Has it really been 25 years? - NCSSM Digital Collections

00 I o o £ M A G A Z I N Has it really been 25 years? A look back at what's changed since the Class o f 82

Transcript of Has it really been 25 years? - NCSSM Digital Collections

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Has it really been 25 years?

A look back at what's changed since the Class o f 82


This past fall,the inaugural Class of 1982 returned to the campus of the North

Carolina School of Science and Mathematics for its 25th Reunion. Much had

changed for them in the quarter-century since they last roamed the halls of

NCSSM.They were teenagers then - wide-eyed and optimistic - but with a

motivation and pioneering spirit beyond their years.They were, after all, the

first class in what was an incredibly unique experiment in public secondary

education. In many ways, NCSSM and its inaugural class were much alike.

Now, those creative and motivated young students have become creative

and motivated adults, still characterized by a pursuit of purpose and a love for

learning. Everyday, they contribute to the well-being of their communities in

tangible and significant ways. NCSSM has grown with them, undergoing many

exciting changes of its own.

Back in 1980, the first NCSSM class totaled 150 students. Today, nearly 650 students roam the same halls-an

all-time high for the school - and plans are in place for a campus expansion to accommodate an additional 250

on-campus students. And now that NCSSM is officially a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina,

many more exciting things are on the horizon.Truly the pioneering spirit that defined the School back in 1980

remains strong today.

As chancellor of NCSSM for the last eight years, I have been extremely fortunate to bear witness to the remarkable

happenings on this campus everyday. I can see more clearly than ever the courage and foresight North Carolina's

leaders had when they created such a ground-breaking institution more than 27 years ago - an institution that

has inspired 18 others like it around the world. More than 27 years later and with 26 graduating classes out in the

world, NCSSM continues to maintain its reputation for excellence as it crafts North Carolina's exceptional learners

into the world's exceptional leaders.

Gerald L Boarman, Ed.D.


North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

NCSSM M a g a z i n e

Editor Lauren Everhart

Managing Editor Aaron Plourde

Art Director/Layout Aaron Plourde

Photography Lauren Everhart Myra Halpin, Ph.D. Alex Hornstein '03 Fred Hurteau Steve Jones '83 Joe Liles Aaron Plourde

Contributing Writers BriAnne Dopart Lauren Everhart Brian Faircloth Aaron Plourde

NCSSM 1219 Broad Street P.O. Box 2418 Durham, N.C. 27715-2418 www.ncssm.edu

Address Changes? www.ncssmalumni.com

NCSSM Alumni / Development P.O. Box 2733 Durham, N.C. 27715-2733 [email protected]

Printer Mid Atlantic Printers Limited Greensboro, N.C.

7,500 copies of this public document were produced at a cost of $7,963.00.

© 2008 NCSSM Published semi-annually by the Communicat ions Depar tment


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instructor Jamie Lathan

presidential ^ ^ pat on the

Page 32


R I N G 2 0 0 8 V O L U M E 9


5 ARCHAEOLOGIST'S DREAM Drought leads Joe Liles and NCSSM students to uncover remnants of lost 200-year-old village in the bed of Falls Lake.

6 THERE'S N O T H I N G M I N I ABOUT IT Mini-Term, a cornerstone of NCSSM academics, is an experience unlike any other. Read more about the genesis of Mini-Term and how it is shaping the lives of students today.

32 KEEPING THE FAITH NCSSM history instructor Jamie Lathan wins President's Volunteer Service Award for his work with at-risk youth in Durham's Cornwallis community.

35 ALUMNI WEEKEND Highlights from Alumni Weekend 2007, which honored the Classes of'02, '97, '92, '87 and '82 with the School's first-ever 25th Reunion.

38 BRYANT GRIFFIN'S TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY You won't see Class of'94 alumnus Bryant Griffin's face on the silver screen, but chances are you will see his special effects. Find out how he went from North Carolina to San Francisco to work for George Lucas'Industrial Light and Magic.

42 COMMENCEMENT 2007 The Class of 2007 was inducted into the ranks of the School's alumni last June, marking NCSSM's 26th Commencement.


36 NCSSM: BACK IN THE DAY Take a trip down memory lane and see how NCSSM and the world have changed through the years of the Alumni Weekend 2007 reunion classes.

The Regulars





Annual Report



W i n Focus Brittany Montgomery '09 is all smiles as she and 344 other incoming juniors from across North Carolina move into their new home at NCSSM in late August. The Class of'09 is the largest in the School's 28-year history.

f f**

Feature: Falls Lake Ruins

Archaeologist's dream Drought uncovers ruins at Falls Lake giving students rare glimpse into North Carolina's history

Students, under the direction of archaeologist Ramie Gougeon, sift through dirt and sediment in hopes of finding artifacts at the site of 200-year-old Colonial ruins at Falls Lake.


When a week of rain brought an end to the 2005 drought, art teacher Joe Liles thought he'd lost an amazing opportunity.

It was in that year that Liles, an outdoorsman and teacher at the N.C. School of Science and Mathematics, had discovered an archeologist's dream in the bed of Falls Lake: the remnants of a lost 200-year-old village.

Liles said he'd always sought out projects that would get him and his students out of the classroom and into nature.When, in 2003, the Eno River Association asked him if he was interested in a project plotting the course of Fish Dam Road, an old colonial corridor that began at the onetime capital of Hillsborough, Liles said he wasn't that interested.

But as Liles and his students began discovering that parts of the road still lay hidden in the forests and even some urban areas of Orange, Durham and Wake counties, the class and Liles' collective interest rose.

"The students felt they were explorers," he said/They felt they were discovering something everyone else had forgotten."

The class tracked the road from west of the Eno across two county lines to Falls Lake,

where the road apparently dropped off into the lake basin. A long period without rain in 2005 left the basin dry and gave Liles an idea.The art instructor went out and saw what he determined to be the foundations of old buildings he now believes to be the village of Fish Dam, a settlement named for a nearby stone weir American Indians used for catching fish in the Neuse River, since dammed to create Falls Lake.

Liles called the state archaeology department in Raleigh, which would later come out to examine the site and date it to sometime in the early 1800s or before.

"They were impressed,even amazed,"Liles said.

The state archaeologists enlisted the help of the Army Corps of Engineers, who visited Liles'discovery in December 2005.

An official from the Corps"saw these ruins and he immediately authorized the funding for a dig," Liles said."Almost as soon as he did that, we had rain for a week."

Since then, Liles has been hoping that, during his teaching career, there would be another drought, another opportunity to give his students the chance to learn by doing.

"I never expected it would happen so soon," Liles said.

Fast forward to the drought of 2007, when water levels at Falls Lake are so low that large portions of the bed are dried and cracked.

Finally able to begin their dig, state archaeologists and the Army Corps of Engineers, led by archaeologist Ramie Gougeon, enlisted Liles and his students to assist with the painstaking work of sifting through piles of dirt in the hope of unearthing clues.

Twenty-nine students,all currently juniors and seniors at NCSSM, spent afternoons this past Monday through Thursday digging, sifting and uncovering what they discovered to be the foundations of nine buildings and an array of artifacts, including a doorhandle, a hand iron, an axe head and a piece of glass bottle bearing the letter"C."

"I've always loved history, but didn't know much about archaeology,"said Carey Averbook, 16, a junior from Pinehurst. Averbook said she wasn't sure if archaeology would be a career path for her, but the opportunity to assist in the dig definitely got her interested in exploring the subject further.

Senior Natalia Chodelski, 17, of Charlotte was struck by the significance of the work.The effort, she said, would ensure this forgotten history would notjusf'disappear into blackness."

Averbook too seemed in awe of the history of it all,and said she was impressed at the thought of standing where someone had stood 200 years ago.'And you don't know who stood there, who stood in that same place."

"For me,this is the ultimate teaching experience,"said Liles,"Whereyou take something that was a mystery and make it understandable,and you give students the chance to be on the front lines of that , understanding." •

For more on the Fish Dam Road project, see "There's Nothing Mini About It"on Page 6.


there's nothing

about it

From studying plant

and animal species in

Ecuador to map-ping a

lost Colonial road

in the Piedmont,

Mini-Term gives

students an opportunity

unlike any other

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Feature: Mini-Term


When NCSSM's founding faculty and administrators first came together to plan the life of the School, they knew they wanted to create an academic environment that was

as unique as the School itself. High on their to-do list was creating significant learning opportunities for students outside of the traditional classroom and curriculum. For years, colleges and universities had been offering these kinds of specialized, focused learning opportunities between semesters, often called Mini-Semesters.The School's planners decided to implement a similar program and, with that, Special Projects Week (SPW) became part of the NCSSM academic curriculum.Today, SPW is known as Mini-Term and is one of the most popular and recognized academic opportunities at NCSSM.

Mini-Term works like this:for one week each academic year, traditionally in the spring, regular classes are suspended. During this time, students are actively involved in specialized projects in subject areas that are of particular interest to them. Quite often, students spend the preceding months laying the groundwork for their project.Though the work is detailed and intense, it is carried out at a slower, more relaxed pace. Students are learning for the sake of learning without the pressure of an end-of-course exam or the necessity of covering a set amount of curriculum.

"Something like this would be very difficult to implement in a regular high school because they have to follow a standard curriculum and they have curriculum guides that dictate when things need to take place," says Tom Clayton, NCSSM's director of academic programs. "There's just not a lot of time, particularly when [Mini Term] takes seven academic days. There's just almost no way to implement that at a traditional high school."

In Mini-Term's early days, all projects were student-designed and approved by faculty members. In an effort to tighten the program's structure and increase its educational value in the ensuing years,faculty became more and more involved in creating special study options.

"A number of faculty members look at this time as an incubator for their own course ideas,"Clayton says."A number of them want time to work on a particular academic idea or project... that they felt was important and maybe interesting to students, but also potentially something that we would add to the curriculum."

Examples of courses in the current NCSSM curriculum that began as Mini-Term activities include Creative Writing, Environmental Chemistry, Esperanto, Film Criticism, Forensics, Fractals & Chaos, High-Speed Imaging, Recording Technology, Robotics, Southern Literature, Women's Studies, and World Music.

Today, all faculty members are required to participate in Mini-Term. Approximately two-thirds of the student body participate in teacher-led projects, while the other third carry

The Galapagos During Mini-Term 2007, students had the chance to study abroad, including traveling to Galapagos National Park to study Ecuador's native plant and animal species. Left: NCSSM students, alongside Dr. Myra Halpin and Dr. AmyScheck, investigate the biology of this rich and diverse region.


Feature: Mini-Term

Physics Under the direction of physics instructor Dr. Chuck Britton, students during Mini-Term 2006 construct a trebuchet, a medieval military device similar to a catapult.

out approved independently designed or team-designed projects under the guidance of an adult member of the NCSSM community.

The teacher-designed Mini-Term study options available to students are numerous, and cover the entire academic spectrum.The most recent Mini-Term Proposed Courses catalog includes more than 30 teacher-designed research possibilities ranging from the study of alternative energy sources to the math and physics of aviation to the creation, administration, and management of a computer grid system. Almost all of the projects take place in non-traditional settings, i.e. outside of the usual classroom, exactly as the School's planners envisioned. Students often work around campus,or even off-campus in the community.

A number of Mini-Term courses each year are built around trips abroad where students study natural, cultural, historic and scientific issues.The most recent Mini-Term saw students traveling to places such as Belize, the Galapagos Islands, and Spain. Edward Poyo '08 participated in a trip to Central Europe.

"Since coming back from Europe, I have used examples of the history we learned, culture we saw, and random trivia that our tour guides shared with us on everything from the SAT to college applications," Edward says."Being able to incorporate European history into normal aspects of NCSSM life has even given me huge boosts on papers for classes. ...That mindset, although not even close to that of an authentic European, has made me think much more of our impact [on] and interaction with the rest of the world."

Students need not travel far beyond the NCSSM community to engage in meaningful research. During one recent Mini-Term, a group of students immersed themselves in a documentary film-making project, led by History Instructor Katy Fenn, called "Vanishing Durham" While engaged in this project, students delved deep into the history of Durham, all the while acquiring film-making, research, and interview skills.

Over the course of two Mini-Terms (2003 and 2004), art instructor Joe Liles led his students on another local project. Together they documented a colonial road that ran from a crossing on the Neuse River between Wake and Durham

"The students told me, as they were

discovering these old remnants of the

road in the woods, that they felt like

they were discovering something that

everybody else had forgotten. They

told me that this was an exhilarating,

addictive kind of feeling. The enthusiasm

that generated was incredible to behold."

-Joe Liles

counties to the colonial capital of Hillsborough in Orange County.The documentation of this road led to the discovery of a long-forgotten village circa 1800 and a federally-funded, post-Mini-Term archaeological dig in which a number of NCSSM students were invited to participate.

"The students told me, as they were discovering these old remnants of the road in the woods, that they felt like they were discovering something that everybody else had forgotten," Liles says.'They told me that this was an exhilarating, addictive kind of feeling. The enthusiasm that generated was incredible to behold." (For more on the archaeological dig, see "Archaeologist's Dream" on Page 5.)


Feature: Mini-Term

Robotics One of the greatest benefits afforded to students at NCSSM is the myriad of academic opportunities they have at their disposal. One such opportunity is to study robotics, which effectively combines several disciplines such as mathematics, physics and engineering. Here, a student works on a robotics project during Mini-Term 2005.

Like many of the academic programs that make NCSSM such a unique institution, the success of Mini-Term relies in part on philanthropic support from the community. In 2000, Wachovia Bank signed on as Mini-Term's sponsor and has, along with the Wachovia Foundation, remained the program's sole corporate and foundation sponsor.Their support has allowed Academic Programs to authorize each academic department to spend up to $2,500 on textbooks and equipment, provided that everything purchased will be reused during succeeding Mini-Terms or incorporated into the regular curriculum. Also, each student is authorized to request up to $10 through their Instructor/Sponsor for any type of supplies or materials utilized in Mini-Term courses or projects.

The program has matured along with the School and will almost certainly remain in its present tried-and-true format

for years to come.The only challenge in the foreseeable future is one that most externally-funded programs at NCSSM share - t he identification and acquisition of future funding. Given the program's history and success, however, Mini-Term will surely continue to be an attractive academic investment to corporations and foundations seeking to positively impact math and science education.

Mini-Term's future as a unique and rare educational program among high schools is promising. In a school noted for its advanced curriculum and numerous extracurricular academic opportunities, it still stands out. Leslie Brinson, long-time NCSSM biology instructor and veteran of many Mini-Term research trips, summed up Mini-Term's value in just a few words.

"It is,"she says,"even better than our classes." • * •a

Winter I Spring 2008

Refreshments for Colloquium Events

Table linens at 2 0 0 7 senior award ceremony

Linens for Ethics and Leadership

Senior Awards Ceremony

Drama Board rehearsal scripts

Tunings for 6 pianos

Weekend ar t sessions/workshop supplies

Keystone Science School

- Youth Policy Summit oiJCMbfesjjy

Faculty Colloquium dinner | ^ ^ —

Year-End Slideshow

• • 1 Paint for theatr ical sets | T ^ i

Refreshments for student aids aunng uBok

collection * • J I

Hal loween treats for s t u 4 | f s ^ t .

Duke Mar ine Lab tr ip

Trip to Echo Foundation Summit .'.p.; >ear Fli

Wiesel speak

Employee flu vaccinations

2 0 0 7 French Contest

Electrocardiogram (ECG) Testers

EAG and Honor Council T-Shfrts

Admission Banner Signs

Spring Soccer Booking fee 2 0 0 7

Fall Soccer Booking Fee 2 0 0 6

Wrest l ing mat t ape & basketbal l goals

Nose Gua rd protector

Swim caps

Engraving State Soccer Trophy

Vol leybal l Varsity Sport Of f ic ia l for G a m e

Dinner Tor Or ientat ion Committee

reak Snacks

l i t o l8fJfc#s|ty ^ ^ l ^ e a J | t r a t i o j > J e e ferJ^CrEAA C M f f t H ^ d i n a ftt^R i o r Volunteer:

Wrest l ing Booking Fee 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 Dinner "or Or ientat io

, g itX a &n trt schofa rsferc t H i • NCHSA^ jGo l f State Championship Travel Microwave f»r Hal l

s about sportsmanship. Green fees for NCSSM Go l f Team Flowers for Gr i fdua t i

Athlete Celebrat ion

Refreshments for 'Ge t t i ng to Know You"

Supplies for community hoiid

Speaker for Student Life Retreat

Label Printer

Refreshments for Faculty Development

Refreshments for Students in Music Rehearsal

End-of-Year Activities

• j a c l f t f o r Volunteers on Welcome Day

ftirty for Clinic Nurse

>aH Booking. A g ;

JC H V A * ,'.' c

VB Antennas

Booking Fee for Vol leybal l

Laundry Supplies

": .Shies f<""" Unicorn Trot and Wellness Initiative

•o >he; f--r i w a r d s ceremonies

Dry Cleaning for Choir Robes

Lunch for AP Proctors

Meals for Japanese Exchange Students

Deans retreat g _ • — _ ^ " ^ # % # %

Th© NCSoi Refreshments f o r EW3%eSmgs m ™ ^ ^ ^ ^^os^Zcmm-y m r r y x e e < D^V^u know what Furmcin M a t h « > m p e W i o n nres P^Z Supervisors

»• sen iq i Night Mowers and supplies o i l p L a r d s tor student L.omp

'." ;C . ."̂ 1 Jr\ ̂ \ l-IT•••';̂ 5 0'" -:^̂ \t ITi (P^ If'l'̂ "̂ JPV^̂ !/^̂ ROVT_ompenTrorrT?es^^^ DDagBballsr^ROTCcffKits, rWnre B a l i r ^ ^ ^ ^ W e T C o m ^ B f t k e r s ^ r r n e w ^ t i

Nat ional Young Physicists Tournament Fees

2 0 0 7 US Physics Contest Fees

Nat ional Scholastic Chess Tournament Fees

W o r l d Quest Competi t ion Fee^ _ _

Mode l United Nations Comp-M

Supplies and equipment for r * „

O l y m p i a d # • • |

Science O l y m » a | b u i i E i g e ^ ^ l 5 J ^ j f

MATE UnderwcneT RO^T-ornpefmorrT^es

Refreshments for Envirothon

Nat ional Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

Competi t ion Fees

N.C Science O l y m p i a d Regional

Competit ion Fees

Charleston Math Contest Fees

2 0 0 6 Tarheel Cup Fees

USA Biology O l y m p i a d Fees

Alumni Weekend Supplies

Graduat ion supplies

Alumni Weekend Awards

Jumni Dessert

intramural Supervisors

Entry f ee for wrestl ing match

Booking Fee for Baseball 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7

Booking fee for Basketball _

Staff Apprec ia t ion Luncheon

Registration to at tend NCASBD Conference

Study Break Refreshments

Ar t Supnlies for Hall Activities

Jff lce Operat ions

implies G i % C a r d s for Student Competi t ion

tuaent Life


Col lege Eve Reception

Adv isee/Adv isor Meals

Breakfast for PSAT Proctors

T-Shirts for Peer Col lege Counselors

Counseling Planning Lunch

Counselor Apprec ia t ion Week

NACAG Membership '

Refreshments.for Peer Col lege Counselor

Meet ing

New Faculty Luncheon

Reception for Chorale Concert

Pedometers for Unicorn Trot

G i f t Certif icates for Health Initiative and


Refreshments for Staff Development

Refreshments for KoffeHaus

Refreshments for SLI Training

Ice Cream for Ice Cream Social

T-Shirts for RLAs and Student Government

Mai l ing Envelopes for Yearbooks

Yearbook Staff T-Shirts

Color. Index Book for Yearbook

T-Shirts for MPCs .

Yearbook Advisor

Newspaper Advisor

RLA Training Supplies

Windbreakers for Residential Staf f

Refreshments for Blue Mir ror Staff

«>f it @ ^ww.ncssmalumnixom/whatitsabout aCheTTrienraTTon Treats for the last Supervised Study Student Lire Cup T-Shirts

Alumni Weekend Flowers Meals for Jordanian visitor G i f t Cards, for Blue Mirror Contest


•The Class of 2007 boasted a mean SAT score of 1356

• Among its ranks, the Class of 2007 had three Park Scholars and two Morehead-Cain Scholars - North Carolina State's and the University of North Carolina's most prestigious scholarships, respectively.

• Last year, NCSSM sent nearly 80 percent of its students to UNC system universities.

• On July 1,2007, NCSSM officially became the 17th constituent institution of the University of North Carolina

• The Class of 2009 enrolled 345 students -186 boys and 159 girls - for the 2007-08 school year, which made the total enrollment for the School 650 students. But for the second straight year, the total number of female students in the student body outnumbered the total number of male students

2007 fy

o % Rewind:

The year | in review*c


Alumni highlights

Brad Ives '82 establishes student activities endowment With a gift commitment of $50,000, Brad and Debra Ives established an endowment for student activities at NCSSM. Brad, a 1982 alumnus of NCSSM, is the managing director of Babson Capital Europe Limited based in London. Brad has also served as a member of the NCSSM Board of Trustees. The Ives Endowment for Student Activities will directly support the programs and activities that make the NCSSM experience possible for current and future students. Brad and Debra are the parents of twins, Lawton and Emily. To support the endowment, visit www.ncssmalumni.com/onlineqiving

Staci E. Barfield '83 awarded Gold Award for Best Fiction A book by Staci E. Barfield '83, a member of the NCSSM Foundation Board, was awarded the distinction of the Gold Award for Best Fiction in the Southeast by the Independent Publisher. Staci's book,"Sorrows Multiplied," is the story of love, friendship and family set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War, Roe vs.Wade and civil unrest.

Glamour magazine names Alia Whitney-Johnson '04 among Top 10 College Women of 2007 Alia Whitney-Johnson '04 was named one of Glamour's Top 10 College Women of 2007. Alia, a student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, launched a non-profit called "Emerge"that teaches jewelry-making to girls in Sri Lanka and sells their work in the United States.

Brock Winslow '86 named vice chancellor at NCSSM NCSSM named Brock Winslow'86 vice chancellor for development in June 2007. Brock has served the School in many capacities over the years, including as a member of the Alumni Association Board,as a founding member of the Board of Trustees' Development Committee and as the first alumnus chair of the Board of Trustees.

Helen Moore'84 addresses students at 28th Convocation NCSSM's 28th school year, and its first year as a University of North Carolina constituent institution, got off to a great start as Class of 1984 alumna Helen Moore, Ph.D., addressed

students, faculty, staff and honored guests at the School's Convocation ceremony, the official start to the new year. Helen, who holds degrees from UNC-Chapel Hill and the State University of New York at Stony Brook, shared words of wisdom with the Classes of 2008 and 2009, telling them to never give up, to never be afraid of trying new things, and, in typical NCSSM fashion, to stay quirky.

Nicholas Rojeski'94 creates award-winning NanoTaxi Nicholas Rojeski '94, along with three others from the University of Texas-Austin, won the Nano Nexus 2007 entrepreneurship competition with their NanoTaxi device.The NanoTaxi is patent-pending and consists of a nano-container with a lid that dissolves only in response to a cancer-specific signal within a cancer cell, allowing for more effective delivery of the drug to cancerous sites. Nicholas and his group won $25,000, which they will use to finish their prototype.

Eric Deren '93 sets world record in skydiving Eric Deren '93 was a member of the 68-person international team of skydivers that set a vertical skydiving world record in August 2007.This was the eighth consecutive free-flying world record that Eric participated in, dating back to spring 2000 when a world-record 15-way vertical skydive was set. Eric runs Dzignlight Studios,a visual special effects and computer animation company based in Atlanta. His company does medical animation work for A&E, History Channel and Discovery Channel, and recently made significant advances in HD stereoscopic 3D production.

Billy Pizer '86 shares Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore Billy Pizer '86 shared in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). As a Senior Fellow with Resources for the Future, Billy has drafted reports for the IPCC.

For more information on these and other alumni news stories, visit Alumni Connections at www.ncssmalumni.com


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W i n Focus

NCSSM is known for having students who excel in the classroom. But for student athletes on campus, excellence doesn't end there. It carries over onto the fields, courses, courts and tracks where they practice and play.This past year, NCSSM athletic teams had much success. Below are some of the outstanding accomplishments of the NCSSM Unicorns:

•2006 Men's Cross Country State 1 -A Champions, NCSSM's first N.C. High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) team title since 1989

•2006 and 2007 NCHSAA 1-A Women's Tennis Doubles State Champions

•2007 NCHSAA 1-A Women's Tennis Team State Champions

•2007 NCHSAA 1-A Men's SoccerTeam State Champions, the team's first championship in school history

•2007 NCHSAA 1-A Men's Track Team State Track and Field Champions

We congratulate NCSSM's championship teams and all student athletes for their hard work and dedication.

NCSSM Foundation 2006-2007 Annual Report

Dear Friend,

It is such a pleasure to be back on campus after graduating more than 20 years ago.

Of course, as vice chancellor for development, my days are very different from what they were as a student. My time is spent on fundraising and public relations rather than on formulas and petri dishes. More telling, my mindset is much more that of a protective parent than of an adventurous adolescent, though I must confess that I'm working harder than expected at substituting disapproving looks for understanding chuckles. And no

doubt due to the academic setting, the old nightmares have returned. My subconscious once again fears sleeping through exams.

I'm most fortunate to work amongst students who are every bit as bright and motivated, albeit occasionally distracted, as my own classmates a generation ago. Indeed, they are worthy heirs to our pioneering legacy.

I'm equally fortunate to work alongside members of an esteemed faculty and staff, some of whom preceded my arrival as a junior 22 years ago, and are thankfully still too numerous to name in

this small space. According to my sources, Don Houpejohn Kolena, Joe Lilesjim Litle, Jon Miller, Dan Teague and Ginger Wilson remain terrific teachers. I can personally attest that Terry Gray has perfected her pies and Chris Taylor ensures the little things that aren't given a second thought, such as heat and electricity, remain uncontemplated. It's always reassuring to see John Williams making his rounds for security. Belinda Cagle, Sandra Jackson and Shelia Butts administer much of what must happen to keep the doors open for business. And Marlene Blakney's apartment isn't too far from my office. One day, I'm sure we'll learn that Marlene actually owns this property and leases it to the rest of us.

Among my new colleagues, I'm especially pleased to join the growing ranks of alumni who now work for their alma mater, including Steve Jones'83, Floyd Bullard '87, Jon Davis'88, Christine Muth '92, Kimberly Logan '97, Jeff Milboume '99, Henry Hebert '02 and Will Mack '03.

Also, alumni are growing in numbers on the Board of Trustees and on the Foundation Board. I commend them, as well as the board members of our Alumni Association, for their continuing commitment and contribution to NCSSM.

In fact, if you gave at all of your valuable time, talent or treasure to NCSSM this past year, you may find yourself recognized in this publication. Whether an alumnus, parent, board leader or friend, please know that your support is very much needed and appreciated.

However, if you are a graduate of the school as I am, know your support will be needed increasingly in the future. After It's simply our turn.

I look forward to working with you in the years to come to advance the mission and impact of NCSSM.


/ .

T. Brock Winslow '86 Vice Chancellor for Development

Inside the Annual Report

16 • Income • Expenses • Alumni Giving

by Class

17-29 Giving: 17 "Alumni

19 • Founders Society • Watts Society • Cupola Society

20 • Unicorn Society

21 • Pavilion Society

22 •Chancellor's Society

23 • Leadership

Giving Societies

24 • 2007 Parents

25 • 2008 Parents

27 • Alumni Parents

28 • Friends

29 • Foundation Board • Board ot Trustees • Staff/Faculty

30 • Odyssey Campaign Highlights

• Od-07 Foundation Board Members

• Alumni/ Development Staff

NCSSM xjndation


Contributions and Other Support

Endowment investment return

designated for current operations


$372,003.00 $487,95

Other Investment Income (loss)

$133,039,00 $57,31


Total operating revenues gains, (losses)

and other support : •




Total I $112,272.00 $972,229.00



2006-2007 Alumni Giving Class year

1982 1983 1984 1985

Class total

$47,000.00 -$10,390.00 $17,860.00 $11,536.85

$23,828.33 $6,515.00 $5,126.

$170,686.6 $8,515.C $2,680J $2,675.C

1993 1994

1995 1996 1997 '

1998 1999 2000

2001 2002 2003; 2004

2005 2006 2007


$51,820.00 $1,100.00 $1,910.00

/ $450.00 $5,810.00

$405.00 $2,350.00

$725.00 $220.02 $956.02 $70.00 $85.00

$205.00 $197.47



Program Expenses

Track and Soccer Field Student Services Science Now Labs for Learning Class of 1985 Teacher Excellence Alumni and Parent Programs Robotics Communications N.C. Student Academy of Science Wachovia Mini-Term Distance Learning Operations Student Research Professional Development Class of 1984 Leadership Program Humanities Student Summer Research RECAP Other

$22,830.00 $83,316.00 $84,608.00 $28,273.00

$274.00 $20,000.00 $19,943.00 $14,603.00 $19,204.00 $9,574.00 $3,737.00 $1,071.00 $7,557.00

$18,014.00 $8,036.00 $4,170.00.

$10,712.00 $2,195.00 $1,446.00

$22,770.00 $53,262.00

Total Program Expenses

Operating Expenses

Development Office Chancellor's Reserve Fund Vice Chancellor for Administration's Fund Foundation Office Staff Development Professional Fees


$133,992.00 $57,840.00

$5,123.00 $133,588.00

$2,993.00 $20,500.00

Total Expenses $789,631.00

Annual Report


1982 Lt. Col. Karen D. Angell Dr. Nicole F. Brown Dr. Shauna T. Farmer Mr. Walter E. Gordon Mr. Darryll E. Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. A. Bradley Ives Mrs. Sarah B. Krigman Mr. Roger W. Kromer Mr. Henry D. Kuo & Mrs. Irene R. Kuo Mr. Robert H. Lee Mr. James R. Lisk & Mrs. Elizabeth K. Lisk Mr. Eugene Murray & Mrs. Beverly R. Murray Ms. Elizabeth G. Page Ms. Jamie C. Pate Ms. Ami J. Shah Mr. Gary A. Steele Dr. Otis "Chip" E. Tillman, Jr. Mr. Ward C. Travis Mr. Percil Watkins Dr. Saralyn Reid Williams

1983 Ms. Staci E. Barfield Mr. John D. Capps & Dr. Susan G. Capps Mr. Robin J. Cunningham Mrs. Laura A. Davidson Mr. Darren L. DeLoach Ms. Dana R. Drum Dr. William R. Fox Dr. Camilla S. Graham Mr. Doug K. Graham Dr. Madeleine Blaurock Gutow Ms. Gaye Holmes Mr. R. David Kemper & Mrs. Angela Chiles Kemper Ms. Hih Song Kim Dr. Kimberly M. Kotov Mrs. Karen B. McLaughlin Dr. Janice E. Miller Dr. Jacqueline Heder Mims Mr. Nathanael R. Miranda Mr. William M. Schwartz Mr. Jeffrey R. Sykes Mr. David W. Thomas & Mr. Mark E. Beasley Mrs. Lucia Trevino-Lane Mr. Martin C. Trively Mrs. Rebecca L. Vereen Mr. Simon Verghese Ms. Lynne-Corinne L. Volkwijn

1984 Ms. Monica V. Bhattacharyya Mrs. Kathryn G. Bridges Mr. Wayne F. Carriker Mr. MarkT. Chandler Mr. Stephen P. Dettman Dr. Lisa A. Gillespie

Mr. Thomas N. Ginter Mr. David G. Gray Mr. Christopher Y. Han Mr. Frederick R. Indermaur Mrs. Laura Keohane Dr. Kevin A. Lutz Ms. Melanie A. Mann Mr. Allen D. Nuttle Dr. Lillian H. Rinker Ms. JulnarB. Rizk Mrs. Elizabeth Flowers Scott Mr. William M. Sneden Mrs. Cheryl G. Steed Dr. Craig H. Steffee Ms. Jeanne E. Stockert-Deloach Mr. Frank D. Todd & Dr. Karen G. Todd

1986 Mr. Scott A. Baggett Ms. Melissa E. Banno Ms. DeAhn H. Baucom Mr. David D. Beatty Mr. Alan G. Bishop Dr. Barbra Bluestone Rothschild Mr. John W. Brotherton Dr. Rodney A. Bryant Mr. Kai I. Chung Mrs. Amy C. Cooter Mr. Derrick M. Craig Major Wendy P. Daknis Ms. Marcia D. Edwards Mrs. Patti T. Erickson Mr. Jeffry R. Foeller & Dr. Elaine S. Cabinum-Foeller

Mrs. Mary J. Leonardi Mr. Paul W. Levering Mrs. Melissa M. Moloney Mr. Michael M. Marshall Mr. Thomas E. Meigs, PhD Ms. Jeanine K. Murphy Ms. Gina P. Norman Mrs. Nancy L. Parks Mr. William A. Pizer Dr. Julie A. Reynolds Ms. Gentry Rose Dr. Nicholas B. Sliz, Jr. Mr. David C. Smith Mrs. Michelle B. Specht Mr. Douglas R. Steen Dr. Gina M. Stewart Dr. Joshua B. Tew

1985 Ms. Maya K. Ajmera Ms. Sandy D. Baggett Mr. George A. Burton Mr. Stephen N. Cole Dr. Geoffrey M. Davis Mr. Joseph D. Galameau, Jr. Mr. David M. Hunkins Dr. William W. Lawrence, Jr. Mr. Douglas S. May Mrs. Sharon B. Metzger Dr. Brian G. Morin Mrs. Nancy E. Mukundan Mr. Mohammad Niazi-Sai Dr. Nicklas B. E. Oldenburg & Mr. Paul D. Carter Mr. Robert O. Winters Dr. Jill C. Wright Mr. Jeffrey C. Yu

Dr. Amy B. Fowler Ms. Amy L. Francis Mr. Michael C. Grant & Mrs. Callie Grant Mrs. Linda E. Green Mr. John M. Grimes, Jr. Mr. Kenneth M. Grimes & Ms. Angela C. Chadwick Mr. Joseph T. Grunkemeyer & Mrs. Tamara L. Grunkemeyer Dr. Chandra Y. Hollier Lynn M. Hooker Dr. Patti C. Huang & Mr. George Liu Mr. Anthony P. Jones Mrs. Ginger M. Jones Mr. Timothy D. King Dr. C. Ryan Kinlaw Ms. Kelly G. Kleine Mr. John E. Konanc Mr. Colin C. Law

Dr. Robert W. Thacker Mr. J. Andrew Ward Mr. C. Keith Wheeler Mr. T. Brock Winslow Mrs. Jerrilyn Woodard-Entrekin Ms. Julie S. Woosley Mr. Richard C. Wu

1987 Ms. Angela M. Blair Mrs. Mystie B. Brotherton Mr. William K. Carpenter & Mrs. Kathy G. Carpenter Ms. Elizabeth K. Copple Mr. Joseph H. Davis Dr. Herbert N. Hackney Mrs. Anita J. Hilliard Mr. Marcus A. Hodges Dr. Li Kuo Kong Mr. Michael J. Martine Mr. B. Scott May


NCSSM oundation

Mrs. Susan Q. Pepper Mrs. Christy G. Reinhard Mrs. Amy F. Schmitzer Mr. Mark E. Snesrud Mr. Robert J. Stevens Dr. David S. Thompson Ms. Catherine E. Troelstra Mr. D. Matt Wachowiak Ms. Dixie T. Wells Mrs. Denise J. Williams

1988 Ms. Sharon C. Amaya Ms. lenaas H. Baagil Mrs. Tina S. Bishop Dr. Eugen C. Buehler Mr. Georg F. Buehler Mr. Zerrick A. Bynum Dr. Christopher H. Chay Mr. David T. Cherry Mr. C. Quentin Davis & Mrs. Nicole Davis Mrs. Betsy G. Dodson Dr. Katherine L. Dunleavy Ms. Julie I. Gatton Mr. Trevor M. Grady Mrs. Dawn M. Hemminger Dr. Lawrence Liao Mrs. Emily F. Martine Mr. Mark D. Ollis Mr. Moreland T. Smith Mr. Bryan D. Stensvad Mr. R. Neil Stikeleather Mrs. Anja C. Thomas

1989 Mr. Edwin B. Anderson, Jr. Dr. Janine E. Bullard Ms. Marlene E. Clay Mr. Marty P. Combs Mr. Daniel P. Cory Mr. Sean P. Fahey Ms. Danene A. Groenke Ms. Samara I. Hamze Mr. Kirkland L. Hicks Mrs. Melissa P. Lawler Dr. Bruce M. Lee Dr. Terra G. McKinnish-Harllee Ms. Julia K. Roos Mr. Carl A. Ryden Mrs. Kathryn E. Stevens Dr. Tina Burleson Stewart Mr. Justin W. Thomas Major Charlene L. Warren-Davis Dr. Howard R. Weeks Mr. Torraine A. Williams

1990 Mr. Christopher J. Allen Mr. Alan C. Cline Mr. Charles L. Dozier & Mrs. Aleta M. Dozier Ms. Nora A. Gardner Dr. Joshua L. Hardison Mrs. Eunjoo C. Hopkins

Dr. Laura E. Jackson Mr. Gautam Jagannathan Mr. Gene Y. Ko Ms. Lydia C. Kwee Ms. Dana Borden Lacy Mr. Brian S. Mahoney Mrs. Haila R. Maze Mr. Eric J. Stevens Ms. Shannon Oliver Sullivan Dr. Susannah B. F. Paletz Mr. Gene C. Rivera

Ms. Erin F. Kuniholm Mr. John A. Mathew Ms. Cheryl L. McKay Ms. Stephanie McLellan Bass Ms. Jo L. Peterson Gibbs Dr. Leshawndra N. Price Mrs. Megan Jackson Sukys Mr. Erik W. Troan Dr. Grantham D. Warren Ms. Kristina M. Wilson

Dr. Jeffrey M. Vanderkam & Mrs. Susan K. Vanderkam Mr. D. Mark Williford

1991 Mr. Edward B. Blackman Mr. Jan M. Borgersen Mrs. Katharine M. Briggs Mr. Tyler A. Buckner Mr. Charles E. Coble Mrs. Kristina D. Coffield Ms. Dedra Eatmon Dr. Claudia E. Gonzalez Dr. Kirkwood A. Johnston

1992 Ms. Lydia-Anne F. Bouknight Mr. George M. Bridgers Dr. Nakia C. Brown Mr. Michael S. Browning Mr. Owen D. Bugge Mr. Tejan R. Hichkad Mr. Michael R. Marcelais Dr. Kimberley R. Nichols Mr. Jeffrey C. Peters Ms. Christina E. Shi-Lee Dr. Amy E. Wilson

1993 Mr. Mark D. Cunningham Dr. Jason W. Edsall Ms. Rebecca J. Filbey Ms. Amy C. Lentz Ms. Alison E. Monahan Mr. Alexander Morcos Ms. Rachel L. Nemecek & Mr. Jeff Nemecek Ms. Catherine Etheridge Otto Mr. Nicholas B. Remmes & Mrs. Kate Remmes Mr. Linwood L. Robbins Ms. Darcie P. Smith Mr. Stephen J. Williard

1994 Mrs. Kristy W. Alford Ms. Selena M. Dewitya Ms. Maia Carter Hallward Dr. Glenn G. McCall & Mrs. Emilia C. McCall Ms. Kerry G. Welsh

1995 Dr. Amarinthia E. Curtis Ms. Elizabeth A. DeStephens Ms. Caroline T. Herbert Mr. Joseph I. Sewell & Ms. Misty D. Landrum Mr. James I. Shew & Mrs. Katherine D. Shew Ms. Marci J. Studley Mrs. Elizabeth D. Tricomi Ms. Allison C. van den Berg

1996 Ms. S. Gabriela Allen Mr. Gregory E. Frey Ms. Kelley L. Mills Mrs. Christina E. Ndoh Mr. Andrew D. Steen Mrs. Kelly M. Townsend Ms. Ana E. Voss Ms. Lisa N. Worthington

1997 Mr. M. Ryan Avett & Mrs. Stephanie M. Coggins Avett Mrs. Marcia E. Baker Ms. E. Christine Clore Mr. Bryan Deaton Ms. Keren K. Jones Mr. David Kim Mr. Theodore P. Luebke Ms. Sabrina Pendergrass Mr. Siddharth Prabhu Mr. Matthew Roesle Mr. Charlie V. Shaw, Jr.

1998 Ms. Amy E. Belflower Mr. John D. Bowman Ms. Hazel G. Garrish Ms. Kendra L. Stead


1999 Mr. Roshan Baliga Mr. Judson Bowman Mr. N. Taylor Brockman Mr. M. Alan English II Ms. Melanie S. Frazer Ms. Hollins Gause Ms. Emily E. Herbert Ms. Maritza Hobson Ms. Natasha Khouri

'Mr. Richard A. Simpkins Mr. Mat thew Wagers

,2000 Ms. Melanie Faircloth Ms. Claire Logsdon Mr. Peter Menachem Mr. Mat thew J. Moore & Ms. C a n d a c e R. Moore Mr. Paul Raff

2001 Ms. Anna M. Grant Mr. Christopher J. Paul & Ms. Anna E. Bauer Ms. Emily J. Kachergis Mr. Peter B. Stranges Mr. Jonathan F. Wells

2002 Mr. Alex A. Baranpuria Ms. Kelly J. Barber-Lester Ms. Melissa N. Brady Mr. Eric B. Brown Mr. Brandon R. Carroll Mr. Emery T. Chen Ms. Laura C. Fieselman Mr. Steven W. Gentile Mr. Igor Gorodezky Ms. Kimberley L. Heard Ms. Martina A. Jones Mr. David K. Kincaid Ms. Rebecca J. Logsdon Ms. Erin M. McCusker Mr. Kevin C. Schaefer Lt. Richard A. Varner Ms. Kelly Williams Ms. Caroline C. Wong Mr. Jason A. Wong

2003 Ms. Kathryn P. Lattimore Ms. Lindsay A. Morris Mr. Brian C. Phelps Mr. Evan M. Ritter

2004 Mr. Nathan L. Bartlett Ms. Sara G. Goff Ms. Bethany L. Harrison Ms. Jaime G. MacFall Mr. Kevin C. Sapp Mr. Jeffrey D. Sibrack Mr. William W. Tipton Mr. Jacob W. White

2005 Mr. Brent Q. Chen Ms. Amanda R. Mason Ms. Heather D. Mohorn Mr. Andrew O. Myers Mr. Charles A. Queen Ms. Cierrea R. Roach

2006 Mr. Mat thew J. Alfaro Mr. Luke C. R. Lin Mr. Douglas R. Massengill Mr. Michael E. Tipton Mr. Toan M. Tran-Phu

2007 Mr. Mat thew L. Abraham Mr. Sarnie I. Ahmed Mr. James C. Alderman Mr. William W. Allen Ms. Kelly E. Anderson Ms. Nicole B. Anthony Mr. Julian E. Arrington III Mr. A d a m M. Askren Ms. Rebekah F. Ayscue Ms. Saumya L. Ayyagari Ms. Jessica R. Barnes Mr. Dorian H. R. Britt Mr. Emanuel E. Bryant Mr. Micky Bullard, Jr. Ms. Kiira M. Campbel l Mr. Timothy M. Canty Ms. Daryl A. Clausen Ms. Kenan A. Crawford Ms. Brittany C. Croom Ms. Elizabeth K. Cutrone Mr. Giffin W. Daughtridge Ms. Valyce M. Davis Ms. Katherine N. Dektar Ms. Katherine E. Demby Ms. Radhika S. Deshmukh Ms. Meghan E. Dwyer Mr. Len T. Evans Mr. James R. Finley Ms. Brittany M. Fotsch Mr. Michael A. French IV Ms. Caitlin M. Frese Ms. Abby D. Furr Ms. Ishita Y. Gandhi Mr. Eric D. Gerard Mr. Charles N. Gilbert Mr. Mat thew L. Gildner Ms. Elizabeth K. Goodman Mr. Jacob R. Haskins Mr. Jason E. Hawkins Ms. Kathleen A. Hebert Mr. Tyrik T. Hicks Mr. James F. Ho Mr. James C. Howard II Ms. Jingwen Hua Ms. Lauren G. lannotte Ms. Megan L. Johnson Mr. Michael B. Jones Mr. Michael D. Jones Ms. Christina R. Jusino

Ms. Morgan C. A. Kearse Ms. Caroline E. Kennedy Mr. Mahen M. Khan Mr. HongSun S. Kim Mr. Yoonsuk Corey Kim Mr. Wayne M. Kimball, Jr. Ms. Mary P. Kohlmann Ms. Alexandra M. Landry Mr. John Lee Mr. Joseph J. Lozier Mr. Andrew C. Marks Ms. Jaime M. McCandless Ms. Alison L. McGraw Mr. Michael A. Mian Ms. Amanda T. Michelson Ms. Christine N. A. Nguyen Mr. Brian B. Nobles Ms. Ogechi P. Nzewi Ms. Sabrina R. Officer Mr. John P. Outten Ms. Nicole A. Parker Ms. Laura E. Parks Mr. Michael V. Pham Mr. Zachary Q. Powell Mr. Zachary H. Pugh Ms. Casey S. Putnam Ms. Catherine A. Raymer Ms. Laura E. Reynolds Ms. Jasmine M. Richardson Ms. Kaylah M. Roberson Ms. Jenna L. Roney Mr. Max L. Rose Ms. Brittany A. Ross Mr. Gregory J. Rubinstein Ms. Katherine M. Schulz Mr. Tyler R. Seward Mr. M o h a m m a d A. Siddiqui Ms. Natalie C. Singleton Mr. James E. Slade Ms. Eleanor A. Steel Ms. Amanda C. Sullivan Ms. Jessica N. Taylor Mr. Nelson L. Terry Mr. Beck E. Waldbauer Ms. Nancy N. Warren Mr. Noah L. Weissman Ms. Blair L. Wright Mr. Robert W. Yarbrough Mr. Luis P. Zapata

Leadership Giving Societies

Founders Society ($10,000+) Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ahearn Mr. Steven P. Aldrich '87 Mr. Geoffrey P. Burgess '86 & Mrs. Kristin L. Breuss Burroughs Wellcome Fund Mr. John D. Capps '83 & Dr. Susan G. Capps '83

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Cary Mr. Alan C. Cline '90 Mr. Daniel P. Cory '89 Mr. & Mrs. Gift F. Daughtr idge The Daniel & Nancy Dektar Fund Duke Energy Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Epstein GlaxoSmithKline Mr. David G. Gray '84 Dr. & Mrs. Carroll F. Haines, Jr. Mr. Christopher Y. Han '84 Ms. Kristina Haughton Dr. Jacqueline HederMims '83 Dr. & Mrs. David D. Hurd Mr. & Mrs. A. Braaiey Ives '82 Lake City Enterprise Inc. Lincoln Financial Group Lowe's Charitable & Educational Foundation The Mario Family Foundation Mr. John D. Messick II Drs. Jeff & Melinda Michelson Mr. Alexander Morcos '93 Mr. & Mrs. Randy Myer Mr. Daniel R. Page & Ms. Elizabeth G. Page '82 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Rhoden RTA-NC Fund Mr. Carl A. Ryden '89 Siemens Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Stone III Ms. Carr Thompson Ms. Catherine E. Troelstra '87 & Mr. Trevor M. Grady '88 Mr. Erik W. Troan '91 Troan Foundation The Wachovia Foundation, Inc.

Watts Society ($5,000 - $9,999) Mr. Scott A. Baggett '86 & Ms. Sandy D. Baggett '85 Mr. Stephen N. Cole '85 Mr. Sean P. Fahey '89 Dr. Shauna T. Farmer '82 Food Lion Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Fotsch Ms. Janice Ku Mr. Michael R. Marcelais '92 Mr. William A. Pizer '86 Mr. Siddharth Prabhu '97 SAS Institute, Inc. Mr. David J. Spitz

Cupola Society ($2,500 - $4,999) Ms. Maya K. Ajmera '85 The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation Mr. Mark T. Chandler '84 Dr. Christopher H. Chay '88 Mr. Kai I. Chung '86 Dr. & Mrs. James L. Crowgey, Jr. Mr. Joseph H. Davis '87

NCSSM jundation

Mr. D. Bruce Guild & Ms. Linda Convissor Dr. & Mrs. Mark R. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Kimmel Dr. Otis "Chip" E. Tillman, Jr. '82 Dr. Basil L. Pugh Dr. Lyle F. Schoenfeldt & Ms. Wanda M. Hinshaw Mrs. Lucia Trevino-Lane '83 Walltown Children's Theatre Dr. Elliott B. Walsh & Ms. Ann M. Beardsley Mr. Robert O. Winters '85

Unicorn Society ($1,000 - $2,499) Dr. & Mrs. David S. Abernathy Mr. & Mrs. Scott L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. John K. Avolis

Major Wendy P. Daknis '86 Mrs. Laura A. Davidson '83 Mr. John M. Ehle & Ms. Rosemary Harris Mr. M. Alan English II '99 Ms. Brenda S. Evans Ms. Amy L. Francis '86 Dr. David R. Fulp Mr. & Mrs. Manoj George Dr. Lisa A. Gillespie '84 Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Gitt Mr. Walter E. Gordon '82 Mr. Michael C. Grant '86 & Mrs. Callie Grant Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Gregory Mr. John M. Grimes, Jr. '86 Mr. Kenneth M. Grimes '86 & Ms. Angela C. Chadwick '86 Dr. Madeleine Blaurock Gutow '83 Drs. Michael & Cynthia Hardy

Mr. Austin U. Ayscue & Rev. Elizabeth M. Ayscue Mr. & Mrs. William H. Baker Dr. Joan Barber Bayer CropScience Bayer Foundation Drs. Danilo & Imelda Bernardo, Sr. Dr. Gerald Boarman Ms. Germaine N. Brewington Dr. Nicole F. Brown '82 Dr. Rodney A. Bryant '86 Dr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Burke Dr. & Mrs. John S. Cave Ms. Betty F. Cooper Mr. Frank R. Cooper & Ms. Sandra L. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. John C. Craver Dr. Amarinthia E. Curtis '95 & Mr. Richard C. Curtis Dr. & Mrs. Martin B. Cutrone Mr. & Mrs. Dana L. Dahlgren

Dr. & Mrs. David L. Harshman Ms. Darlene Haught Mr. Darryll E. Hendricks '82 Mr. Kirkland L. Hicks '89 Mrs. Anita J. Hilliard '87 Mr. & Mrs. Don W. Hinkle Col. & Mrs. James M. Holmes Dr. Patti C. Huang '86 & Mr. George Liu Mr. Tony L. Johnson & Dr. Martha P. Johnson Dr. Peggy A. Johnston Mr. C. Tandy Jones & Ms. Alison Drs. David & Pamela Jones Mrs. Sarah B. Krigman '82 Mr. Henry D. Kuo '82 & Mrs. Irene R. Kuo '82 Dr. Bruce M. Lee '89 Dr. Helen R. LeGette Mr. Robert H. Liles Drs. Robert & Holly Lownes

Mr. Michael M. Marshall '86 Ms. Mary Carol W. Mason Mr. B.Scott May '87 Mr. Thomas M. McCann & Mrs. Denise G. Caballero-McCann Dr. Terra G. McKinnish-Harllee, '89 Mrs. Karen B. McLaughlin '83 Dr. Jerry R. Miller & Mrs. Suzanne M. Orbock-Miller Drs. G. Radford & Wendy Moeller Dr. & Mrs. Larry K. Monteith Dr. Brian G. Morin '85 Mr. Erik Nicolaysen Mr. Kenneth B. Nobles Dr. Nicklas B. E. Oldenburg '85 & Mr. Paul D. Carter Ms. Jamie C. Pate '82 Dr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Patrone Mr. & Mrs. Anil B. Peres-da-Silva Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Pickett Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Proctor Dr. & Mrs. Shiva K. Rao Mr. & Mrs. Ray D. Raymer Dr. & Mrs. J. Michael Reidy RENCI Reno Chiropractic Center, PA Dr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Reno Mr. Charles L. Revelle III & Dr. Bonnie C. Revelle Mr. & Mrs. Garvin A. Rivera Mr. & Mrs. James A. Rogers Ms. Gentry Rose '86 Mr. & Mrs. George J. Ross IV Dr. Barbra Bluestone Rothschild '86 & Dr. Andy Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. Guy D. Rouse, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Roux Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., LLC Mr. & Mrs. Glenn C. Sawyer Ms. Melinda S. Schwartz Science Service, Inc. Sean C. Robey General Contractors Ms. Ami J. Shah '82 Mr. & Mrs. F. Mark Small Mr. J. Harold Smith Mr. William M. Sneden '84 Statesville Area Bus Fund Mr. Gary A. Steele '82 Dr. Craig H. Steffee '84 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Stegall Mr. Bryan D. Stensvad '88 David & InhiSuh SunTrust Mr. C. Tandy Jones & Ms. Alison Hill Tex Williams Foundation Inc. Mr. David W. Thomas '83 & Mr. Mark E. Beasley '83 Dr. David S. Thompson '87 Mr. Ward C. Travis '82 Mr. Martin C. Trively '83 Ms. Alexis Vaughn Mr. Simon Verghese '83 Mr. & Mrs. Hunter W. Wagstaff Mr. J. Andrew Ward '86 Mr. Michael L. Wetherington


2006 2001 Annual Report

Dr. Virginia S. Wilson Mr. T. Brock Winslow '86 & Dr. Bristol Winslow Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Woodard Mr. Richard C. Wu '86

Pavilion Society ($500 - $999) Ms. Rosie Adams Ms. Sharon C. Amaya '88 Mr. & Mrs. Scott L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Ram V. Angara Lt. Col. Karen D. Angell '82 Dr. & Mrs. Mark L. Appier Ms. Rebekah F. Ayscue '07 Mr. & Mrs. Venu G. Ayyagari Ms. lenaas H. Baagil '88 Dr. & Mrs. Rajaram B. Baliga Mr. Roshan Baliga '99 Ms. Melissa E. Banno '86 Ms. Staci E. Barfield '83 Mr. David D. Beatty '86 Mr. & Mrs. Register L. Bost Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Brady Mr. Larry D. Brock Mr. N. Taylor Brockman '99 Mr. John W. Brotherton '86 & Mrs. Mystie B. Brotherton '87 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Brown, Sr. Mr. Eric B. Brown '02 Dr. Nakia C. Brown '92 Dr. Dale C. Buchanan & Ms. Catherine L. Buchanan Mr. Owen D. Bugge '92 Mr. Zerrick A. Bynum '88 Mr. & Mrs. William B. Campbell Mr. Wayne F. Carriker '84 Mr. & Mrs. James Y. S. Choi Mr. Barry W. Clark Ms. Marlene E. Clay '89 Dr. Debra W. Cole Dr. & Mrs. Roger D. Cole Mr. Marty P. Combs '89 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cook, Jr. Ms. Betty J. Cooper Mr. Brooks Crabtree Mr. & Mrs. Aaron C. Croom Dr. & Mrs. Frank D. Crowl Mr. Robin J. Cunningham '83 & Mrs. Linda E. Green '86 Mr. & Mrs. Phil J. Curley David Curtis Smith & Associates, PLLC Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Treadwell Davison Mr. & Mrs. William R. Deerhake Mr. Darren L. DeLoach '83 & Ms. Jeanne E. Stockert-DeLoach '84 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Demilio Desai Investments, Quality Suites Mr. & Mrs. Ulkesh S. Desai Mr. & Mrs. Sanjeev P. Deshmukh Mr. & Mrs. Terry B. Dowless Dr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Dwyer Dr. Jason W. Edsall '93

Mr. W. J. Farrell & Dr. Margaret K. Farrell Ms. Rebecca J. Filbey '93 Mr. Andrew J. Filipowski Filipowski Foundation Financial Symmetry, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jamie M. Fish Mr. Jeffry R. Foeller '86 & Dr. Elaine S. Cabinum-Foeller '86 Dr. Amy B. Fowler '86 Dr. William R. Fox '83 Fragrance Outlet Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Franson Mr. & Mrs. Courtney M. Gee Dr. Gary Greenberg & Dr. Marcia Gottfried Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Greene Mr. & Mrs. James E. Grizzle Mr. Joseph T. Grunkemeyer '86 & Mrs. Tamara L. Grunkemeyer '86

Drs. David & Pamela Jones Drs. Joseph & Cynthia Keefer Mr. R. David Kemper '83 & Mrs. Angela Chiles Kemper '83 Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Kennedy Mrs. Laura Keohane '84 Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Keough Mr. Wouter Ketel & Mrs. Kathleen J. Day-Ketel Ms. Hih Song Kim '83 Mr. & Mrs. Ho Jung Kim Dr. C. Ryan Kinlaw, '86 Mr. & Mrs. Sidney C. Kitchen Mr. Gene Y. Ko '90 Mr. John E. Konanc '86 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kornahrens Mr. & Mrs. Pete J. Laboy Mr. & Mrs. Charlie A. Lambert Dr. William W. Lawrence, Jr. '85

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gutekunst Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Haus Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hebert Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Hill Dr. Chandra Y. Hollier '86 Ms. Gaye Holmes '83 Mr. Shawn M. Hopkins '86 Ms. Donna S. Howell Ms. Karen S. Hoyt Mr. Al W. Huffman III Mr. William C. Hulette & Dr. Christine M. Hulette Mr. David M. Hunkins '85 Mr. & Mrs. John T. lannotte Ideal Cleaners Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Ilardo Mr. & Mrs. Gopal Indurkhya Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance Durham & Vicinity Mr. Gautam Jagannathan '90 Mr. Anthony P. Jones '86

Dr. Helen R. LeGette Mrs. Mary J. Leonardi '86 Mr. Xiangqing Liu & Mrs. Ting Huang Mr. & Mrs. Claude P. Lockerman Dr. Kevin A. Lutz, '84 Mr. Thomas D. Macintosh Mrs. Melissa M. Moloney '86 Mr. & Mrs. D. Camp Marks Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Martin Mr. Michael J. Martine '87 & Mrs. Emily F. Martine '88 Dr. Glenn G. McCall '94 &Mrs. Emilia C. McCall '94 Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank McNair Mr. Peter Menachem '00 Dr. & Mrs. Khalid A. Mian Mr. Nathanael R. Miranda '83 Morgan Dodge Jeep Mrs. Kay Morgan Mr. & Mrs. A. Fredrick Morton, Jr.

T SSM NCSSM .undation

Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Morton Drs. Joseph & Petra Nutz Ms. Catherine Etheridge Otto '93 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Outten Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Pike Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Powers Mr. & Mrs. William T. Puckett Dr. Qiudeng Que & Mrs. Xiaoku Jiang Mr. William A. Ramsay '84 Dr. Cynthia P. Romine & Mr. Terry L. Romine Mr. & Mrs. Jorg A. Ronke Mr. John H. Rowley & Dr. Min Ye Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Sandlin Dr. Noah M. Seymore III Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Riyaz A. Shemna Dr. Nicholas B. Sliz, Jr. '86 Mr. David C. Smith '86 Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Smith Mr. Mark E. Snesrud '87 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Somervell Mr. Troy A. Steed & Mrs. Cheryl G. Steed '84 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Steel Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Steinman Mr. Bryan D. Stensvad '88 Ms. Marci J. Studley '95 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Styons Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sypniewski, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James C. Swofford Mr. Jeffrey R. Sykes '83 Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy X. Tang Mr. & Mrs. Sanjivan Tannu Mrs. Anja C. Thomas '88 Mr. Frank D. Todd '84 & Dr. Karen G. Todd '84 Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Trudeau Mr. Nathaniel C. Vause Dr. & Mrs. J. W. Vildibill Ms. Lynne-Corinne L. Volkwijn '83 Dr. Grantham D. Warren '91 Dr. Howard R. Weeks '89 Mr. & Mrs. Reich L. Welborn Ms. Kerry G. Welsh '94 Mr. C. Keith Wheeler '86 Mr. & Mrs. Victor B. Whitlock Dr. Saralyn Reid Williams '82 Mr. D. Mark Williford '90 Mr. 8K Mrs. John K. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. Wingo Mrs. Jerrilyn Woodard-Entrekin '86 Dr. Ping Zhang & Mrs. Ning Ding

Chancellor's Society (Five consecutive years of giving) Dr. Sally Adkin Ms. Karen D. Angell '82 Ms. lenaas H. Baagil '88 Dr. & Mrs. Rajaram B. Baliga Dr. Joan Barber Mr. Mark E. Beasley '83 & Mr. David W. Thomas '83 Drs. Danilo & Imelda Bernardo, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Dushyant N. Bhatt Mr. & Mrs. Woodberry Bowen Mr. Larry D. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Brown Mr. & Mrs. William B. Buckner Mr. Geoffrey P. Burgess '86 & Mrs. Kristin L. Breuss Mr. John Burness & Ms. Anne Williams Mr. Wayne F. Carriker '84 Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Chanin Mr. David C. Clapp

Mr. Bryan Deaton '97 Mr. & Mrs. William S. Dorsett Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Dreyer Ms. Dana R. Drum '83 Dr. Katherine L. Dunleavy '88 Ms. Marcia D. Edwards '86 Dr. Jason W. Edsall '93 Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Elliott Dr. Shauna T. Farmer '82 Mr. & Mrs. William D. Ferguson Ms. Rebecca J. Filbey '93

Mr. Thomas H. Clayton Mr. Stephen N. Cole '85 Mrs. Amy C. Cooter '86 Ms. Elizabeth K. Copple '87 Mr. Daniel P. Cory '89 Mr. Derrick M. Craig '86 Mr. C. Kevin Cromwell Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cummings Major Wendy P. Daknis '86 Mr. Joseph H. Davis '87

Dr. & Mrs. Donald Frey Ms. Julie I. Gatton '88 Mr. Thomas N. Ginter '84 Mr. David G. Gray '84 Dr. Gary Greenberg & Dr. Marcia Gottfried Dr. Joshua L. Hardison '90 Ms. Darlene Haught Mrs. Dawn M. Hemminger '88 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon B. Herbert

2006-2007 ual Report

Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Hertz Mrs. Anita J. Hilliard '87 Mr. Al W. Huffman III Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. Indermaur Mr. & Mrs. A. Bradley Ives '82 Dr. & Mrs. Colin D. Jones Dr. & Mrs. Ulf Karlsson Ms. Hih Song Kim '83 Mr. John E. Konanc '86 Mr. Henry D. Kuo '82 & Mrs. Irene R. Kuo '82 Ms. Lydia C. Kwee '90 Ms. Dana Borden Lacy '90 Dr. William W. Lawrence, Jr. '85 Mr. & Mrs. J. Joel Lea Dr. & Mrs. John G. Leach Dr. Helen R. LeGette Dr. Lawrence Liao '88 Mr. Michael R. Marcelais '92 Ms. Melanie A. Mann '84 Mr. John A. Mathew '91 Mrs. Haila R. Maze '90 Mr. & Mrs. James W. McCauley Mrs. Anita A. McCoy Ms. Antonia D. McGowan Mrs. Karen B. McLaughlin '83 Mrs. Sharon B. Metzger '85 Mr. Robert E. Milbourne II Dr. Janice E. Miller '83 Dr. Jacqueline Heder Mims '83 Drs. G. Radford & Wendy Moeller Ms. Alison E. Monahan '93 Mr. Alexander Morcos '93 Mrs. Nancy E. Mukundan '85 Ms. Jeanine K. Murphy '86 Mr. Allen D. Nuttle '84 Dr. Nicklas B. E. Oldenburg '85 & Mr. Paul D. Carter Mr. Mark D. Ollis '88 Mr. Daniel R. Page & Ms. Elizabeth G. Page '82 Ms. Jamie C. Pate '82 Dr. and Mrs. Elmor L. Peterson Mr. Harry P. Phillips & Ms. Kathleen A. McGraw Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Pickett Mrs. JoAnn K. Pizer-Fox Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey A. Planer Mr. Nicholas B. Remmes '93 & Mrs. Kate Remmes Dr. & Mrs. J. Michael Reidy Mrs. Christy G. Reinhard '87 Mr. Charles L. Revelle III & Dr. Bonnie C. Revelle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Rhoden Mrs. Karen S. Rittenhouse Mr. Gene C. Rivera '90 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Roesle, Jr. Mr. Matthew Roesle '97 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Rogers Mrs. Jennifer E. Ross Dr. Andy Rothschild & Dr. Barbra P. Bluestone '86 Ms. Beverly Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Ruddock Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Sandlin

Dr. & Mrs. Hemant N. Sheth Mr. & Mrs. Carl O. Smith, Jr. Ms. Darcie P. Smith '93 Mr. Moreland T. Smith '88 Mr. W. James Stackhouse & Ms. Joyce A. Keller Mr. Douglas R. Steen '86 Mr. Ken Steen Dr. Craig H. Steffee '84 Mr. Bryan D. Stensvad '88 Mr. & Mrs. Larry H. Stone Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Taranto Mrs. Therese Taxis Dr. Joshua B. Tew '86 Mrs. Anja C. Thomas '88 Ms. D. Carr Thompson Ms. Catherine E. Troelstra '87 & Mr. Trevor M. Grady '88 Mr. Robert W. Upchurch Mr. Simon Verghese '83 Mr. & Mrs. Hunter W. Wagstaff Dr. Stephen J. Warshaw Mr. & Mrs. H. Raymond Weeks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Reich L. Welborn Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Werner Dr. Virginia S. Wilson Dr. Saralyn Reid Williams '82 Mr. D. Mark Williford '90 Drs. Kenneth & Joanne Wilson Mr. T. Brock Winslow '86 & Dr. Bristol Winslow Ms. Eileen Witt Ms. Caroline C. Wong '02

Loyalty Society Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Noel P. Cozon Drs. Jeff and Melinda Michelson Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Mitchell II Mr. and Mrs. R. Reynolds Neely, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Queen Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Reidy Mr. and Mrs. Sean C. Robey Mr. Louis M. Schlesinger

Blue & Silver Society (Estate Gifts) Mr. Scott A. Bales '84 Ms. Mary Pat Campbell '92 Mrs. Pamela M. Dunwell Mr. Richard G. Harrelson '87 Ms. Debra L. Pawl Mr. Ken Steen Mr. Erik W. Troan '91 Mr. Harold Tucker Dr. Stephen J. Warshaw Mr. Robert O. Winters '85

Memorial Gifts In memory of Mr. Anthony M. Bray '97 Mr. Lowell W. Richard & Family Transway Veneers, Inc.

In memory of Mr. John W. Brown Dr. Nakia C. Brown '92

In memory of Mrs. Ida Mae Bouchelle Combs Mr. Marty P. Combs '89

In memory of Mr. Peter T. Haughton '89 Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Beach Ms. Marlene E. Clay '89 Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Epstein Ms. Jeanne M. Game Ms. Kristina Haughton The Mario Family Foundation Mr. Shawn F. McCabe Mr. Thomas Morano Ms. Meredith Muncy Mr. Chris J. Riffer & Ms. Samina A. Aziz Mr. Carl A. Ryden '89 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sauter Ms. Ellen B. Shields Dr. Tina Burleson Stewart '89 Mr. David Suh & Mrs. Inhi Suh Mr. & Mrs. Michael Steinberg Ms. Vivian B. Young

In memory of Mr. Walter L. Moreadith '91 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Moreadith

In memory of Mr. Mark A. Wagoner '89 Ms. Marlene E. Clay '89 Dr. Howard R. Weeks '89

In memory of Ms. Hazel W. Wallace Mr. Thomas E. Meigs, Ph.D. '86

Gifts-in-Kind Dr. Richard Alston Ms. Debra L. Pawl

Business/Corporation/ Foundation Antioch Baptist Church AT&T Community Giving Program Bank of America Foundation Burroughs Wellcome Fund Burthey Service LLC Cisco Systems Foundation Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Community Baptist Church First Calvary Baptist Church Food Lion Charitable Foundation, Inc. Food Lion LLC Friendly North State Sertoma Club GlaxoSmithKline Harris Teeter, Inc. Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance Durham & Vicinity Lincoln Financial Group Lincoln Financial Group Foundation, Inc. Lowe's Charitable & Educational Foundation The Mario Family Foundation The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation The McGraw-Hill Companies Morehead Avenue Baptist Church Mt. Olive AME Zion Church National Society of Black Engineers RENCI RTA-NC Fund


NCSSM ndation

SAS Institute, Inc. Science Service, Inc. Siemens Foundation Students Fueling the Future, Inc. Transway Veneers, Inc. Triangle United Way The Wachovia Foundation, Inc. Walltown Children's Theatre

2007 Parents Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Abraham Dr. & Mrs. Iqbal Ahmed Dr. & Mrs. Ajay K. Ajmani Mr. & Mrs. Steve Alderman Mrs. Mary F. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Scott L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Angers Mr. Peter M. Anthony & Dr. Irena Beaumont Mr. 8K Mrs. Julian E. Arrington II Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Askren Mr. Austin U. Ayscue & Rev. Elizabeth M. Ayscue Mr. & Mrs. Venu G. Ayyagari Mr. & Mrs. Al B. Baker Ms. Judy W. Baker Mr. & Mrs. William H. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Anand V. Bhansali Ms. Georgia J. Blount Dr. Michael N. Boucher Ms. Frances E. Bradshaw Ms. Germaine N. Brewington, Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Brogdon Mrs. Anna B. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. George C. Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Bucher Mr. & Mrs. Randy J. Buie Mr. & Mrs. George M. Cagle Dr. Anna V. Campbell & Mr. Joseph K. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. William B. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell S. Canipe Ms. Julie A. Canty & Mr. Dennis W. Pettengill Mr. Timothy H. Canty Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Capobianco Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Carpenter Mr. Tae Yung Chung & Mrs. Youngihn Chung Lee Mrs. Norma Jean E. Clausen Ms. Ami D. Cooper Ms. Mary E. Corbett Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Courtright Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Aaron C. Croom Mr. & Mrs. Phil J. Curley Mr. Christopher N. Currier Dr. & Mrs. Martin B. Cutrone Mr. & Mrs. Gift F. Daughtridge Dr. & Mrs. Anzell M. Davis Mr. & Ms. Daniel C. Dektar Drs. Hiawatha & Karen Demby Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ulkesh S. Desai Mr. & Mrs. Sanjeev P. Deshmukh Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. Cardell K. Dixon

Mr. & Mrs. Terry B. Dowless Ms. Stephanie A. DuVall Dr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Dwyer Mr. Clyde R. Edwards Mr. Michael D. Evans & Ms. Yoshiko Takahashi Mr. & Mrs. James R. Finley Mr. & Mrs. Jamie M. Fish Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Fotsch Mr. E. Keith Fowler Mr. & Mrs. John W. Freeman, Jr. Dr. Gregory French & Ms. Katie B. French Rev. & Mrs. Mike D. Frese Mr. & Mrs. Todd R. Furr Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Gade Dr. Steven A. Garfinkel & Ms. Katherine O. Cole Ms. Dorenda F. Gatling Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gildner Ms. Karen L. Glass Dr. Thavolia Glymph & Dr. Charles M. Payne Mr. David M. Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Goodson Dr. Galina Y. Grechka Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Greene Dr. & Mrs. John H. Grose Dr. & Mrs. Steve S. Guo Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gutekunst Dr. Anthony C. Hackney & Rev. Grace G. Hackney Mr. & Mrs. Jason R. Hadrava Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hamden Mr. Douglas A. Harned 8K Dr. Diane S. Beckman Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Hartsook Mr. Adam M. Hasian Mr. & Mrs. Carlton L. Haskins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Hawkins Ms. Sandra G. Hayes Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hebert Mr. Douglas A. Hewitt Ms. Margaret A. Hewitt Mr. & Mrs. Darnell J. Hicks Mrs. Felicia L. Highsmith Dr. & Mrs. Mark R. Hill Dr. Ronald S. Hill & Ms. Kathy G. Hill Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Don W. Hinkle Mr. & Mrs. Shenq Ho Col. & Mrs. James M. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Horrocks II Ms. Donna S. Howell Dr. & Mrs. Gary W. Howell Mr. William C. Hulette & Dr. Christine M. Hulette Mr. & Mrs. John T. lannotte Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Icard Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Ilardo Mr. & Mrs. Gopal Indurkhya Mr. Yanshan Ji & Mrs. Yaxu Wu Dr. Chuancang Jiang & Ms. Haiyan Zhou Mr. & Mrs. Lome M. Johnson Mr. Tony L. Johnson 8K Dr. Martha P. Johnson

Ms. Elizabeth C. Johnston Mr. C. Tandy Jones & Ms. Alison Hill Drs. David & Pamela Jones Dr. & Mrs. Philip J. Karam Mr. & Mrs. Phani K. Karra Mr. Mark L. Keener Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Kennedy Ms. Barbara Kilby Dr. Sun Myong Kim & Mrs. Eun Hye Kwak Dr. & Mrs. Taehwan Kim Mr. Wayne M. Kimball & Dr. Georgette B. Kimball Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. King Mr. & Mrs. Pete J. Laboy Mr. & Mrs. Vanraj M. Lakhani Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Lavine Mr. & Mrs. Jai E. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lee Mr. David D. Lennon Ms. Shelia P. Leslie Mr. Robert H. Liles Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Little, Jr. Mr. Bin Liu & Mrs. Hong Qi Lu Dr. Eugene Liu & Mrs. Christine Du Mr. Xiangqing Liu & Mrs. Ting Huang Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Long Mr. Philip J. Lozier & Dr. M. Susan Lozier Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Luff Mr. Thomas D. Macintosh Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Mack Mr. & Mrs. D. Camp Marks Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey L. Martin Mr. 8K Mrs. Franklin D. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Martin Mrs. Janis S. Mayo Mr. & Mrs. Jay H. McCandless Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. McGraw Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Mead Dr. & Mrs. Khalid A. Mian Drs. Jeff & Melinda Michelson Mr. & Mrs. Sunilkumar R. Mody Drs. G. Radford and Wendy Moeller Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Moody Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. D. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Noble Mr. Kenneth B. Nobles Dr. & MrS- Emmanual U. Nzewi Mr. & Mrs. Oscar H. Officer Mr. & Mrs. Olajide A. Onikoyi Mr. & Mrs. John D. Outten Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Isaac B. Owolabi Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Parker Mr. & Mrs. William H. Parks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jayesh R. Patel Mr. & Mrs. John G. Pepin Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L. Perry Mr. & Mrs. James C. Perry Mr. James R. Powell Ms. Maureen P. Prendergast Mr. & Mrs. William T. Puckett Dr. Basil L. Pugh Dr. Kimberly B. Pugh Mr. & Mrs. Jesse T. Putnam Rev. & Mrs. Daniel E. Ramsey

2006-200' Annual Repor

Mr. & Mrs. Ray D. Raymer Dr. & Mrs. David S. Reid IV Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Reiner Dr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Reno Mr. Charles L. Revelle III & Dr. Bonnie C. Revelle Mr. & Mrs. Jason J. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Sean C. Robey Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Rogers Dr. Cynthia P. Romine & Mr. Terry L. Romine Mr. Ken J. Rose & Ms. Beth S. Silberman Mr. & Mrs. George J. Ross IV Dr. & Mrs. Michael Rubinstein SFC David C. Russ Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Sarnie III Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Scales Dr. Lyle F. Schoenfeldt & Ms. Wanda M. Hinshaw Mr. & Mrs. John F. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Schumaker Mr. & Mrs. Danny L. Scott Rev. & Mrs. Edward C. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery L. Scott

& Mrs. Jimmy R. Scott & Mrs. Cecil V. Sealy & Mrs. Larry W. Searls & Mrs. Willis E. Seward & Mrs. Walter D. Sexton Noah M. Seymore III

Dr. & Mrs. Mamun Shahrier Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Shannon

Mrs. Gary C. Shaver Mrs. James P. Shedlick Mrs. Mohammad S. Siddiqui

Mrs. Christine K. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Warren C. Singleton Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Smith Ms. PauletteSokolow Ms. Cynthia S. Stansell & Mr. Robin L. Stansell Ms. Carla F. Staton Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Steel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Stegall Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Steinman Mr. & Mrs. Larry H. Stone Ms. Gail L. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sypniewski, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy X. Tang Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Tarr Ms. Debbie H. Taylor Mr. Michael A. Telesca Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Tingen Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Tomasino Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Triplett Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Trudeau Mr. & Mrs. Gregory V. Ulirsch Ms. Gretchen Van De Carr Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Vestal Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Vick Ms. Cheryl D. Vincent Mr. Eric Waldbauer Dr. Xingwu Wang & Ms. LiLi Ding Mr. & Mrs. James J. Wasson Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Watkins Drs. Wuchang Wei & Lei Shi

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr.

Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Weissman Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Victor B. Whitlock Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Williams Mr. & Mrs. Alvin R. Winslow Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Yarbrough Mr. & Mrs. Luis M. Zapata Dr. Ping Zhang & Mrs. Ning Ding Mr. Joseph W. Zhou & Dr. Min Chen Revs. Gary & Rosalind Ziccardi

2008 Parents Dr. & Mrs. David S. Abernathy Ms. Carol Z. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Addison Mr. & Mrs. Abel T. Ajiboye Ms. Alisa R. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Joe S. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Carl V. Allen

Drs. Ram Mohan & Deepika Bongu Ms. Catherine A. Booker Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Brady Ms. Annie A. Bridges Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Brown, Sr. Mr. William H. Brown & Mrs. Mary J. Clark Ms. Carol L. Brown-Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Willie J. Bundy Dr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Burke Mr. & Mrs. John B. Cameron Dr. & Mrs. John S. Cave Mr. & Mrs. Xingyong H. Chao Mr. Jianmin Chen & Mrs. Zhenmei Xie Mr. Lisheng Chen & Mrs. Linping Wen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Z. Chodelski Mr. & Mrs. James Y. S. Choi Mr. 8, Mrs. Jong Chung Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Clark Revs. Frederick & Bonnie Clark

Mr. & Mrs. Ram V. Angara Dr. & Mrs. Mark L. Appier Ms. Sandra E. Applewhite Mr. & Mrs. Wally W. Armstrong Dr. & Mrs. Versi M. Aruwani Mr. & Mrs. John K. Avolis Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Badertscher Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Bahr Mr. & Mrs. Marvin C. Baker Mrs. Nancy A. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Baldwin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Revis K. Ball Mr. & Mrs. Bradley A. Barker Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. Barket Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Bellon Filho Mr. Thomas G. Bender & Mrs. Laura Dettman Mr. Richard W. Benton Ms. Heidi A. Berge Mr. & Mrs. L. Glenn Blake

Mr. Barry W. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Cline Dr. Debra W. Cole Dr. & Mrs. Roger D. Cole Ms. Sheila L. Collie Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Collins Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cook, Jr. Mr. Frank R. Cooper & Ms. Sandra L. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Cox Dr. & Mrs. James L. Crowgey, Jr. Ms. Kiem Dang Dr. &Mrs. Robert J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Treadwell Davison Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. De La Rosa Mr. & Mrs. William R. Deerhake Mr. & Mrs. Marbry J. Desormeaux Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dibble Mrs. Mildred P. Dixon


NCSSM jundation

Mr. & Mrs. Henry O. Edens V Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Eldridge Mr. William J. Everest & Ms. Donna E. Tomkinson Mr. & Mrs. Randall R. Facemyer Mr. Yongliang Fan & Mrs. Jinping Sun Mr. W. J. Farrell & Dr. Margaret K. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Fox

Mr. William J. Grizzle Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Gromlich Dr. Pu Gu & Mrs. Yafei Xu Mr. D. Bruce Guild & Ms. Linda Convissor Dr. & Mrs. Jungtai Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Jack N. Hall Mr. Leiya Han & Mrs. Xiaoli Yu Ms. Janice M. Hardy Drs. Perry & Patricia Harms

Mr. & Mrs. Ross S. Frick Drs. William & Ann Furr Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Gaby Dr. & Mrs. Roy P. Gallinger Mr. & Mrs. Bill T. Gardner Mr. John C. Garrison & Dr. Kim L. Larson Ms. Linda N. Garza Mrs. Mary A. Gaston Mr. & Mrs. Courtney M. Gee Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Gilbert Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Gitt Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Gregory

Mr. & Mrs. Willie B. Harrison Dr. & Mrs. David L. Harshman Mr. Omar R. Hassan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Haus Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Heckart Mr. Vince Hernandez & Ms. Marty C. Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Wen-Kai Ho Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Hoover Mr. David R. Huffman & Ms. Robin B. Huffman Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Hughes

Mr. & Mrs. Ted R. Humphrey Dr. & Mrs. Ali K. Husain Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Icenhour Mr. & Mrs. Yang T. Im Mr. & Mrs. Cleo M. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Won T. Jo Ms. Stephanie D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Jones, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jones Mr. & Mrs. James C. Jordan III Mr. Jin-Whan Jung & Ms. Jungeun Ahn Ms. Carolyn C. Kee Drs. Joseph & Cynthia Keefer Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Keough Mr. & Mrs. Dorlin C. Kerr Mr. Wouter Ketel & Mrs. Kathleen J. Day-Ketel Mr. & Mrs. Masood Khan Mrs. Kyung Sook Suh Kim Mr. & Mrs. Min J. Kim Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Kimmel Mr. & Mrs. Sidney C. Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin L. Knox, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David A. Koepnick Mr. Phillip E. Koloff Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kornahrens Ms. Ella T. Kugel Mr. & Mrs. Hadi K. Ladak Ms. Linda L. Lampron Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Lange Mr. & Mrs. Herbert M. Lea Mr. & Mrs. Kong Y. Lee Mr. Gangjun Lei & Mrs. Junping Wei Mr. Hongzhi Li & Dr. Lingjuan Wang Dr. Balian Li & Ms. An Hu Drs. Robert & Holly Lownes Mr. & Mrs. Floyd E. Mason Mr. Thomas M. McCann &Mrs. Denise G. Caballero-McCann Mr. & Mrs. Duane H. McCartney Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. McCord Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. McDonald Mr. Douglas B. Merrill & Ms. Lori M. Bernstein Dr. Jerry R. Miller & Mrs. Suzanne M. Orbock-Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Miller Drs. Hisham & Aisha Mohamed Ms. Wanda G. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Ye Mu Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Nakamoto Mr. & Mrs. James H. Nash, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kelly H. Nash, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Negbenebor Mr. Tung Nguy & Mrs. Hoa H. Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Koji Niimi Mr. & Mrs. John B. Norton, Jr. Drs. Joseph & Petra Nutz Dr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Nwankwo Ms. Donna P. Oakley Mr. & Mrs. Russell O. O'Ban-Mr. & Mrs. Satar A. Omitoogun Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Oster, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vikram S. Oza Mr. Daniel R. Page


2006-2007 Annual Report

& Ms. Elizabeth G. Page '82 Mr. Tain H. Pai & Mrs. Hui-Li Yang Ms. Bessie L. Paige Mr. Li Pan & Ms. Ming Zhou Dr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Patrone Mr. & Mrs. George E. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. George K. Peacock Mr. & Mrs. Anil B. Peres-da-Silva Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Pike Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Polochak Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Porter Ms. Donna L. Poveromo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Powers Mr. Edward Poyo Dr. Qiudeng Que & Mrs. Xiaoku Jiang Dr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Randolph Dr. & Mrs. Shiva K. Rao Dr. & Mrs. Palaniappan Ravindranathan Dr. Thomas S. Redding III & Ms. Sallie E. Redding Mr. & Mrs. John C. Riddle Mr. Cameron S. Rinker & Dr. Shelley H. Rinker Mr. & Mrs. Garvin A. Rivera Ms. Jane G. Robertson Mrs. Susan M. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. James A. Rogers Mr. 8K Mrs. Jorg A. Ronke Ms. Cindy G. Rossitch Mr. & Mrs. Guy D. Rouse, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Roux Mr. John H. Rowley & Dr. Min Ye Mr. & Mrs. Morgan J. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Scott N. Saine Mr. & Mrs. Glenn C. Sawyer Mr. 8K Mrs. David C. Scarvey Dr. & Mrs. Gary S. Schenk Mr. Louis M. Schlesinger Ms. Paula S. Schlesinger Ms. Karen B. Seawell Mr. & Mrs. James H. Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Riyaz A. Shemna Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Sime Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Simpson, Sr. Ms. Melissa M. Solomon & Ms. Jane C. Guidry Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Somervell Mr. Troy A. Steed & Mrs. Cheryl G. Steed '84 Mr. & Mrs. James Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Stoy Mr. & Mrs. William R. Styons Dr. & Mrs. Chao H. Sun Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. James C. Swofford Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Tollman Mr. & Mrs. Sanjivan Tannu Mr. Xinglin Teng & Mrs. Aijun Xiu Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. John C. Tinker Mr. & Mrs. Allan J. Tortorice Mr. 8K Mrs. Robert A. Troxler Mr. & Mrs. Danny T. Tsao Mr. & Mrs. Benny C. Varney, Jr.

Mr. Reginald N. Wade Mrs. Terri D. Wade Mr. Kai Wang & Mrs. Yaqing Miao Drs. Eric Wang & Jennifer Wu Dr. Yong Wang & Ms. Hong Li Mr. & Mrs. Cary Ware Mr. John Wasylyk & Mrs. Dyan A. Derkacs-Wasylyk Ms. Lorna A. Watkins Mr. Mark S. West Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Whaley Mr. & Mrs. David L. White Mr. Donald W. White Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Wice Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Wikrent Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Williamson Mr. & Mrs. John K. Willis Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Wright Dr. Zhigang Xu & Ms. Xuebing Wei Mr. Kang Xue & Mrs. Xiaoqiu Gao Dr. Guochen Yang & Mrs. Liwen Han Drs. Xiaozhou Yao & Zhiqing Huang Mr. & Mrs. Wendell S. Young, Jr. Mr. Guoyi Y. Zhang & Mrs. Hui Chang Zhang Mr. Bin Zhou & Mrs. Fang Mu Mr. Ruperto B. Zolayvar & Ms. Laura K. Watson

Alumni Parents Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Adams Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ahearn Mr. & Mrs. Suarawu Amuda Dr. Athanasius Anagnostou & Dr. Linda Pololi Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Applegate Dr. & Mrs. Rajaram B. Baliga Mr. & Mrs. E. Douglas Barefoot Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Bartlett Mr. James S. Beall Drs. Danilo & Imelda Bernardo, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bethune PhD Mr. & Mrs. C. Randall Bettini Mr. & Mrs. Dushyant N. Bhatt Dr. & Mrs. Bibhuti B. Bhattacharyya Dr. & Mrs. Oscar M. Blackwell III Mrs. Lorna Bolkey Ms. Karen G. Bottjen Plaster Mr. & Mrs. Woodberry Bowen Mr. & Mrs. A. Michael Bray Dr. Gary A. Briggs Mr. Clifford R. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Brown Mr. & Mrs. William B. Buckner Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Burgess Mr. John Burness & Ms. Anne Williams Rev. & Mrs. John D. Butson Mr. Ronald O. Cardwell Mr. & Mrs. William Carr Mr. & Mrs. William P. Cary Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Chanin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Chappell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Saul E. Chase

Mr. & Mrs. Tai-Sheng Chen Mr. & Mrs. Vincent W. Chen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O. Coggins Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Noel P. Cozon Mr. & Mrs. Calvin C. Crawford Dr. Luis A. Crouch & Ms. Kirsten R. Olson Dr. & Mrs. Frank D. Crowl Mr. & Mrs. Alfred C. Culler Mr. & Mrs. Dana L. Dahlgren Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Luther A. Dennis Mr. & Mrs. William S. Dorsett Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Dreyer Mr. & Mrs. James R. Duff Ms. Karen H. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. James B. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Elliott Dr. Stephen C. Engelke & Dr. Martha K. Engelke Ms. Virginia S. Farmer Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Felts Mr* & Mrs. William D. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Lee K. Finklea Mr. E. Keith Fowler Dr. & Mrs. Donald Frey Mr. Les R. Frye & Dr. Jennifer A. McMillan Dr. David R. Fulp Ms. Linda N. Garza Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Gillow Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Goff Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Golladay Dr. Gary Greenberg & Dr. Marcia Gottfried Dr. & Mrs. David D. Grove Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Gull Drs. J.D. & G.K. Gupta Dr. & Mrs. Carroll F. Haines, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Gene Harris Mrs. Ruth H. Harris Mr. James P. Hart, Jr. & Mrs. Mary H. Hart Ms. Kristina Haughton Mr. & Mrs. J. Matthew Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Gordon B. Herbert Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Hertz Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hise, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George Holzwarth Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Homiller Mr. & Mrs. Hoon Hong Dr. & Mrs. David D. Hurd Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. Indermaur Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Ingle Mr. & Mrs. Howard V. Irvin Mr. William M. Ives Dr. & Mrs. Charles S. Jackson Dr. Peggy A. Johnston Dr. & Mrs. Colin D. Jones Dr. & Mrs. John R. Jones Mr. Karl Kachergis & Mrs. Marjorie Fowler Dr. Velislava K. Karaivanova-Lalova Dr. & Mrs. Ulf Karlsson Mr. & Mrs. Ho Jung Kim Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Kiser

NCSSM xjndation

Mr. & Mrs. Clement Kleinstreuer Mr. & Mrs. Eugene S. Knight, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David P. Kraines Dr. & Mrs. Stephen I. Kramer Dr. & Mrs. William E. Lassiter Mr. William T. & Dr. Pax M. Lattimore Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Lavarnway Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Lowing, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Joel Lea Dr. & Mrs. John G. Leach Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Lin Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lin Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Link Mr. & Mrs. Claude P. Lockerman Mr. John Logsdon & Ms. Doris Maxted Mr. & Mrs. James P. Long Drs. James & Janet MacFall Mr. Earle V. Manhertz & Dr. Maxine L. Murray Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Mann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Mann Ms. Mary Carol W. Mason Mr. 8K Mrs. Luther R. Massengill Mr. & Mrs. Duane J. Mattheis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mattingly Drs. Seymour & Josephine Mauskopf Mr. & Mrs. James S. McCallie Mr. & Mrs. James W. McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Earnest McCluney Mrs. Anita A. McCoy Ms. Antonia D. McGowan Ms. Alice F. Merrell Mr. Michael R. Merrell Ms. Cherry S. Meyers Mr. Robert E. Milbourne II Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Mitchell II Mr. William G. Mitchell & Ms. Dilys M. Bowman Mr. & Mrs. David C. Moreadith Mr. & Mrs. A. Fredrick Morton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Burt M. Myers Mr. & Mrs. R. Reynolds Neely, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Newman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. David C. Oates Mr. & Mrs. Gary Oppenheimer Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Paur Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pelc Mr. Carlton L. Pendley & Ms. Catherine Reddick Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Perryman Mr. 8K Mrs. Stuart G. Peters Dr. & Mrs. Elmor L. Peterson Mr. Harry P. Phillips & Ms. Kathleen A. McGraw Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Pickett Mrs. JoAnn K. Pizer-Fox Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey A. Planer Mr. Timothy Pluta Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Proctor Col. & Mrs. Geoffrey W. Rake, Jr. Mr. David J. & Dr. Nancy H. Randall Mr. & Mrs. Walker H. Rayburn Dr. & Mrs. J. Michael Reidy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Rhoden

Mr. & Mrs. Danny S. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Riddle Mrs. Karen S. Rittenhouse Ms. Janet L. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Roesle, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Roscoe Mrs. Jennifer E. Ross Drs. Hardin & Karen Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Ruddock Mr. & Mrs. George Sawyer Mr. John Scarry & Dr. C. Margaret Scarry Mr. & Mrs. George H. Schissler Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Schlieper Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Scott, Jr. Ms. Jane F. Seeger Drs. Phiroze & Manjiri Sethna Mr. & Mrs. David N. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. John D. Shearin Dr. & Mrs. Hemant N. Sheth Dr. 8K Mrs. Walter D. Shields Drs. Gerald & Mary Sibrack Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Sledge, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. F. Mark Small Mr. & Mrs. Carl O. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Smith III Mr. W. James Stackhouse & MS. Joyce A. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Stafford Mr. & Mrs. William K. Stairs Dr. & Mrs. John S. Stewart Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Stone III Dr. & Mrs. Woodhall Stopford Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan Mr. Robert H. Sweetser & Mrs. Jenny E. Mercer Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Taranto Mr. & Mrs. Harold V. Tarleton Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Thompson, Jr. Mrs. Janis Kercher Tingle Ms. Carolyn R. Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Travis Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Troan Mr. & Mrs. William T. Tyson, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Michael Tytell Mr. Robert W. Upchurch Mrs. Janice H. Vamer Mr. & Mrs. Jackie B. Vick Mr. & Mrs. Ron Vilas Mr. & Mrs. Alvear Voces Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Hunter W. Wagstaff Mr. & Mrs. George C. Waldrep, Jr. Dr. Elliott B. Walsh & Ms. Ann M. Beardsley Mr. & Mrs. Garland Waters Mr. & Mrs. Winston O. Watson Mr. & Mrs. H. Raymond Weeks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Wells Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Werner Mrs. Mary P. Williams Drs. Kenneth & Joanne Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. Wingo Mr. & Mrs. James H. Wojciak Dr. & Mrs. Royce S. Woosley Dr. & Mrs. Nagarjuna Yerra

Friends Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams Ms. Rosie Adams Mr. & Mrs. Carroll G. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Allen Ms. Nell Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Beach Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Beaudry Mr. Larry Bizga Mr. James G. Booker Mrs. Jean Bowen Dr. Dale C. Buchanan & Ms. Catherine L. Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bunzel Mrs. Sara D. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Herman E. Burt Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Caddell Ms. Claudia Caster Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Caulkins Dr. 8K Mrs. Albert Clark Mrs. Ella J. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Keylon Clarke Dr. & Mrs. Donald F. Clemens Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Cloninger Ms. Betty F. Cooper Ms. Betty J. Cooper Mr. 8K Mrs. Donald J. Cotter Mr. Brooks Crabtree Ms. Erma Craft Mr. & Mrs. John C. Craver Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Dektar Mr. 8K Mrs. George Derkacs Ms. Marion Desormeaux Mr. & Mrs. Krishna V. Dhullipalla Mr. & Mrs. Don Duncan Mr. Marc Edwards Mr. John M. Ehle & Ms. Rosemary Harris Mr. 8K Mrs. Charles R. Eilber Mrs. Virginia W. Ellenfield Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Epstein Ms. Brenda S. Evans Mr. & Mrs. William E. Evans Mr. & Mrs. David Flanagan Mrs. Marie P. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Franson Ms. Nellie Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Joe Freiberg Mr. 8K Mrs. Stephen V. Frye Mr. & Mrs. Ted Furr Mr. & Mrs. William B. Furr Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Gallinger Ms. Jeanne M. Game Mr. Leon Goldston Mr. James D. Gray Mr. & Mrs. James E. Grizzle Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Gromlich Dr. Hope M. Gruber & Mr. Richard T. Shannin Mr. & Mrs. Don Hall Mr. & Mrs. Stan Harper Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hart Mr. Ken Heckart Ms. Millicent L. Hester


2006-200'/ Annual Report

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Holmes Ms. Kathryn Home Mr. & Mrs. Bill Huffman Mr. Ron Hult Mr. & Mrs. T. R. Humphrey, Jr. Mr. Werter H. Hurt, Jr. Ms. Helen D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Herschel B. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Preston L. Kight Mr. & Mrs. Fred King Mr. & Mrs. David Koontz Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Kramish Ms. Janice Ku Mr. & Mrs. Nic Labas Ms. Kimberly D. Leach Dr. Helen R. LeGette Mr. Joseph V. Libera Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Marshall Mr. Shawn F. McCabe Mrs. John F. McNair III Mr. & Mrs. Adolphe Molin Dr. & Mrs. Larry K. Monteith Mr. Thomas Morano Mr. & Mrs. Dan Morgan Ms. Meredith Muncy Mr. & Mrs. Frank Myers Mr. UdaukS. Ndoh Ms. Jean Newell Mr. Erik A. Nicholaysen Mr. 8K Mrs. John C. Page Mr. Sunil Patel Mr. Salvatore Patrone Mr. & Mrs. Willie Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Erwin H. Plumer Mr. John R. Poe Mr. & Mrs. David S. Reid III Mr. Rawn H. Reinhard Ms. Brenda Riddle Mr. Chris J. Riffer & Ms. Samina A. Aziz Mrs. Margaret Rodecker Mr. & Mrs. Ryan M. Rohm Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rose Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Sandlin Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sauter Ms. Elizabeth Savich Mr. & Mrs. John Schmidt Ms. Ellen B. Shields Mr. & Mrs. Robert Skiver Mr. Emmad Soltan Mrs. Pauline V. Steele Mr. Ken Steen Mrs. Hope Steinman Mr. & Mrs. Philip Strompf Mr. David Suh & Mrs. Inhi Suh Dr. Braughn Taylor Mr. Chrys D. Vildibill Dr. & Mrs. J. W. Vildibill Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Vizdos Mr. Henry Vogel Mr. & Mrs. Edwin T. Wagner Ms. Margaret C. Wampler Mr. & Mrs. Cary Ware Mr. Patrick Waters Mr. & Mrs. Michael Steinberg

Rev. & Mrs. James S. Whitaker Mr. Jim Wood Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Woodall Ms. Vivian B. Young

Foundation Board Members Ms. Staci E. Barfield '83 Dr. Barbra Bluestone Rothschild '86 Dr. Gerald Boarman Mr. Judson Bowman '99 Mr. William P. Cary Mr. Manoj George Ms. Nancy Kalow Mr. Henry D. Kuo '82 Mr. Michael J. Martine '87 Mrs. Alisa McDonald Mr. Randy Myer Mr. Greg Owen Ms. Elizabeth G. Page '82 Mr. George J. Ross IV Ms. Melinda S. Schwartz Mr. J. Harold Smith Mr. David J. Spitz Mr. Ken Steen Mr. Bryan D. Stensvad '88 Dr. Charles F. Stone III Ms. D. Carr Thompson Ms. Alexis Vaughn Mrs. Katie Wagstaff Mr. Richard J. Williams Mr. T. Brock Winslow '86

Board of Trustees Mr. Larry D. Brock Mr. William P. Cary Ms. Margaret Ellis Mr. Andrew J. Filipowski Ms. Shirley T. Frye Mr. Alan S. Hicks Mr. Al W. Huffman III Mr. A. Bradley Ives '82 Mr. William M. Ives

Ms. Hih Song Kim '83 Dr. Larry K. Monteith Mrs. Kay Morgan Mr. A. Fredrick Morton, Jr. Mr. Larry A. Nielsen Mr. Michael P. Pickett Mr. David C. Smith '86 Ms. D. Carr Thompson Mr. Spencer Thompson Mr. Reich L. Welbom Mr. John D. Wink III

Staff/Faculty Dr. Sally Adkin Dr. Richard Alston Ms. Leslie N. Arrington Dr. Joan Barber Dr. Gerald Boarman Ms. Germaine N. Brewington, CPA Ms. Leslie Brinson Ms. Willyetta Brown-Mitchell Mr. Thomas H. Clayton Mr. C. Kevin Cromwell Ms. Lauren E. Everhart Mrs. Diane Futrelle Ms. Darlene Haught Mr. Scott D. Laird Mr. Jamie L. Lathan Mr. Edward E. McBride Mrs. Anita A. McCoy Dr. J. Michael Reidy Mr. Craig Rowe Mrs. Therese Taxis Dr. Cecile T. Tougas Mr. Harold Tucker Ms. Allison C. van den Berg '95 Mrs. Katie Wagstaff Dr. Stephen J. Warshaw Dr. Virginia S. Wilson Mr. T. Brock Winslow '86 Ms. Eileen Witt Mr. John Woodmansee

NCSSM indation

Odyssey Campaign Highlights

• Private gifts have c rea ted 16 new endowments, including eight named endowments established from alumni gifts

• All alumni gifts during the 2006-2007 campa ign tota led $1,487,015 as of July 1,2007

Private dollars pa id for the construction of NCSSM's new soccer field, which was comp le ted in fall 2007

Since 2002, programmat ic support has exceeded $3.36 million for professional deve lopment programs, student enr ichment programs, and statewide science and math initiatives

2006-2007 Foundation Board Members

Ms. Staci Barfield '83 Dr. Barbra Bluestone Rothschild '86

Mr. Judson Bowman '99 Mr. William P.H. Cary

Mrs. Elizabeth F. Cross Bridges '88 Mr. Manoj George

Mr. Kenneth D. Gibbs Ms. Nancy Kalow Mr. Henry Kuo '82 Mr. Howard Lee

Mr. Michael Martine '87 Mrs. Alisa McDonald

Mr. Randy Myer Mr. Gregory W. Owen

Mr. Michael Ritter Mr. Todd A. Rodeniser

Ms. Beverly L. Rubin Ms. Melinda S. Schwartz

Mr. J. Harold Smith Mr. David J. Spitz

Mr. Ken Steen Mr. Bryan D. Stensvad '88

Dr. Charles F. Stone III Ms. Carr Thompson Ms. Alexis Vaughn

Ms. Katie T. Wagstaff Mr. T. Brock Winslow '86

T. Brock Winslow '86 Vice Chancellor for Development

Katie Wagstaff Executive Director,


Lauren Everhart Director of


Alumni/Development Staff

Therese Taxis Director of Annual Giving

and Alumni Programs

Aaron Plourde Assistant Director

of Communications

Cindy Crabtree Executive Assistant

and Young Alumni Coordinator

Brian Faircloth Grant Writer/


Leslie Arrington Database Manager

Roseyone Shepherd Accounting Technician

Specific questions regarding giving opportunities to the NCSSM Foundation can be directed to 919.416.2865.

Thank you for your continuing support of and belief in the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Foundation.

Online giving: www.ncssmalumni.com/onlinegiving

Your gift makes a difference.


KCSSM F o o t b a l l : •UNDEFEATED *

s i n c e 1 9 8 0

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J o i n t h e t e a m a t : w w w . n c s s m a l u m n i . c o m / t o u c h d o w n c l u b


I 2008


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Feature: Jamie Lathan

the faith NCSSM instructor receives volunteer award for work with at-risk kids


Jamie Lathan, a history instructor at NCSSM, is the kind of guy who would help an elderly woman carry her

groceries to her car without the slightest hesitation. He's the kind of guy who, when he sees an opportunity to help others, seizes it. For that reason, and many more, Lathan's church pastor nominated him last year for the President's Volunteer Service Award. And if you've ever met Lathan, it's no surprise that he won.

Lathan mentors at-risk young men at the Teen Leadership Club (TLC) in Durham's Cornwallis community, a program he helped establish through his church, King's Park International. For his efforts and dedication, his pastor nominated him for the prestigious service award when he learned President Bush was coming to the area.

So, at the behest of his pastor, Lathan wrote up a brief summary of what he does

at TLC, sent it off and practically forgot all about it.That is, until in between classes in late February last year when he received a call from the White House saying that he had won the volunteer award and was going to meet President Bush.

"I was speechless for awhile," Lathan recalled. Although he shared the good news with his mom and dad, he thought it best if he kept it to himself for a little while.When he walked into class after receiving the phone call, he apologized for being late and started his lesson.

After getting the good news that morning, Lathan's schedule was full of media interviews and conversations with family and friends. He was still shocked by all the attention and, as is his character, he didn't give himself praise for his work. Rather, he thanked God and his parents.

"There are so many people who deserve this award as much, if not more, than me," he said."I wouldn't have won this award

Jamie Lathan takes some time to play during his time at the Teen Leadership Club in Durham's Cornwallis neighborhood, where he has been mentoring young men for the past five years.


Winterl Spring 2008

if it weren't for the people who have given me so much throughout my life, especially my parents."

He's the first to admit that mentoring isn't easy — that he could do a million other things with his free time. But after growing up with parents who dedicated their lives to helping others, he feels he too needs to give back.

Lathan can remember as a young boy watching his father teach a grown man to read. He can remember his mother helping an elderly couple when she saw them pushing a cart full of laundry. She picked them up and took them home and continues to be friends with the couple to this day.

"I'm just privileged to be their son," he said.

When he finally got to meet the president on the tarmac at Raleigh-Durham International Airport, the two shook hands and paused for some photos.

After President Bush gave Lathan the volunteer award, he leaned over to Lathan and said,"We are the country we are because of people like you."

Lathan in turn thanked him and said that there are many other people who deserve this award, namely people like his parents.

Reflecting on his award and having the chance to meet the president, he said it was probably the greatest honor of his life. And then he was quick to point out that he hasn't lived his life for honors."lf you work hard, sometimes they just come along."

Lathan continues to mentor young men at TLC about the importance of education and leadership; he leads them in Bible studies and takes them to cultural events in the Triangle.

Some days, he admits, are difficult. Some days it doesn't seem to him that he's making any difference. But his faith motivates him to keep trying.

"The biggest effect I have is just being there for the kids. I think that means something to them. When I have a hard day I think/love wears people down and I'll be back again next week.'"

Lathan is a graduate of the South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics and a two-time graduate of the University of Virginia, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education. He was also awarded the Marshall Memorial Fellowship in December 2007, an honor given to the next generation of American and European leaders. As part of the fellowship, Lathan will travel to Europe for 23 days to discuss domestic and international issues. •

NCSSM. .umni . ssociation

Board 2006-2007

Michael Martine '87, President

Brian Mahoney '90, Vice-President

Douglas Massengill '06, Secretary

Darcie Smith '93,Treasurer

Gabriella Allen '96

Colin Law'86

Emily Martine '88

Kelley Mills '96

Eugene Murray '82

Peter Weld '96

save the date

ALUMNI WEEKEND October 10-12,2008


the Classes of '83, '88, '93,'98 and'03

www.ncssmalumni.com 1

AlumnicD Weekend9

"Seeing my fourth Bryan hall mates was, without a doubt, the highlight

of my reunion experience! It was absolutely amazing how we could

pick up right where we left off, as if we had just seen each other five

minutes before. Even my roommate could still finish my sentences ten

years later.... Only a place as special as NCSSM could ever bring about these kinds of connections."

Kimberly Logan '97


a look at how NCSSM has changed

through the years of the ALUMNI WEEKEND 2007 reunion classes

History by the year

1982 The Vietnam War

Memorial in Washington, D.C, opens for the public

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is used for the first time in Great Britain

A rally against the nuclear arms race brings 800,000 demonstrators into New York's

Central Park on June 12 demanding a nuclear freeze that would bring a moratorium on

atomic weapons development

Soviet Party Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev announces plans for a new direction in

economic policy

Oliver North testifies before a congressional committee in July that his secret operations of selling arms to Iran

and using the proceeds to arm Contra forces had approval from higher-ups

Alan Greenspan is confirmed as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board

Top Single





Olivia Newton-John, "Physical"

Bangles, "Walk Like an Egyptian"

Boyz II Men, "End of the Road"

Elton John, "Candle in the Wind"

Nickelback, "How You Remind Me"

Top Grossing Movie






"E.T." ^ M M f i

"Three Men and a Baby" ^ |

"Aladdin" : ^ T



Favorite Spot on Ninth Street







Rossin's Ice Cream

Ninth Street Bakery

Bruegger's Bagels '3 ML

Cosmic Cantina








Prices (per gallon)



$1.17 i

i $1.46 |

$1.43 J



nice n eo/y I ' • * W SHOPWS K

Technology by the year






Commercial e-mail begins

Prozac introduced

First audio multi-cast on the Internet

Toyota Prius introduced in Japan

Roomba robotic vacuum hits markets

Super Bowl champs






San Francisco 49ers r R*

New York Giants '$^m^9tmJHpf

Washington Redskins ^^^J^ \H . . •**.]

Green Bay Packers

New England Patriots

Top Selling Car






Ford Escort

Ford Taurus ^Jtt"

% BBfc**-

— ^_ nor iua Mtcuru «aa sr. - « n *

Toyota Camry

Honda Accord

History by the year

1992 Ruby Ridge, Idaho, makes headlines after a federal marshal shoots the pet Labrador retriever of local resident Samuel Weaver

Serbian forces in Bosnia open concentration camps and impose "ethnic cleansing" to rid the country of Muslims and other opponents

Mall of America opens with more than 400 stores in Bloomington, Minn., after seven years and $500 million of construction, becoming the largest mall in the world

Hong Kong reverts to China after 156 years of British rule

TimothyJ. McVeigh is found guilty, sentenced to death for Oklahoma City bombing

Microsoft's Bill Gates announces that his company will make a $ 150 million investment to help insure the survival of Apple Computer, which has been struggling

2002 The Homeland Security Act is signed into law, combining several federal agencies under one umbrella

Euro currency begins circulating in most European countries

Enron collapses, triggering congressional investigations and legislation to protect employees' 401 (K) plans


• * T .

Ill 1

» > * j


r Grrrr'


Feature: Bryant Griffin


ryant Griffin has made floodwaters seethe and recede, toying with humans who are nothing to him

l but specks on the landscape. He's not God, but he's worked with gods - in Hollywood parlance, movie

directors. When they want less seething and more receding, he's their go-to guy."


D So began a July 1,2007 article in the Charlotte Observer about NCSSM alumnus Bryant Griffin '94. Fifteen years before, Bryant was getting ready to leave his home in Charlotte to spend two years on the Durham campus of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. Little did he know that the next two years would dramatically change the trajectory of his life.

I met Bryant in September, 13 years after he graduated from NCSSM, at the San Francisco campus of Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), a division of Lucasfilm Ltd. that provides post-production visual effects to the entertainment industry, boasting work on such films as "Star Wars,""The Chronicles of Narnia,""Indiana Jones"and "E.T."There, Bryant uses his background in industrial design and art to create digital environments for some of the top-grossing films in Hollywood.

The path for Bryant from the historic Watts Hospital campus in Durham to the ILM studios in the Presidio of San Francisco was a long one, with many unexpected bumps along the way. But ask him if he would change anything about where he's been and you get a definitive"No"- the same answer he'll give you to the question of whether or not he's gotten used to seeing film-greats like George Lucas roam the halls of ILM.

Bryant's journey to NCSSM began in the late 1980's when his family moved from Brooklyn, N.Y., to Charlotte, N.C, what Bryant says was one of the best things that ever happened to him. Soon after arriving in the Tar Heel State, Bryant's mother learned about NCSSM and insisted Bryant apply. Bryant was accepted to NCSSM and arrived on campus in 1992.

According to Bryant, whose nickname at NCSSM was "smiley," his experience at the School was "life-changing."

"It was the first time that I came to the realization that I could make money as an artist,"he says.

Bryant had always doodled and sketched, especially comics, but came to a real turning point at NCSSM during Special Projects Week, or what is now called "Mini-Term." (For more on Mini-Term, see "There's Nothing Mini About lt"on Page 6.)

"It was 1993," he says.'There were a few comic book creators that were really profitable."

So Bryant and his friend Chad Harness decided to create a full, 30-page comic book.

"We didn't get the 30 pages done," Bryant says,"but we came up with a story and characters.... That was the first time I thought to myself/People get paid to do this.'And so that's

when I decided to seriously pursue it."

Bryant credits NCSSM with helping him find a path and purpose for his passion as an artist.

"At NCSSM, you feel comfortable being who you are; it's a time when you discover who you are," Bryant says."Sometimes people hide their'nerdiness,'they hide their love of certain things to fit in. NCSSM is a place where you feel comfortable in being who you are."

Joe Liles, art instructor and one of Bryant's mentors at NCSSM, agrees and finds NCSSM a particularly interesting place for students interested in both art and science and math.

"One thing that people uniformly fail to realize," Liles says,"is that art can be integrated into science and math, that it's not an either/or situation. And many of our students have been attracted to the fields of architecture, industrial design and graphic design as a way of bridging that chasm of art and science and math."

"Sometimes people hide their 'nerdiness/

they hide their love of certain things to

fit in. NCSSM is a place where you feel

comfortable in being who you are."

After Special Projects Week, Bryant's next milestone at NCSSM came with a school-wide competition to design an NCSSM sculpture. Bryant's winning globe sculpture design confirmed his decision to pursue life as an artist and introduced him to the world of industrial design. It was during the creation phase of the globe sculpture that Bryant was also introduced to Charles Joyner,a professor at North Carolina State University. Joyner became Bryant's guide throughout the design process and encouraged Bryant to attend N.C. State's College of Design, a decision that would ultimately lead Bryant to the Pumpkin King scholarship offered by NCSU graduate Jonathan Harb and, eventually, to ILM.

But in between Bryant's early years at NCSU and the scholarship that led him to Lucas' San Francisco special-effects house, Bryant took his career off-road for a bit.

"I didn't really understand why I was at school,"he said."I thought I could make it on my own."

So Bryant left NCSU and returned to Charlotte, working a number of temp jobs, primarily in banking, until he began to want more.

"You start to see nice things," Bryant says,"and you say,'l would 39 like to be able to afford those things.'"

He began pursuing a career in comics,flying out to San Diego

WinterlSpring 2008

for a convention where his portfolio got him a job with a small, independent publishing company in Cary, N.C. Soon Bryant hooked up with comic book artist Andrew Pepoy.who self-published "Simone and Ajax," and did some assistant work with Pepoy, illustrating such comic books as "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Sonic the Hedgehog."

"I continuously pursued illustration while working my day job [in Charlotte]," Bryant says.That is, until, after four years, he decided it was time to return to N.C. State.

Bryant,"a little bit older, little bit wiser,"he says, built a portfolio, won a few competitions and,finally, the Jonathan Harb Pumpkin King scholarship to attend N.C. State. Bryant graduated from N.C. State in 2003 with a bachelor's degree in industrial design.

Two weeks after graduation from N.C. State, Bryant went to San Francisco to work as an apprentice at ILM, a connection made through Jonathan Harb, where his first work was on the Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale flick"Van Helsing/'followed by"StarWars: Episode lll"and Steven Spielberg's"War of the Worlds."

Through his experiences over the years, Bryant says that the primary lesson he's learned is the importance of relationships.

"The most important asset anywhere is always the people," Bryant says."At Science and Math, it was the people. At N.C. State, it was the people. And here [at ILM], it's the people. It's not the facilities. It's the people and the experiences."

Now, Bryant spends his days creating environments as a digital matte artist for ILM and working with his father and brother for their family business, Avanguard Solutions, a mobile technology company that offers customized solutions in mobile communications and software development.

His recent work at ILM includes "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,""The Chronicles of Narnia,""Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest,"and the 2007 Steve Carrell blockbuster"Evan Almighty,"for which Bryant helped digitally create the ark.

Liles calls Bryant's work a "profound merger of art and science and math.

"Bryant has found that point of synthesis," he says.

Nearly 15 years after leaving NCSSM, Bryant hopes to leave current students with one piece of advice:

"Take the time and become passionate about the things that you're being taught.Take real interest in [them]. Absolutely take advantage of the opportunities and do not take things for granted. Understand that [NCSSM] is a fantastic opportunity that a lot of people don't have access to." •

S i g n d e s i g n I by lauren everhart

Back in 1993 at the Broad Street entrance to the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics sat an old hospital sign - one that used to read "Watts Hospital Emergency Entrance" and now read "The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics," written on pieces of plywood.

"It was a hideous looking sign," saysjoe Liles, an NCSSM "Abider" founding faculty member and art instructor. "It was kind of typical of everything in the '50s that everybody thought looked beautiful, but now, in retrospect, we realized was pretty doggon ugly."

So the School decided it was time for a change. And, like many things at NCSSM, the project was put in the hands of students by way of a sign competition with a cash prize.

Bryant Griffin, a senior at the time, saw a flyer about the competition that said "What would you do for $200?" and was immediately intrigued.

"Two-hundred dollars was huge for a kid that was not allowed to drive, who lived on campus," Bryant says. "Do you know how many CD's you

could buy with $200?"

Bryant says he had the idea for his sign in his head for a long time but hadn't put it down

— on paper. That is until about 30 minutes before the submission deadline when

Bryant scrambled to put his idea down on paper, sketching a front and a side view of a globe-like sculpture.

Then in November, the entire student body was called into an assembly in the

Physical Education Center where, much to Bryant's surprise, he was named

the winner of the competition.

"Bryant's was clearly the most sophisticated from a design point-of-view" Liles says. "And we just took it on its face value. It was beautiful. It was kind of abstract. Nobody really knew what it meant, but we liked it."

The nextyear and a half were spent in production of the globe sculpture, most of the work being done after Bryant graduated from NCSSM in 1994 and was a freshman at North Carolina State University.

The sculpture was completed and installed in the spring of 1995 beneath the trees on Watts lawn, with the entire student body, Bryant and his family in attendance.

"It was just a really nice moment," Liles says.

But the most commonly asked question about what has come to be known as the "Globe Sculpture" is: What does it mean? Well, Joe Liles had the same question back in 1995.

"I asked Bryant, 'Is there any meaning behind the sign?"' Liles recalls. "And Bryant said, 'Oh yes, there's lots of meaning behind it. First of all, I wanted to use a sphere to represent the world and how NCSSM is a globally aware place.... And then I did the cutouts in the sphere to represent two hands coming together with their fingers interlaced. And what that means to me is that NCSSM teaches students to nurture the world, to care for the world. And those caring hands are embracing the world.'"

With some minor repairs here and there, the sculpture has proved it's not going anywhere - a fact that still surprises its designer.

"Is it even still on campus?" he asked.

Yes, Bryant Griffin, it is.


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on DVD

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On a warm Saturday morning in June, NCSSM graduated its 26th class when NCSSM Board of Trustees Chairman William P.H. Cary accepted 309 members of the Class of

2007. Dr. Samuel Houston, president and CEO of North Carolina Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Center (NCSMT), gave the keynote address to a crowd of nearly 3,000 parents, alumni and friends gathered on Watt's Hall lawn.

Dr. Houston has been at the helm of NCSMT since March 2003 and has been a longtime educator and administrator for schools throughout North Carolina. During his speech, Dr. Houston encouraged the graduates to work hard, be respectful and to strive to become leaders. He outlined problems our world faces today, challenging the graduates to tackle them with the same vigor and determination they have shown at NCSSM.

Nearly 80 percent of the Class of 2007 planned to attend a University of North Carolina system school for undergraduate study. Other noteworthy institutions NCSSM graduates are now

attending include Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Duke University, Yale University and Georgia Institute of Technology.

The Class of 2007 is one of the most decorated NCSSM classes in recent memory, including in its ranks three North Carolina State University Park Scholars, two University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Morehead-Cain Scholars, a Robertson Scholar through UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University, 11 semifinalists in the Siemens Competition for Math, Science and Technology, four Intel Science Talent Search Competition semifinalists, 24 National Merit Scholarship Program winners, three National Achievement Scholarship winners, and one of the state's two 2007 Siemens Award for Advanced Placement winners.

The School and the NCSSM Alumni Association congratulate the Class of 2007 and wish all of the graduates the best as they pursue future endeavors in education and beyond.

For a full list of the Class of 2007, see page 44.




Looking to the future Commencement is a day filled with bittersweet emotions. This past year's exercise was no different, with smiles, tears, handshakes and hugs shared among the members of the Class of 2007. But no matter where these new alumni find themselves across the world, they know they can always call NCSSM home. On behalf of the School and the Alumni Association, we wish the members of the Class of 2007 all the best in their endeavors.

NCSSM Class of 2007

Parv Aggarwal

Samie Ifran Ahmed

Arti Ajmani

James Charles Alderman

Lindsay Marie Alexander

William Wyatt Allen

Andrew A. Amolegbe

Kelly Elizabeth Anderson

Courtney Elizabeth Angers

Nicole Beaumont Anthony

Julian Edward Arrington

Adam Michael Askren

Rebekah Fairley Ayscue

Saumya Laxmi Ayyagari

Daniel Scott Bacigalupo

Keon Bae

Margaret Anne Baker

Whitney Ellen Baker

Jessica Rene'Barnes

Max Pascal Beckman-Harned

Tavia Shava Benjamin

Amanda Leigh Berry

Samera Beshir

Suneet Anand Bhansali

Xavier Nathaniel Blount

Lyndsay Elizabeth Booth

Justin Michael Boucher

Timothy-Allen Edwin Brewington

Justin Jamil Brinegar

Dorian Henry Rayshawn Britt

Eldon Timothy Brockman

Christopher Tyler Brogdon

Joshua Madison Brown

Emanuel EI'Mircle Bryant

Amy Rose Bryson

Casey Alia Buchanan

Kyle David Bucher

Justin David Buie

Micky Bullard

Megan Danielle Cain

Kiira Michelle Campbell

Rebecca Paige Campbell

Courtney Shay Canipe

Timothy Matthew Canty

Austin Cole Capobianco

Michael Vincent Carpenter

Hae Rhee Chung

Daryl Anne Clausen

Jennifer Bly Cook

Katherine Elizabeth Cooper

Paul Christopher Corbett

Andrew Michael Courtright

Kenan Amanda Crawford

Nathan Riley Creger

Bryan Patrick Creviston

Kellie Michelle Crook

Brittany Charlotte Croom

Philip George Curley

Shelby Lynn Currier

Elizabeth Kate Cutrone

Giffin Weber Daughtridge

Adam Richard Davis

Valyce Madonna Davis

Joseph Patrick Davy

Katherine Nelle Dektar

Katherine Elizabeth Demby

Shivani Ulkesh Desai

Radhika S. Deshmukh

Jaren Grant Dickerson

Cameron Blake Dowless

Matthew Pope Drews

Clayton Raymond Dunwell

Elizabeth Ashley DuVall

Meghan Elizabeth Dwyer

William Holt Edwards

LenTakahashi Evans

Melissa Leigh Fender

James Robert Finley

Alexandra Elizabeth Fish

Charles Robert Fort

Brittany Marie Fotsch

Nathaniel Wesley Fowler

Michael Aaron French

Caitlin Mae Frese

Matthew Palmer Furmanek

Abby Danielle Furr

Rebecca Ann Gade

Ishita Yogesh Gandhi

Eric Douglas Gerard

Charles Nicholas Gilbert

Matthew Lee Gildner

Stephanie Marie Glass

Laura Andrea Gomez-Nichols

Elizabeth Kara Goodman

Daniel Benton Goodson

Yevgeniy Yurievich Grechka

Jodie Frances Greene

Keith Michael Grose

Rose Guo

Erik William Gutekunst

Aynul Hablb

Zachary Carl Hackney

Nicholas Connor Hamden

James RayHarrell

Daniel Dillender Hart

Ryan Konrad Hasian

Jacob Robert Haskins

Jason Edward Hawkins

Kathleen Alyce Hebert

Jennifer Shannon Henkel

Andrew Scott Hewitt

Megan Elizabeth Heysham

TyrikTodd Hicks

Adam Greschek Hill

Alexander Douglas Hill

Alexandra Maydee Hill

James Fu-chang Ho

Rebecca Morgan Holmes

Joseph Hampton Horrocks

Cameron Kelly Houser

James Conrad Howard

Kimberly Kristine Howell

Noura Lena Howell

Jingwen Hua

Cody Daniel Hughes

Brian Howard Hulette

Lauren Gabrielle lannotte

Kaitlin Jo Icard

Melissa Ann llardo

Sagar Indurkhya


Liwei Jiang

Amanda Michelle Johnson

Katherine Blair Johnson

Megan Lee Johnson

Salem Elizabeth Johnston

Anna Elaine Jones

Matesha Ronel Jones

Michael Brandon Jones

Michael David Jones

Christina Rosa Juslno

Amanda Louise Karam

Krishna Kishore Karra

Morgan Chaney Alexandria Kearse

Andrew William Keener

Caroline Elizabeth Kennedy

Mahen Mohammad Khan

Ryan Paul Kilby

Grace Kim

HongSunS Kim

Yoonsuk Corey Kim

Wayne Myron Kimball

Ashley Lashelle King

Santana Bianca King

Angela Marie Knowles

SukMoon Ko

Mary Paige Kohlmann

Lalitha Kunduru

Mary K. La

Stephanie Marie Laboy

NiravVanraj Lakhani

Aubrey Daniel Land

Alexandra Marcela Landry

Noah Broad Lavine

Caleb Edward Lee

Jeffrey Davis Lee

John Lee

Katherine Nicole Lee

Rebecca Yejin Lee

Young Min Lee

David Dalton Lennon

Jessica Ann Leslie

Zachary Ricardo Lewis

Robert Leonard Liles

Steven Yang Lin

Paul Leiluo Little

Ann Liu

Michelle Bo Liu

Pam Liu

Abigail Brynn Long

Joseph Jennings Lozier

Lindsay Elise Luff

ErikThomas Macintosh

Nicole Antoinette Mack

Andrew Cobb Marks

Hannah Elizabeth Martin

Jacob Austin Martin

Linsey Mae Martin

Victoria Michelle Massie

Austin Ryan Matthews

Brittney S. McCallum

Jaime Marijke McCandless

Tiffany Michelle McCrary

Alison Lee McGraw

Alison Ivy Mead

Alexey Alexeyevich Melnichenko

Michael Altaf Mian

Amanda Tai Michelson

Jonathan Ray Mitchell

Tanvisha Sunilkumar Mody

Cameron Keatings Moeller

Elizabeth Alaine Moody

Clayton Britt Nance

Leonard James Nelson

Christine Ngoc An Nguyen

Brittany Jo Nicolaysen

Cayla Noelle Noble

Brian Blake Nobles

Ogechi Peace Nzewi

Sabrina Rohanie Officer

John Preston Outten

Scott Roberts Ouzts

Mark Oluwatoj Owolabi

Nicole Antoinette Parker

Laura Elizabeth Parks

Jaimin Jayesh Patel

Jennifer Katherine Peeler

Lisa Ann Pepin

Justin David Perry

Thomas Gilbert Perry

Amanda Kaye Peters

Michael Van Pham

Raymond Keast Piatt

John Stephens Powell

Jenna Rae Puckett

Rachel Brooke Puckett

Zachary Harris Pugh

Casey Sheree Putnam

Steven Thanh Quach

Jefferson Ross Ramsey

Catherine Adams Raymer

David Settle Reid

Jonathan Daniel Reiner

Amanda Jean Reno

Rachel Margaret Revelle

Laura Emiline Reynolds

Jasmine Michelle Richardson

Kaylah Monique Roberson

Briant Logan Robey

Tate Weston Rogers

Jenna Lynn Roney

Max Lonnie Rose

Brittany Alyse Ross

Tyler Babineaux Ross

Gregory Jacob Rubinstein

Ethan Michael Russ

Angela Marie Sarnie

Steven Francis Schlaefer

Sarah Amelia Schoenfeldt

Katherine Margaret Schulz

Stephanie Ellen Schumaker

Lessie Ann Scott

Mario Alonzo Scott

Jessica Alexandria Scroggins

Benjamin Oscar Sealy

Tyler Robinson Seward

Colton Maurice Sexton

Noah McKimmey Seymore

Riti Rajendra Shah

AniqaZahin Shahrier

Trevor James Shannon

Gary Craig Shaver

James Patrick Shedlick

Mohammad Asad Siddiqui

Keith Alexander Simpson

Natalie Chane' Singleton

James Edward Slade

Tyler Edward Smith

Chelsea Lyn Sokolow

Torri Allyce Staton

Eleanor Abbott Steel

Thomas A. Stegall

Jeremy Ross Steinman

Caitlin Leann Stone

Amanda Carolina Sullivan

John Paul Sypniewski

Nicholas Chen Tang

Jessica Nicole Taylor

Morgan Leigh Taylor

Andrew Michael Telesca

Nelson Leon Terry

Diana SusanTingen

Magen PaulineTomasino

Ashley Ariel Faith Trudeau

Jacob Christopher Ulirsch

Brenton Roy Vasconcellos

Rebekah Jean Vestal

Megan Jessica-Louise Vick

Kiara Shanice Vincent

Jessica Ann Voytik

Jennifer Austin Wadsworth

Beck Eric Waldbauer

Aaron Jameel Wallace


Nancy Nicole Warren

James Nathaniel Wasson

Joshua Derek Watkins

Linda Wei

Noah Lawrence Weissman

Thomas Bailey White

Ian Stewart Whitlock

Benjamin Craig Williams

Jamie Lynn Winslow

Blair L Wright

Robert William Yarbrough

Luis Patrick Zapata


Margaret Barbara Zhou

Benjamin Brummitt Ziccardi

Class Notes

In Memoriam

Christopher Reuther '91 Christopher Reuther, 34 died tragically this past spring in Hawaii after suffering a sudden brain hemorrhage.Chris grew up near Asheville, where he grew to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors. He attended NCSSM and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he received his degrees in environmental science and journalism.

After attending UNC, Chris began writing for Environmental Health Perspectives journal. During the 11 years he was on staff, he discovered a love for environmental reporting and a passion for the work of EHP and its mission. It became both a personal and professional mission for him to improve the lives of people, both in his own community and in the larger global community, by enlightening the world to their situations, and by empowering them to improve and sustain their own environment and health.

Chris was about to study law at Tulane University, where he was offered the Dean's Scholarship. His plan was to study environmental and international law so that he could dedicate his life to empowering those around the world who are powerless to avoid environmental injury. During his life he had a great effect on many people, including the 12 people who received the gift of life from Chris being an organ donor.

Chris will be terribly missed by many.

Wade Barrow Rogers '87 Wade Barrow Rogers, 37, of Asheville, died June 22,2007 after an illness he had battled most of his life. He was a kind, gentle soul whose intense love of nature will be his lasting legacy. He attended Charlotte Country Day School and graduated from the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics and Brown University. He was a member of Covenant Presbyterian Church. One of his more memorable accomplishments as a teenager was hiking the Appalachian Trail, alone, covering the rugged 2,160 mile distance in less than five months. He was founder and president of Translucent-Fleetman,a software and computer consulting firm. He loved animals

and people, and strove to make the planet a better place for both.

He is survived by his mother, Harriet Barrow (Happy) Rogers, and his father, Dr. Larry Arch Cree Rogers, both of Charlotte; sisters, Dr. Louise Cree Rogers, of Charlotte, and Frances Carroll Rogers, of Atlanta; brothers, Dr. Arthur Larry Rogers II, of Macon,Ga.,and Jonathan Duke Rogers of Raleigh; a step-mother, Betty Ammons Rogers and a step­sister, Ashley Spurlock Stiles, both of Charlotte; and Cricket, his best friend, whom he loved very much.

Anthony Bray '97 Anthony Michael Bray, 27, formerly of Mayodan, died Tuesday, June 26,2007, at his home in Raleigh.

Anthony was born August 3,1979, in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was a 1997 graduate of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in Durham. He was employed at Intrex Computers as an Internet Services technician. He enjoyed time with his family,trips to Las Vegas and Europe, reading,gaming, watching Carolina Hurricanes and Panther games. Anthony was a member of the All Saints Chapel, Naval Weapons Station in Charleston, S.C., and had attended First Baptist Church of Mayodan. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Carlyle and Marjorie Rumley and Albert and Sarah Bray.

Survivors include his parents, Mike and Marlene Bray of Mayodan; his beloved sister, Nicole Bray (Josh) Biretz of Columbus, Ga.; uncles, Duke Rumley, Phil Bray, Albert (Shelia) Brown, Martin (Nell) Brown; aunt, Jill Bray;cousin,Philip Bray;and his"othermother','JaneAmos;and special friends, Keith, Rhonda, and Megan Skeen.

The family requests contributions be made to the NCSSM Foundation, P.O. Box 2733, Durham, NC 27715-2733 (www.ncssmalumni.com) or to First Baptist Church of Mayodan, 101 S. 1 st Ave, Mayodan, N.C. (www.mayodanfbc.org.)

Frank Chen '04 Frank Chen, 21, passed away on February 11,2007. Bom on January 20,1986 in New York City to Scott and Cindy Chen, Frank moved to North Carolina when he was 9-years-old.

He attended Smithfield Elementary, Marie G. Davis Middle School, and Myers Park High School in Charlotte. He was a graduate of NCSSM and a junior in biomedical engineering at North Carolina State University. He was well-known and loved for his sharp wit, honesty and generosity.

A bright young man, he had multiple interests outside of his field of study. An uncanny ability with the camera produced spectacular photos, elevating the mundane to the status of art. He was a ballroom dancer and competed with his school team, performing in several exhibitions. Frank made innumerable friends online, giving everyone a turn with his wild and innovative ideas. He touched more lives in his short time than most would be able to in 100 years. He will be sorely missed by his family and his friends around the world.

Frank Chen is survived by his parents, Scott and Cindy Chen, and his sisters, Amy and Amanda Chen. 47

WinterlSpi 2008

NCSSM School Calendar // March-June 2008

MARCH 2008

Wednesday, March 19 Colloquium Series Dr. J. Samuel Walker, historian for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Friday, March 21 -Sunday, March 30 School Closed / Spring Break

Monday, March 31 Mini-Term Begins

APRIL 2008

Tuesday, April 1 -Tuesday April 8 Mini-Term

Saturday, April 12 Prom

Monday, April 14 Colloquium Series Dr. J. Samuel Walker, historian for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Saturday, April 19 Welcome Day

Wednesday, April 23 Alumni Forum Featuring Brian Morin '85

MAY 2008

Wednesday, May 7 Faculty Appreciation Luncheon

Sunday, May 11 Spring Concert Chorale and Private Voice Students ETC Auditorium

Saturday, May 17-Sunday, May 18 Fine Arts Weekend

Sunday, May 18 Music Department Spring Concert Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble ETC Auditorium

Monday, May 19 Grandparents'Day & 22nd Annual Research Symposium

Thursday, May 21 Colloquium Series Bland Simpson, author, director of UNC-CH creative writing program

JUNE 2008

Saturday, June 7 27th NCSSM Commencement Watts Hall Lawn

For more event details and to see the latest NCSSM news, visit www.ncssm.edu

For more NCSSM alumni news and events, visit www.ncssmalumni.com

North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Alumni/Development Office P.O. Box 2733 Durham, N.C. 27715