EA Y RS OF EXCELLENCE - CSMSS College of Polytechnic


Transcript of EA Y RS OF EXCELLENCE - CSMSS College of Polytechnic

(AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED)


A JOURNEY FROM 2009 - 2014






1)Mrs.M.B.Sakhare (I/C HOD Applied Science Dept. )

2)Mr.V.N.Shahane (I/C HOD Computer Engg. Dept.)

3)Mr.D.S.Lamb (I/C HOD Electronics & Telecom. Engg. Dept.)

4)Mr.A.A.Sonwane (I/C HOD Mechanical Engg. Dept.)

5)Mr.M.D.Narangle (I/C HOD Electrical Engg. Dept.)

6)Mr.A.R.Quazi (I/C HOD Civil Engg. Dept.)

Prof.Ganesh B.Dongre (Principal college of polytechnic)

1. Mr. Kailas B.Tidke (Lecturer in English)

2. Mrs. Sonal R. Borakhade (Lecturer in Computer Engg.)





Hon. Shri Balasaheb Jadhav

Hon. Shri. Madhukarrao Mulay

Hon. Shri. Avinash Jadhav

Hon. Shri. Babasaheb Patil

Hon. Shri. Nitin Bagwe

Hon. Mrs.Rupali V.Nagare Patil

Hon.Mrs.Snehal S.Mulay

Hon. Shri. Virendra Pawar

Hon. Shri. Arun Pere

Hon. Mrs.Rohini R. Mulay

Hon. Shri. Subhash Shelke

Hon. Dr.S.G. Deshmukh Member & A.O.

Hon. Mrs. Deepali A.Jadhav

Hon. Shri. Bharat Patil

Hon. Shri. Rajesh Kadam


Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj26th June 1874 to 06th May 1922


Dear student friends,

Welcome to CSMSS College of polytechnic. I am very much pleased that you have chosen this college for

pursuing your diploma education. The college of Polytechnic is an innovative institution that is deeply committed

to academic excellence and student's success. We have an outstanding student centered team of faculty and staff

who are flexible and who genuinely enjoy working with students in both face-to face format or online. This College

offers various technical programs which are designed to meet the current, emerging and future needs of business

and industry in terms of employee's knowledge and skills.As you know education is the ability to meet life

situations with resistance and diligence laced with knowledge and intellects, one can soar to any extent one

desire.The Vision of institution is to impart quality education in all core disciplines of knowledge by developing

global leader who are confident, smart, intelligent, gifted and engaged with the life from physics to football.

Recently Government of india has launched the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) project. This

project will help the students from Aurangabad region for getting large number of employments within next few

years.I am very much proud to tell that College of polytechnic has successfully completed five years journey. It has

highly entrusted qualified teachers. We earnestly endeavor to help in realizing your dreams and make you better

human beings. I would also like to put it on record the long list of alumni & placement of students who are

rendering these services in medical, engineering and agriculture various reputed industries in the country. As a

part of all these milestones the magazine “5 years of excellence” is ready to publish I wish all the best and I

congratulate all the team members who have taken great efforts for the same. .wish you all the Best!

Hon. President Shri. Ranjeet Mulay


Dear Students and Parents,

Chhatrapati shahu Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha has been glorified with the heights of excellence achieved by

its students and even more when they come back and honor their college. CSMS Sanstha Stand high as 25 years

old platform through which many professional and technical excellences of all times nurtured their future. I am very

much delighted to tell that CSMSS College of polytechnic has taken good stand in the very short span. College of

polytechnic has been established in the year 2009 with aim of creating new talents in the field of technical

education and this year it is celebrating 5 years of excellence. In the recent past college of polytechnic went

through a whole series of development including various facilities, introduction of new department, increment in

seats etc. Besides developmental transformation, the college professionals have also grown up in the modern


The special milestone which I would like to highlight that the college of Polytechnic has been appreciated by

MSBTE, Mumbai by giving EXCELLENT remark continuously for two years to all the courses. Recently college of

polytechnic has been awarded with ISO 9001-2008 Certification by TUV Austria. One more important activity is the

placement of students in the various renowned industries in the country and across the country. Therefore as a

fruitful consequence of 5 years of Excellence College of polytechnic is ready to accept every global challenge.I wish

to congratulate the TEAM who sparked the vision of bringing this magazine in to existence.wish you all the Best!

Hon. Shri. Padmakarrao Mulay

Our Inspiration


Dear Student friends, Greetings of the season!

Success comes to those who work hard. Today's era is world of a competition, in each and every field. The global competition is a great challenge in front of us. Our duty is to look at these challenges with an engineer's eye. It's time to put together our potential and make the maximum use of the available resources. This is the phase where in the student get exposed to the external market and find them self as a part of the race where the rule is “survival of the fittest”. I firmly believe that, technical education has great potential to change the quality of people, with the emergence of a vast domestic market and relatively low cost market with advance technical skills and knowledge. India is at the verge of becoming a super power. Polytechnic is a way where the students can get admission in Technical Education immediately after completion of SSC and within three years they can become Engineers. We have high class infrastructure with well-equipped Laboratories, Class Rooms, Library, Computer Centre, Cafeteria, Sports, and Hostels for boys & girls, transportation facilities, medical help on campus and a sprawling lawn. We are proud of strong team of meticulously trained, dedicated and committed faculty and staff and most advanced teaching aids. As we strive for excellence in what we do, the Institute is constantly making endeavors to scale new heights by developing synergy between academic knowledge, technical skill set in line with industry needs, high moral values and sensitivity to the environment and the nation. Therefore apart from academics, co-curricular activities, sports and cultural development will form an important part of the life at College of Polytechnic from the very beginning. With this I invite you to visit CSMSS campus to experience the difference.

Promotion of finest opportunity & environment for the best teaching & learning Development of the overall personality of students & staff through extra-curricular & co-curricular and by inviting expertise Minimization of gap between industry & institute To groom the best work culture so that our polytechnic will come forward as a model institute.


“To provide best Technical Education to achieve Excellency”



(Principal) Dr. S. G. Deshmukh


The CSMSS College of polytechnic is committed to offer the best technical education to the students & for the overall development of individual, institute & society. The achievement of this goal will be through implementation of best practices, industry institute interaction & by providing the best educational environment.

“To create & implement innovative best practices to achieve excellence promoting industry-institute interaction, innovative ideas entrepreneurial skills, training & placements”




Hon. President Shri. Ranjeet Mulay

Shri.Smeer Mulay


Shri.Padmakar H.Mulay(Secretary)

Shri.Vitthalrao P.Lahane (Mama)(Treasurer)

Shri.Pandurang Solunke(Member)

Smt.Lata P.Mulay


Shri.Adv.Udaysing Shisode



Hon. Shri. Rajesh Kadam

Hon. Shri Balasaheb Jadhav Hon. Shri. Madhukarrao Mulay Hon. Shri. Avinash Jadhav

Hon. Shri. Babasaheb Patil Hon. Shri. Nitin Bagwe Hon. Mrs.Rupali V.Nagare Patil

Hon.Mrs.Snehal S.Mulay Hon. Shri. Virendra Pawar Hon. Shri. Arun Pere

Hon. Mrs.Rohini R. Mulay Hon. Shri. Subhash Shelke Hon. Dr.S.G. Deshmukh Member & A.O.

Hon. Mrs. Deepali A.Jadhav Hon. Shri. Bharat Patil


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At the outset college of polytechnic started Five Courses of diploma in Engineering & Technology includingCivil Engineering, Computer Engineering,Electronics and Telecommunication engineering,Information Technology &Mechanical Engineering.

Sr.No. Branch Intake Admission









Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Electronics & Telecom


Mechanical Engineering 05

2009 - 2010







TOTAL 300 300

Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj shikshan Sanstha's College of Polytechnic has been established in the year 2009 with the aim of providing opportunities in the field of technical education and creating the space for getting the knowledge of Engineering to the students of all the classes of society. The journey of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj shikshan Sanstha's College of Polytechnic started under the able leadership and valuable guidance of a great visionary pe r sona l i t y and sou rce o f ou r i n sp i r a t i on Hon.Shri.Padmakarrao Mulay,Secretary CSMS SANSTHA Aurangabad. The first AICTE and/DTE committee visited to the college on

st1 June 2009. It was headed by Dr.U.J.Kahalekar, & the members were Mrs.A. A.Bhole,Mrs. M. S. Joshi & Dr. U.V. Kulkarni.After the inspection of college Hon.Committee members made treeplantation in the campus.

It was the first Priority of the college to fulfill the Admission Process, there fore for giving the information regarding Admission process to the Students and parents the counseling program was conducted On 20th July 2009. Dr. Ajit Thete (Jt. Director, DTE, Aurangabad ) was the chief guest for guiding the students and parents .On this occasion Hon. Shri. Padmakarrao Mulay (Secretary,CSMS Sanstha), Dr. S.G. Deshmukh (A. O. CSMS Sanstha) & Principal Shri. Ganesh Dongre were specially present.


In the academic year 2009-10 Hon. Dr. Suresh Yawalkar (Dy.Secretary MSBTE,Mumbai) &Hon.Mrs. M. M. Ganorkar( Dy. Secretary,RBTE Aurangabad)gave informal visit to the CSMSS College of polytechnic and appreciated its performance.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Mumbai takes Regular update of all the Technical institutes running in the state.As a part of it the first External Academic Monitoring Committee arrived in the college of polytechnic on 23rd October 2009 Prof. S. R. Kerkal was the Chairman of committee & Prof. D.D. Ahirrao, Prof.B.R. Patil & Prof.S.P.Kulkarni were the members.

College of polytechnic was going to conduct the First MSBTE EXAM winter -2009 therefore, the Guidance Session was conducted on 11th Nov 2009for the staff & students regarding MSBTE Examination by Mr.O.P.Vaishya (Ex. Dy. Secretary RBTE). He gave some guidelines &information regarding the rules & regulations for the conduction of Examination.

It is said that a Teacher is the Mirror of society. He plays an important role in Development of Society. No one can progress in his life without the guidance of good Teacher. Likewise, We remember such a greatest TeacherDr. SarvapalliRadhakrishnan and hence the First Teacher's Day was celebrated in the college on 5th Sept 2009 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr. SarvapalliRadhakrishnan.Dr.ShrikantDeshmukh was the Chief Guests for this program. On this occasion Principal Shri.GaneshDongre, HOD Shri.N.A.Kale, HOD,Shri.A.A.Chinagi&all the faculty members were specially present. All the students were also actively participated in it.


The First semester Winter-2009 MSBTE Examination started from 4th Dec 2009 in the CSMSS College of Polytechnic in the healthy environment.

In College of polytechnic, the students & parents meeting was organized on 21st Dec 2009 by the guardian faculty members for giving information to parents about the progress of the students. The inauguration of parents meet was done by Hon.Shri. Padmakarrao Mulay,Secretary CSMSS, a Parent &student. College of polytechnic is running the concept of Guardian Faculty Members (GFM) to achieve Mission 100%. After every 20 students there is a faculty member who is acting as the GFM. This faculty member maintains the all records of these students and solves their individual problems.

Inauguration of Shahu Maharaj Statue in the College of

Polytechnic by Hon.Shri. Madhukar Mulay

By looking at the response of admission in 2009 MSBTE gave satisfactory remark to the institute. It is the policy of Government to increase the intake capacity, if the response of Technical board, parents& students is good towards the institutes. However, on 1st Jan 2010 Intake Variation committee from DTE, Aurangabad arrived in the College of Polytechnic.


The aim of technical education is to create innovative minds by giving the knowledge of Engineering field. Therefore, CSMSS College of polytechnic Made Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with Microsoft It Academy, for getting the technical support to the institute & updating the practical knowledge of the students. It also helps to build good rapport between industry & institute. Personality plays an important role in every individual's life. It helps one to think positively. No one can progress & get satisfaction in his life without good personality. It is the genuine effort of this institute to imbibe the moral values in the students and make overall development of them. By considering all these domains an Expert Lecture was organization 16th January 2010 for the students by Prof. J. R. Mulay (Ex. Principal, Govt. Polytechnic, Jalna) On Personality Development.

We conduct regular industrial visit of the students to various industries for updating their practical knowledge. As such our students visited MAHAVEND Exhibition-2010,at Garware Stadium, Aurangabad, on 23rd Jan 2010 in which around 150-200 small scale Industries were Participated. It was in fact golden opportunity to the students for knowing its products.

The second External Academic Monitoring Committee arrived in the college of polytechnic for the second semester. The committee comprises Prof. S. R. Kerkal, Chairman of committee & Prof. D. D. Ahirrao, Prof. B. R. Patil & Prof.S.P. Kulkarni were the members on 25th Feb 2010.

The College of Polytechnic Participated in the Education & Career Fair Program which was organized by Lokmat Group from 29th May to 31st May 2010.The inauguration of Career Fair 2010 was done by the hands of Hon. Shri. Rajesh Tope (Minister of Higher &Technical Education ,Govt. of Maharashtra).

The Inauguration of 33rd State Level Junior Girl's H a n d b a l l C o m p e t i t i o n s w a s d o n e b y Hon.Shri.Padmakarrao Mulay (Secretary, CSMS Sanstha) & the chief guests Hon.Shri. Uttamsingh Pawar (Ex.MP.Loksabha Constituency, Aurangabad), Mr. Satish Chavan, (MLA), Mr. Sanjay Shirsat (MLA), DR. S. K. Mahajan, (Director, MSBTE, Mumbai), Shri.Vitthalrao Lahane (Treasurer CSMS Sanstha), Mr. Sameer Mulay (Trustee CSMS Sanstha) & Mr. Ranjit Mulay (President CSMS Sanstha), Dr. Shrikant Deshmukh,( A.O.Sanstha) Principal Shri. ganesh Dongre were specially present on this occasion.


Students cannot perfect merely by become studying curriculum. It requires extra input to develop their minds so an Expert Lecture was conducted on 11th Nov 2010 for the students of Computer department on “VB.NET “ by Mr.PawanKumar (IT Consultant).This workshop was beneficial for the students for getting the new vision of software field.

As a part of extra-curricular activities various Sports events were organized on 21st January 2011 in the college including indoor games Rangoli, Poster presentation,class decoration competition & outdoor games like Football,volley ball, cricket etc.Students actively participated in it.

Principal Shri.G.B. Dongre attended three days' workshop which was organized by MSBTE at L &T Lonawala for Principals of polytechnic colleges.

Parents Meet was organized in the college in the presence of Hon. Shri. P. H. Mulay &Shri. Vijay singh Sisode (Management member).

One Week's Content Updating Training Program was organized on Inter personal skills Development on the 2nd Oct 2010in the college. The Program was presided by Dr. M.D. Shivankar (Joint Director DTE,A'bad) Hon. Shri. Padmakarrao Mulay Secretary CSMSS Dr.Shrikant Deshmukh, Principal Shri.Ganesh Dongre Were specially present.


Bhumi-Pujan of Girl's Hostel was organized, In the

presence of Shri. Ranjeet Mulay (President,CSMSS), Dr.

S. G. Deshmukh, A.O.Sanstha, Architect Manish Kale,

P r i n c i p a l S h r i . G . B . D o n g r e .

Inauguration of Late.Shri HariBhau Mulay Auditorium by

Hon.Dr.Arun Jamkar (Voice-Chancellor Health

University,Nasik) in the Presence of Shri.Padmakar

Mulay, Secretary CSMS Sanstha, Hon.Shri.Madhukarrao

Mulay, Ex-Secretary, MSP Mandal Aurangbad,

Shri.Vitthalrao Lahane,Treasuer CSMSS, Shri.Ranjeet

Mulay,President CSMS Sanstha , Dr.Balasaheb Pawar,

Dr.S.G.Deshmukh Shri.Rajapure & Principals of Dental,

Ayurved,Agri, Polytechnic college.

Teachers Day Was celebrated in our collegeon 5th Sept 2011.The chief guest for this program was Dr.Ajit Thete Jt. Director, DTE, Aurangabad .He expressed his views on the importance of a teacher & also appreciated some students for their best teaching skills.

Fresher's party was organized in the college for giving the introduction of campus and over all activities.

College of Polytechnic made Tie-Up with AUTO-CAD the world famous company Hon. Shri. Ranjeet Mulay, President, CSMS Sanstha, Dr. Shrikant Deshmukh, A.O.Sanstha & Principal Shri.Ganesh Dongre were especially present on this occasion.

A view of college of polytechnic staff & principal Shri G. B. Dongre.

MOU with CENET Pvt. Ltd. Made by Mr. Robert (USA head ), Mr. Sameer Mulay, Trustee CSMSS, Dr.Shrikant Deshmukh AO Sanstha & Principal Shri.Ganesh Dongre were also present.

CMIA (Industrial institute interaction ) Meeting was held at Hotel VITS Aurangabad which was headed by Hon.Dr.Vijay Pandhari pandey (VC Dr.B.A.M.U), Dr.Ajit Thete (Jt.Director DTE, Aurangabad), Ram Bhogle (Industrialist),Mr.Sachin Deshmukh (AICTE Representative),Captain PiyushSinha), Mr. Mukund Kulkarni, Mr. Sacheen Mulay (Industrialist), Principal Shri.Ganesh. Dongre and principals of selected Institute were present.



The inauguration of Entrepreneur cell and Innovation cell was done by Shri. Vivek Sawant, Shri.P.H. Mulay, Shri. Balkrishna Baldawa, Shri.S. Patil, Dr.S.G. Deshmukh, Dr.S.C. Bhoyar, Dr.D.K. Shelke, Prof G.B. Dongre.

The First Farewell function organized in the college in the presence of Mr.Somnath Gharge (Deputy Commissioner of Police, Aurangabad) & Hon. Shri. Padmakarrao Mulay, Secretary CSMSS on this occasion Dr.Shrikant Deshmukh,Dr.D.K. shelke, & Prof. Ganesh Dongre were also present

Inauguration of the First College Annual Gathering 'YOUTH POLY FEAST 2011-12 was done by Dr.S.C.Bhoyar ,Dr. D. K. Shelke and Prof.G. B. Dongre.

Dr. P.M. Khodke(Director, MSBTE Mumbai) gave an

Informal visit to the college of Polytechnic.


The Workshop was conducted to acquaint the staff

about NBA by Dr. Ajit Thete.

Felicitation of Topper Students of First Batch-2012by the hands of Shri. P. H. Mulay (Secretary,CSMS Sanstha), Dr. D. K. Shelke (Principal, CSMSS College of Agriculture), Dr. S.G. Deshmukh (A.O,CSMS Sanstha) Prof. G.B. Dongre (Principal , CSMSS Polytechnic).

An Expert Lecture was Conducted on "How to Study Effectively' by Principal Shri.G.B.Dongre for all the students.

Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Jayanti Celebrated in the

CSMS Sanstha.

ISO 9001:2008 Auditing Team arrived in college on

the 6th Dec 20122008 and made Audit of all the


College of Polytechnic was given as Regional Assessment Center (RAC) by MSBTE.

Inauguration of Divya Marathi Career Fair by Hon. Shri. Ankushrao Kadam ,Director MGM Aurangabad, Mr. Sandhu General Manager, Divya Marathi, Principal Shri. Ganesh Dongre & others also seen.


Silver Jubilee celebration in the presence of his excellency Padmashree Hon.Dr.D.Y.Patil Governer of Bihar, Hon.Shri. Balasaheb Thorat, Minster of Agri Govt. of Maharashtra, Hon. Shri. Rajesh Tope, Minister of Higher & technical Education Govt.of Maharashtra, Hon. Shri. Rajendra Darda, Minister of School Education, Hon. Shri. Padmakarrao Mulay, Industrialist & Secretary CSMS Sanstha, Hon. Shri. Uttamsing Pawar, Ex-MP, Hon.Shri. Madhukar Mulay, Ex-Secretary MSP Mandal, Hon.Shri.Sanjay Shirsat, MLA, Hon.Shri.Kalyan kale,MLA ,Hon.Shri. Satish Chavn, MLA, Hon. Shri. Ranjeet Mulay, President,CSMS Sanstha, Hon. shri. Sameer Mulay, Trustee, CSMSS and all the trustee, members & staff of CSMS sanstha.

Principal Shri.Ganesh Dongre expressing his views in Lokmat Education & career fair-2012

Industrial visit by EJ & EE Department's Students at Crompton Greves Pvt. Ltd. Aurangabad

Industrial visit by Electronics & Telecommunication &

Electrical Engineering department's Students at Maha

Genco, Aurangabad

Industrial Visit of Final Year Student of Civil department at construction site.


Letter of Appreciation by MSBTE for the academic year 2012-13

The final years students of CSMSS college of Polytechnic selected at Tata Motars Ltd.Pune. Hon.Shri.Padmakarrao Mulay, Secretary, Principal Shri.Ganesh Dongre, HOD Mr.Aniket Sonawane ,Mr.Siraj Syed, Mr.Suraj Jadhav sharing a photo with the students.

Hon. Shri. P.H. Mulay,Secretary CSMSS, Principal Shri.G.B. Dongre, Prof.A.A. Sonwane & Prof.S.T. Jadhav with Robo race winner students.

Achievement- 2012