Ebola victim Will Pooley

Ebola victim Will Pooley: 'I'm going back to Africa as soon as I'm better in two weeks'

Transcript of Ebola victim Will Pooley

Ebola victim Will Pooley: 'I'm going back to Africa as soon as I'm better in two weeks'

Aug 26, 2014 01:53By Andrew Gregory, Andy Lines

The 29-year-old nurse, being treated for the killer virus in London,is confident he will make a full recovery, telling pals in Sierra Leone: "I'll be better in two weeks."

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Hero: Will Pooley is confident British doctors will be able to help himThe British nurse being treated for the killer Ebola disease has reportedly vowed to return to Africa as soon as he is better.Will Pooley is said to have told friends in Sierra Leone he expects to recover from the deadly virus in two weeks - and is determined toreturn to the West African country to continue caring for those withthe disease.The 29-year-old has, according to The Sun, reassured pals in Africa saying: "Being cared for in Britain means I'll be better in two weeks."I will call to make arrangements."Mr Pooley is convinced doctors at London's Royal Free Hospital will save him, telling a friend in Sierra Leone he was confident he wouldsurvive if he could get back to the UK.The colleague said Pooley - described as a "hero" by the boss of the

charity he was working for - knew of the dangers but bravely insisted he was staying at patients' bedsides after local doctors fled.The colleague said: "Will said he was feeling very ill but he was quite positive about everything."He was feeling very unwell but he told me that he was sure the British doctors would be able to cure him."The 29-year-old health care worker is being treated 24 hours a day in an isolation ward and his family last night said he was receiving"excellent care".His family, led by mum Jackie, spoke of their sheer relief at getting him back to England.And they begged for help for other Ebola victims across the world.In a statement the family said: "We would like to express our thanksto all involved in bringing our son back to the UK.

"We have been astounded by the speed and way which the various international and UK government agencies have worked together to getWill home.


"Will is receiving excellent care at the Royal Free Hospital and we could not ask for him to be in a better place."We would like to thank all our family and friends for their best wishes and ask everyone to remember those in other parts of the world suffering with Ebola who do not have access to the same health-care facilities as Will."Gabriel Madiye, the executive director, of the Shepherd's Hospice, where Pooley cared for non-Ebola patients before moving to a hospital to work with people with the virus, said he was aware of the risks but determined to help.He said: "We consider him a hero.He added: "He was somebody who is sacrificing to provide care in

very difficult circumstances - when our own health workers are running away."And Dr Oliver Johnson, who worked with him on the Ebola ward at the Kenema Government Hospital, said: “For those of us working with Ebola patients in Sierra Leone he stood out as being particularly brave."And really from the beginning he was determined to help in any way he could.”In an interview conducted days before he contracted Ebola but only aired online for the first time today, Pooley spoke of his experience helping patients with the disease.The interview took place earlier this month, before he contracted the disease.Looking happy and relaxed, and wearing a light blue nurse’s tunic, he spoke with pride at helping sufferers with Ebola.“It’s great seeing them walk away after some of them have been in a terrible state,” he said.

“To see them recover and walk out the door, it’s great.”


A group of young volunteers wear special uniforms to put the bodies of people, sterilized after dying due to the Ebola virus, to a car ahead of their burials in Kptema graveyard in Kenema, Sierra Leone on August 24, 2014. People work for 6 dollars per a day in burial and sterilizing works in Kenema where the infection of the virus is mostly seen 

There is no cure for Ebola but with treatment of the symptoms, and proper hydration, patients have a chance of survival.The US manufacturer of ZMapp - an experimental drug given to two American Ebola patients – has said they have run out.But the Department of Health said it was trying to obtain any remaining doses.The Daily Mirror has learned that doctors treating Pooley have not ruled out the use of monoclonal antibody therapies like Zmapp and other lesser well-known alternatives.Pooley, from Eyke, Suffolk, was flown home to the UK by a RAF plane at the weekend.As he was being treated - in a bed costing £25,000 - at the Royal

Free Hospital in London it emerged he had spoken of his life in WestAfrica in a poignant email sent to his mum Jackie.She was so proud of his bravery at helping others she had it published in her local village newsletter.At one village meeting he was confronted with armed guards, singled out by dancing “devils” because of his white skin.And he also sampled the hospitality of the well-heeled locals made rich from the country’s controversial diamond mining industry.In an email printed in Inside Eyke, he described: “After pushing through a crowd outside the house we were ushered inside by police with AK47s.

Sky news

Picture shows man believed to be British ebola victim being transferred to plane inSierra Leone for flight to London 

“The host, rich and influential thanks to diamonds, had his house boys serve us cans of ice-cold, European lager.“The deputy leader of the APC (All People’s Congress) was there, apparently the second most powerful politician in the country.”He told how he was treated to a show from the “devils” - locals in an assortment of costumes, their faces painted or covered with wooden masks.He said: “The devils danced wildly to drums and gourd shakers and drew quite a crowd."As the only white face in the crowd, the devils singled me out for harassment.“In order to escape from under their hay and frock skirts I had to give them small change. It was all in good humour.”But he also revealed the poverty and poor sanitation which blight so

many lives there.He said: “The houses are all mud-sand and palm thatch, the water is from one communal well and, of course, there is no electricity.”


Dr Oliver Johnson 

Mum Jackie said her son had been touched by the tales of “horror” ofthose caught up in the country’s civil war, which ended in 2002.In a testament to her son’s dedication, she wrote: “Above all, though, he finds the people there friendly, funny and hospitable, and is settling into his work, which is to provide home-based palliative care, generally for cancer and Aids sufferers, a facilitywhich would be absent were it not for the hospice.”In other developments yesterday a Liberian doctor who was among three Africans to receive an experimental Ebola drug has died.It comes as a top UN delegation promised more help for countries battling the virulent disease during a visit to Sierra Leone.Dr Abraham Borbor, the deputy chief medical doctor at Liberia’s largest hospital, had received the untested drug ZMapp, after it wasgiven to two Americans.After receiving medical care in the US and receiving ZMapp, the

Americans survived the virus.A Spanish missionary priest infected with Ebola also received the treatment but died.There has been no update given on the two other Liberians who took the last known available doses of ZMapp.Ebola has killed more than 1,400 people across West Africa in the countries of Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Nigeria.A separate Ebola outbreak emerged over the weekend in Congo, though experts say it is not related to the West African epidemic.