Dear Secretary Cardona - Voice to Action

05/19/2021 Dr. Miguel Cardona Secretary of Education Dear Secretary Cardona, We know that you are a champion for creating a more diverse teacher workforce, and that President Biden prioritizes teacher diversity in his education agenda. We urge you not to wait on prioritizing this issue, even as you work with states to welcome back students and recover from the educational challenges of the pandemic. Particularly as states and districts are flooded with hundreds of billions of dollars in new funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), your department can make huge strides by starting now to encourage teacher diversity, and building this policy priority into all of your work to facilitate the positive transformation of the classroom that students of color deserve. Though our public schools serve mostly students of color, nearly 80% of their teachers are white. Meanwhile, research accumulates each year showing the undeniable benefits that teachers of color bring to the classroom — especially for Black students. As a growing group of more than 50 organizations and 1,500 individuals (the full list may be viewed on Voice to Action), we have come together to ask that you pursue a number of concurrent initiatives, listed below. The reasons for the lack of highly qualified Black and other educators of color are complex, historical and stubborn. Our response must be equally comprehensive and sustained. Start early. As you have said, we have the diversity already in our classrooms, but we must show this next generation that becoming an educator is a desirable career option. Encourage states and local districts to offer Career and Technical Education programs to high school students focused on education. This includes not only teaching but also roles in administration, counseling and school-based social work. There’s no better time to inspire our young people to join the profession than when they are surrounded by educator role models. Encourage local districts to embrace and expand dual enrollment programs so high school students can get a head start on their teaching degree. Reform Pell grant rules so these same students can access tuition subsidies

Transcript of Dear Secretary Cardona - Voice to Action


Dr. Miguel Cardona

Secretary of Education

Dear Secretary Cardona,

We know that you are a champion for creating a more diverse teacher workforce, and

that President Biden prioritizes teacher diversity in his education agenda. We urge

you not to wait on prioritizing this issue, even as you work with states to welcome

back students and recover from the educational challenges of the pandemic. Particularly

as states and districts are flooded with hundreds of billions of dollars in new funding

from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), your department can make huge strides by

starting now to encourage teacher diversity, and building this policy priority into

all of your work to facilitate the positive transformation of the classroom that students

of color deserve.

Though our public schools serve mostly students of color, nearly 80% of their teachers

are white. Meanwhile, research accumulates each year showing the undeniable benefits

that teachers of color bring to the classroom — especially for Black students.

As a growing group of more than 50 organizations and 1,500 individuals (the

full list may be viewed on Voice to Action), we have come together to ask that you

pursue a number of concurrent initiatives, listed below. The reasons for the lack of

highly qualified Black and other educators of color are complex, historical and stubborn.

Our response must be equally comprehensive and sustained.

Start early. As you have said, we have the diversity already in our classrooms, but we

must show this next generation that becoming an educator is a desirable career option.

● Encourage states and local districts to offer Career and Technical Education

programs to high school students focused on education. This includes not

only teaching but also roles in administration, counseling and school-based

social work. There’s no better time to inspire our young people to join the

profession than when they are surrounded by educator role models.

● Encourage local districts to embrace and expand dual enrollment programs

so high school students can get a head start on their teaching degree.

Reform Pell grant rules so these same students can access tuition subsidies

that do not impact their eligibility during college.

● Encourage undergraduate programs to make it easier to double-major (or

minor) in education while pursuing other studies. We must encourage a

path where a teacher in training develops strong content knowledge while

simultaneously adopting the mindsets of culturally responsive practices and

the pedagogical skills to teach. Let’s make sure interested students can

easily get a foot in the door, rather than be forced to return to college at

great expense of time and money if they decide later to pursue teaching.

● Encourage colleges and universities to create seamless transitions for

students who start in community college. Too often, prospective educators,

including many who work in school buildings in support roles, transfer to a

4-year institution only to find their credits won’t count toward an education


● Make teacher-training programs more affordable. Whether through special

scholarships, more generous loan forgiveness, expanding financial

resources or modifying eligibility requirements for the federal TEACH

grant, the aim should be to make the path to teaching more financially

attractive to Black and Brown students and students from other

marginalized communities. Key to this is front-loading financial assistance,

so the benefits come early to a student preparing to become a teacher.

Build on what works. There are many promising practices out there, and the arrival

of ARPA money provides an opportunity for districts and states to start scaling the best

of them.

Communities of color have long had their own rich pedagogical traditions. You can use

your platform to lift up these efforts and ensure the voices of the community are

centered in the policy conversation. For instance, grow-your-own programs such as the

Freedom Schools Literacy Academy, run by the Center for Black Educator Development,

are modeled after the strong student teaching, mentoring and coaching practices

developed by accomplished teachers and in community-based programming like the

Children’s Defense Fund and the Philadelphia Freedom Schools. These traditions are

not new, but they are not widely spread. Now is the time to change that.

● Create a challenge grant to generate innovative ideas, strategies and

collaboratives around the training, recruitment and retention of teachers of

color, with funding for replication of the most promising.

● Provide clear guidance for states and districts on what policies and

practices are needed to ensure they are certifying, recruiting, hiring

and supporting teachers with diversity and equity in mind.

● Ensure that Title II and other federal support of teacher professional

development are honoring and including the best practices of supporting

teachers of color both at the beginning and throughout their

careers—including early exposure and clinical experiences for high school

and college youth.

● Expand Title II to be far more inclusive of early teacher pipeline

participants (teacher pre-apprentices and apprentices).

● Interrogate policies that present an unnecessary burden to a person seeking

certification, particularly those practices that have a disproportionate

impact on Black teachers.

● Invest in the expansion of the Teacher Residency or Alternative

Certification pathways to create a pipeline for those who have established

careers outside of the classroom, but who desire training to be a teacher.

Use data to hold us accountable. You have spoken of the importance of using data

and transparency to hold ourselves accountable to our aspirations for more equitable

education. One of the most important roles of the Department of Education is to collect,

share and analyze the information about who is attending and who is teaching in

America’s classrooms.

● Challenge schools of education to reform their recruitment and academic

practices to ensure more close alignment of their program offerings and

supports with the hiring needs of school districts (e.g., more middle and

secondary trained teachers). We need teacher colleges to engage in

comprehensive reform of their recruitment and academic practices to

diversify what TNTP recently called the “broken pipeline” of prospective

educators of color.

● Use data to hold states and districts accountable for showing that they are

increasing both the number of Black and Brown educators of color in their

hiring and the number who stay in the profession.

Thank you for your service on behalf of children, families and educators, and thank you

for your commitment to educator diversity. We urge you to start now to tackle the

issue of teacher diversity across the country, and know that all of us will be by your side

as you engage in this challenging but critical work.

Partner Statements

"This is a problem that must be solved from the top to the bottom and the bottom

to the top. Local school districts must focus on this important work and the

Federal government must find ways to incentivise them to do so! The time to rise

up to this challenge is right NOW!" -Black on Black Education

“The Center for Future Educators strongly supports efforts to build educator

pipelines that recruit, train, and retain a diverse teaching force. Research shows

that the benefits of a diverse teaching force extend to all students, but exposure to

educators of color is especially important for Black and Brown students to see

people like themselves in leadership roles in classrooms. In order to address the

historical, structural, and environmental obstacles that currently exist for diverse

candidates to become educators, we need a supported, multi-pronged approach

that systematically addresses the inequities that prevent many potential

candidates from pursuing the profession.” -Center for Future Educators at


"For a long time, teacher residencies have prioritized preparing teachers of color

because historically, traditional teacher preparation has not met the needs of

candidates of color. Making it a priority has paid off. Currently, 37 percent of all

teacher residents are Black, compared to just seven percent of the entire teaching

field. 29 percent are Latino, compared to just nine percent of the entire teaching

field. We are pleased to be part of this effort because now, more than ever,

teacher diversity should be a priority. When there is a focused, concentrated

effort on teacher diversity, I believe we can make progress." -Anissa Listak,

CEO, National Center for Teacher Residencies

"The time is now for teacher diversity to shift from being a nice-to-have and

become a must-have." -New Teacher Center

"Black Men Teach stands in support of the Center of Black Educator

Development" -Black Men Teach

"Students deserve to learn from a diverse coalition of teachers because all

students should be seen, valued, and most importantly loved." -Black on Black


"A high-quality teacher workforce is a diverse teacher workforce. It's time to

approach the need for greater diversity in our nation's classrooms with a sense of

urgency. Our kids deserve nothing less." -Kate Walsh, President of the

National Council on Teacher Quality.” -National Council on Teacher


"We believe Black educators are the lifeline to success for Black children. We

need them more than ever. The present administration can get it done if it's

intentional about diversifying America's teaching workforce." -Nehemiah D.

Frank founder & editor in chief of The Black Wall Street Times.

“We need an education workforce that represents the students it serves. Research

finds that students of color benefit in many ways from having diverse teachers,

including serving as role models. And all students, regardless of race, benefit

from a diverse teacher workforce, to succeed in an increasingly global society. It’s

time to prioritize efforts to recruit, prepare, support, retain, and encourage

individuals from diverse populations to enter the teaching and school leadership

professions.” -Ronn Nozoe, CEO, NASSP.

“A barrier to success for too many Black and Brown students is not seeing

themselves reflected in the teachers they interact with every day in their

classrooms. We know the tremendous impact that we can achieve as a nation if

we invest in diversifying the teacher workforce—these efforts cannot wait any

longer,” Jonah Edelman, CEO, Stand for Children.

“Representation and diversity matter in educational leadership, whether it’s at

the front of a classroom, in the principal’s office, or in administrative offices. Just

11% of our nation’s schools are led by Black principals and 9% are led by Hispanic

principals, and we know that the work of improving those numbers starts with

hiring more diverse classroom teachers who can become the next generation of

leaders. Research has shown us again and again that there are better school and

student outcomes specifically for teachers and children of color when a principal

of color is at the helm. We know that leaders of color provide more rigorous

academic opportunities for students of color, while fostering school environments

that are more supportive and sustainable for teachers of color, who also promote

better outcomes for Black and brown students. New Leaders is excited to support

this work, which is critical to the success of all students, particularly our most

vulnerable children.” -Jean Desravines, CEO of New Leaders.

"There's no question that students benefit greatly when they identify with their

teacher, yet far too many children of color are denied the opportunity to have a

teacher that shares their racial and ethnic background. We're proud to join the

call for bold changes to transform the entire teacher pipeline from recruitment

and preparation to placement and retention to dramatically increase the diversity

of the teaching profession. That includes ensuring that educator preparation

programs increase the number of teachers of color that they graduate, investing

in non-traditional prep programs and those at minority serving institutions, and

making schools a positive working environment for teachers of color.” -Charles

Barone, Education Reform Now

As a membership organization dedicated to elevating the voices of leaders of

color, we know what it means to have teachers in classrooms who share the racial

identity of Black and Brown youth. What is more, we know the tremendous

impact teacher diversity has in the classroom when coupled with rigorous

instruction. At EdLoC, we hold the belief that we must build the kinds of schools

we want for all children and that investment includes removing barriers teachers

of color face entering and staying in the profession. As such, we stand shoulder to

shoulder with other organizations urging members of Congress to move swiftly

and boldly to build and sustain a teaching corps that reflects the racial and ethnic

diversity of our country’s student populations. -EdLoC

“A diverse educator workforce is essential—not only to reflect the rich diversity of

our country but, as research shows, to improve outcomes and opportunities for

all students. As we recover from the educational challenges of the past year, I’m

hopeful that Secretary Cardona’s longstanding commitment to teacher diversity

will drive a bold and sustained federal effort to promote greater diversity in the

profession. At Teach For America, we’ve seen what’s possible with intentional

effort to prioritize racial diversity and equity as we bring new educators into the

profession, and we continue to stand with all those engaged in breaking down

systemic barriers for BIPOC educators, aspiring educators, and students.” -Elisa

Villanueva Beard, CEO, Teach For America

“Build Back Better can’t just be a slogan. America is a diverse country and getting

more diverse everyday. Prioritizing teacher diversity is the action we need. Real

Men Teach stands with the Center and the movement to create a sustainable

pipeline of teachers reflective of a Future America. The campaign is over, it’s time

to put slogans in to action!” -Curtis Valentine, Founder, Real Men Teach

"At the Albany State University Center for Educational Opportunity, we believe

that ensuring a diverse teacher pipeline must be a part of the plan to build better

schools post pandemic. Moreover, we also believe that if families are given the

right to choose a more diverse learning community where they can do more than

survive, but thrive, then their funding dollars should follow them to where

opportunities, access, models, and innovation collide into a value-rich learning

environment, resulting in a more educated individual, community, and society."

-Dr. Kathaleena Edward Monds, Founding Director, Albany State

University Center for Educational Opportunity

"At Jounce Partners, our vision is for a world in which all schools in historically

underserved neighborhoods are led by passionate, committed educators with

deep knowledge of the science of teaching and learning, and a close connection to

their community. We know that the value of effective Black and Brown teachers -

and administrators - in front of our students cannot be overstated. We join the

call for immediate and concrete action to increase the presence of Black and

Brown educators in our schools." -Paul Dean, Jounce Partners

“We know the power and significance of having teachers in the classroom whom

our students can identify with has a tremendous impact on their overall academic

and educational experience. We owe it to our students and families to make sure

our teachers and school leaders mirror the populations they serve. This is a

priority that cannot wait.” -Richard Barth, CEO, KIPP Foundation

“Representation matters. For kids and adults alike.”-Keith Brooks (NFBLME)

"The time is now for teacher diversity to shift from being a nice-to-have and

become a must-have." -Desmond K. Blackburn, Ph.D. (New Teacher


“A world class education system is not possible without a racially diverse

educator workforce. The Biden-Harris administration must meet its stated

commitment to America’s children by ensuring existing educators have the

development needed to cultivate anti-racist students in safe and supportive

environments along with educators who share their vast and unique

experiences.” -Khalilah Harris (Center for American Progress)

“Teachers of color bring not only top notch pedagogical acumen to teaching, but

also critical lived experiences students can relate to – an undervalued yet critical

element of teaching students well. With a push in many communities to re-think

how education is delivered, the time is now to prioritize developing a pipeline of

teachers of color and ensuring educational institutions are healthy places for

diverse teams of educators to grow and thrive.” -Karega Rausch, National

Association for Charter School Authorizers

"100Kin10 is honored to stand alongside the Center for Black Educator

Development and others to encourage President Biden to prioritize teacher

diversity in his education plan. As we have long known, all students -- especially

Black students -- benefit significantly from having teachers of color. Yet 80% of

the teacher workforce is white. Moreover, there continues to be a shocking dearth

of people of color and especially black individuals in the STEM fields. Across all

major STEM fields in the United States, Black representation rates fall 25%-75%

below the overall rates of U.S. working professionals. As we work to solve the

nation's STEM teacher shortage we must prioritize racial equity, and in particular

recruiting, preparing, supporting, and retaining excellent STEM teachers of color.

To increase student engagement and success in STEM, students of color need to

see and learn from STEM teachers who look like them.” -Talia Milgrom-Elcott


"If schools were better places for Black and Latino boys, then more of them would

become teachers. If schools were better places for Black and Latino men, then

more of them would remain as teachers. Let's work together to make schools

better places." -The Building Our Network of Diversity (BOND) Project.

“In the past year we have witnessed a pandemic that has devastated Black,

Latino, and immigrant communities and a national reckoning that is forcing us to

look at how the history of racism permeates throughout all our systems, including

our education system,” said Amanda Fernandez, Co-Founder and CEO of Latinos

for Education and member of the Massachusetts Educator Diversity Act

Coalition. “This reckoning in education must include conversations and actions

on educator diversity because we won’t fully close equity gaps for all students if

we don’t invest in diverse educators.” -Latinos for Education.

“Relay Graduate School of Education joins the Center for Black Educator

Development in its call to prioritize teacher diversity as we rebuild our public

schools in the post-pandemic period. It’s not only beneficial to all students, but a

moral imperative to ensure our nation’s teachers reflect the diversity of our


-Relay Graduate School of Education


100K in 100

AIM Academy

America Succeeds

The Aspen Education & Society Program

Association of American Educators Foundation

Black Male Educator Alliance of Michigan

Black Men Teach Twin Cities

Black on Black Education

Black Teacher Collaborative

The Black Wall St. Times



Brooklyn Lab Charter School

Brothers Liberating Our Communities (BLOC)

The Building Our Network of Diversity (BOND) Project

Center for American Progress

Center for Black Educator Development

Center for Educational Opportunity at Albany State University

Center for Future Educators at the College of New Jersey

Diverse Charter Schools Coalition

Education Leaders of Color (EdLoC)

The Education Trust

Educators for Excellence

Education Reform Now

Equal Opportunity Schools

Great School Choices

IDEA Public Schools



Jounce Partners


Latinos for Education

National Association of Charter School Authorizers

National Association of Secondary School Principals

National Center for Teacher Residencies

National Council on Teacher Quality

The National Fellowship for Black and Latino Male Educators (NFBLME)

The National Network of State Teachers of the Year

National Parents Union

New America

New Leaders

New Teacher Center

Real Men Teach

Relay Graduate School of Education

Stand for Children

State of Black Education Oakland (SoBEO)


Teach For America

Teach Plus

Tennessee Educators of Color Alliance

The Calculus Project


Urban Teachers

Wayfinder Foundation

We Will All Rise


Jeremy Abarno, 11218Maryam Abdelhamid, 19145Valda Abdullah, 19401Cherita Abney, 28211Charles Adams, 19104Jan Adero, 45505Jamel Adkins-Sharif, 2138José Luis Aguilar Carbajal,60609Natasha Akery, 29405Fehintola Akesode, 11238ata mohammad abdullah al -amin, 2200Tariq Al-Nasir, 46206Sandra Alberti, 8057Robert Albrecht, 80207Michelle Alexander, 21044Toya Algarin, 19141Ruqayya Ali, 19130Nurlhuda Alkhatib, 19082Penny Allee Taylor, 85018Annie Allen, 19119Monica Allen, 55122Jason B. Allen, 30314Robin Alozie, 18015Robin Alpern, 10566Taylor Alston, 8060Kristin Alvarez, 94805Terry Alves-Hunter, 2536Hannah Amann, 54601Tatiana Amaya, 19139Benelli Amosah, 27012Doreen Amster, 19426Carol Amundson, 55073Marilyn Anderson, 73112Kimberly Anderson, 55427Annette Anderson, 21212Meredith Anderson,07040-1118Lisa Andrews, 91604Jafar Ankrum, 21214Katy Armendariz, 55417Donna Arrendell, 20024Tarrah Arthur, 98106John Astaunda, 92129Meg Astudillo, 85048

Nicole Golden, 33150Jeremy Goldman, 21093Demian Goldstein, 22901Laurie Goldstein, 60091Ilana Goldstein, 10522Kimberly Gomez, 23221Kristie Gonzalez, 70122Rebecca Good, 6512Elise Gooi, 55113Richard Gordon, 19079Richard Gordon, 19104David Gorman, 23224Ellen Gould-Silcott, 91406David Grace, 2905Xavier Graves, 74112Brittany Graves, 74112Diane Gray, 94124Karimah Grayson, 33312Donnell Green, 48307Anika Green, 46226David Greenberg, 55406Theo Greenblatt, 02840-2923Kellie Greene, 19131Alicia Greenwood, 57049Arron Gregory, 22043Nicole Gregory, 55443Connie Grier, 19136Lisa griffin, 66216Nettie Griffin, 60514Ashley Griffin, 20715Joyce Grimes, 38127Francis Grinnell, 85658Rebecca Grodner, 11206Tatiana Grogan, 55113Pam Grossman, 19106Allison Grundy, 19122Haleigh Guerrera, 6001Lesley Guggenheim, 11201Tonya Guinn, 66062Matthew Guldin, 11201Maritza Guridy, 19140Damaris Gutierrez, 78213Latosha Guy, 90247Marly Guzman, 85201Matt H, 2145Wendy Haber, 10003

Emily Nielson, 77008Nefertari Nkenge, 48207Venecia Nobles, 60411Dorie Nolt, 20001Laura Northcraft, 62223Dereck Norville-Bowie, 10301Maryam Nur, 19131Haajirah nur, 19131Kevin O:Neil, 95050Katie O’Brien Mathis, 55443Naomi OBannon, 2120Hanifi Oguz, 84094Rachel Olinger Steeves,4096Colleen Oliver, 98121Elizabeth Olson, 1824Liz Omo, 90008Davesus Omosun, 21061Allen Orr, 20009Chioma Oruh, 20012Scott Oswald, 8108Angela Otiker, 64082Susan Otten, 55391Kim Overton, 94402Leah Owen-Oliner, 19066Colette Owens, 55417Cathy Owens-Oliver, 28262Bisi Oyedele, 20011-2118Chris Page, 91709Edgar Palacios, 64105Syreeta Palmer, 30213Zachary Paris, 19341Sonia Park, 10004Delsie Parker, 1108Prince Parker, 20176Jamillah Parker, 19020Robert Parker, 19131Rennie Parker, 19131Kim Parko, 87501Kiera Parpart, 60097-8108Simone Partridge, 19104Amar Patel, 46260Michael Patron, 19144Jocelyn Patten McMahon,19003LaTanya Pattillo, 28376

Anwar Atif, 19901Tracy Atkins Elabida, 10310Lori Aument, 19146Kim Austin, 95648Adriana Aviles, 11362-1620Arthur aylmer, gy5 7rnTricia Babbie, 21230Monique Bacon, 90303Jonathan Baez, 7003Fatima Baig, 20010Rebecca Bailey, 1867John Bailey, 21136Sharon Baker, 46526Allener M Baker-Rogers,22578Alisa Baldwin, 19119Ashley Baldwin, 19095Tomiko Ball, 20018Justin Barbeau, 55331Dana Barela, 80401Keegan Barnaby, 4240Noel Barnes, 98058John Barnes, 20019Joy Barnes-Johnson, 8046Charles Barone, 8033Donna Barrett, 60089Joanne Barrett, 85304Celeste Barretto, 77479Brianna Bass, 30032Valerie Bass, 19144Katherine Bassett, 19104Katherine Bassett, 19194Lauren Bassi, 60076Dr. Tyrone Bates, Jr., 66109Phla Batiste-Carter, 93309kianna battle, 2368Kelly Bauer, 92130Jennifer Baugher, 80203Lisa Bauman, 66204Sarah Beal, 85340Mario Beatty, 20902Vanita Beavers, 28217Darren Beck, 84005Carol Beck, 21214stuart beckford, 6106Suneet Bedi, 2135Billi Jo Beheler, 58504

David Habib, 98033Ernie Hadrick, 19403Ernest C Hadrick III, 19401Kathryn Hafertepe, 19063Rebecca Hake, 64134Lindsay Haldeman, 14534Bryan Hale, 60490Colleen Hall, 19147Tinnae Hamilton, 10461Gary Hamilton, 20002Ross Hamilton, 19038Holiday Hammond, 20032Douglas Handy, 21209Trissi Hardin-Turner, 64108Shawn Hardnett, 20032David Hardy, 19103Christian Harley, 20602Lucy Harmon, 75771Alaina Harper, 19122Toni Harrell, 46410Sean Harris, 94107Emmetta K Harris, 93306Le'Toshia Harris, 28213Lisa Harris, 38104Vicky Harris, 85339DerNecia Harris, 68122Karen Harris, 60620Khalilah Harris, 20005Ashley Harris, 77071Bernard Harris, 2143461299Rosalyn Harris, 20744Patrick Harris, 48207Ryan Harrison, 19143Melvin Harrison, 62701Victoria Harrison, 19143Ilalee Harrison, 61820Micah Hart, 19144Mary Hart, 20810Tomeka Hart Wigginton,38112Lindsey Hartjes, 55407Jennifer Hartung, 55044iLah Hartung, 53548Julianne Hartzell, 86001Kristin Harvey, 97222Heather Harvey, 97212KD Harvey, 31008

Sebrina Patton, 38133Angel Patton, 74055Carrie Paulette, 66205Jerome Payne, 62522Valentina Payne, 48103Ashia Payne, 20748Pia Payne-Shannon, 55430Brandi Pearman, 60805Daniel Pearson, 6614Cathy Pecholt, 56071Tanesha Peeples, 60628Carmen Perez, 97302Andrew Perkins, 40065MARY PERRIN, 60091David Persley, 64153Jeffrey Pestrak, 19144Elaine Peterson, 94602John Pettaway, 11358Stephen Pham, 98109Annie Phan, 94112Ida McKenna Phillips, 33193Logan Phillips, 63130Allison Phipps, 80211Carla Pimentel, 1156Eugene Pinkard, 20037Tom Pipal, 80138-7275janna piper, 97293Michael Piscal, 07701-1908Jonathan Plotz, 55418catherine podojil, 44118Jaime Polhamus, 6001La Polite, 19144Annette Ponnock, 19130Lauren Porosoff, 10583Kellie Porter, 19119Robert Powell, 15120Lauren Powell, 11201Maria Powell, 38016Annemarie Prairie, 80303Donna Price, 21230Ellen Price, 60091Teressa Price, 19131Khulia Pringle, 55130Alexa Quinn, 22901Joseph Quintana, 80205Regina Quintero, 20882Reagan R.Davies, 10000

Sydnee Behlmer, 43619Selamewit Bekele, 74136simuel bell, 73507Norris Benbow, 12180Maureen Bender, 46815Pamela Benton, 80109Kathy Berenson, 17325Linda Berger, 96128anna berowski, 55417Sarah Besseling, 92672Sasha Best, 19123J. Beverly, 61801Sandra Beynon, 21074Amy Billerbeck, 15241Lisa Bilson, 81401Krystle Birdsall, 8081Ronnie X Black, 45040Desmond Blackburn, 33327Stacie Blackmore, 68850Sharifa Blackwell, 63102Ralph Bland, 48207Rita Bland, 23456Jessica Blatt Press, 19096Zachary Blattner, 2140Dana Bleckinger, 97498Janet Blevins, 93436Melissa Blum, 55408Jennifer Bogoni, 19103Alyssa Bonnac, 55418Pamela Bonsu, 10940Jill Boogren, 55417-1315Jacquelyn Booth, 21014Beth Borzone, 11570Karen Bosley, 23229Kayla Boss, 63111Lani Bowen, 64079Ronald Boyce, 34654Laura Boyce, 19147Kelita Boyd, 20032Farida Boyer, 19139Devin Brace, 78704Becca Bracy, 80301Joe Bradley, 11520MARCY BRADLEY, 97216Aliya Bradley, 19140Patricia Brantley, 20020Reginald Braxton, 48302

Ron Harvey, 19138Jill Harvieux Pitner, 20910Katrina Hasan Hamilton,92123qorsho hassan, 55123William Hassig, 60056Lisa Hasuike, 97224Alan Hatchett, 60091Annie Hawker, 52314Savannah Hawkins, 60614Terrell Hawkins, 98466Deborah Hawley, 80521Yasmin Hebert, 93036Kathleen Heidecker, 17325Leah Helmer, 11763Rhonda Henderson, 20011Kaya Henderson, 20017Robert Hendricks, 2136Nicole Henry, 97701Lana Henson, 73106Mike Herbert, 97439Michael Herbert, 97439Kate Hermann-Wu, 2451Ailsa Hermann-Wu, 2451Alejandro Hernandez, 22903Sarah Hernandez Byrne,85209Naomi Hertsgaard, 55417Marty Hertz, 97404Brandi Hester, 19119Steven Hibshman, 94404Helen Hickmon, 7643Kayla Higgs, 2067Emmy Higgs Matzner, 55406Martha Higuera, 55104Helen Hill, 91016Jerell Hill, 91107Coleen Hill, 19046Mercedes Hill, 19131Ellen Hinchcliffe, 55406Renee Hinton, 15219Jumoke Hinton, 94607Heather Hirsch, 55016William Hite, 19130Ginger Hitzke, 92592Corey Hobbs, 11412Shekinah Hockenhull, 20782

Beth Rabbitt, 4103Rhonda Rabbitt, 18702Lynne Rabchuk, 19082Jacob Radin, 46220Darren Rainey, 19801Ron Rapatalo, 7302Tiffany Rapplean, 80031Keisha Rattray, 11236Damaris Rau, 17603Karega Rausch, 46236Amy Read, 66207Michael Rebne, 66205Mariah Recker, 55129Megan Reder-Schopp, 57702Vicki Redmond, 19118Jasmina Redžepagić, 75000Rose Reed, 15217Tanji Reed Marshall, 20148Sarah Reely, 55105Jen Reeves, 65203Maerin Renee, 55428Leslie Rennie-Hill, 97239Marisol Rerucha, 92139Karla Reyes Diaz, 19107Rebecca Reynolds, 55113Sandy Rhein, 70003Syeita Rhey-Fisher, 6105Ronald Rice, 20005John Rich, 19151Jessica Richard, 8081Bonnie Richardson, 60626Tyler Richendollar, 94401Mary Cathryn Ricker, 55107Carolyn Riddle, 78758Pamela Riddle, 55316Keziah Ridgeway, 19138Reeve Ridgeway, 55414VJ Riley, 22204Margaret Rinegar, 85345Chelsea Ringen, 8070Nayelis Rivera Soto, 921Alison Robbins, 20036Najimah Roberson, 17103Elisha Roberts, 80206Zheray Roberts, 98155Jennifer Roberts Keddy, 2131Alicia Robinson, 20012

Marissa Bremer-Roark,55413Tracy Breslin, 19010Claire Bresnahan, 80210Jacki Brickman, 55304Travis Bristol, 94605Susan Bro, 22968Mitchell Brookins, 70056Keith Brooks, 11233Rhonda Broussard, 70113Erin Browder, 90056Natanya Brown, 92114Khalid Brown, 19146Garvan Brown, 10801Julia Brown, 2119Ronald and Deidre Brown,80501Robert Brown, 98466Brandon Brown, 46260Ron Brown, 19057Chaniqua Brown, 80013Alisha Brown, 75137Dionn Brown, 21239Montell Brown, 45248Kristen Brown, 23112Tracey Brown, 30078Amatullah Brown, 19139Logan Brown, 19401Tequilla Brownie, 72364Julius Brownlee, 66109Elena Bruess, 60613Katie Bruns, 64131Anthony Buatti, 19454Tara Bucci, 19085Jolene Buchheit, 52403Roslynn Budoff, 80004Hailey Bull, 83605Darryl Bundrige, 19050Sharon Burge, 97306-2034PAMELA BURGESS-JONES,19802Patrick Burk, 97207James Burns, 2767Ja'Juan Burrell, 21206carol burton, 78751Delia Busby, 80909Berry Button, 85018

Julie Hoffman, 55311Tana Hoffman, 48783Dani Hofstad, 55410Rebecca Hogan, 48103Cletissa Hogue, 19139Thomas Holcomb, 11550Cheryl Holcomb-Mccoy,20854Ohilda Holguin, 10032Lisa Hollenbach, 17972-8935Racquel Holman, 19079Dana Homer, 19081Karin Hoops, 55044Oleatha Hopson, 42431Tonya Horton, 8003Elsie How, 60613Sophie Howard, 20002Peggy Hubble, 20815Kathleen Huber, 19125Tracy HUDSON, 11706Calvin Hudson, 39272Holly Huebner, 55113Charity Hughes, 19014Faye Hunt, 91914Dr. Colenthia Hunter, 45249Desiree Hunter, 11233Desiree Hunter, 10303Iona E. Hutchinson, 7017Oscar II, 7112Aurora Insurriaga, 60637Rebekah Irving, 67005Kim Isbell, 50613Dakota Isenhour, 34953Gary Ivey, 97702Marguerite Izzo, 11565Amanda Jackson, 80027Toya Jackson, 94704Shirelle Jackson, 37128DANIELLE JACKSON, 30317Tessa Jackson, 70152Cara Jackson, 20852-2826Dr. Janiece Jackson, 60155susan jacobs, 85202Karen Jacques, 95811Regina James, 89110-5523Tomecka James, 36606Andre James, 19151

Julene Robinson, 33607Kyle Robinson, 53214Rodney Robinson, 23224Joanna Roche, 66204Trent Rochelle, 72401Luanne Rodgers, 29407Mimi Rodman, 60607Sardis Rodriguez, 92831Evelyn Rodriguez, 20009Raphael Rogers, 1002Glamildi Rondon-Martinez,19136Kimberly Roosa, 8107Pat Rose, 60077Jon Rosenberg, 7043Nancy Ross, 2038alexandra ross, 60605Shelley Rouser, 19901Eric Rowe, 80013Kaija Roy, 55719Laura Roy, 19087Marcia Roye, 19143Heather Rubeski, 2478Tara Ruby, 2108Regine Rucker, 29201Will Ruffin II, 55901Chris Ruiter, 49509Manuel Ruiz, 95062lauren russell, 70447Alesha Russey, 77027Christopher Ruszkowski,29412Tara Ryans, 19153Claire Ryder, RG237GBAndrea Ryerson, 7825Francesca S, 59047Natasha S, 48076Rebekah Sabzalian, 97220Funmi Saheeb, 19138Nao Sakurai, 1040Ikhlas Saleem, 30032Roxann Salgado, 60077Joshua Salmon, 33579Jamie Salmonson, 55448Shauni Salmonson, 55327Buki Samuel, 45209Rob Samuelson, 60625

Acey Byrd, 46236James Byrnes, 20886CINDY CALDWELL, 32207Andrea Campbell, 66605Siobhan Cancel, 97405Keith Cannon, 64129Lauren Cantell, 90026Jill Caporiccio, 2452Marshata Caradine, 62205Margaret Cardwell, 38103Nancy Carl, 97111Sarah Carpenter, 38108Greg Carr, 20059angel Carroll, 19026angel carroll, 19025Taylor Carter, 21117Walette E Carter, 19131Corey Carter, 21014Derrick Cartwright, 19129Tina Carvelli, 55412Angelica Casanova, 77388Taryn Cash, 21014LeAnne Cash, 27855Gianna Cassetta, 2093Kendra Castelow, 31210David Castillo, 94605Sibyll Catalan, 90272Bailey Cato Czupryk, 38104Marques Celestine, 70126Christina Celuzza, 10027Thandi Center, 7040Adriana Cerrillo, 55404Felicia Cervantes, 68005Jacqueline Cetnar, 32068Charlotte Chadwick, 95831Manrouf Chanfi, BS4 3NHCheryll Channer, 10469Chris Chaplin, 19050Kyisha Chapman, 19143Liz Chapman, 15214Becky Chariton, 19146Martha Chase, 46788-9653Dawn Chavous, 19146Ritchie Cherry, 64138Ken Cherry, 20019Cynthia Chesney-Moore,19036

Tara Jang, 85226Reyna Jauregui, 94601Lightning Jay, 19146Evalaurene Jean-Charles,10607Bartley Jeannoute, 19046George Jefferson, 64131Sheniqua Jeffrey, 11238Jenny Jendro, 55407Eric Jenkins, O1701Sally Jennings, 97380Zoe Jerome, 53140Mary Jett, 95829Lauren Jewett, 70003Amy Jobe, 55347Brendon Jobs, 19144Nish John, 60654Michele johnsen, 19118Shenita Johnson, 60615Candice Johnson, 49321Charles Johnson, 19122Quentin Johnson, 20032Cheryl Johnson, 77550Sanford Johnson, 38614Richard Johnson, 98227Kenneth Johnson, 19120Dr Vivian Johnson, 55414Taquaja Johnson, 40203Matt Johnson, 60654Jerica Johnson, 37421Midian Johnson, 49508Nicole Johnson, 95742Laura Michelle Johnson,21640Tarece Johnson, 30044Kenyatta Johnson, 19146Venard Johnson, 19143Chris Johnson, 19126Rida Jones, 49009NORMAN JONES, 19401Crystal Jones, 10467Wilfred Jones, 70030-4105David Jones, 92173Jonathan C W Jones, 55129Charissa Jones, 55103Henry Jones, 19148Joy S. Jones, 31705

Dana Sanchez, 80470Harriet Sandberg, 85308Mavis Sanders, 21045Rachel Sandler, 64118Caressa Sanford, 19087Zakiya Sankara-Jabar, 20905Sonja Santelises, 21210Fernanda Santos, 37923Nancy Santucci, 78750-8430Janie Sarason, 78758Elizabeth Scheppler, 97520Greg Schermbeck, 28205Ceci Schickel, 19119Jamie Schmidt, 56052Tia Schmit, 55068Jaylen Schmitt, 97211Jean Schwinberg, 98105Jean Schwinberg,98105-4230Ebony Scott, 60477Michael Scott, 19131Karen Scott, 19147Steven Seals, 64133-4307Daniel Sellers, 55340Hiewet Senghor, 30311Aja Settles, 30127Naeemah Seward, 19151Phoenix Shadow Of Moon,46218Blessing F Shahid, 17325Sara Shands, 19245Donna Shannon, 23003Brian Shapley, 19116Jennifer Sharp, 8088Sarah Shaw, 98030Patricia Shaw, 20850Tehya Shea-Minger, 93023William Shearer, 46725Naomi Shelton, 20024Virgil Sheppard, 19131Ellen Sherratt, 60657Abeer Shinnawi, 21093Shariea Shoatz, 19711Melinda Shorday, 18938Kathy Shores, 85281Anna Shurak, 19004Ray Shurtleff, 2663

Christina Cho, 2138Shaun-Adrián Choflá, 95928Laura Clancy, 19144Mary Clark, 60203KAREN CLARK, 70117Dr. Jill Clark, 19454Caroline Clark, 23226James A Clark Jr, 80911Lisa Clarke, 43202Ravada Clarkson, 94591Grace Clegg, 84025Megan Clendening, 90808Ed Cluett, 34209Madelyn Coar, 35255Pearsall Coard, 55372Veronica Cobb, 75051Kimberly Cobb, 47714Gail Cochran, 15301Justin Cohen, 11213Adicia Cohen-Johnson,19038Pamela Coker, 81001Tracy Cole, 85302Shelbi Cole, 34655Donna-Marie Cole-Malott,19380Diann Coleman, 31904Caroline Coleman, 23234John Coleman, 20190Jacquelyn Collier, 61604Tyrell Collins, 30038Lisa Collins, 18944Abigail Colucci, 44425Kristofer Comeforo, 2138zellan Conley, 73111Denise Conley, 60090Stephanie Conley, 30296Jennifer Connolly, 62040William Conrad, 87111Willian Conrad, 87111Maurice Cook, 20003Mara Cooper, 19128Akim Cooper, 19111Mairi Cooper, 15206Roslyn Copeland, 17111Alison Corbett, 80205Nicole Corbo, 98038

Jonathan C. Jones, 55129Darian Jones, 30135Lindsey Jones-Renaud,20002Daninia Jordan, 19119Camara Jordan, 19144Audrey Josephson-Day,10009Diana Joy, 23452Shawn Kairschner, 19106Alex Kajitani, 92010Teddi Kalb, 95065Terry Kaldhusdal, 53066KC Kalu, 30078River Karner, 47909Sara Katz, 90266Ann Kay, 55345Lasana Kazembe, 46228Kimi Kean, 94602Dorrian Kearney, 19143Frances Kearns, 2739Patricia Keefe, 2184Carla Keener, 94579Maureen Kelleher, 60609J L Kelly, 3101jennifer kelly, 1469Sarah Kelly, 2118Eli Kennedy, 94702Debra Kern, 60013Chellamal Keshavan,02155-4520Jessica Keys, 15241Edit Khachatryan, 91206Hamid Khalid, 19464Sophie Kidd, 22203Ann Kimble, 94608Chrissy Kind, 19123Isiah King, 53218Charles King, 64105Elizabeth King, 19081Margaret King-Sears, 22032GEORGINA KIRCHHOF,91932Andrea Kirwin, 8054Rosanne Klarer, 40324Valerie Klein, 19119Ben Klompus, 01267-3029

Rebecca Sieg, 8107Bobbi Siegelbaum, 10463Morgan Siles Garner, 55404Amber Simchak, 18104Alexis Simchak, 19145Devina Simmons, 23224Elisabeth Simpson, 18045Kevin Simpson, 48439Patricia Sims, 27610Nancy Siner, 85716Melanie Singh, 76017Katie Sipho, 65203Sara Slettum, 55428Von'Dragas Smalley, 64111Winnie Smart-Mapp, 19143Steve Smith, 98003Danielle Smith, 75604Jo Ann Smith, 60624Curtrice Smith, 38141Courtland Smith, 64055Shova Smith, 55427Rodney Smith, 46112Kimberly Smith, 20003Preston Smith, 95121Habibah Smith, 19026Katrina Smith, 27805John F Smith, 19146Leon Smith, 19002Shakira Smith, 19144Sharonda Smith, 19003marion smith jr, 80435Rev. M Lynne Smouse,97217Ian Snyder, 19103Lindsay Sobel, 78757adelaide solomon-jordan,4276Sabrina Sommer, 97206Michael Sonbert, 11566Heseung Song, 19129Deborah Sonnichsen, 89011steven sonntag, 8077Velia Soto, 60130Nicole Souadda, 19087Emily Sowell, 55419Jon Spack, 2465Caitlin Spear, 15217

Janette Corcelius, 22079Dolores Cormier-Zenon,70507Linda Cornejo, 92835Marco Corona, 29401Maryann Corsello, 3909Tafshier Cosby, 7103Maureen Costello,36111-1555Amber Cotton, 55420marilyn couch, 97210Thomas Cowan, 92027Natasha Cox, 8002Rodney Cox, 73132Winston Cox, 20904Tianna Crane, 55412Jason Crawford, 17601Shirley Crenshaw, 27513Edward Crisp, 30281Matthew Crooke, 19147Cherie Crosby, 80249Josh Crosson, 55412Kirby Crow, 56001Leuise Crumble, 60624Teeyona Crumpton, 19124Saliyah Cruz, 19977Stefanie Cruz, 22205Leshawnia Culp, 45011Rahman Culver, 20784Katie Culver, 19003Jackie Cunningham, 43224Matt Cuozzo, 20003JULIET CURCI, 19444Marie Curtis, 7755Beverley Cush evans, 1908Rachel Cuthbert, 49503Quinci Dacus, 64134Molly J Daley, 92660-4338Judith Dalton, 19144KHALEAH DANDRIDGE,19131Kristin Daniel, 98119Jada Darden, 27526June Davenport, 1541Jon Davenport, 19046Sam Davidson, 19130Courtney Davidson, 30024

Andrew Knips, 19125Grace Knutson, 56001Richard Kolasa, 60565Rachel Kongshaug, 52403Holly Kragthorpe, 55409She KRAJ, 34695-5242Diane Krell-Bates, 92122Jane Kresl, 61604Jennifer Krout, 19320Benetta Kuffour, 1610Gabriel Kuriloff, 19119Robin Kuykendall, 72401Katharine Lafferty, 19046Louisa LaGrotto, 46227Kevin Laliberte, 1863Melissa Lambert, /12983Melissa Lambert, 11215Diane Lamont, 90064Katharine Landfield, 20016Kwand Lang, 19114Tim Langan, 2145Peter Langer, 19147Katie Langlais, 2139David Lapp, 19143Richard Larios, 11230Altamese Larkins, 30228Joelle Lastica Hlava, 22304Pema Latshang, 2478Dana Laurens, 20002Kimberly Lawless, 16803Rachel Lawrence,23060-4531Jane Lawson, 19147Darnell Leatherwood, 60471Nathalie Lebon, 17325Alli Lee, 75214Sheila Lee, 44053Carole Lee, 71373Chris Lehmann, 19130Rachel Lei, 80210Sara Leikin, 87122George Lenard, 63130Darwin Leon, 55070Sarah Leon, 55070Eric Lerum, 80205chris lewis, 19026Michelle Lewis, 70393

Deana Spencer, 60154Venera Stabinsky, 60093Paul Stacy, 1938Cassandra Stafford, 11230Sarah Stahelin, 56601Charles Stanton, 94610Rose Stark, 55443Glenda Staten, 28625Taisha Steele, 24017Katja Steen, 60091Aidia Steen, 60091Jessica Stein, 19103Katie Stevens, 98383Francine Stevens, 95829Rhonda Stewart, 37218Kristi Stewart, 56301James Stewart, 39503Zakiya Stewart, 19103Joshua Stewart, 55114,Sue Stillman, 55405Kelly Stith, 55433Justin Stok, 46403Cynthia Stone Unger, 1605Jasmine Stoner, 55405Idris Stovall, 19151Mary Strain, 19119Zoe Strauss, 19147Garris L. Stroud, 42345Alison Stumacher, 19119Jake Sturgis, 55331Khalil Suaray, 21244Erin Sullivan, 6001Jessica Sutter, 20002Marsha Sutton, 35210Angie Swain, 37388Emily Sweeney, 19104Chae Sweet, 19128Leslie Switalski, 44141Tammy Swoboda, 46220Elizabeth Sykes, 98116Anna Syverson, 55122Marilyn Szczotka, 90631Daniel Tahaney, 19007Mishka Tamara, 55116Jenny Tan, 94612-3394Donna Tate, 90043

Morgan Davis, 20814Sarah Davis, 55434Amber Davis, 8016Cheree Davis, 21208Danial Davis, 55108Adam Davis, 11226Emir Davis, 8016Emily Davis, 17601Emily Davis, 32086Jennifer Davis, 55408Malcolm Davis, 19128Patrice Dawkins-Jackson,95128Annette Dawson Owens,89012Ramon De Jesus, 2215Ilaria De Marchi, 50053Michael De Sousa, 94619Paul Dean, 19146Naeha Dean, 19146Toni Rose Deanon, 98516Jennifer Debrow, 55405Jennifer Deemer, 18702Tricia DeGraff, 64131Jeanne DelColle, 8628Joy Delizo-Osborne, 80022Susan Delp, 19050Francine Dennis, 19144Isobel Dewey, 19125Ty DeZurik, 55330Aman Dhanda, 20782Alejandro Diasgranados,20723Rose Dickerson, 19153Monica Dikeman, 55110Rachele DiMeglio Adam,48306Jill Disher, 55122Anne Doane, 98607Julie Doar-Sinkfield, 30337Patrick Dobard, 70112Laiteisha Dobbins, 44117Dorothy Dolphin, 19702Francheska Dominique, 2860Annemarie Donnelly, 78702Ivory Dowling, 19120Mamie Doyle Mannella,

Malik D. Lewis, 6515Anthony Lewis, 66044Liltera Lewis, 32207Curtis Lewis, 48098Michelle Lewis, 98117Nathaniel Lewis, 19126Keith Lewis, 21225Sarah Lillis, 95822G Lim, 90805Robynne Limoges, 56283Jia Lin, 28210Jennifer Lind, 60091Constance Lindsay, 27510DiJOn Lindsey, 10473Julia Lindsey, 48105Erin Liner, 64111Evan Linhardt, 8108Sheila Linton, 8065Lucy Lippman, 47630Danette Lipten, 10040Roseann Liu, 19143Jeff Livingston, 10026Joe Lofton, 94565Michael Lombardi,19054-2023rachel long, 19087Laura Lopez, 35674Javier Lopez, 16870Kevin Lopez, 19125Janet Loreen-Martin, 98004Angela Lowe, 30052Brendan Lowe, 19130Dolores Ann Lozano, 77061Susan Lozoraitis, 1609Robert Lubetsky, 10017Laura Lucarelli, 55433Natalie Lucas, 8004Sherri Lucas-Hall, 30043Donna Lucero, 80120Louise Lundgren, 55118Raechel Lungstrom, 55373Paula Luxenberg, 55410Deborah Lynam, 8035Susan Lynx, 55406Annabelle Lyons, 19148Nicole Lytle, 38119Ronell M, L7b0a7

Rolland Taylor, 18974Catina Taylor, 64110Marquis Taylor, 2809Asia Taylor, 17103Godlove Tebe, 64057Cornelia Teed, 98225Selenia Tello, 19401Natasha Tennison, 55371Mark Teoh, 19446Jason Terrell, 30032Robin Terry, 14424Abigail Thaker, 19143Mary Thiel, 97266Ruth Thieme, 85283Michelle Thomas, 17325Nithi Thomas, 19426Astrid Thomas, 75232Lauren Thomas, 10016Jamaal Thomas, 10607Lauren Thompson, 97206Ricky Thompson, 37138Carrie Thompson, 55419Jason Thompson, 19095Sarah Thompson, 55410Karen Thompson, 22303Margaret Thornton, 22903Alfreda Thurmond, 60649Holly Tilden, 37204dirk Tillotson, 94619David D. Timony, 18901GABRIELA TIMOTHY, 19018Erin Tingler, 73439Maria Toglia, 19073Sonya Toler, 15206Dylan Toth, 61761John Touey, 19003Nadel Toussaint-Martin,20769Sarah Townley, 10034Peter Townsend, 1721Ann Trapasso, 6405Tamara Trattner, 97217Fasaha Traylor, 19138Amy Treadwell, 60620Aurora Trischka, 80219Natasha Trivers, 10552Matt Troha, 19027

19129Amanda Doyle-Bouvier, 2111Leslie Draper, 47302Eugenia Drye, 21239Kevin Dua, 1867Marged Dudek, 43138Brad Duell, 85254-3843Jamila Dugan, 19146Cruz Duhart, 85629Nell Duke, 48104Leah Dumancas, 55113Eric Duncan, 30082Eriks Dunens, 19104Shannon Dunfee, 23221Mia Dunlap, 30339Le'Yondo Dunn, 19144Catherine Dunn, 19081Natasha Dunn, 60617Phil Duran, 80223PAt Durkin, 19134Beth Dzwil, 19038Timothy Eagan, 2169Sarah Eckert, 19066Jonah Edelman, 97202Susan EdgarSmith, 19426Jennifer Edgcomb, 60611Julia Edmunds, 3818Tracy Edwards, 89147Emory Edwards, 46235Sharifa Edwards, 19138Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, 94804Paul Eisenberg, 47401Sharif El-Mekki, 19131Fatima El-Mekki, 19027Susana Elizarraraz, 64127Judy Elledge, 39530cornell ellis, 64109Christie Ellis, 20001Rachel Ellison, 19046Samantha Emery, 56001Carly Emken, 61614Sarah Engstrom, 19146Tayo Enna, 95119Elizabeth Enright, 85251Leigh Ann Erickson, 52403Lydia Escobar, 32824V Evan, 60660

Hamdiya Mackey, 19126Jaylen Madden, 30097Susannah Maddock, 52310Krishna Mahakul, 60440Anne Mahle, 55419Ellen Mahoney, 94110Gene Majewski, 60181Chris Major, 19130Ashley Makhoul, 7642Molly Maldonado, 19128Jessica Malone, 17325Tania Malven, 85719-2441Tania Malven, 85719Andrea Manley, 19150Sara Mann, 97232Sarah Mansfield, 91913DeBora Mapp, 40299Malia Marcella, 37209Sarah Marder-Eppstein,94115Tyra Mariani, 98119Cristina Marks, 20009Angela Marks, 19103Yvonne Marley, 85381Karen Marsh, 35758Julian Marshall, 64130Jennifer Martel, 58538Sam Martin, 27526Samantha Martin, 19081David Martinez, 2072Chandler Mathews, 45406Sarina Mathis, 43219LaQuita Maxey, 46228Allie Maxwell, 6759Kate Mayer, 19312Laura Mayers, 48105Shannon McCarl, 97060Anne Mccarley, 10024Julie McCarthy, 80021Mike McCarthy, 92780Michael McClary, 19131Tara McCrone, 23221Debra McDonough, 4074Katelyn McGrath, 19147Richard McGregory, 53593Herbert McGuin, 75052Herbert McGuin, 75053

Adelina Trujillo, 80223Don Trump, 88901HOA TRUONG, 91016Severin Tucker, 19128Ashlei Turner, 70—LaJuana Turner, 94619Erin Turner, 19464Nancy Turner, 70119Emily Twyman Brown, 64130Sangeeta Tyagi, 1778Porter A Tynes, 38119Kyasha Tyson, 19144Andrew Urevig, 55408Ulysses Urquizo, 90640Soune Ursani, 63021Taylor Uyehara, 19125Steve Uyenishi, 98115-6009Rick Vaccarelli, 15108Curtis Valentine, 20744Andrea Schueler Valley,55003Zoie Vanderbush, 49065Carolyn Vaughan, 89113LaTisha Vaughn, 29418Stephanie Verdin, 70754Nataki Vickers, 48152Jose Vilson, 10029Rajeev Virmani, 94952OKECHUKWU Vitus, 430264Diane Waff, 19129Sara Wagner, 55407Jeremy Wagner, 79424Jennifer Wagner, 46202Nate Wahl, 61802Linda Walker, 21044Ann Walker, 87321Ron Walker, 01906-3392Tori Wallace, 19094Kristina Walrath, 19144Rebecca Walsh, 2131Kate Walsh, 20005Mary Walston, 97404Sonia Walters, 55438Jay Wamsted, 30080Wenjie Wang, 88001Greg Waples, 22015Kristin Ward, 28216

Steven Evangelista, 10040Montel Evans, 64055Devin Evans, 60615-4153Niko Everett, 92625-2620Nere Eyeguokan, 21217Adele Fabrikant, 20016Michael Faccinetto, 18017Lindsay Fallon, 2467Deidre Farmbry, 19119D’Angelo Farmer, 48075Elizabeth Farnham, 17331Tracey Farris, 60622Stephanie Feaster, 19046Arnold Fege, 20005Jessica Feierman, 19046Keyana Felder, 55432Madaline Fennell, 68114Hadley Ferguson,05735-9656Hadley Ferguson, 5735Juan Fernandez, 2067Frank Festa, 19104Castwell Fider, 19150Raymond Fields, Jr., 19144Antonia Figueroa, 60609Robert Fingerman,373560977Robert Fingerman, 37356Robert Fladger, 97465Teresa Floyd, 29642Robert Flynn, 64109Markus Flynn, 55404James Fogarty, 15224Meredith Foote, 19103Doug Forbes, V6A 1m9Anne Forrester, 23221Dalene Fortier, 87505Rachael Tutwiler Fortune,32218Wayfinder Foundation, 55411Kayla Frank, 98403Patricia Franz, 15235Dianna Freelon-Foster,38901Cay Freeman, 6095Nicole Freeman, 55433Cierra Freeman, 19121

Kraig McHardy, 34952Kraig McHardy, 34994Susan McHugh, 4005Stephen McIntosh, 38104suzanne mckenna, 19144Erin McLaughlin Peterson,55122Elizabeth McLister, 55116Evie McNiff, 19462Edith McRae, 97401Sharon McRae, 1469Katie McShane, 19008Teresena Medlock, 38109Teresena Medlock,38109-7527Natasha Megie-Maddrey,1902Caitlin Mehra, 95448Myron Meisel, 90064-3444Michelle Melani, 46268veronica melton, 89014Justin Meltzer, 19125Deidre Mercer, 19810Erin Merrill, 55422Jessica Miano, 55346Kathy Michaelson, 61072Carolina Milanesi, 95008Robert Miller, 19145Rann Miller, 8081Gerry Milliken, 86326Dawn Millner, 19018Lisa Mills, 55405Nancy Mims, 78751Sara Mingione, 95037Terah Minor-Jones, 21230Erikka Mitchell, 30349Megan Mitchell, 90703Arthur Mitchell, 19403Ellen Moir, 95062Jon Molenkamp, 97219Charles Molina, 85283Charlie Molina, 85283Bea Momsen, 97222Heavenly Montgomery,30214Norledia Moody, 30316Stephanie Moore, 48188

Chanel Ward Biddle, 19118Damond Warren, 19120Keeanna Warren, 46032Amira Warrick, 19104Jaquay Washington, 29464Bianca Waters, 19147Jacob Waters, 19147Jacob Watkins, 77406Joanna Watkins, 80211Sherlena Watkins, 40212Kelly Watson, 81321Kathy Watson, 85712Brunette Watson, 63137Katie Watts, 60194Diantha Watts, 14586L WC, 7003Sheila Weathers, 89147Wallace Weaver, 19150Nayoung Weaver, 1106Demetrius Weaver, 19139Paulal Webb, 61550Pam Webb, 55303Leslie Weber, 97504Leslie Weber, 97201Thom Webster, 19102Thomas Webster, 19104Tracy Weeden, 77098Raymond Weeden, Jr., 20020Nathalie Weeks, 10701Rebecca Weigel, 55407debra weiner, 18951Jonathan Weinstock, 94710Sam Weir, 80204Daniel Weisberg, 11201Catherine Weisweaver,98177Alison Welcher, 28227Elaine Wells, 19050Ashley Wen, 94065Paul Werst, 74857Bonnie Wetherbee, 80112Jeri Whatley, 19119Deb Wheeler, 79714Brandon White, 14622Sadaka Whitehead-Smith,60615David Whitehouse, 23225

Alyssa Freeman, 23238Charity Freeman, 60502Meg Freeman, 7081Edison Freire, 19143Jodi Friedman, 10039Kendrick Friendly, 80204Donna Frisby Greenwood,19095Kristyn Friske, 60614Glenn Frizell, 64030Victoria Frye, 43204Angela Fuentes, 43017Dina Fuentes, 95356Jeanine Fukuda, 97223Jania Fuller, 32771Howard Fuller, 53216Alison Fumelle, 11215Beverly G, 76052Andrea Terrero Gabbadon,19141Keith Gabbidon, 30096Brian Gagnon, 2038Scott Gaiber, 19072Janine Galiardi, 80123Carey Garcia, 55125Angelia Garcia, 92065Kortenay Gardiner, 23222Julie Garner-Pringle, 55406Chaunte Garrett, 27601WALTER Garrett, 7108Linda Garza, 93444Brian Gaston, 77044Deborah Gauthney, 19050Travis Gaylord, 19096Alison Gazarek, 98178Christina Geitner, 19122Anne Gemmell, 19147Guy Generals, 19130Diarese George, 37043Ira Gerard-DiBenedetto,60177Amanda Gerber, 22801Nicole Gerber, 20002Theresa Gilbert, 61102Nina Gilbert, 30314-3773Megan Gildin, 19143Patricia Gilley, 71106

Dwayne Moore, 60619Emily Moore, 19139Katera Moore, 19139Anita Moorer, 19148Jackie Morgan, 84105Bobby Morgan, 8075Karen Morilla, 92881Langston Morris, 30126Linda Morrison, 4043Ibrahim Morton, 19121Matt Morton, 97217Kelly Mosby-Fowlkes, 17110Alex Moseman, 46239Jackie Mosqueda-Jones,55311Phelton Moss, 39157Ryan Mosser, 98108Beth Motz, 55406Elizabeth Mounteer, 64108Meaghan Mountford, 20012Tatenda Muchiriri, 80222Desiree Muhammad, 1104Robin Muldor, 20744Marilyn Muller, 1775Mercedes Munoz, 97216Lauren Murdock, 93110Deirdre Murnane, 55744Dacia Murphy, 85213Eliza Murphy, 19147Pranav Nanda, 20002Sarah Nardi, 2132Khushali Narechania, 94707Brittany Nash, 80917-3036Joe Nathan, 55116Michelle Ndely, 55423Rama Ndiaye, 10034Monica Neal, 18901Ricardo Neal, 21214Kareem Neal, 85004Christopher Nellum, 94605Vern Nelson, 55432Saxon Nelson, 19143Dana Nerenberg,97212-2021John Nettleton, 97202Dr. Bibi Neumann, 55421Mechele Newell, 94590

Margaret Whiting, 19090Maria Whitt, 46342Lea Wiacek, 49506Jennifer Wieselquist, 3857Teena Wildman, 7024Dustin Wiley, 64130Antoinette Williams, 6511Melissa Williams, 21078Thelma Williams, 38305Sharon Williams, 19335Eve Williams, 60091Levon Williams, 98418Veda Williams, 76131Rebecca Williams, 64131Charles Williams, 46375Chris Williams, 70501Elliott Willingham, 28213john willis, 68108Delano & Sonya Wilson,71106Chantel Wilson, 55448Audrey Wilson, 30337Stephen Wilson, 19901Wanda Wolcott, 47161Meheret Woldeyohannes,20782Kim Wolf, 60177Amy Wood, 23139Rocquelle Woods, 35824Emily Work, 1925Andrew Worthington, 21030Lane Wright, 32301Zachary Wright, 8108Gordon Wright, 60201Joyce Wyatt, 37931Gabrielle Wyatt, 10024Melanie Yackley, 55422Rasheedat Yahaya, 64030Viki Yamashita, 90908Feven Yared, 98026Michael Yates, 75074Staci York, 86322Jo Ann Young, 98506Sedonia Young, 98406-1245Jordan Young, 45371Ahmed Young, 46234Brianna Young, 94545

Dr. Angelina Gilyard-Shyne,94591Ben Gipson, 64110Jennifer Gitschier, 1524Richard Glass, 60643Gloria Glass, 31626Stephen Glass, 92866Marianne Glick, 46250Khijanique Godley, 19146

Katie Newham, 55126David Nichols, 97213Jay Nickerson, 10025

Elyssa Yuen, 19129Kate Zannoni, 44120Katya Zepeda, 56716russ ziegler, 60516Russ Ziegler, 60516-2032Kayla Zinter, 55807Mary Zollars, 15241Jacqueline Zugg, 34119

511 Olde Town Rd, #80548, Rochester, MI 48308-9998

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