CURRICULUM VITAE Cyrille Aslanoff (Cyril Aslanov) 1. PERSONAL DETAILS Date de naissance: 15/05/1964 Lieu de naissance: Paris XII e no de passeport: 05RE51763 Nationalités: française et israélienne Adresse: Arlozorov 19, 92181 Jerusalem Tel.: +972-50-5458390 addresse électronique [email protected] 2. Formation Date Institution Discipline Diplôme 1984-88 École Normale Supérieure (Ulm) + Paris IV-Sorbonne Lettres classiques + linguistiques Licence + maîtrise 1986 Paris IV-Sorbonne Études grecques Maîtrise 1985-86 Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) Philologie grecque Maîtrise 1987 École Normale Supérieure (Paris) Grammaire (section B) Agrégation 1988 Paris IV-Sorbonne Linguistique grecque D.E.A. 1992 Paris IV-Sorbonne Linguistique grecque PhD 2001 Paris VII-Jussieu Linguistique Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) 3. Expérience professionnelle 1988–1990 lecteur Français Langue Étrangère 1990-1993 Allocataire-Moniteur- Normalien, Université Lille-3 Grec ancien


CURRICULUM VITAE Cyrille Aslanoff (Cyril Aslanov) 1. PERSONAL DETAILS Date de naissance: 15/05/1964 Lieu de naissance: Paris XIIe no de passeport: 05RE51763 Nationalités: française et israélienne Adresse: Arlozorov 19, 92181 Jerusalem Tel.: +972-50-5458390 addresse électronique [email protected] 2. Formation Date Institution Discipline Diplôme 1984-88 École Normale

Supérieure (Ulm) + Paris IV-Sorbonne

Lettres classiques + linguistiques

Licence + maîtrise

1986 Paris IV-Sorbonne Études grecques Maîtrise 1985-86 Scuola Normale

Superiore (Pisa) Philologie grecque


1987 École Normale Supérieure (Paris)

Grammaire (section B)


1988 Paris IV-Sorbonne Linguistique grecque


1992 Paris IV-Sorbonne Linguistique grecque


2001 Paris VII-Jussieu Linguistique Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR)

3. Expérience professionnelle 1988–1990 lecteur Français Langue Étrangère 1990-1993 Allocataire-Moniteur-

Normalien, Université Lille-3

Grec ancien

1993-96 Assistant, Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem

Linguistique française

1/10/1996-30/9/1997 Assistant avec grade de MdC

Linguistique française

1/10/1997-22/4/2003 MdC Linguistique française 23/4/2003 Associate professor with

tenure Langue et littérature françaises

4. Autres functions à l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem (in chronological order) 2002-2009 Directeur du Département

de Langues et Littératures Langue et littérature françaises

2005- Directeur académique du Centre Desmarais de Recherche sur la Culture Française


2005-2010 Membre du Comité de développement de la Faculté des Humanités

Linguistique + cultures occidentales

2006- Membre du Center for the Study of Jewish Languages and their Literature


Octobre 2006-Février 2007 Co-directeur CIEC, ISAA, Moscow State University

Études juives

2007-2009 Membre du Committee for the integration of immigrant scholars

Toutes disciplines

Mars 2007- Directeur académique du Chais Center for Jewish Studies in Russian

Études juives

Mars 2007- Directeur académique de l’International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization Abroad

Études juives

Novembre 2007-Février 2010

Directeur de l’Institut des Cultures occidentales


Juin 2011- Membre du Plenum de l’Authority for Research Students (collation des doctorats)


Janvier 2013 Directeur de la commission d’admission des doctorants


5. Autres activités

2006-2013 Académie de la Langue Hébraïque


2013- Académie de la Langue Hébraïque

Membre de plein droit

2008-2011 Natsionaler Instanz far der Yidisher Kultur (Ministère israélien de la science, de la culture et des sports)


7. Distinctions Fellow researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Givat Ram (History of Hebrew Linguistic Theory), 1994-1995. Fellow researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Givat Ram (History of Jewish Medicine), Spring Semester, 2012. Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques (February 8 2012). 8. Prix et financement pour la recherche Golda Meir award for outstanding research students; 1992-1994; Historical linguistics; items ## 49, 50, 51, 52 in the list of publications. Outstanding immigrant researcher award; 1995-1996; Historical linguistics; items ## 53, 54 in the list of publications. Israel Science Foundation; 1997-1999; ca. 60,000 $; The Provençal of the Jews and Hebrew in Provence; items ## 3, 66, 78 in the list of publications. Intramural grant, Hebrew University; 2001; 6320 $; French in the Levant; items ## 4, 5, 15, 81 in the list of publications. Israel Science Foundation; 2003-2005; together with Prof. Lawrence Besserman; 30, 755 $ + 30, 755 $; Sacred and Secular in French and English Medieval Poetry; items ## 19, 25, 38 in the list of publications. Intramural grant, Hebrew University; 2010; 2010 $; Applying Contact Linguistics to Indo-European Comparative Linguistics. 9. Enseignement à l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem A. Direction de maîtrise et doctorat

• Maîtrise:

Sylvie Meyer 2005-2006 cum laude Aimée Sackstein 2005-2006 Tsivia Frank-Wygoda 2007-2008 cum laude Martine Ighna 2009-2010 Orly Goldschmidt 2010-2011 Ilil Baum 2010-2011 Gabriel Mordoch 2010-2011 Déborah Sibony-Grynberg 2010-2011 Hagar Ben Zion 2010-2011 Ofir Feuerstein 2011-2012 Ruba Samaan 2012-2013 Caroline Schuhl 2012- Hamutal Davis 2012-2013 Agnès Leah Ohayon 2012- Maya Oren 2013-

• Doctorats:

Aldina Quintana-Rodríguez 2003-2005 summa cum laude Diana Frankel (in the frame of the University of Buenos Aires) 2001-2005 summa cum laude Sabine Huynh 2003-2007 Dror Ben-Aryeh (for Bar-Ilan University) 2005-2010 summa cum laude Perla D. Sneh (in the frame of the University of Buenos Aires) 2008-2011 summa cum laude Sylvie Meyer 2007-2012 Elisabeth Vidal (in the frame of the Rothberg School for Overseas Students) 2006-2013 Kristian Sinkec (for Tel Aviv University) 2008- Tsivia Frank-Wygoda 2010- Saskia Cohen-Tanoudji 2011- Ilil Baum 2011- Gabriella Sirianni 2013- B. Post-doctorats Dr. Elina Reznik Dr. Élisabeth Vical C. Cours enseignés au cours de ces dernières années

• Licence The Other in the 19-20th Century-French Literature French Slang from Sociolect to Literary Discourse French Literature between North and South The Adjective in French Literary Spaces in Medieval Europe (Amirim program) Masterpieces of World Literature, Part II

Introduction to the Comparative Linguistics of Romance Languages War in French Literature Staging Cultural Shock in French Literature The expression of Longing in French Literature Introduction to Romance Literatures The Modernist Turn-Up in Twentieth-Century French Literature G. Brassens’s Songs in Their Cultural Context The Obsession for Russia in French Literature Masterpieces of World Literature, Part I France-Italy: Literary Fields in Contact Old Provençal in the Light of Modern Linguistics Topics in the Comparative Linguistics of Romance Languages Translation Drills into Romance Languages Introduction to Italian Linguistics The Revival of Modern Provençal and Its Death The Discourse of the Other in French Literature Visit in the Virtual Library of World Literature From Latin to Romance Languages Language policy in France and Italy

• Niveau maîtrise Old French and Provençal Jewish Glosses New Approaches to Old French History of the Greek Language: Mycenaean and Archaic Greek Jewish Linguistic Identity in France Old Provençal: From Language to Text History of the Greek Language: Classical and Hellenistic Greek Modern Provençal in Its Cultural Context History of the Greek Language: Byzantine and Modern Greek Old French in the light of Modern Linguistics The Reception of French Literature Abroad The Visibility of Jewish Languages in French Literature New Directions in Old French Studies

LISTE DES PUBLICATIONS DOCTORAT + HDR —————————————————————————————————— 1. Thèse d’État: L’adjectif épithète dans la Septante: Étude syntaxique et sémantique [“The Epithet in the LXX: a syntactic and semantic study”] Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 1992 (director: Jean-Louis Perpillou) [in French]. 2. Mémoire d’Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR): Le français et l’occitan à l’épreuve du contact linguistique: Méditerranée orientale et occidentale [“French and Occitan confronted to language contact: East and West Mediterranean”]. Université Paris 7- Denis Diderot, 2001 (director: Christiane Marchello-Nizia) [in French]. LIVRES 3. Cyril Aslanov, Le provençal des Juifs et l’hébreu en Provence: le dictionnaire Šaršot ha-Kesef de Joseph Caspi [“The Provençal of the Jews and Hebrew in Provence: Joseph Kaspi’s Šaršot ha-Kesef”]. Leuven-Paris, Peeters, 2001, 232 pp. [in French]. 4. Cyril Aslanov, Evidence of Francophony in Mediaeval Levant: Decipherment and Interpretation (MS. BnF. Copte 43), Jerusalem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Magnes Press, 2006, 209 pp. 5. Cyril Aslanov, Le français au Levant, jadis et naguère: à la recherche d’une langue perdue [“French in Levant once upon a time: in search of a lost language”]. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2006, 264 pp. [in French]. 6. Cyril Aslanov, Sociolingüística histórica de las lenguas judías [“Historical Sociolinguistics of the Jewish Languages”]. Buenos Aires, Ediciones Lilmod, 2011, 301 pp. [in Spanish]. 7. Cyril Aslanov, New Perspectives on “Sacred” and “Secular” in Old French and Old Occitan Poetry, Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2014 (forthcoming). DIRECTION DE RECUEIL: 8. Cyril Aslanov (ed.), Fernando Pessoa and the Issue of Heteronymy in Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and The History of Ideas, 10, 1 (January 2012): pp. 121-161. CHAPITRES DANS DES PUBLICATIONS COLLECTIVES

__________________________________________________ 9. Cyril Aslanov, “Des pères et des fils dans le Siracide et la Sagesse de Salomon: de la relation père-fils à la relation auteur-traducteur-lecteur,” [“Of fathers and sons in Sirach and the Wisdom of Solomon”] in Esther Benbassa (ed.), Transmission et passages en monde juif, Paris, Publisud, 1997, pp. 101-117 [in French]. 10. Cyril Aslanov, “L'Hellénisme, transgression ou conversion: Étude du rapport entre Juifs, Juifs apostats et non-Juifs dans le lexique de Maccabées 1 et 2,”[“Hellenism between transgression and conversion: Jews, Apostates and Gentiles in Maccabees 1 and 2”] in Jean-Christophe Attias (ed.) De la conversion, Paris, Cerf, 1998, pp. 77-106 [in French]. 11. Cyril Aslanov, “Les Prologues conservés du Siracide,” [“The extant prologues of Sirach”] in ed. Jean-Daniel Dubois & Bernard Roussel (eds.), Entrer en matière : les prologues, Paris, Cerf, 1998, pp. 167-183 [in French]. 12. Cyril Aslanov, “Les Notions de retour à Dieu et de repentir dans la Septante,” [“The expression of the return to God and repentance in the LXX”] in Annick Charles-Saget (ed.), Retour, repentir et constitution de soi, Paris, Vrin, 1998, pp. 50-63 [in French]. 13. Cyril Aslanov, “Exégèse philonienne et herméneutique midrashique: esquisse de confrontation dans une perspective linguistique,” [“Philonian exegesis and Midrashic hermeneutics: an attempt of comparison from the vantage point of linguistics”] in Carlos Levy ed., Philon et le langage de la philosophie, Turnhout, Brepols, 1998, pp. 265-287 [in French]. 14. Cyril Aslanov, “Le legs de l’école grammaticale juive andalouse en Languedoc, en Provence et en Catalogne,” [“The legacy of the Andalusi grammatical school in Languedoc, Provence and Catalonia”] in Doudou Diène (ed.), Les Routes d’al-Andalus: patrimoine commun et identité plurielle, Paris, Unesco, 2001, pp. 137-144 [in French]. 15. Cyril Aslanov, “Linguistic and Literary Aspects of André Chouraqui’s Translation of the Bible,” in W. Zeev Harvey, Galit Hasan-Rokem, Haim Saadon & Amnon Shiloah (eds.), Zion and Zionism Among Sephardi and Oriental Jews, Jerusalem, Misgav Yerushalayim, 2002 (Acts of the Fifth International Congress for Research on the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Heritage), pp. 531-538 [in Hebrew]. 16. Cyril Aslanov, “L’apocryphe réintégré: une réminiscence de Siracide 50:1-21 dans l’hymnologie juive,” [“Reintegrating the Apocryph: a reminiscence of Sirach 50:1-21 in Jewish hymnography”] in Simon Mimouni (ed.), Apocryphité. Histoire d’un concept transversal aux religions du livre. En hommage à Pierre Geoltrain (Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des hautes études, 113), Turnhout, Brepols, 2002, pp. 31-43 [in French]. 17. Cyril Aslanov, “Indices d’une couleur dialectale picarde, wallonne et lorraine dans le français du Royaume de Jérusalem (XIIIe siècle),” [“Evidence of Picard, Walloon and Lotharingian dialectal coloring in the Kingdom of Jerusalem (Thirteenth

century)”] in Jean-Michel Eloy (ed.), Des langues collatérales: problèmes linguistiques, sociolinguistiques et glottopolitiques de la proximité linguistique, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2004, I, pp. 257-269 [in French]. 18. Cyril Aslanov, “La traduction d’Aucassin et Nicolette par Léa Goldberg : entre traduction et métatraduction,” [“The translation of Aucassin and Nicolette by Leah Goldberg between translation and metatranslation”] in Jacqueline Michel (ed.), Les enjeux de la traduction littéraire, Paris: Publisud, 2004, pp. 245-261 [in French]. 19. Cyril Aslanov, “Traduction et réception de l’œuvre de Cohen en Israël,” [“Translation and reception of Albert Cohen’s works in Israel”] in Alain Schaffner & Philippe Zard (eds.), Albert Cohen dans son siècle (Actes du colloque international de Cerisy-la-Salle), Paris, Éditions Le Manuscrit, 2005, pp. 475-488 [in French]. 20. Cyril Aslanov, “Obadiah the Proselyte and His Linguistic Background,” in Mauro Perani (ed.), Giovanni-Ovadiah da Oppido, proselito, viaggiatore e musicista dell’età normanna, Firenze, Giuntina, 2005, pp. 93-99. 21. Cyril Aslanov, “The Imitation of Hagiographic Formulas in Occitan Vidas (Lives of the Troubadours),” in Lawrence Besserman (ed.), Sacred and Secular in Medieval and Early Modern Culture: New Essays, New York, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006, pp. 19-27. 22. Cyril Aslanov, “Язык как общественный институт в Израиле и в мире,” [“Language as a social institution in Israel and in the world”] in Moshe Taube, Roman Timenchik, Shmuel Schwarzband (eds.), Quadrivium: Festschrift Professor W. Moskovich, Jerusalem, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2006, pp. 73-82 [in Russian]. 23. Cyril Aslanov ,“La Babel de la muerte: las lenguas judías en Auschwitz,” [“Babel of Death: Jewish languages in Auschwitz”] in Elisa Cohen de Chervonagura (ed.), Comunidades lingüísticas: confines y trayectorias, Tucumán, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 2006, pp. 59-69 [in Spanish]. 24. Cyril Aslanov, “Linguistic Hybridization in the Chronicle of Morea,” in Deisis Paraskhou & Aristeas Spendzas (eds.), Η Πελοπόννησος µετά την Δ’ Σταυροφορία του 1204 (Πρακτικά διεθνούς συνεδρίου – Μυστράς, 1-3 Οκτωβρίου 2004), Athens-Mystras, 2007, pp. 37-48. 25. Cyril Aslanov, “A Tentative Romance Etymology for Yiddish Dav(e)nen,” in Aharon Maman, Steve Fassberg, and Yochanan Breuer (eds.), Sha’arei Lashon: Studies in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Jewish Languages Presented to Moshe Bar-Asher, Jerusalem, The Bialik Institute, 2007, III, pp. 244-258 [in Hebrew]. 26. Cyril Aslanov, “‘From Strength to Strength’: Disseminating Jewish Civilization Worldwide (Hebrew and Jewish Languages),” Symposium in Honor of Prof. Yom Tov Assis, Jerusalem, The International Center for the University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, 2007, pp. 13-22.

27. Cyril Aslanov, “¿Mitologización o cristianización? Algunas lecturas románticas y postrománticas del Quijote,” [“Mythologization or Christianization: on some Romantic reading of Don Quixote”] in Ruth Fine y Santiago López Navia (eds.), Cervantes y las religiones, Madrid, Iberoamericana/ Frankfurt, Vervuert Verlag, 2008 (Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica, 51), pp. 549-568 [in Spanish]. 28. Cyril Aslanov, “L’ancien français, sociolecte d’une caste au pouvoir: Royaume de Jérusalem, Morée, Chypre,” [“Old French as the sociolect of a ruling class: Kingdom of Jerusalem, Morea, Cyprus”] in Benjamin Fagard, Sophie Prévost, Bernard Combettes & Olivier Bertrand (eds.), Évolutions en français: Études de linguistique diachronique, Bern, Peter Lang, 2008, pp. 3-19 [in French]. 29. Cyril Aslanov, “Aux sources de la chronique historique en prose française: entre déculturation et acculturation,” [“The origin of French historical chronicle in prose: between deculturation and acculturation”] in Thomas Madden (ed.), The Fourth Crusade: Event Aftermath and Perception: Papers from the Sixth Conference of the Society for the Crusades and the Latin East Istanbul Turkey 25-29 August 2004, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2008, pp. 143-166 [in French]. 30. Cyril Aslanov, “’Они переменили свои имена, свой язык и свои одежды': роль языка в сохранении еврейского самосознания в Израиле и в Диаспоре,” [“ ‘They changed their names, their language and their cloths’: The Role of Language in the Preservation of Jewish Identity in Israel and in Diaspora”] in Victoria Mochalova (ed.), Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual International Conference on Jewish Studies (Part 1: State of Israel: 60 Years of History), Moscow, Moscow Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization “Sefer”, 2008, pp. 12-27 [in Russian]. 31. Cyril Aslanov, “The shift [nw] > [mw] in Judeo-Spanish: Phonological and Sociolinguistic Considerations,” in David M. Bunis (ed.), Languages and Literatures of Sephardic and Oriental Jews (Proceedings of The Sixth International Congress for Research on the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Heritage), Jerusalem, The Bialik Institute/ Misgav Yerushalayim, 2009, pp. 45-54 [in Hebrew]. 32. Cyril Aslanov, “Безразличие Теодора Герцля к языку иврит: причины и следствия,” [“Theodor Herzl’s indifference toward Hebrew: Causes and consequences”] in Victoria Mochalova (ed.), Questions of Jewish History (Proceedings of Sefer Center Scholarly Conferences in Jewish Studies, II), Moscow, 2009, pp. 218-232 [in Russian]. = Cyril Aslanov, “L’indifférence de Theodor Herzl vis-à-vis de la la langue hébraïque: causes et conséquences,” [Theodor Herzl’s indifference toward Hebrew: Causes and Consequences] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem, 17 (2010), pp. 93-110 [in French]. 33. Cyril Aslanov, “«Давид Гольдер» Ирен Немировски: между романом и мифом,” [“David Golder by Irène Némirovsky between novel and myth”] in O.B. Belova (ed.), History-Myth-Folklore in Jewish and Slavic Cultural Tradition, Moscow, Sefer/ Institute of Slavisitic at the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009, pp. 406-415 [in Russian].

34. Cyril Aslanov, “Фернандо Пессоа, Пауль Целан, Эдмон Жабес: от аннигиляции поэта до уничтожения поэзии,” [“Fernando Pessoa, Paul Celan and Edmond Jabès: From the annhilation of the poet to the abolition of poetry”] in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference on Jewish Studies, II, Moscow, 2009, pp. 243-253 [in Russian]. = Cyril Aslanov, “Pessoa’s Heteronymy between Linguistics and Poetics,” Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and The History of Ideas, 10, 1 (January 2012): pp. 121-132. 35. Cyril Aslanov, “Изменение языковой идентичности евреев восточной Европы: к вопросу о формировании восточного идиша,” [“The transformation of the linguistic identity of Eastern European Jews: On the crystallization of Eastern Yiddish”] in Israel Bartal & Alexander Kulik (eds.), History of the Jews in Russia (I: From Antiquity to the Early Modern Period), Jerusalem, Gesharim/ Moscow, Mosty Kul’tury, 2010, pp. 398-417 [in Russian]. = Cyril Aslanov, “The Crystallization of Eastern Yiddish,” in Alexander Kulik (ed.), History of the Jews in Russia: From Ancient Times to the Early Modern Ages, Jerusalem, The Zalman Shazar for Jewish History, 2010, pp. 309-321 [in Hebrew]. = Cyril Aslanov, “Les hébraïsmes et les slavismes du yiddish et la cristallisation d’une identité juive est-européenne,” [“Hebraisms and Slavisms of Yiddish and the crystallization of East European Jewish Identity”] Conexão Letras: Lingüística/ Literatura & Identidade, 2, 2 (2006): pp. 36-47 [in French]. 36. Cyril Aslanov, “Slimane Benaïssa, or the Voice of Dissidence,” in Nathalie Debrauwere-Miller (eds.), Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Francophone World, New York, Routledge, 2010, pp. 67-80. 37. Benjamin Z. Kedar & Cyril Aslanov, “Problems in the Study of Transcultural Borrowing in the Frankish Levant,” in Michael Borgolte & Bernd Schneidmüller (eds.), Integration und Desintegration der Kulturen im europäischen Mittelalter, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2010, pp. 277-285. 38. Cyril Aslanov, “Le complément de qualité en français moderne entre biblisme et cultisme,” [“The complement of quality in Modern French: Biblism or Latinism?”] in Jan Goes et Estelle Moline (eds.), L’adjectif hors de sa catégorie (Actes du VIe colloque de linguistique franco-roumaine — Université d’Artois, 23-25 mai 2007), Arras, Artois Press Université, 2010, pp. 155-168 [in French]. 39. Cyril Aslanov, “La langue hébraïque à l’épreuve de la mondialisation: volontarisme glottopolitique et tendance spontanée,” [“Hebrew in front of the challenge of globalization: Between glottopolitic volontarism and spontaneous tendency”] in Michel Bozdémir & Louis-Jean Calvet (eds.), Politiques linguistiques en Méditerranée, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2010, pp. 203-215 [in French]. 40. Cyril Aslanov, “Song of Love and War in Troubadours’ Poetry: Antagonism or Complementarity?” The Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and

Humanities series, vol. IX, fasc. 6, Jerusalem, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2010, pp. 137-153 [in Hebrew]. 41. Cyril Aslanov, “L’hébraïsation des noms de famille en Israël et l’éradication du yiddish,” [“The Hebraization of second names in Israel and the uprooting of Yiddish”] in Céline Masson & Michel Gad Wolkowicz (eds.), La force du nom: leur nom, ils l’ont changé, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 2010, pp. 161-168 [in French]. 42. Cyril Aslanov, “Означает ли смерть еврейских языков провал в передаче еврейской традиции между поколениями?” [“Does the death of Jewish Languages speak for a gap in Jewish inter-generational transmission?”] in O.B. Belova (ed.), Диалог поколений в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции, Moscow, Sefer/ Institute of Slavistic at the the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010, pp. 117- 133 [in Russian]. 43. Cyril Aslanov, “Языковая идентичность как место встречи религиозного и светского самосознания,” [“Linguistic identity as a place of encounter between religiosity and secularism”] in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual International Conference on Jewish Studies, Moscow, Sefer, 2010, pp. 231-243 [in Russian]. 44. Cyril Aslanov, “ ‘Vikipedie in yidish’: Last Chance or Dead End?”, in Wolf Moskovich (ed.), Jews and Slavs, 22 (Yiddish – A Jewish National Language at 100 – Proceedings of Czernowitz Yiddish Language 2008 International Centenary Conference), Jerusalem-Kiev, 2010, pp. 160-169. 45. Cyril Aslanov, “Les emplois aspectuels du futur proche en catalan, en occitan et en français: essai d’interprétation diachronique,” [“The aspectual uses of the near future in Catalan, Occitan and French: A tentative diachronic explanation”] in Eugenia Arjoca-Ieremia et alii (eds.), Temps, aspect et classes de mots: études théoriques et didactiques (Actes du VIIe colloque de linguistique franco-roumaine — Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara, 18-20 mai 2009), Arras, Artois Presse Université, 2011, pp. 73-89 [in French]. 46. Cyril Aslanov, “ «Книга о язычнике и трех мудрецах» Раймунда Луллия и нарративы о выборе веры у хазар и славян,” [“Ramon Llull's Book of the Gentile and the Three Wise Men and the narratives of faith chosing among Khazars and Slavs”] in O.B. Belova (ed.), Wisdom-Righteousness-Holiness in Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition, Moscow, Sefer/ Institute of Slavistic at the the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011, pp. 82-93 [in Russian]. 47. Cyril Aslanov, “Учение Элии Бенамозега об универсальности и партикуляризме в контексте лингвистических дебатов второй половины ХIX в.,” [“Elia Benamozegh’s teaching about universalism and particularism in the context of nineteenth-century linguistic debates”] in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual International Conference on Jewish Studies, Moscow, Sefer, 2011, I, pp. 164-175 [in Russian]. 48. Cyril Aslanov, “The French Spoken by Algerian Jewry,” in Haim Saadon (ed.), Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century: Algeria, Jerusalem, Yad Ben-Zvi, 2011, pp. 133-138 [in Hebrew].

49. Cyril Aslanov, “Judeo-Greek or Greek Spoken by Jews”, in Robert Bonfil, Oded Irshai, Guy G. Stroumsa and Rina Talgam (eds.), Jews in Byzantium: Dialectics of Minority and Majority Cultures, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2012, pp. 385-398. 50. Cyril Aslanov, “Romanos the Melodist and Palestinian Piyyut: Sociolinguistic and Pragmatic Perspectives”, in Robert Bonfil, Oded Irshai, Guy G. Stroumsa and Rina Talgam (eds.), Jews in Byzantium: Dialectics of Minority and Majority Cultures, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2012, pp. 613-628. 51. Cyril Aslanov, “¿Por qué el Zohar fu escrito en arameo? Sobre la ecología del ámbito lingüístico judío castellano en el siglo XIII?” [“Why was the Zohar written in Aramaic? On the ecology of the Castilian Jewish linguistic surroundings in the thirteenth century”] in Manuel Casado Velarde, Ruth Fine and Carlos Mata Induráin (eds.), Jerusalén y Toledo: Historias de dos ciudades, Madrid-Franfurt a. Main, Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2012, pp. 11-22 [in Spanish]. 52. Cyril Aslanov, “Homer within the Bible: Homerisms in the Graecus Venetus,” in Maren R. Niehoff (ed.), Homer and the Bible in the Eyes of Ancient Interpreters, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2012, pp. 199-218. 53. Cyril Aslanov, “Visibility and Iconicity of the German Language in The Kindly Ones,” in Aurélie Barjonet & Liran Razinsky (eds.), Writing the Holocaust Today: Critical Perspectives on Jonathan Littell’s The Kindly Ones, Amsterdam-New York, Rodopi, 2012, pp. 61-72. 54. Cyril Aslanov, “Французское еврейство — третий путь?,” [“French Jewry — a third way”] in Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual International Conference on Jewish Studies, Moscow, Sefer, 2012, II, pp. 385-397 [in Russian]. 55. Cyril Aslanov, “Старое и новое в современном иврите,” [“Old and new in Modern Hebrew”] in O.B. Belova (ed.), “The Old and the New” in Slavic and Jewish Cultural Tradition, Moscow, Sefer/ Institute of Slavistic at the the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, pp. 52-62 [in Russian]. 56. Cyril Aslanov, “Crusaders’ Old French,” in Deborah L. Arteaga (ed.), Research on Old French: The State of the Art, Dordrecht, Springer, 2013, pp. 207-220. 57. Cyril Aslanov, “Latin in Hebrew Letters: The Transliteration/Transcription/Translation of a Compedium of Arnaldus de Villa Nova’s Speculum Medicinae,” in Resianne Fontaine & Gad Freudenthal (eds.), Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts and Studies (Volume One: Studies), Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2013, pp. 45-58. 58. Cyril Aslanov, “From Latin Into Hebrew Through the Romance Vernaculars: The Creation of an Interlanguage Written in Hebrew Characters,” in Resianne Fontaine & Gad Freudenthal (eds.), Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts and Studies (Volume One: Studies), Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2013, pp. 69-84. 59. Cyril Aslanov, “Kna‘anim vs. Ashkenazim: From Divergence to Convergence,” in

Ondřej Bláha, Robert Dittmann & Lenka Uličná (eds.), Knaanic Language: Structure and Historical Background (Proceedings of a Conference Held in Prague on October 25-26, 2012), Prague, Academia, 2013, pp. 11-29. 60. Cyril Aslanov, “On the Realization of Some Consonants in the Tradition of Hebrew of Provençal Jews in Modern Times and on Its Signification Regarding the Issue of Judeo-Provençal,” in Moshe Bar-Asher & Irit Meir (eds.), Nit‘ei Ilan: Mehqarim be-lashon ha-‘ivrit u-ve-ahyoteiah mugashim le-Ilan Eldar, Jerusalem, Carmel, 2014, pp. 357-368 [in Hebrew]. ARTICLES: 61. Cyril Aslanov, “L'adjectif dans la description claudélienne,” [“The adjective in Paul Claudel’s descriptions”}, Poétique, 99 (1994), pp. 369-379 [in French]. 62. Cyril Aslanov, “Pour une révision des modèles grecs dans l'analyse des parties du discours de l'hébreu: le statut du participe,” [“Toward a reassessment of the Greek models in the analysis of the parts of speech in Hebrew: The status of the participle”] Revue des études juives, 154 (1995, 1-2): pp. 77-88 [in French]. 63. Cyril Aslanov, “Emprunt enthousiaste et emprunt réticent: essai de typologie de différentes attitudes devant l’emprunt lexical à travers l’exemple du grec et du japonais,” [“Enthusiastic and reluctant borrowing: A tentative typology of various attitudes toward lexical borrowing in Greek and Japanese”] Meta. Translators’ Journal, 40, n. 4, (décembre 1995): pp. 540-547 [in French]. 64. Cyril Aslanov, “La Réflexion linguistique hébraïque dans l'horizon intellectuel de l'horizon médiéval: Essai de comparaison des traités de grammaire hébraïque et provençale,” [“Hebrew linguistic thought in medieval intellectual horizon: A tentative comparison of Hebrew and Provençal grammatical tractates”] Histoire-Épistémologie-Langage, XVIII,1 (1996): pp. 63-86 [in French]. 65. Cyril Aslanov, “Quelques remarques sur les gloses romanes du Livre des Racines de David Qimhi,” [“Some remarks about Romance glosses in David Qimhi’s Book of Roots”] Cahiers d'Études Romanes, 8 (1996): pp. 1-25 [in French]. 66. Cyril Aslanov, “Une Tradition peut en cacher une autre: les enjeux de la francophonie des Valeureux de France,” [“One tradition may hide another one: What is at stake in the Francophony of the Valeureux de France?”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, 3 (1996), pp. 40-67 [in French]. 67. Cyril Aslanov, “Récit historique et discours poétique dans l'Estoire de la guerre des Ibelins contre les Impériaux de Philippe de Novare”, [“Historical account and poetic discourse in Philip of Novara’s Estoire de la guerre des Ibelins contre les Impériaux”] Le Moyen Âge, 103 (1997): pp. 67-81 [in French].

68. Cyril Aslanov, “Les voies de la traduction des œuvres de l’Antiquité classique en hébreu,” [“The ways of translating the works of Classical Antiquity into Hebrew”] Les Études classiques, 65 (1997): pp. 193-210 [in French]. 69. Cyril Aslanov, “Elia Benamozegh scrittore trilingue: il fattore della lingua nelle sue opere,” [“Elia Benamozegh as a trilingual writer”] La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, LXIII, n. 3 (1997): pp. 29-41 [in Italian]. 70. Cyril Aslanov, “Les Enjeux de la référence aux religions dans le Don Quichotte,” [“What is at stake in the reference to religions in Don Quixote”] Compar(a)ison, 2 (1997): pp. 67-92 [in French]. 71. Cyril Aslanov, “Les gloses judéo-helléniques du Commentaire de Re‘uel découvert dans la Geniza du Caire,” [“The Judeo-Hellenic Glosses in the Commentary of Re’uel discovered in the Cairo Genizah”] Revue des études juives, CLVII, (1998, 1-2): pp. 7-45 [in French]. 72. Cyril Aslanov, “Les voix plurielles de la traduction de Camus en hébreu,” [“Polyphony in the translations of Camus into Hebrew”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, 5 (1998): pp. 253-27 (reprinted in an extended format in Meta. Translators’ Journal, 44, 3 (1999): pp. 448-468) [in French]. 73. Cyril Aslanov, “Étude d'un modèle d'interaction entre deux langues en contact à travers des exemples tirés de l'histoire du français,” [“Study of a model of interaction between two languages in contact through some examples taken from the history of French”] Cahiers d'Études Romanes, 10 (1998): pp. 25-55 [in French]. 74. Cyril Aslanov, “Entre théonymie et anthroponymie: l'onomastique divine et humaine, indice de la confusion entre transcendance et immanence,” [“Between theonymy and anthroponymy: divine and human onomastic as an evidence of confusion between transcendence and immanence”] Rencontres transdisciplinaires, 14 (avril 1999), pp. 43-49 [in French]. 75. Cyril Aslanov, “Tropes narratifs dans l'évocation de la Shoah : métonymie et aposiopèse dans L'Oublié de Wiesel et dans le Temps des prodiges d'Aharon Appelfeld,” [“Narrative tropes in the evocation of Shoah: Metonymy and aposiopesis in Wiesel’s The Forgotten and in Aharon Appelfeld’s The Age of Wonders”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, 6 (1999): pp. 87-100 [in French]. = Cyril Aslanov, “Tropos narrativos en la evocación de la Shoá. Metonimia y aposiopesis en El olvidado, de Élie Wiesel, y en Tor ha-pelaot (La edad de las maravillas) de Aharon Appelfeld”, [“Narrative tropes in the evocation of Shoah: metonymy and Aposiopesis in Wiesel’s The Forgotten and in Aharon Appelfeld’s The Age of Wonders”] Nuestra Memoria, año XV, No 31 (Febrero 2009): pp. 53-63 [in Spanish]. 76. Cyril Aslanov, “The Judeo-Greek and Ladino Columns in the Constantinople Edition of the Pentateuch (1547): A Linguistic Commentary on Gn 1:1-5,” Revue des études juives, CLVIII / 3-4 (juillet-décembre 1999): pp. 385-397.

77. Cyril Aslanov, “La place du Graecus Venetus dans l’histoire des traductions grecques de la Bible,” [“The place of Graecus Venetus in the history of the Greek translations of the Bible”] Revue de philologie, de littérature et d’histoire anciennes, LXXIII 2 (1999): pp. 155-174 [in French]. 78. Cyril Aslanov, “De la lexicographie à la sémantique générale: la pensée sémantique de Caspi d’après le Sefer Sharshot ha-Kesef,” [“From lexicography to general semantics: Kaspi’s semantic thought according to Sefer Sharshot ha-Kesef”] Helmantica: Revista de filología clásica y hebrea. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, LI, núm 154 (enero-abril 2000) : pp. 76-120 [in French]. 79. Cyril Aslanov, “Interpreting the Language-mixing in Terms of Codeswitching: The Case of the Franco-Italian Interface in the Middle Ages,” Journal of Pragmatics, 32 (2000) : pp. 1273-1281. 80. Cyril Aslanov, “Le français de Rabbi Joseph Kara et de Rabbi Eliézer de Beaugency d’après leurs commentaires sur Ezéchiel,” [“Rabbi Joseph Kara’s and Rabbi Eliezer of Beaugency’s French according to their commentaries on Ezechiel”] Revue des études juives, CLIX 3-4 (2000): pp. 425-446. 81. Cyril Aslanov, “Le style biblique chez Mauriac et Wiesel: emprunts ou empreintes?,” [“Mauriac’s and Wiesel’s Biblical style: borrowing or impregnation?”] Perspectives. Revue de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, 7 (2000): pp. 65-86 [in French]. 82. Cyril Aslanov, “Between the Roman Grammarians and David Qimhi, Ephodi and Abraham de Balmes: the Phonetic discussion,” Language Studies (Mehqarim ba-Lashon), 8 (2001): pp. 303-324 [in Hebrew]. 83. Cyril Aslanov, “Écrivains juifs de langue française,” [“Jewish authors writing in French”] Tsafon. Revue d’Études Juives du Nord, 41 (printemps-été 2001): pp. 11-15 [in French]. 84. Cyril Aslanov, “Solal et Belle du Seigneur, épopées juives ?,” [“Solal and Belle du Seigneur, Jewish epics?] Tsafon. Revue d’Études Juives du Nord, 41 (printemps-été 2001), pp. 17-36. 85. Cyril Aslanov, “L’envoi comme signature,” [“The envoy as a signature”] Perspectives. Revue de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, 8 (2001): pp. 9-24 [in French]. 86. Cyril Aslanov, “Camoufler la parenté : la figure étymologique estompée,” [“The camouflage of kinship: The blurring of the figura etymologica”] Revue Romane, 36. 2 (2001): pp. 235-254 [in French]. 87. Cyril Aslanov, “De Gesenius à Bauer-Leander: la grammaire hébraïque à l’épreuve du comparatisme,” [“From Genesius to Bauer Leander: Hebrew grammar and the challenge of comparative linguistics”] Helmantica: Revista de filología

clásica y hebrea. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, LII, 158-159 (Mayo-Diciembre 2001): pp. 275-299 [in French]. = Cyril Aslanov, “From Genesius to Bauer Leander: Hebrew grammar and the challenge of comparative linguistics,” Línguas e Instrumentos Lingüísticos, 13/14 (2004). 88. Cyril Aslanov, “How Much Arabic Did Joseph Kaspi Know ?,” Aleph, 2 (2002): pp. 259-270. 89. Cyril Aslanov, “Quand les langues romanes se confondent...La Romania vue d’ailleurs,” [“When Romance languages merge together… Romania seen from elsewhere”] Langage et société, 99 (mars 2002): pp. 9-52 [in French]. 90. Cyril Aslanov, “L’aristotélisme médiéval au service du commentaire littéral de la Bible,” [“Medieval aristotelism as a tool for literal commentary of the Bible”] Revue des études juives, CLXI 1-2 (2002): pp. 123-137 [in French]. 91. Cyril Aslanov, “Judéo-provençal médiéval et chuadit: essai de délimitation,” [“Medieval Judeo-Provençal and Chuadit”] La France latine (Revue d’Études d’Oc), 134 (2002): pp. 103-122 [in French]. 92. Cyril Aslanov, “Le français des Juifs d’Afrique du Nord est-il un judéo-français?,” [“Is the French of North African Jews Judeo-French?”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, 9 (2002): pp. 79-101 [in French]. 93. Cyril Aslanov, “Languages in Contact in the Latin East: Acre and Cyprus,” Crusades, 1 (2002): pp. 155-181. 94. Cyril Aslanov, “Le déchiffrement des gloses judéo-romanes: essai de rétrospective,” [“The decipherment of Judeo-Romance glosses: a tentative retrospective”] Helmantica: Revista de filología clásica y hebrea. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, LIV, 163 (January-April 2003): pp. 9-42 [in French]. 95. Cyril Aslanov, “Did Joseph Kaspi’s Sefer Shashot ha-Kesef Influence Fabre d’Olivet’s Lexicographical Treatise?,” Language Studies (Mehqarim ba-Lashon), 9 (2003): pp. 1-15 [in Hebrew].

= Cyril Aslanov, “Joseph Caspi et Fabre d’Olivet sur les racines hébraïques: rencontre fortuite ou filiation intellectuelle?” [“Joseph Kaspi and Fabre d’Olivet on Hebrew roots: fortuitous meeting or intellectual filiation?”] La France latine (Revue d’Études d’Oc), 138 (2004): pp. 33-51 [in French]. 96. Cyril Aslanov, La Terre promise, pas encore... de Michaël Sebban ou la création d’un ‘vulgaire illustre’ judéo-français” [“Michel Sebban’s La Terre promise, pas encore...or the creation of a Judeo-French volgare illustre”] Humoresques - Rires marginaux, rires rebelles, 19 (January 2004): pp. 93-101 [in French].

97. Cyril Aslanov, “Charles Mopsik, traducteur du Zohar; entre respect littéral et innovation créatrice” [“Charles Mopsik, translator of Zohar: between literalism and creative innovation”] Les cahiers du judaïsme, 16 (2004): pp. 84b-90b [in French]. 98. Cyril Aslanov, “Terre promise, concept biblique ?” [“Promised Land, a Biblical concept?] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem, 11 (2004): pp. 9-21 [in French]. 99. Cyril Aslanov, “Jacob Gordin en France: transfert de savoir ou malentendu culturel ?,” [“Jacob Gordin in France: transfer of knowledge or cultural misunderstaning”] Archives Juives: Revue d’histoire des juifs de France, 38/1 (2005, 1e semestre): pp. 43-55 [in French]. 100. Cyril Aslanov, “Esther de Carpentras d’Armand Lunel entre régionalisme et identité juive,” [“Armand Lunel’s Esther de Carpentras between regionalism and Jewish identity”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, 12 (2005): pp. 37-53 [in French]. 101. Cyril Aslanov, “Le verset dans tous ses états: les enjeux syntaxiques de l’exégèse biblique,” [“The Biblical verse dismantled: the syntactic dimension of Biblical exegesis”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, 13 (2006): pp. 45-59 [in French]. 102. Cyril Aslanov, “The Translation of the 1557 Escamot into Provençal: Preservation or Blurring of the Jewish Linguistic Identity?,” Massorot: Studies in Language Traditions and Jewish Languages, XIII-XIV (2006): pp. 25-39 [in Hebrew]. 103. Cyril Aslanov, “A política das línguas judaicas: entre etnia e nação,” [“The politics of Jewish languages: between ethnicity and nation”] Cadernos de Língua e Literatura Hebraica, 5 (2006): pp. 75-91 [in Portuguese]. = Cyril Aslanov, “Política de las lenguas judías: entre la etnia y la nación.” [“The politics of Jewish languages: between ethnicity and nation”] in Susana Scura (ed.), Reflexiones sobre el ídish, Buenos Aires, Sholem, 2010, pp. 49-66 [in Spanish]. 104. Cyril Aslanov, “Dunash Ben Labrat entre les jardins d’Andalousie et les ruines de Jérusalem,” [“Dunash Ben Labrat between Andalusian gardens and the ruins of Jerusalem”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, 14 (2007): pp. 61-73 [in French]. 105. Cyril Aslanov, “The Comic as a Factor of Integration: The Rehabilitation of Otherness in the Song of William,” Crusades, 7 (2008): pp. 1-11. 106. Cyril Aslanov, “André Chouraqui, traducteur poète ou poète traducteur?,” [“André Chouraqui, poet-translator or translator-poet?”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, 15 (2008): pp. 9-26 [in French].

107. Cyril Aslanov, “The Blurring of the Boundaries between Nouns and Prepositions in Hebrew,” Leshonénu: A Journal for the Study of the Hebrew Language, LXX (2008): pp. 413-426 [in Hebrew]. 108. Cyril Aslanov, “La mise en scène du contact linguistique et du choc culturel dans Au bout du monde à gauche d’Avi Nesher,” [“Staging languages in contact and cultural clash in End of the World, Turn Left by Avi Nesher”] Langage et société, 126 (décembre 2008): pp. 23-38 [in French]. 109. Cyril Aslanov, “Yosef Caspi entre Provenza y Sefarad,” [“Joseph Kaspi between Provence and Sefarad”] Hispania Judaica Bulletin, 6 (5769/ 2008): pp. 33-42 [in Spanish]. = Cyril Aslanov, “Joseph Caspi et le plurilinguisme des Juifs provençaux,” [“Joseph Kaspi and the multilinguism of Provençal Jews”] in Claire Kappler & Suzanne Tholier-Méjean (eds.), Le plurilinguisme au Moyen Age — Orient-Occident, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2009, pp. 111-122 [in French]. 110. Cyril Aslanov, “La haquetía entre hispanidad y aloglotismo: divergencia y convergencia,” [“Haketia between Hispanity and alloglossy: divergence and convergence”] El Presente, 2 (2008): pp. 209-222 [in Spanish]. 111. Cyril Aslanov, “Bayt (‘House’) as ‘Strophe’ in Hebrew, Byzantine and Near Eastern Poetry,” Le Muséon, 121, 3-4 (2008): pp. 297-310. 112. Cyril Aslanov, “Le statut de la parole féminine dans les kharajât : fantasme ou fantôme ?,” [“The status of feminine speech in the kharajât: fantasy or phantom”] La France latine, 146 (2008): pp. 113-128 [in French]. 113. Cyril Aslanov, “Eyewitness vs. Mediated Narratives of Lost Cities at the End of the Middle Ages: Acre, Constantinople, Granada,” Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, 7, 2 (June 2009): pp. 169-187. 114. Cyril Aslanov, “Comme/ Comment du latin au français: perspectives diachronique, comparatiste et typologique,” [“Comme/ Comment from Latin to French from a diachronic, comparative and typological perspective”] Travaux de Linguistique, 58 (2009): pp. 19-38 [in French]. 115. Cyril Aslanov, “The Juxtaposition Ashkenaz/ Tsarfat vs. Sepharad/ Provence Reassessed — A Linguistic Approach,” Simon-Dubnow-Institut Jahrbuch . Yearbook, VIII (2009): pp. 49-65.

116. Cyril Aslanov, “Approximation et précision dans l’appréhension de la langue vulgaire au Moyen Âge: Raimon Vidal et Uc Faidit,” [“Approximation and Precision in the perception of medieval Vulgar language: Raimon Vidal and Uc Faidit”] L’Information grammaticale, 125 (mars 2010): pp. 44a-48b [in French]. 117. Cyril Aslanov, “Langues européennes et dynamiques identitaires en Israël, 1948-2008,” [“European languages and the dynamic of identity in Israel, 1948-2008”] Langage et Société,132 (juin 2010): pp. 101-116 [in French].

= Cyril Aslanov, “A deseuropeização da paisagem linguística israelense, 1948-2008,” [“The Deseuropeization of Israeli linguistic landscape”] Ângulo, 120 (2010): pp. 10a-17b [in Portuguese].

118. Cyril Aslanov, “From One Part of Speech to the Other: Hebrew Words That Changed Status Once Integrated in Judeo-Languages,” Massorot, XV (2010), pp. 25-38 [in Hebrew]. 119. Cyril Aslanov, “Amadís de Gaula de Gaula a Francia via España: las hazañas de un texto errante,” [“Amadís de Gaula from Gaul to France via Spain The adventures of a wandering text”] Medioevo Romanzo, XXXIV (2010-11): pp. 125-138 [in Spanish]. 120. Cyril Aslanov, “Débat sur l’ouvrage de Jocelyne Dakhlia, Lingua franca: histoire d’une langue métisse en Méditerranée,” [“A Response to Jocelyne Dakhlia’s Lingua franca: histoire d’une langue métisse en Méditerranée”] Langage et société, 134 (décembre 2010): pp. 103-113 [in French]. 121. Cyril Aslanov, “Kol Yisra’el Haverim: les avatars d’une formule”, [“Kol Yisra’el Haverim: The avatars of a formula”] Revue des études juives, 169 (3-4) (2010): pp. 461-472 [in French]. 122. Cyril Aslanov, “La séduction israélienne de la renonciation au passé”, [“How renouncing the past made Israeli literature attractive”] La Vie des idées, 31 mai 2011. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL : [in French]. 123. Cyril Aslanov, “En quelle langue parlait Samson?,” [“In which language did Samson speak?”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem, 18 (2011): pp. 29-41. = Cyril Aslanov, “Em que língua falou Sansão?”, [“In which language did Samson speak?”] Cadernos de Língua e Literatura Hebraica, 9 (2011): pp. 109-123 [in Portuguese]. 124. Cyril Aslanov, “Андре Шураки в поиске утраченного палимпсеста,” [“André Chouraqui in search of the eroded palimpsest”] Vestnik: International Journal for Jewish Studies, 14 (32) (2011): pp. 183-196 [in Russian]. 125. Cyril Aslanov, “L’intérêt de Malraux pour les Juifs: Une lubie romantique?,” [“Malraux’s interest for the Jews? — A romantic move?”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem, 19 (2012): pp. 123-142 [in French]. 126. Cyril Aslanov, “La lingua franca en Méditerranée entre mythe et réalité,” [The Lingua Franca in the Mediterranean between myth and reality] Mélanges de l’École française de Rome - Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines, 124-1 (2012): pp. 61-69 [in French]. = Cyril Aslanov, “Lingua Franca in the Western Mediterranean between myth and

reality,” in Juliane Besters-Dilger, Cynthia Dermarkar, Stefan Pfânder & Achim Rabus (eds.), Congruence in Contact-Induced Language Change: Language Families, Typological Resemblance, and Perceived Similiraties, Berlin-Boston, Walter de Gruyter, 2014, pp. 122-136. 127. Cyril Aslanov, “Bien face à ses homologues en d’autres langues romanes: divergences, influences, convergences,” [Bien in front of its parallels in other Romance languages: divergences, influences, convergences] Travaux de linguistique: Revue Internationale de Linguistique Française, no 65 (2012): pp. 27-43 [in French]. 128. Cyril Aslanov, “Is there a right-wing alternative to the left-wing Bohemianism in Israel?,” Bulletin du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem [En ligne], 23 | 2012, mis en ligne le 20 janvier 2013, Consulté le 15 avril 2013. URL : 129. Cyril Aslanov, “De latente Germaanse oorsprong van het Franse ‘combien’,” [“The latent Germanic origin of French combien”] Nederlandse Taal-, Vertaal- en Letterkunde, 10 (2013): pp. 97-106 [in Dutch]. = Cyril Aslanov, “Combien! vs. comme! : diachronie, diatopie, typologie,” [Combien! vs. comme!: diachrony, diatopy, typology] in Antoine Gautier & Thomas Verjans (eds.), Comme, comment, combien: concurrence et complémentarité, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2013, pp. 37-55 [in French]. 130. Cyril Aslanov, “Les adverbes de manière du latin aux langues romanes,” [The adverbs of manner from Latin to Romance Languages], Scolia - Revue de linguistique, 27 (2013): pp. 13-29 [in French]. 131. Cyril Aslanov, “Le rôle de la littérature dans la renaissance de la langue hébraïque,” [“The role of literature in the rebirth of Hebrew Language”] Perspectives: Revue de l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem, 20 (2013): pp. 59-79 [in French]. 132. Cyril Aslanov, “The Romance Component in Yiddish: A Reassessment,” Journal of Jewish Languages, 1, 2 (2013): pp. 261-273. 133. Cyril Aslanov, “Reassessing the Issue of Loanwords in Romanian Borrowed from Church Slavonic,” Palaeobulgarica/ Старо-българистика, XXXVII, 3 (2013): pp. 11-24. 134. Cyril Aslanov, “Was the Genesi de Scriptura by Guillem Serra Really Translated from Provençal?” Revue des études juives, 172, 3-4 (juillet-décembre 2013): pp. 323-336. 135. Cyril Aslanov, “Northwest Semitic Structural Influences on Archaic Greek: A Reassessment,” Judaica Petropolitana, 1 (2013): pp. 17-33. 136. Cyril Aslanov, “The shift [∫] > [s] in Lithuanian Yiddish and in the Lithuanian Tradition of Hebrew: A Tentative Explanation,” Karmilim — Le-heqer ha-lashon ha-‘ivrit u-leshonot semukhot [ha-‘ivrit ve-ahyoteiah], 10 (2014): pp. 45-54 [in Hebrew].

= Cyril Aslanov, “Литовский идиш с точки зрения ареальной лингвистики: о возможных балтизмах в этом диалекте,” [“Lithuanian Yiddish from the Perspective of Contact Linguistics: On Possible Baltic Influences in This Dialect”] in Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual International Conference on Jewish Studies, Moscow, Sefer, 2013, III, pp. 9-18 [in Russian]. 137. Cyril Aslanov, “The Elegy on the Troyes Martyrs: Literary and Linguistic Inquiry,” Massorot: Studies in Language Traditions and Jewish Languages, XVI-XVII (2014): pp. 69-86 [in Hebrew]. AUTRES PUBLICATIONS: 138. Cyril Aslanov, Pour comprendre la Bible: la leçon d’André Chouraqui [“Understanding the Bible: André Chouraqui’s contribution”]. Monaco, Éditions du Rocher, 1999, 216 pp. [in French]. 139. Cyril Aslanov, Parlons grec moderne [“Let’s speak Modern Greek”]. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2008, 296 pp. [in French].