FB posting from 4th May-10th July 2014

79 FB Posting from 4 th May -10 th July , 2014 1. A stone in your backyard might be a Natural Topological Insulator: Topological insulators are one of the more exciting new materials in science. This stuff is odd because is a conductor on the surface but an insulator inside, rather like a block of ice in which melting water flows around the outside but is trapped as a solid in the middle. But topological insulators have another property. The electrons flowing over the surface of a topological insulator are all aligned in a specific way. In fact, their “spins” are locked at right angles to their direction of motion.This spin-momentum locking means that the electrons are immune from the buffeting they would get inside an ordinary conductor.Instead, the electrons can move through perfect topological insulators with 100 percent efficiency, even at room temperature. Pascal Gehring at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart and a few pals have found the first example of a naturally occurring topological insulator in a sample of quartz from a mine in the Czech Republic. The discovery raises the prospect that other naturally occurring materials may be topological insulators too.The new material is a grey, metallic mineral called Kawazulite which is made of bismuth, tellurium, selenium, and sulphur. The name comes from the Kawazu mine in Japan, where it was first discovered. Complete report at : http://www.technologyreview.com/view/522301/physicists- discover-worlds-first-naturally-occurring-topological- insulator/ 2. Ibn Arabi on Time Quantum : “The days are many ; there are big ones and small ones. The smallest day is the time quantum ( al zaman al fard) and in it emerges “Each day He is upon a brilliance ( surah 55 ayat 29)( kullu yawmin huwa fi sha’nin)”, so the time quantum is called a day because the sha’nin (brilliance) occurs in it. It is the shortest of time and the most minute .Then, there is no bound to the biggest day. Before it and between the two are the middle days. The first is the day known conventionally and divided into hours................” –Futuhat Chapter 59.

Transcript of FB posting from 4th May-10th July 2014

79 FB Posting from 4th May -10th July , 2014

1. A stone in your backyard might be a Natural Topological Insulator:

Topological insulators are one of the more exciting new materials in science. This stuff is odd because is a conductoron the surface but an insulator inside, rather like a block ofice in which melting water flows around the outside but is trapped as a solid in the middle. But topological insulators have another property. The electrons flowing over the surface of a topological insulator are all aligned in a specific way. In fact, their “spins” are locked at right angles to their direction of motion.This spin-momentum locking means that the electrons are immune from the buffeting they would get inside an ordinary conductor.Instead, the electrons can move through perfect topological insulators with 100 percent efficiency, even at room temperature. Pascal Gehring at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart and a few palshave found the first example of a naturally occurring topological insulator in a sample of quartz from a mine in theCzech Republic. The discovery raises the prospect that other naturally occurring materials may be topological insulators too.The new material is a grey, metallic mineral called Kawazulite which is made of bismuth, tellurium, selenium, and sulphur. The name comes from the Kawazu mine in Japan, where it was first discovered. Complete report at : http://www.technologyreview.com/view/522301/physicists-discover-worlds-first-naturally-occurring-topological-insulator/

2. Ibn Arabi on Time Quantum :“The days are many ; there are big ones and small ones. The smallest day is the time quantum ( al zaman al fard) and in it emerges “Each day He is upon a brilliance ( surah 55 ayat 29)( kullu yawmin huwa fi sha’nin)”, so the time quantum is called a day because the sha’nin (brilliance) occurs in it. Itis the shortest of time and the most minute .Then, there is nobound to the biggest day. Before it and between the two are the middle days. The first is the day known conventionally anddivided into hours................” –Futuhat Chapter 59.

Commentary (by Prof. Eric Winkel): Ibn Arabi says “ He is upon a brilliance with each particle of the world” . Put another way , each particle of the Universe is subject of a divine sha’nin each day.

3. Nanofluids can be used to simulate Multi-Universe :Extraordinary light rays propagating inside a hyperbolic metamaterial look similar to particle world lines in a 2+1 dimensional Minkowski spacetime . Magnetic nanoparticles in a ferrofluid are known to form nanocolumns aligned along the magnetic field, so that a hyperbolic metamaterial may be formed at large enough nanoparticle concentration nH. Here we investigate optical properties of such a metamaterial just below nH. While on average such a metamaterial is elliptical, thermal fluctuations of nanoparticle concentration lead to transient formation of hyperbolic regions (3D Minkowski spacetimes) inside this metamaterial. Thus, thermal fluctuations in a ferrofluid look similar to creation and disappearance of individual Minkowski spacetimes (universes) in the cosmological multiverse. This theoretical picture is supported by experimental measurements of polarization-dependent optical transmission of a cobalt based ferrofluid at1500 nm.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-02-metamaterial-similar-3d-minkowski-spacetimes.html#jCp

4. Novel Brain Implant – to be the first in the world:In the next few months, highly secretive US military researchers say they will unveil new advances toward developing a brain implant that could one day restore a wounded soldier's memory.The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is forging ahead with a four-year planto build a sophisticated memory stimulator, as part of President Barack Obama's $100 million initiative to better understand the human brain. The science has never been done before, and raises ethical questions about whether the human mind should be manipulated in the name of staving off war injuries or managing the aging brain. "We think that we can develop neuroprosthetic devices that can directly interface with the hippocampus, and can restore the first type of

memories we are looking at, the declarative memories," he said. Declarative memories are recollections of people, events, facts and figures, and no research has ever shown theycan be put back once they are lost.See further report at : http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-05-brain-implant-memory.html#ajTabs

5. Metamaterial can help cloak buildings from possible earthquakes:

The first invisibility cloak for light was built in 2006* using “metamaterials” . Metamaterials are devices that interact with energy in unusual ways. If they are to interact with light energy they must be very small, smaller than the light’s wavelength (for example, the wavelength of visible light is ~1/50th the thickness of a human hair). Things that small are kind of tricky to fabricate.

However, earthquakes, like light, also transfer energy and also take the form of waves. Wavelengths of earthquakes are varied but much greater than wavelengths of light. Therefore, it’s significantly easier to build metamaterials for earthquakes. In fact, it turns out to be surprisingly simple. See report at : http://the-gist.org/2014/04/new-cloaking-device-could-hide-future-buildings-from-earthquakes/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric_Malaysia

Market value for graphene now: http://www.electronicsnews.com.au/news/graphene-a-novel-material-but-lost-in-the-market

6. The Science of SufismKnow that this science we mention in not mere wagging of the tongue. Its contents are spiritual experiences (adhauq) and ecstacy (wijdan) .It cannot be acquired through talking or written texts , but can only be received directly from the people of experience (ahl al-dhauq).It can only be gained through serving (khdima) the people of spiritual distinction (rijal) and the companionship with the perfected ones. By

Allah no one has ever succeeded (on this path) except by companionship with one who has succeeded and the achievement is from Allah . HE said “O you who truly believe , fulfil yourduty to Allah , and seek the means of access (wasila) to HIM (Quran 5:35). HE also said “ Follow the path of him who has turned to ME ( Quran 31:15).- Sidi Ahmad al-Tijani in “ Kashif al Ilbas ‘an Fayda al-

khatm Abi al-“Abbas”. 7. The Duty of Remembrance

The attachement to Him is found in the necessary commitment (iltizam al-lazim) to that for which one is liable. It is on this premise that remembrance (to God) is more excellent than anything else, since your desire is for Him to be inseparable from you, so your duty is to make the commitment to Him . Allah the Exalted said : “ Remember Me and I will remember you“ (Quran , 2:152). There is no greater miraculous bounty (karama) than this promise from Allah.-Sidi Ahmad Zarruq (rah). in “Ta’sis al Qawa’id”.

8. BULAN REJABRasulullah s.a.w bersabda “ Rejab adalah bulan Allah , Sya’aban adalah bulanku dan Ramadhan adalah bulan umatku . Barangsiapa berpuasa sehari dalam bulan Rejab kerana semata-mata ketaatan dan mencari redha Allah maia dia mendapat redha Allah dan akan ditempatkan dalam surge Firdaus“. Bulan Rejab adalah salah satu daripada empat bulan haram dan justru itu termasuk di antara syiar Allah. Allah s.w.t berfirman dalam surah Al Hajj (22) ayat 32: “Demikianlah , barangsiapa mengagungkan syiar-syiar Allah makasesungguhnya itu timbul dari ketaqwaan hati “.Antara peristiwa terpenting yang berlaku dalam bulan ini adalah peristiwa Israk Mikraj yang berlaku pada malam 27 Rejabtahun kesebelas Rasulullah s.a.w diangkat menjadi Rasul. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda “ Barang siapa pada sepuloh hari pertama bulan Rejab mengucapkan “Subhana al-hayyu al-qayyum “ 100x setiap harinya dan pada sepuloh hari kedua mengucapkan “ Subhanallahi al-ahadu ash-shomad “ 100x setiap hari dan sepuloh hari ketiga mengucapkan “ subhana ar-rauf” 100x setiaphari maka tidak ada makhluk yang dapat membayangkan bilangan pahalanya”.

9. SYUKURSyukur bagi seorang mukmin tertumpu kepada tiga pilar : pengakuan nikmat Allah , puji-pijian kepada Allah ke atas nikmatNya dan penggunaan nikmatNya dalam keredhaanNya. Bersyukurlah kerana kau tidak memiliki semua yang diinginkanJika kau memiliki semuanya , apa lagi yang hendak kau cari?Bersyukurlah saat kau tidak mengetahui sesuatu,Kerana itu memberimu kesempatan untuk belajar.Bersyukurlah atas masa sulit yang kau hadapi,Kerana selama itulah kau tumbuh menjadi dewasa.Bersyukurlah atas keterbatasan yang kau miliki,Kerana hal itu memberimu kesempatan untuk memperbaiki diri.Bersyukurlah atas setiap tantangan baru,Kerana hal itu memberimu pelajaran yang sangat berharga.Bersyukurlah ketika kau telah merasa lelah dan tak berdaya,Kerana bererti kau telah membuat sesuatu perbezaan.Adalah mudah untuk bersyukur atas hal-hal yang baik.Kehidupan yang bermakna adalah bagi mereka yang bersyukur ataskesulitan yang dihadapi.Rasa syukur bisa mengubah hal negatif menjadi positif.Berusahalah untuk bersyukur atas kesulitan yang dihadapi sehingga kesulitan itu menjadi berkah bagi dirimu.Berani hidup , tidak takut mati. Takut mati , jangan hidup. Takut hidup , mati saja.- Ust. Ahmad Masrul dalam buku “Kahwin dengan Al-Quran”

(Aditya Media Pub.2012)

10. Words of Wisdom from Niyazi MisriO friend, you must know your external separation from God while striving to increase the unification through your interior. You should not be veiled from multiplicity by Unity nor from Unity by multiplicity. You should find the middle waybetween servanthood (‘ubudiyya) and gnosis (ma’rifa) in order to be free from dangers. In the language of the Sufis the meaning of separation (tafriqa) , integration (jam) and untiveintegration ( jam’ al-jam’) is this : separation is what is related to you ; integration is what is removed from you. Thismeans that the deeds of the servant performed in accordance

with the duties of the servanthood and the requirement of being human are separation. The meanings, grace and bounty received from the Real (al –Haqq) are integration. Both are necessary for the servant : for whoever has no separation has no servanthood ; and whoever has no integration has no gnosis.The expression (in Surah Al Fatihah) “It is You alone we worship” is the proof of separation by affirming servanthood. And the statement “It is You alone we ask for aid “ is the request for integration . Separateness is the beginning of desires (for God) , integration is their ending.- Niyazi Misri (born 1618 ) in his Kitab “ I’jaz al-Bayan –

Banquet 47” translated by Stephen Hirstenstein (Oxford). He learned Islam through his father , a Naqshabandi Sufi but his first teacher was a Khalwati , Sheikh Husayn Efendi.

11. THE PERPETUAL PROSTRATION OF THE HEARTOnce it happened that (the famous early Sufi teacher) Sahl al-Tustari , ath the beginning of his entrance into this Path , saw that his heart had prostrated itself. He expected it to rise up again (as in prayer) but it din’t rise , so he began to be confused and concerned. The , someone told him that there was a respected shaykh in Abadan , and that he might find what he was looking for by asking him this. So, he travelled to Abadan and when he entered and greeted the shaykhhe said to him : “ O dear master , does the heart prostrate itself ?” And the shaykh said to him : “Until eternity” .Thus , he found the cure (for his question) and he remained there serving his teacher. Now the very axis and centre-point of this Path turns on this prostration of the heart. So, whenever a realised human being attains to the direct witnessing of this, that person has reached spiritual perfection.- James Winston Morris article on “Opening the Heart “ in

Journal of Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society Vol.51, 2012.12. KEKUATAN ITU PADA MEMANAH

Daripada Uqbah bin Amir berkata : Saya mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w berkhutbah di atas mimbar lalu Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda : Ketahuilah bahawa kekuatan itu pada memanah” (H.R Muslim)Keterangan : Hari ini kita tahu bahawa kekuatan itu terletak kepada memanah missile atau senjata jarak jauh . Itu antara

sebab mengapa Saddam Hussein dan Iraq dijatuhkan (kerana missilenya sudah jatuh ke Tel Aviv) . Senjata missile itulah juga yang dibanggakan oleh Korea Utara. Kecanggihan teknologi juga sudah menjadikan beberapa Negara kuasa besar membina senjata pemanah laser menggunakan “free-electron laser” untuk dipasang dalam satelit di angkasa lepas. Subhanallah , betapatepatnya sabda Rasulullah s.a.w itu.

13. THE GREATEST THEORY OF THE 21ST CENTURYReconciling Einstein’s General Relativity and Quantum physics is tough. Perhaps Holographic theory of the Universe can mend them both . See report at : http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2013/12/our-holographic-universe-it-could-prove-to-be-the-greatest-theory-of-the-21st-century.html

14. SYUKURNYA NABI SULAYMAN A.S SELEPAS DAPAT MENDENGAR PERBUALAN SEMUT“Maka tersenyumlah Nabi Sulaiman mendengar kata-kata semut itu, dan berdoa dengan berkata: "Wahai Tuhanku, ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur akan nikmatMu yang Engkau kurniakan kepadaku dan kepada ibubapaku, dan supaya aku tetap mengerjakan amal salih yang Engkau redhai dan masukkanlah daku- dengan limpah rahmatMu - dalam kumpulan hamba-hambaMu yang salih" (Quran , surah An-Naml (27) ayat :19 )

15. ABOUT ALLAH’S NAMES Know that Allah receives intercession by the mediation of His Names. So, His Name Arham al-Rahimin intercedes with the Name the Vanquisher (al-Qahhar) and the Name “ Severe in Punishment“( Shadid al-Iqab) in order to remove the punishment with respect to these communities ( angels, envoys , prophets , followers , believers, animals , plants and minerals) so that “ the Most Merciful of the Merciful “ makes even the person who has done no good deeds at all come sout of the fire. Whoever is among the muttaqin , those who have fear (khawf) intheir heart , will be reunited before ar Rahman Who will free them of what they feared because of His words ; “ The day thatWe shall gather the God-fearing to the Compassionate (Quran


The term “rahamut” is an intensive form whose meaning includesboth the “obligatory mercy “ (rahma wajib) –which Allah has imposed upon Himself – and the “mercy of free gift” (rahma imtinaniyya) . God has said “My mercy embraces everything “ (Quran 7:156). One of the Names of Allah is al Rahman al Rahim(The All Compassionate Merciful One) which is one of the compound Names. This name adopted this compound form only whenHis Compassion towards His servants was divided into obligatory rahma and the rahma of free gifts.- in Futuhat al Makiyyah XII :395-396 (By Ibn Arabi (qaddasallahu sirruhu)).

16. AFTER GRAPHENEAfter graphene ( an atom thick of graphite) and silicene ( anatom thick of silicon) simulation by scientists shows that itis possible to get an atom thickness of boron , called borophene . The question is who will be the first to experimentally produce it? See report in : http://scitechdaily.com/experimental-evidence-shows-new-boron-nanomaterial-possible/

17. REVOLUTIONARY DNA REPAIR METHODOLOGY DISCOVEREDNow they are able to repair DNA and avoid mutation , see: http://www.geneticliteracyproject.org/2013/11/04/scientists-invent-new-technique-for-dna-repair/#.U3N1zIGSySo

18. CORAL SHAPED MATERIALhttp://www.greenoptimistic.com/2009/11/26/chinese-coral-shaped-nanomaterials/#.U3N8ToGSySp

19. HADIAH KEPADA AHLIL KUBURDalam Kitab Syu’abil Iman (karya Imam Qazwaini (rah)) hadith riwayat ad Dailami dan al Baihaqi daripada Ibn Abbas r.a bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda : “Tidaklah orang mati yang berada di dalam kuburnya melainkan seperti orang lemas dalam air , menjerit-jerit meminta pertolongan dan menanti-nanti doayang akan diperolehinya daripada bapa atau ibunya mahupun daripada anaknya dan kawan yang dipercayai. Apabila mendapat doa itu nescaya adalah terlebih dikasihinya daripada dunia dan

seisinya. Sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t memasukkan doa penduduk bumi seumpama gunung-gunung kepada ahli kubur dan bahawasanya hadiah orang yang hidup kepada yang mati adalah meminta pengampunan baginya. “Tersebut dalam kitab Al-Hawi Lil Fatawa oleh Imam Suyuti (rah)daripada Thawus yang berkata “ Sesungguhnya orang yang mati itu dicuba dan diuji (dengan soalan kubur) selama tujuh hari. Adalah sahabat Rasulullah s.a.w menyatakan sunat diadakan jamuan bagi pihak orang yang mati dengan menghadiahkan pahala jamuan kepada mereka pada tujuh hari tersebut “.

20. SELEPAS TITIAN SIRATDalam hadith riwayat al Bukhari yang bersumberkan daripada AbuSaid al Khudri r.a beliau menyebutkan bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w : “ Setelah orang-orang mukmin terlepas dari neraka , mereka di tahan di atas qanthorah (gerbang) antara surga dan neraka. Kemudian mereka saling tebus-menebus (qisas)* kesalahan yang terjadi sesame mereka ketika di dunia. Setelah semuanya bersih dan suci daripada dosa , barulah mereka diizinkan untuk masuk surga. Demi jiwa Muhammad yang berada dalam kekuasaanNya , setiap seorang daripada mereka lebih kenal rumahnya di surga melebihi kenalnya dengan rumahnya di dunia .” (* termasuk memaafkan kesalahan orang lain)

21. KEADAAN DALAM NERAKADalam hadith riwayat Muslim yang bersumber daripada Abu Said al-Khudri r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda : “ Adapun ahli neraka yang menjadi penghuni tetap di dalamnya , maka mereka tidak akan mati dan tidak pula hidup. Akan tetapi ada sekumpulan manusia yang disambar api neraka akibat dosa-dosa mereka , kemudian mereka dimatikan dengan sebenar-benarnya sehingga apabila telah menjadi arang , mereka diizinkan untuk mendapat syafaat . Kemudian mereka dibawa dalam bentuk gugusandan ditaburkan di atas permukaan sungai surga . Kemudian dikatakan “Wahai penduduk surga , curahkanlah ke atas mereka “. Tiba-tiba mereka tumbuh sebagaimana tumbuh-tumbuhan yang tumbuh daripada benih yang dibawa oleh air bah.”Keterangan: Kematian penghuni neraka seperti yang disebut dalam hadith ini benar-benar terjadi kepada orang Mukmin yang melakukan banyak maksiat. Ia adalah satu bentuk pemuliaan oleh

Allah s.w.t kepada mereka setelah tuboh mereka terbakar hanguslalu mereka tidak merasai azabnya lagi. Ini berbeza dengan penghuni neraka yang kekal abadi di dalamnya . Setiap kali kulit mereka rentung , maka Allah s.w.t gantikan dengan kulit yang baru supaya azab itu dirasai oleh mereka secara terus-menerus.

22. ILMU DAN MASYARAKAT KITA HARI INIHakikatnya masyarakat kita lebih suka menjadi abid daripada menjadi alim. Kitab tafsir , kitab syarah malah pengajian di surau dan mesjid atau pondok pun ada , tetapi berapa ramai yang memanafaatkannya? Kalau nak dikata segan belajar sebab sudah berumur , Islam menganjurkan agar kita menuntut ilmu dari buaian hingga ke liang lahad. Ulamak kita selalu mengingatkan kita bahawa syaitan lebih mudah mempermainkan abid daripada orang alim. Bagaimana mungkin ibadah kita mencapai kekusyukan dan ketenangan jika keyakinan tidak terbina di atas ilmu ibadah itu sendiri? Atau itu sememangnya sikap kita yang tak acuh terhadap agama kita disebabkan kitamenerimanya secara percuma? Betapa ramaikah masyarakat kita yang sudah khatam tafsir Quran ? Berapa ramaikah pula yang pernah menuntut ilmu hadith dan tamat, paling tidak daripada salah satu sahih sittah? Agaknya keporakperandaan masyarakat kita hari ini disebabkan syaitan (termasuk dalam bentuk manusia) yang senang memperkotak- katikan ramai abid dalam masyarakat kita. Itu belum lagi soalan berapa ramai yang tamatpengajian fiqh kitab-kitab Imam as-Syafie ?

23. SULTAN ULAMA’ AL-IZZ IBN ABDUS SALAM OF THE SHAFIITE SCHOOLBorn in 577 A.H , his nisba is al-Sulami derived from his ancestors of Banu Sulaym a branch of the Mudar tribe. During his youth he first acquired the kitab al Tanbith ( a standardShafiite text by Abu Ishaq al-Shirazi) and it started his illustrious career. Imam Dhahabi said about him “ He rose to the status of mujtahid and the mastery of the (Shafiite ) school terminated with him “. A contemporary scholar and a student of his, Ibn Musdi was more precise in describing him as a leading Shafiite jurist who revived the fundamentals of the school and derived new fatwas based on these

fundamentals . He is peerless in the treatment of the theory of public welfare ( al masalih) in law which is closely related with the all-embracing bases of law ( al qawa’id al –kulliya) which is expounded in his “Qawaidul ahkam fi masalih al-anam”. During his office as Mufti of Syria he was dismissed by al Salih Ismail in 638 A.H (1240 AD) for criticising the Sultan publicly in a Friday sermon for his military alliance with the crusaders and later imprisoned. Onhis release he moved to Egypt , became the Qadi of Egypt before resigning and accepting a professorship post in al Madaris al-Salihiyya in Cairo until his death in 660 A.H at the age of 83 . At about 70 years of age he was present at thebattle against the crusaders in Damietta , Egypt and 2 years before his death gave strong and courageous advice to the Sultan of Egypt leading to their victory against the Mongol’sadvance to Cairo.- Dr. Sayyid Rizwan Ali in his book “Sultan Ulama’ Al-Izz

ibn Abdussalam “ ( Adam Publisher ,New Delhi , 2003)

24. THE FATE OF KOTA GELANGGIKota Gelanggi is an archaeological site reported in 2005 as potentially the first capital of the ancient Empire of Srivijaya and dating to around 650–900 and one of the oldest Kingdoms on South East Asia's Malay Peninsula. The site's existence was announced as a 'discovery' by the Malaysian press on 3 February 2005. The reported site of the ancient city is in the dense jungles of the southern Malaysian state of Johor Darul Takzim, near a forest reserve currently managedas the Linggiu Dam water catchment area by the Public Utilities Board (PUB) of Singapore. This puts the site somewhere within a 140-square-kilometre (54 sq mi) area of theforest reserve surrounding Sungai Madek and Sungai Lenggiu. Most people now believe that Kota Gelanggi is under the dam’swater. Does the Singaporean knew about this in advance? See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kota_Gelanggi

25. Imperial College Physicist discovered ways to convert Light into Matter after 80 years questSee full report at : http://phys.org/news/2014-05-scientists-year-quest.html#ajTabs

26. NOW YOU CAN MAKE LIGHT TRAVEL INFINITELY FASTIn empty space, light always travels at 300,000,000 meters persecond. In a material such as glass, it travels slower. The ratio of light's speed in the vacuum to its speed in a material defines the material's "index of refraction," which is typically greater than one. However, scientists have begun to manipulate the interactions of light and matter to tune theindex of refraction in weird ways, such as making it negative,which leads to an unusual bending of light.

Now, Albert Polman, a physicist at the FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics in Amsterdam; Nader Engheta, an electrical engineer at the University of Pennsylvania; and colleagues have pulled off a particularly odd feat. They've developed a tiny device in which the index of refraction for visible light is zero—so that light waves of a particular wavelength move infinitely fast.The device consists of a rectangular bar of insulating silicon dioxide 85 nanometers thick and 2000 nanometers long surrounded by conducing silver,which light generally doesn't penetrate. The result is a light-conveying chamber called a waveguide. Researchers fashioned different devices in which the width of the silicon dioxide ranged from 120 to 400 nanometers, as they report in apaper in press at Physical Review Letters.See report at : http://news.sciencemag.org/physics/2012/11/nanoscale-device-makes-light-travel-infinitely-fast

27. CUTTLEFISH IS COSMETICALLY BEAUTIFULScientists at Harvard University and MBL are trying hard to understand changing colours of cuttlefish for cosmetic applications , see report at :http://www.cosmeticsdesign.com/Formulation-Science/Understanding-of-natural-nanoscale-device-may-be-useful-for-cosmetics

28. UNDERSTANDING TUBULINTrying very hard to understand this paper on tubulin , especially when Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff said that itis the centre of our “consciousness” . Paper at : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3056885/pdf/nihms274731.pdf

29. The Untold story about Yemenhttp://www.iviews.com/Articles/articles.asp?ref=IV1405-5747

30. IBUNDA MUKMININ SAIDATINA AISYAH R.A BT. SAIDINA ABU BAKRR.ASuatu hal yang membuat Rasulullah s.a.w prihatin kepada Aisyahr.a adalah kerinduan baginda kepadanya. Dia ditakdirkan tidak mempunyai keturunan dari baginda ; sebagai pengakuan atas sifat keibuannya , baginda memanggilnya “Ummi Abdullah” dinisbahkan kepada anak saudaranya Abdullah Ibn Zubair r.a . Saidatina Aisyah r.a mendapat penghormatan sehingga ke akhir zaman : Rasulullah s.a.w wafat di rumahnya , menghadap Allah Rabbul Izzati di pangkuannya dan dimakamkan di kamarnya. Para sahabat r.a apabila mereka ingin memberikan sesuatu hadiah kepada Rasulullah s.a.w menunda sehingga tiba giliran baginda di rumah Aisyah r.a. Rumah Rasululla s.a.w yang di dalamnya terdapat Saidatina Aisyah r.a dan makam baginda menjadi ruang ilmu , sumber syariah Islam dan forum kajian fiqh peringkat tertinggi. Para sahabat dan tabiin berkumpul disana , berbincang dengan Saidatina Aisyah r.a dari sebalik tirai untuk mengajukan pelbagai soalan . Cukop lama beliau membawa obor ilmu yang mengarahkan manusia ke jalan yang benardari waktu wafatnya Rasulullah s.a.w pada 11 Hijrah sehingga wafat dirinya pada 58 Hijrah.- Petikan dari Bab 6 “ Bilik-bilik Cinta Muhammad s.a.w” oleh

Dr. Nizar Abazhan (Pustakan Azhar 2013, Johor Bahru)

31. WORDS OF WISDOM FROM DZUNNUN AL-MISRI“ O God , publicly I call thee “My Lord” , but in solitude I call thee “O my Beloved” “ – Dzunnun al-Misri ( real name was Thauban ibn Ibrahim (rah)) born of Nubian parents in Ikhmim ,

Upper Egypt , studied religious science and transmitted traditions (hadith) from Malik bin Anas r.a . During Muktazilite’s persecution under Caliph Mutawakkil he was imprisoned for his belief in the doctrine of uncreated Quran. Ibn Nadim ‘s Fihrist mention two of his works among alchemistry.

32. TRANSPARENT SOLAR CELL USING QUANTUM DOT CAN BE ALSO BE AWINDOW Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of Milano-Bicocca synthesised a new generation of quantum dots that they were able to embed in a transparent polymer to capture the sun's energy.Quantum dots - nanocrystals made of semiconductor materials - are already used in solar panel systems due to their low-cost and mechanical properties, as well as transistors, LEDs and lasers.

"The key accomplishment is the demonstration of large-area luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) that use a new generation of specially engineered quantum dots," said Victor Klimov, lead researcher at the Centre of Advanced Solar Photophysics at Los Alamos.See full report at : http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/solar-panel-windows-made-possible-by-quantum-dot-breakthrough-1445213

33. SYAIR PERAHU OLEH HAMZAH FANSURISyair Perahu mengajak manusia mengenal dirinya sebelum tamat riwayatnya , dideklemasi dengan penu syahdu dalam : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpiSZ4E6OB8

34. ULTRALIGHT , VERY STRONG AND MULTIFUNCTIONAL NANOMATERIALSFractal nanostructures might be the key to ultrastrong , ultralight and multifunctional in applications . Taking advantage of some of the size effects that many materials display at the nanoscale, these nanotrusses can have unusual, desirable qualities. For example, intrinsically brittle materials, like ceramics, including the alumina shown, can be

made deformable so that they can be crushed and still rebound to their original state without global failureRead more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-05-three-step-fractal-nanostructures.html#jCpsee report at : http://phys.org/news/2014-05-three-step-fractal-nanostructures.html#ajTabs

35. AWAL KAJIAN HADITH DI ALAM MELAYUAwal kurun ke-20 menyaksikan kemunculan ramai ulama yang mengajar hadith menggunakan kitab Sahih Bukhari , Muslim , Riyadus Salihin dan Bulughul Maram contohnya Tok Khurasan (wafat 1944) yang dianggap pelopor dalam perkembangan pengajian hadith di Tanah Melayu. Karya hadith dalam Bahasa Melayu yang paling awal adalah al Fawaid al Bahiyyah fi al Ahadith al Nabawiyyah oleh Nuruddin al-Raniri (wafat 1658) yang ditulis di Pahang sebelum beliau bertugas di Acheh di bawah pemerintahan Sultan Iskandar Thani dan yang kedua awal ialah Sharh Latif ala Arbain Hadith li al Imam al Nawawi iaitusyarah terhadap hadith 40 Imam Nawawi dengan gaya tasawwuf (sufi) oleh Abd Rauf al Fansuri (Tok Sheikh Kuala, wafat 1693 ) yang ditulis di atas perintah Sultanah Inayah Shah Zakiyyah al-Din Shah. Kaedah tasawwuf ini berbeza dengan syarah hadith 40 al-Nawawi yang lain seperti Fath al –Mubin oleh Muhammad Salih bin Muhammad Murid Rawa yang menggunakan pendekatan fiqh .

36. Aku buang segalanya Aku buang ilmuAku buang aqalkuAku buang isi hatiDemi mengenaliMu

37. MAKAM PARA WALIYULLAH DI PULAU BALISiapa sangka ternyata Bali yang di juluki Pulau Dewata ternyata menyimpan khazanah dakwah Islam. Kalau di Pulau Jawaterkenal dengan sebutan Wali Songo (sembilan Wali) yang merupakan penyebar Islam Di Nusantara, di Bali disebut Wali Pitu (Tujuh Wali) .Mereka adalah Mas Sepuh Raden Amangkuningrat di Kabupaten Badung, Habib Umar Bin Maulana

Yusuf Al Magribi di Tabanan, Habib Ali Bin Abu Bakar Bin Umar Bin Abu Bakar Al Khamid di Klungkung, Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Idrus di Karangasem, Syech Maulana Yusuf Al Baghdadi Al Magribi di Karangasem, The Kwan Lie (anak murid Sunan Gunung Jati) di Buleleng, dan Habib Ali Bin Umar Bin Abu Bakar Bafaqih di Jembrana.

38. TITANIUM NITRIDE CAN MERGE PHOTONICS WITH ELECTRONICS AT NANOSCALEUntil now, the best candidates for plasmonic materials were gold and silver. These noble metals, however, are not compatible with standard silicon manufacturing technologies, limiting their use in commercial products. Silver is the metalwith the best optical and surface plasmon properties, but it forms grainy, or semi-continuous, thin films. Silver also easily degrades in air, which causes loss of optical signal, making it a less-attractive material in plasmon technologies.

In an effort to overcome these drawbacks, Boltasseva and her team at Purdue University chose to study titanium nitride- a ceramic material that is commonly used as a barrier metal in microelectronics and to coat metal surfaces such as medical implants or machine tooling parts- because they could manipulate its properties in the manufacturing process. It also could be easily integrated into silicon products, and grown crystal-by-crystal, forming highly uniform, ultrathin films- properties that metals do not share.To test its plasmonic capabilities, the researchers deposited a very thin,very even film of titanium nitride on a sapphire surface. Theywere able to confirm that titanium nitride supported the propagation of surface plasmons almost as efficiently as gold.Silver, under perfect conditions, was still more efficient forplasmonic applications, but its acknowledged signal loss limited its practical applications.

To further improve the performance of titanium nitride, the researchers are now looking into a manufacturing method known as molecular beam epitaxy, which would enable them to grow thefilms and layered structures known as superlattices crystal-by-crystal.

See further report at : Paper: “Titanium nitride as a plasmonic material for visible and near-infrared wavelengths,” Naik et al., Optical MaterialsExpress, Vol. Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 478-489 (2012).

39. NUCLEAR REACTOR THE SIZE OF A CANNASA has made a series of critical strides toward the development of new nuclear reactors the size of a trash can that could power a human outpost on the moon or Mars. Three recent tests at different NASA centers and a national lab havesuccessfully demonstrated key technologies required for compact fission-based nuclear power plants for human settlements on other worlds. Further report can be obtained at:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/10/091004020806.htm

40. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED DALAM PENERBITANNampaknya pertandingan untuk menerbit dalam jurnal berprestijterutama dalam bidang fotoniks dan nanobahan (contohnya Quantum Dot) begitu sengit sekali, contohnya kumpulan Muller et al dari University of Stuttgart dan Bayreuth , yang telah dapat menerbitkan dulu tajuk “Entangled photon on-demand using quantum dot “ dalam Nature Photonics: http://www.nature.com/nphoton/journal/v8/n3/full/nphoton.2013.377.htmlBerbanding kumpulan Young et al dari University of Cambridge yang hanya sempat upload dalam arxiv.org , lihat : http://arxiv.org/ftp/quant-ph/papers/0601/0601187.pdf .Ini termotivasi , ekoran kejayaan Alex Kuzmich (Georgia Tech) membuat entangled atom-photon yang dilaporkan Physics World tahun lepas : http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2013/jun/20/entangled-atom-photon-pairs-created-on-demandJadi, persoalannya bukan “Publish or Perish” lagi, tetapi publish NOW or Never (lepas ni dah tak boleh publish lagi kalau tak nak ditudoh plagiat).

41. TURUN LANGSUNG DARI ARSY ALLAH S.W.TDaripada Jaafar bin Muhammad r.a dari ayahnya dari datuknya daripada Rasulullah s.w.t bersabda “Ketika Allah s.w.t

bermaksud untuk menurunkan Al-Fatihah , ayat kursi (2:255) , syahidallahu (3:18) dan qulillahumma malikul mulk (3:26) , semua ayat-ayat itu tergantung di Arsy dan tidak ada penghalang di antaranya dengan Allah s.w.t. Semua ayat-ayat itu berkata “ Tuhanku , Kau turunkan kami ke kampong yang penuh dosa , kepada orang yang menentangMu padahal kami bergantung pada kebersihan dan kesucianMu. “ Maka Allah s.w.t berfirman “ Demi keagunganKu dan kemuliaan-Ku , jika seseoranghamba itu membaca kamu sesudah solatnya , Aku akan tempatkan dia di istana kesucian (Firdaus) . Aku akan perhatikan dia dengan mataKu yang terpelihara setiap hari sebanyak tujoh puloh kali pandangan dan Aku akan penuhi setiap tujuh puloh keperluannya – paling sedikit di antaranya adalah keampunanKu . Aku lindungi dia dari semua musoh . Aku akan membelanya . Tidak ada yang mencegahnya masuk surga kecuali kematian.”

42. BIG BANG PROMOTES MULTIVERSE THEORYGravitational waves rippling through the aftermath of the cosmic fireball, physicists suggest, point to us inhabiting a multiverse, a universe filled with many universes. That's because those gravitational wave results point to a particularly prolific and potent kind of "inflation" of the early universe, an exponential expansion of the dimensions of space to many times the size of our own cosmos in the first fraction of a second of the Big Bang, some 13.82 billion yearsago.

"In most models, if you have inflation, then you have a multiverse," said Stanford physicist Andrei Linde. Linde, one of cosmological inflation's inventors, who spoke on at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics event where the BICEP2 astrophysics team unveiled the gravitational wave results.



Researchers in the US have overcome a key barrier to making nuclear fusion reactors a reality. In results published in Nature,scientists have shown that they can now produce more energy than put into igniting fuel, at least on an experimental scale. The use of fusion as a source of energy remains a long way off, but the latest development is an important step toward that goal.Nuclear fusion is the process that powers the Sun and billions of other stars in the Universe. If mastered, it could provide an unlimited source of clean energy because the raw materials are plentiful and the operation produces no carbon emissions.During the fusion process, smaller atoms fuse into larger ones, releasing huge amounts of energy. To achieve this onEarth, scientists have to create conditions similar to those at the center of the Sun, which involves creating very high pressures and temperatures.

There are two ways to achieve this: one uses lasers and is calledinertial confinement fusion (ICF), another deploys magnets and iscalled magnetic confinement fusion (MCF). Omar Hurricane and colleagues at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory opted for ICF, with the help of 192 high-energy lasers at the National Ignition Facility in the US, which was designed specifically to boost fusion research. The most critical part of the reaction, and one that had been a real concern for Hurricane’s team, is theshape of the fuel capsule. The capsule is made from a polymer andis about 2mm in diameter (about the size of a pinhead). On the inside it is coated with deuterium and tritium—isotopes of hydrogen—that are frozen to a solid state. This capsule is placedinside a gold cylinder, when the 192 lasers are fired, they hit the capsule and indirectly cause a fusion reaction. The lasers hit the gold container, which emit X-rays that heat the pellet and make it implode, causing a fusion reaction. According to Debbie Callahan, a co-author of the study: “When the lasers are fired, the capsule is compressed 35 times. That is like compressing a basketball to the size of a pea.”

The compression produces immense pressure and temperature, leading to a fusion reaction. Problems with the process were overcome last September, when, for the first time, Hurricane was able to produce more energy output from a fusion reaction than the lasers put into it. Since then, he has been able to repeat the experiment.

See full report at : http://arstechnica.com/science/2014/02/giant-leap-for-nuclear-fusion-as-scientists-get-more-energy-out-than-fuel-put-in/


Researchers began by pumping rubidium atoms into a vacuum chamber, then used lasers to cool the cloud of atoms to just a few degrees above absolute zero. Using extremely weak laser pulses, they then fired single photons into the cloud of atoms. As the photons enter the cloud of cold atoms, Lukin said, its energy excites atoms along its path, causing the photon to slow dramatically. As the photon moves through the cloud, that energy is handed off from atom to atom, and eventually exits the cloud with the photon."When the photon exits the medium, its identity is preserved," Lukin said. "It's the same effect we see with refraction of lightin a water glass. The light enters the water, it hands off part of its energy to the medium, and inside it exists as light and matter coupled together, but when it exits, it's still light. Theprocess that takes place is the same it's just a bit more extreme– the light is slowed considerably, and a lot more energy is given away than during refraction."When Lukin and colleagues fired two photons into the cloud, they were surprised to see them exit together, as a single molecule.The reason they form the never-before-seen molecules?An effect called a Rydberg blockade, Lukin said, which states that when an atom is excited, nearby atoms cannot be excited to the same degree. In practice, the effect means that as two photons enter the atomic cloud, the first excites an atom, but must move forward before the second photon can excite nearby atoms.The result, he said, is that the two photons push and pull each other through the cloud as their energy is handed off from one atom to the next."It's a photonic interaction that's mediated by the atomic interaction," Lukin said. "That makes these two photons behave like a molecule, and when they exit the medium they're much more likely to do so together than as single photons." See full report

at : http://phys.org/news/2013-09-scientists-never-before-seen.html


A big step in the development of next-generation fuel cells and water-alkali electrolyzers has been achieved with the discovery of a new class of bimetallic nanocatalysts that are an order of magnitude higher in activity than the target set by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for 2017. The new catalysts, hollow polyhedral nanoframes of platinum and nickel, feature a three-dimensional catalytic surface activity that makes them significantly more efficient and far less expensive than the bestplatinum catalysts used in today's fuel cells and alkaline electrolyzers. This research was a collaborative effort between DOE's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL).Read full report at : http://phys.org/news/2014-02-big-next-generation-fuel-cells-electrolyzers.html#inlRlv

46. EXOTIC DIBARYONS AND DIMESONS CONFIRMEDFor decades, physicists have searched in vain for exotic bound states comprising more than three quarks. Experiments performed at Jülich's accelerator COSY have now shown that, in fact, such complex particles do exist in nature. This discovery by the WASA-at-COSY collaboration has been published in the journal Physical Review Letters. The measurements confirm results from 2011, when the more than 120 scientists from eight countries discovered for the first time strong indications for the existence of an exotic dibaryon made up of six quarks. This opens up a new chapter in any High Energy Physics class lecture which has large implications in astrophysics.See: http://phys.org/news/2014-06-quarks-six-packs-exotic-


47. EVERY BLACK HOLE CONTAINS A UNIVERSESuccessful as it is, there are notable unsolved questions with the standard big bang theory, which suggests that the universe began as a seemingly impossible "singularity," an infinitely small point containing an infinitely high concentration of

matter, expanding in size to what we observe today. The theory ofinflation, a super-fast expansion of space proposed in recent decades, fills in many important details, such as why slight lumps in the concentration of matter in the early universe coalesced into large celestial bodies such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies.But these theories leave major questions unresolved. For example:What started the big bang? What caused inflation to end? What is the source of the mysterious dark energy that is apparently causing the universe to speed up its expansion?The idea that our universe is entirely contained within a black hole provides answers to these problems and many more. It eliminates the notion of physically impossible singularities in our universe.See: http://phys.org/news/2012-05-black-hole-universe-physicist-





Pedagang sutera : Thalhah bin Ubaidillah , Suwaid ibn Qais al-Abdari , Abdul Rahman bin Auf

Peniaga sutera: Zubair ibn al-Awwam , Umar ibn al-Ash , Amir ibn Kuraiz

Pedagang minyak wangi: Qailah , Malikah Ummu al-Saib ibn al Aqra’

Penjual emas dan perak: Barra’ Ibn Azib, Zaid bin ArqamPenjual gandum : Hatib ibn Abi Balta’ah ( pernah menjadi duta Nabi s.a.w kepada Raja Muqauqis, Mesir)Penjual ubatan herba : Abu Musa AsShaariPedagang kurma : Hatib Ibn Abi Balta’ah dan Utsman Ibn AffanTukang samak kulit binatang: Abu Wada’ah al Harits ibn Shabirah ,

Salma al-Farisi

Tukang kayu : Ramai sekali – selain membuat mimbar Masjid Nabawi dan tangki tradisional (dabbabah) mereka juga membuat manjanik (pelontar peluru batu) dalam Perang ThaifTukang jahit : Ramai sekali antaranya Utsman Ibn Thalhah yang diserahkan kunci Kaabah oleh Rasulullah s.a.wTukang besi : Khabbab Ibn Al-Arat , Abu Saif( Naufal bin Harits ditawan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w dalam peperangan Badar , lalu baginda berkata “ Tebuslah dirimu dengan seluroh tombakmu di Jeddah “. Naufal terkejut bagaimana Rasulullah s.a.w mengetahui “rahsia”nya- lalu mengucapkan shahadah di depan baginda . Seribu tombaknya telah digunakan dalam Perang Hunain)Pedagang Kurma : Hatib ibn Abi Balta’ah berkongsi dengan Utsman

Ibn AffanPenjual Kurma : Nabhan al-Tammar ( Nabhan si-penjual kurma) – beliau terkenal dengan taubatnya sehingga Allah s.w.t memujinya melalui wahyu surah al-Imran (3) ayat 135 .Pembuat tikar kurma : Salman al-Farisi . Beliau meneruskan pekerjaan ini walaupun setelah dilantik menjadi Gabenor Madain diParsi. Apabila di tanya beliau berkata “Aku ingin makan daripada hasil tanganku sendiri”.Tukang bangunan : Ammar bin Yassir Tukang tenun (jerami dan bulu domba) : Su’airah al Asadiyah ,

Sahl Ibn MuazJurutaksir (untuk zakat): Abdullah ibn Rawahah dan Abu Khatsmah, Atab bin Usaid , al-Shalt Ibn Ma’di al-Kindi , Farwah Ibn Umar.Tukang bekam : Abu Hind ,Abu Thaibah , Salim al Hajjam (beliau pernah meminum darah Rasulullah s.a.w yang sepatutnya dibuang).Tukang cukur rambut : Ma’mar bin NadhlahTukang sembelih kambing dan unta: Zubair al-Awwam , Umar Ibn al-Ash dan Amir bin Kuraiz. Namun Rasulullah s.a.w menyembelih sendiri semua haiwan korban baginda ketika umrah dan haji.Bidan : Salma isteri Abu Rafi’ (beliau menjadi bidan ketika Saidatina Mariah melahirkan Saidina Ibrahim dan juga ketika Saidatina Fatimah melahirkan Saidina Hasan )

- Catatan daripada buku “ketika Nabi di Kota al-Rasul” oleh sejarahwan masa kini Dr. Nizar Abazhah , buku bestseller di Syria dan Lubnan.


Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda “Setiap Nabi , tanpa terkecuali , pasti diberi tujoh orang pendamping agung dan cerdik serta menteri-menteri yang baik. Tetapi aku diberikan empat belas orangiaitu : Hamzah , Jaafar , Abu Bakar, Umar , Ali , Hasan , Hussain, Abdullah Ibn Masud , Salman , Ammar Ibn Yasir , Hudzhaifah , Abu Dzar , Bilal dan Mush’ab ....” – Hadith Riwayat At Tirmizi dan Ahmad.


So , even if matter is not real and disappears at the deepest level, information still stays. Full report on Constructor Theoryof Information at : https://medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog/deeper-than-quantum-mechanics-david-deutschs-new-theory-of-reality-9b8281bc793a


But our present Quantum Mechanics formalism is not purely epistemological; it is a peculiar mixture describing in part realities of Nature, in part incomplete human information about Nature --- all scrambled up by Heisenberg and Bohr into an omelette that nobody has seen how to unscramble. Yet we think that the unscrambling is a prerequisite for any further advance in basic physical theory. For,if we cannot separate the subjective and objective aspects of the formalism, we cannot knowwhat we are talking about; it is just that simple –E.T Jaynes

53. SYAIKH DAVID ROSSNER OWENThis is the short biography and conversion narrative of our Naqshbandi khalifa’, Shaykh David Rosser Owen, also known as Shaykh Daoud.

“I was born in Swansea in South Wales. My paternal great-grandfather had been a Church of England curate in Northamptonshire but he changed to the Congregationalist Church and became a well-known Minister in the port, marrying the daughter of the harbour master. My maternal grandfather was an Elder of St Andrew’s

Presbyterian Church of Wales, a local church in the west of the city– this was somewhat strange as most of the congregation were Scots from the Islands and West of Scotland who had drifted down the coastand settled for one reason or another and were presumably attracted to the church because of its name. I grew up in that church, and inmy grandfather’s Presbyterian household.

I was always a fairly devout and practicing Christian, but there were a number of issues that I had problems with. Some of these were fairly major, and some apparently trivial but they seemed important to me at the time. I no longer remember them all, but those I do remember were a problem with Trinity, and the abandonmentof the Law as it related to diet and slaughter.

I think that there is an underlying Unitarian tendency in Presbyterianism, at least as it developed in the Celtic West of the British Isles – the first major figure in the Unitarian Church was aPresbyterian minister, Thomas Emlyn (1663–1741), who found his belief in Unity while teaching in Dublin.

Anyway, Trinity did not make sense to me, especially in the light of:

Matthew 19:1717He said to him, “Why dost thou come to me to ask of goodness? Godis Good, and He Only...”

So I rationalised it to my temporary satisfaction by viewing the Trinity as a pyramid with God the Father at the apex, and the Son and Holy Spirit a step down below Him.

The dietary laws were more of a conundrum. As Christ (a.s.) said:

Matthew 5:1717“Do not think that I have come to set aside the law and the prophets; I have not come to set them aside, but to bring them to perfection.”

Paul of Tarsus’ overriding of this, apparently making everything halal to eat, did not seem right. If Christians were to follow

Christ’s (a.s.) way they should not be eating pork and should be slaughtering animals for the table by shechita. This one was not asbig a problem as the Trinity, as we rarely ate pork at home anyway.

When I was 13, we moved to Shrewsbury, and I became a member of a local Presbyterian church there. When I finished school, I joined the Army. After commissioning I was posted to Far East Land Forces based in Singapore. Before flying out, I was sent a very interesting booklet, which I kept for several years, issued by HQ FARELF called, “Serving with Muslim soldiers” – I think it had originally been produced by the British Indian Army – which really was my first introduction to Islam and Muslims. It listed the Pillars of Faith and the Pillars of Belief, it talked a bit about praying towards the Ka’bah, diet, and things to do and not to do so as not to upset Muslim sensibilities.

Some weeks after arriving I was sent on the Army Colloquial Malay language course at the Language Wing of the Far East Training Centreat Nee Soon. This was an intensive course, meant to last six weeks but ours was cut short at four as we got involved in Internal Security duties. We were given a basic 500 word vocabulary which wehad to expand by our own means. I, in common with a couple of the others, took to chatting to British Army Malay soldiers on duty at the General Headquarters in Tanglin.

Then I got sent to Borneo and Brunei, based at Labuan. And so I spent a lot of time talking Malay to soldiers of the British and Malaysian armies. What became apparent very quickly was that socialchat with Muslim soldiers centred around two principal topics: religion and soldiering. I rapidly learned the Malay words for parts of the rifle, senjata, for instance, and patrolling, meronda; and for religious activities: sembahyang – praying; basuh – wudhu’; mandi – ghusl; and so forth. Soon we got involved in comparative religion – what did I believe in and why, compared with what they believed in and why.

Soon they involved the guru agama from the nearby Malaysian Army unit, and the theology moved to a higher level. Eventually, military duties getting rather in the way, I came to two conclusions: my questions as a Presbyterian, that I had often put to

various Christian clerics and not received a satisfactory answer to,had in fact been answered; and that I was probably more of a Muslim than I was a Christian. So I made shahadah with the Qadi of Labuan.

I fact, much later, I came across the statement about John Louis Burckhardt, (died in Cairo in 1815, I think) that in becoming a Muslim he considered himself to be no less a Christian – which rather summed up how I felt, and still do.

Some time later, back in Singapore, came the awareness in the Officers’ Mess that as the UK government was proposing to cut back on the size of the Army our promotion prospects above the rank of major were very low. Some of us, like me, felt that we were young enough to start again at a different career not fancying spending the next 20 years or so “as a passed-over major”. So when my run-out date came, I elected to leave. My plan was to go to university,get a degree and go into academia or teaching. In the event it did not quite work out like that , but close enough. I went back to theUK, saw my family, and then returned to Malaysia to study Islam enough to tide me over before embarking on The Plan.”

The following is extracted from Shaykh Daoud's Blog: “He is a follower of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order and of the Shafi’i Sunni school. He is fluent in Malay (both Jawi and Rumi), and a couple ofother languages.”

He studied diniyyah, fiqh, tajwid, and taswawwuf with Shaykh Ahmad Labib al-Azhari and Ustadz Muhammad Dahlan Arshad al-Azhari in Malaysia and London. He first became involved with the Naqshbandi Sufi Order in Malaysia, with Shaykh Daud Abdullah of Ulu Selangor, and in Turkey with Shaykh Mehmed Kotku; and later through Sultan al-Awliya Shaykh ‘Abdillah ad-Daghistani (q.s.).

He has various ijazat in fiqh and diniyyah through Shaykh Ahmad Labib, and in taswawwuf through Shaykh ‘Abdillah ad-Daghistani (q.s.) himself. He was the khalifah for the British followers of Shaykh Muhammad Nazhim Adil al-Haqqani (q.s.), the successor of Shaykh ‘Abdillah ad-Daghistani (q.s.).

He is an alumnus of SOAS where he read Arabic and Malay, the University of Kent where the subject of his doctoral research was “The American Colonial Government of the Southern Philippines, 1898-1946″, and the Cordwainers’ Diploma Course in Saddle, Bridle and Harness-making.

As he said, “I ended up in journalism, being Features Editor of Arabia: The Islamic World Review; Editor of the Islamic World Defence Magazine; UK Editor of Armada, a Swiss magazine; and latterly Managing Editor of Q-News International. I then freelanced, which I still do, as well as being a saddler. I am alsothe Amir of the Association of British Muslims, which I am in the process of modifying into a charity and handing on to the next generation.”

54. SHAYKH ABU AL- ASWAD AD-DUALI (R.A)Shaykh Abu al-Aswad ad-Du'ali (r.a.), 603-688 CE, was a close companion of Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Thalib (k.w.). He was a grammarian and a poet. He was the first to place dots, ashkal, on the Arabic letters and the first to write on Arabic linguistics. It has been said that Shaykh Abu al-Aswad ad-Du'ali (r.a.) was the first grammarian of the Arabic language. Shaykh Abu al-Faraj Muhammad ibn Ishaq an-Nadim (r.a.), author of Kitab al-Fihrist said, "Most scholars agree that grammar was taken from Abu al-Aswad ad-Du'ali, and that he took it from the Khalifah, 'Ali." This is also the opinion of the famous language specialist, Shaykh Abu 'Ubaydah (r.a.). The lexicographer, Shaykh al-Zubaydi (r.a.) said about Shaykh Abu al-Aswad (r.a.), "He was the first to establish the science of the Arabic language, to lay down its methods and to establish its rules."There are also stories in which both 'Ali (k.w.) and 'Umar (r.a.) acknowledged Abu al-Aswad‘s command of grammar or deferred to him onthe subject. Shaykh Abu al-Aswad (r.a.) began to lay down formal rules for the Arabic language because more and more non-Arabs were converting to Islam, especially with the conquest of the Persian Empire. They needed help in learning the language of the Qur’an. It was reported that Shaykh Abu al-Aswad (r.a.) heard some Muslims pronounce words wrongly whilst reading of the Qur'an, owing to a mistake in vowels. As a consequence, following the order of the governor, Ziyad ibn Abi Sufyan, he instructed a scribe, saying,

"When you see me open my mouth at a letter, put a dot above it. When I close it, put one next to the letter. When I draw them apart, put a dot under it."

Another story describes Shaykh Abu al-Aswad's (r.a.) reason behind the beginning of grammar. Some Arabs laughed once when a non-Arab convert mispronounced an Arabic word. Shaykh Abu al-Aswad (r.a.) rebuked them, saying, "These mawali (clients) have formed a desire for Islam, and have converted, so they have become our brothers; if only we were to lay down [the rules] of language for them!

55. CERITA AZAN DI MADINAHPernah sekali Ziyad ibn al Harits al Shada’i r.a mengumandangkan azan suboh ketika Bilal tidak ada. Selesai azan Bilal r.a datang tergesa-gesa. Demikian ketika dia mahu membaca iqamah , Rasulullah s.a.w menegurnya “ Saudaramu , Shada’i tadi sudah berazan – siapa yang berazan dialah yang membacakan iqamah “. Biasanya Bilal r.a akan berazan pada separuh malam untuk membangunkan orang yang tidur sedangkan Ibn Ummi Maktum r.a berazan pada masuk waktu fajar. Sepeninggalan Rasulullah s.a.w Bilal r.a mengembara ke Syria dan tempatnya di Masjidun Nabawi digantikan oleh Saad al –Qarzh r.a yang sebelumnya menjadi muazin Masjid Quba’.

56. TENTANG PUASA DAN KORBAN RASULULLAH S.A.WPuasa Ramadhan mula diwajibkan pertama kalinya pada tahun ke-2 hijrah tepatnya 18 bulan selepas hijrah Nabi s.a.w. Baginda sendiriberbuka dengan susu dan kurma. Awalnya tiba di Madinah baginda diperintahkan oleh Allah s.w.t untuk berpuasa Asyura , tetapi setelah turun perintah wajib puasa Ramadhan , baginda memberi kebebasan kepada kaum Muslimin untuk berpuasa Asyura atau tidak. Untuk membezakan dari kaum Yahudi, baginda menambahkan puasa satu hari sebelum dan satu hari selepas Asyura. Solat Aidil Adha juga pertama kali diadakan pada tahun ke -2 hijrah.Selama dua belas tahuntinggal di Madinah setiap tahun baginda berkorban dua ekor kibas belang hitam-putih yang gemuk dan telah bertanduk. Selesai solat dan khutbah , baginda membawa dan menyembelih haiwan korban sendiri,yang pertama baginda mendahulukan umatnya . Sabda baginda “ Ini daripada umatku semua ; orang bersaksi bahawa Engkau adalah Tuhan Yang Esa dan bersaksi bahawa aku telah menyampaikan “. Bagi haiwan

korban yang kedua , baginda berkata “ Ini daripada Muhammad dan keluarga Muhammad “.

57. Better living through QMhttp://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/blogs/physics/2014/03/quantum-life/

58. RASHID SUNYAEV – THE ONLY MUSLIM BRUCE MEDALISTSRashid Sunyaev was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and educated at theMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Moscow University. The head of the High Energy Astrophysics Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 1982 to 2002 and chief scientist of the Academy’s Space Research Institute since 1992, he holds several concurrent positions, including editor-in-chief of Astronomy Letters. He currently divides his time between Moscow and Garching, Germany, where he is managing director of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics. He worked for several years with his teacher, Yakov B. Zel’dovich, in the Moscow Institute of Applied Mathematics,where the two proposed what is known as the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect, an important method for determining absolute distances and hence the Hubble constant from the effect of gas in galaxy clusters on the cosmic microwave background radiation. Sunyaev and N. Shakuradeveloped a model of disk accretion onto black holes, and he has proposed a signature for X-radiation from matter spiraling into a black hole.See: http://www.phys-astro.sonoma.edu/bruceMedalists/bethe/index.html


According to ᶜAbd al-Ḥāfiẓ Faraglī ᶜAlī al-Qaranī, al-Shaᶜrānī’s full nameis ᶜAbd al-Wahhāb ibn Aḥmad ibn ᶜAli ibn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Zarqā ibnMūsā ibn al-Sulṭān Aḥmad ibn al-Sulṭān Saᶜīd ibn al-Sultan Qāshīn ibn al-Sultan Muḥyī ibn al-Sulṭān Zarqā ibn al-Sulṭān Zayyān ibn al-SulṭānMuḥammad ibn al-Sultan Mūsā ibn al-Musayyad ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥanīfah ibnal-Imām ᶜAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib. He was born in 899 AH / 1493 AD inQalqanshada, Egypt as recorded by al-Malījī.

He studied under more than fifty teachers (who included scholars fromfour madhhabs). Some of his teachers were Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī, Zayn al-Dīn Zakariyyā al-Anṣārī, Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Qānī, al-Ramlī, Shams al-Dīn al-Samanūdī, al-Qaṣṭalānī, and Amīn al-Dīn, the imam of al-Ghamrī Mosque.

Imam Abd al- Wahhab Al-Shaᶜrāni constantly quote opinions of IbnᶜArabī regarding ᶜaqīdah.  He is to be considered as one of the mostimportant advocates of Muḥyi al-Dīn Ibn ᶜArabī. He has written significantbooks in defense of and under the inspiration of Ibn ‘Arabi, the mostimportant of which that can be mentioned are Al-yawāqit wa al-jawāhir, Al-kibrīt al-aḥmar, and Al-qawāᶜid al-kashfiyyah.

Al-Shaᶜrāni also expresses his honour towards Imām Abū Hasan al-Ashᶜarī and Imām Abū Manṣūr al-Mātūrīdī in the introduction of Al-yawāqit waal-jawāhir. He declares that the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamāᶜah  as already knownby people on that time, are the Imāms.[21]  He also recognizes both of themas qutb (the hierarch of saints) and he emphasizes one who follows both ofthem or either one, will be in salvation from heresy. Thus, it is clearthat al-Shaᶜrāni combines the line of mutakallimūn and Sufism in  ᶜaqīdah asbeen told by him in the introduction of  Al-yawāqit wa al-jawāhir and in it isline with Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamāᶜah.

60.PAHALA LAILATULQADRRasulullah s.a.w bersabda : Sesiapa yang membaca surah al-Mulk dan surah asSajadah di antara waktu maghrib dan isyak seolah-olah dia telahmenghidupkan Lailatulqadr (Riwayat Ibn Mardawiyah )Daripada Ibn Abbas r.a beliau meriwayatkan Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda :Sesiapa yang bersolat empat rekaat setelah solat Isyak lalu membaca duarekaat pertama Qulhuwallahu ahad (Al-Ikhlas) dan Qulya ayyuhal kafirun (al-Kafirun) dan pada kedua rekaat yang akhir Alif Lam Mim Tanzil (As Sajdah)dan Tabarakallazi biyadihil mulku ( Al Mulk) ditulis baginya sepertimenunaikan solat empat rekaat di malam Lailatulqadr. (Riwayat al-Baihaqi). Kedua hadith dipetik dari Kitab Tafsir “Fathul Qadir” oleh Imam Shaukanirah. Bayangkan jika anda melakukan dua jenis ibadat ini di bulan Ramadhan( pahala sunat menjadi pahala wajib atau melaksanakannya pada malamLailatulqadr itu sendiri !)

60. SURAH YASIN DAN KEUTAMAANNYAApabila dakwah Rasulullah s.a.w kepada penduduk Taif ditolak baginda s.a.w berasa amat sedih setelah dihina dan diperlekehkan oleh masyarakat di sana. Lalu baginda s.a.w berdoa untuk kebaikan penduduk Taif serta membuat pengakuan untuk terus berjuang dengan gigih dan penuh kesabaran. Lalu baginda s.a.w dihiburkan dengan kedatangan sekumpulan makhluk jin yang menerima seruan baginda s.a.wketika singgah di Nakhlah dalam perjalanan balik ke Mekah lalu diwahyukan surah Al-Jinn. Sejurus selepas itu baginda s.a.w menerima wahyu surah Yasin yang semuanya turun di Mekah (jumlah 83 ayat) melainkan ayat 12 yang turun di Madinah. Anas r.a berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda : “Bahawa sesungguhnya bagi setiap sesuatu ada jantungnya. Jantung al-Quran ialah surah Yasin . Sesiapa yang membaca surah Yasin maka Allah

s.w.t akan memberikan pahala seumpama membaca al –Quran sepuloh kali. “(Hadith Riwayat Tirmizi)

62. ON ULUL-ALBAB AND THE THEORY OF EVERYTHINGAbdal Hakim Murad speaking about the limits of rational thought, andthe importance of dhikr (remembrance of the almighty) and fikr (contemplation and rational thought) in Islam . “Absar cannot attainReality “presented in:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gjp3hCCTwc

63. RAMADHAN MUBARAKKu susun jari sepulohmemohon kemaafan kepada semuadanKu doakan agar ibadah kita semua diterimaNyamenjadi berkat abadi .

64. Pesan al-Habib:Sebagaimana yang telah disabdakan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w “ Ketika seseorang menjalin sebuah pertemuan , meskipun hal itu hanya sekejap, kelak pada hari pembalasan , dia akan ditanya mengenai persahabatan itu : Apakah dalam pertemuan itu dia melaksanakan hak-hak Allah ataukah justeru dia melupakannya? “ Oleh itu , saling berwasiatlah di antara kamu di jalan Allah dengan baik dan bersabar terhadap se mua yang berlaku – Habib Umar bin Hafidz (q.s)

65. TEACHING QUANTUM MECHANICS RECENTLYIts mind bogling to teach Advance Quantum Mechanics (QM) for MSc programme ,these days with so many “new” interpretation coming from the ever increasing number of “Mufassirin “ namely :

1. Multiverse Interpretation QM by Bousso and Susskind : http://arxiv.org/pdf/1105.3796v3.pdf

2. Cellular Automaton Interpretation of QM by t’Hooft (Noble Prize Winner) : http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.1548

(see his lecture at : http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/itp/symmetries-99/scans/talk20/talk20.html)

which claims ‘deterministic’ QM !

3. Occasionalist viewpoint like Al-Ghazali by Prof. Altaie : http://arxiv-web3.library.cornell.edu/pdf/0907.3419v1.pdf

4. Quantum Bayesianism by Chris Fuchs (Perimeter Inst.) : http://arxiv-web3.library.cornell.edu/pdf/0907.3419v1.pdf

5. The ever “emergent” properties of QM and related symmetries : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0707.4568v1.pdf

This was despite the already 14 different interpretations as listed down by Wikipaedia :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpretations_of_quantum_mechanics

But at last (relieved !) a book which I can hold on to help through the FRGS project on Quantum Biological Calculations by myformer lecturer at London Univ : http://press.princeton.edu/titles/7433.html

66. FROM HAWKING TO AVICENNAThe twin pillars of every civilisation are religion and science .Contemporary cosmological theories, especially discourse about the origins of the Universe , reveal continuing encounter betweenphysics and theology. It is a discouse which interests thinkers of our own age as much as it did those in the Middle Ages. In fact , to go from Stephen Hawking to Avicenna is, in an importantsense , to go from confusion to clarity – William E. Carroll .

67. THE NEED FOR A MUSLIM COSMOLOGIST (FARD KIFAYAH)The first religious obligation of every intelligent boy who comesof age , as marked by years or by dreams of puberty is to form the intention of reasoning as soundly as he can to an awareness that the Universe is originated – Abul Ma’ali al Juwayni (1028-1085 )

68. A NEW PHYSICIST’S THEORY OF LIFEFrom the standpoint of physics, there is one essential differencebetween living things and inanimate clumps of carbon atoms: The former tend to be much better at capturing energy from their environment and dissipating that energy as heat. Jeremy England, a 31-year-old assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has derived a mathematical formula that he

believes explains this capacity. The formula, based on established physics, indicates that when a group of atoms is driven by an external source of energy (like the sun or chemical fuel) and surrounded by a heat bath (like the ocean or atmosphere), it will often gradually restructure itself in order to dissipate increasingly more energy. This could mean that undercertain conditions, matter inexorably acquires the key physical attribute associated with life.See report at : http://www.simonsfoundation.org/quanta/20140122-a-new-physics-theory-of-life/

69. THE A-THEOREM OF JOHN CARDY (OXFORD)When John Cardy proposed a far-reaching principle to constrain all possible theories of quantum particles and fields, he expected it to be quickly rebutted. But for almost 25 years that hasn’t happened — and it now seems that his theorem may have beenquietly proved earlier this year.His conjecture is called the a-theorem. It says that the number of ways in which quantum fields can be energetically excited is always greater at high energies than at low energiesSee report : http://www.nature.com/news/proof-found-for-unifying-quantum-principle-1.9352


“Sesungguhnya orang-orang lelaki Yang Islam serta orang-orang perempuan Yang Islam, dan orang-orang lelaki Yang beriman serta orang-orang perempuan Yang beriman, dan orang-orang lelaki Yang taatserta orang-orang perempuan Yang taat, dan orang-orang lelaki Yang benar serta orang-orang perempuan Yang benar, dan orang-orang lelakiYang sabar serta orang-orang perempuan Yang sabar, dan orang-orang lelaki Yang merendah diri (kepada Allah) serta orang-orang perempuanYang merendah diri (kepada Allah), dan orang-orang lelaki Yang bersedekah serta orang-orang perempuan Yang bersedekah, dan orang-orang lelaki Yang berpuasa serta orang-orang perempuan Yang berpuasa, dan orang-orang lelaki Yang memelihara kehormatannya sertaorang-orang perempuan Yang memelihara kehormatannya, dan orang-oranglelaki Yang menyebut nama Allah banyak-banyak serta orang-orang perempuan Yang menyebut nama Allah banyak-banyak, Allah telah

menyediakan bagi mereka semuanya keampunan dan pahala yang besar.” (Surah al Ahzaab: 33: 35)

Dalam suatu riwayat ada dikemukakan bahawa seorang muslimat yang bernama Ummu Imarah al Ansari datang mengadap Nabi dan berkata: "Akuselalu melihat segala sesuatu yang ada ini hanya untuk lelaki sahajadan wanita tidak pernah disebut-sebut." Maka turunlah ayat ini (Surah al Ahzaab: 33: 35) sebagai penjelasan bahawa segala sesuatu yang dijanjikan oleh Allah itu adalah untuk kaum lelaki dan perempuan yang Mukmin dan Muslim. (Diriwayatkan oleh at Tirmizi dariIkrimah dari Ummu Imarah al Ansari). Sekaligus ayat ini menjelaskan kebaikan-kebaikan yang boleh dilaksanakan dalam kehidupan khasnya ketika dalam berpuasa seperti bersabar, bersedekah dan banyak berzikir.

71. ABDULLAH ANSARI OF HERAT (AFGHANISTAN)He was born in the Kohandez the old citadel of Herat on 4 May 1006. His father Abu Mansur, was a shopkeeper who had spent several years of his youth at Balkh. Khwajah Abdullah Ansari of Herat was a directdescendant of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, and was the ninth in line from him. The lineage is described and traced in the family history records as follows: Abu Ismail Khajeh Abdollah Ansari, son of Abu Mansoor Balkhi, son of Jaafar, son of Abu Mu'aaz, son of Muhammad, son of Ahmad, son of Jaafar, son of Abu Mansoor al-Taabi'i, son of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari.In the reign of the third Caliph amongst the Khulafaa-e-Rashideen of Islam, Uthman ibn Affan, Abu Mansoor al-Taabi'i took part in the conquest of Khorasan, and subsequently settled in Herat where his descendant Khwajah Abdullah Ansari died there in 1088. Abdullah was the disciple of Shaikh Abul Hassan Kharaqani, a famous Sufi master for whom he had deep respect and faith. He practiced the Hanbali fiqh, one of the four Sunni schools of law or jurisprudence. He wrote several books on Islamic mysticism and philosophy in Persian and Arabic. His most famous workis "Munajat Namah" (literally 'Litanies or dialogues with God') which is considered a masterpiece of Persian literature. After his death, many of his sayings that had been transmitted by his studentsalong with others that were in his written works were included in the Tafsir of Maybudi, "Kashf al-Asrar" (The Unveiling of Secrets). This is among the earliest complete Sufi Tafsirs of Quran and has been published several times in 10 volumes. He excelled in the

knowledge of Hadith, history, and Ilm ul-Ansaab. He used to avoid the company of the rich, powerful and the influential. His yearly majlis-e-wa'az was attended by people from far and wide. Whatever his disciples and followers used to present to him was handed over to the poor and the needy. He is said to have had a very impressive personality, and used to dress gracefully.


Allah Ta’ala memuliakan bulan puasa di antara bulan-bulan lainnya dengan memilihnyasebagai saat untuk menurunkan al-Qur’an al-Azhim. Sebagaimana Dia memberikankeistimewaan ini pada bulan Ramadhan, telah dinyatakan dalam hadits bahwa bulanRamadhan merupakan bulan di mana kitab-kitab ilahiah diturunkan kepada para nabi. ImamAhmad bin Hanbal rahimahullahu, meriwayatkan dari Watsilah bin al-Asqa’, bahwaRasulullah Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:

“Shuhuf (lembaran-lembaran) Ibrahim diturunkan pada malam pertama bulan Ramadhan, Taurat diturunkan padatanggal 6 Ramadhan, Injil diturun-kan pada tanggal 13 Ramadhan, dan al-Qur’an diturunkan pada tanggal 24Ramadhan.” (HR. Ahmad)

Shuhuf Ibrahim, kitab Taurat, Zabur, dan Injil diturunkan kepada nabi penerimanyadalam satu kitab sekaligus. Sedangkan al-Qur’an diturunkan secara sekaligus (dari LauhMahfuzh) ke Baitul Izzah di langit dunia, dan hal itu terjadi pada bulan Ramadhan padamalam lailatul qadar. Sebagaimana firman-Nya: “Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkannya padamalam kemuliaan.” (QS. Al-Qadar: 1)

Dia juga berfirman: Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkannya pada malam yang penuh berkah.” (QS.Ad-Dukhan: 3)

Setelah itu, al-Qur’an diturunkan bagian demi bagian kepada Rasulullah Shalallahu ‘alaihi wasallam sesuai dengan peristiwa yang terjadi. Demikian diriwayatkan dari Ibnu Abbas,melalui beberapa jalur.


Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal rahimahullahu, meriwayatkan dari Watsilah bin al-Asqa’, bahwa Rasulullah Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda: “Shuhuf (lembaran-lembaran) Ibrahim diturunkan pada malam pertama bulan Ramadhan, Taurat diturunkan pada tanggal 6 Ramadhan, Injil diturun-kan pada tanggal 13 Ramadhan, dan al-Qur’an diturunkan pada tanggal 24 Ramadhan.” (HR. Ahmad)

Ini memandangkan malam Lailatul Qadr jatuh dalam 10 hari terakhir dalam bulan Ramadhan yang disebut dalam surah al-Qadr ayat 1 sebagai

Malam Kemuliaan dan surah ad Dukhan ayat 3 sebagai Malam Penuh Berkah.

Lihat huraian lanjut di lamanweb: http://alfiqrah.protajdid.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=136:analisis-dalil-nuzul-quran&catid=50:puasaaied&Itemid=54

74. DOA ADALAH MUSTAJAB DI SEPANJANG RAMADHANDoa adalah mustajab di sepanjang bulan Ramadhan kerana dalam bulan ini dibukakan semua pintu syurga dan ditutup semua pintu neraka seperti yang disebut dalam hadith sahih :Abu Hurairah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda “Apabila masuk bulan Ramadhan terbukalah pintu-pintu syurga dan terkuncilah segala pintu neraka manakala sekelian syaitan dirantai dan dibuka segala pintu rahmat”. Sedangkan doa itu pula adalah mukhul (kepala) ibadah. (H.R Bukhari & Muslim)

75. DUA SURAH YANG CEMERLANGSurah Ali Imran dan surah Al Baqarah dinamakan "Az Zahrawaani" (dua yang cemerlang), kerana kedua-dua surah ini menyingkapkan hal-hal yang disembunyikan oleh para Ahli Kitab, seperti kejadian dan kelahiran Nabi Isa, kedatangan Nabi Muhammad dan sebagainya.


“Sesungguhnya untuk orang-orang yang bertaqwa itu mafaazaa.”(Q.S. An-Naba’: 31)

Kata “mafaazaa” terambil dari kata “fauz”. “Fauz” itu dari segi bahasa biasanya diterjemahkan menang, kemenangan. dalam bahasa Al-Qur’an, “fauz” itu artinya terhindar dari bencana, sekaligus memperoleh keselamatan. Terhindar dari siksa, sekaligus memperoleh rahmat Allah. Oleh karena itu, Al-Qur’an menggunakan kata “fauz” dalam arti pengampunan dosa sehingga dia tidak tersiksa, dan perolehan surga sehingga ia mendapat nikmat. Ketika Eidul Fitri misalkan, ucapannya adalah: “minal a-idin wal faizin.” “al-faizin” adalah orang-orang yang memperoleh pengampunan Allah sekaligus

memperoleh surga-Nya. Kata “mafaazaa” juga dapat diartikan mendapat kemenangan. Namun ada juga yang mengartikannya sebagai tempat kemenangan. Kalau dikatakan, dia menang (faza), maka tidak tergambartempatnya. Tapi jika dikatakan “mafaazaa”, dia memperoleh tempat orang-orang yang menang, dia berada di sana. Di manakah tempat orang-orang yang menang itu? Yaitu di suatu tempat di akhirat nanti iaitu surga.

77. DUA PERBUATAN KUFURDari Abu Hurairah r.a bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda “ Barangsiapamenghunus pedang kepada kami , maka dia bukan golongan kami . Dan barangsiapa menipu kami , maka dia bukan golongan kami” . (HR Muslim)Komentar : Jelas seperti yang disebut dalam hadith ini siapa yang bermusuhan sesama Islam sehingga sanggup berbunuhan termasuk niat membunuh atau menipu sesama Islam semata-mata untuk keuntungan dirisendiri , maka kufurlah orang itu. Jadi, bayangkan kedudukan si-perompak yang merompak dengan senjata atau seorang pemimpin yang menipu rakyat atau orang bawahannya yang dilakukan secara berterusan sebagai pekerjaan tetap mereka.

78. NEGENTROPY AND LIFE'Negentropy', as stored mobilizable energy in a space-time structured (organized) system, can be intuitively understood as follows. In an equilibrium system, energy is fixed, which in turn fixes the population of energy levels characteristic of the temperature of the system. In a nonequilibrium system such as the organism, energy is stored over all space-time domains. For a given temperature, the energy stored is no longer fixed, but on account ofefficient coupling, becomes transferred to ever larger space-time domains (starting from the photon trapped in photosynthesis, or the energy in food) until all characteristic domains are equally populated. This implies that the organism itself has no preferred levels, its activities spanning the 'quantum' to 'classical', from the 'microscopic' through 'mesoscopic' to the ' macroscopic' in a quasi-continuum of self-similar patterns.-Prof. Mae-Wan Ho , in Modern Trends in Bio-Thermokinetics 3, 50-61


Doa itu mestilah diiringi dengan khusnuz zhon (sangka baik) bahawa ianya pasti diterima oleh Allah s.w.t. Jika tidak di dunia pasti doaitu akan disempurnakan di akhirat. Cuma sebagai insan yang lemah kekadang doa apa yang hendak dibaca atau apalagi yang hendak dipohontidak terfikirkan. Itu sebabnya berbaloi jika anda mempunyai banyak kitab doa. Allah s.w.t telah merakamkan doa-doa para Nabi dan Rasul a.s beserta orang saleh di dalam al-Quran dan hadith , begitu pula para sahabat r.a dan tabiin serta imam-imam yang mujtahidin dan paraahli Sufi muhaqqiqin. Anda ambil dan khatamkan doa-doa tersebut sebab nanti bila Allah s.w.t Yang Rahim bertanya khabar di akhirat kita boleh berkata “Wahai Tuhanku , aku ada memohon ini dan itu sewaktu di dunia – tunaikanlah Wahai Zat Yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang” , maka Allah s.w.t pasti bergembira untuk menunaikannya. Sewaktu di Arafah pun anda mampu membawa kitab-kitab tersebut untuk dibaca dari waktu selepas asar hingga maghrib , tetapi alangkah ruginya anda menghabiskan waktu bercakap dan bergurau . Begitu juga hari-hari di bulan Ramadhan yang mustajab pada semua waktunya........jangan anda leka dan tidak memohon apa-apa dari Yang Maha Pemurah , sebab jika anda lalai andalah yang akanrugi serta papa kedana di Hari Akhirat kelak. Berdoa (dan berzikir) adalah ibadah yang paling mudah dilakukan dan hanya memerlukan penyelarasan di antara hati dan lisan yang anda boleh lakukan walaupun dengan berbaring ketika keletihan berpuasa. Maka , lakukanlah...........insyaAllah.