Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1931-05-22


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Transcript of Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1931-05-22

.- - Seniors! Wbat Are They Doing Mlet' Orllll,

uatloll? Soo FOllture 011 I)ago :I,

, Iowa Gollers

Win 8ta~ Title Over Five Schools on Ames Cou"",. Story

on Pace 6,


Men Behind the News

Cuba's Lea(~cr Chucks Business to Go a· Fishing.

(Edltor's note: 'l'he folloWing "tory on Pre.ld nt Machado or Cuba Is another In lhe series glv. Illg little known fact~ about per. sons frequently In the news: to· morrow, Secretary Mellon by Ohal'les D. WatklnR.)

8)1 BYRON ' OARNTON (Copyright 1931, by Associated l'reSll)

Gerardo Machado Y MOI·ales. presl· denl of Cuba, Is that familial' figure, the counu'y boy who has made good and now longs fo,' a small boat, II stock of bait, and plenty Of lime for (/shlng.

But he's dlffel'ent tl'om most of the eminents who 81gh fot' tile thrill or a tug on the end of a. lInl'. He doesn't merely Bentlmentuliw it. lIe experl . ences It every time ho h" ~ a chanc()­and '18 make8 cha.nces tor himself ~~II.t\ tnough tI,e DoHlical ,i/tuatlOll til hi. Island republic concerns him, and his colleague8 grow excited.

Favorite Fishing Ground His fa.vOl·1te fishing gl'OU nd 18 off

the coast of Matanzas. There ho takes frequent re61 trom oftlcllli ~&res. He Is a bit set up about his ability with the rod . Hc Is. he aays. "very proCessional."

Above his desk In his office Is II

theory Of his skill. A 250 poulld swordfish.

, One oC his campaign innovationij was to discard lhe lradltlonal horse. 1\ had been accept d lilat the way to capture the imaglnattlon of the vot· ers was to ride at the heacl of a vasl parade on a horse of mlJllary Imperi · ouaness.

Machado Walks to Fllme Machado went on loot. " A pie,"

meaning "on toot ," became a eom· palgn 810&,an As ml'an lngCul ns " the big stick" once WIlS In the United States,

Belore politics In hlR !If!' thel 'e was war. His parents were members of families long lc1entlCiCil with gl'OtlPS ~klng Cuba's freedom from Spain. He saw his father seldom when he was a bOy, fOI' he wo.~ much In the field .

Career as oldiei' He himself tasted warfare at the

age of 22, receiving citations for bravery and losing the middle tlnger of his right hand. (He Is pleaeed that the 1058 of the finger has not affected his skill with the ('asUng rod). I'ot all his wounds we"e .. 0 millOI'. At one time his Ute Wll8 feared fOI', bUI he recovered to take Illlrt In lhe work ot I·econst,·uctlon.

In addition to POlitlCH, he devot!'d himself to commerce, the breeding of cattle, and the CUltivation of 8ugllr.

Richard Byrd Gives Concluding Lectnre;

Leaves for Chicago

WATERLOO, May 21 (AP)-The 1100,000 deficit whloh greeted him on his return lo ciVilization more than erased. Rear Admll'al Richard B. Byrd conclUded tollay the la t ot a tierles of 300 public address 9.

Byrd lett late tonIght Cor Chlcall'''. whence he will fly to PlttRbul'gh, go· Ing trom there to his home in J:!08' ton. "I'm going to take a vacation foracouilleot weeks," he sold. "I've waited lWo years for It, and I think 1 descrve It."

Repol·ts that h \\'lIs making Ill'.

"angaments for anotJt<ll' trl l) to tho north Ilole were dismiss (J with the remark, "tlrst I have to tlnlsh my last trip. It wiil rPQuil'e allotlwr year beforo the 10 Qf us have finIshed l'oeordlng sci ntltlc data aC~lulred Ilt Ihe Hauth pole."

The smiling rear admlml i1ecllned to comnlent upon Wilkins' chance ot luccua in reaching the north polo by lubmarlne,

DON'T FORGET That whon )IOU reIHl, 'fhe Ol\liy IOwan shvul\1 b<J t\I'"t. Il's "first with the n 'w,,"- (h'8t lo YOUr humo In liw 1ll01'1llng,

Take advantage of our IIpecia) June rate today, '4 for the year or ,1 for the summer.

M·ail .Your Check Today

Gerardo ~fllchlldo

Men of Iowa City Ask for New Hospital

CoI. John Phelan Will Visit Iowa City to

Study Sites The chambt'r Of commerce com·

mlttee Is stili working to secure thn new $1,270 ,000 federal veterans' hospital for Iowa. ClLy.

ITa vlng received definite word trom the veterans bureau that Col. John J . Phelall , government engl· necr would be In Iowa C'lty soon to Htudy th e proposed sites, local ,vo"kers are continuing to gather data und acclulre olllloM.

A recent announcemenl from Ad· mlnlstralor I-lines of the veterans bUl'cau Indicated that the sltuatlon of tl).e ncw hospital would be some­whel'o In a vlclnlt), Of GO mlllls ot Ames. J n spite ot this , th Chum· bel' of commerce committee with which workcr1! from the American Legion and othel' organizations are cooperating, Ila~ been continuing Its work.

'Vhen Colonel Phelan arrives, he will btl ~hown tho sltcs. In particu· lar one west of the unlvcrelly golt COUl'SC. Other (Iualltlcatlons aet UI) by th e government [01' the hospItal location , such as certuin tl'anspol" tallon facilities -and a favorable en· vh'onment \VIII be examined by tho cnglncer.

(;olonel Phelan is making an cx· tended tour of ItlMpection on which he will examine sites In GO cllle8,

l'~lnal word ' as to the location ot the hosl)ital Is IlOssessed by the hospitalization committee at the veterans bureau.

Fall Decides to Fight for His Freedom

WASIlfNGTON, May 21 (AP) -With I'~vived hOl>e, Albert B, ~~all

h!l~ dpcld!'d to renew his long con· l~"t against his conviction of ac· CCptini: a \)l'll>e whllp secl'ptal'y ot lhe Inlerior ill the Harding cabinet.

l"I'om his homo at 'Three Rivers. N. M .. Fall hUH In811'ucted his at· lO"ll4lY8 hel'(, to apply to tho eu· preme cou!'t ro,· a ,'evlew ot the Dis' tl'let ot Columbia court ot app~als dOciRloll affll'mlng his bribery con· vlotion ancl UI)holdlng It sentence ot II y<>IlI"ij hnp\'lsonment lind a $100,-000 fine.

Fall I'ccentiy announced that be· cause ot i1lnCR8 anli advanccd ago he would abandon hl8 contest against con vlollon ot recelvlng a. $100,000 bribe from J~dward L, Do· hony, wellltlly 011 man. Doheny WI\..'; Ilcq ultt('d ot giving the money.

F"ank .T. JJogon, one or Fall's counsel, In a formal stalement, InlltlO known his client's I'econsld· cl·allon.

"MI'. It~all's II.ltol'llcy 811'ongly ad· vlsCil hint to I,uthorlzo tht'm to seck a rev Ipw by the su pl'eme court of I tho Judgment against him," Hogan ~ltltl. "Apl)IU'enlly temporarily

I WOlll'y or his long Cight, and be· I CILUHO Of lho hO\lcl('ijsly bad state

of his health, MI'. }o'all fh'st deter· mined not to follow the adv lcc of oounscl and ca"ly tills month In· Htl'u'ted thom not to aSk the su­preme COUl't lo review tho ju(Jgment ugalnst'lim.

"Upon fUl'ther consideration, Mr. ~'1I.1J has now decided to yield to tho advice OC his I\tlOI'neys and to tho hllllortunilics of ' his family and (dends. The lalle,' telt thlLt the caso ~hould not stop shot't at the KU)Jreme ~o\lrt .

R.McKnight Dies 5 Hours

After Smash Local Bnsiness Man

Killed When Car Turn~ Over

nutus Daniels McKnight, al · though showing sign. ot conscious· nes~ two hours after he turned over In his car wednesday night at 9:45 passed away at 2:20 Thursday morn· Ing at the university hospital where a dl'iver coming from Cedar Rapids took him and George Sedlvec, his comoanlon.

Dr. George Maresh, coroner, ex· pressod bellet that he probably died from brokcn ribs puncturing the luni:s. He Hu(fered It. severe head Injul'Y, fl'actured lett collar bone and torearm, and broken ribs. He never regained consciousness.

Mr. McKnight was born at Ma· rengo, June 7, 1890, Ha moved to Iowa Cily with his Parents at the age ot 14. Movlng to Washington, U. C., In 1909, he married Hazel Yeatman there In 1914 and return· cd to Iowa City the rollowlng year where he became connected with the Merchants Union Delivery COm· pany. He owned the Ibuslness at tho time ot his death and was pl·om· Inent In business and lodge circles h~re,

Classes Meeting at 10 A.M., 3 P.M. Hold

Examinations Today

With one lIay's examinations undel' the'" collective bells, students In 1"I'onell and Spanish , as well as those h.wlng flrsl cluSB meoting at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. TUE-sday, will labol' to benefit their ijchola.slic aVel'age In lhe second day of final examinations today.

A II s(>cllons of French (2) and (02) and Spanish (62) and (062) will ml'ot ,Imultaneously In spec tried l'ooms In the liberal arts bulldlng~ this aCter· noon from 2 to 4 o'ciock .

Claijses wh081' fh'st meeting" occu,' Tuesday at 10 a.m. will meet for ex· amlnation from 8 to 10 o'elock this moming: those WhOHC firHt meetings com Tuesday at S p.m, will havl' their examinations from 10 to 12 o'clock thlij momOlg.

(Complete eXlllUlnlltion schedule on page four.)

Reports Vary About Alleged Oriente Revolt

Government Confirms Re})ort of Armed


HAVANA. Mny 21 (AP)-ConCllct· He Is survived by his widow, two daughters, Catherlno, 12, and Jean, 9, his mother, Mrs. Addle Mc. Ing versions of last nli:ht's repo~ted Knight, and one slslcl', Mrs. Jacob InsurrecLion In Orlenle province were Van del' Zoo, HIs mothor has been received 110rc today. confIned to a hospital since an a.uto An oCficlal government statement a.ccldont somo time ago In which she t'ecelved sel'lous Injuries. Issued by the departmont of the In·

Mr. McKnight was a. member of torlo,· conth'med early reports tbat Tl'Inlty Episcopal churCh, the Ma- lhere had been an armed revolt sonIc Blue lodge, l!llUltCl'n Star, II.lld llgalnst tl'OOI)S at lManzanillo and Elks.

Funeral arra.ngements have ten. Jlguanl and that there also was "ex· taLively been mude (or 2:30 I), m. cltement" at Holguin and Chaparra, SlIturday at Trinity .l!:plscOPIII church.

Cabinet Quits Over Dispute

Catholic, Liberal Party Breach Causes


BHUSBgLS, lIlay 21 (AP)-The cabinet of {,I'(lmlor Henri Jaspal' which had been In oC!lce fOI' nearly roUl' yea I'" l'cslgnecJ today after a dis· lIute bet ween Catholic and lIberal L)arty members In the Chamber over an al)propl'latlon for ft'ontler defense works .

It mllrked the secund time within that period that a breach between the tll'O pal'Llcs had oreated a cailinet crisis.

f(educed ApPI'Opria.tion A Catholic party amendment reo

duclng the proposed aoproprialion oC approxImately $8,575,000 was the spark which touched off the Ilolltieal rh·eworka. Premier .Jasper no 1I00n· il l' had anl\oul\ced the government's acceptance of the amendment tllIIn a. stonn of opposition broke Crom tho liberal side ot thc chamber.

M. Bovesse, mlnlHtcl' ot post ana telegraphs, assumed thc leadership ot the liberal attack by a dl'amatlc thr~at to resign If the amendment were PlIssed.

Chamber. Session Suspended Suspension or the ChH mbcl' session

rollowed wllile the cabinet held a hUI'· ded mooting. Wilen cOllfJ ullations de­velopod no agreement between the Cathollo and liberal party loaders It was decided to orrel' the cabinet's res· Ignation to the cl'own.

The same cabinet reSigned Qn Nov, 25, 1929, arter a split between Flem·

Bclie\'e Trouble Ended Thc gOVernment 8Il.id these upris,

ings lIad becn quickl)' suppl'essed and no furlher trouble was expected .

Flat denials ot any such trouble at Manzanlllo were made by !\IlLn uel "Honet, Pl'c6:c1cnt 0( the naliouaUst Ullion b"anch thel'o, and from Mayor Rllfael Sarlol.

.Bonet told an A~soeiated l'rel8 correspondent who arrived at Man· 1.anllIo by airplane thIs morning thllt a private quarrel In which two men had been klIled fUl'lllshed the founda· tlon fOr "epol'ts that the citizenry had revolted.

Secretary Confirms Report S cretary of the Interior Octavio

Zublzarreta tiald today his Informa' tlon regarding the reported rebellion was without !letailR. In his official stutement to the pross he said "the,'c has been a l'ovolulional'Y movement hI Manzanillo and Jiguani and excite· ment at Holguin and Chapal't'a" but the uprl.lng had been suppressed by tl'OOPS,

He said the govel'llment WItS confl· dent Its armed torces were strong enough to meet any emergency and "It the sedlllous altitude persists It IOay be necessary again to suspend conliUtutlonal guarantees In OrIente."

Illaehafio's Power In Cuba President Machado has at his com·

mand lhe powel', conterred by con' gress, to suspend guarantees Indefl· nlle.!y in Cuba as otten as he sees fit.

To add to tho confUSion of reports concerning the reported Oriente 1'e: belllon, the Spanish language ne'll's· paper EI' Pasl said It was trying to confirm a cable from Its cor,·espon· dent In Oriente saying "there wal fighting In the stl'eets of Manzauillo, Juglani and a dozen other points in Oriente province."

Havana continued quiet. Tension is high and leader~ of the oppos.ltlon have had a busy day with numerou~ conter nces, but thel'e had been no opeu manlCestatlons ot trouble brew· Ing.

Baker Would Have Medical Restraining

Writ Thrown Out

Ish extremists III the Catholic pal·ty and liberals over the deslgnatirlll of languages to be used In the new Unl· vel'tilty of Ghent. King Albet·t W'sl acceptod the reSignation and then wlthdrow his action litter the cabillet had been I'eeonslsted by premier Jas· par with thc same milllHters. DES MOINES. l\1ay 21 (AP)-A re-

The cabinet originally was formed sistance to a decl'ee asked by the state Oil Nov, 22. 1927. lIn the action for an Injunction

against him has been flied by Nor·


mo.n Baker of MU8Clltlne, Olle Dozen anes The state asks that Baker be en·

R 11 The.·r Wheels JoIned trom pel'sonal practice ot medl· o cine and tram practicIng tbrougb on Iowa City's Port agents or employes. It Is to the-lat·

____ tet· provision that Baker partlf u\ar­

1"0 lit' special tmnslt plalles, six Hc llCdul cd sl l1gle englnos, ILnd lwo scheduled trimotol'lI wet'O In the Iowa Uity III unleipal alt'port yestel·uay.

Robert Cochrane, pilot, and Don PI'l'8t0I1, CO'll llot, came through wllh " t1'l1110tOl' at a p.m., carrying three pas~eng I'S east. Jaok Knight, vllot. and co· pilot Ball flow wcst at 8:30 wHh seven passengers.

Single eugine pianos stopping at the airport we I'e piloted by: Edward Bshelman. 6 a.m.: ClIffol'd C. Coppin, 6 a.m.; David ilehnoke, 11 a.m.; Pilot Rose, t p.m.; Homer Munson, 6:20 p.m., and John Murray, 8:46.

Pilot Wymer from Hastings, Neb.,

Iy objectod. Until recenliy Baker operated a

C'U1CO ), Institute In Muscatine,

Fire Officials Seek Cause of Explosion

Mlloyors Visit Fr1lolICe now In with a 1I0W sty le "bull cub"

SPRING OREEN, Wis .. Mlly 21 (AP) - l~h'e officials and Insurance companies were seeking toolght to cJ elermlne tho cause of a spootacu· lut· tire alld explosion which resulted In the death ot Flro Chlet Mlltord GI'aham, S~I'IOU8 Injury to another fIre tighter, lind destruction of three business bUildings with damage es' tlmated bY owners at $50,000. HAVIlFl, Fl'ance, May 21 (AP)- plane being made by the Buhl com·

'l'w nty·seven Amel'lcan mayOl'~ pany. Two Stinson junior models and city ocriclals with membent ot · from Dav npOrt stopped during tbe their tam Illes a,.,.lvec! here tonight 1 day and evening. A large "travel on the FI'ench IInel' Jle de France, all''' type f,'Om Chicago stopped to tOl' a visit to France as guests et remain until mOl'Olnr. 1t Is a~ Oma· \h{\ Fl'~\)rh j(nv~rnmpl1t, 1"1 rlnl1~ ,

Eight tll,'emen stationed on tbe I·oof. fell Into the burning structure Iwhen the wail collapsed. All but Chief Graham we,'e rescued quick, ~y. 1118 bOdy was Clisoovered aHel' I h ~ fir'" "IIh.IIlMI ,

-Locke, Harrison, Swenson,

Hines, Nelson Forecast for '31·32 Iowa Coaching Staff

Cat Fighu Death, Ignites Gal, Burm

Would Be Killer

SPOKANE, Wash., May 21 (AP)­nalph Morse rubbod lhe oot'8 fur tho wrong way.

Two All American Men on List; One May

Not Sign

It Gordon LoCke, all Amerlca.n fullback tar the University of Iowa In i 922, .. ccepts tbe position he has been offered as baclcfleld coach he will hl!ll.d a list ot five alumni ap· polntees tOr 10"'" sports act(vlLiea next year,

A nnounc~ment ot the 1931·32 coaching staCf forecast was preclpi· til.ted by a news . dispatch from Hcotlsblufr. Neb:, IrUlng nut the fact that W. T. "Ted" Swenson, fonner three spOrt sta.r and mile rela.y team member, bad .. ccepted Iruck aSijlstantshlp vaeatt'd last tall by Charles R. BrOOkins.

"POPl!" Harri80n Called Lawrence "Pops" HarrlllOn, Coral.

ville boy who starred for University high school and later wore the Old Gold Of Iowa as a brlskelball tor· ward, wlU return from Westmln· ster college, Pennsylvania, to o.s81st CoaCh nollle Williams with hIs cage dulles.

And Coach Burton A, Ingwel'l!Cn will have as Cootball assistants In addition to Locke, If he accepts, Emerson W. Nelson, New York Sun .. II American tackle In 1927, and DOn }-lInes, Cortner taokle and utll, ity man. Batb experienced as as' slstants to Ingwert!en, Nelson and Hines are expected to continue the Une coaching tactlca developed un' del' P'rank Wlekhorst and Chcsle,' J. Meade.

DecIHlon on the staff was made tentatively at a meetl ng at the board In conlrol of athletics Mon· day nil>ht, but no announcement was to have been made until all the prospecta had signed.

Locke EDI'Oute to Funfr.1 In Iowa City )'cst!>rday enroutc

to the funeral ot bls Cather·ln·law, Dr. J. A. Blla", at Sioux CIty, Looke admitted havln,. beon o(fored a ]lo· "ition, but did not indicate whethOr he would accept It In preference to a conllnUation of his COntl'act at Western Re.~ .. rve university.

Ben Jenkins Ret.lned The reappointment Of "Bert"

Jenkln8 .. end coach and scout bl'lngs the total Of "alum" coaches to six.

A scoring record unsurpassed even by Harold "Red" Grange was set by Locke In 1922 tOI' Big Ten touchdown makers to shoot at. His plunging made punts on the fourth down a r&rlty and contributed heav. ill' to Iowa's two successive con · ference cbamplonshlps. He also competed In baseball. Locke reo mained as assistant football coach while completing his stUdy In law. He has combined law practice In Cleveland with his duties fI.8 Weet­ern Reserve coacb.

Swenson, better known to his In· tlmates as "Ted" will assist Track Coach George Bresnahan, and will 01>1<> scout basketball games for Coach Rollle Williams. He gradu· ated from Jowa III 1926. While at the uni versity he WOIl major Ict:~r8 In track In '23, '24, and '26. HIM special lies "'ere the quarter mile and the high Jump. He captured the state meet In the latter cvent In 1923. He wus a member of the val'· slt y tcnnls tcom III '23 and '24. cap· talnlng the team during the latter ycar.

At Scotlsbiuft, S",cn~on's tootbAII learns won 29 of 83 starts In th e I hree years thllt he lI'a9 menlol' there. His achool during that pet'lod captured the only state track cham· plonshlp ever won by a western Neb"aska school.

Swenson replaces Charles Brook· IllS, wbo left Iowa last winter br· cause at marital difficulties. Since thAt time Coach Bresnahan usrd 8enlor~ In the physical education as IUIIllstll.nts.

"Pops" Harrison, diminutive guard wl}O starred on the Hawkeye caFre teams In 1927, and '28 will reo iju me ',,'ork where he Icft orr In 1939 10 go to Westminster college to be director of athletrcs and basketball coach.

The basketba Ii team hI' devoloped lit " 'ealmlnster io st 8eason won thfl TI'I,Col'\fercnce champlonshlo, win· nlng' 30 out ot 31 games. The feRt brought widespread reoognltlon to Ilarrison and praise from the col · lege pre_ldent that he "'88 the moel succe8sful a.lhlellc dire tor West· min Istor had ever had ,

M'erchant8 Decide Question of Clo8ing

Food merchanls ot the city will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Legion

ulldlng to decide concerning' closing 01 shops on Memorial day, May 30.

Other business bou8es will be clos· cd on Memorial day but will reo ma.ln open tbe nlgbt betore.

Thorn.... Slatmaker ~rrled Jahn V. Thomas ot Swisher and

Anna Slaymaker at Ely ~ere mar. rled in Iowa CIty yesterday by Jus· tlce ot the Peace Ellaa J. Husbes. Wltnelsel were Charle! and Nonll Studt, 80n·ln,\aw anf! daughter of Ih~ bride,

Gordon Locko

"Pops" Harrl on

" ,

"SI.ike" Nelson

"0011" Hines

Wales Urges More British Cooperatioll

to Improve ,Industry

LONDON, May 2l (AP) - The Pl'Ince oC I\'ales. In a. radio address ",'hlch was llmcuicast from London 10nll(hl. In an Intcl'Ilallono.l book·up, Nuitl the cOI'dial coolle"nUon of Hrlt· I~h industry, salesm'IJlshlp, shipping lind flnane ~,la8 ' e8s~ntlal In fu\" thel'lng British trade ",Ith l:ioulh America.

"It S~pm8 to me: ' he said, "that lhe most Importsnt pOint 18 to gct as many entl'l~s 8S 1)08slble In our nutlonul order book, and lo al locat the work to indiVidual tlrms ~nce tha t Is done."

He (liso I'ecommencled "further h'dustrlal grouping Ilnd u!llneatlon, particularly 88 regards salcsman· ship a.nd representation."

There was a (laming blaat. a feline yowl, a human howl and they sum· moned an ambulance for Ruillh, who Was burned about the face.

Morse was putting the cat Into the lethal gas chamber al the humall society barns at the time ot the accl· dent. Static electriCity trpm thl' <loomed animal Ignited lhe gas. Tho cat escuped,

Russia Won't Accept Wheat

Plan of U. s. Conference May Split

on Proposed Quota Arrangement

LONDON, May 21 (AP) -Rus· sla's delegation to the world wheat ~~ !erence today Issued a state. ment definitely rej cling the Amer· loan plan tor restricted acrc>age os 8uggetltcd by Samuel n. McKelvie, and proposing Inl/teAd a bl'oad scheme upon which Russia would b Inclined to enter a \vol'ld agreo· ment limiting xpot'ts .

Rus la Takes Flml 'CH nd The announcement enlivened an

othel'wlae dull day of routlno com· mlll~e meetings but what Its eftect will be on tomon'ow'8 open meet. Ing of the con terence W8.8 conjec· lural. The RU8Hlan viewpoint was made pretly clear ycslerduy In com· mlttee session and today's statc· ment amplified It . The Immedlatc result of Its publlcaLion was to (II. vide the conteronce Into two camps, 4t least under the surface, one SUIl ' pO"lIng the quota sYlltem and the other holding out agalnst Il. Tho United States Is In the latter.

M,·. McKelvie hilS ",Me It cleal' that hig count,·y Is definitely aligned against tho Quota *ystem.

RU8sla Wants Lead Russia. wllnts bel' old ))osltlon lUI

the leadIng wheat exporting nalion, and the Danubian etates whose pro· duction tell of( dUl'lng the war sup· port bel'. The oppOSition Is likely to Include ClLnada, Argen tina and Australia..

The RussIan statement, signed by bldore Lubimoft, does not commIt the delegation to any definite pro· posal, but rather places tho .. eapon­HLblllty far success 0,' fallul'e at the conference with the large ex­po,·tlng countries, Including tho Unlled States.

"It Is necessa,'y to emphasIze," the statement SlIld, "that the estab­lishment or a scheme based on quotas can be acceptable onLy If the largest wheat eXPol'lIng counll"les will partiCipate."

Other delegates declined to com· ment On lhe Import of that pam· graph.

Reduction or Acreage "Th& chlet proposal Of the Unit·

ed States," said the statement, "is I' ductlon ot acreage. So fal' as our countrY Is conoerned thlH solution Is unacceptable. In the condltlon8 at OU1' social system, with the ex· lraordlnary development ot our In· dustries and numbor ot 11\\1u8triai workers, Increased production Is necessary to meet growing Internal demands .• A t the same time It will lead al80 to an itle,'CIUlcd surplu8 to meel OUr export roquh·ements."

Kirkland to Testify in Second Trial for

Miss Draves' Death

VALPARAISO, Ind., May 21 (AP)­Virgil Kirkland w111 tesuty lomo"row In his second trial lor the death of Arlene Draves.

Defense attorneys announced to· night he wl\l be the laet wltncss be· fore rebuttal te~Umony by the state begln8.

One 01' two doctors may precede him to add theft· opinions of what

"UnCOI'l unalely nowadays," he 9uld, "the ImpI'essJon$ seems to exist 110t only In Argentina but In caused Arlene's death, an alleged at· the ~vhol~ of South AlIlel'lca, thot tack by Klrklllnd ' and foul' other OUI' manufacturing gl'nlus Isn't en. youths, Ot· a bruise on her head. tlmly liP to dale; lhat we 01'0 sup· Dr. Edward Miloslavlch, Milwaukee plying thc goods or yesterday, while I Pllthuloglst, testltled today that an our rorelgn compelltor~ are supply. extra·dural hemorrhage such aij the ing the gOods uf today. " girl suttel'ed trom the blow on her

head, was the primary cause of

Police Seek Perry, Wisconsin Bluebeard

SAN FHANCISCO. May 21 (AP) -While Sa.n k'mnclsco police awaited for Wisconsin officials to check pho· tograPhs, fingerprints and BerUiUon mea~uremenU, federal authoritIes to. day en tered the ease ot Fran\( J. !lloran, held here on suspicion ot be· Ing George \v. Perry, "the 'Vlijcon· yin bluebcnrd."

Louis Wille, "epartment ot justice agent, visited Moran in his city ilrl. 80n cell and later told authorltlos tile murder or Cor8. Belle Hackett In 'Vis. eon81n wa~ commllted on a govern· ment resel'Va.t1on. 1I10ran was held as a suspeot In this murder. Wine added that It 1I10ran proved to be Perry the federal gOVernment will have very defInite Interest In the CIlIIe,

deat h. He said thfl attack and ex· IIOHure would not have cause(J death.

Dr. Bernard Conway of Chicago tollowed him wIth supporting testl· mony.

Thousands Honor "Speed" Holman, Ace

ST. PAUL, Minn., May ~l (AP)­"Spoed" Holman made his last land· Ing today.

l/Igh on Pilot's Knob In Acacia cemetery he W/1.8 burled, tbe spot that had been his aet'lal beacon on countless alr trlP8 a.nd the place he had chosen tor hi s grave. .

Plaries hummed far above while 26,000 friends and a.dmlrers of the Twin City flyer looked on as Charles Holman, who died living up to his nickname at the Omaha all' racee Rundn?'1 WD5 ~Id td /'fat,

3 Say Clark Was in Office of Dead Editor

Murdered Man's Wife Says Spencer Was


LOS ANGELES, May at (AP)­Chiet ot Detectives Joseph Ta),lo" said tonight that three I,ersons have lIarllaliy Identified DlLvld Clark. tor. mer deputy district attomey, a8 the third man in the omell ot Chal'les Crawtord, politician, when he and Herbert Spencer, magazIne editor, wCI'e shot to death late yesterday.

DI8trict AttorneY Buron Fitts later Inued this statement:

"David N. Clark l.s the man WB

arc seekIng for the mU"dcrs at Craw· ford and Spencor. From the lnfol'1na· tlon 1 have just received, I have rea· 80118 to belJeve that he may ha,'e com· mltted suicide."

Cilief '1'a)'lol' said George Craw· toni, brother ot the slain man, MIs!' I.uclile Fisher and Ray J. Radke, em· ployes In l'awford's offlcp !laId pic' tures ot Clark bore II IIkelles8 lo Ihe man who entOl'ed the otflce and kill· od the two men aller a lengthy con· ver·satlon.

Detectives ilnmedla.toly Bought '11\l'k at his home but he could not be fOUlld.

Mrs. Clark la(d site !lad not ~en her husband since Tuesday, when he dl'ove IIway, promising to l'eturn to lwei) a dlnner engagement.

Fitts said evidence showed Clark drove (rom his home to a sporting good. s tOl'O and purchased a rovolver, giving a worthlees check.

Se retary Testifies Ruy J . Radke gave testimony at a

"oroner's Inquest ILfler police hall hUllted for a. clue to the kJller who shot the two men In Crawtord's oUlce In Hollywood latc yesterday. The cOI'oner's Jury returned verdicts tho men had been killed from gunshot wounda Inflicted with homicidal In· t!'nt. Ra~ke said h I arn d tho gun ·

man'a name tr01l1 Cl'awtord a ~hort time befol'C the killings,

"Crllwfol'(') reterrCl\ to him as ''''' II . Hon,' " Raake tealltied . "I was alt· ling in my omce rf'adlng a ne,v.· /luper when Crawford appenrt'd in ths doorway and asked me tor the key. to the wash,·oom.

Third 1\[an In Orrico "I got up, went to the outer otClce,

secured the key and then took It to the anteroom of Crawford's private ofrlca. Crawford, Spencer and a third man whom I had never Been before were slandlng there,

"Crawlord said to me: 'Radke, would yoU mind taking Mr. Wilson llround to the lavatol'Y?"

"! unlocked tho door tor tho mall and he said, '0. K. thanks.' I Ulen returned to my oftlce, I never saw him again, but 10 minutes elapeed and I heard two shot_very muf· fled . In fact they did 1l0l80und like ~hots ; I thought they wore the back· nre at an automobile.

"The fil'st r kn w that a shooting had tuken place was when I heard & commotion In the fl'ont ofClce. I rau out there and met Mi~, Fisher, the stenographer, and Mr. Copeland, the real eHtate man, who were dragging the bleeding body ot Mr, Spencer back into the office,"

Alter Underworld Story Betol'e going to Crawford's oftlce,

Spencer, editor of II magazine which had printed 8to1'leS of reputed gamr· $ter actlvilles, told an employe be was "going out to get some more un· derworld stutt." Until a tew months ago Spencer was city edltor of the LoS AngeleH :F:venlng Express.

Prevlotls to Radke's testimony late today. GUY McAfre, II gambling boss, had told tho ntLllle 01 all unldcntifled man he believed was responsible tor the Idl1lngs.

Police Investigation centered on two theories. One was that the shoot· ing resulted !l'om conflict between two underworld groups. Anothel' theory was that Crawford had thwarted efCoris o( Chicago rackel· eel's to organ ire I n Los A ngoles.

Spencer's widow said his life had been threatcned repeatedly by tele· phone.

Man Crazed With Home Brew Shoots,

Kills His Wile, Sons

111 EDl'-ORD, Wis., May 21 (AP)­A rter reconstructing a gruesoml! crime, Shel'ilt G. R. Baird tonight so.id Joseph Flelschmaun. 35, appar· en tly crazed by home brewed beer, shot his wlte an(l two sons to death last night In their farm home north or here, whlle they begged tor mercy.

They aro Mra. Mary l"lelschmann. 34, Alvin, 7, and Albert, 8.

Fleischmann '. three other children, Marie, 12, Josephine, ., and Dale, 2, and a neighbor, wore terrorised fol' five hourll as he mumbled Ineober· ently that he must hAve "8Ilc more" Victims. Two other adults were allO menaced, but elcaped with the nelsh. hor in a burst of shots from the 811.", er's deer ritle.

• • l WEA.THER ! JOWA-c:Jloull7 wltb rain In east alld soutb portlolllJ by FrIda, .,temooa: 8&turda, ,elleralb' fair: not much cbante '" lent­penlUl'f',

PAUETWO .TJ.IE IOOtY IOWAN, rom UI'l'1 ~y, MAY !2. 19!f & 4

Porter Tells W.owen Plan of State Reorganization

Chair.JII~" Plan Leasue JP ork for Coming

Club Year

Tile na tionwide moveme~t t pwa rd a reorgan~tlol1 of the state govern­ment will be d lscu8lled by P"ot. K irk P Qrter ot t he pollUcaI science depart­m ent a t a lu ncheon meeting ot the s lAlte board of the League of Women Voters th is noon. His talk will treat a t the trend or the states to form an aclmlnlstrllUve organl7.atlon with a r ela tionshi p ,,1m liar to the pr08ldent and his cabinet , Qnd pI' !lent possl, ' blllties ot t hat for Iowa. Twen ty,two per sons QI'e cjtpectcd tu be .Dresont at the lunqhcon ,

State cha irmen or s ix comm ittees will out line t he work to be under, t a l(efl ~11~ rear. In the session begin, nJng at 10:30 a nd las ting un til 4 o'clock, Iowa Ity chairmen are: M rtI, P hilip C. JC<1nB, spcla l ILYglene; Mrs. Homer OhElrdngtOI1. living cost; and Mr~. GeQrge W, Ma,.tin, Interna, tional cooperation to prevent war. Out ot town speakers are Mrs. E. W. Lindstrom or Ames. efficIency In gov. ernm~nt; Mrs, ElIward Allen ot ~mes. child welfare; and Mrs. H. S. COllard of Grinnell . women In Indus· t ry,

MnI. Loehwing Hostess Mrs. Lindstrom and Mrs. Conard

a" P g uellts a t t he home ot Mrs. \ \lul· t ill' F , Loehwlng, presiden t of tl,e city Illague. M1's. Jeans Is entel'trun, Inl Mrs. Alle n. MI'S. Estelle Bis· brow, p resident of the Davenpol't

Prof. Hirl, Porter

Dancers Elect New Officers

Hyp,el'ions Dine at Red Ball Inn, Kazoo

Band Plays leafue; Mrs. Bonnie Bailie, one of Ne.w orrtcer~ 'If Hyp rlon Dancing the vice presidents of ·the stale club elected at the twelfth annual leagu\!; a nd )'1rs. Raymond chm ldt d inner dance at Red Ball inn yeste,'. a rll drlvh1g t ram UQvenport fol' the uay Ql'e: Nro,·woOd C, Louis. president; occllI!lon . Llo¥d Bunker. vIce president; W, B .

Women AtteDlling Olp]lle, secrelary treasUl'CI'; and Hen, Other Iowa City women who will ry H erring, director.

attend a l'e Mrs. F l'an k A. St romi< ten . Sixty.toul' pel'$ons were seated al eta te pr·e~l~ellt . a nd Mrs. :Ool'l'ance eight tables decorated with plnll 8 . W hi te. state secretary. Mrs. Stl'om' I,blosaiornlR anil pink camllea. The s te n has been out at town since May Iowa City Kazoo band entertnlned l~, spea k ing tpr t he League of Worn, during the evening with a vaudevllle en Voters In Esthel'vllle, SIoux Ity. CQmpolled or singing and tap danc­Boone. Ft. Dodge, Mason City. tlnd Ing Rpe<>lultl.eH and .band selootlona. Des 1\I0lnea. l\fr~. 1::. J. Liechty. Mrs. Irving G.

Currier Employes Oine at Honor Party

Giv.en as Farewell

A ~!lrelVell party fd l' 14 CurrieI' hall dlnln!!, room employes, who will I;'l'ad, uate from the university this June. was given In the French dlnln~ I'oom at the dorl'l1lto,·y by 1111'S, Louise Car· ter dlrec~or. and MiSS Mary Klvll".

FQlloWlnl!' the dlnnel' Fritz Keefe. L4 at Ft. Dodge; Thomas Blaltey. L3 of Keystone; and Frank Henson. D4 of Primghal'. gave shprt talks. Qlenn Pringle. A~ pf Webster City; Max Burke. AS 0( Des Moines; and JQe Hootman, A4 of CanlJ'lI, entertained wi th so l o~.

Other guests at t he affair wero David Pennell, (\4 of Center Point; Louis Tlggcs. P3 oJ: PetQrson; Con, rado Oca mpo, D4 ot I . Norte, p, J,; :aen Stlenberg-. :M4 of Iowa City; George 1):hm~n , A4 ot Iowa City; Rob, ert Way, D4 ot New Sharon ; Clemc:nt · Peckosh, P3 Qf Ox10rd; Ed Crowell, L 3 of Manson; L lOyd Engle, C4 of ManRon; lind !,.aurence Simpson, C4 or Des Moine",.

Nine Members 01 Local Club Attend

State Garden Show

De FI'anee. Mrs. Walter ]<~ •• f l'rlam. an(\ .1rs . .James Burr.s dl'ew the fav­or~, whlcl' were pal' or plants.

'rhose on the committp.e In char!:,,, or al'l'angements were MI'. nnd Mrs, W . P. Gipple. chalrm/ln, MI'. and Mrs. Rtlphael Bnschnngpl, MI'. anll Mrs. J,Ql)n , :"'cCQIU"t~r, D,'. and Mrs. WIl· lIam Rohrbacher', M,'. and MI·s. Le Roy Spenc(>/', and Mr. and /VI "s. n. L . Bailey.

Guy Ogle's ol'che"tl'a (urnlshed the mlJRlc for tl.e dal)clng.

Theta Phi Alpha /lonol's Seniors

Senlor8 ot Theta PhI Alpha. will be entertained at Qn Informal din, ner al Iowa. Union this evening by lhelr palronesses. Helen Moylan, ~rttrcelln IIotz, and Mary Mu lie,'.

~'he dInner will be served 011 the Run porCh with sapphire Ilnd gold. llie SOI'OI'lly colors. used In Ihll dE'co' mUon scheme. Among lJle (lowel·.q used. the whIte l'osl', the HO\'Ol'ity flower, will be promlnen t.

Club President Entertains Officers

Bight oCrlcprs and cha irmen ot cllmmi[tpps Of th~ University club WPI· .. Nlle"Lalned In(ol'm(l,lIy Y('ster' dill' ot ( I ral'ewell dinner by MI'". J. /Iub!'I' t licott. president of the or· I(llnlzlltion. at her home at D p.m.

Hoses und 1I11cs of the vnlley were u.ed In the labl .. 'dcc'oratjons.

Univer.ity Club Will Eleot OJ/ieer., 'Hear Reports of Chairmen

The annual business meellng and election ot ottlcer" ot the Unlver· slty club will be tn_ '~ho club roomij ut 6:15 p.m. tomorl'ol\'. Following the dlnne;' there will I,c reports trom the various chalrmt'Jl amI I ctlon of offlcE'rs.

Hoste"ses a!'e to hI' ~I·S. E. H. Weber. chl:\lrman; nsslRted by M:ra. Hazel Schauss. Grace Wormer. Vao l1cKnlght. and J\1rs. J. S. Potter,

Two Women of Iowa City Gain,Honor8

Mrs. Pelzer's painting Third; Mrs. Volland


Iowa CIty women I'ccelvlng l'eeog, nltlon In the events of the nln tE'enth biennial convention of the 10'jV0. Fet! · eratlon or Womnn's clubs at M/lrsh­a ll town this weell were JIf,'s. LouL,; 1'~lzel'. 127 Ferson avenue. fOl' her enlry In the all painting N,nle~t,

and ~rR. Roscoe n. VollaJl!I, 4 JJ~1I1l VlsLQ avenue: who was "anQmil1ll\~~1 for tl'eaBurt'r of lhe or/(nnlzaUtJn.

.PiI'ture Place(] Third MI'., Pelzer's lluin!lng. "PortJ'(~it

Of n. woman ol'ranglng f1owp,'s," wn.s awn.rded third plncc in lIit' all polllt· Ing class at the contpst (01' 10w(1 aI" Usls given by thc Cederatlon. Norp \hnn 95 plclures \VerI' ent 1'('(1.

Il I' works have rrcelvcQ many aWllrds In previous exhl/Jlts through · out qle statp. among whlrh Is the "Pol·trlllt of LoulsE'. " which l'ecplved first prize In the 011 p~ In~h'g' exhlbl· Uon III the Iown Stnt" faJ;' la.~l yellr.

A colle('lIon of Mrs. PrlzPI"s wO"ka Is on clisplny thl~ wer k at the Morl" Gmnt gift sho!). 17 Ii. Duhu· Que street. The prlz/' wlnlling "POI" trnlt of a. woman Ilrrnnglng flow, el's" will he displayed nt tht· com, munity !l'nl'd('n "hull' to bi' Klven h y the gal'dl'lI depul'tm .. llt of the Iown City Worn",,'" ('lull .1I1n(' 4.

E1crtiolls Todll¥ )frs. V"lIand. Hlal~ ll '(o[I RurPI' of

the orga.nIZlltlon . pl'~6pntcll hel' an· nual flnol1!'iol report to th" OHsem· bly; and In the report of the nomi­nating committee yeRl(>rday waM named fol' the .posltlon ngaln . Elec· LIons will be helil today,

:-Ieal'ly' 1.000 membel'H oC thp f"d· ('ration al'(> nttencllng the HPs!llolls. nccOrdlng to reports from Alarslmll, town .

::I1nrvln Coue of ('odQr Rapids nnd Keith Van Duzee of Dubuque WOn first and second "Ia,,('~.. in th o all paintin g' r on lest. Fred 1. Ua.rlsocl, of Des Moines pla('ed fourlh ,

The awa rds were ann oull cpd at n luncheon Wedn('S(\ny In thr M"morl, nl building al which 500 perMns were pl'esen t. Mrs. B"rna Koen of Rocl<; L~land. III.. \yji,j, Ul\g of Lbe exhIbit,

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Harry lIfplpl', Ll of Ottumwa , waF

a dinner gU('!jt a.t the Slgmn A Iph ll Epsilon fratpmlly house Jast night.

Exp loRioll Hills OftUIlIWIUI LEAVE!I."WORTtr. Kan .. May 21

(APl-A prematurc pxp10sl01l o( dy' namite In the rock qu~I'I'Y Of the tedeml penitentiary here t04ay kill· ed Hugh Waddle, ~O. Po prison guard. IUs home WM in ottumwa,

Ia. ' . A number of Iowa City (lower lov, ;~::::;::;;;:::::;::;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;::;::::::;;;;;::;::;::;\

ers al'e ilIa linin!:, to attend the gar· den show In De~ Moines toauy and t01l1prrow. some 1I1'lvlng and other8 taking advantage of the ralh'ond ra tes of less than half faCe which al'S now In e ffect.

:'I~embl"'s of the Iowa City Gal'den club who plan to a ttend the s how are Mrs. )". C. Yo 11 I)g, Mrs. C. 0, Sa.ptpJe and son, Mr8. Jol1l1 ]i', neilly, Dr . and Mrs . W. r,., Bywuter. Mrs. Cll rl E. SeashQre. Mrs. R. B: VOl-land , Bnd )1 rs Louis 1."el,;er.

Mr.. Beal. HQnors BritIe (It Shower

A br idge pa r ty Q.nd II'/ lscellaneoq8 shower a t the home of Mrs. C. C. Beals. 0 W ashln.$'top apartmenls, this ev~nlf1g wil l honOr H azel Dem, I n~, 11 2 £i . Dpdg<;l ~t l'eet . whoae mal" II' lq,jl'e t o Alson :ara ley, 1)14 of W es· ley, :will be !In even t of tile la ltel' part of J \1ne.

The thr~e tables of bridge wi)] be d~c,or p. t ed In Pinl< and wh ite, Mlu Defiling 's cho~en colOI'II


Art~ uP 4nlz.' ~~J:~rl ~t fll:


35e Choh'e of Mllats, Potatoes, "cgetuble,~, Desserts

tSccona Cup Ilf corre" or Teu. }<' ree)




Over' Oarden Theatre Sheer N . Yeo, Prop.



With Seniors of '31 Latin and Greek Senio.l'8 Join Teaching Staffs of

High Schools Throughout Iowa, Dlinois

Studenls who have majored In LaUn alld Ork receiving degrees In June will tt'JIch lan~uage". for the most part In Iowa hlgh Rehool •• next year. Some wHl <:on\l ll ue lhelr work In the IIIme de])ltrtm(>nt for hlgh(>I' degrees. Those who have ltd­vunced d gr(>e~ ,wHl be IIIStl'uctOl'8 In othel' collegE'/! or slVdy In other unlversIU(>R.

Tearh at Hnoxville Virginia Mowry ot N(>wlon will

teach I,.atln and history In th high ohool a[ K~vllle. She IA n Jne,m­

I!(>I' at A Ipha XI Delta sorority Mil Higma Della J>hL A ",ong h~1' extra clIrrJeular acl\vllhlR II\' t,·easUt·pl' or Y."'V.C.A .• memh~r of ,\Yompn:s as· "oclatlon, univer~lty debate bottr·d. Wtl1l'ity debate, juplo,' league of women . voters. InlQ,'r1Jl.lIonul I'plll' 110118 counCil, HaWKeye stacr ot '29. alld EI'adelphlan.

oPl'l . RAt'*-'I./ie'l Te.tl heR Opal Robertson ot Council RlufC~,

a membe;' of Alpha Chi OrJ)ell'a . will leach Latin .I\/lf:l iFr~nch at Stl·ong· hurst. III. She Is a member ot H g,

perla. "'.A.A.. CluR .'cal club. all<l Snllnil<h club.

gcllth Atchl~on of Albin will tea('h Latin nll(\ English In the hlKh 8('hool at SolOn next ~'enr.

Cornelia Andel'son of Ceda r Rap' Ids h:';8 been olllloinled to teach Latin and ~8'lI~h at Urbana. She Is a member ot Kappa Delta SOl'orlty anll Octave Thanet.

Father Rrhtllte Gets Degree '1'he Rev. \Vllllnm 11. Mehulte who

1\'111 receive n Ph .D. will teach Latin lit Columblll Qollege Ql DubuiIU(', lie will resume his rE'gular worll thel' ,

Ji!"len Rp(>" IIrford o( SophIe New omh ('ollpgc al ::-l ew OI·leans. U! .. ha~ IIpen al)f1olnlp{\ to n r 1I0w· Rhll) In thl' Institution oC Ill'! nll(l

'(u'Chneolo!l'Y at th(> Univer,lty or Purls fOI' Ihe "ummel'. The honol'! · Illn j~ R~ffld('nt to ('QV('I' 1111 1':<' J1PIIMe~. )lf1~R Clltford 1'(,(,E'lved lhe M.A. dpATe(> from the University of lown In lA2~ .

Alphn Rl'alinlVlll'lh Who I'ect'lvea her B.A. In June will come back <)n a ~"hO\Rl'sh Ip to do gratlua te work.

135' Seniors Will Graduate From Iowa City High School

L . B:d hi, ~itn L. n(~ tlt"J · . D01'othy

Paul O. J acobs. AJice Jpanette .JOIIOS. \Vps ley J . K BsJ,)BI·ek. 11'.,

lJetty Klrclmcr. Karl Dallas Kirk , Leo A, 1(leln. DQle Kosel', Lowell K rlel. -

Eugenp B . Lewis. Converse R. [.('WIR, Jl ownl'd NIcola. McClp.ery. lJon McYI('I(el·. Cath rlne 1\1. Mac' hovec,

Police Court Frees Slary on Charge of

KiJling 2 in Crash

gin ru led t h t the ~tale had ' Calle<! to pl'uve Ihat Sli\ry 41'Ov~ Ihe car III which Willers Willl rI~lng when he WaH killed. A manBlau llhte~

chl\rge ogah'st ~Iary Wl18 dropp(,d. DAVENPORT, M:ay 21 (AP)-Ed Last week 11 coroMr's jury recom.

Slal'y today was freed of blame In mended a graml Jury InvesUgaUon. police court In connection with the RegaNlleSB ot today's ruling, As¥l,t. deaths ot J;)art·y Willers and ~ll'B. ant County Attorney lark Fllaeth Flot'ence Salldel's a weell ugo In un saId, the case wltl be presented 10

Bulle MarkovItz. Don B. )lartln. automobfle accIdent. the next grand Jury tur tUI'ther Ill. Gertrude Millet', Jessie l\!.MlIIs. lin· J If 'I I t :r I 'f 8 I vestlgation. ton H, :\loyer. Na thanlel H, M utch.~;:;;;o::c:e::'::'!lg;;s:,:.a:t:e;;~o:.:n;:,,;c;;I;V~g;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;t_ 1('1'. Adl' lttlde N~18()n, Chal'lps Leon·l. nNI O·Dol'lncll . (l l·,tre V. Ove'·holt. JII~I'CllS 'V, Ow I', DOli ·W. Paden. Lester J. Pal·lzek. Mal'gnl'ct :Ann l'a.t tel'soft,

norls Robbins Doris Ruby Robbins. EUI1I1. LOlll~1'

no~sRlpr. ael'nlll R. RogN'R, John A. Ruby. Alit'I' C. Rummelhnl". Clel, <llln F rnnl'IR Rllppert. \"1111I\m O . Huppert. JI' .. Josep)1 I. nu~!<plI. Al'dls A. Rnqger. LeAter ..I.. Rnnger, VII'gll T~, Achnoebelen.

Bllrlnn L. f:\chropd(>t·. C. nonold ApQl'est. Elsie :'Ifal'gttl'ct Rpdlal'~k.

.Ion~t HPl(er, lIe"Il('l't Shulman. HtC'hnl'd Hldwpl1. Lnwren('(' ~'. HtlIlth , II . Hldw!'11 Amith. Mnry E. RnW",'.

1)11111 A . Spence Paul AlbPrl AIIPn!·p. Hol",,·t "V.

StevenR. Rodlley C. Stewart. Rkh, nl'd Frederick StmJllP. Ca.1'1 J. Rln,s· ser. John A, StromMen. Evelyn I

Stulsman, Donald F"ancIA Sullivan, . Jennette n. Sybil.

WjI h Ill' A. Tallman. Johll Vnn (]PI ZN" Lois 1. Vnnhorll, Vlvl"n Ln· v~I'Jle ~VtJ.gl1el', Lllllnn Agl1Ps 'Yalsh, We.lay A I1ll r('w Wltltel·. ]Jut'othy Wl'hRler. E. VII'gl n!t1 ·West. Dudley G. W lloy. L ois E. WlIliall1R. IJI~r,

rlHOII R. \I'l·i . .;-ht. D,'lhel'l D. Zager . II nd r. 'wl~ L. ZagClr.

MILLINERY Special$ for

T roay and Satllrdav

One hundred nnd thll' ty·rive "n-101'01 \VOl b" 0f"adualeU 11'om \he Towa ('ity high 6<'hoQI at lis ('om)OeflC~'

ment ~x@I'(!is"H (0 h(> ,beld Thursday, .J une N. at the naluT/l: soleuce audl, to,·!um. Eugene A. ~lImol'c. dt'lln ot the cullege Of law -at Lhe unl\l "sHy will be ap ker. "What N~xlT' will be his topic,

U1ecllu. ;;;;;;j::;;::;;::;;===;::;~ UUy ll'R (; " :lIlual l'~ .•

\Pl"tlt:"'IUII Itr E veJlil ll:' The veLlod! 'IOI'y I1nO X(<lut'~tf)ry atl'

d\'(,~Hes will be (lellvel'ed by :lJArgUr­ot MnpPI!' and HCI'dlH 'hl'iKtenspn rrspemlvely. Nf\lsi~ for th~ evpnlng will lJp flll·l'1l1!.hel\ I)Y the glee QlulJR Rnd I hI' high scllol)1 I) lwslra.

(leol·g.· J"IIlIJl"pIJl, 1)I'(·SW .. l1t <lC tit .. !Whool hOlll·d. will 11,'I'Ml'lIt the CoUow' Ing wllh dliliomll": hOtHII' HtlId~ntB: Ruth IMIJ~ I ,\ W' llel', :l-1a"j())'h! Anne Brynn. JTerdhl (,hl ' IHt"n~ell, Dorothy FlWf'I'H, RRymlind J . Kcukn.. ]{;tlph IJOU~el' , Wlln'm klay 1.,,(;&hlln. l;;vp­IYfl M:weR. Margol'''[ MIII!"'l, Harujd J. PnllluH. A. Wenll('11 Hellly. E. Lllcite li,mllh, Bp,'yl Hentrlcl' Wp.pkeH.

Olher Q I"J(luot~s JameR J . Alldel'lIk. Arthur W. An,

(]""lIon, I)onold J. Andpl'MOn, lj"al'l'Y W . AuStin. Kennelh HobeJ"t Da'" I'i':k. Hobert G . Dan'lcK, Hard(>t lIf.


.John 1~. Boyl<'IH, H('h' n J1u-th Bl'C"€('(\ , Jospph f..:urg-(·I ' , lJU1'l'P ll

few'!', ~Ilph (l I';, Bllfr, Paul Caltu· !l'Ionn , Hoy Calla. ~l"l'!;-al'Pt (',\m))' hell, CttUII'rllll' :.r, ('uI'I·I!;,II'. ('orolyn ~Ia,· ·hallmun. Ill' \ ' f'(' ('hesmorc, ,lalheR (;1))·I"leIl8"". lto!Jel't E. CIIIIlR}' .

Ch,,"'eH ('ohn . no, ,, 11annnh C"hn, ;\I nr co!llt C: . (:olp . A Ibert", !\If. ('()on . I1lhl" Cl'aln. Lolli Pelll'l CI·~ln . 1l11vld ('II 1I0 v ilz, Hllth Davis. Vpra n n 1'1, , It' I·I .. K 1';11"'11'(18. I~leanol' I\illrif" J'li l'hl t'f. ..

Y"'I;IIII" "'UI'!:USIIU Vh,,:lnla 1, ( r~ II~"n. Wro(h'ow W .

F'oH!4(·IC , ;\or. Huth fi'ullel'toll, Lpster (1:11'<" 11_1 '. !\I n ,·y bll7.fl)~t1. Gatlon, HI l'h" r!1 J . (i ' I"I 7.<' I. TIH'ula H. GI'~f'n, Ch' lcl, J':u'oIYII ("llh(>rln~ 1I1l1ll:"e, (';JaclYR L . I I a l;"p IIIJlI cit , Ethel BUza· IIt' th HayeR.

HOlwl'l \1 . IIf'<lgos. \Ylllhm J. Her· ' ·N ·t. IPI'NII'I 'I<' (l u OdAOl1 11lgl1('(', .11' .• W,dl",' I~ . I Iou", .. '. j Iildl'NI \\II. Hra<l· pi,. DOI'"lhy Ilu)(hp". g,lIth E. Hug-lip", g " lIw l' L. IdC'IlI11 .

UOlI'd I hr ig Lloyd O. IIl1lg . J.ranllah JacohR .

It's A Ph. D. 01' a .high school graduate­

Whate.ver their walk in life,

no matter what their age­

the Kodak holds a 11l1i.versal


And laO.

We Have

One to Fit

Every PUI'se

$fi.DO to $l!l8 .00

Give a Kodak

Henry Louis The Rexall and Kodak Store

124 East College






Reich's Iowa's 11lstitutional

Cafe Since 1898

All the orld Looks Rosy and You Look Youthful Under

The New Brimmed


The classic Panama with its black or colored ribbon band will be as smart with your tailored jacket dress as it is with a sheer chiffon or georgette at an afternoon bridge. New Stitche'd Crepe Hats have also joined the Yetter "brim" family.

NEW BERETS Special Group of

3ge to $1.95

NEW HATS In White and Colors

Specially Priced I.' $1.88

- ----------------


~- ----- -- ------ ---

May time Is Clearance Time For All OUf


COATS lItudent employment servIce, Will leave this m orning for Madison /lnd ¥lIwaukee, Wis.. a ccompanied by Howard Trljck e111nlller , A4 pf Sibley, Mr. Len tz ,will .vlslt !\pm mer resorts In an .ehdeavor to plQ.Ce hO$tesses trom the university for the 8um, mer, The fIl en Will return Sunday.

The Season's Outstanding May, not July, is our Coat Clearance m.onth. There are many style.coll ciOllS

women who appreciate s\lperh co~t fash· l«~.,.s aud quality taking advantage of these ~xceptional values. Our entire stock oI Spring Coats llaU Price.

Mr. and Mrs. J . M. Dorsey of .Ann Arbor, Mlch , hal'e been v iSit, II)j' jI.l: the home Qf Mrs. Dorsey 'S pjU'~Jl tl! , ~r. a mi Mrs. F'f,llnk C. Cllrso/l , 810. E . Burllll{ton 8treet. Mr. ,Dar _e.>, i4 a PI'ofessor at Michl , gilt!) 8\.1\.41 universIty.

W. Jr. l\Jltcbell , of ~he JQI1n Wiley CPmllj\.1),Y Of l)Jl\w ¥ork qlty, vjsltvu at the cheljllstry deputfl1ent yes· t e,i1ay.

F . ~ . .ij,oddlckllr, of the Herculea PQ.wder cQmJ)/UIy of ~lInvjl , N. J .• ca lled III the ch!l1l1istry department Ylllit~"4ay, Mr. Boddlcker was :for, me,'ly a Stlldent In the unlverelty.

M,'S, Eli Katz of Des Moine.. vis­ited In Iowa Olty Wednesday_

Ell Mcssljr, ·126 N, D.ubuque street , I~tt last \nlgllt for J\lUson to a t tend the tu. "e~1 pf JokI • • 1o(,-r'_ ~~her, He'lry !Jlrepl/. ¥~8, ~.~.,.' left W~Il~.4~ a!te,'n.oon.

Milton Lomask , '300 of ~ MplneH, I, In Iowa City visiting friends. .

Millinery Sale New


$1°0 Larfle

Hats and Small

. , , Ever.y He~d Style Sizes and


• . . ",

PRICE 126 South 'Cllnton Street

~IDAY. ~~~

riobl B1

i,I.M. Group Interest oj

CornmUl (gdItOr'1I note:

\lierlal on uri :r.rlrh call1e uP lit Jellllature Ulls tI'I'I~t.t1l by 1'1'01. , '/,8 01 the politic par/ntent. f"ro( 1M llaa served , IUIrI .Iegl~n f Ihe I.e.gue or 101




'5.00 '6.50

~ had fallell

ve ,he CIIf

ng when Ulrhter



FRIDAY. MAY 22, 1931

ProbleDls of Iowa Cities Bring Host of Measures

to Plague State Assembly t.I.H. Group Works

Interest of Urban Communities

in to apPl'oprlale Borne thousands or 1101· of OhiO and Inttooduced wIthout tho lar8 for an annual slate 8chool oC In· SUPPOI·t or disapproval or the L,r.Mo' structlon COl' peace officers. the gen· pel'mlts the city or town council by eral [l88embly answered with the fol. Olodlnance to establish rates or lowing enactment: "The sherlfr of c)larges or rental" tl) bo paId fOI' the each county may. with the coapera.· use ot main sewers, Intercepting tion or the bureau of Investlgatlon, sewel·s. outfall 01' outlet' BeWCI·S.


pumping s tatlontl, and sewage treat· mont 01' purifying works; and the use ot thcso "sanllaloy ut1l1t1 ij" Is to be mcasuI'ed by the amou nt ot water consumed on a person 's l)rcmJses, Un. paid l'enllLlM shall be "s lien IIpon the property served by such sanllal'y utility" and shull be coli ted like un· paid taxeso

o :I. Stllte ~lllilltellallce One or the mONt expcnslve depart·

menls lo adminis ter In an)' city or town Is the street depnrtment. In a place like lo\~a Itl'. for Instance. al· mo~t one·seventh of the budget Is Bot asldo fp,o this purpose. thull account· In g (or about 12 mills ot the clly tux levyo

Modern motor tl'afflc has brought In Its wake the need for better slloeet lighting. more policing. Illore contln· uOUs street cleaning, mo,'e II'equent

dragging of unpaved streell!, and In., balf of the motoe llcenee fees paid on

creasing E>xrJendltures fo,o wpar and cars within theIr ooroe,os, Thl .. at· teal' on paved streets. In the lIghl t em,pt to divert about $3.GOO .000 floonl ot these facts, Is It not rathel' Ilal·a· the state primary road fund was 8UC· doxlcal that the motor vehicles cess fully fought by the state highway owned by the residents of eilles and commission. the GOO\! Roods BSaocla· towns (55 por cent of all In Iowa) are tlon. anll their Bupporters In the gen· fl'ee fl'om local taxation? The state eral aJlsembly. In.st year took $24,000,000 In gasoline We representatives oe the tOWn8 taxes and Ucense fees and put all that and cities beUeved our proposal was along with neal'ly $8,000.000 or federal justified both a.'l a measure of munlel· aid Into country roads, although most pal tax reUef and as a brake on the of these motor vehicles spent perhaPs over.zealous paved primary road en· half their mileage tearing up and thuelasts. Our sympathies are wilh down the aU'eets of cities and towns. those who want the ImprO\'emenl and 100 such an extent has lIle paved graveUng at the secondary. 1arm·to· roads crowd Intrenched Itself In mal'kct roada. or the three or (OUI' Jowa at the expense at urban laxpay· road bills IntrOduced to relieve tax· eJ·S. puyers In clUes and towns. only one

The legislative committee of the was passed: an act requIring the state League ot Iowa Munlclpalltles telt highway commission to pay cltlu wal'lounted. therefore. In sponsoring a and towns $350 Jler mile tOI' the main· bill to let cities and towns have one· tenance or primary road extensions

(Edltor'1J oote: The folio 11'111 II" material on urbo.II problems 1I'hkh came up befllre the 1011'110 Jerilillture Ulls ses8ioll \I'as written b)' I'rof. Jacob "an der Zee of the political science de­..-rilntnt. J'roflltlsor "an der ZeIt hAIl 8et've(l 011 die utility IIIId ,IegIHb:alon c0Il1.m.~ce8 of Ihe Lellr\le of 1011'& l\{ulllcipall-11e8.)

annually hold a conference and school or Instlouction tor all peace oWcelos. Inel udlng regularly organized vlgl· lantes under his jurisdiction. within his county, at whIch time Instructlon may be given In all matters relating to the duties ot peace OUlCCI·S."


Tho problems of Iowa. clUes nnt! towns come to plague the general a8· ~mblY at every 8\'8810n. Since munlclpalltles and th~jr governments art tho ottsprlng of the state. It Is po wonder that they keep I'unnlng "back home to motho,'" whenever Ihey get Into u'ouble or need a tresh belplng or power.

or the 433 bills IntrocIuced In the senate and of the 688 In the hou~(l Ibla year, 61 and 76, I'espectlvely, af. lected cltles and towns. or these blIlB many In one houae dupIlcatetl those ol'the other. so lIu~t approxImately 30 were enacted Into law. Some ot the pew acts passed for the specIal bene· rlt of certain clUes ~nd others or minor slgnl(\cllnce require no com· Dlent here,

For a. good many years. I t has belln pretty well known that the chief IPokesmen for cltles and towns. exo cept In matter ot speCial legIslation, al'e the oWeera and the legislative commIttee of the League bt Iowa Mu· nlclpalltles (LoI.Mo) wIth Its member. 8hlp of about 7000 The league's 1930 resolutions and the legislative com· mlttee'a copferences at Des MoInes favored a couple or dozen bills before the general assembly meto Besides hclplng to deCat 60me bills, the league's representatlvcs can point with satisfaction to the enact· ment of only two or three ot thelt· proposals.

1. Pollee Power Although the L.I.M. urged the stato




Anothel' law, already In efteat, reo quires the attorney gencloal to Jnstall I a s1)ecla1. I'adlo broadcasting system and requh'es county hoards and city councils to Install locked·ln "0.<110 I'e· cel.vlng sets "for law entol'cement and pollee work and Cor direct and rapid communIcation with the various peace ortlcers of the slate." Bank robbers. take notice!

Drivers of motor vehicle! /tlso will be harried somewhat undor the provl. slons Of the unlrorm operators' and chauffeur!' license act: sherIffs. chiefs ot police, and town marshalS will have to examIne appilcants for licenses and report theh' findings to the state motor vehicle departmento

%. Public Health ' Local boards of health are given

the power to quarantine and other· wise supel'vlse the care ot pel'sons Infected with venereal dlseaseso Equally Important Is the new law whiCh makes the health oCficel' the executive officer at the local board Instead of merely serving In an ad· vlsory capaCity-besides, he Is to keop a recol'd of cases and "shall forward reports ot cases to tho state depart· ment of healtho" It appears lh'lt local public health standards are rls· Ing only under pressure fmm the slate above.

Since the time Is also near when the state of Iowa will force cities and towns to stop empt)'hlg scwage Inlo the state's streams. a new law makes It unnece~sary tor a municipality to . finance any sewer Pl"Ojects by means of a bond Issue to be retired by a talC levy: the altelonallve Is a bOlld Issue to be retired by sewer ren tals.

This law. evidently modeled on that

So Su;table For Warm Days--

New ,"


lacket Dressel

at •

$4.75 and

BI'lghl c:olora III the UClfest


Hostetler ; STYLE SHOP

First Door South of Hotel Jeffenoll




01 Our Greatest May aale


,- )


SPECIAL '"~~!)§ ­§UIT§


i 0

Fancy Hose HU\ldr~ils of \lew pall erlls ill fall(:Y myon hose. tSpe· dal for Fdday alld Satur· dlloY.

. 15c ,

Sport S~oes Sllf.'clnl !P'OIlP of brown !L1lf1 hUI SIJOrt shnes. Nllw spring stylcs llOIl' ollly


Oxfords All values to $9. G('t these good shoes now lit this low Ilrice.


Alh. U' Suits ellt fnll. IIlld w('11 taHoI'ello Regulolo 85c (IUality. ' IJCci1l1 for today lind SaIUl·day.




34 to 40 $45

Never Before!! Non.Run Rayon


48c Regular $1.00 Values


GARMENTS 9SC The most olllslulldillg undet'WCllr value ever offered , Silk llUll·nUl

rnYOll ill IJlain whitc, flesh, blue Rnd grcen. Shirts and shorts to Illatch.

Plain Colors and Patterned

GollHose Values to $2.50

9SC Wbite-Blue-Green-Tan-Black

9c SALE OF TIES Buya Regular $1.00 Tie And Get Another $1 Tie

For Only ,e All New Patterns


SZ8 Shirts

OrOUII of $2.00 cllllar lit· tachod shirts. 1"01' the nnaJ windup at Ih.l~ low price.


Pajamas Jregular $%.00 values. I'rlced now for It complete Mil Ollt by Saturday. AU sizes.


Hose Bt!st quality rayon iJl hun. dreds of now patterns and colol'l!. Special at


Wool Knickers Get a pair to wear with .. Kweater and you have a 11011' sport outfit.

200;0 off

Where Iowa City

Women ' I

b Shop 5TltUfJs Second Floor


The Elevator

Every Day-

All the Time-A STOlt! ,OR. E\IBt)'aODY

Great Values ' in MID-SUMMER

HATS '\ , AT.

$5.00 and, $6.50 J' alae.

rL a r g e Brim Rough Straw - Lace Straws -Peanut Braids - Close Fit tin g Off·the.Face Mod'els. Very Unusual Values I Small, regular and extra sizes.

-Millinery, 2nd floor

Kt-'ep your clothes neat·

ly cleaned and pressed.


ss PARIS .CleaDers




within their borders-the amount was fonnerl)' 1200 Der mile PCI' year. ThIs 18 beLter lhan nothing but amounls to little It lhe paving on I\. primary road In a clly or lown, paId for out of special a'1Je8sments. wearll out and needs to be 1'88urtaced or re­placed.

properlY agalnet tire. When. for In· lltance. the state of Iowa owns $18.-000.000 worth of untaXed property In Jowa City. can the slate Ln falrnesB expect the taxpayers there to pay the entlre expense of a fire departmont malntaJned partly tor Its protectJon? It Is only right and proper to recog· nlze the principle that the sUlte owea certaln obllgatlons In lIuch cases.

f. Tautlon Problems Ono of the flrsl bills passed by Ille

general assembly permits the state board of educatJon and the board or control Of state InstltuUons to make contracts .,-Ith · some 21 clUes and towns tor the protecllon ot Slate

Arter wrestling with the difficult job oC assessing the property or prl· vately owned pubUc utJJltlcs. I am


+ ••• 1.1111.1+.1.11 ••• 111 ••• 1+++++++1111+1.+++++++

RATS A Sensational Clearance Sale

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Hats at bargain prices. Over 300 desirable Spring and Summer Styles, all head sizes-

Values Up to $6.50

This sale offers an unusual opportunity to buy a

new hat for Decoration Day.

~ ••• phlne Hat Sbop 126 East Washington Street

ff .. off " ...... , tf "un , .. +++" Itf o, !

. ~--


- -- - - -------~~~-

'5~ 16 yea;-~ d a.cb.laL us.e ~~ !ttY

7Tl.eaS~d:Jk Wear

N·ORGf 'L'CT ~I C R.-'-I= R.IG~R.ATOR.

~ tk.-IlOLLATOR N or«e has a simple. powerful and rom­pact refrigeratin« mechanism, the Rollator.

One of these mechanical units was started ~ in 1927 in an open room in the Nor~e factory. Operating day and night continuously, escept for yearly 24 hour in­I!pectiolll and checking by micrometer gauge, this unit has equaled 16 years of normal service in the home. This Mara­thon mechanism showl! no melllurable wear, is actually operating ~ of one per cent more efficiently than when started and it gives every indication of going right on per­forming 81 satisfactorily for years and years.

QuaJitr aa luting and performanCe al , allured,18 built intO'every part of tbe Norge.

Ooly Norge haa the Rollator •.• 10. you should see tbe Norge before you buy! It is manulaeturedbr Norge Corporation, Detroit,

a Divisl0n of Borg. Warner. origina­tors of free wbeelin«' Every American car malle today contains producta of Borg-Warocr Corporation.




Fubll8bad evelT mornlne except Monday by Stu4ellt Publication. Incorpora ted, at 12~-180 low .. .. venue, low .. City, low... Freel 111. P:>wnalJ, DIr ector.

Board ot 'l'r Wltee.e: Frank L. Mott, E. 111. lIaoJ1lwen, a. B. KlLtredge, Sidney O. Wlnter~ Shirley A. WebSter, Dalley Co We bber, Blithe C. CODn, .ueoD .. rd l'eter&OD, Cl&yton B. TbObIpaon.

HArry B. iiunker, General lIL .. nager WIUJam T. Halleboeck, A ... latant Gener .. 1 Man&ller

Entwecl u aecond c1aae m .. ll matter .. t the 1)O.t oWoe at Jow .. City, lawn, under the act of Conllre ... of Marob Z, 11119.

- The Associated Prf88 la exoluslvely entitled to use tor republication of a ll ne\ll'8 dispatches credi ted LO It or not "tberwlse credi ted In tblJl P'lP8r and &1&0 the local neW8 publlahec! herein.

All r lchts of republtcatlon at -ve<'1AI dIJIpatobea hereIn ar. al..., reserved.

EDITORIAL DE PARTMENT .01Rnd A. White ______ _ . __ . __ . __ ... __ . __ Edltor John W , Henderson Managing EdItor J>.ul White .. _ ......... __ .. _.~ .... __ News Editor WULlam A. Rutl~' __ .. _._ .... __ .. _ ... City Editor }L Berna rd Hook .... ___ ._ .... _~ •.. _ .......... _ .... _ Sports Editor Jj'rank E, Thorne __ ._ .. _ .. _ ... _ ... Asslslant Sports Editor Ether Sto . .... _ ..... ________ ........... _ .. Society EelltC,r Jlloltle Anderson __ • ___ .. _. Aslistant Society Editor )'.anl< Jaffe ......... __ ..... -'-___ .. _ __ . __ .• Campus Editor AlvIn Coon. ._._ ..... _ ... __ .. __ .. _. __ ... _ .... _ To'eature Editor ella Peterson ............ -.----.. - .... _ ........ Literary Editor

ar,aret Urlterklrcher _____ ... ___ Book Review Editor JIlinm F. Weber _ .... _ ............ _ ..... _ ..... _ ... _ Librarian

BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Bennett 'Burke ....... _ ... ____ .. _ ... _ ... __ ... BWltn" .. Manager lIeD'" W. Sohmldt .... ___ .......... _ ... _ ... _ ........ _ Aooountant

TELEl'lI0NE U O Bt1UIoh exohange eonnecttog a ll departments

FRIDAY, MAY '22, 1931 -~----------'----""""--... .. -


~-.-------------The Metlwdica( Man

I T 'rAKE all kinds of pel'~on . to- runkc bumlln i1 y. The world is full or qnteer

hllman beingR. 'rhey arc tolerant and intol('rant; S('l'ion

minded and hnppy·go-lllcky; dl1 III h('l hI, wi sea~rc. , smart alecks, and scholar. . O)lle arc bold, conceited, an.d qomincpring; others are timid , lucking in confidel1cP, 1\11(1 ('asily infl uenced.

There arc tbose who nrc awkward. self­consciOlls anq Chlmsy, and on tb oth I' hand those who I,U'C graceful, self·assured an(l uex­teron.. 'rhe J'aee includes p('op](' who lll'e %re~l\ti<lu!\ and communicablc, Romc who are un oeial and self-contaiMd, SOIl1P who ar(' lJomaclic ntH] olhpl'H who s('em l'Oot('d to the /joi l like plallts. 'I'het·(, al'p mflny nn<;yste· mulie, aimk~, unord rly people, but one of 1he queel'('sl of all spccin1l'u!) of tIle g('llliS

homo sapiens, is the In(·thodical ntl1ll. lIe abhors thc unusual, thut whieb inter­

rupts his carefully ordered rl'glllnl'ity. His day if! like that of a convict or solrliel" lie al' iSl'S at tbe same 110nr each mOI'uing, his toilet is carefully schccllll('d to allow him to finish at the mne minnte each day. IIi' Nits In'eakfast 011 thc dot, al'l'ives at the offi ce or shop or classroom at preci. ely the same lime evPl'y day. .

lI(' gl'ts bis haircut on tb(' first and fif­teenth day of the month, and when, on(' of t1l(lse dllYs falls on Sunday Ill' IS ml1eh dis­tl1l'b('d by the interruption in his l'outin('.

all the fil'~t of Apl'il amI the {ir.t of Octo­bet, 11() visits his dentist., and iC a tooth gives Ilim trouble b!'tween thes!:' dates hl" is angry witb himself, thc dPlltist and the ",hol(' world.

hI bis rear right hand troHRN'S pocket he keeps his hanclkel'chief, in the other back pocket his billfold. In the righthand . idc pocl!:et his loose cbange. Ilis checkbook is always in hi! in,·ide pocket, llis eigflret li~bf­pr in thc Ipft hand coat pocket opposite· his cigllrets. When llll emCl'g(,llcy lll'isf's 1111(1 it is nece.~snry tOI' him to pocket some oiller Ilrticle with ally of tllCSC I)c is ,:(l'cntly au­lloyed and up .. ct.

It I.1ggL·ayates hillllUuch whel) he if; unabll' to hl1Y his Favorite magazine on Thursday eVl' !l ing, for the il'l'egularity disrupts his whole week, Hc iR angry with the mindel' when !lIe rmO)1 i. longer than uHnal, b -canSe it means that h6 will Jlave to cut his dinner short ill order to'stiJ,rt ,out an that aft· ernoon I'ide at thc acclistomcd time. .

He dctc,~ts having to l'C'mC'wbel', 11!ld he i,q in fact quite lllzy when it com lQ th.inkip,g. lIt' likes clocks, and Cl11(,11clars bt' all tile), are so l'cgn lal' and infallible. Hc w911lcl bc ll appicst in a prison or a convent, llllt lie be Ion gs i n a~!l::::-:f1::s::y::h,:ll:-n;... -:::::::;::::::::::

Idling Away Depression

LE'l' the idle l'ich remain idlc during the depression period is the IIdvice of the

denn of Burnard coUeg~ to wealtby young womcn gradllating from tl l ~t s hool this spring. Such sen ible counsel de erves to be heeded. '1'hol1 gh the number of persons who, ~spite an adequate bank balance, wish to "get out and earn a riving" lUay he small, every individual of uch circumstances who does acce pt a po ition nnnecessar ily is pr9· longing the depression situation by keeping a really necdy p~rson ont of work thl\t much longer.

Persons of wealth and social prcfltiO'e havc the" pnll " attend ant on those arlv~ntages in obtainiJlg po. itions, It is hardly to be expected tha t cmplQycl'fl will l'efllsc to accept able Ilppliean ts merely beClwsc' thcy fire lUe)nbers of the wealthy set. It is up to those candidates thcmselves to keep f l'om addi ng to th breadline by cluttering IIp the" job wanted" lines just for an egoistic satisfac­tion.

While this relationship is cspecially sig­nificant when the number of applicants gl'catlyexceed the number of avall ablc posi­tions, it i only an iufl at ~l and uneconomic idea lism that at any t ime di ce1'l1s virtuc in a rich person's seeking to earn bis im­mediate livelihood WitllOl1t making hi s un­earDed income availabl to tb needy. If au individual of wealth is sufficiently ambi­tions to want to e. tablisb his fortunc ind e. pendently, he should also fie intelligent enough 1I0t to keep his unwanted inheritance ou t of circulat.ion .

~'O l' wealthy women to scck jobfl in offices merely b C!\ \lse it is the slT\ar t thlng to do. is of cOUt'SC just illy. 'l'hat bi t of unneces­sary e(llldescensioll, howcver, is less popular now than it was some years ago. On the othet· bund, there are persons of I\bilit y who 'Sincercly desire indcpcndenc and useful sclf·cxpre. sion. The desirc is laudable, but n pnblic spirited sUPPI·t'ssion of it until SII II time as w01'k hccomefi morc plentiful i ~ far more !!dmiruble.

. ., ........... THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY

how This to Failt I'

aile of tile most difficu lt of tudent ' prob­lem nowadays is trying to work one's way through college when one 's expen es for tui­tion and boal'd al'e $1,200 a year as against the $500 a year of 1900.

- Boston Tmn cl'ipt.

If the pc, imist. mil, t look on the black side of things, Jet them COil ider thc erow: he nev('r compillin. without caws. I

-Christian cwnce .Uolliiol'.

Charaatel' is what you stand for, reputa­tion ",hut you Iall for,

-Wi1{ooru;iu Daily Cm·dinal. ,

Frallc~'s New President (From tIle n etro'lt News)

Onee more the national assembly of France 11I:ls confounded the prOI)het by electi l)~ a.~ pr~ldent or FI'ance a man who, on the day be fore the ballollng, Aecmed to have no chance. As tared Clemenceau at Its hands, SO fared B,·land . They we"e too ])Ol>ular, anel tho national Msembly of France detests popu· larlty. So the national assembly de!EllI.ted Briand on the th'st ballot, a.nd elected Paul Doumer on tho second.

From the European standpoint, It Is just a s w~lI .

Al'lstide Briand Is much more valu able as forel~n mlnlste" than he could possibly be as president. For the preslden t or France, like the king of E ng· lanel, Is a figurehead. Ile Is a useful man to (ledlcato monuments and open exposlUons , but he has no real power. ']'0 put Briand Into the E lysee pa lace would have been to retire him; Doumar, 74 years Old, was ready to "ctlre In any case.

Nev('rtheless,' Paul Doumer has been one of France's big men. Born In poverty, he raiSed him· self by hard study and by hard work to a n Impor. tant place In the nation. He began h is pollUcal ca· reel' as a radIcal, but he was no visionary. Always ho I« ('pt his feet On the ground, and hIs mlnll 1m· mersed In statlstl~s an~ realities. More than 40 years ago he made a name for hhl('self as governor or ~ndn·Chlna. 11e r turned to plunge Into 110lltics; In 1905 tIC became president of t he chamber, and In the rollOwlng year he !'Un for the Iwesldency of France, tu be heaten by Armand Fal\leres, who had the solid vote of the l'en:l.e-just as, a quarter. century latei', Doumer himself was to I'ecelve that vote In his race against B,·land. ,

TIl'aten ro,' lhe chamber In 1910. M. Doume,' was elected tn the senate two years latl'r, nnd there he has I'emalned, I('avlng now the presidency of that body. In 1921 he heCamo ror a time flnaUce min· Ister. where hy his Insistence on sound flnancJal methou8 he prepured the way for the ~tabi lizallon

of the Crune and laid lhe fou nc1atlons ror the prescnt prosperity of France. ne has always been o.n early ,·Isel', a hard wo,·ker,.It. politlcaJ. realist with a great llistrust of military me~, and a l!lncel'e belief III the POWer or facts. Be has ('a"ned the honor, whICh now cumes to him, for he has the I'espect even of his enl'mles.

Tomorrow's University (An editorial serieS dealing with present

trends and future posslbIJItles of th e Uhiverslty of Iowa. The vjslon of Its administrative lea· ders, poten tialities In Its program , and transl· tlons already unlier way wlll be Included among examples and suggestions Of how the unlver. slty'S functions might be carried out to better advan tage).


A More Potent Pharmacy

WHEN in the fall of 1932 fre llI~en dc­sirous of becoming pharmacists euroll at

~he University of Iowa it will be in all cases for a fOllr year eot\rse culminating in, the baehelol' of science degree. Only one-fonrth of the class to gl'lId\late this year has taken

" four .yeRl'S. Probably half of next yellr's class wil l have. •

l'be add\ti nal year, pre eribed by thc natiol]1.I 1 a ociation f colleges of pharmacy, ,,,,m be a moo!,\s or rai, ing . tanc1arrls in a ~ro· ~essiol] b' ginning to be crowded. It will mean additional proyisions for cllLtUl'e in an­othel" ,pcQfessional fieJd-English, history, I?hy~icfl, mathematics and the like being made part of the cUl'l' iculum. It amounts t9 ini­tiating one year of "pre" wOl'k in liberal arts.

At the same til11e, there is likelihood tha t the present drug store situation will change markf'dly within coming decades. Thel'e is now cvident a defini te trend toward cleav­age into t w.Q types. One, of course, ~ the pre­·cription. pha ma cy, up plying, medicines on the ordcr of do'ctors and at the reqllest of ilJ­dividuflls ecking tt·eatment. '1'he other is the genel'al merchandi, e and soda fountain type, corresponding in many ways to a dc­partment storc.

State reeogllitioll that tbe pharmacy pro­fession needed its stllndards raised is seen in a recent statu te req uiring that every drug storc or pharmMy have a registered pbal'ma­ci t on duty at all times in order to deal in drug and poisons at all. Tllat tho commer­cial drug stor will be one tbing and the pbarmacy another is likely, for tbey cater essentially to di ffe rent requirements.

In Luzern e, wi tzerland, a city of 40,000, thcre are only four phal·maeies. Additions to tlle number can be made only with gOY· ernment consent, prerequisite for whicb is proof that there is need for aoother. 'fbat is largely typica~ of Europe.

Bnt in thc Uni ted States the situation is di fferent nnd in many respects will contioue to be. No one hilS ally quurrel, for tllflt mat­t Cl', with tbe salc of umbl'eJlas aud stationery and photogra~hic snpplics and fountain d l'ink~ in a commercial dl'Ug store. Nor ne d 8llybody have any quarrel with the other, thc profQs, 'ional pharmacy, with a scientifi ­cally trained man engaged exclusively in an ar t. eomparable in some reSpects to mMieine lIud dentistry.

Evolntion to tbat end seems defj,nlte. De­pcndence on thc laboratory more than the diRplay window can nowhere be made more ('ffective wi th tomorrow 's ph~rmacist$ thll~

. where thcy are trained. So the pa1:t of col­le~es of pharmacy will be the training fnr a profession so like that of tbe fnmily doetor Hnd dentist tMt it will be ineL'easing1y ro­gJll'fl('d in t hc SlIme Jight:

"He i ~ the ~ienti st on the corner .. , the mnll you cull your druggist,"

OFFICIAL DAIL Y BlJIJ~TIN ~ ~ BuJJettn noUcet 00'" be deJJ"erH, In wrItla" eo the (I The UniversJty of Iowa

~( I~ 6(1ttor of The Dall,.. Iqwan by 4 p,m., to apJJetl'. III the • , ronowlDl moming's paper For l'ellIODI of 1IC!Cl1Ir&C,

~tlcell will not be accepted b7 ~pbone. \,01. " ', No. 233 Mil)' 22, 1932

'\1ruversity Calendar (.til .uMte and facnlty _b1Ira &/Iall lebedule IInnta In,,ol,,ln.

tile 1I111! Ijl pl"-Itt building. at the erealdllnt'. office In Old Capitol .. far bl adV&IICe. of the dates al IIOUlble. No other dat_ are Included III ~ oI0clu eaJeDcJar, wbleh takes &he place In mo.t ease8 or ordinary IIulIelin notice.).

4;00 p.m. O;l G p,m.

Sat-urdJ&Y, May 23 Music recital, liberal al·ts assembly DInner, business meeLing and election cl'lb

8U1l1la)" May %<& 2:30 p.m . Phi Delta EJpsUon. Iowa Union

... CAndidates for Degrees

o! offlcers, nlverslty

Caps and gO nil for J une convocation sho uld he ordered a t once a t Unl· verslty cap a nd gown service. O(tlce hours ( rom 2 to 5 p.m. at Iowa Union.


Zoological Selllinnr There wlJl be 0. meeting of the Zoological RemJna,· Friday , May 22. at 4

p .m. In room 307. ],1" E "vln Van cl r Jagt will speClk on "The development of the an tel'lor lymph SUCB In the turtle." J . H. BODINE.

Re~reatioltal SWimming Du r ing clUlml nations lhe women's pOOl w ill be open dally from 4 to 5:30

p.m. a nd on Satu rday from 10 to 12 a.m. B. SCHEEl.

Archery 1'ournument All uni versity wQmen n1ay shoot In lhe inter.telegraphlc archery tou"·

namenl. H )(OU wls\,) ~o en tel' tlie tournament. report to the women's athletic f ield a ny time b~tween 3 a nd 5 p.m. Frlclay, May 22. The eight hlgheRt 8cores (rom a ll particll>anta will be sent In to represent the University of I owa. FRAN ES KEEFE.

E.~AMU!I\TION SCflEDULE Second Semest er, 1930·SI

Thul'lltlay, l\14y 21, 8:00 a .lI1. to Thursday, !\fa)' 28, 4;{)O p.m., 1931 The regular p'~rram ot ~lass w9rk will be louspendeC\, and t he following

semester·examlnatlon program subs tituted fo r it. Classes will meet fol' exn.mlnatlon In the rooms In which they have been regular1,Y me~tlng (ex· cept classes in French (2) a.nd (4), a.nd speech (2), lUj shown below). 'l'he Progmm committee (I1t'ccts tbe attention ot both ~tud('"ts a nd Instl'uetol's a nd professors to the regula tion that t here Is to be no dev,iatioll In the case of any examination, from th is schedu le-except as authorized by the com· mlttee, on the student's written petition tiled in ample time, supported by

the recommendation of th e department concerned-to provlile reller f"om a n excesslvo number of examinations within a slnl;le day. Dev ia tion for

&ite purpose of gelling through earlier will not be pel'milled. Classes (except In freshman English, first a.nd second yeo.r French, and

speech), N.B. below), wbose first meetings occur; Monday at 8, meet for exo.mlnatlon Wedneijday, May 27. 10·12 M~nday at 9, meet for examination Wednesday, May 27, 8·10. Monday at 10, meet tor examination SaturdaY, May 23, 8.10 Monday a t 11, meet for examination Monday, May 26. 10·l2 Monday at 1, meet for examination Thursday, May 28 , 8·10 Monday at 2. meet for eXamination ThursdaY, May 21, 8-10 M'f,nday at 3, meet for examlnaUon Thursday, May 21, 10·}2 T uesday a t 8, meet fo r examination Thursday, May 28, 10·12 Tl\esday at 9, meet for examination Monday, May 25 8·10 T uesday at 10, meet for examination Friday, May 22. 8.10 TuesdaY at 11, meet tor examlnatJon Saturday. May 23. 10·12 T,uesday 'at 1, mellt for examlnatic>Jl Tuesday, May 26. 8,10 Tuesday at 2, meet for examination Wednesday, May 27, 2- 4 Tuesday at 3, meet tor examination Friday. May 22. 10.12

The first meeting ot the class means the first \ecture or recitation period In courses having both lectures and recitations, and laboratory pe. r lods; or, In case of courses Involving only laboratory periods, the first clod{. hour of the first weekly meeting. FOr example chemIstry (2)B meets for lectures'l'Th at 11. The first meeting Is. consequently, Tuesday at 1),; and the class will meet for examination Saturday. May 23, 10·12, according to the tore~olng tahle. Again, phySics 126 meet~ twice a week, TF. for a thrce· hour labora~ory \lxerclse, 1·4. 1.'he period for the exam Ina lion Is, there· fore, Tuesday, May 26, 8·10.

N.B. All sec lion or freshman English wllL meet s lmultanoously in the r ooms designa tml below, Saturday, May 23, 2·4 p.m. Sections Sections

A, E, MM un 309 x, Z B, F UH 210 AA, DD C. H UI! 207 EE, FF' D Ul1 lOlA GO. II o LA 310 HII, 00 I, R Ull B8 KK. RR X, Y LA 14 LI, . L, CO UII 202 02A, 02B I.f:, T UII 10lE 02C, 02D 0 , S Ull 216 V, BB LA 311

UH 223 LA 308 UH 213 un 808 LA 219 un B4 LA 315 Ull 301 un JOG

NO. All sections oC French (2) and (02) and al1 sectlon's of SPanish (52) "lid (052) wIl1 meet simultaneously In the rooms s[>ecl(led below Friday, May 22, 2·4:

F rench (2): Spanish (62): Sections Sections

A. B LA 203 A, D LA 119 C, P LA 22G C LA 115 D LA 4 S, L LA 104 E, O LA 309. EJ, G LA 110 J' LA 204 F, n LA 7 Q LA 118 K LA • L LA 224 I LA 14 M LA 16 M, R LA 207 li'~nch ~02) : . Spanish (052): liIectIons A, B LA 213 Sec lions A. B"O LA ~ud.

N.II. All s~cUonB of .Frencil (4) a nd (0 4) will meet Simultaneously In tho rooms specHIed below Monday, May 25, 2·ot:

French, (4): F rench (04): sections Sections

A. LA 224 A LA 309 C LA 225 1!1, 8 LA 203 .. LA. CI LA 204 .tt LA 118 K LA 213


All secUons of speech (2) having their regu la r meeting on Mond'as and Tuesday will have thell' examinations ~ccorlllllg to the I'egular schedule pre· sented ill the firs t tabulm- lltatemeut a&ove (Sections A,B,C,D,E; and section 4-speech for ph ysical education ma~ors). GrouP If (In the Ilber~1 arts bu!ldmg):

A. The fol1owlng sections wilrmeet Simul taneously In tbe room specit!ed below Thursday, May 21, 1·3: OA 6 H A - 314 HE 118 OB 14 HB 16 IA 1 6 GC 204 HO 4 IS 115 GD 7 HD 19 I C 116

B. The fol1owlng sections w ill meet sim ultaneously In thQ rooms specl· fled below Thul'~day, May 21, 3·5: leA. 224 JJB 16 NA 6 KB 14 LC 19 NB 116 KC 7 MA 15 NC 119 KD 115 MB 314 LA 4 MC 204 Group III:

The foll owing section s wUI meet s imul taneously In the room s, In the libera l a r ts lJUlldlng, speCified below, Tuosday, May 26, 2.4: FA 6 JA 115 02·ZA FB 4 JB no 02-ZB FC 16 J O 224 FD 207 JD 314

14 7

(Co\lsu!t your In s tructor It yOU have cQnrllcts for this elUlmlnatJon pe· rlod, Tuesday, May 26, 2·4). ,

"Odd" classcs , whoso tlrst or only weekly meetings occur Wet;lne~aYB , Thurs<1ays , Fridays, or Saturda.ys; or which m~t "a~ q.rranQ:ed"; will be as· Igned for examina tion at elth"r on~ 'or a nother oC ~he follOWing three pe· rlods, a8 anllounced to each such cla88 by the Instructor III charge 01 the eIaft:

Tuesday May 26 10.12 Tuesday May 26 2·4 Thursday May 28 2·4

It shOUld be borne In mind tha t thero Is possibility or announcin g t"'O or more "odd" classes tor anyone Dr more of theso thr/\e periods available. for "odd" cIDJI841s. Therefore, In connection With any suCh announcement It would doubtless be well for the Instructor making the announcement to ascerto.ln whether any member of his class Is already uncler appointment for examination In IIOme other class for the proposc.d period, To be sum, It Is pO~b~ to have examinations In more than one cl~s8 at any of thesa Um\lB-lf 110 Itu'den't til a member or more than ODe of these classes.

Accoi-dlng to one clo.uso In the tormal faculty aottion providing fo~ a special eemes ter examination progra;m , "The In!trUctor may use \h~ examination period as he aees fit , p~oVldCJI he holds thl' clas8 for the ritll period. He may have an oral or a wfltten examination , Or bOth, or nelthl'r. He may continue regular work or he may lIse the time tor review. or for _\IY P~ ~ I\lII WIl{\I W~~" ~ln to him desirable at ihls tUne."

FROORAJII'OOl,u,lt'l"PEEl, H. C, DORCAS, secretary,

WESf'S SHIELD'SHRIMP ~ (6f'JS GaIlCI'lfO\'lI\IS) HAS l.g02,~04 , LEG JOINTS --

TH'f' fEz I $ NOT 1\. " MOHAMM~OAN .


O~SI1\ "- -

A ~~

1h'e (WIDOW'S MIrE',

'. 01 tile BIBLE THE LEPTON, ¢. COII\ .

used \1\ Pe.lestl!\e i I ~t the tllne 0t , 'Christ , IS 'tilE \.,


(Vb-Iuef! ~ ot c. u r!l ; ....

"',tubl size 12. of ....~~---~-.~.

EXI'JA~i\'J'ION OF Y.\!:S· '1'J£RH.1Y'S CAn'l'OON

'rhollllls Blnrld()c l{-'fhe Scofti sh I)O~t: Tho Scottish pOl'!, Thomas Bladd",* (1721·17n) became blind at the :lAC of six as a result of an attuck or NIllQJlpOX. Uis uulllty to write dcsCI'lptiv 1l0c~ry Is an extra· OI'dln[l"~' a('('omplt"hment, III view of his lack of sight. It was lon g malntaine(1 that he PORSCR"C<1 a Sixth s('ns(' ll('nlllttlnJ.( him to become awaro of color uy toucll.

FRIDA Y, MAY 22, 19S1

VIV4 :~1" BUSC"



...... j'UMPEll 100 HUROLES ~ ........ ~.:rl \. ,, 1'0 PARIS .. "'Wl1hout OI\C.~ tt.kl l\g them Qjt.:..

,\N ,.;. SUCCESSI ON l

----..:~ . .1b.ey wert 1 '(¢.I·d II.lghi-pIAceci.

'/ ... ' Ollry .3 yo.nis ~~pAr ( ~.COl\coul'$ 4f 18iO ~

.- "",PArIS - - .... ...:D,I .~----~~--~~~==~~ ... bemm~ the master oC hIs t~llch~, .. The great fent of reciting the whole Odyssey nn\l the Jliad from memory was llerfO"med In Leyden, Holland, where he Occupied a profe~Rorlal

cha ir at the unl\'er~lty.

Simpson Honors ;,1

Henry With Degree

The Rev. Harry D. Henry o! Iowa ~'lty will be on~ of the foul' men pl'e.cnted hy Simpson college with I,onol'nry (leg"e~~ on Its com mence· ment day, June 2.

'rl'fl fle HOll is-l)ifcll{'r of the Troy Emeralds: In June 19n the Truy Bmernlds and the CohoeR InRullll's were playIng In P"o~pcct Purk, 'l'l'y, N. Y. Dc' Donis bit lh" fit'st I>alll'r with the {!I'st Ilitchcll hall, walk",1 the s~colld batter, hit the third wIth

JOS(,IlI~ Slcalil:'cr lllcmrwizetl 62,000 the fourth pltclwu ball, i1n<l hit tlw verses IU 21 ,lays: ,Tos('ph (Justus) !ourlh wl1l1 the Recnnd pltl'hed bal\, Rcu ligC'·l(I540·1tJ09) l~rench huma nist the fourth man fO"clng In (I ,'un. ])~ and philologist, IH descrlbell as an 1 13ol1IH plt('hed Il halt" without n "b~call of l<nuwl('(lge," and th e pos· strlk!' b~lng called or n {latter swing. SeSHO" of an e.xtruOl·dlnury memory, I Ing at a ball, y~t a rUn was scored. When he arrived In Paris to study ancient languflg~R IInder l'ournebe TOIllOI'('ow; "The I(ing "ho had 400 young S<:altge", :lg'('d 1 U, at once ten tholl~tlul dullar slIurf bo~es."

The Ro\,. Mr. Henry who complet· e" m(lst of h Is college WOI'k at Simp. ~on b,'rore tran8«'l'rlng to NOI·lh· westrrn unit·c'r.lty will aIM t1ellver th(' harc'lInureate IHlt1ress uf the col· 11' ~e n ~undn.y, :\ltlS 31.

TlA V]<;NPORT (AP)-Charlrs 1". Degc!-( J ~J, ge)lE'ral supprlntO)ul<!nt of tlw Clinton, Da"enl>ort, and M\'Stn· tine I'IlUwa', dlelt \Y('dneRdny night following aD operation. He li ved \lpre HlllPe 1913.

Are You a Hard-to-Please Buyer? YOU WON'T BE AFTER YOU'VE SEEN THE NEW


Barton Electric Washing Machine it' is a combination of COl1venie nce, Mcchanical Perfection and Beauty.

Tub is Vitreous Enalheled and l arger than most wn her

Lovell's late t wringer, whigs and locks in five different po i. tions.

As well built as the 1110 1 expen$ ive machine . Working parts , uaranteed for five years.

Large four wing aluminum agitator. No bevel gears or worm drive used' .in construction. ~" 1.

.. ,

By a fortunate exclusive arrangement we are

able to offer this wonderful wasber at the low

price of

.. Sold on easy payments-$5.00 down and 5.00

per month, with a. light additional charge for


Allow us to give YOll a RtO\'C demonstration to

prove the merits of this wonderful w sher.

Also furnished with a 4·cycJe Briggs and Strat.

ton gas engine fo]' thti home without eledric­



\ ....

.... ,Gadd Hardware PHONE NO. 97 112 EAST COLLEGE STREET

mtm',lfAY e :e:!:

Grades I 300 Vi~


Each Clas8 Scheduled

Plu8 Feu

By rlULLIl' observing work 0

Ind, eS<:Q,·tEld by th! \han 300 guests y fbe university eil open house. Work primary to the slxll hl blted. Each grade showing Its regu lar n fea tu re exh ibit.

(n tile jun ior prl vJaltors were .show ~ t ructw and fUl'nlsl tlr II . Th e house \V to the kitchen and whiCh were CQok le~

Farm The first grade BP

Ute. Here we~e sh ,and drll.wlngs the the American tar plqne~rlng qaY$. 'l'h and malntlllOS a . 'each bOy ana. gil'; which they are l'eH

The secolld grnQ life ,and )Jere the I 1ndhm wigwam cOl 'dian .fMhlon, 1MI cloihs dyed f"oll1

plollcer history 11 room W(l~ sl'own 'lixhlblb. H~re tht' dltton to their 0\

candle. molds and had actual use In

Tran~podntio By mean~ or pi

,:daphs the (Ou l. t the advance In (t'a

f \Vas u~ed ~hOW IPg ihpes U$<!d In the express llnd III th 'the airplane.

Uiatory ot agrl the advance or th .. cradle style of h present methOd \If ch~sen by the rtn teal ure.

Using nn lletu~1

In~ water and c ments with fh'e, demonstrated to trlodern day metl1 lion of water and

Aquarium In ad<1Il1QIl to

hlblts In the class um and a terrarl the fourth alto thi tively werll- shown.

Muslo was fur grade. Visitors we students at tea be

.-------1 I Coralvil .-------1

Mr. nnd Mrs. family. Of Plensant vlsUed at the hom Dana White In C day.

) 11'. and lIlrs. ana family, Of 1>1 have becn vlslUn thell' parents, Mr. l lemph!ll , and 1\11'. Culver.

Ru ssell Bontrag iled at the hom e Joseph Hohret \OV

~Jr. and )rr.~. Iowa. City vlslteiJ and Mrs. Cl,arleR nesday evening.

lIfr . and 1\1l's. 0 ,

J. B. ,Phone 215 Open Sunday

Until 10



BANANAS-iJ Ills. ............... .

CANDY BAR 'fie bars, 4 for

KINGSBURY ~LUB-'ce col t bottles ......... .

TOB George Wash in lOe pkgs, 4 for ............... .

Stud Smoking, • pkgs, .......... ..

Prince Albert, IIId Half, Ed Walter Raleig Z cans ........... .

Torchlight, Blackhawk, Granger, 3 pkg



1931 ::.. ..::




1lUtJAY, 1fAY ~, rm'~ -fully retue s or neglects to purchas [owa pI'l~on made gooda: and by til

the uUUty corporations! If Ule league domination. It may t1u-calen to gel a approves of a state board's taking tavorable vote ot the people to e"ecl

lJ. F. Carter Fines Grades Draw : lewa Ponde:rs 300 Visitors Legislation on

at Program City .Questions

and I'el'"u late gasoline rllllng stations. 'rhe bil l answering that purpoae was uereated In the senate sO that tnese stallone wil l cQutlnue to monopolize ft­great lleal of 811'e t curb space other. wise valuable fOI' the Parking or nlO' tor vehicles In the buslneliS dllltricts of Our eWes.

terms ot the other all public agencies over the municipal job ot asseSSing and Install a municipal utility plallt m uat g!\'e 0. prctel'ence to Iowa. pro· ducts and labo,' In all publiC work or utility ptopertres. "how much more and pay tor It without a bond Issue on

R. C. Christy $100

Improvement~. the leagUe should rejoice to have a the Instalment plan out oC the month· Ha\'lng been returned trom Qt.

6. U,lIity JUg-w alion ~tale commisSion do the more dIm· Iyearnlngs. tumwa ellrly this week Ill' Deputy I have lett the most Important prob- "Cult task oC regulation. especially ThlH Is what Govel'nor Roo" velt

lem to the laat. when. 0.8 now. munlcfool regulation calls "the keen sPur or COmpetition Sheriff Pr~ston Kosel'. n. C. Christy I Is t t h , goes by d~ault! 80 necessary to get lhe privately own· was Cound guilty of drawing Qnd ut· owa one of a few 8 a es were Since 10wo. cities and ~own8 do not ed utilities to o.C'Cept ertecUve rcgul[l'

, 'l'l)e cou nty o,8,e8snr lIysten>, if _____ ----_-___ adopted . woula haVe deprlv\,i! clUe

Eac~ Clas8 Exhihite~ S~heduled Work,

Plus Features

(CO}(fl'INUED FROM PAG-E 3) IlnJi towns oC their llOPulo,rlY 41lec ted a888S80I'8 a nd aIHo. thereCOI·e. ot local

g lad ;0 a npouncE> that th is duty 11M lIelC.g(lvernm I'lt III adml nlst l'l,ltlng been taken from city an\! town asses, ~late laws In t he )TIatter of assesslflg IlQI'S a nd \;lQarq& or review and as· property for ta.xatJon. The leag.Ue did

CItl:8 [lnd tow~s stili have the ]lower achieve the regulation of public utili. tlon." In 01~r words, It Is munlcl. terlng 0. ([lIse cbeck and lined $100 to legul[lte pllvately·owned uUIJUes. tics b'y direct action. they may now pill regulallon by tlll'eat or Intlmlda. and costs by Justice of tlte Peace lIfenUon state regulation by means hope. by virtue of the passage of the Uon. by means or ' ''a gun behind the B. F. Carter )·ester!1ay. or a slale utility commission and the Shnmer.~lokUn bill. to get It by Indl. door." The L.I.lIf, was and 18 heart oCtlcers oC the L,I.1\{. almost go Into recllon. Whellllver a city or town and soUl fOl' the plan. Let U9 walt Christy Is confined In the county hysterics. The league has frequent· council "e'- tired of public utility [lnd' see how It works! jail. pendln'" payment of the tine. signed to tile s tate bOlLI'd ot a8.9«1$8· not o.ppOS41 the bUI. on elthel' gl·Qund.

By PIULLll' NEWSOME ment (lnd ['ev lew, 'l'hat the principle a lt hough plenty of COUllty ta~m bur· Observing wor~ oC lhe last year . or loqa!' seII.govel'llI~r nl worl\ep bail· 9!lus ancl farmel's exvI'eBsed objec·

tnd. escor ted by the 8tuden~~, more JY In thl ~ part of t he field oC tax .ad· tlons In no uncel·taln terms.

W~~N~U~S~~qt~ ~==:P=~~:'~~=======~=~~=~===~~~======:.=====~=~~ creation Of SUCh a commission, aI· 1' ways In the name ot the sacred prln· clple Of local se!r·government.

l~an 300 guests yesterday vl~lteil '1lln IMrl,ltlo/\ !~ vcry cle~r fl'om the 5. ,FInancial Problems be unlverslly elemenll,lry school (ollowlng rilPort m l,lde to l he general That the genel'Al assemQly belJev4ls

open hOuse. Worle from thl) junior a$lleml,lly: t l)e time has CO,111' to reiluce the high prlmal'Y to the sll<th grade was ex· "'rna state bon-I'd reports t ltat the cost Of government Is cleal'ly cjlSClernl. blblt~d. l~ach grad In adllltlon to varlouR 'iocal public service corpora· bie In ... numbel' Of measures PllsSed: showing It!! regul[l!' wO!'k also had tion. ot the s tnte Ilre assessed at [lny· .1. SlII-te aPPfollrlatlons for tne a feature exhibit. whel'e from 10 Iler cent to 110 per ne)<:l biennium l,ll'e about 4 per cent

In papers read at the last two an· 11 ual conventions. I have not minced words In telUng the league my opin· Ion that cities and towns are too timid. paor. Ignorant. and feeble to regulate utility servants and that the

In the junior prlml1ry room the cent ot tal r va lue, whel'eas to be on undel' thoiJe of two years ngo. tate of Iowa shOUld do whatever It

1~ltors were shown 0. hous6 con· the 811me basi. 8S other property they 2, A comm ittee of RIl< Is to make , ructtd and furnished by the chll' ~"ou ld all be Iis@ess04 0/\ approxl. a thorougl, study and Investigation of df 'n. Th e house was comJ)1ctc cv~n mAtely a 50 per c~h.t lIasl8. stjlte. c«/unfY. township. qJty nnd t? the kitchen and d ining room In "'fhe state ·bolln\ found on InvesU· town govQrnm onts fOI' the relluction which were 0.0olllqS for the guesls, illUon about aoo local pu,~lIc utllUles Of public expendltu l'es. An apl'ro'

Fnrrn Life where no attem pt has been made to prlatlon ot $10,000 18 to enabl the

can to add the slate's stl'ength to municipal weakness In protecting the people against high rates. ovel·· capltallzaUon. and Inadequate sel'v, Ice, So far lUI I can see, 'mIne Is a. voice crying In this municipal wilder. ness.

The first grade HP~clalty Will! farm pl a~-e 'a value upon «/1' to /Ulses8 In any committee to ,'eport to the governor dre. Here we~e s\Jown with grallhs, mo.nllel·. the v~!f1e ' oC the dlH~rlbution by Nov. 16. 1932. ~nd arawlngs the .Q.dvance ml1de by ~Y8tem <It the public utilIty wlt,liln the 3, All taxing hodles are to reduce the Amel'lcan (armer sln~e his In~QfP9rMed ctty 01' town. T his ha.d Ihelr pre~nt t/l-x levies by 5 per cent plqne~flng d,aYs. This gl'aue ]lla/\n U resulted eillier C,'om a. mlsunc.ierstand. tOI' the yeai'll 1931 and 1932. The and malntajns a. garden In ,\'hlch Ing df the law ' on t he part oC the govel'nOI" has not yet approved this 'IlIlch hOy an!! gil' l h[lij a plot tOI' locdl assessor. 01' "frOIn nn el'roneous bill .

A fter. tile recent <leCeat of .the sl[lle ' utility commisSion bill In the general assembly. we now haVe In Iowa the curious spectacle ot tht sponsors and the leagu opponents of the 1,1111 ~us· f)ooting .each othe,' of working

which they Ilre .. e~ponslble. co.nslru<;t lpn plac~d (1))On It by tile 4. There hAs already gon Into ef· The second ~rl\de depicted Indian represen tative Of the Pll/lllc utility, In fect an act prQvJt1lng tbat no PI'OPO' LAR

lire and )lere the vlsltOl'ij found I\n repOI'\ll1g such p,'opel'ty tOI' taX/lllon, sltlon to authorize the Issuance oC lndlan wigwam co!,stJ'u('te<l In In.' "Few local aSijeJ:lsOfs are flU!'l-IJrled honds shall, be (le med clLl'rled 0 1' J>lumbing and . Yleatlng 'dlaJ1 fa~hlon. IndlaJ\ vottery and to place a value on pu blic utUlty pro· 'ilc\opted unless approved by 60 per clQths (lY~l trom Illlllall (\ye~. pcrtles. They are usually obliged to cent of the vq\es CIlst therfOn, Phone 280

Plolleer history In lh~ thlt'd grade take the , tllfures glv~n them by the Of some /!f.'eclal Interest al'e two Telford Larew rOOm . wD.f! shown by pictures afld Own rs. At the same Hme we cannot othel' laws: by one a. penalty Is 1m· .. , . .. .

e'xhlblts. Here the studenlR In ad. helleve that tbese extt'ellle vflluatlol19 111;)o:s:el~1 ~o:l1:a~n~y~p~U~bl~IC;;O~rf~lc~e~r;';/{~ll0~W~I~I'j;;~~~~~;;;;~~~i~;': !

dltlon to their own exhibits had are In all cases the resu lt of the a8'1~ ,. candle molds and Jan terns ~vhlch seSs'Ir's 1}1[lblUty to f[lC l~e val ue. It ~hd !lctual u~e In pioneer homes. Is a1tQlI"ether prol,lallll' that rl'eql1ently

Tran~portl\lion A(~\la llce ' the .Iowest v~l llatlolJs I'ssulted from til' me:ln~ of pi!!tm'ed map and favorlll~m and tll!) )llghe .. t vallJat! ol1s

j:d'aPhs the fOUI'th grade s~owed trom l'ubllC feeUl)g PXls~ll)g locally the advance in lmI18portl~1I0n. Dala agalMt the public utlJlty.

I was u~ed showing the eornJ)llratlve Slate. county. munlcl\lal. anel times U$ed In tne days of lhe I)ony scholSi t reaslIrles will. therefore .• In

e nd ill th t il 1 f all fairness receive more taxes flam ~~~r \\'~~~n4!. . e j)J'esl'1l n e 0 utfllty corporallons and. cOI'I"~~pond.

HIstory of agrlculturo showing Ingly lea~ from other 1" operty own·

tbe advance of the far'met' tl'om the er*lie L~qgue of Iowa. Municipalities cradle style Qf harvesllng to the made no objection to thl' Chan.,-e present methOd Of tit combine was ahov!) dellCr!bed but <lId ask fOJ' a. law chpRen by the firth gruue ns their J!ermltthl& ~ltle,~ Ilnd town~ to II cenRe r~nture . __ , -,. __________ _

Using I1n net ual til tPl' for purify· Ing water !lhd conducting e)<pel'l· ments with (h'e. tile ~Ixth grade dpmonsiJ'ated to the vlsUOI's the ,"<()(\ern. da\, methods oC purlflca· (Ion of water and the USPs o( fire.

Aqll1ll'iuIll KdJibJted. In addition to the r.!gular ex·

hlblts In (he class rooms [In aquarl· um and a terrarium cared for by tbe fourth and third grodes respec· tlvely were shown.

daughter Mary LOtJl~l' of Penn township Visited friends here 'rues· day evening.

Jack Sterlltng 01 Iowa. CIty ViR' Hed friends here Wednesday.

?Ofr. and Mrs. Charles Kel'schner and MrS. Cal'rle Fairchild visited the home of lIfr. and MI'S. Oeorge Stewart Sunday evening,

Music was Curnlshed by each grade, Visitors were guests oC the students at teo. beforc leaving.

The Coralville Pal'ent 1'eacher os· soclatlon wlll sponsor n. cal'd port)' Friday evening at the Coralville

. ------------- . town hall. Progressive euchre wfil I Coralville News I be played. and ref"eshments wJll be • • served.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Jenson and family. of Pleasant Valley townsh ip. visited at the home oI llr. and Mrs. Dana White In CortLlvllle Wednes· day.

:\\r. and Mrs. Robert HentphJll ana family. of Minneapolis. Minn .• have been vlelllng at the home ot their parents, Mr. and lIfl's. A. W, 1IempJ)J)). aIHI Mr. aUd 1I11"s, Frank Culver.

Mrs. J, F. Crllmley Is chairman ot the committee In charge, Othe,' members Ilre: Mrs. Raymond Bow· ers. Mrs. William Ooss. Mrs. C. W . Johnson, and Mrs, Hlll'old Davis.

I\[r. and Mrl!, JQhn Stelnocher and family. of SoJon. and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Meyers were dlnt)eJ' gues s at the horne of Mr, aha Mrs. Frank Stelnocher Wednesday.

H[lrry Nance and Fredcrlck lerlz wet'e business callers In the vicinity

Smiting Comfort In Our Summer Shoes

And there's a complete summer of true comfort ahead for women who choose footwear from our extensive selection of "Capitol" and "Brown-Bi1t" shoe lines.


- -Colors-White Kid-Seasand ...... Blue

Kid-Black Kid

Beautiful Silk Hosiery in Service or Cltiffon Weight ONLY $1.00 PER PAIR

Krueger's Buster Brown Store

CoJlege Street

R~clIBoo~q~of~~av~ ~m~W~Il~II;a;~~h~r~g;W~e~dn~e~s~d~u~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hea nt the horn e of 1\11'. and Mrs. ";:

Joseph Rohret Wednesday evening. +++++++++++++++S+ .... eof·++a++ios++o+++n++++a++b+++++le+++ .. +I++ ... t+ ... e .... +m+++ ... ++s ... ++++++ ... ++++++.1 ~rr. nnd ]lfrH. George Stewart of

Jown City visited the home of MI', and M'·J!. CIJal"leR Kel'schner Wed· nesday evening. ~

Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Conklin, and co

J. B. Cash Phone 215 210 So. Clinton

Open Sunday and Evenings

Until 10 o'Clock



(BANANAS--~ Ibs. ........................... .

CANDY BARS-All '6c bars, 4 for ........... .


klNGSBURY OR COUNTRY ~LUB-Ice cold 25 C _ bottles .................... ..

I TOBACCO George Washington Cut Plug tOe pkgs. 25 C 4 for ............................ .

Stud Smoking, 25 C • pkgs . ...................... .. I

Prince Albert, Velvet, Half and Half, EdgeWOrth, Sir' Walter Raleigh, 25C 2 cans ........................ '

Torchlight, Yankee Blackhawk, Scrap, Granger, 3 pkgs . ...... ..




Low Prices •


,Low Prices t


Singer ball bearing lawn All galvanized corru·

mower, self spring ad-gated sprinkling can, with drop handle-

JUltlng, 14 inch cut, High qwality steel $1.00 101,4 inch wheel- shears-

Other Spr inkling Cans--

$8.55 60e 85e, $1.35 GAltDEN Host SCREEN PAINT

Molded rarden hose, 50 ft., com­plete with nozzle; a real hose for only-

Patek's screen paint. PH!Vents wire from rusting. Does not clog mesh. Pint-

$'3.75 40e "Spray Maker" Lawn Sprinkler,

Formerly Sold at 60c-Only


Len'och & Cilek

I I I ...

i i

The Big HCU'd.&clGr", em W"",I&i.n.gton. Stree' ++++'.'tf"+++++++++++f++++"",'+++++++++++++i'++++++++++++++++++++++++f


Free Delivery

1803 So'. 'Clinton St.

Open Evenings

PllOne 298·299

Ipeel.ls lor the Week-End

ToCiay and Saturday BEEF · STEAIt, cut from choice corn .fed steers, round, sirloin, or 28C T Bone, lb . ................................... .


BEEF ROAST, cut from choice corn fed steers, • 1 7C per lb ............................................ .

BOlLI G BE'EF, cut from choice corn fed /ilteel's, 12C per lb . .................... ...................... .

HAMBUltGER, per lb . ........................................... .

PORK SHOULDER BUTTS per lb. . ....... , ................................ .

CHICKENS, fresh from the country, Saturday only, per lb.

:JUMBO CANTELOUPES, each ............................................. .

ORANGES, FJoridas, per lb . ......................................... . Per peck ................................. ............. 59c

COCOA, Rockwood's 2 lb. tin ....................................... .

KRAFT'S MA YONNAISE, Spread, or 1,000 Isle Dressihg, per pint ...................................... ..



PURE GRAPE JA1\1, Temtor's 23~ 1 lb. glass barrel ....................... .

RHUBARB, per lb ........................................... ..


BANANAS, per Jb . ........................................... .

CIGARETTES-Walter packages of 20 ........ ; ........................................ .

Raleigh. 2


CIGARETTES-Wings, 2 packages of 20 ....................... .

great for

a late snack!

Tla. moat po,o.l"r c.raat. w....... ib ..... .tIiniaC-flI9lDa of :A ... rlca .. cOli ..... ~ clubia .nd fratensitiea it... _d. by Keno" I~ 8~ttI~ c....... Thy inclucl. AU.-BRAN , PEP Bra .. FI.t.; .. , RIH ~r"p .... ·WIt .. t ICnuabJ ..... 1!IIIlC.wllo,,'. WHOLE WHUT iBiacult. Alao ~If .. Ha, Col'M -tbe coif •••• t

!'ta ro~ .Mp.

BEFORE you go to bed, eat a bowl of cri • ., Kellogg'. Com Flake. anti milk or cream. Delicious-and .0 euy to dige.t you'll sleep like a million dollars.

DietitiaIV .ay that croiap cer.t. are juat the treat for a late maek. So much better than hot, heavy foo~.. S" remember Kellogg'. when you drop 'in at the campus realaurallt around Ledtim.. Extra d.licious with .lie'" banana •.


Y.u'n ',,}Oy ".no .... Slu,"be_ Mule, ",_cut ._ WJZ ,,"" .... oa,. .. • '."'0;"" 01 'h, N • •• C. '"~Y ,-""." .u.",,.. .t IO.3t t. S. T. AI.o 1tF'1 " .. An •• lo, KOMO S • .,tl • • t 10.00,

..... KOA D."I/., .t 10.30.


.sEARS Na.,.,..,

- a nal ion-wid e event planned to empha izc t b e snperb styl e , varie t ies a nd volues of t h e worl d'8 larges t rellliler DC 8h~.

New models in Sear ' celebrated Francine sho -smart seasand or white kid one­strap!!. Th y will be ,4 after Shoe Week.

Men's Shoes , These are Sears' fa ­mous Dick Foster $4 shoes. A blucher 0 1-ford of black calf and a white elk oxford with black calf trim.

Tots whowear sizes 8th to 2 choos e patent l eathe r one - s traps. Boys vote for elk 8poIU oxfords in smoke IUld black; 11 to 13112. '


Iowa Golfers Capture State Collegiate Championship . FRIDAY, MAY !

on Ames Club Course AthIe' Hawks Shoot 660; Gralnel{ Wins Trophy

Schlanger Leads Hawks With Card of 162;

Gets Award

11o\\, the)' finished: University of lo\\'a, .............. (j60 Towa Stllte .............................. 689 Drake ..................... .. ............... 69:1 State Tellchcl'1l ...................... 70 I Coe .............................................. 708 AMES. ~tllY 2l (AP)-The Unlver·

.. Ity of iowa. golrcrs won tho stale culleglate team champlon~hlp handl· ly today on the tricky Ame~ Cou n­Itry ~lulJ course with a total of GOO strul'eH rOI' 36 holes . SchlUJ1gN' led tho H Hwkeyes with a ca l'd of 162. I3tcwal't I'equ ll'cd J63 "u·ol(e~. Roddy 167. and Ora lnck 168.

Dellmu r Mlliel' , .tile Drake Hhal'p­shooter, 1<)01< Individual honorij with Ii tuta l or 161 . li e scored an excel­lent 77 In the moming round . drol>­ping to 84 In the II ftel'lloon. Schlang­eI' was runn el'up with a cUt'a ot 82-80. Both \\'el'e awarded trophies for the ir low seol·cs.

In a 61>cclal J)uttlng ('onto.t. Gral-11el, or IOWIL and 11 utch ln son oC State 'reachers tied . each relj ll ll' lng- 61 PUtlH for 36 halos. Ol'alnol, won :J.

tO~H fo l.· t he trophy. 'I.' ho Iowa Jntercoll c/:, 13 t~ Gulf US­

soclatlon was formed \Ved ncstlay following seveml wce~e of negotla­tiun s between state gale mentors. UndeL' In'pscnt Illans two touma­m ents will ])e held each year ollen t o Ill! colleges In the HwtC. 'I.'ho nex.t mcet will be held on Towa'~ Flnk­blna field next Call. tha eluto bclns­Oc tol)O I' ~.

'rhe followln" orrtccr~ were elecl· eel Cor the co ming year. President. L . "Bud" :lJaytatr of Newton. one at the fOrOmO"L II nlateu l' (;Olrol's in th e state: chn ll·II11ln. JllIS'O Otopnllk of 10wII State College: H~CI·Ct8J·Y. Charles Kennett ot fowa, Members of the committee al'e PrOfesBQI' Chll,ls of ]OWI1 Stnte Teachel'" col­lege unci DII'ecIOL' Ossle Solem of DI·nlle.

Croy Tosses Wampler in Tough Battle

)\nolhpl' Hellll' wa" raHt('net! to the bf'lt of 11m'o\{] CI'OY, lllllH school­muster. when h~ rtntten~d r~lu'l

'Vampler. of Scrl\nton In Htrulght f R.lIs ttt thf' Iowa City salcs pavilion. " 'lIp Ill[l t~h waH IHU'd fO IlS'ht 111l'oll !;houl . and uIlUI the lust mlll­u te. the outcome wus In doubt.

" 'am l)l!'r g-av~ the tutOI' tho hard· est battle he has had s ince la~t fall when he \\'ent nn houl' nnd 4a mln­li tes herore IOSHinl'( S\\'ede Hunaon . It [ooi< Croy 41 millute" and 40 sec­onda to tal(e the first fal l. Wampler fHjCcumbcd to a ha lf n<Jl~on und tl hOlly holu In that stunm. CI'OY Htal't­pd Hlow. but npJ)al'cntly g-alncd Kll'ong th as hi" opponent fnded,

A crotch hold ga "c Croy the scc' ond 0. 1111 IIt.'rldlng foil "ftcl' 13 min­utes a nd 30 seco n(iH. 1-1e wel1t to \\'ork on \\Ta mplel' at the ~ou n(l of fil e gong, .and was never In SCI'Iuu8 ll'Ouhle.

Chet l"rUI1 tz \\'on a decision from (llenn Rummelhal'l ill th e "cml·wlnd· liP uCtel' thrce rounds of Uoxlnlf. ' t'he sl ugging IOWa Ci ty boy railed 10 connect with 111s I,ayu pun ch, but INI all th e wa)'.



ELECTalC paOORAM, 8 .. 0AD­



N.8.C. NETwOa~

Sportively Speaking

By Bill Ru"...

"Records were made La be brok· en!"

That will be (he atlitU(le ot the assemblage of Elg Tcn track athletcs a~ they open theil' assault on ex lst­In:; marl'" at th e an nua l eonre rence Indoor lI'ocl, mect at Evanston this u((<'l'noon.

• • • Ib:pcl'ls ('onc~"c Ihe HawkeyeR

bnt, I hrce 1.)laecs ill Ihe ~arhlvll.l: ntllllcly. Weldon anti Nelsen in lhe ja,'('lIn 111111 Gordon In the hrllo(l jllmp Iowa's pro"on I'row­ess in the field events hall been overlooked, but the poillt·com. .11".'rb "UII t " "erlool, it ,,1,cn 80 me of Coach 'l'om l\Iltliill'S l)I'ol('g(,8 be.: ill tfls~ill" the IUIIII ' Ille.·, dlsellR, aud shot "r01l1ll1.

• •• ' I' wo new nl:lJol' leaguE' l' e ol'd~ nrc

a)lpul'cn Ll y In the l11aldng-th~ long­~~t 10RII\/.( Mtl'ea l, anti longcst wln­ninl' streak. The Indians ",c()m tu bp strh'ing to set the rOI·riler mark , taking their twelfth consecutive dc' f('at yetiterdny fran> 1'an kce~ to thp tune of a 7 to 6 HeOI·p. Babe r:uth's firth homel' helped the 'r1'lbe alon g towards IlH l·eco l·(1. The present rec · 01'(1 is 14 stl'U lgh1. sct by the n d ti<lx.

• • • 'fhc 'l\thlcticH IIrc well un their

wu~' towllrds tho Mtnhlisllluenl <If ,t n~", 1','cOI'd for IIIl1 jnr leal{ue winning 8trellks·. 1'hey took Ihl'lr thirtl'enlh in It row Yl'a l~nluy. crushing the Tillers, J"~ lu 5.

• • • Lea ve it [0 the Senators. 'l'hey'I'e

Hcelng La It (hnt theY'l'e not bclllg loft behinl1. A~ 101lg- as theY're In (,111CR1:'0 they have'n 't much to f~ar. fl" dal1!;,l'l'ous as the city Is gCI1('r­nlly bcUI'ved to boo The White Sox trra.clously fold UI' heforc their W'a Hhln,::toll vtsltm·s. Ycstel'<lIlY the score was 4 to 2.

Iowa Athletes Enter Big Ten

Cinder Meet Concede Two Firsts ~o

Hawkeyes; Records May Drop

'rhe Big Ten conference meet gets unde" way today as 320 Of lhe cla.ssiest alhletes of yeara baltle for Individual honOrs and for the glory Of theil' schools Ilt Dyche stad ium at Evanston. Ill .• today and tomor­row. Michigan' and l!llnols. who have won 11 championships each, a l'e the tavol'1tes and the University or Iowa athletclI will do their best to place the Old Gold In the front division . Preliminaries s tart at 3 P. m. today. with the finals set tor 2 :30 p. m. tomorrow.

'rho Hawkeyes nro almost can· ced~d two tll's ls with Ed Oordon bl'oad jumping /lnd L. D. Weldon throwing- the javelin. Both are de· (cndlng win ning marks at last year al1d each has a chance to set a new I'ccOl'd in his event . Weldon must stretch hiM Kansas relay dIs; tance of more than 205 feet by a.n­other 24 Inches and Gordon need only to duplicate his accomplish· ment at the same a fralr by jumping 25 (eet to set new all thn~ ' mark" In the 'Vestorn con terence cham· pionships.

Strong io Oll8hes. H_mmer Othel' I{awkeyo. men who ,hould

place a.l·e Pa.ul Conway In the cen· tury. Evel'e tt Fel'gu80n In the 220 yard spl·lnt. Wesley Younl'ennan In the hanlmel' throw, and Gordon Las-er(julsl In the 440 yard dash. Oordon may earn some points In the' high jump.

Coml'ay \\'111 I'un In competition with Eddie Tolan. from Mlchlll'an, who Is holder at the recognized world reCo rd In this event w1th a. time Of :09.a. The red headed Iowan dill his bcet In the Chicag-o dual meet by running the IIprlnt ill :09.7 to. set a new university rco­ol·d. lrCI'guson w ill also dL'tl.W the duslsy Michigan star In the 220 yard af(ah·. .

Youngerman has thrown the hammcr over· 140 feet and bas IL chance at the ctl rnival It he does not foul. ne brlat out the biggest contender for thh'd place In the discus throw when he ovcrcame Simmons at ""·lSconsin. at the tl'l­angllial' meet with lfie Blid!l'e~6 and

lIy TIm i\.SSOGli\TE Lt I'I'UI!:SS MarOOM at Madison last week. Bube Ruth climberl bacl, in to the Senlt.lIl11. Keller In Hurdles

IllrlUl'O III tilP Big- 61..: bntlln:; L'U('(! Lee Sentman, 1l!1nols ace; and yCsl(,lI'day. shuotlnlo; his avcl'age till JaCk Kellel·. of. Ohio Sta te. will flv!' points Illld taking sccund plnce fight fOl' the lead In both tho low In the Htlln,Jin!,. Tho nabC' clouted ami hlgl1 hUl'cJll'H. Sentman was his riflil hun)"e run, 1I triple and a victor In the last two cOllCerenee .loubl In five times UP to Ilft hlK meets but tlrls time he \\'!II have IllRI'k to .403. The Icnelol', Al Slm· tho strugg te of his young life to mons, [[IHO hit a homcl· . 1I1 ~ eighth i or tho HrU"On, but !;,ot only one otT,- no~e ou t h s Hoosljll' rival. Da.le

. .Letts ot Chicago. Is a g reat halt er hit in fI\'1' t .. ll>~ 10 th" 1)llItc. ralt· mile and I dopcd to COl) a new In/:' ofr tWIJ 1I0intS lo .430. nob I~oth· conf~l'eu ce : ecol'd In his spcolalty. ~rglll aml~ared only as [1.11 lInsuc- 1 'l'b!>' preHent best tlme Is 1:53.2. l'e8sful pi nch balsman. 1081ng til..: l:lawk '8 Ent .... potnts. IVhJl(' the lI1l'e~ National TI H k Il) til I ' h I c,,:;u~ INtdc':. werc I'Cl>t !clIo by 18 aw eye comlle 01'8 n eac ruin. The stUlllling-: event arc:

G AU R 1I P t 100 and 220 y&t'd dlLl!hos-Con·

!llmmonR, c. way, F BI-gUBon. Hubbard,

440 yard d.ash-Lagel'nulsl. Hai r 10110 I·un-Skowbo. Isaacs. AthlcUeH .......... 27 110 28 48 .436

.403 nUlb. Yn.nl{cCl:J .... 21 72 ~4 2U Mile r un-Klewln. . I··othcrgill. ,397 'l'\VO mile L·ull!..Trott. \Vlckey. While !'lox ........ 17 6:l Ii ~Ii HIgh and low hurdles-Thuraton. .S~O WIlier. nor~ tg-el'. npus .... 24 100 n a~

,\ rlelt. PhiJIles .... 20 107 21 3R .35. BI'oad jump-Gordon. HOl'nsb)·. ubs .... 34 D2 l!l ~2 .3-18 High jump-Gol·don. StOL·Y.

Rndug Bill 10 Govel'uor Shot pu t-Sanson, l\{assey . \Val"

rington . TAf.I"AHASSIDE. 1'·la.. May 21

(AP)- The Flol'ic1a senate Itlle toda y concurred with a li house amend· ments to the bill legalizing l'aclng and pal'l·m utuel wagel'lng customs, 'rhe measure now goes to the gov·

Discus- Massey, Youngerman . Javelln - Weldon. W&I'l'lngton,

Sansen. Nelson. Hammel'-Youngel"nan. Sansen,

Cornog, Mathies , Stadler. Mile relay-Hosldn8on and three

men picked frOm above, el'nor.


FAST TRACK! ATRACK man will tell you that records are broken when

the track is fast. Think of this sctting-a cool evening, the stands overflowing, the whole spectacle brillillntly I,hted, with G .. E floodlights, and a fast track - a record IIll1ply couldn't stand the "gaff'."

N~httime, when people naturally tum to divenion, is the logICal time for a track meet. Lack of support will be a thina of the past. And just watch the athletic fund grow. •

G-E floodlighting projectors, largely the developmeat of college-trained men, are easily adapted to any occasion whether footbaU, track, tennis, cpmrnencernent, receptions, or play .. Efficient G.E illumination promotes athlctica and Luilda school spirit. •

~ .

F.,. /rIrlIur I,.",..,." HI,." h6lkU, IhJMN .. ' (8). A,.,., G8A·12~- "n. Lit" n., Sf.,,. stwu til N~"t . ..



Delta Tau Delta Wins First Place in Intramural Contest·

Delta Tau Delta fratern ity gal'· HlIrrler Race Starts Program ne~ed a total of 173 acUvity points The 9POI'18 pl'ogram was Intro-durIng the 1930·31 Greek 8ports pro· duced with a bang In the fall when gram to capture tho lotertratol'nfly 310 GI'COk harriera rambled across ~thlelic participation trophy. The 1~lnkblno field In the annual cross ,'Tau Delts were winners In s ix tournaments and second In foul', country race. Charlcs Van Epps of ~ea.ding PI Kappa Alpha tOI' the Phi KaPPa Psi carried off first han· a~- lLI'ound activity trophy by a goOd ors in record time and was follo'v. margin. PI Kappa Alpha. fin ished ed by Don Koehn of Delta T"u behind the aolive Delts with 157 Delta and AI·t 'Ventwol·th of Sigma pOints and Delta Chi wa.. third witll Chi. A sharpshooting golf quintet 151 1·2 points. [rom Sigma Chi. composed of ''lent-

,Following Is a \1st of high rank· worth, Brennan. Schump. a\ld In. fraternities In the final tabull\- Loufek. downed Phi Delta. 'l'heta tion: fourth. Sigma Nu 151; fifth. a nd Phi Kappa Psi to capture tho Sigma Alpha ~: p8110n L4 5~: sixth. [all golf tourney. Delta Upsilon 123 1·2: seventh , Slg- Irwin Ploog of Delta Chi won the rrta Chi 1I7 1·2: olgh th. BelO. Theta tall tennig si ngles title by defeat· PI. 107 1·2: ninth . ::;igma PI 97; Jng BoI>II.I· Wood of Delta Tau, tenth. Alpha Tau Omega 87. Dellll. In the Unal ma tch. while Pht

3,847 l\len in 4U CootCBts Epsilon PI's doubles team. Klein ''11th the awaralng of the large nnd AdICl·. nouneed Scha~1tz a,!d

activity trophy . the greatest sea- DVorak of Delta Chi to take the s?ll or Intramural athletic activities double~ challlplon ~hlp. was brought to a close. A total of Kappa bigs Win FilII Kltleuball : 3,847 men took part In 422 contests Twen ty fl'aternities entel'od the It\ the 1930·31 SpOl·tS schedule W11lch (ali klltenball tournoy and Ka.ppa jl'lCluded 44 ovents. According to Sigma surv lved a Ions- playing Ernest O. Schroeder. director oC sched ule to cor> the t rophy. Alpha physical edu.catlon for men. the Tau Omega . Phi Beta Delta and Phi number of men parl!clpatlng in the Kappa Psi Were runners·up. The year's Intramural schedule exceed- Tau Delt spllUlhel's enjoyed a cIrcus ed the 1929.30 number by nearly a day at the expense or fIve other thousand. Cratel'nities In the swimming meot,

,"Dad" Schrooder, as d!t'ector of swamping- all oppos ition to take the intramural activities hi the unlvel" meet trophy and both relay events. a lty. hll.8 been the spirit behind the Aftel' an exciting 8chedule, Sigma bu~y year's schedule. H W(l.8 as- ,\ Illha EJllslion's water pol e cr~w sillted by Hlll'olcl Rath, LeRoy (low ned Delta Tau Delta In the final Campbell, and coaches Da.ve Arm- match to take the rough and tumble bruster, Charles Kennett. and aquatic Ch(lnll>lonshil). A quartet George Bresnahan. Art Stanley of of dusky speedsters frol]l KapJ,>a Theta Tau again served as PI'eSI',-A II)h" 1'"1 dcfeated Phi Kappa Psi dent of tho In t.orfl'atcrnlty ath letic a nd Sigma. Chi to win the (raternl­councl) and Dick Macalistel' was t y rclay and th e Currlel' IHlil's re, secretary. lay te8JTI outran opposttton to cop

I i



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Extra Trousers

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fOf Students

The "tranl·wiae" to lod from the Orieot, koow that "White Empreuel" compriae the lugelt, r ..... eet .hip. crolliog the P.cific. Special lOW_It II> ClOIIlIIIOIlltioaa for etudeoaa-maximum comfortl for tbe mobey. Coogeaial company. bOllpitable ..,moe, aDd epeed that cub daYI olr the trip. See tbe Canadiao Rookie. t!:-a ,ow.. thea from V IDcouver or Victoria .. i1 ,,"he, via HODOlulo 0' direct to Yokob.ma, Kobe, N.,. .. ki. Sbloghai, Bo .. Ko ... Maoila. Aak your local .. eot or

E. A. KENNEY, &eollUhip General..46f1", " /feI • ./ed>oo .. Blod .• CIolcop. 111., ToI.plooot. 1J'0 .... ,,.,.

Canadian Pacific WORlD'S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTeM ClInr a....fN .. ,...,. ... ~"""- a.,-- c-t "'. "',.".1 0...

I •


the sorority relay. Chi In a t lna.1 battle to I' tho title. Delis H .. ve &8& C •• e... Sigma. Nu horscshoo pitchers out·

Delta Tau Della enjoyed an un- tossed It pall' from 'Alpha Tau usually successful season In bas kot- Omega to win the pes- chnmpion. ball when Its class A qUintet de- shIp. Della Tau Delta'a tracks tel's (~ated Sigma Chi a nd Phi Kal)pa were forced to axel·t th omselves on Psi to win the major tourney. and the clndcr path tu nose out SIs-rna then Bent a speedy rive through to Alpha EpSilon fOr th o track an(l win in the class B tourney. Theta , field championship

~SELZ Shoes for Men

'l'au trounced Phi Chi to take the Three tourname~t" arc yot to bc profeSSional basketball title. and a completed, Sigma Chi a nd Ph i Chi quIntet frol11 the graduate college bll.8cball &gg l'egations will battle tor downed the commerce 8chool five to the diamond lI ~l e. and fuur Orecl< win the college court trophy. A tennis doubles teams will m atch total of 609 men participated In the rackets for th o 8prlng net supremo (our basketball tourneys. acy. Nu Sigma Nu and Phi K appa

Sigma Alpha Epsilon proved to be Sigma gOlf qual·tets wil l mix thi s uncanny (rom the tree throw mnrk week for the slll'lng golt cham lon-

(lood lAJolllug Shocs Whose i\Pllearonce Are

YOUI' Asset

JO-12 S. Clinton

and captured the trophy gfft toss sh ip. . p meet, followed by Pl Kappa Alpha. ___________________________ '--Phi Chi came through a. tough sched ule In the volleyball tourna· ment to defeat Phi KUIlPa Psi and Delta Chi in the filial .series tor the title . 'rhe athletes of Phi Epsl· Ion Kappa pl'oved thcmsclvce physi­cal "uperlor~ by winning the physi­cal efflclenoy contest with a I'ecord breaking score. Delta Tau Telta finished second In the tes ts.

Sprln,l' Klttenbalt Twenty·two fraternities particl ·

pated In the spri ng klltenbo.li ser­iI'S. Della. Sigma PI drubbing Sigma

WANTED! Several live


No "owe to house


Real opportunity for right persons.

Call in person

Room 306

Jefferson Hotel Friday Morning

8 O'Clock May 22, 1931

Engineering III Cool Colorado

The Colorado School of Mines is located in Golden at· the very foot of the Rocky Mountains. It is but twelve miles by paved road to the capital city of Denver. and but an bour's drive to the great Continental Divide, with streams and forests and snow·capped peak:s rising to the sky.

TIle 11UIIIIIe1' Ichool Ea~ .. r. Dallic engineering courses in Mathematks, Chemistry, PhysiC6,

English and Design; Courses in AssaYlllg •. Ceology, Analytical Me' chanics, Graph ic Statics. Strengtb of Materials, Thermodynamics. Physical Chemistry. and Plane and Mine Surveying; Preparatory subjects. for students deficient in entrance requirements, Advanced Algebra. Solid Ceometry. Chemistry and Physics. arc offered at the Colorado 6'hool of Mines Summer Session from

.July 6 to Augult 28, .9,1 Th is sUll\mer session is given espeCially for students who wish

to make up work or to secure additional credIts. All work is con· dueted by the regular faculty of the School of Mines. Par complete description of dass room courses. and field work offered in the sum' mer session. write to the Registrar for "Quarterly Croup Z'6."

.Color.~o School of Mine. kIIool 01 ........ II ••• ltrie.

Oold ... C:olo~".

Announcing the E.ngagemen~ you have today with COASTS'

Straw I-Iats It u8ed to take a brave lUan to he 1!1C first in .;h'RWIS

••• now it takes cournge to be the InstlefL in felts. •

You'll be glad to get out of Spring into the magic of

Summer •.• and the minute you and one of Ihc8C

uew blocks meet head-on, another sailor will have


Come in toda~ ~ •• don't wait until the ahsencl' of

your straw is noticeable.

Sailors and Panamas·

COASTS JO·12 Soutb Clinton St.


Macks Ta Tig{{rs f.

I' Game ~

Seven Pitchere in Heavy H


DETROl'r, May Athletics knocked th o. (1.14 today to defeat Il'!gers 12 to 5 and I Iweep or a threo game

The heav)' hilling gl Illere were 32 safe hi t< contrasted sharply wil eJhlbltions by wI! Ich t 1I'0n tho th'st two en winner!!' 18 hits ir runs by Cochrane In Nah' in tiL o Sixth. Iln, Ihe eighth. the latter man on base. McNal llllh artC!' Dykes W i

10hnson. Seven !>ltchors weI'

mel was taken Ollt I Inning by Phlladclphl! ,d by Mahaffey, who ' although he was reli berg In the seventh . 1 Bridges. and Sullivan Sorrell fo llowed him I

Score by inning-s: Philadelphia .... 200 012 Detroit ............ 100 00 I

Balleries-R u m m e Walberg I\nd Co 'hra.m UVIUl, Herring, SOI'rcl

Manus" on R() at Senators Wi

CHICAGO. May 21 Manush knocked In Ington Senators' foul' they took the fina l of Ihe ChIcago White S "as 4 to 2. with Hn berry holding the HOI Hadley WlIs wild and moved In the sixth.

Sam Rice doubled II Mallush scored him w the Ihird after Rice ManuBh hit a homo n pleted the scoring 11 by singling to drive had hit and been sa( ond. Thomas a nd M trouble with any of alora but Manush \1

The Sox seQl'ed In thl a hit. and Jeffries hit the ninth.

The vlctol'Y W~ tl starts fOI' Washlngto Chicago won bu t th Crom the eastern tell these from Boston.

Score by Innings: Washington .... 102 O( Chicago .......... .. 001 O(

Batterles-Mal'bel'l, SilenCer; McKain. Th'

Cleveland LOSI

Twelfth Sfraig CLEVELAND. H"'l

Indians put up 1\ not I tuday but again rull ol a vlelol·Y. They lost stralgh t game by a ~

the New YOI'k 'Yanl win a. single game sland against the Babe Ruth came till filth homo ru n of til

Score by innings: New York .......... 220 0 Cleveland ......... .1 03 1

Battcries-Shel' ld. ( Ilnd DIckey; MJllcl'. J alt. Sewell.


st. Louis ._ ............ . 'New York ................ . Boston ....................... : Chicago ............... ..... .. Philadelphia ............. . Pittsburgh ............. " • Brooklyn ................. .. Cincinnati ............... ..

Yesterday's All games posll)OIl(

OilmeN TI BroolliYll at PI

lames. (Only game h hcdu


Philadelphia. ............ , New YOI'k .............. .. Wa.shlngton .... _ ....... . DetrOit ...................... .. ChlcD!(o .................... .. Cleveland ................ ~ BOlton ..................... .. 8l. Louis ..... . ....... ..

,·~8terd")··11 Wa shlnS'ton 4: Chi , Bt. Louis 2: )3Q~t'" Phlladeil)hln H: D New York 1: Cle" (,

Games T, Dell'olt l\t St. r.oll ChienS'o (It Clcveo I (Only I{am('~ Mr hea


A large, Ill1tiOJlKJI) 1111 eqUlpDlelit COlli & Dumber of coJlerc ell to fine well'PItY. IIItlonli. \' ou wilt t b. IIIOll8Y this fJ holll'll lU'Il your ow leet your OWII terri ' enee neee8lary. 1 your ell" at youl tour own 81lt will 1"',8 .. Ins. )I' limply drop. line.


('It learo, ]

. . FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1931 TIlE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA C1'l'Y . ~ _ 2 ,! 4.

Athletics Live Up to Champion~hip Form, Wallop Tigers, 12-5 ----------------------------------------------

Macks Tal{e Tig~rs for 3

Slugging Senator Insurance Company Presidents Consult,

Plan Consolidation

ngS :\IOJ!\'}o;S, May 21 (API-

LIte anCI AnnuHy company. Home oftlccs Of both companies IlI'e main­taIned her.

Panl Clark Signs Up With Burlington

1I1lgton Bees In the MI8!isslplll Val. icy league.

Clark playing with the ectar Rapids Bunnies lut year won 14 gam e" and lost 9 [or his tlrst year In profell8lonai ball . ArthUr Mueller Is manager of the Bees.

!! Game Series Plans fo,· conAolidulloll to be sub· Mrn FIH'f) Charrl!8 l'aul CIllrk, son of James J.

mltled to 8tockholdel's ot the noyal FT. DOOOE (APt-R. 11. Wolft. d Clark, ~08 S. Dubuque street, has 2" . • "". eKnnAlh K auff man. BO, botb

Seven Pitchers Drafted In Heavy Hitting


Union Life Insura nce company a.1I " ~ 0 ~ the Dc,; :1[01nc8 Ltfc und A nllu lty signed as 0. pilcher ",ltI, tho Bur· of Ft. Dod •• , were t a ken 10 Cilihoun

DETROIT, MaY' 21 (AP)-The Athletic" knocked Lhem a ll OVCl' the field toelay to dcCeat Lhe Dl'trolt II'lgcrY 12 to 5 and makc a c lean Iwcep of Ii Lhree game serlcs.

The hellvy hllllt1); game, In which there wero 32 safe hils [or 40 bl\~c8. contrasted sharply with the pitching eshlblUons by which th e champions ,..on the flrsL two encounLl'rs. The ,..In ners· 18 hits Include(\ homo runs by Cochra.ne In the firth. Mc· Nail' In Lhe slxth, and Simmons In the elghLh, Lhe laLter two with one JIlin on bnsc, McNair went In In flHh after Dykcs was spiked by lohnson.

Seven pitchers werc used. Rom. mel was laken oul In the seco nd InnIng by Philadelphia and succeed· td by Mahaffey, who won the gl\mo, alt hough he was rclleved by Wal· berg In tho sevenLh. DoH'olt star ted Brl<ll;o., ano Sullivan. Hel'rlng !lnd Sorrell followed him In onIN·.

Score by Inning!!.: n. H. E. Phlladoli)hla .. .. 200 012 232-12 18 1 Detroit ............ 100 00 I 300- G 14 1

Batterlcs-I{ 0 m mel. Mahaffl'Y, Walbel'S' and Cochranc; Jlt'ldges, SuI· liI'an. Herring, Sorrell and Schang.

Mauu.h on Rampage til Senators Win

CHICAGO, May 21 (AP)- lll'lnle Uanush knocked In all Lhe Wash· Ington Senators' foUl' runt! today as they took the fina l of the 8<'I'lc6 from Ihc Chicago White Sox. The scorll ~'a8 4 Lo 2. with Hadley and Mar· btrry holding the Hosc to five hits. Had ley was wild and had to be reo moved In the sIxth.

Sam Rice douhled In the first and Manush scored him with a triple. In the third after Rice had walked. Munush hit Ii home run and he com· ~\Cted the scoring In the sevenLh by singling to dl'lve In Hayes ,vho had hit and been 8acrt((ced to sec· ond. Thomas and McKaIn had no trQuble ",JIll any of Lho olher Sen · ators but Manusb wa s Loo much , The Sox scored In Lbe third without a hlL, and Jeftrles hit a home run In the ninth.

The victory \VII.!! tho ninth In 11 ,tarts fol' \Vnshlngton In the west. Chicago won but Lhree out Of 10

H eillie Mallush

company Juno 8, were 11 l1nOUllCed t<><lUY by the IIl'cslllents ot tbe two companies,

Consolidation would ,·c.ult In f\

company with neut'ly $300,000.000 of life Insurunce In force; with Mseta of approxlmaLely $40,000,000, anl\ with caplLal and .ul·plus, Including contingc, y rescrves. of about 13, 000.000,

A. C. '1'ucl(c,' I. nl'~sldcnt of the Royal Union IIf(' and J . J. Sham· baugh Is hrad of 1 he Des 1\'[olne&

ROLLER SKATING Lat's go rolIer skating at Iowa City's portable roller skating rink. Special parties for students. Make up your own private party.


Ladies 25c Men 35c , 907 So. Dubuque

There's something

sonal about a gift


of • a plpe.

Pipes 25e to $15.00


(rom tho eastel'O teams. and all of i~~~§~~~§§;;~i;;;§§§~~~§~§~;;~ thcse from Boston . Score by Innings : n . H, E.

Washington .. .1 02 000 100-4 7 0 lit Chicago ............ 001 000 001-2 6 2 .I':.l,~,,~ GEORGE .

Baltel'ies-Morben'Y, Hadll'Y nnd ~ .. U! ~~"1 ARlISS : . 'SIlencer; McKain. ThumuM and Tato,

Cleveland LOBell

Twelfth Straight CLEVELAND, May 21 (AP~l'hc

Ind laus put up another closo scrap today but again Ctilled Lo Bcrape out a victory. They lost lhelr twcltth

Last Chance ~"llLIONAJIlI


Itralght game by a 7 to 6 count to the New York Yankees, failing to __ .......... win a single game of their home tdltatliU !land against the eastern clubs. Babe RuLh camo Lhrough with his fifth home run of lIle season.

Score by Innings: n. H. E . New York .......... 220 002 100-7 13 1 Cleve land .......... 103 11 0 000- 6 12 3

BatLerles-Bherld. 0001('Z. Plpgras and Dickey; MiliCI', Hudlln und My, att. Sewell.


St. LouIs .... _ ........ 16 1 .606 lie ... York . ..... .. 18 R .60~ Bo9ton .. ............ .... 16 IL ,693 Chlca&,o ...... ......... 1J 12 .520 PhiladelphIa ........... U 15 .4~4 Pittsburgh ....... ..... ,n 16 .41R Brooklyn ................... 12 17 .414 Cinclllnutl •....... . .. ... G 12 .222

l'eslerIIH),'8 Rf81111s All "Ilmes poot poncd- ra Ill .

GameN Today Brookll' lI at Phihulclllhia- two

,ame.. (Only game sch!'Cluled .)

A~IERI('AN U~AG I ! ID w. h

Phlladelphlrl ............ ~o 7 New YOI'k ..... " ........ l8 10 Wuhlngton " ........ to 12 Detroit .... .,. • ..... to IR Chicago ........ ....... 12 17 Clevelall(l .. ................ 12 1 ~ BOlton ............. _.. .. .. 11 1 H 81. Louis ...... ..... 0 17

l 'uterdHy 'N " .. Null A Washington 4; ChIcago 2, 8t. Louis 2; BOHt"" I. Philadelllhill I~ ; iJctl'(JlL G. New YO"k 7; CI<'>\'el_ 1111 O.

G~lIIe8 Today DetrOit at 8t. Loul~, Chkago "t Clcveulml . (Only gumrs scheduled.)

Pct. .7 11 .~ I~ .tJ3 .471 .0\ 14 .400 .37D .346


A lure, lIailllllllll), IItlOWlI 811Orl· 10, equipment concern 18 8lleklDr i nUmber of collere lIIen alld worn· ee to fine well'PIlylnr vac.tlon Jl(Io

uUon8. "You will be able 10 earn blc mouey this 8ummer, rour hoUl'll are your (lWII, you lillY lie· lett )'our OWII ten1tory, 110 eAPerl· eDee neceaaary, 1'our rrie ndA In fOur tlly, It ),(lUI' lolr club, In reu .. own lIet will help fOU e&rIl IlI'Je .. larle8, For InronnlUolt limPly drop a Ilnll t_



Saturday· PETERB. KYNE'S thrilling







on her




She couldn't help it! On her native isle they had a different set of rules. And when she feU in Jove with a handsome Am­

boy-that was


Tw.ln SII.II W •• t

What A Book It Wal! What A. Plctare It II!



"Forbidden Fruit" is not sold at

Maid-Rite I

-but if it's a PICNIC LUNCH you need


S4S -cold becr at special price.

011 case lots, I

-sandwiches of all kiud ••

-Free jiffy service.


"Ellglert"-May Month Hits-Are Popular!






A smile •. a caress .• soft lips lured men into her flame! They called her the woman without ~ a Boull ~

BolIlI), dones


Shows tou 'Shot by Shot'

The Putter in

"First Series"

1'1118 TED LEWIS

"Happine!18 R emedy."

LATE NEWS "HI .. h School


Repeat Pictures NEVER

)'1., lhe "Enrlert"




tn~14al He's Ready to Fire The Opening Gun SUMBA Y 1l0BEilT ~OM'GO~ElY

appellrirlg in 'Ws -iir~ til~' enterullninent

Assisted by a Cast of Stars in


"Ukelele Ike" Edwards-




coullty to fllee charges or robbery I Officers Mid Wolf( conCes~('d tortul··

In connection with 1111' $,I.GO thell [Int; Lhc brothers In an unsuccessful from Louis and William Folke, bachelor farmers 1I,' lng near LyLton. aLLempt to 8«'CU.l'e $20,000 trom them .


25c Bargain Matinee Today



Times Tq-Day

To See This Great Star

is an instinct


is an art

You'll ,;co hal\' it Ol'el'olt's ib Ihia 8mart allli HclntJlIsl·

illl:' cl/tnedy Ihlll spark les

"il It 5111ey I luJUl: uo.

'co "rS-TAN C E BEN'NETT; Sini.ke§­iJ Ho/iJfJ'I

with Kenneth MocKenno ' , Basil Rathbo \ ~;..,- -Rita LaRoy , Louis Bartels

A Comedy-"Meet the Wife" A Vitaphone Act

A Human~tle-Novelty Reel

Starting Tomorrow ( Sal, - Sun. - Mon. - Tue • - W cd.)

He Had To Dodge

A Town 01 Women - To Marry . One!

• 'l'ney swon 'rhe)'

'Loved \\\m-am\

'l'he), Swore '1'ne")"d

LOWELL Sllf..ltMAN Master Wit of the Screen

lRENE D\1N"NE Glo~ioUl Stal' of Cimarron.

'Mat 'Munay - han LebedeU 'Norman Kerry

C\audia De" - 'Noe' ¥rl\nc\s

'Pa\be 'NewS-\\' 'ta\\ts A. Viiatthone A.e\.

,.. cartoon A 'Mickey lUOUse




E,'ery Day or Night

Today and



Request Week

Feature No, 2


Prison Drama

EverMade! A Proven




Rohl. Montgomery



Leila Hyams Chesler MOl'ris



Also Comedy and Fox Movietone News




-..... _u. .110 .... 1IOalW --------,


The WrIst Mark by J. S. Fletcher

8)'J1f1J111S, of Prt't'eCIing In talments • Colonel Engleden . fonnerly loveraar of 8outhlllOOl' IIrlllOn, .. muNIered. An Investigation by Il nephew, Sefton Engl den, IIIDd his Ia.w clerk, Johnson, reo veals that dwlng tbe colonel's time, at SoutJlmoor I,wo prison· ers, Snelling and Hardie, escaped. The theory Is that tile colonel had found the Olen and that they killed blm, ClUltaln Shoreham. or 80u.hlOOOl'. givell • description of the escaped convicts. Snelling had Il birthmark on his right wrist. Young Eugleden recalls .hat Sandel'!lon, 00 whQlle estate tile 0010.-1'. boiy was rou~, wears a brolld bracelet on his rlrht Wl'\st. The question arises lit Snelling Sanderson? Johnson thinks be i8, and that Hewitt, his butler, i8 Hardie. \Vbe. an attempt is made to venfy this be· lief. It 1$ fouud tb" both llIen have vanished. A towusman, Francis Ih,prRteln, tells John· lIOn that Sanderson. with Sadler. Ihe town Jewelef, and Bratten, I~ merelllini. III l)et:)Jetrlltlng a II· nancial swindle, and suggests that the colo,el \V08 murdered *Iluse he threate'\etl to e:tPose II¥! ((' .. \ltl. He is also convinced that 110 fanner naillI'd Bed,ett, whll hlld known Sanderson very weIJ. is Qne of tbe torll~r prison wanlers through wJlO8e tre~hcry Ule two cOllvicts escaped, Cap· tain Shorebamldentlne~ the lIlan 118 Settle, fhe I'x·wan!er. John· IOn sets out for Settle's fann. There he Is Joined by Silverstein. They find Settle and Bratten ut the tarm-de",,'. Sadler attacks .Jo'Ulson anil Silverstein. Malli· son and his men (,ome to the res· cue, but Sadler escapes. The bodies of the dead men are _rcbed. A, 'ettel' is found that thl'IIW/j lIJ:bi on the II1l1rder of Mlllwllters. Ii former prison warder who bad been retained by BJliledell til aid in tile illvestiga­tlqll,

;narked :\faIUson. "Wen. all this ,,'III have to be gon Into later, carefuilY. l:>eE' wnal there Is on the other man, Wllaon - nice end fot· a man who's paR8e<1 ns a highly reo l'pectable. Jaw·abldlng citizen. this.

, (,apt.aln! And he was a magistrate. too. was Bratten!" 'l'here WIIA little on BI'atten'M bOdy to nrOURe nny

, pnrtlcular Interest. Like Set lie, hE' was armed; like ctUe, he carded

, a consldemble sum or money. And he, too, was furnished with a pass· age across the AU!\\llIC. bUl by n dlfferen t route.

"s e?" said MalllAon. holding the document to the glass ot his lan· tern. "Llvel'pool to New York. via Queenstown, per S. S. F r:anconla.. Liverpool. eh'/-the othel' was frolh GIl\~g'Ow. I see the Idea! 'I'hese men, once away from here. were going to separate and travel by dl[Cerent routes. to meet evpntuall)' lit Nt'''' York. I've no doubt ' Ihat, It we'd hll\! the Juck 10 captme Sa<.ll I'. we Rhould have [Qund thnt he'd a tl 'kct [rom outhatnJ:)tOIl. Well, we're learning a bit, Captnln ,\,

".VhM are YOU going to do ubout Sildler?" asked Shoreham.

"Rouse the countrnlde fo[, him! Retular hue-and·cry! I doo't see how he can get (lwny. Probably. he's alrcody realized that: Johnson's upset his plans altog ther by corn· Ing here. What he'll most likely do wlH be to seek some place where he can lie quiet for a time - he has, no doubt. no end of mOll ey on him ahd he'll be able to do things that the ol'dlnary fUgltlv\I can·t. lC he can reach a big town where h(,'d pass unnoticed. he'll have a chance.

• But. conslderln~ that he WOlI't find It easy to dls~ulse himself, It 'A tl poor chance. Oh, we'll be acter him! -but the next thlng's to get these. victims ot his removed to Bll<ows, 'burgh. Nice nine days' wonder there'll be In readiness for the Bar· owsburgh people when they wake up In t~e morning. eh. Captain?"

Shoreham murmet'ell an assent and tUl'ned away to look at the last stalfes of the fire . As MaWson had ~ald from the beginning. th~re had

Twenly·Seventh Instllltllent n ver b "' II chance of saving the Shor~han'l stOOd wlltchl(u{ whll pJn~. The wOOdwork was old and

the policeman went through Settle'. dry; there wero quantities ut str&w pockets. The oontents were mlscel· ond hay about the buildings; the Janeous; Mallison, who had found whole premises. once Calrly alight, and lighted a bulls·eye lantern. had bm'ned like tinder, nnd. In 1eaA turned his attention at once to a than an hour, house and outbulld. aomewhat bulky pockl'lboolt, sturred Jngs had been gutted. with ])apet·Jj. "fhlch he laid out one by I "One good job about It, sir," reo one on the flat top ot a law wall bY marked a policeman by whose slele which they were stancllng. Most of ,Shol'eham stood staring at the these were Jeltel'S or receipted bllls smoking walls. "There were no anl­relating to the tarm; Mallison swept maJs about the place! I don't know these hastily togethe,' and put them what Beckett had been doing with aside 101' subseQuent examination. 'em but there wasn 't a vestige of But on his next find he 3LlE'nt mOI'e livestock to be found!-we Jooked to time. lhat, [Irst. Not a cow. "0r fj. pig,

r THE nAIL Y tOWA"N, rom mT!I"

BLONDIE-The Gal's No ACI'obnt

SK1PPY-, __ T_o~ug~h~d=~====~~~~~ __ 1 f


--.:...---. OFF€,,{ TI4£ At.[CHoRS !


Why Is It?

Vf-\Y IS 1\- ONE c:srRL wiLL­oRDER LikE -nilS AN~


Percy L Cr08by, Or.at Rrl~lq rl,b~ r.oernd KIa, Featur .. Syadleate. IDC,

ANt> AAcm-\ER.. . GIRL WILL OR.~

L \ "-E ""11-11 S ANI:::>

nuIfAY; MAY 2~, 1"9-gJ.l ";-"


w By Chic YOUR,

I WE\..\..,W\-oI,t..i A.M l

"l: SLl~POsen .0 DO--,uRN A ~p..NO­S~R\NG?

.. "

JIj5i 4


WUfRE r COME F:ROM rM€,>,'R€ so TOU" .. -r-"AT Evt;N LIT'fLE SIS~I€~ ROLL HooPt..e~


By Rube Goldber,

R.EMAI~ FA.,.- WHY IS IT? "'Look at this!" he muttered to nOr a sheep. nor a horse anywhere

Shoreham. "Hel'e's a pas$age, In the on the premises. except the old nag nl!,me at SteddJe--ne&r enough to his hli used to drive to marJcet, and he own. eh?-tl'om Glasgow to New was turned out In the me(ldow yon . York by the S. S. Tra.nsylva.nl\l, 88.11· der."

~""""------------------------~~~~--------------~~"~--~------____ -J MnN~1 ~::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ ._, ----------~-------

DIXIE DUGAN-Give Him a Hand Ing clay after tomorrow! 'l'hat shows "Must ha' sold all his sCuff." lIald clearly what th~ man wa., golng . to another. "And done It In a llurry , do-elean cJear out! And evjden tJy too! My beat comes up this way, he'd no fear that he'd be 101l0wetl. or ahd I generally hear what'" going that we sh()uld come across these to on, but I never heard anythIng of hoi(1 him L1ll . Probably tltl'Y were all Beckett's leaving." making (ot' the other ijlde, on 80m!' "'Vell, he's lett for good, now!" scheme Or other. And hel'e. YOU see. remark.ed the first man grimly. III lhls pocketbook Is a fa)r lot of "Strangest business In all my ex· money- oonknoles: we'll count that PElrlence!" Jater. But i'm bE'glnnlng to see the Shoreham drove baek with Mallt· Sl[lffle, CaptaIn ~110reham!-lbls gang, son to the town and sought out for that 's the l\"me for 'e<m-wore all flngleden who had Just l'eturned to getting away. Snnderllon and Hewitt the hotel fltter lodging Johnson and hav", no dQubt. got cJeal' away al· Silverstein In the local hospital. ]'oody. They- " There wlt-s nothing more they couJd

"Here's a ,·evolv..... Superlnten' do that night, but each was up at dent," Intet"'upte(l Wilson. "In hIS the pollee station at an cady hour hlp pOckat." In the morning. And already there

"No doubt!" remal'l!ed MalUson, ,~as fresh news for them - lhe cynically. "Jllst What you'd expect. police. scouring the country, during T\lke car!! of It. ust as It Is. Well. the night, between Starrlck and the these popel's- " western hills. had tound ~lIversteln'8

He b l!lln to tUI'll over some let· Cat·. abandoned on the moors, about ters tram an Inner raid of the pock· thl'ee miles tram the point at which etbook and suddenly drew Shore· Sadler had fOUnd and ava~d him· ham '~ Ilttention to an "",velope se· f~lf of It. But of Sadler himself. up lec ted fl'om nmonlfst them. ~Q that houl·. there was no news.



"LQok a t thls!' '' he suld In n whls- And the next news. not ot Sadler's per. "See? It·s addressed to that whereabouts, but of SU(lIer's doings man MJllwaters, who was shot dead In a hi therto /lCrupuJously guarded at Uarllngton!- and address In Lon. pa,9t. came from an unexpected madge's wJthllrawal from United don - the p<l~t ·mark. Barowllburgh. source-Mrs. Sanderson. Artists was her Insistence on the What's It doing in this man's po!!" (TO BE CONTINUED.) right to plr:k her own storles . UnJt~d aef'!\l.on?" ~e went on, hurriedly ,- Artists Is Bald to have felt lhls would drawing out the enClosure. "The handwriting seems famil iar to me- be unfair to Its athol' s tars. 1"01' th E' Why, good beavens, It'~ n Jetter from h moment. Norma I ~ cryptic aho ut h!)r :\fro Se{ton EngJeden, written rrom Be i~ t(le. Seene. in plnns. Site Is looking for a good tbe Castle HoteJ. See? Not long. . . HtQl'Y. but Is In no burry to make a

_. 'but, by peorgQ, Clj,pl,aln! this' throws 1.10._ ~~wood picture ... Both Ann Harding and "Qme light on things. See what J..~ • H,arry B~nnl8ter arc 111 In thei r 11m· Bngled.en 8:)Yil? MlIlwaters 1,~ to top home. H'M nothing S !'iolls .. . cbme to Hnrllngton at once and By ~~SON C~LL James Cl'aneH I'eseillbla nc'e to "'II, lQeet Engleden at an hotel thel'e at t ( ,J lJanl (Stage) tJoyd ,·wb1ch lnh:llcll.d Ii>s a. ce rlaln time-he sends him money '. ~\ /AngelioS critics recently, waH lhe

~a.lI se oC anoO,ilr mlx,"p In New Yor\( tor his Cl'penses nnd Ulel'e'll be a HOLLYWOOD~ Cal .. MIlY 21-Llke . propel' I'award for his 8PI·vlces. WeIl. n .103011 Crllw{ol'd, WnUam Haines wUl several years ago. Only th~n, Boyel we know that Mlllwaters did com", '/ hilve to give (1) hIs European trip to 'was the sutfereq A m:m wi t h a and thnt he ~w Engleden aUd .Johl)' make anolhl'l' picture. grudge against ranc came liP to son on the evening of his a rrival, This will be "Dig Boats." a subma. BOYd In the Lambs Club, HWlIng hllll and that they lert him at the hotel. ..Lna story In which Bill. wit, l16a.y An .al·ound a np let ny. Amazed .anel In· and that he went OUt and was mu.... American naval of(l('er. As tblngs dlgnant, Boyd Ilad to pul nJl a HtUl 'dy dered! He must have had this let. st.and now. the flIm goes Into pfo!lue. )batUe to defend him.~eif . . . lIfal'Jellc teer on hIm - now. how did this .flon In about ~Ix weckl! at the Metro. DI~trich's five YE'at' old /laught r

G d dl'e8se~ IlkA hOI' ram(JtI ~ molh!'!·. 1.'11E' rn~~ ~~~:II~ ~~~~~I~~~I~~'::" r eplied Pt~~.WYII'Ma.yC I' ij[Udlo In Culvel' OerllllU\ slar Ila~ her dl'l'~B~'~ COIlI~!1 Shoreham. "Seltle Is the man who The IIlt'ectol' will be Harry Pollard, for the cllild ... Carnic LolltlJlLI'(j ,vIII shot Mlllwalers! FOr reasons of hIs \vhol!4\ work on Bob Mqntgomerr's gO lo Europe tiliA s ummer. Cuuld It own, I)e look MlJlwater~' papers rltst s tarring plctUI'(l, 'I$hi~mate~," be 0. 110)lel'moon '! . . . J\ g l·I'RSl'. l·ac k trom hlJn _ that lette.. I think !las won the approval of Irving Tlaal. worker In a HoJt,.vWOOd He l'v l ~e s ta· ttlere's 110 doubt that Ml1Jwaters' /)erg 1Io11dltis associates. Pollard, YOU tlO!) has a war buddy and stil i I~ the murderer Is _ therel Murdered, him. will remellll>m', did "Showboat," and gOOd fMend of a ]lrulUhll'nt l'xecutlve ~It!" l'Uncle Tom's Cabin" tor Unlve.f!8.i. 10 a nearby studio. Some cln('I( ln~

"They'd been warders nt South. Maybe you r~all his wife, MarCalila tongut's hav!' nl>uRP(j t1w pl'otluce~ moo,', hadn 't theyt' aaked Malllson, FlscM'·. who used to b(j a welt known tor not giving hIs fJ lc; nd a ~ool1 job. turning over more of the papers. Jeh.dlng woman In the silent day". ,ThE'y tIon't hap[lt'Jl to' ImolV that Ule

~ "And concerned In that ell()ape I've She Isn't worldng much In J)lolul'elf prOducel' put up 200 Aha reR of VltlUil' .. ,heard about?" nOW, b.ut haa aJ:)peal'ed lit several Los ble stocl! to buy the lease or IIlI' st.a·

"They were In charge of the group ~ngeles stage lloI·od\lctioM. tlon tor his (1·lend.








ftl'l'Y en (lett), wanted on W8LTftllts charging him

~ and Hardie - who are certainly HE SUFFERS JINX SHELVE nEL RIO S'[OICl' Sjlnderson and Hewitt - made their' 'H.a,rd luol( has dOlJlJ.OO Rauol Although Parad,,:\u llt gives It oul

winclling millionR of dollars out of prominent British citizens, WII~ I1rl'ested as he !\lld his wife (right) entered II I'llshiollllbl(, Gerlnan· town, Pa., hotel. J\l1·S. Geen's recent Ill'l'ival from London i('r1 t( the cnptlll'e, Gren is fin alleged accompJicl' 01' "Jake 1be barbel'"

, 1"llctOI' of {'hioago. , " of prisoners from Wblch 8neUJng I

hlH slicing. eSCJlpe," replied Shoreham, "It WQS Wal8h's racing stabJe eller slrree his thllt the technlco lol' produ~tlon of DolOl'es does Romethlng else entirely. >- always suspeoted that some official horae, "G I'ayola," won a. ':19.900 purse "Rose of the Rancho" hM b('pn pnst· - h did th d .. In thE' Illcanwhile. th~ alU(lIo \Vl'lt· " Ar you slicing willi all "'Ollr ~ a conn v~ at at busJnll8s. on the ay aue.r Raoul bOllght the anl- poned , 1 un(lerstand the I!to"Y really ... 3 tIIough Col. Engleden found It hard maJ In 1929. The trlumpb was short. ha!! ""en shelved, and other plan~ nro Ing gtarr Is wOI'klng on a Illurder mys. cJuhs 'l" Il1qult'Nl the golf nee with (l

to believe - he was a ' man of great IIve(l fOI' "Gro.yola" tlled of tro.ln sk:k- being matio both for Dolures Del Rio tcry for Arlen. ~mi1e .

nm YO KNOW "All hul the Illitler," eronn~ll loyalty to his staU. Nothlntr, how· ness while lie was bel"!!, lliUpppd to and tOI' Richard AI'I~n. The rea~on

_ evet. CQuid bll brought to ll&ht, and the Jamaica track In tbe e.ast. WalSh for the move Is saltl ttl have been the I can't 8&<.Y that I ever 81U1Pected had another promising ho .... o u Call- expense of such Q, PI'/)(1uctlon, Para· Tha t' th re~1 (J,OOO feet) was estah· ' ' I·oven.

• either of the two wardors. Jilut' nG., ente this year. but It broke. Its leg be- mOtl)'t figurIng It WQultl take fOUl' - no"" [ .ho.uld say therc's no doubt fore a big race, and had to be des· times as lon g to mak(> as th~ awl" that Settle was a party. heavJly ~royed. To top It all. the Wahlh Clll]' age plctul'l3 on thell' Hchedul . Since Pal4 tor bls services. And. 00081d_ dldate torlQst week'. Kllntucky derb)' Dolores Del Rio Is umlel' cO\ltraot for erlng he'. bellI) tor some time In ~Ied at Ilneumowt\. Undlsmal'fId. 'he one plctl!I'o, thpl'£' I ~ ' tn lie or InJE'rtlng' t"l~ neighborhOod. I shouJd say he 11rector stili plnne f() add to his love Interest Into "The 1I\al'Inl's Havo

IIshed as a Cllm unit hecau 'e early ])Ictu l'os weI' chiefly vE\uuevl1\e turns, anll It took abQut 1,000 feet oC Cilm to photogl'allh one?

'rllat til!' Mund tt'uck s uRerl by news'I' e lli cost $2{i,OOO?

continued to levl' toll on Snelllnll', 8table, which now number!! 14. Landed." and of givIng het· the r m· or. 1108 YOII know J'llm. SudaraoD." I Inlne lead. This Is the film co· ' ifNI' OUl nl~V1L, OOLF

"Here are two Or three more pa. LATEST G08SIP s tarring Bud,dy RogPI's and Dick Ar· Actol' ]tralll, 'I'aven wns ('mn· per. belonging to MlIlwlI.tere." reo I One ot the tadol's III Norma. Tal· len . Of cou/'se, it may deveJop that lllnlning bitterly to Bobby Jones Of

nm YOU KNOW 'l'hat D Oli Jose Mojlca'g 8"aI1IRJ\

version pl~tUrC8 ore breaking I'eo­o rdH InS wed ell? It 1!eP, IllS 'tha t Swed· en Is one pJace where the mu sl· rlnus slll i nre In vogue.

'I'hl,t Lhe rh'st motion picture C1l1l10m, Erllson's klnetosool'e, weigh· ed almost IL ton?


By J. P. McEvoy and J. H. Striebel



CHAN~A ., iON5-- 1M ALL. OISc:irUSTA !~.



~EE, "TON~,.MEB8E' '(of)




AI Che01 ........... . Afn Can ........... " AT&'l' Anaconda ........ . AUbU,'n Au lO .. Avlst Corp ....... JIOrnlilnJl A .. ·· Btto Steel .... ···· Borg WRI'n C8" ])I'y .......... .. ()1ln pae ..... ... .. . " CoCD. Cola ......... . cant Cnn ......... . Corn PI'od ....... . curtiSS ·W.. .. .. .. DrUg Inc ........ .. ~lIPont ,I Auto Lt .... .. 1:1 P.& Lt .... .. rreepDrt Tex ... . lien ~I ............. . \len )fat ........... . jloodrl e1l ........... . ~oodYe8,r ........... . IlronbY .. ............. . prlgsbY Q~u n o\\ lJudson ' ..... ....... . lIUPP ................ . III Cent ......... .. Inaplr cop ...... . lnt Harv .......... . 1& & T ......... .. ~ol'"8 Manvil le lresge ............. .. Krueger & T .. .¥:roger .............. . t.orlllard .......... . iIiI llyt1tK .......... .. Mont Ward ... . N Y Cent ........ . Packard .......... . ,am PublllC .. , Pen & Ford .. . penney·· ........ .. R K 0 ........ ····-_· ~em Rand ...... . ~y Tob B ..... .. Sears Roebuck BheJl Un .... .... -.. Simmons ...... -_. Slqc 011 ... ...... .. Skelly OIl ....... .. ~o Pac .......... -.. 9~nd 011 Cal Stond 011 ~ J ~tew Wn~n .. . Stllc\ebnker ..... . lJ'~x Corp ....... . lin pac ........... . U S Steel .. · .... . Warner Pix ... West EI & Mt WlIIys Ov - .. .. woolworlh .... . Yel 'l'r & C ... .


(By the ..\

Ilot,/er Bros .. .. Club Alum .... .. <;omwllh Ed Qont Chi Ctts G r Lakes Alrc Hart.Carter .... In!ull Vt lnv Nat Stand ...... N&SAm Co Stelnlte .......... .. Swift & Co ". Unit Ons ......... . US Gypsum . USR&T ...... Zenith Radio ..

---: STOCK MAll

(Cpyrt., 1931, 6

Yester(lny ..... _. PreVious day Week ago ........ . Month ago Y .. nr ago ........ . 2 yrs ngo ..... .. 3 yrs ago ..... .. High (l931) .... . Low (1931) ... .. lllgh (1930) ... .. Low 11930) .... . 111gh (1929) ... .. Low (1929) ... .



Direct a

BeI4 "e~ .hl

~ AUT-

CHEVRO Hall Cbeno

DODGE ~ Qutner 110


KELVIN R.Uable Ell

GENERA I. C. Ltcht

'A.B,C_W ,ella.ble EIe<

VOSS WA t.C. Lleht an

MAYTAG ~trUba. 8ou~

I PRE~t'1ER ~Ilablll! l!llec ~UREKA ~trubl. Solltt

.... -,~

~AY, MAY 22, ruf .......

- - --- ----. - - --- ---Net» York Sloe'"

(B,y the AJl8O('lated PNlu) Hl,h Lmv Clolle

AI Che01 ." .......... " .. ,,,11'. 111 114 Am Cnn ." .... ".""",,,, 99U 95' 9SZ A T & 'I' "."',, .. , ...... '" 1691 I &H IOSD Anaconda ........ ,., ... "., 25! 241 25~ Auburn Auto ....... " 2L61 198 210 Avlal orp ...... ". "" " , 4 ~i 3i Darn8dnll A ........... · 7 'I 7 Beth SLeel ........... , .... 431 41 42' BOrg Warn , .. , ..... "'" 191 lSi 19' Can Dry ... ", ............ , 40 t 89t 402 CIIn PIIC .. ,,, ...... ,, ....... f81 261 2sB poeR Cola .. " .... .......... 1421 1392 142a j;:ont Clln .. " ........... ". 47e 44 ~ 4GB

1 ~orn Prod , .......... ", .. $2 (j9t 616 j;:urtfss Wr ......... "... 3 2i 2!j l)rug Inc ............ " .... 72i 09\ 711 ~IIPont ..... ... ".......... 79 ~ 7G~ 79 f;1 Auto Lt '." .......... 4611 48& 46 EI P & Lt ',"""'¥" •• ' 39b 876 3Sa I'reep;,rt ~x "".,."". 26 U 1 26 \len 1,':1 .................. -. 40j aBC 39, \len Ifot .................... as6 36, 38 Ilooclrlcll ...... " .. " "." ... IH lOa Jl lloodyear .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"" 3911 3,. 39 (lrunby ............ " .......... 12! 1 a II 9 (lrl~sby O~unow .... 3~ 3b 3D :jIudson .. " .. " .. " .... " .... 15b I4t 1 & lIupp " .. "................. 7D 7l 7D Tff Cent ....... , .. "" ...... . 4 51 ~ 63 Insplr COP ,,,,,,,,,,,"'.. 6 6 6 lnt Hllrv ." ... "" ..... "." 461 4.5 46 I & & T ' ....... " .......... 2U~ 2[\ 15 ~ ~ohns ManvlJle " .. , .. 44 b 43 43~ (rcsge ..... , ... ,,, .. ,, ........ 2G~ 261 26l ICI·ucgel· & T .. " ........ 2H 21 ~ 21i\ ¥roger " ........... , ... " .... , 2 6 2H 2S' J,.orllllll'd ........... , ... " .. 161 I G~ 16 )fnylag .................... 5~ &~ 5& Mont Ward ........... ". 1 Oa 181 19A N Y Cent .. "" ............ SSt 83 • 87 Pac Icard ................ ',,' 7 G~ 6~ ~ura Puhllx ....... " ... 20~ 241 2Sg Pcn & Ford ........... , 32& 32 32\

~e~eb .. :::::::::::::::::::::: ~:a m i~~ I,tem RamI .......... " .. , H 7 7 ~ ~Y Tob B .. " ....... "'" 49 48 4S~ ~ears Roebuck ........ GOil 4 9~ 50Z Sh~lI Un .................... 5 4~ 6 SImmons .. , .............. , 13 121 13 Slqc 011 ' .... , ....... ,.". 86 8~ se Skelly Oll """,.,.""~,, 4t 3li 3~ So Par ...... " .... .......... RO t 76 79} Stand 011 Cal ...... .... 351 35A 36! Stand 011 ~ J ........ 35i 346 34; ~~ew Wll~n .............. 11 10~ 11 Stu<lebaJ<er .. " .... " ...... 18 17 1 H IJ'~JC Corp "-'" , .. " .. ".'. 2H 20Q 21 Un Pac .... " ..... " .. " .... , 158~ 15St 1571 o S Steel ... "" ..... ,,,, J oog 97, 99i Warner Pix ... ,." ...... , 5 5 51 WI'S! E I & r,ffg ."." 02, 59 621 "IIll11ys Ov .......... ".... 4 4 ~, Woolworl h "" .... " ...... GS} 62~ 641 Yel 'rr & C ._."""'"'' 8b 8l 81

If (By the A1is~ftt ed Pres I

High Low CloHe But,ler Bros ,............. 4, H 4} Club Alum ' ............ '" 2~ 2l 2~ Gomwrth Ed ....... ' .. 291 d 281) 231 (1ont Chi Ctfs .... ".. 61 51 5, 0" Lake8 Alre ........ 3i1 3~ 31 ~8.rt,Cnrter ... , ........ " H 71 7\ tusull Ut Inv .... " .... 3a 30~ 31 Nat Stand , .. ,.......... 28l 28 28 N & SAm Corp ... , 7 1 7 Stelnlte .- ... " ..... -......... iiI Swift & Co , .. '''''''''. 2G~ 25D 2', Unit Gas ..... ""........... G! a6Rt.. 01 u S Gypsum .", .... " .. 38 38 US R & T ..... " ... "" .. 17i 17 In ~nlth Uadlo ... " .,,' 2~ 2!j 21

'RIDAV, MAV It 'I •• 7'M ~ • ..,olal.4 Pr.,,}

C.otral tan •• 4 ~ .. P. lL unIte. IndIcate" (Pro~&IDI l\I~t 16 .... mlnuta cb&nl' II), It&tlOD'.)

, .... :s-WE.F (NBC)-680 WMAQ weco lC8C.T WMT XVOX I • "I KMBC XLRA WNAX KOIL WJIJ'W , .,GO-MaJo, Bow.'. Family - Allo KFJF WRR KTRH KTSA WACO KLZ

: WWJ Wli:NR WOO KSTP WHAS KDYL and coast WIIC WSB WSM,a KOA t.nd cout 9,30-aernl.'. Orch •• tr. _ Alae WADC t:OO-Orc~. and Cavalier_All. WOW WBT WXYZ WBCM WSI'D WLAC Kl!W l{SD WDAF KS'l'P W'I'M.] waRC WDStl mSN WTAQ WOL WKY WOC wEBC IWA WOAI WSAl KSCJ WlIlT KMBC WNAX ¥OlL W'I'AM WWJ WFAA KPRC and coast KFJF WACO KLZ 7:00 - Elklmo. - Alia WOW WSAl 10 :OG-Ronard'. Orch. _ Ala. WADe WISO KSP WWJ WDAF WOC WGY WBCM WSPD WLAC WBItC wosa 7:~.trlrltl Q".,...t-WEAF Cha1:t WISN WOL WCCO ](SCJ WIlT 7;45 - lakl o.t Rlob - WaY ¥GO KlIIOX: KMBC WNAX KOu.. PH WlllNR KFJF WACO K!.Z .:DO-Week·End I"rogram-AllO WWJ 10:SO--Ann I.o.f 4 a,n AfI,)' - Allo ' l(SD WTAM WSAI WOW WEHR WADe WBCM WLAC WBlte WDsl1 ~~Th .. tr. 0' thl AIr-AI.o WWJ WISN WOL. WCCO KSCJ WilT WBAI WENR KSO WDAF WMC ICMBC WNAX KOIL KFH WACO WBB WSMB WOC KTHS WOAI 394.5-WJZ (NBC)-760 I WKY KOA wow WTA1tt KSL &:OO-Amo •• Andy-Alao KDICA W.TDX W'I'IfJ WDAY K1i'YR and coaet WIOD WCKY WJR WLW WGAR t:CO-Nlghi Air Attack on Now Yo,k a'15-Alda 4 L.. Foro_Also WLW -WEAF·WJZ chain : I ~~~C"-' ':I!I-L • .,., Ol'Ch.-Allo woe KSO a.SIr-Phll Cool< - A ao .. ~ 6.~'" WWJ WSB KVOO WREN WTMJ KOA KSL wmo 1 • I I ' WLW WIBI WKC WSB WAPI O.OO-Ph I Sp talny. Orch. - A110 WSJ.{B W.TDX K'l'HS WOAl K9TP WGY ICYW WMC KPRC WENR KFYR WDAY aDd cout

S48.f-WABC (CBS)-860 .:45-80_.11 IItte..-WJZ ChaIn .:oo-ehocolat-.r_AlltO ItWlt WlIl!:M' KFAB WJR WLW KDKA WlilNR WGAR




Chicago Liceltock

CHICAGO. lIfay 21 (AP) (USDA)-11008-17.000. ~.500 <lll'('ct; closing very uneven, 15 to 25c lower, most (lec llne on lnb~tween weights; eRrly top $7.00; late sules HO·fSO Ibs .• $Q,[email protected]: most 250·300 Ibs .. $6.26 @Q,60; fey :t25 , ~00 Ibs., $5,[email protected]; bettel' grnde packing SOI\'8 $5,30@ 5,50; llhippera 2.000 : eRtlmated hold· over 8.000 , Good and chOice, 140·160 Ibe" S6.70@7,00: 160·200 Ibs .. $6,G5~p 6,95; 200·260 Ibs .. $G.451\jl6,90 ; 250·350 Ibs" [email protected](); pacldng sows m~' dlum and good, 271)-500 Ibl>. .• S5 .25(f!\ 6,75; slaughter pigs. good and cholce. 100·130 Iba" ,S,[email protected].

CATTLE - 6.000; calves 3,000; choIce but nQt prime 8t~ers topped at $8.00; Ugh! ye\lrUngB $8.15; llUlk [email protected](); IlJOstJy 26(' lower with clearance Incomplete at downturn; all other classes about 25c lower anel ex tremely slaw; general Indifference featuring the trade; slaughter cat·

':10 - I"ollcck & L.wnhlll'lt - 0111, KOKA WGAR ':45-Th. Carlbbun_A11O WRilN 1:00-Jon'.1 and Har. - AI80 KDIcA. WMC WREN KPRC KWK W9MB WFAA KSTP WSAS lCYW WIiIBC wcn WSM WSB WAPI WOAI gaL KOA WJR nnd eout 1:30-Mlxed Cho,ul & Oro ... - AlIo wm ICY)\' WREN KSTP WEIlC WMC' wsa WOAl KOA K9L Wta' WHAS WJDX W'l'MJ W APr KWIC WSM WLW WSMlI 'NGAR .. n4 COIIlt ':00 - Qu.k ... - Allo KYW ICWlC KPRC W.TR WTIfJ WJ!):I3C wHA8 WSM WSB WOA! KOA WSlIIB gaL W:MC WBAP wcn WKY JlSTP KVOO WREN and coast 8:3O-Clar •• L.U and Em - Alao WON KDKA WJR WREN KWIC WLW 8:45 - Rag.mullln, - A110 WGA.B WREN KDKA W;wNR 9:CO-NIOht AI, Attack on Nlw York­WJZ·WEAF ChaIne ' 9,:OG-Amc.l 'n' Andy - WIllBC lCSTP '1 WMAQ KWK WREN WDAF WT:M.T WRAS WSM WSB WSMa WJty KFAB KTHS KPttC WOAI KO" : WMC WBAP WJl;NR l1.li4 OOalt ~ 8:j~Toplc. In Brief - OnlY WGAlt 'I WJR WENR ICWK WltEN WDAY Kl"YR 9:30 - I.lght Opera - A1,o WOAD WENR KFAB 10:00 - Kemp'. O,ch. - AI80 WGAlt I WREN KWK I 10 :30 - F""k', Orcll. - .. '1.10 WCAR WRENKWK f

TELEVISION ~ ' weXAP-2800ko (W MAQ-87OkoJ,

5:3O-Hal Totten, SpOlt. (lo\Ul4) 5:45-Cartoons Cl5m.) 7;OO-Cartoons (10m.)

W8XAO-2000kc (WIIIO-58Okc) ':30-Cartoon. (30m.)

$5 .00@6,50; stockel' and feeder Cllt· tIe: steers. good and choice. 500·1.050 Ibs., $6,[email protected]; comm on nnd m edl· urn. $:i.OO@8,75.

SHEEP-8,OOO ClOSing very s low. 25 to 50c lower; old {'~'op clfpped lambs. $7,751i/i8.25; best $8,65; wool· skins absent; CaJl[omla springers. $9,OO(ii'lO,25; heavlly sorted; shorn ewes, [email protected], Slaughter sheep and IambS : sprIng lambs. goad and c hoice, i9,50tfrJll.00; medium. ,S.OO@ 9,50; common, J6,50@8,00: llUllbs. 90·lbs. down. good and choice. $7.75 (Iil8.G5; medium. [email protected]; 91·100 IbR" medium to choice. S6,[email protected]; a ll weights comm on . S5,[email protected]; ewes. 90·150 Ibs., m edium to chOice.

·'1.7U@ 3,OO: all WeightS. cull and common. Sl.OO@2,00.

1\11.',uol"ies ReeaUed DES MOINES (AP)-Memorles of

a visit a YI'.I· ~ to gravel of their sons. In France were reCll lJ1'd today by 23 Iowa Gold Star mothel·S. in a memorial meeting.

S'1'OI'N MAJlJOET AVERAGES tle and vealerB: steel'lI. good and ){rcbs Dies (eVyrt., 1931. Stan.l. Statistics CQj rholce. 600·900 lbs,. S7.00ofi'8.50; 900·

60 In(1. 20 Raila, 20 Util. 1·100 Ibs,. $7,001fl)8,75; 1.100-1 .300 Ibs., Ye~ter(lay .,.""",105.8 75,7 167.1 $7,OO~8.50; 1,300·1.500 Ibs., $6.751f!J PreviOUs day 105,0 78,4 1fi6,4 8.50: common and medium, 6.00·1.300 Week ago ......... , ,112 ,2 77.7 166.1 Ihs,. [email protected]; heifers, good and Monti> ago ....... ,119,3 86.2 171 ,3 choice, 550·850 Ibs" $6,50(ii)7.75; com·

:\IASON CITY (AP}-The body of Alfrecl Krebs, 18. was found hanging in a tree near FrederiekRburg, J{rebs worked on the Elmer Ra~he farm sInce coming from the soldiers home In Davenport last fall.

'Y~ar ago " ........ In,S 131.5 259,8 man a.nd medium. $5.25@6,50; cows. 2 yrs ago .......... 216,1 134,1 225.3 !«lad and choice. ,".75@5,76; common Dr. Dl"ll.in Rea.18 Pall"" 3 yrs Ilgo , ........ .163,9 126.1 1fiU and m edium, S4.00IfN,75 ; low cutter Jffgh (1931) ., ...... 140,2 ] 06,2 203.& 8n(1 cutter. $2,[email protected] ; bulls (year· Low (1 9Sl) .. ,"" 105,0 71,0 161>.4 ling" excluded). good and choice }llgh (1930) , ..... ,,202 .4 141.6 281.3 (beet), $4 ,0 [email protected]: cutter to medi ' Low (1930) .... " 112.9 86,4 146,5 urn. $8,25@4,25; venlers (milk fed). }l/gh (1929) ." ..... 252.8 167,8 3;'3.1 good and cbolce, S7 ,25(1l)9,00; medl· Low (1929) ,_.", .. 141.3 111.7 156,3 um. $6,[email protected]; {'ull nnd common,

Dr. C. L, DraIn Of the ('a llege Of dentistry read a. paper before the Nebraska s tate dental socIety at Omaha We<lnesday on "Control of dental carles." He al80 8Poke over the radIo from Omaha. on "Preven· tlve dent/stl·y."

Directory and

Known Products and of Nationally Where to Purchase lhem in Iowa

Services Cit:y

Below you will find UIted America'8 most famous brands of merchudlse. and well knowR services and the names of the Iowa City merchants that are. able and wUljJlg to serve you. Bead the list. Read it often. You will bel happily 8urprised to learn that many articles you did not know were BOld in Iowa City ean he obtained without difficulty and without delay.


AutomobUea CROSLBY radios CHEVROLET sales &: service McNamara Furniture Co .• ~zt 8. W ..... P.b_ 101

Nail Chevrolet Co., 120 E. Burllnctob, Phon I «II

DODGE sales. service' & storal' Outner Motor 00 .• J06 S. capitol, PboD. 10


Re1.i1geraton KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR Reliable Electric Co., 11 •. Dultuqlle, .l'bon. 1011

GENERAL ELECTRIC refrilerator r. c. Lllht A POWer Co., 1\1 JD. wub .• Pbone 111

Washert • B. C. W ABlIEBS

ellable Eleetrlc co., 11 & o.IIIuq •• , PIlon. 101' A a IV OSS WASHERS .c. LI .. ht and Power Co., III .. WUII .. PIlon. 121

~ AYTAG WASHERS trube. aou~" CIIl)~n St. Phon. II

I f , V &.CUll" Cltanel'll

REMIER DUPLEX vacuum deanen P Re Hable Pllectrlo cO'

b 11 S. Dubuque. Pbou. 1011

UREKA V ACU M cleanen truba. South Ollnton St. Pbon •• 1 ._;


RT SCHAFFNBR .I!I~ cJ~. COUtl', 10 B. Cllntol, PlIo ....

NO B~'I1ER cl9tbea than at anm'r'_Iowa OIt,'. rln" Store lor ••

MAJ~STlC·G&.. Victor" Philco radios Spencer'. Harmony Hall, 15 s. Dubll4ua, Pilon. liT ~


FLOOSHEIM a WALK·OVER !:thoel. ~r. Shoe store, oppOalt& _Pile. I'tlOM- IDf


WBJ'M'.l\LL RUGS Strl:ba. Soutb CUnton st. P!IOH" A,RMSTRONG LlNOLEUMS Struba. Soutb ClInton st. PboD. II

ECHO-~DGE and Zion Curiam. strubl (iecolld floor). Phone 88

MARSHALL FIELD " SCllUMAt'BBR DI'apel')' J'abrICI. Strube (aecoD4 t1C)01')

KIRSCH Drapery Hardware Strube (18WIId floor) 8. ClInton street. PhOD. II

£U PtlNT Tontine window sbadea truba (18cond floor) 8. Olin tOn Itreet. Phon, II


PRE·SCHOOL TOY~ .tru"_s~ Floor. so. VI .. toe It.

- , ,

~ 'I'HE nxn,y tOwAN, rom.ctTY' PAGE NINE

3 Professors to See Medal Award Given

PrOf. Edward Bartow. Prot H . Gregg Smith. and PrOf, and r.I,·s. H , A. MaUIII, wllJ attend a m eE'ling of the American cb mlcal soclelY. :In Chlcllgo. tonIght. The meeting Id being beld to hOMl' Prof. P . A. L evene, blochemlst at the Rocke· feller Instftute. New York cIty, who won the Willard Gibbs medal for research In chemlstr)'.

The ml'etln& will consist of a clfn. nero feotul'lng the llresentatlon of I he medal to Profe"Sor Levene. a nd the reading ot bls winning paper,

From Chicago. Profefl/lor Bartow wIll go t 1'lttsbul'gh. Pa .• to a ttend 0. m Mung of the Americnn 'Vater· works association. The meeting opens !lfonday anu continues until Wednesday evening. 1\11'. and Mrs. J ack Hinman a l'e le3;vlng today by auto, tor Pittsburgh to attend the waterworks convention.

DES MOINES. :'IraI' 21 (AP) -A warning against the purchase of unauthorl..ed Insura nce policies was Issued todtty by Donald Harlow. deputy In 8Ul·ance commissioner. Any person in doubt as to Insurance he Is contemplating buyIng may obtain facts about It by writing the s tale In surance department, the deputy commissio ner snld.



Roomy Without Board 63

FOR RENT- DOUBLE HOO:'I AND study for m an graduate stullent.

Call 2029.J, at noon.

FOR RENT-N1Cm,y FUHN I ~lI· ed room s, close In. all 3460·J.

FOR RENT - JUNE FIRS·f. plen811nt rooms, Mrs, E. p, Glecn·

fleld. 403 No, Ltnn.

FOR RENT-THREE ],'UR:-IfHH· ed rooms In newly I'emoflel"d

hOme. 119 S, Madlsoll. Phone IG{1· W,

li'OR !lENT - ROO;\tS. PHONE 4014·W.

Special Notices 6 RENT·A·CAH

DODGE SEDANS. MODEL A a: Model T sedans. Round trip t,

Cedar Rapids IlS low as $3 .00. B. F. Carter-Qttlce 342. Residence 2933.

NEW YORK $15,00 RIGHT AFTER exams, Call 4374-evenings,


.. (or ordInary to poor It was unchang· ed to t cent easIer. PriC't'1 were

t('ady to 1 ('ent higher. CharterS , CH ICAGO, lay ~1 (APl-Cu"h were ' made for 50,000 busbels to wheat trade was • low today with Oeor!;lan Bay. R eelpts :.7 cars; the trading basI. and prke, un' !!hlpplng "!lIe 4, .000 bushel; de· challgl'<.I . Booked Lo arl'ln' 3.000 fI"erle 16,000; countr)· offerIngs to

bushels and It was estimated that anl\'e emttll.

Movie Shows 9,000 Mile Testing Drive

A motion picture shOWing the

Stantlard 011 test cars going through I h II' 9.000 mile grind at the Indian. apolls ><peedway. \\'ll~ prc~l!nted In the cheml~try building auditori um yesterday afLernoon .

General seenes at tlle track. tfte

160.000 to 2UO.000 bushels o{ new ... heat ho, btoen booked to arrl \'e !IO

far tbls month for Augll<t anll Sept. 1:i .hlpment. No. 2 red 01' No. 2 har!l. Export buslne8~ In all I/Osl· Llon!4 reporL~d ~maJl n nel fore ign de· mnnd ronLlnu~ "ath~r fight. Re­ceipts 87 cnr; canrpJlationR. 1.020 bUhhels; dE'flverle. I n.OOO: ttles to go to s ture 50.000; shipping Inquiry VN'Y small. no sales reflarted.

Cash corn arrl\'als were very Ught and the trMlng busl ,·ttng~d from steady to 1 cent higher anll pl'lc~~ from unchanged to • cen t (lrmN·. Vessel "?<1m was chartered tor 180.· 000 bushels to go to Georgian BlIY and 250.000 to Ruffalo, rpe .. lpt~ 37 cars; shipping MleR 64. 11 00 bushel,,: deliverIes 104.000 ; l100l!ed to arrive 3.000 busbels from the country nnll 16.000 from terminal markets.

Spot DatR showed a JlLtle finn r tone for 1101c" and good test oats with the baBls ~ cent hlgh!'r and

amounts of gas and 011 conscmed. figures on mlJlll! p~r gallon, lInll wear Bnd tear 00 tbe motor lI'ere some of th" things Included in the film. Members ot the Standard 011 company, and !tallon attendants "aw the pi ture.

Classified Advertising Rates No. of I On. n.,. , Two na,. 'Three D&'h , J'our DUI , "I'1.,e Da:JI<' PI n.n I

Worda IUn .. ' Ch&r«t' CUb IChuie' Casb ICharge' Cult ICharge' CUb IChargaf Oaeb lObara''' ca.~ Ull to 10 I ., .n, .!II I .11' .10 I .41 , .n, .81 I .48' ,n, .M I .M, .81 1~ t~ 16 It' .28' .28 , .5& , .l1li, .K , .IM, .n, :m, .81, • I·.tt' ." " to 10 I • I .81 I .!5 I .77! .'7tI' .• 0 I .8!' I ,O~ I .14 I 1.17 I US I uo , fii 11 to!S I I I ,eo , .48 I .tt' .911' 1." I 1.04 I 1.80 , Uti , 1." I 1.31 , 1.81 I U' !w to SO, • I .n I ..8lI I "iill.,,, , U. , Uft , 1.58 I t.4! I U4 , t.53 I 1.11 , t.". 111 to tJ , " .11 I .. e~ , 1.4~ , HI! , US I 1.4ft , 1.83 I 1.413 I 1.01 I Ut , 1.11 , UI U tn , ~ I A , .n, .,/1 I US , 1 ,~ I 1.8, I 1.'7tI I UI , ue , 1.11 , Uft I ' .81 , • .se ' 41 tG 41! I • I .14'.8!I I 1,8' , 1.'711 I t.11 , 1.01 , UI , 1.14 , Uft , UI , U. I !.Iii ~ to M , !~ I 1.611' .11!1 I tJI. , 1.M I u' , !.14 , 1.81 , 1.1111 , Ut I UI , lI.if , u, &1 to ~f1 I 11 I 1.1tt I """ , 11.11 I !101ft f I ," It..' ",It I U. , 1.1, I ! .III' I UI 1 u. · Be to «0 I 11 , 1.11 I UW , u, I !.Ie , .... , 1M f •. 21 , U, , •.•• I •. u , U' I I.e I

MfnlmlniI eh8J'lll. .WI\. ""~I Jm'llr fel"l!l tUIl fmo. IiI~he4 Oft 1'e«rtt~tt. 'I!lIlI!'It wm-8 In "'8 tld.,~1'tfft .. m .. nt inuit tie ftO!IIltfd, 'l'II@ IIl'1lfhru "lI'or !!ale." "11'01' Rent.· "Lolt." u« IIrnllill' one. at tll, b.~nlnlr of tl41 .... til It, aa.ntea III tll. total DD1Itber of W01'III III the a4. 'l'h.




9 a ,m,-}-i('ws. markets. weather. music. and dall), smll8

11 o..m,-Qrgan program. Evelyn James

2 p.m.-"StorII'S out O{ Iowa'l , PllSt," \\', J. Pl'ter ..... n

2:20 p.m,-Unl"ersl ty new~ 2;~ p.m.-Englneerlru; problems.

college of nglneerlng 3 p,m.-Mu~lcal Ilrogram. WSUI

trio 3:40 p,m.-" olJpetfng 2oolOgicRI

mat rial tor the mUlleum," PrOf. Homer R. Dill

G p ,m.-Dlnner hour p rogram, WSPI trIo

8 p,m.-M uslcal program, CeriaI' Rapl(ljj concert b nd

p.m.- tu.lenl pl'ogram, Iowa Knight Hawk,

Roberts W"h'l'S Hearlll~ WATERLOO (AP}-Fr II RohertA.

31. N~gro, wttl,,('(] pr~lIminttry hear· Ing on a. char~~ of lL«ault wftb nt· tempt to murd~r hili wife. H WM held to the grand Jury under 45.000 bond.




I ~I

Apartments and Flata '7 10' R R E N T - TO RELIABLE

pal·ty, large well turnlshcd room with a lmost C1(cluslve use of kltch· enette and lee, $26,00. Phone 2106 after 4 p,m.

'O R RENT-MODERN 6 ROOM Ilpartment. Phone 2037·W.

Fon nENT-WOODLAWN APART. mentll. Phone 87,

FOR REN':--CHOICE APART-ment. turnlshed or unturniShe~

call 3930 or at Iowa apa.rtmeDti. No 28.


m ente. QuIet Iocatloa. Well of ..oat! water. Phone 680·J.

FOR RENT - NICE TWO ROO" furnished IlpQl'tment. well loco.te4

-reasonable. Cal! 80S da.y time. 2O\11·W venlng •.

WIT,L HUD·LET FOUR ROOM DU· pi x. COm l)1 tely rurnlshed, fol' summ r. Two blocle8 fl'om cam·

pu . Call 4159 or at 331 N. Capitol.

__________ -..._57 FOn. HENT-'I'WO ROOM. FUn· nl8hl'<.I apartment. Posse~slon

Houses for Rent 1i l'ransfer-Storage 24 LONG DISTANCE AND OE'NFffiAL

hauUng . Furniture moved, crated and shipped. Pool cars for Call, tOI'IlIa. and Sea.ttle. ThompSON Transfer Co.

June 1. Phone 4032·\\'.

~-OH lU,:NT- '£WO ROOM APART· ment. Phone 2t>5.J. 617 Bowery St.

state anll 8ul'l'ounding terl"ltor1~s 'I'RANS[f'ER {'all 2920·J . Leaving :'londay, 25th, or latfr If necessary,

FOR REXT -CLOSE IN ,?URNlS!-!· ed IJtht :lOulekeel)lng apulment.­

a lsl>, front room and kltchenett_ well heated-Dry rs. fA' E. 'W'a,,'"

For Sale MisceDaaeoUB 4'l


Lowest prices In 20 years. Come a nd see these rUI:s-Chln ese. An· tique, Persian, Llalahan, Saroul< rugs in a1l sizes. AI 0 fine display oe laces and linens. Don't miss this sale, DI~Played by J. 0, Sly man at Karl 's Paint store. ij and 8 S, Du· buquc St,. Iowa City. Jowa.

u~ for 420 5,

Los 'd F d 7 ~OR REN T-A FRATERNl'l'Y _..:.... ___ t_a_n __ O_U_D_____ house close In. Joseph Walker.

Pltone 23H)·J.

li'OR RENT-FUHN1SlIED EIGHT room house for summer mouth!!.

FIne location-most desirable neigh. borhood. Available lifter June 1. Ad· dress P. 0, Box 26.

Repairing-Upholstering 28 W J\ N'I'Nl) - 1"Ull, 'ITUHF. CRA T·

IngLon. Phone 7. 'W

b'OR RENT-'nVO AND TlIREB room ttflartments. fllrnlshed or un·

PIANO TUNING. W . L , MORGAN. (urnlshNJ. a ll o.t 317 S. Johnson. Phone 1475.


room f urn ished apartment. Phon. 30S7·W. l1li11 at ha lt price. Call at Iowa..

offlce afternoons. FOR RENT- FORNI RED ANt) '

Employment Wanted 34 unfu rnished apartl'nents tor 8Um.­roer or year. Oeserlpttve circular with (loor plan 10r the asklng.

Ing. uphol~t~rln p:, and l'elllllrlng, MAnRIED COUPLB WAN '1' S Write Room 10 Schneider Bldg .• or pllone 4S43·W. J3l'yH h, phone 3040, frnte"nlty or 80ro"ity for summer.

Wanted-To Buy Ueferen ce~, '1V l'ite AR. Dally IOWIln,


Los'r-HlMLFlSS GLASSE!; IN black leather CIlS/'. Rewunl. Phon~

~473. lllGITJ';S'1' P,RICES PAID l~On In IJI'lvMe home LO work ror room.

Wanted-to Rent 74 clothes aM shoes. Phone 36 27·W. Call 801 about noon.

FOR RENT- FURNISHED ANI;) unCurn l8h!'d a partments with prlv.

ate bath and garage. Close In. Phone nit

______________ 325 fl, Dul)uque.

----------------------WANTED '1'0 RENT-ONE OR two I'oom {u rnlshe(J apartment, or

fight housekeeplng room. Write HAIR. OOODS J\: 'D ORN,\ )IEN'J'S price, etc,. XYZ. Dally Iowan. (or Rale; Illso halr mad up. Mar.

gart't K. Ba. chna.~eJ. Phon 148~, 64 Housekeepinr Rooms


PeR RENT-APARTMENTS. Z 31 bloc1<s from campus. Adults.

--------------- Phone 3757.

Male Help Wanted

STUDENTS TO WOnK Fon board, Phone 3723 or Town and FOR RENT-FURNISHE'D .APART·

Gown Teo Room. m ent. 15 E. Bloomlng toQ.

ProfeSSional Services Wanted--:'Lallndry ~ HO SEKEEPINO RomIS ______________ rent. .26 S, Clinton.


worlemanshlp, Reasonllble prices.


NOTES AND THESES TYPED accura.tel,. and reasonably. MIr_

graph ing. Mary V. Burns No. 8 PaUl Hele.n Bldg.

W .A."ITEP-WAS Ii I N G 8 . REA. •• m .. bl.. Phone 1627 .

TRY TUIll STUDENT r,,\uNDRY­Jt'[J dletere nt. Phone 1974.

WANTED - LAUNDRY AND clean Ing. 35c pe~ hour. Phone 1702.

Wanted to Buy 61

B · P 76 Contract or hour r ate. Free s tl· ___ u_s_l_n_e_ss __ r_o;:.p_e_r_ty:..-___ matE's, H eadquarters. Stlliwell's

Paint shop, R ighter. Phone 433 or 2817 ,

JOHN s. FOX. TINNER-WORK neatly done. Furnace repairing .

1i17 JOWIl AVP" rear. Phone 3526.

Seeds, Plants, Flowers FOR SALl~-BEAUTIFUL Bun:,D· In~ lot. J.fanvifle heights. 80x1GO,

Prlc('L1 to sell by non ·resldent owner, Phone 3069.

TEACHEHI:l FOR 1981·3%. ClllN. SPE .... IAL .FOR 30 D~\ Y::!-F.\I'EH FOR SALE-HARDY PERENNIAL traJ Teacherll AlJency~U

ha,lglng 20c roll, llillntlng by con plants. P hone 1802. Rapids, Enroll free. U'act for hour. Phone 3725·J .

9' Automobiles for Sale 56 Wanted Hauliq Jewelry an~ Repairing ,BUY AND SELL - CLOTJIES FOR SALE-FORn DE LUXE

Rug Weaving \V ANT E D - ALL KINDS OF,

hauling. Phone 3105. and sh,es. Phone 17D3, 21 W est roadster, two months old. 302 Mel· W.,N'rED-RUG WEJA VING. WATCH AND cr OCK REPAIRNG

Prices r eaSL nt.ole. A. N. Hllfman, Burlington, roSE' court. 'Phone 3309·W, I


PARLORS, Swedisl. massage, also cOl1valcs· clD&' and nursing care. 8 a.lll. to 5 p.m. for baths. Sundays and evening8 by IlPPCIlntment.

!!7 N. Dubuque Phone 762

Use the n·aily Iowan Want Ads

LOANS $50 to $300

Families living In IowlI/ City ancl Immediate vicinIty can secure tl· nanclal ~8lstance on short nollce. We make 10IWa ot $50 to $300 on very reasonable terms. Repay us with one amall. unltorm payment each montb; If deslred you have 20 months to pay.

We accept furniture, auto!, live· stock, diamonds, etc., Ill! security.

FARMERS-InquIre about our specIal Farm Loan PIllA

l! yOU wish a loan, see Olll' local representative-

J. R. &SChnage) & Son 211 J. C. Bank Bldg. Phone 181i

Represent!n8' ALmER'" COMPANY

Equitable Bldl'. Del Molnee

Mecca Studio University Riding


WAXING 'l'rue-to-IJfe Pboto(I'aPIII Special prices to Studenia Phone for appoIntment.

Wen broke addle ho~ tor hire, InvlloraUn., bealthful exercise.

EmmOlll Saddle Rone LlnIT THE AUTO INN Pbone 763 11 Scblleider Bide. Phone 1466-W 'JZIi So. Dubuque. S17 B. B(.,..mrtea l'tIoDe'lI


AU S1IJIPJles for SoIlllDel' SJMlt1l Tennis Supplies. 0011 Clubt,

Ba8eball Outfitters, ele.

Rent a Typewritu: 8paeIaI BallI

&0 Btadeaia


Read the Daily Iowa.n Want Ads


Alumni Will Play in Golf Tournament

Alumni Association Will Meet for Annual


Alumni will ho.ve their outing a I week from tomorrow when lhey '1

come back fOl' Commencement CeH. tlvilies. From the alumni and vet· 'crans' golC tournament on Fink· blne field at 8 a.m. to the Com· mencement play. "Berkeley Square," in natural science auditorium at 8 p,m.. the day wlll be given over chiefly to alumni Interests,

A1I departments oC the un Ivcrslty arc to be "at home" at 10 a.m. that alumni, seniors, lind their guests may visit with faculty membe,·s.

Alumni l\f~tillg The annual meeting OC the alumni

a8soclaUon will also be held In the morning. A gcmel'a1 reunion lunch· eon of all classes will be held at mloon at Towa Union.

Alumni will haVe a chance to root fo,' IOwa and eat peanuts when the

. Iowa baseball team meots the Min· nesoto. nlt\e In the afternoon on Iowa field.

Later In the afternoon alumni. IllUdents. and other vl5lto"s may SI'e8t President Jessup and oCflclals of the unl"erslty at the President's reception In Iowa Union 10ungB.

Dinner at Six O'cIOCI( Dtroctors ot the alumni assocla·

tlon wl11 meet COr thelt· annual din· nCr at the Triangle club at G p.m. Various classes are also planning Bl'O UP dinners.

Second Of the three concerts to bo glvon by the band will be piayell at Old CapitOL Oval at 7 o·clocle. From a repertOire of 22 numbers programs will be selected and an. nounced by number.

RotariallS Hear of Chemistry of Living

Things by Mattill

"Tho chemistry of JIving thIngS" was the tlllc ot the lalk given by Henry A. Mattlll, ot the chemistry department before the Iowa City Rotary club at Its regular noonday Uun.oheon ye~terday at the Hotel JefCerson . His talk concerned the ~hemlstry connected with the processes of animal liCe.

Guests at the meeting were: C. E. Church, ot Chicago. with Henry Herring; Senator Goorge Clearman, oC Oxford, w'lth Lysle Duncan; and p. B. Bywater, Codal' Falls, with Dr. W. L. Bywate,·.

Tether the·tie/.too E.en wben remained by "ltIt .uul coae, tiel bulge

."d .hilt abour. delltoyinl

the •• nori.' bltance. With • 'IC and IODJ,daae.. COlli

di.,arded fol' .ummer

comfort, lie Upl'llioas are

incyi.abl ••

Buc, <b .. rio - SW A~K

'(lip j, here.f Oil Brother

"I Ih. SWANK .hat tmatten. your collar (Ioob

tik, • pin - but un f,)

SWANK "lip ,.,he .. lb.

ti. - bold. it correctly, (o .. lor .... ly ",bere il ba·

ton... Clever in delia'" SWANK Klip LOOKS ri.h. - doa jill work .mard),.

SWANK for (011 ... -'Oc.o $10.

SWANK ICli_ '0<.0 $10.


Blu 6: Wilde COIDJHlny • .AILIeboro. At .... M.w,./ lA, '.""'tIt L.".·.·,..rl Cliff ~.tl.'"

NE\VVORI< Me Beauliful Kerr • • • I-IOTEL· • • PLYMOUTJI -4gfl. n. EAST OF BROADWAY

. $,).50 DAILY

"Of B Room Equipped with Bath, ClrculatlllC ICI! Water and

RADIO! 8ln.le ......................... $2.5o, $3.00. $3.50 Double .... $4.00. $4.GO Twin Beds $5.00





turcs 111 the cla~sroonl . 101' building. hoa.tlng and Plumblnrl JUBILEE QUEEN IS CROWNED Two Music Students Give Piano Recital

Hungarian Professor Asks Diet of Turner

DES MOINES, May 21 (Ar) -Add to the many ,·equosL.s which Gov. Dan Turne,· receives tor . 111. formation on numerous and sundry

Course Adds Sound Films


I Llcluded In the dlspla.y will be and wiring of tho first uDlt Of such matel'llll as dltforent types oC Drake unlvel'slty's wullten's dorml. 16 millimeter' motion picture pl·olee· ·IOl·Y. which will accommoda.t8 7T tlon cQl\lpment and cameras, Ian. persolls. WC1'0 o.wlll'dod today. All I \tel'llslld& ' projection eq ulpme,w'!, awards we,'o made lO Dcs Moines I opaque prujectlon ' oqull)mont. companies. screens, Io.ntern slides, and sterco· ------- , grarJhs.

Norris Waives Ilearln.r subjects that of Dr. Aladar von SODS, assistant professor oC the

Two plano students wlll be pre· Royal Hungarian Pawny Peter sented In recitals today In liberal Unlverslty, Budapest.

I~AIRFIELD (AP}-A. C. Norr" ('onlrllC'ls AWlU'lIcd of ]tull'fleld, cheLl'Red wllh liavlnr

by tho vlsul Instl'u ctlon deparlment DElS MOINIDS, May 2l (AP) ~)roken Into Eagle hall, walved pre.

Sound films will be put Into use

arts assembly room by the music Dr. von Soos has wl'llten the gov· department. These presentations are el'nOr that he Is preparing a. boo I,

pn alimentation In hospitals and part of the required worle In music. f deSires a'ddlUonal Inrol'matioll 0'\

oC the exlenslon diVision In room 'f/,reo . .conll'aels, totllllng 1103.608 Ilmlnlll'y heat'lng, •

C5, East- ha1l : Jun'e 16 to July 28, :::::::::::;:;:::;:;:;;:::;:;;:::;==:;:;=::=:;:;;;;;::~' when an exhibit or mlltc"lals will • ,

Three numoers oy ":hopln will be Jowa hospitals In lhls connection. be maintruncd for the Instruction oC sup~rlnlendcnts and teachers at· lending the summer ~e ·slon.

Included In the recito.l by Maxine ne wants to' kho,v about menu Tully, A3 of Monte Vista, Col., at 4 cards. dlel prCllcrlptions ' arid scales o'cloek tbls afternoon. and In other words the complete . , TONITE Program: . "wo.y oc fooda from the kitchen , to Sona.ta, opus 10, No. 3 -Bcethoven the- bed."

PeriOds will be l'cscrved rvt the (JrOjCcllon oC talking educo.tlonnl pfctu,'es. ijilent educational pictures. and Ian tel'll slides. Each week a Icc· lUI'e 'wlll be given on some special Ilhllse of visual ' work. The depll,·t· me,.nt, .1 b.¥ the addltipn 0 a now .. ound·on·dlse 16 millimeter mollon picture p,'ojecture, hopes to make tosts wlUi educational talking pic·

P"esto Largo e mesto lIJenuelto Allegro

Prelu(le, opus 28. No. 13 ...... Chopin Prelude. opus 28, No. 17 - .. Chopin

Rondo; Allegro !\IjM LindemanD Plays

Baldura LIndemann, U of Iowa City, wlU appear In the thlrty·nlnth stude nt series rccllal tonight Ilt 7:1G.

Program: Third Sona~ (, orse). Opus 67

................................. __ ........ 1\19cDowell Three Intermezzi, opus 117 Brahms

Andantl) moderato Andante nOli troppo (: con molto

C!spre8slone Andante con moto

Concerto, No. &, opus 73 .... Deethovell Allegro Adagio un poco molo

Prelude, opus 28, No. 22 .. _ .... Chopin Concerto In C minor .............. Mozart

A1legl'etto Allegro Larghelto

lIfl's. L. L. Emmerson (right), wife of Illinois' governor, crowned Charlotte Gunkel (center) as queen of 'lficago'tI jubilee. At left is Lucille Oakley, one of the queen's attendants,

Jury Finds Model Hnsband on Trial

for Murder, Sane

Railroad Board to Hear Applications

for Lines June 9

and three and flve·tenths mUcs In Kcokul{ county.

A 6.17 mile line Is Bought by the Iowa. Rallwo.y and Lll{ht corpora· tlon In Cedar, Johnson and Musca· tine counlles. The Interstate Power company proposes to add 3.6 miles in Clayton county, the 10wa·Neb· raska Light and POwer oompany !"lxJtenths In Shelby county. and the Citizens Power and Light com· pany 3.3 mlles In 1I1111s county.

WHEA.TON. III .• May 21 (AP) -John Preston, the ';model husband" who was conVicted of slaying Agnes Johnston. Chicago stenographer, WIlS found sane today by the Jury In his third sanlty trial. after 65 minutes deliberation. DES MOINES, May 21 (AP) -

Applications fOr permission to con· 6lruct transmiSSion lines In nine Iowa counties wJJl be heard by the state board or ra.llroad commls· sloners In Des Moines, June 9.

The judge set the date fOr his execution for June 19. 'rhe co,wlc· tion carded the death penalty. At the rlrst sanity trial he was found

Insane. but the supreme court reo versed the case and remanded It fOr 0. lIew trllLl. A mixed jury de· clared him liane, bllt the verdict WIlS set aside because the supreme court had decided that the women on juries act was unconstitutional.

The longest extension proposed Is that ot the Iowa Sou them Utilities company ot six 0.11(1 th,'eo·fourths miles in Lucll.8 county. The same company also proposes to add half a milo of line In DecatUr county

Ronnpll"je BUllk Closes DONAPA11TE (AP}-The Bona·

part8 State bank,' whose deposits wero li~ted as 248.982, closed loday.


The Former

Russell Clothing Co. This is a merchandise slaughter that wou Id be impossible under any other condi· tion. It's a compulsory selling event. Cost not considered, profits disregarded­a terrific sacrifice sale. Prices that shat ter all past records.


Yellow Raincoats SLICKERS

All Sizes $1.98

39c Mercerized LISLE SOX 3 Pairs for

50c Young Men's $2.00


98c All the new weaves and colors in this group.

$1.50 GOLF HOSE Plain and Fancy Colors

69c Athletic 2·Piece UNDERWEAR

Knit Shirts, Broadc1oth Shorts, Per Garment


Another Slash in $1.00 and $1.50


Two for $1.10 Hundreds of beautiful novelty ~pring patterns.

Up to $6.00 FINE QUALITY


HATS An Sizes-All Colors



POLO SHIRTS $2.00 Value-Sale Price

, 79c

Small Sizes PALM BEACH

SUITS 12 Suits in the Lot

$1.98 Men's $5.00


Imported Italian $3.00 Quality

Straw Hats Fresh and new. Down goes the price. OUT

Shoulder Button Men's THEY GO-ATHLETIC KNIT $'1.44

UNION SUITS 79c And AU Size,S, Too

SPORT FELT Ii:; i ;t;i' Q (4 ,., N I' Dress Shirts " CRUSHER HATS


PAJAMAS Broadcloth Pajamas Values Up to $3.50



~ Of the highest gl'1Ide, 111!!

•11 all fast colorll. Care· _.

fully (a1101·cll. 1111 I 81ZCS

79c ' I

\ 3 for $2.25 I


Silk and Beacon Blan- " ket Bath Robes, $7.50 values; sale p'rice-


~ •••••••• :------------------------


50c and 75c Spur Bow Ties, also Shield Tacks, Bat Ties, ' all 19C at .............................................. _.. ,

Hickok Genuine Cowhide Belts, with initial buckle, $2 value .... 69C

ChemlcalIy Treated Hat Cleaner, will clean any felt or straw hat, 19C 50c value ................................... .

Hundreds of other genuine bargains, too numerous , to mention, piled upon

tables. This is a complete and drastic disposal of the entire stock of the

Russell :Clothing Co. NOW GOING ON AT "IS CO'Uege aVe, e' t

Look for the Big Arrow ...

4 •

Turner' Not to Attend Governo,rs' Meeting

DES lIIOINES. May 21 (AP) -Governor Dan W. Turner has de· clded not to attend the ann ual no,· tlonal conferenCe of gO\'ernors to bl) held this year at Frencl! Lick Springs, Ind., June 1. . Governor Harry G. Leslie of In·

diana. J8 tho convention host · this Y!l'lr.

Fullerton Goes to Europe CEDAR FALLS, May 21 (AP) -

C, A. F\Jilerton, head Of the musiC dellartment at 'Iowa State 'reachers college, w111 sall Col' Europe, July 1. t(1 attend lhe annual Anglo·Amerl· can :Music conCerence at Lausanne. Switzerland. July to August 7. as a I'epresentatlve or Ihe American dl· "Islon of the conference.

, . STUO'EN'I'S-OpPol'tunlty to secure good 'ea,,"~rig8 'tnls summer demon· sh·o.llng use of produot that sells at sight, fo ·· lawns and gardcns every­wliel·o. Small deposit secures sample unit. I!CIloslt refunded first quota sales. Work Ideally Hulted tor Col· lege Students \vho must mal<e lultion money . dlll'lnt; . Summel' p'·eCer'·ed. Proms liberal. SJla"e time or full tlnle: 'l'enltorf protected for rsllable stu,dents. Only. limited numbor wlli be employed. Season now on, Real opportunity fo,·· hustie,'s lo' make big money . . Wi·lte , Desmolld 1I1rg: Co. Muskegon Hts" Mich.

is a night for play! Tear away from the books and

forget · exams-drown your so~'rows in the flood of

s~ncopated harmony by

,Herb Heuer's Vagabonds

WHO-Radio Bund-WOe ~ ;~ ~I


M, Magnussen's and 0. Wendel's


The ··Big· :Opening ( . ", -4 ,,,

, . OF OUR

Gasoline' and Oil Station 127 SOUTH CAPITOL STREET

One·half block south of Engineering Building

Friday and Saturday, May 22 .. 23

'for $1.00 We will give you 5 gallons of High Test Gasoline and 1 gal­

lon of Champlain Oil, or 6 gallons of Regular Gasoline and 1 gallon of ,Champlain Oil. (You can take your oil whenever wanted).

Mr. L. C. Greer, who is a native of Johnson county, is now operating this station as manager. The best and most cour­teous kind of service will be given you by Mr. Greer at all • I

lImes. <Ii-" 'j, :


(guaranteed for 25 years) I



With every purchase of $1.00

worth of gasoline or oil four tick·

ets will be given you and a8 soon

as you have accumulated 200 tick­

ets, this

Electric I

Clock will be given

FREE! These clocks are now on display

at 127 So. Capitol and 729 So. Cap·


Capitol Oil Company 127 So. Capito] <1he Station with the Blue and White Front) Phone 994


8~bllll 0, at I

---=:::=:::::::::::=::: FiVE CENTS .­.-

Men Be: ihe Nel\ Millionaire

From B1 Taxi Fare.

(Edllo"'. note: Sccretat"Y Mellon the scrles recoll ntl facls abou t POI'S' in the news. ~rOI

Ford by David J.

By CHI\RLE [J (CoPfrlgitt 193 L, by , WA~HINGTON,

Imagine a nlan aecu trolling mallY mllllol lng difficulty ovel' a

Andrew W . Mello olle rainy day when Ihe treasury Jn stea I\jlrk liS usual. He cents from u duon \lockets were empty

He told the stol'Y t latl1r, by way of ex had drawn money 1 kots while hunting dum. Ho wasn't go short again.

SI"w TI The sec,'cta,'y of

slatueallue and hnl man, glvCln to 810w ing for his hobby a c' IlIgs br the nlMtel" large flat topped de~ department, ho cnjo. with callers when iI favorll.e smoke 18 a

By custom. on !a the several mlles ft-, aplII'lment to the ment. FI nanrp ha, tlon slnco entc"lng I In PlttsIJut'gh some

\Vorl<s I,,, Desplle hie 76 YO

long dlloY , OCCIl.SIOlll Illten'u[)tcd by a vis ba"ber fOl' It shave whitish mouHulche t

A lime back It \ wOllle! visit !l shOll day until he {"lInci ber f,·ce. lIe waved that the ehllir Illigh any tlmo he wIshed.

Assistants Lc Sometlmea his as,

h,,[OI'o he leaves tI six. One day Mr. 1\ reluy to ~umtn(ln a en~", bu t the man h at the usual hour .

Rccelvlng tlte I\'

looked ll'Otn his Wltl nea"by and ~ald pia

"I wish 1 could g '

5,000 p( on Sal VeterB

Five thouslLnd 11 poppies will go on , today to aill dlsablc, WOI'ld \\,0.". hlld service men ~j1tl loc! American Lel loll 8.1

p!U!Sers·by to pin ~

lapel and dress and lIuns to be ('arrled Who are Buffering J8 momha when tl 8C!lIt men and guns

It Is an acllvlty Legion auxiliary fn to the wcst 1\8 won are b~'y on tho str, In tho nOl·them [Ja

States to pl'ovlde tlms of the wo.r and

A I'u.dlo progm W8Ur Thu,"sc1ay n campaign by the loc lIam R. Hart told abl ot the men tor who' I'rovlde sUf/port 0.'

Ilurpose and occaKlo al 110PilY \Jay,

British SenliJ Oppose A(

as Ra

NEW YOUK. 'II 8eltlllg that sen Brltaltl I~ "ulter!) radio system or " Is th~ haHls, Sit· J:tclth tonlgllL .ald, b,'oadclIslor work~ der all Imm(\ns~ ha

Sit' John. Is tho 01 the H"IUsh Broll 11011.

COlllmOl'clallsl1l. f\'Om the .Bl'itleh American radiO b< lijm and \tntli)alh) 1"01 and tux.!ltloll 10 pl"Clludo the Inl \1)uropeull lI)lstem, d"es8 bero"~ the.> C\Juncll on r(ldlo j

MI'!!. lJu('k M'·R. H. A, Huckn

dent or lowll. City, ( home In LOM A ngl'h wl1i. be brought [0 ( Itnd th ~ r\ll1~ml wi nl IlIghlllllll ('rlllr[