interests, individuals, and venues that can help them to garner experience and attention as though they were only-borns instead of being just part of the pack, as later-born children are.

Martha Stewart I work part-time as a caterer, so chefs and

caterers register more strongly with me than most other forms of celebrity. Having Mar­tha Stewart's birth data in my files, I printed out her natal chart recently, plugging in the asteroids for the first time. (See Chart 2, left.) She has Ceres conjunct the Moon within less than a degree. Imagine my delight when I read her biography on Lois Rodden's Astro­Databank and found that she is the second of six children. Her Moon-Ceres conjunction goes far toward explaining her highly devel­oped aesthetic and Jove of bringing the out­doors in - and the indoors out- in her vari­ous home-entertaining endeavors.

Neptune and the North Node of the Moon are closely conjunct Vesta and Juno, all in the sign of Virgo. Here is the cease­less readiness to become an executive, with all the social and public trappings to which Juno is most accustomed. Vesta's restless intuition is exponentially increased by Nep­tune's unbounded connective energy and the unconscious compulsive drive of the North Node. This executive not only believes that god is in the details, but she will stay up nights counting the angels dancing on the

The asteroid


head of a pin to see how many she can promise faithful view­ers to expect when she shows them how to grow and arrange their own.

describe our

unique siblihg personality they describe, into polished citizens of and cul­tured contributors to the larger constructs of Jupiter and Sat­urn: law, religion, career, phi­losophy, prestige.

dynamics in the

In addition, Ms. Stewart's Pallas Athena appears in the

various regions

of our lives. More immediately, the as­

teroid goddesses describe our unique sibling dynamics in the various regions of our lives. These active civilizers pressure us to find, make, keep, and improve on the good in our daily lives. They demand our willing partici­pation in the events,, and rituals of day-to-day living, just as our siblings, or sibling substi­tutes, did or should have. By incorporating the four Olympian asteroids into our readings and research, we can more accurately ink in the details and fine shading that lend our words and intentions verisimilitude as astrologers.

25th degree of Scorpio in her 1st house. This may be the source of her relentless quest for the best, most . exclusive, most accessible, most charming, most clever, most crafty examples of living well at the everyday level. When she gives free rein to her inner only­child, she need not concern herself with how hard others may have to work to accommo­date her; she doesn't have to stop to nego­tiate warm fuzzies with the public relations flack or anyone else; she doesn't have to con­sider that there are less abrasive ways to win

. friends and allies while getting the job done. Her famous efficiency, embodied in that

powerful Pallas Athena, is only spurred by the opposition from Saturn and Uranus in the 7th house. You can almost hear her Saturn saying: "If she were truly sincere in her desire to make the nicest home and serve the nic­est meal, surely there would be a partner to appreciate it. It must be that she isn't trying hard enough." Uranus would, no doubt, have her radicalize the field to satisfy his urges.

Indeed, Martha Stewart has changed .home maintenance, decor, and dining beyond all recognition in a little less than 25 years. Throughout the United States and much of the European Union, people endlessly remodel, paint, tile, stencil, print, wrap, stamp, and distress their possessions to emulate an ethos like that of William Mor­ris, as repopularized by Martha Stewart. Morris, the fin de siecle Arts and Crafts designer, decreed that every object in the home must be functional and beautiful.

Conclusion The asteroids represent a system of influ­

ences that describes how we react as indi­viduals to the nearly inescapable demands and necessities of becoming fit for general society. Their mediations transform the raw materials of the inner planets, and the crude .

Yet, there are still questions we might ask concerning these enigmatic archetypes. Do the asteroids need a sign to rule? Should they be given to Virgo, or vice versa? Since their' interests promote our capability to with­stand, survive, and flourish in the environ­ment of our daily lives, maybe Virgo is indeed the right choice. As the asteroids prepare the soul for its experiences in the social and col­lective realms, perhaps Virgo prepares us to enter into the second, reflective/collec­tive half of the zodiac. These asteroids may well turn out to have a vital role to play in our ongoing understanding of the balanced pow­ers and nature of the zodiac, the houses, and the planetary matter we include in our charts.

Chart Data and Sources "Kathy," pirth data are confidential, but the source is birth certificate. ·

Martha Stewart, August 3, 1941; 1 :33 p.m. EDT; Jersey City, NJ, USA (40°N44' , 74°W05') . M: birth certificate in hand, Lois Rodden.

References and Notes 1. Demetra George with Douglas Bloch, Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrol­ogy of the Reemerging Feminine, ACS Publications, 1986, pp. 7-8.

2. Eleanor Bach, Ceres Pallas Juno Vesta 1900-2000, Celestial Communications, 1973, p. 39.

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Asteroid Goddesse's

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3. Jean Shinoda-Bolen, Goddesses in Euerywoman, Harper and Row, 1984, pp. 112-113.

4. "Birth Order," in Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2nd edition , Gale Group, 2001 , p. 2.

5. Isis, from an ethnologically distinct tradition that is older than the Olympians, combines the nature of Ceres and Juno in her primary mythology.

6. Jeff Grabmeier, "Birth Order Affects Career Inter­ests, " Ohio State Research News (http://research news.osu.edu), 2002, p. 1.

7. Barbara G. Walker, The Women 's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Castle Books, 1983, p. 454.

8. This was a time when temples were staffed by women and eunuchs, land o'wnership and the laws of primogeniture were focused through matrilineal

descent, and the crafts and guilds were founded and developed by female artisans.

9. Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, vol. I, Penguin Books, 1955, p. 52.

© 2006 Carrie Megginson - all rights reserved

Carrie Megginson has studied astrology since 1972. In 1990 and 1991, she studied at the Centre for Psychologi­cal Astrology. Since 1995, she's written a weekly horo­scope at metroweekly.com and a monthly horoscope at takomavoice.com. Carrie has taught the subjects of astrology, Tarot, and archetypes in fairytales and mythol, ogy since 1989 in the United States, England, and the Netherlands. She continues to see clients for chart and Tarot readings. Contact her at [email protected]

The lnconjunct,

the Quincunx, arid Yods by Edward L. Dearborn

When a fast-moving car approaches a nearby puddle of rainwater, the pedestrian should act quickly or

possibly get doused. When certain planetary configurations are forming in one 's chart by transit or progression, preparedness is well worth the time and effort to investigate.

In 1992, Dr. J . Lee Lehman published a seven-page article1 about the inconjunct and quincunx aspects in the Summer issue of Aspects. It was long and very revealing -the type of information that can cause one to think. No one seems to have made any pub­lic comments about her article , although it contains a wealth of knowledge about cer­tain astrological techniques. However, this was a situation where some of her major ideas seemed to lie silent, evidently due to the "heft of her presentation." Dr. Lehman was very specific and technical in her approach; thus it may be that she obscured two points that I feel certain she deemed to be items of great importance to her.

Let us look at two of the nuggets of wis­dom that Dr. Lehman presented in her arti­cle. 2 She explained the important difference between a quincunx and an inconjunct, which underpins why these aspects behave as if they are unrelated. The role of the fixed signs as a determinant was stressed. We should all give a big vote of thanks to Dr. Lehman for finding and opening these doors that had been left unopened for three centuries and more.

. Hidden within Dr. Lehman's article was this gem (my summary): When one of the two planets involved in the 150° aspect, or in the 30° aspect, is placed in a Fixed sign, then that 150° aspect, or 30° aspect, is an Inconjunct. If neither of the two is posited in a fixed sign, then these aspects are either Semi-sextiles

or Quincunxes. Lee Lehman described the inconjunct as truly the most difficult astro­logical aspect to deal with - even more so than the square. Any two planets involved in an inconjunct cannot "see one another." The 30° or 150° aspects join the lights (the Sun or Moon) or planets in signs that are inharmoni­ous by both element and mode: for example, cardinal air Libra with mutable water Pisces.

If the 30'< semi-sextile has one of the plan­ets in a fixed sign, it, too, is an inconjunct, where neither "sees the other." I also believe that neither planet "hears the other." With­out the fixed-sign involvement, then we have the normal semi-sextile operating. Look for it especially among the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in a chart. The regular semi-sextile (where nei­ther planet is in a fixed sign) and the inconjunct 30° aspect do not behave the same way.

Here Comes the Yod! The yod is often referred to as the Fin­

ger of God. This configuration combines three planets (omitting conjunctions) and is the joining of a planet making 150° aspects with two planets in sextile. If one does not use any out-of-sign placements in' this configura­tion, we have one planet in each of the three modalities: cardinal, fixed , and mutable signs. Therefore, we have a powerftil mix, for that yod always has at least one inconj1,mct. If the planet at the far midpoint of the sextile (the apex planet) is in a fixed sign, it is a double whammy, because both of the sextiled planets (one cardinal, one mutable) are involved in inconjuncts. How's that for a challenge, when none of the three can see one another?

In this kind of situation, someone who has a natal planet trining or sextiling either of the inconjunct planets in the native's chart can

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lnconjunct, Q~0J~cunx ~' ~l4fi~~

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help to alleviate the "communication block" between the energies in the native's incon­junct aspect. Also, assistance of a tempo­rary nature may be provided from a transiting planet or luminary. Aspects to one's natal yod from another individual's natal placements may be either a help or a problem in one's relationships, depending on the nature of the aspect and the planets involved. A synastric yod can be formed by another individual hav­ing a natal planet that falls near th~ far mid­point of one's natal sextile.

I myself have three natal yods (see Chart, below, inner wheel).3 One is comprised of Mercury at 22°16' Taurus, the Moon at 27°54' Cancer, and Mars as the apex planet at 25°08' Sagittarius.4 The far midpoint of Mercury and the Moon is 25°05 1 Sagittarius, just three min­utes from the Mars position. Also, Mars is but one degree from the Galactic Center, out of bounds by declination, and traveling direct at three minutes per day toward its retrograde station. This chart illustrates a cardinal rule in astrology: The closer the apex planet of a yod is to the far midpoint of the sextile, the more powerful is the yod.

Some astrologers go beyond the Sun, Moon, and planets when determining a yod. Some use the Ascendant, Midheaven, the Moon's nodes, Chiron, asteroids, and even house cusps as points of a yod. Experiment by choosing your own placements. (The late astrologer Al H. Morrison was also keen about involving various fixed stars in charts.)

The transiting Moon crosses each of the three yod factors every lunar month, usu­ally without incident. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus cross each factor at least once per year. It is thought that natal yods can also be trig­gered by transits or secondary progressions passing through the unoccupied degree of the near midpoint of the natal sextile.

A planetary placement at the near mid­point, called the reaction point, of the sex­tile in a yod is opposite the planet in the 150° area, the action point. This cross or kite formed by the four planets can provide a _more "balanced" yod that is most certain to carry a message to the chart's owner. Yods with a fourth planet at the near midpoint are also called Tetradic Yods. One of my natal yods has a 150° inconjunct from the Sun in Taurus (a fixed sign) to Jupiter in Libra, which is close to the far midpoint (action point) of the Sun-Uranus sextile and is opposite the near midpoint (reaction point) that holds Chi­ron at 15°051 Aries.

The bi-wheel shows the planetary posi­tions that activated my natal Sun-Pluto sex­tile on the afternoon of October 28, 2000 (see Chart, outer wheel). At that time, I was pay­ing the school taxes - following county-wide reassessments that increased the tax by 66% over the prior year. (Ouch!) The natal Sun/ Pluto midpoint axis of 10° Gemini-Sagittarius was activated by transiting Jupiter at the natal 2nd-house cusp, while transiting Venus and Pluto were in conjunction at the 8th­house cusp. Here is a natal sextile temporar­ily becoming a yod by the transiting Venus­Pluto conjunction, plus the formation of a kite (Tetradic Yod) with transiting Jupiter at the reaction point. In this yod configuration, there

Bi-wheel. Inner wheel and house cusps: Edward Dearborn, natal; outer wheel: transits of October 28, 2000 (Placidus houses).

were inconjunct aspects between the natal Sun and transiting Venus-Pluto ( 150°) as well as between the natal Sun and transiting Jupi­ter (30°), for my Sun is in a fixed sign. I was not aware of the approaching configuration. However, I felt that it would have been help­ful if the pending yod had been spotted before the big surprise in my taxes! You can check this out to find what you feel works for you; I'm simply explaining the primary ground rules here.

Frances Coman McEvoy has written a small booklet that interprets the quincunx and yods in more than three dozen natal charts. 5

This in-print booklet provides the chart of each person discussed and would be well worth your time to read.

· Yods are natal configurations that lie moderately dormant within one 's chart. The natal yod can be activated by transits, pro­gressions, etc. , and can interact with other charts. In relationship comparisons, one can uncover unexpected ties that may answer questions concerning the two charts and that either fortify or lessen the bond between the two individuals.

If multiple planets are conjoined at given points of the natal yod, the role that a yod (or yods) plays in one's life will have increased importance. A textbook example of this occurred on October 15, 1968 (chart not shown). The inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 22° Libra opposed Saturn at 22° Aries. A Jupiter-Pluto conjunction at 23°-240 Virgo was sextile a Venus-Neptune con­junction at 23°-25° Scorpio, all planets being between 22° and 25° of their respective signs. Thus, a Tetradic Yod was formed that involved seven planets. Since Venus and Neptune were conjunct in the fixed sign of Scorpio, they formed an inconjunct aspect of 150° to Sat­urn and another inconjunct of 30° to the Sun­Mercury conjunction.

Expand Your Horizons The conjunction of a transit or progres­

sion to one of the three key points of your yod will provide you with new experiences. Much research remains to be done to more fully understand these yod activations. Any

natal sextile without a planet placed at the 150° far midpoint area can become a yocf due to transits , etc., at this vacant location. It would be fortuitous to make note of that far midpoint degree where something will even -tually transit.

There are a couple of other points that you really should consider, if you have a potential yod - a stand-alone 150° natal aspect that is not involved with a natal sextile. Given the significance of a yod, if a planet were to tran­sit a point sextile to Planet A and 150° from Planet B (or vice versa), then you have a sen­sitive degree that can be triggered when hit by an eclipse, a transiting planet's retrograde or direct station, or a progressed planet or light.

Think about this: In an interview con­ducted by Darrelyn Gunzburg in The Mountain Astrologer, Garry Phillipson commented: "The fact that we [astrologers] are going against the stream of thought of our fellows will inevitably have a negative impact on us at an emotional level. We are, in our own small way, outcasts from the tribe, and of course that hurts."6

Upon reading this, my thoughts turned immediately to the plight of those of us who have yods in our natal charts. Indeed, we do seem to have complex thoughts (or, per­haps, some nonconforming genes) that could place us in the group of individuals who, as Mrs. McEvoy says, "march to a different drummer." I am sure there are many other chart factors that can contribute to the feel­ing of "swimming upstream against the cur­rent," such as natal placements. of Mars out of bounds by declination; many of these peo­ple have made names for themselves through extraordinary efforts and inventions as well .7

The 150° aspect8 provides a challenge to an individual and an opportunity to exert energies "against the current." This allows the chart to show where one can make progress and lend assistance to those who wish to see injustices righted or new paths forged in our daily living. People who have the natal yod configuration or a placement out of bounds by declination9 have the option to make a contri­bution to their fellows at least in a limited way in some area of life. The chart can show the path on which to proceed. Since I have three

Aug/Sept 2006

-'t« , ~ < :-..

lnconj01ilc-G .- "'rl; •

natal yods and an out-of-bounds Mars (which is the apex planet of a yod), it has behooved me to integrate these plan­etary forces during my long life. When one puts the proper amount of season­ing in the stew, it is difficult to think of the stew as being two or more different kinds of ingredients - they all blend together and improve the meal.

I hope that you will look more closely at the 30° and 150° aspects and at any planets in a chart that are out of bounds by declination, for these can have a greater impact on life than you have ever imagined.

The following summary highlights the key points of this article:

1. An inconjunct is a 30° semi-sextile or a 150° quincunx that has one planet in a fixed sign.

2. Either a semi-sextile or a quincunx aspect can qualify as an inconjunct.

3. The closer the apex planet of a yod is to the far midpoint of the sextile, the more powerful the yod is.

4. A special type of yod, called a Tetradic Yod, forms when a fourth planet occu­pies the near midpoint of the sextile and opposes the apex planet.

5. A natal sextile or quincunx can tempo­rarily become a yod by transit or pro-gression.

6. A natal sextile or quincunx can become a yod through synastry aspects from another chart.

7. A natal yod can be triggered by plan­ets transiting or progressing over the apex planet (action point), its oppos­ing degree (reaction point), or either of the two planets in sextile to one another (four possible contact points).

References and Notes

1. J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D., "When a Quincunx ls Not lnconjunct," in Aspects, Vol. 17, No. 11 (Summer 1992) , pp. 7-14. Lehman's informa­tion is culled mainly from the ancient writings, up to and including the 17th century.

2. Ibid. , p. 8.

3. Edward L Dearborn, May 3, 1922; 5:27 a.m. EST; Meadville, PA, USA (42°N38'30", 80°W09'12"); A: from memory.

4. William Lilly's Moieties: Mercury (7°30') + Moon (12°30') + 2 = 10° orb for the sextile, with 5°36' between my Mercury and Moon.

5. Frances Coman McEvoy, The Powerful Yod & Quincunx: Marching to a Different Drummer, 2nd edition (small booklet of 52 pages). Her 37 example charts include those of Thomas Jef­ferson , Patrick Henry, Michelangelo, Winston Churchill, Dane Rudhyar, Princess Diana, and Oprah Winfrey. The author can be contacted at 209 Common Street, Belmont, MA 02478; e-mail: [email protected]

6. Darrelyn Gunzburg, "An Interview with Garry Phillipson," in the "Mercury Direct" section of The Mountain Astrologer, Aug./Sept. 2004, p. 17.

7. An out-of-bounds planet is one that exceeds 23°26' of north or south declination.

8. The standard orb allowance for a 150° quin­cunx (or inconjunct, when a planet in a fixed sign is involved) is three degrees applying and three degrees separating ( 14 7° to 153° of angular sep­aration). The 144° bi-quintile and the 154°15' tri-septile bound the quincunx on either side.

9. The Declination S.l.G. of NCGR publishes a quarterly, The Other Dimension, which provides much information about planetary placements in that other dimension not covered by the longitude of the zodiacal 360° with which we are familiar. The first text devoted to "this other dimension" (now out of print) was written by Kt Boehrer in 1994 and is titled Declination: The Other Dimension, Mrs, Boehrer introduced the reader to the concept of "the out-of-bounds plan­etary placements." For more information, please contact the editor at [email protected] or through the Web site: www.declination.org

© 2006 Edward L. Dearborn -all rights reserved

Edward L. Dearborn began studying astrology as a hobby in March I 939; he taught himself from texts by Max Heindel and Llewellyn George. He served in the United States Marine Corps in I 942-45 and received a master's degree from Ohio State University in I 956. Since his retirement in 1985, he has devoted his time to astrological research. He received the I 998 NCGR Sisyphus Award for organizing the NCGR Declination S.l.G (in 1996). He has written "Ramifications of the Quincunx" (Con­siderations, Vol. XVIII, No. 2) and is currently compiling a history of astrology.

Phoenix Rg;i~ Menopause and

Other Midlife Transformations

"Many people never climb above

the plateau of forty-to-fifty The signs that presage growth, so similar, it seems

to me, to those in early adolescence:

discontent restlessness, doubt despair, longing, are interpreted false[y as signs of decay. In youth one does not as often misinterpret the signs; one accepts

them, quite rightly, as growing pains.

One takes them seriously, listens to

them, follows where they lead. One is

afraid. Naturally. Who is not afraid of pure space - that breath-taking empty space of an open door? But despite fear, one goes through to the room beyond.

"But in middle age, because of the false assumption that it is a period of

decline, one interprets these life-signs, paradoxically. as signs of approaching death. Instead of facing them, Dne runs away; one escapes - into depressions,

nervous breakdowns, drink, love

affairs, or frantic, thoughtless, fruitless

overwork. Anything, rather than face

them. Anything, rather than stand still and learn from them. One tries to cure

the signs of growth, to exorcise them, as if they were devils, when really they

might be angels of annunciation."

- Anne Morrow Lindbergh A Gift from the Sea

by Lara Owen

Introduction I've been thinking about midlife a lot lately.

I've had a spate of clients coming unstuck around the age of 50, with all the classic symp­toms of Porsche-buying, mad love affairs, and frantic attempts to look younger. And.since I just turned 50 myself, I've been paying attention.

The obvious question for astrologers to ask is whether astrology can illuminate this passage. Can astrology help us to figure out how we can best go through the storms and tribulations that inevitably occur at some point or another during these years? After all, no matter how fortunate we are, no one escapes the very real ramifica­tions of our youthful decisions or the coming shift into old age.

Phoenix ~i~

Definitions: Midlife and Midlife Crisis

First of all, I want to distinguish be­tween the midlife crisis and midlife, two terms that are often used interchangeably but actually refer to the acute and chronic versions of the middle phase of life .

Midlife covers the period between 40 and 60. We are now neither young nor old. This is usually a period of peak productivity and responsibility. Dur-ing midlife, we have the chance to fully . individuate, to grow into ourselves, and to express our life force in the way best suited to us. The process of finding out who we really are, what we really want to do - and who with - can, and usu­ally does, provoke various crises along, the way.

Midlife crisis is a term for the acute phase (or phases) of the period of readjustment to the realities of life. Midlife crises often coincide with major changes, such as divorce or career change and the accompanying sense of dislocation. In astrological circles, the midlife crisis has generally been consid­ered to involve primarily the transits of the late 30s and early 40s - namely, the Pluto square, the Uranus opposition, the Neptune square, and the Saturn opposi­tion (see the Table, below) .

Planetary Aspect by Transit or Progression

There are potential crisis trigger points

throughout the

midlife period.

The idea that the midlife crisis typi­cally occurs between the ages of 38 and 42 originated with psychologist Carl Jung, who went through what he diag­nosed as his midlife crisis during this period, which happened to coincide with the years of World War I. (Jung was born in 1875, and his crisis began in 1913, with his dream of Europe being flooded , a dream he had when he was 38.)

Jungian astrologers adopted this concept of midlife, and so was born the idea that the transits that happen during this period are the Midlife Transits. Now, it is true that these transits often shake up the psyche and can therefore coincide with changes in life direction, partner, etc. However, there are significant tran­sits that happen later and can have even deeper effects; these transits also corre­spond with major physical changes.

By 1918, Jung was through the most turbulent period of his life, but he continued to undergo significant and sometimes unsettling inner experiences until 1928, when he was 54. If Jung had been a woman, I suspect he might have thought the time of menopause was a more powerful midlife crisis than

Approx. Age

anything that happened earlier or, at any rate ,

Transiting Pluto square natal Pluto .... . .. 38-42

a major time of change that warranted a signifi­cant amount of psycho­logical attention.

Transiting Neptune square natal Neptune .. . .. 40

Transiting Uranus opposite natal Uranus ..... 40

Transiting Saturn opposite natal Saturn .. . .. . 44

Fourth Jupiter return .......... . ..... . ... 48

Chiron return . ... . ......... . . . ..... . .. . 51

Transiting Pluto trine natal Pluto ......... 50-54

Transiting Uranus trine natal Uranus ........ 54

Transiting Neptune trine natal Neptune .. . ... 54

Second progressed Moon return .. .......... 54

Second Saturn return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-58

Fifth Jupiter return ....... . ........... . .. 60

58 www.mountainastrologer.com

Some pretty meaty transits and progressions affect all of us in the 15 years following the tra­ditional midlife transits - in particular, the Chi­ron return at age 51 , the second progressed Moon return at around 54, and the second Saturn return at 56-58. So, we can see that there are poten­tial crisis trigger points throughout the midlife period; it depends on a

whole range of factors which, if any, of these trigger points will actually manifest as a true crisis. In particular, it is notable that the median age of menopause falls smack in the middle of the whole midlife period, at age 51 , which happens to coincide exactly with the Chiron return. Isn't that fascinating?

But before we go more deeply into that, let's review the midlife period and the astrological pattern of these two decades of life .

The Astrological Pattern of Midlife

If you were to enter the life stage between 40 and 60 with foreknowledge , it would be like looking at a series of hurdles, with the prize at the end of the entire phase being individuation and a well-earned sense of inner peace. Ideally.

The internal pressure to individuate begins for most people with the Pluto square (38-42) . Some people do go into conscious exploration of individua­tion earlier, due to individual karma and response to certain transits and progres­sions, usually Plutonian ones. But for most people, the Pluto square kicks the process into gear.

This internal pressure intensifies and becomes more specific with the Uranus opposition (around age 40) , when you need to pick up the impera­tives of the internal disturber and make some real changes. If you don't, then the changes will come from the outside in one way or another: You get fired , your partner leaves you, etc.

Either just before or around the same time, you have the dance of val­ues and subsequent confusion that comes with the Neptune square. This can be a very bewildering time and may contribute just as much to marital infi­delity as the Uranus opposition and its urge for freedom . The Neptune square, by stimulating the spiritual quest (often in an extreme and hard-to-integrate way) , can turn our values upside down. Suddenly, what was forbidden appears to be completely necessary, and we can't live without it.

Then, the Satturn opposition hits us, at around 44, hoit on the heels of the Uranus and Nepttune transits. Here, we find ourselves sqLUeezed by reality, often as an apparent re~sult of whatever we

did at the Uranus opposition and the Neptune square . It's time to take the consequences, regroup, and deal with your authority issues.

After that, there's a brief respite where you get to work hard, coping with the midlife nitty-gritty of divorce papers and teenage kids' school reports . Then, at 48, you have your fourth Jupi­ter return, which can be one of the most inspiring Jupiter transits. You go on a big trip, go back to school, or begin a new spiritual practice. A Native Ameri­can teacher told me that, when we do something four times, we really get it, so this fourth Jupiter return can be enor­mously expanding and enriching. At this point, we have the opportunity to take a major step toward our spiritual and phil­osophical goals.

It's advisable to make as good a use of Jupiter as you can, because you will need all the help you can get when, just a couple of years later, the Chiron return comes along. If you're a woman, you are right in the thick of menopause by now, and if you're a man, you're wondering where your hair went and

why young women don't seem to notice you anymore as anything other than a paternal figure with deep pockets.

Whichever your gender, you're in a kind of reverse puberty, but with awareness and dependents this time . Yet, your body is behaving as unpre­dictably as it did when you entered the fertile years - and most unfairly, just when you had got used to the whole deal. However, hang in there, because once you are through the Chi­ron return, life becomes smoother and you enter the home-run phase of the midlife years .

At 54, there's the second pro­gressed Moon return, followed swiftly by the second Saturn return. This period is, ideally, a major phase of psy­chological integration and is bolstered by accompanying trines: Pluto trine Pluto, Uranus trine Uranus, and Nep­tune trine Neptune. The second pro­gressed Moon return is an opportunity to clarify how you want your living sit­uation and your lifestyle to develop during the next phase of your life: to dream a new dream of home, family ,

and emotional satisfaction. The rela­tionship with the mother is reconfig­ured: She, too, is in a new phase of life , and you can finally withdraw your projections from your mother and take responsibility for them.

Saturn, as always, brings lessons, but this stage of life is a very different experience from the first Saturn return, because this time, if you've been doing your homework, you become Saturn, rather than being governed by him: You become an elder for your tribe.

And then you get the blessing of the fifth Jupiter return. At that point, ladies and gentleman, you are 60. Midlife is over. You have endured. You have arrived. And the best thing is, in some parts of the world, this is the moment when you get a free rail pass.

Menopause, Andropause, and the Chiron Return

Some people manage to avoid the impact of the earlier midlife transits, but no one avoids the effects of the Chiron return. It's hardwired into the human body to go through a major shift at this ·

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Phoenix Rgsi~

age. As I said earlier, the median age of menopause and the Chiron return exactly coincide, and I think this is a very useful piece of information about the menopausal transition.

In women, the peak of midlife is often experienced around menopause. For women (unlike men) , there is a clear biological marker that youth is over, even if that marker is only under­stood retroactively. There is no green light that goes on when you have your last period, no announcement that this is the final one. No genie jumps out of your packet of tampons or pads and says: "You won't need me anymore! " No, you have to wait a year before you find out that was indeed the last one and that fertility and the rhythm of a monthly cycle are no more. It is indeed puberty in reverse , but this time with a lot more awareness of how you feel , confusingly combined with a lot less clarity about when the significant moment has actually occurred.

Thus, many women get anxious and confused during this time, think they are ill, and don't realize they are in the midst of a process that has its own wisdom and that is indeed mov-

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At the Uranus opposition, you need to make some

real changes. If you don't, then the changes will

come from the outside.

ing along its merry way. All is in flux; it is not going to be like this forever. But when you haven't slept properly for a month, and the hot flashes are happen­ing several times an hour with increas­ing ferocity, it's hard to believe that it will ever end. So, many women choose hormone-replacement therapy to try to take everything back to where it used to be, which is usually a bad idea.

This is not to deny that the symp­toms of menopause are often very trou­blesome. But their coinciding with the Chiron return is an indication that sup­ports the intuition and experience of many women: that menopause can be a deeply healing passage, if dealt with respectfully and gently, allowing plenty of time for rest and adjustment.

In Chinese medicine, there is a · concept of a woman's life called the Four Gateways. Tl-re first gateway is at menarche, the onset of menstrua­tion; the second, at marriage, which also means the onset of an active sex

life; the third , at pregnancy; and the fourth, at menopause. During any of these gateway phases, a woman's health is both more vulnerable and also more accessible to positive change. Her health can change for good or ill at these times, depending on how well she cares for herself and on the quality of any medical care she receives.

The menopausal woman is in a · liminal, transitional phase, and she is pregnant with her future , wise, elder self. She needs to take very good care of herself, go on retreat as much as possible, not exhaust her adrenal glands, clarify her life so it really works for her, and let go of occupations and relationships that drain her physically or emotionally. Most of the symptoms of menopause are actually an injunc­tion from the body to do just this, and we harm ourselves by trying to medi­cate them away, especially through the use of hormones. Hot flashes , for example, will greatly diminish if one adopts a pregnant woman's diet, with bland nourishing food, no alcohol or spices, along with early nights and an under-stimulating schedule .

At the Chiron return, men also feel a drop in their hormone levels, paral­leling the hormone changes in women. While these changes are often less obvi­ous in men than they are in women, diminished levels of testosterone can

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affect male sexuality and mood. Andro­pause can give rise to a loss of confi-

. dence and a sense of insecurity. For men, too, if you can relax

around the transitional time and fol­low the wisdom inherent in the pro­cess, there is a rebalancing of body and psyche that changes emotional needs, sexual drive , and energy levels. This doesn't make relationships and sexual experiences any less pleasurable, but in fact gives a heightened capacity for intimacy and fully felt heart and body satisfaction .

Male or female , if you engage with the processes of menopause or andro­pause with respect for the body's wis-

. dom, then with the Chiron return you will gain a gift of deep healing that can have profound psychological, physical, and spiritual effects.

Midlife in the Individual Chart

Now, let's take a look at how indi­viduals can be affected by these various midlife transits.

Even those of us who have done a lot of work on ourselves, who have put in years of meditation and psychother­apy, eaten organic food forever, etc., may find that our 40s and 50s bring both mental and physical challenges. Hormonal changes, for both men a~d women, often have deeply unsettling

Chart 1: Liz

Your fourth Jupiter return, at 48, can be one

of the most inspiring Jupiter transits.

psychological effects. For many peo­ple, this will be the first time they expe­rience physical frailty and have to face the inescapable fact of their mortality.

Specific factors in the natal chart tell us about our likely experience of midlife and how we can best heal psy­chological and physical issues. Parts of the chart that have hitherto been dor­mant come to life during these years, stimulated by transits and progressions. The promise of the natal chart unfolds throughout life, so to a certain extent, we can choose whether to grow into the challenging parts of the chart at midlife or be consumed by them.

Here are a couple of examples: "Liz" is a woman with a predom­

inately air/fire chart (see Chart 1, below). She's an Aquarius with Sagit­tarius rising. She hates menopause. It's the last thing she wants to be bothered with. But the Sun is in the 2nd house. At some point, she's got to get into her body, despite the elemental emphasis of her chart. She goes on hormones to try to avoid the effects of menopause,

Charts use Koch houses and the True Node.

but it backfires. She ends up with a lot more symptoms; her body is screaming at her all the time. The astrologer can help here by saying: "Look, you're not someone who really likes admitting that you have a body with limitations, but right now you have to face reality. Stop drinking and going on exhausting trips, and start looking after yourself."

Our other example is "Peter," a man with Saturn-Neptune in Libra opposite Venus in Aries, with the Moon and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (see Chart 2). What does he do at midlife? Yes, you guessed it. He has an affair with a woman half his age. And it destroys his marriage, which was actu­ally a reasonably good one, with two teenage children and a large home. Not until everything in his life lies in shreds around him does he consult an astrolo­ger friend , who says: "Yep, facing aging is really tough for you. " Then, it dawns on him that he is getting older and that his terror of aging has been fueling all his self-destructive actions. He makes a complete reassessment of his behavior and is utterly shocked by what the fear of aging has led him to do.

So, the individual chart will have its own predisposition at midlife. Where in the chart the emphasis falls and which houses are highlighted by transits during this period can tell us a lot about how someone experiences midlife.

Chart 2: Peter

Aug. /Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 61

Phoenix ~i~

Midlife through the Houses

The 1st House At midlife, everyone seems to get a

bit obsessed about their appearance, at least for a while, until they get used to the reality that the bloom of youth. has forever abandoned them. For people with a strongly tenanted 1st house or transits of slow-moving planets through the 1st house, their appearance may become something of an obsession.

Hair is a big issue: There's not enough of it, it's the wrong color, the old hairstyle doesn't work anymore. And if that isn't bad enough (hair being such an ancient symbol of sex appeal), there's also weight gain - expanding girth.

Most of us first get an .intimation that aging is going to affect us personally at the Pluto square of the late 30s. This is when the first grey hairs come in, the first lines on the face, the first evidence of gravity taking its toll.

Saturn transits during these years tend to age us, especially when they are hard aspects (in particular, the conjunc­tion) to the Sun or to the ruling planet. Then, with the Chiron return and the second Saturn return, the aging process further affects our appearance. Some of our clients will find this very difficult to accept, and it's not enough to say this is simply caused by a superficial outlook. We live in an image-based, highly visual culture. But it is helpful to say to clients with a strong 1st-house emphasis that this is a time when they can get more authentic about their expression of their core self in the world at large and to oth­ers in general, and that can be a very good thing.

The 2nd House One major area that comes up

for review during midlife is our values. What do we believe in, anyway? And what are we worth? What have we been doing with our lives? Did we make the best choices for ourselves? And do we really make choices, or does life just sort of happen to us?

62 www.mountainastrologer.com

The second Saturn return, as always, brings

lessons, but this time, if you've been doing your homework, you

become Saturn.

When Neptune squares Neptune around the age of 40, we flounder a bit. Our old sense of values and our own self-worth start to shift, and we momen­tarily fall into the gap between what we think we know and what is actually star­ing us in the face. We have to get real.

It's not "only money" when you have to file bankruptcy because you've been living beyond your means for teri years. Religion isn't only an opiate when you find yourself at your first funeral of an old friend. Sex isn't just sex when your heart gets well and truly broken after you have an affair with someone you know you're not really in love with, the kind of relationship you could get away with emotionally before. When it ends, predictably, you find yourself feeling terribly hurt, as Neptune brings you right up smart against your unac­knowledged need for an elevated love, a really deep and heartfelt connection with another human being. Midlife is all about deepening, about authenticity, about letting yourself have feelings you have tried hard to bury.

The 3rd House For most people, the years of

midlife are psychologically the furthest away from childhood that we will ever get, and often the furthest away from the family bosom, while we are busy making our own lives and families. So, this distance can manifest at midlife as distance from siblings - sometimes, to the extent of losing touch completely or having a falling-out.

Certainly, big changes in sibling relationships often happen at midlife. Issues that did not seem important before become more so, as our person­alities have become increasingly fixed by this point, and behavior we would once have tolerated now becomes something we can't handle. There can

be an awful lot of self-righteousness at midlife; this may influence relation­ships with neighbors and siblings and give rise to battles over property or inheritances.

The 4th House Either you did marriage and fam­

ily and it's driving you crazy, or you didn't do it and are feeling the void right around now. Maybe you're facing the kids leaving home and don't know what it will be like without them. As the family grows up, there is bound to be change on the home front; major tran­sits through this house will have a big impact on the psyche and will highlight unfulfilled areas.

Children leaving home makes gap­ing holes in marriages more evident. The end of the fertile years means that those who have not had children have to face that reality, whatever the cause. But 4th-house issues run deep and can be very tough to deal with, so psycho­therapy may well be needed. When the house of the family is in high focus, midlife is a great time to delve into early childhood imprinting, if this work has not yet been done.

Many people find themselves caught in a knot of duty between teen­age kids on the one hand and aging parents on the other. This nexus of family demands may peak at the sec­ond progressed Moon return at age 54, depending on the chart. All the giving required in family life during midlife may be problematic for menopausal women who really need to take very good care of themselves at this time and not become exhausted.

The 5th House Creative writing classes and art

courses are full of people between the ages of 40 and 60, dried out from years of working in offices and desperate for some of the juice of a creative life -desperate to just play a little.

It is often the Unmus opposition that drives people to seek more cre­ativity in their lives, to try to rekindle some of the fun they used to have when they were young. Thus, this may also coincide with the attempt to regain lost youth by having a relationship with someone younger.

The 6th House At midlife, health and lifestyle issues

often loom large, especially with the Chi­ron return and the second Saturn return. Gravity is taking its toll on our bodies. There's the menopause transition to nav­igate - and, often, weight gain.

Bad habits that we could get away with when we were younger are often, by now, causing real health problems. Addictions that weren't dealt with at the first Saturn return will come up for re­examination as the body screams out its message loud and clear.

Midlife is a time when we expend a lot of energy. We have many respon­sibilities: children, parents, partners, our work, clients, pets, etc. So, there is a great demand on the body to be healthy, which usually involves some lifestyle adjustments in terms of diet, sleep, habits, and exercise.

The 7th House Marriages can come under a lot of

pressure at midlife. As I said earlier, the Uranus opposition stimulates urges for freedom that may cause marital prob-

Menopause is indeed

puberty in reverse,

but with a lot more


!ems, and the Neptune square at around the same time brings confusion and vague longings that can translate into secrecy and affairs.

Wrapping your life up with some­one else's is such a fundamental choice, and those who did not choose well, or chose too early, often find that a power­ful 7th-house transit in midlife will stir up a difficult marriage to the point where there is nothing to hold .onto anymore.

Then, with the Chiron return and the end of a woman's fertility, women, sadly, sometimes get rejected. Some men see their desirability reflected in their partner, so when a woman's outer beauty starts to fade, the husband ~ban­dons the wife and chooses a younger mate. It's not a pretty story, but it's a fact of midlife for many people.

On a more positive note, the increase in self-actualization that occurs during this phase of life can mean that you are able, often for the first time, to create a relationship with some-one with whom you are truly, joyously compatible.

The 8th House Money looms large at midlife: how

to pay for the responsibilities, the ali­mony, taxes, insurance, and mort­gage - but most of all, the retirement pension! People who had always put off the thought of retirement sud­denly realize that their energy level is indeed declining, and at this rate, full­time work won't really be an option in another decade or two.

So, 8th-house transits can best be used to focus on responsible use of resources and working out good methods for dealing with the financial needs of old age. Also, 8th-house transits may activate our awareness of death. At the second Saturn return, we often find we are look­ing the Reaper in the face, one way or another. Your friends and acquaintances

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Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astio!oger 63

Phoenix ~i!:9

start to get mortal illnesses. Your par­ents or elderly relations die. Death must be faced, yet you still have maybe half of your life left to live. There is so much that you can still do - that you may feel you must do. We write wills during this phase and focus with more intent on living fully and deeply.

The 9th House Midlife is often a time of spiritual

growth. At 48, we experience the fourth Jupiter return. As I stated earlier, we need to do something four times to really get it. The fourth Jupiter return can be a time of great spiritual expan­sion, as we finally piece together what we learned during the preceding three Jupiter returns about our own personal take on spirituality.

Menopause and andropause are processes of spiritual awakening. The energy body changes, and the energy that once went into reproduction, and all the activities surrounding it, is freed up for spiritual, intellectual, and artistic pursuits. When this maturation is han­dled with grace (either through sheer luck, good karma, or active application) , it brings with it a softening of the heart and a lessening of pride. This can allow for a spiritual flowering that was simply impossible before.

The 10th House People at midlife are usually at the

peak of their productivity and ability. Whatever your background, it is time to get your act together and take yourself seriously. We know what 40 or 50 years feels like now, and if we're lucky, we're halfway through life. So, do something meaningful; it's now or never. Women who have raised a family go back to col­lege to get more training. Women and men with careers that have worn out their interest regroup and move toward doing what they know they really love.

Social status often changes under powerful 10th-house transits and pro­gressio~s. This can include divorce and new marriages, as well as career' matters.

64 www.mountainastrologer.com

With the Chiron return

you will gain a gift of

deep healing.

The 11th House Many people fall for the myth that,

to survive, you have to work 9:00 to 5:00 and give up your own dreams. Of course, there is a lot to be said for reg­ular work and a realistic attitude. But if you reach your Uranus opposition without fulfilling at least one of your life dreams, you're going to have a little rev­olution in the psyche. Something's got to give.

The 11th house is activated in midlife through our pursuit of our per­sonal dreams and goals, particularly as these relate to the greater social whole. Thus, 11th-house transits may propel you into joining groups and societies that will e(lable you to form bonds with like­minded people and further your useful­ness as well as your earning capacity. Friendships of the social sort (not 7th­house deep bonding friendships) will go through changes and ruptures as your social face changes to better suit the per -son you are now.

The 12th House When the 12th house is active in

midlife, we may find that our accus­tomed ground feels very shaky beneath our feet. Elements of life that we thought essential drop away as we leave the old phase. Once the transiting planet crosses the Ascendant, we step into the new phase, but there is usually some pretty significant shedding before that can hap­pen. This can be a very intense process - bringing up difficult material from the unconscious - and people may become miserable, depressed, and confused. Astrology can be very useful for giving us an idea of how long the shedding phase will last before clarity returns. If you and

Children leaving home

makes gaping holes in marriages more


your client are both comfortable with the concept of past lifetimes, you may find that 12th-house transits and progressions illuminate old patterns and give you the opportunity to heal trauma from previous lifetimes.

The Cauldron of Midlife It is in the cauldron of midlife that

you come into your own. This is where the True Self is cooked. It is a period when the psyche develops from the raw­ness of youth into the temperance of age. It is not a death, even though at times it feels like one.

It is a preparation for death, in that aspects of the psyche die, and there are times when we feel reduced to dust - by the body, by relationships, by disappoint­ments in love and work. But out of this grief and regret, this personal reckoning, the True Self is born.

If you just keep going, one step at a time, through this series of initiations into authentic personhood, you will emerge frdm the ashes with the wings of wisdom, like the Phoenix, reborn and with renewed dedication for the real work of your life .

Chart Data and Sources Birth data are confidential, but the sources of Charts 1 and 2 are mother's memory.

© 2006 Lara Owen - all rights reserved

Lara Owen has been a professional astrolo­ger since 1994 and works with people all over the world, mostly by phone. Her background includes the study and practice of both Chi­nese medicine and process-oriented psychol­ogy. Lara lives in Bath, England, and in a medieval village in southwestern France. She writes a regular newsletter, Planetary Energies, about the ancient solar calendar, the current sky, and current events. She teaches through her own Web site and the Online College of Astrology and lectures regularly in London. For more information, visit: laraowen.com; e-mail: [email protected]

And now, the latest ...

Uranus itt Scorpio is cotltpletely ready

for the sexual revolutiott

fetters to the E/;for In Jyotish , folks with Moons in

airy signs will be intellectual but prone to worry. Folks with planets in cardi­nal signs will be active and challeng­ing - and yes, folks with planets in watery signs will tend to deal more with watery things (this could include spiri­tuality, by the way!) . The confusion that makes people think Vedic astrolo­gers don't use this system is that many Jyotishis interpret charts verbally by looking at house lords, special combi­nations (yogas), and special indicators (karakas), but signs are a subtext of

fine fun f aCf©'r!f


Ed and Bon Rose Fine

i -~; ~ . , . :r .. ' '!

Urat1US in r aurus: Start the revolution without ttte.

every reader I know in this field - and . I know quite a few!

Although I was taught Jyotisha ini­tially in a very traditional way, using the Sanskrit names of the planets, signs, houses, etc. (I learned Jyotisha first and then learned Western astrology princi­ples), and I love the Sanskrit terminol­ogy, I really doubt that using the Sanskrit names of the signs, as Scofield suggests, would help to clarify the two systems. Many authors from India, even in trans­lation of classical texts, have used the Western nomenclature for signs for years.

continued from page 54

Could I use chara for cardinal, or Tula for Libra? Sure! Would anyone under­stand me? Only a few devoted followers of the Indian system of astrology. And we are trying to make this system more user­friendly to the West, not less so.

I did like Mr. Scofield's idea that we can receive the same information from both systems. This is a premise that I have been working on for years and has served me well .

-Gary Gomes New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA

[email protected]

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 65

Astrology News

If you have news or events of int~rest to the astrological community that you would like to share with TMA readers, please send your information directly to Gloria Star, P.O. Box 311 , Clinton, CT 06413; fax (860) 6644295; or e-mail:

Astrology Is Bunk. Scientists Clalm [Again]

The reigning brouhaha in late April and early May of this year cen­tered upon a study by researchers in Germany and by Peter Hartmann, a researcher in the Department of Psy­chology at Denmark's University of Aar­hus. The article in the May 2006 edition of the journal, Personality and Indi­vidual Differences, was featured on the Discovery Channel Web site (http://dsc. discovery.com). The story was picked up by dozens of other news sources and published in newspapers and Web sites worldwide. The researchers used com­puter analysis and statistical models to study possible connections between the Sun signs of 15,000 individuals. Their premise was: " ... if there is some truth to astrology then some general effects of prominent astrological factors like sun signs should be detectable using large enough samples." The ,scientists looked for relationships between personal-ity types (e.g., extravert, neurotic, psy­chotic, socially desirable) and the time and date of a person's birth. They also sought to correlate gender, Sun signs, and birth dates with differences in intel­ligence. Hartmann noted: "When con­sidering the current scientific standing with respect to sun signs, it becomes clear that there is little or no truth in sun signs." However, the researchers did indicate that their study did not apply to more detailed and personal forms of astrology using the complete natal astrological chart. Of course, in most instances, the media do not explore the difference!

In follow-up and related articles, several astrologers were interviewed or asked to comment. The Cleveland Plain Dealer published Dru Sefton's inter­view with astrologers Carol Tebbs and

66 www.mountainastrologer.com

by Gloria Star [email protected]

Madalyn Hillis-Dineen (May 10, 2006); both pointed out that there is a signifi­cant difference between Sun-sign astrol­ogy and true astrology. However, Sefton also included a statement from Andrew Fraknoi, a long-time skeptic: "Scientists and educators have a special obligation to help the public by providing the truth - the facts and nothing but the facts , you might say."

On April 28, 2006, the Daily Tele­graph online presented details of the study and indicated that, although the study suggested that there was no sup­port for a link between Sun signs and personality or intelligence, there is more to astrology than Sun signs. That article concluded with a quote from astrolo­ger Russell Grant: "We all know that the Sun signs are used in newspapers and magazines as a form of entertainment, because we cannot sum up all people in terms of 12 signs. "

Ordinance Unfair ta Astrologers

In Macomb County, Michigan, a new ordinance has been proposed that will require "anyone opening an astrol­ogy or fortune-telling business . .. to apply for a psychic's license and a reg­ular business license." At this time, the Eastpointe City Council is recommend­·ing that all astrologers also be required to undergo a police inspection and - (are you ready?) - provide records of all customers, with their name, age, address, and the service requested. As reported online in The Macomb Daily (www.macombdaily.com) on May 15, 2006, the article by Mitch Hotts stated that the City Council is also working on a clearer definition of fortune-telling. Currently, a fortune-teller in the City of Eastpointe is defined as someone "who pretends to be able to reveal the

future ." In my opinion, the proposed ordinance unfairly targets astrologers, and the inclusion of astrologers as fortune-tellers is inappropriate. I have forwarded information about this devel­opment to Dee Wynne, Chair of the Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN) Legal Information Committee . . In future editions of "Astrology News," I will report any progress being made on quashing thi~ ordinance .

In Brief

In an article titled "Billionaire Horo­scopes" (March 28, 2006) , Forbes.com noted that their listing of 793 billionaires tilted toward Virgo as the most com­mon Sun sign; 12% of the individuals (among the 613 with confirmed birth dates) were born between August 23 and September 22 . Sagittarius was the least common sign, representing only 6% of the list.

Miss L. Taylor, a professional astrol­oger in North Wales, has undertaken a study of the correlations between careers and astrological charts. She promises that information provided by interested parties will be guarded in strictest confi­dence. If you wish to participate, please contact her by e-mail: [email protected] (Web site: www.leotaylor.info) .

Podcasts have opened the way for all sorts of communication; Kelly Lee Phipps and Benjammin Bernstein have taken advantage of the Web medium to air their weekly broadcast about astrology, Cosmic Weather. The link for a sample program is: www.podcast. net/show/44135

© 2006 Gloria Star - all rights reserved

Gloria Star is a professional astrologer, author, and teacher. You can learn more about her and her services through her Web site, www.Gloria Star.com

Semi-Annual Conference Calendar August 14-20, 2006: PHASE Con­clave: 'The Astrological Tradition in Hind­sight," Cumberland, Maryland, USA. For info: tel. (301) 724-4463; e-mail: bill@ projecthindsight.com; URL: www.project hindsight. com/products/conclave. html

August 25-28, 2006: International Conference on Vedic Astrology: "Vedic Astrology: Practice and Prediction," Cochin, Kerala, India. For info: e-mail: mai/@icvastrology2006.org; URL: www. icvastrology2006.org .

September 1-3, 2006: Astrological Association of Great Britain 38th Annual Conference: "Astrology: Then and Now," University of Hertfordshire, U.K. For info: tel. 44-(0)208-880-4848; e-mail: office@ astrologicalassociation.com; URL: www. astrologer.com/aanet/conference

September 9-17, 2006: Argo Work­shops and Conference 2006, Cape Town, South Africa. For info: e-mail:

[email protected]; URL: www.argocon ference.com

September 14-17, 2006: Organiza­tion for Professional Astrology (OPA) 4th Annual Astrologer's Retreat, Marco Island, Florida, USA. For info: Con­tact Bob Mulligan, tel. (239) 261-2840; e-mail: bobmul/[email protected]; URL: www. professional-astrology. org

September 28 - October 1, 2006: Fourth Annual Evolutionary Astrol­ogy Conference, Black Hills, South Dakota, USA For info: tel. (877) 348-5111 (North America) ; (605) 348-5111 (international) ; e-mail: astrokmk@aol. com; URL: www.EvolutionaryAstrol ogy.net

October 25-30, 2006: State of the Art Conference, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. For info: e-mail: [email protected]; URL: www. donnavantoen. com


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March 8-12, 2007: NCGR Conference: "Geocosmic Alchemy: Astrological Tools for the 21st Century," Tremont Grand Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. For info: tel. (212) 838-6247; e-mail: execsec@geocos mic.org; URL: www.geocosmic.org

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68 www.mountainastrologer.com

The DUR in particular is, in the words of Carlos Castaneda, a "cubic centimeter of chance." It is one of those moments in life when the Wheel of For­tune moves by itself and can make our dreams come true, if we have been doing the preliminary work necessary. The key­word is breakthrough, and as one might ex~ct from Uranus, this generally comes in a sudden and unexpected manner.

The DUR is often preceded by a time of great tension ana frustration , as indicated by the symbolism of "Ura­nus" and "opposition." The indicated breakthrough may come as the result of complete desperation or spiritual and emotional exhaustion. One exam­ple is Albert Schweitzer, whose DUR occurred on Mar. 16, 1915; July 30, 1915 R (R = retrograde pass); and Jan. 17, 1916, while he was serving as a mis­sionary in Africa. His supreme intellec­tual breakthrough happened in typically Uranian fashion . The preceding year, he had begun writing a long-considered book of philosophy, occasioned by his reaction to the outbreak of World War I. By the summer of 1915, he had reached an impasse in his thinking:

For months on end I lived in a continual state of mental excitement. Without the least success I let my thinking be con­centrated . . . on the real nature of the affirmative attitude and of ethics, and on the question of what they have in com­mon. I was wandering about in a thicket in which no path was to be found. I was leaning with all my might against an iron door which would not yield.

Chart 1:

70 www.mountainastrologer.com

While in this mental condition I had to undertake a longish journey on the river ... in September, 1915. The only means of conveyance I could find was a small steamer ... Except for myself, there were only natives on board. Late on the third day, at the very moment when, at sunset, we were making our way through a herd of hippopotamuses, there flashed upon my mind, unfore­seen and unsought, the phrase "Rev­erence for Life." The iron door had yielded: the path through the thicket had become visible. Now I had found my way to the idea in which affirmation of the world and ethics are contained side by side! ... Now there stood out clearly before my mind the plan of the whole Philosophy of Civilization.1

This inspiration became the basis of Schweitzer's magnum opus, The Decay and the Restoration of Civilization , pub­lished in 1923.

In his natal horoscope (see Chart 1, below), Uranus is in the 10th house of career and life's work; it rules the 5th and forms a grand cross in fixed signs, opposing Saturn, square Mars, and square Pluto; Uranus also trines · Venus. The grand cross is a rather stress­ful, tense configuration to start with (although the native disguises internal rage and turmoil with an outward friend-

All charts use Placidus houses and the True Node.

liness and sociability); when Uranus is one arm of the cross, the internal tension is very much increased.

Uranus is a good planet to study, since its transits tend to be highly local­ized in time. Because Uranus is disrup­tive in its action, its transits produce sudden events that can be associated with a particular date. By contrast, the effects of Saturn's transits tend to spread out over time. Saturn doesn't produce events per se as much as it informs a period of months or a year with a cer­tain mood.

By concentrating our attention upon one single transiting aspect of one planet, we are holding other variables constant, so to speak. This allows us to examine some subsidiary astrological issues, such as:

1. When the Uranus transit occurs three times (first direct pass, retrograde pass, and last direct pass), when will the expected event occur?

2. When will the expected event occur in relation to the exact times of the transit(s)? What is the expected orb in time from the exact transit(s)?

3. According to astrological tradition, the nature of the expected e~ent can be deduced from the house(s) in which Uranus is posited or the house it rules: the house(s) with Aquarius on the cusp. Is this true?

Chart2: Adolf Hitler

4. According to astrological tradition, the nature of the expected event can be deduced from the aspects to Uranus in the natal horoscope and from the houses in which the aspected planets lie. Is this true?

5. According to astrological tradition, if Ura­nus conjoins an angle in the natal chart, the expected event should relate to the meaning of that angle. Is this true?

At the risk of being anticlimactic, I will state at the outset that an infor­mal survey of some 50 horoscopes of famous people and natives from my own files shows that the answers to questions (1) and (2) above are indeter­minate; the answers to the other three questions are that astrological tradition is wrong - or at least cannot be relied upon. I will comment upon these points as we go along (except for natives whose birth time is questionable).

For Albert Schweitzer, the expected event occurred in the middle , between the retrograde and last direct transits. In other instances, the events occur all over the lot - anywhere from a month before the first direct transit to a month after the last direct transit. In Schweitzer's case, the house symbol­ism (10th house = career/life's work) is apropos, but we'll see that, in other examples, this is not necessarily so.

One common effect of the DUR is to catapult the native suddenly into power or fame . John F. Kennedy's DUR (Sept. 21, 1960; Feb . 13, 1961 R; July 9, 1961) coincided with his winning the presidency on Novem-ber 1, 1960; taking office on January 20, 1961; and becoming embroiled in several difficult foreign entanglements. The worst of these was the Bay of Pigs fiasco in April 1961. JFK's natal Uranus is posited in and rules the 5th house, and it squares the conjunction of Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter in the 8th; thus, the house symbolism is not very apt. The principal event - taking office -occurred a month before the retrograde transit.

In Adolf Hitler's life, the DUR (Apr. 11, 1932; Dec. 18, 1932 R; Jan. 7, 1933) also coincided with a sudden rise to power. In March 1932, Hitler lost an election to von Hindenburg, but since there was no majority, new elec-

Ott.e com_m..on_ effect of tke Oem_i-UrCA-»-lti Retu.r»- ti to cCA-t~u.(t tke "--"-tive ~~n.(a in.to tower or f"-»Le.

tions were scheduled for April 10, 1932. Again Hitler lost, but he won more votes than previously. In an effort to appease conservative opinion, Hitler decreed to abolish the SA and SS (his private armies) on April 14. The rest of 1932 was a war of nerves with Papen, the German chancellor and Hitler's rival for power.2 Finally on January 30, 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, and on March 23, 1933, he was given dictatorial powers. In his natal horo­scope (see Chart 2, opposite), Uranus conjoins the Ascendant and is sextile Saturn in the 10th house; Aquarius is intercepted in the 4th. (It is interesting that Hitler and FDR, the two great pro­tagonists of World War II, both had Ura­nus rising; Uranus rising gives a tough character - cold, hard, distant, indomi­table.) In Hitler's case, the natal house and aspect symbolism are quite apropos (Ascendant, 10th house), and the timing works pretty well, too: three weeks after the last direct transit.

Teddy Roosevelt's DUR (Jan. 18, 1898; Apr. 28, 1898 R; Nov. 4, 1898) also timed his rise from obscurity to national eminence . He was a minor secretary in the Navy Department when the mysterious explosion of the battle­ship USS Maine in Havana harbor on Feb. 15, 1898 started the war against Spain that he had been campaign-ing for in his speeches. He resigned his post, used his political influence to secure a special commission, and recruited his own cavalry troop, the Rough Riders. He loved the reckless adventure of war, calling his attack at the battle of San Juan Hill, Cuba on July 1, 1898: "the great day of my life."3 On his return , his heroism and panache catapulted him into national prominence. He was offered the New York gubernatorial nomination, and he won the election on November 7, three days after Uranus's last direct

transit opposite its natal place. Here, the astrological timing worked quite well; however, in TR's natal chart, Ura­nus is posited in the 12th house, rules the 9th, and is unaspected.4 Thus, the house symbolism doesn't work very well in this case.

Unaspected Uranus is interesting; it symbolizes Uranus in its purest form. Unaspected Uranus shows a native who is free-thinking, rebellious, and given to experimentation. These natives love risk-taking, are mischievous and con­spiratorial, and delight in letting it all hang out. They have true grit, a mettle that carries the day with sheer audac­ity and cool determination. When their DURs hit, they really max out.

In the foregoing examples, the DUR brought the natives prominence as a result of their immediate efforts. In other cases, the DUR brings sudden promi­nence for work done many years previ­ously. For example, Sir Isaac Newton published his magnum opus, Principia Mathematica, during his DUR (May 24, 1687; Dec. 4, 1687 R; Mar. 9, 1688). Principia includes Newton's laws of motion and gravitation and is generally considered the greatest single contribu­tion in the history of science. However, the actual studies upon which Principia was based were done more than 20 years earlier, between 1665 and 1666. The publication of Principia led to New­ton's election to Parliament two years later and marked the beginning of his public and political life .

Similarly, Albert Einstein's DUR (May 5, 1919; July 9, 1919 R; Feb. 14, 1920) brought him international fame for work he had done 14 years before. Actually, this entire year was a big turn­ing point in his life. 5 He divorced his first wife on Feb. 14, 1919 and remarried on June 2, 1919. He became a vocal con­vert to Zionism and a pacifist and pros­ecutor of German crimes committed during World War I. Most importantly, on Sept. 27, 1919, Einstein received word that the Eddington eclipse experi­ment in May of that year had vindicated Einstein's theory of relativity.

One of his students remembers how, as the two of them were discussing a book which raised objections to his theory, Einstein reached for a telegram lying

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 71

on the windowsill and handed it to her with the words: "Here, this will perhaps interest you." "It was," she has written, "Eddington's cable with the results of measurement of the eclipse expedition. When I was giving expression to my joy that the results coincided with his cal­culations, he said, quite unmoved, 'But I knew that the theory is correct,' and when I asked, what if there had been no confirmation of his prediction, he countered: 'Then I would have been sorry for the d~ar Lord - the theory is correct.' "6

On November 7, 1919-the day before transiting Uranus stationed direct conjunct Einstein's natal Jupiter - a tidal wave of publicity broke, and from one day to the next, Einstein went from obscurity to worldwide fame. In his natal chart (see Chart 3, below), Ura­nus is placed in the 3rd house and dis­posits and opposes Jupiter in the 9th. In this case, the house symbolism is pretty good (the 9th symbolizes fame for intel­lectual achievement), but the timing is off: The signal event occurred in the middle of the DUR, between the retro­grade and last direct transits.

Chart 3: Albert Einstein

72 www.mountainastrologer.com

Sometimes the DUR is not the final triumph of the life but rather a dress rehearsal for it, a preliminary success or a glimpse of the final goal. In the case of Nelson Mandela (DUR: Sept. 1, 1961; Mar. 29, 1962 R; June 8, 1962), he was forced to go underground to hide from the South African govern­ment. In January 1962, he left South Africa on an extended tour of African states and Europe, to seek support and arrange for military training for recruits. This period away from South Africa was the first time in his life that he felt free "from white oppression, from the idi­ocy of apartheid and racial arrogance, from police molestation, from humili­ation and indignity. Wherever I went I was treated like a human being." 7 Upon returning to South Africa, Mandela was arrested on Aug. 5, 1962 and sentenced to five years in prison with hard labor.

Another example of the Demi­Uranus Return as a forerunner or har­binger of ultimate triumph is Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose DUR (Mar. 15, 1924; Oct. 29, 1924 R; Dec. 24, 1924) brought about his return to politics after he had been struck down by polio three years before. "To come back to politics was the greatest single decision Roose­velt ever made. This, if any one turn-ing point can be chosen as the most vital of his whole career, was it . .. Instead of retiring to Hyde Park as a pleasant des-

pot, a cripple who would be well cared for all his life, as his mother wished, FDR threw himself with full strength into the crossfire of the political arena, his disability ignored."8 FDR managed Al Smith's unsuccessful 1924 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination; from this, he learned valuable lessons for his own campaign eight years later. In FDR's natal chart (see Chart 4), Uranus rises and rules the 6th house (illness) , tri­ning Jupiter-Neptune on the cusp of the 9th; this symbolism can be considered somewhat apt.

In some cases, the meaning of the DUR is not necessarily public recogni­tion or fame , but rather that the cen­tral idea or metaphor of the native's life comes into high focus. The DUR sym­bolizes the native's life purpose, the rea­son he or she was born, coming into conscious manifestation. Uranus sym­bolizes freedom, the throwing off of chains, of stodginess, of society's shack­les of conformity, and following one's own star instead. Indeed, this is one of the most common meanings of the DUR; it was true of Albert Schweitzer and both Roosevelts, for example, and that's also how I would describe its effect in my own life.

Another example is Oliver Wendell Holmes; his DUR (Oct. 1, 1882; Apr. 7, 1883 R; July 14, 1883) coincided with a false start and then grasping his des-

Chart4: Franklin Delano


tiny in a decisive fashion . In Septem­ber 1882, a few weeks before the first direct DUR, Holmes began teaching at Harvard Law School - a highly pres­tigious position - but he had doubts about it. His real heart's ambition was to be a judge, to have real power in the world rather than mere intellectual suc­cess and influence, which his writings on the law had heretofore brought him. He taught for three months, and then on December 8, he suddenly received word that he had been nominated to the state Supreme Court - if he resigned his professorship at Harvard.

Accordingly, Holmes resigned the Harvard post and was appointed to the Court on December 15, 1882; he took his seat on the Court on January 13, 1883. This was the beginning of his judi­cial career. "It was a stroke of lightning that in one second wiped out the past, changed his whole future ."9 Holmes's later comment on this subject can be considered a meditation on the nature of Uranus: "The place for a man who is complete in all his powers is in the fight. The professor, the man of let­ters, gives up one-half of life that his protected talent may grow and flower in peace. But to make up your mind at your peril upon a living question, for purposes of action, calls upon your whole nature. "10 In Holmes's natal horoscope, Uranus is posited in and rules the 5th house; it conjoins the Sun and sextiles Jupiter in the 3rd -hence, the house symbolism isn't apt. The principal events fell in the middle, between the first and retrograde tran­sits, so the timing isn't very good either.

One more common manifesta­tion of the DUR is the sudden, unex­pected love affair. Any Uranus transit can produce a burst of adrenaline, but in 40-something men who are bored with bachelorhood or marriage, it quite often brings a burst of testosterone as well. Thomas Jefferson's sudden love affair with his 14-year-old slave girl, Sally Hemings, coincided with his DUR (Aug. 4 , 1787; Feb. 18, 1788 R; May 15, 1788).11 Bachelor George Bernard Shaw met and fell madly in love with a young socialist, who later became his secretary, during his DUR (Feb. 21 , 1896; Mar. 4, 1896 R; Nov. 11, 1896) .12

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General Douglas MacArthur, another long-term bachelor, had his DUR (Apr. 13, 1921; Aug. 17, 1921 R; Feb. 3 , 1922) while serving as superin­tendent of West Point. He met a social­ite flapper at a dance and proposed to her the same night. 13 Unfortunately, she was also being courted by MacArthur's superior officer, General John Persh­ing, who sacked his upstart subordinate by transferring him to the Philippines. MacArthur's wedding took place on Valentine's Day 1922, two weeks after Uranus's last direct pass. Four months later, MacArthur arrived at his new post and duty: to survey Bataan as a possible place for American troops to retreat and hold out in case the Philippines were ever invaded by Japan.

Another sudden, intense Uranian romance was described by Bertrand Russell, who was quite tired of his 16-year marriage to Alys by the time of his DUR (Mar. 6, 1911; July 5 , 1911 R; Dec. 26, 1911). En route to France, he stopped to visit his old friends, Ottoline and Philip Morell, whom he had not seen for some time.

When I arrived there on March 19th, on my way to Paris, I found that Philip had unexpectedly had to go to Burnley, so that I was left tete-a-tete with Ottoline. During dinner we made conversation about Burnley, and politics, and the sins of the Government. After dinner the conversation gradually became more intimate. Making timid approaches, I found them to my surprise not repulsed. It had not, until this moment, occurred to me that Ottoline was a woman who would allow me to make love to her, but gradually, as the evening progressed, the desire to make love to her became more and more insistent. At last it con­quered, and I found to my amazement that I loved her deeply, and that she returned the feeling. Until this moment I had never had complete relations with

any woman except Alys ... I wilnted to leave Alys, and to have her leave Philip. If I had known that he would murder us both (as Mrs. Whitehead assured me he would) I should have been willing to pay that price for one night. The nine years of tense self-denial had come to an end, and for the time being I was done with self-denial ... I told Alys that she could have a divorce when­ever she liked, but that she must not bring Ottoline's name into it. She nev­ertheless persisted that she would bring Ottoline's name in. Thereupon I told her quietly but firmly that she would find that impossible, since if she ever took steps to that end, I should com­mit suicide in order to circumvent her. I meant this, and she saw that I did.14

Although the timing of the deci-sive events in several of the foregoing romantic episodes comes close to one or another of the exact Uranus transits, in not one of these "love at first sight" cases does Uranus occupy the natal 5th or 7th house , nor does it aspect Venus. (In MacArthur's chart, Aquarius is on the 7th-house cusp, but his and Jefferson's birth times are questionable.) So much for astrological tradition.

People who have a firm life purpose spring forward on their DURs; however, people who are just drifting along, idly dreaming, living in their fantasies, get the same cosmic impulse. - but they blow it. Uranus brings us gifts, but we must be clear and decisive about our goals in order to grasp them. If people don't really mean business, if they aren't prepared to give their all, then they won't reap much of Uranus's benefits, because Uranus demands and rewards complete self-dedication.

I've seen a lot of blown DURs in my astrological practice. People wait most of their lives for their lucky break, but when it finally comes, they often don't recog­nize it for what it is and they let it go. If people are living their lives haphazardly, with no particular plan or goals beyond materialistic and egoistic gratification, if their lives have no abstract purpose or meaning beyond their personal com-fort and convenience, then the Uranus opposition to its natal place will bring a crisis - an unforeseen shake-up that is threatening ~nd disorienting. What these

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 73

people are supposed to do then is to re­evaluate their life plan and goals, to take command instead of drifting along. If they choose not to do this, but instead try to pick up the pieces as best they can and go on as before, then they will have lost a real opportunity (perhaps their last opportunity in this life) to truly fulfill their destiny.

Isadora Duncan is an example of a blown DUR (Mar. 2, 1917; Sept. 4, 1917 R; Dec. 22, 1917). February­March 1917 was the final break with her lover and chief financial backer, Paris Eugen Singer (heir to the Singer Sewing Machine fortune) , who had been about to purchase Madison Square Garden to create an art center and school just for her. According to her autobiography, at a supper in her honor where he had presented her with a fabulous diamond necklace, she deliberately insulted him by getting drunk and dancing a lewd tango with a "beautiful young boy who was present. Suddenly I felt my arm wrenched in an iron grasp, and looked round to find L. storming with rage." 15

According to her biographer, her friends remonstrated with her, '"Do you real­ize what you've done?' we asked in a

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The. Oem..i-Ur"-•Uti

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chorus of dismay. 'You could have had the school that was your life's dream, and now you have ruined everything.' 'He'll come back,' she said serenely. 'He always does."'16 But he never did. She was left without any financial support and had to sell the necklace and other jewels and furs he had given her. "As I was now practically penniless, it would, no doubt, have been wiser to have invested the proceeds of the furs and jewels in solid stocks and bonds, but of course this never occurred to me and we all spent a pleasant enough summer at Long Beach, entertaining, as usual, many artists . .. After the pleasures of this summer, when we returned to New York, I found myself without any funds. "17 In Isadora Duncan's case, the house symbolism works (see Chart 5, below): Natal Uranus is in the 5th (lov­ers), rules the 11th (dreams), and forms part of a fixed grand cross, opposing Mars and squaring the Moon-Pluto opposition (inner warfare covered with a grinning, Cheshire-cat smile) .

Many people, like Isadora Dun­can, miss the opportunity presented by their Demi-Uranus Return, and when the DUR is blown, it's blown. When that happens, the rest of the life can be a downward spiral, just putting in time until the Grim Reaper pays his visit. The Demi-Uranus Return is the chance of a lifetime - and it knocks but once on the door.

Chart Data and Sources (in alphabetical order)

Isadora Duncan, May 26, 1877; 2:20 a.m. LMT; San Francisco, CA, USA (37°N46', 122°W25') ; A: baptismal certificate printed in Blair biography (time from M. E. Jones, quot­ing her brother) .

Albert Einstein, March 14, 1879; 11:30 a.m. LMT; Ulm, Germany (48°N24' , l0°EOO'); AA: Ebertin quotes birth record.

Adolf Hitler, April 20, 1889; 6:03:53 p.m. GOT; Braunau am Inn, Austria (48°Nl5' , 13°E02') ; AA: Zenit 11/33 quotes birth record; time rectified by Dr. Rumen Kolev.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, March 8, 1841 NS (New Style) ; 8:43 p.m. LMT; Boston, MA, USA (42°N21' , 7l0 W03'); B: time rectified from bio by Bent, which quotes father's letter to his sister.

Thomas Jefferson, April 13, 1743 NS; 1:53 a .m. LMT; Shadwell, VA, USA (38°NOO', 78°W23'); DD: D. C. Doane, Horoscopes of U.S. Presidents; time unverified.

John F. Kennedy, May 29, 1917; 3:00 p.m. EST; Brookline, MA, USA (42°N20', 7l 0 W07') ; A: Garth Allen quotes mother.


Douglas MacArthur, January 26, 1880; 6:30 p.m. LMT; Little Rock, AR, USA (34°N44', 92°Wl 7'); DD: time unverified; Frances McEvoy quotes Grant Lewi.

Nelson Mandela, July 18, 1918; 2:54 p.m. EET; Umtata, South Africa (31°535', 28°E47'); DD: Frances McEvoy's son asked him personally; time rectified by Noel Tyl.

isaac Newton, January 4, 1643 NS; 1:38 a.m. LMT; Woolsthorpe, England (52°N50', 00°W40') ; C: Arthur Blackwell quotes Manuel bio; rectified from approximate time.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, January 30, 1882; 8:45 p.m. LMT; Hyde Park, NY, USA (41°N47', 73°W56') ; AA: from bio by Rita H. Kleeman quoting father's diary: "At a quarter to nine my Sallie had a splendid large baby boy, 10 lbs. "

Theodore Roosevelt, October 27, 1858 NS; 7:45 p .m. LMT; New York, NY, USA (40°N42', 74°WOO'); B: Lois M. Rodden (LMR)quotes Stefan Lorant bio. (I've rectified this one myself from primary directions to angles, and I get a birth time of 7:49:25 p.m. LMT.)

Bertrand Russell, May 18, 1872; 5:45 p .m. GMT; Trellek, Wales (51°N45', 02°W43'); B: Ronald Clark bio.

Albert Schweitzer, January 14, 1875; 11:50 p.m. LMT; Kayser­burg, Germany (48°N08', 07°El5'); AA: Bruno Huber quotes birth certificate.

George Bernard Shaw, July 26, 1856 NS; 12:55 a.m. LMT; Dublin, Ireland (53°N20', 06°W15'); A: Greer quotes family Bible.

References and Note 1. Albert Schweitzer, Out of My Life and Thought, Holt, 1949, pp. 155-160.

2. Robert Payne, The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, Popular Library, 1973, p. 212.

3. Edmund Morris, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Ballantine, 1979, p. 650.

4. An unaspected planet makes no major, or Ptolemaic, aspects (con­junction, sextile, square, trine, opposition) within 6° or less.

5 . Ronald W. Clark, Einstein: The Life and Times, Avon, 1971, pp. 276-278.

6. Ibid., p. 287.

7. Mary Benson, Nelson Mandela, Penguin, 1986, p. 1,14.

8. John Gunther, Roosevelt in Retrospect, Harper, 1950, p. 245.

9. Catherine Drinker Bowen, Yankee from Olympus, Bantam, 1960, p. 272.

10. Ibid.

11. Fawn Brodie, Thomas Jefferson , Bantam, 1975, p. 300.

12. Hesketh Pearson, G. B. S. -A Full Length Portrait, Harper, 1942, pp. 178-180.

13. William Manchester, American Caesar, Dell, 1978, pp. 141-143.

14. Bertrand Russell, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, Bantam, 1968,pp. 274-275.

15. Isadora Duncan, My Life, Liveright, 1927, p. 335.

16. Victor Seroff, The Real Isad~ra , Avon, 1972, p. 260.

17. Duncan, My Life, p. 336.

© 2006 Bob Makransky - all rights reserved

Bob Makransky is a systems analyst, programmer, and professional astrologer. His books, articles, free software, and free monthly astro­magical e-magazine are available from www.dearbrutus.com

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In 2005, Llewellyn launched the "Special Topics in Astrology" series - books geared for inter­mediate to advanced students and professionals. The first title is Chiron: Healing Body & Soul, by Martin Lass. In the Oct./Nov. 2002 issue of TMA, I reviewed an earlier, self-published version, Musings of a Rogue Comet: Chiron, Planet of Healing, and Llewellyn has crafted a superb edition of Lass's work. Covering the archetype of Chiron, Lass acknowledges the work of earlier authors (such as Melanie Reinhart, Barbara Hand Clow, Zane Stein, Richard Nolle , and Erminie Lantern};

he focuses on what he defines as the "Chiron Paradigm," which, in essence, "asserts that the gift is in the wound." Lass essentially views Chiron in the natal chart as pointing to wounds where "we deny, disown, fail to acknowledge, ignore, try to escape from, condemn, and/or try to banish certain parts of ourselves . . . we are in denial of the larger plan and purpose of the cosmos." It is Chiron's gift to take us througn a gateway of perception and bring us toward whole­ness, to "increasingly see things from the eyes of love."



In the main body of the text, Lass covers the mythology, symbolism, discovery, cycles, and rulership of Chiron before specifically delineating it in the horoscope. Lass offers a complete, engagingly written, and meticulously organized


• • • •• -\ln:,111<1{•r Rurwrh e • •• • •••

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 77

BOOK REVIEWS continued

cookbook for Chiron - including Chi­ron in the signs, houses, aspects (plus parallels, contraparallels, and occulta­tions), planetary pictures (e.g., Grand Cross, Kite, Star of David) , and in transit (Chiron to planets, nodes, and angles; planets and nodes to Chiron; and Chi­ron through the houses) . There is a chapter on "Chiron and Past-Life Sym­bolism" before the conclusion: a natal chart delineation "read from a healing and spiritual perspective."

Martin Lass is a musician as well as an astrologer. His perceptions of Chi­ron are both subtle and clearly written. His extensive research is also evident throughout the book; he notes cultural and historical events related to Chiron's various cycles and mentions famous people with the natal placement under discussion . (256 pp.) (ISBN 0-7387-0717-1).

Noel Tyl's Vocations: The New Midheaven Extension Process is the second book in Llewellyn's series. Tyl is a prolific author (he has wntten 34 textbooks, according to the book cover); he is unparalleled in his abil­ity to encapsulate astrological method­ology that is creative in approach and

also informed by a mature understand­ing of psychological and developmental processes. He begins with the prem-ise that, in modern times, one's work is deeply important as a venue for a sense of fulfillment and purpose; vocation is, in fact, a "major developmental stream in life." Tyl's method for tracking voca­tion in the horoscope extends beyond the traditional (albeit extremely signifi­cant and herein quite specifically delin­eated) assessment of the Midheaven; he includes mutual receptions, stelliums, the oriental planet, the Aries Point, key midpoints, and the house position and sign of the Moon. All of this is presented in a very organized and structured way, complete with the author's suggestions for new astrological notations for some key ideas, such as using an asterisk(*) to indicate the final dispositor.

One of the primary methods tj1at Tyl demonstrates is to follow the dispos­itorship of planets, starting with the Mid­heaven ruler. Rather than attempting to find a specific job in the horoscope, he assesses the vocational indicators and sorts them into five main "channels" of expression, which he then demon­strates with ample examples. (The chan­nels are Communicating, Performing, Creative Expression, Helping/Healing, and Administration.) The book's final chapter, "The Art in Judgment," cov­ers more complicated vocational assess-

ments and touches upon such subjects as underachievement and timing for employment.

Tyl is experienced, worldly, and practical. He emphasizes the need to understand the client's "Level," or "sociological reality," which the author suggests can be determined by con­siderations such as leadership, vision, and education. His new book will be an asset to any counseling astrologer who addresses the frequently asked ques­tions about vocation. The text is well supported by many (53) chart examples of famous and more ordinary citizens; all charts are displayed in wheel format. (188 pp.) (ISBN 0-7387-0778-3).

The third title in Llewellyn's series is Eclipses: Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation, by Celeste Teal. This book offers the author's extensive, carefully observed research on eclipses in both the mun­dane and personal spheres. Although the book is warmly accessible in style, it could function as a complete text­book on the subject; it is rich in history and understanding of eclipses, as well as being eminently practical in suggesting how to assess their personal and global impact. Tea! begins with "The Mysteri­ous Dragon's Head & Dragon's Tail," then discusses the element and the "lord of an eclipse." This section also presents the author's method for determining ·






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the power and duration of an eclipse. (She has found that a lunar eclipse has the same staying power or length of influence that Ptolemy clearly states regarding solar eclipses: The effects of an eclipse last as long in years as the eclipse itself lasts in hours.)

Part Two is a fascinating explo­ration of "Eclipses & World Events," which looks at their impact on the past, present, and future. Part Three, "Your Personal Cosmic Telegrams," is about the implications of eclipses for the individual; it covers the prenatal eclipse (both lunar and solar), as well as eclipses hitting angles and planets in the horoscope. There are sketches of life stories that spotlight how certain eclipses have affected the lives of vari­ous people.

The Appendices comprise fully half of the book; the tables and charts therein are remarkable in their breadth and usefulness - a veritable treasure trove for researchers. For example, Table 1, Master Eclipse & Planetary Transits, is exceptionally helpful: It lists eclipses from 2000 to 2012 and gives

the dates (through 2015) when transit­ing planets (the Sun and Mars through the outer planets) are within 3° of con­junction or opposition to the eclipse point (the first square as well, in the case of the Sun). The Catalog of Anno­tated Eclipse Charts for 1999-2012 shows chart wheels for each. eclipse, set for Washington, D.C., along with Teal's notes on their essential points (derived from house and sign placements and aspects) and locations throughout the world where the eclipse is emphasized (determined by degrees in the respective country's horoscope) . Another extensive section in the Appendices is the Anno­tated Catalog of National Figures. Here are charts for countries (e.g., Afghani­stan, Cuba, China); U.S. cities (Los Angeles, Manhattan, Phoenix, etc.); and other entities (such as the New York Stock Exchange, the United Nations, and Vatican City) that are significant for world events. These pages contain short essays on each of the charts and a list of the eclipses (2000-2011) that are emphasized (either by planet, Drag­on's Head or Tail, angl.e, or Chiron) in

each location. For further refinement, the reader may consult Table 4, Plan­etary Keys, a list of things and people represented by the planets (for example, "The Sun: King, Supreme Authority, President, Head Executive, Noble Char­acters, Central Figures . .. ")

This book has countless highlights that inform in their own right and pro­vide a resource for further study. When the research supports it, Tea! refers to earlier writers, and she offers origi­nal ideas, including her provocative view that "the prenatal Lunar eclipse is the mechanism that seals off our prior memories."

1 am sure that readers can get a sense of how valuable this book is for people who are interested in studying and understanding eclipses, both in. mundane and personal horoscopes. In a phone conversation, Celeste Teal men­tioned that part of her motivation for writing this book was to make the infor- , mation accessible so more astrologers could study the subject; she has admi­rably succeeded in that goal. (276 pp.) (ISBN 0-7387-0771-6) .


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Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologe~ 79

BOOK REVIEWS continued

These first volumes in Llewellyn's series are well edited and produced and brimming with excellent content. Top­ics of forthcoming books include the Houses and Midpoints. I look forward to seeing what's next in the series.

- reviewed by Mary Plumb

Cycles of Becoming: The Planetary Pattern of Growth by Alexander Ruperti , Earthwalk School of Astrology Publishing, P.O. Box 3435, Santa Monica, CA 90408, USA, 2005. Paper-272 pp.-$21.95 (ISBN 0-9668978-4-6). Available from: www.earth walkastrology.com

Publisher Robert Blaschke has com­pleted the worthy task of producing a new edition (an exact reprint) of this out-of-print classic astrology book by Alexander Ruperti. Cycles of Becom­ing, originally published in 1978, was inspired by Dane Rudhyar, friend and


teacher to Ruperti. It is a beautifully writ­ten work that describes the "humanis­tic approach" with eloquence and great attention to specific techniques. This is an astrology that is concerned with the inner life and patterns of the soul and is also technically refined. Cycles of Becoming is by far the most useful and · thorough book on the subject. Ruperti inspired many later writers, and it's good news that astrologers have access to this seminal work again. Thank you, Robert Blaschke.

- reviewed by Mary Plumb

Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotions and Life Experience by Diane Ronngren, ETC Publishing, Reno, NV, USA, 2005. Paper-240 pp. -$14.99 (ISBN 1-930038-18-6). Available from: www.etcpublishing.com

Diane Ronngren's book expresses an approach to the lunar nodes in the horoscope that is both interesting and evocative. As the subtitle indicates, she relates the nodes closely to the emotional life; she considers them to be "arms" of the natal Moon - .they bring events into

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the person's life that are then assimilated by the Moon. In this way, the themes of the natal Moon are always connected to the nodes. Although many modem astrology books take the view that the South Node has some connection to "past life" experience, Ronngren keeps her analysis strictly in this life. She sees the South Node as responses from child­hood: "The South Node will reveal the subliminal (perhaps even unconscious) messages the individual has absorbed from their childhood environment."

The author explores how people more specifically experience their emo­tional life. She doe? this by, first of all, delineating the nodes in the signs (and houses) . Then she describes emotional responses that are especially emphasized by aspects between the nodes and the Moon. (Chapter 4, "Keys to Emotions," gives a simple method for understand­ing emotions tbat incorporates the natal Moon and both of the nodes.) Along with aspects between the nodes and the Moon, Ronngren describes nodal aspects to other planets (and significant points) in the chart. There is also a chapter on the nature of the aspects (including semi-sextile/inconjunct and semi-square/ sesquiquadrate) , and the author pays attention to whether an aspect is benefi­cial or challenging. She includes a chap­ter on Trcinsiting Lunar Nodes (using both the Mean and True Node) . Horo­scopes for Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver provide intriguing exam­ples of transiting lunar nodes.

This is not a beginner-level book. Although it is informally written, Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotions and Life Expe­rience has advanced concepts and a lot of material cot}densed on its pages. Ronngren's book is best suited for coun­seling astrologers, who may find her ideas very helpful to their work.

- reviewed by Mary Plumb

If you wish to propose a book•for review or

contribute individual reviews, please call Mary Plumb at (541) 488-3048, or e-mail:

[email protected]

Kuo\V Your Na~sl?atras PartTw~

by Linda Johnsen

W hy are Virgos good with their hands? And why, for that matter, is Taurus sensual, or Cancer maternal?

Sensuousness isn't the first thing I think of when I picture a bull, and crabs aren't exactly known for their deep compas­sion. The key to understanding the qualities of the twelve Sun signs is found in the other signs of the zodiac, the 27 lunar mansions that mark the Moon's passage around the ecliptic. Imagine these incredibly ancient star groupings -called nakshatras in I11dia - superimposed over the twelve Sun signs you already know.

In the first article in this series {in The Mountain Astrol­oger, ApriVMay 2006), I introduced you to the first seven lunar mansions of the Hindu zodiac. The headstrong and impetuous qualities we associate with Aries derive from the first nakshatra, Ashvini, symbolized in India by a pow­erful horse. The sensuality of Taurus, on the other hand, comes directly from Rohini, the voluptuous seductress of the ancient Indian sky. We in the West call her Aldebaran, the bright red star marking the "bull's eye" in Taurus. The quick, nervous intelligence we associate with Gemini is borrowed from the nakshatra Mrigashira, the celestial deer. As we con­tinue around the Vedic lunar zodiac, I'll point out more surprising correspondences with imagery that Western astrol­ogers still use today, though most of them may not be aware of the original source.

Aug./Sept. 2006 *The Mountain Astrologer 81

Keep in mind that the nakshatras were ancient Inda-European star groups once shared by the people of both India and Europe. As far from the Himalayas as Ireland, the Celts once used these same lunar mansions. We eventually lost this lore in the West, but we can be grateful to our cultural cousins in India for faithfully preserving this rich astrological heritage.

Let's continue our journey through the ancient sky. Here are the next seven lunar mansions:

8. Pusl)ya, tl)e Ncurisl)er (3°20' - 16°40' Cancer)1

Lore. There is an ancient tradition that claims Pushya was Jesus's Moon sign. (Remember that, until the 20th cen­tury, in many ancient systems of astrol­ogy, including our own Western system, one's Moon sign, not one's Sun sign, was considered paramount.) The star clus-ter at the heart of Pushya is called M44

82 www.mountainastrologer.com

by astronomers today, but it used to be called Praesepia in Latin, which means "crib." It's surrounded by two "asses" (the stars Asellus Borealis and Asellus Australis) , just as Jesus's manger in the stable was said to be. And just as in a nativity scene today, you'll also find an ox (Taurus) , a lamb (Aries), and Mary and Joseph (in India, the stars Castor and Pollux in Gemini are pictured as a divine couple) hovering near the celestial crib.

This tradition makes sense from a Hindu perspective. In India, Pushya is the astrological significator of the spiri­tual teacher. Its ruling deity is Brihas­pati, the divine preceptor. Brihaspati is also regent of the planet Jupiter, which rules religion in Vedic astrology. Bri­haspati literally means "lord of prayer." (The ancient Inda-European word briha evolved into our word "prayer.") Coinci­dentally, Jesus gave the Western world its most beloved prayer, the famous Lord's Prayer recorded in Matthew 6:9- 13.

In addition, Pushya is considered . one of the most blessed and auspicious of all lunar mansions. No other naksha­tra fits Jesus more perfectly.2

By the way, pushya literally means "the nourisher." Caring for others, phys­ically and spiritually, is indicated here. The compassionate qualities of this lunar mansion were eventually pro­jected onto the constellation Cancer, where this nakshatra resides.

Delineation. People born with Moon in Pushya are likely to be well-educated, wise, honest, and productive. They are often stable, relaxed, and religious or spiritual. They're the best counselors of the zodiac and make great teachers.

The Moon's transit through Pushya is perhaps the best of all transits for every helpful and positive endeavor. (Negative activities, like opening hostili­ties or placing a curse, will fail under this nakshatra.) The only auspicious activity that's not recommended under Pushya is marriage. Why? Since this is the sign of the spiritual preceptor and since so many traditional Indian saints and gurus practiced sexual restraint, Pushya may not have been considered favorable for sensual expression.

Medically, Pushya is associated with the face and mouth .3

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9. Asl)lesl)a, U,e SualJe (16°40' - 30°00' Cancer)

Lore. The biblical story of Adam and Eve is symbolized in the night sky. In the Book of Genesis, God planted two spe~ cial trees in the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life, and warned the first man and woman not to eat their fruit. ·

Ancient Indian astrologers also spoke of celestial trees. The first tree represented the world axis; its topmost point was the North Celestial Pole. The entire universe revolves around this cen­tral point, which itself is unmoving like the hub of a wheel. To Hindus, this sug­gested the immortal Inner Self, which never changes even while the events of life swirl around it. In the Indian tra­dition, only saints and yogis who have purified themselves spiritually are able to find shelter· under this tree . This is the Tree of Everlasting Life, since those who taste the sweet fruit of their innermost spirit are freed from the cyclic process of birth and death. (In ancient Egypt, too, dying Pharaohs directed their souls to the North Celestial Pole.)





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TI,e ua~sl)atras were

aucieut Iudo-Eurcpeau

star ~rcups cuce sl)ared by tl)e pecple cf bet})

Iudia aud Eurcpe.

Another tree winds around the eclip­tic, its roots lying in Sagittarius. Wrapped around the tree is a snake, the constel­lation we know as Hydra. The head of the snake is a circle of six stars that com­prise the nakshatra Ashlesha, meaning "the entwiner." This celestial serpent has hypnotic power that can either poison or enlighten, depending on how its energy is directed.

This second tree represents the knowledge of good and evil. North and south of ~e ecliptic lie the fixed stars, which have no freedom to disobey God's will; they follow their preordained orbits for all time. But along the band of the zodiac run the planets, which are free to move back and forth against the backdrop of the stars, each at its own

varying pace. It seemed to the ancients that the planets acted of their own free will, sometimes flatly refusing to obey God's commands. Venus would pass into Christian mythology as the self­willed prince of darkness called Lucifer, and Saturn was eventually transformed into the figure we call Satan.

Similar beliefs were preserved in India. The behavior of human beings, who have freedom of choice in their actions, was symbolized by the planets. As we become more self-aware and self­willed, we slip out of attunement with natural law and acquire the knowledge of good and evil. When we consciously make choices contrary to God's com­mands, then like Adam and Eve, we for­feit our place in paradise (para desha, in Sanskrit, means "the supreme land," "highest region," or "heaven"). We become subject to the force of destiny regulated by the planets.

Delineation. People born under Ashlesha often have exceptional concen­tration and psychic abilities. They're can­did and self-reliant. Passions run deep in these natives. They may feel particularly



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Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 83

vulnerable and behave in self-protective ways that seem selfish to others. Ashle­shans who take to the spiritual path can make rapid progress in self-mastery and command of the inner serpent power that Hindus call kundalini.

Lunar transits of Ashlesha favor activities that require mental toughness, street smarts, and an aggressive attitude. This is the time to make a sale, seal a business deal, or outflank a competitor.

In the body, the ears, joints, and nails are indicated by this lunar mansion.

10 . M~a (0°00' - 13°20' Leo)

Lore. Magha is easy to spot in the night sky. It's the lion's mane in Leo, six bright stars that form a distinctive sickle shape. The most prominent of these is Regulus, the royal star. In San­skrit, Magha means "great" or "mighty," qualities obviously shared with the larger constellation of Leo. In Hindu astronomy, this nakshatra was symbol­ized by a throne.

Magha is ruled by the Pitris - liter­ally, "forefathers. " (The Sanskrit word pitri is related to the Spanish word padre and English "father. ") Here's a really odd coincidence: The Latin word for the departed ancestors who rule this star grol:lp is manes, and the stars them-

84 www.mountainastrologer.com

selves appear shaped like the "mane" of a lion. The Latin manes were named after Manu, the first man, according to Indo­European tradition. (Our words "man," "woman,'' and "human" are derived from his name.)

In Hindu cosmology, our immediate predecessors - our parents, grandpar­ents, and great grandparents - reside in this constellation after they die but before they reincarnate. The original progenitors of the human race are still stationed here, guarding and guiding humanity from this celestial throne.

This important nakshatra is associ­ated with tradition, lineage, cultural leg­acy, and the religious rites that sustain humanity over the generations.

Delineation. People with a well­placed Moon in Magha are proud, ambi­tious, and strong. They're natural-born leaders who enjoy being served more than serving. They demand respect, but their strong passions sometimes lead them to behave in disrespectable ways. They're prosperous and generous people who love to have fun but also aspire to social and spiritual nobility.

Public works and other ambitious projects that benefit large groups of peo­ple will thrive if we begin them while the Moon transits this lunar sign. This is also a good time to give gifts and offer dona­tions, since the Moon is in a particularly magnanimous mood in this mansion.

The lower part of the face is indi­cated here, including the nose, mouth, and chin.

11. Purva PI,al~u»i (13°20' - 26°40' Leo)

Lore. Zosma, in the flank of the constellation Leo, is the marker star for this delightful nakshatra. Hindus call it "the star of enjoyment." Western-ers generally think of India as a land of poverty and renunciation. In reality, for most of its history the subcontinent fos­tered one of the most prosperous and peaceful cultures on Earth. The pursuit of pleasure was considered one of the four main legitimate aims in life, along with ethically fulfilling one's life purpose, cultivating the prosperity necessary to support one's family, and seeking authentic spiritual understanding. Purva Phalguni was squarely in the pursuit-of­pleasure camp.

In charge of this nakshatra was one of the most popular of the ancient Vedic deities, Bhaga. His name means "the god who loves us" or "the god who cherishes and supports." To this day, when Hindus call the Supreme Being Bhagavan , they're honoring. his loving and divine nature. Bhaga was intimately connected with good fortune , because he's the deity who apportions to us the fruits of our good karma. This accounts for his connection with the 9th house of the horoscope, which Vedic astrologers consider to be the luckiest of the twelve houses. It's specifically called bhagya sthanam, meaning "the house where Bhaga stands."

Phalguni means "fruit of the tree ." Once our departed ancestors have

reached Pitri Loka, or "the world of the forefathers" in Magha in Leo, the best of them move on to the heavenly realm of Purva Phalguni, where they begin to enjoy the fruits of the good thoughts and deeds they generated while they were in a physical body on Earth. (On the Giza plateau in Egypt, the lion-like Sphinx sits next to the tombs of the greatest of the departed Pharaohs. Leo the lion, called Simha in India, also sits with the nakshatras that form the heavenly home of our forebears .)

Delineation. Those with the Moon strong in this lunar mansion are said to be magnanimous, earthy, and attrac­tive. These people are loyal and good at handling the public. They're intelligent and creative, but their innate enthusiasm sometimes overwhelms the sober dictates of common sense. Fame and prosperity are favored . These natives may be drawn to the arts.

The energy of this nakshatra is creative and constructive. A lunar transit here indicates that it's a good time to inaugu­rate the construction of a new home or begin other creative projects, to formalize a partnership, or to make love. This is also a good time to interact with the government.

Physiologically, Purva Phalguni is associated with the lips (as was Magha) , the right hand, and the sex organs.

12. Ottara Pl)al~uoi (26°40' Leo - 10°00' Virgo)

Lore. Denebola, in the tail of the constellation Leo, is the marker star for Uttara Phalguni. The ancient Vedic deity Aryaman presides over this nakshatra. He is the noble, emi­nently trustworthy god who sanctifies partnerships of all types, but especially marriage. The related star groups, Purva Phal­guni and Uttara Phalguni, once formed a single, larger con­stellation that Hindus pictured as a marriage bed.

Many eons ago, the Hindu god Shiva eloped with Sati, the daughter Ottara PJ,al~unis of a stodgy, conservative priest. The priest strongly disapproved of the marriage, because Shiva was a yogi who wandered the Himalayas wear­ing nothing but sacred ash , ignored the Vedic rites, and spent most of his

are wcnderful pecple fo ~new

- entertainin~.

~ccd-J,earted, time sitting in meditation. When her and ~enercus. father insulted her new husband, Sati was so upset that she killed herself.

From this horrible experience, Shiva learned a bitter les­son about what can happen if you marry without first con­sulting an astrologer! Many years later, he finally married Sati again, after she re.incarnated.as the yogini Parvati. This time, instead of eloping on the spur of the moment, Shiva and Par­vati carefully checked with Garga, one of the most famous Vedic astrologers of antiquity. Garga advised them to marry when the Moon entered Uttara Phalguni. They wisely took his advice, and the results are plain for all to see: Thousands of years later, the divine couple is still happily married!

Delineation. Uttara Phalgunis are wonderful people to know - entertaining, good-hearted, and generous. If the natal Moon is in good shape and other factors in the horoscope sup­port it, these people can be exceptionally well-to-do. They are

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intelligent, successful, and helpful to oth­ers. They have a great deal of courage and enthusiasm - perhaps even too much, which sometimes leads to trouble.

The Moon's transit here, as we learned from Garga, marks an excel­lent time to get married. If you've just bought a new house, this is an auspi­cious time to move in. You're also more likely to keep your promises if you first make them under this nakshatra.

Like the previous lunar mansion, Uttara Phalguni is connected with the lips and sex organs, since Shiva and Parvati always have great sex. It's also associated with the left hand.

13. Hasta (10°00' - 23°20' Virgo)

Lore. In Western astrology, Virgos are noted for their manual dexterity. Here's why: Hasta is the same five stars that we in the West call Corvus, the Crow. In India, however, they're pic­tured as the five fingers of a hand (hasta means "hand" in Sanskrit) . This is the hand of Virgo, who is called Kanya, meaning "young woman," in India. No other constellation ,_ East or West, has such a finely delineated hand. (The Dru­ids, incidentally, pictured this nakshatra both as a crow and a hand.)4

If you look at a star chart, you'll see that Virgo's hand is reaching for

NaJisl)atras 8-14 No. 1st Degree* Name

8. 3°20' Cancer Push ya

9. 16°40' Cancer Ashlesha

10. 0°00' Leo Magha

A well-placed, bri~t Moon in O,itra can lend dazzle and magnetism to

tl)e personality.

Crater, the bowl of wine, while the ser­pent Hydra (Vedic Ashlesha) looks on from his post on the world tree (ecliptic band). Here, we see Eve succumbing to temptation, as described in the Book of Genesis. The "fruit" she breaks off the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is actually the fermented grapes in this celestial bowl of wine. Eve's act of disobedience to God's command not to touch this fruit leads to her expulsion from Eden.

In Hindu tantric mythology, Virgo is the warrior goddess Durga who rides a lion (Leo) into battle, while quaffing wine from a skull cup (Crater), which she holds in Hasta, her hand (Cor­vus). Durga is the virgin goddess who is, paradoxically, the fiercely protective mother of all beings.

The more orthodox Vedic view is that the Goddess's hand is raised in blessing. The presiding deity of Hasta itself is Savitar, the god of the rising Sun. The most famous verse in the Rig Veda (the Hindu bible) is addressed to Savitar. It is the sacred Gayatri man­tra, which invokes the inner Sun to illu­minate our mind. In India, individuals with a weak or afflicted planet in Hasta are often advised to chant this mantra.

. Delineation. Vedic astrologers describe Hastans as hard-working, industrious, and resourceful. They tend to work as support personnel rather than as leaders, since they work with their hands. This nakshatra was tradi­tionally associated with artisans and tradespeople. However, its natives can also excel as teachers and business­people. Since most traditional Indian astrologers are a.lso palmists, this nakshatra is associated with astrology in India. Hastans are usually pleasant, though they tend to be impatient and occasionally suffer from depression . Alcoholism could be a problem. Even when the Moon is strong, Hastans may lack the natural vitality of the previous three nakshatras, so health is more of a concern.

Shopping, travel, and educa-tion are favored when the Moon is in Hasta. This is also a propitious time for weddings.

It's not surprising that Hasta is used in medical astrology to represent the hands and fingers.

14. Cl)ib'a (23°20' Virgo - 6°40' Libra)

Lore. In Hindu astronomy, Chitra (Spica, in the constellation Virgo) is one of the most important stars in the sky. It represents the ancient Vedic god Tvashtar, the celestial architect who first designed the heavenly vault.

The story goes that Tvashtar's daughter, Saranyu, couldn't stand to be near her husband, the Sun. His intense

Definition Marker Star(s) Deity

Nourisher N&S Aselli & M44 Brihaspati, guru of the gods

Entwiner (Head of) Hydra Naga, snake god

Mighty Regulus Pitris, the ancestors

11. 13°20' Leo Purva Phalguni 1st Half of Fruit Zosma Bhaga, god of good fortune

12. 26°40' Leo Uttara Phalguni 2nd Half of Fruit Denebola Aryaman, god of relationships

13. 10°00' Virgo Has ta Hand Corvus Savitar, life-giver

14. 23°20' Virgo Chitra Dazzler Spica Tvashtar, divine craftsman

86 www .mountainastrologer.com

light hurt her eyes, so she turned herself into a mare and ran away. In the form of a stallion, the Sun galloped after her. He nuzzled her with his nostrils, and she immediately gave birth to two beautiful boys called the Ashvins, the two bright­est stars in Aries.

Saranyu means "moving linchpin" (sara + ani) . Ancient Indian astrono­mers had a problem about where to set a permanent linchpin or beginning point for the zodiac. Like Saranyu refusing to join her husband, the lunar zodiac of 27 Moon signs refused to align with the solar zodiac of 12 Sun signs. Tvashtar, whose name literally means "the designer," chose the point exactly 180 degrees across the ecliptic from himself as the spot where both zodiacs would start. From that day to this, the point directly opposite Spica, which is 0° Aries in the solar zodiac and 0° Ashvini in the lunar zodiac, has marked the beginning of the circle of the ecliptic. That's why the Indian sidereal system is called Chi­tra Paksha, or the "Spica zodiac. " The Sun is often portrayed as a white stal­lion in Hindu mythology, and the lunar mansion Ashvini is shown as a mare. Next time you look up at the night sky, visualize the twin stars Alpha and Beta Arietes as the muzzle of a horse's head, and you'!~ have a pretty good idea of how ancient Hindu astrologers pictured that section of heaven.

You'll be pleased to learn that the Sun and his wife lived happily ever after: The myth continues: Tvashtar strapped the Sun to a lathe and shaved

Gender Energy Doshat

Male Passive Pitta

Female Active Kap ha

Female Active Kap ha

Female Balanced Pitta

Female Balanced Va ta

Male Passive Va ta

Female Active Pitta

off some of his light so that Saranyu could look at him without damaging her eyes. This may be the original reason that, in both Hindu and Western astrol­ogy, the Sun is considered "fallen" in Libra. After all, Tvashtar (Spica) and his lathe are located at exactly 0° Libra.

Delineation. Chitrans love beau­tiful things: well-made clothes, taste-ful furnishings , fine art, cosmetics. They love to explore and have no fear of the unconventional. They're generally lively, intelligent, honest, and efficient. A well­placed, bright Moon5 in Chitra can lend dazzle and magnetism to the person­ality . It's easy to see how some of the qualities of this scintillating nakshatra were transferred to the Sun sign Libra.

Healing regimens and religious ritu­als flourish under this nakshatra. When the Moon transits here, you may wish to purchase new clothing or jewelry or beautify your environment.

Medically, Chitra is associated with th~ forehead and the neck.

In Indo-European antiquity, a thor­ough understanding of the nakshatras was considered essential in the train­ing of an astrologer. The next article in this series will introduce you to more of these mysterious, long-neglected stars.

References and Notes 1. Ecliptic degrees used in this article apply to the sidereal zodiac, the ancient zodiac still in use in India today. In our current era, you' ll need to add about 24 degrees to the sidereal place­ment to find the corresponding degrees of the Western tropical zodiac.

2 . Obviously, there's no way to conclusively verify Jesus's Moon sign. It's interesting, though, that the Bible records a tradition that Magi (Per­sian astrologers) arrived to honor the infant Jesus. If that's literally true, his birth data could conceivably have been preserved for future gen­erations, coded in legends describing the cir­cumstances of his birth.

3. For more information on the delineation of the nakshatras, check out The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions in Vedic Astrology, by Den­nis M. Harness; Mansions of the Moon: The Lost Zodiac of the Goddess, by Kenneth John­son; and the superb chapter on the lunar man­sions in Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India, by Hart Defouw and Rob­ert Svoboda.

4. ln Celtic mythology, the shaman Taliesin (on whom the legend of Merlin appears to be partially based) acquires his prophetic powers by sticking his fingers (Hasta) in the cooking pot (Crater) of the great witch, Ceridwen (Virgo). Like Eve in the Garden of Eden, he reaches for knowledge and gets into serious trouble. Celtic legends chronicle his attempts to escape Ceridwen's anger.

5. In Vedic astrology, a Moon placed within 72 degrees on either side of the Sun is considered dark and inauspicious. Outside that 144° range, the Moon is considered bright. The closer to Full the Moon is, the more positively it deliv­ers its effects.

©. 2006 Linda Johnsen - all rights reserved

Linda Johnsen, M.S., is author of A Thousand Suns: Designing Your Future with Vedic Astrol­ogy; Lost Masters: Sages of Ancient Greece; and five other books on the Hindu tradition. She is Vedic Astrology Editor for The Mountain As­trologer and Contributing Editor to Yoga Inter­national magazine. For more information about Vedic astrology, contact the American College of Vedic Astrology [email protected] or (800) 900-6595, or the Vedic Vidya Institute at www. VedicVidya.com

* Each nakshatra corresponds to 13°20' of the sidereal Class Cycle Lord* ecliptic. Add about 23° to the degree listed here to find

the corresponding degree in the Western tropical zodiac Ruler Saturn for dates in the second half of the 20th century; add 24 °

in the early 21st century. Outcast Mercury t The dosha is the predominant quality of one's physical

Laborer Ketu and mental constitution, according to Ayurveda, the in-digenous medical tradition of India. Vala is thin, nervous,

Priest Venus and excitable. Pitta is muscular, hot-tempered, and ag-

Ruler Sun gressive. Kapha is heavy, stable, and lethargic.

:t: The nakshatra your Moon was in at the moment of your Business Moon birth determines in which planetary cycle you begin life.

For example, if your birth Moon was in Chitra, your first Servant Mars planetary cycle would be ruled by Mars.

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 87

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W·here's That Moon? Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Ingresses

Day Time

:a: 29 5 : 2 7 PM

mi 1 6: 08 AM

.,,t 3 4:13PM

)1 5 10:19 PM

~ 8 12:47 AM

)( 10 1: 1 0 AM

T 12 1 :22 AM

0 14 3 : 00 AM

ll 16 7:07 AM

$ 18 2:03 PM

.fl 20 11:33 PM

'OP 23 11:08AM

:a: 26 12:01 AM

mi 28 12:56 PM

Void Times Day Time

31 6: 54 PM

3 2:08 AM

5 12:22 PM

7 6 :44 PM

9 3 :58 PM

12 12:17 AM

13 5: 14 PM

15 6: 51 PM

18 5 : 30 AM·

20 12:06 AM

22 11: 19 PM

25 12:00 PM

28 1:01 AM

30 1: 41 PM

Last Aspect

x "-"' e:.9 0 "-"' rP 9 x "-"' 0. 9 0. "-"'

00 X0 Xd 0. "-"' 0 '¥ x "-"' Xd

Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Ingresses

Day Time

:a: 30 12:27 AM

mi 1 1: 0 8 PM

.,,t 3 11 : 1 3 PM

)1 6 5: 19 AM

~ 8 7:47 AM

)( 10 8: 10 AM

T 12 8:22 AM

0 14 10:00 AM

ll 16 2 :07 PM

$ 18 9:03 PM

.fl 21 6 : 33 AM

OP 23 6 : 0 8 PM

:a: 26 7: 01 AM

mi 28 7: 56 PM

Void Times Day Time

1 1: 54 AM

3 9:08 AM

5 7 :22 PM

8 1:44AM

9 10:58 PM

12 7: 17 AM

14 12:14AM

16 1:51 AM

18 12:30 PM

20 7:06AM

23 6: 19 AM

25 7 : 00 PM

28 8: 01 AM

30 8: 41 PM

Last Aspect

x "-"' 0. 9 0 "-"' JJ 9 x "-"' 0. 9 0. "-"'

00 X0 Xd e:. "-"' 0 '¥ x "-"' Xd

.,,t 31 12:00 AM PACIFIC TIME .,,t 31 7:00AM


Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Ingresses

Day Time

.,,t 31 12:00 AM



T 0 n

2 7: 34 AM

4 11: 15 AM

6 11:56 AM

8 11:23AM

10 11:30 AM

12 1: 59 PM

$ 14 7:53 PM

.fl 17 5: 1 5 AM

OP 19 5 : 0 7 PM

:a: 22 6:06 AM

mi 24 6: 54 PM

.,,t 27 6: 1 6 AM

)1 29 3 :01 PM

Void Times Day Time

2 12:49 AM

4 7:24 AM

6 2: 29 AM

8 2: 01 AM

10 1 : 5 2 AM

12 1 : 58 PM

14 9: 00 AM

16 5: 31 PM

19 5: 16 AM

22 4: 45 AM

24 7 : 11 AM

26 10:32 PM

29 1 :45 PM

Last Aspect

Od 0. d x "-"' 0 '¥ 0. "-"' 0. 9 JJ ';' X0 e:. "-"' 00 x "-"' x 9 0 9

Lunar Ingresses & Void Moons Ingresses

Day Time

.,,t 31 7 : 00AM

)1 2 2: 34 PM

~ 4 6: 15 PM

)( 6 6: 56 PM

T 8 6:23 PM

0 10 6 :30 PM

ll 12 8 :59 PM

$ 15 2:53 AM

.fl 17 1 2 : 1 5 PM

fJP 20 12:07AM

:a: 22 1 : 0 6 PM

mi 25 1:54AM

~ 27 1 :16 PM

)1 29 10:01 PM

Void Times Day Time

2 7 : 49 AM

4 2:24 PM

6 9:29 AM

8 9: 01 AM

10 8: 52 AM

12 8 :58 PM

14 4:00 PM

17 12:31 AM

19 12:16 PM

22 11:45AM

24 2: 11 PM

27 5:32 AM

29 8 : 45 PM

Last Aspect

Od t::::.d x "-"' 0 '¥ 0. "-"' 0. 9 JJ "-"' X0 e:. "-"' 00 X'i' X!i? 0 9



FQ 08-02-2006 01 :46 am GB 08-05-2006 07:46 pm FL 08-09-2006 03:55 am OS 08-12-2006 09:13 am LQ OS-15-2006 06:52 pm BL 08-19-2006 12:08 pm NW 08-23-2006 12: 10 pm CR 08-27-2006 03:46 pm FQ 08-31-2006 03:57 pm GB 09-04-2006 06:01 am FL 09-07-2006 11 :43 am OS 09-10-2006 .04:37 pm LQ 09-14-2006 04:16 am BL 09-18-2006 01:35 am NW 09-22-2006 04:45 am CR 09-26-2006 07:31 am FQ 09-30-2006 04:05 am

1l D 0 1l Cil 0 1>cPO 1l Cil 0 1l DO 1) L 0 1l d 0 1) L 0 1l D 0 1l Cil 0 1>cPO 1l Cil 0 1l D 0 1l L 0 1l d 0 1) L 0 1l DO

09°Tll.56' 28° ?'32' 16°z:44' 04°'T'49' 23°(505' 11°§40' 00°TI}l31' 19°,g,31• 08° ?'24' 26° V352' 15°7rno· 03° (507' 21°lI30' 10°J218' 29°TI}l20' 18°f11.22' 07° V309'

09° J256' 13°J232' 16°J244' 19°J249' 23°J205' 26°J240' 00°Jlll31' 04°TI}l31' 08°Jlll24' 11°Jlll52' 15°Jlll00' 18°Jlll07' 21 °TI}l30' 25°Jlll18' 29° Jlll20' 03°,g,22· 07°,g,09·

Greenwich Mean Time

08/02/2006 08:46:01 0810612006 02:45:59 08/09/2006 10:54:39 08/12/2006 16:12:32 08/16/2006 01 :51 :58 08/19/2006 19:07:41 08/23/2006 19: 10:01 0812712006 22:45:41 08/31 /2006 22:56:55 09/04/2006 13:01 : 15 0910712006 18:43: 10 09/10/2006 23:37 :07 09/14/2006 11:16:00 09/18/2006 08:35:08 09/22/2006 11 :45:26 09/26/2006 14:30:31 09/30/2006 11 :04:53

NW=New CR=Crescent FQ=First Quarter GB=Gibbous FL =Full DS=Disseminating LQ=Last Quarter BL =Balsamic

Forecast Calendar for Aug/Sept 2006 by Jeff Jawer

All times given are in Pacific Daylight Time. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours; Central Time, add 2 hours;

Mountain Time, add 1 hour; Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

August 1-6 Overview: The biggest event of the week is the First

Quarter square of the Moon in Scorpio and the Sun in Leo on August 2. This opening phase of the monthly lunation cycle picks up the long-term Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune t-square and pushes its energy into the foreground. The usual fixed­sign Sun,-Moon tension takes on a larger dimension, touch­ing off long-term professional, political, and philosophical issues. Bogging down in endless debate is an energy drain, but thoughtful dialogue about these critical matters can clar­ify deeper needs and values that are essential to intelligent decision-making. The Sun 's sesquiquadrate (135 °) to Pluto on August 1 and square to Jupiter on August 2 may produce power struggles, as we puff up with self-importance in reaction to our fears about being dominated by others. It's healthier, though, to open up to learning more, instead of defending what you already know.

The tone is dark on Tuesday (Aug. 1). The Moon enters emotionally intense Scorpio at 6:08 a.m., and the Sun ses­quiquadrates Scorpio's ruler, Pluto, a few hours later. Deep feelings are being stirred up, which can spew the soot of dis­content into the air and foul our lungs with resentful words and ungracious attitudes. Still, for the psychologically respon­sible, it can be a day of healing, as the truth of our desires burns away superficial niceness and brings us closer to what we value most. At 1 :46 a.m. on Wednesday (Aug. 2), the Sun-Moon First Quarter square pits surgical Scorpio against stagestruck Leo. Egos may take a low blow that levels the playing field between those on top and those on the bottom. Taking down the Big Cheese can be fun, but building yourself up is a more rewarding enterprise. Scorpio's function is not to undermine Leo's will but to show Leo the cost of its ambi­tion, thus enabling resources to be directed more effectively. Overstatement is a specialty of the day's Sun-Jupiter square (10°04' Leo-Scorpio), yet its expanded vision is only meant to point toward a goal, not to explain how to get there.

A Ven us-Neptune qui ncunx (18 ° 38' Cancer-Aquarius), early in the morning, gets Thursday (Aug. 3) off to an imagi­native start. What we see, though, isn't necessarily what we get; errors of judgment about people and products are likely. It could be the ache of the unloved that leads us to replace reality with fantasy, yet the cure is to protect our vulnerabilities rather than projecting unwarranted power on others. Moods may shift at 4:13 p.m. when the Moon enters optimistic Sag­ittarius. Uncertainty recedes into the background as playful optimism takes hold. The Archer's sign can escape from the present by projecting thoughts far into the futu re. Daydream­ing is certainly more fun than being anxious, but it can still be a form of denial. Hope for tomorrow coupled with posi­tive action today is a more productive form of engagement. There are no significant planetary events on Friday (Aug. 4), which should allow the rising force of the Sagittarius Moon more freedom to engender playful attitudes and a more gen­erous spirit.

A Mercury-Pluto quincunx (24° 18' Cancer-Sagittarius) on Saturday afternoon (Aug. 5) narrows eyes with suspicion

as whispered secrets and half-told truths mark a retreat from Sagit­tarian frankness. A more cautious manner of communication can help us to delicately dig into difficult subjects that have been buried in silence. Skepticism replaces blind faith, bold promises are chal­lenged, and feeble premises shot down by tough questions and uncompromising facts. Minds grow sharp to discern subtle differ­ences, encouraging more nuanced conversation. When we are no longer limited to a world of black and white, the many shades of gray become more apparent and can be illuminated with carefully chosen words. At 10: 19 p.m., the Moon enters Capricorn, where earthbound reality grounds flights of fantasy. This results-oriented sign is better at sex than sensuality, preferring to achieve its goals (erotic or otherwise) in as efficient and straightforward a manner as possible. However, Capricorn's penchant for hierarchy comes under the gun of a rebellious Sun-Uranus quincunx peaking very early on Sunday morning (Aug. 6). This rule-resistant combination craves freedom, even if it brings chaos. The well-ordered plans that Capricorn loves may unravel under the strain of uncoopera­tive individuals and unexpected events. A flexible attitude is vital to escape the stress of trying to stick to a schedule that's falling apart. Adapting to changing conditions needn 't be a painful sacri­fice, if we don't take ourselves too seriously.

Geocentric Aspects, Ingresses, and Stations

Pacific Daylight Greenwich Mean

07-31-2006 06:00 pm 0BQ? 08°.11 40' 02°~40' R. 08/01 /2006 01 :00:28 07-31-2006 08:44 pm '*' ll 4 -15°49' +15°49' 08/01 /2006 03:44:06 07-31-2006 09:22 pm '1 ]'( ~ 14°.11 02' 14° )(02' R. 08/01 /2006 04:22:08 08-01-2006 05:03 am 9 Bq ? 16°§ 11' 22°z: 11 'R. 08/01 /2006 12:02:37 08-01-2006 11:32 am 01!1'*' 09°.1122' 24° ? 22' R. 08/01 /2006 18:31:44 08-01-2006 08:05 pm d' II f +10°06' +10°06' 08/02/2006 03:04:47 08-02-2006 01:03 am 9 ]'( ? 22°§01' 22°z:01' R. 08/02/2006 08:02:50 08-02-2006 03:09 am "']'(' 26°)(11'R. 26°.1(11' 08/02/2006 10:09:01 08-02-2006 04:52 am 0 021 10°.11 04' 10°111..04' 08/02/2006 11 :51 :58 08-02-2006 11 :41 am d' ]'( ~ 06°11P52' 06°z:52'R. 08/02/2006 18:41:23 08-03-2006 05:08 am '*' ll 4 -15°27' +15°27' 08/03/2006 12:08:27 08-03-2006 05: 12 am ., ]'( '*' 18°§38' 18°z: 38' R. 08/03/2006 12: 11 :32 08-03-2006 01 :06 pm 01!1"6 11 °.11 21 ' 26° )(21' 08/03/2006 20:05:55 08-03-2006 10:12 pm 4 cf lW 00°11POO' 08/04/2006 05: 11 :31 08-03-2006 10:31 pm 011 '1 +17°16' +17°16' 08/04/2006 05:31 :03 08-04-2006 02:07 pm 9 II 2 +19°18' +19° 18' 08/04/2006 21 :07:07 08-05-2006 09:58 am ., ]'( ? 21°§18' 21° z: 18'R. 08/05/2006 16:58:08 08-05-2006 03: 16 pm 9 7' '*' 24°§18' 24°?18' R. 08/05/2006 22: 16:28 08-06-2006 04:26 am 07' ~ 13° .1152' 13°)(52'R. 08/06/2006 11 :25:53 08-06-2006 02:56 pm 21 al 2 10°111.26' 01°~52'R. 08/06/2006 21 :55:55 08-06-2006 03:04 pm 'ti Q 2 13°)(51 'R. 01°~51' R. 08/06/2006 22:04:27 08-07-2006 04:55 am 0 cf '1 14°.1151' 14°.1151' 08/07/2006 11 :54:39 08-07-2006 08:58 am 21 Q ' 10°111.30' 28° .1(30' 08/07/2006 15:58:27 08-07-2006 11 :56 am 9 L::."' 26°§01' 26° )(01' 08/07/2006 18:56: 19 08-07-2006 03:05 pm 2 L::. 4 01 ° ~45'R. 01 °1W45' 08/07/2006 22:05:09 08-07-2006 08:38 pm ., ]'( '*' 24°§16' 24°?16' R. 08/0812006 03: 38: 16 08-08-2006 10:21 am d' * 21 10°JW36' 10°11l.36' 08/08/2006 17:20:52 08-09-2006 00:35 am 01!1 2 16° .1136' 01 ° ~36' R. 08/09/2006 07:35:26 08-09-2006 02:10 am 0ll '*' +15°51' -15°51' 08/09/2006 09: 10: 10 08-09-2006 04:08 am ., L::."' 25°§52' 25°)(52' 08/09/2006 11 :08:24 08-09-2006 11 :54am 9 L d' 26°§16' 111 °11)>16' 08/09/2006 18: 54: 18 08-09-2006 09:51 pm 9 Ill~ 28°§45' 113°)(45' R. 08/10/2006 04:51 :09 08-10-2006 06:29 am 0ll'¥ +15°30' - ·15°30' 08/10/2006 13:29:23 08-10-2006 06:44 pm t cf l1P 00°11POO' 08/11/2006 01:44:19 08-10-2006 09: 10 pm 19 cf J2 00°.1100' 08/11/2006 04:09:42 08-10-2006 10:14 pm 0 rf' '¥ 18°.1125' 118°z:25' R. 08/11/2006 05: 14:08


Week of August 7-13 Overview: The cosmos is loading our plates this week with

a Full Moon, two planets changing signs, and several high­powered aspects that cover a wide emotional spectrum. Mer­cury enters Leo on August 10, and Venus enters Leo on August 12, which should embolden thinking and encourage romance. Conversations and social interactions are likely to become more dramatic. The Aquarius Full Moon on August 9 lands right on top of the fast-approaching Saturn-Neptune opposition that's exact at the end of the month. The gap between the real and ideal may seem wider than ever now. Yet, the awakening power of the Sun-Moon opposition can trigger a breakthrough where solid Saturn and nebulous Neptune cooperate to give shape and form to our dreams. The week starts with a sludgy Sun­Saturn conjunction on August 7 and ends with an electrifying Mars-Uranus opposition on August 13. The extreme contrasts between these symbols of control and chaos reflect the diverse range of experiences shaping our world these days.

The Sun-Saturn conjunction (14°51' Leo) on Monday morning (Aug. 7) is a no-nonsense aspect that requires restraint and responsibility. The Moon's presence in Saturn's home sign, Capricorn, reinforces the notion that there is much w'ork to be done today. Achieving your goals seems to take on ·greater importance, even if you're on vacation and your ambition is to improve your tan. At night, a Venus-Pluto quincunx puts some bite into relationships. Pluto may toy with the tender feelings of Venus in Cancer like a cat playing with a mouse. Provocation may not be conscious, thus giving bad behavior deniability, but it's natural to probe for weaknesses in relation­ships now. A radical energetic upturn may occur as early as

Geocentric Aspects, Ingresses, and Stations

Pacific Daylight

08-10-2006 10:22 pm \l >L f 08-11-2006 01:18 am \l Bq ~ 08-11-2006 03:56 am 4 JI 4 08-11-2006 05:09 am 4 Gl fl 08-11-2006 06:20 am d" Bq J 08-11-2006 11:39 am 9 Gl 'II 08-11-2006 08:24 pm ljl 7<: 9 08-12-2006 08:03 am O Bq fl 08-12-2006 08: 19 am O d' < 08-12-2006 01:21 pm 9 cf ii. 08-12-2006 05:31 pm 9 Bq ~ 08-13-2006 05:51 am d" d' 'II 08-13-2006 12:24 pm 9 6 f 08-13-2006 12:57 pm 9 7<: 9 08-13-2006 01:18 pm 9 >L f 08-13-2006 05:47 pm d" JI 'II 08-14-2006 04:15 am ljl >L 4 08-14-2006 08:26 am OJI 4 08-14-2006 11:57 pm ljl d' J 08-15-2006 12:43 pm ljl Bq 9 08-15-2006 07:18pm ljl Bq 'II 08-16-2006 09:07 am f) Gl 9 08-16-2006 05:51 pm I ljl Gl ~ 08-16-2006 06:48 pm J 7<: 4 08-16-2006 09:59 pm O 6 ~ 08-17-2006 04:37 am Id' >L f) 08-17-2006 12:07 pm 9 d' J 08-17-2006 03:34 pm ljl Gl fl 08-18-2006 00:24 am 9 >L 4 08-18-2006 02:30 am ljl D 4 08-18-2006 04:46 am f) II 9 08-18-2006 05:31 am 9 Bq 9 08-18-2006 01:19 pm O 7<: fl 08-18-2006 03:12 pm 9 Bq 'II 08-18-2006 04:38 pm 0 II -" 08-19-2006 01:49 am .\l 7<: 'II

00°Jl04' 00°.!l 14' -14°09' 10°IT\.52' 12°11)>23' 28°§42' 01°Jl20' 19° Jl46' 19°Jl47' 00°0/.00' 00°.!l 13' 13°11)>38' 01°~12'P. 01°Jl12' 01°.!l 13' +07°11' 04°Jl51' +14°16' 06°Jl11' 07°Jl04' 07° Jl32' 16°Jl02' 09°Jl10' os 0 ,,,05'P. 24°0/.10' 16°11)>08' 06° Jl03' 10° Jl47' 06°Jl41' 11°Jl37' +16°45' 06°Jl56' 25°Jl45' 07°Jl26' +12°54' 13°Jl25'

00°11)>04' 24°.i'14'P. +14°09' 25°*52' 06°,,,23'P. 13°*42'P. 01°~20'P. 25°*46' 19°,,,47'P.

24°.i'13'~ 13°*38'P. 01°11)>12' 01°~12'P. 01°11)>13' -07°11' 04°11)>51' -14°16' 06°,,,11'P. 01°~04'P. 13°*32'P. 01°~02'P. 24°.i'10'P. 06°11)>05' 24°.i'10'P. 16°Jl08' 06°,,,03'P. 25°*47' 06°11)>41' 11°IT\.37' +16°45' 00°~56'P. 25°*45' 13°*26'P. +12°54' 13°*25'P.

Greenwich Mean

08/11/2006 05:21:41 08/11/2006 08: 18:28 08/11/2006 10:55:48 08/11/2006 12:09:29 08/11/2006 13: 19:43 08/11/2006 18:38:41 08/12/2006 03:23:42 08/12/2006 15:02:46 08/12/2006 15:18:55 08/12/2006 20:21:00 08/13/2006 00:30:30 08/13/2006 12:50:59 08/13/2006 19:23:40 08/13/2006 19:56:49 08/13/2006 20: 18:26 08/14/2006 00:46:47 08/14/2006 11:14:30 08/14/2006 15:25:56 08/15/2006 06:56:37 08/15/2006 19:42:30 08/16/2006 02: 17:32 08/16/2006 16:07:07 08/17/2006 00:50:36 08/17/2006 01:48:16 08/ 17 /2006 04: 58: 46 08/17/2006 11:37:23 08/17/2006 19:07: 12 08/17/2006 22:33:31 08/18/2006 07:23:32 08/18/2006 09:30:05 . 08/18/2006 11 :46:04 08/18/2006 12:31: 18 08/18/2006 20:18:30 08/18/2006 22:11:49 08/18/2006 23:38:21 08/19/2006 08:49: 19

12:47 a.m. on Tuesday (Aug. 8), when the Moon shifts into airy Aquarius. Emotional distance allows greater objectivity and a recognition of heretofore hidden behavior patterns. Energy rises, too, with a robust Mars-Jupiter sextile (10° 36' Virgo-Scorpio). Productivity tends to increase when these fundamentally fiery planets join forces. However, with Mars in cautious Virgo and Jupiter in measured Scorpio, the high horsepower available encourages purposeful application, not blowing off steam.

At 3:55 a.m. on Wednesday (Aug. 9), the Full Moon in Aquarius forces the conflicting drives of the Saturn-Neptune opposition into consciousness. The Aquarius Full Moon is usually quite sociable, but this one has a distinctly serious tone. The Leo Sun conjoined by Saturn is not a strutting superstar but a worried leader burdened with responsi­bilities. And the Aquarius Moon joined with Neptune is a mystic in pursuit of perfect union. These polarizing ele­ments sometimes exist as if in two separate universes. This time, however, a square from Jupiter in molten Scor­pio demands a commitment to a single plan of action. No more Full Moon flip-flopping. Reverend Jupiter demands that we make the right choice. Avoid the pressures of such · judgment, whether from others or yourself. The true seeker does not end dialogue, no matter how confusing it can be, but recognizes that learning is a never-ending process. The emotional extremes generated by this highly complex Full Moon arise from the stress of imposing choice before one is ready for it. A Venus-Mars semi-square (45°) later in the morning adds social stress and competitiveness, while a nervous Mercury-Uranus sesquiquadrate tonight may spark sudden insights but could also ratchet up tension. At 1 :10 a.m. on Thursday (Aug. 10), the Moon enters Pisces. Tonight, the Sun forms an exact opposition with Neptune, Pisces's ruling planet (18°25' Leo-Aquarius). This is a day of surrender - not with resignation to a force stronger than your own but with faith in divine union. Pisces is very open emotionally, so feelings stirred up by the fixed-sign Full Moon can begin to rise to the surface. Tears flow more easily now. But they are lubrication for the soul, a balm for minds made weary by combat over opposing ideas. Mercury is in its last degree of watery Cancer, before entering Leo at 9:1 O p.m. Let the feelings flow before Leo pride makes vul­nerabilities even more uncomfortable. The Sun-Neptune opposition draws us to Pied Pipers: We seek higher beings to lead us, heal us, forgive us. We all have those powers, so look within yourself for them first.

A socially destabilizing Venus-Uranus sesquiquad­rate is the only significant aspect on Friday (Aug. 11), and it brings sudden fluctuations in feelings of self-worth that can shake relationships. Fortunately, the Moon explodes into inventive Aries at 1 :22 a.m. on Saturday (Aug. 12) with a fresh burst of emotional juice to help us shake off the past and start anew. Venus's entry into Leo this after­noon adds confidence born of creativity and a reminder that love is something we can create ourselves, rather than simply waiting for it to be given to us. The Mars-Uranus opposition (13°38' Virgo-Pisces) early on Sunday (Aug. 13) signals more freedom and inventiveness. The old rules promote restraint and provoke rebellion; it's time for new · games where people are less bound by previous commit­ments and conventional expectations.


Week of August 14-20 Overview: The planet waves are less turbulent now,

with a few speed bumps and hairpin turns but no motor­cycle jumps over the Grand Canyon like last week. The low-level highlights include the Last Quarter Sun-Moon square on August 15, when the Moon in play-it-safe Taurus crosses paths with the Sun in go-for-broke Leo. A fixed-sign lockdown may result if an accommodation can't be made. Mercury and Venus oppose Chiron on August 14 and 17. These inner planets describe a need for the expression of personal power (Leo) in response to societal wounds (Chiron in Aquarius). Arrogance in the face of injustice is a down­side; generosity is a possible plus. There's a useful piece of planetary glue midweek on August 16 when the Sun and Pluto form a harmonious trine. The creative alignment of the principles of creation and elimination is excellent for tossing out the trash without losing the treasure. Mercury bounces from aspects to Pluto, Jupiter, and Uranus before ending the week with a sobering conjunction with Saturn on August 20. Whether or not we like where we've landed, we'll know exactly where we are.

The Moon gets us off to a mellow start by entering Taurus at 3:00 a.m. on Monday (Aug. 14). Luna generally loves this easygoing earth sign, but her encounters with Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune during her two-day stay may be less than copasetic. Comfort can give way to confronta­tion about core values, power, and control. The Mercury­Chiron opposition (6°11' Leo-Aquarius) on Monday night may lead to vulnerability in communication and feelings of being misunderstood. Repeating the message slower and louder works great for a Barry Mani low song, but not in con­versation with real people. Listening, not one of Mercury-in­Leo's strengths, is as important as talking now. At 6:52 p.m. on Tuesday (Aug. 15), the Moon in Taurus forms a waning square to the Sun in Leo. Conservative instincts may pull you back from the high hopes and promises spawned by the Leo New Moon three weeks ago. Taurus carefully measures the costs of Leo splendor and often wants to cut the budget. Emotional withdrawal is another tactic for reducing risk, but safety at the price of silence can undermine intimacy and trust. The Taurus Moon, however, is sextile and trine the lunar nodes, suggesting that this earth sign may be less stub­born than usual now. The Sun's approaching trine to Pluto is also an outlet for releasing tension, and the Moon's shift into flexible Gemini at 7:07 a.m. on Wednesday (Aug. 16) helps as we!I. But before we hit that release point tonight, there may be an uptick in pressure: A tense Mercury-Pluto sesquiquadrate is the culprit.

Mercury-Pluto hard aspects say either too much or not enough. In any case, there's liable to be some grumbling. A deepening of our perceptions is a potential reward, though, even at the price of looking in the dank, dark cellar of memo­ries that we'd prefer to erase from our minds. The dirty data of deception could be the trigger for the cleansing fire of the Sun-Pluto trine (24°10' Leo-Sagittarius). Once the secret is revealed, energy flows more easily. Change is favored by cooperation between solar creativity and Pluto's purposeful destruction. Regeneration is the prize. The Venus-Chiron opposition on Thursday (Aug. 17) could be a chance for slights to be righted and respect returned. Exposing our wounds is meant to bring about forward momentum, rather than an endless rerun of the same tragedy. Feel it, touch it, say it, and move on.

Yet, all is not calm on Friday (Aug. 18); an information over­load is provided by a Mercury-Jupiter square at 2:30 a,m. (11 °37' Leo-Scorpio). Cross-communication creates confusion between facts and principles, Understanding the difference between the present (Mercury) and the future Uupiter) can be critical for avoid­ing arguments. One positive expression of this aspect is sunny ideas brought by Mercury in Leo to lighten Jupiter-in-Scorpio's dystopian outlook. At 2:03 p.m., the Moon enters her watery home sign of Cancer. Taurus obstinacy and Gemini detachment give way to a more direct capacity for self-nurturance. We may weep more often or fall into a funk, triggered by memories of a less-than-satisfying past. But we will be in the river of the Great Mother again, and though fearful in the froth of her rapids, we can sense a primal power that is sure to make us move. Thoughts bounce on Saturday (Aug. 19), thanks to a zippy little quincunx between Mercury and Uranus at 1 :49 a.m. The unpredictable patterns of thinking are destabilizing but can invigorate curious minds. At 12:36 a.m. on Sunday (Aug. 20), a Venus-Pluto ses­quiquadrate probes relationships and values in uncomfortable places. A Mars-Neptune quincunx (18°1 O' Virgo-Aquarius) later in the morning may make even the slightest touch feel like a stab­bing wound. This is a delicate day when the slipperiness of our desires and the uncertainty of our worth brings tender feelings to the surface. Be kind to yourself and others. This is not a cure but a calming influence that makes it possible to talk about difficult issues without becoming overly defen~ive.

Geocentric Aspects, Ingresses, and Stations

Pacific Daylight Greenwich Mean

08-19-2006 03:40 pm '*'cf? 18° ::0 1 fp, 18°::011'1\ 08/19/2006 22:40:16 08-20-2006 00:36 am 2 ljl ~ 09°.1(08' 24°J'08'P, 08/20/2006 07:36:29 08-20-2006 05:31 am d' 7'. ? 18°1l]l03' 18°::003'1\ 08/20/2006 12:30:40 08-20-2006 08:51 am I} ljl 9 15°.1152' oo•vs52•p, 08/20/2006 15:51:03 08-20-2006 09:27 am d' 7'. '*' 18°11Jl10' 18°::01o·p, 08/20/2006 16:27:09 08-20-2006 05:43 pm I} cf l/ 16°.1135' 16°.1135' 08/21/2006 00:42:56 08-21-2006 04: 18 am 2 ljl [I, 10°.1133' 25°7E33' 08/21/2006 11:18:26 08-21-2006 08:59 am I} cP? 17°.1149' 17°::o49'P, 08/21/2006 15:58:56 08-21-2006 12:53 pm I} cP'i' 18°.1108' 18°::008'1\ 08/21/2006 19:53:28 08-21-2006 06:29 pm 9 II l/ +16°37' +16°37' 08/22/2006 01:28:39 08-22-2006 02:40 am I} ""d' 19°.1115' 19°1l]l15' 08/22/2006 09:40:02 08-22-2006 05:27 am I} Bq [I, 19°.1129' 25°7E29' 08/22/2006 12: 26: 48 08-22-2006 07:38 am OJI J +11°42' -11°42' 08/22/2006 14:37:54 08-22-2006 10:57 am ~JI 9 -15°55' +15°55' 08/22/2006 17:56:38 08-22-2006 11:27am 2 0 2l 12°.1109' 12°ITl.09' 08/22/2006 18:26:31 08-22-2006 11:23pm OcfllJl 00°1l]loo· 08/23/2006 06:22:52 08-23-2006 01:59 am I} JI~ +15°55' -15°55' 08/23/2006 08:58:39 08-23-2006 05:26 am oa 2! 00°1l]l15' 12°m.15· 08/23/2006 12:25:34 08-23-2006 0~:03 am 9 7'. 't} 13°.1115' 13°7E15'P, 08/23/2006 16:02:31 08-23-2006 10:18am 9 II 9 +15°43' +15°43' 08/23/2006 17: 18:06 08-23-2006 02:27 pm 9 JI '*' +15°37' -15°37' 08/23/2006 21:27:23 08-23-2006 07:46 pm 01::. 9 00°1l]l49' 00°vs49'P. 08/24/2006 02:45:42 08-23-2006 09:29 pm J 7'. f 05°::o44'P, 05°11Jl44' 08/24/2006 04:29:06 08-23-2006 10:00 pm '*' JI 9 -15°37' . +15°37' 08/24/2006 05:00:25 08-24-2006 07:27 am 9 SD 00°vs49' 0612412006 14:27:24 08-24-2006 09:33 am d' ljl J 20°1l]l42' 05°::042'1\ 06124/2006 16:32:44 08-24-2006 01:34 pm 9 /:;~ 24°.1107' 24°J'06'P, 0612412006 20:33:35 08-24-2006 07:56 pm l/ cP ? 17°.1106' 17°::o06'P, 08/25/2006 02:56:01 08-24-2006 09:45 pm d' 0 2l 21°11Jlo2· 12°m.20· 08/25/2006 04: 44: 44 08-24-2006 09:56 pm 't} JI f -07°21' +07°21' 08/25/2006 04:55:39 08-25-2006 02:37 am 9 JI 2l +14°42' -14°42' 08/25/2006 09:36:50 08-25-2006 04:42 am 9 7'. [I, 25°.1122· 25°7E22' 08/25/2006 11:41:50 08-25-2006 08:42 am J JI ~ -11°45' +11°45' 08/25/2006 15:42:20 08-25-2006 11:13 am 2 ljl 9 15°.1149' 00°vs49' 08/25/2006 18: 12:58 08-26-2006 06:26 am 2 cP? 16°.1148' 16°::048'1\ 08/26/2006 13:26:02 08-26-2006 04:39 pm 2 cf l/ 17°.1120' 17°.1120' 08/26/2006 23:38:37


Week of August 21-27 Overview: The Sun is involved in the two major events of

the week: its ingress into Virgo on August 22 and its conjunc­tion with the Moon the next day. The Sun's change of signs is a major shift in energy but one that comes so regularly that we sometimes don't even notice it. The solar shift is folded into the seasons, this one heading toward the last third of summer (winter in Quito, Ecuador and points south) when the powerful Leo fire is grounded in Virgo's practical earthiness. The New Moon coming so early in the sign adds an extra layer of freshness and na"ivete. The monthly joining of the Sun and Moon marks a beginning whose meaning is difficult to discern until the waxing lunar cres­cent appears a couple of days later. This one in Virgo is excellent for establishing healthy new habits or starting a training or edu­cational program. Venus takes a lead role with a conjunction to Saturn on August 26 and an opposition to Neptune on the 27th. The sharp contrast between the hardness of the former and soft­ness of the latter can change the way we look at relationships.

Messages may become muddy on Monday (Aug. 21) with a midday Mercury-Neptune opposition (18°08' Leo-Aquarius) . This hard aspect between the planets of logic and faith adds sen­sitivity to communications. The positive side can be a magical and poetic connection . The difficulties come from trusting inac­curate data or being challenged to "prove" a subjective expe­rience to a hard-headed individual. On Tuesday (Aug. 22), a Venus-Jupiter square from Leo to Scorpio encourages excess. Possibilities include overeating, overspending, promising more

Geocentric Aspects, Ingresses, and Stations

Pacific Daylight Greenwich Mean

08-26-2006 09:55 pm 2 II l/ +16°26' +16°26' 08/27/2006 04:54:58 08-27-2006 05:19 am 2 cf 'I! 17° dl59' 17°::::59'1', 08/27/2006 12:18:52 08-27-2006 08:26 am d" Bq ? 22°TIJl36' 16° :::: 36' P,: 08/27/2006 15:26:22 08-27-2006 12:31 pm l;ldTIJI 00oTIJl00' 08/27/2006 19:30:47 08-27-2006 08:51 pm 4 JI? -14°50' +14°50' 08/28/2006 03:50:31 08-27-2006 10:53 pm 9 !::. ? 00°TIJl52' 00° VS52' 08/28/2006 05:53: 12 08-27-2006 11:03pm 9 a 21 00°TIJl52' 12°11\,52' 08/28/2006 06:02:31 08-28-2006 02:41 am J Bq ~ 05°::::32' 1', 11°TIJl32' 08/28/2006 09:41:02 08-28-2006 07:28 am 2 JI~ +15°56' -15°56' 08/28/2006 14:28:01 08-28-2006 09: 17 am 2 BQ n 19° dl25' 25° 7E25' 08/28/2006 16: 17: 19 .08-28-2006 04:22 pm 0;-; J 05°TIJl31' 05°::::31' 1', 08/28/2006 23:22:05 08-29-2006 02:07 am 2 JI 'I! +15°40' -15°40' 08/29/2006 09:06:56 08-29-2006 02:11 am 4 !::. \Y 13°11\,02' 13° 7E02'P, 08/29/2006 09:10:40 08-29-2006 09: 14 am 9 JI J +11°48' -11 °48' 08/29/2006 16:13:38 08-2ri-2006 10:19am d" Bq 'I! 23° TIJl55' 17°::::55' 1', 08/29/2006 17:19:22 08-29-2006 04:24 pm d"D~ 24°TIJl05' 24° ? 05' P. 08/29/2006 23:24:16 08-30-2006 06:32 am 9 ]'; J 05° TIJl26' 05°::::26'1', 08/30/2006 13:32:23 08-30-2006 06:31 pm l;l II~ +10°47' +10°47' 08/31 /2006 01 :31 :19 08-30-2006 06:33 pm t L ? 15° ::::57'1', 00° VS57' 08/31 /2006 01:33:13 08-30-2006 11 :03pm 2 JI 4 +14°58' -14°58' 08/31 /2006 06:02:39 08-30-2006 11:05pm \Y a ? 12°H57' P, 00°VS57' 08/31/2006 06:05:26 08-31-2006 00:54 am \Y cf~ 12°7E57'P. 12° TIJl57' 08/31 /2006 07:54:06 08-31-2006 02:53 am l/ cf 'I! 17° d/53' 17° :::: 53'1', 08/31/2006 09:52:48 08-31-2006 04:28 pm d'cf fi 25°TIJl22' 25° 7E22' 08/31 /2006 23:27:54 08-31-2006 09:50 pm 9d0 08°TIJl38' OB 0 TIJl38' 09/01 /2006 04:49:35 09-01-2006 01:48 am 4*4 13°11\,27' 13° TIJl27' 09/01 /2006 08:47:52 09-01-2006 04:08 am 2 !::.~ 24°dl05' 24° ?05' P, 09/01 /200,6 11:08:11 09-01-2006 06:46 am 9df 09°TIJl21' 09°TIJl21' 09/01 /2006 13: 46: 20 09-01-2006 10:49 pm 0df 09°TIJl38' 09°11)l38' 09/02/2006 05:48:43 09-02-2006 06:31 am ~ (i)? 24°?05'P. 15° :::: 30'1', 09/02/2006 13:30:55 09-02-2006 06:53 am 2 ;-; n 25° dl27' 25° >E27' 09/02/2006 13:53: 17 09-02-2006 07:13 am 9 Bq J 11°TIJl19' 05°:::: 19'1', 09/02/2006 14:13:05 09-02-2006 01 :07 pm d' JI n +01 ° 50' -01 °50' 09/02/2006 20:06:46 09-03-2006 02:22 am 9 cf \Y 12° TIJl50' 12°H50' P, 09/03/2006 09:22: 11 09-03-2006 05:01 am 0 JI \Y +07°30' -07°30' 09/03/2006 12:01: 15

than you can deliver, and buying ~nto another person's exaggerations. Yet, this is also a signal to indulge in strong emotions and deep passions -within safe limits. The Sun's entry into neat and orderly Virgo at 11 :23 p.m. should soon curb the impulse to go too far.

The Sun in Virgo is quickly put to work on Wednes· day (Aug. 23), starting with a quintile (72°) with Jupiter in the morning. This clever aspect combines the practical con­sciousness of the Virgo Sun with the skeptical perspective of Jupiter in Scorpio, a combination that makes for some excellent strategic thinking. However, a Venus-Uranus quin­cunx at 9:03 a.m. (13°15' Leo-Pisces) could bring surprises that upset the social balance. 11f you're not getting what you want from others, pressuring them to change is unlikely to succeed. Adjust your expectations instead. At 11 :08 a.m., the Moon moves into Virgo, leading to its conjunction with the Sun at 12:10 p.m. This lunation is not closely aspected by other planets, giving it a unique purity and crystalline clarity. Of course, criticism is a downside of Virgo, so curb any tendency to find fault in yourself and others. This New Moon alignment, though, is an appropriate time to check on your mental and physical health, seeking ways to be more efficient and effective. A commitment to cleaner living and the development of new skills are positive ways to ride the New Moon wave. Thursday (Aug. 24) is relatively quiet. A Mercury-Pluto trine is the only remarkable event. These two planets share a narrow-focused concentration that's excellent for investigation and analysis. Their harmonious trine in fire signs works well to reveal underused talents and motivate others to apply them.

There are no significant astrological events on Friday (Aug. 25), but transits to individual natal charts can still make this an active day. At 12:01 a.m. on Saturday (Aug. 26); the Moon leaves Virgo and enters Libra, a much more public sign where social interaction is more strongly desired. The Moon in Libra offers the gift of objectivity and the curse of indecision. This sign's ruling planet, Venus, joins Saturn at 4:39 p.m. (17° 20' Leo), so insecurities may be more evident. Feeling underappreciated is one expression of this pair, yet Saturn's restraint can also clarify issues. What must be done to ensure respect, pleasure, fairness, and love? Commit to a long-term upgrade in these areas rather than rushing into a solution that's more likely to be cosmetic than consequen­tial. A strong desire to prove yourself and push away pain might only deepen your sense of isolation. Like good wine and lovemaking, slower is better. One small but solid step in the direction of self-respect is worth more than a flying leap into the middle of a dance floor; you might get five minutes of fame, but this won't alter underlying relationship patterns. Venus's opposition to nebulous Neptune on Sunday morn­ing (Aug. 27) is usually a highly romantic aspect. But Saturn is still in the picture, so fantasy, reality, and self-worth are all mixed in a tart-tasting cocktail of uncertainty. Being kind to yourself will be more rewarding than projecting roman­tic illusions onto someone else. Let the sauce simmer; slow down your hunger for approval or your need to fix a rela­tionship, so that the flavors can blend into a more complex mix. Mercury enters Virgo at 12:31 p.m., refining the focus to concentrate on one issue at a time. Self-improvement is a worthy and workable goal, but perfectionism is doomed to lead to disappointment.


Week of August 28 - September 3 Overview: This unusual week brings two major outer­

planet aspects. On August 29, Jupiter makes the third and last of a series of trines to electric Uranus, and on August 31, Saturn and Neptune form the first of three oppositions that recur in late February and June of 2007. This seems somewhat like a passing of a planetary baton, with the high­energy Jupiter-Uranus aspect ending just as the somber Saturn-Neptune one begins. Transits like these work slowly and deeply, however, rarely appearing as noticeable events or psychological shifts on the day they're exact. Rather, such transits create overlapping cycles of excitation and suppres­sion that are likely to work below the conscious level. A much faster-moving Mars-Pluto square between the two transits will probably be more visible as a challenge to cut the fat, reduce options, and concentrate efforts on a single vital cause. The First Quarter square of the Sun and Moon on August 31 carries shock waves of surprise, with unpredict­able Uranus opposing the Sun and squaring the Moon.

The Moon's entry into emotionally charged Scorpio or:i Monday (Aug. 28) at 12:56 p.m. reminds us to tighten our seatbelts to get ready for the powerful ride ahead. One side of Scorpio loves intensity, but another can imagine only disaster and resists uncontrolled movement. The trine of Jupiter in Scorpio with Uranus in Pisces on Tuesday (Aug. 29) can bring a blast of self-awareness, a widening of con­sciousness that reshapes our vision of the future. Stale beliefs are changed, tossed out, or transformed. The Mars-Pluto square (24°05' Virgo-Sagittarius), close on the heels of this major aspect, can push the fear button, as doubts arise about our competence - or concerns about being domi­nated. Positively, active Mars forced through Pluto's pres­sure hose can help you to eliminate qistractions and apply force with power, purpose, and precision.

There are no significant aspects on Wednesday (Aug. 30), but the crossing cosmic tsunamis of this week's two major aspects are likely to keep the seas churning anyway. At exactly midnight on Thursday (Aug 31), the Moon enters Sagittarius. Here's the good news and the bad news: Forward-looking Sagittarius is more optimistic than Scorpio, so we're more likely to enjoy the wild ride. However, Sag­ittarian optimism can lead to carelessness and insouciant denial of the powerful forces at work. Still, it is possible to find a healthy stance where both hope and caution remain within reach. The Saturn-Neptune opposition (17° 53' Leo­Aquarius) thickens the psychic soup. Possible responses range widely, from a sense of loss, as Saturn's harsh hand discards an unrealizable dream, to a profound sense of peace arising from spiritual revelation. At the heart of this aspect is a meeting of the real and the ideal. This transit, though, is just the first pass, so we may need to consolidate our gains in the months ahead and compensate for our losses as new dreams inch toward the realm of the possible. At 3:57 p.m., the First Quarter square tightly aligns the Sun, Moon, Mer­cury, and Uranus in a four-planet mutable t-square. Ner­vous systems are stretched taut, thoughts are jumping, and words are flying faster than any mind can manage them. It's natural to be edgy now, but if excitement is your cup of tea, drink up. If not, remember that thoughts and feelings are transient; and if you don't hold onto them, they'll prob­ably pass on their own. In any case, whatever's stirring at the moment is likely to feel more dramatic than it really is.

An exact conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 9:50 p.m. either ratchets up the intensity or beams down a ray of light to make sense of all the chaos.

On Friday morning (Sept. 1), a Venus-Pluto trine (24°05' Leo-Sagittarius) shows us how to pick up the pieces of a fail­ing relationship or a diminished sense of worth. Old lovers may come to mind, to show you how to reconnect with intimacy. Past interests may be resuscitated so you can apply forgotten talents in new and different ways. At 7:34 a.m. on Saturday (Sept. 2), the Moon enters Capricorn, demanding order and tipping the scales in Saturn's direction. Order is helpful, but not if it's used to crush nascent hopes that have not yet been given a chance to flourish. If you must apply discipline, do so in support of creative endeav­ors, rather than snuffing them out. Being dominated by irrational impulses isn't desirable, but controlling behavior would be scant improvement. Very early on Sunday morning (Sept. 3), Mercury opposes Uranus (12° 50' Virgo-Pisces), reproducing the electri­fying frequencies of the recent Sun-Moon square. Communica­tion breakdowns and breakthroughs, brilliance and blather are potentially plentiful now. Later in the afternoon, Mercury sex­tiles Jupiter in Scorpio, putting a reasonable mental framework around our jittery thought processes. Mental energy is high on a day when Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus interact. In fact, the favorable Mercury-Jupiter sextile is capable of pasting disparate ideas together to form one logical picture. Communicating com­plex thoughts should be relatively easy now as well.

Geocentric Aspects, Ingresses, and Stations

Pacific Daylight Greenwich Mean

09-03-2006 02:55 pm 0 BQ J 11 °11)l 15' 05°z: 15'R. 09/03/2006 21 :54:30 09-03-2006 03:05 pm 9 * 21 13°11)l50' 13°ffi..50' 09/03/2006 22:05:07 09-03-2006 09:05 pm 2 II ci' 27°.!( 25' 27°11)l25' 09/04/2006 04:05:07 09-03-2006 10:54pm 2 II 9 +13°25' +13°25' 09/04/2006 05:54:02 09-04-2006 01 :22 am 9 ~ 'Ii +07°31' -07°31' 09/04/2006 08:21:44 09-04-2006 05:54 am 9 d ... 15°11)l00' 15°11)l00' 09/04/2006 12:54:25 09-04-2006 07:59 am 9 7'\ ? 15°11)l10' 15°z: 10'R. 09/04/2006 14:58:48 09-04-2006 12:28 pm ? 7'\ ... 15°z:08'R. 15°11)l08' 09/04/2006 19:28:22 09-04-2006 01:09 pm ~SD 24°?05' 09/04/2006 20:09: 19 09-04-2006 08:14 pm 9 II 0 +06°54' +06°54' 0910512006 03:13:42 09-05-2006 03:54 am Ocl''li 12°11)l45' 12°H45'R. 0910512006 10:54:16 09-05-2006 01 :21 pm J Bq f 05°z: 11'R. 11 °11)l11' 09/05/2006 20:21 :06 09-05-2006 05: 14 pm 9 7'\ '*' 17°11)l45' 17°z: 45'R. 0910612006 00: 14:27 09-05-2006 11: 15 pm 2 dll)l 00°11)l00' 09/06/2006 06: 15:05 09-06-2006 04:39 am 9 II l) 18°11)l37' 18° d(37' 09/06/2006 11 :39:25 09-06-2006 06:05 am 9 II f +05°47' +05°47' 09/06/2006 13:05:28 09-06-2006 06:46 pm 0*21 14°11)l19' 14°ffi..19' 0910712006 01 :45:55 09-06-2006 08: 16 pm ci' L 21 29°11)l20' 14°ffi..20' 09/07/2006 03: 15:59 09-07-2006 00:18 am 9 Iii J 20°11)l07' 05° z:07'R. 0910712006 07:18:14 09-07-2006 02:19 am 2 !::,. 9 01°11)l24' 01 °~24' 0910712006 09:19:06 09-07-2006 04:35 am 0 7'\? 14°11)l43' 14°z:43'R. 0910712006 11 :35: 16 09-07-2006 07:51 am 9 Bq ? 20°11)l42' 14°z: 42'R. 09/07/2006 14:50:59 09-07-2006 09:33 am ci' Iii ? 29°11)l41' 14°z:41'R. 09/07/2006 16:32:42 09-07-2006 12:13 pm 2 ~ J +11°57' -11°57' 09/07/2006 19:12:35 09-07-2006 09:19 pm ci'd£J. 00°£!.00' 09/08/2006 04: 18:46 09-07-2006 10:47 pm '1 ~ ~ +16°00' -16°00' 09/08/2006 05:47:03 09-07-2006 11:57 pm 2 Q 21 02°11)l31' 14°ffi..31' 09/08/2006 06:56:48 09-08-2006 06:59 am 21 D? 14°ffi..33' 14°z:33' R. 09/08/2006 13:59:09 09-08-2006 03:17 pm 0 II f +05°29' +05°29' 09/08/2006 22:17:11 09-08-2006 05:04 pm 9 0 21 23°11)l12' 14°ffi..37' 09/09/2006 00:03:43 09-08-2006 09:37 pm 'Ii cf' f 12°H36'R. 12°11)l36' 09/09/2006 04:36:57 09-08-2006 11 :24 pm 9 Bq 't' 23°11)l40' 17° :::: 40'R. 09/09/2006 06:24: 12 09-09-2006 04:59 am 90~ 24°11)l05' 24°?05' 09/09/2006 11 :58:40 09-09-2006 04:20 pm '*17'\ ... 17°z:39' R. 17°11)l39' 09/09/2006 23:20: 18 09-09-2006 10:09 pm 9 cf'f! 25°11)l21' 25°H21' 09/ 10/2006 05:09:26


Week of September 4-10 Overview: The Pisces Full Moon on September 7 is the

week's headline event. The monthly opposition of the Sun and Moon always raises emotional tides, but this one should be a doozy. Uranus shows up at a lunation again, this time with a conjunction to that luminous Full Moon. The Moon in Pisces is pretty sensitive, and its opposition to the Sun and conjunction with Uranus are sure sources of surprise, upset, and excitement. The line between breakdown and breakthrough is very thin, so it may be hard to tell if you're losing it or just about to find the secret to life. But jolly Jupiter's trine to the Moon suggests that the great cosmic library is open to all - with plenty of wisdom and insight available to those who seek them . Venus enters Virgo on September 5, favoring natural fall colors and discretion in rela­tionships. Mars turns gentlemanly, as well, with its entry into gracious Libra on September 7.

On Monday .(Sept. 4) at 11 :15 a.m., the Moon enters Aquar­ius, whose less-restricted attitude usually feels relaxing following the Moon in Capricorn. However, there's more of an electric buzz than a cool breeze with Aquarius, this time around, thanks to the prominence of its ruling planet, Uranus, this week. You don't need to go on a picnic.to be feelirig antsy now. The nervous looks and the sense that something's coming are not all an illusion. Pluto turns direct today (24 °05' Sagittarius) - a subtle shift but one that also portends change. Fears may start to rise through the cracks in the unconscious, bad dreams disturb the night, distrust and doubt darken the day. But on the plus side, you can open up the

Geocentric Aspects, Ingresses, and Stations

Pacific Daylight Greenwich Mean

09-10-2006 00:30 am 2 7\ .ll 05°ll)l01' 05° z:01'R. 09/10/2006 07:29:37 09-10-2006 04:52 am 07'.'t' 17°ll)l38' 17°z:38'R. 09/10/2006 11:52:02 09-10:2006 12:38 pm d'D? 01°842' 01°'1342' 09/10/2006 19:38: 16 09-10-2006 06: 10 pm 0ci4 18°ll)l11' 18°11)J11' 09/11/2006 01:10:13 09-11-2006 03:49 am t II? -12°00' +12°00' 09/11/2006 10:49: 18 09-11-2006 04:23 am It II .fl +01°51' -01°51' 09/11/2006 11 :23:28 09-11-2006 09:51 pm d' !il .,., 02°836' 17°z:36'R. 09/12/2006 04:51:26 09-11-2006 09:53 pm 0 ~ l? 19°11)J18' 19°Jl 18' 09112/2006 04: 53: 18 09-12-2006 00:57 am It !il ;? 29°11)J03' 14° z:03'R. 09/12/2006 07:56:58 09-12-2006 06:35 am ;? 7\ f 14°z:01'R. 14°11)J01' 09/12/2006 13:35:27 09-12-2006 01:05 pm l/ Bq fi 19° Jl22' 25°7'22' 09/12/2006 20:05:14 09-12-2006 01:20 pm O!il t 19°11)J56' 04° z:56'R. 09/12/2006 20:19:38 09-12·2006 02:08 pm It d!! 00o£!00' 09/1212006 21:07:48 09-12-2006 02:45 pm 0 Bq;? 19°ll)l59' 13°z:59'R. 09/12/2006 21:45:15 09-12-2006 06:02 pm t;I L 4 00°817' 15°ffi.17' 09/13/2006 01 :02:05 09-13-2006 00:04 am t;I II d' +00°39' -00°39' 09/13/2006 07:03:54 09-13-2006 09:39 am l? ~ 4 19°Jl28' 19°11)J28' 09/13/2006 16:39:27 09-13-2006 07:01 pm t;I D? 02°803' 02°'1303' 09/14/2006 02:01:17 09-14-2006 02:03 am t;I !il.,., 02°833' 17°z: 33'R. 09/14/2006 09:03:29 09-14-2006 02:12 am ;? Bq 4 13° z: 49'R. 19°11)J49' 09/14/2006 09: 11 :38 09-14-2006 05:09 am t !il 4 04°z:52'R. 19°11)J52' 09/14/2006 12:09:26 09-14-2006 05:58 am l/ II 't' +15°47' ·15°47' 09/14/2006 12:57:34 09-14-2006 05:41 pm 2 Bq t 10°ll)l51' 04° z: 51'R. 09/15/2006 00:40:49 09-15-2006 02:29 am d' L l{ 04°840' 19° Jl40' 09/15/2006 09:28:55 09-15-2006 08:39 am d' /',. t 04°850' 04° z:50'R. 09/15/2006 15:39:24 09-15-2006 08:44 am t;I L l{ 04°842' 19° Jl42' 09/15/2006 15:44: 19 09-15-2006 10:41 am t;I /',. t 04°850' 04°z: 50'R. 09/15/2006 17:40:37 09-15-2006 11 :40 am t;I II d' -01°19' -01°19' 09/15/2006 18:39:33 09-15-2006 12:01 pm t;I d d' 04°856' 04°856' 09/15/2006 19:01:23 09-15-2006 12:3 1 pm 4 II l/ -15°44' + 15°44' 09/15/2006 19:30:52 09-15-2006 10:01 pm 2 cf"tl 12°ll)l19' 12°7t19'R. 09/16/2006 05:01:19 09-16-2006 01:59 am t;I II fi -01 °50' ·01 °50' 09/16/2006 08:59:02 09-16-2006 05:35 am 0Bq't' 23°ll)l30' 17°z: 30' R. 09/16/2006 12:34:50 09-16-2006 03:48 pm 4 II 't' -15°48' -15°48' 09/16/2006 22:47:43 09-16-2006 05:24 pm t;i 11 0 ·02°23' +02°23' 09/17/2006 00:23:31

vault of untapped talent to carry yourself to a higher level of power and pleasure. At 3:54 a.m. on Tuesday (Sept. 5), the Sun opposes Uranus (12°45' Virgo-Pisces), an ideal aspect for a revolution. Rebellion against overstuffed authorities won't lead you to the guillotine, but someone might still lose his head. Panic is possible when we feel the ground shift· ing beneath our feet. Attempting to hold steady merely adds to the stress. Instead, explore, experiment, and take a break from your old self to try on a new role. A Mercury-Neptune quincunx in the evening (17°45' Virgo-Aquarius) makes it difficult for the mind to gain traction . We end up slipping and sliding from one subject to another, rather than main­taining a straight line of thought. Facts get fuzzy, and mes­sages muddled, at a time better suited for imagination than practical matters. At 11 :15 p.m., Venus enters earthy Virgo, where service equals love. Excessive modesty or criticism are downsides, but the gift of this combination is a willingness to work on the difficult aspects of relationship to improve the quality of our connections.

At 11 :56 a.m. on Wednesday (Sept. 6), the Moon enters Pisces, switching from Aquarius's mental realm into a world of feelings. Jupiter, Pisces's traditional ruler, receives two aspects today, a sextile from the Sun and a semi-square from Mars. The former widei;is hearts and expands consciousness. This intelligent aspect links Virgo and Scorpio, signs that are more interested in results than conceptual flights of fancy. High levels of efficiency produce more work with less effort. Sun-Jupiter combinations can sometimes go too far, but the nature of the aspect and the signs involved here suggests a good sense of balance that fosters manageable growth. Still, impatient Mars, making a stressful semi-square to Jupiter, is bucking up against an orderly advance. Down to the final degree in Virgo, Mars may be in a hur~ to correct mistakes (or hide them) or to enroll in a course at the last minute. We can hope that Mars simply adds some punch, so that the expansive Sun-Jupiter sextile translates into immediate action, instead of floating away like a big thought balloon. The Full Moon at 11 :43 a.m. on Thursday (Sept. 7) can take your breath away with unexpected news. A flood of feel­ings may be triggered in an instant. Moods shift from hot to cold and back again. Take a break from your usual rou­tine, if you can. Even a short break may reward you with a flash of insight that can change your life. Generous Jupiter in Scorpio can show you how to turn a loss into gain and transform a painful experience into a meaningful one. Mars's ingress into Libra at 9: 19 p.m. tames anger but can also lead to manipulative behavior in lieu of directness.

The Moon entering Aries on Friday (Sept. 8) shoots us off in a new direction, burning off doubts with action. Impul­siveness is possible, but Aries's ruling planet, Mars, weering white gloves in Libra, reduces the likelihood of excessively rash or rude behavior. Saturday (Sept. 9) could start with a snarl, as Mercury squares Pluto at 4:59 a.m. The upside, though, is a depth of perception that strips away clutter and cuts directly to the heart of the matter. Sunday (Sept. 10) is softer, with a spacey Sun-Neptune quincunx; the Moon enters placid Taurus at 11 :30 a.m. This is perfect for a laid­back day when leisure takes priority over work. Reduce your responsibilities, take time to enjoy the delights of nature -or escape with music, a movie, or a novel that puts you in another world.

WEEKLY FORECAST CALENDAR Week of September 11-17

Overview: Most of the buzz is coming from the faster­moving planets during this relatively quiet week. Mercury's ingress into Libra on September 12 is the only sign change, apart from the Moon. Normally, a planet leaving one of its home signs, such as Mercury in Virgo, indicates a reduction of its power. However, airy Libra is a comfortable place for mental Mercury. The dualistic nature of the planet works very well with Libra's double-sided scales. Indecision is a possible risk, but the objectivity gained is a fair return . The Last Quarter Sun-Moon square on September 14 is intensi­fied by the presence of Pluto. The Lord of the Underworld is square the Sun in Virgo and opposite the Moon in Gemini, which can take us to the depths of our emotions. What's been stored there is often difficult to face, but addressing these previously hidden issues is a significant step toward empowerment.

A Mars-Neptune sesquiquadrate can get the week off to a squishy start on Monday (Sept. 11). This hard 135° aspect normally magnifies the considerable differences between focused Mars and diffuse Neptune. Efficiency can suffer as actions miss the mark, energies are drained, and time is wasted chasing rainbows. However, Mars is less blunt in Libra, where he prefers roundabout routes, so there's a potential for gentleness, grace, and cjelicate advances now. The Moon enters Gemini on Tuesday (Sept. 12) at 1 :59 p.m., followed by Mercury's ingress into Libra nine minutes later. This dual air influence lightens the mind, increases options, and enhances communication. Consistency of feelings and thoughts could be hard to come by now, because we are easily distracted. At 6:02 p.m ., Mercury and Jupiter form a frictional semi-square (00° 1 7' Libra - 15° 1 7' Scorpio) that tips us off balance. Small statements of fact (Mercury) can be blown out of proportion, turning a detail into a principle Oupiter) . Exaggeration is common now.

Wednesday (Sept. 13) is aspect-free, so with some good fortune we can happily bounce along with the light, bright Gemini Moon, following changing feelings, fleeting thoughts, and shifting sights and sounds. At 4:16 a.m. on Thursday (Sept. 14), the Gemini Moon makes a waning square to the Sun in Virgo. The adaptable nature of these mutable signs usually makes this one of the less stressful Last Quarter squares; however, Darth Pluto's presence makes this anything but a picnic, with an opposition to the Moon and squares to the Sun and the lunar nodes. Mercury-ruled Gemini and Virgo suggest that the issues are mental and related to communication, but Pluto reaches places that are beyond the scope of any language. Distrust over control issues is standard fare that even a diplomat­ic Mercury-Mars conjunction in Libra (4° 56') might not be able to overcome. Although the diverse Gemini Moon challenges the narrow-gauge Virgo Sun with alternatives, Pluto demands elimination and concentration, reducing our options. The North Node in Pisces points to a nonverbal, nonrational response that gives us the emotional space to absorb a prickly situation, rather than rushing to resolve it. When we gather information through the body, instead of the mind, the best course of action may arise from within. At 7:53 p.m., the Moon comes home to Cancer, where silence teaches us more than words. The nurturing nature of this sign can provide a metaphorical hot water bottle for comfort. If you want to curl up with your blankie, allow

yourself the pleasure. The source of Pluto's wounds is in early childhood (or before), so caring for oneself or others like a baby might be a good place to start the healing process.

Softness is especially appreciated, since Mars and Mercury make sharp semi-squares on Friday morning (Sept. 15), shortly before their conjunction at 12:01 p.m. Verbal aggression may be filtered through a smile - but an attack is still an attack, no matter how charmingly it's done. This is a day of polite pushing,

. probably what happens at the United Nations all the time. People are trying to advance their cause even though they've agreed to cooperate. Pushing forward and retreating, "accidentally" saying what you mean and then taking it back, can be expected now. However, with consciousness, this is a good day to advance issues in relationships, personally and professionally, when goals are clear and respect for others is present. But all bets are off when the Venus-Uranus opposition (12 °19' Virgo-Pisces) peaks around 10:00 p.m. Freedom and frankness overpower politeness, and the partying begins. Saturday (Sept. 16) is quiet until the Sun-Pluto square (24 °07' Virgo-Sagittarius) at 8:31 p.m., a tough aspect for a social evening. Pluto magnifies movement below the surface, so small acts provoke strong reactions. At 5:15 a.m. on Sunday (Sept. 17), the Moon enters dramatic Leo. lffeelings were stifled last night, they may burst out today. The good news is that Leo's huffing and puffing can let off a lot of steam. Anger and humor are two sides of the same coin, which makes it possible to turn a fight into a fun event, if the participants are more motivated to move on than to hold onto their grievances.

Geocentric Aspects, Ingresses, and Stations

Pacific Daylight Greenwich Mean

09-16-2006 06:54 pm 'l} ll ~ -07°42' +07°42' 09/17/2006 01:53:44 09-16-2006 08:31 pm O D 't 24°11)l07' 24°1'07' 09/17/2006 03:31 :25 09-16-2006 09:13 pm 't 7" ? 13°1l]l31' 13°::::31' 1'. 09/17/2006 04: 12:30 09-16-2006 11:06 pm 4*t 16°IT\.OO' 16°11)>00' 0911712006 06:05:41 09-16-2006 11 :36 pm 't ll It} +07°42' -07°42' 09/17/2006 06:36:24 09-17-2006 03:33 am 't II~ +07°38' +07°38' 09/17/2006 10:32:43 09-17-2006 06:11 am 't'L~ 17° :::: 29' 1'. 02°~29' 09/17/2006 13:10:46 09-17-2006 09:25 am 0 0 4 24°1l]l38' 16°IT\.04' 09/17/2006 16:25: 13 09-17-2006 11 :48am O' II fl -01 °50' -01 °50' 09/17/2006 18:47:32 09-17-2006 09:22 pm 0 ll O' +01 °57' -01 °57' 09/18/2006 04:21:51 09-18-2006 03:30 am Ocf' fl 25°ll)>22' 25°*22' 09/18/2006 10:30:09 09-18-2006 03:55 am O ll n +01 °50' -01 °50' 09/18/2006 10:55:26 09-19-2006 01:34 am 9 ll t -04°07' +04°07' 09/19/2006 08:33:52 09-19-2006 04:28 am 't * 4 16°11)>23' 16°IT\.23' 09/19/2006 11 :28:06 09-19-2006 02:21 pm 9 0 11 11 °836' 20°Jl 11 ' 09/19/2006 21 :21:23 09-19-2006 08:10 pm 't d t 17°1l]l12' 17°11)l12' 0912012006 03:09:57 09-19-2006 10:20 pm 9 Q 't 12°808' 24°1'08' 09/20/2006 05: 19:45 09-19-2006 10:46 pm 9 7" 'l} 12°810' 12°*10' 1'. 09/20/2006 05:45:48 09-20-2006 00:45 am 't 7" 't' 17°1l]l26' 17°:::: 26' 1'. 09/20/2006 07:45:08 09-20-2006 09:29 am 't' 7" t 17° ::::25'1'. 17°11)f25' 09/20/2006 16: 28: 51 09-20-2006 02:29 pm 9 !::,. ? 13°812' 13°:::: 12' 1'. 09/20/2006 21 : 29: 20 09-21-2006 00:16 am 0 [jl? 28°1l]l10' 13°:::: 10'1'. 09/21 /2006 07:16:13 09-21-2006 05:13 am 9 ll 't -05°42' +05°42' 09/21 /2006 12:12:34 09-21-2006 09:23 am 't'Bq ~ 17° :::: 24' 1'. 23°11)>24' 09/21 /2006 16:23:24 09-21-2006 09:51 am 't Bq ? 19°1l]l09' 13°::::09' 1'. 09/21 /2006 16:50:58 09-21-2006 07:50 pm 't [jl ~ 19°1l]l40' 04°::::40' 1'. 09/2212006 02:50:05 09-22-2006 01 :39 am 4 II 't -16°05' -16°05' 0912212006 08:38:31 09-22-2006 11 :58 am 2 ~ 11 20°11)l30' 20° Jl30' 09/22/2006 18:58: 15 09-22-2006 12:38 pm 9 ll ~ -06°38' +06°38' 09/22/2006 19:37:48 09-22-2006 09:04 pm Od8 00°800' 0912312006 04:03:38 09-22-2006 10:15pm 't 0 ~ 24°?10' 24°11)>10' 09/23/2006 05: 15:24 09-23-2006 02: 10 am 9 ~ 4 17°805' 17°IT\.05' 09/23/2006 09: 10: 12 09-23-2006 06:44 am 9 D.'t' 17°822' 17°:::: 22' 1'. 09/23/20P6 13:43:30 09-23-2006 04:58 pm 9 Bq 'l} 18°801' 12°*01' 1'. 09/23/2006 23:58:02 09-23-2006 09: 11 pm O' ll t -03°30' +03°30' 09/24/2006 04: 10:36

WEEKLY FORECAST CALENDAR Week of September 18-24

Overview: The New Moon in late Virgo, the autumnal equinox, and a Jupiter-Neptune square are this week's major events. The Sun-Moon conjunction on September 22 is the second New Moon in Virgo in less than a month . There's no name for this uncommon occurrence (like the "Blue Moon" for two Full Moons in a month). New Moons, of course, mark the beginning of a cycle, but this one has a whiff of ending to it. It arrives at the end of a sign, at the end of a season, square Pluto - the Terminator - and it is also a solar eclipse. Bring in the new by throwing out the old. On the same day, the Sun .enters Libra and we shift to shorter days in the Northern Hemisphere. While daylight grows in Borneo, the nights loom longer in Brooklyn. The Sun in this Venus-ruled sign, though, is a time of social renewal, after the start of school and the fall season's run-up to the year-end holidays. Grace is Libra's gift, along with rising appreciation for accommodation, gentility, and beauty. The week ends with a vaporous Jupiter-Neptune square on Sep­tember 24, spreading clouds across the mind's sky.

There are no significant astrological patterns on Monday (Sept. 18). A Venus-Jupiter sextile at 4:28 a.m. supplies sweet­ness on Tuesday (Sept. 19). This happy hookup helps us to find pleasure in small ways, as part of the daily routine. Venus is prac­tical in Virgo and doesn't need lavish attention to feel reward­ed. Little acts of kindness, modest savings, and simple gestures provide ample rewards. A good sense of value brings clarity to relationships and enables smart shopping. At 5:07 p.m., the Moon enters Virgo, toning down the Leo need for drama and

LIBRA EQUINOX September 23, 2006

Washington, D.C. ·

Placidus houses, True Node

becoming more analytical. Virgo's ruler, Mercury, makes two late-night, outer-planet aspects: a creative quintile with Pluto that's excellent for solving puzzles, followed by a clunky quincunx with Uranus to spin our minds back off track.

The only aspect on Wednesday (Sept. 20) is a curvy quin­cunx between Venus and Neptune (17°26' Virgo-Aquarius) shortly after midnight. This may mean no more than exotic dreams, but the day could start in a romantic mood. Imagi­nation can be a delight, but common sense is a helpful coun­terweight to blind faith now. We have another day off from major planetary activity on Thursday (Sept. 21).

At 4:45 a.m. on Friday (Sept. 22), the Sun and Moon join together close enough to the Moon's nodes to cause an eclipse. This annular eclipse in Virgo forms a square to Pluto that could dig up memories buried under ten feet of concrete. Denial and deception can't keep a good secret down, but don't make this an excuse to spill someone else's beans. The task at hand is to recognize the barriers to competence and health. The flaming corona of the temporarily blackened Sun burns off excess ego and aspects of our identity that no longer serve a useful purpose. Tyrants who torture others to hold onto their power may find their actions turned back against themselves now. Big moves aren't needed to make major improvements: One real, committed step toward increased well-being has ten times the power of a million unmet prom­ises. Intentions are nice, but actions count more in earthy Virgo's world. At 6:06 a.m., the Moon enters Libra, perhaps making it too easy to cover our wounds with makeup, put on a good face, and avoid unpleasantness. Yet, Libra's gifts are companionship and the support of others. Then, at 9:04 p.m., the Sun also enters Libra, lightenirig relationships in a pleasant pink hue of possibility. A shift of balance helps you walk with grace into the new season and the post-eclipse potential of gains made through loss. Letting go of what's less than ideal can be difficult, but it clears the way toward a more fulfilling future.

A Mercury-Neptune trine (17°22' Libra-Aquarius) on Saturday (Sept. 23) at 6:44 a.m. is excellent for reading between the lines and broaching delicate subjects that re­quire ultrasensitivity to keep the conversation on track. The ability to use words with subtlety allows us to overcome mental defenses. This is not intellectual force but the gentle flow of ideas around obstacles to reach the destination. The Mercury-Neptune trine is especially auspicious, arriving one day before the massive Jupiter-Neptune square (17°21' Scorpio-Aquarius) on Sunday (Sept. 24). The tidal waves brought by the square between these giant planets operate on such an enormous scale that their spiritual potential can be very difficult to grasp, awash in forces far beyond human ken. This aspect's most visible expression may be the de­structive power of nature. Although clever Mercury's trine to Neptune helps us to digest the volume of data - turn­ing inspiration into practice and faith into form - Jupiter's square to Neptune exaggerates and can even cause panic by dramatizing our fears. However, the Moon's entry into Scorpio at 6:54 p.m. on Sunday compresses Neptune's ever­expanding boundaries to squeeze out its wildest flights of fancy. The Scorpio Moon's emotional need to deal with core issues may close off some avenues of inspiration but still leave something of practical value.


September 25-30 Overview: The planets appear to be giving us room to

breathe this week - perhaps so we can assimilate the effects of the recent solar eclipse, seasonal ingress, and Jupiter-Neptune square. A series of lesser aspects move into unaccustomed lead roles as aftershocks to recent events. The most significant occur on September 25, when the Sun forms a sesquiquadrate to Nep­tune and a semi-square to Jupiter. According to the theory that major planetary aspects are triggered by faster-moving transits, these solar connections could evoke the full expression of the Jupiter-Neptune square. This could mean a personal revelation, a sense of enlightenment, or a connection between your story and the larger story of human experience. On the other hand, it might mean a sudden desire to quit your normal life and hit the road as a dharma bum. A key event occurs on September 30: The Moon in Capricorn tests the Libra New Moon impulse with a First Quarter square to the Sun. This phase is always a turning point in the monthly lunation cycle, when the ground must be worked to nourish the newly sown seeds.

The solar aspects of Monday morning (Sept. 25) are not the only events of the day. Their wide-open influences are countered by two smaller contractive forces: Venus squares Pluto at 11 :08 a.m. (24° 11' Virgo-Sagittarius), a tense intersection of love and rejection. This can undermine trust in relationships, but especially trust in one's own worth. Still, the point is not to punish, but to dig deeper to restore underused talents and regenerate lost desires. Mercury sextiles Saturn in the afternoon (20° 50' Libra-Leo), cre­ating a much-needed island of logic in this oceanic day. Minds are sharp, and conversations clear and concise, which can help us to deal with any Jupiter-Neptune emotional tsunamis. The Mercury-Saturn sextile brings practical intelligence that helps us to filter through a plethora of possibilities to commit to the one usable idea. A Mars-Uranus quincunx (11 ° 56' Libra-Pisces) is the only notable aspect on Tuesday (Sept. 26). It's a jittery, rest­less energy that makes concentration difficult. Reacting rashly could lead to an accidental discovery but is more likely to fray the social fabric.

At 6:16 a.m. on Wednesday (Sept. 2i), the Moon enters Sagittarius. This forward-looking sign tends to raise hopes, but it can also be a means of escaping the realities of the present. How­ever, a perceptive Mercury-Pluto sextile this evening won't let minds wander too far. The compelling power of Pluto demands focus, which a sextile from Mercury readily provides. This works well to balance Sagittarian optimism with the mental acuity to weed out bad ideas and attend to business efficiently. There are no astrologically significant events on Thursday (Sept. 28) but, as always, individual transits and the effects of long-term aspects will still be felt.

On Friday (Sept. 29) at 5:08 a.m., the Sun and Saturn form a semi-square (6 ° 13' Libra - 21 ° 13' Leo) that gets the day off to a serious start. Caution is recommended, although it's not necessary to slam on the brakes of negativity. Respect for your­self and others and the current circumstances make it possible to get some work done. At 3:01 p.m., when the Moon enters Capricorn, Saturn's sign, we would expect the themes of order and responsibility to continue. However, at 3:25 p.m., Mercury and Uranus meet in a squirrelly sesquiquadrate that makes it hard to keep anything in its proper place. Ideas come unraveled, plans break down, and schedules appear laughable. It's better to allow some slack than to tighten up and try fo put everything back in place. Angry words may start to fly when people feel pressured, regardless of the responsibilities or commitments

made. Keeping the peace is only going to grow in importance on Saturday (Sept. 30), as Venus enters Libra at 3:02 a.m. The planet of love and harmony, returning to her airy home sign, increases our awareness of relationships. Balance and fairness are always important, but these become more evident now. Style and taste are in the spotlight, putting more focus on looks and fashion . Yet, even those who consider such things superficial might recognize beauty·as a spiritual value, not just a social one. At 4:05 a.m., the Moon in Capricorn squares off against the Libra Sun. Airy ideas are challenged by practical realities. Urgent needs supersede our dreams, and choices have to be made. Libra's partnership model encounters Capricorn's instinct for hierarchy - perhaps necessi­tating changes in a working relationship.

© 2006 Jeff Jawer - all rights reserved

Jeff Jawer has been a professional astrologer since 1973 and holds a B.A. in "The History and Science of Astrology" from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Jeff is a co-founder of StarIQ.com, AFAN, and UAC. He is a frequent lecturer at astrology conferences and maintains an international counseling practice. Jeff and Rick Levine will be present­ing "An Initiation into Astrology," a 9-day experiential workshop in Bali, October 1-10, 2006 (www.astrologyinbali.com). Jeff can be reached by e-mail at [email protected]

Geocentric Aspects, Ingresses, and Stations

Pacific Daylight Greenwich Mean

09-24-2006 03:40 am ? Bq f 12°::::59' P, 18°11)l59' 09/24/2006 10:39:32 09-24-2006 04:59 am !} II~ -07°48' -07°48' 09/24/2006 11 :58:34 09-24-2006 09:40 am !} ~ t 19°805' 19°11)l05' 09/24/2006 16:39:52 09-24-2006 01 :30 pm 40'!! 17°11\..21' 17°:::: 21'1>, 09/24/2006 20:29:45 09-24-2006 06:49 pm Q Bq W 23°11)l21' 17°:::: 21'1>, 09/25/2006 01 :48:59 09-25-2006 01 :26 am Q ll d' +03° 51' -03°51' 09/25/2006 08:25:31 09-25-2006 06:17 am 0 ljl '*' 02°820' 17°::::20'P, 09/25/2006 13: 16: 54 09-25-2006 08:28 am n cf' 4- 25°1t22'P, 25°11)l22' 09/25/2006 15:28:25 09-25-2006 10:31 am OL 4 02°831' 17°11\..31' 09/25/2006 17:31:28 09-25-2006 11 :08am QD~ 24°11)l11' 24° ?11' 09/25/2006 18:07:39 09-25-2006 01 :29 pm !} * '7 20°850' 20° .1150' 09/25/2006 20:28:30 09-25-2006 02:45 pm l ljl t 04° :::: 35'P, 19°11)l35' 09/25/2006 21:44:42 09-26-2006 05:27 am d' 7'. ~ 11 °856' 11° 1t56'P, 09/26/2006 12:26:41 09-26-2006 05:34 am !} ll 2 -09° 11' +09° 11' 09/26/2006 12:33:54 09-26-2006 05:59 am !} Q 2 21 °851' 03° ~51' 09/26/2006 1,2:58:32 09-26-2006 09:09 am Q II f +03° 10' +03° 10' 09/26/2006 16:08:33 09-26-2006 09:29 am Q cf'[! 25°11)l21' 25°1'21' 09/26/2006 16:28:30 09-26-2006 03:23 pm d' Q ~ 12°812' 24°?12' 09/26/2006 22:23: 10 09-26-2006 10:24 pm OD 2 03°859' 03° ~59' 09/27/2006 05:24: 14 09-26-2006 10:47 pm .d' (i) '7 12°824' 20°.1159' 09/27/2006 05:47: 13 09-27-2006 02:23 am Q cf~ 26°11)l14' 26°11)l14' 09/27/2006 09:22:39 09-27-2006 06:03 am Q (i) 4 26°11)l25' 17°11\..51' 09/27/2006 13:02:36 09-27-2006 12:24 pm 0 £:>. l 04°833' 04°::::33'P, 09/27/2006 19:23:45 09-27-2006 02:25 pm d'L:>.? 12°850' 12°::::50'P, 09/27/2006 21:24:46 09-27-2006 03:00 pm 4 (i)4, 17°11\..55' 26°11)l29' 09/27/2006 21:59:57 09-27-2006 03:33 pm 0 II .0. -01°52' -01°52' 09/27/2006 22:32:30 09-27-2006 08:25 pm !} *~ 24°813' 24°?13' 09/28/2006 03:25: 12 09-28-2006 07:40 am Q ll 0 +02° 07' -02°07' 09/28/2006 14:39:55 09-28-2006 08:53 am Q ljl ? 27°11)l49' 12°::::49'P, 09/28/2006 15:53:19 09-28-2006 02:19 pm !} 7'. n 25°818' 25°1'18' 09/28/2006 21: 19:26 09-28-2006 07:46 pm Q 11 n +01 °52' -01°52' 09/29/2006 02:45:56 09-29-2006 05:08 am 0 L f) 06°813' 21°.1113' 09/29/2006 12:08:00 09-29-2006 03:25 pm !} ljl ~ 26°849' 11°1t49'P, 09/29/2006 22:25:27 09-29-2006 05:28 pm '7 ~ f 21°.1116' 21°11)l16' 09/30/2006 00:27:50 09-29-2006 08:47 pm 011 f -02°43' +02°43' 09/30/2006 03:46:53 09-29-2006 09:32 pm 8~2 04°::::31' P, 04°~31' 09/30/2006 04:32:04 09-30-2006 '03:02 am Q cf 8 00°800' 09/30/2006 10:02:02 09-30-2006 04:32 am d' ll ~ -05°12' +05°12' 09/30/2006 11 :31 :32 09-30-2006 05:13 am ? ljl ~ 12°::::46' 1>, 27°11)l46' 09/30/2006 12: 13: 12 09-30-2006 08:55 am !} ~ ~ 27°851' 27°11)l51' 09/30/2006 15:54:39 09-30-2006 11:25 pm !} II! -12°15' -12°15' 10/01 /2006 06:24:52

Aquarius Full Moon - August 9 by Stephanie Austin

The charts for the lunations in this issue are all set on the natural wheel with 0° Aries rising. All references to Sabian symbols are from Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Sym­bolic Phases, Vintage Books, 1973.

You were born for a reason. Everyone has a destiny, an integral role to play during this pivotal time on Earth. This Full Moon stimulates the remembrance of who we really are and what we came here to do. The Sun in Leo beams into our hearts, sparking our soul intentions and rekindling our visions. The Moon in Aquarius illuminates where change is sorely needed and where we can accomplish more by joining forces with like-minded souls. The cosmic spotlight is now on the power of love and the.power in numbers.

This Full Moon in Aquarius-Leo is greatly energized by Saturn's approaching opposition to Neptune. Saturn is half­way through Leo, where he urges us to follow our hearts and express our unique gifts. Neptune (at 18°28') passed the halfway point in Aquarius last year and continues to erode the divisions and ideologies that foster discord and disparity. Saturn has an orbital period of about 29 years, whereas Neptune takes 168 years to circle the Sun; only every 35 years do they conjoin or oppose each other. On August 31 , Saturn and Neptune make their first exact oppo­sition at 18° Leo-Aquarius (the second pass occurs on Feb­ruary 28, 2007 at 20° Leo-Aquarius, and the third is on June 25, 2007 at 22°). Saturn rules the world of form and its limitations of time and space; Neptune's domain encom­passes the formless , nonphysical dimensions of reality. Sat­urn separates, Neptune unifies. These oppositions signify an important period of dissolution and reformation of identities, principles, institutions, and governments. Fallacies and illusions are exposed on all levels; whatever is oppressive and corrupt becomes obvi­ous and intolerable.

Oppositions always relate to when the two planets last met: Saturn made its previous con­junctions with Neptune (at 1.1-12° Capricorn) in 1989, the year that saw the last Soviet troops leave Afghanistan, as well as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the rebellion in Tiananmen Square and China's imposition of martial law in Tibet, .the Exxon Valdez oil spill, U.S . President George H. W. Bush's alloca­tion of $300 billion to bail out the savings and loan industry, the conviction of televangelist Jim Bakker for fraud , and the first appearance of crop circles in the United Kingdom. The spacecraft Voyager II passed by Neptune and transmitted the first close-up photos of the planet that year as well. The last opposition of Saturn and Neptune occurred in the early degrees of Gemini-Sagittarius dur­ing 1971-72, a period of increasing protests against the war in Vietnam, the beginning of the. Watergate scandal,

the devaluation of the U.S. dollar, Soviet landings on Venus and Mars, and the opening of the controversial play, Jesus Christ, Superstar.

Besides the Sun opposing the Moon and Saturn oppos­ing Neptune, a third opposition forcefully challenges the sta­tus quo: Mars at 11° Virgo opposes Uranus at 14° Pisces (exact on August 13). The Warrior in Virgo operates through analysis and reason; the God of Chaos in Pisces functions on intuition and revelation. Watch out for impetuosity; what is being called for is reform, not just rebellion. The mythic God of War is tempered by his semi-square to Mercury and Venus in Cancer, cautioning us to be considerate as well as courageous.

The Sabian symbols emphasize the need for both col­laboration and the preservation of personal rights. For 1 7° Leo: "A volunteer church choir singing religious hymns; the feeling of togetherness which unites men and women in their dedication to a collective ideal." And for 17° Aquar­ius: "A watchdog stands guard, protecting his master and his possessions; the development of the capacity to protect oneself and to safeguard one's individual rights under com­plex social pressures." Be brave, be true , and bear in mind: "Freedom is not doing whatever we want, but really wanting to do what we must." (Carl Jung)

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August 9, 2006- 3:55 a.m. PDT August 9, 2006- 10:55 a.m. GMT

Virgo New Moon - August 23 by Stephanie Austin

The last Full Moon illuminated our ideals; this New Moon focuses our attention on the details and practicali­ties . What's not working? How did we get so far off track? Where do we need to begin? Virgo's primary functions are: analysis (distinguishing the essential from the superfluous) , integration (understanding the relationship between mat­ter and spirit) , and service (applying the tools that lead to improvement and healing). Virgo has been depicted as a nitpicker, a worrywart, the "Lint Patrol." That unfortunate caricature reflects the absence rather than the presence of Virgo. As the sixth stage in an archetypal cycle of devel­opment, Virgo's primary task is not criticism or judgment but discernment - determining what is efficacious and let­ting the rest go. As the second earth sign, Virgo deals with the application of knowledge, not just the theory. "Talk is cheap" is an old adage that fits the sign focused on compe­tency and results.

New Moons are optimal times to set new intentions; this one calls us to review every area of our life. On a personal level, this includes how well we take care of our health, how we manage our time, how we maintain our living and work spaces, and how we get things done in general. What is your body telling you? What needs fixing? Where is clut-

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August 23, 2006 - 12: I 0 p.m. PDT August 23, 2006 - 7: I 0 p.m. GMT

ter slowing you down? How could you work smarter rather than harder? GIGO ("Garbage In, Garbage Out") applies to your body and your environment as well as your computer. Make a list of the improvements you wish to make, and for­mulate a realistic schedule.

On a more subtle level, this is a time of inner purifi­cation, of closely examining our motivations and our self­defeating beliefs. Are we acting from essence or ego? This New Moon also asks us to reflect on our connection to the Earth itself, how we wish to serve in these challenging times on planet Earth. Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, is in Leo, along with Saturn and Venus, reminding us that every­one has something special to offer. What do you love more than anything? If you ruled the world, what would you do? The position of Mercury in Leo at this New Moon suggests that, to be of service, we must live what is in our heart, for true service comes from love, not obligation. Service is not a compulsion or a penance. Service is not servitude. There is a Sufi saying: "Work is Love made visible"; the same could be said of service. Mercury's trine to Pluto helps us to see what's really true; Venus's approaching conjunction to Saturn (exact on August 26) and Saturn's first exact oppo­sition to Neptune on August 31 provide new clues about what forms our service can take at this time.

Mars, the planet of passion and action, is in Virgo until September 7, urging us to tackle the issues and problems before us. His approaching conjunction with the South Node at 25° Virgo (exact on August 31) and his square

to Pluto at 24° Sagittarius (exact on August 29) impel us to let go of our judgments and preconceptions.

The shadow side of Virgo is narrow-mindedness and false humility - inferiority is actually superior­ity in disguise. As Pluto squares the South Node in Virgo and the North Node in Pisces, we must transcend cynicism (and self-disparagement, in particular) in order to move forward. The tran­siting nodes in Virgo and Pisces seek to replace condemnation with compassion, alienation with unity. Jupiter's approaching trine to Uranus (exact on August 29 at 13° Scorpio-Pisces) sup­

ports the release of the assumptions and fears that have held us back.

The Sabian symbol for 1° Virgo reminds us of the importance of details: "In a portrait, the

significant features of a man 's head are artistically emphasized; the capacity to picture to oneself clearly

the salient features and the overall meaning of any life situation. " Take time around this New Moon to clarify your next step. What you choose matters more than ·ever. "Humankind was put on earth to keep the heavens aloft. When we fail , creation remains unfinished. " (Rabbi Men­achem Mendel)

Pisces Lunar Eclipse - September 7 by Stephanie Austin

Every six months, the Sun, Moon, and Earth align pre­cisely enough to create an eclipse. This extra-powerful Full Moon signals that we have come to an important turning point, giving us an opportunity to complete a major life les­son and graduate to the next. level. Eclipses occur in rela­tionship to the lunar nodes, the points in space where the Moon crosses the ecliptic, the path of the Earth around the Sun. The nodal symbol comes from an ancient tool designed for cutting the umbilical cord; Sumerian myth describes the Mother Goddess Mamu using it to cut human­ity's link with eternity, symbolizing our descent from the cosmic womb into temporal existence. The North Node points toward the future, which challenges us to evolve into greater consciousness and connection. The South Node indicates the past, which includes the strengths we have developed as well as our most deeply entrenched patterns and suppositions.

During a lunar eclipse, the Full Moon slowly dims as it passes through the Earth's shadow. This temporary blockage of light arouses what has been in the dark. What are we afraid of? What do we want? What are we really doing, and why? The Sun in Virgo calls us to evaluate our tactics; the Moon in Pisces, to scrutinize our motives. The shadow side of Virgo hides behind busyness and false humility. The shadow of Pisces dallies in escapism and martyrdom. The 15th degree is a another turning point, the halfway mark where the pull of the past is equal to the press of the future . Will we slip back­ward or move forward? In the book, The Invisible Garment, Connie Kaplan describes the 15th degree of each sign as representing the principle of "resistance: a friction that causes energy to experience itself, transform itself, and realign itself with greater purpose ." That is the exact import of this eclipse.


planets involved in this eclipse, this is a juncture where the irresistible force meets the immovable object, person­ally and collectively. Issues relating to houses and planets activated by an eclipse can often be felt the month bef!Jre the actual eclipse, and they continue as an undercurrent for the next year, with turning points at 90, 180, 270, and 360 days. The first planet to transit over the eclipse point often triggers an important development. Venus reaches 15° Virgo on September 18; watch for important insights or resources to surface around that day.

The Sabian symbols remind us that diligence and discipline are necessary for the challenges ahead. For the Sun at 15° Virgo: "A fine lace handkerchief, heirloom from valorous ancestors; the quintessence of deeds well done." And the Moon at 15° Pisces: "An officer instruct­ing his men before a simulated assault under a barrage of live shells; the need for thorough rehearsing before any complex and inherently dangerous social ritual in which power is used or evoked." This is a high-voltage Full Moon. Stay as grounded and centered as you can. Tune into your intuition, and remember: "Who you are is

• God's gift to you; what you become is your gift to God." (Sufi proverb)

Several other factors add to the transforma­tive power of this potent Full Moon. Uranus at 13° Pisces conjuncts the Moon and opposes the Sun, liberating us from limited views and confor­mity. Being flexible and willing to be surprised

1' >------I---<

is always good advice when the Awakener is in the picture. If we've been exploring alternatives, now's the time to take a quantum leap. Along with Uranus's bolts from the blue, Pluto's recent station direct (September 4) also adds to the imperative for change . Pluto had been retrograde since March 29, the date of the last solar eclipse . The mythic Lord of


the Underworld says, as he moves ahead: "Take at least one giant step forward. Now. "

Venus, Mercury, Mars, and the South Node are all in Virgo, emphasizing the need to release whatever no lon­ger serves us. Saturn's ongoing opposition to Neptune and square to Jupiter sets up a fixed t-square , a configuration that breaks up long-standing patterns. With all of the outer

September 7, 2006 - 11 :43 a.m. PDT September 7, 2006 - 6:43 p.m. GMT

Virgo Solar Eclipse - Septem·ber 22 by Stephanie Austin

Last month, we had a New Moon at the first degree of Virgo. Now we have a solar eclipse at the last degree of that sign. The first degree of any sign marks an initiation into that archetype; the last degree represents completion and assimilation. The 29th degree of any sign has been called a "critical degree," signifying the necessity to complete the spiritual goal of that sign before advancing to the next. Vir­go's quest is the achievement of humility and wholeness -humility, in the sense of being empty of ego; and wholeness, as having integrated the body, mind, and spirit.

Light is information. The Sun's eclipse by the Moon interrupts the normal flow of solar radiation, destabilizing existing configurations of energy and reorganizing con­sciousness at a higher level. The amplified pull of the Sun and Moon strongly affects the electromagnetic flow in our bodies, altering neural pathways and trigger points. With the Sun and Moon conjunct the South Node, the focus is on freedom from the past, especially from the shadow side of Virgo: perfectionism, workaholism, and self-negation in all its many disguises. For some very helpful tips on how to transform ,Your inner critic, read Richard Carson's Taming Your Gremlin: A Guide to Enjoying Yourself. Gremlins will be strongly activated around this time, but also more eas-

00° ffi 00'

September 22, 2006 - 4:45 a.m. PDT September 22, 2006 - I I :45 a.m. GMT

ily tamed. Note the house and any planets that this eclipse aspects in your natal chart. Eclipses, fike the lunar nodes, have a 19-year cycle. On September 23, 1987, there was a solar eclipse at 29°34' Virgo; whatever was initiated back then is cycling around now, either for completion or to move on to the next level.

Vesta, an asteroid considered by some to be the mod­ern ruler of Virgo, also conjuncts the South Node. The word "Vesta" comes from the Sanskrit word for "shining." As the brightest asteroid in the sky, Vesta was named for the mythic goddess of the hearth and keeper of the altar flame. She was also the guardian of the inner fires of sacred sexu­ality, fertility, and kundalini - the cosmic energy stored at the base of the spine. Vestal Virgins were priestesses who used sacred sex to initiate men and heal warriors returning from battle. The children conceived from these unions were deemed divine; Jesus's birth from a virgin mother and an unknown father reflects this ancient tradition. Vesta's con­junction with the South Node suggests that her function is returning, that the focus of the collective seeks to shift from the mundane to the sacred again .

The ongoing fixed t-square (generated by Saturn in Leo opposing Neptune in Aquarius and Jupiter squaring both) keeps pushing for the release of whatever is out of alignment with our higher purpose. Jupiter and Neptune make their third and final square of the year on September 24 at 17° Scorpio-Aquarius (the first was January 27 at 17°; the se~­ond, March 15 at 19°); this indicates that a long phase of re-

evaluation is coming to a close. That the eclipse occurs on the eve of one of the major turning points of the year,

the autumnal equinox, magnifies its demarcation of a major ending and beginning.

The Sabian symbol for this eclipse advises us to eliminate distractions and dedicate ourselves to our sacred work. For 30° Virgo: "Totally intent upon completing an immediate task, a man is deaf to any allurement; the total concentration required for reaching any spiritual goal." Simplify. Focus. And remember: "The key is always found within the cage. It takes prolonged self-observation

to see how attached we are to our own suffering." (Charles Tart)

© 2006 Stephanie Austin - all rights reserved

Stephanie Austin, M.A., is an astrological counselor specializing in life purpose, career, and transitions readings. Stephanie also teaches astrology for personal and professional development, privately and at John F. Kennedy University. JHer background includes a bache­lor's degree in Psychology, a masster's in Consciousness Studies, and deep interests in meditation, natwre, and healing. For information on readings, forecasts, tutorials, andi monthly teleclasses, visit her Web site at www.EcoAstrology.com






Map reprinted with permission of Astra Numeric Seruice







NEW MOON AUG 23 August 23, 2006 7: j j PM GMT











Map reprinted wit/i permission of Astra Numeric Seruice NEW MOON SEP 22 Septemoer 22. 2006 11: 46 AM GMT






Map reprinted with permission of Astra Numeric Service

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AUTUMNAL EQUINOX 2006 September 23. 2006 4: 04 AM GMT



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1 Oct

Intrepid Astrological Reporter: (IAR): Wow, this is so cool! Thank you so much for agreeing to be interviewed.

Virgo: All in a day's work for a Mythical Goddess.

IAR: Indeed. So, tell us: What does a mutable earth sign such as your Goddess-ship do all day?

V: Are you kidding?! I ha'(e an unend­ing litany of work to do. Primarily, all fiery expressions must be refined, synthesized, and grounded on prac­tical earth. Endless details to dis­cern - and a certain Leonine Ego to confront.

IAR: And then there's the harvest work for which you are most famous .

V: Right. Invariably left for me to sepa­rate all that chaff from the wheat. My work is never finished. And you know what farm wages are like these days.

IAR: How do you find time for the health care and wellness concerns?

V: I'm grateful you asked me that; diet and exercise are so important. And nursing - well, it simply must be done right.

IAR: True. And you bake the best bread, right?

V: Ahem. Yes, attention to those little details has its own reward. Of course, it can take more time, so one has to become efficient and make practical choices.

~n 'lnterview with "Vlf&o, t ~w~1

IAR: I wish I were half as good at using my time . I seem to be typically Nep­tunian in that.

V: Oh good grief, another Pisces slacker full of excuses.

IAR: Ouch, that's harsh! Okay, maybe I do take a little too much time spac­ing out .. .

V: Sorry, you didn't completely deserve that rebuke. I must be a lit­tle annoyed with the Fishes these days.

IAR: Wanna talk about it?

V: I cannot help being critical of those Pisces fish . I get weary of always being the one to serve - the practi­cal one attending to detail and pre­venting waste, handling all those necessary matters, whilst the Fishies goof off doing spiritual work with psychic and invisible forces .

IAR: Sounds like you're feeling polarized.

V: Exactly. It's not like I haven't tried to make it better. I have been forgiv­ing those Piscean fish for millennia, but they never change. They remain watery and diffusive, always general­izing about Oneness and the Soul. It becomes incumbent upon me, then, to be the competent and reliable balance.

IAR: Yes, that's just howl work with the zodiac - the complements of opposites.

V: Well, it is good in theory, but when . one is eternally linked in an axis with

dancing and dreamy Nincompoops, there are few compliments.

IAR: Ahh ... so it's personal for you and Pisces?

V: Why, just the other day, while Mer­cury was retrograde and I was, as you would expect, behind in my work, it came to my attention that those fishy critters were deliberately blurring boundaries and dissolv­ing earthly particulars - projects and creations, things I had care­fully drawn out and formalized , all brought back into the great cosmic ocean, and thus all my work has to start over. Oy vey!

IAR: Oof, I see the problem, but that's their job, right? Preparing the way for the Spring rebirth.

V: Lately, they are so unpredictable, though. And that whole martyr com­plex thing .. .

IAR: Perhaps these days, Uranus in Pisces is encouraging surprise and new inspiration among the Fishes?

V: Well, I'm working at being more mindful and inventive with the relationship, to improve our too­limiting image as the Axis of Service and Suffering. I've identified the key problems and numbered them in order of importance. Would you like to see the list? The Fifteen Frequent Faults of Fish. ~

Aug./Sept. 2006 * The Mountain Astrologer 107

(/) by Tim Brown

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not one of my favorit~ conjuctions

newborn ge11tlnl

Tim Brown is a frequent contributor to TMA. Visit his Web site at www. timmystudios.com You may contact him at crackerparade@ earth/ink. net

© 2006 Tim Brown - all rights reserved

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'lnterview with Vir30

JAR: Is this a love/hate thing betwixt arche­typal dualities?

V: I prefer to think of it as a 7th-house relationship lesson for me, one of inte­gration and balance. I have to learn to relax and trust the Universe more. Les­sons of forgiveness, of course, do come with the Virgin's gift of returning to grace or innocence. In that way, then, Pisces is my perfect counterpart.

JAR: That sounds so healthy for you to say. You really are an angel!

V: Thanks, darling. Hence the wings, you know. Now I'd better be getting back to my work: further research on the effects of the midpoints between Planetary Mid­points. I call them Midpoint-Midpoints. Compelling, don't you agree? Perhaps you could write the book for us!

JAR: Uh, didn't the Magi gang already do that?

V: No, that was Super-Powered Declina­tional Midpoints.

JAR: Right! Well, it's been divine visiting with you. Thanks again!

© 2006 Nathan Elderkin -all rights reserved

From the unglaciated "Driftless" region of south­western Wisconsin, Nathan Elderkin covers the ever-evolving World of Astrology and the mytho­logical beings and wonders that enliven it. And on extremely rare occasions, slacks off a little. E-mail Nathan at [email protected]

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AFA (Amer. Fed. Astrol.)- books, courses ....... 60

A.I.R. Software - The Best for Less .... ..... ... .... .. ... 53

Astro*Carto*Graphy - map kit, readings .......... 54

AstroDatabank-AstrologySoftwareShop.com .... 112

AstroGraph Software for experts & novices ........ 27

Astrolabe - SolarFire 6 Deluxe Edition ............. 68

Astrological psychology - Huber classics .. ......... 35

Astrology 101 - beginner's guide to charts ....... 76

Astrology Career Institute - training & support .. ... 67

Astrology in Bali - Fall 2006 ............................. 76

Astrology storybook for children by B. Simms ..... 11

Astro-Noetics.com - tapes, consults, forecasts ... 17

AuroraPress.com - Rudhyar's Classics ............ 109

Biswa Kalyan Foundation - remedial Yajnas ... 83

Blaschke, Robert - five books ........................... 78

Braha, James -Living Reality ..... .................... 31

Caba/ah of Astrology by William Eisen ............. 4 7

Church of Light - classes, seminars, services .... 59 Classified Ads ....................................... llO

Eastern Astrology for Western Minds - J. Patry ... 76

Evolutionary Astrology - J .W. Green's School. .... 28

Evolutionary Astrol. Conference - San Diego .... 28

Faculty of Astrol. Studies -courses & seminars .... 67

fernandez , Maurice - telephone class ... , ........... 30

Flaherty; Dennis - tutor, consultant, course .. .... 63

GeoVision - Parashara's Light ....................... 109

Gerhardt, Dana - MoonPrints report .......... .... . 13

Hathaway, Edith -Vedic consults, tutorials ... ... 85

Human Design America - instruction, software .... 3

Human Design readings by Vinita ................ 4

Jay Boyle Company - astrological gems ...... .... 51

Jyotishgem.com - specialist in untreated gems .... 54

Kepler Astrology Software ... ............ ll l

Kingstone - astrology services, gems, jewelry ... 4 7

Llewellyn - four special topic books .................. .4

Lost Mysteries of Pythagoras ............... . ........... 31

Magi Society - AstroExplorer software. . . 33

Manley, Vaughn Paul - online Vedic course .... 80

Multidimensional Design System ....................... .4

OPA (Organization Prof. Astrol.) - FL retreat .... 35

Professional Directory ................................. 88-90

Red Poppy Designs - chakra & planet jewelry ... 26

Regulus Program by Cathar Software. . 59

Sedona Spring conference - The Blast ............ 75

Solarsoul - gifts and software ........................... 1 7

Southwest Contemp. Astrology® - reports ..... .41

Starteller - Vedic astrology magazine . 82

Star*Watch Calendar with your transits .. ....... .. 78

Sullivan, Erin - consultations and books ........ . .41

Tantric Spirituality Course ... ............................ 51

Tyl , Noel- Oct. seminar in Virginia Beach ....... 27

Vedic Astrology - ACVA Online Program ..... ... 20

Vedic Astrology Software - Shri Jyoti Star ....... 85

Vinocour Gems - Jyotish gemology ......... 63

Weiser Books - two "know yourself' books ...... 79

Wessex Astrologer - ]publisher/distributor. ........ 11

Windsor, Anne - comsults, education, mentor. .. 56

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