Happy Islamic New Year !! - Muslim Community Association

Newsletter Published Weekly by the Muslim Community Association of San Francisco Bay Area PRAYER TIMINGS Effective 08/22 www.mcabayarea.org MCA NOOR Fajr 5:40 5:50 Dhuhr 1:30 1:30 Asr 5:15 6:15 Maghrib Sunset Sunset Isha 9:20 9:20 Juma 1 1:30 1:30 Juma 2 2:00 2:00 Juma 3 2:30 2:30 Friday, Aug 21, 2020 Moharram 2, 1442 AH Do you not see that Allah has subjected to you whatever is on the earth and the ships which run through the sea by His command? And He restrains the sky from falling upon the earth, unless by His permission. Indeed Allah, to the people, is Kind and Merciful. Quran 22:65 AL-QURAN HADITH Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) as saying: You would find people like those of mine, the good amongst you in the Days of Ignorance would be good amongst you in the days of Islam, provided they have an understanding of it and you will find good amongst people the persons who would be averse to position of authority until it is thrust upon them, and you will find the worst amongst persons one who has double face. He comes with one face to them and with the other face to the others. Sahih Muslim, Book 44, Hadith 283 Zahir Mosque – Kedah, Malaysia For questions please email [email protected]. Happy Islamic New Year !!

Transcript of Happy Islamic New Year !! - Muslim Community Association

NewsletterPublished Weekly by the Muslim Community Association of San Francisco Bay Area

PRAYER TIMINGS Effective 08/22


MCA NOORFajr 5:40 5:50Dhuhr 1:30 1:30Asr 5:15 6:15Maghrib Sunset SunsetIsha 9:20 9:20Juma 1 1:30 1:30Juma 2 2:00 2:00Juma 3 2:30 2:30

Friday, Aug 21, 2020 Moharram 2, 1442 AH

Do you not see that Allah has subjected

to you whatever is on the earth and

the ships which run through the sea

by His command? And He restrains the

sky from falling upon the earth, unless

by His permission. Indeed Allah, to the

people, is Kind and Merciful.

Quran 22:65



Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) as saying:

You would find people like those of mine, the good amongst you in the Days of Ignorance would be good amongst you in the days of Islam, provided they have an understanding of it and you will find good amongst people the persons who would be averse to position of authority until it is thrust upon them, and you will find the worst amongst persons one who has double face. He comes with one face to them and with the other face to the others.

Sahih Muslim, Book 44, Hadith 283

Zahir Mosque – Kedah, Malaysia

For questions please email [email protected].

Happy Islamic New Year !!


July 29, 2020Assalamu-Alaikum Dear MCA Member,

InshaAllah, the MCA Elections for 1442H will be held on Sep 11-13, 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting county regulations, the procedure for this year’s elections, including absentee ballots, is still being determined. Please stay tuned for updates. We invite you to participate in the democracy of the MCA by nominating candidates for open positions and by voting.OPEN POSITIONS: 4 Executive Board (EB), including President, and 2 Board of Trustees Positions:

The following Executive Board (EB) members are ending their 2-year terms this year: - Fouad Khatib (President) - Wael Ashmawy - Naeem Ansari - Raziuddin Mohammed

The following Board of Trustees (BoT) members are ending their 3-year terms this year: - Abdur Rahman - Junaid Shaikh

ELIGIBILITY FOR CANDIDACY:1. President: Must have been a member 3 years out of the last 5 years in addition to current year membership.2. Executive Board (EB): Must have been a member 2 years out of the last 5 years in addition to current year membership.3. Board of Trustees (BoT): Must have been member for 3 years out of the last 5 years in addition to current year membership.

NOMINATIONS:Nomination Deadline: The attached nomination form must be emailed to [email protected] by Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020 at 10PM To be a Nominee, you must have been a member on or before June 18, 2020.To Nominate, you must have been a member on or before June 18, 2020.

CANDIDATES FORUMA virtual candidate forum will tentatively be held on Sunday, August 30 2020 from 8:00pm-10:00pm. The date and time is subject to change. Further details will be communicated as soon as possible.

ELECTIONSThe elections will tentatively be held on Friday September 11, Saturday September 12 & Sunday September 13, 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting county regulations, the procedure for this year’s elections, including absentee ballots, is still being determined. Please stay tuned for updates.

VOTINGTo vote, you must have been a member on or before July 12, 2020. A valid photo ID showing your name and address is required. (Examples are State of California Driver’s license, California ID, Green Card, Passport or any other reasonable photo ID)Please contact MCA General Secretary at [email protected] for membership related questions and concerns.

The MCA Election Committee can be reached via email for any questions or concerns:[email protected]

May Allah (SWT) make this election process continue to be a source of unity, strength, and harmony among the members of our community, Ameen.

The Election Committee Sajid A. Khan (Chair) Altaf Khan Marwa Ahmed Christy Chase Khandaker Azad

1442 Hijri (2020-2021) MCA Elections AnnouncementNOMINATION DEADLINE: due at [email protected] by 10pm, Tuesday, August 18th


21. Al-BAASITThe Extender

The Englarger, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdom and expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.

“And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.” [Quran 7:180]


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In AD 638, six years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Islam’s second caliph Umar recognized the necessity of a calendar to govern the affairs of the Muslims. This was first of all a practical matter. Correspondence with military and civilian officials in the newly conquered lands had to be dated. But Persia used a different calendar from Syria, where the caliphate was based; Egypt used yet another. Each of these calendars had a different starting point, or epoch. The Sasanids, the ruling dynasty of Persia, used June 16, AD 632, the date of the accession of the last Sasanid monarch, Yazdagird III. Syria, which until the Muslim conquest was part of the Byzantine Empire, used a form of the Roman “Julian” calendar, with an epoch of October 1, 312 BC . Egypt used the Coptic calendar, with an epoch of August 29, AD 284. Although all were solar, and hence geared to the seasons and containing 365 days, each also had a different system for periodically adding days to compensate for

the fact that the true length of the solar year is not 365 but 365.2422 days.

In pre-Islamic Arabia, various other systems of measuring time had been used. In South Arabia, some calendars apparently were lunar, while others were lunisolar, using months based on the phases of the moon but intercalating days outside the lunar cycle to synchronize the calendar with the seasons. On the eve of Islam, the Himyarites appear to have used a calendar based on the Julian form, but with an epoch of 110 BC. In central Arabia, the course of the year was charted by the position of the stars relative to the horizon at sunset or sunrise, dividing the ecliptic into 28 equal parts corresponding to the location of the moon on each successive night of the month. The names of the months in that calendar have continued in the Islamic calendar to this day and would seem to indicate that, before Islam, some sort of lunisolar calendar was in

use, though it is not known to have had an epoch other than memorable local events.

There were two other reasons Umar rejected existing solar calendars. The Quran, in Chapter 10, Verse 5, states that time should be reckoned by the moon. Not only that, calendars used by the Persians, Syrians and Egyptians were identified with other religions and cultures. He therefore decided to create a calendar specifically for the Muslim community. It would be lunar, and it would have 12 months, each with 29 or 30 days.

This gives the lunar year 354 days, 11 days fewer than the solar year. Umar chose as the epoch for the new Muslim calendar the hijrah, the emigration of the Prophet Muhammad and 70 Muslims from Makkah to Madinah, where Muslims first attained religious and political autonomy. The hijrah thus occurred on 1 Muharram 1 according to the Islamic calendar, which was named “hijri”


The Beginning of Hijri calendar

after its epoch. (This date corresponds to July 16, AD 622 on the Gregorian calendar.) Today in the West, it is customary, when writing hijri dates, to use the abbreviation ah, which stands for the Latin anno hegirae, “year of the hijrah.”

Because the Islamic lunar calendar is 11 days shorter than the solar, itis therefore not synchronized to the seasons. Its festivals, which fall on the same days of the same lunar months each year, make the round of the seasons every 33 solar years. This 11-day difference between the lunar and the solar year accounts for the difficulty of converting dates from one system to the other.

The Gregorian Calendar

The early calendar of the Roman Empire was lunisolar, containing 355 days divided into 12 months beginning on January 1. To keep it more or less in accord with the actual solar year, a month was added every two years. The system for doing so was complex, and cumulative errors gradually misaligned it with the seasons. By 46 BC , it was some three months out of alignment, and Julius Caesar oversaw its reform. Consulting Greek astronomers in Alexandria, he created a solar calendar in which one day was added to February every fourth year, effectively compensating for the solar year’s length of 365.2422 days. This Julian calendar was used throughout Europe until AD 1582.

In the Middle Ages, the Christian liturgical calendar was grafted onto the Julian one, and the computation of lunar festivals like Easter, which falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, exercised some of the best minds in Christendom. The use of the epoch AD 1 dates from the sixth century, but did not become common until the 10th. Because the zero had not yet reached the West from Islamic lands, a year was lost between 1 BC and AD 1.

The Julian year was nonetheless 11 minutes and 14 seconds too long. By the early 16th century, due to the accumulated error, the

spring equinox was falling on March 11 rather than where it should, on March 21. Copernicus, Christophorus Clavius and the physician Aloysius Lilius provided the calculations, and in 1582 Pope Gregory XIII ordered that Thursday, October 4, 1582 would be followed by Friday, October 15, 1582. Most Catholic countries accepted the new “Gregorian” calendar, but it was not adopted in England and the Americas until the 18th century. Its use is now almost universal worldwide. The Gregorian year is nonetheless 25.96 seconds ahead of the solar year, whichby the year 4909 will add up to an extra day.


`Aishah (radiAllaahu „ahna) narrated: The people used to fast on `Aashuura (the tenth day of the month of Muharram) before the fasting of Ramadan was made obligatory. And on that day the Ka’ba used to be covered with a cover. When Allah made the fasting of the month of Ramadan compulsory,

Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever wishes to fast (on the day of `Aashuura) may do so; and whoever wishes to leave it can do so.”

[Saheeh Al-Bukhari]

`Abdullaah Ibn „Abbas reported: The Prophet came to Medina and saw the Jews fasting on the day of `Aashuura. He asked them about that. They replied, “This is a good day, the day on which Allah

rescued Bani Israel from their enemy. So, Moses fasted this day.” The Prophet said, “We have more claim over Moses than you.” So, the Prophet fasted on that day and ordered (the Muslims) to fast

(on that day). [Bukhari]


Asmaa bint Abu Bakr belonged to a distinguished Muslim family. Her father, Abu Bakr, was a close friend of the Prophet and the first Khalifah after his death. Her halfsister, Aishah, was a wife of the Prophet and one of the Ummahat al-Mumineen. Her husband, Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, was one of the special personal aides of the Prophet. Her son, Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr, became well known for his incorruptibility and his unswerving devotion to Truth.

Asma a herself was one of the first persons to accept Islam. Only about seventeen persons including both men and women became Muslims before her. She was later given the nickname Dhat an-Nitaqayn (the One with the Two Waistbands) because of an incident connected with the departure of the Prophet and her father from Makkah on the historic hijrah to Madinah.

Asma a was one of the few persons who knew of the Prophet’s plan to leave for Madinah. The utmost secrecy had to be maintained because of the Quraysh plans to murder the Prophet. On the night of their departure, Asmaa was the one who prepared a bag of food and a water container for their journey. She did not find anything though with which to tie the containers and decided to use her waistband or nitaq. Abu Bakr suggested that she tear it into two. This she did and the Prophet commended her action. From then on she became known as “the One with the Two Waistbands”.

When the final emigration from Makkah to Madinah took place soon aster the departure of the Prophet, Asmaa was pregnant. She did not let her pregnancy or the prospect of a long and arduous journey deter her from leaving. As soon as she reached Quba on the

outskirts of Madinah, she gave birth to a son, Abdullah. The Muslims shouted Allahu Akbar (God is the Greatest) and Laa ilaaha illa Allah (There is no God but Allah) in happiness and thanksgiving because this was the first child to be born to the muhajireen in Madinah.

Asma a became known from her tine and noble qualities and for the keenness of her intelligence. She was an extremely generous person. Her son Abdullah once said of her, “I have not seen two women more generous than my aunt Aishah and my mother Asmaa. But their generosity was expressed in different ways. My aunt would accumulate one thing after another until she had gathered what she felt was sufficient and then distributed it all to those in need. My mother, on the other hand, would not keep anything even for the morrow.”

Series on Companions of the Prophet (PBUH)

Asmaa bint Abu Bakr

Asma’s presence of mind in difficult circumstances was remarkable. When her father let Makkah, he took all his wealth, amounting to some six thousand dirhams, with him and did not leave any for his family. When Abu Bakr’s father, Abu Quhafah (he was still a mushrik) heard of his departure he went to his house and said to Asmaa:

“I understand that he has left you bereft of money after he himself has abandoned you.”

“No, grandfather,” replied Asmaa, “in fact he has left us much money.” She took some pebbles and put them in a small recess in the wall where they used to put money. She threw a cloth over the heap and took the hand of her grandfather--he was blind--and said, “See how much money he has left us”.

Through this stratagem, Asmaa wanted to allay the fears of the old man and to forestall him from giving them anything of his own wealth. This was because she disliked receiving any assistance from a mushrikeen if it was her own grandfather.

She had a similar attitude to her mother and was not inclined to compromise her honor and her faith. Her mother, Qutaylah, once came to visit her in Madinah. She was not a Muslim and was divorced from her father in pre-Islamic times. Her mother brought her gifts of raisins, clarified butter and qaraz (pods of a species of sant tree). Asma at first refused to admit her into her house or accept the gifts. She sent someone to Aishah to ask the Prophet, peace be upon him, about her attitude to her mother and he replied that she should certainly admit her to her house and accept the gifts. On this occasion, the following revelation came to the Prophet:

“God forbids you not, with regard to those who do not fight you because of your faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them. God loves those who are just. God only forbids you with regard to those who fight you for your Faith, and drive you from your homes, and support others in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances) that do wrong.” (Surah al-Mumtahanah 6O: 8-9).

For Asmaa and indeed for many other Muslims, life in Madinah was rather difficult at first. Her husband was quite poor and his only major possession to begin with was a horse he had bought. Asma a herself described these early days:

“I used to provide fodder for the horse, give it water and groom it. I would grind grain and make dough but I could not bake well. The women of the Ansar used to bake for me. They were truly good women. I used to carry the grain on my head from az-Zubayr’s plot which the Prophet had allocated to him to cultivate. It was about three farsakh (about eight kilo meters) from the town’s center. One day I was on the road carrying the grain on my head when I met the Prophet and a group of Sahabah. He called out to me and stopped his camel so that I could ride behind him. I felt embarrassed to travel with the Prophet and also remembered az-Zubayr’s jealousy, he was the most jealous of men. The Prophet realized that I was embarrassed and rode on.”

Later, Asmaa related to az-Zubayr exactly what had happened and he said, “By God, that you should have to carry grain is far more distressing to me than your riding with (the Prophet)”.

Asma a obviously then was a person of great sensitivity and devotion. She and her husband worked extremely hard together until their situation of poverty gradually changed. At times, however, az-Zubayr treated her harshly. Once she went to her father and complained to him about this. His reply to her was: ‘My daughter, have sabr for if a woman has a righteous husband and he dies and she does not marry after him, they will be brought together again in Paradise.”

Az-Zubayr eventually became one of the richest men among the Sahabah but Asmaa did not allow this to corrupt her principles. Her son, al-Mundhir once sent her an elegant dress from Iraq made of fine and costly material. Asmaa by this time was blind. She felt the material and said, “It’s awful. Take it back to him”.

Al-Mundhir was upset and said, “Mother. it was not transparent . “

“It may not be transparent,” she retorted, “but it is too tight fitting and shows the contours of the body.”

Al-Mundhir bought another dress that met with her approval and she accepted it.

If the above incidents and aspects of Asmaas life may easily be forgotten, then her final meeting with her son, Abdullah, must remain one of the most unforgettable moments in early Muslim history. At that meeting she demonstrated the keenness of her intelligence, her resoluteness and the strength of her faith.

Abdullah was in the running for the Caliphate after the death of Yazid ibn Muawiyah. The Hijaz, Egypt, Iraq, Khurasan and much of Syria were favorable to him and acknowledged him as the Caliph. The Ummayyads however continued to contest the Caliphate and to field a massive army under the command of Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf ath-Thaqafi. Relentless battles were fought between the two sides during which Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr displayed great acts of courage and heroism. Many of his supporters however could not withstand the continuous strain of battle and gradually began to desert him. Finally he sought refuge in the Sacred Mosque at Makkah. It was then that he went to his mother, now an old blind woman, and said:

“Peace be on you, Mother, and the mercy and blessings of God.” “Unto you be peace, Abdullah,” she replied. “What is it that brings you here at this hour while boulders from Hajjaj’s catapults are raining down on your soldiers in the Haram and shaking the houses of Makkah?”

“I came to seek your advice,” he said.

“To seek my advice?” she asked in astonishment. “About what?”

“The people have deserted me out of fear of Hajjaj or being tempted by what he has to offer. Even my children and my family have left me. There is only a small group of men with me now and however strong and steadfast they are they can only resist for an hour or two more. Messengers of the Banu Umayyah (the Umayyads) are now negotiating with me, offering to give me whatever worldly possessions I want, should I lay down my arms and swear allegiance to Abdul Malik ibn Marwan. What do you think?”

Raising her voice, she replied: “It’s your affair, Abdullah, and you know yourself better. If however you think that you are right and that you are standing up for the Truth, then persevere and fight on as your companions who were killed under your flag had shown perseverance. If however you desire the world, what a miserable wretch you are. You would have destroyed yourself and you would have destroyed your men.”

“But I will be killed today, there is no doubt about it.”

“That is better for you than that you should surrender yourself to Hajjaj voluntarily and that some minions of Banu Umayyah should play with your head.”



“I do not fear death. I am only afraid that they will mutilate me.”

“There is nothing after death that man should be afraid of. Skinning does not cause any pain to the slaughtered sheep.”

Abdullah’s face beamed as he said: “What a blessed mother! Blessed be your noble qualities! I have come to you at this hour to hear what I have heard. God knows that I have not weakened or despaired. He is witness over me that I have not stood up for what I have out of love for this world and its attractions but only out of anger for the sake of God. His limits have been transgressed. Here am I, going to what is pleasing to you. So if I am killed, do not grieve for me and commend me to God.”

“I shall grieve for you,” said the aging but resolute Asmaa, “only if you are killed in a vain and unjust cause.”

“Be assured that your son has not supported an unjust cause, nor committed any detestable deed, nor done any injustice to a Muslim or a Dhimmi and that there is nothing better in his sight than the pleasure of God, the Mighty, the Great. I do not say this to exonerate myself. God knows that I have only said it to make your heart firm and steadfast. “

“Praise be to God who has made you act according to what He likes and according to what I like. Come close to me, my son, that I may smell and feel your body for this might be the last meeting with you.”

Abdullah knelt before her. She hugged him and smothered his head, his face and his neck with kisses. Her hands began to squeeze his body when suddenly she withdrew them and asked:

“What is this you are wearing, Abdullah?”

“This is my armor plate.”

“This, my son, is not the dress of one who desires martyrdom. Take it off. That will make your movements lighter and quicker. Wear instead the sirwal (a long under garment) so that if you are killed your awrah will not be exposed.

Abdullah took off his armor plate and put on the sirwal. As he left for the Haram to join the fighting he said: “My mother, don’t deprive me of your dua (prayer).”

Raising her hands to heaven, she prayed: “O Lord, have mercy on his staying up for long hours and his loud crying in the darkness of the night while people slept... “O Lord, have mercy on his hunger and his thirst on his Journeys from Madinah and Makkah while he fasted... “O Lord, bless his righteousness to his mother and his father... “O Lord, I commend him to Your cause and I am pleased with whatever You decree for him. And grant me for his sake the reward of those who are patient and who persevere.”

By sunset, Abdullah was dead. Just over ten days later, his mother joined him. She was a hundred years old. Age had not made her infirm nor blunted the keenness of her mind.


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JazakAllah Khair!


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Shaukat Sheikh

Make life easier for people in need and receive lasting rewards.408.244.3282 | www.hidaya.org | [email protected]

Donate for Clean Drinking Water

Water Hand PumpsDonating for the installation of water wells is a sadaqah jaria (or continuous charity), where one may receive rewards for as long as people and wildlife are benefiting from the clean water. You can install hand pumps on behalf of yourself, or on behalf of others including deceased loved one.Hidaya installs water hand pumps in poor areas where the water table is shallow (130 ft or less). It costs $300 to install each water hand pump.

Delivery with Water TankerThere are cities with dense populations lack adequate fresh water because municipalities which should be supplying them are failing due to decaying infrastructure and rising population. For such instances, Hidaya delivers water to the masses via water tanker which is filled with fresh water from our own wells. Just $10 can sponsor a round of water from a 1,200 gallon tanker to benefit hundreds of people.

A Companion of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), Sa’d ibn Ubadah, asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), “Umm Sa’d has died; what form of Charity (Sadaqah) is best?” He (PBUH) replied: “Water (is best).” He dug a well and said: It is for Umm Sa’d. (Abu-Dawood #1677)Living in the developed world, we have so many blessings we don’t always realize - one of those being easy access to clean water. Meanwhile, over a billion people world-wide have inadequate access to clean water, most of whom have no choice but to travel miles to stagnant and dirty water sources that hold disease causing bacteria, just for survival. Because of this, water-borne diseases are rampant in economically depressed areas throughout the world.

Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501(C)(3) charitable organization

with Tax ID # 77-0502583

www.hidaya.org [email protected]

408.244.3282P.O. BOX 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056

FOUNDATIONP.O. BOX 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056 | (408) 244-3282 | www.hidaya.org Clean Drinking Water