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Vould 'be Plum Picken Lining Up for Proopective Federal

Vacancies Here.



Local Republicaas of Prominence D>nfer Many Honrs with

Sage of Cumberland.


LO O K O U T F O R J t FR O ST, S E N A T O R !

Wtvm SAe TFaaAi#i{rton liurcou of rAe EVE} ~ JA'fJ VEWB

WASHINGTON. Feb. l.-Reaides the fin* younf crop of Democrfita wtio empire to nothing more pretentioua than a poet- mMtorvhlp. there are a Koudly number of

candidacies for other federal 1a New Jersey that will be at iho

o| Presldetil-eleoi Wlleon afterItnroh i

Tbo foce&t puhtlclty os-er the fai’ l that OoyflRior Wilson wm. in all probability, havo the appoiiiimeiu of a auecesHor tg Utiffed States District Auoincy John B. Vreoland, who in now hohllng over, hu'- hnd It* effect In KilrrliiK ambUlonB How rngny lawyers (here he who nnrHe an- plratlona to grace thia lt< yet to htdtoolosed at the cHplral l>ecanfie the ogp- tMt Is now In ItH Infancy.

C. Pranklln Wilson, of M >rrlf<tuwn. part- liOf of Mr. Vreeland In a MuitIh I'uunty l*w firm, la a candidate tn sun , cd Ills }«gAl MSOdate, If the. cffurta nf his fhcml?

An unusual conference of Republican political leaders, the significance of which time may tell, took place In a private room at AchteUSteUer's last night, when several Essex County men were either the guests ur the hosts i.>t former Q vernor Edward C. Slokes. From before 7 o'clock the ccmferees were !f»gether until after midnight, and when all was said and donu there was none who would admit anything but that the '>fTalr was "an Informal dinner "

'The list of the men present was Indl- -'Jitlon ctioiipli for tlmHe fairilllar wtth IJjiet poUdc-al hl^^biry ihut alj minds dul Mol run In th-' same . hLinnel. when 1: I'Hine (n llip dl.' cuhuiititi o f the purposes f 'T whlih. it Is said, ihe a c ' r f t c<mfnb waa HiTunged that of i ciiienhnK as far as poeslhlr the Repuhllr-itn and ProgreF- Hive force* ill iMs county Tn some the lii'ldlng o f the I’ onfe r^n -p waH the f-n- I r a i i ' f of former (Irivcrnor S inkfa upon tiiH iiollllrHi BtaRc fl.i a new M osph” of

a f« Authorised. Ho has been ltuh)rs<d In | tho Hcpubl. -an pert^, ho far as the Statecommunication forwarded lo Hept'

ssptAtlVfi Tuttle by sonic the laitcr * Morristown ootistltuenta.

It-mlght be explained right here for Iht bSASfU of those anxious to enict Ihe guv- eminent service that It Is not known yet by the Congreealunal net Junt what plar of procedure will be folkiwni by Govi-mor Wilson In the parcelling out of federal jobs. I f the present caslorn is kept up h Cotigrtssman will have direct voice only in the selecllun of pusta wlllim his own dfttiiot. while fedenil jobs of Hiaic-wldt- power, such as district aitcrney and Lf&lted Btales marshal will come solely wttbjn the domain of the rolled Slates fienAtoi's.

The term of Thomas J. Ah ott. of Tren- ton* as United States marshal. wUl ex­pire In May, 18H. The tenure Is four

iicernedUrohably as ihlercBtlMg r» tlm make- [

up of the cotifercnce would be h list of r'- ogfiize<l riolltlcal leadtTH wlio ^vr e not I present and who had not he^h exleml-M 1 all Invitation Those who dlnod am) talk- \ 0'1 wllli the former (‘row-rTJor, as \vell as UHlcned lo what some characterized an ' ■■ I lecture." were Kdward l> T>uffleld, ‘ general solicitor of Jhe lYudentlal Life Insiarance i.’ompany, Slaipj Water .Supply UommiBaioiUT J Harry Hacheller: t.lhalr- Man Herber t 'Fai !gr. ijf the I'ounly commlHee, ‘ ’oiitity f'ounafi Benjamin K. .fonen, vlce*chalrnjan of the eouniy <iom- mlitee; raplalii rharlea J. Allen, secre­tary of ihe Tenement-houae Commlsalnn; Edward W Hray. secretary of the Htato lummlUee and prlvata secretar)’ to Mr. Stokes w’ lien the latter was Governor;







y a m anti the s a la ry Is J3.non per year. I lO y s s e s R. Rrewnter, o f the E ig h t h W a rd :I t l i understood that therr is a niovv- mgnt under way lo Induce ( ’hnrhs Rll- tenhouse, the owner and editor of tlie li^a^cetUtoun Gazette, to become a re oepUve candidate for the place. Mr Rlt- tgahouae, who Is an old Newarker, !■ wed known to the members of the Jersey dategation in Congreab, having t>een cam­p o n manager for Hepruacniallve Tut- do, o f the Fifth District. Under the new ApporUonETLOiit. Mr. Rlltenhouse will after Utrctl 4 b« in the new Hlxlh District, to b i repreeenled by Congressman-eleci lUrtln, of Nowton. Mr. Ritlenhouse has not Indicated whether he will become ft cAPdldate.

Another anplrant for AIcull'5. place Is John A. Mofflt, of Orange, former pre i- dMt of the United Hailerfs of NortlJ America, and high In the councils of or- gtttiiaed labor throughout the comury. Mr. Mofflt Is close to the adinlnJstriUlou In control of the American Federation ol Labor* and Is now the legislative agent at '<^&ahington for that powerful organl-aattoo-

limulry Into the status of federal joba la Jareiey has disclosed that the place of internal revenue collector has no fixed, Ptatutory tenure. By custom the incuiii-

' boot Is allowed a four-year term, but this Is oubject to revocation or recall at the pleaeure of the President. On the other

\ild* collectcfo of the port have a fixed

'IS.ff&i of four yeara Wht\ere two Internal revenue colleo-

t m for New Jersey. Dr*.^ruuin C. H. Korold. Ih change of Hie Fifth Internal l^ en u c Dletrtct of Newark, and leaac

In cJiarge of the Flfit District at Oi^nden. Dr, Herold receives K j«0 on- ttiMlly and Mr, Mofflt |4,1U5. The lad tJik'Kt there le no statutory term for them y.MiftTia that both offices will be available at the Democratic pie counter after -liAfob 4,

Thera are several customs collectors within the State, the two moat Important b ^ f at Newark and Perth Amboy. At jlerftrark, former County Chairman Alfred If, -JDaltymple, the incumbent, has nearly t»r * « yeara to serve. While his staled OjUsry $s only per year, the fee system infckee the berth worth about tt.SOfl a year. Th* deputy coTloclor and Inspector at Newahk, Frederick S. Freed, receives

per year.The coUectorshlp at Perth Anjboy Is the

rlcWCt in the State* being w'orth about n m » year. Former Sheriff C. Asa FrtmdS. Of Monmouth County, is the In- ottQlbs&t HIb term will end'during the

hajf of the Wilson admlnlslraUun. luf*'Fr4 nclB has a deputy collector, George ^UBW ert, who receiveg $1,400 a year.

Camden, which Is classed as a sub- M ft of botry of Philadelphia, there Is an •silihint collector attached to the Phila- iNRplua customs house, who Is paid $1,500 SlyeOf. The Incumbent Is Walter Turn- biin, who succeeded the late Frank F. FHUrson A year ago.'.‘BtiidaB these prises in the cuBtoms aer-

vie*,' there Is a well recognized usage whoraby part of the ImmeuBe patronofs t t New York and the Philadelphia etUftoin houses is apportioned to New Jer-

■" Jrtiw B. Doweslng, of 543 Belleville ave* * Newark, Is a candidate for the ptac«

of. apslstant secretary of the treasury bk; bhirfo of customs. His friends have

i SnagBd. his candidacy before some of the mambas of the New Jersey delegation. It 'l i said for him that he Is an expert on the tariff. A t present he Is the customs ekport of a large importing firm In Now Tcme aty.

}*’r<=’«j Manner?-, ef the F’onrtli VV'ord fornuT Tax Rerelver Robert U. Rof

There was tiu' iittnost necrecy main­tained about the "dinner," and this ia I Bald to have been In keeping with a ' suggestion uf the forhjer CJovernor. who, ! for weeks past, since Ihe Progressives be­came active preliminary to the CJuberna- turlal campaign, has. St Is reported, been holding conferences wUh leaders In all pftrta of the State In an effort to spread the gospel of peace among the warring fa«.'tlonH of hlF party

One report was to the effect that Mr. Stokes had planned the conference, and another had it lhat the conferees w»*re Use gue&tH of Mr Gray. In either event, however. It 1h said that the former Oov- prtior acconipllBhed a purpose In meeting with the county leaders and left the con­ference In iin oplimlHtlc mood. He was not very talkative, however, and to a queallon as to hla presence In the city, hla only reply was Uiat he "thought he'd pay a visit to his old friend and secre­tary. Mr Gray."

Ill keeping wltii Ills attitude during the recent PreHldeiitlal campaign, the former Governor Is Bald to have advised his hear­ers that the present condition Of affairs In the Republican party cried out for strenuous work. He Is said to have found much in the selection of Mr, Taylor as county chairman here to serve aa an In­centive for harmony that wopld result In euccess for ^he O- 0. P. An aggreulve spirit engendered by even some of thoae who were within hearing of the former Governor, so far as the Progreselvee were concerned, was frowned upon by Mr. Siokea. it le said.

**H we are going to accomplish any­thing," the former Governor Is credited ae having said, "it will not do for un to go around with a chip on our shoulder. We must meet our friends In the Progreeslve party half way and afford an opportunity- to the rank and file, who unqueBtlonably are RepubUcans at heart and disregard what their so-called leaders may believe to be the right path. Give the rank and file a chance to unite aa Republlcana and we will find our taak an eaay one.”

The addresfl of the former Governor la said to have followed an informal review of events In the Republican party since the Progressive onslaught. Hla references to the poBslhillty of uniting the G. O. P. and progressive forces, regardless of the leaders, were quite frequent. It Is under­stood,

Although the conference might be called representative of the new regime In the Republican organization of ^ s ex , there were a few present whose friendship for the old leadership lhat waa absent last night la atm recognlaed, and to what Im­pression the former Governor may have left upon them there Is a question.


Weather ol Month Never Eijnal- led in Records of the

Local Bureau.

BAROMETER SET NEW MARKJanuary rctlrc«l nt mtdnlghl with the

rpt’iMdi of having iier-ii iiie warnieat in forty >>a.rs or for all ilrnt-, hu far aa the I'H'iil auUiorhleb or Uie ulUesl lulialiltant know

DurlJig Il« lhlrty-ut»' days llio month Indulged In an Htsoilinent of hlluHyncra- d»‘H, Intludlng thunder ‘-imnia tirid ftlinoat every!hUig tm-Jariuaryllke Imuglnablc. It* lowi'it lempenilure iii any (line wa» nitio-

ti degrt-e s. I'li Jamiury iV. hiiU It rearhed ih« tci' noii iv fU li- lw j iltgrcea yi Hicrdny

January 3 (here was h Uiop of I i& m Hie haiuriu'tt r w hl'-li. hltliiHigli ji ,ifi-hiking, un-eiUR In Ih-,ti a rennlU lilif I uiiniy ihn H ta. r*- | U-imful. only fiVo ui|.| ii half iin nf i„|n ftll JniiiiK th- Difiiitli, whlh* tin? li.ilJiJ l.ill ul mow V.HH hiHl tno Iruh.H

l’rorrtiM"r V\ tlllaiii Wiener. h •Hll of the i'hai.'iA a lory hi Uih <'f!itral thgii Bclioid. tiUH ili-lv»>d Into 11.e T*i-iir(lH aiul tuia luuii'i noilihiK Uiat tmyihlnK hke that ofIhr Jhiiuiiry Jnsl ■ luNi-d He has g<meIhinuKh all ihi guver niiU'nt r»'Cof(ln avail iihh aitd nil lonal M-rurdH romi>ili-d h«>lui , thti NiMv;*rk tjlim-rv alt>f y M.m eHlahtiBheU. Th''BL‘ laK4-n iilin ba> K a« far mo U',J

'Ihe u\«'n:igi- ti'inj-vmi'irn of Ism nmiuti ! wmh -111 il'-gn-es li\ -t'vrifil degieeH Rnv ' jMlinu'.v e ll record fulls sh'r( r,;' i[)H fltr 1 i>ie. Juiiuary a y>*ui Hgn had tin iiveiHge | tftijipiutttiire cif hriwft-ii j.M urnl 3il tlegn-rH, i On one »la)‘ the mcivury ilroppi l to i* j degrt*«'M below zero

Having IJeM off i tjfisltlet uhly lti gj d r ; not lo nmr Jaiuiar' tec.ii't!, a cold wave, i It In unnoniii'i'd by botli (he Iona) atui i Wanhliiiilnii ohHt'i\fTH. will aiThe (t nlglu. f U will no! Ilf nuic'h of a ' <dd cold WRvi'f. l:ow ■ •el hh Wnshlnglir' ' Bays lint! lonlgh('-s lulnliniiTii lempeial ire will !>b mLkjuI 30 dcgreeH 1| 1h K'mg t'» b o ld iginfirrow. ilie foier-st Ha\H, aed Ihoio will hr brisk nurlliw^rtt wnida !

l''lKiuefl from the rcconH ai the ,agT k iiM ural experiment stHtlon *it New | Hruiiswii k rorrcispuncl cloHtly to ib -se of (he high .Hchool and WaHhlngtnn oio>t rva- ; Imjes. The records shi'w an iivorn '- tem- I prrature fgr tin; moiuh ' f ;i!) I, degrece, ; and a maximum of 'll] d'^grees

Fewer Fires Rr|»irtee!.\ ■eath lr vondlilons are rlaiinvd by ex- |

perla to be respOfiHlble for ihc derided decrease In the numbei of fires dut Iny Ihr month or January imm ihe corrCHpomi- Ing time last year Acruriilng lo the tec-- |


Powers Working at Constanti­nople and Sofia to Prevent

H(^e Hostilities.



One Expires in This City and Other a Few Hours Later at

Stroudsbnrg, Pa.



liONDON, Feb 1.--A last attempt to prBVBUt a reaumptlon of war In the Balkan penInBUla la being made by thu tBppeBflntatives of the'powers at Con- Btantlnople and I^ofla, according to In­formation received by the European am- j

WiihlD leight hours after the death ot Mri-i Elizabeth A. Wright, at the LenoA Hotel. Central avenue, word was tecelv^dby ,e l . t lv « h jr, !a,t right Chief Justice Gumn,*r. . .d «-

|o( her sister, Mrs. Nettle !tatt, ftt Blro-id*- T ,^1... i.i.tie. th« annlle»tlnrhurg, Pa. Mrs. Halt was taken III while

Discharged Board of Works Em­ployes Obtain Writ from

Chief Justice.



IN STRIKE ROWFour Garment Workers Arrested

for "IncitinI Riot" in Six­teenth Avenue.

"SH AM E." DECLARES COLBYPatrola'DB Hrumelbelo Nayg H* Aat*4

In !»rtf-ilcreDM— Aroojw^ t* littter UeauDcUtlob «i1 OOIe«ff— For* met Senator Worklmg t« DHag 4Hp« poilpg Side* Together—I'alU Coaftr* rnc* at HU OlXlre for Moa4ay« Leader* ttpeak la Chureh ToMorrgW*

k'our garment wgi'kefB arrested tbia morning n(xpr a clash with the poUoS ftt

! Hixtfi-iiih avenue and BliDi Street, and urn- «fr+-Bi«-d yfalerday m eunneclion with ih>L- biuhuig of u Camden street Itllor ahull, wfii- held In tl.'iOO each for a hear- in*:; H.r r.jt-sduy morning, on charges ot 'Inciiirig riot.' by Judge Herr, la Ute Fii'inji i'T>r inci Couri toda)‘.

Tl.tre wan a clasli during the healing I betwct-n Judge Herr uhd Mortimer Lowy,I ' uimned fur ttie Btrikeru when Mr fAiwy ' iiiild lib i.-uMid not bCL‘ where hiB cita&ui

had '(jiC'tcd’ UTUt ur riiUM« arrested today w u a. BMf- I U'eri-yrar-uld (fifl, who WB* struck 00 iho j tu-ud A|[<i a iifglitbiii'k by l atrcribBAgn I Gturge Kroemclhoin Hhe suffered A 40* i wre aiHlp wujund. and wus treated at the

Cliy Hunpita]. Later she w*as returned I to the Kuiirtu Preiihcl station. After the

hi'urlng, IIv#>ielt Colby, who visited ttM HtatkiM t)nd wan given permlBgioa by Captain V ogel to iulk wlUi the prlBoner*. dooiurrii ihui he cculd think of no clr- v>iin?«tanccs that would warrant an Officer pirlking a woman a blow on the head With H lu'.ivy club.

I'Mi mlnutea after they wore held hi bull the hecPsKury bcmd w'us produced by Uio fni.ruia of Hie prlsouoi'u, and later 1T| Hio day Mr t'ulb> w!!l have IhOM

iL)ak<' affidavits as to the Inct- drtit.s thill liil up to Hio fi&vua.

Tl.v Nirikics (Ifclur? that the trouble was rtll vuufied by Kroemolbeln, who Mis!ii-ii iilIu a t'l-owd swinging hie bUcIi iind HW< iirltig The shiket'S add that the oHu r ••[iicci'n acted In a liumane matiPier until (he crowd ticguti to resent the ah* tiiui." ’>( KroerneJbelii.

K MH'in< lb»'in, on ilie other hand, says thill h>? wu.s cacui'ilng (wu garment work* VI !> lu iliv faciufy of Benedict & Wendln, ih .SuuHi Sfsomli Htrevl. when the crowd ."vi upoii iiirii. ito Boys the woman who

I H'liH hit VA irh (he dub* Mlsa ConceUa orda ul rire headquarw r«. nlneiy-nlnc | SwcnUi avenue, acratebed(lr,t. rivf 8ProM(l ..nJ niiv 1h rd | ,,.,.3 |,u ,ha,amt one Tmirth aliirin« 8min.|.-d I Mlf-dcfoTiBe.during Ihn rmm(h 'l l,Is Is u dv« i vuse I'l i u.*.Hfty-five alarm.s th.'Tn lh«- inoriib Feeling Im Hitler,last v -ar when Hu rt, werv ir>4 Colby left th station he told

Thi' rei-onlN at Hm Belvngv rnrps In 1 'ai.tuln W Kel It Becmed lo him that the a ln lglr^n nH'f’vt ahow (bat lii 'y re- I ‘ uniMUiu'vH of tlio case, aa luld by tha

Hpundvil lo vxavTly IHO nlurmw for fhv* during the innnih. whiiti Is fifty-nine lens than they w ei« called out lor during the same montli Ui*=t ye«r. The mileage rec- rirds of the three autumobllee (he rurimoperates shi>w thnl llu'y (raveled JlSVimllPH Thv mileage travelert last January was +iI2 4-J.

I'koDderslorm as t'Umnx.From all purta of Ihe Htate storlCH have

come o f January's aprlng-like final day. which wound up wltii a heavy thunder | tttprm at Atlantic rity. The storm came ]

-------------- I ajB a Hutprlse. swoeplng Ihe idly anddoing conHlrtcrahlo damage to the ruaeh

Court prooeadlngs were Inatltiiled lo growing In front yards ofconneollon wUh the wholanalei dlsmlsBal J Venlnor, a suburb.

i... -* obsfrvert flaMliing ill th 'Of employiiii of itio SOArd of Works under the Democratic ddminlBlratlon of Uiat


1, foil- icslgn^soiors; to SOcipOTtCdin *11 join in I floral •egular ...25c \ var-| stencill Dora or^ 25c p er ’ ...18c

b, per

«r 19c •niury lit de-

len or nd SOc s ft S3c net tnd 3c. per ...iHe


YORK, Feb. 1.—Wilbur Dorses', nR r ?e*ni old, en auctioneer, commlit^

' br ehootlng himself In the, right In a room of the Eplngler Bonae.

i Eaet Fourteenth street, ahortlx. a(t*r‘ tflU morning.

jM juy had occupied a room'mt the Sietgl'lor the last two weeks. He ealJed Wliit*'* a traveling auctioneer.

On the table In hta room was toimd jin t envelope addreesed to lira. Doi^ Bummer avenue, Newark, N, J„

dtig a ticket for the auettoneerc' to be heU . at Terrace Gfcrden ob

jit^raary U: tonY..oae caou In - change a|ut cards stunrtitg that Darker was a SSithw 0( thpi'aaauie liOdae of Elks and

[ tf'Ch* Topeka Liodse, F. and-A. W.

_ ) family of Harry R. Khlikael Uvei at I'BcUmec avenue. It was.gald there to- k-ttat Slea Ksecul Is a r«l*tlva « f

WSft,. from whoiis M DM b w|.(ior aem* tim a '.lt Maa'AiMiidad."

_______ toW ’Urt the nota. » jMhy « t a a *lih (UdiB.'tiM hope Ihtt


LONDON, Feb. 1.-Owing to the threats of the militant euffragettes to wreck pub­lic property until their demands are granted, the royal palacee of Kensington, Hampton Court, Kew and Holyrood have been closed to the public until further notice. Official notification to thla effect waa publlehed today.

All four palaces are favorite reeorts of the people, whoee wrath It la thought will be visited on the suffragettes whenever an opportunity offers.

!t Is reported that all the public muse­ums and similar Itistltullous are also to be closed.


KELBOURNB, Australia, Feb. 1.—Many weeks overdue, the steamee. Ikala, lum­ber laden Irom Astoria, Ore., to Mel- hoiirne, came Into port today, with cabin flstures biasing under the bollem and the eiww all but starved. ^, The .olt-burnlng apparatue fScUed early I s ' tiM voyiigB and tho itastMr fought Its ws-y siCfosB tho PiscltJiO on . the small coal anphiy end by burning -ttktures. The' boat averaged leas than half speed and her sbwe* Ibve ont entirely before she. made pert.

Only a few . o f her crew were strong enough for duty when she arrived. ..


i f d M laaok hf h if d e a t h s a a Ut » Ifh# Toric today, . i^ f t b j^ r e k y


tadiaiiioMr Thv.Chow, rsported taggistt the hiiand ot Luggn wUMN p«s-

halP'aU M bliiw -




- 0 , 8 , 0 1 ^ eOES M: k i n - ‘

•pfaUippInea, Fsb. t. — TJhe

arulfer Clndiittatt w*a ordered : today to search (or the British leer laig.Cko

. . . « t l the taiaiMl m uM ft on obard.

“ 'h* t to * Chow, which hMaOP*. to the Mavtcattni OsBpaar, iNp disabled a rapgnt itptw.-*' .j "

in S T IU M H IL P S S R A mJC . - L •. . . ■ . _M jnr TOSK, Feb L--91striet Attans^ Kuaiaa' yeatofdaa tatarasned wtth the M l ao^srftles tn bobalf o f WIIDfUn hesasp., driver o f the automoUSa assd

t - ja n ^ 'OC^Sisn^ Bosenthat, the •r, to tnduee tftm . to lesue a new I to the ehauftenr.

: ^ p b ^ s ^ Ueona* expired a

C&ICAHOk Feh, l^.drh* tataaas ot F^ank president Of Ota Bridge aod atruoturalTlroi) WoEtteaaf America, con­victed, o f dynimiteckmqpiraaqr, waa order­ed by' the Ciroalt Om H of Appeal* today,

Byaa’s hied of m4PB.ha* haan approved by the fetMal court. .Attemar* for Byaq vrill reach Xsavenwoiih, Kan., with the papan tontotrew, aad Ryan irill be re- Jeaead atonec. .f ..L.,

baflgadora In London. A detailed report on the subject Is expected thla evening. j

In the mean while everything has been [ made ready for a renewal of hostllUlfR. The members o£ the Bulgarian peace dele- I gallon have recelv'ed communlcatlona froin the front In which General Savoff Rfeserts that the array -.BUrrmindlng | Adrlanople Is one of the most efftclcn!. ever gathered together. He declares that every detail for the storming and capture of the city has been carefully prepared.

The general commenda the spirit of loyal rivalry between the Servian anil Bulgarian troops who In almost equal numbers Invest the fortress. Bets are freely offered among the 'besiegers, he Bays, a,s to which nationality will be the first to enten Artrianople and plant on Its wrJIb the victorious flag of the allies.

It Is asserted here that the Monlene- grtne and the Greeks have received aa- BuranceB that Riissla and France will sup­port their retention of Scutari and Janlna if they succeed In capturing them while the Bulgarians are taking Adrlanople. King Nicholas of Montenegro on the one side and Crown Prince Constantine of Greece on the other, declare that they will take the fortreBsea by storm or lose their lives In the attempt.

Should any freoh proposition to prevent renewal of war give promise of success, the alllea will now put as a condition not only the ceaslon Adrtanople and the Aegean Islands, but also the surrender of Scutari and Janlna to Montenegro and Greece.

Moat of the Greek and Servian peace delofatea left for home today.

SOFIA. Bulgaria, Feb, l.-TJte reports published yesterday of skirmishes between Bulgarian and Turkish troops near tTie Tchatalja lines are officially denied here.

8T. PETERSBURG, Feb. l.-AustrU- Hungary continues the active enrolment of Hupplementary reaervtsta In the ironller districts bordering on Russia and Servla, according to a dispatch from Prague.

A force of 250.000 Auotro-Hungarlan troops is now concentrated In Bosnia.

The Russian Government Is of opinion that the new Turkieh proposals to the powers furnleh a iioadble basis for fur­ther neBoGations •“with the Balkan na­tions. The Foreign Office today began anactive Interchange of views with the Other powen to hope of preventing the renewal of hwiUlItteB even at this late hour* The chances of success* however, are oonaldered Blender*

General Rennenkampff, one of the few BUcceesCuI Russian generals in the Russo- Japanese War* has been appointed com- raetider-tiv-cWef of Urn troops In the Vlina district Hie force includes five army dorps will form the main west­ern army to case of war*


WASHINaTON, Cl Fbh. 1. — Mlnlater Bclmnnall. at Atban*. reportatt today that veMMl* would not bo allowed to ehtor tho harbor ot Balontkl after niahtfall.

Anthaaaaflor RookhtlL oahlod from' ConitailUlloiilo, oonatmloE fbe. report that tho anhtlatiaa. tad boeq denounced

viHltiuK Mrs. WrlKlit tipre a wofk agq ypBterday. Tlie lattfr had been ailing Inr a lung time. .

TIir slitters were the daughters af the 1(1 to William King, saah and blind man-

tiirer, of Kawt Orange. Mrs. Halt rc- jiiove<l from 43 North Main Ktreel, that nlty, about five years ago, to BushklH, Pa, She was in Btroudsburg to spend the winter *

After Mrs. Halt left Newark last week Mrs- Wright's condition became


The chief Justice granted the application of Robert H. McCarter for a writ of certiorari to review the resolution by

, which the diemlaaalH w^re inafle. The I W'rlt is returnable before the Kupremc Court, at Trenton, during the February

J term.! The resolution In question, which wa« adopted at the oi^anlsatlon meeting of the new board* January 1 last, directed

, thp dismissal of fifty men who held vjirl- I one positions in the executive, street and water departments of the board who had : felt themselves secure under the protec-

atarininp. W'ord waa soon receivea service lawfrom Sirourisburg that Mrs. Hatl waa i while the new administration felt war- also In a serious state. A nephew, | ,.yntcd tn dropping the names of the fifty Leroy A. Conklin, of G97 Clifton avenue* , employes from the payroll on the ground sent a telegram to Stroudsburg yestor- | economy, failure lo give the men for- day morning notifying Mrs. Halt's hua- | p^tjee of this prospective action left hand, Joel N. Halt, of Mrs, the way open for a legal contest,death. I it was solely on this point that Mr. Mc-

Early last night Mr. Conklin received J rdiod in his application for a writa message from Mr. Halt that his w ife | review the entire proceedings, He In­

formed the court lhat counsel for bothdied at "6 o’clock. The latter was seventy-four years old, Mrs. Wright was atxly-three.

W'hether the news of Mrs. Wright's death was conveyed lo her sister be­fore the latter died, Mr. Conklin does not know. He la Inclined to believe that it was not, because of lira. Halt's condition. As to the nature of Mrs, Halt ■ illness, Mr. Conk'ln 1r also w ith­out Information.

Both bodies will bo buried In Rose- dale Cemetery, but the funerals will pi’obably be separaie. ^Services for Mrs. W right will be held at Grace Episcopal Church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Halt Is expected to ar­rive here this afternoon, when he' w ill arrange fer the Interment of his wife's body.

Mrs. W right was the widow of Dr. Alfred Wright, who died many years ago. She was active In the affairs of Grace Church, Mr. Conklin and some nieces are her iiearest surviving rela­tives.

Besides her htisbatid. Mrs. Halt Is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Ray Wheeler, who made her homo with her.

O R E J E tB E IU lin iE D ;.JUHUflOtB^TBntl«a«eM Awvtef rf'IM IfiWA.

ALtOOKA. n . Feb. t —Rlebard low*, ot Ifktawaa. H. J., waa aranna t» pieee* ea the Fauwlvanla Rallited laat nf|A oottpaitlifii .MSwd i. A. {CmnedT, HadAoatMi. N. 'X. waa terribir IhRu Aiavlni bla eoatp ton att. aad aaBtali^ k poMM* iqtUT to Ue etane. Bath meo. M el ta boatAa owvtat weatbmaftfnigit train.'


Three More Taken in Custody in Crusade by Pidilk

S e r m Company,


UB6BS ETTOR TO 8 T iT ROMET icoU A , WUh.. Feb-:

Hie atrfkt' leader, who - ui^Jn . the lawreMA

refueeCto- Hiar-RM jbaftte-'Nr-*?, to the Stateita teetS- ® %

laMer tatale bk (be taee ot eald be tna aaa^bwaA the

pb Btter,I a omtirai fif-— rhtte,HH(|

I t : tar locttlnf te mnrda, :t>i .hie a a v m ia reaebad

hart; It he ass*PiHRBja* biaa.tflteeec, b* M toeafl, after

bed o lauet bla l e a ia hla fn aa at the

aha'that totjnitlM .wera eapeoted to beueondd Monday eeentnb- t

MiniBter Jaekwn, from SoOa, report­ed ^ the Bulgarian Foretfs Hlniiter bad Bbtifled him dmetatlr’/ that the trtiole of the littoral ot th* Baa of Mar- (nora, now oconpitaa by Bulaarlan |)n>ope, waa pretaptM by mlnee.


or, FBTBBftjoafi Feb. L -A latter fmm EimPemirWad* Joaeph. of Aoeteta- Smtwaiy, 'to Miiperor Mlchotu et Rue- eta, «htch le expaeted » cleat up tho Autw-Buelao eltoetioti and lead to t h * , .^ - ^ - OamflhniuUon of Ww Auetrian and dan annica, la on the way fivm VteMiK' ’ la «w hands of Frlnee Hohenlol barf-8cbHUncafu<tst, fonr Kungarlan military ettaahe ^

. wm iau r .

More aireets for the lllexat nee of trana- fera were made today on oomplaliit of Dlvlaion Superintendent William B. Gra­ham, of the Public Service Railway Com­pany.

Three men were arraifned In the First Precinct Court this mornlay charged with alrina away tranafere.

The men arrested were Peter Soreneon, of T2B Bergen street; Frank Tlcbenor, ot ^ Cottage Streep, Irvington, and pavtd Jenkins, , of lit South Ninth street, JenMna and Tlchepor pteadad gvUty, but SorsMOn denied the 'accuaation. UIs eae* wee laid over for a week.

The'arreate today trew out of the opn- vlotlon ot five men last Wednesday merit­ing tor the fraudulent use ot traneCera. Aocoidlng to the aHtdavlte, Jenkins and 'nchenor geve trentfere to M * )^ Oeaas-' hoe and David Day U«t WmAweagy morning. Donahoe and Day Mebded fuUty to uaiog the tianafere aat ««M t- tsd tn court that they received (bam from Tlchenor and-Jenklni,

Boreneoa I* alicced to hava gtean a tianater to Tbomhe Kvaaa. who alw pleaded g a ^ r Wednesday t* uahw ob* be woe not entitled (A Bewiaaep furtid fiTind the Irattafer to CvatHb H* jsma

BldeB hell egreed aa to the facta and that the only legal oueBtlon Involved concern­ed the right of the city authorities to dis­charge employes under any clrcumBtfinee without first serving them with a notice to that effect.

Thla provision of the efvll service law, the lawyer aaserleil, revealed the spirit that prompted the enactment of the stat­ute which was primarily designed to pre­vent the dismissal of employes of the mu­nicipal 0 county government for purely political reaaonB.

The chief Justice wanted to know if "hy eny miraculous event" It had so hap­pened that persons of a particular polit­ical complexion had been dlscrlmlna.ed against. Mr. McCarter replied that "tiy a atratige coincidence the emiiloyes rtls mlased are all of an opposite political faith to that of the administration."

This Induced City Attorney Bogge to volunteer the explanation that not only those who were discharged, hut many of those retained were of tho same political mersuailon—namely. Republicans.

The clly attorney Incidentally Bald that many of the discharged employea, e.spec- lally those in the street department, were designated as "foremen. ’

In reply to the chief juatlce Mr, Boggs staled that he presumed 'discretion" had been exercised In the pruning process ano that comparative skill and diligence on the part of the employes generally had been the determining factor In the nsmlng of thoee who had been echeduled for de-

'^ h e court agreed with Mr. McCarter that an opportunity should have l«en k - eorded those affected to be heard In the matter before final action was taken,


Speetat Strvftt at (he yKWB.PERTH AMBOY. Feb. h-Oiie man Is

dead and two are believed to be dying In consequence of the falling of a derrick shorUy after iwon todgy In the Raritan dry dock, * t the foot of washlngton street Had the derrick’s fall been ten secoiul* later, nobody would have been hurt. „ ..

The man kllied Is Andrew Kushrna, and ids death was Instantaneous, tlua EUaarni IS in the Perth Amboy City llos- piUF' wItti hi* back broken, and In the ■ame institution 1* George Martin with intenisl Injuries and both legs _ broken, ■rh* derrick is a new one and had been hMthited only about three months. The mao were on their way to lunch when the dariick tail-


ATIAUmC C i«T . F*A 1-AIl effort* t* hM fiy thi bflfe, * f * youy wtmian ld)led.l*at ssrihlat'bV * 'taAm^ Itay* sb Mar SUM. T li jr ww*sa«. anwrmitty M - J l * ™ - vdMf. dr«ga*d 111 ..dark

northern sky by inuny Newarkers esny last evenlJig, but there was no thunder, showing that the storm wss far s«uy.

Open trolley enra were mu for two hours yesleruiiy at Asbury Park im tiu | l(K-al belt line. ItimniiiK summiT curs on January J1 Is siihl to h,- a rt-i-ord lor tile AllBnlie CoBSt Khi'lii" Kallwai Coni- paiiv, which Is the oMest trolley com­pany In New Jersey, anil the second old­est In the country

George Couelns, a MonMalr policeman, exhlbltcrl a hiiiu'li of yellow flowers a' the police .slutloii ycslenlay. lie picked them from a hush In Ills fn>nt yaid,

A red rambler rose liush In the yard ot Mrs. Alvah B. Walker, Gliester, liss sev­eral clusters of fully developed blossoms.

Ctirlstophei' Howe, of Itockuwuy, poini- ed with pride yesterday lo wild honey­suckles blooming In his garden.

The tempernture at J o'clock Ibis morn­ing was ao degrees. At 7 o'clock It waa 3! degrees and at noon hi degrees. The humidity at 7 o'clock wa.s tl'l per cenl. and at noon it was f.3 pen' ceiil. The wind at noon was northwest, with a velocity of ten miles per hour.

Yesterday's temperature ranged from the 63-ilcgree figure down to 30 degrees, with an average of S0.7 degrees. The maylmnm humidity was 100 per cent,, the | minimum f.2 per Cent, end the average | 76 per cent., the precipitation hslng .1! of an Inch. The prevailing wind was northeast, with a maximum veloclly of twelve miles per hour. The day was uartly oloudy- \

One year ago today the highest tem­perature was 33 degrees, the lowest '36 rtegreos and the avetage 31 degrees, day was cloudy. ^


kr OMUM ^ tk* MbtiaR Ufa iDMTaac* Ooinpanjr. H* >a

tar-ttia cefflBW. aamwgil

*ra3B?r .sr ttsvasu- Y 5 ? W

« tfc* tMnuftfc* t| ____ ooMAiittrttff a jMNaHb (tfitaa t

l « i B » an o in t

IkIrMlf’ ! * • ( «Aim a lo i« AfAWA coat with stisib

Itnlnf. uriMO hit ba tks «a>a b l ^ ifabrsna.-w—I'qVf t " U' ' ■

c A O s w r m i

:*vA a f y w k .

6 BELOW IN MILWAUKEESjicofni Nf!fT(rr of l/u» XEH’ff

MILWAUKEE. Ffh. L—Lot'Bt llifrinnu]- etcra ri^ord a forty decree tumble Hinc*' noon vpfttfrdfly- From aO ni>ove at 13 o'rloek. tlie mefyury dropp ’d to G below today.


Gas at the rate of ninety cents per l.Obi cubic teat Is supplied consumers In the Passaic division of tho Putillc Service Gas Company today. The change In rato Is tho result " f an order made by the State Hoard " f ruhllc t.'tlllty Cummls- sloners following a vigorous fight for a reduction In the charge.

CouBUmers In thirteen munldpalltles are to be benefited by the change which, so far bb the Public Service business Is concerned, will be Btete-wlde by May 1.In order to prepare tor the new rate be­tween S.oon and 10,000 raeterfl of the pre­payment or Blot type were changed.

Heretofore the rate of gas In Ihe Pas- salo division has been $110 per 1,000 cubic leet The new rato which went Into ef­fect today will be a flat one, the company not Intending to allow the dlioount of ten c«nts per V«0 cubic iw t on Wile paid Inside of five days,

p r i s o n e r s u s p e h e dOF P E D D i m COCAINE

Caught. It Is saBerted. with a puantlty | of cocaine In 'his posseaslofl, John A. ' Raum, thli%-(ive years told. Of C'lemen- ton. Camden County, was held In I6;M , ball for the grond Jury In the Becoiid Prccliic-l Court today. The police be- ( Have Raum was peddling the opiate.

Ruum was arreMed In Lackawanin avenue, near the railroad statltra, yester­day atternoon, after a chase hy patrol­man Whitman- The prisoner had atolen a ride In an axpreei wagon, the driver of which 'wa* «eplcloui of the man's ,-tiona. luttsad of sjeotin* him ffom K * warm be watched for a palteenaan Aa ha toBse-

i m i lA IH S HiytSBLFMILL'VILLE. Feb. I-—After preparing

a meal for her aoh yesterday. Mra, Muiwwt. aged alxty-elghi: years.,

S A dw of John Munson, coannltted suicide k ^ k a n isA Aanaif- 1 ' ' *°n dlscoveied fiT* tedv baaiflBX hy * dtothesline .which

t ^ ^ m a r In the oeilax nfieo he yamrasd heana,

' kM t^ I* tbought t* hAse prompted :t. cnnaaar FardvXxw*: «**♦ A ^ ' AT AiBMfrUr 'MlWdsi

Birikvr.s, dill not necosBltats the bruising of u womuit'B head with u club, end askSd tlic Buurth ITecIncl commander If hs wanted Kruemvlhotii to tnake a StatA- nirnl of lilti Bldv of the ease. Captain Vogel answered llial Uroemelheln would hi in court at the hearing Tuesday, and would muke his Htatemcnl at that lime.

In cennccllou wilh the stunlrtg of San- loiu A bollmlnc'H shop yesterday, wbtcil reHUlled In a clash with the police tthd the arrest of onu man. Hcv. Bismarck J. Coltorlt, and other strike leaders, declare iliat me crowd was Infuriated w|ien a lirfT came to strike headanartets and said Uiul . Louis Sojlmlne, * tiicmlwr of-Jlie firm, had drawn a wy'ofver. pointed fl at Iter face, and. after threatening tti shoot her, had culled her vile name*..

"All this lifcause the girl told hlln that he khoulil be a-shained of lilmself trying to Btai've hlk people out, " Mr. Coltortl said.

Thu girl wad biought hetore Mr. Colbjf, who caused her to make affidavit to her stuiement. ,\lr, Sotlmlne also ninde a f­fidavit to Mr. Colby that he did not draw a revolver, hut admitted that he had a revolver and a p.inrll to curry one. _

Thoee arreatod this morning, beshjca the girl, weio Bamuel Bruno, ot W Four­teenth avenue, for Inltering: Prank Mkf- luio, ot I) foiinci alloy, who wua Atruck on the head and Buffered a Hcalp Wound, und ..tiilunlo tl'AIola, of 'JSk Fuirniounl uv< mie. w ho was iirresUd when he ap- peuieii In the r’o irlh Prucljict Court after K'tneinelhelti hud UlentlfAul him as oaa uf the yutig that iiasuulted him.

'J'hc man arrested yesterday In connec. tlon with the Btoiilng |nelJeiil~l<oUls Mac. chillveniLi —wits the fifth tu'lsontT.

In uskliiK that the trial of the cases he pusiponed. Mr. Lowy auU be had undiTHtuud that the eliargcs against the (irtsoiu-rp would be "lolterlns,'' and that the complaints ot Inciting riot, making 11,0 prisoners liable for a misdemeanor, came aa a surprise. The court refused til reduce the hall, ami If war then f jr- iilshed hy Antonio Bhist. of 16 FOUrtcerUU avenue, and Peter Graiilu. of 3fili Four­teenth avenue.

Mr. Colljy heard of the arrert of this morning when he visited the strike hvad- ipjarterH to continue ids InvcatlKulton ot the eoiidltlnns, and Immediately went to the Fourth Precinct Stutloii In his aulo- inohile and asked to see the pilsoners.

After looking ut ttie woman, who wort a hlood-Btalncd bandage on her headL M I'ulhy Bcemed much'wrouglU up. Thoao urreiited and those clo.iely connect^ with the trouble this morning and thpkijR >ob- terduy afternoon will he guest!onfaY»J>

Mr. Colby, who It iB uudci'StoOd Win

" ' i r j l

3, ]'it


the hearing next Tuesday raorn-liyapiH'U.r

'"> !r Colby visited a number o f tA* employes St their factories yesterday. Uhd it I" understood that, while they

1 offered tilrn aomo InformatloB, they re- ! fused him access lo their books, as

tlo'i' had said they would. Mr. CoU y bus sent an Invitation lo all of Uiw l„,ases to m 'ot him at hla Broad street olflcfia Jlonday afternoon and talU the mailer over before his report is mad* public.

Mr. Colby’* Acllvltle*.So far Mr. Colby has gone Into every

phase of tho sHualloii, having ques­tioned the bosses, the strikers, gotbe of the police and the phyriclans at th* City Hoopital, who have attended such uf the strikers who have been Injured In the last few weeks In clashes with the police. He has also carried hi* tn- vestlBatldns to the schools o,t the sec­tions in which the people affected by the strike live, and In this phase o f the matter It Is understood that there w ill be a number- of revelation*.

All the testimony taken by Mr. Colly has been copied by a stenographer, and he has many affidavits from both sides.

The strike leaders ^ much wrought “ P over the .stcmliig e f Hi# Santora ft Solt- mlne factory yesterday. Mr. Coltortl de­clared ttiday that he could not f i l t f T h bts heart to condemn those who ftqnt to the factory after Bollmine had thrsfltenad a girl with a revolver and calJefl her name*. T

" I f this glH had been.* relative ofmlne, Bollmine would irave to answer t * _ ^ per- Bonally for his conduot,’ ' the mli^hny de­clared. - i - J ,

A* to the trouble this morning, Aha lead* (jrs declare that they will bring itian!;i Wit, □eescA who will testify that. lt,.was til* action* and talk of Kroemen*^. th*' caused all the trouble and that ^tAotbar Offtcor* at the scene handled tBai'iUn*- Hon In such a manner that It K W ^ h a tn had not been present there *n>|*w have been no trouble. - .

Mr Colby has been tsk(n|r n|* th*jHfOto- coi Idea with the atrtlt«a stood that this phase o f ttta-s^ir'

ibe the basis .of Jjis'Wk-WtUl th*Monday, tf they aeq*(>* *w $Tomorrow JJlghV -th* taa,.

strike wQl speak: A* th* VWfdn at. fltephtn’s ,at the invltatloh-at laay-Eh--. gon. the rector, tshov Sphk* atj Meeting o f the s tr ik e “Theatre thiS'ts***.

FORElAlf AStS^reariw a» *tH


i b i

f r a

win .

w v - '■•S,v- ’r‘V<" l .,'^K-

N E W A R K E V E N IN G N E W S . S A T P R D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 1. 1D13.


A rr in l o i/ 'B ifik en ” at Force- Ilia W orii Starti New

Ootbreak There.


m :

l i t .

tjWftnl «ervtc« 6f Me \KWF TRKNTON, Fet» I. —fU<»ie. biondsUf i

m 4 th® ut® of d y r ia m i le hn ' .e nro<!i.j red fill wcut« iltuatlon In the atrlko the pOrcelkln workorn of nine m^nulac- txiring plfTri ta In ( h i t c i ty .

ihortly btfpre noon tr>0*y every avail- tblo poitcenun In Trenton waa «em in fu «rd the various works, alrendy pa- trollod by airlke^breakere and ei i iployeo of a Nowark detective agency. The ur- Sent call for the police follower) (he covery of a plan lo corral all the em- ployea atJll at work when they fiull thii atfarnoon.

Ymportont iiappcninus o{ the ihbi few liOUra Inelude the dynamiting of the of- flee of the TTudacn t'orcetaln i.'ompuny latt lait night: a riot ot» I'Unrrin Hl)«ei In whlc’h four men were atabbod and un- other failed oy a blow from ft brtrk. An­other riot thie morning whieh was ful- ]oa‘ed by the a*reel and fining of one of the Newark prUaie detrotiver. and a de- termlfiAtlon of (he men to prevent ary employe froiti retm-nlng to work whlU’ the atrtkA roittinUfs,

The riot thlK mornliig w a i pr*>i'inttaied hy the arrival of a frolH y car nUr-d wiif) atrlko'brcakere at the plant of the im- perial Porcelain VVorka Ahfmi biw ■trlkfre who had aaeemiHed wt ru taken COtnpletely by eurprlae wh^n tlip nlilke- brcakepi doplov etl from Iho Irolipy ch f, and headed by delecllve" from H e ark agniioy, UaRan rn f<jrri.' Ihnlr v\ii\ throuMh ihe airlkere.

Although tlie I lots which foUnwr.l threatened aerlo.ia ronaeriijenres rnr h ttiwe. the elrlkers w«r#> »o taken al'at’k hy the audden aiib^Arance uf the etrllu- breakere that Hi'* latter had pru' Hcaily made their way Into the plant helorr aa orgatiited effort coiikl be made io pimo them.

Newark Sleuth KIned.During the mel^o Joltti KLrl>e^k, i.t>e of

the Newark dotectlvrs. .Aint* k Joseph Gualck, a local striker, In the face wiili hta hand. P’urheck was arrested an-i ftned IIO. The detective declared thut

.durlpf the charge through the ranks of tha itrlkeri he had simply epread uul hia liftpd to aid In forcing a puMbage. I'n't!

> wai denIM .by Qualck and Hevarat wu- naliaea. who testified that Furbeck had deliberately etmok Ouslck wlihoui provn- catlon. As the latter was walkitvg aloni the etreet.

The riot at the Imperial Works wns the must aerloue of thr day'a ctevclopinents up to uOoii, Many of (ho strlkerR, however, are foreigners with quick tempers, arid the leaders have found difflruity In pie- venling violence nl other plants This sttnatlon was re^otu^lhle for the heavy police guard sent to each plant.

The dynamiting of the office r»f tiic Hudacm PorcelHln Works last night was accotr-pllehed wlihout leaving any due hs to the perpetralor, Some of thi; clrcum* Htancci prompted a belief (hat the dynu- mtie liomb placed under (he office wa>( wbftt Is known as "an "Inalde as op- pOfted to one done by an outsider,

r The only peraons known to Imvo bem about ihc works at the time were Michael L'onro)', ti night watrhmfin, ami ECdwaid Igadell. geiicial foreman a I ihe svurkH. Conroy wua firing a kiln at the tlmo m


Essex County INational BankNEWARK. N. J.

N o v e m b e r icO *MCAOtMUlU UAHII.ITIES

Jm b s «ad DlecvsnU S«nda and Inveslmeots.. ItesJ BsteUCub. «fld due fmwi Banks


CepItftI itrch Psid la Surplus aod I'rolUsrirruladett ............Depesita . , a A o . T i i . s44H.400 00


TdU I ............................ tt<.4l 4.IM.na I TnUIRECEUBS ACCOUNTS ON rAVOR.tlll.C TERM*



HEARDI60NTHE ® a l l e s e d b i g l o o tTARIFF aOSEDHouse ComniUee Immediately

1 Bejin Executive Discus- ! sion of Testimony.

D<»aSnH (oDVlel Haya flAOk t aab Ktolra h r 1 ' o l m a a W ' r u l (o % r v r \ o r k

4jmmiljlrra.liijrtTnN. iVli I - till imnies of

men Im p lh u t r <1 havi- been made pub­l ic i t t yt-t, I f i]p<‘l t t i r< l here t^'day t im ts'li* of (III ll a l lIl'-| I’l :fii* yuu vmII m --i lJt f r i i i U Ih i - . i j . : I NNlMji lU i id' - !■> ' l l l ;4ij l. K. 'JJm-i , , I ;uuoil >nWln»ilr! i.ow



h en r 11 *;



Hired Gangsters Make Error in Old Roebling Plant Destroyed,Victim, Labor A^ent,

Who Nay Die.After Hot Rod Fell

Into Oil.

F f l i 1 T h ^ I f l I i l f • I <" -1 I .k I h i H fl ef H l i rK iR t Iir.i' Ui <t|I ' iJalh nf.ASluii-i

m s f I ' f im n i l t fee on wa) a ami I bi r i i i s l i i ' i * t imnn> w B s hy w l t -

II, (i ip ( r t p l [M nnd Ui '•i*logy I he H ' i i T i l n I s t ra l l \ pn i •

............... i f.H i n r i f f lawn i l [ i l l exbfeni'p a 11 In. hi ' ip m f ' i iH i i ' )

(■' T i i iH h i of l i i fo r m a t lo n g a i i - ' i e d w i m h 1+M l ' ; i >u e , \ M r l ' f i bi l l wau f r a m t iJ I ' l ifw:> H ie < I ' l i im i t le # i c a i l j to [i rnr eei l neK' weet \%ilh e x e i i j ( h e S' -KSlonh, pohNil<]\b-i iHi hrt;. m id ( l ight. H ia i mft i ' ' f u i l i i ' . e

I 1 I

.1 f J M i (.1 e i g l i L n i i ycHfa in Hi«1 ’ l l . t l I ra l ‘>\ ■ . S ( m r I 'I [KIMI

i i.iii l( *1 . trt .lol'.r. 1.|i)] i r i ( i 1 t f C K - i i J i i r I ' l MaM '*« rt i i j -

.“■I"*, n-r.i.io f ihi- NriHnrittl i'it>I l f l i i i i b i M « i '

li UK' fi'-i i i:. - bunk t!ihI George' ■"iMi iMh, i l l . I of i i e tn iU 'o i >, atole U - \-

ii4-ail> li i 'i ,ii vhi--li ii». !oat lo K*u-hei H t i j fi l^ I I I m i l l c u t i i i l l e ie ,

I su i i J ie iM ( njsft'H.--i >!; I - i n m i r I I I re x e i i g i 'l ie o e ' l a r H l n i i -n h-- H -Jl'.-d In ! i rnu.inJled i.liM uiifl fi< H .inerting !>«■ k <il

i l . i ' i n )!p.»!flpiH r i . i i i i i . I l i rt ti I I I ' I ' lH<Ih u (\ I to ■(■n i i ' - i i i i r i M , - l||*■Tl m ^ i

i| • fHi mli rn p i i '

M dh




the exnloaU'n H»d luadtll had Men (.min* i 111 Ihe orflctt a ftw minute* before, U*- 1 d*U I*d gone out to upeak with Conrny i ■M thl> Wit* probably all that saved hi*«f%

Th* esploftlua wttfi of auch force aa to ! ehkkft buUdlngti for several blocks bc< i sIBef completely wrecklag the office uf ' th ie porcelain worka. Policemen hurried to tho ecene aa quickly ae poaelble and I ftld^ by (..onroy and laadekl. made ■ I thorough eearch of thu prenilace without * discovering any evidence of the man wh-j | throw the bomb or placed It under tho [ office.

iauaeil Night IlloC.Accoi'diug to utatrmema made todey

the riol In Clinton etreel laet night wue predpkatfd while Gaelc Pennork wua walking- through g. 'viwwd« 4t at rlkera. Some/Ohs lh4hd.^bWi it gltsfed tb have DftUed-'Pennock a "acab." whereupon he pullsd a knife and started what developed tpto a free-for-all fight.

Among thoee stabbed by Pennock wa* I Fetor and Stephen I^nydors brothers, who | wars on their way to inspect an automu- j bUs. Nbliher of the Snyders was In anj' Way at all in the strike. Ppter w-ae the moat serlouely injured of the two, re­ceiving an ugly thrust In the throat. He wyas takch to Mercer Hospital, where he WHL be confined for some time, although ' hi* tnjtu-lfes are not dangcrouu. I

The riol ended when Pennook wsh felled ' by a brick, John Oonlfas, who w'as seen | flourishing a knife, was arrested, as ’ were a number of others. ^

The rankfi of the strikers wei*® nug- mented today by the w-alklng out of all \ the girls, pres(4ers and kllnmen at the Star plant, one of the largest po<rcelalii csiabllehmenie involved In the etrlke. i

The Central lAbor Union haw dodded . upon ft per capita asaeBsment of lwent.v- ' five cents to aid the etrlkera. A benefit. ; lasting two dftye, will be given at the ! Broad street theatre.

.M'^RHICY f ' l T X ' . Kn>i 1 j^}ii i( diihixi, in n Batvon at 1' f i t r i i l i c n k \»T' i«* i h h Ib.v A man Fi ippouPd in ' i r i i l n u H n i i ; . who hatl n U n l j i ld II | ,k \ i ( l i i n T 'm m a - l ’n n ro > , n K f i< i 'H H v J+' ■< • iH n l ld ln 4 i ' r t jd fH ' • n n - . n \h h ; „ . r i i i tn

I nndi l t^ni In i h r . l i r - i ' I ' l t - . |jiiF|<iiMl IJ irki .1 nf I li »-

S i r i i i i <Bl I n n i W n c k+tN I tuni i '.[ I i nl \ Bun i INM( in a .“( K iM i i i ' ‘Tit f u i .* e*I i ip iHn. ‘- i t i i i H i i ( l i '* 14 l i i f in n r i n i d . c l iU ;1 IN B f U i K u l i l l : ' e x j U ; * ‘ M' <1 i h f i ! i . n . M n n d . i I In* IH 10 HP|'*H1 Ml U. rni - f -Hs i j ; nf n. It rat*--.

in M ^ n l i a i i a n i\ni! i r r - e i n i u r n n iH u r i lun t Win 1(1 i i l i H j (I O n U h K ir n la dh i;b i

T l i l d d t ' l f n a te w lu m i Ht jpki* r - ru ' -e d fn name Inn! uf i i i , - .Sf ' .nda’. (H’pMioii. ( I ' l o r i l l n g t i r r l i i l i i i r r r i i i u k i i UhhU l U r i f l H l i - t l i fn i* (h l l f tA tM I i lM ir (•• JrrP!p>, l i u r k e m h l hf* t i. id b e e n - ‘ i Ip]>r0 o f f ' taac i i l g n i n i a in«(^t i r i i r ( l i n t H!«t u wan ’T t o u l i l f " (OTurng a n i in |r>ok u i t fo r h l in H S l f H p KabI liw f x p e ' (ed ■'t i i u ible' am i wa.s n u l i i f i n l d

' I 'h l f IK ti‘i\ a f f H l i , in II ( r r i i f - i i tC i in rn y i iu ide t i ' I ’a p iu i r i L i '^. ■'r*nd T v l i rn 1 gt-( w p I I I w i l l n e i i l r Hie « f u r e Hi rn\ ( iWn HWeel w i i y .\u w pl^'ace du rnd toe Ji i i y morp u i ient lu n} ' . nh 1 re f i i s* - u i n iHke any l e i i l y . ’

' i 'he po l l rc h i i \ f ' ' n r p i l s u i i t i , w bn |?.(Vf h i s murm l i i n i - n t \\ ' IH mhnr ,\n n re i u ! l o f a (MKi leaslun rnnde i j y h i m dutc - t lvee i iTf* • t a n l i l i i g In N > w Y n r k f u r iw u o th e rs , nil i l l in l ie knovi n (u W l l h . i l i e r uni V 119 k i d 11 n n m l (f

I U ' l y im . ■I W l l l u i b v r m i m U i r d H a t Hj iT i Intook I 'OMi-u) f( t r H in d h c i

I tfen h l T F i l . W l lh a b o i Sdld, inmnn, b n l i h iH nian w n s n i j t r n i i r n >

A f t e r a t te n d l i i f t a m r e l l i i K of the H ' l l l d - in{; I ' l ' j jdPH 4' o n n H l In a bal l roi i r Hiu SHlunn, .4' n n r u y and »<»T,erHl oH u t h . a i i iunR w hom I t u r k p , Hlupppi l m H ie i

F o l l o w i n g a i i i f tHle w H h Hic t : «- ieRret!-In wJi lf ’i i . i t 1b KakI , l l ' i r k e and ‘ 'n i i io > botl i f lg u ind , I h r c e n h n l s W ( ; r r flr»?d at i . 'on foy, a i l t a k i n g I T i n * t ln upKHogHtera u o l i U ly In ic ked to l i te r lu o i , tw o of them fb-t^'liig, Willie t in* um j »v Jhj hndiJime ihp H lu Kd InH coNcmd Hiu-se :n l io -h a r - ro ( j i i ! w i t l i Hu,* l i e H k ot u r n i p and ra n



I Ci\- MtStl'lK lilt Ilf

H ! I Mb’'■ H fi . I t (TH l i i /.i rl

l iPi k l\\r f . i P• k [ a rt men! w u«

not m i l H i r m ig h K f l m j a r . b in t h r o . i i j l i T tioK' u f M r i ic h , ]!) Hu- f i i m o l H l i ' i i i u f I ' f • t H t lv h I c e I: i u lb ' t i f ' l r i in o i n n ^ C u i i - ' Kreee |

1 In- f : ' r l l " l |iar' o ' h * u H s i o . [ila i Iw blob lAMS . n (ui in V VK: IJ i <<i B u b f td r i t lab . | d i f fe r f ; ( ' in Hu fu r n u I i u n iO ( / . i l l - ' f r e >bal b i l l rif ' H r a* i t ia l nn HH urc went , bu.H n;a*' . (1 ’ r y nu iT i f i i i . s l j t l o o ’- J’he oM ■ I le#- IlNt u j l l r - l l t u a H t l by J IuUBeu a d t i H ( i !rv. u|\r icdn l l i > i - ' of H . S T j i Ka y e a r f l i " : g h F i < r ld o ( i t l a f i ralaed th at ,p *H n ale lu JlH.fNmoc nr JM."]W,0C>ti. I

T j i " l iM H i ' i i K ' WM' i i n a i ' ; . I l ' iH4' .l a f le r |I botiia: M cl N( w hH'l |

Jolert-M. '.'I t l i ' i n ’ 15 >■1 1 i i HT ' ; N**w "l e rk , on in [' io ,i a luJ j

■ . of N'ev. 'l• K, on ' .ei -iniH

]v-• t

..J1-' (is Mi> i 1. Pji 11\ IrkU 1 H *- .

s|if .knn In 1' l.en SU-||) .Im no ft I , I.-

a ' I n 1111: *41 r a !

H i ''">1 I i ll In;'I. -u

S. \ * hi 1 v-i ond . -i .r‘14- buiLI.u l ie u•■xt'ilH Ilf .Mus -a- '

Hci u ' l vf i i ( ii I \' i inatM (1-- 'I•■|||U' 1 b-Mlr:' j l lO' iJ t r i H k f H i - ,11 I " t ' e ( '<

' ' f id >1 ( f' l 1,1 ni. . h 1.1 1\ *• i i tu rHif)t pr lH - ' i i . i i i . i l H i ' . I I . ' i i t , . t (H o / ' - a l l I t i r ' l . io i i i \ h ; i l \i 11 i , l l i i i l i

11(1 J 1 - J !• Hs; I ■*1, ; i ' I i I ' 11 b+c 11' 11u n i t'I t l u ' N uw Vui K j ' l . . u 1 1 - ’ r t I I I ( ' l l sc lu - im ' - F I f { ^ I i j \ - KI I ' l k >b • ' i 1 t ' J i m r u h l l r W4- \»*TC - (•■pa I-I H 0 .k H ‘ ni , i I\ t-( “• f i -11 th u lr rn ' i ; 0 >, h i h I I " I b i s ('Mill l l l l i i 5.*‘tO H l lU;tLf .Mil ! I i fl U il I l f 'i '(I l('d In N'e>'- ^ - o k h > >h r .^y.. lu- lwho was I bv JO'(ol o f i h r fa ro b j i . d rcii !

Un'larra icrdrrlil M f lr lah Tr l*^ to k » - ftol^ uf latrrDaCtuDat Supreac C«wr|.

N k \ v V O R K , l*’eh. l . - G e n p r a l C I p r i i i i K j C a s l r o todey neinalncd at hla hote l here Mo t t i i i n ju n r v d In- did i io l I n i f o d to i i a i i u n y o f t h f Um'q I placeu of |nte r« i i t j \ u i ntpi' "h»*n( ■'

i I h r o u g l i m i i p t o r p r r U T (ho geo nra l Held l[f* bel lpved H i s t lb . d i f f i c u l t ) w h ic h he I m

I c x p p r lp n r ln j j ; in o b ia in lo g h-gu] MuncHon to ■ e n te r t h i s co i n l r y |«n e n t i r e l y due l u f ln . n i

l U ! I n te r e s t^ I H that the «aineA m e rh -H i i v o i - ] A i r » l l u i i u l ip t h r e w n j i uf \ I ( . . ' / i . f la , a f l c r l l . f y had noia hu-d a ■'pl h b / l i o i i - ip n l i i S n r- h i fbo'T iL It g i r - r S l n b ' 1»'-- pti r I no.'ifi Ml V\ axMiigUm I|i alBO w-jspi I- eij ( l iH l the I ’n r . u l ) o f H iv F T e in l i G t n r r n - r>ii t.[ tu h h i i ui^o |H due \o hlJ* (U l i o n a ' I ' l ■-.'NifiMii Id V c n o iu i U In u i ^ t m B F i i r n ' i IhTt 11 s ( n hi \ l•lll.*?.l]l I k

' iM upa] ( 'a t i l r o s U o {.anl tie w « h . .o ta t t ' he lu c k H. I ' p.> li( I ' . iu r • In lu'E i ( h s v . ‘ i l n n T-.*' I .' ' ' K t i . i t ' V. bi l l .1 H - r l i ' ra l I> i ' , i i i1 of ('N . .m In n iK w L n t . 'd (c. t " i l H> Idtn r e u i 'u H t V ' lb- |i. v‘, ij li I I-;i ' I 1 M|u l id i !'• - ' Idf ' * i l I f I k - Phi a r i S W ( ' ' ' r ! i t i f o I f*t In p ,s 11 V. I I I.a .<' ht-i I cquH i i io n l to re. o g n u l i i ^ H ' jip. .n ig i .11 :.>,j HU i Ic i iuiStA a** a s o i l of t i l l ' ' 1 . iM 'U' . i I p--ipr<'ui' ' o u i l r i ■ f i . d i ' i i l' s . i r i i r i L ’ v s i i i i - r l lu i|i i i7. : 3i-*i,,.j-j( I (•j n I i .. u l ' iJ i i T ., I I ' l 111 1n0 l»-| who w a- . X l ’cl.TPd M l i . l i ' r ' i i i j ; I I i i|* 'i ' ' ihi> V 'n h rx 'o -U in « . u ' Cr Ji MiCli l

T i n fopMO'r f T^ 'S ldeo i of \'ei io.xuelrt w ’-i.sn i U ' l . pb-a.-icd m e r l i i « I p i n p o i s r j teka. ' i* ui ; j;.j.'.o l-H ! s t a ie r d a y i i f t c r h o o i i f i c m Hie 1-d lh Iwland i tn m Jg ia H o i i h Hl U o i . w tu T . - I l f heel hperi .|etAlm-d l)v H ie \Vnvh l i . : , ' ion aid t io r l t U 'S for n i n r l n n io i jH i

i ! f e x p n ajif-rl i i i m s o l f In Hppi 'o' .al o f the ;o l i o n of .1 ' i Ok >' H o d ' 1 ht- r n ! i . d S iaH '. ' i l i l s l r l ' d Ho u M . In Hu- l ia l ' t ’«H . ' j i i u i s pio.....lli-H« iij his lip'fiait id'tuiala : ji|n,Mip O' U w c I » dL Hi i '’ l u a n u E 01.1 h ss 111


Ferris Ofiers Retohition for b > quiry Into Ore|on Land

Fraud Convictions.




I. I ........... t'l- i iu i i f . ' I '"idJrr Tr ' iitoii 'IIP

'•'I " ,1 r i i .d ,fi i i . l i !n i i< ( i iw i s i iM r d t . l l i . r i ||||> fo nu- ' i f .'-I'l H-lupjuVi S [>r■' .; I , w I , K s Vi • 11 ! 14. +' bi‘4'fi ii [■>; J ! IF . . i l I ' ' . j i nu i [J.Ii'- olfl mill Was n 'vo -m ii i ' nlruc

r l i i i H t ' i f \i. uiK| i i i i l i i ' r n i L M T M . l i j i c ,I 'JHI I k r l i p o r i l u l l i ' Htlp[j|u li H'(| h PC m o d . ' i n h m l r i i i i g K ftitd e l Th- I i r i ip I h r f i n - . m i l a tn o i l a h i i i id r i * d i t u p'

14 I ' l ' c m | i ]u \ rd I I I ' hn dt 'pi i 11 m ent i iB l i iy : I t T t i f - f l ; r M in i f»'d ab out 1 I o v.lo' k to- ■ las i i r i . l ' .v«H I I I i|. [ s - r t i i l r r ' l bv H 'o i i

T ( i c l i iMS In q ' l H o b i K 4 ' . a l t h o u n l i no " i i p Hi tt iH I i u i ' b l l i i g I 'o pnpa i i ) w n i i i r l o iu k c ni i\ ' e s l l i j i H l e nn (r> l ip p k i m i ? I l i r i i i i H w i l l p r c b K b l y be bsp la -e d h>

.IIJ u p ’ Hi d a le h u i l t l l r i i r . u n le sH ITi i* r o m - I 'H in B l i o i i l d d e r id e l o r e m o v e Ih e p a i - i u u I h i - < lepartrnr*nt. o c c u p j i n g l l to Ihe H i i r o f I t s K l n k o r a w o i ’ka.



I r L’U i i l i m i H l r-ai ll In i i ia l ' jI'll- H r Hdo hrid' iiH ri [ i ■ i a |-

I s f ' d t i r r S i m s V : i l l ;i ' r ; t J-faT|(Jh, I ' - R i l ' i i l T . ' - ' . 401.I l l O'- f i dornied


\\ .'XH111 .N G f I i . V F u b I K i-pMi 'J icntal lve i i r r i B , I ' f 1 ' k b i l u j i i i n , u i n r m b f r u f H o u B f f o n i in i t C ' - un p i i l i l K ’ landn, d.i\ l i d r u j Lii i-d '■ P« i r a o t u t iu n , u l r e aa y told uf m t i l " \>-wP“. i - a l l i n g fu r an !«• ' i g j i l io n uf Hu* i i m i t io d H n*ed by W|M- iH i i .1 l i u n i H K ih l K r a m l s J. I le r ie y In

i i i i i f T Hi* ' -r.i iv ii r iJin o f Jonua, Mti>>< u iu l o l i . r j N I I I the f i tmOiib Oregon iutiO fCMiid i 'u i i 'k d u r i n g tbo Roo Heve lt e d m li t "It*! I a l .on ^

'I I r ' bii r I <s i i x a I > s i M r e s i h l i n t i A nd l l ' - i i - ; . b f i i L i ' . l I t ]h i j iub' i -^lood. Liy o i - KU''7[Gd l . ih m , nr^ , In kul ihCHi i re, l l i i Ut l - i W f i i : t.K M j i l ' i n r x i r e n i e s Jli tJieJj . j r u r l s (o lll• lr•f■ ■ o-' H u l l , p uvk in g the J i i r> fu i ihi fl i piMpnee

I I I A ;* lMH-l r i rM[ . bi f i l r . Igb l M r. B u m t i-a Id

J P i i I f j j r r n ^ i h I m p r n r i i l p ra y th a tL ,#• I ■-"to',j' ,<yr 11111 oib ii-e J b\ l l ^ p r e se n lH - l u r J'r r n - -Ai il h r ] .R ' i .ed and H m t the n 'c - r ^ •HT■ |||■G n e s i 1 j i i d o n po ss ib le w H iI m i i i . id ' n r . , i l . i i l i M i K ' e j ' i . ; K r d m g tl iOII \ ."•I G k m o p ' Mf iF i ru i f r iU i r iN fn iT regOu H i 'U r i i i d " P"H, f . ' i 1 ll- r r .p o t l i L i rn ls h v iJb r l.e j . j i i i U i ' l l . (I I 1114' I U> i ' i iey -Gvh- " l a i ;i i Mii ' H - ' l l ' 'd i I l K r i l N J o u r s . wHau ,1 • >i iC> p K M lr n . id .o ja M b ie i l Ml®I , I " . .......... . * , I*J,. I . iu. ' l « . 0TH e- ldn®ll I vh . P r I l i rt I ss r I' i l l 11' I ( ' r| ,1 hd the I ' l . - - i l l : r. ',.1 \ t (.,p "HU - I ;■ n.-T « I V 111- bo itt...... . 'll. • I rd

. r . -pci II '

.......... j i t odr.cl lb‘ .1 I.n I ■ i 'Ml I fd o r i , i i I 'n . r i did i -u

\ 111 •


T i ' K T ' ' - i H i ' a n . F e l ' 1 - T h e I 'I s h H h i ' l u r l . i i i z \mb'rHt>u, p r e M i i t c dhi** I r i ' i l m t b i l H I l.iI h i and v ,i .' . i f l n -sva rd v « l H i Mr*! V i u l r r u o r r l i r. . f I l ie I T u I ‘ ‘ uT rt m l ]-.Mi |U r i S at I 'i U I'- -

lb , I ' ; , i n i s I r H - . 'VI ■Ntii;jtl lUJ' t'J

..... .. Wll-

' . ' T I

'c.ihlinu('il fT’"m F r l f’sKr

' livlngton. forernan . - K ron •ern* in Ihlia I' 'lilt gri Rtilke, h{’ - of Ihat tnvn for prn-

■iml " J i m

i;.i l igel e i ' i ' l i i H had

' du up ' H


Itccns-ru-liiR llioir |n-rS4'iicH uf mind. frlemiH of <Jouroj' daslierl from Ho- miIooii and gave rhaee i.o a running niAn who pruvorl lo be WUhRl/or Thrv brid him vintll ft pnllrftmfttt appeared. A1 pcdloe headquartem WUhober. who f*aid he wan tUneloeii yeare oUl and lived in a Hnweiy lodging-house. Manhattan, told of Hie al­leged ronaplraoy.

Thursday tiiglU. (lie prisoner aald. he was approoi bed 1r New V'ork by n man known to him only sk "Kid Itynanitle." who nfteredi him |50 to vome in Jeraej ( 'Ity anrl help "do up" n men. At 8 o'clovk la»fl iiiglil, tlie oonfeealuTi wenl on, Wll- haher met "Kid Mynaintte' and another character In iHe Hiiffnlo Hufe at James «tiect. Manhaitari- Tiie prl^on^r declares that lie did not know Huu-n w a s lo be ft killing. WlHiaber was hWd with-

"Put bait.



ror/-ra/j»ifl<feurt.PRTNCKTUN. Feh T — Gu\priior Wll-

auh errivvd early this Hflernooii at his home here from New Y'ork. where li« Sponl 1a « l night. He hart no ongage' nienls and expeorfd tu Fpend the rr* nuiinrter I'f l .e c1r \ quH'll)- with Ills fnmily.

There !e rfahon in *'Kprct Ronic an- noiJrii'emeiils next wn^k by tlie Gov- errnr regfirdlna fl|ipolnt]nvnlH which he will inak«', both ws Go\'einor ami as ITsHldunt-elect. W hether the momber- Ri p o f the b’abli ift win be lunoiig them cannol hr amaerled now, bin. I t Is probable (hnt hii unother week ihe iiamea of flie Mlhn im;n Ihe will uAd .Mr. Wilson In running ih « government may h*- In prl'ftt.

U la b'Heved that the announcement of ■who wil l be aeci'etarx to the i'resi- dvliL wi.l he made early In Hie week.

.‘'■/ir ' ff ii S r n in - “ f iftr \ A U , ‘'' ,S K W n R H N S W I i ' K Feb 1 \a « 1

s^" iuel to H i p c a i 'H i r e o f i h e i r r l i i - ' s iT f -a l- \ drnt. r;ar:iah TI Mflgena by Hm' aophn. ] nn.-n- " U r#|. y p .a te n Jd , f<,nr iuemli*- rH of j ' IIP f re a h n iHn f lRPH of U i i ig e ra (‘'n l loge j nuidc a l ifdd H l l e i n r d lu k l i i lnnp ' r h a r l e a i

.Marl in , u f t ’a M v o l ! ihe hcRi! n f the fu n n . r aindenf bodv, lor l f ty, but falJod in Hie (■: f u r l h

S m a r t in g u ' r " - r l ie r r i f k l i i r n e d on them ' Ihe i [ u R r ( i ‘! i . f f i i K l i n i c n maakert them s e l ' i ‘,< r a i l H i i a m o r i l l n g . ol i tn lu e rt n ! le ih b-r and i-l+niheM M a r t t i i B TO<ini, in t}n Hu la t t e r w r s s lo j 'p lu K T h e s tuden iN } iK i1 j-ump prepared tu gag M a r l i n , wh o IH in pres ide r i Ih.* f in n i i a l hanip iet u f the f r e s h n i B i : i 1r >,0 |.> bp hr\>] .Mnr idf iv n lg lH at l leHK'M webcr^ , in .N'ew A'ork. but .M a rl in i iw oki ; as thi-y were ap p ly in g thp gag

T i m S ' lp h o in n re ]i ndi r , lel m j i a ye l l , wh ich a ro use d the o t rm r m e m lm ri i o f that body g m i r tp re d at the ' 'bib. and a Kencra l ir ielpt! fu l lcw cd I Muring Hie a-'i’ln im age Ih i - fo ur f r o s b r n t n m n i ie i h e i r es»'ape before l b " l i c u i le g t assoc iates wern ati lp to I d r i i t l f c them.

M a g p i i s ' s cnplni 'p w as e f f ' - i -b i l v p s ip rd H v n f le i i iuon, udi ' -n h b . r i y (if, Ko p i iu n m i i -s dragged h im f r u i i i I i ih room, lu indled l i l m in to a lHi(h-al> and dn.ue u f f in ( I jp d i r i ' l l u u n f . V l f t i j f l io n K n y u iu n d M A u M l r i u f H lo o in f ie ld . x Ic r -p re s ld e n t uf i h u idHap, w as s p i r i t e d a f f u i t i ie same l i m e , t m i inai iRged to ntake l\ ls esci ipe by I m p i n gOut of the i t u H o r x'ehlele am! b o a r ' i i t iK a[■inB.slnB t r u l le ) ' ■•m !n t h i s cl l. i

T h e a nnua l banquet c f Hip f re . s l im an " In s H w in be In Ul t u i i k l d In T r e n t o n . ! m Magei iH w i l l not I " ' i h r t e , hh (be s r , i moren h HH l iw s e h im In r i iK to d\ . j . i P - f i i im R l ) l y u l aume o u t -o f -H ip m a.s |dam [ helween h'- re and AJetUtdim, ' I 'he f r e s ld e s \ i ie l leved that H i r l r r i v a l s were t a k in g ( l i e i I 'iaBH p r f s l d c r u to P e r t h Amboy, a m i n u r i - t i n l tlic* )K»U' 'C n f th at tow n f ' be on the looko ut f o r u f i n i y . hi* In wh ich a man was bplng ■■kidrmppoi ' i. "

u f 7 M H pie K V efi I ' u f unp of t i l ' ' ' I'M I ' m . V hoae men a

p«’B led ( u the i k .Mcp 1 iei Ib m tod«v

MpeaerBchin i i l t vi '^iled the a l M i u n houH6 K ' ld l i i fo rJ ' lU ' r l r i i l e f Creep H ia l se ve ra l s l r l k e t B l iad fo l io 'wrd i i n i i tu b i s home \ f 'Hter i l .H' and he w as a f rh l r t t h i i l Hiey in Ip iH a l l ' i n p t to w n i l s ■ h im . A i id s

' ! i -qm'.* l Rn o f f l i r r w b b sent to bin homo I ih lH m o r n in g bi ac'-ompany h i m l o the [ ' .

T h e Mrlker 'M. ■whom he « the h m v a ' . ' f i l ie s t r i k e bm ak e: shfcwever | the men wfc, ' pHul u f f Hi-* lu i t .p un v

_____ . I del ivered I t s i iH i r i m t ' i m , w h i i -h v k n roJe. (ed T h i s w as that ihe m*'n K | ir " i l ' l

GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTERS a,'I::;’,V'.:HEAR STRIKERS' TR IALS ■ tn. r . ' a * . t,, .hc mp.. m fp

I (‘-I'ri :rr i/]€ \ f. iCsS vx M A I f l I I.V, I p h 1 V ' l i h iUf. H r r l v a l '

u f Rbr iut i ig J ic ,\( w Y’ i t r l ' i ke -b t e a k ' r s I at Hip i l l . h i i n l M in e u f Hie T iu ' n i a a Jr-ui I Hompaii.v yr"tei.iti\ n fieriioru . v.«rk ha*-] iieftti rpHuriiod, uniler guai I <>f ........ (vi-n

l .v- f l\H flimed Blrlhr-lireuki I aniJ flfteer' men from I ’uvir. deputlznl by Siuiiff Whitfirid H CIIIpii .M.i lur Andrew l-lwam Is In ''.imnand of Hi ' dci'Ul.eM

XVhlif- thfl Bfh'rifr irfLiM J lu 'It puHr-e Ftrikt'-breakers. jie fui.I vest, rday that the nven i ouki nut Vm jn evented frurn i .ir- r)llig rifIvM nr Htiorguns while on min- premlsPN. Slijrp tbn nuruTs nlnuk fu'i: weekw ugn ih",v li.ive reiimlned avX'av fimi! the pmpertv, und tbere has been nri di-



r m l l e v .feared, were pot in slghl.

npf^in! SrjTiV# nt ihc VffWftN F W Yc RK, Feb. 1 -rTreatl> inter-

eared iiy what thev saw In tho Wnmairfl Court IftHt night, of the rondltbins faced lit lb- gb I gnrmF'Til woTkera on strike. MIi'Bph Flcriiiiu' iiud Jessie X\'ll8on.

In the window of I dnughieT.s of the F ' r e « l d " n t w e r e rirlet (Tub. where | , vpe. terl today In ewrry rhelr investl-

k'ttHon further b 'uJ talk wllh some of Hii» college women Working for the {■RiiBP of the Htrlkora

The ('l• vp^no^■a dflughterp, Ri-com- pHiilod by Mrs .1 Bnrrtpii Harriinan, sat for more than an hour H((er the theatre IhsT night in Magistrate Herbert s couri They appeared pleased when the magl&lrate rtUrharged a number of Ihe girla with reprimands They showed a mure serious intr-reat In those caseH wliere the rourt linposert fines of fo Btid (tu against the girls

t'iiargrs of brutality by the pnllr e w marte tniiiiy by MIsr Fola I.,rt h'ol- lotte, daughter of ^erintor La Follelte; Gertrude Biirnuni. the t'hicago Rptlle- M iP i i t workiT and alrike leader, and a number of other women A depulalloTi headed by Mian L r FoHettn and MIbb Barnlim. with AU ptimt.’ Oflorgjp Gordon Ibittk* arid NX’alter L Mororkle. as vol- vjnteer rounbel, xx'oro expected to call op Idslrlct .Attorney WhiiniKii today and lay before him the evldi-nce Hiey ha\<* Rkcumulflled.

i main in Hie ndtwH Ml tmun ealltjg tiiei ! meals fn,m .'lO'J to l.kOh feet nmlri-gi-nun !.

And tn w o r k f r u m : n «‘i[,L-k r=at i [du> a f tcrno'jn ujull 9 in the ev^n ns:

The rvniiHnjng e jn pbyv ,p jon i rnen f lMunen and i - i i K in e e r s and v u ih i j re in i ii ex. epHng S i jp e n rH i- n r l e i i t J hmo "J A r t im r , AssiMiaiil Sui'erlntenrtent Alfred .1 I.obt) i HJid W i l b u r ScRr j rvg , r <•!'r k i i u l t I Iv. pr«'msat'S. '

S '* -[ng H i p nven w e n d e l r r m l n e d in t h e ir «[Hn<l nnd dnTb- i f ia Hng the t iutcuno' uf Ho-ecmipany H j i f r e r , Genera l Stupcr in tendcni Boyd l iHd nvRde a r r a n g v o ie r i l B w l H i a pro- fpHBlonal P i r j k e - b r e a k e r to nend a n u m b e r of men f ro m N e w Y o r k .

So dH the e n g in e e is . f i r e m e n Budp i i i i i f m e n r e r n a l i i id at t l i e i r p o « l s Hie ' ’Oi-pipHtiy'-'i minep H u s t R l t i r d no daniago IVhen ihcst.-' men le ft the m in e s began i " , f i l l w iH i w a te r S te am wm« soon s l a r b d i ‘\ Hie ne w c om e rs and H ie p u m p s set I n . opera l io n . t h u s p re v e n t in g the HooU Ing ' of Hie in i iK 'p

Mic XI1 Ikc-tiffakeri are being housed In Ihe eoMlro' rooms, iha blackMiilHi shop and ciffli'f'.H of the i oiiipntiv, aiul a i c not aliiiwed tu Ir'KVi' Sandwli heg anrt coffee are sent in Ihe rrdnea from & local ratiis- Ke l lc r .

Tlic p i i g i n e i T s f i r e m e n and r u m p n ie n , ; by way of ju s H f .v i r i g t h e i r act ion, say (fie cumpMiiy b ro ke fa i t h w it h t l i e mincrH v l i e n they h i red ihe B t r i k e b re a ke r s j I h f l men wh o rert iatned at th e i r powin u i i - | 111 ye s te rd a y said t lu»y feared In re m a in , HI w o rk f l tnong the s t i i k c - h r c a k e r H

M W K k N o . M ' K . F'et. i l '> . h- r w I'ist bud b.-i u (v lated tiv i- !l I ’I1\ «' r t |n I m i n . i l uf I’ lH'li ■ .Nu U l r j K . ' h M d Ha i ' l n i bH H . t idd i; Hiel Gb Ml imn I i hi .-w a fda-' eraser whi'h IntMC-it o »;hsii I h'' prl m liui Tb <•> 'I im i •'' Id- i - u r i '■<! on T h u i wiJiiv and Hu- fivM I ’arli Foard " f T7dijca i loo |ip. tvil ( i> rail a xpcL nil fio ft > , i fur the purpose nf inv ••sMgiinuK

\\ l i l l e I be g i r l .Mill 1 be V l ' " ' l I s t . l l ich w l lb d i cl i fTei In HOItV- |j l a i S t i l l * p u p H f t a l b i M t i i ' r! T t i K l T V I x tc d to I- w n.-H I.' md lb ' l l l • - l l I IH* a P H c n s tb a i lu- w a s e\, iHp.‘ i i th e H m t S v i t f e r i n t r i d f i i r . . f . lu r r ie s H r a t t , o f H,. ck "H . ' . ' ' k . " , w i l l la k e no fu 11 o n 1111 l i I 1 ■ • v i i i U (ho H o r t id , ' f K d i j ' . . H u n I s |u do

" S o v e r a l o f H i p p l i l s i b r i l a g i r l c x p l iH l i i s , " w e r e (eai h e r (Ipi-nri i it lecl f l i n t I « u I d i r f so, and to i .u k ine In and fo l l t ' w o d i i y v i r l i i g i n t iii;y A f f M- I b it M ! in w I H i : he " I ; i s e ' I « art g "1 h g l i u i i m . l u l l M J- ! 'MV Ifu s e d ti> a l l o w lo i t ep i i i ' t

( ', 1V '• r 1 ' ' , J T', ■ ■ 1' 1. ‘ 1 I ' •

i\ lu -n ''■'' . ■ F4 ,i : ..J " I ' K 1 ,

l \4 ,1 Jit ' ■ . i r y . ' i- r i 'M ' i s ■■'-'1 ............... ' 1H . ' ■ Irl4>>. l l .- :'■!')11 I ' . l " 1. 1k ll n w rt M'< I h ■ I ' l : 1 .1 • - U l , .

bi f i i l i 'p k 1 In- lu" k


i n l d Tf r i •

MH- R i , ' . I <' H a w n ,

b''( ::,rtl I I li' ' ii.M ' I .' au I er'M . ,1 [ , Ui 111. ' 'li

..................... i f H i " .-Ml,'

I l-ftd i II- .s>’>U be-

. ' ' .nier l i Mil . h led Id

11.nil t liH t 'UK 11 K F lt l -

I ■ ; L V.


N l- jy\ 'T( i .V. Ke h 1 A w a i t in g t i je uut- enme on a hear ing on a obui-gp of thr^-at- ^n lng to k i l l b i s wife, M r s . K a t e K l H n a n . H a m e l K i l l i c a r l , h f . s rm c r ot l lo x > k l i i8 ' ■n n ie r, U In li i^: (odd w i t h o u t ba l l I-: Ih** I 'u u i i l y la i i here, where l ie w as Jua?(ttd T b u r s d a v ecei i lng.

Kllhuart rnty he Kixrn a hearing iie- fure Ju8t » r of the J'eacp Johri L. Whit­ney today and have hail fixed Veati- whlle. Mrs. Kitiicart, alniusl unaided, la cBiing for n large dairy of <m>wp

......... I . ' . i : , : - ' . ; r ' .. ' id Ml*.' I l-.V 4 I I r. t' ' f.,u ' , 111" I I M A K 11J-M l ine

u. JI .1 I .KM. Tls f 4t . ' ' , I I I I ea t i ' i i e i i l l i t cut. 1 . 1. !11 im u n, tu j i i l l I i-I .1 i - ' i i rp . H u k Wl l ; Hi j ;o ' CTClilC l i t bl l l l l ' i l i i V I I ' t T S -I ' l i t H i " I l H w u b . j j i Inn- IB ' ipcr. iHi i#; u i i d v r rKiiff.'i fix 'd b\ U e gux ci lom ni tlnuiigli 111.' I ' . l l l H U ia S fe y i i i K l l l |l I ’oi i l lJUl iV' "





P A . S f t A l H , Feb. 1 — .An i n v e s t ig a t io n h u v - ing s l i o w n ( l i f t t moat o f the truRiits and boys wh o fa i led o f p ro m ot ion In the* Icn al publ ic Rchool-s were t iga j-e Ue an io ke rs , T r u a n t O f f b 'e r I l m r i B n F . W e b e r cai iRed the a r re f t l ye a lc rd R y of t w e n t y - t w n s t o r c - keepeff l on cha rges of s e l l i n g tobacco to m i n o r s K R ' ;h 'w b h f ined $5. F o u r uchool- boyu tu rn e d d e le c t is e s and got the e’. l - dence. T h e i r le w a r f l waa a h a l f -h o l id a y .


.^pfcl ji f .yrci ' l . f Ji/ fAeR F H r iA N K " , V'clv 1,- del#»gatlnn

f r n n i the G a rm e n t M s k i f s ’ r n i n n f i om I N o w Y o r k a r r i w i l In IH-d I l a i i U H i l s I n i u r i i l n g and d l s l r i hut ed r l r c u l a i . s

r i i i i o n g e m p lc y e s In the 1‘' u b t i c |- u n i f o r m

,Vr , , , r (!,(■ \ /, H yT | { f - ; . \ T ' ' \ , l- ob 1 l lu r W j i J k r r

rpwpi.c ' l i ic i ! -ini ! I b i s a f io iu O ' in utm i i Hie Hpplh a lm i i r i n i t i f I . ) l u - n i i i * c. n f i l i e


fRc!oi\. Ill Hridge n\ciuje, rHllliig n d^- I .'LMUifai tnr'Tx,' .•Xs-'hui, biHon b>i an injiin-'-

OF $13,000 BOND THEFT i THE B LA ZE R G IRL’’ ISSTEVENS NE W COMEDYBpecial finr.irf of fAe Nf?ir§.

NEW' YOUK. Feb. 1.— FrAbk J. Gard­n e r* o f U ' R r w l c k . N y . . W'HS r o n v i e f e r i today before Junlk-B GofT fur the Lar­ceny of thirteen bonds o f the l.'iilun W’ ftxed and Parchment I ’aper Hnrn- panV o f Hamburg, N J.; \-alued at 11.000 each. It was (he second trial b e f o r e t h e sftme court, t h e J u r v liavJrg d i s a g r e e d In the first rrlsl four weeks ago. Sentence was deferred until KrI day.

Gardner was the selling ngent nf thp New Jersey company In IflOO when U Issued $800,000 worth ■>f bonde He was accused of hypothecating ISO.000 worth. He was tried in Newhui-g. K. T., In 1010 for the larceny of thirty- seven of the bonds, but the ju iv dls- agreed.

W K K H A M K L N . I'b'h I Mad^* fi l iVF^i-r

c i s h c r n f ' H l i i K f o r t i i i n R f l p r n u o i iunc ul Hip floor w-onmn In ihr far-

loi'v rci-elvpjil nn uiiBii;iipr| IcM-j-r Ihbir a t h e r u n n w f l r e s u n t i l too l . i tu U) l io lp l u Ig t Y l i l I s sa id . I h r e m e ni tj ; l ^ r r w i t h


IjAKEV\'UOT>. Feb. 1 —Neiv Jersey ar­rivals for The wepk at the lioiele Include:

Ijfturel House—T. M, Marsh, East Oi- ftnge: Mi. and Mrs. C N. McMahon. Mr. *nd Mrs. R J, Goerke. Ne'wark; M!«s Ttuth Titus. Mr. and Mrs, John Rushnell, Plainfield: Mr. and Mrs, Henry S. Ter- hune, Mfttawnn: Mrs. H. A Faaion, Montclftlri F. W AVard. Toms Rlxer.

Oak Court-Mre. W B. Alford. T M Oeary, Mta. C. E Tromer. Newark; E. Tf Beeese, Orange; Ray E. Mavham, West- field.

Caraealjo-Ernest Trent. William Mans­field, Renald Thleble, Philip r. Altman Cbirlee Ward, wmiam A. Grady, Stan­ley B, Buttmr* Andreif Dempsey, Nea’ark Miss Q 0 . Welsh, Miss G. E. Fharnbera' Mies Jennie M Froet, Miss K. B Koester Jersey City.

of iftc V f i R ’ iVHOHOKKN. Feb. I - Thur^idBv i*'priina-,

l-’c b ru a ry has buc;i Hok-civd b' Hua i J ra m a Uc Soc le t ) o f t in* l i i i i i U i i t eof T e i 'h n o lo g y f i r (.he prc'^cntal i>'n nf U . i a i m u s l muHlcaJ p lh y in i l i e collegr* a u d i ­t o r iu m

T l i i « n’V'o.r R farce. " T I i p H ln t je r G i r l " waB ) i■Utp by L.‘. (I C. Ivu>', M. of N*-v.‘ Y o r k . Bnt l t.’, S ld r ic j - T r e w i n . o f l i <- »pl ie Hu- m u s i . b)' W u l t C T G ! i , ; e i . 1:1, of K o h u l i i ' r and (Jeoi-ge t 'a w le y , H , of t i l l s r i l y . T l i e l y r i c s a re bv H . i,' H. J^a^

T l i e Now . Ip isev boys u re iu jmpro\;F<ly TPprKf ieiuf id K'u'J are la k b 'g h p r o m i i u ' n l p u r l In Mt - ' l i s t r H. ' I ' r e w l n pBB tbeLiHe rrilr.

.1 t i e r h r r t n r s u d g a n u 1" P n i i H j 0 - - augp. n 'ho laaT y e a r re preBented th?

flushing ' o-ed " toil) appear f i s Mr i. 1 'aterspo ok.

Uther ft male partf T.ill he Taken bs li 'I FH l l . I I u f N u t !^ \ , IV M H i l l .H o f B r o r i k l . w i T l i H i ' 'a d ln g n^aie partR

w i l l be take n b> Jo h n H . t ' u u x w i s , ' I f n f h ou th Am bo\. and H '■ C'. K a y .

Others 1(1 Taks pan are; Frank H Trewin. Ii, of Kogellr' Howard J. Kuri- >011 Jr. 'U. of riHlqfleld, Otto H Schnei­der. ‘\i. ami HtiT Id P Bernard. 'M of N>w Yorlt, .lohn i.isgood Wiley, l.'i, of

I Orange, John K Merrill, 'IS. of Neshfinl" i .Archibald B Mintgam ‘15. of N c « ‘ York,I and W a l t e r A, n o r n e m n n n , ' I f i. o f I ppo.-I M n n l d a l F i

A B lu d e n i o r c h e s t r a w i l l accompany ihe n iu s lo a i pe- i lB . u n d e r the le a d e r s h ip of

I Ja mes V Van S lc le n . Ifu o f J a n i a l r a . ! T h e manager I s W D i r k V a n In ge n , M,i nf MllibuT-n.

i itn^Rf 'l f, J o h n I ' r i u L o n , i*f \\'uvhawkci i . I s i*ngj i j {(‘'rl l u an a i i x k i u s r f i o r t to f in d tbs ubi f r lo n d , F . 1. F’r l i i ie , um,* t i i t iH of P U l l i i d f l p h L a W h e n P r in i f t cal led seven w e e ks ago w i t h a F lx-we^-k old baby h i u J, H8 the r b m a x of a l i a i d - l u k atur>. HHkod i f M r . nnd M r s Hovi l son v o i i ld care f t . r Hie mite of a g i r l fo r wrekF4 (t ie« ' i ju l>on- i were glad lu MbU*;.'. P r im . - s i i i i l bis wife waa so wick elu-- i imid ibu take (a re o r Hie Im b y tMui he i r n r b n l i ' i n g i f h.- i -nuld u n i l at in ieb"U lo la k e ch arg e n f the hah^ ic n i p o i i i H l y

S i x v i f t ’ ka passed n i i ' l H i r e v j 4.s no word f r s im P r i m e At i h u .'ud of r i n u i i i e r Tveek Ho u lSo U took the l>tib', in t l ir - p u lk e i r ta t ion in <|uc6t of R i l . i i ' l i e w uh re-re rred lu I 'a H ' l ' k H i j sg u i ' ' nvci .-4' v f ofllin pour, uhn atti.) (’’ luih.iii w'unld hii'eto BivcFi r ou t a, w^arrHut f t v l ih a n d im m e tu K ga lt iB i i T l n i e . a f ie i ' u b i . b in , ' hapy . .oulr i

\ b>letu r if she Influenced i4in .\ m im iv a r i g i r l s In the f a r t o i > s t r i k e

o f I ho t in t to


‘.■»t I Hiniiii: A !•;, Wlliinmson nn.l frum 'oHi'g f-liHues uf Hie(.1. ill' .M.jiiiif;ii'liJi-ci s' Llabilliy

r i ' u •’" m p 4ii.,\ u f .\'i w J. - i ' sey l l

ti'iii u [ iivl'.a STiH'k IliSU' ;1« ' 'barged t'lUi S\'llllaiii*^uFi iuid Ida soi'jaUs ji-e tirt'-nifiMng (u "u[iirn| HiftUahnit j H'uiif.aiiv u:;'l ! ' .sciiiirate itfrom Hid M-.nurtivl III' rs' As.suvi.iiiun. i-'y

w;i3 oigaiiii^d. Tlu' \utlng o f icm-H;p Mtuck I s n i f ' i id> e n ju ju f d by

p u ra r ) i i . i t t a f l i t n l lu w e d b\ H p

'■ ilor.

Sft fn n l ,Vrn-iF-e fi/ f/je Yf i tTf?,NLWTON, Ffb. 1. -Mifls .Saifth V. E

i rfae, a tefli-hcr In the Sussex Bornuijh Puhllr' S'-hoo!, and a niece of Mrs. Sarah H. Kyte, who died January IS In Ijafay- ette Tu'wnship, ■will receive a caeh be- iiueat nf $11,iW from her aunt's estate Accoiilmg TO tlift will, which waH piobaled TJnirbday Hurrogalo F^mtnet H Bell, Miss Caao will be Hie executrix of the estate. She wdll aleo get one-fourth of the realdue after eeveral bequests are rn i ide.

Hha n-

NAY SUCCEED CONNAUGHT! ft cf j i i iu '* ! to ■ t f r l a ! l y iHd ing the J i t r lk ip ig PRISON FOR ’SQUIRE

liVTir' J LnliPF'. of the (Oninilti. 1“:; i WHO EMBEZZLED B A ILRnpf'iiilf'I for Hmt pui puse, I'cyioi ft’ rj th** 'u l b . ' t i n n of S r j r l iu - ing H i . ' . week. I i A M I b i N I ’.'U 1. f j u r r r u i d n i n g a f u r

1 n m l ' l i i i ' i ! w U l i s;>« ralHcrt M i f hp|„,j , ' r nm ' h r . ' l l v r .n.-e A p r i l•.Mfik, l l i c smni doni itftci l i v m e lu' i j ia i s * , i n ^ »' .'J B ''s flat w,li.'ii Im diHai'pr'Fircd wiHi $J(iO

Declaring HiSl tlip boMses brok#' the ■winduuH of thrlr nun fa.'timufi lu luvrpKe piibllf ^yrnpelhy l»4»'|r'gate Abrahnrn SUg-

handbe (urnr'd over to th* piFll r ft Rourrli I lit2 denied that Hic Btr-ikei’s bad made for Prlr ie Houlson not ilciliJed | In t ' ’<? stone throwing, what he will riu. | ‘ 1: wns a put up Job " .lald Mr Stlg-

Houlsoi: met Pi'lme In I ’hilftdelplda some i hia, 'I hey know we are going ro w|ntime ago ■while woiklng m tliat city, I thi« MilUe and no^' they aie begmni'igr i i c r e it I s s r Ik I H i h I F r h u i ' f o r m e r l y

ll\C'd at 7' ^ N o r t h s t re et nn- lWRS engaged h i the t a r ro n f in " ; bu.«.|ne.'-a i m l l l he le f t on J ? n n n r y 1" . k ' .axlng no addroBH helMnd. l i e was nupiiotjed by h i s I ’h l la ib ' ip h lH q u a l i i t q l u e«i t ' i he Mtngie,


■jib;! p. I'l' li had hci'n bonted hh ball fnr H rter4indai-.t arralgind hi f(jtT him, Justice nf Hie I 'ence I> I '^rank T T f t r r l Bo n w a s yca- terriny iirT’.l<nccrt h', Judg-e I'arrnw In ( Aiivlen to firirn one tu cti yoftra afte,' pleadlTTiE R u l U y In :i j - l i a r s e of em bet l l le - m r F j l ,

NEW YORK, Feb. L-WiUlam Lygan. I'b'rl Beauchamp, may eucceed the Duke of Cnnnauglit as Governor*Gcneral of Canada, according to London cable ari- \hrH to tlie effect Unit such a rumor ia current. Earl Beancjiamp Is one of the few r.ibenil peers. Hr was Governor of New South Wal »8 from 1S95 to 1900,

Tim rumor Is coincident with the an- nounuement that the Duke of Connaught, Hi® previoni Ciovftrnor-General of Canada, will return In England soon on account of the l i l m SB of the duchesB. and the re­port that the duke may not return to Canada.

dfu’f'lill firnurr nf lAr* V/7n S.RODKAVS AY. Feb- ! -H en ry l.cvris

Hplcer. seventy-one \eRrs old, dieri IrbI nlghl In hie realdence rui the Mt. Hope rourt frorn heart trouble, Mr. Bplcer waa ari errhltect w- Jth I'fflees In West FifI y-Bcrond rttr^el, New Y'ork, and I'aine tn Rocka'Wrt'’ about f»lgh( year* fl go He v, a» a. notl''e of Now York ami is survived by rt wido'w arid the foi- ki'fting oblldren' Henry T,.. Charlp? R. Fr4>i.1erlrk Delphln it. and MusMlr.<-r\ft Spl'^r aorl M's, .Jvlin H. k rpitoh.

Tile funeral ■«H1 take place MoudFiy J ftft<*rnooTi. ServIcRR will I'C held at the : Hpiver renideiice and the Intermeui will i be in the Rnvkawfty Pri'snyterlfin i>m . etery

» letter The preeldem and se- -nf ilip counfl! were ln\itcd m

PONAmber Ale


b l t remble.R o w Hi iB iv i f i rck J Collorii, p a s t o r uf |

tile DH’.'et RTtsbyteriftn f hurch, also told ' the members tliflt the strli;li;g garmeut \S’01 k - T S would w i l l

H h a r a c t e r i z ln g the i re M t in ent o f th^ atrik'T“ If> i!«e cmplovi rf "^ liamefu: fUTf) • f l l s g r f t i r f u l , " Rev . E d m u n d .A. \\‘« s 1 " ' n re u t ' j r of S t S t e p l ie u ’s K| j l s i 'o [ ' r t i i H i i u r y h in .'i l e l l t r to the ( " U i i '11. I n v i f - 1 *'1 m^tnbers to be p re s o n i to m o r r o w jf ' e n l n g 1ri h i * edi ifk'e. j

" T h e UBR of the v l iu rc h w ! l i he I i f t t i p .] | o v e r |o t.lie ga rmen t w o r k e r s , t h f l t fb s | p u b l i c m ay kuu'w t h o l r s ide of the f ig h r . ' j read the THtary makf adrtreH<>e&,

A pending bill allowing tl'se coii'b'Uon o f prlsoiiera by police magistrates to stan-l. iiotwllhsUndhig aiiiv defect, In­formality I'r ■p.Jin! of reKUiArlty In th*" '■■rm'iTnltuieiil paper.®, will be oppo.sprt b\ The coimf'll. The leglalAtlve rommIHR*w f t s In s t ru c lc r t lo ftMi'Crtaln the date w h e n the b i l l 1. to ha presented to t i .e L e g i s l a t u r e

The covinoll will fight for the exemp­tion of labor orgenlaatloiia In the bflt to come before the 6eiiate, which dcflp# '^wh.) may be proiecmed under the corporatlori IftwK. The legislative committee was ala*’ Instructed to study Ihe Jury' reform bills and to report Uieir finding? next week

\ \ S 1H N t i T ' i N . i•■Hh. h —Sf' i iMtoi- y ' l i n i - uiinx (>|j. -nvf1 Hir 'iebate tfulyy un Ihe ' i\'oi 'kH i>r"p('sp<! Ht iuU'Mlment lu the ( 'o n -rFt i tu t lun In l lF T i i l a F’ TF'Hident In ft F?lnglo '•ix->' i'Hr l u i n i . b\ prj .pualME; lu p e i iu i t v o t e r s in amend t l i p Ho iur i||u t lon d ir e e t l s ' u l t l i o u l p re \ lo u « ftc t i i in o f ro j ig ta ' s a when " R a u b s ta i i t i f t l m a j o r i t y r iemrtndt'd auul i a r h a i i g f . H e rteclarod t l ta t w lt l ( the o t - '•eptlon ul t ieorg(? W aa h ln gt i iM , thosePresidents wljo had serxed (tvo termi would hiixc been better had they aerved but one,

Senator i-umruine. ripclftred a PrcBldent s work WHH often "imglectF^d and bad!y perfomicd" h( rauftc nf Hlleritloii to ef­forts rnr renominaiion and re-election.

" f bel ieve a Prenldcnt W(^uid do hfaduty more efficiently If no influcnuee can affect him," he said- "T think the Slier- maji anti-trufit law ■will be more thor­oughly adinlnlatered, niorc energetically applied to all pcr.'fonB alike, If the Presj- d^nt of the ! billed States Is made free from all the Influences which theee great interesia may exert."


WASHINGTON. Feb. l .-Preildent Tftft and Preside nt-elect Wilson wHl th« gURStg of honor o f the National Woram'* Suffrage Aflsqclfttton at the bl| pafewot March 3-

The two distinguished gueats wlQ od* erpy the Hame box on a large atthe south front o f the treasury.

GERnAN EXPLORER HONER E R U N , Feb. l.^-Lleutenaat WUb^Ri

Fikhner. thu Antarctic explorer, arrly^ here today from Buenoa Ayres. He iB* tends to resume his explorations In the Antarctic eoon.

It \9 Stated here that serious ments occurred among the officers of the expedition on board the whaler Dest^h- land. The trouble followed the sut$den death of Captain Bahsel of heart dlsstse during tbe voyage.



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MI fom suICiS«TRdlfftthefron


As out In t noui cetd tin v le» Wor Witb

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edili coal iriH inu Con iih»l thl*


To head the rouncli for three months, Daniel Spalde. of Beer Drivers’ I.'riJcin No 148. "waa chosen. Other officer* elected were: Vlre-preslrtent. Philip J Warshsu- er, Raflenden?' No. 131: secretary, Henrv F.' Hllfer*. Cfgarmakerfl’ No, 138: trea*- urer. William Fmstadler. Peer PotHrrt<’ No. 26k: sergeant-at-ami?, Frederick 33', Rfhmal?: audllors. Henry J. Lohse. Metal polishers’ No. *<; Hharles Troxler. Bar­ber*' No. T '’’ hfirles Price. Allied Printing Trules; trusli^ep, Flarry Stc'en- eot). Moldera' No <0: .Aug'jst Meliter. 'Bartenders’ No. 131. an^ Jacob C- Taylor. ClgftrmakerB' No. 135

riaa ftoBdiiy-BrSool Gatberlng.gpfctfll Sen'ice of tht .SfiWg.

AHBURT P a r k . Feb 1.—Comprielftg a committee of prelltnlnary irrangemente. Edward ^V. Cooper, of South Orange: Rev. fi. T . Price, of (he First Baptist Churuh of Camden, and George E. Hall, of Plainfield, met rtocal S’undfty-scbool Buperintendent* and county Sunday-achool aeeoclaiion officer* at the Metropolitan Hotel here last night to diacusa plane for. the State Sunday-Kjhool convention^' which will be held here next fall.


X '



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ay thatI ('JiPntH-litttItyJe wilt liiiff tli<> i.iri'gon

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JMPLA Nir t'lini- on Ihe he <'ori­ft ekiglo permit

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F t n ^ Appoioted Play(nNuidt Bfirector, After New l^ c e

It Created.

NEW S'ECRETARY SELECTEDJ. tiiooruird Maflun, of DrookHne, Uau>,

WM formally appointed dlreolur of mU- nlctpal racroatloii \,y the Playground Com- mluloit yeiterday afternoon. William J. iCoKlornan'a position aa supervisor has been abolished and yesterday the office to which Mr. Mason was nsuned was crsatad.

Tha new director, who Is a former Now* arker, will take up his duties March 1 at a salary of |3,&l0 a year

A.fter abolishing the office of "secre­tary and asBlntKni i-uetiKtlun," which was held by the late Philip A. Gifford, the board created the office eseretary and appolntad Frank McTague temporarily at a salary of tl.COD a year.

The action of th« Ymard in abolishing the old double titled offlcet uiid crf alJng two new offlcea Is liitf-iwied to remove the Incumbents from rho proteclloiv ot the civil service law. Thi< latter statute exempts the heads of deparimenin and one secretary for each department. It was declared that both poalilons in «.i)i««- lion came under thla ciKSBificatlon.

Just how the Civil Hervlre ConimlHilnn will rule on the ulaaeifirailon of ihc lew jobs win be determined nt a public n o t­ing of that body m tlio cliy hall Th rs- day.

A resolution was adopted by the b< iro calling upon the Board of Kducatlo: to state how ntuch spoi'c is allotted for fec- reatlon at the varlmie echoola. It In the Intention of ihe r-ummlRsiutierR to co- eperate with the School il»mrd mid bO' wUI try to have Hufflcleiit space KVfn Up for recreation nl the various aclfols SO that each pupil will be aUowej ttlrii square feet

N E W A R K E V E N IN G N E W S . S A T U R D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 1. 1913.'

'X S S f f i l i L 'E H ® .DEIWOIIKSOIITOn th« (rbund thBt Km. H«lra C. Wrckoff, of J Burnet petitioner In«ult under the •mplonra* llaUIltr' act apaliwt the Kaaex Aulonioblle Company, of thin city, to recover for the death of her huiband reeultlnt front an automo­bile accldepi Vnbruary W IMl. had failed to prove that her huaband wee actively engiided In hie employrre' buelneaa at the Uin<i of hie death, Judge Martin today denied Mre, Wyefcoff any i datnagea.

Mr(. Wyrkoff, adio repreuntad hereell and t»o children, taro and five yean old, aa plnlntlffa, alleged, through petition drawn by Oito A. Stelfel, (hat her hue- hand, Frank A. Wyokoff, manager of the Mtirrietown garage of the Eaaex Automo- Wlo Cninpany, eame to hla death while driving an aulonioblle from Morrlatown to Newark on the night of February 21, when dimqtiatratlng tha car tfl a proapac- tlVR purchaaor. The reipondent company, in citer,, declared through Dedle A Kel­logg, that vvyckotf waa engaged In an "after hoiira Joy ride.”

Judge Martin ruled that the petitioner muat prove that her huabnnd waa actual­ly In the employe of the reapondent com­pany at the time of the accident. Dur­ing the day, acconjtng to the evidanee aa outlined by the court, Wychoff, with hla proipectlve cuatomer. had driven to Newark, nnd had come back to Morrla- Ilown nhorlly after the dinner hour. At iHi; o'elorlt he eiarted .igatn for New- OIK, aaU f:i H:3u nVicjt'k ihu machine was found overturned In the rond near Con- 'iJnt Sjatton, with Wjvknff lying nearby unronedoiiB, Wyckoft died March 2 aa the result of his Injuries.

‘From ail of the evidence In the case " ruled the ,'ourt, "I am forced to the rcncluslon that the pelliloner haa not suaulned this burden The only thing 0 indleal.. that Wyckoff, upon hla re­

turn tnp lo Newark, was engaged In or about Ihe husliiesH of his empi„j-er aa- Bumliig tin, he w.-ia ,in employe, w;,a the r-i' i Hill! I ■ «aa riding m h|s employeiH auiomot lU'


1mp^o 'emftntR lipcmfd nppesftaTy tri Noi*th Seventh Htrcel Hchaol formeil principal topic of dlPcuRBloh of the I r ente' Association of the' bcIiooI meeting last nlKhi. 'flu aeHPlon wah Second held thla year, tnit hereafter t will be only one me«'t!ng n mojilh -an tlitrd Friday.

There are Ht»niU scIioUt’s Inschool, It was bnniKht out, nf w attend half-day sesbloiis. bi-cauae of r crowded conilttions The abollshmen^f those sessions, ntw iiMartcri for th c'-paJ, a gynmaslum. I'l'oklmj clasBOi nianu^ irsiiliilnM-rnom and addltl®! tesch^B were the suhje.-ip under d1 Sloo.

Rslfllve to tlu" ronifliions al the N Seventh airerl ,School a letter from psyers''^ft8 been received by the for publication. addres.=ifd to the Bfd of Education. It retulB'

’ ’Gentlemen: In the Evening New »f January 16 last Is pul)llahed a rc<pt from tha Parents’ Axaoclation of North Seventh Street School for 1- tionsl School rooms, as the Bchool crowded now that they have tn havejf- d s j classes for about 3(R) i lilUlren

“As taxpayers we would supgeHt. pot add to the Roseville Avenue Hlo: rooms enough to have the balain|ur tha grammar grades so that our eh now going there will not have tlje transferred to North Sevanth S 0USB6X Avenue or South Eighth schools, as we understand they are pd to their capacity.

“By enlarging the Roseville A^i* SchooL and, extending the district way—Bay about a block—It would r tna other schools hereinbefore tionsd.”


A uoni|>IJ. i,Ucn m a y r\rl*,, in the h an k - nifil, y .'nH, ,.| s H,-licu,-r A Knna Utlp 10 t)is la v nf IPi:;, whli I, rvu iilrp s tha unis of M B I i,y ,hv i,y co m p in ilic rfur uniu.kl l ues

fin the SiUifiier hullfliiui;. which Is held by the firm In t|„. name of Albert hi-heuee. ihire l.v iLn. f:i,4at7t, m tjixea for mil .nil] In acr'iedame with the low (hie prfij)ert\' was mlvertlacrt to tie sold .in Iteieijilter ,Vl.

naeause iif Hie h a n k ru p te y proreed liiK s Juilfft C ro ss .inlererl C o m p tro lle r P n rm ly to postpone the -.,1,. an.i the latter olieyeil tiy ad icu rn liiK It until J a n u a ry 29.

Ill the me.oi tin., Mr. Parliily er,,.,. munleaied with I In law

lllllier, cnimHel for the rer.Uver ,.u' the liJinkriipt eon.',on. and the la w ye rs a sked for a f n r th ir [loatiKir.eim nl of Ilir re weeks. M r lA irn ily ad jou rned the sale to Fe ljruary

The Ihw spi--iflc's ihf date after which propert> 1h in be a-'irl for uniwild taxt-H and provider that ilic sale Khali not hn postTKincd In any date Tater than four weeks therefrom. In obedknee to the law. therefore, Mr. P:irmly will he obllgi ij to sell the property and If any further order coimiy frem the oourt for a post­ponement Mr, l armly will be in a quan- dry es In whether he should oi»ev the law or tlio federal court.

Central R eiltf Anesunent In- cnaies by T u Board Giren

in Detafl.

SOME SWEEPING ADVANCESIn acconlante wtih the «nlt vsluo per

front fool fixed on properly In the vicin­ity of Hruad and Market itrerta, from the

on which an appeal had been A. Munglr, secretary of

the County Tax Board, the latter body n ^ figured out what the asaeasments or the properties Involved will be

With the completion of tiiin duty the board has finished Its work on If»L2 taxes. Yesterday was Ihe last day under the law for the hearing of appealii. The n«w ataessinents and Ihe increases on the ^opertfea on which the valuatlotis have been raised are as follows:

Noa. 73E<3S Broad street, owned by Si­mon Beheuer, increased Illi.l’W, new as- SMsment |M)G,%0; 710 Broad, Mutual Bene- iH Life Insurance Company, IncreascAl nTM , new anaessment ♦Ha.Bfti; U i Hroad, Mutual Benefit Life, inoreased newMieasment, IM-E2 Broad, MutualBenefit Life Insurance Company, in­creased 1118,600. new aesessment 1792,»v>. 764 Broad. Howard Savings Inslltullon. increased 141,100, new aseesMuent I1W.G00: 768 Broad, Howard Savings Institution, Increased IJ49.370. new osHeflHmf-nt, |634,J7u. 776-78 Broad, Mercantile Realty and Im­provement Company. Increased |sl.<)0u, nev, assessment

No 774 IJroad, Broad atropt Realty and Iniprov erneiit Company. Inert-aMeil I22.71JO, new- aShAiKsnient tH7.70l»; 771' Broad. Uer- niQh Savings Bank. Iin rea‘-«d |67,7IJU, new aBMeRsiTient tl'46.Jii'i, 7W Bmail. r(*e'o<1oi-* MarkriPt eetute. Innpajsetl |l.T.35ti. new afi- HfMftiiuuit. |J62.35<i. 7!(.S Bniad. TliBOdon-Mftrknel fHtaie, InereaHcil SfH, l.'e, to-w hh- »eBKJiu-nt. Ilk'.tWi. nrijiid, rrogret^-hIsp iriv».kjUiient (.'uinpHnv. In.-reiiBed kW. [mw a«seBfAin»’m

N o H i M a rk e t hH p p I, I'fiark-.*? A ub rey estnte, Increased RJl.yis'i, iiew‘ akiaebamciL;

38 Buiik ati *'t. Frederirk J| Hrlilth dr. inrrea.si^q hew umm- hnripfii t72,44X’‘ ; 29-31 Aeuilemy atroPt, Julitjp Stuhl and liasid l-<uijman. Increafied J3s,- 7S0. new a. iaeKHrmuu t7H.950: 27 Aradi-niy, Loulwe If Klrk|i;iirli-k and ullieiH hi- creuKed tlfi.fiUi, to-w aBBeenment HA.ftXi 23-25 Academy. Mnieton Klrkputrlik and others. InoreaHed I23.30U,



Suggested by the refutiial of a church to allow Miss Jane Addan|>i: Chicago, tn r.peak there, on the that she Is not a religious worker, Henry R. Rose, paetor of the Chur(>f the Redeemer, will preach tom

viDomlng on “Whai la the Difference- tween Religion and ChriRtlftnlty?'

* Mr. Rose refuatd to say today church U was that refused permlsF Miss Addams to speak In It He sal ievergl persons asked his opinion stand the churcli had taken in tluj ter, and It suggested the topic t morrow morning.

Miss Addams Is a leader in sorii form, and also the movement for v n liUfCrage. Mr. RitHe stated that a ■armon he will endeavor to above difference that lies between religlo the Christianity that bars Miss A f from a church.



Tlie new Parkway slatlon of the Lehigh Vftllpy Railroad hi the Weequahic section, at Eilzabetli niu! Meeker avenues, was thrown open for public use today. With ths establishment of this Hlallon, the r^Jroad will now' make two stops here of Its through and passenger trains. This Bohediile will be maintained as long as the railroad continues (0 use the Market street Station of the Pennsylvania Rail­road. Application to discontinue its use la now pending before th© Public Utilities Hoard.

Ten eastbouTid trains will stop there dally, find ten westbound trains will Flop, two of which will stop only on flag sig­nal. On Biindaya, six enstbound trains win stop there, and alx westbound trains will take on paBsengers at that Btatlon, tw’o of which will stop only flag alg- nal.

The new schedules are pJarned to pro­vide for the growth of this section.

n#’W assA-sMTiirnt •\cadfitiy. L ittle lo ii K lrk p a t -

rtek and ottiers, iniTeatj.fd l 23..T«>. th w as se sa m e n l 4i.7.iio0. it Aondernj, I. lu le ln n K l r k p a l r k k ym l oi]i»-rs, jiii.'rea.<t*d

f irm of B ild e r usMeMsmenl |i.,unr'.^No 26 Clinton slrtn-t, owrifd by Klli.s V

harlt- ItnTt-ased S23,!ni0. lu-w KHBi'U'Snicn i 2f>-24 Clinton, Kills (» Kark tn-

tTfa.spil E50,4(tii, m.«v, uaMi'. Ninent Itt-I?* I Union, Jvjiiu S. liSppf'l. inrrvasi’d

new tts-sessnyuil |98,t>o0; 17.21 ( ‘1|ti- ton, ilrulhlas Hum. Int'reasod new

ilSM,50f>: IM 5 CIlTiton. Cnirm Hulldlng Compari.v, Increased S34.6ki. new asseftsment tlTH.bJO.

No 20-24 Branford pJat'e. AURust 1' Melpselbach, increased $63.rjfld. n w' rshosb- ment 413U.O0O; 2. BrBiif.vrd pln. r, Arihur ('. Hensler. lnrroa#ed iSl.TfKj. new usfphb- nient i.73.7«V>: 11-23 Branford yl itv. Ini- proved ItraHy CoinpHny. iniTpascd jnew aaseBMmont 206-320 llatsc.vBlreet, VVeingarten Bros Realty Coiiipmy. Increased J4>.o00. new' aSFoKsmeni lll'7.0lki.


Asiartlnir that hts application w.a i out legal basis. Chief Justice Gui 5, In the Supreme Court, this mornlt h tiouQoed that he could not entertt petition of former Governor John fin Fort for a writ of certiorari view the awarding by tha Botf Work* ot a three-year garbage c it

'With Joseph Marrone, of New YoiThe chief Justice, however, t d

that hie refusal to entertain Mr. s motion would not be prejudicial it the Hiaking of a similar applies o the Supreme Court.

Ur. Fort, who represented a 1 k d llia ii In the application' In q'i, contended that the Board of Wor a arltbeut authority to award such i- irm t without the concurrence .e CtUhtnoiy Council. The chief Justl

I that the statutes did not give gropr this oontentlon.

SITE FOR N E W THEATRE SOLD IN W A S ^ G T O N ST,Dr. I. J, Rachlln has completed nego­

tiations for Che purchase of property at Ihe smitheast corner of Washington and Uamfleld streets, from the esutg of David Wolff.

Tile purchaser said today that plans are being drawn for the construction of a theatre on the plot, which Is 90 feet on Washington street and lie feet on Cam- field street.

Tile tlieatre will be used (or a new stock company In this city by We.etern icanngere. The purchase price of the property, ,on which old stores now stand was about flJG.OOO.


E'ear of separation from her riilldreu overshadows a mother In whose behalf the nureaii of Aseoclated fharllles Is making special efforts, Tho mother, o-ho lives In Oliver street, has been striving against odds to keep her children to­gether since the death of her hushaud last euntnier.

There are three little nnes. the oldest seven. They are normal, healthy chil­dren. It la said at the Inireau that the mother has provided them the liest homo Influencea possible In her limited means. The bureau has given aid fur weeks as the mother earns but tS a week and has to pay }7 a month rent, '

it fe planned to establish poBSItfle, permitting a


PMBoerats of this city. West 9artey City and Bayonne will ga ptgtat at a dinner, to be Hrait'a Shore House, In the G •MHOn of Jersey City, by the lie JMttooratlo Club of this city. Thr arkani win make tbs' trip in a i1 troUey car, wtaloh will leave tbit'

It Vllb oarbouae at 1:46 o’clockAmong those who will attend tlib

are Kobert S. Hudspeth, Aeslstan i- tJUT of State Job H. Llpplnc d

. 'i, Sfggor Matthew Cronin, of Eiayo [t T.v, ;;? l i also likely that Mayor H. OtI; T'-; penn, of Jersey City, wHl drop it e 1?:' .'gathering, .

While It hai been.ftehted that U Ir hag been arranged 'tbr. the purpos i- veltqdiig any Mod'of boom, man r paiMna who will .attend are frit o -.ttHteaniMkW offtaFot-Wlttpenn e

t.c'%-:': lK0ttUibr.lat DohttiiatldnineiXt Sei r.

LOCAL SAL’Kta'foaMtnry brownetonet reeli ,t ' — ifiofehfark has been.wddv

^ Hleght to Dr. . itftod in the early WSri y,WatHkn SalrchlIdt-;iUMri p:

A lot i M a laintage 6 ^ t^ rand a deg . W.. nee ssAe.ee«

to «o Miey DEATH FROM SCAIDSouiiM iK,.,Halh.et- i i t r ^ The o i

April r the at r

|iep)e 4u ^ i^ t & e



' .. I

who o t fn th o a fi^ n g pr4t S t l t e n o dfaoef; Tlrt l«c#4trtF i a tmatagertit t m t i

' « iT ^ and 4 deiptB t

W A H f J M i mAgplleailion wad H*d«

Judge Adams in the drohtt'OiH rol« to dhow cause whiMIia ran Jury mndered January fr-tadt V i, ^Idsnte ■»/. .tUnhin. iStimSm ikn f' tLttt, hrooght by CiiUa». i^ratiu waa aiMided tw . shoutd net ho ■ by William Greenfield, attoriray plalntlfft The oevxt reserved do

The suit was based on the a of Kaplan Brothers that Booh . thsm a*, the balance of a

, -te agtOnr the bnlidiiig ot hU bop araaue. Ur. lUMb9,'ilh

"praleeted by Jacob 1* had othat It had cost him the

by -Mm plaintitr and abo4t:^l to ftaish the .bnrk eo the '

DEATH RATE 16.97The total number ot deaths report.-d

to the Department of Public Health (or the week ending at noOn today la 1J4 which represents a death rate of 16.yf PGP 1,000 on an estimated population of 580,000. General disease caused ninety- eight of the total, nineteen were due to comaglous and Infectious diseases and seven to accidents and suicide.

A classification of deaths by ages show nineteen were under one year two be­tween one and two years, four between two and five yoars, al* between tire and twenty years, fifty-five betwe^ twenty and sixty years and thirty-eight who passed the sixtieth year mark.

There were SSi contagious and Infectious diseases reported during the week, which is an Increase of five. Of this total forty, nine were diphtheria and thirty.one scar­let fever cases. There were forty-four cases of lubereulosfa, nineteen of measles, twenty-three of mumps and fifteen of whooping cough reported. Two cases of typhoid Jever were reported.

BOYS IN HOLD-UPA too. roalletle Imitation of holdup men

caused the arrest of throe fifteen-year-old boys today, who, after finding two bfoken revolvers, went out In the hlghsrays to see what effect the guns would have on youngsters of their own age. The hoys' who started out to have some 'tfun’'' were so elated with the atffeot. that thp re­volvers had on their vlctlmeUhat they de­cided to. rob their prey. Tbs loot consist­ed of a penknife, several Wad pencils, a memorandum l>ook and a tieelasp..

This tuornlng complaints -were made 'against .the boys in the First Precinct Court by Patrolmen Behold and ftetlly, of the Blxth ITeclnct. The nponaed are Clarence Uarkley, of Vtl Avon avenue: Kliuer KIsfer, of 698 Bergen street, and Louja-"Spaluier, of 88 Belmont avequa Thqr.ars alleged to have held up Henry 'gchastfer, iJoeepb HcOoy 'and Chester 'BeoHtit, In Mapss avenue, last Saturday 'hobrning. ’’

‘ ''Ftom scalds, Tecstrsd -when he emptied a dcoftss' pot' ot hot water dn hlmMlf,

Qarnianlo. twoptr-^dht nontbirmtdv-.'dMt at the home cif hla parsn4fl,Ud V{Mldt..tTraH!t, ijgtt night. He. had Ihmii so'fnHfilFWds 'iliya - > .vlv

n M.gAw Ytidi«a Giwa n«r:'- Abont^MSpAlDM:. attend^ the .^tiy

"Just fM.JF ia B ^ ^ ' lai^ flight Inidiim

> i ^ r i t y oti r Matrit ^Msewim.:

■dfitdM B it fKa BlmniKk. Aggail ^ ^ T illifiB ii, Jr. gbd

: Percy Ki-tdrstmt. - .

......... %More t^an 4td pariMW

nusl boll of the Cari V. elation last night in DotfgfHff

-Aweaua. Thoao lAMkt lnehra«lft'|R|i|ei)i' and iMrs^anib RatusBag, PeUea HeeN sslaslentiS John Baadar,- PtMp ieanlan .gad igiBXn E. Kaoa The eonouthsa in -ehaigs was ojinposad of .Chahnuia Harry %■ (FComMIt, Adam Bittar, .Bdhsrt Csorar

~ t«:8ldpnai>, John -Mara HhritM

fund, If ... pension of 56 a

week to supplement the mother's earn­ings. For thla the bureau, at 13 Central avenue, has Invlt^ su^criptlons.


The congregation ot De Groot Meth­odist Church will observe tomorrow the first anniversary of tho occupancy ot Its new edifice, at South Orange avenue and Littleton avenue. The occasion will be marked by the presence In the pulpit of Bishop Thomas B. Neeley, who Is ex­pected to preach at both morning and evening servtcea, and by the rendition of a special musical program by the choir.

The total cost of construction and fur­nishing of the present edifice was 833,000, and of this amount the congregation had subscribed 818,000. -ft'lth the exception ot >4,000 still outstanding, the entire sub­scription has been paid and almost half the debt tias been canceled. -

W ILL ATTEND INAUGURATIONPreparations for the celebration of Us

twenty-first anniversary on Tniiesday, and to attehd the inauguration of Presl- denl-eleet Woodrow VUison at Washing­ton, are being perfected by the Gottfried Krueger Association. Observance of the anniversary will take the form of a ban­quet to pe served at the clubhouse.

It Is anticipated that about 260 persons will participate In the eicursleh to Wash­ington. According to the plans already completed, the party will leave this city at 1 o'clock on the afternoon of March 1 over the Central Railroad of New Jer­sey. While at Washington they will be quartered at the Harria Hotel, the ex­clusive occupation of which has been ob­tained. Return from the capital will be made on March 6.

SHOT HALTS FLEEING YOUTHstopped by Patrolmen Weldman and

Kinney, of the Second Precinct, dressed in clflgens' clothes, last night, at ML Pleasant and Third avenues, a colored youth, who was carrying a woman's coat, attempted to run away. One of the po­licemen fired a shot and'ths boy came to a atop after running a half block.

At the station tha boy said he was Rufus Johnson, colored, seventeen years old. aiifl that he had no home. Johnson admitted that he stole tho cost from a rear 'porch of a house in Mt, Pleasant avehue. The polfce arS trying to And the owner.

A C A teM Y A n ffB H REUNIONKawark Academy aiiimnl will lather to­

night in the school gymnasium at tho twobty-aevrath annual alumni reunion.The list of speakers is hsaded by Dean

Froderleh P.- Keppst, of Columbia Uni­versity. The committee In charge con- slsu of Henry 1., Doolittle, James L. Hsrthy Jr>. D. HcOragor Demarest Dr Frank W. PInnoo and Lester Mvage.

- «M iM r HSI&fi. sWtieth^, frdrklngiudll-sfai^a supportIJni Mrty


*tra#ra,«W<lWats for Congress in the iw- dUir camMW, end Joseph E. Arnett, of AKdfhae, 'W h^, for the, aoclaltst alda TM debate-wtR begin at 8:80 c'igito and wBi be on the speOIAf questtoh: ‘The PW fraiM ^.Ot BofriaHst Jfarty: Which Bhou^^AtYfoHUhgittah 9vD»ertr'

dangers of cold TloorslThe worlcj's leading public-health official w rites that most o f the colds, coughs, neuralgia and rheumatism are due to rooms equipped w ith old- fashioned heating, w here on w indy days there is often found a difference of ten degrees between the air at the floor level as compared w ith the mid-center or breathing plane o f the room. Th is temperature difference along the floor level chills the feet and legs, producing fau lty circula­tion— the w ork of the heart is thus “short-circuited” and one’s v ita lity is severely taxed.

It must make the druggist wonder at the persistence of the Steady procession of customers who each winter drae' in daily to be relieved of ills which co'jld in general be avoided by putting in this modem heating outfit. It

R a d i a t o r s I Ron F R S the home at unlliorm warmth-floc«^,I IM L IIA IU K O I D U I L L K D halls, vestibules, bays, nooks and comers all genially alike

tag by IDEAL B o i ta aad AMERICAN Radietorespots and the air is not robbed of its purity and vitality by escaping ash-dust and coal-gases.Look at the official health maps of any big city, which wUl show you how free from deaths due to neuralgia, rheumatism, pneumonia, coughs and consumption arc those districts where practically all the best homes arc warmed and ventilated by ID E A L Boilers and A M E R IC A N Radiators.

The Indian huddled over h/s campfire is one of the worst victims of pneumonia, rheumatism, consumjaion and oilier winter maladies So too, the farmers (according to Government Statistics), with their old- fashioned heating, show a far bigger death rate than do city people from the ravages o f these winter diseases.

ID E A L Boilers and AM E R IC A N Radiators are used to warm and ventilate the leading hotels, sanitariums and baths at Aix-les-Bains Nice Mentone, The Riviera, Carlsbad, Marienbad, Cairo, Simla, Japan, Florida'Southern California, etc. These facta should point the right heating wav to youl O f

ID E A L Boilers and AM E R IC A N Radiators are now put in old or new cottages, mansions, stores, schools, churches, etc. without disturbing occupants or tearing up floors or partitions. Need no repairs. 'WUI outwear the building. Their big savings in fuel, labor and absence of

“ St- W rite, 'phone or call to-day hr free book Ideal Heating. '


A No. C2118 IDEAL Boiler end 270 aq. ft. of 58 In. AMERICAN Rodieton. cOiting the owner e i A o , were uted to neat thii cot­tage. At thii price thegoodicen be bought of eny reputable, competent Fitter. Thi* did not Include cotti of Ubor, pipe, vtlvee, freight, etc., which «re extr« «nd vary ac­cording to climatic and other conditions.


IDEAL BoUert tro gofer and eoiler to run thafl ■tovea, and their cIeotili> neii reduce* houaeivork one-ball. Thor will loit ■s long M the bulUinf Bod need no rejMln. Ac­cept no iubitltutc,

We also suppiy thf ARCO WA/^D Vaevum Cleaner, which ha$ iron tueticn pides ntMHlnetB nor/aai a . t r j •hotels, hospitait, banks, theaters, etc. A tarn of an electric button in any room jfrirtj tie rn/ukime ^ dsn^e%^WAND and a lilkt-wfithl daint, kau A U th, dirt, dust. /"af and with th, meficalAkCOthe inn pipini Matht bit. ttaled dust-backet in cellar. Cnslt little mentklj far electricitj * J* '* '" f npidltjdawnportable vacuum clcaner-instead. you have a correct. euduH.f aatfit that is iart of the Zitdint ~ ilk. r J a J kZ7nt.“ Z V r ”^ h / .

No exclusive ftf enti*

Sold by all deaJeri, Am e r ican I^ iato r co m panyWrite Depgrtment N-dJ S16-22 S- Michl^n Avti.


. . . . . I . ™







'bu Use


poM owTirAin. LtetJ Mtpl* of Mali ludltt DM, m l l -gogg boo ot tg« iklB. AddfW Mir*t“ Dtpt. 6F, Bofton. Tcsdor-hioM Bumitioutd ■lave with Cudeorg 8om> Shavtag Stick.

r'<w4i;rtiur 1xsao£ o. bvt uaain to &'niu »> raHM ncM«n SMW by otaaatlBS yMir bloati 'ADtHoM 'taqniritlM tkst bave ae- MsMtlataH la Hr florina tko viatar,. To 4alta otF llto ayitau now vtU k*la yoD throngli thr^-'oaddon ehanara ot .voath^ at this ■ooaoa aad v«ry Uksly Mve you frpn ■ortow aiekoeoa Jator

Heod^s S a ra ^ r ilteIt tbo wodidno to taka, I f fariSra tka BIooB aad ranoira tha stransth.; IB. tha naaal H<tM foqn w Ja takiaBr kM V B s s '

^Bankrupt SaleOf the Grocery Store ot

Scheuer & Bro.at 568 Bloomileld Ave.

Bloomfield* N. J.The unSefalgned truitee w ill aeU

at public or private sale- for < at the above addrera do

Fridtf.Fil. 7,[di3,atIIA,M.the epmpleCe sroeary bualboaa of the above named bankrupt aa a Koiox concern, tedudlns clock of merchandise, stort fixtures and furniture, bories.'aud ituonc, book accounts and gcod-wlu.

Sealed bide ars InvUsd for said property and trlU be opehed on add date and hour: ItnnMdiately after wbteb the tniatee will oiler said property at public auoUoii as one complete bualneui,

* ! per eenL of bt^efit htd to be paid ae. deposit, r -

Property toaj- be iaipectedl any day doiins bpaineas htHir*.

n o a t o u a , %fuxiB,iciR!;,




Contains about 2'/, acres

b a r n n





$3.50 Recipe Free, For WeaK Kid neysRelieves Urinary and Kidney

Troubles, Backache, Straining, Swelling, Etc.

Stops Pain In the Bladder* Kidneys and Back.




UHERAL TERMS OF PAYMENT TO m GEP'PARTIES ^ ~ ,•U tiZxJS r-"S K iS iL— p h « . hhoj( w o ooH u w ,a n w c K w o o D iir iv , . . .m .»ipod «»eo t. -..-.-;-;i'4.“

..<8H.<**■ peefitlsp . '.aotew*,

W«u1dQ*t it be nice within e irtek w ro to wgln tb MX goodly forever to the *£*16101, urmbttair, atrtlotug, c too freqaeot pwaage of nrhw; the forehetd and tbo btek-of-tbe-bM atheai tb« stltche* eemI pnhi* In the bauX; the growing BUMlp wiraktiRtot opota before the pyen: ypDow «kln; tlngxlpli bo.wpla: iwotieB pyeildi nr ankle* r leg c-ramptt,' unnatural •hi>rt ureattr: ileeplMaBeiia «ud the ilMpoadailC'i'7

I bare a recipe for TTiPue tronulea that ftn “pan Jleprad on, *[111 If jrnu want bp mak* g Qulek reearetr* you ought to wtU# «wd -vet a pouy ot It Many a dclctor would etarfe- 7vuS uW for writing thtg prencrlptk^ twt I

k-e ft iiul will h* fltil to MM tr to jaa entirely free. Jnat drop me a line thla: Of. A. Pi. BoUbiott, K 1226, Ltiefc ItgtUlftga Oetrott, Uirh.. trtd 1 wit! oeml It bf wptara mall Ig a plilu envelope- A« you will *ee vlieg yog get It, till* rei'ipe contain* 04ii7 phw, hirmle** reowNliee. but It tiEi greet tM«lliig end i»elB<'eiiqa«rtaf power..

it wlU AMlefclj ^ w lt« power oneo you urn It, *0 1 think yev had better nee It tawUhoitl delay. I wUl ee^ yon a tuVf, fry* -*■ you can u*e it and eam yoaroall at bo AdvePtlmineaL


4 ,




It.. ^4

AIMt euWMHv ■BMkifa ime Mt free «t Chatirtmptg

2LJ- ^ - - --:ftr CTfc 'g eafert

R varitiw . MiuSd# w4H<jM!|p»r?» Iwwdtt eheer

__ _ I'Jeney’t PerCifiti Opthy with thit

i ( Other SUles.

R o a d to ” H e a lthlt iw w b a i* ir* *b n i&



TWtNTON, P»K upon tn«o'j total »npolm*nt of puptli, the net fo«t •^par capita of public echool ediicallon In

Btata ha* Increajod from tt*® to Wl.M In m2. BaeiMl upon the

%aanf« Ijally attonrtanoe. the Increne* A ir la f the aame porlod ha* been from

> IBJI to IB M. in other word* the Inhi on tho ba*l* of* craaee ha* been IlS.n 01 « B 0 lment and *13 » on Iho bail* of dallyo ’ attardanco.tt*' Thai* fact* were ahown In a report

atibmitted to the Btate Board of Bduen- ,* t lp » today by Cooiinl»»loner Calvin N,

r?,Kandall In rwpon** to a r*»olut on ot- .* fUUdby Edmund B. Oiborne, a»hln* for y o a t!Onl_P*rl.on of the^per ^capita coet^^^

H d w l m y i i i i ^ ' C A R T E W U m EUVCR ru xs wiH |udy twak«a ywa e lu g^ clotpti' up liver aadoa* caHtipahon, uptel vtoni •ch,ifr- •cbveh*w*U, , 1. .IsH e< ipetila, adl b*aiJaci>i atdPurely Mfelable.

Sun MV S«**B D-a.The g e n u in e wb* bear lipMiaa

----^ ............. jFeb, l-D r . Thaodpr von

' tWWfn" 4itvt*“ *wat WaeTdnaton. died here «»Ba/ In hU eevenly-flfth yeer. He bp|l boen eerlou*- ly III for about two vv«I(*, J

f>r, von Holteben bad meu' in the Ger- ipan dlpiotpelk eervlce ilnce 1*73 H* earved two term* at Waehluaton, flrel o* Mlnlater In IWI-IK and then ■« Ambaena- dor from U»T m isns. |

He held an tionorary doclnr'i degree from Harvard





C £ N T R A L R > . o f N . J .

lit.proiant time and prior to 1*06. when the■ohMli besan to receive a ahare of the

mrallroad tanea


NEWTON, Feb. 1.—A victim at the age of ninety-two year* of a form of muf^*-

NEW YORK, Feb, l.-R*v. Dr. Wllltam Henry Hnhbard, of Auburn, N. T , «*■ acullve leeretary of tho eiecutlve com- mhtalon of the Preebyterlan Church In the Htilled Hlatee. and long prominent In the affaire of tha dnnondnatlon, died ln*l night In thii rlly of pneumonia. He horn In Kentucky, aluly-lwo yeara ago He lenvMj a wlrtna. who wa> M l»» EH*n- lieth Allen Skinner, of Holyoke, Mae*., and thrift ions

Dr Hubliard wan nn of IbR moat wltH- ly known rlergymrn of tha Prr«UyteMaii Church. For twenly^flva yran he waj piuflor of the Klrsl rreabylerlan ( nurtti of Abbuni. for a Umf was editor and l>uh- IJiher of Thtt ABsembly Herald of the Proibyierlan Church, and for the la»i twi>


Srn'Iee of the \1f}h.FtIHTOWN. Feb. 1—The Board or

dll....... last nbJhl In Ihe Maple•vilIdJnff. and wUh U by Inviia

i:rihv+'H'll.in, iIh- five mnnbere iil the Inroin-

b.innl. Preehlem Joeepli H- VanIn*iihere of the new

ra The Oebome reaolutlon wa» prompted .0 by an aaaerthm made by t’harlee B_ H«n- -iiWckeon, of the State Board »* m gewrre, to th* effect that •'hool

yatbat the coet of mulnlainlng the euiira- ttoiukl syttsm has bs«n Incrcaard beyond

- l l f * ^ a aenoe*or» wore diapoecd to re«eiB -i'faoent orltld*m made by tho Btaie hoard *.v Iswiying their failure to perform prompt- b»'lT Ihrtr dutlee In ai*ea*lng railroad prop-

•rty. The board accepted and approved Iht raport of Dr. Kendall, both ae re- farS* to atatlitjcal data he had obtained Hid the comment In It.

• Tha Iducatlon Board aimed another ’ ''«t|W *m at the State comptroller by the

nf in* fnllDwlae reeolutlon at It*

Mra' Fieannr Flne Hinlth died la«t nlaht yeara hud devoted hlmaelf to the "ork of at^he home of her " X child, William the church', eiocuthe committee a* H* Fine Bm” h at 7 MapU avenue, wUh «icreUry. He wa. a graduate of Am- riiom .he had lived for 1 :en ty .tw o ye..*, her,. In 1671, and of Princeton Thcologl ■

Mrs. Smith harl been 111 but ft w^#k. Bbo cftl Seminary, developed ft iwelHng of the ihroaU whichL.a,> V bv ir_l,nl M *, AH H. SUeClCS Ol

Hoir[. wi'lcoTiieii the mcni t.iinnl iind eipretard beet wluhea.for ttteni !■ Ihc work they are to undertake.

Tlif fli.i.m-e cnioinltler (ins.'nted a re­port slioalriK a liolalu e 1" he nirned o y r

ih. u-w hoard ..r k :,711.37. Inciudlntf npulur lonslructlon and bond accouiiia •| he 1..U1I reaourcea for tile year. Inclu-.,- li.a ihe t.piilr fuiida, wae |lM,r,ir..21.

gpeclel flfiTff* of fh*HIGH BHIDOB, Feb. 1,-AnBOunoeiBenl

V « * maud here thl* morning by the dlrerf- ter* of the Flrat National B*nk of High Bridge, which wa* plunde^ by the cantor, A^niGD H- ■'Beavcj*, tivat Ihe^bank w6mo v,.«,i tt* (ioo-"3 tor 'W*t—*e* ■•*3Wedneeday mornlug.

Thin waa tli* outcome of the director*' meeting la*l night, which followed a con­ference held yeBterdiiv In New York by Dlrei-lori Knoi Taylor *nd George H. framer. Iieputy fi.tnptr."ller of th* Cur- renry Tliomaa B- Kane and Bank Ex­aminer Alvin I- Fowler, at which It waa agreed that *5lt.rt» In ra*h vhould b* PUt up before the hank opened It* door*

At 1**1 night'a meeting of th* epeclal commute* of three dlrertor*. conilBtlng of Klmer B. namaey. Dr. Edward C. Trimmer and Rol.erl J, Moore, reported that they had neen all the holder* of the 23* nhare* of capital stock, exclualve of that owned hy Beavers and hi* wife, and that they had received from the Block- holder* a fifty per cent, ri8ae**metit, amounting to tUrlJoO The director* an­nounced that they would I'Ul lip the dlf- ferenco, MS.iSfl, and that the bank would be opened next week.

S w e T h rSloan’s Lii^ibent ia anl rtinodyfor inflammaltiiy d d the throat and diMt. - yo t aore throat, croup and wthata it

k ifives quick r ^ :

U N I M E H Iis also good for cough or cold.A. Ou«g, of Waldo, Ohio, wrlleii - “ I

had a teror* *or* throat and for four day* eould not *w*llow, t* WT, «hr< had twallad T»ry muob, I u**a four drop* of Llaliunt on lump* of »u*ar aM let It dlaaolv* oa my tongue, and In eight hourt I wu eotaplawly enred."

AttllMn*. tTlMtl«.,Hadit-M.Dr. Earl $• Stoan • Dotlon, Hass.


Mao ifld Twd detnl Dotler M^/ WIm) h la jtvd


OfihiR, tv*** from luHlt’ri of puplla from

ilif district.


her rhyslclsn dlftwnf'wf**! specie*mumpii. It W4LJ Inipofifilble to reduce tbe • welling and Ui© thrvmt virtually Her hnsbarirt waa laftac Smith, of

OLD SEAMAN DEADFun« rft.l iervli’f'a for Caplaln Jampn

I EXPLOSION HURTS TWO 1 IN FICATINNY AR SENALdere who died thirty year* ago. Bealde* jicnry Wlnrtie*ter, elghty-clghl year* uUl, her jum Mr* Hrnlth ia aurvived hy uim hi* home, 2S Mmte "ircu,aleter, Mrs. Mary Stull, of Middletown. orangi', yeeterday, from

Y ’ flrmltleft IncUlrnl lo old age,The funernl will be held m hla late homo toinurrow nfternouT)

lh« l!i- tll be hplil

’ ‘ paaM** of th* following reeolutlon * .Batting her* thl* afternoon

noon at the home of Mr*. Smith'* eon „rv lce* will be conducted hy ttevand win he conducted by Hev. L, r- uanlel It. <’Bou.e’ : 'o f the FtVst P -byU H an ChurcbBurial win be In Harmony Gemetory. Bclvlder*.

•H«*olved, That thd president addrea* a '* l*tt*r to the Btata comptroller r*nue»tlnf *',i>tu* to wectly hi* reaeon for not dl*- "b it lt la f that portloo of the 1*11 railroad

«■ » which 1* not Involved In mlgellon ■ 3 * regard* to which the r»1lroad»

te * » ladle*t*d that they have no Inten- tiaB iDiHtuttng any lesal proceeding*.

VAN A LY ST II^FU N E R A LPLAINFIEHD, Feb. l.-T h e funeral of™i,er I up 'O'lmii be was twenty-one years

William Van Alystlne. a veteran metn having risen to the post of ■ aptaln of the New York Produce Exchange, w o veeael. He retired when thirty-

larr, ptiDlor of Ih^ liaw- thornf Avenue BaptlBi Church.

At Ihe ftge of ten t ’tipiftlii Wlnchealer left hlB home In EftHtport, Me., Hii<i fthlppftd on ft •ailing vesfiel ns a si.owttr«l boy He mHdc B«v«ral trip* around tin- world and bin family Und given up hopi* of ever seeing him agnln, until he tnrne' i

i>ld,on n

AtMptlnf t report of Profeiior Vftn ■ Dyfcti the board decided to deny the re- • (aiAHtntJanft for theof tha toUoWtni iBilltutloni for the

>SAf«r dkrea*'-^^vanrttjr of th* State of New Jereey Saaartmont or Pharmacy, located at aar Qty. refuaad for tho reason that It hM not the material, financial or educe-

or UIO ANCW aw**v —died suddenly of heart dUeaee at w* hem* here on Thursday night, w»l tako place tomorrow afternoon, vices at the house by Beir. Hr Char

Goodrich, Interment will be made Hillside Cemetery.

Mr, Van Alystlne wae year* old, and wa* a native of Centre, V. He had been a membei^o

two years old to engage In the ship brokerage business. He retired from active Imslness fifteen year* ago and had since made hi* home In Ea*l Oranga.

yperhlf K, m, f ()/ Ihc .VbttS.\VHAllT-'N, Feb. 1. I ’ earre Everett, a

firmer emi.lnycd at Ihe I'leaimny Arsenal, I'l.iillnny. .md William Weerter, Ids helper, were badly burned on ti e fai e and huiul" vpslerday by the eipl'iBlon of a ^■onIlIlP himib

Kverell s htuul!' and Hrms to the* baWi HTu H mHBC o f hlisteri. wliSI'- fjo * WHH tilHii liadly h'iriH*«1. hut ilangiTOualv It Is not llumKhl Kvevctt Inhaled nn,v ef tbo flumeB. W ieders bfiliis are 1.S.S serious, being rrindiially „ri the liiimls :iml arms. Ttie men were Klven aid at the Arsenal and then sent to tliHr honi's Ji«r€.


W ASHINOTOK. Feh 1-Th<« High Hrlrlge Hank will reopen for hvislufsi rint lftt4*r than Tlila announr*-in^nt wfti mail? (o»1sy hy C!oniplrf>H«r of th<* Currency Murra.v. Arran^fitii^nti have be«n made to put IfiO.noO Into the hank uncandltSonally. and thla will re- itore the capltftl provide forrlen-'y t'ornplruller Murray iNflued tl\e followlnK itatement thin morning:

"Deputy Cotnplrollpr T P Kane 1ft In N>w York and ha« been In ronferenra with dlreclnrB of the Flfsl National Rank. High nrldge. end the nallopftl hank examiner for that illfttrlot. Alvin [. Fowler, relative lo lh»7 rondlllon nf the liftnk. Mr. Kane has telegraphed Ihfil R'-rtingementN hftva l een madt* to put JkVI ONI Into ihi> l-ank utKOiifimona lly ftml at and Ihfll thu t«ank will rpop<sjifar liiiNitiesN ru>l Inter than lh « fifth of FnhruHry 'I'lils will rentore the cfliiltal and provlilo for ileflclency ■'

Spedfli Wenhf? of the XJFiWB.ASHURY p a r k . F’eb. 1.—In a letter

to the Long Hranuh Board at Trade to­day, Leon R. Taylor. Speaker ff the As- eemhty. declared that he la opposed lo a hhore hram li of the tounly courts be- ''ause U will Involve a malmeiiancc voet of at least tl-l.lKW a year. H'l gocB dofeind hla action In Intfodudng a Dla- Irk l Court bill and aiiBwers crllles In

Kpirrifil ftrrrffr of the h'ffWS.HAMBFRO, Feb. l.-8firiou®ly mjnred

In the oolllPlor of hl« large ntw touring car with fi rruii wagon, In which tha for* mar waa hurled down a flflren-fowt am' uankmefit. Ira Marlon, of Butler, ka ul the bungnlow here of Thomas Merida.In the a.ut0inohl!e with Marlon at tha

lime were Mra. Hattio Bmlth, who rung ithe InUka Hotel al Chartotteaburg, « woman friend of htri and another man. The olher two were J>ut reeldenti of thli vlrlnUy, It la ftftid

The muaclea of Marlon'E abdomen are torn and he has eevfre Internal injurlaa* He la being aiiended by lira. K. P. Cpda- grove, J B, Pellett Hnd Dr, F. B .'W il­bur. Dr Wilbur is tho surgeon of tht Franklin Hospila),

Dr, Pellett declared this morning that while Marlon was badly hurt, blft Ih- Jurlea iire not ao serlomi an at flrrt th&ughl. Hr Is nut yel lo condition lo h« remo\ ed to the Fninklln HoapltaL the phynlcldu Httid, bui there U a good crtiuce for Ida reL’0 ■ery.

I Mfti'lon h&d been driving hlB own i ar. a I nov high-powered Cadillac, but hnd ro-

lli^ulshed Ihe wheel to hi* male f r ie n d . The latter, apparently unfamiliar wltlfthe board who declared that ha favored

the District Court bevauae he hotx*d to j mechanism, tried vainly to get out ol iK-iomi: US prcsUilng oftker. tie point* j thi way of tlic coal wagon, and crasheJ to llio Htatti ConHtUullon which makes U 'i;np«B»lble for him. umler the ctindUloni, lo h'-iM any uffl e tliat Sha bill might 1. reate.




1I tie

Captain Winchester was a memlier of

the Produce Exchange »lnce I ^ , “ " ' ' J " * member ot the Holland bocloly of Nev. Vnrt' Masters' IkJdge, 1'■ and A. M-.

« «ft*i (golUtlM tor flkrryln* on a proper Mhool pharmacy. . a

,yli I t * Sohool of Oiteopathy, localrt inpeiUMWk. tor th*_re*»on that

York; Master*' IkJdge,Albany, N. V., and,the Columbia Coun­ty N. T., Boclety.

tnn baa dedllnef to r*oognlle osteopathy H a braoeh ol modiclne and that what tbo Le^lature decline* to recognlu the Mato Board of Eduoatlon cannot attempt tg

.0 ' - iTat r *v Capita Coat.■1/ ta W* eompartaoB ftcuro*, Mr. Kendall

dbotred that in Mauaohueett* the net per eaaita ooit on tbe ba*li of enrolment had InjrMsed from t»-H to 130N to $36.68 In iHt, and the ooat on tho ba*1» ot dally attfQdaM* from t».U to 4«.H. In Feno-

is wtoanto. « ie co*t on the ba*l* ot enrol- ' M a t Inoraaaed during tbe iarao period

fTOn lAM to IKlI. to Y®’-'*' “ "Itho * * » « ba*U It InoToaied from tw.48 Ya tlOJI, praaent coot In New York, Ok tbe bad* o l dally attendance, li tM.DJ-

Dr. Kendall erapbadaed the fact that In l i# tha per capita coal o l *chool* In Mow JoToof wa* vory much below the olmllar ooot In Ponnoylvanla, Mattechu- ■ttl* and Mew Tork. A t that time the

to-per oapita ooet ln New Jersey wa* only

Wrvlvln'g~Mr: Van AlyeUne are hi*widow and three sons, I^uls I. Van A^y stlna and Dr. William B. Van Als*llne. . boTh 0? New York, and P®-/, ;Alyatlne of Plalnlleld. He also leavM , five brother*, all living at Chatham Cen- |tr«, -

Panerel ot M l « € l«r * Utoa. |BLAIRSTOWN, Feb. 1—Th* 1®"'''*'

Mlae Clara Bead, seventy yeara old, who , the home of her |

the Board ot Pilot Commissioners of New York, the New York Produce Exchange and the Maritime Assoclailou ot the Port of New York. After having been a wid­ower for ten years he merrled a second lime when seventy-eight years old. He Is survived by his wife and one daughter. Mr*. Joseph C. Noye», of Brooklyn.

A email fortune was reallied hy the aeaman rixty-flve years ago when In the Mediterranean Sea, Just off the Hlralls of Glhrallar. he discovered the ship Marie Celeste full rigged and with all sails set, but without a man on board. He lowi-d the deserted vessel lo South Amorlra. where he c.lalmed a rich, salvage prlxe. The fate of the crew of the Marie i *- leile has remained a mystery lo this das.


gfjfcmf .Vrnrirf nf (Ire .V/fltfi-HCMMIT, l''(h I liamuel J Natx, of

Newark, arul E 1- MfKlrgan. a lawyer of IhU i lty, have h,,uKht the MhhacI J K,-any properly, ami toivp plans out ppr a hulhllng. which will hicUidc two stores aiv.l II ibr-atru.

The pruperly Iirh a frontage ot fef't on Flftrik j*troel, niiu'ly-sl-x feet on SprliiR- fleltl aviTiue. wnil I3i> fvt‘ t on Rpechwooil roatl. T'hat part uf the lot on Springflelil avenue on whloh the haridstand Is now located, will not be built upon al preaenl.

RURIaINGTON, Feh. 1 - Rurllngton fire­men are \|ctcr1uuB In Din fight for [’on- trol of their department and thu rights lo fleet thflr own officers. Al a special meeting hitil night Common Counnl. which, under the alleged spur of pollli- clans. had allempted to take over the running of the department, marie ft com­plete burrender to the flre-fighterB.

Ki1 leawreiice Jr , the rhulve of the flro- nien'-"' cnnventlon a moiith ago, was ac­cepted by rouTioll as the legal head of the liepartmvrt. Council had first ap­pointed Counnlmftn Joneph iJroiz tt« chief, hut he reKlgU'.'ii upon finding tlml tie could not legally hn|d the uffice, and the coun- llipen [hen tiuined Robert Biirckley.

fJjjfrirtl Sfrrirf of f^r Xt'lTff HAYUNNj;:. Ff-I), 1 -Jnme8 Rroph

twtn1y*twu yearp old, of 31 Flfieemh blreet, held t'-rtay by Recorder Maru , .on a chafce of burglary. It Is alleged liiat trr hotel at Ohu: loiteshurg Ihla after-

ih itANi mun who held ' -'Ira Smith waa reluctant to dlucuit i;„,p l,y was one the ® T * acrhleut. She ,!eclare,1 that aha would

of ihe Btuii'lard OH

InW ItT te car wan shunted off a long <m-

Yiflivmenl and rolled over, Mft rlon bftInB by It. Although bftdiy hurt, hi

conadouB. I I ih brother. Thomim Mar- who In uBsuciatrd t^lth him In l)i# ge bus*lr;f>tB in lUitler, vlulled him tael I

T e car, a wreck, Tvrili the front Bmaah- n and wlieda i>ff, lies ahandoued al pcvoe of llic ftrclrient.

O ^r the long-dli-tfim'e telephone from

I g'»r rilg

up epiplojvj pany ui the pomi of a revolver a chon lime ago and robbed the concern of S2W worth of ^rn^a journals.

ttrophy Is said liy the police to he one uf the mui who flg ’-ir-‘ri in a shooUtig at Columbia Hall. Jersey city. WeJueeday nItfM. He la all^'ged lo know of the ahooUng ' i Jost-ph Welsh, of Bay- uiine. wliu is now In the City Ilospli.ii In Jersey n iy wUi a wound In the rlgh". mm


MRS. LOUISE CAVALLlaiod Thuraflay at hrother-ln-law. CharlesBlatrslown, where she had 1’'* ''^ "® __________thirty-two year*, will take ftoce Horn , Following an lllneas of several weeks late home Munilay ^ / ll^ e rT Mrs. Loula*e Cavalll, elghty-one years old,will be made In the **“ f*'^,'*" of i( Munn street, Montclair, died at hera. Hope. Mm. Read X r of l « o home, Hus morning. Death wa. due to Township and was the ^®“ Khle® liver trouble, It was stated. FunerallUiid. Bho wa. a mamb«^'f_ma privately Monday



j Srnrirr of the .VFV ’N.

eiirvivea'by a ,y“T«s'^Wad"6 k'"whm^^ beeumeT.i„eu.n»town, and two brothers, 'SVads tortnlght ago. word was

eabled 'to a son, Frank Cavalll, ot New

tTX'M etooJlM KpiicnpaV Churc h ^end ls -ervlees

K e ; r o t ” Hope;' and Winfield R » 4 ^of ' eerious. about aot HaekeUslown, and two 1

weg 06w— _— —. -I^At: In Panniyl'yanla. W-Wl *£*•“»■

$mM, and In New York, $ ».«.V **lt 1« Y*nr *l»nino*nt," said Dr. Ken-

-••tinu In in i the per capita cost In Jtttey n^n the enrolment ot pupil*

WM vtry much leas than the per capitaOMt 'on enrotment In Maiiachusetta and

i - , N «w Tork •even years ago. i . r ' "t t *>if ttoo he eeen that the per capita ’ ’'C aMt'bWed oo attendance was 18.86 U*»

*htiu In itgaegchuactto, and 16.17 laei than fat York, W * do not have figure*

eiiAewtna th* ooet baeed upon attendance kataPwauwlvanl*. 1 h*it* confined thecijm-

to nelfhhorlnf or Baetern Btates ' wgr* ooononitc condition* are similar to

v ff f tho*» of New Jereey." ^JJy, Kendal aJao analysed what had

- ■ ----- -----

Easton, Pa.FnaeTBl o f Thoma* M. U e/d.

r e d b a n k . Feb. l.-The 70"®’ ®'Thomas M. Uoyd, who died Thursday

STM MIT, Feb 1 —SonK-what strained rflallons hftwepn hImBPlf and tho metn- bf-rs of the local Board o f Health have Dd to tlu: TcsiKnafhm oh health officer nf Dr. J. KdwftM Rnwo. who has held thP ptfwlilon for ahunl figh t yeare. Only a month ago l>r. Ruwo w a»' re-rlci:ted for a year, but al that time his aaUry wae cut fiajiTi A5U tu S-Hi fl uurnth.

Ur. Ruwe this n^ornlng explained that he was tired uf Ihe poaJllon anri said that hl5 retfttlcmH with the howrri were not Uft jilcftiittut as he would have liked Ihent to be.

H A rK E N S A rK . Feb. 1 -T h e exiHlenrc of two hourda of freeholders gave lla flrat real pinch yesterdBy wlien acores of Bergen County employes who came to IlaekenflBck to get ttnrir muntlily pay. Each board recently adopting a Teaulu- tton ihatructlng Walter ('bristle, county eolkK'lor, lo pay no moneys except on

' Wpccifil SYn'h'f of fhc \/virS.I MORRISTOWN Feb. l.-Neither of the I two Mcprrla boards o f freftholdera Is ei- I pected to meet t.efore February 13*

l8 ui.derBtood that th.® paftsage of the j^fn law will nol disturb tho present

‘ 'The' uld hoar.l. It Is -aid, will cnntinuy tu net until Hie courts decide the uuea Ilona now bclure It.


Yoi'k, at that time In Berlin, summoning him to her bedside. He arrived liome

i,.u.u«e — - ............... '*'Born’ *tn Mlndeti. Pruaela. Mrs. Cavalllwill be held from hie late home tomorrow . country with ber parentsafternoon. He was fifty years old and Is | aje. She lived T H n ix f n t f i lsurvived by a widow, a son, James ; ygri, untn two years ago, when ‘MOVIE THRILL K E A l,uoyd, of Red Bank, and two brothers. Montclair. Beside her son,William Uoyd, who Is employed as su- , aatightera, Mrs. Charles W, Bigelow, perlntendcnt on the Harrlman estate at , Mrs. Max Jagerhuber.Tuxedo, N. Y., and John Uoyd, ■openn- Harrlman, N. Y . survive. . _ __ . a .Antaro n.1 T ____________ _

New Firehouse for Roselle Pork.gjicrtai Serrke of die .Vfl'YS.

ROSELLE I’ .tRK, Feh, 1,-Archlteeta Ironi EiJeubeHi and the surrounding lown.s are drawing plans for the proposed

the board's vouciiers, and to bo eafe he , |„,w firehouse aod police station to be ia obeying both orders. The rolK-i tor. | (.farted In Roselle Pork. The plans will however, paid those holding elpctlve ul- flcea, Including judges, sheriff, county

frtal Serrlcf of fhc .VL’ IVS. klADISON, Feb. L -At a appclal

of the board of trusteeea of Drexi eologJoal Hfeiultiftry yesterday It wat olved to establiali a new profeftftorehit

niomlleilcs. This W'aa in rwsponse to • inlmouft petition of the faculty and Ie

j'mony wdth the Kencrel fpelins of tb4 jistees that the present chair of prectl- theology, held by President Elsrn iler Tipple, hns been Uijed to cover lo< e tin urea of RUbJecte. committee weg apiKiinted lo nominate

clerk, surrogate, prosecutor and their aa- sUtanU.

'.................... - „ . «*%..,anil to fill the position, and ttti men$>bo siibmlUed to the Borough Lounci - Immediately begin the BeartbThe proposed ne'w building will be o u suitable name.H io be prcpented to tlw low tile construction, with brick veneer early meeting and to devla<(rout. U will hold a courtroom and cells



been gained by the State through the In ' -“ aifawedl expenditure*. Jn 1906 the average

■elarlei paid to teaohere, Including euper- ^tSwdbbto and printlpal*. was »68.83. In

: V. ju j th* average was $760.83.ew- GonUnulhf, he said the State had gained

. ,4 b«eau*e It 1* furntihtng better equipped. *Jb*lt*r ventilated, and better lighted■ '’ •ohoolhouse* then In 1906. It has gained

'—.because the number of children per teach- ■Jhar h'a* been decreased; because the per- ^loentage of enrolment In the high ech ools

h u lnorea**d; bacause mandatory medical■ InspocUon ha* been Introduced, becauen

- J w own^tsory education law has been en-■ n forced and because the schools are better

,„*dalltp*d with apparatus,F w Ofannge at Colored Scbool.

— That the State of New Jereey Is not foliig to conduct an Inetltutlon having for It* purpose the turnlnR out of pupils

*»to serve » * porters and waiters, was a declaration made by John T. Murray be-

■ fore tho Stats boaid Ihle aflcrnoon Mr Murray notified the board that at

the next meeting he would Introduce a reeoluUon ahollehlng the summer vaca- ttoTi »t the Bortfentown l.nduilriai School tor Colored Youth.

Th* board re .elved a letter written by L W L Boundtree to Governor WTlfion, , prote'atlng against the proposed al.an- ddnmsnt ot the Bordentown School, wlilcli ha* been under conalderatlon,

The board approved a recommendat on of Aeslstant Commlasloner Uott* tor Hie distribution rtf the ten Per cent, fee®'''® fund, amounting to $657^ 1 ,,

( various couiitlrti. In this illstrlbuHon the counties which will receive less than

I they raised by the school tax are Essex, Hudeon, $18,533; Union. 16,170; Ai-

’ “ h? cmmtlee whichthan they raised are, Cumberland. PHOO. BUSBC*. (3.500; Burlington, $7,(W; 8ai™ . 13.300; Warren, (3,000, (ilouccsUr, $1„ ,Hunterdon $2,300; Camden, (6.100; Ocean, fl,350; Bergen, (6,400; Morris, $2,600; Mld-

*T™e*’m*dtum countlee which will receive j! the aame amount a* they raised are. Sum- } i isrsot, F*aMftlc, Mercer,J1 Cfipe May.

tendant of J. Plcrpont Morgan's estate atHighland Falls, N. Y. He alsoBisters, both of whom live InMr. Uoyd waa born. He came to thiscountry thirty years ago.

Fnakrel « * Mias Mary Boos.HIGH BRIDGE, Feb. 1.—Funeral ser­

vices for Mice Mary Ross, thirty-seven years old. were held today nt the home of former Mayor J. Henry Hose. Inter­ment was made at Cllnlon, Miss Russ died at a Philadelphia hospital on Wedneeday after an operation. She was born In BcoHand and leave* two sisters and one brother.

Frrderlek B. Nyce,


^ I T COLD TO LECTURERgperlol flfrrice of Ihe NKWS.

WESTFIELD, Feb. 1.—Living economy hints dropped by Rev. Dr. Madison C Peters, of New York, before the local Woman's Club yesterday, particularly those in relation to abort weights and moaaurea. were received with mingled cmotloiia. Mr. Peters, who came to West- field on a missionary errand In connre- Uon with his association for co-operative buying, alleged that the housewives oi Westfield are being fleeced hy merchants

SEAHKIGHT, Feb. l.-Untll they were told thill St waa simply a thrill (or the "movleH,” a score or more of ruralltea

i living outside of Beabrlght thought they ! saw yesterday a craxy man and a woman

ilde oft the drawbridge over the Bhraws- I bury River on a motorcycle. Afterword I they "allowed'' that the distinction v/ab ■ rather a (Inc one. doing stunts like that

and being ordinarily crazy being much Iho aame thing. „ „

Rodman Law and Mias Florence Forbes fiirnlahcd the thrill, which will later be seen on the screens, Aa a climax 10 the picture play, "The Dash Off the Draw, tho actor and the actress, the latter perched on the seat back of the driver, took a long flying atari and whizzed onto the hrlilge at a mtlc-a-mlnute clip. Hpecta- tiirs who had not observed the moving picture machine Ihoiight the cycllsta were unaware that Iho draw was open and

NEWTON Feb. 1.— The funeral of , pounds and short quarts.^Frederick K. Nyce. forty-five yeara old, mambershlp of the Woman s

^ h i r Z ; ^ h l l 3 ^ r e s t d T ‘a r r n ^ L r ^ e ' ’a S \ f - ' r U r r ^ i : Plunged through the

rm ^erirS een - a’^'protosstrai bs2eba.l * m e r ™ of'w c.t- open span and X■>';:/^\rr:^:csplayer, was a carpeut.L h ad play_- field^ar.^u,lng^«^^^^^ P-red - --rThe'^'se^n"*

gpcHal Srn'ire u( (At .Vi'11'3 NEW BRUNSWICK, ITh. I.-Decislon

has been reserved by Judge Peter b . Daly in the liability suit brought by the parents of Mies Mary E. Hendrlckeon against the Coneollilated Fruit Jar Com­pany, the question being whether the parents were actual dependents upon the daughter.

for Ihe police department, fire headquar- I conform to the new management ters and a temporary council chamber. ‘The building will obviate tbe the Immedlft-ie borough hftll.

erection oi an expensive

»to r« Fire Liild to Floe.iS.'ffcial Service of fhc SEWS.

CHESTER. Feh. 1.—F’lre that rieslroyed the largo general store of John P. Rocka- feller. at MIlMaU. ^ west of here,early yesterday, la supposed to have been

The parents ask for fifty per cent, of -aused hy a defective flue. The hmldlng the irtrl-s wages for a period of 300 weeks, the property of James Van Dervere.or $1,500. The girl was scaiped when this piece. Both building and contents her hund wrs caught In the shafting at | ^ere partly Insured, the factory and died several weeks later —

h adjustments In the curriculum al

Craobury P<i«tof1|e« llolibed.•rial Service of the SEWS. lEW BRUNSWICK, Feb. i.-Thl«vai t nlfht robbed (he Cranbury Puatofflc^ ;,600 ptst cards. Postmaster John F.

rgen th rf morning found the office had m. entered. Tho drug store of Nelson Clayton was tniered iqo, and the pay iphone cash box robbed of Bome sniaU Lhge. Tho rear uoora of both placfti re pried open.

etl for the Newburgh. N. Y., anu xv™.-- ------ , ^ing Pa. trams, anrt was a member ot ■ lecture was on High Cost of Then .. - - - - - _ .v , nrr.the' Bt Louis Red Stockings In 1889. i , ond How to-Heduce It" and waa actors In Bailor uniforms fishing

H. - - — , h^irmaTh'ire.I — I Before permlaalon was given to I^aw

^ It I atniT and MIsh Forbes to make their daringST PETER S STUDENTS DANCE pmngc the Monmouth Board of Frrehold-* ___________ c.rs forced them to sign a release tor any

IITRHFV CITY Feb. 1.—The annual damases they might sualaln, and, further.prom enade dance of the senior and junior to agree lo defray any damage m the

CAlJFON, Feb, 1.—The body of Ellis H. Emery, elxty-ftve years old, a Civil W'nr veteran, who died at hie home at Little Brook after a brief illness from Bright's disease and eompllretlons, was taken to Orandon today, where funeral aervlcea were held. Interment was mode In the Grandon Cemetery, He leaves four brothers and two slaters.

Miss Bertha Kinney.OXFORD, Feb 1 —Miss Bertha Kinney,

flftcrn years old, died at the home of her narenta, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kinney Jr., ■ ■ " - Death ,wae from lubercu lo­

in Bt. Peter's Hospital. She was lo have toeen married within a short lime of the day of the accident.

The glrl'e father testified that phe had turned her wages over to her mother for the general household fund, yet he did not look 10 her (or aid to .support the fatnlly- Itot mother said she paid (or her daughter's rlothes out of this fund. There had been much sickness in the family and she had depended upon this money.

SHALVOY-SLOWEYMlB« Genevieve J. Blowey. daughter of

Would Lower Trolley Step*.JERSEY CITY, Feb. l.-That a public

hearing on the plea for the lowering of trolley car i<lepft will be held In chan­cery chambers here February liS waa marie known yesterday hy the public ulllity commtsBloncrs. Word toffect was sent tn Mrs. Brice 5 Bnlftod^n Dorty Due WedoeadaTi

To Observe Ltncokn^s lllrthday.cidl Sti-vU'e of .Yh’Wfl. 1TGHLANDS, Feb, 1.—The cxecutiv* iimltlee of the Mlddlelow'n Town* p Lilricoln Association anu.ouncei I the Llnctiln dinner will be heli

year at the Seaside Hotol, tb!| ce, on iho evening of Lincoln'fi Rlftii*

.Attorney-General Edmund WU* will deliver an address.

vice-president of the Federated Women s I fi„Tfre of (fce YEIl'S, nf Jersey City, who made tiie ^riuhfl 0

request.iAKWAY, Fob. 1.—The body of Frftnl 'Boland, the Rahway iivlaioi\ who wul ;<-d at Trinidad on January 33 wlilU k-endlag from a trial flight, ia expectedW hr McCTetlaa Leoturea Halt.

PRINCJSTON, Feb. 1.^Professor George each Rahway on Wednesday, p. McClellan, former Mayor of Now York, t

claaac, of St. Peter's Cotlego was held , bridge that might be don^b^hem

last night m Bt. Peter's Hall and was af. ■ D A P K Iin * T 1 VftNQtended by a large throng numbering STATION ROBBED AT LlUW5prominent CathoHea from many sections , --------------of Northern New Jersey. Aipong the n/fhepatronesses were Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, LYONS. F< b. 1.—Thievea broke Into the wife of Governor Wilson, and Mra. Joaepli hero of the Passaic and DelawareP, Tumulty, wife of the secretary to the (j^rision of the Lnckuwanna. Thursdayr B h *e\ad "™ tT% w o ''m on th ^ hut

was only confined m her bed^a tow^hou packages, tokliig a'a’ay_w'hat_they _wajifew hours State Executive. The ball and reception 5. selection of the express

_ na nefaxafl l\w . l i .. $kv .aee axr u ex $ A..)

o ? 'r r 'V V e > il“ ' wh.5%Is'lde‘ 'u "Mechank , ^^^roHonaV carora of'the leading Catho- of iKT part! I coHcgfift predominating. 1

oedtfa nrew ersduat. 1 o"J t t '

re^rived^h-^o .rn ie deaHTof Rev. Albert faculty were among the guests. Duringrocirn KU t5-,..-,\elvna Wfl

faculty the intermission In tho dance program

Ifcpkine cook. Of U - k lm ^ ^ w i r ^ v e d V Silver vanity boxesoraduttle ot Drew Theoloi,* f the class of 1W7, Mr. Cook was well

I '

Monmouth and

known In Madison.J, c. O'Conoofj BBnkrr, «l*-« Abroad.'n e w YORK, Feb. 1-—J- C. O'Connor

the hanker, Ot Dallas, Tex who but t the mammuth leU.ee at Lalveaton, U dead In Paris, according to a oelved here yeaterdnj. Mr.

were given as souvenirs to the women and card cases were presented to the men.

NO FRILLS AT ^ D U A T I O N1.—A February class

nd leaving Hia rest. The tlckete and tbe munoy In tho ticket office were undis­turbed.

Although the robbery occurred the same night as the. blowing of the safe in the iDstofflee at Far HHle, hy which yegg- n-en made a haul of more than (UOd, the irethodB Ot the station robbers w. rc such that there is little reason to believe they were the same gang. It Is said that the arttclea taken were not of great value.


the Block of twenty-six was graduate.! yesterdaythe V'rt*vmal Sohnnl ftPri ni'eC -4 Kahler, fri.im tt

last five dent* w

years h1_s husln;;*" Interests have ; ^**™‘*™ '^ Yhls pe m \h* ' ‘wcchd ’ '>‘ “ 11'1 Sew nilB. . ... Tt I - _ el ew • as'<i .hAg. Btrsro

as formerly cimnecUd w th ‘ b® ,nc atatc Normal School, and prece- j ^jjjy^RTON. Feb. 1.—FiremenFur the*laat flv i dent* ware broken by the simplicity of the ■ probably saved, from auffoc

have keut exercises. Because of the Importance o S>landato and famlty, who t vedExi’ hiinyi^ liouse of O Connor of 49 Wa.ll Htreet

fipfdol Btrvice of the yEtVB.--- feb. 1.—Firemen last

Baved. from auffocntlon

i v*-r ti waa decided to oBmlnato the cub- above Plandato’e shoe store.I >ear ____ OUUOIT1». s-m

Mr». Bolce Stelle.l i Sfterifll fferHcc of i/w’ SEWB. . . 1«{ „ V TRevK 1 . -uko Rachel * ofllce here todayPUAINFIEUD. Feh. l.-Mrs.

Boicft Stelle. widow of John P. ate!Ie. died yutenHay at the home of her dflughter. Mr*. Dftvld B Sulphem after a )orig UlnMB. Surviving her, beutdeft’ her daugh* t*r. are tvo sone. John Btellft, of New Tork, and Irving BteUe, of Eael Orange, and a brother. Luther Bolce, of Lako placid. 8 b® was a alater of the late

John B. ProbftBco. Th® funeral

him in Texas.JUHD M. Crballos Utes la t '® « . romary elaborate evening eisrelies Inol- S-pg^'^-ors-taketi out of the windows on

n e w YOHK. Feb. I.—Juan M. Cebal- agreed that to Ipend the . and when awakened were al­ios, vlce-pr.sldrnt of the DevTlopmenl fn preparation would be " g(,n,e by smoke.

r r C \ n ' e l ^ r • o ^ ’ r^ ror^^l^tto^^ ^ ^ 1 . ^ ^ . * ’ ....................nted suddenly. Of ^ U t l^ o ^ r lr ^ : r A t " “ 7ts ' origin ,s not , known

eora uld. | ; y j , , Mary It. Wtlgon, Of Trenton,tira. Crrilla Sleorc. , Bresident of the class, presented a me-

1 a _ __ _, v_ I ..X. — — A gvw * TV* Ka

lOSl OVClkiWinv -WJ - atTho fire, which started iincTor the

ThoSremen ‘aucceeded In putting out the blaze quickly and the loss *111 be only

Funeral services for Mrs. Cecilia window, which was accepted byabout $166,-

Moore, widow of James Moore, who j^mes N, Green, the prinolpal. and

Mn.■erxlces will be held Monday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Philip 'B. Strong will officiate.

died at the home of her sister. Mrs. . „aflyates were attired In their every- james W. McGolrk. 612 Va ley foad, ,West Orange, yesterday, followdng an | ________ ,— 'j.,' 'O.—ilinesa of several weeks, w ill be heldin the Church of Our Lady of the Val­ley Monday morning. Mrs. Moore wa* seventy-one yeais rid.


FbwderABSourrEiar p u r b

Tlk® Q0S7 lydcmg powder mad® tnok Riqral Girape Cream o f Tartar

B l r i t e s d d k f c r a s l u n i i e - b a k e d f o o d s f f q n i ^ t y a t m i n i m m n

i m o e

v-''• 0 8 8 6 ^ 8

mUk p f o f l t a l i l e '

Bpedoi Service of fke yETPB!.,TRENTON. Feb 1.—There will bo ri con-

ferenc® Thureday moming * t Ibe State Hoija® between the county school auper*-

Connell Cited f « r ContempLEUZABBTH. Feb, l.-For adopting a

resolution warning merchants against dealing vzitb John Mullaney, ousted as o ve^ e r of the poor, the council of South Amboy was cited today by Justice Bergento show cause why ^Judged tn contempt of court_ w-rit and a writ of eertlorar! bearing oh the dismissal ot Mullaney will be argued In February. J. A- Coan. counsel for the

Shalvoy, son of Mr. end Mrs. Frank P. Shalvoy, of 378 South Twelfth street, were married at a nuptial mass this morning in Bt. Rose of Lima's Church. Hev. • Michael P. Corcoran celebrated tho mass 1 anti performed the marriage ceremony. | Tile bride was attended by her twin sis­ter Miss Gertrude blnwey, and Bernard L, 'Stafford, of Paterson, a classmate ot the bridegroom at Seton Mull College, was the best man.

The bride wore a traveling costume of dark blue velvet and a black Picture hat trimmed with plumes, rhe brides­maid was attired In a costume of blue cloth with a hat to correspond.

Following the ceremony there was a wedding breakfast at the Washington tor the members of both families. After a trip to Bermuda Mr. and Mrs. Shalvoy will reside In Middletown, N. Y. |

WIebaldt-Marah. IThe marriage of Miss Harriett E.

Marsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Effing­ham E. Marsh, ot 69 Roseville avenue, to Otto D. WleboSdt, son ot Mr. find Mrs. Herman VVteboldt. of 91 North Four­teenth street. East Orange, was soiem- nlicd last evening In the home of the bl'tde's parents. Rev. Dorr F. Dletendorf, officiated The bride was StyeP rtage by her father. Mr. and Mrs. \t le- boldl will reside In West Orange. The Lem ony was followed by the chrls^ lng of the bride’s niece, Ruth Bernice M'rnk. by Mr. Dlefendorf. |

Mis* France* 0. Bormann, daughter .of idr and Mrs. Frtmh Bormann. and Wilt- lam p. WoBSeler, d* West Orange, ware married last evening In th* homo Of the bride's parent*, MO South Tenth itrw t Rev. Alhertus T. Broek. pastor of the Clinton Avono* Hetormed ‘ ' ’‘ '“ ‘‘''J;, ated. Mr. and Mr*. Wosseler will make their home In 'West Oralrg*-

Daaahee-Tnnney.Sfxriiil SeiTtrt of 1*6 EBffB.

b o r d e n t o w n , Feb. 1.—The wedding of Miss Mae A. Tunn*T, of 101 Crosswlsk avenue, Bordentown, to David J- hoe, of Trenton, W*» uolemnUed tnte morning at 81. Ma(y’* Church. The ce e- nronr wee performed by Rev. D. ^ Dug

M L d Mr Thonm B sTowey. of said yesterday that a pending European h i Circular Saw.Mr. p trip would prevent him from giving * U i s.,Ti,v uf (Ac .VPIVS.Houth Eleventh street, and Eugene F. current Events to PrincetonUlFON. Feb. l.-WlUle assisting het

Rpnlers as had been petitioned Thursday, if,and in the operation of a drculal Professor'McClellan has promised to re-1. Mr*. George Abie’s hand sllppctl ant lurii here, however, for a course In Eu-. fingers were severed, while a thlrt ropcan economic policies next fall. f badly cut.

Don’t Delay, the Baby Is Crying

1, We never have and we ;ever will.I Ask your doctor.

Tell him you have eard of the Fairfield

the Laboratories.; Ask him to come to

weAnd we think know what made

A well-fed, healthy i^ur house and tell you baby doesn’t cry much, '^hat you ought to feed

We have fed about5 000 babies from our i And then come to us laboratories in Mont- P have that prescription Clair and have known pr food filled, hdw the fo^d was re- i The doctor knows ceived and what it did fhat sort of milk we us&l for the babies. S filling that prescript?

You can see that we |on. ' v ^have had bunches of e x - ; And he will be v dte-

intendent* of the Stats *nd lha Slat* ottlclai. said today he wouldBoard of Examiner* Tha notice to thta , prococdlngs Monday to obtain p*y-effeet has been sent out by Dr. Calvin N. of Mullaney's »alary.Kendall, State comralsalonw'of adueatlon. '

perlence w ith babies. jghted to turn that cry - A n d o u r babies don ’t hg baby into a lau gh ing^

r»t dl»clti8o the Identity of tht* other m*D [id woTunn In the car with lier end Mt jarton.BCJTLER. Veb 1 tSperlftl.)-U was ill ‘ftl reported here Gila morning th®t Ir® arlon had been hurt while demonnUat’K hla tutomoblle t«i a protpecllve cu»lo-

«nmi*ti\lnft lljiltiburg-Thomae Mai'lon, hla hrolher, wh<i

lied him ut Hamburg la«I night, aald at Ira had left the garage yesterdftjf ternoon without any pasaengarB, ftnd ^ at he did not know whom hla brothel i with him In the machine at tha tlmi the ftceldent.

vir. Marlon said that if there w*r® ftnj iimen In the car with hls brother he wai i aware of the fnet. lift Marlon ha® » fu und erveral children. /







be IInlurpin1 It>rit>iftM



aibA lRoIn?reime







Tthlcoafaritft"Ham' ■|h

m j i ,


At the laet meeting of oounty puperij- tena®tittt certain question® ^ro«e aa to tb® rulaa now governing the *x*mtnatlon of laacher*, and it was decided that it would b* well to have a meeting for conference with the Slate board of egatninerft. City luperintendents in those cities In wMch the local boa'd of examiner* ha* not becui established have been Invited to the meet­ing.

COLD EPIDEMIC!I w i l l Rehind Your M o n n if M y


The ‘ tetde wm* atwuded by her^ s ln , M l« Heten-A. myrnr. Md ‘ he bail

Cold Remedy Fail* to

€onrt Or*»ts ConteiBgt Order.geeriol Serrirt of <*6 .VRITS. . . „

KUZABBTH, Feb. L—An order to show cause why William F. Aek*n and the other olflctai* of the New Jer*|^ Over- land Compeny. * NewaMt atttOfatobUe coiw oem, ahould not be adjudged tn contempt

granted to Boti«^ F. Mc­Adams, eoHMel tor th* EMdheth Motor Company, hr Supreme Court MB today. The conoern. It I* » * « . f»H*4 to obey an order <rf discovery. ‘ . ;


Agree ^ C *rym M — i'•utto

Ator coan** A. »* *d waa agr**d uBott last night at a oottltyeitM of aflSiM. Stewart aod th* CoCHMli Conn­ell lor eerpototlw* to n«WJ!5

I. know that myHgre the heed, now. tjree«t and hW l tteost Insmedletelp, and PtoJ^L■imost insHwamyeiy, y . y - j a a ; a i imen)*. BroiicU(^^OriyP«,*Pd .2?"o c U r i_____ __**Q?f a S6- e * « twcne ol nS«e

to e 'la l* t i j i jy A. Iiaersl. Th* talarywill b* raloOt to H .W * a X**?wtU ltoTe.>a » * fti8tlj$t| $if b *| | ^ ^

jiur blood, la tmpara, <g If yen *m d, or I f yon hav* py*5*P*ja. «

man was John D o «i^ '.brothiy'. The bride " “tonJJtorfn velvet coat suit trimmed Jjith brom 'to match. Th*. >>'*to*maW wore brom charrqsuse with bat.to match. ately after the eeWC^Y “ l ' “ j ! I I Donahoe left for a ohojl •wedding trip. They will live at Vtl HdmtHon avenue, Trtnton, after |

radd*ck-Wlrtk.ATLANTIC HIOBDANDS, Feb. 1.— !

Stmor. b. Paddook, who Inherited a share of hla ayracu** unele'a large eetate, has »etU*d down and got mar- | ried. He and W* bride, who wa* MIm Lillian Mario Wlrth, Of W*w York, ar* now on thalr honeymoon and will vW i Panama bafor* they return here. The | marrtaf* took plaw to Manhattan la*t ThuredAY At III® how® th® OmClitlflB ; clergyman. Rev. G. TJ. Wenner, pgator j of Chtl*i Lutheran Charoh.

Bah*a*-I>aecr. gnectat Ssfvlrt Of to* EBVB.

ASBURT PARK. Feb. l.-Aia*ou»c*. H nwnt ha* h*«i mad* of th* « ' {jHIM Den* Terwa ^ocy. iM » t to i4 conn., to Andrew T. Robeno, of « Fifth

thl# cttTo OB jBBOatT ^ioM h 's ChttTchdMitf' JUliiipfc Bkprett, ot . -SSetv Uimof th# brides w w She I W i i W f c i It * ■ - J - •.*:• . wul.Tii.

Frank ly , it’s the m ilk p jfty ggjjts g day i s ' l t e that keeps that baby ^^11 p rice to pay foiv fretful.- ist the right food..,

A n d you ought to /jjgjj doctor change its diet. . {ven you the prescript ' B u t stop, w e don 't p re - on , y o u r/- ■Oraidhwtfg^j tend to say w h at y o u |urae| w ill do the r e s t . '^ ' ough t to feed it. ^ , , d most likely y p U '

N o t fo r a moment. ,j|j jjg calling tliem iip E xcept to say that .youough t to stop th a t^g w o n d e A ^ '^colicky m ilk. jjggjj w orked , y.



■■0- 0 '


tat! ; «wi

tIMI J r W | g w «

i i'-■ ksi

t".I # - " - M

* 0 .^ /""^

B ey on d that w e w on prescribe.


'Phone 94S Montdair.' '

F a i l e d X w C o m p a iiy

N E W A B E v S T P ^ l i t B ' S E W ^ W S A ?

hr. •I re- lend witbLit Oljheil

em- >«tn9 i. hi Hlar . tli4 I last

»aah* •d al

fromifter-tiCUBt h'Ould m«D

t Mr

L8 al t Ir« tUat< uat<h

wh<i M d rdaji and .

olhei ' tlm<

) an]I waj aa «


« «e t 'Dre«

wal•rshlc to •

nd Ie f th< ractl- E*r* T lot

lintt*meni' earcb 0 tht levlBi ni Bl t.

lievof ofrlca in F. e had [elBon e paj •niali ?lacai

;utlv« 'own- uncei

held . thil dlftii.


Ph«'ili lO wal whilt


g hei rculal KiBnd



On a charge of leading threatening jpoital card! in city Cotninroller Tyler Parpily, John Roberla. of 170 Ijtkeilde avenui, Orange, wai lent to the county ]alt today In default of 11.000 ball.. A complaint m e iwom out by Mr Parmly Ijefore United Btatei Commlsalon- er Stocktont Depuly Marshal Reekman made ihe atreat. Roberta waa given a prellmltiary hearing at noon before Mr Stockton.

According to the atory. the trouble Into which Roberta flnda htmaclf had .tta he- ginning ahortly after .Mr. I'lirmly a—Burned hl9 (lullta an rum})trol1i't', a >outtwo year* uko a parcel uf rial i-Mtattf tn TIchenor inn«* wnsi Ru)d hi imlilP' auc­tion for an unpaid ^hatl tr<i>e ai^at-iaineui, and in retlornilng Ihe prdjpfrry RoheriH w u caJI«>d upon t(> pay H ijr. nPHr<’ li fee-

RobertH. It ii said, look iimliruffc al Ibt* oomptroljBr over ihf j>Hyni«ni of thp and thereupon Itegan u m-riew uf poMal card correationdfnee, ('barging llie comp­troller with perauiial reHp^malblllty anti quQStlonVits hia rlg'hi to tlematul payment-

It a card received ycpterduy wJilcti prompted Mr tu action, Tlie me#.-aage on this ' lird styUB the comptrtillcr HS "‘a daylight thief. '

Tpon receipt of thli last tsrd Mr. j'trinlS’ THllieTPil IftKcthM Hbuut m scort' of larde u 'lkh had re. t'lved iiiui fumed theni uver to Uu- aijth.riiit-ii U1b allr-ffpri in (bi- I'omiilaitU Ihnl titlu-r epIthelB of ;< iiiaili'ioTis icit'in iiipenr un olher <arr1s IIuIutI' 1" lihu il sixiy seuis old. A rJulf’ will Ilf arriin*?nf1 latrr fur heuriiiK

"II wan npdij:\- two > fa i' Htfu ' Mi.Pkrnil\ flHid lo<lfiv. ‘ tliHl xeno pr t^rlv beloimlim' tu wmm stild fii i nMi<»r>In arrirrinmc uHh liu' liiv. inraviNt. had faihil tt> pJi', iin iisHiB-Hmciii fur (j'u plnjilin*r nf a >>liadf in t in [’i-ui i -.f liiin!.i uridurttianil ihal hf i-.lu. rn- l hij>i pi.U'-eriy I'lun) th" purcbHT-- I. h.Ji was chili:fil l«i pfiy uhijMl iin, ulllunmti ili,.

uni\ ur (1■'UribvTta hegnn ^riling rihiislvp nnd

throiilanlng porthI rkrrjB to ahoiit h } 'car and a hklf ago. Jtvd un one urceiHtoii he hung ii (!fniinc1nlor>' IpIot on thp door knob of my home. .Ali'uii kLk rnnrilhM or so I turned nboul postalsand UiIb letter over to Mr. Htockton. A l tlifil tlirr he wiinte<l me to ha\eRoberts arresteil, l)nt I r.-rused rostjil Inspectors linjiilrcd !ni . tfic rase .iml reported Ihal Ihty h.lh.‘\cd Rnherts was meniftHy unbnUiniTij

“Xhe abusive jiawliilu 'Mrilhiiuil to come 1o me, although Hohnri.* hod prortil'iefl the Inspectors uul to write ln. more, und similar letters were senl m the Mayor and the Shade Tree i'mYimlHBlnnerH. Ijftst

'week I senl the seoml batch of pottals to Mr. SioCLkton and he iiKam wnrit»*d me to have HoberiH arrealed, hut I re­fused. 1 told him 1 would tioi do so unless Roherfs wrote again

“ Yesterday I received a posital more vicious than usunl and 1 mailed it to Mr. Stockton. The arrest of Roberts loDowedp but as yet 1 Tiave made no for­mal compiaint."



Thrown o\erhut'Alliance off J a; ia,1?11. a hoKlc > ten by (Jauh-I picked Up Jan 1 re land, arcurdiiikr If *rfr. fit able

Mr, Slalde is h pw r employed by the governnieiit ui I'hL . h op Ida fnNiitervt trips bat'k nn>! r.nh horn i l e Inthmua he threw boUh*'i .tt-rhuiirU, bul this was the first one fruri, ,t lu-h he heard.

froiji the sti'anier i( ’, t'ului March *. INK a no-ssa«e writ-

of (narige, was on tlu' ('Oiiat of l**Uer /erclvcd hy

---------- I

The finder Blgnrd himseU Florence \ I'&nty, of f.’orraumore. t'otlecn Klimov, j rounty Cork. lie found Ine huulc al I irfiiisenliead. County Cork I

Mr. Stnhle prond.- ed a reward of H tn the flmirr and today lie a frvah |dollar bin bark to Ireland

Miss Margarel lielaney, ot Orange, w« b aJao meiitloiici.1 as one li' whom the finder might send mUlce. as Mr SlaJde's ad­dress was uncertain. fiho recaived a similar letter,


Th« body of ThofnAi .O'Connor, the Founff engineer; wtio wti.fiitBHY hui^ In

. » IOO*lo la -* r '- ; ^Turbine Company of AmaHoa.' In IRirVln •on, yoitenlay afternoon* waf senT to New llBi*en* Coim., for burial today. Deputy County rhyalelnn Henry Aliere vtawed the body at C'^ndW'l morgue and granted tho rrroc.V. pormlU Nu Inqueei was ddetn^d' nbi'nuaFy^ ..

As lojd >esterdH)’ O i'oiipor was Jrdlwl from his position ut the top of « v.ind- tiilll Ht the company’s plant. The ma- i hUie Is to Ikc> used fur ileinonSlratliifi pur- P«>sis. The anapptiig an Iron Hjpp.mt raiis<5d the irmn’s fall He died In » iKilice ambulance w hich was hurrying to a ho&- pita].

'Hie victim WHS Iwrntj-flve ypjfa old and Is RUi'Vivvd b ‘ a widow and Com- week-oid daiighlei. fie wo# a Ysle graduate. A brulhtr and Hr. 1. \V. RnuU lr>'. a close persona) fricTid of the de- LUMlpnt, arrived In llsmson toflay and nmde arranKemetUs for liie shipment of Ibe l*i>dy. The fum'nil ^ lll be heldpt Hie huniu of Mr. n'Conntir'ft motlver-lii-luw, Mtb Mary Welsh. In N* w Jlgveti.





fur r - \ flf

>-•■ifi f ll-altli rt'otj^ni - I All lyhi lui' re-» lp'’ 1-


I t'UII S|„.,


' I I h" funner i«t' 'r.-SKl.iit, .Inlui TIM.' U ■ T. I N |!ni,- rr H i ' jvld1 r;nl ♦'utnr Mi f 'lu i -''j ■

, r m| I fij.it ht 'tiuiifj Hi| it!]et,‘udi Ti

I 'jj‘i ri>.' :d-uti-nii l-'Uonloftioii.n tll&iwasi

if i,r lai,l#cii S''irflnr\ l-'Sjii'thf fXp(-tiHeis uf I lu* aujounU'd lu JJ.lCd.dh

5. HH folPlW '' p , V Irp.prPBl


- I

hiB Hntiual ro­ll ititidp I.lflLi In- anc<’p and I'Hd

•porteij for thf llH'refnuTi, hI\- ippurtfd riiul

i:\i fur 1H1-: had



Trolley fare zones, with graduated rates of toll baied on the dtalance traveled, may be adopted by the street railway companies throughout the country in an effort to meet the expense of transporting passengers over a long haul. I'he eubiect was dlscuBsed by representailves of various transportation companlea through­out the country at the midwinter meeting of the American Electric Railways Asso­ciation .held in New York yesterday.

All Important part In the dlBcusslon war taken by Second Vice-President John J Burleigh, of the Public SeisMre Railway Company, who spoke on the 'Temlenclca of Street Railway Operating Eipensee."

■ In Ms remarks he said that w-hlle the cost of labor, materials auditaxea was con­stantly going upward, ifce value of the flve-cent piece remains the same, and he urged the adoption of a flystem of fares that will enable tlie i^ompanlca to meet the Increased expenses.

That the street railway companies in this country are “ selling goods under cost" by charging only a single flve-ccnt fare over a too broad terrllory. was the itatebient of John E. Clark, of Xew York. "H Ib study of the subject In this country and Europe had shown hjjn ' i; i(' says, '"that long hauls arc imprbfitablp.*'

"These cost more* than the company gets for performing the service.” lie curt- tlnuad: Hb admitted that the .ost of Ui» tong haul was nffaet by the recelrua de­rived from short haula. but oniitended that there was an economical limit be­yond Which the short haul profits eoulil not meet the expense, causlujt a loss to the companles-

Tlie recommendation that zones tie ea- tahllahed came from ~R. E. Stearns, of Milwaukee. He suggested that a tare of five cents he eoltectert .for a four-mile ride, with additional fares for further dlatatices. Consideration of the subject was referred to a committee on determin­ing the proper basis for rates ami fares.

Third W ard Dmocrata Meet.Officers were elected and resolutions

adopted com'mendlfig the Common Coun­cil and the Board of Works for their al­titude the garbage queotion and the

' jntereat shown In advancing the work on the new Third Ward hnth-houae by the Third Wa’rd Democratic Association, which held Its annual meeting last night. IThfl officers choaen were; President. David atrauBBi vlce-preeldent, Benjamin Father; recording socretary, David Nach-

■ tlgal; financial secretary. Morris Straua- berg: treasurer, Harris Gash; coSleoior; Jacob Allman; sergeant-at-arms, Jacob Diamond.

I'wo Jnakmea Fined,Charged with having carried on their

trade In South Orange without Itcenees. two Junkmen, Simon Plsaano, of 25 Snath atreot. Orange, and Michael Pa- lato, of U2 Palm etreet, this city, were arraigned before Police Justice Edward ‘tl'. kfcDonough In the village court fhla morning. A hue of |2 was Im- poied upon each. They were arrested yesterday afternoon by Patrolman Pat­rick J. Kelly.

Hlnatgela by Amatean.. Spfckil of Ida .VBIFS.' Young Men'sOttlld and choir ot Calvary Church w in give a mlnatrel entertainment

- Monday n igh t The end men w ill be Thomas B. Adama. Harry Biggin, Jean

J- W olfs and Oliver Reeves. The Inter- i, locutor wilt be Gouncllman Herman de . M ding.

t - r Patroiaun'a N an mtfen Opr. Jpecfal Strvfce of tto yeiFS, PERTH AMBOT, Feb. I.-^ohn W.

. Keshrow. a local patrolman, who acta M truant officer for the Board o f Bdu- .cation, was attacked by a bulldog owned by Adam IVoodiliiaky, yeaterday gttemoon. and the end bitten o ff hie

I 4 untrurtH tn DepollRh I hiirch.j A rtintnu I f(jr !azli;| i l-'lrHl rri'Sby- I Ic'rien ctiurvli ftl K^i";' iiiul Mi'lland

ArllnKlvT). ■ .iwnnlptl yi s- I l('rday in olaf JulinsOD -a ho expf'flu lu j Klarl work lu xt u t»t*k. 1 Ian s for u I ullfli f'. wliii li will If' er- till at Krarny

iiTUl liJiiiifl HVfnut'e, ajf pr<?pari*(iStonf from the olii lUJlltl iiK will he uavd In lilt' toundailon of tfc*' i,pw Htnicture. The p* wg arul organ fiAvf hern sol<l lo ihf* (kiurcl'i of Out Kady, ' leveland ave­nue, Harrleoji- The ollu'r furniRlilnK?. ruuelHilrig of pulpit desk ciml rhairtt, pew racks and cuPhlonB, havshevn slorprl Th« piilpit furhltwri* wlU bft In thenew church.

Grcreery WniiroD I pneta.A front wheel of a wtgou owned by

! Ratiiuel Kavaleer, of 607 North Fourth si! eel. Harrison, becams wedged In a trolley BwlKh at Sli«nnari «\enue and h'ovjrth atreel, that town, today. The BMddMi stopping of the rig caused the wheel to come off and the wajgon turned over, scattering aJl kinds of procerlos In the street. The driver carapud In­juries.

Dlaeovers Robberj Attempt.Policeman Rvsn. while patrollng Har­

rison avenue, Harrison, last nlgtit. found that an attempt had been made to rob the store of Michael Ledcrman, al 30 Harrison avenv.e, One of tli-“ front win­dows hiid been broken. In a feed i ag near the window were found seven pairs of ehoee. No trace of the marauder Could be found.

<'KaHBe4l*‘ Blurcoat* Ftofd flo.Alleged dlBrespeclfiil liinguage directed

at I^trolman Boob, by H, O. Page, of Fast Newark, waa followed hv a fine of 110 Injpofied on Page In the Harrlaon Po­lice Court today. Page was arreatm last night after he hart epoken to the Marrl Son

Krarnr aod Arllttafnil-RfA RnLjtri T i Ira li.i ru. tin urn’ jih'-I'T

uf Ki'-iv !'ri“shylerHi:i I ’huruh. will u>- •"Iin'' tiu' j'ulpll lonmri'U’i - Thr cIiuU h kdI.t i ions win Ink iifl f dluwH: MurnliiK "Kye Hath Nut Seen ” IJnruIn HhU: "Hu- luvi-fl. If i;u,l Hu Kuv.m] I ’ s • K'A rilric;.wuHiHn.s riju, •] will Slmt M irn ,'■■Alii.lc \HM, M- iliill

Thu them*' of fit-v ,1 llohiTl I'HilluriI'lark. fuisUir uf Heuluh Mufliurilsl r*rni- eslant •'h'Ui-li. tumurruw iiiuriilnii; wMI he ■ Jacob. Iliu \\ r»-Htlcr,' 1l;u fiisi iT n 'Arrl»’2ii of rllscours-uH uli ' ’Tlif* Hreal Men (if thu Hiliile. ’ ‘Hie Sacrament of the Lnril a Rupper and rfA'cption of meruhers will also iak(' pia-e at the mortilng ser\'lre. A ('lirlstlan J‘!nilf’.i\Tir vesjier s(-r\lce will hu held al o'l loi k ’I'lir fiastur's e\ cnln;' suhjpi't will he “Srh uev Rellghm. ' A HOng Kervh'#' will take J'Ihcc from 7:1.t Io S o'clock, If d I-; Os''nr V', Johnson. !h<* solol&ct lieiug Misffl JesHr Colborn,

'I'lie Saciao i-nt of tlie Izurd's Huiiper will lie :uimirils(i-rr*tJ In fHa«’e Mutlmdlst Fplp. copal <'hui',-li loTiUirruw murnlriK At the ev*-nlng servin* llev pi s. McCowaiiwrtJl pjeacJi I’ll! T h e I'viTurl Fxatnpir ''

Ash \\'ednpsrtay ‘icrvl'^ee In Trhiily FJpIscopftl Chunli wilt Iv ns follriws; Mondrig, 7 o'cl'i'-k, linly communion: Ifl o’clock. Miany and pc nitcTillal afflrc and address. I'H’cnlng, S.h'i u’rloclk, cvi'naong and addree*. rarl fi. fimllh, the rec­tor. will conduct the gecvkefi.

In The Fh'Ht Methodist I'^plscoru! Fhureh tomorrow morning the Junior Kpworth League will iiold n consporatlon service fll 9,’30 o'clock. 'I'here W'lll fm holy enm- miJT Ion at?d reception of nienibers at thu regubr hour of murning worship. TIic Epwmrth l.eague nieetiiig at 6,ir> o'clock will be led by W. A. Page Jr. with Mjhs

I Frarcc.'? as soloist A choral ner-vlre will take I'lacp in the evening. Jn which tlie choir. Aevjan chorus and con­gregation will partlclpmc. The mualca! propraine for Ihe day will he as milowt: ' Morning - Organ prelude. '‘Vision.'’ Rhine. I herger; rjuarlef. "When Winds Are j Raging." Little: organ postlude, March In G, Smarl. Evening—Organ prelude, ’‘Eve­ning Star.” Wagner; "Traumerl. " Schu­mann. hymn, *'l Love Thy Kingdom. Lopd." inellophone solo. 'TavatUiu,’' E. C Wlnans; offertory. "To a Roae.’ ’ .Mc­Dowell; hymn, "How Firm a Founda­tion ' baritone solo, "The I^ubllcar," T-.K. Coinlnp; rjuartet, "Savior. When Night i p,

f Involves the Sky," ’

S[)cc|aE aeri h tfl In i iv imemoratlon the tvieniy-firih anniversary of lltc pa !(^r«lo of Rov. Wllllnni H. Hailier will he held loniorrow (n the l'''lrsl ('hilstlan <')iurc*h, Irv lngiijii. TiiA anniversary scr- mon will bo delHi-red nv Rev. Dr. I*e\t W. llalner. of Norrlutowii, Fa., brother Uf the Irvington p«atur. ami the only liv­ing fornmr piastnr of the Irvlngtcm iliuirh

r>r. Halner will preai'h al both servlvca, Previous to the morning sermon Iho pap- tor will gfltlrva* tlip offlcem and members of his chuicli, giving a resume of th- work avuompilshed Mlnce he aasiin\eii chargp fila brother fi'aigned to acvopi h cal! to Xorrlstuw'ti. A apeclal irntM< ril priigrarn will he rpndcred at both ser­vices, including ho|o* h>- Mrs MH\in R liung field.

Thu anniversary kcrvlces will enniinnp uiiill n *xt Wfdiiu'-driv night. hen the pnstor and hie wlf+i will bo tcnih-rfil a rn i-pMoi! hy the ( fflccrs nf \\ irrhHiitl iToridHS-Rchuf ] and iniTTihcf'-' i-f tlip \‘nrluiis Bi i 1( rlt-R nf the rungri'KAllurs. NTaj'ur Ini\ui H (Jreciie will Iw utu' ofthf spcjikcia.

On Monday c\»’ iL]'ig there vkIM h«' a SOI ifll Iti Oii P . I iin'.i(jon» fur ifii- nun uf lliv I liuri'h, n .‘-I'ci.jal ]>rogrflin having hevii arnuigcd f'-i ih«- uci-usloii

The pingtaui fur riieadnv' night proxhlnt for R goful-fr I hiwrfhlp iiuictlng, at whi> h i cungraiuiaiory remarks will lie mad-' b\' Ihc pastern ,,f utlioi Irvingltm chur' h-i ' and othera Inti-ruated (n the work of llic First ChrlMtan (..'hurch.

wA :7s- -r-v '

T h e A d v a n t a g e s o f I ^ r in k in g

BAKER’S Co c o aT h e CoctM o f H lg h Q u id lty

lie in it# absolute purity ndwholesomencss,its delicious natural flavor, a n d 'its perfect assimilation by the digestive organs

A m lA « r v a r « m a n v in f e r io r 09 t u n io got i^o gmnuiom with our imdo*mark on tko pnekngo

W A LTE R BAKER & CO. limitedE s t a b l is h e d 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS.

B«vlM*reva.U I'm,


AjHuir |> who hns wt rvi-d uspi»'i-ldL’ ril of tlie Orun»H honrd uf Filuri- ilnn *Jir'uii 1)1,' forimsbmi uf tlie non P»‘ t‘l Ituii iMiuid foui vi-urH Rgu, retlrwJ us cxe 'otlvt* Hi iii»> orbuiilEHtlun mfciing dus

nuil wai siKVrrded hv Cummls- hlui nr M ('olguir Vloi-.rit-MdentJu.hii J Hiuith wus roej^'ct^d.

M» I’ulgulr and Mr*, riuvmller ap-puiiHed rcprvs»'ntatl\ee uu the. Jhiarduf .K/hool lOstimat .

ruinmlltf'ffl were appointed hs follows: rt'a.heTB, Suinlcr I* Mccgle, Frederick M Win. k. Jauiea F [<Hh , hulMlngi uiid gruiiiid.«. ,\fr -fhruck. Mi Kelh. Mr Hecgh', Slip) lies, Mr Hcioth, Mr, Kelly. .Mr Str i' k fliiM'if*- Nf r ‘ 'hiinrllor. Mr,...... .. ,\H lu-egfi-. ri-le-i ••tn| .]|>*el|«lineMr Kr*ll\, Ml I'hiirid'.o M. Hooth.

'l'li«‘ uTkuids'.ai ii.iti uf tipt Kaat firnngM itciard ut Kd.rRiliin wl:i take pla..'r nt 7-■"iurk t',1-4 i.ri.i-h.nn Fb*\ Fcrdlmin.l‘J H!uii luir l w r, I h. I |.-d pi uj,Mi luMr h!u n. tuinj u > u m . r p f ■ |H, f,, hi!»l \ - 1' t I* H.: ihf I Jruve Hi 11- t' I.K" uKiM!.ni:i, I'hur. h IK- will HU .f.,(Ihiris T. ( ’iidiiiijh \i !i I rctirt-i* fr iii lUrhurii'U ..niiin ti> ih*. re.i ii tluii hi iii 'ml.,T- ?■ h d' .1 lid* r I li I (i4'Vk 1h va


Idflpi>Biiin of l-Vi.ftW through apeHflc bfr- 'lueaui lu i-i'iativei and frlciuli, and of an unknown Hmnuiit through llk<- residuary ln*'iu'f.,si#. Ill*, nf M1« h Fordell* I'lutl, of Fast trrange. prnhale<l In N>w York Fournj, January I’m. was admlibMl to prflliHte In the IuarI aurrfrgate'i ufflvij today.

The will, dated Dei ember i iftM. with a Todict! dated jKOuDry. Ittife. attached, ranicd Warren A thapty of Kan Orange, ftnd .Vlfretl M llolljrrMik. a|»o uf Kaai Oiifii;fe. i’ Aerutor«. The ape« Ifle bcipicBlk wiTe B» roiluwi-

01ln;<m Tahei, ni-phew. New York. Sl.i«>h Frunktih ’|■lh‘ l', NN-'w York, nephew.11,(311, Miw lik'Aniu T hIht, iP' fi7,l Fuel ik’.rii KVw Vurli, HlBl + r H.rtjd, WruLoiil-*!' Jordan. siMer. of 133 U'eil FlKhti ■ a»'veiilli elieoi. N*'W York. jF-.iXIl. Mlae l'liir*nur I Jurd'in niece, .New York, ilT.no’' Wi.tK V Inra Kuigtd. nlo.f, New York. JrgMi.. Ml K paie», » friend,

Hin! .Ml ( ’'Hpp tpi.Mk)'Ih ' i.-eifluf uf the i-'-tHte wr» divided

oil llir h.ihl. oi (. lllh:*, 11 flilluWH J’hrfcWpaili to Mrti Jiiriliin f\\o pHrt,ji h> Mrs. I'Hlifr umi purir i>. .\fie. Jurdan. oriv pun tu iti^s K.ilglit hiid Iwv) parti' to Mi . ( 'Lapp


2* »

Headi br Aor Eist Br>M f t F t l i l R y .

GREGORY QUOTES OLD LETTERDeclaring that If death raaiiUa at any

crosiJnt of tha lAdkawangn RaUroad in Kast Oranga the city w ill movs for the Indictment of President Wintam H* Truesdale and the board <#1 dlrocton, City Counasl Borden D. *VbUlgg. of £as( Orange, today made answer to th^ letter from Mr. Truesdale to U a jo f Julian A. Gregory.

Mayor Gregory, who said he would answer the tetter nezt week, Quoted g letter he received April 19, J»IU show' that Iho railroad had re fu s^ to negotiutc with ICast Orange iinledti.ths city WftH willing to accept elevation o f Ihe truck* und pay a share of the ca:*

He hIso declared that Rast Orange never brought suit to have any cross- Inga eliminated, because It was pre* eluded 11‘crti bo doing hy the talluia of a decision in h auU brought hy the at- torney-gerierul In behalf of the State rtsllrouri OommlBnlon.

<’liy rouimri Whiting, who, as a mswi- bar of thf, HtatAi Railroad Commltfton, iiid a Brent deal to do with the suit men* Honed, quoted r<»rmer Fbief Justice Bsw.*- ley to aiiow thai the charter obligation to keep cnAftfllugH xsfe holds good against ihe ruiiroudK ajuI that the officials naaF bf! held crimlnnlly rcNponslble for grade creasing deaths.

FInLrniAn tiemgv A. Urover, of ihe mil- rood cuinmUief' uf the i ‘liy Couiictt. pcli^rrjiffi (Ill'll iCftti Orange has slwsys I'lei. rcaJ>' lo negntliile wUh an mind wpli (hr rallmnd.



The rinnaalern and ^RlmbaUst^1 iirtcr Ihe ]«K'ai iiiniiftgcmcnt o f Myv.

MflPA A Nrhim. nf Urange. (|-.e Flonga^y •JuHrtci will kI\h II runcert of ohanlber miijilu lj( (hv hall of ihrt Orungrt Worngn's • '(uh. FrUhiy nlghl. February ’A Stvn, .V'Ison rilj-f) h.is rogugeij KfPHit SSImhs- Mat ihr faiucuni HujthiHri slollnij't. to give ft fci'itMii Id Ihe s-Biue pia«’e. I''riday nlghL March 14. ™



A poa^fblhty that of ilcorge Bli-elm<i> rlalrri iho l-taRvlarid 'i lir lm> ,' inadp kno(\-n h\- R Irtter of iii'iiilrv com'prnJr[g the trad, haa ertated i ()ha(dvrHb|u >;i)f‘ i u- Ifitlon in Ole wf!*tern Fi=8ex hurough Tlie piol which may lie ftffeclcd la lees tlmn an acre In oreu, niid nnt parllcuhirl.s val­uable In Itaelf. llo'we\er, it Is ocr ijilvl as a school ground hv the Koaeland Iluarcl of Fducutlon, and the IntercHt uf the Rteel heirs, after more than lialf ji uen- lury of tillence. has oftcaMinnal fiiiesflnn III the minds of some as lo the scIukiI board’n tltlr. The school nuthorlllee will cnniPbi In ( a je a definite claim Is rnHilc,

Tl^e Inquiry concerning Ihe ''coiuiiion ' lp(i lo the dlaravcry. It Is said, ihai the Methodht I'rolefltant Society of Husclar.i I belli quicUly, had III) title lo the property or-.-uplcj by it cx'-eptlnq the iilot In front of the dmnr.. prpKchteri If hy Benjamin Boiinell, liA'lmAB Ifarrifion dpeded the chupcli site finj free burying ground at the rear of (ho church to th( Methodist Kpiscopu! FonferT-nco of Newark, No other deed to the properly hna since been paj?se(1. It seems.

! An ui(|!hijr. v p‘ u\1dmg fur a lioul.iln^ of fulood Ihc-hs,. fii*.., hi llollevllle Is bring pfo-pnn rt m (hat town According; tn prudriii jiiuTiM, It will I'luluhly !>♦* in- tru hn f'Ai a( (!\i» lufviijifji "I F e Town

[;r jcl \V( niqlit U pLah.*>, ibe ilc«nF!i- ft; III |7)Q pM j'ijr, hiai .dd of Si’-'.

The pf"pos.rj onllimiH <■ I-a ■•Hlrt 1" Ini', »»' a Roud I'Lunpci t of pHM>api-. and If cnai i#-aI ' ’•'111 inwkr itcllci (lie saluoti lu vriHe''among .

I the must cvpensdve In l-Isscx I'oimly Monp hih I'hurficH |WKI fni inn and td\ern'

I Iirvnsi'?'; \ icilhcUon In Urn numb.-r uf ■Belluvillf! 'JrilcHjn.' br-'noHi uf ilii> ft-e In'unli' ijjjtvd 'ho.ild the Inw be aAlopunl Thir ia i.'fuh rslood lu bf Uk* chief ob­ject




Foigvitiii^^_ In hffl ai.xiety tu saininon Ihiil a firebox wne loi’Rled

iM-ar Ills h'lfiiH. JuliM F I’arvt. uf roRd. ( ’aldwvM. iclrphoneij an alarm to ncIttliboT.'r living inure than a tidle away laat itiglit Thesu citizen* pulled an ftlarin box near (hejr liutius, and b.s the Uuij tire FaidwHl \ainpB found out (lie locaiiim or Die lilaxc ?l.3fn) damage had been doui? to Dip Parpi hAUiu! and nontentg,

Shell)'; hymn, "I l,.ovp to Tell Ihe Story;" orgiiii postiude, Fro- cpsRlonal March, Rogers.

Rpa. William Onombe will prrach hI both aerslcps In (he Flra( Presbytei Ian Chapel ton;orrow'. His nmrnlng ((’tide uill he "How to Fxlllblt Christ." and In llic

* , * Lz . ^ L evening the giihject will be "Knowing undhlueooat In tnrma which Roob held [ d „ i„ k/ R„eclal music will be rendered

to hav'« been uncompllmentar)



M -'rs

4 ■T8U1 «mployei of the Diicroij^lig AM -„-z > ih. « iW Machine Company will have a dinner

*“ l**'>T ■* Achtel-Stetter'a.' tAftoln’a RMhday will h « releltettM by

f. , tha-X.Indoiw-Clao’ etRoaei-llle with a ban. ' - '■ f t rWa-OvRifeiital Hotel.

K i, ®- ColOwL ot New Torh. will£MKk to tlM Hen' alABtue at the Fifth

. -W M SUtt Churoh. on ‘ TtoclaJlan.’' Thursday

*“ n n « waetlnN of the Hen's Club C f.**' ***1>V*“ '* Episcopal Church will be

thetoiilirootn. rear o f the Minrch. n m iO r eieSihifr Offioefi win teeileeted.

A reoilptta'td P r o f i w Haae B. Bar- teeMidr hhoeaa ■enaiKi eeeratsiy of

the sew Jmiejr Bunday^ebool Asstwa- Bon. wQj be Blwap lU tba CQaten AyaeiiieB^?Uat Ctinmb WeMt F r l ^ b i^t. _0b#mn[iatlon ot o branob of. (be Laidea’

' wm pllc BenemleBt AssoclatiDn wtu ba B i^ t e L a t A toeetHt to ba halii In

-Wibopl bait of Sacred Beait (Jbiin^ and Sanford atrettaes. tOr

^ .w o *d btoek paTatoeat aam laMeoaamteal" tha .ik*..

JB Caatial ABIaaoa-at a , neatlBK last nim t want an ttsoH « « OW.

— — - tba W of tUa rastsrial for Bt of Braat^i^rHS.


The annual dance of ths H.ji;. F, Club of Harrison wap held last nigh* « t Oratou hall, New'ark. The floor witmtUee in­cluded Edward Bacon, Cornellig Ford and James Hanlon. ^

The Exempt Firemen’i Assorlatlon of Harrison will meet tomorrow morning at Neptune Hose liouee, on Cleveland ave­nue, and In Ihe aflornoon will go to Bay­onne lo Atletni a meeting of the county exemp)^' ftpsoclatlon.

The Harrison Lodge. Amalgamated Car­penters and Joiners’ I'nlon, of'ft'est Hud­son held a amokur Inat night at the West Hudson I-abor Lyceum, on Arm street. Those who took part in the program were: Charleft Spnrks, John Murray, Denis Slat­tery. Thomas Wright. Thomas Mooney, Erick GUzean, Charlea Sparks, David In- verarlly, W'alter Robertoon, James Mul- floon. Michael Cannon. S. R. SepternosB, Herbert Perry, Frederick Knothii and William A root. >

The Harrison Board of Education went out of existence last night, when it held its last meeting at the Lincoln Svhuol.

It will make way for a new SThall board of five members appointed by Mayor Jo- eeph P. Rlordan.

The Defender Hose Company has elect­ed these officers: Captain. John filxon; lieutenant, Edward J. McKemiai financial secretary, Joseph Burns; corresponding socretary, George Knlskem; treasurer, William Arrents,,. 'William Gllcbrltt was elected a member of the compimiy.

To complete final acrangemenis for its annual ball on Monday night at Rentsch- lar> hall, Harrison, the Harriaon Hook and Ladder Company will meet al the fire houne tomorrow morning.

The performance of "Rebecca's Trl- nmpli," at Holy Cross parish hall, last night, hy the members of the junior Children of Mary, was well attended

The annual ball of the East Newark Pleaeure Club was held Igst night dl Rentachler’9 hall. Harrison. ‘

Freeholder George W. Caparn, of Harri­son, has recovered from an attack of the grip. __________

ICEARNT AJfP ARLINGTON For the benefit of the Waahlngton vaca­

tion fund of the senior class ot the Kaarny High School, Professor Lewis Armstrong, of New York, gave a lecture entitled ''EanioUH Bongs of Uany Lands" in Lincoln School auditorium iwtnlgbt.

FYjrty-flve members of the Aavlan chorus of the Flret' Methodist Church. Arlington, went on a strawrta* TTiuraday night to the Sanfdrd Street Methodist Church, East Orange.

Michael Dof^ney and DanM KeUy. ar* festisd In Kearny yesterday by DetecQve- Sergeant OlB'er on a char^ YBgrcHicTi were oonmiUted to the Hudaon County Penitentiary for twenty d w by Re­corder L, A. Wlmmer. - ^

Golden Rule Circle of Klnt'a Daughtanv Arlington, willmee". at the hoiM of Mrs- W, R, ByoneL Midland avenue* Monday night.'v; ■■i>v

Ttie February business meeting of the.! Arlington Civic Club wOt take place ! the borne of Mrs. George A. GalHver. i Magnodta kvtnue, BosNay kftsrQoon. : t

W wt Hudum Bodbl attb wni h id i•i 'ne^U dn « t lU roonu la Bercen I BUK aegt Saturday night.

by the cboir, under the direrlJon of Mrs. Kii(h(»rlTip Judge.

Dommunlnn and reception of members will be the order Hervloe In the Flr.«?t Ttapll.'it Church tomorrow mocnlng. In thr esenliig Hev. J. Franklin 8hi:’ih'l! will preach on "A New wtarf."

llKrrtRoii. ^At St John's Kvangellcal [..ijiii^ran

Cbun h, on Hamilton street, the pnstor, Fi( v'. 1). A. ReJrhcll, will proarli in Oer- rnan at tlie morning .servii-ft tu:nurrow, and in Eiiglisii Eit night, when hla sul'jei’ l will be "Thp Three ■\Voea." A spe<-lal nuiHical program win be rtmdered by ih« choir at the morning Ber\ii.‘p.

"The Bread of Life" will be Rev. C. ’Walter Bishop's topic at (he mcTrning pervice in Hie First Baptist Church to­morrow. The sermon will be followed by holy communion, At 2:30 there will be Bible school and al 7:30 the paf*t<5r will deliver the flra( of u scries of senmins for men on the subject. "Muscle"

r*ursijant to a request made hy residents of The Crescent, MotK'dai^, who for Hie past two open sraaona hove henu serl- oiialy annoj'ed by birds congregating in the trees of (hat thoroughfare. Assembly man Bennett H. Fishier, of Upper Mont-

‘r. will prci'pnt an amendment Inoliirt- g siRrliiigfi, in the ll.sl of improtccted

birdsThe greater ncmlicr of the rnullRnde

of l-lnJn whlrh niadc the early Bummer rnornldg and e\enlng hoora uncomfortable for rhe f'reBCPiit people were slarllngH. fl \arlety protected by the Slate gan-ehiwfl.

The Ill'll. Mr Fiahlor Btalea, has been ijidorfled by Pish #tnd Game roinmlss) Oner Ffi’derjck J. Hall.

MAYOR SAVES OWN AUTO.Mayor llliaiu Bruiulenburg, of

•Norlli Arlington, uppenrud In tho rt-ile I c(f u fire righUT Inrti night, w hen he aa-aistr-ri

DEPUTY TREE W ARDENSThe Shadf Tr(*e ( 'DmnilfSjDn

N nfujKirtnti tn uiKaiiUe a rrjrps fiP dfp((T\ Bl i.iIp (r.-.- iMirdniB, of biiy(j from thn varlniiB prhoolK in (hat town. The no;m- beiKhlp ivlll be llni1li-il (I ml only (loyn nf fuLirn-un \i-iirM or u\ er will |)<< eliKluie

.Yb illjn;.s uf l,U' uj j;iiiilrul|i>i| ;1] |j,.l.ciil iiriili i (he aupi-r\ Ulon of Hre-r-raiy Gf- tKf .L't ti.ii;;* (if (he Khod'" Tn-r' ' 'oni- (nlm-lto, TIum* adiultt**'! wdl he itlven a prellini riur ruLT»i‘ in forentry rthd ai- ibmK'T! ( (jlh are l»u(rig mode tu prnr-fl'Hl li.htnctl'm and fvuiKrrs i lsen f(nmllld" ( rl >((7 e

TIm- li.'ui will I'O lali] o il n dial, lets (1 nd uaeii vuirclcn '\lli (><• Hn.signod 1" n panl-'uiaj scrDoii. }fis duilf-a ulll oun- lat uf making lnsp«‘«'Dini-'‘ ihe reHuJiH

uf »Oih h rrnjRt bi- i (■[sorted at the meet- iMUR oi tlif urganlKailon

I plk-ttf Ions for rneinl'ershlp ail| he n*- rehed hv .Mr. Jennings, nl IiIh hunm i;il Uiilrni a\enue Tlu- apfiArants l.iu«i be regular Htlenilj*ritB u( either the pnriilr oi parorhldl srhouly

GLEN RIDGE SOCIETYMrs Harty I ’. NTcliola, of Clark Hireet.

and Mib. K D. Lung, of Highland Bveniie gave a kill hen .shower in honor of Ml. s Ablne Futler, of t.’ tai k sired, who will be married ig (L'lurenue Graham, of Moiit- drilr, in the sirring « l the homf <(f .VIr* Long, yefltiiday aft^'rnoob. Among Dio gueHtH wtie Mrs iMflrIus O. BeJlcinl, Mih. William U. .Sa\ic Jr., Mrs. V'. Hul- sarl. Mid- F. w. Jaukaon. Mrs. G, A. MliiaHlflii. AIrrt. ti. K M'altP. Men. F. T. KuaDy. MriJ W. A. LitMe, Mrs J H. T.


IM MAIN KrnnRT,Opuwslle CkvelantJ dlreet,

---------- 1UuklnrsB i rnce open unltl § I*. dally.

.Ail\rrDsemrnti recrlied f«r publtcatlsa emmr dajr uotll |1 A. Al.

/ Orange » 0(l .r„i_ ' .Market tSM

I PrOate Hrancti Rirhanga t vonnertlDi all depsrtmenla.

m <'Xlln«-nl5liins a b lai. in HIh | Martin, .Mrs. f: Utlafnl Mrs H SK.,riiti.'. Thi' h . Jcli exarulivp's iiulo- I.ahncr, Mrs. [luscu. Hart ' Mrs J Wrriohiir' hnrl been sal un tli-c after ala,a|,a,n, Mrs M'. U F'uwers, Mrs O W inyalrrbiu.s Ki,B i xplueloh in ino sar- I Uej’noids, Mis. c. c. Huribul Mi’s (J. Driire. arid ;t was Ihi! ear the Ma.vur aid- i Crulrksii.uilr, .Mrs Milson [.vim Mrs M

Arllarton Bulldlna; Pannlfa.Building permilB for two new houses In

Arlington were granted by Muntdp.il Su­perintendent John D, Caatles. of Koarny. today. Charles R. Stewart wll! ere< t a one*famlly house at Kearny and fituyve- sant avenues, to cost tB.OOD, The other permit was Issued to Car) Peterson, wlio win build a four-fainlly house al Qutney avenue and Elm street, at an estimated expense of $7,000.

IRVINGTON AND HILTONThe Irvington Fioard of EducHtion will

me ’t lonlghl fnr orgeid^iign. It la ex- pe<'tPil that UominlHwIoner Oeorgo H HmalhM will tie nlwtcd prCHidml niHl MImr Burnuttif P Unit vtce-proMldeni.

Mr. nnr] Mrs. Myron L, Cllf(, uf ]X) Or­ange Mra. Waller A. Wills, uf;iVii Orange avcinie, and Miss Adclahh- [hiratid. of 112 Union avenue, Irvlngtun returned toduy from a stay In Mlildle- toun Springe, Vi.

M;(riftno Alu. n Bl in-maker, of 4i,U Norih Grove atrc''l. Irvington, informed the po­lice ypoterdav affuVmion that Ids place h<id been entered Die tilglit before hy r. tMef. The Intruder, according to Alu'rf btory. nearly set firp lo (he shop by drop­ping lighted matoh<=*K.

George Grcenwftlrl. nf Philadelphia, Is the guest of Mr, iind Mrs. T^renzo Ge ls- fliiebel. of Stiiy\esant and Halstead ave­nues, In ’ingion.

The first i -erles of the Caspar Mueller Saving AsBoclallon, of Irviugian, will be paid o ff Monday nlglil

A basketball game will be played at Ma­sonic Hall, JrviJiKton. tonight, under the auspices of the Irvington Athletic Club.

Preparations' are being mnde by (he

•■d In aaviriK frum the (1;iin«'S, The cx- ; lent uf Ihe ilaniage ivtis lh« scorching I of H tire.

'rhf! Mfis'or's SUM, l,cu. hart gririo to th« garage ig gr-t th*‘ autijiuulilh« read> fur a iJrIvr'. JuHl as h>- was ligiillng 1 lu fnvwi.rrt hill Ihi'ri' was a burst of name. Th'' Ma.vur sitw the llnsh fr ni Nit; tiiiu-Sf* and lost im Dine In np- p»>aiTng on (he acmie.

Thr# borough lire depnrrment inarh a quick run to Ihe hre. rearhifiK the Hcchc Iti iilmut Iw'eiitv' Tiiiiiulea. From the Ma.vor’s liouso to tin- pli.L#c whern llie h tH vsaitoii 1. stored is nlmopt a mile. Ji lijid been reported thiil the Mik>ur*s houfif ws» on Arc.

S. Fuller. Mias Lu Ida Fuller. Mias M. C Giillagbcr. Miss Louise RusHell, M!si“ Mar­garet Muir, M!h8 Eihci Compton, Miss il K. Wlnflclfl, Mla I.rfjiilBe Mt'Ulure, Miss Alice Hriiliiard and MIsm Alice Hcruiance.

Dy Parcel Poal.Biiusages.-a picture hat and n rtri's.sert

cillckm y.-t i'e Jinio^^ the arlirles re­ceived by [Tur<'i-l poal at the Monti-lalr pustoRIcn tod iy A portion of ih^ cun- tcniB pruiruiL'd from iho w-rMpplng around tarh ul the three parkupfs The large y*-llow plume to the Imt wlood Birti« iiv side with the yellow legs of thti Chicken

Mangled Flnfrem In Macblne.Charles Nil niotolis, seventeen years old.

of 321? Plfliie Btrcet, this rity, mangled the fingers on 1-ls left hand yesterday and severed the Lp of one finger at the Kdi- san works lu West Orange H»’ wasoperating :i mHchlne fn the pt]#inugrriph workK Ilf' wa« removed to St. Mary's HoKpitxil, «>ratige.

kaKer <:«ae Hearlug.TestifyliiR tipfore 8pecUU Mflairr .Vlch-

olas \V. Hlndj-r'.i lortRy, lialf a B.ore of wltnesflps lohl what they knew ahoLit thr


IRVINGTON CHURCHESHoly rommiirlon will he reiehrated ftt

R and 10 n’cl'.ick tomorrow morning In 'rrlifity EpJacupfd I'liiirch Thft topic of lUe moi'olng etermun hy Die rnclor, Fiev. Herbert W Hopkins, will He "Thu Great- CHI \Irliir. Ills subject In the aveiiltig will lio ‘ Jesus of NaxHToD] i'lisselh B’ .'*

Rev. George Foulilftln will preauJi to- niorruw morning In Die lr\liig1on MeDiO- dUl Churrh OM "The Transforfnftllojj of Lip'." The flubje<-t at night will be "Cut It Out " ■( hr fiacrament of the Lord's■!r»pi'r will tie Rdmlnlplered In the morn­

ing, follow i d V y rerpptlon of members.‘I'lip Haeiaineni nf the Lord's Hirpper wfll

tie KdmlnlsD'rt'd (jy Jlc\. Uriah MrCUnchle tomorrow rnnj-nlng In Ihe First Reformed C'Jiuri h. There w Ul a Iho be a reception ot meniHcrs.

I AHPERE-I rratH. 48 Fourth avi. T*l. AJ1«W.

Grlaiivy. Til Fgurdl tv*. Til. S2&W.UfDCK tTHUHGH-

II. Blmk. (V<3 Main st. Tal. DUi.Marks, sa Hidn.ail pi. T*l. SWR.Rubin. W Wsnhington pi. Tel. 4300W. VtBger. DIP Mala ■(. Tel. 91U.

li.AST OR and E- H Ittook. a?vT .Main ft. TeJ. M IL nri-fJlf A Kftlodin. IW) Mstn si. Tsl. IJIT- frlnlbupff. |H Greenwood ave. T#l, STGTW, Morris. 148 Main st Tel. 840SR- Nnlrnsn .144 Main it. Teb 8|2S.Itosen. ;j*il Main at. Tel. MOlW. boper. 144 Mslti •(. Tel. 4Nlft.Stutz. Til Mam at. Tal 7D0J.

aAl*LEWOOI>-Van WtnkI*. kraentiel store, Biker sL and

Mstitewoud are,ORAN*a£ VALLKY-

flalllgan. fla Forest at. Tel. BISlJ.Keeler. 4411 Scotland at. Te). 1053- Spellman. Miahland Are gtstlon. TeU 37We Rttierman 75 Forest at. Tel. SOOtW,

BOirTIT ORANGE-Waliace. Roulh Oranie tvs., nr. Railroad,

WEST ORANOB- nrandls, h Main it Tel. 21MW- MartJn, IS Valley road. TeU 87HW.

liivtryliodr kaovra tka< pratUeallF errrykttdy el«a |« bla flclRkb«rh#dd leku reada a Devrspappr t« a reader of tlio Bvea|«(s News. Thtro Ii so gueasworlt abnuf Ike New i’i clrtoils* lloo.

OIUNGE ADYERTISEnENTSriANOB are built like a watch and aboutd b*

regulated t>y a skilled mechanie. Call lha tuner. NATHAN UacCRBA, piano Imior. East Orange. Telephone STSBR Orango.LET ui (urnlih your Ooms;. cmsO or crodK.

AARON SHAPIRO, the feJltbls fyrdturo man, ID-SI Centre et,; we give our own mlURi ccrtlfloeies with every purohsas,WISH ELLA A, LUGO, teacher of piano; lea-

Bnne si Btiident's horn*; Oermari method. 133 lr\lngton ave.. Boulh Orange; tel. 507W So, O.hfUtJItM u ladnu'e, hotbed eaah, moldloga. doors,

lumber and mill work, J, A, NEILL CO., Eseex gv#., near Ballroidi *phoa» 54iR.ALnJQRT F ROBINSON-Ftre Inauraacs oad

Real Estaka. 16 Con* at.. Orange.

IjBdles’ Atd 8oci<*ty of the First Reformer! I nlloged tlps*-riinji nf Mr5. CtinrioDis y. Church, Irvington, for a "dollar sodabis," tu be held the latter pnrt of the month.

Hftltpr. of So'iilh Orangp, tiy h<*r HushanU, Ralph I.*. Rfllu-r, January 24, 19h?.,




A T B O T H s t o r e s !

32lbs.Si r,12cHERQY’S

^ 7 0 O r a n f o S t r e e t^ ■ ■ N M irlM a^

1 3 M u tIro iT g. O um lift HarM' W w


Y: •. -.J.-..

mi: ■

# 'A.w n f* - ■f'.L'Jlil



Nos. 226-228 Main Street, Orange, N. I.

ABSTRACT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HALF-DIME SAV­INGS BANK, Orange - N. J.. at Ihe dose of business December 31, 1912, verified by all the M.^agers, and reported for the year 1912 lo the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance of the Slate of New Jersey pursuant to law,

\'ESOURCESCash on hand and deposit........................................................ $134 043.89Bonds owned, including $100,(XIO U. S. Gov'ts, 3s and 4s, ’

(par value, $1,075,525.07).......................................... 1,065,645.48Loans on Bond and Stock Cotlalerals.................................. '102^600.00Bonds and Mortgages upon Real Estate valued at

S4,060,542.00 ................................................................... 1,666,811.09Interest due on all mortgages................................................ 57I.3JInterest accrued upon all investrnents................................ ! 27,727!o8Real Estate Lot purchased for Bank purposes.................. 20[000!00

Total A sse ts...,-.............................................................. S3.017.399.47LIABILITIES

Due Depositors upon 7,463 open accounts.. $2,739,183.22 Accrued Dividend of Interest from Decem­

ber Isf, 1012, (Esr.).............................. 8,217.55- _____ 52 747 400.77

SURPLUS or PROTECTION FUND against loss or depre­ciation in values............................................................. 269,998.70

SURPLUS with all Bonds at par value and held as In-vestments until maturity................................................. 279,878.2^

Dlvldmdii Juar 1 aad 1.B «ak Oprtt Dally rxnept Xundayp and tnml kalldara. 10 A, M. to 3

F*1H. Oo 9affiirdaTo« from 0 A, M, ta 13 o'eloek wooa« only, Oa NfoDdays, fron 7 lo H P. .M, .

latoresl oonatwapcs Mlarek 1, Jaa« 1, 9<>plriBh«r t« D#covh«r 1.IfOTlfl v—<For iBia thia B «ak kaa paid, or errditrd fo DrpoHltorot Vo*

t «m t or Dt^ldroids oMooDtlag; lo *0R,Oirj(3 at the rale of FOUR (4) per ernt. npoo ALI/ Dopoalta of pR.00 aad aptrardi alt loaeta prodarc loeome wklek for thr year ta f3I,4li1Ul.33 orrr «ad above all Dlvldrade, Fnailuiaa* .or RaanlaK Gxpeaaea aad foime a port o f the barplaa or Reoer^e Fanil for the sera rity of Depoaltom-

Thomae Ntv C'Dsarli liOOlN MrC'load rbouai J, 5wltb

NIANAGERB .R'llliaot Road Howe tforaee Stetooa Abram MoaJer

FrodeHcfc Jemklos (ieorpe Spot4towoo4o PrfdeH^fc 9, WIIHoiaa


HOR.4rE STKTAOk. V.*Prea. « Tree. FRGDKRICK-EG.^BR. \u*i trea . FRBDBttlCK H. W ILLIAM S* Seoretary

' IX'

NOTICL OF REMOVALDr. Lloyd G. Morgan wishes to announce the rc;

moval of his dental oiflees, on February 1st, 1913, to ■ 322 Main Street, fouf doors from East Orange Poet office. Both hts offices, at 35 PsrkrAwnue and 7 >

^Mitch^ Place, will be discontkips^ Office hours v'Phone 3 iw j Orange.,

# 1


I lu i )' “ paWUliti »*nr. *i»*W , * »


H U L gfi**'*

i t t . T o * ornmi m . i i » w i « " » « » " » • ’ " * ■

„ c t i v o f tb . « • “up' M « t pMtaBt. koIdlB* o ( th «, conrtltu-

Thow H t ddinanil <OT tba ho iaw f «

m nt and T !*V , ^ i u u f eondttloni. and cnn-

S % r s % r :i■ = • ^ s 3£ = r HH=it; - i :r -£ > :Tueaday- ______

re of A m o j Bennett

tarioon Offo*. 1M> Trtbaao auUdltf-Wartlacua Bowau. Hi Coiofad# . ^.T.l.ti* •<«•*-

] ! L ' ! * m n i V S i ..rooca . . . a . . , .iSBaelliia all dtiwrlnimla

Han1tM i» Branch CNBc. l l Tl».MtMnlBlr Binaeh 0 ®ea. dni* ciora BaoaIBlibOT-dPHnftlctd Bunch OBj*. Can*»{jj'"^™ *

iBMlaa. Mlllhurn a «iit». T.I. t» WllMmBawtoa »M c b Offloa m Bprlna 7 m u '• X T c Branch OMc, »» Mapl. «'•• '•Dinar Btaaeh OBca » clmcl Tcl. H I Trenton.tu m O N BTOBhU— , uroot, ocrthMalm y r J »**B T irAflKOBB ST!L ';*V**H {*an io ''» ••**'•aomar Baaia areno. (Oocri. W. •p„n.

«aoc>. opp. now poctoBca TtL J " i,,ncr. Walter B AtW HTIC C n r-T h c Dortanfl AdrMtlclnf A**n

lallorlllc arcaa/i >’ *■ ireoa atraat, _>*

-Tatrocl, '••H- ■tan avaaua til.

lo c a l bbamch o m c M i

ft.Hnmb'jrf pinc^Myrtle ne., *• (R w yfll*)' Houth Wxth it.. }*♦. Wellnce ■*'

u/vr I VttH TH AN tv o v^arn Tifir ir>*''re than nix in

« n l and while Inloxlcnled. Ht« « » « fnrllu r aKgni vated hy Uie fact Ihat h.. had run Ihr car Intu n pole, and that a child accuinpanylim him lured okuM. IVlIl (hln marfo fate prove a warning to the drunken, law-hreaktng autolat. I wouM he comforting u. feel that It will do ao. »u t there wm be many mlaglylng. a . to that. Whatever effect he •entence will have, there muBt be no let-iip In the p u m Z e n . fit the crime. The drunken autolat Li a danger that cannot be tolerated.

POINTOrIC I h * i » i « ) t ( n u i ' f W H c m J X h i ^ U M C o n ^ ^

fiv Prtftwfdr t . ^vw v» jyp^v.—wn--— -- i-^'..^Fbewh Buy. tad ClrU . VlneUnd; ' a

J «f»ey Conferenc* of Ch irltie i and e * w c « t in ,Th* New Jercey conferencea have bltlijte.^d dlaappomttnenta.

ting ot i t w propertiM; o®“ *,7 **S_?t* regard (o r ehppter or veree, w e w i . they come a » they might life or mine. Bvery one ot novete in a great blogreptiy, and If e y r

I OML. tnr. A.TIIUIU'uu no (MM ttof iv<‘o* I h i w roti a biography* It wo ^ blei. He (toegn'l goU, or.ffah, gr hupt. great iio**!-- ............. h , . ' * - >- f“but he aoecot play weia-“ ' ------ ’ • ' *collect plelurae.

e^e Abhori exelte

nu aketeh J«f ArnoldBenitett, the ■HgUeb wrUer. le given by Irvin *. Cobh. In The Aihorlcnn Magallne (or December, ||p pnya/lhet ■o tar a i hie tlinUed acquaintance goei. Hr. Arnold his no (ade nor bob'Ikl.A Um rlriehBn'f ffrtif mm dlmk. W.imP



pnopl, who ettll wonder why we are going throughb p I Z o ( fnndantenlal. political and Induitr^al r e a ^ i J Z n t . Who e r . not « t le « .d wUh the mor.1 ream,™ ^ „ , h t forward for oleenlng house, but dee re an •eonomlc «p la n aU on -oan find their reason in f t e gborr toW by figures brought forward by the United

iU tee Department “ * i „ i»04 we hadIn m s we exported 3»,000 came.

a aarplua o f B*fl.600 cattle that we raported. the two dates there wae a steady decline. On e a.MS In 1«1S we imported 300.000 cattle. In J »0t we

r . i r Z m r o 'o M ^ / T o r lh ^

S V H rforty-e llh i P*" " * r i „ ° 'n g o *

i t % ml g n lo f t «lfh ty-fob r per cent, tn I 88O1 ” ^ "m i C r . . % « mean only on. mental change In the nature of American life. On - t o r t aw e tc h in g up with our feeders. From a natlM

axnortlng food and Importing manufactures, we h a ^' S J m , ‘ X o n whom manufacturing population 1.

S T X t a . to use UP mtot ®* “ “ *“1» « ? T surplus ot manufactured articles fo r export.

' H o w ^ n on . expect such a change In e c o ^ ^ o - U fen o tto be reflected In political r®e<|Ju»^"J - %■ tog i i or has been, largely indtvlduallatlc, sdattered. ou

o f * ^ r t . Manufacturing le centrallied. ooncentraUd,’ to the cltlei. And, moreover, combination and ooncen-

b « been tirrled In this country to an unusual

* * * n ^ not such a gigantic readjustment make Im- B s rS to . irresiitlblo and Inevitable, a political readjust- ™ t that may mean a redeflnltlon of democracy— for

to fi” mocracy u n le « It 1.And tn the same subject U there not the Pf

i if a higher, more dlgntflod recognition o f the value of h!ur*torSBg populatlonT Agriculture le the basic Indus­try, toy It provides food, and men must eat to wor , n

situation is oYerywher* — tdant in political Ilfs. The Roosevelt country life I Z ^ J o n S Z t e l y let die by his succcBior. the J S S r t t o X r o f Qotornor Wilson that we must S j ^ L s n la to the farm," the naUonal suggestions looktng toward easier means of providing farmers with arddtt. sir* kU P*rt »*“ * Pdr«®* ®* '"•c itab le readjust-OTWnt arv K* , . __ua. sm M.Mwt»ive */* »at Aha

B.tCKYARI> ANNKX.tTIONl.-ttclors. apparently Irreconcilable.

themselves ll. the move to annex portions of i,n<1 Hellevllle to Newark. The ssrtlons In vo lv ed -iit l«a„t the sections that the two towns areanxious, to get rid of -are hUcliducers In lax revenues. That Is where the

‘ “ " ’ " w a . to the end that the territory, which 1. the backyard to Forest Hill, might be improved. tba‘ h. Forest Hill W elfare Aeooclatlon took up the agil for annexation. When the city I Zilder. however, tho boundaries faxored y urban communities they couldn t ,anything in ll for Newark, They dldn'l feel hke taking over a backyard without getting something for assum-Ing the burden. _

It might be suggested, of course, that if the e x i t ­ing condlHon of Silver Lake was regarded m inimical to Newark's Interests to lead Newark to want to take ll over, the city could hardly expect to be paid

B u fth?sltuatlon led to the rt^^rextend the boundaries, In the case of Belleville further north, and in the ease of Bloomfield further *°a., In the latter instance, to include a strip b^ween Bloomfield avenue and the Fast ‘’’ f®'’ * '' these additional areas are verlous properties that wouldfurnish a fair return In taxes. i, not

In oppoalng this plan BIuomfle\ds position Is not an tenable as Is Belleville's. The latter town. If I ac­ceded to Newark's desire, would stand to lose a large

draven together the men and women fmin practically every line of eoBsl and eheritable endeavor In the State. I know of no bialy doing effective work whose reproseutatlv'ea hav'e not been seen at these meetings. Much has been gained for all by the papers and dts- 1 uislons. bul vastly more has come s i the lesiill ot the Informal meellnge of these thoughtful people with so iiiaiiy diverse Interests.

For many jeers charily end correction was dlrecleil toward the cure of the evils round about us. Cuetodlal cars vess ef- terwiird advix'stsd for those found in­curable or unimprovable, and now in these later yesre we realise ttihl our gieotest problem Is that of prevention.

Plans for hetivrmcni. meihuds of care tdoBB for [lurty, principles of operation bavo nil been talked over, and helpful suggestions hove hfcn given and received, but above everything else, leading and guiding like the pillar of fire, has been ths wonderful development of the spirit­ual Idea. Wt speak less of criticism and Investigation, and more ot suggestion and inspiration.

This conference has loot none ot Its effect in promoting economy of msnage- rnent. activity of research, and efficiency of direction, but it Is laying less otrees upon the material side ot things, and de­veloping In the rlilsans of the State a reollsatlon of itic weak and dependent menibers of lie body as Individuals. It Is recognising tbe'r joys and sorrows, am-

uptimlstlo and enihualastlc sir alaml the l.isr conference! that ehows an apprecia­tion of the fact that, after »"■ plaess to the individual Is Ihe great sin. of All Cl our work

There wftH a reui ilang^r Ihal th< ■•ll- rectors, trustees slid managers of the various urguniMlIona ehmild feel that their chief function was to look after the husinese side ot Ihingi- As a mat­ter of fact, there Is usually a well de­veloped huilnesa department, much bet­ter fitted to do title and able to furnish In brief and comprehensive form all of the facts tho managers needed Buper- liiteudents and oftlolali became Iminotseil In the details ot the admlnlatiallnn. for most organisations were uiider-otflcered. Worker!, trainers, caretakera and ayenia frequently found their efforts measured In dollars and cents. In cleanhneia and order, or In numbers handled or work don«.

Today tho bumati aid la written largo. The method Is adjusted to fit the Individ­ual, Instead of folding the Individual Into a form. The concentration of effort la to build character In the delinquent, to give strength to the dependent, to add effi­ciency to the Incompetent, to offer hop* to the fallen, to give comfort to the do- ■pondent. and to protect and make happy the defective. Thle Is Ihe lieart of our coiiferettces. The business Is but the ma­chinery. the food foV the body. Today s charity and reformation strengthen the

I soul.

afisr-dlnner speaker sew| — JUU xr va wines. He less life and ^ «n he writesIt down. I

"And since ^e wae bori among com­monplace surroundings i nd reared In a common-place way," .ontlnuea Mr. Cobb, "he writes of ihi commonplace people, and the commt tplace ihlngs. only investing them witi the paeelon- ale romance of co umonpiaceneaa, which, after all, is the freateat of all romance. Nothing ii elodrsmntU'nlly thrilling ever happened i hla own life, nothing melodramatic lly thrll.Ing ever happens In hie b oke. He sets down life as he has Ilv J It and as he knows it. not as ootn oody else has lived it or Imagined It.

"Some of hie books have no 'cli­maxes' and no 'altuatl. is' In them at all. In those of his 1 oke that have rllmaxes the climaxes nmo naturally, with no straining, no rellmliiary eel-

what you wouia expect 6 i euoii a •»»■- * '% r r t w « is the most eiaot, UlgrWy.

old BimTle of toppar^lM*to describe It A page of htsla like a page out of aomo old mlBtai.Bomitln... he even ‘j ' * ' “i itlal letter of a new chapter I He la M aure of the way he writes as of what he writes -and that is very aure He is a business man In literature. He makes tnoit of hLs own contract#: hU pub- llehere will tell you ha can drive » barga ln -lt is of the careful. m«<bodl- cal anllcltor's «!erlt standing bshhid the writer

■perBOually he 1b a ***ffh^ywearled'looking men. wUh small Im-wearieu'iounijie una.-. — -- - .au —pediment tn hla epeech. a '•*''1*6 leather- backed notebook Inpocket, a Turkish cigarette In his Hn gers. untl In his head the hrlghtesL quIckeMi brown t*ye yoo f.ye [hat Is IntertstPd in everythin* that liiiB hHPP«?nH(l. or la happening or la going to happen ’■

H o w O z o n e I s M a d e

■While otone itixy he arllflclally pro­duced It1 & nimil'er of s iVa the marhlnea In general u§« today a i baaed upon the principle of passing al hclween electri­fied pUtee.

IClACtrlc owfiaiort, ei h aa are oaed In houMholda and factor a, conalst of a it^P'Up traneformei* wl !h ralaes the aup- ply voltife, whether a prnallng or direct durretil, aufficlently li th to Ktrfiain off the highly charged pi £» and Pro­duce osone.

The traneformefi News Sen’loe, U locxt device end sbove It Is which conelate of e fttlng unite, each con cel glaas tube on th

! l f.lns The Klectrir In ihi> base of the

le otonlBcr proper, h |k of ojone-get^cr-

Out; of a i-yllndrl- Mlflde of wtiU-h le

P r o b a t i o n a r y T r e a t m e n t o f N o n - S u p p o r t o f F a m i l i e s

By John J. Gascoyne, Chief Probation Officerwhile the man was without mono. His

niao* aus w w-ss -h melalllc coating »r i Inside In a metalelectrode. This elec Bhallow, perforated on a Bpindle, bittween the meul ind

la hniu op of *.al (’uijs. Tn<iu!U*‘'d air gup cxlstw l>f

lube. One high-vol f*'

ceded to Mewarna urBuc'. hwwu.xAsum. comparatively speaking, tn ratables, represented guilts v » p .r orooerty.Sum, coinparauveiy Bi/trnnina. -------- ■

y the assessments on valuable ^nifaNaturally, Belleville balks, contending also that the long gourd-shaped tract, which Ihc town Is ready to give up, ought to belong to Newark anyhow, by fact that It la wedged between this city and Bloomfle ,running south to Bloomfield avenue.

Just at present there doesn't seem to be *o f the different Interests coming together. No d®**bL It Belleville were agreeable to coming into Newark alto^ gather, Newark would unite In obtaining the enabling leglslaUon. And It wouldn't be so bad a bargain for Belleville, either. But that la an old suggestion.

la a previous article the writer con­sidered the Judicial treatment of cssea of non-support of famlllea. The neces­sity ot a thorough Investigation of all the conditions relating to such casea was urged In order to dispose ot them In a helpful and practical manner.

it, not o f ■Wlileh country life la certain to get duenlUon o f Ito Importance and dignity.

t m r T H E flAOTTARN ihop prortMons should he n T o o o o f contonUon In the aettlemeat o f the Men * ^ e n t w orkers' atrike-whlch they seem to have S I^H -oven when a baria tor agreement ^ pm oUc^ly

! OB hourt and wages, may strike the uoln-’ .tom ed ao an unaolvable problem. A Ptobable r ^ o n

fW ftho reatotance to theae oJauae* may be found In the tort that the sanitary shop provisions put an end to• • h r t » ^ r k ‘ --on ly too often an Jws ktod

swaatshop work. Obviously, to perm it this kind o f work tends to out down the wages and leo ftoen the

F bonrs o f thos* employed only in the ihop i. Further, ^ ^ . i tb o oompetlUoB from It makes It hard tor the

to. maintain •chodulee of houre o f labor, as Fe ll M ^ ^ th ra a to n ln g the eolldarlty of the union. Not without V -■ reason, the strikers eontend that this to the main potot,

and that they would bs unable to hold n n y ^ in s they m ight make In hours end wages so long as they had to

' toM unrertrletad competition from such a source.

TH E L E A V IT T B ILL, B. 13, to repeal tho mosquito commission law ot 1913, would. If enacted, encourage mosquitoes to hatch Innumerable broods In every neg­lectful community without let or hindrance. It would restore the old plan under which some municipalities destroyed mosquito hatcheries and some did not, thus causing everybody to be stung. Mosquitoes hav-e been, can be and ought to bo eliminated, hut concerted action under mandatory authority has been exercised wherever ,u c c e » has been reached. New n °F has 1^best chance to rid Itself o f mosquitoes, and the best law under which to make a successful crusade. The 1012 act hasn't had a reasonable trial; can t have one und* two or three years. The expense Is trivial In com pyl- son with results reasonably certain. Essex and Lnlon counties, which know something about mosquitoes, do not want the Leavitt repealer passed.

All cases of domeatlo relations should be heard by a Judge In a court of do­mestic relations or by a Judge uf a Juvenile court, who, wherever poaslbU-, should be on* and the same person. In many cases the method of furnishing a bond by the Husband gulliy of non-sup­port has proven tn bo very unsatisfac­tory, for as long as that husband pays the amount ordered by the court, the con- | Oltlons of the bond arc complied with, but it probationary treatment la given | In noii-Bupport cases, It requires not alone that tho man should pay a reasonablo amount toward the support of hla family.

conduct was Batlslactory. bul just as soon as he came Into possesslun ot some, he found hlmseU unable to r,islBt the lemptallon to enter the saloon 1» euch cases 1 have found that It was a very wholesome plan for a short period to col- IfCt through th? probutton office or through the wife the inao's earnings di­rectly from hiB employer. After experi­menting a while with fhia plan. 1 nave touiul It practicable to show the hueband 'that he l.ad gained the confidence of the probation officer, giving him a chance to lOllect hla own money and bring to the pruhstlon office weekly a receipt signed by Ills wife, showing the amount which he had turned over to her.

The fewer persona or aSBOcluliona dealing with any caae the belter. If thp probation officer has the time to follow up such casea elcTsely. be alone ahotild

PHneipU I

tlif bon.' ('f ili‘‘ ' I'SIpbiI fnim Ui'

tranaformcr la connected to 'b e o o ' t r coaling of the glass tubes and the othet to llic Itirier electrodes.

■I he cha ige on the outer cuatlug of tne glass Is Induce,I on the Inside of the tubes and a jk i le l electrical discharge tukea place iic lween the Inside of the lubes and the Inner ele, 'irodes. Thla disxrharge ttcroBs the small ah' gap changes some oi the oxygen o f the air Into uaone. The capacltv of these niachlnea can be rcndliv Increased by adding to the numhe. or

Oionators are e i l f i i s l j v l y used In l.u- rope, where Iticv ate Installed In offices, banks theatres, rhurclies, schools restuu- rants and hotefs. Th-V sre ul 'n used Iti uniirrgronnri tunnel work where ll Is ie t> rlifflrnll in Ueeii sir pur. ami free from ,lUagr,-w.hh. odors 111 tins country they nr-K . iiliM.Hrntlvel.i new, Inil the "'•"'H Ot liistMlllng Iliern Is lu-.tgn-sslMK rapldh. ami snoli. It is predh'leil i.ealfJ all puolh l i l a c s will he eqnlppetl with u-nne pro-Incinn inni'hlnes

Tliti Inomb bll* A th« cl ly m( o f Ab< bkteh flu* Utlili t Inorei tharc Inauri quirei •ecur.

A oe•urxntom.

tn md ■

tin! Chart

A ■ to b< bajiqt tho c lata for ll of wl •XO Iabout Tho I and 1 man; land.

o f t h e S p a r k le s s S y s t e m o f " W i r e l e s s ”

The sparkleSB ayS' o of wlrelcSB telex- U-! tfxpla lni'() iu upon tht' iPMStll'

.avffi liv[ the anCennH

;nay hrtpnnn of grt’Hi ^ a\■ iurroiit of ri

Ki'lP'nna. 'if hiiioli I'lirniU of '•try

rtphy of Berthent i Kreneh roporii, dep enlng: of Ihe electr orr ttsIhK the !an*stU f(

Wlrek'BH tranimlf » l»y Ihe uee of an a t?Itiiglh, requiring u

frequency or it wave length, wUU a fcinat frequency. |

Calculation ahowiJiat u ofthreewflftha of a ilSr ri'fjulrfs rsOO.OUl or- dllatlons per wcilsl; oj\** of nix mllpji, ? » « » oecmaHona.} Thn B.\j on<l s>ystt>m haa been used »> » . for the wa\c length depends chiefly oqlhe length of iht an­tenna, and a waff lonplh of six mlloa

riia luar-F ou!i] [•■■r'.olri' dll cxi rnsl'.L* l\ H mile lon^.

Till' niiteTiiiao jiioat lis d i.mp!o)lns h1«h fi e fjiH iji'v I urr**[ii (I lih\ r n « rtVf IniRth of not ni'-rf* lhan three mllv Tin* froqueiiry of nr«llnnr> InduMirlai ('UiTentH jm fifty |»- ftor «imi f " r O'l U)0,(XX! uiiVMi] :>.«UU0 ria illlutlons per s*-«*oik1 f«»r tlw V Irok-sB deheate mKi lilnea arr re-..uli'^0 " f t-ii vmmufl Np(?edB U|> 30 ,^I f \ tol'.ilons T>cr spfond.

IriHl'iHl uf thf&r T’rf'ffU-iuiit niHChtnr‘1. it I'tts iH-f-n moif wuiafnotory to iisc mi-- u nis uf mmltratr fre<|oenry. 'sll,h asulU laHoiis Krb;4lly iiuTtaRFcJ hy sparks Jn- (luollun culU litld to tlu* wrivo length of the iif'v aiiiM.na. and a ii»;w genoratof h ruls flouhli?-ph!i9<' Lurrt-nt ihrGt’lly to the tiiiienna without eparke,

ffram haa (ezhll be ft•xhllvoiceNawiBade


aTflO'Uni lO'WarU vno DVJ^JU l asi ^P BUCU LIUICBbut It further requires that hiB conduct agency through wllom all payduring a staled period must be such aa | m^nts should be made

t w

VOB A oow inrrnrrioKA i. w j u a r b d e a l .

f "W * tovor tk « election fiy pojmlM vole, under guoli V- teculktlone « may be provided by the Leglelature, of

A convanUon for the consideration ot all needful : amendments to the ConstlluUon of the State.'’W That to the plank adopted by the Democratic Stats

convention Iw t October, which every Demoorntlc itiein- b « o f the Legislature wae pledged to support, in » c i .

deloffttea to that convention, they approved It by

* * '* N Z 7 h n t tho pledge was to provide a convention chosen ‘ ‘by popular vote." Yet In spite o f this, tor fear of being overwhelmed, some ot the ' embers of the party from the smaller counties propose tn repudiate at least the spirit o f the party pledge. They are w illing to have a constitutional convenUon, but one that w i l not be controlled by tho popular vote. They Insist that the convention be controlled by eountiee, regardless ofpopulation. ^ -

Xhft carrying out o f such a plan would not bo domo- erfttlc I t would give to the people o f South Jersey the power to say what kind o f a Constitution should bo prepared fo r Bubmlitslon to the voters o f the State.

The delegatee from the mrger counties to a con­vention so constituted would be in the minority, and their views could be overridden with ease. O f course, this could not force an objectionable Conetllutlon upon the people ot the populous counties o f North Jersey, for they could vote It down whan submitted to them at the pdUf. Such an outcome would be moat regrettable, for it would doubtleis mean that years would Inter­vene before another convention would be authorized.

Leaving out of consideration the pledge taken, the attitude o f the representatives In the Legislature from the rural counties la not unreasonable. They repre- BBPt largely the farming Industry of the State. Tho lawmakers from tho other counties are tho repreeenta- tlves o f the manufacturing section of New Jersey. The farmers now have the whip hand in the make-up of the Senate, ea the manufacturing aeotiona. If united, have In the Aeaembly, through Ha being on a popula­tion basla They do not propose to transfer Senate con­tro l also to the manufacturing dlstrlete. They eay with a good deal of Justification that It would be as unfair to have the State lawmaking controlled by the manufac­turers' representatives as by the men rapresentlnf the farmers.

There Is perhaps as much cause for fear that 'witn the larger counties controlling the Senate as well as *he Assembly, the agricultural Interests would not he given fu ll consideration, os there Is certainty now that the agriculturists do not rise to an appreciative under­standing of the spirit and needs o f the manufacturing ■rtiinmarittea The problem Is the harder to solve be­cause the population of Now Jersey is not homogeneous, and It never will be.

As a consequence o f these IrrcconcUnbie differences some compromise ought to be possible that would give

;; to these diverse sectional Interests their fair share of repreoentatlon In the Senate. It w ill need wise etates- maaehip to arrive at euch a compromise. Some way to certainly possible whereby ntlther the farmers nor D ie nuuntfaclurere can dictate the laws Irrespective of the welfare o f the other.

A constitutional convention. In order to be eom- plotely democratic, must bo made up on. the baels of jkopulatton. E ven 'If so made up. It la more than pos­sible that a way can he found to do Justice to all eec- Dona In all consUtuttonal conventions held In recent years, the members were chosen on the population basis. This wss the case when our present Constitution was drafted In, lS*4, and It also prevailed In Ohio last year, with most satisfactory results to the people In all parts ot Dm Buckeye State.

Two oif- the chief objections to the Senate as now *eonsDtoted have been that It has blocked the home rule demanded In North Jersey, and boa had an unduh inllu- anee « i the elertton of United State* Senators. Ths i . „ . p objeotton to no longer appHcsble, fo r the retson

______a. i._ Vwe wjksanlrtm

SH IFT IN G T H E BAIiANCE OF PO W E R *You can never tell which way tho cat Is going to

Jump, especially In pollUce. Take the present "'todtlon In the Illtnote Legislature, for example. There Demo­crats and Republicans are almost evenly divided, and a amall handful of Progressives hold the ba ance of power, and have shown a disposition to make the most o f their strategic position. Two 1. tilted States Sena­tors are to be elected, and the Progressives have laid down the ultimatum that at least one o f them must be a Progressive, or there will be no election. They apparently took It fo r granted that a coalttlon between Republicans and Democrats was Impoaslble. and that one parly or the other would come to them on the bSsiB of a fair division of the spoils.

I But the innocent and confident Progressives had not taken Into account the cuesadness o f old party polt- tlfelans or that fellow-feeling among standpatters of both old parties thst unites them In mutual dislike o f Progressives. No vote has yet been taken for Senator, but the manner in which the Assembly dead­lock was broken bodes nothing but disappointment for Progressive hopes. A fter a four weeks struggle, in which the Progresatves Insisted that one party or the o th ir should name a Speaker satisfactory to them, the Republicans and Democrats finally got together, eloped a Democrat Speaker, and politely informed the P ro ­gressives that they might go to MilWAukoe. or Oshkosh or any other old place, and take their much vaunted balance of power along with them.

It l i denied that any understanding aa to niiing tne two Senatorial vacancies entered Into the settlement of the Speakership contest, but this Is taken with more than a grain o f salt by political wlseacree who note that tho deal was arranged by machine leaders of bothparties. . , , ____

And the Progressives have not yet recovered from their bewilderment at finding Ihat their strategic pos - tion has suddenly been undermined, and that the bal­ance of power amounts to nothing when both endfl com- bine against It.

will ssilsfy ttie committing Judge and iHe probation officer.

A commitment to prison In ensea ot nun-support should only he made alter every other available means of dealing with, the csss had (ailed, and aucti com­mitment should be for an Indnlermlnate period so that when It would be found advisable the offender, Inetead of being dliciiarged and thrown on his own re­sources. w'ould be given a chance under the aupervlslon Of a.parole Or probation officer. Then, If he iliauld again fall, he should be returned to prison by the offi­cer having him In charge, Instead of hav­ing the wife make a new complaint. 'With the probation officer tactfully dealing with Bueb an Individual, ttie family grad­ually learns that they have found an otficlal yet friendly arbitrator, who may he called upon at any time to seiile family dlfflcultlee. Tn dealing with the probationer, the probation officer must also endeavor to create a new spirit by bringing the delinquent husband to reohxe his responsibilities toward hie family.

Tn assuming the care of the (arally. If the probation officer learns that the wife goes out to work by the day, his first ef­fort should be to gradually put a stop to the same. Where the mother becomes the breadwinner, she must uectssarily neglect her children, and they. In turn, find their way to the Juvenile Court. The greatest care should be exercised to pre­vent that

Juvenile Court statistics will prove that a Urge majority of the oases that reach there are from families where th f chil­dren have been left alone frdgi early' morning until late at night without care or guidance. Better far that the State or municipality should provide relief for such families then have the children neg­lected, and finally become candidates for our correctional Institutions.

Cases have come to my attention where,

In dealing wish such cases, a woman probation officer may be of considera­ble help, especially where It le found (and frequently it Is eo) that men be­come careless as to their responsibility toward their families by not having a clean, wholesome place In which to en­joy their evenings. A tactful woman may bring about an Improvement In home condllionB. by suggestions and advice to the wife ond mother. Les­sons In cooking 1 find are most valua­ble. and then, too, the matter of having the home clean and the children neat­ly attired when the husband is about to return from a hard day's labor Is important. Such suggestlona might come more gracefully to the wife and mother from one of her own sex.

During the past year I hate per­sonally dealt with thirty-nine casaa ot ndti'Support and desertion and through my office during that period, over I6.0&0 has been collected and turned over to the families concerned. Thus we have given these men a chance to make good to their families and to so­ciety und have not alone saved th* man, but the family, from a stigma; the former from being a convict and the latter from becoming either de­pendents or delinquents.

In conclusion, let me say. that pro­bationary treatment of non-SUppprP oases can be ot more value toward stimulating the offender, cementing the family ties and be of more econothio value to the publlp. and private agen­cies, than any other nfethod which the courts have had the privilege of re­sorting. to . , v ' '

The ca*« 'of a non-aupport offender should be given more thought, more care and moro consideration than that of any other offender brought before the bar of Justice, heeauae of Its un­limited effect upon society In general-

IIU M il*The hum an-like control in the LAUTER-

HUMANA places this instrum ent in a class by itself. You may not know one note from another on the keyboard, but with the LAUTER-HUMANA in your home every one is able to render all classes of music exactly as he lor she may like to render them. The instru- m i t can also be played by hand in the usualw

] We can take your present piano in part payment, and arrange to receive the difference in'reasonable sums monthly.

' (’AtiTION__The word humana means

There ta but one Humana—the LAUTER-HLMANa .

CO. 657-059 BROAD ST. NEWARKW i M K a n 9BT n e w B f « d S U ab«N 1

r w


r 3,--'

TO PUSH B.ANK REFORSI.It la a matter for general congratulation that Rep­

resentative Olaas, ot tha House suh-commlttee on bank­ing and currency, has risen to the occasion and an­nounced that he, for nnc among lendere In Congreae, sees the Importance 1o the, country o f speedy legisla­tion looking to the passage of a law providing for an adequate revision of our bunking and currency laws.

Mr Glass said at tho session of the convention ot the Chambers o f Commerce of the United Slates ot America, at Washington, that while no one could tell when financial disaster might emne, "there are symp­toms that should not go unobserved." He added that " it would be the height of folly for us to defer action until it la forced upon us by the Imminence of panic.

Th# Aldrlch-Vreeiand bill Mr. Glass thought a mere Btop-gap. and that a postponement of banking reforme providing tor panic preventive could only result In em­barrassment. "perhaps In actual disaster." The only Odd fllatoment was that to indifference on the pft,rt of the public must be charged the delay to this time, and not to Congress. Most people thought Congress was the laggard. I f the Glass committee report to Congress is as strong as Mr. Glass's speech, something beneficial may he the result.

There le reason for thinking that the coming year may airtually gee something done In this direction. Mr. Glass’s attitude Is perhaps the first public Intimation of what has been developing in the way o f a sentiment favoring prompt bankl^ng and currency reform by Con- gresB. but word comes from House committee rooms that something has really been taking shape.

The assurance ! i that a dependable number of the active spirits tn the House have in mind a plan to see that something Is done. The plan which has been dis­cussed Is called a compromise measure, bat If It Is cajlied out the public will be likely to overlook conces­sions Involved, because of the growing reallM.Uon U ,il It Is time something were accomplished.

The plan on foot Is as follows; To provide a bill calculated to Include the three or four eesenttol feature* of a banking and currency reform early In tho new session, which will meet probably about til# middle ot Marbfil U he considered by the country a f large while the tariff le being debated in the HouMl debate and pasB tt while the Senate le wresfUng with thoAarlfl; then lot tho expert# of the country discuss It during the slimmer; go back to Washington In December; put the bill through tho Senate finance committee: pose It In tho Senate; send it to conference, and then to the President for signature. Strange as It may seem In view of yeara of past procrastination, there are many men In the House who actually think this program has some chance tor success. It would be well If tt has.


Long, long ago was that bright day, Wlien from each bush and from each

Bedecked In autumn's foliage gay,Shone forth a gulden symphony.

For now, behold a somber world.A lifeless world, of gray and brown.

In winter's dulness tightly furled,Not even clad In snowy gown.

No creaking toe, no tingling frost.But only clouds, and mud, and rain.

Kind Nature. Is the eecret lost?Real winter shan't we see again?

For, lo! the time approaches fast When tree and bush their.live* renew.

And winter's hours will soon have passed. Passed utterly, like gods untrue.

! . !

DON’T ASK THE GROUND'HOG.WaBhiisglon, N- X. Jan. 31.

D«ar In the Air:Apropos of Sunday ground hog

day and the old ridiculous Idea that the ground hog can tell whether we are going to have any more winter or not, I am reminded of a story about a little darky. This darky was asked by his mother If he wanted some mo-lasROs on his bread. He replied: "Why say ino' 'lassee when I haven't had any yet?” Why ask the ground hog thla year to tell ua whether we are going to have bix we^ks more of winter when we haven’t had any yet?

G. W. M,

Married Man

IF,So, white a little time remains,■ Redeem thyself, send Ice and snow. For later day* preserve thy ralne,

Thy children would •-ikallng go.H. P. H.


A strange thing happened to me to­night. I got off an Erie train » t East Orange, and etarted to walk home In the rain. A stranger ad^eased me as "Nelgh- lior " and asked me to share his umbrella. I asked him If he bad made a mlsuke. Me hadn't. I asked him If he. too, had read Mr. Wcllfalr'e letter. He hadn t. He walked half the way to my home, and thar left me, 1 ACTUALLY THANKED him. What's HiU -wofld coming to. any­way? Yours bewildered, O. M. G.

Dear In th* Air:Is a man sate to be at large who, In

all eerlousness. got off tho following: W* ware walking along together admiring the evening sky, and tt may lutve been only aa attempt on his part to be poetic. As I recall the Incident hli eyes were un­naturally bright and the expreeston on his face was weird as ke gssed up at the moon and said;

"Old man. If we only had a sleigh!".1 said, "You podr Iweb, what would we

do with a Bleii^ tonlghtY’ And thers was admonlilon In hts tonS; when he rspltodi

"Why. this Is a piwfsct night for a iletgb-rlde It we only had some stuHrl”

1 quit him then and there. It was ta bad as Tired Titta's soUtoquy: ’ 'Uaa.'’ IID h«n- giy: now If 1 ohly had swBd has* fd hava

lauer oDjoowo* ----- - — --------- -tha t Banatort ara now sart to Congress by tha popular

—*«♦«. I .oMm.j i l^ .ro a te .|B RfUMRi.*jlip Brtt objertlon could ha ohvlatod by tha eonstl-, .'1HQ nn* t/gr/OVUVH *-v*aaaa ae» —-w.-- —, ----------

' tSarnal convention ^rnftlng * Hbwal home rula pro- -■.ii,.- Such a provliinn ahopld- ho made to apply to

tanna «a d amaU munlt^ttolftton ^ k a .CHvrtt fchtna rule, tJia peopla e f tha mrni eountlea

.MR^fMManntttoa eonid Tnidstoto for OtamsalvM, no far -■m iioviJ em ram eet sns oovoemed. and th* n p m could

Can't Imaglna the ilung-ehot-ugtng suffragettM In tears .when a mera man pays their flnea and thus pnrviiilto JmhKht strike*. ,

RIGHT YOU ARE, SIR.Dear In the Atr;

I want to thank you for your tireless crusade against cigar fiends and onion eaters in trolley car*. 'WliM a fellow escorts a nice young lady Into a car and she has to stand up all the way down to the city to. front of a man with a llghtad "stlnkerlno" between his fingers send­ing curia of stale tobacco smoke up to her gentle nostrils, and with an Orton eater blowing h)s flavored breath Into bar face, he (eels tike going on the warpath.


I pewrw !>. VWiaar reetort * ^ 7 ■— e-w--wsome ham and eggn If only t M 4 intos a n « ! " Youn truly. S- J. HJ»|SIUrr.

FOR THE ORAMMAfl IXJUS.Dear In the Air; ■ v-.; .■ ”

Ktndly subtuU tha tfjltowtoir duarttons— -------------- - iM m f e ilestorIn apaning and g r t tH W J

Prawln* for e ia it iw y w fcad atgisetlno;

» ^ tS ^ '5 to .» ^ * o f o w t l r t w , TIm»*n i l Y nnoppeitiiBity tor avwamntod

at trantOB w tth ftbo Jvtonwl nOUn

'Why dog* tn the Inaugural paradaf Bcmta pna top­ing to mnui an " 'w * <wt o f a pflP*Rf"Uncle Sam” affair? '-t u >


Won't you do aomethlng threugh your column* to nuko the poHtMlM of tbto town taka better cars of the dying pan- pat* at the almshouea? Imartne para­lytic*, trahadi** a ^ *11 *W iO r ojl o ^

to ------- -- _

T flill* ' ffiorir had any suiDber of baaabaU oloba mptUttg Tborpa. don't forget that YJm Indta^ h aw • ctetK .on him. ■ -V ' ■■■. .— .. -

S '* - '- 'i& J

Vddwiiwnn.^dB^^^'itha bathnmKto put.. - . brtwean T an d l efrtoeg ot d ^ at I rtcldek In .tha ' aanM of bumtnity, do t-■ 1 i -D- K W '

'.rs*Piu» wiiniiPiigg.ti i wpoioTha tlrtt oceurrtd :i|* UNI «oaiNr*aUon

of a gentlemen iw w ti a iM ag ftoead* at "Narvy Jack." H « t o im k i baHavk to lower Broadway, o r a Rmi rtgion ot tha matropolU.,t(MlMto M W M fke Eart (Hd*.. T h ito w g W w to k . « ' W*- *at r t taWa, tnnad « t ' th* A trg dtogul**, and t •afcad hta ta a toktot

HJ* tnm nr totgl ^YJiignMlT DtogaMT NOW, wlif>4( j m M to dat guy tn ^ gu y 'iM «a iM g «d N to to *- n v w M t r

la thtt nn Jjtgrrff*w fiif «tt|the old ttiw- MBM' way Of .fitttn g -fho tlponi. or ju*t. ruftstIlfPtitolM'Onh*? AImi, wbal bank th* wo*d(|-'to«T.aod.-,,rw ity" to' db wrttn flm eeeeortguon? A* I . undentand It. ‘iMW" la gtl adverb, a r i "why” on Intor- ^d^ ttv^T ’ eiwstllon. I-iLWW^Axecond q ii t f f ._prto** hi connestM

vjpnatinftraro "Toar pres«D<« ki'rftquMMo*'orI present* ar* nqnaitndT" .Your* Ungutotr IlcaUy. . H AB 'VB I.” ’' ' '™ -


is usually his family’s strongest asset. When they lose him they lose his producing ability-his abttity to pro­vide food, shelter and education tor them. Life Insurance takes his place to the extent of assuring them of these tilings. A man who values iiimejiif correctly protects his family

. , hf -j-* • r- '-f ' ■ . *

b y ^ e Insurance. *

I % 1

W '



■ X l . tha


f*s?'--va imy if fe U

. Clu


f’S'v-M-,'. I

*,.? ,1.1. :c.

juMB a policy ad ap ted to ^o iir needs.

Im m v joniF.iifM9r,niH»if' , M striil iM H iM k iw ric t

tn«mb«rfttlp ot th» N»w Jcr«oy AiitimiJ- atiio af'HW B'nurr ilre.UnSarihlp of 'Wir-'p' bll« «Dd Uotor Club Tur»day nichl. wh«n tht club fl board of trustees, at its montb- 1y mMtinH, iviii vot<* on liio application o f ^ u t fifty candidates. It la lli« largest toftteh ot appMcanU In some time. Th^s Is 4 im to a comblnatiun of ctrcumstuncea. At this time of the your there is UMualiy uu Increus in membership, but at picsent t l)«r « l i the addltietia] timjfnet of the ncto' inaureutco adjniu t of the club, which re*<[Ulfes a person to bo a tlub incmbtr to iecure Us heiieilie.

According to iho dub officials, llie In- ouraBce project provinK u decided »uc- COM. It Is said that aomethints like S3Ti,- OOO in premiums has already l>een pledged,

*nnd also that there has been a subalan- tial sale of stock. Apihioatlun for a charter will soori be made.

A aocial function of tlie club, which la to be delayed this year, la the annual banquet. According lo Hnnouncenieju non;

The Blalemcnl lhat a motor car has i.ouo per cent- more braking cfCtcIsncy, In proportion, than the largest locomotive, h hurprlsliig iicwh to most people. Here uru iho flguiCH; The largest puseetigcr loromotive w‘elKhs about ;i43,OiJti poiintls. Us lulul i^ruklrig surface wUli brake Bliucfc openited by air on eacii wheel Is ],0W> square indies, or a square Inch to each. ?■-> puundi of weight The average autuniohtle with four separate brakes i>r more than iwenty-nine square Indm of area each, or u lo^ l »'f more than Ufi square Inches, welghi? only 2,500 pounds. This ftllowfl a braking imwer of one eqiiun- inch to earn Lwenty<one pounds of weight, or nearlii I.OpO per cent more.the dub, the banquet won't be l>eld until

tala this w'luier. The reason a. fii^nei I proportioTiatcly, th.jo the locomotive, for this Is thul the club meinbera, many o f whom belong to uthcr organUailoTis,Art pretty web Hurfoiied ivuli hanuneis About this thue and iv)ll wei'-ome a delay.Tb® banquet Lommlttee has been named,And It la compufUMi oi l.i'wis Su-ans, tbalr- man; A- B. Le Mussena and (.K'orge Kve*

Arrangement a. It Is anucuheed. arc pleted for the Newark Moh.ir riuh p lec- tur® In the Board of Tmde rouiuH .Mon­day night. W.irrrn i) rieelvc, " f New

<la«olliio or eb-ctti, Jiy'* Revived at the mitjnnal truck sliuw in New* York, and deeilaed to foim Um- llvellr-et lopip ot tdlk at tlie aimhar cxhilntlon In I'hi Ago, the ol(] qiirshi>ii ot < .jiiuriprclal car power Is HKhtn wiiii ua. aa\n an expert. And III® aihoceles uf chcJi i\[ie liave an array of argiimcni wJilrh is Mtcn ronflk'tlng In Its nalijie ai‘>l cotirujtiii - to the matt who Is luokliiK iui help In Bolvlng hie own truck-thg iii<i|>|i'ri]

t'rgunlSLations w lk li market gaaoUfie^ork, who Is booked to ijpenk on ' iluw trucks utije the imdJKpJted fact that their to Keep l>own Ynur Tire Kxi)e:iae, ' b u s | l Is Buperlor to I he'•leclrlc In speed,written that he will be on Imrid e.iriy. power and slinpllcjly of supply.Th® affair ia to he illustrated bv Mtercop- j •] |,p flalcKman of elecirlrs comes back tlcon views. The dub s hoard >'f djrvi loru j v , m , n,,. Rtuleit i'iint lhai the type he mar- wUl also hold a meeting on Uirt night, hets Is inr nom flexible In dense traffic, and some new iiien hcr?i will be ciHtded. nnythlng In the tine of a day's ;Tb® mailer of attending llu- .NT w-ark uu- work In huuee-to-lumap delivery on one tomoblle show on 'club Jilght' wiij hIko fh«rg»* of "Juice, ' ami in simpler than the be oonaldered. j'HBolln+- truck In cru-iatloii and repair.

The Btre^igtliening of the inu'-u al pro- down lo h liaels uf common eense,gram for the Newark autnujohib.- ■ ikw , ,1, tuird-iipadeil hu«inesa mnn ueually an- has directed atteniloji to this -til uf the ,h,. vailous h-adlng argninenis toexhibition's entertainment. 'lim e 1 ihj]. ult- Hint llu*n* is a very definiteb® A musical program c s pry nlgln uf the tor i ,ie xuHniiiip u uck. and another,exhibition. The Inti udui Hou id mak- | . Icarh- ipfiried for the el®Olrlc.volcea this year will bo an Inum htmui. | p fo- p he rnnkes h)a choice hoNewcomem wlU I>p the Puo.-nix HmgmK hark.s uji Ids own Judgment bv calling in Society, of this city, which 1h npv>ar , ,iniu .■] Lidl-.-d expert to pa'M on the

! needs -If hlH Imllvhbial problem


Pointing out that many Americans ApAt^ n«lthpr tliTiP nor rx|.riisc tn ac­quire the (jerman langimx'. f’ lindpol Sugene Hahm, of Hip iwcifih A'ani German-Auieriion fiflmol. units ibrinau- Americans n"f to ca!=t -df, nur p\*n neglect, their niothri hu k his : im-Annual report lo ihc Tnisl 'p.*! of the echool.

ifr. Rahm decl.'irps Uctt R«»nie pHr<-nta. eager In Ihelr desire tfi hr. ume Anicrkan- lied, try to forget iuitHiIiib arn. .jccry- thing that would reriTifTTf ihciu of ihejC descent.

"In doing so,” the report comlmies, "these parenls forget entirely ihui Hity rob their cJilldrcn of an upiioriuTilty In llf® which thpso chlldreiv, w hPii Ki'OWii up, bitterly regret.

"While on tlio whole, the coiiillilon of thlg school has been, ami la siill favor- Abta« It candot bo denied that along with oth«r German schools in thiH tountry. It Is luftering from lack of aufflclPiU imml- gratJoiL"

Mr. Rahia favors giving both laiigiiagee AH equal ghare In the curriculum of the AOhOOl

Offlcera bavs been chosen as followH! Prtfldenti. Harman stahmen; vlce-prest- doDt, Leobhardl Lelmbach; treasurer, lyOuli Gu«hrltigl secretary, Otto Friei?en- ger; trustees, Philip Bchmldt. Albert Mor- loc^ Oscar Friedrich and Charles Glese. A reception and ball, under the aujiiplcea pf tb® icbool, will be held April is.


' Tl-p-fp Is hpliig HgUaiecl at the present I I :nw- A H iJ< .M I'U; of unp nutional uulomobile UlcMlPi'' wlupiv t(j he hi'hl aluiig about Jul\ v\ l>t*M tilt- new' inodelfl i.ome out. One

I tiLKmiftt'tin er, a n'lifliiipluii nf the project,’ hi-llt'-M H itmi such nil pspnt abonid be held Htnl th:a In-iruit shoiihl be the pISCU w hi If H shiiw Ilf III.* kmd wniild alLracl

I’ini'i till.- pijtlic wurld,I ■ ,I Thp iiiiiiwininieiil id .Albert H. Kraft, of ' aiiHiPii, fsliTflfiy ilapiity motor\ehl* clr- ( (unn.isd ner h>r South Jersey, ended

: a liot iKii|T|rj| llglu (M'cr the office Kraft\ aa ......... of ilie ('amden CoimtvI'cmoi latlr c omniUteCs but ofter his name liiiii kcpti Hunt tu State Motor Vehicle

, t!\imTni>yli)rn'r Job !1. UpplncQll at 'ri'en- tnr wUh flip rmirrlttup .H IndovMeineiit. ef-

■ forl.H were made I'l induce tli.? SlfUe com- I mL-'flouer t" wlHiliold the commission.j KiAft HLic’cffds .loeepli H ForayHie. a rel- I alivp 0/ fnnner Sl'crlff Hatch. Forayihe'a j frlenil* hod hoped lie would hold over.' Kraft will IflkR office next Wednesday I end svlM be Im-aled at 42« Market street, Uiat i-liy. liiHifecior f ’ harlpB Pedigree, a Ftepiibliran, will be retained.

• * *More tl'.an *5,000 was subscribed toward

the building of the propoued automobile bridge atrosa Great Fjgg Harbor from Ocean City to fioraeri! Point at the con- cluBlon of the banquet of the Young Men’s Progressive League of Ocean City Thursday night. Senators Edge and Reed and ABseaiblymen Richards, Pea­cock, Kates and Porter were present and talked in favor of the project. State Highway OommlaBloner Stevene has In­structed the engineers to make soundings along the line of the proposed bridge and submit their report to him next week. At a meeting of the bridge committees of Atlantic end Cape May counties at Tren­ton Thursday, Freeholder John P. FOx. of Ocean City, guaranteed that the.Ooean City Board df Trade would contribute *30,UOO toward the bridge.

12 Stories H igh—Absolutely Fireprool— Light, Airy Ollices—Best Possible Service


i > O A i i x T o : vSouth, AfturdJag

ifra Janie* Woreley, of Johnson avenue.Wa* given A surprise last night at her hotn® by th® members of the J. F. 3. Club. | ]Dlnoer^ served at 10 o'clock with |cover® laid for Mrs. Duncan MacIntyre IBr., Mra M. H. Clark. Mrs. S, E. Van j niore apace alTotmonla were dis­

posed of yesterday by Assistant ManagerWlokl®, Mrs. WUlIam Worsley. Mrs. An­thony T. Schafer. Mrs. L^ewle Walker, Mr*, Comsllua C. Chamberlin, Mrs, J. O, Y'dimg Sr., Mrs. John H. Doremus Jr., Mri. J. Harry MacIntyre, Mr®. Eva Red- field, Mr*. Duncan MacIntyre Jr., Mrs, C. D. Chester and Miss Mary Worsley. The decorations were trt-colored.

Mlssea Mary and Jean Baptle. of Pe- ■hjne avenue, entertained the members o f the Mllllonairea' Club at their home last night Music and game® war® played and a luitt^eon was served by Mrs. Alex- ander Bia^l®. Those present tnciuded Mtw Prances Kaplar, Miss Jean Ward. Miss Josephine Molltor, Miss Frances Mager, Miss Gertrude Hock, Miss Carrie Kraft, Mias LilUati Felgenwlnter and Miss Alma Kelkrman.

MU* Carrie Baker, of Philadelphia, and Mlgt Grace Doty, of Plainfield, who have

: bean the guests for a few days of Mrs

cieiide E. Holgate. of the Newark Auto­mobile Show. They were to the Electrical Repair and Motor Company, 284 Halsey i street, thla city, which has spa^e S4, and Roblnson-Lewls Company, 17 Madison avenue, this city, which has space 3.

J. H. O.


'Wini&Tn G. Leonard, In WlllSamson av®- | xp.c>ifth street today nu®. Lyqn* Farms, have returned home. • • ■ ----

‘Miss Margaret Van Wlckle. of Ashiiry Park, will spend the next three weeks as tb® .guest of her consins, Mr. and Mrs.John H. Doremus Jr., In Munn avenue,Iiyon* B^rihs. Stanley Dodd, ot Ocean Grqv®. will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mr*. Doremus.

Mr*. J, Harry MacIntyre, of Peshln®Av*nue« entertained the L. 3. C. Club at a lUDChaop ^yesterday afternoon. Covers w®r« laid for twelve.

Mr*. Iforry Doremus and Clifton Dore- tnus, of-'^Uslde avenue, Lyons Farms,

'jhiAV® r®turn®d from Brooklyn.Harry DDremus has returned from a

w«®k'i ®tay In Pittsburgh.HI®* Florence 'Stratton, of Weequahic

ftVADUe, chtertaliied the D. M. C. Club at h®f hbma last night, Miss Gertrude Pl®rc® and Miss Grace Tunlsoi:|^ave piano A®leot!onx others present included Miss Florsiie® Tunlaon, Mias Mattlv HelUr, hU** 'Helen Tunlson, Mlsa Charlotte Hutobltuon and Miss Carrie Spendlov®.

Mias Harriet Stonelake, of North Sev­enth street, a teacher at the Charlton Street School, has been transferred to the N’fwton Street School, where she will take up her duties Monday.

Mrs. Grace Edwards, of Motueben, was a guest of Miss Mary E. Bloomfield, o f . South Ninth etreel, yesterday.'Harry Xoncmacher, of New York, took

posECPsioii of his new home at 174 North.

Mr. and Mre. ThoniaB Durston, of Rose­ville avenue, left today for Florida to be gone two months.

Mra. Edward J. Marksey, of Roaevllle avenue, is visiting relative* Jn New Brunewick.

The Chora) Society of the Park Avenu* Church of the Disciples of Christ gave H rag social In the Sunday-schOol-room last ulsht, A musical progrsm was ren­dered.


:y « -

JkB WftAnalnni.nt for the building fund • f tb* Toreat Hill Preabyterlan Church ■—a j d ven in the ehurch last night by tb* young men of the Parker Club. Al- moat no aUatnJed. Among thoae who took part wera Edaal) Riley Jr., Jay tying, ponald Harria, Leo Heller. Edwin aiUBOofc, Herbert Boea, EDwood Van N**g. George WllUamson, Benjamin Leopard. Halaey Pierson and Harry Bbuadda, ,e th a Bpworth League of the Summer- l liM Hathoduat Church will hold ita ■unrthly aodal and bualneaa meeting In tka ehnrcb. tonight

Tka oecond dance of the Foreat Hill i i ggamWy aeriea waa held lapt night In

tb* olnbhouae of the Foreat Hill Club, n * HXt dande in the aeriea will ba held ratmiary 28.

Mr. and Ura M. R. Helaon. ot Ridge atreat will apend part ot thia month in

V ,, tb* W**t..V-v, Tb* third concert of tb* aeriea being

I S ■ by Principal Charles Grant 8haf-far, ot the Elliot Street School, will ha

' ' f r b*W PWlay evening, Februblry IL i.. Th* Foreat Ulll Cadets will meet to-

iripM Ih the Emmanuel Gentian Preaby., K * tartan -Church. In Verona avena*. The

are preparing for exhibition won:, direction ot Profeaaor It.'

>n and the Forest HIU Choral OtPb 'n gp«elal miialcal service will be

-.4:: to the Foreat HUl •> Preabytertn' Church tomorrow evennig. The soloist ’ - will b « Was Grace Kerns, of St, BarthoL

^ - om w -g Church, New Tork. ,- A aofn«dy, "Just for Pun." waa given _hr UA PI sigma Delta Society of the

f SU Mark’* Episcopal Mitsloh In the Trio* <r - Jty parish ^ U a e last nlgbt. Dancing

foUowad. ''l ir a William Haidhaiu, Mrs,. Farcy JL Pappa, Hr*. George H. Slmonde,

- Mrs. i/olm LeaSe Tbonpaon ab'^ Hr*.


Chain Tread Wqn’t Slip

E q u i p f o r s a f e t y .

T h e C h a i n T r e a d i s

s a f e a n d e c o n o m i c a l

I t ’ s t h e p o p u l a r -

p r i c e d n o n - ^ d t i r e .

M a d e i n G e n u i n e

D u n l o p s t y l e

United stiles T ima r e i o o i i t l m

New York to

O I v l )Short Seu Trips. Dell0btful Wertt ®n<ta Id fbr Sunuy


W.ASHI\GTO^, D. C.( Ai^rfoEk and old Point Cirinfort nnd ( 1 i

return luoludlns a r iln and brrtb lUi'hmuDd nr WuablnittoB. D. €., end C l C relurD Inrlmlln* menie and !>®rtb A l v

V oi^ O. n. STKAMKtt?*.Hot and Cold Pra Watfr Ratha can t>® rirorured on Stenmer without charge Steamere are all equipped with the Marconi WlrcJeee TpUkreph Syelem.

STL.tMKRH NAIL KA'KHY W KKK OA¥ AT *1 P* M.Tickels end Htsterooni Ficeervatlons, Pier 26. North River, fool ot North

Moore St-- New Tju-k.Phone 3900 FranUllr) Kend fur illusiraied Pnmphlft.

W. |j, WOODIIOW. Traffle Hgr, J* J’ SHOWN, (Jeo I Pavafoger Agf,

UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 1; G a , r t m i ( X 0lS T E A M IH IP S E R V IC E

Lnauflou® Stenmere SpeoleHv D«*1gned tor Troploel Sorvloe _ . .

J A M A IC > , P ift «A M A , AND C O L ­U M BIAN P O R T S

a i s E t A Y S SI Reservations. 1 lluplraletl ijltri u tu i f j Khik Tidit'lsS at

Alfred L. Dennis, AgentI liraldrnt Rnrlneruf l»«im * FImrb.

l i R O A l > » ' r .

TwinHt ppvi ARCADIAN,M.I JD Infiw


TV l,nl-srt(t ftIKl SfrnmFr ttj

B E R M U D AHnun(1 I'rlli. S30 * up. 1»> rln«» eiclii-lv.li

OROTAVA,..,,r''^;Si “'i'. ei'nninp Feb, 11I'U'Wels iMfon lisntfi ahlr with Cjiiplip'- S S Tn

THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PALKET COMPANYSANDKUKOS it SOS. lidi. Ai?T<., 'iJ Si.. S. Y.. Alfred K nr-imln. 771 MrnmJ St J. H. Byrin> 4 Co. 77« llroaiJ Si.. J K Mayc-r. I'llnttin St., N 'nBrk.

a. H. "IIEltMlIOIAeN” nils stiLp Used hf rrFBldpni-fJrvi \VU»unK Seile every Wedoee-.^ tiny, 10 A. Al. Twin screw. 1U.M« Ions dll- plucemeiK tiubiminnu rtignals; wlrsless; or* ctifsirii, Hecord irl|> hours 2® mlnutei* I'Bstcpil, iivwest end only siteemer ludlng passenKcrs at tlie duck iu Bermuda wltbuul (rfenHfer.

S ?1. "OBOTAVAJ' lO.OBB tons dlsplacs- ,, ' meni ; t-v«ry Tuesday, bexlnpln* r®b- 1 rirary llth. Tours luc. flotpls, Shore Es- ' CLirHi-ms. Kowesi Tlfittts. TIcksia Inief- I chsnsfttljlp wHh R. M S, P L’O,

W E t s T I N D I E SNew fe. H. ’ ‘G H A NA '' Slid other iLeatnarf forinlghily for St. Thomas. Si. Crol*. BL KIuh. Aritlsuu. Guodaloupa. Dominica, Mer- tinliiue, Si LueJa. jJarbadosH anti Domerai^

Kor full inrormmion M>piy 10 A. E. OUT- I KHBHitHiK * CO,. A*ents Guehec 8. H* Cdei

l,td., 2fl Broadway, Ne»v Vurki -lflse|in Ji. Hvrne Cu„ 7711 Broad »L : Alfred I-. Deunle, 77-1 Broad J. K. Slayer, *4 Cliatonnr any Tirl<et AfenI______ *


! M b c y ^ A L S ______KBjU?QL'ABTERs'''TriM DEpARTME*ST,

: a i Y HALL. NEWARK, N. J. j Sealed propoeals wUl be received at these

beadquanera fwhile the Board of Fire Com- 1 Ditsidvbefe !■ in aeaelon) during the period of lime between 3 and fi o'clock P. V.. on Wed- neaday. ^bnm ry b. lOlA, e,hd win be onened

I ImmiSuaiely after the explfation of the time I flael for rebelvlnc tbe aforesaid proposals for

' [ fttretitisg tb® department with the roiiowiagHujgglW^o mwa or lc » . of be « uturpl oataL

« * - ^ r £ r < . s 'r u s K o ? * h S s ? ’"N.. i om» . * w ^IbK" mew or less, of belt Ion* ry*

*^sSS»1e of oajta foi'acenmeany each pruposat.TM .*u*]ity of the ofar^Bftla aupblle* mutt

be a* ftpedned *boTe. end dtlivciy 1* to b* Tn*£^*t thB ouertn* of uch ontaonv in nch ■n ^ lU is u tho Mveni oompMlM mar oMd du (m th* moBth. .. __

TriiTthor InftirniBtton concom.t** then noHja, to oudlty and ouoiittty, will bn fur-

aopllcstiok m .thancm arr of tba

SOOrd oC Pit* OgmmininiiW* reoemn A t la ourchoM nch addltlmal auoMh

M BovcTOl aommi4|t1n hertin • m U M ha bm M . at th* otWh oc^ainad la

(tia’iS d a m n > « y oen»t: aal H fnnhar ra-

aaalod tbta baa 12 o tM nropoaal for tupf ccrilflei

I f

J e w r ih y ' S a k sm a n

SgJetntn, vlth lofit estahfishedtTkde, !• 6p«n for it U M t (iae « fieVeby for the lobbera

; T t - T f f t t iS B c s r

W W N ^ b r i M i g i k l i i l ^

B a***a« Wta M aiig Sinh.w l KWMytMta » • ■ W ^ e w llt y . Ib *rw |itf.|h^ *ae M *a«y RathMag I f «*w OMMi AM) Bat **tlalk<**ry.- . . .i. ■ .

EC0N0I V i B n i M T £ 0."s«a HALSeV »T .. NEWAltfC. iii A

m e M m i o nwot qiutOtiiy. M u i« nuua

_________ _____ ihar ra-laiecl any or oD orop;-*!* b« e «a t»e for tka b m fa-

TaH a , WBBSR, Fn«ld«Bt.llth. »«cr«l*iv, _________ __

K ‘ J., JanwiryK tBiS. tor torBWhiag »WI)U*r W

reerljM *t thM aolct wytR «M r i£ y 12. m f .* * «B w «

_________ nnat be Monad ‘a rw ao lr

taT M lS E n Win b* Mbfiel

_____ ____ PROPOSAJ.Spounds of rice, best CaroHne, 18,000 pounds (franulatcd sugar In harreTs; lu sacks fine ean. 200 pound* each, 100 barrpl* family flour. Minnesota spring wheat: B barrels franulaied yellow meal;. 2.500 pounds pickied pork bellies, s to 10 i>ounda each; 1,200 pdunds smoked ham, best fugar i!}ured, !0 to 12 Pound* each. 400 pound* pure lard: £.000 pounds buttcrlne, beat quality, oampJe to be subnittted with pio- poeal: A,50u pounda cdftae, roasted In the bean, •ample to be aubmlued with proposal: 4.00U docan fgss, tuarantced gtrfctly freah.

Freah Beef—Ali to be selecled. Steer beef, com fed natives, bevt qiwhtyv T® be delivered uncut and cut op at storeroom by oootractor, u directed; .OOO pound* fore*, ebout tgo pound* each; 1,500 pounds hladA nbotit 170 pounds each; 2.000 pound* tolnj, about 75

r»und* each; 8,o0O pound* timb, g<M>d quality;OpO pounds fresh nsb. dod. hodifock, hake or

poises; 600 bushel* potatoee,' No. 1. sound, * 000. cooker®. 40 pounds to the buihsl. Tee oellvsred and slsced In boxes, approximating g tone per week.

All clothing and ttndewesr sTtd •oek* to be according te. aanUile® at office nf the home: A!M> blouaes, MO . pair sky blue trotiMr*, 150 veot*: bras* buttons will be furnished for t)lou®ef |tiA veeta: 200 overehlrU. 20D under- shtrta. 300 pair drawer*. 60 doicn pair cotton Bocke. SO Qoseft pair wooTen sock*, 600 pair jMrn a ahoM. bul*,, Bolld leather, Hiinpln to be iubirltu^.

Ooeil--4:nmr«l tt»>October ai, 3018: approt- Imatebr BOO groa* i®ni No, 1 buckirn«at cdal and TP Ijreaa ton* domestic olaes; all beaf Lehigh or ‘Wllkea-Bnrre- well acreened.

q- yl w a t k b PAHicefi^ PrraJdetit Board of Manegera.

raaarve the S\ich *«IL

tltnea from

“ ■' - I* mjwt «fJ*H “ ?*• J.

Oi» lioiw. SSleet I*

_______ order ^ .5? -ell* thOAthe gwatrty^QlBiaflfar. apecUleiL; tbt QdiifcTmcior ogr®** to fumMA «iiy muPi — goae el the oan® pttoe. All eoiiiraet® txirfrc Junaw, Shtfl, imHea wQ|t^nvoke^fov'gpfli«s.

vaeoisd for . the I . . IntawABOt BOUT ord^J

r t.The BDMr-

r $ « r

or unieB® otlu Blanks f®r

W b oniee.urtrla* ttaB pfobmif 1 W * tB e

«ia r te

_____ _ . of poafear and

■ hMirgw hmxA e r » ^JjaujAas.- canon own. s m . i

i f i S S

for ®iw«l ■

u m o N P R O p o s ^ *

Bins for ikt punib^ of T«iy-»veD thauund . fiva liBfigna (NT.MOl dptlari of foor an,! oM-kalt ptr wm. sbiuK.] band, of tho town«kli> of TTiUan. etwoty of Union and BUto ot Kow Itnty. WUI b* roeoired and oiwnod gt a iMMIng at tin Board of Education to bo h id «t thit IJnloo TownonlD Hail on Tucidar evwnlng, tho fbortli dof-'bl Ftbmtry, at * P. H. Bald. DOnda ana of the dcnoTnlnatloa of tiva kiuidnd tySOO) doHara and will bo ngta- tond or oaopon at tba option of tho purenoaor Ttn laatM run* rmn nttcan to tbiny yoara, pctynble In agnal lasUlincBU aftor alnctoon Bundnd and tamn]r-.acTtB. Bald Imo boo baan approved h.Uw attorOcy-gcncnil of Now Jonoy, la bidding on eald fjwne bfda abould ■late WHh Intorcit odtltd from Oetaht L nlnateoll knndrod and tvalvc.

Bldi Should ha a« ' 'Ahnm R, ^ ^ ......c «M lu % -No. 3 S S S ff.a trao t 0! jjfk.» r x . orto Jo** t t jB e S i l « d » » f * % '* * *

C IT V .^p y B flT IS K M K N T S

nient in ih.* said city, In pr jportlon ss nearly Ofl may be Cfi the advantage **sch was |in have scqulrcil, have m>i‘Jv an estimate arq a^Heamerl uf benefits conferred upon ail th-' owners uf sN the lands and real eaiare In tlii- clty of Ns'-verk peculiarly iieneflled by each of the rollowifig Improvements In sail cliv under tlit pr-jv alons of Chapter 217 of the State laws of 18 5. namely Paving and re­paving of I

BRLMONT AALNUE. ifrom T 'atson avenua lo Meeicer avenue with iTick pavem*-nt on a »ix (6) Inch cuncrele foundation, paving and repuvlng of

JELLIFP AN'tCNUt, !from Watson avenue to Meeker avenue with hrtcli pai emrnt on a al4 (61 Inch concrete . foundation; paving o( xix"*s i

_____STEA M BO A TS_____"The Public Re Pleased.” __

C O L O N I A L L I N EB O S T O N $ 2 . 5 0

P R O V I D E N C E * » r t ‘ ^ 1 - 6 0rij(9 (July iBdepeucirjJt IuMi*- OpeehiHiti

Uetween New York end New England. Week day# end SunJaji ai &:J0 1'. M.. from Pier S9 .VR,. foot W Houston #t. Bertha free

All Outside Roonas—P'lnesf Hervlee Ticket# A. L. Denrjla 774 Broad vt., J- B.

Meyer. Clinton si.. Newark and Kdw U. MrKeon. SO' Harrison sve.. Harrison.

NY^a AVENCF.from Clinton place to the tlly line with bltu- lUhlc pavement on alx i6) Inch concrete foundation, and hav* filed their reports of h*iii assessniequ for benefits In the office of the rierk of the Board of Street ami Water rivmmifHlonera atid that the Board of Stre-.t and Water Conunlwlopera has-fixed Tbursilay, \February' St o'clock in (he dfter- ,noon in the board’* meeting room oti (he aei - I ond floor of the'city hall, In the city of New­ark. a# (he time and place nf hearing any otjccMon* that may be made to the said a#-seMroents

Dated JaDUATx 31, 1913.M;- n. SKERRERD.

efitef Engineer.

ifroviU«At;« Direct* 91.50 i Wcfceetsi, |t.1U Outside Buterocma. II-DO.

Steel SteamihiM Oeorgie and Teaneitte Daily, iDCliidiBg Sunday. 5:30 F-

From Pier 18, ^ * t River. New lofk. 'Phone JTHX> Reekmon- Cliv Ticket Office 390 Broad say. Uptown Ticket Office.

Over the Week-End^ or For a Prolonged S tay , These Arc


Atlantic CityA W E R I C A ’ i f A B O U S A U - Y E A R K S O K T

T h f - s ^ a m c l o r t c u R i l a v s a t A t l a n t i c r i c y , T h r " H i t M f l a i r . a l w n y i n e f r e a h - i T g a n d ! n ' U o r H t l n g . I s p ^ - t - u l l a r i y b e n ' I ' f l t l u l a t i l i i i H s f i i s o T i ( i f t h e y ^ a r . a n d t h e f a n u j U H I t o i i r d w o l k i s d » i l y ( h e Bc*>nt‘ n f a l i a i | . v t h c n n i : i < : w l i o m t h e r s l i - r u j a r I # t h e o n l y r i ’ m l n d e r i t i S I a i n - l e r I # w i t h u s . ,

X i i e r e 1« o f f e r e d e v - r s ; u f T w r l u n H y O f j r e , , r e n l l n n s a ’ p I ' - H s u r r . b o t h U i d o o r a a m . j m i l . a n d t t i c I n f l t t i n c h o t - * ! * a i * ) l k e

h i g rozy h u m e f l . c a t e r i n g 1u t h e a u m f o r t | o f a l l .

THR l e a d in g h o u s e sw i l l f u r n i s h f u l l I n f o r m a t i o n , r a l e s . e t c .

niarllHiroiiRh-lUeiibcliiiThe Hoimbiim t (aaien HallThe Nbe]l>iirn« Hofei Cbrisra Seaalfte (louiie

Hotel tlfraod lloteJ Deuuta Hotel HI. t;harlea

'I'b® penhiiuralThrouch Fiillman veallbule trains and day eoachea Ih 2* houra from Newark vtfA the Cemral H R- of New Jerwy. or tha Pennsylvania R. R.

re.oddfC i^ t«

e r r x a d v e b i i s e m e n t s ------ Aysasm FAVWf® A M Rtt


PU B ljc NOTICE I* given that the fol­lowing prdptieea oagthBneefr pasM a aaoond

raadiDie sfid were ordsi'ed to a third snd final r«ad»ng at A mcatlng of the Board of Street and 7 'ater Commlsalogera. bald January 30,

ordioe®<^ Tejiealihg an ordinance entitled "Au ordinance to open

AVRKUB P.from s property Ud* about forty (401 feet south of McOregbr avenue, (o 260 feet north o f Bo'ny- kamper avenu®, 'tor a width of aerwity-flve feel.' paaecd May 16. I6l3, oM approved May

^^An^oHlnahM repeglng an ordinance entitled "An oNlloandv to open a new atreet to be oalied^ AIUOHBNT AY'BNU®.gpd exIendMg ffooi Avenue P to Plum Pointlane, for ^ widtk of sixty — ‘ ‘ -------H&y 18. lAil. u d iw ro i

An ordWiBiS* MMiHiig■AD o i41nun ui e i M ( M wl4An

of (*ro f « t . " HI .pwroT’ed Hoy IT, i*lz, tring on <w4liio.nro inti m ond widon

- _____CIWT U H E .for o toto) wtatb Ot olny foot, from o t>oiat obont IW .tM tM H Of AirHH F )<> <hr « K « l y rl(rtit-of-wi^; Ifce nd _ f*0 «onnf«tiirfro ' Biooch of^SMoiolTwr BojSvod of Now * r - pp ." ^■gwMJlBr it . i * t y ond optnwrod Hoy

AS'onltaMur-to. m yldc too tb* odutrvettoB « f V oowor I* ■' ■

M iw ra T m u T H ttR SE x. botM t* MaM « y « n * wsd Btvonu ovosiu.- A * ordlM*** >0 gnyit* for tbo canctnotioii of * o*wor ta •

ggOTB TraBTEEKTH tnUtET.H I WHH Fmeowtb 0n*u* OAd gWondh^ •**■

*** ' - »■ * - * » * » • , _ ' _ftraoMcot Of ( * « BoMfi M rM M t aad V o lir

. A. U tW A lN ^M U lg CBtt 4t IM BM«#


____c m .\DVKRti!Si:.vi R-Vt s

CP'FR'E t h e bo ar d o f KXt'lSl£rOMMlhSrONERS OF TH 12 CITY

OF NEWARKCMiy Hall. .Ian 31, 1913

The follow log Is ih« ,l»t of loe names, walden-.oB and placca of Hppileama for licenses, voftlalned In all applicationa or peti­tions made to this board for the graptUiig af ll('CTi#cs Id sell apirltuoui. vinous, raali or

^brewetl liquors, end not hcrctolore publlalied acrording to law, to wit:

Name. Place o( Itoilneps. BesldencePETAIL-RENEWALS.

Gerson Mann. 192 Ferry al............f?ame placeJohn LftleH. 63 River ||b........... Ha me placeriixtua Karapft 131 Prlnl^st.........Same placeEeuJamlB Steittfeldt. ffl Oowiilng st.,

Soma placeYniilam Maehulskts. 81 Pennlngten st..

Same placenilppi Quortafeca, 177 Bleecker

Bame plac*Julltt* Afnstffoom. 83-33 Ifth av.. .Berne piiwe Andrew Fincher. 63fW*7 IBth av....Same place tV-wat Sparpootc 312 Academy it. .Same placeGittaeppe C*pprt^ l^tJvtler at...... place

ilnet. -wChorl«i B3od*»it. 2Tl Brrmo ii.,|onw Anuw Kre»*»i*. 1ST HowOrd ft.,;..,Bora* Jotui Kuooon- SI ^Inc* it..... - .4,. Joooi* Daboii, »rs A l Orangt ovt.,8o!£ m v < - ..............

HOTEL RUDOLPHOii'f of AManiii’ ftty ’* U-aUlug ah ih# year hotel* iJa

On On-sn Erutil. t'a|»a'-itjr l.UOU.iiKi watpf 111 all batba; no citra charge for

ttni- of b&tln.nunniuff walpr to fpomi. tv

A . * r ' ' g b r ^ « r ° "7^1 HUin,». rr ..

HOTt'L ISLESWORTH %Vlrslhla ave. and boardwalk; elevator, imn ,-f* fi-lor- iouihiTii cxpoiurej orchestra. t.urop«n , 7 f i l i a l Amanoin ilao, V-’.50 dally; At

ir^ ia l waokly. oliargi) f ' « ‘ h ■*»water b«tb#- Booklet

(EatlborougU-fileiiiKiiiu:Milab Wbli* * Sena Coounny.

WFBNEiH*Vll4.>A. P * .

.SaaoB—__________ _

Vbftfvfnieh, 16* Spnkw at.-8ai W h O I^ A L B —BEN C T A La.

Mutual IMttrlhdtfrtk C«.. 55-3T Lafayett*^ : .........................•„.,.Sara*piao#" ' ' 'r e t a il TRANSFEI^.

iS'.^rtT .tn.tfnni * » « * « -

^ ,y*. -XHAH H.


W E K N E B S V I L L A , P A .. flHST-CLASa HOTia- WItH *A.V*

t o h iu m a d v a k t a o ™.An Id-1.1 nlaa d«rlH ibt f*U tad

Winter mop tba.Cndar ife* eame a®

i O A t , E ; ® f H A X , I * .ATLANTIC C IT l,' H. J-

HOCKM tPGK. « X » # I O A

' rtttii H w f ia F M i ^ KOI „ociu.£oe£.-

: n r tr lr tlgUI **1 a i«l

■S S S i ■■aiduadvatt-

W)ATIXI!%. OfeboatM.

teehlf® a*S n f i A i ^m i x u .

» I ■rrl'




lili!W A H T t E V E U IW O N E W a S A T U B D A Y . F E B S U A B Y J . 1913-

aJem oik (Snening K «w r.r fvM itiia •tfty. •iirfw . hr


iti-ttf M w M m/Mt. * ' " * ^ ' *• J' DAtlH. C M fn «,U th* KtwmrU, W. J. rM M * « M

nim hM * MM li»irlt»l— Br*«h.;Bw liiifT »Mi—rtlof Ml MPMIXM**-

! irV w ft w t»r .l«« cmatHf * « - »

Itaw r t k omt^ IM -IM BruMirU* Imliaiii*, H » " * » * » " * ■ M . M H-tllt_________lta«l««k

onM to OttM. H « W boM h«IM'»h;WuWiatcB » ««• '> . « * n t « i « 4

KMttnlalr BfMoh 0 « » . «M jn ii •« '•• ®*“h

Bilnch o m «. IH* « » U B T»eh O ffl«, « »«*P1* ■„'X^tnr Jtnneh OfRo*. • -trML T#L 113 Tr*nien.VWtKTON BUHBAU—IT W^«t atr«*t. Dorth*Mt

J»W 5T

J c tlo n p f L SMU. . h « «>• • * « * •up M at pm aot, • ^ - ( tha oonaUtu-

Thare la a dawand fOT tha ^

want and nead. raa conditlona. and con-era tic aa poaatbla om e may be aaauredatituted ao that all provide many

^ ': . r r ^ s r r i , " r r r w U . - . .Tucaday. ______

l > T H C P O I H T O r - V I E W J

Prevention the Problem of Charities Conf^c^^^^By Profeawr E. R. Johoaione, Superintendent New J*^**'L

Feeble-tnlnded Bnya and Giria, Vineland; Former P r»id en t New Jaraey Conference of Charitifi and Correction

Jeraiw eonfertnci have bm.a». and dlaappomtment., ^

A Pen jpidnre of AmoW Bennett

ar JBkBBT pnunier*••niH Bana* • * • "* * - !? “ 9E. ;uiiiry*Parh.5 K o , e»p. B.W peatoBlca T»L rj^ ^

4 ,1 ];,JtNTIC CITT—The Dorland AdvaftWna *a

lo c a l b b a h c h o m c M :

rririij rftv ”*■ !«-??:'''•»■

« r v r I FKK T H I N tw o yeore nor nmro than at* In

r e d '’eLr"w ,n":;”e‘’r : '" t a t r : ; " r : :.u.arywarning to the drunken, law-breaklnK . J ‘: " t d be comforting to feb. .hat li wMI o ao hu ther w ill be many mlaglvlnga ae to that. VVImtever erreot i aenlencc will have, there muel be no let-up In rnaklng the puntahment fit the crime. The drunken Is a danger that cannot be tolerated.

uprit*Hoilth WKth it.s «»• W IIHUO plirC *!•



People who atm wonder why we are going through

^ p eriod or fundamental, political Jitm ant, who are not ealtMled with the £ «u ih t forward for cleaning houae. but deMra an

■ geenJmtc m rp lan aU on ^ n And their rea.on 1« b

MeiT tow byitatea Dipartmont In t»(M we had

tend. In 1*1®. we imported . j , " ^ e e i-a Kiip 1R fkftO In drewed beef In 191-.. we cxK » 000 OM pound, a staggering drop ‘ tom *04 -

* » ? « « » PO»b®» • ’ * ’ * " , i “ to” t*i'«5 000<l00waa from $277,000,000 worth to lUO.OOO.oooS in eJeveTyeare. although 1912. a banner y e « .

Z ^ e d l i n And still further, agricultural exporM“ S n tn V d but forty-eight per cent, o f he total InM i l M 4 fa in »t e lfh ty-fo iir per cent. In

Theie f l r j r w cw i OurA 1 ashnna’A In the netute of Amertcen life. Our

a « cllfchlng upV irh our feeder.. From a nation ! ^ r t i n " f o o d and importing manufacture.,SJSm * a nation whose manufacturing population 1.

a .“ uaa up moat of our food aupply. and to aurplua o f manufactured articles for export, c i r o n e expect euch a change In our e c o ^ ^ c

iise nnt tA be reflected In political readjustment, F*™ *t e i u indlvlduallallc. adattered, out

' M&nufacturlnB le centraU»ed» ooncentrrteds<!,« eltlea And, moreover, combtnatloai and oonoen-

■ 5 jg te » h « bam carried In th l. country to an unu.ual

■ not such a gigantic readjuatment m ate Im- Tieratlve Irrealatlble and Inevitable, a political readjust- nm t^lhat may mean a redeflnltlon of democracy for

d e m o c ^ unle«i It 1. a workable democracy? ” *!^Sd ? «T . 1 ^ .Object I. there not the promise

■ o f a higher, more dignified recognition o f ^he va ue of ' m r fMWlng population? Agriculture le the basic Indua-

" tty, for It provides food, and men must eat to work, no

a r t ^ t in political life. The Roosevelt country life J ra S lM on . unfortunately let die by hie succeeeor, the

'(■•■latent demand o f Governor Wilson that we muet J iS Irw le n c e to the farm ." the national auggeatmns

- laoKlBg toward easier means of providing farmers with eradtt ar* all part and parcel of an inevitable readjuat- S S f 0 ^ Ot which country life 1. certain to get due

- raoopiiuon o f its importance and dignity.

H.\CKYAJII> A-VNKXATION.I.'arlors. ai-parontly Irreconcilable. “ ^ru 'U d

themselves In the move to anno* "innnrl Hellevllie to Newark. The sections Involved -.1 least the sections that the two towns are willing, even r i r to get rid of -^are - U r n c t l v . and sm aU^pr. ducers In la* revenues. That Is

‘" °T t°w a s to the end that the terrllory, "^blch ts the backyard to Forest Hill, might be Improved, that the Forest Hill Welture Aseoclatlon took up the fo r aLcAOtlon. When the city " “ irider, however, the boundaries favored b> the two sub^urban communities they couldn t see takinganything In It for Newark. They dldn ! feel like taking over a L ckya rd without getting something for assum­

ing the burden. , .tt might be suggested, of course,

Ing condition of Silver I^k a was regarded as sufficiently infmleat lo Newark's Interest, to lead Newark to want to take It over, the city could hardly e<pert to be paidfor so doing. lo

But the situation led to the 1'^"'’ " ““ ',,^ “extend the boundartea, In the case of Belleville further north, and In the case of Bloomtldd further ■aa, In the latter Instance, tn Include a strip brtween Bloomfield avenue and the Fastthese additional areas are various properties that wouldfurnish a fair return In taxes.

In opposing this plan Rloomnelri's position Is not as tenable aa Is Belleville's. The latter town. If ac­ceded to Newark's desire, would stand to ^

The Nedrawn together the men and women from prscUeally every line of aoolel and chan table endeavor In the State. I know of no body doing effective work whose represciitatlr'se have not been seen at these meellngi. Much has been gained for all by tile papers and dis. lusalons. but vastly more has come as the it-eult of the informal meetings of these thoughtful pjople with ao many dlverae Interests.

For many isars charity and correction was dirsetod toward the cure of the evils round about us. Custodial care was af­terward adv(M-aied for those found In­curable or unimprovable, and now In these later years we realise tnai our greatest prolileni Is that of prevention.

Plans [or hettiTnicnl. methods of care. Ideas for study, principles of operation liavs nil been talked over, and helpful juggtatlons have been given and received, but above everything else, leading and guiding like ihe pillar of lire, has been the wonderful development of Ihe spirit­ual Idea. Wt speak less of crlildsiu and Investigation, and more of suggestion and Inspiration.

This conference has lost none of Its affect In proiiiot'ng economy of manage- ment, activity of research, and efficiency of dtreotloii, but U is laying loss stress upon Ihs material aids of things, and de­veloping In the clilsens of tha Hint* a

Diutsuv A1II.A vs— a. ---jplimlitlc and enthusiastic air about the l.tsr conference, that shows an appreela- tton of the fact lhat, after all, true hap- plnesb to the Individual 1. the great aim of all ol our work

There was a real danger lhat the dl- rectors, trustees snd managers of the various organlaatlons should feel I a their chief function was to look after the businva. side of things. As a mat­ter of fact, there la usually a well de­veloped business department, muoh bet­ter fitted to do this ami able to furnleh In brief and comprehensive form all of

' the facts the managers needed. Super- liitecdenls and officials became Immereed m the details of the admlnlslratlon. for most orgsnl*ttllons were under-officered Workers. IralneiB. camakers and agents frequently found their efforts measured In dollars and cents. In rleanllnesa and order. Of In numbers handled or work dune

Today the human side Is written large The method Is adjusted to fit the Individ­ual. instead of folding the Individual Into a form- fhe concentration of effort Is to build character In the delinquent, to give strength to the dependent, lo add effi­ciency to the Incompetent, to offer hope to the fallen, to give comfort to the ilo- ^ondent. and to protect and make happy the defective. Thle la the heart of our conferences. The, business Is but the ma-

An Intersattai sketch ig f Arnold Bendatt, tbs tetUata writgy, |i givi'n by Irvin A Cobh. In Tha Anerlenn Magaalne tor Oeesmber, h s Mya that so tar os hla. Umlled acquAlntanoe goM. Mr. ArnoUl haa no (oda nor liwb- hies. ’ He doesn't golf, or fhh. or hunt, or brldga He loves music and pictures, but he doesn't play well and he doean't collect plot urea, lie hatfa travel and he abhors excitemaot. Ha la not an after-dinner apeakar nof a Judge of wines. He seas Ufa and ricn he wrltea It down. I

"And aince he waa borf among com­monplace surroundings tnd reared tn a common-place way," lontlnues Mr. Cobb, "he writes of th commonplace people, and the comint rplace things, only investing them wit i th* passionau

nvesting them win th* passion- most or ms own - -romance,, of co imonplacenes. l l ah» f - " ‘ ' 1 VeeefSl . m.lhodb

wMch, after all. ii th« rreateat of aii ramanue. Nothin! r elodramaik’ally th rlllln ! ever happened i hla ow n llfo, nothing meloiiramaiic iJy thriliing ever happen! in hla b oka. He ueta down life he haa llv il It and aa he Unows its not aa aoni'Oody dee hue tired U or Imagined It.

"tSonie of hlB bOOKsj have in> 'cll- niaxea' and no 'altualli iia' In theni at all. In Lhoaa of hia t oka that have rilmaxea the cUmaxee lome nMurally. wUh no Btralnlng. no rellmlnary tiel-

ting of aW»a Bropertlea; < »“ • ragsrd for ctepM r or versa, 1" a w '- thty com* os they might *" lit* or min*. * » * r y on* of B«nn*tt* nov«la 1* a gr*a l biography, x"** he wrote * biography. It would b« »

** .*Jle Is tarrtbly »*lhod lca l, which la what you would aapset o f such A man- H i. writing la tha moat aiaot. clarkly, ^ _

onklah writing you can i'"* * ',"® ;*? ’ old Slmll* of coppar-plat* do«amUb*gra to dest rib* It A pags of his -Is like a page out of some old mlsiai. Bometimes he eventiBl letter of a ^ ^sure of the way he writes as of vvhat h» w ritc .-and that Is very sure, H* le a bu.lneea mull In literature. He mnkes most of his own contracts; his pub-Ilsners will ten juu ....barga ln-lt la of the careful. m*tho<H-cal solicitor's clerk standing behind the

"I-’crsotially he Is a siiialllah. slightly wearled-lookliig man. with u Brnall Im­pediment In his speech, a '* ‘ *^*^1backed notebook In c®*nockel, a Turkish clgnrellB In hU flu gers, und In his head the brlghlsat, Qulckeat brown eye you ever sy* that la Interested In everything lhat n,is happened, or Is happening or Is going to happen.■'

How Ozone Is MadeI a r il t lc ls lly pro- pys the macMnee

baecd iijcm the between electn-

Whlle oione may b duced m a number of In general use today a principle of pealing al fled plates.

Electric oionators. households and factor^ slep-up transformer wt lb raises the sup ply voltage, whether a irriatlng or direct current, suttlclently li (b to »t ream of' the highly chsrged pi and thus pro due« oaonar

u tit HH are nied InCOtlJilBl of A

UUV U«V(IC,The tranBfomiar» ax ifdns Thf KketrUt

: = o : ‘ o r ';b V ‘ '::::;;^nd-';ependcntlch.nery, the form foVmember, of It. btsly as Individuals, It | charity and reformation strengthenis recugnlilri! tliflr loya and torrowi, am- | aoul.

ceded to Newark a aemru. wuuili nv— - ^um. cumparntlvely speaking.

Probationary Treatment of Non-Support of familiesBy John Js Gascoyne* Chief Probation Officer

while Uve man wns wlthuul money. HIb

New s Service, ia locat davice and abovt It b which conalala of atlng untU, aach con ca) glaet tube on th B Hictalllc coatlhS i electrode. This elec ahallow, perforated on a apindle. A am tween the meta) cupi tube. One hlgh-vni

In ihc base of the ^ se 02onl*cr proper, h ik of oione-gener-

itUK c-f a lyllmlrl- iitflde of whltli 1m

r InBlde is a melal ’1 Kle Is Inillt iip

'.bI fu|iH minnU«’'l air guji exlBtK be-

ind tbe bori' of I In' Ib-Hil rroni '.1' -

b“ ' ^ h : = m . ; m s o : 7 n T . a ; i ; manufacturing Na,turally. Belleville balks, contending also that the long gourd-shaped tract, which the town la ready to give tiP, ought to belong to Newark anyhow, by reason of the fact that it la wedged between this city and Bloomfield.running south to Bloom field avenue,

Just at present there doesn't seem tn he inuch chance o f the different interestii coming together. No doubh 'f Belleville were agreeable to coming Into gether, Newark would unite In obtaining the enabling leglslaUon, And U wouldn't he so bad a bargain for Belleville, either. But that Is an old suggestion.

In a previous article the writer con­sidered the Judicial treatment of, cases of non-aupporl of families. The neces­sity of a thorough Investigation ot all the conditions relating to such cases wo* urged in order to dispose ot them In a helpful and practical manner.

All cases of domestic rsiatlona should be heard by a Judge In a court ot do­mestic relations or by a Judge ot a Juvenile court, who, wherever posslblf, should be one and the same person. In many cases the method of furnishing bond by the Husband guilty ot non-sup­port has proven lo be very unsallsfac

conduct was satisfactory, but Josi aa soon as he came Into possession o( some, he found himaeif unable to reslsl the temptnUon to enter the saloon. In such coses I Have found that 11 was a very wholesome plan for a short perlotl to col­lect through the probation office or through the wife the nun's earnings di­rectly fioni his employet After experi­menting a while with this plan, 1 nave found It practicable to sbow the husband 'that he had gained the confidence of the probation officer, giving him a chance to Dllecl his own money and bring to the


transformer Is connected to the outsr coating ot the gla-ss tubes and the other t.) the inner electrodes.

'I he rlittige L>n thf ouier fOMlInt of t j(U«8 l.s imluffJ un lUe liirild*? of the and a violet electrical discharge takes place between the Inside of the lubes and the inner electrodes. This discharge across the small air gap changes the oxygen of the air Into oicmc. Ihe capacliv of these machines ran lit readily Increased by adding to the number or UibeB . . ,

Utouiilors KTC in l-u-ropp wliPi'O thpy ah- IhsIhIIp'! hi offIceR. hanks thealrpB, chiiifhps. schoola. rfsU*u- rants un-l hoifl.s. nro hIjuj ubcI inumift-Rround iunm-1 work wlipn- It Is very tliffh-iiH to Urpp ulr pur- and fref frum dUagn-eabl- ..dors in thl" ■ nuntr.v they ,11-. r-omparativel V new. but the work ot lii.-dallliig ilicm 1« orcgi essltig rapidly, ami soon. It is predicted. n.-iiily all public places will be eiiuipped wllh oione-pro- diiflnK mufhthfH

of the Sparkless System of “Wireless”The sparkltss ly i >i of wireless telex

raphy of Berthen!Freiich reports, dep

of the elacti cTraslriR the !enKlii *

Wireless tranim!i ed liy the uae of an Ungth. requlrinj a

’• oulil dll fXiicnfllvyly li inl]p kmfcs.

Tlu- antenuan most « inp!o)iii? bljih fnqi]iiiry i urr«»iirp hH\p >i whv«' IfU^Ui'if Uiit lU' re limn thr<v mlU-H. Tliti frotjufin';. of ortUrinr> Indualrlal current« in fifty iKrludi* f)t*r wi-onfi. liini r-n* thi 10(J,OW) ol

t 'n a t frequency C'alouiation ahow

port lias proven iw vn j ui,s*»a*-.»- i tcMjfci nio urvu as.-.- ---- -tory, for as long as that husband pays ' pruhallon office weekly a receipt signed

■. _ . a_ .. . 1-- *1\A rsnn. I . . _id. b. I ■> *■ 9hn arrtAIITit

1 rM B fiAO TTAM »hop provtrion* •houW beg ten* ot otmtentlOD In the •ettlement ol the Men*

U * . ’ 0 *rSi*nt Wbrkerri *trik*—which they •**“ * *“ ,■ ^ . teJ S _*v *n when » b o ili *or agreement w

niabhed on hour* and wage*, may strike th* untn- ' l ^ e d a* »n unwlvahl* problem. A

for the r**l*tat»ce to th «e clause* may be found In the (je t that the eonltary *hop prortMon* put an «b^ ^

7 ‘C m e ,work"— only too often an eupl4eml«msnsmt awaitahop ■work. Ohvlourty, to permit thli kind 0t*tmrk tend* to cut down the wage* and )en((toen the hour* of thoio employed only

t tte eompetlrion from It make* It hard for th* " “ kern $0 maintain echedule* of hour* of labor, a* 4®**' “

^'-ttiMatAnlng the eoUdarlty of the union. Not without *'' m ^ h e % trtk ,“ e^nund that this l . the main po.nL . and that they would be unabl* to hold n“ Y

might make In hour* and wage* *o long a* they had to ' 1 unre*$rlct*d competition from euch a *ource.

t h e L E A V IT T B IL L , S. 13, to repeal the mosquito oomralsslon law of 1913, would, If enacted, encourage mosquitoes to hatch Innumerable broods In every neg lectfdl community without let or hindrance. I would reriore the old plan under which some municipal lies destroyed mosquito hatcheries ami some did not, thus causing everybody to be stung. Mosquitoes have, been can be and ought to be eliminated, but concerted action under mandatory authority has been exercised wherever euoces* ha* been reached. Newbe*t chance to rid itself o f mosquitoes, and the best law under which to make a successful crusade. The 1913 act hain ’t had a reasonable trial: can't have one undar two or three year*. The expense Is trH-lal In =ompari- *on With result* reasonably certain. Essex and I nlon counties, which know something about mosquitoes, do not want the Leavitt repealer passed.

a •


'TV« favor tho oloctlon by popular vote* under each regulatton* a* may be provided by the Legltlature, o f

5- % a convention for the consideration ot all needful ameadroento to the Constitution ot the State."

’ That 1* the plank adopted by the Democratic Stateeonvention la*t'October, which every Demoomtlc mem­ber ol th* Legislature w a» pledged to support In fact, a* delegate* to that convention, they approved It by

****Noto that the pledge wa» to provide a convention eheien "by popular vote." Yet In eplto o l thl*. for fe w of being overwhelmed, eome of the amber* of the party from the emnller eountlee propose to repudiate at I ^ the spirit o f the party pledge. They are w llim g to have a conftUutlooal convenUon, but one that ^11 not be controlled by the popular vote. They Insist that the convention be controlled by counties, regardle** o fpopitl^fton* . . -i The carrying out o f euch a plan would not be demo-

ontie. I t would give to the people o l South the power to say what kind o l a Constitution should be prepared fo r lubrolaslon to the voter* o f the State,

The delegates from the larger counties to a con- vantlon so constituted would be In the minority, and their views could be overridden with ease. O f course, thi* could not force an objectionable Constitution upon tha people of the populous counties ot North Jersey, for they could vote It down when submitted to them at the pifUj Such an outcome would be moat regrettable, for It would doubtless mean that year* would Inter­vene before another convention would be authorixed.

Lea\ing out of consideration the pledge taken, the attitude ot the representatives In the Legislature from the rural counties is not unreasonable. They repre­sent largely the farming Industry of the State. The lawmakers from the other counties are the representa­tives o f the manufacturing section of New Jersey. The farmers now have the whip hand in the make-up of the Senate, es the manufacturing sections. If united, have In the Assembly, through Us being on a popula­tion basis. They do not propose lo transfer Senate con­trol also to the manufacturing districts. They say with a good deal of JUBtlflcatlon that It would be as unfair to have the State lawmaking controlled by the manufac­turer*' representaUves as by the men representing the farmers.

Ther« 1* perbaps aa much cauae for fear that tm n tba larger counties controlling the Senate as well as

Assembly^ the agricultural interyta would not be• _ .a. lX I AVI <*■ 4Via'rM in rrAPfcltlntV tlOW that

SH IFT ING T H E BALANCE OF POW ER.Tou can never tell which way the cat Is going lo

Jump, especially In pollllcs. Take the present situation in the Illinois I-egUlaturo. for example, -rheve Demo­crats and Republicans are almost evenly divided, and a small handful ot Progressives hold the balance of power* and have shown a dlepoalllon to make the tnost o f their strategic position. Two United State* Sena­tor* are to be elected, and the rrogresslves have laid down the ultimatum that at least one of them must be a Progretuslve, or there will ho no election, J hey apparently took It for granted that a coalUlon between Republicans and Democrats was possible, and that one party or the other would oWne to them on the bails o l a Iblb division ot the spoils, ^ .

1 But the innocent and confident Progressives had not taken Into account the cusaodDeae of old party poJi- uelon* or that fellow-feeling among standpatters of both old parties that unites them in mutual dislike of Progressive*. No vote has yet been taken for Senator, but the manner In which the Assembly dead­lock was broken bodes nothing but dlsappolptment for Progressive hopes. A fter a four weeks' struggle. In which the Progressives Insisted that one party or the other ehould name a Speaker satisfactory to them, the Republicans and Democrats finallya Democrat Speaker, and politely informed Pro­gressives that they m ight go to Milwaukee, or Oshkosh, or any other old place, and take their much vaunted balance ot power along with tbbm.

It 1s denied that any understanding as to flUlng the two Senatorial vacancies entered Into the settlement o f the Speakership contest, but this 1s taken "With more than a grain of aalt hy political wiseacres who note that the deal was arranged by machine leaders of both TyCLl'tlCSi

And the Progressives have not yet recovered from their bewilderment at finding that their strategic posi­tion has suddenly been undermined, and that the bal­ance of power amounts to nothing when both ends com­bine against It.

the ainount ordered by the court, tbe con (lltloirs of the bond arc compiled with, but If probationary treatment la given in noiL-aupport cases. It requires not alone that the man should pay a reasonable amouiit toward the support ot his family, but It further requires that hie conduct dorlng a stated period oiust be such aa will satisfy the committing Judge and the probation officer.

A commitment to prison In rnfes of non-support should only be made after every other available meana of dealing with the caae had failed, and such com­mitment should be for an indeterminate period ao that when It would bo found advisable the offender. Instead of being discharged and thrown on hla own re- iources, would bo given a chance under the supervision o f a parole or probation officer. Then, If he i^ouid again fall, he should he returned to prison by the o ffi­c e r having him In charge. Instead of hav- -dtig the w it* make a new complaint. With th» probation officer tactfully dealing with surii an Individual, the faratly grad­ually learna that they have found an official yet friendly arbitrator, who may be called upon at any time to settle family dlfflculttea. In dealing with the

9«,COO oeclllatlohB haa been used ao depends chiefly oi|o.•„>•»••- uei rnup w,a*****j v—.....-

by hls Wife, showing the amount wnlcn t^nna. and a JciiBlh of s*x iTillfs

he ha<i lurned over tu her.The fewer persona or uBioclallons

dealing w ith any case the belter. U tha probation o fficer has ihe time *o fo llow up nuch caaea cltfaely, Up alone should bt' Ihe agency throuGh whom all pay* meniH should be mafle-

In dealing w ith euch cases, ft woman probation o fflcv r may be of conaiaerB- ble help, especially where It is foutid- (and fretiuently It Is so) that men be­come careless as io their responsibility toward their fam lllea by hot having a clean, wholesome place in wliich to en ­joy their evenings. A tactful woman may bring about an Improvement in home conditions, by sugseations and advice to the w ife and mother. Lea- BonB in cooking 1 find are most va lu a­ble. and then, too. the matter o f having the home clean and the children neat­ly attired when ihe husband is about to return from a hard day's labor le important. Such euggeatlons m ight come more gracefu lly to the w ife and mother from one o f her own sex.

During the past year I have per­sonally dealt w ith thirty-nine caaaa o f non-support and desertion and through

iitoniia near-

explalncil |;ilis upon the len^rth*

wai'ce wlihnut In- tbe antenuii

in :nay lx- cfTfu-tcd ,,, j ----- ---- . . -•nna of !fcf)t W8\i- , vmi jOO.OOO rjs’iliulioiifi per »?-coTid for th*'

jiirrcTU of r lallvf-lv v lrcb‘»a wnw**. delicate niat'lbnes an rt- ' f.ulreil tif fii'Tmoua speeds up tn 'J’.tW

KvohaJonfc per second.Jnsu-iid nl’ these iriefflcienl niacliltirH,

It I an been moit auUsfartOry lo use eur- if-nts or moderalr frpctueiusy, with us<'ll- tuUoii!- RTcatly Incrtased by sparks. In- fU'Cliun cwlltJ Hdd lo the wave length of • the new d iilti na. *ind u new generator ti<nda double-phahi‘ current directly In llic miLenna wUhoul wparks.

r,ma.ll fraquanoy RUteniia uf muhHwavo lengthy witk a eiirriju of very

-MW- ofthrae-fiflha of a i lic rcMulrcH :»0.oun os­cillations per soci one of six mllefl.

...... T1:0 aivroml ayfitoing. for Ihe wave length the length of the aii-

J n

rainliy OIIIlVUltlOB. m uv;«.ii*xb ........... ' --riK— —probationer, the probation officer muat my office during that period, over

_ _ _ __i„la b.hs I *r AfVA L. _ A fl flalso endeavor to create a new spirit by bringing the delinquent husband lo reolixe hlB responatbllltles toward ills family.

In assuming the care of the family. If the probation officer learns lhat the wife goes out to work by the day. hla first ef­fort should be to gradually put a stop to the same. Where the mother becoinss the breadwinner, she muat nectssariiy neglect her chlldi^n, and they. In turn, find their way to the Juvenile Court- The greatest care should be cxerclaed to pre­vent lhat.

Juvenile Court statistics will prove that a- largo majoftty of the cases that roach there are from famlllea where the chU- dp«n have been left alone frotn early morning until late at night without c*re or guidance. Bettor far that the State or municipality should provide relief for such families than have the children neg- lectedp and finally become candidates for our correctional Institutions.

Casoa have come to my attention where,

$6,600 has been collected and turned over to the families concerned. Thus we have given these men a chance to make good lo their families and to to- ciety and have not alone saved th* man. but the family, from a lUgma; the former from being a convict and the latter from becoming either de­pendents or delinquenta.

In conclusion, let me say, lhat pro­bationary treatment of non-aupport cases can be of more value toward stimulating the offender, cetnetillng the family Ilea and be of more economic value to the put»UCa and private agon- dei. than any other method which the eourtv have had the privilege of re­sorting., to* .

ThO chie b f a non-support-offender should be given more thought* more care and more consideration than that of any other offender brought before the bar of Justice, because of its uii-

i limited effect upon society lti general.

The human-like control in the LAUTER- HUMANA places this instrument in a class by itself. You may not know one note from another on the keyboard, but with the LAUTER-HUMANA in your home every one is able to render all classes of music exactly as he af she may like to render them. The instru- mtot can also be played by hand in the usual w s f.

We can take your present piano in part payment, and arrange to receive the difference

reasonable sums monthly.! pauTION__The word Humana means hniii**-—human-llkeIml 'Th a name Is our trade-raarlr. The artistic supremacy 'Fri. I attTER HUMANA ha* brought forth couTitlesa lmlta-|rrt-Hh''cWma ™ r f '^ E R ’H U m ’|ere is but one Humana—the LAUTBR-HLMANA,

iTER CO. 657-659 BROAD ST. NEWARKWd dnO KcDiiy oar new ImiltiiE* 591-593 BranJ SU ^


V004S illU I Jf , x-ai D a art -ygiven lu ll conalderatlon, as there 1* certainty no'w that the affrleulturlet* do not rise to an appreciative under­standing of the spirit and need* ot the manufacturing .«m m un ltle i. The problem Is the harder to solve be- cause the population of New Jersey Is not homogeneoua, and It never w ill be.

A* a consequence o f these trreconcllafijle dilTerences some compromise ought to be possible that would give to these diverse sectional Interests their fair share of representation In the Senate, I t w ill need wise states­manship to a fr iv * at such a compromise. Some way I* certainty possible whereby n*lther the farmers nor th * manufacturer* can dictate th* laws Irrespective of

s the welfare o f the other.“ X copgUtutidiiftl coBVbtttloTi, in ordar to ba com-

pletely democratic, must be made up on the basis of population. Sven If so made up, it Is more than pos- rible that a way can he found to do justice to ail sec-

In all constitutional conventions held In recent the member* were cho*en on the pop^atlon

uwB. This wo* the caae when our present Conelttutlon was dmfted In 1*44, and It also prevailed In Ohio lost year, with most satisfactory results to the people In all parts o l the Buckeye State.


JTB OL LU9 Jjucp.97*Two ofethe chief objection* to th* Senate aa now

constituted has* been that (t bos blocked the home rule


flOnSMmwu ■ - —— —--- ---- -demanded In North Jersey, and ha* had an undue Influ- «nc* ow Ah i*"«*otlott o f United States Senator*. Th * latter ohjeotloa is no longer applicable, for the reason

genotor* o r* now sent to Congress hy th* popular vsts ront6a■ The first ohJeotJoB could b * obviated by the eonftl-' tnlRmyi .conrenUoa ^roRlas a liberal homo rule pro-

Stoch * provWon dhoutd be made to apply to

horns r a l j ^ people of the rural countlea■ tad ocaiimtintties oould ^ gW a to to r thelnsolvea ao tar

•a ls o4 gteoRtinent m s espeaned. and the same could' > »T 4f»t peq*»>. at itliis powtou* secBona. Th «a 'Utd then te no opportuntty tor apwwTantod lator- ~ wee at iteaton arjito tte tteeCaid oOsIn ot nay

TO PUSH B.\NR REFORM.It Is s matter for general congralulallon that Rep­

resentative Glass, of the House suh-commltlee on bank­ing and currency, has risen to the occasion and an­nounced that he, for one among leaders In Congress, sees the Imporlnnce to the country ot speedy legisla­tion looking to the passage of a law providing for an adequate revision o f cmr banking and currency laws.

Mr Glass said at the session of the convention of the Chambers ot Commerce of Hm f.'nited States of America, at Washington, that while no one could tell when financial disaster might come, "there are symp­toms that should not go unobserved." Ha added that "it would be the height of folly for us to defer action until It 1s forced upon us by the Imminence ot panic."

q'he A ld rich -Vrceland bill Mr. Glues thought a mere stop-gap, and that a postponement ot banking reforms providing for panic preventive could only result In em­barrassment, "perhaps In actual disaster," The only odd statement was that to Indifference on the part of the public must be charged the delay to thl* time, and not to Congress. Most people thought Congress was the laggard. I f the Glass eommltlee report to Congress Is a* strong as Mr, Glass's speech, something beneficial may be the result.

There is reason for thinking that the ooralng year may actually see something done In this direction. Mr. Qlaas’s attitude is perhaps the first public intimation of what has been developing tn the way ot a sentiment favoring prompt banking and currency reform by Con- gresB. but word conies from Mouse committee rooms that something ha* really been taking shape.

The assurance Is that a dependable number o f the active spirits In the House have In mind a plan to see that something Is done. The plan which haa bepn dis­cussed Is called a compromise measure, but If it Is carried out the public will be likely to overlook conces­sion* Involved, because o f the growing realisation that It is time something were accomplished.

The plan on foot Is as fbUows; To provide a bill calculated to Include the three or four 'essential feature* of a banking and currency reform early In the new sessionr which w ill meet probably about the middle o f March; let It be considered by the country at large while the tariff Is being debated In the House; debate and p a^ It while the Senate Is wrestling with the tariff; then let tha experts o f the country discuss It daring the summer: go bach to Washington In December; put the bill through the Senate finance committee; pass It In the Senate: send It to conference, and then to the President for signature. Strange aa It may seem In view of years o f past procrastination, there are many men In the House who actually think thle program has seme cbance fo r success. It would be well If It t e a

i r i l N - T H E - A I R i nA SNOWLESS WINTER.

Longr. lonj ago waa that bright dav, When from each bush and from each

tree,Beilerked In autiirrm'a foliage gay.

Shone forth a golden symphony.For now, behold a somber world,

A llfelees world, of gray and brown.In winter’s duJneis tightly furled,

Not oven clad In snowy gown.No creaking ice, no tingling froat.

Bill only clouds, and mud* and rain. Kind Nature, la the secret lost?

Real winter shan't w« sec again?For. lo’ the time approaches fatt

When tree and buah their ,liva« renew, And winter's hours wilt soon have passed.

Passed utterly. Uke gods untrue.80s while a little time remains,

. Redeem thyself, send, Ice and snow.F9t later days preserve thy rains.

Thy children would a>skatlng go-H. F. H.

DON’T ASK THE GROUND HOG.Washington, N. Jan. 31.

Dear In the Air;Apropos of Sunday being ground hog

day and the old ridiculous idea that the ground hog can tell whether we are going to have any more winter or not, I am reminded of a story about a SUtIc darky. This darky was asked by hie mother if he wanted some mo-lasses on his bread. He replied: “ Why say mo' 'lasses when I haven't had any yet?" Why ask the ground bog this year to tell us whether we are going to have six weeks more of winter when we haven't had any yet?

G W. M*


A slranee thln« happened to me to­night. 1 got off an Erie tralii at East Orange, and started to walk home In the rain. A strartger addressed me as "Neigh­bor,'' and asked me to shore hi* umbrella I asked him If he had made a misuke. He hadn't. I ssked him It he, too, had read Sir. 'Welilalr's letter. He hadn't. He walked half the way to my home, an! ther. left m t t ACTUALLY THANKED him. What'a thl* world coming to. any way? Your* bswHdersd, O. 'M. 0.

RIGHT YOU ARE, SIR.Dear In the Air: ‘

I want to thank you for your tireless crusade against cigar fiends and onion eaters In trolley cars. ’When a fellow eecorls a nice young lady Into a Car and she has to stand up all the way down to the city tn front of a man with a llghiod "sUnkerlno'' between hi* flDgef* iseod- Ing curls ot stale tobacco smoke up to her gentle nostrils, and with an Mlon eater blowing his Ravond breath Into IMW face, he feels Uk« going on the warpaftk.


IF,Dear In the Air:

Is a man safe to be at large who, In all eerlousness, got oft the following: We were walking along together admiring the evening sky, and It may have been only an attempt op hIs part to be poetic. As I recall Ihe InoldeiA bis eyes were un­naturally blight and (he exprsasldn on hls face was weird as be gased 'hp at the moon and said:

"Old man. If we only had a sleigh!"..I said, "TOU poor bdeb, what would we'

do with- a sleigh tonlghlf’ And ther* was admonition In bis ton*, when he rspDed:

"Why, this Is a perfect night for a Blefgb-ride tf w* only hid sonw snoW!"

1 quit him then and there. It wsa as ted as Tired Tim's soliloquyt *tO«s, I ’m hun­gry; now It I only had m m t e n fid ha** some ham sndl sggd It eh)Y 1 |j!l4 ****** eggs!” Yours truly, H. J. HAaflUiJRr.

.. -FCSil'.r.-Doar in the Air; ■C- - r -

Kindly submit In teenn t andBrswiai for *w terprU tew M - ^

Th* first ocon iM .ta « t e . in w s t t io i t ot a gmttomoa Im IM-KW l s t f L ^ ^ k* •'Nerry Jock." H# I ^n»*va hrlower Brtodwu. w n n i t a t ot tteKStropoUi te tee Best

k Married Man

sue. T M

Can't Imaglae the slung-shot-ustng suffragettoi In tears .when a mere man pays their fines, and thus prevoiltB hniyter » t r lk « -

Why dote In the Inaugural parsdet 'M ine one tr te Ing to m ate an '^Jltala Tom" feoture out ot a poreiif "Unel* Bam” a fla lit


Woo^t 3POU do iotBstkktf taraufJi yoof columns to make th* ponttolans of this toan tako better core ot th* dying pan* Bars at tbe almabOBsa? Imagine pars*- - - - - gO manner ot 0M5

tohht. thteMlM te* teed Magiiis*, a te 'f ’ asked him te a Jbfcbig wagl - ^

"WhaVg » d l s g t e s a r * ___ V

_ raste^ wfte m"poteen* to attend tbsm. ImtglaB

. , « / oU wpnan dragging Intotea teteioom to put waosr on hor teat.

His aBamte Dlsgute?H«w. whg-tt i t e tete dat rtp in disiM fi t* te tei^* dteial**." Hh, w te t r

Is this t « on tee ou tte -

’! S' s:i.


soma M f ^ Hte word, or JustreteasIttagJnnacismt Alsm w tet have to*

WMIs idMip hte any'nnmter baseteU olnte •Itelng Thorpe, d w ^ tenet that the Isdlang teva a otatm eh him.

j -kMwosa 7 and S o 'c lt^ at night, mid being •tad at I tfeloek to tea moniM.

«o (d a •'isasFifAad to. do with* 5tea t,oo7-i:Xs I onderstaal it, t"osar” Is eSl adverb, and "why” an Infasr; 4mg*B*^-<-pos«ioiL .

T l^second query 'arise* In conneetloa; .wtt^the propriety of wording a weddtod tefTltatlen. ShouM tho opehing sentonM ^ "Tour nreaanea Is reo iem el” : or "Tpur

is usually his family’s strongest asset. When they lose him they lose his producing ability-=his ability to pro* vide food, shelter and education for them. Life Insurance takes his place to the extent of assuring them of

.. ■ ■. I

these tilings. A m a n w h o v a lu e s MhU »W (lo r re c flY p ro tee ts U s fam ilyby li^ liisa ran ce .




up, 1

1 ,

lias a policy adapted to your needs.

Fm iM ^ JiWF. nm N.PIiiceri( kSatrtai kHnaoe ii A M fk i

ft .

■ i:' l W f f A I I K : B V S S B f S K B W R 8 A T D B & A T . F E B B T J A B T 4 , 1 9 1 8 .

- I ................ . .... . I I m 11 11............... ijiiitn.K-T - ’ n


J (k *n will b« tk feubftUntltl IncretM In ' IUMnb€rthlp ot th» N«w Jvrmiy AutaniO' btto and Motor Club Tu^Hdny night, when the clah'i hoard of irustet^s, at Ita month' ly tneetlng, will vote on th« application o f About fifty candidate!. It la llie l&rgeat tootch of applicant! In -ume tliin ■ Thia U fliM to a combination uf circumHtancea. At thli time of the year tbci'e la usually an tncreue In membertihlp, but at preient tbara li the additional magnet of the new ]|iauranc« adjunct of the cluh, wiilcli re* qulrea a purson tu he a club incmbtr to Mcure itfl heneiltB,

Aocording to the club officlQl.i, the In- ■Uraoce project la proving a dctlJed huc- caw. It Im Bald that aOmcthlnK Uku U.\'

J W lb pramluma has already iveen pledged, ^^nd alao that there htt« been a Bubaian-

tlAt sale uf stock. Appllcattuii for a charter ivlU eoon be made.

A aodal function of the club, which ia to be delayed iblA year, Is the annual banqueV According lu unnouncrmeni iroin the club, th9 t^anquel wuii't he Ju-ld until late thie winter. The renHon afi“lgne'i

•■v for thlB Is that the i Jiih im'inhcTM, nmny of whom beluiiK to udier urgHiiUHLiuns, are pretty well Hurfelicil nuh liaufuittfl about tills tltivc! aii<i isill weJi'onui a ih-lay. The banquet commltu-e hus ln'cn numcd. and It Is compustfd 01' l-ewl!9 Sliuiis, i.liair- man; A- B. Le Mosaena und tieurge live- land.

Arrangements. It Is unni'iinced, nrp com­pleted for llie Newurk Moim- I'liihs lec' lure In the Board uf 'ITude I'joms .Mon­day night. Wrtrren n .St’ elvr, of New Tork, who In boolied to sppak on ' l|nw to Keep l>own Your ’i’lre I'Jxin'iia**. ' liae written that he will be on huiul mrly. Tha affair is to he lUustratrd by hlcrf(»p- tlcoD views. The chili's bci£\rd T fllriM tors will also hold a nieeling on ihul night, and aome new rneinbers will l e clHi-ied,

matter of aUemllnR the Newurk nu- tomoblle show on ■■cluh night' wtii alhU be oonsldered.

The atrongthenlng of the mn'-ndl [iro- gram for the Newark {intnuKiliili- i,'>w has directed attention to ihls hkI i-f the exhlbltlon'p entertainment. ■llK-ie will b oa musical profiriim every nlghi ' f the •Xhlbltlon. The inliodU'tiuri "f male volcea this year will be an iiinnvHTji>n. Newcomers will be the PhuK-ni.x HmgiTlg Saclety, of this city, which Is tn nn>'‘sr

=a»! a p i


Pointing out tliHt many Americans I ■pare neither time nor ' sn-MiMe oi ac- ' qtilre the German languiig'. I'limipai ' Eugene Hahm, of tli*- T'i'*;f!|i ■A'arii Qerman»AinerlnnTi Scimol. nrj t.H \Americans to cast hT:. rmr

on two olghta. OthifTiiiftU aingtrf will elso app«*ar ttnder the leaderahlp of Wil­liam Corcoran ami Thomas liackett. MIsa Mae Hutton will give a program of claaalc ami popular aopruno selections, while the Empire Womefi B Orcheetm will be^heard. Mlsa Rita Mario Is the tender.

*** .The Blatemcnt that a rnotor enr has l.UW per cent, more braking efficiency. In proportion, than the largeet locomotive. Is burprlBliig news to most people. Here nre ilio flgurea: The largest pussciigcr locomutivo wclgliH about 2f3,OW pounds. Its total i>rukltig surface with brake slious operuied by air un ^ach wheel la 1,0W> square inches, or a sqnaro Inch lo each liliiri pound.' of weight 'I'he average auioniohlle with four separate brakes of more than twenty-nine square Inches of area each, or a lotkl of more than llG squaro juehefl, weigh? only 2,riOO pounds. This allows a braking power of one squavi- inch to riich tw-enty-one pounds of wrIght. or nenrii l.O.iO per cent. more.

; proporticniatNy, th.iii the locomotive.

or flei'tj Il'Iiv? Revived at the riuUouil truc:k shuw In New York, and dHBtlnpd tn foim the !t\p|jr'St toplp of tdlk at iltp A4<nllar exluiiitlon In i'hl.'-ago, the

! ohi qiir.-'iion iif rorjimerclal «‘ar power is■ ujinlJi with us, 8ii>n an expert. And the ijid\o(r!r5 or oavh t\j!f have an array of I ai pumnjt whii h is nfti ii cnnflUTtng In Its Inahiie Jimj confuhiUK in the man who It I loohJiiK for help In scjlvlng hla own truck­ful ruii hh [|]

' (.TgarilEatliins xvhhh market gasoline I truck* urjffl ihw luiiilsfiuled fact that their I prurlucT Is superjur lo the elecirlc Id speed. Iresienp fiower and simplicity of supply.[ Tli k sai'-enian of electrics comes back ' u'Uli (hf «uten^*?nl that the type he mar- , kciR Is I nr moTH flexible In dense traffic,^-an do rinythlng In iiie line of a day’s■ work In lu>iisc-1o-liou»e delivery on one' i nf ’ Julep/' and In strnplcr than the• KHSOlliif rruek In u|veratlon and repair.

SirtHij down lu a basis of common sense,I Itie hurd-iifadeif huHlnt-Hn mnn usually en-

lilt- \a/iuu.8 If-adliig irgumenis to I Midl. ali- ihai iliPif' is a very definite >-piiHr.‘ f-u- im- truck, and another,

' j isi IID t'lfarlv defined for the electric.: And. I'pfoie hp mnkes hl» choice he > I'uckfi u|i Ills tiwn Judgment hy oalllDf In■ wotrsi* uiipr»*judl‘ i‘d expert to pass on the I nvedH ihf hiH tmlU’Idnal problem

Tlif'Ci' Is hfiiiK agl ia ied at the present j i;iin' a u'J' hHtjo nf dtie national aiilomobile

plnivv li> Jit’ h»'id along about July when the new irmd*‘ lH foni« uiit. One niHimrrtfUji t'P, a idiftiuploii of ihe project, lielli'\>-N iliai such an i-nt shinild he held anti Ill' ll Ih-lfoll nhuulil l>e the plaCo wh. !»• H ."iliiisv nf Uh' kind wniild a t l rac l l)ii>i‘ is> fnni| ihr erilhc wufld

hi •Till'Ihe



neglect, their motlu-r loji,; annual report lo ihe nuHtees of gchooi.

Mr. Rahm declarer tJiM some parr-nta, eager In their desire to lip'-ome AmviKan- ixed» try to forget iiriyLhluig anw 'viTy- thing that would rurir.-TT them uf the r descent.

**ln doing BO." the report conilnuvH, “ thsse pafenlB furaei eiitjrels- tluii llicy rob their children of an upii'Ttuidty In Ufe which IhPBb children, wljt-n grown up, bitterly regrel.

■'WhHb 0*3 the whole, the condition of thle school has been, and la ailll favor- | able, It cftDTiot bo denied that along with other OsTinan schools in tills cmmiry. It Is suffering from lack of enffldeni immi­gration.*'

Mr. Bahm favors giving both language* V I s<tual share in the curriculum of the ■cbooL

Officers ha've been chosen as follows: Preildentp Herman Stahnten; vlce-presl- tfeot. Leotihardt Lelmbach; treaaurtf, Louis Qiiahrtng; secretary, Otto I'TIc.sen- gar; trustees, Philip Schmidt, Alheri Mor- foek, Oscar Friedrich and Charles Oleee. A reception and ball, under the avirplces Of the school, win be held April 13.

I The iippi^iMiiiejil ol .All


", \ l i



Mrs. Janies Worsley, of Johnson avenua, was given A surprise last nlghl at her home by tho members of the J, F. f9. Club. Dinner was served at 10 o'clock with covers laid for Mrs. Duncan MacIntyre fir,, Mrs. M. H. Clark, Mrs. S. E. Van Wlckle, Mrs. William WorBiey, Mrs. An­thony F. Schafer, Mrs. LewJa Walker, Mra ComaU'UB C. Chamberlin, Mre. J. O. Toiuig fir., Mrs. John II Doreraus Jr., Mrs J. Harrj'^ MacIntyre, Mre, Eva Red- field, Mrs. Duncan MacIntyre Jr.. Mrs.C. D. Chester and Miss Mary Worsley. The. docomttonft were trl-colored.

Misses Mary and Jean Baptle, of Pe- Shtue avenue, entertained the membere of the MUUonairea’ Club at their home last night. Music and games were played and a lu^^eon was ser\’fH3 by Mrs. Alex­ander B4]^tle. Those present Included Mtts Frances Kaplar, Miss Jean Ward, Mias JoBsphlne Molltor, Miss Frances Mager, Mies Gertrude Hock, Miss Carrie Kraft, Mtsi'Lillian Felgenwinter and Mias Alma Kelierman.

Miss Carrie Baker, of Philadelphia, and Miss GnU» Doty, of Plelnfjpld. who have

( beta the guests for a few days of Mcm.; William O.. Leonard, in Willlanison ave­nue, Lyons Farms, hav i returned liome.

Miss Margaret Van Wlckle, of Ashury Park, will spend the next three weeks as the guest of her couRlna, Mr. and Mch. John H. Dorernus Jr., In Munn avenue. Lyons f^rrhs. Stanley Dodd, ot Ocean Grove, will spend the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Baramus.'Mrs. Harry MacIntyre, of Peshlne

avtnue, Shtortained the !>. S. C. Club at a luncheon yyesterday afternoon. Covers wen laid/liv twelve.

Mff. Harry Dorermis and Clifton Dore- mus, of''’'l^Uslde avenue, Lyons Farms, havft re tamed from Brooklyn.

Harry Doremus has returned from a w ««k ’« itay .Jn Pittsburgh.• Miss Florence Stratton, of Weequahlc avemii. ontertaln^d the D, M. C. Club at : her hbme last ntght. Miss Gertrude j Flsres and Mias Grace Tunlsoii gave piano ■olsctiona Others present Induded Miss i Flonmce Tunlson, Miss Mattk Heller. I Mils Helen Tunlson, Miss Charlotte HutohlBsojii and Miss Carrie Bpendiove.

FO RKT HILL AND WOODSIDEAn W!it«rt«tnment for the building fund

Of thO'81oreBt HUl Preibytcrlen Church WOO *lveji In the ohurch last night by tho youno men of tlie Parker Chib. Al. moot 100 attended. Amour Ihoee who took port were hldsall Riley Jr.. Jay WtUO. Donold Harrln. L.eo Heller, ICdwtn 8Uni«ek. Herbert Boea, Ellwood Van Ntoo. 1 Oeorre WllHamaon, Bcnjiunlii JJePDOr.d, Holley Pierson and Harry Rhoodeo.: Tho Bpworth Learue of the Bumnter-

! fleU Hethoduat .Church will hold He ttum^Iy loclal oad buelnen meeting In tho ohurch. tonight

Tb* oecond dance of tho Foreat Hill JUoenhly oerteo waa held last night In

. tha clnbhouBo of the Foreat Htil Club. Tho noxt dance In tha eerie* will be held n h iW T M-

fyi'.Mr. and Mra M. H. Nel»on, of Sldge OtreOt spend part of this month In tho Woot

nto third concert of the series being TV- iJviB . by Principal Charles Grant Bhaf- -r'for, o f the Elliot Street School, will he

..'j . hoW Friday evening. Februkty ti,Foreat Hill Cadets will meet to.

nSHt (h the Emmanuel German Preoby-.- tlfMut .Church, in Verona avenue. The

V M y« oin preparing'for enhlblUon work, wx . . tM ep the direction of Professor--'It' -iH - ^ novMsoo and the Forest HIH Choral

Club a opceioE musical service ad!) be hold dn the Forest Hin Presbyterian Church tomoiTOir evening. Tlte toIdoV- Will he Mlso Grace Kerns, of St. BarthoU'

^ tfo sn evo Church, New Tork, ,,Jt dofnedy, "Just for Fpli," was glvett

by Hte .p l Sigma Delta Society of the St. Mark'i Episcopal Mission Iti.the t(rln- tty parlsh^JhimEa last night. Dancing followed, ' lira . WflHam Hoidham. Mrs. ^wey K . Poppa, Mn. George H. ^bonde. Ml*. .Ifohp Leslie Thonpoon ahd Hro: m R. TOung were pahroneaseo.




Litritaces on Both Broad and Market Streets KINNEY BUIIDING

Most Prominent Location

in New Jersey

Ready May 1 , 1 9 1 3

L eases N o w B e in g M adeOffices from $27S fo $S00


Ibtrl r Kraft, ofI ’amil- n. - V'sifTrlav ilfiputy motor vehi- * li' ripr !or Souih Jersey,a hoi |Hp|iiii-:il ilptil river tlu* offlre. Kraft wdA itH’ riKiiffi or Die Camdim County J hTiKK-i Rill. r-ommUiee, but after his name ij!td I'ct-n Hfnt lo State Motor Vehicle I'ommlsHlurii r Job II. Lippincott at Tren­ton wllli the rommUi'-i’ M IndoiHement, ef- furtfl wt*rc* made to induce tb» filftltt com­missioner ttr wiilihold the couimlsfllon. J^iaft •HJi.'i.'etds .InMt'ph H ForeyHic. a rel­ative of former Sl'-criff Hatch. Foraylh^ s friend* had hope<l he would hold o\er., K iaft will lake office next Wednesday and will be liK-fUod at 4JS Market street, Uiat rtiy. iuRpecior «’harlc8 Pedigree, a Rf-pubUran, will be retained.

* * tMorr' tlian tT-.OOO was subscribed toward

Uie building of the proposed automobile bridge across Great Egg Harbor from Ocean City to Bomera Point at tbe con- cluKlon of the banquet of the Young Men’s Progressive League of Ocean City Thursday night. Senators Edge and Reed and A^sosiblymen Richards, Pea­cock, Kates and Porler were present and talked In favor of the project. State Highway CommlHsloner StevenB has in­structed the engineers to make soundings along the line of the propqsed bridge and submit their report to hira next we«k. At a meeting of the bridge committees of Atlantic and Cape May counties at Tren­ton Thursday, Freeholder John P. 'Fox, of Ocean City, guaranteed that the .Ocean City Board 'df I ’rade ■would contribute 130,000 toward tha bridge.

T ’wo niore space allotments were dls- pOB»d of yosterduy by Assistant Manager Claude E. Holgate. of the Newark Aulo- moWle Show, They were to tha EleetHca! Repair and Motor Company, S64 Halsey street, tills city, which has spMe M, and Roblnson.I..ewlB Company, 17 Madison avenue, this city, which has space 3.

J. H. Q.

For Those Applying at Once Space Will Be

Partition ed to Suit

A lim ited am ount o f most desirable space on first and second

floors suitable fo r h igh-class business is still ava ilab le )

also entire basement

12 Stories High — Absolutely Hreprool— Light, Atry Ollices—Best Possible Service

For rental plans, etc., call on, or call up


F irem en ’s Ins. B u ild ingNewark, N. J.

Phone 7480 Market


50f )rV .’i'A .',,

N » \

Mias Harriet Stonelake. of North Sev­enth street, a teacher at the Charlton Street School, has been tranaferred to the Kewton Street School, where she will take up her duties Monday^

Mrs Grace Edwards, of Metueben, waa a guest of Miss Mary E. Bloomfield, of South Ninth street, yesterday.

Harry Xonemavher, of New Tork. took possession of hie new home at 174 North Twelfth street today.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Diirstwi. of Rose. \l1le avenue, left today for Florida to be gone two months.

Mrs. Edward J- Macksey, of Roaevllte avenue, is visiting relatives Iti New Brunswick.

The Choral Society of the Park Avenue Church of the Disciples of Christ gave a rag social In the Sunday-BchOol-room last night A musical program was ren­dered. ____




O I ^ l> I3 0 1 V IT 1 V I0 1 V T v I lV KShnr, Sc. Trip,. DcIlBlltlal Wrrk rndv In lb , Snnny Si.lllll. AtluraiDg

PIrnnurc find Rrnt.4 OI.D pol.vr cuuruin', Kuiirui.H. h id ih io siU a s i>


{N..rf..lk And Olil n.'lnl Climfnrt nnd C l J return lucludlns ntralfl nod berth ^ | ^ llli'bnn.iK) ..r Wnnhlnarton. D. C., nnd (P I C return Incliidlnn menin nnd berth A 1 3 ON O. D. STEAMF.HS.

Hot and Cold ?cn Water Batha can De procured on Sieamur without charge. Steamers aro all equipped with the Marconi Wlrelesa Telepraph aystem.

Sl'17,\«lh:us SAII. EVKIIV WKKK DAI AT .1 P. M.Tlckeln and Stateroom Reaervatloria, I'ler 36, North River, foot ot North

Moore St.. New T»rk.Phone SSOn li-rnuhlln Send for illm liK led Paniphlfl.

W. I.. WOODKOW. Truffle Mgr. J. J- BRUWN. t.ep I t nnnenger Agt.



S T E A M S H IP SER VICELniurlous Stnnmnrs Spnelnlly Onnlgnod

for Troplonl SorvlooJ A M A IC A , P A N A M A , AND C O L ­

U M B IA N PO R TS £ 2 if D A Y S - M1J9ST I ’ l *

ReBervatlons, llluslrnteil Lltm atun- arm T j iUiJh iaI

Alfred L. Dennis, AgentI*«rtncr **t I'nut A Flaag.

T T 4 n i e o A i J w r *

I K I l l H i iVm V/-


• s £ f ^


I II.' NEnJ rinM-t HtrnniPf lt>

B E R M U D Artnunri Trf]», $30 & up, 1st '-laHA /tDATAVi Aclrlltfmial HrcHLhir f A 11uRUI ATA pvpfj TiipMihiy iM’clrmlnK l li'lielH liHePfU*n|f®Bblp wltb Qijofwi- S S. Ct>

THE ROTAl MAIL STEAM fALlET lUMPARYSANlTKUSON A SON. Onn. Aet-.. Stnl- SL, N. V.; Alffi'il L. Oriints, 771 hniml Sr : J. H. A Co, 77h hroHi! Sf.; J. KMfljtT. L'l Cllntiin St.. NA'wnrk,

___ S T E A M B O A T S ____•“The Puhllc Hr I'leniMKi.'


1: B e r m u d aS. s. “ WUH.HIUHAN" iihe ship used bf I’ rpsid^ni-i'lfct RUHun), HallB t v r t j W sdaf*-< day, JO .'1. q'vrln Acrew- lO.U* Ion* dl*« ' pltiL-omeju. 8ubtmiiTn« rheual*; wtrolesa; or- cheAira. Itprord trip hours iO mittutfs* I'RNtfHt. hvupAt and only hrmnirr landing paHHriiRm at the dovk in Brnnuds without Jran«fer.

N. H. "ORUT.'WA,*’ lO.OSa tons dlsplac*-in*?ni: ■‘ paha every 'fupsdsy, I>PgiF»nlng Feb*ruury m il. Toum Int. HoIpIa, tlhoro Bx- cuTHl'ina. Italed. Ticket* Ittlsf*fhAngettbli" with n. M S. P CO-

W E : » T IN D IE SS. e». ■ 'titlANA” umj other *lBam*ri

fifrinl^miy for 8l. Thoinai. dl. Croix. 81* IvIttH. Anllgua. (Juofiftlciupe. Dornlalcu, Mar- ilnhiije. Si l.urha. B^fbadoeB and Demera^

r«7r full Inrtirmiuion ajiply to A. JS-KHltKlUOE & CO, Agi-nr* tliiphrr 8. »• L*.i Ltd.. 2D iirosdwny. Npw Vorki -lospph M* Ilyrnp C .. *7ll Broad rtl.j Alfrrd I*. UeDiils* 774 Broad Kt,s J. K. .Mnyrr, 84 CllotOU 8L. or any Tlrltrt Ayrnt ''

WINTER RESORTSA'i I a n t ic ; C ITY, -Y* J*

via Hnat $2.50


CITT HAU-. NEWARK* N. J.Bmied propoeali will he received at thei*

hMdqutflars (while tbs Board of Fire C^m* mliaimieni Is In seulon) during the oerJod of time b«twe«n 2 and 8 o'clock P. Bf., on Wed- nasdOfi Febnory 5. 1018. snd Iwtl) be opened Inunaolataly after the expiratlob of the time fixed for roeelvliig the aforeeaJdi proposals for

Mdig tba department wltb tbs following ItdS* to witluni, ipoia or lass, ot best aatsrai oata baga. mor* or lass, of bestbrsiL gD’JItM.* mors OP less of Wst No. 1 old

lb?* Boor* or fees, o f best long ryasftrs n .ila of oats to aceompany aoeb propowd.

suahtr of the aforesaid supplies must he as spe^ad above, and delivery U to bemawTat the giiartsca of each m vm nf lo soeb anistltlTT ^ iaver^ coitintttes mar seeddut ibig tte'ipoiitb. __toiformatloB eoaceratgr th j^ Wn- Dostifc m to qvalUy and ouaantrf will be rur- uieESd agon appiicatloa ta.Uis sacratary uf tbs

Bccaow W « a « M Wksk .nt W « acll.- 8 «« t S n llt r . n . I M I n M It•■* ta fM kftavr.

Irade. b '

pvtaeat .s^vs of Nov ToduA-1 reference. Addrea Jew-

'etry. 810 Broad St, Namut,m

Hr A An Doiw d( B8M)bik,ik -y f ■y .^ rtU iM

' I w w w Vvew^' r o « r ^ ^ A n f

ECONonriiirosiwiTco.MALSOV a t . , NBWAWC, N. J.

i i - j . ' I T * * ' — =— ^

<i»a*4aa'Jldi0 tt4 Msffcaittesl MmUrphn

Quailty* got o lm tu y . ta mu» smuii ‘ “ ,iir; Chs

■ ■■

JNud of FfeW Oomihlj tbs rigSrui pureftw su^ tisa (drtba M vo^,,fgsm^i as fB*y:be s| w <* ^ **•* ' the pwwtaai jt .»* )■ervsa pn.Jifbt to rscs terssts

.. rassnres.;sJ ouaaU- in speol|tw

.iQtsfned is

im p I L FTMldWiL‘“ " “ i t e

PROPOS.VI.8pounde of rlcA be.t Carolina; • IB,000 potind* HranulBted sugar In barre'i*: tu sacks fine san. 200 munda each; 100 barrelr family flour. MlTinesota sprlnR wheat; 8 barrels granujated yellow tneal; S.DvQ pounde pickled pork bellies,8 to 10 pounds each; I.WO pounds smoked ham, best sugar cured, 10 to 12 Pounds each; 400 pound* pure lard; C.,<KW pounds butterins, best quality, sample to be submittsd with pro- possl; 8,6(X/ pounds coffee, roasted la tbe bean, sample to b* submitted with proposal; 4,00u dosen fggs, guaromoed strictly fpesh.

Fresh Beef'-All to be selected, steer beef, com fed natives, besl quality. To ba dsUver*<l uncut and cut up at storeroom by contractor, as directed; 25.000 poimds fores, ab^t llki pounde each; 1*500 pounds binds, about 170 pound* each: 2.000 pounds loins, about 75 pounde each; 2.000 pounds lamb, good quality; 0,oi pounds fretit rlsh, Cod. hadd^k, hake or porgies; 600 bttshels potatoes, No. 1. sound, good oookera, 60 pounds to the buahaL Ica delivered and illaeed In boxes* approximating 2 tons per week.

All dothlng and undawear and socks to be according » . aantples. at office of tha home; iso UuuMs, wO.paIr sky blus trousers, ISu vests; brtas buttons will be fumUhad for bteuttg and .vasts: SOO ovenhtrts, 200 under­shirts* SCO pair drawers, SO doxen pair cotton sockA 20 dosaik » l r woolen socks, 800 pair Jttss'a' ahois, bats., solid leather, aamplaa to be sufasolltad. ■

Coab-Cct»traet tin<Detober 81, 1018; approx- ISMtacp SOD grow Am» No. 1 buekarneat coal and v6 0bas toss dsmestlo staes; mil beat Lafelgli w Wllkw-Barre. well screened- ^

^ I L WAYNE PARKER "ftWIfSit Rqard of Managers.


_____ ________ _ . iwt:ute a prt»M aVitrtet ani gtata Twtlitai s f-

unw riM th. bM wltk«rSSS 9WBM

^ surdUM at iMttd (MfBM)

qoanttfcy benqiNr jSw Sk _^iHi«t«r agrtss t»- fuiinss.any aui

eva at tbe same uctflib AH ‘ aMstrseucla* ...tbs oasi

of torty**aven thousand. . _____ J} dollars of four and

|>w ecni. school bonds of th* e# uOlM. dosney of Union and Biatt

M.. J Jcfacy.. WYB be received and opened Htttttnr .or lha Board of Education to be I t IU|!l7*fa|i Ywwpshlp HaJl on Tuesday

baoilp dip^^f Fabniary, at 8 bods a n 'a ( tha denominatioR of «ia«l^ dallan and will be regla-

ompds St tha qsUon of Ih* purchaser Is* nma from fKTCM (« thirty ysara,

ils in tgosl thataimchtB after nineteen and twaitttfteTCD, Said Inua has

, roved by Iha attomsyofenerti n New la blddfog oa paid ittne bMs ahould " h imeaast sddad fwm October L

ment In thij said city. In proportion as nearly ns may he to the advanisge each whs decmfl to have Boriuircl. have made an estimate and assessment of h«tie(Jts ruafrrred upon i,h-' owners of nil Uie lands and real estate In Hie city of N'eABrk peculiarly iirneflted by each of the rullowlog Impravemcnts In said city under the provlelons of Chapter 2l7 of tJif ijtatii lawM of 181)3, nsipel}. Paving and re­raving of

flRLMONT AVKNUE,from tVatnon avenua to Meeker avenue with l-rlck pRvement on a six |G> Inch concretefoundation, paving and repaving nf

.fEljLIFF AVENUE,from Wiitson Rvenua to Meeker avenue wltb brick pavement on a si* i6> inch concretefoundailon; paving of .

NYB AVENUE.from Clinton place lo the city line with bJtu- Mthlc pavement on 'a *lx (fl) Inch concretefoundation: and hav* filed ihelr reports of skul asensmentB for beiTsfite tn the officeof the rierk of the Board oC Btr*c* and Water t'ommlrslr'uers and that the Board of Street ami Water Cotntnlssloner* ha* flxAd Thursdsy, [ February* 0, 1S18, at ItSU o'clock In the after- . noon In the board's meeting room on the t*t- I ond floor of the ulty hall. In the city of New* ■ ars. as the lima and plac* of hearing .sny otjcctions ttot mpy b4 made to the said as-sessnientf,

Dated JsDuanr 31, 1213.ii. R SHERRERD,

'_____________Chief Engineer.PUBLIC NOIPICE la beraby given that the fol-

towlng pTopbsad osfllhaiTcen paeaed a aecond reading and ware ordered to a third and final reading at a meeting of tbe l^ r d of Strnet and tvatef CommlBaiOoera, behJ January 30. lD13r

An ordlnanca repealing STi ordinance entitled

B O S T O N P R O V I D E N C E $ 1 -6 0ike OuJy imJepeixietil l.uic

Between New Vork and New England!. | Week days anU Suudoje at 6:10 C M.. from ■ Fi*r N.R.. fool W Houston #t. Berths fre* i

All Outside RiMims—FInpel bereire Ticket* A. L. Dennis. 774 Broad it.; J- R.

Iflayer. 22 CUninn st.. Newark and Kdw, K UcKeon, 307 Harrison sv*., Harrison.

c>roviu«a(je RtreOt* gl.60 i WaroesieJ* tt>4UOutside fttateroomt. tl.OC,

8teeJ atesmahipi Oeargis sad Te^eis** tlsUy, innliiaiaa hunday. b:80 F. K.

From Pier ID. East River, Now lorA 'Phone 27<m Beekmao. CItv Ticket Office 260 Brusrlway. Uptown Ticket Office.


*‘Afi crdlnanca to open ^ AVEKUB p.

from a propwty liite about forty 1411) feet south of UrOregor avenue, lo 26D feat north of Bony- kamper avenua* for a width.of eevamy-fiva feet," approved May

oMinanOi rapaglihg an ordlnsnca entitled '*Ait ordJna&os to orwn a naw street to ba' ealled

a ll b o r e n y av b n u ilsnd txtendinf trosk Avenue F_i

beard of maaasfrt,^ i ordar mera oiBLra

June 20. Iktfl; .unlass sMfMK ;f«wqM Cor or wnteia mharflaa

monks far p^ooMls stag Rai® lad-ftp aY ihia ofTfOA. Bids Uh eaiHMd gaeda wilt rlva bnuK. JUjat Hi packer and patfkhgr Jand- samott ran mast aocopmpapy blda.

fnehida 8» MMiatf wbHa - eroo of . Wit; 4a doaas easa

^naita. aaRd paeM. Ofop af

Hundred attd twalirt* [Id ba agaUiid iapd

. C lT V jID V S K nsE K tE K TS


A'KI, mWA’fW g i ICTB AVKMDB PAVInW - )•««<• I* .:>«<**. jTf*n tk*t ih* ouamOH

*|Mau4 br tlL* Mho* a€ . . It to ndis.A* w M ai* AM

.......... upaA-Ul a«B*n af W tMS2JtJ»S

iln m * af Kavvtt. A aM*nm«t tapaA- all lta*a MM BawMuV

" ■ ’ t . i

to Plum PointItno for tlia'rriath at ilxlr (AO) r » t . " ptnM Mar 1*. lAt. aM amroved Kap IT. ISli.

An ardfnaao* raiHaun* tn ardtaiAoca cm)ili4 "An ordlntoe* (a anen aafl widen

PLDM i t m T i a n e ,(or * taut width af etAtP faet. from a |> nt about 3W taat(«<ft,ar Avnea T to the eaetarty rlfTtimf-waj : tfcie" of (ba lUnufaciurer*' BiaiKl. or^dMiXiiaitn)-lOnroad of New Jer-

p je w w w n . Wltr and approved Map

K ., f v .

A« hnSflAnoa t* ymrld* ftp tha cdnitnicUoaof L ftWtfjjA __

TWELFTH ETREBT.aatwM MmS avenua « d Sevanth avenue.An onOftaaca ta pnvM* fop the a*oilrt|cU«n

af a a*ww ft ' '“ «ottra TBiaTE*»iTH *t* » e t , h*teftaE Jnneaaih avtwaa and Maiapath ipa.

***■ '• F H. HTA*.rnrtdarrt Saapf‘i f s t » « T ^ Wateff

.--AV .U-IIWA1N. . -;l

C IT I .a p v k r T is icm e .v t s


OF NEWARKCity 2lan, Jan 31. 1913

Til* r(i;icmir)g is the Jet of ihe names, reslderi'ei* snd place* of appUcanU for licenses, contained In all apphcailoiu c«t peil- tiona made lo this btUird for the granting of licenses \6 sell ipli-ituous. \lnous. malt or

-bri*weU liquors, e.nd not heretofore publlehed according to law. to wll:

Name. Place Of Pusinesi. Uesidence.PETAIla-RBNEWAUS.

Gerson Mann. Ikl’ Fvrr)’ st...........Same placeJohn LvUerl, 63 River ...........Same placepmeus Kampf* I.Tl P r liW st.........liame pJot-eBenjamin Stelafeldi, 63 Donning

Same placeTnuiatD Mgchutskls. 91 Pennington st..

Same placePlllppl Quaatafaca. ITT Blcecker

Same placeJuUttf AmaieMam. 83-85 16lh av.,.Same pliicr Andrew Flacker. MS-^7 18th av.. ,.8arne pJaca Druato Bt^rpottg, 112 Academy st. .Samo placeaivnPPIM CappPU, U CptliB- 11......Sam* p *o«.Vlfbtel S ^ w r. « e «rrv » (.......... Same ptaceCharla* sStdowU. W1 Bfrion at. .San* p ace.A non Krpvaaak, lj;*Hawanl ■<----Same P »* «John Kuaron. It Prlncw at............Saniep aiaJaaodh Puboia. HTJ Jto. Ot»n«< av*.-San» nuce mS b VPrtrpfflEh. tenWHOLES ALBl—EEhEW AT.UoliMI Dialrlbutini to,. S5-3T

' ‘ ■ "V fiK rA iL 'fRAKsVEitf

“ J iTK l5p"n**"’ ‘ T . r . . ' . ’. ! S w^.p^nv av*.

HICllAED eso^i:'JAMJSS r-. O O S N K I^ .

O ver th e W eek -E n d , o r F o r « P ro lo n g e d S ta y , I'he.ve A re


Atlantic CityAMERiCA’i fAMUS ALL-YEAR KSORTTlit'pi' flrn BlnriouB iley* at AlIanMo

Citj’ Tim sHir Bca air alwiiys refresh- ny' and InvlkurHtlng. Is peciiilBrly hen- efiilal lit Dlls svason of the year, and the fnmuus no;jrdw»l|f ii daily 'he act-iip c»f R Imi I'A' ihr'iiiK. m tvl-rOTn the rnlcrulnr Is thp only reminder fnst win* ter Is wllh iJF-

Th-'Y-e !?t iiffcrcd every opportunity of rerretillmi ani' plfliisiire. both liuloors SiiiE [)Ui. nncl the ) ’«dinc hoiels Hie like hig c<i3ry homes. catcnriK to the x.'unifort of all-

THE LEADING HOUSESWill furnish f'lll Information, tales.etc,

MBPlIiorooffb-RIrnlieliDTbe llvltnhurat lialen lia il

NbelburBe Hnivl Siratid Hotel ChelHea llw iel Deunta SesNlde Hoime ifn iel !4I« charle*

Tbe PennburafThrough Pullman vestibule trains and doy Y wches In hour* from-Newark vU the Ocniral R H- of New Jersey,or ih* Pennsylvania R. R-

H O T E L R U D O L P HOne uf Atlantic t:ity'" hading all ihe >ear hole la •1*

tin Oceaa Fronl. t’apa ’ltj I.OOO.S*a baths; no extra charge for

la.. of baths. * linnnlui water l« Bucst rtMuns.

HUImuu. ffM

"hotel isleswortii ^Vlralnl* av*. and Uuardwalk. elavator. »ull

pirlo?; SOUIIHTU eipotur*; orchettra. turoiiwnDiana Special American plan, I2.W dally, Il'llia l Wtcal.v. No diargo lor fre.ll or a » water bsthu- Boulilet. _________ _

flDarll)otou(;l)<£mnJaalah Wbll* A Bon* Compasx*


Ga l e n h a l lIN THE MnUNTAINS.


Tomuu ADVAWTAOBS.AO ld*»l ploco dWlBI ft . B«u Md

winier mostiM.Cnd.r tb* nin* nndkmaMB ■■

O .J V X ,E e K I X A . X « I - ATLANTIC CITT. H, ./,



CM, OMk.


rclc^ioUai Fiver epiI reddeigB l !w .B p «^kUCitltoOit

’ S hw I* 1«*»h ftB» •at ’SS*-

gaAlffiS iMSi.raSli^D. Orel** Ira. R*fti o M

<W wflftoL ^

TO SOLVE GREAT PROBLEMSGennan Goyemmeiit Reiwiked-Peflii to the Front A|im.

ffm Jiiii MoTement Toward Independence-Sooth Africa s • - ' Troobles-lUly A ttach White Slaye Era.

EN6LAND READY TO TAKE IIP EDOCATION AND THE LANDt ’ nd«r thi> nhBiluw nt ■ermallonal .IcVfl-

cpBcnU In th» Tiino-Bulkau urgotmilmi*. the people; orficlala arnt nialeotilenti at ether coonirlei have hern ..BrrilnK on

public notice

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . S A T i m P A Y . F E B R P A R T 1 .

n,rnt for 111 recent ‘ ^ *h «l» ee, lb* euej^tv-of. Itif •JJ*here been the l*r*e*t pertif (vr indfe then a year, reinelni uoleileo.


arf ai aiak.-. If ibrrc Ir en}'.l‘!"S nhnlral !n Ik,' lnt«Ti.--la nr ll.e .n.mtl . . Ilf nmllniird, It In Hn- ii'iinlff of fnuDiii InlmelB icalril In Jnlianiu-BtHirs m«i olhfF iillem . Mnal of Ulr Peoplr w l'l' ereet Inlrrmt'i them llvr In Cli'iinni.j t’.fUlatnl anil flscwhcrc and lime rrpi >■

HreJlne llir lecond'volunir of Mony- pcimi » ' l.lrr u( lUiraell,' Hir rri-ent piiblbatlon of "tlli'l' nianrd by th* almon eiiiiiiHiinaom aijiiolanirmriii of the Mijlhui ■ (It util n II Impuailbk to cm ape Deln* lin|'r."»f.l iiV the llkrncra nf (hr

u|jl. h ntrreell iH'Kan III" i.urci' .|a\ 111 polHl n 'iHk.-. f'T Id'f lliiilU'H "T 111' iiiti*’ ' irt h«'fi I hMi llsin wttE 111 il**

DUDIIC nOtlCef I r*eiI|JBI•« ■I'n « •“*Frem Meileo cornea word of n freah lev- j aentatlvea In Houth Africa, who are put e l A 1 1 1 c ihrt iin- liIrc’liriiTii houtM'ii I't*" limn Sjui piij'int>.Olutlen. eurroiinaed aa n.na In Ihe nn , ln,„r..|t., llierefnir «iH

eerleinty and myatery (Imt t.iarka » " (heae men and th. Bmiili,i preaent reporia of the Merleun dnmratte\ querrel.5 In virtually all of Ur colniilea and <lr- J pendenclra, the Impei lal Clovei rini-iit of : Great Urltaln la facInK Kfave inoiilema■ Canada and South Africa offBilnp i>er-

hapa, the moat aerloua ilirfIt iiUleaThe Perelan gueatlon haa Uean iproiiaht

t* the fore once mofir and the iipa and down! of China'! flnancae have hren re­port^ with nnaattifactory ecnnUneaa

Great Britain la ateamln* ahead with Ua rrorlt of doineatir reform Th* Patv dr Clam Inotdent In France hae fulled to muee a Dreyfue affair. The German Gov eminent haa been lenmred. Italy hau i>ald . attontlon to the greateat of all "oclal | ftill mineerlla aeeertlng Ita Intention to live up to 1 The nnnrmcrf leemu in nave Unitte lotematlonal agreement In Ihe matter, brooitht to a aharip ileflnltlon Uj- the de

Wtth the home rule bill rejected by the ' feut. luut year, of the reclpruclty ait. urn' Bauae of Lordl, the trmnchlae reform bill | pj. n,r hill iiinre rei'emly proiponed by I'n■ wttbdrawn from the liouee of Commom. tnler Uordcii, coiiliTbtillris three ranniUut f «d the woriringmen'e Inatirance art put ,|ipailnoiixhta to the Itrlllah iiaiy1 Into operation, It would aeem aa If Great 'nM' mn\cmcnt In raid to he [.iiriiciilai

Britain had diapoted of nufficlent pro- I itimnit In the W.-at nml umima the fotcU_>%e«a<0&ntljhi I ■ ljia'4 altt f Ifin ItiT biAcc ■ 11 a 11 > i

I Afrtlcandf*!'*Gd'imral Hp iIxok '‘■I'l hud hfpn

(It form « Mfw parlv owinjt it* llif I hatlifai'lloii wllh GfJiptrtl liollia Gt-iiPinl

Hflha • 'ft’firk lux IiPpii to ntn'UIhip H''- mrlal InlrrPxM Jn rtcajUt .Afrliu This iP evprvwtierw Klmlittul. I'wti l«- (Jimi-iiii Hfi-troij. who IruiniMiPK iiiwi h lian iBiTlfO loi> far.

■BpxrlailBkM In r«nndn. rtnmda. atto, la bolhtrpd li> IhP lmi>fil.kl

prohlciii A i|)f*diil I'lirreap'tmJciit of Hit Hoflton Truiiarriv»l. T-hn niiiit from a lo ji' lhr<ii.i|th I'amuliB. rt-romh. draorllo'!* ■* stTOTijc mov<*m#>iit IowumJ \fuli*p»:rjdfim'4 m

t-ru.(o (hr p <'ft' r'KUtnltli' 1 h Iffrilli 1 i-iJ( '<

llui ( httii.i-.M Ihr IN rt'inindi-il.HliiiM. d pl.t.N-of l-inttllNh raiJh allam.

wnl.Ji l.rMuii with tlu losing flerades of th. nghliHM.iti ..‘ riiiirv. KJlpra«ll fivea h l oh. -pMon 'jf iBil't ttliHin. fommon In hl« dg> 4iii) .‘ (Ml Biirvhltii, in hi" novel,

Hvl.Ji. i-iiliTiK Uieae w.ir<la Into Ihe rn.mtyi f.f | h- \\ ni w IrkahJre

Pi . tftiillMlb 111-'I Pfnplf* bNller(Ilf luttu 'llii'.t ftmlj- ttiF (N radirallam rtfol niillilng i-ier

KiigllNli I it.ll. iili'iii wHd fi"in ihN OP-gliiniriK pupiiliir in.'l ilemo. i Ktlf 11 !>«- Kjii a k .( iiio» fui pkctorul reform,,n.l li.-M Ih-H M- 'M-i'llty 11*' l-'liartlam.wlii'in’ IP. Aiinvjiit purllfl- iitiFiUM. mnnli. ctl KitrCmnK, vnlr hv bullul. j f.Hvmeiil «if mmil.PiN uml ftboisilon of

; lilt* pi-.pprn tj .uHth Hil“ n f‘>' “ “f'*’the l|i>ii»e uf ('onim.MiN

Althi. :fh JIM "f imrilriilar nghl" j‘ are pnHEpaiip.l hy th'- Amerl.wn iienpltf. |

It wu'. '.nl;' H >pgr tU-,it|pO U- ruv 1! nu*nt, not. In fai ! hml 1>Ph-itme n p

tween the tWo porio^s 1» rmutd In ihe prograni of Toting Enalaod •• It » '' ' rdrtfl hy Irttmtill ht « » . tn o genwraS-pwi- ace to hit nov«n; tt waa their aim. he •uld. to taubllah that "labor rentilred rtfulallon a* much ga proparty

OlfcrgrJl empIigfUtd ihl« In * famoi’ i Bteacli before hli cunatltuemia at Hhrawa- bui> In IM-t; me neit tell thuae fen^tlfirirn who gra iO fond of telling ui th^i proprriy l-i" Ita **ilgbta itijii labor glio haa It* right* *■ well »i» It" dutlai: and when 1 maMea of prof'triy r»t*ed 1j* this founiry whHIi do ooi l.■■ognl^e that prUic-lple. • * 'when I hear of all Ihla mlwry and a«l

. tl.'i' huit'rwig: whan I know that evlden o 'll uur Parllatneni of g "luip of \\ '

ttKiialUmlon tn the oiue Imppy ihuhiU iIo ( uf ll.l!* iMiid wlHtb la not et|iialed m.iHi baibarceua oountrlea-1 i-annni he;i.i fcUiti'Mliig that thla heinuwfproperly liuH been permlUed to t»<* ui'alevl find hfia without the perfor tnain’e of it* dviU»'


Several L irje Dinners Given Before Greater Gathering at

the Washington.Atnerl.gn people.

Ill »u ago that Hriiain N iTiemhers '»f

iiniM ihe ualH.r pnriy uMprrm fiirujr In the


popiilailotia whofe Insult' lo ran«<iii rvol ovFrooihe I heir ( ’hi ^ ’orM pT*')'nlk'PN atid maUe them “ HjHImIumh ' KiKhetilaiifc. SrandSmivlaii". Mriti olhPi'. nreBald lo be in-gunlzhia themeelven hthI nrm- Ing their orgaiilaullntiB and (‘oalea'InK

A Bflrond element of Plri'nglh la said to He In “ YotinjC I’anarJa." a native elernpiii. whoiie nffmatloiiB with Cf-ai Britain an- nut \eiy cloae. I ’he ihlid element la thf body uf Amerlvad'hoi n ImntlRranW from the Lnlterl Statea. All of Ibeae elemeiiH will, of I’OLirNO. Incrt»aae, probably murli more vapidly than immlgranlM from the British I*lee

The real basis of ihvir JlscnnliMii la the ever-preoeiu ilBbllily lhal t'anuda will be dragged Into wgra which do n.it di­rectly affect the CanadiahB In the leant, and thah antUlpatlng the poaalbimy of Iheae wars tVte empire will levy a lax on them for old country annamenl". —. '

It )a Tiow fifteen jnor)thB elru'a redpror- Ity c’fsned the overlhrow of Bremler ! lAurier. The Transcript’s correspondent , cllea evidence that the talk In western Canada haa been more and more favor- , able to Independence every month Blare ; Mr. Borden became Premier. |

Pcralea Fallry Haaied.Tliase who know China. Turkey ami

Pc Tala beat are least ready to make pr - dlrllona concerning their fmurea* or i.i offer explanations of the Chinese loin affair, which atlll diaga on, the political upheaval at Conatantlnuiile. and the flla- niuraglng condition Into which Peraa lx

ru iD ■.UWVIIJI.*!/ .»u..vuu.It 1« il»led , »nd I. pVobably Irufl, (hal

Great Britain lia« conildereti r*lr «itlii« from the Interior of Ptr»la to her eitab- llEhtnenU on the Fenian Gulf, ^leaving the perilane to »tew tn their own greaee.It eeemi to be equally true that this policy hae not found favor and that the? | rntre could eaatb



^ragtfva and rontentloue legleliiioa for tll^ menaent. But the LJberale are not •M lly wearied and already they are pro- poalng new reform meaeurea.

The ptogram of the government waa■llllliifl recently by Lord Chancellor Mai- ,,,, ...... _______

who dwelt upon three treportant.j with the French In Die Haeiein proeln ,.ri: Itret, the creation of a real aec-?

i gnd obamher, very different from iha iM rtllUry Houee of Ixrrda 6f todayi aec- M t, a land policy: end, third, a new edu- aailcn bill.

The Lord Chancellor edenlltad that the gdgto of education lo Great Britain, ele- tBMtarr, leeondary and higher, li chaotic m ML that the LIberala have done nothing Ftlhllely (or the coming generation. Hla •etlevuei felt, be eild, that the time bad eotoa when eotnething ehould be done on » B lfeotle.

The Plan propdaed, aa reported tn the Japndon TiRfte, I* twofold. The Llbeiala OOnUnplKte fitting the child to receive •taoatlon tin t and then to fit education to th* child'* need*. They propoie to tpoot aU itagee of education aa a whole, th* plan that la now being more and M r * widely entertatued in thli country.

Th* two Idea*, now commonly recog- Blgol, tbat the pathway to a unlveraity

' edueotlon mutt be kept clear and that kh* provttlen muet be made for thoee ■arto ean never hope to get beyond the altM otary ichool, are reckoned with by the Uberale,

Many , tn education bill hae been wreoked, or epolled. in England becauae o f the raligloua tihaae of the problem,X im Haldana expocta tbat the LIberala will Ovarcomo thli difficulty, and he bate, kit taptctatlone on the report* of ex- jMrta with whom the LIberala have been % . oontiUtatlon In formulating their

^ l a * ,tk lrt eon*lderatlon??tbat the Uberale

>kM lb mind I* the need ot doing eubitantlal to make the teeob-

^ ’1 prefeiiion more popular. To thie due Ifiad will be given.

Loi4 Haldane claim* that theae plana tor tlw benefit ot the coming generation wffl (tot made at th* expenae of the rattpeytr, Uberala, he eeld, havepaid * tt an average of £10,600,1X10 ot na-

/'Uonal debt each o( the ilx year* thay have been in powar. He evidently look* to thia turplut tor the money to carry out the education icheme, -wtitch include* the ettabllihinent of more univeraltle*, at well at elementary echoole. At prei- •nt there Is but oge unlveraity In Eng­land to every thret tnd a half mimon* n ( population; the ratio It double that ■of flcottand.: AtChough the I.lberal*' land program Is •till In the Inquiry etage, three retoi'm Bobtni** are generally dltoueeed: Houi- to f reform, aealsted by government granti; a scheme for providing cottage*•5> tural district* elmllar to the Irlih laborert act, and a minimum wage tor agrteultural laborer*.

The minimum wage plan, aay* the I^m- don TiBi**. It th* moct attractive to Llb- otait who are not landownert, who (eel that It would make a iplendid platform pUtiUl. ^ e pro* and cone are loo many (0 be ditouaied her*.■ 'iiH, IVhIte Slavery la Italy.

whit* Slav* traffic lo Italy ha*' NOMved attention from the Premier, who .MBontly addreeeed a elreular to all the ptDVlnolal autboritlea, calling upon th*m to take more active meamirea toward the tuppreealon ot the traffic. Premier Ololittt directs them not to confine their acHvltle* to th* international aspect* ot the- problem, recommending a vlgonm* tnfomement of the laws relating to proi- tltiitlen, the“ careful supervlelon of all pubtlo and private lodglng-honeea of a eortaln da**, and more solicitude a* to the future of the girl* who are reeoiicd from th* hand* of thoae who exploit them. W e punishment ot offender* in thla trifflo 1* light and it 1* euggemed that hea'rier pBialUe* he laid agaJnat It

genth AM ea'a Problea*.A conflict hetxreen Genaral Botha,

' ‘ Premier of South Africa, and General Harttog, whom he forced out of hla Cab­inet, call* attention to conditions there O at fully warrant Alexander PowclTe dlotum: 'tit mty aadly perplex the hie-

' torlaii o f the ^ture to decide who won tbe Boor ‘War."

General Botha resigned In December and Wat reappointed. It wae then ex-

t plained that he had made thl* tactical move In order to get rid of General ffii^ o g . who talked too much in public al)Ot]t Cabinet affaire. A* General Bolhi put It, General Hertxog ' gratuitously and unnecetearlly put the question whether the Interest* of South Africa should take prooedsnoe over those of the British Bm- plre."

Telling his *ld* of the story recently.General Hertiog admits that he publicly declared his belief In Imperialism only In eo far a* It benefit* Sauth Africa, and olalmed that this waa not preaching a doctrine new to the Orange Free State.Aa a subject of the empire, ho Hald, he waa first a South African and then 'hn.Iniperlallat.

Of greater Intportancs than this, kow- •Ver, was General Hcrtxog's sutement that anxiety exists all over South Atrlce,because tb* people tee' that the Interests The tone ih * ,^ Rei of both ths Dutch and English speaking preted aa reta ll«ton u;

tKTi.nut.* wild the •■ IrnleiJ the labor iiol (lirir f.arllMrm-ntiirv Ilf lh,?i r?i?ids

l!i;( 'I (lie Bp." 1(1 iiirnt ;?rr (ilfferrlit. Itist ti.ey all- lb? t'lijirllnn. In Gh-h(Mil lupii Hi?- Ili.tn

riir JudBmrn' bad the ilKlil lo psv

.-prrsciilulh,’* out!!??

|,,sur* i f (hr mo- ilu.Hl l?f asipiiieill

.il sr-qiiels 111 :MilUilli (‘ulav (be |

i?f I'uminundlog Inierrst aif Hiilr II ml F? HIM liter Urliiiul

Irilfnd*d b ex­


litils, liiini of whirh are pain] rirrtiiial JlghlH.

IlfaillUB Mr- Jtoliypennt » w 'lk HlHo Iioih-pahl.? tbat llir Inil.islilul tcMil'i- lion (ullowlug the .Niipoli-iilib WIMS ''Ir ated I ondlllons uimloacnie lo lll"*c u( our own I line, nil'll. »K now, Ike lUai' '■o"l lit Inc was Un- prltiir subject of ronijitalnt F im lieim orr, two new aiol .llsturhlng far-

; tors were Iriiriidnceil Into llic old social t and political ordrii ‘ ‘On .the uiir band, ' Mr, Mompenm

xavs, "It had created a ial*?' Itod wealth,‘ ,'liiss o( Tnanilfai'lnrlnfi copltallst* *1 iimi. .Ill the Ollier. It bnll lotigregaled In

the great town* uf Buglaml a niulllluae , of workers-men. women and children—I the misery of wlioi?a lives was a disgrace ' to till' nation, esass Interest blinded the

rich munufactiirers to llie foundation of htiniiiii misery nil which Ibelr wealtli wa* rniard and the domlnaiu iihllosophy of the hour w.is ready with roncenlenl formulae lo iirii.lde a sanction fiN their Indtffer-

I eiice, "Early gerlal l.rglalatloii.

' Tlie two achleveiiipiilrt of the new Pat-■ llamrut of the early thlrtlea were along I the line of aoclal leglslalion: a factory ' II. t to limit child labor and a new poor

. fheie was at that Unie a claih between the Ideal* and amblttou of the aristocracy

■ and lliose of the new dasa of wealthy liiduHirUl capItaUata, Tlic latter sought

1 to capture political power, iheretofor?.. held hy the iuiided arlslocrai'y. jtiat a* many who have acquired new wealthdrifting. I iiia-Mj. Tsiiv ..........J --

Of &ll Uie reports coinluff from Psrsla. | inditatrlal powtr s-?t‘k pontii-ai tlose which ha'.'* the beat earmarks ot and Influence In present-day legislatures, reliability, claim that northern Perata la [ -riie prolest of Disraeli and his asxo- entlrely under Russian control and eotilh- . .iniex at that time, was agalnti a ern Persia la absolutely lawless. ' mmiarlan age, against a Toryism oi

Britlah aovammeiil Unowa R oould not make till# retreat honorably or safely. It la now asked to review Its inleresta In Persia, deciding which are vital and which mty be aacrlfced,

A second proposal has put forwara that Husala and Great Bittuln should di­vide Persia between ihsm. 'iTils Is wUat hai bet'll fapcvtPd by Uiose wlio Im\e dlP" truBiad the dtsintereitcdnesa of tluj Anglo- HiisBlan convention roncet-nlnR Persia. It rune counter lo the nallonallst and hu* inanllarlan points of view, with both of which the ItitcrnaUon publl<' If* In sym­pathy. , ,

*i*he commatitfl appearliiR in the Rvlilan pr^ss take the Biitiah Governuu-ni lo insl< not Oh account of Its Peralan polit y, l>ut because, they declare, It has no such pol­icy. A spoclo-l fov respond put of the I^n- don Tlniffl, for InatrtTjct. calls upon the Brltlali Government lu aKsume responolbll- Uy for southern Persia.

Writing from Buslilre. this correspond­ent iuslets Ihal the Persians are unable to maintain order in the southern provinces and that matters are drifting rapidly frotn bad to woi se. Intervention la desired by the Per»ians^ he says, who realise theli- Inability to rule their oe.n land, even If the Hiitlali CIoN'ernuieut Hhould lend them money froely and aupport their adminis­trative efforts.

This correspondent siigs<’"ts. however, tliai a new agruemerU should hv made with Kusrtn concernlnB the neutral Icjrl- tory defined hy the agreement of which seems lo be the zone of giesteftt tawiessneas* Hie eugsesllon is that the IwItllCHl and military action of Russia shall be limited lo the northern zone and tliut Great HiUaln shall utJdertaki! to re­store order In the re^t of Persia, piiiserv- Ing Us luiUonai iiidepandejK'e. He is care­ful to state that he would not introduce any commerolal bargnlnliig Into Iho pi*o- posed new agreemenl. The projiuHul seenna to be a lilgh-iulnded effort to sffU'e a dlfricnlt problem.

RrlckatAV npipoaea GoveraineDt.For Uio flrel lime, the German Rt li h’

stag has \ oted a luck of copl'ldeuce in ih« 1 govenimeul. There ttr« reasons to bclle\e j that the action was tactkal, retaliatory, | and not a hona-fld«‘ cl^sh between ihe | majorlly of the KechBiQB ftnd the govern- jm c iU . I

The vote followed an Interpellation I concerning Prussia’s policy of Oerniun- Islng Poland; and the government, hc

privilege. Diaraell. lu 'Ma actlvliy, was tbe leader of a party « f I'oum: men to wliom the lllle Young Englanrl wa* given

la a ttiemnrial which be Uld hefore the King of France when he began to con- atruct bla foreign poUrj. Olaraelt said

be tound "a pm'ytbe youth of Englnnd. Itiflnenced bv Gse

; niiblest views a?u1 .partaUIng tn injlhii.g of a parllamentBry intrigue" This grouji o f voimg Oxford and ('ambridec fellowaI • '''- _ _ _i_. .-..I,. iv-fliyg, at jxrwlwan fmmed. 11 was deeply influeticedIn- the Oxford movi'mcnl and iiroughl an IritniilBf lo the politiva i.f thr intimenl not dtfelnillur fi ’m of tl'.e .XmerlcanprogteaslvcB.

rublleliv nil aid to reform upon wMcIi Mreaa is now being laid, was lecognMeil liv Young Knuiaini. Tn a letter in Iho l?ondan Tlmea. written In ISM. Disraeli ..rn.'laimrd his rellnnce npon ' ' '" a t iire- slshblt? law of oo f tnoden' otvlliiailui) vh lcli ha* rivere.d ihnt the system which cannot bear discilBslon I* doomed He referred lu thla law a* "a power muri. lecently rlse'i 'he wotitl."

.^indber tljUBtratlon of the analogy br-

btlil'niil galherlr.g of peison* of *o . 1*1 pr.HiiHi.'ncp in this ni.d olhe? itle* aiieniled ilm assembly lial' at the Wash- inglon hi*l night, and a* i- usual In Die ■htslury uf Dies* gathering!.- li w-aa .....XU. rt'Haf..:

The pa . I ui.esxPH who re.ib.ed Die giieflir at lilt, eiiiiance to the l.KlIfO'.nj weia Mis, I'ha .n ev (1, Farker. ill a gi.wn of hvdrangea l.Uie velvet and xlhe? :.ue; Mrs. Jolin D Baltin, in tdue "ai'u and gold biocnd" *Irs. Han y Diiraud. In Willie biO'ail-'.l satin and d!-wil?o|i net; Mr*. Hog, r Vi.iing, In pale pink satin with lace iiveidiess and a girdle of old blue, and Mr*. Howard E (igle, m pair pink ehlffon and lace, with aanti uf a deep pink rhifruo

Buppt-r was served continuously d.n- Ing? the evening, and the cotillion waa itsrted Ht 1 0 t lock, led by Btiiail .1. Toting and J. Nelami Darter. The favoia consisted of paper cap*, wands ilpiietl with floiver*, and wliljis.

The committee fui title eeasun'* l.all wa* made up of Dorllandt Porker, rliotr- inen; Robert U. Bradley, aev'relnry, and Dharle* Ashmun. John O. Bigelow, J Nelson Darter, Harold IJennia. Edward 11. W rlglu Jr.. George \V. C. McCafty. Robert O'Gorman. >.' Gsbonie Wheeler and aiuart A, Young.

Among tlie gneata were Mr. and Mr*. Jolia W. Howell. Mrs. Howell In black velvet with wlille lave bodice: Mr. add Mr*. Adrian Hiker, Mrs. Hiker In gray . satin; Mr. and Mra. Albert H. Alha, Mrs. Atha. In pale pink satin, with rry*lal- trlmiiTed overdress. Mr. and .Mrs. Robert j H, Southard, Mrs. Southard In old blue satin with Whitt? lace hodke; Mrs. Henry B. Blllliig?i. In turquoise blue lalln wltu white crvstal overdress, Ml-xs Lorraine E- Spnrr, In white charnieuee; Ml** Pi'u- deiivi; E. Durand, in yellow eliirfoii with brown velvet ginlle; Mias Mary N, Ogden, in yellow-striped chiffon with violet chlt- 1011 girdle; Miss Florence E. iMurphy, m pink rbarmeuse with lace and old blue satin; MBs Eleanor J. Mvt'arty, In bla.’k satin and white lace, Mr. and Mr*. Henry Young ,lr.. Mre, Vuung In pniiijiadmir silk and white la.*-, Miss Ellkabetli D. ' Caller. In while satin and tulle; Mr,

' and Mrs. James G. Taylor, Mrs, Taylor In red aalin and silver lace, and Mr. and Mr*. Matthias Plum Jr. Mra, Plum In white and (liver.

Also Mr. and Mrs. Zai'hnrlah Betekev, Mr, and Mrs. J. laiwreiice Boggs. Mr and Mrs, Henry G. Currier. Mr. .and Mra, Franklin Cnnklln Jr., .Mr, and Mrs. Henry 0. Atha, Mr. and Mra. Peter L'amphell, Mr. and Mra. Robert Campbell, Mrs. Mar­tin Dennis, Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Dennis. Mr. ami Mr*. FranUland Briggs, .Mr. and Mrs, Franol* Clilkl Ji,, Mr. an-l Mrs. Paul c. Downing, Mr and ilrs. Frederick II. Donglaa, Mr. and Mra. Milliarn P. p'leld. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Fewsmltlv, M i­ami Mr*. Charles !.. l-'aiiell, .Mrs, kieri- erlck F. Guild. Mr, and Mrs. Chatlelt A Gniiiimnn, Mr. and Mrs. J. larwls Hay, .vt!'. and Mr*. Edgar W, Heliei, Mr. and Mrs, Albert O. Headley, Mr. and Mrs.

W tS m aB Mri .qd W™'W, Jackaon. Ut, and Mrx. •. Howell J&nae, Mr. kud Ma. Pob^jf ,H. H^rte^L Mr, k»d » r » . . ir e « lJlrg. Franklhi Murphy Jr., Idn..Janiea L. Dfdan, Mr. and lira, *Folhemiii. Mr amt Mr*. E, llarttn Pml- llpl Ml and ilr*. Pidlelu* W, Vail.

Mr and Mr*. P. Sanford Iloai, Mr. and Mrs Pierre U. Boia, Mr. and Mr*. Ulaiid H Hots. Mr. and Mrs. F. Talman Stiles, Ml. and Mrs. Joaapb 0. Spurr. Mr. and Mr* Frederick t.. Thnrne.MrA BkJward H. Wright Jr.. Mr. and .Mra. E. AlYah Wll- hlnaon. Mia* Ellaabelli Jacksen. Mlaa G*r- trud?' Drake, Mias t.'ornelta P. Bog**. Mlar Margaret i uniniin* Mis* Kllgabeth Quiid, Ml*s Mlklnd Dsniil*. MIsi Mery W. Hek'her. .Ml"" Mmla V Dodd. Mies Kalh- eilm? H Join?*, Miss Matilda O. Dodd Mis* Mary G. I’ luiti. Ml*s Jane Ripley and Mis* Kate H tVallBce

[.-reilerick B Hlgelnw. Jcilin O. Bigelow, Allan Brown, Die Mesar* Carter. John Cuieter, Thorntui? Allen. Zacharlah Brlvher Jr., John Du rev. Jtalsay .Vdama, John 1„ Hay Jr.. Dr Jasper Coghlan, Hntert H. Unidle.v. chaile* A»hmun. Dr. William G'G. uuinby, Joaeph M. RIKer Jr., HuLaiid Russ, W. t’ hatmt-ey Rlpiey. KeniiPtb Van i' Wallace, tV. Clark Bymingtnn Gayle I- Young, Harry' l.lpptncott, the Messrs Hedges, Vt Howard l.Ittell I.eslle S.uro' Edwin 8 Lines Jr, Marrv K Dodd, Pchuyler \ bii Neaa, Leonnrii l.aii?pman and Dr Freti- prick M Paiil-

AmoriK th*' ***’■'’Mi.mxMmJorli'1. ketiNhr'. of Oransf. illH» Kf'll uf BalMm.ire, MI?h UutOlliy ('onrinl, of Orungf MI^h UcatrUe Mrth,nr Siiulh Urange Hr and Mr". E. Blair .S'iir’lu !i, of MorrlRln'Mi. Krneal Hmllli. nf nrflngt, Mr aud Newell J Ward,of lujinifp, MIms Mai^arpi Brlnlpy, ofMn;riNtnv.n. MIbu Kallif'flne Ur11u11>, ofOriiMKP MInu Mary Kiinktf, of Plaln-rifld Mtf«B AHta Kiuprj, of Morristown, Mrx 1’ . Itjownlep'. of Dauburv.riiUTi , .MIm< KlotPiK'P Brown, of N>w Vink, (illbpcl Riown, of Short Ullle. Milfoil Harriwon. of Y'ork, J Mar­tin Iin Httrllii(id*n. of Urang*'. l>'

WfbsUr. of Npw York, lies .MppMr'J lunlpe, of Nf »*i V"ik. and HulfnHtuHapoi, of MijMlstowo

Ml find Mr". Joho J WHuhtPiilpruilnetl a laiRn dliinci parly ul the

lilngujj preslouH tn the ball. Th^lrW:giiesib. who later went lo the ballroom, were seiiipi.l 111 llip main dlriln* room at nJiJp U'hlPN. which were d«corat«d with rerarc-plfi'es of .1oti«iiitts. cArmilluny «mJ rosea, with correeporidluK candle abfldpp- xMr.*. Wrlght-nark was gowned tn white brocaded Patlo with silver irlmmliig mui (nrrtdi a targe bouquat of orohlds.

MEifl hlieanor J. McCarter also eni'?r- liilneO at dlunoi pievlous to the huh, dH did xMv. Hod Mr-ft Zacliarlah Rtlchei, whose gueats nomhered twelve.


I'nder the auspkea of the I nited TbrlP- tinn Cliurch, an Instumlon desigriated af the Arlington Home for Dn.itUute Chil­dren and Ilomelesa Women will be opened at Foreat street, .^rllugiun. KabruaT^9. The openiiiK cerpnioulas will (ake plsre that day In Midland Hail, and It Is ex pevted that Rt. Rev. S. O. Crumer, a bishop of the church, will he the prln- f-ipsl speaker.

The home !h u i wo-Nlory-a nd-ault' Itmise owned b.v l>u\ld WHiper. and is altiiated opposite Harper place. The first two floors ootUaln seven looma and are capable of Hc,‘>'omnioriallng fifteen women and I'lilldrui. The roonig on the sccoml rUior are alread> rurnished with beds and (.Tiha.

Rev U-illlam Clark, of Arlington, presi- deni of the InstUoUun. Is presiding dder of the Cn'led Clirl.-xilan CJiurch of New York and New Jersej. He and Re\. John HoloFiion, of New York, treniiUrer o f ihe home. ItHvc' been Hie nHlve workers for

' !ta establhdnneiii. Mr. Claik weft palnl- Ing Hie fUmi of ttie offire room when a

, reporiw visited him yrsterdi(>'-■ Tin liniiie wlM lu? ex’ lui-lvely fur des-

liliile (diililren and liaineless wonir-n. Just as w A iU f implies,’ Mr. Clnrli. "VVeexpert lo find liomes for rlilldveii and em- ploViTieni lor wuineu. .Vlready we ha\o

j received uppll''UlhiTiB for entrance for (hret* children In Ba?.omie, The inslit’ i- lloTi will be supported h,v voluntary u ii- trlbutlona.”

I Mr. n ark said the m iicd Chri.sU.in I (.'horeh rondtuted a Kintiiar boine e l \ Fast 138th atreel, New York. Mrs. Kninia I Clark, the clergyluan'.s wife, will be

aupprlntendeut of the lioni’ . and Mis iillzabPlh Solomon, wife of the treasurer.

I will fill tho piiKlUoii o f matron. Rev. * I'homa'^ Rush, who ha« cliarBe of the

liome uffh p In New York, will he seem- Ury. The deuvunessiea will be Mrs. C \-\ Rvish and Mrs. Ida N. Welch.

Address all communicallona to Mary K'Ihuraton, dare of the N E W A R K EV C. ING NEWS „ , „ . .

Rule I- In all caaea fiv e the full name r.tJ addre** and write on one aloe of the paper onlv. . * i j ^

Rule 2—Every letter that l« to be for­warded must have auffldent rover eipoiiaea.ghould he (or the bciiefil of th* public.

Rule S -Oare should he taken to make all Inqulrk* anti anewera aa full aa po*- Bible, with special I'elereiicB to dates, ana places of birth, dealti and mafi'lages. In a-BwerliiK always give number of iiiqnlty. also, when poasiblo, authorUloi-

No. tl.tS T.ITTI.E 8FAVF.RS-AD D IS Jdliii and .Mary iBpaversi U lU e daelt at

of Moses U k ln . of roopoi'.* ('reek, Gloucester County, .\. J . died inlertaie. March L l*B6-«, " .

'/he.v had irioveri front ^Cooper a f leeK beLwccii the year* ItiKS and ItlSl to Harl*- [li ld near PUladi Iphta. Pa. L. A C.

Nu. tWl ~ a MIT'H - I'lTZ-RAND O l.PH r u A K H R efcn ing to No. jUS, I would like to aak tf U A. C. I* not rmatakiti when be say a, "'I'Iib Met ry Drake, born test, you speak o f as marrying Ra'. Bcii- janilri Hielle, was the daughter or R = y, .loliii Drake," etc,?

I have tn my pusaesslon a lepiu't yrrlt- teii l.y Dr. Beckwith, a Pliilailelpiiin |i1iy- hit iaii, m ISM. which wo.* hi" flual ri no't

eu ry of an assorlatioti oig.inlK.'il

Aiiti. Rnln'rt nnd James Ann l.litle iimrrl"il Biiiion Aiidi". a

■oiotlicr of Julin .Vddl=: their son, LUH" Adrii*. muvwd to nliiiril*.

i Rohm Little iiiui ril'd .\lsry Swayae anil 1 had six < hlldreii, as .-niinii-riiied beluw--

Jolin, who inariled KUaahcth I hel, and I sett led in Bradfonl ('oimty. 1’ “ .

cordShg to dlapatehea. -replied 'ha. It iix-as a problem tor Pruasta to ( r „ i i , who mairlrdand not an Imperial question. i |,^reinrr. and had jxon He Roy;

The policy under conalderatloh la. | ,i,„rrii.d All.crt Riid'ray.uiiquesttonably. looked upon w ith d l*- r 'laxmr hy the Relch*tag; Indeed. It Die Polish problem were to come up nu'w,It would undoubtedly be settled very--; lilfferently front what It was at tti'e dose o f^ lh f elghteentli century. Tbore Is fltroiig’ evld^nOB tliaf Uie 'Vorld to ­day Is not In «. temper to "o** thp jift- ilfinaUtifH o f central F’urope aup- praaaeil a « in bygone days. For pn>of. wftivfl^a the reluctance o f the pawr^.'a to Oppose tfae demands made by Hw Balkana flpon Turkey

■I'uwnsbm v. Warren I'uuntr, N. J,. and ]‘ lu lur lo that date for the uaiial |.Li po-e had fiiiir .'htlrtien G'alherltie, born In 18i»: of liu rsttgatlnB the ■'Diake million* In

ichatar Is inter" upon tne iirovern-

iClmlift, N 6, ,yAlatllUa.

Information wunicd eeaHry of John Hittie ills'. Rud coTicernlnif cl^nis

V.. ami hail flHiiiibU‘ ‘‘

John M&r-



You may not need an; undertaker today or tomor- mw., bijt in your family may be an aged or infirm one t who some day must pass away, and you may be called to take charge ot the arrangements.

Some undertakers, playing upon your grief at the rime of your bereavement, 'will charge $200 (more it they think they cati get it), for thc.aanvt 1 ''>*•give you for $75. You do not have to fight to get n square deaf from me. You know before you consult me exactly what you get. Just telephone. 1 will at­tend to every detail.

( nncernlns and of Robe'll Ad- ihv AddlH

AV. A.Nt. 41S» HEADLEY -W.vDF,. Partial

answrr for O. M-. No- DTt, In issue uf Dareinber 28, 1 * " Mr, W ill C. Headley, ft,nil Ills f-ecords, slvqs tfhuda Headley •'li child of Samuel and Rebecca (Bnien) Tl^adlW', bora ItM, died October N, 1S3.. married Junas Wade. Who waa bom 8cp- thuitpcr I, list, died AHSUat, HU, He Bi'.rted as private in Basel County. N. .h. ■Militia In'the Revolution.

Elsewhere he efBte* that "Samiu'l and Hebeeca (Brnen) Headley lived or the fanu

Samuel Headley Senior,'' *o douhtlras Hhoda Headley waa born there. .Mary

kllaadley Sd. child of Sajnuet and Rebecca IfewOley. married Moses Wade, of eton- iec lk u t«Fa rm irW ('tf.-"Ih e (mirth child

of Bamuel ' Headlay, heataLes, r/ae Iwrn aT'Coithectlcjt I'at ins hi i ITil. I f Rhoda (Headleyl Wade wa* eirhty-ene years, eight months old when shft iTuG

A First Class Complete Funeral for $75A polished grained oak casket or covered any shade, Satin

lined; silver extension bar handles! silver name plate, en- Efkved 1 outside casket case; use of candelabra; use uf chairs and drapery; burial permit; embiltoing (dope hy experts);

r HEARSE, T H R E E CO ACH ES to any wraetery in the city; ser­vice and attendance for $75.


One Uock,aWe D.*L. & W.

dleti.' she mu»t have been born In j,v„, tt* given by "O. M. and as given also In the \yado Genealogy tf her sis­ter Rebecca was horn at Connecticut Farjns, IHl. it Is likely that Khodtt wax married there.

The files of 'be "Ceotinel of Breedoni nilrhi tell where ahe dl4d.

. , "OBADIAH."Nfl 8 ^ -H O W E L L -L A K l.\ -In "Gene-

alofleaVif Early riettlera of I'rcntor and Kwiiig" tc'ooleyl It has "Daniel HOWell -H) died April S, ItK, aged fifty-three

[years; married Mary alater ofEbeneier Proui'a wife; ahe died Beptem- ber 2S, 1T«). agod seveiity-al* ytars.Clitldien:, David; Phebe, horn September 28, 171)7. married John Scudder; Kiitabeth, born January S, 17*0."

1 would be much obliged If some on*, through Jeraey Genealogy. t?oiild tell ih* whather the abdve Daniel Howell woe the eon ot Thoraom Howell or hla grand- aon. And the moMeo-name of Mary, -

In lome family Tgfprda which I have.m lome lamuy Tgfptuo wuivi. * .-•■■■■ " v t S ' jDaniel U) How^'^he, .aon. n»ririga. t t ' ' ' '16M, Hgnnab U l l ^ i l t e VBIsIe Reading, aliter ®(-?Ggv*rB*FtJ|fp»*

‘ (Never one diwAtisfied patron)

M y

tng'I am alao dealroui of learning the

namea. with datee. of the parent* « Hannsth Lakin.

In QlouMttter Deeda. No, ». Not Joroey Arehivek, Vel. XXl„ I find: '.Dnnlel Howell, yoomag.' with, wife Hagnglt: Roh- art Walllo, plaisterer, and wtfe BMier; jgeeb Ugy, laborer, whb Witt Sauntinb:

warn a. umesattom nplb.kterr gp ofbMthkrg-te' gw WDW'«ig(«pi.

LiiElmid. 'In wlili'h he reports that the Slut?-, county and city reroida ol some BcvHi Suites Irorii New Hamp*hlrc to Pemisylvnnl.. were searched thorougiiiy fur all Drakes, tmd that he had Ihf rec­ords (if all tlie fHinUlc* for ttiosc who l-hmiI lu llvom.

In Ills reporl (hf? aoctoT oulUned ih€ fjinM'v from tlie riiM!. Di’sI p of Nfw l»'i S4'y -Inwn tlmp. anJ whivli I Rl\east fclliiw'B.

ra)i(:iin l-’ iiiiui!' I'rflkfl nud ' Iriwilt'. tlu‘ ’i had only tliieb' i hltflrtiii. Re\ .tnMi. ('yHOlhKt; Bild Ell/al'f‘1 li. iHld fHOll

tliii-e nil Ih^ DiRkHS of Nt‘s\ Jersey artJ iliriii tlefti.:eiiO«iiL« are deHcetiJf*d.

The next KeneroMon ia Ihe rliMdren ol Rev. John liTul K«be'-ca Trotipr; Jolm. FrttiK’lf , JoHt!plv, AlirwhiMii. Ishhc. Ja'oU.Benny. 9aniii»*l. flai’ah. .'Vhigalland

Ileinft H will seen iliftt R«'- John Drake evltleiiUy liftd no daughter named

ir 1h also shOTVJi by tbe donor's report (hat, John, first child of Rev. John, niar- rlnl Barftli Complon. and h|d seven i hii- clieiJ, hut nmje named Mercy, I mention tills thinking that L. A C. might he mistaken Jn tii« J<>hna.

Howe\'er, It Is found later on that Fran- cIh. second i-UIVl of R«v. John, married Batlence Walker, and had ten children, one of whom Wiis named EpIirJam. and h< married a iHrcy — * they having two children, l‘'\per1eno« and Ephriam.

I call atu ntjon tq thiw matter, both for toy own emisfacUon. and for those wjio may be Interested. In the hope that If I am In etior Uiat I may be shown.

&Iv statemeiits are founded on the re> port above referred to, which i thtiik any one reading the same would rradUy admit to he an authority, eap^clally so when the doctor atntea that every record of aeven fit'-tea had bean, aearched, nmj which, Jf true, ha nuift have had ah complete a family recoiiff'»f the Byskea family as anv one o v « had or could expect to have

I f L tiiyieir am tn error on Any of l>ie above 1 abaft be fflad to Km pat right, as I am at ■work on a compilation of the Drake famflyk 'Wlth the ultlmsti- view of pub-

^lahtnt the »am«( and li is. of course, de­sirable to hav*e the data as correct as pos* elhle. C. B. r.

(Note for C. K* T ^aijose).—Thla ques­tion iparebiege of Mercy Drake) haa come up In these columnti repeatedly, dee

.Noi- 3»i, i « l , 2472. 2W. 3510. 2511, 85tt,2336, 25 . 3556, 2560. etc. Amonff abovecontrifautoi** were Louts L. Drake, author oX the '"‘Drake Genealogy, * and Orra E* UoQtiette* r'Qerer” ). author ot-the “ Mon* ijat Family/’ ) K* T.

. .jeenm,r'->xa-w tlOtOa tl^t bavebM)'pabllabed guder th* above nugttgT ga4 tbink pontbip thla IntornaaUan of jmlne flUiy benefit come readera Sftbttflapgrl- jnent. '' .

l.-^Ganggga Prake, bbrB » . Toskrtilre, England. HK. died at 8g< H«Hw, May SB. m . ■ -'fv '•

St—Father of WUIloni ixau . Ha died ■er, Nova Scotia, tit). Hod tHrm

i1 .InaMh and Flggela. VV)It- '■*^;l>gcfc'.dttam... : ' '

3 4 t h S trm 0t Strm htNEW YORK

IMPORTANT SALEFor Week Commencing Monda.v, February 3rd.

RICH CUT GLASSBrilliant Cut Glass, including all the new pat­

terns of deep, Rorat and combination cuttings.

Comports, Jugs, Orange Bowls, Vases, Bas­kets, Ice Tubs, Fern Dishes, Clelery Dishes, NutBowls, Mayonnaise Sets and num erous other articles.

2.50 Each.Value 3.50 to 5.00

Ice Cream Trays, W ater Sets, Footed Punch Bowls, Cabarets, W hiskey jugs, C laret jugs, Vases, Fern Dishes, Cheese and C racker Plates, Sandwich Plates, etc.

5.00 Each.Value 7.00 to 10.00

-natural floral design, 101 formerly 27.50, 20.00

DINNER SERVICESExceptionally Low Prices

Limoges China, pieces,

Limoges or Austrian China, green or P*n| floral border, 101 pieces, formerly 35.00, 2o.00

Limoges China, -border decoration with coin gold handles. formerly 39.00, 29.00

Limoges Chin a ,-g re e n and pink border de­sign with coin gold handles, formerly 65,00, 52.a0


English Chamber Suite in M ahogany or W hite Enamel,— Bureau, Chiffonier and Toilet Table; all dull finish with large plate glass m irrors.

regularly 64.50, 55.00

Colonial Suites in Mahogany or W hite Enarnel, —Bureau, Chiffonier and Toilet Table; ooelyhn-ished; all with plate glass mirrors. J5.00

regularly 97,50

French Model Chamber Suites in Mahogany or W hite E n a m e l-B u re a u , Chiffonier and Toilet T a b le ,-d u ll finish, large mirrors. IW.OO

regularly 116.50

inMassive Three-piece Colonial Cham ber Suite

M ahogany,—B ureau, C h iffon ie r and ToiletTabic wTtriaVge plate glass mirrors All drawer partitions dustproof. regularly 133.00, IIO.OU

Circassian W alnut Chamber Suite,— Bureau, Chiffonier, Toilet Table and double-size Bed,

regularly 151.50, 125.00

Brass Beds & Mattresses

Drake. No record of his ances­tors or the place or dale o f bis blrtli. He protialili' was born 1890. and at the time or 111* dektji IKed at Goahfii, Orange coiintj'. N. Y. Hla will la dated I'Vbru- a iv *, 1779. and Is recorded In New Vurk.In It he Is aald to be old. He betjiiemlii'* lu MBi ti.a, hla wile, the farm diiilnR life * 11.1 to Ills 80119. t li.. BunJainln, .loaetdi. Sainuel. tV'llllaiii and Zephaiilali. and to the heirs of hla aon John Drake. deccHsert He also mentions three daughtcra atid tW'i gi’Kiid-daugliters. The executor* Wire Captain Colville Bi'adner and Ins anil, joeeph Drake. The iaiida and mills In King* and IJtieer.a rountiea. Lons is l­and. deacended lo him on the ileatli uf hlB giaiidtather. Adam Rruer.

In an aaseaanienl mil ut real and per- aonal property ot in lie btianta In 767C. tiie name ot Adam Brener apjiears. as.xlii in lasa. and In thla last Instance among tlie property ae-xeased la land aiid,^^ mill.

Colville .17? adner waa a aoiii»f Rev John Rradiier. tlrxt minister of the Prerbvtr- itBii Ciiun h at Goslini. Y.

Joseph tiriilte. "Oil uf John Drake, wae liuni AuEii*t I'i. plaoe unknown; heniarrleJ Janiiiir.v J*. 1753, .'jm.v Caiinen. d-iuglitei uf M llUatn I'arnien. uf Janiulcii. giieen* C(.tini.v. Long Isliuid She war born iMav II. 17J7. and died at t'lieste? tjrange I'unnty, N. Y.. .Aiigual iii. l*tn Joeeph Drake also died Ihei'e, August It. IStiT. Tliei' liiid aix children all horn at Cliesler: Zephanlah. Daniel, Cailteiitie. Rulli, Keslali und Klizabeth.

The name of Ensign Daniel Drake aa)- pear* ainoiig liie ftlgnera ot a polltital pledge 111 (loKheii. At that time he was nlneleeit year* tild and held rank enaigti In the mIMIIa His father. Joseph Drake, waa also a signer during the Revolntlen- ar-r War. 177t;. Tn 17sa he was In the city of New York.

In a list of marriage* filed In the sen e- lai'y of Stale's office at Albany, N. Y., t* that of Daniel Drake to Elisabeth Golden, ■Mateli if), 177S. No mention made o f him pfier the war waa over. Be may have left with the lli'lltali Army when it evacu­ated the etty In ITSI. No mention la made of him In hla father's will.

Cntherine Drake married Oliver Smilh a! SI. Paul * t'hnri'h, New York, qnd was the mothei of Joseph Drake Smith.

fiuth Drake married a Mr, Sloat, of the fn lted States Navj'.

Kealah Drake married a Mr. .Ymbld and lived In Savannah, Ga.

Eltaabetb Drake married Ichabod Wloapa and lived somewhere lb Orange County.■Joseph Drake'* will is dated February 17. laOT. and I* recorded at Goshen. T li* executor* sere lohn Springateed, John Telverlon and hi* grandson, Joseph Drake Smith. -

SMi rH -W llllam Smith wtte bom ■ at Hempstead, Queen* I'ounty. abntU 17)0, x.

Oliver Smith, son ot WUHotn amilh. born on I-oog leland. October 18. 1751. He died at Chester. July 15, 110 . Cathe erijie Drake, his wife, died In New York City, April 13. 1M8, They had twelve chUe dren: 1 Daniel Drake BmUli. born 1T75, died ia«; ! Fanny., bom November, ITU,; died March. ISM; 3 Joseph Drake BrnHlIr' born 17WI. died 1855. He wae christengfl gi. Sf.'FauTs Church, New York, In ITO. Of* ter the Brlliah Army evaqqgt^, and ffW named after W* two grandtiUMra, J o *^ tjqaktt and WtIRam 9mli^ but A^ttr tlM deetb of Ida next auceedlof bmtbef, aeiih dfMte, who lived but a few iiwi tf|t' lie dropped the William from hi) IKLWd? y Jcoiph Drake SrnflH. bom Auent) 1?^ died TrS). 5. Aipy Smith, bora Jagtigoilt. IIM, died September, l^ v $ Caibertofeborn February, H81, dled_.;,.,.........

nlthr i » m M a l ^ E W t i « » 4 * * i« i 1R0, ik Saphanlalb'ham'ittfeb.

150 Fine Brass Beds with 2-inch continuous tubing heavy lateral filler rods, best English lac­quer, all sizes. regularly 22.50, 15.50

75 Twin Brass B eds—2-inch columns with ornam ented caps, best English lacquer, bright or Etruscan finish. regularly i r OO, 12.50 each

M attresses made from best quality Black H orsehair Drawings, in plain or Twin Bed sizes. regularly 25.00. 19.50



Early Spring models in advance styles of Tai­lored Suits. M aterials include fine Serge, w hip­cord, Eponge and all the new fabrics now b c i ^ shown. 25.00 to 59.50

Tailored Suits in a variety of handsome fabrics and models, 12.50,16.50 and 19.50

regularly 19.75 to 35.00

Tailored Suits of Rough Diagonal Serge orB ro a d c lo th ,-d re tty models.^^^^_ ^

regularly 42.50 to 55.00

Tailored Suits of imported >” »tcrUls,—hand­some models.

value 55.00 to 72,50

Sm art Afternoon Dresses of Y ;lv c te e n ,- numerous models. ^^d 16.50

regularly 25.00 to 35,00

Tailored S treet Dresses of fine English Serge and Eponge,—several smart models. 14.50

regularly 21.50

Afternoon Dresses of Satin Charmeuse In p l .i„ or drewy new Spring models.

regularly 25.00 to 29.50

- ^ 1




t r »cerpospui



W. YVlga











-;a-3 I

"m trm

, Thgimu, b^'.?

'AAi.'*; ■Sfii-

m ».rjrOhg SlOtt',, u«r. A M WC la. Hew__ _______ _________ HPDrake BmlMi; bbrikHewafJb * ; JK iWi at « Ifetcer rtiM

w ^ - « •’ ■'' f ■ ■



hS-ft- 'm u


7-r'L ;,p if

C R E A M J l J i . .Adds cheer and Comfort to ^

eveningi jt home—gives pleasure to |guests—a dew zest to afty meal. The belt '

^winter tonic for all the family.tTiri Order from foot Dealer or Flibae RliulBet 8S3(l‘'i:

Geo* W. Wies^wyer, hii&FAMOUS 60TTIED BEE^


















n th

t o r ach


I 5(0 rat


e or





;e In

' loitractors at East Side Hi^h - toLook After FtfcttreofVO'

catkmal Students.


InorMstnff trend towtrd the reftlljr practical hi oduratlon, Is eieinplifled In th« Eaat Bldo Coinmarctal and Manual Training High School, not only In thfl l^ular course of study, but In now pl&iis bslng made to Increase Its efficiency. Definite work In this direction Is bcina done by Edwin A. MacCready. who Is In cbaiife of the mechanical department.

Mr. MacCready. who was euperlcr of Industrial and manual training In iho schools of Syracuse, N. T.. before coming to take charge of the work at the East Side Hlffh School, last September, haa studied his specialty, both from an edu* catlonal and coitimerclal viewpoint. Tell­ing during this week hla plans fur de­veloping the echooru value to the pupha as prospective wage-earners In this city,he sold:

*'My Idea Is to take each Industry and trade and get definite information, con­cerning not only wugfi coii(i1llon«, but possibilities for aclvantcnient In ilifrervnt pursuits.''

The ultimate welfare of pupils |h receiv­ing consideration In ilda way, the thought of their probable advancument afir*r en- tarliig on their carvers, including not only the question of wages, but albii (hat of avoidance uf employmenia Involving the continuous doing of one thing, rather than advancement to niore skilled labor. Factories and shops are also being ob­served as to their equipment with oafety devices, and the regularity and effective­ness of their fire drills.

Much of the Informallnn being gathered will be printed In leaflet form and dis­tributed among the pupils to aid them In ohoOBlng Occupations and preparing for them. As another means of bringing ths Industries and (he sclmo] In closer touch, repreeenfatlvea of the trades are to be Invited to ghe talks to the stu­dents.

Boys leaving school and entering em­ployment will not br lost sight of. whether graduates or not. The Idea Is to keep In touch with them and ilieir employers and maintain statistics of their personal records. It la hoped that even­tually these records will form a basis for tables allowing tJie <’omparat1ve earning capacity of tralriM vnrkers and

.yWill be of URc uh proving the ulilniale gain of a longer etay In liool.

Present ponditlona In the llvf»s t>f the pupils are not dlsregardod In planning their future, und It Is uie Intpiitlon (o draw (he home and «:lio I Into a closer reltttlouHhlp ao that pap-nln and teachers may consult an to lh>- pupils' welfare. The teacher, U Is felt, after visiting the home of a pupil and realizing the en­vironment and inritiencfS affecting him will be In a position to help and advise him more wisely,

Tangible results of a term's training will be shown In an exhibit of work by pupils In tho various courses, Including that of the sludenls In the evening claifseB. Factory employrnenl along the Jtnea which they are piirnulng in echnol will be sought for the summer vacation, that these weeks out of school may be made a period of definite growth in the dlreclloii of their vocational training. This will be held In March.

Immediate wage-earning Is not the aim all the pupils, as fully one-half of

those now enrolled are taking the general courae, preparing for a normal school, higher technical school or college. Though the school will not have a grad­uating class until June, 1914, an excel­lent promotion record Is being made at each setnl-annu&l test.

The enrolment Is expected to be 590 on the opening of the s>»rond semester Mon­day. and a high average of attendance Is being maintained.

A table ot statistics of high school en- rolrnent and attendance given by-^lJr. A. B. Poland, city BupurlntendeiU, in Ida last annual report, shows the East Sid© School as having the highest average. The percentage as given there for the three schools Is: Barringer High School, 94.8; Central High, 91.5. and East Side. 94.7.

This flchool also claims the Largest honor roll In proportion to the enrolment,

• « «Ulse Jessie M. Bancroft, aeslstant direc­

tor of physical training of the New York public schools, will deliver a lecture on the "Triple Posture Test," at the Belmont Avenue School, on ^Hiuraday afternoon. All teachers from the third to the eighth grade. Inclusive, have been urged to at­tend In ft circular Issued by Dr. A. B. Poland, city superintendent.

* « *Another does for the deaf Is to be

opened In the James street School early this month, making the sixth of these ■peolal classes, Each la limited to ten iuplli,

• « •Lectures, at Billot Street and Lincoln

iehoola on Monday night will open the MCOQd course of lectures for the people ttoder the auspices of the Board of Edu- cation- The program will cover six weeks, beginning with twelve lectures at several centres next week. Excepting on Sundays, when the lectures are given at 4 o'clock Id the afternoon, the hour la S:15 in the evening- The echedule for the coming week is as follows: Monday, Elliot Street. "Among the Cannibals of the Upper Congo," by Oabrlel Reid Magvdro: Lincoln School, "'Wonders of the Key­stone," George H. Broentng Tueudny, Avon Avenue, "Abraham Lincoln, the First American," Ernest A, Reed: Bruce Street, "Niagara to the Ocean," Mr, Reed. Wednesday, Bergen Street. "The l^oas of the Steamablp Titanic," Rev. Henry R- Bou;- East Bide High, 'T^y Life in the HUuUltye Emptre," T. Alexander Cairns;

t LttCayette Street. *Tbe National Park In the Wblte Motiintalns." George N. Cross,

Thursday, Ridge Street, "The Mightiest Csofbn In' the World," Arthur K. Peck.

Alexander Street, "Htmtlng Wolves on Snowshoee," James A. Crulk- MsaolCl Morton Street, "Storm Heroes of Our Coset," Arthur ^ Peck. Saturday, Oentral High, "The Mightiest Canyon In the World," Mr. Peck; llawthorne Ave- not, **8naeblne and Shadows In the Life a f'g OMl Itiner,'’ Frank 8. Mtlmon.

m ry tM n g will b « don« (u ii right—no losi~no dtmage. Our motor vons are extra large and extra hgavp padded, manned by epeclal men, and we move you under an absolute guarantee of

satisfaction. Why not get our estimate? It will siircly pty you.

’Phone 3441 Market.

IREASONABLE RATES—Any Size JobWashliigion, lndUn«f>ollR. Rochester. Si. Paul Denver. Colurnbuu, Worcester. Grand Rapids, Cambridge and Fall River. Numerous smaller mimlclpalliles lisve adopted the Idea.

■'Tht- Important place unsigned to wom­en lit American education h«H boconje iO ueutti as to excite little comment In this country; yet American conditions Iti this reape<'l are the reverae of ihoae of Tnoel nations. U la probably safe lo say that in no other country In the world are there SH many womrn (cachtTB. proportionally, aw In the Tnlted Hiat -s; In fact, men teachers greatly outmimher the women In most European countries.



sorts of art objects which he has gen- erously exhibited at hls home amid the shops uf West Eighth street.

The annua! exhibition of the .Ktnerican Water Coh>r Society will be held In the Knot-dier gallery, 656 Fifth avenue, from Mar-'li ;; to 15. Exhibits will bs- received by W. H. Dudworth A Son» , im West P’lfty-aecond alreet, Mon<lfty, Kehniary -4. The exhibition Is confined In niiglnal works In water colors, which have never been publicly exhibited In New York.

William T. EvnTiB. of Montf lalr, has Offarod a prize of J300 for the most niorl- tous water color In the exhibition painted by an American artist. The prize will be aw icded by a jury made up of former prize winners who are debarred from the contest.



County Conuussions Not Unit in Favorinf Hudson Reiuest

for Reduction. |


W'hetlier or not. aa ban brnri a^syerled. thft Golomia Mfikaiua, the most talked about picture In the Mmgari cuJIecUoii now on cxhlblllun at llm MelroiKilitaii Muneuni, Ihc iniipOrtaiii plenumfver brnughl to Ami-rlca, !l Is well worth H llrtle serlouH uintemplalinn. While the exact figures have not been (.-fft- clalJy uiinouneed, ll Is known itiat Ihls Raphael [lalnling fetched a great price. fTI-'cs, to be sure, iire not always a .sure Inflex 10 the artlfltl<‘ vfiluf ot an | F'ehruary 6 «iibjert, yet In this Instance It may be taken as a rtrelty good Indlratlon that tlie Mftdoniia Is proliably without a peer in this country.

The name ‘ ‘olonna belongs only hc- rhlenially to this grcM painting and la due t ’j the chance timt lirouKht It Into Hip possession Of that im[)nr1anl Roman family to whh'h MlchelangchiB friend ^■Ulo^a belonged. It was not bought )>v the Colonnas, hukvrver. until tiearly l:oi) years a fter it waa palnicd. They owned ll for anoih< t' hunrired years, then K passed into tin hatidp of the Sicilian K ing Franf^la and drlffcd with him to Spain, ft Wirt to Parlfl next and rented in the I,<nivr*' for a while.From tlieri- U was takiii to London, w'herr* It was .■<hnwTi lu two gullericH. Now It la the gmry of (he greatest of Ameri­can art cojlcctors.

In conipOHlhon, (ho Colonna MadonnaPHoriKa tu the elasH of paintiiiKS caUed, by Ihe old rnasters. dt*\otloiial pictures.A de\ot|oriaI plcturt; differed from a hlstoriiHl representation of any of th©Holy Family, or of the prbphcts, niartyra, nr >‘\angells(fi. and represented the sainted personages without action, usually comprising a group called a 'sacra conversazione' -meaning a com- niuninn of holy beings.

The order In wliich these porHopagei might appear was unvarying, except that ft beneficent donor might stand in some high plSi© of honor; or the patron saint for whom the rdeture was painted could mnunand special local slgnlflcancfl; or g, martyrdom might he exalted All of these details, however, were under the order­ing of the i;liurch authorlllos.

In (he Colonna Madonna, which was painted as the Madonna d© Saint Antonio (Of Padua), the subject Is the Virgin En­throned. She la the Moat Holy Virgin, mother of God. She slta upon a throne barked by a cloth of crimson and gold with the nimbus about her head and the Child upon her knee. The two great apofltles, Saints Peter and Paul, stand next to her'ftnother fixed rule of prece­dence In old pictures. Irr works of art. these two apostles are- seldom separated and may be seen, on© on either side of a thimne or an altar, or even of an arch, aa If they signified support. They were chosen to stand iiexi to tho Saviour or the Virgin,

Tn this picture a book, representing the Gospels, ft usual symbol of th© evangel­ists or apostles. Is In the hands of each.The two women arc the flalids Anne and Rosalia, of Palermo. The latter bears the palm—the symbol of marlyrdom-and (he wreath of rosefl that always marks this flftlnt.

God the Father appears at the top of tho picture bearing the globe—the eymbul of sovereignty. Until the end of tlie twelfth century the only representation of tho Father was that of a hand issuing from the clouds, usually in the gesture of benedlclioii. Afterward appeared a face In the clouds, in pictures of the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries. By the beginning of the fifteenth century the en­tire figure was painted.

Since the sixteenth century a reUictanoe to attempt to paint the divine glory has resulted In the figure of the triangle—the geometrical symbol of the Holy Trinity— find the radiating circle, aa the embleraft by which Supreme Deity la represented.The actual figure of the Father Almighty tn tho lunette of the Colonna Madonna 19 historical proof that the pinturo whs fainted some time between the middle of the fourteenth and beginning of the slx- teenlh century.

As a malter of fa.t, the picture was painted In IDW. The Chrlat i-hlld eunforms to a mtich earlier cuatem In being cloth­ed With a tunic "as It pleased those sim­ple and pious ladles that He should be."The simple and pious ladies were the nuns of tho Convent of St. Anthony at Perugia, where the picture waa painted at their order.

Even color waa rigidly ftied by church canons, Here, the tunic ot the Christ child la whlte-the symbol of life and light: the tunic of Balnl John indicates divine love and the blue garment of the Virgin signifies heavenly love and truth

AM ERICAN ART G A LLK R IE S -M ad i­son tkiUrtP© Souili. Art and literary trfas-

o f th© lilt© M r D Bord©n. February 7.

AM ER ICAN N r M1S M A T I r .4( C IRT Y -Broadway at 156(h 8t. Exhlhlllon by Joan of Arc Statue Fund. Until February 7. Sundai’H. 1-5

ANDFKHON G A LLE R IE S - Madl^-oii Ave at #'th St PaJnter etching©, engrav- IngK arul color [>rlntB. from collection of MIsm M ri. Noe, of Jersey City. To be


30:' .Madison Ave. Ijoan exhibition of paintlnRs by Robert Blum, to wbirli own- ©rh of pici\irfH by thlB artist are renue*!*^! to (’ontrlhiitf. ^

DODD * LIVTNGSTON-Fourth Av*. athl Vili St. Original drawings by George Crulkshar^k and John Taiinlel,

nU E ICER GAL1.FRTE9—560 Fifth Ave. The Gortr Clilnese porcelains Three ©x- airiplfB nf fafnmjp hawthorri Jars.

DURAND R U K [^5 West S6th SL riaiide Monet's views Of Venice.

EHRICH G ALU CRT—163 Fifth Ky*. An­nual Hpanlsh exhibition.

F IS fT IE R G ALLERIE S—46Ti Fifth Ave b’ r^riCli elgliU'erith century paintings. A flue Watteau, ft Fragonftrd. and oilier ex­quisite ©xainpleH by Robert. Pater and Hc-uioher.

GJMFKl, & \VlLDKNBTEAlN-63fi Fifth Ave. Paintings by Henry Caro-D©]vall!e, Ini'hirting portraits o f Mme. Simone, Les Trol.s Hopurfi arid others.

( tOKHAM rO M P A N Y -F lfth Ave. nnd 36fh Hi. Hromes by Anna Coleman l^add

HAH LO & CO.-Ses Fifth Ave Anderw Zorn's etchings.

HODOK1N&-630 Fifth Avft. The great bed of Talipyrand. w llli a few other p Ipcp-b of furniture df ttie epoch, occupies a rnom. A. Phllltppo Mercler picture of Pamela and a Ducrolx. The acttliig haa been mode for the picture. The portraits by Downman will continue indefinitely.

K A T Z G ALLERY- lOi West 74th St. Paintings by Bolton Brown.

K E E R G A LLE R T-B road 9t„ 0pp. City Hall. Thumb box sketches by American painters,

K E P P E L G A L I.E R Y-4 Eext 59th St. Engra\’©d portraits.

KNOEDLER OALLERT-55C Fifth Ave. Rowlandson's color drawings. Until Feb­ruary 15. National Association of Por­trait Pabiteis; second annual exhibition.it erat'ntil February H. Louis Kronberp's re-

Untll FebrU"

21.5029.50 JS

Green representa hope und victory; red, royalty and creative power. Saint Peter and Saint Paul always wear blue tunica in old pictures.

Saint Peter Is here represented as an oio roan with white hair und beard and Saint Paul with a lofty bniw, partially bald, and with a long high Intellectual nose. These likenesses may havs some authen* Uo source since both ot them were cur. rent days of Eusebius.

The other pictures tn the Morgan collec- T ti»-«e l«ioa dapartment of the East tlon are, without exception, gems. Bach

BMa OWnnarelal and Manual Training one Is not only a masterpiece but a rt- sWgti Bnliaol will be visited hy Dr. John tnarkably fine example of the work of Its d Ctanlta^ at Chicago, next week. Dr. I artist. The pictures are all too tmpor- OoiUter la making a study of elementary j taut for a cursory glance or a slight do-

I as given in the newer high j scrlptlon.

UQpktnson Smith Is the chalrmah of a company of authors and Illustrators, dis­tinguished tn the field of letters, who propose to give a testlroo^al dinner on Pehruary » to Alexander W. Drake, for many years at the head ot ths art de­partment of tho Century Magarlne. A number ot the New York literary and art clube are Joining in the affair,

Mr Drake Is remembered by old real- dentt of this city as a Newarker. WU- Uam NelaoD recalls (ome of hli drawings

■obodli 4 f Uila country. Dr, Omoe Be Oool^i In chaagt of the actnnee deport* .■Wkt nt 2 u t Side, will make an ad- dreie a t « meeting o f the BioiogieeJ Aa* ■oolntloii of Ifew York City, to be held •d SrMBnu Roll HIsb Schcwl, next Frt* deye ^Ose o f the new methods Intro- d M d by Dr. Cooley in her teochlnff wli] ho deioribed by' her at that meeting.

How women have advanced from the eduottlanal rank* to the hisbeBt admlnle* tmtlta pesltlone In the publlo aobools, la ihown by figures recently complied hy the tJaiied States Board of BduoaUon.

ft bulletin Just Issued, the board * thftt four Btates-Colorado, Idaho,

cent pluturea of the stage, ary 15.

KRAU8HAAR GALLBRT-360 Fifth >v©. Three paintings by Zuboaga: an ©x- Mbltlbn In thcmBelves The Spanish Gipsy la s marvel of brilliant execution.

MACBETH GALLERY—ISO Fifth Ave, Fflul Doherty'a new palmlngs: greatly InlenaJfled In fixpresalon. They are rich and broad, full of ui;l€xpected power, An In­teresting collection of fugitive pictures fU1& the outer room.

METROPOIdTAN MUSEUM - Fifth Ave. at Slst St. Morgan collection re cently brought from lAondon. One of the principal events of the art season. i

MONTR08S GALLEBY--5r4) Fifth Ave. [ Garf Melcher'a jittlntlngs, until Febru- \ ary 22.

MOUIjTON & RTCKETTS-537 Fifth Ave. Paintings by Ralph Blakclovk,

NEW ARK MUSEUM-Free Public Li­brary. Engravings, etcjtingg ami litho­graphs by mod4;rn German artists Per­manent rolleiUlon Including bronxea, Ital­ian faience, medals and sculpiiire.

NEW YORK PUBLIC L lBRARY-H alg elchlugH In the Stuart Gallery. Bngra\etl portraits of Washington In room 321.

NOANK STUDIO SHOP-An exhibition of tiny plclureB by the puplla of Mr. Dow; Bmaller even than the ordinary thurnb.box canvases. Panels by HaHetl Ijord are among the heat. Also pictures by Paiil Cornoyer, Mary TannahiU. Alop Benient, Robert Henri and others.

PH0T0-SP:CE8S10N g a l l e r y - s\ Fifth Ave. Water irolora and olJs by John Marin. They Include the Woolworlli buildlug series, the Berkshire and ALi- rondfick groups.

POWELL GALLERY-SIxlh.Ave- aho'-' 5Lth St, Paintings by Emil and John Carlson. Allen Cochran. Cecil Chichester, Colin Campbell Cooper and others, A rep- resen(rit1v’'e group.

PRANG GAlJ_.BRlES-358 Fifth Ave. Irish pictures by Power O'Malley, an Il­lustrator In "Life.'l^ First exhibition In lljia country of plct'ures of Ireland. Open 10 to 4.

SCHOOL OF APPIjIED DESIGN FOR WOMEN—Lexington Ave. and 30th St Twachtman paintings.

SCOTT & FOWLES-590 Fifth Ave. Por­traits by Sholto Johnstone Douglas, in­cluding that of the Duchess of Con­naught.

STRATTSS GALLERY-285 Fifth Ave. Water colors by Florence Robinson

SAINT MARK'S ON THE BOUWERIE —Second Ave. and 10th St. Pictures by seven women.

VAN CORTLANDT MUSBUll-Ncedle- work pictures dated from 1625 to 1800. Until March 1. Admission frea except on Thursdays,

CLUB EXHIBTTIONS- CITY CLUB-56 West 44th St. Paintings

by Albert L\*eaB.LOTUS CLUB-'llft WeBt B7th St. Paint-

IrgB owned by Jatnea G, Shepherd, of Scranton. Including three Millets, a Mauve, Corots, Dlaxes and Israel ses. In- nesB, Wyant and other AmeiicanB are represented.

MACDOWELL CLUB—108 West 66th St. Tha present excellent group will close Its exhibition on February 4. The new exhi­bition, beginning on Thursday, February 8, Is to be composed of nlite women ar­tists' work.. Atpong then) several who recently exhibited together; Rhoda Holmes Nlcholr, Charlotte B. Coman,

liOrislallon tending to reduce the maxi­mum. amount o f funds whkh may be ap­propriated in each cuuniy for mosqiUto work, was dtscussed ut a meeting. Of the EbSex County Mosquito Exermlnatlon Uommlfislon yesterday nfiornoon. at witch members o f the commissluiis of adjacent counllea were present.

The ratlngb as sul/tuluid in an amend* mciil to the present Uw, proposed and prepared by the leglflhi.ilve‘ ronimltlee. and made public In the News of Thuraday. did not meet with the unanln>i.Tus approsal ©f the Joint commlaelons

Dr. Ralph li. Hunt, prealdent of the Eb- sex County Board, object'd particularly lo a reducikm of (ho maximum working oftptlal lo a figure "h* !.iw a practicable appropriation. ' The taiih' o f ratlngu as prepared left Essex « ‘" iii(y with a rating oI one-tWelfth of a mill on each dollar of ralftbleA. Thle meanl a Lb-ductlon yf the maximum figures fium about IH'IJUX) (n lk'»8,000. The commlbHion li,sL jea r requlie<I aboul 000 for lie v.-uik

It WHH p«jlntcil oui ihttt Hudson County wanted the hill ho aiiiriidod that In no year could (ho counly be colled upon to pay [11010 than for- such work. MrHunt wanted to know why the appropria­tion In Eaacx ( ’oirnty should b© cut In o r­der 10 oblige HudstJiv County.

Spencer M iller, .if South Orange, vice- prealdunt o f th*- ^Nsex commission, do- •'lared that ih«' iM-opl© o f this county W'ero demandtn^; more Hatlsfactory work.

"W e 've goi to dn Ijrtter," said he. 'am i we canT Wuik un lim ited up;iru])riR- tion. W g need ne>re money. There la no place In itie world when: they do this sort o f work effectively for kss than tw elve cents per Inhabitant”

Mr. Hunt afhrmrd that he wf>uld not attempt in rve on the comrnlsHUin on an appropriiilinn limited to 468,000.

"The fact that H 1h not generalL known how mouqultoes breed." Bftld he, ■'is the only reason fo r oppo«1lion to Ih© expense of rarrylug on thia work. ‘

The airipridtnenl f* the present law reducing the maximum wcftking capital was pre[>nred In order to meet ‘ ho ob- Jecilon.s of Hudson (.'ounf* It dared lhai in other couuUpw there W’l*.

If Hiiy, oppoaillonThe niiilii object of (In' uirienriTnenl is

to stop further action on the rcp>?aler lillL llireatens thi al)andonnienlof the law In this Blale providing fur the ©xtcrmlnarion work It was de­cided at tlie meeting ycPlerda.v (hat the present law should be amended so as lo empower the director at the Irflate E x ­perimental Btatinh to reduce or modify '■ any and a ll proposals and esilm alee whenever and w'herevcr he deemed th© expression o f Hie taxpayers of Ihe county In queetlnn w-arranted It.

U was determined t " call a ronfer- encp of members of all the commisfilons in Hie State fo r a discussion o f tlie best means of amending the present law pat- lufftCtorlly. It waa also 4l©cldtnl (o hold a public hearing In th'; near fn liirr on the repealer bill, lo determine the gen ­eral sentiment regarding It.

The joint committee appointed on the amendment question Included WHllam Delaney, o f Hudson County, chairman of the leg is la tive committee: Louis J. Richards, o f Union County: Dr. Ralph H. Jlunt, of Essex County, and Dr, Jacob T- Llppman, d irector o f th© ex ­perimental station at New' Brunswick.


The Danish Government today an­nounced Us acceptance of the Invita- iloii to participate In the Patiamfl-Pu- rlfic Exposition. The Danish Minister at Washington, Ccmataiilln Rrun. has been Instructed to select a site for a building. W'hlch Bhall be adequate for the representation of DenmajHi^________

'English 'Beauty TellsC o m p l e x io n S e c r e ts

("Kllse" In American Home.)Through ft fortunate meeting with an

’EngUah lady, noted fur her daziUng com­plexion, 1 learned th© full meanljigof that old adage. "Beauty Is bul skin deep." S;he laught me how to rumove my muddy old Bklri, revealing the youtig and beautiful Hkin underneath. The proceas is so almple. hotmloBs and Inexpensive, I'm sure you ll be glad to know about It. Juat get an ounce of ordinary mercollted wax at any dfug atora and apply nlghily, like cold cream, for a week or so. Every morning In wauhlng off the wax. tiny particles of worn-out cuticle come off. too. The action la iO gentle and gradual, there’ s no discomfort. It a a won­derful treaimeni, aa It not only peels off fhfl faded or dlacolored wkln. but all of l(« defects, ae chapB. roughneBB. freckles, p|m- plee. hloirhes, blackheada.

1 am Indehled to the Home lady for a remarkable wrlTiKle-removlng formula. One ounce powderrd saxoUte !:* dissolved in a half plot wllfh harel. Um '1 ft* a face bath, this la so eltecUvc ihat applicationcauaes ihe finer llnee lo Jliinppear. and soon even the deepest one* go.—Advertisement.

mhloh In the early Blxtlea, wer® deemoife >-Anna FlghcL Jane Peteraos, Helen Wat-worthy of being framed and huag — ----- ---— ‘“i-In the old Hlgb Bonooi, ot which he was a nupll Mr. Drake, Instead of develop­e r M. .r.utin talent as a praettUoner,

Son Phelps, Clara Weaver Parriab, Mar­tha Walters, Helen Turner, AJethea Platt

SADMAOUNDI CLUB—l i West 12th St, Bneclal exhibition.

Largest Stock tlonse I d the^tate

We can supply your wants for photographic material and save you mon4V-




M ail yoar film% fo us to be developed, printed and enlarged

Chester L ColtonEiEamiDK PBOioouraicv

19 Academy St, ftS.J'Y.'o.Phona BWlft

K C ^ M A

Largest in the State" * .i.■•v - it-

FIDELITY Savings Departm ent Pays Substantial

Interest on Deposits

TRUSTA c c o u n t s o p e n e d o n

o r B e fo r e F e b . 4, D r a w

In t e r e s t f r o m F e b . 1COMPANY

Prudential Building, Newark

Start your accouut Monday


The Mutual Life Insurance Company

of New YorkR e c o r d o f 1 9 1 2 ,

The close of the 70th year of the oldest company in America shows amount of insurance in force $1,550,888,063^ a gain of $45,913,401 — and an increased amount of new insurance paid-for during the year, $157,067,823, including restorations, increases and dividend additions— a gain of $16,053,452. Other notable features of the year's record are;

$599,125,04^.26Admitted Assets, Policy Reserves, Total Income,


Total Disbursements, 71,672,098.91Payments to policyholders, $60,965,488.96, include dividends paid to the amount of $15,006,-

280.25; while the sum of $17,368,046.93 has been apportioned for dividends payable in 1913— an increase over the amoont paid in 1912 of $2,361,766.68, and a larger sum than has ever been ap­portioned for dividends in a single year by any other company in the world.

Balance Sheet December 31st, 1912.A S S E T S

Real Estate................ $23,532,623,87Mortgage Loanst........................ 139,691,244.47Loans on Policies.......................... 80,059,863. ?6Bonds ............................................ 308,825,070.28Stocks ............................................ 33,583,071.00Interest and rents, due and

accrued ...................................... 6.550,812.81Premiums in course of collec­

tion ............................................ 4,072,051.09Cash ($1,889,812.54 at interest). 2,196,742.05Deposited to pay policy claims.. 613,566.93

L I A B I L I T I E SNet Policy Reserves....................$482,570,537.00Other Policy Liabilities........Premiums, interest and Rent

paid in advance..................Miscellaneous Liabilities........Estimated Taxes, Licenses, eic

payable in 1913........................Dividends payable in 1913........Reserve for future Deferrei

Dividends ................................Reserve for Contingencies........





Total admitted assets......... $599,125,046.26 Total liabilities.................5599,125,046,26

Frank W. AI1ams» Manager Firemen’s Insurance Building

Newark* N. J.

THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Home Ofttce, 34 Nassau Street, New York. N. Y.


N E W A K K E V m S f g i H W r s . B A I U B P A T . P E B B P A I g ' T . I M S .


OfBtsotmirnpi. wv«irrinprrs. kto,] nEccicBmt*. »rviBgni»nfc iim

M M ijl


E S. G fitei, Chid Forester, R e j ^ to Critics of Stomp*

a|e Prices.


Proposed Structure at Summer and Second Avenues Will

Cost S40,000.



JlRfCtol RUTTfcO Of (A«WA8HINOTON. F«b. 1,-Henry B.

Qnvw , chief of the Forest Service, mido 4 street mniwer today to rriticlami which

circulated agafhut tire [>ol1ey K ^^S lIow ed hy the government in ni&king

Of timber from the national forest - Attacki on the Foreat Service on Ihii 1 have taken tho form of coinpialnlB

■■'.LV:.aibt tha government ougljt to undoreell ''iK ou ta ld e market by dlwpoajng of uiump-

n fw leiB than tht» market price to ^ lumber companlee whicli cut the tlm* ' » and raaell it to the conHumer lib', Qravea pointed out that if the grat- litll advice of hij critic* Ukcrp followed.

_|i'%boIe purpoie of conuervlng the tlitii* lar and disposing of it for the coneumer'i! wnafU, aa now worked nut. would be l traled.i^ h e government/' e ld Mr. ClravcB, ^e^d not Tnaterlallt lower the coni of

to the average consumer even if I were to reduce hy half the price MIWdA timber cut on the national iil|gtg. But It could enable many lum- Rj plCII to grow rich faat. Also, it could MlWduld prepare the way for a timber ijntijioly later that would be a monopolyrttk ft vangetDce.r«AttA lt •lUtfl 6( over llOft worth of natlonol ilHttt tlmbor ire made iftor idverllee-

: itDt for competitive bide. The forest ‘ e t lM l i prohibited by lew from eellliie i li-M y other wey. It !■ ileo prohibited

^llw from eellln* or offering for «ale timber until *fter It hee been Hp-

■ for leie then the appreleed

timber to be eold for I pee» n tti nurket v»lue, the low would

V i to be ohinged. Should It be------ ^ e d t Who would hive benetlted If

tImHr ictuelly eold l i « year hid { M ld 'ltt half the mirket price, or lewiS?

t ie general market price have rOUn to the purcliaeer from I he re- liM er? Not one cent, Tho juanu-

tW who out thta Inelgnlflcant trac- £ the bounlry'i total lumber cut have aold their lumber at the mar­ie, pocketing the |1 or ( I or B per ' MM' than the market price age which tha government

f" Hinted them. But If they had tha wholeialer for leaa, would he

Duded the preeent on to the re- And If the retailer had got any

[ i t It, would he have given It to the

i aajiblt the conaumer to benefit by ftimiifftf* price leee than purchaaera i t ftwiMCh afkod ready to pay, the gov-“ ...^ would have to manufacture,

lift Mid market the lumber, scll- _ iet)T to the conaumer from He

niUU lumber yarda.;Ut fumhir prieee where they are

ipvernnvent can get from fifty to i f per ihouBtnd for Ua etump-


Sgr oompelltlva bidi, the price ' on the location and kind of

: 4Sdd. Ten yeara ago It could not iln it away the atumpage which It

jt todhy.aervlee le aelling timber ae

-.gi thta can be done without eacrl- the IntoreaW of the public, II l» f avary effort conelalent with eound

_ J to dtapoae of the overripe atump- I W the foreita and bring the annual t W ^ portion of the yield. It

ii^pg commercial oppoj^nltlea on I t widely and euooeai^Uy. It i


kfita art fratned to Ihdet practl- I and lopgdng oondlUona. They

,.bp bitalneaa men and are l l r i * IhViatmenta.

Hall manufooturer la nought he la equipped to utlliae the

, But where the capital and or- _|!on of tho big operator are needed

iribivalop Inacceailble areae, large ealea p^jnade. r « t in all contracta holding jilbor for apeculatlon la prohibited and

payrawit of the proper value la as- fhd by frequent adjualmente of price.

| ■''Th1a policy la succeeding. The uac of njtonal forest timber on a aouiid and ‘■'ghla baala la Inoreaaliig rapidly, tvlth-

aoVon tnontba over 1,500,000,000 feet has aold. Many operators arc looking

I tho national forest* for new locations.the demand Is sustained the yearly

itet will ioon roach ll,ooa,000,0(l0 feet. The nual growth on a number of forests

Vhlcb are within reach of markets la now ally used. As transportation factlltlc*

extended this will bo brought about I, every forest,"

Work will begin In a week or so. it Is cjpooted. on a four-story apartment- house to bo built at Becoml and Bummer avenues for Harry Klodin. The cost wll! be ItO-OW. The building will he 'm hy !>; and the front will be of tapestry brick, with 'imeslnne trimmings.

There will be twenty apartmenis In the house, the number of rooma of each roug­ing from three lo five The mole hall i will have Hied flooring, with murhle | walnscotlngs. In the nllu-r stories there will also be Hied flnoiing. but tlie trim­mings will be of che.rlnnt, tkich apart­ment will havu a gaibngr- cloeru end * wall safe. There w-lU bo a \aviium clean­ing eyatem lliroughouf. |

Another large arlrtltlori Is In be maile tn j the plant of the Hulb*' h Smelting and Refining ronipanj . on liie bay I rout. The building, whlcii will piovldc a num­ber of furnaces for tienlliiR lead, will b,' conatrur-ted of steel and corrugaU'd Iron one-story high, to jnr-usure llOx-to feet lu ground area. The ller-lln Conalructlo.i Company has the coulravl for lire struc­ture, whicb will coat laj.OOO.

Roinolo Botteill has completed plana for a four-atory brick tenement bulldliig lor- bTarih Colavllu, to be erected In Sunriiilt place. The stiucluro will Irave jr^fionl- rrge of twenly-eltfbt foot atrd will be forty feet in depth, it is lo rroiuabr apartments for four families. Mr. Dotlelli haa also drawn plana for a foirr-story brick apartment building, to be crecitnl soon at 2! Jolrriaon avenue- Mrrtriv Bharft will be the owner of the emicture, which will meaaure about frOilOO feel There will bo three apartments on each floor, to be equipped with steam heal, electric Itglitliig. dumbwaiter. g«a ranges, hot water supply and Hied balhrooni. The building will cost about 130,000,

wiilltttn K. Lehmaii ha* drawn the plaira for the rebuilding of the leather plant of H. H. Nallrsn. at HU and 13t Frankfort strset, which was recently deairoyed by tire. Tho work will include the erectlmi of-a one-story brick Japan shop, lo cover an area of 80x90 feet, and a one-story trams stock room. Louis Tlien'a Soiia have the contract for the atruclure, which will cost about r.OOO.

Frank W. Hain will be the owner of a tlirce-slory brick store and apartment building, to be built at Clinton place and Tllllnghast street. The structure, which 1s estimated to cost 130,000, will be erected from plans designed by Frank Qrad. It will he fifty fret wide by alxty-clght feel in depth. There are arranged tliron stores and thirteen apartments, to cem- prise four and five rooms and bath. Mr, Orad has Just finished plans for two three-story frame slx-tarolly flats, which Abram Levy la soon to erect at Badger avenue and Marie place. The corner building will contain aparlmanta of five rooma and bath, while the other struc­tures will have front and rear apartments of four and five rooms.

The Oraton Investment Company Is ' erecting a two-story frame store and dwelling on the southwest corner of Frc- llnghuyaen avenue and Whittier place. The building, which will cover a plot 28.v7i) feet, will cea about 17,000.

At 900 Beaumont place, R. Arthur Hel­ler Is erecting a iwo-and-a-half-story frame two-tamlly dwelling, to coat about 18,000. The building, which will measure twenty-four feet wide by fifty-eight feet In depth, will provide fourteen rooms end two baths. Wllllain H, Bmlth Is the builder.

A three-story frame flat with accommo­dations for three families Is about to be Started at S92 geventeenlh avenue for Jacob Prager. Simon Cohen drew the plane for the building, which will cover o plot 23x63 feet. Tho apartmems will com­prise five and si* I'oomd and bath. About 36.500 will be expended.

diaries \V. L. Roche ilrustee) m Tyslllo Thomas. Mlllburn. n ' or Morris Inroplko and H o liy t at.InuitOli. anti oiber lia c l ........

Cui-idln,' It. rinc and liuaband i" lilliKiwth M. tlllllard. Kusl Orthg*-. s w s Rhode Island av 100 ft a efr Bedford »t. '3axl™l ..................

m iiabeih H Hilliard to |■ulf>llne n Pine f l ol. 1’bisl urungi-, samepi-tijjcnt

Amlli'W H ii.'Uii'i- le Hora.-f t tlllct*. Nutlet, JL s O iitrt. si a w . nr Isnd .Mhi-> a I'tinroj. t8i3tfi

Ibii-Bce r . (irP e tn Kllu M Cooper,.NTiilei-, same properly . ............

John F Monahan sheriff, tn Jakob Zlmmerer. Noiley. w * .Franklinuv 76 f l n fr Btngor si. [rivllili. ---

Hattie A I'ramei to Frederick H. Taylor. Oruiih“ . * e « Oakwood a» l» ( fl S IV fr' Mam ai, 30x1111

Frank tVllBuo et u i to Macy M tier. Ortingr, a w e Heywootl at 3tH) fl 11 w n- Rerkelet- av, K.'iin. ,

Mary M th e m t ’ ai.illne M WIlKon, Orjinge. * w * llejw uod at -ki ft It w fr Berkeley a. VCxlflt.

FdwanI i ' Kea licit el ns to .tndrewII Weller, Montclair, e * Orove m K ft H fr Cbilrldge I'oun, 60xl»J.and oiliei tract

Andiew H Weller lo Bt'ulah A Kcsllng, Montclair same properl '

' Wlilinm I. I'ai lor ei ui. lo .MIcIuk I .1 li.iylt- H r\, Mniil. lair, n p < nr Pe rkelcy pj ami N Mollnlaln ai. Ip.iil.Bi

Ml. Iiael J liiivle t-l lit to William Ji. Tayloi, .tfuntelair. e s Clf vl 111.': ti M fr Ifinil He. 'I‘ .Iinhn.Cl.l!i4 , ..............

iTarlfl* It Aniler.Hoii el uv to Itoi,.I r1 J.iliijstciii, .Vlolitclutr. cenli p I c- pei Mnnilaln hv ‘ ito ft I'r icTilre Helleilll.. at, IHUJ31

Louis l.evi l,j B.-njaiitlM 1. llaTil- euM. HelleviJIe, e * l.ltllien hV l eIt ti n I m il- nl. JjxlOil

llem lrtlii W. .MarcelU amJ InislflnJIII Jlarrt H. .Bt'lfrltlKi'. Kaet <u.cligi. s , III NTlUh at and S IMP hI .'ITxliJil....................................

I'.daaril Ilorklainl ft i* In |■o lP- lllis Kevlll. BltioliifleJil, n e i or Albln Flegnlinleler'fi land, -s s HIMSt. a * 114........ ..........................

Hiirberl c, Iti nillei el iilt to Jose­phine AiniHage. Montclair, B « Berkeley pi 340 fl r fr N Mountainav. i*ixl6.'i .........................................

John Monies ct a ll lo NP liolus Heil rj led Jr., Belleville, s e n lleckel si liCI fl H fr Monl.ss at. Sslfil

Biclisrcl ,\l. -Iloe et iix to t'liarles R. Hoe Jr,. KloQingiBld. n s Apple- ton lit 2*1 ft w fr Hillside uv. 81x200

(ilnoe Realty I'o. In Hanlel B. An- liu-ann ct ux, Kiisl Orange, n e enr Hilton si and North Park st. atisikl ................................... ...............




Three Projects Here Thin Material Market Generally ShowsDouble Record of Pre*

Tioos Week.


Heavy Stock in New York District.

TllH-i 1tlllfl lIlF I ’(OtHi GNtfur in it

►<*nntlg. two for i*'hoiil IiUiltJlnjo ftjr tt iluiii'h, v>rr»' prlii-

' •‘poiKitble for the J'liiip In Ihc uriitwl imoijiit of work pr<ivldlr*d

ij'jlldinit pcrmliH losucd diirlnfflhiU4 ■J'iif


11 '

1 I



1 !

h#' followlnc moi ttfagEfS were filedthe ifffrTalr! ft offlc'' \enlerda>

the wpfk finlcd yeht4driln>, to njortiw iiT Ijiu! of llie pro-i-rdiijif wef-kliitnl |]iU W'-ek irifrj.'ivi, ftsw II h l-d Inst wetU

1 h<- (li.t. lurgcai ppr.rilln ftmrmn ed to $rj iMTii iiin- was for H n-h<MJ*- lo hr ero' tfd >i!i JfihtiBon nvi-nuf, to i oal 000. ttii'Hii-:- wiie for nil Ji'idlllon !»' the Ahbifjttlfjii ' enuo Hrliool, l OwtlnK $il.iid0, and Iha Ihlid for Iho Third rhurch. sNorih, fiTi AhlriKi’j" livenoe Rlf»<r, the prh’p of whlrn Itn i-atiinuled at

111 nil, f<Miv-eIjjht ijormllM were awunT pii, fijiii 1-i'siM limn Ittidt Tlwjee ufJl.iifKi Ml- ii)«ir<' wero as

FlrM Wiinl 2i,H Ogden l\^o-PtoryrraiiH' lupifj. f .■'h'-d. A. U A ;eiti A yt>na.()wri'*rH. i nliiiHi^Hl fiitir. $M,orKi

Sf . MKi Wnii! lri.']-15;i Murki I u lio t, two ftlrvalprn, Klt^vutor roiupiinSvuner. root, $4.tlfAi. \Va*ii-

IttKlon Klrp»*t Kred\‘ l Ie-\ator OonuiHii\. «>wnor; totituHttci • osiILi.iif," Ar]iiiKl"r' J'lftne [iiid VVIIlldrn«lrpet^ li i lg lil rh-\uiori Itonril of Hciilih,-iwner. c»‘ tlrn4*Jid ' ‘out, $3,000

Third Wiird ’ - West street, hortlmy allir.v and rnepiniK-roinn, Helen Fodor.invih'r, i.;i7lliiialeil rosl, lZx3 Moii-moulh alierntioriH to frartu riw till­ing'. M J- Slernlch owner; estlmatto

II Knuril; W iird-M Park place Onc*slory

hrlrk Ksiage. Arllim Devine esiau.o v•ne , f!*tlnmtod Sl.UOO.

SfvrrUti Wnrd—w7 Haidh Ovango avpiuio HltiTat^oni* In brh'k bulldtiiR, Louis Kh h. uwner: rnlimated i-osi, to.'XMJ, 3I Hnward Hlreol. Htlons lu fianir dwelling, sN’r -Itiaiilel Klein, owner; cBllmated cost,

i:ijflitli Ward-Ahliiirloti »venue, Nortiv t lxtli Hnd N'orth 8p\eiiili MireetB. addition to Lrirk Hvliool, Hoard of Eduoatloii,* ownri-; rsUmated rnsi, Abinglonavfinn* and nid^e Mtreel, hrU’k churoh and parinh houne. Thlnl PreBbyCerlan f ’hurih» owner; estimated eosi. 180,000.

Nliitli P'rollnghuyatfii avenue andWhltller plare, two^atory frame dwelling. Oiatore Invr*Hlmfni i.^onipany, owner: eeti- maled ( ofll, $7,u00. Jotir^son and Milford

I uvfniieh and Alpine street, foar-»tary I hrlt'k »flioul. Board of Edm.aUon, owner:! catimued cu:*l. 13,000. 12 KrtUngluiy-

B»ijld- n^elu^ {wo-aloiy hrlrk favlor>'. Ste- iiv and H 19ih phen Gyurfas, owner; estimated oost.JTi.Otti.

j I'lilrltenlh Ward filH lo hJO South *Sev* I7lh av 25 ft o fi' 0 * onleeiilli street, itu-po three-story frarnH

rlwp|!liifis. iaoulF Kttplowiti, owner; cstl- 115,000. «lo South Twentieth

slreel, llirei'-Klory frame dwelling, AJox- ftiider Rolhenberg, owner; eaitmalfed coat. r.BOO.

Slxleenlh Ward^ffe Hedden terrace, two- Btory frame dwelling, Oeorg'o Virtue, owner; oBtlnmied cost. 755 liunttr-don Rtreel, threr*slory frame dwelling. Bperber & Horowitz, ownera; estimated cost. $7,BOO.



IIX III .liMIui niM.a- I ,IV \<\ It fi fr t.lark '

R,Susatix i .




vinere glair IS offl

floi 111* Becker un«i liushaml to KxceU ai(u- Building and Loan •• h Wlckllffe wt IW ft fi fr Rank si. |3.3u0.

Tere»u M. Donnelly in Hohoken Build' ing und Loan, n s 7tli fl e fr flh

*LW0. ^ThumaH Coleman et un lo Weal Kiid

Hvilldlng and l-oan, s w h Ferdon hi 1: h a w fr Elm rd, $50(1.

John F. Flaavke lo Kllzaheth lieHly. h a Map^B av 33 ft w fr Ilnnterdon »l. I'KW.

JoBepli R. f ’ raig et ti.x lu Maude t omb&x e B ( ’Jlfion av 250 ft n fr 5th $2,000.

Jaooti Prager et ux to^iN'firranty Ing uiid lAjan. fl v vur lit at. 18.500.

HMTne to sarne. .* i 19th al, $5/200.

Otto J. Airona t,t riiciii. 0 n Bcllcvllk si, $550.

Israel ttaruller et ux to Ai'lon ti. and L. Also., w a Bergen I7[. fl n fr CftV>- Inet it, IWO. .

Adolph C. Galin ct nx tn Minnie Gfllm. e a N. 7tli at i ’>0 ft a fr ftv- $7,000.

Hicciirdu Settv to Mcolw l>e T uca. ii b LJ'Cbtnul at 75 w fr Jefferson at. $i>00.

Fcidrlka Rctieper and Iuih lo .loseph Jjermer. s w cor W^avorly pi and fTItU'O It. $2,600,

MurRiirct Lattiani and Ima to Mary T.' Wohliidl.M'. •’ H Cnmden »t l7t fl s fr v' -I HiiuU fit, tl.OOO. , ,I 1 finny flohimian and hus to Margaret L. MHilMrifan-r, e B Camden st 350 ft n fr 15lh av. St.tWO.

Michael Schuman et ux to rhrlslinn Helwigp e s Camden st 100 ft n fr lOth av. | 134X1

Julia Smllh and liiigbatiil lo Mn»«i I SIchol, II n Waverly pi £i ft w fr Mun-raouth at ISOO. . i i c-„iilaaac FleiBChman et ux to Daniel VnU- weiler, 8 e CeiUi'al av 4911 ft w fr Lock ui.$10 ooo.

Adolph Fuerat et u i to Morcer Building and Loan AWoolatlon, e * New Jertey Railroad av « b Tlchenor st. M,W.

JulliiH F. Kauriion ot iix to Klgin Real­ty Company. Market at cor Wlillam (Tarlhwatt's land. MO.OOO.■ Wllllain II. Sullivan et u* to aoulh Park Building and Loan A-ikoclatlon, e s High al SO ft a (r Clay et, ll.WO.

Marv F Hosaet and husband'to same, e * BrookdHlt av S97 (t B fr J. N. Jackson Ifinri. laOO,

OCTSIDIC OF NKWARK..Ftlniona Sh u and husband to Anicrlcan |

Building and Loan Association. Irvington, ri H Madison av 2S0 ft n tr D—SUiOO.

Jakob Zlramcrer ot ux to

sS'/iffHfjJ NfrrPe itl th« V/TH'flNEW VOHK. J-'i'p 1—rojiHninoi a In the

markel for bifllrtiiiK iiiftlerlalx !mve fovmrl ihiit tlm wliolrtiahTs In mtiiiy IliieB nntl dlBiriPniorj! In othorw have ihe whip uf the market In their hundw for Ihr c-uiiiliig BpriiiK.

W'lilli' lumber i* low m mills, whole- r« here are well Mtuvked Katirlciiilhg

.bjinjm are lu a poi-uiun to take buaineBb III tall vulmiiH for an IndefiuliH time, hiuiie mi ll (ire M-II AMr-plknl and in the liK ul ■ mnmun l>rii-k departTiifiU tl)«rt aro iippi«.iiinmiely !Ut»,iiOu,oiX' tiuire Nuiuh River bihk In mink at dvalerw yards than haa lu'HM niiiiTtvd In rfoenl yeara.

Ill N«-wark and vP Inlly the sla' ks are riitr ijulh H'e large us lllry un* hers tn Nvv. Vurlc he!aii!“e East Jerney Is not While wo deppiKhril upon walei tranaporta- Hon for tjrUk aa New York Is.

Hut dfsjjitu Uiis ht>uvy iiipply of ma- ietlf.ll!- ili*‘ rf Is no disposition shown bi.i fm, at [oast, to '-rowd the market on prh'fts, i*xfept possibly on a few ai uroe iliie.s of lumber

Tin- utaihsf lius 101 ehut off building operalloiiH for mure than a day, and spivulalive inleretit*;. are fin<lliig aetvHM oVRiiuuilfd at ft Unto when thflr spring mill orders are sohodulcd to ar- rl\'e and lln.\ have no room for the new Htock

A# a result, lonoeaslons whKh were wltlutrawn durUig the latter p v l hf lart summer w'han ttie demand tvarume 0x001 - alve, are now bfijig reauniw'l In some vaSf-5. and In oltmiK, shading Is praftlcflcl on desirable tuisinej-s

Tlie suburban Hiiuntion In ihe lumhi*r market Im slightly dlfferenL. liotvtver. There (he denlers have nol atu’ li great quanlllien of liimher on iiaml and limy probably will be In the market heavily befara another few weeks roll around.

('oliBlnirtlon Ih eoming ahead early and Incomlna n‘j|iilBl!lonp Indh ate nut only an early luilldtng aeuann In llie stibiirbs. but high vlftHS construction aa a mie

Itu.vers hsHy expert a eligl»l advance In velliiw pmo. which is up $! on all Uemti; hemlock, which allhongh al $23i.50, base, (ioubtlesfl will move up before ihe end of February, and i^osslhly North t.!arollna pine, wlilch ia ellff mj demanil. Some milifl are reported civereold.

Hu>era of curnmon hrlok will exi»ecl a fiharp advance of auolher shilling just as anon as a freeze-np cumea suffh-lent to Atop navigation. If Oils i-oniliigenej duos not arrive there will be,a general unload­ing In tin. New York. Jersey Cliy- Hu- hoken and Stater? Island pointa, but not In Newark and vhdnlty There dortlerf" ftn- nune eonHervatt\ely alurked because they have hT-en able to rei’clve rtailtaii and North River shlinuentH regulariy.

su ffer quotations are generally expected In I'orlland cement in this and neighbor­ing markets owing to tho heavy enn.'^ump- llun which has prevailed this winter. If the advance cumaa il will ho fWo cents, wholesale. The moveovent tn ihU cum- niodUy Is excopiionaliy heavy for this time of the year.

• W M I M M iJ A N U A R Y t , I P * \i<r'

Abstract frpm the Report-fjr TUK

Howard Savings InsdtntioiiMade to the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance and filed in that department in pursuance of law.

A S S E T SUnited States Bonds.................................Bonds and Mortgages..............................County Bonds.......................................

Rea! Estate........................................... HI’S ? ?Cash and deposits in R an k s ....................................... i4 7 .400.l7


l i a b u j t i e sDue to 71.823 Depositors..........................

PMt Arrn ipH ............................................. .... . . . /Utai3P*i f

s ' l . 'S ; '.: ■ ■ ■— — i w n a - m$25,737,845.01

OPEN DAILY. FROM 10 A. M. TO 4 P, M.(Sunday i and Holidara E i4 »p t«d )


SAMUEL S. DENNIS, President W ILLIAM CLARK, 1st V.-Pres. ROBERT D. MEAD, Secreta_ry


JOHN 0. H. PITNEY. Counsel



oenRciB 41. rvermnw R. KDWARP <5




Stop. Look and D eterm inethat you will save more money th is year than ever before. Careful planning, economy and

ular deposits in the Security Savings BankreStart an ac-wiTl accomplish much for you

count now with us.4 % i n t e r e r t P a i d o n A c « i o u n t *

o f $ 1 , 0 0 0 , o r L e w H


Ab»4rart from (U« report made to th f f oaim lMlaner o f Bonklnx ao,! Ia».4riiiipe naU aiofl In that finpartnwBt January K lOlB

Ihcrtiftse* of BUiall proportions are nois'd |ln the plana approved by iho State Bonrd jftf Teneixient-hotiKP Supervision during the uteeK ending yestorday. This week's ag-

•'fjrtgule estliT.hted PPiount la 1437.000. w'lulis tb&t Of A week ago was $404,000. Twenl>‘*

pemits were awarded, one tnm'e ibgn the himbcr last week. The list fol- 1 iiowg:

Newark—Schneider & Kirch Co., JfWarren elreet, four-story brick. $30.00<v j

liirry Waxman, 12 Somorsel atreet, ihr « - | Story frame, aHeratUm, ilnrry Kol- j

din. Summer and Second avmtues. font - > iltory brick, StO.flOG: AbraUam Levy, . badger fti'enre, threr-stury franiH, $8.u(i0; I AbfAhaiii 1-c.vy. SMj Hailger av juif\ tlir'''*- '

|rlory fi’ame. SS.OOfi; l.oiiis TluMCnljauTn. VaehlugtO!; and llmfi'iu atfiutPH, flvf-

story brl*'k, $!!5,o0h; -loseph H Cc.,44-46 Brond lUrvf-i, rom-sinr.v

OUlR T>lmon. 250-JoL' HeUnont uvoiuie. l.w*v ttbree-Blory flame, alt 'ratloir."htWO; Alox- mnder Rothtnber*». Seventeenth avenue fund South Twentieth street. ihree-Btory

frame, 19,000: Alexander Rothdnberg, ii':0 outh Twentieth etreet, ihr«e-«tory frame.

|$?.000: Rudr.ew'Uz & Rudlii'f 43 Holland Street, three-story frame, $7,000; Green- Yftld & Ege, 2S2 Second avenue, tlirce-

^tory frame, $sS,000.Bsyonno—Samuel Boorstein, Twenly-

^sighth street near Avenue C, two three- Story frame, UO.OOO.

Perth Amboy—Caroline Sandorff, Water gtrect, near Gordon street, two three-atory frsme, $12,000

Hoboken—Max Berman, lOB Clinton Istreet, four-itory frame, alteration, $1,000.

East Orange—Roseville Construction ompany, William and MuUord street r.

jfO*ir'«ory brick. V12.000: Stale Realty fcompouy. 18 Burnett street. foiir-»tory

rtek, 919,000; B«»ex Building Company. M«f380 Halited Street, two three-stoiy iTrftine. I12.MD.

3ftsrrlao»—Morrlfl MelU, Harriaon ave­nue, near Maner avenue, three-story brick. m « » .

Jersey City—George Thurber. 105-t®

Bg far no reply has been received by the Newark Balt and Fly Casting Club to Ita offer of $500 per year for the ex- elusive fishing privileges In the Orange reservoir. Pending a deelMion by the Orange Council, the club Is tnveshgating other property.

At a meeting of the organiaatlon In Achtel-Btetter’s last nlglit reports wne presented by scYeral conmjUtees which have been looking Into propoBltluiiB. rmr- tlciilarly In the uonljeju and w esiern sev-

I thins of tl.e State*.j A further oomnilttee was appulntcil in

Inquire Into a proposal involving prup- 1 erty near Andover, which. It was report­ed, the club would be able to secure. It I consists of a farm of some uL-ies. pari-

i ly timbered land; two lakes, a large bou. e I rind other Improvements. Thu rominittec

will visit the place and report at a meel- I Ing P^ebruary 14.

fr Orange av,Roseville

Building and l.#oan Asaoclatlnn, NulUtyjikll


'Ihe following deeds were filed In rfMirUi register's offiee da, :

NEAVARK.*Fliiftheth Hcllly to John F. FlaR-rke,

H N Mhpes a\ fl w fr llunlerdoii:lxH)0

Letui E. Bhilgln and IuihusiuI to Oeurge W('i(‘hflrdi et nx. w h S 12th

' Ft BJ tt a U i'lih av. 2txS0...............Edwurd VA fnr ill et ux lo Keiuy

]j. Concllt, n e a Irving av ICfl fl a efr t’ llnlun pi, 100x239......................

Knima F;. Haucher and husband in Hugh C. Barred, w 6 8 12lh st 419ft n fr rUnton uv. 45jt9D...............

Hugh t.'. fiftri'eti to Mark Hancher. same property

iSstiV^lln'av 7«i ft n fr WUllKin Taylor to Michael J.

Montclair, o a Elm at IOC ft n fr Titus Joalyii. H.&OO. _ • ..

Benjamin Harrison e( ux lo Qeorgf^ *J* Gleeson. BellevUle. t* s Linden av IdO ft u fl Lltlk- st. $7TS- „ , ^

Wllharii M. Sf-asouis '’ I ux to Suburban Building and L'»un .\asrH‘iation. Irvirigion. n » Hreukeiii’ ld’ie let hil ft e fr Mvinn uv, 91-SJO. „ . ,, , .

Janies M. WnUeman '1 ux to l-alfchiliJ- Baldwin Co. Moinrlair, u s l.nlon at Itiv ft i; !':• Soulli I•'UIU:HUM av, I2.'.000

Charles >Iiir]K-r to Mono lair Hulldlm, aiul l^oati AsdOi ludori. M.-tib lair, p s aioiJ lOA f l Bloomfield av.

Mleliael Corvone et ox t*f F- VTailatt Lovell Jr.. Nutley, u s Laui'a av 199 ft w fr nh)Onit>UI av, $:k-in "

Conrftd Raab et al to Irone Brumlej. Irvliigioji, w s Grove at 471 f l s fr Spring- field av, $*2,300.

Mars- A. H e le n ami liuniaml to Bloom- flelri Tiust Compunv, n loo irifle l^ n a Luke at 130 ft ii e fr Crown st, 11.000.

LilllHn IhROslla and liushiuid to aeorFO II Pllkliiston ft ux. •nlngU'ii. u s um - ton »v 3:ia fl B e fr Wall si. Il.uOO.

I Her I'Kc F. Brnmlerilmirsli et uk H> Ru®-I Mr,O t i c ' l l r l l e v l l l e . l e i i i n ' I ’ k a s a n t u vI II i, ir llr'llevllle a '. 11.700; Samr I't .tfiMT.sr't IVatrrluiry. TleUf-

lillp S81I1P iiropr-i i.v H-if'' r/leilr-i J| , 1 ux M Thirteemli

h, l(i-tl.'vlllo, s I- BHUS SI.


1 Ward BinltH lift yi'.d '' Hrrkol -1 I'" it It- !!■'$1,1H0 I Heckol



Frederick Nolle et ux lo Richard K.ft 2Uth «t and I7ihcor


Kohn. fl f av, 25x100

Hanriah H. Hayes, adm, to Israel Bandler, w a Bergen at 47a f l n frCftblnat at 2fixioo...........................

Clifford E. Shipman et ux lo Walter Betiirdetll. w s Gareide at 569 ft flfr Bloomfield av. -ttxluo.......... . .

Mimile Hullgrlng to Cati^erlne B. Hoiigrlng, n e Darcy s t '19 fl e. frAlyea rI, 24xWl................... .........

!<«>uls Kohji et ux t<i JuUa 6milh, II E WaY’ei’ly pi 25 ft w ft Mon-iTiOUlh Bt, 2^64...........................

Barnett TsauTiann ci vix lo Morris Frledmaji, n *; iGih av T! ft w frBergen st linxlWi...........................

Daniel \'ollwf1ler to Isaac Flelflch- nian, h s ronlral av -tSb ft w frLoi-k at. eOxUt.................................

Alois Rpkli et ux to George Brost- ler et ux, w s A’ermont av 326 fl n fr liowell nl. 61x124.

1 PF-ultv Mnmtiftnv


Uraltvlew »v»nu». flve-«tory brick. ISO.OOi; XeorF Frank, 130-182 Grant avenue, iwo- litnry frame. *2.00(1; Henry Schumacher. nR.171 Ocean avenue, three-etorF brick,ieratleii, taoo.■ Irtlnston—’Winterboltom ft Van Hnuten,

Hotvanl etree*. three-etory frame, FOU.J^Oule^Hyman Kuper.hmWt, K-JO

ton avenue, two three-story franie, iration. *2.01X1.

Fatereon—Gaetano Migllorino, SO Main leet, thret-etory brick, M.OOO; Mar-

mo Lembo, *8| Elver itreet, three-itory rainei aJteratlaD, lOW; NIcoS! DeMerao,

jw (tjeet; Uiree-etory frame, altera- OB, *900BtoomfWd—Henry LIndaay, S Myrtle e«t tbree-Xtory frame, 80.000.

Elgin lically Company to Julius F. Kaufhew on Merkel rt 120 fl frJoeepli Scerlng'B land, Mx124........Julius F. Kttufherr el ux tp Kigln Ec*lty rompany, n w cor Boulh loth et and Madison av. 100x123.AugusU Qraef (exM to Wllllini H

Hulllvan. e e Hlali et


80 fl 8 frClay *t. 30x33.............................

Alfonso Magno io Aiigeio Franlcola et ux. s a Orange at 42 ft w frBoyden st. 23x100 ................. .......

Ada McOt^or Clark et al lo Cath­erine Uarrone, e w cor Parkhurstst and Adams st. 135x200...............

OUTSIDE OF NEWARK. Franklin HUl Co. to Charles C. Boh-

n«r, Bloomfield, s e Newark av 27ft w fr l^rkftley av, 'IDjdDo......

Frank T. Shepard el ux to Adi Oar- tec, Nutley. e n Passaio av 300'ft K fr load GreylocK Land Co.,26*1430 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vreeland-Kearny LutabeT Co- to

JI5RSKY C IT r . Feb 1. -The ceerta uffecUng pinp- rty In M e.‘-t Hudson were recorded yesti'idai :

KEARNY c o n v e y a n c e s August Kirin et ux to town of Kcamy.

w B or Grand pi 10 ft n fr Seeley av n

®jf/es^^'McV>onough et ux "Jifcarny, w fl oY Brighton av 13* ft n ir Bergen av, 30x20, 156. ^ m i

Fuller I-and and I™p. Co. to Frank Skinner et ux. n » of Pavoiila av -ij ri il In fr Highland at. 3.7 ri 4 IngWO. »1.

Florence E and Joiin F. Cahill to Peter Klimavauckai, lot B1 blk town

" ’Etrle A. and Bverett P, Courtrlght to Ada A. Jo-iee and Jo.sephlne D. McClave,B line of the Newark and N*w York Rail­road. at the eaal ehorc of the Pe^a'o River 0 J140 and n le^x n « x u 280x u X29x n 43dx n 868x n 182. "■ Fannie G. and %Valtcr 1. Lynch .to Nan- nle’H, Bmltt.. n e r f Quincy av, tot 7. bik n), map No. 3 of Worth Jersey Land Co. , and F’uller EroB.. *1. i

HARRISON CONVEYANCES 'Glueeppe and Christopher lannlelo et ux

to Anlhorv Ippollto. e b of Claveland av 175 (t e fr Pasaalc av. loxlOO. *1. i

Anthony Ippollto to Christopher Ian- 1 nlelo, B a of Cleveland av 175 ri e fr Pas- | Bslo av, 25x100, II

Antonio Cundarl el ux lo Francesco Cundart et u*. e B of 3d at 50 ft s fr I Jci-iey st. £0x14X1, *1-, ^ !

Francofco Cundarl et us to. Antonio >Cundari et ux. a e cor of Tlilrd and Jer- Bcy eta. She 100. *1. ____________

1 I T h e best w ty to prove to youf-

.. —Samtaer Days In SwUgerland" will be • Hiy subject of a atersopticoD lecture to (M 4dvsa by David F. Nichols In the t’Sr-

-*pt* Of Calvary PrsEbyterlan Church fllisnrodalc night. Tbsre will be a musical . a_aM|u|i.aiBo by Mrs. Helen Baxter Dow-

■ tH t Mkn Marion 11. areenfietd.M a H. Mount. Ura WiUtsin gild. Vn£ CW lss potty form a

to otorge ot ft team wBteh ' tks loetttr*. The toa Is te b«

goftw Die auspices ot tbs Kolnoola r. a 40*001070 orguitsotlOB eDonoetsd -'IIW. TlWfW «tU M-ft idinr

. tbs iqM * 4to*'Xatohw|'^«F^ r tho ngidor^nitk omiIc ttm, tof

Conrad Hash st nx, Irvington, w a Grove st 411 fr ^rinoflsld av.2{(XU« ..........................

Same to Minnie Jacobus, Irvtngtuii.aamo properly ..............................

TrivMI & M’aftera Co. to IGttle D. Sheets, Bloomfield, n s Evergreen Sv 58 ft e Ir Aihlaad av, 50ili3 ...

Charles E. Eaton et al texra) to Charles .G. Alford, Orange, s cor Berwyn st and land or *7x3011

Eaton,Edward J. feuHy et » i to Moije T.

' Uontcisir, n s Osre-1,G»

, Thomas IngogLi. v.s Clinton av wiMl M ft m- O Ir

et ug to ux, IrvtBgton,

Te* Broedk, ----- --------moBt av la ft 0 fr Qrovoaxua ................ .

George H. plll^^gtoon s Clinton av watt ot. i a m . .

st S a i ffw xrrt* CM4I).v.:-_

self thot Boker'i Furniture Deptrt- luent is the place for ^ou to malce ae- Icctioaa )a to us a viait. VI'e will ahov you the flneat a s a q r t m enti of Detfct , C h t i r s , Tables, FlUno De­vices, etc. Ask to see our complete; m o d e r n budiitqas outAts.Otne* Pnnitai*

O id U

A S S E T S exiBooKTenflBonds and Mortgages........................................................................United States Bonds 28,500.00County of Essex B o n d s / / : : : : : : : : : : . : : .................................. 3 1,945.00


County of Hudson Bonds..City ot Newark Bonds........City of Elizabeth Bonds........................ i/mcnAnnCity of Hoboken Bonds............................................................ ^ . . .City of East Orange Bonds.City ot Jersey City Bonds...City of Paterson Bonds.

7 3 4 000.00 58,000.0050.500.00

City of Orange Bonds......................................................................... 17,000.00City o f Rahway Bonds..........................City of Perth Amboy Bonds................Town c f Harrison Bonds......................Town of Kearny Bonds ......................Town of Gtittftnberg" Bonds................Borough of Garfield Bonds................Borough of Carlstadt Bonds..............United N. J. Railroad and Canal Bonds

15.000. 008,(ioaoo

202,070.00101,630.0054.000. 0067.200.0041.000. 0052.500.00

VxJ ■ Raritan River Railroad Bonds............................................................ 49,950.00Morris and Essex Railroad Bonds Banking House


Collateral Loans....................................................... 60,000.00Interest due and accrued on Mortgages..Interest accrued on Bonds .....................................Interest accrued on Collateral Loans..........................Interest accrued on Bank Balances............................Taxes and Insurance advanced on Mortgages.................Rents due on Bank Building.....................................Cash on Hand and in Banks, close of December 31st, 1912.




97,376y917.44L I A B I L I T I E S

Due Depositors ........................................................$6,93 874.77Interest due Depositors (estimated 2 months)................... 42,626.74SURPLUS ............... 403,415.93


I Number of Open Acxouiito January 1,1913, 16,8161Due Depoelton! Deccmbci^Sl, 1912...........Due Depositors December 31,1911...........


Increase ................................ ..................................... $544,598.39' O P F I C E . R S

GOTT»«IED KRUEGER, PresidentJOHN FISCHER, First Vice-Pieddttit MICHAEL T. BAffilETT,'Second Vice-Presideiit

■ 7 ,MtCHiEI. T. B.kRRBTT


WM. g!^S^TW E IN , Secretary aid TreasurerTRUSTEES

- 4S




. WM. G, THAI ■



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But Very UtUe Was Done in Other Directions in Local


There wui a hctur demand for inunJ- ripali during ih« week, partleularly for NfiWiirki, Kasex countiei, ^aet Orange and Orangea. Mune}\ too, wan eanler, If aiij'thlng.

But the buying was moiUy tiy Indl- vidUftU rather than tnititutloria.

ijong'tcrin bondn, too, have been feeling competition from the Hhort^ttrm noica which have been popular of late.

Norii) Jereeyn gold at IK) to tto . While l>lnen, from 7(H4 to |l) < United Kleclrlca from to 83 and Public Service geherali from REH to

Newark Consolidated Gaa fives were held at 106 to

Conaolldated TracUon aiiKk wni weaker from 74^ to 7&.

Public Service cenlfli-ates were un­changed tn price and itie stock wVa quiet Without transactions.

Qaa stocks, too, were quiet and without call,

ThSre were sales to Merchants' Na- tlontl at 260 nnd of Essex County National St 900. *

American Fire sold at 525. Firemen • at 490, Newark Kire at 276 and Commercial Casualty at ITu.

Celluloid was weaker at 136 bid, offered at IM. a decline of about two points, and EUhger Manufacturing was down ten points to 300 hid. offered at 3)u.

Tha follqw’lns quoiatUuiH were furnished by J. 8. Klppel:

BoadS'The foUo!Aing iiLjuiiiLiuns wne furnished

by J, 8. HIppei:County Hiiti City. Bid Asked.

Bergen ct^uiUy 4^* ............East Orange 4s 1933................... 97East Orange 4Ha 19ik>............... luEast Orange 4a 1947.................. 97Elisabeth adj. 4« 1922................ 9sEssex <^utity (1.66 1916.............. 9U ....Essex County E.tius 191*0-29....__ M ....Essex County 3.66s lWCi-36......... % ....Essex County 4s 1926................. hs ....Essex County 48 iim..... ......... nEssex County 4s 194U.............. ■ 9:i

‘ ICssex County 4« 1943-H........... MiEssex County 4a 1946-47............. 96 —Essex County 4a 1&48................. 96Hudson County 41ie 1923-4-5...... 102Hudson County 4VjS 1948............ 102Hudson County 4s li»64.......... . 96 96Hudson County 4s 19qD............. 96 MJersey City 4’. !' 11*&1................Jersey City 4» 1932.................... WJersey City Es 1910...................... itu ....Jersey City 5s 1922.................. itwNewark 8Hs 1921-32 .................. kuNewark PI45-m ................... 1:9Newark 4a 1922.......................... 98Newark 4s 192?......................... asSnNewark As 1923........... .............. frS'/iNe^'srk 4s 1947-57...................... 9«i.iNewark 4a 1948-55...................... 98^


Bankers end buiSnssa men genersl- ly have been aware fur some time (hat there has been a quiettnv down of demand for forward delivery In Boroo lines of Industry. This, how' ever, has not been and Is not now regarded as hsvlng special slgiilfl- I'ance. or as pointing to anything whlirh Ifidlcales to a reversal of the general improvetnent which has been BO conspicuous for montha.

As frequently pointed uui. l.t^N* bten regardc‘4 rather as the lo*ne-

cautlouH sllllude of menu- foriurer* and merchants i*t u lime wJieM tariff revision wbh luo’.onl fuj.

Neither Is this takpn na Jii:'a st rlous ronsegiienci'e lo uttv our raanufaetiiring ii'-'uelriva from changes lif the ii|i!ff Merfliuntu and manufacturers, as well as the public at larie, do not usually buy for forward delivery with the sanit freedom at a time whgn srhediilf" are likely to t>e uhanged ae when I'utidUlonB promise stability fr>r monlhH ahead.

Rank clpBrlng® lisvp gone on ■liuw- iriR IntTvafvfl from Week to wvek n\fr like pf-ricMlH last year and iJi? >rur befur*’. Hi an exteril which will not be pxu fllned aiViiy h>' referen^t; in a lianR-over of boslness from last \eatw I'loM' 'Ihe fact remsUis, iherefore. ttmi g4inerftl trade Is going un, at Ibe miftilng of 19U. In larger

tola] volums than during the first monih of 1912.

Inquiries ssnt broadvait ihrough- out the country fall to juillfy the Incipient faurt of many pblltlcdl parlleana and tariff standpatters, (hat a change of adininlstratton at Washington Is feared by merchants and manufacturere, or that such a Hteie uf mind has anything to do nlih the moderute hall to trude.

XeRiier has the plan for mod)fyU*g liii- trtiiff brunghi any of Hie In- JiMisc..>fi fe-arA of uadc leversai wib. li la\e aunuftimei beeu the «>'•

cipciTiliuoiii of llk« allei'iUloiui In |i «* ■‘T.iig >eais The inquiry lia«

. Jn\*-1oped ilml a<‘ far as Ihu , .t.L Bt large aro concerned pro­posed vatlff levision has been taken nurli Bi a matter of i-ourse.

'rills ouiconw. St tliit* sloge of pr<- limlnsrlM f “ r tariff I'evlffloi., after prolougeil hearings from various trade Interests, is lemarknble In that ii indlcateu either acquleacenee In or indlfferonre to the revlaioii, some­thing which has never, so far a? r - • ailed, been noted during like si-tlon Hitherto, when tariff sflu-dijles have been opened for smendmem pnpulsi excitement has shown liEsIf sod (ht> scare, which either Rrilfh-allj or Otherwise has been stliT -d up. has been ullllred to the full by ihqse who believed It to ihelr Intcresi to main­

tain a ■talus quo, or tu raise rates One Is compelled !•> admit that all

(his has changed. Neither bankers nor business men are responding to ihe customary r.utes i*f warning over alleged cunsequonves uf uoddhtig with the tariff. EvMifiiily the slugan has lost Its terror Tlie people will no longer admit that a cunttnuatlon of the prosperlly v«likh came from \ears of economy an4l IiIk rrops and Kliir\ed enterprise urns lie crushed ul Hs very beginning bs Ho’ v»ro|roseii tariff re\ Islon, promlM i| ko generally and m iargal> voted Ioj

Ueiall demand lexnaliiM good In sl- moNi all staple linen.

1hcre is somo lack of \i ish In shoes a lid In a few other lUu's. t,'oii8am- eiH of Iron ami steel smi i-oppar are less Inaisteiit, piefenlija (u wait a while before filling fuuire require* metitH

Dry goods ruerkhanls and dealers In hardware staples n luM t a very ^ood bueinesB

Money continues es?' <i*-Bplte gob!cxpui'ts ripeeulnlloii n Hie siockmarlcei, on the whole ti wlaik,

rhe general Invesinuuu ilemand is not what had been hinkeil for, jiid urobahly will m»1 l■Cll:e 'iself tn iniv ficteni until HcveiB- fm lore, Uk'f lorpnrftllnn eiiiauglptnent and (ar:ff Tftvliion snd the new ■■fHr s'frop out- luffk leVesl lb«"n?s»'ivr>i

STOCK MARKET I PRICES LOVERTrading Dull tod Losses Sms^.

Cas snd Penosy Csotribute I to Retetion.

IRREGULARITY AT THE CLOSEj NKV\‘ YORK- P'eb. Y -F irst prlies of

SLiH ks today were grnerilly lOW'er 8pec- ulBtlon In the L'ati abares was on a much sititilicr^iiRSls Hnd beth (he common snd preferred declined fractionally Trading

i was dull and Ir hsca In most cases wera ' small. U'oolv.'oith wga oft a point.I Dlsappuliitment over the aiuatl gain In I l>e-ember net c-arnings and rumors of a I large Stock iiiuu prompted selling of ' P f nnss ]\ai.ia and ll lost nearly 2 polnls- I The gcneial market Went lower. Can los­

ing 2 points and Stiuihcrn I'acific Y I The inarkel closed Irregular. \VeaKiu.iS In Sf^eral iufkientlal niockt and admis- Rionx by tiS'b Ruthurltlca that inei-4‘ was IV iiiorr; perc i pillde slowing up III gericrsj buelncFS iwnscd an earl>' decline In Civ stock market Resuinplluii uf pool (ipcin- lliins In ndiM i Hpei lnltlps utid alu>rt-vuv - lug of the cnalris and \^'el(eru lalhuud 9lo'ks ulii iDttlrly UiriieU the ionise of prli ea upwsiil The general H?l. now- e-er. did liHlr more than make up U> lost gtuuml. and at tlbu close allowed

.Hunts Irrogularlt). Bunda wera li regular.


R.i r»* I hanx'*^I lAJ** 11 Hulem w cT e pul ill fni ‘ plifiMf f 'tiTtiiiaiiy ul the iii'W I ule

HfriM'ibu; Hppi uxlmalaly ijbsrrll.ej-s In Newark

I l>v I he New York Tele- j loilaj By th'‘ npeinlUiii j iinliiiUted lo-'ftl n'HideiicB |



a (riKNATK ;i 45 A M. risldei ftlluM

eervii e on a two-party lln*- huH been dlM. •kmiliLiicl I'.irty line Hiib<-or ib-i i« wT 1 beirafifi- It on dirn. I llie-s willilie SHiiie Mite loiini'ily ihem Ib'S'-deiii e H'lbsi ! iberm who lm\e dirert iiiu h win. it follow-, liB\e Ttii- n-ducedlo th)H llgurv

ITdlnillctl Heivii-p oit h dlien t Urie was foirneily h'U a veai ll in now |46 a \eoi. hiiviiig been auloiiuiClcally reduml for iboBe HiiiiHcrllifTH liMving lhai nei vice and the InipTuverl service beUiR suhBlituted for the two y»arlv iniHiigemeiU.

A L’ew rn. ;»te for iw o party HoesIran b**en |u,i in effetl Hiiii 1h as Iolii>w>I'ij. I.OU l.i.il iMCHPagi'S llie liitert year, for ' Mt mcaaagrs tbe late la J4.i a \ cai anil fiH meiisngea It is |54 s In nil These ' Insses ilir exi esa rate lyi-a! tneHsagen Is live cenlM ea'b


Orange 4Hs Y93S.XJnlon County 4s 1942 ..............

HAILROAD8 .V. N. J. R. R. & 4 1929......V. N. J. R. R. fk Canal 4s, 1944 tJ. N. J. R. R. & C. 3‘,ta lOol...Morris & Kssex 1st 7s 1914......MorrLs A Essex Cud. 7s 1915... Morris A Essex Itef. JMta .Warren R. R. Hef. SVw 3000.....N. Y., Lack. & VV. IstHfl 1921...N. Y., L. &. W. Coll, oft 1923.....N. T., L. & W. T. I. 4s 1923.....Cent. n. R. of N. J- 5s. 1987....Am. Dock & Imp. 5a, 1921.....N. T. A Long Branch 4a, 194Y. Lehigh Valley Ter. 6a. 1941.








Leb, V. R. R. of N. T. 4^8. 1940 103 Easton 6b Amboy 1st 6s, 1920..Krie 1st Con. Gold 7b 1920..,.£iia prior lieu 4B( 1996.. ilrla gen. lien Is IS Erie, Fa., colt trust 4s. 1951.







80 BOIL104

. 80 W'iK

. Itli 10



I* D Go. Can. Gold 6s 1935...... 122MldlSJtd R. R. 1st 5s, 1940......... 109N. Y „ 8. & W. 1st 6s 1M7......... lOtm lOt^N. Y „ 8. & W. gen. 6s 1940....v. 82N. Y. A G. Lakft R. R. 1946...... 103

TRACTION.K. Jcfftay St. Ily. 4a 1943.......Con. Traction Co. Ba 1933........J. C. H. & P. Ry. 4u 1919.....Bergen Turnpike Co. 6a. 1951...N. Hudson Co. Ry, let fis 1914 N\ Hudson Co. Ry. lid 5s. 1924.. 100 Jertoy City & Buigen 4^s, 1943. 90Netgark Pa s. Ry. 6s 1930......... 107 .Fogg. & -Nw . E/T. 5s 1937........ K jRM.M Transit SK. Jly. 6s 19J1.. U:N. liudson Co. Ilv. Con. 5» 1028. 103 PatereuQ Ry. 2d Gen. »>8, lUH.... ]0OPa^arson Hy, Con, Cs. 1D31.......luKllg. & Rar. River Ry. 6s. 1904.. 93Brunswick Trac. 6s, 1926.......... 94East Jersey St, Ry. 6s. 1944...... 95Middlesex & Som. Trac. 5s 1950,. 96 Ells., Plain. & Cent jcr. 6s 1950 96Plainfield S t Ry, 5s. 1932......... lu2Orange A Pas. Val. 5a 1938....... 96N. J. & H. R- Ry. A F. 4h, 1050 . 82>ATrenton Pass. Ry. 1st 6s 193J,... U4’A Trenton St. Ry. Con. 5s 1936.... 100 Trentpn SL Ry. Sen. 6a, 1941.... 100 Pub, Scr. C7JT«. 5s 1959.............. H2V

GAS AND ELECTRIC UOHT.Newark Con. Gaa 6s 1948......... 105Newark Gas 1st mtge. Cs 1944.... 125Hiideon County Gas 6s 1949....... 104Goe & E. of . Bergen- Co. 5e. 1949. 103O. ft E, of Ber. Co. Gen. 5s S7UPet. ft Pas. O. ft E. 5S 1949...... 102Kdlson XU. Gen. 6s, i32o... TOOFaisalq Gas Light 6b, 1923........KKPaesalc Lighting 6s, 1925...........190Hoib« Union ft Mid. Ltg. 4s, m3 soCentral Electric 1st 6b 19-10...... 97CUlHenB’ Electric 1st 5s. lOjS.... loo Plainfield G. & E. Gen. 6s. 1940. ]03Bomerset L ^ . 5s, 1936................ &5Mid. R. I.. Power Co. Ba 19&B.... 9.‘i8. Jersey G., E. ft T. 5s 1903__ 99Trenton G. ft E. 5a 1949........... 104IT. E. Co. 1st mtae. 4a 1949........ iL'--Conpumere' L., H. ft P, Bs m%.. lomN, Hud, L., H. ft P. Bs 1988....... lOlSCon. Gas of N. J. 5s, 191 ........ 98JCIIg. Town G *» LI'jlit 4‘ .S 1933.. JJtt New B’nsw’k L , K. ft P. 4s. 1930 SO INDUSTRIAL AND MlBCELLANEOUfl. Dundee W. P, ft L. Co. 7a 1922.. 107 Hackensack Water Co. 4» 1952.. 8dHoboken Fen-y let 6s, 1946...... mHob, Laud ft Imp. 5s, 1930........mNew Jersey Z\nc Co. 4s 1926.... 94 N. t . ft N. J, Tel. Co. 5s 192(1.... 102 N, ft N. J, Ferry 2d u». 1946.. 96 N, T. ft H. Fern^ Gen. 5s. 1946 . 99PaMelc Water Co. 5s 1937......... 100Plainfield Un. W, Co. 5lv 1951... 102


V. N, J. R. R. ft Cana)........ .MeiTls ft E^aex........................W tfron R, n. Co.....................K Y., Lack. & West................120Laekawgnna R. n. of N. J........ 93

TRACTION.J. C., Hob, ft Pal................ 75Coo. Troc, Co.......................... 70No. Jer. St. Rwy...................... 80Pub. Serv. Per. eifs................. ]osuP mWIc Service Corporation.....iisRo^ld Transit.......................... 935

GAS AND ELECTRIC. Ej^ybe^h Gas Light Co..,,..... 3:

I VV ArlHlXHTO.N. Feb. 1 Prepiira- lluns for chatmlijR the dcwlgUft uf all

1 .Vtiiprlcan currency and reducing the I .size (if paper money by one-lhlrd were 1 prai llca ily finished yeBlerde> by thy I TreaHurv DepanmenY f 1‘ lic lieSlKn for the back o f the notes, i by Ken>on Cox. o f New York,j WHK pubmldert lu SeiTel«r> .\4ucVeagh

^1 AVhi) accfcipte(J h (»ti condition that It ' plinll he appro\ed by the Fine Arts

Commission.•'Simple and artistic" Ib the Treasury

Department's characterization of the deslgTi. which consists a llegorl-<al figures representing "Am erica, ’ ■■peace." ‘ pleniy, ' ■'labor ' and "coni- mcrco. ‘

A vignette of Washington w ill adorn the face o f the one dollar note.


w '











W ASHINGTON, Feb. Y-Chalrman Pujo o f ihe Money Trust committee re­ceived late yesterday from Samuel Unter- myer, counsel for the committee, the orig­inals of the reports made by J. P. Mor­gan ft Co.„ and President P'rank A. 'Vari- derallp, of the Notional City Bank, In re- sponae to the req.yest from the committee for specific information,

The data was utilized by Mr- I ’ntermyer w'lieri he examined Henry P. Daviaon, of Morgan ft Co., but w'ere not placed In the record. Mr. Unterniyer took the data back to New York with him to study and it will be turned over to the commlttee'e accountant for analysis In connection with other statistical data now In the evidence for use In connoctlon with the preparation of a report.

\v ni ks *slx-v^.ir P i eslii^-nllal Itim ainendn t*nl

r.n Fi.-)llvt(»i fl^'b(-lu. ir bill f(7i' wumt-n woikeiH tokfii up hi

iK 'ilSK . eiK -d at H .4 AJ.

U hvi Hiid mHftii'4 fOinmlilfp n^dtiio) liHaniiKS uii turlif.

- —


prfTM HrHGH. Ft-b. I. Ill Itie la ''c of f>rlrl'Wlde vnmpfelltlon, the (jfiieral J'.lec-

Tn I'onipatiN of tide luts seuurod «he ^oI11lACt f(.ir ih ' whole of the direct c ir- rr.i<i high \nltagc erjulpmeiit anh fornrol apparatus to I.'h iisicrl in elv triflcatuot (if the RuburoHD railrouds of th" « i i j i.( ilpIhuurnPT Aus.lralln.

rniB is Dip larReat singlf nirlrr pla/’ d for railWHV motor ajiparnlus in the history nf me ep>.tTi''al Indnsli'' 'I'he i-lty nf Mel»>oiirti*^. with a popiiiaiirm of jOfl.Otitj. hu'lnrllnE tlie suburbe. Is 10 spend nearly fw eKe tnllUons of liollars fft* (he eleclriricalinn of all its sieani puburhaii linef! and nearly a third of this cnornious F*uni win I'ome to the Generai Flcclric < ompany fur the complete e(4'ilpment of the rolling atoik.


PITTSBURGH, Pa.. Fob, Y The oil market, a fter a dally advance of seven cents a barrel for five days, opened at yealerday’H close, 12.40. Competent au- thofllles bad no explanatlori to give for the sudden arrest In the edvance.

F IX D LA Y. 0-, Feb. 1-T h e Ohio Oil Company today advancad the price of North and South Lima. Indiana and !lli- noJa oils three cents per barrel, making North Lima 1.84; South Lima and Indiana, Y29, and Illlnole, 3 17.


H-ti.rrBfnu K.psirpoMf jn (, (»*w l' liii\p cniiiicl sk ' npi 1-lilIttll>t[ (Jf 1I1C InvfSMii. of .Viijt-rli a licj,; 1}esi(^iij«y iruuiii

■’Hiije.sky H|., pJii-(i tn 1li> n|.i'bn nleft s' !■. (iM

t i P fl (if (J , 1 R S [ I ,

If 1 -Willi the chief Inlng all In Us powor

iwsi prohlblimg "blue- !>■ bonrd "I K'>vernuTE

Blinker ' .\ shoclatlon lla first tiieeling here

NEW YORK STUCK MARKETThe rsiigr uf lodaj's pricc. lor me frigie

active ee 'orllies In the .\pw \ urK murkei. In cuntriiAl with last nighfs ..lusliig guQlatluns t* la. t saiei. ui lurntsimi for

NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKETSNEW YO RK . Feb. t-^ F io u r— Stiltdy

but dull. Spring' patents, 4 4G!§)4.66: w'intcT straights, 4.50@>4.60: w’ lnter pat- etilB, 47Q^'S.Ui. spring clears, 4.20®i 4.36: w inter pxti\ No. L. 4.0017 4.16; w in ­ter extra No. 2. 3 90Q4.0O, Kaneas atralghla, 4 in@'4-23,

Wheat — sligh t early advance oncold weather was soon loat. ow ing lo

Mii(.-n Is I he f'-rm Hp- cp* 'lillgna of ujiMt rupulo\i.'i i‘ i sell lo hpestin.' stvurl- iiiiMi’ or no 8lfti-(.llng Sucii

siiiea In h miif .Sintea where batikliig Uiws arc lax hnw* worked unlohl harm upon liie tiankjOK business, mosllv Ihruughoul the 'We l ll l.<c liT ordei' to ellmlnale rtii> further <i(lt ; j, nmt refirfllnlrig leglaiiilloii will l»L- urgfO

Lnst e\ctiiiig ihf \lsjlors wem the giicutw of Meiirv luiy Duer. of the (cnal banking film of Whelarr. Duer ft Yaha- han. at tlic Matylan(j Uiah. Among those from .Vma York attencllriB iht mealing are I.rv>Ih IY Franklin UJiiorfiTuy Trust ‘ 'ornpii 1; I A. lY Irf’Hcti, (j| Poutli Orange 'A Ji. L^a!•h ft I'd. New Yojk Ulty1, (ifioigt G.ui- Henry fWilllHin Salomon & Uo( Hnl Frastus W Bulkley ^Spencer. I’ fHKk ft ('o.'i,


SCn.ANTON, Pa.. T'eh. I Conductors ftml ii'almneri on the Lackawanna Itaif- road have presented tlieir wage demand In the company. In keaping with the an- lion nf Blinller • employes un all other laifroad^ of the Kas(.

On the I-Ac'katvntina the (demands ninount lo an Increase of twenty per cent, over the present scale, which went Into effect April 1. 1910, after the broiher- liomis, acting Jointly, had called a strike, but which was called o{f two Jioura after U was ordered and Just before It was to go Into effect, an agreement hav­ing been reached to arbitrate.

Pending the dlspoaltl(3n of tlie contro­versy with the firemen and switchmen, ihe managers will hold in abeyance the negoUallons with the conductors and trslnmen.


HAV^ANA, Feb. 1.—As an outcomf' <'»f the recent dlficnlty of the Cuhan Govern- ment In finding cash for th - paymcTdi or the monthl\- accounle of the contrartois wJicj arc paving and sewei'lng the (jity of Havana, an ngi-eeineni has been rearliP:d hctweaii the Secretary of the Treasury

t poor cables and Indications rjf bearlp.1i co.ntraciors an(J representatives. _ _ - - . _ . . * V. - I n r o VTo u.- > I-.*' >% L- , ,.s J i. .t.. i.




HudgoD Gag...............Gag ft Kite. Bgrgcn Co..........Hu^Otk Co. Oag.,7. . . ........Newark Con. Gas Co...............K. B. L., H. ft P. Co.........Paterson ft Passaic G. ft K, .Bom-, Union ft Mldd......8. Jersey Q., a. & T........United KSIec. Co.................V;.'.'.

a n d trust companies.M h^DftLNewark Banking Co... SJONallonU 'State Rank................. aoa e m County Nat, Bank..........300Mei^niaiits National Bank........tooItelttttaetursra- WaUonal......... -mW^rth Ward Nattenal B ank .... joo’ National Bank................... 373

NaOonaT B ank .......... is:J | , ^ r k « N a t B ank.... iS5

^ j t . Company:,'.'le T ruat Co.,,...... .

Cp....................Trust Company

n » t Co.................USE Company.■ Co...........



tinued to improve lu the New York i't'oykery and giaegware market during the w*eek. and sellera were firmer than ever In their views that an excellent AF>a6on waa at Imiid. 3tocka In the hands of w'holeaalera were reported un- uaualty light, and, In several instances, (ho Individual orders placed showed material increase over those given a year ago. £4o far the possibility of downward revlBion of the duties on these goods has dj le little to retard business.

Imporiea liner air generally ready for display. The recent advances In do- meitlo pOtter>‘ have by no means re­tarded the call Cur foreign 'wares, and In many cases record levels have been touched since (he opening o f the year.

world's ahipments. May, 99 11-6i£p99 16-19.

Beef—Stead}'; mesa. 20.0 (^21.00;family, 24.00 @26.00; beef hamt(. 30.00# 32.00.

Pork—Steady; mesa. ID 75# 25.26,family, 21.00(^23.00; short ('leaf'. 21,00# 22 2D.

Lard—Easy, middle 10.36,

i5uga.r—Raw'. Hlea(Jy. m uhcovh Jo. test, 2.99. centrifugal, lasses sugar. 89 test.

Weal, 1".2S#

89teat, 3-4D, mo- 2.78. Refined

granulated fine,

of a New Y‘ork banking firm under which the yecretary o f the Treasury will Issue f!lx per cetil. Interest notes monthl\- for the amount due and the notes will !>f‘ (Jiscoijiited hy the bankers. This ar raiigemetu la (o continue until ne.vt .lul> .

The average monthly accoum of the contractors is 1460.000.


;h& Newt b> I'oHi ft MfaGK. la gi t‘ t1 l‘Vitiw : ..usl IglU'I'uJa H---- ---- , 1

ipeii Tlifii luy>. c uBf-. ( U!.<.A 1 'ha] I'll 1'. 3Ja 4% ■1',..\mal i.'op .. >?>n .31,.Am Ulpl : pj ,ll '.\iii i.’ari . i:p , Cl% ’J'kAll. < uji. I'l LtiS 127'i 120'..\ui Cot Cl!. ii-' .'J.Atij It h 26', 22'!. 23'. 24.kin I.Cm '■ IIL 41'., 11 d IHk.\JU. SrTJrIt .34. Tl.\in, Hugai lU". iin » in'll 11... UK.A m. T f 1 ft 1. i;:i , i;l' Lil-b. lL-‘b c:-\m Toll !■. luaiv

ll* ,loriu hYl'.; I'Kj

.\ in. SS’ iM'U’ ii 17-i IT’ i 17.', •K

.AnafunJu :i?> ;I8 .(.% ;t411 • h U«!i. T(|S% :'(.'(% I'OlW

ii ft U HL’S 102'. j'l>gHp Di. :i! 3!( :J9 :wIi n. T. 1(1*4 81\ M 81', 81’-4Can. Pflt....... 2<'C. 241 .81', 24.1'a L'41Ct'ii. L(*atli .. If 29 -"J 284c. * 0 .......... 78U 78’ , 7sC T8’ - 7h%C„ M & S . P 112', |]4 1134. n;K IP('h lii'j Cop, . t :'. 41‘ i 42', 42’4Ctil. F, * 1, 3?U 40% ::t\Coni Prod., !«“ > ]1P| I'l l'.% IfiCCorn Prod, pr :% :s TS I'b 7-1'.IV, Is. ft il:> 4.'iT.I'lfBi Hi*! . . IM. I8'4l-'i 1** . . ail* aiH :ii ^ 5m aiSKrle. lit pr 48 i 18’ , iS'uGt. Norl h pr mix 1281, 12S%


tgoltiflPlri ( 'on 2'-i *2Hum. K x — ohl. ;v*i WL 60*% 50In.'Met ....... 18-', HC 19% 1814In.-sMet . |Ji . G4 *vi « 'a 64% 81In. HarM'Si .. IH '. Til IHInltT }4ar , pr 115 U6 116 llj "116%Ise'htgh \ al .. 161 »4 I62i. lill', 161% 1111%LIr . ft sMyers. 22: 22: 326 22 JMt?x. P A T , . 7J1,

J-s;p . '.'I'i Tl

Miami 1 op..... -3’4 2S'« ■23H il-v,M.St.P H.M ltd 14(1 1:79% 139% HU'SsMo. Pfl'-......... 41'i 4Cft 41% 41% 4:N'ei'. i rsn...... 1(0s ISV, 18'. i'i tfX. Y. ( 'em !ii loRC lOKUXtir. ft- U esc llM, 1104 nut. 110%Nor. Am ........ u ill 8! 81 80%sVor. Pac........ JlflVi nskv, 119% llfH,

122%Pt’nn ............. mti. 122% 12t’ 8 UtI ’ liis r iis l..... 23ii 28'li ■a’y 22% 23 S4

i Pills, coal. pr. Vi/.'ts 92% 92% w . 92%1 Pull. Pa l..... . 16IV3 1G1% IKIU 161% 1(21 lly, Sf, Bp..... 8274 3'-'ti 3204

Pa\’ • onfl...... 1!V(4 111% I3H IP*r.oadlng ........ 165'4 165%

2l»!,I6t% ISrWri 165%

I4a=>p . i. ft ft ... 2("4 27%Rep 1. ft ft..pr SS 8»% 89Rock Island . 231, 23'(4 •23J,R. Island, pt. 1244 4'J% 42%South. Pac..

fio*51(WL 107'v k»7% 1I1W4

aSoiith. Ry..pr. w% •80%Term, io p . . M’ , 33% 33’ i 34r«x. Co ....... IJ1 LIU

3!»%\2\ ]‘:i 130%

39%Third Avc , . .‘SC- 39%tijiloii pat' . m.-i 1(11% i » ” . Kyi 1 rtf’sCnlou I'ar-.. I'l 1', S. Case f . .

00(g 90% 8.8-4 80’ i 30iti I« Ib 10 16’ .

r . S. Rub . ti6 A hin GoVj sr.>.c. s. R.. ifli ri 107U 1071. 107’ , h)7% 107’^Jr . g Bifpi. . . 6I\ fto'e 64% hotVs1'. S. Bleel. pr \\<h 1111% Jir»% nok.

j LTilh t'Op...... vt*. 51>-i ‘>4% 64V-’Va -CBro. :i7 fit 37 371,Weednghouae. 7.7 rs’ . 1.4%

N E W Y O R K B O ^ ► t A R K E T

The (olli)Wlng quota! unbi were fiii'nislieiii

Union National BankMW 1SOM IO

I.APITAI. ... ........................................9I.|||'I,I.I A.M> tADIVIOKIJ l•HOFn!l DKIMI9ITI .............................................

OFFICERSt\ II.1.1 IKTICKRKKI ZAI. tl. MpCAHTKR .........JIT.U <I A. l,RHKt;F.('HRn tlU'Htn 9I.D W. C03IKI.IN RKUCN n. P^BNUWOBTfl . « Il.I.I \M C. PEABPOK . .

I B*( II. .4l(>4?ar(er\ . P. Moidfr Thoniia KfeCigrter Porreal K. Drjrde®(lottfrled Kruanev

^rrhlhnlil W. f'onkMo

DIRECTORS.liillug V. Lfbknrvkv' Fmakltg CiiBkllD Hcrtfrrl P. 01*»gO»R. f . H «yTlirvftor# 91. Wo.ift|jtn4

.. ,.W ■•IJMI®-®


............. PrMlAcal, .. . v lff-p r tM **** ... . Vle*.PnHil4-tit............... .CMklrr.Antgtaal CMfel*r . Ankitgal Ca*bl*r

tVlllliiin Iv'fegmr Jnrpk M. Byvn <5. \V. rglg»Bgp«a Cbarln W. Gui l.»Ti W » la * »r t »»

Erwig <>■ Fgrggwiwtfc

ITIOMLDtNKINGP U f A Q i r ST | V -L I I A l l I l l / C 0 R C L i K m _ V

O R G A N IZ E D 1B04


Capital, Surplus and Undivided Prefas, $2,875,000]


Cut KiH&B la well taken, and other gl&si , ^ rees^Steady and unchanged: receipts lines are moving freely. 124 bo.xes; weekly exporia. 269 bosee.

.. » ----- — j Eggs—Firmer; receipts, 6. 90 cases; fre.' l

PENNSY STOCK ISSDE P U N | "Poultry—Dressed, steady: fresh killed

quiet; tTushed, 5.()&4.36: powdered, 4.45. ! XE'\ Y'ORK, Feb. I,—The strike vqjr

Coffee-Plo, Ko. 7. futures, eieady; 1 of the Su.OOO firemen on (lie f1fty-fox,r Way. 13 48. July, i3,r.o. | rRiiroads east of the Wiislsslppl Riv'er 's

Petroleum—-Steady; refined. h.ii reU. ,S.DO.

Molasses— Steady; New Orleans, (jpen kettle. S5#>56.

Hay^Qulet; standard, l.on- No 1.1.96, No. 2. 90#>!>5: No. 3.

H!(3es—Steady: Bogota, :'s\Sl2D\:Ceiit.'fli Anierico, 29*4

Leather— Firm; hemlock firsts. . .■> (j 2D: (fri'Juds. 27# 2a; lh!r(Ja, r*;-ieils. 19(||'20.

Buitet- FInvi, receipt’ , 6 201 v.jha, -'ream er^ extras, %.A ie e s e—Steady and

by Post Hi Flags iOpen-High- Low ­Jlos-

ing. esi. est. insAm. . ft. T, c\ 1. is m ■ ■ -‘>Alt h. 4s 98At new K. 4b ]9b0 10.%At Coas t Line 4*. - 9;.fto. ........ . 1+1%

t H. (V U. 4h............ 97% (7’ , fi‘,% S+T'jiB. ft, T. 4a............li. R. 'I', »s............ I0‘i%

; ccfii lefallier «,r\ 1*7 i'H', it,Ch(t ^ ft Uhlu lUOVv

, Chi.. ft ( I.** - . 95% 8;.'. iCi*AS & at P.cv II7B 104,>,

practically all In ami the work uf cour,'- irg (ho ballots began todas'- Jt will ink(‘ from a week to ten days to finish tl.ocjiiii;.

Clialrma?! Ellaba Lee. uf tha eonferen-'e committee of managers vf the railroad'^, roiueded In a statement that the vote will be overwhelmingly In favor of a strike.


‘ L n i.&P. Iff . 4s 64% M% ‘ 4%C(jl. & flo 4s - .i>«n. ft K. U. 1 S.&le :( '“0HIslil Sec. j.k , 67inter- Me(,, S! 81% hi MIr.lei' Paper. 11. bs IW

B est B an k S e rv ic e -

Banks are in many ways similar, but there can be, and there is, a vast difference in the service they give.

We pride ourselves on the sufficiency and efficiency of our service to oar patrons.

Ask any of them how they like the Broad and Market Bank.

4 Per Cent. Interegt On Savings Accounts

Broad & Market National Bank

Globe Bldg., 800 BroadChristian Fteissner, President

David King, Joseph Ssmuei Vice-Presidents

Charles W, Unt, Cashier

PH ILAU l I.PlilA. Feb. l-.The Pennsy!- vanla Railroad Company ta expectod to announce shcirtly a naw legilt of securl- tlai.

It 'Will require 9l2,800,i)(X> to take care r<f Us Baltimore and Ohio 4^ per cant, bond?, and |9,750.AD(j to take up the Norfolk and i YVestern new hunda, and these sums, with 9ifi,000,000 for new equipment and 990,000,OW for the big Improvemehti planned In and About Philadelphia, the company will sell for at least fOO,009.000.

The directors are aerloualy considering er increase of 3100,000,000 In the capital stock to cover all these riequlrements.

MUTUAL LIFE TOTALSThe annual 2'eport of the Mutual I.Lfe

Inaurance Company of New Yolk makes gome interesting announcements envoivlng very large totals. Among them one hnde its amount o( insurance In force le t l ,660,888,0(8, a gain within a year of 146,918,401, aithgygh the new paid-for'insurance ia given at 8187.0(7,- Ija . a gain of 81(,068,452. Policyholders received 1(0,9(5,483 last year, with dividends, the latter total being tU.^ 00(,880.

• ,,6 . Sa . 270

1» . aio. m ' i<a

atlonal Bknk...i k . . .g m Baal

f t Bgbk at Bast Orange.‘QoUaty Trust........... . 015't Inveatmsnt ft Trust... M

. ..1 National Bana..*........mitual Trust Company............Ii

■ I. f J


l »

J f tm . Hudson Co. Trust.......... .....Ziglon County Trust Co.......... HO

(■ UFB AND FIRB INS. CO.. ............ ...................600

' ■ ■......... ...............■-'76

^ t e ajiss.'.'.'.’.V.'.'.' is

AND 'iitteaELLSBowk «r -^ iM le r Co.,....... . -gg. |g

r-Wbeelsr g r . . . , ] K ggi*ok waUf . " X . r , S .— - •"'usr^pM......... a V.A

____ ___ GaMS? • VaseCo.... ............. ~...M a »

gtMtM.Mt (taw., pot gar

■1 Bee arts ru st ITaaft Ta.

fiabraary X Daring (uTBm ^yau irtp, at about »dt V , H . find oeeiiMad coadtaiiatioiis Aartga, Ggntot, T i^u c aettb, that Minorl aorthda^ Tina JfaJor Caasa VaaaUel; sWL Uo. Ifth.Jdhw, Caoear: aouthsast, Hyftra, ftrgii Maria aouth.vCanla Hlaar. WotWiMmig; ttaJar,,Colum(ia, LefiBV0(4ii»;TVrriuu 'Brtoasw'cifiiid-WiWgfts; aarthwsaft.' ■


FINANCIAL POINTERS4old exports to both Franck and. Ar­

gentina continue, 1 000,000 having bssn engaged this week for shlpmeBt to South America. The resources of the money market are ample and foreign demands for gold are not reflected tn money tatea

* * *The president of the New Torit Stock

Bxebange, replying to a uusstloh put to him by Governor Sulser la thn hearing at Albftty ,ye»«^sy said that he had no doubt ti>|( the trading of recant days In tha AtnaKsn Can shares waa alto-' gether lafttimate and that It did get in any tsnse repiesent manIpulmGoa., y

^urbpe was tn the New Terk joarket yssterday with a good demand fsr Fan- ruary copper. This was foitpwad by tm* proved demand for aoma conanipara. tt Is homridsred doubtful If much Was as.

,j:ured, however, at prlcet asRed. At ths %ania tlntt offerings of March, April and May went b«tlng, according to ■oaiaW' tefests who otad ta.sall.

I'HICAGO, Felt. 1.-riimnnisslon house Belling eased wheat today after a brief display of strangth. The firmness at the outset . resulted from cuiitinued cold nsather. Bears found encouragement on the other hand In the comparative Indif­ference of European markets to the ad­vance on this Bide. Opening prices were tmehanged lo t.. higher. May started at 93T4 to M. varying the same as the market taken altogether, and then declined lo

Com weakened on account of expected Increaee in receipta. May opened at 6N»®5"H. last nights level, lo up,, touched 6i;’ ,®8fH, and later receded to

Sympathy with ether grain governed oats. May, which started unchanged to a shads off at 3l'i to 3tHfi34!4, and de­scended to 34@9t’ s.

Provisions dropped a trifle as a result of unloading by packers. First Bales

Ing with March leading and selling about ranged from oc. lower to 3ti advance,elx points net higher during the middle of I with May |1*.(B to 119.10 for pork 8!0 |6 to the morning. L.aler months ahowed galn.t j (id. ;;t,i for lard and 810.17(4 for ribs, of from 2 to 3 points. Keduced estlmatca i a reaction m wheat followed but de- of the Indian crop are attracting some at. I uiais of cold wave -damage made the tentlon. while large eales of print cloths | market again easy, The close was atat Fall River (or the week aUo helped the . S3ti for May, the same as last night,early market, | Jleavlness In corn contlnited the re-

The market doted steady, net 8 points i malnder of the day. May closed 'A net higher to ( points lower, >■? | lower at

Western chlckena. 12®20; fowls, 13®17; hir. keys, llSc''

NEW YORK COTTON MARKETY'ORK, Ffeb, 1.—The cotton mar­

ket p&aTK’fl itaad'y at an ad\aiice of 2 to 6 points In reepohso to hliher Liverpool cables. There was considerable cotton for sale on the advance both In the way of scattered reallxinc and renewed pressure from bearish eourew, but on a ?petback to a shade under the closing figures of last night, the market received support trorn trade Inierests, and later rallied on cover'

K. K S ft M. IH Ka>i. ( lij So. i-n— Kali. <■ iiv ho. * s—Tslggett ft* Msers o» Lcniii-. ft XaNh. 4s.. MiinhaUan 4s — Nat. Rv. of M. 4- s N .Y ‘ ‘ W - S. 35 N. V < “ fl. is. Nor. i'Aiiflc Is. . Nor. I'acifici it..- Penn. I'vt :iUs LdiPenr.fl .......p, r.oiillttrd .. Pub. Hcrvke 6b.,Reading iv>.........8t. J ■ flu. W . eonSo. Piiv 4s-------BO- I'B' . ''Vt. 4iSo. Itv- 4«...........Tex ft Pac. istsI ’nlun Pac. 4e.....I'lilon Httc- evt 4V. S. Steel 6fi......V. H. Rubber 8? .Wabanh 2d os.....Wabash 4h..........Wab -Pitlfl. l8t 4s Weqilnghouse ion

71V*Wi.a9*J‘ a98Vi94%m l78

4a tt)98%bh


8.-, '•+7% 97%


1— 3 Uj I22W

4?91%aO'.;,Hit 9.'i

syn 9;-:\T7%

108%7 .S

It!’ , wu. 9l'% ;i8'.B. . 9B% 6% T6''3


DC iO|% Jii'J

I. .61%:iiCj

61', 61% 61%

V.. 6*’V

N. Y. OUTSIDE SECURITIESThe following quotations were funilshed

by VVIlllaro F. Muth ft Co : 1NDU8TR1AI.S.

cioalns I 1911’ M TcBtcrday. Tndaj

Bld-Ask'-i! Bld,.V-Hi,e,lAm. vt'iH. Paper... 2 2^

i .kill, Marconi ....... iPit 6kBuckeye Pipe IJnc ...........Anglo Oil .......... . .Borden's C. M....... I's H'*Borden's C. M., pr.. ion's Wk Brlt.-Ain. Tohkcco. StV, 24'i Csn. Marconi ...... IPs Pv

The following quotations were furnished by Post ft Flagg:' Yetdy E

Open. High. Low. Close Close. , 12.28 I'l.M 12.M 12.28 12,27I 12.14 12.14 12.06 1208 I2.lt. 12-08 12,10 11.97 12.1-81 U'.OS. 11.44 11.44 11.87 11.W 11.42

MarchMay... ,Tilly... Oct....

The following todays quotations, dose belnif at 2J6 R U,. New York time, were furmahed by Byrne ft UoDannsll:

A* the Chicago Board of Trade;Yesterday's

trOin ToUtwaH gn^ Industrial ainPinAtlohs aggrogatlDg tisar)y t27.(W,tn. ewYOKr ^g> less than tu,(n;. 000 was Mthteraod.

Judge ganftberiK ol tbe Federal Caurf. m St Imidi, hod iiipeBiiad Tbomga x. ■toiUeroy, of. that elly. apecio] «Mat*r lb take .tMtlmesir tn tbe Waboob Bnl- tOod recetveniiip pebeeedikge. He trill Miport to the court the ffnanolal ob4 physical oesriUtlea *(^4^ prepsri .

Here than t>.MkW «t revenue far egch -dtv •( m i wee the Pen»syTva»!s *oil- nmd'B rmpmerl-vrii— T The total eper-

geesme wee ffL liftm ' oa tneeeeee "ef-SMliltU Total ......

LONDON STOCK MARKETijifciDON, Feb. 1,—The slock market

opened quiet and steady snd later ad­vanced without pgrtlaular feature to the dealings. Home mils were strengthened by dividend announcements, but the con­tinental favorite eased off In the late trading. Nigerian tin sharaa were weak on realizing.

American securities opened steady and- a traction higher. The market continued to advettce until the iaat half hour, when Ill^t aeillng depressed e of ths list. Ths etoeing wag steady, vrith values rang­ing from H above to ti below parity.

Honey was In good demand and dis­count rates were quiet.


' ■ - -u tto o 'e f clearing house

Wheat- May .....July ....S(pt.......

!! Jul.v .....' Sept........1 Oais—

May .....July .....

" ? i r k - -May .....

Lard- May .....




Cr«ac«»t Pipe LineIDXCC

r;175 17719’ai vli

119 I f 106 i'>! 2444 :4




34H« 3414 M*414 e 84'434*4

19.0sSU.ia 18.07

10.17 10.17910.30

PHILABELFM A STOCK MARKETTlie foilewlrt guotatlotia wer«. furnish­

ed by Ejsele ling.Bld.A*K«dv

40 41V

l uikM 4M)4 tw t omfwnihN for th« w««k ahowg that they bold ll(.U(,I» reeerve in egeeee og legal requlre^nto. Thte is a decreage of H.MMOII from last week.

" STBAJlSfflMtErOItTSNSW YOWL Wb. L:-<!annaala, Liver-

Aftpl (er New deck Siptbar.r a ix , «#•' l-Ariflvad, Mtle;

^ cISpb*HACB: •Mb. t,~Aneeaa. Kapls* f « ^ e w t * f * i doiEh

WBtiB ^L>ANDi. tela L-ftteaMr Keehambeau, Havre lor New Yeek, wBI dock. Monday.

Americao Railway Co.American Go* ia ............ . 06%Cambria Iron .... ................Oambria Steel .,.Ji........... . 81Klei'trlc Storage, con,............ .73Electric ft People's 4a........... 8jGeneral Asphalt, com.......... 4^Getuni Asphalt, pr............. TiIntersmte 4s .................. (FAKsifttatie Telephone, oom...... 12Lehigh Navtgirikm atock...,.^ »i. .. Lehigh Kavigatlen tr. e(te...L 01Lftka Buperlor ............... MLake Saperier lacens le...... %Lohlgh Valley Twnall. com.... T mLehttli Valley Transit, pr......New^ebeer Cmi. TJoe..^....... 7*'New Jer. G etuTroc^ li ...... a :-

Havana Tobacco Havana Tob., pr...Uouflton Oil...-.....Houatou Oily pfs...Tnur, Rubber........N. Y. Trans...........Olla Elevator......... 76Otia Elt^vator, pr... 99Ohio Oil ....................i?tnndfirci Oil, qi|<i ..i i7u standard O il K. J. 4TStand, Oik N. Y........Tob. Fro.s pr........ 1(6'V'ot uum Oil................1 nlted Glgara........ 108I'n. Tank^Ine..............

RAILROADS. Am. Ught 4t Tr— 40S Am U & T.. pr... lOBHBraden Copper..... SH




131 llTf 43'







416io»H 106^

Brit Cdi, Copper. Burie iTotSltibn . •BU(t<**.\. Tt» ....... .Cora. AriXs jBmalt.. DnxIS'DftU a*.......ifly Central ........fi|>- Cottt. ....... .yirst Nit, Cop.....Oiroux Coaa.........0 rerne-Caiiimca Jumbo ExtenilonKeir .......La Roae Cbne.....ManbattKA Trans

9% fti

Bi 4% t 'i

IS 'inV* Ii

17i IS 1’ ,

13 Jl J.l'3V, 2 i'T3'v !\ 2',S’ , 9% •V,£ M 35


IS 4

ll 2

. -t

313 M€ 3 3-16 3 L-16 3 3-IG . 3 34 3 S'................. lb l ‘ i

Ohio C Pacific

, Ba.'".'.'.'.'.': I t o f Nev.Tonopeh.

t ^ t S u ^ ^ t iK r - . . . 18Yukon -aoid *

j BO.VDS.UntlfS. Lk ft ft. ,,b^. W

's i "

3'A a 1%1 7-l« Hi 1 7-K

1 Iki 31 1 - 13-18 1 S-K

Hi IK1 >’49-K 7*U1 *-»21-lf 2 3M(

C Hi (2H It! 2ti

12 8 uIK 18 »

■ Hi 3 3ti

SW4 ta » t i


U p eU 'jfi^ tan e. T<vmc.‘ ‘

R I G H T SA . i V l l K . X K I ^ . « e T K l ^ .

A M I H . iS U T O A K W I 5 I - 0 . 1 3 . M O .

I V o r f o U f t *£ W o ^ i e t e e - i i bought -lO ld-aocurateiy quoted


785 Broad Kt., Newark, N. J.1Vl. 4Sf4H. Mnrkrt.

CaTAMLtSrirD 1093

ClASENCEHODSONiO.j b r o K m : r s

bank and insurance stocks80KDS AkD MEW JERSEY SECURITIE.. «tRI70fllOUS CORPORA7IOMS OHANfED


Ciin tonSt.New ark.N .J.Pmomcs Market 4172-4173


The New Jersey and Eagle Assurance Company Stock

Par Value 525. At *40.00 Per Share

Address Eagle, Boi G5, News 0(Rce


781 Broad Street, Newark, N. J,TELKPHONF 'JOBU NARKKT


N E W A R K . N J






$2,800,000The accounta o( individ-

uale, Rrma and corpora- tion* are inrited.

— ISi n t e p e s t p a i dON D E P O S I T S

S e U

P r e s e r v a l l o n !is the First La'w of Nature. The First Law of Success is M o n e y Preserva­tion—Saving, The Bank Account is the best means of accu­mulation.


1 2 2 R O S E ifI lX E A V E .

“Evety G(«il Ba ut* Faciiity."


\ nan1mous vol#i tlio Wpgi Virginia Logis- lalure lale yesterday ratified the Income tax fliTieridment to Feiiefal CoAiilltu- Oqti CH»v«nc#t OlMSCork hau aTMJi>unice#j (bat lie favor* tha measKie. ^

The vote of but one olhrr Blal'e 1* iigeded to make the afiKndmeni conall- ll tUmal.

WILMINOTON. Del.. Feb, I.-Delaware. It ia said, will ratify the Federal UicoTOt- tax arjibudiTTenL aod thereby rnake it ffcctlve. The resclurlon has not yt-l been piMonted. but It will be Introduced earlj- next week and promptly paated, it undaritood. It will then go through to the Uouie.

EISELE & KINGUvmsrrs V N. g. itwh KsdiaBa'.' II.'Uacta sY 1*hllB.gt0ck Baefeanue

New Jersey In v ^ m en t Securities a Specialty

Broad and Clinton Strcctu.YBW.aKK, ft, J.

iHulMl Bcardt Bwtidlaiil '■■keuM !C!£W. IMgi. gaiu. Htii.

g o ld a t p r e m iu m in FRANCEPARIS. Feb. l.-apw,. which Is now at

twenty cents premium' on ope hundred dollsra. has almost entirely dtsgpneared from a'lrctiietlon In Prance, The only plscag In Paris Where gold coin can now ^ obtalDsd ale the Paris totanches of American bank*. The French banks re- (uea to hand even one twedty-frane piece to thrir cnstoinera., The boarding of goH has been In prog. hob (er three montba awlps to appre- ftStUiiK of a peeslbfe war. For two or three dai-s weently. whs® peac Si tba M iua# aotmt^ wL^) a raw goW -ftRcde jb

i^dSNp, .Ri. olrcolatte^ but *■ yg^;bav^ oAoe mora eaaiabed. - ' - * i


The aimusl mMltog et ta* Wl'e*l*SQ it the Ml. Pleasant Csmsisiy ConriUnP-dt S ik . will be beW in tbs (jllM; raw e » ^ tMog MS*'* tmtisnso AesqcftcI ^M sire^ Sswark, o* TeesdaK Febrearr l»t(. *yS:» P. ft- to bo?r^ f boaid o( manogera to elect tbmo.f - rt said board and tronact iuea. ullwf bueUrwo ts may come *>e^ _augl

tporis of tko (fl'i n*mbp*d'A

n »T»jt.•Icriuat'■tYi...!

(■uO^- IwiWlSf

i lL J.. Jemwi'

V , , .V •

r w - - " ^ ‘ 'N E W A R K B \ t o n T g K K W S . B A T tT B D A Y . F B iB B P A B Y I . 1913.

BUILDING-REALTYiKouMmuk iwynywnim. rm »uxmnm. urvBWMiwfti.


B. S. GfiTef, Chief Foreiter, Replies to Critics of Stump'

a(e Prices.


Proposed Structure at Summer and Second Avenues Will

Cost $40,000.

ClkArlM* W. li. Uuche (ti‘u iie«) l urii(jf<, MHlUurTi, n 'Typllto — ...... . ., LMorrlu liirijplki' Jind lit>t>yt

iHtlii. iind oHier M<ict


A firceCI te v t bcin dr. by

Mw* of ttbilx f t e Mttcki <



ap«d*> B e n ic t » l th i }IE W S .WASHINOTON, Feb. 1,-Henry R

Owvu, Oftlef oi the Foreet Service, m»do AtIrceC »i»iw«r lodey to criticism* which

M been drouieted agelnat the policy the government In nielilng

timber from the netlonal foreete. on the Foreet Service on thi*

Mint heve token the form of compieinte the government ought to undor»ell

OUtilde merket by disposing of etump- (or less then the merket price to

lumber compeniee which cut the llm- .. and reeell It to the consumer.Mr. Oravee pointed out that if the gret- tone advice of hie critics were followed, a whole purpose c( conserving the thn- T and dllpoelng of It for Ihe consumer's (Tteflt, as now worked out, would he

itrated.Tthe government." esld Mr, Oraves,

materially lower the cost of Ihe average cansnmer even If

,0 reduce by half the price (urged for timber cut on Ihe national arwte. But It could enable many lum- Igrlnen to grow rich fast. Aleo, It could iwd would prepare the way for a timber MBOpoly later that would be a monopoly rWi a vangeanci,' tlAll aalei of over tlOO worth of national loraat timber are mads after adverllae- Mnt for competitive hide. The foreet Wrnoe la prohlblUd by law from ielHng a any other way. It 1* al*o prohibited I* law from eelllng or offering for sale or Umber until after It hue been ap- gWlnd, or for less than the appralaeil

"To permit of timber to be eold for lets l yrtin ita market value, the law would

6 JUYa to ba changed. Should It be7 BhtMedT Who would have benefited If

the timber actually eold last year had llOgf aitld at halt the market price, or lltvan awayf , ,

® er **Vfotl0 the general market pries have ■ to the purchaser from the re-

daalerf Not one cent. The manu- who cut this Itielgnlflcant frae-

of the country's total lumbar cut have sold their lumber at the mar-

" price, pocketing tha H or »2 or tJ per ■ - ■ - than the market price

which the government presented them. But It they had to the wholeaaler for leaa, would he

'S banded the preeent on to the re- ■T And If the retailer had got any of It. would he have given It to the

'iMitiuncr?(iwbl6 th« conwumer to bcn«flt by

'f t ftllffipftfB price less th&ii purchaBcre M dtuouiafe stand ready to pay, the gov-

would have to manufacture. "^-VlSMPort and market the lumber, eell-

BTBreetly to the coneumeV from Its Mnt retail lumber yards.

lumber prices where they are tbs gpvemment can get from fifty to W per thousand for Its stump' tindar ootnpeMlIve Wdi, the pries

ng on the location and kind of aotd. Ten years ago It could not

gtven away the itumpage which It Uinit todky.,a forest lervlce Is selling timber as pa this can be done without stcrl-

tbe interest* of tha public. It is avsry effort consistent with sound j to dtepose of the overripe itump-

4li the forests and bring the annual ,. Op to a fair portion of the yield. It MYarttalBg commercial appojtunttlcs on

foraite widely and auaceagRiliy' It*, eobtlMta are framed to meet pracH- bnlidnen and kMndna oondUlOoe. they aoeapted by bualneia men and are

large Invaatmenta. amaU manufacturer le sought

if he Is equipped to utilise the But where the capital and or-

iSlItiOn of the big operator are needed dkOelop ina'ccesslhle areas, large Bales rntade. Yet In all conlrncts holding 'ler for apeoulatlon 1s prohibited and

ptymeiil of the proper value Is ae- ..Spy frequent adjustments of price. iTb^ policy t» succeeding, The use of l^pa ! forest timber oq a aound and

Increasing rapidly. Wlth- 1,500,000,000 feel has

operators are looking i& the national forests for new locations, t the demand 1s sustained Ihe yearly

lea will aoon reach 0,000,000,000 feet. The pal growth on a number of forests [Ch are within teach of markets Is now

tly used. As transportation faculties extended this will be brought about

m every forest."

Work Sill begin In a week or so, H Is esprrtcd, on a fmir-*tory sparlmeiit- house 10 bo hullt at Bccond and Humriicr avenue* for Harry Klodin. The cost will be IW.OOO. The building will he fv by 51 and Ihc front wit! he of tapestry brick, with llirestono trlinmlnge.

There will be twenty apariments In the house, the number of loonn of each rang­ing from three to five. The main hall will have tiled flooring, with marble | walnscotlngs, in the uther alorlea there 1 will also ho tiled tiooilng. hut Ihc trim­ming* will be of ehealniil. Kach apart­ment will have a garhage cloael and a i wall safe. There will be a vacuum cl.ian- Ing syatem Uiroughout. |

Another large addUluii is to be made to j llui plant of the Halbwli -Smaltlng and ] Hefining rnmparij, on the bay fnini. The building, wblrh will ptovlde a iiuiii- . her of (urr.ai'ea for- ticatlns lead, will i construeli-ri of steel and corrugated Iron, one-atory high, to ineusuie 110x210 feet In ground area. The Herlln llonstructlon Conipuny ha* tbe coutract for the Btrui:- lure, wlilch will cost IHU.IlOII.

Roinolo Bottellt haa completed plana for a four-story brick tenement building tor Frank Colavlto, lo be erected In HummU place. 'Ihe otructure will have a front age of twenty-eight feet and will he forty feet In depth. It Is to contabi apartmenla for four famlllea. Mr, Bottelli has also drawn plans for a four-*lo!y brick apartment building, to be erected soon at 23 Johnson avenue. Morr's Sharff will be the owner of the structure, which will measure about MxlOtl feet. There will bo three apartmenla on each floor, to be equipped wllli steam heat, electric lighting, dumbwultcr. gas ranges. | hot water supply and tiled halliroum. j The .building will cost about 130,000. I

VVIlltam K, Lehman lias drawn Ihe plans for the rebuilding of the leather plant of R. H. Nathan, at 13H and 13t Frankfort Btreet. which was recently destroyed by tire. The work will Include the erection of a one-etory brick Japan shop- to cover an area of M*00 feet, and a one-story trams stock room. Louis Then'* Rons have the contract for the structure, whk'lj will coat about 17,000,

Frank W. Huin will be the owner of a lhre*-*tory brick store and apartment hulldliig, to be built at I'llntun place and Tlillnghast street. The alruuUire, which Is clllmated lo cost 130,000, will be erected from plana deelgned by Frank Orad. It will be fifty feet wide by alsty-elght feet In depth. Tborc are arranged throe etores and thirteen apartments, to com- prlBB four and five rooma and bath. Mr. Orad has Just finished plans for twu three-atory frame six-family flats, which Abram Levy Is soon to erect at Badger avenue and Marie place. The corner building will contain apartmente of five room* end bath, while the other struc­tures will have front and rear apartments of four and five rooms.

The Ornton Investment Company la erecting a two-story frame store and dwelling on the southwest corner of Frc- lliighuysen avenue and Whittier place. The building, which will cover a plot Mx70 feet, will coat about 17,000.

At UOO Beaumont place, R. Arthur Hel­ler Is erecting a two-and-a-hoH-etory frame two-tamlly dwelling, to cost about ie,000, The building, Which will measute twenty-four feet *I(ie by fifty-eight feet In depth, win provide fourteen rooms and two baths. William H. Smith la the builder.

A three-etopy frame flat with aceommo- datloriB for three families Is about to he started at 303 Seventeenth avenue for Jacob Prager. Simon Cohen drew the plans for the building, which will cover a plot 23x63 feet. The npartments will com­prise five and six roomd and bath. About 15,500 will be expended.

itsuUio, ........ , J .CHrollm- It I*li"' and liuebaiid m

IClliabetli S on Hard, Kaht omng'-. s w H Rhode Island av lOO ft s e fr lledfni'd ■'I, 36x100 ' , '

Ell»sbeih H tillllard to rarollri' R Pine Ct ul. Last Uruiigc. sani«propert; ................... ■

Anilrrw H I'onpcr to Hciuce ttlrlce, Niiticy. n s Centre si « w ■ or lend .Mary A Ciinrov, tXiJM

ll iince c, liil,-,' to Ella M Coorer,Nllticv, BHIiie pruperty...........

Jiihii F. Mniuilmrj, sheriff, tojukoh Zlnirnorvr, Niiih-v, w a Frunkllri BV 7B ft 0 fr mugei at. iiOxKiO - .

Hattie A. tTsmci lo FrederlE-k n, ■I'oylor. Oiuiih'-. s e s Onliwood av nil)' ft H w Ir Slain si, 30x101

Frank Wilson H ux to Maiy J1 Uet. lining,', s w s Hey wo,id sv 31K) fl !i w fr Rei kelev i V, Vfal!>. .

Mary .M, Lb e U> l■,il,lh^e .M. W ilson. Oriiiigc, a w s He) wood av 3tkl ft n w fr Rcrkelev a. H'Jxlkt. .

lAM SABi m" Howard Savings InslitBtioiiPERMIT TOTAL WELLSDPPUED

‘ Three Projects More Thin I Material Market Generally ShowsDouble Record of Pre-


Thii'i [irrmtls, two for e"'hof>l hUildlriga Hod llif' -ilkKT for a Iiui'f'h, prln-

i'dlly ri wjxinNlblc for llu' J'liup In

JCilwiirtl 1’ KfnllMR I t i K la Andifw11. •. M-mtilHlr. <* M Oruva “1U*J fl a fr I’ lMirklite ’Dim, fiOTtll t,and othi* imri J

Aiidtt'w H W i'IUt I(j HcuIrIi aKhiii Inp: Mofttrliilr tmm? prop 'i'l^ 1

william L Taylor fl i X to MlchHi'lJ iJijylH el I’x, Mont Itllr, 11 1 f»rRt rkflky ;il ami N Vioimlain h\,

]Ml.’Imck .1 Ki.yU- ft iiX til William

L. !-. Mujit’Ittlr p s Kir Mm:. fl II fr IftiHl Hr \ '1‘ Joslyn,4TxI&4 . 1

O.arl^H U' .ArKlfi'flOii « 1 iiv lo H"''-i I t Jnhiihtfin, Moiil'-U 1 r, L'i’ii! re i i'-\'(‘f Moc :1h1m k\ TSi, rt fr It'll Iff'Bi lU'vIlN H\. I'XllCfHl 1

LluIn l.f'V V tn IL'HJhi liii's* Hmi'i I-Kuh. HflN'vf]''’ . 1' H L ndf'ri Hv I'DIt ti II 1Itllr HI. Ji>2:lC*} I

Elf'hllr'hH W xMaitclil iiiHj InivLuri'l111 Karr Ii. SHfrli Ri', Oi -illlRH-, K . ur NltUli av arul S I'ith '»!.


Heavy Stock in New York District.

I'-dward <'l ux tol[UB KfVitt. BloomfKjId, ti i'>r Alljiii KifgiilnilptPr'fl InnH, r< Hill ht. ,

Uwrlff rt i ' Hnullvi et u\ lo Josr- pJHno Armltiiffp, MouUlalr, « ItPrkcU'V pi ft n fr N MoulilfiinH.V, .......................... ..............

John llorilAS et hLi to Nlfliolisx EJoH- trlcfl Jj’.. Bfiilr’villp. h c h Jli't'krl

lt(<S ft n ft ItuOtHK Ht. .RU'hard M. »U<m» »'t ux lo

K. Hnf Jr. Hloom#i<?lrl, n b Applt- toil at 2f*] ft w fr lllllNjrto h\'. SJxSft)

Ukititf- Retiliy L'o to r)anlrl li. An- ijo-raon et ux. I-Iortt Oraiife. n r i-fji- miton Hi am! North Park st. 30xb6 ..............................................


Thf! fonuwliig movigagi^B were filed Inth? rountv iftRTstet H uffli*- yealerda.v:

BoE hlfl Heckpr an<l luishum! to bxcplBiiit- Bullthng and l*oaii. t ......... ...LMO ft B fr Bank »t. B.afO.

TeiPfiu M Donnelly i<j Hoboken HulUl- Ihk ubd l^an, n fl ith nv 0(> fl e fr Rh at. Jl.WQ. a

Thomaa Coleman et ux to West hno Building and l*uan, s w a P'erdoi: si lia ft fl w fr Elm rd. ISOd.

John F, Flaaeke to Klizabetli Rdlly, s n

t'dHi e.'ilmoUt'tl aitiounl of work pT<i\’ld fl lor in tl*' bulldliilf pmniis tMuefI ditrlnif Hie wet k didcd i fatenKi). 10 more lhauHvire Cult of llip cillijg ’I'iietfiiHl ililu w-ek la as- I'omparedwirn Inat week

rill' tliM.'* largest P'’ r-n11j« amonnt 'd lr> JiTl.uOO. Hm- was for u ;ioi|l. lo Vx* ert-flnd «'Ji Johriaon avi-nuf. ti> cusl 0i», au'Uti'-f waa for an Hildliloh lo tl>« Abbingloii A\eilu<‘ Bnhoul, ''nfltlng $7t,i)00f and the Ihirrl for the Tldrd Church. Nortli, on Ahlnjiton uvenue rIjo, the prlre of whlt:li Iv t'Stiiiiuiftd at

Jti Hil, foiiy-eight i>ertTillM were awurd- I e<], foul lbH«i than la&t week Thu»c uf j SLdWi oi‘ more w >rt* an followi!;1 Flr>-t Wunl li.S OgileM Mlrnii, iwo-fliory I frame whs-d. A. M Ayeia & Bonn,

uwTirffl: I1 Si'i'Miid WhuI Ifvu-iriS Mfli'ki I atrei l.1 flb'k'atorH. Kee'lv Elevator roiowui\.I oftiifr. estimated i'ub!, $4,Wi. IIST W ajui*I in^ton hireet t'lii-e flevatursi. Reedy Kle*I valor i.’ojni'fli >'. owner; estimalLd < uhi ■ Ai ImKi*-'!'. I ’ latm and William

fltrpelM. littitlit flF-vutor, Hoard of Hcaith, owner. eKtluidtid '’uat, t3iOM.

N'ldrd Wanl West Slrert. howllny allpy and mePimij-room, Helen Fodor. owner, I'osl, $2,000. Mn'*-iiuhiIIv fllre«t, nllerallons lo frann dwell­ing, M J. Slt-rnlnh. owner; eBtImaUh i-otl. Sl.'iJjO.

Foiirll] WaPd-H Park place One-sloiyhrlck gaiajfP* Arlliur Devine esvaie, owner; tiMlmaled tl.OOO.

Beventti W'ar(i-‘:7 Boutb Urangft avemio alli'ratlorifl to brick hullding, IxiuIh Hlch. owner: 0811711310(1 iHist. $T>,0(KJ. 31 HowardHUeet. HltejBlioiis la fiitnir dwelling, Na- ihanlol Klein, owner; efldmaied coBt, $2,000.

iCIghtli \Vard--AhJr,gton siv^mic. Noriii Hlxth and North Seventli HireetE, addition la Lr\rk nuhool, Board af Education,

H*'\VMckllffe' hi ' cFlImated «-oai. $Tl.oai. Ahtnglon aveiiuo RTid Ridge fllreet, brick church and barlsh house. Third FTeabyterlan Church, owner; estlinated $ .000.

Ninth Ward—FrcllnghuyBeti avenue and Whittier place, two-atory franne dwelling. Oi'tttorc InveMtmeiU Company, owner; eetl- mated copt, Ij.'JOO. Jr^nson and Milford

J A N U A R Y 1. 1 8 1 3

Abstract from the Reporti r TUE

Made to the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance and filed in that department in pursuance o f l i * .

ASSETSUnited States Bonds................................Bonds and Mortgages..............................County Bonds....................................... 2 ,m U ^Municipal Bonds....................................R ^ B r n d r . ; : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .InTerest Accrued....................................................





Mapcfl av IW ft w fr I'lunlerdon flt, tikiO. I avenues and Alplnv Btr&ot, four-story J08>ph R. Craig et ux lu Maude W- | brk-k srliooi. IJaard af Education, owner:

3 * r^*Tht* policy to eucce toreat tirabtr

UimJ* baal* l* luuroaiil Bievto inonlhs ovtr

- zold. Many ope

p ik L L INCREASE INI t Tmtni


Conilia, e b Clifton bv 250 ft n fr 5th av, ■ •2,000.

Jai'Ob Prager et us lo Wnrratity Build­ing nml Loan, b v for ITIh ,w and H lOlh *1. W-600. „

Sgmf, to Hame, a r )7th uv 2s ft r. fi 8 19th St, ta.m

OHo J. Aaron* , l ox Ui .liilluB L llina- moii. 0 B Bellevllh av lOi it s Ir v.'lnrK st, 1360.

iBrat'l Sandler «t ux to Arlon B, and Aeao., w a BnrBen at 475 f l n fr Cah-

Inel *t, IHOO.Adolph ('. Gatin el ins to Minnie R.

tialin, fi B ,V. 7th si 350 ft b fr .Suesi-x av, 17,000.

Hlecnrdo Seltv to Menla lie Lnea, n a Chestnut SI 76 ft w fr Jefferson st, tOOO

Fi'ltliika Schoper and hua to Joseph Lermer, * w cor Waverly pi and Prince m. •2,600, , . T

.Marfiaret Latham and liiia to .Mary i .I Hclilndl.-r, e a Camden st 175 ft b fr Vv •

bill,It at. »1.0(K).l aniiy Schiiman and hu« to M arg iiet Iv

Madlltl'gi-r, e B Camden bI 150 ft n fr 16th tiV, JI-SOO.

Michael Schuman et ux lo Chrlatian Helwlg, e a Camden 8t 150 ft n fr loth av.

**Jv)llu Smllli ami husband to Moaes Sichel, T1 H W averly pi 33 ft w fr Mon­mouth Bt. •900. ,,

Isaac FlelBchmaii et ux lo Daniel Voll- woller, B a Central ov 4*0 ft w fr Lock et, $10 000

Adolph Fuerst et ux to Morcor Building and Loan Aaaoolallon, e a New Jersey Railroad av b a Tk-henor at, P,p00.

Julius F. Kaufh.irr et ux to Ligin Reab tv Company. Market st cor VA Milam darthw aifs land. MO,000.' William FI Stilllvun et ux to South Park lliilidlng mid Loan Aflsocluncm, o s MIk Ii » l SO ft » tr f 'a y *t, B.600-

Marv 15 Bos.st‘t and hmhand tn same, e a Hrook'dule av S97 ft fl fr § . N. Jackson land, $:W0.

t l l 'T S in S OF NEW ARJv-' I'TImeiifl Blva and husband to American

Butidlng and Loan AsBoclatlon, Irvlnston. n * JlTdliion av 350 ft w fr Orange av.

estimated i-u.vt, M30.000, 13 p'rellnglniy-Men BVfiiur Iwo-Mlory bi'lck lavtory, Ste­phen (Jyarfas. fjwrer, eBtimatcd (‘ust.Jy fWii

Thirlceiilli Ward Did lo r«20 riouth Hev- iinUmnlh etrevi. thrr'e Ihrer-Nlory framti dweilinss, l.*outfl Kaplowitz, owner; I'jStl- inatPiJ roBi, |I&,(XX). filO Hnulh Twentlelh >,treet. lliroe-stoTy franv’ dwelling, Alex­ander Rothenberff, own<?r; oathnaUjd ci>et, $7,500.

Slxteenlh Warcl-96 Hedden terrace, two- atory frame dwelling, George Vlj-uje. owner; estimated cost, $4.o6o. 1m llunicr- don fllreel, Hiree-atory frame dwelling. 8iierber & Horowitz, owners; eatlmated coat. $7,600.

iSfifHul hVrcfieo/ ft\f. S'A'H’ fi M : w YORK. Keb I - ( 'ohaumei s In the

market fur bulliUng malerlalH have found lhat the wholesiilerM In muiu Jliiea and dlJilrlbutorH In oiher>t have the whip end of the market In Hielr hfludfl toi the rotMltig spring.

\Shlle turnbiT l<»w ttl mlbs. wliole- .sah rn here are well Khu-ked. Fabricating jtlMpH are In a pii’‘ iHi>n V' l«k e bunlnesfc III fair vulviiue for an Indeflnlle time, Hliiiii* TDcri ore m -N Hii[Fplled and In the local ‘ am[n4jn brick department there arc aE'pioKimntely bX),(W.tW) more NorlU River brh'k 111 Mluik at dvaierfl' yarda lhan baabeen i • I'Oi’led tii rci-eni yearn.

In Newark mnd vielnlly the Bla 'ka are nol quill' a> large us they are here In NeW' York be-uiii'e Kasl Jersey is niU liUlle H<i ilepend*. nt upon water ii Hiiapurta- ttnn for brU.'k an New York 1h.

fiul, dehjole tills heavy supply of mfl- teilol- iheri Is nu dlsi»05lllun Hhown bo fur. ai feast. !0 'Ttiwd the rnarkei t'n lilicefl, rxi'e]>t pofli^lbly Oil tt few- fl'a lc t lliie?i uf lumlier

rile (W'Ulher huH not shut o ff biiUdlng opeifttlons for more than a da>. am) Mpci’ulb live lnlereet'4 are flTidliig i Ikuii- aeives ov'erloiulcd at a llibe when HifU spring iiiMI onlera are scheduled to fli­rts e and Hu\ ha'o m> room for the new stock.

As g result conceaslons wliltb were wlllidrawn durlins the latter p^rt of summer when the deniaad beruTTie execs- j*|ve, ar<! now hung rcBumetl In some cH^efl, and In others. slmOlrig In piaftlced on desirable huslneps

The BUtiurbiiii fllluaiion in Die lumt»er market ia slightly tllffereni. however. There the dealer.s lla^c not such great (inantIHes uf Inmt'er on hai>d and they probably will be tn lhe> niarlcet heavily before another few weeks roil around.

Consirurllon Ih coming ahead rurly and hU'onilng roipitsJilfvia Irnilcatr not only an f-atly hnJldlng season In tlie aiiburbii, but lilgli class ronatrur-tlon aM ft rule

Ruyors may expect q slight advance In yellow pine, which Is up $1 on nil items; litnilock. which although at $2!l.Fi0. bane, doubtless will move up before ilte end uf February, and posnlbly North CarollnR plno, which la stiff on demand. Some rnlllfl are rtported o\'crHoh].

Rii>erH of cummon brick will exijscl a sharp ndvanrp nf another flhDlliig Just as soon ag a frecse-uTi cornea sufflclnnl to sio|i navigation If this ctmlliigtMR-j linea not ar rive thei-c will be, a general unload­ing In the New Vnrk. Jpr«ey ('Ky. Ik*- boken and Statrn iHlaiirl points, but not In Newark ami vicinity There dealers ar*- ir ni e ennsers atively stocked hcicaiise tliey hflvc h'on ablt- rn recche Rnrtaii and North River ahlpiumtK regularl}-.

Stlffer quotations are genernlty expected In Porilaiid cement In l)ile and neighbor­ing markctM owing to tim heavy ronMumP' Uon which hftM prevailed this winter. If tlie 8d^an^;e comes it will be five cetus, wholesale. The movcoient In this cutii- mocllty ts cxceiHlonally heavy for this lime of the year.

Rea! Estate..... i . . .................. 111217Caah and deposits in Banks......................... 447.400.17


LIABILITIESDue to 71423 Depositors..................Interest Accrued.Surplus ...........



OPEN DAILY. FROM 10 A. M. TO 4 P. M.(Sundays and Holidayi Excepted)

MONDAYS ,,1 KOM 10 A. M. TO 7:30 P. M. FROM 10 A. M. TO 12 M.

SAMUEL S. DENNIS, President f ,I w i i 11AM CLARK. 1st V.-Pres. ROBERT D. MEAD, Secretary W ILLI AM T. CARTER,2d V.-Prea. ^ « A N « ‘ b« » * ' AU'.XANDF.R S. w a r d , Treas. CHAS. H. N(CHAS, ORMAN, Asst Sec’v

JOHN 0. H. PITNEY, Counsel



W1L1.1AM B. KlNNXr mcHitiD V. uNCAaimr DAVID H■TEnEMiAB O'nounWTNANT D. VANbmeOOL?*?^S7.UTSi;®xyaiT*Haiin,


Stop, Look and D etem itnethat you will save more money this year than ever before. Careful planning, economy and regular deposits in the Security Savings Bank will accomplish much for you. S tart an ac­count now with us.

4 % In t e r e s t P a i d o n A c< ^ o u n ts o f $ 1 ,0 0 0 , o r L e s t

Al»nlr*f4 Irdia (lit rrfiDrl mnOii to 4h* rnniialBBloorr of Bnnkina *nil luaiiruac* and aicfl In that 0 uartJantiarr I. llllli

ll.WO.Jhkob Zlnmicror fit ux to

TENEMENT-HOUSE WORK' InircBasfis of sniutl proportions fitp not'd

i)n Ui« pkiiH approved by the SUte Board ippf Tenement-house flupbrvtaton during the $F«ek ending yeaterday. This week’s dg-

esthi.ated b mount Ib $<17,000. wlnlo (hat of a week ago was $404,000. Twenty-

pern-lls were awarded, one more tban Ihe lumber laHi week. Tbe list fol- Kdirs:

Newark—Schneider A Kirch Co.. W3 |Wftrren blreet, four-story brick. $J0,000;

.Tarry Waxman, 12 Boniernet street, ttirec- ^lory frame, alterutiou, $l.*nxi; Hurry Kul-

Jln. Summer and Second avi-tmcs. foiii- ■lory brlrii. $40,000: Ahrfthuiu Levy, ' -TM

idger av'enue, tbree-Ptury ftnnic, SJj.O'JO; Abraham Lrvy. Ji9f» Badger hvciujc, thro'--

Iptory fi'Huie. $S,0iio, Laiils RnKeiil.inuni, f'ftflhiiigto^ find Uraftmi avHiucy. fivi*- tory brl«‘k, $?o.u0o. 11 >Ui :i S)pI t'c..

Brood Etrcpi, fnuv-story I'iivk, $3'J,«)U0. >Uis lilmon. E?flnimu uvtsiue, iwu

jtbree-slory fttime, alipratlou. ‘ l.umi; Alux* inder., P-othtobfirE, Scvonteeniii avenue

5and South Twomlptb street, ihree-Btory tframe, $9,00'): Alexander Roitiouberg, ‘itO ‘gBoutb Twerticth Btreet. three-atory frame. [$$,000; Rudr.ewitz dr Rudln; 43 Holland itrect, three-story frame, $7,000; Greeij- rald & Ege. 282 Second avenue, three- itory frame. SS.OOO.

Bayonne—Samuel BoOrstoln. Twenly- iiigbth street- near Avenue C, two threc- itory frame. $10,000.

Af Perth Amboy—Caroline Sandorff. Water near Gordon street* two three-alory

jdfmme, $12,000f Hoboken^Ma* Berman, 108 Clinton mtreet. tour-story frame* alleratlon. $1,000. g East Orange—ROBoviUe Conitrucilon •gCompany, William and Mulford etrecff. botir-Biory brick, $32*000: Blete Reelry ■Company, 18 Burnett Blreel, femr-storv fl^Ck. ^*0D0; Essex $utldlng Company, fes-aw Halsted street, two three-stoiy vram e, $12,bQ0.

Harrlsoii—MoitIb Meltx, Harrison ave­nue, near Manor avenue, three-story brick. $30,000.

C ^rsey City—George Thurber, 10 -109 ibfaftvlew avenue, five-story brick. $90.00f. ISHenry Frank, 130482 Grant avejiue.^two- jillory frame, 13*000; Henry Schumacher, .thUflTl Ocean avenue, three-story brick,


So far no reply has been received by the Newark Balt and Fly Castlnfi Club to Us offer of $500 per year for the ex­clusive fishing privileges In the Orange reaervtilr. Ponding a declslna by the Orange Council the club Is InvcBtlgallng other property.

At a meeting of the organization in Achiel-Stetter’fl last night reports wcie presented by several oonimJitees which

! have b«cn looking Into propcHllloiiB. par­ticularly In the iioriliern and wefltern •■'ec- IkiDfl uf tl.e State.

X f-urihcr comuiitltie wa« appointoil to liiguirc into a proposal Involving prop­erty near Andover, wUicb, it wa» repoit Utley, uedx the club would be able to aeoure. U j fr B loom l'l^ av. $Jii . tj*..,n’,i«v

- .1 conratl Ra«b et ft!

....... _ RosevilleBuilding and I' oun ,\sBodaiion. a Franklin av 7h ft n fr Stager at*

William U Taylor to Michael J. Montclair, c n Elm at M ft ii fr lUus

■“Bl.n'janitiO!arr'»i)ii rt iix la aeorge H- aioCBun. Belleville, c « Linden av i.-O ft n fr Tjlttlf Ht. $775.

William M. Svaflomfl f't ux to 8u,buri)an BiilldliiB U'lti L"iti’ Asi-' 'lation, IrvlnKtoiip n B BrfiUhfiTirldxe tfii' ti l ft fi fl' Muiin a\,

''iTmioii M. Wnkfiinaii ' i ux to Falrcliild;Baldwin <’n. Mont'liur, n o'-ft (■ fv Hinilli I-'iiilfii tun Ilf. 5-li.wAi

t'harlf.fi Hiiriinr In .Muninlali- Bulldlnia and I-i:in Assmittllon, M.int.-lalr, q b Mia- siem fit Iii4 ft fi fr »loon,fl<.ld Bin ..

Mk'tiaH forvim r rt nx In F. HallettLovell Jr\Nu(le.v, n » Laura av IKl fl w


ccnfltslB uf ji farm of some 300 acres, part­ly timbered land’ two lakes, a large hou.ie and Dtlter Improvements. The cammitlee will visit the place and report at a meet­ing February 14.

RE.1L e s t a t e ; TRANSFERS,

j The folbiwlng doed.s were filed in the I coLinti' reglNlcr's office ycslcrdO}

NEWARK.’Eluabetli RcHly lo John V l-’laaokr.

N N MapcM av ft w fr HuniercUmFl. ;i3xhi0 .. -....................................

Lena E. aiulghi and busuftiul toOcaigG WrlcKariit el ux. w s S I-lbHI ill' U K U nm av, Ix'iO..............

Edward W. Marlin et ux lo Hemy L. Condlt, n e s Irvlpg av 100 U s efr niiiton pi, lWx280......................

pjimna E. liiiuclier and husband to Hugh C. Barrett* w a B Utb al 41$ft n fr t ’llnlon av, 45x99..............

Hugh t'. Harj'eli to Mask Hancher,Name property ...............................

Frederick Nolto ux to Richard FL Kohn. e r cor ft 2Dth st and ITthavi 25x100 .......................................

Kanrinh H. Ha.yee, adm. to Israel Handler w e Bergen st 475 ft n frCabinet si. 26x100...........................

Clifford E* Shipnian et^uxr-lo Walter Rerardelll, w s Garefde at 689 ft flfr Bloomfield av, 43x100..................

Minnie Hallgrlng to C*tberliie B. Hailgrlng, n b Darcy si T3 ft e frAlyea at, 24xl'il................... ..........

Iahiis Kohn et ux to Julia Bmlth, n E Waverly pi 25 ft w fr Mon­mouth b1. 2^94..............................

Barnett IsaitCson et ux to Morris Friedman, n * l6th av 37 ft w- frBergen at. inxldn...........................

Daniel Vollwrilar to Isaac F'lelsch- man. ** fl Central av 4Sn> fl w fr.t'CK'k si. fiOxlU..... .........................

A4o1h Rrleli et liX 10 George Brest- Iftr el ux, w R t'ermont av 135 ftu fr llnweli nl. 61x121...................

Elgin Realty Company to Julius F. Kaufbew on Market el IS fl frJoseph Scarlng'H laud. Wxl24.........

Julius F. .Kanfbcrr et ux to Filgln Really Companv. n w cor ^u tli lOtli st and Maai»oa.„.^v. lOlhtJig...j._..ih.x‘'-«7K IViil*..*.. U

Ii vltiglnri, w ft Grovy at 471 ft s fr SpringanJ tuishand to Bloom-

field Ti'iiKl Con\puny ®Lalm St » « fl II e fr frown at.

Lillian InKoglia and hufiband to U . Pilkltiglon ft ')A, liytiiffton. !i B Clin­ton av » l ri s f Ir

Q f i r e f F . B r a m l f i i h u r a l i f t u * t o b o b " M o m i f v , H . ' I t e v l t i f . ' f i t i n ' P l f a f i H n t a i - a -

■ I I i. I r I I I l l f v l l l r a > - S1. 7IKI , -! f i B . n r b , M a r K a i " ! W i U f r b n r y , B i ' l l f i -

.0 Thlrtfenil.iv-,vd Hn,Mi,„t iiiM ' ‘‘TCii ’V “

11,100 H ffkol M ti r- f' llonLfi si.

Bonds and Mortgages..........United States Bonds............County of Essex Bonds.........County of Hudson Bonds...City oi Newark Bonds.........City of E!i^abeth Bonds....City ol Hoboken Bonds.......City 01 East Orange Bonds, City ot Jersey City Bonds..,City of Paterson Bonds.......City or Orange Bonds.........City of Rahway Bonds.......City of Perth Amboy Bonds

Town of Kearny Bonds.....................Town of Guttenberg Bonds................Borough of Garfield Bonds................Borough of Carlstadt Bonds..............United N. J. Railroad and Canal Bonds Raritan River Railroad Bonds

XVUST H iu s i " I1K-\1. FST.STE.

IJ«rflUTlfi . Auguata Ora«f (fx-ri f t Wlillain H.Irtlnston—Wlntartioltoin & Van Houtun,. Bulllvan, e a HiKi) at flo ft b fr1 %w... A1, B+AI* V PnAmn nn a-BlTMl. three-atory framr.Ueifiard■ m ■FARsalo^HyinaQ Kupfr*hniWt, !<'.-38

■ton avenue, two three-story frame, .tentUon, ff50M. ,PAteraoH—Qaetano Mtaliorlno. MS Main ■•«, tiiret-atory brick, 66,000; Mar­

ino Ltinbo, 68S River etreet, three-story [mme, eltoratlan. I600; NIcoU DeMarco, KT River,*tt**t4 tiiree4tarr fran;e, attera-

IFRSKY '"IT r. ti'et' ! ■'■he folluwinsoeeiis nffertliis nr''l’"riy In " fii't Hudson were recordfiri yesteriiai :


s * r Brand pi 10 It n fr Seeley av n

’ ^jlm"s*''Mcr)onougli cl ux f t "JIfearny, w » of Brighton av IS. ft n fr Bergen av, l»xi!0, 165.

Fuller Imp. Co to FrankSkinner et ux, n b f X In fp HiKhland ft ', M ft 4 InzlDD, $i** FlorenW E and John F. Cahill to Peter KUma^ucka., lot 61 blk 1576, town

"'EH le'A . and Everetl P. COUrlrlght to Ada A. Jmee and Josephine D. M ^ ftve , E line of the Newark and Njw Jork Rall-- road, at the east Shore of the River e IHO and a IcSai n 44* n nC9x 11 435x n 66S* ■' 1*7- „

Fannie G. and Walter L Lynch ‘ f nle^> Smltl., n s of Quincy av. lot 7, blk 10, tnati No, J of Worth Jersey tAnd Co. end Fuller Brnfl., U.



tAoay. t;Ikiraet. tbftbJitory flurot. feooo.

TO DEHCT SWITZEHUNDe. "Suimner Days to S'wlUerland" will be .tba Bibjeqt bt a ■lereopticcn lecture to l»a givea f>y Oavld Fl Ktcliols in tij* par-

■ ’•My* t i O h 'ary Presbyterian 'Church .. 'J^^fCI»UT|4»*' oliht. _Tb*re wUl he ay^usieal

also by Hr*. BHen Easter Do*- M d Hiss Hsfion H. Oraenfleld.

Jetai H. H<n>«, Mrs, wiulam Rston Slid Mn. Cbsslss Patty .torn, a oonunitte* ]• qbarse of a taan which

. Hin toUoiw tbe lactww. Tbs tea I* to- be 1 hsdir tbe ansjleee of the Kotooala r, a wtntaqfls (vcaatoatio* eatafieotad Caltrary- -T itm wiil be a igieer _ the . t e M ttm* reeakrad te be

Ffer tM nfcBteralm rA w«4c 4eM by

Clay Bt; 20iSi.AUoneo Ma^no to Angelo Franicola

et ux. ti s Orange at 42 ft w frBoy den st. 32x100 .........................

Ada McGregor Clark et al to Cath­erine Marrone, b w I’or Parkburetst end Adatng fit, 125x201).............

* OUTSIDE OF NEWARK. Franklin Hill Co, to Cliarlea C. Soh-

ner* Bloomfield, s 6 Newark av 22 ft -w fr Berkeley av. lSx2Dl‘......— . — * * . j^ .*w *yy

_ . - _____ sw ftft fr toad Greytock Land Co*.25xl«# ............... .........................

Vreclatid’ Kearny Lumber Co* to Conrad Hmvb et ux, Irvington, w a Grove st 471 8 fr Bpiingfleld bv.ftxioo ..........................................

Some to Hlnnlo JacobuOe IrvingtoiL

Giuseppe and Christopher lannielo et ux 1 Anlhory Ippollto, * b of f.lcveland av

175 ft e fr Pasfttc av, 25xJ00.,Stito Anlhor

Anti'oiiy * Ippoiilo to Christopher Ian-iiielo, s B of Cleveland av IJ5 ft e fr Pas- bbIc av, 25x100, |1 :

Antonio Cundarl et ux to Francesco Cundarl et ux. e B of 3d Bt 60 ft s fr ! Jersey Bl, 50x100. 11.

Francesco Cuttdtrl *• ^Cuiidarl H ux* b cor of ‘I'luria gtia JOr- i sey ate. 60*100, tL__________________ _

sama property Trlvett * Waft____ _ ter* Co. to Kittle D.

Sheet*. Bloomfield, n s Evergretn av K ft e fr Ashland av, 60x113,...

Charlei E. Eaton et al (ear*) to

Th e best wiy w prove to your-

Chartea.Cl. Alford, OrBn|e, a cor Berwyn st and land of Eaton,21*200

Edward J. Scully et ux to Harte T. Ten Broeek. Hontclalr, n * Clare-


self thtt Baker'* Furniture Depart- meet i* tbe place for you to make »e- lectioua is to pay. us a vlait. We will •bow you the finest a s 1 0 r t m entt of Deaki , C h a i r s , Tables, PlUnc De- viws, etc. Ask to see our cemplete. m od ora business outfits.

Offleamont av I f l 65*201 ..................

Oeorse R I'lU^ftun Thomas ftaoslto h * CUtlton av 'WHI st. 3SU0

tr Grove at.' ‘ “ ' " ' “ 'toet ux


. 361,945JM)76,500JK)

. 406,500.00

. 120,000.00

. 100,500.0073.000. 0058.000. 0050.500.0017.000. 0015.000. 008,ooaoo

Town cf Harrison Bonds...........................................................101,630.00

54.000. 0067.200.0041.000. 00 32,5(M),0049.950.00

Essex Railroad Bonds...............................................227,000.00

Collateral Loans..............................................................................Interest due and accrued on Mortgages —Interest accrued on Bonds .......................................................Interest accrued on Collateral Loans.......................................Interest accrued on Bank Balances.........................................Taxes and Insurance advanced on Mortgages..........................Rents due on Bank Building.......................................................Cash on Hand and in Banks, close of December 31st, 1912..





Due Depositors ................... ...................................Interest due Depositors (estimated 2 months). . . SURPLUS .................... ........................................


. 42.626.74

. 403,415.93


Number of O p e n AixounU January 1 , 1 9 13 > 1 6 ,8 1 6Due D podtors DeconbefSl, 1912., Due D ositors December 31,1911.


Increese .......... ........ ........ .......................* **5544,598.39O F F IC E R S

GO TTFRIED K R U EG ER , PregiiientJOHN FISCHER, First Vicc-PreiMi|ft MICHAEL T. BARRETT,‘Second Vice-Pimident


0 J

I ?



WM. G. TRAUTWEIN, Secretary and Tteasurer TRUSTEES



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if. .


But Very Uttle Was Done in Other Directions in Local


A FEW SECURITIES LOWERTh«re wui a hotter demanrt for munl-

flpa ll during the week, particularly for Newarkf, Kinex countlen. OranieAnd Oringea, too, wai easier, ifanything.

But the buying was moailv by indl- viduala rather than Inatltmione.

J.^nC'trrin bondi, loo, have been feeling competition from the uhort-lerni notes which have been popular of late.

North Jeraeya sold at NO to IfOU. White Llnea, from 79% to $>%. TiiUed Klectrlca from to S3 and Public Service generaiafrom to 9D\.

Newark Consolidated (.*as fives wers held at 106 to 106‘A-

Consolidated 'i'ractlun stuck was weaker at from TiVi to 76.

Public Borvlce certificates were un- chanfod Irt price ami itie stock wVs quiet without tranBactlona.

Gao atocks, tuo, were quiet and without call.

Thara were sales tn Merchants' NS' tiona! at 260 and of l^asex Counly Nutional at 900, «

American Fire sold at 625, Firemen's at 490, Newark Five at 276 and rommorcial Casualty at lTi».

Celluloid was weaker at 136 bid, offered at 139. a docline of about two points, and linger Manufacturing was down ten polhta to 300 hid. offered at 310

The followlrsp quotations were furnlsiied by J. 8. Rippel:

Boada.Tba following quoiuduns wete furnished

by J. 8. Kippei:County anu City- Hid Asked

Jiargen ctiumy 4Vb 1939.. ........iu:Uaai Oranga 4s IS^......£aat Oranga 4 ^ 195u...Kast Orange 4s 1947.....Kliaabeth ad>- 4s ISaaeg County 3 66 1916,

' /•

TH E W A TC H ON TRADE A N D THE TARIFF^anktra apd builnais men general'

1y have lieaif aware for some time that (here haa been a quieting down of demand for forward delivery In some lines of Induatry. This, how­ever, has not been and Is not now regarded as having special alfiilfl- ranee, or as polntlnt 1* anyUilng which Indicates to a reversal of the general Iniprovetoent which has been so consplcuDiis for numths.

As frcquemly pointed uvit. been regarded rather a* the io«l>e- Hipected cautious attlliids of mau4i- factmers and merrhsntK si a time when tariff revlalon was luukud foi.

.Neither Is this taken ua iniiJ..Jii:'g serious ronatqumu-\'B lo any .#f our manufaelming li: •.usfr'ua from changes Iif the tariff ilertljunts and manufacturers, »s well aa the public at large, do not usually buy for forward delivery with ihe ssirit freedom at a lime when achedulpi are likely to be ctlsngcd as when conditions promise StabUll)' for months ahead

Hank cleaflngs hive gone nfl slujw • IrjR liur»‘aseH from Week to we»*k n\ er hke periods Iasi >‘«ar and tlie \rar l^efuIe, iii ar pslenl which will t>nt be <‘xplalned a w.iy I'v referen". «i tn a liang-i>ver of buginess from last jea iN clohe Tlte fscl remains, therefore, that general trade Is going un. at the uivnirg of 19U, in larger

total volume than during the first ooiiih of 1922.

' ThQUitlqi aWkl broadcast thn>ugh’ out the country fall to Justify the Incipient fears of many political pafiUans and tariff standpatiere.m i a change of admloLairatlon al Wishlngton Is feared by merrhanta and Tnanufacturere, or that such a ktatf of mind has anything to du Mlih the moderate halt to trade.

Neither has the plan for modifying the tariff l>roughi any of the In- do« j»!.jn or fiMre of trade retersaiwhu h l:ave aiiniitl^mcs' b»en tliC 4i>-- .•.'.npanliucni of like alterations In i i 'i '. l 'u g >ears Tn^ Inquiry has .. . .invcloped that so far as the

at lurge are concerned pro- loosed laiift javislun has been taken ni jrli sc» a matter of lourse.

I'hli {lUtL'onie, at this tiage of pre- iiinlnarles f*'r loriff revificn, after l>iolui)ged bearings from various irud ' IniereiiB. Is remarkalile In that It Indicates either acqulesceticr in or Indifference to the revision, some­thing whlrti libs never, so far aa re- <'Slled, been rtnted durhtg like actlun Hitherto, when tariff srliednles have been opened for smendmciH. pnpulai »'NClternent bas shown lti.elf and th<>

jeare, which either ertlfi-ally or Mherwipe has been silrreri up. has \jeen ullMsed lo tb« full hy those who iudleved It to ihelr Interest to main­

tain a status quo, or to laiss rales.One ih comptlled lo edmlt that all

this has change^- Neither hankers nor business men atf« responding to the customary rotes of warning over alleged consequences of meddhug with the tariff. ICvldenlly the slogan has lost Its terror 'Hie people will ho longer admit that a continuation of the prosperity whbh came ffoiu years of economy ami iiitr crops and atsrv«*<1 etnerprlse niay in* crushed at l!H very beflinninf b\ Hu’ proposed la ilff rev Islon, |)l•on' i '<l ko generally and Fo largely voted foi

Iletall demand lemahia good lo al- most ell staple lines.

There Is sotnu lack of ii ish tn shoes and In a few* other liUf's. (.'onsum- rrs of iron and steel BmJ copper are less Institsol, preferthm to wait a while before filling future require* ments-

I>ry goods mervliants ni d dealers In hardware Iftapli'h icpurt a very gpod business

Money conllnnes eas\ (ifFi.ilte guM exports. Hpeculstlciij m Hie stOi k market on the whole u elm-k.

Hie gencrfil Invesiniein ii«maihl Is not what had been Irmked for, and probably will not roiihf* itself lo nnv extent until Ktvera' fariors, llkft . orpnratlon entaiiglem^M ^nd tur.ff re\‘lsloh smi the new ’ f-nr a' 'rop oui- luok tevpsi llu'msclvrn


T n d io l DvU tnd Losses SmiO.I Cas and Peoosy Caotribate I to Reaction.


slocks lodav were genarally lower 8p«c* ulatlod In the t'an shares was on a much smNlioi\basls and beth (he crommoh and preterred declined fraotlonally. Trading

I was dull and losses In moat cases w-ers ' small. lA'oolwoith was oft a point.I Disappointment over the aiiiall gain in I l>c.-ertiber net earnings and rumors of a

largo atock lasua prompted selling of I Pennsylvania and It lost nearly 3 point* j The general market wu-ni tower. Can los­

ing 2 points and Southern Pacific 1., Tin- niarkci Hosed Irregular. Weakiuaa in *t‘\ersl Influential stcx'ks and adiiiis- Hu'iri’i b.s' lia i-' RulUorltlr’a that (hei-t- was n niun: pen vptlhle slowing up In gerit-rtl bitalJH'Sa caused an early decline In ti u stock marker Uesumptlutj of rwol opua- tinne In iiiiimt Hpevloltlcs uiul ab<irt-<-p\ mg nf the cualei'i and Western lallioud Btoi kn uiiituately turned ihc lOuiBO of prU f-s upwaid Thv general Imt. ijow- e er. did Irdiv mure thin mPke up US lost Riouiicl, And ul the <Iohc showed some Irregularity. Honda weru irregular.

HKCURlTtES. IN V E ^ T M K M U b'lXI, tiKO VRITI|i». IxyU bTH aN TS .

fm M 1812


... 97 .. luj

... 91

... iiS

... »tCssex County 3.6i»a ........ 96Esaex County 3.66s 1980-36.Essex County is 1936...........£ smx County 4s 1933..........Esaax County 4s 194U...... .

' Essex County 4s 1943-44......Essex County 4ii 1946-47.......Essex County 4a 1948...........Hudson County 4',i* 1923-4-5.Hudson County 4V.,,a 1948......Hudson County 4a 19S4.




Hudson Coimiy 4.s 1965............. 16Jersey Ctiy 4^s 1961.JerMy City 4» 1M2....................Jersey City 6s 1910......Jersey City 6s 1523..................Newark 8|ts 1931-3J.......Newark l945-ia...................

.Newark 4a Jfl22.........................Newark 4« 1®72.........................Newark 4s 1923............... ..........Newark 4s m7-57......................Newark 4p 1MS-5S......................Orange 4He 1936........................tjnion County 4n 1942...............

RAILROAUH.V. N- J. H. R. &. C. 1929........U. N. J. a. R & Canal 4a. 1911. U. N. J. K. R. & C. 3^a 1901 ...Morris & Kssex 1st Te 19U ......Morris & Essex Con. 7s 1916— Morris &, Essex Ref. 8 ^ ‘M . . .Warren R. R. Hef. SWa 2WU.......N. Y., Lack. &. W. istfis 1921 ...N. Y., L. & W. Con. 6b 1923......N. T., L. & W, T. L 4s 1923......Centra. R. of N. J- 5s, 1987.....Am, Dock & Imp 6a. 1921.........N. T. & Long Branch 4s. 1941... Lehigh Valley I'lr. 5r, 1941. Leh. V. R, n. of N. ~EASton 6c Amboy 1st 6b,

9610110490£'Jm984 98'A 9812

Tt.j tH < l]ans'*H affcrtliig HTi|>roxlmalaly 1 tiu' i.-<<hletMP xuU.scrlber'' In Newark, wfiH |i',n in foic. Ij\ the Sew York THe- jphoiir i'!>mruin\ iinlui H\’ tb*" npi iailmii ^111 (In* r;ile uiilunlled bjial leairten' oserv j. I* on a. two-party lln*' hxw I'ceiJ in'*- rtiinhi'j'-il I'.irly line sub-m u--i * wl 1 heiruHvr I" on dire.-t IIU'S iiu! will haiu iliH -Hijif Mitw ioint«iiy Kiv.-ii iheni ileii'e rt'ilvf-* I ilu-rs w ln> dlnrtwill It r.il|f<w.«, lis-.r Ih-ir lai* iv tn figure

I'nllniltrd i n a dlrei i line W a*formevK t'-i} a year !i It- now J4> u \e«r, iiuvnig b6*»*n automatically icduieil furiliiiRt- .■inliBcrllHTH having ibal service ami tli« impiuved Mei’sici* being Hiilistliuted tor . the iw " j'urtv arransemeol. |

A iii-w m. ssiiisi .ai* f'lr twn party lines | I'.a* b *»r; pu In nffeit and ia


1,^, *HENATE

Coiiveneil at A 46 A M.KfrBiimed i .JiialdeiKtlon of \\in kE-a

t.ix->>.ir J'l eslrlentlal Irtin ainemliiiput La Follctl'H i-lghl-ht'II bill for women

woiki‘rH take'll up In olIJ n l.* rH fi HK.

hiirh I ' '"H'> eneij a l U Wliire.l I \\H\m Hiul ni.-aii'4 c-oinmlu**? ruyumud

: ll al ingB on lJ*r'i 1"


1 -With ih rhb»f ' lining all In iia power tu-j prohibiting “ blue- |

liii- board Kneerdors i I Hnnkcr**' ,V^^o lnl!on | ' flrsl inpr-hng beie .


! Kni-al Ion In I In- [• i ni up- ir.

/Miun* of nnaurupulouN i .Vin o -ell to lnvfcNiufji B<-curl- j -' ni iiabji- or no aiHj<llng Hucli | A *'- ' 'alpa where banklrig law* i


roifollow e

ii Xi b i.il mfspdgc* llu' 'flic 5'* (I ynar for mcHBaRfH lli? latc Is *46 'a \ t ai ami fur l.i,i"0 mca?<age8 K I* I6t a yea i In nil 'InsHc Hic cxioan rate foiloral mehsagee Is live nenis efli li





T. 4%8, 1940 m oy 1st 6b, 1S20...

Erie let Con. Gold 7a L920.......... 114Erls prior lien 4s, 1!@6............. KGErie gen. lien 4a 1S9GErie. Pa., coll trust 4*, 1951. I* D. Co. Con. Gold 6s 1&35.

tnd n. I

-j W AHHINGTON, Feb l Prepara- ■ Ilona for chunKlnR 'he (IfKlgna of all

I .\rnerlran currenry and reducing the1 Ni f?y 1 paper money by nne-third werefei H !, pra. ilcaJly finished yeaterdas b\ the

113 lO-S t TresHiirv DepurtTnem.106 107 Tin- UpsIkh for ibe back of the notes.

86 I f-reaied by Kpiii on (.'ox, of NT-w York, iM m I submitted lu Secreinrj MueVeagh

luiji accepted it on loiuJUlon that it96 ....|filiall be approved by the Fine Arts

IIS 119 I fommlBslon.1041-i I •‘HImple and arilslL ' la the Treasury^ Department's characterization of the

dealgri. which oonsipls of ullegori* i-ttl figures representing America,'’ ■peace,' ‘ pientv'," "labor' and "com­merce."

A vignette of Washington will adorn ihe face of the one dollar Dole.




Midland- .N. Y., 8. fc W. 1st 5s 1937.



Lit us, 1940......... ice.............. 100 101

N. Y.; 8. & IV. gen. 5* 1940..... “K. T. & G. Lake R. R, 1&46.....

TRACTION.N. JerMy Bt. Uy. 4s 1946........Con. Traction Co. 5a 1933........J, C.. H. & P. Ry. 4a 1049.....Bergen Turnpike Co. &», 1951...N. Hudson Co. Ry. 1st 8s 1514 N. Hudaon Co. Ry. 2d &e, 1824


60 SOIL103 >i, m 80 gO‘,4So



J e r w City & But-gen 4^, 1943. 96Newer'ark Pa^a Ry. IK

& N«w.- E. T. 5s 1937..107'10-'


Rattd Transit St. Ry. bn imi.. lu: N. liudfion Co. Ry. Con. 5* 1928. 103 paterBon By. I'd Gen. «*. 1014,... 100Paterson Ry. Con. 6s, 1931....... 114E lll & Rar. River Hy. 5s, 1854.. 96BruDlwlck Trac. 5s, 1926.......... 94Eait Jersey St, Ry. 5s. 1044....... 9n^Uddlesex & Som. Trac. 5s 1950.. M Klla, Plain. & Cent. Jer. us 1850 98Plainfield St. Ry. 5s. 1922......... iu2

I. Val. 5a 1938.,


Orange & Fas.N. J, & K. R, Ry. Si F. 4b. 1930, Trenton Pass. Ey. 1st 6s 1931 Trenton fit. Ry. Con. 5» 1936Trenton SCRv- Sen. 6s, 1811,.. Pub. Ser. Cdl?p. 5s 1969.............



OA8 AND ELECTRIC LIGHT.N a w k Cod. Gaa 5s ItiS......... l(LNtwark Ua« Ini nitge. Cii 19R....Hudson County Oas .......Oaa i i E. of Bergen Co. is. 1S49. M O. A E. of Ber. Co. Gen. is KRtPet. h PSS. O. £ B. 6a 19«8....... IMEdfion EIbo. III. Gen, iia, i326... li)Psisalq Oaa Light 6s, ]0£Paassic Lighting Si, 192S........... 100BoA. Union & Mid. Lig. ta, la^i soCentral Electric 1st .is 1»W...... 91ClUaens- Electric 1st is, 19J5..., 1(H) Pisintleld Q. £ E. Gen. Ss, low. lOSfSoniai'Het L(g. 5s, 1936................ osMid. E, L. Power Co. 5s 1965.... 9.i S. Jersey G., E. & T. 5.s 1933.:,. 99Trenton G. & E. 5e 19«...........loiU. E. Co. 1st mtge. 4s 1949........ Si‘-nConjoimera' L., H. & P. 6s 1939.. UHtaN. Hud. Lu, H- £ P- Es 19J8....... 10]2Con. Oaa at N. ,T. 5s, 1936........ mElla. Town Gas lukht 4Hs 19M.. 190 New B'naw'k L , H. £ P. 4s. 1930 10 INDUSTRIAL AND JIISCELLANEOUa Dundee W. P. & L, Co. Is 1922., lOI Hackensack Water Co. 4s 1952.. 66Hoboken Fcny 1st 5«. 1946.......IM^olx Land £ imp. Ea. 1930........104

rerry i, . . . ------ 1 £ fm ,.......................

-stw Jeraey /4nc Co. 4a 1996..,. „ N. T. £ N, J. Tel. Co. Es 1920.... 102 N. t , £ ff. J. Parry 2d us, 1946.. 96

T. £_H. Perry Gan. Es, 1946. 99 CS). r

232 , 168 16t 120

. 99







h "




AVASHiNQTON. Feb. l.^liaJrman Pujo of the Money Trust committee re­ceived late yesterday from Samuel Unter- r.iyer, coun«ei for the committee, the orig­inals of the reports made by J, P Mor- giiu, & Uo„ and President Frank A. Van- deisJip, of the National City Dank. In re. Bpon«e to the request from the commlUee for cpociftc information.

The data was utilized by *Ur. I'ntermyer when he examined Henry P. DhvIbod, of Morgan ^ (Jo., but were not placed iQ the record. Mr. Unlermyer took the data back to New York with him to study and It will be turned over to the committee's accountant for analysis In connecUon with other statistical data now In tbe evidence for use In connoction with the preparation of a report.

I'lT 'rSBrntiH , Feb. 1 -In tlir fS'C of I ^ w i t l e ''iiinpetltioTi. thr OenerHl I ii-,i -'ompHny of this oliy ban sei ured ihe

contia<'t tor llm whole of the dirf i t c ir- I rpi'l high voltage equipment and roritiL*!I aiiraraliiB to b< usrrl in tli»’ t-Uo li ifb Ot»<m

of Ihe siitHirown rnflroaJs '•'■f 'iD «3i .'ll f-Uiournc. .\ u l rfll lii.

’I'blB In tlir large t elOgb oftjrr t vfi li'.ni'f*!! for rallwtiv motor appavatn;* in ihr

! hisiory i>f me »-UM'trl«'Rl ln ll!Pt Tiu' rit\ of Melbourne, with a populaLion of

I 500.1)00. iTU’ liicilng the nuburbei, If* it> spend I nearly twelve Tnllllotis of dollarn f ^ the I elei-lrifk'atlon of nil its steam subtirbaii j lines and nearly a third of this enormous

sum will ijome to the General Fleclrlv t ompany for llic Lomplcle equlpn^enl of the rolling etovk.


PITTSBl'RGH, Pa.. Feb. 1. The oil market, after a daily advance of seven cetita a barrel for five days, opened at yeatorday'.i dose, I-.40. Competent au- thorlilea liad no explanation to give for the sudden arrest In the ad'anec.

FINDLAY*. O . Feb. l.-T lie Ohio Oil Company today advanced the price of North and South Lima. Indlann and Illi­nois ollB three cents per barrel, making North Lima 1.S4; South Ltma and Indiana, l.iS, and lillnoSiii, 1 17.

R.-U/rlMuRK, purport© in Uew to Jlil\P f-niu-ir,Jtly " A|,R<.'UPtt liirof (li^ ln\>-s| In'll .\llJt*ritU br' ;J entPi day iyu>; i,

"ftlue-Bk\ rt[' pill’d to 1(f .i]i "baiikKi'' IV III) lie.'* nf 4)iirMSiile» in rt'ijiiart- lax hii'** woikefl untold harni upon the bynLiihK iju'-InrsH, mo*(b thruuglioul Hie \Ve<*t I! Im In order lo ehmlnate uny furihi-r u(1 ;i Dial restraining leglalitlioii will tn- i.rK«-u

l.n.'il ew-i Uig the visimrw weu Ilir gijpatrt Ilf Mciiiv Ijiy Duer, of ihe ‘u' nI banking turn nf Whelnii, Dun & Lahn- han. ill ti.< .Mais'lend <''luli. Among those ftoiii York Ktteiiilintt tiie meetingare I.i‘ v.h Fi Franklin itJuaraniy TruBl i'tmipuj;\- ,C n !,#'». h. III Soulh Orange 'A. H L.a.h & C'l. New York (.’Ity). tltKiigr ij.iir- Henry iWilllnTii fiaiomori iir «'0 ! ani I’>aHlja W. Hulkley iSpr'ncer, Tirtsk A Cy),i.


SCR/WTON, Pa., Feb- I ronduclora and tralnnieii on the Lackawajina Rati- road have presented tbeir wage demand to the compan^. In keeping* with the ar- lion nf almilur ' emploj us on all other iftJIroadf* of the East.

On Uie J^ckawahna the demands ninoum to an Increase of twenty per cerit. over the present Beale, whkh went Into effect April 1. 1910, after the brother- boudH, acting )oliit]) , Ijad called a strike, but which wfl* called oBf two hours after It was urdcre'l and Ju*t before IL waB to go liUa effect, an agreement hav­ing been reached to orbltrate.

Pending the dlRpoaillon of the contro­versy with the firemen and awltchmen. the maiiagera will hold in abeyance the uegotlationa with the conductors lUid trflinmeit.

NEW YORK STUCii^ MARKETThe range of tuday's prices for me more

active aecurliien in the New \ urK msrK«t. In uoritramt ^Itli last nlghi's iioiiui quotations t* last sale), h» furnlsjied for the Newi by Post & Flagg, la gLeii bciOW :

Last'l'odfl>>--- - - - night

opoa high low. vlijrtf-.•K i i i(iAinal I'oji ..Am Dipi SiiH

I ’an.■ 'U II. p] t ’!it Oi! 1*9'LO( -I Unti i I Huitai . r< l A- l

.un Toll . f- ,\:n. U'oi‘lf-ii .AnHi’onda

1 .WiW. . i ft. Si O [ Belli. Steui ; li R T

I 'ail- Pa­re r Lealh__*■ Ik 0 .........f . M. 4L' S . P I'hhi-i ( ’up , tbd. F. & 1 . rorn Piod.. <‘*orn prod., pr IV. U k W. . Diet Be--F’ rh ..........Erie, lit pi

IL 3% 4'

*2:e 4|-,4 LI..ily 1-7

I (Ml*

.Y» :R*yi*s HH* M

:v\'t -41 .¥\'jLI* JS -TJ

TKij Tlji.I1Y-* IH II3«|4i il+j

t'i\ :!7-,ItPi IfP, I.Tfi 7s :s

m \ tiki 4:!4-‘*US iih

31 6(R-’-a

at N'lrth pr USl% i: S% 128(Joldfkid roil. -I'l 2H(Jug. F.y . . . thL :it.\ f-OLIn-Met.......... 1? i»H 7S‘ ,In.-Met . pt . o4 ii:i fiS iIn. Haf\esl . 114',< IH’ i 114

Union National Bank.............................................g l l lP L l f l ASD INIHVIIJKD PHOFITfl. DVI'OMITR ...............................................

.......... «i,Aoe.o«o.............

OFFICERSU 11.1.1 4 41 flt'H I KAL ri. MtCA J l’ l.n « A.Xl^B



Heal n. MeCaHer X', p. Snyder Thnniaa N. MeCarter Forrept F, Dexden imtffrlrri Krueger

Aei^hlbald W.

DIHECTORS.iiiiiDi A Lvlikurtikci9'rtiaklla CoakllaH«rbrr1 F- 0 K. V. H *»T h f«d »r « H. Wonklan^

.............. I 'm M ca t

. . , . Vlrt-Fraalton*___ V1i»-PrMil£Mit..................CM bltr. OMihItr.Anlma>« C«akl*r

m illnm Scliam r Jaamk H. B r r n 0. W. F*Ik* dsM * Ckarln W. C4i» Lev* W flQ M r***

ruDklln Krwt* D. Fai.Hwqr1k

ATItmiLDlNKINGi;;ET U f A D 1C r i 1 ^'L .flA l\ l\ 1/ COR J

H.AVANA. Feb. 1.—Afl an nulcome of the recent dlfumlty of the Cuban Go\ ern ment in finding cash for the paymmi of | ' the monthly accounts of the contiarioiP | ‘


but dull. Spring patents. 44rj@4£o.W’ liitcr slralghtB. 4,&0®4.60: W'lntcr pat­ents, 4 70^5 li>; spring clears, 4,30®4,26: winter extr. No. L, 4,00®'4.1B; win* ter extra No. 2. 3,9(j(ji 4 On; Bansaa Btralghtrt. 4.10 4.25.

Wheat— A Blight early advance on cold weather was soon lost, owing to

J poor cables and Indlcationa of bearl?li contractora and repreBentatlves1 world's Bhlnmenti. May, 99 n-6@ l>ank.nB firm under wlilr-l,

15. ] ( aecretarj- of the Treasury will IssueBeef— Elteady; mess. 20.00©21,(i0; ! P " ' Interest notes motiihl.v toi-

1 fam ily, 21,60®2B.OO; beef haiHH, 3C.60® ! •P"' snioum due and the iiotos will i * 32 00 itiscQiinled by Ihe bankers. This a,'-

Pork— Steady; mess. ] 9.75 ®.20.26; , '■“ I 'K ™ '''” until nest ,I,ilv

Inter. Hat.. pr llo 115 iir> 113leplilgh Val ibiN [^z* IM'uM«. k Myf r». :2Ti 2lTiMet. r A T.. 73 * n \ T t 'iMiami 1 op- •J3N Vi%M St } ,M IW I4hi ViF\Mo P q 4l\ 4U» x\\ 414N pv 4nn.. !P.| 18Vi> 18ih ISig.V V. ( Fnl ml lOR t iOfiLjN<ir. k West.. llOAj no\ llO's nusNor, Am... 81 81 81 AlNor. Vai ... H9^ UtH-G liOAt

1 Penn . 122% 122' i 122' IMltu » Ofll , 23'i -5% 234

PlHfl. <:oal. pr, 92.id 92 4 921 i.Ptill. Pal... IfilH HUa 161 '.a

l Hy. tot 8p. 3 ^ 32Hay ( ’ona.. 19'*, 1 ^ ISFHLeading . . lB5'i JS3! lSa-%Hup. I k K.. \Rep T. & fi PT S9 S»i* K' 89

O n O AN IZC D 1S04


\ Capital, Surplus andJMjjej^Profari


Rock Inland.R laland. pr fiouth. Par .South. By.,pr Tenn. I op .Tex. Co. .Third Avc .Fi/ilou Par I ’ nlon Par. r, fl- raot r . S. Hub.I '. B. R., Irtt pf 107>4

8. Steel. . , «4\ S. Steel, pr IKH


who are paving and B<:v(eilng the cli\- of Havana, an agreeineni haa been readied between the Secretary of the Treaaurv

Utah Cop.\'a.-(’aro........V\e*llnf honae.

121 i':i 130'i39S ::9a, 39!!Ifil'ra IWji Ifjl 160S,»> i Wi'lIfl 18 16 16>4

fiOlj R6SI'.t?':, U'7'4 lfl7 IfiGlj fl4-4( 66

llulfc llCi'i IlMk lift'/,34 34 H 64\v g4'a.£4 f»7 .17 971,13 L 7:l 71 .13


?!3S.OO: Bhori clear, 21.OO©

middle Weat. i".2Si&-



''i ’kV.Mr'5Im ' -z '

l i S . : ! i i .

Ik. iili n

glc Water CTo. Bb 1 M 7 . J o e PlAlafield Un. W, Co, 6t'. 1931... 102


U. N. J. R, R. £ Canal......Morris £ Esses.................■WaiTuB R. R. Co..............■N. 'Y., Lack. £ West....__IsiekAir^nna R. R, o{ N. J..

TRACTION.J. C„ Hob. & Pal..............Cob. T i» c, Co.....................No. Jer, at. Rwy...................... „„PhtoiServ. Per, 'cifs...................losM liiiP hoI io Service Corporation.....116 usBkptd Transit........................... ^' \ GAS AND ELECTRIC

ElUabeth Gas Light Co.......... jijKiaax £ Hudson Gas............... i3o lis'

............. W 96Co. Gas..l.................... ija J3JKawark Con. Gas Co................. 97 «W. B. iZ, H. £ P. Co................ 60 95Patfrion £ Passaic Q. £ E..,. w 19Som,, Union £ Mlflii.................. 7a «B. Jeraey G., B. £ T............. las lao

BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES NkUonal Newark Banking Co” wNkUonaDState Bank...7T.......... an

. K u iu County Nat. Bargt........ tooVI MartAuuita' National Bank.......260

"-ftufactursra' National...........270-**• Ward National Bank..., akJ

National Bank............... maon National Bank......... js,7

;^ rk | t NaL Bank...! IB

that. Company........

* SY'ust Conipany,.i„, rWt CD................... iTo

ii^XfODt^Coropapysk..,,, m

140I d BanlCs*........... Hg

Qf Bast Granga* 220v«^h|ity TruBt.................. ;*T5« InvgBfcment A Truita.i ^' NgtlMBl Sank.............. 2t0

Trust Co

NEW YORK, Feb. 1.—-Busineas con- ilmjed to Improve In (he New York crockery and giesHware market during ih© week, and sellers were firmer than over In their views that an excollenl ueaBon was at hand. Stocks In the handa of wholesalers were reported un­usually Uglit, and, in several InstaticfS^ the Individual urders placed showed material increase over those given a year ago. So far the possibility ofdownward revision of the duties on \o ; yo^ri5 these goods has dj le little to retard j ’ business.

Importeq linef air generally ready for i display. The recent advances lu do-”, j mestic pottery have by no means re­tarded the call for foreign wares, and |In many cases record levels have been , touched since the opening of the year, ,Cut glass Is well taken, and other glass : lines are moving freely.


family, J 22.26.


Bugar—Raw', aieadiy. muscovtido, i test. 2.98; centrifugal. 96 teat. J.4I' mo- I leasea sugar, 89 test, 2-T3. rieflned quiet; crushed, 6.06; granulated, fine,4.35, powdered. 4 45. !

Coffee-Rlo, No 7. 13’?; futures, Ptesd.v; 1May. 13.48. July, j

Petroleum—hteftdy; refined, barrels, , S.60.

Molasses— Steady. New Orleans, upt-n kettle. SSigiGS.

Huy—Quiet; standard, 1 OO; No. 1, No 3, 75iff'85.

H dea—Steady ; Hogot a, 2 d 21' “c : Cedl.'fli America, 29 4- j

Leaitter— Firm; hemlock ->'■'(*' i2I+, H*‘ i'uids. 37(U 2s, tbIrdH, tr-jei-ly. IHiii’ y. ;

Butter-Firm; receipt’ . 5 907 tuba; •;rpam- erv, extras, 30. iJ®heeao-*Steady and unchanged; receipts,

134 boxea; weekly exports. 259 boxes, Eggs—Flrrner, receipts, 7),;i30 cases; fre ii

gathered, extra firsta, firsts, 23aecomla and lower grades, 224 23

Poultry—DrcBsed. Btead.v; fresh klllerl, Weetern chlckeni, 12 20; fowls, IS@17; tur­keys,

The average morvthh- contractora Is $450. OQU.

account uf the


Best Bank Service-

Banks are in many ways similar, but there can be, and there is, a vast difference in the service they give.

We pride ourselves on the sufficiency and efficiency of our service to our patrons.

Ask any o f them how they like the Broad and Market Bank.



PHILAUFLPHIA, Feb l-.ThS Fstinsyl- vanla Railroad Compan)' Is expected to ennounce shortly a new lesi|l of secui'I' ties.

It will requirs 112,290,000 to take care c>r Hs Baltimore and Ohio 4^ per cent- bonds,and •9.750.000 to take up the NorfoUi and i NEW YORK, Feb. 1,-The cotton mar- W estem now bonds, and these sums, with I opened steady at an advance of 2 to 5


NP71.4’ Y'ORK. Feb. I,—The strike \'oifi of the 3ti,000 firemen on the fifty-four i-Hilroads east of the Mississippi River 's ptaclloally all In and the work of cgunl- irg the bellois began tntjtiy, Ii will taku Ironi a wc-ek to ten days to finish il:'- cuimt.

i.'halrman Ellaiia Lee, of the conreren'’e commlriee of managers uf the railroads ruiu'eOed lu a statement that the vote will be overwhelmingly In favor of a strike.

LEADING GRAIN N AR K H S'■HICAGO. Fpu, l.-CummiBilon hoi.sf

8,li;ii§: wheat today after a hriefillaplay of strength. The firmness at the outset , resulted from continued cold weather. Rears tourirt encnuraselnent on the other hand In 111* comparative indif­ference of European markets to the ad­vance on this side. Opening prices were nnehansed to higher. May etarteri at 9Sli to 94. t-ar,vtng the same as the market

I taken altogether, and then declined to MV

I Com weakened on accoiml Increase In receipt*. May

The folio wing quotations ere fu rn SlJCtiby FoBi k. Flagg

Upen-lllgli* Low-Cloi-Inc- e*t. eit. Ing.

Am. i k 1 4fi., mAll'll. 4n .. .... PtAt. new cv B- <8 IHliUAt. )0 91 _lne 4b... 9<>H. k i .... i'i‘* . . . 1H. A i 97:, 1' ’ ,B. R. T, 4n....... . . . IK- 4 . . .H, R - 10J4*Ceiu 1 ceai1 ... 96N 97 |U,., 97

1 1 'li«s, k t mo -i (Xf.V!, <’hl . H * y. 4#i .... 99‘ i, K.1,1 ‘ ‘ -c M & S I IfMfc

1 &P. IH 4a 64% M-N '4', ;[ i.'ul. Si St> irt . --- 4/WV2t Sl R t .... KflVp N&'-v % 1

Distil Set' .... 67Intel Met, 4-/afq ... SI 8IL SE SI 1

4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings Accounts

(16.000,000 for new equlptnenl and ( 20.000.000 for the big Improvements planned In and nbout Philadelphia, the company will sell for at least (60,000.000.

The directors are seriously consldarlng ar. increase of (100.000,000 In the OapUel stock to cover all theae regulrementa.


MUTUAL LIFE TOTALSThe annual report of the Mutual L ife '

Inguram^e Company of New York | makea some Interesting announcements envolvlng %ery large totals. Among them one finds Its amount of Insurance tn force Is f 1,650,BE8.Q6S, a gain witbln a year o f 146,918,401. althq^fgh the new paid-for'liiBuranca U given at OlGTaOBT,- G23s a gain of 116,063.482. Policyholders received |60,D65.4SS >]ast year, with dividends, tbe latter total being $15.* 006,280.

points In response to higher ].*lv'erpool cables. There was considerable cotton for sale on the advance both ’ In the way of icattereci re0 l!?ing and renewed pressure from bearish aourcoB, but on a oetback to a shade under the rloslng figures of last nlgbi, the market received support fiom trade Intereats, and later rallied on uover-

of expected^ opened at

62A4 6?A. last nlghl'p level, to ^ up., louched 52’.'j#62H. and later receded to

S^mpithy a’ lth other g?aln governed oatB. May, which started unchanged to a shade off at to 34 «)34 4. and de­scended to 34^4i|.

Provltlon# (iropped a trifle as a result of unloading by packers. First Bales

Ing with March leading and selling about ranged from 5c-. lower to 3^ advance <ilx points net higher during the middle of I with May 819.0& to |15.:u for pork. II0.J5 tothe morning. Later monlhs showed gain. \ $ir) for lard and llO.lTti for ribs,of from 2 to 3 points. Reduced estimaiea j A reaction m wheat followad. but de-of the Indian crop are attracting some at- ' nlais of qold wave - dainagA made thetemtlon, while large salea of print clotha j market again easy. The chiae was atat Fall River for the week al«u helped the 93’ i for May, tbe a&mf aa last night,early market, | HeavJneaa In corn conllnu^ the re-

The market cloaed steady, net 8 points - malnder of the day. May closed 14 net

Inler RiK. r K S & AJ. laKa urf 6 Til,,Kan ritv Si B . arjgg<?lf & Myern D» I'eLo < & Naah. t 98%Mu nrUUlDll ‘ift . 94%Nit. R\. of MN.Y' ' ■ & 1. 7SN. Y 'V A S. 1 u 99Nor 1 H sri 4k. 98 NNor 1 Ifi 3BPenn Jra J 1 •7 q ■jf'q 97 4Pel B t948itP f.4itlllarrl ■ s 1 \1V \z: \s:VPub. Service: ;jS i-r.. !-aReading li . 97V ’J; V l'7'd IN'4Bt r, fJo.W. kfiv;So. Pit' 'IH. Wa !*.’i '■ >'’'iSo. I' 4- fV\ . 4s. !<;•!sSo. Jtv. is. . 7S 77V 7STex k Pat-. ini %L'nl r a 4 - 99'g :'iiUn n I'MCi 4! !«v 96*4 P6V ’■iU. 8 Steel 6 1 N HV’ IhlV ]0'>U. H Rubboir 6f 1 NWl ftrth ;'d 1HE. . 99V■Wabaih 4b. 6U-A Cl ‘-V 61%U'ab PI r lBl 4.'$ .'I'-jiVeflt Ingnousp ( on y.k'ii

N. Y. OUTSIDE SECURITIESThe followliig quolatlone were furnished

by William F, Muth k Co • in d u s t r ia l s

t'loBlniz 1 F M. Todm;

Bld.AHk.‘(i,l3id.Art(,cil Am. Wilr. Paper... 7 - rS

I Ant- Marconi ...... . nBuckeye Pipe Line . . .. 175 l>iAnglo Oh .................. — ' '•’4Borden'a C. M....... 11'-Borden's C, M.. pr.. ioii’a 14W k*Brit.-Am. Tobacco- atA* 24". 4H4 :'4-.i


FINANCIAL POINTERS.<}old exports to both France ant £r-

pentlnx continue, (8,006,000 hxvina been enpaxed this week for shipment to Botith Amerlce. The resources of: the money marltet are ample and foreign demands for^rold are not reflected In money rates,

s - •The president of tbe New Fork Stock

Exchange, replying to a quesUon pat to him by Governor Sutler In tb» hearing

yesterday said that be haA

higher to 6 points lower.

The following quotations were furnished' by Post £ Flagg: Vsidy s

Open. High, Low. Close.Close. .. 12.28 I2.M 12.26 12.29 12.2T.. 12.14 12.14 12.06 12.0S 12.11,, 12.08 12.10 11.97 12.00 12.05.. IJ.tl n.44 11.87 II,« 11.42

March. M ay... dvily... Ool....

,® « y ‘'f r „ f e ;; : : : ; ; :^ ± S . * “ .n*d“ if. 'if oTnoYto'LIFE AND FIRK INS.

Prqdsntltl .................................SOO................................. ^ S5-HrfsS ................-2 r^ S # a ra A .iY «s .- ........................... 275 88#

•HkSnpM^ Casualty...-....,..*170 ISOJn lT * Wats Olksa............ 1»5

. » * w Jeraey Firs.,..7.... JSo 190YggnS TW A L a n d MMCIUiANKQ^^S.

‘ kgr-Whasiw -Tip £-■--Wheeler, n r . . . . m v i j i

sack Water ........... '■■ ’

Ik W a«btg...,.i..,,

^gaiet»eBia'»v*eee**s* Ml i ffg' ahira. ’>W0w. (W «•»«•. .get ^

-•■ilariilrii Wm i* iws» 4fg.

MnatsiSaUons 4urig«. G m liii,S^l>* H r * Ursa Jfaio^.iCange Venaflel; east, Lao, lUnoa,- Oannci toutbsist, Bydra, Argo Narisi gonth. Cania Mloort. TY'-iprerai 'Major. Columba, JTkvtas - - -

; . i Msote;

_ thi .........gethOr legttlmate snd that It did net In any sense-represent manipulation.

• • 4Europe, was In the New fork mmket

yesterday with a gd'"! demand fpr Fen- ruary ettpper. This was follawed.liy Im­proved demand for some consutOKSL It la etsnsidsted doubtful K much Was so- cu t^ . homver, at prices asked A t the samo time oftorings of Uareh, April gM May wont busdng, according to some u - tem ts who fried to sell. . j

Thousanda o ( stockholders toddg.ilioi', celred dtvidend checha from >anrpad lUid Industrial oord^tleAs aggregating i I27,imiw. 70tt* year ago less than i‘000 was dUboraad. -■

^''Judge Bandbpri^ o f ttw Federal Court at St. tmiils, bag anpohetsd Thomas t , ' waiinGsroy. of thai ettgr sgsdai dwattr th take testimaay In ike Vafeagh Bm I- road rocehrerahip proesedtt^a- H i Will taport to tits bodrt the flAantdal aM physical imndltion *M h «

Hors than H.tOdWl of rn-«nue (a sach day o f m i was tns Fsnaeyivaaia salbi^ road’s impresrtve ra ce * Tha intat opec-; allng taaanwe waa JSl.wdU9, an inersaaa


opened quiet and steady and later ad­vanced without partleular feature to the dealings. Home rails were etrengthened by dividend announcements, but the con­tinental favorite eased otf in the late trading. Nigerian tin shares were weak on realising.

American eecurltiea opened steady and a fraotton higher. The market continued to advance until tbe last half hour, when Haht selling depressed a part of the Hat The closing wa* eteady. with values rang­ing from "i above to >4 below parity.

Money was In good demand and dls'- aount ratee were quiet. .


JWlks and trugt oompaflieil’ for the week ahowi that they hold UI.WJW reserve In txesis of legal rasutrementg. This Is a decrease of ( t ^ , a » fniin lapt week.

^ s T s a ! ^ i i r o R nTOBK, Fs>, tLCartnaiia, Uvsr-

PMl fer NSW deck Sunday.1, fw a i - J

lower at GSliSO 'Ot,

The following today's quotations, dose being at 2^5 F M.. New York time, were furnished by Byrne £ McDonnell;

At the Chicago Board of T rade:lYheat- O P *

»fP<........................ 90^901* s*,;;* 70Corn—

May .................... i2J4le 58(4 *2( i

I uais-^May ....July ....Sept......

P o rk - May ... .

Lard- May ....

Can. Marconi C^iweant Plp« Line

. Tooacc


M»a 34 ©34^4

ID.O&SIB.IO JI.07 10.17 lD.l7®ld.SJ9

Havana Tobacco.... *Havana Tob., pr... hHouaton Oil.......... 1“Houston Oil, pr....Inter. Rubber,.,..... ^N. Y. Trana.ee...... 4

. Otit Elevator.e...e.. 76 OtiB Elevator, pr...omo oil ......................{Standard Oil, old..1170 fitandBid Oil, K. J. 4TsiBi»d. on, K. Y............Tob. Pro,, pr......... 56Vacuum OtI..................United C lgan....... 108Ur>; Taii^ Line.....................

RAILROADS.Am. Light 4 Tr.... 406 415Am L. Jb T., pr... 108*



i: io433













415Braden CdppBr -


N »W TORK,U v e r ^ l ,

-Arrived, Oaitle;

FHILADELra iA STOCK MARKETThe following quotations were furniak-

ed by Flsele £ King:Amerlc4ui Railway Co.....Amei'tc.n Gas 6a ......... .......Cambria Iron ......................Cambria Hteel ................ ,...Klectrlc Storage, com............Rlectric & People's 4a......... .General Asphalt, com............^neral Asphalt, pr.......... ,..Tnleritate M- ...........Keystone ToWphoiw, com.......Lehigh NavigAhm stock......Lehigh NavIgattSh tr. of (a....'.Dak*-Superior Corp..............Lake soaerkir Income Is...,,,I,ohlgh Valley Transit, com...,Lehigh Valley TrisniJt, pr,.,,.. u iiint ,.-,..,.....^.4...... . mNew^srsey Oon. T ^ ...... 14Hsiw Jer. Con, Traction is Phtiadslp^ BatM.Trtn. -Phlja BMitd Tran, .v. t. otfc ,. nnisdsipnu Smsl ------ ■ Ca, pr ...

Brit Col, iGttpper.. Butte Cotton .Butte-X. Y. .........6|ns. -Arfs. Rmcit..tSvle-Daly' ...........Ki\- Ceniral........

.Biy Cons, ............First xat. Cop....■,Glrmix Cons. .......Qreene-Cananca . Jumbo -SxWaalon.Keir lAko.,,.....La Rose Owis.....Hanhattan Trans..


i s4



4(8.10914 low. KWi

«4 9s, 9'A



. 8'p,133-10

S '.iI ‘ i

Of Kev.



n 11Wl 23V 8

IP.S3 84

$ 3-16 J 1-16 :81i a

2 1- 6 1Vi 3

1 7-16 :9

3-W 1I ’i

; M * T>i321-16 ri

TMgl« H a

_ AACmsPUk 1.'—-knoona, Naplss

• i * s a ’ 8s S s “ W ’ 't-i~ w r'Rodgtpnbeau, Havre fof'Naw Torki wfll

.dock'Monday. .DKWalK, Feb. LeMtrrlvoi irtaamor FJ^

y g * , York io r Anhwevp,------- -— ' Arrived -*—

1J r iM M O O t. JotOt Aim > u .

gr. v.d- 4Pa*f s'e-q+' «i


..IlS K U ’i ISISWetuaufsr ffiMrer....Yukon WM

•ifi,.-. ; BONDS,u n l^ , i , £-..P.''.d*.. »

’“ qnaqs.-? Tlaje.. iosiiil

9»!a ri 89(9

(OdijtTOaw;- ' ' doal! -

k-daya, 1 ftlaqn

Broad & Market National Bank

Globe B ldg., 800 BroadChristian Fleiasner, President

David King, Joseph Samuel Vice-Presidents

Charles W. I.,ent. Cashier

R I G H T Sw i v i i v . X K i - . « e

A . A I ^ e S j i U T O A K K K K O . £ } . « g O .

I V o r f o l l a * e W a f - m t e r i abou gh t - t o ld — aoouroto ly quoted


785 Broad St.. Newark. N. J.T pI. 45SS. 4aH9 Mnrket.

CaTABLlCnCDCIA1IEN(EHODSON«0>b r o k e : r s


whole issues NECOTIATEDMa i n F io o r E s s e x Bl d g .

ClintonSi.Newarh.N.J.P h o h e s Ma r k e t 4 17 2 -4 )0


The New Jeraey and Eagle Assurance Company Stocl<

Par Value $25. At $40.00 Per Share Address Eagle, Boa 65, News Office


781 Broad Street, Newark, N. J,TELEPRONI): ^000 HABKIGT


iinantmouB vole tlia YVpBt Virginia LiegiB- fatiire late yeetorday Tatlfled the Income tax fliiiendmetn to the Federal C'o.Tstrto- tlon. Oovarnor Olaascock haa'^announced that he fa^^ra the meaBiire.

TIte vole of but one other Stats 1* needeil to make the antendmerU vonsil* U tluhal- ’

tVll..MXNGTON. Dll., Fab. l.~Delawarp It iff said, will ratify the Federal D-come tax ameudment. and thereby mske It ef ftotlve. The rwolutlon has not ytt been preMnWd, but It will be lntrt>duced early next week and promptly poieed, it Is undbrttood. k will then go through to jhe Uouie,

go ld A r m N i u M in Fr an cePARIS. Eeb. I . - ^ id , .wbleh Is how at

twenty cent* prsmlunY on one hundred dollars, has almow entlroly diaapptwed from otroulatlon In France. The only places in Paris where gold coin can now to oMalned are the Paris branches of American bank*. The French banks re- fuM to band sveu one twetfiy-trane piece to thoir cusiqmera.

Tho hoarding of gald baa been in prog. M tpr three nmntiM, pwlny to eppre- tortimn of « Irittshta .war. For twa .to thiAa* days ronehtly, whan pMcsitn (be






$2,800,000The accounts of indivtd-

uala, fimui and eorilora- (ions are invited.

i n t e r e s t p a i d O N D E P O S I T S

Sell Preservation!

is the First Law of N ature. The F irst Law of Success is M o n e y Preserva­tion— Saving. The Bank Account is the best means of accu­mulation.


188 ROSE VIUEAVE.,"Every Gwd BuAini Fwility.”

EISELE & KINGUemben e f R. V. Steeh Bnluac'.' .Uemhera e l 1*UlB.Steek Bacbaane

New Jersey Investment Securities a Specialty

Broad and Ginton Streets.NBW.ARK. a. J,

iMniHl BeaeBt B«IUIng( t'kttwea Stew. 3KU, SlOk. SbllU Mkl


4 ■unpal n:eit|ng vf the IK ' oiMviri ML Pfwaam CtoOeMrir Caitpiny 4 will bebeU In tllr A U ^ niytl y

Tbel^k. will' bTSeid ’ in' tto'AUUur ioM» m

19IB at 8:*u P. M.. to toaKito t*P»ta of a.toi buard oI manwia to <H«t thno iki m-mt^» .? . c. f t u ,q board aed tmiwact au»k^h*r toetiWM -xM „ may com. ^

..........................TBS'd ntavRA" on g< dii

t 'y ..

U t i W A B K E V E N I N G K E W B . ^ g P B D A Y . F E B R P A B YI r m B .

m a e u u a c b aIN M E M O R IA M

h e l p W A W TE D ‘> tlWH K I iP W A N T E D — M EM H E L P w A N T E D ^ ^ c w f _ . _ ^ , , , J S S 5 L J S i i ! S H : r i 5 2 ! ! ^ ^

If. lo^ln* iMmOTV or « r

v*>r u<i. February' 1. U»W-

mrrHl K. « , i i i » wvwu«. __ i.u m«r or

T 3 i^ . at Wiwy WG’'OLD'l- UARMH - m * u 1»JKH»*11G wvmuJ

sM Mrt. B- E. • ” '* j I..1o f Kaat OroJWO. wot* mani*-'1 'Mt ' o> tho rHtdciica Iho brtila ■ iJor o *.

iB ." »»4 Nr*. WlcboWt wt» «•* '“ WciS (■ ^ OlU f*i _ _ _ _ _ _ _

yaar February i—u*Our dea** •'ift thc.ufh U>at to •^»^j ramaUr



AfiPMT»-Hfl a day aaay. m*ny malia dtmbi* for i l » t C i ™ Vociiuin

tht .i»*i"(irrf-ri hin.l owrhlne mnjG.jlonWa

rm vH A N -r ir ii eiaa, « ip «r i*> ^ J waniad. Apply IflayrtoTKiani omca.

A .a< ria Comp«n>'i Flitb iod ®uaaa* *i*-«

pipartaAoad *r*m »«----- Oaaacai


PU tloA. wt'lghi only atl Ibt' 'taTr ■ ‘ "


t i diytw balflvfd huabarwl of ■ « * (two P*y> • * ' •<’"

MiviaM. an RuratHy FabrtiBTV «. at *t 1 . “ •SITn u tnoMonor. IM '"■tOORIoat Oi eonorntfirt' of (ho foini \-

■aHONUB-On Jonuory ni, IIMS.tJ S S l Wllo lit Uirarurr. o( ''or l»nS llSS ia Mo IW. I'oi-lrt'JJSjSI**1tijtlt:r of furn ml In HmMuy 0*H-

»li*nf-On Joiniory I!' oo, No- ait! Hoi.'li Trnlli «ln-o' t iillior-OdWy (nn- Wulnnl, Iwl.pvort "Ito of

iioT w n o i BroOKiy. “ f

iMtUrOPHlSB-Oii Friday, Jauoary 31, JfilJ.1 «2 R e.| brtpT4*d iwn ot John and thp *J*"rlatla thirtatopb»r inec iiupotUpr), *8 ' ‘MM . Md friand. *” ','^ ‘“ ‘*1/,, ;HUmI Ip «U «d the futhpnl <»ti Moodaj. habniu }nit At 9 P. M.. from IhpAW H. He Z L. K~, iruiii %'• -S t M B tiw lwr-. Son*. No III llrllDont .ivo

iSatJM .

[a BfparHOTr ■ i5VM»i •• ' ’~z ’ i_latcmrot lo Ilio tciurinj of tL* liolj

ulDgrr,T mV1"|"|:HKA\BD PAI'flHTKlIH ANTI 80M*

SiUN—PoohO oyrny on Vrliloy. J*no*/f ■ ir iM t. John M-. bolovod hurbaml of i « f - Ulo‘ c> Dtin l n « KlrlnllJioobl-lUfnerp. In S). UM T«l-. nolatl,-.. .nd fri.nd. »r. klo4]V fnvllod lo attond tho funeral *rr StoMftoin hla late roaldoni-r. l l j ^'***^‘■JHl. on ■ondar, Jobruary 2ttPm«at on Monday at 2 ■’>Wpaat Cpaottry.

'DUMNrOn Jaiiuary «f, 7,^1;; --- - I • » of ih« late Jamo. and i .ihrnnr olIorin*a

no, aalAll' ti. tnonda and mrni^n Pairoi . . . . .o'a IMoN'olrat AaWfSaiion. and Court South

No. 1M8. Indop.ndonl Order of S“r"*t*5*'a a _ a _ a . 10 ,1 a . „ tVlA ftiflaral irOIT


ctaana can«'ta»n^X uu 'rJX :. M^riuurr, i ^ ™ * - „ - " J l l K .fUi rtf ordpf. a Cltlld «•»» w<ri* It; aurpr^ji^y I,Up |,rir* bli ivniflia. blgti cUaa aaay .ti« inathJn* rr»« i‘* offir*oulrit tor tprritary,I-ubltiMj PP ttouih Vlfih at.N Y

Br xililyn,

l„vlnt idonnirv of “ r dr.r b.lo;rd ami timiliir. Kimirrirh Sohuilrr,Krtiruaiv 1 ISHt -rtrm.wa-NV„ ,.„r nil hav* nur aormwi.

fPho died


AOBNDt-Can you^^^^MlT^ K a X " ' - " : !Mfin, a Mf' iy

a ellrtc rrf Nhavlrif m a .frlof

Dpai Ihti:foM. ■llv''r

qiiUJtIv dl«a away. ton and,l,f. I.MiR of uur d«-ir bolo^cd *on ana

ar1av,'.'..ur heart. f7 ,i;„ ''‘ >:vBirKAM ILT.

Omv tioUifilni cldti t>ir (Ndlihlni foM. ? lX l ‘ al!5 brnM, 1<A> Il.it.n* or W n i * - rd . wtiii .•■r.i .aNp; ■H'prliif *j»trror lonmi'a with full dir.wlluiii '*■Royal Mall ordar H»n a^ bUdtann, N- _

who dlad Fab-Ivi m'tmtTv nf Krrd Hohutu

r,?(Vr n,‘.!hl the .tarn at. ale.ntln,“ur*'!,i"nrr“ '.r.rfw.h -,lhoo,^dt«™.n.


macbina, iUT(warih aajN

t,*wra atlli * flrei hour.


Deeniint l( Impoaelhla to thank all lo peraon<.iin IlilB (nnane of erptnaalBI

AiiUNTrt S't'* ImBlii'-Ke,lt». atlHuK Miicriao^vPr maaia#*

I'nrker lella S firal day inaiilna |IU dully. t.«wla - , . . . . ^1*l„v,-.1l*.lu in.w. I , K •*^U T0 ^•W 't-'laurnrlaa awilla you. IH.A' KHTOhr,(kUi Meredith l.ulldlna, Tolado, I,. _______jrill-'NT—Hnalprv aaeni wanted for No* Jrf’

eoy and New York, hr a now ml.nufaiturln|i 0B.'ern. niakln* tine I'na lui, eld. line for rr.t. " ' I ' " * halnrrdaahefa. elc. 81detail of aiperlence. ■*». etc.. Teitlle. iw i ui. >pv,a ufficfl.

'IhV'MilonW Branch No. flfiT, iJUllr#! r? Bpu.-to1poI AaiEN’Iallon. eiuplojM "f ' ' ?][ui lUklhf r-onu-iiiy and tlipmi.ailMT« nf EngiDP tompaoT No. 8, N- y f.ip ilt**lr kind and oumi-roai atteodaoce aud

iatjIIrul floral offariaia and otbor lokpoi

UTuANH BLtitvKn; WMtad: eicepilPnaJ oppoj’ tuiilly tu ■ Hian aaPcuUve pblliiy to tax* tiaifo of (lif'rmoa Wuie wofka. ^ddPfaa

filaafc. lioi 4rt. Newt pfflcp.

anarWAn. ilMla. » MOUigWQRlC OPMrai ~ hpiiilfPforki O M JW E 'of epok afw l*up tfr^ } thrpa In fpwllyi • jP^ - gnjS lfiSJSSi

dnc line nrefafioa. Addrraa. eUtlB* 0M)1«: did •-afadl . S " ^ raaufrS T la i lm and aa^aw aaiwctad. In

B offk


W A W T E P - IO M A S P

o o w t i l . ' tO lt»~ Pr^ejiunt. ^Uundoiaa; w w tananny “ " ‘..IjS * ;;

rlnaton Pt-. Caat -Orama r^uJrPd. Phoea

Boa 8S, Kawi < HOUBRWORiC-YouDfgirl, lo ppaUH In fanamT AouiiiwH'k la »m -

hSiifi'nuTii .uaranlaod aalarj|T» (*r month and f h ' l ..‘ f ^ Al lntOn a t* wHtioot etBairtonca. Ad(. . j O®jwt«tio», Noi 10. Ncwi oftici.

l » milaWo a m , Qian Wtt«a.I nKW.-e) WIdle M»B.'l"VOK.

•AIu^UAN-Marrted m «^ ;s "? «2 S 5

OBCk'KKT brlgtit yrtuftf man lo takafhari* of ofdpr routa; wagei W

abimy. Addr<-« Orocpry. Boi IT. Nawa offlca.6AL&8W10N—.vniUtloua, noat appearkncti j-aU

I mtrchanu In Ibalr terrtrory; aljfani jrtde- •. rtinv^ulfnt to carry; good

----------- Belmont Mff. Co.. CBi'

I 0U»IJWORK-ElWla aiad W«>»n i«

hlU‘* ^ ^ ^ « “ A " M l ”

dlp-as^ man and wlfa m JAfann a*pf1i and to ilia batiae. AddrMi Pw •C NorTb Nlnlh at., elty.

riald ata.. Irvlnftaa.

HAT l A^TORT MAN WANTED.prompt reraltitnca. elunatl. 0.

roMPK I TO TAKE f HAROK <'li|NE N vITINO DEPARTMENT: (K^Di-anroKiTii.N Fon r ig h t I 'A n jv ^ *J ','I.Y UT l.HTTKR AND iTATE E.VFEHl-


HiiTKEW 'HK Man wanted for |«rwork r f'i<*nPB Tenwlr**d- OB«r

O'.. Brckuii arirl Market ate ^Newark

enaral hnute- W ATWW

l-alhrr beltl and ponl’nlloa; nMn lo awiii r-in-man; aiijerti^cad. quick.HARNEb !In an1

drraa UAd-

5:.ar‘ 7 l X “ ed mnVber7R^ llope tuae r .,a n ^ We i'*j*M:lalty doalre to ♦•iprrim our alo. erailjatiLi’to the Hev. MoqalfU«jff Alol* Bu-cbcr. of Rl. iviPF-i Church, alw to the acat'^w^ so kliidl/ ictert ■« peIRwerrre. ami

uudertakrr. for hie kind md cfllrle-iil

Bb Waahlnjitgn avenue, on Jue^-T. a at A-a® A M.. to Ot r Lady of Ooofl

III'Church, where ajaiUeni wlB be offared for the repoae of

'iStiL imwmem in the Cemetery of in« i f tapttlchra.

MD—Oa Thureday. January 30, lOU. a Bhanuan Durand. In hie fl&th year. I aarvlcM wrill ba held at hli

\\> take thli meani « f oLpreailng our aln-rera'aud Uearlfell ilvanke tn lha relative and frleiida of Michael Khlddi for their mnn> kind expreaalnna of sympathy besutlful floral offerln**; apecSal 'haiiki to the jovorcnd Fetberi uf fit.Church, and cipwlall) Rev. Father Dooley

. imwe r ‘T” rfiOfiiTi Elan Mr. 4.'hrl»i*n§en and employak ofly hivllad W attend ^riank Road Dlvlalon; alao F. J. Foley, for hli

naMenca of hla brolhar, 1“hertJ „OH“ ; ' t / " .J^T.lllelant ..n lre Ifib Waahlnjiton avenue, on Tyaaday Feo^


kind and efflcJem ien.'lre w i i r.wo-wFrom MHB. BHiKLDB AND CHlIaDREN.

'"ai 4 P U. 'ReJatlvaa ajid frlendi are in- ~ I lo altand. latemaont In Clinton Lenwlery

&a oottvaolonce of the family,Annie E. Fay? A T - ^ JAmiary W. 1W3.

Otrtrr">. beloved widow of Michael W •waa frlendi. alaO tnambera of si.

Bratich No, 5UW, L. t .Inrltad lr> attond tha funeral from the

Mldaooa. Ko. 1(R Pacific atreat, on M«i- ~P|AruAiry A, at R A. M-. lo Rl.- Jamae ■- - — - *

WB take thla maum of eipTeialnf nUT alncore and liearUaJl ihar^ke to ine Rev. C E Heeaelertve, Mr. I’ ci-aton BiirroughB Rnd Mr. B. B- Kelley, and to our many friend# and neighbor# for IheiriricuM* iKaM ............. many kindixoreMlone of sympathy, ainJ for their kind and efflrlfnl pervlcci on the occaalon of ourand efflrlberea'enirn^.^^^ r OTH A.ND FAMH.V.


■lylM), fibre hroomi. MlT.KKR Mop Co., Grand eve.. C'hU-ag lU ______—AGBNTB ai-iPcIfati to ''•'*1*

promlum tia rlva wllh fital orUar *0 m.. aalia ar- o i l y l„ liva og-m, wh.. fan n,.k, at Keek above eipensei K I tllLi..r.Bi iViirk, I’B _________________________ w—UIKNTS-yiira^ <h. ®nJ“ Ylunlly you-.a bf.ii

h-,.kma lor. hualnaa, of your ..Wh, aIii*i- mile work brlnj# Meady Income In p«r Iiiatirnt on8 unUlua Ulalrlbuilnf crop^ltlui Halra Manager. 70 M icb.

right pajilane K*«

an.1 ■Tam

K >% (ti. N*wa office._______aiipeiianced on head made Itt-K

good poeltlon for the K A W , f7 Ualdao

JEW'ELKKi ind 14 h vi'lre work

Apply B York.

SAlui:»MEN~bUla lln# traveling ealeamen

H0UB*WDRK-A youni 0 «m »a *• '''? *to hOIP with the houaowork art ‘TSVliL * '

drew; mutt ilaea home at (iftbt. Addreia A,- Box 34a Newt office.

qiBLS and boy. i i»*n l l Bookes** boautiftll pufUl c» t4a

» ^ » 3 1 r a . !»• EROWE. Bok « » . ■rt*StroudaburrPw

duulTon oi aOvartklui *h'L'nliad Btataa Laltrdar Co.. CWply now.

dnnail3AI.EBNA.N. capahle, to covar Naw Jor»y

wllh aiapl, llDt. hl*h conirolaaioti.. IIW monthly aJunca, P,nV'a“ "t P '"!"™ mao JBBB 11. BMITH CO,, DolroH, Mloh

flri-BALE&MBN, local nr trav#llnf. to aall proof aafta to bualnee# ni«i; eiparlance un-

neceMiri': quick taloi: blf cummlaalone Al- Bara Co.. Clwlnnall- ______pina

maijcbiibn w a n t e d , to TAKK COURSE IN PRACTICAL a^ESMANBHiP, START-


A few yewr#.a w,vM A. to make pen- Kdga Chain Co . 3S3

JEWELElt Voufit man. with exporlent*' m /)Q-kt. Jrwelry'

■Unti, arprfpln#, etr.Mulberrv »t __________ _ __7EtvELEK FIrai-claai La ValUefe

«Kmpl» ri.tker on 10-kt. Jewelry Apply FiOliERT l.l-:VT CO.. 4T3 Washlmton #i.


opportunity for experlenvadUniillere nil'! sample maker nn lO-_kt Jewelry.

JKWKLER Un iillere I

A'ldre*# Jr Box k2, New# office

itlnaPrtiadway, OTmnd Rapid#.

AGEaNTB-You van make. | l» l aa J * " " * ' or local ageni, non-alcohollo eiiract#, i^r

fume#, etc., aa\e c-onaumeT 80 per cent par-ruines, eir., uso — r-- • jmaiioot hualUMa. bl* pniBla; aitlUfKa t.rrl. (ory PITKIN, ZT4 B at . Nawarlt, N Yagents—Tour tlma. tha "Tharmoloo,"' art

halit here -offer you, thl# luoatb. unequoieo oBiHirtunltj: if tntereeted In au lodep^adenibuiincM from ttaal) rapltal. write (May. The Vtrtorj Co . yiB 217 P «r l at.. Butfalo. N __

aollereAOENTB- Butnelhlng new, fatieil niiukeal repealer# oq oarlk: permaneni, prf- r

- — id for |lk>

jYiU'KLri! ' enved nil

n , T.A*J

• Ki general workman, experl- illnum. aEOFrHEYHEISr.R i-e #t.. ctly.

JOIS'TKH Hod driller; wanted, an exparlenred Joln'er und drtller; good *agea;_a^teadv

I, A wwork

TANTTort nart naymani of rent in exchange *or riiVnln"; ban. Ud rantln.. Inqult. sIt

SprtTiifIfIrt a ., flrqt floor._________________iT A P N im Y :^ ,!'', '' "antad; oa« "S?

ouahly und.nlanda canvaatlni; caah bondiand «ou,l f,tnr,i.c. raqulrad; my'i,.''.';™*well rr<*r>mmemled Appl> A< me lilen Hldge.

aliry and comnitaaloniindry, 9IS Plootnfleld #v*..

SALEMRK -ilde line, poeket aamplei utei. 110 commlialon; high grade n

.. 10 mlti' men only:

no Vihar'nead apply. AdvariiaTni Novelty Co Newton. Ik-

IIOUBEWORKB^-10 axperlancad g!rla with rafarascea; #malJ faTnUlna; wlorad and

whliM tSS. Wd. Itnamailoiial Bureau, in Pcnhxylvanla avenua ______ _____MOUSE WORK* Wanted. ftrl to/ general

houaawork: Oarinan or Irlah preferreo. f ‘'

h a m and wife to do fonaral Ins laQtidry work, atc.-*ln family of

g btUadbt home tor a raapwilable coupUm W Jilrrancea rasulrfd. /J-wt “ II* ' J ^2A0 CMJavan ave-. oomar nidge *1..WnaScl irollay, or dalaphun* Brtitoh Bmdt. lail.

irr,dr.woaiilia. MS North Oro.o at., Beat

HtH.'SEWOBK Seal. wHIInt *1,1. to aaaial with houaewo,*; muat uoderitand m nine on

table; #l«ep hoijta; iwferentrat. -10 souin »iHOL'SEWORK-Mlddla-***S womari to aMlat

with houaework; treated aa on# of the lani' lly Apply at m Kaamy *ta.. Kaamy.____HOUBE WOBK^Oerman or Swadlah *1,1 t"

aaalit la houaaworki fatnlly of iwn eduiia; rolorancae U H l«h at.. Olon R id * , , ____

t-aala. Addreaa PAYCK Uoi TH. New# nffloe-BA LEbm en—DUlht# your Inrom# by

(hr gftate#t rigar trade *tlmulal«r on thmarkri. (?awood Novelty Co., Dan 111*. Ill-

SHOE HALBBMAN-Wanted. tn axparrtncad ,ho, .alBailmn, to Uha vhar*a ot • ' « * Yb

town o( MOO tnhabttanl.. mu.l J* hanilUne (rood olaaa of tfailc and I't™''*',,, anv-,B wllh aplillcatlon; (Ullary lo .tart IIS uai w „y. Adhrcaa hhoaa, Boa A*. Newa offlco^_^RCHEYV^MACHINE operatora, exUBrlcnnad on

iSfdoo. O llv„ W .,a .r and Swaaay chlnaa, iood. ateady (non that builnoaa. naw, Haht factory. Addreta »lan.

S>-w# offlee. _____Box k1.BTABEEMAN.'.lTllI,. i « d

work: room and boart CaJl Monday, 3W Broad #t . BloPtnfteld- W- J> _________

T, 'Al’ vANDEmJlLT.'^ m W « l THIrllrlh I'l New York.______ _ _____ __


U N D E K T A K iC H S

T^HSm a ’solamtt High Maaa of Raqulem' __ .■ iia.&------ - fNf h«r #nul In*«tn faa'aftaewd fttf tha repewa of her ^ul

SiQgMit to tba Caroatailr df iba Holy BepuichraKSUOrHONS-^n January 80. tftia. iy>ae

—““ -nAm {naa Cavanachl. beloved widow of PlualromoDi. Relatlvea and friend#ly mvllad to atlanfl lha funeral from Jaaida of her n!ae#, Mr#. John J- gap ijifayetta atraet, on Monday, reb-

S, at 8 A. to lit. J ^ ” '“

i t

* Hlih Maia o( BaMitm will ba o « " “ tjw rapoaa of har aoul. Intermant id tha uUyy « ( tha Uoly eaputchra.

aaUlY-On -nuiMd»r, Januanf 80. 1918. m * iy wKtow at JOMPh H. Ooll. Funeral » r -

■ m Ika raaldanftt of her aon-ln-law, Mr. FahTT. 18B Bvlvan avenua, Sundity.

B, at S P. M. Intarmant at coo- •t tnelly.

■—Jajiuanr 29, 1918, Edwin St,, Im hla «*nd year. Punaral atTVlma iata raaliaaea, 84 Uapl* atreet, Waal ■. Ka Ja* Monday avanlng, February vaiaclt. Ralatlve#, frland# and mem-

d nUlalda Council. Royal Arcknum of a, an tovltad. Al»o ■arvlce* at tk* renl* of bit faU)ar*in'law, the Hahola Houia,

N* J.t Tuaaday, Fibniary 4, at 2


W l ^ VUHMSH FOB PS utra fine black broaduloth. white ur allver i l i v pluah. caaltal. with IBAaalv. bar rtndlaw en(rtved nainaplaia; caahai UaulHally with flna aim or aatin; oulalda oaaa. advortU- tn*. ambaltnln*. droulPR, ytavini. cnaclft*. candelabra. ,lovaa. chalra. hnarad And tWaa


A funeral that mcaaurea up to Any hmh ^ ca SnSertaWw-'a 190 funeral. Phn™l



ui-1# Cfi

buiinma: gond Y f(ir psTi

Hycaiiior# *i


w<« k .


A01-:NTS l.iv'' viirp ag»mlB wanird In ^fur ipi it.jt-y -n hsTKllf bPM eellrr nui. l.lg mmiey

Miiiuo eae). Itrui. Ihl.frvr (iU.linilar. J .1 I 'R N N vrA .h tK i ‘i i. ri24 W##hlnKt'in it , Royereford. P a ___

AGENTB-1’## y-Hir *T«ra “J* ,*mall order bu#in#si of your own; w* b#lp

you ittrt for a #h#r# In profllr'

K iw A R K b u r ia l COMP^^a884 Broad at,. baWoen Bridge and J^mbardy

ati. oppOBlie Wa#h1tigiriit Rirl^- -okPLB ----------------

twenty'iovrnnpportunlllri; (laril.'uliirs frra. ilutukl UptKjr-tunlllra ExcK*nk#. Luff ala N . T.___________ _iurKNTfi-Hlg ra»b bunu# m-mihly #nri likl

ntr rent, profit U it JV'. neHer, a tw^m n- utr demnnslratinn muKrn ev#ry call ^fri-e K#mi)lr »ml pnril.-iilsT#. O. eiAUCaBm 24 rti-ujc-' il . Nrw York.

KAI NUHV E.iu-.h-nv'd .hlrt miner II-.1IM #ftHi mill Iieady. I.A ISAM b. k-'-l

SpriGgfir-M ttM' ___ _ ____________ __iTitv imognfErrt ,i.ilv.r.lly bItU'« home alud.,,

(..rmlii, .1... N.enrt and .Iclnllj. K Inter e.i.-d 111 I'-KUI r.lhj..lliiu write rcgtrdlii, rom pff-mrDtiry »i’h<il#rplilp. _IvL H- drif#!*-

l-xw, Bo*

HOUHEWORK-Woman warned W do renatai bouiwwork; Qarman preferred. 412 uYtnlral

■ve,. HarNion,'Weond floor ___HOl'dL’V'ORK-'Glrl not over lO lu xsilit with

lirfhl houieworii ami run arraml*. A-ldreM Aarltl. Pux 15. Kew# olfirt. ___HOUREWaRK -Neat girl for gfnntwl hmi#e

work, imall ramJly. In EHaibi-th .tddrei# B A 1-. Uo\ 18. N*f # t>fbce.__________ _

nciu-WOMEN-”Gal govarninant parcel paM )oba' WO wa#k: write for li#T of (^•*4?'^

^ S S ila Ipatituta. DapL g6A. Roebaater^W T*MAN and wife iwhiicl: «u«J» «

cook and laumSre##: t^ i refarenoaf ra quired Call 4«5 aunimer avc-m a n and wife, white, for Janllor A i-

dr*M Couple. Box C. New# office. Orange.

RAGTIMFidZno playing any peraon In twenty l«i»oiJ#. QU™htaM« »Tlta for booklet. CLARE.^tj^ Walnut at

SHOE WORKERH wanted. Lehlfh Shoe Co,, of AUd.iown. lieyo »t“ 8y

Hone fo, tood h«ler on I *hmin* h ^inmmere. ed*e eetlen, totlom eri end ,en,rel ehoo w.Vken. irsl, or Cell el m Lafeyctte et.. ^ o ,n i“ undiy morning, I'cb. I and 2, anaall day. or Sundiy morning, I'cb. I ana *. eno B#* our auperintandanl, MB. HENRY J.KOHN ____ ________________ _


HODiStVOFlK- Girl for hou#«work farillv of two; rrfrrrnf# rrqulrril. HIT H jrlngdalc a^e..

Kail brkogr, near Qrovb *1. _________UnU^W nRK for arntrai hnu#o«ork;

family iwo adulia, referrnt-e required. .*0BeHevllle a» c .___ ^ _________ _______ll<7T:SKWf»KK-Woman wanted tor general

houirwiirk. Cell afv*' 5 f‘ - M, Jill bright

TEACHERS, iludenti and light work for ipare Hme. #hould

KAL03 Ml--a. CO.: 43 We>t Twent)-ueventh M. Sew Tork Ctly. —

HOUHEWOBK - Experienced tiouiewdrk«rii good reference; no waihing.__

i^l'BEWOFlK—Girl lor light hou#ework; H ur Ij. Inquire «41 South gfrlmont a^e.. cU)-

AdS<<wi office.

i.jNOTTPE lintni.iu.il, 12 wMke. ISO. un lin.lmd uuur.r tlW »e™ J??'

;ini>* lo elan. Kn»plr« lichool, 419- Flr*1 ave ,New York, __ _____________________

H MERRITT. .MonirlelrwaniiKl

[i4.D# IK dully DOW and mure liter In u'- Nrw Hum. tu‘w plan, i;rw Idea*.AGKNl'tt Iki

ti-reft Tou'' " eiu'. -winning rc>nit>lti#lloni f«>r lumtlrr#;In mail uulf-k apklng parll 'ulars- l'v,M UAV i».(, 2flH. UbtIh bi'irli, 1‘lilrtgn. _______________ _


rtS-COilPLETE rU N K K A f^ l^ .....smoido'.oth, whllA Plueh « L?;i*'JSS

oAk ceeketThAivdloe end plrto. or lAtIn. mUlde cAaa. edvertltln*. dreealit*. ahavtn*, (mielft* end (artelAhrA,!<m» okeiw to,

HpeclafiTtonllon ie dlncted to our flrel-clM* livery.

M1HS8KBRT—On Januan 81, UlS, Joseph — aC the late Petri,* end Mery Jeno

(nee Keyndldtl. Reletlvee end I At* Undly Invited to attend the funentl - 1 lAU naldenc*. 30 Newerii etreot, on

rehrniry 8, at 8 .A. M-. to Bl. Pet- l-AfKih^fel. whwe a Hl*li Maei of BoouIbiii

rul M oHond for the repoee of hie eoul nt • JL K . Iniennent In the Cemetery of the■M r awtilchre.

ADMIK—On Wedneedey, Jenuery 89, ^ eO A HemhAUM, (nee Brunner),

John HemhAueer. end mother of - John HemhAueer end Methllde

L ^ iA Buerck, A*»d W yeere, r t frierti, elio Bt. Mer*erei

■ » » . 1 « . U C. B. A„ ere kindly In- *. nthmd the funeret on Monday. Feb-

X ' At t i t * 'A . H., from the reetdenue S n S r b iS ite rrM n . I*>nlee Bnerck, 218 Bey- m m v n S a * . to St. PoteFi Chunih. where at UTtSewok A U lfh Maee of Beoalem will be oElMMt tvr tit* repoee of her »u l. Interment tevU — 8 Koly Bepulchre.

iJM IlK n—At SnnunIt, N. J.. eo Jeouery 90, UBT May Jeooe, wife of Bdweid 0. Boliuei M trinYer »8th year. Fonefel prlrete. Int,,- MMt At SAlletmry, Conn.

BT-On ThuredAy. J en iw » . 'ft* . aoA o f John U. imd tha la4a Llllla

Td IS yaara 3 mofittaa. F^ti«ral . twMianca of Wa graiidfathar,

. nolnttvee and titendj are Invited to at- Xamnnaat In (%rlet Church Cemetery.

-Xntated Intoetet on BTtday, January — ■ Rh lAlch (nee Burok-

„ ™ Chrlellan B. Lalch,_ de ytare S ^ye . Reletlvee end frlenda rtta ^ b e r e of Iho Fliet Germen Baptlet

reepecltully Invited to otiend the

city camatanC* FuDaira' p^e—- 'v--- leia money TQten orfored eleewherm Hneolel Attention !i dlMOtrt •“Hlihor-prloed fun*,ate If deelred. ___NEWARK BUMAD OOMPANT. 38* Broad et

Tat BOfl M erket_____________HAEBERli; ft BARTH. rjo(a»e.ir« t" HeehMie

Brox, funeral dtrootora (lelchenbeeutl*^ H u *o »r ih . Albert Heeborle j r . : ohon day and nl*nt! priced moderAta ^ aprlnrtleld ayi^ Njwerk , N. J, -Phone 107H Wev. ^ n o h of- flcA 809 8prln*fleld *ve. 1 'phuoe 1 Weverly.

----- , Ad-2040 Mae-

a h KNTS .t »0'»1 priipi eltl'in.wantca In lu’nioi un-l averiwlieri

largn prs.fItH, wrln- fur mmplp now ilr,M# Frmiii'al Sp^cUiMti Agent')hr at.. Fhllutlalplilft. 1'*u _________________AGENTfi ISIgh-claa# agent# ii.ant#d to ban-

dif- Hulomuhll# n«ca#aliy, autoinubll"nwM#r will |iurf-ha#<5 U; porflcuiar# <T*Ki, bfiimrlf! .Specially c*n

m en - Wanted, men. 1* H> *&■pare for firemen or hrikemen O®

In .Newark and ilHnliy. anlery M® ' «iiinniTiiy if> vf)inp«ien[ men, no atrlke: prumollrtfi to cnglnafiT or conductor. ani.ynTh or more; good life enreer# lo those gl.jng lahsfKciory service eiai* agf. For further panleular# adrirpr* Hallway Awn rUtmn, Depi. 323. 211 Monroe s i. Brook- l>n. N'. Y. ___________________________MEN wsntefT forU . fl. A rmv - A M e-^ l*J un

married n;#n. bei«e*n agei of 18 and 85. flna.-'ii# Of l-nli#<l Biate*. of good character ■ nd'tempera'# hablls. t'ho can apeak, read Hnd writ# the English lungv#*# For infor­mation apply lo recruUlog office. IrO# iiarkai

, Newark, N. J- ______ ‘

SHIRT ITTTKHS, uperSenced, wentrt (Jn (me ioouV . tDOAB BUTPHEN CO . !2T Hel

#ey SI ____ ______ ^________ ____\\A~HN1SH MAKER wanted i an Mceptlonel

cupoTtiiniiv lor flral clue '" 't t l 'l ' " ' ‘ k ', iTuil un.lcr.tan.l miv.iifailure ot hljheei lallroaa .urrilih anri Jupane; ita e a*e «ni ,«■ nvilenc. Addr«. . . It. c f fiTia.Hi;. Broadwfl>. Nee-' lork all leitarIreated In sirict coi\nJanc#.__________________

ambltluUB'.’ Earn $18WHITING-Art EarnVekV'i’ 'writlDK' lirwspaper artlcl*#:

umiftceiiary ea*>' Ijoffir work, demand In rreirinl; wrile fcdil tv.ehloglnn Preae Bu. reau, 181711, W^ln*tjm ^ D J _____________S'mTESi-InulbJdit: ltr*e “ moi

lyondln* fur tiawapaiiere; J J'pariicultr#, Presa Byhaicat#. 710 Loukport.N, i .

HOrPEWORK -Wunic.l. a Single wuiiian for general huUB# tY■l( .Jl hroaji ____

Ilurhi:\\'UKK YV**nt#d. ■ \-jung girl lo ##- blsl tn hiiL*rw.trl. W3 Jeillff * \ ' - _____ _

UOME’V 'h k K- Copying »ij.!rea8ea. " c . iegl'L mute propoaltl-H gii.irantccd (S.prrietu# noi

n'-CMiary pBrili-ular# for #t il-aililri*«*fil en- \cloiM? FHlrft-l-1 Inf 2. linx IVJfl. eprlng-rtel.l Ma#3 __________________ _____


E 3 iP I.O Y .M K N Ti'to-daia math* handling v

dcilrea opl'orlunKy;

a c c o u n t a n t , familiar with up'to-dkW iw d* 6<Ji In pfflre affalra; u*el \o

pajroll.. uual.. etv.. d « l t "ary raodaraic; imquaatlonabl# referenca M i bend. Box 291. Glen Iftdge, N. L______ ^ACCOUNTANTfi-Cerllfled

(urnlahed ui reasonahlflclo##d. audited. eyal#0»ari*ed. iyiSfclAM AtiDlT COMPANY. E#»ex building TflaphoDt

Market.a u t o rapalrs. or auto work In general, ’"wanted

liv B highly recommeiulad young man expar] Miced'in wiUD Tepalra and chauffeur wnrk. drcai 14 CU-veiand ni-. __


HKLP pf all imilpuHlIUe# w#m#d. nc until lulled MHS WAl.KEH, fi HouOi Or­

ange ate , phone fttiflW Sovilh oriJ’.ge.

AI-Ijo?: «a, sraunton. Va

AGYINTH for best hand double iuctlon vacuum clMnor made; rcUHi Jll.M) each: big comnil#-

ilnn; demonNlrutlon at factory. Perfect riuanot Co., itS4 Hudaon #t-. N*w York.

ADOLPH Pl^TlLj foriTK I wUI tuiulsb 8 t jf* " cl«H funtral. Inclu^nff m v ^

179 Court el., neer We*lprofeetlonal erabelme,. I* Jt>. Phme 1(HT Mo^ tet. Open Jey ana nl*ht Funeral pa.Iur* free.


Private Funeral ^ r lo r .9T* BROAD BT. ^ ,

Telephone 181 Market. NewAik. W. J-





Ulto-rtit (|§r m n S S T niKbathK o WJfa of Ch:F ' i W l i TMt. t t o . , Rfl

S mSu ■MTioM on M onto avenJng. Februa^ F TS t S o'clock* from tha raildqh« of hla StoSttar, Mra. John 8ohuff. IHl Boymour ava*mu.' tittoTJoent at convenienca of family.

tiaKBHAN-*On January 80. 1918. Johrb. aon m tS ^ tota Rlcbard and___Ellen Lonehan. and

^^^band**^''M ary Lenalian tn§a Hunt). »ivaa aJid friend, are kindly Invlird to al- tba tunaraJ from tlie parlor* of William■ ■ Ar.4 AO., MfaeinftRrtaiyJL at 8 A. M.. to Rt- Jamea'# Church, I a, High Maaa Rfiqiileni will ^


ACKNTK—Hot quluk fr## dctulln of new #uto-

mlRii'n; write nnw. J I.EIlvil WILDING CO./Pox 411, I'aiavia. N. V _______________ _ACiENTd-'ilft In loucli wiih a houiPliold

suculttliy iiroiiualtlon that will bring you i<i 4Tf» u w'.nk. Amerlian Aluminum to.. plvlRlcm niH'. luefnanl. Hi# _____ _____

MVTv. capable nf aelllug rhamphin complete(ii.rouiUunt irirepTOiifi combination account

F\Arm mone> drav-r. anh fumplele «■ M.rdcr whi.-h when ilnoeJ l« flr.lirw'f ,al« Hale .lUBltn, all.'iiB The i hBiiil'Ien I I , ■ ■\,l4ml. O.

TOCNG MEN »anted to learn the llnnlypr uuilBci. bli*,.t fle!.l f„r Y'lrn’T m*"

Ur [lav ihon hour*, pleasant work, »e p r. pure ye,1 n: lioma In len week,; aailit I ou_to eacheeeura good poslUon. free keyboard Btud 'ni r*uionxble write today for parll. v;lHr* SalUnal LlntUlpc Inatitute. Koine«wr.N )- ______ ______________________Y(^'NCr~MEN"UM 5't-ur Spare time lo build 'up R mVll order biiines. of your o»n_: we ht-lp you #iarl for a share 1-t profit*. -i op- porlunlUes: pariiculsra^/re*.

I.AUNDRT.t;iprn»ii''''(l miiiigle hand# at go<>d pay.

ft> Id is Br*ier at . Newark.

Al TO flEpAIUUIl. with » ld' pftrlenoe. tNiahi-s poaiUnn

Don News ________

msi'hlnlsi bx- .\ddre«# Auto.

boy 17 yeara- wUh bjgh training, wlaliti Piislili-n In "(lunccB for jid\anLrnivtit. .Vddieaa

liox SO Ne»# office. _______Ij Van burtn

wllh good Ad'Anoemenl.HuY'—offic# l-oy n-»ms (lobinpii.

51 , Newark"Laker' would llkn h#v* a

ake. (Vddre*5 1- Taylor

L a TNUKES'S tvAnleil for Mondtjs and ■ half .lay TuAiday ea-.ti week: must be conu»etem

ftnd able t ' give good rafercni'CH. Apply be­tween 0 and 1 O'clock, iTd Prospect #i , East O r a n g e . ________ _________ ,LA l NnRKBft-Kxpeiiftnced girl wanted, col­

ored' Ntcadv work. K'Kid waK**', must read end write. 4tt Kk-ll ►(..^Irvington___ _

L.iuNDRY-Markqr'i- aeiorler# and girl for collar machine: steady wi rk. ColumbiBn

Steam laundry, 127-I1ffl Halaey it.___________

BAKEn—Good Job on bread

at., "range. ___________ ________ ________U iA C rFE I R nn.l .. KlianK-

earugc or drulns. e*™ *' T ' (-nll-Ihro* yvari' (■.ipfrltm't. he*'FK.S1.-40. nil " v i l Siivnlj-(Iflh ■C. ” * *

C nTu rFE (’ n, familiar vllh »H

iiy . btEt o( rrrrrvrvM. Addreia nearonaoie.Bot hi. Nawa off l e g _____ _____________

Dio.edi. heit New York rlf-

aOfl Washington *i

Mutual Oppor-|.KJ 1 1 li4111kI ^ Md I IlTtiinltie* Exchange, Buffalo, N- Y.


YOUNG MAN with some experience In ma- ch'lfie shop, Inspeothifi siTiall parts, «tc,;

gfK-.d ipportunky f'(r energetic, bright ah'mpv twenty. A4dra*a Imp S’pws n f f l c s . ________


man\ioz 80.

grrtcer) while jirefertefl.

MKN Anvthjdy can B-am *:A» wceLiy. raising muHliriNtma. entire year. In i-idl us Rhriii.

bu ea etc . markPi wjilUnK; fme booklsi- IMRAM H.YftTON. 29 (YrsL Fr.rlJ’-vighIh It., Nr-w York ___________ ^


a g e n t s—!nl#lllgent people who need come seud for ray fros

the Mall Order Bunlnei*. HEACOCK, HO* N. 1823. Louhporl. N. Y.__________ _________ „AUENTW-Took gone? Don't ' rry-

dime at once for our wonderful "UoolOnB ann Rec-lpB (‘hart. ■ AgehW wanietl 2j4, Hummlt. N- J


AGENTSs—Ask ua about our snappy household Hpeclalty lin* that will clear you laii lo .SO

■weekly. National Aluminum Mfg. to.. Box lOffh Lemrml. H I - __________ _________

WEN-1 Will start you earning 14 dally home in sp«r-f time,

capital, free msinwilve l>onVift 1'^“*of operatlr,n. G. F. RHIDMOND. Dept. 214,Boston. M a t s ________ ______________MKN of Idea* and InvcniiM* ublhty ahouM

write UANlinkr'H A 'f '. . KateiH dlt(jriu-3S, WHrthlngton. U , for ]ls; "tlnn* wnri iirl fS ijff«.»-rcil by ieHilIng iiidnu facturpTB ____ __ ____MnN-Intelllgem people who need an income

send for my frow hooklek ^ o je thaMall Order PusInesa." HEa COCK, Box M. 1823, Liockport, N- Y.

yoUNG MAN, experiftnc#-!tn and at ia>rrg orders

Apply ll> Protpert pi , Eaat Orange. _____ _YOUNG MAN. with home atudlo. who wlH

teadi beginners niv plann for 120 weekly- Addres* Studio. Hox-M. News ____YOUNi,rMAN wanted t^Thakon-'; nne who can

cleave rolls and mU dough. 77 South at- Callicmorrqw

m il l in e r y -W anted, nrst-class maker aleo | pro prB- Apply In kl, DEBT, dfi Halsey it.

millinery morning, Y’l^fliLINERY gTk U experlencpii. warned

for long season. SAMUEL PRABLMAN. 264 HprlnglleUI ave. ______________MlLLlNRRV trimmer warmed SASl/>W'S.

444 Bprlngfield a'P . cnr. .Jacuba at.: experl- enred only. _________

rrrneervlce _L'liAUKFELm-Young German *

luBlllau as chauffeur. Inquire at 2tl IVavef ly a v# .^ _____ _______ _ ______ _______Ct)AUUMAN wanlB a ikjsILoii on

place: understands tli i-are of autonvoblles, haa beat refernuies. Address Newi Office, Orange.

Man. Box ,Gi

iHt e RK—Experienced hotel clerk iilghL mlddle-age«U reliable

wishes pcnltlon ' .\ddrees Klerk, News nfIVea.


Box 1*).

CABPF.NTER .■.nil ?4^„,“; o ; r ’™lmi

H E IJ ’ W A N T K IN — W O M E N

AQH.NTS“ Hig money can be made wllh this winner; sure repeater; no oop refuse# to bviy.

free proofs: wrlle today, dames bupply Lo.. Atlanta, Ga.


CHAFBL FOR SERVIMB- T»t. 188 ■Way. * » Bprlcgnaia iv*.

A. BTAKLBT C O t^ UrtartAktr and SmbAlliwr.

4 OTAnaa It. m vA ll lunorA,TaI. 1188 a a And H>4 OrArt*.

W ILU AM F. M m ^ N . f u n r b a l d ir e c t o r ,


t jN D -----------3n d f r t a j c k r . _ ^ _44 TtUmM rt. _____Ta!. 7T0 WAVATlT.



Funenl DIrMtnn And JARj1n;nnJMjV£j___JP££I15_Y£22ffiiS^

AUTO drlvln*. rapilrtcB; compHti llTnltad avinlnv courae. 118;

curfl position; licence KuarAnlaeo. LA lIrtr.- TEB. 107 Be11»VIU« AVO.____________________

mechanically,AUTO Instruction, prActIcally, lochnloAlly; start now. road InJtrutlKJn.

QEIBSLKB'B OAraje. 41-42 Frwiln4iiu>aen Ata.BUSINESS SOLICITOBS-We oHer abioliHely

tha best propoBltton ImflUlnable to capable. thoroUAh men, to eollcl'. now Injalnesa for one of tho lanaet up-to-ilatJ furniture, carpet and clothing houees :n New J.jiTiey; l|*« maktni opportunity. Apply w, L. UAKKET7, J. W, OBEEINB ft C(3.Newark.

MEN— pav wrela and expanses to men Wllh rigfl to Introduce poultry compound,

yenf’e rontra' l Imperial Mfff. Un . Uepi. 4.pHr ona K uf ________________MKN—425 weekly and expenses to tnistworthy

penpU’ lo travel and diHirlbme^aamplea for My wiiolesHk h.iuae. C, HMBUY. Uhicago.

MKN lie a .Ictecllvt, ' “rt* I??® ,K-im.nlh; t.avel. Write BUPT, MIDWIO. 162v Pcarriit building. Keneas City. Mo. _____

h r .yssiere; oPERATcma,w a n t e d in ALL DEPARTMENTa.



PONE s t o p p e r s _ ^ETXPERIENUED h o ne BTOPPimS



nPKK/. l'Jfl^ WAN I Ll>.

M\N- \Vnnt<--t a man who thoroughly under- slajidb TemlCTli g. pressing «nd refining, an

ci-udes of animal oils, and a man who has f.Bi-kmg hciURfl FNiierionce. Address ulla,Ui. Nrwji office. ______ _


&1-3T M*rkPt at,

M 10 travel New Jersey.cHodles. Ji wi'lri: gwd l>ay and lallored sUR

rr 20 Vfiir wuirh free lb IHl d a y^ experieDce ■ E. MeliriADY. fmicagu.Uhiwiv.Hsnry J.

BOOK-KEEPER—Young woman u assistant book-kaeprr and stock clerk. In wholesale

cnnfectloniry; accurate at figures; good pep man Call Saturday. P- M., DOWNS, -oJ Bellwllle ave. ____________ ____________ -rooKS houseworksrs, wallresaea, chairber-

roalde and houeekeep,;ri. etc. i we i " " vou at once: bring references. Grovs Bmproy- tpenl Agency. I4fl Main st.. East Orange. 'Phone 34u8R. Open mi 9 P. M.________ _





thorouehly expeiiemed cm fraineworh, n-.ings and store ThlricenlliCARPENTER, for nhoii

i-hanlc. Atldu;«6 Carpenter, office.

or faclory, Al ma- Uox 70. Narva

CARPENTER wants work <'f any kind.A . Box 44, Ne«* offl^ ___


COOKS-Colored, to assist with housework.*25-|22' Chamhermalcl-waltrepa. White, fa.o~

S20 al once, with references. Central Eni- SKiymeot. 330 Halaay st.; 'Phone 4U5 Market.

BOT—White hall boy. IR. for njiar'inieul nousf.must be bright, honest, neat and nice ap

pvarlug; height at«iut B fett 6 Inches, brii g working papRCS. refi-nincH required. ApplJ 10 MR. HAMILTON, sail Ml. Prospect ave


___ rapoaa of hto Mul. Interment In the Owntlary of tha Holy ffepulohrae

MELCIilOB-Bntared Inin rest on Friday, " awry Si. liilS. Chflatlna Melchior {nee Lind*

‘ cK beloved wife of IkiOanUn Melchior, . T2 year* 4 inonths id days, Rolailves

■ 'frlendf Art respectfully Ihvllqd to attendI funeral on Monday. Fchruuiy ;l. at 2 P. M.,

fr W her lale resldcnw. 373 Ulleton avenue, ntmaent tn FUlrmount Cemetery,

ROIfAHAK-On February 1, lfHa. Mary, bo- toaM arlfa of Frank M Mimahan me Rur- m IO gt bA" lato residence, No. IW Mniilguni- ttff atreat4 Notice of funeral hereafter.

MOOHE^Afier a lingering illnesi. at the hana of her sister, Mrs. James W. McGuIrk, E l VaJlsy rood. West Orange. N. J-. on Frl- S g January 31, 1913. Cooclla Moore, widow «ff James Moore- A High Mass of RcMiUlom fog tha rapoaa of her sou) will be offered In


DYERB, 288 FERRY 8T.: OPEN EVEKINOfie y / p %HONH gftflft MAHKFT. _

BOY bv«r Ifl, to learn trade; muH have braltii, miisclf and sneeri,

lete equipped vfl.h Ihe a W e requielte^« riling gcldresH Strong, Bnx 8. New# office__

1ft or Ifl year# old: must ba


THE e v e r g r e e n CEMETERY—Organlxed 181 ' between Newark and Btlaabath; on

Main Line trollei route, faro 8 (*itai not a .lock company; monoJ- " P * ? ' , ' T " " ’' ' ' " " ™ ; beautiful eeptlon recently laid out, rara on lawn Dial and lawn crest lots, cash In” ^rtm l paySenl. . Artree. HKNRT M. LOOKER. Superintendent. Ellxabatn. N. J. _GlaENDALE CJCMETERY (formerly Glen

Ririirel Franklin ave. and .fornlemon st.. Finomricid,graves. jr6. Telephone.AHLINGTON rBMBTEBT. AnVNQTON.N.J.

‘Phone 17. Take Kearny cars to ArUngtonDfPnt —Ire..* —

ns M. l«liW i-A neeaj v —•- --Ihrnre five minutes WBlK__t<L_g*!ttat»3r

°Brem’miTr'«-ho'oi sraduat'c; quick art acenr- atft at figures. Address Boy, Box SO, Newsoffloa.____ _ _ ...... ..... ........EfiY' for ■clericul pr>tiilon and dsily trip to

New York by Hlouiiiil' lil coni-err; state ngB and salary. Addree- * • :A , Hox M. Ncnsb 0 rflce ________ __________ ______ ___HOT wanted fo7~,im^pii|!er and "J,

fire work; brlirhl. encryctU-, lb. referem es AdOroas Boy, Hux 81. i fice

hftweefi the ag''*required.BOYS-Offl^-e boys wanted ■ ■ -

14 and Ifi years Apply cROCKLil-of

MAN-Good. atiady, eober fruit farm' good home. ivASSNtaJiBYleH.

Conart Bi.. KlUabelh; take Main Line car toKJns »L. KlUabeth. _______ _________

TnsnTern pore fT place fur lutoUlgenf with liking or poultry buslneex;

rharertor rt-ft-Tf-nce* requlri'd. Adflreas Box 4t)6, CUatbain. S. J.________________ _________ ____^5 T k -First class man on large work; g«Td paf

and slpsily Jol> to a man that *’sn handle our work Apply CilOCKBB-WHEELKR CO,. Am-pern, N. J- ___________ _________

dairy farm:

COOKS. Isundresies. waltrowes. ehamberraaids, Bialda nurses, bouBeworkers, for Newark, Or-

snges. Madison, etc. Bureau of Domestic Be- quTr

;ea, Mftdlson, etc, qulrements, Main st East Orange.

COOKS, cook-laundr6#ee»v walireMsa, house- wofkarsiand girls lately landed can sewre

the Old Swedlsh-aAmerican Bast Orange.best prices at

Office, 68 Hamilton sC ,



COOK-Voung colored man drslrua iwaitlon « ^^tiok nr butler; Tofer%Tice. j>'^ femvi-Tl—Man lift) elHhea uoaltlan aa drlvr*: "e e ira J ld ^ r : best. Of r.^erencea, Ad-

dr('S8 Reliable. Box Offlci.FIREMAN-P^ritlon 8c"lrf,t »"

engineer' all-around man ^I'h 10 .* J b'UONNon (O MiMion .1-. Mont-

FltlEMAK anil niBhfperlencA wishes position. JOHN WAL»n.

553 aouih Eighteenth at.f a r m h a n d wants poslllon.

il., Newark.Jd Van Bureh

J ANITOB-Respo'tsllilP man'lanitOT In flrat-class «i.artment house. bWt jamtoT in Experienced. Box 45.

of releroneeaNews ofllce.JANITOR, '•xperlciced; German;

houses desirid. Address Janitor, Box S».News office. __

OPERA'PORS— prosaara and flnlsbora, ei* porlenced. on ludl' .a' lawn gulmpes, neckwear.

diasRea akirt*: aeoilon work: fleady work; gocjd ray: aliw) bright girls to learn ciamlnJnfi, etc. CALDER A BELLMORE. 3'-X> Marka a t . _____________________ _

MAN -Married man wanled _..must be gornl mllltar: coUagC nr farm. Ap­

ply at once. BAKUR BROS,, flgrlngflald. N. J.MANAOEII—An able mio with aoine eta*, full

oxperlencp In the grocery buRlnewi ami In pur- rhaal'ng from ralddlemen snd direct, to msaage a grocery btisInesK of large proportions: must be willing ami able to aaalst In biiJldiog up bukVnesrt; salary to be basr l upon Ihe renult of hlJ« efforts: state esterlem-e In deUU; hi*Bt op­portunity tor a rspablc man. Address Manager. Bos Ml, News oltii'e.

WHEELER Uf»., Ampere. N J.nr ynunc man wanted to r,ermsn m- American. Ap-.lohnsmi xt ____


BOY—Htruiig boy work In factory

ply fourth floo^ ! ___h o ys cwol wanted. Jewelry factory, .

work; t4 10 alai'l, must have -APP YC.’ROSb'a N. 381 Peshlne ave.

Pur LfldV of th* Valley Church on Monday, frahrtar>' -3, at o'clock a . m .

H^RXft-On January 31. 1913, Thomas Nor- wiMa M4lfl M ycara. Notice of funeral In Pun-t o Oill.

I lE S O L in 'iO N B KNGROSSED^___Tcl. TOTRJ V, HAKINO, 174 Biunmer ava. .

B, B,: pen artlat, llhimlnator. examiner ofgusationed _haiidwrlHOfc^

08BRSBIDER—Entered Into rest on Thurs- ^7 . January 3». IftJ.'l. .John i- nbrrscliler. be- tovod och of Kunlgunde ON-rseider nco M<mI-


r ; •ars^n momhs days. Iluluilvp# and I ttlanOf. alao tnemhera of th Uoamns Lodge No. IM IT. and A M., and the Cnrinihlun Cnun-S Ho. (MW. Royal Arcanum, ace kiiuh) Invited

attand the funeral from his Uip resldenco, Bcuih Twenty-kW'ond rtreet. Irvlngic-n. N. I 00 Bunto, February 2, at 2 R- M In- |

tannent In Clinton Cemetery. Irvlngimj. N





a t 11 O'CWXIK.,

ROY f]4-lSi to learn clgur making; paid while learning N STLMM *'0 . -Uii U fa yeUe » t

l-hiV wonted In Jewelry st-re. Apply T. fl. LEVY. A4l Broad t/___ _ _ _ _ —

BOY 10 help on bakery wagon. g«ra st.

et Rut-

MANAGER-Wanted, district manager for De- sex i ’i>univ. 10 handle new lions'hohl aril' i*

In great dnmaad: no competition, great am- ccBS i must have goo'J references and small capital. Saver Machine Co.. 7U Fifth a»e. New York I’ lty. __ _____

ftOK—White woman for cenk and lajindrtsa wliers other maid i* kspl: email famUy; r^-

ersneux required. 26 Evergreen Dl-. Efcal Or­ange. _______ _____________


s t o ppe r s c an ft n d BTEIADY _EMI_LOYjm e n t W it h ooon p a y . a tONCTC b e n j a m in *. JOHNBB, W BANK FT NEAR HALSEY.

MAi'HINiST—OiiB who has had experl -no» on laihr and drill presa work on amall ma­

chinery pariji WC J RAILED. 407 Mul­berry at _______ ______MASON wanted to palrh and lay ce*ment

bh :k and repair rhlmneys. Apply P. P'. POPE, Mvrtle ave. and Kemer at., Hloomfleld

rHRJAD—DTlver-iftlcsman asnted. wholesale roulc; muat have

m'nmmcnflfrt. good U»y: ■ e*tl! l" altloK 'orirt fislit man. caah atourltf rfquliea, Aafires# Bread. Loi 19, News o ffU «»._______

typewrllir waoted; Gf-r man Drcf«'rrpd: state eiperlfitire and

It. ft.. Iiu» <a. N. '.geipsctei b u t l e r and useful man

nXTFrtlECHT-.'Oii Friday. Jwuary ai.• - ' ' a. . . , ------ J - f tM I m balovad husband of Barbara i nee

K tael)* *g«d 41 years. Funeral services al jSii tota raaldance, 664 tsouth Fiftcenih gdfoaL on Sunday. February 2, I9lj, nl 7 m K, Relatives, friends and officers and if f »aotPTi of Fanalc, Park and Acnie Hulld- G l and Loan AsaoclaMons are respectfully Elvltsd to attend. Interment W’oodUnd CematatY convenience of the fiunily.

fTBINMBTZ^On January BO, UH3 Joseph- Iml of Jacob Btelnineta. and daughter■f Hvg late Cbrlstophor and Joanna Alchele. Solatlvaa ojid friends are kindly Invited to •ttotid the funeral services at her lain rest- tu\n‘t 822 Bloomfield avenue, on flunday, Feb- ff/frf 84 at 2 P. M. Interment in FaIrmoutU

A FINE ABBORTkreNT OF F U R N IT i™ . ru g s . PMNOfI ANT> BEDS, uprlghi piaJ OS. Ihroe and five piece t^arlor aulles, crystal cabi­nets and cenlre Tables-


TTJittrMflea blankets and ceniforters. dreasera Mfl T tw in 'ir . in rircuMiu; wUnut" V n n 8 mjJioin.uy, 'J ktaiVers: brase costumera, small ruga of all Rinds, plciurea and lace rurtaltifi.

■anied. whtla or iieht^olOred; muil have referenrea. Call

M S y nvnnirt, 7 to 0 f M ■ »T CUlUnn «'n.

Monday, N J

t!6I Ittlzabeih ave..

^^ACKBltlTTH and horaeahoer wanted. W o o S W'agon Works. Washington ave..

OP’FTCE- Boys and young men wishing gnr<i iifflce nfisltlor.S should enroll In the Merrhanta

and nsiik-ra' School UlVb of llmllefl memher- ihip for 1 erHCy;»al Instruction Ony and evening in Khorthnn.1. typewriting. buok-U-eping and r-cmmerclal branchfes start# Monday. Invc-s'i- Kate and oi will find ihtu this St-liool piat-c.'i ntiirc sindentis In pniltioiiB than all business (-r-llrges i;cn Mned- Send for pamphlet showing iiht'ioi of 2b4 students ludding good I'calilons. \ .f, H-HRI'ING. Principal, <153 Broad si-



ROOMy. APPLY AT ONCE. THE "H, A W .''COMPANY III* CLINTON ST. _________ _CANVAK8EltS--Experienc(-d women houae-to-

htnise canvassA'a; must have neat appear­ance and capable of demonsiratlng In stores; salary and carfare- Address Experi­ence. Box fl&. News nffke. __________ _

OPERATORS—airaw hat operators wanted, on men's fine haLs; steady work and highest

price* iiald. Apply VANDERHOEF ft CO.. 18 ■fh 22 Washington pi., New York _____

MeV h a NIC-M siou uchaiilu would '\vor" in (Ertort. <0 dn „„ulr(ng_art work

.nd taVal (0 lho.n wl.htn, B0<»l Handy man. Adfircaa Hanily. Arlli.elon F- O- MANCGfraan. wlahta dobUI™. IwUKW'orR,

work or aiouiui atable or •tfUJ-dfttn wuin. «--' I*.--...-. -a M*w*g(7od refert-nLie. Addrei a Geimaa, Box 44. NewscX/lcesMAN-Ilendy man wltl, l«,l^+ -*-***- ---

Mjirk- steady pOfitiDii preferrea b‘ Addrais Rellablr. Box r;4. News oflke,wages


IM wants \M'rk (if any klrnlj nn,l I'rldny nf cadiMonday Wednesday .........

' .iddrMS Man. Unx 5'J. M ’W'a omec.btaver h»la

OPERATORS—!5 operators wanted: aJjKlV needle trimmers and fellers, at once. M. G.


dresoei: ateady work; highest wages, SMIIH- -------- ~ ^ McWhorter *t.MOCLLBR CO..

OPKRATORS—IVanted. experienced operators on Infatua’ wear. JABURG ft BERNHARD,

Cenlral ave, and Second it.

c a n v a s s e r s wanted to sell Prnf- Hirach'i eaternntnalors; quick

needed ever3"wherc. HIRSl H Chemical Co. aCS'Broad si , Newark^_____________f*ANVAfi8ER9—Ten f|rst-claa» house-to-houae

oanvataera fine houaehold naceaslty: sure gala; good pay. ^ddreaa American. Box C,New# office.______ ___________________ ____r-ftWAsmsfiS_Wanted, ten oaleawomen os‘^?a^,va..er. a” p1i Rnnn; tt. H ard bulljln*. Cfinier Sevelnh and Orange at#.. Sunday, from10 to L __ ____ ........................................ .arAHBFRMAID WAITRESS wanted Id a prl

vale family lo the r llj; Protestant, white womaa. Address City, Box 82. New* omce.

OFFICE—Girls und young women wishing good office posKIbna ahould enroll In the Merchants

and Bankers* School. Club of Unilted member- b1:1p fi'T ptrscnal Inatructlon dag.-ajid evsriln,; In Fhortband. typewriting, book-keeping and cumu^ndal tranche* tlarla Monda.v. Invent - gate and vou will find that this school places more students In poaRtona than all hualnees col^ges cumbliied. S«nd for-pamphlet Bbo^ln? nhotns nf 2W iiudents holding good poaUlons.

J. HARDING. PrInoJpal, 033 Broad st.

MAN—Expert en velours and fnet^-ywould like to lake charge ' Z,. facuuy

Addrc** Hkta. Box 18. NewsPAI^TIN (;.

pIa*icrin*jdoneENNE'^, 47B South >TeTitn s- __BEN

s a w y e r .mtn.

xperlenced with porlabl*•m Murmrt for cu

mill ■ Further inforinailon. APQAR. Callfon. N J

PRKS9ER wanted; woman on fine garments- first-class only: aieAfly ^^/k.

V. R. WULFF, 33 Boyih st.. Morrlatown.J.

OFFICE boy waniert; grammer school gradu- Btrt- about H years; l«rlgbt and willing;

fihanoo f'lr advancement. Address Office Boy, Box 40. News Office.__________ _____________

DBESSMAKEH-IVniUca tirlght ipprtntlce, 17. TJntniflr B». ihrsp block* from rllntcm a^e.


SIDEBOARDS AND BUFTW8.tablesf-bins and orvstAl closfiH, extension

art r,an.. .«,< rtU.h«.Side tables, large and mirrors.

<raHPl^—At Montclair. K. J., Thursday M«g«itoc January 30, 1813, Julia, beloved wife

Tampla- Funeral servlcea at her f i t * homa, 16 ’Washington stre«t, Saturday, MSsnagy at 2:80 P. M. Intsrment In Pros- •I0t HIU damelerr, CoJdwaH, N. J.

TBOItNELiLr-On January 2ft,xala W f Mary E., daughter of the lat« James iL T tee lL Funaral oervlcea at her late real- icBOtr 281 Kotth Sixth atraet, Newark. N. J.. Liefley F'Obniary 2. 3 P. M. Interment prl- w C T j w w city popCTB please cow.

TOWNaEHI>-At her late residence. i6 -ft Straai, Newark. N. J.. on February I.

Ifranca* K.., daughter of the late Snmu«J “ ' Marto LOUite Townsend, nf Green-

nkg liland. ^neral prlrate. Inler- at Qfoanport.


AimlMter, Wilton. » r t Smvrni r ^ .Axiniiis> '4_^_____.envM and Other fur-runner,, art aunat", nlshlngb.

Locked alorafta rooma.M. J. aOONNDTl’B SONB. eat- ! « » •

t'AVVASSERS—J GREENE ft CO.,MaJkrt ri Newark. N. J., »»■ T " ’ " ^

fixe 11,e up-W-llie-ni1nule '?!a li on proap(MHre pureha,cr« p ( ( '‘ ’'" K t ; '. lilhlng on »»•>■ ler-a week aellinlt t i erltorlea wanllnj cloM attention. Apply W. t- BARHETT.


SUPMAKK.RS ON PCRCBI.AIN AA ARE, AND BOYS FOR TRIM.VlEIt8. CLBAMNO I S d DIFPING: ALSO LABORERS VY'KO a r e WlLIalN'G TO LEARN ABOYK T r a d e s ; o v b .v SHor. f r e e b o a r dAND TRANSPORTATION: GOOD WA{iE8. CALL O'BRIEN. &7 ORANGE ST.. ROOM :. NEWARK. N- .1 ______________________ __T-'UI>IjOVEPaS-Twi> gobd pullnvera nn jino

men'a ahovs, out of city. Call at 2S I ark

Potnler at.Main Un* t-ar eouth.




A . _________________




SALESL.AbY WANT^>Ob’ei who knowB or baa ihe ability m l-.'am

huvv to wail on high class department atora iiade; nearness • i

f a ir h h o t h e r ft m a so n ic h a l l RUTLDINV,


St a t e s m a n -Vnung man comv manufacturer 8 agent for D xaa.

claltv line: lo locate Iheve. K A , O- Lhailnut it 4 Orange. ______ _____qATtSMAN experksiced. dcelrca a Una of

>i&rtr n* i>rnnmlaBlon. .\ddrC8S A. C , Boo, 8> ,aalary ot commleslon. AddressNew* office.AVAKTEU. pal linn »• „),7

ehauffeur; neat toloreJ luail.>„bpr and aWtjlng. Artrtse R., RoigOg.office. _________*•- - - -WATCHMAN-Ioung man

watchman; private ot factor}. Addieas Pb allkiu, Box 38. News o ffic e ,________________

y o ufJri

.:NG MAN-Th4rn_d«. nnt -i™, to be »iriu“ ln'“ NVwark or vanity rcqairlnB the vice* of a young man. tK'll ndve^fl, bu»l’

JL nf rerpi-enc#B-. eilai'ym'sx^cxperlenro and best nf refei'eiw#B-. eilai’>and time not main object; poeUlou gnoil future to onerge-tk. (|ul'h omJ drilling pcraoTi. Address Active. Box 4ft. offUr.

RTENOOKAPHER wanted by a Nework manu­facturing compajtv, niuet be thoroughly epm-

pri,n\''nrt rtR lrt Vnd »b1e In do dktal work; rt«tl**s VOU ara i tperlericed do not appL- Ad- d „ " Btonnempker Bol 75, _N «* . ofrioo.___

TOOT PRESS tiandJ, eip4rlonc»<l on c»(lu!o]d ^ r k . RUDOLPH LIEBMAN M(g. Co.. ,J

P(X>T PRESS handH wanted on novelty work. O'NEILL & O'NEILL. .82 Union tt._________

SLEEVE ■ aETTEHS. »!"0 F” ']®''ihirti. 1S.1 Paiirtde ave.. Union Hin. N _J- _

STRAW OPERATORS on men-i and ohildren'a hate; h(*be«t Prloee iSn*''/..'®’ *

UENIIEL, 00LD8TEIN..* LLIJiANN r.reeno et.. New Tork.

192 V4

ToT in G MAN-AII'»round ymini: inan wrtia work care of euto. norree or ,Drn«l* wwk,

AfldrcM AYork. Boa 17. Newa^tlce.______YOUNG MAN o'Hlia* eterlcal prwRlon. thot-

oujthly uporionvrtl offlne limn. AddroKi Willing. Rn* (Jit. Nrwa office.._____________YOUNG MAN (201. brlebt. vvanta work; c«n

rive Mcurlfy. Addreaa Reference, Bo, It. NAws office. ______™YOUNG MAN wishes pyaUion in prlvata f i^ -

ily. A. BRANCH, 423 Ridgewood nvc.. city.YOUI?g” u AN wlahea (o UotAi bfli'ten^nft', bas .

lUtie eailcrUmce, i l l r i f tcenth ave. THAAIM.YOUNG married man aa atableman; eaiwrl-

OSCAR ANDERSON. gC. Mwcer_»t.__

STRAW maewne onemtnr for re^ lr work;I(r t, ateady portion: week work. I. M,

CUS-TBR. 31 Ctalar it. . ________/________

I'ANVAFBERS wanted to eeU Prof. Hlracb a

^ ' • ' ' ‘ ' “klRSc-H'’ Ch SHtSl Co.; nseded everywhu-re. HIRSLH Lnermcai v-v ,MS Broad at., N e w a r k ._______ - .CANVASSER-'Flrat-claai

wanted. O il 1*0 Pnrtletk R., fr v lo fvaaser wanted. ton; after 4 o'clock

"WILHBtiM—On Thursday, January 30, l&tS. ‘ lltOw bcH>vtd hiiaband of Franrlx Wtlh' lni

Otlfflo). Chrintlan andWUhaim toce EichhornL agod 33 year*

tad tnonda are respectfully torited „ „ tha funeral on Monday* rebruary . f p. Id., from hla parent'* .raaSdeocoe

" ' Yblrd itre^ near Bloomfield avo-In Woodland Cematerj-.

a t a u c t io n . ^X VERT l a r g e ASKARTMBPfT OF

f u r n it u r e a n u h o i k lh o ld goodsW ILL BE SOUr» RY


riTT At'FTIOTC R005IS. ft* A* ADEMT RT.^ ' ^ onV a v F e b r u a r y 3, .\r i i a . m .

CIVIL SERVICE eiunlnatlpni O W ^ Tftj!^lo rood govenitnenl ptwltlont; Ivflii tv mall at sinaU coat: full pafftle^^*free t, any V I , ? ” e 1 t o ^ P ’write ifday for book|at E lU . LAKi#KINft. Weshlngtfin D. C,

COLI.ECTOR-Salary imd oomralealoo. rami looking for rnurk advancement, ^ p ly B, J.


Ot-ktE NIVFTifc.N'Wm artin ft UO, ll ^VBSr, MNLTE*wxxatTho BtDck conanta of a largo variety of wn-

algned furniture of all kinda and too numermue to mention; a Bpo unrlght 4 " , * .il'’*lot'of rugs, ca^eta. Hitoloum and oilcloth#.


REPRESENTATIVES - pntueky .’J'*;!','?:?wante local raprewntaUvoa lo

and drug trade on commlaelon for Kentucky whleklea and other Itauora: ■ * '!***t onee tor lerrltory. Woodland Co., Ware- hoUH 'il. Covington, Ky-BBPRB8ENTATIV1 tb aarket hlgh-itide etrac-

tunl eleol and inijketritl palntj evclualra Kewaik territoryt.conukUaton Imalei only hl|ti- claai man with relewncei. ^otoi Paltrt Co., Indlanajwllt. lod. ________________ _REPBESBNTATIVO-Wanted. local rapteec n-

lailva (ealot opbrokerago agency preferred). AntHeptol Liquid Soap C'o„ CblMgo world a largeet eacluaive (Bjuiufactorere liquid aoap

o m i* WANTED-'ITVIBTINO room IIELP;also r b k l e r s . s p o o l e r s ,



TUCKERS—Expatlenctfl tucker# and irimmera «n ladles fine walata: steady work and best

prltea paid: faw • brightmual knbw bow to run power niaehine. ao- S y '~ l« week, J. A’* M. COttN. Orungp and High »tx,____________________ ■

GIRLB-BrlgM girl* (fl) to exaraintag, operating

nrokweat dresaea. unfl^rw®* tmn I “ k. CALDER ft BELLMORE, !1» Mar­ket at. _________________________—-___

REPRESENTATIVE, csperlen«d iollcllor. re

g ir ls—A good opening (*’’ t**™ to le»rn final ipapectlng;

M an4.tlj).preterta.U A P P > J « '« « JL'nfh

fined fair edovaHon; age 26 In eli; faithful worker, good opponuniiy. AddreBs Repre- Mntatlx'e. Box 87i- News offica.

(TI LINDER and Gordon orMi fertert TwSijl! Bt«dy pOBitlon. Offica Bloomfield Ctttgen.

Blwunfield- , — I----------

r a il w a y Mall clerks wanted: firstyear; promotldu to H,800; examlnaiious May

B In evoTV iJiale: tornmon education sufficient with'my coathlTig; full Information free. Write fvr bboklai V 1+2, KARL HOPKINS, Waah- IngtoHe D- C. . ...________ ___

WrXnOSH-P6M«CaI^. **11Xliwan 01, I9t8j_ Ma^ha Apia*. belovM

'a f'ia iD M Wlnbufh. at her rexldenco, ^ewth FourtMfXtb •treat, RalaUvea and

or» InvllM to attend funeral Bonday, _j»T 2, at 1 P. M.e troflT Mt. SSnoJ Bap-

^gt^^^Cbflrch, Pflurtoenth Btreet. Iiitorm Jiii

‘WBIGHT-On January 31, 1913. Elloabeth A., widow of -Dr. Alfred Wright, aged wmn Rslaihroa And Imraodlate friends wi 1 ttmL at JMhua Werl<d’‘« mortuary chapel. Ora&t amd Brom6 otreela, on Monday after-

. .«..Ma:.-irMiraai7 8 at l o'clock, hbineral eer- T!,‘ x5*jpal Church at 2

'ftpyteMto or* tovlted. The remains _ og^ ' ttotn 13 o'clock on Monday at

B lillia i’ i JutsTBent at Roecdala Cetne-

AT AUCTION 'very iiapic stock of

GENTS* f u r n is h in g ?W W’ FkKlD. AUCTIONEER, splli

MONDAY. h'EB. 8. «t lft:80 A M,. at HI ^rllngtfifi - »<’»'■ Market «t , Newark. N. L ComprlB.nE U*- dot. Arrow brand Col lara m dra Drree and Outing Htilrta. fleece lined. rRihed.'w.jol art bnlbrlggan l.nderrvear, Hoae. SuapriKlera. So . aleri, OveralH. Men e Peolt. Hals f'spa I'lc.

Ft^F'KEH-Biioni SaleemAn Bhow Tfiaw, ulrkri anft oxidlrad display FliiuT*#, etc.

DRL.^ milk ru-

Dilssloo: reference and Bscunk4> dreea, ' Itaflng full partl£Ulari,_ Bo* aO. New# oTftce.

RAItj'WAT mall dart* for t arcei month: Newark axomaiwon: coaching teBhlto Inatltul*. Dept, 2gTAe Recheater. N-T.

rS tltiW /p

DRAl^SMAN. experienced on dealanlnft matic inacblnery: must

ftwnUh brat references Apply vl WNtn Spring H-, Ellrabath.

„,*^9PFa t E salearaan wanted, eaperlonced In a«lilng blRh claie suburban house* ana

land, by old-eelabUshed real ratal* operat^ and devilopers. Addreaa Sukrarbi. Box i». News office.

ainVral^lStric C T So7d t t ftrid Seveateenth

01RIe-*i>min or *tr'- wanted; alto young girl for llftht wart.

KRABNBR. 50 RUtgera al-aiHL-RefIned girl (white),

oire for btby: reterenc*. Ooll 2* Htllalda ave., near Clinton ave. .■

TUCKaRfi-Bxperlenced tbekari on tafant*' wear. BBOHMAN CO-

16 Centre it... Newark. N. Je _________WOMEN-Moke ahlelda home: per 100; or­

dinary plain tewing; ran. TpIoIm four an boor: material fumlahed; wort Mrit pre^ld, send Btamped,lirs. Paragon Suppljt Co., A-4Slfl Chaatnut ave., Kansas City. Mo. • • ___________ _

w o m e n --Make ■hlelda Wl borne; tlO per j « ;Tvorh »«nt prepaid to rellabi* wonxen: partlC'

ulara for stamped addressed envalope. .fcwraka Co.. Dapi, 105C. Kargjniftbo, Mich._________

GIRLS, oKierieiicad on flaa goW work JOHN TICHENOR * CO- 2 » N,

3: R. R. AV*; _________QIBLS-Smstl flrT* wanted. C L ^ k Blodi

SRd BailOf Co., 6fl Buffltoer gl O. ■ __a iR l i wsntod. LEW'ia cigar fiwtorye w m r , liorrit av*. and Bonk gt.

I t o i m r s BEINBMfiOth't Mtod High Mua of

___ ____ _ i ufirrfl for the repoea ot the^ 'Iftarr "fleerry. at the Chareh of the final. aoittoaOe oa Mootoe February ft, wt 4 A. tL Be.Ut!*M Aftd frlenda ore

■ • “ ' 10 attend.

t h e NbT ’ATlK LC)AN CO.. 31 Academy at.. ^ 1 1 oeW ut public auction, Tuesday, Feb- niary 4 lb A. M.; all uarsfteerned pledge*_tft irUnwtnfi atBFIiV h AiuTton Rf>ovn_*^_t8_ArMngfr^


DRUG «;UEftK, r*gl*1ered tMlsiani lit lUte ag*> and rrfertnee Addn-si ciart,

2ft. Nei?i office.

REAli ESTATE—Young man. of good r fu »- tiSo to collect renia and follow aale

■Dleiidld foture; ealory and coniml**1on; Ad* dr*i* Sbolhem. Box 87. New* offloe.

HELF-Fem«I« a»HcAHta B u«a« j fEmployment of rat

DRIVERB-Men wanted for retail dethrone mu*t furnloh good reference* anti wcurlty;

■tate age. Address Retail. Box h+. Newi OC-

frklVEB warned; ateady work: high, . ___ •__.A,,,.. fiftrt R-i(mu*t have rofarencea. 8#0 BbUCb N:b wftcat; ctih ln a ip^ -

drew Sbolherri. ________SAi:ESMiK~fti!ltEd; no rtperterti ray ifrt j

eatti while l ■■ri«Bg; write lo&jr mr llit of hundred, ot pogltlona now open rtJint 11 duo to 15.000 a yoar, Addreoa. near*** of­fice Dept, 4M. NatJonial 8alaamea'*.,jraln- iw i' AsMclatlon. CW«*fo, Torke *anM iC»ty, San Franclsoo, J4*w Orlesita, T b fo^ .

d S . Of epiJsnr f d « « in fh ji-rt*W ftunlllea tim..ekMper«, eh.rab«-lUJlde, nuraet. etc... will Rtg*g* J * boreau'e tadlei' f«eWlQ)i-rooifc BV- the ^ hall, »nne* budding. « fV^nkUp «t- SBetnSW t«ie»tsH!l» SkturtfcYJ' holidkyg). bilwert) th, h «n j,(<

IV'OMKN mike eupportetwr n't 10*1 9“ ?•" vaeelng; tneterlal furaldbedj •(•jntibl'

foe partlirtira, WkhMh Supply Co., Dcek MR,Ullwtntier;. WIe.



gnvemihchf poettiun*. ISO month; aiilntllgriq®! w ^ J tr b.uetti™

Initltutel Ddpf. . JttwhMter. N. T.

WOMEN Mil » r t l gdud miraw' uvenlngi; n() cwnvii^ng; '4411(1 far pgrttuuttrl. Mutual

Pub. Co., acnuiton. Ph,

e m p l o y m e n t w a n t e d — w o m e n

CKAMBtSaMAID-GIrl wlriiea _ «ctiambormald-waltrejs. Cell R01.HB. B80

Central av*„ N e w a r k .________________ __

COOK.-(jernien and BphfinSen .poiltlon ai cook; ?e0 per monih; refereatee.

Clinton avs. • ■....

COOK, colored, wante diy'a work or td ;tAke bf me. 71 State ati '^a -

DBBSBMAKINO- IVeoted. more ■ladlei' and cbiwran'a dteejMi p y t « t

guaranteed and ptIeSt teaaoaable. rltat now, 311 North SlKeeiith kt.. Ban Orame-


lag and hbuae abnut*;,i*^»""KI " 1‘renob melti(«I. DrangaJ«IBW^_____



hABrti*-h< TBB, 3BoxiS u iS w t

4Mnaaa i loaat CrfflcHOUBBWe

ofalU wi <C% BftrtagROD0EWC

DRESSMAKER and fitwr, few mor* eniageinent* by ttw

day. Addreaa rlttcr. Box J,

toiHffht hou to. m tl4

HpTftSWtfor *ffani


KURbE.cats pn

dreei M-

11, N«w*

fiBWlNO- RMtidlni

ftay; rofsr

WASH II Warrei

YOUNG dealraa

trimmer ham* w Nawa oi

'E M P l/

TRADll to gex

bookSg IJertey 4




cut-b poatti 1CU> c

mondi •vor TiK A IL

thaltHon, 1WS hu

It. U ITN I f

AT lUI yvtt J

and «v tnra, tA mtMK • antlftoa oifth] 1 hemu' ciMiraliwhy I

to Mil, Ing; M ‘ pttgM


DRUSSMAKKR. lonE aaptTlea(UII). _ g({A?i*l**^ ' VeiTeei TIl. rt'"n>. M V®' lfra?ao^‘

ivlta, I# up. W i.olutftbia it-.* ■dressm aker from the

Orange, will make «»g«g***“ **Or at home. 'Uhcina d99i 'QrtBga.


ritlffiSMAKINO by^'^ y t T - e r a r t c H S ;

Boa '44. Newh.Bnle''..U-r., «n W 4

WArTBEBB—WlBtd Ptwtaaiatit girt' ae wait- ream aiuT luJOKin^: ratmenM

’PhOn 3a®W ot wt(M MBS. LTON, 36 Kili- •IM Ave„ film tU4»«' ________________-

they wil'i i ; « t Udjrt ue

UrpITERft-IingtHdttit ■ tarw titcorae; to "*-

Ktowoofl- • ■ . . ' '

•nNr<uun«ffit*: pi. daui^

X Nawa''bfTlca, --r -DUF^MAirBB eogagemcTita, home w

m F rty-OMODd at-h IfV* _ipgwv

iO at hirine or hy day. Call even* W9J Wavarty.

No char^ for procarlng «m t------ . .HOllSIlWOH^Mpitmr »nd

WftsaiNQ—■WoBpn- wanted for day't wa*ti- Uig and, olMnliiB- South Orant* avw.

M T A WONK-Woman wantaj^imtay |}'p6tto''i X\i^ndWay, 9\ Watt ai.,*

f l t ^ noof.

LB TiOY-PamianaoUy iPca* wrier BiSad and Orange ■»».. « 6 Bnwd

it.- cbnvenlent antranoa on Orange it-noit Lenox Lunch.

H o n c Eeeea»imlcatl<ni of Coaxana

Ma W ; F, *Bd A. H,. vrtl Iw held FaMhfer L 1)11. M I efclock

555ii?Lfr-MMB. l b R(>T. pm ^enU ycetM oomrr O ra i^ a»d fi™ d «« ., M

Broad I moat coovetionl o® Ofang* at., pagt tgeos l^sch.

ftt'tito toftfifrOM to toodact iha1 ftgfTtoi i ImJot our hUt 'hcbUkar

“ Iftar. at hie gU Xrviiig-jo M A - i * -

Lfllftg t i UNWF-WOWA

fVirisniLT''kfME. •; IWkBLtNO. now located a " ® ArctTki.; two doora from ’Warren at.;

ftrat at- abo—jg)ane 'rawKCLT MMB. 8. PAIUJNa. 00*. localed

AtcTat ; two doora Tran. W «m * «?■ finrt at. abort! Flaw aL . ■ . . . ,

toECTmcftfL^AYanled. a thoroughly •gpWt' auced electrician; atio familiar with auh-at*-

—• ocit wealoi: dyery manu- ■- — — marer

tion operation tor growing manufacturing c ^ - cem lo vicinity of Newark, N, j . : reply, gtv- tau recommenMtloha and full ttateoient of aa- wlence. Addroaa Electrician. Bni H, N«*(^ office. Orange._________________________ . .KLECTRIC wiremaB. flr^cieee; al*o idad

helper wantwL Addreae wlreman. Boa 18, Newa atflea. ,___ . ______________■ -

MME-'KlUPaBD. » Wa a rt Warren a t a - D ^ (

to A. M. to 8 P. M- IMMB..Kftl

f o r e m a n u o lo r e r w a n t e d b y a IjS o K s h e e p a n d s k iv e r MANITAO*

TDBfNG '^CGNCERN: A TMORDUG^T«-l-PiTYV *«T . KXPKRI'fTGlIPBTENTe ANDENCED'PWRBItAwN TD TAKE CtURGE T A N N tx fi. AND.^<|U1RIN0 --------i t m i m o n cuLOBisa a l d mwwrwdmMS ft*!' l-irw-m Mj

fgetirtrftriu for 15;to cu*bwn.*r propato; tMlWow - Aaxpailencs and kMwlpS^ ot WMdKBR, 32-34 West Cengroia * t . DflrW^ Mtche

"homee to do Plato ^k ln g .

vsqrr Ride road, ha fm n BcMrt ghd Bill.

TOCNtl WOMAN “ »» ‘ nt <» New­ark for an waar aalling aanltary ,iall4t artlcla: so earapautloai aaciptlonal opinr. tuslUf for praif hf and (utura naulta. IW- drw C. & « Lawn. ara,. Kaw -IM-

OftY'B WOBk-WaabtiWi Iroolng. ct^lrah eouklDg!-Otijaan woman; with cWld. ■Wwi


JULE8BAK—Warned. bl«b*l«M. ..WMBeafrt iidirtntlac on. ireag* aud weelaity aaiMBm

hy TMlrat tedner. Bee* ealaty ajrt ral(v!*Rlee egnerteuce ahtt aerdral ihit letter. Addreaa LobrlcetUur. Bo* 14. Neap •Ow. _____________ ■ ■ — ^MALESMBN. who ■ bava luad — -- - *Lu (Lg eiperleooa aod (rao giro BUM; rater; Mc*. oah lec'jire a permaiuM 'JWAgrorV and vtelntiy wllh good Bgy. A))ily

■gt. r CTLLtEH ft, K » i . M l t ia rS l gt- -

UATfiH ■ M A W eF A C iyS S t KlOll-

BOUSEWOHlt-WWated. a ■trt' JBor hottiawoik., famUy (If W *gaW; "™ { bouad; Oerraau or Hwediah pBggrrad. gpoa

hoina. IM NcrtSl Mmui ava., »M* Oranga. •Phone OHmtY-

SAi.'S WOBK-Oerman woman waati wwli. any kind. .3*3 Fnlrmoani ai^,

U a * left.W ? ) .

DAY'S WORK—W«BM wlahaa wart by lha ■day. or waahfng.' i w Berwnad'.aL .


HOUBEWORK-WantM, white .Mitr tor ^ aral, houiewtjri.; jgud pUla imofcl for faral^

o( tliree; UmaU heawa; call owe * l t f . or »ve- ntng; e*r fare paM- « Orwrg PA.apga. ' c „ . ; j ( . " - ■ ~

Inooma. telHlig.* uMtal ahechitty. Weedad la gvery office ana BhuaeiMtd. CnB 'Ottig SM> M-TM. j i r t * L * B , iS i TalrtBomt av*

DAY'S WtflIB.(ranted 1 any hind. J- M.; werrwa al.

Baal Or-


Bux 48. s in n r

HOUSrf^HK-aJtl wanted f(w.fMaral hwa^ w e*; Bbed wallNm rtth “ fr

egenga rrcfulrtd.' Iiaqhlr*. IfJamra drd P-. M , hUUdottlh * . . 'Moogd floor; '

Waj. dv-ga’Mn BamnafA v a ^ t aqiiahlc ^rk.BIB. mmm wrWog^a««*: » • POT hmadrtda oj * di!llara.-a year to agoeeegbil wtdtraa; -w—rLneb uimareraary-.raog

HQUaEKWPTtB-'M'ddleragea permAn wotrtn wanta uoaitltai aa hooaeheeiw fur two. gen .. v

llSSn raw ^w w with tWIdren; be« reprt ■ - r tS X w ™ W a MfaeWL SVmtofflfW., - Hdrrle FiaMk M. i.

a a o :

nithoar oiuile: winH o tn »K )m &

gtlog to.

Anad-wMow-wanu biudmBir. or. wata on.. t«- .., yaMdraWor iVMcL Aft-. ...


m r i iO T M E K T W AKTED ^rW O ltlC lf |


lM»r4l TSR,

r o R m J C FO R B « X «

raWOIUC^-CiMIM t " ! ■ ■ ■ «« 1 ——mrtrUl hem mlftM! m i (rivtl* w u ia iUar-kMJM; Cood njnnuH. A4if««i CA*- 1

^ ---------------- HOW IS TIiP tm a m O flK H N n ^ , Uuat^r^** M ^

•ifiBU Md StaTto. IK aROflMAHlStiCMu^ BOOT*mm W ft <T. firnHOU6BWORK'-O«rm»n «om«u with nd*1I

Alls wiali hoiiBFirorfc, «r b« ho»iali*»p»r.SC% l» f f # f l «ld av*., top rtouT.____BOO8EW0RK—R«ati*A table oolnrM flii erlitiM

Halit bouaawerk. or ctiamt ermaid and' «att'If. k -lAf





1 aabest4lj.


: tovoililobernan.


to Hut j, Uto MV

ETSSI? -lodcUiur:

FI ds3?i-M.. Bff

bom« or. ■tk IfV*

nnesr ft.,-r.

adi * v m

•a wwti Wtet ft?


Bitayo.» top ___•U br tbaIt. ■ • > •'..

i IIMitt (Mrkway. rMr

A, a a s T C H im * o a , . .

UAiiRrr W h m rwajuc it. J.THM T m * TO LnOR ArTCT


TO K irA A !*A K T « « » » . AWD MKTAl.-


aiFRfti ao4 bet vtta" boilara and rmwai

FO R S A ia I 'v n e o R A L UURiiKS, CAJUUAUBB, BTC.

tuba. 'Watb atZaAOH^HBSS—Oannan woman waata waihlu.

Ironloa and cleanlnf; KfMd referencea Ad' draw U Box S4, News urflt-e.

.. 'iiaka 'w irttia ra ’ dod «or*ra. lavaiorlei. K)fb Mid IdO patl^o wa.nr

14UHOnc<BB <rOlorvr]> BB80TE BROWH.

lOMW Waverl) ,

wsnia flair’a l.lvlnfiton It-:

WOTKEIt'8 HtfU'ER. or tlfbt fanetal work OC any kind by thv day. by reipcctablr

whlta woman. Aildrea* Helper Box i. NewsOffice.___ _____________ ______________HUFtSHi—Convelaacem nurwj deelree chafff of

chronic IrwaJW. no lirtlni: lift week. eld*-rly lady preferred. Addrew Nurse. Box W, Newe ofBce. ______________HUflSE—PrectlDai anmao womto for con­

finement and other caeee; food bouMkeepInf, beet referenoe alveo. Call on bumlay. or write all weak, 7 Ktpp et., or 47fl Henrcn ml___NURbU, exrerienui-d. w'lihet p‘.>nnion: chronic

case ppefarred: lilfheet of refertirn'es. Ad- dreee M. J. M.. Box F. News offl-'c. Uranff.

citweia and repalrt for eanw; aeUniataa for meUrlil la the oooetrunion <n t*aw baiia- iDft and repelr wore; not nacaeaary w- ^ « i'lnmlMr to lurchiee eeine: all foooe end foarsDleed a: low prioea B- D. LEON­ARD, U Lombardy eL, oppoeiia Waabinfr-w Pxrk. Tel. Onm Market. _________

?fl'R8B Wlahea cere of Invalid or elderly per- eon. H188 M. It . cere of Mrs. 1V.. DV Hmllh

ets, Valleburgh section. _____ ____SBAMBTRESlf, eiperknced, wilt lake lew liif

by week or inunili RUh rci1n*-d fannlly, South Orange preferred. Addreka Hi-mnetreee, Box K, Newi uffioc. Oranges t e n o g r a p h e r . typ*-wrHer. wuh eeversi

years* buBlnT<BR expcrlFticp, in responiilile

roaltlon: refereneee. Add ruts K. 8., Rox I, Nawa office. _____ _________

STENOGRAPHER deslree poaUlon. r!^• >f'sri' •xpaTlence at Clerical work, best reference.

Addreee BTBNO, Box 04.' News offlf^a______SBWINO—Reliable pereon will do repelrlrig.

metidlnf, darning, lUAither’ a helper, by the day; raferfncea A R. K . Box 51, N ew omce.


The OTielnalors hi Npwnrk of Ihe now popt)' iar ROUGH PH7 BYSTEM. We have the iarfeel and moei corr.Fletely equipped plant In New Jtrtey for ihU cleee of work. At FIVE CEST3 A POrND we do yOUr family weeh Iron the bed und table linrn. towels, etc., and rough dry the rest of the clolhes for ho.no ftplehlng. Starchlrg IncUnted at SIX CENTS A cd<!se of linen washed b*m>-arately'-regularlty and iiromplnese In cotleo- lion and delivery gvsaranleed- Wo eer '* i.-ip-r itiuO latleficd uUAton rre No charge Ii-m itian OJ cent* 1 nisde.


____m LU E R HOCGtl DRY J.Al.'NIiRV____WASHING—There’s nore to a modern laundry

thw the washing of rloihiji. st-riif-e—all ercvbd eervlce^counte a lot In this tiiiitinoss. and we are striving dally In rni this laundry CL] the highest rxisslble plane ^ ‘e warn all your rough dry work—from hod oprMnda to small piece*—because we can do it iheeper than any homo aervlco poealbly 0*11 Earh

■ femlly’e waeli done In a separate (■'•m(>ertnieat, (hereby doing eway with Indellhlt' ink mark*' an your linen We do fifteen for T5 crnl*. ovar

fifteen poimd* 4 rents ter pound eilri. This tsoiudea the Ironing of * large iiroimrtion of your clotliei. leaving only the faii<'y pterya to M flnlehed ei liume;. WARDllLJ. Steam t^undry, 38 A'rosa at., city. 'Phi'iu* ITOH Fl. B.WASHING—Family washing ly electricity;

flat work Iront-ii, oilier jileoes rough dried: erater charged nllli elpctrlclly sterllixea the clothce, nianlng lii^m crlaii and sweet, wash Mpartte. marking Ink. tags. ULiRACll OR ACIDS NOT USED. IC pour.ils. Hi-. s>«i pound: all over ID at «e . nothing 1'*m than tWe Homo Service Co.. ISO South nl. 'Phr ne 24 Market.WA8HINO—Stop aueallng oser the wauhtub;

let tha UNEED.\ WET WASH LAUNDRY. 221 High et-. do your entire family wash for <k) Cenui returned wIlMn 24 hours ready far the Uua; give us irial. Tel. 21>m D B.WASHING—Vouiig tiemisn womnii wants

washing and cleunlng by day 431 F if­teenth ave. MR8. I. TllAMM

ii hnm« or out. 4fll


l,«rg« -luartRle* of e*roDd-h*nd bulldl^ material. Leardi, loleiA Gniber. eaeA and door*.


telepho ne Stto HARRISCH.

ARB you to«kl«kg for fixture*, such icr*. wralae, ihowc«e**, ahelTin*. -r

kwlogea; «lao fat ie*box«*. oyeter Mn. OAII aiBOda, rcelaufeat fUmrea Auliabl* extended in all; eeve one-half by buying from !h* Newark Purchaaltig ComrAi y. 73 Aredemy el.: tel. OMK Market rutuiwa aieo ^older, we buy everything that yoii doB » need.A?riiALT (lln» rT.oflng felt. ll.bO rol., \(»

equsp' [e<»t, market pilre fS: standard irNFl*; rtutnaniB, tl roll; ei«.-**llenl over ahlngle* I'f till roofs: asphalt nieiaillc iwlnt*. hlae fk/i'.. red 7f»c. cillin. larfrei -1e*l*T In New 3ar*My, cliy delhcrles free «!FtBl)llshed ISOl. Faq* Illy, 184 N. J R. F avs ; lel. 68DT Mark**.ASPHALT roofing. 11.28 i»eT roll; no peow K ;

nalJa and c*mw« free: aaphalt Neverh ak n Dfitig paint, red. 90c.. black Wc. per gml. us eitlmate to t-cver your old thlnglM rooi, flat roof, factory end public hulWlnjie wRh eur ten-y*ar guarantee. Victor Roofing Co., Jt Wright at Tel- 8® W a v e r ly . ______ _AT IIAROAIN-Refore moving to our new

factory, lateat style Icelea* fountains. New­ark JVhU FT>unialn Co . 12 pe1|ev1U* av*._____

O lM t WA U , K is M « . » « in r r H w « "

Brioni voultrr. Mpl.. ■ « »* i.4tin. Qumo toruh*'’' " : ‘“S t?? '•M cekinr ho«»»; iMfwn'*'*™, SUIT;drinkln,f (uuntaln. .nA •*< ■fcr.ith, W lb.., »Jc.; <if« "(J™. W ity nuh. to Ito., Bit.;» r . ; P«rti * l-ultaHl'Ii rorifl*.IHiulCry Irtok ud »w rMrd* frwi “t * ' "HWt. Th« rell.W. i» » llr f■lore .iHl i,. ! .iru* b.ur. to,*fn » , KIiSvMtD 1, HUtUKR. r.d.l>l» W™ind imnUrym.n to. Multorry «t , com.r Lito-too It ________ ■■ANTONA Miflurfl.: » Thoniiwn mtll.t., .'«■ on* . lit* ttni- toift lA'inor*.

«K-trr»l llmwn .nd Whit, l-rfhom h. ri.. .'to Ml ml.»^ hmt. no.rly .11 JBJ North I'.rlt .t,, Or.nf»; tril.»rwnKe. _______ _AWONAiT^T «il»; •" mr " ‘ '.'J

olhor lick K-R.kN'K W UAIAS. MurrHriulna. N J _ _ _________A FEWown rifurr Riiwora. tirwln dhwt t »unil.y niornliH!,_ k’3 IJndilrrPLI-K RllirilhN B <■ H.

bud. from my y.rdi * « iII I’niMlc rtiow: third,

fifth hen nod oolor .iwcl.1, 'cl.l ftir .It.t-,. end toUir). find. lUllet . 11,1 nr.t fen, my nut poH'l sold U1..1.I for hMl tmltol to rSwl.M,t!lierr.nMn olu.. »m . “ .'•‘ '“ 'J. . " “iEri* fur n.1r. Buff Orplnpon • toning Ttord. fourth lion flT li" .tork. third oookOTl. nm pull.i t«h«l>..W- rlal'i, f'lur pena oockerela 3'uur c mvonlenee any d*y b,.. numeroit. to mention »i >i lv , *|..‘X m r 'e^ : ,“ /j,ttT]jlh^mfh.hlji^..fTAKirTlN^Fl. C. ithode l-l.h'l «'''•■ "

I ftickepel. 1 Wk. till, twf■ f.ir ..Ir 11. ddllhiBEh pl,. mmr Etiit Paesati____

hm, ittid Oh' roeJurel.$X. Whit"

Rocha. H holts. 1 Ra|il« st . West Or*uie^____ _____________ ___BVKE .ltd Wlilte f>n>toItotl Kiel W"''*

horn chic'*t .nd p|s.ins .irilnj Oeni V«rd. TO Bee-.,nd it SmithO n i i s . ___________ ___ _____________ --Bi T'K OHPINOTON cork nnd two h«ni. n

set*B. c. w. QuriNaToN n n tat hstohins,

piiM uook. CMk MTsln, ditwet, W pat u UBk : a. C. W. O sbon yurlltis h.n. tor Isrc<i. iMitliy mA . aMB room for ywiiM .uck.It M e*eh; B. I', W. l«horn tsn h.tott. Ins, Ih Iter hundred. M H ilfElJEBPlC. Uoi^ ----------- *

B T B Ic H i tiM i37c , MHegred; every one

lURDT, las DU kerwon i^HITU WVAHDOTri!: ll.\DJHINa eogs--

liy the hundred singiM aelting.................... ..... -• ^ttlr|tbooe S&fK>vWyahdtule, HOft Sixth ave1-traiu h Ibtok _W HITL LiflVirT) table eegB. from lital R> /ou,

wrllt* for price and itariicglare. KINGS'r.K> . Hlejihen* at. UtllcvUie.12 PAIR maletl eijuab biecilina humari for sale

.-beat) KMITII. Walker rued and Gregory a\' . lYetl Orarige.

lncubiit.yniCVPHKK9 230-egg Incubator tl2: eo»l 130.

first olasa kowtlitlaii sad n a >od ingohlne tW'U. H. UYPHItRS. Wa*hln*(t.ii. N. J.

HAVING bqM n f m lm g l M Elf(l(8efi(h gve., Newark. N. J.. xN pereona htvltii

rlalBie ggaLnet said eglooh are hMkby iMlIfled to praeeiit aatiie for oeHlemvnt *t office E*iw* Ubutiiy lirewlng UMmfpgny within five days ffi.ni datu, ,

ANTfjNlO PYfiOWHKi. INtiTlt'K la hereb)' gl\< n ^ihai IaiuIs De r*ett- ’

tie has rvttr^ M a partner Jh ik>4rm. the hi|gitw«* hHhg ,r<K*V ued by

WA-. . Y Appal and WIINgni iBnlmf as pevl- Arfa Mr. |>4< tiaiiMa will lie t'etanlcd a» .lur ■ilnairinii hi the fiJlui'i' The IIIIIKKT (H)., 1

l-’^rieeiiih sm |h a v in g iht* day purchased th« whniciHlfi | a

ajiit t«ffee ' bustti«M i*nnduct«d by Huwanl G Marrell ai 37 Mcctiaiik' et.. Newark i will iMt be rnaponallfia for any debts ur rialnis prior 10 thle date.

8, C WKMF.n

Ft>R Ha l e —Cyphers <lr«>p UdUoin. 8fl-*|g Vhinl VtOd Inruiiaior In flrai-clawi li.inliMon. good * i

neu, bargain for IT IT7-L1.. 3S4 Olovelanj at., ttrangePGlt KALK—344-egg Incubator and fMUr Reeii

II day hroodera; lu good I'nutliuou, F. BAN- FOHJI, ronani et , Raybrook. s’ J. ___

ANeiOKA GOAT, broken for wagt-in and liameaa. for aale.

POTTEH, Th Warwick at.



til 'I lfJLAR |irev«’Uter alarm put on rour door: ■prciai prUe 73c . wnd i»>*Ul for demon-

Hiuti. n ind to niDotii. HOKAL, Mulberry at __________________ ________hlLI.IAUD and pool lablee b«iught, eirid. rented

LimLi^W Fac-and r«[iairrd, aupi‘RM> e c. lory. 88 Market Ok,r. Waali tel. 2484 Mkt.

*’xU Hi I elao won rlblmtie

ajao aat- \\Siifliung


bARRKD IirV-KA--l2 - Thompittm riosini. — iis is- ■ rock, fine et"- ‘ *


trio; N J.

t iM . 16 Waicbung *v*..

MiL IjIAIlD pool lablea; new and eecorM: ioM bought: cowrlng compicte, J8 up; reat-

liig |.T up CANriKlJ^. n.fr.. 190 Market at-HARY I AnillAlfF fur lale Pullman ils-cpBr,

upcti nnn Tiimilb I'lM J'2P, V« lll aril for JIO J SMITH. 423 SiHilli FirieooTh ai lop Hhot

f{t.-l."R_p-ibK fsmp'ii Hof Brau, |1 25 cflie- F' lnt l Yeani ,\le !L 'Phone 77R V a-

\rr\y ' J' 'HN P nPASSER. Newark. N. JFiAliS fi'JT aal , for iBi ind-lmnd

material IH Rurnell el , Eatt phtiUe 3TWR Otriix**RrT<’KKR SHOP FIXTURES FnR

• ’HEAP D lIEf’HT 15 MAPLE ST MIT, N, J- „

building Hrange,


l ‘OTlNFT for tale it flai. aHver, wKh gold h«*ll quick cliaTlce. complete with Oaae i

WERUR. 44 Nnrih J'ark at. East ' Orange T ’hon® 2 1 S 0 M ______ _________________UARDft and printing ’ on the

prlcf*: carflr. TAr. up, no ilai'pT work. FOSE I»rcea, 159 Vulberry Bt.: ‘ iihone 27A8R.

WASHING And Ironing i Twelfth ave., lop floor.

iiWASHING to takH home

Wgllac* at . Orange.WASHING wanted, to Uka home

Warren at.


TOUNG women with two yeara' experience dealroe poaRlon with prhatp milliner, aa

trimmer or maker; would conelder making home with congenial lady. Milliner. Hex 34, ^ewe office.


COOKS, waltreasea end chambermalda: Ger- man, Irlab. Swedlsl. nuraea; English and

Amerloan; lingllfh butler, boat ref. CUFFS Agency 393 Main at., Beat Orange.COUFLE, competent butler and cook, wish

elluallon*: aeleci references. Care of SACHS. 444 Waihlngton at.COUPLE desire poBlilona. cook, butler; beat

raferepce. TURNER. 16 First at.. South Orgng* N. J.h e l p —I f YOU rtt-ed help of any kind, male or

female, list yooraelf up our booka; xU refer-encea investigated

;]43 Mein at., Eaet Orange.Grove Employment Agency,

■phone 3458B-

W s ^ T E D

TRADING BTs\MPS bought, tl! * 1.000 tooM.In good ooPdltiaQ; hlgbeet prices paid Cor

hetka, milk labels, auap wrapf^ra, «to. New Jersey Coupon Co., 823 Plane at., near Market.HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND


hate g&d ehoee. U. MANBON, eecond-hana elotheg for Udlea and gents. U6 Hertford at., *phoDa 4174W Market; eepd pogtal.TRADING STAMPS bought |S 1.009 I0o«o.

hlgbeet pricee paid for booga, coupong, nulk ]gbel% Ipap wrappers. 108 Market et., room 31,H IG H E ^ paTd few. la^a* and gw tr

CMtMyff clothing, ahoea and fMthera S«ud Y—tai to J. BECKER. W Montgomery aUOLD GOLD, eilver, acrape of Jeweliy, dlt*

Bondi end platinum bought 781 Broad et.« •ver l^ tty ’k E. H, BALgVRE._____________MAO* ORDER HOUSE warns apeclaltlea fur

thelt catalogue; what have you? Address Moll, Box 64, News office.

rovK corTiH m!Mr)y new; quirk change to A, (• A. SKUIN'KTt, \2 Vanderpoot a < ___ ^

EIGRTKEN vard <f Irfautlful "Hk vehfi wHI ■ell at iBt rlflce to quick buyer; aieo Alaakn

BeHlFkln .-.iBt condition; ni> reae.iimi.inoffer r«fusi-'l. .Xddreaa Bacrlflce, Box 11. New*office- _ ___ _ ______ ___________POU KAI.E fbeap. 1912 model liquid Jcelfi*

iMKia fftiintakn: On** '‘ondlllon: also f-arlx.natcir: will park for abipnifut Addrea* Liquid. Box43, News! ollirr. _____ _________ _FRENCH UROn.Eri. wllh electric mcinr; uae<l

ery Utile; will ba sold at aacrlflce. 34ti Plane at.FANCY Binging tanarien, |2 60; females for

breeding. Si J KERN. 2b Fourth * t ___GAt; MANTLES—JuB«. received, 5.000 mora of

20c Inverted and uptight menllw; ‘will iio*« them out at 9c, each or SI per doaen; don't Rilaa this chance. KENT’3. 24 Climon a«L; ■phone 2tNlQ Market. ________________OAK UGHTB-Try one of our Inverted Ugbie.

now aelling for 60c . regular price wae $l 25; Jnal

m ’FF ORPINGTON c-icHepeia end fraab oggefur sale. IdO KoButh a t . __________ _

TOIoTiBiriodtoii d»nif iwli*r<.l» Ju"'■ Bill, #u lb., iihuw bird,. «1»' nflnH bl*c«

nitnurca cockercia; granii avp ;iIneI a r. v. WAFtD. R3 riea^nt a% r ^mtclnir _____UiTmTCFN IIOI’HE. Hxio Whlt ' Ivcghom year

ling hehS. nneno b.tt r xi-.rk. HPANUl.KR 11 UeshlngU-n pl . East (>raiig*'EX'T/IBIVK »^ tx ' ’minlv ag -nt* for

nallwal Sarl-ary Hovt-ra ’ (he mniheT. Prairie J ime •’yilivia.TMjIUp Inculiaiorii. laGiiK mash, I2,2i. a 'w-i «KK ration. 12 2ft. h-n Hih new aannary foun min for DiR- . hM pui'I a'’*! remedies ' ‘"la- rift". EoliflHh. Roiipfnf Ina-la Ihe foni O K llticr I-VriJi uhJ Gardvn. cor Uaniet and l/awrence eta. _E'Rin for hatching and luiby

liikfti rum fur ijthw iy wlien wanted orping i.Tib ft 1 fU'l!' GARVIN, .ler.mapl . Ill.... ......... ^ _?* 7w rholce ^Vblie Orpington rnrkerc.a and

Imi- liliig egga. l.CMh ytmi order* for hatched rblck*. nil ih.- beat b r^a and the heal In ea-li f.recd. Hil.I.. 2W1 Noitb Betenlh «i irl. 236J Branch Brook,Ft:\\ Kcllcrfriraiis-i’onh Wbitf Orplngion rnrk-

erel* *t very reM^mable prl-j* . a »o four ^^hltr Leghorn, pullele chrap *4 Hison pi..hi.ntfi (irang#^' _ _f7 iR~SALF -One IHark Mlmva

Llark Minorca m<kiTfl. onr Hlack Mlnnr,:a i.ulk-t five Fllaok Mtnon-a b.na, fine *in.-K 5lS will evil all OT purl; ran be Kunitfty.bt,i v„ftn 1» A. M and 6 P. M Irvington a •, SouTh umngr, ri' Tt lo Rutr'a Nur*iT>._____

iK S.Al.h> Hix Ruff Orpington lulleth, 12 \S hit' Li-gh'»rtiH, fine Wb'.e /“'’'’ 'il

erel: nH layinn UaR Hunday, r eb * «Mvriinnvr. NulUv. N. J ___p7m sT i .E -B*»rre<J Kc<k and Rhode Island

ilwd pullets, now laying U lL I'LL lO Rlgge pl • WoBt <»rnngr, N I . it bplione4iC£iJ _____FOR yAF.E Two i‘Oij* W. Uyan<1()tte Al

uUliiy stork, reaBoniihle. Ui FTankhn a%e . WetJl O r a n g e . ______ _________

INi'UHATOR—Rurkeyn Msudar'l So. 110: ca pjiriry ilO eggs, uatd twbe like b*w; five

year guarantee dating from Marrh iaat; lotrr. natlnnsi aanltary boviT, ne«l him- veaMKi: cbelre Wtiitf Wjsadotte (Hick l>lr>1a ab at leas than half nrlglnal coal. 181 Soiitli 1‘arkway. Ra*«t tirange. ___

Ki.-h1 dmi’ l vail for aklrt at Iki4 ik, •diiiu' will be wdd li» !*•>'

\\ I LL pm ( \ u hn t eiaud N’i.1 fiH and

I'hureday t >rvnoon. truubic A* hhi' ii


air: N J

rilATGRfi—2(X»-cgK h-.( d liu-utiSinr, ugea <irn t both. 115 T J. M' lb

aetar metal alio SO-vieg hot

>Ijc<ON. Cbulheni,

I.S'i’rnATOI'. ►-‘■gg ftn.1 for sale gorHl a a now

Zr'H. 4h Twctily-eaoonil pi

ihlvha. bmoder. ' IIAH!*ES RAI -h>1ugtoii, N. J

]N<’ l'BATr>R. ftnt-clux* kf»d complete. 125- vgp. c h yii'. rell after 1‘ M . 49 Wakeman

dve., Newark, __________alniftat new ,

•»., Itwingtori,t>NK 7u-ngg ('n>lier* I’muiwo

wtll sell cheap 26 Mvrtb (lip floor4V .ANTED—(fypliera or anv Htandgni tnake ln-

cubBtur* mrt leas ihau L’nopig oapai'lty. In exchange fisr White Rui V pullata. SMITH, Walker mud and Ur«g'.H-> avr . VVaet Ormoga-ttILL pel I

nearly n-.' Lrlnn Itldgr2’A»


I'heap. I'yiih.fc, tiilAFFKH lie Midland ■Phope 27:m Glen Ridge.

ri'lii^hle tOi III- I’llREY

• for oaie, g\KKl non- on ft\ e,, U\ liigum


k" . .advfrilec, don't m1§* this

KENT'S Light Btora, 24 Clinton at. 2tKW Market. _______

Chun-:*.’ phone

LAJ)T'6 long brown mixed c-oal. eite aft. in flna fonaitlon, prke (Y AddrMi C««l, Ben

34. News office. ____ ______ _MOTOHRGAT 22 feet long. Wi fexK beam; 6

H. P. I^eckawanna engine, full Inventory: price I2&0- Cab or write ’WALSH'S Cafa, 6 Commerce at.; telephone 4783 Market.NEARLY new osk rolltop deak and chair; alao

flat-top de*k arid chair. SHAFFER. 176 Midland avv , Qlefi Ridge. 'Phone 2737 GlenRidge. ________________________ _________OLIA^E Dili—If you want to grow fat and rosy,

uae l.lly Brand, abaclulely pure oilve oli. of Nice France; » poeirire leeh and blood bulki­er; no rheumgtlem. kldtiey, Hver atoineob trouble* c*n axial where thli oU li ^*®d; tt Insuree perfect health. Sold only *t OJIts Breach, 110 Newark Arcade. 648 Broad at.. New et. entrance. W. B. TURNER- ___POTATOES—Pota toe* 'Phnne 2TT3 Market.

Another ear nf thoao flne-COoklng potatoes, 90c. bushel; delivered not Icae than 3 bushels; gruaraatea to give you Balleractlon; also lot of cSTTOta right from the farm, for those having horeea, cheap by the bag or buebel. 141 Thomai it.. Newa'it. N. J.



-Hujcloi t'B luirli-f \ c R J r K

\T THI tnn n!

i' rrifi'a,I I ?. fnr" u ijdo \ fc-A KL voi) ni I <■ I >

frr** MliH'lr ■ ■ 67 RulbT I'lllldii

HLENHKIM pu' :tlx munUin,

go*'S for l.*«: lite.' 135 tineHi

11 Dog ftlnrv M ‘ 'ill \ t^-irlrr* 1’ uk*Iiii ' a l and gl'ihf* I u \ w on nalr b- '' '

cl-.gfi*’ Send '

iimatl, U-


i*-i 41«"> up. malH J*|iahMV. rfe--l iiji»H.-in)vn, '*‘>Mh Jl*"'.Murl*. female i-fllllr-. "aix u;

H viiirliTig male King (.'barlf-R, Jlfxt. Priui-t ' 'liHt I' B female. f2f'. inter IVkln r*e Ifdi lip u)i-n i,u«n«£l. all iv'dlgpeed \0 Paulniler pl irist-y niy. near Gro^a_*tU<.'»vTf>N Rl'l.i. jnit»s, p»cdtgre< J nix-k. beaull-

fuUv majki'; Im, dark l>riodk and Uiila 'iwtb a-i.j. L LlVJNciFTON. 432 High at . tfleplK-n' MJMJ Market ________HOSTtiN ii-rTicr pi,p* fer nalr; fine pedigrw,

2nv>j Ka*1 Llrney at

H’ Mr* A D Rank at .‘s'I

for SlOrageMRS. L _

•ok ujnbrrllii fr "" ‘ L-b Ml \n i>iiir.- Markii, m rruim iHimo and a'.ind known'*

CHILDREN fr"iii imt'sl-fod to 12. fur (|rn Iniii repuiablr I ’nlhollc Ittiniii'** Ctiihp*

:lc ChllJrvn a Aid ARWK'iailun, l i UGinal a\«

Bublneeib 1*t*r«OtiAli4MY GLASSES will n-'l cur« yuur bllinu* hrafl

h< or afi> uihcr dilment ih«i require* Ibr SprGai iiitvliT of ii (•klllMl p0>*lrian. but >f jiiu Buffer ir‘>in bcnjiiache* vaUM'd Ity «>e- ■iTklo I idtt lu'lp iiu , yuur vaae will leceive lh«' tiHSt iMirYul iiiiiimtnl, you GH i>ay m«ah (iiUi ti as you nould cn Urcfad. Mbik4>l <>r an.v other hlTir-i . (leap *Aurk ia >’»ai>y lounJ anil It I* jKukily me miyat ri|>vn(il\f, If y u \aiui ymir Hlgiii Jii IC than Ibo pii<-* )wu ’■'>111bui' (o pu> I'.'J tiic tight glimriC* .||«-P m« u bht< and ii-ci'lvp !•)> rinill Lull i^rtPulara rX' pikimng mv I'Jhii ».liU-b vMolilr* « *u lo try ibr H1Ha■1e whiii lAVing r>r Ibfirx ib*i ■ rmrrii iUKti, iii’Uliaiii und b'-apllul pirli-. n; ti>m* l-l> i .'Trp'll.' D W TlIt'iUKS (*pu,iiu ti 1*1.Mil i.iUJ al,, Nv\Mirh, N J

•\ IIRJRKI’.HINAFor sduH* Biid children; very pelntal'i*;

pjcaiant tu the U«ta. !■ aids a*elni1luil«n and liuprove* nulrbl»n. miking it a Miluxblti preu- aroilon in gmiru-lnie^ilnal iliiH-rderu In ariamlA. inalana ar d general debllliy. chronic bnnichlul end tubercular affevtlonii. Vigirfi'r- Ina act* In * ni"*t benefltlal manner Pre- p*r<d and wM only at tne rirtco Pharma. *l Co Mnnulatr. N Price. 91 per betUe.Bertd money oi'Jer with order. Delivered evary- where. Express prepaid-

BULL’ i UK AO CDMMIWIGN STADLxaBROAD rr. n b w a k ic . n . i-

This la the etfeet erd beet ptace in Iht Kaei to bey or sail horoce.

Beguler aeml ^eeklir euviLop^cvery


at RJ;JU A. M . rein or mine.


380 --- HEAP OF IIOFHE0-^’35O

\Vc will offer gi aui’llon on Tuesday, Kat»ru uiy min. alfnit Ilfal head of horava. nf ■ h rry type, heavy dreR horafa. bu»tn«a» 'huhk■ and anm-ral purpN»< horoea 'I’heae horae* we ran guarartiee lu b« IhotT ughly ai'climait'd. anil «'nii be pui right m(o the hardcei kind id i-xiT k hg luit fall In altrnd iM* aau (f yuu Hie In I i|f< nii.iKat fur a hnrar of any kind.

Al **v*-iir Khk' wi havf- from 15U (o 2iMi h.-ud of *«..-4jiiJ-iuirn1 hnrw**, thai l|a <‘ tn'rr n«rdki-siLiid (he I'tiy ainJ aurnmndme n^unlf)

lit n yciti pun lioar a hutsv fruin ui you Mr# ]iriit>-v ted b) {.Mir guaraniy , the (•nly nri« of its kih.l III <xistenc«.

MUR'T.iAGV L O A N fi- .M :A L iU rTATI


Any amounL CUy er eobvrtiaji.

Fair AppnlMta. Qulok eoMoa.


t u x t auu-oiMO. 'W•JolU-to


NO iioNua OH coMiiiMuon CHAROua.(IBO W HAONFIT,


privat. Of bulldln* uA InM, tn lUMi to •ult, Kod ■ |«»iol, a rfprwoilUtlvo •111 oiUi i.irml appiulsen efM |ir»(ispi aUeatlu*. Jl. “ItfV'HK. 7T6 Broad et.IiT v’k” Inige emouai to loan ujiof>

ilvvetllnga In uniounta nf fJbfkto ta flfttWO; :*• bmg-(*i-ni liwiis aod inetalineftl payiaeniLa .If ''ll ileaueal Addrvii Liberal. Box ft4. Neere of- d n.i ^


-M.L MiiMcY REKl’ .S’ DBP uis;»ATiSFih:D WITH Yurii

IF V iM’Ri

• >r UUiHASi:.



William I'erklMiiat Wlllmni ruieraan. J B. Wll.LlAkIft Auiiiuiievr

A Iiinl 1M


■IbJKtU:' 2iHiR im hn mi l > i *rl.. ■ 1 imii u 11

I iltiRii g from 1 '"1" Ki 1 '.*Hir adits

1111 g bi Mftm ir.ai i'>: Iti 4ll Ui t 'killeb'd.

SI ■K'M.M.IU'i.1nnli-iu «k t( l> n..ti-Jh . ! 1-’. I>niH 1 :■ tl,r w n

r “tr M'• M f k 1lb (w.i rarbm'l* I'vtli'*!1 K BtllHlull Bl-R ' lbi| t.r Ih'.' bpRl li'lit > it Mil 1 SktoHltui t'l 1 biiiiKii. nlld 111iHiiy luiivl} I'Ullllt li'.rih-N

ail all" w 1 iM b'-B( vKlIflJf Hi iK'lpulii rpri'*'" I'd it Brut examlii’' uui ■ IVK k IH fl'IC

WOnTOAGKB 27TH TEAR- Ws buy and a«H tmd-igogaa oo real eeUtO.

Alwt negiKtsie mortgage loana J YVAItn MMlTH A ftf>N Hrudeotlsl buHdlng-LDSITV tu loan ixi first end ee<.'nnd morlgil*.

pimis to HUH. St roaauiuible 8rHP>'IISFlt. fguitb rtcHir, rvom 4(lt» UnlOh bulltlliui. ' pb-oim 2ift Market.I HAVE in loan cn IxMid and mortiage. t t.OQQ

und III riOU, at five Iter cant.. Nawark erly AjM'ly I" FKEPtCRH'K K. HOOQB, WO Hreiepi ai





S3uicktv Improved or yilm-

nroved. 1st, 2d 8d niMriifegea: lirtereM god ■■ (Vnndr-n 2d I Rpuadwy. W. T


HEMOVAU-DH UANDEVU.LPI apeclallit, has Tfiu ’ved ii' 5b5 Hrnad tt , Newark N J-,

opposjie Schuberi llinatre. 4ih door sIkjv# Crnlml avu,. nu elemlrt. 'll* DIgM llp H.iuru dully. 2 in 4 1' M . 4 (g 8 F M alsu Iu'‘**ltiy And Frnley ttk' 'nlngs. M.SO tu 11 Gfflre '.•loeed f undays Advics free

pure basing

Of w hJit'li amt ob'tely purchHiing tK>th U>*e

jv<* ' a!UA t 7i

If :

Mt'l.ESfl- \pil-ly

teHn a fteo ih-'R- pun haa« I'ln'rt I

lAlANS ftiad* ^

taxes paid _ _ _tYuOOno TU LOAN Oh bond and moTtin^

mima to full, at 5 iw cant . wUbcut .. _I EDWAltD H. ULALK.cimTieeiur.JtSd FradehUy.I 1 IIAVK HLUC* in uui al i per Cent.

Mil Impi'^vtd property, either In whole or I In part. Addreae Lnau, lln* 11*. Neww ofnee.■$ltAiLHei T« * loan nn fli*t and aeWK ibcirt- l iftai* at 5 per cent, in emma tc suit. Ad' I drep* lnlgrm:n Km, Ro* 90, Ne»-e offle*.






4DNEV 10 ioea oP bond and niuiTgy. ^ CIIARLK* B. OTONET rw i^kw .M a t t fc ' JJon *1 Cntap hnllflliw room 911. ______

^ " ee^Uj fair -fCl|


ton _______ ______ ___ _____ _____MONEY tfl l"neo OO *rot»mv*d reel w j j^ fair ^

ap[>raiisi*. quioh oatioa. BLaCULOCIL ®e eiaEMtei t>iiHdlt«- ________

onf hmodrr. acveral '*□1- ctf. 36 Ir*. iTig Bi . idly,K'lR PAl.n rhiAp

nny cxips, rur>,< H il Sondny, ____________ ___p-nH SALE^un of While Wynmlnrips. R I.

Rpd c-orkorela and puHcts. 137 Lnlon a’.e..IrviiiBlon _ _________FtiR SALK—Tw(*lvi> r.* gh(ini hmn, all Inflnp,

r.lulKKSOS. 23 «> i Harrletmfir> ccnlHFOR KALE-y'lriccn pulirls,

('alt Sunday 710 Rruad si .91u tHkrg Ftlunmri' M


FIVE White Leghorn hens hh-I coikrrH;laying nr.w; !10 If Taken at once; Rhode

Island Red cockerels from J30 Retting: cheap; call Bunday. FHASER. 103 BeechSI , Arllngion, -N. •)_________ ____________ _FlVE~Wblte Wyandotlp and twelve buff Ur-

ulnglon hena and cockerel, all prU* for sale cheap; apply Huntlay msrrlns. ].ilNorth t'l-nlre ai,, Orajige,______ _____________ _FIVE Black Minorca puUela for sale' aland-

ani weight, fine type. 4.'i Linden ave , Irv­ington. ___ __ _____FIVE biRck Minorca rooaters for sale, f'J lo

H e«ch. M. A NOLL, hT, Hanford »ve . ofty.

POTATOES-Good cooking bushel. BURKHARDT'B.

Bve.. Irx'lngton.

polAtoea. tl per m Spilngfleld

WE buy anything of value and glva Txlue for tt. Mutual Trading Co.. 92 Marlnt at TaL

1794 Market,

Hottsehold Goods 'Wanted AT UR, CASH’S, 94 Academy ac. What have

you got to sell for caah7 We boy atiythibg and everything for cash; aeoond-hand fU4nI- tnre, cM oarpeti, ohalre, tablee. plUowe, quUtg, ruM atovee. dreaeere, with or without mlrrorej •AtlQoe and anything you want to sell for «g ^ j 1 pay more than any dealer or auotlcm hoau'tb th* iity; I have no agente to t*r

B^oa; 1 call myself pereonaily; that's I can pay more titan others; f f t my I nut; send postal. I will oatl ^ onc«;

r itiictUy confidential. Tel. 6566W MktfATS the highest prices paid for funiUUTs •SOry description; we buy contsnta of I smd marohaiuliee; we will ssQd our ; or call personally and-we will pay yoB than any other house In the city; oead

for E; RXMON, the man who pays you cask add Qealjf fair and equare; aeud postal, F. EIMOIV, n Academy sL; 'pKotte 694M Markoi^AT4t KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND

W ^H AND IBE ,. ENTIUK CONTENTS OF «lM«s. houses ADd flats or anything you hmea is Mil, bought for cash; consult ue before tjeH

les cheerfully given; send poaUl or V Market

..EID'S auction room.18 Arlington it., near Market.



SDCOND-HAND building material; buildings bought and removed. A. P. HAMBLEN, JlO

Main at., East Orange; 8258J Orange.SCREENS—‘Window and porch

orders now: tave 25 per cent.Works. T6 77 Schley it.: get eettmate.

acreem; send Newark Screen

THIRT'Y-FOOT hunting cabin launch, every- tMng complete, S200; Id-foot launch, $60; 80-

foot glaoa cabin launch; 24-foot speed boat hull ready for motor, J30; aeveral other boats at a bargain- C. MAXWELL'S Boalhouee, 141 Riverside eve., city.THIRTY Sdlaofi phonograph records for sale

cheap. BERNARD FI-ANIGAN. 9 Mulberry pl, __________ ___________TWO oiarlitele, key A and B. in flret-clta

condition. Inquire 113 South Fifteenth el.; call In evening after T._____________

FINE lot Willie Leghorn and Barred Rook chickens. VANDERHOOF’S. ISS Watson

eve., iVcet Orange. _ _ ____r"HAVE a few more Ancona cockerel* for Mle

at very reaeonable prices; also freeh laid eggs every d&v, Call at 38 Llnwood pl. Orange, or ’phone 3324 Oiange.______



La y in g chtckcTismorning, comer Rpringflelcl

mont at.. HUton. N. J,

Call Sunday Bve and Ver-


lb 12 14 Orchard et. ‘ Ptiorv* Market.I•■| K S A IL T v i fiixhoMliti liiige. thrf'f .vt-art

'.(M, iA<-K liruk^n on fnv, (he t inil ihas know(hi'li htiBin#***, lyrjffp sTfong dr>ge, fxcti mn- ner* I lu y M r own bToihcri. I.'id tak^ itn rii. w4JI *t‘ .l acpni-atrly and <»n ^uaranter .Acl- ■Irt-HS .lAiiiM VAI.ENTINK, nartlcy. N J

F«1R S.AT E—A fin* pair of Boston bull (piTlcra;niual «'U account <if movln*. I'hrap, fiill

pfdlgn^r, tuale 4 montha. and feinnle &(,•ipi rillm old. Addrrirfi Hull. Hux 63, Nr*'i of- rif*. ^ ___K('I l RAl.K. a Frciioli Imll puppj, male. Iwo

iiionth*’ (hid; roior while. Imported Block; regLlf'i'C'l Ainerlran Kennel I’ lub 61'J VaUe> rd . W<'8i Orange.POUR inalr iuUK pupt: ftJKlil wepki; nnt

l - c I n i i ku(h1 ■touk HOil b<>aui!»*e, 96 Oil I, Aildp'-SM Pupa. Fb'X RO, N^ws offli-r.

SA''Rinci->t2:> buys high olaea toy black and uiit. male, winner, excr-lleri peatgree. Call

aftiT (i r 65 . 2U Pkirtflc "tTVt 'i Irlah terrier pupa. mAla and female;

br -'l of blue ribbon stock. 45 DukM ««., Kf'iiinyi N. J


blanicurinx. fa i« and kcalp ma**ax*. rhair P'l'-lng *rt'1 nan U'fi*Uia, with a fuU I'n* Dt hair goiHla ,



War1» Mole* and Hirthmarka removed foreva.’ ty *l*ctrii’Hv 21 yeara’ *iiperl'i’nc*

UNU- R IVFyXKHVELT.il? Washington at _

LAEHF-S’ PRIVATE NUftRlNi- roiirinrrrvn' cxeea MRS. MART HARMON, prlvai*

home. ISO Wi**! Fourteenih rl , ri**ar BUG •ve.. take Le\kewaDna Onfrs: (»r Ert* R u f2ari tl ) ferrv tn New York (hrti Fourtermr et. cir petae* nur ioor; vrr> eatllr fourut hours, 0 to 0, Sunday. I to 6Plim-' A ITtnlDKVAP.V IJEAl I V I'.UILf'lic

Facia; and i-alp iroalment by- a--l4nTl(ii. me tbnda heir breaslTig and inanictir'Kk - fecla bjeniliih** removed c'lmplexiona ir'-aied iinitr:' Prof. FroldHvaijx’a own d1r»‘ci1on, oanliery aui up to dale. Branford pl. bvtw*-vn Haleev and Broad Bte.

H ]-:hv rare wbiu- nmJteac terrier pupa for eair, ri'HHtfnublp; imiJt bf arm tn he appreciated.

710 Ijr 'ad Bt . nicoinfUld; call Bundoye\\’ANTF.i>-bma1i MallcSe lerrler.

ftttle full particulars Write (‘Chmlwlrk Hvr cUy

for ilud; \V., I4H

yOHKBHIKE icrrlPT pubplee for sale; petti- gre.«? etnek; reasonable, emalleat York-

fhlre In America at ilud. [ilO South H«v- ipieenih •(.

Typewriters and Suppliesa l l m a k e s . *10 up, lorgoet elock In New

Jersey; beet typewrltar aupptlea; rebalre gboxanteed; rf'iital* 12 slid $3; aoM men*, plao. Agency for Monarch Vlelbls. OEO. M. JUDD, 17 Academy et, Tel. 7867 Market,

ONLY 3 White Wvandolte rockerele leH. *8 each; Barred Rock and White Wynniotfe

^gge for* hatching. 7+ Division si., Belleville^ROSE COMB Rhode Island Red coeberali, e<>od

Blsc- FISHER 20 Meeker st . West OfaJiga.•Phone 4848M Orange._______________________ _

('orkerela, rose and HEIM, S4 Cummings

RHODE ISLAND Red single comb; Al stock,

at.. Irvington, N. J

SHORT HILLS Bpringhold. N. J-

POULTRY FARM.T«L 95R, Mlltburti.


VERT big aeleetlott of alors and office fix* tucee, sflenl ialeitnon. showcasaa, all kinds

of mlrrora, wall caaee. cash reglatera and sates; will be sold very resaonebla on account of needing room. S46 Plane at.


for coffee mills, equipped with patent ball- heeflngBi eafei that are fireproof and have broji looks and handles; ecnles, even balance, spring platfornb HR tested by the city aeatar.


Holuebolil Gooda and FuroltureAT ONCE—Private family will sell oontentf

of tbolr almoxt new home at a sacriflee; ele­gant parlor, 'beilrof)m and dining-room furni­ture* rugs cut glees painting; separately or together good chance for couple starling housekeeping; can be seen Sunday. 86 South ThlftefeiHli »1. „

m o f»0 T prlcfn naW tor Mecma-hand turJJ- Mr*, otrjwtc ind toathan: p«ata]. I. L.BO.

K9J>. W . BlDODiflald tva... -p)inn« A072-'B. H.n m tim m n

vltl pay (DOd prlc«g: aend poital.wanted In email or larse Iota;

_ — l prlcea: eend poital. 78 Brune- OL_J>hone_e70J_JJ»r!(et^

~ M AO H U fE R Y FO K SALEOflZVaB*XL. pleln end bud mllUni ntn-

pbtoN, Muperi. pUnMv, ecrew euttlnc. epeed nai lathee, power preeeea. drop iwm-gma, ilnile and multlpta dpindle drllle, acrew UMlMtoa. caiMtBtoni, motora, bollert. enclnaa, riaUn*. tIAce. window fam. bbwara. jewalera’ (oatt BoUablni apindlet etoery crlndare. an- ~ naaa. toraeii wtxjd worttinc taacMDerr,

beltliMt. hanienaTHBRBOF

iai» «l>ttauai-to, vujvr/forgssi wood working macliliicrTttooTia l44tb«r ’ ’ '

nulleys, etc.PLANTS OR PARTS


^ OO- 83-lOB chetuittt at.'Ftionea HlO-llUt Hkt








A—CTION SAliB-For Wf bantajm In Puml- lara and Household Gbo^. attend the aoollon

•ale on Monday. February 8, at 11 A. M-. at City Auction Roome. 58 Academy *t. Full particulars se auction column.EIOHT*FOOT dining-room oak table, newly

new: price IS. worth *25. SHELDON, 274 Porter at.FOR SAl-EI—fi«t of i ak dining ohslrfl, ooneldt

log of lix Bide and two Ann to match; price 810 Also 54 In. round exteneton table» wax Ilnlih. 825. 24 Wsrrtngto.i pi,, Bart Omnge, near Nineteenth it-. Ampeie; call Monday,

SAVE fowls with Pratt's Poultry Regulator;It prevenl.# diseases we guarantee more p rofu

op your money beck; Pratt’s Poultry Book, worth dolloTs, free. Newark and Irvington feed, seed and poultry supply dealere.£ C. BLACK^INORCA^ rholce breeding

cockerels. Northrop strain, with slae. inane and color; orders booked for hHichIng eggs. *l to *3.60 per 1&. FRANK MASlND.k, 1H8 Myrtle avs,, Bloomfield. N, J.S r WHITE OrplngU-ns. Kcllrrstrass strain;

pen of four. *6; alfl» one pair Indian Runner .-ducke, *3. 21 llaker et . Maplewoo-L______SIXTEEN TOM comb brown Logborn puMpt"

nnd cockerels. *16; Culp strain; 13 buff Wyandouo pulJels and l•ockeTela, Banborne strain* 116. Apply FEHN. n Tompkins It., Orange Valky. ________________ _E*EJVHN light Brahma pullets, one rnjckerel:

what am I offered? Also Pekin and Phlnesc duck eggs for sale. Address Chickens. Box 41, News office.

BEfVEN choice white Orpington pulle's and cockerel for oale: also egga for hutching.

TAIaLMAN. 21 Almira st,. Bloomfield- _____

ir f’ltEC TO YOU, our |100 wholly vltlWe type writ**!, would you be wlMlug to stiuw rbe

lyitcwrltrr [xt j*ouf fhends and ask tbem to wrile for uur wonderful olfer’ For particulars ad- drv»f« FniersoD Typewriter Co.. Doi CTOd. YVotul- Bt.v tt. 111.________________________________ _I. r. tJMlTH typewriter, almost new, for sals

t-hi-ap quick buyer. Addreia «r call MIB9 w'.. 20 ^Ur^ha^ »t.

LET our dnct-'is examlciv M tr syvs mo Jrun uAPd) and fit you with a i«ir cf eyeRlassai

fur II: you itty IC (Kl for same on Rrosd si- scbiwl rniidrerVs cusca k1v*jj •|hk'Pi I atienlloo LELLF i> ril' 41. rn «1 Market rt . heiwees WaBhlnfftri’ i anil P '’»:ie "te. Open si'eninga __


t’HESTT m e t a l Wi>R.C 211-30 HOCHTON «T.

'Phone Sllft4 Market. NEWARK. N JBULTAMA pUik cheek itni. for riit'ina rheeai

and tips, sbbolutaly harmless anl wlli ue> rub off: has sicnd the t<*t fur 26 *sny drjiBMinenf store or hi VMK B. WIM iCRVELT yiS WaehIngti'D iL N ^I^AfilEft' . lleiinon' Why vjS/ 25« iirid .VI--.

f-ir I'liffs: I iTiakf the sume ihlnn for l-'n* . mlh-h*'s, irHiinformui lens itiad-' from I '-nib- Iriga vu'Jk guaranieel MRft WOLF t'WSouth Sloth si.L A L l hiS-LcKm niinlr’urlnK, fsOHl rnastaxc

scalp treatment. ►Itsmpo.jliin, rlc *'15 r-iuise for 116, rllplnimis The UTd Ilplndlls S' luMil yf lie»uly L’ullcn?, .111 Wasbi.iglunSt _SEWING MAr’UiNi-; repRirinf: sn!i Ttiakr re-

pulrcd. rtght In >i'Ur hump, rrseouuble chuTKen. Ht'Tiil pi'Ptal t'! MTl MITCHELL. 4M ThlrleetiEh aw Th ’ciil) five jpors’ pxperlfnir.PH1VAT7' maternity home, sui*erlnisn4ed

trained nurse; twenty yanrf' experience *li5 mothers and ‘nfants; also cl*ron1c rstl^l’ i* taken. Tsl 7KSaW' ldnrket: 49 Cotumhta et.

NEW and REBUILT Tyi^awrlten of all makes

Bold, rented, repsired, guorsnlsad. ROVAL TYPEWRITER AGENCY,

7(i7 Broad et, over CrsacenI Drug fltora.

WK sell, rsut, repair end exc.hanga ail makes of typewriters: we guarantee to give aatli-

factUm nr to refund your money; imitation, typewrlteP letters of highest qbajily at low­est prices. Newark Typewriter Exchange, 9 Beaver it.; 'phone Market 4480.

Watches and JewelryCASH for pawntlcketi old gold or silver, dla,

monds. gold jewelry, new or broken watches, In any quantity; In fact. I buy anything you have no use for; I also sell dtamonde, watehei, jewelry, at half Ihe usual price; walchea and Jewelry at the lo'west prices.

HAMPLE JEWKIJIT STORE, 81 Market atRIGHT prlro: easy payments on watebea, d!a-

TT Dnds, jewelry; reliable jeweler: ronfldentiai. Fur terms address H,. Box 7. Nows office.

F’RI\'ATK iPKSons manlcurluE MbHiniHirUna, etc ; day ajid t-yoning rtass lusi ■tn.n.lnx:

terms moderarc L B. 18ft Highland sv» .: niLN)mfleM car __DON'T aacrlflce aid s-^wins machine: we

repair iT; snv maka HFRLlNG A Tk)UG LAfiS, maL-hlnl«lB, 17 years 2«1 Notfolk st.fallAMIXiOING, m’ftip irparment: epecSal ra'ea

(or Btcady rllenle. reeidencc ' hIIs; jrnr'>1[}t“ meiil* by ’ phonv. tftOil Wav, MME, r ’

■JIloMAS HOI BrON SAI.l':.<.M.tN


L. n i'tuins 44IHJ Market.


Ai^Hiv* on tisnd fnnn Mkl in IW brn.1 l f sc- •.imsieil 1‘eniiBylvaiiis borjiva ;« sylrcl frorrv

r Vlii jNhU'HV lit l«- f""!i "Hd-*if L i m i Ihhi' drsfi h'-'rset ueixKliig frOTu

I ] 4HU lu i >iiio nLg seme ni-.u dri>rrs ami eODv imics.

I - L\Vs 1 in \i. ii! vEN All hi isei biiuvl be SI ri-rirnsrhlr'l -ir nionsy

i f lumte-lK B. Iil [>Ii, .Salesman.

WF OFFER GDR LAnilF PITh’K of wagon# and utii- 'ii rcTi kmi truck* of till dt-w-rii Mon**,

Hif.- a Km* rtb'fl riB' irn-k nnd ji lurse half «sri, ni i«-ck 1« tfijiri (t*h'S. sir going if Luil-I B Itiive HarrliOiine, lIPMrfnra -<ur rAiiut-ed lirl en. m-p riir iRffci*- ».i mk 1‘r‘fnrf huvlng cl»e-

fi*i »*' Will HUH’ vou riKmcy. rtrpoir ar.-l C''i)irui.i vvo.-'k "iir siifclautas; ihe iiard times tiHse (jaiJM-d U!> I'l aiiuniiilate a Inras siock. Bfid wo hB'r dci'Ided 10 redm* our hiot-k by

Oh ca y comfnlrMt \erms. n« Inlerret m pay V Alr.snL'RGl' WAGON AND f'AR- RIAUF I’u J. F LPUrT.F Mpr. friuih Or- iiigt* and Hanfcrrl avea., so-i I’aiiri ai Fs.-- iiiiv ‘phono dh'u Mtirkti. rejiidence ’phone 1718 Market. ^

\VM REflH k HoNBJkiAi m-*lved « fireli lOA'l uf pentiayh snla

gm-JiniSli'd lion’SH, wrlKhlng from l.3f/' in I.ONi lbs . qiinlUy all thrm-Kh. imcmllng i-iiK-hHScra HhO'ild tioi fAll in «e«- (his lul, they Are ready for work, s nd we ran nsve ymi money, as ws buy rtnd sll tlietn oursehm, and Vie guarantee RsMsfA'tii-n c'all and Ihi cot)vin>ed. <>ur past ' cuaionipm our best refvrsnceH. Tel MUr.HbftfiW,

WM RKftil A S\iNS. L.nt -’enire sl.^JULH’H iJLAKKfl W


REAR 18-2U HRfOGF FT,Tel. I83U Marbei; have Juai jfcsivcd a car­

load of Remiaylvapls liorsre. weighing from l.tiKJO 111 |,rK)Q; these hnrsea are gtKwI. broke an-l' acriliiuiieil; wa hate aluo 20 head of Ohio pnod general hiiaineRB and purpone horaca; we guamnfee every horse _

Hl Yrt <’he*pei( rig cw-t anld; gv-xl '-hunky bnrep, wHgoij and hnrip-HK, euh laundiy, icu.

.'•(iffec nr Luiier. egg I'UilncHti; uln'’ pocid Llpbl iiisiro-!.'- tiorwe pil«‘ J‘25; opc gO'.-l. g'"!Hle

j iKirre aul! mo»l ans biisincss, pric*' Ilk*: lighl lop priicpry wagi-n 120. Uglit nine fiH>i - -r. pcnlcr's wagi'H. p-md as aei*, ttk .lOHN RKIJ..AH. MIliburri xve., erul MapIvW'uChI i-ar line, formerly Atn' vl'aii Houhe,tjitfin big work liurse, suU farnut, *20; ciira

gne.il li'C waguii, |(4.1; top gnrL-i-r’ ii wKgtm, }20; M'awl wagut), *20; MghI (mh and i wupoiv |20: sniHlI pluinber'i wagim, *l.‘-. [<A'> Kii'fl-ilrf* hugpli’s. JU) ca'h; onr mp no ci-i it-'O bugg). *10, lov. wheel riititiCf'-tln’ runahed, 92<>, iicmy I arl mid liarneif, SIh. jr»!INiBKS'HAitT, Hergcn sf , near WarrerCjlAjY<’ R for IjarpHln. IHif* buys juiiir ii«y

marcs, chunklly buHl. worth l26o l* farmpr: *96 l>uys big, slrotiK, yuuiip h'n-ee. aLn hHI I heap to S'jm* kind pt-mon, uo? fast o*i.er «nd one fast iroLer, ua**d for t'oderllng, Call ftiindiiy an-t all week, Wei: H WALTWJl ’■ tablemdn, {.jitckawanna t'ab nmi Kspresa, 14 (•rani at., near ftprlng.

FOR HALE, Idg. strong learn of w-ork horse#, weigh 2,fllKt; price fc: bniiii *126: «l"o one

(earn, weigh 2,2fl0. prh-a these horses work single or dnubk. been U'‘i'il by i-ouir»M’inr on dump wagi iiB, ami were tiikvn for debt. WILLIAM WOLF c{|.; inquiro fsclory office or Blorfl, 536 Sprlrigfieid ave,, near Tvnlh •(-. Newark, X. J.

*6lNi in LFNH Lihus rrqtiJn-'l.

N.-US ..fflri

■n Igmd and mnrtgSfs; au A<1'lreaa Marlpiffs. Box BT,

i.ono iin good cits' property 4l A'.ldrt-NB l/mtn. iiox 63, Niwi

i IHAJ I-' I": , i-u boiid and men- H iiH. 778 n»>ad at.

>.o,V>S V. A N 'fK li— U K A L tatTAJB ' ’{JW\NT‘KI’ nil one iraci. In sums Of 4

*1 ,Mxi i.i l. ttilJln* ii> i-ay d P'-r rent,; alt im'' rnmli> ilw'-liini|i'. '• !» mimUe* from Rutb'f- gw ri.iri iit'piu l"■. l jf lUilherford. FETKR isQK'HiN. ueii'-r, rniwsir. N J _____ oUBnA\N H7,IKK> flral morUiags. 50 i>sr gaiiL 'A

l"sn. vui; .ny bU per cant. Address Mort- *31 gn i-, lipa Ufc. N s * l_ _ u f f l0 0 - ______ I fvgiiV7in i.-Vi.*!. ^LU .A ^o — l ’ l!.UbU^Ali

D‘ I YULI NEED MOXKVT H HO »ee us aJiu we will explain io you ho*

hr usekci-peri lti Newark und vlUnlly BOHRUW


tu meet tbetr necesanry damands which ita luis to aiiM Al Hill time of the year. Now ihiit cold weather is h«re and demands art hs* coming pleniirui. le< us loan yuu enough R)ona*r In uhe cure of ihess wantt and then you COA pay ui III weekly nr monthly paymsnia that you can convsnb'nily spare.

l^JANB o r >.1 u R vahd to iiooyou ran c'huln from ua. a concern havtnt boM IcK-jned in NIDWAHK lor iwenty-flvs ye«n. Thai luiids for reliability, dnsili't itT

gr ii 'K LOANS. .You cun get ibs monsy fruiti u> In ONh

Uni'll nfirr making ai'piicackin for IL and iha auiei. confldentfal and courteous maniMf In »h:'U wv bHiidl# vour tJlIhsaa is why W* are knvwn as Newark’s beat ii>an conosm.

WE fiPEiTALLY INVITB Inquiry froui ih'ne who iiave had, or now have cIvhIh k IUi other companlea. and who are lA iieest of aumc extra iiionay. If unebis to oallwrliti uk or ’pliuiie Merkel 49416. and your ap> ^ pllvailoji will lecelv* pr iBPi alienllon. .

I'KOI'LK'B LGAN a r.R^KRRAae CO.* ■186 m a r k e t ST. m

ROOM 41)1. FOURTH FLOOR. tWOffl'-e Houra; Balurday BveDlnfl*

8 to 6 ______ 9 o'oteolL ^

YOUH Idea perfecled; modsls. tools, tna hlnes.experlmenlnl wnrk. OaRI, RrilONERT 83*

South Twentieth at.. Newark. N. I. _MRS ANNA midwife; ladles' prlvstf

nursing cnnflnerient esaej, treaimenl ar ImniF fill Hrtuth Orange.Bve


BIUlOrH —1/ORt. .laniiarj 2!t. oiinlliie lieward if r 'tunu'il lo 302 KLtti S''c.,

hrtn.1- h r1t,s.

r i ’ P'F LINK Lofli. Tbureday Jariuiit-y :iP gni-1 cuff bnV iTiUlfilH M. P . idwhhI M.

H. P,. 52b rw#.iribDOO—I^Bl. Tuesday f ’.nnlng. Tb'tMn hull

terrier, f-lghi mpnUu< r>lrj, br-iwn, ‘ llb whMr cheii and f'/reheatl, bn-kfln tall, br'-ail o llar traes squares 21 Morl'm at ; suUabln rewant

TOUR DEBT FRI END-MONBT.Wbh money yuu can buy (rlendoiilp or lU a

rquP Hem The moat yull get from frlcn^ M Ya# ■ymL-aihy—ibsi Is poor ceimfort if tht landisra ,l|2 tl af your door or the coal bln empty.

IT TAKER MONEY TO MAKE GOOD, ^Be Independent and arrange for money ort

)nur own r»«iu9naihllMv. Get rnottgh to My Off 4>tlOi ihose mile annoying L'iHs- Put yoorssK In • wrt lAieldnn nber* you cun turn around abd , be hai-'k tn eiDiir uveklv or aumihly aunhi lo oalt your Incoms. Qu[

th e SEASON'S DEMANDS ’’ j*arv great on everybody-ciothso. coal hlo and ft % hundred and one oinsr thing*. r|£

I I'En.MlT L'S TO Se T firn i iXnkerb. ’ *'■I Let ualcnuw your warts, strictly,coafHsbi------ , ------

our repressntatlvv will eoll

TII'ENTVTn ii hew wagoin, ten new upen wagons, sullshlie for anr Itltiil «if builueHs: all

klods of rarhagos; two new platfcTiii lop wag ons, hand made. t>iii* cerrles ami niu' :-arrU>t ’i.rUK); will paint tn mill Imyi-r; mblH-r puton while you wSJt fPH 38ll ftouJh Oranga are., bls'-ksmltb shop. JOHN KOI'VTA

TU’ BRER TIRES.We pul r>n and repalt solid and ruahlon

vehicle llren; we uKe HuMford rubber Only; Ibey ar* lbs best; prjrta Ipw. work done while vnu wait.

JOHN G MICRKEL CQ.. 28 Prince sL

Write Uiflhy nfut lu mediately.

NEW JEHBET LOAN COMPANY,Room 304. Third Floor. Market at





TOHousLKEepEna a n d w o r k in g m e n .


-nliic r»r ■l;cphenl 'lug. .Ihmuhm TL ■ name flnx; gonU rew-nrl If re- 21 Ridgewood nve , v,M> HUM-

Hfiswere I turned ii/HKKT.DOG—Lost Mreila;''. femHie ierrl''r;

hl,uik bark, no cullar: un4V.< re naj Reward if rviurned lo llfs& Rrofll 1

tun swtOi!»' ’ Ta l"



TITOPOUOHBRED R. C, Rhode laland Hp<1" for oalfl: ten laying hens: few fine large

pullctu wnie Choice cockerels; eggs for hstch- fng: orders taken for baby ch|citn. H. L. LOSE 120 FranKijn it . Bloomfield.________

T>VKNTT-FlVB Whits Leghorns. .and pullets. Youngs strain; lOr. each

Forest st., Montclair. _________________ _

TO make room, will sell a few Black Minorca puUetB! Pape strain. HOTCHKISS, 00 Lin­

den AvOr. Irvington. _______ __ _______THIRTEEN Black Minorca hens; alao rooster

fOT sale Apply JAMES BCOTT, 130 tHert- nut e(.. Kearny, ■ _______ _

FOR SALE cheap; four-rooms fumItur«L'ttsed vary short time. >U Third st., tirit .ttoof.

SnVE'PlECB parlor suite for sale, cheap. 162 ■Chadwick gva.; downatglra.

NEW velvet Jtg/r carpet; 28 yarts. cort fl.ao ner laird' solFfor tt8. Also wbita baby car­

riage chMD' good copdIUon. JOHNSON. 46cheap: good cnpdlUon, 'Thomta st.. city,RARLOR bedroom and rtlnlng-room furtiUura

lo ho aoM cheap. Standard Wurehouae, 78 North Fourteanth it.. East Orwagg.PARTY leaving city, will ssH parlor, dtnIiy|-

room and bedroom furniture, reaoonabie. j^ li 4A2 StuyvesOAi ave.. Irvington- ^ -SIDEBOARD, cost 158. wtU stll 111: carpet,

cost |4<h will oalli B : orgtAr onrt t30Q, will oeU US; -WUh'

75c. up: iron beds, each wKne they lost:

s«U ft Ift itertj

•prliLfB,. moitraaoea, leather coudi, oOti

ws -have anything you lOftte Warehousa, 867 Woot

»Phona 4T0a Market

wmat. toblnfien

____ . ,jrcAf(/-l4XClrliNlBbought for c a sh .

OO'vAi.Unr M/uvv.'.'.

WHITE LEGHORMil- Ros eComb Frown Leg­horns. Black MiuprcQS. Whlig Orplngtona

White Wyandottsa; rtock '*nd eggx. HOAG- LAND. Mdgswood, N. J.’WHITE Orpington hrsedOri /w ^♦lock; trioo, mps or single Wrdi, Maiymac

Fonitry Form, 800 .Tsrome pi-i Bipomfiaid'•WHITING’S Roupone.*-' used according to dt-

raotiona will cure any case of rottp when ths bird can sundi all hesi dealers.WHITE LFGHORN13. 10 pulleti, 10 hen# (Sla­

gle oomll). 75c. oteb. 16-Baldwin st.. nwt Woahlngton sL

S.WANTED, taro S. Buff Leghorn cocks. 8 »MT« nils'- Tfiuit be itrong, vigoroue, rlch-coi-

Addreaa Blfdo. 42. Newtored birds.office. _____________ ■ ■WANTED—Brooders; State price, n^e, ca*

pocltjr. Address P- H.» po» 4f h*wi of- floe- .•w tan d o tte

Myrtle ave..roewtera fos Trvlpgt^.

salt cheap. 88

I i BUTfl a trto of priM-wlanlof Roeecomb White LeghorPi (Kplu straieiT co^erel; won

' Morristown; ■ good j^yers.^ cucond prise at* i'V “ ^


Y\'ANTED—Second-hand safe. In good condl- Mun: give panlrulari regarding size and

jirlce; dealer# need not reply. Address Safe. Box 70, New# office.

Ladders, Derricks and Fla^palesPVLLEY LINE POU:S SET. to AND UP.


poles aet up. *6 and up; f1a| derricks. W. tel 1734 n. B.

d up; flagl H. NOTES CO.


pullsy line posts and

ITot St.;

Old CotlMCOINS, STAMPS—W. huj «oA wll lAlOl IHA

stampe; Urgl ptock; Inforinatlon rbeerfully glTon. GEOHOE M. ANDRUS, 627 Broad at., tuccetsnr Benbet Stamp Oo.

OLD MONEY WANTED-18 paid for certain I8i53 quanm, *J00 for ct taln 18KJ half, etc.

We pay hlgheet cash proTnlums- Keep all Old money. Sand only 4 cents for large illustrated coin circular; H may mean your fortune. Numlsmatlo Bank, Deparimeni 10, Port Worth, Tex.


will receive Saturday, February 1. one car­load of sxtra-oholce fresh cow‘« apd springers; If you are In used of a gr^ one, come and look us over. MOBBU6 A RAPHAEL. 8 Mill road Irvington; L. D. *Pbone 104 Wavarly.

Cows, Cows, Cows—Will racsiva Thursday.January 30, a carload of choice fresh cows

and springers which ara for sals or exchange, MAX 51EIBR, 740 South Eighteenth it., n«ar Bpriiigflold tva.

FOlU I.-LHt, linn’s head uton fl r‘ , >n TWPrM Bftdgpr nv

SI.; rewar-! lli.’i bI.LCK’ KK'r -I/iPi, Rnlfl iockf*! with

oti TronL ni'^Tiograni on '!ket

li-h f.'ii on riln aricl Ttilrteeii:'i

rnlli'fffi B-aS-1 721« Mar

] lost on i|;ii .In/iuary -M,ai'Pti Twelfth hvo, nn»l Flev-i?nih

Hi WHi “ (jniilBiimri Um i khiK It up TOTiirn lo Iklil S'Oilh


MKSII HA ll>13,

ave., r»n I-. WBS seen [jK.lc.’\Ptith

Pnf’KLTUOLK-l> 08t. Hntrtll ...... --'i-tftinirg SI I 7' along Mutn m llfinrHl i-i'wiird

will be T'hI'1 If PcturnoJ lo :ni l.milsa) a-*'. West Oraiipt*.

PGCKETnfiOK hifi. liefwor-ii P:rr'-<- mid Sts , rr'wnrd If retuTtufi. ;:ii I‘I<ti.'' bi . I'll

floor. __ ____PtiRKl'^ lx»st, small P'jrse. wiili moripy

rlhR; finder ran ki-ep muiicy if Uip> returit ring. 122 Oraniio st. _T ITLL “ Lir»H tir [iLiKJiliig, iin HlifTiHt-i nt in!+t

to (iiop^rli' <»n Tti t’-asi si I- i f ''lurtli v- piiti CTilh Bl.. nenr S<;«-"iid iim Fast Orinii;’'. E mph (ouniv, N .1-, forini'M’i ti'.Mw d by iht* McKlroy I'onfilrui I iCAi v nn n-n-rjiIq the urflfrslKo.-d h ‘ litrral rt'var-1 '* [ i lir paid THOMAS S llENHV. HJS; llnnid t\ ^

WATi.’H lust, J?2n rr*WATd fur iIir rvtiirn of a Howard watch, with ln»iTipil"n on inulde

case "Presented to Hsrniiril Abel, Gciiural Manager, by the Employ*# >f tlm Titusville Iron OompRny. Chrisimas, ll'iRi ’ , I'ply rni>n. 1807 90 Wi'st at,. Ntw Yorx nr ' phone 4JO0 Rector

WATCH, gold, lost ary 30, between

ThurHiltiy night .Jarn- Hawklns si. and M '■

Whorter si.; Initials M. H Hcwanl If rr turned to MARV HKMPl.K, 3 1 Kunklns Bt.


D(X?-FcFund. ivhUe female <10g with huick head, rurly ibII. Cali Baiu'day and Srtiday.

CKiLL. ififi t^prlngfloid avc.; I'lp hell. rigM If not fiflltn^d Rf'fvj hmne wnni'^ fpr stunc

a hom ^soUns ^gtna, sonntetedIfrlMaip: swifocs grinding maoBlPs; flat foils,

«r«H i01 l dlavftar. I0*tncb fac«; be

r * W l l » « r ^ ^aSWlNQ lUCUINE. Wheeler ttohdk Oavaa dn*era: All attAehmnUi b a -

..... eblilA 1» twtoot anler. Call BAtarday avanlBC efi- '.r Sunday montliw- 3$7 Batik at.. <liyt tiofae,

0 » two-ton Telnlen aa4 t » llTa= tn l Triplex Tala b Tewat Mocka, hal cnat: nUo O Fy^olto jnckn -r-ion to MDrtoii, at M> Fax c a t eaitoltlan. wnW ALL, toom tlX HttoTgrit. ■

“ -'■"•'-Blur CO- ne v r KEc-

ih m T jy ip CTCWWi.____*MB)aiw ealtlnt, *mg<« * » » , (2B;

u 'f t W M S * MOTOEl'mTl.- V M wixiv. «H B fM r ;

' WaoteSaLnrft eaiffiM. two ta als bocaaoowart adae

rtiiT AtanoF, Mnat Omiuea.-

WIDOW iroUit to Europa would' ilka to aall (umlttirt: oup haad a ahort tlnia. 14 Soak

nva. Btar ItyniauL

ABOVO patiltT ■ Fartsa <50., tic., Chatham.N T - ^b flshad I»a4-Brea«*ra aito ablF-

orw ih olato B. (5. W. Lethomt! batofi- haiy chloka; coekmla; wrtta tor

ANCONA amt from my heavy laytnc atmlii * a T 4 t « ^ Anoott4: Ihayaeflon Of atoOk lim tK xflao While lloew am*. MILWELla « tJASao

Ohldk«UArrilNTI<>H-BaOltay« tncuhatoio, tO-ait alna.

to ewx atora and aee tha maohlnei nt all evr taad fuamntaad, lanl-

ei t t it naaaa non i ,. Bntiw aoaalatt oT m . att«|i, i s Ihi.. SSe-i IM thl., ' jd'Jjafa'ito.dWB* hayf Vak tuijl

FOR BALE-'FlTSSh youDg oofr, with Second calf, $75; choap horso alto. R. F. IX 6t,

Chatham, N. J,

PUBLIC BALE of on* carload of fresh cows and aorlngars, Holrtclns, flnan Homa and

Jersayo. at the Irvington Hotsli Irvington, N. J.. Mondtyr T'ab' >• IvlSl salt commsneo at i;3i> F. Bl Sharp, rain or jhln«: an oows must be as represotited. SHRADER A KAUFFMAN.

WANTBI>--Praib yaung eow: most gfva a good <tuO(rtUr of rich milled grads Aldomsy

or Aynhlr* preftrriMla Addrbss glviog price and ftow of mlllL A. H SARttOWCL Ruth- srford, K. Jv

GteKTLEMAJ3%i[b _ broadcloth ..ovsi«Wt. wnflt ^

lor: also new set of furailnuit skcrlfloa. MAS. rtfar>|tGa WtnFFLBj l i Grant at.

T #4(111 Itnod owor* lay. atoe 40; n *«: lU

. Mrg, eogt 188, m w ; riftaSDUi tt. R. MAR'

Mar e , goed roadster; al#u Iftrge sorr«*l hnrae |2f>0 fiacli Depot wagon, traji. buggy, jufnp-

aaat suney ai reascnsblr! prkes. ' ’an ho soen at Biahle. Ui7 Rldgstsood hv«.. Glon iiirigs. 'Phnn<- Rt'yi^flLL ITKH Cl-n RIdtPBARGAlN-HandfOnisi depfit oarrisga'. nnit *3^

ebon time ago, price |K1, top srriiccr's wsgon. 155; low-down milk wagon. *40; tw'o- team irucks. iwo-iesm 1c« wagons, cheap. JOHN Mf-SSMER. 59T 8pringfleld are, *____

A NUMBER o f extra carrlsge poles and ehsfiaof execHent quality; very cheap. J. M,

QUINRY & CO., DlvlaLou SL

,Ff>p JtALI^*-

SH-'i Hl’VH sihhII hlAc'k horse-, harnesti. lurpoR- tm-'n wagon, <*rtiry Kill i-HTjH-'Otf-r

was<'n. like [|pw, io[i iilatlfirwi grfx rr’HviHgoh, ii'W. *ftrs, Inn soiliiil k- piif nld bronrrj#, Ri-jnilf' hiokpji. will] flit hartu-se, tUHf clioUe.

(J31 ripriiigdold hvc.;uj|ifd '-nil gi»nllr 'Ull i 151).

r!<!lpr, *3.''', kIbm h «1 JIH JiCw, *2l'l, i\i.N'NKlxY, tiri Har-

*Hri r-tTYS R lbr<-a-.yi’Br-'VM i KTlil B g'->')d d.lVRI, fllxo ,

rilif' fih-LHlI 7|)are. M'KbI ka KeiJlUi-ky litnaking i»rl. k> g<Md iriu'k. *2«* I’.- Tr y i 'piT Bt . nenr <|i-iblp rI I'ity


I'OH TIIKSK Ml’ L ’ H; TllKY A Fl i ! M Sl»■ xr» unn ji l.^■imKKKa .■\n d \\v. \\i \a ,ril-LI. THKM I MKAK, W.\UNKI1 I'Vr-'I'H': OU., 2ft JOHNSON HT.

I'jutil' 4R muHl au U r.lii<> r-i-’i I rtf fpiilrr fl I hUH I'Uinbf'l' "1 fIN UKU.AM, MI'I t rur Iin4-. I'nmprly

lARUFiNTER U|igfHWl biOtfhy tl'jtHa-. llcM

1«llgn|| ftnd [jhh'rf-Kft. Wl ITl) MkHs iij| ,i<

burn avo , on i A tnerh an Hi'umi»foH ftALK Tw'y liai In

l>utd\fr. slsf- iwn rulib- -i-tl. - d tnp bugglo# i'hm b<* Ri'fMi Suri'1/iy ft/i'I .Mi'inliiy illl H' D'clocli. Riahl'- 111 ihc rrsr nf iin N' -rth Mutni av*i,. noai J oulh f ’ratlgo a»i OAlU. V. fllE- HERT.


TUP elA'-R ild.w agon *d, 7\f

HprlnKfi' lrl n\ *'

in!:l< n aRon, w b’uiikf'i J15 712 S.'iiTfi ftixt

ftfi .it .nffRf JIpw h.iinoNS. iUli -v; , iR'jir

or unmll mulfB iiNil fiindlnr*' wnqon: 1 big iMty marr; ihiifi ««!!. n-n (lieMiiRL.vND I-:XLML’i-H, 4-i Nf^Mu hi.

TE.AMal5sj-i ,

roomcity. _ _ . _____ __TWO I'lg hnrarn. Id.'i, top hiisInRihii rur-

riHRrr mnnrHjul, an/!« i-m«i lioutiie hameHs, rLea; ( HKlS, H.; .Soiirif TnfnllethBt __ _ _ ____________WORK home an-1 buHln as wiigouR In hire;

also furniture moving hikI siorege CLAYTfiN A HUPT CO., 221 IIa]*T> hI . Newark. N. J.FOR HALE—On" frtilT of miilRi». Ifl hands high,

six yesrs old sFumd and hM rlghL JOHEPH KOLLAN' lb Irftiox Hiwk l-'arni. Pirton. N- J.Rl 'N A lMX'T ■«lf-lg!i and tf«'f of lirirneBs; i-an

be scpn at ftIMPSON'ri ftinlilR*. 1* I'smbrldge ;-l.. F.asi Umngo; nenr ortrsS are.THG team of workerH' on ner woiilil raifier sell

cheap then pay hoAr J PIERSON’S PUWk Farm. Valley si. MapIcwOod. N, J.E’Olt RAJ.I-':—t f'Tublnarloi* riding sd'I driving

home. Kcnlu^lty th'irouBhhrpd. tS’ ll.LIAM 8 WOLl-H. 76 uiCTelaod st.. Oraage.

ihR AMKRicAN H rurprlslngly dlffersni Inslt- tuiion frotn the ordinary loan comCisn|F yoh ■ hear or read about. Courleous Bmptotfei, bright, cheerful offices, -onslrlerate irsatmAnt, rates you can ifford lo pay. make us dlffMantr If yuu ha\e never bfiirowed ot If your axpon- «no« with oihAr eompgnlea has not bafn Ufi'ly saiiifociory, we want you lo coil and B«e ua. Lsi u« explain the AMERICAN ly - lem ll will pIcjFias you.

NO PUBLICITY WHATEVER.Call. Write rr 'Pione. Informs lion Frot..


'Phnne 2226 Msrkst.Opeo BlonHajr ano Halurlay Ev^nlngg _





-.3Bc wc'klv rwc w rkly . 7Uc weekly

1125 )oB n. .. 88o wsstllY' i;ifi loan... ft5c weekly I $50 loan. .tL49 wsalrfy


850 [(ie;i, ,*55 I'lan. .|2b loan.

II V011 hu n n lusn rUowbsre. trlBI in yuv rtLClixU and we wUl ghow you how tnuc* jrott <tin inve ty i><jrri)wibtf from ui-

HiiviOB loena alei-where dues not pravanl viiiii nj IHOK li^ni here, . _

( rp'Ut i<n' S estaldintied With UB 1B os good Be A b'ok ftcrouTU III time <jf need.

Uur rai-i and pImo* have proved to be tni b'-Bt i.«-i;iune Uur ciiBiofn#rB are glad to eotita


Ilijiim 612, Syhpuer ljullditi*. FIFTH FLOOR, itsmemlwr—FIFTH FLOOR.

Kroad *t. opposite poBtofflM.......... turday to B P. M..

IOp..‘n h pl » dally Satu

El ary ons needB money at thli WsBoo. AnyhobCBt man ur woman may otnslti a loon frOB*

UB abBolutely without ds^ay or puhHcHy. al tha

foMovvlng raten:

*2.") AND *37* buvfl j'holrf nf two horpea open rtpreSR wagon « tu1 tpom hHmeei, rhrap, Cflli

.JOE MOLlNKRT. 14(1 Norfolk hI.fo u r big wrirk horaes. lonkei ni"'-lng van and

harneBB. for eftie cheap IrMnir*; 1'UM.L'S liv­ery Btflhie. 1048 Sprlojcflsid av®. . ^

T’W’n Wfirk horpcB for Bsh chenp W I, VAN- DERHOOF, l.‘ 2 W'ataoti av*.. V\'c«i ( rnap'’-

HOR-’’ !: for b:iU=, wBgon and bI icTib 4.5 Free­man Bt.. lVc*( Orangr. liAtJEn RROS.

F u r Sale or KxchunflrFOR SALK Two good horssB. will aull aJiy

light busineBB, or wt'l exchange for good tough driving horse. BLAKE. 1ft DnJd b( .Orange.

H o r w kni] OirrloiR!, to Hire0-<yOD work horse !o hire, ('heap lo rcBponsJ-

I ,v «.. ItXlWtOB.

,9! BUT8 rentlxmto'k cMt, Penlin Ixiab ct.

toir* Mt or bixek Lrtot lu ^ nmxr, M^Sorui i

ItUFF _____ «€*» fex totehta,; firrt pen,d m eoAonl IU.4 d m «nd utaad puli«t , t

Hotlil. t i M«w to- BW Owntt.__________

»***»*■■t!R* WUU 'wybnaow, b»l

Stovli. to.tovU«4. Row Vllto TM«JT T '

to:: lutr Wowni y ^

H c m h uRACRinCK hlfb rlxto |d(Km«, flv* pkir totln-

cUto ,ed iwo pair bIito„nA4>_. tafobinx;

FOR BAI.K—BIf, .iron* work ll6r»(, »r l,h l 1 .^ ; pries HO; il*^ good, aound builneai

boras, good trtvelef, prio* *60. FRANK HET­TINGER. fl® Booth Eleventh st, near Spring- flsW eve., first iloor. .________ONE 2-hort« tnick, In good condition: suitable

for dalryniati; hoMa 100 bushsl gralne; will •edl cbeap. oa I tflTva hS use for It; MARTIN PtBoaic ave. and JotOJleinon at.. BeUevnis.

wagon and hone cheap; ' gle

WANTED to buy. a ht-avy loom uf ciuic-h horaoe for use on a fanm: will not i>ay large

iflve but Will give team good l^me. Addreaa K.. W * TO. News office.

i ANTEO. 4u boy. o<te or two lUTOOd-hstbt dump wigemM. Wstaon or Falls prrferrH. Aildrm

J. PAFKBNDOUF, " “hiiTst. N- J»

VaaeyprsferrBreak LyoiJ-

buytf. JOHKBOM. 41 Ftona

ava*. irrtnfton. ^

»N-Funaittira , , tslU wena ftngie or doabis.

. ETT. BT Tfoohlnglon st. u-kft. Aiao po iffd van cheap.

CollMOFFETT. ST Wuhlngton st. 'Phone 4704 liarkft. Aiao pMlffd van cheap.FQU 8ALB—AoHoTStiit horae. Fslgha iJMfk

■Bit coiatracifir or, firmer: also road horjo; «-tii Mil cbMP. HAS. LEE* KUNE, 9C4

gONFBcruJiTtAY, tooaci ^atore for lorira

WANTED—A rwiy w. L, UfjnKJURDT,

Irvlngta h . ______W'ANTED—Uump cartr moat

OIA^FBON. 394 ifoUili Tenths u

driivtr)' w o^ - AdJreitfl DM Bptl&gfleid ave..

bs cbesp. i. it., Kswark.

g.'V) Ixxam Call, write ot 'phone Market 128T.

TUAL IA1AN AND INVESTMENT ( P;07.508 WlS* bldg.,

065 Broad at. ^Hnirnnce mat to Chllila' Lunchroom.



MONETl MONEiYi MONEtlIf yon need a lUtle money ta tide you over

wh? not call on the old-««tabl|ahSdSECURITY LOAN COMPANY? ^

For fifteen years ws bav« been located at h» Berne nddreBs, and we have a record tvr

tiilr ireatment of cuatoxnera that ws are proodyou hfiie e'-ci had an account her* call

snd see ub again when in need ot Our xervlpa and If you have pskor dealt hers aiul art Utneed of q u ick OABMnow OP lo Ihe future, call and .a^ ^ < ‘2dotog bu.to.... eliewhpr*. We will makt #vtiT effort tu plea.e JOU ,aECL'HITT_ LOA?i_C^PANr.


LOANS TO s a l a r ie d PEOPI*ON P1.A1N NOTJES ,

iiD tai. «o. *w. w«, wo. IT*Cke»[-e.t arm sm rtoue




CONrlDBKTtA^T.Open from 8 A. wL- to 6 P± Sk.

WNt. eoa Sat. rv»A to CALL t e l e p h o n e OP WRIT®

NEW JEBKKT PINANCB CO.SUITE .tiT-su (Mlwtor .taiUoini. BROAD AND eow te iy :!?

Opposite p#>Btnffks _____ Til BkBKmjnt ^ UONOT Oil tS 'HOCaEKEEI'EBE rUBNISHi-^. ..


W. prefer lo 0hlitBJto«!;ia»ftolB^ bj ^ ttrmn '0» ™iei sdvrrtiieujeuu, Vo pony. II needwnrda. Quulneii done .... . .vate. Llxplamitlons cost jwUilEg

: ^ ^ ’A R K E V E K D rg n e w s . SA T U H B A Y , F E B B 0 A R Y 1. I»13. J--

lU bTR l'CnO M


Hborthand pimI Tnrnwrllln*

, M*W*W£ •<“ » « *t,L ■ w w tA ltaon ■ lehool.. - IB *_Y5P"*'


iohMl of Tounf

M IfHiiv at MT'Keui from v to »a a . m.. »■ «« V.C. V.«IY;[>'f-.11llEXPIRT owrt *1^0**!^

A irrO H O B lU B I » »i2e5Si!!ii!5L« .^^HSSaeiiiESijES^^ADVBRTIfl:

I Inf OiiM*

|»lt l■lSl£HLK iJI I.IMOl'ilNr-. ^ITMeXTBA^ «*^ E PAIISItN*‘ EB TOIIR-

.. Mall BMl«»M3ur vm nic*r elruulalteB « f » . « »

dlirinBi pubSeatlma Iik1bi1«i #» “ •!•Dlaiu: •nil caBWl*!*, 10 ctnia DPABBORN ^4rrriltln( A«mar, M» rrAtiklln twlldlni, <*hicMO

WIII,L>«TOCICBD t r m r f tfwn. In tM ' autHim at Bowtrk: »a anpoalllra; nalrlot- •A ulchberliaoAi nuaAAbl* r«Bi/lavnl{«*-•A AbKbiberliaoA.--------- - - . .ctoa ln«ll*di no u<n>*i •<>•« forman baichtr, writ, or OAll from *'*•! UCHTENITBIN. HI Hl*U »t

A «bool * 10. ..11 . r ^, « I . U0>r-

iti« . •ill »iv* ft* ji.unf ni*j iMble. AddrMi P. FtiTini T*»j«n*ble. Ad4r«i

fiYwi offir.

ootlMn •voiT vMr on cortlAcftio-«|i7t»urali m Snslt& ftixl Ih* >•«»

lU iDpiriorItah ft04 Ih* tftiifUM**- Id trAlnlatf puvilt to r PcwilbUltiM. Bee*


■SSTu Wftw*l JWiibyUlM. Bee-■M rnDtiTt" betflDt MoAUif. Wttruary B- OyiBiMuni. clAloBiioB.





Ttitroocli CBurMfr Correct DJ*clplli»o.


Call » writ* for cBtoJof OrRee own UUr -- ■ — ■ rrldoj

w* noerl tJi* room for new itock. ond mu t » l ria of llirni >l oom C*ll ' " I * ' " ' ’,"■loro Kid loko )our cbolcri no maH -.rMr. flllod; il*o . big lln* of^urrd uiirlgli*. from im op, '

J.kcon POl.t. A1ST Mirkrt •P. InJo* NrwKk lDv.tr.

•pA on Koillt.T. TiVtAD»fJ.y .oA Frldir .*•

rAondtlDT .M U.lMT Nrwirk.J. XUCILBR IK., PrttKClPAL.

Nfi* Ll»not. II .plorrra 12 . .'..k.


tl To«cbaiulrd.

rlllofl Aaok-katpla«ttohl

Bro.d .ndN.wirlL N. J.


Call inA (Ot pK-; tvantn. Mulotn. ScBool

■ TlOur t i iit l H H ^ iS!in*?MiAJ?!^TuL.i'inA Tbuiudiir trrnlni.

fc iid .nd w«it P.rk •(•.,

•NewWill •llow” vu'J * price for

your el4 plADO In eirheniB for e player.

Tou cen per the balance U a weej. JOHM^«rVKOR.T

If* eur* of our nime am] Dumber.Open evenlDBi- ___


t 1 'RAKL. tualoopportunity. ., ,

I broker. 51 Thirteenth av*.

I Doerenieed. .p y*l j <‘l*y *iuarenlted ..?>► i j i-'-- " ... . VtHi Alk»-.v

riRK tlAHUAlNri.CtlSU Onndyrer. I.SW milea aai4 ireiiftii. y.wu mliee _

Miiiford. d fkMJ inllee yiMfutUcHl

Hlitpcd . . . ---- ,Jj7iV. ■••k* milk* gijAreniped

-VfifAMAt.TKEP TIRBH......................................., ., 12-NJ

.......... ■■* ■........... . H.DO■'ll;I ■ A 11'Sijl■'l''l.V IOUr*SV

■.■•'i un.i.iiM »r

I a TTENTIUN!—Oorn.r •.l.t . , - ,___ pojlnt i.nf. with invKiiif Kid d.nc nf

I hall (mitable for any «ne, cheap, leaving Ql ^rtHARTH. 1‘eihlna eve

.L-OiW 'mllee

" yo'iio , He>* '

-V Kvprybooy buy* a moving picture i...e! rani, iuhjvci*. agprit* wanUil; I'K* c«iin or BiRinph M OAHLANl»

HcaUnght. N J




All dtp.rtn»nu, from ltln(l««.rt«n t^oofb Ml].f. pr.pK.i0r5., Bp*ci.l an dip.rtni.tti npw to Miuld* ptipllj.

Bioond Borniiter OMiu “ “" ‘'.y. vbkb tim. now pupllo m»>' b*•otmd, 0 « d opportuBlIir for tnlo-T«t »™“ Bttaa M ob Brammar achoole.

r. CONNOR. notiO fo- Iti i'.P-/'bit 1“ '’* wearing qualltlei: the celebrated Mllti-n. I2‘>0.

Mid every'vherc. W'-O. eleKlinl new TS octH\e. rcAl mah^any. ivory keya. ITtJl 10 monthlv; all piano* aarrinMn] f.if lan v» ra: Hm»l. arnrf or covar. one vear'M lunlra rrr». ■IttfivMy 'lacd nprtgbte on li*nd; open evening*. HENitT IIOHVR Beiaie M ?0uih ' ‘rauga ave.. oof. Hi>wgfiS at. o»nn* and hear MUton InviilWe Ffayer. _ ^

IIM2 nmn liJunua fullv eup'd. elecirlo IHIL' Fu IMj runalKnil. preyllcaUv r\f*. etjv n Itim Ul’ Ii'Mv. iiKHlel lU. IJkc new, fullv wl' i hfio uri' K. iiiofirl 10. lurrei ij’P''. bargau JWin FI.ANURHS, auburban. in I’lnc eliai-- HrjCK tail. « 'km| running orrti-r HnMi maf FAi'ffMtI.> lliiifiualni' and n}urln.K Ixxll i, nar PArKAHl), T-Irtii- touring, lala Impfnvcmenle. Kfmi> roa«laf*-T Il'Hi |‘•'lll alT {*'?,FHiNKLINH ilii.heUa JMd* ne Rco. KM r


aev pMnlilla'.rri ’ U'n


|m ; lirUfNCBh-FuUy cnjliiped with ■..... . morl«rn, liuludlnt aiiiniTuiblle de­

li lated between IMamneid an<l KM&a- Kt'iiing auburbgn town of eiioui I2.i»t.1..11 Itllla oppruKlon. wecliU- buelneaa :ia barrel#; yearly cath builnrai about

iri which could be liicroiawl. on account I'll unJy. or thia buelneaa would not be for *r<:>*ndld oppoNunlty for a practical man.ii.'riu. ulLEH. afl arove at . IHalnflald, ------—

iihone CKNV.U.UHn\n WTi, 28a-Rergiln for caah*. finely

fum:wbed fIftcen'roi TO hou»(. furniture ptac- ■ ii. an. new, can\'rnl*nt to tr"Heya and L^ck- l*K.iii'ia Station: poe*eaa|cn Imtucdiately.


New* office.party with capital to place pro­

prietary njeilioJi.e I'M the market. egcellentopportunity. Ebic particular* and referenda, addre*a Rn«priri-»r, ll<>a 74. New* ciffb^.W ltd. cl Vi hiir Intfrvil In Invwtlon 1.) Jiirtr

jio coRuiliy »• eker*staying f>r iir/d apidy: i.efon inveehrg .Nrwi (tfrice.

patent. — ------iburuugh InvcaiUration invited

.Tddree* l^atent, boi b

W'lLl. buy f'Mid poi)lng iiivall builnrai. give lirl f uitli full iiHiUi-uJara. no ogatite. ''

N j.j.t kK.lt,Hurbor X. V

tan Name ate. Uarincra

|.*i<gi IIKVH fjod-paying furntahad-room houae: aeven mlnulea' ivallt rr<ii.i ftruaii and Market;

40 mama, completely furmah-rtl; long natab- llihed t all .ViW Wa»h|ngti>n at.f] goo <’A«]! will pufi h**« hijuae and bu*l-

neei In Snulli it . near Itatlon. rented |HW m.mthly. Aildrtai South, Bu* 8S. New* of- :ic«

• II UNIONrr o w N »

o a m tr al


ObNEUDrTM* J M W OUMPART.N au iLD m o. 'P M om t e lNB AND BeLu th e B te

lju euL . a n » . r m v o a a A iiB ~ -c m r

DwelltaaiTR1RT|»NTI1 IT., n w HndlMa

hUM.; dM ilM roamt, tbrM bathw f w U4IM.; .11 pamwi tlem; ««Hir kM«a

eT r n W i

t««»*i ««P VW**i*** IHWEVi V.V*a i.Hvw.«I praiMMOl; BCHEBKR CO., *•■•*I MlldUlB.

< »TIMMB OF pATM ie^ AK»id«.««.MU

\ 0 ^



TO BUrLdDERR AND HOHE&SEKERB-Wa have aev»rm| choice lota on Eleventh, Twelftri.

Betwnteenth and Fourteenth ata.; alao on Avimo ate., iheae lota w* will aall on anoall paymenla dinvn. tialanca monthly, at price* far below merkei value, to oloea out Our realty holding*. N«warfc Home building Co.. 518 Union build' litg. Clinton et. ___ _FtiR SAL?:. 13 lota, with railroad aiding:

ilreet Uninnvad, price II.BOO each; eaay two-family houaea, frame, Clfnlonterms; fWe . . __

Hill aectlon. at a bargain: aleo 200 ft, wmUr front protverty. with railroad cotinoctloo: no agent*. Addrc** Owner. Roa 30. Newa ufflcQ.

8ii t >

Doing ......n Orange, no broker nred apply.

Adv. Agenrv. Ka*t Ornng*

weekly bualnwa* for

I•R1VATF family must aoll ISOU giahogunv up- tl2.’ : gocwl ai new, 7‘|

IIOWflKK pim^rie M.-'np, and a forty »L P inoLCiT voniifleiR, ‘ a'l+Ni«jr; ji!' kliiJa of iiicta.

ciertrlr .HI’ <lr*k* MU'* ami *afr ii.nd iblehl, HaiU - flt* eii Inguliheca, * ‘itn p.nbllr irjjcVi. -1 at bt i-jM at once *■_' rnovrt to IjO* .Vn,.- 'AI., Marrh 1. iy*3.to-nr. gel your pi i- filce right, Mea meg- neio, V* II I’ . iciiJi * far. (hrw-ton truca

2TP H4l-e *’ 'Fhon* 4fl7<t Market

j (VI Vi, tin-l Ice tualoei* fi-r *al reaaon. aick- ng good coal bu*1ne*a. with large Ice ■Iree* Ice. Hoi; 43, New* office.


Founded 1793.WILSON FARRAND. Head MaM»-

Though preparation for any gglignjnc acbool. or for bufloaaa llfn OrnS' mfium aod atblttio flelA______

For-yOTORINfl Cor ootlege and buitnet*. alin iMvaagea. BeM for booklet.w school.

OMlrkl ara. aod Harriaon at, Eait Orange.ksWARK BUBINB8S COLLBOE^ompleta *bMteaML ahorthand, EngHah. olvll e «f^^

gidaeSeUrlal cour^: day and ^enitii. Ca>t iOd Halaey at.«r WTMa for catalognaa.

BQWON Technical School of Newark; pre^r- atiM for law, medicine, englpeerlng. Re-

fMlg; high achool. 2h6 Btllevlllt ave. Catalog

right plant, -- ---- .matahe ca*e, braaa rm unlert. bTlIliaht ano powerful lone; iwlnglng muelc deak; manu- faoturer'a guaranic*. neiiilence. fil isrytm at near Heller parkway and Hummer ave. _account of leaving riiy will tell my beau­

tiful brahJ r.aw mahogany S8-not* player• piano, with metal tclirg; bemh and pnialo roll*' l»alil ITikJ eigh* irifntha ago; will aa-Tl- flee for I31N1. HRH. CAKKR. Tl South at.


iof>11t *nd

rou' f. ___ _______aaloijn for nule g»ad whJ»ky irude.

IH 1 . :'i halve* * wetk, raaiorj for ielllng 01 her '.iMinaae. IM B4»yd at- ___ _~fiNFK riO.NKRY end §tat1onery afore for

*al« riieap; fine location; call any time. *44 Main It K,aat Orange

i;,5« miYS up to-date priming plant; pretaaa. Mtapler rutter and plenly of type Addreaa

V’iRY dealrable WoodMiie aecUon. comer; 50* 75; paved atreeta: all tmprovementa: no re-

etrkttona; trolley and ataUon one bloek; auft- able for ila-fafully or apaftmani-houae; rock- bottom price mortgagu ll.WO. AfldreeaWoodalde Comer. Uo* W. New* officO-

;9iM ad gjid MiirttK! ifiiwweaneew

_ _____ w»h lUtychlckena; aJI ktnda fruUa; dm hundred paundg

wgB-wmaen tenITS: chlokfti bkwde*

:rapaa M yaar; Ifl.OOOi flee mlnnkM to. ttol* SCHERER (,XX. Miae* building.f ”fry

CALDWBLL^Neer pine-room houa every tflll>*!•«•* piiBV-rWIll Bi\nAM, ■»•*-provej^j] QOllOS, tKUOU. SCH^ER OO'i


IRVINGTON-New al*-ropm hou»c; evoiy Im. , . . . . .. jjjprorvment; lot 6( 100. fruit, all chicken houaea with chlckeoa; SCHEKiflIt CO.. Saaei building.


FOR SALE or rent, beautlfuJ corner property, Franklin Mrret, Uloomfleld, agiacLoua

ground*: nine-room houae; every improvcmfoH handiy to Lackawanna and Irolley; eoaka M Offer. SCHERER CO., Eaaei bnUdlng.

ROSEVlLIaB, Fifth at.-Uodem thraa-CiDltTf houae; aevenieen tooma, three batba. elaoliic

light, aleam boat; SCHERER CO..Eaee* building.

?KVKX lot* on Perk. cor. Mt. Prttepect ave,: unreeirlcied: will aell In whole or part.

.MEN'DL A OANB. Eeaai bulldinf.

F.%TKNTS1'ATE,VTH and jrademarka ercurvd or Ttiuin

of all fed iDiiJTed; aend fot my free book. “ How to (iei There.” J'lJlIllJA H. 11. FOTTB. patent lawyer. S06 fi at.. Waahinglon, H South D-»rhom at., Chicago, SttU rheainui ft . Fhlla.

IXtT. lg-15 Van Wagenen at. WuHO; free ami t'l*-jir and umeairlctefl; atreei alt Improve-

mem*, t.nquire S3 Third ave. _

NEW tA,B00 houa*i for $5.kau ten room*.parquet Itoora; every known Emproveoionl; lot

40*100; handy trolley and Laickawannar taki*S under formloaure; houae Itaelf CkMidii't ha bum for thie ngure. SCHERER CO- Eaae* building.

CTH'RCH—l vomlnent comer, centre oily:?T)R HALE—lAJt 25*100. i-haap; located •

rabjaii pi. Addre»a Prhate. Ho* 45. Kewaoffice.

$.'15,000 to build, wllhaul gnJuud: In go^ tiOfl- ............ n-rvabi

A SAN tXlMINOO mahogany Rk-nnte playef- plano with all th» laleet lrnprt>vemi‘nia

bench and mualc rotli will aarrlflc* f*>r iruiO; paki ITtk) 14 montha ago. MRS. J. C HOF-

344 South Peventh r.

HOWOBN Privala Ruilnena College: ihoN- hand, typa^rHlng. book-keeping, Bktgliab;

flay letalon 13 w*e)cly; evenlDga |L 62 HIM at.

M ubIo‘OEADUATE of Lelpalc Coneervalory. Oer*

many, offer* an opportunity for advanced pttplla to atudy tachnic and eolo playing under the laatmotlon of an artlat. The nolle* l,xx:a- tkin Byatarn will be urod iq aid piiplla in read- ]Rg dlffl^lt oompoalHon*: clrciilari. pre** no- tlOM, programa mailed on requeat. Addreea Lalpalo. Be* K New* office.________________ _ALMA L. UEHHANN. B. U., graduate Grand

Omervatory of Mualct piano, barmony, com-poalUon; tachnical trainltig to beginner*; ad-

. vancad atudani* prepared for teaching; bom* rr atudlo: reaaonabl*. 2S.3 South Clinton at., BMtt Orange. Tei. 41MR Orange_________

DEAT’TlFT'l. Hallct A Pasi* toano. roei M.Vi.will lake gWNI heHiiuriil i'll t-alniliiga, hand

lome parlor euli, miial'' hfm. leather illning *ei. Can he *e*n Hundr'. Ul flO'ir. V‘, Nflaon piPRTVATK party wl«he* ti> snirin*-

did lone-l mehogaiij upright pUivi ly uae<l Hu" ron«lUt>n l^rguln. iToapen fiiie ________

aplen- allghi •

1'.?. M«,

All broken *ut. moLlIt *nd michlne part# w- [■airerj. fuaraniet-ri aironger than new: w* weld aieel caat Iron, bronie. copper briaa. and all rnatala.


r HT iliuiIiS etofe fur eale. f«n aeoounl el alokhesi good atock and rh*n'-e for the right

twTiv i ti< with fliiur r*. $8511 Addre** fluiine^* boi 55, New* office-

PAThiNT FOR HAUC “The Eubank Milk I'all; ■ either ouirigh'. or royalty; manufat-

turen inv«ai|gate, lenii* an<l vartlcular*. Ad .|re*H t'LlKKNCE DRKHKK. Ktroud*buri|. Pa or U'THEH Kl'llANK iBecta, Kentucky.

l£tT :u>illk>, retlrloted tK-tloh; cheap for cash. Iiuiulre IW Conklin ave., arconJ floor.

dltton; about 50*130. Including fourtoan-i hrk-k dw-elMng: will be m M ('pnaidcrablg ijagg than I'OPt huildlng; gruund ihrown In; rarn opporturlty. bi'llERKH (.'O., Eaac* building.



If need aiiiall iJellv»ry tnick and cannot pay all caah I ibji «rr*nge for monthly pay- ntenlp, ao lliai mu’k can pay for naelf with tm- eaving It efferti, Addr*** A\ito. Ro* 2i. New* office _____MAXV.RL], TOI HINH r.\\\ LATE MOl>nL:


ItRACTIFl L Sierling MN' upright pinno c*- reih-nl tone flrnl rotuliHon, player aonchioenr;

135. I'T *ell w'littrat" Tclcphnoe 4A11 llrilford. BrooklynA MaTHI KHEK emhll lU'tlghi piano frir.-e

vtiar* In porfcrlh' g""il lOrnlUlun■oiTlfUft fur in.'. I,F,!-UE H .lOHNUON Id Thnniaa it

BSTAHUSURD pro*p4'rinia lumber bualneai.growing auburban town of 12,U00. lofwted

near I’lHfnfleld, Iti doae touch wUh a number of olher g’Hvd town#. Including Plainfield, fio limit tf l.iialneaa. mill end equipment etock about H- '“k> or 114,unu. wlslrli repreaenie the price aaked, term* in a gtKjd parly: rxeep- tUuml npiuiriunllv. OlLEH, 35 Grove *t . Plainfield N J.. 'phono dlMjM

IIL'SSKLL M. EVERETT, patent lawyer; ad malten relating to Invemluna, traJamarka

and copyrlghia. In the [MiCeni ufflc* and coiirta Kiremen'i building Tel. 148* Market.FHAENTZEL if RirilARDS, Patent Law

SolIrllDra of U. 8- and foreign patent*, trada- I marka, copyrlghta. 745-7 Proad at.. Foderwl ' Truat bid* ealahllahed 1K85. Tel. 1841 Mkl.

EfITARl.lsnRD MILLINERY lllrtrNfclflS. IHhfl AVERAGES 13.500 ANNCAlJiY


Tool! aic-’li. 1750: good wdid bualnea.e.A \v riKKHSEH, nurllngioii. N. J.

Af'Ti'irnmi.E i.>Mrs and mud-guards, JAPACNEII \fi\> liEKIMSUETi MAT5E T'J


FLORENCE ARTHUR (leachar for Ihre* year* at H ‘ ' w-.-.--\h* London Conaarvatoiv of Mualc): alng-

Ing tJtatlan method), tolce placing, coueort •late and oparai piano and violin tuition. IM Wathlngton rt.j tal. flSSM Mnrkat._______ __KRN and women; young or old. (or church

rbolTi aaperlenc* not neceaaary; mualcal trklnluf given in aichangc for Sunday aer- vKea, MKR«FBLn?:R. vocal Inatructor and i-holrmaater 4il3 Fourth nva.___________ _THOMAS BOTT. ttHicber of alnginf; mualcal ^dlractor Smith Oruiiaa M. B. Chuwh i at- •area tM Mt. Pleaaanl av*., Newifk: phone ion Branch Brw>k; ftadio, I^uter Plano Co-HUNICE tSABBLLB HUNT-I'lano. vtolln.

mindalln. comet: home or atudlo; technicharmony compoaliioo: Boilaa Location Syatem

■f Eiudlo, M Roaevine ava.. IT ^eat Park at.BDr.»iHT GROS8MA|N, planlat. graduate of

Naw Y'org Reboot of Mualc and Arta*. pre-

FlaAYKR-F’ lANO. high-grade. ro*t |70n wish h and tiiuil' . airroet new. *j(rrlflr^ t'.iT5

nr heat nffer Dfictor, IftSa Halley eL- Rrook-lyo.____ _______ , ________ _f in e mahogatir upright piapo; elegant lone;

good aa new; chance for Nome one to buy a fine rleno cheap. Id Howard at . near Hank

PIANO TUNER-Practical piano maker; ra- pwlrlttg all brinchea: new ntflnga, felta, etc

F. W. CANN. 112 Brunawlck it ; 'phona SttBJIT53 PLAYER PIANO bargain. RS-note, metal

tubing: alwolulcly the be*i, at your own price. Addreea Particular*. Rox iW.Newa office.

alwolulcly the beet, at your own

PIANO TUNING. refaSrlng. varnlahlng. order* promptly attended. A. H, RlEllMAN

Montgomery el.: 'phone 28MW Market,WILL MlJ ISW mahogany pUyer-plano; new

gevan montha ago: cheap; quick, caah buyer, Wnia Bargain. Bo* DO. Newa nfflca.__________


WeM all meuil parta of auioTnfbli*/ and macMnery: alutnlnum work a apeclAliy. we artuallv foae Ihe part# together; all work guaronlectl. 'F'houe 740S Merkel. ______PKKS'I'O:.1TT’:. tl2, new Elaman magneto and

nther Tnagnetne. Htfomberg. Shehler and Ilriie**' cHrbureier*. |5 and IIO; Oehrlel horn. t3. Urea, (ubr-a, \erv low. aulomobllei artd all acceawiriea liought end aold. GIFFORD Auto Exchange. 2KI flalaey el.

K' R SALEr < arpenter agd hullding tuBlneaa, ••*tabll8heil i:» y*ara, abop on Jeaa* d Kmund.

S. iiluu: leA*i» year* to run; option to renew 111 y ►arp mor . eal© on account nf etekn sa. Apply l.Lf^TKIl I’ACH. attorney, wio BroadBt Newark ___Ki)H .SA f ,E - ''Igar, alatlonery. cao'Jv Ice

ervann pool and bowling allev bualnri* for paI# on ihe coriier of RlooTnf1»‘ld e^e and Jfgndfnrtl pt i ‘aldw*!l, N J. Inquire W H SMITHFt'R J4ALK—Stork and fUturea of comer gro

lery and dellcaieaaen atore; alao candy, cream and tibucco. rent for nnom flat, KS>. 1T8 Runyon *t________


Truat bldg ;HKRltBHT H. DVKIi

Formerly Examiner U. fl. Patent Office, PATENTS AND PATENT Ka USES.

Prurtenllal Bldg.. Newark. N .1 Tel. ?(»8 Mkt.E*l. Ilffld. DRAKE A CO. TeL 2S44 Hkt



SI HDCH.. 604 imOAD, OPP. CENTRAL AVL . aprlng and aummer term now opext DrepMiiaklrg, ladlea' tailoring, mlllhiery thor­oughly taiiglii, open d>llr. Monday. Tueeday gnd Thurailay avenlnge M E. LYNCH

DO you want to purchaae a. home wlthoui I'ty- Ing any money down? 1 will advance you the

money io purchaae any houac you may *elec-l. and arrange for you tn pay the loan back upon eaay termi. will a)*o agree that In c*a^ of your death the property will t>r irmnafarreci lo ynur heirs free and i-l«ar; till* la * propoaltlcm that ehould Intereat any peraon who dealrro to own a home. For pr.rtlculura, addreaa Home iJuyer Bo* U3. Newa office

CLINTON HILL- Thia la a year af aiogp- tlonal bargalnu. Several moat dealnahlu

propertlea are being offered far iMlow Vfclue. Just for exaniple, magtilflcent H)-room fwi- Idehce. eold for flS.OOfl leM than IWO gakl* ago, now $f,Q«0. One of the diieai two-family dwulUng* 111 Newark, coneldared chaajp »t lia.OOO, now offered for $ll,j00. A moat

RKVMOI'B AVE, UlS-Ncw throe-familyhouse, 17 rooms, 3 hatha, pantry, beam

celllnte, separate porcbea: up to-dute deco­ration. open plumbing; copper leader*; the moat up-to-date houae In the city; rented for 1411 year; can be bought for 16,600; flr t mortgage, 14.000; balanc* aa could be arranged. Inquire owner, 1IT Grove at,Irvington, first floor.

CHB’ gown dune at )our home in a fleet clawi drM*maker, Addrew

Box SB. N>wb offU;«.

(lay by * Madam©.

HODTH HEVENTF:ENTH KT., HIV-Ati eicpp- lUtoally fine tliree-faniHj huUHC, IT rx>me.

eiclualvr- of IdoUib and jwmrles, handeumch ilMorated ihryugli iut: lieilruomti In whls+- f-n- amel nnd mahuaany flrleh ■lu-rn, dlnlng-roum In panel*, refrlgeraicr draltia In |«aTitrl<»i!; i-op I «r leader*, aiorvo ftonli, lo: prli**inly I7.2UI 'TJItlSTlAN f INN owner In­graham pi.

artlatic eighl-robm cottage, cluaa to CllAton ave.. the kind of a home which appeal*one's finer aenalbilltles, aaking $1,400. Beau­tiful Boston plan inn-famlly, th* kind otlior people ore paying 110,000 Vfor; our price 18.400. LINNETT A WOLF. H21 CllntOB ave.

WEEgUATkfC F'ARK Did you aea Cllaton Hill grow? .lust take a walk through thia

new BDctldh and *«© how hlaiory repawle Haelf. Heautiful homo*, brand-new, with yvsry conceivable modern oonvenlenca, for 17.600. Two-fimlly dwellinge. cloa© to car linn, with all HOparai© tmnruvemanlOt $1,400. Vacant plots at prlrrui which c*n iieMT b.* duplicated. l.J.NNETT A UOLF. 1'2I Clin­ton ave.


aiore an<1 f» ferma easy

Goor> TAR, fine r.mrtlilrm apeclallj built itraJght line t«»nnesii body, hooded dish.

FOR RKNT-Twenty-room fumlahed near Delaware Water Gap. Weal lorallon for

boartlera or aanllarlum. JAY HUFFMAN. East Stroudiburg. Pa R F. P- No. 2-_______

Contlivcntal motor. *V*x4‘-j fully equlppod; tna- rhanlcally perfect. IllTl© u. etl, will sell for on©* third of ciwt Phone l-OM. South Orajite, N. .J.

MATfOClANT upright piano, parfect condition. 01M gCki old, alao atoot, for $100, Addreia

BUSINESS NOTICESSAVE Dionoy by bavluR ua raflnloh your allvur**

war*, chandailera anu braaa bedJtaada, roik*Ing them Ilk© paw; anylhing In lha metal llna

Ry^m Btudlo, 410 Ceuire at., Nutlay.

WILLIAM HAROLD MORRIfl-Plaiio loitrur- tion; begtfuiar* or advanced; harmony; com-

eeglUttu: Boliaa Locartlwi flyatem for light raiding. 21 Sherman av©., Newark ________

reflnVabed and repaired' a auueirtor aUvar ^lt«b always on hafld. Writ© or 'phone 864T.

NEWARK NICKEL PLATING CO,Rear S4 and 40 Walnut at

PIANO Icaaona given by competant teacher: special attentloD given to begltmera, with

Mathew'* grade oourae; larma, flOo. Ihoou.:k 8p a r r /~........ "■

WHY have an electrician at a large aalaryT W© will maintain and repair your motore.

dynamoB and other elactricai michlnerF for aITsmall conaideritlon per month; write fo ptr- ttcuUra. WESLEY Engineering andCo.. 48 Twenty-second at., Irvington.

JESSIE 8PARRAW. 221 Clinton ave.PIANO leMOQ* *t realdenoe or studio; begin-

fi,ucra or advanced; progreaslva method; gen*-------------- i J>j^- tltnmn teacher: moderate terma. Addreaa

||fie ve. Boa SB, News office. _______CHARLOTTE C- WOLFP. nlano Inelrurtloti;

nlagilcal. popular nr inittma; Botie* Loca­tion System for eight reading. 110 South Thirteenth al-n Newark. _______________

I11- -

MADAME POTlfTE. vocal Italian method.Monday and Thunrfjw, IT-lS Weal Pork at.:

remainder of week, 275 Wrat lA2d et., NewYork; voice trUH free.


DArAKI, NAVARBO. vocJl teaehw and con- duotnr; pilpUa pr«p«r(d for «hurch. conc«n

«r Diwa: Beturdayo. At Wlu-iwt'i, W3 Bread irt.______________________PBARL 8TOCKETT HKRREU., pupil of Pe»-

Dody nouervatory: piano Inilructlop: t «o - nlr; Bolloa Doeatlon Britam', tromi or itudlo. aw Beymottr ave.JAMBS Ai OAWl'HORPE-Piano Inatructlon;

tenet Looktlon Ryttem; popular or rloiaio oturaia. Adflroia te letter only, ftfl IJacoln av4,i Nflwarhi F7 IAMO—Gtoduatk" Consiirvatory of Muale;

1 troliilikg te beglnnert; Icaaona at yotW homgf flOc. Addroia Hualo. Box Ifl. new* ofbee-MIANO,

P X S l

violin, mandoUn; ragtime, ,: ham* or atudlo: Bullet iJKatton ADA EMILY LEE. IT Niehola at

M tS U A IbUIANORB brow n will InrtructBulUs Looatlon te*tem uaed to

' nota raodlng. It Btepbena at., B«)la>

ELIZABETH C. RAHllfrON.YglM taamhar. STS Broad ft.. Tuaadayi.

A i fH a t Opora Hooro bldg., 14M B'way.N.T.

m snroonoif. vtoUn, ptano, oomeh mandolin, itdiWp «$Ua: uOe, at yonr home; hwtrtimaata

f lM 9 PP FROr. WERNER, 810 Central av*.JHEyWIK WtCKBNHOERfiR.

Studio, ID W. r_... Cottage at.. South Oronga.

'^YWIb tagtnotloo. Studio,~19 W. Fork et StgMItnoa gtofllo, M ---------- ----- --------

OniTAIt VTOUN..ICAmx>UNiVighlngtoD iL, car.Kliiaay

SaoDOd'hoad tnatnaaanu for sole r, 4 »W iihU

■HAMLaTa ptestM and taochw) ftHlia LdnottOB flyatem; ' '

ftodloa 476iloatcaL popu: 76 Twmb ow



by the BoUw

WADLAOD CAHOR k IT W M th A at.] M> CUtUB q H Votei trtgl tm,

etellTJW V. EICRUORN. 14 TDoiBaa

BSTSl "‘7a1A Ivow* cStioo.

FOR SAloE—Fnrda. Hudson, Chalmefi. Max- w©ll. racksrd. Bulck, Beldon. Thomea. Mer-

cedea, tunahnul*. five and seven paasengera; all bargain*: we want good care: caah or ron- algncd. GIFFORD Auto Exchange. 281 HelacfSt,MATIIBBON $-cyl.: coal 11,600; Ilk* new;

uaed very tlUle; a bargain for acm* one. DOHBIN. $00 Belleville av*.FIVE-PAttBENOER fourrcyllnder l*1a model

car for aale; bargain at $1,000: owner wanta larger car. 107 Belleville a v * . _________0\'ERLAND8—All model*; 1164 and np:

■ome foredoor; guaranteed condition. DOBBIN. 440 BelievlUo ave. _____RAMULFR, flve-paeaenger Inuring car. In run­

ning order: wlU sell cheap to quick buyer. Call OT Maple ave., Montclair.


RATS, mice, roaches, bugs and moth* ajctsr- minalcd with Pivif. Hlrich'a ExLermluatora;

eobtracted and uaod hy United Sietea Govern- mant and others with great oatlafactlon. Ad* dreaa HIRSCH Chemical Co., AA8 Broad at., Newark.


Prompt aiienllon to Jobbing.East Orange.61 North Fourteenth a t . ______________

DATHHobM OUTFITTER—Do you ne«d aub-•tantlal glaaa ahelvta, bar*, mlrrori, etc.,

nickel or white rinlaheaT want tame In Rlalled in tlle etc.? HOEOGER, 41 Huttol kL, Jersey City, will call wllb aamplaoi.WHY not apply a meui celling over the ertok*

‘ ’ ■ ■ tn y . . . . .ad plaater tn your kttchen, batbroomo. atoraa, eic.T HENRY C. TFAUTWEJN. MeUl C ^ fif contractor, 109 Fethlne ava.: let. gOTSW Wav.OEO, HARRIS— chimney bulldar: clean­

ed from top to bottom. 13 per flue: cbimnaya built and rapalirtiteed to draw. 187 t av*.; tel.



for coiBpo«ll1on flforln*. don t t.it lo Ml our ntlm.to. Wrt« or ’pliooe S»J MPt. N.wArkMtlmatr.' Write or ’pliooe S»J Mitt. N.wArk Comp. Flooring Co,. IW Ntw Torfc . to.CARPENTER »nd g«ncml contr«*tor; f»ctory. _ K.__ .Swam ■ nucT M1 A# ' qnS____ _______ _ . 478South Twelfth #t., Newarlc_______

builder*CARPRNTER8 and coniractora: builder* In gsnetal:. oUeratloti and atore front a ape-

dally. TOTH A BZIRBAY, 213 Thirteenth av».WORK—Chimneys rebuilt, repaired,

and Jobbing a apeclaltr Haloey a t: tel. fllWlM.

MAHON ---- platterSng, alteratlona ‘ H. DJBRMODY, 161


CEILINGS AND WALLS, and up: eatlmatea furntehed.

, 128 8. 22d at. 'Pbon© 8105 Wav.ALFRED FRIHDIUCK. maaon and contractor:

©attmatea ^ventbwt work guaro nt d. KM3Grant av#,» nearPerbtne: lei. 745R Wav.WINDOW and porch icreena to order; ruaren-

teed jDiDls, dlrvKst from mill. JOHN KAPP. 4^ South Ninth si,; tel. 829 Wsverly.____

METAL CEHAmOS AND WALLS , srocted In all kind* 6f building*. JAMES J. flAQUIRE. 815 Halsey at.. NewajjL

LIMOUSINE, 1412 Haynea, FlsL $440 and up; lata In aeoaon prli

Da Lux©; cat. DOB­

BIN, 144 BellevLIls &ve.141* HUPP S2-H.P.; like new; four-paaaen

ger; every up-to-date equipment. DOB' BIN. $40 Belleville ave.

FOR HAI..E—fJrocery, riinfectlcnery and lunch buaJnM*: good neighborhood, well atocked.

Sood buslnefa; $225 Addrem Bualneo*. Bo* fi. Newa office. _ _ _ _ _ _


Locked room* padded van*, expert handler* -pocking and moving, to city or coumry.■•NETW' PROCEBS" CARPEJT CLEANING. COWPERTHWAIT k VAN HORN CO..

Nawark 'Phone UMOOffice*. 75 Marka*


KfiR SAl.E-Orncary and dalkaiaeaen ainr©: besuttful fixture*, good lorallon: £1”®

mu»i be seen to be appreciated. 5 North Nina- leenth *l , Eaat Oranga. ________FOR aALB>—Tailor ahop. fiM looatlm, «|d-

eaiabllahed, cleaning and dyeing. Jnqulre 2 Hollywood pi . oppotlla Qrov© at. k^st Orange.



*ome one. Newark,


Addreaa LEEK. 52 Bherman ave..FOR SALE—Fanev grocery-,

wiah lo retire from bualneaa; bargain

FOR SAIX—Tweniy-flva abiroa Mutual Realty Corporation 0 per cent, preferred itock.

make an offer. Addreaa Share*. Bo* 5S. New* office.FOR SAJJS— Newark and Few York ei-

ppea* buBluea*: aolahllahed 16 yeari. Addreai Long-eaUbllahsd. Bol 62. NdW* omce ■_______


$4 .500 buys nice two-fan>Hv h' UB#.|2,1ilOO tiuya nk-p one-fiimlly houM

|il,f0i> bu>* Imealniciii vlx-raiiUJ)'. rent ll.lkk) I4.TOO buy* good une-famlly, Cllnon Htll. Itl.lMO buys gAH.li inveainirriL 3-f*mlly «tucco

Anj' of Thee© can be lH>u»;h' cm eaay terrrF Full psrtlculara. ORBFN. lUifi f'lremen* bidrf!'■« iR A Mout;], liome In ihe Orungi'*, aend

fur i'Ur frH». Illuiitraleil bookkil'MIi,IP J UOWftRH & CU.. Hill Market at.. Ekiwnra building.STi.NhJ HT, Sevin-room houae; liiiprovemeftta;

b*( oOxlOO: flrii.claea: lwo-at(iry buMdlng; alxe 22x;iii ft.; containing 1,300 .square feet of finer apace; well lighted on rear of Ini; good drlvte- way; all In flrat-clasa candlUon: w1ll,i^ell at ftacriric* Inquire of owner on prerfhUea. no Stone at., near Bloomfield ov*.. city.


a p p r a is a l s .MORTGAGE LOANS.


SEYMOUR AVE.--ll.!Wki iJricn will buy a new, well built iwo-fumily hnuae: U ronma; hard-

I v-.Ki.id flLiOrii and finNh- eomblnatmn coul untl gts rangL. separate aifftni beeieJa-. cle-.lrlc IlkTlit and gna; eepara'.r untranrea; laigt- loi. vliJ sell ai a aacririoi, as owner needa money (■■;ESt4E Us TORRlSl L'trT Market at.

SODTHEHN NEWARK--Our llating* moat complete, doBlrubk- realdcnoes on BH**

abet.h. Mtlford. John.cun and Hillside avo©.; •.-OX) homcM In quiet rvaifitinilal nelghboi'- hoods. A nice lecen-rooiii tutiage mi wldn plot on Hllialdw ave . n'’ ar Alpine *1.. for 11,300 iNjnvenlwlil horn©* on MunuJOUlh ©inl tjulirnnii acs Fine Inv-vstnirnt Offering© throughoni chle entire svctlon. Six hrlik hooseKB, renting for IHd niotulily. price $14,- 000. T»o-fam lly brick i»n .\lliford ^iv«„ vlH> all Improvetuctua, $d,E00. LI.NNETT 5; >\'OLF. Clinton ave.FOR A MODEL home In the Ornngea. send

fi>r cur free, hanilaoino llluatrated booklet. fHlLlH J. BOWERS & CO., iHi» Market at.. Ikiwun buildingWANT QUICK OFl'^EH-Binad at.. «ne

10 rooms nn'l b*tlL flwncr ]>aJ(l At. pume i will acuepi $il.^> eaay lerm<artbyn necchaury. t.'. F. KR.tUMEBi 77©treel.

une-faniKy, ■ <.i*k) for

terms; qulc.k 77U Broad

SOUTH ORANGE AVK opixmiunity-Three- ulocy, three-l’amlly brick; IbliluO; ell im-

pn>VRirH*nta, alwaya rented; tiest nevtlon: price and tenna rtghi F. KIl.^EMEB, 77H Broadatreet.


FURNISHED-ROOM h»UM. 12 room*, bath and launfirr: light houg*k*«plng: r«oma a ■

any* rented; begt locotlpa In city, lell at half value. Apply $6 No# M ________ ______

1111 FOREDOOR Cadillac; alto aaveral 1444-1410 model*; all flrat'claa*. DOBBIN,

$40 Belleville ave.ONK Plerce-An-ow deUveTy oar. two bodlea,

extra lubci and ahoes for aale. Inquire 16 Wright ft _BRUSH runabout; new paint; tlr©a like new;

In One thape. DOBBIN, $40 Bellavin* av*.CADILLAC, alngle cylinder, bargain. ITfi;

Sunday. 61 Race ©1 . Bloom Held, N J.for RHJNT- Private ruble for rent a* gwugv

Apply at 739 High at.. cUy.__________FRENt-'H D«don, four new Urea,

tieton *v«.

For Salo or ExuhanfteT-PASSENGER TOURlNa UAR

For Bale or exchange for ninabonU fltuda- baker-flarford, 30 H. P.. fully §(|ulppM. In­cluding demountable rlina and Death ma*nMlc ©park plugs; pt rfert condlllan. Been MARCO Oarage. South Orsnge.

For'-EtchangcWTLT# exchange Hill

^ulpn-ient, and liitlimore aultahle for bualnes*. Box 82. Upper Montclair.

Bruah runahniil, full caah, for aomethlng

Addrcai P. 0.

Automobiles for Hire CLASSY 5-paaa. touring car nnd clean, mni'

fortable taxi, by houi-. day nr trip LIN NETT B Gar.. 51 Sherman av,; tel. WavFEilRLEBB CARS. LIMOUSINE TOURING;

HOUR. DAY MONTH. 449 CENTRAL AVE,. east ORa-NGE. TEL. 1691 ORANGE.FJVE-PAB iENOER auto to hire: day nr

night. '1‘hone 3776 Orange. 301 Central avt £aat Orange. VAN NHBS.

Automobiles WantetlWILL exchange $5.000 equlty In dealrable aub

urban residence property, mortgaged for lens than half value, for tat«‘ m-*Klf*l T-paoaPtigcr car. in good mechanical condition; Packard, Pierce or Perrleaa preferred. Addreaa Suburban, Box 84. News office.__

FURNISHED boutfc |34l. worth 1450: In­come $76 month from U room*; 3 room*

for personal use free. Addreaa Bacrifle*. Box St New* office.




810 nm>AD ST.H W. BARKLEY ____

riRBT-CLiABfl Ggfft and reetaufaut for aalc cheap, nn account of death. $15.000' 'value:

$8,000 cash needed; centrally lQcaic< ingood lively cUy. Inquire........... .Elisabeth «ve.. Newark


FIRST-CLABH milk route (NewarkY with or without dalty. horses and farming ulenalla:

bargain If aold at once for cash. H. F. M.VR- VIN. 26 Clinton ft. _______FIRST-CLASS grocery for sal©. RsTfylng a

full line of fruit* and vegetable*: horac und wagon. Addresa Siore. Box 39. News office.FAC-SIMIIaE typewritten letter*; addr«f*slng.reaecinable pricea: letter heada. atatement*.

II fW Up. Letter Co. fi06 Gkln bldg.: Mkt.924J.

rsT 1890 'PHONE 740 Market.JAMES A. b e r r y .



FOR A MODEI. home in the OrangcR, aen-l f'.jT ( ur frep, handaome Uluilraled booklet

PlULir J MOWERS i ru , ISO Market at.. Dciwera building.

•VU.NTOS' HILL.”Close to Clinton ate. one-family

reiildence; large plot; nti room* and 1*0 hatha: si! inodcrn Improvemenls: parquet floors; e(ia>' Urms; prlc-e $19,000.

1/)UIS SrUI.tJStNGER. INCMUST BELJf Kt ones elogunt ihree-famJly

hnuso; 1" rooms; all Improvemenle. Hel- inoui ave.. n*«r Clinton ave.: price 14.'00. nnly $1,000 cash required, balance at 5 per cont.. private mortgage; this la a bargain rarely offered, ll.jflO below value. Addresa Bargain. Box 64. News ofHve.



nNE-FAldlLV houae; five block* Uickawanna stallon, half bltK'k tsr7lt4-y, \7i mlnuies Hri7*d

ami Market; seven roupis; bath: all Improve irenta, steam beat; open plumbing; Al ertbdi- Unn. barn; carriage bouse; three stnllH. waiet. sower connections, suitable for garage; term* rcufnnablc; $*j,500. 171 Third at. ^

WILLIAM ST., near Bro*d—Busincaa property: ihree-atory Lrick building, with smaU eai^niie

can be rerm-flelfd anti made to pay a handoome return ujjon money Invcsled- Further pgrtlcu- lara of C. F. KRAEMER. 77fi Broad *UWilAT CAN YOU Of’FER for ihle?-Handflom*

TC»l<Jenc«; Forest Hill: II i+*onna and, bath; every Improvementa. garage In rear; Ifii IhxltH), Want a PinalltT one-famny houae tn fxebangt:. r. F KRAEMER. 77d Un>*d at.IN lU'SINKSS SECTION- Now at., near Hal-

ary el., three-atciry brick building; fual tiji® for remddeling for Wlneiw purposes; price 1‘JW and terms right, (.'. F. KllALMI'iR, 71U Broad street. ^ __ _____ .FOR MODEL Imme In the Orange*,

f7>t» nur frcf' handseme. llluatrated iKxAleh. PHII.IC J. TIOWBRS & CO,. ISD Marliel it., Lkjwerfl bulldIriR- _____



OWNER going South. wUl aell splendlclly enn- Blructed modern T-room-anrt-alllc houte: large

I hall; cemenliffTTellar; all Improvement©; steam I heat: Bhailea and Bcreona; terraced plot. 874*

132H: fruit; desirable locailoti; northern aec- tlon; full price 15,500: aplendtd value. W. E.

I DICKINSON. 779 Summer ave._____ _____4’On A MODEL home in the Omiigea. aend

FINK milk route for axle, retailing six can* milk pff irede. • Addreaa Ilnutc,

V. 0, Hiix 72. Illltun, N. J.GRAIN niABVATOIt. alar hultdiftg. 50x200 feet:

railroad aiding; doe* from $40,000 to $50,000K r ye*r; Bve milea from Nf'warh. Aildreiw

tre Chance, Box 1. News o f f i c e . ________GROCF.RY bualneM. Summer eve., nonh end:

cstabllahed and grr-wtng bualneHi!, in owner’ fl biilldlng. fine aioro; low renr tn dealrnble ten- ant: thrt© large rcKjrtie if dealrcd. Aidroas IJi-owIng, no* 70. New* office

ROBT. B. BTOUTENBURGH.Motley to loan on bond and_ moriga_g«: n ulck

action. 9 Clinton *L.4S00 Market

Newark. N. J.; ’phone



UROC’ERT and dellcatcFsen fnr Bal**; Iveat *ec- tb.m RnaevUle; beat offer takea It Ihla month;

cause alcknei* 54T Orange 8t.HlOH-GRAl)E atatlonery businesa, aellli K fine

line of fOiiKiiftrcial atnllonery and uffle- up pl1a?u-fta. Iccate<1 at Piainfi'-M ^Lusincaa could be greatly enlarged under new miinagemflnt. a* the prt afm i/-« u.-r > -spoor healili. •ona€MU'a lly caunui g:w* >tile bualDeae tho proper attontion It HhouM ha%e. There la also a very Rttraetlvp Iraaf; nUc large afoi-R, Btcflrn heated. The preaeni «to«h nn<l flKturen would Inventory about $.n..VM», wlib h r*‘;irnam(:# Ihr price aakert for tli'’ businras For further pgrtirulara, Gil.P'S, :J5 Orove at., T'lainfleld, X. J,; 'phonr OfMlM





Real P>tate. In*.. Loan* and AbCralaala

for our free, handaome, lltuttvaled booklet PHILIP J. BOWERS A CO., Itfll Market si.. Bnwera building. ___

Heddrii ler . 12 rtioma. anlfuilld If Jxrlim.faiXfMS Boutli Twelfih St., dealrable Lwo-famlly.- S’?!!! Elgrtlh near Hrusd. l-rlrk d,wtlllUif. 7 .^North Eleventh *«.. fino two-faWilly— -*JiwClinton ave., residence and suable........ IRiWHighland avu., II Ti.v>iT.a, fine altuatlon. H.UOO Lake 8l deairabl' propoaltlon, dwelling 8,.i00 Llrlletoii Hvr.. best block, brick houoo,. 8.5WRidge at., 10 rnoma. mod»'rn............ ...Ridge at.. 11 room*, garage room.,...V.Miiialde ave. ilirtte-tnyinv. hrlck. .. ..yVillfoni Rve., II roorn* convenient.........\14tagwMliionl rt' i* , 12 room*, ta- ha'ha........ 14^»Van New pi., desirable resideneg.........Brilntnall pi., profitable Ihrre-iamliy.,Nelson pi.. 9 rooms. une-flMnlly......... >■ BffOJ. WARD SMITH ft SON, PrudenMmI BMg.

UHES7F3K AVE. ItorgaiH'Ten ruoms «nd both; etcam bent; hardWoOd flrtora: open Hr*--

idaie: decorated; aU lmpro\ements; large gar­age. morn for four cars; driveway. J. WA1-- IE R DE WITT. 443 Broad at.: tel. 1682 B.H.

"WASHINGTON AVENUE." •>ne-famlly dwelling; 9 rootna and

baih; all Impte.: rent $42*1 per an­num; eaay sterms: price 15.OW),


SACRlFlCEJ—Two-tamlly home; all latest Im- proveinf'nt&: aieam heater*: separate en-

tranve: handsome dining-room: beam celling, plate rail, dome; need money; beat offer lako* U. Addreaa Owner. Box 95. New* office._____


MAONBTOS—Have aom* excapimnally good bargains Ib Bosch dual and Independent and

«tli*r make*; repair* done in 12 bour*; guar- ant*«d. UECHT, 230 We*t Forty-nlntb *$.. N*w York City. Open Sunday from 9 to t.

ford runabout, nr tourltig, modal T; wrtie or call If you have huv <?ar lo aell Oll'-

froikD Auto Exchange. 2<!l Halaey at-FORD, eommercial roadster, 1912. wanted;

itate mileage, condition, equipment, and be it, saah prica. Ho* 78, Hlairelown. N. F_______

■AMttRICAN CHAUTTEUR." the new auto- mobll* migtxlne; aend 50 cent*. In atojnp*

«r ootD, for otia yeaFa trial ■ubscriiulen; money re^ndafl if not wtlafLed. "Anierlcan Chauffeur," 67 Butler building, Cincinnati, O,

WILL pay about l.'iOO cash for 5-paaaenger 1911 or later tourinc car; no dealer*, r. (.).

Bo* 135. Morria Dlntna, N J.WANTED—Touring body and top,

T Ford. Bend price ondOWKBiC' wHl sacrlfle* elegant Iluick touring

car, model 16, fully equipped, apredometer, oloak. windshield and ahoea. pTantirtlly new;

Hftgkeitjtown, N. J.

,. for model ondJtlon lu 130x 21«

will Mil cheap for oaah. JOHN R. FRANKE COt. 99$ Springfield ave., Irvington Centre.


•TLISTEN" Tb* A. B Btoreg* Battery coal* a

* poplli WlBt*d to •Cu4r tOT l«gd- ^ Merm: low tgrroi. Aflflrw

. Heart otfloe.I bugte iMttooCkfi. C, UANGOU),

t Booth cB**F*n ot.y OHt for Ml*.


i f iE E T S o m ic H U T t foniMnr piano 1d> I jMttetor Jloyal Consomtery. Dreadob,

Broad at.I itoflto, plattOk for m t port tln»; < A6flr«M Boi Tt, New* efflc*,

f nStnotlQB. ITS uttlMOB aaak.

trifi* more than the ordinary. No Mparaton Ous-ronievd 5 year*—hene* no taking apart,

tounflg queer, but It'* atralght._____ ^___^ __ ___ _____Look It up.k Motor Co., 2° Halaey.

ApVBRTiBER haa choice free and clear build Tng lot In a high-ciaii re«1dence suburb o

Newark; would iTk* lo exchange for medium$Tlced automobile; give full derorlpilon drsH Exchenge, 1191 World building


1913 YALE MOTORCYCLES.Com* end get a dentonatrallon end place your

order quick for * 5-0 H- P. elngle or a 7-8 H, P. twin Yale; sold cash or Instalmenle: wb f)i ve a few second-hand motorcycle* that havr? been thoroughly overhauled, from STS up; our new repair ahop la the beat equipped In the Stale; we can repair any motorcycle and do It right; we have a full line of motorcycle acceaaorle* al loweat prices. F. C*. CORNISH. 2ltf Clinton ave.. Newark. HUGO C. FUCHS, Mgr.

JJARDtVARR and houiwfurnlabing hIopp for SHic: must be aold at emeo cn account of

other I'uslnea*. Addrees llardwarH. Box 74, Nfwa office.I YIAVF. from IlC.Otii) to |2fi.f>00 to inveat,

either manufaclurlnR or rherranttle: buy out­right; what have you? Must atarwl strident In- Neatlgatlon. Full parilculura. address Box Ui. New* office.


Ail looking for a good paying emsll busl- ne-4e. either atore or rooming houae Aildresa T . Box 75, Newa office.

KFANt^ KURG, N- J. —Barber shop, clgare.rumly and pool table, with four living

ronma iipfMiilra nil-year rrtund busIriMa; rent only $15 p<r month: price r 'flflonahle. First finnr 7 1 South Fifteenth Bt.. city.


FE1V :i0-foot loin In good realdentlRl dlatrlct: three mlnuti's from trolley: fuie from new

aj'hool and 20 freui Broad *t \ all lajprove meutN; no ii!<se‘»Hment«; $4W) on your own rorms. per rent • fnr vash. Addreea Qnlcli Sale, Hos jf, Newa olTlro.

m.iILDERiJ' OPPORTUNITY.Fifteen mlnutea from t-iast Orange Station,

ten mlnule* from .\mperf!: eight lota, 2f>xlL*t| each; nn rcniPlctlon. For price ami lerma oon- aull TKAItUE ft WAl'OH. Orrtway building. 2*17 Market Hi.. Newark.Ill ILl'iKRS can obtkin on easy term‘d for de-

vel.>pnitnt lifi choice lota In Newftrk uu LyonH and Weegualilc avi?nu«, west of CUn- tun plftfr', liberal construction loans obialm-tl. Apply Tho Manor Company. 15 Exchange pi., Jersey City. N. J1T2 LOTS or land In the city of Newark, high

and dr}, wllh sewer connocU'tn, for sale rheap to a quick buyer; reasonable term*; 8U per cenl- loans furnithed to builder. W, D. CCM’ KKANE. leu Broadway. New York City.

I/HNO catablishcj real oatftte and Insurance UuHincftu, nr*&’‘ Newark. In ihrlMhg suburban

sc.tlon for sale, unuaual cpportunltj' tv get pya -f ejon of flm* bualnftft with very umallinvesimvnli owner Js conipfllnd on accchinl of t'lh'T mtercfts to aaulfive. Address Op- foituhity. Box 95. Newa fifflce.IjOM i l•Htahllihed buxlneat of bcntle<l beer and

an<lii water; first sale at inventory or will exrh.mH*' f> r real «alate; help fruni the biew- €iy ir luedcd. Address Establlshetl, RiX 11 New' cfflot-.LUNUH wagon doinn a fine huaincas; go<v1

reason for selling AddrcHs Up-to-date. Box 13. News o f n e e . ______________

LOTS In IlfMfvUlc Rfftlon, rpstrlcted to one- family dwHllnga. on 57 feet. Itotwecn Roae-

vUIp pud I'entrtl i'urs and near Lackawauiia Rta- tioti; price froui fTO to $60 n foot; tmat right. LVntral Hmlty (?6.. ITS (VntraJ nvp.

EILILDEH'S OPPOFTl’NIfe. SoupLh tirange corner, plot 37.6x

21 fl; unreatrlclert: terms to euU; price $4.r.t>0.

LOl‘18 SCIILESIN'GER. INC.CIjINTON HILL—T»o-famlly house, 914 South

Nineteenth at.; all modern Improvemcnta; hardwood trim; beautiful decorations; room for garage; lot 38*100. Owner, AUGUST THEVER. 910 South Seventeenth at.______TWO-FAlilLY houHc for Bale; ateam heat,

irnproveinent*; two aelH windowahnde* and screens; selling on account of leaving city; lot J7\b from; no agenta. Ad- dreaa CUy. Bo* B$. Kewa office,__________WIDOW must aell two-family houae, Hill aec-

tloQ- nine ro6lnn, all Injprovptnent* except heal. two-Blory shop In rear; large driveway; H‘'ll fJieaji. Tel. 1402 Market. JOHN AM- RICH. 2A2 Fslrmount tve.

FOR A MODEL bom© In the Oranges, wmd for our ffe'N handsome. IHuatrated booklet.

PHILIP J. BOWBRB ft CO., J89 Market at. Rower* building. _________________

WEEQUAHIC p a r k , TRACT-Otl«-faJnlly houae; T rooms and bath: all rnbaerti sifi'

nrf.vemBiits; ■team heat; eieotrl< light; bard' wood floors; paneled wall*: beam celling*v bandwmetr decorated' atucco flnleh ana w«t« r<-{-f: Btreel paved; price $5,200. W* T, JEN­NINGS, 35 Weoquiihlc *Yb,______ ___ _____ _EHTATt property; weJFbuilt len-room brick

tn Woodalde aeoHon. havir.g all linpts.. tn* eluding aummer and winter kitchen*; water on oil floor*: this house ci'«l estate arojina 111.000: to bo sold for $0.rKW or beat offer; title guaranteed by the Fidelity Tpuit CRANK. 81 Cllnuon si.______ ' ■

for a MODEL horoo In the for OUT free, handaome, Uluatrab

PHILIP J. ROWERfl ft CO., Bowers building.

BF.Fi51tE you build your honie. visit the Nye tract, Hawthorne ave. and Osborne ler.: lot*

25 30 and 50 ft, fronts: grkH) up; easy tenns. nifl FRANK L. smELDB UO.. 412 Union bldK.: agent et Sft ConkJtn ave,

^Aai 104 Wat-FOR bale—Lot. 25xJOfJ. locat' son ave., between Badger and JelUff avea,:

all taxes paid up to date. Inquire at your broker, or of IL V. RAU. 6S-70 FrankItn av©.. Brooklyn. N. Y. ______

J911 8EYBN-PA8SENGER; quiet, powerfu* motor; good paint; fine mnnlng order; Pres-

tolfte; magneto; fully equipped; cott thousands of dollar*: owner need* money; $550. GIF­FORD Auto Exchange. 2B1 Hal*«y at.

butrnetor. Tw apptdm’I T60 Brogfl A.

i lE I iK iM i. JEHILLIIll, $flgnW. ftdoompukM. BflInatkB. tT6 Litt)«t«D


m i- r ftv n icRooc. o r dancino.H i M. RBLXK HftCRUGH. PRINCIPAL.m amoAD r .. n sar d.. l . a w .

_rxtrflfl* l iWOM, dor 04 tYnlag, by appoint- m K. Aloo leaog Rdgleih Boottm Dipr-^nto. Aflitleq4>Vfl*, FUclnttlon WtUi, O^Step

flcettteehA u fl eth*r fapey dancea; ■•■li *bA tte^stsp ffMimntaed In *lx priTtt* Bmnma Btflnsor* olti* Mooday sronlng at MU: aftfuo* ctuv rrtflgy. 6:IR Tetaphone It tt m. a ChllftM** elos* flATORDAT AF- VZtRHOOIf, t m &tieeA, 0$ DstU Pprior*, •U Broofl f t

USE BRISTOL OIL for cleaning your wind ohietdB and windows; will keep them free

from frost, aleam and twin; perfectly dry; pries 25o. per bottle, prepaid. Guaranteed hy The Brietol Oil Co.. Bloomfield, N- J

1813 excelsio r auto CYCLES. I513 The TOolorcjcle ttiat always mahea good;

equipped with all laU-it Improvemenla, ready for ynur Inepectlon; t.ow la Ihe lima to *el*ct VOII machine; you can pay for It as vou like; ^1 uuf easy payment plan. S, H. machines. UO up; a larg* oelectlon of blcyclei from 115 ui>: second-hand from $fl un W« buy. sell and exchange. S- H. motorcycles and bicycle*. maVERFORD Cycle Co.. 945 [Jroad at.

SIAM KAUTfUINO liUSINERS for sale; plenty of nrders all .mar nrniinrt; gtxjda that arc sold

to trunk and aultcane niakfri; nti agents. Ad dresa Munafecturlng, flux 2ti, News office.

NEW tlirea-Btory comer properli'; Hill seettoa.splendid location; three atores, tultable for

druggist, hupher. dry goods, yearly ren'« $l,tN4: price reasonable. TILLMES, 63S Springfield Rve.

ATTRACTIVE iwo fanilly houM, 13 room* and iwo barita; stcoTid floor rented, paying ox-

per ses. will saermbe, htile coab required. In­quire r>2fi South Sixteenth st.. Sunday, 1 to 6. lake Plank road • ' a r . ___________NEW three-family house, near Springfield

Qve. • 17 large. light room*: all tmprowemeot* except' heat: rented for $648: price $6,700: caah $1,000 or more. MARBC^KER. 218 Avon ave.TWO-STOB^K one-family house; five largo

rooms; nice aectlon: front and rear porches; quick ftale. $1,760: terms. Apply LEONI8RAE1„ buslneos broker, 61 Thirteenth ave.

OWNER mu*i Mil brand-ne» ^ two-ftinlljr house; 13 rmumi; all decoraled; full lot; two

trolley ilnea: will take toW eaph. balaQO* Rtort' gars. Address Horrv. Box 49 Nawi fifllo* .

fJOVIN’U pl-'turp theatre fur aale; lcadln«r thoroughfaTc: good pcnfU; must be acf-ii to

oppreclatr. Addrean Theatre. Hnx 4. Newa Office.

8Ti)l(K BL(1 fiat property. Eighth Ward; good locatlmi for any buHlncaa: tic l>esl inTestmeot

prtqM'riy In llio etty: price $1,750; pari ca iti. balam-e mortgage. Addiroa Owner, Box 43, News office.

1912 POPE*HARTFORD. Haynts touring. 1910 YVloton all, Jackson roadater. 1910 ruUman.

Reo runabout, all fully equipped: can be bought cheap- RofevlUe Garage, 2S North

lib ft.; i'

t a l e - bictcle- y a le .the always t»opular bicycle; they are better now than f'Cr; ride a Yale and be eatlsfl«dr

MOVIK'I PIUTURE buslneai fop *aJ©: have tn *cU; rcnaonable. Call at Tlo> al Film Ex­

change, 2H6 Msmkei at.

CORNER saloon property in Ironbound Sec­tion; three-atory: large hall; sell cheap.

JOHN AMRtCH, 553 Falrmount ave. TeL J402 Markpi.BUILDERS' opportunity; owner of several

old wheels taken In exchange: cash or ^tA l*Hbbwi,

NlnU ’pbone 809 B. D.

ntenls; full Una of aundrlea at loweet expertVepairlng. F. C. CORNISH, 210 avr. city. HUGO C FtTCHS. Mgr.

TWO Chalmers car*, toy tonneau, and five* paasenger; bew paint; fine running order;

full ana every equipment; both eepe<4aUy low. OlFFORD Auto Eicbang*. 2B1 Halsey at.STEARNS, IHU 80-60 touring c*r; Stearna

Knight 141$ touring car; Btearna Knight 1311 touring car. practically new. ATMAN ft BRADLEY CO., 243 Central ave.

v-:i2SfiRC83BARprii >e*44ihx Danctnc

BACRIFICB—'Two cyllnder, 24 h. p., flv«-paa- oenger car; good Urea; Just ove;;hBule4:

malm flpa detivery wagon; $60. J. S. HOLMES. 118 Day at.. Orange._________AUTO CAR runabout, $65; Bulck, J-cyl.,

160; Cadlllsr delivery, $&0, body worth price; etiglneA part*, trantmiosora, DOBBIN, 590 Belleville av«.


1918 foredoor bedlet, $25-1200; 100 rare, all makoa, tlOO-lfi.OM; delivery wagon*, all

pacltle*« IS60 up. 20th Century On..ptOMjggv HAnheUafle


1912 READING STANDARD, 4-B. P. free sn- gtne. belt-driven motorcycle, never u*«d;

1010 Indian. 5-H. P Tvt in-cylfnder motorcycl*. Acorn Tire and Supply Co., SI 'Wlinara at.

NEW Baengcr Hall with saloon, Falrmnunt uod KpnngflcW avea.; good jilacc for Ger­

man party; ihi* will not Inlcrfcro wllh en­gagements. etc.; builnee* to go on a^uaual.ON account of rickneoa, for Bale, dry gootle,

candy, notion, cigar and iobtu-co store, near •nhcKJl; reatricted neighborhood: agent for May Manton pftUcrn« and aieam laundry; t)o agt rrta. Addreea Huelnesa, Bo* 99, Newe office.

choice lots will accept second mortgages for .................................. ------ V lU .came from builder who will Improve.I.AM 8. BURGESS. 410 KeOrny ave.. Arllag- tob. N. J.FOR 6ALE-A DE3UIABUS PROPERTY 0P<


BARGAIN —Fine gentleTnan’s bicycle; Engllah equipment, mud guards, lamp; everything

tr»mpletp': f l l for ftlgheai offer; a rare op­portunity. Call Sunday. TU/)AT, 87 FenfiByl- \anla *\ebush ft MacDOUGALU ©ole dletrlbutoiTi of

Harley-Davldson motorcycle* for Newirtl. the Orangea, Riae* and Morrl* countle*. now lo­cated at 312 Haloey at. ____

PATENTS BBCURED OR PEE RETURNED.Send moilpl f>r akrtch for frcp opinion as to

palontablllty. Send for |ttu*tra(i>d guide book, containing 100 mechanical movementa and l is t o f INVENTIONS WANTED, Partlcru- lar* NBVV TRADEMARK LAW. iHDPV- RIGKTB, BTC, I’aient* advertised free is World'! pTogre**. Sample copy free.

VK-rOR J, EVANS A CO..724-72fl Grant pi . Washington, D- C-

NEW YORK OFFICE, 132 Nassau at.

BUILDERS' Opportunity; owner of choice loti; will accept Bficond mortgage* for


same from bulldPt who will Impi jv©.lAM S. BURGESS, 416 Kearny ave., Arlington,N. J-

TWO-FAMILT; 13 rooms; all improvements;^piirate entrance* and heater*: lot 39x100:

a bargain If you want a home: rent $684. In­quire 36 Conklin ave., second floor.___________

paved; pay* orefr ten per « i i t mfnt; thti Is »■ bl* M IU PEBS £ CO- 18» lUrliBt St., Bbwsni





lirass w In p ta j i

forest HILL—Houses seven rooma. rec«pHd» hah largo tiled bath and kitchen; .steam

heat, flectridty. gas: lot liOinS; drivewiy 41 lighted garage; house built ■lucco; newly decorated and painted throtigOr out; price $5,650. Apply cn preralsee, 340 Wocdalde ave., cUy.A RARE chance; bargain If lM>ld at owe,

house four rooma; barn, five stall*, Iwt, evervihlng new: suitable for any ,buelne"*. rear'uf place four feet Railroad track*. We*t Newark brOMh; |4.0W cash. Call all day Sunday. J. n BoIICKs IW Lillie Bi.CLINTON m ix. Twelfth if.—flMOt ractipai

l>e*ttliful home, up to date; parqiwt Ikw« 1 slate nmf: lee R. you appreciate H, W - tnour ave.. splendid ■rme-fatuliy houw, aordwoou floor* throughout, beam aU tortother flue one-famUte** C. C, MORBwY, 860 Broad it. ________ • •

“ i S f SBANK ST,—Two-famllf, oH

beat; good condlttmij rent $406 yrartyj C!£ tt.eoo; tVUsey it., *t«e grepgty, m t Jfi.SOO; Sprlogfleld * « . . WxW* twa roreo famine*, private fw jprice $1 000. Bmiara* Bitchaag»> MS tefti »*•b a r g ain - to writ; j wp*ftuptbr

Itflat, off Clinton ave.: 15 riwni^ A*IW!3?M: lent*; separate gtram hcatera;. fail MU.

CLINTON AVB.s NEAR HIG positive sacrifice; owner leaving

sell raoaern reoidenee. tenjwnig toft l less than: coot of coaotnicttra» wertk-i. price « 4.<I0D; quick aetton BS0*jptr|r.. 1 ft FEIST, Bcheaer building, 766 BWMU __ _RoaEViLLB AVB„ 8W ind t i » ■r ftii i i f t

reridenea property* houa iftMM-^ bath; oil Improvements; lot flOaint ftfl.DQ- ute* from Ampere Station O*, URatlrc^: ten minute* from RonvUM potion; price low to proinpi lwy<f>

PARKER ST., near Second avs.—One farr'ly houfto, Bultahle for two famlllM: lot 76x100;

will dlvidf^o *u|,t; cheap and on easy term*, SHELDON. 1*22 MaKtel f t - _____________NEYt' three-family house, with store: good

builnoM section; all improvements except boat; rented for $720; price |6.9t». MARBCH- NER. 218 Avoc ave. ______ .BARGAIN—One*-fam!ly house; seven rooma,

laundry. loDet. gas; all In perfect orter; little cash required; prlce #2,500. C. J. KIERNAN. 22 Clinton it ._________________ORLEANS ST.-BrIck. close e*t^* $5.W:

Eighth ave.. one-femlly. (ramv. Hal­ley St., corner, brlckj $82,006. OEUBBR ft PLT1M, 645 Broad *t.NORTH SEVENTH ST., near BerkeTey ave.—

Two one-family houoMi and one two-family housr* cheap, and terms *lo suit. SHELDON, 22 : Market « . ■ .______

Y'ALE—P'n,jr horse single, fajit and powerful: will make o^er 56 jnile* hour; perfect eondl-

tk-n; coal tzffl; nearest offer to $116 takes it. 194 South Sixth *1.N. B. U 8 H P. Vwin motoTcvcle, two-speed.

- uss> O' 'uate l* pqjlev

rHYTON-NOMOS. beianleal ionic, known favorably, by druRglst and othere; trade

mark, r<?g. U. S. I’at. Office; formula, prove** *L^ material for Mie low; xuaranty number Sfl#2. flle<l In AgriculTvral Dept.. ■Waahiniton.

C. Address Box 147, Succesunns, N. J.i c

WBEQUAHIC TAtlK Tn.*CT-l*hlIh Svf,.nsar Bown st., lot SSsIOQ, tTBB: StsnssI

avs., 501100, ll.SSO; all improvements sicept paving. W. T. JENNINGS. B5 Weequshlc ava.

M.fW) BUTS » dfflJbls poreb dettchrf 'nne- ramlty house; S rooms and natn; all Iwpravo-

imnta: gMutid SIHtSW- Owner. T» Ketiniare ave.. VaTtsburgh.

BtllLT for ourselves Inst ganr.array; living-room ((irepls®a>.

(cssementf), ouslnt dfolng-room; . ,kitchen; thrsa a.tUmcUvo ohamben. tSntntr .sun, cosy, homcUlio, Isrgs lot; fruit, flowers. ,M -

— - /7, News offics. ......asew Elite. Box/'BXCEPTIONAt, VAl/O*

Clinton HIH; artlatio alght-m^dance; tiled Mth: aiesni; elMlrleltfU owner for oirn decupaney; cbfltigg nece«iltafot tale; price tljBO* .. FEIST, fleheuer bulffllttg. TM FPfWifor a UODEL Home In the

for cur free, handaome. IllrPHILIP,J.^TOWERS ft CO.,Bower* builtBROAD BT.-^1i«000 cash, hOltU*

boys a flee p im cl Brood sta feet frcat| 285 to AUOBtte


dtu* w dn to .

i t i e S R f t W eitwaey

nruti! aoxiofit '$*.000, »*h li^kjts. Nlave.; 2*lots. NttietaefiUi Avs.. aan. rn *.

TOP South FIReenui SL, cMy.

OPEN for Inspection Sunday, 1 to *; beau­tiful new dwellings: Hr superior to the

usual offartngi. South Tkjrtsetilh st., near Uadtson eve, ___________________

CONNER bualneaa prnperiy. near B., I.- and TV. R. R.. Broad ntreet Station; rants fer

1126 per month; prica (16,000. JOSEPH DIE- rOLD. Springfield and Uyrtla nvea, Irvlaiton-

f « f t A MODEL home in the Oranges, sand ■ tor our free, hendsom Ulurt«trt booklet. PHILIP J. BOWERS * CO., 1 » Market st.. Bowers bultdlng.


tu><tATv.fiT. _WATEON AVE.. LOT.

ONE-FAMILT house: » moms; bath; steehi heat; hell; no

agents’. . Address Owhtr. Bos 81, News office.

M. C- ElCHARXifl denclng cTsaaes. tronuols Hell. M> WeAlngtou sL i clsaaes areiy Wed-

EMdu; noTclty moeptlona every Setuiday; prl- URta leeeoas by eppolniment; tonlgbt. speolel rsAl Uerdl Qru: two eoes at joy end teugb-

BEBHrS DANCINa BCBOOL, SS) BROAD- Bsat Imdncttiiw. latest dencaa; satisfaction

iUMa..WrttaecF'cMH IUbCni 51 jnmr......................... W*T.ritOe call or 'phoa* lUiW i

^oaiige, wu-y"-**-TWO delivery car*, on* LoxiOr, one Qraboie-

*ky, ln^(ood condition. Inquire L,AIULIN*CO..’ 10 Longworth Miricet. 6070.




Motorcreles SfAT Bikes WftDted WANTED—A good mCfforQ'de nr aUtMriObJle;

raah fur bargath. P. D. Box 18. fltatloD G, New York C$$y> _■


OHO-Ifneiia i n c r r i f . n k , - ----maaogr it alnne. l^r particulara addrefla n. P,, Bo* 64, New# office.

»4LaAlK far laTaatmeqk; 1..

Ukfc waJkloj XoUrra ufirurp tlv«, JX






: w »

SEVENTEENTH BT- user BprlngtlM g r * - FIH« S-tamlly, n noma, latest imurtwemeeta,

18.800; *-fsmny. IT roejna. Ikbeid --------- aotiWi le.ooo. i ‘ —


tVM DOTfN (fn » dead »t dewth) huge al*-genthr eppolnted T-room ntepwof » ... ' —

liery pentBea: Invlsttle nidldtors. i . dustlesa eellers. IsSIcee rdfrlgerdtere. diapoaors. etc. Addnse^Bur Pegj»»I. Nows office.

CUNTOM BIWt OPTOWnJNfTt. , South Fiftoshth at,, oeerjam w mta. j .u|hd*-

fourteen rootna: two bgtbai ; gaging 18,1100; owifer wants rBlIT, Scha

date two-fanUiy; .stestn, electricity! ' ^ ing *8,800; owner waau ofrer. r E l« .* v f® S T . SchsHsr.bufldlBt. m Broad. / ' . ■ J.NEAR tjaOlB AVK.,. m (larMtlo.aij^^a-

(brnflr ttati sn Itmwovaineq ; Urge M ; ae- theRef-apheR^ alnnti owner abroad; will sell at hSc* S S S ir iE w ^ tanm NWO down, . BHlLfPlJ-

PARTNER wauled; builder, expert on #pecu- latlon work, would like a partner with totid

or cmjh: referenc*# exchanged. Addreo# Part­ner, Box 67, Now* office.

YAYB ftaodBg l*eeeai,st yoar eoqvenleDea. t a»a, Bprfngneld *“ •

_■ iMtT.W il Imdo, no ehorg*: open frooi 6 t« 1 Ccr ftnmntxa«ati.

ciuESK. La t in . laO w iiijA M a n o b . o. k c am b r su n o . fhob.OEBMAK'-'PrIvtto tatxvetlMk: m

ed; ta t^ foertte; tegffrt Ur b r m » » ftftdc^ T*o(*«r. Bok 66.

AUTOMOKlS pert* fox fftralgn At. Asrari<<aS cofiy gear cutting) elo.. flrat-clis* worii;


N*w garage, full Mti* of Mppllti*, repolrlag guaranteed. 898 HalfOT dt. near Cllntsa av*.RENAULT 46 H. Psg Ip perfect ccmdltlon; with

tovrlag and umotuilB* body; big banRolft... ----A - -----^ ^Addren* T. G-, 610 .Brood .aUa Newart.ALL kladh imeaod-hasd ostomobllro wuit«d for

Junk; any ah ^ ; poftol or 'pbema fllfw W ^totr. HATER. 16 Boy *A. MontclOly.

f»otfr« t*aek«r, ~ J awek#: 18 • oQ

VAROCfA. Tfll teowl t

D reestic V306$lf|iM. QIfKtTBftSe 9ni e « S tMlBlllg. 1IM OOfthS! $ MdMU. HBdMrW

oaateor tbeatrinaloifium i

;l ntfntka oM-ftowaflto#

AUTOMOBILE tlf« bargatna; w* #e0*pt old tin* 1» agaboMe; «spm repairing.

Trading Co., rtniavad to 66 william OLAUTO radUtorA Moifia. MOs. r*polr*d by i .

pert amehanIciL AttMrioaii J^to lUdtotdt Wmkt. 60 wmton m.; tel. MOeslUriieCMAXWELL


•IMR bitAato

<mt. «e

Bio WALLFAPSH SALB Blank#, i i ^ ; $dR*. 5c., emboesed,

two-1^ art viOottn Cor lOc , vaFttltt>4ll*e for lav^; paptringrooma for $3; paHmiiff.te.Mw price*. M. ROTHOU8E. 9 Bouth On&f* »Y*.: oil work guarintrad.

THE BROOKLYN WalLPAPBR Ca will pipet roozna from $3.50 up; palfiUBff nod kalaomuglng done at v w reoaonabte flclraa Bend pooul or call *t' 3T1 Bank ift.rOR bomiDa w ^intihi and pip«r-kaft^A

m* i$77J Wavraly or poatal to cT t OBT.HOBtrgaa at.: wSl' assure "ycu’ HniLdaii werk: see us for your outside wort.lUNHATTAN Decocailug Oo.; iri..T8U UHLi

REUABTaE Doeoritliig Che. X. ^ Toocqpi. H60 point, tS L rad Volfw rood: t*L 3814 y

up. r i llMMBarm Otwoa^

o v -

PACKARD tnorlngUhVMtria* kodri 6^4


P .o . lis t:fto

rAlNTDAL hanging;

m BetttfeA trial

! Me m j XarlMt.I ca<-w*

PROMOTER of reMaUIUty wonted to handle atock aelllng at $2n a Bhare on a patented

_rtlr1e u»ed by million# of pertonr yearly; on aboolute necesrity; no fad. Addref* BuilneM, Box SI. Newt dfflee.6AUX>N-K

llconse, i _ eutre4L MSOl antea^]19 mooma

VXCU«eJ#-« Jr-Hraf* On'rahTOffU 0“*-..PARK. Union bulldlng-OKNTRAL. near Whitehead ft Hoag’*. 49

Warren #l.—Old frame houae on small lot; $6,600; on terms; agenU plOMO note. CRANE, 81 Clinton Bt.

h ills id e a v e .. idJoRiInf WraqutWo traict-' Large plot of grougf and two-family house

pan Improvainent*.F^w* office.

Addreai Pliri. Bos 4T,

LOT). 60x115, half block trem Cllatdn #vt.l " 00 JUo^tbtt terrace; roetrietad for o*e-fam-

«t»y termss Inquire 633 CUn-

WlOtr 0\ftW dandy new elx-wam hooee;''— ,p X liM S S rS S ^ te T B rS n u S f 'e M aa am t m handsaoH. illuslntstr DeckMUam t m handsaoH. illuslntstr NmkMU

PHtLiR j. BOWERS CO.. 188 ttartIM Bewsga bnlMtag.

•acriflee l£-room faouee; tiled b«tb: idry; pantry; hret: R^viUe eacaoik:

WILLla^U .,. . — .

^us« too jargg Owner, I TwclfUi « thouse for *aM. with oaf*, hall; ten reotitit

■ 11 improvwawat*; aieam heat; Braooh Broeft MCtlop. Addreii Hofloeb Box 7T. New* otttcea

cjuifT HILL eectton of VaUibarghi iMoito new opa*faienll7 booMi brick and Btubroi

•evon roem*: all Improvemente; wtB take lot td vt,n flaygient. Addrets AttroeUra $iQ3r90, New* ggflea. ■ . ■■inWHlMlE AVfiJa-^OM t^feioton are.-

COKQRESE ST.a 136—Two-family bMue tat ■ole; madtm improvemeDt*: two-fiMT brtek

bulldli^ in rear oulUbM for «mal1 frittPT* ‘

irOnKfltpL tint-elgksf- .! '

SAXJXIN wentsS by periy ta lugs ecqaalnt- ance; must ttan8 InTcat^tlcn; stata fuD

grtlculars; ne agnta £Mnas Saloou. Bat , News efflee.

SALOON-Ocmd Bsyiiasaliw fw.«^»«:18 halTsa weak; gmd trade. M3 Rlghteeath a « . , comar BeyS el._____________________WOULD ytn hsaltite te laveat 18,080 ta laawi-

tectsrtnt ratrateg toy. If pn^iieta Were eg-. r - . ^ -----------------^n^tnri^ forS S S C a S s '

'c5SS?*j;lor heSmgr tof aretow

nowlty eg INtwawfOcow

W ILL root, fullytSeaU* If toasooahlr:

e<lBiCTe& hie; am

gMMtlBfait 1

clear; all Impte.iflSiMerket eta


____ 1,-rt-fcOo30 tairmtaa to Broad and

ddreSB Cornaiv Bck 00, News

WE have m » vtiy desirshto boeliwss progtr- tles kJcaVtd « , W am ta i^ av^ y J M .

SMITH (Jonlsmon AguseyL 81* WaabHgtoa avs.

wm CASH buys new tbree-femlly RuBisa; stV' roMoa and three bathe; * w ^ Scoced

to eelL E. W. McDONODGH. TT*8to *d « .

fiunlly boBMi ell it« condnidu: win eell .ch , , tertoe to suit barff. Addma Owaat,'

-TJ,-Nests oftloe.WeinWl^

all lawia.. diWI

LOT » . 88. 90 ft. froat oa A t KnooT ^ o 'SSS

SKBlRBe. AVB,HTourfor hSiw?

tenna Ifor sgeealatlQSL

pmST BT.Biddn*. 'atteatloB;

.geeii'it ■ Nflb ;


isrogc and stable; wa Ifri: vkilObvnrh leetlD^ an Addreea Ban^in* Bux 97. Kovs o4Be*.

IW Mnt. SWOVTO, Mafcsrrr * ,

BAtJlWIN BT., n«1 h^nt. Ialne'rtiMi

. horeea loft e r iS ^ w ^ iterma.

rOR SALE chase; ooe-ta^lly heiaa. and twe lose: one -kit to buRd eai part oaah. OSrter;

UD Watessi are. ' _______ ■ ^BiaHT

8*1108F tra a

.BOOM iwnae•i, 0«*»*^

■ «l*g aDitemire

tagprerwoeftt*;X tft fM n.

Fatnt>rAldn,T house in Irwohegndtioo. 'hsar lilhTStte at.; "

rent. tfU a yasr; grtoa. *«,**«■ antRICR. *** ralraotuit ase. Tett HariikTWO.S'AXILt house; II roou

^ eea sB ta exMenteet: OB'l West 9We TaTk: •.!) c*i

FotriiibgBi ara.S 3 5 k ^XarkftbTKBjCt-R^UBLT In m ,

-’ -fi;I.- • <?• uSiS''* ■*- V' - V —

• ' 1' ’


Kbim}irI, f«ur

i r i l W A B E ^ V E I O T G

'<W 1 • '1 1 V I

N « W S . S A T U t e A Y . P E B R T J A B T 1 . 1 9 1 3 .

I k e u EarrATxi c m

D w ilU o ir

ftUrtui: -IM 1«« »k>od*< poui»44

lOt tiol*

*ry liA* A Op..

«nr Im- kin4»: H . M .


t -U m tf ffllvekic


roorrvM,icni; lot h; t«ki*» <hi*t M . JB«MX

\ty: cmt ood uoo- Wft*rv«^i bif itm In; ram iHdliif.

I «EMP- Imlrablvi value.

om m* ' to

htap »<; A anoet Clinton

peaU to I. Beau- nd other jr prlt* doB Bva.CllBton

ufb thU ropMN

H, with >Rc«, for k to car ttooo.

iieM'r b.‘ 71 Cllu-

n ^ art)I on BHx- le ave .i lelghbor*on Vi-ldr) ai.. for

DUlll MtUi ofCer{n];i* i% hrlik rice fH,- s'«,. will) iETT &

JUBDIOUB IM ;T^eqO CAHL .,1 M ^ piBo, twnwfhAiir

room! and ihroo baiha aaeb: •vary Impt.; large ttrrartd grouad: oo

' Vaoanclm; tocalad on «n» of tha flnaat •vattuM In EaH Oranga; no lanJior ioe r. DO light or heat to piy; aloply ool-

>t rent, pay Uiteratt on mortgage, taxae. water rant and Irumrance aDd the baUnoe of the rent la youre.

lBV*ttlgate thla at once If you want B gfll- a ^ lnvaftin«Dt.PRJUt* UOWBRe * iX>., 1B8 ICarVel K .

^ Bow^a building.

nlly. 13 t5.300.

CNU0UA1. OPPynXUKITT.UbcoIb i'ark realdrnt , near WaeblDfioa ft.{

walking dtaUnca to Penovrlvaola and Central Bailrpad alalloita; beauUftil outlook <n park: tmrurpBaeed reatdenllaj rkelghborhood; attrac* tlva. modem, rvell-bulie bring and itoaa three-H town bou»«: n roonu. all oonvenlracai:

order; plate glaae windowo. hardwood k iteam heat, ^ k e boiler, acreeBa, awa-

taka, aummar door and wintar itape; coiaf pleta 1q all refp^a; aouthem txpoaure; nd objectionable feature, nor poeilblllty of depre­ciation In value; a cotnforublo home (or unall faiBUy In the heart of one of the moit de- •Irable reeldentlaJ location* in Newark; to oloee BQ eauca Ihle property will be eold at a low prica. For further partlculiri addrwM FRANKLIN F. MAIO A CO.. 810 Broad it.. N e w a r k . ___________________ _IIAJIOA1N01 BAROAINg! Three-family, I?

roome. 3 batba. near'y new; three frontK uiaij; fine order, td.M)U usually; goea at

dOO: oB4h rteeded, fine twu-famll;raoma, 3 bathe. 3 etum, reduced to TAN HORN, 1106 Flmtnrn's hulldin«.

OFFORTirNITT—mop paying retu. Nice si*- room houee; only (ISO to I30u raeh noeded;

abc-roum houM, bath, ii«am, U.06O; dlf- r^aot location^ genuine bargaine; aleo ele- inlat bungalow. i Ik roome. modem Iknprove- mebia beautiful location, five lot*. |3,6oO: fine elght-rooEd bouse, belh. stram, four lot#. f3,lf>0 i^ h atTen lots, Kw cash on last two;alS>KKMD houM. six city lou. near icbool, IroL- lijr.tt.30a VAN NORN. UOB Flremrti-i Ending. ______________________FDR A kfDDEL home In the Orange*, lend

for our free, hanrtaome. llluifraied booklet PH IL^ J BOWEHH A CO., Market st.. B^em building.___________________ ______FTOKB ST.. near Parte ave.-Two 3-

famlly houaw; rent (or 17*8 annually; price easy terms. MtcNl)I< 4 OAN8. &sca

building.SOUTH n in t h BT.. JTS-Two-famlly house;

garage and stable; price. If sold Immediately, 0.600. UENDL 4 GANB. Essex tmlldlng,CLATTON ST., U—Six-room house; newly

pBftitcd and decorated: g*s and waier; price WENDIj 4 QANR, Eflsex building,

HOLLANH BT.. 35, near Bphngfleld «ve - Three-ramlJy and ilore, renU for ITt i year­

ly: price W.200. MENDL & OANB. Eseex building._________________________________WBEQUAHIC PARK-('i»-io-Ll*tf .IciachBil

house; stucco, ftUxbW, (ivr twdmonis, tllefl bafhruom. llvSng-ruom. diTilng-nH>m. .onBei-va- lory kitchen, epen fire plsccs. |oiniu.j,,Hj oak (Inten, teamed cesUfufS, paniuet n-.irs; new-

pored and palnled: l.irne p-hnli, garage; light and gae; hot walrr bchirr; laun­

dry III celUr. ivm sioragi! r(n.)ms. [«iTr'h and window acroens; miner built bhou-, nniat sac- !l(lcs. leaving city tlic reason: lr>0 trot from ]0t*ab«ih u\e , Main line car, '-r (wo blocks from Ui. rrospect car line, if rin*. |3,fkK) down, mortgage on same; Btenxel iivr. Ad- drees Woenuahlc, Itnx 55, Newe. urfloe.

W tA L i t r rA Y E FO B SA IiB—OOV B E A L E8TATC BOB SALB— OCTo r TO W N ___________1 ________________y r o w N

BkMMBSeldJUrr U i plac* for mu « l » n i it i to

hnr* cUUmi ud •. Bio* imWIu; «>w. ooiy. Hvu-mim cotUft. -tOi mru U«lu n»nii [Qf lli^ar., fdor bedraomi, ftna whit, wun- *M UlKruom; Mnu, H»clrlei " .........-and your m l lakes ava


Apply IM Newark

Bwit O iM C*fio.om IN. m<Mt M l«t hmUoB tif Otanwood

* » , . BW UriHt ClMrali “"TC*ud tmik ufwnJU* WiSOO; • mft-(.tn; owiwr muft l « v » Uiwn »ml hu ui:rt- llc«l. du FRANK H. TAYLOR. OUPOtlW brlok Churrh Htatlon.

TWO-FAMILY house, with evsry ronrenlence, II roome, esparate heaters: beautifully dec­

orated; In handy location; 3 minutes f r ^ tralbs. trolleys and school; urloe only IQ.toO; Urmi krrutBl. JOHN C. MOVE, HI Fr.nk- I In St, Dloomfletd. ___________CHOli'K car rxiutly, al&e room* sod bath, ell

modera IsaproTamsiits, stsaiu beat; Large Lot; only IJOO cBsk required, balance ssoic as rsDl. dice tbia before you buy, only |6.Uk>, U. C. BKACII, IKS Uerkrt st.l^ )K -N «w house, isvcti rooraa; Tnower; steam, clectrkliy: rjltjely '

WxlflO; griod cj.nvenlrru section; W.60t). dress Owntr, Ilox 44. New* nfflcr

Ule bath, dscorelrd,


ONLY tt tw (or welhbullt P*foom houaa, with ail Improvemania; two blooks from statlim;

0*^0 tire places; ModSMt, In flrst-cUss (‘podl* lion; tl.lMi cash, balanoe on mortkaga to nulrk buyer FKANK Jt TAYLOH. opp. Brick alhurch H(adf>n.

EAST ORa NOB, Rhode Island ave.. It — Beautiful nne-famliy house, eeven rooma

'bath, reception hall; eoniblnfttlon coal and gas range, gas and electric tight; tiled bath­room, beam celling, rooini handsomely dec- oraled. M,3O0; eaay terena, _______

BIX-ROt'iM hnuae. only g .600; coty living room, every convenience except heat; your

Own terms buy* It JOHN C. MOYE, 231 Franklin at., Hlonmfleld.COLORED [iooplc—New sli-room house. Im-

proveim-nta, h*at; lot 33xl2U. conienicnt to everything; |3,(AIU. on easy terms O. Box313, Bloomfield12TB for plot 0(1x100; very hlgn grouDd: w*Of

trolley; title gbtranleed; easy ternw. W. B. McLATN, 4T %Veet Thirty-fourth al.. N Y.FOR BINQl^E and Iwn-famlly lumees. ram

from *2.HtX) In (it yts), consult JOHN MOYE. 231 Pntnkltn st , Hlivimflold.HOUBE8. lots and farms for sale end to let.

W. H. BMITH. Hloomdeki B\e. and Hand- ford place, Caldwell. N J,

glngI t?

[>■—Three- all im-

lon; price 770 Broad

propOfty; II expense handsome r pantcu- •bHandsomasnA bath;let Tdxitio. •&cbanft;.

hUMMER AVE , 284—Dandv ^Ight-room dwell­ing. all unprovctucnls; can Ij« secured s,t

vour own terms; price Iom’ C .f KIERAN.Clinton at.

KEARNY RT.. T.arge one-fafnliv house. td\ Im­provements. In perfect m.i'T. (price h bar­

gain; be Quiuk- C J KIKKAN. 22 I'llnton si

CORNER brk-k house, five rooms, lot 25x100, imtat be sold; prU-« 32.i>Oh. I argalns all sec-

Hwia. C. J. KIEHAN, 23 I'llntwn si.

near Hal- JUU npe rice luw

Broadprlcm 1

igra. send<1 bonkleL iarkel at.,

lun,’$»UMB ly.. 3.M0 tug. 7 ,«».... -.T.H30.... jaooo.lop. M.UOO IfUgec,, 8.500 .... 13.600 • k .. ».<yxi

lu.'JO...... rra i..... 16.000dy., K-M...>. aoootiiiat ntdg.

THUFTEE 6ALE-Tho three followlDg named properUai are

hcfewitb offered (or sale;No. 403-410 Weehlngton street.No. 414 Washington streetNo. 46-48 UarshalJ streeCThey may be purciiased separately or ti^

^ gSr^further particulars appfy at the office of IA?M. TAMBLYN 4 COLTER, attorneys (or truvtee, Hth floor. Firemen's building, comer Broad and Market its.

X. recepMo.t hen: .ateam IVewiy J.ntL years; half sd throtigbr imlaca. 345

d at ofioa; ilalls, loft: f . buelne Bi ennaylvanla liidh; I4.0M SlUCK. lOi

pft aectlppi Boon;

ite M, 9tf- e. hardwood flnt elksi;

RRO^, 800

ROUTH NINTH ST., near South Orange ave­nue; two xeml-detached (rants houses In good

orter: olghi rcsoms cftch: all ijnprovetnents: staatn heaters: rents 5848; can ho purchased on. llbaral terms to bring over H> per cent.;

two similar proporUcs on South Seventh at., with eev«A rooms eOf b and all Improve­ments; rents-3600; this means IL per cent: easy terms; owner has private reasons for aeliidg: lull particulars of GB30RGE B. VAN DTNa,.488 Orange at., at North Seventh.

PJNB GROVE TERRACYl-Slucco houses ■hould he Inspeotrf by you Sunday. 2-5. be­

fore you purcltase a home; nothing their equal lt| the county for the price; terms 520b cash, balance |X per day; contains six and eight rootne; large porch; parquet flodn: electric and gaa; steam heater; beam ceilings I fireplace In tlving-room; decorated; IT mlu> utes to Bread st. via South Orange ave. trol­ley. BLOKMECKE, 75 Weal End avs, and J85 Market et. _________FAMILY leaving town, will sacrifice reildwce, !,■Washington ave.; large lot; 10 rooms; .all *—prftwernenta: oquUy |2.5flfl;' estate mortgagfi,

ecnt. Write Owner, fW ThirdAtgy«.VAII^JJURGH, Palm st.. 7T-One-famlly

Iwuse; Improvements; In (In* condlUon; lot BOalOO ft.; good place for garden and chlck-

Ohly |2.600; easy terms. Inquire on prem*

FORBST HILL—Before making your daclston to buy, let us show you the >

on market: 10 rooms; _tjle _oalh, etc.cheapeet prop-

BMXm (Joralcmon Agency) ST6 Washington W _______________


FDR A MODEL home In the Orkngeii eehd for otv free, handsome, Illustrated booklet.

PHILIP J. BOWERS 4 CO., iM Market si., Bowers building- ___<fWO''FAMILT bouse, near Sixteenth ave.; 11

room; b&th on each floor; everything to gMd condition; price 53.800. MAR5CHNER.

- n t Avon ave.

•end tad boolML lUrkvt lt.»

reaedli . .r t x ig j j .

> I^TACEBD S4-room brick boqs«, eantral; ffiB be secured for |3»050; price 515,560.

bfllCAbw tnortgage 6 per cent. Owner, 29^ MBtOotor « t BACRIPICB house: family going South;

111*, bath; all Improvements; lot best fsatlon Woodside. 544 wood-

i lA R m a H rn .-p lM dfl«n win bn, A Bto* tiwi flilullj house, with Improvements; this

Alp. CRESBE A TORRI8L 207 Mar-

B4'lmArrriR HAl.E —Just I'Yiniplrt d. white siucro cot

tagf. 1u rrymis siil liHlh. all sanitary Im- prvvetuetita, int &Oil5U. cigM id^utoi' walk to tH-eau frunt: ttir<‘0 rulimira lu i f ^ c j . flro roln- utes to rsllrohd v ry rholce locitl«n.W. r. Al-f.KN. owok-r. lirlmsr. N J.. or room 8, riJy Trust buIhlJiig, 133 Roseville sre., NeW' srlt. N. J.HEI-MAR. !V. .1 - 1300 cash liiiys two choice

lots at Rhode IkU iuI rulnt, helmar, N. J. Address II F IT N’rj 2. Box S|, Delniai, N. j.

Ib'MevlIloCiNl'L-F A MIL V house. s»!\cn rooms; all Im*

]iiovi-ui'-iUs. ni’ar tmlloy, slHtlon aud 9cb x>): l»( 4(.n2i)o. oil two prlCY* kl.TNi. urm»556U, c-suth balanir; eaay terms. Acldros* liar- gain. R(n h. News officellAlKiAlN 54,.Vt0 house, all 1at|»rnTrm<>utH; lot

SiiilUfJ: In lli'lJerlJle, N, J.. ihrt-e mlmiteii to rixjMi'y or i:rli> llnilroad Ktstlou; |5iNj raah and t;i IDO In iu<«gsi;e Address ItelleTlIle. lini •ti). Nc'WiiNi't.'Sh’, 71 Ijitilf Ht , setpn ro<iinH, rM Im-

fin.vciiKiits, t I fruit, I'hli kcn house;t>hr|<Rlii f'T (link hu\cr A>1iln-ha Uulik, Box J, \’r%vB i.fri.-p

Ciiattiamf"Ol!NTKV LIFE

Tf >ou nrr f>'rjritiliig 10 llvi- In the cosinlry, and wjiii a ' rukh ai d hKalthful' Ifwatinn near Newark, l-nc-kawnnmi Hal,road, loniiiiututlon tow, dlrf;<-i. >oui iiitoiulnri 10 L'listlisui, N. J ; all imi[ili-|pnl Iniprnvf-monla and iip-(o-<lalo farhiilev: lots, plot.li. nvreage or houses ot luw prices and Ktuid terms. ^ ‘ !LLtA&l li. BRQKAW, I'helharu, N J , and lit) Uroad- way. New Ycirk

MOVINtJ to (’•llfornla, must sell Eest Grange home. 7 nroms and bath, large living-room,

open rlivpls< • every improvamenl; An* loca­tion; large Jot; no reasonable offer refused nilTTEHWOHTH. Dodd ahd Prospect East Orange.

aU .

FOR A MODEL home In the Oranges, eendfnr our free, handsome. Hluttrated lM>oklel.

rim.IJ' J. BOWERS 4 CO.. IKU Market st, liovicrs bulWlIng.

WnuTiJAGE called, mun **11 East Orange home. 12 room* and bath, hut water heat;

g(H>d stable, large lot. hennery, fruit, ruses, just the place for a doctor, sacrifice lll'T- TKKWOUTH. Dwtd snd Proepeci els , East Orange.

ONLY |4.H0l> for dealtwble two-famfJy houM with all Itnpts. to each apart manl. only one

blm'k from Ualn st. trolley; lot 30xlH0; value lO.lXk); will Mil lu quick buyet for 54.HOO. FRANK H. TAYLOR, opp Brick Church bta- tlon. ________________ ^

FtjR A MODEL home In the Oraiigee, eend (or uur free handsome, lllustraisd booklet

ra iL ir j bowers a CO 1‘<u Market *t.. ilowvrs building.


ACT QVH”KliT and eecure grsstesl bargain In Best Orxnge; new house, convenient to Easi

Orange Htatlon and trolley; lot 50x456; vglUc 512.a16: can be purchaeed at V500 FRANK H YAT1X5R, opp Brick Cturch BUU<m.TE.N-IH.K>M house, garage; large eh«dv plot;

liurlwood floore. eh-ctrlc Hglu. iu*am h»-at perfect repair, eieeptlunal opportunity 10 bu Bi your own terms: or rent, 5fl<-i. Artdreea W. c:.. owner, 810 Broad st.. Newark. N. J.____FOR A MODSI. borne In the Oranges, send

(mf rjur free, handsome. Illystraiod booklet PHILIF J BOWERS 4 CO., 180 Market it , Bnwers building.r^ESlllABLE hqme. never occupied except by

prusem nwrur. 5 minutes' walk from trollny. nr i.irtive and I'Jasi t)range ]K, L and \ . ► tatk'iis, priL-e sod tenna reasonable. T. \' I-’ . 1H N'lrlh MApie ave , Idast OrangeliAIPJAJN. without RgeniB. two-family house.

IT r<>inis. lo (WO sleam healrra, sep-araia cniren -'-s wMe i.-i. coil 57.600: slegsh ler prlre, 15.750 51 i)0O caih. AddTuse\«ilUl. R-«t 61. New* office.


FOR f?AlJ5 cheap, J1-roorn boardltig-house, rrlth lou ft. from. WM) ft. running to about

i|je middle of rl\er, rhlckpn ppo; good drink­ing water and i n place; a carriage atCliutham Station will tiring you to the door; ask for Kraum's pUi.lc grounds; letters will not be answiercd. place can be seen any day; terms cash. A KRATIM

a i 'REA^ES For lot dev'eloprnenL and speculative house

building cr profitable (n\eatment, near sta­tion. at |nw prli-k*s and good termi; one plot of about 2.5 acres at a big bargain. WILLIAM H. lillOKAW, IW Uroadway, Ntw'York, and Chatham, N J

FOR A MOHEl. home In Ihs Oranges, send for our fr*'-. hjmdwjme. lUuslrated ln'okh't

T’ l I lL IP J RUWEllH it CO., IRO Market si-, Rowers building$4 2iib •^'MAl.L Hinognt of cash needed; two-

family; large idr.t; double porrh; lm|j(* ; Tiwir trolley sitd station, might trade. CtlAP,

FRITZ, Multi and Hollywood avi , East Orange Tel. :i.’l55J Orange _

FrijL HAIJ5—Two-family house, 18 rooms, all inLi r^vfimenis, near Drove At. and East <'fT‘

aug'* ttlatlons, rented for JM2, price JH,000; good IntPBlment, MONTtlOMERT LINDSAY. !M7 Main st , East Orange._____________ _______FOR A MODEl* home In the Orwnges. Mud

for I'ur free handsome, Illustrated ImoklPl. I 'H IL ir J ROWERS 4 CO. 18» Market st . Bowers building ___________________Ba r g a i n . ib.ikiO; two famiiy. sti impts.:

atexm heat; pint 5ffxl50; only IfiCki cash neetled. near tndley and station; good Inca- tlon. CHA3. l> FRITZ, Main and Holly­wood Ave . East Orange.

CkldweUIN HEALTliFUL CALDWELL CEDARS.We have the little artistic home you ant

thinking about (very reasonable terms); three now ready, and building mure; near town cen­tre. H. C. BTEIMlOliT. Caldwell.CKIC'KICN’ FARM, fi arm, s v'en-rooni house,

barn and chicken-tiousr; all in goixl ropelr; one mite from D.. L. and W.; $2,500; pirnty of fruit and ehade. C R. CANFIELD, 883 Rloomlleld ave., Caldwell, N. J.

East Orangeil; goo opaTr;

STrOCO. nine-room house: * besoty: |5,600;terms 11,000 or mors down; If sold hy Fehni-

sry 15 will give buyer light tonrini car free: cyme and see ft bargain: title first clftst. M Wstiesslpg a v e . ________CK.NTRAT. AVE . 30—Cheap; easy Mrms; want

offer; elght-roora dwelling. All improvements; Splendid location r«T physician, demist or tailor. LINNETT 4 WOLF. 221 CTlhton Avs.. Newark. _FOR A MODEL homo In the Orange*, send

for rmr free, handsome. Illustrated booklet. PHILIP J ROWERH A CO., ISO Market M.. Tlow'ers building

55,760; NINE-ROOM IlOCHE; good lot; with stable; b(>us0 In perfect repair; three min­

utes ii> trolley and East Orange Depot; to settle an estate, this property muai be eold promptly.


What have you to offer for sale, rent ot ex­change? ,Large Jlst of huyore of bargains. Send US particular* at once.56.000; KiaWT-ROOM HOUSE; perfect repair;

first-class location; near train and trolley; this Is a 16,600 house; owner will sell H at your own terras.

UNUSUAL cmCUMSTANCES puts this partloulATly deeirable 9-room house, flne locatl<m, on the moiicet at 56,000; 54.000 mortgage now being placed by a conservative Investor who placed a valuation on R at |T,5O0. thi* property wc consider the best buy now being offered; easy terms can be arranged; iiDsaesslon May I.

FELL A DEl'INH.848 MAIN 61.,

NEAR ARLINGTON AVtt.________FOR A MODEL home In the Oranges, send

for our free, handsome. Illustrated booklet. PHILIP J. BOWERS A CO., 180 Market at, Bowers building.

$4_C00—TWO-FAMILY, all Impta ; steam heat;near trolley and station; will lake lot In

payment. THA6. G FRITZ. Main and Holly­wood avs , East Orange. Tel. 3.5A5J Orange.|2.fi00 CASH and mortgage, which will cost

$40 month buys a big house and large lot. best part of Brick Church: big bargain, WOODRUFF. 471 William st.. East Orange.EAST ORANGE, North Seventeenth st

fin* house; ten rtJomft and BBlh, every Im- provemetit: price $4,560 worth termsto suit. SHELDON, 21f2 Market at..>LAggJk.^BT ORANGE. Mala st., 207-9—Fin* iocatWh

for apartment-bouae; lot 55it6!; will sacrifice on a quick deal; terras to suit: oear Orove Bt. Station. Address COLE, Box 80, News office.FOR SALE at a sacrlflcp, ap to date East Or

ange rcaldeocp, cooFenlent lo Grot* fit. Bt*- tlon and trolley: owner going West: on agoots, Address Owner, Box 88, New* office.east o rang e—Moving picture shows will

be licensed lb this city; beat location; junc­tion of three streets; fifty-five feet fiontfige. Apply 56 Main st.. comer Blerling. _________

m rF t,VAve,; .14 49- f t wo bkllMi owAor w«»U bondiDf, T3I ..w_______^Id*. 'lorme tot; 4 ^11 sell rni mt*


5 fi2p iir^rated booKtkt9 UmM U,,

Mirtb; m u IF and ktutro; wtll lake lot

troouvoi, 9cm'V

i n t o j m A T B FO B SALE— ROSE.m u v E .

b FIRTO ST-. 948-»Elfbt roomej stwm Doreolila stnlui sitra tollti In cellar;

parlor and hAUi white and tnahofony; dieormtiidi nine years old; built by hon-

woiIk: owner In houie; account sick- ■Milflea, HOW; rents |5»,

house for sale fa RbserlHs ._,,erti ooaventeaoes; near train* Teflosd nalffhbortiood; also other

'p m ^ e s lowesi prices. McCORJp. glOveiith i t I *phop».

'AIULT heuseoi double, sla tide, 37 ft. plot; nets SD per

i.OUP Seriaa CIBdS. O. FKlTZ, Main ipa VettrwMd, Shet Orange. Tel 3355/flun iiL

I' l ii I . - ..................ttflOiifTOflTT Inya two-tomtlr taouMi all separate

ImmTsingiiTs' steam best: poor •totlmu It HpMi: Starofe; prise |d,3Da GttO. tt

lOB Roeevllte


AiUngtonJ<^Vot sale, bocao eftes and

I OQ th« SnUbemlui tract: east Kearny ave. to PoMolo River:

^ nllrood> iHm 6t, Station; on ft . ort Columbia offA. etc.; few lots 1700 1^ upward; terms favorable; — It eotbt nlotlce tnxtaiments. EtL-

308 Broadway, K»w York.;W1XL . buy A Tmt-eUii oae-tantllr , Arlingtoa, including 8* roome:

Lenta: rents for $480 yeariy: around I tor inmge: must' ot aoid by the ila month; worth ttOOCk 8ei -ml eiatata, ^ Epriogfleld ava

. .. ... • ___«U ImpU-i l>**t iDW^Wi«B MCOOljt «I OVMT fOlBf tHrqn «t., Arllmtoo.

bMM. U n»nu, idl impma- '•HSM st OnM* It., AMtactoi. I^ulr* CU.

.aEoiEunr. «ti

UOMUfloUiW UtT tSiMO. ihliKl* «itw lv, nn poreli,

Urlsi-noBi, tM iaUmomii i t j , <«aUi, JinnlTj, Mnig, lu , clKtridtri

OD lot MiUl, Imu* M at, h t u roomi,• tall, taui, cMitiist trim, doBlile looM,ittw utnna, ittrictlr* dmntlgM, ralt

coBMtj gnlr K.HOi tgnM ta n iu

^ i m j T j . T lewM j Mod tiilfbixiriwod; ttMHfMttUr kmm, S mm), In «na(-

------- tta, (owtr «t>n4Mt«d, lot SOxlM;; Bta taloek to .trollop aal M|h

0 Ulooki to nllnwa lUtlon: vlU Mil „ buynr.. u ttio Mtato must ta M » to

t pHo* M jjM; vtU OA* ll.KN) down: tad-

ta .■ptenf-^aStK 'rtot jO x lS ; il»am: M.

H u u ■■Iimrannta; t «n t^ <lv«mioutM ^opot: |S,M. Aiwtoer nlpe-room |M>us«> pfaiaB. fsj. eieotrlcUy; ovwirthlng mod* M i pfet MxlfD; thrae minutes dsMt fowhef

loir 180); HOOD. KgoellePt op- BHtTH, oppomte Lasfcawanna.

ytkbpOltiligLD-ilutabitla]. IWiMnlMd, T tamo: Meoratod! ev«x tmpMweoirt]------ inltBdfd Mlghtaf1>M; nou

iMhgr. octaolilrt MKlMi fMt.

HERE are a few genuine bargains for home* seekers In East Orange: all offered at greatly

reduced price* for qulak sale.g3,e00—Very desirable, one-ferally houia. seven

TtioTM, all Improvement*# good loca­tion; lot 80x100; flr»t'Ciaa« condition.

14 700—Eight-room house, all Improvements, lot 5O1ITO, most desirable neighborhood.

56,000—New one-family residence, 10 rooms, all Improvemenis, never occupied, only fikXI cash required, beat bargain we know of; restrloced one-family location.

l7 M0_X^QOg ave., nine room*, all Imprtive- menU: lot 60x150; three minutes to sta­tion, reduced frora $9,000 for quick sale, easy term*.

Large list of properties for sal*. rent or ex­change,


FOR A MODEL home In the Oranges, send for our free, handsome. Illustrated booklet,

PHILIP J. BOWERS A CO,. ISO Market SI.. Bowers building.__________GREAT OPPORTUNITY-Eajst Orange, oil one

nf the best avenuee; nine-room unique one- family residence, stucco; convenient to ata- tJona, echools. churches and troiie3>'fl; one blbek from Essex County Park; large ground: 75x125; 18,900; worth easily 110,500; terms 5500 down, balauee mettgage; owner built this home yid bad to move to Illinois. PHILIP 3 BOWERS A CO., 169 Market st.. Bowers building.THE ORANGES to Maplewood—Sale, rent

exchange; furniebed or anfurnlshed; oue-fam- tly, two-fatnllji steaiii-heated apartineDte; some of the best bargains possible at from $6,000 to fl5,0(M; good buslDcsa on your part to Ree them EWfere .decItUpg: msy save you $500 to $1,000.

G. IRUBDELL MOORE, opposite Brick Oburoh Station, Eait OraQf«>. N, J.HALSTEO BT. efi-In the heart of Brick

Churoh section; four minutes to station and two sleotrlo ilnes; lot 50x217; twelve I'ooras; ■team heat; fifty feet of porch; upper sleeping porob. For other details so*


OR ANY OTHER AGENT._____FOR A MODEL home in the Oranges, send

for our 6es, hondsonw, IllusUatod booklet. PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO., 189 Market *t., Bowers buJtdlng.CONVENIENT to BHck Church Station” and

Main st, trolley; handsome two-famtly flat: 16 rooms: Boston plsTi; eeparats entrannes, sep- arate cellars, laundry, etc.: rents for 585 per flat; large lot; room tor small garage; price $7,750 to quick purchaser: owner realdee In ^Ufornia. PHILIP J. BOWERS &. CO., 189 Market st.« Bowers building. ______ ______NEW one-family house, six rooms and bath,

coal and gaa range, steam heat, art giasi, cemented cellar; lot 50x100; ^ block from trol­ley; six minutes' walk to P., L. and W. K. R. ^ ijon at Watoeaslng: good location; bargain It Mid at'dace. Apply to owner. 15 Olive sL, East OrAhge; Olive street Interiecta Prospect, near podfl._____ ____________ _____________FOR A MODEL home In the Orangea Mnd

for our frse, handsome, tUustrated booklet PHILIP J- ^WBRB & OQ., 188 Market it.* Bower* bulMing.

.FULTON 8Tm 28—N<w itucee and tram*, eoe- ^^$otIy, ntne r«HM_ wd^Med^ ba^, e toc^

FOR A MODBI, home In ths Oranges, send fnr OUT free. haiidBome, Illustrated booklet.

PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO., IBO Market *t.. Dowers building. _____ ____________ _REAL ESTATE Ititurance, all tb* Orangpe.

GEORGE F. MACK,Opposite Brick Church Statlcin, East Orange. ' 'Phone 1338 Ea*l Orange.

R £ A L BSKATB FO R a s U * - O t T o r TO W N _________

autoMFon BA|.l£~BwuUtul <m,-IuTinr h w . will)

T (MUtaMNl talh, Mtam hut, Ul Improv,. irllh M«bl>. mpin ihM, (Mctan loopi.

«ll kind, nf fruit tw>. on, Mr* nt Iwd: on Doyqilrif ,vc.. nMr Fortl*tn tl.; vlll h II very rwwjnnble to uolrk buyur. taf'tlculare Inquira at IIE>Huydsn eve . IllUnn

irTlngtonIRVINOTON—Oly ResUy «'o IM5 BprIngfleM .Mvr., Is the i>ii«‘e to bu> priiperiy, large or

■mail, first uf stI you gc-i a square deal, and ■ I prices and on K'rm* ibut will Uitsrasl you; rsnu’iuber. w« take larf of you In every pur- fhjsse. we s<-|l. exchangr-. ne< era' loans, tearrh, and build on your uwr* Im wi are open Sun­days; dun i forget Ihr I'la-r. get off the rer* al Orange a\s.IRV|Nin'<lM-One of ihr best <ine»ftmlly

huuse prnjHJsitlnns in 5i”An 7 room* and i>ath all Improvemrnls; lauinlry, extra library, garas'’ and chK-ken hniia«- iirge lot, ^xlW, wlih grs|H*a and fruU. tm» piece le wonh Ifi ikMj. It la on one of our t>e*i ■treele. and I* (III Idas) home; wr make ihls special ai IS.isjU. I'lty Realty t'o.. I04f» jipringfleld ave.

IltVlNUTON—Special, one wrek only: 53«KI taiih, i elancft r*»y ixxymrnti new two-fem-

lly house; |4.(J«i0; wnrih 5 5 lot 30x109; sep­arate rrnranrcs and nil lmpTni*m^nts but heel, the jif-liT will be rallied In on" week If Ml *<*1d. so don't wail, on« n-nant all expeuaea,open Kunday. ('my UeelTy 1046 Sprlng-rleld s\t;., get off cars ai i ininge av*.im'INGTON- Wp fsri (ra'ln jn-u a hou»e for

your loiB, or hulM ynu a ii->use cheaper and briier ihsM any biillderh in i iwn, dua’ l be de- leivetl, gel ihe other feUuwh price flTSi. then

US, but bv sure t'r aw im before you buy or hulM , we enn show you imtisficd buyers all liver town; u[i«n Sunila) I'liy Roallv Go., Itn5 HprlngfleJil ave,, npfxia!:.- iirangftIRVINGTON—Owner* kn-'W that wft can sell

ihoSr houses If they riiBh- Iheir prices right. Hill] wo have iha lsry< <«> iisi of bergeini In ono and two family b<.uti* hich mssus that you ttii buy right If >uu era qa; but don't wsM; pfiroa will go u;i in another monih; ftdvcrilalng costa money. uml wc can't tell you about (hum all ihrougl. ib" pros*, but call at nur Office and le us sic sv you; every buyer gels a square deal nlih ub. era us Sunday or i*ny tlnis at your cqi «1 nu.iioe, ppen evening# by appointment. Cliy Re«liy f^., 1945 Spring- field av-e.IRVINGTON- If you like thoee seml-bunga-

Lgws, 0 rtxmi* and bath. Improvements, we have 20 0/ them, and st price* that will dl*- L'ount anything you iia%r yet sewii on your own terms, enough hui'l, aeft ui first. City Realty Co,. HHi fiprHKfield *va ; get off cars at Qrang* a e.IRVINGTON -Ws W1.CI lots !h eorhange for

houses What have you? City Pealiy Co., 1045 fipHnsfiebI A\tIRVINGTON-W.' ts-f on our trading list

thirty-one ulrurle fnrnt]:i house*; tweL e iwo- famlly hoiist-s three ihree-famlly bouses Iwenty-tilne l >ia an-1 twenty acres of ground, In and iH-ar lr\ingp>n, botld*s four farms. Tvo will exctianKf* fur lots or houess; free and clear Iota preferred: or will lake In oichaiig* first or sfH-mii [nuriKags or sell on your own terms. largeai trading and selllnjf list In town, ciry Ib.HlTv Cn., Rl45 Bprlligfleld ave . near Orange He-IRVINGTON- High cost Of living and high

rent nieanB [-overly, ruin and dli^uragf- ment, get inio Irvington; cut out the Isodlord; buy & home anti be happy; wo can ahivw you houses nt pTb'r* and on terms that will cure the blur* rity Realty Co.. 1045 Springfield ave.IRVINGTtThS’ -5h noo buys a nsw house, all

moms and Imth. all Improvement*, steam heat and nn-e lot, and we can arrange terme to euli purt baser Thla house Is only 30ft feet from th-" can City Realty Co , UHB fiprlng- ftfld a\"niVlNGT'uN' -Note this special, positively the

best twii family house In InMngtoh. lot fi'ur doors from two line* of cars;

only a few steps from the centre; IS rooms; se.p’at-Htp emrancee end all Improvemenls; Btoam heal; two outhouee# with cement floori; rlglu up to the snap In every way; Ihle place Is actually worth 57.000. but wb make a spe­cial of 11 this week «t $6,900. and tW) cash wilt buy It; lots taken In exchange; almost new, and It coet more to hPild. besides the lot; If you are after something iwell, ■*« this: open Hunday. City Realty Co., 1045 Spring- field ave.mviNOTON—Two good lots, 50x125, In fine

location, will lake a good second mortgage or cash Mr first laymsm. (,?1ty Realty Co,, 1045 Fpringficid ave.

LIVE RENT FREE.Fine new two-famlly, 11 room*; baths: eep-

flcftie Improvemerus; fin© dry cellar, pint S-tx l:i0 ft ; lota of room fnr chickens end garden; M,2O0; vour own tprtna.'I'frr'L Rl'NNlNO EXPENSES AS FDLlAIWB:1‘Rirnc ................................... 54,100FIRST PAYMENT.................... ak>

R O U i B B T A n FO R S/liJB—OUTo r T o w n

MoBtcliUrEXE9CUTOEI 1i forced to etil well rented

property tn Montclair at a eacriflc* to rloae up an cgtele; wjii sell at price to net pur­chaser Ui per cent on money invesied. Ad- drese ttcecutor. Ikix 61. New* offlcr.

N UtleyBTt. i'i'O of Six room* knd tiled l«ath. large

Mvlfig form WUh tapesiry brli-k HOl'SE flrei4iii.e,. urtiilii: crafisman finish,

modem plumbing and stram h«vii, red aareilcw ihlngtp riwjfa; altualcd a hin Uip, wRh ©xlantlie Itws and fln«< sbadr lien, near *tai)on and trolley; prioa only 54 25(.i liberal terms .\<1drt‘si Archllect. rOcMh UhB>. tk> Naaaau st , \eiv Vork.HA\'E corner plot. "I’ xlOO ft . on, t'l-nlro st ,

near Avondale Riailob. Nuiley. valued al $3.U0U. with Instaliiteni rxtortgagi- on s.imri of H.euu, how much d-i yoii offer? ^Or will es- i'hange for 6 >ir 1> nv>m liouie, In gool Iih-r- tlon of ReUcxIlIt or Nntley. by paying halanr© due hi tha rale of |54i per niontli. state full particulars and sxarl lixallofl- Addicts E. w,, Hox K2. News ufllco.6FVKN Tontna with bath, all 1mpto\«'i\i"iiie,

Ci>nd loi:niton. easy H-rms. nli<> ivn-fuinliy bousr, with store, big burgntn »: |4. Iihi, anutltcT twrvfamll'- nrai iroUcy, in first cinss rtihtlnum, nr-eriy new, smell Binonni of i-ush rvqulreij WIU.1 JJ. PAKH\. il (’ Ihiiiiu ■l . Ntwarl;, or la.T High tl , NnMrj569 BI'V:4 my lot In Nutley. near my reel

■Icncr td cash and 12 each month. ixrf©ci title. prnt>criy high and bcatillful. lease Nut- ley car ai Franklin and (.'Piitre sts.. NuUey, walk west in Hloomfirid ave. Apply Pi LEWIS. Ikt Bloomfield avf,. near Hairlsnu st . Nutley. N J.Nl-TLEf —New ft-rootn, bsih; sll Impls; fii’e-

cent fare Newark; IS.lKiO; small paymeni. Italabce rent, osn your own home; on troiisy and siaUon . OR DEN. THfl Brnad. Newark-

fU iU L r a r a T f i f o r s a l b — b s ia . r raju B s r jtrR r o R s h o r e

AVON-uy-lMB-allA. n. l . - r t t h i>, • nua.

KINE IdfT. bOglbO fp©1. if llreTPut l*ark, Atlan­tic Klgblands. fo- two blocks fnuu


m x o t iA n w

. terms irrauivd.I.AK. Mtllhuraa i. - ^


STRAIGHT MORTGAGE----INTEREJST ON |3,800 AT 6%.TAXES, about..................WATER RENT, ABOIfT.-----

..53. WO5228 on

55 00 12 W>

EAST OR.ANOB—16 and 20 Elmwond av©.: small new houses; all Improvemenis; half

block from Munn avft.; three minules' from Central ave. trolley,FOli SALE—Brick house, bear Brick Church

;4ta1ion; all Improvements. Call ftt 0 Wanh- laglon st., East Oringe.FOR SALE—Pretty home; al! tmprovamerits:

steam heat; large lot. 213 Springdale nve.. East Orange, N. J.

Gten lUdgeFOR IMMEDIATE OCCCPANCY, 2iy4-»tnry slat©

roof cottage, huiJl 1019. fire iK-dfootus. bnth- room, tiled vestibule, llTlng-room, dJn1ng-rt<cni, kitchen, pantries, parquet fioorti. stexn:, oiectric light, good cellar, gftrage. luJU’Riiam drive, near station, Irolloy, churchea, suIkwIi*; 50,750; ILOOO or $1,600 cAnh ucoded; ot)i<r propertlea usle kod rent; come to oitlne oppiu lte Lackawamia Station. NATHAN RUSSEIJi, |m\ON plot une-third acre; highest elevation In

Glen Ridge; artistic btingalow: seven •-!' eight rooms: one or two bntJia; total cost Jfi ix“i to 56i500; havo plans ready; can start to b\i1M at once' deliver compleied hnus© about June 1, oorrespondence Invited from panics inter­ested. Builder, rooni 1K>0, 810 Hrtiad *i., Nesv- ark.MOpfRN non»E, two years built

two baths; lot 73x140; Ma.v I, Mssesulnn: $8,000; stay terms. Apply NATHAN RL'NSELI-,

for BALE—Illgh-claai two family resident : exceptional good Inveatment; large lui; tpix

163. Owtier C. Box lO, News office.

Hawortli15 MILEH from Now York; nfw lO-ffw tn cnlotiisl

house, overlooking gulf rotirsf; two hs:hB, frss. electricity, steam lioat. nT!5(jKHA I.U. L'-'iiU Firth are.. New York. 'rho[M> 48511 Martiayn.

HairlflOBFOR BALE, house containing alorc aiifl 4ight

roomfl, cxleuBlon kilnhen: Improvcjiienis, bam on premleea. Addreaa House, Box :i0, News office.

_____ _ tteaip heat; Bnt Boot hardwood trim,fMittigot (tom, open fireplace, bitmod coUlitg* aod ptBok elde wait* Id dl&tU'raHs «ul tlbnzyLletfe lot; m y term*; oelt for 'M*t G. 0. EEAGfi. Market ft.

A MODEL homi Ih th« Oroatet. oond for OUT free, liondooiae. llluetrated booklet

PHILIP J. TOWERS * CQ-. 18$ Mafkoi it . Bowotf. bulMlPf»_________ _________' ON MOST UBBHJII. TBRUaK*W HfOHS»-Jt«n roonu. tath: p«r«ii*t

Adlur*; owdot co&tiot oee oomo: bow*o pour ohenco: too mo at Onoo; RoaMg, ipgrtmonti for rout; g » prtoog,


Little FallsCOUNTRY homes and farms at Little Fall*

and vicinity; all price* from 52.009 lu 559.009. C. C. DANIELS, Little Falla, H. J.

LindenSIX-ROOM houftfl, Linden. N. J.* stenm heftt.

ga» end larga office ettschef; half octo of ground, with fruit end shade iraes; throe minute* frim P. R. R, station. Inquire H- DONALD80N. 14 Dock ave.. Newark

MaplewoodUAPLITWOOD. South Orange Ualghtg-High-

ctaH, reetrlctod, reoldotitlal euburb. new houies and InU; every cUf improvement; un* kuirakeed view of Orange and -Summit Mnun- tatiui: etoree, churches and good icIiimI* within tea mlnulfto’ aroJk; from 6 to 10 fninutes' walk to Lackawanna Railroad SUtlon; 3 to 5 min- Utea’ walk to Newark trolley cam free mall dellvcrr. For hartloulare write or 'phone Newark Sealtg Ca. 810 Broad st., Newark,

J. 'Phone B7« Market or W. 8. WADE, i Rlgge p].. South Orange; *phone 437W.

MT oMnfombl* reaJdeiice, Id roomo, 2 bath*;oonvenpent to two trolleys ud station; beau-

(l^lly located: for tale cheap. F. F, MEYER, Ttfecu road, Maplawood, N. 3, _________,

NIW alne-room houte, opra flrepUre In iltlng room; reeeptkn hall; hardwood trim through­

out; all ImproTeocnta; Unodtr ta oallar; large sercb: located ta bOantlfal Booerreit Park »e<s tloa; lot 70x150; also 1^ baUdtag h4 In Maple’ wood are,, 85x1^ two nlaatoa to etatfon; tenoa, Addreas THOMAS A, DOBGLAfi, MiU- bum.

TOTAL YEARLY EXPENSE?, _A BOLT ............... .............. 5275 00

Whlrh is ri3 mnnthly. One floor wlU runt for 120 monthly: *o you can live In the other practically rent free, Can you beat U? See It Sunday. Ctty Realty Co., rh5 Springfield Rve., at Orange ave. ‘Phone 424 Waverly.CORKER lot. five minute* from trolley, 5*100;

also fciur Inti on Yale tract. 25x125. $400 tq 5590 a piece; three lots, one block from trol- lev. 2ftxll0. |790 Term* to suit punhasftr on ihV above A. J. BTATES CO. 1996 Clinton ftve., Irvington (Centre.

DO not fall to see new 7-room house*, nil Im­provement*. 5 minutes from trolley: $500

ca*h. balance terms arranged; thcar will go quick. A. J. STATES CO . 1096 CilnloQ av*., Irvington C-enlre.1200 DOWN, balance cany term*, buys houee*

of six rfmins, all lnirpro\’rmpniB; large lot; price 5S.60t A J STATES TO.. Clin­ton ave., Irvington Centre.

J5O0 I>0\VK, balance terms arranged, buy* new 7-rnom itnuHca. all lniprf\etnent*, hrlck-

pavfd street, half bhKk from trolley; dc not fail In |vk Ihosn over. A. .1. STATES CO . UiOti Cllriton avr , Irvington Cenire.

1200 CASH, baluqce very easy terms, buy* two-ffrnilly ll-room house, all Improvements;

lot IlOxllfJ, near trolley nnd achoola, price 14.200 A J, STATES CO.. IOO6 CUnlnn av# . Irvlnglnn '■'rnlre,rOR SAJ.E—d-Doiti onc-famlly houne. all Im-

pTOtemems. steam beat, electric light, laun­dry In t'clla'-; lot 3<1xl23; price $4,500; terms arranged. GEORGE D HARTUHON. 1009 Springfield avp.. Iri'lngton. N. J.

IF YOr H.WE Impicved property In ftschange for lots nr loti to cxchariff'' for lmp tJ 'ed

priipiTiy, nr whatever you mw.v havo for «s- -liat'gp. ece ilfirrlaon. GEOrniE D. IIARKJ- POK. limn SprlngflHd nve., Irvington. N. J,UVrS. LOTS. LOTS-Rcveti. 27ylT.5 feet deep. In

Irvington IVotre: price $1)50 esrh: five 2flii00 on paved utreet. 5kt.V» earb, JOSEPH DiEIiGLD. Springfield and MyrrU* hvei ,, Irtlugtoo.

RAnGAl.S—Sprliietluld ave. hiislness lifrtpprty lu Irvington ('eutre: Inilldins 25xf¥)i good for

store tm first and light maimfactiirUjg 00second; price JOSEPH DIEBOlJi,Springfield and Myrtle aves.. Irvington,

nlnp rnoma. TWO-AND-A-HA f rF-BTORY Iwo-famlly houa#;111 rcoms, Including atriu rooms, baths, pan-

trip?; terrace lot. .'10x100; street pavad: three minutPS fo Florence Avenue School and trolley;

111 take 51,901) cush. $.'l.H(>0 phvsle snorigaRc ]f sold this month- Addrt:a* Irvington, Bo* 21. New* office.I ^ ■If'H to flcM tuv dcuble two-famlly house;

299 feet from iroMay 65 feet fr ml: drlvewoy !n rear; term*, h small amount cash, bslano# aiiiip ns rent; this Is a chnoce to get a bar- RHln. Addreaa Bargain. Box M. News office.STDYVEHANT AVK . lot ne*;nio 'iH'riory, 15

moms: 3 tieilii; ateatn honi; iwo iepaiaio hollers: rdeoirlc lights, gas: barn and garage' owner Touvlng (own; bargain for quick buyer. Addi'.'ds Sluyvpsani, Box 49, News offic#.IRVINGTON--] will sell at a bargain, ens.v

terms, to right party, a cbolce lionie, right roomn. all improveracnte and r’unv nlently lo­cated; Inveatlgatc fbi*. AddrCH* Genuine, Box 97, NpWI office.SStW OA8II will bilT the beat built bousw In

Irriiigfot], near Clinton are,; seven room*, bitlj. lar| terms

M TI.EY Really New*, tells aboul Nutley. (h# Mnl iuburl Hend (or top>- Nu1le> KealtyMnl iuburl

N«wi. Nutley, N J

OfARgrNON-HKKn>RNT owner order* aai* Imgr lc*uss

fine c<a<llt1on. 15 room*. 2 l>aThi. *i*'aiii. * 1- raaged for two fatulllM, bam. lot nt'drIjackawann* *nd trolley, >nly pi,.'■<«), easy trrnia. BLACKDCK. 926 E*#e* buiidUig

R K A l. ESI'ATE 1-X)ll S.U.E— NEW jE H sr;v

OWNER M-Tlficvi atlradlve iitu>-«’0 eoliagr, Uv- liig iXKMii I'U.'tt: Dfcplacn* p*t»e'b-d iHiiliif

r'N.iu, Iwametl isUIng, Kmvrh nltvdnw*; fire pla-r on reuicnt jKircIi eislly etti k>iM>d In glu**; tUi’h+'ii li**Jt« vjM range: ibn*- large iH-druom*: nisld n RKiin large i IoivIn, tlUnl balhrooiu. n |M>iis)vf nilurcs. Ih'»( hfitlng mik Ihwrii. mgnreitr*h. Jargf tcrrai-rd plm. V«inilU slew rtmT‘'Uiviu HUtbin. irolLy. MidlMin U-«i th*u b-.uf

kawnmi* liallrrHid. $ti.a0n, 51 590 c«ih. Awn nimday Al.hAHtH'Ull A KO>. l.VO Nisaau it Sew lork.Il l Tv* f i i mu carh downi w II m-

utilr j-,;j T,| mnv,i righl Ilil4i a hrw, hmj*.- of •I l‘> 3 oil irnlp-y |inr In S,-v.- .l.-iscv,■onvotueni i-> im.ia, ftiur«‘h. rch-w.l m.rmV.

• will, I in'ip cfuiwmiiaiion lu Nrw V ik. land ri|iii|(]|i f,.! I I i l a n d gi)rd'‘n Wine fur imri;. nlflrr llAll\^'AV H< i.M l■■. iTt:.\ I'S

' :b' <i'hiiH-Ji Pii N.-w Vfirk.Gmif> IS rixiin Iuuim. iis«mI *‘ fur two faudllin

baro, imullry houpir wio-*-itvrlgin r.n.l bla. l' »iiilth sluip*. Ill fiii-i ti'Uii Binri', Hradt'd K-hiKil. rillniad *tstlori cli'isu| loi-aiioo. giMvq opcnlttgfor snr busliN-Hi luum m-U hi ooi r Addrcm liui U'-J iTtiii.iiry S J

hir;ArTU,-ri. ..lo;, (,p|. .1 To„~Bl'ci N J riKhi 01 lusn, iirai siaiUiii

river am) natm*H*t Huy uih 1,V» per n-eeh, Al.l.KN, 2ud l asi Eightk-th it.' NT-w York ('\[\-■»l X lit-I, KM tl 1116H. r-meoiN , ftin min

ute* 1,1 ,i»-pi.! tvvM niiiuii.-a l>i Mih>i. ; ).’ ,>roiliM imrlliuljfi Bildresi H, A. CABI-; I)un- ejjen N J

HAVB tree «nfi oNor Me In Ewt Oraikge ifett I will exohante, for Neworit^ New York

inoome proiiertY: nnd ftiU fepimu—6Hil H. F T bo* 18/ New* om *,.WANTt^, eoiM emiJt oiM*f«fnltr ___

amton HIU (W Keeauehlo eectloo; a Iwo-famlly tu eoqbinffft tor oato*. A4irwi Weequahki. Box New* offic*.I MAY be eUe to e>ebang« your preptitk tor •umeihiiig J gueO dial better end knhfl 3KM

trf? "•uiueihiiig J gued

mure Ituoni*. Will you let me try? Mi, lHAACa, UO r-road riTWGFiUll.V tKMMW. J2 mom*, two mmU

viorti la Iwstmietit. pqully $LM0 i eMuinfe for proiwrly r«*t of Hnwd et. B07VRBB, W ilrond at

ch*i>g for We; *tnn anlcular* The FRANKL fimKt.rvg <X>. 4J2 '


FREEMAN RT , ftO—Wtrre and dwelling imtp- arty np rh# h *r htislnosi bjorh nf Orsng*:

fifth door fnvrn Highland HtsMon on th# l.n> k< Awsnna; price IT.OOO, or e.x»'haug* for k*hk1 iota. fr*a and clear CRANE. Jl i'llnton nFTHi A MODEL home In the tlrangei. send

for our free, liandnoma. lllunrated booklet PHILIP J BOWERS & CO, IR9 Market *1 . Bowers bulMIhg.$D00 Bl.'Yfi new house on Minton pi . elKht

rooms; ateuni heal, cunvphicnl lo train and liotleyp. k</imI tncallun building In rear, eiiit able fnr naru or shup. price 55 -190. Adilrrim Owner. H*>* P, Nb» s nffloe. Orung#FOB A MODEL home In the Orange", aenil

for oiir free handaomc, llluslrafeil bonkU'i F’HIMP J BoWERd & Cl"* . ISO Msrkei at. Bciwera building.

R E A L e s t a t e F0|{ S A L t^ YOUK STATE

c.Mlin, N 12-riKmi lumsn. large rnUar;iwii ivraiidMP. iivii spruiui and vIIIukc

new ri'.jfn. vidtilf hglita tn Kir«yii shade lri*'F, *l<ln v\,Gk Riww] garden Staiu hiads l«*l TtUliiO ti'ei iulra I'Ull.lliu: b '. , gj.hoii ir S'-M m .’ 'lEWMAN' RANFORl', C.muwallvitb N V

j^ :A r EST A T E F<> It SALI^i— TEXASGDtiD darketBiidv if*arii, agTicuitural land in

Huberlann I'liuniy, In itn<ii» "f in arret lu (HKl arres, iiriiy $'l aii I.-'I-, in l.ron t'niui'y. |7 and IS an a* I'v ;i2t) i.r sires, iii-li rLer hnlluni Inriil In Kiilu-rtBi'n I nunlv 51u ail fti-ir. from Ifiii anr- \n 049 arr.-s iraits rMi vrI- ley lanil hi I'ccu* Count), ;»i f ’< nn n'n* For Ihesn Bti'l nil) ilhi'i ii'iil ist.iti* In T'fihs. «rlle fAHt \V ENI i f LT Aiieilii T.san. furmrr'* I In* Mi;i |n •t,,u T,,f,. itisiifameCo. In NuuftTk, b J Auatiu Nn-llnnnl Bank ur an) ..ih.i htuih hi .AurlJll Til

TW<VFAMlLV huuae. five mlnufea' walk from Hlghl*ml HTgilon. Orenge, will **11 I'r n-

change for Ro*«*ville property. W. SV Mc- IXiNOTTiH. T7d Broad at. ^FOR A MODEL home |u the Orangea. spiifl

for our free handeome. Illuatratwl l.‘<>uhlvt PHILIP J BOWERS A CO . ISO Market bl . Dowers building.GOOD two-famlljr bftii*#, five room* *(u1 batli,

■ II tdjprnveuieats but heat; rmlj $-4,5uO. trrm* 5200 CBSD, balaoce saoie ea rent 11. BEAtTI, m Market atFOR A MODEL home In Iho Oranges, send

for our free, hftudaomo. Ilhistraied hookl i | PHILIP J BOWER3 A CO . ISO Market al , Dowers building.Ba r g a in —Elght-rrjotti house and atablr; [.,{

141 Lakeside ave. Ornngr. rtwriffr, 105 Hose tirracs, Newark.FOR A MODBL home In the Ornngca send

for mjr free handeome. Illustrated lux-kiri PHILIP J. BOWERS A CO , Market *1., Bowen building.

BockawsYI8.IK1O WILL buy e otie-fanhly hoiis* lr»ratvd

r i :a l i :s t ,\t i : ix m s a i .i >~4)i t o fT< > W >J 1 S( I ;r L A N 1 :11 I S

it <MM* Sl'iv KN-lh >GM hiiuci lot 09*199.gas f-|i'.'trlrh) imih, ■'tv heain

ing ti|ji;» 7'aii. nrusn minulva to lii>ial Hn<l Mntkt-t Oifrtv TiiinutPs in | Inn..] h ) , N- »» Vurk. I-'or li'MTis i-nU i>i ville DuMIIINU. Jlki

*1 Jv*Mriiv. N. .114 («tli SLVj-.N lun>M .ii^-rKmlly. plot infix

ir>ii; luhiutcs to Btrulcn, i-lilokm buusc.l•tr r'il.VS, G KBIT/ Main and Hullywo-xl. Knat orntigr' Tp-1 Draiigf \5:j,<S)Ck-B.\ Ihl.UN , iihr family, plot M ft , n.-ar

trrllfj- and MtHlli>Ti, tl KIltTZ. MhImuiM Ih.dly wii.hI m t* , l-iiipi (jrittigv T'cl d:ii»oJt 'rurigrKv)lt (arms, vstai

[.ackawanna (citOrd'vay building,N J

VS. IlLlSllS. pluli Rlijtl isult TKAGI'E A. WA

ONbLKAMILY. brick, end three I0U. 73x109 eacli; Clinton Hill; for three or glx (gmlly<

THE FUANK L SHIELDS m . 4t3 Uftloa bulldlug.TWa-KAMlLIEfi. well rentnl. gopfi leceTlbn;

«ant large pbits nf ims ot country bhioe. THE FIUNK L. HHlELL>tt CO.. 413 UniMi t ijihling.|[a Vi; severs) c<iultlcB la «U'f*oilly

.Newark snd Bast Orange, to exelikofe (or tot* or Btiiillfr |irr>is'rilcs. 800 Rroeil st.

■ W\fil1lNOTON' (iT . north of Market. WillO;I vvanin amall bustnei* prouertleg. The %'|{.\NK 1. fiimuLDS ct:>. 412 L'nion bldg.WK have Income property of erenf Mind to #X-

............. .rtfculwre ThaFR^"” ’miHdlnr

j HAVE ^quiUfs in imNima property t.*•'Ki hmigf'. Butmh your offering to OEOltOd

N|)\VAIirifi. Itkkl Klrvmrl;'s building.: < i.NK-I'AM ILV ail hupta : good loeattnti; tn I »']irhiing«' f*pf iwo-fRiuily n»s FRANK I*.' SIIIELDM CO 41'J Cnlcuj building. _____

EXCHANtiiNG IMtOl'KimBS imr " ap^alty:■ llj, cuiintry «<T>-Bge am) farms. Call AT

Hfttr. initVKUn, *90 riroart ■!.


LXCila SGKH-Mas t all kinds ctn. voufilry, HUburbar: luat at iirsaent some bargela* m

Nva York City anil BrcKiklyii: bualneea prop- *ri« giul rcetdeni's* ihet can be ax’<shuiitic'l lur vuujjlcy property*. J. G. THUIL DKl.L UuoUF. real ekUtn broker. Bdet Of- ungi'. N. J . iiptiosILs BrU k Church titgtibOUI l.NKHT islie iTiml property In northsm Jef-

MS h‘iii >ui: over six s-'res: wtih large Tvaifinu'' mill cntiage. lilBo dining ball, eeal*I s er 3iH) pm.yb , garage. Icrliouae, ht>ath<mae And yurext n]>rliiR water, the beat pru^ltlun ■ ji.r i-umjTi'T hoR'l ur club. PARK.roji'Ts t.i.Ul.ng NvM'arkSI MMIT •Mo-l ’rrs bmise. 10 fqoma. bath,

auti I'drloi . Uh lOOx.SC; large born: lb> site anlihci'ls or tiulhUrH' Inspection; Raat Mchtifi' or Nev‘ iirk properly preferred; pil.-f, rn.sriartgv. 57,000. nBORO*F .MACK "yp. Ilrli'k <‘hurcb Htailon, Boat Mr uHAllltlK-.N •■'lx tvvi .rarniw liousoa; gdTiuT

firiii>erty, r.ri-Hv iTcpn-vra: plot 125x109. MOITS Jl .VAI !C, irlBAflv IT .Vk)' equity 57.900'’ ss'lll ex( liArjkv for imr'tnsed or tinlmuroveaI lopeclrs iHx s-Ainr Itii.Uou. Addrcei Hxrri- fc-yji, ho* Kii, Nowi office.UKKJl *h‘.S' iiB for iW'‘ f.jmllies end lots: xU*i

twu‘ fannly f-ir one-fiimiiy: butfineea prwp- rity. fsrnii iiiid ktj fur other property; let u* bni*a svloii yuu tv'int. whrrc yuu want It; wa can match n nL.AUVKLT. Brick CbUftiA yiuhnit. Kail OrangeMUI'EHN MnplewfiHl bouse. 10 room* gri4 two.

linths: IH r>fixl49. cash value iMI.riOO: tnorL gag* $.”1,009: will exchange for two-famUy heuBf sshh rraannable nmrtgAge If soma ooaiiII added. FRANK H. TATIOR. o«a BfWii i]’bun‘h HtatlonOWNER win exchange eJ) yetr round weWr

front rcaidt'nnu with own private boxthouge and dock only unc'lislf hour out. for reald-*nO« In SlonU'inlr, Gleti Hldge or Oranges. Adfiraei At'CHBAi'H, 12 FiJrlleld at.. MoutoIXlL N.

■ g the ,’ A I OH,

Market at , N<-wai'k,

At Rnckswsy, N. pa rT Imprcvcnir-ni*ground iktjjftO; mnrtgagr 5700. balance tn caab: worth 54'109 8ee HrflWARTZ. Real Ratair. 206 Rprlngfleld are.. Newerk, N. J.

South OrftOff^GENniNE BARGAIN—Altracilvp. nifKleru

house, colonial style; nine room* ami lialh; hardsTOod floor*; In beautiful .'ondiriqo through- out: gsrage r»*»‘ently bulll; lot llOslfiu, with one large tretfi; co*t In excess of 5ii,.''»0n: 1<» effect Imnjedlate sale owner ■will RB''riil<'»<. (hi* 1* att iiQuaual oppfjrtunliy. J. CHAIILEH O’BIllEN fO., Houtli tirango.IIANDBOMK I'esldenea In the Montrose aecitlnn.

containing nine large rtxtms and bath: every Impruvemrnt, electric llghia: plf>t lOOxiM feet; formerly offered for 510.000; sncTlftce for |A..V*0 to effect Immediate sale, EUGENE HUQHEH, Irvington ave.. South Orange. ________ATTR.ArnVE dwelling, opijoelte park; con­

tains sevrn rooms and bath; ev ory Impruve- ment; steam hHal; Ideal Itx’atlon and aurmund- Inga; convenient to depot and trolley: price IS.5(kl. EUGENE llUGHEfi. Irvington ave . Bouth Orange. __________UHOICE PLOT, I25i220r high gpoiinfl; reslrlcteil

looatloci; uwuer aiixli UH tu effect prompt brIc, Is asking $3,600: no rcasiiDublp nffeif refused; liberal terms. J. CMAItLHH O'lUUKS n>.. Kouth Orange.BARGAIN—Eight rooms and bath; nil linprove-

tnenls: atoam heat, lot fiOtL'kl; rented price 53.909: cash ILBW. balance first mort­gage. Address Bouth Orange. Box 41. News office. _DESIRABLE residence; containing nine large

rooms and baili, Meal local Ion; wlibin 3 mihuteB' walk of trolley; ppli'C 111,509. Et'Ul'7N'B HruilES. Irvington ave.. Bouih Ora^t-_____FOR HALE cheap, choice bulhllng lot. 3f>0 I'cet

front, 160 deep, four it lnutc* from irolli-y, Six from station. W. a. WADE, Bfi Rigff* pi., Bouth Oraug*WARD PL, near Hciifh itrange nve ; llwil jXidctlon; plot K2il36 ft : price 535 per fool,

'".iddrcaa Owner, Box 72, News offla.^ _BOI'TH OHANt.IB—Monri nee Park aecttorr,

rineat r-sldemilal plot. 111 x2,51, rf;a>«oniible price. 100 Market »L, Newark.

BnsBex CouatjHUKSKT I PeckertowiG—At a big bargnl:! ■•nun-

fry seat one and * half mile* from Mi<- t>or ough of Kiissei, lu Flore Valley New .Icrney; fifty miles frfmi Newark by nintadam readi len ftrrea of upland mpre cr Ira*. tw«j atury I'uiign low resldcnee. wnipletely funiLhPd: tM-.-in- rooms, two hnthp, steam heal and gan; aiiiiili* city wnler supply, modern niid ■‘omplele In nil details: ninety feet of plfluaa. panoramb- new thirty mlleN in exteul; Htahle. gsrngo. Irehoii e, ponUr,v liutiM'.i; tree*, garileiis and shriilibern , cvt-rytliluc li: excellent condllloii. .1. WAI/nilt DK WITT, +43 Broad al. ‘JVl 15k;j hraicli Itrimk.

KujniailtPRORPECT illLl.

At Suinnilt, 13 mlleB from .Se.vnrk, nn il:>- Lackawunnx. SOO feel altitude, will appeuE m flioae wh<i aro seoblDg a home aUc In the lu si reBnt‘d sc-'tlon of snlmrlian Newark, near ha film; large plqfg: wondrfful every ii.iprovemeot Initallwl. For furtlier partictilar*! consult inAljU'B A WAU'GII. Ordwajr bulhhiix yf>7 Market nt.. Newark \. .1PI/OT, I90i390; leml-hungnlcn . 7 roomu. bnih

nil Improvements; gnragr ond '-hlrken hi-si» . fruit and herrlea; station 5 rnmnt-s’ wplk; rifles W.500. Consult HuT' IIKISS JOfiS Reeky <>.. agents.IN iicM of caili. « ll l aa^U’’ <" i'>t 'T Pitfi m

Buinnil, Also nice hnuk'e, aP 1mpr''>vh ni'-n!'*. e:xceiloiii ■'orulltlon, barn nci'1 frmi , 7ri\j.'.ti terms ■•■esy !f dcsirul Add.-rn rasui Iv'.tId, Nv-wa offluc.


4'iHtEBT HI l.J .“ H tndsoniu new iwu-famlly, 15 ruoiua, hU the Irilcsl l!iipnM.cmi-tUp. perqucl

fioi'rB, ‘ I '', cvch.ing ' Inr » nid]| niiic-iuiiiilv or lots. IVa LTCR'B )1xc>iaiig(>. rniun buHdlni:,’

EOREBT HILI. -tlenlicm.iii B rcaldvncc, cosl f.l(l,(Niii tn hiilld. cEcgnm ,n --.i ry rcapet t .

brick gooptM'l) ; Mill suctIUhc and i-vchHiigt' li t rniali firi>|K'riy, yciur c;,ii[uc; iimk HMy uffet,XXAL'ITZli'B Exchung'-, ['iiion building

CENTRALLY io'-nted I luM-etor;- brick build­ing, Miliuliie (or iiiiHlncMi pun osi-it, this

firojicrty la In 1h>- Ic-urt i<f tlie iirpr-ivHuu lU sour*; will vXfhnii;: (it iM'o ur ihrpfl fsinlly, auburb*. WALTEN'* Ek'-hangc, fiiioii build­ing.

CKNTRALT.Y Iccal.d Imilncsa huiMIng; moII rented; exchange f>r onc-fatnlly. i'llnton ave,

or Clinton Hill; thla la your tipiiortunity. WALTHJt'S Exdiange, Union building.

CLINTON IIII.L- Hfuidsurnc large two.family li'iuas; icvf ntcon rooma; all Itnpruvrtio nta;

In one-furnliy nclghbiirbnod; vxchntig»', AS'hal Irt nffervd? WALTER'H Exchange. llitluij building.

Ei'KKRT AVK -Tun faiully; fmem rrPt.mi;all Impriiuiivnl*; up to fin* proinj-

alttnn; exchange; inalCH yuur offer. WAL- TKIVS Ext'hatigu, I'nlnn bufcJiUn .

CLINTON* HILL SECTION -- fllx-fam!JyI rick; nil lmiifo\<'iT,< ihn, .!U rooriia, all trm-

sd; cxi-Jiangf, ma-ko us nit offer. WAI.TEFl'S Ex< hunge. I'niun building.

W12B<.irAH 1C I^AKK New ihree-famlty hmp« alt up Ul ilftU'. bevenli'en I'onma; own<*r niuBl

euiTlflce or will <'XohBiigv. Whni «rc we of­fered? WLiLTEH'd Exiltangc, I ’ni'jd build­ing.

I'OriEST H ILL" HandsunH virvon-ronm rcsl- tl»*n<'e; iU] Improvenu ntj'; lot 59x11X4; arl*-

Iruratlii locaili.n; cxilinjige for ivvo-famlly. WALTEH'.S Exchange, Union Imlldlng.

I’ l ilUS.ST Hll,lr-<’niv llftifl g»'m of a house;nine runniB, kTI IrujirovcttiienlB; plot 37x100;

fill'.- Il icni li>'i. iIiIh i'rijperiy Is g:diig at a Hacrifli'i- ul on< c; Il will paj- yrvu wi-ll to mnlta un iiffir. VV.Al.TER'B Exchange, Unton build mg

rALDSSG-;L[.r--FHnn, '■ n acm*; hnure, alx moms; aii ouiliultdinas, Gde is a fUic plaru

fi.r chkkens: snmn fiijll un llie plticc; ex- ihangt: luuku offer. WALTfaHUH Exchange, Univ'ii I'lijliling.

K.A.'iT iiFlANniC, Park nvn.-iicnlleinan's regi- derift!; hftndaoitif! In every rf‘ejteri; 1 welvo

r'loins. ihrcr’ bailie; 'i«k flonr* nnl trim; ga- r;tR” ttit'l suibb!. pUk IirixIfW; fxcimngs f<ir small proi^er'Ien; Hulmlt what you have. W.V!,Ti-;i; S Lxchangc, rnljn bulblltig.

HIGH PT.. rIty-HefluHfiiJ <-nrtier residence;fourteen roimH; iili hrprfii ■ fni-ni« ; fine ItAH-

llon Jufii the plar-e for tlm-tor, h xoliangc for lots <r maki' cff'C Wa LTIi R'S Excliuiige, I nli>n bull.Jliig.

lil.E.N flll'G l' r-':n.- re = M'-tiic pruporC, . ten roorra; nil |mnr ■wmf’iii!', liJnr THxKgi: in

Ihv most urihiiM-rti!I-' I'cri iomii; owner will exchange for twti-raiijl!> Jiiiv gn-jd 1'XB.thiTi; pftrtkulufs wanted, U.\|/fEn,H Exi-hange, I'nion building.

THIllGM-’AM jl.V ImuKi', seventeen riwuns; In;- j»r«n eih»-niH: yi o-i l'>eiit|nn: ueJl rcnifsl: ex-

ehange for ar?iiill sti-re property, suburbs- W,\l.Th:Ti'.S ExihariRe. I'nlnn building.MGI'AkK ST -Krcf kth! 'lenr I ww-fniiiily,

Flewufh flvf., fr(-i- gi:d rlexr sTorc ftiid flaiN; rirliee st , ili'rirly fre.- luul clenr one-family; I'drsl Hi . two fllinll.i-, iMl\HS3, frt-H fllid eU'flV: submit iin.rililng lti si Tenfuaiily hill section ..hr r.s»[ Gniiyi' lt!ij.lr]es.-« 1-, .rtiauwe, .bl3 Hank st

UEBU>EN’nAL and tmeinebs properitee le MwmdBir avid vicinity; also farm*: la ■»-

tliang* for Newark or vicinity Income l»ropw* Ly; large list; write your wattle. MILLiBni orp. Luckiwanna Depot. Miintrlalr.GKA.MJK-nrtP refttflrtKeL, stone and lr*flie.

1 l,n|cR bscittm; 13 l'•h. Tnt, 2 batba; gikrag*. 525.1S41, nioilBai;'’ II5.(HH>; want im* Of fKinily. BLAL'V'KuT. Urlck Churrh, Eeel 0“*U(iK*'AM {U'T'T'TIUNG gtK*rt one-family. IS.flOfi: fi

r'oiua aiirl balh; warn |M‘n-fH,mlly, in jhe GrajiRKS preferred, ■would add cash CHAW. G FItiTE Uaiii uml Hollywooii, Eaet Oinnf*.HnrriL. 7 ronms. bath, steam, dflcornted;

Tin-iity udnutes MirkM and Broad; will ex- t-hunge fur tiuMtllna lot: lenits to sulL Own­er. Hfi High st , Wi-*t Orange.^ IX '.lu-fumiiy hnurns at We*1 Orahgr; all

mipiiivcrrmntfc' stmir beat. dc.: *mati mori- VHxr*. .x.'iuiiipft fur Newark property. ROW-

Sb9 lirr.Hd bt _________ _______ _WlLl, exchange, a very fine twn.famlly Bmis*

In Irvington, for Inis; truiit he free and Cleiri oiuiiy LMYHi. no ugcui*. Addreei Loll. Rot ik'Ni-wb office. ____ ___Wild, exchange 5+.oisi second mortgaff* for

■•(lulty In rcaldcnco «t Mofitrlalr or Glen Rhig'’. 1.0UIB rchi.ERINGER. fete.. Belex hulldlhg.KKARNY-Frce ami clear tbia. will 4Xchan$*

for anything Addrea* Valuable. Boa t t


MKAl'Tirn. Hlx-rooiii rottnge: Intge pint; NortU Asluirj I’ark. oinNwIlf Deal L^kc: prlw

53.>Vhi; free ami Elrar: cxvliQligft fur loti. BOWrUfi. K09 Hrijacl at, ____


I'RIVATE bnuM: 6 rocjna: bath; wtenm heat;ii|l ii|j-io dfltc lmpro\<-mcnffl; 50 ft, llJee ff*r-

(h-n: located hi VallsHirgh soctlon; oiift blocJC car. Adtlrwsq VV. J. li., IJux 9J. N«we

offlca,______________________ - --

I 'O ll SAUfi OH H ) liBTf— OUT OV T O V ^ ____

AT Morristown. N. J.—Kina old brlclc wlQfflal resldenre, opuosile Morristown Inn: bSit lo­

in lowtj for [■ ■ ■seven with flreplaoee bHtJirooms

cation In town for physician; large rooma,. . . r . .. .,r

light; hardwooii floor* throughout;

[’opiHoea; itol water heal;: f|vi 0 soUflutiia, gaa and eleetrlu il floor* throughout;

fect Older: lot 120 feet frunt, O. K. nOfiS m . Mfirrlalown, ur your nwn agfttU- ,

IkVlNGTO.s—Ix t. HioxJIOO: cluvon rooma; all linprovpments; laundry, t-hloken coop,

Uiifl: in y.ir.l, .'lUx+tj feet, HUJiublft for any buw- n»'ef'. Btablc for lu hnrti‘’b: sheds: drilled WftU, cnglnj? nmi holler and eJwlrtc motor. Afldreee ruilnesM. Bux 3l>. News office. _FOR BALE or rrmt. property on Beach it,

1'rftHKe; r«ni from $0 to |12i arewrolng to tiumber of ruuma required. Addrc*# Owaefj liux B. Nrw* urrice. Orange. •i HAVE 554).()UO equity In Passaic proper^;

wunki :ike to exchange (op Newark ppoperty fi SILVERMAN, 8U ITlnoe at,, New­er Ills,



J'ADCKU. HiChi;|J|-o^' ii irn I ■>

Mn-ki-r ;k - rv'-i-t

THIRTEB.N inlles from >,'r«vark, on wanna; fco( altitude, houst** fur s.vi- ur

r-'iit TEAilUE & WAt’QH. tVtIway In p 207 Market at.. Newark.

rge «t(lo, steam brat: only $5.600; easy Address Owner, Box 60, New* office.

IR^’INGTON. Grove at,, between Clinton and Bprlngfleld ave.—Three-^amtly. 17

rooma. all improvemente; 14,305. CHARLES BPENaLEH, 800 Broad at.FOR SALlt—8lx-rcM)m houee. all Improvament*.

Btonm heat, acrccna for r rche* and wln- dov'B, fruit, chicken coop, lot 50x115. Owner. 20 Newton pi., Irvington.I'WO-FAMILT house: *11 Imprevemenla; with

extra lot. 60x130; between- two oar llnea: for gale at a aocrlflee. Addreie Irvington. Box 88, New* offlra, _____________fEViNGTONi^Grae* et„ 300 feetTfrom Cl!n-

ton dve.—Six rooma and bath: good con­dition: 12,500, r. SPENOLER. 800 Broad it.

Short HJtteGENTLEMAN'S oounlrv rstat ' 21 arree. 12-

room house, gtwd oulbull )lt»g , ijlrrtly mdi: located within t 'i minutes' walk siHiiun. easy terms. For particular*. >'MAIILEH REEVE. Wyoming section, MlUburn

Springfield16 ,000 Bf'YH wall-hullt B-rcifim h<njs«: al! Im­

provements; large jtlot; g>v.i1 neighborbor 1]. ton minutes' walk to siatioti; easy inmia CHAHLE6 REEVE. Wynn.lug aurtlon. Hill- bum.SPR^INGFlELi^HrmsI?. con. pnlent t.. Phort

mils Btallon; eeven roorii"; Inipp". cTnr*nir. exront heal: stable; lot u9xl6i>; price !3.-'>00 ALBERT P CAIN, RprlnglbiJ

FOR HALE'-'Lol 30x122, Ftorcnca ave., Irv- Ingtop; pire« paved- Inquire W. 1$. BUITH,

582 Badger ave.. Newark.BARGAIN to quick buyer; two-family houee;

all Improvement*, Inquire Si? Out lag* et., Irvington.

KeansImrKTWO I/OTS, 1126 rach, near beach end boat

landing; also near Boat Creek and nltroad etatloB. Owner, 721 Seutb Flfteentti at., rity

VerpoBI HAVE for aat«, large dwrlllngs, wUh fine

outlook, at a bargain; also othor iiropertle*. Apply lo C. 8. SIMONBON. Verona, N. J.

West OraDj^cWest OR. NGK- -Conier builnri** property m

a growing neighborhood paying j.i-rcent, on price Asked; could be mad to pay twenty-five per cent,, and slcwe doing giml businees; call eveningi. 06 Hunterdon *t., Newark, seccmi] floor.

pav 'l l;i idl 'l'H11't; pji 1 k. i;'=i!|.li.r ImN .At; h. r.. Ill tn i: )i Hnx1 Ir<"U'TS V fljlil riPnr. Ill KOod

MllTh 1 t,t*h: 1 iii*<j ha V e (D *n fli/l \ P al nvo’ fitmtiy h''use.1 r > M.''k >7, Nflrts offi''•ta.

1 i\V N f Wti shii 1 r I'K' hii'igi'LLiii fv 1 fnr 1Mti, fr

i: V.' M< s' 77H MroftrlHnlct !■:><. i and fArTii*! fur i

1 banS'* caJl 1tr wr!te fm list.Hiuad ht. . corner Aairtr jh.

■r\»nrsmlly r; Jr I \ ■ way, al r'f'i'

.: '-x. hiinx ij, Ni'wa .n


rFS'THAI. AVE 59X100, thlu Wl

M,'Im iNOI'i ;M. 7TfJ rtn ad si

I- f-ir sale I'.r oxchangB, 59x100, thlu will stand Investigation. E. W.


F'lR or iJXf’h.iiige—O-ickhh nn..- taml!yNnusp with l-.i 'ii'xl"'i, un i.'Jlntnn ,t .(> , all

Imprtivutncnt* N'esni price #lfi,riMi, iPtmaI euH p HARRlfSt.JN, lOifQJ^prlngfiplil H '". Iriltigicrn, N. J,

lO-ROr.J! tM ri-farriilv hhilpi? and garage on lot 49xJi)9, 'Mrion HIM stK-ilon. two lil<Kk* from

trolley; renied fnr 5fl."j fjcr numlh; prlvn $7,0<MI; no rcHsonahM' rffi-r iffusc.l GEOF4GE D, MARHlSi.iN Sprlngfipld avi-.. lr\ Ington.

^ ^ “ *1 jlistrtcity; ox^Uent WNi tsUidtae^wtl

talr BdsiitH ta ttdTuta^ jg jo ^ ta n ta ta iO k t jta fit a .

r Bi BtanulMA; aaOta to lU as oontmt, eautaUto ia

antUnU latatlas. toenutoB


eW'^wsshi iiMOTr eiOitt


totaai to

rn a jCw- Briak Cbtach Btotlop. But Qisaga.

XABt MMraB, lUiada IflaSd iTt., H, taar- laakbta Jmwawl Piik-H«wtniat Utaaa.

tiled tatli, nan aaUJa*. mwtles bait, east, bUUUas aM-uta rente; etenm bent, Bu

. Mata: ett lerte rean*: UM -ItMi eeey tonne; price HJBA■eiaelt dnototti

ie,«0-BBAtlTOTOIt flew earen-taoiB hCMa; •teen, eMatatattri s M finttaoe; — ' ■'

Berrim A , -----to6 werttaeote j r » W ». -

•EKiait ta TATUm.Hrtak ESgsta. .Bkaitaa. J»-'* « —-«».■

taut! 10 r c o « i


teea-temUp fietl r

ton A aocKt. tarn ta tM

__ tsUidtae ^KAtion;$ok »u :«v^p ^.$10; egnumg aiapaoUy, $80 Mr nwBtb. Addreee Owner, T. j. B^SLiK, Katplewoed, N. J.BBADTJrtIL Old Bdm«» fer gate or ei*

MoMOtaln. AT«e. I I rooBk« «t| tm- prwvenieoUit recently remodeled. Good BU- ble. Plot 255x35$. Benutirul old trees, Hoooe iHuAted 155 fett Crem etreet OAUB. oppodte etotlon, Ifgploweodi. ^BSAUTmlL bunfaJow plot* g|| tmprove-

Mote; nbuntUAM of thue: located on # iie* CouAtY IWi-

wnlk from eta* M n ^ w o ^ .

meote; nottnonnoe or enAi ¥err klfb groiin& «a v . SeiH ennUo*) '•.poot i t mlnutee'^Umi pnoo, tMW. OAgM, ,

Hftdlfonl^BW STUCCO COTTAGB furroonded by Uim

maplaa: Um IMag and dJBtnf rpotn*, nr*- aldQ trim: four large bedroomo. tiled both; steam brat, il) taproreBaenti. ‘ 'beautilally dororetro; gii«M*e'. i*«60x150: ronvftuleit to depot tea tnrit»4 mint oe teen to be appreciated; owner wl{l earrUee. Addrei Owner, J1 Foreat trod, Hadleeo, N. j. 'Ptiopc 317W. /fH lS Ideal oountiT.liotne la ettusted one mite

from station; One and on«-tia]f Acres of CTOuno. snuthern expoeure; modern nine-room twuee, ail improvement*; lam stable, chicitan bouoe and g^en : l&OOO. li.OdO c«ab pay- mem- 1: 11 or writ* 'r®AGUB A WAUGH, M w ay building. 397 MArket eti f HIUCS fraft K m A , IH aiU<a tfam atattatl

TWO-FA&fILT hooa# at a bargain: loi 'k ai 1HT Valley road, neitr Park sve., and 'phono

offer, Orange 28BR; no trade*; cosh and lib­eral mortgage. IIOCKABKE. lOfi Park ave., Orange. ________BACRirR'£l-^^5ood .two-family bouM, Watsnn

ave.; 12 rotMne; excellent condition; $3fi rontal: tenants:_jnice $6.300j $5o0 cae-ii.

O R ^N . ltX^-»1Vsien«»-e'TWO'FAMILTl fine location: good lot: for

■aio cheap: buy frotr. O'A'ner, aava conifnl*- einn. Aiidreat B>. Box dn. New* office.

CHATHAM. J '-Por sale ot Mvbange for two fnnilly hritisc, iK-sutiful rraltifiic* on Main

st trrdli'y; loi " ik' and otip-third S' rpy. old shade lu«n, fniH. I'fTrlr*. aJirublH?ry; hyusc 12 room.*, all mixlnm Iruprurcmeuts; 511,009; mortgage to suit or -'ftsh pnjposllhm. Owner, J. li. MAN­NING. I* 0. Bos ;ilP. aiaihazn. V, J.TU'i i dasIraMp residence iiropcrtlft In Mont-

riair. well loi'ftifd. In fonu»leic repair: value, 5lu.i¥H> and $L!tx.kJ: morigage 54,900 and 56,000 r<',-tpp<'ilveiy. will sacrifice for cash, ur will eii-haiige for unlmprced property In MontcUIr or. Verona. AddrcM X. T. owner. Bo* 84, Neua ■)ffl('*,

INTUTIOATX this m v *eroa<rosm bnofa'* }uv; nil improTemente: opes ftrSidsca:

asttfsettre; war Below ooet ttr tmme< IBl*i jpAB Bn^ur. Jefferoofi Ato mot

u good tom of 10 tcree: fine f&r trut^ «»d eeae^fnOt; eevqi-roe^ bow; krf*


■ne end chli4ei beuiiee: bnUdUgfjSfU roero ; Mice fStW: *pert etab. T flG U i * kUGH, O rd ^ bulUU&r, SOT Heeket tt., Htw

M it tb m

____ iBii taincfineSABUS O-BBtair

BIOBbT tatotavd bMMtalbon. •!•» goiW l «il I

taliiBt^ walk to •tatlui talt nt: f<a aM- tm u taTIIOIIAS A. DOmiAB. MlHtan.

f ta Itatar ft.. lt>U- ItJ tMtftaacH! Ira

I to twl-

SKADT14V& Mir. MMtatoi tanwi !»■ « pM;fiaut tatalna. auratatart to lutlgo aad

taMoli; tor prtao ud ursiA taiAMrSii' K S evx . -tajm lw tUSSm talUkon.a m ra tA i. stinw ttn » r 1 to u

• from lli-

WTOMiKd •nttota-<taBtto(un‘o taoautoi « .rmn tan». tvs tntta, sU ta jem am a;

tOTM CHAEUWI MBST*., Wfootoa MkllOB. Htttbara,MSW utafitortta tasto. (H i

« 1

SOr'j'H orange , RJ«g* pi —Ksml-dstached houM-, utl IrnprOvnmcRta: lot 5Uxl( : corner;

for aaJp oi' exchange: RosevUls properly want­ed; pTlr.ta JI0.(HW: mortgage Sfl.OOO. ALBERT P. OAl.s. Orange.-isd^vTf't . * stta-ito -- -- *■

'ot 50x190; a small amount wfll fu __ \djlTe-aa Opportunity, Hox 80, Newa of­fice.

W pter WUchFIVE-ROOM «o tU f« on water front; elec­

tric light, runttlng water, large porch; 5 nilnuiee from euttlon: price 13.000. 5500 CMh. balaoe* to tuU. JOHN ,V..' . VN,


oppoRTUsiTT TOR in ve stm e n t .Tsks notks, fint v*. tta .xMuien at th,

wtoto o( l«to Agnu C, Bm <*A in ordtr to sMtI. .sUtA vitl, «a Tbnndsy. tst Mitb da, vt Pektoror. ttiA At 1 «-okKk In tb. Afler- noun, on tta pranlM mpok .tii k I: ,t pub- tit: abettat lo Un Wjrtitat biddR-. ibrra loti (cut WkWi toett, MlataO on the north'rl, oor- ntr at Chadwick STIWta ood Bitctow .im t, in tta dtr of Rovnfc. -Tcnni and condltloiu .undo known On dkT ft tatlA

Or on tavnocIfbB lo -W ILU M ! A. REEVK.

(I Sotah fitu fo n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ O ra g g ^ ^ J..ttS GhndvMi avo_ iciwuk. N.

W. c; « ' * . BMdlw. AH n.SM 0 ^ oL. fc iv i* , R. ta

FRH>: and clear plots la beat section of JtaplewfK,jd, 8.1a ; unsifamliy rnjdence. with

smaM inortgage; exchange for Newark IncooM, Sxchjuig# Realty Co.. 46 CHoton at.ONE-FAMILY house. Peirreon, flncat reslden-

Ual SH ilon, **11 at bargain; easy terma, or rxriif ' - (Jwoer, Etox 68.Kfrws Tffnce.________ _ ___________________

R£:a L e s tt a t e f o r e x c h a n g e

HAVE Bcreiiil piece* of ftcraue, Etaex Cooety, ArlfngtMir Suintnlt aixd L'hathaiu; *lao eevmi

p)rrc«« laid eat Into k>ts, at Montctolr, NewaHc, \\'ratfte1d ood Rahway: wilt exchaiage iiq/ ef the parceia for laceoe. BOWEKff, y)6 Brood atHA^'B a splendid two-fairffty booge. RooerUle

seoMoc, ateom heat, etc.; sa feet to Nudt mortgage; to exchange for (oris: co*t>pMAtfab with old brokera. CENTRAL ASALTT COM* PAhTY, 478 Otitrat gvft ________SIX few ewf Wear (otg, 150x190; reetrirted lo

otte-fomny hoewM; war etatloa aud trolira, .to •Xfkoag* for Iwone hrakora protect-ed, CeOtroI Reatty OWtrot ‘n m lance ow Bumily haUdeece an (n-

prcVoBftfiu; room for g v t t t i wMt two* (u ^ - d r Mte; will a^ can war oltfeinifiee tt, FAME, U«lMl boUtf^.

■Ju-ACRfS FARM. _ li'-j miles lf> D.. L, and W. ajiJ N, T* and

S railroad*; ujiple orchnrd. 8U irsea; chorrieOi pcftrs and other email fruit*: Iwo-i^bfy nltie- rooni house; good bajii, wugon-bpuae, hott- nery, piggyry arul other necraaary ot]tbull<l- tnge; all huUdlT>g!< Al condition] *outh«m eX' p'>Hurt': fine spring and brook; Ideal forra tor ijhlcketis and fruit; price 11,850; [norlgage tor INHJ can rk-mnln, AddreS* our offlco at New- uik, N. .1., or WaeblngtuiL

NEW BUN.OALOW ON LAK-B a: Pompton, within commuting dUiance, hour out new «ighi-2'oom ’hbu*o, impt'ovemenu; n.iariy two aijrei ground} fine balblog, boat-iiiR. fishing; beatitlfui mountain vlowa; Itfice 5:'r.!K.Nj. adiiKkiTia.1 land ntay be purchaoed 1C d '.iml; only snmil cash payment noceaBory. Attilr«-sM -nir offk-c Ht Newark, N. .1.

MiiRum roUNTY VILLa OH FARM, niiiy 4fi mile* New York, five minutes' walk

siiitiun, svhuol, cliundies, atoree; 4(1 aorea; grnwirtg pnialne*, corn, liay, wheat; in foci, i-w-rAthliig: two-siory nine-room modem hou*e,

heaU opc:t ftieplace; barn*, chicksn- hfiijui’b {tu-. oinmcdaiu 500); corn crib; work siiop, a:iK>ke-heu»v. nil kinds fruit; for quick Haivi owner Include* all farming ImplomeuLi, itiol*. elf.: prlij« $4,500.

fpliaY stocked to w n f a r m ,lucludlng all live stock, tool*. Iniplememi; located on \nA\n Hus lAickawfljina Railroad; only % mile station; cnnelatlng 42 acre*, un- cl-r high state culilvatJori; modern nine-room siulo-roof houn", every Improvement, bath- nmm; large liarna; iwo-siory vvogon-bouift; greetiliouBei corn crib; piggery; heimery; jna- chin* house; all good repair; 60U fruit trees, flliplc*. cherries, [icars, qiilnoei, peachee, nirawherrlra, grar'ci; for quick rale cwiicr win include four cows, two hor»n*. five hogs, 175 rhlckeno. five ton obrn. seven ton h*y, all grain iti ground, mowing raaohlne, reaper*, binder*, plows, harrows, Three farm wagon*, two aurreya, cuUlvalora. fsjmplete farming Implements; prlne 45,300; u monsy- niaker and ak»*olute bargain; everything as staled: look It over.






O'wncr'B other biieln»:M requiring all hi* lime inakra immediate sal-*' o* thi* flno lam nocftsary; It Is your chanr-e; real m0JU*y* maker, with fi’rtile field* cutting IW ton* hay, spring and brnok-watered pafiute (or iilnu i’«iw*. plenty of fruit: only two mile* tu railrofld Btatuiti and market and 58 mllt-« to New York: g£n>4 two-alory t-rooui house; barn lorn crib, wagon house: dhutmtog *',[0' down the valley; if taken m-Mo/only $l.w0: tasy termsw For further InfcfftnatSon aod *tra'vellng direoilon* to _ this and m^y

" farm hargalnt-. sea page M.Fofitt Catalogue 35,” w-rite for fr-ie'

tN-py. Station 847- B. A. Stroul Farm Agen­cy. 47 We*t Thirty-fourth sL. Nftw Y<h* .__ERinW-ACKl! track and ponRi'y fern; <"*

mile from Morris Plain* StutlORj, D.. 1*. and W B E : 10t>»< p«dU<-tlTi! lbt.li rail; srTB. rultlvat«l. Inclodln* timotta tod tlftlft Hold; Bao too. m.oBrc tpidlod dstlnf toll tod 1012; 00 tyoN 00 btnd; t^.lvc’ruoto itodyfft tatieo; ytt tlmbor taro. 20xQu; lotrlttl bdu;)., ■ 24-T2 tvlttl itoftty yylltr r ■ ootbqlbUnit. wllb oorlot iratot, ooououtlc tfloh Id ralUr; Ittott rttinru took (uuUiR tngtati yoolCrr ptaot,mo .to 400 oUckons: roitr borwt, ostr. ratatatml BortolUro Dim. tathott rata, wttawdi rouii nMOll orobim, awlo tratf, ptttoK; a mo.t ooDipletc ood pcbOtiMt toni, o l«t to io«l Ditrlift.: Dwoor, tntodtoctnrot, too btaf to (Ira foH .ttfotlw; vtl] lacrUra (ur tl3,W. tataMta Oinwr, Boi TO, Nw . offloo. ,sfbciaLS—Mw HtiitlB(teiB. toitacu

.or* farm f rary w .y ; 9-roOttl haw., ' iriaptr atitbuHdlDsa, wick wwlrr la ttoMu. barn. 100 trcH uwiu 1* oatoatutC drJra to poaatjr aMt, t$ M l. atocK, orira* fijitaaradtu. can ta taooltt t-lllit. >‘»nr atatlon. i t aettg, autak, tmplmonta. adt tor Xlta oirataont I2-ior» latm, ( ( , ; • * ' » i acrai. m et rann, HcJi toad, Aiuat uaVtr to all bathUuM Utra (M L ' owt 11,M* mwu tta« pH«« tor *IL (M to . . UO'toTo'aow-taJa ^ S t ! tratur 'Dawt. totlf ntoO,

it ii« l^ OS*"*' ---------- ■ ‘............................

Hra<L m

tatliito f«r «U to ; rtltator.' 8*0 9 * m i

Ftlwta '* tatUdlnta

rraJnaj. KM to dtcaal toroa -»Tvrylu TtaK taMMUI.

, -isSl


PABM 8 rO R U U E,iiOCT 41 mUm mt, MMT Oatnl, l l i HtlM

llH ia i 6t> IM 10* *■*ChM u U«4; t «* 4«*lll>iC>s 6 ( d6 10 m o il taaw H Itn

rA R M B W A tm sD I

V U im E lP « ’firm bulMli

OTtP v4 otif'f X w ‘ ‘Biu<»^or'<t»>i*' i^ ““ i•--*— f JvsrIlWD Of


gtM4lir« or

WANT moot ! » «• « W'.I 'VSioBiW BTtM, wnu» ^ R w l ir . or niaioiWUI; MU l-rtico-■ I n o ™ o . . i - . . --------- . V. B . ¥ , , B M >♦. H « * »

K '

I V ».rtIrulafM Iniil W

p\., VtuA Oritaf)K"B|N'B *i *0riU4|Or tf- *>

HAVIL iiiiiiU or moft tKrfirToiitnilly houoM in Cllnion IlUl

ArfrlrrM CUfftMl. nrri Hf» Ji*¥r§ office.

TO LET- -OVr or TOW NKKAHHY-««v*tt‘Mh»r) ogfunlnlnc oH

ImpnovKnonlt: Im t:^ lo«r r«»t.THOHAH K HALTIK. ItM riffaiiing, Bfwti » od MwfcK ^ -jA»Arr'15fi'ANfH(. a . HA-Mo*:

V T A B t ^ fcrro.. TO i<Brr_____

BTABLE-rcnr w «v t Matlu m t"ii jhoill Wlf M l; water la alibirj riM'pUoa, T« UruM-

itn*t t«IM* wkk rt.; *phmo 4T«ifl Marhw,

IH V1LW WATIOK. JtfKy renttml; t*o ■Haa fwlti •>• tiirtiit: « 0 tort rlrTotlifc.

teoeOwi tipxniirB; Mi roonL lunitr: UrOr rir.;tS; yeans l . (.-0..

4 u Raloa ba

WANTKD, for ront» N. J. or ronn . S ^ nor* form, with .bulldlnn. *'■

Unoo to N«w Vorlt. AMrrw. *iOi uUn, tu 1). n. H.. Hot t!. N#wi offlr*.

lilllT yoyr VKnr tel*" or '*To lorl”wllh Agrticy, 8W Wnohinfion

nvr., KoriM Hill pfoin tty a <^>oH«Uy._____ _

^n ■nhi-room houfo aa4 both; nil Impr vo m«iU with h«it; In flM oaodltlott; All rw w

ArAR T lU ilN T ft* HOOMA AN U fU iT VTO L lr t .


>rnr« Kooiu. aatk. iamnai « ir ...........v A raojsAr bAtb. iMptna:

hoyl^ Wylu^7^!V.?,V,V|irf.Nthn-'raooi hc ' -•

FOf Otlwi. At*

I , R o o i a ART* -ru v inT O L K T _________

M iiin XviL. Ttb-Muuni. l A m ____■pAfliant; Hvt rAAiM AAd bAili: All ImpRiAA* ,

SHfllllr lAOJAdlAK AtAAD) 1»m I, IM

room hOMM. n ir ii^ A rAA^<aaV,,'rr.ttfORBBN, UM V lM M ’i btd|.

Pi p?nlcoly LAiH-r N). hAi proAd floom r«Al IM- lA- iiulri » « - *8uUth CtlAtAA At

bnUdlBg.&UU4D1D^ ocro* fenrr«l farm, loralrd on

AdlfA Of cUy of 1ft,Ouu poople: «Dod pfoduc- ttyt HUkd, All clAAred; elfht-rooit) hnuM. fineMW Aim for bO h«Ad ntook; douhJ* wlniod W«MA liottM, bOA houiw. work ihop, pnuliry buiUlAC»; oonAMorntiin rrull of dlffproni vah* •tint: tlAtitil rood fno«i rntirc farm. Imme- dlAiA AOAMAflon: pHcw only li.BtiO, n g >od ibAm of _wbkh

llAVK inany Inqulrtira lor high cl*»*farmt. Ir you wi*h to ap!il wrvd P«.rtt«-u

WANT up-ti.-ilui»r 2-famlly imunn. I’llolnn IIIH ■Potion; Riao t’priiral nvi» i Hghborhiu.d. fc>»'

I'bnoA* llmlly t'n., 4Ti nt-

JdAf‘'LiwUO«>ii- IJouM. tliiht rouM and bAth' all JmpruitMnertta, < clpetrlpltr, bardwouq

AlaDlMB tHilldlof. Hrmul and Lombardy ala.— W* At* Auw mvlaing our Hat for (ho cdmlnf

jo ar; our apu t iwfi* rao|« lii (rotu

FIVE rooma. In lwo>A*mlly houaa: All modam lutprovfOMiitoj pariiyat doorw; btam ctUlnii;

siTMMim AVR., ito-Flat conlatalat # d«altAbl« rooma: oondltloa; r*al

__ ____ ____ front atui w r ptnTbct: *lnctr4c Hfhta; •keainriva to Bln* totfinfcj all modvrn liiiprovpmentt; ! h*at; mrlit >fc. lAqulra 31 WAAblngtoA A\%.

too LOWTa BSROSR A 7IN0BR 00.. llroad ai- otoht, boJIdittf.

lir. In ALKKKII T. HKI’KWrTH. ISO ltru»<)at . Newark, N J. ___ _ _ ______

nTton of purrhaao. •tnall farw

HAVE caah buy«p» for your prot^rty if oh«ap. ritaae irnd full mrtkulara to hLACKIAK-K-,

TO IlKNT. wlih npttOM Of i-urrhaif, on llna iVtinayUanla Kallniad w»tmn ^

mllea ftf Newark AiWreaa l’un*liiaa. Ji'ii M.

Btaei huHdlnf.

mllea i f Newark Ncwi ofrica

1’T*-TtF-l)AT». »T\> Kill aecllcm <iu

.11 r, ff7l Hmad ei

-.anUly bouae In I ame If bargain.

Cllnuju I loom

fJudta, PU' pAcaitA&t kMa(li>ti: tlva inUiulaa .M.tllon; rent MS. AddraAa ULNKLIN, U Hlah- laiid |i1 , Uupicwoodai>S &|»uri(ain avn., Oatdwr>||—Ntw up'tO'dala

houar. plaiii roAmt Ami laith. five ininutM from IHijninllpJd nve. trolley, tent Injtne-•llata pnMeMbiri. Addreaa lloutr. Box ltd. Newa ofti‘ » •

parquet flirura, Janltur and elevator service; pervanta' quarlert ua the u>y floor. tepuTAto ' r»om apartmaivta. 'Moat centraily Iwaied ■ lartnient buIJilIng In the city; refareni'ca re­quired from all proipecilva lenuvla. Owner, Foreat l.Ati'1 Comi»any. llyom *UT Iftilun Wdg . irlpphone Mxrliet.

r lvVR; and ab room flat: til tmptovamanta: rood ktcatlon: naar Bouth Draua Av«.; IQ

tftfUU ek AV«V''jl-PV)ur eary

mioutoa to Broad at. Iri4. SSI ftirmoADt ava

Kl«K riMTita, all IntprovetneBta eicep' fir'at Moor. inquire In ipornlag, Ta4

Fourteenlh at., aecond floor.b*At:ioui^

roCHAi; nicely d«cormtrd; rent 111.LOWT, aRBUNB a nNUEH CO., wo Broad

, at.. Qlobe btilldfng.

BRAT 4 MAIXIBOBOE, 1077 hr.i.1 l.ulMln*. rtilhdalphla. Fa., or Vln.land, N. J . «n. (or M « I»ia handiotnrlif ilto»*rai«l rrull amijwJtty lArm caulogu*-

WANTEfi fflrm tn rent, altbln rotiiinutlng ilieluiict i>t Newark aj'e fi il 1 * ‘ “ ** *

Addreea t'timmUipr, lh>x iH. New* nfH^.UKaAld K S l A T i: \V.l.NTIGl>— t> tT OF


l!UK.)>!KIKl.IJ, Farrandale ave. near Flor­ence avp . italcyan Pmrk-Klgb(-ro»in liouir:

Ai'ARTMENTH. fll Bryant at.. Mar Haller l«rk«vay and Summai avc. —BaAMtlful Ms.

A pa r t it io n balk ,th Cbuniy farm, will b* held Fahruar) At FreeiKilfJ, X. J . in order to iK>irlo

WK can Mil or asrhange your farm < *555?home or e*iat*. t'ountfr laOUll

BCHl.KRlNtlER INO. *•••■ PuHdlnf

iini'-farutb li<»uae; ail tiTipm 'nientJ. key next 4ioor. I'ilAHLKS U. UUKNKV. li 4.'llnton aL. Nifwaik

.000.acre farm, Ugbly rtiltivaied. irlen


for' lAapeetlott before dale of a*l*,

b^UlAgi: abuwlDg annual i»rollta oto Hir geAsirV'or partloulara, plmiuiraplia and ai

WANT lo leH nr exchange your fwin t^ our iiiRnner doing byalneM.

HOLHKB. W«rl>1 biill'Hng. N T.___________

Odulry Ixpartmenl.5om HlHLEHlNHBK. INC,

WANTED lo rrnt (ano. n «r Nrwyk w P*” *' Anitioy. AdilroM juirHcuUrr to CHfllB.

KERR. Clioiler. N . _ L



LAST t'ltANOJC. North tirov* it -New. nln* rooraa. bat . itab. elactrlclly. mfialuD flnlati.


a1». iiraiedj parquet fliKna. low reirtal, 9 tiu OKBeN, uoa Plremeii'a building

T< > for two yearn. lS*room houne: nilIi(i|it»'k'‘nienla: groundi lOAxUn. driveway:

garagi-. ixirUy furnlahed If detlred; reaaonahli* AdilriM tr%lngt<.m, ttes Ik, Newi idfU'e.


rOUt/TRV BARM near Mcturhrii, onlh u.w ' alx-moin hOUM, on raotn rot4 l«lw,rn Nrw

ABd Phllad' lphla; never falling brook ttt MWwerty, making U »M laljy deelrabie for ninAt c«cm; ducSs, or i^ itiy ui any kind, Slw oaalrable for email aloio; auto repair pbopi (Alollne eupply, refr ebmenl or tea '%oum: n monthly; putfneuti like rent; no CAlh down. yB N A U K ^ t’hurch it . New Turk City.__________________ _____________

factory HITE. ^x200: block alwl a half from niiilon ave.. fiom Toit u» WSIaon. Ijo

Mgh Valley Hailroad, gniall amount caah re­quired. Inquire rilnl..>n avA________MOrTlt ST—Three blockt from elation: ol£t

2!H>xSW»: will divide A*k FKIHT A FEIST, Fa/’tory SpecUHeta, TBH Bmad: we ooniiruct faciorlea lo «nler _________

BOMBSTBAD farm of 14S ecro* In CbUnly; located In vllloge wJih inratnfMri-,

Igaliuol, church and atoi-ie; D-. I« und W Roll- tglthln few mlnub't: <ln« vb-w, fi'rilit*

Mf], iSga, good buihllngf; pprlngi,Gritty *01 frull; te epbime iioii; in fai l.^ie of tha b«it farma in «v.uin>. miiy rcuaon

teUltif old age and I'lneM: nuTblce An- iiFM Hpmeetoad. Bex f/'. N*‘Wi offlrr

Ff>R RAT.K--A fanlfjrr ilti, or Irurk farm nf rt'g aiTva. i l Wheeler l’«hTil road. Bniilh New-

ark H.. ,1S-1_t;r|er aif . KbEatjrt.llLJ'y Jj—^ -

TO OWNKRS nf real eetaii In the Orange amt Maplewood. 1 am reviling by UKika for the

coming spring trade ibai 1 may have them at complete RS pDNilhie I reepect/uHy eoHrlt ihe privilege of Haling any property you may have to offer for aele or renl. No charae It

I made unleai the projierty It dleiHiied of by nie I and then only the usual commlaalon Send i full pariloulart lo FRANK H TATTyOR. for civnr M yewra opp. RrU* < hurert-ftia'ion. Kaat

I Orange, N. J

KAST «'ll A NOK -Ooort neigh Nwhwd. near EAtt Orarig»- HUUon; thoroughly m-idern houae;

deep lo:. riKMtfrata rent to gtiod tenant. 'Phone Orange 1311.%!.TO IaETI’ froni Hay, nine-room hnuae; owner,

lad}, wiB teH to fbtervt two rooina. ikVI Park ave , two 'loora above Park el., Fuat t>rangc.lRVlN4rT»>N. N, J.. OrovB at. IfW-New

hcnjiie til nv:>Tna and liAlh; all iniprnvementa; Rtcrim b*ai. keya at lk2 drove at.

FA<rrOHlEH t t m H\1,E

diCM Jlcuncetced. jrAninujlmd for iss-tiag* farm cata-

logtie. luet out: IlM viewa of fruit, poultry And geueral farm#. In or near VinfUrd. the fruit AAd poultry cenire of New Jeracy; heeith- }ul gllDiAle. mild WinCim; purcM •AeBod AULTketa; wUhln Iw mikra of H>,01XJ.UUI>

BRAT * VacOEORaE, laergeat Farm

MR HANtTACTTrRBR- W« lia,» «v.ry avail- able fai*tcry, lofi and alle; all have been

cvefiilly inapecledi by our factory ipeclalliie; nave tline, trouble, mnnej Aak FEIHT A FKIRT, Factory SpeclaUeia. Bcheuer batldlna.

WANTfiTi—In Eaat Cfrenga. amall houae; good jitlghhorhood, value or lola aame

value. In exchange for I.I.bOO equliy In beau_ tifiil Ifl-room Brookivf reiMenca; new and mi-ilem. price |10.«k3. ITO Rutland road.fJrivikfyn. __________ _

FABYAN rl*-Bmall factory, at 2W Fabyan pl.i price low; only tAOti raeh required. L.

M. AUCIIMOODY. llU North Pin# avt„ AI bany, N. ________________ _____________

In South Jerwv. lOTT Drexal bulidlng. FKHMetphla. Pa., or VJr*eland._N^._______

FABYAN PL.. 2W-266—finf-atcTT frame fao- tiirv and stable for aale. Faclory Hepart-

mF-ni T/3riS RrnixlGHINOF:n. IN f_______

m c i IHtle five-acre farm, iiftrllctilttrly auHml for tru4 lng, amall frulla or t»ouHry, g225 on

Ibetllmeol#. dow’ii, |h monthly, mity nint Bklleg from AtlantU' CUy; rich and productive •Ml, «caHenl water, pure air. no moke. gtmM or iwamptv nu buildings; elegant nwiie:f ark*t advantage unauri'aaxefl. JliSSK h.

ISLBr. Pleaiantvllle. N J.

FACTTOllIKS r o U S.ILE OR TO LE TrilREK-tiTUUY brick factory, ceniraliy loca-Tl... . _. .Bleti; cloae lo t>a.aaeingrr and freight aj atlont ,^uLn)f-lown owner, muai gell- Aak FKlKT A KKIKT lAlw Felet. nmnager , 73 Broad.

iOO-ACRB counlry place, highly improved, on uMAlly well built: hulltllnga In Mral- laai

•Mar; well looatt'd on macadam road, near Vnlltr; fruit, good foil, tlrie ahade: a hratiilfii] Mie# and very' cheap at the prh-i - H» nd for net tS profttahie farma between Philadelphia

id New York. A. W. DllKSHER. llurllngtun. 3.

rACl'OHIi::S A M ) LOl-’TS Tt» LET

K'AOBlpih-Rivar front: all rich land. Mne

% nilla from aUiton; good houee and IfclM Mtfn: f^ va of targe treoe. iota of fruit. iliaH. iBciadM farming impleinertte and 12

Atsi a2m CUltable for alubhouHn, hotel or dOWA ALFRED T. DECKWITH. IIO I gt.. Newark. N. _______ _______

FABM. •• acre*. J3-mom houae, barn, ohlck- •B Mute, "I outbuilding*, good water; all

Mdtf taH^ttlon; tn fine condition; two young AMte ereharde; other fruUa; 3 boraea. 7 w»w§, IW chicken*: reaaon for eeHlng. old age: eac- Igflog 112.000: «a*y term*. Addreea Owner. K k ST, New* office. ____S S S ro r irB poultry FARU. edge Urge

‘ , kalf hour Newark, Mckawauna expreaa


ire acre* garden land; uuautitlH com- ■ hennery; asrellont ntne-roorofruit: large hennery,

: dty Iraprovemciita; bam; aale compelled; (. a LLABOUGU 4 RON, 150 Naaean at.,

for gale; one to 23 acre*, with or;t bou*e; good for cutting up In lota

*■ ■ and dry;■: high and dry; have city water on ~ U mlRUtea' walk to trolley; cheap

buyer: farm 1" In Irvington. Ad- Farm, Box 83. New* office.

Egypt aactlon. fO.OOO. good • ----- ermnberrtea yielding ll.OOo up an-bididinsa, ermnberrtea yielding ll.ooo up an-*

iMalv. UMicre grain farm. Fi.050; 4Q-acre AtUagu ftnn, good aoll, ,250. Bcud for list of—.J_m__XYa.., 'VayItf l iS 'M w te n Philvi«li>hla uul New York. B. W. DMBSBB, PurlinImiton. N, J kXoaFTIONAI. opportunity, IB.BOO; 14 ur«.;

'IjttbS' bow . born, outbulMInrt; t.n min iM to lUtlan; nod tor dave1oplo«; .xrollnilt Motion. CHiS. 0. FRIT*. Moln and Holly-

Xaat OrmidB. T«l. 8.-IMJ Orangi. ___truck faim: one of tlie heat truck

In Honinouth County; near ihore; ,t aiul rmUromd eutlon; 20 aciM ,tf oaatao balaoca 6 per cent: no brok> Bgr, Beat Ml- Keyport. N. J._____ _





MARKET BT.. Clfl-221. half mlnule east of Broad at.—Two large roonii. acpartitply or to-

gelh#, on eei-ond floor, ainall*! rooma on third (lour; low rente, auliablc for office* or light manufacuirtng A. L. CROBS A BARK- iJlT, agenle. 810 Broad tL

W'ANTED—Hou*ea for aalr or lo let on I.^ok' awanna, lo Hit for eprlng trade: aend full

ileai'rlpilon CHARI,KS 11 REEVE, real <a- lile. Wyotnirg aerllnn. MllltHjmRMALId hmiee In Caldwell or Vpnnm. wllh

gmtinde; lea* than ttl.noo. (or free and dear dwelling: add raeh. alan lota, plot* or at'reage for builder. FEHH, 810 Breed it.WANT cheap acreage fyr cheap de 'elopnifnl

of 60 (n loO err* farm within forty mllea of New Yr.rk. FRITZ A HAWTHORNE. Broad i1.. Newark.


WANT rni:fN'TRY PI.ACR with few aeree, not niofp liion 3U mllea oui: obout ftO.OOO, for

frrr and i-lear city prol»’rey. BOWru^, fifJORnied aiWANTED- Mh} 1. one-famHy houae. with larg*

lot. niienbi for poultry. Mihtirha, AddreeaPnullTi, lUix ■i-l, NVwa offb.>______ ________

FL!KN18Uiit) UOtSL^S TO I*KTIV'ANTED. n-Hulilf tenant with amall family,

fnr fwin'iahMl houio, in r**al«1»'tillal part "< Newark, Hway fn ni rentrf, oimvi-n!«nl to tallroa.l rtnlb-n. 13 r-x.rn*, improvanienli; Ihlono, all fiirnttur''; rent for *1s month* frqm Mny 1 n*it. AiMreao ilealdetir*. Boxlid. New* nfflr*E.-VST KINNEY HT , No. 40, Very central

houaa and b'ralli:' . very well adapted for prnfeaalunal purpt.nea nwnnp woulil rent part i r whole of aainc; rurriHheil or unrumlehed.to ft reP)>fnTljHc_teijjtUj^_wltji_rWer*ncee^_^_


FCrt H.M.r Dreaij 'Irme. J.: houae. kroi.-ina and hath; lot.ipiclclv fumlahetl. elcr-

trie llghta, gaa Hnrt i-muI ranfle; wll] show 12 per cent, clear, .\dilr<-»a Dit. CAllUICK, S3l Bri-iadway, UayoTm*

TWO floor*; 18,000 *quera feat•• "■ fi

.............. . ....... . . . flret floorcement, 12.000 aquare feet- eacond floor, 6,000

equare feeL 283 'unU 2U Ulib at; alM IIPand 121 ^»ne *t.. 2-«ory building., 40.000aqukre feet; aullable Cot faclory or liable; both nropertla* central and handy to ill R. R. In­quire nigh iL xddreee. WM. F, MUf>LfN-___AT THE OONVJONIENTLV UiTATED MAN-


lury; *i*e 20x30 feet, with fine I'ellar;fleor: now B» H. I*, gas onglne and atenin heat;

iTo ' •‘-crnlrel location; beat *001107) of Newark. Ap.- ply -14 Keat Kinney at., rear.IM.lXlO SQUARE FRET, with dock facllitlea.

rallrokd aldlngH. traveling crane lervlre; con. ■ ■ ‘1111) * - •—vcniontly located; especially adapted for m*.

chln« work. Aak FE18T & FET8T. FaciurJ SpeclallHte. 7SH Inroad.____________________

■RUCK Bud itnenkl crop farm, 88 acre*, mac- niutk ro*R» Medford. tS.250; 40 acre*, good

■itienl orap fxim. Oocketown, 21,250; grain IlML U gere*, Blrm1ikgh|MlCl2.llUM. A. W.PMWWPlL'Bitfll^on. _____________

af *jg acre* on the lypneyWanJa Rati-Tkid. ane-half mile from atatlou: flve-moui

iMMt tDod outballdlttfi; plenty of fruit; food ^yjJii OMh required.Breed *1.

w S S T ter ule; 38 Reree; 90 mlnutea from8 MxUfltif by trolley; Dover. N. J,; prino

■ittt terme to lUlt purch«*en good ehance F fight party. Addree* Farm. Box 88. Newa

MECHANIC 8T., T2. 74, T6-Brlck factory.light on three aides; holler, engine, elevator,

fleam heat, gai, electriolty; wj|] )««*« for torn) of yeara. A, L. CUQBH A llAUKLET, 810 Broad at.BRICK f a c t o r y — lf200 square feet; 13 H.

P. go* engine; ate&in i)OHt; flve minute*' walk lo '"Four Corriera;” uaaaPBBlon at once; good condlllor). E. E. BOND A CO-, 7f4 Broad t.__________ _______________________

f u r n is h l :d h o u s e s t o l e t - o u t OF TOW N

TO RKNT. furnlahed, from May 1. for elx months or longvr, modern atone and frame

hf'uee: situate on New England av**.; ten rooma, 2 baths. 0i>*n flreplncea; Iftrgv gott?h All three aldea of houae; ovei- an acre of gryundw frull a)id shede; garden If dpelred, Rurage.g Apply to El’UENE i'- PlERBON. BummU, N. j.____ -

1101I8E8 TO LLTtMILLER ST. 23. near Ellaabelh rv*.—Nine

ryoiu elwolllDg, all Improveiiunta, ISO; apr)ice at,, lOS, near High at., eight roome ami bath, |28: Elizabeth uve,, 30, near Clin ton uve.. elghl-footn dwelling, 135: Milford avo, handsome 12-room rwaldence, |S5 L1NNP:TT & WOLF, 221 t’ llnion ave.

LAST (JKaNCIB. near kUlrv—Beven-room[)(>u*«'. !*>' near two irfilley lln«'a and Grovu

81, Pep ) Ap iy_M| Maln_jiL___________

HOLibKN W.\NTiCD— OUT OF TOWN^VANTHD tmvlern houae, five or all bed-

poijms, Tl at floor tnu*t be hartlwood, ateani or hut Wrttii heating: within ten nnlnute#’ walk yf ('Tuiigc, Brick Church or I9aet Or- aiigfl alaMoiES rent not over 145; will leaee tslta) nf ytidi-M. referejace*.. MRH. WM. A dt CHAHHftT. Grange.

TO L G T — SEASHOREFOB KK-NT My residence. Clemalli lyd**,

fur the punkmer. newly modrrn, garage, beaullfyl n..wer*. akrubbery, etc ; elluate h**- tweeu two lak't*, and three blocha from m'fan. M n KM n il Attorney, .Ag^rf_j;artc^_Ji^^


KlUHT-CUAMH l.ru t., .8 uud 60 CJranf. A,.A(lTill-:NT ■l■-n,i.yU..,.la avc-

•evea and right room*. |80. IS5; aunllght In avrry room: all lmprovtn;«ota; tiled bath; elec-

FIVE large roomi; Improveitifoi*: centrally located: rent lit. 58 Wallace ft., or ’phone

251TW Wgverly

ifOt'TlI SEVENTEENTH ST., IK2(>-Ej(Cepl!Ml> ally tine light apartmenu; elx rooine; tll^

beth. decorated throughout; rent only llv- CHRISTIAN HINN. 48 Ingraham pi. _____

tiic light; aieem funil*h*<l; beamed ..elllng. French doon lo front heU-ony. don't mlo* thla chance If you want aunllght and air; new houae.

FIVK BtH'iM&l and all South LIghtaenth ai.

Impruveroenta. UIV

SOUTH 11TH HT.. 180->Ftat of alg vunBy rdomi and bath; all Impiovcipenia; it4MD

heat funilehed; near Central av*. Inqv’re PlOXNltt.

AFAUTMENTK WouMi Orange avc., 4ft); four, 8ve, all fooiua. aitearii hc*(. hoi water, jan-

n<>T arrvh f , :tu;t iliidi»>i.n avir* . Uvb-pIx room*, all Impruvcriwiita. h;b S«>uih HUirrnth il., aU rooma, eleam heat, alau faciory and stable to lei, Inquiry on prrtuiais or owner. JACOB HKINiH’UOWlTZ. 40U Saulh Orangi- ave.

FlhST rliior. four light rooma; pantry; all In)- [pruvifmcnir, 78T iimih Kenentcenth at,. n**ar

.Springfield avf.; *n)all family. Inquire JOHN HKNNINO, South Tenth at., near Spring* fJepl uvf.

SOUTH rOimTEF.NTII ST.. 520. oppdett* We*! Side Park—Nice Ti*lghl'Orhe*'d: all v*(7

l*rgn. ill light room*: lop fly«r; |I3; Impfdv*- rrebU.

APAKTMW.S'T, Wf.tuiliiatrr. «W Mt. rroapeci tr*., near.Biwoyd—Von will mqio ILmu and

money, too, py corulng lifrc drat. (Ire end all large rooma. cqulptitij will) viiuuuj ckauer, garlidge cliiset, aerV', tianiuci (ionrH; irkegaut deooratlone; heat, hoi wait-r. fw-MS- Inquire Jiuitur.

I'LAT—I'cahin.' ami Madliaon av«a.; CTTner ](H‘oUi..n. hFweat Imfiruveinfme: aultable (or

dmtiat; fjvo too)i;s, fl?. Inquire lallur atore. un pri'irilai-*.

SOUTH NINETEENTH HT. f08-riv# roomii ail Improvemenia: Inducement* in right pgr-

ty; reaepnable. Key at Kf4: eee (hie flat

FLAT. Mi Broad at., nejr IHIl at.; aevan )‘Ocma and bath; ateam hket furnlahad; rooma

well llght* abd aired. Inquire on premia**.

SOUTH NINETEENTH ST—Fire! floor flat;tour rooma, in iwo-fumlly hnuao. ApplF

aecohd floor, or BUCHANAN. 6 Clay at.

DitGuvu TKua, H.WI 4V-llabi* ft-rvice. HOBSON. Sprtngfiald

B)*.; tel SftiSJ War»-rly. Thi Old Reliable.

8DUTH ELEVENTH ST.. 2T5-Hecond fJo*f: ac 'en rnoma and bath: all Improvemenle; Ql.

r il. GURNEY. 1)-I5 Clinton #i.

ABAitTMENT-Sli rmnna and bath on prom- iiient corner. ;lbH rUiitun a\c . rnr. Itldgi -

wixxl HM . eicolJcnt lnuailnn fm doitor, den- ilai, hulr dreaacr. ttr*'aamaker or ladii*a lallur. ■team tii-al, hui watvr ami jatiHur tmlu>l(Hl it) low rcnuii. (lecoralH lo tull liiquln- Janitor

miivfij In padded vane; a load: ex-perIcnctKl hrip. ptarion tno vil for fV 5fl. M.

ij^i>NN'»ll. Springfield uve. 434 Wav.

AI^ARTMENTS for rrnl. fl u and tlx room arartment*. all impriitvn)«jua. li tam ceiling,

(•larque rail in dliilng-ruom. rivutricHUy equip­ped, low rent* If rpniyd now. Apply MRS. 1>K LU'urK. M WanlirMRum uvc.. Or W. H. 8TEVKNS4^N. .'V4:i Sumnifi ave.APAHYSIENT, U.li*(llle ,vr.. Ml. rarn.r

Oriental at.—Six rooma; prlvatte h*)t, ga* end electric llihln; aieam heat: lanltor aervloe, hail cari'eted, rent 155. Inquire Janitor or owner, 140 Springfield ava., oilcloth iture. TeL Mar­ket 048.

KL.\T blK large rootna and bath, all Improve- siieiii*. ■uliiilili- fijt biielneaa or private pqr-

IxiKr*. Inqulri- MU SprlngMeM a%«.

AI*AI^■^fKNTfl In new two-family houaea at 7« Millington nve. ami :i4 Lon (d «-omalntng

7 rrHim* and )>ath. nl! Iinprovununt r*-nt r -a- aonable. Sec l,»»WY. UERGr.K-35 .F1N«,JER (’G . MX) (irnad ai.. iBitbe hulPlIrigAPAIlTMliNT to In Mt FToaiwct nve., 057;

all rcHjiiia. bath. H'.V Luke at , elgldrrMKiit, Imrh t‘J1 l.nkc ol . 271). H r«'.4iina. ti.uh. $22 Cnrih'ulftra a| 441 Mt rrnapict ava , 'phorji' 3b»K* H H

at.. U> rnnt for *v term of yeara, ran rnaaonable. K r furthar purth ulnr* upply LrB.'lS HCHl.Kril.NUEK. Inc., Eaaei bulhllng. rrnllng tlep*lrt ) i* ll.

BROAD aT., PLUM BUILDING.A f«w offlcea, Il2 and up, all Improvemenia.

jajBtor, h«at. light, vkvaiox eervica; lowest reota; near Matket anu Br<«d at.. GEISER a PLUM. Mfi Broad aL ______ _miOAO RT.. and Brnnford pl. (ono blt«k from

Four < 'ornora) — l.ergr, light eecon'l floor of- flcai; auli dontjat, iranlcurlat, iodloa' hair dreaalng parLor, ot!. HOllliRT A. dJBOR.NIiJ ft CO. T8«; limad at.BROAD ST.. 1*27—Upper floor, lultable for of­

fice* or any purpose. Imulm on premiaca.BAHIJER HHOP. goad ainnd on main nUeei.

new floTH bulldlngp, a'i quick. FULLtiR LAND A IMt’ IIOVEMNNT CO.. 413 Krarriy ave.. Arlington. N. J. ________ _HANK HT. 58—Entire upper floor nnd two

n'ujna In rear of flret floor, suitable for liny purpose. LOUIS Ht'HLEHlNtlEU. Inc.. Kaacx building.HANK HT.. 5S—ESmlre ur-per flnof and two room* In roar of flrat floor. auKabla for any

l.urpoB*. LOUIS BUHLESINGPIR. Inc.. KewJX bailJlng. ____ ____HLEECKER HT.. 53—Store end room In rear;

plale glooa frcml; rwar Waahington at.; rent 52(1. FTXJUBNOY * HAWKINS. 82« Broad at.i.-ORNEn STORE lgnncryl and aevan-ruom

apartment. Park ave. and North Seventh at . for rhD gr rent, $tl5 a month or price ll.HOO for entire pr'iperly. Incltirllng two other alor*a wHh a total rental of $1,336, Apply ROBERT­SON. Real Eilat* Agent, Rnaeville and Sev­enth avuB.CIGAR and newa denier; good l .rcat)on In main

street: new store buHdlhga; act quirk- FUL.- LEK LAND 4 IMPROVEMENT CO.. 410 Kearny ave , Arlington. N. .1.

HOHEVILLK AVE.. nnar Soventh ave.—Col­lage dwelling; nine roome and bath; Im-

provomenla; ateam. electric light; hardwood irlra and rtoora; perfect condition; poeaesalon at once; ronl reaaonahle. E. B. BOND & CO. 7fi4 Hroad at. ___

CENTRALLY located leather factory; 4.000 (Miuare feet; boiler, vate, paddle wheeia,

drum, ahaftlng, etc.; Iminedlute poBaemion; rent low. E. K. BOND A CO.. 764 Hroad el.

5 p ufftir

.UTtTUL V1fl«l»na, South Jereoy; farm.ggni; KVen-room houee; oiitbtilldings:.... ^------ 5jgolt i*8e*c p ^ iry houxua; .iuluble for

letoe**. j/WINN. fiW Main et.. Eaat Or- lypk

wm kCfMk leTgc houae. eight roomi; 50 ^ge of good variety; bent and put

n; vrtee $2,700; raah reqtiin>d $1,300. 1. T. V ...... . .......... ' —IfILLKR, 400 Ridgewood rto.

3‘btt iALSI~ij7-acre potalp farm; plenty frull and berriaei good house and outbuild-

rt----- ISAACOwn«'. ’RPWoII Stilitinn. N. J.

iBgai telephone withtn. fljTBwHBR*01I1.T 1875 faOYK .null r.nn; .hnr. hi prnflii ’ M8d until buy., take. t,UBW.8loii: wrUn

' for »lew. nnd t«rtl.ul5r». OKO, W. S, B « 4W. WaycroM. Cla;

ST PATTBNUtllKI. N. J.—10 ai-rf« itowl laud, aaatMii l•»poau .: sood hoow. luru, fmil and

witer; all far 81,200. Inquire H. MULI., •18 Ikwca at. ____________ _________SKAIM. tniek. fruit, iwiillry finm; (;o«l land:

90 .taMa: mlM. haalthlul. rilnute: f t » Iwr- 9lB list CBAB. M. tlAMMOND, Mlllnri). lid,

E i_________W-A.CRB fruit (Hid Irnek farm: price Ig.MK'l;dAH COih,' hall firat mortgage. Foi- paillru-

Urk Inquire OTRARD, v.ri Cboataut *lirnUD eoAaloffue."*'Outhem Delaware frull ond «U>pk f»rma: milil winter*. M G. RYON. Offorgctown, De l ________________________ _ilinNOTOM, Union ave,, UlT—rTilf'lci'n farm



TWO FLOORS In piodern foctory building, 5,600 oq, f t to a floor; all modern Improvo-

m«ma; immediate poowaalon. Newark Becoud Hand Machinery Co., $8 Cheifnut et. ____TO LET-Entire building. 4,200 equare feet.

with ilekm heat end power; uae of driven well If desired; also lofts and roome. WILL­IAM ROEMER CO., 275 Broome *t._________FACTORY room. 2.0«i0 aquare feet, with all

nceeeaary machinery for Tnanufacltiring jew­elry i.'ady inalalled; Immediate poaae*Blofl. L. A. SAYRE. 3J12 Mulberry et.5.000 FEET on one floor In modem factory

building; aleam hrat: elevator; light on all ■Idea; Tkw rent. Apply KING Walat Co.. Hhar- man ave. and Stanton at. _________LIGHT LOFTB. for Jewelry or other manu­

facturing; all improvementa; etegm .h«*t; building 111 flte conuiUon. MEHLBACH build­ing. SOi-398 Mulberry a t ___________ ___HOBBS building. Mulberry and Oliver ate.—„ ------ ----------------8.000 to 80,000 square fset; elecirio power an(i elevator: reasonable ratea Apply janitor.

HOUSE. Ciimon ave., 17 rooma; eultable for hlgh-rlawB N,jardlnR-hou«r; wBI decorate

Ihroughonl; rent reoeyfiablft; poeaeBslon Imme­diately, Inquire SIEG. C1W>NHK!M, 7M Hrcmd at., cor. Market ____WARUKN Pl... 26—House, auHabte foe fur

plShPd rcHiraa; (•»invenlptil to tube and I)., L. ami W. aulltiiie; 10 roi'nis; rent %3ii. Inquire Briigroaplve Inv«'»t)nent l‘o., IKS) Bruid #t., tilobe building.HOti'SE, 15 rooms, each room avparale en-

iranct': nil Impruvumeiitfr; aultaWe fur fur- nlahed rooms or boardlng-hcuae; rent low; pn aesBlon April i. ADAMS. 00 South at., Newark. _____

CENTURY BUILDING, US Market st.— Several offices. uIbo email offlcea; tbuI

reaoonabie. LOUIS SCBLESlNliER, Inc,, Eflaex building.

iind Thtiniaiargu rg.'n>a ant liath. •■emrally lu-uti'd.

hot wBiL-r ahil funilxlii i jamigrInquire uf jaii|t!>r un premiaca, nr 11. «'tlKACH. lap Harkei •)ABARTMKVT Riiil>||ih ami sie;ia. 26 and 28

Weal Kinney ■).. acvni rooms nn-l bnlh; atenm heal unit JftT,iigr service liKludetl. tUT M to $40; ntiB !iiM)tth'i rent frue FEIST A FKlST. ';i6 nroB-i.

FI.AT II* lii, ]!•-' nice, lajgv.wl;ii [ll1pn7 em■'Jl<a. renl |i!1

I.ANDUK 111 Junes at

light ruoma, Apply IN-

F!AT lo I'-i. HlK iJtrgn light mopia; lairHt liiipitnrgiRme. rYiit $IH. Iln South SnrOi it

h'LAT. five r.rfirtia; bath, ail Improvemenia ex- (■epl Ikl WalTiUl *1.

FOR rotjORKD- North Sixth aL. 7«4: lhr*j Urge ror tna; toilet and waah tuba, thren

hlr>r‘ka Ui lilgomfleli) (roNey. fd rrionlhly. In­quire pretniaea.Ko i.b lurijp Ixbt n'<imii. with nil Intprove-

rh rtiP, rent 113. aiao four iarpe light r<.vrma. with l)T)pru8 emenla. |I2 Inquire U6 Iluiilef- dut) atKoril Huin III Wm. nil iMprovcmeni*

hath, i>n Wavrilv a'e.; t i-apecTable rfilor* I'e7)plf* uul) iJiqulrr ftp ].l>lngal<in ai.lOl'Jt acid fhc ro'irn flalc, oonier Rlghtrpnlh

si (!nd B»'v»-nt8-tTih a\f Inquire on prem- isiep. or L. Knl^'ANIiK, 127 Ibovard ot.

H lighi. HUimy rooma. all lnipr<jven,enl!<. iJL<'3Ui';ng ga.4 range [nquirn Hl2 MiiJiHOii

a'.p , ring boil 2d flo' r inghir WINN.

AI'AHTMENT LILLIAN. i ’O Soarh Orang# jiv? —Ileauilfiil apartrneiiL all oulnWI*"

rooma; lateal tm|'r'>v7*m<‘iiix Apply jiitilior or L(JU1H SCHl.KHl sc: KK, Inc.. Fbbi!K hullillng.

Fi'i'Jt anil rhi' large r<»miB and b«ih: !G Hurler ci nnd 217 Sherman u^e.; rent J13 I4)

I ilUhI (14 5u Ir.qulre premlaeaFiU !? nlrr lijfhi ro-,;nji, gaP waxhuib andpliizzji uiily I iiiiHilari ptMiplo. (53 Siiieurilh

APARTMENTS itiui.ed or atorvd under udr gukraatea at loweat rstea; ai>8*ciaJ plane

jpovera, exitert packer*. Knickerbocker Slur- age Co., 102 ArlinArlington et.; 'phone .’t441 Markrf.AJ’AHT ME.NT—Six llRiil wiry rijottia. ri8»aio

hi'Kt Hnd hot w,rvii:r nupiih , all imhrr*ve- iriY-nie; •• THEo. KLMPEll. HiH BouUiI'tiurtrvrih et , r,ir Mtirilwpq nv**Al’AHTMi'INTS and flaia moved, large vena,

axperlenoed mn ere unO packer*; loweat rale*. G, T. AGAR, 2B7 niiiton ave.. 'plionTj l2:2Jj Wavvrty, n{»en evelilngaAPARTMENTS- lai He\Wr<i., fuut nK.ms; eler- trlr hghl, HtHuni h.-ai, Janlior e>-ryh-ia. le-

frlgeratore. 1101 'Wl lJrL»idd e! Inqulrt GI.*.\SS- NEK, 2701 WkvrrlyAPARTMENTS-Klve rooma; all Improve-

inenta; Bteam beat; isnltor eorvlce. 421-122. Inquire 5k Wallace at.. Janitor.APARTMENT, ao\cn large, light rt>.>ins and

Lath; rniitmlly all tmproveTnenta. M.KISNER. WS Ullnion ave,

CENTRAL AVE., comer Seventeenth at.—Up- to-date Biore, with two room*; aultable for

any bualnftaa. Inquli** M4 Springfield ave.DENTIST or doctorU oflieo; one block from

Lincoln Park, two largo roomB> flrai floor; good light, heat furnlBhed; hardwood floors, gaB iog i private entrance. E. R. BOND 4 CO. 7fi4 Broad st.D(5(t o r 's aulto of reception and oparatlivg

arroomu ftnd lavatory and all convenience*. Apply 70 Clllnton ave.LT.KLANT t:orner fttjre, good tor butcher, groft'r, drugglBi, ren moderate, 2H Waln-

wTlght at.Waverly.

GT,AS?HNEn. M Avon avr,; 2701

LINCOLN PARK, near Clinton ave.—Ten large light rooma, two baths, modem; heat fur-

fjlahed; will divide Into apartmenta. FBlSX Si FEIBT. Scheuer hldg.. TSfi Broad.

> ^tion, ]f in k si

HDUSB to let, 36 Wakeiuan aee.i 10 rcxnus, ell |M;.i)ri)vcn»ertl»; lot 50x100; rent $35 In-

oalre RBITX-PFEIPKU Realty Co., 8!0 Bruad it., or ai NortU Sixth it .__________________EJGHT-ROOM houae. ib) Peabody pl.. near

Delavan ave.; all ImprovemenU; nleam heat. THOMAS K, HALPIN. I5IKI KlTemen a build­ing, Rmad and Mu)kvl fit*. _GOUVKUNEUIl ST-, 10 rooms nrul bath, nil

linprovenisnls, tlUl; .Stratford pL, 8 room* and bath, all lit)provbmcnts, |8u. GEISER A PLUM. 845 Broad aL ^COURT ST. 65—Eight rnomB; all tmpnu-e-npri

menta; c«n1rall> reference If re­quired. F. TORTORIELLO, 142 "t-:trl 2S15 Market.


827-229 HIGH ffT.SEPARATELY or together; two of the best

lofta In Newark; ahmil 4,.Wl feet each. PA AS Dve Co.. 69 ahd 62 flhipnaan *1.TIARRETT-HROWN building of N. J- Rsllmad

ftve, )tnd HamlUnn et.; hnlf flrat floor; witn power; block from Market fit. Slatltirt-

V'.IRMS liX>li SALE OU K X C B A SG EBARGAINS—Uaah talks; If lonlting fur n rnnii.

1 c*u supply the want; amall nr tui-ffe; try* ftiilti farm* In Hubw*x. War-$06, Htnterduu, Hoiiu-reet, MorrU, Mld-Araex ot HoniQontb roimtlea: HI arret* uml lg> fierM with atock end hapleiui uta tu exchiitigo far city property. C. C. MOUHOW. BOO llroml ft.BPRINGFTBLD—Farm, r»7 acr*B; B')■otJ

house; fine condilloti; 1.500 ft-et nracadaii fOSd frontage; 2.01KI rret frontipe. ur:trgallroad and achmds. )'(sady foi' development; fglce $500 an ai?:re: win i»'H on «ney terms nr gkehange for Income property. Addreea Op- poitunRy. Box 248, South Orange, N. J.5p£ oaa sell or exebahar? your fayin; t)«-e u« for

nulck reeuha. The FRANK L. SHIELDS 418 btiildiDg.


ANYWHERp: ANY FlUrp:.Farm for R)'t>nl'.lyn iiunjin-. r>cn.r Np« Pt-iih*

wltA. N. J.. luliea Nfw YmU. on I'l nnayl- vaj)|g Rallrofld: in Hi-rr-e, enl'millil ll-TOnni house, dandy huibulhthiv* 2tLHcr«- orchard; Swmpleto farniinfi Inols. hni-l-'iiu-nta; pr.rH''- btan’i farm in n gtmtlrman's <'oimm)‘iity, price $12,009. 7d:)i:i8 BC1II,ESIN<1K1L Inr., &sex buUdihp.FREE AND ( ‘LBAi: roriim))ter'a li! atro couti-

try home farm, ne r H niardiivlll**. on lAi'ka- ^anna Railroad, iniiilrru a|i-to-<lnf •very city convenL-ra'c, flup tnithnlldhin*. a truly delightful pruimatilon. ownnr » lii ron Mder New York. Brooklyn of .\.'«,i)lt properry;f -lce H3.009s UiUlK SCIlLESIN<.-rt;ll, Im-.,

ai«x building.

pjaili AND CLEAIt, Ioiiiijliucly atocke<t. conunutcr'a farm, near Morriaiowu, N. ,L. on

FACTORY room, iwrlheaat corner Chestnut and M(jiherry ats.. for light insnufaclurlng.

heat ftnd |)OWer. Inquire of engineer._______MARKET ST. 22:i-Brtgbt lofta for offices

and ilkhi rasnufactm Ing: heat furnjahed. a W. McDONOL’QlI. TT6 Broad st. _____inCCHANlc HT.—Largfi four-6tory and base*

uient. sultahJe for oomincrclaJ bualnew; low ronl. smOLDON. 222 Jdark-'t at.TO LET-Loft* with power. 9,000 sqm^ f*et,

together or oeparate. See Engineer, oof.Vi llllam and Shipman sts.TWO floor*, each 2,600 st|. ft., with power and

heal - sullnhle for light manufacturing. L A. SAYRE. 332 Mulberry sL ________DESIRABLE FACTORIES and loft* in tfll

noctlon* nf the city. E E- BOND & CO. 7fl4 Broad at.IIIHEJK-STDRV factory, 50x24: heat and ele- vHtnr; tight three aides. 30 Trra^ph_____

BROAD 9T., S27—Entire upiier floor, aultable for any purp<»sc. Inquire on pronlaea.

HUNTERDON JiT., 29«— flinail shop, can he uned for HTiy light 1)u*ln» H*. _______

i'A C T O B il'S TO USr-OUT OV TOm H

^ckAVanna Railroad; HU aciob. niu<hrn imllii- ingiAgo, Imnoenao up-to-date poultry planr, homes, •owi, pig*, vhlckt na, farming loola, )Mipir- toents; a anap for aoin4-onf‘ ; privc *l,T.tw0.



COHNLR lX>I''Tt --l94 w Indowi, private cle- vftinra slcnm. n ar rallronda. fernea. tun-

Hhlppinx fnnllRles uPBXoelled. Premlies[H'lK,hTS-5S4 drove, Jersey tlty..

iU^.VIi KSTATK W ANTEDARI-; vou looking a good deal? If

voiir proper;\ with me. ALEX. E- OTIS, MH) itrnad ft.ONE. two. ihr«‘P and all family houae*. lots,

auf age and ftinna In nsebange (or g<>ofl |n- mui(' i-r hualsnc'as property ^KI.H) Rrntiil at


FABM 141 Ecrea. oh the I'-cntral BrtlLrtisd; 12- Toetn boute, all impruTementa. witi)

etc.; niunlng atrea*) of water; Inrac L.irn ami •titer wtbnllrtlnffar ph-nty of ffruir: nil ntnrkoi]glf\«i equipped; I‘9)il(y tS.lHMt: cxchunpi* fur i-ltyl8r ga^rban. BOWEltH, 800 Bnted at.fiiAYB eereral good dalrr farma, nrar iSomrr-

vlRe, Bound Brook, Prluceton n»i| VldU> Bo m ; eome sre well etocked and e<|ii|p})ed: •xtiuuife for Newark or nubnrb&u properly. BdWS&S, 8ft) Broad at.

TW!> FAMILY hnuic wanted In good neigh- tK-.rlmgd In exchange fur one-fomlly of ten

r*M)n!B with garage, on HUlslda ave. ALEX. E. OTIS. bOO BruEd at-TV’O-F’AMILY houae wanlM In exchange for

grwt Incmno projii'Fly. with Store* havingone mortgage. ALEX E. OT18, »Xi Broadat-ON3C- )'vi> or Ihree family hnifie. a'lth drive

wa.v, muat be In the nolghtwrhood of High and Belniopii nve. ALEX. K OTIB, 890 Broad at.

MO BN PL., 2. near Broad and Harvey ata. Fifteen rooma, two Snths. suitable for board­

ing houae; $85. FIRST & FEIST. Scheucr bldg., 736 Broad. ____________

CLIFTON AVE., 25T—Houao, alx room*: nlcslv ■'papered; no obJecUmi to children; ready for tpnant*; rent low. Inquire UR. HERKSFELllT, Ho Broad fit. ___ _________CLIFTON AVR.. 2V1 l lcMn) largo, elegant

room*: all Improvei[u-m». atenm hntit; fire­place: laundrj’; adult* Inquire 22u Clifton avo.

IRVINO ST., fll—Houbo, bIx roumsi bath; Im­mediate poaseaslon: rent $22. T. M. BUITH

(Joralenion Agency). 37h aHhlngton ave.ORANGE ST., 242—Houee. IR rooma; aultable

for furnlahwl rooms <* two famlUee; IW- BLA6UERG & XIEJQLER. 30 Clinton at.north .seventh st . 100-Eleveu rooma. all

Iryipifovemenla; two mlnutea from atatlrm; $35. GEX). E. VAN DYNE. 4«fi Orange at.

HMALL house. 83 Rrunawirk st-: water; ^a: suitable for twe amall famUlea; rant Jow.

InqulMi WS Brunswick at. __BUMMER AVE., near Arlington ave.—Houae,

12 rooma; ell ImprovenientB: from March 1; .) K1ERAN, 22 Clinton at. ___

I'HiraCrANT sture: g(.K:d for dniggiU. grocer.tiutchnr: low rent; 412 South ESevenlh si-

nl*AS8NER. H3 Avon ^Ve.: 2761 Waverly. ^iiort; euirabia for any burinew: 526FINEBrrad Bt: Ideal location; rent o^y |35; Im-

rnediate poaseaalon. Inquire FIEDLER Corpo-

AT MT. URnSFECT and Secmxl nvpa. V> v arc creeling five tiparuneDts, eutlen li\ whirb

will voniBlii fnur. eix. seven u*id eight roorr* and one arid two iiaihs: iT'-ttsessilun .\irn L Hepresentathe lU the Injll-llnga from tw«i m five Sunday. Further Informall-in front the owner*. JOHN H- n i ’ NN & HONS. Flremen'ri building. , _______

ccr Fujim'.unt a\e,LitUH lislit on ear l|rie, Irimn-dtute

1-. auh'lon; r«nt fl4 FIKDLFH Corporulloii. Flr'-i'rif El's hUlMllig.FnI'llftoi’ge, llgM rMoins; amail fan)ll\ In­

quire 00.I Thirieeiuh a\e., neir Twcnoeih Bl. first flOlT.

H(‘UTH THIRTEENTH HT., <a)-F|rai floor of three rrMnna; ga* and water. $lo. GEO. R.

VAN DYNIC 480 Orangr at.SOUTH TWEi^hl'ir KT-. 102. iwor faniral •*•-

Five all light fTiom flat; all Improvemente Lui heal; flrat floor; rent $14.SiH TH SIXTH HT.. I08-TI)tp* room* and

otllv. i.par three trolley lines; r nt $10; Itn- mtillate ii'iaacailur)HOVTH Bl-EVENTil BT , dTi-SIx large, light

mriionii and iiath; all impru<-cmctUa; rent Inquire flrit flatSOUTH t)RA.Nt:E AVK . lIl^Four ruoma In

ri’4r huu e Inquire corner ICIghleenth and Ilfitte* at* . florist, ^ '<H■Jdlftnd Cemetery.SOUTH SEVENTH 8T., .’PH-FIvo Urge Hfh'

rooma; reception hall; all Improvemcnta; rent rvaaonabl*.BYTA'a N A\'E. lii>7. near Mt. Prgapert ave.—

Seven rooma: bath: Steam hegt; plutc rtlVt all Inypi-ovenw-nti: rvni $22; itoaoeaslon Imme-. diately. luquiru on ptentlsei, ur 261 Verone ave.Sl.X ROOMS und hiLi h, n* w hause; begu*

tlfully Uccoraie<i. »t«an) heat, electric llgnt; i>enmed celling in dining-room. *2* South .Nlneievnih at.: alx door* from Clinton A e.Kl.X large light airy roon'e. with hath, elec-

irli- llghta. Janitor aiTvlcc; near Central av*e. I’ar. 12S F)litr..->upt a\»: Inquirv premlaea 8r S N'RKfllNFH -1(12 Liilon building.SIX ruoma and hnth:

'•nlrnnre: Kl2a Quitman ave. Inquire 777 High at.

: asrartar Cllni

SIX room* and bath T t'lntk ai . near Brood-SFi'ONO fliH)r rial. 1H I'l ab EiJv p!.. near Chea­

ter ave,: tlx riwma end t>aih, all Irnprove- mriitc; »leam heal. THOMAS IL HALPIN, LMUI FircmeiLa hullJi)ig, Broad and Marketetk.SKi.YiN'D FLAT, iwo-famlly houne: 6 ream*;

nil lmprov>ri))entB; team heal; aeparaia 60- tiani?e. blovk from t)i>Jley, Inquiri' 418 Hmw-

ruVR llgiil ro'ima, with lrnpro\etne)il«, for erudil ramllj. rent reaaouuble. .M Hutgcei

I'l'rK'ri'J‘'NTH .\VL.. 3211, near Hr\-onteenth *1 K"ur nice riHima with IfUprrs ftEnetits. renl

*1 i uwriiT. l>OHNlirSt.'ll dl Centre Miirkct.FAIR-VIJUNT AVt.. I31i—FU^ tlJcv. light ruoma; all Irnpruvernema; iteBm heat; pnj>-

BEBBlon at u)ce. Inquire 2U7 South Orange aveI’AfUMOl'NT .^VK. 2HP—,Hlx nice large

nu*niB will! 'baih, rml ren)tbnahlc, Inquire i I'KESrt. 4(Jtl SprlngflrM nveFARLKY AVE., f>?l. 1u*t off Clinton av*.—Bl*

rooma and tile bathroom: separate ateam hi'Mter: In new Ilotiior) plan two-fnmlly houae.

thorn* art.HUVEN-RUOM iipanmuht: flral-GJawi nelgh-

.................... ■ • light:ln>rhooU, nil linpruvenienta: islectrlc Bspi raiu untrahee. roaMonable rent. For iMir-\iculars '|■hune 4;iolV. fL B

tm eecond urrbn at.; rent

only $T. Inriulre pr«m|He«. nr Contra) Realty Company. 478 Cenlru! avo

SMALL FLAT, part llJ p r> ed tlocir. 'ii Camdeti »i , riwar Wu

SEYMOUR AVE . iO-V-Klrtl floor, all Improve- nicniB. iteam heftt. $17 for sniall family. In*

quire top fluor.SEYMOUR AVE . as- Flrat floor, als rOORU.

iidth and at<.rugc; all Jlghi tind aJn': AdUlM. Cull ovejilngn.

1'IjQOR to U t: four nice, light room*; |isrt InuimvemeliLs, 43 Mt- IToatw- -t avs.. n'rar

cijftot) ave. rara. Inquire 2.1 Pi-nnlngton *t.h'HlSTHT., "J42, overlooking iiark -Four large.

light rootna. rvni only lUl, Inquire Jaii.Uor op prE'ttilaca.

[ TWENTY-FIRST ST. and Seventeenth eve.— Five lanre (•.■omi and tile bathroom; panel

dlt)ing*riKi(7): Ilutch ahelvcs; domo In dloiog- rvcmi; all modern nnprovrments; rent $J5. In* quire In corner atore. *>r M. JEDEL, 3M2 tk«lUi Sixth at.; Udephonc 4!VkIR Market.

AVON AVE fi2L near Twenly-flr?l *1 -Five rroms: liupru'etuent*: rent $13; aiw) 474

Sfuth Twelfth Bt..\heor Flfleenlh ave., five rooma, ln)proven)enlB; ronl $14.AL^ modern Improvements: six large roonut,

including butler a pantry; uniy $17 412Bfvuth ESnventh A. ilLABBNKR. 83 Avon ave.AT 447 WABHINOTON AVE-Flat*. $U und

glfl; five light rcKima and hath; wIR dwe- orute tn suit. A- L. CROSS & RARKLET, 8lfl Broad at.

i•TR *T , 242 o» erlooking park- I- >ur large, light rO'ims; rmt only $lb. Inquire Janitor,

on priTnlaea.1-T\'E llghi. t-nzy moms. Uh all Imiiiovr-

riu'nl!', pantry and bath; rent $lj In-qttli'p H E tisnRIUtKR, 21 Stanton at.g rant ST.. 2S—Six large rooma and bath.

5 mimitei Lackawanna, Depot; Janitor aer- vh-e; $22.

illLI.. )iear Wa^hlng:on *l.--Four rooms und iiKth; aet'ond floor; rent only $2fl. FIEDLER

iXlRFdHATlijN, Firemen's building.

1 EN r 'ioma, aultable for two fHinllles: ell mod t'm irnprovfment*. )>ar<4uet fli>orn; Ueem cell-

ijjgs. from and rear iforehca: clectrlo llghtg; ct -ain iieal; rent $4U. Inquire 01 IVuahlngloa ave.TlllRD AVE. 44i)— rwms and bath;

every modern rrm\enlenre, auh-let, $30; wmlh $S3- FKIHT & FKIST. Bcheuef■ bulM- tng, 75m Bri.>ed-THREE flats, four rooms and bath: light ■

and warm; rent $14 and $13. 483 South Thir­teenth ft-, corner hTfteenth ave, _____iHHEE light rooma. all Iniprovementa. In­quire In the morning, 784 South FourtKBth

Bt.. Bccond floor-

AT :!7 MYRTLE .<VE. Eight rivima and hath: hot air heat; VJS. A, I.. CROSS & BARK-

LKY. ftlO H ( nd at

lion. Firemen'a building.

58 Walaan nve,; rent 1*8 for both. Telephona 125^ R.-anoh Brook. _________ ___ _□ROChlKT—Good stand on main Hireet; new

Btnrp buildings: act quick. FULLER LAND Su IMPROVEMENT CO., 416 Keftfay ave.. Arllngliin. N. J. ________________ __tJARDEN nurt McWhorter ata.—Store, suitable

for any buulnosa; will alter to null, inquire CrugresKlTC iDVi-atnient Co.. 800 Broad st., tJloho Imlidlug. _____HAFtDWARE end houae furnlahltigs, good lo-

catloti, main street, n«w aiore building*, net quick. FULF.F.R LAND & IMPROVEMENT (JO., 41fl Kearny ave., Arlington. N. J.

Ul R.SET COURT. 23 1i)irnel st.. IweutJful six t Minis and bath, steam hrat. nil improTeraents;

apeoial tnilipemeuts. Inquire MRS. WEILL, OQ premise*.FcsUInc Apartraeats, PeaUlne, <-orner Clinton

are., bt'uutiful five rooma and bath, ateaffi heat, all imjiro eiuenta; repi $20.Arlington aie., 42. corcep Muiniuer are., ‘ ‘Roae-

mere Apartment,” six rooma and bath, all lio- prorementa. Inquire nn premlaea.Washington ave., 451, Four room* and bath,

seooiid door; rent $14.50.Bergeu at., 204. five rouina end bath, all Im­

provements; rent $lrf.Peahine ave.. 100, tive rrHjm*, $I4; alx roouiB, - $UI; bath, all lrpprovetii>mtH.Bnuth Fourteenth at.. 7.18. fire rooma and batb;

rent reaBimable.Garden and .UrW'borter Ria., three room* and

bath, i-orner tiat; rent $10.ObIjotho terrare, 07, eight rooma In (wo family

StUCeu tlU)lN«.Sliennan nvr., 2Q2. sis rwmia in throo-famlly

stucco house; rent $IB.PIlOUliESSlVE INVESTMENT CO,. 800 Broad

at., (MoUe HuHdlng.

H06BB building. Mulberry and Oliver ata.— Four very fine etore*, aultable for any pur-

poee; reoaor.ahle rent. Apply In Iw RoTj_____LARGE up-to-<lata atorea, wKh room*. auU

able for any bualneaa; 4-' S nnd 440 Wnrre at., Junction of Ceutra.1 uva. MATZ & CO Union Bldg.

MARKET ST., 2!fl-22l. half minute east o» Broad at.—Two lAfg* room*, aeparalely or to

gethor. on aecond floor; emalter rooma or third floor: tow renia; aultable for office* -rllgh CROSS St J9ARK-tJe Y, agent*. SlO

MITIRAY ST.. 2ft—Two-story brick building;iTore; four rorwni and bath above; rent ro*.-

aonablp. Apply MUNDL i OAKS. 31 Clliuon at. Tel. 4061.MT. PROSPECT AVE.. 706—BualneM locations

luitabi* (or millinery; none In neighborhood: with Dr without rooma; also any other bualneaa. Inquire janitor.NICE corner Itore to let: suitable for any

bueinesi; corner of Ferry and HawklriR at*. Inquire uf W*. L. BURKHAHDT, corner Bow­ery end i:hrlelle eta.

ONB-FAMILV houee. e ven roome. bath: iwal. 124 Clinton id-, I’linton HlU. Keya,

122 Clinton pl-. city. ______________iJ^Ifievrn n>qma; all iBipwe-WILSEY »T.. --

ments; 2d minute* from Brood at. uh W llspy *t ________


H0irsi*:s W AN TE D

WANTED, up-tn date houae of aMut ft room*, leiwe lot, g'w*3 rifilghh Thnod i half-hour ride

of ‘ ‘Four Corncra;'' convenient to trolley and (’gthnllc church: must have jjJl Improvemenia. Addreea Soon, Box (U. New* offl^. _______DNFUTtNiBHED house wanted. *lx room* and

bath, impnnemenls. nlthln commatlng dis­tance of New York; rent 5I& monthly. -Ad- dreaa B C., 534“ Canal at., New York f Ity.WANTED. In Foreat Hill Roctlon. modern

houan; reni about $4 might buy If If^na and price w- re right. Addrrae Forest. Box 37, Newt oIDce. __W’ANTED to Tftiit. 1'2 or H room houae Ifl

vltlnlty of Park place or Halsey gt; will lease for any term. Addres* House, Box 2ft. News office. _____ _WOULD like to rent, house; central; will ,p*y

$iS0 lo ^5 per )nonth; beat refarence. Ad­dress Reference. Box B8, NVws offle*.WANTED house, five rcKjtiis with yard lo

keep chleken*. Addrce* House, Box 82, News nfflre.


EgufTV nf $34,000 In gno.1 Income property;will oxchatig for free and clear lota or acre­

age. A1J5X. E. Otis. ftUti Broad st.

vatkted in exchange for two vary fine alg-Toom houeea, having Improvementj and

locmted • In finest aecMtjn of Irvington. JOHN Ji. FTUKKE CO.. Kift Springfield ave, Ire- IngUOi. N. J-109 ACKM In Eosex Count y for sale &?• ax-

dtAOiei usual buildings: unoxrelird water tim*t eell; will aacriTic*; want offer.

FABMS FO B HALE O B TO LETFOB 8A-LB or Rent—£19-acre farm, near

iMUreuo', ttewriy rail tillable; RO acres U44k dirt on pl^perty: o-djolntog New Jersey fionm s Company. Addrera Box lOl, Lg/ay- iitOr If.

OWNER?, attention: have you prop<=-Tty you don't woiilT Why not sxchiDLge lor what

you do want? List your property, no matter Wh<*re locatoft, for mis or exch^ge; ' I ran Bseure you of quick results; are for sale or exchang)' column. WALTER'S Exdhattge. Union building.WANT thrtc-Camlly bouse; s|1 Impf'ovametita

but heat, between Central and South Orango uvee.: South Seventh end t outh Tenth st*.: (>>si not over $6,5d0; owners only. 54 North Eleventh st . 'ph-vne.

WITHIN ihree minutes tn Brick Church SU' lion; modern and coniforlablo one-family

houee; nine large light TfKima. nicely deco­rated; tiled both: all Inn.niVf-menU; etetjni heat, etc.: rent very rcasrmablF. PHILIP J.IH-JV CH.., TW.J .-- ■ — -- —BOWEIR8 A CO., IB& Market st . Bowers bldg-a t sum m it—AtiractJve propoalUon will

mad* right party to lease for five year* modern Iwalve-rooro house and grouodA bead-

mallrf upon request. WM. H. KING, 8 vai ley View ave.. Suimnlt, or yoor own PTOker.

NICE STORE to let. near High.

0^ Spring.flel(3 n.\e..

OFFICE. $10-ALL CONVENIENCES. Btenographio aarv*ce; 'phone; office attend­

ant; fim-claea elevator sarvleai Market, near Broad: temporary or permanent, 224 Market st.

STORE. 2D4 MARKET PT. 35xlftl. Splendid light

Steam l)eater.TtMll alter to suit

FREDERICK C. ELY. 294 Market at

STORE on Sixteenth av*., -with three rooinn;also store on Qn»fe st., wllh three rooms,

all Improvements. Inquire IflO fllxteenth ave.STORE to 1st at 5ft3 Broad st.: suUable for any

l glness. Inquire JOHN F. StNNOTT, at 6M Broad st.SHBBMAN ave ., 202—vS(ore sod (bre« room*:

rent $2?». Inquire Progressive Investment Co., 800 Broad st.. Globe hulldlng.TO IjET, small atore. New and Orleans at*.,

ftiltable for any retail line: rent reasonable to good tenant, Apply C- F. KRAEMER. 7Tft Broad s(TO LKT-4?tore. Camden at.; next to corner

Springfield ave.; rent $20.WASHINGTON RT., 112—Atractlve alore; now

orcupleil by ft decorator; good for any bual- nev; rent to good tenant. Inquire PLATT, 31 Academy at.WASHINGTON RT.. |lft-12<L-Four large light

ilorea, gs* an delectricity; modem; rent low, FEIST ft FEIST, Reheuer bldg., T,*M BroadW|JST PARK ST.—Very desirable ttores amt

nfflcea: stram heated; rent low. E. E, BOND & CO.. 764 Broad et._____________

STORES, OFFICES, ETC.. WANTERTstore wanted, eulteble for alttlonery and

toys. Addrua Particulars to Store, ^ x *'’*


- Jant ifc. ■’iltnt/

WANTED—Building lots, sullable for three- family aj^ store pro7>erty on second mort-

gagt. teriIttF Send full rartlculara to JOHN R. FftANKE CO.. bUS Springfield *ve.. Irv­ington, N. J.PROPERTY OYV'NBBS—Wfcat kav* you to of­

fer builder* IB lots Ui Newark, suitabla for ona ox d two f&Riiiy hcwwMMit Sand.full partlou-

*ema Addreea Build#*, Box 97,

FAR118 TO L E TyO ISl'-SoDt, or ObareA. eco^i farm; partly

t l l M i wrar « ---- -------__ _ .city; fruit, truck, poultry.X -------------


WAVnED to r«i>t «itb vrlrilot* « f bayln*.$• ** U «er« pMiluT- form: looattoa muM

>• M r ttatloB vltti good Iwum: U^it aotli MdHoa -fTfr***"* ood peoe atrwtai; wont pee-

abM_A>*B fj)g_ yM j^gra nd>

,...,1(7 htmei In Rooeville oec- tlon; ponies willing to exchange, for fro«

and dear one-fstmlly hootM la axeellont loca­tion* lo Newark. Addrooe RMevlUe, Box 17. New* office.WANTED—too to 1,000 lot*, convenient to New

York and Newark tfanipomtlon, on which W build cor'?rrtfc fireproof home*. Address l>t>v«lcped plots, Box Jft, News etftra

MAPLEWOOD—iTomeC '.Ae occuitancy;live home on Moupialh ave.; 7 ro^a and

bath- fine (’ondltion; rental $Trf> per mbiUh; also bouMc, ft s»id hath, due ininutf from, lion. $W per month: (Mcupaticy Moron L. OAKES, tjpposli* station. Maplewood-BAS. ORANOK—Tn let. U room*; both, steam

hoal knd every Improvement; fine looBtlpn; near railroads and trolley, no objection to large family; poateaaion any time. OtherhouBca BUTTER B'ORTll. Dodd and Pros­pect ate.. East Orange. __________EAST ORANGE, at Brick Church SUtlW»;

new houae; nine roome; ai! )nodeni Improve- trtents; hardwood floor*; garage. $78 monthLarge list properties all pride*, for rent OBd Kale. E^AUVKLT, at Brick Church BtOttOB.Beat Orsngp.

WE hav* a doinoad for feOf$ iRcome and bual’<neoe properties. oeBd portlcularB fof^nuk^--- Tho ■ “renlia' The FRANK U SHIELDS CO., 419

UBlM balMJno._______________

JL T> A. Bra 4L K mnrar .SasserYllle or WhtUibeue;

hft Sra or neariy m, 4u axebuge frr

WANTBA, well rented dfia tir twd ftfolly hovNi Newark or Gsoogae; eend full por-

ueulofi price and terma C, M. W. Box T8, New* oSk«.

IRVINGTON. Ik Grove terrace—One-tesftDy house, civntalnlng 7 rooms and txitb, oeery

Improvement. Including nf;at. hot and cetd water, Mc.; rent $22. See LOWT. B £ R 0 ^ 6 FINGER CO . 800 Broad ai.,.Gtob« boHdlnf. Newark.FOR RENT—ELght-roOfn houae; all ImpfOVe-

" nmania; Ihrae minutev* walk to Qian RtMlon,- Erie; three doors from tftrflay; gar* age In rear: rent $40; jrUhoat garage. raS* rranrariiTi March Si Oabone bl, Bt*M‘NeM. •________\ J _______ :

)D Ovaeol mw «UbL

1 HAVE a few OMutiad dollara to Ineeil

MAPLEWOOD—Several new «Uhi. pine ora— tra room neewra; oH Imprrawnenla: flea t» la ira mlntslcS' wojkJo roUre^ jHitfoa aid t*^______________________ ______________________________________ _ _ _ ,t

» i . Spsik

BELLEVILLE—A 123 itora tor only llQ a month rant; fine location for barber or OBj

snail buslnees; has ell Improvemente. W o » iDgioa and Overlook gvea.IRVINQTON—store nnd three rooms, aultable

for barber shop; rent reasonable. Address Owner, S8 Florence ave.MORRIfiTOWN—Old aurcesarul hualnesd-sUnd;

store, 2604UI feet, with workroom above, same site. bEORGE H. ROSS ft CO., Morrtetown, or your own agent.

$14.DANK BT.. 440—Five room* and bath, MARKET FT., 5G0-Four rooms; $11.

(lit* Of fourSOUTH 6ETVENTH BT.-Two rooms, each ll&.SO.

HAMILTON ST., rooms, tlO'

72- Three rooms, $8; five

HlIJiftlDE A\'K.—Seven rooms and bath;all Iniprovemenls; steam, tdecirlc light;

separau* entrance; two-family house; |2L E. E. BOND & CO., 7fi4 Broad at.HAWTHORNE AVE. 204. near Bergen st.-Blx

rooms, bath; rent |18; car tine at door. Inq. premlee# or FRED F. MEVBR JR,, owner.HIGH BT, 50. near rsioomlJeld ave —Flat;five rootos: all improvemenU except heat;

southern exposure; light and airy; recently decorated; $17. Inquire 4b High at., first floor.HIGH ST.. 420—Middle floor; six rooms and

bath; steam heated; Janitor service; location central; rent |d0 Inquire Janitor, premieos.HUNTER BT., 26 near Elizabeth ave.-Beau-

Mful fJatf fjvs o cna, bath; all Improve­ments; newly decorated; rent $15. Inquire MRS. EMMONS, premlsea.HUNTERDON BT., 290—Cheapest apartments

In the city: 5 and 6 rooms, with ai) latest Inriprovementa; steam, electric. Janitor eervlce; 126 up.HOBaON ST.. 136—Second and third floor*

Apply JAfJ. HUQOAN. Burnett ave.. Hilton.ISABELLA AVE., 25, near South Orange

avo.—Five rooms and bath; all Improvementa.JAMES ST “ Four large, light rooms; gas,

w'ater, Lolk-t; convenient irolleys and Ijftcka- wanna Station; aduUa. Owner, 117 Jamca ■(.KEARNY RT.. Two or three unfurnlahed

rooms: two front; one back; nice Iwatlon; o)ii>osUe new normal achool; private houjte.

w a r d st., 5I*Four rooma. $10.HUNTERDON 9T., 793—Five room* aud bath;

$ H .BLAtiBURG A ZIEGLER. 60 CLINTON ST.EBAt’TlFl’ I. flats, uvwi/ cojnpletyd; three-

family housoa: $ Tr oma, bath; rent rvaaon- abic; lacattd 443 South Sixteenth SL, near South Orange ave,BEAUTIFUL flat. 8 rooma and bath; ateajn

heat, electric light, beautifully decorated; located 32 Hinsdale pi., near Waalilnaton ave.BROAD BT., 21—Five rooms; all impreva-

Tnetita; $28. Apply room &0$, ftOO Brcwid st,: ^hone 1642 Market, or BUCHANAN, 5 Cloy Bt.BROAD ST., 318—Three or four large light

pleasant rooms; arlult* only, second flfror.BELMONT AVE., 291, near Clinton ave.—Six

rooms, bath, etc., in hIgh-claSB thre^fam- llS’ houpr; rvnt rcasonablo. WM. H, GROSS, 207 Market st.BANK ST., 2S9—Handy' to everything; six

large roomn: Improvemenia: reaaonabJe. HENRY J. BERRY, 207 Market st.: 'phone 4142.BROOKDALE AVE.. 17-19. near South Orangs

aVe.—Four ami fiv? rooms; bath: all nice and light: fent $H: newly built.BI,#OOMFIELD AV E,. a8-- Flvt» nice rooms;

improvements: $16. HENRY" J. BERRY, 207 Market st.; ’phone 4142.LSARCLAY ST . nour Cllnt m ave—Four nice,

light rooms; firm Loor. Inquire 789 Barclay•CBELMONT AVE., five large. light rooms. $16.

f e is t Si FEIST, bcheuer bldg.. 738 Broad.

MclVHoRTER ST., 115. near Market ftl. Sta­tion—Second floor, five rooms *nd bath; Im­

provements; £ieam beat; rent $16. Inquire UTTER 19 E1lxab«lb ave.

THHhE large, light, aliy rooms; rent |0. Railroad pi.

THOMAS ST., 42—Sfcoml flat; si* rwiraa; all linprovcmenta, except heat; $17. GEORGE

E. v a n d y n e . 486 Orange St. ______TO LET—FIvq nice rooms witf! hath and

pantry. 346 South Twelfth si . near South Oranfie ave.; rent $16.TO LET—Four nice room*, 80 Culler at.,

near Park nve. Inquire on premise®, 113 Elm »t.UPPER apartment in hlgh-olase two-farally

house; Boston plan’ 7 rooms; a beauty; rattt moderate. Inquire 2S6 North KJevonth it., near Ampere station_________ _____________VERMONT AVE.. corner Plymouth st.. Veils

burgh—even rooms; alt improvi ments; Thatcher heater; residential proptrly- lo- cutre first flcojir, or T3ft Broad st., room OCC.VAII.SDURGH. Munn ave.. 01-03—Two two-

family houses; now; all improvemenia: sep­arate halts: Heparnlf heaters; rent $22 and $2S, CHARLES B. GURNEY, fl-lfl Clinton i t _____WARREN ST,. 2l6“ Fi)ur very destrabta

)’O0):ns for colored rensni; rent fl-- LUA L BERGER & FINGER 00.. ftOO BroOd st.. Globe bulldlns.YVash iNGTON a v e ., 2(H-Modern flat, seven

large, light rooms: bath, pantry; siatlonaty tuba, electric light, heater. $22- CHAS. 8PEN- GLER, ftOO Broad si._____________________WASHINGTON AVE., 247-FoUr rooms: i*rg«'

lot: rent $10 per mouth. T, H. SMITH <JorAlemon Agency). ST9 Washington ave.

BRUNSWICK BT„ 123—First tlocr, thr»»eryonis; colored family; rent $U. Inquire

UTTER. Ut Elliabelh ave.MAPI® AVa. 21,. Weequahlc Park—Six larog

light reomti and both; ail modern ln)pro\e- Tnents; ojic block f;om Main line and Mt I’roapecl trolleys. Inquire M. HAFl'NEli, Jirsl floor.MULBERRY PI*, 17—So%'on rooms; suitable

for large family; newly decorated throughout; rent reasonable; residoutlal neighborhood. SCL- UVAN. US Market at.UT, PROSPECT AVE., T07—Very desirable

apartment in two-family house, containing ft rooniS and bath; Just completely j-edecorated; rent m . Be# JAJWY, BERGKR & FINGER CO.. 800 Broad st., Globe byllding.

WEST KINNEY ST.. !)2-Four garret Wrme;improvements; between High and Waslllngton

its.; amall family: rent $S; car pasaes hy*WEBSTER HT.—Cosy fiat, five rooms, with"

hnprovementa; reconhy dccoratwl: rent $14. Inquire IK Webster at., flrat flcor.WATSON AVE.. 4W—«lx rooms aud hatfti 8-

fan)lly houBf, all light: Improvements; M lf

Ai'A ilTH l^.N 'rs, n «H )»IS .AM> tL A I 'A W ANTED

BOTH FLOORS, iwo-famlly house, deilred by five adults, by May 1; Clinton Hill lee-

tlon; oxcellent care taken. Addreaa TeflAHt,Box S, Nows offlee.

MT. PROSPECT AVE., 763-Flat, four beauti­ful rwins. all Improvaments except heat;

r nt cheap. Inquire HUI; telephone 1258W Brand) Brook.MT. PROSPECT AVE.. 606- Flat, 7 rooms sod

bath: aU Improvements; ateam heat; rent 123. _______MARSHALL ST., 2A-Flve large, light rooms.

$lfi. FEIST ft FEIST., renting reparltnont, Scheuer bldg., 739 Broad.MONMOUTH ST., 12—Six large rooms: good

neighborhood; near cars; ten minutes' walk to Hroflti and Market; rent $lfl.NON-HOCHEKEEPINO apartments, at

Rteeckcr *t.. In the oentp# of the city;44

.......________ __ . _ .. twode-iirable sulteR of three rooms and bath. In­quire of Janitor, or JOHN H. DUNN ft 80N8. riremrn'fi building. _____

CENTRAL aparlmenta—One 6 rooras and one 7 roams and rath; all Impte.; electrically equlp-

steam h«at furnished. In a 3-famlly apart., north side Court at., weat nf Waehltigton: ready for occupany May 1. NAT KLEIN, 142 Market st. ____colored pconlc; six rooms; bath; tubs; im­

provements: root |1S; pOBKsolon Immediately. Inquire on premises, 24H Aalor at., or SIEO. CRONHEIM. 7H7 Broad *t-, cor. Market.COLORED tenants: five roomm; bath; AI

condllion. walking distance; $16; throe rooma Inside, toilet. I8-$10. 263 Hank at.CLINTON AVE.. lOfll—Desirable flat, con­

taining 5 rooms and bath, all Improvements, Including separate atBom heater*; rant $18. Bee IA>WY. BERGER ft FINGER CO., SOO Broad it., Globe building.CLINTON HILI^ South Twelfth *t„ TP4—

Boston plan apartmtmt; eeven roomA pantrv ar.d two bath*; oil aeporate improvamanta: cellar* aeporated.CLINTON and Peshine ave., 174 Peahine *v6.

Flat of five large airy rooms and bath, *11 Improrementa; convetilent location: rent rea­sonable.CLINTON AVE-. Junette ApartmoBt*. aear

Bergen at.—Six rooms; ^mtor eervice; steam h^atf hofideomelv decorated. 488 Ctfntoa ave.CORNER flat, RueeVlIle, near Loekawanna;

rix'bright roioini: tiled twth; aveiT improv ment; rent low to good tenant LEON FEIST.Firemen** bvlldfng.

‘ a’'ts<r£3s ^ . » a,nd Bomb its. Inqotn ox

, ___ BBh« roomiiiiiKtet nr. Brout

IiHjolrt et teaWar on pwmlmCE.fTRAl.l.T looitod five aoB rtl room flmo;

all tbiprovementi: rent |2Q and fee- Inoo ro on promisee- 61 Sttrlinc it... near Howard-CENTRAIJ.T( lorated: three reoeoe fire

male, bathi t l f ei4 UT. iMOtre J- KOBK.Jbtl tVeehlCKtoti tL -

STOEE3. B5 PSR MONTlt.S-T OBBBItrwoOD et Main, a h , E M

Otmnte; O w Uicatln^ wSTORE to let. Ml- iu5i'fe.. J0reBtit IBpSle

Jemer. mltiuierr or ladies’ talwt ana. S<aeJn et.. Eeet Onnse.STORK to In. la oeotre of ellr; heet fur-

pleh*l. AOBreee P. O. Pw ffO. Bmaiolt. {TJ.

OTABUes. TO LET<!OIjDEN st .—9> *ta1la: complete Imprnra-

menu: large wagon room; reoimaable rent; Rmg waee to deotrable poMr: out quicker. FE18T ft FEIST. BobetK*' buUdttg» T3S Bread.LARGE. ap*to-d»La etable; liriek bDUdtng;

wm let wRele ra port; wagon and storaga; Natrally located; Seatk SL 8lallow, 148 ThoflOM at * • - -ONE or two staUa ftad Ae6 t* |*tr SS Bora

sf-e, bear Nerfe& ' • ' ____p r iv a t e eieblo. roora l«r ebroe borMte 81

M ifei__i^tk ^ i^ p s ftM ^ j*«.c fbraf

CLIFTON AVE., 216—Six or aevan elegant rtK>m*i firet floor: all tnlprovameaU; etramrooms: first floor: all tr

north six th 8T,. 625, Hear Bloomf!<-ld car*—Elegant five-room flat, bath: *11 Im­

provements; separata entrance: separate heat tri rent $Ifl. _________ _______________NEAR Clinlon ave. ear line: five very desir­

able light rooms and bath: nicely decorated; Improvements; rent reasonable. PHILIP JBOWERb ft CO., 18& Market at.. Bowers bldg.NORWOOD BT.. 10, corner !South Orange av#.-

Two-family house; upper part; four large rooms; rent $12. Inquire after 6, cvenlngSr or 2ft Nelson pi. • _ _______NORWOOD ST.', seven rooms; alt Imtrove-. . . a-.. «---.....----,|j. __ment*: •leant, heat: In twb-fam|iy; newly pa bred and panted; $16. DRODNAX. 2^ enk st.

NORWOOD BT., 51—NU» decorated flat; five rooms and bath; improvements: rent $17.

Inqiure on premises,NEW ST., belfi* High, U*Ar Mahne*s-Flve

large, light rooms; gas, mUer, toilet; adults. Owner. 21 Bast Park itLOFF CENTRAL AVE--^»eaW!if«l fiee-footn

apartment; tiled bath; lleatgt heater*; Mn:h; rent $21. LEON FElSt. rirem«n‘s building. 'Phone 4848 MirkeLOSBORNE TBRRACa, 1#1—Seven reoma

bath; raparate aleAm heater; newly eted; second Roor; rent |S4. Owner. H Ide EVA

PESHINE AVB., 2TT—Five room* and bath; all Improvementa; first _ ftw :

house; rent reaeonOble' are,, top boll.

luduJri 45i Clinton

PACIFIC 3T., KfJ—Five room* and bath; very desirable; renl $18. Be* LOWi”, Bl^GBR

ft FyNOSE CO„ MX) Brood at.« Globe bulMlng.PAPIFIC BT! , 28—Four iWit, foofns» waier,

tube. 410* and toUci; rent $18. Inquire u New York av*., 5 minutes to JR.' R. station.PARKER ST., 17tto-F1ve roqsi* end bath;

in two-family houee; small family; $15, in quire on premliee or 18 Mayes st. *

MIDDLE-AGED Udy' wants two second ftoof nifttecl unfurnished roc-ms. or smoll flat, wRb;

bath; private (nmily; owner preferred: aoWh- <'*n section. Adili'csa Hvmej liox 57, NewaficA________________________ ________ •-• •;-w a n te d , by woman going to haslneas. twO

unfurtilshed riM>ms or alccx-e room prefeired: heat and use of hath; Second and Elwo»fd avea. seclian; state )»rlce. Address Desirable, Bov

News ptfice.


AT THE CHESTER ROWS aportmentH, 16* and 170 North. Parkway, East Orange thbr*.

Ifl a second and tlUril apartment of sU roonii and bath; immediate possession, Jpoulre of Janitor, or JOHN H. DUNN ft fiONS. Flro-. men's building Newark.a p a r t m e n t MELROSE, Harrison sf, and

Webster pl.. East Orangft; most desirable second floor apartment In one of. Eaat Or-, angers moot ..beautiful aex'tlona. Apply tO- Janitor or LOUIS SCULESINGEJR, . iTibir Essex building.AN unfuritlshed room at the Montclair Day

Nursery, 82 Grove st. Inquire of ciiafNa on p rem ioes ._____________________ - '■ /.Blo o m f ie ld , Frankim st.. 3u-.-Fiha Bat#;

five rooma bath and other improvemenf*; Tflut $10: pae block from trolley, five mlmUfl* from Lackawanna Station. Apply aUCOT1?» $1 Orange M., Bloomlield, or BUCHANftNr $ Clay at.. Newark. Keys at Nb. $2$ rrailk*'Un et- ' • •?.;■ ■■ELOOMFIKU>-New, all iraprovemetit i$$

lo $24; two to ton rooms, $8 to $50; date iocatiboi; beautiful cottage. .■ rioora; also tot tot garage, on centiwl amlxad atreet. ALTOTT, Orange and Cro|te-- ■te., BloPfitfleU. • '*■ . •


Comer North Nlueteemb «t. and, at Grave 6t. 8tatt«u lAokawanna lU lIn^ : umer suite, *lk' large, J l^ t room* lOjwbeth; etee*n brat, m ^ te r and Janlter «tl%*


l;I,OOMnBI.^Flne •li-room 11^ .ave. atMJCntre; go*, water and tolWy..|W

monthly? come quick for. thhi* SMITH. 8|i* po*Ue LxckawaniH. ■ ' ■

vies; rent reoeOttiiUlirML'caHORIi 8R0S -_ *?®?**®-» l O w . it. »t»tton, But. Prang,-

tJO ft ORANOB.Anirtnent. TO B»to» pl-; 5 MlUn

iteam h »t : TOPI** __ i«aSat Otttva it. StatlBn, Eaat Qraaga,'^SSaS^.SStond .aparuneai iin_t»

i«o-teinto„li ' ■■ ■tso-tenTiT koiM-. .11 Hanidtsn (I., Batt <. ann. iHat Kortli Arllmtan a.-*-; Bpatw-Mkia; KoM ta aHtdiail in (wd D«l|Ai>i>r)wo4; InUM- aSta po«a*MaiB. Awlr « . pfHnUw.

PEn kixo to n st.. ist-SeoMi# (k» t : agnate ftati (rash pitot atto papar; ( 10,

and i.v ^ a,a.—rour ‘h..-pta.; rteaitoaMa rant, tnqnira OI.t v'ltB.

B08EVILLB and oUiar aaettona; flva anl itx —ntj auxlarala.

a iiroaa at. -

e a s t lonAHOB-FIto' T-« TMto. (tala. Ua4-: TAena daoaaatlMss ana and toeetitot ■HSto', Aaad IscaUm: tenta asiy imtaaStoUBtF—Into Sw OBKKK.-flop n ramto-nSa BT <aiAHQB-B«ut|tol dacontM^

manta: oBli' aspraciaMd whan ttta; i noaia: )&th: t »% r i teat; lut

CAHD&K 8T-, tIS—Four raa, m m i: all larta and litht; faa an4 gatar Brat Soar.

EOSEryiLLB. oranaa at. 46T-F1W M»ins and bath; ell tepiwaiaeats; aantota bMlaaiml

lau. ImaiTf, It Eaaa* at

aarvtea. U Mato at.waiar;;

danot Saa j■AST OSANaC-T-ma «piruneai% $304eb.

■ i-noia Mata, DD; all hmwt.; t “ ' ’

COHCtREes ST-, TCh- 'tB roonu, lacaad u»I third flonra: all Unproramanta. '

ROSEVILLE. Seath Thlnranth at., tn, saw Cantml aaa.—Sto noma and bath; all awa-

rala ImsnrtoHnls.

l^fAUnr Ara. CBrlt) SttilOD: eoovofiteai 1 i kwoi^; trtSley. Iligutre i Qfrgyd gra.SASr pRAEOE Rat, f)ra noma and M iIl '



E ick ™ AVE;ni5-Datlrab)» Bat: cootaln- l iv d nxHu; raol R2: all lauravananta- Raa

LO gT BERIIKR A F IN Q ^ 00-. M» &o»4 at.. fUobe birildtol.EtjEiaAI<T flat la itt; • IliM mama: eastrallF

tosatad; ataan baate saa and aiaetricItT; tUad bath. ate. TO Tbnr ai. J. OEOMEcrarAK

ROBEVIUA Otonse n., dOth-Ftn HOta.IllHit nooia and bath: ibraa aaeaad and Iwa

ttord (laota; H A_______SODTHHRM NEWARk.^to isdaM aM Mt^

all Imsta. tat'ctoi btat: .Ona eoadlOow; aOa ntoata to tnUar: oair two atatton. isqatta; D. M ica iiL . M l .OHaian^ a ^

all intprovamrata aaoaot heat. (IB; taaan- Ytxia waHtoant. aaparata aieaw b aa t^ ^ ^

ELMOAXT nag' alx-rium (latL mteta: conrtiilant .10 tnilafi

tlmt Twn tn. U Lanark ava.

Oet oar ae in ^ * Hat; UNN(OT * X t CKntao ave.

OBMOE ^ b , Anaanth at..,. 1 (^ tsani brick M:-Mib;ai -BaSvlUa aiattoba.

Riasanl b r i c k R r a , law . alldb; an totpcniaiacntt; |1(; aval .

e a s t ORAKOE wraal « , . TO-iTlat. SOI '

RLEOa n T all Jaraa iwliaa; aH modern ba-

COLORED tcaaat, Rbrman avc.r M ; tga- Ctnllr dgelHiis; ato b w »,ta a t f aad hath,

m LIM.SETT * W W g .m esatoa E n .

AOd bath; alcam IM i: aai la i^ ; aaiaiifi tntnbcd: latiw altto, aavloiaA petaja-Mt TOP- bmaoHato; rant - -

t s i Korlb

CIU fireiNi bey, apart trio I houMgrourutesv-ay: on M Mont


A P i

r u iv s

BppMtt*111 verymprov*-

ffoor of;co. K.

(«, llfht enl fill.

uomi tn n(h Itad

f « Sift)' III; r«tit

‘tlie inUi I kmme- Veronii

. be«U‘ electrfo

m. *211 Clinton

ih. «l«o* trul av**. miiei int t■cMritiaintoQ

r Broad-

H TlOlfD- Ic itfht: for l»r -

««contl Ki.: rent ) Realty

Iniproi-e'lily. In-*

K rOORU,; aUuUa.

:h av«.^ n; iMLnai I diDi&f' 115. Id-

Wl Boqtb

all mod-' pam cell- c lllflita: idtiinKloD'

III. ID- nurlKBth

It fO. 34

oorni; aU OEOROE

Ut. seven rtationary S. BPBN-



I t liA lM

Hill J K -« TftCmnt,

c0d4 floor flat, wl '

cA\ sdutlhTowa

Inesf. tMK) prefoiredt

iTO'itt avea. -able, Bor

> K L A tS

* \


anltor JT8.

ilD_______r, Soft Ot' ood;

^ MMntW B jrtgs. • '


M iM IX l fK im . BOOMS AN D r M t S * - T o _ i OT — T OWN JBUT (MtAMUK, WMt M, It, oof nH.< ...

•r*.~JU4uc(i u t£L laquli* rinttioir.FdR KEHT, 111; rijV .vsnltnee, beautifully

. a-nr-mn flai: every « A :y deooraiad: gooit neigh­

borhood; handy to iraina and it tiley. JOHN ('. ROTK 231 Krankliii it., llloomfleld.

to let in new twa-rimilr houii; an me lateet Imi mvcrr.cmi; «<'parste emraaoe

DM Mllaf, fandiomtly ieeortted. loqulre prertniei. IT Hiajley tefraoe. IrvinrionKlpATB, IhU Oruve st , rotnrr Collage. Irv-

Ihatoii. blo«.‘k CIliUoii esc Two-fiimlly. eiec- tnclty. hiileri; elghiucii minulee Uruad iiiiJ Uirkcl tilVLAT to let, S ro^nii ami ligth: hot end roM

water, iwo-fanillv can hav« gurdsnand Chlckeni. 11 lk-rk*l ir« |iJ., Inlngion.FtJtT. fmji ii-i.in- lonvenlent i« iioMiy

and train i a]| ;i:. Ulolie at-, urangt.FLAT to kt, fiir rwuina. all lmpr> vxmtrile.

HIth V> em t'langc-EOllfl rooms Ih . t? Harrlhufi a\

Oraaie; rent reabi.naMe: Ksrden Call irter i( o'i KkIi . or nn Kundaya


FOL'Ii roi uifl An<l batli- all Imprnv^meiili, newly decuTatil. rtm onl'y IH (3 kil'IfilbT,

15t North (lrci\i: 11 , !u)ngi»nFOUR light, air) n*ome. baih. patiiT> imtcq;

all ImproM-mefits, i!esm heal, ailul s, ren‘.111. Tremont svf,, (jrange.

nUHT l'l,^T 'XlRNCfl F.AftT URANilK Nt' I iireenwtjoi.1 h\- , i-orner

Ulli) el - Four larvi' rouns uiiJ ■'■tth. suit able bu iliieit or d%seliLig.FlRriT floor alien rrxni. eli ro iini ahhI |va;h.

QfUl Ijdln il.. Ks0i Uiangc Iii^nl’ c o/ jaaltor

KlLgPIll .MiKii »1 . KhMond AliarlmrtiT . n-ijiaeiJ ijjiii, ........ r|M-

ialnuti.'l f<> rtrli ii < l-niih Htall'm -f ll'« l.ark nwinna RaUmud. xlr larg>- llgli: l'l:l■•rl l<l diiritiled bath li aiiill 'lli'ly i|i I ■-IH 11'lJ, FicAuj hi'rtt , all com mlern.'* ", i*nt \erv r ai-wnnhn l■|lll-.• JP J HOWICII.S A I " l«,i Msrlifi pi . Ill «. ri bulldliia



M A i m i i G

. 6T I

IfAUKT KT.. ai-t«rtB M U . !td boaiit a....................

n.m up.

nUhed room and bSiaidt all lni|>rovemea(e; ctnveaienre*; near H id M terw*-''* table hoard.




FK .W ^n il UEHOnUl. PRBanrTERIANHmlaori eireot

HAlAlKr BT . e03"Ktiny fumlihed rdoine for ; 12.AO par week. ceDtral:llthl


HILL HT .'lA -Aay one loohmi for good, clean -i and Hfll k«]H rouina, well lieattd. ruaniDV day

vaier, Liiard if dcalrtA call


mtr OraMge.


HH.I, «T.. 17, hair btuoli troin cllj l«>l and j ur rUrmd al. D..lrnhld fumllh^d room.. , '

HI NTKKI.ov' fcT . ir«i_(tiMm bHi«l room forgeiiMrtusJi, all liuprvTuuienU


.ume. w«M heated front room: iuuehlvX'T'^o; .. 'onganlal lurriAiml-

gon« twi>!«nD6ar(. mWt sTnsli. r »nm.

j.tUKM HT . N'lcely furnlahrd large and •Ilian riiom on ew oiid flwi'. Iiuus* warm and

h'Miielikr, hath: Uniii reeionabla

Mtl-I.EH «T 112 Pint, largii from room.Lach. hII nnpro «(f)t niJ- ohighnoiliood

priMiiu. alau entaii hall room, viith i>l vtlih iigl Itoard

1 I'LlNTtiN .Ut:NLK Ml KBBV T Kit I V,\ *'hurrh < i.irnei H uili Huirmih airi«t nti- th-p» at lh:C) U. Slid i 45 V. M. I'aaior fids' ' woe ph I''. F laonk* st’indaV'aobot i al J.3UI' M. Voun,; R oiriMiiie ^ d:L*i l‘ MtlldMerk friiiixt-, T Iiemls'- I \eid’Uf at M i .. Iixa

Ep|«co|«lt'llitIhT cm Hi'll FUo CATIIUDKAL-

Ue . PrnATMbit, Slr4k0. Wi.i-aa.sD‘<a.5«k -aUgftA. n«f, Mwlu n. t,»neis .» - .

JwjLlJ. Halioi'n. Vtt-ar Sun- ’ ■ B.s^^ee ' x' A^ l . htiljr ctiNtmonlim. Th Ito

.t M iimililng 11 .1| M , holi ..omniiiiiioii snd lerniiliri :i M . aumlsy ik IkxiI 7 -1.

M , tTenUic iifi^rr and eerutmi pi irt.M-r,hlfr a .. a.

A V KN r f: piiKKiiriKfiJANICaa' i>raoy*' -%uWt {bewii*"

h'-phew. r.rror a Ctmkllo tiWT Clifton arWho'' a r t

i. ;. iT ' ' - .7. ■ - - a .• 7 \a ■ — i^4«iiii«, fiOt MelD lirvei, i.yceuin iL-laf1iTe« mdr ' . [ ►ulldliia Keriices et II A W Kunday senouJ ttruveot at Uok*!]*!!- CroieCrr/li.-ti. I iwiitiMiiu.ni H I R.'l mon

M , ewnlivg i»fa>rr eti*l

MUEFCrY ST. .'jirTeo connisHin* roum* for llghi 1ii>iierk<-c itiis, running wairr, fU par

w»i-fc tils i liousekceping tooina. IS.Xil-1I14LJ11V bT . ii~4 Furnlilied ruomi.'n'i ob-

lo children ____MCJ.ItPllFiT FT,, h NUriy furniehed hall

iih'jti lo 1*1 fl ff» ev‘k t'all SBturda.v ofior- iiiMifi >,r ^umlsv tpointng. ULIINAHU FLAN- I'iAN. tup fi(wr

iTl.WiiK sT , hUV-Nlcel)' fuinidieJ r wm for ladlre «r gtiilkiHsn, ledi*«. M w*rk, »iih

hoerd, goiitk.men. 15: tal>l« hoard, 1A

•'Al.VAKi I KKSIO . 1,1< l.t.N cm U' H I eiMiR) l\UIM.I nieiiiii Mil! '■! .|lr plart llr> S li JtoMIlrr, l> ]', Ml.Miller biomilig ttX \h' Al ri K'ermia WH.I Ij, til ~i ♦*' s. twHii at 5 ChiliilBn at 7 Tu*«Ju,.* rvviiUig |iii«ii.r u'.l I'liife- ill P )ou mtv rLs'uiiit. lu ml Kl VU'bR

(maStlK ST nrer railroad *Utio[i andtroUe>» N«‘aliy Furnlihed room; board If

«1*sln-d. 1-i TAt, h-'ino lomfurts.

idl LliLiUlY ST.. IW-lAirg* room for light li i)iekr*iiiiig, no ubjectlon to children; alt

OlKTltlli* HT . 13IF- All that can Ira deairod In >oiii1'<ii. nicely furiilal.od ruuru. couple or

iitifle Finl riBM tabi#.

.SKlVtMJ I'llKSin I I.UIAS H -.Jaui*s and Bsliliigirm •irt iM Key. i ’kea mil HiuilPi. L) II. iiMsu I M..ruing worship I" .Sii SKld»aih •ohie*i, \2 ..-li.ik Chrlailan hlndeevi.r 7 o ■ livk K'rmr.g woreUp.

si MaUKH MISSpiH I'tinimunl'n sei%i<rji. '* A 51 Regular morning eor\kca. II o<.|..k K ■ 7 iiing ser vh rn. T 1A

l U l M r V ' I I I |(, I I I ' . i rn . I H e i. r in O lti-«il iMetiR |:|■ Meiccr ■Hoi-n J»hi)»t.io TH.. Iiir ||< IN .. 1 .iiiiiuiilon. A A VI hUtidB)► hr.Ni| If, |,„r-<ii h ijn , U t.'i y M Mmnli.ir.iyir nrnl erni.ni, ij M )-.kiriih|; piMjetiiml letdiui 7 1'. J hi

l>i tfktnlcr will piiBCliicaiig, Ts

[dial welcome to

h'.LLsrliecplng rooms, suitable for gentlesian. II iTi.MlT.HLltJtY ST, 34fl—Furnished rooms for

hiuiseLecpIng. vxtra 6ne, hot wnsr. Iiundry lines. Imprin sm*riie.-Ml I.HCHllV HT J.iyhi h iUsekM-pIng roiKti,

■ne bJotk from11 T.‘. ijppiwltd I'lUUr Alarkrl. > ■r.i |i ff li‘c. slj. i-mI rbUN.«.Ml I.HEKKV ST . 55 Small

nliheil. prIvHt* furnlly.

OricltAUrt ST, I'T-Mcely furuiahed room wHh boBrtt tor two gentlemen, lonvcnitm to

houih Hi Hiatloii.

U 0 8 K V H .T .K , I f u i i ih o ld t IT T T w o la rg e .‘■om foTtab ls ro o m s ; tm p ia , a l ih n o e r .!

B u h a h lr Ft»r te a c h e r o r g m i l r m a n . m -s r a la - ic m , t r o l la j 's ; r c a e o n e U r

I \\KST FTlKShV IT.Fll A S1 .11 n |m| rr Ih u\ cmi .nu n isi I'j Vb ilJ | j i-a' li ai I "

' 7 4H i' M liihk ■> hi«.l «'lln-r| iiiK Hi 7 )' M > 'll .TiJr-S'-lMy I I 6 I ' U .All e> Ft Vl R ^ v iy u n it .

. in;iu;u-Lutie- lUioM liarmoru

<; A U. and si. ,.1- I’ M. c K.I |ii ijysi -meetlug< fi (« ami airang

■'Jll Hi H ..}• ST opiMWlT* Ts ..i| sh.iI '-r f»tr' h ri hoi kSun.lsi bL iui.ki II r;.H. nniiT,. II ,1 , U>I kF' VI |j|l>ie 1 lUis

AM K.* H» I i.-k ll.r Ilk ■ nm I J'.f iNni Htitr i.

1 ..iiUJ> kirihiu. 7'A>> .A M M Vioi nillR Bk < I iMi'l ' Imrsl evfiiR.Tig In

I t''r)iJa>S Bt N ] ' M

! Ilhili HTHKFCr IMlK.SItt : I.ICA.N CUIH'.-M

sT ALtiAN s iTU'IlkTI Curmi Tlurtremh a>enut smi Hcolli ICiRli'h siren, il l yuidja Ftl. r, rvi Mrr 7 ;wi s M holy coinmunion.I'* ;iM .. I !(>, n FiL.TiiihR pr«)er, ll A M In.'V iiriiTinminri ii lU'In;i nn-l rrrmOTt *,* 5u C M I

Hijnds)-»tliO(>j 7 O uATodi evrnu.g prajer j


' ■■MJ Hi. H..'Will', ml .The theiiie wlJt b*

Ths sai'rtnieitt ui (h* wll: iH- irlrlifHlcil «l 4 I' M

FIRST Clll’IlCH av CRRIHT, SCiESnST Laei Oratiga. AOn Main airvei

Clusliied idsDEATHS

■'I liir C'JVjregk' of I uft'n'' k« Ia'itI e aypper

- - w XlWfht, i$94\ m Fv«r«: "l imml ei-rvlF-i* %o Ur h*k| at the \tomr of her

UomlByI. I'lflirHary k, at If u'eki^l.yceuin “ ilartitee md FrlroiJs in* klagly lurttaU. .li*

at li 4£> A VI•Ihj, nr n I' ’ A| l..q'aefin auhjM-i 1,0 '^ ll.'B-liiFS rmjn, , i-i ri .ltll> fiotn i

5, exk.*V>i Hundeye aiul Itolidaya

Ttanniunial mo«Mi .'Tor iiiruunv*.



O llA N fjrI ir:M

. IM I - r' HI II' u \-ii- I iijc^r Hi ii;'- ik i . I ickriaiid iirMil lira r MnKt

»I't#i !-Mir\duy ■PiMcra si ll A M arl H H M I 4 fbCin sulijt-n I 'lr li.D.Ftr vk l.iue"MJiFitav •< lu'ol Ul P .V M M rd n r fd s vJ'.Filing 1 firi Ni ii»n iH iiieinhiii ui h 'I'l-iock K'M.lii.fl I'FFi.i |r ll.f F liui'.’li I'llNii' [ip. n evil) ' ' k -Im .i ii. l rX C i'p l W'e.luet'iJiy '-\ f. ii

llUi_________________ __________

nimM'liiiliJ FirHMki Hiiil I'unilluraMAIJiKiASV Slid iiiH'siry tlui-enfMirl, 174, cnaC

Pk, iMgf I,In gi4»g, TeitpiwDart'TBiigt. t7isiw i'V'A.TOti, 00 Hituban al. Cdm (>i snge

itn itsKh . 1 XHHI.^fRiCSq ETC.t ' FlK HijRHP fnr ask on ai-i-ount of dttU

I'tjsiness J Inc., bo Main oLj— *—LI. Kiiai Ursna.'



A lW n T M liM 'S , ItOOMH AND Ni.ATSTF7 i.KT— OUT o r IT i irV

>Hj;vii.|,K AVE. 67 l.arge From Uoghie ■ miFfi. ule<r elngle roFiin with gwxS table

h'wrii. l•ln enJ«I11 lo (ra)n and tr(!le)a Te' if'2kM 11 B.

iJAllsKAJ.1. ST. 7. fttsi Fliv hall Nes'ly rurnlflln-d rnon. f n liaht hinurksepmg. large

i lot<t udjolnlng hath htateJ, sM ImprmrriipriTR

IRVINGTON. HaitIioii pi il Cpp.'r pariIWO-failklly h0U*r. RF’ki*n light rF'wri.*. ekctllc

llghti; se^ratf. riiirsnr*: .til ' 'urnli.balw-cen I'llirh-n snl Hprlngflelfl Bv*iifiviNOTTiN “Choke BT.srliTient, .1 rnam* snd

hath; also garr.i, .\<-ry improTcmeni, two- fa*nlJy houae Tel Waverlv, nr aiMresBBargain, Rg* W. Nek*-* offlce-

M A FISH A LI, S r U nrar .11% I.hII Nuiiliy fUr nlxheii i-lesri slerpirg nsml aU Intprovrinenii.

pH, ft rjM t 'F iH A y J 'T , 7.1 N i ie l i tnrfU shm l rootn, p rl

\ a ie fH ih i ly . a ll I m jirn\ im fu t s . bo iw een H >uHi M r'ja 'l Ri am i l ’ ftnnB>UBitlM a'^r:-

VT I’RiJsrt-.'i'T ha Two or Ihiw*lurge oiiiift.iiiiK Mioini.. ' i i u p y futiilshed

fir ;i(i>-t h" ■snkft'-,itiiH haih. laundry

F l H H E t l l . L L D t l ih g a ia p la ce , l^ r tv a ir -boBfditit pleawini slngU mom, me block

in stMilnn and trolley

Sh an,! * uurl bI rvvi i meiFl. pBtlirr Kumiii.k,lumiimg Bi-r\lir, ll A .-LiMununkin .1 J‘ M 1' .M «-hr1siian KifU-n' lug UgiShlp, Bul Ji." Wiiingi of tju; plTlke

John J Mh.■I A M. fP'ly

- . i.liig wurthip .!« y -e . h o f }l, b W t;, 1'. M.. v'on-

ir Righls and

auLTH HT. Laris serund door front.■ te am h e a l, n e a r b a lh , c a n ira i , t|o-jr fro m

R r ira d . ro n v e rtle jM to a ll i i r a i n u n i t io l le y I tu r s . h ra l I'laas Tsh I*

K'lCfH TWELFTH ST ;-iH;,V'-Frorit alcov* ri«mi ffkft one or two, Well hnaled. all ''On-

’•ftiiJeiicsB. handy to train and indley

HlXTlI i'lltSnVTKKIA 'ftili.ilhl iiraycr-UiftftHJlH i' -I' Bhip. IP .RI T h * y a i i " Jf le ll , w ll i presF h tm i'hgol, ? :S0 F’ M U m S rpi Men s FAItiJ* e'Isbs ih'.tig servile III •hsigi 'f <ie4%oi r p r ' i . j ,

• i H K f ' K - B i o i h - Miirolug kvor-

K.iUeri (I l-l>- .- BUS " SaLhuth-

I n a M ible < lass luck T:+ :«. e\e

! I i.'hi1silau Kn- ,fi a i b u lk e ri

M H l C u l . K .HT hoLJsek I > I 'lUE

$;i hRlI r lonii

IRVINGTON, ElrF,w,oF>.i ske. IT-' ^ roioi ,d iw r, f ive rrtom s an .l h a ih , a ll Im p r" . ►inentB

e )g :«pt heal, ne a r Sp i in g fle l-l .t.'. r

IRVINGTON. Hiuj tessiit ave . liH4-1 roFinB aft4 bath s'eam heat; els 'iric ligh’ Hr>d gas.

g^ble ahFj iHrBge rent |1TWON'JCIoUn N .1

CTlty conifnTie, lountrv hk-jinrue U 'V! r Fljtii flrepffoof apftrtm-.nis: elevaiivr Janui-r. hoi b « f , va in ju m r le a n s r . a un 'lp roF if f ino ia I'S. apertmonl sei-ftfi roum*. Uhlii. st'-Mni Mr.dT ►! ..tr io IlghT, U r s i , I l ' . ln i roOlik f l l i 'B i m pn r> n i'':; ’hotie* In Nfw .Irrei-v I 1]. I >- ir. kH I) irgh ground, mngnlfi-'en» ■iien-, wii Hk* rirnUtSf L t-kHwanrid HIhL' H, 4u nnr.u'F'-M Iv-ay: rensinablf' iF*niii, illuMtrHti-fl H et-’rr>n rsqunil A'idir-ss HwIfI- n H.il I Mun ai Honiclair. or


NidUTM.K srh. .IJ9( kftftpllie .

, j;iO nenr Rank ■ l*arga no ms. 41 .'ill Fi|.. Loimertlng rtHjntt. H up impri.v'nieiua

2tiT runil-ibwl looms for light iinmiiig wsler.

SIN i'll AVE , «1 FuritlBtied rirMim, aiftam lira!, haih. njlh pHvaie f«mU\, rohifinlenl

lo three inHleys and rtuseNill* Ssailon.

ROrriF EF,EVKNTH HT ;*Otk-Furhtahed I HOKEtll.I.r CUESliri F KIAS Clll Tl' H - rumna with baih. with or wlihirut board, i lki‘«evnp siul HiiHR. k m i in. IU'% V\ 1

- ' t ti»piiTai! H li r'a»i "> n.jBT scrvirei, n 41.Th'HKNOR er . Ill, <n* minute lo limad. near , Rr.Mi.* rb.M.il lo ;y. ... rumii "Thr

H-iuih St. Htali.ft- From ball rokmi, steam | Kln|ilom.' 'J 3n It hh: sc-hool 7. i lirl*xcelient CAi'klng. ttlspnune . Kniiesihr 7 lb Rit. mi uuisIp atid wrnimi

and BcrmonHT STUJ'liK.N V JTlHi'tHLM. 'H C R 'll-

' <iriiei I' lMtijn ii.eMlFHtk Hvmit-b FL •Kdimiii'i ,\ M hRRi JL, I'll 1> , r> oi -t Sumluv iprvu'ti K otiu-k morttin* RerkF.*., 7 l.t n’slotk. ekfiiiiif RuvKf, nn Itie fust Huioltiy of the mOFilli ti.iddsy koiuiuuni'uu Sumla> i> H i ;i I' M

H T M A'l 1 II l,t\ S t III K' 1; ' ■•! iier ' ’ ' Iar%d ' ’hailw ik wervui'i Svijvisk lioH . .iiiniumun h a M Mmiiina pmyei '<nd lil>ii»>lt» ‘ki t y F'liit ,'iund<i> 'll iii'.'i'ih h'Fiy kuinmLinli)ii Sun<lAk si'liovil 1' M iLftn ospraxi 7 71 "'ikhk Molv n«>s T J'l .v MItolv LOiiiiTiunJ 'R TJip South lJiftk*iiih Rii<ei N ft n « r k J>i }

I HE .iiM .si; <.,]■ |•HA l,:lt IlM'U.I liiul r-iMlr ■ H-i-tR lU-ui* 'if biT\|.t- fiuuijLik 7 kl III

, M 3n A M , i .m ; m L M V\ k.-ck dii, s 77 .U' A M .*1 !• M tV<sInv*'la> «pe- 1*1 7 4.'F' M 'lliursUn) RiFeolnl 0 ;ui M I H lu« BieFtal 4 T I.N r M .\»h \Si.iii bAm'

'I'tm rale fur uil1.1MU> with 1 liM fbcl.Ftv, la ui.f n i.i Ii-i-i l4i

iliH Hverng t N s* Die litie

I lasatFied «dterila''-'.'■‘|■Ul)ll eriiMicrp HmI Wind inili''liiMuii .XI

I Ar l I If tNiii; KouUk CLiiiiun at . tirar T fe»- ■ m .n.' I'lur nn/1 fK» puma, bath; int-*

lltl ."t«'n sundsy afitrnjon R.,i,' J|l III kVut.il IXB.

|U 1 V t |M< Mt.iHCN s t:,

- cn slmti words I'lK l lt.NJMIK!) ItouM s IX) LET—


. Theer iritn words rsirraeiu to aggt* line

h> at. |iii; I'h

WAS'Eni-V WhllM«T pi IT F’lrsl -rlaRi hoail f'‘T three nr fiFiir tje fan iie________ _

I »,r


uNE. two and iPree rnnnit nn.1 haih, fgr- nl.'lied . i i i i p l f ’ te , a perfset home fo r tw o o r |

HijeM . Rtomn h*Mi hot w n ie r , ja n itn r s A rv ire . , , tftiiiit, gfi t Sb woi-ki) Nis 2j Br,;kad, !

I I8 ‘J B ro a d and IW F a Jrm o u n t ave.

Wa n te d —Cnfufnishft-1 r« nm. with prhais faintly, eldtrly gennemar, with i%r wiHi

tkiii boiird, terniH rnoderiiii. cenlraliy l.‘ MU-d Address Mnnte, |4f-h 41 SVwrs of fl. i-

NORTH FlilTl’rFENTU ST 1 ai> Se ' i-.d f1tH»r.ssv«n rontrw anij I'hIE, two fanii'y |i u,v will

real rsasoiiuMr tn dcsnaMe leiLatit Hiquire "!t prwnlsas or .inBN II HI NN A- >< NS, Fire- men's huildljig Newark

I'It' IIAIII' Mr. 4-, near l1I> hoH .NeftMv fui lll■ he'1 Ihtss frrhtil riKiiTi fkir light hFiii*#ker|-

Ini' M'1t>FiiM;ig hftth Hirre lusetR, eienm heat e-! rt'l lini-''''VvTnent.*

JtOAEiDTNC^— o n OK T C ^ NBi room, with bourdAU I'LKL -Large, pia

B mlnuie# to T) . L. bqfI W Sistton; ressim-

The lltililKiw l!i>uTiii k I'. M jirs) IT HM'q-i 1114-

1 ChrlBtlaij KufJi's »orI 'KNTKAI.I ' 'Iniuii. hk liftcirgr U'slicn KliiicSperuer Ji 1Vf t.F'inrn iMihiti m 1

! : dfl R M Stln-th' ~ 4&, Bur Mfri

rgHiiIF rnl I isl I CfI t in TEH I A N

SfIsIIrldBj, 3 3h. Juiiicr

S ]

I niiiR

Mli'H\HI> s r IlL rurnlBhed r. .im, vsjth n ' 'r \ »■ S' I la V 11 f' r 1 ig I' 1 h -UBek rr i i ] 114 . n leu

I'Mitin, niesiti hen! all Inipr'rernent.'-. • ' me fftHBOnjI-ie

Shift. The ! t Rita. 1H2 North auieenlh st. 'I'hons 2W1IR Orange

niMirAflTl ST, R7 Large from nv rtl, alsn Kmn.J r(J Ti a'l 1 mpi<. k pinenib , phone con

V'-i’tliiM: rfHBninable! r’r':s>ii\K a \ F ciinion ml; Home

r(iitkfn;ts Iflrge niirinv front roorn all Im pru, pitiftiiis, up t<i flBie, newly fijmlehed. prl- vatr Vrnrrlrin ferriliv

EAST LllAN'OK A very ilftslrable moiiftrn \ •ulie Ilf rFViirns inriudlng parlor, bednium and [

I p rUat* bsili. HxceHftnt lahle; mF..derais it .vs I I Palmer Fiuu<ie. i.> iner Utin and North Maple I av* Esut Orange. [

vviT'ciriif- r-i| RlraM KMt .|1 i 4 1.‘ 'nmer .Nfj r I

B'.F'ei An Hi'.-,'■ Sf .1 .n;-.r L-, iiFT\ I- <- T’lr 11,1 • FMu' Mil'll.,

1'HKm O , EKI.AN CIH FH llI'Uiii n Ma.lFaon ■ -r-nufta

11 |) . and llu h c rtr: lalalnrs !■* F-’i A

I-I pHiiii "f M.iii.keri . Htl , d 4.*' KrulftHi or, 1 Ol Sp'-clu I ILUlSK

Mn.| guarirr ll'iarl)H ■[.-

li ' Mi'll•tiHl

p ( .

P" r 11

ORANOE, r,akAalrte avn . 158 - Four lorge. *un- l iy roorriM, ftH.-Fui'l ri-> 'T a ll Im p r -% m ie ji is

szct|>t h e a l, re n t re e s o iia b ie : n e jif l- ld ls o n 'i.

RHSPECTABLK culiirftd rnmliifth F nir-rnorri flats; gas, w«lrr. Igilel; ffJjl-, V’allsy rosd

fltAntclshi: •Toest' 'wn cars pass door. Jnqulrr 4 Ctira rd aVft , ra t i ie r P oiI hI F a s t O ra n g e

fliSCOKD flnur WAT ''er irai Ka»t Or-ailge, six large ligl't r i Miii, seiert IncaHon,

hgjiosomely drroratftd, nil niF.Jrrti Inuifcii-e irents; reaar'itHMr ren* to deslrAhle isnant. PHILIP J. BOWnriH A 'T*. IHI# Marksl si. Bowera bulldinafiBCOND FLOOR—.S|x iiFoms, bath, parury,

borchea, tlftcoi-ateii. ftlerfrlr, near earn MILLER. C7 VVfihamr n' . lr\lngtonPIX Ttlta HrFM roorn-'t: nil Impm, ementp ex-

cspl fitftQTIl heal F»'pnraln tnlmni-FF. Hfi \72 Fortluih st.. Irv{iigi> nTWO large, plea aut mgma. kllrtit-n, liLirlrr’p

pantry aaFl bnthrf>F>m, heAi furTii*hfti1, ruan'T- ibJa rettt io rldrrlk rnuple fi udiiUs iJlL PCUEBER, cor. Wtnans and Mem pis, Esb! Ofgnge.

rESNSVL\ ANIA A\E. ftS-NIrely funHahed room, with sniiihi'm eKposuri. upto-r|iT»

AlFariment nttii-ily piisate. near l.lnooln Park MtlFANTH.

EAr'i' nil 4 N'iK, North Arllnglun s\( 3l» 41 - M i I-"-w f 11 | ■ .T w o l•e4lJMfLJll> fu rn U h ft i l rtuniP ho i and : ' ‘ l i ' l - i i

r u lli ft B t r-| . rill c '-n vftfl Iftli' ftp f' i>r iriinki le;i ] n >1 I f- ’•i - i f r 'i j i ) fttafinn isu * I j ia tb > n . d in n er I W i ' ■ r,

East orange Iinck t'hu-«-h l a Ksergreert ' I > *■pi , i1fmj7iIf; ,juJ Hingis ri 'iiiH with • car I

i i i t le Iff. d i'JtTP , J F 'fe rfn i'e P , ph i'J it I IW j VV (,f| nnn -

HVI*riUft M iul / I m me rt i i s n

In. ilUlf 111 :i " nii Hrrmcin I -T I . 5a Bil l- K I'll n l l n g , r -

1*1 dll End'’ t ' 'r S'" If I '. b- mup|c for 1 hft r '. > r l . I KIAN I’Ht IlF H H-ll*

I Kfnrny Mrvet Jtp' JohnII Mortilnij ll. nftrti.nn, 1’ftHlli E-'f-LfFg, 7 4.'j ft»-t ■. Mar p gu-v 1 ii> 44 hi4' I .s> k

sfrvLF'f' Juni 'f F tirliilaii M peitl'T piMn |F-hcF<i|, 1 _■ 10

F’ M Jiilii'F !<:j I-- B< IjcwjI j I j i ' At le n liit ChrlHrian Lfl T, It t.> }■ .M .Sli>ingeri

1" A ,M 1 :* 7 1‘•ri i1.iil> r-.! private lira riiitilAH iTH m il

!>'• Jubr) 1! 4<kltlRnii, 1 ei 1,' 1- ■ B HunJuj b' li.Mil, '• 4'. piStrr ser'i.iili hIilI hnli- 1 " ' liH k skil'Jf-F 1 of F mi n l . l ' l r i g ’' W'hai .Jftsui J fii'U ifl,' Inaa ;i 0 ' Iif' h 17 1 ril ria 'ftnnStluti h> I hf LIshi p 7 l.'i pr «i'h

sr J'Al'LH KF’IHf Of’Al. ' lil'U ''ff teirTT lllgli hntl Murkpl auftlH Srata free Fl< % IFF-nr) I' FUdli), Ii |i rt.-pir |l*i Jmi.i'-

on;Lin ni !i ,t M Movnl !Uf fc •RkcniTiK irn)--i

Fta I I lams. « nu'i M Oi t>) p.F fC

] ‘ r t «< ■MiJli.l >1 i.

II- u;:1i>ll I b I , j O- t 'k iin li

’ iilihnuBt I'lrL .III a Ul! ' I inthe l'lsh"h '-11

.Vn mllji'lioiis III iiiTi- hi.lk'se HkhftlTIPriiUtiiL Is Mill L t ihie ii'Fiiilti ui c^eryutlicr i l « > l O' n Ty ' i i u ' i ' l l i T i l t h i l io r a le I h : (.tru-lllnlittl, iIhIj) , il (y> pi |- lilt- kk'CfV ntllfl' itny, k"t‘ lliic. jcInlMiirn three ;i;ic‘1 )Ui- M'Ni <iA|l>'. |ir> [iftr llin, .in* yrsr

i-vftr% oUhi till). I'.* pi’f lUift. iiiiiiiiuuiii, Ihii'Fft llTiag.

V S 'h r i i b lA h lk It i ic n >r o R p I ld U b ie tiacdrlllF-r ut t"P Loll.... Ilf ,y» ud'.rrtlhc-tnenl. ftlll, i''lh1 iigate In f'enlre iiic ruin ix ifii - lilts I Vm'' I per Cirurii Mile tCapi- trIh F ’lir well ilk to □ M' i 1

_ I HAhT 'tR'.N'lE. Suxaes ate, Ml—KurnFlhedI ' iF.oina. V ni. wati r sjui Hghi; rhrae inlMtig

" rtl lu Uri'M. 51 Hiriiiun. rrtii a wseh.


F ' 1 .BJiv F-iira ip I I 1) ' ULi lUS l i n la ' m h- "1 RI |i 3 ii ft \[Hh-J fiftrn ion NI I " l.ft (1 < U>F'ha ril] h ftr-ri"y i Bt J 4ft 0 1 Inchh i i lH lt v Fif :i IF m i l l i l 2 l ‘■ f I l'^•|^1tlne.ll'

f* Hi, 1 n iinp I ...■ft ' M I ft fi a ' ■ I • ' 'llw h V h V. I ll f ,• 1 - fi h 1

I 'A l t K M i . ^ ' ft '1' lU ' m '-T ll' .1' 1 K

M ll [ I I r W r I- U I I ll 'Tl

It' i 1: M Kri H'% >.

I '!■ M I.'

hh ITVI lig \i ft I f


Mii>. Afrtitr 1

'.rr*-r"iH .pk'; 7'

i - .M lf C l.'i*1 |> VuiJi

NlalP ir, I !iiIf M■'■risn |.,“ t il 'l '. ' r nlng I I . ■ •Smari S'li'i M/l 1 1. V,i

I, l> Arl.I'll

I V-- 1' .

f. Xt'ttl''t'hriBleningB .4niipftr»*T) Notir*Annulment iT Uariiag*•'onrirmuimna llirllia ErgRgftil Marriages TV|, f-rrftdtfinOrrsfii V Vlft *a Month's Mini MftniOTiai Rervh-aAiirtion nil*Lillplo% Miftni .4scn. In Meetingsrersonalt iiida Wsniftd Hunt, nji'ti V sals r»|as lui li r of F'ir: n»r

phh’rnrmHlInn nf Pftrtnti

f hip


Seven Llnea. cfttili; every seven adiililooal wnrds or fractioDsI psft ID ceali. IW I'en'p ll the minimum.

'.'hitt there arv S.fMi fowls kept by pgOwM" r-[jiK within a tall'ia r>f npe mli* of <:rflngi» ILiM. UoKClupfl, tNila rtlarloagd ^’ 'Tii.-r Cniinirj,' Ri-KUater O -ofga E* De*. ' I ' P in ini nMjurLig: FTiifespor H. R,-

' tM vif llie ^IaL Agt U'liHut'itl College,* iA»i tiJgi'i a ai'HuFon of an Dll itfty

’ ■■ fH i'!*tlui'.e .Mf ! I wta Gflte Rii liluslriited lecture-

M'lil-in MhiIiiifI.s In Poultry KD**tj- III*? N iu i \ Fif I I-. t i i ‘n ii* rft 'f te re f r o n i i Li'.iciftr'i, Nf.m If C4'ii'Ac]l. 1-l\JimaLort giut,’

Ul I 11

olL- r V'i I'l <hl ul bil l [ireferred by the

Nftw Jet-HP-v piiultrv|m*n.

I" r nis per lln* Mln'tr-im thre* l,n«s

iFOll} or ,npw jet-HP-v M/ l,ftivl- i.n tlvw Wlill uriricr prnp» p ■ iFiiFMlhina, jHuuUv a pM '<fl- litVfti

L I m IM ISH"< U.

F'l.AN'K 8T ni Tw'i IftTgs connectlhg roniiii fnr Hgl'ii h^uBekeryjng, iiinriliig walsr: h*1

aiid rr., 1 alkiT ilr“f Jdrgft il-'seis, ah Im- priF', eii.erli.

KAST MRANGE South Bunjett ai . IS-Vury 4«airahl« double anil single ronma, cxcetimt

table fine |CK-ation 'Phon* SThlR Orange

TIMItL f 1 1 SHVTFIil 4\ 1 ili III It |!r Bdo TM f, '111-;' lh« t Fi.. rirt If ll !»ft I i S. 'It I

h-V<[' "ItANOrC Wll'l ? [' iju roiiTn with h ' I'l

iHn,;' Bliti I-ihtfI

0 J;!" Vu'iil«hf-«J1 11,1 nip III H BiiiH. n,j! [lil.'lir U17-f:

I n«rvi-r KdhEw!h. i lU-BllM) .

• iiBhFlftil i iior 10 w B

Mnnung• ii'Fj,'!. 'J ;iu 7 4.*f F- M

i.j im

th ;;i«, I- M

I RefnriuoiJ ELplacDpalI KMM4M 111- ItKKoUMKl' I I'I . ii • A I.I I T11 h, n 111. -id HIT' F-t null r FIJI I r t ' -ii-i-I 7:r\ Hi'Iihi , \S’ I ' -H- ll 1 ft' I-.I T- ir.i1 ly h. h'-olI h <

In Meiri'iiani i'nr'1 nr Thivrik iT td fft N‘ D1|reehrn‘ !ptv Ntdl'fts

Hrl i(( k-ij ft .Ncu'es w ords o r Je is

I *»4lliOrfi. Kept Itn h>ild. It l».

if wMte^ahellert' “ it;' vv'i'i, lu 1;,* III- l.;wiu-st price. B»*,'■IM' !h,- -ii'.itiuKa 111 a mailiftl.mm. ltd Iv i|n' r>‘"1 ■iv-'-i' Lm- NPegKer de- •Ui.rl. \ . w Jci-hf) ami espt-clally tl»4L ),MI Ihftr el, 1 ll rri'TIun. iR uliit of the be*rI'Ij ' cs In t;,i< I'liitcd .Sisu-R for cLlcktn

I I •ilftiii):,V> ,-rnip fivr ft llnft# 1 11 lu? t ru 11, fmh M,crft ch'fn ahuwlni? th4r

“ 'I '" " " " ' i iJSIIIt.F' I'liii. " I diritreiit/' etna. j klnl of poultry/

hrtusf'R for grnernl use 1‘mfefaor l<gwlV

lu (''Dtt |r*i line MIn'm'lfti f 1 > B line*

i-enl* adiliT'.cin al worOf, 1 csai Mch-

tjfrlarevl tli.ji ilif lioMi IV pe i»f uillHy blrdi,-. . . . . . .

.MI : I'l !■II ii ji .g I

PL.ANE )?T. Kh and M-Twe large, cHynnectlng I EAST rooms for housekeeping, 'with running vater;

also one Istk* and smsll sleeping rooni.■ KAMir. WiiiiAiii at

r i . . .4 N E S'! 'ii'14 K iirn le lU '1 rrstmiB. w ith steamhf-a ', F 'lft 'ir i. ligh tP , bathroo/ns, bu t a n d culd

ru n n in g w flie i

PLANK sr k n u ilf iC II

?17 L ig h t , a ir y r o u m i . ho tia e - fllcrpl ng

FC ),s.K\ I I J . 1: N im n R IP ?4 -N e a i ly f u r - iileli<*i1 H )fiin a ll li r i f r^iv em t-ntM , p r iv a te

fn n iU v on* t i lo rk fro m {> r a r g « aori < N n tra lV K I B. nf'H 1 .-vl H 110||

IfM—One nf n»o rleaaanl funilaheil rooms prlvstA family,

T(i)hfdat and dinner If desired

VI ni • 'f 1 Ji, L I .1 IF ! rln .ii i f 1 f.F- ' e m u l y

I Vi III' ll »erv !■ ■ .VI H'liy «-F.m

• II ' > I nr I , 1, f T peiimiri .tpii

|uI ll

1 m i-l '> rrienl W a n AlaJn i.T k'emSi*

K.A.HT illlANOH, N rrli Artinsli-n ave,rL>Fi|iih. slnAl' 'll Ml ftiilli with l.-iFdl'l,

V, m en ' I 'l s I a M'fII PRi-J I ru U e ,

Ml : 11 ,v\ K''TL C' 11 ' "I II- I II'l". I. .. |.I, ihuiii

ILH1 il> pr« rl uiri,:pI

I Ki:sin ; LiiiAB il l } '» < k H - I h >J’ ' I M h I r II ltd 11 Sniids' fc>

bdptigt1 mi Ml

1 III' IIM .! ' I L -nit'urn,

MEAhT iiltANGl, N'lth Arlliigiun a

Tn IIllrBi l 1 •. »-l V fi:r ! ilH ltt ,l < IF ftll-nt h-Ftrir table

Ki'iMun mg

liAM' ll -l-peir'..;MTp, II J'Ti-iI .-Mlt of .Suri'UiV Bh"

and 1

I'l'-.M I • Mlili l-lll 1' I

*7' IM'7 P .M

I 11-3-

I’.l bSEV I [,LC Sussex il\e, E.lghl, ch^Tful room, l.ftfii ronvnrdsnl to trolley and

l.n>-K.Aw uunu Station

MfiNT- F.AIFT 'inuiKe i'>art. 77 ncur I'entre I'iftHBHiil. fLirliihh'd fr 'hi r'.'oTti, itlfam heitl

T'l. fjrubie he-l •ultftl'lu fir I'US'ni'Sd ntiii, I KiF h Fi tahl*' fiuftnl

To colored family; fiv-e r'Kim Lai ut ‘JT A-'sd | rinAKA'ILl.l , Ni-rih rtsvenihA aM «t K. ,L.ai f -b v . . . . . . . n-h—i.L* . . . . .__B. I .....F . . A l l A . , a lA* I. ' I *,


gmy at., Kaat ciratiKi-, newi)- [iHpercd ntul MrUa. EDWARFi WHITE, 14*1 Pftv it

•raoge-TWENTT'SRCONr) FT, Rfl. belw.-cn Hinms-

flald ani) rlimun h'^b.' Six light r >''rr..’i ftrrl bgtb; all JltTthvemctbt* exicpt sli-Bm hcHi. two^mJly home aeconrt fl-’OrTO LET. five nice rooms,

WMt Onnge.B8 Ml'ohcH 11.

TnnEB Dio* large rooms, rent |d, four rDoniS.|10. 103 Souln at, Orange, Inqulrn l‘,;; 4

BlfOad It., Newark.WK8T ORANGE'-T-'ppftr nparimpni; H rnopiPi

all improvements: uunvenlrni to trolkys jmrtmpitwo rslIrcadB: select location. 33 Whitting-


rWANTEID--In or near South Orange: tarHo ronros, unfurnlelied for l|gl

Address Rochaaler,

APAH-TMEENTS and rooms furnished for Ughi * bouttkeeplrig. steam heut; hath; all Improve' eiente. inquire 83 Third ave.CENTRAJ^LY located six-room aparimarn;

neatly furnlahed; all iinpmvemonlB, Janl'iT Mtvice; aduU" only; renaonablr. Addreaa Re* gpeptabJe, pox 57, New* office.

FURNISHED ROOMS TO LE TABCK BT,, lA—Two nlcfi connectIng alcora

rooms, with roFni for light housekeeping, bikt, bath on aame floor.

BACHELOR apartment r>f tiviv roi ms, bath.r ; alao housekeeping suite; three rfF.-Fn-iB,

central, modern, high Vlaes Addreis Private, Bni r>0, News nfflce.

BUBNET ST.. *B—Newly furnUhed front rootn;large closet: SieRm heat, thoroughly clean,

altractlve house; convenient to La>.-kawanDa ■nd tube; reasunable.HEKGEN ST., 730, block from Gllnron ave,—

Larger HghL nicely furnlalied front room: b»lhr steam heal, private; 11,76, also light hDll room.BROAD 8T-. 25—Two ^nd three rooma; light

botisekeaptng allowed; very nogt; open for Inapaotlon; rates. $4 and (6 weekly. Inquire ^ l(or.

HROAD BT.. twe—Handeomely furnlihedrooms: all convenlencea; 3 min. South Bt

jBtl. *nd 10 to Park pi.: aclect neighborhood.miOAD ST.. )16T—A comfortable room, south-

^ oxpoiura; also two connecting rooms: privita houia; all Impta,; ’phone; eleotiiolty.BBOAft ST., &BS>—Elegant large front room,

with running watrr, Htcam heat; bIso single reomi four utlnutoe to Merbft at.BRUNSWICK ST.. 78-Fronl furnished room;

pUoo; heat; bath; fine place; near all car lines; can be aaen any tlma.bridge 8T , 19—Two large bgaement rooms

for .H^ht housekeeping; also oilier rooms; rsnt rstaoRsbie.BANK BT., 64-"Large front hnueokeeping room.

gll ItnprOvemeittp; eleam heat; also large front sleeping rount; central.

COTTAGE BT., 1(K—Large front houBekeap- iDg room; front room for gonlleman, all

Improvement8: clean; AmerlcanB: 8 minutes tl%r bail.cottage 6T f l(L-NlcBly furnlahed

rDDm. private family; uae of bath.light

CRAWFORD ST., ]0. near Broad and West KlQiiey care—Nicely furnlahed housekeeiilng

yawn, 11.75; other rooms. ILBO and 41; gentle- sadn only.LLIN'TON A’VD.'—f arge front room sullahle for

two, houaekeeplng if desired; uee of bath V)d laundry. Tel IT77W. Wavorli'.GXJNTON AVE., 7t>—HandBomely fumlahed

mtna in private dwelling; rsfsrsncaa ex- cbiniad. Apply 7P Clinton ave.

iji p,'t tiiKi f 10! lej fl \4'i liftnl an-1 tftlftphi nfl.

I furnished rooms.

f’lii Allwr I'M I'liriuHtiftFl runm finr latl> .fflt'illv 111, I tiiri rn i|n/»rB

KTATE 91'. no Two front rooms for light ItouaokftHping. nic-ly furnlahed, all Improve-

nienia. ptxni ar«-oitimodal ions, three mlhutes from l.Ai'ka'A'finna Riallun.ST.\TE 9T , 47, near I iiilcawanna Sialloh—

Nli-hlv fiirnlfllto*! n«ini lo let, wiih “T with- nji ho>jBi-kee(ilug, Rl ImpruvemenlB, reason­ableSTATE ST. 94 -Tfto rnnnftrllng rooms, fur-

nlsheil for ttglii houpekeeplng; running satAr, reasonahle

OFiANGK, Snydfr "t.. Large front r'xjin.vonvenleiit to trullcy and train; dealrahia !■'-

cat Ifir.rif)n\1Kns wiiniftd. wtth hoard. In yrjvatn

family, Addrene Board. 7l» North Fuller- ion avp , Monlrlalr.T(IK WlLI.ARlj; everything ntw; steam

hftdiet); rii’tning water every room, prlvHtBb a :h B , firM'.-c-lsBS s i ‘c<in .m oiisM unt; th $ tl'one; two; table board specialty, fu.le Lincoln st . East Orange. N. J . near Ffrlck C'huroh Station, h a lf b lo ck from William Bt

T H K .‘ H K L B O l 'R N E . S o u th W a ln u t M ., 4'J.Kuat llfange—Good riFFim anil board, rea-

B{>iiablr; home table, ' [ ‘hone lfi4T,

IL : -,n " ' 'flliifF; M's K r M IS'i[-| H F'ARK F'RESUy I eP.i-4N CHVR4 1I ' ''irner Hrosd Hireet smJ rtinton avenue

n*-\. Lvitisn WhUnftV Alli-ii fi I'", iiastior; Mr < liariftfl K. Miichlfty aBslslant- Uorniug wui 1 bM[» I0 4.I. Scrninn by Iht; rvistor; sulije- ’ HefA'feTi ilis T'enil •md 'lift Living.' Evsnlng *'(iiahli' ul Smitli F’ark rhH[Fel, H o'clock, eui'- Iftrt 'The ''h ir'-h A I roth-rhood “ This Is the 'aat In a sei ief of -.ftruuifts -n The I'hurvh and , li!i V iue t l ihft I'riinmuniiy " jVI 'III;-'!’ Mill ri;h! HI 'n- iiian ' m n ' 'u II 'lOfi lljKriiiin.l Ji-.F'III- 411'] Ih'llor i>flrltWHy. '

|l'. Fi’ iftii'Ji'k IS i.t-iKlft. inkJtiO' Mur Mina 1Ml >1’ 4'' 'i'ilF''f hiiii"-ii l>> li'l'* uuftl'ir ,

jir.i I ftii-l'ii-i'i-Ti "f iliF' l.i't-: F> Siip|H'r K\iii- \UiU W'liBlil; ai 7 4*'i I'UJIchI Bftf'-lcft, 111 w.lit'’l! ■hi' ''IiF-ial ''Ii.F! sin I'l. iBftlstrd i v .'lisfl I<iinrr‘ KF-riifl '"Isl "T Si Mar Ih.ilir l■'•\v ' s ' K| iFFi-i. xT I'biirfh S "rk fiiv iibbfiili- j► ' tfnil fli-ssl-'O!- AI 1.' .'M .4 M Hit'l : I’ MV r S •' ]'. at li .'ii'f 1 M S>aiB freft Al

HIf.lI It) flvr

N 1 n \1'1 I IIII' n-'jr Finnli h' m '• t

I'H■!'ii F'rftiii IdFi t !■'>1 M "WathiOK wiiii""1 s sFjiFtn-i riiii-lH.i -I

ii.F-ir d'Hj lp' iijt' rfi- l‘ ft* VL'hmk'|iii!i

r tJhLIt 1 MJl ■■■ 411 V. cl 'Fnr

M :1;. ! r

45 I' .M

THE HALSTEAlJ. 38 ilatjitead at. East Or- snge—Convaniant to depot, phone 1041W Or-


ft r*' Cll

STATB ST., 4«-H»n(i«jmply fumlihiHl room ' "'IN'tJHOn HOTB1-. S'.ij". Main .ml i -nn,- In priva'a da'alllnt; Germai'i famllv. neai' i rta [tppo.llB Mintary Park, Othtikb;

La'-kao-atina Stallon, i ''''I' "F' i"-"-"r'iina IO':a!l,'M of roan,,.S|jFjH |h| tSir-H ny the wevk.________________l?T.,hl'RlNG

Eighth avft. rlihed room*. ani.1 13.

37. heiwppn Grand si and|7" W AN TE D -O L-T F)F t o w n -



IN rio-; "L !'' MITD H It W1II .tu A M fl nd1 \ TllJl . rf I hp I r , , SullFl.^\ I- I ii: ;ii IlbllU I l.lftfl Ht 4 1 'il T Uf-!fi>'I 1

SIXTEENTH AVK.. fW fW-NWely furnished steam haated room, with ahow’er bath, for

gtntlftman, by small family. F. GREEN- WALD.SrirJ.rNfi HT 2t, near rijurlhiiuee- fwn

plftasant furnished r'iiome: f3 and |S.3b. aH ImprovctnemaSUMMER A\'E.. aO l^rg' light front runm.

wlih rlF-)flpt; light housekeeping If desired


I'H4*NT ROOM; W'El.l. IIEA'fED; H.vTH: F -n z y , I f n M K L I K E . W I T H (5 R R M A N F A M ­I L Y : N E .4 R r p IN T ^ ^ E , G E N T I .E M -^ N

WASHINGTON ST . rki4. near Lincoln Hark- N'icsly funitshftd second fluor front room; all

Iniprovetnentfl; gentleiran or couple; also sin­gle room, Jl 50.WASHINGTON ST. 1711, <’lydft Apartments -

Large (urnlnhed r'om wilh rnnnerttng both fi->r un»; or twu geniJcmen; steam heal KIE­FER hell.

KITIST |■J ESHV' l-:lli. .N I I'flv\«.in will ;irea h ■'

7 45 F’ M iUhi -F-t ThP■ ■ .'vll .ifpHi iJtH m* Ilf Gift ‘J "fl. ftv '•»« il-'i» .V'tFi]. ' It ll l■‘1l'1f-rt ' I at ‘1 47)K 'll ui'-oitiji fii- i-r*i.«*'i

ami I ' l j i i r ' ' 4 .1 J ic i‘ |i> D r ' ' J I 'f lR t i i r ' KIHSI rUl’SMVTrUlAS l Hi uril TAItrU

N A ' 1,1-; t 'o r iu T ] . « f r t j r l l e k ii 'I T j l c r •trrrlMJl'-R u lftr Sylilijitlb KftMl'-eH .lu iito r I ' 17, fliTlOiT ftM -l.iii jj p>«-rv|.-«. Id TMi SaM m lli achtni, r i i r i f l l la i i E iv le u vp r in n ’T ln i, 7 P rv p t itn EftprOi--. 7:45. l(ev Wurirri Elfllu!? Will Tin pulpll tk'Mi mornlnfi kiul rrOilnS' Wft< kly I'rn.ver n u -vtlng , T i irw lf l j at S '= i'|f>i b- A <-’Fril!nl in G ta t lu ii la e i lf to d f l h ' tJiCHO iterTb-cB



United I ’ ri'sbjftFTlan

THK NOKTII ilKf-CIlMKri l"n ni|l He, Luiuii Hoftvr, priR'-liftSHi l'i,3i' Dr I *<r lart at. pi'(-Hd»nt ' f FtuignrH OFtllr-t'. prRS'hcfl ii' 7 4.

t HUIST ItLKOilMRD I'UrRt.H Porner ^ 'aalli gtt>Tl and Delsvan aivinies. WH.tFvOBidf. PiT''lval H. Hflrkcr. rnlnltrnr. .MornlnR sfivlro at I0;y0: topii'. 'The Chriiitlflii'a Jlai-p.' KvftU lug dt 73t1 u'i'lnr;k: topi'-. "Dare to Hr a f’arib'l ' Priyer mftfttlng Tuesday at 8 P M. Hirauger*welcritnr,

ini.'^T I MTLD I'JtEHDVTERI AN I'Hl'itrH TiftllftOllr HinuiF- RtiJ liouv ftfTiftiii

I sTK-ci Rftv I M'-'isy Krilpr, pautnr. will ]irftH- ll fli in la A M ('ll ' I.F’M I Sh'MjId

BItfI 7,4f- I'. .'F Men's Hihir- I'Uffl, \ Mr M , Ulhip fii hiH'l. 2 4o r M ViftiloreId

-I' e. r-f ) sr TMCP

Mclhodiiflt Fplj^copti!

WASHINGTON 9T 17.S-Neaily furitlshM room; ail .^provoi^enls: steam heat and

hath; for onj^or tuo; rent g3 50. HODhON hftil.Wash ington bt.. SST-Dealrabla fumlaltei

rooma ami comfona,ble parlor: atesRi heal, gaa, e le c tr ic light and bath; rates modenta.WASHINGTON AVE.. Oha, cJty-An eJegant

furnished rooih with all liTtprovamanta. lti rrlvatc family, to lady only, for iTi per month.Wash ing to n st..

nice alcove room. j;i, Including conking gag; hIbo room for frcuLlemen, t2-50; central,

317-Lighl housekeeping;■ GcludI

WASHINGTON ST. Sf-d-Furnlahcd roomB;Btecm h'-al; electric light, baili etc.; reason­


W’JTH private family, airy, sunny room for Rftntlenian, iictviy furniHhed; fmprovenienta;

convenient to courlhouee, cliy liall and fnur cornera. Addrcfls Convenient, Bog 5, Kewl office.WALNL'T HT.. 1S8—Complete for boAiae-

keeping; 3 connecting roonift for 13.50; water, refrlguraior, pultpy lino, oto.; private house with owner.WALNUT ST.. 86 i.entral: convenient to

everywhere; two nii'ely furnlihed oonoctlng front rooma for light heusekeeping; terms mod- erat t.WALNUT S T . , 78--N«wiy furnlihed roome for

llaht hi'iUKeFfeeplng and single, cenlral loca­tion; rent i-easunable.WARREN ST-> 87 Nice front, rooms for one or

two. three mlnuloa to Broad and Market Bin. or tubes; reasonable.WARREN PI-, Hi—Newly fu/nlabed steeping

and housekeeping room; near Tubes and troL Ilea.W’AKEMAN a v e ., M2-Furnlih«d room, sult- ^hl^g^wo^j|nodw|ala^«[«ji^]oar^^^^^^


CLINTON AVE., 41*0—Threa etaganUy fur- Biolwd largo light and airy riyoma, with

pUam h«at, rent tncMieratfl.COURT IIOUBE PL., |9« Qp^tte court hmis«*-

N4c*ly fiirrlahcd. rooin, iultgbi« tor two. mstk

EAST ORANGE, HiJitad at., 30->Sunny, ateam heated rooms; ona short block from Lacka­

wanna', Brick Church Station; oonvetaient Newark trolkaya; near flrst-claaa boardlhg Uouafs.

or houiiciteapltig.COURT GT-, 711—Nloaly fumlahed room ft»r

ganiieman; heat, gM and bath; central.

EAST ORANOE, Stirling st.. 48—Prtvota fam­ily would rant two ooimactlng light roons.

compiota for light housslweptrif; near t« ovary- where; tenua roaeonabit.

C01!'<t]HBIA BT., Sd- Room, aultabio for coQplo; alio alingle room; gaa and t«th; ll.&O up.

east o rang e . ProBwt it., 28-Iargo room, aiao STnall room, o minutes from Brick

Church StatloD-I^IVISION TL., ft^rumlshed room to Jet, for

dolored people.■Ai^T Pa r k st.. iS—4qoar«. roonti aacemd

Dtvam heated', equal dtiUnce to Hud- IBP Temtlnal, Broad and Market as.

EAST ORANGE. 100 North Bixtsatith it.—JSjr- nlihed room* for one or two genttaniea;

fleam heat.

SAST PARK ST., 25—Fumiohod rooma: stngie or an aulta » ^

ORANGE. Cleveland el-. 1*^A cogy, nlcaly furnished room to rent: warm aod sunny;

all convenfencaa: very central location for troUaja^nd^Ljckawanni^De^^

BMIfilTT BT.. 4Z—Large, llghL wall hatted.Matlr ^raUbed front room, la pHrata

hiMM; gmall family; bualnoaa womaB; lowriii«


' .BUG.OLSfl |T« io-—Two furnfahfd rootua for ^y^ouiafcagplag; rent reaaonable; call

TOUNG MAN wants ataam heated furniiM luom tn vidsltr of Main and Dur ata» Or<

gnge. B, V. BEHBON. PUbllo Rorvloa OaeCO., Qj^niw..

iD A m rrro r a v b ,. B4--ugbt w 1. fundahed rooma; Iraprorwc.-naan only; ILtttl weakly up.


fumtahad rooma to ^^fWtrJp a AyMolan^a houaa: referencas.-Ad'* • » ^;.tTMfSldag. Bog 70. Maw office.______

AVA. lOS-^TwcTfumliheS convanJont to trolJoy;

BltOAB Rt.. tot—Beduad, biyneUht aeooiamoda tleaa; brlglit,'eomfer^Mer •tatm htalod.iaaipfi iptrior table tad aerrlra; modvate wm^

ratea. The House.

, NKLlN n»ar city halt: all W- .w.'i.iprsv^BOtaL utouMna eonnecGon: nva tnin- *"

fMf'Odrqpra: t2.5ti up- . > i

BROAD. 8T-* iOll^Slngle front room ob oeoand door, aultaMa for gantlamaa; gg*

calletkt tmbU; goad service.

FIRST REroRMED HHURCH-CIInton and Johnson av'cnuea. Rev, Oils M. Trouadalft. tiilniKirr. Morning ncrvlre aI 10:46. ftacramftni of Lhe Lord's .Huppftr, Evening arn-lce at lOplu, 'The Denpenlng of Life ' Prayer-mfrt- lc)g Tupsdaj' ft antiig R( 8 o'clock. Hunilay- euhool at in the morning.

CLINTON AVENTR REFORMED CHVR H — OHnloi' atpiiue afuJ Halaey street. lip\, A!- bertui T. Rroek. tnlnlRtcr. prayera In the lei turf!-rcM<m at 10 A M. Slomlng uorahip ai !0:60- Thft aarrament of the Lord's Hupiier will he adminletcrcd and new members rc- ('ftivod. Evening ■worahip at 7:45; loplc, “ Lii- tie Paulla that Spoil Our LI'm ." Bible iichF:''Ol In all It# dapartmenU at 2:30, (TirlaMfli v.-n- df4vor vespera at T. Midweek service TueertBy, 6 P. M Btrangen* are cordially Invited.


rilUIU'H—Rev. Jaxui'i A, koiandl, j>n«i<irMorning service. Hl:46 oV-lock. Ailult cIbfuei'i'. 13:13 oVkiclf Sunday-iihool, 8 o'li'Jork. t'hrl'i Man F7n(lPBTor, 7 o'cJofk. Evening nervli>ft. 7:15 ob-lork Tuesday. 6 P, M., prayer and frllutv »hlp icrclcp.

THE KIKHT rONOKI7(],\TlO.\ AI. .irBf-: MEMDltlAL t Hl R flf—riitit.iTt Hvenur, lUiriifr W'TLglit eirvet »■ v t . A rd M-'ffar. lutniBlflr M'lrnlne worihlp at ]l u'riiirk, with junior Bf-rvlre. Hcriuon on ■‘t)uc Meager Khowledge " Lveiilng dcvoMonii at 7:45 o f lock, ■erniF'.infhtima" i.'horuB chnir. jiopular hymns, i i'

Graded aunday-srhool nl l);45 o'clock rhrijt- wclromo

j K'r l.rKE9 METJIOMFT EPl9''(»r’AL r'Hl Rrjl -Tl;e pastor the Rev. J. H MS'''- I ’onaiii, v*l[] uelehrste n*Ki SundRV morningthe hnl> i iciiiinmnlon K\cnlng, an evening with ihft F'holr.

}-u a m \UN brrii-.t-T muth 'Hjist k i '\9 '■rii'AF. rHI'Bt II ut'Pofllif 1 hv flty Hall An Ti€x to Jill A M , "rhi'ist Like Mdi ' 7 4-'-P M , "I'lO to Hie Ant, Tlton bluggard " 3:8i"i

■p 7.1, Subhalh ei. h<inl H l.'’i P. M, \ejper si*rvl< (1

I filV T'lU 1,'H MKTFP'Jl'lSr KPIBCOPAT. \ t iirfCt'il • Bt'itd und MHiShali tlreatn Kftv.tiCOigc P. h'/UghiTi y, 'iilniflii-i ll>.:iO A M .ji}FTii'niit|£ uunlil au4 i<‘Ieiirt*M >u of aacremeni of holy coromiinlFUi - .10 P. M., fiumlay'

; ichool 7 <) cMrk. Liiwtjrlh 7:45.1 Dvettlng ■a'urshlp, leriUFin by lb'' mlnifter Vis* ' More are rordlaily viftb'oni*!I SPMMEKKllCl.li MKTIHiniMT EPlRPOPAL

rH i’lii'H -Siiuirnir arpniiv hii'5 Heller parkway.I Morulug worahlp, M:3U: wriii' ri, "Tby KIne : ijnm." Humlnj'school, 12 1 'i iPwk. Wepomi-.

I IiworUi l/eagiH‘, U:45 P. M. Evuriliif preai-hiTig,I 7::;0: topic. •|(efu8lDg to (Jo lu. ' Tiiusdaj I evening, prayer meeting. lci;1 hy the [lafttor.I Juiiii l!.. U'J-2.*. "TIm’ Money ('[.augers '■ ''Fi:n ti-:n' ab Y Mi:riioinsT episccu 'jM. , ''IH'FirH -Hummer »venuo an-l Kearny aiKetI ServlCft. 10:30 iitiil 7:. 0, The Ft*v. G<.-'ir«e M Viigi'l, ri P, pastor. In the inorrilnK b- ly rommunlon and rrrepUou i-if member!

■ In the evening a sf*tvIcu nf muilc hy the (wo ' < bulra. piano, violin, cello aii'l '‘urnel. Dr

■ ''igel vvlijf arvak ".-n The Intiniriancv of thv I'nlmportant ' Heats a}wat.<i free, Kvery-

.\ K A N T H .t I ': 1 - r I'-H f 1.' H ' iiUft juul ' Irij Isl flf n ' V! rj(«t..i . ' . - r ' I ' P 111 4S \ .\1 fl 'I I

M r-i 'T s i, hUhjiT 1 W h s : Is th.- I 'r .'ii. . . ' r.v 1 :i.r K ftiJt.Jft. ' 'I lif' T i ' i ' v' I M j Iu Ii i ' . , I ff.,'! 2.7k 1' M M Ue e. I l ............... ; ,,, >.1 I - p M \ P S ' KT h u r » r l , .> s I V . . iintTiiinI "0 s t > I'Fpe " fn oi 1 '!iw i .p i» I -c ,t l : I I I I ' Fiiiw

' i . l - N T ' i N .4 \ l . ,M l i : H .\ r 'n . - i T a i M -n- riu 'u ih . i r i u l U - H ih \ A \ "Pe, p It panI I M . i . f l [ T f l/ 'r ii iF i'tir ia . I.'f a M Soil ds i-P'-JiFh)!, 1*45 lT < ft-'h ln g B i - r U 'e - ] 1 .4 i l

T 45 l‘ M . inofnlMK. T'be Fm-e ii( J r s i i f l . ' e u -i il ii f l , T h e I'rec .f Llf^- ' P ra y e r I'O'I ''. 'n re -. IV I- },r-n |,-e TiJF-F.iiri,. f t ' i riliiu s i 8V 'iji.ll I’ei'i'lf H S'lip-li TliulPit»\ cvinPuj H''y ?-''-''UlH ftni! Y"S,ng Men s ' Ii/ti, F r u J i iy e \ f f i-ii'Ff I i 'TfI i &I '.i ciF •-■me

^ ' i i ' T I - r l i U ’ r iH T r H i H r u H iP i K U m e y ► iP '', iiVBi Hr'jfl'l l(-\ 'lark J' Hruwnrll, l,nsi"i M'lalng W'icbI.H' f■'lll' e'1 In I.-u'l;, M ip iir r . Ill ,:ti iF*rvi in (■> H e ' Ih iM lel H ['■'>.Fin "-IiflU P I ' l h ' l-lkenltiN p e r r l .p 7 45 l i f i i ' b i i j i l-> M ‘ I 'lv M J i r l i iy H.-Fitiul 3 ;iUi'''.ln g ,F['li 'I |5 H lieu isl p v r v iic s a ll w<-‘ k

1 lu «? FV FC jvin g h . in in l i iv m n :hi jin ri 7 ;(<>I !■'-Tk IU' ■ I'll b\ h u n l ' l S T'-IV e\s!l#e[|Hl.I . i i i ' i i l ip e r , l r , Ptnv;»-i' .All In v lte ilj i i i ' f - K W I . U ; H .4 P T J b r I l l l IP H ' O rn frI I'^scM’ii il i Riu) t s iu i '-n K lrueia I 'r - 's ih lL ig lj> i la c I'BP'nr f lc ' A l h » i ‘ P P , a'I 1" hO A .\l Slid 7 'll' 1' M M 'lrn l iig aut'JftF’ lI " I 'lif" S t t fre i M c iiin rlb l ' f-> a i lin g iiih leF T' ■'■■hriiit'p I-Tf irto oi f'>i ih e K s ’ iih llf th irt iiH i)f i H lft K liig 'tF 'u i Hv i i - I hn S'-tiiiF.-'i 'J ; « i p M'V ije f lr la v f l .r r i ln g fu m i-r la c ftt lrp T I ’ r u c iv l-oii" vtplt-nnifl Enirumv on 'HujI'I liwiue■ ijilt

I’ lKTH HAP'rih'r 'H I'H i 'H an:7'l'-pU S''''*Th 111. .' fmiijrl Al'ten I'errliiFli.jnilllPi SCi-\ I'-ep If.ITI"'"] tu ,t( pi 45 ,1 M eri 7 4.5 F' M jn ih- tn r'liri* ihiv\ill ireflep ,'ii tli« auMe. 1 'The r.f<-riiHl Mes hage ' A t the > lop-e fif lb# A e T h -c ib ' - L'«r'1 B iJPlier i-1fI In nbpcrvC'l Ll ih' e '"i .n

ift'irge L ' iiRFM . <»f St w VoTk will I'l* bta uri-ht H'CTure eotiiir-r-l "Thf- '.Vsy-

\ i a r i l h ' V ' l l l U f t i r s L ' l l i > f > r P I - l . V o j i i . - r e a i - l i i - > T , h I I f - J f f ' h , I . l ' ' T ' - < l f r u n i I t f i n i ' i l ' - l M r i ' i ' *h'3M> li.iiistli'U lo >F'ii?iK mui I ' tKat ihii I C f T l i r c H l l t l n " ■ ' h r w l i n ^ a - r * r I 2 5i l T ’ M M l i l - T - t - k I r a y r r T n e e l l n g ' I h u r e d H y u t k n n TUC'S li iv - V'-nlriH fit k o 'l-l iek f ' r I-' K i lln* . N'l'*' V 'Uk w il l H l.ln -p fi Ih* S L iT ,l.e n g u r on ' if, I ; ' A l l men ftre in u iM

II aenr w o r n Minimum r e n oordi

W'MF'ii vi-iiiJing iHplif'S Ll u J'F n I la,iiiiiIi'Hm (i to Ni-wh huyea bi siii L' uiHu f-il! •ul.irt'i.H A]] ad »• vt llscntvhtalia\i- K t'ljpl rtiul I'f'A nuriil.ii'! or ,i H-Mur Hiiil b-'X iiurnNT. such us 'OwruT,' l4o» i«i, Nwas otrifu, or ■ .4, Ii,'' Hus ifK Newa uftl'l- I , ,

riuii-i :it a>i t ' rliulti ; In Mm Newark

i t l i i n o t iir re H P "^ ''^ 1i> I d .e tm u jflO 'for aliiiv.' pLirpcfluN As a lule. ho WiW,'tlio ht’fli lavri'M tviTi pii! 'Ui-p-LM>dla<3 blrdii'of oil iTftnIa ^

'J'hn IfF'i'jru 'kidi* ihe roiti''):p|Uig Ono at'u f.irm iti' lii.HtltiiL' 'iriiler thu auaplct^g I'f nusilaio] tHciriKC. .M tlin ariarliooqlj siflAhui till' flpeiiki-iM ttfry Johu H. Voofe! hoofl, Ho.TelQiy Ilf Itin North JelB<*y ROfl*leiv Tor thu rh"irii,)l1"n i,ir .^grlcujttiraf

a.u .nuiiis |„ (li. l . i f™ " AB.iBiKiii fit .t i 'Kvnili.K mil,hi, ho I'PTHhl N oac | ‘ ''niMiiflSh.iiM or liiliJctHion I.4!Wla H.^L'oiiip.s will hu o[ione'l f'T S'li'h [ * n rrin t _

________ ^ I Mr <'flrrS ki'n'm’ pu ' Akrlcullijral Edu4


lalloii for Fanil aiuj llom^" Hu dwelt-upon litB Ilf-nHfllty of rknietifitry worlfj^111 ihe r’riijF'li'h'H Ilf fcck’fillfh' agrlcultur*

- ill MU' imhllu >-'-lio<i|a Ho iiJmci urged (hgti I I ho IiHt uiipIlH he kiven oouraes of in-* I Nirui >i.iii at thv SLiH Aj;rlcu)tural CuIa 1 J''Ku at Netv linmawlk.


Nb’WARK.H a i lr u i i# a \ e .. K H . T e l igtR'W H rsn h braok Mru e at., 'J6U- irl. I446J VVa'#rl>.('Union ave., 'JM T«i 8l2 UarkvI.EJin at.. IJbHi.Jieniburg pi., 14. Tel 3UTJ Market MjTila ave., hii Ti.-i 548R Uranch Rnjok i-'-Milh i lkth Bt. 236 Ta! 4T4fU Markai. Waiacfc pi. il*. Tel. 1303W Market Nb;\V JlJHaFY BEAhHiiRE—4(10 Main at.,

northeast corner Rangi ave Gwirg* W, Pltienavr » rrai estate uffli p .ouvMblte new poiloffica Ttl. 774 Aihury Parli

ATI.ANTli.' CirT-Tb* Dorlsnd AdverlliUfia'igi'ncy. WaUftC E. Kdga.

DO\'Kft-U LoeSy «( Tef 28*MlLLHI'HN HPRIN<3FlELr^-Camptiell'i drug

(lore, Bank buHdir*. Mhlhurn m*. Tel. m Mlllburri.

MnN'lCLAlR 221 (JIcnrtdV Jise 7>l TM MORHISTp WN -11 Ronth Pi T«l IBS NEWTON-123 Hprlng at. Teltphone lU- ( RAN’ME 1101 Mam n oi.poniru I'le'.uiftnd si.

Tela. Utan*o 'W*Of) Market IM94. Prliate hiani-h exchange connecting all deiiari ineiiU

bl'MMi r-ivi Maple at Tel. OOM. rHKNTON--B7 W, flluie *L Tel W'J Trentnn 'TflL''AO('» 'Hoorn 1303. Trlhuna liuilillng NlilV YORK -kooms 321-823 Rrunswlclt bull-!

ing. 'J25 rifib tk\n. Tel USW-iikni Mudraon. F Taylor New York rrprvscnutlve

UetiftiftI Bni'-rtiHlriK repiesenlBilvB, Messrs. I')'Mara A Ornnih'^

WA^HlNtn'oN il> C,)-Room 904. Colorado building.


An Incrcuae hi th« number of gratnUM^ B'iiool ^-uduut^d !b recortifkl its a raault of the mlid-yoar examlnallonfl this Tlia total number completing tha caurta,

Chrlatlan SclenreniiST ' Fit ni'H ' 'F I’ HRis'r. risr|fi Hill "'reel. r!*ar city hull Suii'ia. aer

I.ICCS at 11 A M and b P M , sii ji'*, " I . o v e " S u n d a y schriol at Ih A M T '-fl'I- inoh lH l m eiT in g , Wftrtne#r|a\. ai ft 1' ftf R - r I- In g -ro o in , Vl'isa b u ild lr ig , flTl M rohd H i r i - i , np<vn d a llv H iC f'rt S tin d a ys and bo lii^a vs , lio m 10 ,711 A M iinrll 5 P M

SErnM) ' HIIti'H OK ' (lUlJHT K' lKN T I H T -K^iF'-nil livc 'iu c , ( i i r N n P iu i-U lftf lfrv to rs ! bijnrlHV Hi H A M lu h jF 'H ' L i i y ' H u u d a y -s e ll-■1)1 nl lU A M .\ tftc 11-, I'lnlK I TneriliiB : i « hi-ld W e ilnoaduy ut ft I ' M .i», f r . c p u h ik r i - jn iin g -ro rn i Is infiui Ui* *'1dress d a lly cxcir-vt K u ru la ie Kfid h " l i ' l f i v i . rr"">

M I 'h u rv h I 'l i i r H i i '^ (in .S c ,n ji.l a >■ Ri'iduip-roum cnlmru-s ' n cjaTbl'lc

2 tn 4 Iliil“Hietl

Mfiji BJndcavor at 7 o'clock You are always welcome at friendly church.

Iroquoisjtb ,.,f


h tilld lD g , 263 W aafaitjgtnn it r c e t , Ju «tMaritftt. SiiTirla.v morning, st 10, Rihle atuijy Bcbool. At 11, tnemorial tiftrrh'ft. Soflidny eifii lug, Bl 7:3U, Qildreas in llerkelcy Elali. .51(1 i Hu ton swtiuC, by Hcud A. llrlltle; suhjeul. ' The Tliupfi Elf UeHlUuilou Now at Hnud.’' AU are well urns,

OhriatiAn and Miftslonary AllianceCHRISTIAN AND MlSfllONARY ALLP

AN'i 'L—K> North Ninth alrvet. (k>spel Taber I\acJe. Preai'hlng Sunday. 3 30 i\ M. ; •uli- jeet, “ Tho Frlslh of Grace eml Judgment ' Hev. Uth chnpter. Kermon ai 8 o.Uurk Thunrfay, pieacJOng, 3 P. ,Vf Tbu-Pday even lug, aartnon, rraite and tvsltmimlea. Rev

• w Newberry, superlr icndeni\\\ W .

Womcti'a ChHatlan TemperanceROSEVILLE W. C- T. l.'.“’BundHy meet-

PENTRAI. M. K i IH'IlCH—.Market and Mul berry Btrevts, Dr. W, i| Morgan, pajiinr. 10:QQ A. M., hi]J; laoimunlon. 2 30 P. M., Rlhie school. P:45 P. H., Lpworth League. 7:45 P. M., ntenlhg wnrsUIP. Rerujun lij- Dr. J. I.. Hurlbut. Tuesday. 3 P. M., prayer service. An address by MIhh t'orbln, Aclil sfcretary of the W. H. M S An eicpptlonsl siieaker. Friday. 3:45 p. M., Junior L«‘ague. .Straugers ntwaja welnom#.

1‘MUN KTRFJKT METHODIHT EPlP(’(b- I’AL I'FlLRl'H- Corner Dnion and Urven FreF,lprl'-k rhauncey Mooney, rolnlater, Her- viMB tomorrow, the pnalor nreachijig at 10:30 A . M and 7:45 P. M.; ei-Fiuiog themo, “ Thft Knock Qt tl>o I>uor. ' 8pe< ial aiTiging. W <-<1 ln’sday, February ,5. Gay Zenala Mad.'arln. Im peraonatiir, will render •Rebeoia of Siinn - hrook Farm" Homelike ■ liurch. 6;iraiiger! coraiall;.’ rec«l\ed.

DEG ROOT MBTHOD18T BPIPCOPAL fHLRi H “ Liuietoii and SouMi Grange avenue! ‘W' arren Roberta Neff, pastor. Anniversary servloea at 1U:30 A M. and 7:4fi P. M. Highop Thomaa B. Noeley, L>. J>,. L. I.. D,, will. . . . C'- T. 1. ______ ___

Iftgs diaconlinued for the breacni ]x.»yal preach. A cordial Invitation,, la evtaoded Tomportnea Le fion will meet in > hafei of ' *>-11- Dtble-ichool. 3i80 P. M. Epwi:>rth iH ague RoaevIllQ Mathodiat Church, Monday. 3:Si> j vesper aen'lce conduoLod by Mr. Frank Blelgln. P. U. Regular buiiDeaa meeting at linma uf ! Tuesday prayer service at b P. M. Omclal Mlsi Anna Luts, 4S Humboldt street. b*tui ! board of ft P. M. Wednesrlay, a public recep-

‘ tlort, Friday, dasa meeting.



day, F'ebrtiary 8, Bt 8 P. U.fiECOND "WOMAN'S CHRISTfAN TEMPER­

ANCE UNION—43 Belleville avenue. Meeting Sunday, i ?■ M-. in charge of Mrs. O. i.iiteli.

ROSEVILLE MBTHODIRT EPISCOPAL CHURCH—Orange street and Bathgate pl*r<“ Dorr Frank Dle/endorf, itilnlater. Haerament

and r^eeraed moft'a business maetlng Tuesdav, of the I rjcd'a euppur will be sdmlnlaiered and 2:30 P. M. Mri. Helena Nicoll,-county ireaa- I new members recohed at 10;Sf» A. M E\urer, will apeak. Important that all m<=nihera ---- ------ ■*------- -- -be preaaaL Friday, 4 P. M-, L. t . l . Fri­day. 8 P- U.. praioe and teptimony meeting.

WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION NO. 1-123 Mulberry street. Satur­day, T:4A P. M.. praise service. Rundav. 4 P. M.. Wra. Marrell, vlce-preoldant. leader:vYllllara Tawnsand, apaaker- Sundav, 7 45 P. U', Andrew Oraham. loader. Wednesday. aU-day meeting; mPmlng epetlcer, w w ’Uayboiry. of the Chrlatlgn Miniotiary a ] Ilanea; afternoon apeakcr, Rev. Floreni dMph. Wedneoday, T.'i*,

F K E .S C H (J O P P K L M A I I . - 53 J ' ia - « 1-14 gospel meeting! a wet-U i'iiU>

afti-rnoor »ird ev«*nlng. W i-inepF-lay I 'ru lu y and Saturdsy 7 Ilh Urr-wd li/it- SHUinlfli night fidi'iwlMg mprtlriK Mnni workt-re Hnd 1 isilorii, iiHrgefti aurllflnrft in i?l{v o f h-'imeIc-ss lUflii F in « iBcge c iie p r l X 'ls iio is ■!-vayfi 'AvlF..,me

IN T T H N A T H lV A ] . I t lR l .L .‘ l l U K S T f ) AS f t O r iA T l''^^ M asoiilr H a l] . I’ .'il Km ai]No uiiO<'rlDK! will be hf-M In I'lir li.ill innuiirn'n Tlif riflsft will aitrnd In Hr-’i'illyuI'aAtGr husflftll will spfAk In A'Hil 'iny uf ,near Allantli Dienue Hub-Aiiy xinMor, n | ]' MTopir, Thr rhiloar.tiiiy of Cip I'eliigp" Allwelmui!. N'o ■-ullfti-rmns

CMH.DUFVH 'I'KM PI.r < \ ju1oriornlnflTi''nnl i 7 NIrhoU strpF'l JliTnep fiiiHftn trprrf tv|T1 hr lliv S|,»eukpr Suiidaj 4»ivttlng T:;iu o olnt-k .tt thp rlilMrpn'H ' hurrh a rrh-p lluiu pei'i li- from nIn ypor* anil upward bMph-1 IIh-ChllFiren of Ci'- Irorhound dlmn | nri- nflpr-'inliy Imitftd. I'Ytda.T t' viiliig mrriutg h m . lo for l>aM-nta and frlrn ila 1'nu uii wpjrr'iDP

The Newark J"hftnSF.|-hlF. .'i I .'-.o-1'’ lv ■wh; glvia it,- regul-ir Sunday k< ru;c .-it ihc-h heM'lguar (Ff-TS, 102 ItHlsey BifF'fi. Kiipruu’-i 2 5 ;w: j' M Mr l:nli)h i, pdObinl 'f fir >. i(lvn iMU ifllk nn ■ MHhftis of LiV'hl.- I'i-. ■ I ,pn!*n'.' iLunraip'i with I iinrtfl, l Uaei’S u, i ■-hUP held M >nc!ay aftprtioop a i .3 o i :'i' m Thur*flay svenlngft at 8:1.5 oHl'-'k AI! frc-

SAVK Ttli; WrifiLf*Jeaui f rams not to Judgi,- iNe world l.ui i .

saift the world John xli 47 Jpt-ufl ov-F.anic the wnrld for his r- ' -i'l'' Jrauft i hrist the i>m[itilailnn f >r Ci * stnn • r ihft win 1- w 'ti l Mae in wp kcdness the l.,flii;h lof O d. whl> h lAkvlh Awny the aln of tht; W'>r]d- i;>>f! wux ihChiin, ihp rernnirliing rhr w rirt unT., lnrl’. ' lf l.iiOO.Onfi.fsn) people. The f ir l r i Is world Bishop T- i'l. Heller,

GOfiFEL 7iALl -f*rften an'l M'-\ hnrior rtreei!, chrindans gather'-d uiUf’ ih" n-itrjft i<! nur 1,/ir't .fri up Christ—Matt xvhj nroi xi meet every I»rd'a Day at 10:30—.A ''fl xi arid vjI, tl? tireak bn'Bd for a r'-nipnihraiu p "f HimToTonnow, A’ 3:30 thp m-intiilv ...... . f'jiI'hrhtlanii, jn w h|rh all ftrv ftarnfstL .nvltvi Buiiday-Sf’hooi and Fllbls ffas!! h' m i' ft:

AL'rH l>l.l/i:U 4LB.NTS. NEWARK-

Heliei, Uift. nppoaitc Bloomfield Ave. Rrritn'it HTFiihi rfl Tftl 411+1 Branch UfoOk

Hlgftlow m Ahi| Ptahine ave The Mlgplow PhttinUfy Jo! H, t(s!ov, Tf1 luikl 'ViDerlv

MlTiiifUM a\F“. uiid Cmnslilp el. A GallowayA i ’o TftI f3(H8 llrB iK b Hrocik

UuFaii "( ;iHl‘A- J. Jl Crtinn. ■inrf. Tri ;’h;h)riniii'li Mrook.

riroAtl anil Market S!s llnlrhaupr'i druB sior* Oniral H\>., 30(J. Joseph Kltenbergei" Jr.,

Ilf w Biflalcr TrI, Market.ciint''U «■•<.. 485 Fred Ronnvt nraixlrBler

Ttl inlu Wfl^erly. iClluiiW ave,. »12- M F Dirifison Tel +S j

Wfiverly ''■llnl‘-n fl\t- uml Moi mouth ot R M I J C n l ’ i i

rbnrrtiB-V Ti'l 1387 Wavfrlv IKim and ParifU' "U. Jamee F fJrurly, neiri- I

deiiitr Tftl 1375 Market. IF o r r y nC . 3 H T lrr i .h lu m . Te l |

UI8M Msrliet IHlirhian'l .i\p . 7 7, ■opi'O-llp Ffirr-*i HM Iippot

M, ShnrCiu. '!>! 6(V' Mrsnth RrookPiartH and ftft'flrren sis .(caf-pli Kenti>. nPA#-

denier Tri Market ,RoarviUn DmJ Aftvcnth avpi . oppqHltP Rnn*v1Mfl '

Ave, Siaii'-ri .Lihri M F<wter‘i Pharmacy, Tftl. 151 UrriD'h Hicjok i

SUIseniti flvp ft+ 1, Kbrlunil n!;vii,fenlt*r !TpI. 003 ftft'KVftPly. !

So'iTh (I'lJ'ure and Se\-eiith el krnlTh'aPhaniiai V T' Ift !51t Hr-J di4.5 Msrkei

South iTHTi ft ami Sn:ih »' F, .\hr,hewstli-alPT '1 «-l 3773 Market

Tlilrd ftve an'l 'psraul* st Vyron W Mnrt«- ivul f-Htrti' "fM-F" T‘-t 717 PruM}: Br-Vik

'Vft'aphington at +2T Ja* A Kii'j) Iin. newsdealsr

tJ.iiiiTi (ii.iiigF’ M'l-i Saf f'jrd awD \ n Hehurahwi-ili>n, ........ ll F Mni-jili THfl 25bJMarket All J 2 74 MarluU

AMPK.HI'7- FniHB 43 Kuijrlh H\t; T*-? alldW fjrinispv 7'1 Couriyi kvp TpI .12.5W

ARfHNGTiC.' Rpt'-r V llftnlhflm m-wp P.i«n'] (■[sprisUft '*r»-)U)WO')F| T lct f'lftpo!

A T I ^ x N T ] ' - H F '- .H r .^ v r 'W ( U u h t s .f tTv e rild - IriB AK''ti ' 7 ('r-riTp avp

HELM-7V1 LI.l-' J ''ocvmfln. ]|:1 Washingttn. ' Si ft

i’aul J If FlfiUiOrg. fS8il Utishi/igl'n avpniyu'MFlUt.D (larl.'ck 4 Mlshell 1lluc-mfleii,

Cftnire.8 M Eat:*'n Id BroB'l it mr JUtvimfleid

B V t.P I / " iftTl N C I ' ft L F - F -f l 'ik E H onkluv '}jiif.\|'»N litnuh ll M-U-IX-. iiPiA..iii<Hiflr 'CIIftTnAM Kiiwfue Ci'Hiirt Ti-i iKViW E A ^ T OH.ftSiiF 'Lrvk ' b'lr.-i.i - m, i : , jb jn , 2H

ftft jimMi s:''!' I I T<*] 4:tJ«ftft'Tl PhKk -5ft7t Mftlii ! ' Tel. 3WR II. r. YftiiRftr 54ft Main »t i

EA71T «iR A.Mi L--M» k! 32 naiiroQiJ pi j el I 3imH

MHt Nftlmdn :i44 Malrv at. Tftl. 312fl Lir dlA * K- lodlri. ,MhIo sI T-I I'JTTR Harrv Hirivnil TftHti Centra] a» ft Tel 5D4W irHaf nr„riBft ,

s TDock M a in s l TeJ pft4.TyModher* Jft Hvp Tel 375TW IM o rrlfl. M'! M a in si T*| 34S8R ,jlOHPri. 351 Main s’ Ttl. r.(ffl!W 'Si-Kiirr 4 14 M u ln nt Tel 45l». ■• ruiT, Tfl Mu1It fli Tftl. 7fM.J

'.'1'] nr-a.j at w r Miike li ACK K ' ! " I N -5 - lyhii Wllrirl' k Main ■

Kf. Trt 18S iH ARl'llSdN- 311 Harriaon a\«. T'*[«r J. Good- '

rnan 'c t.'s"f3neT> j>U're,non-'KFN - Srhroeder. 81 r-nij *t . ^

1,1-iv f'ftr! M"'1flOn and ftVnshl/iRUjn IRV IN':T< >h’- - ( ' l ln t r in ave Stiies-Wool-

ley r ou'i'nii\'fl real ftstdie uffii-t-

, nicnlH tail iug]i(. Is 1.0*2. u.4 comparod.i I with I'j* ill Janiiury ot Iasi year.

Two of the grammar m-hools, Belmont Avenue am! SeveiUh Avenue, wiileh Inf JanuBiu nf I'tevlouft yearn have auppHet^

I liifKP fraiLiUtlnjc 'laBHon. ure not now In-I I U u i f i d l t i i i i v l i f t ! ' b H i i f f m s d o u l l - l h e -

.'■eur MF'hi>ol«. a n d l i n v in g g r A d i ia t io n a it lFeUruary Hdi'cr-iUl Avttiiie ■ft'lll have nO- Kr«dualP» thiH moiTti, but Bolmoiit Ave­nue will hove H large rlae a. ^

I A rlp|)ftitiirf’ ftum the u.sujil type of I tijRi-Bni WAS tjukIa by H rlafri of allty*lWO' prariuafftrt ul 'rfilrtocutli AveiUJe

I tcghi. tvhvn liunuii sviiri liu-luded In th« lltiTury Mftlf'.'tkniH Four pufTiiH were n»-

, cliful. iiiul t'rtFT'h wuB followu'ii by h parody,:MKrtlii L. <V'X, the prlniTpal, was the'

nulliMi' I'f JI |i,ir'i"ly on "P'.ir'’B H'lven." IllI V, I ' l - h lie d f fc r Ib P 'P th u i r o u b le u o f a

Ku iKMiltnu' ler.■ft (larii-e |iy Mutuif KjirippRky waa well

leruler^d fiftmii4l LffknwIlK who WOil' f - r ^ t i - r l z u l is t J m u - In r l iu .H p f . ik l i ig con- lest, agalK iiiuk li'ii'TH by hln r«cHatton''j mT Tf-uiiyM‘j|i> '('I'HrK'- < f thp I..tKhtLrixail*- ' Aiiu ni; \f,u-4I find luftlrni'nentttT'Kf li'.'tliui- u,ii«: M»flllpv I'f (,'nllegaSi'jnp!'.' Si'll hy Sku: r:ikH. a urmlimte.


FiliJ! ll rul ftft WrI'JvI* e. Uopiiblloan ' State vtiHlrman, is lu l' * icrulereJ o I PBtlmunlnl ■•llniier ui; hiH reliiPii from^ I’liiiainn hy tiu' rniUiiluu-a uf the titatocotTtmlltoi- iini] nihi'i nr-puMli.ati lead-' ers lu I hf- Slat'-.

The nut If rH T ti:i t ha VI say lliHt till- ilhi!i*-r 'wll

I ' f h ' ijv irft' 7 ii iiS F -t ,l F.-n

{ )V]||-|j llK

'■n sent out probably bu Mr. Wake-

vavatlon. Iji. visited the

In'M l''rid:ij|f-n hJa. l.'i'111-' r'iUnii"I '.1 nuI Zfum

'I'hv ui.uiiherH uf tlie vnuiriilltee ar-' t;inu1|iK ll" ri-" fCl'rn nn- Si iiafurV-. M l i i in i T ’ ID m l . <*J' C . in iF i i -n , ,Si u j u t o r

nlt«-r I' I'Mjt' . IlKudnttih HerKliiw. u f Ih-jKiM I'lHiiii.ft. .ftrtliui H.([u ii.iUiFi uf Ih' l-a4»'-.v i.'oLinty PTtpub-’1J I ii 'I C!>T:I J U l l lH f T

'Hu i.’l?nU' fMi fill' idiiiiii-r ha.a not • \r! h'-Kii ftxmi. I'ut It Is pruiiable ihtuII \i 111 b(? Iiftlrl in .Sft vrurk The affair*Ih pin In ri'iumiltlun of thu

I \ te'-e Itiidortul lo ihu party by Mr.W i i h - I F-

S. A. R. ARRANGE DINNERPrnrnlrirr;i .Jiu Rfft Ifi's tioap niireatnig

fi-iu tljt in fb'- Hr\nlFitlnnHrv War, WTJ n U t u h l !hr' \\ f i . ' iu l i i^ t 'jn Hirtliihiv d lr in e j ' " f the N'-w .Lusftv Society of rlit Hone rf' Fve A mcrh-uTi KovnliiilnM. to he liFi Id Ml 1 lu- WflHblngtun. i-'f-lruari at 6:3‘l<■) rli.x k riPHidi'*s fl upefti'l! hy Pteeldeni,.(iftiipral JflihPH M Hlrhurdson. of the na» ■ tifinal body. ndilrcsRCs will l-i' inado by', •JiiBticft Ki-anrls J. Swayze and Francis Hutrhlrjs

['u-i!Kllons tiaftft' h«**n s+'nt out to the m»ml'ftrs nf ilic < Tder of Uie Cincinnati* Ihp IiaiiglUftra of I lu: Am^rjcaji Revolu-' tlor. f'lft- Color,ini r‘£inip the Suclety :;f

I G osi'e l TTiftft'Ing at fl o 'r ic r k , Tu fts dn v r m y e rI A( 8 .................. ..


ning worship and eermcm at 7:45 o'clock. th4-'’A M.. Men's Asiambly In the pariah hall »:30 P. M.. Bunday-achool in all dftimrtmemae-45 P. M , Bp-n-orth i,oaguo vesper lervUiir . ■ , , , ,and Boys' iTub vesper aervica. Mid-week acr- riiuiiiriai. ft oulnr-k, MfU..,-vlfia for w<'«ratilp. Tuesday evening at 8 o’e1«>ck. I P.KSrUK HOME—Ifl spring rrF5-*i nroiher AM aoata free and itraTigera are cordlaSy in- jTVhuiakrr and Brother Wllijams u>il| have vlied to worship wtth Ui. ' rbarge of afternoon ss)■ Tcft t>n Sunday In ihe

HALgEY STREET METJTrtnifiT WDtcrrk I ^varing Ihtr following workers arl'p Vi, I J.«4, ,r, w.r,i.James Clayton Howard, D. D.. paalor 9:30 A I v.u.' ', Ru'herdfon.

Ran- j M., preparation oervlce. 10:30 A. M ,coinniunldn (. larl and oihers- Saiur.iay <to-8d«rd Hill, I .,ryi« <1':'' f"rlSl'Cw

|?ir- Fif D12, (lu* Iiauglilere Of the.IERFKV f'lTY M ■W' (Tordon. flu .Montgomery | War of 1HI-. the Suns uf tilt! Ftevolutlon,

Ri Toi, '1(8 Jersftj ■ ' ‘MADIN'jN ' I - - * " 8. Waters. rfft« sdaplsr.

Valley st.

Christ! an AiaocUtlcinaTha Wallace Hojl m«n’a Enoating tt the V

M. C- A. Sunday attsrnooQ. Fsbruary 2. wii: ba oddreoaod by Hr. Johrv H. Wyburn, #user- iMfndftnt of the Old IfcAulty Water Hfr«et Mifltloft iz. New YMit dUy. Hr. "

I 2:30 r. M-. Sunday-ochool, 6;45 P M Bp. . r ,worth Le»»u« VMp*r -rrvlcs. T:4S P M caow' of temp.rat>co. I>nn t foil lo hrar hhm,

1 Vico of aon*. « P, aermon Ihentt, -Martha'I ' i«ntl'vicheai Mlalaha." S P. M„ Mondav, rciiorj iJlcomh. pl.nial,S:30 P. M., Too^ay, Olrla' I', f, tj. -» r* M . K ' . . JFliVK.SI I.ST

----- . . . ---- .Frana Far­ley, of the dMocHtfOa quartet, win aingBaerad concert «t *;W. All men jreltom«. Doora open at 3 F. M.

Tuesday, hour of prayer, special rrmolc by M .i Presiob- 3-30 P. M,, Friday, Junior League. "S P. M., Friday, Boya* C. C. C. fl P. M-. FTIdtv,

Bcouta. A cOftllai wticoma to aU servlcet.


St ., t l— Nleatp fqrBlaltad frost . . wltb sloora, for Hfbt heoiokoopltt; r iM i alio kail rMa.

n .. TT--UIV0 for Btkt boufo- 1 ^ *3 ^ !.alio.iiaoWttt-rooMa tor nan:

CAHF BT., S . MW Onbard a t-L w n hoatad .............. blo; (or on or two: coo-room i ntooUoBt Mbit. ..

sao'a' fatsllr: ranoinkta

and katk.^ dKta: oM'1‘1 la

iltdt M l(kk»- *> .liekT^ and ...fnM.Sows-

Cl INTON AVE.. naJlooni; fadwr Uao^sPailc: alnclo or <d MM; i " ------ '

’Pbono Rlutat BUJI.all ooaTttiloiiaM:

COURT ST., TO-Eo m wttb board; woU hoot- ad: nona t^la.

, Ma-Lar», oomfoi1!Bi*"Noiii7 i. prlvata nouae; 10 mtotlj ld

•k.. U O J - . ' - . v■4 wad Harlcdt: fer lafR

7 ff « r e n e « i .

IfUIdtON ST., »*^Tir4 I itso «i»a4< nait, bc4Mi M i ............

- throa lo^uiea WuNt yq^nRatk»a


haalod eonatcU^

• V'

itAoneifr; a s i t a ss

A aplrliual meeting will t>« held 7:49 Son- day evchlnt at 3i Bunmiilt atreet. All are wel- COQIS

W J C W ..oRaUl T-T. .>a.^aK. n«(i, at 7:49 Bbn-ttV tfHpiiaK coAductod by Hr. Georn Clark,

axpobitd. Siivor cdUatrtioa. aPIRIYUAL MEBTO08 wHl be ImH every

OryeBbiK at I M F sf, and on Thbre-riModvM s m -, * *A o’slock, AI BJO South fawaflt . South Oranca car.Toatkamoi.

A ptihlle clntlo will bk lialil ThundiF. S P.and thought e.x-

W o s h -

iDttepcflftPBt Melhodtofin d e pe n d e n t Meth odist church-

W Bteuben tt., Eait Orange; Central or War­ren care to Steuben. Preaching, 14):45 a . M. and T:4B P. M.. by the Kev. C^rloa F. N«t- Ueehlp. Holy communion after morning «er- iDoa. t Lord's Dwy achoor, S:30 P. H- Gosp aervloei every week nighty escepi SaJturday, »t 8 o clock. Special addresB on Tuesday.


THU RCH—Comer Cllaloa and Trotey avenues R«v. Eugene 0. Hakooky, pastor; Ray. Joomh A. Weiganda otniaunt pastor. 10:80 A. U eacrament of the Lord'a Supper and reception of members. 7:45 o'cilaak, evania

Ailll R''l'l*Near the- i im^r nf Grain and N' -rtai Grove itruftti. Thin church was dedu'slftri Sunrfa!, .isnuary 2«. sf 2 7' 3L, rrse uf hI; incurT'tu jni ca UD lu ilsU. fln<J a fumJ rfelucl In laih and pJedgftR nf |740 foe iht enmjiictlng nf the outel'lft ■'■f llie rhur- h. This church was built by thr members uf rn* con-firetatu ll. largely afler the tlsya wrrk < f Bbonng men were done It was n * udcor)-

ro-on thuxj to find rn*n lab'V'fng un Thp build' ing Bi lalft at Jl nnd 12 n'clnck Ut ilm eviti- ing Tnung people's noting Svndiv night at fl.Jfi) Pcrachlng s*r4 Ijv 7.4^ ftu," ' “Orftsiftsi Nned e f ib« tV'n'ld It? All arw Invited, W. H. Sm: in charge.

Ua. tJkd IMiurday, aaiieriencd akaBCOa -d F> M., froa to all; at 4Sl iM tA fU'Oat- AU ara watcoma. ConductM 1 of morabera. t:*b crcecjok, evaniag wartbip,

II—IHR os 8 rt* (Arb ar 'JO An«h nubUc

--------- . ---- ----- „ ridtySMStti u o'clock at 28 Arch etreet. Con- dvefed by Hr. and lUdam S. DarUsg. au « l « waicomt. OtEort expootod. Two doors meg Warren oireet; first slieet abov* Plane Otrftt.

p. V.. Christian Bodeavor meating Tuas^y, 3:80 Pa H-. Jr. C. E. mettlAg: S P. If., prayer.IjTatse and social hour. Every one la rtrdlally


N. J- Hav. Horberl W. Hopkins, recUir. Ser­vices Rundiy. Pebruary '2 Holy communion g >. M Holy communion sod oermon. 10:30 A , M SuLdsy-acbool. 2:30 P. M. Evening prayer and strnxm, 1:30 P. M.; sermon eub- jecl. St. Luke. *vti!:37. "Jesus of N&xareth Vaaseth By" The rector wUI preach both nrorning and sveiUng, Ash 'wednetday, Fsh-

try S. lerHco at j.P

MAi’I-FftV(>‘ L E m o ry H. Dare.Tftl SftftL Scuth Orange

ft'Hii rraentidl iior* Raker at. anijMOHFDh'Ta’ ''N ■■'’ “ hlngton N*u*.j Co.. IB

ftVl4'lllT^gl''*''l ft*-NKW BprN^4WlCK-5lUi*r's Drug store, ror

l}ft-»rgft anil PHlenwrtt ala.KKW pRO VtrEN ^-’Wrniam w. Woodrurf K L ' T l . l ' V - F F . G u lh r lf t , newsrlpfifet' H in h - ‘ f if l'd lanft. N i i i le y Station.QRANGK \ ALLET -Mra. .!. J Bpsllman.

Avv- Station 7*A 27ff'r \)c>ntrF:>eft Pharmacy J. F. ICeeiar. 443 H.-otUnd at.. Oraoirn Tftl UYi?.

i.HlligSfi. 62 Frreiit at. Tel. 3TSIJ. Rliirrman. 79 Forvflt st. Tel 3l40Stv

I'F.m N AMfJOT—L, B. Moore, newsdealer rljlNFIKl.r'--R. I. Morroa, Th, DallT

Prfts!. PiainrieidDempsev. 54 ilatkftt

*t. Tftl.'tdW.L Mt ore flt Cherrv n,

ItKl' R.ftNK-John T TeMftv A- rtoR. Broad «t ni'THERl-"HD—JtcoD lacmberi 41 Park svc. SOL'TTi ORANnE-F A tVslIact. 5 South

Grsngt aveHr>MKftVlLLK--Jat'Oh Oamert.UPPER ■Mf^NTPLAfR-F W, Poecker. n«Ks-

deafer, Tel. OOfl.W A P F H N G T O N J . -G e p r g e W . M ille r . 4

Belvidere uve.WATS EjeffiyCr—J A. lasw. new»d»al«r.WEfli ORANtlE^RrajutlB. 3 Ms»». Tel.

Tswiw. , - '■ .WlHtn, 12. VstJev road. /

OnTTFHfTtt^F—Hirfy C. Van -- I'vrer. Tal./—IT T B.V-' lV»n

; th»- SfifieTy of V.if (.'oloiiisi Ware In the ' aStfttc of New .lyiftey, the -New -loraey 3o-‘ fifty nf the Founders and Putiiotg Of

’ ATTuvrh'0 fiisd tl:f Hoilety of MuyflOWgi"' • J VsneTidanih. Prepldent John Iveonard , j M«'-rrHt v-III preside Dui in the dinner : puirlotle BongB will be sung ^

The vonuiitUeo comprUea chttinnau. Dr,. (L-orge Herbert nichai'da, Frank Henry.' F Preftby uf Mont«.lalr; N- Perry Howall,® - ^.Symmefi L'igxliia, uf l^hakbcih; David iLttTArrncr- Plerauii of KuhI ijrunge, tUid-; i Juhn n Weekd, of South Urange.



\ course w/ /F4rfurfs for mothers, to ba- plven on twenry <-onsccutlve Saiurddys, nil! begin next Saturday Jilffhl, at 8 0 '-lock. In the aviseml?ly room of the Mod- hal aofle'.y, 'j*'-'- HroaJ street. Four Fpoak-. (•t-Ffl ft 111 allernajjV in giving :he lectures. Tl;ey ai-e Hr, Julius Levy, chairman of thg.:, bf a]ih ffoctlon oflhe Public Welfare Com-’- r r i u e e . w h u w i l l t y l k a b o u t “ C a r e A U d

of Children a n d Dlseagea of Cbltt, ....... Anna Rodler. teacher ofmethod In the norma! and training school J w b o s p s u b j o t v / ill b e " M o r a l T r a i n l n j o f t'hlldrcn;” Mla« Winifred Gibbs. inetriK:- tgr of niettetlcft In Teachers' CoHegre, who, vili talk about "Home Ecoiiooilea.”Dr Fra Wile, of the Board of EducatloRt

New York, who ftill talk about “Sax^

^WFlWTUArABT pOClBtT DF UOHT AND 'tltI7TH*8arvlcfr SvndiF .'t P. U., at S « lUr*fcot itrfot, tiodr,Ifjaa AUM F lm M ot



■ ’A

Dvltod to avery •orvlc4F, No paws rtated.CttlfcrwK«t

ruorj* i-P. M. AM walcomo.


aesauo, boar Spnnvflald. Rev. ChorMa P., „ iunloy, gsotor Hawtey achooi ai 3 p, if.

Ftfoe aoA Futile vqrthlp, . 7:43 F. M.; Mtoflon auhjecL.a-----au- ----- -AH

1 BuMt. ’ A m j cWGVt W-dM#*

Bevfral thoiifearid p«rsons vlilted the Sunex Avenue Armory Itat night and saw about 3)0 inemben, of the eecomJ battalion, rirat Keglment. .Major Alvin H. Oraff coniinandlng, make and break oimp. go through isllitary routine and then ihow how they amuae theniselvei

of !htvgiene.”

The ticketa tor The entire course o? lectures have been placed at a nomtnaJ. price.

Ratcen Uead ta Speak Href. |Rev. Dr. WlUlatn H. & Demarest,.

L M ro lia g b e iw a m io iF j i le « p u b ile w o ^ l p . -7 :'(n tha field. U was part of a apectacia j pretldent of Rutgera CoUegt. entlUeil "A Day In Camp." j preach m the North Retarmad Chureh

I y. ’

-’m m

Among the reatHfat was tha music of i towarfow night. CoUtmnnton will bg; tha reglmenUl bugle norpa. Dancfag «rt- abgarvad at tha raomtag aaTrtc8._*h'‘towtil tha show, whkh was stsgad be i » « » niaiBhani recah^ lolo the t----tha grill aurfaca. {gegtam Sav, ImnM teaea wUI


■ ' > -y*.'-.' . - A.

NEnVARK E V E N IN G NEWB, SA T U R D A Y , F feB R U A B Y 1, 1918.

SOBWAY ROWHMD up DDd toI4 how, u thl« thn« tD«city of New Yorli may •)• »b l» to build tho propoacd aubwny. *i>(I od. . hJ» iKam.lwlf

In rtply to a HuMi~n ■faiit I * of diM PY* ' *1 *tb« •ubwayo would not bo eonl,mpl»nrfwith oouMlmlty and tho arMloi* cUy al-

Tiu................. “ ‘ -----“ "


fte to n that Have hrolved New Tatk City m Noisome Con-

troyeriy.prhflme for

tinancliia the dual luliwaya dof* not lo I (hrough, «• I btllov* It will, (b* result

— - - will be chaoaM ia in A A n a , k A n "Tbe city of New York la flnani-lallyPRESENT STATUS OF CLASS un«ble to tmdertalta tho work of laauin*

bond* r<Ninlped for the whole work.**No auhiiliut« of con»iructlv«

value has been offrrrd by the crlllca of tho lyndlcate project

'^We have got to have more Uiable value*. We are near the limit of bond la- Buea now. W'e muit have the rapid traneit

lowed to hulld Ua own raf>M trarjilt e** ^

much aUentioti to the aubjeel', uad a^^^lie . £al[ioeera Advocate Both Neth*wllb tho backina of muny of New York a " , , „ , , , nflrat cttlprna, deoUred:

"I f tHe bond flotationods of TniQiportation Be*


tMrOarraapoadaaoaMVW YORK, Yob. I.-Owin* to ralarep-

i m antaHon on odo aide or the other: the M f-tnitha which hare been told; thelihaaM of the oontrovorey which are ___ _____ _▼ttiuty Involved, but which have been eatenalona to *et a larger margin of propJift OBt altogether, and to the motivei erty vabiea. The preaont ayndleato plan,.. . .oh hgva animated aome of the dla tiWaati, tba wbela local lubway contro. vgriy haa bean ao clouded at to leave tha gvaraga man, who wanui to know, mtMb tn tha dark.n a ooBtraot between New York City

and tha Interborough Rapid Tranelt Coapany baa been and la being gone opar with a flne-tootbad comb by ofri- alala of tbe ally and Stata and of the Rapid Tranalt company, and almoat dally laere or leaa miner or other amend menta dr aRatmUona or additlona have been awda to tt.

Wkta an idYeed.to document can be praaiotad and atgned by both aldei, the city and the Interborough. at mil at by tto ebalnnan of tha Public Utility Com. nHiilon. tomathlng may be done In the war of gulng ahead with the work.

Haant^lla the mudallnglng campaign awar tba pnprtety or profltableneat, or aot, of New York Oty tying itaelf up In a laat-tlme contract with the Rapid Tram •H oompany for tbe conatructlon of tbe dual axtenalon of aubway facllltlea on Hanbattan laland goat merrily on

Tba Hapor, comptroller and tome of tba other olty offlclalt, together with tha ebalrman of the Public Rgrrlea CommlMlon having charge of tha natter, plug many man prom, taastiy tdantlNed with large mercan- Uta and Induatrial and financial tntereita, M tn d tha action of tba Board of Ettl- nata and tha other offlclali who have noMutaIr gone on record ae favoring tbe •wtraet and are trying to put 11 through aa ptanned.

The Orpoaltlea._0a tha other tide, allaglng that "the

gitr* would ha tHng Itielf up at an Inex- otHabla ooat In bankari' and ayndlcate gMnmlialaDa by going through with the anangament projected, and that It would be hattar for tha Hty to float It* own hOBda and build the antawaye lUelf. are aflMn of tha olty efttdaU, other pub\lc agralua oomnlMtoneri, a few of tbe newa- Ttgara and aoma ol tha polltlctana, tha lattM. aa n b oharged, aided by the

Id quaatlOD, uatog thb club top iB irf Id qa S la p poUtiMk'

Tha term o f otfloa of tha obalrman of tha Ctnitp Oomralaalon expired laat wight and while it w ill not be nacaa- aarp tor him to quit until bla aueoataar b nainad bp Ooranior Bnlaar, the ut> Maat praaaura It bting brought to bear aa tba Ckoremor not to nama a auooaa- aat until notion la taken on tha dual gUhaap oontraet Thia, on tha ground that a naw man, however good and eapahla, would not he offl- tlallp V tulip Intonnad on what

I gone Otar and oould not act In- , ao that tha whole matter would

delayed to Iti undoing, Thue gWaa th* nTgumenb

d eren modlfloatlooe wore made In tha oontraet Thnraday. The printed d r iB i aa ohanged oan hardly he ready Jar aooaptanoa or oonalderatton tor two or throe daya and to delay* go on. M o tight, o f oourae, on th* one hand, to to atonra th* oontraet which will

haa haan goM gan tly . a hwa* to ho <

taka la tha bankara' ayndlcate plan of aatlon tor financial aid. On the other

it la to prevent that and have Now Tork aeU Ita own bondi and buildtt^ o p e ra t* tha dual lubwaya ' M gh t her* la where one trouble

If abandoned, could not be dupllcaied. Banker* would not find It u plooelna *ie they did when they made It. Conditlona have chanted."

Why City "Can^t Balld.'Aa to why tbe plan of the city building

the aubway Itaelf la Impracticable, the reply la aubatanllally a* followa;

"Buch a icherao for New Tork to fi­nance and operate two aiibwaya at pro­jected would be out of Itie question, large­ly In view of Near York t proalmlly to the limit of valuei on which II m y levy for new bond laauea. I

Wa would not be able to take adequate care of our achoola. our parka and hot- pltalt. rerroatlon ground*, our depart­ment of health, our pure milk bureau and the like.

Yt'e would not be able to get enough n'oney to do lo If we went into the anb- way bualaeaa and had to float the bnnda to do li during tho next five year*.

For conatructlon and equipment, the dual ayatem la tu coat about 1311,000,000, We have now appropriated for rapid tranalt conatruotlon, leei than W.000,000, ao that our borrowing rapacity now It only about M7.000.000. Our realty 1* taxed almoat lo the limit

It we do not get rapid transit oiten- Blon within tluo next flvo years to en­large our area of built-up territory and add lo taxable values, the pos­sibility of Increasing our power to bor­row money will be scrluusly curtailed,

"It may well be questioned whether w* would have th* rapacity to sell sufficient of the city's stock to complete such suh- wnya as are needed within tho next five years.

"1 haven't aaan this phase of the mat­ter touched on In th* ]iewspap*r*, ’ con­tinued the apeaker, "Aa a matter of tact the city would have to sell about IM.OOO.OOO worth of atook annually, for five yeara, to finance the work, plue iti normal HO.OOO.OOO worth of stock Istues for rou­tine and other purpnsoe. °r a total of about tW.OW.OW a year for five yeara If the aubway* were to be undertaken by the municipality.

"Any luch attempt would blight the dty'* credit No auch amount of the city’s ohllgatlona could be ao floated at a proper rat* of Intereat and at fair price* and no on* who know* anytliing about It need be told that auch prooadure would greatly depreciate the value of other New York City obligation* now In the hands of inveatora,"

In concluaion the etatemsnt we* made that there la a demand, which will not dbim, that there be immediate action In this matter, the building of the dual eub- waya by the plan a* proposed, that which le now under attack-

Condltlon* have ao changed elnce this agreement wae made with banking Inter- Site that It le declared more than doubt­ful whether ae favorable an arrangement could be reached If the negotlstlone had to be begun again.




«dflMa la. The objectors to the banking IliM lodt* project have n«t np to tbe pres- eait euggested any oomprehenelve or thor- atighly ooraplete plan for carrying out the tnnl lubway enterprlee. They object ta "New York" tying Iteelf up to th* kank ayndlcate crowd at a commission lor aarvlce* which la violently declared to Im altogether too large, one which they aay w ill aaddle an enormous debt Oa tntore generation*, one tor which ko adaquata return of aervice or value in anbway would have been received.

In view of this one must wave aside •bargee and ouunter>oharge* and take np the proposition on Its original or nominal merits, then the objections tbarato and reasons. If any, tor believ­ing them well founded.

' What City Has Done,' ; " 'What New York City has done In

tila premises le to propose to sign a oontraet with the Interborough Rapid Transit Company by which the latter w ill tsine It* own five per cent, con­struction bonda to run fifty yeara to

amount of 1170,000,000, with which and other funds to be provided by the latter It (the Rapid Transit company) w ill build the dual subways and oper­ate them on joint account, the aubwaye to ultimately revert to the city. The long time contract for operating the

' tiibwayi le the etty’e consideration In re­turn for the Joint account and ultimate ownership....This Inoludqa a plan to share prodta of operating through one of the meet eongeated travel dlatrtcte In the world, between the city and the Interborough, when the earnlnge ehall have amounted to enough to pay all back Interest and incurred chargee, Including expense of amortization (providing an annual fund for retiring the bonds at maturity) on the capital employed both by the city and the rapid transit oompany.

Some good Judges talked with are of the opinion that eue.i a period may he arrived at. perhaps, within fifteen year*.

The etty wa* eaf'leried that three per cent, might be allowed for commission and brokerage: that 97 instead of par would be regarded as a proper basis on which to figure net returns, after all expense of marketing tho bonds. But It w ill be seen that It Is not the city's bonds which are Involved; that all the talk quoted as affecting the bargaining of the city's credit Is quite beside the question.

Morgan iyndlcate ryltleired.The proposed sale of the bni:ds at S-tti,

to a syndicate formed hy J p, Nfnrgan A Co. and the syndlcato to sell the ohllga- tlona at BG, has been crltU-iziul a gooddeal.

ThIa however, does not affect the city at all. It repreaenle the price— this dis­count does—which the Interborough la willing to, or will have to, pay for money, to the extent of J 170,000,000, as demanded, irrespective of panic, or death* of members of syndlcatei, or the state of the International money market during tho next five years.

The Morgan 2% per cent. Is the wholesalers’ profit for making a con- tract to frunlsh bonds as described. The price which the syndicate members may get over and above 96 (93)6 plus 2)61 may hardly be foretold. Then there are the expenses of poselble litigation, of all the cMtIy proceedings and arrangements, ^ e forming of a syndicate, and the keeping up of the supply of funds over

five-year period, come what may. The only Instance of the etty's par­

ticipation In all this Is found In per- miaaton granted the Interborough to charge It with iSO.OOO.ttOO for eomnietlng work on the elevated, but for which the ulty la not to advance or appropriate the funds.

^ l l e It may be urged that the re- lliUOn of the city to the InterbOfough eontraot would give a certkla qualfty to the proposed road's bond Issue, the city la not a party to the flotation be- ynnd the Item referred to.

Aa a side light the proposed bond •u '* '■*"* eyndlfaie operation ofthe kind on record, and the customary rtiarge by syndicates for like services Ja from two to three per cent.

; - A * " ■ ^ capita] output of the---e-tati and the BrookJi'n Rapid

Tranalt I* to be about tsw.coqooo, one may wan consider what would be the effect of io large ah offering aa tlTO.oOtton) on mar­ket price* of other and similarly ortgl- nated securities. ^

Old Interborough five* were eelllng at

ALBANY, Feb. 1.—Nearly * » buslnese men of New York yesterday protested to Oovernor Sulaer against the "purely fac- tloUB, created opposition," to the dual aubway situation plana now near con­summation and asked that Chairman Wlllcoi, of the New York City Public Service Commlselon, be retained In office until contract* for these subways be Signed. There were two speakers from each borough.

At the conclusion Of the hearing Gov­ernor Sulaer eald:

" I shall give careful consideration to all you any. In working out my ahare of this problem, I shall try lo do the greateet good to tha greatest number according to the tight I have on the lubjeot"


DANIBIgSON. Conn.. Feb, l.-8 lx hun­dred pfliraon*. moat of whom were suf­fragists. who were listening to an ad- dreas by I>r. Anna Howard Shaw, presi­dent of the National Suffrage Aaaacla- tton, In tile Danielson Theatre last night* were thrown Into confusion when John Friable, a wealthy farmer, of Mechanics- vllle, Interrupted J tho speaker and pro- posod marrlago to hsr.

"JuBt a minute, Miss Shaw!'* Shouted Friable. " I have been a widower for eighteen yeara. Will you marry me and make mo happy? I have plenty for both.”

For a moment Dr. Shaw stood speech- tesa. Then she cried out. dramatlcaUy:

■'I don't want a wedding ring. All I want le the vote.”

'T hope you never gel the vote tf tliat's the way you feel about I t ” was Frlable'e parting shot w he left the hall.


jury trial In nearly two years la ihe unique record of Pike County, Pa., ac­cording to President-Judge Charles B, Staplea, of the Plko-Monroe district, who Is at present presiding over a Philadel­phia court.

‘■'ITie county jail is empty,” said Judge Staples last nlglu. ''Then^ are no cases on thft court ralondara, either criminal or civil, and J journey to Milford, ihe county seal, every three months to BO through tliw rormalttles of holding a court where lli+ re are no trials.’'

.As near ns Jutlge Staples can remember the last Jury trial In the county court wns In Juna\ 1911. Al that sesfilon two cases reactic<l jTjrlefl, both of which were of a minor naiure and were concluded In leas than twd days. The Jury wheel Ifl kept filled, bm no names are drawn.

The covmly doesn't owe a ceni. has no ijunde outstanding and has a balance of more than tfi.0i)0 in the treasury.

Pike Count3’ Ib located In the north­eastern section of the State, on the New York and Now Jersey boundaries, and haa a population of S.OM.

XMAS TREE BURNS TWOALTOONA. Pa. Feb. 1.—Amusing hlnt-

self by ahooUng matches from an air- gun Rt ornaments suspended from a Chrialriias tree. Ralph Vandevander, eighteen years old, a helpless cripple* wa.s probably fatally burned yesterday when the match*?a set flra to tba tree.

Mrs. Sa. ah Hopklna. at whose home In Bellwood, near here, Vandevander waa visiting, was alsf’ dangerously burned in an effort to save the young man. In dragging him out of the burning room Mrs. Hopkins's clothing was ignited, her hair singed off, and she was burned on the hands, face and body.

Both are In a critical condition In an AUoona hospUaJ.


gbout par when this project was broacheds r im —

S - »

r Itn^OOO more were sold, without syh- 4loata prOUctlon, It is askpd, what as to jsgaatbla tfcrreciatlon on the old as well as Qia BOW hands? And the Utter It must be

tn mind are construelloa obUgS'

WHITE PTaATNS. N. T., Feb. l.-^Papers granting an Interlocutory decree of dl- vtirce to Miss Frlixl Bcheff. the actresa, from her husband. John Fox, the author* were filed In the county clerk’s office here yesterday afternooilr They are not public. It Is saJd that no names were men­tioned In the case. Incompatibility la said to have boen the reason for the separation. The‘h^ctress's name was Anna Scheff Ya­ger. She was born In Vienna in ls7u. She was divorced from her first husbanr], Predrteb Von Bardeleben. in 1908. She and Fox were married December li. 1908.

Lanlaallle Rm Iqbs Probably Slala.lAJUISVrLLE, Feb. L—A hand, pro­

truding from a mass of battered stoveM fwmer are i pjp^ a^d other debris yesterday, led to the» proved «curtty. THw* the^fore. may ■ S C v e ry of the body of Wi^^ieM CaA

“ n aged reoluae. la the botton. of ^ shan^ boat here. Card was said to have

Hwt9* brtof from ulUmate Inveatorsf tt l« Itttalrad. ^

PrwMMtIee aa ffraGUcatc. i a InipartCBt Is this b«HeF«d to b« that

nauberi are to 1^ prohibited

been Insane, and was much feared by those Uvlng In the community, where hlr host was anchored. phyalclahBr who ex-

. amtsed his body* beltevod that card wa# of thet^ owa hoUlaci of bis mdsd*it4.v A. bullet wound was found Ir

da |f ii takas plaes^ for the fuH . the forehead a4d there was svldoMe of AUito -jlBcartoa. No oftt has I ttrangulaUim.

NVhethrr !htf liustness Iptereste of New- i rk favor thp erection of a bridge over the Hudson tu cunnect Manhattan Island with this Rtute. or the construction of traffic tunnde. was the question u(H>n which the New Jersey, Inlerstala Bridge and Tunnel rommlsston sought light at a hearing n\ thn rooms of tho Board of Trade last night.

While only a iiasNive Inlerest has been takm In Iho Hudson River bridge or tun- n<>l Idea in Newark, the Issue It a live un<j In Bergen jind the northern end of Hudson ( ‘ounly. There la keen controver­sy In some of the municipalities In that Eone as to the ri'Riir>> five merits of tirldgcs or lurmrls

Th**re was even a suggeallnn of contro­versy In the waj the Buhjcct was pre­sented Inst night J. Vlpond Davies, an engineer w'ho lias been in charge of lh>< building of most of the traffic tuntieis now In existence, advoi-Hied tunnels. WHh the aid of slereopilron views he showed the audience Just what has been done In this direction In other parts of the world. Henry \V flodge, another engineer, was Just as earnest an advrK-ate of the bridge project. He is a memher of s firm that has had much to do wUh the construction of tha big bridges of the country, IBs talk wufl likewise HhtHtratetl with views of well-known bridges, plans of the pro­posed bridge, aTlf! arehllei.Mural effects.

It came out In the BildresB of Mr. Hodge that trst borings have been made for Ihe easterly end of ihe proposed bridge In New York, at Fifty-seventh street* where rock foundation has been found much nearer the surface than was expect^^d. on the opposlle Jersey shore, however, bor­ings have been made a raucli greater de|>lh than was at first Itnendcd without rock being reached

Tbora was no Indication on tbe ivflrt of the commlsnlonsrs as lo what effect the various argunienls had on them.

Relative Cost DIseuaBed- The relative rout of bridge and tunnel

was what Inttreatcd the Newarkers most. When the engineers had Hnlshcd. \V. H. NoycB. of Tenafly. who Is chalTmaii of the commission, asked for opinions from local business mon. Itu hard C. Jenkln- Boft, who responded, airi<mg others, said he would like to know where the money was to come from, and auggealed that the etiglneers Illuminate the audience as to the coat of the two project*,

Mr. Davies said that the cost of a pair of tunnels would be Ill.OOdrOOO, which would, Include tht mousy expended for real estate at approaches, easements and all other rights.

Mr. Hodge said that the highest price fixed by two United ^ itatea Governmont experts who had been looking Into lh*s feasibility of the bridge Idea was 135,OCO.- 000. w'hlch was for the bridge Itself, how­ever. and did not include the cost of rights of way for the approaches or any other expenses. He remarked that tho real estate necessary on the New York aide would be very costly

But the co*t of ft bridge could not he estimated with any degree of aocuracy. Mr. Hodge added, iinlll It was known how deep tha foundations would have to be planed, and as that was as yet an unknown quantity, al! figures would be merely speculative except an mlnImumR-

Mr. JenkltihOh wanted to know further how the assoBsmenls W'pre going to be levied, Mr. Noyes said that the commis­sion had not gone Into that phase of the project, but he elucidated a plan which had been formulated by fiupreme f'nurt Justice Mlnlurti In 1909, hy which Essex, Hudson, PsBsalc* Bergen and (tnlon counties were to bear the whole cost Im­posed upon New Jersey.

Mr. Noyes eald that 115,000,000 in In­creased ratablfs would he tbe Immediate rrsiill of the erection of a bridge tn the five counties named. He said that the total ratableB of the five counties !ti IWE ■were n,lO.VX)0.0Qn, theae being the figures upon which Justice Mlnturn based his cal­culations.

Would Jump Riitabloseflome real estale experts, ho continued,

had estimated that there would bo an tnereaee of from twenty-five to fifty per cent. In values by the conetructlon of a bridge, but If the Increase were only ten per cent. It would mean additional tnxeti of 11.788,000 at an average rate of L60 on tbe 1908 ratablca and much more at the present time. That would he sufficient to pay the Interest on the botids. establish a Pinking fund that would' retire bonda Issued for thirty-five years, and theq leave *70.000.000 HurpluB with the bridge unencunibercd

The speaker pointed out that the five northern counties had seventy por cent of the ratabiee of the State and two- thirds of the population. He believed that they shoulrl ansume the burden of paying for half the pi'oject and added that they would be making a splendid Invest­ment.

Mr. Jenklnatm remarked that he thought Essex would have to pay one-third of the Jersey cost under the Mlnturn plan, and that was what he was trying lo gel at. Mr, Noyes could not enlighten him o ff­hand.

Abraham Rothschild ealcJ tt^t If there WM BJiy connection to he made with downtown New York It was evident that the plan would have to he a tunnel or a pair of them. He suggested that It would be a good idea to have a bridge uptown, as well, for pleasure traffic.

James Owen, county engineer, expressed the opinion that a tunns! was the moat desirable now, but believed that In the future a bridge would be of greater aer­vice to the northern section of the city.

Harrison Van Duyne and President A. V. Hamburg, of thp Board of Trade, said that II wfts difficult lo express an opinion except that If the plan were to be con- Bummatfid at once, tunnels were undoubt­edly tbe moro desir’iible. The taxpayers would hesitate at the cost of a bridge, Mr. Hamburg suggestetl.

Mr. Davies declared that five or six pairs of traffic tunnels could be built under the Hudson fcir tlie cost of one bridge He contracted the concf.niratSon of traffic caused by one bridge wUh tbe distribution that could be obtained through several tunnels.

Both engineers were agreed that a bridge downtown was out of the ques­tion. as an approacli was Impossible from Manhattan. The I^emiflylvanla RaJlrood. It waa recalled, had estimated on a bridge at Twenty-third street ten years ago. The figures were then regarded as prohibitive.

Ferry Trafllf Flgurea.Mr. DavlCfi had the statlstlci of ferry

traffic across tbe, JTudson for 19U, which showed that 5.S98.0hh vehicles used the boats from rommunlpaw to Fort I*iee In that year. That was ID.ilfiO dally, only 2,000 of Tvblch lauded north of Twenty-third street

The engine# r threw on a screen a plan of a proposed tunnel from Provost street, Juat esat of Henderson street, Jersey City, to Vartek street, Manhattan. It showed a descent of 3.7 per r^nt. from the New York end and a grade of three P«r cent at the Jersey entrance, which Is le*« than that of many city thoroughfares. He suggested tunnels from Canal ptraet, New York, on account of Its width and Us Importance in the future as a distribut­ing avenue, to Thirteenth sirset, Jersey t^'lly'"^Thls w'ould enable New York mer­chants, he sajd. ie have Ihi- lr warehouses in proximity to tl^ frelgl^i statlone In Jersey City.

Pictures of various types of tunnel were shown One kind suggested wan a double- decker. having separate tubes for slow- moving and fast-moving vehicleu, with double roodwaj’B. Ap llJust ration was shown of the Glasgow traffic tunnel un­der the Clyde; the BlackwH] tunnel un­der the Thames, with double roadway and sidewalks, about thirty feet In di­ameter and almost a mile long The Both- erhllhe tunnel beneath the Thames* a mile long, was also shown.

Mr. Davies showed lilustratlona of au­tomobile parties going through the Hud­son and Manhattan tnlms before the tracks were laid. He saiij that the ques­tion of ventilation In the traffic tunnel* Was not difficult to solve.

The speaker regariJed the idea of a bridge over the Hudson as a specuUilve proposition. Nothing could be told deft- nltei-y about U. he said, on account>of the absence af complete Information about Che foundsUona He ehowed a plcturu of tbe Wmiantsburi bridge, with a single •pan of leGOtl feet; the bridge over the at, LAwienee* at: Quebec, wMch fell whb* trw.

h«Tt g «paji of fooi^ M i i y twtoe ga b if g i tfas lergeiC In tho world.

"Too OM how tgwmUttVo aU_

Bridge.Mr Hodge was not dismayed at tbe

Idea' of planning and ereuttng so large a brl^e. lU recalled that When HoebUng built the Itrooklyh bridge he undertook Ihvn to siisn the East River with a ptruo- ture twice es Urge as any of the kind then rxtathig, and people said he was craiy.

It It wan d quesUon of freight distribu­tion, hi- Paid. Mr. Davies was right In e<J- vwiiliny * tunnel- A bridge uptown would HtTvr a different purpose from a tunnel (lu'Antown. He pointed uut that in eoiniiuiliig the cost o f the two plans It ■hoVii<i br< remembered that a bridge guch as would have six tlmrit the ca-paciu. of a pair of tunnels. There would be room for two sets of trolleys, and a drlvf»u>' to accommodate five wagons abrvaHi


ifiaBipnwer. Snt when wa reeaamfiiea tint a nnatltutlonat coovantloQ la lb* blfhaat laiflalativa bodr known to our ayatom of -M-erapieer! iKex_It 1* iha -ew»~oeiH O XtefW -'X ,.vefweoverebtn rapwelly,.l oaimot aab how aay man or any party wearinv tho'badf* of danocracy can defend the propoilUon lhat a *nui» iqlnorlty ap/'uld be the rullna

r PtWUT l « tiU

, 4 I'UF'ailore to Provide for tomtitn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _twMl aw n «« Would Be a FOUR PROJECTS GIVEN


HACKENSACK. Feb, l.-That theDem- ocrailc party in New Jernty would rv- ceive a staggering blow from whkii It would take a long time ii» rocover, if the Legislature falls tr> pass a proper bill for a convention to revise the State Con-

Mr H'»dge Bald that the approach to •Ulutlon. was tlie emphatic clafm putthe I'tUKv would be on the level from the DallNiulfS and that from the tower on ibc New V'Tk »!die the grade would be 2.D imjt

The structure would clear the river high I'fi-'UKh to let any warship go under and ai-y other ship* like the Olympic, t'oul'l f1" so If necessary by 8iJ[>plng tho loprrjH"' The towers would of tho satnf' liriisht as tiie tower on tbe Hinger bulldins. lilt# feel. The New York ap­proach would be front Ninth avenue and ■'1fiy-t‘»*\''nih street. New York, and the

forth last nlghl by Assemblyman Charles O’CotjTjor Henjiessy. of Bergen. Introducer of the conetUudonal conventltm bill, at a meeting of men's clubs hi Calvary Bap- list Cliurrh parlors,

Mr. Hennessy did nut aitfuiipt lo dla- gulse the serlouanaas uf lh« alluatlon, and expreBi^ed the hope lhat at the con- fTerice next Tuesday afternoon between Uo\’ernor WTlion and the Democnitlc leglKlators a sutlsfactory compromise

dlbiance from end to end W'ould be 9,309 would be effected and tlie platform protn- feH It would be of the suBpenslun type, isv curried out.

Heildcs Mr. Noves* the roimnlflnlonerB are J H'lille Wells, Jersey City. He Witt VanbuBkirk. Bayonne; George l.linouzc, \Veehawk*iK and John J. O'Leary. Fas- sale.


S 'f-T tre nf the . V l i f t 8 .

'rUEN'JiiS, Feb. T —Annulment of the marriage i«f lieatrlcft May Decker to George H Hvoait, of Elizabeth, upon the ground thtit I lie husband was aljcady inatrled, U rrc'"minpiided In a report filed In the fourl of I'liancery by Special Mus­ter J H n^a\'*r *Murtln. Tlie plulnllff discovered ili' 'I'J.'il marriage a week aflf-r Ihe munlag' i ••remony had been per­formed. whei; she applied to her supposffd husband to piovjdo her a home.

Miss Decker first met Stuart wlien she appHsi! ft>r work at the Diehl Maii'ifaciur- ln.g I'ompany In June, 1907. Htiian foreman of tlie factory, gave MInb Decker employment

After He\ernl pro[)09flls of marriage. Miss Decker accepted The wedding cere­mony was perfornied hy Rev. A. W, Will- r ver, li; I'atersun. 'Diis waa In .May, 1RU8. Miss Decker said that a week after Uiu esreraony Stuart became very angry wlien she demanded that ho provide her a home U was then that he told her he already had a wife living.

Learning the whereabouts of the real Mrs. Stviart. Miss Decker cnlled upon her und confirmed hi« siHiement. Mlss Decker wus not disponed to make the case puUlo Slid BUbsegiienlly left Elizabeth, going to work In u rpHluurant In NVivark.

At the liearlng In the Annulment pro­ceedings both Stuart and his wife refused to aniwer any questions regarding their marriage, and each declined to sign any deposition.


The meatliig waa under the auBplcea of llie men's organization of t'alvary Uati- list (.Tiurcb and the Chapman Bible cU«£. Many creeds and political beliefs were represented. J. H. Bciinlt. president of the t.’hapman Bible clasa, preuidcd.

Mr. Henneeay pleaded In favor of a cojnetitliin made up of delcgales ele<'trd according lo population, ami not by ooun- lien lift took slrohi ground against the rropofllilon to have the proposed cansil- tuilonal convention ctmlroUed by the aparsety settled counilea of South and central Jera-y

•When wc remember." auld the Assam- blyman, "that a conHlllullonal I'onvoiiUOii la the highest kglHlallve body known to our sj'sterii of govi-rrimpnl. and that it In lilt* direct reprKBcn(Hil\«■ of the peo­ple. speaking In their atjverelgn cit['acUy. I cannot see how any man or party wearl/ig the badge of .leiiiocrn'-y can de­fend till* propoMttlnn thiil a small minority shall be the ruling Hubs

fiperifit Heniev nf theTRENTON Feb l.-Approval has baen

given by the Board of Public Utility Com- misBlonera to the agreement between thfl city of KItzabeth and the Public Service Electric Company under which th* tom- jpany haa pledged Itself to expend at least tlSO.qoO within the next ten years In the removal of Its overhead conatructlon.

The agreement was the oulQOruc of the movement started In Elisabeth to havij the company substitute underground con­duits for the present ayatem of polea and TslreB Under ita terms the removiii of overhead constritcUon will begin on West JerHey and Broad atreels, which may con­sume moat of the year,

After this year the company pledget It­self to spend a( least {28.000 a year for ten y(*ara In subway work. The city la givian the right (o dealgiiate In what streets one-hiitf of this money st^ll be apeni each year.

The tioard has siso approved several petlliona uT tlie West Jersey and Seashore Usllruad for i>ermlBstnn to sell ri-al esia'e In Camden, Pitman and Buena Vista. All uf this property tbe board has decided iS not likely to Iki needed for railroad pur­poses.

Approval hue been given in an applica­tion uf the Ferrscute Machine Company foi U'uve to construct a spur from Ita plant Jn Uridgetun, ucroa.' Hai)rf>ad ave­nue to the tracks of ilie Curnburtnnd and | Morris Bhei' Hnllroad. j■ The buHrd lias approved ii rcaolullon of i the Morris ‘ ’uuniy FretholderH permitting

• the Nt'w Ytirk ft'leiilione (.'ompany tti oon- atrucl lines in certain Rireels In Butler.


Emy’b r i l i j i i le r ^ K Mt r '

01 the InOustriN o! Uiiion Co..niyIjiidMr tbe Avsgjdee of the

Elljalmlli logrJ oi IrailtSecond Heglnitnl tmiDrif Eiizebeth, Naw Janet— The Ball and Haiior Cltt

Week of February10-15,1913SPECUt cult fflOGRilM

Doer* Opan Each Dayto:30 A. M. ie 1 1 F. M.

pectal R e n n AD Raiirvtii



\’ INEIa*-VNP, Keh 1 Brcnklng the s|- lHnr»‘ that foll"wrd tiic rpccnt shantlng

It Is my ,,.rn,.M hu,,.-,' Mr lifn.mssy , >'1>- "'K". '- f - " ' WulKm hH» rnB.,*I .................. .......... ) ......... ' i in r‘ x p l i j n a h " u l i e h i i \ h th e s h o o U n g

WU8 iiC(’1>lHninl and Dcrurml whlh* hA ivijn nbwcTit fnun the Imunft =>n farcwr*ll cills pr»*pjir;jti>r)' t(> moving tn Si l mila. Mrs. \\ iilti«n 1m In a Acrlous t'ondUlDn

First Dose of Pape's Cold Compound Kelleves All Misery from a Cold '

or tbe (irippe.

CHIfAGO, Fch. 1,-1’ rpflldnm Chiving- ton, of thi» American Aaaurlatlon, an­nounced today that he liad received the signed contraH of Janies JohiiBtObc, for many years a National League um* plra

Jobiislone resigned from the National League at the end of hist etea&ob because of differences with President Lynch,

Johnatonr Is a resident of Irvington. Hfl formerly retlded In this city. The arbiter has had trouble with President Tom T ynch, of the National League, and last fall stated that he would not urnpire In the league again uf: long ab Lynch was tlie president Last f.kctoher Johnston also went to Philadelphia and umpired the serlfti In that city against the direct wishes of I*ynch. Johnstone gained na­tional prominence as an umpire in 1906 when he forfeited a game to the Cuba because the Gianta refused to abide by a dedalon he made at the PolO Orounda. The New York club was folng to bar Johnstone from the pnrk* but Harry Pul­liam. then preeidenl of the league, backed up Johmttone, and the umpire officiated at thft game.

Before taking up the duties of umpire JohTiBlane waa a pitcher Of renown In this city and later in league circles.


WASHINGTON. Feb. I. - Pauline W'ayne, President Taft's famoua Holstein cO'W’, will follow lilm Into retirement March 4. The President today called in Senator Isaac Stephenson, of WTscanBln, who two years ago brought Pauline to the White House, and gave her back to her former owner.

Pauline has not been in the best of health for several months. President Taft believes that If she Is taken back lo Wisconsin and pul on Senator Ste­phenson s farm again her youthful vigor will revive.


WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.—In the hope of reducing the tragedies of the sea, Com­mander William H. G. Bullard, superin­tendent of the powerful naval wireless station across the Potomae River from Washington, Is working out a plan where­by the dally position of al) vessels ’a IH bo received and chartered. In this way assistance In case of accident could be hurried lo a vessel in distress and the faster veeaels In the vicinity of such a distressed vessel could be reached quickly.

Commander George T>. Cooper, hydrog- raphec is colTaboratbig with Superintend­ent Bullard.

continued. ' tlia! wlieti the mcrnb»'rs of the LeglMlutuj'e iiU'ct witli 1 ht Guvciin.ir agulii to (ll.SCllHS III) riume Jiirit andreasuiiablft baAls (,jf (•oiur‘i'"nilM* will 'be arrived al tliftt will promote paity har­mony wilhout liivuMiig the fcacrifit'w oi puny principle or |iruhllge.‘

Mr. H^'nnessy that fron) hh luiu'ftl- edge of the chataHer uf the reprea^nta- tlves in the Leglitltuur^ frum Ihn smaller counties, he knew ihciii IncapubU* of any unworthy motive in s»eking to «ontrul ihe constGntlorial •■ciri\-enllon. A h he un­derstood ll. they were simply ■ cnctTlied With wliut lie ( oiiKldiTcii a vi-ry natural and reasonalih- fear ilial llic intivvnlion might change (he basis of leglsIatKe rep- reseiilailon Iti the Slate .Senate whlcti would give lo the larger ruunlies an undue control of lef|ftlall!!n In the fultire. For himself, he was ipilie willing to con­cede, If necessary, that the .Senatorial representation now enjuyeci should not be changed if Huch a corn'esskiii could In some manner be assured in the con­vention bill.

The AsKemblyman coiiHldcred the ques­tion of county and Tminidpal honm rule as more Iniporlant than the i|UPftllon ol legislative representation, and if hume rule of the broadest kind c(juld be as­sured by the conytUiitlonal convention to large cumitles as well as »mali, he could not Bee what Bubfttanilal difference it madfi whether legislative representa­tion was changed or not-

Mr. Hennegisy inentJoned as likely t> coma before the oonslltutional conv; ntiop the question of judiciary and Jurispru­dence reform, home rule for municipali­ties, enlargement or modification hf the Governor's power of appointment orul re­moval. enlarged power to the Legislature, under careful restrlcHonB, to contract debt for public work of Htale-wide Impor­tance. the election of Assemblymen by dlstrlctB, equal suffrage, and many other quealloria.

Attention was calUd to tho fact that the work of the convention would he passed upon by the whole people at a spe­cial election on a form of ballot lhai would enable them to vote for or against each separate proposal. The additional requirement lit his hill that an explana­tory synopBls of the work of the conven­tion must be advertised In the newspapers of the State as well as delivered to every voter jp pamphlet form before the ra ti­fication election, should be sufficient to aBHure the most timid and conservative cltlxen that no rash or lll-conslde. ed change! In the Consiltutiois rrould be like­ly to l>o adopted.

“ It la now reported,” said Mr. H^n- nessy, “ that certain Deniocratl<* Senato~a und Assemblymen frojii the smnller coun- tles o f the Stale, men whose private chai- acter and pctrlotl.sin I kJU>w to be equal to that of any other men In the I^glflla- ture, are reloclant to vote for the con­vention bill unless It iB amended so as to Insure equal representuilon in the c.jn- ventlon for all counties of the Blatft. without rcKp '’* populalltm. This po.d- tlon* If iralstpd upon, muel, I fear, end In the abandonment of the convention bill. Involving a repudialion nf Demo­cratic principles and pledges and a blr»w at Democratic prestige from w’hich the party, I fenr. will not soon recover.

“ (jnder the plan proposed, the delegat.js elected from any eleven counties will con- BlltuU H majority of the convention which [ will make o f remake the fundamental law for all the people of New Jersey. There ! hoppen to be eleven counties, mostly in j the southern section of the State, whose ; aggregate population i» 43S,iX10, or less than clglUeen per cent, of the entire pop­ulation of thr State.

“ That tho people of these counties are aa wlKe and its Just In their dealings be­tween man and man as tlie people else­where In the Stale 1 am cheerfully w ill­ing to concede, nnd I can even conceL'e the possibility lhat the representatives of this eighteen per cent, of the population, if entrusted with power to deal with the vital governmental questions that conc»rii all o f the people might not abuse that

It Is a posliH’c fact that a doze of I'lipe'H Ctjld t'oiuijourul. taken every two :iLMjri( untii three- consecutive doses ar#iHhi-n. Will end the (ii Ippc and break up


<’ourl Flndii for Widow.Js’jjrHnl iSVjriiT uf (Ac

NICW H F c h . 1 —In the sail of Mrs. Miirgai'pt de F'azlo, gf ^S'ood- lirldgf In rt-tuvf-r compt-nsaUon fmm lh> Uoldsmllli Dpllnnlng ('’nnuiunj' of \'t>od- brldgc. for the riealh of her husband. \\ be V. a« killed by >i train while employed at the plant, the court allowed her forty per cciil of Dip amciurji her huahund was earning for SM weeks, with the exceidlon lhat during flvu weeks of that lime al shall get forly-flve per (.-cnt.

IJif tiku.si severe cold, either in llie head, riu-si, btivk, atumaHj, limbs ur any part ol lliv body.

ll promptly rcllft\'es the most miserable hcadachf. dullnes!-. head and nose: stuffed up, fevt-rlshnesB, sneezing, sore throat, running nf ihe noBe, niucous catarrhal discharges. aorenesK, bllffTU'Bs and rheu* malic twinges

lake tldB wonrUTful Compoiind as dl- rect(‘d. with the Knowledge that there Ib nothing else In the world, which will cur« youj cold or end Grippe nilserv as prompt­ly and n-lihoiit any other asslaiitnce of bad I'flcr-efriM-iii; ili* a 26-i’enl package of I'iipe a Gold Gonqinund. which ai*y drug-

I gist can supply- accept no siibslllulc— I runlfiinH nn quttdne D<>lungs In every

*'* home. Tnates nice—acts gently.—Adver*I i. i'mcnt

i . A l lm a n $ c (S o .

toe foMowSimg Special Sales:

Dress Silks, Silk-and-Wool Poplins, Colored Dress Linens, Muslin Embroid­eries; Women’s Washable House Dresses, Silk Petticoats, Knit Under­wear and French Hand-embrosdered Batiste Collars; also Children’s Shet­

land Wool Jackets.

Ao Importaot Sale of Americancommenced.

iFifllj Awautf, 34tl) tmJ> 35tlf Sffia ferb.

PU BLIC AUCTION S A L EThe Knrcher Menzel Property— About 5 Aerss ani HosajsteaJ

Claremodt Ava. and Ridgewood Road, Maplewood, N. J.,Will Be SoM at PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE SHERIFF’S OFFICE fti the

Court House on Tuesday, February 4 at 2 P. M.It Would Pay You to Look Into the ChorActer and V«lue of ThUi as

it May Bo Sold at a Vary Low Plguro.

PU< cellar tu lki

N op a rap Ibati

PJai maiu. chock

Don the B prep* Uarcl

Sow tomai In alt garde

Gra and R of th to g r

Flo eallat owihi grow!

Pur and B tor I th* : will 1

Rer • Ingp fount



SongraftBhoul on a tha wher

Slnr Ib U) to a fruit mate Ib orpOftBl

Ap able tlOTl. fruit Bile knoT thu :

To’ tho ' plan' tha ahoo their Such flow

BRno r thOB' pose ae f readBCOUsells

Ne Bhou blsh of a hoe. tha . belli flurf

Bti area plan Ukel tryii to i

To■eedruaropenworlthersaumedof IPrlxonerowjBtantenof i




WASHINGTON. Feb. L^Representa- tlves of the Union and Southern Pacific railroads today reaumed their efforts to rOach an agreement with Attorney-Gen­eral Wiokertiham upon a plan dtoaolvlng the L’rilon Pacific-Southern Pacific mer­ger. The railroad represenUtlvei Include Robert S. Lovett* Frank A. Vanderllp, Julius Krutscbnlti and Maxwell Evarts.

At the corrcluelon of the conference, At- topney-Oentral Wickersham announced that no agreement had been reached, but that some progreas had been made.

Taft Migna LIdcoIb Mrinorlal.WASHINGTON. Feb. l.-ETesident

Taft's first official act today waB to sign the CongreZBlonal resolution providing for the erection of a memorial here to Abra­ham Lincoln In Potoniac Park. Senator CuDotii, of lllionlB, who was a friend of Lincoln'a, and worked for years to got Congress Interested In a memorial, wit­nessed the signing. The plan approved by Congress In the resolution will require an appropriation of |2,OOd,OQO, which will be made later.

; O L D

poua4old '

UM of ry two «• ar«ejik up :• beau, iy i«in


throa t. tarrbal i rhou*

as dl-htre IbIII euro irompt* oce ot ;aKe o f ' drug* lUule—

pv^ry Adver*




h as

4, J.


N E W A llK E V E N IN G NEW S. SAT13TOAY. P E B llU A R Y T. 1013. 10 “i[E S S B 9




' Teit th« B«edfl aa «oon aa th«y arrive.QUkUoIui cirms may now be started In

pots for early flowere.Carnation cuttSnga should be made early

In February and placed In aaiid to root.

Place a few more rhubard root* In the cellar to supply a succession of blanchedsulks.

Now that the hoaae plants are making a rapid growth they require niore water than earlier In the season.

PJanta In warm locatluna that have pre­maturely started into growth leii be chacked by protecting them from the aun.

Don't bank on a late eprln^ Just becaune the winter has been mild tluia fur. He prepared to begin operations early In

» Uarch.Sow seeda of eggplanla, pt-ppors and

tomatoes by the middle of ihe month la either s hotbed or buxus lu the window garden.

Grade the calves accardini; tn Ihelr slie and five them every ulleininn pellOf the young anlnmls if wsni thcju to grow at their beat.

Floware stored for the winter in iho oallar and pita that base Planed lu gruw OWffig to the warm weather must be kept growing slowly until eprlng

Purchaae tuberous rooted bcfroMloi imw and start them Into growth to ralM’ p ShhIs Or setting in lho (• whaded purtlons ot

the homo grovjtjda where ntdliinK else will grow well.

Remamber in ordering sreds and fruit- . Ing plants that only the old ■•n i. d arul not found waDthlB” varlelies eIkmiIiI he or- 4«rod for the bulk, jilunllnsa Kxiherinunt With tho noveltlea,

Bewaro of cheap seed and chran nursery mock, for neither can b<i prodiui'd ut k ■mail tost The seedsman nr nui^rr yimm who undcrsellH the gmn'inJ liadi; liiiiJ belter ho left alon-!.

goon thfl sap will bepm \<> llnw .ntul grafting w-lll be in T il' p<miiniShould be etudh'd corefiilly and vi'ii'tl'vd on any kind ol wouil in Jf'iii i i ;;-l how the work. Is to b«‘ dnin; nij t}|- f-uu whan the proper llmv iunv;."

Simply becKUse ynn Mip|in.-n' jri.jr

plantings are made Is s moat Important mailer. No one variety doea equally well Oil all solls.jsitea and situatluiis, and ih« only means'of ascertaining which are the be»t la to plant them In an experimental area.

The Know must be removed from the hutbeds and the light admlltiHl linm«- itiHtcly after a snow storm stops. <Jold- framed containing scml-dormant plants ran remain closed for several days with­out harm, but plants In hotbeds must ha^e full exposure to the light dally.

p:aily In February the following flower iired should bo sown under glass; Asters, Margaret larnatlun, castor bean, cosmos, e\enlng primrose, four-o clock, hollyhock, annual larkspur. lobelia Krlnus. lupine, marigold, mignonette, nlcollaua. nlgetla. pansy, annual phlox, I'hlna pink, Iceland

I poppy, salplglossis, salvia, si:-abloBa, arhi- I 7,ahiluis. aiiapdragoii, sweet William, ver- I hena and /Jmia. 'I'hd xeedH cf all biennial

and pervtuilal fU'weru should also beI eowTi.

Tiiere Is no unt* h*s[ ^ l ra)l g outfli for ' nil soli workers 'riie galdener with a I flowi-r bed or lv.o xhould pos<<ess a liamf ! s\rlrig<'. iho mdltiaiy gardener, n bucket I <ir a I'oinpreSKcd uii' sprayer, the small I fruit grower and farmer a l iirrel force ! pump, and the eticnal^e fruit grower a ' pun er H|ii a\cr ' ticHp spruy outfits for I any kind of wi>rk arc ineffcrilve and not

worth 4>urchasm« Spruie on|v th<»ae ■with H aultahk rapai’ lt> to aLCompUsh tliC vsurk liandil).

The seedltrigi Of flowers and vegetables fi-om seed that was planted ia January m^iit be prevented from becomtgg drawn or leggy There U much ganger uf the plantleta growing weak and spindling if the temperature Is kepi to<j high. Espcc’ lally la this tiue when newly made hot­beds art! uaeil. Tli« strung bottom heat and tile strong top light cause the plant « to become drawn. Keep the frame at a temperaiura arouod Ufty^flve m slxt at night ami leii or fifteen degrees warmer during ihe day, then the plauta will gtow strong and stocky. When boxes ar* for the sowings they should be mu\cd tboiil so as to prevent an uneven ur

crooked growth.^When the plants get their second p»lr

or true loaves they are ready for Iran*- planting. If allowed to stand much longer t)iey do not tranaplaui readily nor start Into rapid growlli when shifted In transplanting set the plants In the soil right Aimti In their first pah of leaves so as not til leave the long sicni proleclIiiK atmv> giound. Faili plant almuld have sufMvient room to develop fully while In I he platitbed add set far enough apart lo admit of tillage. The plant.'* are made or spoiled (luring the first Iftg months uf Iheir KTOW'th. Kwr.s ran- must be cxei- vised to dffoid H nioderhle sturd>', uii’ nheck -il gn ^ fli fioii; ih»- tiiiie (he seed­lings appear alwoie ground tintll (hey are leadi for the fl 'kl. I'lauts ihal become cheJked in llu-lr <l»-\ vlopmenl from In.- proper handling rarely tiioduio the anMi« HN those ihat glow under tin- proper rn- \ Iruiitnent


If ihe weather iHi..h-Trtlely illlM cur­ing* I’Vl'iuniry the nii*n- tender fruits- peiU’hrs, plumes, blio Kbri rles and >h*T ’ Anplietr'ics-ms> h« pi iu-<l. The nill*l weullor .‘O far f has causedlilt! Lu'Js to swell liRilh .ii.il It Ig not welt U) wui.l too biiiff b« fort- tuushlng «U prim* mg Ll.ai letiiains to bv il ih-, Much, haw- evt'J, di'psnds iijnin the vncuiher. If tin* ve.dluT turns off ver\ < l,-l wait until Its srvviiij ht ; pAssfd h-i le completing the pruning, but sboulit It liHdlnusd mtlk (lie lUtiiiiK should noi i- >h-ia>ed.

I'l.esv fruits ate md ■ mli i In the »*trl''i s» iiMf of ilib v. (m I(1 I ' l' i lrig a s c v i . e winter they are mme m --s Iluble to wlfi- U'l- kill and by dclitssm; the priinlhg tne killed Imi k twigs ‘ Hu ' removed ut tin? i.nimal vutlJiiK when t n -utplus, brukiu Rml intcrfcrlnp w-i...! moved. ’I’ liercl.u llnic ikiuger of li'< |!Om the <old nllei Uibs month luul t'..!,- ig no danger itnm immediate iMiiiin If the temper- .iiini* dues n«M gu trie xsro markunn miii-i use I1I.4 • tv-, ili^vretloii as 10 llie eXiii l tmii* tni in iM. I tieSS |)lailt!;> but 111 Hhy event they r-i n-. ii be cut well in fulvniii e (if the seH.-Mi. lor Ilia Upward Wow of

The n.^vive geurr:*:h (.runsB bis peach iiiid pluni irceH tou I'v.ivdy grid leases tiro mil' h WiiUil on tj.f hu-Hh fruits. Hess^ prunlr^g reilures tiu' vield of the iicp rrijl'9 mnliMliiily niel hgiu pruning causcaIhe bush fnill.t 1" HHil unpruntntili'

been hs||ecle<| fm veveral years should not be bfoiiglit back mto ftl*ai>u at a Bin* glei pruning ur they will be (hrown o^l of halrim •' to such an extent as to delay fruitfulness for several years. This la not au iit e i>r the hush fruits, They van bu sevi-ifly pruned !J ill a neglocted cmi- dliiun and imulc to UHiutiie their proper ehape ut i\ Khigle iiiltinE without inato- ilully i.armltig the crop.

F r u i ln g Ih r IVnch ,I ’eio h ireeM nei-d no severe pruning sa

th tiu' iRMi w!(ii sumo othei' rruUs. al- I hough miii’h depeiida upon clrvuin* sUnorH Tea'ben gruwlng In hea\y solla make* a nioi'» tank growlli than those growliig III Uitbl soils, and ax a ronae- 'Pietice. moiii tie more heavily prumd Tbu prai h irve pruducA lla fruit on wood uf tlo* |0<nlo>is season a gtowth, otii*- ycHr-olil moim! If ihla wood Is vxtnbntd the |.>[unip ovivi fruit hud:- I'Hii be dl!«- lUiguisiird rrom the iianovv pointed liaf LhkIh.

V 'lll l hcailliig l>H( k the boivlliig hlumi i<> ki-vi' tin* ric< within Imuiuls mul i-on* L'enlmis 11.1 -iieiglr-s. imirh i>f ibe bear­ing uiiiid la inmived, which may or may not be a good practice. When Lm few friiJi b ulH aio present and the pieMMlIng' veai M growl il haa been light, no hcaiUtig 111 should be piacllrcd. hut wlien many fi ml buds arfi lined alona brAtu Iiph eighteen liu !u-s or more, Iheii heading

I ’ ldurn Inferior cmp.s 1 hack last season n shool^ I-h ailvamagC'Ms. Trees lhai ha\ e

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS1: . J S N. wark-Tlifl first thing you

should do I'lefiirs deciding what branch of soil wiuW \Li.i w'l-li 10 i-\ ctuijiiil> take up l i to gu!n a ihuioiigji undetatandlnK ot tin luiiu ijlca ul agii' ulliire lliicuiaii the wtudyiMg of l"H'k.'( oil ttu’He subject.^ b i^

liiise hi'('Ti iiutM-iCii llu'ii iHrefulb Nludy i It - varloi'' hki IcuHural ltldll l 1<■■H .Lud sel('i I till one oi iiloi !' llinl gl^vS ine iTioal ]U'i.'Hi'lfcv and loi wliKh jou iii* seeiii- niKiy lu’^l nurd. While tJlud\ing e\e^' Hiure iipinu’nl siiniiSd he jitunl In the

!■ loo far advanctil to i.lunt hii .>n hard ,,„„aii,i,. uhs.rtlnK (hrla a mighty poor n ,-u -r f... U..t ..rtllns pia.-ncril liv .nir prrscnlfruit iret-a. A wcll.krpl .ir. luiid will add ' j|„. , m, ul.arrvc tlirinawrla.ll3' to tlir vulor of iii. ihmii and □£ i.tlms Mii.l i.ilk ivllii cuUlvatuiB1. 0118 of thr lo st imorlitii i.la lliat can | itioir rapldlv v " i " ih Irarn and tlia possibly bo madr l brllrr will In- imio iincietstandlng froni

Apples and ]>ra<’hcs •■ire ilo' moat pmflt- Srble orchard crops i-> krmv In tins sec- tlon. Do not fat) to set .m area t " these fruits this aprlng if fim r'Uipcr boII and site is had for ibeni. The tnore one knows about the ciiliiire of thcijc fruits the laigcr should bu ilu- plantings. •

Toward the last of the moiitli divide the canna roots iuiti onc-hud pieces Rml plant one piece lu .v small po{ ria 'e ths potfl 111 o bemi-'lrtrk pl;n'e unlll the •hootff'begln to Hpf><!ii' and ilieu remove them to th« window Rardi-n or Imlbed. Such plants will give early foilnge and flower effects.

EggP for liati'liilig stinuld nut he wa.'-h-ed no matter how s-iili'ij thi v msy be, t'Ul those to be nstirkt-ted for mlinary pur­poses should have all the dlcl rernuv**d as fast as collected, readily remove the ordimir>' fPHi. but scouring powder i.s nci'cssary to rkl ilie 1 sells of stains.

New areas (n he madn into gacflens should ha\c the suifac« cleared of rub­bish aJid the Burfaca torn up lu tlie depth of a few Inches with a mattock or grub hoe. This can be done at any time when the ground iti not fruKcn. The xooner the belter, to admit of the frOHi tearing the surface soil down.

Start an experiment orchanJ and plant area this spring planting an a test two plantSv of each variety of frviit tliat la likely to ha^e a cornmevclnl valtie, The trying out of varloilcs on onc'a own place to sflcertaln (heir worth before large

till' stud.MTig 'riu* fiiH! houka to study ' ! i i r ".\Rrl' ' i jHur*. h, 1' Llraoks. ju'lrc S.: Tjj net, ■‘Agrli iillure fur Heglniierj:,'’ b\- hiirkfti, S evl*rl H/ul Hill, price eeM-niy- five renlj-, "FirBt I'rliiclplea of AgrJvul-

i turc. "• by K. H. VoorheeB, price SI net;! and "Thr r’ rlriclplcs of Agriculture,^' by M. II. Ibtiley, prJic SMS net. Mo.il uf these ; book.s rail be procuu-d from the literary.

Large Onion Crops.To raisS big crops of large onions the

■esd must be started under glass In Feb­ruary and tho plants transplanted in the open as soon aa the gruund bei'omca workable. Sowing the eepd directly In the open grotind and thinning the plants results Jn only a moderate yield of onediutu Bixnd bulba. Before the middle of the month sow Ihi: need thinly of Prlietaker, WhllB Globe, 'Wethersfield or one of the foreign sorLs In a hotbed in rows six Inches apart, and If the plants Stand too thickly thin them to eight or ten to All Inch. The plants ought to ba of thCthickness of a leadpcncll at trana-

^planting tlmei By the time tiie ground becomes tillable the plants Rhould be well harden^ off so a*? to be f*et very'curly and make the bulk of their prowih be­fore the hot, dry months. In transplant­ing In the garden or field sol (he plants four or five inches apart In rows fifteen Inches distant, Efvery solt worker should plant a patch to onions this spring, using this method of culture.

H G. O I|•\■|||glol\-It la enc^urag'ng In Icaru timi our frenuent admofiltiun to I urrcf ixTiidentx to u.*ie .'»o much roudon lu Miartlup RJi KgnniUurul \eii1urn ha\ mude yr'ii riublmis about starting a farm (')i* your.'*elf. If mjr I'HUllonlng haa put you on >our guard rtnd opened your eyes fo ihe poH JbUitlej of falluif if ihe work Is iiui proi)erly done ^nd a llioioiigli untie.-

, , atbiidlng uf the l)usiiie.«a is nece.*<sary, th-f*ri \ dfliup ( ol 1 ■w I ready lu pruf’eed in the etiidy of

jiiiur adopted a\in'iiMun The general lin-presHlon the novice haft of farTnlng 1b that all that l>f required In soil work Is a genlle Rcratching of tlio earth, (he scal- leriiig *'f seed and then the glud harveel. in realliy Hgricullurc Is one of the mo.5t exacting of all rrofeasions and the most difhcuU to comprehend ilioroughlv When onfl iinderstHnds the many plLfalla Inlu which he Is liable to drop unless he knows bis buslneps, lie js then ready to proceed and will readily grasp tho ini- ft/ilanco or the suhjecl. Now that you havo reached tlie stage where you will ever be on ynijr guard, you can proceed with your gitudles and observations with ft. view- to carrying out your loiii:-c|ier- isheiJ Idea, (hat of owning and working a farm for a livelihood-

TherQ is one thing you must overcome, and ibat is the tliought that you will be satiafl id with ^ bare living. ^ How dull your future would be if you ibouglu your bestcompeiiaulknyemr plan of work. Formulate in your

In farming, as In other work, confidence means everything. The man who lacks confidence In his ability never succeeda. Confidence only comes through a Aor- oufh understanding of the work that must be accomplished. In no other^ay can this invaluable quality be attained- The two remaining months gives every « 0ll worker ample opportunity to carefully study the prlndples of agricultuie and re- Vlew the cultural directions of each crop to be grown the present seajion. It mat­ters ^Ot how much one knows, or thinks be 2tDOw«r there la etlll much for him to learn* and the remaining time previous to aolual field work can most profitably be

. ^ent' In diligent study. Those who lack oobfldeiiee In their own abllUy and pOB- seas a wHlIngnees to learn will soon reach that state where they will have faith In thtmselvea and every operation they per- fd fa will carry with It that essential aa- soratios which tends toward profitable re- golts.

should he aprlHxl broadmat over tho area a fter plowing and worked Into the p 'm!d'jrliig !h( hrtir'.iwmg oivcrMtlun iiri'l tlii- ulh»r Imlf iiHi (J In thu hill. >ln]1 o f liiua 1 I 'asinl lii.Hi prevituirt (o plauliniJ- '3 he ituite you tifl til-- ft-'ll abuui the KruwmsI rops 111' grcairi vsiu he ihi* reluin ffijm the usu* uf fc! e

.J , -N''*wajk "Ihe le-8l binms.ni Ine eijl- lute are ' A H ' ami V /, • ; Mi'e *'ul- luie. • bv A I IbxM. priuc $1..'". • riie Hee ke»'|>ei 's (.jllhie, ‘ hy A .1 i'uuk, prU’PII J:'i 'Huw t'l Kce[i Ii\ A HKtuuk ptiet' 11 Mcl. fttiij T h e M>xtcib I* uf Mee Keeping ITplatncI," hy G 13. Ho*U. pi'ii e |1- .\jiy <ii- all nf (lieae bouka i ‘Ri t»* ordcini thiougli rirn lnn»k siUire »jr I liey may t'c Jiad lintrj the llhiHij. Tlui bee keepers' .'•ujiply liciises iidvcriiwe In all KgrlrultUrAl pcrlodii'nla Hild tlitrtr hi|- dii.'tfSfS <-an he seeured from their adv**r- lining cuhinin-, If you are uns.i! • easTul wc will ftcnd them tu >-oii If you will stiul UH H M‘IC-Rcldresscfl HlHinpetl enNelupc*.

• » •G, D., N e w a r k - A rubber plauf van be

made lo branch l>y i iit ling bttLk ii t liuot in a point jui;l ahiiiiR n lenf, Suixi m wflhoots will begin to devclui' frum theHxil <»t the ijpi^er lea\c. , laiiJ'liiK l!ic l ln in branch. I/islrad of i uithig llicae

li)p3 off Immi-diatcly It Is well in glidlf, rctiiove Ji narrow ring uf liaik, Hie sliooi HI that jioiiit wh*ri- iii" hiaru'liinq la dcBlroJ. Abmit the girdled part He a Hplll flower pul iha,i luia hcfri binken Iriigth- wlse aud fill the pot with uio.'ib ur earth Hy keeping tho moss m- earili moist roiiip wtill soon develop, when Ihe new* plant can he v'tJt away ami potted.

« « «C F. Ih, G a rw o o d - A f t e r \nui- HKalf-a

plant completes 11a hloomiug, prune it lij, cu l l ing awH.v the rarnpant growths and iil- l*)w il to cmitlnue grow ing In Ihe window Kaidcri. The jdant niUBl make a i«tiunp, Hiurdy grow ih dm Ing the ypri i igand sum­mer fur next Season .H crop of flowers. A f ter danger fron-i frost i« over set ihc plant out of dijora in a partlHlIy shadid place and allow it to grow slowly mull fall, when it can tic placed in the s'vllar until lime to force It Into hluoiii I.biiing the summer keep the soil (he ruotaof Hie plants a lways rc lath 'c ly inulat.

atldresaing him hi WAalilnglon. D, C. For it.*=a lb.in 11 s. i-hI ;,'I nioj'i* rcllHlde n lul of tieHiT >ari(iii-s r-i,. he purchased fruru a scf d firm H'l l t]ii aeod thua puri haiieil will be nieri- . 'ilfijii nf siiccesHful rcauUx It 1b never hi| to sow govcrnmenlBCed. fiolw.T'i liindiiig that tlic> ai'^gui^n uwa\ line -iiicjid ni*ver look r gift )iop«c in Hu- fH. « hit g'lvermiient rtcrds h i*- a« lli.LTikles> .1 K.u H.-! any gift well can he.

N' W'arlt -O iitra l New .Irrscy I'- fino farms Ami Is riut n I" farm for (nif w hu knows

is It R place for a man' wllS

n r Iha.s soiiKh.id Jilaii Ihow , n+'li 11JrkAi to Jl '“*1 . ajdtal Tlii-te is no fdaeft on earth wh'ii u person enn he fissured of Hur. eas ,ni Mjrij a MmUed ftnm. esj>ec1allv eon-siiii I ], [T \nnr lack of agricultural kiiowleii^i Itolh dairy fuimiug and fruit growing I ;ic bo made profitaMc soil 1n- iliistni's, liiit iiui without ample nieann and Tin.- h prai.th al f xperleiu c. Your cap- llnl w II lid not be »iiffh |eiu lf> purchase n iKid cf milkera afipi- procu»lng a place and e'liiipiiing It. Whai \on can do ts tn hniik \our money aiul spend from one to lliriT \iara on a imiiJel farm to IcHrii the piHctiiij,l side of afrlcultiire. \\ bile work- ijig for nimther you slinuld st'idy faith- fuliy ntilt ol>Ker\e carefully Just how eacli oficniHoii Is effected tN'lien \uu feel coni- prii'ut to ftiHii a place for >oura«lf then la:ifii I; iiul. Ric h ft course Hio only safri uhc (Hid yun, l)tdpg a hIiirIc mini, ran cas- II)' tike All \ ant age • uf such a |»rar1tcnl know lcdg> -gf (®ng mfthu(i. .Sh\ ■*; every dullar >uu earn fur \ou will m cd all Iho cflpilal posBll'Ie whin shirtiiig fur jour- ftcir.

ij, \V.. N'i'waik -(.Irdlri.iT \ < ]i;4[r,in| r'aii In* brukcii Hiid led lu i hi-'kcii!j without

"US belli In thinning the crop and shapitig the trees. Aa inui tl R.S Otie-hsK ur (‘ Sell iwo-ihlrds of the past BeasinTB grow th la pennla^siblo whuit a rampant grow ih Is made,

In pruning bearlni; p o ^ h I r c e ^ tho weak wood In tiu* body of l l i e * r c e 3 fthouid bo cut fiii this soon du-sOf Is I 'thcrwKc ubcIosb. Intf'rfcring sliuot'i, lOM, must tif reimive*l and wi.ik wuoil In an> purtiun o f the load til.*'' posoiJ of I,(till- othci pr(jo lng N lll‘^^s- .*!Hry o i l e r tlian licHcllng H e tice.s h.itufif lhe\ iii'cci II. In the lasc uf wjurigtrees It is not to aJmitcn llic first.war s growth bn'k to leas than two i r two fttiil fl liHlf feet W hM i this giiiwrh Is rut hiu-k loo eevercU. lli<* he.'id i.-* liable lu I'Ci'oiiic rrowdc il and llic Irccc assunip H poor sliap#*. b'enru threr to Ii\r main framework lirAn>hcs ought in be left on ea> h tree

tV'hutcver I'UiHnp e f the IcadHiC feh'»dH Ip cffc< leit o:i ihe \'oung tree, liie tCimhuil hud (‘ iimilii iioiril outwiiid «o ns to broHden th" tree hs mucti os posalldi-, In (Utlcr Ihfil a low hcftded. ojouj-lup j- nicn ina\ he had The S4-« oiut \chi the* leading Hh"oti< made dtiriuK thr fir*=i M-ar ought to be shortened lit twu-ihlrds Hulr Icnglii. and Interior and ii itor frr lng wood renjotciJ, I'lic foiloivlrig h<'MHon the suhuj bcHdlng In process and r r im o a l of liislda shoots shuuld be attended to Hud tiui thicker growths (hliiiird where fliry intcrfiTi' In pruning .\oiiug pcH'h trees Rlni In well formed tree withthe grcaicvt Ijoarlng Hurfii-'o and previ-iit tin* trees from bccojulng higli and Icggv.

Prunlner (he Plum.Thr pojm prodiiecfi Its frun huth oti

PpMs that nro two or more yeais idd ami on tlic pI•■ |01: ycjir'K gii.iwili T[ ic hulk of Ho- 'iQ[(. however, is boi ic on the Iriiit S|-iu>. The plutu ino needs con- eideniliiH'attention as to ils pruning svhen sniint; lu 'HUBe It lo unii il ie Hu; piMper Btifipr, l i i c e It I'CgiiiB to prorlU'C fruit lit ile pnituiig Ih neci asar>' The bearing 11 c. H shoulii have all in ierfcri iig ahoots

harm, hut M Is hcilcr to tc-ed Hiaf aif.oidy i weak growths and brukch braiit lios cut PTcparcd fur thc’ii .''ince it I.h luore y'liro i out aniiiMll.v. If tin* leading Bfowths

H. F., f3halham ^From the tJcyi rlptlon of tlu! sickuefta. il appears as Hiough ’iour cidekena wc io a f fec ted witli the disease

jv/v, leukaemia. The dlsciise Is any r r o I h ' ' w Q u l d ' ' T n l y ' ' b r i n r n ' ' " l 1 v T n H o n « and the hlnla die In a v..ry .......... . |„ jn-eparc a new s..ll,

and how narrow would be time. Purchaac some sulphate of plania will l-luoin ji.h •vm.h (•»Iron and a fter powder ing li nilx with the ]jlaiius if pi'. 'pyily piuned-

nnd (if u uniform Biz*- Hluncoul may be f. clilo r p iwdtTid and tn;\ed n iih the inasli or fed by Itf^cif Tin- lq ini* i III* thud I.H |u 1 fcral.'lr; sunit f> w|.< will ii.'l cat It will'll fed al'iru* In a iiupp, r

» « «H. H H., Ka.^t Gr-ingi* It Is not n e c s -

BHiy fu m o w the soil In vuiir ruse bd l In whl'di the idiints have bei*n growing fur ii\'C i i:*ars. '1 liy idants can tiu taken up. Hit. soil ihuruughly tnili.ked wlHi wil l lu tpd jiiauur'-, the ruota and tup.s of lh» IiibTiLH mvcicEy cut back iind Hie jilaiu.-' I'lnt-l in the same lied If the siul is re ­newed LhiJ ])iRiH« arc inn JiHldv to do rs w il l the first year or two. Bin«-i It ts cn.hcr lu mklntam the fertility In .vuur oM

The u'o He new

inliifl HT. ex.eplionHlIy high Ideal In'JIL8 soft food ao lhat each fowl „ l l i «,■( ahnni _ J- rr.*r,.n CT.*,, I.,u .... .ill .I.lIL,. |4 I... ,, ..I HIC...I..

and Tx-ork toward that Ideal. Kven thou{^h you never reach the goal, your e ffo ru

thfpfl gralnM uai li dally. It Is nut likely that the dmo hati anything lu du with the disease, allhongh il Ig never ad-

hen­house. The c.xccsftiw fi"iiliiig uf heef acraps Is not reaponsihie for tlie malady either.

will amoimt to Bomcthlng and you will j , , , ■biL-ak awav frum Hint eontre(^cd sphero vlHablc lo spnad iresh limr in itn so many of us ni-R In at the present time.The minute yo*i feel satisfied wlth^yoiir accompllshnienlB your uaefnlnees Is ncaGy over. No matter how great your suc­cesses, be dlasatlafled with them and keep plugging away In an effort to reach lr>f* tier d'he hooks reeonimeiui-?dabove for 8. .T- P- siJlt y<Pir case ad­mirably Just now. When these have been Rludlcd and digested, write ua and we will continue to advise you for your par* tlcular case.

W. S., Newark—Sasli with opaque glass are of little value for hotbed purposes, The plants need all the light they can get at this season of the year and during the next three nionth.s and nothing but clear glass should be used. If the expense of changing the opaque glass for clear glass Is loo great every other pane can be sub­stituted with the ordinary glass and enough light secured lo produce satisil'ac- tory reaulU.

• • «Constant Reader, Madison.—As to what

vegetables you can grow on a plot of land shaded part of the day from the sunlight, almost any of the smaller growing crops can be raised providing the soil is made very fertile. I-etluce, beans, beets, car­rots and such low growing plants wdll do fairly well. 'Vino crops prefer Bome shade from the heat of the day during the warm months. When (he soil becomes luftl- clently dry, turn the sod under and make the surface fine by thorough surface till­age. Aa your soil ia fairly' fertile and stable mamire la ( IfflCMlt lo obtain, com- tnerdal fertilizers may be baed to good advEQtage. Any fertilizer with an analy­sts of four per cent, nitrogen, eight per cent available phosphoric add and ten per cent, potash will grow vegetables and grow them well If the proper cultivation Is given the plants. Half of the fertilizer


/ %

l / V a t c | i Y o u r s e l f r


It is the prime duty o f every one to maintain the highest possible standard o f health. Therefore, be on your guard at all times;

■ v : ,

watch the appetite watch the digestion watch ttw aaion of the llyer and bowels.

. Any distu^'banc» o f these functions indi­cates weakness and means trouble if not

:.a tte^ ^ ii;:.p fO r iip d s^ cr i'' T. -T.'

S t o n i d d i t

at once. It assisra digestion-^keeps fhe


active,disorder? and

^^-^heahh^ 0 hetter -

E. D. M.. KlifCHbelh —In tuiJai'w ^ludlep In agriculture HuiinjHung la snld rc^rcding the pruning uf ]?cfichcs and blavklcrriOH. I f tlie (llrc*'ti<>ns arc iiol i lcar v.r \G11 be pleased to as.**iai \-nii rtiTiljcr

It. l8 nut ltd Idtf lu prune \our e,i .iiic- vlnea. but the sooner tlic pruning' is coincided the bi'Ucr. for the sdp Muris lo flow \<?ry ca ily in those plains Hu sure to reduce the oid wood fls miu-h as possible and cut the ^oud of (he ia?l acasoiTa growth back lu at IcasL fi-rty budd.

» • «B- H. C'., Souili Oi'angt*—In mamnmg

your gm-cicn this spring apply the fK i-h manure on that portion of )our garden where the full season t. rupg arc lo ! c plantod—corn, lomatocw, eggidniitii ami the like—and u.se the iuMi.<i purtiun un tho area lo be devoted tu the qiik'k grow­ing vegelubtes. It i.s well to apply the manure to the land at tills time to pfr- mil of Us Woikiiig inlu (lie .soil brlbi'*’ planting time, wliete mucli of It will l>e in H readily a\allable corHliii«m fur Uie plants early In the season.

* ■ *N. X,, Morrt.sto'wri—Clover seed niay

bft sown un the fall a*iwii rneHd*>wB and green fields now or at any time before the plants begin to grow. The (‘arlicf the seed Is sown Hie better, sjnc' then It la carried down into the soi] liy Hm rains and melting snow.s anl hcj ins growth as BOOT) as the eQiidillonn become favorable and the voung plunllets Jirf* not crowded nut by th^ grass and urnin as la frequently the case wUh Ime ftowings,

-I, B. B., Fast Orange—The rose yut- tlnga you plaJ>(cd last fall w!x Indies apart In row s a foot aiJEirl Hhould Ic It fr lo grow where they now Bland uiilii l|u> spring of l&H w'hen they cmj bo planted In iheir permanent places. re­move the mulch until danger from hcnv\ fro&ls. has pa&ftcd, then cultivate the sod thoroughly and recultivate It lU i\c(.iMy Intervals until middle August. If Hiu soil la poor fertilize It well this spring. The growth that Is now being inade is from sap stored In the wood. Tlir loots will form this spring.

* « «C, L., Orme, Marylend—It will be im­

possible for you to get suftieJent free seed from the Department of Agricullur'i at Washthston to plant your one acr*i of garden and nine acres of farm land. How­ever, write the Congressman from jnur section of Maryland add^sslng him at Washington, D, C-, and he may be able to PBsln you In obtainltig conyidcruble fi'ee seed. You should remember that tho seed sent out through the Bov'ernment Je aa near worthless for comnnerclal pur­poses as seed can be. 'A s you oxvn your farfn and expect a rentlUance from bonne lata In the summer the. local seedshialh

• will, ^rhaps, open an account with you for both seeds and fertilizers if you tve- sent the circumstances to him.' Seed from fer!$rei»uta±»ie ' "pa .Syttl give far better fceultr thah.goverhment-iree aeed. *As to ■ what varieties of vegetablod to pUnt and. the best ffttm crops I would advise you to wbte the dtreatdr>.of tta« MarvJand K3x- PfrHme&t .. *.i- m u ;, tOrhe, fa familiar with the eaact condlLlon*

your aectiPU. He can also tell you.XrJnyl o t (frUl *IV*e tH(» bPSt

r na.' m . < on- ns fully that reliable iff formation can

be given you*

r, M,. Suulli Gningc—n In ' ,' ly legs (ui ] iiijT riio-’ tcr tiH.H Jiuthliig lu ilu T\illi lh'=’, swelling uu 111' botium uf Idss loot. Tblg ' HiMrllliig is a iiialfidy knnisn hr hiimldc ! fool, HfuJ in licni’ ia lly caused l«y a biuii*c.I Tlic huttuiM ul' tlic foo l inli^ w ild liard pug I aiui llila lUMsl be renum-d. Tu do llii.H,I iiiakfc! a. <. I'ufta iiicisliui !n Hu’ foot wu(|ii a \crs Kharp knife dircrlly over the ou:ii

r*lul iiucfuHy icinuvi' the pus, Tiu-n I bRihc llu! cn iliy witli warm water nnd

flip Hi!' v'ouml in a sulutiuii uf uric-clfihlh : uiincc aulpiiati^ of « Upper to one jiliu uf I water, Winn dry cuaL ilu; wound wiih

an oJnlmiiit made cf uuu-olghth uuhcp: of carbolli'* Hciil. onc-fourlh uiinci* of How-

j CIS of sulphur Mild onc-liftlf pound of j melted lard. A flci a|ip3>ing llic olnt- I inenl. bind H:c winind ami place the bird j on a clean stiaw ln.*d in a strini-lighted

place aw'ay from the rest uf the poultry unlil tli<! ivoiincl haa In^Hlr.l.

I The fiinimcnt rct'ornTncndcd for buriiblt;I fool Ift one of the lif'Ht fur scaly logs. , ^Vllh a stiff brush rub tin ''lM[ni(?nl well Into the shunU.®:.

i J. H,, Newark-- I'hi caiu uf fpniR ap- I peared Eu iM.-- dcpMi trnciU under ftturlles I In agriculHJi'c In th-* ls.sur of Jnmiary H. I J!U.T Vu:i arc referred lo ihis art ic le fo r l ih e dcBirvd infurinatloii. 11' it docs not ; r<iver the Itifui-Tiiailoii >nu desire, we will I hf plfftftcd to answer any iiueslions on ! the 8ulv;eoi.

R. S u t O rtsfe—The grapevine ytri h (ve produced rrean a leyer ahauld Itc cut trom the parent plant yearly thin eprlng bafore crowtb bepinr and trane- plairtedrciM’eCulW in fla permanent gltua- ttoti ]Btt as swni aa the ground becomes

At tranapiastlna time cut the to four buds and front theae two of the strotvest ahoota to

^dvralpp; U sphee atunlta iuow these to prow upon tbs ground the drat year. Th« lottoWt e spring a trilUs can be eon-

e (M and tho praWB sine placed upon .TM s«D abodM; be n w l f tortile (op

the plant by Incorporating plenty of rotted tnanure tilth the earth. ^

J ■ » • •P Amateur Qardener. SJaonlleiil FreergoTsmmeat seed. « 1» he-)*o(4red b>-writ- . , .ing the congfwman fttnn^TOur diatrtct, Jlo*m throughout orchard. ,

If the tcHding Browths makf iiiOT-u than (-igliiLCji mcliPw uf grovk tii lhc> shuulil be in'd'lcd Ph' k orift- half thnlr inigHi L’ liUku pcjii hc-s. hcHil- ing b«i k doe M ruU Ihin (h r fruit, hut riithrr .slimitiRUH It*, lu-udui tium. I'liim !r*jt!.H liKiiC l\\u di'^Hlii I IjkIiJIs of Binw'th Hro'*or£ling lij Hi«- \riric-l\ .^uiiiu sorts make Hi) upright, '-umpHi't growth, while utiici.H mako :i liiodd, spreading giowllu In load ing baik liio former tho ' ut Hhuuld ho niRdr tu k luiit pultiling In hk " i itward ciiTf 1 Hun po a.s tu < ansc Hie ioadeis l(j Hpi'cad. wliile witli the sfirrad ing Riuwora head the leHdlUK' ?hi»ol Im ■!<!u a luitl imirUing Inward (o p?c\ent the Bhuct . frofn sprCwdiriK, A lt rntlm i tu snrli pnitilnff ig \eiy eft.’ rritial If well formc-d

N ic o f i with Hn. (rroatcsl prodi.iritig puwerj an tu he fonrieii.

Ill p"uniiiK' younw plmn truc.s start Hn>; h 'iui from Ihrie tu fmii fr e t 1'n.un Hm

wniund i*iifl vsiih fr,.'ni lli roc lu ri\o iniHii■ lidTiV'Wurk biHin lies. .\i i)ir- fust aiuma!

l)rmiii5K Io3lo.iinp Hi<- tnfTispJanHuK :imiu) brain ing shouid He sliurtoiied i;i lu ;

I f l f ic tn ur clRhtccii Iim ln-.s. Two, nr m i j iiiumI ll iiee, laif-ral shuutH shuuld be left j , to g row truin i-Rrh ul' thoae lualn hmb.s, ''[ and 11.» \ lu liJiTi tin pbuMiutC!! hiii'l'i n! the ^ Hccund riiiiiiiHl 1 uttuiB .Ml pi uiiiiifi uiiKiit i

tu lib inward Hn one cmJ, ihai uf f 'um- |; ing H w< |!-I:ll.'lpril. U pr 11 - |l C !l'] Cfl lie--. i [ h '

Tin WomI,, iruwdvil ur USi [••.*■« Wund III lift [niaki'-.]|' j

I'riininic ( ‘t lllHokJH'fry. Ii The Ida- kbrirv prudui os its fr lU on slioots "t l3ir I'uncnl Mra-.i.iii gr u 'Hi i tliat aii.st frum wood o f fli* i>asl \<nr', , d velnpim=*ii(. riir ciiHrc eaiio ptnil n I;ir ,

■ the t'cini'iil ftcHSfiii's world us fif Hm- pri- *I ' lohb >(’Hr s growth. Uiu n a CHJir Ims ;: prodhi'cri a nrup uf fruit II i.“ w ni H h j iind aluuild be cut away at Hic ;n«i II i>bi plHiMft tiow bearing fiMiu whi-'fi tim j \ fruPlriK ''anos wore nul rruiu\(Hl tSiiriuk; th c SI.... . a fter tbeir U'-r f ilitrs*! Imd 't'Rs. fd “should MOW ba\ i: Hn .u rcim ''f| |

I the of the past sirtMiu''- gr-uM ilI bolTiK all 'iwcd lu takw Iholi plrt-cs. Hut ,

frum lu .r tu six uf llic slr-nigcsf a n i ' j Hhuiilfl be left on CRei, plant ami Hie lateral sliuolid thc>- runtaiii must b 'iff back fruni twelve ti5 enghirei i Inrlu i a - cording to the \arlel\ Sumr Nurl*- jiu- dm (‘ Ihcii frull.g on shoot** ' ’'ul b'd the base of tllC laterals, wlub otiif is iJe \elop ivariuK grtiwIhH u !uh ur n u f frfjiii Hie orlffiii o f Hu* lat' i f*! Iu h ru l - ft All weak and ftiirpluH raiic.** ' luuild lie ''Ut away entirety. In the case i>f m w piMnlH ppt In the JsptiTic but tlirre or fu ii '(irif's ahtmid be allowed tu Biuw lie' fir t and rhcBo piiiMicd back wh-’ n the> icurh ft iirlKht of Hirer feet tu lUrln.-e n “ irmig growth of laHTHlfl. 'r ii ’ ' -hurtrnir.-j m j of tlie laterals (uifilit H* '■*' nuti Hie j fo llowing late winter pn iimig srHsui;

T 'n m lng thi^ Hftapherrlo!i. lu piuulnR rasftbpirihs the uani.v that

fn i l lcd llic past Hraaon >iu 'V uu fu-lJier \ hIuc ,TMd sh'iiild he i ut hw u ' at lius i Hmc if lbe>' iYC't»; nbt disposed ;i‘ ler Hi" fruHhiR season 'I'hen the \Mak0i l i iuip.s , and those that stiow signs "f digc ihP j shouhl he rrmo\vi . Icavnig tun ur »l^ i

111 the liomc dairy nmi i.mjfss gne lau uf the stronBesl gvowtli ' ' i " cu-h rlumi'. a f ford to purchase the best anlmBils and ' In pruning (lies*? remamiTiK caru-s of ri d necessary utenftlls. etc., be must not at- j *RspbrrrlPs cut them lia 'k Hj a leighr

* o f three mid k hal f feet. KhuttciilnR in the laterals to six or "ifilit Inch >UiUs i

In cutMng the black raspbernea Hm lateral shoots should h.- left fru n our ; to two f 'Ct in Icjigtb. The iMmrer the soil Iho Hiore severe hu ild he H e uim- i ting-bH'.k •>pcratlon. A llowing tuu mm h j wood to rtMiialn causes the fr.ul lo hr o f an inferior size. Many uf Hip *anpfl ■ arp ajit to heeomt* diseased veaf Ifm , (uri'iiim! ftud elfieWhoie along H;e main | branrh. These should be cut nut. I 'aviPK j oiil\ the lieallhy wo*.'d S-iould sU Hip j eancs be affec ted the elmnp mflsi i" ' dug out and .burned, for raspberry dfs 'Rses soon spread from one plant to anuHitr.

Prtiiiltir; Nut Tpe-e»,Niit trees should receive some rttlnitloii

At this season as to tbeir pruning The earh pruning must he with the ' iew' tn forming open, broad, rnund-headed tops Instead nf tall, compaft heads. The lead* iiij: .sluiols Ought to he headed back l*j Outside hiids to hruadew the top if they mak'- an rxeesshe atimial growth. .-Ml interfering branches must be cut away and weak, straggling shoot* rentoved. Jn pruning t^jl tre»s « * in tbe pnmlng t>f all trees. a 'Old the formatton of crotchet. The hranctiM' must not he allowed to be­come crowded nnr the growths to qrt^ and interfere with each other Nut tt^«i( require very lltl|e pruning after tbe first five N ears if they receive the proper at­tention during that time. Severe pruttlfig must never be practiced, but r light an­nual pruning.to aliape the trees and en­courage a aystematlc growth. The earlier the nut trees ean be pruned, life better, for they ate.perfacily hardy-

Beginning a Home Dairy,The iiusft|hi]IH(*H of n luinip dalr\- arc

many and Klill ihcie nru ifivpr ftiiiall ilaiiifK today itian ever liufini I'hr kc'^p- ' inif I’ f uTif. iw'u ur three iuv,s tg FUpply the fimiili' iic-ccIh and Higsn of the nejgh- buig foi' milk and its products i.>? a profil- hIi Ic branrii of agriculture wlicn followed 'Hlong tlie rlifht lines. The demand for pure milk, homemade uuaHty builer and prime checfte l.s Increaf^ing r^pldl>' an<i (iiip ran find a ready market fur all lii.* liroductB.

Modern equipmeni cunnH for everylbiug

tempt to establish such an agricultural Industry. Only pure bred animals of one of the better dairy breed.*5 ahould be kept and all heifer calves from them raised (u Increase the small herd or displace tlie poorer Hniniftlft. The original animals must be of known v«)ue as great prodn*’ - er.g and ought to be reglstcre*! stock. No matter whether cowb are kepi upon Uif* farm At the present time or nut a model homo dairy can be established ami thiR pushed forward with tbe view of sup­planting the old herd of grade animalB

■Tbe profit in dairying Is large when (he proper (nethods are followed and tliere iR no branch of agriculture more Interest* ing. The dairy scries Hmt ran In this departmctit during the winter will give one rmich information in the efttabllsh* ment of R dairy and its uiAintenance, and tl|e ^i^Jec* needs no further comment here, Thoae who desire to establish a home dairy» however, BhoukI study the aubjvcl Irv ieta’ anrf!to ihU’ '’' • ‘ ^f-wlll be'pl^Bod tbe mauer fur­ther with alJji.tho*q po8ge8aJ''*fSfctan inrlina- ftlon.

Yearling Ifttrserr Stock. -tt strong one-year-old apple, peach and

pear trees can he purchased they should be procured In preference to two-year- old stock. These trees will come into beating Just as early ns the older onea and are apt to be toneer lived, ’They tranaplanl more rea<llly. start-into tfowth more oulckly and rarely die when prop­erly aet, owltiff to the aitnost complete koot lyatem that aceompdatea tbe trees. Have aamples of the ane-year-old trees sent from ractous poraetTroea and aacer- tain the nnallty of each, orderinc at leaat a portion et the plaittlmpi df tMs youncer stock. One advantage worthy of. note.-with theae yw U ad trees ta the ettH wtBl whioh Ihe head csb-Im fwtned at M t Ute firoper tKJclit liensOkit^dsd tree* 'are the omjr .Und to •roS i^M d

^ f ’when trees- are pt^cfaaaed with the bead Id^Frea-IVready ..lormed It .]i p jifltmdt matter

to Kst'the beads AuC^aleJtt^ iow pad- uni-

CoflCKte m Cow SUbies.If np other parts of the cow stables are

of concrete the feed trough and manure cutter should bs.. eonslructed of ceinwit to facititate their proper cleaning. The dlaasreeahle odSf i in the nmjority i t siablea la due t»,^the planks A>f wooden manore .Otters Wwbsmlta aatarated with ex<3WSM|it, with lUh-^essibla means of preMivl'CleanaInc the atytictnre. Rtp gut th f dd plank troosbs^Msd cutters pud rebuild them of caarrata. T&ia isavMs a sispHk or flushfSK' them esd ilally ts.-

' ■ kisaa. ; ■ ■ , .-■■■





H o w w ou ld you like to ow n one o f our handsom e, painstak ing, w e ll-b u ilt hom es? Y O U C A N .

Go Saturday or Sunday to Inspect Them

Open for Inspection 2 to 5 P. M.

N o te red fla g read ing “ O pen fo r In spec­tion ” on those rem a in in g unsold.

W e h ave the ideal location and hom e fo r the m an o f m odera te circum stances, w ho has som e sense o f retinem ent, as w e ll as the m an o f w ea lth .

P u t yo u r fa m ily in o n ^ 4)| hom es. Send yo u r ch ild ren to our g ra n d E a s f O ra n ge schools. Y o u ow e it to your fa m ily .

Prices and Terms to Suit All

L O C A T I O NE ast O ran ge Park is bou nded on the w est

by th a t b eau tifu l residentia l M id la n d A ven u e — on th e east by the new .SI,000,000 Essex C ou n ty P a rk - -o n the south b y that p ictu r­esque D odd S treet -an d on the north hy C a r­te re t S tree t and Essex County P a rk .

T a k e O ran ge tro lley to D ay Street, O ran ge , tran sfer on C rosstow n line to D odd St. and Fu lton .\ve., or take B loom held tro lle y to centre o f B loom fie ld , transfer on C ross­tow n to D odd Street and Fu lton A ven u e . B eg in by w a lk in g north on C leve lan d Terrace and see our tract advantageously , and be im- prcs.sed lik e all others w h o have been there;

O RHil w ill b ring our represen t- nd autom obile to yo u r door

lu con vey you there and hom e.

PhiKp J.Bowers & Co

NewaA’s Lar^”*Real Estate Finn

A t a q iir litjg

189-191 MarketB O W E R S B U I L D I N G . / '

( ^ ( ^ € 8 4025 a n d 4026. * S e n d f o r O u r






, Tii' . I


- is r




'JESemeDts in i Minister's Prob* lem in Orer-cbofched


QUEER REASONS FOR CHANGE' Evtry lacti church hu In !(• commu-

^'hlty hnd In the varied viewe of ite own 'h'tntinberihlp elements which tofelher

''insIts • oonsldereble problem Ii Is 'li,»«nietlinss ■ question whether any y'vnlted thought Is flveii to i solution of ■ the problem. It Is frequently found

yf.ossisr to msnsge sffalrs Itj s hsphsi- e;‘ Srd fashion or to blsine itie minister. .gWhlch li usually Ihe rsetest of all.

It doer not appear irj bo the common practice for the membership of » church to blame Itsslf for oiiy defectivs work-

'‘In i of Its methods, litss of membership or tack of harmony or spiritual char-

, actar. I f aotnethliif goee wrong there ' ‘|a no egreful, candid, aearching Inquiry

for the cause of It and a thorough OrSidlcatlOQ o f the cause when found.

It Is much less difficult and labor-

Itesoa leleaded for this ooloeie must be teeelTed at the Nesra ofliee ■at latir th .a Friday aftemooB to faanre publlcatloa. ^

Jous to move at the proper lime that '^^n the wisdom of an all-seetng Provl-daitce" the moment has arrived to have • change of minister. After prayer gnd a time of sadness that tbs hour

. ‘ ita a ld not be delayed. Ihe beloved pas- - ’ dor. "who haa preached the word so

faithfully." i i duly informed. The feel- anlkg Of ladnein grudtiaily gives wsy to

tUto omotlon of anticipation over the M v lt i f of a now pastor and there Is

Prtsbvtenan“ The Totter and the Clay’ will be the

•ubjet’t of a sermon Rev. Dr. rt. B. KoS' liter will deliver In Calvary Chureh to­morrow mortiitig His evening subject will be "Man. What u Chance “ Special iniislc Mill be reotlered during the ser- vh>»e. prograriii Ijiclude Morning—IVf'liide, Trtcro a Nnlre Uami', lluf=ll- mun: iinihnm, "Harh. Hirk. My Hoiil.' Mlth Molus l»y .MIbm Lurena ilweUer and Mls Lillian M Hi t if*, flolu, ' i:iernfll JT-Bi. ■ Tlnauil, Krrtlcriik w Adams: poMilude, Tt><" all. Bot ihnitn Evenint - prelude, CantablU-, Ltinalgre; anthem. “ Llfht ahd Llf«i Jinniurtal," Miss M K. Schaeffer und chorus, duet. "Glory lo Thee, My God, This Mght,” Miss Clan Noble and Mrs. Harold sM. Sloan, offer tory. Melody In 1.). Oullmaiii; anthem, "Now the Day Is Over." Mlsa Geeller and iiJioruB.

“The Hymn of ihe Cross’* will be the aubje<‘t of Rev. iJr. tv. J. Dawsun'e wer* limn In the Klral rijurch tomorrow niglil. A special muslrul progiAm. ihe iluirtil nuniheru of which arc from Ito&aiiil's “Htabttt Mater,'' will be rendered The inijBlc for the ilay followh Morulng--Or' gan prelude, Clidrlile and Prayer, Buell- man: opening sentence. Handns, Gaul: an- them, “ Fie VVali-liIng Over Israel rtluiii' licre Not Nor Hleepa, Mendelsaohu, of- ferlolre sola, suprsno. "A V lvino Ke-

noro prayar that the I^ord will send , deemor. ' Gounod: organ postliide. Toe tfcaw * n under-shepherd of the floch ,-uiu H4tg<iim,iri 1i*v#>iiIiil'..-rirpun nrjtiuftp

ai:Mftar U ll own heart" Frecisoly the prayer that had preceded tho for-

- W r Msior.I i IV atirprlilnff In how short a time

It Iff dlfCDvered by eome churches that the ld>r4 aant them the wrong man.

$m4Tlw prayer iff coirnnendable, but (he people as one had not settled down to AMaWarlng their own prayer.

Far L*m Faltum*Of course, mlnisteri are not perfect, nay not be as much io as some who iu jodgmeut on them. There Is re-

rtad oocasfonaliy a minister who b|a aelf-respect. brings sorrow

r te in who know him and ahame on the wuge he rapreaenti. but taken ae aW M P V f l V a wj»e www. il M , w m * —w

% Whole they are found In the forefront ^ o f the ftnait manhood In the country. 9j) The firofrOM of olvIUiatlbn In alt that pi is valuable has largely depshded on the w'i wars and sacrifice of the prleate andt p m b a U o f religious truth.

I^ers Is by far less moral failures %mong them than among any other

id ^0^ * Of men, A minister's position ae a public servant brings him promL htRtly Into public view. Hit duties and Matlona with people subject him to esmment that eometlmes Is thoughtless and hurtful. The great majority of them are doing their best to prove the

committed to them, but they can« ' not do It alone. Their people are as

tuUy under obligations.f* The season of the year is approaching

iffTben many ohanges of pastors win take Macs In some denomlnaUons. ospec|aUy

. ^ these of “ 'th demooratfo order. There; arehot ao many long psstoratM over luch Ohurohta as there uaed to be, A church

t jHiopla, as well as tnlnlsterB, are Influ- aocad by the restleiinesa of the age,

M But sometimes It happens that ver>- SUfht matten. seemingly needless.

m bring a separation between pastor and people. It may be that all that is heeassarp is a wlllingnesi to work per- •latentjy together until success comes. Qr the eaerotse of an abundance of Itiudly Christian courtesy may be the thing needed, or actual Interest and en­ergy In the common work of malntaln-

a vigorous Chrlsttan service In the eommunUy. Preaching alone, however esmofft the preacher, cannot accom>Sllffh all that Is desirable unless backed y the people themselves.

IB Ifew Eatremely Rare,w Jlpcantly a clergyman resigned his pas-

tarate after thlrty*two years of service amd was made pastor emeritus at a salary of tdOO a year for the rest of his

Jl life, and this church la not a nsiv Wealthy ^uroh. Longer pastorates than

w this, e ’cn .to. fifty years "pr more, have htan known, but they ar^.now,e^iirepieiy Rare. These have usually'been harmon*

{ fouff Churches. The minister's Instruction lias been built Into the character and life of his church.

U takes time to build a church suh- Stanttally In its material, moral and spir­itual aapeots so that it becomee n power in the expanding life of a community. A aeries of short pastorates, wKh in­tervals of no pastorates, have gome ad-

^ rahtages, but a lengthy paatorate In which the minister Is a man of menial

^ ‘glertnass, of strong character, of a marked Christian disposition, abreast of the time, tactful and wise, splrltual- ly coneecrgted, gifted with teaderehlp and with numerous other QualWIcatlonH.has decidedly the advantage It is. how­ever. quite a i essential that the rank and file of the membership of a churchshould also have most of these quallfl- cJtloaxlops. If any church has reached Ihe plane where these virtues are demon­strated. such s church Is bound lo suc­ceed. The promise of tho future Is vilth a church that has the biggest fund of moral and spiritual power.

A church that has lately decided to se­cure another minister has usscmbled a

' number of curlone reasons} for the change.It has a burden of debt, ami the pastor Is not succeeding in raising It It has been dimly perceived, it is believed, that the minister is taking mattera mme euislly than he did ai first. Some memhera pie- fer lo go eleewhere. to hear a soyijgtjr

■ man. The iniiilsui* is not dravwnfi the people and fllUng The house

1 >Vorn Out by Tank*,In this particular the ihlntster Is

one of the besi preatherH the i, liurcli has ever had and u nian uf exr^rletice and

1 aucueaeful work. The chureii had ererted ’ n building beyond the abUlty of ihc peo­

ple to pay for, for years to come, ami havhtg Ull audience room tofin. except when communicants uf uihcr | churches are drsvn there. An ainhUlon to have u meeting hause beyond that of , ths other churches had overtaken the people. The minister has l«een a vigorous pastoral worker. The people spend their ffuergy in holding fairs, supper.?, concerts and other devices to raise money for the debt until all arc worn out by their task. They hope that another man may spur on their listless energies and they await the time when the population of the town win grow to that figure for which In advance they built their meeting house. Meantirr^e spiritual energy* is dle placed by the material Inteicst and mlii- lilor After minister as well as the people thamselvee are placed In the crucible.

Two facte In this case prevent the filling of the meeting house. The minis­ter .la a progressive pre-acher whu <oughi to relato rellgiori and Christianity to life. This was not regarded with favor by Influential members. It was aug- gested by some that the soft-pedal be UB^. It was fairly within the right of

vuia, Boclljuan, Evening - Organ prelude, Lamentation. " Guiliiiani. opt-ning acn-

Icncc. Banoiiis, GhuI. quHru -t, and chorna, 'Htahal Mater DoloroMa." »olo, “Ciijus

Atilman;" duet. “Quia cat tionto;" solo, “ Pro Peccalls," solo and chorus, “ Ela Mater;" quartet, "8anc(a Mater;' solo and chorus, “ Inflammatua el accensua." organ poBtlude. Marcha Kunebre, GuU- mant.

The hiuBic to be rendered In Memorial Church tomorrow morning includee: Organ prelude. Invocation, K. T. Driffield; an- tflem,Q“0 Come Let I's King Unto the' l.,ord, Arthur Pt-lrson; offertory. “Hear My Prg.yer,“ MendelBBUhn. pqstlude. An­dante Con Moto, Mondelesohn. At the evening service the nnialc will be Ip charge of the Young People's Society.

''The Nature of the t.’hrlailan Life" will be the subject on which Rev. Dr. Qoorke V. Brocrihis, the pastor, will preach to­morrow inornltlff in the Fcwsmllh Me­morial Presbyterian (’’hurch. In the eve­ning the annlvereary of the Natlnnal Christian Endeavor Boulety will be ob­served 'a-lth appropriate aervlces.

Rev. Dr. Lyman Whitney Allen, paelur of the South Park Presbyterian Church, will speak tomorrow morning on “ Bc' tween the Living and the Dead. ‘ in the evening at the South Perk Cliapel the subject will he “The Churub- A Brother­hood,'* the last In a series of senuons on “ The Church ami Its Value to the Gom- munity.’ * The music for the day will bc as follows: Morning—Organ prelude. An­dante, Calkin; soprano solo, “ In Thee, O Ijord, Do 1 Put My Trust.” Frey; otfor- tury, organ solo. “ Traumerlc," Schuniann; organ poitluOe, Proceaslonul, Oullmant. Evening—Opening chorun, “ Ho, Every One That Thlraieth," Meredith; soprano solo, “Oh, Help I's, Lord, " Rtewari; of­fertory, soprano aolo, “ Uold. Thou My Hand, " Briggs.

The oacrament of iho Lord's supper will be observed In High Hlrcet t.Miurch tomor­row morning. '"I'he Rights and Wrongs of tho Strike" will be Hev. John J. Moment's topic for the evening. The music will ho as fol­lows; Morning--On?an. Coinnuinlon in li. Batiste; anthem, “ Awake Lp My Glory, ' Chadwick: offeriary, “Stin. Still with Thee," Tooto; postlude, March Pontlflrale, Lenirtiatiff Evening—Organ, “Traumcrle and Romance," SchurnAnn: anthem, 'in Heavenly Love Abiding." Holden; offer­tory, '*Cro8Blng the Bar, ' Macy; postlude in D, Merkel.

“Religion, Tte Essence and Origin," will be the aubject of ihc morulns sermon to­morrow at the Elizabeth Avenue Preahy- lerisn Church by the pastor, Rov. Dean Newton Dubeon. In the evening Mr. Dobson 9'IH preach on ihc subject, “ Walking With God."

The services In the Cllulon Avenua Pres­byterian Church tomorrow will be con­ducted hy the paalor. Rev. Joseph K. Fol­som. The subject nf the morning acr- mon will bo “The thindle of the Houl." and that of Ihe evening, "Trampled Pearls. "

"Christ's Ealln^aie nf IflnisHf " will be the aiibjecl on which Rev. Joseph Hunter win preat'h in llic Klfiii A\cnuc Church luinoiTOw morning. The young pcoiilw's societies will conduct the e\’cnlng ser­vices.

Mlfls Mildred Potter, rotmalto soloist at the ChurHi nf the Dlvlnn PiiitrisUy. and Charles Harrison, tenor soloist er the Brick Prcsb^'lerlan Church. New Vurlt, will be the solaJfits at the Roseville I'rr-«- byierlan Cliurch tomorrow nlglil. The program will lm.^ude: Tenor solo, ' 'iTn- Sorrows of Deatlv," Mendelssohn; oiintrKl- to solo, “ luuve Not the \\ orkU ' SnlhvFin. tenor solo. “The Cross," Harriot Wnie; contralto solo, “ In Thoo, O CjihI. Do 1 Ihjl My Trvist," Rplcker: thiei for comralto and tenor, "Hark, Hark, My Soul," Shel­ley

' The Good Shepherd" win be Rev 1’ . W. lutiwls s st-rtnoii suhjevi lo tin- Hill Church tomorrow iilglu. Ml) « tiuoo Kerns. KOlolsi st si, Rarthnlgmen a Church. New York, will sing. The luuaj- i:il program ha? hern arraiigr'l as tul- Inws r-'relcdr. l.argo. ll.imlel iiyrnii. No 111; chorus anthem. "Ciint I'liv Rm- d'*ii 01; the I/ird, Metuii'lssohn. solo. H tfiT Y\\ Drani,' Mcndelssolni, Mi. s Keins. hymn. N>'. ID-'T quoitet. "Slug Joy* Misses 'rUoniHS ami Messrs, Nuessle and ThOHMS, solo. “Thr Nlnelj' aitri Nine." I'amrk'n. Miss Kern.s, lIhiius Hiitlie.n, “ They Thai Sow m 'IT-Ars.. Gaul, orRiin, Oi'r'ertorv in L Hal. luM'i lo re-Welv ; solo. ‘ Abide \Nllli Me, fl}irllr>. Miss Kirn.". li\inn. No po.stludi.’, Kanlaulv InLav li.

Re\. Uohiit Spenci'i Young, re . fn i ly installed an assistant pastnr at Ihe s'en- iral Church will preiirli tomorrow morn­ing. New meiriberM wU! he received into fellowship and liie sacrament of Imptl&ta ariralnlstercd ' Hope >T t will he R-v. George ^t alton K ing s topic al the f ' e n - InS service. The music lias been arranged as follows: M orn ln i—Organ, Communion, Calkin; Andante. Mart in, Postlude, Cap- pell«u, quartet. "More l .ove to Thee. 0 Christ." Reed, vlollr Cygne."Halnt-Saeiis, Miss Minna Steiner Even­ing—Organ. A ve Marl.i. Dethler Offer-

; lory, UrmHigre. Fcsitve March, Huhn,

anthsip, Alltel Voices Ever Binging/' Hall: riolm solo. Cavatina. Rtff.

“Seeing Jesua'' Is the eubjeot nn which Rev Robert R Utiell will preacli in the Bligih Church toiporrow rnornlog. The nveiiing service will be conduettd by Ihe ChrlsllAtr Endeavor Boolety. The music at the morning service will Include. t)rK»n. Voolunisry, Salome: antherPi ' Even Me," Wairvp, special hymn. “Re­demption end Forgiveness,’ Curday: postluds. Munros

“The Arm of the Lord" Is the eubjeel oti i which Rev, Robert Scott Inglls will preach In the Thud Cliufch tomorrow morning, , "The Greatest Crime of the Ceniuty" wIM b«* hlo evening Iheme The music has been arranged as follows; tfomlng, prelude. Meditation, i.ucas; antlicm, f'anJttle Domino in C, Buck, offertory Hiitium, "O l,ord Cod," Hansford; post- hide. Prologue. Rogers. Kventng, prehide. Melody lu D Flat, Faulkes, anthoiu, “ F’ather, Keep Cs 1u Thy Care," Hodges; rffei'lory, organ, “Bleep," Bohtn: postlude, “ aolemn March/' Horsley

"Bln and Confession” and “The Princi­ples of Practice" will he (he sermon sub- jecii of Rev Harold C. Harmon In the i 'est Churoh tomorrow. The musical programs will Include, morning, prelude, iKilmetBuh; postlude. Allegretto. Decq. Evening, prelude, Offertory. Ralome; postlude, “ Tempo dl Marcia," Richmond.

During the services in the Second Church lumorrow the following music will be rendered. Morning—Prelude. Pre- ludr^n G. KoUtna; anthem, "Iving All Gloflius, Barnby; offertory. Msdlla- lion. MulHv. postlude. Sortie In C, Foote Evening—Prelude, I ’antllene, Bhelley; £Hi- them, “O. for u Closer tValk with Ood," Foster, organ nffertory, Duettlno, New­ton. quartn. "Love Nut the* World," Kinder; poeiUide, I'aulkfS. Dr. Pleasant Hunter, ]iasloT. will preach ai both scr* vices

Harrl? P. Freese will preach on "The Moi'mon Church' In the Wcequshic Churrh tomorrow morning. “ l^adles' Night' will bc observed In the evonlng, when Rev. Bherman H. Marcy will preach on "The Maid of Orleans." The musical prograinti will be Morning—Prelude, “Bong W'lthout WordP. " Mendelssohn; re- Bponse. "When We Disclose Our Wants In Prayer,'* ailbert; offertory, Melodte.

, Brnber-Hoffman; anfhem, “ Fear Not. O l^nd." Perkins: poetiude. Qffertolra In

I G, Wely. Evenlug-PreUids. "Simple Avevi/' Thorne: response, trio, "Saviour Breathe an Evening Blesainf/ Sudds; offertory. Old Hootch Air; aoprano soiu. “ Blessed Are tho Pure In Heart," Gaul. Miss A. Johnson: postlude. Clark.

A special mueical service will he held In Bethany Church tomorrow night. The program will be: Organ prelude. Mclo- die In V. Rockwell: alto solo, *'6hall I Be Forgotten." Johnston, anthem. “ Re­joice in the Lord.” Kirkpatrick; soprano solo. ‘The Good Shepherd," Vandewater; IriBl lum^'ntal trio, Meditation^ Mtedke; solu and anlheivi, "Tarry With'Me, O My Saviour." Baldwin; duet. "The Lord U My Shepherd,' Sullhan: poalludc. Graiuj Chocur, Gullmant

"ObedlriU I'nto Deatli" will be the sub­ject of Rev. John McDowell s aernion In Park Presbyterian Churrh tomorrow morning. "What l^ck 1 Yet? the Moral Man's Question." will be the subject of the evening Mfirmon. Music for the day. Morning—Prelude, Romance In D flat, mure, anthem. “ Bread of the World," Franz: poei]ude, Postlude In C. Oouiiod. Evening—prelude. Adagio, Rogers; an­them, “ As Now the flun’si Dacllning Rays." Bllaa; solo, selected: anthem. “Say Watchman, What of the NiglitT' Grant; postlude. Procesalonal March. Rogers.

evening H<Tvice. The music will be aa follows Ml rnluf, prelude, t'ommunlon, Gullmum offertory, Pieiude No, 1, Chopin. 3olu. ''Morning und Kvenlng.' sucker. postlude. Postlude. Khelhy. r^enluK. prelude. Andante, Bartlett; of- ferlo rj. Lh vallon, Batiste, solo. “O t,ord Be Merciful." Bartlett; postlude. Fugut, hath

“Marthas Mlfftake" will be Rev. Dr. JaineH •' Howard's subject at the even­ing servi f In the t^lffey Hireei Mcthodlet tSpIffCupai ( ‘hurch tomorrow Tite sacra­ment iit {'iu. Lord's supper will be ub- earved at the morning aervlrc. The musk to br rendered Is as followi. Morn­ing urgati. Prelude In ii. Hopkins, duel. In the Croffs of Christ tVe Glory." Hoae ^(l•, Woltir S. FJlackford atkd Hedle> J Fry. offertory. Handel; post* lude. Merkel. Evening, organ prelude. Idylle. Merkel; anthem. "I Will Lift M1u> Eyes I'lito the Hills." Spinney, offei- tory, likri'srolle, Clarke. goNp«l aoiig, “ The Mkukffl of My Life Have Been idany L' wry; postlude, Triumphal March, <'iHrka.


m tM d M ProKMlMThe sacrament of the i^ord s supper

will be ailmlnlstered at ibr mori^ng icr- vke In (Im‘ First Methodist Protestant Churchf t-imorfow. There will also be reception ot new members into the church at that eervifs. The pastor. Rev. Eugene C. Mahosk.v. will preach the fourth aer- mon of % keries on "L ife and Death Probieins,' fotlllsd, "The Tragedy of Life." at the evening service. The fol­lowing pfitaraiii of music has been '<r- ranged; Morning-Prelude. Adagio, from the "Moonllglit Sonata," Hiietlioven, nl- ferlory. ''Ali>'Mn t.caf.’’ by Bcharwerika: soprano solo, Ni-arer My Home, " Bprosfr, Miss Collins'* Huriianan; postlude. .Vn- daiue Maestoso Sullivan. Kvenlng- Pre­lude, “ Romann;, ' Rubinstein; offertory, Berceuse. Barblci'; soprano solo, "The Day Is Gently Striking to a Clone. Hunt­ington Woodman. Miss Buchttiiari; po.Ht- lude, Gavotte, Kiiabel.



Rerkw of Various Aspects of Ameriesn Hebrew Con-



mtthodlst EpiscopalThe pa<'rament of the Lord's supper wMll

be administered at the morning aervije In Grace M. E. Church tomorrow by the puslor, Rev. A W. '^Vlllever. In the even­ing Mr. Wlllcver will preach on the topic “How Wa Stand In the Way of Our Own Well-Bwing."

In the Centenary Methodist tiplavopal Churcli there wUl be a special musical service tomorrow evening. The pastor, Rev. Di‘. Ooorgo G. Vogel, will preach on “The rmporlance of the Lnlmporiant. The choir will be assisted by Miss Adda Hyde, piano. William Slllbereyscn, or­gan: Mrs. Frank Luke.s, violin: ( ‘harles McCormack, violin: Randolph Gllhuly, loriiet; .\rUnir Baldwin, 'cello, and the Buxllllary choir. Tl;u program follows: Procpsfllonal anthem, "lilghl of Ught.“ Lo Jeune: anthems, “ Praise Y’ r (he F’aihcr," Gounod; “ Haw Beautiful t'pon (lie MounUlne.' Spinney; “ Beauliful Ijand," Sweeney: mule chorus, "Remeni- biM- Ml’, O Mighty Om," ivjnkle; soprano solo, “ AY’e Marla." Gomiutl. by Mrs. Fdlth Ten Broeck Krkk; organ prelude, “ Prelude in K. L'aiilkes: offertory, “ Kaniennol Ostrow Ruhenateln, filatio and organ; poadude, “ Ftstlval March," ARhrnalk

rtev. William Fakliia the pastor, will officiate at both wcrvlres tomorrow !n the Franklin Street M. K. Church. The subject In the mornirig will bc “Christ like Men." The evening topic will be "Go to the Ant. Thou Sluggard." Th^ aucrametit of the Lord s supper will be administered In the morning and new rremberg will he received.

In the Roseville m . H. ('’hirrch, tomor­row morning, the aa<Tainertl of tho Lord's aupper ^ III be administered and new mcinherR received. In the evening the pastor, Fiov. Doit Frank Diefendorf. wlli preach upon the inplv 'As the Clay In the Potter's Hand." Vl'illlam L Parker, tenor soloist at Trinity Church, New Yotk, and rt. Nonruiii JolllFfe. l)a,ss fiol'dat at Munh Avenue I'l-risbyterlun t'hurch, East h>r- unge. w'lii iing at tiie evening service the following Helcollon.'^• Bass solo. "Lord, ijcKl of Abraham," Mendelssohn; dud. 'Hark: lliirkl My tjoul. ' Shelley; duet.• So Tliou Llftesl Thy Divine Petlllon." Sialner; lerior sola, "The Mercy Seat ' The Inalnmieiital syioctlona for the day nlll ho as follows. Morning—Prelude, rcjinniuiikm In fJ, Batiste; ofl‘vr::cry. Adagio (Sonata Hi. Gullinant; posUudo, “ Prnytr.” Sawyer Evening—PrelUile in C minor, Rachmannloff; offertory Boki), Traume," \\ agner: postlude. Fan­tasia in F. Pi'>llcri.

Bishop Thomas Li Neeley will preach In the Dc Grool M. E. Church (ortiorrow niornliig on the occaalon of the flrai an- nlvprHary of the occupancy of the prea- cni edifice. The musjc for the day will be as follows: Morning—Prelude, Andante Grazlose, \\'aller Porter: soprano solo, “ Nearer, M> Qod, to Thee," Holden; an- tlicrti. Magnificat, Caleb Simpef; postlude, Robert Schumann. Evening — Pielude. Gavotte iLouls XV.), Maurtee Lee: so­prano solo. “Now the Day la Over," Marks: quartet. "Hark Hark? My Soul/" Lyons; postlude, Serensdf. Frans Schu­bert.

At St. Luke a M. E Church, tomorrow, there will be a musical service in tbo evening, with ' the following program: Organ prelude. Oftertolre in B flat, Hal- Boy: anthem. "Ariae. O I^rd. Into Thy R<:>at." Berwald; duet for alto and borl- lone. "The Lord Is Mi Light," Buck, by

At the Peddle Memorial Baptist Churrh tomorrow night. Ri v Dr Thonia.- J Cil­lers will glva ah Illustrated address on ConaUntinople, the slonn centre of the present Balkan crisis. This win Include plctiu’ea of the Bosphutus and the mosque of Santa Sophia. Atientton will be paid to the religious signiflraiice of the roii- fllcl between the Turks and the allied nations. At the morning service the pan- tor will Hpeak on “ WhHt One Man Saw in the Cross " Communion with recep­tion of new tsembers will follow tho ser­mon, The music at the eveidiig sei vh e will Inchuie: “ fling Alleluia Forth, ' for solo volcea and chorus, Dudley Buck, “List, the Cherubh' llont," Gaul: “ Even­ing Hymn." Frey, reaponae. “ We Pray fqr Peace," Novella Morning: “ The lA>rd Is Eiiallsd," J. L- West; "VN'hoso- ever Drinketh of This Water." J. T. Field, Handel'* Oratorio. “ The Mes­siah." will bo sung Sunday evening. Feb­ruary 0, at this church.

Rev. Daniel D. Toy, evangelLt, will preach tomorrow mornlnj and evening at the South Baptist Church. In the morning hb subject will ' Jesus Only. " The music at the morning eoaslon will In­clude "Prepare Ye the Way of the IjOrd,' Garrett, and “The Ninety and Nine." Campion. At the evening Her\li'e ihs congregational singing will be led b> tlio chorus choir.

At both morning and evening scrvlcos tomorrow at the North Baptist Clmroh the pastor, Rev. J. W. MoDougall, will preach

“The Rnportanre uf Bmall Gifts'' and “ Encouraging Young People" will be the sermon subjects of Rev. K. O. WlJauii, pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church, tomorrow. The sacrament of tho Lord s supper will bn administered at the morn­ing service and uew meinbcra will bo welcomed.

In the Clinton Avenue Baptist Church lornorrow' inonilng the pahtoi*. Rev. * Dr. Riley A. Vos^, will preach on “ Tbt Face of Christ." and In the evening his ser­mon subject will he 'The Trt-e of Life." The l..ord’s Kupptr will bc observed at the close of the morning service, at wiilch tlTTift the hand of fellowship will he ex­tended to new members. The music of the day will Ini'lude: Morning—Offertory, Lerptire; antl'kem, “O W'oraiilf) tin* Lurd." Smith; offertory, Roff; solo, “ Lord, God

'.'•yof Abrahain/* Mendelssohn. John B. Hamilton; postlude, Coata. Evening-^ Offeirtory. ('hadwlck. anthem, “ The l ord 1 h M>' flhepherd." McFarren; offertory, Shellv: soprano solo. “The Good Shep- hcr<l,' Barrl, Mlsa I lly Pauline WcIhs; postlude, Clark

The approaching completion of the fflter- atlona to Clinton Avenue Preabyterlan Church, at the comer of Soufti sixteenth street, will end the first step In the plans for the broader development of the church's work.

Last year the congregation accepted theInvituMoii of tlie Third Church to become one u[ several organizations to be In­cluded ill a uolleglaie syttein, and i oied to relinquish Uai old name and become the Thli’d I'tuii'i’li. South The perfecting of a plHii of union Is now progressing, and in du«* time the cliurchee to be Included will Kuhmit (he plan for ratification to ihr Nftwark PresbyteryThe ( ’Minton Awnue Pi-esbyierlan Church

had Us beginning in 1904, In which year a chapel was trecied by the pre?byterial church oxtenbl"n commUtee. Regular [ireaclilhR serii'eg were cotiinienced on Maj 16 of that j ear and In the fall Rev, Joseph F. Folfjom oi' Kearny, became the minister.

The first memberh of ihe new church were etiioUed upon ttie hooka of First PreebylPrian Chur. li pending the orgam* zallon of the rongifgallon. Wlien 15;J members had been received Hie organiza- lloii was effected on February 16. l&OJ, and ai the wame ilnie she minister, Mr Folsom, received h call to remain aa the regular pastor. Tiie membership now

numbars about 900, and the flunday-schuoi enrolment about the aame.

For §om« time tlie Sunday-school has been obliged to meet In two seselone, but the prwent alterations of the chapel wiH allow all the eehool to meet al the same hour. The seating capacity of the main audience rooms will bi: about 460. Tiie alterations have also In \lew the social and educational w’ork demarided by the tjelghbophood A room for the use of the work for boys, rooms for inen a meetings, women's societies and slrls' clubs, a ruoiii for pool tables, howllnji alleys and a large audience-room with a permanent stage adapted (or all kinds of entertain- mente, besides an enlarged kitchen, aro features.

Following tho present enlargemern and improvement, work win go forward on plaOB for the new clnirch building to be erected on the b't next t«« the chapel.

Mr FoIsoto hetlesoa that with enlarged facllllles the church will not only con­tinue the steady gi-owlh of the past eight years, but will be able to make for Itself a large piece of usefulness In Die aoclal service actL'itIrs of the neighborhood- lie helleves that the Strength to be dc- riveil from tho <olleg1ate ayalem, with Ilf. ri'lprocs! aids ami • eucouragements. will make the Third Church system an Increasingly beneficent force In the re­ligious life of the city.

Buck: PoalluUe In D. 'V'oickniar. Evening — Prelude CceUo soloi Air Hellgteuse, Kronold: anllveni. “How Lovely Art the MesHengers,' fi'Oin “ flt. f ’aul." Mendels hohii; quartet. “Jeaus. the Very Thought of Thee," Schnecker; response. “ IndlnL Tliliie Ear to Me. ' Schilling; offertory ('cello aoloi, 1*h Vision de ma niert, Kronold; quartet, with ’cello obligator "The King of Love. ' Bullard; postlude ('cello soloi, "Romance." Kronold.

Ernest O Randal, superintendent of the J. Element Frencli Ind\i9tr1al Home, will aridresfi the V ance class of the North Reformed C'huich tomorrow' afternoon.

*“?Valklng with God" will ffo Rev. Oeors«=t E, Lombard’s sermrm suojerl In Fair-

gdnflrcgationAl"The I'ower of the C'roaa" will be the

siM Ject of Rev James A Solandt's ser­mon In the bellevllle Avenue t.'ongrega- llotial i.'liurch tomorrow' morning. The Lord's supper will bc celebrated and new membcTs received Into the church A special musical service will be held In the evening, the program being: Organ volun­tary, Melody In A flat, Harry Rowe Shel­ley; choir, "Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow. ' Etiward Whitby; solo« “Come Vnto Me." Coenen. Miss Lole J. Edduwea: choir. “ Awake Thou that Sleepest" C. W. Greene, solo. “ Like the Hart." John Wesjt Miss Bertha Moser; trio. 'Lift 'I'lilnc FcMx Mendels­sohn, Mrin, Watta, Mips Eddowes and Miss Moser, offertory, organ. “ To a Wild Rose,' Edward Macdowell; solo. “ My Re­deemer and My Dol'd.“ Dudley Buck, Mrs. Jane ^V'atla; choir, "The Grace ot Qod." Joseph Barnby; postlude, Allegretto from


morrow morning, will be “ rxivc." golden text will be taken from flt.Iv., X, and the responsive reading from flt Luke, vL, \2, l.i, 17. H. 20-22. :'7. :il-33. 35, JK, The evening aeivlce will be a

Worship.repetition of the morning

lt1l$celUntoutJohn H. Wyburn, auperhuendent ot the

old WcAulty t^'ator Street Mlealon. New Y’ork. will addresa the men's meeting In Vvullrtce Hall tomorrow afternoori.

Special gospel eer\ Ices 'vltl t»e held under the auspices o f Salvation Army. Newark (’’ orps No. 1. at 46 Belleville a ’V* niie. tomorrow'. Major and Mrs, James Allan will lead,

James P Dusenherry will speak at the evening service in the ( ’hildieii's Temple. 7 Nichols street, tomorrow night The children's cUoIr will rviidsr a special pro- [,uun under the direction of Miss Ada Lee.

CnrUtalR eiideiDOfThe topic for discussion In tho Chris­

tian Endeavor meetings tomorrow night la “Chrlatiaii Endeavor Principles and Huw to Uphold Them." John xlv. d-lo. (Christian Endeavor Day.)

The dally Christlati Endeavor Bible rtudlnga for next week are as follows: Monday, February 3. "Zeal Without Knowledge." I. Kings xiil., 25-29; Tuesday, February'4, “Zeal l or SouIp, " I Cor. ix.,

For Im......... Wednesday. February 5,the Sixth Quartet In K flat major, lfa>‘dn. f proveinent." I Cor. lx.. 2t-27; ThursdaFr

“Our Magic Knowledge" will be the , February 6, "For Rlghieoujjncss,' laa. subject of the morning sermon tomorrow j 1x11 . 1-j; Friday, February 7, "For Ser- Hi the First Congregational Jube M«- , v|ie,“ S Cor, xl., 18-28; SaUirdoy, Febru- morlal Church by the pastor. Rev. T. ary L “ For the Church." I Thesa. III., 1-S.

nUH » fiimrinv. Febi uary 9. topic. “The LHis Zeal." J Cor. vi., I-IO,

Atrd Moffat. Tho morning worship will [ Sunday, Fehiaary 9. topic. ’ The Ideal also Include a sernionfttte for the little ; Christian. U His Zeal. - t o folk. In tho evening Mr. Moffat will | iCen&evratlon meeting.)

mount Chiiroh tomorrow' morning. An evangellcRl service in charge of ihe young people will take the place of Xh>i usual evening -servU’'! Mr, Lombard will I si>eak on ".Sluit In or Shut Out. ’

• Thi; flavred Memorial" will be Rev. Dr. Albert Foster s sermon .-iubject at the Roseville Church tomorrow morning ■'Christ's Psogram fur the Establishment of HU Kingdom" will be the evening topic.

“Wholly Clean for ihe Master b rBc” will be Rt V. Ge(»rgf. McNeely's s«.Trnun subject at the Elizabeth Avenue Chur<-h tomorrow morning. Hi?i topic for the evening will bo '’Ixioklng for Him wtio Cmneii a Second Time to Save t'om- pletely."

“The Eternal Message ' will be the ser­mon aubject of Rev. Samuel Alden Per- rlne at tht Fifth ChurcJi tomorrow morn­ing,.^Olehi'stlun of the Ixird'a suppv]- will be observed. In the evening George L. Olnev. of New York, will give an lUus- tralcd lecture on “The 'V\aywar(l Boy."

“ Wlmt Is the Promise?” 1b the subject of ihv sermon lo be preai-hed hy H?v, E. fl. Van *>’eHS at the Mt. Pleasant Church tomorrow morning “The Dhlnc i.ijir* dcnei" wlni be the topic for the evening. The orrilnaucu of tht. Lord's stippei will be obsrrvcd at the close Of the morn­ing service.

preach nn “Chums. ' The music for the l The readings on the Junior Endeavor day will be us follows: Morning, an-I t o p i c f u r next week are as follows: Mon- thern. ’ Mumlng Jlvmn/' Rossini; duet I day. February 3, 'The Foundation. i for soprano and haritunc. “Cruriflx.'* ! Cor. ill., h). 11. Tuesday. February 4, Faure; reaponue, “Bow Down Thine “BulliJ Faithfully, 1 Cor. Iv., J; Wednee Ear." fichlUlrig* FL'enlnit. mithem. “The j day, J:'ebruarj’ 5,Sun flhall Be no More Thj' Light," Wood- | Maltward.


Mrs. Newton Soper and G II. Downing. solo for Buprano, “Show Me the Way, O ' Away,Lord." T<areiul. by MiSfi May C. Korb: | Chorus. Guilmanl. Evening-Organ pre-

Ibiie WBjjChmen on the walla of Zion to take this poaltion. But In the cnnimunity

ofienory. “ MedUatloni" Siurges; anthffm. ’ lude. Communion In G. Bnilste; anthem, •'Uke ae the Hart." Morrifcon: aolo for I “ BrMBt the Wave. Christian.” SheUey: baf«s. “ From the Accursed ami Rejeotod." | anthem. “ Daar Refuge of My Weary

' ■ ~ ~ March in B

the six Protesiam rhur'hre of the placa must struggle alot;g In u '-ompelltlve ef- f'lrt tu wm the same religiously HuscepU- ble people nf the comm'iiniy who arc not

members of these cimr h08. For leal rrligiouR progresa Uic wh- If situation ap­pears demoralJolng

This community Is typical of other? A local federaUpn of (he rhurchee, with a .

presenlatlv^ central * ouncll. might he ‘Verdi, by G H. Downirig; antheiw, "Light 1 Soul," Baumann. of seiu loe in developlii* a new rellglouH iiift WnnW." atarnes; postlude. "Marche : flat, Silas.

I ” ' *** ** 1 persona, Christians consclOuiness that will lend towho had hot decided on -a church home, | existing ehuiches, n unity of epltlt®fiHiJdttv*i ikewho - were atteudlng this church or being ' aj,d 'niediods for protecting the field ThVldwlug mtiic*: 'Ofton i>relutfei 1-*?''drawn tg U. wcause of the helpful, pro- againai the encroachrnenl of some new ' ghetio. Merkel, aothetn, "0 Thou tbe

^ prdacbini. denomination whose coming would only ; Contrlia SioBera' Friend, BerwglAi of*TneH pem|)ff belong to that clan to lo perplexity. ; fertory, “Communion. " quartet.

** every community who are members of each church may' “The Hand that Was Wounded for Me/*BOt nndtng wbot they peed. They have . Jhat the cauiies for e.it>w piog- ■ Townori poffUude, Adagio Muvement* Col-

. ** of peaching on " g j , that lie with ihemselvee can not ' llnsthe bIfftoHcal i^n d of doctrine unUl to , without loss be transferred to their min-

threadbare. They | igter. Even in churches of the democratic the eiabmiy and growth of the

* ' church depend on the long service Inp l^ ie m anq aoeordi with enlarging mutual goodwill rendered by a qualified

_T^e 1 bird's supper will tie ob«er\ed h.( Trinity Reformed Church tnirorrow morn­ing. In the evenirtg the pastor, Rev. Charles Beach Copdlt, will preach on the toplr. “ The Frlendn o£ Our Youtli “

"The Christian's Race” will bc the topic on which Rev. I'. Barker will preach in Christ Chorch tomorrow morning. ” r»are to Re a DaiileP will be hla evening subject. The musical programs are; Morning— Organ. Adagio, Beethoven; anthem, “Seek Ve the Lord/' Roberts; quariei. “ Fonder My Words."' James; organ. Pustiude, Bur- dett. Evenlng--Organ, Nocturne, Meu- delasohn: anthem, "Hark. Hark, My Soul, ' Aahmall: quartet. "The Sun Is Sinking," Thomson; solo, "By the Waters of Babylon." How»ill, MIfs F rances O'Rourke: organ. ''Corneliui Marche," Mendelssohn.

The congregation of the First Reformed Church will celebrate the sacrament of the Ijord's supper tomorrow morning. The pastor. Rev, Oile M. Trousdale, wUl preach at the evening sei-vlce on the theme« "Tho Dampening of Life." The music for the 405 will be M follows; Morning—Organ

I prelude, Offertoire In D major, Gullmant; anthem, “There a Green Kill Par

Somerset. postlude. Grand

eplKOpillThe music to be rendered during Ihtj

services In flt. Jamea'8 Episcopal Church tomorrow includes the followlnff: Morn- |ng“ Kyi'le, Marks; uffertor)', “ The Cross,” Douglass, SanctuH Buhkr; Gloria in FJxcclsIs.old chant. Evening -Magnificat and Nuhi Dlmittus, Clare: prayer an­them, "My Father, Dalton: offertory anthem, “O Jesu. Thou An .” Sheppard; Benediction. Beethoven.

Holy communion will be observed at Trinity Episcopal Church tomorrow morn­ing al S o'clock and at the 1! o'clock ser­vices. The Sunday'Sehoo! will meet in the parish-house at 9:45 o’clock. The rec­tor, Re^. Mercer Green Johnston» "wlU prearh In the morning and Rev. John Oaksford In the evening. The evening prayer and sermon will be al 7:46 o'clock.

The music at St. Multhew's Episeopal Church tomorrow will be as follows: Morning—Communion Serv'Ice in C, by Wheaton. Evening—Trio, for sopraho, tenor and buss, "I Heard the Voice of Jeeu? Say." Dykes. Master Arthur Haschaniahoh, John Haschamahoh and Fpr^derlck Mrrsfejder: offertory aolo, *T Learn aa Years Onward.” written by Mr. Mersfelder. and to be sung by him. The rector, R«v. Norman Curry, will preach.

“A lAght Set on a HU! Which Cannot Be Hid" will bv R^v. P. Curtis BtowHI'flermon Hubject in tho .Weoquahic Episco­

pal Mifsion tomorrow morning.

Refomta €plscoptilAt Emmanuel Reformed EplecOpal

Church the holy communion will follow the rector’s rrtornlng eermon on “ Benevo­lence a Doubtful Virtue," Evening topic, "The Worth of Self-control," Service and sermon -Ash Wednesday at It o'clock.


CtirjgUaa oaptrlence. These persons are atpoac thoM lost to the ohurch.

Ptaia aa a nitaataic.Bevarer, another condHton In the eon-

Bsimttr ladlcatea the reaaon why the Bistlqf'house Is not fUiel. Tho whole toom bet a Itttlo over MM pepalation, but thoro are eight obttrehos, or oae to each 7 * pm oof. AUowlag for iatanti and eUKrtw teo yiuDS to go to ehoieh and rHddenta who go out ot 4o«ti to church, thfro la loft not a largo noinber of thereUgtoualy fadttfereot to convert Never- thoMaJHIMher Seueaiten•eeeailnadon.le tWaking. e> eolshitablog aao aipre dmreti In thta

rta vlaw al it i pesaade growth

pastor and people. Leadership belongs to the pastor. He has ei>ent ysars of prep­aration for hie work hnd. Is a specialist

Beeause a few or more asmtwrs block the way of the leadership of the peator In the newer conitructlve Christian servlee, rather than re je c t It and follow It, thus cutting off . the riMslhllUy ot growth, and then become dl.-iailstlsd, does net appewr a valid reason for hake In seeking another minister. I f the pleaeur- ahle aensatton of seeing and hearing a new and strange voice pertodlealiy Is the uppernioet teiira, then the Qoestlois, I)e-enmes a very different otw. Nut If

a vital Chriitian chuioh Is 1Si4 b* tn avldMiCa


The ueual services will be held 1» 8 t I-arke's A. M. K. Church by the pagtor. Rev. J. H- Morgan. Wmorroa'. tn the evening the Christian Endeavor Society will bold a musical and literary servloe under tho direction ot Ralph Nixon.

Tho mualo in the Central Uetbodlit Episcop^ Church tomorrow sslll ba; Morning, organ prelude. ' Jerusalgat fb* Golden.” Spari; anthem. The Lord l i In His Holy Temple.’' Flliott; reapoage, “Hear 0s O Lord." Shilling; offarto^, “ Nearer. My Ood, icc Thee,"' A d a ^ i or­gan peettude. Marche Ultltalre. Clgrh. Evening, organ prelude. Evening.- H a^ i anthem, "How Beautiful," Spinney; Of- .fertory, "The Day Is Pget and Ovpr." Aebmail; orsaa postlude, AUogretto, Do BcU,

Holy cemmunton will he celehiatoi h> Bt faoJ'o Batbodlst Episeopai ctaoreli, tomorrow ntoinjinE. lto*f. Ctootgo' t , Doiii^taity. >w*er> win |tedi gt tWt

supper win ....M .ne Clinton Avenue

Reformed Church tomorrow morning, and new members received. In the evening the pastor. Rev. Alherlus T. Broek. will speak on ‘Little Faults that Spoil Our Lives." Henry TV. Jordan Jr., 'ctlllst. will asslet the choir at the evening ser­vice. Hla selections will be taken entirely from the works of Hans Kronold. Fol­lowing Is the musical program for the day; Morning—Prelude. Lento. Veickmar; ambem. “ %'ord of God Incarnata,- Gounod; response, "Incline Thins Ear to Me." Schilling; offe.rtory, AdaglO, op. JSd. Yolekmar; quarteC ‘T ^ k of Agae,*'

"What Is the Dlfferonoe Between Re­ligion and ChriatlanItyT' This queetlon will he answered by Rev. Heiiry R. Bose In the Church of the Redeemer tomor­row morning. An Illustrated leetura on ■'Beautiful. Beautiful France." will be delivered by Rev, R. 8. Dawson In the evening. The following music will be ren- deccit: Morning—Prelude, Hympus. Mac- kenxle; processloiial, "Op Forward, Chris­tian Soldlera" Webb; anthem. "Lofd. We Pray Thee." Sullivan; refponee, “ Peace I Leave with Tou." Burdetti offertory. Berceuse, Rcnerd; solo, "Heaven I* Uv Horae," Tonso Sauvage, Mr. Boyle; an­them,. "Seek Yc the Lord," Varley Rob­erta, Mr. SguvagO and choir; poattude, Fantasia, Weegman. EvealBf—Prelude. Gavotte, Mlldenberg; prooa^onal, “Go Forward, Ciirietian Soldiari," Vebb; ap- ihein, "The Radiant Hero Hath Passed Away," Woodwaro; offertory. Cavatina, p.aff: eolo, 'Re atrong," Haha, Mri. Eaney; postlude, Im HaraetUaise.

Build by Obedience,” vii,, Thursday, February 6,

'Build L’p Goodness." Matt, v,, 16; Fri­day, February 7, "Build Up Love.” 1 Cor. vlll., 1-7; Saturday, February S, "Testing Ing What We Dulld.” 1 Cor. 111.. IS. H. Sunday, Fehruuvy 9, topic, "How to Build Our Lives,” Acts Iv.. 11. id

The Haddon Helghla Baptist Clirlstlan ICndeavor Society leads the State In the olflclency contest started at the Atlan- ilc City convention. Two months ago the society record was thirty-five per cent. At the end ot four weeks the members had raised Ibis record twenly-flva pet cent, and before tho next State conveu- tloh the officera of the society are con­fidant that the lOO-hundred-per-eent. rec­ord will be reached.

Several Essex County societies are working In the contest, and It Is expect­ed that the record of tha Haddon Heights Society will be equaled.

Or. Friday night the Essex Endeavor Union will hold ita bi-monthly congress aevtion In the Peddle Memorial’ Baptist Church, when Stephen D. Riddle, su­perintendent of the county fresh air work, will tell of the plans for the sea­son at the fresh air home In Roseland.

The home will be opentd about June 15, end parties of forty children will be given a two-week outing. The InsUtu- Uon will close about September 1.

Encli society In the county will send a delegation to the meeting and tell what support will be given the work.

Tomorrow night the Christian En deavor societies will observe Endeavor Day, the thirty-second annlversiry of the organization of the first society, by HeV. Dr. Francis E. Clark, then pastor of Winision Congregational Church, of Portland, Me. A special exercise, pre­pared by Rev. R. P. Anderson, of Bos­ton, will be generally used.

In New Jersey the societies have kept step with the leaders, and each depart­ment of the work haa been pushed, In­cluding the missionary, lookout, evan­gelistic. fresh air. Junior, efflcency. Bible study, gnd good clUxenshIp. All are un­der tho dtreoUoB of PretIdsBl BpreuH srjd his assistants.


Beadiv. r i



itaV wttli .fUqsiraud irltk n*rve^tlcoqi

KTOOtav with tfc* ftoraritM'a «| r\

n«rlt euUsr^jgetftpaffbitolttad al the Tort oM u d ^Amefieaa astraaoewoiFroeodod Dr l i ^ keor Orgmn &«olui iff

Dmm opes se"?;H.' Orgaw awlU) at t:4g id ^ m a e it t g -

AilUMlIB gg'MBia' ■ntitsts w T S S T o o «*

etwortb Etagitt

t u b e n iWe Glory m th* Lord” win be Iks sub­

ject of discourse ifli tk* ipagtor Rev. WDl-’ lam C. Bobnldt, at QenMB BMnilas *er- vlce in at. Matthew's LBflMiWi Chvreh, tomorrow. The tint ot a ptrlea df Lenten: aemont wHt be proachei ta tfie eveainf' In Ergllnh. Oeraian Leete* edpvleea will he heW every Tharedgy evanlnB during Lent.

How the Wayalde BeMar Odt Cured" tomendB at

the draee Engtlth LelHMtM ^Wch.wilt be the theme

Rev. H. 3. Watere will preMh. Hornfqi and evening. _

Trinity RogHeh Lutfacraa Chureh, Rav. W. H. W. Reingr. paetor, J leM ag gub- Jeet of terra on, “ Christ Ooea to licet Buf­fering and Death." Bvenlug ■uhfeet, "FalO , Hope-and Charity.'- Agh WiB- nenday rorvlM tn the evaniSB.

The agW ^ Pt th*’ m t m t o m i i »t <

The topic for the Bpworth League ves- per service tomorrow night will be "Tho Temptation of Jesus." The Scripture les­son will be found in Matt. Iv., 1; Luke xvll.. 1-2S’, Heb. Ivft 16,,

Sarnuri M. Tunlfon, pnsldent of the dlstriet, will have cfcaiBa Of th* aetvlce a t the Irvington chapter tomorrow even­ing. Mr. Tunlson, Ig toltowlng Ws pur­pose of visiting every cliapter in the dis­trict. has aJroady visited about eight chapters.

The attention ot the presidents snd sec­retaries of the local chapters is called to the annual dinner of the Bpoond Gen­eral Con,ference League, to beheld at the Broadway Central HeteMtiB» BlBrar AO»t Third ktreet. New yojkjPmhwr-Mara^ 7, In addition to th* dflWBO«llfei»e heard addresses hy Rev. Esra Squire Upple. A. C. Monagle, jre*ldent of the Second General Conforepee district: Rev. Dr. Dynn 8- E»M Taylor,Bishop iKitlliir^ a 'Wilson and Bishop John W. l i g » i l t 0 B, President* are ro- Questcfl to hrln« this dinger to the ott^r ti«n of ipemoet* by hersonaUy prtoeBtu the matter to Individuals, from ^ polOi and at every Wigue tneeltag.

AppUeations are coming In rapidly. Bond name to HlOo Jean E. Cochran*, »l**lon- ary eduoatlOR department, roagi (H. W Fifth avoBML New Torh- Do H*t let your appItpaWon be the last.

f— ' ■ —* " ■" " ■■ .

The progress of the J$w4 In Aniorioa Is an Impot'ianl fact to bc taken fully Into ronwldei-ailtni In any of Ih*IlgluUB life of the lOUJitry, as slf'O of thf social and moral atialnments which from limp to time are chronicled Iu rharltles and amellorallve endeavors Israel in thi# couiUry Is proinljipnt.

In achieving this progress, th« groataat blngle factor that has been the inspira­tion to the rellfflAua enthuaiaems humani' lariaii endeavor ajsd enllghtoned dtlim- ship of the .American Jews Is the orgai>' Iffatlon known as the Lnlon of Aotericati Hobrew Congregations, which met last week In tho olty of Clucinnall for Its twenty-third biennial convention.

Though only forty years old, the activ­ity of this t’Ongregatlonal iirdou, covering the period treiuendoue Jewish Immlgra- lion from \arlous ro\intrleH of the old World to America, Ijss produced Institu­tions of. enduring worth to Americau Israel. The truly reprf'ontHtlvc charac­ter i>( tills organlKailon has bo«n oft^n I'lupliaslr.ed. Tin" sytiagogue as (he typ­ical Jcwlsli organlzallun Is tho. basis of reprseeniftdon.Imporittiit as Jewish rharltlrs may Iva

they do not measure the standard of Jew­ish loyalty, for k imni ma ' 1)p never oo Bood-liearted, he Is iieveTtheleas regarded sfe contrlliutliig null to ihe perpi-tnation of the faith jm1p«b In- ia rcpn«cnted In Uu sanctuary. Jewish clubs and aMuIetlca Mhose fuiirtlona uiuy ii(‘ ot a whulaaoititt Influence, If tli' y In- ouisidr the religious sphere, arc not valuahlc in the Jawlah cause as expressed hi the rcltgloUft lit*. The dielum Of l he sSgrs of old is tli# standard of pieacnt day Jewish loyoliy, “Thou shall not ftitliiliaw from the co»- gregallan. '

In tS4S Isaac M. Wise, hulled i>>‘ llilnkitig Jews of America as the greatest Jew of hlN gencraiioti, urged llio [‘ormatlon oi a union uf Hebrew cungregutlona for iha parpoHc of sSprcadlng a more peiftcl knowledge uf Judaism ainung the aiat- tered Jewish coiumuidtina of tho countty» of defending the JtwlBli name when It ndglU be jnsulted, ut co-opei iiUng wllb oilier rellgioua builicH In the aclvanceincht of truth and morality, and t-siiocially ff foiiinJlng and supporting n rahhlnlcal iicm- lnary.

UrganI»aUoi> li«H tilrowu llapidly.The call was generally indorsed by ih€

Jcwltdi tcachoi'H sihd las men of the tiniv* hut the dll'flcultli.a ot coimummatlrLg thff project were liitiurmountable until tin year IST'J, when Dr. Wlae after persistent efforia, grceicd lii CliK-liinati nhiety rep- reaeiuallves ot iweniy-cigliL congregae lions who tuunded the CougifgailontU Union. The orgiiTiizulion Jias grown rapidly until now it comprises nearly I'jO congi’cgiitlons among the loading tyn- agoguea tn the country, repreaenilng ovei 20,000 heads ot families. At Use meeting in Cincinnati 'i&O duly nocrodltMl repre* semaitves of thepe congi'vgutlune. includ­ing emlnenl Judgcfl, diatingulahed law­yers und physielaiiH, well-knotiVn banker! and mercjniwts, as well aa I'Sjlgloua lead­ers from all piirts of ihe country, gnv# hy their very presened al the meeting most eonvhidng testimony o£ the vital­ity of the oiKunizatlon as u national boily.

Tlie Congregational Union has been att energetic force in the cause ot Judaism 1b this country. U has publLhed lileraUiri for rellgloufl schools, founded «>nagogne and schools in isolated iov.n.s and vlllageh, as w'ell as In the lurge cities Miroughoul the country. Ilfi chJof Work haa beeti the establishment of the Hebrew I ’nlon Col­lege, the first rabbinical actninary In thil country, which has graduated up lo tli* present nearly 150 rabbli*. the protagoniaU of Liberal or Reform Judalam-

The main feature of the conveniion la l week was the dedication of two magnifS- cent buildings, entailing an expenditure ol nearly I300.000. The structiires were billit by the Jews of America through contrlbu* tic/us langihg In etjins from a few cents to thousands of dolUr?-. In other words. Ihd buildings represent ibe embodinient tB brick and stone of the loyalty und devo­tion of American Israel to Ihc cause o! Jtwieh scholarship and st?i vice. The need for material demonstration of tho Ideal has not grown less with tlm centuries. the college bulldlhffa, in the moat beauti­ful neighborhood of CliicirmatS. will de much to enhance the appreciation of Jew'' ish learning and the calling of the rabhi, and give es-ldenee of itio devotion and In* lerest of the Jewish people at large to Ihf advancement of the faltli.

The president of the ooJlcgo. Dr, Kauf- ninn Kohler, in his eloquent dedleutory address referrea tu the buildings aiid tijclr lOCRtlou as ^blematk?—first, of tJiB IcftineSB of Judaism’s truth to api>eal the thinking mind of the world; eocoml, tne broadnesa. of Judaism’s scope to tn- spire servica in behalf of all. third, the largeneBb of Judoiaiij’s view to IncUide Ihoufiht and labor for most dlstani gui- erations to come.

FiabbI Jonah B. Wise, son of the founder and first president of the Ho- brew Union College, In his oration at the dedicaii-m of the new buldlngs. re­ferred to the Institution "as the rallyhiQ point for that element which, of all tin Jewish acUvitlea of our day. Is by Hi nature abaohitcly essential to ’the life of Israel. The only livIngF aelf-perpetuatlng constituent of that great compound known as the Jew Is Judaism/ True, undeniably true, other componeiitB art Important and worthy of loyal service, but fn his rellfijoii does Isresl find hli real reason for separate action among tlio nations and races of all time*. Rep- resenting what It conceives to be thg eternal In Israel's life, this Inatitulton II one towards which the American Jew, nay, the Jews of the world, may WlP with pride and hope. It was founded upon the idea that Israel and JudalffW are Inseparable.’*

A very significant event connected with the exercises was tho visit of Dr, l jramop Bchechler, prealdent of the TheploglcoJ Seminary In New I'ork, regarded as mor* orthodox than tho Cincinnati aeiplnary, Dr. Schechter brought the grc^imi and congratulations of the board of IrueteeB, asd every member of tha faculty of th« seminary In New Torjt. The audience was pleased to hear him speak feelingly of Dr Isaac M. \Vlae, toefdrd whom th< former president and faculty of the Now York Bemlnory felt some hostility. Hf was roundly appleude4 when he odinltteifthat there Is work in \Amerlca for both InstltulfonB lo p« fJudaism.

in \AH 'OTTO* in behalf dt

The hope of Inofeoslng the scope and usefulness of the .Congregational Union was made blight by the deliberations and general Impullda t«*t marked the pro­ceedings. On one morning, after, an eloquent appeal by Rev. Dr. J, LeotH ard I.,evy* ol fHttthiirgh. P& ., wltbln thir­ty minutes the sum of 1200,000 was pladli;*!

delegatei for the ^york of propagandaamong tht J«R0 the eoUniry. thee tho for^tten


to (ur-

tint <jiTi<fes'Tfe’’iaw>.>mettt*i, .

PM# of til* ,>vc*nljatlQn sf*9 th« {oUoBv In#; '*W* i»*v« don# everythlns pofsibls ■ for opr su»ot Jews. helpInR them p*y

It Is ^ iBUrtst to point uut tbsj wmonf th* |*nefou(i contributon w ent fitn* f*r prop*B*t) ' Sctile*'Inter, of this olty. He and 1 were dole.S.tes from Contrafsrion B'uol Joshuritst

r. ' * '

rwwrtli H*a«ia«« lM*B**>The fourth «r th* senss of obi lectures

by Rev. IMM T. He«di>>>d «New Us.*?' * « i b# arilw e* n«*t iiesdij’ evbwtM in the FVvt BroebyteslonCbuteit. M ri^eoBland wl» t*H *f re-llflon ond Stteratnr# In Chloa. Otf FeiK ruary D h» will Ulk ws "Byriproaueta o i Hlesloiis" en< O" Fehriury U on "Tlw tMrtect- Moa.: The tecMtec an beiBB held BSder tho tuspiEt* of the lederBw-

- ^ ' v r. .v'- . ;Ti 'iv • . ■ J :• i

Schleelnter we* eWeUd to laembsr. ^ p In th* oouiioll *f thirty men who stitote tJrt »M(Si«vf bOoiB of the Unias , o( AmericAo Hebrew Confr*Bottons- =>

SOLOMON FOBTER. . BahH C o a t r y w ^ g 'pX J^uram.

s « i n urtm s e r v ic islaeiBM** Otttiitenco is raarking tbt

spaetaf tervlcn in progress at the Beull’ . Bifitiatvebt^h, In Boat 'Ktn»*F strsat ' Rev, DMiiat 3. Toy preacltas gt oacl, wasting. The aololat la OUv«i-,Ariiald Ji; Tbt wprilnts are to continue ewdi alien






rr V

ONtt of

k m

L rnerlL-a Ity into Llieof th«

h from haritle*In thlB

[ra*u«t knsplrH- lutnanl- dtj»en- or*»it-

verlon ei lait. for Us

! actlv- overlnc iimlffrB- tlie old Instltu- merlcsu tlmrac- n ofltflt he typ- >aels of

may h* of J*w- ever so rgarded ■tuatHn d In tii»IMUlCtlCSolaaoitttt'rllglotisJawiuil

lUS lift.is til*

loyalty, lie CO&-

.hlrikinv Jen of

on oi a for the pel foot

le Biat- routiti y, when It .ig wlib nceinont ■Utlly of :al aem-

pidly.I by the he time, ting tht itll Ilia erelatent ety rep- jngregse -giitlonul

grown 1 nearly lug tyn- Ing ovci uieetliig

[1 repre- . Inciud- eO law. bankcri

lus lead, ry. gave meeting

he vltBi- natlonaf

been ad daleiu In IteraUiM iBgognea t'lllaseii,

roughoul been (ha don Col' y In thlap to tliatagonlatt

ition last inagnifl- diturc ol ere built oontrlbu- cents ta

ords, lha intent la nd devo. cause ol The need tlio Ideal iii'loa. do It heautl-

will do t of Jew, he rabhl, n and In* 'ge to the

tr. Kauf- edlcatory uiid tlitlr

of tlia appeal to ; eocond, pe to tn. bird. tliB y liicliidg lanl geii-

of tha the He-

ration atllugE, >'(»•) I'aHylng it all tti« in by Ita lie life of petuatlnii lompound n. True, leiits art 1 service,

find till n among tea. Rep­el tie tlig iltutlon tg can Jew, may tur*

founded Judalan

ictad with . Rpromon heological i as mora Seintnary.glQdS attid ' trustees.Ity of Uia

audlenca , taeUngly whotn tba

the Now tlUy. Ha I admitted

tor batb mhalf ot

scope and lal UpiuQ itlone and

the pro- after. anJ. I jHUTKItbln thlr,IB plsdxad ropagantU y. to fur-

aoJ -wei. .

fetttgiCItWn'V. he (ollDin g poeslbla -1 pay sg yuretiadng'V' a morp M ' " on.” -

t .ifut Umi m w lha ' da echlea- were dele, Jeebumaa

f taembst'y- I who con, tbs Untai. Iona.>8TER.twhurUB.

mu ^irlting tbf tha Souir '

ley street '! a t eeoV Arnold Jji', MWh alten

W hat Women Are Thinking, dJJoingPOOD SUPPUES MADE AT HOME

The eecret of cconorolcal houeekeep- In g 'lle i In the desire and the ability to understand values and to act cm thla knowledge, fo r each dollar agpanded, a full dollar'! worth should be obtained.

It la front attention to detalle often overlooked, that eoonomtes reeult. For csample. let bougtkeepers consider whether a eaving will not be effected by making as many as possible of the food supplies at home. Perhaps cer­tain supplies, such as bread, preserves and so forth, may be bought more cheaply and satisfactorily. 81111' the matter Is worth looking Into, and If there can bft a Having by home manu- factura. It certainly is advisable to ben- aflt by that tavlng.

Of course, there must be Inlelllgent preparation and training ir the house- ■wlvee are to make Huythlntr from braad to Jelly. There will have to be a beginning;, naturally, snd this should ba undar retUbJe guidance, Simply to eipsrtmont without such guidance raaans loss of money and temprr.

I f the houaewlfr la able to make this or that thing, she la mora or leas Inde- paodent of the product that Is to he bought. Bhc can exiiinlne Intelligently the product that im bought and see If It Is up to or below her standard.

Moreover, the houaewlfe who her­self Can make some of the family food supplies takes a special satisfaction In the rows of Jars, glasses and bottles coatalnlng home'inade products. She

knows, sa>\ with regard to her bread that It Is made exactly as she wants It to be. and she Is certain about the tmount of nourlihmstu It contains. The same Is true of other artlolsa o f diet made by hsratlf or under her efficient aujoervlslen, and If there Is a saving as a result of her effort^' I* a. saving In w'hloft a)ie..^sn tali^.estU- factlon. , t * ^ ^

Such a provident housewife knowa, too, that her mind can be at rest If there Is an unexpected guest, for there Is always aomethlng "good"* In the house. Another advantage 1i found In the variety which Is always at hand from which to ehoosf in making des­serts. And best of alt. It wlU be sur* prising, when the totals are summed up, to find that the outlay has not been very large.

Jars may be used over and orer again, and the rubber rings, If the pre­caution la taken to make (hem abso­lutely sterile, may answer over again, though U Is advisable to. pao tb;o of them Instead iif one. To avoid waste, il is best to label the jars, and write the dales when thV* cont-^nis were prepared, using those made e litle it first, wher- ever possible.

Among the things that may be made at home. In addition to bread. Jellies and preserves, are rataup. chill sauce, pepper hash, picralilll and other ral- islies. It should not be overlooked, too. that many a thing may be made to suit the family's taste.


EVENTS SOCIAL AND PERSONALlire. PhiieiviB W. Vail, of Clinton ave­

nue, will give an Informal tea for the memberM of the youTiger eel Monday mfternoon. conit>lltuctiiary to MIms Fior- eftcc M. Brown, of New York.

« • »Mrs. F. Talnian Ktllce. of Mt Prospect

avenue, will entertain al hndge Monday afternoon.

* « «Miss Ktith Hopson, of 12S HellevUle ave-

bua. entertained ai whlinl UiIb afternoon In honor of her -houRC gucsi. Miss Rebu Heath, of Ruxbury, Pa The dfcoratlohs were In pfnk and white HIv tnb|en were In play and the guests were Mrs. Dale F. Bcesc- Mias Kathcrlrif Moore. Miss WIjnl* fred Holt. Mlsfl Florence Bippart. Miss lAura Relnlnger, Miss Tlelen Bohlinger, the Misses Mnlne. Miss Mildred Beattie. Miss Mildred Beach. Miss Grace Bradner, Mias Fredorlcka Finn, the Misses Thauler, Miss Helen Smith, Mlee Irma Schonuenan, Miss Susan Flummel. Miss Ruth Gardner and MlSA Lola Tjasher. of thU city; Mlea Helen Colkendar, of Montclair, and Miss Augi:sta Bargener, of Brooklyn.

• • *

Five tables were In play thla afternoon at a whist given by Mlsa Fredericks M. Skinner, of 4 7 Orange atreel, In honor of her aunt. Mrs. Theodore G. Plate Jr., of Hackettstowii, end Miss Margaret M' r- gan, of Scranton, Pa. The house was dec- Afgted with red carnutloua. Among the guests were Mias Hazel Hmlth, Mifts Kdna Perkina. Miss Anna Baldwin, Mise TjOulhU Bhll, Mrs. Wmiarn I«eonanl. Mrs. Charles

|Amhelm, Miss May McL!arthy, Miss Elsio Hoegel. Miss C Marie Hamblet, Miss Jsne Woodward, MIbh Mollie Woodward. Miss Ethel Allsott, Mrs. Gporge W, Fos­ter, Mlus Irma Brintsinghoffer and MIhK Msy Smith. Miss Skinner will also en­tertain at cards this evening, when her guests will be Mlgs Ball. Miss Ethel Pear- aellp William Thompson, T^eonard Smith,

. Cs W. Hull and Edward Ball.• • •

'nie marriage of Miss Leonle Nobs, daughter of Mrs. Charles Nobs» ajid sis* ter of Charles Nobs Jr., of 33 South street, and Emile Henri Ehrard. son of *ir. and Mrs. George Pierre E rh ard o f Brookline, Maas., will be soUmnized this evening In St. Columba'a Church. . Rev. John A. Dillon, of St Patrick's Cathedral, wUl officiate, assisted by Rev. Michael J. White, pastor of St. Columba’a. Mra. Warren Roe. of New Brunawlck, w|SI pt- tend Miss Kob# as matron of honor, and the bridesmaids will be Mies Marie Louise Erhard, a slater of the bridegroom-elect, and Miss Hulen Weber, of Brooklyn; Mrs. Chari ea RemBcn and Mrs. Herman L. Koenig, of thla cUy. Mr. Erhard wlH he attended by his brother, Henr>' Erliard, as> belt man. and the ushers will be Ed- wgrd Mackensic and Gordon Mackenzie, .o f.E ll^ e lh ; Arthur P. Busch Ji., John

Marlon Lather. Miut Margaret Sweeney,Mlta Ethd White, M l» Dorla Milts, Mies Ruth Graham, Mia?* Helm Noll, Ming Clara Keasner. Miss Theresa Reilly, MIfr Marie Macauley, John Noll. George Bell- l5', George Farley, Andrew Dempsey, Wal- |ter Brown, James Murdock, Thomas El- I ......... ........... .. ..............sum, WTIllanj Smith, George McT>onough. | t'h^'throe'"prciend. fhlldronEugene Barling, Alfred Seller, John Jsni- Uon. William Taaffe, Bernard Lynn. Rub- Isell t.'ahlll, Charles Crowley. Thomaa IKenny and Roy Osborti. I

» • * jThe dance gl\en by the Ijsurel Club last

night In RoaevHle Audlloihsm was well attended. It was the third of the aeries given by the rlub this wiiner. In charge of a committee cuii^lfOng of Roger Oliver, Joseph Rob na n. L'harles LJedtke and Ed- wawj Emtnons

* « *Twenty-four tables were in play at the ,

benefit wh1«t given by'Mrs. Richard G.P Dleffenbach yesterday afternoon gt I ho honu! of her (laughter-ln-l&w. Mr*. Rich­ard H. Dieffenbach, of TiJO Mt. Proa^ect avenue. The proceeds of the whist will be divided between the Babies' Hospital and the C5erman Hospital.

* a *

Mifis Helen Werberhauer. of Ijtslle street, entertained the members of the Mlner'^a Club last night. The house was decorated with red and white roses. Th^ president. Miss Evelyn Kremer. prepUJed at the business meeting, which was fol­lowed by a musical program.

• * * '

Nearly 1*00 Ruosts attended the whist given In Acblel-Stetter s parlors yester­day afternoon by Mrs- Alfred Kluier, Mrs. Edwin C Cliflon, Miss Ltlliiin B. Bechtold and MUh Maliel Sauer, for the benefit of the Korns for Crippled Chil’ dr»n.

« * tThe members of St. Bridgefa Alumni

have completed arrangements for their annual pre-Lenten dance, which will be given Monday evening in Oraton Hall- Joseph Barbar ia chairman of the com­mittee in charge of the arrangemente and Ir being asslpted. by MlSfi Rose Mcl^augh- lln. Miss Emily Barhor, Miss Alien Hooley, MIsh Rose Mooney. Mlsa Grace Masterson, Miss Loretta Henderson, MIns I rene Barber. Miss EHztibetli Waleh, >1Isb Loretta De'lne, Sllsa Hartfiati McGeo, Miss Agne8 McDermtU, Frank Caffrey, Frederick Heltmsn, Andrew Brady and Joseph McTagiie. Thoa<“ who have lent their namcfj as patronesses are Mrs. George Barber, Mrs. Matthew P. A. Me*- Dermltt, Mrs. John Hooley, Mrs. Geor^a McClellan, Mrs. Andrew J. Brady, Mrs. Joseph Quinn, Mrs. John T.^Dnardi Mra- John Walfth and Mrs. James Mounoy.

« * «The third group prayer servtcg' of thfr

Womans Foreign Mlfsiormry Bocletjr: Nfwark distiict. will bo held In Halspy

“Chop Chop! C^iop!" went a queer nolae In the house of the three Pretend children —Piinceis Kimerelda, Prince Lucky and Prliic* ghoel ce.

■‘Chop! Chop! Choppliy-yhop-chop! ""WhaCs that?" asked Prince Lucky,

looking up from a book be was reading."^i»me one knocking ud the door," aug>

geated Ills brother"No. that Is mammu (hopping mlnce-

TTifat In the kltrhen, ‘ said Prlnceai Ea- nureida. “ We are gging to l^ve inlnve pies," z'

“Oh goodie< 'ricd Prlnoa Lucky-“ I wonder If'we will be allowed to have

any—they are very rich (or clitldren our doi tor saye." put In Prince Shoelace.

"Do you meaji they are for y'erV rich children?" asked Princess Esmereldt.

“ No. I mean they are as rich for poor children—the pies ar«l rlch. not the children." explained her brother. “Thai meani they Ueve uk) many apices end other things In—mince plea make you dream of yuur grandmother."

“ Pooh, that's nothing!' sfil^ Prince Lucky. “ I once dreamed of a eow' step­ping on me. but H war only brothcf liere. who rolled on me In the night. \ 1 don't mind dreaming of mv grandmother I'm going to eee If we can have aoine nilnce ple-‘*

■ Anyhow we can watch mamma make them." said princess Kemerelcla Pc out Into the kltchtu they went. Rut still that •Mine sound kept up:

Chop! Chop! Choppl(y-chop-chop‘ '“Oh mamma, may w'C have some?'

In achoniR Just like twins, only they w eren t. you know. ■

“TTl see." Mrs. Jones answered, as ehe kept on chopping away at the mince-meat In a big wofiden bow!. Oli how good It nmelled-that inince-mest I mean, for U had real meat In It. Rnd apples, and rai­sins and rurrantB and some cider ntiri clnnaiyif’ And cloves and some lee cream Lind sAme chocolate « aijdy and some fudge and some Thanksgiving lurkey wishbones. and'-Oh. well, you all know what goes in a mines piv. ho i here's no use In me t«il-llJff >'OU-

The children watched their maniiua a while and finally wlieti the stuff for the pie WBB «ll chopped slie p\it li from the howl Into pome jars, and then she gal ready to make tJie pie crust.

■'May we wrape out the b o w l " ’ asKed Prince Lucky.

“ Yes. 1 giiesB so." replied Ilia mother.

Then the children sU got big spoon* and. itandlm around tha boat, they scraped out the swte^ stuff.

“ Isn’t this a big A‘-'iulen bowl," spoke Prince Bhovlscf an II- itHik the epoon om of his mouth so lie i i .ihl talk.

“ It's like the one il.rfc wise mm went to sea ill." saljl P i Iik *' ].,ucky, who had been reading the M- turi Goose nursery rhymo.

“Oh. wouldn't II h- fun If we cauhl go to sea In thlt b'v fui* a boat" cn- claimed Princess V'smt idda. “ [^vTs pie- tend we can."

“Oh. don't you ilmi: pretend aujihiiig tike that!" cried Mrs. Jones, fm sh' knew that often wiiat the chUdreu pic- tended came true Dial 's w hy they weri- called the Pretend -iilidraD-

Bui thejr nniTuma .( potiG too laic. N<» sooner iiad PrlnviUi Eamacelda uiterciJ her prelend'wish (I an th* bowl auddrtilj grew' Iirgcr—almost as large as h motor- boat-arid the chtldran found thcniaelvc* iltting on the e-lge of |t, with their feci Inside, and they were floating on the ocean, quite s-niie distance from land. The Inside of the boul was vary chati by ih|« time, for their spoons had acrapert It so

“Oh. dear' rlfd Prince Luvky. "l.uok what you ve gn; ,' and done, s is ie r ' "

'I T didn'i (l ink when I said Id 's pre­tend,“ answ<Tpd Prlncaii EBnit*r<'ldn

“■riia!'i All right;" aiie\'Srfd I'rliuc Shoelace 1 Hiuik thla Is fun. li s kmuic time sin-I- wr had an adviuilurt llk»- this I Winder whern we're going

■ Not nj'jrh nf any plfl'C." Raid HIh broilier We Ju*t seem l<f he slati'llng still ■

Anti HI ih'*y were, just floating on ibo top of ihe blue Ocean waves .\nd the Hca wan '.aim and amooth a* lh»5 water In your iiSThtub, and ihe sun w-us shin­ing. end really It ■ aa Just as nUn na down ul .\Shury Groir In the aummer.

“Wh»l happened to the three wise men who Wfin to sea li» a howT' naked iTln- cess Lsniprclda after a bM.

‘ r!jrei wise inen of 'iotliani went tn s H hi N bowl,' " riuotcd I’ rliV'o Lucky. ■' The howl had u iittrk. and-lhcy never cam- bark,'

• Wli\ asked hla hTOlh* r.■ Rf -a-ise, I auppuar. ib t wab i' ■ ame in

ihrongb the crack and the bowl i'ank." answered Prince Lucky.

■ mn cMir howl isn’ t crarkf^d ' ilCclarod Prlncciift Esmerelda, as she looked d'lW’ti to aee, And the bowl was as firm aa could be.


"Th*n we ll get hack SOWC time," r« marked Prince ShMlact.

All of a auddari, as they looked over the edge of the bowl, they saw e big Sea lion coming toward Ihem Oh. but he wsH a iMd looking chap, and 1 guee* he meant to uvset the bowl

Lutjk' Look!" cried Vrlrce Lucky.'DU. d fu i! ' exclaimed Princess Eetner-

cUig.yjn un rtw jy'" shuulwd Prince Shoa-

lacr (u Hu ava 1iO)l.■ Nu,’ answired the bsi creiiiire. “ I

want that htUf glr! to inako a tncrmaldof lir-r."

• uli. I don't wnni to ll\o under tha wuLiT, with a tall ol a fish Inatcad of llg^‘ ’ cried poor Prlncras Kimerelda. “ I could never play tag then."

■'You mu»t come with me!" »«ld ih* sea lion, and Im pul out a nipper-napper10 grab her.

“Oh, will nc one ssve US'"" cried Prlues ],,ucky. lor the how! whs rolling and tai*ln^ bet'aiise the sea lion was leaning011 the edge of It save ua!'■

•'I w ill'" crlod tt voif?n, and then, all ui a sudden, up from the sea. where Ue hud been f a linmlng. plumped tb« kind ulirl weather man. " I l l sa'-'c you! Im

"ni»w are you going to save them" uttked the sea lion muit ImpoUtlD

'Tn i woImk to bluw them houiL- with EIiLh bellnwn: cried the weathrr mun, holding up tt bello\VH siii'li lis Im used to blow Uro* to niake tlicm burn betiei.

Hold up your Hpron for a sail. Princess Esm ereldncalled the weariiei man. and tha Ilitk girl did-

Tlum. Htandlng on the ^dge of the bowl ihe wruTher man putnperj a lot of air out j

The hosteas who plana to entertain frUndtt SI. Vilantine’s Day, whether (h the afternoon or evening, at Umcheon or dinner, will aee lo It that red Is the predemlnailng color and that the heart %e well as th* Iruo lover's knot l« every­where Id tvldence. It te possible to us,? the heart deaign In ixi many ways, thit the matter of decorailone and th« serv­ing of refrexhmenta«le made muvU slmp- Ur.

The little lioart-shaptd paper oeaee may be bought In several different sliea, bui the wotnati who wlahe* to make them will not find It dirricuit. The pattern of thr heart U first cut. Then from not too heavy bristol board hearts are cut; this* will aarve for the fuundatlgu of the boxes or coota. Strip* ci paper a&-widc ah one wlahei the side of the cusor lo Ije In htlghl are out; tli<?»c arc faston«cl to the heart piece*, flitivr by riu-fad and needle or pleoew oi |ummr-d pupyr The coae la then oov^reii with red cirp<> misuo paper, frliled a. little and liHd ui place with a cord of thy twiMeii y.rj^r.

For bonbons and isialtrd rujin iljcav n'e | Ju»t the thing f^argrr t : w * imcij \ \ K l i Iparaffin paper, will he cxceii. m t u ic? [ oream or lea*. i- Ht-art-ihaped cuj-f'S lor euine’ mj< l‘. I «s creamed chicken, lohstfr. M»,Rl:rooivtM | or any similar dlrh. are not 'llff! uit Ui - nvake. Gel a rosette or lluibolc Iron thai is I heart ihaped. and make tlic ui**** h i days before tofy arc io b<> ufcd

A simple way of tuaklng tiic butter li thla: Mix together thrcfl-iinHi-tere »f »i

■U ftw -e I cupful of flour, half a te u »puonful ofSgmetMJdy pi«a-o teaepoonful of sugui, 8tir in

gradually h*lf a vopfiii of mlik, wtie* thla Ir thoroughly hicmivd. i*ilr h; a allfhlly beaten egg and u icafli-’iMjnful of olive oil. The iron tncni Ik* liCiried m the fat and then dlpp^.l Into ilii: batlei. a

titles baiter will eling tq II, H*unga at once Into the fat and coog till }t ta light brown. Hold the Iron over a pltU, tip it gruily am] the cup will slip Off

U there Kia to be croquatm. three mgy bv molded Into heart*. The heart'^ahagei vakfii are not at all dlffleyit tu im ke. Make a fiat loaf cake and from fha eaka cut the heari-Hhaped tittle cakea With « cookie eutter Ice ihani and davoratd wKh chertlea ur I'ud |oJng>

If ih jre Ip a vegetable saUdr cut the vogetables uut In heari-vhape pieces; tlilii is not hard, If one of the Uny cutten It used. V

Bandwichea, of oourac, ihoulJ be httrt abaped

For candlre. make heirl-ihap* pegtaf*mlniR. An excHJeut peppermint U m idt by *t]thng to ihe beaten whit* of AQ egg two tea^pconfulB of water and then font drgp^ III’ oil of peppermint; atir In M much coiifecil nor'a sugar aa la ueceMaiir (0 nmhf a fruidant that can be eHOlly molded Into tibupe. Thcne caudle* may he colored red wiili vcgeiahle rolor.ng

A luncheon menu, whlcji'a ho^ttn hfts, plormed fot tiie coming VaietUlne ftty, IH tlklUM< lunge of Fruit In Hearbahaped Caata. l. i.r Apple riomato) Soup: Heart-ahipod

Cheeec Wafern.Htii-hiip Creamed in Heart Tlniba1a*>.

[fcnrt-ttlmpcd Chicken Draasta on Toggl ilftn r-i ha[i*d Maahed Potato CaK«k

BrownedlicHTt-sImped Cream Cheese on Te«Utice.

Ileart-ahaped BandwIchea Ice In Hfart-ahapM Casta. Heart-ahap«d

Cake*.Ileart-shaped Candles. CoffOe.

There l« not one of the dishtt difficult tu niAke and yet they aiv* such gg te ptrirll I'krrvlng uUt of the hotrt IdCft In t\«ry courw!, \


of iht lifllowR. ond 'll bt(*" out Uie little glrl'ij apron Rail, and Kwiv went lha bowl o\ci ftic sftt AS fast as anylhlng. if not faster.

Hvre, come back!" cried the lion-“ No. no!" answered the weailier ninu,

and rtnnn he had blown the children ;,ttf(?ly home, and their iTrnmmn wag so gltid to Aft! thorn that slu' gavf each one a plei r of minre pie. b.il not Ihcrc eiiougli 10 t iu u Ihem, and the lion--well, ad he hud wAtt codfish balk foi breakJ'aat.

And on Monday night. In case the dcMj- iur let*i me *U up on tho edge of tha h a t lu u b and play checker^ w-Uh the piiR.ny I at. I'll lell you uhoiit the Pro- leiu) ' lillilreu and IIip wind mill.

The TravelerM' Club devoiod Its meal* Ing yesterday lo the aiudy of Hubalu •md condltlomt in that country In hoe with Its proaram lor the yvar, ' Rntidtim Jour-

, nevH ' The rtu eUiig wtta held itl luu honit I of Mrs. Wllllnm P. Martin, In Sixth ave­

nue. with Mrs. William Gehin acUiitt mRslstlrg hosteer. Rplng the fifth Friday in the month. It was ih* aorlal duy of

t!teU as a part of the program, Mn* Arthur B. Cnderwooc! will he in Cbargn of the prQoi edlngH of tho dg'y' nnd Kite % CarrlD H. Abramu will preatde i t tha buslnvas meeting.

The Woman a MlHslunary Sorjaty Of thg Fktti Reformed Clnirdi will matt la thg rhiircJi parlor* next Monday afttrnooji oi

o’clock. Mra, L. N. Youngmina wH1tilt Plub, Bud eeeti member wiis uHo«ec speaker, taking "Arebli" f*r her

o o


■W. Thomiison end Raise M, Cumminge, j Of New York, end Herman L. Dillingham, } m aL/lb* four letter having been elassmatee o( ‘ ’L LMr. Erhard at Dartmouth College, I'b* > K'*' **'*"a*™^ wLIceremony will be followed by a large re- ' (be t.entral, branklln Btroet, Grace, ijalception.

« * *Tho weekly whist party under-the aue-

plces of the Ladles' Guild b f the Ucih Israel tfoapltal will be held Sunday ova- ning at 85 Market street, in aid ot the hoepllal. The arrangements are In charge of Mrs. Emil Rosenthal, Mrs. Louis Etloli nnd Mr«. John Huherman.

, * *The marriage of Miss ^Cornelia Arm­

strong Demaresl. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jacob Martin Demareot, of Newton, and Albert Stephen Webb, of thla city,

■ will take place on Maroh J7 In Chi let Church, Newton. Rev. Ernest C. Tuthlll clfletatlng.

• • •l(lea Louise C. Ball, of Summer ave.

niie. entertalued at bridge last night In

sey Street, Montgomery Street, Bt. Luke's, St. Paul's and Union Street.

« , *The Gamma Epalloii Club, the Beneral

Electric branch ot the T. W, C. A., Will glv'e a Dutch minstrel performance tn tho Palace Ballroom Monday night. The performance wtU be (o)lowed by dancing.

EHBROIDERED SLIPPERSHaving satin slippers to match one's

gown la a fashion ot the hour thgt la most pleasing. It a woman at all handy with her needle wishes to have the slippers more elaborate ehe may em­broider a simple design In hegvy gllk of aelf-'color. A little metal thread In- Introduced with aoms ooWra is very

SHOE HELPShonor ot Miss Margaret Morgan, of | effeetlvo. too Scranton, Pa. Tho house was decorated with pink and green. The hosteas was aialated by her sisters, Mies Ethel Ball

S ^ T e s I S S t S bl^ 'frm ^y'H eV 'ale* ‘t^ftt* h T t l r t

M r r S l ^ i x mI « P«d.7ckf M i ha'p^ln^lr" arporh Onrariu".?aedMr(. Cart Arelmider, Mias Fredericks M. fitting usually candiscern at a glance, the cause of Itl- tlttlng or uncomfortable footwear.

Bklnner, Miss Ethel Pearsoll. Miss Ethol Allaopp, M(ae Rose Severing. Miss May

' Woodruff, William Thompson, William; Loasar, Philip Decker, Dhnlel Applsgale.

Bay Hugg, Maroua Wert, Harold 8tru- V ' ble, John .faekel Harold Bparka, Augus­

tus Setsler, Edv ^rd Ball. I.eanard Smith and Harry Pox.

k . • • •1 . M r., and Mra John Moehrlng, of HI

Central avenuo, entertained yesterday at- jitorntmu In honor of tho graduation ot

^atr daughter, Mias Virginia Moehrlng. fran rtta Sussex Avenue 8ehool. Mian MarT McGuire furnlshad Instrumental

-, rauala ai)d vocal solos were rendered by | j ' I f l g a Otaoe Hamburger and Mtea Moeh-

ring. Cthora praaOnt wars Mias Agnes Craig, Miss Catherine Ort. Mipt Clarlaa

y, tfPpaak, Mlag Oaley rraaer, Mlaa Ocneva „ i Betttr, Mlaa Beaslo Moalirtng, U ln Dora

.ip , U0abnn|k JUgar Abaiiihoen, Wllltam ■ y .Ftynp, Cheater Backer. William Igickel.

O tm ll Ahaarp. Alfred Clark. Wllllant Midlln, Janus Tayior and Leo McGuire.

: - *Jlf*' Oerhard FTy|lag entertained In-

, « ; r formally yaatorday afternoon tn her home at IM North (^ th street. She was asalat-

r ad by Mrs. WaltiT BUohford.■ • s s

it.-y'-W r*- O- P- McClellBDj'of West Kinney auaei, Ii vlplttng ta^rM^alpbla.

: m t , Ocofftoy E. Durr, of w ’ ciMidwtok av*. ant, was tendered a surprlco Party last night In honor of his firtlMh birthday. Those praaaot were Mrs, Durr. Mra. Eu-

r da F, Purr, Mr. and Mta icdward Durr, Mr. and Mrs. Edwlii ^ H m ac. W W Mabil Marper. Mr. and Mra.

Mlaa JSpit'y HaJtmiiJ J ^ I^ li ia W f,M r .a o «M r ».J rv iw

fr l «h awI M «- fiobart Blaekloflk, Mr, ami jK-'-Mna. jamaa w u m , Mlaa Kata wfitan,

“ iward Purr Jr.. WmajM - Herbert HaloiM,

a Tyler and Sey*

until cull.- Hbwrlted. ThiH .-Hui-e Is ut cd r.ir Iho foiniilHlln]! of nil the fnlluwlng sauL-es:

Anchovy SauceArid lo the buUei' jriiuoe a tuhlr-spoonfiil

of rinchovy fsscn'f, mix lliomuglily uiid eon e.

Lobsier SauceCut Ihe moat of a small lobster ifuo

small neat dice and ndfl to It the tnitteretuicf. The saun- .ih.'iiid be stirred un ihe __

' stove sufficiently long to heat the lobBtcr i spoonful each of hutler and thorougiily-

Parsley SauceAdd to the butter Kauce a large tafile-

spoonfuL of chopped parsley and mix.

Ege Saucej Adri III the hutttr heucc two hurd hollpd

Fish Is an Important food. II is ea*Uy ctl eAtiRd and exc^ llpntly answers certain needfl Of the aystom- It? compat-atlve cht apnPRR certHlnly slioiild l»e contildeied.

Select fish that is firm and phimp, see that the eyes are full and bright ahd that the gills are bright colored.

The following tneihodii of cooking fish will be found easy. Id some Insiancee thay are novel. None of the dlehea la expe naive.

Boiled WeakflshA email compact flab, ob a firm slice

ot a large one. Is usually seleried for boiling. For this purptjoe cod. haddock, weakflsh. halibut, uny bass, or maoki'rel, and salmon are excellent. Say that a Weakflsh, weighing about five pounds, ' conrsely chopped i mix and serve.1« bought. Have the fine pared oft, re- r-o -.,move the eyes, and have the end of the Lkpcr 3SUCCtall trimmed- Wash the (l«h in salted Add in the butter sance two tablespnon- water, being especially careful to eorapo fuls ot ohopped capers; mix and serve, out the dark parts next the bone. Whenready to cook, stand It on the false bot­tom of the fish kettle and put It hr tha kettle containing fast bulling water to a little more than cover. Allow the water to boll tor five mlnutea. during which time add two tablespoonfula of salt, twenty popper berries, two bayleaves, one large onion sliced and half a cupful of vinegar. Draw the kettle back where theoontems will simmer for ten nilnuten for „

a t r n ^ °^ r rX 'b o t t “o^ Z L : water

S?am:d‘ ' '\ " : n ’* irready ?o“ %emv'’\*l^da umlf ft ?iS‘„Ua' a n d ^ fnoSfh?hS fish celetuily on a hot platter, pour a ^ ra m V r.J lfp e r '-

the rt h 'm^ke i 'r o w T v " .¥ y ^ " fn “sf;;:; P «^an T ”grre^' mftmeg*™tro welt’heil.m *.u?.*.,mh\i7ovelunnfni » «g « and a tablespoonful of butter cut

Dutch Sauce AiJd to th« buUer sauca two w U bont-

en eggs and two tubleBpoonfuld of tar­ragon vinegar. Hiund the saucepan on the Btov« and stir frequently unlU the sauce coat* the spoon heavily; ilien lirain and aarve.

Mou'sseline SaucePut tt tahlespoonful each of butter and

flour In tt small saucepan and put It <>n tittle, then

f tlr ttpd

boiling. Remove from the atove and add

of lemon, each slice allghtly overlapping tho next, on H « centre of tho fish, and sand to the table with the remainder ot the sauce In a bowl.

Butter SaucePut a tabloapoonful each butter and

flour on the stove in a small saucepan: atIr It and cook a little. Add a cupful pf boiling water and stir until it is

in small bits and ope of lemon Juice. He- turn the saucepan to the atove and stir coiUlnuou.' Iy until it gels very hot On no account let it boll or It will be utterly ipolleil.

Bikeii Haddock

Htuiid U upright In on aarthen dUh that may he c etit to the table. Pour u large ' iil'ful of thick KuiU'O It. a,nd

with half a cupful of fine wlilte ht-ead crumbs, mixed with half a cupful uf pnttod cheese. Dot tb#? surface with H ttthicspoonful of hutler, In email pieces, nnd put it Into a fairly hot oven for thirty minutes, to cook a fine deep yellow. When uady ko serve, wipe the dish, Bland it on a hultttble piatter and send to the table.

To make Hie pauflc. pul a large table- flour op

the Ktovc In a small saucepan, titlr and rook tt lUlle and add a cupful utid a tjuiirtcr uf boiling milk and a few grains each of nail, pepper and prated mittncg. Stir luitll smooth and boiling, and use as dlr(!Cted.

I Fried Filets of Flounder, Tartars! HasliiR removed the flleta from two

flounders, dip each one In sailed and pi'PiKU'cd flour, then in one ©Bg woli beat-

i i n with two-i|iirdB of n cupful of milk ' and tliett Into fipe white bread crumba,

balriR careful tq havt the fkih covered completely. ‘Whan ready lo rook, have liie fryliife-pan on the stove half full nf smoking hot frying medium. Lay In the ril IN. uHlng tt forh and cake turner* a ftw at ix tlnu. When Ihe filets are nli;*-

■ ly <olored. take them out, and put them i on two gr thre* tlilckneweft of pnper

laid in a bftkepan. and put itisldo th* to keep hot until all are fried Then

arrunge them op R folded napkin laid on a hot plttUur, garnish with water ernms nnd r;uartered lemon, and Bend to thetable.

To make the aauce, mince one shallot v<*ry fine with half a tabiesponful i;4ch of chervil and tarragon and twelv® capers. Put this Into a amall bowl with H level t*a»poonfu| of dry mualard, two egg yolka, a level teaspoonfut of siigar, half a levdi teaepoonful of salt and a few

. grains of white pepper. Now add two- 1 thirds of a cupful of olive nil, it Inble-

Hpoonful at a time, and two tahlnspoon-Thoroughly scrape the dark part from fjjiw of vinegar & fcft' drops at a time.

the backbone of a five-pound haddock. Add to two cupful* of breadcrumbs, one


T M Jiwti qub MM bem« of, MUi JMM «r MlB o ra yowrth Hraot 5 jOut WNiSiirf w t a m Utao Mtn Hanr

*'*“ **8'' . ,V -k J .A-’Tb* Baebalor GlrV Clob (sve a Oanee

Uat nlEbt to a * Watt B M Chtb boiun. Th* baHniOR McoyoM «fth »•>* a u l* ana tba arrnotmanla Mora in oba jn i f MU« tWari^LaiMM, Mia* Mat Baitea. M l « M«ria Q lblM . Mias BittUt V a ««tr Itoast. Htaa 0 «r* JW. Vise TMI* MS Bass, Mtsa H o ^ Rayrts, M ss Bti«< Aor Eeblsok, * ^ * o e s in o o 4 Hsabtffla- «*r . V is i M rte H rtllr s ^ Mlaa M MCoouti. Tha tatroiMasss Mrs. A d «n J. Ber*. HWk^JslMi V oLsm i, M a. IfE Schick, Mrs. IBanry T ssdar

smoath. Aild a (ew grain* of salt and cupful of milk one. well-beaten egg. ono pepper and grated putmeg, the Juice of n,i„c*d small and cooked In ahalf a lemon and a large lableapoonful tableepoqnful of butter, a tableepoonful of Ot butter, a iroall b lt la fa time, atlrrlnf chopped parsley, a level teaepoonful each

of salt and thyme leaves and a few grains of grated nutmeg and white pepper. Stir to mix thoroughly; flll the prepared fish With It, and sew It In shape with a trusa- tng needle and small cotton twine. Put It in a bake pan, adding a few slice* cf onion, a stalk of celery, the pafslc.v e terns, two cloves and two bayleaves. Arrange a few slices of salt pork o ^ r the fish, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and a few grains of salt anmpepper. and out a tablespoonful of butter and a cupful of

I f too thick, add more vinegar and uee as directed.

Stewed Baas a la Newport SauceRemove the heads and tails from

four pounds of bass. Cut each fish 111 ttiree pieces and pul the pieces on the stove In a shallow atew'pan. Add a bouquet of pareley garnished with one clove of garlic, a hranrh of Ihyme and three cloves; alio add a level tca- upoonful of aait and two cupfuls of water. Cover the saucepan and stand It where the contents will simmer slow- ly for thirty mtnules. In another saucepan put a large tableapoonful of butter, two large onions sliced and a tableapoonful ot flour, stir frequently

the privilege of a guest. Mrs George Philhower, ot N’utlsy, the candidate lor the office of recording secrelary iu th, New Jersey State Federation, was one of the guests. The program opened with a paper by Mr*. Charlus C 'I'honipton, entitled "The Threshold C the Cior. Mr*. F, M. Teraberry entertained with s talk on "The .Krvmolln and Russian Art, and "From Moicow lo Trollsa" was the oubjacl of a paper prepared by Mr*. John f'ontrell.'' Mrs. G. F. Seiill gave a talk on A Visit to Wlenklewlci." At the close of the pi'ogram Miss Grace Martin en tcrtalned the company with a group ot vocal solos, and Miss Marlha atran. a club member, contrlhuied piano solos. Mrs. Frank llampWn presided ul the meeting.

The members ot the Newark Domestic Science nub will hold their uimuul club hmoheon at the Montclair Hotel. Kiilur- day, Febroury 15, at I'Sn n clock, A tnuelcul program will follow the luncheon.

ealmagundl riiib will coiitlnuc Its study of eouth America at the regular nifcllng to be held next Friday uflernoon iit the home of Mrs. Ella Francisco, SSS Ml. Prospsot avenue. "RIn Janeiro' will be the subject of a paper by Mrs. George U HOrle, and Mr*. Myron W. Morse wit! talk about "CBcao plantations," Mrs. William H. Warner will have for her subject "A Trip on Ihe Amuion," and "Flora and Fauna of South America’ will bn dlaouased by the members ut roll call. Mrs. William B, Corwin will he In charge of the meeting, and the progruin will he Interspersed with music.

Mrs. Albert A. Snowden will he the speaker at the next meeting of Phlllts- olpotna to be held February 13 at the ; home of Mrs. Henry C, Ward, W Clinton i avenue, The subject Tor the day will be I oratory, and Mrs. Snowdon will apeak on that topic, Mrs. Edward Gray Is chair­man for the day and her assistants ore Mr*. Leon Blanchard, Mr*. Robert H. Illingworth and Mr*. Frank J. Mllman,

Mrs. Samuel E, Boberlaon will enter­tain the Newark Civic Club at Its regular meeting Monday aftejnoon. ".\lLmlrlpal Study and Uteratun" will he the topic for tne day, and tho club members will dlseiiSK the aubject In a general way, Mrs. .tennie Siiderly will coniliict a parlla- menUry drill and Mrs. George B. Will­iams will uontrlbutu song* to the pio- gram. Mrs, llar-y Campion will be In charge of th* meeting.

The High School Club of the Young Women's Christian Association held a conference with high si'hiiol clubs of other eiHle* at Trinity House, Rector sir,-el, to­day The meeting convened at 11 o'clock, with Miss Theodora Heydeq. of the local High School nub, presiding. Repreaen- tgtlves from the Plainfield club numbered twenty-eight, while Jersey City aent twenty-six delegates. Ten came from the Paterson, eight from Passaic and ten from Yonkers. One secretary to one hlgn school teacher accompanied each club. Miss Heyden gavo a report of the local work and each ot the visiting clubs pre- lented a report- Miss Elisa nullur. Na­tional students* secretary of the Y, W,C A., spoke on ■ Student Work" at tlie close of (he biislnes* sesslun, The local association eiil*n.atn»d the eonferpni-e at luncheon in the V tt". t’. A. lunchroom and the park cafeteria at S o’clock, after which there will be a muBlcal entertain, ment In the parish house from 3 to t o'clock, followed hy dancing Mias Ruth 1 Tapping and Miss Helen Banister are In charge of the arrangements fur the con­ference,

Ray Palmer will observo Its regular business meeting nnd members’ club day lit the home of Mrs. Frank B. Smith, loO Belleville avenue, next I'rlday afternoon. The witty side of the life of Myrtle Reed will be the Bubjc-i for study, snd witty chapters from h,u- books will bts review­ed Current evr-nts will ai.eo be consld-

toplc. All Interested in mlsitoiiarF want ore Invited to he present.

wnfBrxm-iMfesi£ iro ifcK K iic ttg n B SMaioiaiaKK^ a

It’s Time Wasted

The women of the hoihv' are just as much conceraiet] in conserving time and energy as are the workers in our industrial and businew enterprises.

As a matter of fact morts consideration should be given these women of the home.

Their hours of labor and the multiplicity of duties do- volving upon them demand lome thought,

A good many women are till baking at home.

They count It economy.Some of them are preju­

diced against any but home baking. Some haven't tried my other bread to leirn if anything really good could come out of a baker's shop.

They don't know Snovr- flake Bread— they would be surprised to taste such bread, nnd they would hardly be­lieve a bakeshop could or would turn out such a fine loaf.

It's a pity every home- baking woman doesn't get acquainted with Snowflake.

If they did they'd qu.lt home baking:

Snowflake Bread Is Worth a 'Triia



S p r in g f ia ld A v « . , H o llu n d a n d B lu m S tra etg f

N a w iu rk , IS, J.


BMqsm et. to ft flMalHd tegtorltli^ erggvfg that Ituader. dnKeut e ta ro t i^ a n vtxv dueh ta (avordiitaartB(. H«re -M a^eim a iileage « t . ceetoa matHSai .wWeh-bMg tale t* be en* af tin aaaitn#

tritii 'Ik* d«ea aMuMae yebe, N t w OH lower ••ittM a On w eiit with a oswa at ataiB er*a«- T N YWt tg la ptain ni-ereae laatehiBa tht tha4e of titt tioMad'

• ■ o n aN d w itt hanat b*

bolllhg water In the pan to supply liquid over a glow fire until quite t,rown. (or basting. Put In a hot oven, and bake Then when th* f ah has simmered the U twelve minutes to each pound, basting length of time directed, tranefer it to B very f"tquently. Then trgnsfer lo a another eaueepen and strain the broth hot dish and nut It in tbe oven to keep Into the browtted flour and union. Stir hni while the sauce Is being mad*. Put It until It reachei the boiling degree, me' ?s"n‘ o n ^ e T o v e and"fdd^,h* Ju'ee and boll 1, rapidly until It I. reduced ot a' Dint of O/eter* and more bollht* to a thick eaoce. Then add to It a water *to make aufficlenl sauce. Let tt tabiespounful of beet extract and a boll' thicken with a tablespoonful of flour cupful of thick stewed tomatoes, tLivIa m a I'ttle cold water After letting strained, apd pour it Into the saucepan H 'bo»*?orrcvera?“ ^^ ^ add the oys- containing .the fish. Make the fl-h tore chopped rather ,gmall. ellr to mix very hot. transfer to a hot p a . th o ro ^ W p o u r ovgA the fish and send pour the sauce over all and send to theto file tsbl'e, i

Broiled BluefiahTrim the fin* and tail and cirt off the

bead or * ■ thie-poubd Wugfigh. Split It through the back and lay It ikin di.wn- ward trtt a pan. Sprinkle It ^ th four tabltfpoofifula of oliv« qD, the Jului ot a- .. - m m ____ jBa bA )o unei T«Ar..


A l l 't'he N «w J«rBey branch of the vacationt«Tir^ t n i A few ifTtint bo-U »nu pjr- committee of the Woman’* D*partment

E*t the flih roermtte in IW» tor NMlonal Civic Federation waa o rseveral Hotiri. keepinf U te ft g&nlxe^ yoaterday afternoon at a mectlnjWhen rea^ lu? i in th* Mea Robert F- BeJtentte*,hot. lav on “ • * 43 WaghlmiRm street. Mr*. Roger Baconclear, inodergte f l r g ^ t will m u ire Morgan, of New York,N?w‘ lMVenThe - l « o flh g ^ b rX ^ ' “ e general committee at thethe ekH). aide, invert the serving over th* mh. cloee tha twpRfrmnd timi It over. Thie win bring the ngh.tb* rlaht side up on the digh without the danger of hrMhiug it. iu'iRuvliit H froio the brolley to the dtgh hv the grdiiutrr fliutbod. H«w t*«luUV-S*f*eh the wires from the fleh. ggrag4 * tablw^oontu] of butter gwgr It. gprtnkte a tgbIg|ip«nD(n1 uf ehoppgd ptrelev. aouaeae the Jniga el a lemon aver the tlgh and gegd te the iMile, '

Fiieu of F tu n d a f au G n tia To removg thg ttlgds from a (Mb ent

through the Mtin au ground behind the MM and ehbuldgn. Leoegn the efcin et ihe edge*, dig tlm anger* in gwH to obtain g Bitn hoM nnd giiN th* nUn 4(iwn, gH gfeund- With ihe o e e iM ^ hMh nf W* kgttp, thg gMA egn he wAted down to the Mil without t«giu« the (Well- After the iWn lg drawn dpwp and put o ft re- M«v* the hew., OHRAhe tauth »nu r the fleeh, god. kMpthg tt clewe to the bone, prosned to out tba flenh (nmi the honet. T hm Mueew-vof fleh *>* osllgd flMi. When tgten troip eugll Itgh ther sre uguMiy xoekM whbiet When taken from M ta hah th*> ,glh MtttMft nggvenlggt

meetlag,,Mr* . *

of thg Ig «^ br*heh.TTi|ft-.flrtpti, tpgs-*,. will he held next Wednesday Under the plan ‘ (g ]|^gd In New York during the laet yeatj a * many lub-gtatlons a i needed will be g|WDed In this city. The branch Will eMMygge vacation fund saving* among WWPgP and girls.

tVhsrgwsr Un or mors girls co-eperatc, a sub-nt«ton win bt apensd. with a wom­an to m tfen the depotlls and geooant for

. them W th* collecting gecreUnf. Tht I looal WCSWtgry of eny sub-stgtiog will acti as i^ofite

The aulggtgttgnt will be suppUed with stamp* r^Mging from Rva etntg upward, and for gU deceit> these sismpt w ill bt MeiMgr a deposttar . wish** tosirtttUlMW M hwnev ibt ntav do *0 tt thg ofOog «3 th e vtcgtlen eenimttppe. W at her gah pdlBp, bv (iv in f wtak'g

The vgoattM csmmtttse inveaHggtot tunsmtr a a a jw d t r country boardtng. hoM w w h eorjigw bed* and whnIsMng food pan bo h M ind pufeUgbag thl* Hal, Wbjeh >■ dlotribnlod among th* depogltort

~ (W M In V m Tort! |n »UO ^ p g M K o r iv n d

M W hM beta

w _

TsaiiX t ’Kt chaTb}Gf ol3ei) 3a^ W ?n |

( J d M Q jx S tf i f e

1 e n ^ ' \ ) a l e i i G i * A a j 3

n * 3 * s t •

d1 f ix lt e t r Sfe. ^^•vl

'Ml& k : t



i i

■-*---- .. - - .' rt?

r Tour Ctrsers’ FhOoaopher Con* * sM en ffin u G oodW ettbc r

I^q»het IS Some,Aching Kidneys v% ■ ' ‘■''j.

. t v t *'

LEADS AN IDEAL EXISTENCE ' Every PklureTell* a Slot]/.'

Ei V

"If rjU h»i!* tiolninf better to do to- Rwnrpwl" MUd the Four Cornori Phil- MoFber, "you m t y oonelder youreelf )n- vH«d to Ulte » trip with me oi« In tUi couirtry- I Ont (otoy up into the wlldi of Irvlniton where I have epolted woodoliucit bole, for the purpoae of aet- Ultit once tpd for all the truth or un* truth of the iroundho* ehadow alary.

"Between you and me I never did lake much itock In iilteaatlone of relatlon- aUpi between the aablo Imaie of o wood- (hhhok and the apinal colntnn of winter.

; In the llrit place, I don't believe a wln- ’ ter baa any backbone. HUI), nil iny dsya J'va-been told that when the aroiindhog

■aeai hi* ahadow ot a Condlemae Day he ' hlkaa to Ua hole ataln. knowlna that alt ' mora weeka of winter are to eome. if

|h« ahadow ta not there the beekbone of wintOr In broken and G. Nog etuye out .1 don’t helleve h word of It. but I'm BOlni to find out finally and de- (MlMy for myeelf.“ Thla auperatltlon about tho grnund-

haf and hla ahadow on Candlemas Day." w»nt on the Philoeopher, "i» »» old ee

‘ tha WUi In which the groundhoga dig their holea It la ua old la Ihe mother-

v li- I tw Joke, aa old aa aome of the freah____ .,..-.1 ,. a_ mam wnaplfdhkw Tngiiftd now on aele in our marhela. In

• fpet,-l have always been under a sneak­ing Impraeaion that Condlemaa baa some aMapMotlWi, somehow, with candled eggs.

Wonder." the Philosopher went “if f e groundhog, himself, takes any

stock la this shadow etory. Really, 1 eua- pact that ho l» ot an open mind hi this

'jrMnrn Satisfied to let well enough nlone, doubt does no worrying, being

pligaad'to let human beings think any- iliiwa they wish ao long as they do not

I f Y ou r Back Aches and Y oh r K idneys are W eak , Get the K idney R em edy T h at H a s Been, Proved G O O D A ga in and A ga in R igh t H ere in Newark.'

Newark People Tell It:

dlaturb hla sleep.Is wme I* Hla Way.

‘ "White b« te b*t noticeably intellectual In jwppearance. hla forehead being too tow

'Itsd bis chin too high, the groundhog la at good deal wiier than ho looks. True, ka goet barefoot and wears a fur coat the yWtf around, which might be regard­ed W an evidence of eccentricity. But he ,Wbo gggka out an Ideal exlatence and

- than pnededs to exist It, la not a fool,not by a.'jtug full or a lug three-quartera ■full, at feast. Kating all nummer andalcaplng all winter te about aa near an I(M1 existence ga I can Ininglne.'^Tha wiwdchuck I am going to see to-

- I see him—never paid a coalM In'hig life. Heat, eggs and butter m y soar ta price aV winter, but Ur.

Ttldl doesn't even hear, let alone ‘'about It He doean't evoh know

elects President laathlkU; be­ing d^barly retlrer, and he doeen't care. Tho^Wkan Wkr news dona not annqy him k 't t t ' netther 'haa he been botherM by 'Mbteiitlon as fo whether Oovernor fVIlaam, ghould Qrlialy Bear Into th«

£%:%fc»ld»ncy or go in a hack.T,hn only drawback In tho life ot the

to far as 1. can aee, Is thla___adless butlneaa. If U happens to he

day, all well and good. But It pretty tough to set the alarm

C mwk'for February 2, be amuted from ak' .- -W__ ________ _ A'Wa. .isSsIs*

|c <MM^0t o . w *S 7 ti

-v4tP-WU ell

10 Inlkan

■eiund gieep and go out Into the cold, only to rtnd.'OM does not have to stay up be-ogiiail>ft; In clear. Then one has to get the elOllit nil dver again for the middle Xtych.^MwroI«tng.;iieii‘« that one Mt It for Bt. Valent'lne'e Day or Washinl tonig .'Birthday'aaa.'giill fooled a- secondtme.

M M -


Wtetwal 4acetlea.-to an, apparently liarraleaa

hie own buBlneas, the however, reepjnelble—Inrio- -for at least one raving

batehea throughout the |,a^.tpday peopled with hundreds

nitdni,* once sane, strong men .JMI on account of the old

' MBB’dlag 'how much wood Gk'«hn«k If a woodchuck

ttroodP Even the woodchuck beeaUM he la not a

But, despite .a robust death em la attU under dlecus-

pt our repretentatlve Inetl-

Are YOUR Kidneys Weak ?HOW TO TELl,—First read the testimony and learn what Doan’s

Kidney Pills have done for others.

Then if your back aches, If sharp pains strike you when stooping or lifting; if you are lame in the morning, tire too easily; if you have dizay spells and are nervous, despondent and inclined to worry over trifles; if the kidney secretions are highly colored and full of sediment, if passages are too frequent, scanty, painful or scalding, it Is likely that your kidneys

need quick attention.

Take a sample of the urine and let it stand for 24 hours. If a sandy, brick-dust like sediment settles to the bottom of the receptacle, there ll

evidence enough to suspect the kidneys.

WEST STREET POLK STREETGunti,v« Ko nlff, BS IVoBt 8t., Nf-wmlt.

N. J-. My»; "Tou muy coniliiuc to uho my fohner lridor»emont ol’ Doan's Kl<ln'‘y IMJli given lome years apo. 1 havr told hunflreds of peoi'k about thl8 reniedy anti always lal{« pleasure In recommernlliijf H. I had an acute pain Iji my bm'k uml whensver I caught cold, It settlod on htv kldneyi, weak 'UiJip them. A friend tn- siikted upon my laklna Doan's Kidney nils and he gave me a few to try. 1 ffot Rii much benefit from their use that 1 ]vnTeurcrt a further aupply at Menk's Drug Store. The symptoms of my cum- plaint were entirely removed and my healtli became much better,"

Mrs. John Kuhn, 114 Pdlk 8t., T ewarkN. J., pa\p- "I have taken Doan's Kidney r’llls off niid on for about, a year atid my experience leuda mo to recotnniend'them tu anyone Buffering (roni kidney trouble. A year ago niy hack was weak and made ll cinioet Impossible for me to stoop. After sitting tor awlille, my back becRJiie lame and 1 was hardly able to get up. My joints ami feet were painful Rfid swollen and thU fdmwed that my kUlneya weie not removing the uric arkl fioni my tern. Since taking Doan's Kidney FiIIh J have gflined In iiealih and my lihvk and kidneys haw hecti strong " \


WINANS AVENUEJacob Bee. -7 ^'inaiiH Ave., Newark,

N. .1., Hays: 'T have had no further 'trouble from niy kidneys or back since

Doan’B Kldnoy PHIh cured me somo years-ago and you may continue to. ptibllsh my former Indorsement. I was iie^er freefrom backache and 1 had tu pa.ss the kiit- ney secretiona too frequemiy, capeciHlly at nlglil. 1 had lieaijachee and epetl.'s of dlxzlness and my feet swelled aa if I had dropsy. T coiv ulted at lea l six docloi's, hut got no relief frofii their niedl* ctne. Klnatly I tiegan taking Doan's Kidney Pills and In a sliort time 1 was rid of iny h-oiildc Hin-i- then I Jiaui kept Doan B Kidney Pills hi ilie iMu.se ''

PRINCE STREETMTS. Margarftt Buchele 243 Runyon Bt..

Newark, N. J., says: "Since 1 gave a iMlImonlal telling what Doan'e Kidney PlllB had done for me years ago. 1 have seen numerous people • who have ii-sed them Buccessfully. When 1 t4>ok Doan s Kidney PIUb 1 was' sick in bed as the result of kidney trouble and they cured me- My faith In Doan'a Kidney PHla Is a* Btrong today as when I Indorsed them before. For yeara they have kept my back from aching and my kidneys well and strong. Toa may continue using my testimonial."

.losepti Ashman, retired groct i, I7n \'an lUiren St.. Newark, N. J,. says- "The pi aise 1 ga\e Doan’s Kiilney J'iIIb two i' ars ago, holdii good loda\’. The cure tlipy brougtit mo ha? hceu lastliiB- 1 dofiured and used medicine tor u long itino, but did not soeni tu pel rid of kidney complaint. T suffered from pains In my back and wlien I caught cokl It always settled In my kidneys, making the trouble worse. Aflei' UPlng two boxes of Doan'B Kidney Pills 1 wbp relieved iUui 1 continued taking them until my trouble was removed."

Mrs I'liarles K uiiIk, I'lu JTliiou 8l., N hw-

ark, S. J., SHj'u: "My back piiiiu’d nir,

especially at nlKhl, when it hurl tvrrl*

bly. I rould not rest on Hi-count of ihc

dull ache through khliiciS. Often

I had to neglect my housework. I hail

trouble with the kidney eei-reliima also

Althi^Jgli I tried many reuietiicb, 1 was

nut helped untjl I began ualng Doan's KJd-

Pills. They made me well."ney

DOAN’S KIDNEY PILLSSold at all druggist and general stores, 50c a box, or mailed on receipt of price by FOSTER-MILBURN CO., Buffalo N. Y.

al prlnelplsa, the waodchucK dally srudlte Individual. No

IVfSsntoma, even hla own, fade the moment have no al-

< hlin, Hq liellevea In lejfln*, tlonq.hy Btic^iito he ma bullded up


.tlon Oi a srognoatlcatot, iw and aurpaaaed by none,

human weather diviners on tho hack fire oacaiie

In time o f the night, ohaerve and Haturn line up and then

how the weather la going to I'next ten days. But nobody

'.^attention to them.An Seme Do It.:tt differently at the wcath- 4q IVaihinKtoii. There the

the returni showing " I f at all, the wind la blow-

Tex., Add to this the tem- gtAahpemlng, Hlch'., divide by i'hum idity, at Portland, Ore.

ind. He,, whlehever la the lox the compaaa, take the . of the signs o f the Zodiac,

Infinitive and then proceed to tell what the weather condl- golng to be In Eaaex County

RESERVE Your Skin fromP !

pimples, redness, rpughnessiand irritation, your scalp from

dandruff, itching and loss of hair, your hands tedness^ rough­ness and chapping, by using

Cuticura Soap

itbeee la an old fellow down Ste, the efficiency of whose

eatemlllara all hla fe llow - ^r.tMmomen trust Implicitly. It's the

thing (n the world. One ot ‘SSMO'Seown oaterptUara with a black r'.VillilUle Is toeked up for the winter

eheervallon. I f the black band north «nd of the raterplIUi

the caterpillar Is headed north, part of tha Wdnt^r le going to

.hliTd apd th« latter part mild. Jf ' wiv.iMkdltlDEUi are reversed, vice verso.,

?3ttt'thS Ifroundhoii does not dabble ^AinW 'l^iivdli'thlnga. Hn sets up only to aii-

'AhmiiH'oa February 2 whether or not i'liftekbone of winter is broken. He

I'to one line and that la the spinal hB. He does not pretend to know

'" ; f t ^ h ln g about the pleural cavity, the JvipieB, the appendix or the fallen

Ho la a specialist and suc-


constantly, and Cuticura Ointment occasionally. They promote and maintain the purity and beauty of the complexion,hands and hair un­der all conditions, and rendier the use of other toilet preparations a needless vi aste of time and money. Besides, in purity, delicacy and re­freshing fragrance they meet evefy req[ulrement of the refined and fas­tidious. Gencrou* sample post-free.

Although sold ev«ywhere, you need not buy them until you try them. For sample of each with 32-page Skin Book, address “ Cuticura," Dept. 17, Boston.

rjKK '^iMmlwhsrsi others fall.''E. K. H


"'An oxhtbit and Mle of articles made by' the bllnA baa been arrauKcd under the ongghM ot the State Commlaalon for the BUii4' to be held In the commlaalon'a y«OlpXi ®9 Brood street, next Thursday end Friday from Id n'elock In the mornihg tt f In the afternoon. The work will rep-, igoent the Orta and crafta in which the adult‘blind are being trained by teachers empleyed by thet commission.

Bpe^ena of basketry, crochetting and *a«tng wiu be offered tor sale and orders

. taken << for cflalr-canlng. The declared policy of Che ieomniieaion la to "do alt In oof power to devriop In the blind a self, respeetlng anil respected manhood und womanhood, only commending their best

' woffc in the varioux lines poeatble for iMpi to .follow."Hnere alre now atatisUca of 1,072 blind

'(‘ 'Jpdriona on record with the eommlsslan HMld iA peraont under Inatructloh In their hornes or at ctaaeroomi ot the commlaslon.

V W1H10 five youths have been placed la ipaclal eclioajs - and two children In k pMblto Khool qlaas In this city.

If Pf \ F * r A . i « o s r t

The Krakauer Piano, which has been represented in Newark and vicinity for over forty-three years, is now on display at our Main New York Warerooms, 17 East Fourteenth Street, between Broad­way and Fifth Avenue.

A very fine assortment of pianos and player-pianos in various fancy woods are offered for inspection to the intending purchaser.

The Krakauer stands the highest in quality., The price within the reach of alt.


Pianos of Other Reliable Makes from $200‘Upward PLAYER-PIANOS FROM $400



'443.445 Broad S tOrKKItlxfH 1872

Cepital Stock ind Proftts,Deposjts, Over. . . $3,500,Q!Xl.fl(l

Is not' the selection of your business bank as important as the management of your finances? A progressive bank can be of frequent and vital as­sistance to your business.

This bank aims Jo make its experience and knowledge of flnancial details of constant practical value to itk depositors. We are always prepared to con­sult with you on all matters affecting your prosperity and advantage.

Come in and introduce your­self.

Cominercial md Sivingi BeparlMJoht Luab«air.. . . . . FrearidealHeor7 Ma Dur»mna... Vtce-PrCRa

S. Msritk.. . . . . . .CMUhlctTKm* H. Flenoii. Conlilcr

- ^aUt," -ittgiid Feoim.

fvy M i Wlb

' i i t ; drsrt'

At Fountains & Elsowhera Ask for

i i HORLICK’ln«0fi



’ L eetan M iBitea Tribe, Frerdysor George H. Pepper, curator ol

’Dtp imtvarttt; of Ptnoxylrapla rnuaeum, ...ojldt .iMtgre Oh “Tbe Hop! ludfana; Their

llagtjTlfn Aria and Ceretnonlea." to the IM^kBPOthorkoed of the High Street

t Oraroh Honday night. Wotn- 1-on iuve lO ^ tnvItod to attend. Profeaaor

PtHwr AjUWrtS material for hlx leetnre While In dboTce of tho Hyde SouUiwoat- era duodJUlaa.. '


V i a V © w C e n - t r o l'R O Y A L B L U E L IN E ,

3 Feb. 21,■V a I f f t M » « h l 7DAYS


April 10,24 S l S - O O j

d Feb. 8, 22 $18,00;March 23 j q

alona ahe Raid line of Oak avdnue iwemy-five l2J> , theDce cailcrly ono hundred \feet to the wOBterly Hne of lot number eixiy- I Alx fm BBid map' ihenee norlhorly alonjfthe ssme iwcmy-flve i25) fee-t to tho fouUifrly hue of lot number tlxiy-tv.o |6I2) on BBld map. I thenee westerly alofu? the famf one liimdred i 4tOO> feet to the point or phace of UcginninB: ! belnif knoB'ti and deslunfiled a» lot numlwT ■ ixty-one ffll) on the aforesnid map. Heliig' the same premise* of which EMon Frazer died erlKi , and conveyed to her b3*tleed from Will- mm Unn Atlen-«pd LhitavJis, hie wife, .dued March firn, elfhtecp huttfired.'niul'" c<*hjy- seven, and recorded in ihc- Estei Ufumty regis­ter’s office iri'Hook of 'D^da fof said,county, on pasca 8dJ. etc.

Together with alt and flingnlar the herrillt- Smenta and sppurienanecR to the aald prettt-' ises heloRglnfT or in any wiae appertaiiiyg .

Xot^A-a reported to mo by like ttollcK^ of' the complalnam, the <llena and encumbnaTUYOS upon ihe sbovo described premlieA are aa fol­lows: "Taken for I.DID (approxlma ). 831.W ugllh Interest; taxes for 1911 (opproklmato) M .ll with InterefU; taxes for lUlSJ (approkl- nsiey $32.92 wtih [ntneefu; aitsensment for flsf- «4ng on*r)ali — • • -‘ atesacient forgTadtna Oak svenu#. 111,31-" - 9 reported to

I tn*, the above -taxes sdd asMssmentji are ley'ted Jointly upon the. oretnisee above described, wnd- upon an adjoinItiR lot known aa lot numbet

I eikti-tB'd 4U2> Oft map of "The ManhattanI Park."

Dated Fobruan' 1. 19111.

FRAXnS CHIIaD.( Master In (jhtncerjr of New jerte/,

: 4dB lAWvei'i* bstialfPSr >»ewai1(. Ns& MoFtett, COlichori. (H T^

10 Montgomery street, Jereey City, ti. J.

LIVE R P ILLSSugar-coated and ali vegetable. Dose, only one pfll at bedtime. For comti* patton, bilious headache, Indigesthm. Ayer’s PHU. Sold for 60 year*. ' Ask Your Doctor.


DAYS $21.00Above Rates Cover Alt Necessary Expenses

■ Dor Taus Lean BirvaO gtroat HalhM l i :g S ^ . H. % Dor Teon, 7 iSS A. H.For Booklst IS* or writs Ageuto

IN CH.VNCKHV OK NKIV Jl'IRHUV—BOlwns Bdbert'Praaer, cdmplalDaTit. an - 'William

B. Frsr.er, et ale., defendauib—On bill for P*r- . t]tlan^J)e4?fe«' for sale.

Ry virtue nf a deerte fbr asle ms4e by Court of Clianeery. In ihe-above"Bt4ta<}:cauaB. b«s.rtng dale ilie nilndtcelttn dey of pecembor, itHHtcw hundrtNl and twelve, I amll. ftapojae

Fraaer died a<.*t»ed. and coTiYftgiRf to her by dei.'d from. John Httrvey Hftd KHs* Jade -Har-*, vfy, bl» wifi-. April «wentr-*^*>nJ.etigl-teen hundred and clgbty'alk aod rttipnled .r the Ewea: CuupLy reglsier’a offleg'tft Booi: M 12. of deeds lAir Mid couniy, dn alKlanil 5(Vt; tbgeiber with all aivd slngVMr th? hereditaments .and appunenanvea to th* preiniai's b lunghifr In anywlM‘dipliarUla- Irig .

^nie—Aa - reported tb tfab -ioncltoreof the complainant, the heiM and ent um* jLirancfrA upon ibc abgve described pfdtniaea an­as folln«-st -Taaei for. ivIO faWvwxtmateJ $21 HO wifh inUrcst; t«xm for 1921 tapprox- iroau) 021.12. with Ititerest: tatat 'fox 1919 tappioR.rnate), tntercotf aMeas-rr,<YDi fvYr nagging on -Oak Jtveniiey W -X ; ai- erasitiL-nt for grading Oak aTeTin«;,;,|U'3>, At rtportied, V5 n\«, the ebova uOfacr*^. aoM**- inenn afO levied jointly pettniw*gbdV, ileseribcd and upon an' giOlloinuiS Job Myiwti* OR lot number ill, ‘ n|l ■ gtftL Ibf "The Mitii bfttlifcn Park.' .

Febmaiy i, J9J.r

HeMliiger: thence (1) mnplng eaaterly on a line parallel, with «M9ntgoffl«ry alreet along aald lU rrinaer'a-ltne doe hundred faeti ihence i'2> norihprly tMarhltel with ChaHtOa alreet twenty teet: thende.. tB) weafarly on a lino parallel with .Mofittfwngrt' »tl«t,«ae huttdred (fct to said Una of Chartfod «tmt: thence M) Boi therly along said< tine of.Cbtrlttm street, tweni t«ft "lo iiM''Viac«; ofolFkglnnitiB, Inciud*. lag the rsiaia mod ihfcerBat in ' dower of toe ccnnplalaant. Camjne -Kmatfir, wUeiw of Wlli- lam Krueger. de4'garBeda.rtn''tht Bold pfcmisea, together with . the heredtia-menta and appur(aiafic«ft tn tba said premises belonging or m n^yim^aipp0rtaliUfig> - ,-.s...De\€d January jsS. WHw'-.A . , .^ / • •


ChsrlM F. Hmt. ■ i'.vvv-c.;,,.-., •Bollrltar of HI9.74)

MALTED MlUwYiri-itM fw M

ttj » » u a

,1# --.•Hat'



jPS 'i® '.i'-f

At botelt, uicl fcjDdkioiu, arngoraintg awl 1 Keep it od your ndebuid | | |

Don't travel w ilhoi)t.ii|A qinkk h K k p im n d is Tokelwianlalioii. J fB ttft flHothsMaytlMt:

o rry a i «'NOTICE OF

FRAPJClifSpecial Mouer In t'Ttnneery of Mser Joiissy.-'•* ’ *Wir ■ .............................

fo^aale »t public vendue on XYednet^r 'hs* fiffh-’^ay of Kaixh, nlneieen himdred' and

3 2 lb s .S i% a f1 2 « H E R O V ’8 .


* iNCEBT OF NEW IERSET—Bttwnn , FDU«r, coniilsiutit. and Adsm B. si., dritddnitii. On bill for gotti- rtow "OiirM for osl,.Sb.^j.'rirtuo at a diecrov for aslo mado hx iba

Of -CVlSAcaix In tbo sboTO stated osuar, 1KXHiiir.-: dat« too cUtbtb day ot November,SSljrb^-Inmdrod and .iwoJv*. I a i^ ---- -ftnsaft at BgliiU* Vaaiato u> Um 1i ' j|i1 ffwIitljjlilL H* nWi Ida, .rf _ignK'.liiaMnd and .tarinacs, - « t ' tbo hnir of t o’cioca.ui lOa afternoon oC-tOat-day. In tke

U b n ^ a ooliarM r i t l » . afirtlwii^ Im tbt

riw Bt Nanaik. In the numy of. Eases ao4 aosta of New Jefaey. all that eertala tmet ot tdircet of land and breiBlm inaau In tVe loiUBkip of Clinton. In the coincy of raar* aniUstaia of Now Jtner. boaMM and djoH serfljed- aa (sUowa:

neguwnc .os tlia aaawly m,* « gah ivenua at a |MM- tfetnl)( dBoutit one. .kUMreil (tsbi

f f * « oomheri,'f«s» the vomer — ■ ' ' 'tdtrrtoaliM *t tOd.aoaUwrty i avtiitid Wiik tbe abOterty tnw < an'laM'down-Ob » natp of wghutanbattan rant.” an* ' i n m ^

-'day of 1 .Iblrterii, at the hour of two o'clock la tbe •rtampna of mat day, In the eberffra ialej- tootn at tba eourtbouaa, to tho otty” of New. ark, in the. rouaty of Eases and Utate o* Kaw Jetiey. all ihft certain tract or'VaKtef ,.ot land and Prrmjwe eltuafe In Ibc^coWinhlp Ol CHniun. In the county of Enstx jiM Suita 'OL now .Janey. and deaertbed ao n TrBoclaslng tn tbe easterly line ol ;eafc «ve- nna at a poloi tbanw dlatnst W»e«ty-ttv* feet ooiiDwIy freon the, ooBtiigW., ec Jfefym , TOnae; .froip BBr jlimaM aveuu«

Alit bith JELodvaU auwob MjfTkiinarBd.l^Mas AYT4TUs/-ifiK‘-lht2tc4k ncitiluiflF'" Itw «iMn iwiSnlar«lhr9't-cftt -(hi: .fdacr

'ItihlWg’ Baing .)H nuiMb*r >4«eT-tww

40t 1eAW$'rra’ buihUngs NsWaf . M.-JTi M*lMh A Morten. BoUc-itorA ' . ^ ft25.tt) iu -am ig* .turBot, J. ,


Cnnllne Knieger, et ala.. eomiWtiinata. a ^ C^rtof Kniegcr. ^ ala., defadMiMB*- Ow bUl- for pBKtItlob. of aaKi, * a

By vlrtEM «C a Aizsee for gatfe. 4HM la Abo ibirwfntttled bearing C^.^^'twanQr-Ibwtli day or Batwember. lUttetMttjNw** t t f tArtve. iL Tboiaaa Aodesaoe, a M3i«raT moater

Chancery. Aatl eapoM tor .dutk.at,n4 «ei1 to the htgmft trfdden m thfi Bevapieeath MniaiVe

Otestcen haBrired 4m .Uilr eea. AA tb4 m rla LhoMCtcrhoon ef MUil^day.-u ihe

and' rcoolu and , _ATk. Ob bH «ry. JftlS, anff- th« ctly oc KBfraK nary; I9U: puT>Ho i 4i ll Ulc iatsaU(|ti-\ Yloior L'onRnluieoej utyiat- and to virl entitled "Aihii charter xoruh ii; 1 and tho-4 Waiet Ioi>pn»ve< Mofj’h- .

>WB or the BtaU i cauirt meT“-— “

Blresti.: J®'

T 0 il.lt ; m

of- Jan-']ll^or of I


ta Cb findn

: corrldiir of tlio'c«at(houMa-«(. w eouhty, ----- -------------- iv. in IJMey

11*6*In\ ■ tiffin .


^ 8taU> -of Kew nlP ‘that ecrtoki ^ ittMtOd lyiPg v a b

Bngla^K 'to tbe -eaateidy' flharireridOEnef *t S^ujW dotiiharty — *— ........ —- '- ‘ T'fedrtwalOe corarr '


foe a - MWl abbtt cha enofeft lacuuet's . ,ot Naw.do»*aV;,'

RXlven Ibat Street .and

i t t Nawark.I. of the act amend the,

t i ‘ riihroveqf i ttmi ttierata,

F:M Street tni r; ot Newatbi'.' t other gu^e, i to order *■('



A. pnfroht■of r-baenrier avei

■ UcGtexbrlidth of MTOlteinvo

(7S r»«t: tbo UMhibg of a-mar atrw w h« ot|]«d . . .- ' ‘

ALLMGHCKY A V K S C 9 ,. . ‘j:for a Width. i0O Tm i bxfcMMf oamAvrom p wntibciF- to POHit knaa, oH (if-Whtcd» if 4rhoviv i»k « HHp, os:ilU i * .th« afnes

iMhlWf!SeirT| * Meof chfaa tMef««

0.'“ • - -


16 BRO/

ya. mi $ai'■i|

lairii on and It moEt 4

... ctrcumi worit - Ol

Arin«le K t t y i'Waytoj

Surk«, . clTal-a ttn«4 Mllbt

j. .! and 111 . Htolo. WM Jtt

AIn tl

Jocohn jfCWni


I13i-0.ilact' theiagn: are t . ledactlona. .tn wrltlOK

'o.tki.rierk of snnt.board, at the offiBo .f the, Ileatd *f Ntreet oiaj wat-r .CbnazaMtoaora, rtlv I hall;. Ntnark, .<« ur before the expiratloB of 'etfilxya from -late nf tWe noilge.

By. AtrecflaAy-cf ibe .'Boa^ of BMet mab WAor ( em'Wijlipai.a of tbo .rilg of Kaeraki Newark..

IDm 4.L«niWil*--Wal»i m JW&t» an6 q «•thor mritoMetb <Hie ibe p t t n -___ mt VtUC ACIO IB Fritr ■?*-b«Bi BBolHvBtF kmcted bg


Ike g m t BbeamaUat, lllobd and■ ‘ F ir r IM M a c . SBb. Bl bJJ drBge

BFBIrwwl M rbnvlBt ot griew

■ffisodi of til*tnurttii


youtb-evB a body IB UM xolBm

f'.’ 'r A

S E W A B K E V E N I N G N E W S , S A T G B K I i r . . F E B R U A R Y 1, 1913.'■■■ II'" I , ggaaegnaesi ............. . i. .x ' . . ^ - f iTii.i ‘

23 ■iT»


■ \

1i«r t

L »

T HK Old noiilpstt ad" will ulflnppear from the stage of tlm Newark

■ Tlieatre toliiglil, itmkli;jc roum for thd Droiiwjnfftli<'n next v.eek uf ‘Tlia y«Uow Jacket,■' one o! the mobt iini«jue filayi produeod in New York ttila rea- ROO. MDunted In the KuJtmi ThoHtra early In November lu t. U prohablj' hax excited more comineiit becuMKe of Ita oddity than uny other (iramatk- offering loOtUghted in Manhattan in recent year».It le described as “ a Clilncse play done In the Clilneie manner." tleorge O, Ha* gelton. who wrote "Mlaln«H Nell," in Which Henrietta (.'roamnn won her flrxt triumph as a star, ami J. H. Henrlnm, | ■n actor and elaije dlreclor in the ♦■in- ploy of David Hela; co fnr ‘i jyar-,are He co-nuthors. l oUi urn lamuiar , with ChlriCBO drama, lutvlnR: |ho<l fni h i time In San F'ronrlS'-o. white nilh--N« playa are staged In Hie niiilvo nirtninT, \ and their knowledge tuia uimbloii fncreate a production i uch hh gives tiie . Chinese theatro a illsilnctian nil Its ovsn.

Tho most striking peciillaiUy " f ■I'lie ; YeUow Jar-ker" in ti>st thr sp*-. taiur .

' must exercise hla Iniiiglriel inn in ni iJer to | help out the primitive aids h> i l;*!nii UHllxed In wtaglng the pie« c. Micnilam |

■ peaks are tmnh; of tuhle.' iinil 'iLiiirs. | rlvefi are simulated by a mw n' ,and a atnfi of canvas. IJeavcn li nine- | Mated, by a balcony at ths ivai <if ti t ; RtagOt and a xiala' e hy a pie<>- nl red i doth and two flj^hlni; pul(?«. k Ii ser- tlngS as llioso for a play tliai in iui='aiit td be taken serimiHly «iipeai in in* rltilcu- :

■ )ou& when spoken of; Imt as Hm f . 'Slioiis •of tha different s- encs of ictlnn In 'The <

iH eltow Jacket." they are iiTuhTi-iaiidalile, ^and SO ill harmony wiih Ho- ridiuKp Idea

trf prosenthig a diama lhal ihoy U n i no\'- •■elty and interest to thu production.

The story in tlte i'lay dcala with the Covernor of a Chinesv iiroUm e, who two wives arid wishes tu rid Idmself of ofl*t the mother of lib only child, in order that lift mny give morn attention to the other. In thu eerond act the young y-on hM'grown to manhood and In forced to contend with Daffodil, hb hnlf-hrother by bis father's second wife, in oidcr to reclaim hb position ui life, ii> establish Mmtclt in the I'Stlmatlon uC ihi> people and to gain the hand of Plum Blossom, tho girl he luvea.

An efficient cast is employed In the pro­duction and Includes Thomas Jackson, Signor Fcruginl. David Powell, ATiiolnctte Walker^ who Impersonated Modesty in Manager Savagfe'? production of '"Kvory- woman;” Reglnalit Barlow. Grace Bar- hour, Mark Price and P'anny Addison P itt .

• » •Shufarrt Theatre.

Tho finat opportunity for enjoying the cheerful fun Ih VExcuse Me," at the Shu- bftit Theatre this Bposon, will be afford­ed by the performance of that gay farce tonight. The attraction booked for next week is Marlon Fairfax's three-act play, **The Talker," now In Its second Bcnaon after a long run in New York last year. Tally Marshall, whoso l>ftrtfay^ of Harry liennox la as fine in Us way as was his dftpictlon of Frederick Hatuiock, the dope fiend. In the origin^. producUon of Clyde Pitch's "'The City,*^^ a*member:jof the cast, which also containB several other

« players who were Identified with the per­formance in Manhattan.In "The Talker/' M l^ Fairfax shows

the difference between the real'new wom­an and tho pseudo new* womtin. w'hoso argumenta have done so much to discredit tho really progressive reprcacntatlvea of tho gentler sex and who stand for all Hint la finest and best In life. One of the»e{ lOhtraatlng types Is Jessie Smith, the col- agerbred club woman, who makes a fine

t art of wifehood and motherhood, Is a pood 'friend, neighbor ami citizen. ‘ The other ls Kata Lerihoxii h charming but heedless young hypociite, who Is far too selfish and B^f-lndulgent to Identify herself with any c^ se except her own.

Rftigg a keenly Intetllgcut and earnest ‘ hod;^ Jessie sees through the Imiiatlon

iiatr woman long before the members of jCat^.g household recognize her Inherent

* InaftiCftrtty. When Kate herself ia made to iwallse her own dishonesty of thought,. she drops Immediately her pose, for the author evidently believes that the trouble

’ with thla type is due more to thoughtless- i 'Ikftsv than to any intended viciouanesa, and ■"^at women of Kate's sort are capable of

jiBlng to a higher conception of the . meaning of the words, ^'advanced" and

^^progressive" aa applied to thft new woman and of dlfitlngulahlng between lib- jHtr and license.

; V i • • •.-•stf*!... (frpkeuBi Theatre.

The Payton Stock Company's offering in the Opheum Theatre next week will be .liOUla N. Parker's comedy, "Pomander Walk,'^ one of the moat charming plays attgftd in this country within a scoi*e of

'•' yeaJg. The piece is not unfamlllar/here, aa tt was presented in the Bjiuhert

Theatre last March. It then delighted all who witnesaed the performances of

" It. The coming revival of It Is likely to attract many who became acquainted witlk it at that time and will wish to see I t again, others will find in it a wel­come novelty.•i/Tho comedy gains its title from a cres- 'eegt of tlx red brick cottages overlooking

^ thg Thames, up CheswSck way. as that

Miv/GEIiTauOE KAY/ i t M I N E .R ./ '




i v



A / c e r v . f.o>~JTH £ T A L K .E il- THE: J 'H U Q E .I^ T T H t A T R -t

M>/r H A T T IE RAYMOND a t ' d . A V t T Y '

I ances will begin at l:'ti o clock and ihone ' at night at ~ Ij. M weiva acte make up the bill.

l ’gn«plcuou« among tlie pnlertaiticrji will be SUiart Biiriie! , the globe-trolrtng mun- <>lagli»i, whoxc mobile couiuenance, uiu- tuouB luimi»T and BponlaneouB coin-

1 bine to nii ke him one of the moaL pupn- ; iar of fun-niakcr§. Charles Mark, ih^

popntar «>ltlr romedfan, will lia\'C the Hiipport 01 a ciever little coinpaiiy In the enaclmenl of a bt'ct*zy skit, cmitlud 'Tome Back to Krln. 4»Hi«d of tlie Eiueraid Isle.

Another eUetcli that wlH ^'in favor 1* an eitgaglng comedieHa from the pen

! of Ivi' Aaliton Itoot, enlltletl. "One I I'p." The piece will employ Will-I iam 1-amp and a company of tour clever

a£irtOCJUte«. Ttrt aceite. i of tlio little com­edy are laid In a. Ran Francisco cafe and the me'deuta woven together In the plot are derived from an episode in real life.

Other contributors tu th» program arc the Five Plfoscoffls. In a acn.satlona! Juggling nctr Irving Ooslar, In n novel pianologue; Madame Louise L.«Gal, the dancer, who will be a&sisted by Effing- liem Plato in the enactment of a pan­tomimic novelty that haa cauaeil tome- ihjng of. a sensation abroad^ the SIbU- IngB, In a wire-walklug novelty; Taahmoo, the Indian maiden, who will present a new aeries of living pictures represen­tative of Indian life; VVllUanis and Ran­kin,^In an Inslrumental muslcfil act; Cook and Stevenc. In a character Btudy, en­titled "The Chinee and the Coon";’ Mc­Intyre and Grooves, In a rapid-fire pat ter specially, billed' "On F^ther’aTrail," ..... "perts.

and The Rexos, roller skating ei-

Gayety Tkealrc.Patrons of the Gayely Theatre next

week Will be entertained by "The^Glrls of the Gay White W ay" company, under the management of Gordon and North- The program includes two mualcai farces, ihe comic Bchomes In which were devfaed by Don Roth. The lyrics were written by Edward Bay and the mualc composed by Irving Berlin and Harry Von Tllzer. Both productions are attractively Staged knd costumed and afford principals arid chor­isters plenty of scope for brlngihg their amusing reeources as comodlans, singers and (lancers into effective play.

Among the principals are: Sam Hearn, James RowMand, Harry D. Ward, Edward Jerome and Helen N. Ely.

Manager Evans, o f the Gayety, will re­open his country store Monday. night. There will be wrestling bouts Wednesday night and try-puts of amateurs Friday night,

* * *Mlaer’ii Theatre.

Prominent men of tlie hour' and inter­esting topics of the day are said to be cleverly satirized In "The Big Election," the two-act musical farce to be presented by Manager Batmey GerArd^s "Follies of the Day" company, at Miner's Theatra next week, 'Among the political charac­ters Introduce are & German and ati Irish candidate for Congress, and, the enmity existing between them furnishes

Is an essential factor in many ways in the selection o f M ovin g Picture Films. For instance, w e allow only first-

class, clean, wholesome and h igh ly moral pictures. Then, too, they must g ive pleasing and satisfying entertainment fo r

both young and old. W e do not want to bore you with our troubles, but want to impress on you the fact that we give a first-

class show, and that our houses well deserve the slogan, “ T h e ,place that made the nickel famous."

•0’Admission F ive Cents'«ilA i r C S i d C Entrances: Broad, New, Halsey Sts.

T h e a t ren

Here is the coziest little theatre in Newark, right in the heart of the shopping district, mighty convenient to all points because a ndmber of cars pass tlie door white others transfer. This theatre is under the management of Miss Minnie Hurst and a staff of lady attendants. Miss Hurst sings pleasingly to you between pictures.

RoyalIdeal Theatre

B R O A D S T . A t Lackawanna


BROAD ST.O p p .B r id g e St

M ark e t & H igh S ts .



CourtBelmont Square

„ B K I . n i O M T A V H . j■ t B p r ln g ; f le ld A t c u P c


Our Shew is the Envy oi Our CeniKlitots

5^Miri Rulh. De.wl|3

»i thfWAfHmOTONi ii JACOB/’VJmrnf>-*.3 F>-aj-er i R.bt-Curn«r

3 l th e OI^PH EU M -

r 'iv, 1«iiafu*m r %


/ AJiaiimSi uyr v*etcaw]i;a STes:i'i as locality app.ar.cl In 180C, an4 lelH In-Mr, liarlco^R happiest manner the life stories of the famllleB ocoupylna them. Thu aeane, tbs people and what they say and do are aO tar removed from the fainlL- lap tilings of our rushing, workaday world that the atmosphere of the bygone day

. -.ihesr create Is very appealing.tlie persons eneduntered In t hiH

* .SJW Sir Peter Artrobus, an old andopfoyed' admiral, who fought under Net-

J- aen, and rages nr laughs as his mood pwoaptll tho Widow Posketl. who dtmlls

‘ tw tt doer and whose wltes he fearsj' Je. rone Brooke-iloekyn, .a boaster and awaggwer In puhife.'who Is a coward In the ^ v a c y of life, with his featous .s^Kg; the Rev. Jacob Ihemroyd, s dry old antiquary: Basil Pringle, a young and tova-lom musician: Mme. lAchonal*. A oMMly widow, and her cbarmiBg daugh­ter, jjhtrjolalne. In love with a young naval Itputeiwit, who»B:fatlif!r;.Ji(KI Jilted her »00H »r for a wealthier .gllf to the long ago. I t Is wlth'tbe more or.less inti­mate relations of these nelghbore. tfaelc joye and their sorrows, that the play deals and It'la the author’s sympatheUc treat-

: uent of them under humoreus an<T grave Mnsumetanees that gives charm to the ..work, : -y .: In order ^ t the. comedy may he » irted In tire’ proper spirit and the necee- ■ary . a tm ^ h ere he created, Manager

ITayton ligg secured the ate., j r - r t M ert „Burke, WlnlfriA Fraser, T, ,clral -and Rcheet' Currier, w h iiP s^ me^.' titled with thai original production, tq assist ills company in gHtcting the piece, and has obtained tram Uebier Jb Ca the acenio Investiture ussff glMfi the was f i n t jjreienled Stire},, .-

■ Jtaee-e T h e a t w 3 / “ 'In the Jacob's Theatre next'wreek the

-Janohs Btoch Company will be aesn In -f^m atow n Charlie,’ ' « metodrama pro-'-dneed a tew years ago :by Manager A. H.i T^oods with results m pleasing to patrons nt the popul«s-pHeed houses visited to: touring comhtnaUOns that It held . QW

' stags, tor Boverat seasons;The story illustratss the follies of

fguUi. It tells how C&arOe Jackson haa 1m m lured jtrom tha path of reetituda to ev& tmtualntanoaa, how his nHnd and hRlg;..h «^ been- affected by dlMpattap in the haunts of Chinatown and' &ow hl%

; WtmIllation Is brought anout to the In- llnsace exerted over Mht hy a -toot trom- a ^ H ie action la varied hy incidents hf a swwational order that jU t9 spectatoes __ Iceiiilr iBteveated.|A torata^pe^esedings, I OrMnA

. 'm e fr t .W h in R e .. ;

such a spur lo fun-inaklnif as resullw in a ralrtli-comipelllng’ iw rfotJnanoc,

The German candidate bnyn a >foat, wiiich is aijpposetl to act as a mascot In Mb campatgn and which he is assm-ed will make his election certain. He plans to meet Timothy McAdoo. Jiis Irish rival. In debate and to confront the latter with the mascot, wrarin^r the label "MrAdoo s Goat." I-iearnliiS of the schofne, McAdou stealH ih€ goat, also the whichhad been written for his aniagonl.-it to deliver, and thus thwarts the deaigna uf hlfi adver.‘<ary.

Manager Mlner'a country store wMI re­open Tuesday. There will be wrestling bouts Wednesday,✓ a waltzing f’oinest Thursday night and tryouts of amateuip Friday night. Allss Hayes, a member of the "FoUlea" company, will hold a re­ception for women on the stage every aftejnoon.

* « «WflNliliitrtoo Tbeatre.

The headlliier tn the vaudevillfl pro­gram at the Washlngioti Theater next MgjMlay, Tueaday and Wednesday will bo ■jy^fry First, who with the aid of a ca- jSyjo little company will present a comic sketch, entitled ’The Marriage Fee." Tho Young Sisters will be heard in popular songs; Weber and BurriR will contribute a humorous skit of Italian complexion; Caryl and Gaicj will promote enjoyment by their singing and talking act; Welcome and Weldome promise something novel, and Ernest Dupille, a Jester of more than oi'dinary merit, will round out the bill.

Among the entertainers booked for the latter half o f tho week will be Miss May Dtiryea and company, presenting a comedietta. A cabaret act will bo added to the program Tuesday nighl. and new photo plays wilt be shown throughout the week.

* * *

« I.t Hc Theatre.Novelty and excellence will charaetcr-

It e the Aaudevillu programs arranged for the.entertainment of patrons of the I-yrlc TJieatre next week. Conspicuous among the offerings next Monday, Tuesday'and Wednesday will be a comic, sketch, en­titled "High Life io Jail," whJcfatoJHus- tratea with laughtor-compelling effects the conduct of convicts who are able lo

biiy \'arioiiA prlvlh-gca when tliey are be­hind the bars, 'i’lHi Four Uiililwliis will

'comributfi a slnpin? and dancing special­ly. Miis Muy Walker will appear In the dual m!e of a !<inBer ami musician. Wat­son and Ullle will he lieafd In a me- lanitH or musi'' and patter, and Violi’ t and Child will exhibit liielr gymnastic ability on the IrapeZr

Atnons the ffiterlainofM booked for the latter half of i1h week are Johnsons Meriy Youiig'-t'us in a "Kid Hchoo]" act. Nev; phutoplaya will be shown through­out the week.

* f •lloekafader and Primrose.

\TeOver-s of mlnslndry will welcome the annminrpiiient tlxat I>'W Do{-kstadiT and hlH fornier partner, George Primrose, to­gether witli thi’ lr LGiupany, will occupy the atago of the Shubert Theatre during the week beginning Monday. February 10. A feature of the amuHlng srhome will be Mr. noekstader'a impersonation of former President Ttoosevelt edHreaslng a crowd of admiring suffragettes,

• ■ ■Riilney^a Afrlcns Haiit Plrturea,

Paul J. Rainey s African Hunt pictures win he the Httractlon at the Newark Theatre during the week hegkjning Mon­day, February lu. For several morths, these, animated pbotographii of Mr. Rai­ney's hunting experiences In Africa have been shown in New York and’ have at­tracted audiences as large as the Bijou Theatre accommodatea.


BieeEST SHOW v A i y n y i i f


A Mnslenl Treat

Comptele BUI Cbangeil Mobday

Rnd Thursday.NKW P lC TlH E S DAILY

S«» II goes on from 1 to 11 P.U, Matinee Dally, .All HentPt lOe. ftaiur^T Matinee, 10c, 4k IBc*

EvenlBKs, 10c.. 15c. A UOc.

* -w w l»OKl9 «

^rK B eV TD 3»- • I


Gmcerts in Newark and NeigKborhoodAt a special tnusical service, to be heM

in Christ Church, Kast Orange, tomorrow night, the choir, under the direction of Liee K. Smith, will render a cantata, en­titled "Joshua," by the great Russian composer. Modest Moussorgsky. This creative musician is, in the eatimatton of the Russian Nationalists, tiie most char­acteristic maker of music in the land of the Czar. He Is as ciearly a product ot the soil as is his contemporary In literature, Dostoievsky, and like the lat­ter, ).e followed his Ideals for ysars with­out recogtiltton. Moussorgsky. Is little more than a niinie in America, although his .best known music-drama, ’’Bofii Godounov." Is announced (or production )n tho Metropolitan Opera Kodse next March.

The cantata was performed for the first time Ip this countr^lty the MaoDowell chorus last April. Inio soloist tomorrow tiight will be Mrs. McCutcheon, the. con- traito in the Munn Avenue Preabyterlaii Church choir. TJie program for the ser­vice also Includes Demare’e festival Ma<t- nllitat and Nunc Dimlttis In F, Clough- 1*110)** Festival To Deum jln C and a contralto solo, r - ', v'

Bishop's "My Pretty Jane," Halle's 'Tn the Moonlight” and Bruno Huhn's "Ca­to's Advice.” The orchestra will play Grieg's “Herzwunden" and "Fruehllng,"

I • • >

A I,ectDTe Reeital.ITnder the auspices of the Contempor­

ary Club ot this city, Mias Bessie Hyams Witt deliver the second In her series ot lecture-recitals on grand opera' In the ballroom of the Washington, Tuesday:' February II, at 3 P. M.-Her subject will be Puccini’s "Mkdamu.Sutterfl}'."

-Tile Bevelopuent « t Opera.”William' J. Honderson. the eminent

music critic, will deliver the third in hie series of lectures on "The Devslopnient of Opera" before tho Orange Wninan's Club, Wednesday, February 12. at 3;S0 P. H. He will speak of the partial re­form In operatic writing achieved by Gluck and the reaction under Rossini, ot Gluck's subservience to the musical eie- .ment, of Rossini's-worship of it, and of ths return of the vocal virtuoso to su­

premacy. The lltus^tlng soloist will be ^ ra ; Florence. I f ulmrd Hunt.

Tlie Blstroeht Orebtotra.The Eint'racht Orchestra ■ .will-iglTw

the first of the concerts )n.‘ Which It wtfl i t t heard here thie eeason ln 'Wal­lace Hall next Monday night here­tofore. Conductor Louis Khrke will direct the performance . The pTogram. ■to be pregoBted has been,so xtranged tbat two aoIoUts will appear, promi­nently In’the utlstic scheme, they, are Itoa Helen Roblneon Clauderi 'm pianist : well &nawn to many'iooat thusie lovers, Who Will play Buhlneteln's .co'noerto In It. minor,-. aud ; prederlck ■W*)<U hari-

___ . fiatsq u tre 'l - 'T h e O ld ."S toen—a — - Ch^dwtek** rg e d o u ln Love 8«5» "

oveifl.........onAeStikl efferlndx .will be.tha

'ttas l o ’ W flbert “ Der PrelsoWBetx,"

koWslcy'x "Matiizaitic«r'Suite"'and ivend- ien's-"N<mpN|ian Csfnlvu.'*

•. ■ A- w.. ---- . •- .Omge Mwkal A«t dsefely-

. Under the dlreotlon ot Conductor Arthur n. Woodmft, the Oiwnge jfnslcaJ Art So-, elety will-glws Its tim -eoM srt. this fsa - son in the Lyosnxp, Bast orange, -next Fiidxy nlgbt 'nta oniotat-wfll he Lud­wig Hese, a German tenor,'who; made his Am eticandAot torly last d iuen and has sunk In maar concerts and recttali steos then. The mciety also wilt be assisted by an orcbeetia of twenty mutielans from Ne»r York.

The«horal offetlsgX >wUl be Falextrina'x "Stebat M a te r ,U a U h e w x 'x ' ’ IsOlan

-Chxlflo 'Seug," '8pem|!x "W ill O' the W ^ - ’ Faur B lttox-»W isilto V liB t Fan- tasy" ifiiddeatat sstos fnc.teiMg;

.'XMMts'a BMdtint •99^;'i@g|w'

Irav 1

. . .Coaeert by t;he Oarnuada.Under the patronage of man f men and

women pronlnent In Newark’s social, ar­tistic and Industrial circles, tbe Bermania 8ldgi>w Society will give a concut In the- Krueger Auditorium Monday night, Feb­ruary IT, for the bsnettt of the Newark Orphan Aaylum. The Germania will be assisted, to Ulsa Florence Rlnkls,'one ot the moat talented sopranos In the AmerN can. concert field: Frederick'Martin, al- moet equally well known ss a basso; 8. Jatmbeon, vialMlat, ado an o'rbbeatra of forty musicians.

»l»,‘tBf«itlon of :0«iduetor Will- T ■tifxmbew Ihs sOclety-lMS been re-

J5ar several wedts the choral eo]Bp«titioou In which It wilt b^heard on tbld occasion and admlrabte performancea a;s^^o*eft. ^ ~

‘• 'T^'DauM aapiratelu’a Reelfal.- David flapirsteln, the New York pianist, who re-entered the metropoiitai) coorcert flhld Siberia long stay InNurope, by fdv- Inp a rtieUxI In the Hepubltc Theatre on October t ! lest, hae.hten engaged for a recitai IB Wanaco Hall, ThundarTdgtit. Ftii|ho«y ^

' Setobeet Orsteris ieetely-The Schubert OratoHo Society. Of which

lAu li. Arthur'RuseeH la the eonductor, has selected Verdi’s ''Maoponl" Requfenr. lor perfotmenc* at ’ lb* coacert to he given to It In the .Krueger AudUortuni, r^edues^g night, Februnry 9 . Mrs. His- eem, De llm , Aopruno, bad been dngaged as one o t the sdeials.

* *■’> - L■ V *e «peweeto||iiasy«aL

General Electric Y.W.C.A.ENTEmiNHGKT iNIi BALI

Monday Night, Feb. 3rdADMISSION, 25 C E N T S., '

UDIES’ POTATO RACETuesday Night, Feb. 4th



gayetyHMsiUft and Halsey Sis. Tel. IMS Market Mntinee Dally. Ansiileur Night Friday.

LAD IES’ M A TIN EE E VER Y DAYCoaimravlng Monday, February 3

6ord0n-North Presents

“CirlioftlieGay Wliite Way”



IH IA L OF THK ABfATElBS FRIDAY February 10—UnatlaA*' R*l* Hk«w












P i l i n g / e v e s , a n d \ Orch1 n iV E xJ 1 SAT. MAT. /

Wednesday Matinee^M o n d a y , F e h , 10

Paul J. Rainey’s African HuntTHR ttOHLO’e GRB tTI'JST MDA IKG I'K 'T I RB EXHIB I­

TION k K K N A > b DEgCRIBBU.Thrilling I'lghla Rctircru Amrrh'an .Doga and thr Brnala o f the Jungle

Kow lu Their ElFvrnth Month In X m York nn,l Xtlll llunulng PRICES Mr, 3Sc and 25v SKITS ON SALE TL'BSU.tY

, $1.50; Orch. Cir., $1.00;— Hal., $1,00, T.lc aud 30c| Uni., 3Se

Lower' Floor, $1 .0 0Bakony, 7 5 c and 5 0 c; GsUery, 2 3 c,


’ 1


S R K H ip p o d r o m e»iAv,,43-44. D'iyMftt.aC V. (l.Bv.aBlMTIRGliY NEW fiFICCTACLBB.


MINER’SIDvfry day Is l.aille*' Day.

THEATREMiiinis Dilty

TIioib Mgktl Sig






0 X »IU 7 M ;FXK57Vr>

'•Y 'o w e n DAVISIS e' AOTR—U MiBSJW

genaaUentt ea- freU aa BiateirtelBingMatinee .Svery . p a y . - l e v . MeBvaning Priqea_______ ■ ,j '. .The, Mo, XCci ■nli* adverilaemtnt and IX.-cenM en* j t tiilea on* lady tn-an Orchaitra r*- ]I Mlwed leat—■jgomlay mkllnee.' :■ 1



Tucfsdaj.SVeditPudiy. Wreadlog;

Friday. Aaiateurii. OiiK. FVb*

Barney <ii«r«rd'N

f o u i e s o I

THE DAY-.Whlk—

Grrtrirdf^ HajreN, Jaa. 1a I « B t r* VlrdiAlM Kctoftr. Am BMPk AJL Ida SturircH, Ilftrr^ Kveter and ManxOtolMe ________

; Idl IeN* BM^ptlon Bycry Day aa Xtage..

faf w«l—lint &ti«I ftit


T*L wae OS' I




Direct From a New York Triumph


THE TALKEREsoctlj aa

B Y M A R IO N F A IR F A XPlayrd Six .tlu^tb* at the HarrI* 'I'hralre-, .\. Y. < lty.

Prices: Oruheotra, 1.50 A 1*00* Hali«on/r L<H)* 75e & 54»r<* AVceI* IHailnec—Oru'li., J.lHh Baleoar* Tfit* anil 5eh'*

tialiery. 25c (iallcryg 3Se

Monday Night, Feb. 10one H'KEK BEGINNfVe;

The DJaalae Hit la Veamt


The Mi'Drld o Urcatent itcaaitadt


OrvhrulTa. l.fiO A 1.00. Saleony, 1,M, TSv A . )v. Wed. Sfatlnee—tlreh., l.M. Belcony, tiSe and BOc.Prices:

Seats on Sa le Next Tuesday M orning

Gallery. 26« dgalleryg xtSa

n e w a r k s f i n e s t t h e a t r e

PHEUH S S C H L E S I N G E R g e m : M A N A G E R - -

W A S H I N G T O N & C O U R T STS.

EYENHiei lOo 20o 30c 60e

Ml naEiT o t a l a : i x t —T » x «

XYS^acTT W E D K RCorse P$odon SMidc Co

^ I I A N O E B [IflamplMg*.

C li f tM


' i V o t s —I S :

STUART BAiVES CHAS.Il6iK&C0'"Came Ibiek he :

* WUiUAMS AND RANKIN-l■«trwe■lt•nnt•

coo“The t'

t AND.iram SStS'.hinec aad .tbe-Cof^'^-. '

' S 'iSV lN S i^fOSLAB THE STELUNGSAevehatic Novettr

', THE . RSS-OS -*rrV!'. Skattme Bapttth.

8 0 4 1 ^ ' iraO R'TO N ■HMKlgM. GatarWgnx

n V B PIROSCOPFISFvMtlerc J agslan

KEN HARNEY a COi oeigiaA to «d lugiliw ^ ;

W M . * L L A P » E & c o . l 1irv*”" ■ i . "rp

P A S H M O Ole ladAmTlIaK^w^ ''

MATINEES AT 1:45■•tire hnwnd IWceay, Jhi.

•d oiehentm ••< toiditimg BaI- . .. e a g .; lS c .

EVENINGS AT 7:45Eattre Seeoad Balenar, 1g«. .

Gmo* Orehealnt a*d Saaalliag *a l« .■ a*»F, .asv,■XedPT *An?KD.XV!!a.*SO aOUD.kTS , .


MumAsir i t iF' -— " - f i IM A T .



ted to Comefiurd Officers Defdire IineB- Many Horses Expatw to i Ttr Order is Here from Mid'Wmter

to Trsinind. Sale.


n wouM b« hard to find a mor« DtULfrlnad body of cltlaene than the officara and nten of the National Guard. * h « low know that Ineieatl of military niMauvara neat aummer. they will aprnd Ula aummer encampment nt Hem Olrt

Adtutant-Oaneral Wilbur N fkidler Jr., la pot fonteot with the altuallon. but It onnnot be helped, hecauae the (tavern- menb la praparatlon for the big diaplay at tba opaninc of the Panama Canal neit raaa, and the expoalUon at San Fran- claeo tha year followlni. le raaervlny the money for a monatai naval and military diaplay that will be partlrtpated In by tha ortanlaed militia and the naval re-aervaa.

Vnuaual Intereat la btinf dIaplaVed by ' local hbraemen In the midwinter aale wtilch la to begin on Monday ot Madlion Square Garden, New York, and laat three day*. Many ot tha tollowera of the light barrieia game who have raced horaea In thla rliy in the peat tew yeari are count­ing on buying aomcthlng fatt. There are tl3 horaea catalogued to be aold, and

' among the number are nine horaea from : llila city, eight of which are farnlSIar to : the raca tollowera.

While there are a number of (aal heraea to be aold. Sir R., conalfned by the etabla of Trainer Tommy Murphy, with a record of :.03li. te the faatcet that la likely to go under tha hammer. Several Newark men will make an t-flort to land thla horae und race him next aummer In the

N E W A R K E V E N IN G N E W ftI; fiA T C B IU aY ^ ^ 1 0 1 3 .

- - - - - - 1+ 3 p o r t ^

lDP;kiAccoidlng to John O'Rourke, manager

of the Hlllaide (Tub. Johnny Klibalte, the fadtherwelght champion, la likely to be lean at one of the boalng abowa at the park III the near future. O'Rourke, 11 aeeme. la In receipt of a let let from Johnny Dunn, Kllbane'a manager, end a proapecilve boul, In which the chaniploo will be an oppouent, la balng conaldered.

of the guard offloera, as wi'll aa j free-for-all aventa. It la known that oneregular gymy offtrere aialgned here, have

'rSaaii oppoeed to Sea Girt ai an Inade- QUgta plM« for training iroopg. becauae of Iti alae, location and aiin-oundhiga. Oaseral Hadler, In bla three laat annual rgporla, advocated the eale of 8ea Girt. •MTCly retaining the rifle ranger.

IMferrtng to Bea Olrt. one regular of- fiMr agld: “ It la vary well for theae Miewa who like to poee in dreaa uni- Iona or alt on tha club porch oil day •ad vdalt the nearby reaorla In uniform •t bight, but for the backbone of the aarvtoe, tha off teen and men of the tine, M fa tBlghty poor training."

In trying to make the beat of a bad „ hofgnta. aoma of the offlcere. Including

Oihnal John D. Fraacr, commandant of tha Vtrat RaflmeDt, and hla adjutant. OtgtaJn L Ntwton Oavlea, will auggeet tkgd avanlng paradea tvary day and the oontlnement to the Btale camp grnunde

linraemaii In uarlkular la anxloui to land the pacer, and he haa tOmmlaaloiied a friend to buy air H, for him If I ha prlca lail't too ateep. A number of other men are going to make bide for the apeed etock that le to hr >uld and It would not be at all eurprlelng If a number ot horaea came here ai a reaull ot the aale.

Joteph J. Hugliee. who has raced at tha matlneea conducted under the aueplcea of the Road Horae Asaocfatlon of New Jer­sey, le going to retire from the game and haa conilgned five horaea to the sale. Of the lot. two of them arc well known to tha local contingent: Alwanda. IIOU. und luttiy Mughaa, Z.WAi. 'fhe othcra from the Hughea stable are Lucy Cope (8). and Phyllla A,, Z.1S(4, the llmea lifting inudv over a half-mile track, and the bay gelding. Jack Barry. I.fStt Mr. Hughes Ih, however, kefteplng Comman­der FI., and there lu a likelihood that tie

Cirl Victor, who hafta from Arling­ton. la planning to aoon coter tha arena again. Injurtea to hja right hand hava kept him out of the game alnce Chrlat- mae Day. when he baited Young Fowert at the Hlllaide A. C. An X-ray exam­ination haa dlfcloaed tha extant of the Injurlfta. and the attending phyilelan hae declared that "the hand will be aa good ai ever." Victor le a pretty good boy. He la clever and can hold hie own when It cornea to mixing. He can make ltd pound!, It la aald. and hla manager. Billy FToetor. la willing to match him against any lightweight In the buslnete.

either cl tiM tw* yeari, a)toou|rh evary other laeinbeF Of the Fayetteville »6d tha Rocky Mount tlgina, on which he played, itands out boldly. Perhaps It waa only accidental that Thorpe'e picture la Inlas- Ing from tba ffoupa, but front recent do- velopineiita tha Incident, no doubt, will be accepted.aa rather odd.

^ 4mm away with. They would like ur- will rare that hurar occasionally diirlnnraagamanta made lo that the offlceri ran take tbelr command) on liikee of two or three daya' duraUon.

laat yaar the men went out of bouiida gavaral daya. but they had to be back aaeh day for evening pamde. General Sadler, ibr a. long time haa contended that the Mate ahouM obtain a elte In the nertbam aeoUon of the State, in the roqgfi country Of Sueaex or some other oounty, where the men could get acme real aapertenee In army Ufa.

Saa Girt ig hedged In between aummer f ykiarta that come up to the very fencea k: o f the State property. Enough could be

KaMaill for the grounde, it la aald, to hiir a auttable place In North Jei-woy. Tha rlflt rgnge at Sea Olrt. however, all tgra* inuat be ralalnad, ne It la now raggrded tha fineat In the country. It la ponalhla that in tha future the national

r: matohag aud IntamaUonnI ahoota will be >rMd at Saa Olrt ktatead ot at Gamp rF w ry , 0-

a e aThe plaei to e^gintae another troop of

awfdlry ta thig State, with a view of taottiinf Rate leglalatlon authorlaing tha tgmuiUon of a three-troop aquidren, haa • m HSPOvad by Beoralary ot War S|lm- PM, Haior General Iwooard Wood, chief o f ftaff, and the offlcera of the war col- Uiltt aa aubmlUad by Ca^aln William A.

the coming aeaxon. The retirement of Mr, Hughea la a big stirprlar. He hae been one of the moet anthuelaatlc metnbere of the eaaoRlatlon.

Willie Whattoti, the Irvliifton trainer, who haa trained tha bay gelding, fatal- mo, and the black mare, Mildred McGreg­or. hat arranged to have the horaea sold. The two are to be dlepoaed of on Tues­day, the second day of the aale. Another liorae. well known In thle city, and which Is to go under the hammer again, la Dr. Rtlt, I.lMb at one time Was owned by II. Stacy Smith, and aold last November at the Old Glory sale. James E. Bath­gate haa placed Dabney Davla In the sale. Honey Boy. which has been lu the •table of Trainer Ike Hully. I* to be aold. Mr. tiully la after some faat horaee and he may bring several back to Ihle city with him before the sale cloeet.

Pallor Whit*, of touiae, will not admit that he “ itepped " In hlS boul with Vie McLoughlln Thursday night, but Inslels that he waa deliberately fouled and so ladly Injured that he could not continue. In exienuetlon of W'hlte'a claim, It can bo truthfully taid ihat the Sellor haa never ahown the "white feathei," but It haa olweya been more or lose noticeable that Ills Jaw wu* of the "glasB " order. For whet he can do, Whit* has been fa'r- ly tucceeefnl In the ring. He le nol con- slstvnl, though, anil ono good bo.it dcosiiT lucni. that the Improvement is permanent, fonalderabl* Importani-e »• .is attached to hie fight with Mcl-oughiin and H ilctory for the Bailor would liu'.e put him In the swim for another ond a more pretentious boul. But the doubt as 111 whether he quit or whetlicr he waa fouled has placed lilhi in a posi­tion that makes his future proepecte any- tiling but rosy. A real knoekoul would have been much better, but a victory would have put While on the high ro.iJ to fame.

r mnt and PIrat Ueiitanant Bertrom ItOCMM.



Oaptals Bryant, former namtnander of Um F frit Troop, and Ueutenant Roome. gMri*ln<«l«!f of the tame outfit, who M l la formally namtd to oommand IVhdmBtey uight, vtaited Waakliigtoa

M R Thuraday and etayed throe dayt. The heade of the regular array were

JB Savor of the tnoreaae of tha dgValryitw * ! it it f ■

Xalooa to It ace This tear.R. O. Ntlaon, of East Orang*. will raca

two horaea over the tracks during thk coming season. The mar* NalH* Offut. by Agworthy, dam Emms Offut, illi* , ona-llm* winner of the M. aVid M. Btakee and Queen of Sharon, by Director Red, S.30 (, will be the horees that he wlH cam­paign, Mr. NMaon has received several good offers for Nellie Offut, but refused all of them, because he Intend ■ to breed her to a son of Moko, whose dam Is 1‘rodl- gal, with a record ot S.KH4, after the rac­ing season le over.

tM r aatent is subject to th« tgg AilMaBt-Gonsrgt Wllbqr F.

Jr. Itano time ago he exprssssd <H Rvpr of thq increase. Tbsro

,v« Icaa ^ a r a l chengos In Stale pol- alnpa tnah. however, and Osner^

Figs not expressed an ’ opinion, that the pUlj la directly up to him.

. Tha projadt, aH'ouUlneil by the New tM im f *«loara, ‘waa to apUt the Firat Troop litto two troops, which, with the

, Beoond Troop, at Red Bank, would leave • "ihort” tquadrei). If tha State ap-

' proves. Hie government will authorise the .. pMSmlagiOntng ot offlcere for the uddl-

r gt troop and make appropriations for fofgp* for horaes, for equtianenl and other doMta. In addition, State help

'.1 m n have to be given.three troops will aulomatlcatly

The fojiovlag letter Is in answer to a communication publtahed In these oob umns last Ti)|eday at the rsqueat ot the Cathedral Oatlege baagetball manage­ment: ,J. P. N.;

The srliiila la Tuaaday'i Newa Indloatca that voroa qua, probably the Chtliadral maiiugement, la very anxloui that Cathir Oral should pjay Baton Hall again. Aa foi i.ur defeat in New York, i ratde re exciiacs aftsr the game, nor w ill-I do su now. Wa are not apeolally Inlereeted In the rltueaa of the Cathedral CoHsgt 'buacment tor a baakstball court.

Kriim a Seton Hall viewpoint, then la no purtlaular naaon for a third contest. The '.'atbedratl bome-and-homo gainss were uneiigsd in accordance with slmllai' evrlcs with other New York dgUegea. Each team has yeon Itg liome game, which Is usuuiiy saiMadtiory to Doth partial In such h seriet, su4 there I* uo quaitlon of s i-humplunehlp at stake. Besides, Seton Hall Is not dependent for Its repu­tation on the basketball oourt upon the outcome of the Cathedral games. Thla season's team hia to Ua credit victorias

I * n I S I A O S a I i O S ' s a d * X T f x m r a t e R

■ he boapital team, and-tha referee blew tha whlatte for a foul agaMiit. the hoa- pltal. The Anierlcana claim iioth the gull and the free throw, while l think they ihould be credited with tba free throw only, niektng the score i-T-M favor the hospital. Hoflktg to read your opinion of the abor* In iht J. P. N. eolumn, 1 beg to remain,

JOSEPH J. HOPKINS, Manager of Ueipltal Five.

The rules provide kbit a player who pusbee another from behind when the latter la In the got of aooiing a goal iball have a foul called on htm and the team offended stiaU be awarded a point and allowed a Ires throw In addttleh. If the player pugbed anceeaded in making thegoal from tba field, thla icore ahall count

I »and iho foul shall be oalled and the pelgt and the free throw awarded Just Ihe seme.


Drop Three Gimei to Natioiub and Loae Lead in New*

ark Leidae.


• t a n DING OP TH E TEAM !.W.UHB.I W.L.H8.

RoasvIUe.,. U » M l National... II l| tH West Bnd. II 9 M l Krueger.....1311 td»Nonhern... I I I I Ml Newark....10 IT lOQI)park A. A. U l f Mil Belleville. . I H “

Nallonal Tumvtrtlo boorlors. rolling at home, handed out a genuine rurprles ipsi night by taking three games In a tow from the Northern Rspubtlcan Club r*p- rtsentatlrda who have been rolling cx.

a at(midron,_a m^or or cavalry

Kentaeby to the Fore.If the breeding place ot a horse le the

place where the sire and dam are mated, as most authorities now agree, Kentucky leads In furnishing the new S.IO trotters for n il, with New York and Ohio tied for eecot)d place. The Blue Grass State is credited with aeventssn tretters thus brsd, whUft New York and Ohio get alx each. Next comes Illinois apd California, alao tied with five each, ponnsyivanla has three, Massachusetts and Mlasls’ lPPl two each. The fifty-three new irot- tere are divided as to birthplace as CoU

***K<intucky~Adlong ( » . Baldy Mo-Gragor (8), S.MSi; Captain Aubrey, 3.07141 Dave Haile (O. Dictator Todd,SOSK; Dorcheeter, 2.fBi John W. Davli 3,0Mi-, Judge Barker. 2,01%; Mahomet W atu (3), a.lO; Manrlco (*l, 3.0714; Ruth McGregor, J.0814; Hythmell (3), !-0li■hawhay. S-OTi/iil The Northern Man,The Wanderer, 3.0IS4: Thistle Doune,: . « 54; Zarrlne H), 3.«14-

Nsw York-Annle Kohl. 3.07 ; Aaron

Cells are being heard from various eourcce fur Jim Thorpe'e eervlcee. He oould assume almoal any profeseloti, but ho would have lo make good to hold on to hie "Job." Thorpv has choeeii wisely, however. In having arranged lo play besebeR with the New York Giants, though ho could have received more money for one boxing hoot than he will get for 1 whole eeaEon'n work on the diamond. And such a proposition was made lo Thorpe by Harry Edwerdc, ot Philadelphia, who conlrole the Olympia A. C. In the Quaker City, Edwards ot- fsrsd to manags the Indian, and said there was u future In the ring for him. A bout with Thorpe as one ot the prin- otpale would draw a iremendotie crowd, no doubt, and the Indian s share would be worth considerably more than tu.QOO, yet

ilt le safe to assume (hat he will not re-

over imlveralty of Maryland, Niagara Iiulvcrsliy, Fordham Unlverolty, V. M. C. A. College end Dfaiel Initllute. How­ever, alnce the Cetbodral teem evidently la copflnced of tti euperlorlty over the Seton Hall quintet, ws shall have no hesitation lu submitting the Iseui- to a third game whenever H Is uppereni that public Intereal In such a contest would warrant ti.e expense of renting u neutral court EDWARD J. BEOl.EY,

Mgr. Seton Hell College Basketball Both teeme have now bad Ihelr llltle

kick und wllh tha publlcallon ot Seton Ibiirs side of the ergmpent the contro­versy will close. I f a third game le

J P. N.:Where can I purchaoe a dlractery con­

cerning the manufacturing outputi ot Newark and vicinity; also what are the natlonalUliK of Alveh T. Meyer. Jim Rooenberger and White beat hero, flghttra, of Chicago? How many Hebrews and Germans are there In Newark? What If the price of a fifty-trip family and a itxty-trlp monthly commutation ticket on (he jrreey Cqntral Ralir.ied between Now- ark end New York? S, P.

There Is no book out ai the preaent lime that will give you Ihe Information you seek The Board of Trade Is com­piling a book, that Is v.xpectsd to b* published within the next two nionthe, (hat win give you Information about the munulacturlng output of thle city. Alvah r. Meyer le a Jcwlsh-Amarlean and Jim Roseriberger Is an Irtsh-Amerlceu. The White brothers arc English Hebrewe. For Information concerning the nuinbet of Ilebrewa and Gennana In thle city, yon will have to write to the bureau of vital atatletlcs. Washington. The price of n flfty-lrlp fatally ticket Is 18.38 and a commutation eixty-lrip ticket Is |S.S0

ctpllonoUy well this season.lla

S o W b iii L e i iw Leaden rai T w » Gtoies i t Exyeoae ot



W UH SW UHS. W.L.HJ-K rueger..,.* 6 lOM Northern... JTil » Bay View.. (T 1b M National..., U M M

ir..,. » 6 ,y View., it lb

So. Oranga ?t H m Neotark.... M 13 Ml West End. 31 IS Ml Park A. A. 17 13 8«

orthern... ___Htional.... U a

CelltitDld.... 11 a BsllsviUt.,. luM ElkV.......... 3 3»

arranged that will be another mutter.

J. P. N,;Kindly let me know If “ Mrs. Wlggs of

the Cabbage Patch" Is boohed at the Or- pheum Theatre thle eeason. E. M.

The play will be staged, but the date has nut been decided upon.

Cedar Grove, January S.J, P. N:

The American'Five of Newark claim to have beaten the Hospital give of Over- brook hy Ihe score of 3S to 57, while I think niy team la entitled to the victory by a 77 to 31! score, as In the latter part of the second half Elckenbusch, of the Americana, threw the ball for ihe bas­ket and while the ball wee In the air Elckenbusch was pushed by Andres, of

cslye that amount of money for the whole at hext season with the Giants. Thorpehas chosen wisely and he will be the winner In the long run If Idu work la satisfactory.

•rttl b* iMoeMtrv, There 1* only one man■ KJ- awwoevsewma t • eawre )» age WJ.UJ UMO ICOgElly Y ' MWlUttttA for this post, and that Is Csp-

Rtln Bryant, who left the active serviceRM August because of lllnsu.

OMienil Wood expressed much Interest«»vg|iy of this State and remdrked

he had notlcol with pleaejire th* want of th'o First Troop at the Boston HHOOUVars In 1W9, when he was chief tunplrk- ' f t * Fork of the troop at other naqouvars, he said, wds' tuch that heboMd tharn would be mere commands of B Ukew perse nnol attached to the reserva cavalry o f tbs country.

' Th* IHrat Troop has adopted a reao- lattOn, expreeiing to Governor Wilson its •pprociathm of the honor of being chosen aa bla poroonel escort at hla Inauguration

McKtnney. Axworth (»).- - ----- uva Cord. f.«14;

•• IhhNtdant of the United StgtesTba troop Is fast perfecting plans for

the affair and it Is expected that the full Ktraagtbi aa allowed by tlie regulations, win bo in lino. The formal election ot Firat Ueutenant Roome as captain of the troop, hM been ceiled for next Wed- neaday night, at the Roseville Avenue Armory. Later there may he a dinner in honor of the new commander.

Second l-Ieutenent Wllbour Kyle will bs formally elected first llettlenant and the tntotmal election for second lieutenant UfUl be between Sergeant Albert G. Bor­den and Russell B. Freeman. Sergeant Hobart B. Brown has been 'urged by hla

' friends to stay in the race, but has re- (need to do so.

Sergeant Gilbert Maxwell, who watt in­formally elected second lieutenant when the other Informal cleetlonu were lield has alnce reolgned from the servlcp, ncsisltat- tng the Informal election a» well as the lormil.

The Joint federal and Btale Inspection ot the First Regiment will beglr; ut the Buaaex avenue armory on Monday night. From tba reports ol hie oirieers who re- Cgntly finished an unofficial Inspection of tbs regiment. Colonel Frnser Is confident that his command will pass muster In good shape.

Borne of the other Inspections ere now under way In different parts of the State, and until they arc finished all thoughts ot rtvlaws and other military displays will b « dropped.

After the review will come the automo­bile show at the Suseex aveau* armory

iDtta BelUnnt. 3.8734 Queen Worthy, 3.07 .

OhlO'-Angslo, Auto, 2.1(1; DerbyBoy. 3.CW4; Dr. Mack. 3.09K; Robert Mllrol, 3.0TV4; Tommy Flnchly, tW.

California—All style, 3,W; Bernice R., 3.(IR4; Bon Zolock, 3.0914; Redeem, 10014; Ban Felipe, 3,(914.

Illlnols-Dorsoh Medium, 2.0W4; Funny Crank. ®0*V4't Jack lajndon, 3.0714; Be* Wee. 3.0 .; Ross 8.. tOO.

Penney Wanta--.Balle Ashland. 3.10; Esther W.. 3,0«4; Oakdale, 3.0714.

Massachuaetts—Baden, 3.081*; Bergen,

Mlsaourl—Rimey Constantino, l.iOi Right Guard, 2.HTO.

The States with one each ere Indiana, Mack's Mack, 3.0984; lowe, Denemore, 210; Minnesota, Jean Arlon; Nebraska. Hiss Archdale. 3.09V4; New Jersey, Ethel Ifynn, 3.08%; Wisconsin, Echonsore. 2.0014.

Canada also furplibed one 3.10 trotter, the three-year-old tllly Princess Todd, 2,09iii a product of Crulckston Park, Farm at Galt, where her sire, Kentucky Todd 13), 208%, le owned.

As the fastest 0 ( the fifty-three netjt E.I0 trottere was bred in Massachusetts, the next (astcEt in Illlnola, and the next two fastest In Illinois and Pennsylvania, respectively, it seems apparent that jiial as fast trotters can be b r^ and developed In the North as In the South, and that Kentucky's greater allowing !.s due to the fact that more trotters arc bred tliere than In any of the Northern Slates, rather than from any advantage con­ferred by climate conditions.

,gnd ^uetbg that period drills will be sus­pended. After the show a date uOll beggt for a Wg review to some generol offl ear. The memorial review is scheduled for May 14. for officers and men who Icet ihelr lives In the Bpanish-American War.


in Chen Tourney, While M e Only Oets Draw.

J. P. N.:Noting In a recent l « y c of your p^ijar

tho ftnnouncem«ut ol ih« wUhdmwftl of the Tuscaror^ Ctnoa Clvib Irom the Niw Jarary Canoe Aaioclttlon and its Appar* ant deiir« to txtiome affiliated with th« American Canoe Aieoclatlon or tho A«ao* olatod Canoe C'luha of thu aludaon River. I would b« pleated to the lecretary of the TuMarrorn Club Gommunicat* wUh m t r«fftrdln^ the matttr. Tha Sanecu Cbno« Club k also lavltod to correapond with ma on the Issuo If they feel po In* ellned Thanking you for tWa oporiunl- ty of fetUng' In touch with thege clubg. I am. very truly,

J l'LE MARSHAVL 1S8 KHaabeth nvenue, Newark. ..

Captain Inwood Canoe Club.The iMue la noa* up to the cluba.

Tha triple daftat waa dlaaatroua to tha Turnergi aa It cauaed tham to di-op from first place to third place In the mre.

ftoievUle BOd , Weat Bnd team« uv« now for tliet place, wuh ciaiitevi victorias out of iwenty-bavan Ksinuki, | yikhile the Noitherna have a r’acoi’d of v\x- taen victorias and elavun defeats.

The Natlorala roUecJ oonaUlentty niu1 avtrafed for the three ffameti.Ihelr rivala avorafed R70.2 Tyro of th« three games wi'ire wtui l»y the home bowl- j ars lu (he find frumr, due to the ubllliy ' of geiilnf elrlkeo when moal needed.

The first fame went to the Natloiia!? by the score of DIB to 904, Carl Klril/C'' W'ts very much on llic Job In this canie and turned In a count of ‘JSS..

In the hetond §ame the plnnlnjr was clone throughout. Going litto the itiiin frame the teanifl wore about on nfwn terms, but the Nationals made a n(rr>nij

GuUfHcci Krueger AHaoelatloo pin Wnlffhtu, vrhi> have been aslling n stiff pace all suason In Mte Suburban Leafua'. atrengthi^ncd thclv' bold on first placa laaL night, at the expsiiao of the North* ern HupiibUdui Club buv/Ura, by win* nlng two oiu of ihrHu garnt-a In a tAAich rnIJud on iht ::Heyfl.

The Kruepftiiit hav8“ nuw won thirty nnd Ingt six. tmi: arc four gamca

CiiOh wry uliPL'd uf ihc iJay VT';W WhHe|w ' m^n, niiii ur*- In an-ond place.

Thv leaguu Jei'dL'TK vv«tn (he opOQlllff gtiui,' by iLlmost luO i»lns. while the

Hinr they caplured by iho scoretheyof U) 7(1]. T!ti> Nurthvnm came life In the 1h3ii ;(omi- niiil spUled tho wood for H 'K'8 I’ount. while Iho-Kriii—

fell olT in ihcir work and stopped at the 817 n8>u-b Trowbridge and lie lN iOBtin. of Hit' Noithcrna. turned in doubJo'Century couiiis in tiilH game, tha former's ticor+- of 'J33 being high for the tnalch. Tho tfcorea:

flulsl,, and w,ra scvcnlecn pitta In thu ; HsVyph?r?'^.*^£l'& IMU‘ad at the end. i smter . li>i J;'U i>H Jlellmann. )7P l>» 3(rt

It easy going for Ihe Turne^e Pi i iji-mugan If'I 1 ' jrHSiTruwbri’go 12 ’.JSSMie final game. They ren ihclr score I’v lo v^n Ness, t?', ivs ]1H - tturn ____151 154 IW849. while the NorihtniB fell :o 877.scores ,

NATIONAL^. J NORTHERN c, Kistbsr. 332 IM 193)U'Tuurett<i 161 l^O Thiels.. 19.8 1.ri 163 Bm'th . >x' nr.Fisher .. H3 KA 1.771 ,MIkon .M- Klslbor i;.J 17U ■-'TlilVIlluft .K5»fsl ... 191 Ita KB Morrissey

HI nr. i 'ic ; II.,



I.-,, I s; ]V7;.\'aihan

St.', S-v-' sir Tutui^

(9 181 168

79ST« 5n

Totals . 913 843 9tDi Totals

r.t K)i I?-; ■Sii lt!7 JM

lOi S31 '71 i

J, P. N.:Plxsos itat* In your valuaba paper

ihiJh dance hn'l Is the largest, the Pal- uue or Krqsger's Audltorum? R. G.

The dancing space at Kreugsr Audl- trrluin Is lIYIxH feet and that at ike I'al aee >8x14 (set. Therefore the Palace Is Ihs larger.


The Giants have been the early blrda and they havo corralled th* worm all right, but they will not get by with Thorpe without being given more than one battle. As a matter of*choice, iht Indian preferred New York 'as c place for displaying hts basebnti talents, and on vary good authority It Is learned that the Yankees might have secured hie ser­vices. But Owner Farrell, It is said, was go satisfied with Frank Chance as a 'magnate, tbftj he declared, according to report, that he "didn't want lo boilier with any freake." Other big league clubs, of oourse, were after Thorpe, and Pltts- burgh was reputed to have elgned him. However, there isn't any doubt about where Thorpe will play next seaeon, 1( he plays at all, for tho Glnnta have an agreement with him that le binding In baseball, and the final dash of the per will sign him to a contract some time this afternoon, it le declared.

To Hae* The gbuttl*.The Shuttle, '1.36*4. a eon of the former

champion stallion, Cresceus, 203*4, Is the latest addition to the Pnetlme Btable ot Cleveland. He Is sorrel In color. Uke hla daddy, and Is aald lo have Bhown very fan. Thle year be will get somo racing education In the matinees, and next tall he will be turned over to W. J. Andrews, the stable's trainer, to be prepared tor R Ulp down the big line.

For B whjl« Thorpe 'will llkoly be the rBgo, a.nd there will he & keen flCHlre tn Bee him play. "But he will have to make good to cohtliuie Ills famo, Thfli DasebaH fan Is a most U'rrible mortal to please.

worships the liaroes and the winners, and he aoon forsaHea the old Idol for the new. H Thorpe makes goodi ho will be of gfCBt Vklue to tha Olanis, but there Is always more or less doubt about Just how well a now man will do. Tho Indian Itas had experience ns a idtcher and as a flrit baseman, but Manager McGraw, of tho New York club, f cems to think that he might use him In the outheld. He has Kred Moi'kle al first base hOW. and he thinks well of him. too; but there la an opening In the outfield, as It looks very much as If Josh Devoj-e would “get the sack" whether Thorpe Is totake hla place oi not.

NEW YORK. Feb. 1.-Unusually * stub­born (jamei* marked the ninth round of the American National Chess Mastera" Tournament played at the Cafe Boulevard, yesterday afternoon and evening, two of the most Important contests remaining unfinished when 9 o'clock, the hour for adiournment, arrived-

Capahlftnca succeeded In placing the ninth straight victory to his iredtt at the * exponas of U D. Zapoleori, of Waahinf* I

J P. N !Kindly Inform me who la the Congreii*

man from my district. 1 am a st 4< nt of economics and would like to obtain data concerning labor siatlaUcs, census re­ports and also reports o ' the proce edlnKS of Congrosi. To what departments of'ihe I ’nUfd States Government must i apply for thcflc providing they are available? What party oarried the States of Oregon and WaaJ)1nfftan? CHARLES R.

Walter I. McCoy If the Congreaamun from your district. Wr1t« to the Library Of Congress, Wushtngioh. for a list of Up free pubUca^ons.


TVhll* .............. 169; Lang ............Smith .............. 1*8' HneslevOrlimteuil ......... ?13I Grim Shaw ........Wiley .............. 188 Heed ................lyigry ............... 179 Blaufuss

Clean atver., tor ItrllaVllI*.Perfui'mlng cm ihtli' imme alleys Iget

iitglit. the Qell.'vlile Club bowler* took tluee gumen In a i-nw from the Newark illliB Huor hrnree weie registered, tk* blgheBt mark being tiC!. hy tho horn*' pHl- knlghts robed In [lie [li:ut game. Tile soorre-


Total ............. tK TotftlVa ILSBCRGH. ! BERGEN

Whitr .............. I48i Dtvking ......Hmilh .............. I891Karcher ....GHnstaad ......... 178' Bueh .........Wtiey ........... 132il\unt8 .......Leary ...... ...... 138' Martin



-- I 796!Total .7.......... 796! Total ..........

BERGEN FIVE BL’ FFALO.Blcklng ............ 177I l,ang ..............Karvher .......... iJS Hoesley .........BuBh ............... 112'Grlmehaw ......Kunt* .................. l7(" Rred ...............Martin ............. 13Sj BlaufuiS ........

Total ............. 7!3I Total ..........

E.B'v'iis'e IT! Hv I3C KarrFnhn ..... 15(1 Hx 175 .MutvhColl . list m ]:■: Mon'ell. . A 1.1Vns't* 121 186 .17 .laokeufi Geiipler (*J 137 13.!'S h'f'nb'x


w ;147 1 IftI 174 IH ma 14? if !

. !33 lU m

Totals .. 711 733 1173' Totals .. 7J3 7W TM

.. I 'll . 133


Two for Xoutb Ornuge.Two gamea out or threo wevo vorrailst!

by the Soutlv/Oranae Field Club i'lowjera . , In u match rolle.l ,m (heir own ulloys la s ia right against ;he rep.exentatl'.os of th®* Park Athletic .-tssonlation.

The homo qulniut tvoii tho tint an3 **0- ond games by comfortable margins. Ih the final game Ih-j vtaitot; had a. 2COro of . H6 and won by foity-six plus. rJ. Cham- psrnols had a 233 score In the ftrst game, '.vhlch was Hi* onl.v double century count of the ntght. The ecorea:

Brie•I WaB«I), t w ar ] flay (i ftool Bodok

Ckle Coraa and 1 a doc of the

The talk a emy < Wg fi •MOV

la on twlrle torjge *rowi treate wo* ■hoot asnt t

BelJ ntan < waya bring

Ot t to ib ahoot to ost atlccot while

A ft( mana; gip hli

"I d ®3d b ■uch to si. ISot I cckipb"4n';:SxHaol congri Brawf ciBsl ' ths aj com®

w wpeach the w that I sprlnf

Tha Marol on ththe mthe C will : April City I City latest


IM PERIAL A, I BROOK9IDRRBlegert ........170 1821 Rlttlrhofter ...179 .63Hau.'Sllng ... .170 1641 Oron ................HI 189aej'cr ...........i78 ys Oaakell ......... '«! 181


Totals ........818 83ll Totals ......... 4S.3 8ttim p e r ia l a , ITH R 'E O FA K INII

Bt'gert ........ 167 H2i Bayard ......... l«c ijtHau.'Sllni ....104 ITOlcleii ..............103 181Geyer ...........774 300-Hoag .............10b IL

J. P, N.;Wlshlnj; ta> open a s(or^ tQ sell llguoTX

and wIneK from one quart up to any uuantlly will 1 need a licenbe. A. C .«


J. P. N.;OIvs correct woy of pronounolng Chay*

enne. Bloux Falls and Das Moines.r. R. A.

'Shyann,” "Soo Falls" and "D'molne.’’



Have Hopea for Mart* IHeKerron.W, L. Snow, the New York trainer, has

strong hopes that the trotting mare, Marie McKrrrnn, 3.2(i't, by John A. Me- Kerron, 3.01*6, "111 train sound thla year. In which case he erpects her to he a fac­tor in the Wg early closing event*. Last spring the daughter of John A. McKerron could beat 3.10 with the utmost case, and Snow waa confident that jhe would he able to race around 3.07 when U same lime to till her grand circuit engage­ments, but she went lame ond was re­tired for the balance of the season.

NEW YORK. Feb. The revision com- mlttae of the L'nlted States National Lawn Tennis AaaociRUon has sent a Ici- tat to osioclaGon members explaining a new and itrlcler rule regarding amateur standing. proRosed for discueelun at ihe annual meeUng here. February 14 Thla rule would totbid amateurs, to accept (rots any hotel, club or Klmllar organl- saGoit at which a tournament I* to Jje held, transportation, 'toiwd :'ot Oi'any ai«7'"2 " - '— to oomMctidF *

The later was called for by recent erlttctsss ot the proposed amendment wbloh dselared that "w to such a rule In forte we would sdnd no Davis Cup teams onywbars nor -have' any (Mlitornla In­vasion each year." The committee says that a false impression might be created hy this statement, it asserts that the rulo .would not prevent the national as- •odatlon aendlng a team abroad and pay- f i f Ite axpaiuwt nog the Calitomllt or

-^any nttiar oaooclation paying the ag- penosa of teams sant Bast or attywhers mot. The nils “flees not prohibit a player f t m accepUn* sxpenaea or th* epulva- tont from * tonrnaingnt committee,''

■H i* (Bpoftant dlfferonee betttMo twa qjaraUoaa." tha letter con-

Uh m * . ' **!* that m the ma oaoe a borne «W4 or eioeolitiom at * fttwoeial seeriv Hco. M i l t Itfl x w iw ta t iv a to tak* port

Ed Oeeri'* hew Cbarges.Kd Geer* Is educating several young-

Btera hy tho champtoii trotting stslllon The Harv*»ter, ‘3.91. at MewphlB, and the way they can step laueee the veteran trainer lo he most enlhuaiaatir over their prospect*. At present the Geer stably contains forty head of trotters and pacers, Including the youngsters, and the present outlook Is Gist the silent titan wUl start ;4orlh this spring wt^h as large a'bu L | ** Till Is/t K-'-iaw*,- —lAt,.

DIviflsfl t<p Ula Braofl Haras.The Pennsylvania trainer, A. E. Cois,

of Paoll, divided up his band of brood ntares 'among a number of leading stal­lions. Four of hts maras were mated with Del Coronado, loeH: flva with Peter the Great, 2(ri%; two with GentrH Watts, 3.06%, and one each with Axworthy; 211%; Bingen, 3.96*4; Colorado E. (8), 3.94% t DiK Ion Axworthy (3>, !.1B4> and Hontavatvo, 2.2614. This Blason Mr. Coxo will iifcta four mares'with DUtoi) Axworthy befors tha colt goes into trsiitlng for his three- year-ol^ futurity anfagements, the Rntr eelected being Ciarena (81. 201%, by Peter the Great; Lofly Brusoella, dam of Adlon,

While OB the Bubject c f Josh Devore It may now ta< itmely to announce that George Stalling*, who rosily brought out Devore In this city, Is after Joeb tor hts Boston National t.eague team. Stallings was always iwect on the little follow', He put him Into Ihe game hero and he coached him along until he was a pretty hapdy fellow, both at the bat and in the field. Stallings Is making every effort to get Jo*b away from the Giants, and It looks as It McQraw tvili let him go. The player has been 'cutting up" th* last year or vu and u change will not do him any harm. Beshle*. gtal lings will proba'oly be able to handle Joih better than did McGraw. I'he Giants' manager doesn't believe In a ' jolly," while Stair, lings can "coo" as well as "eall."

The Cuban was on the defoiialve In a ((ueon'e pawn opening, which ho treated *n his favorite style. At one lime Zapo- leon thought he had a good opportunity to entrap hla adversary's qtieon, but at no lime was Capabletica In real danger. He won after twenty-seven naves.

Jafiee had a very narrow eacape wttii Morrison, the Canadian chomplon. but drew the gams after slxty-four moveB. At the end Morrison had two pawns tu tho pood, hut he ovldeiitly doubled his abil­ity to force a win,

Jaftc, although still In second plocc, I* now one and a half point* behind Capablanca.

Marshall won a pawn In the apanlng agnltist Whitaker, but thereafter was out­played by the former college champion. In the ending, which was adjourned after slxty-nlne moves. Marshall again asserted himself, and is under the Impression that h(‘ can wtn out.

Chajes and Janos'skl played the most cvm'pllcati d game of the day, and the pending position la exoaptlonally intere,st- irg. Chajes won hi* opponent's queen, the latter placing kls reliance upon a rook, bishop, knight and passed pawn to offset the Chicago player’* advantas*. Rtapfer and Tenenwur»el fought «lub. bctnly to a draw, in which Btapfer had a shade th* advantage. It lasted forty-on* move*. In th* other games finished Kline won from Kupchlk and Riiblrutein do- f( tiled lAebenatetn. The standing;

W. L.IChajes..... 4(4, 3V*ICapablanca,. 9 9,, u.i y 'Jaffe............ 7% Kupchlk..... 4 4Marshall..... 6 2 Whitnker..... 9(i 4HKline ........ 6 S Morrison..... 5 6 ,Supfer....... 8(4 saRubliialeln.... 3*A 614TencnwufBe! Cl} alJiffPOieo**-; Lj a n o w s k l . . . . . . 8 3 L l e b O T t s t e l n , . , 14 814

In tho tenth round, to be played at the Cafe Boulevard this aflsnioon and ev*B- Ing, the pairing* are as followa:

Llebenstelh-Kupchik, Stapt*r-Capablan- co. Jatfe-RublhSWii). Chajee-Tenenwurxel, Marshall-Morrlson. Whllaker-Janowskl, ItUne-Zap'aleop.

J. P, N-:Kindly let me know how to get my

eltlitnahip papers. M. A- F-Apply to th* naturalisation bureau, gt

the courthouse.

Totals .....508 513! Totals ....... iSi .!53TH R 'K O FA KINDI 3R00KS1DEBBayo-d ........788 ISSi RlUlshoffer ..It* 119Clel* ............178 33ii Oron .........181 WHoag ............196 169 Oaekell ....... 161 WO

E, Ch'pn s t’.fl JfiT 1791 Ehrlich H. Ch pn’B tS‘1 ]7U Itll Odhonie Bniiiiurrl . i"T iftO i>iDu\»d€n • urrlF r . . 131 ITS IVv JacIcHori Medter ... lii: '47'

PART?.141 12H IgIIAS I f l JfH'1..Wi Ul IK JSS J ■

Totalis .. S*:-] TolalB

IK JSS tIn 7M» 8*;

Vh ^V '

s balleiK W k

Totals ........657 4281 Total* ..184 818

PYTHIAN LEAGUE.c o v e n a n t , 1 WEST HUDSON

Fjsher ..... 183 in l»|GeeDecker

_______ _____________ 303 17UJ4.. .180 136 14l! itarsh ...... 145 133 145

Hlnd'n’ l'g .144 W 156 Handicap . 49 40 40

Klbler ......IM 101 117Handicap .189 lEO 150

Totals .. .448 4 « 6n h a n d y ANDY. I

Savage __183 196 134M'Fayden . 35 1 23 171 M’Mullen ..111 137 104 Handicap .169 189 199

Totals .. .934 836 836h a r m o n y

Totals ...6U 506 668

Mllt’b'g'r Husell ...|Oau .......Handicap

I7l 160 3 ( . ! » 169 lf« ,181 393 127. ,50 51 50


J, flte'-l ..... 161 14, Uinrilone ...,. 128 ]'3llochiel.i .. .. 181 WO ttrndi'll ....... 91 WtMiller ........ l.'J, W3'Zetl«riund ....161171

Total* ..... Ch :oi Total* ...... 3S0 4S7HrsTLKHs. I .(ituN'ni'aNS.

J, Sfftf 1 ...... 10'■ 13; Rrllly ........... 1(3* 75.1Hochrvlii . . . '7!fl*!.l, Lombvrtsijn H7 J>.7 Miller ......... 171 1 K{ C-l-ambcrtsot! 191377

"9' Total* 599 571Totals ..... 451 :ATLAS A. I ARLINGTONS.

Spenry -...... 179 till Redly ......... IW IflWendell ..... J73 19t J Ijtmhertaon 175 jil

ind ...u58 09'C.T,ambert.*uii 157 17.1Zclerlu

Totals .. .862 570 »

ATHLETIC NOTESTher* Is a alrong likelihood (hat a New­

ark boy will head the championship Inter­collegiate swimming team this year. He is Andy Wilson, captain of the Yale team. In a recent dual meet with McGill Unlver- aity, the Yale wwlromers bettered four In­tercollegiate records.

On account of the poor condtlionB of the Ice, th* outdoor western skating champtonshtps have b*en postponed until February !.

PRI'D ENTIAL l e a o d b .m e d ic a l I CANADIAN. _

McL'gnlln 199 143 W lH u ff .......HI 168 .33ffleln .......m 1*7 HSIMagln ......IW 1|8 IHBeahan... 19T1I2 2911Chaco ......39G 167 ISOHandicap., itu 69 89! s

Totals... .697 S i St»i Totals..... 510 49S sUo

A large stiuad of local athletes Is utlllxlng the hoard track of the Btsdium- Motordrome for training purpose*.

The fliwt big aUilttle mset to he itaged tn Madison Zciuoro Garden this yearwill be run February 6 by th* Irish- American A. C. Tho fealurs av«nl ot the evening will be the l dOO-yard sepstoh rae* for the McAleenan trophy.

Pedestrtana wUI come In to . their own the afternoon of Washington's Birthday, when the Walkers' Club of America will holds Its handicap Jaunt from the New York City Hall to Con»y lilaBd, Mayor Oaynor has consented to start the con­testants on their Journey.

George Vreeland, the local sprinter, j* running with the Xavier A- A, relay quarlot.


Total* ..... 5F ffl-*"ZENITH ,.. .

Byron ..... 'S."'7.iiJ, ^l■ah■T^... 147 ;CMnrr1*cn .... 176 14VW, ntuker ... M IS? Welch ........ 12! 1 3! iUdge ......... I6S 178

Totals ...... tS3 4?iHO'f'AU

Totals ...... L10 ■i;si Totii!* ........ 441 *63ZE.NITH. gC lU tlE liER ,

nvron ......... IW ■■Til Mopticr ....... 1T1 131Morrtsult .... U.-l-'TU'uok ..... . 13311?Welch ........ 113 i-'dl Dell ............. I « f9 ( . ,

Totals ..... j.'tiis;' Totui* ........409 47'HfA'AI.. 1 gnilRUCUER-'

offer* could gamei gsner Buch awaj-t

Dim tine (811k) gamei of l;8 exact time


J. Draker .,,127 'fyclt.-rEadle ........ IVI ri'i"', pkHodge ........ 179 It; Si'll

18' '7* lOBJI'!. 119 191

NE' ' tract celvei club ; that lame Derrii club I Dotro moqt Rond, Jtrae: he pi with

HEAMFIN TOl'BNEV.The following scores were rolled by the

Prudential bowlar* last night In th* headptn tournament on'the Ifoouols al­leys:

T*am No. 1-F, Larkin. 24; W. William­son, 86; F. Foitor, 39; W, 8choln. 94; L. Martiner, IS; total, 191.

Team No. 3-Schell«r. 70; Kraautor, S4; Lund, 46; Kennedy, IS; Higgins, 17; total, 348,

Team No. 3—Quider, 78; Gaffenny, SI; Clark, 37; Sherbe, 77; Coffield, 37; total, 373.

Team No. 4—Miller, 46; Farley, 13; herson, 89; Marqutt, 40; Coronatl, total. 316.

Team No. S—Mahar, i6i Follook, 50! CMivar. 9) Jackson, tt; 'Wllion. 93; total, 2(]A." Team No, 6-PaUy,/ 63; T; Miller, 106; Rlltlfer, K; Pgngf, Hi McDonough, 77; total, ^

Team No. 7-Maln, 61: K*lly, 13; Hud­son. ill Manfop, 38i Bntiutlgan. 85; total,249.

Team No. S-Ganghan, 6; Franke, 33; Heinrtek*, ffii Armour, 761 Breitnaii, 69; total, 914.

Team No, 9—Payne, 94; Sanford, 69: Conklin, M; Greene, 67; McArthur, IXJ. total, 369.

Team No, W—Boyle, 87; Russel!, 74; F. Bragg. lOl; Berrelt, 96; Deniieberger, 96; total, 666,

Tutalf) ..... 4.53 650 To; alh ...


416 •(! I$£

T(-ta!»....... B39 l2l Tiiliile........ MS 33'BAKER. I RIKERNC-b.

■Whltch-ad . . 13'.' UhKiiochlf........ Iis„f7illAnipert...... t'lCi VAfHiwhlr.......dibl)............ 1*9 "lUi Hs!|kf;|........

NE3 of th ttotlce convo tnaetli Aipln, 11, at

IW mi Tululs,.

log ol data Ith* tl of dl


Knochie...... 153 liiTi'TOdd............ tfBRuehle........ 139 rbli Van NoHw'K- 162 3S*Haiikel....... 163 l"l: Nixon.......... m I99


Totals. 433 539! Totals., 479


Erh ..... lUirj'j'McNa'o ■Alliaon ....163 1 49 190 t5a*s.jn, ,.,.iJ8 138 1 : Virtue ....162 273 lUU' ftipOHMoa Hti 19? 2.1f .

...,167 161 I3SI 0 ’Dti,..)irU I'Jll iSI ■

....179 168 He; NesB .......1*9 179t-k;.

BOf mana Amer club awan team ncioli day. th* 7 be ret

Touts....819 909 11681 Total*..... TO W H r.'

COMMEUl'IAL liEAaVR. HyaH-Wllson. 132, 167, 159; Mahgpiai..

176, 184. 199; Huber. 179. iJf, 1*1: 8 * 11- mann, ro, lit. 290; Musettu, itl, m SBitotals. 813. 794. 80S.

Wfglagarten-Forfelbed three gamo*,



AbbOl Baoet plans aeJd

' oulctl New more, clrcul


Report haa It that Thorpe's standing in baseball lias not been definitely ost- tied and that tha Giants haven’t a eoek- aur* claim on hie services. Fay«tt«vili* claims that she owns Thorp*, and the club (f making preparations to fight for It* righti* According to Ban ^olipaon,

Praolka,-* flf 'tlltl^A' ■there iB abmetnmig in the clajm F'ay-ettevllle. Following out baeebail law. Fayetteville would naturaiiy hav* Thorp* on the reserve'Jlsl, but it 1* * 1*0 *ald that there hasn't been any r»»|rve ^st issntd Jn the league In whioM fKygtte- vllle had Its trannhiee. That Is ^ point on which th* player will be oosignad to the Giants, ’« * **ld.

HANOVER. N. H-, F*b, V-DaTtmoutb has made an official reply to th* action of Harvard In dropping the Gr*«n eleven frora' U* football ichedule. Graduate M*n-

'ager MoAIIlster. of the Dartmouth Ath­letic Council, Issued a statement on th* subject last ntght. It Is os follows:

"An official oommunlcatlon from Will- lam F. Garcelon, graduate treasurer of the Harvard Athletic Aeaociatlon. has been received today dtatlng that it would be imposstble for Harvard to play PaM- ntoiitb in football next fall.

"The letter, after empha suing the cor­dial felationa which have already existed between Harvard and Dartmouth, states that the advisory committee concludofl to make this change because of the desira­bility of arranging a ieis exacting pcrlBa of contests.

"I have anawered this letter to tb* af­fect that wc greatly regret the lo** of a game which has stood so high livihefistl- matton of our alumni and undergrsulusto bodl**-for a period of years. W « shoj - er— ■ t<j rearratte bur

scnedQle. which-we (ear will be a diffl-

WA th« V Btar Ihy jwrsoOFtroot

1* BOfotlstlOf for ex-iHtk an orgaailtatton ishlch goya

th*o« «xpmmea.a« a bualQ*** traosaetton, ■ig ta flliM ‘whotovar th* amount may b« A ■apacuthw that th* playeFa pi«s-

.RaE tBMg th*m a retarn *n Hw in- ' oltbar tn gau xteeipu or ia%}- »«fllg*tty. *9 fl gatmagt.*'

197%, by Wlltont BetrUia C. (*}, IJtU, by BarOnmore. and 'Btrfl EUia (I),' 3.3),by Paler the OrfloL

1 0 6AKBUH6 AT SACRAKEHTOSACkAWENTO, e « l . m . L-Ther*

was no pub^ gambling tagt nlgbt in Sfldritnnnw, probably for the firat tlm« sine* tbs rounding of th* miy in th* oaslyday* of tbb fold exetUfflont in 'A, Jtp emergney ordtoatR*

m■ K e w A B g ■B W a r a a w • k i w b . t t i T u w k T . ^ b b u a b t i i n » ^

HAD TO SHOOT 5 : ^ R ^ T R A C rSoHl) ConpelM to Neet BeH

iB Ib c b K o t l i ip Teit Be* fore Twirler Si|Bed.

GIANTS LA M )- ' j 0 i f T M i l B P l f

Great,lo iito AtUete A c ^ t s Tenfii OHereA hf Nanater

John NcGraw.



W AU » M II B tuB ts» »

:IOD pin ( n cliff L «A^c ',

'■t plci^c e North* by win* a mnlch

jn thirty jr gamec V WhMl-

uuoDing hllo the the aoore i:aini! to

llled tho ho K ruf- 1 uioppetl ind lioU- I rii ed In (ame. Ilio h tor tho

iBRN.IM IB IB m JB3M IS 114 -si

. 131 114 190

. 149 191169

. iiifi i « SiIII*.illcyij IgHt I'lora toolr n Nownrk tejed. th, homo pin* I mo. Tiiv

VJI,LB,. T9S in 190 . If l IK IP

m 1T4 119 . 103 IP ifS . :s9 lU \i4

. ill iisj corraiJwi 111 ilOwiort':, Illtl.}* iM tk.08 of (h *^

It end Mp*ti'ltinii. ih n 200ro of N. Chiim-

tirst gam*, tury count

RTT.. 149 129 131. 149 in iih-. 14A i l l 141 , . 1»i 191 111 . I.-E 153 l!if

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....... !>1 1911 ....in iT r ■

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...... 4M 4* !‘VAl* .!■'.... ! 1- ... 799...... IBS 179 ’




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....... !t1 111...... i;i! 117........ 1 « l « . .

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BrlvEfBC b«clc with him u & mem«nto 9 ( Ittp trip the itfned contr^rt of G«org« BpITf the bjg pltchor of the IndlatM, Mpn- tgrer Harry Smith rpturoed lion^ yeeter- dax from Savsuiaah where he completed

detail# for the tralotnir trip of the Badaklrtf.

Chief Smith dropped o ff at Academy Coraartc Pa., on fala way to the South, and Eot Dell to aitaoh hiH Blgnaturc to a document that Inaured the appearance cC the big twirler here this eummer.

The leader of the Graves had a lot to tAlk about upon hie return Out In Acaul* €Riy Corners, Pa., Bell e home town, the k E fellow Ifl greeted by every ono a# ""Mayor.'' and Chief Smith caught Hell la one of hta beat moodti, berautic the twtrler bad Just tiuccaeijmi In aellliig a IVEO quantity of tobacco tJmt he had grown on part uf hln fann Smilli wae treated In a royal manner hy Bell, but wati compelled to engaite In a match ahoot with him before Hell would cou- aent to sign a cuiitract.

BoU has a great repmaMon as a mar^s- loan while the leader of the llednkJua al­ways prldea himself on hta ability to bring do^n game.

Of course itell had alt hU friend^ out to the match and It wa» derided li> shoot a string of twfint>'-flve clay birds to settle the question of aupremaej Kell Buccocdecl In •‘klllhiB" twenty-four birds while Smith mlnscd two.

A fter the match BHi remurked to the manager of the Indiana thai ht* had mjide

hla mind to algn IiIh i-untriuM " I didn't expect you to beat me, Murry,

Old boy." H#l)i Hell, "but jou gave mt5 such a light run that I Buean 1 1 have to sign, and hcMdes I (liink I’ ll so to Htot Sprinpa with ymi and work imi n cc|iplc of weeks befurc the other tioy» seH out for Savannah."

ttnith aalfl that he was cmiruient that Bwiaolna and Tooley wo\ild aend in their coiStracts soon. The manager of the Brawes did not bother going to sec Bwa* claa while in the 8outh bec*T,UB0 he held tbs opinion that the hip flrat-aackpr would corns to terms*

W ^ e in Savannah Smith Raid that the psiich trsefl were beginning to blouin and the weather sharps In the South slated that all Indications pointed on an early aj>rln&

Ths first squad of IndlajiP will leave March L by way of Iht Savannah line, oa the steamship City of Si. Houls. and tba second batch will ge a week later on the CMy of Sav^anneh. All of the pJayerA will return by boat, lenvlng Savannah April 1* the trip home b';lng made uJi the City of ilontgomery. u Hlater ship of the City 0(f St. IjOuIb. These iw'o are the Utsst additions to the tompany a fleet.


CHIOAGO. Feb. T—President Ban John- pon, o f the American League, last night

^4 galled to William Dlneen. the umpire, a for 1200 aa winner of the prlie

offered last spring for the arbiter who could show the least time average for games during the season. It was not gSDsrally known that Johnson had made such an offer -until he announced the award.

IHneen umpired 159 games, the average time of the contesls being l:ao* Frank (Stik) O'Loughlin, who offlflaled In 14J gatneSf wa>3 second with a time average o f 1:67. The remaining six umpires had exactly the same average, the average time being 1;58.

[.w'k* II. ...... 13.

...... m 52i' ,:r Nt>- h ........ H|i Jj«l....... W * 1V.. . . 36a 359

DERRICK SIGNS CONTRACTNEW YOBlvl Fob. 3--The signed con-

' tract of Shortstop Claude Derrick waa re* oelved by the New York Amerlcap League Club yeoterdao . Derrick In a letter stated that he had <mtlrely recoveriod from a lante leg which bothered hlni last fall, BefHck waa drafted from the Baltimore club of the International League, by the Detroit club last fail, but by an agree* msnt ho was exchanged for Catcher Rondeau, w^o had been drafted from Jersey City. Before going to Baltimore he played twenty-one games last J prlng with the AChletJcs.


of the National l.eague, yesterday sent hdtice to the dub presidents that the re* COpVoned sesBlon of the league's iutnual tneetltig would be held at tho Hotel Me* AJplPf in this dty, on Tuesday, Febp-uary II, at 2 P* M- The annual schedule meet*

of tbe league will be held on the aame data at the same place. An hour before th» time of the league's session the board of directors will meet.

NEIV YORK, Feb 1. —With llie slanlng today of 1 contract to Join Mir New York Glantg, Jtimes Thorpe, the rsrlltle Indian, ■will L'ome Into baseball under unpre -r - dented eirciunsiances.

Dethroned an the world s umateiir ath­letic champion, through hla conff’eRlon of charges that hi played profesHlonal bate* ball In the Eastern Carolinu League three years ago, Thorp** Is grabbed up by Man­ager John McGraw, of th - Nrw York Giants, at a salary reported to be between M.UOO and $7.[40. svirli only nn ordinary record behind him of abldty as a ball player.

McGraw never saw Thorpe play ball. Ai a mailer of fact It in doubtful that an.'-' of the maiiagera of the other fi ur major league clubs who bid for hi?* eervh*'B had even seen him pla>, but ail appar-nf- ly trusted tliat the rti jn who ref#*uily crowned In the tb\ ?i3pb gaittes as Ibi* world's giM'Steal wcmld rnnkea Valuable acqulHliiun tc7 major h'wgt.ebaselmll

Although Tbuipt* " records In thp Ka«t- ern CapoUna Ix-ague art* not noteworlhj', McGraw, who pays little attonilon l>i avcragei*, Ih certain (hat the Tnclittfi has the making of h groat hall player Thorpe'h play In the South wa a» a pitcher, outfielder and first haseruan

In the bos lif won a few more games than he tont, and In fielding lie had h prr- C( ruagp of over }|p wan not a wlen-tlflc batter, swinging at M*- hall frerdv. and not hHtig HatlsMed unierHS he lilt h ; out i)( tl'.e lot Ills* a\'erjiKr. how-^ver, wan ' over l.T'iU He was r*'garde.) ;ih a ^ 'U I derfiil llu'owcr ami n epeedy l anc tun net I

If be- wears llie unllorni »'f [hr fliaiila next sfHSii'i he will hai» th. r*'C<)r<l-s of at leasl three oUior fti'llan major leaguu bHnebslI playera worths of cniulHll"o Sockalexla, who plaveil wltl» the i>ld Cleve­land Natlottul League tciini In the nlnetlcj!,. ('barles Bender, the grj'ut ChlppHwa plii h- cr of the Phlladelplila .Mhletic^, ami "Chief Meyers. v.|i<9 ratH f"r the Ntw York Glatits, three ahoi iglnle" v> hi> rcse to protiilnence in baa*'ball. In nsl there have been alxmt t» do^en Indian halt players In the history of (lie major league.

lAamer Ailmlta Tborpr t*or» m Mlants.CARLISLK. Feb. 1 - The Himouncenietit

from New Y’ork that JanU's Thorpe, the Olympit champion, had accepted n con­tract with the New York National League club, was confirmed here last tilghl by GJenn Wyrr.pr, phyKJoal instructor at Mn* CnrllHle Indian School

*'U is true-" said Mr. M'arner. "thal Thorpe haa accepted the offer made by the Giants. He will go to New York to­morrow. where the contract will be for­mally signed."

Mr. Warner said he was not at liberty to disclose any provisions of the con­tract. declaring thal any nueh information would have to come from the New York dub.

Fayeitevllle (.lAlms Tborpe,RALKIGH, N. C,, Feb. 1. -G H, Na­

pier, owner of the Fayetteville Baseball Club before the dlSKoluUon of the Faal- ern (.'arollna League declared In an in­terview last night that Thorpe must play with Fayetteville thia season Mo said that Ban Johnson's deelsinn that Thor]>e Is the property of the Fayetteville club settles the matter. Mr. Napier Ifl con­fident that the iiastern Carolina Iveague will be revived, the first organization meeting, held at Goldsboro tonight, prov­ing encouraging.

Deanmoat Lay* Claim lo Tkor|ieBEAl.'MONT, Tex., Feb. l.-Tlie Beeu-

mont Baseblll Club of itip Texas League haa a reserve conirocl oiaJm on Janies- Thorpe, the Indian nthlelp, according to Manager wnmeler, of IJiat dub: Beau­mont's franchise was purchased from Oklahoma CUy last year and it Is damned Thorpe was among the players reserved by that club, Manager Wheder haa tele­graphed Secretary Farrell, of the Na­tional CommlssloD, to protect the Beau­mont club in Ita claim tp Thorpe's sef- Wees.


Lvl I

ORANGEHIGn: S a O ^ C L A a s

W itt Ekyeotii S ln i A l i i P ^ br A i i in DefeitinA Btrrin|er

HiAii t t BuketbaU.

m im S S Sla i s S i lw wfUD

U c s l S i r v Q iG W l G ft M' ill Nttiont Lcatoe Cnnpc*

tition Tomorrow.


J o / l i v t i N E OttT iu P tfiTM i l * ! * /

J lU r-iiECA44ILI,

P tfc tH i f *

C tlA M -ll-L * .


. . . 479 m '

SAtit'E. u K u m....Hill tfe,4i ,.,.ii9 3 i f3 '* t in IE 397 ;4( *Si 3- 35? 43' .,..3ft 3fn-9



s i ? * '*3. j*. Sui. '74 .) giania*, v

= s e s e 3 * .H * .

<1*. j


napogwi' of the Chicago team of the Aaoerlcaii League and of the Milwaukee dlwb of the American AsBOciation, was ttWErdsd the franchise of the Poll River totin by the New England League of- IlCtiUs at a special meeting here yeater- diay. AceQrdliitg to an announg^mant by th# K^lonal Commis&lon. the team wUI bs removed to Portland, Me.


Belleville Shufflers Gain Undis- puled Ri^ht to Position by

Victory Over MacNees.

CURRANS PASS HEINENANSThe til' for strunii place In ihe l-lssex

Coum>‘ Shufflchouril Loai:ur rm#- ueu broken last night when the Htliies club won five game* from the .VtacNei-; team and the Helneman aggregation, which w'a# even up with th^ dtlnes, dropped five to thp Curran t^ulniel.

As a result of the games the Stines now occupy aeoond place alone and the Curran team wont into third poalUon. aondlng the 1 Iflneman I’ luh back to fourth position

titaadlag of Team.

C a j^ i A L F t £ K tY

\\’.L.rih W.l. Ft*Geltspller ...4S I'J tS Haves ......24 4SlliiLS . ..4: ]« 42.Flyu:i ......... Ull ;t!Curran ......40 1', 40 Lavelle . ..19 3« IDJleincmaii . JT i3 3” .MacNpp ...14 4t l4Kellly ,...3 :: TJiGreenberg ..U « U

CurraciH Down llcliiemama.The Cumin ahuffl^rs proved to ha In-

vliK'lblp on Uieir home board last night and succeeded Jn winning five games from the llelneman weiglit pushers. Tha


Abliot' WUman Sr., of th« United Stales Baseball League, arrived laat nigjit to lay plans to place a team here. Mr. Wltman sold airangcmePts already Jiave been

'.■qulctlv made for ground# and teams In * How Tork. Philadelphia, Brooklyn. Baiti* more, Washington and Richmond. The Circuit will be confined to the East.


V |he Waslilngton American Lea-gue team's fto r catcher, who wae laid up Tor a time

operation op hie knee, haa entirely ■V' m overed and yeste;:day i^gued his con- - trooi for the oomlng seaeon.


TORK, f A , l.-4.In one o l ttic moBt :$ly w»g*d hpc3(«y btlttes t3»4

place In t3ia Bt. NiclieltM Rink, key C^b an4 St. Nicholae S. C.

nlgTit dOR geked st 2 In 9 In gnnrwi of two t«nnCf*niiniite

mhd naltner ine|^ w*s «ue tn 'ttf.Ue In tlie exlk*,ie€eli»&.n{.itw«9-

■ the nwitiwfl ,viH be it>8e4';^lM*IO'4»tet:

...n^ by t3n A. K-TXt r-WM a crucM pM.. 7% 4 ^ had won it wonid* ^7^' ir 3io». on test- ( f l^ -

hftd h oe it '^O M ^# bftlypen the

a c. woold iw+e- *........... ’

■ » » * were t.ew«1nf Mtd Vvaetitturn of

Tt WM onlyOil^t d tfW tb*t j......


tho Naval Acatieniy l)aaeball teaui, an­nounced yesterday, ie as follows; March 22, Pemieylvanla; 2fi, Holy Cross; C<t, Ver­mont: April 2. Colgate; 5, Amliurst; 9. Cornell; 12, I^high; Ifi, Harvurcl, St. John’9 College {Annapolis); %, Agricul­tural and Mechanical Cullegt* of North Carolina: 30. Virginia: May .3, Catholic UnlvcrHity: 7, Georgetown: Ifl, Johns Hop­kins; 14, Mt. St. Mary's College; 21, N'otrE Darae; 2S. 8t. John's College (AnnapoHsj. 31, Army. All gameu will be played at An­napolis, except the game with the Army, which wdll be at West Point. K. L. Breck* enridge has been re-engaged a.- couch.

Dleklaaou^a .kcbedule.CARLISLE. Feb. J.—The official call

for candidates for the IJUrkinson College baseball nitie will be issued Monday, when about thirty candidates will be expected to report to Captain Stockle at the gym­nasium for Indoor work. Manager Rock­well has Just completed the schedule, which Is as follows;

April 4. Bt. Joseph's College vs, Dickin­son. at Philadelphia: 5. West Poiitl vs, DickinfiOii, at West Point, N. Y.; 9. Leb­anon Valley College vs. Dickinson, at Carlisle; 12, Juniata College vb. Dickinson, at Carllaie; IR. Bellefonte Academy vs. Dickinson, at Bellefoute; 19, State College vs. Dickinson, at State College; 23. Na^y VB. Dickinson at Annapoll!2, Md.. 2G, Johns Hopkins VB. Dickinson, at Carlisle,

May X Villa Nova vs. Dickinson, at Car­lisle: 10, St. John’s College vs. Dickinson, at Villa Nova; 14, Catholic University vs. Dickinson, at Wa i^hlngton, D. C.; I9, Lafayette College vs. Dickinson, at Eas­ton; 24, Oettysbiirg vs. Dickinson, at Car­lisle; 23, Franklin and Marshall vs. Dick­inson, at Lancaster: 30, Gettysburg vs. Dickinson, at Gettysburg.

June 7, Maryland Agriculture College vs. Dickinson, at Carlisle; lO, Franklin and Marshall vs. IDlckiftaon, at Carliole.

liShlgh a DfamMid Doles,BETHLEHEM, Feb. 1. Lehigh Unlver-

stty's btsebaU schedule, just issued, calls for twenty-two hard games, eleven of which will be played at home. The fad that two games are scheduled with the University of Pennsylvania, one at home on Decoration Day, is very pleasing to the local students. The schedule 1» ie follows:

March Lebanon Valley, at home; SR, Colgate, at home; April 6, Stevens Insti­tute. away; 9, Prlncoton, away; IT. Navy, away; 1$ New York University, at hofne; 19, Swarthmorst away: 23, AlbrlghU, at 1ioin«; 25, Pepn State, at home; 28, Fiikpjt- Ifn and Marshall, at homer 9Q UnD'ertfty ofFenntylvonla, away; May 2,' Villa Kova, at borne: Colusibla, away; 7, Fbrd)umt

' ID Butiknell. away: ii,. away; 17, Lafayette, away; 23, Kutgera, awgy; Lafayette, away; 30, tTrihremlty of Pennsylvania, at home; June Lafay­ette, at hQioe*

YAStDDN AND RAT ASSUREDS fltrO N .'lW . 3 .-H iiTy u AytT, *r tbe..... U t « ^ . tW -Btated lUisi^t

___7h)ft,'U fc»W CI«r-tnHyope.D cbunofatiwiIn this

mm ,rwrtwV * Wntt_____ 17 M d II. A*furatt0ai

from Edward.-|iw, tb« eptn e1«-mp3on, 4i3)''{raaiK

CLHKAN. MEINEMAN.Rrils ,on ............ . J) 1 Icar]c\- ............. - \1J. (. urran.......... . -fit rale ........... ... . lit■Wilrox ......... .. Is W IIroii .............. ISSlieppcll .......... . hillllVHU ............. . :'iMiner ............. . Ja \\ eaver ............. JO

tlnkr * Iran (4ffrrp.A clean swtjcp uf Cl VC ifamefr aas regia-

tcreil l)V llie tstlres ahufflers over theMak-Ncc quintet last nlgKt on the boardof the la-it named club. Tbe itores.

MarN EE. 1 STiNES.Mltrbcll ........... . l&, Retie! ............... . 26llotalm^ .......... .. H Standfleid ......... . i.'Mocck .............. lu 1 solneH .............. .Pringle ............. . I4j MfTCenna .......... - 2.'.Herron ............ . JftiMct’ ov .............. . le>

.\'4.»WH[k tiu4 Ut 4? rcpi'4’Beiit«*t.l\ea on ihtbuBkethflU ti'am at Notre Panic L'niver* Blty. They ire Kupr- Mills, forrner Bar­ringer iJich School baseball and Iraskcl- ball stai. uud Joe Byrne, who wqb turned out Bi ihf Newark AcaiJttn.v. Buth boys arc getting into the swiJi;; itt Notre Dame ll) great uhape

.Mtlls, iifconling [(3 reports. l» in ex- Cfclieru comlUloii. He tiirns ihf scale at ISO pounds ami is hjx f»'et oiic and a qu«i -

j ler Inches high. He is considered an cr.! ct'llent man far the pivot position bacauue

of hie agllit\- and hell'll! fie Ih fast de- ■ \ eloping Ipto u phs.','i.‘ t uf exceptional skill.

Other men on^lhe team ore Captain A) at aiiart'J. who played centre On

I he fautfulll tcaiA. iihri 'TeaClic:*" CJiah- fiirld. f4>niirr CRptAlu of Hie team In 1911 and 1912 He la 4i«n«idcrfd one of the beat plujers in (.olleRUf-: cil'c'ea. He comes from Springfield, Mush., and lu the tlilrd hflSH man oi? the imL team. Jimmy Cahill, the forwai'il, Is a llglil man but ia said to bo clever.



Tn the accisnd game of the Interl^ague basketball series, which Ih tu dei'lde th Intermediate champions of the public achooJa of tlii« i-iiy, the Marion Rtraet School's fhr defeated the Bejinont Ave­nue School tCfirn by th ' si’ore of l.'l to 19 at Belmont Avenue School afternoon. Thi' game was a iilp and tuck affair from the first blast of the whlHt:e to the lam.

Belmont scored firJit on a free ilirow, but Morgan came right back, and when the [irat half eudt'd Ih** si'Ore was U to to, with Morton op the lupg end, Bel


Crescents of Paterson Billed to Play Varsity Team at St.

Michael's Court.


Addins Hi the school's bxHkrtlialt laurcL. wliirh yre asMU'nlhg a IsrgH proDoiHuii. (he Ui-Jingi- High idavers .yesterday >li-- fsatsft Barringet High Schooi, of ih;s city, In Orsitatv 49 to II. Orosiiti uiUpi «U (he nine unit \Vli|(« ueversJ weeks mrh. 2N III 1C 4in Hernngci's I'mirl. The vlri«)ri- yetlenlas- ifaxe iJrange its eJeienth r a.- flsj-ull\r win

The iwnu' rt«Krli‘t1 when Uaptaln KNans. Ihe Orange «tjr. slmi h fhdd goat Imme­diately afiTT Keftree McKhitwi had tosse l up the hall Barringer \.hvi\ dlKplaNsd Home leani work, wlilvli enabled Mane- field to slinoi a fhdd goal. Fischer, of tir- ai-gc. Dicn put his teaiiT In Uie lestl h\- rnglrik a f1oUI goal tlui hKningi-r HgSh'. ried the ei‘ore by L-Bgln(| nj<. \y \[ afier Fv uns inuHseii a fiet- tiu'nw

Oruiige then got down lu tirti*4n and Lte t''utiiwnrk of tlii> Hiibin halts ivaH OH piiXEllitg to Ihe .Newarkers li e effecliv t', ('Bptala lOvHitH McnrcU Ih e field goaL. while rtuMon itoi tne ouL one for Ttarrlnger. The firel period einl- d 2ii (o <7

In lit) aei-ond iialf a fool waa called 4in Orange. tTriiily. of Newark, i-uglug iiic first free throw tif the game Kvans fol- lijwed with a field goal for Orange A f­ter Hracls. of .Newark, failed l« M<’ore i free (hmw fiir hta team. Fischer, of Otajige. I time Into promlntrnce bv uhoni lug J bfKiilHul l<mg field goal. The nt pngc tram tlien actMcd Pre4|iipiitly and hc4llltlU- illfrU’ iiliy In rnlarglna Ihrlr Hcore Tlir Newarker.'t were iJiiahie l«i gel fie (3f the Orange gnardn riml e\en wi-rc olillgwfl fcHort lo a dcfRiiHlvi- game

roptalii Lvans eaaJly the Mtav ofthe game. Through hie Muickneia, clever. TiesH an<] his keen eye. lie waa able toscore ihlrteen field ggnJn nrul three free thrown, thus noltlivg his teani twefuy-nlnu puliUsf The line-up

Orauge HarrltigerEvonaa'apt.).Right foiward iJrady(C*ip(.1 WelMi-r l.cft fnrWrtnJ Munaflehln>NeU riMUre HutfonI-'lacher Right guard ThuehleLaing Lcfi guard . A>'nr»hawHk.y

aubstlliites—Orntige, Pfeiffer for O'Neil: I Barringer, Dempsey for fliiiloii, PtHer for I Thii«bl«. AJtnmti fur \ ’arrthawHKy, ID-

man f<ir Seller. Field goalfc-OianK»>. iCvans i j \4'e|ser X Fischer G: Unrriuger. MiinefleM ", Sutlou <s\ Free i!in>WH-Or unge. Hvana 3 out of 7 chanree. Harilnger. Grady. J out of B Ch*n<'«n. Time of haH eS —Twenty ininutep Tlmeker'i>Hfa—I’ahlll. of Orange; Smith, of Hflrringer. Referee— McElnea, Maplewood F C.

There is Interest among locaf hosing fans to see Boob Nelson, the New York lioxer. In arlinn ut the Central Institute boxing show' Monday nlglK, where lH’ is schHiuEfd lo meet Young Alberia, of Jer­sey riiy. In the main bout.

There are seven otlier bouts on the rBrd. t ;^ m 'nierw llh hard "luck in the 'second Jack Madine, a liiird-hlttliijt local boy. f half, when f'aptatn Horwlti, the tor-la to match punches with Paddy Kyan. w ard, received minoi- Injuries which hin-aiiother Newarker, In the second bout, iic- j dered tils playing the remainder of the cording to the progiani, while Palsy , garne.Brown and fhiclt Faria ate down for the \ With a (cw minutes lo play, the score third session. Two semi-finals, with i itood J8 to IS. but Morton by a whirlwind Young Tuts of mis city, and A1 Stovall, j (tnlsh nosed out lu opponci.la and made of Staten island. bUlci! for otia and Young ' It necessary lor a third and deciding Donley and Bob Kelly. local boys, sre ‘ game to be played. Belmont took tho scheduled In the other. first game of the aertea last Monday.

Yociig Uewts and I'oung Gardner, f The work o( Ftenherg, of Morton, was Bloomfield boys, head the preliminaries, | the feature ol the contest yesterday, of which tliere are three. | ’.vhlle Bloch played a good game for tho

---------------•-------- I losers. The deciding contest, according


CLEVELAND, Feb, l.-Twenly ama-

Tt WA HTinounced today b> Lxxii the Hupei\tjsinx Hlhletlf* AUlhoritb'S hI Bt. Michaelh Vniing Men's ('Uiii uf tills ilty and h\' Mnnager WllJiam Downey of tha CroHi'eiiU of Pftlerson that niratiBemehtB have be n made for a liaaUelbaM geiuc between (he Yale I ’nlvtfBjty team and the CresceniH to be played a\ the St Michael parish liull In ibis cR}’ next Tuesday night

The Ynle management. 11 in staled, pre- feri'fttl to have (he game piciyeil In this city uiiil eommiiiilrated with Father (!or- rorau of St MIchaerH Churrh regarding the use of the conn on Belleville avenue which hU8 been uned all season by the Ht. Michael team. Tho rreHcenis, after hfls’lng plttveil here last week, were satis­fied with Ihe court, which 1e aald to be one of the blggent In Ihe city.

It le likely that the Yale-Crescent con* tent v-lM mark the ''inne of the basketball season at the St. Aflcheel court. No gsrae Ih announced for next Friday night and it has been the policy of the Young Men’s Hith to dlacomlnue games during the T.entcn stason. which thin year begins ud \N'ednesda y.


The KnJfhtg of folumhUR basketball team which was beaten by a n^arglri of one goal by the CrescentB of Patersoti Thursday night, won from the 8t. Mich­ael te»m at the Belleville avenue par^Ji liall last iilghl, 42 to 12, It was the fourth time the Knights have defeated (he lo­cals.

The victory came without a great deal of effort, although ihe Bl. Michaels niad« a determined aland and tried hard to win. At tile end of the first half (hQ score was

° [ 16 to 9.yesterday , Drafllug Hortis Into the forward posi-

teur boxers In 106. U.'> and 146 pound classes participated In the Centra] States A. A. buxlnif eiiatnplonflhlps, w'hlch starUd at the Cleveland Atbletio Cluu here laal night.

Howard Root, of Cleveland, w on from Joiin Downes, of Cleveland, ip the finals of the lOj-pound class. Jn tho IhVpound class, Phil Patton, of Cleveland. Dick Vogt, of Chicago, and Lewis Wise, of Ctn- clnjiatl, won Uieir huuts in the prelimina­ries, and Patton and Vogt boxed a fom - romid draw In the finals. Championship In this class vrltl be decided tonight.

ficorge Koch, of Cleveland, won from Joe Vuycheck. of Cleveland, in the finals of the 145-pound class, Vuyeheck winning from Tom Mendyk, of Chicago, in the ■eml-flnals.


liK boxing in Wikoonkin was Introduced YesUrdny In the Wisooneln Legislature. It provldee for a State boxing commb,' eion of tbree, appointed by tbe Governor, And ti pattetned After the New York law.

:the bill llmiu oonteAtA to tfo roundA with .Sve-ounee glovAi. . .■ , ./

, YOUNG R i r i t e i ioSE SWILKES-BARRE, Pa„ Feb. l.-Toung

Nitehtv, of Philadelfthla; and Yankee { E taha. of this vlty, fougljt a fAst ten- j round bout here lAAl ntgb’t ' Svans bad I a A3iod« on Nitchie, being the aggresnor all through tbe fight and lAAdlng tbe greater pumber of tnowe. ^

' T V n baintUTieaaM

I tihohett.............. Centre ............ Irfhrhorf; Friedman........Right guard..........Maloney: Schenkel.........Lett guard................Bloch

Subatltutea^riaslow for Hlhner, W olf for Saelow. Keferec—.Malloy, Montgomery

I Street. I ’mpire—Warden. Ttmekeepar— i S<?hulie. Time of halves—Fifteen mln- [ utes.


Angther victory was chalkod up by th« 6t. Banedlct Prt'p bSHkctL ll team yester­day afternoon, when It defeated tho Up- asBala Collage t'tva of Kenilworth, (his State, by a ecore of ^ to 24.

Captain Ed Gilhooley and Donahue did not aUrt in tho content, but got Into the Heeoud half when they relieved Walter lijll and George (Hlhooley respectively Hill played a forward poelttohs and this was the first time he has had a chance lu show hla Bkill since Joining the team last week. Although he only scored one field goal his all-around playing was excellent.

The first basket was credited to Gaader, of St. BstittUcta, and at the start of the game It could be easily aeon that the Hawark lads far excelled their opponeutu In all departments of tbe game. The first half ended, 33 to D. The score;

9t BenedietH. Upeola College.H ill............. Right'forwara .......BoetromBaoder......... Left forward..........HoldlnMcDsi^tnlU........ Centre ............ EklimilCarlini.......... Right guard ......... NelsonO. Gllnooley... L ^ t guard ......... Johnson

SubatUotee—E. Gilhool^ for HJII, Dona­hue for G. Qilhooiey, Berg for Nelson, Frenberg for Eklund. Fw d toa ls-^ . Qllhoot^ 8a G. Gllhooley X McDermltt 14, BoAder Carlin, Donahue, Bostrom L Holdlq 4, Jobnaop Frenberg. Fouls--Me- DermltL Holdln L Raferee^R* MeWai- ttrs. Timer-Brady.

HAZLETON. Ps .a L-XrrsitgB-misfits were nriade .bSM ^sp e rd ay for

. s ttS to a bout OIL M hi thisbetigscA Joo and iJack j


Aril, a X. tyro Alt t3w A<m tAAPA M M y|M< Naaq lAAdlng lAAt Itm tid ifAM t*p IffbAr tAMAA wHek «A «« rtgllF ti||jnA Intt gjU fartbAT dM net. ,

XiM tAAOM Mbidi drAi Ad 'ooek M n iiw MUMtA AM lAfftAA «nN OObim. wfeo 3oit AM IaW lUlduir aoAI Br*b«, who fall kpMad Mr* Iara. Wfleox u i4 BlatA a h

' ^ bAbM tlAA. iMdATA. Hor-aABk tiMM* M IaA lo*:


It lA not OCtAftf tW ,wr Anxhna to ffB 'it

B T D iU K IM T T IN iO R itO W


"lit''thA AOP ObACMt** (AT 1M .tllAA h«tog. IWt

it iif teadarx « f iJl otabti both 'H ff .AS ; loMdWtti* su«**(«* AAia plA>-«A w«u|t ^ A ^ •A A 'lo g lo rrw tw flAi'k in * dM*rr.' Of *aqy*A tlwro Ig 'S rearan. 'ITomqnDv it g»ttndlH>g ^ : ad* tim im i W » * iA AuppOA^ bo 3)* » ' CAHA fix tb « MAthAT. When ttiA greiiadhf*. cmafgA* frow-bto' HTOg TAtreAt llA Artll gijUKO AlWOt fOT bE

bl 4MWA ^ AAS lA - ‘■‘ ■“ fkxdc «t ■

* * » “ *• *5* groundhog itAra AlgnlflAA tb*t frintAfA b«dt |b

fBtAuft,"-■' ,M lAfr'IMy expect the bAAebAll mog-

tthfAh. l«8Mg*rA AB* piAyara to lie«p on A|r*wi tlMiAua toDiorrhw. IftbAgroond- h(9 AAAA mA .AbA^oW' *04 retiree to bte .tire, tlrey »11l lie y m . »*nr ud. -But ft tiM Asit 4oee nM.#Aie. thity erfli be IWIW. For baatbon mtit gte AUperatltlcntx dAAplte All tltolr deslelA. -,

It wUl he reioembered Out loot Aprleg tiAe gniutt4iwg aaf hi* iffudow. Am * a*.

" to -ft* ,*AWIl » * A U(a

ENTRE NDUS VS. CELLULOIDSSseketbAI) fAnA to WsAt Hudoon and

tMs city Are At 044a avat poeetbie outcome of the cautoAt billed to lie played •t the W «t Khdaou Aadltoilum tonight between the Entre Houa and tite Calloloid teame. The Nawark fans figure t^ t tlu 'local combination; which won from John­ny. UcQutgao’A plateri here the otbei night. 3 to 3, CAA repeat Ita partorm- ance, while the Watt Hudaon (ana a e CDDftdAtit that oa tIuHr own floor'■'•the Entre Houa boya will turn tbe to b ^

D O M m C A R SA A D O K illG E .The monaiement of the BoMlnkan bae-

ketbaQ teem announoA* that Ita gatna for next Tueadgy Alght at the UpoalideaB lull le with the Oieofe flvt, M bf, % f*rd*4 a* one of oawWipflfiai^ l|*a oitor regiwMUh ttou tava. XMatileanA wfli uaa **id* piagoiBaNU buiiad out A rkfim Hat amk ovaT flta

, W St, lUHahi Oto 4« New Fofk, '. . . .

tlon, the Knlghu fuand him well fitted for the game, Bi rgner also played a fine game, whils Byrnes and Doherty perform' ed In exrellipt style at guard.

The Knights of Columhua aecoml was defeated In the preliminary game Liy the 8l. MIrhael Junlory. the si'ort lining T( ti} I'll. The line-up uf thy hlg teams fullowa:

K. of at MIrhariHniegiUT . . Right forward ......... UuyiaHorns ........ L'flt forward ---- MeEvoyStunipf .. ........ Cemif ............ RmwvisRyn.eiN ...... Right guard ......... Hlb-tili'Doherty ...... Left guard ......... Durkin


f.iflspke tha fact (hat ihf* Bay V b v Wheelmen have wun tht + ti ganu*s In a row from the Natlnnal Tui iiveri-l n's repreflentatlvea there is k m i Imeresi In the outcoune of the cuiid t*i at ranKrd fnr tomorrow afternoon at Ih*- Bay- View Hall on South 8lxih streHt he- tweei! the basketball quliitr-ta of thnsi' infltUotlonft. The Turner-' are anxltnjs to get out at least opt- ;:anif'- of the serJea and will. It ia brlii-ved, mnl<4‘ a detei mined stand agatnijt the ryriiais' aggregation.

In the preliminary giime thr- Bay View' Juniors w ill ploy tho .-ti roiiHoti J unlors,

EASY FOR BELLEVILLEBelleville High hail little 'rnijMc in dp-

CeBilng the Wef«t Urangt' li arn yrstenluy afternoon on the Igtlfr'a t'i.«iii'i. Tin* score was 38 (o !4. This is ih« ninth tory the locals have thulked up out of the ten games played to date.

Tha Bellevilli seconds defiMied tha ■West Orange scrubs in a furious and closely played go^e. the Ht-ore being 3 to 2. The line-up of the ttrsii team's game;

BcHevllitf. West Urange.Renler..........L#ft forw ard............FlintS^ley...........Right forward.......SchrabelBradley........... Centre ............ KoslerWard.... -..... .. L «fl gua t d.............. VogfdMarshall.......Right guard...Cunnliigham


IRONSIDES VS, EUREKAThe Ironside A. C. has arranged a

t^uketbail game for lumorrow night at Kunzmanh's ball against the Lureka five of this city The contest will bring Into'the limelight tho follow ing Eurekn playaro. who, according to Manager Hanftor, will bn In harness: Hannor and FUzslmmoris, forwardu. Btaehle. eentifc; Farley, Mulhall and SInnott. guards.

The-Djp^ljde^^unlora and the W'an* derer JWWttlrl-WIH^rpJalv (‘he- Inary ' I .


The Montclair High School basketball team oasunied the lead in the Intsrscho- las tic League race yerterday aflsrnoou by defeating the Mast Orange High Hcliool quintet, with which It was tied for first place l)y the icore of 30 to 27, at Mont­clair The game was exciting, the Mont­clair five having but an edge over her op- pontiru Mast Orange played the cleanest hall yet displayed by her and kept the score very nearly even Ihroiiihout the contest

Ttiylor, of Montcialr. playing at for­ward. was the Individual star uf the game. Hla la)l> of eight baHketS ensbleri Ms team to win out by three points. ThistU, substituting at forward for Maat Orangu. proved a big surprise by keeping hie team In the running by his accurate ehooUng. Don Walton alao played a fine game.

The ganoe started at a late hour Star- ret, of UontclaJr, scored first bluod wlih a neat shot from the side of the court. Things waxed even in this lialf, both teams showing fine team p1a> unij accui- ute shooting. The half ended with Mont­clair In the lead hy two points, the leore reading Mootclair 18, East Orange 16.

The staying powers of the Blue and Red showed in the second half Walton scored right off the reel, making (he score ift a!l. which was added In by Brentano's foul toss. Coulter can'K“ Ihroiigh with a basket for Montclair, but Thistle, who had sasumed Johi^son’s place for Mast Or­ange, caged the ball twice, giving Kast Orange a lead of three points,

brentaoo's foul was closely followed oy baskets by Starrsi and Taylor making the arore 24 to 23 In Kaat Orange's favor. Starret. however, tied ihlngK up with a free toss. Thistle again came to the ics- cue with a basket, but Taylor's two ringers put Montclair In llie lead, which w'aa added to by Slacret's ioks. ThlatM (hen came through with a foul, making East Oi'ange’a score 27 to Monlclalr e 3fl.

In the preliminary game the East Or­ange bC4?ond team went, down to ftefeal for the first time tills year by the scojc of )k lo IT B«ilh teanifl played 8n«p(^v hall, but l‘7ast Uranks** pcsmIiI nol acem i.o get ahead of the mounlaiii towti boys. The Une-tii) of the I>Ik Kutm- follows

East Orange MontclairJohnson ..... HlglU forward ........ TaMtsrBrenlano ... Luft foiwuril ...... rilocutnF lacher............<d‘ntrp . i'ourti*rWalton ....... Right giiiird ........ HlarielR oper......... Left jj'ianl .............i.'ox

Hcleree l.lNiimin I'lnjilrS — M d lali. Tlinc of hithr-M rwirily minutes Field gOal '' Hrt-nlun" 3. l-'lnciier 2. tVallon 2. Thistle ;j. 'I'rtylor ^ Slocum. I'ouriru j. HlttiTfl J. Free thrf -Hretitano 6, Tlile-

I Me. aiofom. StarrH 3 SuhatUotsS—ThlHlI'' for Juhnsijy. Treed for WaltOTi, IbirneB foi- Uoper, Rose I'of Stanet

. — —

ORANGE GIRLS WINThe bawkelball team nf tlie OraUgc

Girls' 't'iub again d+*ft3uied ihe gIriB leaiu of Orange Ihgh Hchoul laht night at the OraiiH' Fli -'h Sn hmil Kv-mnaHiiim The score was lu 13 In the Orange G learn e fa\or. in a i-rcOons game, o rCL/lge we*4 beuceii l.'\ uije jniln(.

CENTRAL HIGH SPORTSSwiiumlng lias again iak.4-ii a hold iO\

some of Cemral Glgb Schnui stmteiils ami as a rei’ Ult Mwnag' i Ki h'-tl S Krnitli. of till- oqiiad, hn.-< ui'ianK<-d for three ?tmela a id ha.** two roorc iluti-a pending, TI14J triiin T'ill 4nij,p,.io asiiinsi Jersey City Hljih r -nool ou J'*'hrUHr\ K at tliti Kuurlh Slr**- I Hath. J4 rscy I'Uy. wKll H;ay7>hh' il;gli Kidinoi cui Kchruary IH In the Ni'wujk 'i'. M '■ A. and wllh liar linger Hign houJ un March 1 local \ M G. A. tujik. Muiitdali* High and 8 iuy"i r-M.tiit High may b« swum. Manager Smlih Ic fape«lally analJuiH lo arrange with Montdfllr bpcau.Se the lat­ter haw a sirong aggieKidiun of swim­mers ihls '.'',nt»-r

Jhe Newark Football Club wUI make its fp-emiy Into Ihe Nntlofiu! A«ro<1*tlon Fooiligll l.eagui! tumurrow «ft«rhlMil|, 'vlir-n tlie loi-fll eleven wUJ tm kle the Ft|- < rson Uangt*rs at Olympic Park, Pat­er son

The Newark* have been Out of lb# ItaKii# Hbi,e Mi-iiu-mber Zi, 1911, when th# flub wus Nuspended for playing acalnil the CnrlHihlaiiH at Morris i^ark. Lm I Baturiiay tho^leatue acted favorably on the uppibatt^ii oC ihe iir am to tiv allowed to again compete In die organhsatton.

J4«v4*ral of thr old plnyers have boon M .'iired ntiil the l«*ani will fltriah out th* vvar In plai'c ot the HrfwklVh WandPrertL Tlie locale look fisrwiird to a ^U!lo^y QV*r Ike Itarjgi'rN tomoriow, c.s Ihe team •#*( ui'i’d bv Mitti.iger Jot- Qiiit^n comporo# ruvoi-ablv nidi nuy In the league race,

t.iver iti Harrison 1 ho Wfwl HudMPt will liavi* the W1llj«rlun-e eleven, which !»• tending die USgoe riii'e JuSt IM1W, Oft an opponcm. In order lo have any ehatIC# to land the iiennsnl this Heanon tho Weft Hudsons will have to win The battl* with the PalerxvUana. Therv Is a dIffenAlc# of hilt nIl fKilnts In the first five teamt, end ;inv one nf the first quintet ho# # clHiMi-e to i-arry off (he honors.

Tho Ni’wnrU i'aU dunUns win Journey to • Hr4»4jKlv'n fm h gfl'tir with the nrooklyit club Thi- hrookivns are twie point in Ihe i-eai of (hi ridedOhlnlia. and th# UichIn wli; b.iM- in Usvel ut a fairt dtp i4i k4'4'P ri om ilrotiplng into the

.\i '«\ hUi-«1 I'*ark. PHteraf>n, the TfuoBines an i ]ers4 \ c wRI meet hi a I'oiKi'st tliai pinnnefs in Ih« one of tha hardesi foughi gHmos of the seaeoft. The .lerscys 4)c«'iii>v se ond place, with th# True Hitica , lose ijehlml.

Kneekaa lo -*tay U «r«s ( ‘Itib,The Eureka A A. of Kearny will

meet the Burns <Tub of Hai^isoii In an pxhjhiilon soccer gome tmnoi row mornloit at Riverside Oval. Kcurny. Th# contolt w ill start at lo (3 o clock.


The American Football Aoaoclatloa of- flctala are arranging for a (our of th# Kaatern States by th# St. Lao Socevr Club of St Louis. Manager Tom Adtau*. of (he Wsftt Hudaone, who ha# a (piuailve schaduie calUng fur «#v#b games and atartlng on March has been submitted to Manager Klostcrraun, of the Bt. Lcoa, by Manager Adam kud this will be considered at u meeting cail#d for tonight. The playcra also will deter­mine whether they will accent (li# defl nf the West Hudsons for a Kpocial game foi a aide net of 11.000. The St. Leos dewned the M net lludsone In i t. Lciill# In Deceniber. •

If Kloalermati a eleven accepts th# schedule prepared by Adam they will b* called upon to play the following games:

March 16—Tscony ai Philadelphia.March IG-West Hudsona ut Harrison,

N. J.March IT—Fall Itlvrr Hovers at Fall

niver. MassMarch 21—Howard V. RuHdiighs at Paw^

tucket, R. 1.March £2—Fall FUver Rovers at Fall

River.Eowter Bundsy—Wcat IfudJions or JePity

A, C. .EaatA'r Monday—West Hudsons oF Jw*

ii#y A. C.


LONDON. Feb. l.-WUh ii view of #&< ablijyt <jrcaL Hritain lo make a better showing In the Olympic games to be hold In berllij In 19IG than (hey did ut Bloch- holm last year, ft Is uniiaunL'cd (hat the Amiiteiir ^ilhleiic A«t«n('lnlJon Ims ur- langcd a financial plan tu aaslal. the Eng­lish uthtf-(i>« KyRtemalicully to train (Or that evcnl, ♦

Shortly after the conclusion <pf th* Olympic KanicH lust year l. '.ird Desixjr* «ugh, prcilUlng a meeting of the AU* lellc AtJvlw)ry i'lul), held: to consider th* lioar Hbfiwlng of (Srciit Hiitaln's uUdetes, proposed thal a fund tif |2ft,b0(l nhould be ralaetl In facU of the nuKt tlirce year# and. SW.UtO In JfllG to be usmi In preparing EuglUbmen lo compete at Berlin. B<r Arthur Conan Doyle HugKcKled thal the U2u,0<JO be nilscd by piiUlli,! appeal-


H A. Kr-HU!, a Mec4Mily-pi)lnt man. had ;uUe iTjjuhit* In winning his maioh Ishi: night in llu‘ amateur baiiilicHp IN.2 b*iU llm* billiard irjiirnam''Mtt ul tlU‘ Mciroptd!- toii HlRbird Aratleiiiy, Market aiirl ■In.Kti'rti *ir4'ii'in, from I’ lnnlc M MrDerinJt. tile llinll man. huMdnuiin-d at vighly l«dnlH, by llu- .“rnre 4.(' L\>ii i<i KiS.

Twice (luriiiK the mat- h Ream made « run of 4-leiu-fi wIiMi' Me I ‘cnnll'M best run was nine, iiiiulo It: Mt - Icnlli Ihnilkff, TI.i score by irjnlnxf' fellows:

lleaiu IImn4llf'uij mslnts)-—0, 0, 0. 5, 2, I,I. r., 1, n, I. :v ", 2. i. 4, 4. u, U. G, u. »1, 0, .3 3. U. n, 7, 7. 1, 1, .*►. 3, 1,0. 2. 1. 0. :;. I', ii. 0. u. 0, 1J. 4. ]. 1- 2W.

M«Dvniiit OiftnriU'up points! -J, 1. 0, 2.1, <1. II, 2, 'K u, J. Ii, b, tl. I'. 0, 1, J,r,. 2, u I, u, It. II. 0. 1. 3. 1. iJ. II, 3, 0, d,IK u, II I, 1. it. if, 1. i>. 2. 2. U, 3. 1>, ‘i,6, ii-m .

Manual Training High of HruoUlyn la tlie favorite for thci bl« Sntersrholaatln relay tonight- at the Brooklyn College games U: Urn FoiirtM-nth Regiment Ar­mory’. Brooklyn, but Centra I High of this rdy, with a llule hfiiidlcap, is ex- pecl*-d to give the Brooklynites a hard batllv.

Jack Gardner and Idarl Thorneil have aecui'cd trnnerers from Barringer lo Cen­tral and will enter the luUi-r Insdtutton Moiidd}'. Gardner was i>apieiu of the BarrliifjiT track team, but had to relin­quish thh office because of *u InUitit U> lake a conunerclal ThorncU wasBlj^Inger'H iitalnHtay at centre on the football (7'am last fall- He. too, has -Jii,- tions 7:>f taking a ooimnert ial ('oura# to tbe High Street School. TliorncU Is also „ s<» tPai I'enLral's


r.Y-orge W. Lltii’bcry Have n « Iwer ex- hibitimi of liiii!itr(l.s luHt night h( the F.sj*ex nillinrd Hull and dri’vaU*d E O. I'lslier In their nmutr-ui hamili‘a|t IS.3 halklmc biniRnl imirriiiinent b.v llie arore of 2WI to 1.T4,

The vb’tcrv cii.ibUMl J4uii:erv, who !h rifiy-poltit milt:, to win third prize.

Flfthor wue liHndlcai pvtl at twi-idy ijohits. In the t wt'Tiiiri Ii I-'I.hIho- tiiml# «J'UTI of (Wt;iU.V-IWO, Wldvll war fi\C pdllllS

the morn than Muriiciy'M high rmi made |n Ihp teulli Inning. The si-ot ’ by innlhg# follows ■

Rurhery (handicap, M polTil.$)~S, 0, I. t,1 ?,. s . fl, 2 17. :i, a. .s. u , d. 14, ti. 1,o' 0, 0. UK 3. 6. ti, 0. I, H. 2, 2. 1. lU, 1, ], 0, 7, 3- JtW.

F(*vliei ihandlcap, 2it polntal—2, 2. 1, U, 0. K UK 2 0, U. 0. ft. ft. 1. ft. G. 0, 10. 22,0, ft. 3. 1ft, 1. ft, 3, 0. 0. 5. 1, 1. ft, 7, fl. 3,1, 1. 4— 164.


The club that *«tB away with the pe»- nant In the IMeraatioral league next (eahon will haae to beat out the Newark Indiana, acboattoa to the way Jack Quinn, of til* Rtiitlera. (Iguree oat mat- teri, Qutnn *#ftt to the Hustlera the latter part of lu t eeason and had a chance to *e* lift « ( the cluba in action. Jack worked aafitMt tbe ctuba In tbe j^rrow oiai ntoaHaa and won elfht <ff thb twelve ■aiaea/.ke pltcked. sivina him the ritbt to t|l4|{: place amoo* the •tajP$#r*a -

Qutop la a treat audant of batoball and haa k ^ ^ ^ e ll tnfamadt do tbe dolnsa of tbe leavdla ilnce tb* aoaeon clowd- He t « » b*«K #a rtta « to hi* toUtec'e atore to

:;patUTUI*.-;hk.,. dartas tbe wlntoTr aa^jw -: 1|Ka'.toW ottar ba» ilMW*. baa 'a i^~ iiL latNirnSia to banttoB. Hot atoae la tbe

^ S k l l ^ a S t o i J h a M W . W t » * t o lb e w e a A ,

NATIONAL BILLIARD LEAGUE'^NF;W YORK, Veh. 1,—John Dankclman, of New York, defeatud Plcrre Mauponi#»L>f ,St. I»ftla. lu tho Hocoiid gamo uf Ihft Nattoiiai Billiard Ltoague s Throe-uuohion Tournament hero last night by « 3oare of SO to 4fl. in 8K tnninfis. Dankelman’e high run was 4 and Maupome's 3.


game- in th« Asbury Park Baekethell League was played last night between

A. C. and tbe Catliolfc Ly- .,.no, tne afttmate. wtniiera being tha Creacent A. C. -by the ecore of 37 to Jt.Tha Beach Ca*l no w*a crowded and'th* game was raat. The floor work o f Knapp ami Morn*, ihe twio Crescent forward*, was a revelation to the ■peetalors. The Btai of the CroHcents, liowover, w »»Wal*h(, who played a guard, and tt was thrungb ~hl* liandUng o f the bdll that Knapp and Horiia were enabled to run up 'the score. For tha ByeSam, IW Ie* wa* by far the beet iiutp, aitbovgh their team work ns » whole was eXoeUent,Oscar A. Morgan, A. A. tl. oaiawiwlansr, was referee. f 'kn.... _

o ’C i W N a y i p :HOUSTON. T «T ; iMh t-JSlMtotto*

from to« sl*t«en-jard ”• ngwli;, ~ Itopiel •, , . O'Conndll, o f flit)- A tlto irtc^ ,w «t- to*, a tveUthi wm iat tomnjr l aiirtp^ a la M te W '- - yeaterday. with la woiw-S*. # a w t a€ iW,. WBSto^Croaby. of waa... . f e -ncot^ wHh * . ehm from ||roai!y-twv " yardfc * » * fitoy Hatotog. ad Wfti, tMtd. MttfhW ahoto

fielding bis poeltiun and batting aa well.to a letter to a friend in Rochester.

Qumn state* that he looks forward to tha Hastlera walking off with the flag."In my opinion the Newark Indians will be the elub we will have to beat for tbe flag," writes Qutnn. “The Redskina looked mighty good to we last year, let me teQ you that, and from present ac- counta they will be Just ae good. If not better, the ootplng season. Of course mtxtnc in with playeii as we do durinc the aaason. one hears a lot about tha different leader*, ghd I mugt say that ail of the Newark playera boost Smith, who was calHatn o f the Indians last aaaseo. to ttw ihlea. an# his kbtUQr as a haiiis> ball •aaeral I* aiMl haown. But « b ^ a(ha dVfltosneat Thsee Is no sport trlm- .w to, thjtd. W b to « * » » * . f g * . Jto* ;nfngr agybady that gajft fU t,b *ek ; an# :#letaw!*. Dwttoa *«*■. ' _____I took forward t* maay * tught hatH* -for tha day, *!>>> IK

" ■ - - - ,d " f vr


SVIUILY it I* a laatitr of aped« I m- taraat that lh« Ufa alary of iho firit PratMant baa baan loW by Ihe man

M m bM luat btao alactcil to fill ihe offica m Chiaf BxacuUva, airf ll would ba

■a tf * t thla lime a new edlllon ‘ Woodrow W llion'I "Oaoree Waaldna- l|H nof baan broutbt oub 'fbla etll'

, ftaab from tha praaa, flvea u worthy to a blofraphy of Waahlnatun

' In Ita handy compaaa oimtHliia a arrf cbaractaiiiallan clearly and •ly pbrnMd, pu a indeed, In a way

Mtbrall. Nearly twenty y™ri lia>e 1 atnca tha booh waa publtahed. (he

1 of tbaa aervlns but to emphaalie'oualltiaa Clvlnc It dlallncllon. In I'a

iptorical and biographical aurvey. and.particular, In tha aulbor'e aucceaafiil

Junyal af Waahincton aa a man and pt a npirahead, the volume liolda and dU OOtttlnua to hold hlfh ranh. It la a

book, not the product of cloaet but the work of an author who In

haa lt»ed with hln aubject and can bit aubjacl real to the men and

BIO Of today.i proildont>olect'a wrltlnka have nal-

dljr taken on an added meanlnir and Hla worka, whether dealina

I tho adenca and form of government, _ i blatory and the man who have made or with mlcoeltaoeouj aubjecti, have

aoonnod anew by tboae familiar „ J than, and, of couraa. have allracted

»)n rga ly Increaaed number of readera. I n thoaa who would aeek to know the ■ iM Ilw t-e leot through the medium of

bmka acarcaly a beilar booh could f bo lOObinnendod In tho way of tntroduc-

than thU *Qeorge Waahlngton." U f fp o t only an excellent example of elyle. IM indlag In effective paaaagee. not a f iw o f which have decided plr.turcsque-

'& W i but It cannot tall to ground one v tM l In the beglnnlnga of the republic

by the moat faaclnaUng method, aly. tha atudy of the man whoae

pre-eminent In maklni and new nation.

iiiay A ^enluji will uf tlif•jnophy nf vs An

:iuthQi‘ (met! s^tou on tU ph]lufM>pl>> ut ciotiieH. only, tt U to h|

a Aoiticwhia sein. KoV

%The Author’s Estimale

T'afTho autbor'a aaUmate of Waihington the openliuf pagoi, when the Vlr-

Mpia background la iketched, to the final ijiapter ending wUb tha application to tha ’I ^ r a t and Preildent of Mr. Wllaon's fa- llEortta llnea, "The Happy Warrior," la Molaworlhy for Ita balance. He under-

'Mgadlng, Its brlnting out the development tha man, along with a record of hla davementa He la ahoarn In the auc- dva atagaa o f hla career, not from tha

Dint o f the mare hero worahiper, but that of the cIom analyat able to

itnfo the clrcumstancea in which Wash* Jton found hlmaolf. and tha men with

jrbom the leader had to deal. Perhapa aa 1 an llluttratlon te any of the manner

’ treatment la that afforded In the chap- ton Waahlngton aa the flrat Prealdent.I giiota from the narrative at the point

mention Jiaa been made of tho Ineu-

Reproduced by permlaalon of the '^f,;'o“ fruFe“ crai"r'wryn’,an,

w i7 joV % ’'id l.m V .” cou.l»^^ l-taampler la in Virginia Roble'i collection.

The volume la copyrighted. U l ! , by The Century CO.


Journal of an Old-time Quaker Preacher Who Dwelt at Rahway. The Ancient Highway Traversing New Jersey-Other Notes by

the Lorist



8 J

. '*Waabington • • • turned to maitcr ^ new duties with n calm thoroughneas

■ purpoie which seemed at once to paas the action of the government It- Parhs|iB It was true, as he thought,

t ha had been no atatesmen hitherto; ligh thoaa who had known him would 'S dfctared themselvea of another mind, had carried the etfalra o f . the Con- iraUon upon his own ahouldera, while

' tiia war laated, after a fashion the men 3 that Umc were not likely to forget, bo In l l Of energy had he been, so provident K r i capable upon every point of policy, f i a lettera, too, alnce the war ended, had

'Shown hla correapendenta the country IT such an appreciation of the present, aure a forecaat of the future, ao mas-

„,Jtns an underetandtng of what waited to Ha done and of the means at hand to do Hh that they, at least, accounted lilm S s lr leader In peace no leas than In war.

'• But ktateimanahlp hitherto had been

fv _i^ t y Jadflental to hla duties as a noldler

a clttien. I t had been only an ac^ a n t of the Revolution that he had blm-

ottentlmea, to lupply the foresight the capacity In action which the lialt-

tfir eongreSB lacked. He had no experi- ihee at all In actual civil admlnlBtrallou. He did not know hla own n.btlltle». .nr real-

-]to how "rioh-hla experience In affalra igd . In fact, been. He went about his 'WgW tasks with diffidence, therefore, hut Mth the foU-puIaed liearllnesB. loo, of the ,gD who thoroughly trusts himself for be capacity at any rate of taking paint Itateamanahlp wan now his duty-hts hole duty—and It was his purpose toiin- yitand and execute the office of Pres­ent as he hod understood and admlnls- ted the office of General."

T h e published Journals of the old-time yuaker preachers arc, as a rule, noteworthy for good English. Writ­

ten with no desire to draw the praise of men, or to conform to the ranniis of ' ‘pa- mo lUerature." they reveal at least a taste for the elegance of slinpllclly.

John Woolman'B Journal was formerly used to Instruct In good English Ihe etn- dents of Princeton. Doubtless Woolmaii. luid he lived to know thie fact, would have oat long lor light before he could decide whether or not such use of his teattmony was according to the leadings of tnith.

It may be said, also, of the Journale of the Friends that, though they were not compiled (or human or historical interest, yet tho thoughtful reader finds much of human Interest In them, and the delver after original sources (Uacovere much of historical value. Occaalonally some Ida- torlcal Incident Is thrown Into the narra­tives standing out the clearer tor being set In the language that was employed.Isaac Martin, the Quaker Preacher

Among those earnest Itinerant preach­ers called Quakera who In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries traveled the highways and byways ot New Jersey was Jsaae Martin. Recently the journal of his "life, travels, labors and religious exercleea." publlehed at plilladelphla In 1S34 WAS Bdriwl by tbft womuJi a oijuicn of the New Jersey Hlstorlcol Society to the aoelety's library.

Martin dwelt at Rahway, which even as late as SSR l«s mny be, seen on (he title page ot tho booki waa deslgnuted as being In East Jersey, From Rahway lie went forth (mm time to time on j " * preaching lours, visiting many localities in New Jersey, and aomoHmes going lo

Bay or river." From this deecriptlon 11 in apparent that Inland, lylnsvpslwiird from reOnp IslarwI. and from thp HudHon <the Narrows) wiis Induded In the Npw Jersey tract.

When laler jamos reatlKPd how vhIua- hli* waa the nlh’c of Ms poaaessiona he hnil cftnveycd to Hcrkftley J»nd (,'artcrct. he re­covered to ImtiHelf, and cnnseouently l'» New York, wLich he held «s a rojal province. Slutcn Island, upon the lech- nloal claim adjudged proper In Itftifi that onft hrancli ol! niidson'fl River (Staten Island Soundl flowed around It, making tt to Ue eastward of that river Instead of westward.

Tims IftHten leland’a fate wa» decided ny H technicality InVolvlns the queallon hh to whether the Hudson had one mouUi aiwi emptied Into tho I'ppcr Bay. or h*»d lw«. om- at the Narrows, and the other at Perlli Amhoy. both emptying into ti:e Lower Bay. On the two monthd theory, New Jersey lost Staten Island.

the sijl'ji'vt. aKhougli ll may he luken wj. rloiisly i-nouglt, If one wishes. poMeisca pleri)vti(N Ilf joy whirl) surely should Ui- reci'^uir.ed, and elemerith of himun, tuu Ii demamlH a npedal treaiinent, sltue noi all csi' h*' colJectora, and Oiosc wlio reuHi know iiow to ('odecl are dlsreininK coik. no) In Npproacheii with a beating of drums :iny other denionplrinlun lo make \iiFm BUaph'louN. Il-itber, iheyshoiiM Dh '.ifPd gently Into jilessatii iiatha. iiDpipli Ions, ir any exlsl, being ahayed. ami i'hin\ i*iueiluln[m.nl heiiui Pio- \ Med iLk* wa>.

A Imuk wtiilon HhotiM atlrart the hivorS of lilt nriM'i-:e ta Virginia Kohlfh " lt> ' Path!' Ir I’Qlleclh)*.” The >eiy UMe shows the autiiui :« wladom In the inatler of ap- j>cttl to nif audience atldrpased- Your.................. <'ol!ector frenuenia the h>*paths ruiiicr than the hlfliways, the lualn Iravelitl ma Is heltig ailogetlier loo nowd- ♦•d for him. When he gets off the hoaten ua<.k Ilf to look around to t-<v n^ere \» aciyUvmg he winte, InoldrnUM\. o7 rouit-r, kfrpinfi an eye uui fiu .nu-

i'lio true collectoi' loves bargains, emie go far aa to say that If the article dealrrtl \w not picked up at a bar­gain, the memory of the acnulslllon la an dust and Etalica- However this may he.It Is well known that the worth of any- lliln#; ■rollf'. tfd ' Is apt lo Infmafv mat- \(>loiJsly once- i( l-‘< in the hands ot an at'- ptficlftL’-f' piir« lidM r

The dedlratlun of the volume is "wlMj- (iiit pfrin1?Plorito. all pttllectors’ -annif thing that Indloatrs the author’s Indepen- dpnrr* ami also the. breadth of her .nur- \ey. x\,nd that ll Is r hroad eurNey W er>on evident Thfrjt may be only a lim lied number of roUeriors. when nH 1-s wakJ and dont, hut iho fields In whlrh they may disport ihems^-ives are sufflrlfiitly varied. Tho Importnut thing la P* plrk oiil Ihe field for whlrh one has a real llkiiig, and about which some real knowl­edge may bo gained. Salurally. thtro must be the means in gratify lastOT . it would not do to go wlilimjt bread and butter fni the aske of SlaffordaUirc. Rui where Is (he colle< tor. possessing ihe rr- QUlred ent^tislasm, wlm docs not look upon an Addition to his treanures as un Investment which t'houid yield hln\, OI' his heirs, conelderablj more than tliei pur­chase p r i c e l l Tiiusl he admitted lhai this Is not alwFiys iHse, sDll, the hni>e la here, and this hope is not to be lightly regarded.

Scope of the BookA rather arbltrury (IMsloti of time Is

made hy the ftntUyr of the volume in queHllon. when she describes her hook ns giving hid ' in the niiesi of rare and unlQut) ihlngB which have passed tha cen- lury mark. ■ .As a nmUcr of fact, somo aiTlcles do not need to boaat of a hun­dred year? lo poaHea* desirability In coi- lectors' eyes, though ll must be admitted that age has Its value.

There Is rniich that the aullior finds

tilube IdaL WUdetnem. Rent Reproiluied by periiilsslon of Ih^

nubllshei. The (.'entiiry r'o . N»-w i/T*. from Virginia Ilobl*-’® hook, "By*! Mbs \u rnlleellMg *■ The volume la copy- righted, UH2, by The Ceniury Co.


piihllsl- tMln ll

K^S’ IFIC.ANT of Ihe devielopment of hlJshlng in Am**rlca along cei •

...n Impoftanl lines la llm aii- nouncemenl this week of Ihe coming estrthhKhni* 111 of thf- Hurvartl I niver* »ll\ rresp This new foundation re. suits from a sute of Ihe [ir.sld^ni and fellows ')f Harvard who In their a<-* lion de\ol. th'- Press tn th*- puLihfl- llou of works nf H high scholarly character Tim riess Is the natural iiutgrnwlh of ihe arllvillea of ihc uni- \crMllv pubilea'ion office. whl>.h for some years. In addllloii lo bringing mU offlclHl Harviinl publicatlmis. has ibsued periodicals and special workB. Now this l&llrr feature la lo he em­phasized with HJi exlenslon. of ctiurbe. o f the field- Harvard and ihc country m e to hi- I oiiRraluliVied on this decision of the unlviTHlty iiuthuiUlcs. Hurvard sliould he 111 accord hroad1.\ wilti the puhliBhiiiH policy of the I'n lvcisliy of t'hicngo. Yale and J’riiicctun. The move filrnp]\ incan.s the afforditit; of wider oppi>rHinlty for the lirineini; out of worlli-whlle hooks stHnilied wtlh the approval of competent Judges.

Children’s BooksTil a brief article lonti'lbutpd lo 'riio

New Witness. Hilaire Belloc wrltea poinl- edlv of the quftlltle» entering into a really good hook for tittle folks. Some people, doubtless, will think Mr Belloc hopelessly old-fashitmcd. but, as a matter of fact, he aimply omphafilscp the tilings that have

I T might he suppot-d I hat we had enough sysi'ems of phllosoph.''. least Ul Keep Hie ihlnkcr busy, and some

m ilie thinkers pu*zleil, ie l apparently there alwa>s Is loom luf niurc. A l any rule. Hie Inv eatlgotor niav comfort hliubelf wltli thft refleuilon ibal there la safct> III numbers, and surely in the mul- UpUill> of Ideas offered lliH'** should "jp leasonable assurance that a person ms) find something approxlmatirifi wlml hi waii-U.

Mbtlhei or not the thing wanted Is found III ibc book. ' Human gulniw*cnce. ' hy Hlgunl P'ben. son uf ine gveut N't>r- wrglaji draninllat, eertalnlj’ much that is InieresiliiK will be louml, and the \ol- ume. like others Hint rerenlly have coma from Hcsndlnavlan soiiiTes. will evoka discussion. Ji )b the flrsi «>f l>r. IheeiTi books to b« dune Into Knglieh. The trane-

, lallon hy Maicla Hargis Janson appears lo !.»e excellent.

What Ih ' ’human nulnteesence? ’ The answei l» developed by Ur. Ibsen In ' NaUre and Alan. " Ihe Hist uf ihe four C'Kbays III Ihe volume. In arriving al the delluiUon the author trealH of Ihe meant h\ which mankind » (Spacity for »clf- dcselopmenl is rallonwlly or Is m hr ra­tionally d'-veioped. Ill this trralmenl lie gives expresslrm to a reaction from the iheoreliral analogle.s between men and nalurv drawn from modern scientific di>.* rovers 'Hip wav lu propiets. It 19 cori- unded. lie.-. aluiiK ih- paih whl'hmarks (h* dii',^ion between man mul naluff.

' rhe fnntnr rki. rmlning this differencr. and wbl' h 111*- Kiithur calla ’ ’human (|iilii- lesseiire" Ihs, lir think!", in a iTilaln senhe of proportion 'Hie value uLlaihud ti> a given event in Ihe sall-vfttLHun of this seiijve He says:

’ tVr do not exist fur Hie puipo.>e cif carrylnR out naiural sr-ienlifl' piograms. the point IS (u realise our own MaluieH. In sucli queatlnns Icl us not look to lui- turi’. which we cannot learn lo nr.der- Plariil anjliow. but rather seek ibe clew !n the atudy of man. Into wboyc ivHlurfi we can in aoinc wise ublaln an Inalght”

Up cunllmies;".Vinl as one sludle. , one obnerves Ibal

there is a iujman unliiiessonce. If I may fill! It so. whl-’ ls la the decisive eleuieui. To use a compaHeon: T lie ore gtU Us I RTiie fiorn the metal ll contains, wliiif the stone tsikea second place, no malter how predominant It Is In ibe composition as a whole, What makes a human bviman la no! the impulsca which wp share with other crealun*?*: no. H I.h h special Impulse that atands above ibo-si: impulses. reguSatea and modlflea them, re­shaping and renPW’Ing ihem. I mean Hio Impetus thal urges ua to bring our cx IslcTue and the condliions about us into

A COMPKIxU xNH iRlr of the old«n tint* In the Maaaachusetia Colony t# ibid by t'laru l^athrop strong in "Fo.r-

lilL " the scene of wiilvli la laid In gnd< aru!inu the, town uf Marshflold. Thf grim, forbiddiiiR ulinosphere uf thd wiltU- i-raft dayM jw |iuinied with bvmarkabU vtitlahnllltudc. The persecution of tbft Quakers playa Its dark jiaiT too lu lb« unfolding of auch a romance aa thorne would have liked to depict. XlM heroine. .4 maid of the province, la'belovad uv a hard, bigoted man, whfl^ her qwd love Is given to a hunted Quaker. It lAviuld he unfair to the author and lo tha rcfidei Bs well lu autfgest more of tbi plot. Knouffh lisa been said to Indicate iiiK absorbing naiure uf thu jiarratlva. The Btjle Is iMuiBiially good, Ita chMie^ MiiipJUTts bihI loial ubseme of rhetorical ilicks tommending it lo r11 luvert ot gen­uine HieraUJiT. iTie hook Is published by ihv Houghton xMiifUn Cuinpany. Boaton.

to chat of sntertsiningly. HhedevateBspa- satisfied. This mattsclu tnni Wk es pociftlly linpoftnnt In hia opinion; he callfl

it the prime element In moral teaching.

antarad it.to classical talcs for the lOimg agreamanl alth I f " 'i!i (H!i haarts, With most of ua tnc lower linpulse.s predominate, the sheer human Impetus Is weak, and tha picture la palmed in dull colors and blurred out­lines. Hut It is usually present in some form or nlher. and It should be added that, lu no matter how dissinillar form.s the Ideal reveals Itself, It Is tn reality al­ways one and the same. It aims at a

and which In proportion as they arc al­lowed lu enter nowadaya ,-frlvc eomo uiodcru talcs distinction, ik- sternly ad­vises aBaluBt embroidery, or too much of It; slmjjllclty end directness are what ap­peal to the average child, Mr. Hclloc calls atter.tion to the fact that children like to hear of perils overenme. and of Jusllcs

BlUhor points out how ImpressediSXFiga_______ .' e..,W««hltl*lon WiiB with the need of cam

New England and to the Southern States. T-...- scnritn was born In New lork

fe - - "

R .



on. "But, though he sought a prudent # ,* ■ 0, he had no mtnd to be timid, Biough he Mked- advice, he meant to be U l own master." To. continue; (■'Washington, had. no doubt, a tiiore

J pertae understanding of what the new ovetnment must be made to mean than

■ny other roan living except, perhaps, iigmllton and Madison, the men whom he S o it conaulled. The Confederation had Sed in contempt, despised for its want flf dignity and power. The new govern- mtht must deserve and get pre-eminent Standing from the first, Its policy must naho the Statea a nation, must stir the paoplb out o f their pettiness as colonists and provincials, and give them a nation­al character and spirit. It was not a [gvemment only that was to he created,

jUt the definite body of opinion also .gdlleh Shoulfl BUStaln and perfect It, It yroat be made worth believing In. and the (Mat spirits of the country must bo ral- Itsd to Its support. It was not the ques- Hon simply of haw strong the govern- ttant should he. Its action must, as l^^hlngton said, ho mixed of Urmneas, Jimdence and conciliation. If it would win liking and loyalty as well as respect. St must cultivate tact aa well »s eerhew igreakness: must win as well as con) pel fgkodlence. It waa of the first conse- ,-wUenoe to the country, therefore, that the '-gnas It had chosen to preside tn this dell-

business of establishing a govern- Jsnent which should be vigorous without ' befng overbearing ■e'as a thoroughbred mtleroan. whose Instincts would carry JtllB a great way toward the solution of Inany a nice question ot conduct."

Vksblngton unci Martha CurtisV'One more quotaUon must suffice; thr iKppToach of Valentine's Day gives reason lo r turning lo a somewhat lighter theme. S fm la something of what the author ||U to say of Wa,shlngton's wgolng and

' Winning Martha Curtis:"On a May day In ITM, as he spurred

Isaac Marlin —Cllv January 18, ITO. His father, Isaac, was a p-rlend. Marlin became appren­ticed to a hatter end lenrued that trnde. Idke John Woolman he believed that only "plain hats" should be worn. I ’ uring the Revolutionary War he left tho city and dwelt for a time with a relative O.t April E. H80. he niarrlHl pdirabeth Dela- plains, uf New York.

Martin mnved to Hnhway m September. nS1 He Klgued hW name t" a mtie treatise ou "Kllcnt Worship" ou beplcm-ber 2T, 18W, with the address_l!rlclBCtnwn,Rahway. East New Jersey, He died All-

Martin St PrincetonPrinceton Tlieologicm aemlnary lant

year celebrated Its renletitilal annlvcif iiry. There were exercises, addrensep and rnn- gratulatlons. Trliuite wa.e |>al.l the Insil- lution for its work for the cause uf rc-

■The Frienti i>r4*avher, Marlin, vis-

itfd Priiic«»t.on vluriiuf November. 1A17. IHh IhDuglilfnl f'yt' Bight of \hv thennew svemiTmrv hulhilng, ami lie was led tt> comment In hlg Joiirmil upon i l » use and purpose. . . .

■'At this rln'-’e - ’laielv a Inrge bulidiriK rflUnlTheological Hall. IntoTwjfii lu prepaiM voung men for preaching ’■ H sccmefl tn the I'ftrncPt Quaker like « relic ut medieval darkness which, he Uiouglit ' hi the tdOrtl'H time wlU he scatterod by IJie ftrlslng of pure, evangelical light, which only ran qualify aona and daughters to preach the' plain doctrines of Chrts-tlanlty." , a, a,

"There is; no need," continued Martin, "o f learnlnif Lathi. Greek and Hebrew lu order to enable preachers to address the people in a manner adapted to their unilerfitandlng®.'’

That solid old Princeton Seminaryshould once have seemt-d an innovationand dangerous to evangelical T»l4?lyfieem odd if> modem readers, but If his­tory teaches anything It teaches that all new movemetitH are aubject doubt.

A Portrait that Is DesiredIn the pariah hoiiao of Iho ' ‘Old First"

Presbyterian Church are what porlraUa U has been pos-Blble to obtain of th«- former pastors of the church, Beginning with Rev. Aaron Burr the collecRon In­cludes the portraltB of Alexander Mac- whorter, Edwin U. Griffin. Jamew Rirh- ardfl (VTul Jonathan F. Stearns. Notable for tlieir ahaence are the llkencsf^es oC Rev. Dr. xAnscl D. Eddy and Rev, William T. Hamillon.

While U iB not strange thHt the por­traits of a nutJibfT of the rarihir pastors have Ik’cii uniiro<'urable, ll Hoenis Hirange that no llkentsa of Or. Eddy can be foiind. The rhurch iTflclals wmihl web come any Information that might lead to uhlRluing a portrait of thla pa.nor i

Dr. Eddy^erved tho church from l)i® tn 1S4S. W h iif modern photography waa not in those years coniinerclaliy developed, the art of 'daguerreotyplng was quite well advanced by 184 . and there were arllptB Ir Newark who had gaUerlea for alttlngs. H would seem that any possible like­ness. aside from a jiaintlng which would luive been long slii-'C dlscoverotl, must he In the form of h dnguerreotype. Such a likeness may be In tiu- pOvHSC8?lbn of some Newark family at the present time and not be Identified.

Dr. Eddy, like other pastors nf the "Old E'lrst," waa un author. In 183 he published bis ’ ’Addresses of the Dulles, Dangers ami SecnrlilPa of Y'outh,’' Im­printed at New York, hy Leavitt, Dord Sc Co. There la an iiUroductory essay in the volume by Tlieodore Frellnghiiyseti.


rial attention to china, earthenwme and porcelain, and writes, as well, of furni­ture, upholstery and pewter, devoting a cliaptei' to the hour-glass and the sun­dial- Home of her most Interesting ma­terial relates lo aamples, from which she gives a number oC inBcrlpllons, each with its meaning to the lover of llie quaint and curious. A wide range of information Is shown In (he discussion of china, evi­dence being given on page alter page that the book cornea from one who not only knows what la worth while In old china, but also the value sttaddng to special fealnrea. There are ImeresUng hits about tliR makej'B of pottery and refer­ences, also, to the origin of certain pieces. The book. In brief, besides its other claims to distinction, Is a readable accompani­ment to more pretenlloua Works oh cera­mic history.

Among the rhapterH of which mention may he made are "Unbeaten Paths in Htaffordshlre." "From l‘"ar Cathay." "In Praise of t.Nipboards " ' ‘Seventeenth Cen­tury Ventures' and "The Sheen of Old Pewter," The book is admirably lllua- irated. the frontispiece being In color.

"By-f’atha In Collecting." by Virginia Rohl'e, The Century Cumpany, New York.

If you were an old man, Immensely rich, ami with only one rclathe In tbo world—a nephew whuni you had never leeti, ir, inoreOVLT, bebig about to make youi' will, >uu desired to know aoDte* thing about this i uung man. and. JOur- npving to tieo him, dlii',u\ered him In Ibo niijist of a;i orgy, plajlng h role at uight uf winrh nil juur Puritanical Ih- i iincts rose In revolt. >ou would, per- i haiice. jifo) iillr.g y ou were a character In nil iUii!nH'‘V I’Lil hlni off Witha Hliilliiig and iour tlglueuua W'aj' vsiii) iii»‘ eoiiifuiiqIjIf leeling that you had iimsi iredHaUly perfuijned an un- t omiofiahle d<i(y, hui ro:ii Galloji'i "Aa IL- \\ as Horn' lx bj no in«ans ati onJl* uHi’i hovel, iini’ does old Anthony Maple- Oiult hdhsve In uii> sui li orlhudo* ftib * Ion. Instead, h- h-aves Ms enllru foN. luiia to fils iiephcw, Felix Delany, upon A eliigio LvuUUi ui at otice asiuupdingly absurd and siiiip:y sensible. .Nothing ftiuM bu moic tnniasth', cm Ihu fac^ pf UiDige, (hail that >oung tielany, in order lo inherit, should be obliged lu enter Ibo staid old town of L'jnhennlrsster at of night Blark naked. Vl-I. ll ills Char­acter is lo he mndv over, in order that

fhall Lu worthy uf Ihu l*es|)Onilbili- lies ihnifit upon him. what irsorc acnglble plan thun ti. uhligo biin to alftrt life u\ri’ again, as jieaily as the clrcunii*, stances can be reconstrui’ied ‘ Such, l'-n.st, is Anthony ilaplcciofi s rcatoiilng, and the altustion ilial arises from tha liaposltiim of this atrangu condiUon. serves to InlriKlUH C une of lu& most Sh* Joyablo faicvs escr cast In llio form Of fii tlon, Tom CaUun, always deliciously original, la here at hla beat Nor Ib hU book the mere bubble that ono might in- ler friTV' what hus been aalrt. It uootaiiia soma adnilrahlr, albeit fanlaallc uhai’B''* Icr-drawlng und a delicate romancB de­cidedly out of I lie common run of lovs stories, it Is puhlialicd by tho George H Lioran Company, New York.


10 honest

««on the way to 'Willlamsburg under or from the frontier. Washington roile


Mroltht upon an adventure he had not looked for. He wae within a few hours'ade of the luile capital; old planiatione lay close upon the way; neighborly horoex 4egsn to multiply: and eo atrlklng a

'Xloraenlan, riding uniformed and attended, gbuld not thoreabome go far unrecog. Jtlxad. He waa waylaid and haled to dln- aar. dwpite exeneea and ifrotj-"*- pub- So buglnesa calling (or dlspaicn. xhere ■-> - --.-.noing gr-"--— ■ ’ eeea at the

g,ey wak not argumeu, a _ .Musinees could not epoll for an hour's gtgy iu agreea'blo company. And eo, of

gudden. under constraint* of Virginian ipigallty, he waa hurried Into the pres-

gMe mt the gracious young matron who gna ot once, and as if of right, to make Ida heart aafe against further quest of dtventure. Martha Curtis was but six

twenty. To the charm of youth and SkUty were added that touch of quiet MeOtuess and that winning ^ace ot aelf- JatsesMon which come to a woman wived Ik hsr gtrUuMid, and widowed before age £ care had checked the tin t full tide 5 Ufe. X t seveDteen she had married iK h M Bathe Curtis, a; man more than twewty yeara her aelMor, but eight years M qolat love and duty as wife and mother kad «n ls soade her yout|i the more gra-. "*— hi that nirat land ol leleure and

m f t t *■"-*•*"*• and a yaaFa wUow-

Jerscy’g First Long HighwayThe first puhMr road of any great lens'h

to run through New Jersey waa the high­way from Elliahethtow 11 Point, now Ellz- abethport. lo the Delaware River, crossed the Raritan near the preaeut. ivew Brunswick and went hy way of Pfinceton to a point near the present Trenton. It was in 1(8 earlier days little more than a bridle path. In ISW Ua maintenance coat only £10, which would Indicate that there wasn't much to keepaup- The money prob­ably wae enent for remo' lng fallfp trees, or filling in raln-waahed gulleys. This highway branched at the Raritan'River, the eastern branch leading to Ihe Dela­ware at Burlington,

"■hi* -"-i-nt road left Newark In. an leo- pjoti.on. quite removed -from the

main ■ current of travel. Many yeira elapsed before the route from Sew York to Philadelphia was altered to- tike lit Newark. The "old terry road,'’ now the Flank road, was the original section from New York to Newark, and thence to Elis­abeth to connect with the highway ttova tnenUoned. Newgrk ha^ never ceaseg to be on the main commercial highway since the old ferry road wgs built.

Lihrary's German CollectionIn the extensive dally circulation of

foreign hooka and nuisazines from the Newark I.lbraiy and Ita hranchea the Oerniaii rollectton playa an Important piirt.

The rolloctlon vunlalns nnt only mnny volumes of novels, representing Ger- TTifttiy’s most popular fiction wrlterB, bin .also the Htandard Geniian literary worke, dramas, eaeays and pop me,

The solcntlflc, rellgknia, economic and philosophical books form an Important and Interesting group, aa do the vnlunieB of history, travel and biography, and all have their shgre In tho daily circulation. German versions of the works of statid- ard-EagUsh authors also are tiicluded. Till) current magazines. Deutsche Riinds- hau, Nord und Slid, Westermann's Illus- trlrte Zeltimg, also the art magazines, Deutsche Kunst and Dekoratlon. Innen- Dekoraiion KiinsI, Kunstwelt. I.lchl und gchatten. Moderns Kunst and Zeltschrltt fur BUdende Kunst, are constantly being used. All these magazines except the current month Issues may be borrowed and kept for one week. Bound volumes of these magazines are In demand.

Recently Ihe library added atwnt thir­ty German novels to Its already gener­ous collection. Many of tha favorite present-day fiction writers of Germany are represented by these new novels. Borne of the titles are:

"Brandung, ' by RIrhard Kuas; "Eva." by Hana Parlow; "Im Welaaen Klelde," by Margarcte Boehmp; ''Pilatua," by Heinrich Federer; ''B< hwammerl," by Rudolf Hdha Batiich: "Du Schwert an Melner Sftk’eh," by Rudolph Strati; "M'egp des Schlckeals." hy Buratenbln- der: "Das Zwcite Gesicht. ' by Herman Soens: "Frau Lenens Scheidung." IW Kwald. Gerhard Beellger, and ■’Grenxer," by Wilhelm Poeck.

A honk deserving the ^tentlun of every thoughtful ohsen-er uf puhlir affairs Is "The Relations ot Eilucatiun to nilzcn- Blilp, hy Simeon E. Bslilwin. Goveinoj: of Connecticut. The volume contains the lectures given hy Governor Baldwin at Tale on the Dodge Foundation, ^Among the Buhjccts discussed are "The Power Which Education Gives for the Public Service," "Tho Educsted Man as a Voter and Prhate Citizen," ‘ ‘The JCducated Man lu Public Office" and "The Spirit ot Christian Citizenship." The high ideals voiced are given adequate expression, and Ihe wdrk. as a whole, must piove help­fully suggeatlve. 31 Is published hy the Yale t'nlverslty Press, New Haven.

The sense of Justice.'' he says, "1* the basis of any moral tearhlng, and ll is es­pecially the clearest thing In a child's creed." He remarks thet "one may fear­lessly adventure Into plain moral teaching of ail kinds and please an audience of children Immensely thereby, so long as the thing Is done through the vehicle of the story. For Instance, one may show the mlsad\'enlurea of a coward or of a boastful man tn the great delight of chil­dren.'' In the introduction of the clement of wonder, that which stimulates a child's Imagination, more subtlety as Mr. Belloc observes. Is, of course, required. It can be.st he done, according to our author, by giving the rhild simple Ideas with which he may satisfy his appetite for make- believe. Here, again, Mr. Belloc wnriia against tlaboratlon. He would summon up that "magic of emotions" which "wc have retained ourselves from childhood, nut! which we should, if we have decent memories, he able to ex­press in slmplu phrases. Thera' are few phrases more impressive of distance, ad-

“ytmtilTO and revelation than the old lilt­ing pfitSTSe ‘Over the hills and far away.' -\nd there are perhaps a dozen such phrasea ill tho language, more prosaic, which have similar connotations. Such i.i the classic gambit. 'Once upon a time;' of again, a phrase I have always re- menibcred from a book of niy child­hood. 'And they sailed and they sailed till they came to un Island.' "

Mr. Belloc's final canon is. that If, in writing for children, one has nnt In his own mind a bright picture of the thing be 1s telling, hn la certainly on the road to lailuro and had better leave off-ad- vlce that might bo given a wider appll- cation.'

'•Sftli of Colorado," by James OtLs, pub­lished by the American Book Company,

What Newarkers Are ReadingThe hooks most In demand at the New-

nrk Ubniry the past week have been, In Older of popularity, as follaws:"The Ncl," by Rex Beach; "The Bind Before the Dawn," by Dell H. Mungcr: "The R e e f by Edith Wliarton; “ The romlug of' the I^w ,” by Charles Alden Beltzer; ''The Upse Tree,' hy Florence Barclay, and "The lx)ug Patrol,” by Hiram Alfred 'codv. Non-fiotloin-''South Amer.

byNew Y o rk js a story of the settlement of ] Dang™ H^'«v«LDenver The Kansas la<t who is [ift hero Is livterefltingly portrayed, and the his­torical background Is sketched In lo ad­vantage, The book iR. ilhistrated,

The flcroml volume is issued by G. P. PuluHJn 3 Sons, New Yorlt, of Andre Maurel's ^'LtUle t’ltles of Italy,’’ trans­lated by Hel^^Gerard. The translator has an appreciative prefatory note on M. Maiirel, who is well described as "a Keen and charming writer on what may be called the world’s Italy." The present volume, which fully satisfies the antici­pations raised by the first, treats, among other places, of Milan. Bologna, Pavia, Piacenza. Parma, Modena, Ferrara, Ra­venna. Urblno, Peragla, AssUi. Spoleto and Viterbo. The style throughout la very pleasing, and the author is happy in the way that he Imports information. The book fs excellently Illustrated,

by Pierre I.oil and Judith Gautier; "Your rnlted StatHP; Impreeaions _ of a First Visit." by ArnoUl Bennett. Ballads ana Poems," bv John Masefield, and plovment: A Social Study." by bohm Rowniree and Bruno. l^sKer

’ ’L'nem- by "B. See-



j u ^ t u i IM S bait a gultoble preparationlo r poKeirbMl the dwrm thlx atatety tn n g .aoMlok -who now fgm « ridtoc her

qpoo tho inihUo bholBeax- Hla agoE ber own; »U tho i— * '— ” ™ *

I him tor mia«a:her own; »U tho land (mow him and

J him tor ood.bntvo ca-fy; ho earriod hjmsrif Bko a prince'ho (argot hix errand to Ungor lo hot

iT "ipinm iiMod.

ir tV *. hjr WpadrosrX t v TMk.

New Jersey and Staten IslandA glance at the maps .of New York and

New Jersey will convince anybody that naturally Staten Island oeiongs to New Jersey. Once ll dM belong (o New Jer­sey. It may be Interesting to many to know when and how New York got pos­session of SUIen Island, or, to put It In another wsy, how New Jersey lost Staten UAfltlde

H ie Island was orlglnslly Included In the grant *made In 1S64 by James, Duke of Torti, to Berkeley and Carteret.

‘When James, on March IX UM, com --veyed to Berkeley and Carteret the trggt '^"territory eaUst New Jorse.v, Its.bouad- ggtes were defined as ‘Tying dad twlng to the mwlward of tkiag island and Mpn- lOtos'Island sad bounded on ttm <mst partiw llw ^ gea .and part ----------rim '

: -'iXt-]''

■Biography and History ,"George* WaBbhiSion,*'* h\ Woodrow

-* A'lnw- t1lu9tratei1 edition. Har­der ^ -.-a.through book store. ■

Fiction"AfhPi find ftparkfi." by Percy White.• P. Putntm'fi Sons, New York.^H^

net. Received through MulUgan’t bow fitore- __

"The Qtiest of . Glory." by llEflorie, Bowen. E. P, Dutton & Co , New York. fl.'Sj net.

'•Everbreexe." by Sarah p. ' McLe^a Greone. D. Appleton & Co., New York. tl.30 net

Government"The Ooverrunent of American dtieig**

by WlUtftm Bennett Munroe. The M»o- niiUan Comperty, Hew York. S2 net

Travel end Description 'TaJttle cities of Italy," by Andire Miiu-r

rel. Tmnelated by Helen Geretfid. Voi. II- G. Fz Putnom'i Sons. New Ywk. llW. Ret^ved through MuUig&n*t book "*toro>

An addition to the series, entitled "A Hmtory of the Sciences." published by G. p. Putnam’s Sons, New York, is "H is­tory of Modern Phlloaophy,’ by A. W. Benn. The cllvtolons of the book are "The philosophical HenaiAsance," "The Meta- physlolaus." "The Theorlats of Knowl­edge." "The German Idealists" and "The ■HumanlaU of the Nineteenth Century." Writing under the head, "The Ijateat De- veiopment," the aulhot says: "Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the Interest in philosophy and the ability devoted to ita cultivation have shown no sign of diminution. Two new doctrines, In partlc.ular. have become subjects of world-wide t^BCussion, I refer to the theory ^ knowledge called Pra^atlsm and to the metaphysics of Ptofeswor yenri .Betgsofl- ore of sotlonary, conteiiUdfit and so elusiVe a Chhracier as to preclude any dlSOLii- sion or even outline of the for Old; problems which they provide. But I would reoomnM^ thei study of both, and especially of BOtgaop, to all who Imagine that the poasIblllUos ot speculation are exhausted, or that we art any nearer flnkllty and agreement than when HeracleltUi first glorified WjSr a« the father of all things, and contradiction as the central spring of life."

Among t'.ic the Yale Tnlversity Pre-aa arc Some In flimncc-x in Modeni PhllpaoptHc lliought, being the afldresR delivered last year at the ruiveralty of North f ; * " ’ '''* Prealdent Hadley, of Tale; "The Conaer- vallon nf Water." being lecture* d e l^ ered recently at the SheftieW Sole nil tc School by Walter -McCullob. and "1 He Framing of the Constitution ot the t.nUed States," by Max Farrand. profeeaor of history at Yale.

Professor Joalah Bo.vee, of HatYaid Fnlverslty. has sailed for Bnglanl. ahere at Oxford TJnlyerxlty P® liver a series of leotCres on The Real World and the Christian Ideas. These lectures will later be gathered togethe., those which Dr, Royce deliver^ before die Ijowell Inetltute on "The Christian DootrKie M Life" added; to them, and (he wJtole^tHsMhSd-'ik .VPO ■voliimei und^ the general tU!e "The Problem of.Chris- ttaBlly.” The work will probably appear In April.

The Houghton Mifflin Company will bring out soon In a HmRed Rlveralde Press edition a volume containing Wood- row Wll»on'« essays, "Mere Dlterature," "The Author Himself" and "On an Au-

thor’a, Chedfe p(^ Cornpan^” . ^

’ perley Pdtfti "The... — was brought out last fall

by Moffat Yard A Co., Is at work on another novel which will be ready for ’liuhlloatlon lot* this year. l ik e his for-

«»e''prdse«t story deals with thk mysUo element In human experience, but The aser. It WU deal withmaterial, rather thdh nplrttual. triumph. The scene la laid lo Paris, w r . '-

slate that ta originally not of this world, ll-.at is lo say. la not a natural one. but which Is (. reflection of a peculiarity In the human organism. Fiery creature that Is nnt abnormal finds pleasure lu h^niony. consistency and funrllonal ca­pacity, while he Is repelled by (llshar- monv. self-coiitradicllon and waste of forces. Why Is this so? With our lim­ited knowledge of psychology, we cannot demonstrate the exact cause of this pe­culiarity, but can'only say that It must depend on th* human being's physical- psychical make-up- Wc are so consytuicd thai we strive after and aro satisfied by proportion,"

It would be worth while, aould It not. tor Dr. Ibsen to take two or three of hlfl father s problem p!sy.s and analyze them In ucco^anco with some such standard as that which he here lay,s down. May some of the tragedlea be ex­plained by a lack of the eense of propor­tion on the part of the actors?

As to PoliticsThe second essay Is entitled "Why I'oli-

tlcs Lags Behind." According to IJr. Ib­sen, this lagging is because of the per­sistence of what he calls "might rela­tions,'' or relations ot force. .

Dr. Ibsen points out that "niighl con- [ dlllontC" once, couslderod Indispensable.' have, by a later generation, been de- I < lared siiperfhious. He asks, "Will 11 not 1 he the SBir.e with other mtghi condllion.s, with certain supposed necessities of State, domestic or foreign, to which the pres­ent-day majority still attributes exces­sive Importance? A future day will per­haps show that the necessities are iniag- tnary and only servo to draw thoughts and forces away from the one reqidvlte of statecraft, that of creating higher forms for hTiman aaaoclallon and human co-operation,"

Social life. In Ihe best meaning of the terra. Is built, he says, "upon a complex of self-given rules which are observed wUli no less preelslon than laws are; It la discipline without coercion; it Is an ordination rather than a subordination,

Developing the Idea further he writes of a future when the struggle for exist­ence may assume a more, human form because of less precarlousness in ma­terial conditions. This future, Dr. Ibsen savs, will be much more.effectively pre­pared for In the laboratories of scientists than In cabinet councils and parlla- mentf. Ho goes on tn observe;

"There is a ‘possibility that technologi­cal-economic progress may in time bring about such favorable conditions of existence that egoism and iiltrulsm may become reconciled. And It is conceivable that, aa the general opinion becomes able to act with fewer and fewer self-llmlta- tlons, statecraft wilt discard IW might- elements as unnecessary until it at length becomes transformed Into a new category for which we of the present day ha vs no nftnie.

"But this la a perspective that looms up In the dim distance; we have got u certain form of Statecraft now and as long aa It stands we must acquiesce In calculaUng with might conditions. Nor Is It these that are the real evils o f politics; the chief evil Re® much more in Iho conBldflrfttion of which they are the object, Tn other worde* it Ilea In the fact' that reason f'w aya bends before existing might conditions, while it should be the contrary; might conditions should adapt themselveu lo reason. The task of rational politics may be presented from different sides; It can be considered as a scientific problem, ns a aoolal-technolofioal ques­tion, also, I dare say, as the Procd«- ment of an artistic harmony : ‘ h®®®points-of view are jnstiflaWe. But u cannot with reason be Interpreted as work for the preservation and ad­vancement of might cqpdltloBS, no mat­ter In what shape; that would be to confuse form and content, to turn a by-questlon Into a wain Questlpn. to maka means the end. For the end nf Ideal. Statecraft Is the not of might, bat^of;;-

In the thfrd eti

A novel prc-einlncntly (or womeu devo­tees of fashion, and. presumably, for aueh juen as are interested In readlug fashion papers, Is Jewel of the Seas,'' by Jea- slo Kaufman. The scene Is set la. Ha­waii, and the plot, which Involves lUo loss of a diamond pin, and Its subsequent re­covery, la not without Its scrleo of mild thrills, Tlic love story Is pretty thin; sUH.II sen es Its purpose. But the thing, that acta the novel apart Is Its author's dellg^In describing feminine apparel. -V good many pages, all told, are occupied wltJi such deecriptlons. For instance: "Every Woman at the table gvas dressed In wluLi and yet each looked absolutely Indivldu^, Mrs. Spotfleld. In organdie and laoc, til* sash around her slender waist of palest lolue, was the simple Ingenue. Mr*. tThandler wore a soft, diaphanous ta^rio with the delicate sheen o( a pearl. Ihw e was a Hint of subtle tinting, un duslve suggestion of color eoniewhere half hid­den under the trunsparenclfs. and tlie opals about her nccll also changed their pale tints from one exquisllv hue to an­other as shi moved, Her hair, with lU! lovely, reddish llglns, had odd cot^s irregularly fastening Its wavee. Y’ou could SCO that Mrs. Chandler had been n cities where great actresses vied In creating original and striking effects, Nor should one forgot Mrs. Kapiia; "Mr?, Kftpua’s while chiffon set of* her glowing brunette beauty to such an « - rent that Ooe quite forgot the gown, OP her dark hair was a 'Id' of rod carna­tions worn as only Mrs. Kapua, with OP ancestry accustomed to the adornmcii.t of floral wreaths, could wear it. A gorgeous rubv pendant surrounded wHii diamonds, her favorite ornament, fell from her beau- lifullv molded neck. It Is Mrs. Kapua a usual stylo of dressing, for alie knows she has struck a note that is the liue one for her. " The J. B. Llpplnoolt Com­pany, Phlladelphls. publishes the voiumc.

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A young girl of the West Virginia raoun- talnl forced Into a loveless mairiage-Or what she believes Is marrlagc-witli a man much older than herself. If t>'«_|>«0- Ine of Margaret Prescott Monta^UCB

By and by she dtscoverg-^r thinks she dlscovcra-that .she 1» no Wife., and shortly after this her baby glrPia born. A » soon as ahe can she make* her escape; leaving her baby behind h «,. andgoes to Boston, where, wdth some WenM, she at length learns to be happy. In tUf midst of tlil.8 new ernlronmcnt a ^lovel appeara, whnm, believing Ireraelf >*free she accepts. One would think the threads sufficiently v ' ” "®*’ , »* l.ut the author finds a way to tangle tpem still farther. The result Is a story Xl- sorblng Interest, although, t o w d tl^ end It 1-s a HtHe overdone and not' entirely convincing. It Is pubtfahed by the Houghton Mifflin Company, ton.


m a g a z in e FEATURESAn article by Colonel Roosevelt on Our.,

Vanishing Wild Life" la printed in Outlook for January 25.

The February Century eonlaliis JHerre. . Loti's "ImpresElons of -New Tork,. Am _ other feature of Ihl.s iiumher Is Crmmerclal Crisis." by James D*Vrn-Aport Wlielpley.

Among articleB In The North Ameri­can Review tor February arc Rgtl^at Tariff Revision.'' by Amos K,. '■r>oychology and the Navy," by Hugo ... < Muetiaterberg; RevoUittoft »nd.JtH ECffiCt" by ChInB-enun ™"The Qu€8lion of Railway Cradlt*, .wjr. tr Franklin Kschpr. '■'"'■h''

Randolph S. Bourne has an ,»rtlcle.. "The Social Order In an American •irr Tho Atlantic Monthly Another (eatui»,»of Jto j'™ *Farrtiermnd Flnaftce." JW M j «n T.-Her- rick. . }





,1^'t Ii


tudes and Human sen write!of latent poBBlbilltle* and how they may be utHi«<l, and in t t * last. “ Of Great Men; An B»*xy I " Valuation," he has some Interesting estimate*, ■Wash­ington and Bao*evelt being among hi*

* '* "H u ^ n Quint****"'® '" by Sigurd Ibsen. B. YY. fliiebsch. New York,

. Mtxceilaneoa*Sitfam>d3ocI*U»m Stliitlmed Vp," b y MorrW Mill-

quit. . The Metropolitan Mngailne Cons p*ny. New York.

A Btlrrliig story Is told by Glenn D. Bradley tn his “Winning the Southwest,” The author haa chosen seven m*n, "all heroes of the frontier," and ha* sought to weave about the narrative* ot their live* "aome of the consptcuoux fact* of the struggle in'which the Sesithwest was non for the Union." Two Jerxeymen, ot course, figure prominently lit the list— Robert 7. Stockton and Stepban Watt* Kearny. Among ihe others or* Kit Cbr- ■on, Sam Houston and Game A. Cutter. O f these nxtn Mr. Bridler^l'x; "They .were empird btiUdkrs. They were men 'Who dared. They did tUngs that ordiokiy glen couki not have done. And toddy- after » long Itpxe of year*. Amettedn

jdodxoB’x e*ty-ftye ceigix. Recrivad (hHWSli ,L'*.hdolt;

"Midem PriJtaiopby.” hy A. W. Benn. Adood la redder Md American ^ ir to t ly O. P. Putnaia** Son*. MOer York. ao*»= >^hrtfht*mf«r wkixt Buy dl4-. The

L M IDihtt^dfc t* 1t Co-r Ch

By FREDERICK FANNINO AYER^^AbwrWng. Atadtmy.Power and' .finnnwwfkA-great woilk-“ Bftrfo(» H <iw AHarks of genius consUntly.—Trsy R tcmA wealth o f id**i--‘^ d jfd » .r fO fijrn f l. ^ ^Goimine aniiraiiaa « « l pwwr,— Rm m . Bnfttid. Near the PoriloiHf A «ou»dfit*«li^e-Sr*?W jif A l

r « r f c 4, xtrikiasl

rofSlValentiiifi’sDajifFjjflVMary 14).

B O O K SPut ul> In fancy boice* and 90

t*Md with silk rlbhow: make the most appropriate gift tor thU OC- cdhion.

Vale^ntine Cards, Folders, Book­lets, Post Cards and Noveltlea-

Ciit-4»t Designa,'- charming {or use as place cards or fsvora at a Valenride party,.

|IO lllG A N .tCity Hall