Energy Work Book - TYPO free

Energy Work Book Introduction Its is known that a healthy energy body equals good health. Within the pages of this book we will learn about charka’s and their relation to certain abilities. We will also study the kundalini channels and pranayama and we will look at the auric field. When working with energy it is important to remember you don’t need to see it to believe it just feel the sensations of your body and relax. Its also good to remember that energy moves more freely through natural fibres like cotton, silk, rayon, and wool, so try to keep it as natural as you can. Introductory Technique I want you to stand in the centre of the room and place your hand out in front of you aligned with your shoulder. Point your index finger out and without moving your feet bring your arm around in a clockwise motion to 3 o'clock, then round to 6 o'clock and move around till your can not turn any further notice how far you can go then bring your arm back to the point in front of you. Then take a deep breath in and close your eyes then do the exercise again move your arm around to 3 o'clock, then 6 o'clock and then bring it around to 9 o'clock, making sure your feet stay straight and move around as far as you can. You may have noticed if you opened yourself up to this technique that there is more to us the meets the eye. So what other abilities await within you? Anything is possible if you have faith in your own ability. Energy Opening Opening energy is a set of simple techniques in this section we will study five techniques in energy work, Opening, Waterfall-Cleansing, flower to bulb-Turning, reading energy, and blending energy. Energy Technique Get comfortable and relax. Next close your eyes and visualise that there is a bright and powerful light surrounding your body. Then visualise that you are a sponge and draw that light energy into your body feel its warmth and love radiating in your body and draw that energy into your centre just above the belly button making a ball of pure white light at your centre . Then I want you to draw a line of energy from the ball into your right hand and push that energy out through your fingertips. Then draw that energy back into your fingertips. Then do this exercise with your other hand and both of your feet. To feel at one with the earth at all times because the earth is your friend. Make sure you do this exercise until you have mastered the ability to control your energy only then move on to the next exercise.

Transcript of Energy Work Book - TYPO free

Energy Work Book Introduction Its is known that a healthy energy body equals good health. Within the pages of this book we will learn about charka’s and their relation to certain abilities. We will also study the kundalini channels and pranayama and we will look at the auric field. When working with energy it is important to remember you don’t need to see it to believe it just feel the sensations of your body and relax. Its also good to remember that energy moves more freely through natural fibres like cotton, silk, rayon, and wool, so try to keep it as natural as you can. Introductory Technique I want you to stand in the centre of the room and place your hand out in front of you aligned with your shoulder. Point your index finger out and without moving your feet bring your arm around in a clockwise motion to 3 o'clock, then round to 6 o'clock and move around till your can not turn any further notice how far you can go then bring your arm back to the point in front of you. Then take a deep breath in and close your eyes then do the exercise again move your arm around to 3 o'clock, then 6 o'clock and then bring it around to 9 o'clock, making sure your feet stay straight and move around as far as you can. You may have noticed if you opened yourself up to this technique that there is more to us the meets the eye. So what other abilities await within you? Anything is possible if you have faith in your own ability. Energy Opening Opening energy is a set of simple techniques in this section we will study five techniques in energy work, Opening, Waterfall-Cleansing, flower to bulb-Turning, reading energy, and blending energy. Energy Technique Get comfortable and relax. Next close your eyes and visualise that there is a bright and powerful light surrounding your body. Then visualise that you are a sponge and draw that light energy into your body feel its warmth and love radiating in your body and draw that energy into your centre just above the belly button making a ball of pure white light at your centre . Then I want you to draw a line of energy from the ball into your right hand and push that energy out through your fingertips. Then draw that energy back into your fingertips. Then do this exercise with your other hand and both of your feet. To feel at one with the earth at all times because the earth is your friend. Make sure you do this exercise until you have mastered the ability to control your energy only then move on to the next exercise.

Flower To Bulb Sit down on the floor, Get comfortable and relax. Next close your eyes and visualise yourself as a flower. Now visualise that the petals of the flower are closing back into a bulb. Remember to make sure that the bulb is not too tight because if it is you may get a headache. When you have made the flower into a bulb your energy system will be fine-tuned. Do this exercise as often as you wish. Energy Reading I want you to find a form of plant life. Then hold out your hand and push energy out your hand and touch that plant life with your energy . Then stretch out your feelings and feel the life force energy of this plant life. you will know if you are doing this right because you will feel that tingling sensation in your hand if so then well done. Blending Energy Techniques Here we will learn how to blend the energy of the physical body and the auric field. As well, we will learn the ability of blending the energies of light energy, kundalini, and prana but first we must learn how to blend basic energy. Remember we can use any one of these energy workouts, which ones work best for you. Blending Exercise Turn off all disturbances in the surrounding area and sit in a quiet place, or lie down on the bed. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths concentrate on your breathing. Now visualise or feel the white universal cosmic energy entering your head through the crown chakra. Let the white light move down and spread to every part of your body. As it passes through each part of your body, feel at one with the energy and feel that specific part of your body relaxing Let the energy move down into your feet, and feel the energy coming through into your hands. Feel the energy flowing out through the palms of your hands. Spend a few minutes feeling this energy flowing through your palms. Now hold out both your hands, palms facing each other, about four inches apart. visualise that the energy flowing between your hands is blending together. Focus all your attention on your palms, and soon you might experience some kind of a sensation on your palms. Some people have a tickling sensation, while others have a warmth. Some others might feel a gentle coolness. this sensation is normal with blending. when you are ready open your eyes.

Living Earth Technique Introduction This exercise has been written to help improve your ESP, Clairaudiance, and to help you ground better with the meridian earth. It will also help heighten The Five Senses and your Tele-visualization and is also a good exercise for practising your Blending Technique. As we should always have a clear perception of how the earth energies flow. Physical Exercise Now i want you to find a quiet place out in nature, in a park, or even in your own backyard. And in your own time sit down and get comfortable and relax. Then close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. then feel the energy flowing through your body. Feel at one with your energy and take another couple of deep breaths. Now in your own time move your energy into your hand it doesn't matter which hand you use and push that energy deep down into the earth and feel the vibration of the earth below.

Feel the flow of the earths energy in motion and in your own time blend your energy with the energy of the earth and feel at one with the earth. Then in your own time draw your energy up from the earth and back into your hand and focus on a tree near by and push your energy out of your hand and into the tree. Now feel the motion of the tree as it sways in the breeze listen to the leaves in the tree top as you feel how easily the energy flows through the tree. Now breathe, as you do blend your energy with the trees feel at one with the tree as you listen to the motion of the tree. Then in your own time draw your energy out of the tree and focus your energy up into the air above and feel the motion of the wind and the power of it's flow and as you listen blend your energy with the winds, feel the presence of its energy as it flows through the trees. When you are ready draw your energy back into your hand and hold it there for a moment. Now if there is a body of water near by push your energy out of your hand and into the body of water and feel the energy of the water as the water flows and breathe and blend your energy with the water and as you listen as the life force starts to flow feel at one with the water and remember what you know. Then in your own time open your eyes. How do you feel? Try this exercise when there is a storm around and list and feel the power of the storm

The Chakras The word "chakra" is Sanskrit and it signifies a wheel, which is what you are immediately aware of when you first encounter them, or see them in a text someplace. The idea of the chakras is not new, and goes back to the dawn of humanity. It was however kept secret and only revealed to those few that were ready to learn of the mysteries of life and of the self. A chakra is an energy point in the human body/energy system through which power and life-force flow. There are literally thousands of these points throughout the body, First Chakra Location: At the tailbone Colour: Red /Black Tone: E Note: C

Element: Earth Sense: Smell Mantra: Lam

The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muladhara which means root. The Hindus depict this centre, as a lotus of four petals within which is a square. This can be seen as representing the four directions, and the firm foundation of the material world, which is symbolised by a square. In the centre is the symbol for the seed sound, believed to contain the essence of the chakra, which is lam. These images and sounds are all symbols that can be used to access the chakra when we need to. In the body, the first chakra is located at the perineum, midway between the anus and the genitals. Chakras have been described as vortices of energy. At the level of the first chakra, our vortex is the densest. To ignore this chakra or its elements is to threaten our very survival, either in our personal lives, or as a planet. If we do not balance this chakra before we progress to others, our growth will be without roots, ungrounded and will lack the stability necessary for longevity. The centre of physical energy and vitality, the energy to succeed in business or material possessions. Centre of manifestations throughout the ancient world in historical and mythological stories, the root chakra has been associated with dragons and snakes. Dragons are a symbol for the kundalini fire energy. It is also here that we learn the abilities of grounding and ungrounding from the earth and physical plane through learning to control the Hara line. The Hara line is the anchor in the physical plane so we must learn how to control the hara line for both teleportation and levitation, which is why we can move beyond the planes of existence and use our ability in levitation.

Chakra Yoga Exercises The following three yoga exercises work on stimulating and releasing energy from the base chakra itself: Locust & Half Locust: Lie face down on the floor with your arms beneath your body, hands touching the front of your thighs. Keeping the knee straight, raise the leg several inches off the floor. Hold for as long as s comfortable and switch to the left leg. If this is comfortable then repeat the same procedure lifting both legs at once. Head To Knee Pose: Lie down on your back and relax. When ready, stretch your arms over your head take a deep breath and raise yourself to a seated position, keeping your legs straight out in front of you. Bend the right leg and tuck the left foot into your crotch. Bend over, arms outstretched, reaching out over the left leg. Do not go farther than is comfortable, but go as far as you can. Try to find the threshold between where the tension begins and breath into that spot while you hold the posture. Hold for one to two minutes, return to a seated position, straighten your right leg, bending your left, and repeat. After returning to the position of lying flat on your back (corpse pose) for a brief rest, repeat the same procedure as above, bending over both legs. Be gentle, and tension will ease more quickly. Deep Relaxation: This is also called conscious relaxation. It involves grounding and relaxing each part of the body, one at a time. Lie flat on your back, and begin by taking several deep, abdominal breaths. Beginning at the toes, work up your body, moving towards to heart, and consciously release tension in each and every muscle and joint in your body. Be sure to include the eyes, mouth and throat, as much tension is subconsciously held here. Observe your thoughts letting them come and go effortlessly. Allow yourself to observe your body, peacefully breathing in and out, in and out, deeply relaxing. When you are ready, begin flexing your fingers and toes, and wiggling your arms and legs. Open your eyes and return to the world refreshed. Lotus Posture

Chakra Meditation Sit in the lotus or half lotus position or with your legs crossed and place your hands on your knees and keep your back straight. Now focus on your breathing and take a deep breath in and hold it for a moment. Then in your own time release the breath and feel the tension of the day releasing with the breath do this for a couple of minutes feel the stillness of your mind as you move deeper into the meditative state. Now in your own time focus on the base chakra at the base of your spine and on the next breath in breath into the base chakra as you do this see and feel the energy of the base chakra expanding. See the chakra becoming bright and radiant in colour. And on the out breath say the mantra LAM and release the energy of the base chakra into your body do this for a couple of minutes and feel at one with the base chakra.

Second Chakra Location: 1-2 inches below navel Colour: Orange Tone: O Note: d

Element: Water Sense: Taste

The second chakra is about friendliness, creativity, sexuality, emotions and intuition on the gut level. It's influenced by how emotions were expressed or repressed during childhood. The sexual centre for women. The second chakra is located in the lower abdomen centred between the navel and the genitals. The element of this chakra is water, and classically, this chakra is the centre of sexuality as well as emotions, sensation, pleasure, movement and nurturance. In Sanskrit, the chakra is called Svadhisthana, from the root "svad", to sweeten. The Hindu symbol for Svadhisthana has six petals, generally of a red (vermilion) colour. It contains a crescent moon, and a lotus within a lotus. The seed sound in the lotus is "vam". Second Chakra Skills Clairsentience is an ability of the 2nd chakra. It is the ability to feel energy. The 2nd chakra is located just below the belly button. Clairsentience (also know as psychometry) is the ability to hold an object or touch someone and sense the energy surrounding that person, place or thing. A clairsentient is an individual who is empathic and senses energies. Energies can be light or heavy, smooth or abrasive, prickly or gentle, peaceful and airy or ‘good or bad’. For example, when sensing a negative situation a clairsentient may feel sick, while a positive experience may feel like butterflies in the stomach, or a sense of feeling safe, peaceful and light. Learning to discern positive and negative energies can make all the difference when making decisions in life. Yoga Exercises For opening the second chakra involve working with movement in the hips and lower abdomen. Simple self-nurturing activity, such as long, hot baths, showers or swimming should not be overlooked. Nurturing ourselves is the first step to receiving or giving nurturance to others. Pelvic Rock Starting on your back with legs bent, slowly begin to rock your pelvis upward and downward with each breath. Inhale fully into your chest and belly, exhale fully, and upon the end of each exhale, push slightly with your feet so that your pelvis comes off the ground pushing the small of your back into the floor beneath you. Triangle benefits : legs, hips, shoulders, neck, sides of trunk and overall sense of balance. Contraindications: back conditions Spread feet at 1,5 shoulder width. Keep feet parallel. At the same time spread hands at shoulder level and maintain stretch from shoulder to fingers, or better yet, from fingers to fingers. Then Turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right. Keep left hip open at all times. Pull kneecaps up and keep the legs strong. Exhaling slightly bend right knee and put right elbow above right knee. Project left arm towards the ceiling. Look up. Trunk should feel live, so avoid too much weight in right hand. Stay here for a few breaths, with inhalation come up to the starting position and repeat to the other side. Repeat 3 times each side. Follow the position if it gets deeper, until you place fingers or palm on the ground.

Twists Basic sitting twist After bending spine both forwards and backwards, it is ready for torsion. It’s essential for healthy spine and free vertebrae. If done properly, twisting will massage both liver and kidneys. Contraindications: hernia Sit with legs together and stretched in front of you. Keep the legs alive during this exercise. Then draw right foot towards trunk and let the ankle pass the knee. Stretch right leg from hip forwards and keep a light pressure towards floor. Embrace right leg with left arm and draw knee close to armpit. Stay perpendicular to the floor at all times. Put right hand where spine would be if you were on the floor. Inhale, look to your right, turn the whole trunk and extend the spine upwards. Exhaling and keeping the knee close to armpit, look over your right shoulder. Don’t engage just the neck, torsion should be felt throughout the whole spine. Repeat to the other side. Third Chakra : Solar Plexus : Fire Location: Below the breast Colour: Yellow Tone: A-O-M (ahh-ooo-mm)

Tone: E Element: Fire Sense: Sight

The centre of personal power. When the solar plexus is open ,you have found your unique gift, the work that gives you pleasure and makes you feel fulfilled. One way to find your gift is to consider what you most enjoyed doing when you were a child, this will give you clues about your natural inclinations. In marital arts the third chakra is considered the centre of Chi, the life force energy (also known as Reiki). Yoga Exercises - For Strengthening Manipura Breath of Fire: This is a rapid diaphragmatic breathing, designed to clean toxins from the body and stimulate Kundalini. Sit in an upright posture with back straight and legs relaxed. Using the muscles of your abdomen, SNAP in your diaphragm, causing a quick exhale to escape through your nose. Keep the mouth closed. By relaxing the abdomen, air will naturally enter your nose and chest, causing an inhale. When this process is comfortable, repeat quickly, causing several quick, sequential exhales. Do in sets of fifty, with a long, deep breath at the end of each set. Three sets of 50 are usually a good place to start. After a while you can pace yourself according to what feels right. Bow Pose Lie on your stomach, hands to the side and relax. Take a deep breath and bend your knees while arching your back so that your hands grab onto your ankles. Let your hands do the work of maintaining the arch while you rest your body as much as you can in this strange position. Breath deeply and let the breath rock you back and forth slightly. If you can hold this for a while (30 sec. to 2 mins.) you will feel an energising of your solar plexus. Pike Pose Hard to maintain without practice, this little gem tightens tummy muscles and develops balance. From a position of resting on your back, bring your feet and legs up (knees as straight as possible) to make a V-shape with your torso. Hold as long as possible then relax.

Fourth Chakra: Anahata - Air Location: Centre of the chest. Colour: Green or pink. Tone: A Note: F#

Element: Nature Sense: Touch

The heart chakra is the centre of compassion, when the heart is open, you transcend the limits of your people, plants, animals, all of life. This is the humanitarian centre, you care about social causes. like saving the whales and the planet earth. Opening the heart chakra requires a combination of technique and understanding. First we learn to see the world in terms of relationships. It requires a certain loss of ego, allowing an ability to merge with things outside of the self. And lastly, it requires an understanding and control of the breath, for it is the tool of physical and mental transformation. Unfortunately, the average person does not breathe very deeply. A normal pair of lungs can hold about 2 pints of air, while the average person breathes in about 1 pint or less per breath. Unlike food, which takes hours or even days to digest, each inhalation of air immediately enters the bloodstream. Oxygen must be constantly supplied to each and every cell, or the cells die quickly. Following are a few basic exercises in complete breathing and opening the chest. Yoga Exercises Alternate Nostril Breathing This is a slow, methodical breath which works on the central nervous system and leads to increased relaxation and deeper sleep. Close off your right nostril with your right hand and breathe in deeply through your left nostril. When the breath is full, close off your left nostril, hold the breath for 8 seconds, and then exhale through your right. When the breath is again empty, inhale again through your right side, hold, then exhale on the left. The pattern is inhale, (hold) switch, exhale, inhale, (hold) switch, exhale. Continue this 10 times or more on each side. Practice of this exercise will generally bring profound changes in as short a time as a week, or even days. The Cobra This is a yogic exercise, wonderful to do upon first waking up in the morning. It works on the upper thoracic vertebrae, and helps alleviate "hunchback". Lie flat on your stomach with arms bent and palms placed face down by your ears. Without using your arms as support, slowly lift your head, shoulders, and back-as far as you can go comfortably. Then relax. Lift again, going as far as you can, and then using your arms, push yourself up just a little farther. Stretch the stomach and chest, take a deep breath and relax. Repeat as often as you like. Fifth Chakra: Throat : Ether Location: Bottom of the neck. Colour: Light blue, turquoise. Tone: U Note: G#

Sense: Hearing Element: Air/Ether

. This is the centre for communication, when this centre is open, you will have a powerful desire to talk about what you´re experiencing. When you do this, some of your old friends will fall away, but your true friends will always be there for you, so let go of the ones who are uncomfortable with the new person you are becoming. You'll find that there are many new and wonderful friends who will be magnetically drawn to you as your own energy changes.

Yoga Exercises The Shoulder Stand The shoulder stand stimulates the thyroid gland. Lie flat on your back and relax. Lift your legs 90 degrees from the floor, then bring your legs and hips up over the shoulders, supporting yourself on your elbows-hands on your hips. Hold for as long as is comfortable. This also helps to turn around a descending current of energy by making gravity pull in the opposite direction from our normal upright state. The Fish Pose The fish pose often follows the shoulder stand as it gives the neck a complementary stretch. Lie flat on your back. With hands on hips, prop your upper body up on your elbows, arching your neck backward until your head touches the floor. This also helps open the chest cavity and stimulates the thyroid. The Plough The plough involves returning to a shoulder stand. Then lower your legs behind your head, touching your feet to the ground. If this is still comfortable, bend your knees and tuck them behind your ears. Sixth Chakra : Ajna: Light Third Eye centre: Christ consciousness centre Location: At the base of the skull, at the medula oblongata. Its location at the front of the head is between the eyebrows at the third eye. Colour: Indigo. A combination of blue and red. Tone: OM (O represents the Sun or the third

eye, M represents the Moon or medulla.) Element: Electrical or telepathic energy. Sense: Thought

The third eye is the centre of psychic powers and higher intuition, you can receive guidance, channelling, and tune into your higher self. This is the centre that enables you to experience telepathy, astral travel and past lives. Yoga Exercises The most useful exercise for strengthening the third eye is simple meditation, focusing attention on the centre of the forehead. Visualisations of colours or shapes can be added or you can simply focus on clearing the mind screen until it is clean and blank. Once the screen is blank, visualisations can be willed in answer to questions you may have. If you want to know about someone's health, for example, visualise a picture of their body shape and allow black or white to show areas of health and disease. The limits of this system are only the limits of your imagination. Eye movements, Shoulder stands, Fish, Headstand, Nadi Suddhi, Alternate nostril breathing, Chanting OM. Crown Chakra: Cosmic Energy Location: The entire top of the head Colour: Violet (Gold) Tone: Ee Note: high b

Element: Cosmic Energy Sense: Seventh sense

Yoga Exercises Eye movements, Shoulder stands, Fish, Headstand, Nadi Suddhi, Chanting OM.

The Twelve Layers of The Auric Field

The Human Aura

Introduction The Aura is an energy field that surrounds all living things, comprised of magnetic energy this field is unique to each individual. Humans are complex and dynamic, constantly changing beings and as such the auric field of each person is also unique and changing. When we perceive an event through our senses this information is given meaning in our brain. This electrochemical process has an effect on the body, the brain sends electrical and chemical information through our body constantly regulating everything from how we feel emotionally, to how we feel physically. The path of flow for information in our body is the spine. As information comes from the brain and travels down the spine a direction of current flow is established, at a right angle to this flow of magnetic energy is your personal field or Aura. The Aura contains much information about us, this info can give us clues as to what has happened in the past, what sort of energies we are letting ourselves be open to in the future. Also past physical ailments or the beginning of new ones. Depending on the number of colours, the position of these colours, the shade of any particular colour and many other factors such as the overall shape of your Aura, size, and how quickly your auric colours change gives us a wealth of information concerning your past, and your future possibilities. What Does An Aura Look Like? Imagine a space filled with light. Energy flows and swirls through it in bright colours. this life energy moves around you as you sit directly in the centre. This place is your Aura, your own personal universe. It constantly moves and changes as you move and change. Some people see as many as nine layers, most seven layers. It can extend as little as a few centimetres to many feet away from the body. The size of your Aura is unique to you. Auras are flexible - they are changing all the time in size, colours and patterns. If you are someone that is very out going and likes to be noticed, your aura would be bigger then someone that is timid and likes to blend in with the crowd, not really drawing attention to themselves. This person would tend to have a smaller aura for they draw it in closer to their body. With each breath your Aura is in movement. The colours are changing and moving all the time. We do hold prominate colours, some refer to this as "signature colours." When I first started to see Aura's I would see a solid colour, this colour gave me a clarity on that individuals personality. The colour we radiate is affected by our physical surroundings as well as by the people we come in contact with and the energy fields they radiate.

What Do The Colours Mean? The colour chart listed below is the copyright of Mark Smith's book, Auras - See Them in Only 60 Seconds! If you are interested in learning more about colours of your aura and how they relate to the organs of your body, the chakras, and personality traits, General Colours Purple - Spiritual attainment, divine connection, mystical understanding, cosmic consciousness. Indigo - Inspired thought or deep wisdom. Can show spirituality and devotional nature. Artistic and harmonious with nature. Self-mastery. Blue - Strong mental powers, intelligence, logical thinking. Clear blue shows intuitive capabilities; "out of the blue." Dark shades show over analytic, suspicious nature or visionary mentality. Green - Balance, harmony, healing, the calming force. Clear green shows adaptability, versatility. Dark shades are deceitful, jealous; "green with envy." Yellow - Love and kindness, compassion, optimism; "breath of life." Dark, lifeless yellow shows suspicion, covetousness. Orange - Energy and health, physical vitality, dynamic force. Pride can result from an excess of orange in the aura. Dark or cloudy orange shows low intellect. Red - Physical life, vitality, ambition, sexual power. Dark or cloudy red shows violent or passionate tendencies; "red with rage." Other Colours Scarlet - Lust, lower passions, materialism. Rose Pink - Selfless love, gentleness, modesty. Brown - Avarice, selfishness. Gold - Higher self, good qualities, harmony. Silver - Versatility, High energy, constant change. Gray - Depression, low energy, fear. Black - Sinister, malice, evil intent. Love Colours What follows is love colours, Red: Reds usually love sex. For them it's a hearty, wanton, playful, and joyful physical release. Reds don't necessarily need to be in love to enjoy sex, since sheer physical pleasure is the most important thing. They are passionate lovers and are not afraid to fully experience their sexuality and turn their fantasies into reality! Red signifies high energy, physical and emotional driver. If you want to have an exciting fling with a partner who takes control, choose red. Orange: Orange needs space. If you're consumed in your career or need a lot of time for yourself, choose a partner with a lot of orange in his or her aura. An orange is fun when s/he is around, loves adventurous, high-energy sex like a red, but an orange will not be too demanding. People with orange auras are usually extremely creative, independent, often athletic, and frequently need to take off on some high adventure or jump full-bore into a creative project to test their limits. An orange might ask you to go sky diving or bungee jumping. Yellow: Yellows love to sit around and discuss, theorize and analyse. You'll often find them hanging out in bohemian cafes, huddled around steaming espressos - enthusiastically debating how to solve the worlds problems. To them, life is one great mental riddle that can be solved in a logical and systematic manner. Innately curious, a yellow is always asking questions. Like Star Trek's Mr. Spock, a yellow's

approach to life is primarily mental and cerebral. A yellow would probably rather discuss your political views on a first date than ravish your body. If you are turned on by intelligence, quick wit, and an optimistic attitude about life, go with Mr. or Ms. Yellow. Green: Greens come from the heart, and their generosity and compassion know no limits. They are often innately caring and want to heal the world. Greens can be doctors, nurses, teachers, therapists, and social workers. They want to serve and make the world a better place to live in. Greens make tender, loyal, caring lovers, as much concerned with your pleasures as with theirs. They also tend to love children and animals, enjoy domesticity and family life. Greens can also be ambitious - striving to reach the top of their field. Not only kind, this person is often financially well off. Blue: Blues are sensitive. They have a great depth of feeling and crave intimacy and meaningful communication. They are often thoughtful and introspective. Blues are not usually materialistic: a rich, spiritual, contemplative, and creative life is more important to them than monetary wealth. Above all, blues wish to be in loving, supportive relationships to which they can generously give and reveal themselves. With blues, love and sex go hand in hand. If you want to be with somebody who is true and emotionally there for you, choose a blue. Purple: Expect the unexpected with a purple! These fascinating nonconformists live in the wonderful, wild worlds of their unlimited imaginations. Often purples would rather daydream and fantasise about sex rather than actually do it. Fantasy and role playing are not out of the question for a purple. Purples, who tend toward passivity, usually enjoy physical intimacy only after they feel safe and trust a caring partner. If you want to take the lead in a relationship and explore your fantasies, then purple may be for you. Fuchsia Pink: This vibrant colour sometimes appears in a particular part of the aura or may colour the entire field. I don't define this colour as a category, but rather as a sign which indicates the person is falling in love, or about to. Fuchsia pink also represents universal or unconditional love. Often, people who are very close and spend a lot of time together will "match energy" and their auras will look almost identical. Their energy fields vibrate to the same frequency, and are in balance. Partners in such relationship will feel very comfortable and in harmony with one another. The energy of love also vibrates at a very high frequency rate. When one is in love the aura expands and intensifies its colour and brilliancy. Isn't it always easy to tell when someone is in love? Their whole being seems to sparkle and shine, and they look more alive. You're actually noticing and responding to their extra vibration. How To See The Aura Soft or low light is the best condition in which to first see the aura. It also helps to be relaxed, so bed is the best place to try this next experiment. 1. Turn off the lights. You don't want to work in pitch-black conditions and in most cases the street lights filtering through the curtains will provide enough light. If not, leave the landing light on and close the bedroom door. The small amount of light seeping underneath the door frame should be enough to work with. 2. As you lie in bed, hold your hands straight out in front of you. Look gently at them, don't stare hard- you need to gaze rather than look. The aura rarely appears as a bright light, it is more like a gentle heat haze. 3. Try fixing your attention on your hands while focusing your eyes on the bedroom wall. The hands will appear out of focus but this will help you get the knack of the way to look. 4. Now very slowly bring the fingertips of each hand towards each other until they are very close but not touching. The aura will appear as fine lines of blue and red light between the finger tips. You can try the same again just using the index fingers of both hands.

5. As you draw the hands apart you will see the streams of energy connecting each finger. Imagine the energy increasing and you will see the light glow brightly. Bringing the fingers tantalisingly close together in this way seems to increase the auric flow. It's just like when you bring two opposite poles of magnets together: you feel the attraction suddenly increase as the fields unite. Human Energy System and Aura Much has been written about the energy of living things but there is little scientific evidence. The energy field surrounding living things is difficult or impossible to measure using current scientific techniques. However, science and spirituality are on a convergent course. Eventually, we will have instruments that can reflect an individual's state of balance. When we turn the corner from science, we must consider the universal characteristics of energy. Quantum physics states that energy and matter are interchangeable. In a similar fashion, each human is composed the divine energy of the Soul in the form of body, thought, and spirit. Energy does not emanate or reflect from a person; the energy is the person, the core. This understanding is fundamental to maintaining your energy field and body in harmony. Since the body is a manifestation of human energy, disharmony in the energy field will cause disease in the body. If the human energy field is out of balance, the body will be out of balance. The Soul - you as your essential nature plus experience Soul is coherent, intentional system, fulfilling its nature. It is God individualised as you and carries your real ideals and commitments, and gives character to your conscience. This divine energy is formless, timeless, and eternal. Soul is the essence as a fulfilling holiness. The Personality- composed of the high self, conscious self, and basic self. The High Self is a spiritual consciousness that is our higher nature as personality. From a practical standpoint, it can function as our guides, soul, and connection to God. It is the energy of life and form. It is creative and non-inflictive. The High Self exists as a spiritual form in our personal consciousness, which is always in contact with spirit. When I use the word spirit, it is the Holy Spirit and refers to forces beyond our personal domain. High Self is within our personal domain. Sometimes people use the term higher power. That may refer to anything higher than the conscious awareness of self and may lump High Self/spirit/etc. all into one thing, which for all practical purposes is fine. As a spiritual expression it follows the same procedures as any spiritual agent, in that it responds to requests. It guides us in our destiny. You might say it is an agent of our soul. It is not soul, but soul-like. It works closely with the Conscious Self and Basic Self. As the guardian angel, it links us with our soul, the universe, and the High Self of others. Because the High Self exists in a spiritual dimension, it cannot violate anyone or anything. Even if the High Self has better wisdom, it will not supersede our conscious choice unless we ask it to. The Conscious Self is our waking life and creates new awareness. It is creative and innocent until a choice is placed into action. Its function is to be the vanguard of new experience and here we make choices and gain skill. As we grow in awareness and spiritual illumination, we extend the Conscious Self and become increasingly able to live in the awareness of the High Self and be conscious of the dynamics of the Basic Self. It mediates all three selves. The Basic Self is our survival instinct and provides energy according to how we structure our beliefs and make our choices. It is loyal though non creative and contains our family patterns, social norms and mores, an archetypal pattern of our destiny, our inner child, the seat of body intelligence, and the will to survive. Its job is to maintain the status quo. In other words, the Basic Self has assimilated the beliefs developed through our life span and believes we will die if we change them. The reality of the Basic Self is habit and its self-will fights changes in habit. It will, however, respond to our authority and yield to any transformation that facilitates the actualisation of our destiny. Many people have more than one Basic Self - such as male-female, play-persistent, young-old - which gives different perspectives.

The Aura Aura is a traditional term for the protective psychic and spiritual energy fields that surround and penetrate the physical body. Historically, artists depict halos around the heads of individuals to denote their spirituality. Biblically, writers refer to the raiment or countenance of light in an attempt to describe the field of spiritual energy around angels, men, and women. It is from this invisible atmosphere that we receive our first impression of people. We use common-sense terms such as blue mood, red with anger, green with envy, full of energy, or radiant beauty. Such terms are similar to how individuals with spiritual sight describe the aura. From this intuitive nature, we form impressions and experience emotions and feelings regarding them and ourselves. Quantum physics describes the universe as energy, with energy and matter interchangeable. Psychology, Eastern therapy, and complementary medicine have terms for life as energy. Yoga psychology views the aura as an energy field surrounding the body, interacting through spiritual and psychological levels via structures called chakras. So we may conclude that the aura is an energy field that surrounds the physical body and is discernible to those of psychical sight. It encircles each of us as the sun's rays encircle the sun or the halo that surrounds the moon. The appearance of the aura, whether attractive or repulsive, depends on one's physical health, mental attitudes, and spiritual development. The human aura is a dynamic matrix that includes the physical, emotional, and mental-spiritual aspects of self. The aura is the self as energy. All the contributing factors in our daily life register in our aura as colours, lines, dots, emanations, and vibrations. Every one of us is different, and our hidden selves are expressed through the aura. Those individuals who live on a strictly physical, mental, and material level have an entirely different emanation than those individuals who are intellectual and spiritual. The Aura and Noetic Field To the ancient Greeks, the mind is a spiritual faculty. Nous is their term for the intentional, purposeful intelligence that controls and orders the world of matter. Nous emerges from the void as the wind of spirit or the first emanating spirit of creation. Noetic derives from nous and is the structure of perception and understanding in our experience of that relationship or correlation between nous and form. The noetic field is an interacting psycho-spiritual energy that has an implicit intelligence and knows how to interrelate and synchronise with all elements within that coherent system. We are a microcosmic noetic field, and the universe is a macrocosmic noetic field. The noetic field is a sustaining, nurturing, intelligent life field that is universally present. This field can be compared with grace, dharma, nirvana, and heaven. As noetic beings, we have the capacity to generate a noetic field and, by doing so, interface with the universal noetic field. The psycho-spiritual structure that we call personality forms an energy field or noetic matrix around the physical body that can be discerned through extended awareness or specialised, electronic instruments. Ancients called this the human aura. The aura has a degree of materiality or substance (a body) that is localised around a person. It is held together in much the same way as the physical body, by the presence of self. Auric Levels It is generally believed that he human aura has seven major levels. The physical and etheric levels extend about six inches to a foot from the physical body. The imaginable and emotional auric levels extend about two feet from the body and incorporate the physical and etheric levels. The mental, archetypical, and spiritual auras extent approximately three feet from the body and incorporate the other levels. The archetypal aura contains the map of our destiny. It is like a template, things you must do. In your growth you need to learn something. You are given as many experiences as you need to learn that. It can be one or a hundred, all the same to the template. It's like going home - you can go many ways and have many experiences, but you get home, and thus satisfy your template. When reflected outside of us, we see the archetypes as the pantheon of gods. When internalised, these archetypes are the angels of destiny, the gods that dwell inside us. As life-long learning, our destiny is synonymous with our Soul's curriculum. We came into physical life with an internal, archetypical lesson plan. The archetypical level is in our subconscious. The spiritual aura reflects our transcendent nature into our psychological, social, and physical realities. It reflects and responds to the balance and alignment of all levels. The balancing energy acts as wholeness

and moves through the chakras and levels as a process of breathing. Each of the other levels provides a conduit for spiritual energy. As the aura becomes balanced, the spiritual level becomes more evident. Through our mental aura and mentality, we construct our relationship to our destiny, karma, and inner life; reflects our beliefs, concepts, and attitudes. Though feelings and emotions are often keys to our beliefs, our mental activity decides what we will build as our internal structure, and how we project ourselves into life. We shape our reality with our minds. Our mind is the constructor, the builder. It reflects our associative ability through which we internalise and develop our integrative learning and personality. This level also disassociates and reflects the constraints that divide us from and within ourselves and from each other. Mental heath or mental illness is reflected in this level. The emotional aura carries the artifacts of our feelings and emotional reactions and actions; registers our fulfilment and longs for peace; reflects our warmth, devotion, and what we care about. Emotions give rise to our beliefs and judgments and the impetus to pursue our vision. The emotional aura reflects an aspect of our dharma or causal body (the force that determines and sets causation into our lives). It is balanced through powerful, universally oriented, non-manipulative, unconditional loving. It is the source of our drive for power and dominance, and powers our adversarial and competitive nature. The emotional aura is also the source of passion and the total embracing, loving heart that heals and forgives. It is our peacemaker. The imaginal aura is the medium through which we create and transform our circumstances. This aura can be developed as a function of perception or inner-seeing and creativity. Intention, positive self-image, visual learning, visualisation and healing, manifestation and success are generated and reflected in this level. Used integratively, it is a power force for connecting, integrating, and aligning all levels. Used dissociatively, the imaginal level can be devastating. Delusions and obsessions are generated through and reflected in this auric level. It is affected by drugs that create forms in the aura that are disconnected from the authentic processes of creativity. Drugs disconnect you from the ability to complete, fulfil, or enhance the soul's purposes. They effectively help us avoid life and the challenges and rewards that our soul is destined to fulfil The etheric aura is a blueprint or archetype for the physical body. Meridians and chakras appear in this formation. The etheric body or double acts as a template for the physical body and appears as an energy matrix. It is described in chi-gung as meridians that transmit chi to the body. Balance and alignment of the aura affect the meridians and their functioning. The meridians interact with the organs and the chakras interact with the endocrine system and nerves. The physical aura reflects physical trauma, cell memory, physical health, and somatogenic beliefs and emotions. It penetrates the physical and etheric bodies and reflects the state of the energy fields. In balance, it can accommodate enhanced forces deeper in the psyche.

Etheric Body

Emotional Body

Auric Body / Physical Plane Layer 1 - Etheric Body (Lower Etheric Aspect) The first auric layer is the Etheric Body associated with physical aspects and awareness of the material body and is related to the First (Root) Chakra. It is on the next higher vibrational level to the physical body, which has the lowest vibrational level. It bridges the connection of the material body to the higher bodies. The etheric body is an energy matrix and the form is shaped and anchored to the physical matter of the material body. The etheric body extends only a quarter of an inch up to one inch outside the skin of the physical body. The etheric body is invisible to most people, while some can see it as a faint grayish-white colour outlining the physical body. Layer 2 - Emotional Body (Lower Emotional Aspect) The second auric layer is the Emotional Body associated with the vibrational level of inner feelings and related to the Second (Sacral Plexus) Chakra. It extends three inches around from the physical body. This body or auric layer and all higher layers are perceived by the third eye.

Mental Body

Astral Body

Etheric Template Body

Celestial Body

Layer 3 - Mental Body (Lower Mental Aspect) The third auric layer is the Mental Body which is associated with the vibrational level of thoughts and mental processes of the ego and related to the Third (Solar Plexus) Chakra. It extends three up to eight inches around from the physical body. Auric Body / Astral Plane Layer 4 - Astral Body The fourth auric layer is the Astral Body associated with areas of expression on a physical, emotional and mental level and is related to the Fourth (Heart) Chakra. It is called the bridge between the denser or lower vibrations of the physical plane and the finer or higher vibrations of the spiritual planes. It is the layer in which all energy must pass through when going from one world to the other. It extends one half foot up to one foot around from the physical body. Auric Body / Spiritual Plane Layer 5 - Etheric Template Body (Physical Aspect) The fifth auric layer is the Etheric Template associated with aspects of the physical body and related to the Fifth (Throat) Chakra. Known as a blueprint of the lower etheric body and where matter is shaped into the physical aspect. The vibrational level in this layer is where sound creates matter. Balance and restoration of physical illnesses in the lower etheric body requires healing work at the etheric template level. It extends one and one half up to two feet around from the physical body. Layer 6 - Celestial Body (Emotional Aspect) The sixth auric layer is the Celestial Body associated with processes of enlightenment and related to the Sixth (Brow or Third Eye) Chakra. It is composed almost exclusively of light and is also known as the intuitive level. This layer gives us access to higher qualities of feelings, thoughts and manifestations. It extends two feet up to two and three and a quarter feet around from the physical body. Layer 7 - Etheric or Causal Body (Mental Aspect) The seventh layer is the Etheric or Causal Body associated with the Divine or Universal Consciousness and is related to the Seventh (Crown) Chakra. The causal body contains the life plan or "soul contract" and reflects all experiences and events that the soul has ever experienced and is the level directly related to the current incarnation. The etheric body is the purest form and link to God, within each of us. This layer is on a level that cannot be experienced from the limiting viewpoint of ego. It extends two feet up to three and one half feet in an oval shape around the physical body.

Etheric or

Causal Body

Auric Body / Cosmic Plane Layer 8 - Memory Body The eighth layer is the Time Layer associated with interfaces from past Akashic Records, present and future karmic memories, or existences and is related to the Eighth (Memory or Time Continuum) Chakra. This layer is also known as the "White Zone." It is connected with the crown of the head and extends upward one foot up to three feet above the physical body. Layer 9 - Soul Body The ninth layer is the Soul Body or Soul Level, associated with the planes between the worlds of heaven and now and is related to the Ninth (Soul Star) Chakra. This layer interfaces with our "oneness" with Divine order in our predestined soul contracts. This auric layer is very small and occupies an almost non-existent space on the physical plane. It is located several inches above the head.

Layer 10 - Integrative Body The tenth layer is the Integrative Body that serves as a pathway between the physical and the spiritual worlds and related to the Tenth (Grounding) Chakra. This layer is also known as the "travelling path" for the "dream body" in which is able to separate itself from the physical body and enter into the astral realms. It can access data from our genetic and soul heritage and contains imprints of our soul purpose. It is also recognised as the layer which integrates our chakras and spiritual energy centres. It is located in between the physical body and the etheric body. Auric body / Universal Plane Layer 11 - Eternal Body The eleventh layer is the Eternal Body or Eternal Soul level and where our physical bodies are transformed into a light body and prepared for ascension, and is related to the Eleventh (Eternal or Eternal Soul) Chakra. It is connected to and above the memory body in a linear funnel/mushroom shape. Layer 12 - Universal Mind Body The twelfth layer is the Universal Mind Body or Divine Consciousness Level, known as the ultimate connection to the Divine, Universal Consciousness, Ascended Masters and God, and is related to the Twelfth (Universal Mind) Chakra. It is located in an encompassment of fluid-like illumination penetrating the entire embodiment of the auric layers or esoteric bodies. How To See And Read The Aura

Introduction There is nothing “paranormal” in the Universe, except our limited understanding of Nature. What we think we “know” on Earth now is just a tiny drop in the Ocean of Knowledge. In the distant past, people admired things they could not explain and called them “miracles”. Long ago, people were able to see Auras. Very advanced spiritual people such as Buddha, Christ and their immediate students were painted with golden halos around their heads, because some artists could actually see Auras. In Australia remote West Kimberleys you can find prehistoric cave paintings (right), many thousands of years old, depicting people with golden halos

Nature gave us ALL we need to see Auras. All is required is the knowledge how to use your senses together with your conscious effort. If you decide not to try, you will NEVER see the Aura. When you SEE something for yourself, no longer you need to rely on believing someone. You will KNOW. And you can use your knowledge to learn more. Many great people in the past complained that "we have eyes and we do not see". Further in this document you will discover what they meant. ANYONE can see auras to some degree. Rather than create an aura of mystery around my newly acquired skill, my approach is to show everyone what their eyes are capable of. When nearly everyone (including children) sees a similar thing, I consider this a part of our Nature and I say that it deserves our attention. What is an Aura Everything in the Universe is just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. We may define the Aura as a vibration surrounding every material object. This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see Aura vibration. · Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes with time, sometimes very quickly. · Aura around non-living object (stones, crystals, water...) is essentially fixed. Above facts have been confirmed beyond any doubt by scientists in Russia, who have been using Kirlian effect to study Auras for the last 50 years. The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humour and emotions. Russian scientists, who are 3 decades ahead of everyone else in Aura research, discovered that our DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave Aura. The high frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with naked eyes. Why Do We Need To See Auras Colours and intensity of the aura, especially around and above the head have VERY special meanings. Watching someone's aura you can actually see the other person's thoughts before you hear them expressed verbally. If they do not agree with what this person is saying, you effectively see a lie every time. No one can lie in front of you undetected. We cannot fake the Aura. It shows our True Nature and intentions for everyone to see. Also, aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be SURE that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be SURE, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, "good looking" or "well dressed" he/she seems to appear. It is ESPECIALLY important to check the aura of any religious leader, "spiritual teacher", "master" or a "guru". Such person should have a clearly defined yellow-golden halo around the head. If he/she does not have it, you are MUCH better on your own. Joining a sect or a religion that is led by incompetent people without good Auras is very dangerous for your consciousness. Where is the danger ? When the time comes to really use the information stored in your consciousness from this lifetime, there may be almost nothing useful there, if you focus your life on following rituals and the flock of other people. In such case it is necessary to re-learn everything from the beginning. Most sect, religion and political leaders have only two things in mind: money and power to control people. And you can SEE it in their Aura for yourself. Imagine changes on Earth if many people can see Auras of their leaders and start choosing them on the basis of their Auras. Reading Aura you can diagnose malfunctions in the body (diseases) long before physical symptoms become evident. By consciously controlling your Aura you can actually heal yourself. However, healing of the physical body is nothing in comparison to what seeing and reading auras can do for our consciousness, spiritual development and our awareness of Nature. Everyone has an Aura. But most people on Earth have VERY WEAK and dull Auras. This is a direct consequence of their life long materialistic attitude negating and

suppressing the development of consciousness, cultivating fear, envy, jealousy and other similar emotions. Such attitude suppresses their True Nature, and their Auras become suppressed too. When you learn to see Auras, be prepared for a REALLY HARD question: “Can you tell me what my Aura is ?” and the situation when you don't see any Aura or you see something you don't want to talk about. One of the best answers I found is “why don't you learn to see it for yourself ? “. And this is one of the main reasons why I teach people to see auras. When people realise that their Aura is on display and many people are able to see it, they will watch what they think. And they will try to see and improve their own Aura. In the process they will become better and wiser, being able to recognise intentions of other people. Surely, the entire world will become much better if all people can see and read Auras. Children and the Aura Very young children (up to 5 years of age) see auras naturally. Infants frequently look ABOVE a person in front of them. When they don't like the colour of the aura above the head, or if this colour is much different from their parent's aura, they cry, no matter how much smiling the person does. Children have much cleaner and stronger auras than most of adults, who are usually completely enslaved by materialistic world and suppress their Nature by following superficial examples. When I acted my 4 year old son if he could see his own Aura, he told me that he could see rainbows around all of us most of the time. But no one paid any attention, so he thought that it was not important and maybe there was something wrong with his eyesight. This is a typical scenario. In my opinion children should learn to see and read Auras in a primary school, so they never lose the natural ability. Our Eyes With our eyes we can sense (perceive) a very narrow range of vibration frequencies of Electromagnetic (EM) vibration corresponding to wavelengths from 0.3 to 0.7 micrometers - from purple to red. A mix of the vibration frequencies in the above range we perceive with our eyes as colour. We can measure this mix precisely by recording a spectrum of light, but only using special instruments, called spectrophotometers. Colours perceived by our eyes are only our partial perception of MUCH more complex reality : complex vibration of light (and other vibrations as well). To explain the above statement, we have to define the spectrum and explain how we perceive colour with our eyes. How to see Aura: developing auric sight To see the Aura we need to · Increase the sensitivity of our eyes AND · Extend the range of perceived vibration beyond the visible light. We can accomplish the above by · Using and training our peripheral vision · Increasing exposure · Enhance visual sensation processing in the brain - enhance the communication between left and right hemispheres of the brain Peripheral vision Why should we use our peripheral vision? Our retina (the focal plane of the eye containing photosensitive cells) is less damaged there than in the central part. The central part of retina is constantly in use, and over the years suffers accumulated damage from excessive and/or artificial illumination (TV, computers, artificial light etc...). Also we have trained the central vision to be used in certain ways over the years. Note that young children see auras much easier, because their central vision is not yet damaged. Once they go to school they are told to use their vision in a certain way, and gradually they lose their natural auric sight.

Increasing exposure When we want to do a photo of a dark scene, we need to increase the time of exposure of the film. We can accomplish this for our eyes by concentrating exactly on ONE spot for a while (30-60 seconds). When our eyes are moving, or a scene moves in front of our eyes, images are averaged by our eye. (25 TV frames per second seems a fluent motion). When we concentrate on one spot, we increase our sensitivity because we average the incoming light, cumulating its effect. Our photosensitive cells (Red Green and Blue) operate as vibration sensors, much like 3 radio receivers tuned to 3 "colours" RGB. When you need to achieve a large vibration of , say, a swing - you can accomplish it using a very weak excitation force, but persist with it. Concentrating with your eyes on one spot you achieve a very similar effect: with a very small stimulation you can gradually swing your photo sensitive cells into large vibration, and this results in a visual sensation perceived by the brain. Concentration exercise 1 Place the picture in Fig 1 about 1.5 m in front of you. Look exactly at the black spot for 30 seconds or so and observe coloured dots with your peripheral vision. Resist temptation to look anywhere else but the black spot.

Fig 1. Image for concentration exercises

Note that coloured areas seem to be surrounded by the “Aura” of a different colour. When peripheral sensors are stimulated for some time, we have colour sensations, much different than when we use central vision. The longer you concentrate, the brighter is the “Aura” around coloured areas, because your sensitivity increases. Yesterday you could look at this picture for hours and never see anything. Concentration at ONE spot for long enough is the key. Rather than the true Aura, this exercise demonstrates the principle of how to look to see human Auras by making you aware of certain specific capabilities of your eyesight and your perception. Concentration exercise 2 This exercise aims to stimulate the communication between both hemispheres of the brain, thereby increasing the "processing power" needed to see Auras. Place the picture in Fig 2 about 1 meter in front of you. Stretch your hand forward so that one of your fingers is between and underneath circles. Change focus on the tip of your finger and overlook the circles. You should see 4 circles. Then aim to overlap the middle two to see ONE CIRCLE WITH A WHITE CROSS on top of your finger, in the middle between the two. Seeing the cross is the evidence, that the left hemisphere of the brain (connected to the right eye) is communicating with the right hemisphere (connected to the left eye).

Figure 2

This exercise turns out to be extremely beneficial: 5 minutes of it doubles your bio energy and promotes self healing. The cross will initially float and seem unstable. Experiment with the distance from your finger to your eyes to achieve a perfect cross. You gain a significant benefit after 3-5 minutes, preferably without blinking, but magic duration seems to be 45 minutes of concentration at the time, which makes a REAL difference to your mental and auric abilities. In my experience it is best to start with a minute or two and gradually increase the time every week. Short and intensive concentration seems to be better than a longer one, interrupted by the lack of skill. Gradually, with practice you should be able to achieve and maintain the cross without the finger. While maintaining the cross try to become aware of the other 2 circles as well as everything around using your peripheral vision. You should see Auric colours around the coloured circles above with your peripheral vision. When you can analyse surroundings using your peripheral vision, without loosing the cross (and the concentration), you are ready to see and read auras. Advanced levels of concentration One diameter in the cross seems usually "in front" of the other. This means, that one of your brain hemispheres is dominating the other. Males usually see the horizontal diameter above (left hemisphere dominates) females usually see the vertical diameter above (right hemisphere dominates). Try to get the "hidden" diameter in front as much as possible, by concentrating, on demand. The final level of concentration is to achieve and maintain a perfectly balanced cross with all four arms of similar intensity, thereby achieving a perfect balance both hemispheres. Many people experience amazing effects here. Firstly, concentration gets much deeper. Secondly, after 2-3 minutes you seem like loosing sight, with bright background becoming dark purple or pink. Your sensitivity and awareness greatly increase. All emotions cease. Several people reported that wearing the Chakra Shirt significantly enhances such concentration, and my experience confirms this.

More Concentration Exercises

Colours and Auric Pairs In concentration exercises 1 and 2 we noticed that real colours are surrounded with Auras of different colours. These auric colours are not random. Following is a list of Auric Pairs of colours for all clean colours of the rainbow (monochromatic colours). red gives turquoise aura, turquoise gives red aura orange gives blue aura, blue gives orange aura yellow gives violet aura, violet gives yellow aura green gives pink aura, pink gives green aura The above table applies also to intermediate colours, for example yellow-green colour gives a pink-violet aura. Note, that above Auric pairs are DIFFERENT than complementary colour pairs, "colour wheels" and "colour spaces" promoted by the science and art on Earth. Every child can confirm that auric pairs listed above are true. A good look around will prove that the Nature is very fond of Auric Pairs. Take any red coloured bird and you can be sure, that this bird will have turquoise body parts too. The same applies to blue-orange, yellow-violet and pink-green combinations, not only in birds, but in fish, butterflies, flowers etc.. - anything which is vividly coloured by Nature. Occasionally you will see “the next best” colour instead of a perfect auric match. Have you noticed that MOST of flowers on Earth that grow on trees and are surrounded by GREEN leaves are either violet, pink(purple) or red? Auric Pairs in Nature are very stimulating, and frequently induce an overwhelming feeling of beauty and happiness.

You need to memorise and know well the above Auric Pairs. Why ? Because if you see a pink Aura around someone in a bright green dress, there is a strong possibility that you see the Aura of a dress, not of a person. The Aura & Chakras The aura is generally described as having seven layers and is shaped like an egg of light surrounding the body. To some it may look like a heat haze radiating out around the person, shimmering with light, energy and every colour imaginable. The seven layers of the aura are generally said to be: Etheric Aura - Root or Base Chakra The etheric aura extends about two inches out from the physical body and is usually a shade of blue in colour. The shade of the blue relates to the physical condition and health of the physical body. In the etheric aura you feel all the sensations, both pain and pleasure. Emotional - Sacral or Naval Chakra The emotional aura extends about two to four inches from the physical body and appears as rainbow coloured clouds. This aura is associated with feelings, positive feelings generally create bright colours, where as negative feelings generally create darker colours. Mental - Solar Plexus Chakra The mental aura extends about four to eight inches from the physical body and is usually a bright shade of yellow in colour. Within this aura are our thoughts and mental processes. The more active our thinking processes the brighter our mental aura becomes. Within this aura can be found thought forms. Astral - Heart Chakra The fourth layer is the Astral layer. This layer extends about 8 to 12 inches from the physical body. It is similar in appearance to the emotional body, the colours are brighter and rose-hued with the light of love. This layer marks the division between the physical layers and the higher layers. It is where we experience love, both personally and spiritually, the love for humanity. Atomic (Etheric Template) - Throat Chakra The fifth layer is the Etheric Template. This layer is a copy of the physical body on a higher level. It extends about 12 to 24 inches from the physical body and appears as a blueprint like the negative of a photograph. The etheric template holds the etheric aura in place. This level is associated with a higher will more connected with Divine Will. Here we create through word and thought, and we must take responsibility for our actions. Intuitive/Celestial - Third Eye Chakra The sixth layer is the Celestial body. It extends about 24 inches from the physical body and appears as pearly shimmering light of pastel colours. It is the emotional level on the spiritual plane. Through this layer we are able to commune with Spirit. It is the level of unconditional love and trust. It can be reached through meditation and other spiritual practices of a devotional nature. The celestial body carries our experience of spiritual love, the connection with and nurturance of all life.

kundalini Energy What is energy The kundalini is often described as a female serpent coiled 3 and 1/2 times at the base of your spine...sleeping away. It's a bit bizarre that such a divine being would be taking a nap at the base of your spine, yet she truly contains the most awesome power you can imagine in the Universe. Your Kundalini

will sleep here until our body/mind is fully awakened to living 24-7 as the divine all-powerful God-being we truly are. This is called Samadhi. When we awaken her infinite Shakti power for the first time, we receive a spiritually enlightening experience (Satori) that can last for days. We then realise who we are is something much bigger than before. We see we are this energy, enthusiasm, inspiration and begin to realise we are responsible for the divine creation of our life exactly the way it is. Kundalini is the supreme cosmic enlightening energy, that resides inside us, deep at the core of our being. Kundalini is the most powerful force in the Universe, and brings enlightenment to our world. Your Kundalini awakens the manifesting being in your life! Anything you wish to manifest is possible with an awakened Kundalini. If we stay stuck in a life we are not excited about or love, the Kundalini snoozes away, patiently waiting for us to become totally conscious and realise that we are NOT just this ego-mind who is identifying with thoughts while feeling trapped in a body. In fact, the very moment we slow down and stop living in our busy heads filled with ideas of our past and future, she begins to rise up our spine and lets us know WE are this awareness itself. All our hidden Siddhi powers come from an awakened Kundalini. Examples of the Siddhi powers are supernatural abilities of strength, sight, hearing, levitation, bi-location, instant manifestations, etc... Basically anything you can imagine beyond the everyday world is possible when your Kundalini is awakened. The Siddhi powers are our natural abilities, yet through societal conditioning they have been suppressed and we have been programmed to believe they are malicious or wrong. They are as natural as the warmth from the sun above. Kundalini and Chakras The chakras are any of the nerve plexus or centres of force and consciousness located within the inner bodies of man. In the physical body there are corresponding nerve plexuses, ganglia and glands. The seven principal chakras can be seen psychically as colourful, multi-petaled wheels or lotuses. They are situated along the spinal cord from the base to the cranial chamber. Additionally, seven chakras, barely visible, exist below the spine. They are seats of instinctive consciousness, the origin of jealousy, hatred, envy, guilt, sorrow, etc. They constitute the lower or hellish world, called Naraka or patala. Thus, there are 14 major chakras in all. The seven upper chakras, from lowest to highest Base Chakra / muladhara chakra (base of spine): memory, time and space; Sacral Chakra / Svadhisthana chakra (below navel): reason; Solar plexus / manipura chakra (solar plexus): willpower; Heart Chakra / anahata chakra (heart centre): direct cognition; Throat Chakra / vishuddha chakra (throat): divine love; minds eye / ajna chakra (third eye): divine sight; crown chakra / sahasrara chakra (crown of head): illumination, Godliness. The seven lower chakras, from highest to lowest atala chakra (hips): fear and lust; vitala chakra (thighs): raging anger; sutala chakra (knees): retaliatory jealousy; talatala chakra (calves): prolonged mental confusion; rasatala chakra (ankles): selfishness; mahatala chakra (feet): absence of conscience; patala chakra (located in the soles of the feet): murder and malice. Kundalini and Nadis Nadis are the astral tubes made up of astral matter that carry psychic currents. It is through these Nadis (Sukshma, subtle passages), that the vital force or Pranic current moves or flows. Kundalini when awakened will pass through Sushumna Nadi and this is possible only when the Nadis are pure. Therefore, the first step in Kundalini Yoga is the purification of Nadis. A detailed knowledge of the Nadis and Chakras, is absolutely essential. Their location, functions, nature, etc., should be thoroughly studied.

What Are Pingala, Ida & Sushumna.

Pingala Nadi The right channel (“Pingala Nadi” in Sanskrit) is also called the Sun Channel. It begins at the Swadisthan Chakra (2nd centre) and travels up the right side. It crosses over to the left temple (ego) at the Agnya Chakra. It provides the conduit for our active energy. This energy is comprised of our mental and physical activities. When the demand for energy on this side is too great, the left side is weakened; the desire to have joy of the Spirit evaporates. When the right side dominates, the personality becomes very dry and aggressive. Excess pressure shoots up into the left temple and into the ego, causing it to inflate into a balloon that blocks the central channel. The entire system is thrown off balance. Blinded by ego, sensitivity to our own emotions is diminished. Decisions and actions are taken that dominate or disrupt the lives of others with a firm belief that they are necessary and logical. Taken to this extreme, right-sided behaviour leads to heart disease. The high-tech, high-powered, "fast-track" environments of the Western world's cities and suburbs are generating predominantly right-sided citizens. It is difficult to maintain equilibrium between emotions and action when work, school, and shopping environments are aggressive and stressful. It is difficult to maintain a peaceful home where the imbalances and negativities can be corrected and purified. Instead, most of us go back to work or school with the accumulated negativities of the past clinging to our systems. Sahaja Yoga practices are effective at removing negativity and balancing the chakras and channels. Using simple meditation and techniques such as foot soaking, lying on the ground, sweeping the aura, and shoe beating, you can begin each day with joy from the open chakras and energetic power from a balanced system. You can revitalise yourself and the relationships around you simply by working on yourself from the inside out. The state of the right channel is felt on the right side of the body. In the beginning, it is most easily felt on the right palm. Ida Nadi The left channel (“Ida Nadi” in Sanskrit) is also called the Moon Channel. It begins at the Mooladhara (1st chakra) and runs up the left side, crossing over at the Agnya Chakra (6th centre) into the temple and superego on the right side of the brain. It provides the conduit for the energy of our desire. The left channel (“Ida Nadi” in Sanskrit) is also called the Moon Channel. It begins at the Mooladhara (1st chakra) and runs up the left side, crossing over at the Agnya Chakra (6th centre) into the temple and superego on the right side of the brain. It provides the conduit for the energy of our desire. From these desires or wishes, our emotions are triggered. Emotions are actually desires that have not yet materialised. These desires and the attendant feelings about them travel through this left channel to the appropriate places in the body to bring about the actions of fulfilment. Our desires are essential for action. Without their impetus we would have nothing to act upon. The greatest quality of the left side is to provide joy, which is the steady condition of the Spirit. You may remember having this joy as a child, or you

may have observed it in small two- or three-year-old children. They usually wake up in the morning happy. While they may experience physical and emotional pain once in a while throughout their day, they do not cling to it with memory. Rather, they cry, recover, and resume the steady state of joy. The desire for this joy is still alive inside us the same as it was when we were infants. It may be blocked or covered with "tarnish" from emotional or physical injuries experienced in living life. Before Sahaja Yoga, we did not have effective techniques for clearing away the hurts and blows that are normal in living active life. The practice of Sahaja Yoga helps us remove those old tensions and recover that joy as a steady state of being. Problems of the left side tend to result in passivity or emotional extremism whereby we are thrown between elation and depression. With this type of imbalance, self-discipline becomes difficult and bad habits become hard to correct. In the worst case, we become lethargic and self-obsessed. Because this channel feeds also into the skull area, pressure on the brain becomes excessive. This cycle is what causes such problems as mental breakdown, epilepsy, and senility (decay of the brain). The state of the left channel is felt on the left side of the body. In the beginning it is most easily felt on the left palm. Sushumna Nadi The central channel (“Sushumna Nadi” in Sanskrit) is also called the Middle Path. It begins at the place where the Kundalini resides and passes straight up the spine to the highest chakra (the 7th or Sahasrara Chakra). As the conduit for the parasympathetic nervous system, the central channel coordinates our involuntary or autonomic nervous system activities. We do not have conscious control over these activities. Our heart beats, our lungs breathe, our blood system manufactures plasma, our brain centralises and coordinates communication, our mind performs "word processing"... all of these incredible functions, and more, operate more powerfully than forty billion computers. These operations are performed regardless of where our attention is focused. They seem to have no need for our conscious control. Yet, miraculously, the involuntary activities of our body function according to an organised operating plan with such complex interactions, syntheses, and communications that our deepest medical scientific research, which is now even probing into the DNA, recognises that still we have only revealed the tip of the iceberg. We have discovered that the human system is so vast and so ingenious that even to get some type of rudimentary understanding of it requires recognition of our ignorance of it. We are at a new frontier. This is what Sahaja Yoga is about. The activities that take place through the parasympathetic system are spontaneous happenings. They happen naturally, without our doing anything. The rising of the Kundalini and her work, as well as all spiritual activities, are spontaneous. Hence the term Sahaja was selected to label this type of yoga because it means spontaneous. The implication of the parasympathetic nature of the Middle Path is that the rise of the Kundalini is totally beyond our own volition or control. This is why in actuality Shri Mataji acts as a catalyst. Once our Kundalini has been awakened and has travelled through this central channel and out the top of the head, we can begin to become aware of the vast internal galaxy of our subtle system. This initial "enlightenment" or realisation is only the beginning of our greatest adventure at the Swadisthan Chakra (2nd centre) and travels up the right side. It crosses over to the left temple (ego) at the Agnya Chakra. It provides the conduit for our active energy. This energy is comprised of our mental and physical activities. When the demand for energy on this side is too great, the left side is weakened; the desire to have joy of the Spirit evaporates. When the right side dominates,

the personality becomes very dry and aggressive. Excess pressure shoots up into the left temple and into the ego, causing it to inflate into a balloon that blocks the central channel. The entire system is thrown off balance. Blinded by ego, sensitivity to our own emotions is diminished. Decisions and actions are taken that dominate or disrupt the lives of others with a firm belief that they are necessary and logical. Taken to this extreme, right-sided behaviour leads to heart disease. The high-tech, high-powered, "fast-track" environments of the Western world's cities and suburbs are generating predominantly right-sided citizens. It is difficult to maintain equilibrium between emotions and action when work, school, and shopping environments are aggressive and stressful. It is difficult to maintain a peaceful home where the imbalances and negativities can be corrected and purified. Instead, most of us go back to work or school with the accumulated negativities of the past clinging to our systems. Sahaja Yoga practices are effective at removing negativity and balancing the chakras and channels. Using simple meditation and techniques such as foot soaking, lying on the ground, sweeping the aura, and shoe beating, you can begin each day with joy from the open chakras and energetic power from a balanced system. You can revitalise yourself and the relationships around you simply by working on yourself from the inside out. The state of the right channel is felt on the right side of the body. In the beginning, it is most easily felt on the right palm.

There are the two nerve-currents one on either side of the spinal column. The left one is called Ida and the right is known as Pingala. These are Nadis. Tentatively, some take these as the right and the left sympathetic cords, but they are subtle tubes that carry Prana. The Moon moves in the Ida and the Sun in the Pingala. Ida is cooling. Pingala is heating. Ida flows through the left nostril and the Pingala through the right nostril. Do acts resulting in the attainment of psychic powers, Yoga, Meditation, etc, during the flow of the sushunmna. If the breath rises by Ida(moon) at sunrise and flows throughout the day, And Pingala(sun) rises at sunset and flows throughout the night it confers considerable good results. Let the breath flow through Ida the whole day and through Pingala the whole night. Who ever practises this is really a great Yogi. How To Charge The Flow In The Nadis The following exercises are for changing the flow from Ida to Pingala. Select any one of the methods that suits you best. for changing the flow from Pingala to Ida just do the same exercise on the opposite side. Sunset: Pingala. 1. Plug the left nostril with a small piece of cotton or fine cloth for a few minutes. 2. Lie down on the left side for ten minutes. I personally do exercise one & two together 3. Sit erect. Draw the left knee up and keep the left heel near the left buttock. Now press the left arm-pit, Axilla, on the knee. In a few seconds the flow will be through the Pingala. 4.The flow of breath can be changed by Nauli Kriya also. Sunrise: Ida 1. Plug the right nostril with a small piece of cotton or fine cloth for a few minutes. 2. Lie down on the right side for ten minutes. I personally do exercise one & two together 3. Sit erect. Draw the right knee up and keep the right heel near the right buttock. Now press the right arm-pit, Axilla, on the knee. In a few seconds the flow will be through the Ida.

4.The flow of breath can be changed by Nauli Kriya also. The above exercises are intended for general regulation of breath. Out of the innumerable Nadis 14 are said to be important Sushumna Nadi, Ida Nadi, Pingala Nadi, Gandhari Nadi, Hastajihva Nadi, Kuhu Nadi, Saraswati Nadi, Pusha Nadi, Sankhini Nadi, Payasvini Nadi, Varuni Nadi, Alambusha Nadi, Vishvodhara Nadi, Yasasvini Nadi Preparation for kundalini activation Fundamental practices for activation of Kundalini shakti: Purification of the body with the aid of Neti, Dhyoti and Vasti. Practice of eight kinds of Pranayama (Yogic exercises). Practise essential mudras such as Mahamudra, Mahavedha, Mahabandh, Viparitakarani, Taran, Paridhan, Yuktichalan and Shaktichalani. How To Raise Your Kundalini If you continue to stay in the present moment, you will slowly dissolve the deepest of illusions our mind has been constantly re-creating about a true/false reality and start seeing The Reality of an ever-present energy of divine bliss in everyone and everything. If we buy into the illusions of the mind at any moment, the cosmic Kundalini falls back asleep. She will do this until we are completely present again to the Reality of Existence found only within the Here and Now. Staying consciously awake in this eternal moment, the phenomena of psychic abilities, paranormal powers and magical manifesting capabilities will naturally begin to appear. She will give you the ability to attracting anything in the Universe you desire. Because you are merging with the Kundalini's infinite power, the body will no longer have ANY experience of having mental, emotional or physical pain. The experience of being bathed in an ever-present Source of divine peace and awesome power will be your new way of living. If you are open and willing to step into your destiny as a divine being of God, read on. Awakening this incredible power is a very delicate and gentle process. We are connecting with the greatest energy in the Universe. It is so powerful we need to be very tender with it, to allow it in. When each of the seven major chakra centres in your body are ignited, you will step completely out of the time-bound world of the ordinary and into the most extraordinary super-natural realm of your being. The God and Goddess within you will become very apparent to all, and you will absolutely know without a doubt, the truly magical and all-powerful cosmic God-being you truly are. This is the ultimate goal of the human experience. Meditation To Ignite Your Kundalini Sitting on the floor with legs crossed, for the first 5-7 minutes relax every muscle and organ in your body. Imagine a golden white light is caressing you on the inside, releasing every concern, worry and tension you have. Next, let your body gently undulate back and forth, in small circles, in mini figure eight's, or in whatever ways that feel most natural, easy, effortless and sensually enjoyable. You can even move as you were having a very relaxing slow sexual experience sitting with a divine being. Let the rest of your body move and sway as it needs to. Let each vertebrae in your entire spine (all the way up to your head) be affected by the undulating motion of your body. The energy is flowing up from the bottom to the top of your head. You can also imagine that your spine is as loose as seaweed on the ocean floor. It is so relaxed and at ease, going with wherever the ocean waves flow. This will loosen the Kundalini up so that she can rise completely out of the top of the head. During this time, keep your attention on the energy between your sexual anatomy and the base of your spine. As you are undulating, breathe into this lower area deeply and slowly. Imagine a golden Lotus flower radiating rays of light is blossoming there.

With a devoted concentration, you will feel a warm or tingling energy along the base of your spine or higher. The more conscious and relaxing the experience is, the more the Kundalini will move and grow. When you begin to feel a rising sensation of energy, stop the undulation and be completely still. Set the intention for your thoughts to slow down and eventually stop. Begin to relax into the stillness. Breathe slowly and deeply up to 5 minutes into your belly, without forcing it. You will notice that your body is breathing on its own. As you continue watching your belly breathe naturally, follow your breath, as it will take you deeper into the stillness. When you are completely relaxed into the stillness, rest deeply inside. Relax into your spine that should be vertically straight and aligned yet deeply relaxed. As there is absolutely no more tension in the body, imagine that a rainbow of energy is forming along the back of your spine and down the front of your body (see photo above for basic image). Each area or chakra has a specific coloured light associated with it. Please visualise the following colours for each area. Red = Base Orange = Sexual region Yellow = Solar plexus Green = Heart Blue = Throat Indigo = Forehead/ 3rd eye Violet = Top of head White/golden = Centre of the top of the head aligned with the spine. Depending on how tall you are, there will be between 3 and 8 quarter sized balls of light in each chakra region. As you place your attention a coloured ball, it can ignite your whole body filling it with light. Starting at the base of your spine, follow the centre of your body going very slowly up the front to the top of the head, then down the neck, and back following the spine to make a complete rainbow circle. You may also start up the back and go down the front. Go in any direction that feels most natural for you. The quarter sized balls may grow or shrink in size and the colours can merge and fade into the lights next to them. When you have made at least 10 rainbow circles around the body, imagine that a white/golden ball of light is forming at the centre of the Earth, rising up in a column of light to the Earths surface, and entering the base of your spine. Feel it slowly entering you. As it slowly ascends to the top of your head, allow it to flow out the Crown Chakra like a fountain. Let the energy cascade all over your body and bathe in the shower of this golden loving light. Allow it to penetrate every muscle, organ, and cell in your entire body, and purify your entire energy system! Stay in the shower of golden light for as long as you can. I recommend doing this golden showering for 10 minutes every day. How is kundalini awakened through mantra yoga? In mantra yoga the student is initiated by means of a mantra. If the kundalini is to be awakened by means of this yoga then it is essential that the guru gives consciousness or ``chaitanya'' to the mantra. This consciousness can be viewed as the cit-shakti-kundalini. Through repetition of the mantra the cit-shakti-kundalini of the mantra resonates with the cit-shakti-kundalini of the student and in this way the student's kundalini is awakened. The reader may have noticed that there doesn't seem to be a great deal of effort applied in this approach. This is true and in many ways this approach is more akin to Siddha Mahayoga in which the guru can use sound or ``shabda'' as the instrument of initiation. Crystals & Gems Used In Rising Kundalini Cuprite, Kundalini Quartz, Smoky Quartz , Selenite, Serpentine, Spinel, Stichtite. Kundalini Exercise I want you to get comfortable and relax. Now close your eyes and i want you to visualise the major chakras on your body they will look like small vortexes of energy spiralling around in a clockwise motion.

Now focus your attention on the centre of these seven chakras and in your own time see the golden energy at the centre of these vortexes flow out into your physical body. some people feel the sensation that the body feels lighter as the energy flows forth. while others feel calm as the kundalini energy flows through the body. and as the energy flows through each part of the body feel your body relaxing. Let the energy move down into your feet, and feel the energy coming through into your hands. Feel the energy flowing out through the palms of your hands. Spend a few minutes feeling this energy flowing through your palms. when you are ready open your eyes.

Prana Energy

Pranayama – Breathing "A more useful science than the science of respiration, a more beneficial science than the science of respiration, a greater friend than the science of respiration has never been seen nor heard." – Shivagama "Breathing may be considered the most important of all the functions of the body, for, indeed, all the other functions depend upon it." - Ramacharaka: Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath "Pranayama is what heart is to the human body.

Prana – Breathing Pranayama is a simple exercise that controls the involuntary continuous action of inhaling and exhaling by arresting and regulating the process of breathing. It has a great beneficial effect upon the physical self and mental health. Difficulty Level : Easy Time Required: 5 to 10 Minutes daily Here's How Wake up early morning. Go out into the open air or make sure you are close to an open window. Sit upright with your legs folded, either on your bed or on the ground. Keep your hands relaxed on your lap. Take in a deep breath very slowly. As you intake air pull your belly inwards while heaving out your chest. your stomach muscles must be taut. Hold the breath and count five. Then gradually exhale and relax your abdominal muscle. Wait for two seconds and then repeat the whole exercise. After you have mastered this technique, you should also try breathing alternating between the left and right nostrils. Block the nostrils alternately using the thumb and little finger of the right hand, while the remaining three fingers should rest gently between the eyebrows. First, breathe in deep through the right nostril and breathe out through the left. Very slowly. Make sure that your stomach muscles are flexed considerably. Then change the process - breathe in through the left and out through the right. Repeat the whole procedure for sometime. Tips Ensure that your position is relaxed and comfortable. If sitting with folded legs proves uncomfortable, you may perform standing. But do not walk about or fidget. Better concentration yields better results. Begin by practising Pranayama for a couple of minutes each day and gradually increase until you are doing at least 10 minutes a day.

Spiritual Healing Introduction Spiritual Healing is an ability of learning and understanding ones own spiritual nature and that of the spiritual plains around us. In spiritual healing we practise techniques of working with angels, and our healing guides, and also our higher selves. But first we must learn how to make contact with our spiritual heart. Our spiritual heart centre is located between the heart chakra and throat chakra and is known as the thymus chakra or soul seat, it is here that we hold our true love for ones self and others. Loving ones self is very important with spiritual healing, it is here that we also find the love of the first source creator of all universal life or as it is known God. The thymus chakra is always where the energies

of the soul star and earth star meet bringing balance to ones self this is also known as Yin and Yang a perfect balance between both Spiritual energy and earth energy hence forth the symbol

This symbolises the balance of energy while the white dot symbolises the soul star and the lower point the black dot symbolise the earth star. One way the get a better understanding of this is to try spinning the thymus chakra. This chakra looks like a 12 pointed star if you visualise it another way to open this chakra is to place a herkimer diamond over the thymus chakra and meditate. While meditating focus your attention on the thymus chakra and breathe into it, once you feel the energy of the thymus try spinning it counter clock wise and see what happens if it feels right work with it if not try spinning it clockwise and see what happens, you will know when it feels right to you. It is the belief in reiki practices that taping the tip of your index finger over the thymus chakra lightly will keep you looking younger. I've found in the time that i have been doing this that each time i do it energy is released from the thymus chakra it is important that you tap the thymus chakra 21 times a day to feel the full affect of this energy. Another thing you can do is repeat the mantra I AM, I AM as you tap the thymus chakra doing this will bring you in time to a better understanding of the I AM presence within yourself and gods love stored within your spiritual heart. Remember always that loving ones self is the greatest love there is and with that may light and love be with you always. Spiritual healing is the art of healing with ones hands this is also know as the laying of hands and the practice of the laying of hands has been around for thousands of years we as healers work as a channel by which and higher energies of the universe and the source are moved from the higher plain of existence down through the crown chakra and into the hands. But first we need to ready ourselves for healing, this is done by focusing on the thymus chakra, now feel the love then focus on a beautiful white light just above you and see that beautiful white light flowing over you like a beautiful white waterfall of light and love. Working with the higher self, angels and healing guides. We all have a guardian angel and a healing guide and there are angels for every possible situation that you could think of, all you need to do is ask. The higher self is just that a higher part of you that exists on a higher plain of existence once you have made your self ready simply call upon your higher self. this is done by saying, I Call Upon My Higher Self. When working with angels you can call of colours as well, all the archangels have their own colour that they work with to call on archangel Micheal invoke blue, to call on archangel Gabriel invoke green, to call upon Uriel invoke yellow, and for Raphael invoke the colour red, when I'm working with healing i always invoke the colours of the rainbow I find it works best for me. Once you have invoked the colour just say I Call Upon My guardian Angel, or Archangel _________, And most importantly call up your highest healing guide This is a simple process of I Call Upon My Highest Healing Guide. You may also wish to use the nature spirits and the meridian as well this is done by calling on the elemental energies of the earth and the nature spirits. Healing There are many forms of healing we can call upon from laying of hands to distant healing. Distant Healing is the ability of sending healing to a loved one, family or friend that may not live close by. This is done the same way as laying of hands all you need to do is think of the person and call upon your higher self. Then ask your higher self to send the healing through to the there higher self

of the other person if they are ready then there higher self will pass the healing on to them if they are not ready then there higher self will hold the healing to such time that they are ready. always remember to send your love with the healing. Healing ones self is a process of healing ones self with the light and love. Once you have prepared yourself for healing call upon your highest healing guide and call upon any other help you may need. They will know what to do and where to work. Just ask them to perform a healing on you. once the healing is finished thank your healing guide and any other help you have call upon and be thankful for their gift. Remember service through gratitude is best. Healing others when starting out with healing others in your healing sessions have the person sit down in a chair and stand behind them and prepare yourself for healing and in your own time call upon your highest healing guide and any other help you may wish to use. When you are ready place one hand on either side of the head and begin the healing. Your guides will guide you to where the healing work needs to be done and when the healing is done place your hands on their feet and ground them back into the earth. Always ask if it's ok to touch their feet before you start the healing. Then thank your highest healing guide and other help for their help, Then hand the person back their power. This is done by saying I Honour Your Creation.

Channelling the Higher Self A Method for Self Discovery and Healing

Many people are searching at this time, for what they call the truth. They are seeking guidance in this arena from "higher" beings on other dimensions. Well, surprise, you are one of these beings. Everyone has a Higher Self, that exists simultaneously on this dimension, as well as all others. The possibilities for life are limitless, and the great Spirit that you are wants to experience all the possibilities. You always have contact with your Higher Self, but it comes through more clearly when you focus your intent upon bringing Spirit into your life. So the phenomenon of channelling is really a simple concept: it is bringing in Spirit (not necessarily your own) and letting it communicate either to you or through you. Since your Higher Self is not limited by time or space, you can access the whole of your entire being, that is, your past, present, and future selves, as well as all aspects of it. Your Spirit is really greater and much more vast than you can imagine, because you are here on the physical plane, learning all about limitation, and don't have the "bird's eye view" that your multidimensional Self does. Here is a simple technique you can use to channel your Higher Self, or Spirit. It is a very flexible method and you can always modify any of it to suit your own needs. Really anyone can do this. Go somewhere that is quiet where you won't be disturbed, and where you can sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor or ground, and your eyes closed. It may be helpful to keep a pen and paper handy to write your experiences as they go along. If you like, you can have a helper with you who can guide you through the initial meditation and ask questions of your Higher Self, and write your answers for you. Grounding Take three deep breaths, letting yourself relax. Imagine your consciousness drifting down into the Earth, as you keep breathing slowly and deeply, and then your consciousness comes to rest somewhere inside the Earth, where you find a place with a certain mineral in it that you feel attracted to. See this mineral start to glow, becoming brighter with coloured light, whatever colour you like. Now see the light become a beam, and it is moving up now, all the way up until it enters the bottom of your right foot. Then become aware of your right foot, how it feels, and see the light begin to move up your right leg, and become aware of your right leg. Then, see the light continue to go up your right side, as you become aware of that area, then it enters your right hand, and continues up your right arm to the shoulder. Become fully aware of your whole right side, and see the light illuminating the whole right side of your body. Now move the light cord over to your left shoulder, and become aware of that area. Now the light begins moving down your left arm, hand, fingers, and you feel it moving down your left side, as you focus your awareness to your left side. Then the light cord moves down your left leg, into your left foot. Become fully aware of all sensations in the whole left side of your body. The light finally continues back

down into the Earth, where it connects back to its source, completing the circuit. The light is continually in motion, moving up form the Earth up your right side as you breathe in, and circulating back down your left side and back to its source as you breathe out. Feel this energy revitalising you as you breathe and relax. Clearing Now see a third energy cord come up out of the Earth, perhaps of another colour, and it enters your body at the base of your spine, the first chakra. See that chakra as a wheel of light, which fills up with this new energy and begins to glow brightly, and starts to spin. As it does this, any negative energies, fears, or blockages begin to clear out, and you see it spinning in perfect alignment with the your spine as an axle. See the top of the first chakra open up, and see the energy beam move up into the second chakra. Continue moving the beam up into each successive chakra, seeing each one clear out and start to spin, all the way up to the seventh chakra at the crown of your head. Then see the energy beam shoot up out of the top of your head, showering your whole body with light, which surrounds and protects you from any unwanted energies. Enter Your Sanctuary See your consciousness rise up along with the beam out through your crown chakra, and find a place for your consciousness to come to rest, anyplace that you like. First you see a doorway, and only you have the key to enter this place, your Sanctuary. Your sanctuary will only have the things in it that you allow. It can be in nature, a special room, another world, wherever you feel comfortable and safe. Now look around you. Off to the left, there is a fountain with a pool of crystal clear water. You go over to the fountain and peer into the pool. At first your reflection in the surface of the water is clear, but then you see the water begin to get wavy and from the centre of the pool you see a magnificent being rise up out of the water, glowing in white light. It's your Higher Self, greeting you with unconditional love and acceptance. You greet your Higher Self, and together you go to another part of your Sanctuary, where there is a place for you to put your mind into a soundproof container, where it will stay for the duration of the experience. Notice how you feel about your mind. Know that you are safe and protected, and with you mind put away, you will be able to more fully experience your Higher Self without any judgment. Feel yourself merge into your Higher Self. The energy there is wonderful. Return to your body with your Higher Self You and your Higher Self now leave your Sanctuary and find the bright beam of light that brought you here, and follow the beam back to your physical plane body, where you enter with your Higher Self through the crown chakra. Take a few deep breaths. Notice how you feel. When you feel ready, open your eyes. If you have a helper with you, now is the time to begin asking the questions you prepared for your Higher Self. If you have just written the questions down and have no one to help you, ask yourself the questions and just let yourself receive whatever thoughts, feelings, images, or other sensations come to you. Write down whatever it is that you get. Do not try to analyse now, there will be time for that later. Just let yourself flow with the experience. After each answer (whatever form that comes to you in) feels complete, go on to the next question. Here are a few example questions that may be helpful for your first time: What is my higher purpose for this year? What blocks or fears do I have that would prevent me from attaining this? What skills or attributes do I have to help me attain my goals? What message of love and compassion do you have that needs to hear at this time? After the questions feel complete, close your eyes once again, and take your Higher Self with you back to your Sanctuary. Let your Higher Self return to the magical fountain pool, knowing that it is there for you whenever you need it. Now go retrieve your mind, accepting it as a part of yourself. You may stay in your Sanctuary as long as you like, or return to it whenever you want, for it is your space, a place where you are truly free. When you are ready, return to your body through the crown chakra. Your awareness returns to the room you are in and you feel refreshed and balanced.

Cutting Cords In every relationship, people are constantly exchanging energy that can become a chord connecting two people. This energetic cord forms just below the breastbone and can remain long after a relationship has ended. This unbroken cord may leave an open channel between you and another person, through which emotions and energy can continue to flow. If you are unaware that the cord exists, it is easy to feel the Other person's emotions and mistakenly think that they are yours. Besides the fact that this can limit the amount of closure you can experience in a relationship, letting this cord remain intact can leave you with a continued sense of sadness while creating feelings of lethargy as your own energy is sapped from you. Cutting the cord can help you separate yourself from old baggage, unnecessary attachments, and release you from connections that are no longer serving you. Finding and cutting unwanted cords is a simple, gentle process that is best done alone and when you are relaxed. It is important that you are strong in your intention to release the cord between you and someone else. To begin, breathe deeply and perform a simple centring meditation. When you are ready, visualise or sense the chords that are connecting you to other people. Run your fingers through the cords to separate them until you find the cord you wish to sever. There is no need to worry, because the cord you need to sever will feel just right. When you have found it, determine where the cut should be made and then visualise the cord being cleanly cut. If you need assistance, Archangel Michael can be called upon to help you with his sword. Afterwards, if you feel that cutting the cord has left spaces in your energy field, then visualise those spaces being filled with healing sunlight. There may be times where cutting a cord can help free a relative or loved one to reach new stages of growth. You're not severing a relationship, but you are severing the cords that are no longer serving you both. At other times, a cord may simply refuse to be cut because it is still serving a higher purpose. It is also important to remember that cutting a cord with someone is not a replacement for doing your emotional work with people. It can, however, be an enactment of that work upon its completion. In any case, cutting a relationship cord should always be viewed as a positive and nurturing act. By cutting the cords that no longer need to be there, you are setting yourself and others free from the ties that bind. The Nature of 'Psi' The term 'psi' (psychic ability or psychic functioning) has been adopted to describe the range of seemingly anomalous effects, which seem to arise from man's interaction with the external universe. Such effects include clairvoyance (information about remote objects / events obtained by non- physical means); telepathy (communication between one mind and another without any form of physical transmission); precognition (predicting the outcome of future events to a greater degree of accuracy than would be expected given the currently available information) and psychokinesis (pk, mind having a direct and measurable influence on physical reality). Clairvoyance, telepathy and precognition are often termed extra-sensory perception (ESP) and may be likened to a weak and unreliable sixth sense, e.g. a success rate of 27% opposed to a chance level of 25% over a large number of trials in a psi experiment would be considered a success. In contrast to ESP in which the subject appears receptive to non-physical information, pk involves the mind of the subject 'reaching out" to influence the external world. One of the strangest forms of psi is the phenomena known as retro-pk, in which subjects appear to be able to use pk to reach back in time and influence the outcome of already completed experiments.

Psi Balls Introduction Drawing energy you will need energy to make psi balls. Energy comes from many sources, including the sun, moon, earth, nature, water, wind, storms, fire, emotions, and movement. People carry energy with them at all times. However this energy can become drained after some practice of making psi balls. Because of this having other energy sources to draw from can help you avoid getting too tired. Choose an energy source you enjoy to draw energy from. Feel energy from that source flowing into you. You can picture it as a garden hose pouring energy into you, or as a waterfall all around you. You might

Picture it as light surrounding and filling you, or a fire warming you. The energy surrounds and fills you, raising your energy to a much stronger level. If you begin to feel lightheaded, imagine a connection into the ground to let go of the excess energy. Lightheadedness usually means that you have too much energy and need to let some of it go back into the earth, like grounding an electrical system. As you draw energy, take only what feels appropriate. Don't force it; just gently draw the energy. Forcing it will only make it more difficult to get the right amount of energy. Shaping energy as you draw energy, direct it outward through your hands. Cup your hands as if you were holding a baseball or a ball of cookie dough, with one hand below it and one above it. Picture the energy flowing from your body, through your arms, and out through your hands. Feel the energy swirling and building up between your hands. Make the energy into a ball between your hands, making it more and more dense as you add energy. Let yourself feel the energy between your hands. Notice any push or pull between your hands, any difference in heat, changing density of the air, sparks of light, waviness of the background behind the energy ball, or anything else that changes. If you have difficulty creating a strong enough psi ball to feel, try drawing more energy and adding that energy to it. It may take practice to make a strong enough psi ball to physically see, but you should be able to feel it fairly quickly. Do not worry if you only feel it, and can not see it; that is normal. You may feel a lot of heat between your hands; this means you have drawn energy through them properly. After you are comfortable making a psi ball, try working with friends. Each person starts by creating their own psi ball. Then combine all of the psi balls into the centre of the circle. Each person continues to add energy to the centre. After a few minutes, discuss how each person perceives the energy. As a group, try changing the temperature or the density of the energy. Practice regularly to improve your speed at creating psi balls and your control of them. As you become more comfortable making them, try variations. Make shapes other than a ball; try fire, a pool of water, a crystal, and any other shape you can imagine. Try changing the temperature of the energy, making it extra warm or extra cool. Try making the energy carry different emotions, being agitated or soothing. If you have a willing partner, try using an energy ball to tickle them. Make a large energy ball of happy energy, and cover a friend in it. If you do it with a willing friend, but at a time they don't know what's happening, you can see how strongly it affects how they feel. (This often has the effect of making the receiver very happy and bouncy, as if they've had too much sugar or caffeine.)

Psi-Balls -- A Brief Introduction As the name says, Psi-Balls are balls of energy that can be used to do almost anything. Psi-balls are used for various purposes, such as Healing, Telepathy, Message Sending, Confidence and Prosperity boosting etc. Psi balls are easy to make, and they are tangible ...very soon we can start seeing PSI-Balls with the naked eye and this is the first step to seeing the aura. Psi balls store up energy and their potential is high. Depending on the type and extent of programming, psi balls can be used for purposes ranging from 'pulling someone out of depression' to almost anything. Creating Psi-Balls - Exercise One For this part, i recommend that you have a clean aura. You can find exercises for aura cleaning on the aura chapter. Turn off all disturbances in the surrounding and sit in a quiet place, or lie down in the bed. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths concentrate on your breathing. Now feel the white universal cosmic energy entering your head through the crown. Let the white light move down and spread to every part of your body. As it passes through each part, feel that specific part getting relaxed. Let the energy move down to your feet, and come out through your hands. Feel the energy flowing out through your palms. Spend a few minutes feeling this energy flowing through your palms. Now hold out both your hands, palms facing each other, about four inches apart. Make sure that your elbows are supported. Slowly start moving your hand out and in. With each breath that you inhale, let your hands move out apart a bit, say a few millimetres, and while exhaling let them come closer. Let your hand movement resemble such an inward and outward motion. Focus all your attention on your palms, and soon you might experience some kind of a sensation on your palms. Some people have a tickling sensation, while others have a warmth. Some others might feel a gentle coolness. All these are feelings of the energy that builds up between your palms. Once you start

feeling it, then with each breath move out your hands farther, so that the psi ball increases in dimension. Make it as tight as it can be, and focus all your attention on it. Programming The Psi Ball Once you create a Psi-ball, then the next step is to program it. Visualise a clear picture of your goal...or what you wish to happen. In case you want someone to get well, visualise the person free from all diseases, happily smiling. Now project this picture into your energy ball. Focus this picture on your energy ball for a few seconds. Without opening your eyes , speak to your energy ball. Tell it to go out into the world, and bring to you what you desire. Then release the energy ball, and open your eyes Creating Psi-Balls - Exercise Two What you're going to do here is to make little balls of energy and then send it to whatever you want. You can send it to yourself, a friend, to achieve a goal, etc. Rub your hands together for about 15 seconds. This is supposed to stimulate the hand chakras. Now cup your hands together. Start to visualise energy coming to your hands and building up in the shape of a ball. It can be any colour you want (certain colours work best for different things) but for beginners it's usually easiest to visualise white light. Just see the energy coming from the air around you, and slowly building up, becoming a ball of pure energy. After a while, my hands usually start to tingle, or you may be able to see the ball. Try to do it until you feel your hands tingle. It might take a few times, but if you keep it up, you'll probably start to feel it after a while. Once you have the ball to the size you want it at, throw it with a physical movement of your hands and visualise it going where you want it. You can simply visualise it if you want (without moving your hands as if you are throwing it) but the physical action will probably make it more powerful and finalised. You can send it off to anything you want, or you can keep it a while and play with it.

Telekinetic Energy is Natural

The ability of telekinesis is very natural occurrence and we all have the ability to perform telekinesis it's just a matter of learning the ability. It is primarily a Mind/Brain/Consciousness related phenomenon though certainly its roots are sub-atomic like all manifestations. Some research shows there is a lot of activity in the cortex of the brain in relationship to this. Most of what we term psychic phenomenon or mystical happenings happen in the "off" phases of consciousness. Consciousness is always in the on/off phasing, blinking off and on, as it were. Off/On phasing phenomenon is photon related manifestation of energy and light. The energy we are dealing with here is tiny pockets or "quanta" of energies. The ability to bend spoons, levitate is happening at the other levels being only manifested as a physical event upon the space/time shell frame which we interpret as our reality. There is also a good deal of illusion as well. One must be able to discern the reality of both. Sometimes there is a vast difference in what we THINK we see vs what IS actually happening. What is Telekinesis Telekinesis is essentially the ability to move an object on the physical plane using only psychic power. While some people think that it is an occult practice, this is not strictly so. I can only give my perspective, but I believe that we are all born with this skill. It is inherent, like walking, talking, breathing. We simply neglect it from day one. A common theory is that TK works by energy fields (magnetic or electric) or by "waves" of psychic energy which are actually dense enough to push/repel an object or draw it inward. Most people's only encounter with TK is accidental- something mysteriously falls over or objects fly around a room, a phenomena often mistaken for a poltergeist when it may actually be a person with spontaneous telekinetic powers. Anyone can harness their power and use it with the proper devotion.

A Theory on Telekinesis Telekinesis is thought of as this really amazing "talent" that only a few people have. Quite the contrary, I believe that telekinesis is something we all inherently have. We simply do not use it. In fact, in general, we all have psychic abilities. Let me explain. Every living person has a brain. Obviously. To say anything otherwise would be preposterous. However, we don't use the entire brain, we don't even use the better fraction of it. We also each use different parts more than others. Some people enjoy art, some enjoy math and numbers, logic, sports, writing, dancing, collecting... all of these activities use a different part of the brain. This is like psychic ability. We all use some of our total psychic potential, but far from all of it. Some of us just "know" when something it going to happen, or can predict an outcome better than most people, or get a "sense" of whether a person you just met is of a good or bad character. All of these are uses of the psychic power. Just like the brain, we can also exercise the parts that lay unused. An artist can learn algebra if they really put their nose to the grindstone. Just the same, you can learn telekinesis with proper training and expanding of your natural psychic abilities. The only thing that holds you back is not believing in yourself. Just like the child who says, "I can't do math, it's impossible", the person who says "I can't use telekinesis, I just don't have the ability" is holding themselves back. They say that you're your worst critic. Well, stop it! Believe in yourself and the abilities will follow. A Skeptics Definition Telekinesis is the movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of an occult power. Psychokinesis is the production of motion in physical objects by the exercise of psychic or mental powers. Uri Geller claims he can bend spoons and stop watches using only his thoughts to control the external objects. Others claim to be able to make pencils roll across a table by a mere act of will. The variety of parlour tricks used to demonstrate psychokinetic powers is endless. My thoughts on this: Of course there are a variety of parlour tricks to demonstrate this. There are parlour tricks for practically everything! This does not mean that genuine telekinesis is impossible. More About and How to Do Telekinesis

Telekinesis is moving things using your mind. If you're going to try telekinesis, you have to be relaxed, clear of thoughts, and you have to be able to concentrate on that object and nothing else. Some people think you should meditate before trying to use telekinesis. You have to be very dedicated because it can take years to learn, but I think it's worth the wait. Think of your goal in your head, imagining it over and over, thinking of nothing but the object and your goal. Do this for as long as you're comfy with, and do it daily. After some time you will start to see results. I've found that light things are easier so start with light things. Some experiments are: Rolling a pen touching it less each time, using a light piece of paper is pretty easy, a toothpick in water, trying to make the fire of a candle lean to one direction, a feather in a bottle, balancing a spoon on the edge of a glass and trying to make the spoon rock off, and last but pretty easy is bending silverware or keys. Bending silverware is a little different. You hold the choice object in your hand, and you feel the surface as you imagine in your head bending the silverware. The thing is, you don't "make" it bend, you "let" it bend. Levitation is pretty much a form of telekinesis so use the same method as telekinesis if you want to levitate something or yourself off the ground. Some people think telekinesis has to do with magnetic energy, and some think it's the use of energy. THE SHAPING OF ENERGY WITH THE MIND is often used to make psi balls. This is a way to learn to shape energy. You cup your hands as if holding something between them, and then think like your a faucet of energy, and just let it flow out through your hands and into a ball between them. Even if you can't see it maybe it's not strong enough and you need to add more. Don't worry about seeing when you first start because you may not be able to add enough. You can tell if you made a psi ball though by paying attention to your hands. They will get hot and your hand will have little twitches every now and then. If your hands hurt don't worry, it's normal. Try making psi balls during different feelings, and see

What changes there are. Once you can see your psi ball you can change it's colour, shape, and etc. It will do whatever you want it to. Shields are made in mostly the same method, but the energy is surrounding you. You can program it to your will. It will do whatever you want it to. Telepathy is exploring someone's thoughts. You can also send to them through telepathy. Like, pick a letter and have a friend that you will be sending to, have them receive. Imagine you are linking to them, to their thoughts (sender). When you feel you are linked, clear your mind except for the letter. Picture the letter in your mind in different colour, size, and fonts. Think the word as you do this. The receiver must clear their minds and must be open to all thoughts they receive or think they receive. Do not have the receiver say the letter until he thinks he absolutely knows what it is. Empathy is feeling other peoples' feelings. Telekinesis Apparent change in or movement of material objects, caused by mental effort alone. It is also called psychokinesis (PK). The claims of Uri Geller (1946- ), an Israeli, to break metal objects merely by concentrating on them have received great publicity. Telekinesis has been evoked to explain levitation and certain poltergeist manifestations. Where to Begin There are certain things you need to work on before you can get anywhere with telekinesis. Here I will discuss the obstacles you must overcome and the exercises you must practice. 1. Doubt TELEKINESIS IS REAL. People have done it, people do it all the time. It is a gift all humans hold. Get that through your head before going any further. Doubt is like a wall between you and TK. So climb over the wall and leave it far behind you. You do not need doubt in your search for truth, especially not when it comes to the powers of the mind. 2. Logic Okay, you live in a practical world, it's only natural to try to reason things. Don't bother. Set practicality aside, and when you achieve TK you will then see how silly the concept of logic is altogether. It will all make sense when you get there. 3. Purity of the Heart Why do you want to learn TK? You reasons must be positive and your intent must be pure. If you wish to learn it to harm people, to profit off a strange talent, or just to impress your friends, forget about it. Learn it to exercise the mind, learn it to challenge your reality. Don't try it for some kind of cheap glory. If that's your intent, you'll get nowhere. 4. Meditation YOU MUST MEDITATE. Consider this a requirement. Take it one step at a time. Meditation is key in order to prepare the mind for telekinesis. Improving Your Telekinesis I get letters like "I've tried and tried at TK but I still can't do it!" all the time. The reason is always the same. A person seems to think that trying for a week is a "long time". Forget that. Telekinesis is worth the wait, but what a wait it is. The very skilled get it in 2 weeks. A greater faction of us doesn't get there for months, maybe years. I have developed this list to help you get on the right path towards telekinesis. KEEP TRYING! Meditate daily for half an hour, fifteen minutes if you're schedule is too busy. Attempt TK at least once a day, twice if possible. Give yourself a good 30-60 minutes to try it. Focus on one method for at least a week, if it shows no results, switch methods.

Be at ease; instead of taking it too seriously think of it as an experiment, a game. If you try too hard you'll just end up frustrating yourself and you'll get nowhere. Don't give up. Don't tell yourself you can't do it, because you can. BELIEVE!!!! What You Can Do With Telekinesis With tk you can : move objects i.e. magazines, cups, etc. bend objects (spoons, forks, pencils etc.) you can make psi balls ( balls of energy) and throw them if your advanced you can: shut/open windows lock doors turn on lights hurl objects at people or at other things What Not To Do Before you get started trying to bend the spoons and forks, let me give you some tips on why it may not work or hasn't been working. 1. The reasons why someone has difficulty cultivating their telekinetic skills is usually one of several things. Some human emotions like stress can impede the process, though, once in awhile a stressful situation can actually increase someone's ability to achieve what appears as superhuman traits. I'm sure you've heard of the situations where all of a sudden something happens and someone can lift a ton of something. Yes, that has to do with adrenaline but there is also a dynamics of "quanta" going on there. In the moment of "have to" they released their natural ability to, seemingly, defy science. They didn't think about it, they just did it. No thinking, no preconceived judgments. Don't think about it so much just practice without preconceiving. 2. Usually, though, if there isn't any real danger or need, the human emotions inhibit the path that the brain requires to create the neural network it needs to create this atmosphere. The more negative emotions, like guilt, fear, non trusting, judgmental attitudes and suspicion are enough to inhibit that natural flow that is required. One must believe it is possible. How else can we expect to manifest anything if we can't believe it's possible? You can't. 3. Don't obsess on it relax!! Enjoy, cultivating another skill. It's not race, or a test. It's not about worth or worthy. So many spiritually based philosophies are based on reward. Spiritual awareness and evolution are not "prizes" you win. Opening up to higher levels of spiritual awareness is a growth process of evolving ones consciousness. Telekinetic's is just one more skill with the ability of possible manifestation. 4. Don't carry preconceived ideas as to the outcome. Experience it, naturally. Don't script it. Don't tell yourself how it should go or that you have to be at a certain point at a certain time all that impedes the energy. When you do that you are so busy thinking that the correct atmosphere or pathway can not be presented. Will and Reason are not juxtaposed to telekinetic ability. 5. Don't get frustrated and angry at yourself. Again, relax, Have fun with it. 6. Don't be self-conscious. Yes, many times people feel foolish or self conscious. Don't. If you can't do it right away it says nothing about who you are. It simply just says the spoon or fork isn't bending, yet that's all.

Who Can Do Telekinesis? What? "Who can use telekinesis???" I'll tell you who. YOU. Telekinesis Method 1: Becoming One With the Object Stare at the base of the flame (not at the flame itself, don't get retina burn, and yes, you may blink). Gaze at it, defocus your eyes and enter a meditative state. Watch how the candle dances and moves. Imagine the flame as an extra limb, feel that you are able to move it as easily as your arm or leg. Keep watching, and when you feel it is a part of you, try flexing it. See the flame grow wider, thinner, taller, shorter, flicker, or stand still. Do this for 5-10 minutes, then snuff the candle out. Method 2: Visualise! With this method, just see what you want to have happen clearly in your mind. If you want a parking space near the door of a crowded mall, visualise clearly an empty space right near the front door before you leave your house. Looking for a special something? See it clearly, see yourself in possession of it and happy. To enforce the visualisation, write down exactly what you want. Be descriptive! If you need it, it will happen. If not, realise there may be a reason it did not occur as you wished; perhaps something better will come along, or it just wasn't appropriate for this thing to happen at this time. Always ask that it be done in the best interests of all concerned. This also works on faulty electronic equipment and many other things; just see the computer, vcr, car, etc working perfectly. Method 3: Pushing With Energy Read the beginner logs and master Energy Balls before attempting this one. Blow up a balloon and set it on the floor (preferably a surface with very little friction; a linoleum floor perhaps) Form an energy ball, making it as dense as possible. With the energy ball between your hand and the balloon, push the balloon along the floor with the energy ball. Do not touch the balloon with your hand.

Spoon Bending Exercise Two Meditate for half an hour. Find a spoon or fork. Hold utensil in your hands. Sit in a quiet space, breath deeply, and relax yourself. Escape mentally from all thoughts and sounds. With your eyes shut, rub your fingertips lightly over the surface of the spoon's handle. Feel the surface without necessarily thinking about it. Become a "part" of it, the atoms of the metal mixing with the atoms of your fingers and the air so that they flow together as thought they are water. Imagine it melting into liquid. This may take a few attempts. You will begin to actual feel the energy and the warmth on the metal. At the moment you feel the momentum of the energy, bend it! Don't put physical force on it- you're not testing your ability to bend a spoon with your hands. You already know you can do that. It's your mind we're testing.

Hara Line Development Introduction Hara line development is designed to bring your awareness to the grounding and ungrounding process of the hara line in the visual techniques of time travel, dimensional travel, levitation, teleportation, and interstellar travel. I have used the term see your visual body in front of you and make the light being. Now before we begin a little bit about my past with the hara line in 1986 I had read a book on levitation and had learnt the technique for levitation once I had performed the technique I naturally went after the

ability of teleportation using the same technique that I had been using for levitation so I filled the body with Kundalini energy focusing on the destination i activated the teleportation channel and proceeded to teleport, things were going well till the body started shunting as the energy moved through the physical body and as the channel opened i saw the brilliant white light of the teleportation channel and as the light ran up the channel the energy disposed with a flash of lightening within in the minds eye and naturally scaring the hell out of me and I knew that I was not ready. The reason why the body had shunted all those years ago where not clear to me till recently. The reason why I had encountered this frightening experience was because who knew about or spoke about a hara line in 1986, we had grounding techniques there was no talk of ungrounding from the earth plain and teleporting. Recently we looked at the abilities of travel and motion again. Years ago when interstellar was perfected we focused on opening the core star of the visual body spanning it and travelling through time and space but still we were not seeing the greater picture at work. This next technique is designed to show you what I mean and it will clearly show you why i had not teleported all those years ago. The time lines and system of time space continuum can be found here.

Teleporting Your Visual Body Visual Technique Step One I want you to get comfortable and relax. Step two Now close your eyes then charge your physical body with energy. Then see your visual body standing in front of you. Step Three Then visualise that your energy is blending with your visual body. Step Four Now here's were things change in the past i would have told you to spin the core star and become the light being this time I want you to focus on the hara line see it running through your visual body from the higher point above your head down through the crown chakra passing through the sixth and fifth chakra's into the soul seat down through the lower chakra's and the ten tien and out through the base chakra and down into the earth. Feel and see the visual body grounding with the earth technique in the physical body will aid us in the abilities of levitation, teleportation, and all of the travelling techniques mentioned in this site. Warning during this technique and while training in Hara Line Development never charge your physical body with energy and focus on the abilities like levitation, teleportation, and travel techniques because it could be fatal stay focused on the matter at hand remember safety comes first.

Hara Line Development Physical Body

Introduction As we all know grounding with the earth became a big thing in the new age in the 70's as the world took a greater interest in the new age movement and in the late 80's early 90' when Barbara Ann Brennan released her book light emerging we first learned the technique of the hara line. It became very popular and the grounding technique was perfected but it was only the beginning in hara line technology and now we come to the new era of the modern day grounding and ungrounding the hara line or as it is known the vertical time line it is through this hara or time line that moving beyond time and space is possible but before we can use the physical abilities like Levitation and Teleportation of the physical body we must learn how to ground and unground from the earth plain (The Physical Plain) In the visual technique we observed the grounding and ungrounding process of the hara line in action. In this technique we endeavour to develop this technique in the physical body. Because developing this

Aligning your hara line Aligning With Your Life Purpose Aligning your haric level will align you with your life purpose. The exercise that follows will help you to align your hara line and heal any distortions in it or in the points along it. It will align you with your greater purpose. I suggest you do it each day in the morning to heal yourself and each time you set about accomplishing something. You will be amazed at the results you get. As you get used to holding the hara alignment, you will be able to stay aligned with your greater life task in any small thing that you are doing in the moment. It is very applicable to your task of healing yourself. An Exercise to Align Your will with your life purpose Imagine a sphere of energy inside your body on the midline of your body, located about one and one-half inches below your navel. This point is the centre of the gravity of the physical body. It is known as the tan tien. It is the one note that holds your body in the physical manifestation. The hara line and tan tien are usually gold. In this exercise, you will make the tan tien red.

Section One : The Hara Line Stand with your feet around about three feet apart, and bend your knees deeply, as shown here. Let your feet splay outward so that you do not twist your knees. Align your spine. Then pick up a piece of hair that is directly on the top of your head. Pull it so that you can feel the very centre top of your crown. Now pretend that you are hanging from this piece of hair. This will align your body on a plumb line with the earth.

Then place the very tips of the fingers of both hands into the tan tien, as shown here. Keep your fingers together. Feel the tan tien within your body, and make it hot. Make it red hot. If you connect to it, soon your whole body will be warm. If your body does not get warm you have not connected to it. Try again. Practice till you succeed. Once you have succeeded, move your awareness to the molten core of the earth.

Now place your hands in a triangle position, with your finger tips pointing down into the earth directly in front of the tan tien. Just like in the image here. Feel the connection between the earth's core and your tan tien. Now you will really feel the heat, burning heat, so much that you will start sweating. You may even hear a sound similar to that the one martial artists use as a cry when they are about to strike. If your Higher Sense Perception is open, you will be able to see the red colour in your tan tien. You will also see a laser line of light connecting the tan tien with the molten core of the earth. This is called the hara laser line. If you don't see it, imagine it. You don't have to see it to make it work.

Now place the fingertips of your right hand into the tan tien, and point the left palm to the right side of your body with the fingers down. Hold the left hand directly in front of the tan tien, as in the image here. Hold this configuration until you are stable.

Then bring your awareness to your upper chest area, about three inches below the hollow in your throat and again on the midline of your body. Here is a sphere of diffuse light known as the soul seat. This light carries the song of your soul, your unique note that you bring to the universal symphony. It carries longing that leads you through life to accomplish your soul's purpose for your life. Place the fingertips of both hands into the soul seat in the upper chest, as you did before in the tan tien. When you connect to it, it may feel like a balloon is being blown up inside your chest. It may feel very safe and sweet there. Feel that sweet sacred longing as it rests within you. It may remain nameless, but you can still feel it. It looks like diffuse light around a candle, but it is purple-blue in colour. Expand the purple-blue light in your chest. Next place the fingertips of the right hand into the soul seat and the fingertips of the left hand pointed down to the earth, over the tan tien. The flat open palm of the left hand faces the right side of your own body. Feel the hara line running directly down from the soul seat through your tan tien and down into the centre of the earth. When you can feel this very strongly, move on to the next step.

Leaving your left hand where it is, raise the fingers of the right hand over your head. Let the middle finger of your right hand point up to the ID point, three and one-half feet above your head. Feel the hara line, which extends from the soul seat up through your head to the small upside down funnel opening of the ID point. This small opening is really a small vortex, its open end facing downward. It is the hardest to feel. Try it. It may take some time. This vortex represents the first point of individuation out of the godhead, or is-ness. It represents the first point of individuation from the oneness of god. When you are able to get the hara line through the ID point, it suddenly disappears into formlessness. When it goes through the funnel, it may make an HSP sound like a cork coming out of a bottle. You will instantly feel the difference, because as soon as you connect it, you will have thousands of times more power. Suddenly everything will get quiet inside, and you will feel like a bridge of power. You have aligned your hara line.

Wait for several minutes until the hara line is stable. Then lower your right hand, with fingers pointed up and palm to the left side of your body, so that it is over your soul seat. That will be more comfortable for you. Keep the left hand pointed down, palm to the right side of your body, held over the tan tien. Feel the hara line and the three points. Make it straight with your intention. Intend for it to be straight, bright, and strong. Keep your intention until you feel it get straight bright and strong. Straighten your body again so that it is as if you were hanging from a hair on the middle top of your head. Tuck your buttocks under a bit, and deeply bend your knees, keeping your feet three feet apart and splayed out a bit to protect your knees. As you bend your knees they should come down directly over your feet. Check to see, feel, and hear if the points are strong, firm, and charged. If there is weakness in any area, note which area it is. This is an area that needs healing work. Concentrate on it longer. Align the hara line and enhance the points the best you can.

Section Two : Rising The Earth Star Now just below the earth there is a chakra known as the earth star. It is this earth star that grounds you to the earth and the physical plain of your existence. When you run the hara line down into the earth you would have passed the laser line through the earth star. See and feel the hara line passing through the earth star for a couple of minutes and be at one with the earth. Then in your own time draw the hara line out of the molten core of the earth and bring it up to the earth star and ground it into the earth star. Feel this connection with the earth star and focus on the grounding for a couple of minutes. Warning At this time you are not to focus on the abilities of the wingmaker, during the rest of this technique stay focused on the matter at hand.

Then in your own time focus your mind on drawing the hara line and earth star out of the earth like in the image here. Take it slowly as your earth star leaves the earth as your physical body may become unstable. This is normal when you unground from the earth and you must get used to this sensation. If the sensation gets to over overwhelming, drop the hara line and earth star back down into the earth. I would suggest when you are ready to use this technique with levitation first. Do not use any of the travel techniques while you are studying the hara line development.

As the earth star rises slowly draw it up to a point just below the base chakra like in the image here and hold it there as long as you can. Then in your own time drop the hara line and earth star back down into the earth. As the earth star enters the earth, your body will stabilise. Feel this connection with the earth; make sure you are grounded correctly with the earth. Be at one with the earth.

Physical Body Technique Step One I want you to stand in the middle of the room and close your eyes. Step Two Then in your own time visualise the hara line running through your physical body from the higher point just above your head down through the crown chakra passing through the sixth and fifth chakra's into the soul seat down through the lower chakra's and the ten tien and out through the base chakra and down into the earth star and down in to the earths core. Feel and see the physical body grounding with the earth and see the tan tien changing from a reddish brown colour to a reddish colour like the earths core and feel this connection with the earth. Step Three Now I want you to focus on the point just above your head and draw energy from the earth and push that energy through the hara line and make sure it passes through the higher chakra's of the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Chakra's. The 12 chakra is our link with the grand porthole network or as it is known the elliptical time line ground the top end of the hara line into the elliptical time line and feel that connection. Make sure you are linked correctly with the time line.

Warning At this time you are not to focus on the abilities of the wingmaker during the rest of this technique stay focused on the matter at hand. Step Four Then focus your attention on the earth star six inch below the surface of the earth this is the link that grounds us to the earth plain and the physical plain of existence and in your own time draw your connection with the earth out of the earth and draw the earth star up out the earth with the hara line to a point just below the base chakra and hold it there. Notice Notice ever sensation in your body and as you stabilise your energy system hold it there for a moment. Step Five Now in your own time drop the hara line and the earth star back down into the earth and reconnect both the earth star and the hara line back into the earth and feel this connection with the earth. Make sure you are linked correctly with the physical and earth plains and as you stabilise again notice every sensation in your physical body. when you are stabilised open your eyes. Note Write down every little detail of your observations during this technique and if you wish post your finding under the section Hara line Tech on the message board and we will develop this technology together as a group. Because this technology benefits each and every one of as a whole. see the tan tien changing from a reddish brown colour to a reddish colour like the earths core and feel this connection with the earth. Step Five Now focus your mind on teleporting to a destination of your choice. Step Six Now as we spin the core star i want you to stay focused on the hara line and this connection with the earth and in your own time spin the core star as you've done a thousand times before and this time pay attention. Step Seven Then see your visual body teleporting to that destination and when you arrive at the destination return the visual body to normal and as you do focus on the hara line once again. Step Eight Then see your visual body and spin the core star once again and teleporting back to the point just in front of your physical body and return the visual body back to normal once again. And in your own time open your eyes. Note Now if you've done this technique you'll see what was missing when I tried teleporting in 1986. Write down every little detail of your observations during this technique and if you wish post your finding under the section Hara line Tech on the message board and we will Develop this technology together as a group. Because this technology benefits each and every one of us as a whole. Remember Master the visual technique before moving on to the physical technique it is important that you know the visual technique inside out before moving on.

Levitation Levitation is the ability to rise ones self from the ground using the ability of the human body and mind in the past we have blended energy with objects in the visual sense this time we will try to bring this sense into physical being through the sensations of the human body and mind. Your question here is how? The human mind registers all sensation that we encounter in our daily lives this is also true in the spiritual and metaphysical worlds as well even if we are not aware of it at the time. This technique here may sound silly but there is a method to my madness as you will understand in time. This first technique is in the ability of rising and one that is easy to learn with little effort need. sounds simple doesn't it! what you're about to learn is the first step in physical levitation notice every sensation and take notes on all sensations that you encounter with this technique your thoughts and sensations will serve you well in this exercise. Technique In Rising Physical Technique Here you will need a quite space to focus and a doorway. Step One The first thing to do is position your body in the centre of the door way and relax your arms by your side and take a deep breath in and relax. Step Two Now place your knuckles into the sides of the door frame and in your own time try forcing your arms to rising by pushing your hands out to your side with all your strength and hold it for a minute or two. remember don't worry if you get pain in your arms it is normal,

Step Three Now in your own time making sure the path in front of you is clear of any obstruction relax your arms and walk out of the doorway and make sure your arms are relaxed it is important that you do so here. Step Four Notice every sensation and write them down for future reference if you've learnt the object of this lesson you will understand what i mean by technique in rising.

Physical Levitation In 1986 I came across a book on levitation after reading this book I decided to make a program on levitation the way i done this was by making an audio tape thirty minutes long repeating the instructions four times each and playing the tape while I was sleeping this technique while affective was the wrong way to go. see I had performed levitation while using the tape while in a dream state i was not aware at the time that the sensation of rising would awaken me from this state at first i was ok with the sensation I raised my body from the ground far enough that I could touch the very tips of my fingers on the surface below. Then I decided to lower my body down making sure i kept my hands behind me so I could feel the surface below at this point things were going well so I decided to rise again this time rising higher then the first time tilting my hands this time i could not feel the surface below so with this in mind I drop my arm down and still no surface at this point reality kicked in big time and I freaked out this in turn caused me to drop suddenly from mid air and hit the surface quite hard. That is why I have told you this story even though i had done it. It was not clear in detail how i had done it I had learnt during the

exercise that what goes up will come down if you are not properly trained in levitation and the technique above is the technique i used all those years ago to get familiar with the sensation of levitation. The other great lesson I learned was that i was not ready for levitation. I have not made this statement to scare you in any way I believe that what I felt as I took that deep breath in and the body raised to be one of the greatest sensations that I have felt and is well worth the wait if your have faith in your ability. the book on levitation stated that at the centre of each chakra there was a jewel or well of energy this was known to me at this time as wells of prana energy this was not the case what i was releasing was in fact kundalini energy into the chakras as we all know kundalini raises in the body through the spinal column and it is kundalini that is the energy of levitation. It has taken me 18 years to learn that one here we will learn about the structure of the chakras and kundalini in general before moving on with Levitation. one other thing I will say I was 15 years old when I first tried levitation I can now see the I didn't take levitation seriously and didn't have much respect for levitation. But with age comes wisdom so listen to the voice of wisdom and learn, you want get this technique right off the bat you need to build your kundalini energy up this can be done through yoga and meditation, And of course visual techniques. Levitation Physical body For preparation find a quiet place and a soft surface and lay down. Step One Now in your own time close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths feel the chest rise and fall and relax. Step two Then visualise the base chakra. At the base of chakra there is a well of energy this well is know as the jewel of the lotus within the jewel there is a light golden energy. Visualise that this golden energy is trickling out of the jewel and spreading out into the chakra. As the chakra spins see the chakra becoming golden in colour with its light radiant energy. Feel that energy. Step Three Now focus on the second chakra and do the same, see the jewel at the centre and see this radiant energy trickling out into the 2nd chakra fill it with its radiant energy. Step Four Then move on to the 3rd chakra and do the same for this chakra and the other chakras till all seven chakra are filled with the radiant Golden wheels of Kundalini energy and feel how light this energy feels in your body. Step Five Now once you have reached the seventh chakra see the seven chakras and feel this light golden energy continually flowing into the chakras till it starts to over flow into the physical body do this for around about ten minutes. Step six Now before we go any further place your hands underneath you resting behind your buttocks like in the image below.

Step Seven Now as the golden energy begins to flow out into the physical body see the energy spreading through you entire body feel how light your body feels as the golden energy blends with your body and relax.

Step Eight Then in your own time take a slow deep breath in and as you breath in feel your body getting lighter and as you breath out release more energy into your body till your whole being is covered in this golden light do this a couple of times. Step Nine After a couple of minutes when your physical body is feeling very light in weight take along deep breath in and hold it and feel your body rising up of the ground about ten centimetres if you need to, use your hand to help you push off like in the image below.

Step Ten Now if you have done this right drop your hands down and touch the surface below. If you can not feel the surface of the ground don't worry just release a small amount of air from your lungs till the tips of your fingers touch the surface and hold it there. Step Eleven Then in your own time release the air from your lungs slowly and bring your body back down with the breath till your resting on the hands and if you want take another breath in and rise and return to the surface on the out breath. Take Note If you rise to high don't freak out just release a small amount of air from your lungs to lower your body again. Helpful hints for this technique If it helps visualise that you are in a meadow and there is a cloud just above you and bring that cloud down over your body and see your physical body as the cloud and see the cloud rise on the in breath and lower the cloud on the out breath. Step Twelve Now relax and feel at one with all things and in your own time open your eyes and well done. Remember If you don't rise right from the word go don't worry I never got it first time and if you practice you will get there in time remember this is not a race safety comes first so be careful. You can also do this technique in the lotus or half lotus position as well and if it makes it easier put this technique on a audio tape so you can play it back while your doing this technique. Warning I would suggest you ask your spiritual guide about this technique if you have any doubts before moving into this technique if something does go wrong it can be very frightening. I would also like to suggest if you’re interested in learning Levitation you look at kundalini yoga and study it. It will only benefit you in doing so and I say this because that is where I’m at now and this is what I am doing. I have placed links and books on the yoga for life page.

Source Encoding & Chakra Imprinting The Physical Body

Introduction As we all know the chakra system is the key to energy flowing into and out of the physical body and it is through the chakra system that all sensations of our physical and spiritual being are stored. But the auric field and the chakra system are so much more then just a library of our spiritual and physical being, it is here that we find our super natural abilities. See, the chakra system is also the store house for abilities like teleportation, levitation, travelling beyond both time and space. The question here is how do we acquire these abilities? Most of us flash the abilities while training in the new age but are they truly open to us? In meditation we can utilise these abilities in the physical body by stilling the mind, but is this our true potential at work? There is so much to know about these abilities but do we really know these mystical abilities? To give you an example have you ever noticed while trying telekinesis that energy moves down through the crown chakra? The ability is ours. Even the most advanced telepath using telekinesis knows they draw from telekinetic energy, but what if there was so much more to this ability then we see at this time? This is where evolution kicks in. Source encoding and imprinting is the ability to manifest the outer within the physical body. For years I have known that going by the old ways we could open up to the ability of telekinesis, but it was only mine to a small degree. In the old ways they say that the 12th chakra must start to open for the manifestation of ability. This is true and I do agree, but as a race are we truly aware of the true potential of the 12th chakra? Because what I'm about to state here is that our 12th chakra is so much more than just a point to the divine energy of the network of higher energy system of the prime creator. It is in fact the network of the grand porthole and we are only the bridge to when the 12th chakra beings are to open that. We manifest but still it is the outer, moving in, that moves us through time and space. Chakra Imprinting Chakras contain blue prints of our very being stored in the layers of the auric field. Chakra imprinting is the ability of imprinting the chakra system into the physical body. This is done by source encoding the chakra imprint with our source energy, that of the kundalini energy of the spiral column. See, the chakras feed directly into the core of the spinal cord and it is the kundalini that is the manifestation point of our very being, so it is here that we take the very first steps in the evolutionary technique of imprinting. The one other thing I will say here is that this technique is to be done one step at a time. What I mean by this is you only do one chakra at a time. Start with the lowest point, the base chakra, and you will need a good flow of kundalini for the manifestation process. So make sure you align and open the chakras first. Source Codes Source Codes are embedded "activators" that are present within the entity consciousness. They serve the specific purpose of awakening the human instrument to the multidimensionality of the entity and the liberating information that is stored within the energy consciousness. Source Codes are somewhat analogous to the genetic coding of chakras and DNA to the extent that Source Codes activate specific blueprints of transformation that accelerate and facilitate the expansion of consciousness. In effect, Source Codes catalyse the awakening of the human instrument and encourage it to make the quantum leap from a socialised human to a sovereign entity that is aware of its connection to the All That Is. How is kundalini awakened through mantra yoga? In mantra yoga the student is initiated by means of a mantra. If the kundalini is to be awakened by means of this yoga then it is essential that the guru gives consciousness or "chaitanya'' to the mantra. This consciousness can be viewed as the cit-shakti-kundalini. Through repetition of the mantra the cit-shakti-kundalini of the mantra resonates with the cit-shakti-kundalini of the student, and in this way the student's kundalini is awakened. The reader may have noticed that there doesn't seem to be a great deal of effort applied in this approach.

This is true and in many ways this approach is more akin to Siddha Mahayoga in which the guru can use sound or "shabda'' as the instrument of initiation

Source Encoding & Chakra Imprinting

Physical Technique For preparation, find a quiet place and a soft surface and lay down. Step One Now in your own time, close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Feel the chest rise and fall, and relax. Step two Then visualise the base chakra. At the base of this chakra, there is a well of energy. This well is known as the jewel of the lotus. Within the jewel there is a light golden energy. Visualise that this golden energy is trickling out of the jewel and spreading out into the chakra. As the chakra spins, see the chakra becoming golden in colour with its light radiant energy. Feel that energy. Step Three Now as the chakra spins, see the golden energy of the kundalini blending with the skills and abilities of the base chakra and the genetic source code of the base chakra, and feel the blending process. Step Four Now as the kundalini energy trickles out of the top of the chakra, instruct the kundalini energy to imprint the genetic code of this chakra into the physical and to create the energy channels for the abilities of the chakra. Then release that energy into your physical body and as you feel the warm tingling sensation of that part of the body be thankful to the kundalini for its gift. Remember Energy has consciousness as well, so be mindful of your thoughts while doing the imprinting technique. This technique can be done on the other chakras but I suggest you start with the first and move on, but leave at least 30 days between the imprinting process before moving on. You should never imprint more than one in that time period. Then is your own time open your eyes and take your time before getting up. Take note Work through from the first chakra to the eleventh chakra in this way. With the twelfth chakra you also do the imprinting process, but you also need to instruct the kundalini energy to ground into the grand porthole network of the prime creator.

Opening Of Wings

Introduction The term Wingmaker comes from the opening of wings technique. In this section we will discuss the matter of wings and the role of the Wingmaker. Because a lot of the world today think that the Wingmaker is just a future race of time traveller which is true but that is not the case. The Wingmaker that awaits within all of us is present in today's world

and we are here for one reason And that is to serve the prime creator and to teach the ways of the Wingmaker. But first the term Wingmaker has one true meaning to me and that is, the maker of wings. As we know to each chakra there is a front side of the chakra and a reverse side. With the opening of wings we mainly focus on the reverse side of the thymus chakra positioned between the heart chakra and throat chakra Lesson One I'm going to ask you one question. Ok Question One: Have you ever noticed a tingle in the middle of your shoulder blades when you make the right decision in life? If you have answered that question with a yes then this exercise is for you have fun. Opening Of Wings Visual Exercise Step One First I want you to get comfortable and relax. Step Two Next I want you to close your eyes and visualize that you are standing at the edge of a very high cliff face. Step Three Next look over the edge of the cliff face and I want you to notice how far down the drop is. As you are looking over the cliff face you hear a sound behind you I want you to turn around. Standing behind you are the seven meridian wingmakers. Step Four Now I want you to ask the Wingmaker that wrote this exercise to come and stand next to you. As you hear him approach you he greets you then he takes your hand. Step Five Now I want you to listen to me. It is the belief of the world today that we must die to get our wings. Well what I’m saying to you is this is not true you already have your wings. Step Six I want you to visualize that you have beautiful white wings exiting the upper part of your back between you shoulder blades. Step Seven Now I want you to walk with me over the edge of the cliff face. But at the same time I want you to remember that this is a visual exercise you are safe. Step Eight As you walk over the edge of the cliff face I want you to see and feel those wings expanding out so that they hold you up in mid air.

Step Nine Now I say to you this is where it begins well-done end of exercise my friend. You may now open your eyes. WELL DONE Remember A Wingmaker never thinks about falling off the cliff face because the Wingmaker has faith in his wings remember that always.

Opening Of Wings

Physical Technique Now, I want you imagine the thymus chakra at the base of the thymus chakra on the reverse side like on the front side of the chakra there is a small jewel this is the jewel of the lotus behind the jewel is the opening to the central channel (“Sushumna Nadi” in Sanskrit) is also called the Middle Path. It begins at the place where the Kundalini resides at the base chakra and passes straight up the spine to the highest charka (the 7th or Sahasrara Chakra). I want you to visualize the there is a light golden energy flowing out of jewel on the reverse side of the chakra positioned on the back between the shoulder blades this light golden energy is that of kundalini. As it spirals out into the chakra see the chakra becoming golden in colour. You can feel warmth and energy emanating from this chakra? In your own time see that golden light energy expanding. As it expands you can feel the warmth of the energy spreading. It feels beautiful, like warm champagne flowing over your skin, bubbling and tingling. The energy flows over your shoulder and down both your left and right side about one arms length. See the energy forming into two beautiful wings. See these two beautiful wings expanding and filling out by your left and right side. Then in your own time spread your wings as far as your can feel the sensation of the action within your physical body. After a short time bring your wings back in and place them around your body like you would a blanket. Feel the warmth of your wings. Then in your own time, return your wings to their original position behind you and open your eyes.

There is no fear underneath where the soul flies

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