english foreign language writing instruction for tent grades of ...


Transcript of english foreign language writing instruction for tent grades of ...





Submitted as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to get

Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in English Education


NIM: TE. 140 991




JAMBI 2020

Advisor I : Monalisa, M.Pd

Advisor II : Firdiansyah, SS, MA

Address : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN STS Jambi

To Dean of Education Faculty and Teacher

Training The state Islamic University of Saifuddin

Jambi In Jambi


Assalamu’alaikum, Wr.Wb.

After reading and fixing something necessary, we started that thesis by :

Name : Indri Widyastuti

Student ID : TE.140991

Title : English Foreign Language Writing Instruction For Tent Grades Of State

Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam as a partial fulfillment of the requirement to get an

undergraduated degree (S1) in English Education Program the faculty of Saifuddin Jambi, we

hand in the thesis in order to be accepted well.

Thus, we hope this thesis be useful for all.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr, Wb.

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Monalisa, M.Pd Firdiansyah, SS, MA

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Nama Mahasiswa : Indri Widyastuti

NIM : TE.140991

Pembimbing I : Monalisa, M.Pd

Judul : English Foreign Language Writing Instruction For Tent Grades Of State

Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi

Fakultas : Tarbiyah

Jurusan/Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris








03 November 2020


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04 November 2020


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10 November 2020


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Chapter V


12 November 2020


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Advisor I

Monalisa, M.Pd

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- - - R-0 - 1 from 1

Nama Mahasiswa : Indri Widyastuti

NIM : TE.140991

Pembimbing I : Firdiansyah, SS, MA

Judul : English Foreign Language Writing Instruction For Tent Grades Of State Senior High

School 1 Muaro Jambi

Fakultas : Tarbiyah

Jurusan/Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris







20 Oktober 2020




21 Oktober 2020




24 Oktober 2020




27 Oktober 2020




29 Oktober 2020



ACC for thesis trial exam

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Matter : Official memo

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The Dean Education and Teacher Training Faculty

The State Islamic University of SulthanThahaSaifuddin

In Jambi

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making necessary correction, we agree that the

thesis of:

Name : Indri Widyastuti

Student’s ID : TE.140991

Department : English Education

Title : English Foreign Language Writing Instruction For Tent Grades Of State

Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam as one of the requirements for the undergraduate degree

(S1) in English Education Program Education and Teacher Training Faculty the State Islamic

University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it in order to be examined soon.

We would like to say thanks for attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Jambi, 2020

First Advisor

Monalisa, M.Pd

NIP. 195502021980031003




Jl. Jambi-Ma.Bulian Km.16 Simp.Sungai Duren Kab.Muaro Jambi 36363




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- - - R-0 - 1 from 1

Matter : Official memo

Attachment : -

The Dean Education and Teacher Training Faculty

The State Islamic University of SulthanThahaSaifuddin

In Jambi

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making necessary correction, we agree that the

thesis of:

Name : Indri Widyastuti

Student’s ID : TE.140991

Department : English Education

Title : English Foreign Language Writing Instruction For Tent Grades Of State

Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam as one of the requirements for the undergraduate degree

(S1) in English Education Program Education and Teacher Training Faculty the State Islamic

University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it in order to be examined soon.

We would like to say thanks for attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Jambi, 2020

Second Advisor

Firdiansyah, SS, MA



يغيروا ما بأنفسهمإن اهلل ل يغير ما بقوم حتى

“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan yang

ada pada diri mereka sendiri.” (QS. Al-Ra’ad : 11)

“Verily, Allah will not change (the good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state

(of goodness) themselvess.” (QS. Al-Ra’ad : 11)


In the name of Allah SWT for the blessing and the merciful, with deep thanks and proud,

Shalawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change the word. Special Thanks to : My

parents, my beloved father Suratman and my beloved mother Darinah who always give me everlasting

love, guidance, motivation and always praying for me. My sister and brother who always pray and give

me support and motivation. All my beloved classmate in the class in English education program 2014

thanks for your support and your participant. My beloved almamater English department and education

and Kampus Biru UIN STS JAMBI thanks your support and your participant. May Allah Subhanallahu

Wata’ala bless us Aamiin



Name : Indri Widyastuti

Major : English Educational Program

Title : English Foreign Language Writing Instruction For Tent Grades Of State

Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi

The aim of this study was to investigate teacher’s strategies in teaching reading at Senior

High School 1 Muaro Jambi. This a qualitative research, the research employing

observations, interviews to collect data and data analysis in this research was descriptive

analysis, data reduction, data display, conclusion or verification and triangulation. The

result of the study showed that there are two teacher strategies in teaching writing they

are guided writing and independent writing. In guided writing the teacher analyzed the

lesson about guiding and helping students who need to learn to write and students

must be able to utilize knowledge, skills and be able to develop ideas. independent

writing the teacher provide opportunities for students to do independent writing without the

intervention of a teacher and students are given full responsibility for completing the writing

assignment. These strategies helped the teacher in getting knowledge, information, thinking easier,

faster, confidence, motivation, taking and accepting responsibility and more enjoyable ways to giving to ideas. These strategies made them interested English and also made them were good in writing the eassy and also their score in academic.

Keyword : teacher’s strategies in teaching writing, Senior High School



Nama : Indri Widyastuti

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : English Foreign Language Writing Instruction For Tent Grades Of

State Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi guru dalam

pembelajaran membaca di SMA N 1 Muaro Jambi. Jenis penelitian kualitatif, penelitian

menggunakan observasi, wawancara untuk mengumpulkan data dan analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif, reduksi data, penyajian data. kesimpulan atau

verifikasi dan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada dua strategi guru

dalam mengajar menulis yaitu bimbingan menulis dan menulis mandiri, guru

menganalisis pelajaran tentang membimbng dan membantu siswa yang membutuhkan untuk belajar menulis harus dapat memanfaatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan dapat

mengembangkan ide; menulis mandiri guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

menulis mandiri tanpa adanya campur tangan seorang guru dan siswa diberi tanggung

jawab sepenuhnya untuk menyelesaikan tugas menulis.. Strategi-strategi ini membantu guru dalam mendapatkan pengetahuan, informasi, berpikir lebih mudah, cepat, percaya

diri, motivasi, menerima dan menerima tanggung jawab serta cara-cara yang lebih

menyenangkan untuk menguasai ide-ide. Strategi ini membuat mereka tertarik pada

bahasa Inggris dan juga membuat mereka pandai menulis karangan dan juga nilai

akademis mereka.

Kata kunci: strategi guru dalam mengajar menulis, Senior High School



PAGE OF TITLE ................................................................ i

OFFICIAL NOTE ............................................................... ii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ............... .................. iii

THESIS APPROVAL/FINAL TASK.................................. iv

MOTTO ............................................................................... v

DEDICATION .................................................................... vi

ABSTRACT ........................................................................ vii

ABSTRAK .......................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................ ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................... xii


A... Background ............................................................. 1

B... Focus of Research ................................................... 3

C...Formulation of The Problems .................................. 3

D...Research Objectives and Purpose ............................ 4

1.... Research Objectives .......................................... 4

2.... Usability Research ............................................. 4

a.... Theoretical Benefits .................................... 4

b.... Practical Benefits ......................................... 4

E... Objective of The Study ............................................ 5


A... Theoretical Framework ........................................... 6

1....The Definition of Writing .................................. 6

2....The Teaching of Writing ................................... 6

3.... The Writing Process .......................................... 8

a.... Prewriting .................................................... 8

1.... Brainstorming ........................................ 8

2.... Clustering .............................................. 9

3.... Writing ................................................... 9

4.... Revising ................................................. 10

5.... Genre Based Approach .......................... 10

4.... Purposes of Writing ........................................... 11


a ... Writing to Inform ........................................... 12

b ... Writing to Explain .......................................... 12

c ... Writing to Persuade ....................................... 12

d ................................................................... Writing to Amuse Others

.................................................................................. 13

e .................................................................... Strategies to Engage

Students in Writing 13

5 ... Types of Learning Media ........................................... 15

6 ... The Use of Visual Media in Teaching Writing . 16

B .. Relevant Research ............................................................... 16


A... Research Design ...................................................... 19

B... Research Subjects .................................................... 19

C... Types and Sources of Data ...................................... 20

1.... Types of Data .................................................... 20

2.... Data Sources ...................................................... 20

D... Data Collection Techniques .................................... 21

1.... Observation ....................................................... 21

2.... Interview ............................................................ 22

3.... Documentation .................................................. 24

E. Trustworthiness Of The Data

1.... Reduction of Data .............................................. 25

2.... Presentation of Data .......................................... 26

3.... Verify Data ........................................................ 26

F... Test Data Credibility ............................................... 26

G... Research Schedule ................................................... 28


A... Research Finding ..................................................... 29

B... Specific Finding ...................................................... 30

C... Discussion .............................................................. 36


A... Conclusion ............................................................... 38

B... Suggestion ............................................................... 38

REFERENCES ..................................................................







Appendix I : Instruments of data collecting

Appendix II : Reseacrh activities documentation




A. Research Background

Education is one of the most important things in this globalization era.

Education develops in every country in different ways. In Indonesia, the

government gives more attention to education by making some regulations

especially for basic and secondary education units. Education in Indonesia is held

from kindergarten up to University. Teaching language is one of the most

importance things in education because language is the most effective way to


One of the most popular languages in the world is English. It is very popular

among people in every country, and so is our country – Indonesia. English becomes

popular because English is a medium of communication for people in some

developing countries and becomes an international language. “By the end of the

twentieth century English was already well on its way to becoming a genuine

lingua-franca, that is a language widely used for communication between people

who do not share the same first (or even second) language.” (Harmer, 2007 : 13).

English becomes very important to be learnt because English is an

international language. David Graddol in Harmer (2007:18) states a number of

future possibilities, all of which is questioned of English as the number one world

language. English is also used for transferring, technology, economy, and education.

Language skills includes four aspects namely listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. The fourth aspect is always closely related. Speaking skills support

listening skills, reading, and writing. In terms of language, listening and speaking

categorized as an oral language skills (Munawaroh, 2008 : 6).

As one of the language skills, writing is the most difficult subject. Everyone

needs to learn writing, to make communication for occupation oracademic purpose

and especially for the students they need to learn writing



skills to communicate with other and prepare themselves for final academic

assignment and their requirement for the future.

Writing is an activity that is productive and expressive. In the writing

activity, a person skilled writers should take advantage of graphology, grammar,

and vocabulary (Tarin, 2008 : 3). Writing skills are used to record, persuade, report,

inform, and influence the reader, intent and purpose as it can only be achieved by

well-trained students who can compose and assemble way of thinking and in writing

clearly, fluently and communicative. Clarity is independent of the mind, the

organization, the use and choice of words and sentence structure (Tarin, 2008: 3).

However, writing is not just preparing or arranging the words, phrases, or

sentences. Students need to follow the rules of a specific language to be able to

produce writing that can be understood and accepted by the reader. According to

the circuit continuity of learning the language proposed by Hammond, write better

given to high school students at the end of the level. However, simply writing

skills can be given to students from secondary education first. This point

according to Harmer said:

“They are many reasons for getting students to write, both in and outside class gives them more ‘thinking time’ than they get when they attempt

spontaneous conversation. This allows them more opportunity for language

processing that is thinking about the language wheter they are involved in study or activation.” (Harmer, 2010 : 112).

Some roles that can be done by the teacher when teaching about writing is

as follows : (1) Correcting written work: One way of avoidng the “over-correction”

problem is for teacher to tell their students that for a particular piece of work they

are only going to correct mistakes of puctuation, or only spelling or only grammar,

etc. This has two advantages: it makes students concentrate on that particular aspect,

and it cuts down on the correction. (Harmer, 2010 : 120). (2) Responding: telling

students what you think, teasing out alternatives and making suggestions. (3)

Motivating: Looked briefly teacher at the writing process itself and said how

impotant it is to build the writing habit. (Hamer, 2010 : 122)


Based on observations in the field it is known that English teachers in

teaching and learning activities in the classroom are active. The teacher seemed

enthusiastic about dealing with students in the class and often motivated his students

to be enthusiastic in receiving lessons.

Then, the English teacher in the class also seemed to actively use the media

in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. For example when giving

instructions to write descriptive text, an English teacher uses a media picture in front

of the board. Then, students are assigned to make a short descriptive text in English

through student imagery of the picture in front of the class.

In maximizing English writing learning activities also have innovations in

teaching, one of which is students are told to write personal dictionaries that are

handwritten with one page in one sheet. It aims to improve the craft of students in

writing using English while at the same time improving their ability to remember

vocabulary in English.

English teachers also have a firm attitude when teaching in class. This is a

positive thing. So students feel reluctant and respect their English teacher.

Therefore, every learning instruction given by an English teacher is always obeyed

by the students.

Based on the uniqueness in the English writing learning instruction activities in

the school, it encourages researchers to conduct research in the form of a thesis

with the title: English Foreign Language Writing Instruction for Tent

Graders of State Senior High School 1 Ma. Jambi.

B. Focus of Reseacrh

The study deals with writing instruction for tent Graders of Senior High

School focused on Strategy and Media used by the teacher.

C. Formulations of The Problems

Based on the problem that the researcher has explained in the background

of the study, the researcher formulate the problem into : how is writing instruction


of descriptive text held at Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi which is broken into

two pieces of research a questions :

1. What strategies conducted by the teacher in Senior High School 1

Muaro Jambi?

2. What media are used in writing instruction of descriptive text in

Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi?

D. Research Objectives and Purpose

1. Research Objectives

Based on the formulations of the problems above, the objectives of

the research are as follow:

a. To find out what are strategies or techniques in writing instruction in

Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi.

b. To find out the media are used in writing instruction in Senior High

School 1 Muaro Jambi.

2. Usability Research

a. Theoritical Benefits

By conducting this research, the researcher hopes that her research

will give valid information about condition writing instruction in tent grades

of state senior high school 1 Muaro Jambi. .

b. Practical Benefits

1. The results of this study are expected to provide benefits for the school,

especially SMA Negeri 1 Muaro Jambi in the implementation of learning

English language skills, especially in writing become even more good and


2. For the teacher can be used as a reference in order to further improve the

quality of learning English, especially in the learning of writting skills.


3. For students can be motivated to achieving maximum learning results,

particularly in terms of learning English writting skills.



A. Theoretical Framework

1. The Definition of Writing

In learning English, there are four skills that should be mastered; those

are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Among the four skills, writing is

the most difficult skill to be learnt. This opinion is supported by Jack C.

Richards and Willy A. Renandya,”Writing is the most difficult skill for second

languange learners to master”. (Richards, 2002: 303) The difficulty is not only

in generating and organizing ideas, but also in translating idea into readable text.

There are many different definitions about writing given by experts from

many resources. According to Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Coopers’ said,

“writing is a complex process and as such contains element of mystery and

surprise. But we know and believe that writing is a skill that anyone can learn

to manage”. (Axelrod, 1985: 3)

Marianne C. Murcia said, writing is “the ability to express one’s ideas

in written form is a second or foreign language”. (Murcia, 1991: 233). (It means

that writing is an activity to express our ideas in written form.

On the other side, Barnet and Stubb’s said that writing as a physical act,

it requires material and energy. And like most physical acts, to be performed

fully, to bring pleasure, to both performer and audience, it requires practice”.

(Barnet, 1983: 3)

2. The Teaching of Writing

Writing is a real life rality. It was in social, work or study situation.

Teaching writing on EFL was to get things done and to form and maintain social

relationship. In reality, the teacher can taught the student such a letter, journal,

notes, instruction, essay, reports, menus. Teaching writing is away of conveying

massages or just to keep a record of what was in our mind



writing can help anxious students give them time to think about their meaning

and purpose writing can also raise awareness of how language works. Through

writing students will become more familiar with the linguistic and social

conventions of writing in English. According to Adamson, in writing task, a

communicative elements should include: a. accuracy, b. a certain target

structure, c. enough preparation before the writing stage, d. sense of audience e.

sense of authenticity f. creativity g. inventing their town, h. not test oriented

(Adamson, 2007: 212).

According to Brown summary the features of process writing as follow:

(1) focus on the process writing that leads to the final written products.

(2) help students writer understand their own composing process. (3) help

students build report of strategies for prewriting, drafting, and rewriting. (4) give

student time to write and rewriting. (5) place central importance on the process

of revision. (6) let students discover what they attempt to bring their expression

closer and closer to intention, (7) give students feedback both from the instructor

and peers. (9) include individual conference between teachers and student

during the process of composition (Brown, 2001: 320-321).

Susanto Leo say, writing as a process of expressing ideas or thought in

world should be done at our leisure. Writing can be very enjoyable as long as

we have the ideas and the means to achieve it (Leo, 2007: 1). Karen and

Christine, state that writing is a process that involves several steps namely:

1. Prewriting is thinking about your topic and organizing your ideas.

2. Writing, using your ideas to write a first drat.

3` Revising, improving that you have written (Root, 1989: 41).

Writing a form of communication many people take for granted and

encounter every day, can prove surprisingly difficult to define. Writing as

the communication of relatively specific ideas in a conventional manner by

mean as permanent, visible marks (Boone, 2010: 3).

While the new insight into composing processed are important, we

also know that grammar is important, and learners seems to focus best on

grammar is important and learners seem to focus best on grammar when it


relates to their communicative need and experiences. In second language

setting, we cannot ignore grammar or can we related it to handbook and

refers students to page number. Learning the syntax and vocabulary of the

new language is basic to our students ability to write. The feedback method

propose here suggest only one way to address the need of level writer to

increase vocabulary an learn the syntax of their new language as they learn

to erite in it. We need to develop many way of doing so. Second language

learning is as much a process as writing is a process, and among our students

writing is firmly embedded in the matrix of second language learning.

3. The Writing Process

Writing is a process that involves several steps. At least, there are

three steps in the writing process mentioned by Karen Blanchard, and

Christine Root in their book; Ready to Write: A first Composition Text. Step

one: Prewriting: Thinking about your topic and organizing your ideas. Step

two: Writing Using your ideas to write a first draft. Step Three: Revising

Improving what you have written. (Blanchard, 2003: 41). If the writers

follow the steps, and practice by writing often, they will find it easier to

write paragraphs and to improve their writing.

a. Prewriting

Prewriting is the thinking, talking, reading, and writing we do about

our topic before we write a first draft. Prewriting is a way of warming up our

brain before we write, just as we warm up our body before we exercise.

There are several ways to warm up before start writing:

1) Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a quick way to generate a lot of ideas on a

subject. The purpose is to make a list of as many ideas as possible

without worrying about how you will use them. To brainstorm, follow

these steps:

a) Begin with a broad topic.


b) Write down as many ideas about the topic as you can

in five minutes.

c) Add more items to your list by answering the

questions what, how, when, where, why, and who.

d) Group similar items on the list together.

e) Cross out item that do not belong.

2) Clustering

Clustering is another prewriting technique. It is a visual way of

showing how your ideas are connected using circles and lines. When you

cluster, you draw a diagram of your ideas. This term will be explained in the

next section. On the other hand said that pre-writing is any activity in the

classroom that encourages students to write. It stimulates thoughts for

getting started. In fact, it moves students away from having to face blank

page toward generating tentative ideas and gathering information for

writing. The following activities provide the learning experiences for

students at this stage: (Richards, 2002: 316)

a) Group Brainstorming

b) Clustering

c) Rapid Free Writing

d) WH-Question

3) Writing

After we have spent some time thinking about our topic and doing

the necessary prewriting, we are ready for the next step in the writing

process: writing our paragraph. When we write the first draft of our

paragraph, use the ideas we generated from prewriting as a guide. As you

write, remember to:

a) Begin with a topic sentence that states the main idea.

b) Include several sentences that support the main idea.

c) Stick to the topic.

d) Arrange the sentences so that the order of odeas makes sense.


e) Use signal words to help the reader understand how the ideas in

your paragraph are connected. (Blanchard, 2003: 43)

4) Revising

It is almost impossible to write a perfect paragraph on the first try.

The first try is called the first draft. After you complete the first draft, you

must look for ways to improve it. This step is called revising. (Blanchard,

2003: 44) When students revise, they review their text on the basis of the

feedback given in the previous stage. They reexmaine what was written to

see how effectively they have communicated their meanings to the reader.

In another source stated that writing is a process that involves the

following steps: (Langan, 2006: 20)

a) Discovering a point-often through prewriting.

b) Developing solid support for the point-often through more


c) Organizing the supporting material and writing it out in a

first draft.

d) Revising and then editing carefully to ensure an effective,

error-free paper.

5) Genre Based Approach

Derewianka (1990) gives a simple definition that genre can be

defined as, "The schematic structure of a text which helps it to achieve its


a. Text Types

There are eight kinds of Genre in GBA, between the of there

Procedure, Narrative, Descriptive, Recount, Report, Exposition,

Explanation, and Persuasive.

1. Procedure

Is a text that describe how something is accomplished or operated

trough a sequence of steps.

2. Narrative


Is a text that will amuse entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious

experience in different ways.

3) Descriptive

Is a text that describe a particular or specific thing trough a detail

explanation about its features.

4) Recount

Is a text that will retell events for the purpose of informing.

5) Report

Is a text that describe the way thing are, with, reference to a range of

natural, man - maid and social phenomena in our environment.

6) Exposition

Is a piece of text that presents one side of an issue. The purpose of the

exposition is to persuade the reader or listener by presenting one side of an

argument, that is, the case or the case againts.

7) Explanation

Is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social,

scientific and cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to say 'why' and 'how'

of the forming of the phenomena.

8) Persuasive

Is any text where the main purpose is to present a point of view and

seeks to persuade a reader. A persuasive text can be an argument, exposition,

discussion, review or even an advertisement.

4. Purposes of Writing

According to Penny Ur “the purpose of writing, in principle, is the

expression of ideas, the conveying of messages to the reader. So the ideas

themselves should arguably be seen as the most important aspect in the writing”

(Ur, 1996: 163) It means that when the writers do their writing, of course they

have some purposes. They have to consider the purpose of their writing since

this will influence, not only the type of text they wish to produce, but including

the language which they use, and the information that they


choose. In addition, there are really only four common purposes in writing

they are: to inform, to explain, to persuade, and to amuse others.

a) Writing to Inform

In much of the writing that the writers will do, they will intend

simply to inform their readers about a subject. To inform is to transmit

necessary information about the subject to the readers, and usually this

means just telling the readers what the facts are or what happened.

Although informative writing is the simplest kind of writing, it is also one

of the most important, because information lays a foundation for other

writing purposes. As the writers write to inform, they will want to keep

two large concerns in mind; selecting the right information and arranging it


b) Writing to Explain

Writing to explain means writing to take what is unclear and make it

clear. In explanatory writing, a writer who understandsa complex topic must

take sure that his readers understand it as well. All of us use several common

methods of explaining something to another person in our everyday

conversation, and these same techniques can provide basic strategies for

organizing an explanation in writing. All of us use several common methods

of explaining something to another person in our everyday conversation, and

these same techniques can provide basic strategies for organizing an

explanation in writing.

c) Writing to Persuade

The most important writing we ever do in our personal life, our work

life, and may be our school life will probably persuasion. Complaints to the

rent board about our landlord, letters of application for jobs, essay on

examinations are all likely to involve writing persuasively. Your task in

persuasion is to convince your readers to accept the main idea, even though

it may be controversial. (Brown, 1984: 129)


d) Writing to Amuse Others

Writing to amuse requires that you focus on readers other than

yourself. You may enjoy the experience and take pride in what you

accomplish, but you cannot settle for amusing yourself alone. Writing to

opportunity and make the most of it. If you find pleasure in writing to amuse,

it will come from knowing that you succeed in bringing pleasure to others.

When write to amuse, your primary object is to make readers enjoy

themselves. You can be funny, but you should also be goodhumored. This

means having sympathy for human frailty rather than a contempt for anyone

or anything that seems different from what you are accustomed to. (Meiler,

2006: 570)

e) Strategies to Engage Students in Writing

There are some way for increase writing ability. All of them as


a. Modelled Writing

Modelled writing means using both models and modelling.

Modelled writing refers, on the one hand, to the selection of models to show

students how writing works and, on the other hand, to the teacher’s practice

of modelling or demonstrating writing to students. The best source of models

for writing is the real world, that is, the texts that students read. In modelled

writing, teachers provide students with examples of the type of text they will

be composing, explanations of how these texts work and structured

demonstrations of what efficient writers know and do. (NSW, 2007: 27)

Modelled writing helps students to gain knowledge about

language, vocabulary and text structures required to write for a range

of purposes. Modelled writing includes explicit teaching about the

processes involved in composing text. b. Think Aloud Writing

Think aloud’ is exactly what it means – the process of saying

aloud what the writer is thinking while completing a writing task. It


can be described as self-narration. By modelling for students the types

of behaviours good writers are engaged in as they write, teachers are

providing students with the opportunity to become aware of the many

strategies writers use to generate and organise ideas. As appropriate, the

teacher can encourage students to chime in and help ‘think’ through the

writing task (NSW, 2007: 33).

It is a strategy that can be used to demonstrate a comprehensive

range of skills, knowledge and understandings about writing. The

purpose of this strategy is to explicitly demonstrate the choices and

decisions that writers make as they plan, analyse and edit their own


c. Guided Writing

Guided writing is a key strategy for assisting students who need

additional support in writing. In guided writing students are required to

draw on the knowledge, skills and understandings developed during

modelled writing sessions, with varying degrees of support from the


A common guided writing activity involves students and the

teacher jointly composing a text. The guided writing sessions can

involve the whole class, small groups or individuals. They can provide

a setting for effective team teaching with the support teacher learning

assistance (STLA) and other support personnel such as the English as a

Second Language (ESL) teacher (NSW, 2007: 34).

d. Independent Writing

When writing independently, students should be encouraged to:

1) Define their purpose

2) Identify their audience

3) Engage in further research if necessary

4) Got down ideas and notes

5) Think about how to organise ideas effectively

6) Write drafts


7) Share drafts with peers and the teacher

8) Rework drafts in the light of comments about text

organisation, cohesion, grammatical choices, sentence

structure, spelling, punctuation and layout

9) Prepare and edit a final draft

10) Publish and present their work for further feedback.

e. Writing Conference

A writing conference is a discussion between a teacher and a student

or between one student and another about a student’s writing. It may be a

highly structured process in which the student and the teacher keep a written

record over time, or it may be an informal process applied incidentally as

required. The writing conference may occur before, during or after writing.

Teachers and students involved in a writing conference should focus on the

purpose and the intended audience of the text as well as the structure and

language features. Later the text should be proofread for such details as

spelling and punctuation (NSW, 2007: 51).

f) Types of Learning Media

The grouping of types of learning media is delivered by many learning

media experts, including Asra (2007:5.8-9) grouping learning media into

several types, namely :

a. Visual media is media that can only be seen, such as photos,

images and poster.

b. Audio media is media that can only be heared just like an audio

cassette MP3 and radio.

c. Audio visual media is media that can be seen and heard at the same

time sound films, videos, television, and sound slides.

d. Multimedia is media that can present media elements in full like

sound, animation, video, graphics and film.


e. Realia media are all real media in the natiral environment, such as

plants, rocks, water, rice, fields, and so on.

The grouping of types of insructional media is also expressed by Asr

(2011:44-45) namely :

a. Visual media is the type of media used that only relies on the senses

of sight for example print media such as books, journals, maps,

pictures, amd others.

b. Audio media is a type of media that is used only to rely on hearing

only, for example tape recorders, and radios.

c. Audio-Visual media are films, videos, TV programs, and so on.

g) The Use of Visual Media in Teaching Writing

Writing is the difficult skill in learning English. To make students get

the idea in writing easily the teacher should be creative and innovative. The

application of visual media can help students get idea easily. This research

aimed at knowing the application of visual media and the students’ responses in

teaching writing to Tenth graders students of SMA Negeri 1 Muaro Jambi. The

application of visual media helped the students write easily. The teacher applied

visual media to help the students write good sentences and describe in pictures.

The theme of material is Descriptive text and theacher applied picture series.

h) Review of Related Studies

Firstly, The title of this thesis is “The Teachers’ Strategies in

Overcoming The Students’ Difficulties in Writing Descriptive Text” by

Nasution. This study aims to investigate the Teachers‟ Strategies in overcoming

their students‟ difficulties in writing descriptive text and to find out what the

Teachers‟ Reasons of using the strategies. The respondents of this research were

three English teachers at SMPN 1 Kramatmulya Kuningan. The approach of the

research is qualitative approach, it means that the information of the data has

been gained through questionnaire, interview, observation and


reading books. In the process of teaching and learning three English teachers

usually use some strategies in overcoming the students‟ difficulties in writing

descriptive text. Those strategies are modelled writing, visual scaffolding, guided

writing, independent writing, cooperative learning, writing conference, material

scaffolding, content scaffolding, number head together, and making diary.

(Nasution, 2011: v)

Secondly, a journal with the title: “Teaching Writing Descriptive Text By

Combining Brainstorming and Y Chart Strategies At Junior High School.” The

data of this journal were qualitative, and the findings: Many strategies that

teacher used in teaching, and the teacher can choose one of the suitable and

appropriate strategy to be applied in the classroom. Otherwise, the teacher can

also combine two strategies. The strategies are Brainstorming and Y chart

strategies. Brainstorming strategy is a strategy that used to lead and generate

students ideas based on a topic. Here, the students must have background

knowledge about the topic before the teacher explain it. Then, Y Chart strategy

is a strategy that used to organize ideas based on three parts in chart. There are

look like, sound like, and feels like. In this section, the students give their ideas

based on what the students see, heard, and fells. By using combining these

strategies, the teacher can make the students easily to understand about the

lesson. So, in learning process teaching writing can be achievement.

Thirdly, a journal with the title : “Teaching Writing A Descriptive Text By

Using Guided Writing Strategy” The purpose of this research is to investigate

the effectiveness of teaching writing a descriptive text by using guided writing

strategy at eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 17 Pontianak in Academic Year

2013/2014. Moreover, this research is intended to find out how effective teaching

is teaching writing a descriptive text by using guided writing strategy at eighth

grade students. The students’ problem in elements of identification makes hard

for them to start their writing. They tend to jump to write the description of the

subject without writing the identification. Meanwhile, identification is important

in writing descriptive text. The second problem is the incorrect use of language

features. They can not write correct sentence of


simple present tense that is used in descriptive text. As the purpose of this

research is to investigate the effectiveness of teaching writing descriptive text,

the method used in this research is pre-experimental research with single group

pre-test and post-test. One class of eighth grader of SMP Negeri 17 Pontianak

were choses as the sample in this study. There were 34 students in the class. The

findings of this research suggested that Guided Writing Strategy was highly

effective in teaching writing a descriptive text as indicated by a statistically

higher writing score of post-test (70,44) than pre-test (51,09). This difference

was highly significant with the effect size value 1,36. Based on the research

foundings, it can be conluded that the effectiveness of teaching writing a

descriptive text by using guided writing is high. Thus, it is suggested for English

teacher to use this strategy as an alternative for teaching writing.

Here my thesis is different in the related studies from my research, which

is by observation the researcher find that some different strategy. The strategy in

firstly used 10 strategies and information of the data take with qustionaire,

observation, interview and reading books while my research just used 4 strategies

and information of the data take with just observation and interview. In the

secondly is different used Y chart while my research not used Y chart and the

same used Brainstorming. And the thirdly, teaching writing a descriptive text the

same using guide writing strategy.



A. Research Design

The research approach is indispensable in order to achieve the research

objectives. In general, the approach of this research is the paradigm of

qualitative research. Qualitative research methods are often named after the

naturalistic aproach because work was done on natural conditions. Also called

ethnographic research because initially this method is more widely used for

research in the field of cultural anthropology more qualitative analysis.

(Sugiyono, 2014 : 1)

Qualitative research methods is the research methods used to examine

the condition of natural objects where the researcher is a key instrument, data

collection techniques triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive, and

qualitative research results more emphasis on meaning rather than

generalization. Objects in qualitative research are natural objects, so that the

research method is often referred to as a naturalistic method. Objects in

qualitative research is the object as it is not manipulated by the researchers so

that the current state investigators entered the object, and after being in the

object and even after exiting the object was relatively unchanged.

This qualitative method applied in this thesis with consideration of this

method is useful to obtain in-depth data about writing instruction in descriptive

text, which is a meaning that implies. The meaning is the actual data. The data

is the data behind the value visible. Researchers chose and used a qualitative

approach for qualitative research is more appropriate to be applied in this study

(Saebeni, 2008 : 92). Researchers argue, with a qualitative approach, then the

data in the field: Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi will be easily elaborated


B. Research Subjects



The social situation in the Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi can be

said that distinctively Islamic. The subject of research in this study is limited

by a number of officers, students, and staff who working in Senior High School

1 Muaro Jambi. The reason researchers took the names of the subjects of this

study is because researchers believe social element is the most representative

of the fundamentalproblems in the thesis that the researchers discuss the

researcher who the explanations already in the first chapter of this study at the

subtitles focus of research.

C. Types and Sources of Data

1. Types of Data

The type of data in this study is qualitative data, not quantitative. Thus,

the data collected is the data that is quality of measurement done indirectly. As

for the types of data that writers need and cultivated in the field is the data

relating to the following matters: (a) information on the forms of students

problem in writing in Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi, (b) a number of data

referring to the facts about the development of forms of the solution for that

problems, (c) data relating to the impact resulting from the development of value

that do form. The detailed type of data to be collected in this thesis researcher

attached to the IPD (Instrument Data Collection) contained in the appendix to

this thesis.

2. Data Sources

Sources of data in this research is divided on the source of primary data

and secondary data sources. Sources of data in this study is not through

sampling, but accessible. This means that researchers screened were considered

representative data sources and can meet the objectives of the study.

Data information in the study was obtained through two sources, namely

the pitch and documents (Saebeni, 2008 : 93). First, the source of the field as a

principal source in an effort to obtain and extracting the data and the second,

documentary sources, ie, sources in the form of documents, which in


this case in the form of newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, letters, etc.

are still in the context of the document. This is what researchers mean as a data

source documentary.

D. Data Collection Techniques

Field data collection techniques using the following method:

1. Observation

An observation method is loading activities concern all objects using

all the senses. This type of observation was applied in this study is not

structured observation, where the conduct he observed, researchers do not


the instrument that is standard but only guided by signs observation (Saebeni

2008 : 188).

The reason researchers use observation techniques not structured is with

due consideration to this study is closely related to educators in the field are

very diverse and incidental, the researchers chose observation techniques not

structured thus observations will run flexible and not too rigid and fixated

on a note or a number observations so detailed list. So, with this technique,

researchers will be free to observe all the symptoms appear, and then

reduced, verification, and presented in a research report. That is the

observation of the phenomenon started happening in the field, did not start

in the observation record. Because that dotted the base of a record

observations, often not correlative in its real situation. So that psychological

researchers to be somewhat creative and do not try to observe any further,

because glued to record observations made alone.

Observations was applied in this study is also a frank and subtle

observation. In technical, researchers in data collection expressed frankly to

the data source that this activity aims to a study. So that by doing so, they

studied to know from the beginning to the end of the activities of researchers.

But at one time, researchers were not overtly or covertly in


this case to avoid the observation that the data sought is the data that is still

secret. Possible if done openly, then researchers will not be allowed to make

observations (Sugiyono, 2014 : 71).

The observations include: (1) The atmosphere of teaching and

learning activities in writing English in the classroom, (2) Instructional

techniques conducted by teachers of English in teaching writing descriptive

text; (3) Class conditions when English language learning takes place, etc.

are considered relevant.

The researcher have made observation on 11 August and 13 August

2020. and the researcher entered the classroom twice to observe the teacher

while teaching writing, in teaching and learning activities the teacher used

picture media.

2. Interview

The interview is a two-way dialogue that is conducted by the

interviewers in certain situations and circumstances to obtain information

from interviewees (Sugiyono, 2007: 155). Interviews were conducted with

teachers who are in the area Jambi City. Interviews were conducted with two

forms namely formal interview with structured questions, as well as informal

interviews with unstructured questions and more are chatting in a reasonable

and conducive atmosphere. The data obtained through interviews

researchers use as the primary data.

Structured interview is an interview conducted by interviewers to

collect information by preparing in advance the instrument questions either

be a list of questions. While the interview is an structured interview not

belong in depth interview in which the implementation is more free than the

unstructured interview. In this interview, researchers will record all

information obtained from informants carefully.

The reason researchers used two techniques interview is an interview

structured, and unstructured interview is; because of a structured interview

will be researchers use for interviewing informants (interviewees)


related to data on the background of life, views, and for personal reasons. In

essence, the technique of structured interviews conducted by the researchers

to collect data which are normative and neutral. So that the chat is more

focused and organized and formal impressed.

Mechanical unstructured interviews the researchers also used with

judgment, because the issue in this study is sensitive, it is necessary an

interview technique that is more relaxed, more in the form of questions and

answers are informal, so the talks between researchers and informants occur

in shades of familiarity, even made the informant did not know that

researchers are pursuing an important data which is sensitive to him (the

informant/subject of study). For the purposes of this, there is no technique

that can be relied upon except the unstructured interview techniques.

Researchers prepare the necessary tools to do the interview. This is

done with the consideration that the interview can be recorded properly, and

investigators have evidence had interviewed the informant. In detail, the

tools that researchers are referring to is as follows:

1) The book notes: serves to record all conversations with the source

data. Unruk this purpose, the researchers also used diary, or also note


2) Tape recorders (recorders) that serves to record all conversations or

talks. The use of a tape recorder in the interview to tell the informant

in advance.

3) The camera is used to take pictures when the researcher was in talks

with the informant. Given this picture, it can improve the validity

and research will be more secure because of this photo may be

evidence that the researchers actually collecting data in the field.

The points asked in the interview are about: (1) What is the technique

of an English teacher in teaching writing activities in class; (2) What are the

responses of students regarding teaching techniques carried out by English

teachers in the classroom; (3) What are the obstacles faced


by the English teacher in teaching and learning activities in the classroom.

(4) What are the efforts made by the teacher to overcome these problems.

As well as other questions that are considered relevant.

3. Documentation

Documentation is seeking written record of the things or phenomena

such as notes in the form of transcripts, books, newspapers and so on.

Documentation by researchers as a way of searching for data and parse

things or variables of the research agenda, minutes of meetings, newspapers,

magazines and so forth (Arikunto, 1993 : 202).

Document is a record of events that had passed, the document may

take the form of text, images, or the monumental works of a person.

Documents that form of writing, for example diaries, life histories,

biographies, policy regulations. Documents in the form of images, for

example works of art, such as sculptures, films, and so forth. Studies

document is complementary to the use of the method of observation and

interviews in qualitative research (Sugiyono, 2014 : 83).

Documentation technique researchers use with reason, that there is

some data that must be convinced not enough with only verbal sentence. It

is necessary to set out in document. Moreover, this study made a number of

observations on the class. Technique of documentation in this study is also

using video recording techniques.

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback,

broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video systems vary

greatly in the resolution of the display and refresh rate. Video can be carried

on a variety of media, including radio broadcast, tapes, DVDs, computer


The video recording is used by researchers as a means of collecting

data on teacher-student interaction in SMA Negeri 1 Muaro Jambi in English

teaching and learning activities in the classroom. This method is used to

strengthen the research data. Video recordings are to then be


processed into a form transcript (dialogue). This was done to facilitate the

process of data analysis which later became a research report this thesis.

E. Trustworthiness Of The Data

Qualitative data analysis in other research done since before entering

the field, and during field, In this case Nasution was quoted as saying by

Sugiyono, menyataka that the analysis has started to formulate and explain

the problem. Before plunging into the field, and continue until the writing

of the research results. Analysis of the data become a handbook for next

research if possible theory is grounded. However, in qualitative research,

data analysis is more focused during the process in conjunction with the field

data collection (Sugiyono, 2007 : 90).

Data analysis techniques in this study using data analysis techniques

model of qualitative analysis. The data analysis done during the data

collection process takes place, and after the completion of data collection in

a particular period. At the time of the interview, researchers have conducted

an analysis of the answers were interviewed after analysis was not

satisfactory, then the researchers will continue the questions again to a

certain extent obtained data are considered credible (Saebeni, 2008 : 200-

202). Saebeni said that activity in qualitative data analysis interactively and

continues over time until complete. So that the data is already saturated. This

technique consists of two phases namely the analysis prior to the field, and

analysis while in the field. The Qualitative analysis described in the

paragraphs below:

1. Reduction of Data

The data obtained from the field is quite a lot, for it then to be noted

carefully and in detail (Saebeni, 2008 : 200). Data reduction means

summarizing, choose things that are basic, focusing on things that are important,

look for themes and patterns, and discard unnecessary. Thus the reduced data

will provide a clearer picture, and facilitate researchers to conduct further data

collection, and look for it when necessary.


In operation, the data reduction techniques, a large number of researchers

raw data acquired and collected in the field will be researchers collated in the

form of field notes, a copy of the interview, a copy of the documentation. After

sorting as it was, the investigator will be easy to carry out the reduction process

and the selection of the raw data that was scattered into a number of data

essentials only, and indeed associated with the research.

2. Presentation of Data

Presentation of data in qualitative research can be done in the form of

brief descriptions, charts, relations between categories, and the like. In this case

the Miles and Huberman states that are most often used to present data in

qualitative research is the narrative text (Sugiyono, 2007 : 338).

Researchers conducted engineering-right to display the data is with the

aim of helping researchers to understand what is happening, to plan further work

based on what you've found it. In operation, after the data is reduced, the next

stage researchers will assemble and systematize data in place accordance with

the interests of the research report. Reduced data so that it becomes an argument

that explains, meaningful and meaningless.

3. Verify Data

Verification and conclusion is the final step in the process of qualitative

research data analysis. Conclusion in a qualitative study is expected to answer

the problem formulation formulated from the beginning. Conclusion expected in

qualitative research is a new finding that the previous form of a description or

picture of an object that previously were vague so that after investigation it

became clear, it can be a causal relationship or interactive, hypothesis, or theory

(Sugiyono, 2014 : 345).

F. Test Data Credibility

This research using sources triangulation techniques, triangulation

techniques, and triangulation of time. Triangulation is done to test the

credibility of the source of the data is done by checking dat obtained through

several sources. In this case, to explain interaction between Englishs’ teacher


and students in classroom. the researchers will collect data to educators who

do kegiatanya in the classroom, community / parents.

Triangulation techniques are also conducted to test the credibility of the data.

The way in which research is to check the data to the same source with

different techniques. For example in the context of this study, the researchers

wanted to test when the data on the pattern of development of religious values

in children, the researchers can mengkroscek data to the same informant with a

variety of techniques is an interview, and then check again with the

observation, and documentation.

Triangulation is the time to test the credibility of the data obtained.

Ditemupuh way is to do an interview with do it on numerous occasions. For

example in extracting data related to this study, the researchers do it by

interviewing informants with different time ranges, for example in the morning

diperoles data such as what and when to do during the day if the information

provided to investigators is still the same or not. This is done considering the

atmosphere chronological time sometimes affect informants in dividing the data

to researchers. Because of this close relation to the inner atmosphere of

informants who are also affected by the condition of the state of the time when

the interview was conducted whether the night, the day or morning.

Triangulation is a technique to test the validity of data in the field. How

to test that is by verifying one data to be tested with three methods; Namely

observation, interviews, documentation. For example: when researchers test the

validity of data about the quality of interactions that occur in schools between

English teachers and students, then it will be checked by making observations,

then checked again with interviews, and then checked again with documentation.

Such is the triangulation technique.


G. Research Schedule


No Activity July August September October November Dec

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1

1 Proposal √ √ √ √

2 Seminar √


3 Improvement √ √ √


4 Endorsement √


5 Data √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √


6 Data √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √


7 Consultation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √


8 Munaqasyah √

9 Improvement √

10 Graduation



A. Research Findings

1. General Finding

a. History of the Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi

Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi located on the street

Jambi- Ma Bulian Km 20, Pijoan village. This school has been

established since 1990s with an area of 253.200 m² with a permanent

form. Previously Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi has undergone

name changes three times, where in 1990 this school was named

Senior High School 2 Jambi Luar Kota, and since 2002 based on the

decision of the Regent of Muaro Jambi Number 49 of 2002

concerning the change and determination of number and location of

SLTP N and SMU N districts Muaro Jambi on March 6, 2002, until

now this school is called Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi.

List of names of Head of Private Senior High School 1 Muaro


No Nama Periode School

1. Amirudin Wakaf. BA (Alm) 1990 - 1996 S1

2. Drs. Salimin Wiryotinoyo 1996 –1998 S1

3. Drs. Gunawan Purba 1998 - 2000 S1

4. Drs. Waluyo 2000 – 2004 S1

5. Drs. R. Najmi M,Pd 2004 - 2005 S1

6. S. R. Najmi M,Pd 2005 - 2009 S1

7. Drs. Helmi 2009 - 2020 S1

8. Heryadi, S.Pd 2020 - Sekarang S1



Vision, and Mission Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi

1) Vision

“Piety, Superior and Cultured”

2) Mission

a) Increase the discussion of morals and noble character

b) Increase academic achievement coaching and non –

academic at national and international standards

c) Implementing the use of information and communication

technology in learning

d) Increase the number of students accepted at favorite


e) Optimizing the self – development of students.

f) Creating a school culture in protecting and preserving the


g) Fostering local wisdom to produce creative products.

B. Specific Finding

This chapter describes the finding and discussion of the research on

English Foreign Language Writing Instruction For Tent Grades Of State

Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi. The data were collected from the

activities of students in the classroom and out classroom who were practiced

the writing. During the process of data collection and analysis, the researcher

did the observation by writing all of the observation result, in the observation

guided, and documentation. The researcher also described the finding and

discussion from teacher and students’ interview. Based on the result of

observation and interview to the subject of the study, the researcher presented

the finding of the study. The data were also taken from documentation. The

following researcher presented findings of the study below :


2. Kinds of Strategies in Writing Instruction of Descriptive Text in

SMA Negeri 1 Muaro Jambi

This part presented the research findings which the researcher found

in the field by doing observation and interview. It related to Writing

Instruction of Descriptive Text in Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi.

After the researcher investigated the teacher strategies teaching writing

instruction, finally, the researcher got some data. The results of the

research findings were presented in the descriptions below. There were

two teacher strategies in teaching writing instruction, they were guided

writing and independent writing. All the strategies were used by the

teacher in teaching writing instruction, because with those strategies the

students can understand the material easily.

In teaching writing instruction the teacher needs to know the

students’ situation, what they needs to understand and care each other, it

is used to make them have spirit and easy to understand and have fun to

discuss the materials that they discussed. The data related to Writing

Instruction of Descriptive Text in Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi

were taken from conducting interview with the subject and having

observation. The presentation of findings, in this part covers two

strategies, they were guided writing and independent writing.

1. Guided Writing strategies

Guided writing was employed by the teacher in

writing instruction. In guided writing the teacher guide

students in small groups. Students are encouraged to develop

a draft based on the text framework that has been prepared.

At this stage the teacher continues to encourage students to

develop their ideas which are used to develop a draft

descriptive text. The following is observation that researcher

got on 11th

August 2020. The observation describes an

activity conducted by teacher in using guided writing

strategies to guide students and develop ideas. The


researcher observed the teacher needed to support students in

composing text well, teacher give support students must be

able to describe something, such as examples of people,

objects and places. To describe based on careful observation

and proper sentence formation which must begin with a

general description, which is a sentence or phrase and

students can imagine the atmosphere, get to know people,

and to understand feelings through language expressions.

Some students may be confused in processing words

and sentences. The students made group the students into 5

members. Subsequently, they sit together in a circle. One of

them will distribute the pictures to each group. After that the

students will see and describes.

Based on an interview with Evi Julinawati said that :

“ I told the students to be active in developing ideas

and making use of your knowledge, so This strategy

the teacher must be able to provide guidance or

guidance for students in writing because the key to

success is guiding students to utilize the knowledge,

skills and understanding which needs to be developed

during the writing lessons of students. Writing

guidance sessions can involve the whole class, small

groups or individuals and in general activities for

writing guides can also involve students and teachers

jointly compile the text.”


From the result interview above, guided writing

strategies very important to students in teaching and learning


2. Independent Writing strategies


Pada strategi ini, siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

mengembangkan teks deskripsi mereka secara mandiri.

Siswa bebas menuliskan ide, gagasan dan pikiran nya dalam

teks mereka menggunakan struktur dan unsur kebahasaan

yang sudah dipelajari.

Based on the results of the interview ,

“The teacher uses this strategy to allow students to be

independent in writing activities. The teacher instructs

students to set goals, identify audiences, think about

how to organize ideas effectively, write drafts, prepare

and edit final drafts and publish and present their work

for further feedback.” (Teacher)

Before writing, students were pre – writing do a

brainstroming is to practice developing and generating as

many ideas as possible about an object. In this case, the

teacher had divide the group and Each group discusses

determining the topic of writing based on the theme the

teacher provides. After that, To determine the theme of

writing in their groups, they do brainstorming to determine

the topic of writing topics for students. Then, Brainstroming

continues in the pre-writing stage, especially in collecting

written material. The students are given the opportunity to

write independently. After completion they were grouped

again into the original group and carried out the post writing

stage. the students brainstormed in scrutinizing other friends'

writings. The students revise their writing and each group

presents several or one writing that is considered the best in

the group orally. Teacher and other students reflect (respond

to and evaluate) the writings of friends that are presented.

Writing are collected and evaluated by the teacher.


Based on result the interview,

“with brainstroming it can help students generate creative ideas more easily.” (Teacher)

Based on the researcher observation, it found that the

students needed to more active in terms of developing ideas.

It was used to understand every writing because used English

language, so hopefully students use a dictionary to translate

each word. Sometimes the English teacher at Senior High

School 1 Muaro Jambi used two languages when she

explained writing instruction in teaching process. For

example, teacher used two languages when giave directions

to writing instruction, esspecially learning activities and

explained the discussion of the material. The following is

field note that researcher got during the observation (August


, 2020) that gave illustration that the teacher used

indonesia language in explaining of material and for English

language it is used when the teacher gives directions in

learning activities such as making groups, doing assignments

and other activities. Sometimes there are students who do not

understand the material presented by the teacher, they asked

using English and some do not use it. As the teacher said :

“for my students, I am free to use language during the

learning process. Because the teacher knows the ability of students to use language, especially English.”


From the result of the interview above, it can be

comprehended that teacher does not impose students’

language skill on learning English is cause by difficulties in


pronunciation and how to write and also read English

students have a lot to practice.

And besides that the teacher also uses genre based

approach uses the narrative genre because the teacher follows

the syllabus but on the other hand the teacher uses the

descriptive text genre. Because it makes it easier for students

to find new vocabulary and does not make students bored.

Based on result the interview,

“ when teaching I don’t have to use just one genre, I depend

on the syllabus procedure which genre to use. If I use narrative I have to teach narrative to students, if for

descriptive I have to teach it also with other genres.” (Teacher)

3. The Media are Used in Writing Instruction of Descriptive Text in

School 1 Muaro Jambi For teaching writing at Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi

especially class X MIPA 1 the teacher uses visual and audio media,

so that learning and teaching activities run smoothly and be fun for

students. In teaching the teacher uses visual media, one of which is

image media. The teacher explains the subject matter of the

discussion about descriptive text using image media and students are

very attentive and enjoy the teacher's time explaining by showing

picture. The teacher asks the students about the picture and the

students begin to answer them simultaneously. This will be a

practical teaching for students in writing instruction.


Based on the interviews I received,


“for myself in the process of teaching writing I use visual and audio media, for example, such as pictures and photos for

visual media and for audio media such as video. This will make students more excited and fun and also not boring.”


Based on the researcher observation, it found the strength of

the foundational in used media writing instruction because goals in

teaching and learning process use media cause Teachers are also

required to be more creative in managing the media in order to attract

students' interest in the learning process. So, if the teacher only uses

one media it will make students bored and less interest in learning.

Through discussion, the teacher can introduce the basic concepts of

learning media in teaching writing so that it can be understood by

students. The teacher believes that teaching writing activities

without the media of learning and teaching activities will look

monotonous and boring because just listening to the material will

make students sleepy and will lose focus.

C. Discussion

This part presents the discussion of the research findings. This

research focused on kinds of Strategies in Writing Instruction of Descriptive

Text in Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi. The teacher needed to consider

some factors in writing strategies, which are: individual factors such as the

role of the teacher in guiding students to be skilled at writing and teacher

condition about topics discussed.

From the research finding, the strategies in teaching writing

instruction were so various. The first strategy was guided writing, the

teacher the teacher guides students to be skilled in writing. The teacher use

this strategy so that teachers can support students in compiling texts and

teachers of English as a second language (ESL) (NSW, 2007.34)

The second strategy is independent writing, in this strategy the

teacher give students the opportunity to write independently and students


take full responsibility for the writing process. Dalam pelajaran whole

language approach according to Routman and Froese (1991) , Suratinah

dan Teguh Prakoso (2003: 2.3)

there are several components whole language,

is reading aloud, sustained silent reading, shared reading, journal

writing, guided reading, guided writing, independent reading, dan

independent writing.

But according to the definition of whole language, namely language learning

that is presented in its entirety and not in isolation, then in

applying each component whole language in the classroom must also

involve all language skills and elements in learning activities. So, in the

whole language approach there is an independent writing strategy that

teaches students about the independence of writing without the intervention

of a teacher. Next teacher using media in teaching writing, namely visual

and audio media. Learning media helps students be enthusiastic in learning.

Based on the word National Education Associaton (1969) states that

learning media is a communication tool in the form of visual and audio in

physical form. So, teachers at Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi use visual

and audio media such as photos, pictures and posters, videos, films, radio

and cassettes. Here the teacher takes one of the media that has been

mentioned as an example of media and the teacher chooses image media to

make it easier during the learning and teaching process.



A. Conclusion

The finding indicated that there are two strategies in teaching

writing instruction they are Guided Writing and Independent Writing

strategies to enhance their writing instruction and also hem build friendly.

The use of guided writing , the teacher analyzed the lesson about

guiding and helping students who need to learn to write and students must

be able to utilize knowledge, skills and be able to develop ideas;

independent writing the teacher provide opportunities for students to do

independent writing without the intervention of a teacher and students are

given full responsibility for completing the writing assignment.

These strategies helped the teacher in getting knowledge,

information, thinking easier, faster, confidence, motivation, taking and

accepting responsibility and more enjoyable ways to giving to ideas.

These strategies made them interested English and also made them were

good in writing the eassy and also their score in academic.

In learning writing instruction in class teacher used the picture

media. So that, teaching and learning activities can run pleasantly and


A. Suggestion

The researcher suggests that teacher can consider the strategy in

learning writing instruction must understand the writing strategies is very

important for the students because they had to express their opinions. By

using guided writing and independent writing and also build a more rich

knowledge of strategy and friendly.

The students could still find a space to speak English more often

without having to worry about anything and with the right guidance from

the teacher. The researcher believed that if the students would follow the

teacher writing strategies, they would enhace their writing instruction,

even though it is not fully fulfilled, this could bring students into positive

results on their understand.

For the future researchers that are interested in conducting the

other research but still in the same scope, the reseracher hopes that the

other researchers could conduct the other teachers strategy to help in

writing skills, reading skills, speaking skills and listening skills. In

additional, because this research only focuses on the twacher strategies in

teaching writing instruction, the researcher hopes the future researches to

investigate the solving strategies in other skills like in reading, speaking,

or writing. Last, hopefully this researcher could be a good guide which had

reach information for the further researchers about teacher strategy to

enhance students writing instruction.


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Appendix 1


A. Observation

1. Teaching and learning process at Writing subject in the classroom 2. The manner of students study at tenth grade of senior high school 1

Muaro Jambi 3. The strategy in teaching Writing at tenth grade of senior high school

1 Muaro Jambi 4. The media in teaching Writing at tenth grade of senior high school 1

Muaro Jambi

B. Interview

✓ To English Teacher

a. What strategies conducted by the teacher in writing instruction at

Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi? b. What media are used in writing instruction at Senior High School 1

Muaro Jambi?

Lampiran 1


Nama : Epi Julinawati, S.Pd

Jabatan : Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Pendidikan Terakhir : S1

Hari/Tanggal : 12 Agustus 2020

Tempat : Di Ruang Guru

1. Strategi apa yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam pelajaran menulis di SMA N 1 Muaro Jambi? 2. Media apa yang digunakan guru dalam pelajaran menulis di SMA N 1 Muaro Jambi ?

Lampiran 2



: Epi Julinawati, S.Pd


: Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Pendidikan Terakhir : S1


: 12 Agustus 2020

Tempat : Di Ruang Guru


: Strategi apa yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam pelajaran menulis di SMA N 1

Muaro Jambi ?


: bagi saya pribadi khusus nya saya sebagai Guru Bahasa Inggris itu

menggunakan strategi guided writing dan independent writing.

Peneliti : Media apa yang digunakan guru dalam pelajaran menulis di SMA N 1

Muaro Jambi ?


: Guru menggunakan media Gambar, supaya dapat menarik perhatian

siswa, menyenangkan dalam belajar dan fokus dipelajaran saya.

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan

a. Teknik Penilaian : tes tulis

b. Bentuk instrumen : uraian bebas

c. Kisi – kisi

No Kisi – Kisi Penilaian Indikator 1 Disajikan pertanyaan singkat tentang isi teks, siswa dapat menjelaskan isi teks

tersebut. 2 Disajikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi kata sifat untuk

mendeskripsikan orang.

2. Rubrik Petunjuk Penilaian soal Essay

No Bobot Kriteria Persekoran Nilai

Soal Akhir

Butir Pertanyaan

0 5 10

1 Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud 60

dengan descriptive

text ?(menggunakan hasil

pikiran sendiri)

2 Buatlah satu contoh 40

mengenai descriptive text !

Jumlah skor maksimal 100

Penentuan Nilai = N= Skor Penilaian x 100

Skor Maksimal

Appendix : documentation (pictures)

Research Activities Documentation

1. Teaching and Learning Process

2. Interview with the teacher

3. About School


A. Informasi Diri


: Indri Widyastuti

Jenis Kelamin

: Perempuan

Tempat & Tgl. Lahir


1. Alamat Asal

2. Alamat Sekarang

No. Telp/HP

Nama Ayah

Nama Ibu

: Bangko, 06 Juni 1993

: TE. 140991

: Bangko

: Desa simpang sungai duren. Rt 05 Rw 03 kec.Jaluko.

Kab. Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi. Kode Pos 36363

: 085216213432

: Suratman

: Darinah

B. Riwayat Pendidikan

1. Pendidikan Formal

a. SD N No. 260/VI Rawa Jaya II



d. UIN STS Jambi

2. Pendidikan Non-Formal

a. Kursus Komputer di Jambi