Flora conspicua : a selection of the most ornamental flowering ...

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Transcript of Flora conspicua : a selection of the most ornamental flowering ...





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i3aoltscllns ^'

28 Essex StLONDON

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Drawn IcStched fy W.aart








By RICHARD morris, F.L.S., &c.




r'f=W YORKF. •.






rriKTEn by riciiaud taylor,


INDEX^'^:vv york


AcoNiTUM variegatuni. ... 22

Adonis vernalis 45

Amaryllis concinna 44

Anchusa paniculata 10

Anemone pulsatilla G

Aquilegia canadensis /3 gra-

cilis 55

Asclepias tuberosa 39

Azalea nudiflora /3 coccinea 30

pontica 17

Bignonia radicans 21

Campanula peregrina 47

Cassia odorata 67

Chelone barbata 18

Chrysanthemum sinense /3

purpurascens 51

Coreopsis tinctoria 37

Cyclamen coum CO

Cytisus purpureus 58

Daphne cneorum 23

Delphinium elegans jS pleno 43

— mesoleucum . . 29

Fumaria cximia 28

nobilis 4-9

Genista triquetra 12

Gentiana acaulis 2

asclepiadea 38

Gladiolus cardinalis 15

Glycine sinensis 46

Helianthus atrorubens .... 27

Lathyrus grandiflorus 48

Lilium concolor 24


Lilium pomponium 34

Linum narbonense 14

Lobelia fulgens 41

Lonicera flava 53

Lupin us nootkatensis 19

Magnolia glauca sempervi-

rens 9

purpurea 50

CEnothera missourensis ... 3


Orobus varius 35

• vernus 4

Paeonia officinalis rubra. ... 11

—^— moutan 13

Papaver nudicaule j3 cocci-

nea 59

Passiflora cserulea-racemosa 40

Phlox carnea 16

setacea 42

Polygala chamajbuxus .... 5

Potentilla nepalensis 33

Pulmonaria davurica 8

Pyrus japonica 1

Rhododendron arboreum . . 7

ferrugineum 52

Robinia hi.spida 36

Sanguinaria canadensis. ... 3

Schizanthus porrigens .... 32

Spigelia marilandica 26

Symphoria racemosa 25

Tigridia oxypetala 20

Trillium grandiflorum 54

Verbena Lamberti 56




Japan Pyrus.


Class 12. Order 4.

Pyrus. Pirus of Pliny: supposed to he from irup, Jire ; the fruit

drawing up to a point like a flame.

Linn, si/st. 467. Willd. 1020.


Cal. superior of one leaf, five-cleft, permanent. Cor. Petals five,

roundish, concave, larger than the calyx, and proceeding from it.

Stam. Filaments twenty, awl-shaped, attached to the calyx, shorter

than the corolla ; anthers oblong, of two lobes. Pist. Germ in-

ferior ; styles five, filiform ; stigmas simple. Per. Fruit roundish,

umbilicated, with five membranaceous cells. Seeds two in each



Leaves elliptic- oblong, sharply serrated, smooth.

The characters of this species frequently vary: sometimes

having numerous petals, as a semi-double flower, but more

frequently appearing with five or six. The pericarpium is

seldom larger than a walnut, and rarely perfects itself in this

country. A white and also a semi-double variety of this species

have been obtained, so nearly coinciding in habit with the plant

here figured as not to warrant their being made distinct species.

The Pyi'us Japonica is a native of Japan, and was intro-

duced into this country by Sir Joseph Banks in 1796. It

may be considered to rank among some other shrubs from that

country, as the most ornamental which are cultivated in our

gardens. It possesses in itself a peculiar recommendation,

from its blooming at a season when few other flowers appear.

Such flowers as present themselves before Spring has put on

her verdant robes are viewed with peculiar pleasure and de-

light, and in a manner invite us to look forward for that

season when Nature appears clothed in her loveliest hues.

The flowers of the Pynis Japonica are of a beautiful red, and

are in great abundance over the whole plant, with the excep-

tion of the last year's shoots : the oldest branches of the tree

will throw out spurs with flowers ; they begin to make their

appearance early in March, before the leaves, and continue in

perfect beaut)' until near the end of April : throughout the

summer a few blooms will occasionally appear. This plant

is with good effect frequently ti'ained against walls or trellis-

work, and forms a desirable shrub, to disperse among open

plantations and shrubberies, particularly if intermixed with

the white variety, as they are proved to endure the severity of

our winters. These shrubs are of free growth ; and when

planted against walls, pruning is necessary : some of the lux-

uriant young shoots may be removed without injui'y to the

plants. This species of Pyrus is easily propagated, either by

layers in the sprmg, or by cuttings in the autumn ; and it

adapts itself to almost any soil : in common garden earth it

grows freely ; and is found to flourish in the environs of


The figure here given was taken from a luxuriant specimen

against a south wall in Vincent-square, Westminster.




Section of calyx^ showing the insertion of the stamens and pistils.

2. One stamen and the pistils magnified.

3. Outline of a perfect leaf.


Drawn Sr EUhed by W. Ciar/c


Stemless Gentian, or Gentianella.


Class 5. Order 2.

Gentiaxa. From Gentius (king of lUyria), who is said to have dis-

covered it, or at least to have first experienced its virtues as a cure

for the plague vi'hich infected his army.

Linn. gen. n. 322. Linn, spec. 330. Linn. syst. 267-


Cal. Perianth five-parted, sharp, oblong, permanent. Cor. Petal one,

tubular at bottom, at top five-cleft. Stam. Filaments five, shorter

than the corolla. Pist. Germ oblong, cylindric, length of the

stamens. Style none. Stigmas two, ovate. Per. Capsule oblong,

one-celled, two-valved. Seeds numerous.


Flowers solitary. Corolla five-cleft/ bell-shaped, higher than the


Root branched. Leaves ovate-lanceolate. Stem from one

to two inches in height, with one or two pairs of leaves ; a

large solitary flower at the extremity. Calyx angular, di-

vided at top, five lanceolate segments. Corolla monopela-

lous, deep blue, dotted inside.

The Gentiana acaulis is an herbaceous perennial, grows

freely in strong earth, produces large tufts of flowers particu-

larly showy, and forms an excellent edging for flower-beds;

it flowers more freely if suffered to remain than when fre-

quently removed, and is increased by seeds and by separating

the roots in the spring : excessive drought is injurious to it.

Perhaps no herbaceous plant excels this in brilliancy of colour;

and although humble in growth, possesses particular attrac-

tions. It flowers with greatest beauty in April and May,

though in the summer and autumn a few blooms will occa-

sionally appear : when growing in its wild state it has little or

no stem.

It is a native of many parts of Europe—some say of En-

gland. In London it does not thrive well, and rarely flowers:

this may be attributed to the impurity of the air, as at the

Nurseries a short distance from the metropolis it is seen flower-

ing abundantly : a shaded situation is favourable to this plant,

but pure air is indispensable.




Section of the corolla spread, showing the insertion of the stamens.

2. Pistil.


Drawn tcEtchtd by W, CUrk.



Canada Puccoon, or Blood-Wort.


Class 13. Order 1.

Sanguinaria,—from its blood-coloured juice.

Linn. gen. 645. Linn. spec. 723. Willd. 1 140.


Cal. Perianth two-leaved, ovate, concave. Cor. Petals eight, oblong,

blunt. Stam. Filaments many, shorter than the corolla. Anthers

simple. Pist. Germ oblong, compressed. Style none. Stigma two-

grooved, height of the stamens, permanent. Per. Capsule oblong,

two-valved. Seeds many, round, acuminate.


Leaves upright, sinuated, lobed. .Scape one-flowered.

Root tuberous, fleshy, bright-red internally, when cut afford-

ing juice of the same colour, from which it takes its name of

Sanguinaria : the juice is bitter and acrid. The root shoots

out numerous slender stems, each bearing a flower of eightor

ten petals. Filaments above twenty. Anthers yellow. Germ

glaucous. Seeds shining, yellowish. A single leaf with each

flower, of a glaucous green, with conspicuous veins. The base

of the stem surrounded by small, oblong, membranaceous


There is a delicacy in this herbaceous plant which renders

it attractive and worthy of cultivation : although it does not

form a prominent feature in the flower-border, still it pro-

duces a good effect in the front of beds with other small

flowers. It blooms in April, grows about nine inches high,

with several stalks from the same root ; thrives well in peat

earth, or in light mould and rotten leaves. It is propagated

by separating the roots in the autumn, as it is in a dormant

state at this season. It loses its leaves about the end of July,

after which the roots may be divided; but this should not be

done until the plant is of two or three years growth.

It is a native of Canada, where it grows spontaneously in

the woods, and was introduced here in 1680.


1. Stamens and pistil magnified.



Brawn, k Etched by W. Clark.


OROBUS VERNUS.Spring Bitter -Vetch.


Class \7. Order 4.

Obobus. Opoto; ofTheophrastus and Dioscorides : from opw, to ex-

cite, and ^ovs, an ox ; this herb being used by the ancients to fatten


Linn. gen. n. 871. Linn. spec. 1028.


Cal. Perianth one-leaved, tubular, blunt at the base, shrivelling. Cor.

papilionaceous. Stain. Filaments diadelphous. Anthers roundish.

Pist. Germ cylindrical, compressed. Style filiform. Stigma linear.

Per. Legume round, long, acuminate, and ascending, one-celled,

two-valved. Seeds numerous, roundish.


Leaves pinnate-ovate. Stipules semi-sagittate, quite entire. Stem


Root perennial, fibrous. IStem one foot high, unbranched,

smooth, angular. Leaves alternate, petioled. Leaflets three

pairs, ovate-lanceolate, sessile, quite entire, nerved, bright-

green, smooth, tender. Stipules at the base of the petioles.

Midrib or rachis of the leaf long, channelled, ending in a sharp

point. Peduncles axillary. Corolla red, purple, and blue


the colours change as the corolla advances. Legumes straight,

round, containing eight to ten rounded seeds.

The Orobus vermis is an herbaceous perennial, was intro-

duced in 1629, and is a native of the North of Europe. It

blooms in April in open borders. If the roots be left for a

few years in the earth without being separated, they produce

handsome tufts of purple flowers. It grows about one foot in

height, and presents a pleasing contrast with early-flowering

herbaceous plants ; as, Scilla bifolia, Sanguinaria Canadensis,

Cynoglossum omphaloides, Alyssummontana, Cyclamen jjersicurrii

and Soldanella alpina. Many of these little vernal flowers

are not sufficiently conspicuous of themselves, but collectively

produce a truly pleasing effect, that may be heightened by a

judicious and tasteful arrangement.

This plant is propagated by dividing the root, either in the

autrnnn, or so early in the spring that the young shoots may

"sustain no injury : it thrives well in common borders, provided

the earth be not too light or dry.


1 . Stamens and pistils magnified.


Dra-KU t7\tc/ud tyW. Clark




Box-leaved Milkwort.


Class 17. Orders.

PoLYGALA. From iroXv, much, and yaXa,, milk; this plant being

supposed to make cattle yield much milk. The name occurs in

PlinyJand Dioscorides has iroXvyaXov.


Linn. gen. n. 851 . Linn. spec. 989. Linn. syst. 639.


Cal. Perianth five-leaved, small, permanent. Cor. subpapilionaceous.

Standard tubular, short, reflex mouth, bifid. Keel concave. Stam.

Filaments diadelphous, inclosed within the keel. Anthers simple.

Pist. Germ oblong. Style simple, erect. Stigma thickish, bifid.

Per. Capsule obcordate, two-celled, two-valved. Seeds solitary,



Flowers scattered. Keel rounded at the tip. Stem shrubby. Leaves


The branches are closely set with stift" smoolh leaves of a

lucid green. The flowers proceed from between the leaves,

near the extremity of the branches ; each flower stands on a

peduncle proceeding from a kind of triphyllous cup formed

of floral leaves : the true calyx is composed of three leaves,

which are nearly white : the two outer petals are similar to the

wings of a papilionaceous flower, and are also white, or nearly

so ; the third petal, which forms a kind of tube and contains

the stamens and pistils, is white at the base, but yellow towards

the extremity, where it changes by degrees to a bright bay

colour. Filaments four on each side, slightly united at the


The whole of the Polygala tribe is interesting :—of those

which are hardy, some are herbaceous perennials, others are

annuals. The Chamcebuxus was introduced into England in

1658, and is the only hardy shrub in the genus: when culti-

vated, this shrub rises.with branches from nine inches to a foot

in height ; in a wild state it does not grow so high.

It is a native of Austria, Germany and Switzerland, where

it grows spontaneously on the mountains, flowering plentifully

in May, and partially until August. It thrives well in light

mould : in peat or bog- earth it flourishes.

This shrub,—hitermixed with GauUheria procumbens, Mit-

ch'ella repens, Linnaea borealis, and other dwarf-growing shrubs,

—will greatly enrich the front of American beds, where it will

grow luxuriantly, forming a close and ornamental bush. It

may be propagated by separation, as it throws up numerous

branches from the ground, which may be taken off* with roots

in the month of April.


Stamens and pistil magnified.


Srawn ScXngrmed, fy W, Ciar/c.


ANEMONE PULSATILLA.Pasque-flower Anemone.


Class 13. Order 7.

Anemone. AvSjOtwvij, Hippocrates, Theophrastus, and Dioscorides


from Avf/xo;, the wind ,- because the flower is supposed not to open

unless the wind blows, or rather because it grows in situations

much exposed to the wind.

Linn. gen. n. 694. Linn. .ipcc. 759.


Cal. none. Cor. Petals in two or three rows. Stam. Filaments nu-

merous, capillary, half the length of the corolla. Fist. Germs nu-

merous, in a head. Styles acuminate. Stigmas obtuse. Per. none.

Receptacle globular. Seeds numerous, acuminate, retaining the



Peduncle involucred. Petals straight. Leaves bipinnate.

Peduncles erect, round, from six to eight inches high, villose,

one-flowered. Invohicre inultifid, with the divisions linear

and villose. Corolla purple. Petals lanceolate, villose with-

out. Seeds ovate, tailed, hairy. Leaves rough, finely cut.

This herbaceous plant flowers in April., When established,

it produces fine clusters of deep purple flowers about nine

inches in height, and continues a succession of blooms for

about a month. The flowers appear while the leaves are small

and tender, but they afterwards attain their full size while

the plant is still flowering ; and die off* early in July, about

the time the seed perfects itself, leaving the little tuberous

roots in a dormant state until the following spring. It is in-

judicious to take these roots out of the ground and keep them

dry, as is necessary with some other of the Anemonies : the

spot where the Pulsatilla is growing should be marked before

the foliage has perished, that the roots may not be disturbed.

Some of the other species of Anemonies may be cultivated in

the same border with the Pulsatilla; as, A. apennina^ A. ne-

morosa, A. sylvestris. These, though all of low growth, are

interesting in the flower-border.

The Pulsatilla thrives in a light sandy earth and in an

open situation. It is a native of Britain : is propagated

either by seed or by parting the roots.


Drami lrEnpra\rdlyW,C/aTk.




Class 10. Order 1.

RiiODODENDKON. 'PoSoSsv8pov of Dioscoridcs : from foSov, a rose,

and hvSpov, a tree.

Linn. gen. n. 548. Don's Prod. Flora Nepalensis, p. 154.


Cat. Perianth five-parted, permanent. Cor. one-petaled, wheel

funnel-form ; border spreading, with rounded segments. Stam.

Filaments ten, filiform, almost the length of the corolla, declined.

Anthers oval. Pist. Germ five-cornered, retuse. Style filiform,

the length of the corolla. Stigma obtuse. Per. Capsule ovate,

subangular, five-celled, divisible into five parts. Seeds numerous,

very small.


Leaves lanceolate, acute, silvery underneath. Flowers in clusters.

Peduncles and calyx downy. Corolla bell-shaped, margin crenu-

lated, two-lobed. Capsule ten-celled, tomentose.

Stem twenty feet iii height ; branches dichotomous, ascend-

ing. Leaves at the end of the branches, ovate-lanceolate, onshort petioles, bright green on the upper surface, downy be-

neath ; midrib strong, mucli veined. Flowers deep crimson,

fi'om ten to twenty in clusters at the extremity of the branches.

Calyx permanent, small, five-clell. Corolla bell-shaped, dotted

in the throat, lobed. Stamens ten, shorter than the corolla,

falling with it. Anthers oblong. Germ superior, cylindrical,

white, downy.

This magnificent shrub is a native of the Nepal mountains,

and was introduced into this coimtry in 1817. In the Flora

Exotica it is said to have been first discovered by Captain

Hardwicke on a tour to Sireenagur in 1796, growing in the

mountainous tract called the Sewallc Chain, which separates

the plains of Hindostan from the Hinnnaleh mountains : it is

called by the natives the Boorans. Its wood is used for

making stocks of matchlocks, or conniion muskets of Hindo-stan.

This species, upon its first introduction, was treated as a

hothouse plant ; but is now fully proved to bear the severity

of our winters. Sir James Edward Smith, P.L.S., has a spe-

cimen in his garden which has stood in the open ground four

years ; and it has been of late treated as a hardy tree in manycollections.

Placed alone upon a lawn, this shrub will appear to great

advantage ; or mixed with the purple and pink hues of the

various American species of this genus, its deep crimson blos-

soms will appear with additional splendour. Beautiful as this

shrub is, it was rarely to be met with until within these few

years ; but as it is now more generally dispersed, and as it

flowers early in the summer, there is reason to expect that the

seeds may be perfected in this country, though probably it

may be propagated by layers, like the other species of Rho-dodendron. We have to acknowledge the kindness received,

in being allowed the use of the specimen from which the

accompanying delineation was copied. This specimen was the

first that flowered in the open ground in this country : it waspresented by Mrs. Beaumont of Bretton Hall, Yorkshire, to

the Linnean Society, and exhibited at their meeting on Tues-

day, June 7, 1825. Thanks are also due for the assistance

rendered by Mr. Don, Librarian of the Linnean Society, in

obtaining this delineation, from whose Prodrovms Flora; Ne-palensis the specific characters of this plant are quoted; in

which work this shrub is fully described under the natural

order EricecB.


Pistil: showing the germ, style, and stigma.

'.yraYfd 6- »^ Gark.



Pentandria. Monogynia.

Class 5. Order 1.

Pclmoxakia: so named from its being supposed to be a good

remedy in disorders of the lungs (pulmoiies) ; or, according to

others, from the spots on the leaves resembling those on some dis-

eased lungs.

Linn. gen. n. 184,

GENERIC character.

Cal. Perianth one-leaved, five-toothed, prismatic, pentagonal, perma-

nent. Cor. one-petaled, funnel-form ; tube cylindrical, the length

of the calyx3 borderhalf-five-cleft, blunt, upright, spreading. Throat

pervious. Stam. Filaments five, in the throat, very short. Anthers

erect, converging. Fist. Germs four. Style filiform, shorter than

the calyx. Stigma blunt, emarginate. Per. none. Calyx un-

changed, fostering the seeds at bottom. Seeds four, roundish,



Stem-leaves oblong, lanceolate, embracing. Root-leaves elliptic.

Root perennial. Stem one foot in height, erect, branched

towards the top. Radical leaves ovate, on long footstalks,

with two or three nerves going from each side the midrib to-

wards the point. Cauline leaves narrow, lanceolate, entire,

quite smooth. Flowers in nodding racemes, pale red, changing

to bright blue. Peduncles hairy. Pedicles about the length

of the calyx. Calyx five-cleft, hairy. Corolla cylindrical.

Nectary, five hairy glands. Stamens on very short filaments,

inserted into the tube. Style filiform, longer than the corolla.

Stigma capitate, small.

This species, although the least in the genus in point of

gi'owth, may be ranked as the most delicate and beautiful : it

grows about nine inches in height, and the flowers are beauti-

fully diversified with different shades of blue and pink. It well

merits a place in the ornamental flower-border, and may be

planted amongst rock-work with other flowering alpine plants


and as it loves a light soil and dry situation, it may here meet

with a spot congenial to its habits. The beauty of many small

alpine plants is much heightened through their being placed

in favourable situations on rock-work, especially when taste-

fully arranged so as to harmonize. It is in a great measure

through the introduction ofornamental rock-work in gardens,

that the beautiful tribe of alpine plants have increased in esti-

mation, and are now so much in repute. This species of

Pulmonaria does not frequently perfect its seeds, but is propa-

gated by separating its roots in the spring. It was introduced

in 1812, and is a native of Dauria.


Magnified corolla cut open, showing the insertion of the stamens and


Drawn k£nfraved iy W, Ciarh.


MAGNOLIA GLAUCA sempeuvirens.

Evergreen Swamp Magnolia.


Class 13. Order 7.

Magnolia : so named by Plumier in honour of Pierre Magnol, Pro-

fessor of Medicine and Prefect of the Botanic Garden at Mont-


Linn. gen. n. 690.


Cal. Perianth three-leaved j leaflets ovate, concave, petal-shaped,

deciduous. Cor. Petals nine, oblong, concave, blunt, narrower at

the base. Stam. Filaments numerous, short, acuminate, com-

pressed, inserted into the common receptacle of the pistils below

the germs. Anthers linear, fastened on each side to the margin

of the filaments. Fist. Germs numerous, ovate-oblong, two-celled,

covering a club-shaped receptacle. Styles recurved, contorted, very

short. Stigmas villose, perpendicular with the style. Per. stro-

bile ovate, covered with capsules, which are compressed, roundish,

scarcely imbricate, clustered, acute, one-celled, two-valved, sessile,

opening outwards, permanent. Seeds two or one, roundish, berried,

hanging by a thread from the sinus of each scale of the strobile.


Leaves ovate-oblong, glaucous underneath.

Branches many, somewhat slender, covered with a smooth

bark. Leaves oblong, entire, smooth, bright green on the

upper surface, but white or glaucous underneath. The flowers

are solitary at the extremity of the branches, with from eight

to ten white and concave petals. The fruit is conical andimbricated, about the size of a walnut, and when ripe is of a

dark-brown colour. Seeds either singly or in pairs within

the imbricated scales.

The Magnolia glauca, of which the plant figured is a variety,

was introduced into this country in 1688, and is supposed to

be the first of the genus that appeared : it was cultivated byBishop Compton at Fulham. It is a native of North America,

where it grows in low and swampy ground, and is knownthere by the names of White Laurel^ Swarnp Sassafras, andBeaver Tree. It is supposed to have obtained the latter namefrom the circumstance of the root being eaten by beavers ; bywhich means these animals are frequently caught. Kalm states,

that in America this tree casts its leaves in the autumn, but that

young trees will retain them through the winter. In woods in

that country it grows in great luxuriance, and the flowers are

particularly fragrant ; so much so, that their scent is percep-

tible, if the wmd be favourable, at the distance of three-

quarters of a mile. The Americans cure coughs and other

pectoral diseases by steeping the berries of this tree in brandy,

and giving a draught of the liquor every morning : it is even

said to have salutary effects in consumptions. For a cold, it

is very common to boil the branches in water.

The Magnolia glauca has long been an acknowledged fa-

vourite shrub in our gardens; and the present variety possesses

all the beauties of that plant, with the addition of retaining its

leaves longer : it may indeed be considered as an evergreen,

many of its leaves remaining green until the new ones appear.

Its habit of growth is bushy, and it will attain the height of

about twenty feet, producing flowers plentifully in the monthof June, which are white, particularly fragrant, and nearly

double. It flourishes best in swampy ground, but will growextremely well in the American peat beds. It may also be

recommended as an ornamental tree for the lawn ; and the

whole of the hardy Magnolia tribe would become conspicuous

intermixed in an Arboretum. It is in contrast that most trees

and shrubs are viewed to the greatest advantage.

This species may be propagated either by layers or byseeds, but these are not always perfected in this country.

Seeds are to be obtained of the M. glauca from America,

which are packed in sand, and should be kept so until the

month of February, when they may be sown in pots, andplaced in a moderate hot-bed until about an inch in height


they should then be put into other pots, and kept partially

shaded and frequently sprinkled with water. They may the

following season be bedded out, or kept in pots another year.

The nursery of Mr. Thompson at MUe End presents fine

specimens of the different kinds of hardy Magnolia ; from

whence we were favoui'ed with the present specimen.

Zirawn IcE'iinvved fy W, Gar/c .



Pentandria. Monogynia.

Class 5. Order 1.

Anchusa. Ayy^ova-a., itapa. To ayysiv, from its supposed constrin-

gent quality j or, as others say, because it strangles serpents.

Linn. gen. n. 182, Jit. Hort. Kew. 1. 177.


Cal. Perianth five-parted, oblong, round, acute, permanent. Cor.

monopelalous, funnel-shaped ; tube cylindrical, the length of the


limb semiquinquefid, erect, expanding, obtuse 3 throat

closed with five small scales, convex, prominent, oblong, con-

verging. Stam. Filaments very short, in the throat of the corolla;

anthers oblong, incumbent, covered. Pist. Germs four. Style

filiform, the length of the stamens. Stigma obtuse, emarginate.

Per. none ; but the calyx, enlarged and erect, contains the seeds

in its bosom. Seeds four, oblongish, obtuse, gibbose.


Leaves lanceolate, strigose, quite entire. Panicle dichotomous, di-

varicate. Flowers peduncled. Calyxes five-parted, with subulate


Root biennial or pereimial. Stem round, hirsute ; branches

alternate. Leaves lanceolate, entire, rough, very hairy.

Flower-buds purple, on short pedicels ; in expanding changes

to bright blue. Peduncles hairy. Calyx five-parted, hairy.

Stamens on short filaments inserted on the bearded throat of

the corolla.

This plant, although introduced as far back as 1777, is by

no means common in our gardens : this cannot be on account

of a deficiency in point of attraction. The colour of the

bloom is of a splendid blue, somewhat approaching to purple,

while the bud is of a most beautiful purple. In the herbaceous

border it is evidently a showy plant ; it shoots up with many

branches to the height of about five feet, producing fine pe-

duncles of flowers during the months of May, June, and July.

It is considered in many works as a biennial, but it is known

to last four or five years: when once established it is not

very readily eradicated, from its dropping its seeds, as well as

from the roots being so tenacious of life that small pieces being

permitted to remain in the ground will spring up and produce


It is a native of Madeira, and thrives best in sandy ground,

but will grow very well in light garden mould. A large spe-

cimen of this plant may be seen in the herbaceous ground at

Chelsea Botanic Garden, where Mr. Anderson, the curator,

stated it had thrived for many years. The figure given here

was taken from a specimen growing in a pot. It is cultivated

is some nurseries under the name of Anchusa italica^ but this

is a distinct species.


Corolla cut open, showing the insertion of the stamens.


SroMm l-Eizffraved fy W, Ciark.



Double Red Officinal Pseony.


Class 13. Order 2.

P^ONiA of Pliny j Fla/ovia of Hippocrates and Dioscorides : from

Paeon, a famous physician of antiquity.

Linn. gen. n. 678. Linn. spec. 747.


Cat. Perianth five-leaved, small, permanent ; leaflets roundish, con-

cave, reflex, unequal in size and situation. Cor. Petals five,

roundish, concave, narrovi^er at the base, spreading, very large.

Stam. Filaments numerous, capillary, short. Anthers oblong,

quadrangular, erect, four-celled, large. Pist. Germs two, ovate,

erect, tomentose. Styles none. Stigmas compressed, oblong,

blunt, coloured. Per. Capsules as many, ovate-oblong, spreading

and reflex, tomentose, one-celled, one-valved, opening longitudi-

nally inwards. Seeds several, oval, shining, coloured, fastened to

the opening suture.


Leaves doubly-pinnate, sublobed. Leaflets oblong, veined underneath.

The roots are composed of many roundish thick knobs or

tubers, which are attached to each other by fibres. Tlic

branches are about two or two feet and a half in hciffht. Theo

leaves are much lobed, and variousl}' cut into segments.

Flowers solitary, large, and of a fine deep crimson.

Of the varieties of Paonia officinalis, Mr. Sabine, in a paper

in the Horticultural Transactions, vol. ii. on the double herba-

ceous Paonias, mentions three

P. officinalis rubra, P. qffi^ci-

nalis carnesce7is, and P. officinalis albicans. The first of these

(which is here figured), although seen in almost every garden,

should not on that account be omitted from a publication like

the present, nor should it detract from its merits as an orna-

mental plant. Mr. Sabine has observed, " It is singular that

none of the beautiful tribe here noticed has been figured in

publications of later years."

This plant is of strong growth, and rises to the height of

from two to three feet, with numbers of beautiful red flowers

appearing in the months of May and June ; and as it grows

freely in common borders, is a desirable plant to add gaiety

to the shrubbery. The roots are very prolific, in large clusters

of tubers, which, if separated in September or early in Octo-

ber, will flower the succeeding summer, provided each of the

tubers have eyes to shoot from. This variety being double,

and deficient of stamens and pistils, cannot produce seeds;

consequently can only be increased by the roots. The single-

flowered of this species is seldom cultivated, and until recently

was rarely met with ; its habit of growth is very similar to the

double, but the flowers are not so conspicuous.

It is a native of the South of Europe, and was cultivated

in this country in 1560. It is supposed to be the Pceonia

mentioned by Pliny as noted for its medicinal properties.


Iirawn irEnpraved fy W, ClarA:.

^.rm.'f/m. Pi/A/r'.rf>t// M, Cmiff, ;r/v- „ o^ ^^ /!V- ^T, i .•// {•-i. >''•.



Triangular Genista.


Class 17. Order 4.

Genista: from genu, the kneej either because it is flexible, or be-

cause it is supposed to relieve pains in that joint.

Linn. gen. n. 859. ^U. Hort. Kew. 3. 14.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, small, tubular, two-lipped j upper lip two-

toothed, more deeply divided j lower, three- toothed, nearly equal.

Cor. papilionaceous. Banner oblong, remote from the keel, the

whole reflex. Wings oblong, loose, shorter than the others. Keel

straight, emarginate, longer than the banner. Stam. Filaments

ten, connate, emerging from the keel. Anthers simple. Pist.

Germ oblong. Style simple, rising. Stigma sharp, rolled in.

Per. Legume roundish, turgid, one-celled, two-valved. Seeds soli-

tary, usually kidney-form.


Leaves ternate, the upper ones simple. Branches three-sided, pro-


Branches flexuose, green, trailing on the ground. Leaves

trifid, ovate, concave. Flowers in clusters, on short pedicels


corolla papilionaceous; petals bright-yellow; calyx green.

Pericarpium oblong, one-celled. Seeds several, roundish,


This showy evergreen trailing shrub flowers in great pro-

fusion over the whole plant, producing a complete mass of

yellow flowers during the months of May and June. In the

shrubbery this plant becomes a conspicuous figure : its long

and pliant branches in their natural position trailing along

the ground, form an excellent fore-ground to more lofty

shrubs; and if supported by stakes will materially enrich

the body of the shrubbery itself. Other species of this genus,

such as G. sagittalis, G. pilosa, G. anglica, and G. procum-

bens, though of the same habit of growth with the triquetral

but smaller and more delicate both in their nature and appear-

ance, will not flourish when tied to a stake, and will there-

fore add to the beauty of the front of the shrubbery alone.

The triquetra wiU grow luxuriantly in light garden mould,

and will at times perfect its seeds ; but may very readily be

propagated by laying, which process should be performed

early in April.

It is a native of Spain, France, and Italy ; was introduced

in 1748.


Calyx, stamens and pistil, magnified.


Drawn t Enp':

Zo?tAm,fudlcshed iry STrutA, Eid,

''!*; .ZirA:

Cfes.CcrnAM. Oci^ISSd.


P.EONIA MOUTAN.Shrubby Pceony.


Class 13. Order 2.


(Vide Paonia officinalis rubra. PI, 11.)


Stem woody, perennial. Leaflets oblong, ovate, glaucous, and some-what hairy beneath ; the terminal one three-lobed. Germens nu-

merous, distinct.

Branches shrubby and numerous, forming a handsome bushof the height of from six to ten feet. Leaves on long stalks,

alternate, spreading, and deciduous; leaflets ternate in anopposite direction, lobed, veined, and glaucous underneath;

the terminal leaflets three-lobed. Leaf-buds scaly, of a fine

pink colour. Flowers terminating the branches, solitary, fromfive to eight or even ten inches in diameter, always double,

composed of many jagged rose-coloured petals : the stamens

appear partially in the centre of the flower ; anthers yellow


germs uncertain in their appearance. The flower possesses a

rather sickly odour.

Among the Chinese, a doubt exists concerning the origin of

this magnificent shrub : some writers suppose it to have beenobtained from the common Paeony by a particular process of

culture ; others affirm, with more probability, that it was dis-

covered growing in the mountains of Northern China ; that

after its introduction into the southern provinces it became a

general favourite among the florists, and that numerous va-

rieties were consequently raised. So much prized were someof these, that they sold in China for a hundred ounces of gold.

It is very generally cultivated, and flourishes in the province

of Lo-Yang. In England there are but two species of the

shrubby Paeony,—that which is here figured and P.papavera-cea, which has a large single flower, and was introduced bySir Abraham Hume. Of P. Moutan a variety has been ob-

tained which is named P. Moutan rosea: it differs in the

flowers, which are of a somewhat darker red. Notwithstand-

ing the exertions of many botanists who have sent collectors

to China, numerous varieties of this beautiful shrub have not

yet been obtained. These varieties are frequently depicted bythe Chinese in various ornamental branches of art, as double

flowers in the different colours of pink, purple, crimson, yellow,

and white ; but the jealousy which the Chinese have ever en-

tertained towards the English, and indeed towards foreigners

generally, has hitherto frustrated the arduous exertions of

botanists to obtain these splendid ornaments. The cunning andduplicity of the Chinese are such, that many specimens which

have been imported as new, have proved on flowering to besuch only as were already possessed by this country. Thereai'e, however, some imported plants ofthis shrub having the ap-

pearance of novelty now in the possession of the Horticultural

Society, who have with much zeal endeavoured to obtain someof the valuable incognita of that country. The Mouta7i maytruly be accounted one of the most ornamental shrubs in

our gardens : it is sufficiently hardy to stand the winters of

this country. The spring of the year, when it puts forth its

shoots, is the time it is susceptible of injury from the Aveather,

when the covering of a mat at night will be found a sufficient

guard. The flowers, which appear during the months of Mayand June, give splendour to the shrub, not only by their indi-

vidual beauty, but by their great profusion.

This shrub thrives best in a situation somewhat sheltered,

and in earth composed of a rich loam, rotten leaves, and a

small portion of sand. It is propagated by laying, early in the

spring ; and in the autumn of the following year the layers

may be taken off" and potted. If these have a little protection

by frames during the succeeding winter, and are kept one

year in pots, they will become fine established plants, and maywith safety be planted in the shrubbery or pleasure-ground.

This plant was introduced by the late Sir Joseph 13anks in


Fl. /4.

Z>rxtm kSriffraved l>y W, Cla.rk

Zmdmi.Poiiii>he4f io' Sfncik./ddfri; C? SS. CamAO^. OaTiSZi



Pentandrta. Pentagynia.

Class 5. Order 5.

LiNUM (Aivov of Dioscorides, Theophrastus, and other Greek au-

thors) appears to be derived from Xivstv, to hold; the fibres of this

plant being so remarkable for their tenacity.

Linn. gen. n. 389. Linn. spec. 398. Linn. syst. 302.


Cal. Perianth five-leaved, lanceolate, upright, small, permanent. Cor.

funnel-form. Petals five, oblong, gradually wider above, obtuse,

Stam. Filaments five, awl-shaped, upright, length of the calyx.

Anthers simple, arrowed. Pist. Germ ovate. Styles five, filiform,

upright, length of the stamens. Stigmas simple, reflex. Per. Cap-

sule globose, rudely pentagonal, ten-valved, gaping at the tip.

Partitions membranaceous, very thin, connecting the valves. Seeds

solitary, ovate-flattish, acuminated, smooth.


Calyxes acuminate. Leaves lanceolate, stiff, rugged, acuminate.

Stem round, branched at the base. Filaments connate.

Stem from a foot to eighteen inches in height, branching

out almost to the bottom with many long slender branches.

Flowers at the extremity of the branches of a fine blue colour.

The seed-vessels are small; calyxes large, lanceolate, membra-

naceous at the sides, most exquisitely acuminate at the top,

and having a sort of awl-shaped dagger-point. The root is


Some of the species of this genus are in the highest estima-

tion for their utility, from the herbage being applied to the

manufacture of linen cloth, while the seeds afford a valuable

oil. The Narbonensei though too small and delicate to afford

either of these necessaries to mankind, may nevertheless claim

some share of esteem as an ornamental herbaceous plant ; no

Other of the genus can be considered to surpass it for bril-

liancy of colour : the bright and lively blue of the flowers,

added to the succession of blooms it produces, renders it worthy

of being intermixed in the herbaceous border with other deh-

Gate plants of the same height of growth. It is slender in

habit, will thrive extremely well in light garden mould, and

is readily propagated by seeds or by cuttings. It was intro-

duced into this country in 1759.

The figure here represented was drawn from a specimen

flowering in the herbaceous border at Mr. Knight's Exotic

Nursery, King's Road, Chelsea.


i . Showing the stamens enveloping the germ.

2. The pistils exposed.

*^* Since the publication of Rhododendron arhoreum, Plate 7, we

have been informed that a plant of this species flowered in July last

in the conservatory of M. Boursault, Rue-blanc, Paris^ and was there

supposed to have been the first which had flowered in Europe.




Superb Corn Flag.

Triandria. Monogynia.

Class 3. Order 1.

Gladiolus, mentioned by Pliny j supposed to have derived this name

from gladius, a sword, aUuding to the shape of the leaf.

Linn. gen. n. 57.


Cal. a spathe, two-valved, inferior, shorter than the corolla ; valves

oblong, permanent ; the outer one larger, inclosing the inner. Cor.

one-petaled, superior ; tube cylindric, bent ; border somewhat

bell -shaped, six-parted ; segments oblong, form erect-patulous,

the uppermost and lowest lateral, either without or within. Stam.

Filaments three, inserted into the orifice of the tube, filifoiin,

shorter than the corolla. Anthers ovate, incumbent. Pist. Germ

inferior, triangular. Style filiform. Stigmas three, rolled back

and spreading, blunt, villose. Per. Capsule ovate, three-cornered,

blunt, three-celled, three-valved. Seeds very many, smooth.


Leaves sword-shaped, many-nerved. Flowers all directed the same

way, many on a stem. Corolla upright, with a bell-shaped border.

Root solid, round, covered with a brown membrane. Stem

round, about two feet in height ; leaves embracing the stem

at bottom ; flowers on the extremity of the stem on one side

of it, in great numbers, of a fine scarlet, with a large white

spot on each of the three upper segments of the petal : spathe

green, enveloping the flower before it opens, and remaining

after the flower has withered.

The beauties of this species cannot be surpassed by any in

the genus; and from the root being hardy, it is rendered still

more desirable. It was until lately in the possession of such

only as could protect it in a greenhouse. This, as well as

many other bulbous roots, natives of the Cape of Good Hope,

have been proved to endure the winter of this country, and

thrive extremely well, by the treatment adopted by the Hon.

and Rev. Wm. Herbert at Spofforth. The method of pre-

serving the roots is to plant them in a dry south border of

light open and sandy earth, and in the winter to protect them

with a covering of leaves. They should be planted early in

the spring, that the bulbs may mature themselves in the spot

where they are to pass the winter : it is very essential that the

roots be well ripeiied. With these precautions there is little

fear of their succeeding. Where the roots are well established,

they will produce stems from two to three feet in height with

a profusion of flowers, which, from the opposition of scarlet

and white, become truly interesting, and vie in splendour

with any of the bulbous tribe.

" The passing Indian turns the admiring eye,

Smit by the glories of her crimson dye."

This plant is readily increased by the roots, the separating

of which should be done early in the spring ; and it is better

that the roots should remain in the border during the winter,

provided it be tolerably dry, rather than be taken up. It was

introduced from the Cape of Good Hope in 1 790.

This figure was taken from a bed of luxuriant bulbs of

this plant at Messrs. Whitley, Brames, and Milne's Nursery,



Section showing the position of the stamens and pistil.

Z'r-iii/! HrEn^rmd fy TV, Clark


7=., /!/,..*„,/ U., O^.r-A n-/.-/,-^ t^ro /fK nifnJt.'// .Or/": J,K


PHLOX CARNEA.Pale Lychnidea.

Pentandria. Monogynia.

Class 5. Order 1,

FiiLOx. 4>Ao^ of Theophrastus, meaning ajlame; supposed to be so

named from the brightness of the flowers of some of the species.

Dodonseus supposed that <pXo^ used by Theophrastus applied to the

Viola tricolor ; but this term has been more generally applied to

Lychnis, Agrostemma, or Phlox.

Linn. gen. n. 214.


Cat. Perianth one-leafed, cylindrical, ten-cornered, five-toothed, acute,

permanent. Cor. one-petaled, valve-shaped; tube cylindrical,

longer than the calyx, narrower below, curved in ; border flat,

five-parted ; segments equal, blunt, shorter than the tube. Stam.

Filaments five, within the tube of the corolla, two longer, one

shorter. Anthers in the throat of the corolla. Pist. Germ, coni-

cal. Style filiform, the length of the stamens. Stigma trifid, acute.

Per. Capsule ovate, three-cornered, three-celled, three-valved.

Seeds solitary, ovate.

SPECIFIC character.

Leaves lanceolate, smooth. Stem smooth. Flowers many.

Root fibrous, perennial; stem herbaceous, rising to the height

of eighteen inches, on which the leaves are seated in pairs

arranged opposite, sitting close to the stalk, smooth, entire,

and midrib evident : the stem is terminated with dichotomous

flower-stalks. Calyx five-parted, awl-shaped, permanent seg-

ments. Corolla pale pink, monopetalous, five-parted. Stamens

shorter than the corolla, and seated in the throat.

All the species of this beautiftil genus are well worthy of cul-

tivation : the individual beauty of each is so decided, that it is

unnecessary to select or point out any as the most attractive.

The P. car7iea, here represented, possesses a considerable de-

gree of delicacy in colour, which partakes in some degree of an

intermediate tone between the reds,purples, and blues, of others

of this genus. In still further recommendation of this orna-

mental herbaceous plant, its style of growth is interesting, and

its flowers continue in succession during the months of June

and July. It flourishes in a border of rich mellow earth, rotten

leaves, and garden mould ; it sometimes requires watering in

the summer season, excessive drought being injurious. It

may be propagated by cuttings, or by separating the root; the

former method is preferable. The cuttings should be taken

about the end ofJune, and must be the young shoots near the

surface of the ground : if they be placed under a hand-glass,

kept partially shaded for a short time, and occasionally watered,

they will strike freely, and become good plants for bedding

out the following spring.

This plant was introduced in 1816. The figure was taken

from Messrs. Buckingham and Chandler's Nursery,Vauxhall.


1. Corolla cut oj)enj showing the insertion of the stamens.

2. Calyx and pistil.

=/. /;

Drawn i:£7iffraved fy W, Clark.



Yellow Azalea.

Pentandria. Monogynia.Class 5, Order 1.

Azalea : A^aXso;, dry ; from its growing in a dry soil.

Linn. gen. n. 212. Linn. spec. 16G9.


Cat. Perianth five-parted^ acute, erect, small, coloured, permanent.

Cor. monopetalous, bell-shaped, semiquinquefid ; the sides of the

divisions bent in. Stam. Filaments five, filiform, inserted into the

receptacle, free. Anthers simple. Fist. Germ roundish. Style

filiform, the length of the corolla, permanent. Stigma obtuse.

Per. Capsule roundish, five-celled, five-valved. Seeds many,



Leaves shining, lanceolate, smooth on both sides ; racemes terminal.

Stems branching, woody, rising to the height of from six to

eight feet in tliis country. Leaves green, tinged with brown

on tlieir upper surface, oblong, and alteinate. The flowers

are yellow, in clusters, at the extremity of the branches ; co-

rolla tubed, opening at the top into five segments ; the stamens

and pistil projecting beyond the corolla. Anthers simple, with

pollen of a rich brown. Style filiform, extending beyond the

stamens. Stigma obtuse, green.

This splendid family of shrubs is of modern introduction

into the gardens of this country. The beauty not only of the

many hardy species of this genus, but of the numerous varie-

ties that art has produced, entitle these shrubs to rank amongthe most ornamental plants that decorate the garden ; indeed

they already appear conspicuous in evei-y good collection.

The A. pontica, together with a fine white variety that has

been raised from it, may be recommended for their delightful

odour as well as for their beauty. Assemblages of the species

and varieties of this shrub produce most pleasing effects in ap-

propriate parts of the pleasure-ground ; the numerous shades

of red, scarlet, pink, white, and orange, which these flowers

afford during the months of May and June, produce a sort of

enchantment upon the beholder.

" But who can paint

Like Nature ? Can imagination boast.

Amid its gay creation, hues like hers ?

Or can it mix them with that matchless skill.

And lose them in each other, as appears

In every bud that blows?"

In the American borders, among the Kalmia^ Uliododcndron^

and others of this beautiful tribe, the Azalea will be found

highly ornamental.

Some singular accounts have been given respecting the

medicinal properties of A. pontica. Professor Pallas relates,

that bees frequenting the flowers of this plant produce honey

supposed to be narcotic ; and that cows, goats, and sheep, have

been poisoned in consequence of feeding on its leaves. It is

said in the journals of Mr. Anthony Hove, that a Tartarian

farmer subsisted entirely upon the profits of honey produced

by bees from this plant, which he sold at Constantinople and

other parts of Turkey for medicinal uses.

The hardy Azaleas are all deciduous shrubs, and flower

during the months of May and June : they are propagated by

seeds and by layers. The latter process is the more expeditious;

for the plants thus raised will frequently flower the first year

after being removed from the shoot or mother-plant.

The A. pontica is a native of Pontus, and was introduced

in 1793.

Fl. /c?.

jOraim trEngToved fy W, Clarfc



Bearded Chelone.


Class 14. Order 2.

Chelone : from p^gAcuvij, a tortoise; supposed to be from the corolla

bearing some resemblance to the vaulted form of the tortoise-


Linn. gen. n. 748.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, five-parted, very short, permanent; divisions

erect, ovate. Cor. monopetalous, ringent. Tube cylindric, very

short. Throat inflated, oblong, convex above, flat beneath. Border

closed, small. Upper lip obtuse, emarginate ; lower almost equal

to the upper, very slightly trifid. Stam. Filaments four, hid be-

neath the back of the corolla. Anthers incumbent. The rudiment

of a fifth filament, like the point of a dagger, between the upper

pair of stamens. Pist. Germ ovate. Style filiform, situation and

length of the stamens. Stigma obtuse. Per. Capsule ovate, two-

celled, longer than the calyx. Seeds very many, roundish, sur-

rounded with a membranous wing.


Root-leaves petioled, spatulate-lanceolate, quite entire. Stem-leaves

lanceolate, sessile : peduncles long ; lower tip of the corolla


Root perennial. Leaves opposite. Flowers scarlet, nodding

in a terminal panicle;partial peduncles two, three, or four-

flowered ; segments of the calyx obtuse ; lower lip of the co-

rolla with three acute reflexed segments ; inner part of the

throat clothed with a dense yellow pubescence.

The delicacy and grace of this herbaceous plant will ever

be found sufficient to induce the lovers of flowers to give it a

conspicuous place in the herbaceous border. The singular

formation and pendent position of its little tubular flowers,

the handsome pyramidical form produced by each stalk, and

the height to which the centre stalk of the established plant

will rise, often six feet, surrounded by other stalks of weaker

and shorter growth, producing a succession of blooms for

nearly two months, render this plant truly interesting.

It thrives well in common garden mould, but will grow

luxuriantly with a portion of loam. As it does not perfect its

seeds in this country, it must be increased by dividing the

root, or by cuttings ; which latter method will answer very

well by taking the young shoots and placing the cuttings

under a hand-glass.

It is a native of Chili, and was introduced in 1793.




Corolla cut open, showing the insertion of the stamens j and

barren filament.

2, Pistil and calyx.

n. /<?.

SrcLKn S: Engraved fy W, Clark.




Class 17. Older 4.

Lupixus : so named by Pliny and other ancient writers. Vossius

gives the derivation of this name from liiptts, a wolf 3 because plants

of this genus ravage the ground by overrunning it after the manner

of that animal :—or from Ku-ffr], grirf; whence Virgil's epithet, tristes

lupini ; from the fanciful idea of its acrid juices when tasted pro-

ducing a sorrowful appearance in the countenance.

Linn. gen. n. 8C5.


Cat. Perianth one-leafed, bifid. Cor. papilionaceous. Banner cor-

date-roundish, emarginate, bent back at the sides, compressed.

Wings subovate, almost the length of the banner, not fastened to

the keel, converging below. Keel two-parted at the base, sickle-

shaped upwards, acuminate, entire, the length of the wings, nar-

rower. Stain. Filaments ten, united, somewhat ascending, distinct

above. Anthers five, roundish, and as many oblong, Pist. Germawl-shaped, compressed, villose. Style awl-shaped, ascending.

Stigma terminating, blunt. Per. Legume large, oblong, coriaceous,

compressed, acuminate, one-celled. Seeds several, roundish, com-



Flowers in whorls. Leaves and stem villose.

Root perennial. Stem fi'oni eighteen inches to two feet in

height, closely covered with a fine hairiness. Leaves on foot-

stalks, divided into eight or ten digitate leaflets, terminating

in points, and of a dark green, veined, and minutely haired.

The flowers in whorls rormd the peduncle, and continue

opening in succession, commencing at the bottom.

L. Nootkatensis and L. perennis are the only hardy herba-

ceous perennials in the genus ; the others are annuals. The

Nootkatensis is a showy plant for the herbaceous ground as

well as for the front of the shrubbery, as it will readily esta-

blish itself in common borders, and flowers freely in the month

of June. It differs in style of growth from the annual species,


being more compact in habit, brighter in coloui*, and more

decided in the opposition of the blue and white. It grows

about two feet and a half in height. Where this plant is

established, the seeds which drop will produce numerous

young plants, provided the ground be not disturbed : should

an increase be required, these may be transplanted into beds

in the spring, and the following year they will flower.

This plant was introduced in 1 795 : it is a native of Nootka-

Sound, from whence has originated its specific name.


Calyx, stamens, and pistil^ magnified.

Fl. 2C.

Drtrtm laJingrmid Iry W, Clark.


TIGRIDTA OXYPETALA.Sharp-petaled Tiger-flower.


Class 1 6. Order 1


TiGRiDiA : from the petals being spotted like a tiger.


Cal, Spathes one or two-flowered. Cor. Petals regularly divided into


three exterior large and ovate, three interior smaller and

seated round the base. Stam. Filaments three, attached, forming

a tube round the pistil. Anthers oblong. Pist. Germ long, three-

cornered. Style simple, erect. Stigmas three. Pe7\ Capsule ob-

long, three-cornered, three-celled, three-valved. Seeds numerous,



Glaucous ; segments of the corolla ovate, acute. Style somewhat

longer than the anthers j divisions of the stigma clavate.

Root bulbous, producing stems about eighteen inches high.

Leaves plaited, sheathing the stem at the base, sometimes longer

than the stem. Spathe two-leaved, compressed, containing

one or two flowers ; corolla formed somewhat like a cup. Tlie

petals are six in number, alternately large and small, and

are longer and more pointed than in T. pavonia, in whicli

the segments are cuneiform and acuminate, the style shorter

than the anthers, and the divisions of the stigma subulate. In

T. oxypetala the style rises above the anthers.

This splendid though curious plant was last year introduced

from Mexico into this country. The rich orange-coloured

petals, studded with dark-crimson irregular spots in the cup,

will certainly cause it to be ranked for beauty at least on a

par with, if not superior to, the T. pavonia^ which has long

been an acknowledged favourite. In groups, these flowers

will give considerable splendour to the garden ; singly, their

beauty might be lost : intermixed groups of the two species

would have a truly brilliant appearance. These two bulbs are

alike hardy, and produce their fleeting blossoms about the

same season, from the beginning of July until late in the au-

tumn. Were it not for a succession of bloom, the Tigridia,

notwithstanding its beauty, would fail to excite the interest

of the botanist or the amateur ; for the flowers no sooner ex-

pose themselves to view, than they begin to fade : a sultry

day shortens the showy reign of this ephemeral flower to a few

hours ; its transitory existence impresses the beholder with

regret, who cannot

" unpitying see the flowery race.

Shed by the morn, their new-flushed bloom resign

Before the parching beam."

This plant may be increased in the same manner as T. pa-

vonia, by seeds and by roots : the bulbs flower much better if

forwarded in pots ere they be planted out. In the autumn they

should be taken out of the ground and placed in a dry and

airy situation, and protected against frost.

The r. oxypetala has this season flowered and perfected its

seeds at the nursery of Messrs. Allen and Rogers, King's

Road, from whence the drawing of the present figure was



2>ntwn tEn^ravtd by W, Clark.

L.mdcn.I'idlMedh' 3.B,WAttMcer.Av/M<maXane.Pei-^JSif



Ash-leaved Trumpet-flower.


Class 14. Order 2.

BiGNONiA : SO named by Tournefort in compliment to Abb^ Bignon,

librarian to Louis XIV,

Lin7i. gen. n. 759. Litm. spec. 871.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, erect, cup-form, five-cleft. Cor. mono-

petalous, campanulate. Tube very small, the length of the calyx.

Throat very long, ventricose beneath, oblong-campanulate. Border

five-parted, the two upper divisions reflex, lower patulous. Stam.

Filaments four, subulate, shorter than the corolla; two longer than

the other two. Anthers reflex, oblong, as it were doubled. Pist.

Germ oblong. Style filiform, situation and form of the stamens.

Stigma capitate. Per. Silique two-celled, two-valved;


membranaceous, parallel, thickened at the sutures. Seeds very

many, imbricate, compressed ; membrane winged on both sides.


Leaves pinnate; leaflets gashed, Sfem with rooting joints.

Branches long and pliant, putting out fibres at their joints

for the purpose of attaching themselves to whatever they are

growing upon. Leaves opposite at every joint. Leaflets in

four pairs, terminating by an odd one ; they are serrate, and

end in a long sharp point. The flowers are produced at the

end of the shoots of the same year, in large bunches ; they

liave long swelling tubes shaped somewhat like a trumpet,

whence this plant has the appellation of Trumpet-flower.

The corolla is orange.

This climbing shrub possesses peculiar attractions. The

splendour of the large and numerous panicles of flowers of

various shades of pink and orange with whicli it is adorned

during the month of August, is sufficient to call forth the ad-

miration of the lover of the flower-garden. The luxuriant

growth of its branches will be found serviceable for the pur-

pose of obscuring offensive walls, particularly if intermixed

with climbing evergreens; the flowers of many of which,

being much less showy, are nearly lost at the height to which

these plants are at times required to be trained. The splendid

flowers of the B. radicans will therefore enhance the value of

such collections of climbers; and the flowers of each shrub

will add materially to the delicacy, beauty, and brilliancy of

each other.

This shrub is a native of North America, and was intro-

duced in le^O. It is hardy, and may be propagated by

layers or by pieces of the root : these should be put in about

the beginning of April. The roots should be kept in pots for

one year, when they may be planted out. A light sandy earth

will be found most congenial to the growth of this shrub,

M'hich should be planted against a south or south-east wall.

This figure was drawn from a flourishing specimen which

flowered abundantly against the garden wall at Claremont.




Part of the corolla removed, showing the position of the stamens

with the barren filament.

2. Pistil.

DntKn &r£n4^raved iy W, C/ar/c.

2*2. Jiiniq

ACONITUM VARIEGATUM.Variegated Wolf's-Bane.


Class 13. Order 3.

AcoNiTUM : supposed to have been derived from Aconae, a city of

Bithynia, where it grew in great abundance.

Linn. gen. n. 682. Linn. spec. 750,


Cat. none. Cor. Petals five, unequal, opposite in pairs, 1. The

highest helmet-tubed, inverted, the back upwards, obtuse ; the top

reflected to the base, acuminate, to which top the connecting base

is opposite. 2, 3. The two lateral ones broad, roundish, opposite,

converging, 4, 5, The two lowest oblong, pointing downwards.

Nectaries two, concealed under the first petal, fistulous, nodding


mouth oblique ; tail recurved, sitting on long subulate peduncles.

Six little very short coloured scales in the same circle of the nec-

taries. Stam. Filaments subulate, very small, broader at the base,

inclining towards the first petal. Anthers erect, small. Pist. Germs

three (five), oblong, ending in styles the length of the stamens.

Stigmas simple, reflex. Pei-. Capsules as many as the styles,

ovate-subulate, straight, one-valved, gaping inward. Seeds very

many, angular, wrinkled.


Flowers with five pistils ; divisions of the leaves parted half-way,

broader above.

Stem erect, about two feet high. Flowers in spikes, vari-

egated, sometimes changing to plain. Leaves with footstalks

placed alternate on the petiole.

Of the many species of Aconlhim which are cultivated, the

A. variegatum is the most interesting. Its habit ofgrowth is less

straggling than that of many others, and it attains the height

of about two feet, bearing a spike of pale-blue flowers striped

with white, which appear in the months of July and August.

All the species of Aconitum are considered to be deadly

poisonous. The A. Napelhcs, or Monk's-Hood, is decidedly

the most dangerous : neither the root, the stem, the leaves, nor

the flowers are free from this horrid property : it is neverthe-

less serviceable in Materia Medica. It is said that the juice

of these plants is used by the huntsmen of the Alps for the

purpose of poisoning their arrows. The A. NapelbtSy being

much stronger in its growth than the A. variegatum, is con-

sequently better fitted for the shrubbery ; while the latter,

being more delicate, is better suited for the flower-beds and

herbaceous borders.

This plant is a native of Italy and Bohemia, and was intro-

duced in 1752. It thrives well in light earth, and is increased

by separating the roots.

The drawing of this figure was taken at Messrs. Bucking-

ham and Chandler's, Vauxhall.


1. Stamens and pistils.

2. Nectaries.

J)n2M7i ScEngraved dy W. CUirh .

".mdm.FabU^h^d fy' G,B.Wfi/:ffaker.JveMdrialumi'.J>erTls9A


DAPHNE CNEORUM.Trailing Daphne.


Class 8. Order 1.

Daphne. Aa^vij of Theophrastus and Dioscorides, after the nymph

Daphne, in allusion to her metamorphosis into a laurel ; from some

of this genus bearing a resemblance to the laurel.

Linn, gen, 71.485. Linn. spec. 5\ I. Linn. sijst.Z7\.


Cal. none. Cor. one-petaled, funnel- form, withering, including the

stamens. Tube cylindric, imperforate, longer than the border.

Border four-cleft ; divisions ovate, acute, flat, spreading. Stam.

Filaments eight, short, inserted into the tube ; the alternate ones

lower. Anthers roundish, erect, two-celled. Pist. Germ ovate.

Style very short. Stigma headed, depressed, flat. Per. Berry

roundish, one-celled. Seed single, roundish, fleshy.


Flowers in bunches, sessile. Leaves lanceolate, naked, mucronate.

Stems slender, branched. Leaves narrow, lanceolate, irregu-

larly disposed. The branches are terminated by small clusters

of pink flowers. The tube of the corolla long and narrow.

The leaves are sometimes acute, sometimes obtuse and emai'-


To any part of the flower-garden or pleasure-ground the

Daphne Cneorum will add grace. This shrub, together with

a variety that has been obtained possessing variegated leaves,

are well suited for decorating rock-work, their natural prostrate

disposition being in true accordance with such a situation


indeed, the very pleasing effect and the excellent relief pro-

duced by the judicious introduction of rock-work have been

the means of raising many small plants from obscurity. How-

ever correct this remark may be, it is not so applicable to the

D. Cneorum as to many other dwarf plants ; for the delicacy

of its growth, the fragrance of the flowers, and the modesty

of the height to which this interesting shrub attains, adapt it

more particularly for ornamenting the front of flower-beds.

It flowers during the month of May, producing a profusion of

pink flowers in clusters : it will also frequently flower a second

time during the autumn, but neither so profuse nor so luxu-

riant as in the spring.

This shrub does not perfect its seeds in this country, but is

readily propagated by laying performed in the spring. It

grows well in peat earth, or in a mixture of peat and loam.

It is a native of the Alps of Europe, and was introduced

in 1739.


Corolla magnified and expanded, showing the insertion of the stamens

in the throat.

ri. 2/^.

Drawn irSnijravfd fy W, C/aTfr.

LandiPi.I'u.AiLsAed. jy ^,£,if/uiiaA-er,AveJiariaLa.}ie,lJec


LILIUM CONCOLOR.One-coloured Lily.

Hexandria. Monogynia.

Class 6. Order 1.

LiLiUM of Pliny and other Latin authors. This name is rather of ob-

scure origin : some deduce it from the Greek Xsipiov, a lily, derived

from Xsios, smooth, not rough, also handsome, because the plant is

conspicuous for the beauty of its flowers. It has moreover been

called Kfivov, from x/ji|xvov, dust or pollen, because the flovi^ers seem

in general to be sprinkled with a powdery substance, from the

abundance of their pollen.

Linn, gen, n. 410,


Cat. none. Cot. six-petaled, bell-shaped, narrowed beneath. Petals

upright, incumbent, obtusely carinated on the back, gradually more

expanding, wider ; with thick, reflex, obtuse tips. (Nectary : a lon-

gitudinal line, engraven on each petal from the base to the middle.)

Stam. Filaments six, awl-shaped, upright, shorter than the corolla.

Anthers oblong, incumbent. Pist. Germ oblong, cylindric, striated

with six furrows. Style cylindric, length of the corolla. Stigma

thickish, triangular. Per. Capsule oblong, six-furrowed, with a

three-cornered, hollow, obtuse tip ; three-celled, three-valved ; the

valves connected by hairs disposed in a cancellated manner. Seeds

numerous, incumbent in a twin order, flat, outwardly semi-orbi-


SPECIFIC character.

Leaves scattered, linear. Flowers upright j corolla bending down-


Root bulbous. Stem about two feet in height, terminated

with two or three scarlet flowers. Leaves alternate, deep

green, paler underneath, hnear-lanceolate, and smooth ; to-

wards the top of the stem somewhat verticillate. Petals six,

bright scarlet. Filaments red. Anthers scarlet, large, and

incumbent. Pollen scarlet.

This bright scarlet flower was introduced from China in

1804, and although increased with facility has not yet be-

come common in our gardens ; but its beauty and free dispo-

sition to flower doubtless render it worthy of general cultiva-

tion. It possesses attractions more pleasing and interesting

than many others of this family, though less conspicuous or

gaudy : it appears unassuming and modest near those species

which are of a more luxuriant habit of growth, while the bril-

liancy of its colour will cause it to shine in contrast to many

delicate and dwarf herbaceous plants. It grows to the height

of three or four feet, and when planted in light sandy earth

will flower freely in the month of July, adding materially to

the splendour of the flower-bed. It is increased by offsets

from the roots, which, if taken off in October and bedded,

will produce flowers the second year.

This figure was drawn from a specimen which flowered in

a pot at the nursery of Mr. Brooks, Ball's Pond, Islington.

I>ravm ScEn^raved i\ W.aark.

Laruion.Pu6iu/ud fy e.B.JirAiSaA:er.AvemnaZam.Jan!'jS2S



Snow-beny St. Peter's Wort.


Class 5. Order 1.

SvMpnORiA, formerly caWed Symphoricarpos; from Tv^fopiuj, to cluster

or accumulate, and Kapifos, fruit.

Persoon Si/n. I. p. 214. Bot. Mag. 2211.


Cat. Perianth superior, five-parted. Cor. campanulate ; limb five-

cleft, obtuse ; fnu\ filled with hairs, below which the tube abounds

with honey. Slam, five, inserted at the upper part of the tube,

shorter than the corolla. Pist. Germ ovate, with two or three

small bracteas applied close to its base. Style filiform, length of

the corolla. Stigma obtuse. Per. Berry two-celled. Seeds one

in each cell, kidney-shaped, compressed.


Irregularly branched, terminated by corollas bearded within.

A LOW bushy shrub ; bark of the branches brightish-brown.

Leaves opposite, round, ovate, with a mucro ; mostly quite

entire, but on the lower part of the shrub sometimes irregu-

larly notched, smooth, glaucous. Flowers grow on the slender

terminal branches in pairs, at first distant, but towards the

extremities crowded together, supported on very short pedi-

cles; sometunes the branches become iealy beyontl the flowers.

The delicate appearance of this little shrub might induce

the observer to suppose that its habit of growth was equally

delicate. It is, however, a hardy shrub, and may be recom-

mended not merely for this propert}', however desirable, but

for the beautiful tints with which it is adorned in every part


the rich brown shining stem, furnished with dark-green leaves,

yielding an excellent relief to the beautiful bunches of little

pink flowers, and to the more massy groups of white berries,

which thickly beset this interesting shrub,

" where fruits and blossoms blush

In social sweetness on the self-same bough/*

from the early part of July until the end of October, produce

a pleasing variety and contrast rarely to be seen in any other

individual plant. No greater proof can be given of the delight

excited by this little shrub in the lovers of plants, than that it

is cultivated generally in the nurseries, and that although in-

troduced so recently as 1817, it already adorns every collec-

tion where beauty is made a prominent feature. About the

banks of the Missouri this elegant plant is found growing in

abundance. It may be raised from seeds in this country ; but

the more preferable and expeditious mode of increasing will

be by laying : the layers should be put down in a somewhat

sandy earth about the beginning of April ; and when sepa-

rated from the original plant in the following spring, they may

be planted in the common shrubbery borders, provided the

earth be not too stiff. The specimen for this figure was from

Messrs. Buckingham and Chandler's Nursery, Vauxhall.


Magnified section of the corolla, germ^ and calyx.


Drawn kSngravtd fy W, Clark



SPIGELIA MAHILANDICA,Perennial Worm-grass,

Pentandria. Monogynia.

Class 5. Order 1.

SpiGELiA : so named by Linnaeus in memory of Adrian Spigelius,

professor of anatomy and surgery at Padua.

Linn. gen. n. 209. Linn, sijst. 197.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, five-parted, acuminate, small, permanent.

Cor. one-petaled, funnel-shaped ; tube much longer than the calyx,

narrowed below ; border spreading, five-cleft ; segments wide,

acuminate. Stam. Filaments five, simple. Anthers simple. Pist.

Germ composed of two globes, superior. Style one, awl-shaped,

length of the tube. Stigma simple. Per. Capsule twin, two- celled,

four-valved. Seeds numerous, very small.


Slem four-cornered, all the leaves opposite.

Herbaceou.s perennial root, producing two or three erect

stems, about nine inches in height, with three or four pairs

of acute-pointed leaves, placed opposite, seated close to the

stalk, smooth, entire, and having several veins diverging from

the midrib. The stem is terminated by a short spike of

flowers ranged on one side of the footstalk. Calyx short, cut

into five acute segments. The outside of the flower is of a

deep crimson, and the inside of a pink, with the five segments

of the corolla of a yellow colour. Stem simple, rugged, qua-

drano-ular, rigid, annual. Leaves opposite, sessile, ovate-lan-

ceolate, entire, smooth, spreading. Spike generally solitary,

with small opposite bracteas.

Of the genus Spigelia only two species are cultivated in

this country. The plant here figured is the more interesting


its spikes of rich scarlet flowers add great beauty to the garden

durino- the months of June and July. The roots of this her-

baceous perennial are sold for medicinal purposes under the

names Worm-grass or Pink-root ; and Woodville's Medical

Botany mentions this species of Spigelia as a very efficient

vermifuge. This plant is somewhat delicate, and will not ripen

its seeds in this country ; the only mode of propagatfon is by

separating the roots, and this process is rather slow: it is

not therefore probable that this showy flower will ever appear

very common in our gardens.

It is a native of Virginia, Maryland, and Carolina, where

it is called Indian Pink. It was introduced into tills country

in 1694-. The drawing of this figure was made from a speci-

men flowering in the gardens of Sion House, the seat of His

Grace the Duke of Northumberland.


Corolla cut open, showing the position of the stamens and pistil,

also where the germ is attached to the calyx.

Ft. 2'.

Drawn tcSnyrayed, by W, Clarh




Shagreen-leaved Sunflower.

Syngenesta. Polygamia Frustranea.

Class 19. Orders.

Helianthus : from 'HA105, tlic Sun, and ccv^os, ajluwer.

Linn. gen. 71.979. Linn. spec. 1279. Ilort. Kew. 5. 129.


Cal. common, imbricate, somewhat squarrose, expanded ; scales ob-

long, broadish at the base. Cor. compound radiate j corollets her-

maphrodite, very numerous in the disk : females fewer, much

longer in the rav. Stam. in the hermaphrodites : filaments five,

curved, inserted below the belly of the corollet, the length of the

tube. Anther cylindric, tubular. Pisf. in the hermaphrodites :

germ oblong 3 style filiform, length of the corollet 5 stigma two-

parted, reflex : in the females, germ very small ; style and stigma

none. Per. none. Calyx unchanged. Seeds in the hermaphro-

dites solitary, oblong, blunt, four-cornered, compressed at the op-

posite angles ; the inner ones narrower, crowned with two lan-

ceolate, acute, deciduous chaffs : in the females none, Rccept.

chaffy, large, flat ; chaffs lanceolate, acute, two separating each

seed, deciduous.


Leaves opposite, spatulate, crenate, triple-nerved, scabrous ;calycine

scales erect, the length of the disk.

Steim from two to three feet in height, round, dusky, pin-ple,

rough, with numerous small hairs. Root-leaves Hat, hairy.

smaller than those on the stem, whicli are twisted and waved,

especially towards the end, rough and hairy. The disk ot

the flower dark-red; flosculcs in the ray, yellow, marked

w4th a few lines, pointed and entire.

The coarse and vulgar appearance, together with the strong

growth of some of the Sunflower family, have long excluded

them from ornamental flower-beds ; but the species here

figured possesses beauties which its brethren cannot equal.

Its habit of growth is more delicate and graceful than that of

many others in the Helianthus genus ; the stems rise to the

height of three feet, supporting solitary yellow flowers, with

dark-red or brown disks. In the herbaceous border it is

generally admitted, where its large flowers and leaves will in-

crease at least in appearance the delicacy of the smaller and

more tender plants. Darwin, alluding to the peculiar pro-

perty of the Helianthus genus, thus expresses himself:

" Great Helianthus guides o'er twilight plains

In gay solemnity his dervise-trains;

With zealous step he climbs the upland lawn.

And bows in homage to the rising dawn;

Imbibes with eagle eye the golden ray,

And watches, as it moves, the orb of day."

This species is frequently, though erroneously, named Heli-

anthus glauca or Pascalia Virginica,

It is a native of Carolina, was found growing plentifully in

Upper Louisiana by Mr. Nuttall, and has been seen in Penn-

sylvania and Virginia. It was introduced into this country in

1732, and is to be increased by separating the roots : the seeds

will not come to perfection in this country, although the plant

will grow and flower freely from July till October in light

garden mould. This specimen was figured from Messrs. Buck-

ingham and Chandler's, Vauxhall.


1. Floret unopened, magnified.

2. Floret expanded, showing the stamens and pistil.

:. IS.

Drawn irEn^raved fy W, Clark.



Choice Fumitory.


Class 17. Order 2.

FuMARiA : from fuDius, smoke, because this herb effects the eyes like

smoke ; hence also its Greek name Kaifyog.

Bot. Reg. 50.


Cal. Perianth inferior, of two equal, small leaves, mostly deciduous,

often coloured. Cur. tubular, ringent, of two petals, each lobed

and spreading at the extremity, gibbous, and holding honey at the

base, variously formed in different species. Stam. Filaments six,

capillary, united into two sets by their broad, elongated, membra-

nous bases, sheathing the germen. Anthers small, roundish, ver-

tical. Pist. Germen roundish or oblong. Style curved or oblique.

Stigma obtuse. Per. Pod of two valves and one cell. Seeds one

or more, roundish.


Leaves triternate. Stevi erect, naked.

Perennial root, which produces several stems about a foot

and a half in height, terminated with numerous pink flowers

at the extremity, which come out on short peduncles. Leaves

of a blue green on the upper surface, of a paler green under-

neath ; they are on long stalks, springing from the base, and

surrounding the flower-stalk.

The leaves of this graceful little plant form a handsome

cluster close to the ground ; while the flower-spikes, which rise

to the height of about eighteen inches, are plentifully adorned

with blooms during the months of May and June. The hand-

some style of growth renders this plant truly serviceable and

a great favourite either for borders of flower-beds or for tufts;

the latter of which become compact and very ornamental when

the plant is well established. The seeds rarely come to per-

fection in this country ; but by separating the roots in the

spring the plant is easily increased. Light garden mould suits

the natui'e of this herbaceous perennial.

It was introduced in 1812 from North America.

This interesting genus of plants has been divided into two

other genera, Q/sticapjios and Corydalis, among which latter

is included the plant here figured. The old name is however

here retained, as that by which the plant is better known.

Some of the species of this genus are noticed in the Phar-

macopoeias. The Fumaria officinalis, or Common Fumitory, is

used in cutaneous diseases, but no mention is made of the

present species as being in any degree serviceable in the Ma-

teria Medica.


Stamens and pistil magnified.

n. 20.

Dra-xn tJSnfrmfd (y W. CfarM


iMi^&n.faiUsfuji 6y &.B.W7uliaker,AveM2ruiLav£,Fei.I<nr




Class 13. Orders.

Delphinium (AsX^iviov of Dioscorides) : from a fancied resemblance

of the flower, before it opens, to a dolphin.

Linn. gen. n. G81. Link's Hort. Ber. 2. p. 80. DeCandolle Pro.

Sijst. Veg. p. 55.


Cal. none. Cor. Petals five, unequal, disposed in a circle ; of which

the uppermost is more obtuse than the rest in front, and is extend-

ed behind into a tubular, straight, long, obtuse horn : the rest

ovate, lanceolate, spreading, nearly equal. Nectary two-cleft,

seated in front within the circle of petals on the upper part, behind

stretched out, involved within the tube of the petal. Stam. Fila-

ments very many (fifteen to thirty), subulate, wide at the base, very

small, inclined towards the petal. Anthers erect, small. Pist.

Germs three or one, ovate, ending in styles, the length of the

stamens. Stigmas simple reflex. Per. Capsules as many, ovate-

subulate, straight, one-valved, gaping inwards. Seeds very many,



Leaves spreading out from the base, cut in the form of wedges, much

serrated on the edge j the peduncles finely covered with hair.

Root perennial, fibrous, from which branches three or four

stalks, round, furnished with leaves alternately situated, and a

spike of flowers at the extremity, rising to the height of about

two feet. Leaves deeply cut into lobes, and irregularly point-

ed segments, supported on short footstalks. The flowers ter-

minating the stems are of a beautiful bright blue, with a white

eye: they are alternately placed round the stem, forming a kind

of spike from six to nine inches in length.

It may be considered somewhat remarkable that this plant

has not become more generally cultivated ;—that it has decided

clauns to beauty will be undeniable. The attractions this flower

possesses are certainly as great as those of the other species

of Delpliinium; yet it is scarcely known, or very rarely seen

decorating the herbaceous flower-bed : it has nevertheless been

introduced into this country for some length of time, but that

period cannot be correctly ascertained ; neither is it known

from whence it was introduced. During the months of June

and July the garden will most certainly be beautified by the

addition of a plant like this ; no difficulty of propagation can

be urged as a reason for its exclusion from the flower-bed, for

it may be increased by separating the root as well as by seed.

The seeds should be sown in June, and the young plants

should be planted in beds : they will become so far established

by this means during the autumn, that in the following spring

they may be transplanted into the borders. A mellow and

light soil of decayed leaves and vegetable mould is the earth

in which this plant delights. The specimen from which this

drawing was made, flowered at Mr. Lee's Nursery, Hammer-



Zlrann kJ^nffTmid fy W. Clarlc.

Zcm/iim.I'uicished ly Zcmrnnan &: C", fatemoj-ierXmf ,F<>iJ<}sfi




Pentandria. Monogynia.

Class 5, Order 1.

Li7m. gen. n.2\2. Linn. spec. 214. Persoon Syn. 1. p. 212.


WAe Azalea pontica. PI. 1/.

SPECIFIC character.

Leaves ovate. Corollas hairy. Stamens very long.

Stem branched. Leaves oblong, smooth, alternate, petioled.

The peduncles are axillary, long and naked, supporting a

cluster of red flowers, which are tubulous, swelling at their

base like those of the Hyacinth, and contracted at their neck


divided at top into five equal segments, spreading open. The

stamens and style project beyond the corolla and stand erect.

Although one of the species of this family of shrubs has al-

ready appeared in this publication, yet the beautiful and in-

teresting variety of them will be sufficient to justify the early

representation of another of the genus. Intermixed with the

Rhododendron, Kalmai, Ledum, &c., these shrubs appear to

the greatest advantage; the diversity of their foliage and bloom.

and the continued succession of flowers, present the most

lively and handsome assemblage that plants ai-e capable of pro-

ducing : added to which, as these shrubs (denominated Ame-

rican shrubs) sustain their leaves during the winter, they are

well calculated when planted in groups to add a great de-

gree of cheerfulness to the pleasure-ground and arboretum, in

that dreary season when little verdure is otherwise to be ex-

pected. Notwithstanding the many excellent properties and

powerful attractions of the Azalea tribe, they will, like the rest

of the American shrubs, be most probably ever limited in their

cultivation ; the peculiar peat-soil in which they thrive will

however be obtained by those who delight in a good collection

of ornamental shrubs.

As these species rarely produce seed, the propagation must

be effected by laying. The beginning of April is the proper

season for commencing this operation. The present shrub

was introduced into this country in 1729. It is in its greatest

splendour during the month of May. It is a native of Swit-

zerland, where it grows in great profusion among the moun-

tains; and the smallest portion of earth is found sufficient to

yield it sustenance.

n. 3/.

Xn-awn icE'r^raved fy Jf.Cla.rfc


T.im/f/m P//J>//shg// M' T.mi/Tmmi K^/"" P.y/Tn^nervr-ffmii *>/'


(ENOTHERA MISSOURENSIS.Large-fruited Qj^nothera.


CEnotheba : from OjvoSijctj or 0(vo9ijpa; of Theophrastus.

Linn. gen. n. 469.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, superior, deciduous : tube cylindrical, erect,

long, deciduous : border four-cleft ; the segments oblong, acute,

bent down. Cor. Petals four, obcordate, flat, inserted into the in-

terstices of the calyx. Stam. Filaments eight, awl-shaped, curved

inwards, inserted into the throat of the calyx, shorter than the co-

rolla. Anthers oblong, incumbent. Pist. Germ cylindrical, inferior.

Style filiform, the length of the stamens. Stigma four-cleft, thick,

blunt, reflex. Pei-. Capsule cylindrical, four-cornered, four-celled,

four-valved, with contrary partitions. Seeds very many, angular,

naked. Receptacle columnar, four-cornered : with the angles con-

tiguous to the margin of the partitions.


Leaves lanceolate, veined. Petals serrated. Capsule elliptic, angular.

Stems branched, prostrate, and of a line purple ; the leaves

are seated close on the stem : the flowers appear at each

joint ; the petals are supported on a long tube somewhat re-

sembling longijlora ; calyx spotted ; the capsules are seated

close to the leaves.

This interesting dwarf plant has been described as a bien-

nial ; and though it will be found tolive and flower for more

than two years, yet its existence is but of short duration ; it

would therefore better support the appellation of a short-lived

perennial. The present plant and the CE. macrocm-pa have

been imagined by some persons to be the same ; the flowers

of both are similar in appearance and colour, but the strag-

gling habit of growth and the narrowness of the leaves of the

missourensis will mark a sufficient distinction. During the

months of July and August the prostrate branches of the mis-

S02ire7isis are abundantly decorated by very numerous and lux-

uriant yellow flowers, which become trul}-^ conspicuous from

their size, and particularly so from their being produced on a

plant of such humble growth. By intermixing this species

with the CE. caspitosa (a plant similar in its habit of growth,

but bearing a white flower) a pleasing and beautiful group for

ornamenting small beds on a lawn or in a flower-garden may

be obtained. The careless mixture of the blooms appearing

above the dark green leaves, through which the elegantly

twining purple stem is casually seen, produces a beauty that

every lover of the flower-garden must view with admiration.

The rock-work of a garden will also receive a considerable

additional charm by a judicious decoration with these elegant

little traihng plants. These species of (Enotlicra require an

earth tolerably rich : mellow loam, rotten manure, and decay-

ed leaves will form a good composition. As there is no cer-

tainty of raising a supply by separating the roots, it is advisa-

ble to increase these plants by cuttings, which if planted in an

earth somewhat sandy, placed under a hand-glass, and partially

shaded, will readily strike : they should be kept in pots under

the protection of a frame during the first winter, after which

they will thrive well in the open border. This species was

discovered by Mr. Nuttall growing freely near the banks of

the Missouri, from whence it takes its name: it was introduced

in 1811. This figure was taken from a specimen flowering at

Messrs. Whitley, Brames, and Milne's Nursery, Fulham.

Z>rawn L-Ey^raved, fy W, Clark.

J^'-7iu^r^,J'^:^US/u^ Cy Lo^i^fti^/i4cCl M.-Utnio^Urlt^nt/ .Sed,^id^W


SCHIZANTHUS PORRIGENS.Spreading Schizanthus.


Class 2. Order 1.

Schizanthus : from rTy(jX,<jii, to cut ox cleave, and avh^, ajiower; from

the laciniated form of the corolla.

Hooker s Ex. Flora 86.


Cal. Perianth inferior, in five deep, linear, nearly equal, permanent

segments. Cor. of one petal, ringent, reversed : tube compressed,

the length of the calyx ; upper lip in five deep segments, lower in

three. Slam. Filaments four ; two of them abortive, villous, under

the upper lip (which by the reversed position of the flower stands

lowermost) ; the other two perfect, inserted into the lower lip.

Anthers roundish, of two lobes. Pist. Germen superior, roundish.

Style thread-shaped, longer than the tube of the corolla. Stigma

club-shaped. Per. Capsule ovate, the length of the calyx, of two

concave cloven valves, and two cells. Seeds several, kidney-shaped,

rough. Receptacle orbicular, compressed, parallel to the valves.


Calyx five-parted. Corolla divided in the upper part into five seg-

ments, in the lower into three.

Root annual. Stem very much branched, hairy. Leaves

pinnate, deeply divided into segments, slightly hairy ; smaller

towards the extremity of the branches. Flowers divaricated

over the whole plant, each supported upon a short pedicel.

Such an elegant little annual as the S. potrigens, and one

possessing so many attractions, is not generally to be met with


the delicacy of its growth, the multiplicity of its little spark-

ling blooms variegated with yellow and purple, and set with

spots of a richer and darker hue, are charms to be regarded

with satisfaction by every admirer of the many beautiful pro-

ductions of nature. "When to such recommendations is added

the desirable property it possesses of flowering in the open air

for so considerable a length of time as from July until destroy-

ed by the frost, the desire already manifested by botanical

collectors to adorn their gardens with this lately mtroduced

beauty will not be considered a favouritism greater than de-

served. Much resembling this species is another, S. pinnatus.

On examination, however, the distinctions are evident: the^/«-

natus is smaller, more upright in its growth, the lips of the co-

rolla are always of an intense purple, the upper petal spotless,

the bracteas large and foliaceous, and the footstalks of the

fruit quite secund, deflexed from the base, and at the superior

extremity singularly curved inwards. The S. porrigens is

raised from seed, which should be sown in pots about the end

of February in a moderate hot-bed. When the young plants

are sufficiently strong, they should be transplanted into sepa-

rate pots and be protected till the end of May, at which time

they may be planted in the open borders with safety. It thrives

well in a soil of two parts peat-earth and one part loam.

This figure was drawn from a specimen which flowered at

Mr. Palmer's, Bromley, Kent.


I>ra>m &:Enjraved Iry W, ClaTh.

/'.,m/i/m. 7'/jJ>Ljhi>.'/. "Whrrh /.toe fnr T/myrm^m t- /^ T'/tTTir-njtr^jr 7f,--



Nepal CInquefoil.


Class 12. Orders.

PoTENTiLLA : from potentia, on account of the root being powerfully


Linn. gen. n. 634. Hookers Fl. Ex. 88. Don's Pro. Fl. Nep. p. 233.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, flattish, ten-cleft: the alternate segments

smaller, reflex. Cor. Petals five, roundish, spreading, inserted by

their claws into the calyx. Stnni. Filaments twenty, awl-shaped,

shorter than the corolla, inserted into the calyx. Anthers elongate.

Pist. Germs numerous, very small, collected into a head. Styles

filiform, the length of the stamens, inserted into the side of the

germ. Stigmas obtuse. Per. none. Recept. roundish, small,

permanent, covered with seeds, inclosed within the calyx. Seeds

numerous, acuminate, wrinkled.


Stem erect, hairy, many-flowered. Leaves pinnate, hairy.

Stem about a foot in height, hairy ; at the extremity branch-

ing with flower-stalks. Flowers of a beautiful transparent bright

red. The radical leaves long, quinate, hairy. Leaflets ovate-

lanceolate, regularly serrated. The stem-leaves ternate, and

smaller than the others. Stipules situated at the footstalk of

the leaves, ovate, large, green.

The introduction of this truly elegant species of Potentilla

was by means of seeds received by Dr. Graham from Nepal,

whence they had been transmitted by Dr. Wallich. It flow-

ered in the Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, in July 1823; since

which time it has become circulated among manv botanical

collections, and it will doubtless hold a prominent situation in

every bed of herbaceous plants where beauty and elegance

guide the selection : in short, by all lovers of delicate and se-

lect flowers it requires only to be seen to become cultivated

and admired. It will assimilate with the more choice and low-

growing herbaceous plants, either in the border or on orna-

mental rock-work ; the succession of its beautiful red flowers,

supported on stems about a foot in height, which appear

during the months of July and August, adds considerably to

its claims. As this plant perfects its seeds in this country, no

obstacle is in the way of its being generally cultivated. It

thrives well in peat earth, or a composition of decayed leaves

and peat.

This specimen was figured from Messrs. Whitley, Brames,

and Milne's Nursery, Fulham, where it flowered very pro-

fusely in the American beds during the summer of 1825.




Part of the calyx magnified, showing the insertion of the stamens.

2. Pistils, with one stamen attached.

To . 34-


J)rawn, IcHn^ravf.d iy W. CiarK.



Hexandria. Monogynia.

Class 6. Older 1.

Linn. spec. 434.


Vide Lilium concolor. PI. 24.

SPECIFIC character.

Leaves scattered, awl-shaped. Flowers turned down. Corollas rolled


Root large, yellow, scaly, from which arises an upright stalk

about three feet in height, furnished from the base to nearly

the top with long narrow leaves having a longitudinal ridge

on their under side : they are of a deep green, and terminate

in acute points. The peduncle supports from five to nine

flowers, each on a short pedicel. The flowers are yellow, with

irregular-formed yellow spots almost approaching to lines;

they hang down, and the petals are rolled back.

The genus Lilium contains many ornamental species re-

markable for the great diversity of their colours. The present

species, though possessing neither the multiplicity of thits nor

the loftiness of some of the species, is nevertheless graceful,

and in height of growth is more desirable as a companion for

the generality of herbaceous plants which decorate the flower-

bed. It rises to the height of about eighteen inches : the stem

from the ground upwards is decorated with closely set leaves

ranged with the nicest precision, and is terminated by a cluster

of gracefully pendent yellow flowers, in number from six to

ten, which are seen in perfection during May and June. There

are other species of Lilies which may well be grouped with

the present figure, from their being somewhat similar in height

of growth but different in colour : of these there are Lilium

martagon and Lilium chalcedonicum, with their varieties. The

root is bulbous, and is readily increased by offsets, which

may be planted where they are to remain, as they frequently

flower the first year after being taken offl The separating and

planting these bulbs should be performed about the middle of

March. They will be found to thrive in light garden mould

with a small portion of sand.

This bulb is a native of the Pyrenees, and was introduced

in 1620. This figure was drawn from a specimen which

flowered at Messrs. Buckingham and Chandler's Nursery,


Tl. 3S.

Synzivn, ScSnmaved ly W, ClarAr.

Land/^n.TiMcj'fud March ISio.liyy.cmffman ScCfF'li^rnostir^ow.



Party-coloured Bitter-Vetch.


Class 17. Order 4.


Vide Orobus vernus. PI. 4.


Leaves pinnate. Stipules half-arrow-shaped, entire. Stem winged.

Stem herbaceous, rising from a foot to eighteen inches, much

bi'anched, the extremities freely producing flowers of different

shades of white, yellow, and red. The stem, from being winged

and so much branched, renders this plant easily distinguished

from either angustifolius or albus : the former of these, Linnaeus

seems to have confounded with this plant, which not only

differs as above, but in the stipules being broader. The

flowers appear in clusters of about six or eight : their calyx

red; standard crimson, faduig to a pale yellow; wings and

keel variegated with yellow and buff".

The diversity of colour displayed by this little herbaceous

perennial is rarely met with in any other individual plant Its

delicacy requires it to be placed almost alone, in order that

the beauties may be visible : its place in the flower-bed should

be in the front, as it would be lost if suffered to be crowded

by other plants. The stems rise to the height of about fifteen

inches, and are justof sufficient strength to support themselves;

they had therefore in general better be supported by small

sticks, to prevent injury from wind. These flowers will continue

in succession during the months of June and July, possessing

the various shades of red, pink, and yellow. They will some-

times perfect their seeds, by which means they are increased.

This plant thrives in a tolerably rich earth, composed of peat,

loam, and decayed manure.

It is a native of Italy, and was introduced in 1759. The

specimen from which this figure was drawn flowered at Messrs.

Malcolm and Gray's Nursery, Kensington.


1. Standard.

2 & 3. Wings.

4. Keel.

5. Calyx, stamens, and pistil, magnified.

ri. 30.

J>ra.wn ScKn^aved by W, Ctark


Z<m^7,.I'uiUshcdJl{arch U'Sff. iyloyiy^ruinllsCfraiJTnosterJfow.




Class 17. Order 4.

Robinia: so named in honour of John Robin, botanist to Henry IV.

and Louis XIII. of France.

Linn. gen. n. 879. Lhm. stjst. 688.


CaL Perianth one-leafed, small, bell-shaped, four-cleft : the three

lower toothlets more slender 3 the upper fourth toothlet wider,

scarcely emarginate to the naked eye : all equal in length. Cor.

papilionaceous. Standard roundish, larger, spreading, blunt. Wings

oblong, ovate, free, with a very short blunt appendix. Keel almost

semi-orbicular, compressed, blunt, the length of the wings. Sfarn.

Filaments diadelphous, (simple and nine-cleft,) ascending at top.

Anthers roundish. Pist. Germ cylindrical, oblong. Style filiform,

bent upwards. Stigma villose in front, at the top of the style.

Per. Legume large, compressed, gibbous, long. Seeds few, kidney-



Racemes axillary. Leaves unequally pinnate. Stem unarmed, hispid.

In its native countiy this shrub will frequently attain the height

of twenty feet, but in Britain is rarely half that height. The

young branches are armed with closely set brown bristly hairs,

in some measure resembling the RaspbeiTy, but the hairs are

more evident in this shrub. The leaflets are in six or seven

pairs. The peduncles hang down with large clusters of pink

flowers, each flower on a separate pedicel. The legumes are

flat and oblong.

This shrub from its foliage alone is a truly ornamental plant;

added to which, the beautiful racemes of pink flowers with

which it is adorned entitles it to be ranked among the most

ornamental shrubs. The place which it should occupy is the

front of the plantation, as its flowers are produced close to the

branches, and many of them towards the lower part of the

plant ; consequently, if it were closely surrounded with taller-

growing shrubs, much of its beauty would be lost. It never-

theless must be in a situation somewhat sheltered from the

wind, as the branches are of that brittle nature as to be fre-

quently much damaged by it: it is through this liability

to break that this shrub is rarely grown as a standard tree,

though when so grown it has a very interesting appearance.

These are obtained through being worked upon the common

Acacia with stems about six feet high ; and where they can be

protected from injury, their introduction in this form is very

desirable. In addition to the process of grafting, this shrub

is raised from seeds imported from America, to which country

it is indigenous. It was introduced here in 1758. It flourishes

in a light vegetable earth with a portion of loam.

This figure was drawn from a specimen from Mi'. Mackay's,

Belgrave Nursery, King's Road.


Calyx, stamens, and pistil.


Dravn i'EmrTaveci iy W. Car/c.

/.cm/im.PnNcs/ifd fy/.maman Sc C'.ra&jyjo.'terJi^,April 2cf26




Dyeing Tick-seed Sunflower.

Syngenesia. Polygamia-Frustranea.

Class 19. Orders.

Coreopsis : from x.opis, cimex, a bug or tick ; and o^^/is, fades, ap-

pearance ; the seeds having some resemblance to these insects.

Linn. gen. ?z. 981



Cal. common, either simple, subimbricate, or doubled j the exterior

usually with eight leaflets, which are coarse, and placed in a circle3

the interior with as many larger ones, membranaceous, and colour-

ed. Cor. compound rayed : corollets hermaphrodite numerous in

the disk : females eight in the ray. Stam. in the hermaphrodites :

filaments five, capillary, very short. Anther cylindric, tubular.

Pist. in the hermaphrodites : germ compressed ; style filiform,

length of the stamens ; stigma bifid, acute, slender : in the females,

germ like the hermaphrodites ; style and stigma none. Per. none.

Calyx scarcely altered. Seed in the hermaphrodite solitary, orbi-

culate, convex on one side, concave on the other, with a transverse

protuberance at top and bottom, surrounded by a membranaceous

edge, with a two-horned tip : in the females none. Recept. chaffy.


Leaves linear, pinnate, opposite ^ the rays of the flower dark red near

the disk.

Stem about three feet in height, smooth, and round. Branches

dichotomous, on which the leaves are placed opposite, with

numerous linear leaflets, deeply pinnated. Flowers terminating

the branches, generally about three, on rather long pedicels.

The ray of the corolla is composed of seven or eight yellow

petals, with deep red toward the disk. The disk is of a dark

browTi or red.

This new and showy annual may be considered a great

acquisition to our gardens,

" where'er she

Rolls her dark eye, and waves her golden hair."

From the beauty of its flowers it may be said to have eclipsed

all the other species of this family : the bright golden appear-

ance of its petals, contrasted with the rich dark disk in the

centre, renders it remarkably conspicuous. Its free disposition

to flower, and the continued succession of blooms with which

this plant is decked, demand for it a conspicuous place in the

flower-border. It is readily raised from seeds, which should

be sown about the middle of February in a moderate heat.

The young plants should be potted off when about an inch in

height, gradually brought into the open air, and planted in

the ground early in May, in light garden mould. The gaiety

and duration of the flowers of this annual beauty will render

it an ever-pleasing acquisition to the flower-border. It may

with good effect be planted in small beds, forming a group

of itself, either in the pleasure-ground or flower-garden.

It is a native of Mexico, and was introduced in 1 824.

This specimen was obtained from Messrs. Allen and Ro-

gers's Union Nursery, King's Road.

/>rawn ScJ^nffraved iy W, ClarA;


London.. PcOilished iry Imff^'ufn. ScCfFaii'.moster2iow, .4prU JS20-.



Swallow-wort Gentian.

Pentandrta. Digynia.

Class 5. Order 2.

Linn. spec. 329. Bot. Mag. 1078.


Vide Gentiana acaulis. PI. 2.


Corolla five-cleft, bell-shaped, opposite, sessile. Leaves stem-clasp-


Stem upright, about one foot in height. Leaves smooth, em-

bracing the stem, and terminating in an acute point : they are

strono-ly marked with veins terminating at the point. Flowers

bell-shaped, in pairs, and of a beautiful blue. This species is

sometimes confounded with G. septenifida, as the corolla is

sometimes six- or seven-cleft ; but it may be distinguished in

having the flowers in a spike nearly half down the stalk.

The interesting species of this tribe of plants demand the

attention of every cultivator and admirer of flowers: they

form a leading feature in almost every flower-border ; nor are

they wanting among the ornaments on rock-work. Some of

the species are very humble in point of growth,—others more

aspiring ; but they all individually possess attractive beauties.

As long as the weather will permit a bloom to assist in the

decoration of the flower-garden, some of the species of this

family are found lending their aid in the general beauty of the

scene. The present species is particularly worthy of enco-

mium. Its spike of handsome blue flowers tinged with purple,

intermixed with rich green leaves, makes it an acquisition

either to the flower-garden or the herbaceous border ; while

its splendid flowers conspicuously shine during the months of

July and August. It is readily raised by seeds, which should

be sown soon after they acquire maturity, as they do not freely

vegetate after being kept. If the seeds be sown as soon as

ripe in the autumn, they should be kept in the seed-pots under

hand-glasses or frames through the winter : in the following

spring they should be potted off* into other pots, where they

may remain until of sufficient size to plant in the borders.

This plant is a native of Austria, and was introduced in 1629.

This figure was drawn firom a specimen which flowered at

Cashiobury, the seat of the earl of Essex.



2>7-atm ScZnaravrd ly W, Clarfc.

/.,m^o7i, Fuilished 6 Z.w^w<7?? tCfalyrn/^sierSiW, Jjt^t//•Tie'


ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA.Tuberous Swallow-wort.

Pentandria. Digynia.

Class 5. Order 2.

AscLEPiAS : from Msculapius, on account of the medicinal properties

some of the species in this genus possess.

Linn. gen. n, 306. Linn. spec. 316.


Cal. Perianth five-cleft, sharp, very small, permanent. Cor. mono-petalous, flat or reflex, five-parted ; divisions ovate, acuminate.

Nectaries five, growing to the base of the filaments below the an-

thers, fleshy;protruding from the bottom a sharp horn bending

inwards. Sfani. Filaments five, collected into a tube swelling at

the base. Anthers oblong, upright, two-celled, terminated by an

inflex membrane lying on the stigma, having a reversed wing on

each side, growing broader downwards, with its edge contiguous to

the next. The pollen is collected into ten corpuscles, inversely

lanceolate, hanging down into the cells of the anther by short

threads frequently flexuose, which are annexed by pairs to five car-

tilaginous twin tubercles, each placed on the tip of the wings of

the anthers, adhering to the angles of the stigma between the an-

thers. Pist. Germs two, oblong, acuminate. Styles two, subulate.

Stigma common to both, large, thick, five-cornered, covered at the

top by the apexes of the anthers, umbilicate in the middle. Per.

Follicles two, large, oblong, acuminate, swelling, one-celled, one-

valved. Seeds numerous, imbricate, crowned with down. Receptacle

membranaceous, free.


Leaves lanceolate. Stem divaricate, hairy.

Root tuberous. Stems from a foot to a foot and a half in

height, hairy, round, dusky red. Leaves alternate, except on

the upper part of the stem. The flowers in large clusters at

the extremity of the stems, of a bright orange.

This very splendid herbaceous plant would, no doubt, be

found to adorn every garden if its propagation were more

easily effected. Unfortunately, it does not perfect its seed in

this country, and consequently it can be increased but slowly

by its root alone.

In its native country (North America), it is found growing

very luxuriantly in sandy gravel, where its roots frequently

penetrate to the depth of three feet, and of proportionate bulk.

The smaller-sized roots are sometimes imported into this coun-

try in very good preservation when packed in sand or in moss.

These roots thrive very well when planted in sandy earth.

Upon a sandy or gravelly bank it flourishes, which renders it

well adapted for rock-work, where its fine orange clusters of

flowers may be shown to advantage. The height it generally

attains is about a foot and a half; and when in a soil and situa-

tion in which it delights, scarcely any herbaceous plant can

vie with it for splendour. The beauty of these flowers is

apparent in the months of July and August, during which

time, others of the same genera are in flower ; as A. amcena,

A. syriactti and A. incarnata, which, though not equal in

beauty to tuberosa, are nevertheless worthy of cultivation, and

will look well in the same bed contrasted with each other.

This was introduced in 1690.


1. External petal

2. Internal petal, forming the nectary

3. The nectary, showing the projecting barren filament

4. Showing the position of the stamens^ the situation of an outer

petal, and part of the calyx

5. The pistil



PASSIFLORA C^RULEA-RACEMOSA.Whitley's Hybrid Passion-Flower.


Class 16. Order 2.

Passiflora ; formerly called Flos Fassionis, from a fancy that all tlie

instruments of our Saviour's Passion were displayed in the flower,

Linn. gen. n. 1021. Hort. Soc. Trans.


Cal. Perianth five-parted_, flat, coloured. Cor. Petals five, semi-lan-

ceolate, flat, blunt, of the same size and form with the calyx,

Stam. Filaments five, awl-shaped, fastened to a column at the base

of the germ, and united at the bottom, spreading. Anthers incum-

bent, oblong, blunt. Fist. Germ roundish, placed on the apex of

a straight cylindrical column. Styles three, thicker above, spread-

ing. Stigmas capitate. Fer. Berry fleshy, subovate, one-celled,

pedicelled. Seeds very many, ovate, arilled. Recept. of the seeds

triple, growing longitudinally to the rind of the pericarp.


Leaves 3—5 -parted. Segments thinly lanceolate, leathery, sharp at

the point. Cabjx of lanceolate segments, loose and keeled.

Steini flexuose, climbing, round, and of a bright green with

a partial tinge of red : it throws out tendrils, by which it

attaches itself to whatever it reaches. Leaves three-lobed, of

a dark green above, but paler underneath, and strongly marked

with red veins. Stipules in paiz's, at the base of the leaf-stalk.

Calyx green. Petals concave, pale purple and red. Flowers


Ofthe numerous varieties of Passion-Flower lately obtained,

the present very handsome variety was the first. It was raised

by Mr. Milne (of the firm of Whitley, Brames and Milne,

Fulham,) hi the year 1819. It was obtained by impregnating

some flowers of P. cderulea with the farina of P. racemosa.

This experiment has produced a variety possessing the com-

bined beauties of these two species, as well as the desirable

property of being hardy.

" here beauty plays

Her idle freaks ; from family diffused

To family, as flies the father dust.

The varied colours run : and while they break

On the charm'd eye, th' exulting Florist marks

With secret pride the wonders of his hand."

Mr. Milne has produced many other varieties as well as the

present ; and his success gave the stimulus to other botanists

to similar experiments, which have led to the production of

many varieties, both hardy and tender. The luxuriant habit

of growth and the free disposition to flower, render this a

desirable shrub for covering a building or trellis-work where

beauty is required. The free disposition of this climber to

flower makes it very acceptable to entwine among others

which, though luxuriant in foliage, are deficient in bloom.

The foliage is of itself ornamental, and may indeed be said to

be excelled by no other shrub. The facility with which this

plant is increased by layers has enabled its numerous admirers

to become possessed of it. It should be planted in a south or

south-east aspect, in light garden mould; and it will produce a

profusion of flowers from July until checked by the frost.

This specimen was drawn from a fine plant which flowered

at Messrs. Whidey, Brames, and Mihie's.


rjr.:w, .v-7'.?jtrr.ivi'4 H If.Ciarfc.


LOBELIA FULGENS.Fulgent Lobelia.

; Pentandria. Monogynia.

Class 5. Older 1.

Lobelia : from Matthias de Lobel, a Flemish botanist, who was phy-

sician to King James I.

Linn. gen. n. 1006.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, five-cleft, very small, growing round the

germ, withering ; toothlets nearly equal. Cor. one-petaled, irre-

gular ; the tube cylindric, longer than the calyx, divided longitu-

dinally above ; border five-parted ; divisions lanceolate, of which

the two superior ones are smaller, less reflex, more deeply divided,

constituting an upper lip j the three inferior ones more spreading,

frequently larger. Stam. Filaments five, awl-shaped, the length of

the tube of the petal, connate above. Anthers connate into an

oblong cylinder, gaping five ways at the base. Pist. Germ sharp-

pointed, inferior. Style cylindric, length of the stamens. Stigma

obtuse, hispid. Per. Capsule ovate, two- or three-celled, two- or

Ihree-valved, gaping at the top, girt by the calyx. Seeds many,

very small. Recept. conic.


Leaves oblong, lanceolate, rather serrate, slightly villose ; flowers in

a spike.

Root white and very fibrous. Leaves closely succeeding each

other on the stalk ; they are lanceolate, of a blueish green.

with a kind of pubescence on its surface giving it an appear-

ance of velvet. Stem erect, rising to the height of about three

feet. The flowers are of a brilliant scarlet, and form a spike

at the end of the stem.

The splendour of this herbaceous perennial is such as to

call forth the admiration of every beholder. Whether it be

intermixed in the herbaceous border, or in a bed forming a

group of the hardy species of this genus, among which there

are many possessing much beauty, it will nevertheless be pro-

minent for brilliancy. It may be grown to great perfection in

pots, for the purpose of ornamenting flower-houses during the

summer months ; for this purpose it should be cultivated by

means of artificial heat in the early part of the season, and

may by this method be made to obtain the height of five or

six feet, although in the open border it rarely exceeds the

height of three feet : its earliest flowers appear in July, with a

succession until the end of August.

Every facility is afforded by this plant for rapid propagation

and general cultivation : it freely increases by its roots, which

may be separated in the month of March, very small portions

of which will produce plants. It thrives well in a light rich

earth, composed of portions of light garden mould, decayed

leaves, and rotten manure. It is a native of North America.

The date of its introduction is not correctly ascertained.


1. The stamens exhibited, showing their union at the anthers.

2. The pistil, with the corolla and calyx removed.

Tl. 4Z.

2>mwn SrS-nfmvti/ ty JV. Clnr/t.

Zinion,I'uddiJ'^£t^ fy ZonffTnan IcC^PaterTiiisifrJiew, Mn- JS26\


PHLOX SETACEA.Bristly Lychnidea.

Pentandria. Monogynia.Class 5, Order 1.

Linn. gen. n. 214, Linn. spec. 217.


Vide Phlox carnea. PI. 16.


Leaves bristly-shaped, smooth; flowers solitary.

The stalks if they be tied up will rise about one foot in

height ; but in their natural position trail upon the ground,

raifing some stems and flowers about four or five inches. The

leaves are closely set upon the lower part of the stem ; they

are of a dark green, somewhat hairy, and have a very bristly

appearance, from whence is its name. The flowers are of a

light purple, and larger than those of subulata , from which

this plant differs also in the leaves, which are finer and more

hairy than those of subulata.

This little herbaceous plant is peculiarly adapted for rock-

work: in such a situation, though humble in its habit of

growth, its profusion of flowers will be shown to great advan-

tage. It may also be well recommended for decorating the

herbaceous border : indeed it appears with marked splendour

and is viewed with great interest intermixed with other dwarf-

growing herbaceous plants. The flowers are pink with some-

what of a purplish tinge, and appear in the months of June

and July, at which time others of the same genus are m flower

with which it may be intermixed, as P. amccna^ P. suhulata^

P. carnea ; and for a fiirther contrast of colours, the following

dwarf plants would appear as companions to advantage : Gen-

tiana verna, JRhexia virginica^ Globularia nudicaidis, Chironia

Centaurium^Spigelia marilandica, and Androsace carnea. These

in combination are alike applicable for rock-work or for the

herbaceous border. The plant here figured thrives in a light

open earth, and is readily propagated by cuttings, which should

be taken off about the beginning of July and placed under a

hand-glass in a shaded situation, and in the following spring

should be planted out or potted as may be required. It is a

native of North America, and was introduced in 1790. The

specimen from which the drawing for this figure was made,

flowered at Mr. Knight's Nm-sery, King's Road, Chelsea.




Corolla cut open, showing ihe insertion of the stamens in the tube

of the corolla, and the pistil and calyx at the base.

2. Pistil magnified.


DroMm &-S7!ffraved ly W, Clar/c.

Zondon,ruMished IryZariffman & CfTaZemo.''terJtcnv,MayJS26




Dark Purple Larkspur.


Class 13. Order 3.


Vide Delphinium mesoleucum. PI. 29.


Leaves smooth, five-parted 5 lobes lanceolated. Calyx shorter than

the petals 5 the spur curved.

The stems generally attain about three feet in height, some-

times highei*, and generally about three or four from the same

root. Leaves of a light green, much fainter on the under side,

very much divided into deeply laciniated segments. The

flowers are closely but irregularly disposed along the stem


they are supported each on a peduncle from one to two inches

long, and are of a beautiful dark purple, and in this variety


While examining the conspicuous ornaments of the herba-

ceous border, this variety of Delphinium elegans will be found

to claim peculiar attention. It is distinguished as a variety

from the true species by its double flowers, from whence it is

named : it is also more luxuriant in its growth, and the flow-

ers appear in greater profusion as well as richer in colour.

These variations render it truly desirable for general cultiva-

tion. The showy appearance displayed by this plant in the

flower-bed is equalled by few others, and it decidedly eclipses

all its brethren of this genus. The leading or main stems are

generally about three feet in height, supporting handsome

spikes of dark purple flowers ; these are succeeded by smaller

stems springing from the root, which attain the height of about

a foot and a half, producing flowers, though not in so great

abundance. Thus a succession of flowers is produced for a

considerable time ; especially so if the larger stems be cut

down immediately after they have produced their flowers : by

pursuing this mode the plants may be kept in beauty through

the months of July, August, and September. It grows freely

in a light vegetable earth, and is increased by separating the

roots, which should be done early in April, the season at

which the young roots are beginning to appear. When sepa-

ratino- large roots, each portion should have one or two shoots,

which will flower the same season they are separated. This

is the only process of propagating this variety. The species

from which this variety has emanated is a native of the North

of Europe, and was introduced about 1750.


Dravn Si:£nffrave<f fy Iff Clarfc.



Hexandria. Monogynia.

Class 6. Order 1.

Amaryllis : supposed to be derived either from a shepherdCvSS of

that name in Virgil, or from ai/^apvyy], splendour, in allusion to

the beauty which this genus possesses.

Linn. gen. n. 406. Bot. Reg. 902.


Cat. Spathe oblong, obtuse, compressed, emarginate, gaping on the

flat side and withering. Cor. Petals six, lanceolate. Nectary six

very short scales, without the base of the filaments. Stain. Fila-

ments six, awl-shaped, with oblong incumbent rising anthers. Pist.

Germ roundish, furrowed, inferior. Style filiform, almost the length

and in the situation of the stamens. Stigma trifid, slender. Per.

a sub-ovate, three-celled^ three-valved capsule. Seeds several.


Leaves erect, linear, obtuse. Scape long. Spathe simple, exceed-

ing the peduncle. Corolla tubular, bell-shaped, longer than the


Root bulbous, small. Leaves six to nine inches long, erect,

linear, smooth on each side, light green, acute at the end.

Scape nearly a foot in height, round, hollow, smooth, bright

green, approaching to red towards the base, one-flowered.

Peduncle an inch and a half in length. Spathe one-leafed,

undivided, longer than the peduncle. Corolla six-petaled,

funnel-shaped, three inches long, bright pink.

This interesting bulb has been figured in the Botanical Re-

gister under the name Zephyranthes grandijlora. Unwilling

to attach this plant to a new genus, foi* the formation of which

no characters sufficiently remarkable appear, and wishing to

avoid the confusion occasioned by adopting new names which

no essential characters will warrant, the present plant is here

arranged under the genus Ama7-yllis, to which the character

and general appearance bear so exact a resemblance, that no

objection is anticipated to this adaptation :—for these reasons

some other plants that have been figured in this publication

are attached to the genus to which they seemed more decidedly

to belong, in preference to some of the new genera lately intro-

duced. The desire of many botanists to form new genera upon

the most trivial variations, may prove that they possess an ex-

tensive knowledge of the science; but it nevertheless serves to

involve in mystery and confusion that science, which it should

certainly be wished were rendered as simple as possible.

From the recent introduction of this plant, it has not yet

stood the test of our winters : there is however every reason

to suppose it perfectly hardy, from the circumstance of many

other bulbs introduced from the same country flourishing in

open borders. The same precaution, however, should be taken

with this as with those alluded to, by planting it in a light open

and sandy earth, upon a dry border, with the additional care

of strewing some dry litter on the surface of the bed during

the winter. By observing these particulars there is little

doubt but it will be found to flourish and become as hardy as

A. Atamasco and A. lutea. This bulb with others, was intro-

duced last year (1825), by Lord Napier, from Mexico, which

country abounds with

" fresh verdure and unnumber'd flowers.

The negligence of Nature, wide and wild;

Where undisguised by mimic art, she spreads

Unbounded beauty to the roving eye."

This specimen flowered in the hot-house of A. B. Lambert,

Esq., Boyton House, Wilts, through whose kindness the pre-

sent figure has been permitted to be engraved.

ri. AS.

Z>rnv7! Sc£?ij?mved iy W, CCarfc.



Spring Adonis,


Class 13. Order 7.

Adonis : from Adonis in the Heathen mythology, famed as being

the favourite of Venus.

Linn. gen. n. 698. Linn. spec. 7/1. syst. .514.


Cal. Perianth five-leaved ; leaflets obtuse, concave, a little coloured,

deciduous. Cor. Petals five to fifteen, oblong, obtuse, shining.

Stam. Filaments very short, subulate. Anthers oblong, inflex.

Pist. Germs numerous, in a head. Styles none. Stigmas acute,

refle.K. Per. none. Recept. oblong, spiked. Seeds numerous,

irregular, angular, gibbous at the base, reflex at the top, a little

prominent^ naked.


Flowers twelve-petaled ; heads of seeds ovate.

Root herbaceous ; stem from twelve to eighteen inches in

height, closely set with deeply pinnated leaves, and termi-

nated by a solitary yellow flower, the calyx of which is of a

rich brown : the exterior part of the petals, towards their

points, partaking of the same colour ; the interior of the same

of a bright yellow.

Plants which appear as early m the season as this species

oi Adonis have a decided claim to our notice. After the long

and dreary months while vegetation has been lying dormant,

it is with peculiar delight we view these flowers thus early

waking to life and beauty. This plant is not merely early in

the production of its flowers, but where it has been so long

estabHshed as to produce a tuft of any considerable magni-

tude, the luxuriance of its large yellow flowers contributes con-

siderably to decorate the flower-border. From its being per-

fectly hardy and growing well in any prepared border, it may

with good effect be placed amongst many low shrubberies,

where, mixed wath a few other early flowering herbaceous

plants, it will assist to satisfy the eye previous to the shrubs

themselves showing forth their verdure and floral beauty. It

is readily increased by separating the roots early in March,

about the end of which its flowers begin to appear, a suc-

cession of which is produced throughout April. It is a native

of the North of Europe, and was introduced in 1731. This

specimen was figured from the herbaceous border at Messrs.

Malcolm and Gray's Nursery, Kensington.


-^.^..*v Ai/ W r7/7r^. .



Chinese Glycine.


Class 17. Older 4.

Glycine : from y\uKvr, sweet.

Linn, gen, n. 868.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, compressed ; mouth two-lipped j upper lip

emarginate, obtuse ; lower one longer, trifid, acute. Cor. Papilio-

naceous. Banner obcordate, the sides bent down, the back gib-

bous, the tip emarginate, straight, repelled from the keel. Wings

oblong, towards the tip ovate, small, bent downwards. Keel linear,

sickle-shaped, bent upwards at the tip, pressing the banner up-

wards, obtuse, towards the tip broader. Stam. Filaments dia-

delphous, (simple and nine-cleft,) only a little divided at the tip,

rolled back. Anthers simple. Pist. Germ oblong. Style cylin-

dric, rolled back. Stigma obtuse. Per. Legume oblong. Seed



Stem shrubby, twining ; leaves divided into pairs ; leaflets ovate-

acuminate, downy.

Branches shrubby, long and pliant : the flowers produced

generally from small spurs, and begin to make their appear-

ance before the leaves, which succeed the flowers, and are

divided into pairs of leaflets, and are of a pubescent or downy


Among the numerous showy and ornamental shrubs intro-

duced from China, the present species of Glycine demands a

considerable degree of admiration. Scarcely any other climb-

ing shrub can vie widi it in the beauty and profusion of its

delicately tinted racemes of flowers. Its light azure hue

gives such an ' airiness to the whole plant, that, added to

the delightful odour emitted, it seems formed to realize all

the floral beauties that poetical license has figured to the

imagination. In the conservatory this shrub is truly con-

spicuous ; for when planted in the ground, its growth is

remarkably luxuriant, producing shoots of above ten feet in

length in one season. These shoots, when trained and spread

out upon light wire-work extending over the roof of the house,

produce, during the month of April, a dense mass of delicate

flowers. Besides decorating the conservatory and green-

house, it is found to flourish in the open air against trellis-

work, or in open borders supported by a stake. Its hardihood

adds much to its recommendation, as it thus becomes interest-

ing to those who have not the convenience of a glass pro-

tection. Virandas, alcoves, porticos, and every description

of trellis-work will be highly enriched by the addition of this

among other climbing shrubs. When planted out of doors

it does not produce its flowers and leaves until about the

middle of May. It should be planted in an earth composed

of loam, decayed leaves, and a small portion of peat and sand.

It is increased by layers which should be made from wood

of one year old. The drawing of the present figure was ob-

tained through the kindness of J. C. Palmer, Esq., of Brom-

ley, Kent, who possesses in his conservatory, among many

other imported novelties from China, one of the first of this

species that was introduced into this country, and who also

has some of these plants flourishing in the open air, without

affording them the least protection from cold.

Fl. 47-


Zirawn ScEngraved by W, Clark.


f..ii:.i,.jA-, r^^m^w z-rf F/i/frnMferHow.Junf ys:'/>.



Pentandria. Monogynia.Class 5. Order 1.

Campanula: from Carapana, a little bell, from the shape of the


Linn. gen. n. 218. Willd. Sp. PI. 1 . p. 906. Reich. Sp. PI. p. 462.


Cat. Perianth five-parted, acute, erect, expanding, superior. Cor.

Monopetalous, bell-form, impervious at the base, half five-cleft,

marcescent ; divisions broad, acute, spreading. Nectary in the

bottom of the corolla, composed of five valves, acute, converging,

covering the receptacle. Stam. Filaments five, capillary, very

short, inserted on the tips of the valves of the nectary ; anthers

longer than the filaments, compressed. Pist. Germ angular, in-

ferior : style filiform, longer than the stamens ; stigma three-parted,

oblong, thickish j divisions revolute. Per. Capsule roundish, an-

gular, three- or five-celled, emitting the seeds at so many lateral

openings. Seeds numerous, small. Recep. columnar, adnate.


Leaves ovate, rough j stem simple, hairy ; corolla spreading.

Stem herbaceous, from eighteen inches to two feet in height,

round, hairy, and of a bkieish colour. Leaves ovate, covered

with brown hairs, setting close to the stalk, serrated on the

edge, and somewhat undulated. Flowers arranged alternately

along the stalk, forming a handsome spike of purple flowers.

The genus to wh'ch this plant belongs is deservedly an

universal favourite : it embraces in its family a very numerous

and interesting variety, among which exists a wide diffusion of

character of growth, from the unassuming C. pumilla and

C. hederacea, rising their heads but a few inches from the

ground, to the stately and showy C. ladea, frequently aspiring

to the height of nine or ten feet. These lofty stems are sur-

rounded by numerous milk-white flowers, forming to appear-

ance a conspicuous pillar of snow. The species here figured,

though it does not claim notice from its aspiring or conspicu-

ous characters, nevertheless calls forth admiration from the

delicacy of the purple flowers with which it is adorned : it is

distinguished from others of the genus which approach it in

size and other characters, by the richness of its dark eye. Its

situation in the flower-bed must be near the front, arranged

with such other plants as attain about one foot in height and

flower in the month of July. It will be found to flourish in

an earth composed of a good proportion of decayed leaves

and rich vegetable mould. It sometimes perfects its seeds, by

which means it is propagated. It was introduced about 1794',

but from whence does not appear to be correctly known.

This specimen flowered at Messrs. Whitley, Brames, and

Milne's Nursery, Fulham.


Corolla removed showing the insertion of the Stamens and Pistil.


2>raMn Sc'Enffrayai <*i' W, ClaTfc


Zon.d.on.I'ubiifhed (y tnnffiricui. &:C'Fater?uisUrRow, Jtmel,?2h'.




Class 17. Order 4.

Lathyhus : from XaQvpog of Theophrastus, which Implied something

of the pea or vetch tribe.

Lin7i. gen. n. 8/2. Bot. Mag. 1938.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, half five-cleft, bell-shaped : divisions lance-

olate, sharp : the two upper ones shorter ; the lowest longer.

Cor. papilionaceous : standard obcordate, very large, reflex on the

sides and tip : wings oblong, lunulate, short, obtuse. Keel half-

orbiculate, size of the wings, gaping inwards in the middle, Stam.

Filaments diadelphous (single and nine-cleft), rising upwards.

Anthers roundish. Pist. Germ compressed, oblong, linear. Stvle

erected upwards, flat, wider above, with sharp tip. Stigma, from

the middle of the style to the tip villose in front. Per. Legumevery long, cylindric or compressed, acuminate, one-celled, bivalve.

Seeds several, cylindric, globose, or but little cornered.


Stem rough, four-sided;

peduncle two-flowered, naked ; tendril

divided into two j leaves obovate, undulate.

Root perennial. Stem branched, clinging : branches square,

with rounded angles, rigid, not at all winged, nor hairy, claspers

generally twice ternate with oval leaves, rather broadest

towards the point, viewed undulated at the margin. Stipules

very narrow, semi-sagittate. Pedicles nearly equal, united to

the peduncle by a joint. Corolla very much resembling

Lathyrus odorafus, but larger.

The want of a knowledge of this herbaceous plant must be

the sole cause of its not being more generally cultivated in the

flower-garden and herbaceous border, its beauty and neatness

are surely sufficient to recommend it to the notice of every

admirer of flowers. If it be planted against a trellis, or in any

situation where it can find support, it will attain the height of

about seven or eight feet, and the profusion of flowers which

it produces during the months of July and August, renders it

a conspicuous and splendid ornament. It is not yet generally

dispersed in collections, but wherever it is introduced it is cer-

tain to obtain admiration. It thrives in a light mellow earth,

and may be propagated by the root as well as by seeds, which

it sometimes produces though not invariably. It is a native

of the South of Europe, and was introduced in 1814. The

specimen here figured was obtained from Messrs. Chandler

and Buckingham's Nursery, Vauxhall.


Stamens, Pistil, and Calyx slightly magnified.


2>ra»rr, ScS-n^aved fy K Clari;




Large-flowered Fumitory.


Class 17. Order 2.

Linn, si/st. C30. But. Mag. \9i>3.


Vide PI. 28.


Stems simple. Bractcas shorter than the flower, undivided.

Herbaceous, perennial. Root leaves seven to nine, a span in

height, bipinnate. Stem erect, angular, furnished with three

or four leaves near the flower ; they are sessile and compound,

of a dark green on their upper surface, and glaucous under-

neath. Tlie flowers are at the extremity of the stem forming

a kind of abrupt raceme, they are all directed the same way.

Bracteas ovate, lanceolate, entire. Flowers of a pale green or

nearly white, excepting towards the throat, where they ara of

a dark brown approaching to black, with a bright yellow bor-

der surrounding. Calyx minutely toothed. Capsule thin, fri-

able. Seed large, lenticular, beaked, very smooth, dark and


This herbaceous plant is conspicuous and interesting from

the clusters of yellow flowers, rendered more showy by the

dark spots, which serve to give brilliancy to the other parts.

In addition to the contrast of the colours in this, which distin-

guishes it from other species of the genus, there exists a

marked peculiarity in the style of flowering. In this, the flow-

ers appear in a close cluster forming a sort of raceme, while

in the other species they are more scattered. Though they

are of shorter- duration than many others, yet as they all ap-

pear nearly at the same time, they are when in flower de-

cidedly the most conspicuous of the genus : they are in their

greatest beauty and perfection towards the end of April, and

continue at least a month. As this species does not readily

perfect its seeds here, and is increased but sparingly from the

roots, it is on this account much admired and cherished in

places where it is cultivated. Nearly all the species in this

genus are humble in gi'owth, rarely exceeding a foot in height,

and many are much less. This species attains the height of

about one foot, and thrives well in a border of light but rich

vegetable mould. It is a native of Siberia, and was introduced

in 1783. This specimen was figured from Messrs. Malcolm

and Gray's Nursery, Kensington.


The Corolla removed showing the situation of the Stamens and Pistil.


Z>ra<m S::Snffravea »y W, Cfr.rl-.



Purple Magnolia.


Class 13. Order 7.

Linn. gen. n. 690. inild. Sp. PL p. 1257. Bot. Mag. 390.


Vide PI. 9.


Huwcrs six-petalled, the exterior of the petals purple.

Branches long and somewhat pliant ; the bark of the young

shoots smooth, shining, of a bright green, and witli small

white spots. The flowers at the extremity of the young shoots,

solitary; petals six, ovate, concave, narrowing towards the

base, the exterior of which are of a lively purple, the interior

white. Calyx of two or three dark brown concave leaflets,

which are deciduous. Leaves ovate, entire, of a bright

«rreen, and much veined. Stamens and pistils seated upon

a conical receptacle, which afterwards supports the pericarp

composed of numerous cells placed in an imbricated form,

each of which contains one or two small ovate or roundish


The grandeur and magnificence of this tribe of shrubs mark

them as truly conspicuous objects in the pleasure-ground.

Amongst them are found all the qualifications for decorative

shrubs;—a grand and ornamental style of growth, bold and

conspicuous foliage, with flowers of corresponding magnifi-

cence, possessing a most delightful and fragrant odour. The

M. grandiflora, though it deservedly ranks as the most

princely shrub in our gardens, yet surpasses by little only the

present species. The hardihood of the M. -purpurea makes it

well adapted to this country, and its free disposition to flower

renders it peculiarly ornamental. It is generally cultivated

against a wall or trellis, but will flourish in the open ground,

although its flowers in such situation are not so luxuriant and

numerous. It is found to flourish in a soil composed of peat

and loam, and is increased by layers, which should be put

down in a portion of sand towards the end of March. It is a

native of China, and was introduced in 17i)2. This specimen

flowered against the green-house at Coombe Wood, the seat

of the Earl of Liverpool.

n. J-/.

Drawn kfinffiaveii b z*^ Cl^rt:





Starry Purple Chinese Chrysanthemum.

Syngenesia. Polygamia Superflua.

Class 19. . Order 2.

Chrysanthemum. Xpucravflefiov of Dioscorides : from XP^'^°S S^^'^'

and avSoj a flower.

Linn. gen. n. 1)66. Linn. Trans, vol. xiv, p. 142. llort. Trans,

vol. vi. p. 338.


Cell. Common hemispherical, imbricate} scale close incumbent ; the

interior ones larger by degrees ; the innermost termmated by a

i)arched scale. Cor. compound radiated ;coroUets hermaplirodite,

tubular, numerous in the disk. Females more than twelve in the

rav. s'tani. in the hermaphrodites, five, capillary, very short, yin-

tliers cylindric, tubular, shorter than the corolla. Pist. In liie her-

maphrodites, germs ovate, style filiform, longer tlian the stamens,

stigmas two, revolute. Per. None. Calyx unchanged. Seed

solitary, oblong, without any pappus. Rec. naked, dotted, convex.


Leaves: lobes narrow, slightly serrated. Florets unequal in length,

pointed at their termination, narrow and incurved at their centre.

Root perennial. Stem herbaceous, annual, about four feet in

heio-ht. Tlie branches are numerous, and are termmated by

broad loose clusters or corymbs of flowers. The expansion ol

a <rootl flower exceeds tliree inches and a half. The florets are

a ricli purple, paler where their anterior surface is exposed,

and verv pale at their extremities. lu C^hina the flowers are

much larger, and the plant, according to the information com-municated by Mr. Parks, occasionally sports in the gardens of

Canton producing perfectly white flowers. The leaves are

small, reflexed, of a grayish green, and rather deeply divided;

the lobes narrow and very slightly serrated with pointed ser-


This specimen is one of the many interesting plants in-

trodiiced by the Horticultural Society from China. It wasbrought into this country by Mr. Parks in 182i. Scarcely anyother tribe of herbaceous plants possesses greater attractions

than this, not merely for its more extended and interesting

variety of colours, but for its productions of flowers at a sea-

son when nearly all the brilliant attractions of the vegetable

world are retiring either into total oblivion or else to a state

of dormancy. When the beauties of the flower-garden begin

to decay, and the brown autumnal tints succeed tlie lively co-

lours of Spring and Summer,

*' When o'er the cultivated lawns and dreary wastes

Retiring Autumn flings her howling blasts,

Bends in tumultuous waves the struggling woods,

And showers their leafy honours on the floods,"

then will appear this tribe of plants arrayed in all the splen-

dour which the most diversified and interesting colours can

convey. When the weather is mild, they continue in great

perfection from October to the end of November ; and whenprotected by means of glass, they are truly ornamental, andwill adorn the green-house until after Christmas,

" And instant Winter's utmost rage defy."

The many beautiful varieties of this tribe which have been

lately introduced, and the facility with which they are in-

creased, have contributed to bring these plants so much into

notice. They may be raised by cuttings of young shoots

taken off about the end of May or the beginning of June


these may be placed separately in small pots under a hand-

glass in a shaded situation ; as they become rooted and re-

moved to larger pots, they require a rich mellow earth, when

if the more luxuriant shoots be topped at their extremity, they

will branch out and form very handsome bushy plants, and

will flower extremely well in the pots. When planted in the

open border or against a wall, they generally attain tlie height

of from three to five feet.

The specimen for this drawing was kindly furnished from

the splendid collection of this tribe of plants cultivated in the

gardens of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick.


Lrcavn &-En^mve4 A' W.CZarA^




Decandria. Monogynia.

Class 10. Order 1.

Litui. Si/st. 405. Spec. 562.


Vide Ehododendron arboreum. PI. 7.


Leaves smooth, leprous underneath : corollas funnel-shaped.

Stems very much branched, towards the ground spreadhig


they rise about a foot and a half high. The leaves are rather

in clusters towards the extremity of the branches, dry, coria-

ceous, ovate, narrowed at both ends, bent back at the edge


underneath they are ferruginous, with innumerable little dark

coloured dots ; the younger leaves have generally a few cili-

ate hairs, but these afterwards disappear. Flowers in an up-

right raceme at the end of every branchlet. Peduncles one-

flowered, upright, dotted. Corollas nodding, of a beautiful

rose colour, with yellowish dots, they have little or no scent. It

has been known to vary with white flowers. The two lower

segments of the corolla are a little narrower and longer than

the three others. Filaments whitish red, liairy at bottom, the

lower ones gradually shorter, not exceeding the tube, inserted

into the receptacle itself by an attenuated toothlet ; anthers

oblong, erect, yellow. The stamens commonly fade before the

corolla. Germ superior, green ; style nearly the length of the

stamens : stigma capitate, five-cleft.

This little shrub differs very much in character from many

others of the genus. The compact evergreen bush which it

forms, added to the beauty and profusion of its flowers, renders

it truly attractive. The leaves of this shrub possess an inter-

esting conti'ast of colour, the upper surface being of a bright

and shining green opposed to the brown and ferruginous ap-

pearance of the under part ; it is in this peculiar property that it

differs from R. hirsutum, which in other respects it greatly re-

sembles. The dwarf habit of growth of R.femigineum per-

mits it to be arranged in the American bed with the Ledum

and Kalmia tribes, intermixed with Gaulthcria procionbcJis,

Epigca repens, and many of the hardy species of Erica which

flower about the same time, producing a pleasing assemblage.

These, with the greater portion of American plants, generally

flower during the months of May and June. That part of

the pleasure-ground allotted to this tribe of plants may by

judicious planting be rendered beautiful in the extreme: and

here the dwarf plants alluded to contribute in a considerable

degree to produce a continuation of flower, commencing at the

more lofty species at the back, down to those of more humble

growth in fi'ont. This species of Rhododendron is propagated

in a similar manner to the others,—by layers, which should be

put down early in May; it requires to be planted in peat

earth. This specimen was figured from Messrs. Malcolm

and Gray's Nurserv, Kensington.

Fl. S3.

Driwn !cEn^ravid fy W, Clark




Bright Yellow Honeysuckle.

Pentandria. Monogynia.Class 5. Order 1.

LoNicERA : SO named by Plumier in honour of Adam Lonicer, plu-

sician at Frankfort.

Linn. gen. n. 233. Bot. Mag. 1318.


Cal. Perianth five-parted, superior, small. Cor. one-petalled, tubu-

lar5 tube oblong, gibbous

Jborder five-parted j divisions revolute,

one of which is more deeply separated. Stam. Filaments five, awl-

shaped, nearly the length of the corolla. Anthers oblong. Pist.

Germ roundish, inferior. Style filiform, the length of the corolla.

Stigma obtuse-headed. Per. Berry umbilicated, two-celled. Seeds

roundish, compressed.


Leaves ovate, glaucous beneath, much veined, marginated, connected

at the base, perfoliated.

Stem shrubby and climbing. Leaves ovate, or nearly cor-

date ; in pairs, and are stem-clasping ; also alternately oppo-

site : such as appear near the base of the young shoots are

less true in their forms ; losing the character of the cordate

form, and are more oblong. The shoots appear in pairs, and

emanate from the base of the leaves.

There does not exist a tribe of shrubs more generally ad-

mired than tlie Loyiicera. By the humble peasant who deco-

rates his cottage door, and by the more refined proprietor of

a domain who cukivates the rarer species to ornament the

arches of his conservatory,—the fragrant Honeysuckle is

equally admired. Many of the species w^aft their delightful

sweets throughout the pleasure-ground : even in the wood,

where neglected Nature rears some of her rudest productions,

will often be seen the delicate Honeysuckle stretching out its

branches for support, and emitting to the gale the delightful

odours distilled from its mellifluous tubes. Whether beautify-

ing the sequestered wood or the retired paths of the arbore-

tum, or decorating the veranda or alcove, these shrubs seem

constituted to realize those floral delights which the poet is

so ambitious to convey

" Fair Lonicera prints the dewy lawn

And decks with brighter blush the vermil dawn.

Winds round the shadowy rocks and fancied vales.

And scents with sweeter breath the summer gales;

With artless grace and native ease she charms.

And bears the horn of plenty in her arms."

The present species possesses a similarity in point of growth

to many of the climbing sorts, but differs in its flowers, which

are of a bright yellow.

This plant is perfectly hardy. It should be planted against

a wall or trellis-work, though from the beauty of its flowers it

frequently is seen adorning the green-house or conservatory.

It thrives well in a mixture of peat loam and vegetable mould,

and is increased by layers put down in the month of March.

In the open ground the flowers are produced early in June


in the green-house, about a month earlier.

It is a native of North America, and was introduced in 1810.

This specimen was figured from the gardens of the Count

de Vande, Bayswater.


1. Stamens showing their insertion.

2. Pistil.


Srmm ^EnffTUVfd fy »! Clar/c



TRILLIUM GRANDIFLORUM.Large-flowered Trillium.

Hexandria. Trigynia.

Class 6. Order 3.

Linn. gen. n.456. Hooker's Par. Lou. 1. Bat. Mag. 855.


Cal. Perianth three-leaved, spreading j leaflets ovate, permanent.

Cor. Petals three, subovate, larger than the calyx. Stam. Fila-

ments six, awl-shaped, shorter than the calyx, erect. Anthers

terminating, oblong, length of the filaments. Pist. Germ round-

ish. Styles filiform, recurved. Stigmas simple. Per. Berry round-

ish, three-celled. Seeds many, roundish.


Leaves rounded at the base. Flowers ovate, lanceolate, recurved,


Root perennial. Stem herbaceous, from six to twelve inches

in height, producing three leaves, from the centre of which a

solitary flower appears, supported by a stem about two inches

in length. Leaves almost always in threes, on stalks rising

direct from the root; they are of an ovate-lanceolate form,

and are of a bright green on their upper surface, but of a

fainter or rather brown tinge underneath. The flowers are

inclosed in a calyx of a lively green. Petals three, white,

having a slight tinge of blue towards their extremity when

they begin to decay.

Among the interesting tribe of American herbaceous plants,

this species of Trillium ranks high. Considering its humble

growth it is remarkably showy; and, when arranged with

other low-growing American plants, appears to great advan-

tao-e. The bright ijreen foliage affords an excellent relief to

the white flowers, which may be further enhanced in delicacy

by an intermixture with another species of the same genus,

T. fcetidum, bearing purple flowers : these flowers begin to

adorn the flower-garden early in the season. Soon after the

leaves appear the flowers are produced, and are in perfection

early in May. Their duration is not long, as they fade

oenerallv before the end of that month, after which the stem

and leaves soon decay : consequently they never perfect their

seed in this country. They require to be planted in peat

earth in rather a shaded situation, where they will, when well

established, produce offsets, which are the means of increase.

The surface of the ground where the plants are cultivated

should be disturbed as seldom as possible. They are subject

to injury by the exposure of their roots; and the offsets are

liable to be hurt through being disturbed.

This species is a native of North America, and was intro-

duced in 1802.

The figure is from a specimen from Mr. Lee's Nursery,



1. Stamens.

2. Pistil.

fl. 6S.

Zmmn ScSTt^r-aved fiy W, ClarA:.


Slender Canadian Columbine.


Class 13. Order 5.

Aquilegia or Aquilixa, from Aquila, an eagle; because the necta-

ries seem to resemble eagles' claws. The English n;ime Colum-bine is derived from Columha, a pigeon ; from the resemblance

which these parts of the wild plant bear both in form and colour

to the head and neck of a pigeon.

Linn. gen. n. 684, Linn. spec. 752,


Cal. none. Cor. Petals five, lanceolate, ovate, flat, spreading, equal.

Nectaries five, equal, alternate with the petals ; each horned,

gradually broader upwards, with an oblique mouth, ascending out-

wardly, annexed inwardly to the receptacle;produced below into

a long attenuated tube with an obtuse top. Stam. Filaments thirty

to forty, subulate, the outer ones shorter j anthers oblong, erect,

the height of the nectaries. Pisf. Germs five, ovate-oblong, ending

in subulate styles longer than the stamens. Stigmas erect, simple.

Chaffs ten, wrinkled, short, separate, and involving the germs.

Per. Capsules five, distinct, cylindric, parallel, straight, acuminate,

one-valved, gaping from the to])s inward. Seeds very many, ovate,

keeled, annexed to the gaping suture.


Nectaries straight. Stamens longer than the corolla.

Hoot perennial. Stem slender, erect, of a bright brown,

supporting both leaves and flowers towards its summit : these

leaves are sometimes simple, and merely lobed, while those

from the root are compound, being biternate. The flowers

are supported on foot-stalks from two to three inches in length.

The corolla is composed of five nectaries, of a strong red to-

wards their summit, and of a bright yellow at the mouth, be-

tween each of which is seated five small linear petals, also red.

The pericarp is composed of five lobes.

The original species of Aquilegia canadensis has long been

known and admired by the cultivators of choice flowers. The

present figure is a variety which has been produced from that

alluded to, and is found to possess all the attractive qualities

of the parent plant, added to a peculiar delicacy of nature of

its own, which has given rise to its present distinguishing name

as a variety. Its style of growth is more slender and delicate

than in the original species ; and it requires more delicacy of

treatment in its cultivation, being very particular in its soil

and situation. It should be planted in a light earth composed

of decayed leaves with a small portion of loam : it is more

likely to succeed if kept in a pot. Thus treated, its beauties

are displayed to better advantage ; and it may here be better

protected against a very destructive enemy, the wire-worm,

which frequently attacks it in the open ground. It generally

attains the height of from nine inches to a foot, producing a

succession of flowers during the month of May. It will per-

fect its seeds, by which means it is readily increased.

The species from which this variety was produced is a

native of Canada, and was introduced in 1640.

This specimen was figured from the Collection of Edward

Jesse, Esq., Bushy Park Cottage, whose kindness in allowing

the drawing to be made is acknowledged.




The stamens exhibited with a portion of the corolla.

2. Pistils.

Fi. se.

I/rawn ScEn^raved i}' Jl^, Clark.


VERBENA LAMBERTI.Lambert's Vervain.


Class 14. Order 2.

Verbena : from its being one amongst the herbs with which the

altars antl sacred places were adorned, and the chief priest was

crowned. The laurel, olive, myrtle, &c. were termed Verbenas for

the same reason.

Linn. gen. n. 32. Bot. Mag. 2200.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, angular, tubular, linear, five-toothed j the

fifth toothlet truncate, permanent. Cor. one-petalled, unequalj

tube cylindrical, straight for the length of the calyx, then widening

and curved in ; border spreading, half five-cleft; segments round-

ed, almost equal. Stum. Filaments two or four, bristle-shaped,

very short, lying within the tube of the corolla ; two of them

shorter (where there are four). Anthers curved in, as many as

there are filaments. Pist. Germ four-cornered. Style simple, fili-

form, length of the tube. Stigma obtuse. Per. very slender, and

scarcely manifest, or almost none. Calyx containing the seeds.

Seeds two or four, oblong.


Spike solitary, long. Stem hairy, decumbent from the root. Leaves

deeply cut into lobes unto the e.\^tremity.

Root biennial. Stem decumbent, from which the leaves and

shoots appear in pairs, very much haired, affording a marked

difference from V. Aubletia, from wliicli it also differs in habit.

Leaves opposite, also hairy, and marked with deep incisions

to the point, supported upon footstalks of an inch and a half

in length. The flowers at first appear in a cluster, opening

at the bottom of the spike, which afterwards shoots to the

length of six inches, bearing a succession of flowers to its ex-


This little decorative biennial adds more to the ornament

of the flower-garden than any others of the genus : and indeed

far more so than can be conveyed by the delineation of an in-

dividual figure.- The beauty and richness of the purple tinge

possessed by the blossoms of these plants when growing in

masses in the flower-bed produce an interesting appearance;

and the continuity of flowers with which they are decorated

adds still more to their attractions. They remain in a state

of blossom for some months from the early part of June. It

ripens its seed freely, whereby it is readily increased. Tlie

seed should be sown in the autumn, either on a sheltered

border or in pots, when it would be as well to afford them

some slight protection during the winter : and in the spring

plant them in the open ground ; they will flourish in any light

open earth. As this plant is to be so easily obtained, it may

be unsparingly dispersed among the flower-beds ; and, unless

carried to excess, the distribution of this plant may add con-

siderably towards the grand assemblage the flower-garden

presents during the summer months.

It is a native of Carolina, and was introduced in 1816.

This specimen was obtained from Boyton House, Wilts,

through the kindness of Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq., Vice

President of the Linnaean Society.


1. Corolla open, showing the insertion of the stamens.

2. Pistil.

Dniifli \-f:miimf/l fy H'.(''<'r/c

/rnJ^n M'ltsli.dhi'lA:niimajiSct':l'al,rmysl^rlt>w .Se/>!'Ki


CASSIA ODORATA.Sweet-scented Cassia.

Decandria. Monogynta.Class 10. Order 1.

Cassia ; by Dioscorides xccTcricc. The derivation of this term is un-


Linn. gen. n. 514.


Cell. Perianth pentaphyllous, concave, coloured, deciduous. Cor.

Petals five, roundish concave, the inferior ones more distant, more

spreading, larger. Stani. Filaments ten, declined : the three in-

ferior ones longer j the three superior ones shorter. Anthers : the

three inferior very large, gaping at the tip ; the four lateral ones

without the rostrum gaping ; the three superior ones very small,

sterile. Pisf. Germ sub-columnar, long peduncled. Style very

short. Stigma obtuse, ascending. Per. Legume oblong, partitions

transverse. Seeds many, roundish, affixed to the superior suture.


Leaflets in eight pairs. Stipules linear, pointed.

Stem shrubby, of a brownish green. Leaves alternate, of a

dark green on their upper surface, but lighter with a brown

tinge underneath. Flowers yellow, sweet-scented. Stamens

with purple anthers. Pistil green.

The propriety of the introduction of this interesting new

Cassia into a work professing to depict hardy plants only,

may be questioned by many : but, although hitherto cultivated

in the green-house, this plant will doubtless endure the open

air of this country with the same precaution merely as is be-

stowed upon many other shrubs which are exposed to the

open air, and which are natives of the same part of New South

Wales. Many of these plants have been inured to the climate

of this country, and it is therefore not anticipating too much

to expect that this will prove equally hardy. This plant has

been very recently introduced from New South Wales ; and

the present specimen was kindly forwarded by Aylmer Bourke

Lambert, Esq. from Boyton House, Wilts, where it flowered

in the green-house in the month of May. When planted in

the open air in a dry border of a north-west aspect, and in a

soil composed of peat-loam and a little sand, it will no doubt

flower luxuriantly, of which its habit indicates a free disposi-

tion. In the open air the flowers will not appear until the end

of June. Like many of the species in this genus, the flowers

are yellow ; but this species differs very essentially from any of

the others, in the peculiar fragrance of its flowers. It has

not been sufficiently long in this country to ascertain whether

it will mature its seed : probably it will not in the open air,

but it may be increased by layers or by cuttings.

It was introduced by seeds from New South Wales in 1825.


1. Insertion of the stamens and pistil.

2. Petal.

Drawn SrHn^/.i-



Purple-flowered Cytisus.


Class 17. Order 4.

CvTisus : Kvria-os of Hippocrates and Theophrastus. Said by Pliny

to have been lirst found in the isle of Cythus, whence it is supposed

to have derived its name.

Linn. gen. n. 877. Linn. syst. G67.


Cal. Perianth one-leafed, bell-form, short, obtuse at the base : mouth

two-lipped5 upper lip two-cleft, acuminate 3 lower three- toothed.

Cor. papilionaceous. Standard ovate, rising upwards, sides reflex.

Wings the length of the standard, straight, obtuse. Keel some-

what bellied, acuminate. Skim. Filaments diadelphous (single and

nine-cleft) rising upwards. Anthers simple. Pist. Germ oblong.

Style simple, rising upwards. Stigma obtuse. Per. Legume ob-

long, obtuse, attenuated at the base, stiff. Seeds a few, kidney-

form, compressed.


Flowers peduncled, solitary. Leaves smooth. Stems decumbent,

becoming shrubby. Legumes sickled above.

Stem shrubby, smooth, brownish, pliant, prostrate. Leaves

scattered, alternate, petioled; leaflets sessile, ovate, sharpish,

dark green, quite entire. Flowers axillary, solitary, erect,

on a short pedicel. Calyx tinged with purple. Corolla large,

fine piu'ple. Filaments all connate. Anthers orange-coloured.

Legume much narrower at the base, subpeduncled, linear,

compressed, sickle-shaped, black when ripe, and commonly


Few shrubs which ornament the lawn or pleasure-ground

are more interesting when in flower than this species of Cyti-

sus. Whether it be cultivated as a dwarf shrub in its natural

style of growth- in trailing on the ground, or as a standard in

being worked upon a stem of the common Laburnum, it in-

variably attracts attention. When it is placed alone on the

lawn as a standard, its branches having a natural disposition

towards the earth, they hang in a pendent manner round

the main stem, upon which they are worked by the process of

budding ; and when in flower present a very lively appear-

ance. Other species of this genus may be treated in the same

manner. The C. supinus when thus worked assumes the same

habit of growth, while the C. argenteus and C. capitaUis present

their shoots upwards ; but either, as dwarfs or standards, are

very ornamental. The C. purjnireus, when cultivated as a

dwarf shrub, has a good effect grouped with many of the

species of Daphne; also in the front of the American beds in-

termixed with the Ledum tribe and other dwarf shrubs. When

cultivated in this manner it does not attain above a foot in

height, as its habit is to trail upon the surface of the ground.

It is readily increased by layers, and thrives well in a light

vegetable earth. The flowers are purple, and appear in great

profusion in the month of May.

It is a native of Austria, and was introduced in 1 790.

3imrn Sr En^med by W.Clark


rep., t..B.,... crjofx


PAPAVER NUDICAULE /3 COCCINEA.Scarlet Naked-stalked Poppy.


Class 13. Order 1.

Papaver, from Pappa.

Linn. gen. n. G48.


Cal. Perianth two-leaved^ ovate, emarginate ; leaflets subovate, con-

cave, obtuse, caducous. Cor. Petals four, roundish, flat, spreading,

large, narrow at the base, alternately less. Stam. Filaments nu-

merous, capillary, much shorter than the corolla. Anthers oblong,

compressed, erect, obtuse. Plst. Germ roundish, large. Style

none. Stigma peltate, flat, radiate. Per. Capsule crowned with

the large stigma, one-celled. Seeds numerous, very small. Recept.

longitudinal plaits, the same number with the rays of the stigma,

fastened to the wall of the pericarp.


Calyx egg-shaped, hairy, rough. Leafstalks radical, very long. Leaves

downy, lobed ; lobes acutely dentated.

Root biennial. Root-leaves hispid, broader, shorter, less

deeply divided, and fewer segments than in the others, which

are divided into narrower and longer segments : they are of

a very glaucous green, more particularly so underneath.

Stems herbaceous : tliey rise about a foot in height, they are

naked, and support on the extremity a solitary flower. In

this variety the flowers are a beautiful scarlet.

Of the numerous species and varieties of this tribe of plants,

very few are admitted as ornaments to the flower-garden:

many of the annual kind are excluded, either from possessing

too gaudy an appearance or from the liability to scatter their

seeds too numerously on the border, producing a multiplicity

of plants, and a monotony of foliage and bloom. Independent

of the very gaudy species there are some well worthy of culti-

vation in ornamental flower-borders. The P. nudicaule (from

which the present variety has been produced) possesses a de-

gree of interest from its free production of delicately tinted

yellow flowers, about a foot or rather more in height. It is

from this species the present as well as many other varieties

have been produced, varying principally in the colour of the

flowers, which in diiferent plants produce variations of all the

shades of yellow, orange, and scarlet. The variety repre-

sented by this figure has been selected for the brilliancy of its

colour, for being less fugitive than many of the others, and

for transferring its beauties with truth to its offspring, while

many of the others sport to a great extent with their colours.

This variety, intermixed with P. nudicaule in the border, will

be found to assist in addinji to each other a degree of bril-

liancy which will render them conspicuously ornamental.

They may be admitted both in clumps in the flower-garden

and in the front of the shrubbery-borders : they grow freely

in light vegetable earth, and may be increased by seeds.

The P. nudicaule is a native of Siberia, and was introduced

in 1730.

This species was figured from Mr. Knight's Nursery, King's

Road, Chelsea.

Dniirn i. eiMraieti fy WXloiic .

Imdcu. Mlishtdh Eonaman ScCtatirnoster Ram Sep: ISU



CYCLAMEN COUM.Round-leaved Cvclamen.


Class 5. Order 1.

Cyclamen, from v.'^y\a,.

Linn. gen. ??. 201. Bot.Mag.A.


Cal. Perianth half five-cleft, roundish, permanent j divisions ovate.

Cor. one-petalled. Tube somewhat globose, twice as large as the

calyx, small, nodding. Border bent upwards, five-parted, very

large, divisions lanceolate. Neck prominent. Stam. Filaments

five, very small in the tube of the corolla, converging. Pist. Germ

roundish. Style filiform, straight, longer than the stamens. Stigma

sharp. Per. Berry globose, one-celled, gaping five ways at the

top, covered with a capsular shell. Seeds very many, somewhat

ovate cornered. Recept. ovate, free.


Leaves orbicular, cordate, quite entire.

Root perennial, tuberous. Leaves plain, orbicular, with short

weak petioles ; their underside is very red in the beginning of

winter, but that colour goes off in the spring ; their upper side

is smooth, of a lucid green, and spread flat open ; whereas the

other sorts are hollowed and reflex at the base. The flowers

are of a bright purple, and are supported on stalks about three

inches in heiuht.

Scarcely any genus meets with more universal encomium

than that of the Cyclamen. The few species which this genus

possesses, vary very little from each other, yet they possess

very great attractions : a slight variation in the character of

their leaves, in the colour of their flowers, or the time of their

appearance, are the only observable differences. The species

here figured possesses advantages over the rest, as it puts

forth its flowers as early as February, a season when the most

trifling signal of the return of vegetation impresses the mind

with an engaging interest, as it recalls the delights attendant

upon the production of those floral beauties which ever yield

pleasure and delight. As the flowers of this little ornament

do not rise above the height of four inches, they are in danger

of being obscured in the border, and they are therefore fre-

quently cultivated in pots. They will however flower as well

in a dry border composed of light vegetable mould and sand;

and in this situation are more likely to perfect their seeds.

When grovvTi in pots they should, about the end ofJuly, when

their leaves die off", be kept tolerably dry for about three

months. They are propagated by seed, which is freely pro-

duced : these seeds should be sown in flat pots immediately

after they are ripe, which is about the middle of August. They

will appear during the autumn, and should be kept in a frame ,

or pit throughout the winter, and early in the spring should

be planted out either into the ground or into separate pots.

This is a native of the South of Europe, and was introduced

in 1731.

Figured from Messrs. Chandler and Buckingham's Nur-

seiy, Vauxhall.

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