A Thesis

Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsto Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum) Degree

in English Language Studies


Ratna Anugrah Setyarini UtamiStudent Number: 156332031







A Thesis

Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsto Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum) Degree

in English Language Studies


Ratna Anugrah Setyarini UtamiStudent Number: 156332031





A Thesis on




Present€d by




Yogyakarta, July 24'h }AY)

The Graduate School Director

arma University


Budi Subanar, SJ.




That is the essence of science: ask an impertinent question,

and you are on the way to the pertinent answer.

(Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Men)

I dedicate this thesis to all lecturers, academicianand linguistics practitioners,

to my beloved late father,to my lovely BIG mother,

to dearest sisters and brothers,to everyone who has helped and inspired me

to reach my future dreams



This is to corti$ &at all ttm i s, md sentences, unless otlrerwise

stated, are tlre i&a& f of the thsis uniter. The uriter

understands the ftrll corytrcrces imlrdlng degree cancellation if she took

somebody else's id€a, ptrmscq or senEae without prop€r references.

Yogyakarte July 24e201.9


RBtu Aaugrah Setyarini Utami




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Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Ratna Anugrah Setyarini Utami

NIM : 156332031

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Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal : 24 JuIi 2019

Yang menyatakan,



Ratna Anugrah Setyarini Utami




Alhamdulillahi Rabbil’ Alamin, praise be to Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, the

greatest, most merciful and the most Gracious, for his blessings without which

this thesis would have never been accomplished.

Firstly, I would like to express my greatest appreciation to Dr. B. B.

Dwijatmoko, M.A. as my supervisor and my academic advisor, for the time,

guidance, kindness, sincerity, patience and encouragement through the process for

finishing this thesis continuelly. My second greatest appreciation is also to Paulus

Sarwoto, S.S., M.A., Ph.D., Dr. Drs. Emanuel Sunarto, M.Hum. and Novita

Dewi, Ph.D. for the encouragement and great advice for finishing this thesis.

Moreover, my great appreciation goes to all lecturers at English Language

Studies, Sanata Dharma University who had shared their valuable academic

knowledge and lifetime experiences.

My heartfelt gratitude goes to my beloved family, especially my parents, my

late father Mr. Suhardi Pramono who has been passed in 2016 and I send best

prayer for him. To my Big Mom Mrs. Sumijatun, thank you for your trust,

support, motivation, love, understanding and strength in my life. I thank them for

always being the best parents ever. My gratitude also goes to my beloved brother

and sister, for being my spirit to pass through all the troubles, to my sister and my

brother in law, my nephews and nieces for being the best way to relieve my stress

attack with their pure heart, loving jokes and makes me smile every time.

I would like to express my thanks to my cousin, Ajeng Pramesti who

encourages me in the hard times juggling between my career and study, thanks for



being a good friend. To all of my friends in English Language Studies 2015 for

the togetherness and beautiful moments during the study in Sanata Dharma

University. The sincere gratitude is also dedicated to my office mates at Office of

International Affairs and Partnerships, Yogyakana State Universrty for time,

chance and endless support to me on finishing my studies and pursuing my


In accomplishing this thesis, I also feel indebted to many other people for

the support and help without which this thesis would never have been finished.

However, it is hardly possible to mention all those people by name. Finally, I

realize that this thesis is far from being perfect, although it is the result of hard

work. The critics, comments, and suggestions are welcomed. I expect that this

thesis gives many contributions to improvement of English Language Studies

especially in the linguistics program.

Yogyakarta, July 24n 201'9


Ratna Anugrah setyarini Utami





TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE .............................................................................................. ii

THESIS DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE .......................................................... iii

DEDICATION PAGE.......................................................................................... iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................... v


ILMIAHUNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ............................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xiii

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... i

LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... ii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRAK.............................................................................................................. iv


1.1 Background of the Study................................................................................... 5

1.2 Research Questions ......................................................................................... 10

1.3 Objectives of the Study ................................................................................... 10

1.4 Benefits of the Study....................................................................................... 13




2.1 Theoretical Review ......................................................................................... 15

2.1.1 Critical Discourse Studies..................................................................... 15

2.1.2 Cognitive Approaches........................................................................... 17 Mind.......................................................................................... 17 Cognition .................................................................................. 18 Memory ..................................................................................... 18 Semantic Mental Models (represented in EM) ......................... 20 Goals......................................................................................... 21 Pragmatic Context Models ....................................................... 21 Knowledge and Its Organization .............................................. 22 Ideology .................................................................................... 23 Attitudes .................................................................................... 25 Cognitive Processes................................................................ 25

2.1.3 Hillary Clinton’s Personal Background ................................................ 26

2.1.4 The Concept of Feminist in CDA ......................................................... 28

2.1.5 Speech Acts is Linguistics Features Analysis to Support the Ideology 31

2.1.6 U.S. Presidential Election 2016 ............................................................ 36

2.2 Review of Related Studies .............................................................................. 37

2.3 Theoretical Framework ................................................................................... 44


3.1 Type of Study.................................................................................................. 46

3.2 Data Collection................................................................................................ 48



3.3 Data Analysis Technique ................................................................................ 49


4.1 The Feminist Ideas Presented on Hillary Clinton’s Remarks……………… 53

4.1.1 Discrimination at Workplace………………………………………… 53

4.1.2 Sexual Harassment................................................................................ 55

4.1.3. Working Hours and Unpredictable Schedule....................................... 56

4.1.4 Disability Rights for Children............................................................... 58

4.1.5 Sexism................................................................................................... 62

4.1.6 Lack of Pregnancy and Maternity Facilities ......................................... 65

4.1.7 Criminal Justice System for Women .................................................... 70

4.2 Linguistic Features of Hillary Clinton’s Remarks Ideology ........................... 72

4.2.1 Assertive Speech Acts in the Form of “Statement” and “Request” are as

The Political Strategies to Offer her Programs as well ........................ 72

4.2.2 Informative Speech Acts are The Linguistic Features to Figure Out the

Feminist Ideology Based on Hillary’s Experiences ............................. 72

4.2.3 Directives Speech Acts in the Form of Commands are Realized to Show

The Power Dominance ......................................................................... 80


5.1 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 87

5.1.1. The Idea of Feminist Ideology ............................................................. 87

5.1.2. Assertive and Directives Speech Acts are Supporting the Feminist

Ideology................................................................................................ 87

5.2 Suggestions..................................................................................................... 89



BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 91

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 94




Table 2.1 Analysis Level of Ideologies and Discourse...................................... 24

Table 2.2 Yule’s Principles of Syntactic Structures ......................................... 34

Table 2.3 Van Djik’s Semantics Level Analysis ............................................... 45

Table 3.1 Van Djik’s Model Analysis on Semantics Levels............................. 51

Table 3.2 Van Djik’s Model Analysis of Social Cognition and Discourse

Meaning ............................................................................................... 51

Table 3.3 Frequency of Illocutionary Acts in Hillary Clinton’s Remarks ..... 52

Table 3.4 Types of Illocutionary Acts in Hillary’s Remarks........................... 52

Table 4.1 Analysis of Discourse Meaning ......................................................... 60

Table 4.2 Discourse Meaning on Feminist Ideology ........................................ 67

Table 4.3 The Frequency Analysis Result of Illocutionary Acts..................... 73




Figure 4.1 K. Bach and R.M Harnish’s Speech Acts as The Linguistics Aspect

Supporting the Ideology……………………………………………74

Figure 4.2 Searle’s Speech Acts as The Linguistics Aspect Supporting The

Ideology ............................................................................................. 84




Appendix 1. Van Djik’s Analysis on Social Cognition and Discourse Meaning

of Hillary Clinton’s Remarks........................................................ 95

Appendix 2. The Illocutionary Acts of Hillary Clinton's Remarks .............. 135

Appendix 3. The Original of Hillary Clinton's Speech Trancripts………. 196




Utami Setyarini, R. A. 2019. The Feminist Ideology in Hillary Clinton’sRemarks During U.S. Presidential Election 2016 (Critical Discourse Analysis).Yogyakarta: Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata DharmaUniversity.

In analyzing Hillary Clinton’s remarks, critical discourse studies are neededto ensure a deeper understanding since CDS involves more than just criticalanalysis, but it also takes into consideration the critical theory as well as criticalapplications. This research aimed at answering the research questions “How thefeminist ideology was represented in Hillary Clinton’s remarks and “How did thelinguistic features support the ideology in Hillary Clinton’s remarks?”. This studyis categorized as CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) which develops into CDS(Critical Discourse Studies) and adopted the theory from Teun A.Van Djik (2006,2008, 2010 and 2012).

There are some dominant features of analysis found in the discourse; theseare the positive and negative group presentation. Aside from this case, as seenfrom the social cognition, the feminist ideology represented by the womanempowerment characterized almost all of Hillary Clinton’s remarks. There wereseveral issues on social problems which involved discrimination at the workplace,sexism, lack of pregnancy and maternity facilities, pay gap and careerdevelopment paths, sexual harassment, discrimination, marginalization,oppression, children defense fund, etc.

From the occurrence of linguistics aspects, the feminist ideology wassupported by the speech acts analysis consists of assertive, directives anddeclaratives. Based on the speech acts theory of Robert M. Harnish and KentBach (1979), the constative acts is 40.16% out of the total for assertive followedby 36.16% directives, 12.85% informative, 9.64% commissive, and the last isacknowledgement of 1.20% respectively. If it is compared to Searle’s theory(1969), the gap is only on expressive of 10.85% and declarative of 10.04% fromthe total number.

Assertive and Directives contribute to support the discourse and ideology.The categories of directive speech acts in the form of commands are used to showthe power dominance and the ability to influence the society, while assertive tendsto be used to gain support from U.S citizen. The purpose in performingillocutionary acts regarding to the context was to socialize a vision for the greaterAmerica, persuade the citizens to vote her, giving emphasize for certain issues onwomen empowerment and human rights, as well as showing the optimism for abetter America.

Keywords:critical discourse analysis, critical discourse studies, feminist,ideology, identity, linguistic aspects, power dominant.




Utami Setyarini, R. A. 2019. The Feminist Ideology in Hillary Clinton’sRemarks During U.S. Presidential Election 2016 (Critical DiscourseAnalysis).Yogyakarta: Magister Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas SanataDharma.

Dalam menganalisis pidato Hillary Clinton, studi analisis wacana kritisdiperlukan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman mengenai studi analisis wacana kritisyang tidak hanya melibatkan analisis kritis, tetapi juga mengkritisi teori,sebagaimana kritik pada penerapannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untukmenjawab dari pertanyaan peneliatan yakni: bagaimana ideologi feminisme dihadirkan dalam pidato Hillary Clinton dan bagaimana aspek linguistik tersebutuntuk mendukung wacana dan ideologi dalam pidato Hillary Clinton. Penelitianini termasuk studi wacana kritis yang mengadopsi dari teori Teun Van Djik (2009)dan (2012).

Ada beberapa kemunculan yang dominan dalam analisis yang ditemukanyakni representasi positif dan negatif dari kelompok sosial. Disamping itu, darisegi kognisi sosial ideologi feminisme dari pidato Hillary Clinton tersebut yakniemansipasi wanita yang menjadi karakter dari beberapa pidato tersebut. Terdapatbeberapa isu-isu permasalahan sosial yang dibahas diantaranya perbedaan dalamdunia kerja, perbedaan gender, memburuknya fasilitas ibu hamil dan menyusui,perbedaan pendapatan dan pengembangan karir, pelecehan seksual, diskriminasi,tersisihkan dalam kelompok sosial, penindasan, pencarian dana untuk anak-anak,dsb.

Dari beberapa kemunculan aspek linguistiknya, ideologi feminist tersebutdidukung menggunakan analisis tindak tutur yang terdiri dari assertive, expressiveand declarative. Menurut teori speech act oleh Robert M.Harnish dan Kent Bach(1979) yang paling dominan adalah konstatif dengan persentase 40.16% darikeseluruhan assertive, diikuti directive dengan 36.16% dan informatif 12.85%,commissive 9.64% dan terakhir acknowledgement 1.20%. Jika dibandingkandengan teori Searle (1969) perbedaannya hanya pada expressive 10.85% dandeclarative 10.04% dari totsl keseluruhan.

Tindak tutur asssertive dan directiveberkontribusi untuk mendukung wacanadan ideologi.Tindak tutur directive dalam kalimat perintah digunakan untukmenunjukkan kekuasaan yang dominan dan dapat mempengaruhi masyarkatsedangkan assertive cenderung untuk meraih dukungan dari masyarakat Amerika.

Alasan kemunculan makna tutur ilokusi dilihat dari konteksnya adalahuntuk mensosialiasikan visi Amerika yang lebih hebat, memastikan bahwa wargaAmerika Serikat sangat tertarik untuk memilihnya, memberikan penekananmelalui beberapa isu-isu dalam emansipasi wanita, hak asasi dan menumbuhkanoptimisme untuk Amerika yang lebih baik.

Kata kunci: analisis wacana kritis, studi wacana kritis, ideologi feminisme,identitas, aspek linguistik, dominasi kekuasaan.





This chapter provides the background of the study and explains what

prompted the researcher to conduct the research. It consists of the research

problem, formulates the questions raised after the research background is

presented and the problems are identified. Throughout this chapter, the researcher

clarifies the objectives and significance of the research problem.

1.1 Background of the Study

According to Halliday and Hasan (1985), a text is resulted from a relentless

process of choices in meaning that can be characterized in language. A text

defines as the most complete unit of language which can be so abstract and

realized in verbal or nonverbal forms such as word, group of words, phrase,

clause, sentence or paragraph carrying and giving the complete message. A text

can also be described as discourse, the most complete unit of language. The

examples are short stories, novels, books, an encyclopedia, newspaper, speeches

or remarks transcript, etc. One of the examples of text is speech or transcript of

remarks. Speech is communication through formal talking or a talk given to the

audience which has a powerful influence towards the audience if delivered in an

appropriate way.

The word “speech” or “remarks” is used in the sense of talking and belongs

to verbal communication. Hillary Clinton is one of the great influencers who

delivered the speech in persuasive way. Persuasive speech usually challenges

audience’s belief. It becomes the most difficult speech to deliver because it deals

with controversial issues about which people in the audience already hold



strongly. Contextually, Hillary Clinton’s speech represented the fact, value and

policy. The public speech delivered by Hillary Clinton was aimed for political

interest which the final goal was winning the U.S. Presidential election in 2016.

Informally, the speech had been intended to get much support from U.S citizens in

order to influence their votes. Hence, the characteristic of her language gave

influence for the specific discourse.

Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state on Obama’s administration and

senator from District of New York. As a former first lady of the United States, a

practicing lawyer, activist and volunteer, she always kept in mind of what and

who she has been fighting for. Hillary had a strong passion to draw attention in

social injustice. She led the fight to restructure the health care system in the

United States. It was hoped that all families have admittance to the health care

facilities they need with reasonable price and good quality in serving women’s

need. She cooperated with Democrats and Republicans parties to create the

Children’s Health Insurance Program which had helped in serving and providing

health care treatment for more than 8 million children and had reduced

significantly the number of uninsured children in all over America.

When she became the First Lady of the United States, she was actively

participated in women’s right agenda and cordially invited by the Women and

Health Security Colloquium in 1995 to attend the Fourth United Nations Forum at

Beijing, China which was sponsored by World Health Organization. As the

Honorary Chairperson from the United States delegation and representative, she

gave a speech entitled "Women's Rights Are Human Rights” during a special

Woman Plenary Session. Through this speech, Hillary Clinton managed to



establish her persuasive power of women's rights and gloriously delivered a

significant point of her message to all over the world. She emphasized certain

issues on women’s oppression, injustice and children’s with disability. She was

proposed to protect the human rights of women under international law. She

hoped that the plans come to fully action on millennium development goals to

support world’s sustainable development of human resources.

Hillary Clinton was selected as the U.S. Senate after the terrorist attacks that

strike and destroy the country on September 11, 2001. She cooperated with

President Bush’s administration. She also provided good health service for the

U.S. citizen. She had better guaranteed access to health care insurance for national

guards and their families. In 2008, Hillary ran for presidential candidate and

began to hold the fundrising and campaign activities. At one occasion, she gave a

powerful speech in which she delivered in appreciating her supporters and stated

her support for Senator Barack Obama.

Hillary fully supported Obama’s Presidential Candidate and hardly

campaigning to certify that there was a Democrat in the White House and ensured

that Obama would have won on this election. When President Obama was elected,

he requested Hillary to serve as his secretary of the state and support the Obama’s

administration, especially on foreign policy. In responds to this, she approved and

agreed once again back in office serving the country. After eight years on Bush’s

Administration as Ministry of Foreign Affairs and mastery on foreign policy,

Hillary made changes to have some efforts on building back America’s position in

the world and United Nations forum. There were several remarks that have been

presented during the campaign for the U.S election. During those three months,



there were 109 remarks published. In this research, however, the data was limited

to three remarks which were conducted in several occasions. The consideration to

this was the implementation of the cycle to make the data counted and investigate

as the consistence method in the same forms.

In analyzing Hillary Clinton’s speech, critical discourse studies were needed

to obtain deeper understanding since CDS involved all aspects of critical

discourse including critical analysis and theory as well as critical applications and

implementation. According to Van Djik T.A. (2009), as a matter of perspective,

“CDS takes position or action in discourse analysis discipline whichelaborated other knowledge such as psychology, history, socialscience, and linguistics. The task majority of CDS is formulating thenorms which can be defined as “discursive injustice and socialdominance”.

Therefore, the CDS which focuses as multidisciplinary research can

investigate some discipline fields and concerns to solve the social problems. This

theory was supported by Van Djik in Ruth Wodak and Michael Meyer (2009),

CDS aimed and focused on exposing, helping, solving such injustices and

deviation. It belonged to problem rather than discipline oriented.

The major concern of CDS was the study of the processes that language

users go through in producing and comprehending discourse, including when

participating in verbal interaction. Aside from this, it also focused on the beliefs,

knowledge, ideologies, social values and other viewpoint shared through these

interactions by social groups’ representation. In general terms, this approach was

examined how the formerly stated cognitive circumstantial which were connected

to the structures of discourse meaning systems, verbal direct communication,

communicative events and situations, and societal structures such as inequality



and domination in the society. The relationship interaction happened in the

process of message transferring.

We could understand what the speaker said and the hearer’s intention. They

were involved with the specific discourse at the same time. Language can be

described as appropriate context. Meanwhile, language was accessed through

several perspectives based on the context. Further Van Djik T.A. (2012) explained


“Context is elaborated not only as objective social “variables” such asgender, races, and age but it constructs other participants such asubjective definition of the “communicative situation” which isexplicit in the sociocognitive notion of context models.”

These models were dynamically control all language uses. Some discourses

were appropriate in the communicative situation. Hence, the functions of

discourse were the basis of pragmatics. The characteristics of the work that fell

under the label of discourse analysis was focused on the interface between the

content and purpose of the language being used and how the linguistic and social

context influenced the meaning.

In analyzing Hillary Clinton’s speech, the researcher used the

sociocognitive approach since it was closely related to the social problems and

subjective definitions in the form of the communicative situations which were

made explicit in the sociocognitive notion of describing the context models. In

terms of psychology, this approach explained personality specifically regarding

how individual thinks about and knows the responds to their social environment.

Van Djik T. A. (2009) presented a sociocognitive perspective on discursive

context. His integrative disciplinary approach drew the findings of the cognitive

knowledge and social psychology. Van Djik also theorized the context models to



specify the discourse context relationship as unnecessarily superficial. He argued

that dynamic relationships were most usefully analyzed in terms of the subjective

and cognitive representations which discourse participants have of salient

contextual knowledge. There was a relationship between contextual factors and

discourse production in which language users would produce identical utterances

in identical circumstances.

This study was focused on how the feminist ideology represented in Hillary

Clinton’s remarks and how the linguistic features support the ideology in her

remarks. The researcher took the primary data on Hillary Clinton’s speech which

was directly taken from three representative speeches in producing issue on

feminist ideology. Hence, the analysis focused on the material text of discourse

found on Hillary Clinton’s speech and described or postulated ideological

meaning underlying the production of the speech.

1.2 Research Questions

Based on the background of the study above, the research questions can be

briefly stated as follows.

1. How the feminist ideology was represented on Hillary Clinton’s remarks?

2. How did the linguistic features support the ideology in Hillary Clinton’s


1.3 Objectives of the Study

In reference to the relation of this research question, this study was intended

at describing the discourse analysis and its influence on the context that

represented on Hillary Clinton’s remarks. The researcher collected the data from

several utterances and stated them on content analysis then explaining what kinds



of discourse found in such utterances. Some utterances were identified by using

the cognitive aspects. Van Djik T. A (2014) mentioned that the idea of the context

should be understood as partial updated participant construct of the appropriate

contextual features of text and talk.

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) was applied for analyzing political

discourse and multidisciplinary studies. This approach intended as the way to

advocate and investigate regarding the social and power abuse, dominance and

inequality that are enacted, reproduced and resisted by text and talk in the social

and political context. Practically, the researcher correlated the context by using

sociology of knowledge where it dealt with the relationship between society and

cognition. Besides, it focused on analyzing the language used. The language used

can be implied to the important things of what exactly redefining the philosophy

of meaning itself.

Further, the research focused on finding out the ideology to construct the

remarks and how gender and identity affects through the remarks. Besides

cognitive aspects, ideology was part of social psychology. In Hillary Clinton’s

speech, it was found certain conception ideas to build the ideology of her speech.

Deciding the ideology on Hillary Clinton’s remarks, the researcher used the

theory which was based on the local knowledge and wisdom, political history and

the final result of presidential election in the U.S. Ideology may be vary based on

social beliefs. Van Djik.T. A. (1998) explained that ideologies had purposes as

legitimating of domination as well as the resistance against domination, as in the

case for sexism, feminism, capitalism, socialism, militarism and pacifism.



Using this paradigm, the researcher had enough background knowledge to

decide the speech based on the sociocultural and past historical values added.

Lastly, this research focuses on describing how power domination constructs of

Hillary Clinton’s speech. In this section, the researcher explored the power

imbalance in society and figured out the influences by her speech. Who had the

dominant power and who suffered by the impact of the power imbalances. The

data was found from knowledge and result news from the U.S. Presidential

Election from the electronic, mass media and officially U.S Presidential 2016


This research was emphasized on the fundamental perceptive method or

stage to the ideological existence usually articulated in social group interactional

event. How people shoot the nature of ideology without language or practice.

Social interaction majorly in scientific perspective defined as language use and

context in practice and so called as a discourse practice. In other words, as

Fairclough (1989) states, discourse was an ideological reflection of language. The

aim was not just on the discourse power but power behind discourse. It focused

not only on critics of manipulation but also ideology, not only on existing

particular social aspect (e.g representations of migrants in the press) but also its

capitalist character and the impacts upon its aspect.

In criticizing the ideology, critical discourse analysis was the appropriate

approach since it was a study the meaning behind the power imbalance in the

society, oppression and violence. We can interpret the literal meaning based on

the specific context and language of science with appropriate knowledge.



1.4 Benefits of the Study

Generally, the discourse analysis applied to investigate the Hillary Clinton’s

remarks gave some benefits of contributions. Contextually, the analysis would

help the citizens to catch up the meaning behind for specific purposes and

maneuvering strategies to contribute feminist leadership. The readers would get

better understanding on what the speaker’s intention and what matters persuades

by her remark’s presentation. In this case, the presidential election discourse was

contextually affected for U.S. citizen perspectives and the world point of view of

the current issue in U.S presidential election 2016.

In this research, the analysis of ideology helped the citizen to criticize the

government policy. In this case, the CDA of Hillary Clinton’s remarks helped the

U.S citizen to criticize the U.S. government's legacy and policy. Some of the

findings in this research were beneficial in understanding how language was used

to carry certain actions, why certain actions should be performed if it was seen

from the linguistics aspect. In depth analysis, the feminist ideology was

represented on Hillary Clinton’s remarks showed the woman empowerment

characterize for almost the utterances.

Focus on our country Indonesia, this analysis gave widely perspectives to

monitor and revise the policy which put the principle of equality based of women

position. The representatives on women in the government position were not as

just privilege but they have the same rules on the power of speech, giving ideas

aspiration, construct the programs which may contribute to all fields. Concerning

to the limitation on women marginalization in Indonesia, there were some

improvements for our country to protect women and children’s right for examples,



1. To evaluate and revise the regulations (acts and laws) regarding the women

expatriates who worked overseas as housemaid, labor of factory, and

servants. It is hoped that in line with the Indonesian government regulation

can minimalize the serious cases in the overseas. Some expatriates surely

choose worked at overseas since the economic factors. Therefore, in

supporting the new regulations, the government should provide the enough

job opportunities and give enough skill to build the entrepreneurships and

personal creative business by own.

2. To create the legal acts and policy regarding catcalling and the limitation

media access for women interest and street harassment. The importance of

this catcalling policy was protecting women on public space. In order to make

the public environment as comfortable and free from unwanted comments,

wolf whistling, dirty honking, impolite gesture, playful touched which in the

form of soft violence as a reflection of societal women discrimination.

3. To make a standard access and education facilities for children in the rural

area. Since education was individual rights to improve the quality of life so,

the regulation must be clear including for those who were in the remote area.

Therefore, the critical thinking of discourse produced might evaluate the ratio

and capacity of teachers who willing to teach in the remote area. Besides, the

skill improvement should become the priority of our Government in order to

reach the quality of teachers.





This chapter consists of three sections including review of related literature,

review of the related studies and the theoretical framework which explains a

theoretical basis for the research design adopted in this study. It provides a

description about the literature related to the topic of research such as discourse

analysis, sociocognitive account, cognitive approach, context, language politics

and Hillary’s background. The next part is the previous research findings. It

presents the findings of the similar research that had been conducted. The focus

centered of the research is to explore the discourse analysis and ideology which

was represented on Hillary Clinton’s remarks. Each will be presented as follows.

2.1 Theoretical Review

This section discusses about the theories that was used in conducting the

research. The theories were included critical discourse studies and cognitive


2.1.1 Critical Discourse Studies

Van Djik T. A. (2012) stated that the preference to use the term Critical

Discourse Studies (CDS) was because this general term suggests such approach

involves both critical analysis and critical theory. Those, CDS focused on

multidisciplinary approach on social phenomenon. It had many categories and

methods of analysis. CDS approach was widespread as well, used in areas from

the humanities, psychology, philosophy and the social science.

The multidisciplinary knowledge which was studied by CDS, such as

anthropology, were the study of humans, past and present. To understand the



entirety of how complex cultures across all of human history, anthropology

examined the knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as the

humanities and physical sciences. Sociology, on the other hand, was the scientific

study of social behavior, its origin, development, organization, and institution. It

was a social science that used various methods of empirical investigation and

critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, social

disorder and social change, psychology which was the study of mind and


Anthropology and sociology tried to understand the lives of individuals and

groups by finding out the general principles through the research of specific cases.

While as Wardhaugh, R. (1992) described, Sociolinguistics was the descriptive

study of the effect of all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations,

and context, on the way language was used, and the effects of language usage on

society. Whereas psycholinguistics as Aitchison (2011) defined, psycholinguistics

links the study related to psychology and linguistics which enabled learners to

find out structures and processes which underlie a human ability to speak and

understand certain language.

Van Djik T.A. (2012) presented a sociocognitive perspective on discursive

context. Context should be understood as an ongoingly updated participant

construct of the relevant contextual features of text and talk. While context was

defined the (mentally represented) structure of those properties of the social

situation that were relevant for the production or comprehension of discourse

Further Van Djik T. A (2012) described that

“Context as a mental model (subjective) of the communicative situation andemphasizes that the mental model plays an important role. Time, place,



participants are relevant to context, discourse epistemologically relevant todiscourse. It consists of several categories including the situation, setting(time, place), ongoing actions (including discourses and discourse genres),discourse comprehension, participants in various communicative, social orinstitutional roles, and mental representations such as goals, knowledge,opinions, attitudes and ideologies”.

He criticized the traditional sociocognitive accounts of the discourse context

relationship as unnecessarily superficial. He argued that the dynamics of this

relationship were most usefully analyzed in terms of the personal cognitive

representations “context models” which discourse participants consisted of salient

circumstantial and contextual knowledge. These involved the episodic and

semantic memories, individual and sociocultural knowledge and procedural

competencies that make possible interaction.

2.1.2 Cognitive Approaches

According to Van Dijk T.A. (2008), some typical cognitive approaches

which was used to analyze the discourse consists of: Mind

The mind was defined as a central function of the human brain and still

violated. It was where the idea or concept about something emerges. Finding out

in original text of Hillary Clinton’s speech that was analyzed, the main idea was

emphasized on women’s rights that were being underestimated and gender

equality which becomes the prominent issues. We can see from the sentence:

“Every woman deserves a chance to realize her own God-given potential”, she

represented her ideas that the woman’s right was equally as men. Then the


“But we must recognize that women will never gain full dignity until theirhuman rights are respected and protected. Tragically, women are most oftenthe ones whose human rights are violated”.



The meaning behind the sentences declared that in these recent years,

women’s rights became the reason why Hillary delivered the speech. It was

because she knew such violations still exist. Cognition

Cognition defined as the set of purposes of the mind, essentially thought,

perception and representation. Moreover, Van Djik T.A. (2009) described the

memory is divided into Short Term (Working) Memory (STM) and Long Term

Memory (LTM). In Hillary's speech, she shared her thoughts about the subject

matters. Her thought was dripped in the sentence: “Families rely on mothers and

wives. It was kind of thought that came from her own experience since she was

also a mother and a wife, so she knew what’s being happened in women’s life.

This was part of persuading people to accept the same thought like her. Memory

According to Van Djik T.A. (2008), there were three kinds of memory

including Short Term Memory (STM) and Long Term Memory (LTM). Short

term memory enabled the human brain to keep information in the mind for a

relatively short period of time. The example of short term memory was

“Remembering a phone number long enough until you were able to dial it on your

phone”. It was not made to keep the information for long term use. Actually, it

was difficult to decide whether the sentence belonged to short or long term

memory since the speech mostly talked about problems that had been occurred.

The sentence: “But we’ve also been remembered, in V-J Day observances

last weekend, of the good that comes when men and women join together to

combat the forces of tyranny and to build a better world”. This sentence implied



the shortest event happened, so we decided to state it as short term memory. As

Van Djik T.A. (2008) defined, long term memory can store vast amounts of

information and permanent. Probably the speech was written based on Hillary’s

experience and once a memory was stored in the long term memory bank, it was

stored there forever. It can be depicted in the sentence.

“Over the past 25 years, I’ve worked persistently on issues relating towomen and children and families. Over the past two and a half years, I’vehad the opportunity to learn more about the challenges facing women in myown country and around the world.”

Therefore, long term memory however, can store vast amount of

information and permanent. Probably the speech was written based on Hillary’s

experience and once a memory was stored in the long term memory bank forever.

According to Van Djik T.A., episodic memory was a person’s unique

memory of a specific event. This meant that each individual’s episodic memory

was different from another’s, though it was a recollection of the same experience.

Episodic memory was sometimes confused with autobiographical memory.

Autobiographical memory was you knowing the city you were born in and the

date, although you don’t have specific memories of being born. The episodic

memories that Hillary took for her speech are as the example below.

(1) “I have met new mothers in Indonesia, who come together regularly intheir village to discuss nutrition, family planning, and baby care.”

(2) “I have met with the leading women of my own hemisphere, who areworking every day to promote literacy and better health care forchildren in their countries.”

(3) “I’ve met women in India and Bangladesh, who are taking out smallloans to buy milk cows or rickshaws or thread in order to create alivelihood for themselves and their families.” and

(4) “I’ve met the doctors and nurses in Belarus and Ukraine, who are tryingto keep children alive in the aftermath of Chernobyl.”



These kinds of memories are different from one person to another.

Therefore, the memories on this speech were based on Hillary’s experience when

she visited several countries in the world during the duty as first lady and women

activist. Semantic Mental Models (represented in EM)

Van Djik (2008) defined semantic memory as a part of long term memory

that processed ideas and concepted that a person obtain wd from elsewhere and

from personal experience. Knowledge which was included such as the names of

colors, the sounds of letters, the capitals of countries and other basic facts

acquired over a lifetime can be categorized into semantics memory. It dealt with

the subjective representations of the events and situations observed, participated

in or referred to by discourse.

In Hillary's speech, she mainly pictured the problem in women’s life and

call out for stopping violations against women’s rights. The problems in women’s

life, according to Hillary,

(1) “….women who are raising children under minimum wage, womenwho can’t afford health care or child care, women whose lives arethreatened by violence, including violence in their own homes.”

(2) “… women around the world who are denied the chance to go to school,or see a doctor, or own property, or have a say about the direction oftheir lives, simply because they are women.”

Then in accordance with the problem she pointed out, she called out for not

continuing discrimination towards women’s right, like in the sentence:

(1) ”That is why we must respect the choices that each woman makes forherself and her family. Every woman deserves a chance to realize herown God-given potential” and

(2) “But we must recognize that women will never gain full dignity untiltheir human rights are respected and protected”.


21 Goals

Goal was the mental models of the situations which realized by action.

Concerning to the ideology feminism, the discourse’s goals was to solve the social

imbalance, discrimination, injustice and violence become equality. According to

Urban Dictionary, Feminism was the belief that all people were entitled to the

same civil rights and liberties and can be intellectual equals regardless of gender.

This perspective was proposed by women activists around the globe. They were

struggle for human equality in the political, social, and economic fields. This

spirit was also seen in the Hillary Clinton speech. Starting from the beginning,

Hillary came with her spirit to fight for equality between man and woman. This

spirit was stated from the statement:

“If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners insociety, their families will flourish. And when families flourish,communities and nations do as well. That is why every woman, every man,every child, every family, and every nation on this planet does have a stakein the discussion that takes place here.”

The statement was clearly seen that Hillary’s goal in the feminism context

was women should be given an equal opportunity because they were not only the

mother of their children but also had a key point in the society as the base of the

culture. Pragmatic Context Models

Dealing with pragmatics context model, Van Djik T.A. (2008) defined,

“Pragmatics context model is the specific mental model of subjectiverepresentations (definitions) of the relevant properties ofcommunicative situations, controlling discourse processing andadapting discourse to the social environment so that it is situationalappropriate”.

Van Djik T.A (2012) also stated,



“Context models mediate between discourse structure and socialstructure at all levels of analysis. Therefore, it can be inferred thatsociety consists of local level which covers participants and theiridentities, roles and relationship engaging in spatiotemporally andinstitutionally situated, goal direction interaction and also societalstructure which covers organizations, groups, classes, properties andpower relations”.

Those conditions could be seen in the Hillary statement about her struggle

in helping women equality around the globe. It was a common knowledge that

gender discrimination cannot easily erase in one or two years due to the problems

as the statements,

“At this very moment, as we sit here, women around the world are givingbirth, raising children, cooking meals, washing clothes, cleaning houses,planting crops, working on assembly lines, running companies, and runningcountries. Women are also dying from diseases that should have beenprevented or treated. They’re watching their children succumb tomalnutrition caused by poverty and economic deprivation. They’re beingdenied the right to go to school by their own fathers and brothers. They’rebeing forced into prostitution. And they are being barred from bank lendingoffices and banned from the ballot box.” Knowledge and Its Organization

This concept was shared sociocultural beliefs which practiced by the

(knowledge) criteria or principles of a (knowledge) community. Brenner in her

article stated that the impact of capitalist globalization instead of gave a positive

atmosphere for women; on the contrary, it made the condition getting worse. The

system pushed classic patriarchy; the system which put men to control property

ownership and household headship both in economic and political sector.

Automatically, this condition will limit women position. It was showed in the

condition of women in some development countries such as Indonesia, Denmark,

India, Bangladesh, South Africa, Belarus and Ukraine.


23 Ideology

According to Van Djik T.A (2014), the tradition of the negative conception

of ideology as inappropriate ideas, our notion of ideology was more general and

pertains to the basic social beliefs of a group whether these were “positive” or

“negative”. Crucial ideologies cognitively defined the identity, values and

purposes of a group provided a basis for its interest.

The discourse meaning of this statement was shared the fundamental and

clear beliefs of specific values on most common social groups (socialism,

neoliberalism, feminism, (anti) racism, pacifism, etc.). The conception of ideology

had developed as the global abstract mental system that organizes such socially

norms and attitudes.

Thus, feminist ideology in this case may share the value of abortion for

instance and assenting action or communal “glass ceiling” obstructive formation

or other form discrimination by men. The feminist showed how to encourage

society to avoid and fight from marginalization of women position. They tended

to be strong and have interest in acquiring or using knowledge about the

dominance of women by men. The nature of ideology was emotionally

representing the basic social characteristic of groups such as their identity, goals,

tasks, interest, norms, values, position and resources. On the other hand, feminist

tended to have the strong character and of social values like self identity,

superiority of the own group, proposed of inequality and injustice.

When it represented to Indonesian, feminism context and patriarchal roles

were influenced by muslim laws. Nurmila (2009) in her study on Indonesian

women’s perspectives and experiences of polygamous marriages in Java during



the Reformation period found that issues of polygamous marriages in Java were

complicated by the hegemonic patriarchal system and the dominance of male over

female which operated in both the household and public spaces. Javanese-Muslim

women’s opinion regarding polygamous marriages depended on how they

understand and interpret the Islamic laws contained in the Koran. According to

Van Djik T.A. (2008), in reference about discourse analysis as ideology analysis,

defined the relation of ideologies and discourse at various levels as follows.

Table 2.1 Analysis Level of Ideologies and Discourse

1. Social Analysis Overal Societal structure, e.g., parliamentery, democracy, capitalism Institutional/Ogranizational structures, e.g. raciest political parties Group relations, e.g. discrimination, racism, sexism Group structure, e.g, identity, task, goals, norms, positions, resources

2. Cognitive Analaysis2.1 Social Cognition

Sociocultural values, e.g. intellegence, honesty, solidarity, equality Ideologies, e.g. racist, sexist, anti-racist, feminist, ideological System of attitued, e.g. about affirmative action, multiculturalism Sociocultural knowledge, e.g. about society, groups, language

2.2 Personal Cognition2.2.1 General (Context free)

Personal values: personal selections from social values Personal ideologies: personal interpretations of group

ideologies Personal attitudes: systems of personal opinions Personal knowledge: biographical informations, past

experiences2.2.2 Particular (Context bound)

Models: ad hoc representations of specific current actions,events

Context models: ad hoc representations of speech contexts Mental plans and representation of (speech acts), discourse Mental constructions of text meaning from models: the text

base Mental (strategic) selection of discourse structures (style, etc)

3. Discourse Analysis The various structures of spoken discourse which can be in the form

of text and direct talk.



Based on the table above, we can deny the discourse analysis as the

ideological analysis. As Van Djik T.A. (2008) stated, ideologies were localized

between societal structures and the structures of the minds of social member. The

kind of ideologies itself based on the level analysis. Ideologies can organize how

people plan and control the social practice and the structure of the text and talk. Attitudes

Van Djik T.A (2008) stated, “Attitudes are defined as ideologically based

opinions normative beliefs which socially shared about specific social issues

having given rise to consideration or struggle (abortion, divorce, euthanasia,

immigration, etc.)”. Cognitive Processes

Then Van Djik (2008) explained “The cognitive process happens when the

production and comprehension of discourse/interaction on the basis of specific

mental models controlled by context models and based on knowledge and

ideologies”. Women empowerment was seen from the following statements.

“Speaking to you today, I speak for them– just as each of us speaks forwomen around the world who are denied the chance to go to school, or see adoctor, or own property, or have a say about the direction of their lives,simply because they are women. The truth is that most women around theworld work both inside and outside the home, usually by necessity. We needto understand there is no one formula for how women should lead our lives.That is why we must respect the choices that each woman makes for herselfand her family. Every woman deserves a chance to realize her own God-given potential.”

Hillary emphasized that women have struggle to survive both as a

housewife and worker in order to survive the feed of the family in appropriate

ways, women disregard their dreams to be a doctor or pursue a better position to

fulfill the daily needs.



2.1.3 Hillary Clinton’s Personal Background

Hillary Clinton has had a long career in the politics of the United States.

“Throughout her career, she has led hard work to address violence and

marginalization against women. As the first lady of the state for twelve years

(1979-1992), Hillary supported the creation of the Department of Justice’s Office

on Violence against Women” as referenced from https: www.hillaryclinton.com

accessed on 12th Februari 2018.

She was one to denounce that violence against women was an obvious

violation of human rights. In early 2017, Hillary announced her plans to run for

the presidency (https: www.biography.com accessed on 12th Februari 2018.

During the 2008). As the Democratic primaries, she lost to Barrack Obama, who

received the majority of the votes. After being elected as a president, Obama

appointed Hillary as secretary of state. The role as senator, she co-sponsored the

2005 re-authorization of the violence against women act. She was chaired the

Arkansas Educational Standards Committee, co-founded the Arkansas Advocates

for Children and Families, and served on the boards of the Arkansas Children's

Hospital, Arkansas Legal Services and the Children's Defense Fund.

Hillary Clinton introduced the CARE act, which had the purpose to ensure

that rape and insect victims had accessed to emergency contraception in hospital

emergency rooms. Responding to the major increase of sexual assault cases

reports in the military, Hillary encouraged legislation to make emergency

contraception accessible to service women. She brought together the international

community to take action in ending violence against women. She gave light to the

idea that rape was a means of weapon in war which resulted in the United Nation



Resolution to establish a guideline for an international response to sexual assault

in war areas. Hillary addressed problems that every single country faced

concerning the freedoms and liberties being taken away from women, and why it

was important for them to receive these freedoms.

Hillary made some efforts regarding women’s rights and human rights in

general during her term in office. She made these rights a central talking point of

U.S. initiatives. She became one of the most travelled secretaries of state in

American history and promoted the use of social media to convey the country's

positions. She led U.S. diplomatic efforts in connection to the Arab Spring and

military intervention in Libya also. Although the aims of Hillary’s speeches were

principally to address women abilities, it was seldom that powerful male position

seems to be tacked on at the end of her speech sentence. Thus, the focus was then

altered instead, on women as domestic leaders which can be tacked back to the

historical and rhetorical traditions of the first lady. There had been a long tradition

in the society of disguising feminist motives under traditional family rhetoric.

Hillary, as a presidential wife suffered from the notion of illegitimate power

as spouses of the political candidates rather than candidates in their own right and,

therefore, was restricted to discussing nonpolitical subjects. Hillary had

manipulated and reformed her traditional role of social benefactor in order to

create a voice of women’s right as important for change in the public sphere. In

this way, the limiting feminine language was not limiting at all. It was the balance

of gendered language, image and audience that had the potential to produce

positive result.



A connecting line can be pulled from Hillary’s speeches, which was in a

place where women were oppressed and denied their basic rights. There were

much times than not, a regime that was opposed to American interests and values.

Hillary emphasized to learn from the wisdom of every mother and father all over

the world who taught their daughters that there was no limit on how big she can

dream and how much she can achieve. If the mother was successful in parenting

their children, it means that she contributes to the birth of the leader of the

nations. When there was violence against women and children, they should give

the policy to protect them because they were the asset of nations. American

viewed that this phenomenon truly was the uncompleted business of the 21st

century. She looked forward to being American partner in all the days and years

ahead. She always trusted and kept fighting for opportunity and dignity, like her


“Let’s keep fighting for freedom and equality, let's keep fighting for fullparticipation” and “let's keep telling the world over and over again that yes,women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights onceand for all.”

2.1.4 The Concept of Feminist in CDA

The first wave feminist in America started around the early 1890’s (within

the time period of 19th and early 20thcentury) and begin with the protest of woman

community issues regarding the equality of women rights in terms political and

government position. They emphasized on the suffrage to vote in presidential

election as democratic liberal principle. The second wave feminism was started in

the early 1960’s. The protest had started again since some of their aspiration did

not well facilitate due to some oppression against women especially on black

communities. The discrimination still existed among the black and white. The



conflict became wider spreading among U.S. citizens and those as in response to

rebellions of the sexism civil rights and racism of the feminist movement.

According to Ann Brooks (1997), it is been followed by socio political

movement in the 1969 which called Chicana feminism elaborated intersections of

Mexican-American women that identify. Then in 1980’s was the time for reaction

to popular liberal feminism which emphasized the similarities between women

and men to be treated equally. The proposed for liberal feminism was to make

society and gender neutral. In the 1900’s feminist referred to diverse strains of

feminist activity and study. The movement arose partially as response to

perceived failures and backlash. This wave expanded to the topic of feminism

including diverse group of women with a diverse set of identities. It was a

subcultural movement that combines consciousness and punk style and politics. In

the 2000’s, the period of fourth wave feminism as a movement which was

connected to technology and movement that combines politics, psychology and

spirituality in an overarching vision to change. Further, in the fourth wave refers

to a resurgence of interest in Feminism that began around 2012 and associated the

use of social media. There were several issues such as street and workplace

harassment, campus sexual assault and rape culture. Fourth wave feminist

campaign happens in the form of matters performance and ten hours of walking

New York city of women.

As stated by Michelle Lazar (2010), “A feminist in CDA perspective is

obviously multidisciplinary in nature, it suggests the effectiveness of language

and discourse studies for the investigation of feminist issues in gender and

women's studies”. The aim of feminist in CDA was showing up the multifaceted



ways in which frequently taken as gendered expectations and hegemonic power

relations are broadly produced, negotiated in different context and communities.

The heart of his theory, feminist in CDA concerned on social injustice,

transformation of gender and learn much about the interconnection between

broadly strategies which engaged in various form in social equality and

oppression. Consequently, it implied to give feedback to critical feminist analysis

and strategies for social movements. The central concerns feminist in CDA also

criticized discourse with such a patriarchal system and social order, power

relations that put the position of men has the privilege as social group and effects

in the social transformation.

Meanwhile, men tended to be dominance in social structure and usually

called by patriarchy. In this context of American societies, the government has

been dominated by men power. There, patriarchy looks very strong instead of

having influence on the roles and policy culturally. As from history, the

government always ruled by men. The simple example from the phenomenon of

patriarchy in U.S. were that American families as mostly patriarchal. We can see

from the indicator that the attractive custom of some wives on supposing their

husband’s name and putting it as family identity in the last name. Some

anthropologist argued that this patrilineal system of society would be a major

indicator that American families were male dominated.


apatriarchy/265428) accessed on 11th February 2017.

The task of feminist CDA was examining how power and dominance were

discursively produced in a variety of ways through representation of gender in



social practice through interactional strategies text and talk. Feminist CDA would

suggest that implicitly comparative rather than universalizing and attentive aspect

of the form of oppression.

2.1.5 Speech Acts is Linguistics Features Analysis to Support the Ideology

According to Goffman (1974), the various types of speech acts had been

investigated in terms of functions and used the language such as “imitation”,

“refusals”, “apologies”, “congratulations”, “persuasion” and so on. Pragmatically,

the persuasion target interpreted the information to be communicated with a

particular persuasive intention, i.e., speech acts were framed with conventional

meaning or intent. In this respect, Lakoff (1982) presented the best definition of

persuasion as the non-reciprocal attempt or intention one party to change the

behavior, feelings, intentions, or viewpoint of another by communicative means.

In the same realm, Searle (1969) regarded, “Persuasion as a directive speech

act in which the speaker intends to make the hearers perform some form of

action”. Besides the various types of speech act was also proposed by Aitchison

(2003) who defined that all utterances were acts of some types. He added that

there were various possible speech acts which a speaker might attempt to perform,

statements, requests, commands, promises, placing of bets, and soon. He also

divided speech act into two types; direct and indirect speech act. He gave an

example, “It’s raining outside” and “I hereby tell you about the weather” as a

direct speech act and “I hereby request of you that you should bring the umbrella”

as indirect speech act.

In the same sense, Yule (2010), proposed speech acts as some actions such

as “requesting”, “commanding”, “questioning”, or “informing”, the action



performed by a speaker with an utterance. He also divided speech act into two

types, direct and indirect speech act. He gave an example “Did you come to

Anita’s birthday last night?” as direct speech act and “Could you pass the salt?” as

indirect speech act. Indirect speech acts were generally associated with greater

politeness in English than direct speech acts.

In addition, Austin (1962) stated that the issuing utterance was the

performing of an action. He added that in order to explain what can go wrong with

statements we cannot just concentrate on the proposition involved (whatever that

is) as has been done traditionally. We must consider the total situation in which

the utterances were issued, the total speech active we were to see the parallels

between statements and per formative utterances, and how each can go wrong.

Perhaps, indeed, there was no great distinction between statements and per

formative utterances.

We can conclude that based on the theory of Speech acts by Austin (1962),

that speech act was action by using utterance to convey our thoughts. We had to

consider the total situation and the context in order to catch the meaning of

utterance itself correctly. Here, Austin (1962) also identified three distinct levels

of the act occurring in an utterance. Locutionary act which was described as the

meaning of the statement itself, produced phrases with the help of a given

grammar and lexicon. Locutionary acts described the sentence’s literal meaning

(e.g. “It is cold in here.”). They are consisting of as below.

a. Illocutionary act was described as “The contextual function of the act and

the conveying of the speaker's intentions to the listener”. The illocutionary

act was often shown in the form of “F (p)”, where ‘F’ was the



illocutionary force and ‘p’ was the propositional content of the

illocutionary act. Illocutionary acts focused on the forces carried with

words (e.g. by telling someone “It is cold in here”, someone was actually

asking someone else to close the window.)

b. Perlocutionary act was described as “The acts of what one achieved by

saying something”. This was the effect of the act upon the listener (e.g.

someone closed the window because of someone else’s statement.) Thus,

it can be concluded that locution was the literal meaning, illocution was

the meaning intended by the speaker, and perlocution was the effect of the

speech act on the recipient.

Searle in Krulatz (2012) differentiated between direct and indirect speech

acts as follows. Direct speech acts were those in which the propositional content

(i.e., “what is said”) carries one illocutionary force (i.e., “what is meant”)”. For

example, if the speaker said to the hearer “Please walk the dog” and by that meant

that the hearer should put on a pair of shoes and weather appropriate apparel, put a

leash on the dog, exit the house, and proceed down the street, the speaker was

performing a direct request. However, if the speaker uttered the statement, “The

dog is whining” and by that implied that the hearer should put on a pair of shoes

and weather appropriate apparel, should put a leash on the dog, should exit the

house, and should proceeded down the street. In this case, the speaker was

performing an indirect request.

It can be concluded that direct speech act was an utterance related to literal

meaning. Whereas, indirect speech act was an utterance not related to literal

meaning, but the meaning implied in speaker’s utterance. To make this research



clearer, the researcher proposed the types of sentences or utterances based on

Leech, Cruickshank and Ivanic (2007). They divided sentences or utterances into

four types as follows.

a) A statement.

e.g. I like ice cream. She explains to me the certain favours of the ice cream.

b) A question.

e.g. Do you like ice-cream? Who likes ice-cream?

c) An imperative.

e.g. give me your glass. Don’t be afraid.

d) An exclamation

e.g. what a brilliant idea! How unfortunate it was!

Yule (2010) proposed the syntactic structures with the functions of sentence

or utterance in the following table.

Table 2.2 Yule’s Principles of Syntactic Structures

Sentence/ Utterance Structures FunctionsDid you have any milk to drink? Interrogative QuestionDrink the milk (please)! Imperative Command (request)You drank the milk everyday. Declarative Statement

In our daily life, we used not only direct speech act, but also indirect speech

act. It was very common when people used them to express their thoughts. The

important thing that we had to realize to be careful in interpreting or catching the

meaning what the speakers attempt to convey via indirect speech act. There was

no problem for us to understand what speakers intend via direct speech act. Yet, it

will be different when they used indirect speech act. There was possibility for the

hearer on failure to catch the messages or meanings from what speakers wanted to

convey. It was related to not only the exact meaning but also emphasized on the



context. Yule (2010) gave a following scene as an example; a visitor to a city,

carrying his luggage, looking lost, stops a passer-by.

Visitor : “Excuse me. Do you know where the Ambassador Hotel is?”

Passer-by : “Oh sure, I know where it is. (and walks away)”

In this case, the passer-by was failed on catching the meaning of the visitor. The

passer-by was acting as if the utterance of the visitor was a direct speech act

instead of an indirect speech act which was used as a request for directions.

To support the ideology in discourse analysis of Hillary's speech, this

research was intended to investigate and represent the illocutionary act which

focuses on indirect speech act to imply the meaning. In this respect, according to

the theory of speech acts by Searle (1969), there were four major categories of

communicative illocutionary acts were entitled as “constatives”, “directives”,

“commissive” and “acknowledgments” where statements, requests, promises and

apologies were examples. In fact, the terms “constative” and “commissive” were

Austin’s terms whereas “directive” is Searle’s; moreover, they adopted the term

“acknowledgment”, over Austin's “behabitive” and Searle's “expressive”, for

apologies, greetings, congratulations etc”.

The adopted model for analysis was based on Bach and Harnish (1979)

which defined speech act framework, classified into “constatives”, “directives”,

“commissive”, and “acknowledgment”. Then, the communicative illocutionary

acts are

1. Constatives such as affirming, alleging, answering, attributing,

claiming, etc.;

2. Directives such as advising, admonishing, asking, etc.;



3. Commissive such as agreeing, guaranteeing, inviting, etc.; and

4. Acknowledgments such as apologizing, condoling, congratulating,

greeting, etc.

Bach and Harnish (1979) distinguished between “communicative

illocutionary acts” and the category of ‘conventional illocutionary acts. The

former were those acts performed with certain communicative intentions which

must be recognized by the hearer for a successful act, whereas the latter

determined and produced facts of institutional nature. Illocutionary act was the

contextual function of the act and the conveying of the speaker’s intentions to the

listener. The illocutionary act was often shown in the form of “F (p)”, where ‘F’

was the illocutionary force and ‘p’ was the propositional content of the

illocutionary act. Illocutionary acts focused on the forces carried with words (e.g.

by telling someone “It is cold in here”, someone was actually asking someone else

to close the window).

2.1.6 U.S. Presidential Election 2016

The U.S presidential election of 2016 was the 58th Quadrennial American

presidential election. It was held on November 8th, 2016. The republican ticket of

businessman Donald J. Trump accompanied by the Indiana Governor Mike Pence

who defeated the Democratic ticket Hillary Clinton as former Secretary of State in

Obama’s government which accompanied by Tim Kaine as senator from Virginia.

Officially, Trump will schedule to take office as the U.S 45th President and Pence

as the 48th Vice President on the upcoming January 20th, 2017. The voters were

the selected members of the Electoral College for each state. In some cases, the



winner took all plurality. The state electors in turn voted for a new president and

vice president on December 19th, 2016.

Trump obtained the required majority to become President Election of the

U.S by winning 30 states with 306 pledged electors out of 538. His victory had

been considered unlikely by most media forecasts. Hillary Clinton received about

2.9 million more voted nationwide 2.1% of the total cast. In the Electoral College

vote on December 19th, 2016, seven total electors voted against their pledged

candidates which consists of two against Trump and five against Hillary Clinton.

A further three electors attempted to vote against Hillary Clinton but were

replaced or forced to vote again. Ultimately, Trump received 304 electoral votes

while Hillary Clinton achieved 227. Trump will be the fifth person in U.S history

to become president. He has pledged to be a president for all Americans after

being elected.

Hillary Clinton had the highest popular vote than Trump. She had triumphed

in Virginia with 49.9 percent of the vote. Although it was not quite boosting for a

state the size Florida would give, Virginia’s electoral college votes was very

significant hold for Hillary Clinton. Prior to Obama’s victory in 2008, Virginia

had been a red state for the past forty years. North Carolina was highly coveted

for both Trump and Hillary Clinton with the candidates making multiple


2.2 Review of Related Studies

As previous research related to this theory also conducted by Veronika

Koller (2012) from Lancaster University. She presented how to analyze collective

identity in discourse with textual and contextual parameters. She began to present



an approach to analyze of collective identity in discourse. Collective identities

were theorized as conceptual structures comprising beliefs and knowledge, norms

and values, attitudes and expectations as being reinforced and negotiated in

discourse. In advertising discourse there were such an analysis which linked to

question about genre the participants and the processes of discourse practice as

well as to the social context and the ideology by which it was dominated.

Her analytical procedure was demonstrated with an excerpt from a retailer’s

catalogue that was investigated for the broad construction and sociocognitive

representation of gender and sexual identity. According to Fairclough (2010),

sociocognitive representations of gender and sexual identity were constructed,

negotiated and reinforced and possibly disrupted through discourse. Here, it was

also defined the general terms as language use as social practice that was based on

knowledge, followed by the the difference between discourse as either an

numerous or estimate noun. The finding showed that the examples gender and

sexual identities in commercial discourse for choosing of word classes that

represents in catalogue. For example:

Female: body, gifts, Christmas, Beauty/beautiful, set (s), eau, perfect,

collection, perfume, product, range, day, girls, gorgeous, love,

style, includes, list, luxurious, most, best, chic, choose, go, look,

lotion, babying, feminine.

Male: man/men, body, gifts, grooming, Christmas, shave/shaving, eau,

hair, make, set, cool, gel, love, toilette, treat, balm, bathroom, best,

boys, choice, day, full, fun, ideas, life, little, perfect, products,

range, refreshing, shower, skincare, style, wash (bag), masculine



According to Cameron (1997), mostly from the representation of discourse

on the catalogue, gender was closely linked to sexual identity where the latter was

the aspect of a person's self that was constructed, expressed and negotiated on the

basis of sexuality. As the cultural values were shaped, sociocognitive

representation of gender and sexual identity were so closely linked to give rise to

confusion where behavior and gender stereotypes as collective identity of


In the text, consumption was presented as a means to attain the goal that was

constructed as the elements of gender and sexual identity in sociocognitive

representation. Capitalism discrimination consumers were being the ideology

which used to persuade the catalogue text. In fact, gender and sexual identities

become consumer goods that was radically reducing the possibility of identity

formation and expressions. In general, Veronica Koller (2012) emphasized

discourse production was focused on text and language showed how instances of

discourse were produced, distributed, received and appropriated and combining

social cognitive approaches throw light on the broad construction and cognitive

structure of collective identity answering questions as to what representations of

any given discourse, how they represented in language, who was involved in the

discourse practices surrounding such mental models and why social cognitive

representations took the form they did at any given historical moment.

The second study was conducted by Michele M. Lazar (2010) which

developed CDA with articulating feminist discourse praxis. She emphasized the

perspectives on unequal relation sustained through language use. Most of whom

were men who tended to be politically pro feminist but not deeply influenced by



feminism in political sense. The aim of this study was to advance rich

understanding of the complex workings of power and ideology in discourse in

sustaining (hierarchically) gendered on social arrangements.

Lazar showed the discourse of gender equality and similarity that was

undercut in Singapore advertisement. The finding was explained that men need to

be persuaded on making concession to intelligent women’s need. Another place in

Hungarian, global discourse gender equality was rejected by main local interest.

From feminist perspective, the conception of gender was understood as an

ideological structure that divided people into two classes, men and women, based

on hierarchical relation of domination and subordination. The meaning of praxis

on feminist CDA as political perspective on gender concerned with ideology and

discourse that was applicable to the study of text and talk equally.

The third previous study was conducted by George Phillip Crapp (1918).

His work also published in the English Journal. Vol 7.No. 2. He was developed on

the improvement of American Speech. He was emphasized on the ideal speech for

American leaders. Basically, the ideal speech for individual speaker should have

the responsibility and socially acceptable. The ideal movement of improving

American speech was avoiding aspiration.

The fourth study was conducted by Amanda Sinclair (2014) which took the

idea on “A Feminist Case for Leadership”. Her work was published by ANU

(Australian National University) Press. The concept of feminism can help us to

understand why the special category of women with power (leaders) will attract

the critical thinking and avoided the women’s effort towards leadership that took

place against the backdrop of woman subordination and discrimination.



Related to the case of women and scholar, the relationship between power

and leadership was important. Another study was conducted by Sahar Alkatiri

(2016) which also published on International Journal on Linguistics. His study

emphasized on persuasive speech acts in Barack Obama’s Inaugural Speeches. He

explained the characteristics of language that was used by politicians concerned

with power of setting decision, influencing people’s attitude and controlling

values. The research aimed at shedding light determining the role of the speech

act of political addresses. The important roles of persuasive speech act in political

addressed gave the impact to the audience's act.

The six previous researches were presented by James W, Tollefson and

Miguel Perez-Millans who was engaged and concerned with language,

interaction, social identity, institutions, and ideology. Their works entitled

Research and Practice in Language Policy and Planning. This research commits

on equally interested in language, social critique and inequality. According to

them, language Policy Planning (LPP) initially emerged as essentially pragmatics

with the aim at providing direct and explicit tools to achieve concrete and

linguistics goals. Meanwhile, LPP emphasized on how language influenced some

policies. The work of LPP scholarship began to examine the process.

Refers to Sinclair (2014), Feminism tended to reinscribe and reinstate the

experience of women in the historical and intellectual records. Hence, feminist

perspectives were pointing to change the women inequality and injustice against

patriarchal structures in the society and directly reduced the inequality of gender

roles. This also reminded to the American dreams which contributed about

Democracy, Rights, Liberty, Opportunity and Equality because the goal of U.S



nation was that life should be better, richer and fuller for everyone with

opportunity to reach recording in ability or achievement “regardless of social

class/circumstances of birth”.

According to Michelle Lazar (2010), “The feminist discourse analysis can

learn the interconnection between the particular of discursive strategies employed

in the various form of social inequality and oppression”. Then, it provided

feedback to critical feminist analysis and strategies for social changes. Based on

the universal ideas on the feminist ideology, we could explore the social problems

in Indonesia. We could develop and investigate certain social problem using

analysis of language through discourse analysis. Practically, there are many issues

related the policy from our government, thus with our background to contribute

on justice, equality and assessing the norms, we could limit the oppression within

society through language discourse. We may construct analysis on the speech

expression from our important crucial case related to women roles especially and

all policies largely.

The importance notion is women leadership was inspiring and empowering

woman to reach higher potential both carrier and education. Despites, this

research contribution was also to minimize the social problems like woman’s

violation which impactful of breaking the rights and against the perspectives that

woman were the subordinate (inferior) as domestic objects in social class. When

we take a look in Indonesia, the discrimination of gender gap about labour market

was still exist. These facts were also supported with statement from Azizah


“Since Indonesia’s patrilineal systems in some sectors and traditionalcustoms which emphasized in woman’s family responsibilities why



did not attending school for example, it was merely they are not onlyemphasized on getting married but also take care their family athome”.

The other research was also conducted by R Claire Synder (2008) who

talked about The Third Wave Feminism, A New Directions Essay. In this paper,

she explained more about wide range of popular and academic literature on third

wave feminism. It was emphasized on tactical movements on the second wave

feminism. Consequently, this improved more on the feminist theory in the 1980’s.

In detail, she described these movements by using tactical approach to respond a

sequence of the second wave feminism.

The last study was conducted by Karner, M, Jessica (1995) on political

Speech, Sexual Harassment and A Captive of Workforce. This research aimed at

eradicating discrimination at workplace and to study about gender inequality with

the final goal was to strongly avoid the discrimination, women’s violence,

harassment and raped through political speech strategy. This research was also

emphasized to make amendments for laws and regulation regarding the freedom

of speech. This research was focused on the contribution of speech to reduce the

sexual harassment at the workplace. The speech should have the standard in order

to analyze several motives and intimidations for sex

ual assaults.

The amendments of the laws and regulation were tries to accommodate the

freedom of speech in terms of the harassing speech in the workplace. The result of

this analysis showed that there was dual infringement towards hostile harassment

laws. The amendment was about the current’s traditional principles standard and

doctrine of violations. It was expected that the harassing speech at the workplace



environment should be regulable to minimize the captive listeners and also to

contribute self governance in the society. The most important thing was the

regulation and policies to control the power, discourse and authority to protect the

citizen from negative social phenomenon. On the other hand, as the basic freedom

of speech, there was in line with the equality rights for women in the workplace

by reducing negative values and strongly indicates “The rights of life, liberty and

the pursuit of happiness”. When genders were equals, we could gain as the self

independences as a human being.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

As Van Djik T.A. (2008) mental representations and discourses were the

inherent part of society. This means that `society' was understood as a complex

configuration of situational structures at the local level. On the one hand, societal

structures within the society, including classes, organizations, and groups, had

their own properties, power, and relations. On the other hand, Van Djik T.A.

(2008) stated that, “Within social structure that language users interpret, represent,

reproduce or change social structures such as social inequality and injustice”.

In Hillary’s remarks, she mainly picturedd the problem in women’s life and

call out for stopping violations against women’s rights. She tried to express her

vision and beliefs through the speech by doing such propaganda and to persuade

people to accept her idea. By delivering the speech, she expected that she could

give positive influence to the audience. In analyzing speech of Hillary Clinton, the

theory used was Van Djik. T.A. (2008)

“Sociocognitive approach since it is closely related to social problemsand 'subjective definitions of the communicative situation' that aremade explicit in the sociocognitive notion of context models. In



psychology, it explains personality in terms of how a person thinksabout and responds to one's social environment”

In analyzing ideological properties of textual dimension of discourse, Van

Djik (2006) in his sociocognitive approach formulated two levels of analysis

which were systematically encompassed in macrostructure and microstructure as

constructed below.

Table 2.3 Van Djik’s Semantics Level Analysis


Sub-Category ofAnalysis

Unit/Instrument of Analysis

A. Microstructure Local meaning/coherence/regionalharmony

Causality, functionality andreferential relations for eachsentence

Syntactic analysis Active/passive sentence, simple orcomplicated sentence structure

B. Macrostructure Thematic Theme and topic, heading, mainevents, source, background, contextinformation, parties accessing theevents





This chapter explains of the types of the study, by using data collection

methods and data analysis techniques. This type of the study disscuses about the

related approach used in the whole study. Furthermore, data collection techniques,

data analysis techniques and instruments will explain how the data are collected

and analyzed using research instruments.

3.1 Type of Study

This research was categorized as CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) which

is developed into CDS (Critical Discourse Studies) and adopted the theories from

Teun Van Djik (2006, 2008, 2012).

“This study is interested to explore the way how discourse producesthe social domination in societal structure such as the powerimbalance, inequality and injustice on one group community toothers and how the dominant groups have an effort, investigateand toadvocate against that power imbalance through the discourse”.

Further, the data were taken from the original form Hillary Clinton’s

remarks during U.S. Presidential Election Remarks 2016, this study aimed at

emphasizing the feminist ideology and how the linguistics aspects supported that

ideology. The methodology used in this study was Critical Discourse Analysis

(CDA) which develops into Critical Discourse Studies (CDS) and used the

sociocognitive approach to describe the discourse meaning based the ideology.

The principles of feminist ideology, as Ramazanoglu (2012) stated about the

concerns of feminist idea “The feminist standpoint was grounded women

experiences including emotions and embodiements”.

The complex meanings of women’s life experiences and histories provided

important insights the workings of cultural politics and global social forces.



According the Gray et al. (2007), an important task of the feminist methodology

was encompassing women researchers in this research.

First, the researcher had to position herself to have the commitment on

supporting against the discrimination, inequality and injustice. Therefore, in doing

the analysis, formulating the purpose study, selecting and constructing theory, the

development of analysis method should be based on the commitment to solve the

social and political problem. An important feature of this research methodology

was the researcher’s position in the study, which involved power and authority.

As stated by Hesse-Biber (2012),

Feminist researchers are particularly keen on getting at issues ofpower and authority in the research process, from questionformulation to carrying out and writing up research findings. Focusingon our positionality helps to break down the idea that research is the“view from nowhere”.

In this point, the researcher got a depth analysis on feminist perspectives

and position to support the ideology; not giving the judgments but giving the

attention to several imbalances in government policy. Therefore, the function of

CDA as a tool was controlling the power abuse and dominance. Contextually,

social reality was mediated by idea and discourse. Those, if we looked to our

country Indonesia, it was expected that other researchers could figure out and

conduct the same research to evaluate the regulation and produce the new ones

regarding the women’s right and social problems.

In analyzing and formulating the purpose of study, selecting and

constructing theory, the development of analysis method should be based on the

commitment to solve the social and political problem. CDS had crucial attention

to the way discourse produced social domination. Meanwhile, the social problems



focus on the case which caused on the strong point of the text or public mindset.

CDS cannot be assumed as the same study with the other social researches which

suggested on describing the text concepts were discriminatory. CDS was also not

oriented on the theory but focused on problems. In doing the social research, we

should have a solid cooperation with the majority group which suffered by the

power imbalance.

Therefore, the critical statement was the method which tended towards

power or information, political and ideological relations and showed how these

relations have gone through change and transformations around this statement was

used in this study. According to Van Djik T. A (2009),

“CDS is not only focus on social problems but largely emphasizedon the mental representation and the practice of language used(cognition) as a process when we produce and understandingdiscourse on verbal communication but also on how far we involvedon knowledge interaction, ideology or such belief in communities”.

When understanding the mental representation in the society through CDS,

the important things to give attention was the most common social beliefs and

norms which influenced discourse produced. There was a social background in the

society when verbal interaction happened. That was the ideology that taking

position on basic frameworks to represent the discourse meaning in such ways.

3.2 Data Collection

Data was an important element in a research and may have many different

forms. According to Subroto (1992), the data in a research was the fixed materials

which were suitable to solve the research problems. In this research, the data were

in the form of several clauses and sentences on original Hillary Clinton’s remarks

which have been transcripted. The researcher took three out of 119 remarks during



her campaign on U.S. Presidential Election 2016. The research utilized

documentation techniques in collecting the data. In this case, the researcher had

browsed and downloaded the transcript of Hillary Clinton’s remarks from


Therefore, the data were authentic and taken from the officially website.

The three remarks included; “Remarks at A Conference in Women Business”;

“Emphasizing the commitment to Young Parents and Families”; and “Remarks

on Trump’s Bigotry at The Black Women’s Agenda Symposium.”. The three

remarks were selected as the objects of the research sin they were delivered to

emphasize women's rights and empowerment.

She concerned much attention on woman, from ensuring quality affordable

childcare, women should be equal in government positions and have an equality

on working rights, especially in giving salary family leave, and raising the

minimum wage to protect the subsidy for Planned Parenthood and women's right

to make their own health care decisions. The language utilized in political remarks

which characterized by the intention of the speaker in order to persuade, build the

image and influence the citizens to give their votes. Therefore, the remarks were

interested to be analyzed since Hillary have the background as the first lady, the

secretary of the Senate, as the lawyer and her passion was depth intention to the

human rights.

3.3 Data Analysis Technique

There were several steps and processes to analyze the data in this research.

The first part was transcribing the remarks by listening the audio-visual version on

youtube, the downloaded speeches and typing in the MS. Word sheets. The



second was reading the transcribed remarks carefully and sorting them by looking

for unit phrases, sentences and clauses. In this section, the researcher underlined

the significant clauses and important sentences that become the significant data

and appropriate with the research topics. According to Van Djik (2012), there are

some steps to analyze of discourse such as:

a. Context analysis

b. Semantics macrostructure

c. Local meaning

d. Relevant formal structure

e. Context model

f. Discourse semantics

g. To relate about text and context

h. Social cognition

There are some steps based on the principals of Van Djik Discourse as

Structure and Process (1997) which explained about the 12 basic principles on

CDS involved text and verbal communication happens in reality, context,

discourse as conversation, discourse as social practice, respects to the norms in

language, systematically, constructively aspect, level of dimensions, function and

meaning, language norms, strategy, and social cognition.

Based on the semantic levels, Van Djik’s defines the schematic structure

macrostructure consists of local meaning and syntactic analysis as showed in the

table above. In this research, the linguistic features were used to represent speech

acts in terms of macrostructure level and, of course, coherence was the major

concern on analysis. Further, in the level of macrostructure the discourse meaning



was based on Van Djik’s theories and principles. The third step was collecting the

significant clauses and important sentences. The data were analyzed by using the

speech acts theory based on Van Djik (2006, 2009, 2010, 2012). The principles of

CDA were developed into CDS which emphasized on the frequency of

illocutionary acts found in Hillary’s speeches to know the linguistics aspect by

using speech acts

Table 3.1 Van Djik’s Model Analysis on Semantics Levels


Sub-Category ofAnalysis

Unit/Instrument of Analysis

A. Microstructure Local meaning/coherence/regionalharmony

Causality, functionality and referentialrelations for each sentence

Syntactic analysis Active/passive sentence, simple orcomplicated sentence structure

B. Macrostructure Thematic (intertextuality) Theme and topic, heading, main events,source, background, context information,parties accessing the events

Based on the semantic levels, Van Djik’s defines the schematic structure

macrostructure consists of local meaning and syntactic analysis as showed in the

table above. In this research, the linguistic features were used to represent speech

acts in terms of macrostructure level and, of course, coherence was the major

concern on analysis. Further, in the level of macrostructure the discourse meaning

was based on Van Djik’s theories and principles.

The third step was collecting the significant clauses and important

sentences. The data were analyzed by using the speech acts theory based on Van

Djik (2006, 2009, 2010, 2012). The principles of CDA were developed into CDS

which emphasized on the frequency of illocutionary acts found in Hillary’s

speeches to know the linguistics aspect by using speech acts as below.



Table 3.2 Frequency of Illocutionary Acts in Hillary Clinton’s Remarks

No. Illocutionary Actby Kent Bach and

Robert M.Harnish

Frequencies % IllocutionaryActs bySearle

Frequencies %

1 Assertive Declaratives2 Informative Assertive3 Directive Expressive4 Commissive Directives5 Acknowledgement Commissive


Table 3.3 Types of Illocutionary Acts in Hillary’s Remarks

No. Sent. Expression Kind of Illocutionary Actsproposed

by Bach and Harnish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts proposedby Searle (1969)

Const Dir. Com. Ack. Declt Asst Exp Dir. ComAss Inf



Sentence Expression: Datum (Speech/number of sentences)

Context Situation : Hillary Clinton delivered the following remarks at aconference for women in business.

Note.Ass : Assertive Exp : ExpressiveInfr : Informative Dec : DeclarativesCom: Commissive Ack. : AcknowledgementDir : Directiv





This chapter presents the research findings and discussion. The first part

explains on how the feminist ideology is represented in Hillary Clinton’s remarks.

Essentially, it explores the idea of the feminist ideology which spreading on

Hillary Clinton’s remarks behind. Contextually, the ideology itself contributed as

the parameter to catch the meaning on what she wanted to persuade and motivate

that represented by her speech. The second part explains how the linguistic feature

supports the ideology on Hillary Clinton’s remarks. In details, it describes on

linguistics aspect as the heart of this analysis. It shows what kind of speech acts

perform to identify the analogy being transferred into public image by expressing

her speech.

4.1 The Feminist Ideas Presented on Hillary Clinton’s Remarks

Some findings showed that clauses on Hillary’s “Remarks at A Conference

for Women Conference in Business” represented the idea of feminist ideology

which was caused by social injustice in the society and Hillary had a duty to

advocate the case as follows.

4.1.1 Discrimination at workplace

One of the biggest efforts which Hillary wanted to pursue was against the

discrimination all over America. We might assume that the discrimination at

workplace happened because the responsibility on the gender gap, rights

development career paths and pay in the workplace environment.

“We can’t stop there. We need to reset the table so women are no longer requiredto accept or adapt to discrimination or sexism at work. We need to think beyond



corporate boardrooms, beyond our own lives and experiences and backgrounds inevery corner of our country. And a crucial part of solving these problems isrecognizing that as important as it is, corporate feminism is no substitute forinclusive concrete solutions that improve life for women everywhere”. (Datum1/23-33)

The first context of power abuse was done by the regulation at work. When

we talk about power, it was about who had the dominance part in this context.

For example in a private sector, the role of the top holder like boss or director who

took the decision and policy strategies, should be able in controlling all

regulations. When it dealt with workplace, there was the power imbalance

between male and female workers. Some faced the different income with the same

responsibilities or even harder. There was no standard ruled by the U.S

government. When the government wanted to raise the quality income of every

family, they should reduce the pay gap in the public or private sector. We cannot

classify women based on the status level. Based on the history of discrimination in

the U.S, immigrants suffered more by it discourse. It means that immigrants faced

the difficulty to gain and lack access to the legal documents and nature of


Some of them lost their job because things began so tough. The

discrimination happened through the identity of immigrants and the true

American. The immigrants came to America from across nations came to find

work and better possibilities, so they became so pluralistic. Therefore, they could

gain a good job and develop career paths easily for the true American. Besides,

other factors were influenced by the ethnicity, race, and nationality. Some of

immigrants faced unfair documentations practices against legal immigrants’

employees who had proper work authorizations.



The eligible system for authorizations process might have different

requirement to submit more documents based on worker’s immigration status and

national origin. In this context situation, the immigration office had the power in

controlling the regulations and authorizations for all immigrants to minimize all

the discrimination at workplace. Moreover, the feminist idea that Hillary wanted

to fight for was making the right equality between immigrants and the true nations

of American in the workplace, especially woman. Those legislation adopted laws

to minimize the discrimination through The Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Throughout the speech, the central themes was upheld by the keywords “to

speak”, “let’s remember”, “let’s show“, “hear”, “stands up”, “check“, “lack”,

“disappointed“, “discourage“, “educate”, “ignored“, “fingertips“, “show up“,

“vote for“, “be there”, “standing up”, “speaking out“. They gave intended

meaning beyond the surface structure of the sentence. Besides, the metaphorical

expression such as “glass ceiling”, “cannot stop“, “reset the table“, “no longer

required“, “beyond corridors“, “the sake of our heads“, “cruel irony“,

“indignities”, “bias run rampant”, “bullying“ were being implicitly to have the

meaning behind to injustice, violence and discrimination which means women

become the victims and further women were figure out as the subject of the unfair


4.1.2 Sexual Harassment

The second is about sexual harassment showed in the form of violence of

women rights.

“And for some women, the hostility is even more direct, like the Uberengineer who spoke out about her experiences with sexual harassment andspurred the company to publicly admit to addressing this problem”. (datum.1/63)



Sexual harassment that happened in each nation of the U.S was not openly

reported about woman’s sexual abuse or harassment. Sometimes it felt so biased

because it influenced the reputation of the current regime. There should be the

government institution which had duties to advocate these serious cases. One of

the biggest factors is because of woman gap happened not only in the societal

structure but also in the government systems. Since the nature of patriarchal

culture, men had the power to undermine and control women as superiority.

Harassment can be in the form of sexual abuse and physically raped. In this

context, white man had more powerful to do some harassment practice for some

employees to lower class and different backgrounds. The employees were

supposed to do the poor work assignments, sabotage from several projects, abuse

of power, benefits, denial of raises, career promotion and lose their job with poor

references. The dominant power at workplace had shown by white man hand and

the employees with the lower class as the subject of oppression. Therefore, the

power related to the positioning of men as high status and when they practiced to

do some harassment, they exerted his power to restrict on woman’s freedom at

work and stopped their potential creativity without pressure and stigmatization.

4.2.3. Working hours and unpredictable schedule

While in remarks entitled “Emphasizing the commitment to Young Parents

and Families” there were several feminist ideologies on viewing some

expressions regarding women’s working hours and unpredictable scheduled.

According to the United Nations, women contributed 50% to the human resources

of who will be the next generation to have great man potentially. The natures of

women were the pioneers of nation who gave birth to the future leaders and key



points of sustainable development to the quality of life. Most women had

responsibilities to their family life, in spite of providing household, best menu

options; everything sacrifices to the personal pleasure and ambitions, set standards

of morality in order to maintain peace in the household.

“There are a lot of concerns in the workplace that I’m hearing aboutincreasingly about the work day never ends, the schedules are oftenunpredictable”.(datum. 2/293)

Contextually, the roles of women held a huge responsibility if they were

balancing between career and family. Sometimes regulations at work did not

support the working hours for women, since they run for the same as men’s hours

responsibility at work. There were no differences and still face the unpredictable

scheduled. It became too difficult to be balanced in organizing various social

functions in the family leave as a wife and mother. Even they had the main duties

and important roles to make the great companies or institution.

In some cases, the nature of feminism beliefs was that all people were

entitled to the same civil rights and liberties and can be intellectual regardless of

gender. However, for the case working hours it should be balanced in terms of

responsibilities. Women had the same chance to develop her career paths at full

potential. In the sense of equal, women and men had the basic rights and

opportunities in all aspects of life. Not only basic rights, but in most certain

responsibilities as human. It was represented as the set of ideals of American

dreams involves democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity, and equality.

Therefore, in the terms of working hours, the government should be fair

with the nature of women’s roles and it should be balanced. Moreover, the

government should set the flexible working hours for them in order to increase the

participations on the labour market. Flexible working hours also can keep up in



the rapid industrial changes. We can deny that better awareness on the insurance

and flexible working hours would improve the quality of country’s workforce.

Despite, they can minimize their double pressure for nurturing their family life

and also they can develop their career to get best income for their family.

4.2.4 Disability rights for children

While the feminist values found in the remarks entitled “Remarks on

Trump’s Bigotry at The Black Women’s Agenda Symposium.” The idea of

feminism that Hillary wanted to avoid was about children disability rights.

Education was a basic right for every child, because they will contribute more to

the future nation.

“That was back before we had a legal requirement that every child,regardless of disability, deserve to get an education”. (Datum 3/319)

The same facilities for the school access should be provided by the

government. This case was represented by U.S Ministry of Education. Disable

person had the same right to acquire the knowledge through the inclusive class

with the same facilities and materials.

Ideally, there should be a different system to teach them depended on their

abilities. Hillary’s idea on making movements the rights of disabilities was shown

in improving and evaluating the Individual with Disabilities Education Act

(IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Hillary concerned on

children with disabilities to develop knowledge at full potential. Their school

might categorize into public schools with inclusive class and special needs for the

sake of scholarships purpose were also provided in order to help them achieve

their dreams. For the output, they had the individual skill to build their future

quality of life without discrimination.



Hillary realized that if she won the election, her program would come into

action. This was supported by theories from Fairclough (1995) stated that an

ideology invested language in various ways at various levels. His statement

implied that we did not have to choose between possible “locations” of ideology,

all of which seem partly justified and none of which seems entirely satisfactory.

Moreover, Van Djik’s (1995) ideologies were both cognitive and social.

Meanwhile, it can be essentially functioned as interface between the

cognitive representation and processed underlying discourse and action. Another

sentence expression was race equality in which Hillary was strongly avoiding for

the right of black and white citizens to free contributes as feminist activist. No

different identity to build the nations and even black woman had certain prestige

on government positions. They had similar right and freedom of speech to the

white ones. Races should be eliminated to the root, so there was no one else's

getting marginalized. Based on the background, black people always got

oppression because white people always had more power. Black people seemed

getting underestimated as the lower one compared to the white.

“I’m here because of friends and colleagues, like Donna Brazile, ReverendLeah Daugherty and Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, three black womenwho ran the Democratic National Convention in July”. (Datum 3/325)

Based on the analysis above, basically they were representing the idea of

changing America’s be better. Language was an essential factor politician since

politics concerned with the power of setting decisions, influencing people's

attitudes and even controlling their values. As such, political persuasion was an

important part of any society where communicators tried to convince the others to

change their beliefs or behavior in considering a political issue via messages with

a sense of free choice (Perloff, 2003).



In relation to the language as representative of the specific discourse, it was

mentioned briefly that language was built from the local knowledge and text

related to the context. After that we can describe what kind of discourse Hillary as

the speakers wanted to persuade as explained below.

Table 4.1 Analysis of Discourse Meaning

No. ContextSituation







1/54. Culturesexism asthe icon intheAmericanworkplace.


Women whoare inpowerfulpositionsoften findthey face adaily barrageof sexistbehaviourfrom men,which inmanycountries isoutlawed intheworkplace.And often,even amongthe elite,women donot do aswell as men.1. Long termmemory2. Mind3. Cognition4. Attitudes

Patriarchyculture,sexism isdisplayedin everyright ofwomen.

In themodern era,manyforms ofsexismrepresentedin USsociety. Itbecamestrongsupportedwithpatriarchalpolicy inthe USgovernmentrules.

√ -

1/56.11/56 Lack ofmaternityandpregnancyhealthcareaccess forwomen inthe US.

Millions ofwomen lackhealthcare inthe UnitedStates. Theirreproductionsbecame haveno guaranteefor

There aremanyprovisionsof theAffordableCare Actthatspecificallyhelp

Thereshould bethegovernmentprogramprovidesthefacilities toprotect

√ -



No. ContextSituation







SocialIssue: Lackof Facilitiesofmaternityandpregnancy

affordablecare act.Some ofthem passedaway in abad conditionincludes herbabies1. Short termmemory2. Mind3. Cognition

womenimportantlyfor women,insurancecompanieswill nolonger beable tochargewomenhigherpremiumsthan menforidenticalpoliciesand allplansshould berequired tocovermaternitycare

mothersand babies.

1/35. Womenexperience apay gap allthe waythrough theircareers. Menfresh out ofcollege inthe samemajors andjobs makemore thantheir femalecounterparts.

SocialIssue:Pay gap

In Americawith thepatriarchalrules, womentend to be inthe lowerpositions thatman. Somephenomenacome whenmen withchildren areoften viewedpositively byemployers,stability andinvestment inthe future areconstructivetraits whichwill translatehelpfully to

Private orpubliccompanydoes nottake a riskfor theircompany.

1. Shorttermmemory2. Mind3.Cognition

The gap onthe careerladder forwomen isreallycrucial. Itcan notpossiblyshow themovementacross theup andlowermobility.

- √



No. ContextSituation







theworkplace.However,women withchildren areviewed in amuch morenegativelight. It isbecausewomenseems havethemultitaskingduties at theirfamily. Someof private orpubliccompanydoes not takea risk fortheircompany.

1. Short termmemory2. Mind3. Cognition

4.2.5 Sexism

Sexism became the strongest issues for patriarchal roles. They tended to

underestimate woman power. Despites, woman served in every level of

government service include executive, judicial and legislative but this point of

view was not clear that regulation for women’s power could be decided. Hillary

emphasized the real example that current representative of women’s in California

administration was very low and been the lowest in a generation. This case was

influenced by the nature of patriarchal that the governments were ruled by men’s



hand. Men led the vast majority of the most powerful institutions and those

American families usually followed the male line. Here the role of CDA was to

eliminate and restructuring the culture. The power dominance should not in the

hard point of view. CDA controlled the power and had strong character and of

social values to fight of injustice.

Besides, sexism itself was described as the negative self-group

representation in society. The meaning behind of the word sexism implied to the

gender discrimination. In societal structures, sexism was referring to the

separation gender roles and such different specific contexts. The word choice of

“sexism” in the genre of presidential speech had ideology of implication as related

to the right and freedom. In this statement, the classification in choosing the word

“sexism” showed the speaker’s image (in this case is Hillary) can be the positive

representation but certain communities tended to the negative one. In relation to

this, the political environment built by Hillary was clearly against Donald Trump

as the opponents with certain facts and bargains some program plans to change

this condition.

We could explain that the discourse meaning based on the context situation.

Hillary Clinton told to the voters that sexism already existed for almost America

workplace. The discrimination of a good position in the workplace was still on the

men’s hand and responsibilities. Women had been outlawed in the workplace

even their ability and achievement above than man but there was no chance for

women to reach higher position. It was merely not only in part of America, but

also local knowledge has been viewed for all American. Despites America

belonged to the patriarchal culture; it means that the power had been dominated



by men rules. Further in political position, women tended to have low power and

aspiration. Women were socially in a subordinate class and low position in a

social structure.

Dealing with politics, it referred to the social goods and communities. For

the deeper levels, it was about how to distribute social goods in the society in

terms of money, status and power. When we used language, social goods and their

distribution were always at stake; language was always “political” in a deep sense

Paul Gee, J, (2010). The sense of political was always being importance since it

dealt with many aspects of life. Politic always had the authority and domination in

the structure of communities. Political rules were taking prominence for many

changes’ situation faced by the government. Patriarchal rules tended to strictly

limit on woman access for working rights. If it referred to the past history of

feminism, one of the principles of postcolonial feminism of identity and

difference upholds experience as a source of knowledge. Women, as subjects,

constructed and negotiated values and beliefs, which came from their experiences

of belonging to certain social dimensions, such as ethnicity and religion,

prevailing within the culture of a certain context.

Another principle feminism of identity and difference was the intertwining

among social structures such as gender, race, class, and ethnicity which were

important features in the construction of women’s identities. It was concerned

with issues of multiple and complex ways of the intertwining of these social

dimensions in a particular context which was influenced by hierarchical power

such as privilege, domination, and marginalization (Coloma, 2009; Mirza, 2009;

Hickling-Hudson et al., 2004; Joseph, 2008; Minh-ha; 1988). The idea of



feminism in the first expression was sexism (sent.1/54) meaning there was

differentiation of woman position. In this context, woman got oppression at the

workplace and they did not get the equal right among men. Sexism were become

the strong issues for patriarchal roles. They tended to underestimate the woman

power. Despites, women served in every level of government service include

executive, judicial and legislative but this point of view did not have clear power

regulation that woman could be decided, the law enforcement needed renewable.

4.1.6 Lack of facilities of pregnancy and maternity

The second case was lack of facilities for pregnancy and maternity

(Sent.1/56). This condition was displayed of negative group representation. It

could be indicated by providing good health insurance for mother to protect them

from the risks of pregnancies. To gain the health for both, it needed best insurance

services. Besides, the public facilities also supported them to get good

breastfeeding for their babies. Affordable health care was more effective to

control the facilities. Therefore, to protect both, the insurance must become

personal right of American citizen. Affordable care acts were expected much to

cover their good health condition.

Maternity was very crucial for woman in order to give birth for future

leader. Woman had duties on making the quality of babies. Therefore, all the

facilities should support the needs of woman and babies, even though maternity

was one of main duties as a woman. The quality of babies was supported by the

good income and care taking. In this sense, woman was as subject of imbalance

right and suffered by injustice. Further, despite the responsibility to make the

babies health the economic factors as the cause of lack facilities and maternity.



They cannot have proper facilities like in a good hospital which provided much

care for mom and babies taking. If the government covered all the U.S insurance

without borders, the prosperity would spread to all citizens.

The statement (Sent.1/56) was figure out the negative group representation.

The most common social affect was the uncovered insurance for mothers and

babies in pregnancy and maternity cases by the government. This negative

representation was used by Hillary to assure some programs regarding the

availability of healthcare for mom and babies. It was such communication

strategies on gaining the citizen’s attention. The Government should protect the

women workers with the new regulation and laws. A standard maternity ward and

midwife must be available all the time providing mother’s confidence to give birth

to a bouncing baby comfortably with health facilities. Hillary cooperated with

Democrats and Republicans parties to create Health insurance program. She had

been successfully given more than eight millions children’s and reduced

significantly the number of uninsured children in all over America.

Therefore, The Government should have enough plans on covering

maternity care with no waiting period exist and have commitment on enhancing

social security, problems of vulnerable employment especially among the group

of female workers which are still prevalent. In terms of maternity protection in the

workplace, there was particular need for the effective action, coherence and

sustainable. The Government should protect their basic rights such as maternity

leave, medical care, cash benefits, protection from workplace risks, discrimination

and dismissals and right to give breastfeeding on returning to work.



There were the social structures built by this statement to embody the key

points of feminist value. In this case, this representation portrayed of social

imbalance for women communities. The most important things were the

infestation to have a good system for U.S. insurance and maternity policy. The

third part was about the development career path (sent. 1/35) since woman has

multitasking rules for their family, so many companies did not want to take risks.

Hillary was persuading on regarding the equality through the chance of career

developments and pay gap between man and woman.

The modified factor of pay gap was because stigma in the society

considered men were more professional and had higher achievement in job

without any double responsibilities on household. Therefore, the company or

institution took the consideration to achieved high profit with man’s ability.

Women were stigmatized to spend their money on household needs, but men

spend on all aspects of life. Women needed a stronger support to ensure non-

discriminatory hiring and pay practice, career counseling, better training and

improved work family support. Woman needed better access to well-paid job that

were current primarily done by men. By investing public care infrastructure, it

will improve the pay and economic stay in their career.



Table 4.2Discourse Meaning on Feminist IdeologyNo Context Situation Local Knowledge Sociocognitive






1/63. For somewomen, theyhave some badexperiences insocial life.

Social Issue:SexualHarassment

Some of them(eg: Uberengineer) areavoid theunbalanceexperiences insociety. One ofperspectivescomes thatwoman as theicon of sexinterest.Meanwhile,women as theobject of socialharassment bythe violencevictim.1. Long termmemory2. Mind3. Cognition4. Attitudes

Event privatecompany alsocannot protecttheir workerswith theappropriaterules becauseof the lowposition.

in someUScompanies maysexualharassmenthappened andinterferes with anemployee’s workperformance andcreatintimidate, oroffensive workenvironment.

- √

1/68 Regardingseveral casesabout theoppression ofwomen in theUS, thisdiscriminationseems bias.

Issue: Biaswomendiscrimination

Mostlyworkingwomenaccepted thepolicy becausethey needincome fortheir family. Itsuch acontradiction.1. Long termmemory2. Mind3. Cognition

Workingwomen needsextra effortsagainst thisdiscrimination.In some majorways theyalways facethis issue.

Women’sdiscrimination isseriousproblem.It shouldbe clearandgettingthesolutiontochange.

- √

3/323. She wascontributed ondevelopment ofa criminaljustice system

Eachmovementwerecontinually asreflected bythe laws. To

She wasfighting forjustice,developed thecriminal justicesystem. She

The ideaofrespected thelaws.

√ -



No Context Situation Local Knowledge Sociocognitiveaspects






Social Issue:CriminalJustice System

protectAmerican fromcriminalinjustice,governmentpresents thelaws to set upthe regulation.Within thenorms aspatterns couldturn Americaon the stabilitycondition.1. Long termmemory2. Mind3. Cognition

was created forAmericanbeing educatedwith the laws.That was apowerfulchange and shewas dedicatedas the motherof movement.

Sexual harassment was the sex discrimination when it would have occurred

but for the person’s gender. In this context (Sent. 1/63), since the woman had the

label as subordinate class in society, they tended to as the subject of sex interest.

The sexual harassment was much more prevalent in the workplace. Basically, the

discrimination was also in the form of harassment. At workplace, qualified

woman might be passed from promotion than male counterparts; one reason was

because they are pregnant. They were judged from their appearances and how

they dressed. They were faced to the qualification either pretty or not, too old, and

being sexy enough in some positions such marketing, public relation and front

desks officer. The social phenomenon happens was not only physically but also

psychologically. Women were more likely to be the victim of social harassment

precisely more often because they more often having lack power than man.

Violence against woman can easily happen for U.S citizen.



Sexual harassment can be categorized as abuse of power and such power

relation because the position of woman on job based office management was

under than the man’s position. Therefore, the power of high position had become

the reason of woman can suffers by its violence. For example, as secretary that

was always having mandatory and under maintained by her boss. For some

professional reason, it should not happen but there was big chance for doing

oppression at workplace. Traditionally, it happened since the male dominated

occupations such as construction, policy and military services were more likely to

be harassed. Woman roles were so weak, and oppression was still in their circle.

The laws and policy about woman were should be able to advocate of all the

cases. From this point of view, discourse meaning was categorized into negative

group representation.

Then about bias woman discrimination (Sent. 1/68), the unlawful

discrimination for employment happens in all aspects including gender, race, age

and religion too. It seems bias because the laws were not fair to protect the citizen

and has limited access to gain the equality rights. Bias discrimination was still bad

enough. It represented negative group representation. In this case, bias and

discrimination concerning employment can caused some effects. Besides, the

people power that had covered all issues then made the deviation bias. Power was

used to legitimize the deviation cases of woman. There were people power behind

the bias laws and policy. Some bias cases were not avoided in social structure, so

the cases cannot be maintained and observed strictly. Woman feels so ignored

with form of discrimination.



4.1.7 Criminal justice system for women

The idea of respected the laws was realized Hillary by developing and could

be assessed on criminal Justice System (Sent. 3/323). The discourse meaning

might be categorized as negative self-representation. Based on U.S. constitution,

criminal justice was not representing in central government, but it was networking

between federal, state and military or territorial courts. The functions of each

depended on interest: federal criminal justice system involved in national scope

crimes, state handled such crime situation found in the states and jurisdiction level

handled special justice system. Hillary concerned to revise the criminal justice

systems in order to give the citizen’s serve better, feel safe, justice and everything

was regulated by the laws. She proposed to protect women’s right as human rights

under international laws, so that not only America but also worldwide had the safe

guarantee to protect them from injustice.

From the representation of social issues above and how Hillary had courage

to fights the injustice and social conflicts, many American asked if she was

feminist. She really believed could bring revolution through the Presidential

candidacy. She gave big attention to the mistreatment, abuse of hundreds women,

giving sympathy to the tragic death of women caused by war, marginalization,

oppression and euthanasia. She also gave support to military operations of foreign

country as the form of strong nationality. Besides, she pointed out as feminine

characteristics such as strength, passion, sensibility, hardworking character, strong

integrity, responsiveness, toughness she had been manifested through running her




Nowadays after the election, there was new affects in conducting this

research in which certain values had successfully proved to the current regime.

Trump considered to do some failures in running this administration such as

deficit on good trades, the biggest crisis of immigrants, the huge of tax cut for the

rich, budget deficit so it caused Government shutdown in the U.S. because there

was a failure to pass the funding legislation to finance the government for its next

fiscal year and the impacts is disruption of government service and program and

the stock market became decreased.

4.2 Linguistic Features of Hillary Clinton’s Remarks Ideology

This study was also mainly concerned with the analysis illocutionary act

which showed the linguistic aspects to support the feminist ideology of Hillary

Clinton’s remark entitled “Remarks at A Conference for Women Conference in

Business”, remarks “Emphasizing the commitment to Young Parents and

Families” and remarks on “Remarks on Trump’s Bigotry at The Black Women’s

Agenda Symposium.” Based on the literature review, the data was interpreted

pragmatically where sentences and phrases were analyzed to examine the

illocutionary act through examining instances of persuasion the persuader

attempts to be achieved in her speech.

4.2.1 Assertive speech acts in the forms of “statement” and “request” are as

the political strategies to offer her programs as well

The adopted model for analysis was based on Kent Bach and Robert M.

Harnish (1979) speech act framework which was classified into ‘constatives

which consists of (assertive and informative), “directives”, “commissives”, and

“acknowledgments” and Searle’s (1969) classification of speech acts which



consisted of “declaratives”, “assertive”, “expressive”, “directives’ and

''commissive``. Within the constative speech acts, assertive speech act had been

realized with a considerable occurrence then the rest subcategories. Assertive was

counted 40.16%, directive 36.16% respectively and hence, they were the highest

proportions of persuasive acts. To have a better understanding, see the

consideration in the following extracts as the example of assertive and directives

speech acts. Generally, the result of the analysis of speech acts was presented


Table 4.3. The Frequency Analysis Result of Illocutionary Acts

No. Illocutionary Actby Kent Bach and

Robert M.Harnish

Frequencies Percentages IllocutionaryActs by Searle

Frequencies Percentages

1 Assertive 100 40.16.% Assertive 108 43.3%2 Directive 90 36.16% Directive 60 24.09%3 Informative 32 12.85% Commissive 29 11.65%4 Commissive 24 9.64% Expressive 27 11.65%5 Acknowledgement 3 1.20% Declarative 24 10.04%

TOTAL 249 100% TOTAL 249 100%

Each type has subcategories, as it had been mentioned above, and upon

which the statistical analysis was based. The total number of speech acts in

Hillary Clinton’s remark where statistically the highest proportion,based on Kent

Bach and Robert M. Harnish (1979), was constative acts with 40.16% out of the

total for assertive, then followed by directives with 36.16% and informative with

12.85%. Next was commisive with 9.64% out of the total and the last was

acknowledgement with 1.20% respectively. Each speech act had already sub

categorized which has variable presence in the data. This can be seen in the

following figure.



Figure 4.1. Bach and R. M. Harnish’s Speech Acts as The Linguistics AspectSupporting The Ideology

In the example below, Hillary asserted to the all inspiring women who stand

up on supporting her envision make equality in business. Likewise, not only

women in the White House, but also she encouraged women in that agenda which

consist of million people made big changes. She wanted women could lead in

some sectors include in business leadership. She said optimistically that the

“future is female”. While supporting the reproductive rights, she figured out that

there were a million people also turned out to be the biggest demonstration on

women marches who become in the U.S. history. She pointed that the energy of

women has been powerful on persuade the equality to step up and speak out.

Principally, Assertive speech acts were the types of illocutionary acts which

represents a state of affairs. It could be in the form of stating, requesting,

commands, claiming, hypnotizing, describing, telling, and insisting. They were

also committing the speaker to something being the case such as suggesting,

putting forward, swearing, boasting and concluding. Here. Assertive speech acts

of Hillary’s remarks were as follows.



“I am thrilled to be out of the woods and in the company of so many inspiringwomen and there is no place I'd rather be than here with you other than the WhiteHouse (datum 1/6)

This sentence was in the form of statement. One thing that Hillary wanted to

emphasize was that she made this statement in giving appreciation to the

inspiration women. They gave us strength on promoting women empowerment, to

support the women activists’ agenda. Hillary wanted to persuade that women have

had a powerful mindset to fight on injustice. Hillary built successfully the image

on the political discourse strategies. In fact, she used the political participation

deliberately from U.S citizen. She showed to the citizens that they would be

stronger together to run the program achieved. In the line with as part of

American ideologies populism, Hillary wanted to persuade that they had the sense

the popular engagement of the population in political decision making. Directly,

the illocutionary speech acts was presented above in the statement “I’am thrilled

to be out of the woods”. This implies the behind meaning that she had passionate

on, strong intention, hard work and high integrity to involved on certain actions

on woman’s injustice. She had a courage on discrimination together with the

citizens with her maneuvering on political participatory as the heart of democratic

principles. The second example of assertive presented in the sentence below.

“Because while we women have made strides in education and careers, there is stilla woeful lack of women in the upper reaches of science and technology, businessand education, not to mention politics and government. (datum 1/4)

In that sentence, Hillary has describing the lack of women contributed to

science, technology and education. She directly showed to improve the quality of

women on those fields. They should reach the high standards on education to

support in careers. In the sense of equality with men, women should lead in the

used of advanced technology. As we know, the development of technology can



easily affect on women’s daily needs. They have learnt from the several high

technologies combines with women interest on improving their capabilities.

Contextually, assertive speech acts that was used Hillary here affect the citizen to

do some actions and Hillary had being in the case. She avoided on developing

human resources as the basic on women rights to increase their life and they can

be independent as well to create their own business. It was the heart of the

feminist ideas that Hillary always fighting on. Another example of assertive in the

form of commands presented as the sentence below.

“We need to think beyond corporate boardrooms, beyond corridors of companiesor elected bodies, beyond our own lives and experiences to lift up women of allincomes, experiences and backgrounds in every corner of our country.” (Datum1/33).

Hillary was giving request that government should better to have the out of

the box ideas, fully mindset and critical ways to make the upgrading innovation so

that women can lift up of all incomes, experiences and background. It means that

government has challenges to create the new systems and to think beyond as far as

they go. In the clause “we need to think beyond” it was indirectly challenging the

government to evaluate and making certain analysis of policies for the better

regulation. Here the assertive speech acts in the form of requesting presented still

to empower the women interest. Consequently, beside to make the clear

regulation the citizen has commanded to have ready on developing their full

potential. The next, the assertive speech acts to support the ideology is to create

the corporate feminism as the sentence below.

“And a crucial part of solving these problems is recognizing that as important as itis, corporate feminism is no substitute for inclusive concrete solutions that improvelife for women everywhere”. (1/34)



Hillary insists that there were the solutions to solve the crucial part as the

central points of feminist movements. She highly committed to put the women as

priority. She asserted for the new programs and thought for the impact in order to

gain the inclusive concrete solution. The clause “And a crucial part of solving these

problems is recognizing that as important as it is”. She insisted for the serious cases to be

solved. It makes this fight comes into the real action. This assertive speech acts was

portrayed on making concerns with the priority on feminist movements.

While the last part of the representation of speech act, Hillary claimed that it

was part of the revolutionary system. Current political shows that U.S. was

running the different image. Jackie Speier had been serves as U.S. representatives’

women for California. Previously, Speier was a member of the California State

Senate who represented parts of San Francisco and San Mateo counties. This

might showed as the sentence below.

“Now that might not seem radical at all today but at the time it was prettyrevolutionary and Jackie Speier herself exemplifies a life of commitment andservice.” (1/9)

Hillary asserted a milestone of U.S. women representatives became greater

if it was lead by female activists. She emphasized on the most important things on

commitment and services to the society as the main duties of parliamentary


4.2.2 Informative speech acts are the linguistics features to figure out the

feminist spreading based on Hillary’s experiences.

Therefore, when they go high on progressing career and education, still

many of them lack on business, education, politics and government. In this point,

it made women powerless. It was recognized that education was a power which

could realize their potential and empower them to change the nations to be better



by living longer, healthier lives and contributing to the social human capital.

Basically, education for women was on the rise, but a lot of work remained. The

second occurrence was informative speech acts with the total number 32 out of

249 or about 12.85% as the sentence following example.

“Back in the 1980s my friend Congresswoman Jackie Speier started bringingtogether groups of women for networking and professional development, forsupport”. (datum1/8)

Based on the sentence above, she confirmed that Jackie has a strong

commitment to a fearless fighter for women's equality (Sent. 1/8). Jackie was

engaged on woman activist. She brought out young and professional working

together on congresswoman. Hillary was mentioned that Jackie also supports her

to break down the barriers that hold women back. She pointed that woman could

bring better towards professional life. Hillary informed and introduced regarding

the congress to American citizen that women leadership was the important things

as the visionary that the future is female. She struck on raising woman capability

to do great change and contributes American future. This congress actually held in

Washington and Jackie began on giving political experience at Washington.

“When I was Secretary of State I made it part of my mission to try to educategovernments that including women in the economy was not only good for themand their families but poverty went down and gross domestic product of the entirecounty went up”. (datum 1/38)

Another informative act was portrayed on behind the remarks when comes

into her experience during become the secretary of the senate in Obama’s

administration (Sent. 1/38). She emphasized to educate the government against

poverty. She pointed out that no child should have to grow up in poverty, when

the union was strong, America is strong. In some sentences, she informed about



her experiences when she was the first lady. She had met with a multi-talented

woman with multitasking on her duties most around 24 hours (Sent. 1/41).

“I meet talented women everywhere I go who are squeezing every minute out oftheir 24 hour day.” (datum 1/41)

She spent much time to do such multiple ways of negotiating identities as

her juggling between being a housewife in her domestic lives and workers in the

public spaces. Obviously, she helped on raising the welfare of the family and

contributes to the economy sector in the society. On the other hand, she has to

perform domestic core as a wife and as a mother.

“April Ryan, a respected journalist with unrivaled integrity, was doing her job justthis afternoon in the White House press room when she was patronized and cut offtrying to ask a question”. (datum 1/49)

Another, experience was found at the White House. All the activities,

meeting and events happen in the White House were always reported by the

media. At that time, she was figured out at the women journalist (Sent. 1/49).

Hillary informed that she spent the whole day in the White House press to do her

job with high integrity. She was also mentioned on the minimum wage of some

industries (Sent.1/78).

“But then I was discouraged to read a recent survey that despite the progress insome industries, companies on the whole are actually offering less paid time offthen they were a decade ago.” (datum 1/78)

Mostly, some companies did not give the extra payment for those who

taking the full-time job. Based on the survey, she informed that the industries had

less paid time off since the last decades.

4.2.3 Directives speech acts in the form of commands is realized to show the

power dominance



The third highest number speech act is directives with the total number

occurrence 90 out of 249 or about 36.16% as presented in the following sentences.

“To tell yourself, to tell your friends and your colleagues, no matter how you vote,show up and vote for goodness sake”. (datum 1/114)

This example of directives acts above was pointed out about to give vote and

participate in the election. She emphasized that there should no abstain vote and

sure make all are counted. “Be there. Make sure your ted and your vote count”.

(datum 1/115). Actually, she paid attention strictly to millennial and women all

over America. Her influence spread enthusiastically. She declared on directive

way to give vote will contribute of America's future ahead.

Given the context of her statement and the audience’s was a positive

reaction to it. Even they became so great on supporting Hillary to win the election.

She believed in taking action to restore the voting rights in a simple way and do

anything to make American easier to vote. She automatically registered the voters,

repaired the voting rights act, set national standard for early voting ages, restored

voting rights and took action. She believed all American citizens no matter what

they reside; they had the right to vote for president of the United States.

The next, she explained directly that she will fight to all American citizens’


“But a business that takes care of its employees. Mentoring and championing otherwomen and girls, giving time to volunteer outside of work. Standing up andspeaking out”. (datum 1/119)

She will set out the women regulation at office. She was probably giving the

woman space to develop their passion on business (Sent. 1//119) and she

preserved on building an economy that works for everyone not just those who



were at the top. She strongly avoided on playing field for even America's small

business level.

The fourth number of speech acts is commissive speech acts with the total

number 24 out of 249 or around 9.64%. Here, she wanted to persuade on

transforming healthcare. She showed American that universal, quality and

affordable healthcare should be for everyone in America. She supported offering

“public option”, which would create a government sponsored health insurance

option to compete with private insurers. She supported to make healthcare to be

more accessible to all American families, regardless of their immigration status as

mentioned in the sentence “But your members are transforming the way we do

things, the way we deliver healthcare” (datum 1/13). According to her platform,

she also explored cost effective ways to make healthcare more affordable

accessible to rural Americans who currently had the fewest insurance options and

can face higher costs than those in urban areas. She strongly insisted that all

citizens must have access to have better health facilities such as enough

availability on drugs to cover all diseases.

The next expression was regarding the roles of women in leading on

business. As we know that film was becoming more equal gender and recent

award-winning films do have a higher proportion of women in senior crew

positions made a new generation. There were more female directors, and this

indicated that gender equality might improve across the board. In this case,

Hillary encouraged all women could take part of developing business on film

industry. Cultural changes were needed to all levels, the big awards ceremony like



Oscars were dedicated to acknowledging more film directors and

cinematographers to encourage young women in entering the industry.

This commisive speech acts can be categorized as plan to the empowering

U.S. female citizen on building the business through the film industry in the

future. We might concern through the film industry; female citizen can improve

good job that supports a middle-class life and not only that jobs that provide a

sense of dignity and pride. That was what it means to have an economy that

worked for everyone, not just for those at the top. The next generation of young

and girls must contribute on financial efforts through the film making. As it is

noted, the most common scenario was one lead per film the token of woman. It

was necessary the best features of women talented on film industry which

presented by several awards.

Another commissive speech acts representation was about advancing the

rights and opportunities of women and girls on business in the 21 centuries

“I've been saying for a long time, as many of you have, that advancing the rightsand opportunities of women and girls is the great unfinished business of the 21st

century”. (datum 1/22)

The trends of the past half century were unlikely to reverse. Women and girls will

continue to play an expanding role in workplaces, homes, economy and families.

Concerning on business, women treated as equal as man in all business dealings.

The private sector was an essential partner in the women economic empowerment


They had enormous power to bring transformative change through inclusive

hiring, promotion policies, market expansion, workforce development and

procurement spending. As we know that inclusion of women in private sector

development was essential to achieve sustainable development. The economic



benefits of empowering women in business were more productive and innovative,

economic grows and household developed. Hillary wanted woman should run for

office. She believed that there was a strong business case for private sector

investments in women's economic empowerment.

Otherwise, shared values between companies and woman can be best

created in partnerships between companies and women's rights organization.

Woman could join on financial sector, trade promotion and sustainable value

chain. Therefore, women were also leading in some U.S. industries. Women

owned firms were dominant in few industries compared to those run by men, such

as home leading sectors such as healthcare, manufactures, small industries, retail,

business and hospitality as mentioned in the sentence “And companies with more

women in upper management do achieve higher profits”. (Sent. 1/39).

Women tended to have good management strategies and innovative

thinkers. Most women typically worked with passionate and manageable; it meant

that most of them well organized since they were usually do many multitasking

households. Therefore, if we talked about profit, diversity helped more companies

profitable, innovative and respected. A large female presence in the company was

also associated with higher status. A strong female presence also made companies

having benefits the workplace environment. Companies could have strong

encouragement to increase their profit.



Figure 4.2 Searle’s Speech Acts as the Linguistics Aspect SupportingThe Ideology

If we compared with Searle (1969) theories, there were 43.37% assertive

with the total number 108 out 249 which the highest occurrence, then followed by

directives 24.09% with the total number 60 out of 249, Commissive 11.65% with

the total number 29 out of 249, Expressive 10.85% with the total number 27 out

of 249 and declarative 10.04% with the total number 25 out of 249. There were no

significant differences between Bach and Harnish (1979) and Searle (1969)’s

theories classification of speech acts with the highest one was assertive and

directives while the differences was the represents of declarative as the following


In the statement “Now that might not seem radical at all today but at the

time it was pretty revolutionary and Jackie Speier herself exemplifies a life of

commitment and service”. (datum 1/9). Hillary declared that the woman activist



Jackie Speier as the role model of feminist movements. She was very

revolutionary and had strong commitment in providing and facilitating woman

organization. In developing woman service, she was awarded as the Newsweek

150 lists “Fearless Woman” in the world and one of “Politico’s 50” most

influential people in United States. The movements were not radical but the

approach with the citizen could be through in many ways such as certain events

for women's equality and gender roles. Hillary wanted to emphasize that woman’s

contribution to feminist movement in U.S. were still on lift up. This declaration

was free up giving chance other women participated more on gaining the equality.

Supported by other statements “She has to be in Congress for votes but let's

show our appreciation for her visionary leadership with a round of applause she

can hear all the way back in D.C.” (datum 1/10). Hillary declared to give Jackie

Speir appreciation on her leadership. It based on her contributions in Washington

D.C. She made some great changes in Washington D.C. to make the same rights

gender roles on politics. In contrary, in some perspective, woman had limited

access to hold in position in politics. She always been active to lead the

congresswoman and inspire ideas much on feminist movement. Jackie also built

the partnerships on woman agenda and as mediator on such woman conflicts.

Hillary strongly declared that there were many U.S. women who had dedication

on humanity and defenses to all oppressions in communities.

Other facts about the limited women's participation in U.S government were

in California. It has been along the 20 years ago. “But even in a state like California,

that is ahead of the curve in so many ways, the number of women serving in the state

legislature is at a twenty year low” (datum 1/26). Jackie as the role models for the



woman dedication to the social issues. As a member of California state assembly,

Speier was not only having strong passion on woman organization, humanity,

equality rights for all communities but also, she has deep attention to the

immigrant’s cases and sexual abuse harassment. She has been successfully to

bring Bill’s administration into the high point. Hillary showed strong emphasized

that the presentation of woman in the administration must be equal. She declared

to reach great change was not an instant way.

It needed more effort to increase the activities and programs to support the

envision “But I am here today to urge us not to grow tired, not to be discouraged

and disappointed, not to throw up our hands because change isn't happening fast

enough”. (datum 1/28). In General, Assertive and Directives were indicated that

speech acts contributes to support the discourse and feminist ideology. Directive

speech acts in the form of commands were used to show the power dominance

and can influence the society while assertive tend to gain support from U.S


While assertive speech acts was committed the speaker to the truth of a

proposition, most of Hillary’s speeches were emphasized on a statement based on

the factual experiences. It became her political strategies while offering her

programs and gaining the solutions on women’s right. She was successfully build

the image and influenced the citizen based to relate the reality cases that pointed

on certain actions.





This chapter is enlarging the conclusions and suggestions of the research. The

conclusions are presented the first part and followed by the suggestions. Each part

is explained below.

5.1 Conclusions

In reference to the research findings, the conclusions can be drawn as


5.1.1. The Idea of Feminist Ideology

Based on the social cognition’s point of view, the feminist ideology

represented by the woman empowerment characterized of almost Hillary

Clinton’s remarks. There were several issues on social problems that Hillary

interested to fight on, including sexism at workplace, working hours and

unpredictable schedules, lack of pregnancy and maternity facilities, pay gap and

development carrier paths, discrimination, and disability rights for children.

5.1.2. Assertive and Directives Speech Acts are Supporting the Feminist


A presidential and political language plays an important role in enhancing

the power of persuasion. This research shows three remarks of Hillary Clinton has

direct and indirectly influenced the U.S. citizens to vote her. The ideology is also

supported by the occurrence of speech acts. The dominant speech acts in Hillary

Clinton’s remarks is assertive with the total number 100 out of 249 or about

40.16% and then followed by directive speech acts with the total number 90 out of



249 or about 36.16%, Informative with the total number 32 out of 249 or about

12.85%, Commissive with the total number 24 out of 249 or about 9.64% and the

last is acknowledgement with the total number 3 out of 249 or about 1.20%.

The language style which is expressed by Hillary Clinton has direct and

indirect influence to the citizen by using several types of speech acts which is in

some cases presents the illocutionary act and it is found more than one utterances.

They were all dominated by the constative speech acts and hence assertive and

directive in the form of commands speech acts.

In addition, this research aimed at providing in depth understanding of

persuasion languages in political speeches. Through the use of persuasive speech

acts, political figures use this strategy as an effective way to achieve a special

political purpose. Therefore, the speech acts theory is very useful and applicable

framework in analyzing presidential remark.

Another representation of speech act is informative which implies that there

are a lot of information presented by Hillary Clinton’s speeches especially the

nation agenda if she would elect and some program planning during her

administration. With regard to this, there are many good respected from the U.S

citizen which realized by the number of votes or high electability at that time and

she won at several nations and woman reaction to her campaign and congress.

Consequently, it may bring some positive effects to the audience and U.S citizen

largely that they put the trust and better hope to great change America in the


Instead of informative, Hillary’s speeches are dominated by commission

which the most frequently statements were about promising to some programs.



The dominant of promising act by Hillary may affect citizen to have much

expectation to the brand new movements on her administration. The optimism

regarding women rights especially will advocate continually. The minimum wage

and equality in the workplace will be implemented as she stated. There is the

same finding both speech act theories by Kent Bach and Robert M. Harnish

(1969) also Searle (1979). The difference is just from the occurrence of

declarative with the total number 25 out 249 or about 10.04% and expressive with

the total number 27 out of 249 or about 10.85% respectively.

5.2 Suggestions

The findings of the research may lead to the suggestions of the following parties.

1. Students of English Language Studies

For the English Language Students who study about discourse and speech

acts, they can minimize the misunderstanding in their communication since

discourse analysis and speech acts concerns about the meaning behind utterances.

They can provide enough knowledge on understanding the language styles and to

minimize the misconception for public options. On critical ways, they can have

the sensitive way and critical sense to face the power imbalance as social function.

Besides, they are expected to have better perspectives based on the contexts by

understanding the certain issues on social, politics or other fields through

languages. Discourse in language is essentials patterns to assists not only social

problems, but also largely.

2. Researchers

Basically, the study about discourse language and speech acts have the

broaden coverage. To enrich the development of sense of criticism on language



other researchers may to have another project like investigating the current issues

in our nation or worldwide issue about power imbalance, hoax (post truth era),

discrimination, oppression and marginalization in the communities of social

structure. Besides, the other researchers also using the application theory of

speech acts in any different context not only to analyze the presidential speech or

remarks, but also the different materials such as written newspaper, language of

petitions, legal transcripts, advertisement texts, documentary films, etc. It may

enrich the patterns of speech acts in different ways.




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Appendix 1. Van Djik’s Analysis on Social Cognition and Discourse Meaning of Hillary Clinton’s Remarks

No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning




Represent32. But even that’s not

enough. We can’tstop there. We needto reset the table, sowomen are nolonger required toaccept or adapt todiscrimination orsexism at work.

Social Issue:Discrimination atwork

Discrimination isstill happening forAmerican women.

Most Americanwomen hadexperienced thediscrimination at theworkplace. Thehigher women rise,the more likely theyare to experiencediscrimination. Thoseat the top are 45% thetop are 45 percentmore likely to reportit than those at thebottom.1. Short term

memory2. Mind3. Cognition4. Attitudes

There’s still a biggap in theunderstanding ofdiscriminationsbetween thegenders. Some ofAmerican womentaught that theprofessionalwomen arescrutinized moreharshly than men.It supported withthe perceptionmen’s thinkingabout women.Some argues thatwomen don’treach the highestjobs in businessbecause ofdiscriminationveresus over half

Hillary wants toemphasize thatdiscrimination towomen shouldbe stopped. Thelaw and policyregarding theequality of right,pay, and chancein career areneeded tocontrol thediscriminationand protect thewomen’s right.




No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning




Representof women.

35. Because aschallenging as it isto climb the careerladder, its evenharder for women atthe margins unableto get on or stay oneven the lowestrung.

Social Issue:Development ofCareer Path

Womenexperience a paygap all the waythrough theircareers. Men freshout of college inthe same majorsand jobs makemore than theirfemalecounterparts.

In America with thepatriarchal rules,women are tends tobe in the lowerpositions that men.Some phenomenonwere also comeswhen men withchildren are oftenviewed positively byemployers, stabilityand investment in thefuture areconstructive traitswhich will translatehelpfully to theworkplace. However,women with childrenare viewed in a muchmore negative light.It is because womenare seen have themultitasking duties attheir family. Some of

In the privatesector, women areon most boards ofdirectors of largecompanies buttheir numberremains lowcompared to thatfor men.Furthermore, the“glass ceiling” hashindered women’saccess toleadershippositions’s inprivate or publiccompanies. This isespecially notablein the largestcorporations,which remain thatmale is alreadydominated.

The gap on thecarrier ladder forwoman is reallycrucial. It cannot possiblyshowing themovementacross the upand lowermobility.




No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning




Representprivate or publiccompany does nottake a risk for theircompany.

1.Short termmemory


36. And for too manywomen, especiallylow-wage workers,basic things, like aliveable wage or apredictable workschedules oraffordable childcareare still way out ofreach.

Social Issue:AffordableChildcare rights

The USgovernment didnot provide thedifferent schedulefor woman. Thetotal hours everyday is 9 hoursfrom Monday toFriday and forwoman there isthe sameregulation andduties.

The minimum wagewhich womenexperience a pay gapall the way throughtheir careers. Menfresh out of college inthe same majors andjobs make more thantheir femalecounterparts. Nomatter how manyadvanced degrees awoman attains, menwith the samecredentials will stillbe paid more.

1.Long term

The pay gapcontinues to widenas women advancein their careers.And even womenwho make it to thevery top of theladder are paidless than othermale executives.

There should bedifferentiatedand categorizedbetween menand womenregarding theminimum wageand the right forwomen at theworkplace.




No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning






47. And where everydaysexism andstructural barrierswere once blatant,today they’resometimes harder tospot but make nomistake, they’re stillwith us.

Social Issue:Sexism atworkplace

The culturesexism as the iconin the Americaworkplace.

Women who are inpowerful positionsoften find they faceda daily barrage ofsexist behaviour frommen, which in manycountries is outlawedin workplace. Andoften, even amongthe elite, women donot do as well asmen.

1.Long termmemory


In patriarchyculture, sexism isportrayed in everyright of women.

In the modernera, many fromof sexismrepresented inUS society. Itbecome strongsupported withpatriarchalpolicy in the USgovernmentrules.


54. And even whensexism andexclusion are out inthe open, itssometimes hard to

Sexism andexclusion are thepart of womenoppression formin US.

Women position isconsidered a minoritygroup, because theydo not share the samepower, privileges,

The long historyof sexismportrayed until the19th centurywhich most

This sexdiscriminationare exist amongsociety. Besidessexism and




No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning




Representbelieve they couldpossibly bedeliberate.

Social issue:Sexism

rights, andopportunities as men.

1.Short termmemory


women could notown property andwomen’sparticipation in thepaid labour forceoutside the homewas limited.

exclusion are thetwo thingsinseparablewhich isreflected by theright to have sexand the law.

56. Decisions to ripaway coverage forpregnancy andmaternity care, orlimit access toreproductivehealthcare aroundthe globe.

Social Issue:Healthcare to covermaternity andreproductive.

Lack of maternityand pregnancyhealthcare accessfor woman in theUS.

Millions of womenLack healthcare inthe United States.Their reproductivebecame have noguarantee foraffordable care act.Some of them godied and badcondition includesher babies.

1.Short termmemory


There are manyprovisions of theAffordable CareAct thatspecifically helpwomen andimportantly forwomen, insurancecompanies will nolonger be able tocharge womenhigher premiumsthan men foridentical policiesand all plansshould required tocover maternitycare.

There should bethe governmentprogramprovides thefacilities toprotect motherand babies.




No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning




Represent63. And for some

women, the hostilityis even moredirect,like the Uberengineer who spokeout about herexperiences withsexual harassmentand spurred thecompany to publiclyadmit to addressingthis problem.

Social Issue:SexualHarassments

For some women,they have somebad experiences insocial life.

Some of them (eg:Uber engineer) areavoid the unbalanceexperiences insociety. One ofperspective comesthat woman as theicon of sex interestmeanwhile, womenas the object of socialharassment by theviolence victim.

1.Long termmemory


Event privatecompany also cannot protect theirworkers with theappropriate rules.Women here havethe weak position.

On some UScompanies maysexualharassmenthappened andinterferes withan employee’sworkperformance andcreating anintimidation,hostile oroffensive workenvironment.


68. Beyond issues ofbias anddiscrimination, thegame is often stillrigged againstworking women inmajor ways.

Regarding severalcases about theoppression ofwomen in the US,thisdiscriminationSeems bias.

Mostly workingwomen accepted thepolicy because theyneed income for theirfamily. It such acontradiction.

1.Long termmemory

Working womenneeds extra effortsagainst thisdiscrimination. Insome major waysthey always facethis issue.

Women’sdiscrimination isserious problem.It should beclear and gettingthe solution tochange.




No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning




RepresentSocial Issue:BiasDiscrimination


69. What kind ofmessage does it sendthe world that theUnited States is theadvanced economywith no nationalpaid family leavepolicy? And lessthan 15% of workershave access to paidfamily leave, andthose benefits areconcentrated amongthe highest-incomeworkers.

Social Issue:No National FamilyLeave

The family leaveof US citizen isaccepted based onthe framework ofpolicy.

US governmentmakes the regulationswhich becomenational standard forworkers, their policyshould evitable foreach citizen.1. Short term

memory2. Mind3. Cognition

The family leavecould access to allcitizen, not onlyconcerns onhighest income butfor all workers.

The parity onpaid shouldtransparable.


87. And we’re seeingexciting initiativesacross industries like

Gaining theequality in theworkplace by

Employment equalitylegislation providesfor equal pay for

The EDGEcertification hopedcan help the

Mostlyindustries in USassumed that




No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning




Representthe EDGEcertificationprogram, which wasdesigned to helpcompanies measureand hold themaccountable forcreating a moreequal workplace.

Social Issue:EDGECertificationProgram

provides likeEDGEcertificationprogram in mostlyUS company.

work. Like work isdefined as work thatis the same, similar orwork of equal value.It is one of the termthat must be part ofthe contract ofemployment forinstance.1. Short term

memory2. Mind3. Cognition

employees reachtheir objectivesand develop theirpersonal andprofessionalobjectives anddevelop theirpersonal andprofessionalobjectives basedon equal access toopportunities inthe workplace.

this certificationcan make thejustice system inworkplaceregarding genderequality anduniquelyapplicableacross industriesin mostgeographicalregions.

98. Now, afterwards,there were plenty ofpeople as you mightexpect, whowondered whetherthat level of energyand enthusiasmcould be sustainedand whether itwould make any

Good vibes ofenergy andenthusiasm couldmake any ofchange againstthisdiscrimination.

With the optimism ongender equality andwomen right for allAmerican’s womenthe energy andenthusiasm couldmake change anddifferences onAmerica’s future.

Mostly peopleexpect hopechallenge,opportunity, andconfidence in thefuture. Inempowering thewomen of theAmericas, we cantruly power the

American’shope for betterfuture.




No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning





Social Issue:Enthusiasm asbasic to havechange

1. Short termmemory

2. Episodic memory3. Mind4. Cognition

region.Enthusiasm isalready existamong society tomakes change.They insist that ifgovernment in theright hand ofleader then thechange willrealize.

100. When congress andthe administrationtried to jam througha bill that wouldhave kicked 24million people offtheir healthinsurance, defundedplanned parenthood,jeopardize access toaffordable birthcontrol, deprivepeople withdisabilities and the

The congress haskicked theinsurance forwomen’s right.All policies goconcern forwomen, child anddisabilities.

The decline inmaternal mortality,health insurance,birth control anddisabilities has beenmost dramatic inplaces that sufferedsome of the worstrates in the past suchas countries in theCaribbean andandean regions. Theyget lost on someexperiences in a

The congress andthe administrationhave beendeciding thewrong choicebecause they canprotect thewomen’s right.

The governmentneeds to beanalyzing againfor regardingthis policy.




No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning




Representelderly and nursinghomes of essentialcare, they were metwith a wave ofresistance.

Social Issue:The essentialsnursing home

woman care act.They are gettingprotest towards thepolicy from thecongress finalized.

1.Short termmemory


111. And we need toinsist on puttingpeople firstincluding byworking together tomake healthcaremore affordable, tobuild on whatworks, to createbetter and moreupwardly mobileeducation andemployment ladders.

Social Issue:Affordable

The healthcareand affordablecare act are basicneeds to producethe quality ofeducation andemployment inUS.

The new federal law,the Affordable CareAct, generallyrequires insuranceplans to covermaternity care as oneof the “essentialhealth benefits”.

1.Short termmemory


The United Statehas made womenand girls acornerstone oftheir foreignpolicy. We knowthat investing inwomen and girls isthe moral thing todo, and also thesmart, strategicthing to do foradvancing U.S.interests.

Access toaffordable andcomprehensivehealthcare forwomen on thegovernment’srole making thepriorities fromall programs.




No. SentenceExpression


Local Knowledge Social Cognition DiscourseMeaning





288. It’s clear that thereare so manychallenges facingyoung familiestoday that we haveto come to gripswith, and we have towork together to tryto find the bestmenu of options.

Social Issue:Best menu optionsat home

The roles ofwomen in theirhousehold.

Woman in US tendsto be moreindependent. Theyhave a responsibilityto gain the fullpotential on their jobbut also to prepareAmerican childbecome the leader.So, they playsimportant role tohave the menuoptions of theirfamily.

1.Short termmemory



Woman facing thechallenge tocombine theirroles.

Woman hasimportant rolesto contribute agood leader forAmerica.


291. Because there is justno ‘one-size-fits-all’.

There were somewoman suffersfrommarginalization.

Sometimes somepolicies andregulation does notsupport with all

It would be thesocial problemwhen the policiesand regulation can

Clearmeasurement forwoman policyagainst the




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RepresentSocial Issue:Marginalization

public interest.1.Short term


not save publicneeds. She wouldmake bettersystem in order tokeep society trustto the government.


292. People havedifferent needs:childcare needs,sometimes evenmore as shanda and iwere just talkingabout even morechallenging withspecial needs kids,and how we startearly and providethat sort of support.

Social Issue:Childcare access

Childcare havethe same rightprotection withwomen’s right.

The right of USchildren must besupported withgovernment’sprogram. So they getmuch challenge tomake everything ontrack.

1.Long termmemory


Most Americanargued that Hillaryis activist forwomen. With thedevelopment ofchild and

The priority forAmerican kidsneed.


293. For some theirfamilies leave andparticularly absenceof paid family

Uncovered offamily leave

Providing the goodfacilities for thenewborns.

1.Long term

Woman andchildrens shouldprovided withbetter facilities for

Good facilitiesfor woman andchildrens




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Representleaves, because thatmakes it moredifficult to deal witheverything fromnewborns to agingrelatives.

Social Issue:Facilities for thenewborns


newborns, goodincome and paysall family leave

294. Others, it’s justcontinuining stressof a workplace thatdoesn’t provideenoughcompensation withrising incomes.

Social Issue:Rising income

The affect of thediscrimination cannot provideenough the risingincome.

Ideally for somecompanies shouldprovide thecompensation onrising incomes. Forthe prosperity of theirworkers, the financialsupport can reducetheir stress at work.

1.Long termmemory

2.Short termmemory


The rising incomeis the best way togain worker outfrom the stress.

Encourage thecompany toprovide thecompensations.




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Represent295. There still is a

challenge with equalpay for woman,which is real. It isnot made up.

Social Issue:Equal pay

Woman’s equalpay

Women faced to thedifficulties onfighting for the equalpay.

1.Long termmemory


American societiesstill facedunbalance income.It seems not fearbecause the loadof each was notdifferent withman. Besides theywere muchsacrifice for beingmom.



296. There are lot ofconcerns in theworkplace that I’mhearing aboutincreasingly aboutthe work day neverend, the schedulesare oftenunpredictable.

Social Issue:Working hours andunpredictableschedules

The regulationhours for womenthis is not clear.

The concept of labourrights that Americanhas the same right isgive equal pay.

1.Short termmemory


When policiescommits to theequality forwomen then it’sappropriate forclear schedule andresponsibilitytowards them.

Women’sresponsibilityand right in theworkplace.




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Represent297. And even when you

think you’re gainingsome control overthat work day it’ssubject to so manyvariables that are outof your control, andoften end upthrowing bigmonkey wrenchesinto what should beyour family timeand your effort to tryand organize andstick with that.

Social Issue:Family Times

Women’s duties isto havemultitaskingforce.

In proper ways,women’s ability withthe multitasking forceshould control thefamily needs. Theykeep on both.

1.Short termmemory


To have theprosperous family,woman has abilityto organize andcontrol all thingsin a good way.

Stay controllingand focuses onboth matters.Either woman atwork andorganize well onher family.


298. These are issues thatI’ve worked on for areally long time,going back to myown life as amother, a daughter,and some of the

Hillary experiencewhen worked forthe children’sdefense fund.

She’s figure out thatwomen concern onfamily needs. Theexpectations of eachwoman are to makeher family happy.

1.Long term

She is committedto thedevelopment ofchildren’s right.

Based on her lifeexperience,Hillary’s pointedthat today’sworld on familyright must be thepriority despite




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Representchallenges there butalso in the work thatI’ve done for thechildren’s defensefund, and other waysof trying to figureout how we have amore cohesive, andfrankly welcoming,set of families intoday’s world.

Social Issue:Children defensefund


all duties.

299. And i want to give aspecial shout out tocongresswomanJoyce Beatty.

Social Issue:Congresswoman

Hillary’scontribution tocongresswomanJoyce Beatty.

She wants to givesome perspectives inJoyce betty’scongresswoman.


A special shoutout dedicate to thecongresswomanJoyce Beatty.

Sharing the ideaon the sameframework.


300. When I saw Joycerecently, she said,well you are

Joyce hascommitted todefense of women

Joyce has preparedand contributes todeal with all women.

Joyce gives goodwelcoming Hillaryto join her

With the samespirit and goodvibes.




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Representcoming, aren’tyou?” and I said,“I’m working hardto get it set.”

Social Issue:Working hard asan woman activist

and children right. 1.Mind2.Cognition3.Short term



302. I also want toacknowledgesomeone who hadsuch a profoundeffect on my life, inevery way, someonewhom I admire andlove, Marian WrightEdelman.

Social Issue:Figure of womanactivist

Acknowledgedwith the otherfeminist figurethat concern onchildren right. Aswe know thatMarian WrightEdelman is anAmerican activistfor the rights ofchildren. She hasbeen an advocatefor disadvantagedAmericans for herentire professionallife. She ispresident and

Hillary and Mariamhave the sameeducationalbackgroundgraduated from Yalelaw school. Both asthe activist ofchildren defensefund. Both also havethe basic career asleading on lawcenter. While Joyceand Hillary comesfrom Democrat party.


Joyce was veryhonour to improveher effort withsupport fromHillary andMariam.

She want toAmericansknows theirstrength andpower againstand criticize theunbalancepolicy.




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Representfounder of theChildren’sDefense Fun.


303. This audience isfilled with long timefriends and people Iwent to Wellesleycollege with thatbecame lifelongfriends to me, and somany of you whohave been on thefront lines everyoneassociated with TheBlack Women’sAgenda, i’m thrilledto be with you. I’mthrilled to beassociated with you.

Social Issue:Black womanagenda

All participants inthe congress couldbe the ambassadoron promotingchildren andwoman right.

Since the participantof the congresscomes from the sameenvironment, the oldfriends. Its not a newcampaign becauseeveryone has priorknowledge andexperiences. She wasbig supporter onwomen’s blackagenda. She declaredto involve themagainst thediscrimination.

1.Mind2.Cognition3.Long term


Discriminationacross the blackwoman stillhappenssometimes. Whitepeople seems hasthe high socialstatus and in thegovernmentposition.

With all peoplehas the samemission, itsproved better.She was totallyserious on thatmatter.


304. Looking back, Iknow, i should have

Her spirit andgoals were bigger

American thoughtHillary always

American thoughtsthat Hillary is very

Gain thepeople’s




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Representfollowed mydoctor’s orders torest, but my instinctwas to push throughit.

Social Issue:Strongcommitment

than herweaknesses. Sheignored her healthconditions.

handwork to reachthe goals unlimited.

1.Mind2.Cognition3.Long term


serious oncontributes towomanempowerment.

intention andprove that shededicated totallywork on it.

305. Life has shown usthat we do have towork harder at theoffice while stillbearing most of theresponsibilities athome that wealways need to keepgoing because ourfamilies and ourcommunities counton us.

Social Issue:Responsibility atoffice and at home

There’s no easyways on lifereaching theprosperity.

Sharing the optimismbecause Americancan do that. Theytend to devices bothmatters equally.

1.Short termmemory


Mostly Americanwoman fight fortheir family andcarrier life. Theywere could as aBIG mother.

Hardwork is thebiggestresponsibilityfor Americanfamily.




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Represent306. And i think it is

more than fair tosay, that blackwoman has an eventougher road.

Social Issue:Woman’s power

The optimist wayenhancing onblack womanorganization.

Since there are manyorganisations fightfor the discriminationaddressing blackwoman and manyactivist involved onthis even the scopehave greatlyexpanded the contextin which blackwomen and theirhistory. It was largelydiscussed byunderscoring blackwomen’s issuerelated to race,gender, and class.

1.Mind2.Cognition3.Long term


Emphasizing howthe road on blackwoman’s journeyagainst the racism.

How strongthem with all ofunity.


307. And you, yourdaughters, yourgranddaughters iwas pleased to meet

Our sacrifice ongaining theeconomic forfamilies.

American womenwere having takeduties earlier beforeworking. They

Working womanon bothresponsibilities.

Woman’s bigchallenges.




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RepresentGwen’s beautifulgranddaughterearlier leave thehouse everymorning, put on thatgame face that weall practice, andenter a society thatconsistentlychallenges yourworth.

Social Issue:Leave the houseevery morning

passionate to havechallenge on bothresponsibilities.

1.Mind2.Cognition3.Long term


308. And you are proofthat yes, indeed,black girl magic isreal.

Social Issue:Different Races

The change ofblack girl positionin the society.

The challenge showsprogress for the rightof black girl.

The journey tofight for equalityand justice, blackgirl reach the greatchange indeed.

Emphasizing astep further forwoman’s blackgirl fight.


309. Now, I’ve beenblessed to see thismagic’s influence on

The magicinfluence on kidscommunities

To build up workingon woman and child.It’s been long time

Hillary’s debutedon childrendefense fund.

She wasadmiring to seethe kids




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Representkids andcommunities upclose for decades,starting with myfirst job after lawschool working withMarian at thechildren’s DefenseFund.

Social Issue:Children’s DefenseFund

arranged bychildren’sDefense Fund.

ago. Together withMarian, they exploreon how to contributethe social matters.

1.Long termmemory


Recent factsmakes her satisfyand alwaysoptimist to carryon. She was reallywell rememberingon hard work withMarian since atYale.

communitiesaround her andkids otherworlds livingbetter.

310. Mariam’s belief wasthat every singlechild had worth andpotential anddeserved theopportunity to liveup to their Godpotential with thetools and the supportthat every childneeds. And that wejust improve the

The basic right ofchildren’sopportunity togain their fullpotential.

American child arecapable to achievetheir full potentialgaining their dream.

1.Long termmemory


Every child couldnot be illiterate.Support and teachthem with muchknowledge,respect andappreciate themwith highachievement.

To reducepoverty, womanshould developsthemselves ashigh on theirpotential withoutlimits.




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Representodds a bit for thosesuffering in poverty,they could flourish.

Social Issue:Opportunities ofbeing prosperous

311. We met kids whohad dropped out ofschool because theycouldn’t affordtextbooks ortransportation.

Social Issue:School’s access

Some Childs otable go to schoolbecause the poorcondition.

The big attention forchild to have a goodfacilities going toschool.

1.Long termmemory


Americangovernmentshould the betterschool needsbecause it’s thebasic right forchildren.

Easy access andgood facilitiesfor children togo to school.


312. Some didn’t havedecent clothes andstayed home toavoid beinghumiliated in class.

Social Issue:Children’s

The primary needof child can not isfulfilled.

Some childrenbecome annoying andignorance in the classbecause they havedeficiency someneeds between them.

1.Long termmemory

This big cases thatHillary’s andMarian concernson. How to makesAmerican arestudents havingbasic needs forschool activities.

Some of poorchildren feelslike ignoredwhen their basicneed cannotcovered.




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Representeducation needs 2.Mind

3.cognition313. Some had untreated

medical and dentalproblems that madeit practicallyimpossible for themto learn.

Social Issue:Children’s lackmedical access

Children’s healthinsurance.

American children1. long term


Health insuranceis matter way.Children couldlearn well if theyhave good health.

The importanceof healthinsurance onchildren’s living.


314. Those stories reallyhurt my heart.

Social Issue:Children’s worstcondition

Hillary’sexperience to seethe childrencondition

Some Hillary’sexperiencessuccessfully makeher thinking how tofight for them.

1.Long termmemory


American childwere verydistressful and thelemmatizingaccess and didn’twant to see it to beworst.

She was verydisappointed andfeels sodepressed to seethe facts.


315. But Marian alwaysbelieved we coulddeliver help andhope if we never

The sense ofoptimistic andhope.

Since she contributedon Children DefenseFund, Marian andHillary were

Marian thinks thatby giving help.Child could reachtheir freedom and

On a greatchange theytrust.




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Representever gave up committed helping

them and assists themto keep on.

1.Long termmemory



316. So she taught usways to thinkcreatively, as well asstrategically to takeour advocacy andturn it into actionand result.

Social Issue:Advocacy for casessolutions

Thinking forsolutions.

Marian and Hillarytaught for providingadvocacy as thebridge to avoid this.

1.Long termmemory


To find certainaction, they needto think creatively.

Advocacy wasthe effectiveway to turnaction gainingsmart solutions.


317. She sent me to newBedford,Massachusetts, to godoor to door lookingfor children whoweren’t in school.

New Beford andMassahusettsshow her somechildren who haveenough education.

The ideas werehappen from the realfacts and it’s reallymatter that childrendon’t have enougheducation.

1.Long term

Children were theAmerican futureleader andeducation wasreally importantfor them.

The primaryneeds forchildren wereeducation.




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RepresentSocial Issue:Lack of education


318. That was backbefore we had alegal requirementthat every child,regardless ofdisability, deservedto get an education.

Social Issue:Children’sdisability right

The equal right ofdisability.

Every Americanchildren weredeserves to get bettereducation.

1.Long termmemory


Another spirit tokeep having richknowledge,disabilities wasalso developingtheir educationlevels.

Disabilities cannot exhibit thegetting bettereducation.


319. I met a young girl innew Bedford and satand talked with heron the small backporch of her house.

Social Issue:Poverty

Hillary’sexperience at NewBedford.

New Bedford,Massachusetts is thelarge part ofAmerica, Exploringcase by case, to seethe poor children......

1. long termmemory


By approachingthem, Hillaryknows theiraspiration.

Understandingwhat children’smatters andconcerns on.


320. She told me how Children avoiding Most of them were School becomes School did not -



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Representbadly she wanted tolearn, but couldn’tbecause schoolsweren’t accessibleor welcoming.

Social Issue:Limited access oneducation

the unbalancerights.

difficult to get schoolaccess and find suchignorance forschools.

1.Long termmemory


inaccessible forthem.

have policies toprotect them andopen the chancefor goodeducation.

321. So Mariam had usget work and changethat.

Social Issue:Woman’sdedication

Mariam’s start tofind themovements.

Marian big missionstogether with Hillarypromoting thisprogram.

1. long termmemory


Their hardworkdevelops sincetheir partnershipswere building.



322. We helped convincecongress to ensureaccess to educationfor all students withdisabilities.

Social Issue:

Represents thecongressconcerningdisabilities.

Take part someactions help thedisabilities.

1.Long termmemory


Education is for allwithout anyexception.

The educationchance fordisability is freeand veryaccessible.




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RepresentEqual educationfor disabilities

323. Marian showed methat to drive realprogress; you haveto change bothhearts and laws.

Social Issue:Amendment thelaws andregulations

State of mindthinking theprogress onwomanmovements.

Hillary always usedher position to makewomen’s rights andhuman rights ascentral talking pointof U.S. initiatives.The ideas ofchanging regulationput into the priority.

1.Long termmemory


Progress andchange are madeby the state oflaws and clear ofpolicy on it.

Evaluate thelaws as the formof earlymovements.


324. I also want torecognize pioneerslike Barbara Jordanand ShirleyChisholm, whoscarified andstruggles so that Iand so many otherwomen running foroffice could soar.

The sacrifice ofwomen’s activistpioneer.

Mentioning thecontribution for fightequality of woman.She informs that herfight together withher colleagues. Shecan not be successfulto run her mission

1. long termmemory

Barbara Jordanand ShirleyChisholm is theUS representative,women activistand Americanpolitician.

The power ofwoman to makethe mission.




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Social Issue:Stronger together


325. I’m here because offriends andcolleagues, likeDonna Brazile,Reverend LeahDaugherty andCongresswomanMarcia Fudge—three black womenwho ran theDemocratic NationalConvention in July.

Social Issue:Freedom of speechfor black women

Declare thecommittees whohardwork to buildthe congress.

Donna Brazile,Reverend LeahDaugherty andMarcia Fudge areHillary’s partner inDemocratic party.They are womanactivists and runningthis....with bigmission. Both also asDemocratic NationalConventionCommittee initiator.

1.Long termmemory


American thoughtsthat theirhardwork resultingthe strongmovement ofwoman. As anactivist who hasthe strong intereston public policyand politicalcarrier they fighttogether forwomandiscriminationinequality andoppression.

To achieve thebig goal needscontribute thepower. DirectlyHillary asked thepersons whoreally supportand stay on.


326. It goes to show thatblack womendeserve more than aseat at the table, It’s

The same right ofblack women inthe carrier orgovernment

In some meeting andgovernment officialevent there was manyblack woman

Black woman alsoplays importantrole to give theidea on such event

Black womanwere dominatedand involved inthe meeting.




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Representpast time you had afair chance to runthe meeting.

Social Issue:Women’s roles

position. involved for allpositions.

1.Long termmemory


or meeting. Itsmall portrait thatHillary and friendswere makeschange.

327. And as I saidyesterday in NorthCarolina, I’m goingto close mycampaign the way ibegan my career allthose years ago atthe children’sDefense Fund, andthe way that I willserve as yourpresident should Ihave the great honorof being elected. Iwill be focused onopportunities forkids and fairness forfamilies.

The journey onChildren’s fund.

The biggest goals ofHillary campaign wasconcerning onwoman, kids andfairness for families.

1.Long termmemory


She wantsAmerican and allcitizens with manydiversities, interestgives the chance tobe elected aspresident of US.She think that hereffort needs to beexplored, developsin the future. Shewill leads onincreasing the roleof woman andkids.

Priority ofpresidentialprograms.




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RepresentSocial Issue:Fairness for kidsand family

328. The Americanpeople deservesomething to votefor, not just againstand together,together, we aregoing to make this afreer, fairer andstronger nation.

Social Issue:Commands to voteher in election

Bargaining to voteher.

The composition ofHillary’s supporterswere consists ofwoman. They trusther because herfeminist movementdreams.

1. long termmemory


She invitesAmerican to joinher, realize herplans together tomake Americagreater,prosperous,stronger nationand leading amongworld.

Full of hope forbetter America.


329. We’re going to fightthe parentsstruggling to balancefamily and work andpush for affordablechild care, paidfamily leave andyes, finally, equalpay for women.

Hillary’s majorityguideline programplans.

Some majority goalsthat Hillary wants tofight for allrepresents children’sneeds and indeed forfamily purposes andprosperity.

1.Long termmemory

She dedicated herself on public care.

Equal pay.



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Social IssueEquality


330. We’ll fight for theyoung girls whowant a fair change inlife, which is whywe’ll make universalpre-k available sothat every child nomatterwhat theylook like or wherethey live can rise upand be prepared tofulfil their academicdestiny.

Social Issue:To gain thepotential ineducation

Plans for theaffordableeducation.

Their potential.Hillary’s movementencourages especiallyto young girls onpreparing and to besuccessful on theireducation capability.

1.Long termmemory


Better life comesfrom education.The pre-K isimportant becauseit provides a greatfoundation forkindergarten. Thesuccessful ofeducation dependson the curriculumapplied. The pre-Kseems theeffective strategiesfor American preschool program.

Education isreally matter forAmericangenerations.


321. We are also going todo a lot toemphasize STEMeducation,

STEM educationsystem is theteaching programstrategy for girls

STEM is acurriculum based onthe idea of educatingstudents in four

Girls and womenwere also havesame priority oneducation.

STEM seems thebetter choice forcurriculumeducation




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Representparticularly for girlsand women, and ithank the agenda formaking that apriority.

Social Issue:STEM educationfor girl and women

and woman. specific disciplinesincluding science,technology,engineering andmathematics.

1.Long termmemory



322. We’ll fight forentrepreneur whosaid that morebusinesses die in theparking lots ofbanks thananywhere else,which is why we’regoing to increaseaccess to capital,and we are going tohelp AfricanAmerican womencontinue to representthe fastest growingsegment of women-

Give good accessfor Americanwomen to developtheir interest onbusiness.

The segment ofAfrican andAmerican womenshould have thebalance position.There’s nodifferentiate betweenAfrican or Americanon nurturingenhances thebusiness.

1.Long termmemory


On the fastestgrowing businessin America,Hillary was payattention to thefacilities and allthe stakeholderswithout anydifferentiation.

The fact rangingand businessneeds supportwith accessiblefacilities.




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Representowned businesses inAmerican right now.

Social Issue:To ensure thatwoman starts onbusiness andentrepreneurship

323. We’ll remember thepain of the motherof the movementand fight for acriminal justicesystem that actuallydelivers justice anda future whereeveryone has respectfor the law isrespected by thelaw.

Social Issue:Criminal Justicesystem

She wascontributed ondevelopment of acriminal justicesystem

Each movement wascontinuely asreflected by the laws.Top protectAmerican fromcriminal injustice,government presentthe laws to set up theregulation. Within thenorms as patternscould turns Americaon the stabilitycondition.

1.Long termmemory


She was fightingfor justice,developed thecriminal justicesystem. She wascreated forAmerican beingeducated with thelaws. That waspowerful changeand she wasdedicated as themother ofmovement.

The idea ofrespected thelaws.




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Represent324. We’ll remember the

families neglected inflint and take actionso that no child’slife is ever put atrisk again whenbrushing their teethor drinking a glassof water at dinner.

Social Issue:Take a risk forchildren

Save childrenwithout who havefull attention fromtheir parents.

Most Americanfamilies did nothaving fully attentionto their families sincethey have busy dayfor carrier. Childrenhad a risk to beuncontrolled by thestandard protection.

1.Long termmemory


Some familieswere takingconsequences onchildren’sattention.

No children arehaving riskunsafely fromparent’s task.


325. We’ll advocate foreveryone concernedabout their parentsand grandparents asthey age, and lift upcaregivers and homecare workers soolder Americans canlive in comfort andwith dignity

Social Issue:

Provides acomfort life for allAmerican withoutany differenceslevels of socialstatus.

Hillary wasconcerned to thefamily life withstandard comfortable.They avoided for allaspects.

1.Long termmemory


All Americanwithout anyexception shouldhave better lifewith dignity.

Tries toadvocate andfacilitate allAmerican betterlife.




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RepresentHomecare workers

326. And we’re going toprotect and enhancesocial security,which is the mainsource of income forolder women.

Social Issue:Social security

Gaining theprogram to givesincome forwomen who arenot productiveagain.

The older womanwas the priority toprotect them forsocial security.

1.Long termmemory


Making standardscale income forolder woman.

Reviewing theroles of socialsecurity forolder women.


327. We’ll stand-by-sideto make sure that allof our right arerespected andprotected—civilrights and women’sright, LGBT rights,worker’s rights and,of course votingrights.

Social Issue:Human rights

Avoid forAmerican rightswere respectedand protected.

Civil rights forAmerican are thepriority to makeAmerica great again.All rights should beprotected and allcitizens have theequal right in front ofhe government’sroles and regulation.

1.Long termmemory


She emphasizedthat she will thefacilitator to leadcivil rights servedthem better.

All rights are thebasic ofhumanity.


328. We are coming In the time of The future of their The future of Thinking for -



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Representtogether at a pivotalmoment for ourcountry. The futureof our children andgrandchildren hangsin the balance.

Social Issue:The future of ourchildren andgrandchildren

makingmovements. Asling as far they gothrough think fortheir nextgenerations.

generations lies onwhat they encouragetoday.

1.Long termmemory


American’s nextgeneration


329. On one hand, wehave any opponent,Donald Trump, andin recent weeks, he’stried to restrainhimself and clean uphis image.

Social Issue:Black campaign

Fight for theiropponentsstatements, strikeon what’s DonaldTrump askedabout to build theimage on gaininghigh vote

Showing theweakness of DonaldTrump statement.

1.Short termmemory


Many citizens puton trump votes.They couldbelieve on hispower.

Striking onTrump policy.Try to make thecitizen trust onhis planning.


330. But as MayaAngelou once said,“When someoneshows you who they

Maya Angelou isBlack woman’sactivist. She wasproduced of some

Emphasizing in theself confidence andbuild the positivecharacter as an

She wants thateveryone weremotivated byinspiring women

She suggeststhat good leaderhas a strong ofself esteem.




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Representbelieve them thefirst time”.

Social Issue:Strong identity

poets to avoid ofdiscrimination,racist andinequality ofwoman.

activist.1.Long term


activist like thegreat MayaAngelou.

331. He looks at a Goldstar family and seesthem as muslims,not patrioticAmericans. Helooks at women anddecides how ourlooks rate on a scaleof one to 10. I lookat America, I seeeveryone. I see ourgreat diversity,which is one of ourcore strengths, notour burden.

Social Issue:Great diversity

Underestimate onthe figure ofDonald J. T tomake betterAmerica.

Donald always seesMoslems as theterrorist. Hillary wanto Americanunderstands howworst he is.

1.Long termmemory


She triedconvincing thather programsupports to thewoman aspiration.She was neverlooks the womanbased on whatmeasurement whatclassification. But,overall anduniversalize intoone identity.

Bad experiencemakes himalways thinknegativity onmoslemdisparity.


332. It’s about who willhave the power to

The idea onprotecting

Thinking on who hasthe responsibility on

Find out theAmerican leader

The bestcandidate who




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Representshape our children’slives for the nextfour years.

Social Issue:Power influences

Americanchildren’s in thefuture.

saving children as thefuture of American’sleader.

1.Long termmemory


has the powerconcerning onchildren’sactivist.

333. Now in many ways,the profound choiceis up the women inthis room. AfricanAmerican womenturned out to votemore than any othergroup of Americansin 2012.

Social Issue:Vote rights withoutidentity.

The total ofwomen voters onsupporting her towin the election

There was no gapamong Americanwoman. AllAmerican have thefreedom to choosewho the best leaderis.

1.Long termmemory


American voteswere mostlydominated byAfrican American.Therefore, therewas nodifferentiating incivil right.

American youngwomen voteswerecontributed.


334. I know that all of usin this room areready to stand upagainst this to riseup for our families,

Suggests to eachpeople be ready togives poll on thedate of election.

Trusting people getready giving polls onher. Tried to motivatebe good ass

1.Short term

Reach people’ssympathy forfuture’s change.

Final changeoration beforethe election.Make sure all iswell.




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Representour communities,but mostimportantly, to showup at the polls thisNovember.

Social Issue:Family needs




Appendix 2. The Illocutionary Acts of Hillary Clinton's Remarks

No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.


1Hello! Thank you, thankyou all so much.


It is great to be back inSan Francisco, a place thathas a big spot in my heartand to be able to speakwith all of you thisafternoon.


Please be seated and youcan jump up and down it isbeen a wonderful but longday I hear.


I want to thank Anne nojust for her kindintroduction but forexemplifying the kind ofcreative entrepreneurialleadership that she hasdemonstrated and that so



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.many of you are also partof.


I want to thankAlexanderRoddy for herleadership and all she'sdone and to make thisevent such a success.


I am thrilled to be out ofthe woods and in thecompany of so manyinspiring women and thereis no place I'd rather bethan here with you otherthan the White House.


But lets remember whatbrought all of us here forthe 28th convening of thisevent.


Back in the 1980s myfriend congresswomanJackie Speier startedbringing together groupsof women for networkingand professional



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.development, for support.


Now that might not seemradical at all today but atthe time it was prettyrevolutionary and JakieSpeier herself exemplifiesa life of commitment andservice.


She has to be in Congressfor votes but lets show ourappreciation for hervisionary leadership with around of applause she canhear all the way back inD.C.

11Because just look at whatyou represent.


The ProfessionalBusinesswomen ofCalifornia is now thelargest women'sorganization in the statewhich probably means itsthe biggest in the country,



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.I don't know that but itseems reasonable toassume if you're biggest inCalifornia.


But your members aretransforming the way wedo things, the way wedeliver healthcare.

14You’re running cities andfortune 500 companies.


You're making Oscar-nominated films andleading in every industryfrom finance to fitness,empowering the nextgeneration of women andgirls and taking on someof the toughest problemsthat we face.


That's why I was thrilledthat the theme for thisyear's conference is"inclusion now" becausethat is spot on.



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.


There's never been a moreimportant woman than thewoman who stands up andsays not just for herself butfor everybody else, "wewant diversity andinclusion in everything wedo in our country."

18And in fact, it is not onlythe right thing to do, it isthe smart thing.

19These are not justbuzzwords to throwaround or boxes to check.


The best way to solveproblems is to bringtogether a wide range ofpeople to crowd sourcesolutions.


And guess what? Bringingdifferent perspectives andexperiences intoprofessional offices bringsnot only fresh ideas but



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.higher revenues.


And I've been saying for along time, as many of youhave, that advancing therights and opportunityofwomen and girls is thegreat unfinished businessof the 21th century.


And some days, I admit, itseems like it may be evenmore unfinished than wehoped.


Because while we womenhave made strides ineducation and careers,there's still a woeful lackof women in the upperreaches of science andtechnology, business andeducation, not to mentionpolitics and government.

25Women's representation inthe current administrationin Washington, for



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.example, is the lowest it isbeen in a generation.


But even in a state likeCalifornia that is ahead ofthe curve in so many waysthe number of womenserving in the statelegislature is at twentyyear low.


And women in the privatesector, particularly womenof colour, still struggle forrepresentation in the c-suite and boardroom.


But I am here today tourge us not to grow tired,not to be discouraged anddisappointed, not to throwup our hands becausechange isn't happening fastenough.

29Or to even take a passbecause we think we'vedone our part



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.


We need more women atany table, on anyconference call or emailchain where decisions aremade.


And a big part that'sencouraging more womento run for office andpushing the private sectorto do a lot better than itcurrently is.


But even that's not enough.We can't stop there. Weneed to reset the table sowomen are no longerrequired to accept or adaptto discrimination orsexism at work.


We need to think beyondcorporate boardrooms,beyond corridors ofcompanies or electedbodies, beyond our ownlives and experience to lift



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.up women of all incomes,experiences andbackgrounds in everycorner of our country.


And a crucial part ofsolving these problems isrecognizing that asimportant as it is,corporate feminism is nosubstitute for inclusiveconcrete solutions thatimprove life for womeneverywhere.


Because as challenging asit is to climb the careerladder it is even harder forwoman at the marginsunable to get on or stay oneven the lowest rung.


And for too many women,especially low-wageworkers, basic things, likea liveable wage or apredictable work schedules



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.or affordable childcare arestill way out reach.


We know from decades ofdata that encouragingwomen's full participationis both right and smart.This data comes not justfrom our own country butfrom across the world.


When I was secretary ofstate I made it part of mymission to try to educategovernments thatincluding women in theeconomy was not onlygood for them and theirfamilies but poverty wentdown and gross domesticproduct of the entirecounty went up.


And companies with morewomen in uppermanagement do achievehigher profits.



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.


Yet we also know, manyof us from our own lives,that women still facebarriers that hold us back.


I meet talented womeneverywhere I go who aresqueezing every minuteout of their 24 hour day.


They love their jobs butthey can not escape thenagging feeling that it is alot harder than it should beto get ahead.


I bet just about everyonein this room has had theexperience of sayingsomething in a meetingthat gets ignored.


Ten, twenty minutes latera man says the same thingand everyone thinks itsgenius.

45And I think we shouldpool our respective



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.reactions so that you haveright at your fingertipsexactly but good idea.

46Nice thought. Little slowup the uptake but goodidea.


And where everydaysexism and structuralbarriers were once blatant,today they're sometimesharder to spot but make nomistake, they're still withus.


Just look at all that’shappened in the last fewdays to women that simplywere doing their jobs.


April Ryan, a respectedjournalist with unrivalledintegrity, was doing herjob just this afternoon inthe White House pressroom when she waspatronized and cut off



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.trying to ask a question.


One of your ownCaliforniacongresswoman, MaxineWaters, was taunted with aracist joke about her hair.Now too many women,especially women of color,have had a lifetime ofpractice taking preciselythese kinds of indignitiesin stride.


But why should we haveto? And any woman whothinks this couldn't bedirected at her is living ina dream world.


I mean, it is not like Ididn't know all the nastythings they were sayingabout me.

53Some of them wereactually quite creative,ones I hadn't heard before.



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.But you just have to keepgoing.


And even when sexismand exclusion are out inthe open, it is sometimeshard to believe they couldpossibly be deliberate


Recently, photos havebeen making the rounds onsocial media showinggroups of men inWashington makingdecisions about women'shealth.


Decisions to rip awaycoverage for pregnancyand maternity care, orlimit access toreproductive healthcarearound the globe.


We shake our heads andthink, how could they nothave invited any women tothe table? Well, a



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.provocative opinion piecein the New York Timesthis week argues that itmay not be an oversight atall but an intentionalsignal: don't worry; themen are in charge ofeverything.


My favourite sort of takeon these pictures, maybeyou saw it, was the one ofdogs sitting around an ovaltable and the caption wasdiscussing feline care, Iliked that.


But it is a cruel irony thatstereotypes and bias runrampant even atcompanies that pridethemselves as beingforward thinking.

60More and more womenhave been sharing storiesof their experiences in



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.Silicon Valley.


Stories of consistentlybeing asked to take notesin meetings or get thecoffee, of beingundermined, interruptedand criticized in a way thatnever seems to happen totheir male colleagues.

62Those may seem like smallthings, but over time theytake a toll, don't they?


And for some women, thehostility is even moredirect, like Uber engineerwho spoke out about herexperiences with sexualharassment and spurredthe company to publiclyadmit to addressing thisproblem.

64It is disheartening to hearwomen at the highest levelof their profession say



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.things are no better for theyoung women beginningtheir careers today.


Women hold just a quarterof computing jobs in theU.S. And that number hasgone down instead of up.


Women are hired at lowernumbers in the techindustry and leave at morethan twice the rate men do.And for women of colour,the situation is even worse


Beyond issues of bias anddiscrimination, the game isoften still rigged againstworking women in majorways


What kind of messagedoes it send the world thatthe United States is theadvanced economy withno national paid familyleave policy? And less



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.than 15% of workers haveaccess to paid familyleave, and those benefitsare concentrated amongthe highest-incomeworkers.

69You know, it was actuallya little better before peopleknew what was going on.


I remember I was a younglaw partner when Iwaspregnant and that was along time ago and mypartners just didn't want totalk about it.


I'd walk down the hallgetting bigger and biggerthey'd turn their heads(laughter) and Chelseacame early.


You know, I kept raisingthe idea of well what kindof time off do I get? Wellit never happened before,



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.so nobody was talkingabout it.


So Chelsea comes early, Ihave her late one night,next morning, earlymorning, my phone ringsand it is our managingpartner. He doesn't saycongratulations.


He doesn't say hope youand the baby are fine, hesays when are you comingback to work? I said, wellI don't know and just outof the air I said I don'tknow, maybe four months.


Well he had no idea,because he had nevertalked about it withanybody before.


I said, you know, I canprobably, you know, pickup some work and dosome things in a couple



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.moths, but lets say 4months.

77That was the beginning ofour paid leave policy.


But then I was discouragedto read a recent survey thatdespite the progress insome industries,companies on the wholeare actually offering lesspaid time off then theywere a decade ago.


And for too manycompanies that do offerfamily leave, it doesn'tapply to fathers or LGBTcouples or adoptiveparents, and thats kind ofstrange for people inCalifornia because you'vehad more than a decade ofevidence that offering paidfamily leave doesn't hurtbusiness; in fact, it helps



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.companies complete fortop talent and to retainemployees.

80The benefits outweigh thecosts


So why is it thatcompanies still aren'tdoing all they can tosupport working parents?As a candidate forpresident, I put out acomprehensive plan, Idon't expect you toremember that, in factthere was a recent studyshowing none of my planswere really publicized ortalked about, so that givesme something for speechesfor at least a decade.


Obviously the outcome ofthe election wasn't the oneI hoped for, worked for,but I will never stop



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.speaking out for commonsense benefits that allowmom and dads to stay onthe job.


After all, I think it is fair tosay no good idea has everbecome a realityovernight. As our friendsin startups know, it takestime and hard work.


And I'm heartened by thefact that even as westruggle at the federallevel, cities and statesacross the country arelooking to California and afew other places to passpaid family leave.


There are a growingnumber of businesses inthe country that areleading by examples.Companies’fromsalesforceto Gap are



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.making real commitmentsto their employees byguaranteeing equal payand paid family leave,respectively.


And we're seeing excitinginitiatives across industrieslike the EDGEcertification program,which was designed tohelp companies measureand hold them selvesaccountable for creating amore equal workplace.

87And see what you can doto advocate for it withinyour own company.


The private sector can andmust be an engine ofchange on these issues,especially in a place likeSilicon Valley.

89Because when you're onthe cutting edge of how



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.people work and learn youhave both an opportunityand an obligation toinstitute workplacepolicies that helpemployees meet theirresponsibilities at homeand on the job


And then leaders in otherindustries will take noticeand try to match what youdo.


After all, you're the peoplewho figured out how toput computers in the palmsof our hands and you havethe tools and the creativityto take on big problemslike implicit bias and makethe case for those inelected office to followsuit.

92So despite our stumblesand our setbacks, we've



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.never been betterpositioned to take on thisvital work.


In fact, I don't think ourcountry has ever beenbetter positioned to take onthe challenges of thefuture.


Where some see a darkvision of damage, I see alight shining on creativityand opportunity.


Now, we saw that in realtime the day after theinauguration whenmillions of women andmen from all walks of lifemarched for women'sequality, visibility andinclusion.



It was the biggest marh inour country's history and Idelighted at every sign Isaw quoting my 1995



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.speech that human rightsare women's rights andwomen's rights are humanrighta once and for all.


Now, afterwards, therewere plenty of people asyou might expect, whowondered whether thatlevel of energy andenthusiasm could besustained and whether itwould make anydifference.


Well I am here to tell you.Last week we saw the firstindication that the answerto both of those questionsis yes.


When congress and theadministration tried tothrough a bill that wouldhave kicked 24 millionpeople off their healthinsurance, defunded



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.planned parenthood,jeopardize access toaffordable birth control,deprive people withdisabilities and the elderlyand nursing homes ofessential care, they weremet with a wave ofresistance.


People who had neverbeen active in politics toldtheir stories at town hallmeeting, flooded thecongressional switchboardwith calls speaking out foraffordable health care


These were not onlyactivities and advocates,they were people who hadsomething to say and weredetermined to be heard

102Yes some were new to thefight and others, likecongress woman Nancy



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.Pelosi have been on thefront lines for years.

103And when this disastrousbill failed it was a victoryfor all Americans.


But let me let you in on alittle secret. The other sidenever quits. Sooner orlately, they'll try again


We will need to fight backtwice as hard, not for thesake of politics butbecause these are badpoliticise that will hurtpeople and take ourcountry in the wrongdirection.


You know, there's a littlemantra I've been repeatingto myself lately, a littlesilly, the kind of thing thatpops into your heads whenyou take a lot of longwalks in the woods.



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.


But as I think about theoutpouring of activismwe're seeing despite all thenoise and the nonsensefour words keep comingback to me: resist, insist,persist, and enlist.


We need to resist actionsthat go against our valuesas Americans, whetherthat's attacking immigrantsand refugees, denyingclimate change of passingbogus laws that make itharder for people to votein elections.

109We need to resist bias andbullying; we need to resisthate and fear.


And we need to insist onputting people first,including by workingtogether to makehealthcare more



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.affordable, to build onwhat works, to createbetter and more upwardlymobile education andemployment ladders.


To insist that we can dobetter. That's who we are.We're always pushingtowards that more perfectunion.


And then we need topersist, as we saw sodramatically in the senatewhen Mitch McConnellwent after senatorElizabeth Warren and said,nevertheless she persisted,in being told she could notread a letter from CorettaScott King.


So we need to persist toapproach future challengeswith the passion we'veseen these last few months



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.and then bring that to thevoting booth in 2018


To tell yourself, to hellyour friends and yourcolleagues, no matter howyou vote, show up andvote for goodness sake.

115Be there; Make sure yourvoice and your vote count.

116And we need to enlist,enlist in this effort, get inthe arena


Now that can mean manythings. Running for office,which I hope some of youwill actively consider.


Starting and running abusiness, which many ofyou have done and aredoing.


But a business that takescare of its employees.Mentoring andchampioning other women



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.and girls, giving time tovolunteer outside of work.Standing up and speakingout.


So sure, the last fewmonths haven't beenexactly, what I envisioned,although I do know whatI'm still fighting for.

121I'm fighting for a fairer,big hearted, inclusiveAmerica.

122The unfinished business ofthe 21st century can't waitany longer.


Now is the time to demandthe progress we want tosee and to work together tomake it real in our ownlives, in our businesses, inour government, in ourfamilies, our country andthe world.

124 And I'll be right there with



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.you every step of the way



It's clear that there are somany challenges facingyoung families today thatwe have to come to gripswith, and we have to worktogether to try to find thebest menu of options.

127Well, thank you all forcoming and having thisconversation with me


It's clear that there are somany challenges facingyoung families today thatwe have to come to gripswith, and we have to worktogether to try to find thebest menu of options.

129Because there is just no'one-size-fits-all'

130People have differentneeds, sometimes even



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.more as Shand and I wasjust talking about evenmore challenging withspecial needs kids, andhow we start early andprovide that sort of support


For some it is familyleave, and particularly theabsence of paid familyleave, because that makesit more difficult to dealwith everything fromnewborns to agingrelatives.


Others it is just acontinuing stress of aworkplace that doesn'tprovide enoughcompensation with risingincomes.


There still a challenge withequal pay for women,which is real it is not madeup



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.


There are lots of concernsin the workplace that I’mhearing about increasinglyabout the work day neverends, the schedules areoften unpredictable.


And even when you thinkyou're gaining somecontrol over that work dayit's subject to so manyvariables that are out ofyour control, and often endup throwing big monkeywrenches into what shouldbe your family time andyour efforts to try andorganize and stick withthat.


So I hear about this allover the country, and Ireally want to talk about itand hear from you morethan me talking.

137 Because there are some



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.obvious, maybe eventypical, responses, but Iam trying to get a muchbroader view about thatwill work.


These are issues that I’veworked on for a reallylong time, going back tomy own life as a mother, adaughter, and some of thechallenges there but also inthe work that I've done forthe Children's DefenseFund, and other ways oftrying to figure out howwe have a more cohesive,and frankly welcoming, setof expectations andsupport for families intoday's world.

139Because It’s just harder, Ithink. It's just my take. Ithink costs are greater

140 Everything from



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.commuting time to feelinglike if you take thatvacation day, you're goingto be viewed as slackingoff.


I mean they are just theyare cultural as well aseconomic and structuralchallenges, so I'm just veryinterested in hearing whatall of you might have tosay.


142"Hello, B-W-A. I thankyou all for that warmwelcome.”

143There's nowhere, I'd ratherbe than right here with allof you this morning


Please everyone be seated.This is such a greatopportunity to lift up thework that so many of youhave done for years of



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.your organizations,individually and I amgrateful for it because ithas helped to guide me ina lot of the work that I’vebeen privileged to do

145I want to thank Gwen Hessfor her introduction


I want to acknowledge, it'salways great to see awoman serve as presidentin any setting


I want to congratulatetoday's honorees.Everyone is so deservingof this recognition.

148I also want toacknowledge a few others


We have some fiercemembers of congress withus today, women whom Iadmire, who have been mycolleagues and friends andwith whom I am looking



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.forward to continuing ourwork: congresswomanSheila Jackson Lee,Congresswoman GwenMoore, CongresswomanYvette Clarke, andCongresswoman StaceyPlaskett.


And I want to give aspecial shout out toCongresswoman JoyceBeatty.


When I saw Joycerecently, she said, "well,you are coming, aren'tyou?" and I said, "I'mworking hard to get it set"

152And I am so proud that itdid work out, and I thankJoyce for that extra push


I also want toacknowledge someonewho had such a profoundeffect on my life, in every



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.way, someone whom Iadmire and love, MarianWright Edelman.


This audience is filled withlong time friends andpeople I went to WellesleyCollege with became life-long friends to me, and somany of you who havebeen on the front lineseveryone associated withThe Black Women'sAgenda, I'm thrilled to bewith you. I’m thrilled to beassociated with you.

155I'm also thrilled to be backon the campaign trail

156As the world knows, I wasa little under the weatherrecently


The good news is, mypneumonia finally gotsome republicansinterested in women's



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.health


Looking back, I know, Ishould have followed mydoctor's orders to rest, but,my instinct was to pushthrough it.

159That is what women doevery single day, and I feltno different.


Life has shown us that wedo have to work harder theoffice while still bearingmost of the responsibilitiesat home that we alwaysneed to keep goingbecause our families andour communities count onus


And I think it is more thanfair to say, that blackwomen have an eventougher road

162And you, your daughters,your granddaughter earlier



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.leave the house everymorning. Put on that gameface that we all practiceand enter a society thatconsistently challengesyour worth.


With the images you see,the lower pay that so manytake home, that try tosilence your voices andbreak your spirits: yet, youremain fierce in the face ofthese challenges.

164We see that every day inthe communities andorganizations you lead.


While your stories areoften missing from thehistory books make nomistake you are the changemakers, the path breakers,and the ground shakers.

166And, you are proof thatyes, indeed, black girl



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.magic is real.


Now, I've been blessed tosee this magic's influenceon kids and communitiesup close for decades,starting with my first jobafter law school workingwith Marian at theChildren's Defense Fund.


Marian's belief was thatevery single child hadworth and potential anddeserved the opportunityto live up to their godpotential with the tools andthe support that everychild needs and that if wejust improve the odds a bitfor those suffering inpoverty, they couldflourish.

169So she led our team intosome very poorcommunities



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.


We met kids who haddropped out of schoolbecause they couldn'tafford textbooks ortransportation


Some didn't have decentclothes and stayed home toavoid being humiliated inclass


Some had untreatedmedical and dentalproblems that made itpractically impossible forthem to learn

173Those stories really hurtmy heart


But Marian alwaysbelieved we could deliverhelp and hope if we neverever gave up


So she taught us to thinkcreatively, as well asstrategically to take ouradvocacy and turn it into



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.action and result


She sent me to NewBedford, Massachusetts, togo door to door lookingfor children who weren't inschool


That was back before wehad a legal requirementthat every child, regardlessof disability, deserved toget an education


I met a young girl in NewBedford and sat and talkedwith her on the small backporch of her house.


She told me how badly shewanted to learn, butcouldn't because schoolsweren't accessible orwelcoming.

180So Marian had us get towork and change that

181We gathered evidence andbuilt a coalition



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.


We helped convincecongress to ensure accessto education for allstudents with disabilities.


Marian showed me that todrive real progress, youhave to change both heartsand laws

184You need bothunderstanding and action.

185And there is no question;I'm here today because ofher example.


I also want to recognizepioneers like BarbaraJordan and ShirleyChisholm, shesacrificedand struggled so that I andso many other womenrunning for office couldsoar.

187I'm here because of friendsand colleagues like donnabrazile, Reverend Leah



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.Daugherty andcongresswoman MarciaFudge as three blackwomen who ran theDemocratic NationalConvention in July.


It goes to show that blackwomen deserve more thana seat at the table. Its pasttime you had a fair chanceto run the meeting.


And let's be clear: I wouldnot be the Democraticnominee for President ofthe US were it not forblack women like all ofyou who made noise at thepolls this year in supportof our campaign who didsurrogate events, went tobarber shops and beautysalons and cafes, got onlocal radio and local TV tomake the case



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.


And as I said yesterday INorth Carolina, I'm goingto close my campaign theway I began my career allthose years ago at theChildren's Defense Fund,and the way that I willserve as your presidentshould I have the greathonour of being elected: Iwill be focused onopportunities for kids andfarness for families.

191The American peopledeserve something to votefor, not just against


And together, together, weare going to make this afreer, fairer and strongernation.


We're going to fight forthe parents struggling tobalance family and workand push for affordable



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.child care, paid familyleave, and yes, finally,equal pay for women.


We'll fight for the younggirls who want a fairchance in life, which iswhy we'll make universalpre-K available so thatevery child, no matterwhat they look like orwhere their live can rise upand be prepared to fulfiltheir academic destiny.


We are also going to do alot to emphasize STEMeducation, particularly forgirls and women, and Ithank the agenda formaking that a priority.


We'll fight for theentrepreneur though saidthat more businesses die inthe parking lots of banksthan anywhere else, which



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.is why we're going toincrease access to capital,and we are going to helpAfrican American womencontinue to represent thefastest growing segment ofwomen-owned businessesin America right now.


We are going invest incommunities that havebeen left out and leftbehind


Urban reinvestment andrestructuring that is goingto give more people decenthousing, access to jobs, thetransportation to get thosejobs, rural communitiesthat are too often ignoredand denied the servicesthey need.

199I am a fan of JimClyburn's '10-20-30' plan

200 I am going to do



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.everything I can to pushthat forward


We'll remember the painof the mothers of theMovement and fight for acriminal justice systemthat actually deliversjustice and future whereeveryone has respect forthe law and is respected bythe law


And we are going to passcommon sense reforms tokeep guns out of the handsof dangerous people andkeep our communitiessafe.


We'll remember thefamilies neglected in Flintand take action so that nochild's lied is ever put atrisk again when brushingtheir teeth or drinking aglass of water at dinner.



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.


We'll advocate foreveryone concerned abouttheir parents andgrandparents as they age,and lift up caregivers andhome care workers soolder Americans can livein comfort and withdignity.


And we're going to protectand enhance socialsecurity, which is the mainsource of income for olderwomen.


We'll stand-by-side tomake sure that all of ourrights are respected andprotected such as civilrights and women's rights,LGBT rights, worker'srights and of course,voting rights.

207We are coming together ata pivotal moment for our



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.country

208Now I do believe thatevery election is important

209But this one feelsdifferent, doesn't it? That'sbecause it is.

210The next 53 days willshape the next 50 years.

211The future of our childrenand grandchildren hangs inthe balance.


On one hand, we have myopponent, Donald Trump,and in recent weeks, he istried to restrain himselfand clean up his image.


But as Maya Angelou oncesaid "When someoneshows you who they are,believe them the firsttime."

214And we know who Donaldis. For five years, he hasled the birthed movement



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.to the legitimize our firstblack president.


His campaign was foundedon this outrageous lie.There is no erasing it inhistory


Just yesterday, Trumpagain refused to say withhis own words that thepresident we born in theUS.


Donald's advisors had thetemerity to say, "He'sdoing the country a'service' by pushing theselies."


No, he isn't. He's feedinginto the worst implodedthe bigotry and bias thatlurks I our country.


Barack Obama was born inAmerica, plain and simple.And Donald Trump oweshim and the American



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.people an apology.

220So, my friends there is no'new' Donald Trump


There never will be.Donald Trump looks atpresident Obama aftereight years as ourpresident.

222He still doesn't see him asan American

223Think of how dangerousthat is.


Imagine a person in theOval Office who traffics inconspiracy theories andrefuses to let them go, nomatter what the facts are


Imaging someone whodistorts the truth to fit avery narrow view of theworld.

226Imagine a president whosees someone who doesn'tlook like him, and doesn't



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.agree with him, and thinks,"that person must not be areal American."

227Donald Trump is unfit tobe president of the US.

228We cannot becomeinsensitive to what he saysand what he stirs up.

229We can't just accept this.We've got to stand up to it.If we don't, it won't stop.


In addition to he president,Donald Trump looks at adistinguished federaljudge, born in Indiana, andhe sees a Mexican, not anAmerican.


He looks at Gold Starfamily and sees them asMuslims, not patrioticAmericans

232He looks at women anddecides how our looks rateon a scale of one to 10



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.


I look at America, I seeeveryone. I see out greatdiversity, which is one ofour core strengths, not ourburned. We know whoDonald Trump is.


Now it's time for ourcountry to show who weare and reject his divisivevision.

235That's why this election isso important.


As Michelle Obama said atthe DemocraticConvention, "When we goto the polls this November,the real choice isn'tbetween a Democrat orRepublican."


It is about who will havethe power to shape ourchildren's lives for the nextfour years.

238 It is also about the kind of



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.country we want to be, andwhat we want to leavebehind for futuregenerations.


We are at our best whenevery person gets to sharein our nation's promise,contribute to it is progress


Stronger together it is notjust our campaign slogan.It is the gilding principlefor the future we need tobuild.


So Americans, we need toask themselve: are wegoing to make oureconomy work foreveryone or just for thoseat the op? Are we going tobring people together orpit Americans against eachother and rip our countryapart? Are we going towork with our allies to



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.keep us safe or are wegoing to put loose cannonin charge who would riskeverything thosegenerations of Americanshave worked so hard tobuild?


Now in many ways, theprofound choice is up tothe women I this room.African American womenturned out to vote morethan any other group ofAmericans in 2012.


This year, once again, youhave hands on the wheelof history and you canwrite the next chapter ofthe American story.


Keep up the great workwith your Four for 4'campaign. Make sure weget as many peopleregistered and then to the



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.polls as we possibly can.


People say to me all time,'I just, I don't know whatto do about Trump and hissupporters and the thingshe says and incitingviolence and all of theterrible activities that arehappening this electionyear.


Well, here's what we cando. Let's reject thecynicism, the bullying, thedivisive rhetoric that myopponent uses to make usafraid of each other, afraidof our differences, afraidof our future.


I know that all of us in thisroom are ready to stand upagainst this to rise up forour families, ourcommunities, but mostimportantly, to show up at



No Sentence Expressions

Kind of Illocutionary Acts Proposed by Kent Bachand Robert M. Harish (1979)

Kind of Speech Acts Proposed by Searle(1969)

Constv.Direct. Commsv. Acknwlg. Declt. Assert. Expres. Direct. Commsv.

Assert. Infrmtv.the polls this November


With our power andstrength, I know- I believethis, or I would not bestanding here before you, Iwould not have run againfor president, I would notdeal with all the incomingbrickbats that are hurtledmy way if I did not in myheart believe with everyfibre of my being thattogether we can build afuture where, yes, loveTrumps hate.

249Thank you very much.Thank you.

GRAND TOTAL 100 32 90 24 3 26 108 26 60 29



Remarks at Women’s Conference in Business

Hello! Thank you, thank you all so much. It is great to be back in San Francisco, a place that has a big big spot in my heart andto be able to speak with all of you this afternoon.

Please be seated and you can jump up and down its been a wonderful but long day I hear.

I want to thank Anne not just for her kind introduction but for exemplifying the kind of creative entrepreneurial leadership thatshe has demonstrated and that so many of you are also part of. I want to thank Alexandr Roddy for her leadership and all she’sdone and to make this event such a success.

I am thrilled to be out of the woods and in the company of so many inspiring women and there is no place I’d rather be than herewith you other than the White House. (Cheers)

But lets remember what brought all of us here for the 28th convening of this event. Back in the 1980s my friend CongresswomanJackie Speier started bringing together groups of women for networking and professional development, for support. Now thatmight not seem radical at all today but at the time it was pretty revolutionary and Jackie Speier herself exemplifies a life ofcommitment and service. She has to be in Congress for votes but lets show our appreciation for her visionary leadership with around of applause she can hear all the way back in D.C.

Because just look at what you represent. The Professional Businesswomen of California is now the largest women’s organizationin the state which probably means its the biggest in the country — I don’t know that but it seems reasonable to assume if you’rethe biggest in California.



But your members are transforming the way we do things, the way we deliver healthcare. You’re running cities and Fortune 500companies. You’re making Oscar-nominated films and leading in every industry from finance to fitness, empowering the nextgeneration of women and girls and taking on some of the toughest problems that we face. That’s why I was thrilled that thetheme for this year’s conference is “inclusion now” because that is spot on.

There’s never been a more important woman than the woman who stands up and says not just for herself but for everybody else,“we want diversity and inclusion in everything we do in our country.”

And in fact, its not only the right thing to do, its the smart thing. You understand this. These are not just buzzwords to throwaround or boxes to check. The best way to solve problems is to bring together a wide range of people to crowdsource solutions.And guess what? Bringing different perspectives and experiences into professional offices brings not only fresh ideas but higherrevenues. And I’ve been saying for a long time, as many of you have, that advancing the rights and opportunities of women andgirls is the great unfinished business of the 21st century. (Cheers)

And some days, I admit, it seems like it may be even more unfinished than we hoped. Because while we women have madestrides in education and careers, there’s still a woeful lack of women in the upper reaches of science and technology, businessand education, not to mention politics and government. Women’s representation in the current administration in Washington, forexample, is the lowest its been in a generation. But even in a state like California, that is ahead of the curve in so many ways, thenumber of women serving in the state legislature is at a twenty year low. And women in the private sector, particularly womenof color, still struggle for representation in the c-suite and boardroom.

But I am here today to urge us not to grow tired, not to be discouraged and disappointed, not to throw up our hands becausechange isn’t happening fast enough. Or to even take a pass because we think we’ve done our part. We need more women at anytable, on any conference call or email chain where decisions are made. And a big part of that is encouraging more women to runfor office and pushing the private sector to do a lot better than it currently is.



But even that’s not enough. We can’t stop there. We need to reset the table so women are no longer required to accept or adaptto discrimination or sexism at work. We need to think beyond corporate boardrooms, beyond corridors of companies or electedbodies, beyond our own lives and experiences to lift up women of all incomes, experiences and backgrounds in every corner ofour country. And a crucial part of solving these problems is recognizing that as important as it is, corporate feminism is nosubstitute for inclusive concrete solutions that improve life for women everywhere. Because as challenging as it is to climb thecareer ladder, its even harder for women at the margins unable to get on or stay on even the lowest rung. And for too manywomen, especially low-wage workers, basic things, like a livable wage or a predictable work schedules or affordable childcareare still way out of reach.

We know from decades of data that encouraging women’s full participation is both right and smart. This data comes not justfrom our own country but from across the world. When I was Secretary of State I made it part of my mission to try to educategovernments that including women in the economy was not only good for them and their families but poverty went down andgross domestic product of the entire county went up. And companies with more women in upper management do achieve higherprofits.

Yet we also know, many of us from our own lives, that women still face barriers that hold us back. I meet talented womeneverywhere I go who are squeezing every minute out of their 24 hour day. They love their jobs but they can’t escape the naggingfeeling that its a lot harder than it should be to get ahead. I bet just about everyone in this room has had the experience of sayingsomething in a meeting that gets ignored. Ten, twenty minutes later a man says the same thing and everyone thinks its genius.And I think we should pool our respective reactions so that you have right at your fingertips exactly what to say. Nice thought.Little slow on the uptake but good idea.

And where everyday sexism and structural barriers were once blatant, today they’re sometimes harder to spot but make nomistake, they’re still with us. Just look at all thats happened in the last few days to women that simply were doing their jobs.April Ryan, a respected journalist with unrivaled integrity, was doing her job just this afternoon in the White House press roomwhen she was patronized and cut off trying to ask a question. One of your own California congresswoman, Maxine Waters, wastaunted with a racist joke about her hair. Now too many women, especially women of color, have had a lifetime of practice



taking precisely these kinds of indignities in stride. But why should we have to? And any woman who thinks this couldn’t bedirected at her is living in a dream world. (Applause)

I mean, its not like I didn’t know all the nasty things they were saying about me. Some of them were actually quite creative, onesI hadn’t heard before. But you just have to keep going. And even when sexism and exclusion are out in the open, its sometimeshard to believe they could possibly be deliberate. Recently, photos have been making the rounds on social media showing groupsof men in Washington making decisions about women’s health. Decisions to rip away coverage for pregnancy and maternitycare, or limit access to reproductive healthcare around the globe. We shake our heads and think, how could they not haveinvited any women to the table? Well, a provocative opinion piece in the New York Times this week argues that it may not be anoversight at all but an intentional signal: don’t worry, the men are in charge of everything.

My favorite sort of take on these pictures, maybe you saw it, was the one of dogs sitting around an oval table and the captionwas discussing feline care, I liked that. But it is a cruel irony that stereotypes and bias run rampant even at companies that pridethemselves as being forward thinking. More and more women have been sharing stories of their experiences in Silicon Valley.Stories of consistently being asked to take notes in meetings or get the coffee, of being undermined, interrupted and criticized ina way that never seems to happen to their male colleagues. Those may seem like small things, but over time they take a toll,don’t they?

And for some women, the hostility is even more direct, like the Uber engineer who spoke out about her experiences with sexualharassment and spurred the company to publicly admit to addressing this problem. It is disheartening to hear women at thehighest level of their profession say things are no better for the young women beginning their careers today. Women hold just aquarter of computing jobs in the U.S. and that number has gone down instead of up. Women are hired at lower numbers in thetech industry and leave at more than twice the rate men do. And for women of color, the situation is even worse.

Beyond issues of bias and discrimination, the game is often still rigged against working women in major ways. What kind ofmessage does it send the world that the United States is the advanced economy with no national paid family leave policy? And



less than 15% of workers have access to paid family leave, and those benefits are concentrated among the highest-incomeworkers. You know, it was actually a little better before people knew what was going on. I remember I was a young law partnerwhen I was pregnant and that was a long time ago and my partners just didn’t want to talk about it. I’d walk down the hall,getting bigger and bigger, they’d turn their heads (laughter), and Chelsea came early.

You know, I kept raising the idea of well what kind of time off do I get? Well it never happened before, so nobody was talkingabout it. So Chelsea comes early, I have her late one night, next morning, early morning, my phone rings and its our managingpartner. He doesn’t say congratulations. He doesn’t say hope you and the baby are fine, he says when are you coming back towork? I said, well I don’t know and just out of the air I said I don’t know, maybe four months. Well he had no idea, because hehad never talked about it with anybody before. I said, you know, I can probably, you know, pick up some work and do somethings in a couple months, but lets say 4 months. That was the beginning of our paid leave policy. (Cheers).

But then I was discouraged to read a recent survey that despite the progress in some industries, companies on the whole areactually offering less paid time off then they were a decade ago. And for too many companies that do offer family leave, itdoesn’t apply to fathers or LGBT couples or adoptive parents, and thats kind of strange for people in California because you’vehad more than a decade of evidence that offering paid family leave doesn’t hurt business; in fact, it helps companies compete fortop talent and to retain employees. The benefits outweigh the costs. So why is it that companies still aren’t doing all they can tosupport working parents? As a candidate for President, I put out a comprehensive plan, I don’t expect you to remember that, infact there was a recent study showing none of my plans were really publicized or talked about, so that gives me something forspeeches for at least a decade. (Applause).

Obviously the outcome of the election wasn’t the one I hoped for, worked for, but I will never stop speaking out for commonsense benefits that allow mom and dads to stay on the job. After all, I think its fair to say no good idea has ever become a realityovernight. As our friends in startups know, it takes time and hard work. And I’m heartened by the fact that even as we struggleat the federal level, cities and states across the country are looking to California and a few other places to pass paid family leave.



There are a growing number of businesses in the country that are leading by examples. Companies from Salesforce to Gap aremaking real commitments to their employees by guaranteeing equal pay and paid family leave, respectively. And we’re seeingexciting initiatives across industries like the EDGE certification program, which was designed to help companies measure andhold themselves accountable for creating a more equal workplace. Google it, EDGE, and see what you can do to advocate for itwithin your own company.

The private sector can and must be an engine of change on these issues, especially in a place like Silicon Valley. Because whenyou’re on the cutting edge of how people work and learn you have both an opportunity and an obligation to institute workplacepolicies that help employees meet their responsibilities at home and on the job. And then leaders in other industries will takenotice and try to match what you do. After all, you’re the people who figured out how to put computers in the palms of ourhands and you have the tools and the creativity to take on big problems like implicit bias and make the case for those in electedoffice to follow suit.

So despite our stumbles and our setbacks, we’ve never been better positioned to take on this vital work. In fact, I don’t think ourcountry has ever been better positioned to take on the challenges of the future. Where some see a dark vision of carnage, I see alight shining on creativity and opportunity. (Cheers)

Now, we saw that in real time the day after the inauguration when millions of women and men from all walks of life marched forwomen’s equality, visibility and inclusion. It was the biggest march in our country’s history and I delighted at every sign I sawquoting my 1995 speech that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights once and for all.

Now, afterwards, there were plenty of people as you might expect, who wondeed whether that level of energy and enthusiasmcould be sustained and whether it would make any difference. Well I am here to tell you. Last week we saw the first indicationthat the answer to both of those questions is yes. When Congress and the administration tried to jam through a bill that wouldhave kicked 24 million people off their health insurance, defunded Planned Parenthood, jeopardize access to affordable birthcontrol, deprive people with disabilities and the elderly and nursing homes of essential care, they were met with a wave of



resistance. People who had never been active in politics told their stories at town hall meetings, flooded the congressionalswitchboard with calls speaking out for affordable health care. These were not only activists and advocates, they were peoplewho had something to say and were determined to be heard. Yes, some were new to the fight and others, like CongresswomanNancy Pelosi have been on the front lines for years. And when this disastrous bill failed it was a victory for all Americans.(Cheers)

But let me let you in on a little secret. The other side never quits. Sooner or later, they’ll try again. We will need to fight backtwice as hard, not for the sake of politics but because these are bad policies that will hurt people and take our country in thewrong direction. You know, there’s a little mantra I’ve been repeating to myself lately, a little silly, the kind of thing that popsinto your heads when you take a lot of long walks in the woods. But as I think about the outpouring of activism we’re seeing,despite all the noise and the nonsense, four words keep coming back to me: resist, insist, persist, enlist.

We need to resist actions that go against our values as Americans, whether that’s attacking immigrants and refugees, denyingclimate change or passing bogus laws that make it harder for people to vote in elections. We need to resist bias and bullying, weneed to resist hate and fear. And we need to insist on putting people first, including by working together to make healthcaremore affordable, to build on what works, to create better and more upwardly mobile education and employment ladders. Toinsist that we can do better. That’s who we are. We’re always pushing towards that more perfect union. And then we need topersist, as we saw so dramatically in the Senate when Mitch McConnell went after Senator Elizabeth Warren and said,nevertheless she persisted, in being told she could not read a letter from Coretta Scott King. So we need to persist to approachfuture challenges with the passion we’ve seen these last few months and then bring that to the voting booth in 2018. To tellyourself, to tell your friends and your colleagues, no matter how you vote, show up and vote for goodness sake. Be there. Makesure your voice and your vote count.

And we need to enlist, enlist in this effort, get in the arena. Now that can mean many things. Running for office, which I hopesome of you will actively consider. Starting and running a business, which many of you have done and are doing. But a businessthat takes care of its employees. Mentoring and championing other women and girls, giving time to volunteer outside of work.Standing up and speaking out. There’s not just one way to do this, there are so many – there’s something for everybody here to



become involved in. So sure, the last few months haven’t been exactly what I envisioned, although I do know what I’m stillfighting for. I’m fighting for a fairer, big hearted, inclusive America. The unfinished business of the 21st century can’t wait anylonger. Now is the time to demand the progress we want to see and to work together to make it real in our own lives, in ourbusinesses, in our government, in our families, our country and the world. And I’ll be right there with you every step of the way.Thank you.

Remarks emphasizing the commitment to young parents and families

“It’s clear that there are so many challenges facing young families today that we have to come to grips with, and we have to work togetherto try to find the best menu of options.”

Well, thank you all for coming and having this conversation with me. It’s clear that there are so many challenges facing young familiestoday that we have to come to grips with, and we have to work together to try to find the best menu of options.

Because there is just no ‘one-size-fits-all’. People have different needs: childcare needs, sometimes even more—as Shanda and I were justtalking about—even more challenging with special needs kids, and how we start early and provide that sort of support.

For some it’s family leave, and particularly the absence of paid family leave, because that makes it more difficult to deal with everythingfrom newborns to aging relatives. Others, it’s just a continuing stress of a workplace that doesn’t provide enough compensation with risingincomes. There still is a challenge with equal pay for women, which is real—it’s not made up.

There are lots of concerns in the workplace that I’m hearing about increasingly—about the work day never ends, the schedules are oftenunpredictable. And even when you think you’re gaining some control over that work day it’s subject to so many variables that are out ofyour control, and often end up throwing big monkey wrenches into what should be your family time and your efforts to try and organizeand stick with that.



So I hear about this all over the country, and I really want to talk about it and hear from you more than me talking. Because there are someobvious, maybe even typical, responses, but I’m trying to get a much broader view about what will work.

These are issues that I’ve worked on for a really long time, going back to my own life as a mother, a daughter, and some of the challengesthere—but also in the work that I’ve done for the Children’s Defense Fund, and other ways of trying to figure out how we have a morecohesive, and frankly welcoming, set of expectations and supports for families in today’s world.

Because it’s just harder, I think. It’s just my take. I think costs are greater. Everything from commuting time to feeling like if you take thatvacation day, you’re going to be viewed as slacking off. I mean they are just—they are cultural as well as economic and structuralchallenges, so I’m just very interested in hearing what all of you might have to say.



Remarks on Trump's Bigotry at the Black Women's Agenda Symposium - Sep. 16, 2016

Hillary Rodham ClintonSeptember 16, 2016— Washington, D.C.2016 Black Women's Agenda Symposium

Hello, B-W-A. I thank you all for that warm welcome. There's nowhere I'd rather be than right here with all of you this morning. Pleaseeveryone be seated. This is such a great opportunity to lift up the work that so many of you have done for years—your organizations,individually—and I am grateful for it because it has helped to guide me in a lot of the work that I've been privileged to do. I want to thankGwen Hess for her introduction. I want to acknowledge, it's always great to see a woman serve as president in any setting. I want tocongratulate today's honourees. Everyone is so deserving of this recognition. I also want to acknowledge a few others. We have some fiercemembers of Congress with us today, women whom I admire, who have been my colleagues and friends and with whom I am lookingforward to continuing our work: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congresswoman Gwen Moore, Congresswoman Yvette Clarke,Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett. And I want to give a special shout out to Congresswoman Joyce Beatty. When I saw Joyce recently, shesaid, "Well, you are coming, aren't you?" And I said, "I'm working hard to get it set." And I am so proud that it did work out, and I thankJoyce for that extra push. I also want to acknowledge someone who had such a profound effect on my life, in every way, someone whom Iadmire and love, Marian Wright Edelman. This audience is filled with long time friends and people I went to Wellesley College with thatbecame life-long friends to me, and so many of you who have been on the front lines—everyone associated with The Black Women'sAgenda, I'm thrilled to be with you. I'm thrilled to be associated with you. I'm also thrilled to be back on the campaign trail. As the worldknows, I was a little under the weather recently. The good news is, my pneumonia finally got some Republicans interested in women'shealth. Looking back, I know, I should have followed my doctor's orders to rest, but, my instinct was to push through it. That is whatwomen do every single day, and I felt no different. Life has shown us that we do have to work harder at the office while still bearing mostof the responsibilities at home—that we always need to keep going because our families and our communities count on us. And I think it ismore than fair to say, that black women have an even tougher road. And you, your daughters, your granddaughters—I was pleased to meetGwen's beautiful granddaughter earlier—leave the house every morning, put on that game face that we all practice, and enter a society thatconsistently challenges your worth. With the images you see, the lower pay that so many take home, that try to silence your voices andbreak your spirits; yet, you remain fierce in the face of these challenges. We see that every day in the businesses you start, the art you



create, the children you teach and the communities and organizations you lead. While your stories are often missing from the historybooks—make no mistake—you are the change makers, the path breakers, and the ground shakers. And, you are proof that yes, indeed,black girl magic is real.

Now, I've been blessed to see this magic's influence on kids and communities up close for decades, starting with my first job after lawschool working with Marian at the Children's Defense Fund. Marian's belief was that every single child had worth and potential anddeserved the opportunity to live up to their God-given potential with the tools and the support that every child needs. And that if we justimprove the odds a bit for those suffering in poverty, they could flourish. So she led our team into some very poor communities. We metkids who had dropped out of school because they couldn't afford textbooks or transportation. Some didn't have decent clothes and stayedhome to avoid being humiliated in class. Some had untreated medical and dental problems that made it practically impossible for them tolearn. Those stories really hurt my heart. But Marian always believed we could deliver help and hope if we never ever gave up. So shetaught us ways to think creatively, as well as strategically—to take our advocacy and turn it into action and results. She sent me to NewBedford, Massachusetts, to go door to door looking for children who weren't in school. That was back before we had a legal requirementthat every child, regardless of disability, deserved to get an education. I met a young girl in New Bedford and sat and talked with her on thesmall back porch of her house. She told me how badly she wanted to learn, but couldn't because schools weren't accessible or welcoming.So Marian had us get to work and change that. We gathered evidence and built a coalition. We helped convince Congress to ensure accessto education for all students with disabilities. Marian showed me that to drive real progress, you have to change both hearts and laws. Youneed both understanding and action. And there is no question in my mind, I'm here today because of her example. I also want to recognizepioneers like Barbara Jordan and Shirley Chisholm, who sacrificed and struggled so that I and so many other women running for officecould soar. I'm here because of friends and colleagues, like Donna Brazile, Reverend Leah Daugherty and Congresswoman MarciaFudge—three black women who ran the Democratic National Convention in July. It was a great four days. It goes to show that blackwomen deserve more than a seat at the table. It's past time you had a fair chance to run the meeting. And let's be clear: I would not be theDemocratic nominee for President of the United States were it not for black women like all of you who made noise at the polls this year insupport of our campaign—who did surrogate events, went to barber shops and beauty salons and cafes, got on local radio and local TV tomake the case. We've come far together. And as I said yesterday in North Carolina, I'm going to close my campaign the way I began mycareer all those years ago at the Children's Defense Fund, and the way that I will serve as your president should I have the great honor ofbeing elected: I will be focused on opportunities for kids and fairness for families. The American people deserve something to vote for, notjust against. And together—together, we are going to make this a freer, fairer and stronger nation. We're going to fight for the parents



struggling to balance family and work and push for affordable child care, paid family leave, and yes, finally, equal pay for women. We'llfight for the young girls who want a fair chance in life, which is why we'll make universal pre-k available so that every child—no matterwhat they look like or where they live—can rise up and be prepared to fulfill their academic destiny. We are also going to do a lot toemphasize STEM education, particularly for girls and women, and I thank the agenda for making that a priority! We'll fight for theentrepreneur who said that more businesses die in the parking lots of banks than anywhere else, which is why we're going to increaseaccess to capital, and we are going to help African American women continue to represent the fastest growing segment of women-ownedbusinesses in America right now.

We are going to invest in communities that have been left out and left behind. Urban reinvestment and restructuring that is going to givemore people decent housing, access to jobs, the transportation to get to those jobs, rural communities that are too often ignored and deniedthe services they need. I am a fan of Jim Clyburn's ‘10-20-30' plan. I am going to do everything I can to push that forward. We'll rememberthe pain of the Mothers of the Movement and fight for a criminal justice system that actually delivers justice and a future where everyonehas respect for the law and is respected by the law. And we are going to pass common-sense reforms to keep guns out of the hands ofdangerous people and keep our communities safe. We'll remember the families neglected in Flint and take action so that no child's life isever put at risk again when brushing their teeth or drinking a glass of water at dinner. We'll advocate for everyone concerned about theirparents and grandparents as they age, and lift up caregivers and home care workers so older Americans can live in comfort and withdignity. And we're going to protect and enhance Social Security, which is the main source of income for older women. We'll stand side-by-side to make sure that all of our rights are respected and protected—civil rights and women's rights, LGBT rights, worker's rights and, ofcourse, voting rights. We are coming together at a pivotal moment for our country. Now I do believe that every election is important. Butthis one feels different, doesn't it? That's because it is. The next 53 days will shape the next 50years. The future of our children andgrandchildren hangs in the balance. On one hand, we have my opponent, Donald Trump, and in recent weeks, he's tried to restrain himselfand clean up his image. But as Maya Angelou once said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." And weknow who Donald is. For five years, he has led the birther movement to de-legitimize our first black president. His campaign was foundedon this outrageous lie. There is no erasing it in history. Just yesterday, Trump again refused to say with his own words that the presidentwas born in the United States. Donald's advisors had the temerity to say, "He's doing the country a 'service' by pushing these lies. "No, heisn't. He's feeding into the worst impulses—the bigotry and bias—that lurks in our country. Barack Obama was born in America, plain andsimple. And Donald Trump owes him and the American people an apology. So, my friends, there is no "new" Donald Trump. There neverwill be. Donald Trump looks at President Obama after eight years as our president. He still doesn't see him as an American. Think of how



dangerous that is. Imagine a person in the Oval Office who traffics in conspiracy theories and refuses to let them go—no matter what thefacts are. Imagine someone who distorts the truth to fit a very narrow view of the world. Imagine a president who sees someone whodoesn't look like him, and doesn't agree with him, and thinks, "That person must not be a real American. "Donald Trump is unfit to bePresident of the United States. We cannot become insensitive to what he says and what he stirs up. We can't just accept this. We've got tostand up to it. If we don't, it won't stop. In addition to the president, Donald Trump looks at a distinguished federal judge, born in Indiana,and he sees a Mexican, not an American. He looks at a Gold Star family and sees them as Muslims, not patriotic Americans. He looks atwomen and decides how our looks rate on a scale of one to 10. I look at America, I see everyone. I see our great diversity, which is one ofour core strengths, not our burden. We know who Donald Trump is. Now it's time for our country to show who we are and reject hisdivisive vision. That's why this election is so important. As Michelle Obama said at the Democratic Convention, "When we go to the pollsthis November, the real choice isn't between a Democrat or Republican." It's about who will have the power to shape our children's lives forthe next four years. It's also about the kind of country.

want to be, and what we want to leave behind for future generations. We are at our best when every person gets to share in our nation'spromise, contribute to its progress. "Stronger Together" is not just a campaign slogan. It's the guiding principle for the future we need tobuild. So Americans, we need to ask themselves: Are we going to make our economy work for everyone or just for those at the top? Arewe going to bring people together or pit Americans against each other and rip our country apart? Are we going to work with our allies tokeep us safe or are we going to put a loose cannon in charge who would risk everything that generations of Americans have worked so hardto build? Now in many ways, the profound choice is up to the women in this room. African American women turn to vote more than anyother group of Americans in 2012. This year, once again, you have your hands on the wheel of history and you can write the next chapterof the American story. Keep up the great work with your Four for 4' campaign. Make sure we get as many people registered and then to thepolls as we possibly can. People say to me all time, "I just—I don't know what to do about Trump and his supporters and the things he saysand inciting violence and all of the terrible activities that are happening this election year. "Well, here's what we can do. Let's reject thecynicism, the bullying, the divisive rhetoric that my opponent uses to make us afraid of each other, afraid of our differences, afraid of ourfuture. I know that all of us in this room are ready to stand up against this...to rise up for our families, our communities, but mostimportantly, to show up at the polls this November. With our power and strength, I know—I believe this, or I would not be standing herebefore you, I would not have run again for president, I would not deal with all the incoming brickbats that are hurled my way if I did not inmy heart believe with every fiber of my being that together we can build a future where, yes, love trumps hate. Thank you very much.Thank you.