Egypt, Sumerian and Indus pictographs depicted on Dilmun and Failaka seals

Number 12 By email Mahmood Hasan send me some pictures of Dilmun seals so I could examine them. This intricate seal is one of them and in this article I'll give the results of my research on it. Egypt, Sumerian and Indus pictographs depicted on Dilmun and Failaka seals Some pictographs depicted on a number of seals demonstrated that Dilmun and Failaka had connections with Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus valley. As an introduction to these seals I start with the next imprint of a Syrian cylinder seal. Number 1 On this unique imprint a winged goddess holds two children upside down symbolizing that she carries these children down to earth. 1

Transcript of Egypt, Sumerian and Indus pictographs depicted on Dilmun and Failaka seals

Number 12

By email Mahmood Hasan send me some pictures of Dilmun seals so I could examine them. This intricate seal is one of them and in this article I'll give the results of my research on it.

Egypt, Sumerian and Indus pictographs depicted on Dilmun and Failaka seals

Some pictographs depicted on a number of seals demonstrated that Dilmun and Failaka had connections with Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus valley. As an introduction to these seals I start with the next imprint of a Syrian cylinder seal.

Number 1

On this unique imprint a winged goddess holds two children upside down symbolizing that she carries these children down to earth.


She brings them to a man and a woman who are making love beneath her. And thus this imprint may demonstrate that a deity brings a twin to a loving couple and as a result the woman may get pregnant of this twin. So she brings "life" to a couple just like Ningublaga brings life to the people in the next poem:

1-4. "The lord, a furious angry storm against the enemy, ……, strong ……, my lord who brings life to the people, whose own father ……, a great storm, a mighty raring ……, has …… -- the lord whose manliness is impressively strong, ……!"

Name poem: an adab to Ningublaga for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan C) The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

On the next two drawing we see that Egypt gods give life twice: during the creation of a child as well as during his birth: 4.

These drawings of two scenes depicted in the Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, show the creation and birth of Queen Hatshepsut. They clearly demonstrate that ankhs, symbolizing life, are given twice: during the creation of Queen Hatshepsutas and during her birth:

⦁ On the left the wind god Amun goes to queen Ahmose in the form of pharaoh Thutmose I and awakens her with pleasant odours. At this point Amun places life symbolized by an ankh to Ahmose's nose, and Hatshepsut is conceived by Ahmose.”

⦁ On the right queen Ahmose gives birth to Hatshepsut. In front of them a midwife is kneeling while three other deities give ankhs to Ahmose as well as to Hatshepsut.


Number 2

On this Failaka seal a winged deity holds two children, which symbolizes that he brings life of a child down to earth:

⦁ He has two wings which symbolizes that he brings life to a man and a woman who create a child in the constellation Wings, which indicates June:

In Egypt the constellations Corvus and Crater were usually known as the constellation “The Wings”(tm3t).

Published: h ttp://

⦁ The bull below symbolizes that this winged deity also brings life to a mother when she gives birth to this child in the constellation Taurus, which indicates March.

All in all this seal demonstrates that life is given to a child at the moment he is created in June and at the moment he is born in March.

Number 3

On this imprint a double headed eagle and two children symbolize that Ashur, the Assyrian god of the sky, gives life to a child when he is created and when he is born:

⦁ Ashur is depicted as an eagle as he brings life to a man and a woman who create a child in the constellation Wings, which indicates June.

⦁ Together the two children symbolize that Ashur brings life to a woman who gives birth to the same child in the constellation Gemini, which indicates April.


Number 4

On this imprint a nude deity holds a monkey symbolizing that he causes a child to be born, as the word monkey means "to give birth:"

The word for monkey is ugu4-bi, which means 'to give birth' + inanimate demonstrative ["Inanimate are things and animals." Thomsen, p. 49]. It can be translated as "to give birth."

⦁ The fowl symbolizes that he causes creation of this child in the constellation Wings. Being created in Wings the owner of the seal may call himself a bird, just like Lipit-Eštar called himself a Anzud bird:

"I am a gaping dragon, a source of great awe for the soldiers. I am like the Anzud bird, peering about in the heart of the mountains. I am a wild bull whom nobody dare oppose in its anger. I am a bison, sparkling with beautiful eyes, having a lapis-lazuli beard; I am ……. With my kind eyes and friendly mouth, I lift people's spirits. I have a most impressive figure, lavishly endowed with beauty. I have lips appropriate for all words. As I lift my arms, I have beautiful fingers. I am a very handsome young man, fine to admire."

Name poem: A praise poem of Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar A): c. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

⦁ The antelope may indicate that this child is born in March/April as in Sumerian writings Ninurta is the only god who is called "Antelope."

"But you will force it into the shackles of the gods. You, Antelope of Heaven, must trample the mountains beneath your hooves, Ninurta, lord, son of Enlil."

Name poem: A praise poem of Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar A): c. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

According to the next table the storm god Bel is the presiding deity of March/April. However cylinder seals show that similar gods like Ninurta, Ninĝirsu and Adad are the presiding deities of March/April too.


This means that the antelope may indicate that the child is born in March-April when Ninurta, depicted as an antelope, is the presiding deity.

Number 5

On this imprint a nude deity holds a snake symbolizing that he brings life to a man and a woman who create a child in the constellation Hydra, which indicates June.Being created in Hydra the child may call himself a "snake" just like Šulgi does in one of his praise poems:

"I am a shepherd who, apart from being one who always makes the right decisions on what he has sworn, is also fully able to re-establish …… in the Land and to …… forcefully the house of the rebel lands; who grasps hold of the righteous as if they were great bulls, and who darts (?) out his tongue at the wicked like a snake in a terrifying place."

Name poem: A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi C): c. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

The crescent/sun disk standard indicates that the marriage of man and woman and the creation of the child happened at new moon.


On the right of this imprint a nude deity holds a monkey symbolizing that he causes the birth of same child, as the word monkey means "to give birth." The bull below symbolizes that this this child is born in the constellation Taurus, which indicates March.

Number 6

On this imprint a naked deity carries a snake and a bull symbolizing that he brings life to the parents of a child in the constellations Hydra and Taurus.

⦁ This deity carries a snake which symbolizes that he brings life to a man and a woman who create a child in the constellation Hydra, which indicates June.

⦁ He also carries a bull while he walks on another bull at the same time. This may demonstrate that in Taurus this deity brings life from Taurus to the woman who gives birth to her child.

So at the moment the owner of the seal is born in Taurus he gets life from Taurus which means that he himself is a "Taurus:" he is a bull and he may call himself “a wild bull” just like Sulgi does in a praise poem:

“I am the king, a wild bull of acknowledged strength, a lion with wide-open jaws! I am Sulgi, a wild bull of acknowledged strength, a lion with wide-open jaws! I am a great storm let loose from heaven, sending its splendour far and wide! I am good stock, with brindled body, engendered by a breed-bull! I am a king born from a cow, resting amid butter and milk! I am the calf of a thick-necked white cow, reared in the cow-pen!”

Name poem: A praise poem of Šulgi ( Šulgi C): c. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


Number 8

On this seal a deity brings life to the earth in June and March.

This character symbolizes "the end of the wind:"

Which means that it indicates June, as in June the rain winds stop blowing,

as we see on this table.


And the hot sun starts dominating until September.

Desert Dust in the Global SystemBy Andrew Goudie, Nicholas J. Middleton

The maximum dust storm activity stops in July.

And thus the character "the end of the wind" indicate that a deity brings life to a man and a women who create a child in June when the rainy winds stop blowing.

And the two rams indicate that this deity also brings life to the woman who gives birth to this child:

⦁ In the constelation Aries indicating February/March,⦁ Or in the Indus nakshatra Krittika (Pleiades, which is symbolized by goats or

rams), which indicates March.

On the tripod silver vase of Enmetena (ca. 2418 – 2391 BC) we see that Enlil gives life to two children: to Ninĝirsu as well as to Enmetena.


Number 7

In the lower register Enlil brings down two lions, which symbolizes that he gives life to both Ninĝirsu and Enmetena at the moment they are created in the constellation Leo.He also brings down a ram and a stag, which symbolizes that he gives life to Ninĝirsu as well as to Enmetena at the moment they are born in the Sumerian constellation "LU.LIM = lulimu: "The Stag"; (Andromeda) and in the Greek constellation Aries.And thus gods cause single persons as well as twins to be created and born.

Number 9

On this seal a naked deity holds two bulls, each standing a top a chequered square.This scene symbolizes that a deity brings life to the parents of a twin in June and in March.The two chequered squares scene symbolizes that this deity brings a twin to a man and a woman who are making love in June, when the rainy winds stop blowing. And the two bulls symbolize that this deity also brings the same twin to a woman who gives birth to them in the constellation Taurus, which indicates March.


Chequered rectangles are also depicted on Indus seals and here they represent a token, namely a "bed."


This token of course looks like the next bed base.

In the Indus Valley beds symbolize three nakshatras and "Uttara Phalgunī" is one of them:


Uttara Phalgunī is symbolized by the four legs of bed as well as by a hammock.See:

These four legs of course enclose a whole bed and the point is that just like the token "the end of the winds" this nakshatra indicates June.

"Uttara Phalguni is comprised of two stars in the constellation of Leo: Denebola (Beta-Leonis), a bright star, and 93-Leonis, a very faint star."


"Nakshatra is the term for lunar mansion in Hindu astrology. A nakshatra is one of 28 (sometimes also 27) sectors along the ecliptic. Their names are related to the most prominent asterisms in the respective sectors.The starting point for the nakshatras is the point on the ecliptic directly opposite to the star Spica called Chitrā in Sanskrit (other slightly different definitions exist). It is called Meshādi or the "start of Aries".[citation needed] The ecliptic is divided into each of the nakshatras eastwards starting from this point. The number of nakshatras reflects the number of days in a sidereal month (modern value: 27.32 days), the width of a nakshatra traversed by the Moon in about one day. Each nakshatra is further subdivided into four quarters (or padas)."



Number 10

This stamp seal show that both a man and his sister are created in June and born in March.

On the left a snake and a bull man may indicate that the naked boy, who is depicted in the middle, is created in Hydra and born in Taurus.

On he right a snake and a bull man may indicate that a naked girl is also created in Hydra and born in Taurus.

In this scene two birds represent the Egyp constellation Wings indicating that these two children are created in June.The square represents the token "the end of the winds," or "a bed," which indicates June too.


In this scene two monkeys symbolize that the two children are born, as the Sumerian word monkey means "to give birth." The triangle on top symbolizes a vulva which indicates childbirth too:

“Sumerian Jaritz #919 means ‘woman, wife’, and pictures an inverted triangle representing

the vulvae; one of its readings is gimu (for *gךm ) .This word can be seen in PIE *g^em(e)- (from **gyemי-), ‘marry’ (i.e. ‘take to

wife’). PROTO-LANGUAGE MONOSYLLABLES with their principal meanings by Patrick C. Ryan

And the Omega symbolizes birth as well:"There are four symbols that stand out as the oldest symbols of man. These symbols have been with man from the very beginning. They were NOT venerated or worshiped as a religious iconic symbol, but had a significant meaning to many. The 1st was the Omega Sign, which originated in Sumeria. The second was the Swastika, which originated in Sumeria and the Indus River valley. The third symbol was the Egyptian Ankh symbol, which was the sole symbol of the Nile Valley. The fourth was the sign of the Crescent Moon and the star of Venus which appeared in Babylon."


The triangle/womb was also known in the Indus valley and the Omega was known in both Egypt and the Indus valley.

Number 11

The Egyptians could transform the omega symbol into the hair dress of thecow goddess Hathor.All in all the above seal appears to be a "Rosetta" seal as Egyptians, Mesopotamians as well as people from the Indus valley were able to "read" it.


Number 12

And here is the result of my research on the seal send by Mahmood Hasan:

This deity may be seated on the nakshatra Maghā which indicates June.Maghā, a star of Leo, is symbolized by a throne:

10; 15 MaghāMagha — the Star of Power;Range: 00°00' — 13°20' LeoSymbol: throneDeity: PitrisMode of Functioning: ActiveCaste: ShudraGender: FemaleBody parts: Nose, Lips and ChinHumor (Ayurvedic Constitution): KaphaDirection: east, south, northwest and southwestGuna (Essence): TamasTattwa (Element): WaterGana (Type): Rakshasa (demonic)


Orientation: DownwardDisposition: Ugra (fierce or aggressive)Ruling Planet: KetuSounds: Ma, Mi, MeAnimal symbol: RatPrimary Motivation: ArthaEnemy: Revati


The two birds may represent the Egypt constellation Wings which indicates June too. The seated deity as well as the two birds may indicate that a prince and a god and a goddess are created in June.

Then we see a Y-sign with three wombs at the end. The three wombs symbolize that three children are born. The wombs are connected by this Y-sign which may symbolize that the children are engendered by the same source, which means that they all are akin.

The womb and the bull may symbolize that a human is born in the constellation Taurus.

The goddess, the womb and the ewe may symbolize that a goddess like Ĝe tin-ana, is born in Krittika (a star of Taurus.) Krittika is symbolized by a sheep or a goat. The gender of this nakshatra is female:


Krittika — The nurse of KarthikeyaRange: 26°40' Aries — 10°00' TaurusSymbol: axe, razor, blade, knife, flame, peacockDeity: Karttikeya, Agni (God of fire)Mode of Functioning: ActiveCaste: priestly or brahminicalGender: FemaleBody parts: hips, loins and the crown of the headHumor (Ayurvedic Constitution): KaphaDirection: the arc covering the directions from east, south-east to southGuna (Essence): RajasTattwa (Element): EarthGana (Type): Rakshasa (demonic)Orientation: DownwardDisposition: Mixed (alternates between sharp and soft)Ruling Planet: SunSounds: A, Ee, Oo, AyAnimal symbol: Sheep or GoatPrimary Motivation: KamaEnemy: Vishakha


A naked boy holding a crescent/sun disk standard, and a womb symbolize that the god of the new moon is new-born in New Year: The naked boy may represent the moon god Suen who is new-born in New Year as we read in “The building of Ninĝirsu's temple (Gudea, cylinders A and B): c.2.1.7:”

“The year ended and the month was completed. A new year started, a month began and three days elapsed in that month. As Ninĝirsu arrived from Eridug, beautiful moonlight shone illuminating the Land, and the E-ninnu competed with the new-born Suen.”

Rohini is another nakshatra of Taurus and its ruling planet is the moon:

4; 9 Rohini — the Star of Ascent.Range: 10°00' — 23°20' TaurusSymbol: ox-cart pulled by two oxenDeity: Brahma (The Creator)


Mode of Functioning: BalancedCaste: ShudraGender: FemaleBody parts: forehead, ankles, shins and calves of the legsHumor (Ayurvedic Constitution): Kapha (watery)Direction: south, south-east and north-westGuna (Essence): RajasTattwa (Element): EarthGana (Type): Manusha (human)Orientation: UpwardDisposition: Dhruva (fixed or permanent)Ruling Planet: MoonSounds: O, Va, Vi, VuAnimal symbol: CobraPrimary Motivation: MokshaEnemy: Swati


And thus this seal may tell us that a prince is created and born together with a sisterlike Ĝe tin-ana, who is the sister of Šulgi:

"Since I am also pleasure-loving and a devotee of singing, I can perform tigi, adab and great malgatum compositions. When fixing the frets of the great lutes, I know how to raise and lower them. I am adept enough to play perfectly all the seven instruments. …… balbale on the flute; …… their divergent strings; …… the sa-e instrument …… (4 lines fragmentary or unclear) a performing musician …… (1 line unclear) I also have a solidly based knowledge of ……. …… praying in a melodious voice, capering joyfully to the sound of the holy balaĝ drum (1 line unclear) …… in song, for my sister Ĝe tin-ana, my own mother Ninsumun …… in wisdom …… "

Name poem: A praise poem of Šulgi ( Šulgi E): c. Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

"Ngeshtin-ana is a minor goddess in Sumerian mythology, the so-called "heavenly grape-vine". "After her death, she became the goddess of wine and cold seasons. She is a divine poet and interpreter of dreams."


And with his brother, the newly-born moon god Suen. He may call Suen his brother just like Šulgi can call the sun god Utu his brother:

"I drank beer in the palace founded by An with my brother and companion, the hero Utu. My singers praised me with songs accompanied by seven tigi drums. My spouse, the maiden Inana, the lady, the joy of heaven and earth, sat with me at the banquet."

Name poem: A praise poem of Šulgi ( Šulgi A): c. Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


And thus pictographs depicted on a number of seals tell us that Dilmun and Failaka had connections with Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus valley.

Tom van Bakel Sint Pancras Nederland Email: [email protected]

See also:

Number 1A. 932. Vers deux lions dressés, dont les pattes antérieures sont opposées deux à deux, s'avancent, de profil à gauche, quatre personnages semblables: ils sont vêtus d'un châle orné d'une bande horizontale. Entre les pattes des lions, tige de plante renversée.Au-dessous, formant comme un second registre, deux gazelles tuées sont étendues. Sujet disposé entre deux traits horizontaux.Terre brûlée.—29 x 15mm.—Inv. : N 8391 [3348](Acquisavant 1848).Planche 97, fig. 22.Décrit par Longpérier,NoticedesAntiquitésassyriennes,lre édit. (1849),n° 47 b ; 3eédit. (1854),nO464.Published: CATALOGUE DES CYLINDRES ORIENTAUX CACHETS ET PIERRES GRAVֹES DU MUSֹE DU LOUVRE.Number 2SEALS OF "DILMUN-TYPE" FROM FAILAKA, KUWAITPublished:

Number 3SyriaHematite13 x 6,5A naked figure half kneels on each side of a double headed eadgle.Ca.1850-1720 BC. Published: Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals from the Marcopoli Collection by Beatrice Teissier. no 551 Number 4230. Var. III; steatite, blueish-grey; 24 x 11,5.A standing, nude man holding a monkey hanging with both hands around his neck.Below an antelope with its head twisted, and a fowl standing on its neck.In the field top, a crescent.Technique: Compass drilling.Location: F3, trench D, sq. H:4, leven 7.41.(Bibby 1971, p. 191.)Number 5137. Var. III; steatite, glazed; 22 x 11.


A central mounded creascent-standard with a sun-ring in the crescent, on the back of a bull.Two standing nude men confront'e, one on each side of the standard.The one on the left holds a serpent monster towards the standard, the other holds a monkey, hanging from the crescent.Technique: Compass drilling.Location: F5, from moat.Number 6232. Var. III; steatite, grey, glazed; 16 x 8.A running (or half- kneeling) nude man with his arms stretched out towards a serpent.Behind him a rampant gazelle and below him a bull.Technique: Compass drilling.Location: F3, trench E, sq. G:7, leven 5.95.Number 7The seal cylinders of western Asia by William Hayes Ward number 56Number 889 Susa, stamp seal from the Gulf.Teheran Museum, MDAI, 43,No. 1718Bahrain Through The Ages, by Al_KhalifaNumber 9100; Failaka no. 83 impression; a person flanked by two bulls, each standing atop a chequered square Published: Bharatkalyan97.blogspot.comNumber 10Indus writing in ancient Near East (Failaka seal readings)Designs of stamp seals from Al-Khidr are composed of characteristic Early Dilmun stamp seal motifs. This stamp seal depicts human and half-human-half-animal horned figures, monkeys, serpents and birds.Kuwaiti-Slovak Archaeological MuseumPublished: bharatkalyan97.blogspot.jpNumber 11The cow goddess Hathor.Published: 12Mahmood Hasan send me this seal.