Court drops district ·from Huntsmcm suit - City of Newport Beach


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Court drops district ·from Huntsmcm suit ~ I t I! '

•Law says state agencies can't be sued ~or money in federal court, but attorney for former Corona del Mar

r~c:eives so much money from the stdte, it is considered what they call an ann of the state,• said David Shores, Huntsman's attor­ney.

ubility to sue. 1 don't mind smng nted Hunts- possibility of his ovettummg U Z{'!O-t<Jlerance polit)', <:;overt saac the school d1stnct in two dilfemnt man only for

High s~udent plans to refile case. · pla~ . • 001se pollution Covert said the~ clu;trict v. •

s •ek, to /2 e:; any .damag t Huntsman brought about by h fl\' -day suspension from Coror Del Mur High School last ) ar

But the school district's attor- uut sent tHe ney, Spencer Covert, said if poh<.e report to

over his expulsion under the dis­trict's zero-tolerance policy. The lawswt seeks $10 million in dam­ages, $5 million from each agency

The disnussal was •without pre1udice," meaning Shores can refile the lawsuit, which Shores intends to do m both federal and state court.

Shorel> files in two courts, he the school di -

lbtf Pb would seek to force the CdSe hack tnct, wtuch

NEWPORT-MESA- A federal court has dropped the school dis­trict from Ryan Huntsman's law suit, a decision that will probably not end the legal wrangling between the distnct and the for­mer Corona del Mar High stu­dent

mto federal court. :.u pended <tnd '"We'll have to wad and S(

what .tha lawsuit ts gomg to the second time around,"' Co~ aul. aThe hrst tim i around, \\

•When he files m both courts, tned to lran,s-we will file in Supenor Court and fer lum

But on Jan. 26, the fedcraJ court dismissed the case against the school district, oting a 9th District Court niling protecting d state from being sued for money in federal court. The 'd1snusloal does not affect the lawsuit agrunsl Newport Beach and its Pohce Department.

Shores plans to file the mone­tary part of the lawswt against the school district m state court and the constitutional element -which seeks to overturn the dis­trict's controversial zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policy - in fed-

say 1t :,hould go back lo the feder. The dMnct s al court,• Covert said. ·vou Cdn't Ryan Huntsman dctiQns IPd lo a avoid the fedNal Judge by dis- senes of cou11

f Plt JI was defective " Cov •rt wouJdn t say wh ti

the <listnct wru> pleas••d w1lh ti led Ml court's action and wheU11

missing.• battl~. which until now have been

Last yl'ar Huntsman's attor­neys filed, a federal ovil rights lawswt against the school district and the city of Newport Beach

Last February, f luntsman was !>Olidly m HW'ltsmilll ':. favo1. stopped near tfis school for play- The distnct hd stood b~· its ing his car stereo too loudly. Upon policies and dN.is1on to usp,>nd

1t stren9U1ened the di."trict :-. Cil" against the ldwsull

-aecause a school d istrict

eral court. . MTius really mecms nothing,•

Shores said: Ml haven't lost any

stoppmg hun, police reportedly

1 Huntsman. .

found a mariJUdna pipe m his pos- The tact that J luntsman has session. The Police Department already graduule>d Plunmalc·o; the

•1•<1 be hedrten..-d if he [Show d1sm1s~ed the whole lowsull Covert ~ctid


SUverado Senior Uvtng Center AdmlnJstrator Lynda Grant, right, works with Alzheimer's patient Gordon Wheeler on hJs motor skills by using a screw and nut during Friday's activities <:lasses. ,,. .

Remembrance of things pas Silverado home for Alzheimer's

patients use innovative programs to help for those with disease


!kif Ab

C harlotte Hagstrom remembers being a young girl in Minnesota, picking strawbemes and raspberries in the

summer. , She remembers be ing thrown into the

waters of Lake MU1netonka by her two older sisters.

She remembers what it was like being a newlywed during the Great Depress1on, when her husband would struggle lo work at odd jobs JUSl to try to eke out a living.

But for all of Hagstrom's memories, the 83-year-old can't remember everything she did just a few hours ago or how long she'~ been living in the Silverado residential facil­ity for Alzheimcr'i; patients in Costa Mesa.

Sometimes she feels bewildered just at

bemg there. The founders and taff of Stlverado are

determined that despite the challenges Hag:;trom and other Alz.hcuner's pauents face. the residents at their facilities can continue to live meaningful and independent lives. • The first Silverado Seruor Livmg home in

Escondido hus en1oycd tremendous success. Tilirty residents the re became dble to walk after coming to the home non-dillbulatory, srud foundl'rs Loren Shook and Steve Wm­ner.

Nmeteen people began feeding them­selves or cdting with very little assistance after coming to th~· home. The use of psy­chotropic me-dicallons was also cut m hdli among·residents who came to Sllverado.

Now, Shook and Winner are trying to duplicate the results 10 Costa Mesa, the first of many expansions of the center across Cal­ifomia.

•w e want re.<;idents to do everything them­selves that they possibly can.• Winner said.

Residents at the faolity have the freedom to walk around or grab omething lo eat

whenever they want. They 90 on outingi. and work in the garden or activity workshop set up 10 one of the rooms.

They can chdl 10 the lea room or play with any one of the arumals at the facility. There are two dogs. two cats, and fl.Sh and bud:. throughout the home.

This we(!k, •thmk boxes" that have phones, doorbell'>, lights and pur.zlc.s on them are being installed on the walls. Staff members are also bl...'gmmng to put togelher "memory boxes,· which contum mementos from the residents' pasts such as pictures. awards or news dippmgs. The boxes go out· side of the residents' rooms tlS landmarks for resident'> to find theu way around, but they· also serve as gwal conversation tarters and help reinforce the re 1clents' tdcntitics.

The residents are c.llso e ncouraged to make their rooms as •homoy• as pos ibl by bringing personal furniture and decorations. A nursing .station will also be converted to a •country kitchen · to br ttk down physical


Board will discuss school facility needs INDEX • Arc:rutect will present overview of the project that will determine what campus repairs are necessary and how they should be paid for.

• H U61-lN M~HNt announced tonight i a dollar ~ llat amount for the fixei, SC'hool boclrd

menttiers said. NEWPOR'r·MESA The The district did its own survey of

Khool board will get a .long·aW8lt· needed structural upgrades twO ed glimpse into the months-long ~ ago, which identified S15 study of tl\e district's building m11lion ln unprovemenll. The latest needS tonight. study la far more extensive end

Fted Good, J)rlndpal OC PJHM coven l8Yeral lnduded Atd\ltecll Southwest. will prelent in the odglna1 study, such u mod· an overvWw ol the project that wW endzation and W.hnology. ·

the complete report.· . While the report was onginalJy

scheduled to come out in Scptem· ber, board mf'.mber M~a Fluor tud s~verat factors have con-

tributed to the delay. · ·1supenntenl:lent Robert) Bar·

bot came on lx>ard and wanted to be ap5rtse<,\. of everything," she said. • conc:em was that it wou d~ comprehensive enough and have all the input we need:

The board recently .hired politi· cal consultant Lany "'JNmutOla to help gauge the ~ ltlel­

about a bond-.. and to help

QASSllD ----··-------

SPCllS " If ......... ,, .. , ........... I .... I

WEAntEI ....... ..... S. .. I

Newport weighs options for land • Proposals for 1 ~3 acres next to libraty include senior housing, cnntral park and cullur c1l anrwx.

Co. Accor<tmg to the C'lly s c.igrP.t mcnt '"'lth the company, th~ lan can also he U":>ed tor seruor afforc abl • housino.

CouncJlman Tod R1dgew asked lhcit the N~wport Villa~ ~1tc be placed on the counn

fl :>..'Tfl RR NP agenda to re\'lsit the uiea of IXil\ ~ dtfordahle senior hou~mg CO\

plex, which was prophscd I NEWPORT BE \C.:11 - As ont• 1 Jrvme Co olf1cfob but loh

of the oty's lust p1Pces of open ~crapped space, the t3.c1c re plot ol land al Ric'l~eway reitercited hi (c-. the corner of Avocado Avenue mg thilt U and San M19ur.I Dnvt> ls quite a t ..... related dnrv, lund hot commodllv .JW .,.VI Ji hecau P

Add the tact that 1t 1s next to a ..._ S its prox1m mdJOr shoppmg c.·e>.nter. h19h-n e • "'lf'8 · to doctot offices and U1e Cential Ubrnry - olfices. ho1 and that 1l has Mhat many consid· pmg and otht'!r am!"mtlcs ..-- .LS er the bc:.t p.uhhc yiew m all of u t place m SouU1em Cahfom Newport Beach - and you end for eruor housmg up with many competmg mt rest "l J>"'r onally feel th15 I vymg for wl1dt thP.y "ee a th" could be de\•cloped w1th ev best use of the lttnd body's thouuht" and need

Representah\'CS ot those mter- mmd, • Ridgeway stud esti. came tO<Jclher Monday us Dul late3ast week Counolm the City Council d1scu sed lhe Tom Thomson pt.'i on th" sa.n ldnd - knov.'Tl <IS Newport Vi.I- ayf•nda his own idea for th Ian lage - that 1t dCCeptPd rt., open d Newport BPach CentraJ Park space lttst month from The ln•me PAGE

Meeting attracts too few Latinos • Only 2 showed up Saturday for planning fair on lhe future of the \Vest Side; '\Ve are a shy community,' one says.

t IJS Ga:

IXir Pio!

COSTA l\IESA - One rhal· lenge the city will fare in ll~ <'Oil· tinumg effort to < ome up ~1th a spcc11tc plan for thl' West Side will bt• to inc rnao;e mvolvcmPnt from tht• Latino c-ommumty.

Som<! re-.1dl'nts, mdut1111g Roi.emdrie Charo, expr ' cd d1 • appointment lhttl S 1turrlay's West Side Planning Fan dn>w about 100 rc..,1ctents hut only a handful of Launo . Charo said ~he would like to a more div ' group at futur 0 work hop nd me t· ings.

"It wa very up ttmg not to ee th H1spamc <X>mmumty


com Qut and theu \'1P

because there are many Hi pamcs that Uve on thi 51d , • a anoth r re ... 1dent, Eva Man ·unfortunatcl}, 1f th y don't com out and tell th u \.'1 w som bod) else IS going to nink U d a 1011' •

Mann had al o \'l>luntecn~ play h t to one of t'"o nc.1ghb ch logue twel weeks a o s Sparu:..h-speakU'lg n"'-.1den "' I 1

ht•r m" Ung wa~ cane h,•cau <' not enough p • p

qn •d up . t-. tnnn said he d n'l thu

tho lack of part1npolinn nm t hlam IXi Qn the citv.

ew-.Jelt "I:. and fi1Ct'S V. t'l print XI rn Sparu.;h and d1 trU uted at chools. ...aic) C) nth D' go ta of I · A O<.: ate D' Ago ta al o t lh 25 mcm hen; of U1 Mad · CoS1 Me on F b 3 m cm outr.}(!Ch meetinr

Sh said many of th concern


Ht) reaprad quit~ a hnrv "'t frotn Co ta 1 a land

._include: generai&.d findings, •He'll be loo~ -,or 10me ~ U8MGUigDlrk:ant DMd ad,!dJ~~--~--.abaUt wbal to do

.... fUDdlng Wll be available to nm.. Mid Kb6ol board ..,.,,,., pay far .. DMd9d ~· Jbn Pwlymlll, •• ...,.... that wllb-

Wbat II to be in a lhari period of time, we'D hew

.. .. .·

2 lvesdoy, February 9, 1999


Gay Was all-Kelly's thrt'e­year nu sion to 1etrieve, restore and reh n9 the vn;itage U·Drive Boat ign came to a celebratory

• CODllDUDI forum II OUI VllW

and other trash littenng the beach that she took matters mto her own hands - literally. Now 1:;he's tryulg to form a volunteer group to help her pick up the washed up debris: We applaud Parker's efforts. but we're sad the need exists,

grams of the drug.


· ·end Wassall-Kelly turned the w1tch on the neon sign dunng a ligh ting ceremony Wednesday. •1rs a rare day when a city. m preserving a bit of its history, recaptures a blt of its heart and soul as well." said David Milton. the Laguna Beach d.rtist who pamted the ortgmal sign. which tint appeared ii:t .Balbo~ in 1933.

DRUG lA8 OtSCOVEREO Authorities discovered - and

dismantled - a methampheta­mine lab that could have CTedled a ~er in its West Bay Street apartment neighborhood.. nhis' lab had the potential of bloWUlg up the entire apartnlent complex," said Costa Mesa police Lt. Ron .$InJth. Police arrested three peo­ple ln conpection with the lab and cohfistated between 15 arid 20

About 600,000 cubic: yards of !>ilt have been removed from th Back Blly, but it was dumped in the wrong place on the ocean floor~ about 2,000 ff.>et south of the approved target. The prot lem: a glitch m the navigation tern. The U.S. EnVU'Onmental Pr tection Agency is looking into matter to detennine whether th contractor should be fined. "On v~ simple level, it's like a s .mg ucket," said the agency's Bti Ross. "Maybe you didn't get mt an accident this time, but if noth mg else, you will be much more careful next time." ·


Newport Beach resi­

dent Cynthia Parker holds

Neighbors of Harbor Center are prepared to drop theu swt agamst the city of Costa Mesa • and ICI Development Co. if the City Counol approves a settle· ment agreement struck by the three pdrtles. DON LEACH I OAllY PILOT

The famous U-Dnve boat sign synonymous with the Fun Zone of the Balboa Penlnsula lights up

an empty bot· t:..::.i~._ Ue that washed

ashore near her 30th

Street home.

A LUCKY DOG the sky after months of refurbishing. · The future didn't look too

bright tor CtUly the Rottweiler -until she met veterinarian George I<atcherian. Carly arid her young pups had been abari· doned at the steps of the Orange

County Humane Society. The society had no problem finding new homes for the puppies . But it would have been forced to put Carly to sleep lf Katcheri6!1 had

not perfonned two hip surgeries free of charge.

"She had bad hips but an excellent disposition,·. Ka tcher­idn said ·



Cyntlua Parker grew so of seeing foam cups. plastic bottles



AnneXation talk not well-received In the story ·American Air­lines pilots call in sick~ in Monday's Daily Pilot, the num· her to call concerning the sta­tus of Amencan Airlines flights

was incorrect. The number is (800) 433-7300. m. THE ISSUE: The Newport Beach City Council is reviv­ing discussions about annexing Newport Coast.

We have lived in Newport Coast smce it begari m 1993 We do not want to

be part of Newport Beach (•City to revive Newport.Coast annexa­tion talk," Feb. 2). If we wanted to live in Newport Beach, that is where we would have bought a home.

pockets of Newport Beach. I will give you two reasons.

FU'St of all, we pay extr"mely high Mello-Roos taxes in New­port Coast. Newport Beach will not assist Newport Codst resi­dents with this charge. As you know, Mello-Roos taxes arc for parks, schools and improvements to the commuruty. lf we are annexed, Newport Beach can open up our parks to anyone. The parks could be reserved by anyone. which would mean that Newport Coast re:;idents could not even use the very parks that we have paid for.

Also, Ji an extreme situabon wotlld occur. I have been told by our Shenlf's Departme nt and Fire Department that Newport Beach would have to respond anyway. So anything that would go above and beyond what Newport Coast can handle would be handled by Newport Beach anyway, regard­less of whether we are annexed or not

port Beach's best mterest to, m effect, be bypassed in the prelim­manes of deciding what goe where.

Secondly, traffic and the avau­ability of water are likely to require solutions of gredter scope thari m the past. Consider Boruta Village. not even on the crust, one development Wlth almost 1,400 homes and hundreds of apartment units. It may be argued that development would occur in dJly event, but Newport Beach doesn't have to encourage it Wlth d question of annexation

It is the Pilot's poli~· to promptly correct all errors ot substance. Call (949) 574-4268


PRESIDENT BW Clinton, (D), The White House, 1600 Pennsylvarua Ave .• Washington, D.C ., 20500. Hotline (6 a .m. to 2 p.m.) (202} 456-1 111.

D.C., 20510, (202) 224-3841 ; or 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angeles 90025, (310) 914-7300.

vtC£ PRESIDENT Leave us alone We want our

own community. Newport Coast is a community in its own right. We don't want to be annexed to Newport Beach.

Certainly Newport Beach wants our money. Newport Beach has yet to give me or any­one a valid and desirable reason for giving them such a huge. gift PAUL RYCKOFF Al Gore, (D), The Capitol

Building, Suite 212, Washing­ton, D.C ., 20500.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIYES • Chris Cox, (R), 47th District, 1 Newport Place, Swte 420, Newport Beach 92660, (714) 756-22441 or 2402 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C., 20515, (202) 225-5611. {Repre­sents mast of Neww.rt Beach.) • Dana Ront6becherH1lJ,.t5tb Dtstrlct. 101 Main St •• Suite ac. Huntington Beacll 92648, (71<4) 960-6483: or 1027 Longworth Building, Washington, D.C .. (202) 225-2·'15. (Represents Costa Mesa and West Newport Beach).

PAM LEARY Newport Coast


I am totally against annexa­tion with Newport Beach.

Secondly, Newport Beach tried to sway our opinion by stat­ing they would provide better police and fue protection, which is bunk. I hdve spoken to many ne1ghbors, a.nd they all agree that our protection i!. excellent. I personally had an experience where an emergency call was made to the Sheriff's Depart­ment. The response was withlJl minutes, and the situation was handled with veir high profes-

I am JUSt calling to say that I do not tlunk it is a good idea to take up the Newport COdst annexation Perhaps it is OK to discuss it, but I sure don't favor doing it.

I am calling about your article about City Council talk of New­port Coast annexation. I feel that is a sen ous mistake.

I am a 12-year resident of Newport Beach and feel that annexation simply dilutes the quality of the city in which we live. I .fail to see any advantage to the city or its residents in the annexation.

U.~ SENATORS •Barbara BOarer, (D), 112 Hart Senate Building, Swte t 12, Washington, D.C., 20510, (202) 22.C-3553; or 22.50 E. Jmpetjal Highway, Suite 545, El Segun­do 9024'5, (310) 414-5700. • Dianne Feinstein, (D), 331 Hart Building, Washington..

My list is very long to support· my strong belief that Uus will !lOt be beneficial for Newport Coast residents . It would only pdd the

It seems there is a pattern on deSJgrung development, then try· ing to get annexation through later I am not sure if it is in New- RICHARD LITTLE


Locals give thumbs down to Bad Ass Coffee ~o. THE ISSUE: Many say they find the company's name offensive.

J have lived m this area smce 1952. This new coffeehouse going in with that name is JUSt terrtble. It is just another way of them chippmg away at om morals. I am just surprised that the City Council

I am responclmg to the article regarchng the name Bad Ass Coffee tor Balboa Island ( •wi.lJ new coffeehouse leave

'em stearrung?" Feb. 4). That is disgust­ing.

approved them. · STACEY MORGAN

I live m Cost.a Mesa. I am on the island for my walh a couple of tunes a day, and to see the name Bad Ass Coffee, I would not go m the coffeehouse, which l love I would end up gomg into Starbucks.

Bad Ass Coffee Co. LS a temble name JOHN ZJNSMEYER

' Udo Island

Maybe some of the islanders won't like it, but I live in Costa Mesa. J think it is pretty cool. And it depends on the logo or the design they use for their sign and all that. A picture with a btg old donkey Wlth motorcycle gear on or something, that is not as bad as USU1Q some woman or what­ever.

So my feelings are it is disguSting. and I would not like to see it


I am calhng about the coffeehouse that is opening on Balboa Island. l for one cer­ would not go m there It is 1ust a tragedy that we are at this level. But then I guess the president has shown us the way.

l wish them luck. They can always change it to BA's coffeehouse - for bad attitude or something like that.

" VOL 93, ,tfC). 33

THOMAS H. JOtWSON, Publishef WllUAM LOIDB.L Editor STWVIMuat. MaN9ing Cdrtor TlNA 80llGATTA, Assistant Managtng Editor AHASTAOA N MACi. City ldftor SftWIAMES. N1W5 Editor --CMUOfl Spor1I Editor MMCMM'llN. Photo Editor LYMll llOIA.

=:~ a-lfltd Adwtthing LNMJOtMM. Promotions ..... 100 ..... Otlef Rnlndel Offtc.;


NANCY PENN Newport Beach

J am a 30-year resident on Balboa Island. I dJD calling in regards to the Bad

READERS t:fOTUNE ~stories, Illustrations, edrto-(949) 642-6086 n.I rn1tt~r Of ~u

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I ....

Delly PloC. P.O. 10a 151Q. C.. Mese..CA..-.~No

Ass Coffee Co. going m where the Diedrichs was. It is too bad that we have such a nice area here and that we are subjected to places like this. The name is inappropnate for our area, and I really think we could have better businesses invited or accepted on the island.

There are plenty of other places to ti.ave busmesses like, but this would start a bad trend on Manne Avenue. We have a ruce community, arid let's keep it that way

JEFF HOUSTON Balboa Island

Balboa Island has a reputation of a clean towist attracbon that residents take pride in. Passing pedestnans would not ~ aware of the history of the donkey They would only be aware of the smutty-sounding name. Why tarnish and diminish the pnde we take in our lovely BalbOa Island?


I am deeply sorry to learn from the Daily Pilot about the new coffeehouse


Ta.IMlUMS l1DU Balboa TODAY 59142 Corona del Mar

First low

59143 11·4la.m ....... 1.1

Costa Mesa First high 60{42 a.59 a .m .•••••.. 43 Newport Beach Second low 59142 10:16 p.m ••••... 2 4 Newport Coast 60.'43

Second high 6:15 pm ........ 2.9

.. PCmCAST LOCATION SIZE ~y w.dgl ..••..• 2-6 w fir. low N9wpor1 ••••• .2-4 w 12:29 pm .•.••.• 0.6 lledde .•.••. .2-4w ltlYer Jltty .•.• .2·5 w Ftnt high

4 S6 am ••••••• • .5 c.cN ..••• • ••. 2..-w Second low ..... 11:22 p.m ....... 2 4

Momlng wtro out St<ond~ of the MJUtl to 7:0S p.m •••••••• 3.1 12 ltnob becon•ig

"""° ... iMiiii knotl~the--·


Wlth the offenswe name. Balboa Island lS a channing, family-<m­

ented community. I hope the new owners will reconsider

and chdJlge their name. Otherwise, r will charige my habit of stopping there for breakfast after my morning walk, and will patroruze another restaurant - one that cares about its neighbors.

DALE MCCOY Newport Beach

in reference to the Bad Ass Coffee, 1 think that is a homble name.

I go down to Balboi. Island to use lhelT post office. I would just not go into that coffeehouse with that name with my kids - you know, spelling and all that. They could easily spell out. and I don't want them talkmg like that. And Jam !!lightly offended.

TAMMY WATSON Newport Heights

When 1 first beard about the name sev· eral weeks ago, I felt exactly as this article says - that it is not going to fly m this very conservative town, not oty.

It may fly m a city Uk~ SaJt Lake City, which may be conservative as a aty, but there are people m there besides the con servatives. And it tS a large aty. This is a very small town .

I think there are a lot of people down on th.lS lSland that are gomg lo ob1ect to that name.

l don't know if they cari change it or what. but I don't think it is gomg to be good for bu.<;mess.

l would Wee to express <1Il opinion about the new coffee company that is antiapating amvmg on Balboa Island, and I am voting definitely against them.


I live just a few bloc.ks from Balboa Island. nus is a very inappropnate name ror a wonderful, family-oriented place such as Balboa ,

Please. do not do this. MAGGlENOVA

Newport Bed


We Nw a westerly

swell hotdlng through the mom-mg f« walst·to shoufder-high sets. Those at the potnts and Mis should go hNd high. west-fee· Ing bffches such M

Huntington INch wltl Mo ,.. bigger

MU. The 9Wetl dtcrNMSbr Wldl..-,. ShoWln .. ~br todey. WIMr vWbilt-'1 end condttionl .. poOr. wtt1d5 ..... ---... ~ the Wiit. n. tun

lltlM S:JO ......


• Goff CCMne Drive· A set of ~f clubs won.h $3,605 was stot~ In the 1700 block at about 3;15 p.m. Feb. 3. • lowll Str.t: A car stereo and r~•r detector worth $512 were stolen in the 1600 bloctt during the evening of Feb. 2 • ...... ope c.ourt A brlefcaM, leatMr jacket fod c~lutar phone worth Sl,916 W9t'e stolen from a car in the 2000 blOdc. • New,.cwt ~-: A washer and dryer worth S 1,600 wtte

stolen from • storage unit between Nov. 4 and Feb 3 • • llocheleell StrMt; A lawn mower and .sever.i antiques Wof1h S750 were stoi.n-cturlng the night of Jen 27 •

.... ORT.uat • Mae ... .-. ... : A c.eeui.r phone .net al lteNo wont'! S7SO W1t9 stolen In the 500 btodc betw'ten Feb. 1.netF«). 4. .............. DIM; An~ motor worth $2.000 w. stolef\ In the IOO bloCk a.t\w•10.C.21.netJin.2. •Ne qaert~~Amr~.nd""-GDI:,._. dtla worth U70 WWW stollrt In the IOO block .,..,,,.. I J:JO a.m • .net 11 :JO p.m. r.b. 6.

•~ .... - ...... •Adlefnoud studd1.-.. .. 1st •• • r worth SZ.070 _. ....,_ "°"' ..... dUrlng ........ Of Jin. JS.

Doily Pilot. Tu sday, Februory 9, 1999 3

How hard is it tO try a-sensational ~ase? You be the judge U sually, 1>< &{lg a judge is

great, In court, the attor­neys and parties tend lo

lawn over you because each side wants you to rule in his or her fctvor. However, once in a while, you get a hot-potato case in which whatevPr ruling you make you are going to catch hell from the public.

In this county, the reaction ugainst an unpopular decision seems to be dn effort to recall the Judge. However, before anyone· decides to bec:omc involved m a wcall against a judge for .making

.an unpopular dechion, let's take • ~ hot-potato case I trieq a long : tune ago. l 'U tell you the facts,

you ma!<e your dens1on, then test 1t against the decision I actu· ally made. In other words, you be the Judge ..

Before· the present freeway sy-.;tem, the tuqhway between Sdnla Ana and Capistrano was a


robert gordner

•narrow, two-lane road that mecm­dered over tile hills of the Jrvine, Moulton and Santa Margarita ranches. •

Early one morrung, a man was drtving south on that road toward San Clemente, where he was going to do some early morning

fishing from the pier, As he approached the crest of the hill, he came upon a slow-moving truck.

As we all know, you are not supposed to pass a car when approaching the crest ol a hill becaw e you can't see oncoming traffic. Thi! man did. He swerved out to pass the truck, and just as he hit the crest of the hill, oe came head-on with a car contain­ing four young people who were coming home from a party. There was a simply awful crasfi. All four of the young people were killed. M11aculously. the man tn the other car didn't have a ' • scratch. . 'I)e man pleaded guilty to. four counts of what was then called negligent homkide. Now comes the sticky part. You, a10 the Judge, must sentence him with the whole world, or at least all of Orange County, awaiting your decision.

At flrst blush, 1t is easy. •stop carnage on the highway! four young lives snuffed out! •

Headlines like that call for the strongest sentence pos ible, don't they? Let's throw Ule book at him. Consecutive ~entences of 10 years each adds up to 40 years. This. careless driver· deserves it.

But wait just a darn minute. What about this guy you are about to send to prison with all those murderers, robbers, gang-, sters and child moleste1s?

This man has led an exem­plary life. He has never·had as much as a traffic ticket. He is happily married, tile· father of two girls, 12 dnd 14 years old. He and 1us wife are active in their church and in community affairs He is just about the best person who has ever come

.before you. Are you going to destroy this family, make their ·

' husband and father a convicH AU for on econd of careJP.s:,n s?

Maybe you ought to think about prob6tion. You ·can't restore the lives of those young ee<>Plc. You ccn d troy Uus farrilly. 0f course, you may lose yow )Ob. 1ltl.nk 1t over, but before :I tell vou what I did, I want to tell vou about a book wntten many yeirs dgo titled "Th~ Lady or the Tiycr."

In this book, there wa:. a nice young man and a nice.young woman who were m love. Untor­turidtely, there wa an evil kmg who lu:.tcd for the young gul. Befng ~ king, all he had to do was lop the young man's ·

· off, but being a sport, d s~d1stic sport, he came up with another so(ution to the problem.

The kmg had the young man brought before him. The king at on lhil> throne and ge:.1ured across the room. On the opposite wall were two identical doors .

The king aid, "Behind on of those doors ls the young woman we both love. Bt>Jtlnd the other iS a hl:mgry, man .. eatiny tiger. You walk cross there ttnd open ·a door. Own Uie nght on , ond you get th gul o~ lh other, and you are a tiger'. breakf a~1 "

The ltast entcnce in the book " reads • tHlQ thA young mau walked aero the room and opened a ctoor .... The boo • $topped thl"'rn. lt dtO\ e ih public crazy. but the dUthor never fm· 1shed the boOk • Anci so, oolhg someUUng ot a

. sadtSt my elf, l 'U never tell you wh~1l I did in our case. Just remember this stmy the next tim~ you ccond-guess a judge on il hot-potato case

• ROBERT GARONER IS a retired Judge and a r~1dent of Corona del Mar. His . column ruru Tuesda~

Dunes pyrotechnics cause fifeworks with neighbors BRIEFLY

• Police receive about 100 cdlls on private event; resort decides to cancel private parties where fireworks are used.

An unannounced, power-packed fireworks show at Newport Dune~ Re-.ort on Sunday night std.rt.led dOd d.Jlgered some res1-rlents, prompting the hotel's man­agement to cancel future private parties where pyrotechnics are

used · Newport Beach police received about 100 from Back Bdy res­idents who were wondering what the commotion was about. The fireworks show began at about 9;45 p .m. and lasted for 10 to 15 minutes. Those who live nearby were treated to the luminous dis· play, but others who couldn't see the show thought gunfire or a bomb had been detonated. ·

Pamela Miller, who lives in lrvine Terrace, didn't mind the mid-everung disturbance.

·r thought 1t was a machine gun at first." she said, ·r went outside and saw this glorious firewor~

show. It was <1b~olutely incred.tble. I have never seen anything like it before.•

Miller was in the minority, because most people objected to the show.

Dunes General Manager Tun Quinn saJd the fireworks were part o{ a birthday party for d Newport Beach resident whose name he didn't reveal. People may have been infuriated because the mun· her of shellc; used in Sunday's spe­cial event was higher than the hotel's annual Fourth of July show, which is 15 minutes longer, he added

Quinn said he received about 20

calls Moodily morrung, most of which weren't favorable . The resort usually IS host to six func­tions where pyrotechnics are used every year But Quinn said the hotel Will abandon those future parties Wlth the exception or the Fowth of July celebration.

·we aren't going to do any more of those shows out of concern to the surrounding communities,• he said. • U there was a way to notify the public p!'lor to the event we would We 1:.: .. t don't want to upset the public."

The hotel had the appropriate notSe and special event pemuts from the city for the party.

7 flights canceled at John Wayne Airport

A labor dispute at American Airlines caused another round of canceled flights Monday, including a handful at John Wayne AilJ>Orl

Seven flights from Orange County to Dallas·F~rt Worth and Chicago were scratched from the daily schedulo because pilots retuse to work during consolidation efforts with Reno Air. American bought Reno Air m November,

and nmon members olalm Reno Air pilots' alanes an:! hC1lf of the1I < ounterparu.

Amrmcun pokcsman Tim Smitil sa1d mo1E1than360 flights ndtionw1dc ~ere canceled Monday, about 120 more than the previous day. The aulinc averages more than 2,250 mter­nabonal and dpmestic flights each day.

"Mo t of our rank and tile are still doing thrur Job,.. Smith said. "We remlllll. optimiStic that this dispute can be rcsoJv:ed qu1Ckly.•

Eileen Seibe~t, M.D. B11,uJ (\•rtifieJ, lnlt:rnal Mcdt\.:IJH.'

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4 T r.doy, Fobruory 9, 1999


ccused molester befriended victim's father, police ~ay • Stlvao Perrella allegedly duped 2 young girls into pldying lewd games in Costa Mesa home while the unaware parent was there.

G~c RMJ!I; .

!Qt( lilt

NEWPORT BEA Cl f - Police cl}' <1 suo;pccted mole~ter who

bekitmcfed the father or one of two 1 li.yenr-old girls he 5ub equently funclh!:<J duped the children into pldymg lewd games.

Police were bght-lipped Mon­day <1hout thr> of the alleged 111olcstdtlon of the two Costa Mesa 1J1rls, cxplclJJUng thdt they plan to u1teniww more children .

SllVlo Mic:h1:wl Perrella. 47, of N'•wport Bedch was arrested Fri­ddy ctnd chcuged with two counts 1·.ic h of kidndppmg with the intent to rnolc.-.t and lewd and lascivious rH1 . .., I fc: l'> being held in lieu of $250,00() b.ul I hs arrctigrunent is ~chNluled for today. ·

PNtcl1d w portcdly risked being 'trnqht by the fo thE>r of one of the vu hrn-,, who w& tt l hls Costa Mesa honw when Perrclld visited Jan. '!II. l'cm•Ua told the two gt.rls he m>e<led to go back lo hi.£ Edstbluff < ond"minium dild retrieve some­hing for the dad . •

M The quls. were reluctant to go,~ \

~· Mike McDonough said. "They ' had a bad feeling about him."

Perrella allegedly played •touch-and-feel" games with the two girls inside the father's home before Jeavmg. Police said the father wasn't aware of. Perrella's actions, even though he Wai at home.

The suspect then put hUi arms around the two victuru; and escort­ed them to his car. When they amved at the condomimwn, the girls went through another senes of games in which Perrella groped ~ern; police said . Police wouldn't confirm whether the inodent esca­~ted from the fondling. · But evidence found by police who served a SCMch warrant at Perrella's home corroborated stdte­ments by the victims, McDonough said. Poli~e learned about the molestations after one of thf' vic­tiins told her parents.

Police want to question fnentls of Perrella, who works at Whiting Turner Consulting m Irvine.

"With the nature of this offense, we don't want to rule out any poss1bility," McDonough said.

Baby boy saved from crash dies 8 months later



NEWPORT HEACI I - The 8-month-old i.on of a Santa Ana wrnrum who WdS killed Ul a traffic <.11 n clPnt on Balboa Boulevard in Mdy dH'Cl Sund<.1y.

Kenclnrk u•<• died from cxtend-1 ·d complic:ations from the May 19 cl( dctent. The boy was still in the \\.omb of Lynth Lee, 24, who was kW1~J m d two-rttr crash at 28th Strt>f•l ilnd Balbod

Newport Bedch resident Steve l·1•llncr was the hrst to amvc at the a< c 1clPnt ~~ne. Fellner WdS study­Im J to he a brehghter and used lus lr<1mmg to sldbilize the pregnant womttn whilf• pdra.mectics were en rotJIP

Doctors performP.d an emer­y •ncy Cc1e'><!rPan . ecbon to save U•<· baby ~hortJy after the acadent.

The infant was listed m cnllcal condition for several months at Hoag Hospital before bemg moved to Children's Hospital of Orange County. Before he died, Kendrick was hooked up to a ventilator c11ld bad poewnonia. AD auloJ>l>')' con­ducted by the Orange County Coroner's Department showc.'CI the boy died from crash-reldted com­plicabons.

"There was intrnutcnne trdwna that contributed to the child's death," said Deputy Coroner Cullen Ellingsburgh. "TherP were many problems that were delayed effects from the acadcnt "

Lee's father, Chea Mao, 26, of Santa Aila was also m the Toyota Corolla that was crushed by a Chevrolet Suburbdn. Lee was attempting to cross the busy inter­section when the Suburban hit the smaller car.


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Education Committee . J:30 Q.m. - Chamber office

&«11tlw Commltt« 7:30 am - Chamber office

Ndwor"en Leads Luncheon Group 11 :45 a.m. - 1 p.m. Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Course Drive

Boord of Dlruton 11 :45 a.m. Mesa Verde Country Club 3000 Club House Road

.tmbassador Committee Noon - Chamber office

W ..... .,~ fell. 17 Legislative Commltl« Noon - Chamber office

,. .. ..,, Fell. 18 90-Mfnule Brea"fast Boon 7 8:45 a.m. Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Course Drive

W ••laJ, hit. 24 Aftu Hours Business Mlxu 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Avila's El Ranchito 2101 Placentia


The Costa Mes. and Newport H•rbor ArH Chambers of Commerce are pleased to be the honorary chairs for the 26th Annual Rom•n feast Ir Charity Auction presented by the Youth Employment Service (YES) of the Harbor Area The event will be held at the Costa Mesa Community Center from 5 - 9 p m. on Tuesday, March 3, 1999 Music and entertainment will be provided by the harbor area's best known entertainer, Jim Roberts.

This year's event salutes the business community and YES employers who have been helping thousands of local youths find employment since 1970 The Chamber encourages support of this fundraising event which helps YES to continue to bring together youth oriented programs and act1v1ties which increase the employability and quality of hfe of local young people. Limited seating. Make your reservations by Feb. 12

For more Information, coll YES at 949/ 642-8306.

Y2K GUIDANCE AVAILABLE ON VIDEOTAPE A videotape produced by the United States Chamber of Commerce in

collaboration with the American Bankers Association will assist you to gain valuable information on the Y2K issue. From all reports, the Year 2000 or Y2K presents one of the biggest technology challenges we face. As you know, the major concern with Y2K is that many computer systems that have a two number dating system automatically assume the first two numbers will be 1 and 9. Unless those systems are reprogrammed, the system will recognize 00 not as 2000, but 1900 This has the potential to cause computers to shut down or malfunction The 20 minute tape entitled "Your Business, Your Bank & the Year 2000," outlines the Y2K challenge and offers suggestions on developing a Y2K plan.

To ordtr o copy of tht videotape coll tht Amtrlcon Bonkers Association at (800) 338-0626. The ~otologut number of this tape Is #029000. Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce members con order the to~ at the discounted cost of S49.9.S due to our membership In the U.S. Chamber.


(The following article appeared in the Saturday, Dec 12 edition of the Doily Pilot.)

I am now in my seventh year at the Costa Me:.a Chamber of Commerce and during that entire time I have wondered when the community would have the good fortune to see Harbor Center redeveloped. Even farther back than that the demjse of this once prosperous shopping center had become an obvious concern and eyesore to many m Costa Mesa. Over the years the occupancy rate in Harbor Center had decreased along with its overall appearance and upkeep. It had become a blighted center and a negative on the \urrounding neighborhoods and businesses.

Each time an interest was expressed in buying and redeveloping Harbor Center one could sense the excitement and anticipation among the remaining tenants and throughout the community. Everyone wanted to see it improved. Each previous attempt at redevelopment fa iled because of the many problems that stood in the way, the least of which were the run down buildings and obsolete layout. Probably the highest hurdle was acquiring the property from several absentee owners who could care less abput the quality of life in Costa Mesa. This killed every project proposal ... untll Scott Bell and ICI Development displayed the staying power to outlast the former owners, become the first single owner of the entire property In ~O years and submit a development plan that met or exceeded every City planning requirement. The final proposal Included more than SO additional measures intended to make the project as neighborhood­friendly as possible. Many of these exceeded city ordinance requirements and were suggested by ICI to meet the concerns of neighbors. Measures include strictly enforced hours of truck dehvery and not allowing trucks to idle While unloading, a 20-foot lan<tscaped berm between two sound walls between the project and single family residences, walhng off the Wake access in order to reduce traffic Impact on residential streets, as well as central air conditioning and dual pane windows on the project side of those single famlly hOmes contiguous to Harbor Center. • The Harb6r Center.project received overwhelming approval from the Planning Staff, Planning Commission and even the City Council. Completion of the project will reverse the demise of this property, Increase the tax revenue to the City by an estimated S 1 mWoo annually, encourige traffic flow (lost with the SS Frt"eway extension) to the benefit of other -t businesses along Hart>Or Boulevard and once again serve the needs of Costa Mesa residents .. . unless a very ~ lndMduals stop It In court beause they want to control what tenants occupy this center 1nd how It Is conflguNd.

If the ~ moves fOrNard In the courts, It does not just 1ttlldt the rtdfwtopment of Harbor Center, It potentially brings to 1 hilt the lfnprowment In this central p.rt ol the city. It wllf mean ttltt 1 ~ lndMduMS can hold hostage any lmprcMmentS to thl qu1llty of th In Costa Mm. If me. feW lndMdulls n Ible to do this, ~ can kiss good­•.., hope of~~ My tlgnlftcn ..,.,apnent on the Wiit ti or ln)'WhM else Jn .Cost4 Mesa .



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DECEMBER NEW MEMBERS Borders Books and Music

. Cheryl Prue~t 1890 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949/631-8661 voice

Executive Management Consortium Dan Cairo 3150 Bristol Street, Ste. 170 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/438-7270 voice 714/4 38-7291 fax

Fadlltles Resource Group Paula Cardello 2302 Martin, Ste. 150 Irvine, CA 92612 949/253-6678 voice 949/253-6679 fax

Global Expressions Mara Schteinschraber 2915 Redhill Avenue, Ste. G104 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/540-9777 volte 714/540-9888 fax

Shipping Connection Kenneth l. Rosser 11 75 Baker Street, 0-13 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/546-7306 voice 714/546-7736-fax

The Lease Outlet John Cotcher 1545 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949/574-8484 voice

Mary Kay Cosmetks Anna Beurrier . 2690 N. Berkeley Street

• Orange, CA 92865 714/685-057S

Amie• Mutual 'Insurance Company Robert W. McGirr 3200 Park Center Drive, Ste. 300 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/444-1144 voice

Independent Mortgage Company Robert Slater 1 700 Adams Avenue, Ste. 217 Costa Mesa, CA 714/641-8970 voice 714/641-8983 fax

Karen Krlmsky Specialty Design Karen Krimsky 247 Knox Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949/515-2788 voice

PageMart Wlreleu Tracy Rhodes 765 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868 800/564-1057 voice 714/740-1228 fax

Printer Cartridge Xchange Teddy Lou Call 1700 Adams Avenue, Ste. 212 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 71 4/432-9009 voice 71 4/432-9701 fax

Shop Costa ~esa Chamber

members first

When you shop Costa Mesa

Chamber member for various producb and services, you are

supporting a business that, lilce you, believes m promoting busines ·

our community and utilizfug the power of Chamber membership t

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remember to tell them, " the chamber referred me."

for easy referrals, call Clara Wt lies at tire Chamber office Monday -Thursday, 10 a.m .- 4 p.m. at 714/885-9090.

John ~ry, Ph.D. Stress Management



... '

. . ... . .. . .... ~

Doily PiJot T uesdoy, February 9, i 999 5

Newport joins pro-aiq)ort group Chihuahua dies after. air bag activated in crash A 74-ye r·old Huntington

Be d1 man l5 mounting lh loss of tus l>cst friend ofter an rur bag killed his 4·pound <..~1huahUb dur­ing a trnfflc colbs1on IJl Newport Beach.on Monday,

Trafhc anve Ugahns believe Heir's car was going '1ust below th posted 55 mph limit when he hit the Jeep Heir's 3·year-old dog, Cha Cha, wdS seated m a box [n lhe front passeng r ~t wh ~n the accident occuncd. The dog was thrown lnto a pa nger-:Side au bcsg and i.uffered blunt force tr<$u· ma. Clia Cha was pronounced dead at the ::.c"ne,

b10tlS and rcleas<!d Ghasemifaz ii w (tlso taken to Hoag and treated for nunor izlJun .

}1Mlll IV.ct AM>


NEWPORT BEACH - City leaders Monday night fonnally became part of the Orange Coun­ty Airport Alliance, a new group intended to coordinate and enhance existing e fforts to fight for a commercial airport at the El Toro Manne base.

Mayor Dennis O'Ne1i was appointed to represent the city on the alliance board of dircctolb . ·Ne~rt·s deputy ctty manag­er, Peggy Ducey, along with a team of paid consultants last year began working with elected off~- · cials in north and central Orange County to bring them together. She swd the pro-airport effort


barriers between staff and resi­dents and to provide residents with another casual dining area.

Carolyn Ki.rby said she has seen a big change in her hus­band, Rrank, since Silverado has been caring for hlm.

Sometimes it was a struggle to even get him to sit down and eat.

"It w as really going downhill,


With the help of local enwon­mentalists and oty staff, Thomson came up with a rough sketch of the passive park, which would include about 800 feet of untouched open space south of San Miguel Dnve and about 560 feet of a bluff-top park for picrucs and sunset vtewmg.

The plan also calls for about 100 extra library parklng space!> and a Greek-style stone umphitheater and lecture pit

"I think we'd be well-serveCl to take this section of land and pre­serve it for perpetwty," Thomson said. "It would be a wonderful spot to fly a kite or have a picnic with your family."

Thomson's idea got d lot of support from open-c;pace advo· cates. · "My appeal 1S that we look at open space as a necessity,• S&d perunsula rei.ident John Beatty. ·nus parttcular spot 1S ureplace-

needed a unif 1ed voice and a broad-based - and therefore more credible - support group.

City Council members last month agreed the allianc:o was the right direction to take asked that a resolution outlining the group's purpose and goals be brought back for approval.

The resolution calls for the alliance to distribute accurate information about the benefits of an airport, to recruit members who have not yet played an active role in. the process and to comple­ment the efforts of other pro-air· port groups

. Council members also said they were willing to contribute money and staff time to the group, as long as other alliance

and 1 really didn't know what was gomg to happen, .. Kirby said.

There are more activities for Frank, who was once relegated to eating and sleepmg.

"He's speaking to people now," Kirby said.

Every once in a while Frank will even smile and wink, reveal­ing the jokester be once was, Kir­by added.

David Zamow said he is seeing dramatic changes as well, and not Just in his mother, Pearl, who has begun using a walker instead of a

abJe." H. Ross Millet, spealang on

behal! of Fnends of the OASIS Seruor Center, said tbere are sev­eral hundred seniors m the oty who are in need of more afford­able places to live, especially as rents continue to climb in Orange County.

•we don't feel that this site, sandwiched in between MacArthur Boulevard and San Miguel Dnve, is suitable for a tranquil park, • he said.

Jim Wood, president of the library board of trustees, spoke on behal! of yet another group inter­ested in the property. An exploratory committee is looking a t the possibility of a cultural annex that could house a mucb­needed auchtorium, small gallery and reception hall.

•we only got this land two weeks ago and already we have all these people interested in it.• Councilman John Noyes said. ·1 assure you we will leave the property alone until we decide what is the best use.•

members make the same commit­ments.

In other action, the council: • Postp<:>ned for the second

time appointments to the two vacant Planning Commission seats because Councilwoman Jan Dehay was absent, The action has been rescheduled to Feb. 22.

• Canceled the Feb. 16 meet­ing where the council was going to finally make d decision on tem­porary traffic measwes at Bison Avenue and Jamboree Road . Because he cowdn't attend the special .meeting , Councilman Gary Adams said he will request the issue be beard at a regular City Council meeting sometime l1l the next two months.

wheelchair. He has seen other residents

begin to walk or break out mto operatic renditions of Andrew Lloyd Webber songs.

Zcllnow's children, who were reluctant to VlSit theu grandmoth­er before. stop by now,~ter soc­cer practices.

•Tuey thought it smelled hke a hospital," Zamow said of the pre­Vious facility. #The kids like to come over now."

Jacob He>.u was driving nortl1-bound on MacArthur Boulevard ttt· about 12. to p.m. wh"n he a 1992 black Jeep Wrangler driven by' Ellie Ghasem1fazeh, 18, of Irvine, who WdS westbound on Bonitd C'dnyon Dnve, police satd.


raised at that meeting were SUlll·

lar to concerns ruiscd dunng Sat­. urday's workshop. She also rec­ognized the need to include all segmenb or the community.

• 1t didn't express thP. diversity we know b here." D' Agosta said of Saturday's workshop.

Consultants and city planners will work together on ideas for outredch.

•Tue City Counnl has asked for staff dnd EIP to rtiach out and take our show on thP. rodd, so to speak," Counolwoman Libby Cowan said.

Although outreJch efforts will be made, most .agree the ideal sit-

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l leir was taken to Hoag Hospi­tal. where he was ltedted for aurd·

Readling out?

What art'~ me.s· sores that could be taken I to get the Latino c0mmu-nlt.Y ~re involved In the West Side revitahz.t10n plan? Call our Readen Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send en e-mail to • Give your hometown and phone num· ber (for ~nficat1on purposes only) and \l)ell your full name.

uation would be to have commu­mty members attend the same meetings.

'We are one city, w~ nel'd to come togethet," Murin · aid .

Leticia I Iermdnn spoke dunng Saturday's meeting to offer insight o.n why other Lc1tino .res1-


Occupation: Real l \t:arc Agent and ;a proud mom Why did you join Shape. Up? lo gcr fit llc nay ht .ii ti 1' I )ud f ricrnh th.u Wl'rc member\ ~ m:ommcndcJ I join. Goals: BcsiJo tt.ayint; fir, I w.inr ro be hc.ut hcahhy and a5 ~tre"M free as l can. Exec~ rally helps control the~ in life.

"It's unp<>rtant for people lo keep their pets ln the back seat they don't mterfere with someone dnV10g ability," . said N A.lliil .... Be ch police Sgt. Mike M r· mott "That ltir bag ts going ~oout 100 mph and can hurt somebody 0r someUUng senously if they aren't . properly Stiated,"

- Greg Risling

dents were not parUcipating. "We ar~ a shy C<?mmunity, •

swd Hermann, who apolQg1zed f~r her English, :·

Hennann said she knew from hE>J own expenenc;e the fear of speaking something olhor than her native language.

"I feel shy to be here but .it's unportant to be here,• Hermann said. "lam part of lhe community."

A second workshop is sched· uled tor.late March. Written com­ments on the strengths, weak­nesses and \'isions /or the West Side are still being accepted. Th~y can be e-mailed to EJP As.s<r cwtes through a link on· Costa Mesa's Web site at cityofcostame­ They can also b<> mailed to the Planning Department, Attn: Mike Robinson, P 0 Box 1200 01

77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa 92628-1200.

Tami~ Rus Member for. 3 rears

Raulw Mv ficncss program n worlung. thanks to the rraincB, 5PJ!'o.;o.;JNC arid ffi} COOSIStCJlC)'.

\l-'hat do 7011 liM &boa& Shape-Up? Tht' dub 1.> miller. mo~~~ 211d inumate. It tw all the acrcix equipment ofbrgcr dubs- I don't h:r~ to worry ab..-iut appcannco. cvcq••nc here is only int~rc:d in saying in


AROUND I 0 W II For BUSINESS: Windows· Word · Excet •Access • ACTI • Qulck8ooka

On-site and 1nd1vldu1I training also available . • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. Around Town, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa 92627; fax thertl to (949) 646-4170; or call (949) 642-5680, ext. 228. A complete listing of Around Town ~n be found at

TODAY The walk.lng dub of Newport Beach will meet at Hospital Road and Superior Avenue at 9 a m. and 7 p .m . Lose weight and have fun. For more informabon, call (949) 650-1332.

Free income tu preparaUon and MS1Stance will be offered th.rough the Tax-Aide program from 9 a.m. to 1 p .m. daily through April 15 at OASIS Seruor Center, 800 Mar­guerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Appointments are available. For more informauon, call (949) 644-3244.

An exhibit of •cryllc1 UUed •color in Action· will be on dis­play through Feb. 28 at the New­port Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. For more infonna-

.._ tion, call (9,.9) 7 t 7 -3801 .

A blood drive will be pretented from 3 to 8 p .m . in the social hall at Temple Bat Yahro, 1011 Camelback St., Newport Beach. The e,vent is held m conjunction with the American Red Cr0$S. Participants must be over 17 years old, bo m good health, 'Weigh at least 110 pounds and never have had hepatitis. l\ppointments run every 15 min­utes. For more infonnation, call (~9) 644- 1999.

Judldl Todero wW pneent a free lelDinar titled Slowhig the Aging ProceM from 6:30 to 7:30 p .m . at tbe Patio Cale at Mother's Market

and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St., Cos,. ta Mesa. Admission is free. Reser­vations are required. For more mformation, call (800) 595-6667.

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6 Doily Pilot .

"Wt need to be • pnpcrtd as WI a11 and try to relax and hCM a '* hi\, yet WI o.t to step up and get one Wednesday - • Paul Orris, CdM boys basketball coach

Tuesday, Febroory 9, 1999 • Sports Ed1tot Roget C!oiiton • 949.57 4422


One last shot. with Santa MRrgarita for Tars, CdM . . .

• CIF Playoff spots at stake as the final week heats up; ea Kings have Wednesday-Thursday fonnat this week.

RtUl:\Jll> DU~'\

~Pb 0

For the last time, the reigning ~a View Lea~ue boys basketball champion, Santa Marganta High, will !iht>d itsell upon Back Bay

. for one·final trip. Santa Margarita (22-2, 8-0 in

league), which has. already clinched at least a tie for its sixth Sea View title in seven years (only a second-place finish to Chris Burgess-led Woodbridge m 1996 spoiled the Eagles' perfect run). and CdM are headed for new leagues next season.

1 team m Orange County, hand· ing the Eagle:. their only league setback and one of only two Jo s­es in the season

round). We JUSt want to finish up strong, so we can go into the sec­ond cason strong."

Newport tl> 21·4, 6-2.

schools.· .

"I'd hate not to win (against · Santd Marganta) and find out Corona beat them Thursday and we didn't take care of business ourselves.~ • ' While 1t nught ,be a relief for

Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar to end the nvalry this week against the defending CJF State Division II champion Eagles, there will probably be no love lost whPn Coach Lany HJ.tSt's Sailo~ host Santa Margarita Wednesday and Codch Paul Orris' Sea Kings travel to South County Thursday

The Eagles who also won a ClF Southern Section D1vlSlon Il· AA title last season. dfe 67-10 since joirung the Sea View circwt.

"The beid news ·is, that (the Eagles) hav<> talked about it and they've got revenge on thelr mmd. Santa Marganta doesn't have revenge QO its mind too often. But we're one of them, und SeTVlte is the other, and look whill (the Eagles) did to Servile (Satur­day in the Nike Extravaganza at Cal State Fullerton). They beat Servite by 40.

The Sea Kmgs (16-8, 4-4) , rebounding this year after two ' down season!?, will face Irvine (17·7, 4-4) in a gigantic home gamP Wednesday with third place dt stake (and the league's final guaranteed playoif spot).

"The good news is that we've (defeated} them before," Hirst said, referring to last year's 50-47 upset victory against the then-No

·So let's hope they've (already gotten their revenge against us w1th a 52-47· victory m the first

"Our destiny's m our own hctnds," said Orris, whose team


MICHE.llE YEE f OAll.Y PllOl

Estancia Hlgh's Grant Nelson (left) duels UniversJty's Tomasso Be ncivenga in Pacific Coa t League struggle Mon day afternoon.

Red~hot Eagles.blast University, 3-0 Estancia still in the hunt for a

berth in upcorrung CIF Playoffs.

H1< llARO l>t.X"I


COSTA MESA - On the verge of falling over the edge. Estancia H1qh's Eagles Cduqht thmr billance JU t in wne and are no~ pushmg their weight around m the Pac1f1r Coast League boys soccer race.

Following their 2·Q victory Friday over lunqUme nemc-is Laguna.Beach, the Eagles ~hut out another PCL foe in front of them Montldy, walloping visiting Uru'{ersity, 3-0

1Wo down, one to go Laguna Hills, which is also ahead of

fatanc1a in the crowded league standings, is next (Wednesday at 3·15 p.m)

"We' re tinally 'pwnped up to play," said Estancia junior forward Terrones, whose heroics led to two early gOdls as the Eagles pulled to within two points of PCL­lcacling University (12·6·4, 5·2·2) with one

game left of the regular season. "Jl we keep pJaymg that way, we'll have

a chance to win CIF - and that's our goal ... The Eagles (10-6-4, 5-4-0), who redched

the CJF. Division IV quarterfinals last year and lost to Laguna Beach. remain only one point behind the ATttl>lS (10'-8-2, 5.3.J ), the two-time defending 01VJS1on IV champions.

"This tedlll's got talent. but I don't know how we won (~o convincingly) while play:mg sloppy,.. Estancia Coach Steve Crenshaw sa1d "Friday's win wds such d big d<'al to them They were really pum1>ed alter beat· ing Beach. But today we playl'd tcmble. We weren't sharp and our passC!-i weren't there It was pretty sloppy, but Cesar played a great game."

In the 10th minute, Terrones scort:d his 13th goal of the season on a Univer;1ty nus· take. The 'Trojans didn't clear a comer and Terrones stayed on the sweeper's trail, even· tually scoring from hve feet.

"I saw dl\ opport1JnHy to score," Tcnoncs said. "(The 'Trojans) let 1t go by and the goalie didn't come out qwc:k OJ'\ough."

Terrones' second god.J in the 33rd minute wa~ nothing short of spectacular as he juked two defenders, mduding the goalie, on the nght side. then turned around and fiJed with his oppo'iite (left) foot to score.

"That Wds simply a bettutiful goal," Crenshaw said. "The goalkeeper had shut hun off, but then, with one step, he turned around and shot with his other fool. The keeper left that sid" of the net open. Tl was a smart play by Cesar.•

Estancia, led m the back by Jesus Rillllirez, LU15 Rivera and sweeper Uving Islas. received seven goahe saves from ~ hlarip Amaga. Terrones and Grant Nelson applied presswe up front, while Esaul Men­doza led tho Eagles in the middle.

"(The Eogles) finished theu opportunities and we didn't come Wlth any emotion." Uru Coach Rob Skinner said. "Now, (the PCL race) is between four teams "

In the 79th rrunute. Armando Ortiz added to Estancia's lead wtth a breakaway goal. John Alderete hild a shot deflection m the lust half .

knocked of1 Irvine m the first round, 55-53, as the Vaqueros' Chris Ferguson missed a last· ec· ond shot when the ball rolled off the rim.

"l hope we shoot the ball well, because I think that's going to' be a major factor Wednesday. If we can get scoring out of (Kevin) Hansen, (Alec) Hanson and (~randon) Crosby Wld get ~ome balance, so Dennis (Al.shuler) doesn't have to shoWder all the responsibility. then we're pretty tough. But if we don't shoot the ball well, we're gomg to struggle.

"We need to be as prepared as we can and try to relax and have a little fun, yet we need to step up and get one Wednesday.

Before CdM's two-year slide,

... the Sea Kings laced Irvme t another battle to deade thir ploce, and they defeated the Vaq m the Sea View tmale in 1996 in 46-45 overtime thriller.

Only Newport and Wood bndge will play Fnday; tbe bat ance of the Sea V1ew returns. the floor Thursday, because i CdM and Irvme WUld up tied f third , a playoff game Will be ne<r es. ary Friday rught to decide thi.r" place. ~ ,,

In the Pacific Coast Leaguo Estanoa's Eagles (11·13, 4-4), COIT\ ing off a big 49-36 wm over th league-leading Laguna Beach have a tough task this week WI. PCL-leadmg University (15-7, 6-2 at home Wednesday and La Hills (13-10. 5-3) Frlday.



RENTMAYN .Costa Mesa

• Costa Mesa High, Orange Coast College baseball product is beginning his ninth year in the big leagues. · ·

ll1nr:\l{f) Dt ''

L ilce a good radio Ill station, life is always better with tuts. Brent

Mayne is planning to hum as many tunes as possible this year.

Mayne, soon to begin tus second season wtth the San Francisco Giants, isn't one to set offensive goal.S heading into spring tra.ming.

But, Mayne, entenng his ninth full year as a big league Cdlcher, would like to produce more with the stick dnd, ultimately, be an everyday backstop for an entire season

start to blossom (and begin Cdt.chmg) unW he played for lus ~ father at Orange Coast in 1987. •

(Mil<e Mayne, OCC's bd~cbaU coach for 15 years, won 400 "~ games at the Puate helm and sent 12 players lo the major leagues.)

After one season at OCC, Mayne played the next two years at Cal State Fullerton.

where in 1988 he led , the Titans to the Colle9f:l World SenE>S Mayne r

was selected No 1 by : : Kansas City in the June' .. 1989 draft :.:

That could happen this year with the Giants. who allowed Bnan Johnson to sign as

In tus hrst full year m~ the mmors at Double-A' Memphis, Mayne impressed the Kansa~ C1ty brass and eame&:: latc·season promotion,

Brent Mayne never returning to the ,

• a free agent with Cincumati. Mayne, a heady receiver who

shared time with Johnson behind the plate m 1998, belwves the Giants will give him the C'hance to be the starter in '99

"'Going in, it's pretty good,• Mayne said. "l don't know if I'm going to start, or what, but they're defuutely giving me an opporturuty to take the job.•

Mayne will tum 31 on April 19, but the wear and tear on his catching body is more of a younger man, becau">e he has spent most of hts career as a backup or platoon player.

But the left-handed hitting Mayne, a product of Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College, would like to change that.

Mayne. whose lifetime battmg average is .258 with an averaqe of 216.25 plate appearances d season, would Wee to rut 300 and reach double figures \n home runs. He has worked hard in the off-season , studying hours of -videotape (produced by his father, Mike) to analyze- lus swing. •

Mayne, 6-foot-1, 192 pounds, was small m high school and played second base. He didn't

. minors. He remained-:;;: WJUl the Royals through 1995.~

In 1996. he was traded to th&. 1

""'<>w York Mets and served a« -· Randy Hundley's caddie. Mayne's 99 at· bats to 70 games: that year were carC>er lows in , ' both categories, and by early = 1997, he was out of a Job wh._n Seattle released him l.n spring training.

But Oakland signed him in April 1997 and Mayne's CdrceC" was revitahzed as he enjoyed a ... : big second hall and ftrushed the season with a career-best .289•" battl11g average. "Life's always-'" ' , better when you're getting hil~i.._ • Mayne said . "' :

Mayne, who has gamed enshrinement into the Daily Pilot's MillenruWTI Sports Hall of r:ame, Wlll begm the c.econd of his two-year pact wtth the Giants when he reports to camp Feb. ig-:

ln the last 67 games Mayn~ started l <*>fl. di Giant : won 41 of ffiem on their way to the playoffs.

ln a wild card lie· breaker • : against the Cubs, Mayne broke,, up Steve 'Irdchsel's no-hit bid lft tho seventh inning wtth a pinctr •' smgle at Wngley Field. But "' Chicago won and advanced. '

ESTANCIA PICKING UP SOME 'EXTRA FANS • 'As the Pacific Coast League race comes down to the wire, Mesa will find itself rooting rmghtily for Estancia. - \ .

RIOIAIU> () :'<.'N

1 !lift,.,, With the raco to the Pacific

Coa t L~ague girls basketball r.hampionship out of lhelr control, Costa M •sa Htgh's Mustangs wtll gb ogam l company policy thl.s week and root hard for their r.ross·town adversary.

E t.anc1a's Eagles (15·7, .S-3 m PCL), with the best' chance to stir ~hings up m th final week, might

43-40, and Uruvers1ty, ·'7·36, la t week.

"We have the toughest week out of anyone (in the PCL) this week.• said Estancia Coach Paw Kirby, whose team hottt Uni (12· 12, .4-4) tonig ht at 1 o'clock and travels to league-leading Lagune Hills (15-7, 7-1) Thunday. "(The Mustangs) are golDg to beg for U1 to wt.n on Thwiday."


home against Lilguno Beach (2· 20, 0·8) and Thu.r.;day ga1nst Aliso Niguel (5-19, 2·6).

•we played (the l lawks) tough &est time · (loong 42-36), but we bad them in the fourth quarter when it wa a one·polnt gftme (36-35 Laguna Hills . with 2:55 remaining) . I guarantee you they're not thinking, Oh, we'119 7-1 and we'll beat Bltancla Thun­day.'

the way lt is for all the teams in our league. We JUSt need to play good defense and execute on offense. l don't know U we match up well with anyone (because) we're so small, but we'll play hard and give lt our beSt shot."

Stemfcld. Usa Hirata and point guard Eva Vanna. The Eagles dcleated Uruvemty m the first round, 53-42. In their previous meeting ag4Ul5t Laguna Hillii, the Eagles were ahead m the second quarter, 24-16, before the Hawks

' came back, ln the Sea View League, New­

port Harbor (14-11 , 2·6) and Corona del Mar (8·16, 0·8) are out of tiOe contention and cannot fin· ilh In the top three.

..,,..,_ ,....,,.. .. " fl.A ilnd lunc!Wn'IU.UOn& ill the mail from th Mu tang (15·10, 6-2) , who lost to Laguna Hill1,

Estancia, led by tenior inside player Pranda Diaz and Junior forward Lauren Cauity, has won two 1traight1 w~e Cotta Mele ha drOpped low games m a row but 1hould rebound tonight et

"They have a couple of key playen we need to focus on ~ ~-toof-7 f\tn iOt Shan·

'nOl'I Owem and 6·1oot junior Anne BubritJd), But I think that1

Costa Mesa, the leogue's dP.fendlng champion with Aliso Niguel, ha been led bY S.foot junior Autumn Smith, Junior Jen· ny earnest, point guard Nancy Hatsushi, shooting guard Evelyn Powers and Uanne Sosa-

t • CU.l t

COec:h Gregg Sevage'• Sallon, led by April Ron, krllten Urban and Alyua Paul, Kalena JacklOD and Meliua Holliller, travel tD Margarita tanlaht an~: ~--11111

In addition to Diaz and Caulty, l!tWlcMI Ma CDUD....S wttb Ula

tMn wrap up league Tbunday .et bmM .. h .. Woodlmdge

Doily Pilot Sports . ~~~--------------.....;.-------------------~

Tue$Cfoy1 February 9, 1999 7


ea.ta Mela (15-10. 1-2) ....,., . . .... "-Powen 24 305 12.7" 21 Smith 25 28811.5 25 E•mest 25 284 11.4 15 tiatsushl 25 211 8.4 18 Nguyen 6 27 4.5 13 Hitt 25 43 1.7 5 s.i.kl 24 41 1.7 8 Kidene 21 28 1.3 6 Thornton 15 14 0.9 4 Loros 18 11 06 4 Wwks 20 6 0.3 2

THI MusTANGs 39 Croswoads 60 53 MIVf •Ir , 35 6 t L8 Jordan S3 43 valley Christi.n 27 25 Oi~Bar ~ 67 Western 32 48 Pacific.a 43 45 Montclair· 47 59 Viii• Park 43 62 Rubidoux 24 42 Lake W•shington S9 47 Capistrano V•lley 34 59 North Torr•nce 61 53 l.c»r• 44

hdfkc:o.t ....... SO Estancl• 34 54 Villa Pirtc (nonleague) 62 58 Unlwnity 48 $4 Laguna Hills 44 63 Laguna Beach 34 70 Aliso Niguel 58 '2 Estancia 49 l2 Woodbridge (non) 43 l6 University 47 40 Laguna Hills 43 )7 Westminster (non) 63 f9 • Laguna Beach (home), 7 F11 ·Aliso Niguel (home), 7

Newport (14-11, 2~) Pia,_ v •avv· hv •oss 19 24S 12.9 20 Urban 2S 299 12.0 22 JlKksor\ 24 207 8.6 23 Paul 25 176 7.0 21 Hollister 24 66 2 8 6 Huntington 25 57 2 3 10 Ashton 19 23 1.2 4 Moore 19 21 t. 1 8 Castillo 17 9 0.5 3

, .. 5A1otts 54 Magnolie 36 MissJon Viejo 50 Villa Park 39 Vista S3 Thousand Oaks 41 Esper•nza 47 Laguna Hiiis 32 Mark Keppel 37 Lakewood 38 Long Beach Jordan 46 Warren 59 Santa Fe 50 Tomnce 38 Calvary ~~I 44 Savanna 46 St. Joseph 48 Cypress

26 31 48 52 so

I01l44 32 40 47 31 28 18 31 39 29

f0ll 44 36

S..Vlew~ 40 Irvine P1l 45 37 EIToro SS 37 Corona def Mar 31 42 Santa Marganta SO 33 Woodbridge 34 48 Irvine 54 SO El Toro 69 59 Corona del Mar 43 F9 - at Santa Margarita, 7:30 F11 · Woodbridge (home). 7:30


(Overall) w LI 'EIToro(181) RO

E.t.n\I. (15-7, S-J) : Npt. Hllfbot (21..C. 1-2) ~ 9 .Mf9. .. : ...,_ I •Mf9.ha Diu 22 246 11.2 20 • Jameson 25 398 15 9 2~ c.tisfty 22 225 10.2 21 : lllingv.<orth 25 364 14.6 25 Stei~ 18113 10.2 20 : Limon 25 223 8.9 26 Hirai. 22 87 4 .0 8 : Robinson 25 203 8.1 18 Orell1no 21 63 3 o 8 : Heartson 25 158 6 7 11 Lenhart 18 50 2'8 22 : Clayton 25 85 3.4 8

· : Yamal 25 74 3 o 9 Barrer• 22 S2 2.4 9 : Pajevk 11 11 1.0 6 Mklas 8 18 2.3 10 : Kahle 5 4 0.8 2 Varma 20 44 2.2 6 : Schatz 6 4 0.7 2 Matsufujl 12 24 2.0 10 : Chai TO 6 0.6 2 Ollila 13 4 0.3 2 : Hsieh 12 6 0.5 3

! Taton 8 4 0.5 2 THI EMus : 20 4 0.2 2

54 Beverty Hills 16 : 51 Hawthorne 30 ! THI SA• OM 37 Oovis 52 : 65 Edison 61 Los Amigos 30 : 63 canyon 35 Savanna 32 ·: 69 caplstrano Valley 36· california 30 : 88 Trabuco Hills 32 Dana Hills 42 : 36 Brea Olinda

: 80 ca,on 42 Dame Academy 40 : 61 Oceanside 34 West Tracy 38 : 69 Woodbridge 48 capo Valley Christian 28 : SO Irvine 48 Orange Luthefan 45 : 74 Huntington Beach SS El Toro N 39 : 65 las Vegas Clark 36 Mission Viejo 2B : 63 LV Val fey Spnngs 43 Padfica 73 ! 61 Mira Costa

Padfk eo.t ~ : SS Tucson Marana 34 Costa Mesa so : S3 las Vegas Durango 48 Aliso Niguel 35 : 90 EJ Modena 62 Laguna Beach • 47 : 58 Aliso Niguel

45 45 67 79 61 57 45 45 37 45 57 40 46 42 38 48 39

53 University 42 : S.. View LNgue 36 Laguna Hllls 42 : 59 Irvine 48

: 58 El Toro 51 49 Costa Mesa 62 : 55 Corona del Mar 37 32 Aliso Niguel 29 : 47 Santa Mergarlta 52 80 Laguna Beach 24 : 56 Woodbridge 53 F9 • University (home), 7 : 40 Irvine 60 F11 - at Laguna Hills, 7 : 61 El Toro 47

: 63 Corona del Mar 50 CdM (1-16, 0-a) : F10 . s. Margarita (home). 7:30

Pleyw 9 tpavg. hg : F12 · at Woodbridge. 7:30 Quon 24 259 10.8 29 : Dldcson 23 249 10.8 21 ! Costll Mesa ( ... 20, 0-a) K. McCoy 9· 59 6.6 20 : ptayer g tpavg. hg Watanabe 24 112 4. 7 11 : Jones 23 364 1 s.s 36 Kawata 19 n 4.1 23 : Whittaker 24 192 8.0 16 Kling 21 56 2.7 10 ! Ferryman 23 174 7 .6 17 Eyre 20 37 1.9 6 : Hatsushl 24 168 7 0 18 Gruber 22 37 1.7 6 : Weir 21 n 3.7 11 Hawkins 20 21 1.1 6 : Shallls 16 57 3 6 8 S. McCoy 16 18 1.1 4 ! Tran 22 72 3.3 1 t Ubuda 15 5 0.3 2 : Cabico 13 36 2 .8 7 ~m 14 3 0.2 3 : Payne 20 44 2 2 8

: Hunter 5 7 1 4 2 THE SIA k9NGS •

34 Dana Hills 41 : , .. MusrAHGS 36 Saddlebadc 34 : 43 Trabuco Hills 79 24 California 39 : 48 Canyon 66 38 Ocean View 22 : 49 Los Amigos 52 32 Savanna 40 : 35 Saddlebadc 46 65 Laguna Beach 22 : 37 Buena Park 52 30 Woodbridge 57 : 71 Westminster 53 so Santa Ana 16 : 57 Santi~ 57 28 Foothill 39 : 61 F~thi I 78 37 Orange 36 : 72 Fairmont 19

: 4S Santa Ana 52 47 Laguna Beach 15 : 54 Westminster 60 44 El Modena 48 I I j 64 62 Los Aminos """' 58 : 62 M ss on Vie o

.,., ,...., : 68 El Monte 52 2., Sonora 58 : 50 Santa Ana 51 58 Fullerton 21 : 34 Saddleb.lck 53

Sea View i.MgLle ! Padfk Coast ........ 28 El Toro S7 : 45 Estancia 80 SO University (Nonleague) 56 : 46 UnlverMty 73 30 Woodbridge 49 ! 46 LagUN Hilh 63 31 Newport Harbor 37 ! 52 Laguna Beach 63 40 Irvine 49 • 41 Ali.5o Niguel 55 4S Santa Margarita 60 ! 65 St. Margaret's (non) 48 37 El Toro 78 : 44 Estancia 64 18 Woodbridge 33 : 45 University 80 43 Newport Harbor 59 : 68 Laguna Hiiis n F9 · at Irvine, 7:30 : F10 - Lag. Beach (home). 7 F1 t - s. Margarita (home), 7:30 : F12 • Aliso Niguel (home). 7 . --~~~~~~~--=--~~~~~~~--.


{Overall) W LI ' l ,HJ Holl-. 11'>7) l 1


(Overall) W LI ·c; M.nq.111ta (Jl l) 8 0

Woorlbrtrlg<' (7 17) 1 1

• • dinched OF berth

~ liiiiiiiiiiiii

. .

s. Marganta at~ lrvfne at c.oron. Mir Woodbridge at El Toro

• CdM at 5anta Margarita El Toro at Irvine - +utllt'Mxxbldgt, Frl.



~ ~3~~~ Hansen 24 257 10.7 21 Crosby 21 241 10.0 21 Hanson 24 176 7.3 13 ~a 22 125 5.7 15 Bottom 24 91 3.8 12 Hunt 24 74 3.1 9 MOffiS 19 40 2.1 13 Snell 10 9 0.9 3 Patterson 13 6 0.5 2

Tttt SEA KINGS 56 Estancia 53 65 Valencia (SC Vly) 54 64 Orange Lutheran 45 49 Century - 34 62 San Clemente 65 50 Bellflower · ~7 n Westminster SO 48 Long Beach Millikan 40 65 La Mirada 36 63 Saddleback 42 37 Laguna Beach 43 61 Garden Grove 37 71 Glendale Hoover 47 59 Rialto 6S 71 Fullerton 47 71 Mission Viejo 59

S..Vlew~ 51 El Toro 47 56 Woodbridge 42 37 Newport Harbor SS 55 Irvine 53 46 Santa Margarita 65 38 El Toro 43 58 Woodbridge 54 50 Newport Harbor 63 F10 • Irvine (home), 7:30 Ft 1 - at Santa Margarita, 7:30

Estancia (11· 13, 4-4) Player Valbuena Cantrell Simco Andersen Chandler Maldonado Gamer Stapleton Tanielu Rodriguez Jimenez Newman

g tpavg. hg 24 422 17.6 39 24 290 12.1 21 23 168 7.8 16 24 176 7.3 26 23 110 48 12 22 n 3.S 14 22 63 2.9 14 14 30 2.1 6 18 36 2.0 8 18 19 1.1 9 11 9 0.8 5 12 6 0 .5 2

THE EAGLES 53 Corona del Mar 56 67 La Mirada 59 45 Irvine 74 59 Whittier Christian 58 41 San Clemente 70 65 Valencia (S. Clarita Vly) 59 6G Oceanside 71 SO Cajon 64 53 Nogales 4S 49 Vista SS 79 Huntington Beach 59 84 Port Moody (Canada) 38 56 Fullerton 71 43 Montclair 52 71 Glendale Hoover 10n 67 51 Santa Margarita 60

PKffk Co11st LNgUe 80 Costa Mesa . 45 65 Aliso Niguel 52 49 Laguna Beach 51 58 University 69 51 Laguna Hills 60 64 Costa Mesa 44 60 Aliso Niguel 68 49 Laguna Beach 36 FlO - University (home). 7 F12 · at Laguna Hills, 7



(Overall) W LI University (15·7) 6 2

Tucker leads CdM, 7-4 I

• Sea Kings roll past Artists edge Mesa, 1-0 Dana Hills in nonleague c o s T A ._ .... _ .......

girls water polo Monday. MESA - Playing I 0 C C I I the role of spoil·

CORONA DBL p O l O er in the tight Pacific Coa& MAR - Corona del League boys soccer race, Costa · Mar High's Melinda Tucker Mesa High's Mustangs bad achieved a hat trick and three hoped to do their aoa-town rival, other Sea Kings scored goals, Estancia, a favor Monday by lndudinu two by Malia 'llliayao, defeating visiting Laguna Beech, as hoet CdM defeated Dana Rills but the Artists earned a t-0 victo­in nonleague girls water 1>910 ry ·and kept the MUltangl winless Mondav, 7 ""'· ct' • 'W:e I ' LQ- •

Tucker .oor:::Joel in the first • e were hoping to help

Vanguards win, 5-2 Southern Cali-

fornia College l I II II I S singles player Stefan JobAnsson won, 6-1, 6-2, as the Vanguards defeated U.S International Uni· versity, 5-2, m a nooconference men's teruu.s matCh Saturday at USIU. ..

llalJCGI JC. s.c:.. <.-... I. .,., 2

...... ..._ "500., Oral, .. , . .. a. U!Mbr_. ~ # G..irtect\, ~ 5-2,; Sltr~ (SC() .. l'ldia. w. M. ~ (USIUI *" Ma. M, M. M,...,. Dlfllrl <KO d9I ~•a. M. C.....MM*f llr..u.H.7·S

........ ..,....aMMlf~I (5CO o.f Ofot­Gtllrtedl. N; ~(SC().., lll'lc'­Wll\I, W; "-'*'~ (USllJ) .. ~ ~.

qUarter, then two more in (&tailda's Eagles) out,• said COi• the third, a period when CdM ta Mesa Coach Mlke Dunn, autleored the Dolpblm, 3-0, to wholle team bu loet at leut 13 lake a M lead. Dana HUls led at games um MUOD by one goal. '7..._L~b "'-n... in mis balftime, 4-3. · Laguna Beech (to-e-2, 5.3.1 m ~ e 1111.m se lnMSba.=.:-:. ~= l:t:; PCL), two-Ume defending CIP POMONA ·- Ruth Zlchoche of See J9nirl, While goalDepier Southern Sec:tlon Dlvllion IV Southern CaWon:Ue College ~ Hmdddmma Md a laftl, c:Nmpon, bMt the M\Jltangl ln reached ~ semlftnU of the Cal

The Sea Klngl, 9-14, caadude the~~·.::-._ ....... n.--., Poly Pomona womebefor9n'w tennis a-~ -~, (and tblilr ... , VV---Y"" 1n---~ .. 1 Sa .. ·--y ........ - ·- INedDetclaY c..... POrcayc» (MVen Nv•), ·-- ,_...,. --~ W y at bame dll11.- Jc.e hcbec:o, strtk• lag, 6-2, 6-3. SCC'I Undtlar Doy· Iii!!!!.. •.:u.. '·........... Bdlm Cnm ad mMfteld8f ntm al wt Mk:belle ~ IWMd .::... . z z I • . • HtirMDdea. w1w plaY9d we11 u.. ~ rounc1 1n ....... 'Dim· =- J t , • , ·~ .... -*=k. pllallld•lnt·roundW:afOftl

-~:.~'~·- ..... - .... -.. ~~--lrJJfStlD-rl~··d· ...... ,..~~ ~ 11.1 ... ,. :lBl!:1. Mas plMlllAllo~ - c.l--9--1,1-3.

' ..


Ch~ing a ch~pionship • Sophomore Ryan Hiskey is expected to lead Orange r-t~.-.--------, Coast as it tries to win its fifth state crown in the 1990s. . .

!kit Jib

COSTA MESA - 11\ere was much d.isappoi.ntment dfter the Orange Coast College men's vol­leyball team, which was 21-2 last season, lost to Santa Barbara in the state semifinals last season It was only th~ seventh loss OCC bad suffered m three years a

. span of 68 matChes. · Orle of the players on that team was Ryan Hiskey, a first­team All-Orange Empire Confer-· ence selection who had l , 173 assists last season. .

Hiskey is expected to be the centerpiece of a team which will try to defend its conference title when Orange Empire Conference play begins with Palomar Feb. 17.

·one oJ the things I ~old Ryan after the season ended was 'I was going to build the next team around him,' " Coach Chuck Cutenese said. •1 thought he dld an excellent JOb as a freshman. He broke the school assist record by more than 100 sets. He's the best setter we've had since I've been here."

Cutenese, whose record at OCC is 103-26, has had to recruit at many of the other positions because players such as Josh Richardson, Darin McBam and Mark Pozgai, have all moved on.

SCHEDULE TODAY ............

College men • ScMh· w n C.hfomt• at C.I .. pttn,, 7 )0 p m

Col!e9ewomen ­Sollthem C.lofom1• Col· I• at CAI B.lpt111, S )()

High IChool g•ril • ~H•rt>or.i MMQM•tl. 7 lO p m: Coror.. del M•• -i lrvlnt, 7 lO pm : L.lgll'WI S.lld\ t1 C~ll Mrw, 7pm. : • lllnnhl

Cofle11e men • Soe.I Coll999 • t w.tmont. 2pm..

College v.omen ­Westrnont 11 Southern C.hfomo• College. 2 pm..

CcminuMy college men • Or llt'Of Cola1t ti Mt. s.n Antonio. 2 p m. • "°'°

H!CJh ~ girlS • (d\ton •< Cofta Mele. )pm • Volleyball

Commur\lty coll9 morn • Or.nge ~ Hope lnt .. NltONl, •t fuhtnon College. 1 p.m •

Col leg•' C.I S"i. OOm1t1911ez Hill• .t Soutlltm C.hfOtJIMI College. 1·30 p tfl . • Wl'Mtllng

H•gll Khool • P.aflc Coen t.Mgve f1Nl1 lit Uni\ttnlty, 2 I> m •S-

Htgh tchool g1r1s • Newport H<1ftlor •t Sant• Mar~ra, l 1 S pm. CorON del ~r • tl•WW, 3 15 pm: ~It-"' at CON Mew. J 1 s. Uni"'1ity •t (ft•,.,. ... 3 I 5 pm.


The only returrung tarter is rruddle bloC'k~r Nick Oonlimk, who will move to outside lutlet. Cutenese cxpec.ts htg lhiugs from the Switzerland native

"We made him pl y out of position laltt yecu .because. he wa;. effective, but he wasn't very hct1.>­.PY about u, • Cut"ne~e · md "Now he's back at his natural

•postbori (outside h1tter) and ( m "convinced he's o ',D1v1 'ion I prospect.•

•Ryan RP.x, who last played for the University of the Pad.fie two years dQO before going on o ri'li· gious rruss1on, is expected to be a key contnbutor a~ the starting middle blocker. Rex will JOm Jared Starhng. a third-year sophomore who will start at nght­side hitter, in filling the lead r hip void left by player depr1rture .

Tiilii year's tedm has a l<>t of freshmen, but ~ r>xp,•cts many of them to develop into good players who will ht w~ll at

Brian Brown, 6-4

Jared Starling, 6-4 4 Kyle Anderson. 6-2

5 Ryan Hiskey. 6-0 6 Nicolas Dominik, 6-3

7 Patrick McCarty. 6-3

8 Ryan ReK..6-4 9 Tim Everswick, 6-2

10 John Pecora, 6-4 11 Griffm Cogorno, 6-5 12 Kevin Goff, 6-1

18 Enc Saxton, 6-6 .

19 David Moser. 6-4 20 ·Jed Koen19shofer, 6-1 Coach: Chuck Cutenei'e

OCC uon #We've got , lot ol rhftmt>nt "Out strength i.-. our versatili-

lineups we're looking al with this t\'. •

team becausP we have pla~er · :The Ptrdle> \\'ill need it to who Cdil play both tile nyht W)P. detend the11 OEC title. A number and middle." Cutene e said. of teams are e..xpectcd to be corn­"Our freshmen am p1etty equal w petitivc this season and there is our sophomores m te.nn of ab1li- always Golden West, which, ty. l'm not afraid to nux up our along with OCC has dominated outside hitters either, depending f the conference ibe past several on What w~ need in a g1~ensttua- • easons.

46770 46780 47170


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8 TUOldoy, f ebruary 9, 1999

Five years ¥> this wet* -· Costa M«s1 Hlgh's HMtt.r A •1n1 •

.J(ored 22 points CIS the M~ defeated ~una BHd\ n -18. to dfnch the Pacific. Coast League girls bitsketbafl champ10f'lship for the \tlird conwc:trtive se•son.

Later 1n the week. the Must•nsJS finfshed off an ur defeated PCl season with 1 44·38 win over Trabuco Hills. The victory was the ~oth straight 1n the PO..

Robinson had 13 points In other girlt basketball action~

•The Mustangs final vidocy J>(O"ed beneft<ial tor Estancia High. The Eagl~ finished their seawn earlier in the week with a 54-34 victory over century, clinching third place and a playoff berth. Cotta M~'\ wtn dropped Trabuco Hills

E1crow No: 00017550KMB





B II P 24073 et seq ) Nohe• 1s he1ebr grven

that a bulk sale o assets and a lllt\$1er ot alCOhOl•c beverage lieense 11 about to be made The names, Social Secunty or Fed1Nal Tu Numbers. and ad· dresses ot the Seller// LK:enS&e are HOA LING PAK and WADE PAK, 600 WEST 19TH STREET irA&B. COSTA MESA. CA 92627, 580·63·0 155. 567·93·59• 1

Tt>e busoness .s known as CALIFORNIA STOP FOOD STORE

The names. Sooal Se· cu111y or Fede1al Tu Numbers, and addresses of U'le BuyerfTrenslerae are THUAN HI TRIEU and VIVIAN VALERIE TRIEU 5 4 7 71 2179 527·81 5109. 2351 WEST BERN LAN E, SANTA ANA. CA 92706

As hSlad by lhe Seller/ Lleensee. all olher bUsl· neas namea and ad· dresses used by the Setter/ Lioensee within three years before the dale such list was &enl or delivered 10 the Buyer/Tranal eree are NONE


The l11nd ol ficense 10 be lranslerred 11 OFF SALE BEER A N D W I N E LICENSE NO 20·326192 now 111ued tor the p1em1se1 located 11 600 WEST 19TH STREET II A&B, COSTA MESA, CA 92627

The antlelpaled date of the sale/lransler IS 03/0311999 at lhe olhce ol A pew E5crow . 15576 Brookl1urst Street no B, Westmmalor. CA 92883 The 1moun1 o f the purchase pnce or con 11<1erat10n 1n connection w11tl the t10nsler ol the ltten&e and bu51ness. in· ctudlng the es11me1ed in· venlory $35.000 00. 1s the sum of Sl38.000 00, which consists 01 the 1o11c>~1ng DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CASH $103.00000 NOTE $35,000 00

It has t>ean agreed be· tween the Selterllteellffe and lhe intended Buyerf TranilerM. as reaulred by Sec 24073 ot the Business and P1otesson1 Code. llllt rile conSidera1ion for tne lfSISler ol the buSineU and llCense is 10 be paid ody a11e1 11'18 tra1"1er has been app1oved by the O.· partment of Alcohollc Bewrage Control


TRIEU Publl1hed Newpo11

Beact'l·Co5ta Mesa Dally P11ot Februaty 9. 1 99~

T293 Flcutlou1 Bu1IM8a

Name Statement The loltowlng per&ON

e1e dotng busineu ... FREITAS FURNITURE

SE RVICE. 902 South Citron SI • Apt. 1 5, Matwem, CA 92805

Tito Seguncto FreHaa, 902 Soultl Citron St , Apt 15.t.. Mahe•m, CA 92805

I ntS ~OIH la COO­due1ed by husband and w!

Have you atarttd doing business yel7 No

'llto Segundo F1e1tat Tl'lt1 statement waa llted

With the County CJer1t of Orange County Of\ M 1 ·99

1 .... 1'7"N Oaoly P*1t Feb t , 1!: 23.

March 2, 1999 r306

Actltloua BualneH Nim• Statement

The following persons are doing business as.

ProManago, 2052 New port B IVd . #224, Costa Mesa. CA 92627

1 Donald Alan Ptalf. 241 V)a Marina, Newpo r Beach. CA 92627


This business is con . ducted by; an lndrvldual

Have you 1tarted doing 11uslnass yet? No

Donald Aten Ptall Tl'lis statement was med

with the County Clel1c of Orang!'! County on 2-4·99

18996782368 Oa1ly P1IOC Feb 9, 18, 23 .

Mar 2. 1999 T296 Flctltloua Butineu

Name Statement The fOlloWing per&O'ls

are doing business as Cenler ol Balance and

Harmony, 2521 Orange Ave . Apt A·2. Costa Mesa. CA 92627

Br1td Wood, 2521 Orange Ave • Al>I A·2 Costa Mesa. CA 92627

This busmen IS con­ducted by. an lndlVtdual

Have you staned doing business yet? No

Brad Wood

' This statement was fifed

wUh lt)e County CJeli( o Orange County on 2·5-99

1"96782515 Dally Pilot Feb 9. 16, 23 .

Mar 2, 1999 T297 Flctltloua Bualneu

Name Statement The following persons

are doing business as: Blisters. 2790 Harbo

Blvd, Su11e 201, Costa ' Mesa. CA 92626 . Arw:ty Harber. 338 West brook Place, Colita Mesa CA 92626

ThiS business 1s coo ducted by an lndrvldual

Have you slaned doing buslness yet? No

Andy Harber Th11 statemem was ltled

wllh Ille County Clel1c of Orange County on 2·5-99

19996782514 Daily Pilot Feb 9. 16. 23

Mar 2. 1999 T298 Frctltlou1 Buslneu

Nam• St.tement The following pe1$0115

are doing business as Corbin Thomas Realty,

2215 Pon Carlisle, New· port Beach, CA 92660

COrbln Scotl Thomas. 2215 Port Carlisle, New· port Beach. CA 92660

This business Is con· ducted by an 1nd1Vtduat

Have you staned dOlng bu11ne as y et? Ye s, 10-02·98

CortJjn S ThOmas Tl'lis • ta1amen1 was llled

w11h lhe County Clert< of 01ange County on 2·5·99

19996782$16 Daily PdOC Feb 9, 16. 23.

Mar :t 1999 T299 Fletltloua ButlnHs

Name Statement The IOllolW!g persoos

are doing ~nesa as Pa11tcla's T1ea1ure1,

1370 Logan. IF, cosia Mesa. CA 92626

Monte Charles Salot, 30122 Niguel Ad. ADI. 108. Laguna Niguel. CA 92879

This buslne&S 1s oon duc;ted by an lndrvtduat

Have you .staned doino bus1neu ye!? Yes, M S·-80

Monte Salol This slatement was flied

with the County Clel1( or Orange County on 2·5·99

1"96782$10 Delly P~ot Feb. 9, HI. 23,

Mar 2. 1999 T300 Flctltlou1 Bualneu

Nam• Statement The lollowlng petson&

ire doing buSlnUS u Hyd1osoul. 19 Urt>tno.

!Nini. CA 82620 Marte Anthony Williams.

14 Vil Conk>(ie, Rancho Senla Maroam.a. CA 82688 Bryon Thomal Mtnton. 19 UIVIOO, hvtne, CA 92620

This l>USineH I• oon· dUCted by a generel pert· nermp

Ha"f you starled dOillQ butlnesa yet? Y .. , 9-HJ·De

Mm Wdlialnl Thll •t 1ement was lied

w lh lhe ~ Clerll o1 Ofange Count,~·5 ·99

1 UIOI OeltY Piiot Feb 9, 18, 23, Mer . ~. 19 T301


Fletttloua Butlnffa Neme 8tatitnwnt

Thlf followlng pertQnt Ffctltlou1 8utlnea1 are damQ buslne" ... Name 9t8ttement

MotoVTdla. 018 While The following pe'90f'll C.p Lane, NewPOr1 Coe11. ere doing bu1lneM H Calltomla 92851 Pnnled Commun1ea11on1

How•rd LIWanA~518 Group, 47 Ce .. Oet Sul, White Cep Lane, Aanctio San18 M11genta, Coest. Cellfomla 9265 CA 92881

Femi Adegol!e~611 Wllli.m J Ortm", 47 wtil9tap t.tne, caaa Del Sur, AarldlO CO.I C.~lorrN tm Santa ,..arguerna, CA

TNe butt,... .. Qon 92618 dUGltd by a Qenltaf p.lrt · Thie bUllneN II con• ne~ OUded by en lndMtJuel

Halle you tlarted doing Hev.t you etal1td dOfnQ t>utlnllss ~I? Ho • bullneai Yet, t/22191

Howard Uwaneg Wiiiem J OtllMI Tnit ~ Wiii !Med TI* ..... mlllt .. tied

• w4ttl Ill ~ Cllftt "' .. .. County Cllftl of


BEVERAGES December 141 1998 To Whom It May Con·

cem: MANDA FOODS INC ls (afe) applying to the De· partmenl of Atcohollc Beverage Control to sell al· c:ohollc beverage• at 2701 Hart>or Bllld D • Costa Mesa. CA 9~26 with a "41" On·Sale Beer & Wine Public Etling Pl•ce lteense<•l

Publlthed N1wpor1 Beacti·Costa Mesa OaJly Pilot January 26, February 2, 9, 1999 1 T279

Flctltlou1 BualMH Name Statement

The following persons are doing buslnl$$ 11 Schtavello Sales USA, 3333 West Coast Hiohway. Sut1• 300, Newport Beach, Cahlomca 92863

Miele• ot lncorporetlOll Number Al• 2037315

Jacobsen-Will, Inc., (CA) 3333 w Coast HIQhway, Ste 300. Newport Beech. CA 92663

This business ts con dueled by a corporalton

The reg l1trant com menced to transact busl· ness under 1he l1et111ou1 business name or names llsled aboYe t>ll 91/151198

Jacobsen·WIU, Inc., :Judy Win, Pres~ent

This statement was Med with the County Clerk of Orange C<>unty on 1·22-99

18998781093 Law ollioes ol

Steven Cuselberry. One Newpon Place, 1301 Dolle Street. Sulit 9•o. Newpon eeac:n, c.a· lornla 92680-2473

Dady Pilot Jan 26 Feb 2.9. f 6, 1999 T261

Actltloua BualneH Name Statement

The following ptlSON are doing buslfl8ss 11: JP's ot Newport Beacn, :wso Via Oporto, Newport Beactl, CA 92663

Enit Rameson, 64 While Cap Lane, Newport Coast, CA 82657

W1tllam Rameson. 73 HoUsttr Aaneh. · Gav1ota. CA 93117

This business 11 con ducted by e general part nersh1p

Have you started doing buslnHs yel? No

Enk Rall'le$0fl Ths statement waa filed

With the County Cle,. of Orange County on 1-22·99

1""711097 Dally P11oC Jan 28, Feb

2. 9. f8. 1999 T2S2

Flctitloua BualneH Name Statement

The lollowing persons a1e doing busineu as. Costa Mau Mobi1fl Es· lites, LLC, 327 Weit WilM>n, Costa Me I CA 82627

Costa Me11 Mobile Es· Illes. LLC, (WA), 408 Piazza Lido, Newport Beach, CA 02663

Th6s businesa Is con· ducted by Llmtled Ltabll1ty Co


Hava you 11aned ciolno buS1nesa yet? Yea. 2/1/9rf

eo.ta Me&a Moblle Ea· ates, Cynthie OeBaun,

Manager This statement wa nled

with the County Clerk of Orange County on I ·22·99

189987810N Dally P1161 Jan 28. Feb

2. 8, f8, 1999 T283

Flctltloua Bu11nn1 Name Statement

The lollowlng pertons 118 doing .bullneM U JAVA WOOD, 3535 E Coest Hwy •5. Corone det Mar, CA 8282.5

Terry WllMlmtJ.. 34 Partt Crest. NeWJ)Of1 ~at. CA 1)2620

Thie bUaine11 It con

Have you ttar1ed doltlQ bUeineH y.t? No

Terry W11111ma This statement WH Mid

wt!tl the County C..rfl (llf Orenge County On 1 ·22 Ill

' • 1 .... .,.,., OeliY Piiot Jen 29, fCel>

2,8, fe, 19118 T264

°"Clt!~MlllNI•·~--""~ . ,. Ddv Not Fm ' · t8, 23, DMY Pllol Fett 1. 1~ n .

Mar. ·f , 1999 TZIS MW. f , tttt 1302





The tollowlng person has wnhdrawn as a gene1el panner trom the partner· ship operabng under the lletilious business name ol Abby's Rent A Car at 18080 Beaeh BIY 15, Hunt­lnQton Beacti. CA 92648 •

the FtCtrtious Business Name referr9d to lboYe was Med In Orange Courtly on 8 ·2·96 FllE NO. 19963691718

Full Name Ind Address ot the Person Withdrawing : Marid Janaraghl, 28109 HiOhrtdoe Rd , 14, Ranctlo Palo& \Tero.a, CA 90275

Majid Janaraghl This 1tatemen1 was hied

with !tie County Clent ol Orenge County on 01 ·29·98

199M781829 DatlY Pdol Feb 2, 8, 16,

23, 1099 T290




LAQE CASE NO. A195565 To all heir•. benetl·

clerles, cred1to1s, cont· togent cred1t()(s, and per• sons who may otherwiM be 1n1ere1ted ln Iha will or estlle. or both. of. GARY D LAGE aka GARY DONALD LAGE

A PETITION FOR PA~ BATE has been hied by GAIL G. LAGE In Iha Supt· nor Coun ot Catit<>m111 County ot ORANGE

THE PETITION FOR PROBATE f8Quasts lhal GAIL G LAGE bl ap· pointed as perwonet 1epre­ to edmlnister the estate ol the deoedent.

THE PETITION requests the deoaden1's Wiii and codlclls. If any. be edm111ed 10 probate. The Wilt and any codicils are avallabte lor exammauon In lhe file kept l)y the court

THE PETITION requests authonty to edmlnlaler lhe eatate under the lndepend· enl Administration of Es Illes Ad (This Aulhol'lty will allow the petsonal rep· '9tenla1MI to lake many ectlons withOul obtaining coun epprov11. Before wking certain very lmpot· Lani ICbonS, however, the personal representative wlll bl required IO give no­bce to 1nttl8sted persons unleaa they have walV9<I nouce or oon&ented to the proposed ection ) The In· dependent edmlnistrallOll aulhonty wlD be granted unleu 1n lntere518d per· aon Ille• an objection IO the petrtlon and Showa good calJM wtty the coun shoUld OOl orant the autnonty

A HEARING on lhe pttl· lion 11oill be held on FEBAU· ARV 25, 1899 al I • 5 p.m In Dept L73 loceled et 341 The City Dtlve South. Or· ange CA 92868

IF vou OBJECT to the grenllng of the peutlOn, you ahoold appear al Ille hear· Ing end state your : · Ilona 01 file wt111en • tlonl wllh the court be ore Iha hearing Your •P· peerance may be In person or by your etfotney

IF YOU ARE A CAEOI· TOA OI conlfnOent ~Of o4 the <leceaM<I. you muat Ille your datrn wtlh the court Ind mall a copy to CM personal repre1tnt1ttve ll)C)Oinled by the court Wtllin tour m<nN from the de .. ol Ill flrlt IMuenol of lene,. aa proYlde<I In Pro­bite Code MCliof'I 9100 The lllne lof llllna c:talml wt• not e .. btb9 lour monlhe from .. he41Mg date noticed eboYe


"" kept by bl OOUl1 "~ are • Plf'l()fl .,...... In the est•. you mty ..

wllh h COUft a ""'*" '°' 8DeCiel NoCICe (torlft OE· 1&.t) d CM 11W'9 °'an In· ventolY encl ..,,,,..... of ..... ..-.orofany P9t1tton or aocount .. ~ In PfOIMlll Code aeallot'I 121() A Alqueet lot lpedal NOClce form II l¥tlllallle lrom the OOOf1 defk.


Fletltlou1 Bualneu Name Statement

The loHowlng persons are doing buslneH 15

CLS Realty, 600 Nonh Tusvn Ave . Ste 270, Santa Ana, CA 92705

Don E. Alek8nder. 1337 Golden Vista Or • Wasl Covtna. CA 91791

This business ts con· ducted by: an lndtviduat

Have you starJed doing business yet? No

Don E AleKander Thl4 statement was hied

with the County Cler1t ot Orange Coun1y on H 5.99

189987804" Dally Pilot Jan 19, 26,

Feb 2. 9. 1999 T2S5

Flctltlou• Bualne11 Name Statement

The following pelSOOS •re dalng bus Ille SS 11 ·

Commeraal Lending Re· source, 2082 Michelson Or .• Sle 100, IMne, CA 91612

Michael John Sk1bba, 2218 Pnvate R~cs. New· por1 Beach, CA 92660

T'11S business Is con· ducied by an indtvldual

Have you &tarted doing bUslness yet? No

Michael J Sklbba This statement was hied

wllh the County . C1el1( of Orange County on M 5·99

19996780600 OaJly Pllot Jan. 19, 28.

Feb. 2. 9 1999 T256

Flctltlou• BualneH Nam• Statement

Tl'le lollowing pei'SOl\s are dO<ng bultneSS as

David Undenthal Con· Suiting, 981 West 18th SI . Untt A, Cotta Mesa CA 92627

David T l.lndenlhal. 981 West 18th St . Umt A, Costa Mesa CA 92627

This business is con· ducted by. an Individual

Have you started dOlng bus1neu yet? Yes, 12/l:Y 98

David T, Undenthel Tl'lls stalement was filed

with the Counly Cieri< of Orange C<>unty on 1· 1 S-99

1"96780501 Da1tv Pilot Jan 19, 28,

Feb. 2; 9. 1999 T2S7

Flctltloua Bualneu Name Statement

The 1onow1ng persons are doing bustneu as

Long'• Garage, 2633 w. Pacil1e Coast Highway, Ste. B. Nevrp00 Beacn. CA 92663

Jeffrey Wayne Long, 1310 Galaxy [)(lye, New· pOl1 Beach CA 926e0

Th11 bUs1nass is con­ducted by. an 1ndlvidual

Have you starled dOlno busrneu yet? Yes. 1·7·80'

Je11'9y w Long This &tatement was flle<I

w11h the County Cleltl ol Orange C<>unly on 1· 15·99

199M7I0521 Oa lly Pllol Jan 19. 26,

Feb. 2. 8, 1999 T257


ORANGE, 341 TM City Drive, Poat

Office BOit 14171, Oran19, CA 926t3·1571






It II 1-..Nlby ordefed lhllt .. '*'°"' lnMNMted In .. ~ llPPMf betof'I .,. ~ In Depenrnent No 703 of ... Orange ~~ Couftat 1'le ~ lhOWn •l>Olle on 3-2, 1998, It 2 o'Cllodl P m 9fld lt'ltfl ltf!O lt*9 lhuw C*M, If any 1'llY he¥t, Why the petlUOrl '°' ch9flOt d name ltlOUICI noc

~t ~r oniet.a tlllt • copy of ltlfl Qlder IO lflOW cauee bl ~In N8I COSTA MUA OM. Y Pl· LOT, a rl9 •P=r..i:.:· ... ClrQllllOf'I In .. COWllY.• onma ..- a.low.,,, ... ............ .,°'

=r1& ,.. A.


Actltlou• BualneH Name Statement

The following persons are CIOlng business as

Pacific Western Electric, 7005 Seashore Or., New· port Beach, CA 82663

Mlchael Charles Kirchner, 7005 Seathont Dr . Newpon Beaen. CA 92683

This bulineu la con· dlJded by an lndMdual

Hive VoU &tarted doing bUSlness yet? Yes, Janu· ary t , 1975

Mlchael Ctianes Kirchner This statement was tiled

with the County Clerk ot Orange County on 2·5·99

189M782519 0.lfy P1loe Feb 9. 16. 23,

Mar 2, 1999 T303 FlcdtJoua 8u1lneu

Name Statement The lotlowlng persons

ere doing bus1ne" as Fab·Tec. 835 Seagull

Ln .. • C201 , Newport Beach, Cehlo1111a 82663

Danny L Hawkinson, 835 SeaguU Ln , IC201, Newport Beach, Calll 92663

This buSlness 11 con· ducted by an lnd1 /lduat

Thi regl11r1n1 com­menced to trans8C1 busl· ness uncler the lk:Utlc>us business name or namea listed aboYe on 2/tf99

DaMy L. Hawldnson Thil st11tment was filed

with the C<>unty Clel1( ol Orange County on 2· 1 ·99

19981711973 011jy Pilot Feb 9, 18, _2_31

Mar 2, 1999 TJU4 Fletitloua Buelneu

Name St1tement The lolloWVlg persons

are doirla buslnesa es Vlt'le T'el ... 1680 W•I·

minster Avenue, Cosla Mesa Califom11 92627

Cyn o Helen Hanson, 260 Easl 19th Street, Costa Mesa, Caltlornia 82827

Thi5 bullneu 11 con· dueled by. an 1ndMdual

Ha"' you •tarted doing business yet? No

Cynlle Hanson Tflll stetement was filed

with the County Clent o4 Ofange Coum,~"'4-99

1 12312 Dally Piiot Feb 9, 16, 23,

Ma1, 2, 1999 T305

Fletltlou• BuelneH N1m1 Statement

The lol10w"1g perion1 are doing bUslneaa 11.

Proof ol Identity, 9125 Westmln&ter Mall. West· m1nster, CA 92883

Wlltam 8 . DaYll, 3070 segewood Ln • Corona, CA 91720

Cynthie L OaYll, 3070 SegeWOOd Ln • Corona CA 91720 '

This busineSI IS con· duded by: husband and ¥Wife

Have you started dOlng t>ullness yet? No

Wilham B Davia This sta1emen1 wH tiled

wM the County Cle~ ot Orange Counly on M ... 99

19"178047' Dally Piiot Jan 19, 29

Feb 2..9. f999 T254 Flctltloua Buifniif

Nam• Statement The lollOwlng persona

are doing business es Sweet Nadine, 2032

Phelarope Ct • Colla M .. a. c~ fl2626

Slepllanle M Leffler, 2032 Phal11ope Court, Cotta Mesa. CA 92626

This buatneH 11 COO· dlJded by. an lndMdual

Have you 11ar1ed doing butlneH yet? No

Stephanie M Leffler Th61 Statement WH filed

With the County Clef1I ol Orangt County on 1-14·"

, .... l'IOMI Dattv PllOt Jan 19 29

Feb 2. II. 1999 F25S

This business ts con· ducted by- an lndlYidual

Hava you started dolng buslneu yet? No

Chanes Brown Tl'lls slatemenl was ltled

with I~ County Clerli of Orange Counl)' on 1 ·29·99

18996781820 Dally Pilot Feb. 2, 9, 16.

23 11J99 T289



PETE AUN CASE NO. A195286 To all htlrs , benefl·

cianes, creditors, cont· lngent cred11ors. and per­SOl'll who may otherwise be interested In me will or estate. or bOlh, ot· STANLEY P PETERLIN

A PETITION FOR PRO. BA TE has been fifed by STANLEY PETERLIN tn Iha Supenor Coun of Call· tomta, County ot OR· ANGE.

THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that ST ANLEV PETERLIN & LAURIN PETEALIN be ap· pointed as personal repre· 1enta11ves to adm1nl8ter lhe estate of the decedent

THE PETITION r~uests the decedenl's W11t and codlc:1ls, If en~. be admitted to prOblta The Wiii and any CXXSictl• cire available for exammatlon "' the file kept by the court

THE PETITION requests authority to administer tha estate ~ the lndepend· ent Admlfllstrahon ol Es· talu Act (This All1horlty will allow the per$()0Cll rep· resenlallves 10 take many lldlOn& WtlhOOI· obtanng cOIJf1 approval Belore taking certain very impo(· tanl ~ton1. however, the pel'IOl\8I 1epresenta1ives Wiii be required to o;vt no­llce IO ll'llere51ed pe~ unless they have walYed noooe Of consented to the proposed actlOO.) The In­dependent admini1lnitlon eulhortty w lll be gtantitd unlesa an interested per· ton ftles an objectlOfl to the J)eltllon and ShoWI good cause why the coun s~ld not grant the eulhority.

A HEARING on Ille peti­tion wlll be held on FEBRU ARY 25, 1899 at 1.45 pm In DePt L 73 loeated at :W 1 The City Drtve South. Or· aoge, CA 1)2868

IF YOO OBJECT lo the granhng o4 the petltlOl'I . you lhould appear at the hell· log and state your :e· tions or Me wntten • tlON wilt\ the coun be ore the 11eenng Your ap· pet1rance may be In person Of by your attorney

IF YOU ARE A CREDI· TOR or conhngent c:redttor ol the deceaMd. you must file your c!aorn With the court and mall a copy 10 lhe persooat representatives aPPOinted by Iha COUit W!ttlin four monlhs from the dale ol the first Issuance ol leltert et provided In Pro­b1te COdt aec:tion 9100 The time lor 11t1ng clalms wlll no4 e11plre before lour mon1h1 from Iha heanno date notlced abOVe

YOU MAY EXAMINE Iha hie kept by the court II you are • person 1ntere1ted In the ettai., you may file WICh the court• Request lor Speclat NOllOe (lorm DE 154) of the filing of an In venlOf)' and appretaal of estate asselS or of lily peution or account • • provided in Probete Code MClion 1250 A Aequett lot Special No4~ form it avail&~ trom lhe ooun ct.Ill.

AttOtMY fcW tM Pvelllonet: DOUOUI E. GODBE, EIQ, (CtH70l71) , 24012 CAUE M LA PLATA , ITE . 410, LAGUNA HILLS, CA ...,

Published Newport Btectl.CO.ta -..... ()Wly PllOC Febr\lary 9, 15, 18', 1999


Aetltloua BuelneH Name Statement

The lollowlng persona are doln~ busmen ts·

Bottom • Up Boat Main· &all'lance, 109 112·341h SI , NeWJ)Of1 Bead\, CA 92883

Bryce Ogle, 109 11?-:Wth SI, Newport Beach, CA 92663

Thts bustneU It oon­cklcted by· en Individual

Have you atarted doing OUlineu yet? No

Bryce 00te This statemeot was hied

wt11'1 Iha County Cle111 o1 Olange Couity on 1 • S-91)

1"91nMte Dally Pio! Feb 2. 8, 18

23. 1099 T281

FlctJtloue Butlnua Nt1me Statement

The lolo*lng persons are doing bualneaa as

B11ket1 by Soni• Pe11on1, 1 0~ 112 ·3,lh Street, Newport Beach. CA 92863

Son,e Kirsten Petrone, 109 1/2·34th Street. New· port Bead\, CA 928&3

Thia buatnau 11 con­dueled by an lndMduel

Have you slarted doing buslneu yet ? Yea, 01-05-119 ~K Petrone Thie ttatement we• flled

wtlll the County Cllll( Of 0,.nge County on U SHI

1 .... 7'7Mll Dally Piiot Feb 2, 9f 18,

23, 1989 212 FICtlilOUa lualneH

Nemel1atafMnt The toloWlng peraona

are doing bUllMN u . Mileltone Finllndal S.IY•

lcM, 2102 Bulinll• C«I• .. r Of , #115 H , hvlne, CA 82812

KtW'I eonw..r.=- 201 112 Aubv St . , .... Calll 8*2

T'1ie bUainNt II con• ~by .... lndMdUll

Hive you ... ned OOltlg bullneai Y9t'? No

KeW'IOlh TNe -~ Wll flled

Wiit! Ill Cowtty ca.111. °' ~ COuntv on 1·2t·tt

. '11111711•7 01111Y Piiot Feb 2, 8"-'.,.8.:

23. 1ttt ln;:J


Flctltlou• BualneH Name Statement

The fOllOWlng persons are doing bU$1ness es Tl'lre• AnO-lt Pharmacy. 2855 Plnecreek Dr , I C319, Costa Mesa, CA 92628

Richard Matthew King, 2855 Plnecreek Or , #C319, Costa Mesa, CA 92628

This boslneas Is con· ducted by en lnchvldual

Have you atatted doing bualness yel? No

Richard M K1og This statement was hied

Wtlh the County CJelt( of Orange C<>unty on 1 -22~

1'"'78110I Dally Piiot Jan 28. Fab

2. 9. f8. 1999 T273 Actltlou1 BuelneH

Name Statement The lolloWIOQ persons

are doing business as· REAi.ViEW, 325 Grand Canel, Newport Beach. CA 821\62

Brejli Burnham. 325 Grand Canal, Newport Beacti, CA 92662

Th11 t>uatness Is con­ducted by an lndMduet

11•ve you started doing buslnen yet? No

Brent Bumham Thlt 1tate1Mnt was hied

with lfle County Clel1( ol Orange County on 1 ·22·~

100M781109 Dally P110t Jan 26. Feb

2. 9, f8. 1999 T214 FlctltlOua 8u1f nua

Name Sta'*Mnt The follo'Mng pe1$011$

lrl doong bu5l08SS IS Thtemie Scenil'a, 9582 Hamilton Ave 1107. Hunt· inQlon Beach, CA 926'8

Randy Alleo POIJl$00, 8582 Hamlllon Ave , 1107. Hun11ngton e .. cti . CA mq

Tl'l11 business Is con· duded by an lndMdull

Have you star1ed doing businMs yet? No

Randy Poutaon This statement was filed

with lhe C<>unty Clerk of Ofange County on 1·22·99

1e98&7810t9 Dally Plk>S..Jan. 26, Feb.

2, 8, fa. 1999 T275 Flctltl0u1 Bualneu

NenM Statement The lollowmg perwons

are doing business u Ttle CollecllOO ol Balboa ratand, 332 Manne Ave • Balboa llland, CA 926e2

Jane L Hay11, 332 Mal'fne Ave . Selboll II· lend, CA 1)2662

Thlt bulineH Is oon· cluc:ted by. 1n lndlYlduet

Haw you staned doing bu&lneu yel? No

Jane L Hay.s Thi• atatement was hied

Ytllh lhe Councy Clell( of Orange~ on 1·22·SHI

. 1tllM7810IS DadY Pilot Jin 26. Feb.

2. 8. f8 1999 T276 FlctltlOut BuafneH

• Nam. Statement The lolloW\ng pe1sona

1'9 dowlo buSlneU ti el MELLO· ROOS COM, b1 COUNTY DATA COM. c EMG STUDIOS, 101 enc.a Onve. SU.le 110, Cosll Mae. CA 92627

Pet11 M Pia~. 537 Newport Center Drive NeWJ)Of1 Beach, CA 9261SO

Thlt busl1'11$1 Is ()On· ducted by en lnclMdual

Have you started Clolng bUllntn yl_l7 No

Peter M Placey

Have you started doing business yet? No

Gregory A Fults Tl'lls statement was filed

With ttie C<>unty Clertc 01anoe C<>unty on 1 ·22·

19996711 Dally P11c>t Jan 26, Feb

2, 9, f6, 1999 T278 FlctltlOua Bualneat '

Name Stat~t The 1o11ow1og persons

are doing business as Anehefm Ga~ A•·

defltla.I Care. 525 W U Palma Ave , Anaheim, ~ 92801

Image Community Cate Resources Inc.. (CA) . 10031 Craiiel Or., Hunt· ington Beach, CA 926-48

This buslnen Is con duded by. a eo<pOl'&tion

Have you staned doing bUsiness yet? No

Image Cotnmul\lly Cere, Resou1cts. loc: , Coleen weus,.Prelldent

This statemem was l~ed W•ttl the County CJe11c OI

cxanoe~ Dally Pllol Feb 2. 9, 18,

23, 1099 T280

Fletlttoua BuelnMS Name Statement

The IOllOwlng • pers • a,.. doing bUstneu aa: TTIW MARKETING S£ I CES , 23782 Catie Ganadof, Miulon Viejo, Callfomla 92891

Weldon Lee Haywood, 1170 N Citron St, 1202, Anahem, California 92801

Thi$ bosaneu ls COO· OU<:led by 111'1 lndMduaJ

HaV9 you star1ed doing bU$tneSS yet? No

Weldon LM Haywood Thia statwnent was ltled

'With 1'le Coullly Cle111 o4 Ofaoge County on 1 ·22·99

1"91711101 OailV ~ Jan 26, Feb

2. 9. f8. 1999 T26CI FICiJtloua Bualneaa

Name St8\WMnl l'he lollowlng pe

are doing buslneM .. M V. LIOUIDATORS. 1084 Pescador Of., Newpon Beacn, C.\. nee<>

Brad Chr l atopher Goebel. 10&.4 Pescedof Drtve. Newpoft\, CA 92660 •

Tl'lls bualneu 11 COi\· duc:ted by an lndMdual

Have you 11.aned dowlo bUsiness yet? Vet. Jan 90

Brad Goebel Thlt statement was tiled

with the County Clerk o4 Oraoge County on H2·99

1MMT81102 Oellv Pllol Jan 26. F-eb.

2, 9, f6, 1999 Teel

PfGUET Mary Jane (Jeny) Pipe,

88. °' Newport Beai;h, died February 3, 1999.

SuMvots: ~-Bil. daughters, Lydia, Tyler, Jl¥ty Widelyz. Jeanne Ob­ert. eight gtanddllldren, four'ldchildrln.

SeMOas wit bl l'llld Saturday, February 13, 2 p .m , It St. MlchH I'• Eplsccpel, Corona def Mar Donations· Bin:! Chlldren'1 L6amlng Center

I -~I . . ": ., ~ Thlt 11atttnent was nieo

With the County Cletk of Orlnge eoun1~1.22.eo MClfllC V.W

DallV P1io1 ~en. ~i:- llaMC>RIAL MillK 2. 9, f8, 1999 T271 Cemetety • Moftuety

FIC11tl0w BualneH Chapel • Crem.tOf)' Heme 8'atlment 3500 ~ View DriYll

The folowlnQ pellOf\S Newpoft 1r1 dolnO bullnlta u : ......... -•100 PACIFIC COMMUNICA· ·==--====~~ TIOHS, 379 RochMler St . 11 Colla a.4eM, CA 82627

0 regol'y A. Fulta, 371) ~·* S1rMt. C<l9tl Mela, C8ld 92627

Thie buliMU la con• ducted by an lndMOull

"Affordable Alternative"

DbJcount Glsket, Ctematlona Bwial Service

Why should you subject yourself a your family to paying inflated pnces tOr caskets a semces????

Cll Tcill JNe ....... s.tcMID .............. _. .. t6tl

• •

li@;w. I I~-- I IMUCNOl1Cl911PUauc~ I lw- I N~ of Sele ffntaWt, ~ pefO()f\l of Fictitious Bu1ll'\ffl FletltJou1 Bu1lnee1 NOTICE TO

of AMI Property at amount bid to be de"°5ftod Name St.tement Name St1tement CONTRACTORS Prlvtte SI .. - b~~ (11.otiar._.IO The f~ persona 1 h0 toaowtng persone CA.LLINO FOR BIDS

. ;: ::;,~~~Of ~81U:. ai;:..:; ~: ~~ ~'fA~~~Jt\ ~N~AO~~:sHu~· c~ ~~MUNIT't l it State ol calllomla, lor lie• II any llfM .n., ..... SERVICE.:. _ 13 8uc;liJhofn, lngton St. Huntington CCU.EGE ~TRlCT lhO County of 01ange 1 r11 l>Ubllcatlon hereof, Ind Rancho :.anta Marg rra, OCatti. CA 92648 Bid C>Ncliine

In the Matter ol lhe Ea· beD'°'a14!.. daJtenuaohryale28, 1,.,..,. CA 92e88 Barb 11 Aus11n·Loyd, March .t 1999 ~ .. ~ pOlm of DOROTHY E ..... """ Erle M Pinion, 13 ~- 203 HuntW\glOn St Hun· Ptaca of Bid • ...........,1 •

late Mltnlyn Orolkom, Pel'IOtl81 thorn, R1ncho Senta lnOIDO Oeadl. CA 926'8 fl(() ol Director ol Purc:llas TRUMP, deceased. Ropfeseotatlve of the Es- Ma~nta. CA '2888 Thia bu noss 111 con· Ing Coast Communuy Col· Iha~ ~~:ul late Thii buslntH Is con· duded by an lnd~iciual lcoe Oislrk;(. Bldg • D" &ell 11 Private ~~- Vie Attome~~ at Law: duc:llO by en llldMdual HI,.• you lllAl10d doing t ;f70 Ad1m1 Avenue,

and best 'bidder, A810BER • STONE. Eeq. Have you slatted dOlng buJlne I yet? No CoetaPro11"ce1saldCAenti1r21~at1on to conll1Tn1ll00 ol mon, Mck lnMy, Miller, business ~et? No Bart>era Austin Loyd .... ....__ .. ,...,.. Supenor CoUrt on Of Zommlck, S andor • E'rlc M Pinion Thia atatement was 1100 Name. G........,, WMt ""''

=er the 20th day ot 'Febru· Ound•a.1. 2760 Bel"'ower ThlS statement was flied with the County Cfer1< of 1B~1 .. N0Re



Gymnaslum. 1999 1 the oll 1 Bl\ld., i»te. 1100, Lo09 w1in 11141 County Clerk of Oren~ Counly on 1·22·99 .,

ery. • ~ 0, CA tot15·11n Orange County on 1·22·99 • 199M71110ll Place Bids are on l~e alld

Robert M Stone, 27

50 Published Newpott 199M7t1105 Detty Pito1 Jan 2e, Feb avatlable at Office ol th• Botlflower Oflld' Ste, IOO, Be1Ch-Coeta Mela Dally Dallri P11Qt Jan. 26, Feb 2 9 16 1999 T271 Phy&ICal Fac1l1t•8S Coordj. Long Deech, CA 908l S all P•lol February 5, 9 , 12, 2 9 6 1n99 T269 ' · • nator Ar<llll1 Ridly Coest th• ntc•· 1111• and int1re11 1099 ' · • " Commuri•ty couege Dis· ol 11 dece111ed at tame ot No. 105904 FM752 Actf Fl-ltlou1 Bu1fne11 tnct 1370 Adams Ave aeath and eM nght, title and tloua ButlneH "' BloQ. ' D" Costa Mesa CA intereal the esta•• hae ac· Name Statement . Nam e Statement (



73 '

, quirild In addition to ltlat ol The IOflowing perwna The lollow1ng i>ersons NOTICE IS HERESY • ~·d ~aMCI 1n and to 111 Actltlout Bu1lne11 are doing bustnelf as are dOlna business as GIVEN that tNt above·

ttl8 otr1alll Real P~rty, N1me Statement · Hugga & Kts ez, 270 E TRESIOIO INTERIORS named School O.Strict ~f altulled In t11e Cl o1 Th• follOwing peri;ons 17th-S1 • 3A. Costa Mesa, 2.340 Santa Ana Ave~ #A2. , Orange Coonty. Cal!lomie, Anaheim, County Or· are doing bulllleSS IS CA 92627 Cosll Mesa CA,921127 acting by and lhrougl'I Iii •RQi. State OI Ca61omla, Martin 01101· • lma~s & ' Everything, EdiU'I M Oev1in, 2340 GOlleming Boero, herein· pelliCUllrty 0.SC:rlbed as Landsc1ping, 1413 W LLC, (CA), 270 E. 17th SI Santa Ane Ave . #A2, alter referred to 11 ' DIS• lolowl Loe 19 o1 Tnict Cencral Ave . Santa Arte, t3A. Costa Mesa, CA • Costa Mesa CA 92827 TR1cr·. WUI recel'Ve up 10. 4239 , u per map thereof CA 112704 92627 Tnicy L PulS'l)tler, 2314 but not later 1t1an the reoorded lrt Boot.; 217, M1rtin G11aa. 1413 W Thia bu1m1ss 11 oon· Conifer Lin , Tustin, CA above-stated 11me, , .. led page1 26 and 27 ol Mil· Central Ave. Santa Nia. dueled by LtmHed Llabihty 92780 blCls 1oJ lhe award ol a con-cellaoeous Mape, r8CIOfdl CA 112704 Co ThiS busit'IOS$ Is con- trllct b ine P'otect de· of Oren~ This bu91ness 1s con· Have you Sl811ed dOing due!ed by an indlvldU.I acrlbed as.

Mote kllOwn ducted by. en rncllVidual bus1119ss yet? No Have you 11arted doing Reroof Gymnawm·ap· as· 1234 Berkely Ave. Have you started dooflO lmage1 & Everything. busineu yet? No proiomately 13,456 squa1e Anlhelm, CA business yet? Yes, 7·31·98 LLC, Knsty Gla<ldlflQ, Man· Edith M Devlin feet

Terme ol N ie 111 cash In Millin Garcaa 11>9r Tnicy L Pulslptier There ~ be a Frve lawful money of the United This statement was hied Th$ statement wu riled This stltarnent wes hied Dollar ($5) non-refundable Stat" on conf1rYTiation ol · w•lh the County Clerk of wrth the County Clerk ol w11h tne County Clerk o1 payment required tor eacn ule. or part cash and bll· Orange County on 1·22·99 Orange County on I ·22·99 Or1nge County on 1 ·22·99 set of bid documents enoa upon 1uch terms and 19996781103 199967111104 1~781107 Checics shOUld be made condttions as are 1ccep· Dally Pilot Jari 26. Feb Dally Pilot Jan 26, Feb. DallV P1lol Jan 26, Feb payable 10 Coast Com· table to th• personal rep11· 2. 9. 16, 1999 • T268 2. 9, HI. 1999 T270 2. 9. f6, 1999 1'271

=~-~~ .... Fl

g 1 · 11

... . .. s


PUBLISH F'ot>ruary 2, 199\1 and F ei.iruary 0, I 099

WALK THROUGH Feb 1uary 16, 11)99 It !I 00 a m , Goldenweil C<>tlogt Malrittnen<:e end Op rli· uona Department. IQc;ltoo oft -McFadden Avenue l!O· tween GOiden Wa.$1 ;v.q Golhard StrlfltS

BID DATE Marth 4 1999 at 200 pm

BOARD DATE· March 17. 1999

No payment 'h81J be mad lor WOfi.. 01 ma•ortat undGr the contract unloss Incl unt• the ROQIStrnr OI Contractor• votlf :o ltlo DISTRICT that lho CON· TRACTOR property bcensed at !he 11me tho contrect WllS IWlrded Ariy CONTRACTOR not so ticensed Is su1t1oct to pen• alttft under tile law If the tlcen&e clas~tlClltion ipea. lted herelnabolle Is that cf 11 ~specr1t1ty conlractof' as

dc!IJnOCI In Secuon 7058 of C !Omla Buslhe»

MCI Pro! CcXlc, the flPtcl llty contrae1or ewarded !ho Conuact lot thl$ W0111 ghall 't con-1truct a majority of U1 wcm. In a<XOUlanc w tho PJOYlslons OI C omla Buslrioss nd Prof :JSl()ll$ Code SCClioo 7059

All WO!\ must be Cflm p1e100 wfth oo CO!l$41CUUV • dayi Tane la of the es· scnce Falllire co c:.>mplete the WQlt! wtthm lhe time sot lont1 herein Wiii result U\ the lmrw»•tJOn.of llqUidated d11magos for oam oav ol delay, In Iha h!TIQl;n~ r.<>t fonri u1 the •·1nlo1mat1on lor Bidders"

E11ch bid must COi' lorm 11-ld t-a Nl$l)O(l$lvu I:> tl;lil oootract oixoments Eac:tl bidder Shall Subf'tlll, on U\e lomi 11.1n11lihod WIID' 1t1e oontrect dQcufOOrits a ill c.I tt\e P'fSPOs'ed sutloo'n· trat:J,Ors on lhii prOlect as requttOO tiy IM Soblottnq &nd Su1Mlontrac:tj/\g Far Practlc:es Ac\ G-wemm .. 111 Code Section 4100 81 ~

Each Bid shall tie aooom· l)anled Dy a certil ed or C85hler'a Ctlec:fl. or bid borid In en amount l10t less man ten percent (10%) ol lhc to­tal bid Pt1Ce. pavable to tfle DiWld as 1 guarantee L>iat lhe bidder, 11 lll pr<>Posal IS aa;ep1eo, shall prompt.y o•ecute the Agreement, furnish 1 111islactory Felthlul Performance Sood In an &rT\OUf\t not less tnan one hundred percent

1uosday, February 9, im

EaCh Old SUbm ned lnJe· Ii pcin$8 10 this NotiCfJ ¥1all oontam as a bid • ade· QUal SOOO!;r)Q shOMg and bracing. or eQulvn nt

method, '°' the PfOl8CllOn ct IUa and limb in trtnencs and ope11 excavetlon, .... tiidl aha.!! c:ontorm to e;>­l>licab sar ty Old rs Govetnlng Board By Willl1m M Vega, Ed. 0 ., Cha ncellor, Co1et Conlmunlty Colfe9e DI• trtet

Publl1h1d Nawpotl Be Ch-Costa Mesa Da y Pilot February 2 9 1999




11 rou 0011'1


-~a•~ g

==:;.;.....-~~'" • SH (' --- - -

ByFa.~ ( 1H1>) 1>'.! t -<>'.'i'>4

ll'l<'li•• 11~-flld• )Olll llA""' •nif f.llGlw 11uorilwr ar•I .,, IJ rall )'lil

By Plt00e (1141>) hi'.!· ·,c,"H

By ~laWln Person: :tm ", ... , n " ~""' ,

( lllofll \tt•~ I ( ; \ ll;!h!

lh111·-. m11l r~ ooll111"" on· """J•'<'t ttJ 1•111111~·· .... 11lmt11 11011rr. 1111' pul1lt h• r t1 •t ri. ~ 1hr nl!l1t 111 r111si1r r•"l la •tf~. rn •·• l•r "'Jt'<'t llll\ 1 la ~1f1•'tl n1h1•r11•11111•111. l'trn .. 1• ro·1mn •"" 1•rr11r 1htir Olll\' lw. 111 '1111r d,,,,,fi, 1111.J 11n1111·1hatrh. l Ii 01111\ 1'11111 nr<'qtl" no' l111!11lt1\ for 1111\ 1•rn1r 111.111111hr;.11h• mrn1 il1r.., lw Ii 11 lllD\' IH' n··1w111~1hl1 1 \1 rpt fc.1 1111 101-1 of tlti> pn11 aC'HUill~ '-" 1•upll'd l1\ '"" rrnir (..r1•1lt1 I n11 ulll) J,, ollu\\ ,'() for 1lw fin;t llb<'MIUll

1___ ,.

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All rt1I Ule *'ruii.t la !Ma """""" 1e alljld • .. ftf ... ftlr W..191 Acl .. , .....

• ...,., n•• utn • "'' " ' te .... 111" • '" '"'"···· lllllltl lltl It flscrl• IH llH

....... ~Cl . ' " " · " " ' .. Ul, '-""'' ' l• illt l llllln If lllitul et1t11 , 11 " 1111 .. 1i.1 1' e t ll HJ lllC. , rl ftllllCI, llM ... ~111 .. •

'"' llWl'l 'll Wiii H I aHWlatfY Ket. tty l .. er11H etll Ill Ital estall Wllictl le II ttetat1111 ef tllt In Ow mHrl .,, ' "'" 1111n11tf all n 1lll11l afHr11Hf II 1-11 ....... , .. '" "'"'''' .. .. '"'' _,.,, .. ,., hsli . l• ""' pt111 t i itllcfllllltlllta. ull HUD



Eutalde 0ynll'llrte Duple1l Earnrn' potentl • I two· 28drm, 13n,soo. can Cyd ~ 11 MMM=aNS Git 48i UL. eonu1 Big R·2 Lot. $315,000

Mt-145-4441 NA SOUTH COAST PiltA GMt Sta"8f Home, 38drml (~led rrA) 2Ba cattl ceb tn LM, bricll Fp COolfW'( kA -.f ~ pevers g1rden "'"'" dow 2c .. Qll Cll ~. NJ. $t92.500 . MH94·5793


GREAT LOCATION 3 bedroom. 2 br.°I QIHI cul d&-18C, HafdoNood lloOIS fite­plact 'WOOd dlOMlO $409.000

• 949·831 ·8011 JICkle GJllll Realtor

ltll "" •I ' .. 424 •M Ftr I I 1•• WtdllettH. DC lftl ,11m 32 HOUSE~ ctll NUD tt c.?1-aol . ~ al:at

,J.A~~1 BEACHCOTTAGE , .. _ GEN1RAL 3 + 2 $360,000

Agent 949--723-8120 clJstOii BACK BAY AREA 0¥.r 3400 eq.ft. Built In M. snt,ooo. Eart • Judy Teytor, A~a Mt-142-4722

• • • LOWllT l'RICIO

3Mm In COfOlll dll Mat • <111 ol ar11 .... MYS SILL IT • 'llM>AYI la!Ol 38drm & fll!llV • teom neaaa wartt but PRICED

IJIOC!:I LESS IWt 1111 Mii $311.000 Miiie °'*'

• !(()UR.. co. Mt-37&-6678

W~EAFRONT SUNSET VIEW 2-story 4Bdm1 38lttl HocTle lrnrnlc"81e Conclllon $525 ,000. Altnt. Brian Edmondlen M 72:Mil51

HOw Much 11 Thia Custom Home Worth?

L.C a proleulonaly dMIQNlad ~ and 1 SUie Ctt1 Appllll8I tJl(;N y<N wllat your home~ be WOf1h

CALL TODA.YI ~M74·1669 OR 71 4-404~5"4

oovw Si'IOfe• 58dm1 4Clt •. upg••ded $699.000

C"-rtolll 714-432-9308 191ntlC St Famiiy. N'M

2·Story on Prime comer Htlghta Location. $749,000 •s.:•72W120 v 2 hdroom 2 Bath 9•tt4 community, • milt ooe111 view. Under ground eaRlnt t4N1M372


., ................. ~ . . . . ·-

1110 COSTA= I *COSTA l.IESA'S BEST * Juniot I bedroom lllld 1 bedroom llso 2 bedroom 1 bath OtJel galed ~. pool, teMtl. easy 8Clte6S fo ll'ffftY. beech ' ll'l•flt

71C.U7-0075 NEWPORT HEIGKTS AREA 3& 281. t501hq" 1.4> SIMS uni!, pYI bale. large foornl No PllS. $1495mo 714·S4o.0130 Newport ( ICCON street). 28dnn 1.58ath NM ptif1I l carpet No ptCI t 666 IMne Ave 13 $995/per month 949-720-9422 Ext 200 EASTSIDE 281 1Ba • iOli lip" NIB. balcony, cerport, new l*IC & Clrpel. gas pe>d $8751 mo 1' sec oep 94HSG-3735

1122 l=I 2 &ORMS IOC' the price of 111 NEWLY REN OVATED , SPACIOUS MSSq It One bdrm • dell avllleblel LllOI mestel bdrm & llvlng toom tit~ cenlral AIC Pett Mlcome Retax.wlg Wallf'llllfS Ind pc:111111sque VltWS From SllJO Ca1Noiv888-2t8~7

1132 APTS I

. NEWPORT HACH • • BIG CANYON * ~ 2 bedroom. 2-car Q¥. f;p, w d hook-ups. CWttrll Ill, liarm ayaWn. S2300mo Sony no pets Mt-64'-0!IOll

'I \; Newport ~larina

Apart men ta Bayf ront com m unity wi1h prival,. hc-ac·h & marina. Walk 10

Balboa ( .. land. Ava1lahle no10t-extra lari~ 2BR and 28R

+ den apartmt'nh1 $2 100..'3600 \\ood burning

fin'plaet• & pnvatr garag"

Sorry. no pc·t11.

J>lea1e u llr (949) 760-0919


VIEW BACK BAY 2br 2ba, IOwMoust sMe 2 car 9111 ., opener. 1rp1c ell amen

StS5(Aimo 909-'93·3130

1154:3151 ON EAST BAY FllOHT

2bf 1.Sba, dtn, 2 UI ganlgt, WHher/Oryer, 12150/mo.



8ALIOAP!NN OCEAN FRONT WfTH VIEW 3 Bedroom 2 Bath, large deek, new pa9'tt & cerpec. p.1/lung yrty $2075/mo 949·S48 .8J84 2bf beech houM w 2 bit t c. 911' ""'d ev1U merch 1 11500. nur b11ch end b ay. 14M7a-6315

ElSts10C charmnt 18r houM, reat locetion, plc*et fence 1095/month C•ll

• 149.5494919 *





HWPRT 8 CWICOSTA MESA From $1500 ·$6000 Per M.x#I No FM Btoker 94~642·3350



$1,495. SEA FAIRE

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M1ryAnn McGuire «Mno

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I* T~I CM/SO. Coeet Mllro hou11,

Prtva•e lf'tlf10CI room 'Wllh en.::tvnere ll°ICI pttvlle bll'I

S70Mr40. 714-641-4008 NEWPORT BEACH BIC11 Biy Shale Condo wl ltmlll 38r 211¥th, l1p. SOOOrno • lfl utlf•


LIVE TtlE TRAl)ITI01 The Terrac partment~


/YA; ,~u~-oa . .99up CC//L~ A·n Exclu ive Opporhmity for

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Son, Daughtn; frimd or whomever! Wt'// aJd htarts. 111 n~ ()./Tri <htirgt, snul 1"1111 ropy ;,. tht "14il,

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NOTHING! Call the


20 Charaeters per ~. You may use an 4 lines For iarger acis. c D an advertising 'l!P te>CSayf

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\ ' 10 T~, February 9, 1999



Adm1n. Suppott FIT and PIT t.or.,111 11111nr1a Jnll'f co !ecllny t:•"' 1iw. Ol!J~rnetl Ct)lllputer 111 ~oor~ w•nre111 clJl,!omer 1e1a ti l"6 r.klts Wr.t'~eod wo!ll. ooc ~ RO!Ullle w1avail ble tome( ays 94!1 720-9436

E!ARB{RYCOASfif B­~49 833-0141 ROlllN


CASTltnf.': Mov11 u tras r rOClud!On 1r • Flmsbdo 714 S1Mt519



RESTAURANT Fun, ~Y,~~e9,UT,av &ll We of1er 1 fun p1olessinnal envi<onmont l(JI 5 1ndtY l'lflo want e e11reer not a ~)li .-.111tu118 more 1mpc.1tant ltlnn e•per11J11Ce S2 SK per IMIU!l 7 t4-89t~n

SALE PERSON Upwde Chldrel\$ cio#'itY,J and shoe store FT Nie$ assoc ~ Shoe axper , helr!u4 LJUle People & Mt 949~5 1355


HAIR STYLIST WANTED IOr $lll0n Ill 00618 Mil~ll

e~riMCO v.i th ci4cn1111e 714-540-11'77

;. THE MAILBOX Ir C<M~111 luff port lonM ~rm ~pp;ng ~.oft, ,

1149 642 i;202 -S,-0-0_0_W~EEKLY stutf1119 41!11/el(>fl()S at h00'8 F.roo tnfo Rush (long Hll addressed s!aflll)e(I Cl'Velope I to ACE, ~pc sro P o oox S769 Diamond Bar CA 91765' CAL"SCAN



Both vulnu hie. \Yi 1 deals. West leJ rhe k1n1 of d ia111<ind •

NORTH •AK7 o K 7 4 () 10 1 •AK 107 4

' with the acc. A club h1fl W(IUIJ defeat the gitlllc u~ the canls he, but would have been fatal haJ West held a &inglcl.()n club, su Bast cootinucd with• diamond West won auJ htftt:d lo the ten ofticarts, &~1·s (,fUCCO lo mg CO the acc. WF.SJ

• 6 5 3 <:7 JO 9 J <> KQJ 5 4 32 6 Vold

SOUTH • QJ 9• Q AJ 6 6 96 ... 96 3 2

F.AST • 1082 ~ Q8 S l 0 A 8 •QJ8 5

Dcclan:r cleared trumps in thtee round , ending in hand, ll~n led a club, di\covenng the unfortunate break when We$t th5eanled a dia· nmnd. However, South was equal to the! la.~ l; . Aftc:r winriing the ace of clubs, dtclarer returned to IWlJ wuh the jack or hearts and led the remain· mg trump. ~ t, down to two hearu

' Ilic t1itlJ ing: WES f NOIU'H

' 3<> l>bl . Pal •• Pas

F..AST so\rru p~ 3• v.. Pus '

nd thr\."e clut>a, could not affoid to let go a club, so had to come down to a 1ingle1oh hean. Now dccl~r c~d to th(: or hearts and led .• low club toward the nine. '

Opening lead: Kin& of o

TI1e late Sonny Moy:>c when editor of '"Jne Bridie-World" was an ardent proponent of the power of the 4-3 fit m a m•Jor suit. He would have been proud of South'~ handling of this hand.

~t wu a dead duck The defend· er could do no better than win with the jack of clubs, but then had to lead away from the queen of clubs into dommy's K IO tenace. 1bc defenders took only two diamond tricks and one club. Beautifully played.

l.Hm to be a better brid1e Jllat· er! Subscribe now to the Go~n Brid&t Letter by calllo& (800) 788-1225 for lnformaUon. Or write to:

North, fully aware that South might have only four spades in response 10 the takeout double, elect­ed 10 gamble on the Moysian fit. That landed Nonh-South in the only game that had a chance to make. Certainly, tlac auction is emmenlly reasonable.

Goren Brld&t IA}!!!'J_ P.O. Box '410, Chkaao, lU. OUCWIU.

E~~i1 NANNY ror 10 mo old boy, NPB home FT "4on-Fn 8-6.00 L!Ve out, tels peal! eng Cf'R mOO Me Wl)rt; 149 64&-5777 OFnCE ASST. Jor tiif 111 NB • Creativ • mulli task Otlen 1

comp Ill Stlong c:orrwnun Skll$ Fax Res Jason 9'9 833-0645

OFFiCE CLERK FT. Cus1omet &etvlct & a<:cOUl'llS Rcclqcllections, good com­puter &~sl<ills S95G'Hr can Tracy &wn • 12 noon MF 94"46-1540


SETmRS JIT/ PT day and nrnhig &hlfis g12.g20 Per Hour

' Tui•trochtcer\ lll(hU

• llullh. l lrDW ,...,..,..... • "-I I K Mon ' • n.1.t fl('lf tl .. ... ... llfW ... ....,,...,.. ,, &tahllahal In 1989

nndgrowtna Call ror lf'IJUlntmcnt



RECEPTIONIST l/tlTWl<ltale opecWlg FT. good 1e1eenone!s & prolessfonal aMUde a must XU bon ~IS Ma• resome and &alllry re­qWemetes IO P8l5QM(JI PO 80lC 2927, Ne~ 8each msg °' Fax soo t;J1...i501



Work locllly $11 .751v, S.32 1/2 ml.

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PIHM be wafy of out of ., .. compenll1. Check w ilh the local Better Bu1ln111 Burtau befort you Mnd any money or • '"'for eenolcH . Rtld and undtratand any con1rac11 before yov tlgn


1--=-11-~11-~~1 ........_ LOOKIHO '°' Q Ila Of lllOf CADllLAC fUETWOOO 'N

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70 lbOlld ~949.f7S'4912 (264014) $"988

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800-32:/.1139 eirt 2101 • CADILLAC sE\11Ll£ 1§2 (CAL 'SCAN) Lu# mil~ 49 y 8 lthr, lllHlew


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Call 1.t00-M7-ol7t "·XVOIO BANIUiUPTCY'"

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New Nl"an 3.5 hp, outbolfd motQf With long shaft, $300. I 915 J ohnaon 3.0 hp outbottd rnotor 2 cyhndlf $250 MM45-8701

996 CAASITAUCKS srv1o1 (8231211 s11 ,1:1ea NABERS

NANS/SUVS (7 tc)sco-9too C ADIDC '° SPECIAL 119 Low mli • JIP!Ailie. llrlr. mt cond. 1?7$-4 42) S8 988

ACURA LEGEND LS 92 AlilO, air, lllQOlllool, lltM, rT'fl'f !*g : •tovl (0111~59) s I '798 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER

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CHEVROLET cOiwenE ·go Conv. low ml .tiite lall lttv Jin! COnd (107855) Sl~.988

• NABERS (714)S40-9100

CHEV'I S-10 XTRA CAB 9' H~ 5 gpd air a!!Oy$ ps, amllrn c:nss 11•c72j) s10,99a LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER

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OOAt iT'Y WfliililiJ 20 ye8l1 aper Re181ct1Ce$

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1'ht Calif, PubllC· Uhhlits Commission REQUIRES lhat all used household goods movers rrrnt lhllr P.U C C. T number, Mmos end chaufftis punt lhtir T C.P number l(l 11ll 11dver11> ments fl you haVt I question obout tht lo0ali1y ol • mover, mo or c:haulfer, aiu· PUBLIC UTILITIES

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ROBERT tSBEU. CO. ~rteriot, smtl jobs Qt( Oocora V1l P M1l#l!I l.1494350 Cat 94~ Of page


TOUCHUPS TOO • 24 Hra Richard Sinor

Uc1280&44 Mt-tSM l92 •

krueger painting resldtnllal

(aux (lnlslllng wood rutoratlon

nuttthew 548-5481

lie. 740898

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F~~~delec L1752 97 IM9 ~5-11304

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bPllft DlOON CWNINO Plumbiog rtpllra

20 Y't"J) ... work~ STEVE 545-82M

2~:~ =- ::.;:g bOnelld, ho

Plurn~aln Cleaned 24hr emergency nr•lce. LOW rtnte. l"rM 111. Bondi


LM87398 96'}-1090




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I· ~I COllMEACIAl OfACE/H.O.A .• Pron .. ..,,, lnterpeclflc Au,11 Mgml


l· ~I

PIANO LESSONS All k!v••ls 20 yr• eap. MM FIRST LESSON FkHt

714·fl79 835

NWf1T, r,~FSA l11t()11nq Ctr

G I G UPHOLSTERY SI~ 'Q I Custom tumn Upllollttty, allp ~0*8, 1lque rep11r. 5'2-4112

388 WA&l: COY ....

CUSTOM WOOOW K Home. oftke, boat, RV. F'uml!u!1 r•51ofa M'repalf. Osplys. shel'ves 714-799 n1

Sell your extra houaehold

Item a In ClaHlfled

,.. .... _ . - ·- ....... • . ... . . .. ~· ) • , t . . ....... - .. ' .... --· - - .... -- .._ - ~ - --- - .... - .. . . - .


Court drops district frorn Huntsman suit II Lei\\""}" -.l dl1· d<j(' rH 11 ·-.. c c111 ' I IH· '>Ur•d lor 111 011 1 •y 111

11 •dr·1 .ii 1<11irl I >111 dll<H 1wy l or l ornwr ('or rn1c1 cl< ·I !\ l c1r

1111111 -, 1111lt·11t plc1ri-.. t 11 w lilr· c·11...,1·

11 \I

.. ,.. "'· ,.r 111 .... ••\1 11 1h 1• •r: 1 11d 1 r 111 1 rl 1, 11 111"-. /1·111 luh·ro1111 , . p1 ol 11 \ 1111 11 1\\"lill ....... . k .... :5111111111 1°11 1 1: 1 d 11fll

• • 1 .,, l't J JI I ' II .., \ \ I· ·ti' .,., I "'I' . ., s ·) Ill ii I 11 J II 11"I1 1 I.,, I I. I 1tl1! l 111 1' t'" 'l I" ti 1111• '-1 h11•tJ IJi ., Ii i' I ! 1° •111 I<\ Il l 1111111 ... 1111111 , '''" 'oJ tl " f! ,., 1·.i .. 1 ' h id \\ ill 11111( 1(\

11 .. 1 •· r.d •!,, J .. q. if \\ 1o1n111l11q 111 ·: \\ 1 • 11 I ll' d r-.1111 I ollill ! )11· !111 -

l:I• ! I 11: '"'' ti• I \ I ii I l111h ... 111 t1' I •

l 1-. I '.••I f l l 1t11h·11 .. 11., 1tl l 11r 111 •\' fll ,.11 I f1•tl1·1 ,( I I\ ii IHilth

'""' 111 1 o1t1 oi l1 1 ... 1 111 .. ... t 11•1111 di... 11 11' o ~l , : 11 11 Ill\ 111 "1' \ \' fllllf 1\1 •.Jt Ii

•ti fl 'Ill \-B11I I HI lc111 ..!1 1 1111 · !1•dl'/t1I

I 11(1/"I flJ-.lfJl'> ... l'd llt• • I 1-.i· dfJotlll'-1 1111• ..,, lu1ol tlhlllt 1 < 11 11111 rt 1tll l

I >1-.1nc't I ·,,u11 111111111 I>'"'"' 111141 o1 .., 1,;1 •. 1111111 111 •11 11 1 ... 111·d 1•11 11 11 11 1•··. Ill J1 ·t!1•1 cd t 111111 1111• <1 1-. 1111-. ... ,d """' llPI cttli•l 11111 • l• l \\' -.1111 .iqnll l' I ~ l '\\(1<111 lll'.tlh .111tl l h 1'11 1111 • I l1 •p11r l1 111 ·ril

· 111I 1111 -. .. ol , , I ' "" ol1 , 11111

r•·< <·1 \ 1•., ,q 11111d1 111,,nt•\ lr1101 lht• ... 1.111• 11 h ton ... 1cl t-11·d wh<1t lhPy t ,di ctll 01111 11! lh1 • '>lct!t-," ':lrt1cl I >c1\' 1CI -.;111111•, l l11nb111<Jll "> a tl1•r -111 •\

I h 1 dr-.111"-.rt l \\'"" \\ tlhoul p11·1ud 111 ., 1111•<1111nq ~htJ11·.., <<111

11 •t1lt· tl11· lcJ\\ -.Ul l , wh11 h Shon·., 111!1·1111-. 111 tin 111 hoth lt·dl'rcil <lll<l

-.lult· e 11111 1 '-il1t111•.., pl11l1.., 111 frlt· 1111· 1111Jl1t ·

1111\ (lilfl "I !hP lt1\\<.,t!l! ctl(ulll..,! lh" ' t / 1111 1! d1 ... 11111 Il l ... 1.1tt • t fi\111 11!1tl 1111• I t11\<.,lllllll11J11d t•(t•IJl1•Jll ''lt 11 It._.., . ~., 111 11\'1•r t 111 11 th!"' <11., -11 11 1, I llll1!11\l ' f-.Hii /t'lt1 -(11)t•ftlf le \'

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I 111 ... I< ·"" l ll\ '1111 ... rlPlhlnlj. -., 11 " 1"' · •lltl I ltd\ "ll I 111-.f •Ill~

d li1lity t t1 -, 111 · I d1111 ' t m1111I ">t11r111 ll1L· .,, h 1111l d1:-.t11' I 111 l\\11 difft •r1 n t p1<1< f"-, '

11111 llif' -.e h 1111I 11 I.., ullc 1l -11 1·r. Spt·n<1•r <' 11\ 1•11 -.<1111 11 Short•-, 1111•, 111 l\\t1 •null... IJ .. would "> l'l'k Lu fore 1• Ill•· t ,,.,,. 11111 r.. 1nt11 fl"<ll'rcil c uu r l

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L. 1'-1 f-1·t11111ll\ 111 1111-.111 11!1 \\o1-

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Remembrance of things past '-.ti\ t ·r itdt 1 11111111' for •\l1 hf' llllPr\

f'dllf•lll\ ll'>C'\ l llll OVdll\' t ' p roqrctlJlS

lt l ht •lp ( dft ' Int lhrn.1 • Wi th d1 Pd"P

I \ ,I I

,, " ' .

( i Ii 11111!11· I l.1q-.11 11 111 11·1111•11il11 ·1-. l11 ·1nq

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l •1•111q lit"i •

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111 •1 r--;1111·!1·1•11 l" '" I" ' ' l11·q.i11 l t•1•<1111q th1 •111 -

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II\\ , Sh1u1 k 1111d \,\'111111 •1 c111 1 lry1nq l o

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lh11 111qht•llt tit •· l1t•rllt' f111, \\·1·1 ·!-. 111 1111- 1111'1(1·-. tho1I 1111\1 ·

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I "' llli'll!ClrV lioxt ·-. . whl< 11 I Pll l <l ll l 111• '1111'111 11 ...

IH•lll lh t · !t':0.1!11•111-. Jh l '-h -.11( h ..... flit !lilt ' " · .iwc1rd :-. o r tW \ \I'- c ltpp1111 1s Tiu• l•t1'<•'" q111111I s tclP o l th1 · r1 •s1d1•11b. 11111 t11s '" l<1 nd111 111k.slo 11

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Tilt• rP!--1d 1•11! <. 111 <· ctl,11 t •1w1111r.tq••<I 11)

llltl k C' lht'll r1111111-. (IS "' h1trJH•y " ol' po ... -.1hlP " ' hnnymg p t>r-;11n. t1 l11r111l 111f' t111d d1•1 o rc1!1on-.

' A nursinq '1cllllll l \VIII •• 1 ... ct bt• fctnVl'rlr-d lo ct " cou ntry- k1 tclw11 ·· !11 hlf•.1k dow n phrilr1I

sEt sitvERXoo PAGE s

Board will discuss school facility needs INDEX • A rrh11t•ct w ill prt>sen t ovt>rview of lhL>.prowct thdt will d<' IN mirw w hot ca mpus rf' J>dtrs arc' 11PcPssc1 ry ctrtd

how llwy should hf' pdid for.

I It " l IN M 1\'lll'-:l


NEW Pt )lff-MC:SJ\ Tiw sd10ol l><1c1r<l will yPt ii long-await ­P< I glimpst• into thf> months-long study of lht• district's building needs tonight.

Fred Good, principal of PJHM Arc:hilP.cts Southwf'sl. will present an overview of lhf' project tha t will include: y enPrctllzed findings. arees of sigmhcant need and what !ltate hmding will be available to pay for the nf>eded upgrades.

What is unlikely to be

c1nnounr <'d tornqht rs t1 dollnr amount for U1f' f i.X<'~. school homd rnmnhNs said.

The district did its own s urvey of needed structural u~1raclf'S two years ago, which 1dentif1NI $15 million in improvements. The ltttest study is ' far mon> t>xtensive and covers several areas not included in the original study, suc h as mod­ernization and technology.

•He'll be looking · for some direction from us about what to do next.• Mid school board meQ'lber Jtm Penyman. · 1 suspect that with· in a short period of time. we'll have

tlw n 1mpl<'lt' rC'p11rt " Whllf• Ult> report wc1~ originally

l!ChN1ulf'd to rome 0111 m SeptPm­w r, hoarci member Mdrtha Fluor :-.d1c1 several factors havf' ·con­tnhuted to thE' delay

"(Supcnntenden t Roberti Bar­hot came on hoard and wanted to be appn!'ecl of everything.· she said. "My b iggest concern was that ii would be comprehensive e nough and have all the inpu t we need."

The board recently hired politi­cal consultant L4ny Ttunutola to help gauge the community's feel­ings about a bond issue and to help win community support.

The meeting Will be heJd a t 7 p.m. at the o.tJ1ct Ectuc::atkm Cal­ler, 2985-A Bear St .. COlta Mele.

ClASSlflD .................................... . COMMBfl5 ................................. -.. 2 POUCI flfS .... _ .... , ........ .............. 1 "*IC NOTICES ....................... -.... 1 SIOll'S ................. ._ ..................... .


<I 1•1 I 111,1r1 1o11f\ !1 s

r1111-.. j •11fll1IH 1:

111. 1 .... Ill ' " ' I" •l,1 , 11 p11n •, II · · 't f .,,,je ll ' 11 11 \\lt 1l' j

">11• 1" 11.J ,.d 1t ll•l Ir 11 ·rl ' 11"11 • lo ·r 1. ,ni

ft ,, tli-.1 11• .

Ryan Huntsman ,,, tr• •ll ' I· ·d · "f'lit '""' it j , ,

li.11111·-. \dll• Ir t llll il ! 11 1\\ h n\ • ti,· .11ht l1 ·, it1 I h1nhrr1.i • ... '" '" '

I I 11 r! , ., t 111 t Ii' I' I• " •I l t "

t H, IJ< , .. , 1lf ld d1•1 1 ... 1111 l1• "" ' ''t" ' • ! l 1111hCllflfl

Tll•· '"' 1 I It.i i ! l 1• 11 "• 1: : . .i d11·dd\ qr .. d 11.i11 I · 11 11 r:.i l• • · ,

1'11......,d1ii 11\ 111 h r' ,,,·1·rt11n111Ht tr'

t •" ··l<t lt·1 11r 1< • p•dlt" < ·.,\'l'r1 '<' " t 1 \ "" ' •lid !f t· • clr..;trJt I ~'

I ."'" , I .: ... ............ t1 J I \ L:?fltUf··~

'• 1· l· 111 1· l>r • ,fi ll' ctlit11 rl I•\ 111:. '·' I'' ']... 11 11 11111 ( ....

I,, 1.!.1: j I n h """• ! ., u I l d ' t \t ell

\\, J , l1i1\ . I I " ' tll <ti ll: -·

\ •,•., , · , •• t \ \ ... llt' 1 ... ll •t l l lti ( • ....

' f • ... , •' . ! ' , f fl • ctP J Jl •rl { •\ 11

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See related story, Pages

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Meeting attracts too few Latinos • <1111\ 1 -,'11 1\\l'dup

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' I IP rPapt~d quite a harvest frmn Costa Mesa land


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Gdy WdSSdU-KeUy's three­yeM n11'>!.t0n to retneve, restore

. ~ ~ dnd rehdng the vmtage U-Drive If Roat 5ign came to a celebratory 11 -end Thur~ddy. Wassall-Kelly

turned th •switch on the neon -.111 n uunnu a lighting ceremony W1•d1w!>cldy. " It's d rdre ddy when d < 1ty. in presrrvtng a bit o f 1t h1-.tory, recdptur(•s a bit o/ 1h hedrt uncl soul d'> well,· Sdld l>dvtd Milton. the Laguna H<'dCh drl1st who pdinted the ' " 19indl 'itfJn, which hrst .. PJ>t!dfCd Ill Bal hod Ill 1933.




Newport .......... NP1yhhor., of Harbor Center <If(' pr<>pdrC'Ct to drop thetr swt ·•~1ain~t thl• n ty of Co!>l i:l M esd 11nd I< 'I J)1 ~velopmc•nt Co. tI lht' < ' 1ty Counnl ci pprov<>:-. d settle· 111<>nt c19r1·c 1rnc·n t i.truc k by lhf' thn·e 11c11t11·-;·

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A LUCKY DOG T he• tut11rfl didn 't look too

linqht Jw < 0drly th1• Hottweiler -1111til -.hf' nwt velc>nndn<ln < ;l'on w Kt1tchent1n. Cdrly a nd ll1 ·r younq pups hctd l>C•Pn aban ­d1111l'd <JI tht• '>IPp'> 111 the O rctn9<1

, •, · ' /


The famous U-Drl ve boat 1slgn synonymous with the Fun Zone of the Balboa Pe~ Ugbts·up

~e sky after m onths of r efurbishing.

I County H umdne Society. The society hdd no problem finding

I nf!w homes for the puppies . But it would have b<1l !n forced to put

1 Cdrly to sleep 1J Kdtchendn hdd

not performed two hip surgeries free of charge.

"She had bad hips but an excellent disposition, • Katcher­ian said .


Cynthia Parker grew so tired of seeing foam cups, plastic bottles

Annexation talk not we·11-received THE ISSUE: The Newport Beach City Council is reviv­ing discussions about annexing Newport Coast.

W 1· h11\'<' ltvl •d Ill Newport C ·o,...,l ...,nrt • 1t h1 :gdn in

I q!-.fl We do nut w~1111 lo h1• pdrl o l N(•wpnrt 131'ctrh I "City t11 rl'VIVl' N1•wport C'c1n<,t c1nnrx.1· 111111 talk," r1•1J 2) . If W(' W<1 nll•cl 111 li vt• 111 N1•wporl H1•dch, thcJl t~

wh1•r1• w1• w111 Jlcl hc1vP bouqht .i !iOAl P .

L<'dVI' u' dlnnr· WI' want our 11w11 cw11111u111ly. N1•wport Cod::.! 1 ~ r1 1 u111111ur11t y 111 it' own ri ~Jhl We• don't Wdnl tn IH· nnnexed to N1•wport Bl"drh

MARIE MARGARET N1•wport Co,1-; t

I dOl lolctllv d(jdlll'I dOr1f'Xd­t1w1 with Nl'WJ><Jrt B1•c1 ch .

My list I!'. vpry lonq to !-.Uppo1 l lil y 5. lrtlll~ l1d1Pf thdl tlw. w ill not I"' l>PnPI ir'1cll I or 1 ·wporl Cod!.l n·-.1dPnh It would only pdcl thP

pockc>ts of N ewport Bedch. I w1U give you two rect'>om.

I f-1r~ t of dil, w e pdy extrCc>m(!ly 1 high M ello-Roos ldX~!S in New ­

port C 'odst. N ewport Bench w1H 'not d!.'>l '> t N ewport Cods! rPs1 -<lenL-. with this chMgP. As you know. Mt•llo-Roos tdxe:-. drC tor

I pMk s, !.C'hooLo; antl 1mprovPments to thP community. If we <He' onm·x<•d, Newport Beach cdn

· 01w11 up our pdrks to anyone. I The pctrks rould lw rPserved l>y

dnyo11P, which would medn that 1•w11111 I < ·oclst r<' '>1dents could

not l 'Vl·n U!>I:' tht• VNY park!. that wt:• hr1 VC' pct1d tor.

Sc•rnndly, Newport Bcuch triPd to swdy our opinion hy std!· my they wouJd provide heller pollc0 cmd fi rr protection, which 1:. bunk. I hdve !>puken lo tndny nei~ hl>nrs. and thPy all d9fCl' lhdt uur protect.Jon 1s excellent pNso11<11ly had dn 1•xperience

I wherP c1 n emerg1•ncy call was mc1dr> to the Sheriff 's Depart­ment. The response was within I minutes. dnd the s1tudtion Wd'> hr1ndl<•d wi th vPry high profe!>-

sionalisrn. Also, if an extreme situation

would occur, I have been told by our Sheriff's Department and Fire Department that Newport Beach would have to respond anyway. So anything that would go above ctnd beyond what Newport Coast can handle would be handled by Newport Beach anyway, regard­less of whether we annexed or not.

Certainly N ewport Beach wants our money. Newport Beach has yet to give me or any­one a valid and desirable reason for giving them such a huge gift.

PAM LEARY Newport Coast

I am just calling to say that I do not think it .is a good i(iea to take up the Newport Coast dnnexation. Perhaps it is O K to discuss it, but I sure don't favor domg it .

It seems there is a pattern on designing development, then try­ing to get annexation through later. I am not sure if it is in New-

port Beach's best interest to, in effect, be bypassed in the prelim­inaries of deciding what goes where.

Secondly, traffic and ihe avail­ability of water are likely to require solutions of greater scope than in the past. Consider Bonita . Village, not even on the crust, one development with aJ.Iilost 1,400 homes and hundreds of apartment uni.ts. It may be argued that development would occur in an·y event, but Newport Beach doesn't have lo encourage it with a question of annexation.


I am calling about your article about City Council talk of New­port Coast annexation. I Jeel th4t is a serious mistake.

1 am a 12-year resident of Newport Beach and feel that annexation simply dilutes the quality of the city in wb.ic;h we live.· I fail to see any advant<lge to the city or its residents in the annexation.


I E A D I I S I I S .p ·o I D

Locals give thumbs down to Bad Ass Coffee CO. THE ISSUE: Many say they find the company's name offensive.

I nm r""fl"nd1nq 111 the· t1rtld1• n·~ Jdrdtn!J lhP llr11l t(• Hnd A:-.~ ( 'olf Pf' fllJ Hdlhod lslnnd I '' Will nr•w coft!'Phou!'.P lf't1 VP

'1'111 sll?c111111u1(" P"h 4 ) Tildl I!, d1i.gust· llllJ

I hw• 111 < ·ri-..1c1 h•..,,1 I ctm on the tSlancl lrir my wc1Jk:-. c1 ro11ph• nl times d ddy, dnrl to !-.l'c· the • 11c1111P Hc1d J\ss Coffee. I would not qo Ill lh1· r offPPhrn1<;e, whkh I love. I would 1 ·nd up <JOUHJ into Starbucks

So my lc•1•hnqs <1rc> 11 is ~gustmg. and I would 11<1t l1kP lo Sl :l! 11. I

LINDA JOHNSlfON Costa M esc1

I dJll cc1Jhnq dhoul the cotteehousc thdt 1:-. 11p1•mn9 on Balboa Island . I for one cer­tc1inly would not go m there. It is just a l 1 <1~J<'dy lhdl we ate at this level. But then I <Jlll'!.S thl' president has shown us the Wei)'

NANCY PENN Newport Beach

I have IJved in lhls dfea since 1952. Th1s new coffeehouse going in with that Mme IS just terrible. It is just another way of them ctupping away al our morals. I dill JUSt surprised thdt the City Council dJ>proved them.


Bad Ass Coffee Co. IS a terrible name. JOHN ZINSMEYER

Lido lsland

Mctybe some of the islanders won't like 11, but I live in Costa M esa. I think it is pretty cool. And it depends on the logo or thP design they use for their sign and all that. A picture with a big old donkey with motorcycle gear on or something, that is not as IJdd as using some woman or what­c-ver.

I W1Sh them luck. They can always change il to BA's coffeehouse - for. bad dltitude or something like that.


I am a 30-year resident on Balboa Island. I am calling in regards to the Bad

READERS HOJUNE (949) 642-6086

VOL. 93, NO. 33

Rec:Ofd your comments about the Daily Pilot Of news tips.

ADORE SS Our addreu is 330 W. Bey St., Com Mesa. CA 92627.

with the offensive name. Balboa lslan.d is a cha.aping, family-ori­

ented couummity. I hope the new owners wiD reconsider

and change their name. Otbmwile, I will change my habit of stopping there for

Ass Coffee Co. going in where the Diedrichs was. It is too bad that w e have such a nice area here and that we are subjected to places like this. The name is inappropriate for our area. and I really think w e could have better businesses invited or accepted on the island.

There are plenty of other places to have businesses like this, but this would start a bad trend on Marine Avenue. We have a nice community, and let's keep it

' breakfast after my morning walk, and will patronize another restaurant - one that cares about its neighbors.

that way. JEFF HOUSToN

Balboa Island

Balboa Island has a reputation of a clean tourist attraction that residents take pride in: Passing pedesfuans w ould not be aware of the history of the Hawaiian donkey. They would only be aware ot the

utty-sounding name. Why tarnish and ~~·IIUS· h the pride we take in our lovely

Balboa Island? JANET MINGGOl.D

Newport Beach

I am deeply sorry to learn from the Daily Pilot about the new cotfeehouse

W·IATlll ,......... ~ 59'42 CorOM dl4 Mar 5W43 co.ta Mesa ~ ,....Jport INd\ SWG -·cwt eo.t ~ .

1mB 'IODAY Plntlow H:43a.m . .. .... 1.1 Finthigh J:sta.m. ....... 4.) ~low

. 10:t1 p.m. ...... 2.4 SICland high . .~tSp.m. . ..... . J.t

DALE MCCOY Newport Beach

In reference to the Bad Asa Coffee, I think that ls a borrtble name.

I go down to Balboa ~ to U1e their post offke. I would jult not go into that coffeehouse with that name With m_l lddl - you mow, spelling and an that They could easily spell that out, and I don't want them taDdng like that .Aod I am slightly offended. .


When I first heard about ttie name 18Y­eral weeb ago, I felt~ u ~ ~ 1ays -M that tt ii not gdng·to fly in this very cooservaane town. not ctty.

• h may fty in a dty like.Seit Lake aty, •

which maybe comervatiYe •a~. but· thete are people in there .b aw• mn· lel'Vativel. ~ it ii a large dly. '11111 ii a very llOAl1 town. \ .

I thiilt there~ a Jot d people~ on this illand P>at are going to obJed ta that name. .

I don't know if they am change fl or • w!Jat. but I $loll't think Jt ti ga6llg to be ~fortrnm•.


Doily Pilot Tue~oy. F bruory 9, 1 m 3

How hard is it to try a sensational case? You be the judge U uaUy, bemg a judge is

great. In court, the attor­ney and parties tend to

· fawn over you because each side wants you to rule m his or her ltivor. I fowever, once in d while, you g~t a hot-potato ca e in which whatever ruling you make you arc gomg to C'atch hell from the puuUc.

In this colmty, the reaction against an unpopular dPcision i;eems to bP- an effort to recall the JUd~o. f lowever, bcf ore anyone deade. to become uivolved in a recc11l <1gantst a judge ror making c1n unpopular decis1on, let's take a hol·potato case I tried a long. time aqo I'll tell you the facts ,

'you makft. yom deas1on, then ·. test 1t against the decision I actu­ally mttde. ln other words, you be the Judye.

Before the present freeway system, the highway between Santa Ana and Capistrano was a


narrow, two-lctne road thdt mean­dered over the hills of the Irvine: Moulton anq Santa Marganta ranches.

Early one morning, a m.m was driving south on that road toward San Clemente, where he was gomg to do some early morning

fishing from thP. pier. As he approached the crest of the hill, he aam~ upon a slow-movmg truck.

As we all know, you are not suppo cd to pac:s a car when approaching the of il hill bccau e you can't see oncoaung trafhc. This man did . He swerved

• out to pass the truck, and JUSt as he hit the cret.t of the hill, l\e came head-on wtth a car contain­ing tow young people who were coming home from a party. There was A simply awful crash. All four of the young people were killed Miraculously, the man in

• the other car didn' t have a siratch. · ·

The man pledded guilty to four counts"of what was then called negligent honucide. Now comes the sticky J><U1. You, as the Judge, must sentence him with the whole world, or at least all of Orange County, awaiting your dec1s1on.

At h~t blush, it b easy. "'Stop carnage on the highway! Four young live:> snwfed ouW

Headlines like that call for . · the strongest sentence po:,s1ble, don't they? Let's throw the book dl him. Consecutive enten of 10 yeari. caeh addt. up to 40 yearl> This careless dnver • de:.erves it.

But wait just a dam minute. What about thb guy you are about to send to pru on with all those murderen;, robber5_, gang­sters Md c:hild molester:.?

This man hds led an exem­plary life. He'hds never had as much as a traffic ticket. He is . ..

·happily married, the father of c two girls, 12 and 14 years old . He and his wife are active m their church and in commuruty affairs. He is just about the best person who has ever come before you. Are you going to destroy this family, make thelI

Dunes pyrotechnlcs cause fireworks with neighbors • Police receive about 100 cal_ls on private event; · resort decides to cancel private parties where fireworks are used.

(,Rf:G Rl'-I J •

An undnnouncC'd, power-packed fu works show at Newport Dunes Rl''>Ort on Sunday night startled and angered some res•· dent-., prompting th<- hotel's man­agemC'nt to cancel future prtvate part1e wh<>re pyrotechnics are

used. Newport Beach poli~e received

about 100 calls from Back Bay res­idents who were wondenng what the commotion was aoout. The hreworkS show began at about 9:45 p .m. and lasted for 10 to 15 minutes Those who live nearby were treated to the lurrunous dis­play, but others who couldn't see the show thought gunfire or ct bomb had hcen detonated.

Pamela Miller, who lives m Irvine Terrace, didn't mind the rrud-everung disturbance

·1thought1t was d machine gun at first • she Stlld "I went outside and saw this glorious fireworks

Eileen Seibert, fol.D . H.1arJ C\·rtif1"J, lnlcrnill Ml·J1 .. 1n"

,\nn .. un c• 1l1L· rcnm~ ,,( 11.r ~""' 1. Hice al

35S Pb .. l·nlaa Av-..·nue, Suih· 201 '\\·Wp(lrl Bca .. h, '

(B"h.nJ l Io.1~ I lu~pihi) 949/646-4355

• Acccptjn~ t\-cw Patient. •

show. It was absolutely mcredihle. I have never ~n anything like it before•

Miller was m the minority, because most people ob1ected to· the show.

Dunes General to.tanager Tun Qwnn said the hreworks were pa.rt of d birthday party for a Newport Beach resident whose name he didn't reveal People may hdve been infuriated be<:ause the m1irh ber of shells used ui Sunday's spe­oaJ event was higher thd.I) the hotel's annud.l Fourth of July show. which is 15 minutes longer, he added .

Qwnn said he received about 20

cdlls Monday morning, most of which were.n't favorable. The resort usually. IS host to six func­bons where pyrotechnics are used every year But Quinn Sdld the hotel will abandon those tutwc parties with the l'Xception of the Fourth of July cclebrdtion.

·We aren't gomg to do any more of those shows out of concern to the surrounding commuruoes," he srud. • u there Wdc; a way to noWy the puhlic prior to the event we wouJc1 Wn J::~t don't want to up~t the pul>llc."

!he hotel the appropnate noise and speoal event pemuts from the oty for the party.

~~~ Mattress Outlet Stor


3165 Harbor 61vd. Costa Mesa

On e 6 1ock Sou th of 40S f'Wy


husband and father a convict? AU for on ccond of cal' 1 n s?

Maybe you ought to think about probation You ran't reslot"' the lives of those young people. You can de ttoy thisfornily. Of course, you nusy lose yow JOb. Think it over, but bef orn I tcll you what r did, I want to tell )'OU about a b,ook wntten man)' years ago titl<'d ·Tue Lady or th•> Ttyer ~

ln this book, there wa a nice young man and a ruct" young woman who were in lov ~ Unfor· tunately, thne wa an P-vil king who Justed for the young girl Semg a king, all he- ~ad to do · wos lop the young man's head off, but bemg a sport, a sadistic sport, he came up with another· solution to the problem

Th~ kmg had the yoLmg man brought bctore him. The king c;dt

on this throne and gestured across the room. On the opposite wall were two idenucal doors

Th king rud •Behind one of those doors is th young womAn.., we both love Behind Ule other ts a hungry. ma~-eaung tiger. You wdlk aero s th re and open a door. Open the nght one, nd you get th girl Open dle other, and )'OU ar a llge~ breaktest '"

The last entence lil the book reads - ttnd the young man walkf?d c1cross the room and opened a dQOr." The book topped th' re It drove the public:

crazy, but the auU1or never fµt· 1 lwd the bOo~ ·

And o, llCmg ymeJhiog of a sadist mys~lf. l 'U never tell you what- I did in our case Just iemember thi story the ·next tune you cond-gucss a 1udge on a hot-potato ~a~e.

• ROBERT GARDNER Is a re-ured fudge and a resident of Corona del Metr. His column rum Tuesdays


7 flights canceled at John·Wayne Airport

A labor dispute at Amencan Airlines caused another round of canceled flights Monday, incJudmg a handful at John Wayne Airport.

Seven flight5 from Orange County to Daila~·Fort Worth and Chicago were scratched from the daily chedule because pilots refuse· to work dunng consoliddllon efforts with Reno Air. Amencan. bought Air m NovernUcr,

end uruon members daim Reno Air pilots' salancs am hall of U1e.lf counterparts. ·

Amencdn ~okcsman Tim Smith said mor~ than 360 fligh~ nation~~de \V re canceled .Monda)'• about 120 mofi than the prev1ous dlly. Tbc airline averages more than 2.250 mter­nntional and <l ntei?Uc flight.'> each day.

"Most of ow· rank and Ille arP. still domg their JOb, • Smith aid. •we r~mdm optimistic that

this dispute can be rn olved quickly." .





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4 T sdoy, February 9, J 999


Accused molester befriended Victim's father, police say • Silvio Perrella allegedly duped 2 young girls into playtng lewd games in Costa Mesa home while the unaware parent was there.


NEWPORT BEA('H - Police say a suspected molester who \x.>1ricnded the father of one of two l 0-yecu-·old gtrl5 he subsequently fondled duped th~ children into pldymg lewd games. ·.

Police were bght·lipped Mon­day about the det~ of the alleged molest.1tlon ot the two Costa Mesa uirls, explauung that they plan to mtenm~w more children.

SilVlO Michael Petrella, 4 7, of NPwport Beach was arrested Fri­ddy and charged with two counts t'dC'h of kidnappuig with the intent tu molest and lewd and lasci.VJous ucb• f le IS being held m lieu of $250,000 bdil His amugnment is -.cheduled for today

PPrrella reportedly nsked being c dught by the father of one of the vie, who was al his Costa Mesa home when Perrella VlStted Jan. 30. Pem•lla told the two girls he needed to go back to lus E'astbluff c ondomiruwn d1ld retneve some­thmg for the ddd . •

· Tue gltls were reluctant to go,"

Sgt Mike McDonough said. "They had a bad feeling about him.·

Perrella all~ealy played "touch·and-f eer games with the two grrls inside the father's home befoJe l~avmg. Police said the father wasn't· awW'e of- Peitella'~ actions, even though he was at home.

The suspect then put his arms around the two VJctuns and e'iC<>rt • ed them to his car. When they amved at the condonuruum, the girls went through another series of games in which Pen'ella groped them, police said. Police wouldn't confirm whether the inodent es<:a· lated from the fondling.

But evidence found by police who served a search warrant at Pen:ella's home corroborated state· ments by the victims, McDonough said. Police learned about the .molestations after one of the vic­tims told her parents.

Police want to question friends of Perrella, who works at Turner Consulnng m Irvine.

"With the nature of this offense, we don't want to rule out any possibility," McDonough Sil.Id.

Baby boy saved from crash dies 8 months later


NEWPORT BEACH - The 8-nuinth -old son of d Sd1lta Ana· wrunan who was killed in a traffic d< nclt>nl on Bal bod Boulevard . m ~ lcty rlwd Sunddy.

Kendm k Lee died from extend­Pd complicallons from the Mt1.y 19 <1n'1dent. The hoy was still m Ute \\:omb of Lynth Lee, 24, who was k1lfod ·in d two-cdJ' crash at 28th Stn•et and Baltxla.

N~wport Beach resident Steve Ft>llner WdS the fll'St to artive at the cttCldc>nt SC (•ne. Fellner was study­lllU to h<' d hrehghter and used .tus lrc.urung to stabilize the pregnant wumdn while pdiamedics were en roUIP

Doctors performed an emer­gency Caesarean section to save Uw bdby shortly after Ute acadent.


The infant was listed m cnt:lcal cond.Jtion for several months at Hoag Hospital before bemg moved to Children's Hospital of Orange County. Before he .d.Jed. Kendrick was hooked up to a ventllator and had pneumonia. An autopsy con­ducted by the OrangE> County Coroner's Department sl!owed the boy died from crash-related com­plications.

"There was intrautcnne trciuma that contributed to the child's death, · said Deputy Coroner Cullen Ellingsburgh. ·There were many problems that were delayed effects from the accident.•

Lee's father, Chea Mao, 26, of Santa Ana was also in the Toyota Corolla that was crushed by a Chevrolet Suburban. L~e was to cross the busy wter· section when the Subltfban hit the smanercar.


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Educotlon Comndttu 7:30 a.m. - Chamber office

Eucudw Comndttff 7:30 am - Coomber office

Networlers Leads Luncltnn Group 11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m. Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Course Drive

Boord of Directors 11:45 a.m Mesa Verde Country Club 3000 Club House Rood

'ftl9d.,t Fell. 16 Ambassador Co~ml ee Noon - Chamber offi

"1'1 .. 11•1., Feb. 17 ugislatJve Comm ttee Noon · Chamber office

,..,. • ., .. hit. 18 90-Mfnute Boost 7 - 8:45 a.m. Costa Mesa Country Club 1 701 Golf Course Drive

W' .... ., .. hit. JA After Hours Business Mixer 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Avila's El Ranchito 2101 Placentia


The Costa Mesa and Newport Harbor Area Chambers of Commerce are pleased to be the honorary chairs for the 26th Annual Roman FHst II Charity Auction presented by the Youth Employment Service (YES) of the Harbor Area . The event will be held at the Costa Mesa Community Center from 5 • 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3, 1999 Music and entertainment will be .provided by the harbor area's best known entertainer, Jim Roberts.

This year's event salutes the business community and YES employers who have been helping thousands of local youths find employment since 1970. The Chamber encourages support of this fundraisin9 event which helps YES to continue to bring together youth oriented programs and activities which increase the employability and quality of life of local young people. Limited seating. Make your reservations by Feb. 12.

For mart! information, call YES at 949/642 8306.

Y2K GUIDANCE AVAILABLE ON VIDEOTAPE A videotape prQduced by the United States Chaf1)ber of Commerce in

collaboration witH the Amencan Bankers Assoc1 t1on will assist you to gain valuable information on the critical Y2K issue. From all reports, the Year 2000 or Y2K presents one of the biggest tKhnology challenges we face. As you know, the major concern with Y2K 1s that many computer systems that have a two number dating system automatically assume the first two numbers will be 1 and 9 Unless those systems are reprogrammed, the ~stem will recognize 00 not as 2000, but 1900. This has the potential to cause computers to shut down or malfunction. The 20 minute tape entitled "Your Business, Your Bank & the Year 2000," outlines the Y2K challenge and offers suggestions on developing a Y2K plan.

To order o copy of the videotape coif the American Bankers Association at (800) 338-0626. Tht! catalogue numbt!r of this ta~ Is 1029000. Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce members con order the tape at the discounted cost of $49.95 due to our membt!nhlp In tht! U.S. Chambt!r.


(The following ortkle appeared in the Saturday, Dec. 11 edition of the Doily Pilot.)

I am now in my seventh year at the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce and during that entire time I have wondered when the community would have the good fortune to see Harbor Center redeveloped. Even farther back than that the demise of this once prosperous shopping center had become an obvious concern and eyesore to many in Costa Mesa. Over the years the occupancy rate in Harbor Center had decreased along with its overall appearance and upkeep. It had become a blighted center and a negative on the surrounding neighborhoods and businesses.

Each time an interest was expressed in buying and redeveloping Harbor Center one could sense the excitement and anticipation among the remaining tenants and throughout the community. Everyone wanted to see it improved. Each previous attempt at redevelopment failed because of the many problems that stood 1n the way, the least of which were the run down buildings and obsolete layout. Probably the highest hurdle was acquiring the property from several absentee owners who could care less abput the quality of life in Costa Mesa. This killed every project proposal ... until Scott Bell and ICI Development displayed the staying power to outlast the former owners, become the first single owner of the entire property in 40 years and submit a development plan that met or exceeded every City planning requirement TRe final proposal included more than 50 add1t1onal measures intended to make tfle project as neighborhood­fnendly as possible .. Many of these exceeded city ordinance requirements and were suggested by !Cl to meet the concerns of neighbors. Measures include strictJy enforced hours of truck delivery and not allowing trucks to idle while unloading, a 20-foot landscaped berm between two sound walls between the pro1ect and .single family residences, walhng off the Wake Forest access in order to reduce traffic impact on residential streets, as well u central air conditioning and dual pane windows on the project side of those smgk! f amity homes contiguous to Harbor Center.

The Harbor Center project received overwhelming approval from the Planning Sta~, Planning Commission and even the City Council. Completion of the project will reve~e ttie demise of this property, lnc~ase the tax revenue to the City by an estimated S l mHNon annually, encourage traffte flow (lost with the S5 Freeway extensk>n) to the benefit of other busines~s along Harbor Boulevard and once 9fn serve the needs of Costa Mesa residents ... unless a very few Individuals stop it In court because they want to control what tenants occupy thlt center and how It ts conflgurtd.

N the ltwSUh moves f<KWard In the coum, It does not just attKk the redevelopment of Hlfbor Center, It potentially brings to 1 haft the irnprowrMnt In this central pen ol the city. It will ~•n that 1 few lndMduMs can )lOtd ~ ·~ lrnprowmeuts to the quMlty of lh In Costa Mesa. I these few ..... .,. Ible to do thh, you can kiU good-b}ll "'f hope of""'....,. rf1 ~ dMlopment on the Wlit lldl or~ ehe In Costa Mesa.

.t0 1 .. nnH Southern California Gas Co.

3J yeers ttt Theodore Robins ford

31 yeersttf Baker Equipment Rental & Sales

12 years Country Inn by Ayres

7 yeers NIKE Town Orange County Real Estaters

6 years American Institute of Massage

Therapy Avila's El Ranch1to

Borders Books end Music Cheryl Pruett 1890 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949/631-8661 voice

Executive Manegement Consortium Dan Cairo 3150 Bristol Street, Ste. 170 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/438-7270 voice 714/438-7291 fax

Fedlltles Resource Group Paula Cardello 2302 Martin, Ste. 150 Irvine, CA 92612 949/253-6678 voice 949(253-6679 fax

Global lxpresslons Mara Schtemschraber 2915 Redhill Avenue, Ste. G104 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/540-9777 voice 714/540-9888 fax

Shipping Connection Kenneth L. Rosser -1175 Saker Street, D· 1 3 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/546-7306 voice 714/546-7736 fax

The Leese Outlet John Cotcher 1545 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949/574-8484 voice

4 yeers TOSC0/76 Products Alpha Omega Hypnosis Zaher Fallahi, CPA Transportation Corridor


J yeers Ameritas Managed Dental Plan Crown ACE Hardware South Coast Corporate Center BanCard Merchant Credit Card Mag91ano's

Mery Key Cosmetics Anna Beurrler 2690 N. Berkeley Street Orange, CA 92865 714/685--0575

Amie• Mutual lnsurence Compeny Robert W. McGirr 3200 Park Center Drive, Ste. 300 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/444-1144 voice

Independent Mortgage Compeny Robert Slater 1 700 Adams Avenue, Ste. 217 Costa Mesa, CA 714/641-8970 voice 714/641-8983 fax

Keren Krtmsky Specialty Oeslgn Karen Krlmsky 247 Knox Street Costa Mesa, c.A 92627 949/515-2788 voice

·PageMert Wireless Tracy Rhodes 765 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868 800/564-1057 voice 714/740-.1228 tax

Printer Certddge,Xchange Teddy Lou Call 1 700 Adams Avenue, Ste. 212 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/432-9009 voice 714/432-9701 fax

Shop Costa Mesa Chamber

members first

When you shop Costa Mesa

Chamber members for various products and services, you are

supporting a business that, like you, believes in promoting busin

our community and utilizfug the power of Chamber membership t

help achieve succe . So always shop Chamber members first and

remember to tell them, " the chamber referred me."

For tasy refl!rrals, call Clara Wt/It:, at tlie Cl1ambtr office Monday -Thursday, 10 a.m .· 4 p.m. at 714/885-9090.

John.Fry, Ph.D . Stress Management

INAW ~----~---------------------, 'COMPANY·~-------~~----.~'9HHtOOIN•l...------------1.._ MO NAMD~~------.------_...~--L---------4--• Miii tac C'lll9 .,. ,._




Doily Pilot T~ay, febrvory 9, 1999 5

Newport joins pro.:airport group Chihuahua .dies after air bag activated in crash . A 74-ye r-old Huntington

Beach man 15 mowrung the loss of hlS hest fri nd after an rur bag killed his 4-pound Cluhuahua dur­ing a tz attic collision m NeW))()rt Beadl on Monday

Tr.,fhc investigators beliov Heir's C'M was going Just bclOw th posted 55 mph limit when h hit tho Jc-ep Heir's 3-yeru-old dDp. Cha Cha, was tcd m.a box m Uic front J>6 ngcr at when the aocidrmt occurred Th dog was thrown mto a pa ng r-sidc au bag and -;uffered blunt force tr. U· ma; Cha Cha was immounced dead at th~ some.

ons and released Ghasemilazell • was also taken to Hoag and treated for minor lnJun .

} 00Ft:R l<AGLAND


NEWPORT BEACH - Ctty leaders Monday rught fonnalJy became p~rt of the Orange Coun­ty Airport· Alliance, a new group intended to coordinate and enhance existing efforts to fight for a cornmeroal airport at the El Toro Marine base.

Mayor Dennis O'Neil was appointed to r.epresent the city on the alliance board of directors. Ne~rt's deputy city manag­

er, Peggy Ducey, along with a team of paid consultants last year began working with elected ofh­Cials in north and centr41 Orange County to bnng th~m together. She said the pro-airport effort


barriers between staff and resi­dents and to provide residents with another casual dining area.

Carolyn Kirby SdJd t>he hds seen a big change in her hus­band, Prank, smce Silverado has been canng for him.

Sometimes it was a struggle to even get him to sit down and eat.

"It was really going downhill,


With the help of local enV1Ton­mentalists and city staff, Thomson came up with d rough sketch of the passive park, which would include about 800 feet of untouched open space south of San Miguel Dnve and about 560 feet of a bluff-top park for picrtics and sunset viewing. '

The plan aL"io calls for about 100 extra library parking spares and a Greek-style. stone amphitheater and lecture pit

· 1 Uunk we'<t be well-served to take this section of land and pre­serve it for perpetw~y." Thomson said. •Jt would be. a wonderful spot to fly a kite or have a picnic with your family."

Thomson's idea got a lot of support from open- pace advo­cates.

•My appeal is that we look at open space as a necessity: said perunsula resident John Beatty. ·nus part.tcular spot is 1rreplace-


• Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, Around Town, 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa 92627; fa1t them to (949) 646-4170; or call (949) 642-5680, ext 228 A complete listing of Around Town c.n be found at

TODAY The walking club of Newport Beach will meet at Hospital Road and Superior. Avenue at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Loc;e we1ght and have fun. For more infonnabon, call (949) 650-1332.

Free income tax preparaUon and 'aSsistance will be offered throagh the Tax·Aide program from 9 a .m. to 1 p.m. daily through April 15 at OASIS Seruor Center, 800 Mar~ guerite Av~ , Corona del Mar. Appointments are available. For more inf onnation, call (949) 644-3244.

An exhibit of acrylics UUed •color in Action" will be on dis­play throu9h Feb. 28 at the New­port Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. For more infonna­tion, call (949) 717-3801.

A blood drive wlll be presented from 3 to 8 p.m. 111 the octal hall at Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelback St., Newport Beach. The event is held 10 conjunction with the American Red Cross. Participants must be over 17 years old, be ~n good health, Weigh at least 110 pounds and never have had hepatitis. Appointments run every 15 min­utes. For more information, call (9'9) 6'4-1999.

Juclltb Todero will pl'eHllt a free .seinlnar tiUed Slowing the Aging Process from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Patio Cafe at Mother's Market



needed a unified voice and a broad-based - and therefore more credible - support group.

City Council members last month agreed the alliance was the right direction to take but asked that a r~soiution outlining the group's purpose and goals be brought back for approval.

The resolution calls for the alliance to d1strtbute accurate information about the benefits of an airport, to recruit members who have not yet played an active role in the process and to comple­ment the efforts of other pro-air~ port groups. .

Council members also said they were willing to contribute money and staff time to the grol;Jp. as long as other alliance

and I really didn't know what was going to happen,• Kirby said.

There are more actiVlties for Frank, who was once relegated to eating and sleeping.

"He's speaking to people now,• Kirby said.

Every once in a while Frank will even smile and wink, reveal­ing the jokester he once was, Kir­by added.

David Zarnow said he is seeing dramatic changes as well, and not just in his mother, Pearl, who has begun usmg a walker instead of a

abJe " H Ross Miller, speaking on

behalf of Friends of the OASIS Senior Center, said there are sev­eral hundred seniors m the oty who are in need or more afford., able places to live, espeoally as rents continue to climb in Orange County.

·we don'r feel tbat this site, sandwiched in between MacArthur Boulevard · and San Miguel Dnve, is suitable for a tranquil park," he said.

Jim Wood, president of the library board of trustees, spoke on behalf of yet another group lnter­e~ted in the property. An exploratory committee is looking at the. possibility of a cultural annex that could house a much­needed auditorium, small gallery and reception hall.

·we only got this land two weeks ago and already we have all these people interested in it.• Councilman John Noyes "I assure you we will leave the property alone until we decide what is the best use.•


and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St., Cos­ta Mesa Admission is free. Reser­vations are required. For more information, call (800) 595-6667.

members make th~ same oonunit­menl!.

In other action, the council: • Postponed for the second

time appointments to the two vacant Planning Commission seats because Councilwoman Jan Debny wait abgent The aci.lon has t>een r<>..scheduled to Feb. 22,

• Canceled the Feb. \6 meet­ing where the council iwas going to finally make a decision on tem­porary traffic measures at Bison Avenue and J~mboree Road. Because he couldn't attend the special . meetmg, Councilman Gary Adams Sdld he will request the iSsue be heard at a· r~gular City Council meeting sometime m the next two months.

wheelchair. He has seen other residents

begin to walk or break out into operatic renditions of Andrew Lloyd Webber songs.

Zamow's children, who were reluctant to visit their grandmoth­er before. stop by now.~ter soc­cer practices.

"They thought it smelled like a hospital, " Zamow said of the pre· v1ous facility. "The kids like to come over now."

Jacob Heir was dnvmy north­hound on M <'Arthur Boulevard al about 12:10 p.m when he hit a 1992 black Jeep Wrangler drivert by 'Ellie Gha~f'rnitazeh, 18, of Jrvme, who· WdS westbound on Bonill.l Canyon Dnvc, police said.

LATINO CONTINUED FROM 1 . . raised at that m~eting wer~ simi­lar to "concerns raisPd dunng Sat­urday's workshop. She ubo rec· ogruzed the need to include all segmcnll> of the commuruty.

" It didn't expres:; the d1ve.rs1ty we know JS here,• D'Agosta said of Saturday's work-;hop

Consultants and city planners will work together on ideas for outreach.

'"The City Coun< 11 has asked for staff and EJP to n!ac:h out and toke our show on the rcxHl, so lo speak," Counnlwomdn Libby Cowan saicl .

AJthough outrPdch Pfforts will be mdde, most agree the ideal sit-

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Heu was taken to Hoag Hosp1· ta.I. when:• h1! was ueated for aura-

Reaehing out?

What are some mea· sures that coold be taken to get the Latino commu· 1 n ty more involved In the West Side revitalization plan' Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send al\ e-mail to • Give yoor hometown arid phone num· ber (for venficatt0n purposes only) and spell your full name.

uation would be to have c:onunu­nity members dttcmcl thP same meetings.

·we are one city. WP n~ed to come together," 1\-fonn c;d1d .

Leticia HP-rmann spoke dunng Saturday's meeting to offer insight on why other L1tlno res1-


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·1rs unportant for people .. to keep thCJ.r pets m the back at they don't interf~e with someone's driving ability. • said N •wport Be ch police Sgt. Mike Mc:Def­mott ... That lUI' bag 1S going at)9µt 100 mph a~ can hurt somebddy 01 somethmg nously il they aren't proper1y .~ated."

- Greg Risling

d(?nts were not partiapating. •we are a shy community,"

aid Hermann·, who _apolog1zr.d for her English.

Hcnnann said sh~ knew from her own experience the fear of speaking something other than her native language.

"I feel shy to be here but ills unporta.nt to be here,· Hermann srud ·1 am part of the commwuty."

A second workshop is sched· uled tor late.March. Written com· ment:s on the .'drengths, weak­nesses and VL.'>ion.s for the West Side are still being accepted. 1'hey can be e·mailed to El P Asso­ciates through o link on Co:.ta Mesa's Web site at cityolcostame· .-; They can also be mailed to the Planning Department, Attn: Mike Robinson, PO. Box 1200 or 17 FaiI Dnve, Costa Mesa 92628· 1200.

Tami~Rul Member for. 3 )-c:tn

Raalu: .\1v tim('SS progr.m ~working. clanks to rhc tr.llMrs, SPl:"~lNC and m'· con ~ten')'. \lUt do you UM a.bow Sba:pc--l1pf The d1.1b is im;illcr, more pcnorul and anum:uc. It has all thcocl"OS( equipment oflarga du~ I ckm"c hlivc ro worty about ~ppearanccs. ~nc here is onlv inccrestc:d an taying.m dupe.

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6 Doily Pilot

"Wt need to be ca prepcnd ca we mn and try to relax and hove a ltde Ml, ytt we need to step up and get one Wehsday .. : PMll Orris, CdM boys. basketball coach

Tuesday, februory 9, 1999 • Spom Editor Roge1 Garft.On • 949-.57.44223

. ~ ·

One last shot with Santa Margarita for_ Tars,_ C~: I • • A .

· • ClF Playoff spots at stake as the final week heatc; up; Sea Kings ha,ve Wednesday-Thursday format this week.

I . . Hltll/\RU Dt '<N

For the last time, the reigning Sea View League boy:. basketball cbarctp1on, Sc,tnta Marganta High, Will r;hed itseU up0n Back Bay schools

for one final trip. . Santa Margarita (22-2, 8-0 in

league), which has already clinched at least a tie for its Sl.Xth Sea View tiUe in seven.years (only a second-place firush lo C:::hris Burgess-led Woodbridge in 1996 spoiled the Eagles' perfect run),

l team m Or,m~JC' County, hand ­ing the f!aglt>s thf>lr only league setback and one of only two loss· e~ m the sea on

round) . We just want to fmish up strong, o we can go into the sec­ond se on strong."

Newport is 21-4, 6-2. " I'd hate not to wm (agamst

Santa Marganta) and find out Corona beat them Thursday and we didn't take care or business

While it nught be a relief for Newport Harl>or and Corona del Mar to t~nd the nvalry tlu.s week against the defending CIF State Oiv1s1on 11 champion Eagles, there will probably be no love lost wbeon Coach Larry Hirst's Sailors host Sdntd Marganta Wednesday and C'odch PauJ Oms' Sea Kmgs travE-1 to South County Thursday

. and CdM are headed for new leagues next seas6n.

• "The Wd news is .that (the E.iglcs) have wlked abouf it ,dnd they've got revenge on their mlnd Santa Mdrgarita doesn't hdve revenge •on its mind too often But we're one of them, and Servite is the othr.r, and look what (the Eagles) did to Semte (Satur­day in the Nike Extrnvagdnza dt Cal State Fullerton). They bedt Servile by 40.

• our:;elves." The Sea Kings (16-8, 4-.C),

The Eagles, who also won a CJF Southern Section Division U­AA title last season, are 67-10 since joining the Sea View circuit.

•The good news is that we've (defeated) them before,· Hirst said, referring to last year's 50-47 upset victory against the then-No.

·so let's hope they've (already gotten tbe1t revenge against us with li 52-47 victory in the first

• rebounding this year after two down seasons, will face lrvine (17-7, 4-4) in a gigantic home game Wednesday with third place at stake (and the league's final guaranteed playoff spot).

•our destiny's in our own hands,· said Orris, whose team


MICHEUE YU I OMY PILOT Estancia HJgb' Grant Nelson (left) duels Universln''s Tomasso Benclvenga in Pacific Coast league struggle Monday afte rnoon.

Estancia still in the hunt for a berth in upcoming CIF Playoffs.

H11 II \RI) DL '""" ~Pb

CUSTA MESA - On the verge of foiling over the edge. Estdnc1a High's Eagles rou~1ht thur balance 1ust in tune and are now pu~hmg their weight around in tbe Pc:1C1fic Codst League boys soccer race

f-ollowing their 2-0 victory Fnday over longtunc· nemes1::, Laguna Beach, the Eagles shut out another PCL foe in front of them f\lun<lety, walloping v1s1ting Uruvers1ty, 3-0.

Two down, one to qo. Laguna Hills, which is also ahead of

Estdncia m the crowded league standings, is next (Wednesday a t 3:15 pm.).

"We're finaJly pumped up to play," said Estanch.1 junior forward Cesar Terrones, whoi>c heroics led to·two early goals as the Eagles pulled to within two points of PCL­leddmg University ( 12-6-~, 5·2-2) with one

1 game Jert of the r(.>gular season. ·u we keep playing that way, we'U hl.tvc

a chance to wm CIF - and that's our goal.• The Eagles (10-6-4, 5·4 ·01, who re&c:hcd

the CJF Division IV quarterfinals la .. t year and lost to Laguna Beach, remain only one pomt behind the Arnst!'. ( 10·8-2, .5-3-1 }, the two-time delendmg 01v1S1on IV champ1onc:.

"This team's got talent, but I don't know how we won (so convincingly) while plnymg sloppy, H Estdncia Coach Steve Crenshdw

. saJd "Friday's win was such a big dNl to them. They were really pumped after hc<1t· ing Beach. But today wP. play~d temhl(.!. We weren't sharp and ou1 pa ~c~ weren't there. It was pretty sloppy, but CP..sar played a gredt game.·

In the 10th minute, TC!rrone<. scored ht!> 13th goal of the season on a Uruversuy mis­take. The no1ans didn't clear a comer ano Terrones stdyed on the sweeper'c; tra1J, ev<•n­tually scoring from five feet .

•1 saw an opportunity to score,· Tcrion1 s said . . "(The nojans) let at go hy aud th<· goalie didn' t come out qu1r.k f•nough."

Terrone:.' second goal m the 33rd minute was nothing short of spectacuJa1 dS he juked two defenders, including the goalie, on the right side, then turned around dnd fired with his opposite (left) foot to score

"That was simply a beautiful goal, H

Cren~haw Sdid. ·Tho goalkeeper hdd shut him oft, but then, with one step, he turned around and shot with his other foot. The keeper left that side of l:he net open . It was a smart play by CPsa1."

Estancia, led m the back by Jesus Ramtrcz. Luis Rivera and sweeper lrvmg Isla-., received seven goalie savc·s from H1lnno Arndga. Turrone:; and Grant Nf'lson applied pressure up front, while Esau! Men­doza l<'d the EaglC's in the middle.

• (11u~ Eaglc·s} hmshod their opportunities and we didn'\ come Wlth any emotion," Uru Coach Rob Skinner aid . "Now, (the PCL race) is between four teams."

In the 19th minute, Armando Ortiz added to r:stnnc1a's lead Wlth a brettkaway goal. John Alderete had a shot deflection in the hr t hall .

knocked oU lmnc in the fir t round, 55-53, as the Vaqueros' Chris Fergu~on missed a last-sec­

·ond shot when the ball rolled oCf the rim .

•1 hope we shoot the ball well, because I think that's gomg to be a major factor Wednesday. U we can get scortng out of (Kevm) Hansen, (Al ec) Ha,nson i;lnd (Brapdon) Crosby and get :iome balance, so Dennis (Alshuler) doesn' t have to shoulder all the responsibility, then we're pretty tough. But if we don't shoot the ball well, we're going to struggle.

"We need to be as prepared as we can and try to relax dlld have a little run, yet we need to step up and get one Wednesday.

Before CdM's two-year slide,

the Sea Kings faced Irvine k1! another bdttle to decide lhi!J! place, and they defeated the ~a.q&; m the Sea View finale 10 1996 ma, 46-45 overtime thriller. ··••.t

Only Newport and Wood­bndge will play Friday; the ~at-, ance of the Sea View return-; w; the floor Thursday, because it CdM and lrvine wind up tied for third, a playoff will_ be n~~~­essan- Friday rught to dead~ ~Z place. , · • ...

In the Padf1c Coast League~ E tanaa's Eagles (11-13, 4-4), com-. ing off a big 49-36 wm over then..o• league-leading Laguna Beadii have a tough task this week WittJ.: PCL-leading University (15-7, 6-2; at home Wednesday and La~ Hills p3-10. 5..JJ Fnday. ""


B Costa Mesa -

" .... 8 Costa Mesa High, Orange Coast College baseball ,, product i~ beginrung hls ninth year in the big leagues. =:

ESTANCIA PICKING UP SOME EXTRA FANS • As the Pdcific Coast League race comes down to the wire, Mesa will find itseU rooting mightily for Estancia.

Hl<lllMO l S

Daly fit

With the race to the Paofic Coast LP-ague glfls ba$ketball hamp on hip out of the1r control,

C ta M High' Mu t.ang will go agam t company policy this w ck end root hard for their c:ros -town adver 11ry.

E tancufs Eagl (15·7, 5-3 in PCL), with th best chance to sUr ~rung up ln the final w k, might rv n fln c1 lunch mvitatlons lD the mail from the Mustangs (15-10, 6· 12), who lost to Laguna Hills.

.C3-.CO, and University, .C7-36, Ja~t week.

·we have the toughest week out of anyone {in the PCL) this week,• said Estancia Coach Paul Kirby, whose team hosts Um (12· 12, .C-.C) tonight at 1 o'rJock and travels to league-leading Laguna ~ (1 5-7, 7-1) Thursday. •(The Mllstangs) are gomg to beg for us to win on 1bunday. • · Estande, Jed by senior lnllde player Pranda Diaz and Junior forward Lauren Casaty, hu won two 1tra1ght, while Cotta Meta hu dr0pp4d four gamee In • row but should reboUnd lonight at


home against Uigun Beach (2· 20, 0·8) and Thursday agcun t All o Niguel (5·t9, 2·6).

•we played (the Hawks) tough la•t time (losing ' 2-36), but we had them in the fourth quarter when it was a one·point game (36-35 Laguna Hills . with 2:55 remalning} . I guarantee you they're not lhlnklng, 'Oh, we're 7-J and we'll beat l!ttand4 Thurt· day.'

•Jbey have a couple of key playen we need to locus on tincluding 5·foot·7 }uniQr Shan· non Owem and tJ.foot )uruor Anne lubriald), But I thU\k that'•

the way Jt is for all the teams in our 1 ague. We )USt need to play gbod defense and execute on offe nse. t don't know Jf we match · \!P well with anyone (because) we're so mall, but we'll play hard and giv 1t our best shot."

Costa Me a, the leagu 's defending c.hampion with Ali o Nl!J\le l, has been IP.d by 6·foot }unJor Autwnn Smith, junior Jen· ny Eamest, point guard Nancy Hatsushi, 1ho0ting gue:rd Evelyn Pow rs and forward Lianne Sesa· kl.

In addition to Diaz and cu.tty, Eftanda bu muallred wttb u..

Stmnf e ld, LlSd Hirata and point guard Eva Varma . The Eagles defeated University m the first round, 53·4l. In' theu previous meeting against Lagunti Hills, the Eagles we re ahead tn the second quarte r, 24-16, before the Hawks came back.

In the sea View League, New­port Harbor (14 -11, 2-6) and Corona del Mar (8· 16, 0·8) are out of tiUe contenUon and cannot fin­ish.~ the top three.

¢oach Gregg Savage's Sailors, 1ecfi by April Roa, Krltten Urban and AJytM Paul, Kalena Jacboa and Melilla Holllll9r. travel to santa Margartta t.GQIGht at 7:30, then wr.p up ... 'Jbunday .. a...eptgetWlabt«p.

,,.. . ~ . Then they must play the wplt: mg game to s c iJ they arc an at­large selection m the ClP Playoltt; Despite the potentie l tifth-p&AOi. brush m league play, the SaUQa a re weJI above the minhn.Wli' require ment for an at-la rge btlrth of l 0 victor1e ove rall. The Sallorl are 1•-t t. .. ~

So for Harbor, it's play it ()O(o then hold its roUective breath.'

Coacti Elbert Devil' s.tii: With abot·block s~J Dk:kMa •t the l.,.oat. IMDe tamght an !die 101M1 -.. llOll lenta Mugutta Tblll=lfit'

~---........... ='i~----· ;w .............. .._ ....... 0..-~----...-.=--'ii-......._"""'-______ ...,.~ __ ....., __________ --__ ..,.. __________________________ ... ~


Doily Pilot Sports bruory 9, 1999 7 ~~~------__ .... __________ ...;. __________________________ . ______ _, ______________ _... _______________________ ~----~


Costa MMe (15-10, .. 2) Pfayw • • .... ha Powen 24 305 12.7 26 Smith 25 288 11.5 25 Earnest 25 2114 11.4 15 Hatsushi 25211 IA 11 Nguyen 6 27 4.S 13 Hitt . 25 43 1.7 5 Sasaki 24 41 1.1 a , 21 28 1.3 6 Thornton 15 14 0.9 4 Loros · 18 11 0.6 4 Weeks 20 6 0.3 2

TMIMusrMGS 39 Crossroads 60

• 53 Mayfair 35 61 LB Jor~n 53 43 Valley Christian 27 25 Diamond Bar 56 67 Western . 32 48 Pacific.a 43 45 Montdalr 47 59 VIiia Patt 43 62 Rubidoux 24 42 ~e Washington 59 47 C.plstrano Valley 34 59 North Torrance 61 53 LOMa 44

hdfkeo.t ....... SO Estancia 34 54 Villa Park (nonleague) 62 58 University 48 $4 t..gUN Hills 44 $3 Llguna BHCh 34 TO Aliso Niguel 58 '2 Estancia 49 l2 Woodbridge (non) 43 16 University 47 40 Llguna Hiiis 43 )7 Westminster (non) 63 f9 · Laguna Beach (home), 7 F11 • Aliso Niguel (home), 7

Newport (1 ... 11, 2-6) Pblyw I tpevg. hg aoss 19 245 12.9 20 Urban 25 299 12.0 22 Jack.son 24 207 8.6 23 Paul 25 176 7.0 21 Hollister 24 66 2.8 6 Huntington 25 57 2J 10 Ashton 19 23 1.2 4 Moore 19 21 1.1 8 c.stlllo 17 9 0.5 3

THI SAil.Ga 54 Magnolia 36 Mission Viejo SO Villa Park 39 Vista 53 Thousand Oaks 41 Esper1nu 47 Laouna Hiiis 32 Mark Keppel 37 Lakewood 38 long Beach Jordan 46 Warren 59 Santa Fe SO Torra~ 38 Calvary Chapel 44 Savanna 46 St. Joseph 48 Cypress

26 31 48 52 so

(01')44 32 40 47 31 28 18 31 39 29

1<>11 44 36

S..VlewLe9gue 40 Irvine lDTl45 37 EIToro 55 37 Corona def Mar 31 42 s.nta Margarita SO 33 Woodbridge 34 48 Irvine 54 so El Toro 69 59 Corona del Mar 43 f9 ·at Santa Margarita. 7.30 F11 • Woodbcid9e (home), 7:30

S.. View Girts

(C>verall) W LI ' fl Toro 118 l) H 0

. &tende (15-7, S.J) : Npt. Hafbot (21 ....... 2)

...,_. 9 'Pftll· hg : ...,_ I tpevg. ha Diu 22 246 11.2 20 : Jameson 25 39115 9 2~ cas5'ty 22 225 10.2 21 : Illingworth 25 364 14.6 25 Steinfeld 18 183 10.2 20 : Umon 25 223 8 9 26 Hirata 22 87 4.0 8 : RobiNOn 25 203 8. 1 18 Orellano 21 ' 63 30 8 : .._artson 25 158 6.7 11 • __ .__ · : OIYton 25 85 3.4 8 ........ rt 11 SO 2.8 22 : Yamal 25 74 3 o . 9 Barrera 22 52 2.4 9 : Pajevk 11 11 1.0 6 Macias 8 18 2.3 10 : Kahle 5 4 0.8 2 Varma 20 44 2.2 6 : Schatz 6 4 0.7 2 Matsufuji 12 2A 2.0 10 : Chai 10 6 0.6 2 Olllla 13 4 0.3 2 ! Hsieh 12 6 0 .5 3

: Taton 8 4 0.5 2 1MI EAcaD : Vallejo 20 4 0.2 2

54 Beverly Hills 16 : s1 Hawthorne 30 : r .. SAMMts • 37 Oovis 52 f 65 Edison 45 61 Los Amigos 30 : 63 Canyon 45 35 Savanna 32 : 69 Capistrano Valley 67 . 36 C.llfomla 30 : 88 Trabuco Hills 79 32 Dana Hiiis 42 : 36 Brea Olinda 61

: 80 C.1on 57 42 Notre Dame Academy 40 : 61 Oceanside 45 34 West Tracy 38 • 69 Woodbridge 45 48 Capo Valley Christian 2B : so Irvine 37 48 Orange Lutheran 45 : 74 Huntington Beach 45 55 El Toro N 39 ! 65 Las Vegas Oar1t 67 36 Mission Viejo 28 ! 63 LV Valley Springs 40 43 Paclfla 73 ! 61 Mira Costa 46

hdfk c.o.t ........ ! 55 Tucson Marana 1 42 34 Costa Mesa so : 53 Las Vegas Durango 38 48 Alisq Niguel 35 ! 90 El Modena 48 62 Laguna Beach 47 : 58 Aliso = 39 53 University 42 ! 59 ~ LHgue 48 36 Laguna Hills 42 : 58 El ~oro s 1 49 Costa Mesa 62 ! 55 C d I M 37 32 Aliso Niguel 29 ! 47 ~~~a~gar~ 52 80 Laguna Beach 24 : 56 Woodbridge 53 F9 • University (home), 7 : 40 Irvine 60 F11 · at Laguna Hills, 7 : 61 El Toro 47

: 63 Corona del Mar 50 CdM (S-16, N) ! F10 . S. Margarita (home), 7·30

Player 11 tp•vg.. hg : F12 · at Woodbridge, 7 30 Quon 24 259 10.8 29 : Dlclcson 23 . 249 10.8 21 ! Costa Mesa (4-20, M) K. McCoy 9 59 6.6 20 : Pblyw 9 'P•VV· hg Watanabe 24 112 4. 7 11 : Jones 23 364 15.B 36 Kawata 19 n 4.1 23 : Whittaker 24 192 8.0 16 KJing 21 56 2.7 10 : ferryman 23 174 7 6 17 Eyre 20 37 1.9 6 ! Hatsushi 24 168 7.0 18 Gruber 22 37 1.7 6 : Weir 21 77 3.7 11 Hawkins 20 21 1.1 6 : Shallis 16 57 3.6 8 S. McCoy 16 18 1.1 4 : Tran 22 72 3.3 11 Ubuda 15 5 0.3 ~ ! C.bico 13 36 2 8 7 ~ 14 3 0.2 3 : Payne 20 44 2.2 8

: Hunter 5 7 1.4 2 THI SIA KJNG'S

34 Dana Hills 41 • THI MuSTANG.S 36 Slddleback 34 : 43 Trabuco Hills 79 24 C.lifomla 39 : 48 Canyon 66 38 Ocean Vlf!W 22 ! 49 Los Amigos 52 32 Savanna 40 : 35 Saddleback 46 65 Laguna Beach 22 : 37 Buena Par1t 52 30 Woodbridge 57 ! 71 Westminster 53 so Santa Ana 16 • 57 santlago 57 28 foothill 39 ! 61 fo_othill 78 37 Orange 36 : 72 Fairmont 19

: 45 Santa Ana 52 47 Laguna aeach 15 : 54 Westminster 60 44 El Modena 48

58 : 62 Mission Viejo 64

62 Los Amigos fOT) • 68 El Monte 52 27 Sonora 58 ! so Santa Ana 51 58 Fullerton 21 : 34 Saddleback 53

S.. View........ : P.Hk LMgue 28 El Toro 57 : 45 Estancia 80 50 UniVersity(Nonleague) 56 : 46 Univtrsity 73 30 Woodbridge 49 ! 46 Laguna Hills 63 31 Newport Harbor 37 ! 52 ~na Beach 63 40 IMne 49 • 41 Ahso Niguel 55 45 Santa Margarita 60 ! 65 St. Margaret's (non) 48 37 El Toro 78 : 44 Estancia 64 18 Woodbridge 33 : 45 University 80 43 Newport Harbor 59 : 68 Laguna Hills n F9 · at Irvine, 7:30 : F10 · Lag. Beach (home), 7 f11 • S. M¥garita {tlome}, 7:.30 : F12 . Aliso Niguel (home), 7 . --~~~~~~~--.. : ...... ---~~~~~_,.__,


: s.. va.w Boys •Ir-~~_,.~....,.,.,.-~......,

W LI ! ,..__ ___ (._Ove_ra_ll ...... ) _ W____.LI (Ovefall) ' l.l<J Hill~ (1', 7) 7 1

. . . • S M.ugarit ,1 ( 71 2 t 8 0 :, ___ _

. . . . . CdM (H• 81 -1 -1

Wooclhrirlg<' ( 1 17) 1 7 -- . . •;. .. - _. ·-·

* Cinched OF berth - """ ,..,,.

- - - :.,,,LI

s. Margarita at Nn;rport Irvine at OoraM dll Mw Woodbridge at El Toro

c.All at Santa Margarita El Toro at !Nine ... ,.mt•WxxbidrJt. Fri.


OM (16-& M) Pfayer I ha Als.huler 24 3~ 136 21 Hansen 2• 2S7 10 7 21 Cr~ 21 241 10.0 21 Hanson 24 176 7.3 13 Shea 22 125 ·5.7 15 Bottom 24 91 3.8 12 Hunt 24 74 l1 9 Morris 19 :40 2.1 13 Snell 10 9 0.9 3 Patterson 13 6 0.5 2

y;. Su kfNGs 56 Estancia 53 65 Valencia (SC Vly) 54 64 Orange l.utheran 45 49 century · 34 62 San Clemente 65 50 Bellflower 57 n .Westminster . 50 48 Long Beach Millikan 40 65 la Mirada 36 63 Saddleback 42 37 Laguna Beach 43 61 Garden Grove 37 71 Glendale HOOYer 47 59 Rialto 65 71 Fullerton 47 71 Mrssion Viejo 59

S.. Vtew Lugue 51 El Toro 47 56 Woodbridge 42 37 Newport Hafbor 55 55 Irvine 53 46 Santa Margarita 65 38 El Toro 43 58 Woodbridge 54 SO Newport Harbor 63 F10 • Irvine (home), 7:30 F11 · at Santa Margarita, 7:30

Estancia (11·13, 4-4) Player g tp •VV· hg valbuena 24 422 17.6 39 Cantrell 24 290 12.1 21 Simco 23 168 7.8 16 Andersen 24 176 7 3 26 Olandler 23 110 4 8 12 Maldonado 22 n 3.5 14 Gamer 22 63 2.9 14 Stapleton 14 30 2. 1 6 Tanielu 18 36 2 0 8 Rodriguez 18 19 1.1 9 Jimenez 11 9 08 5 Newman 12 6 0.5 2

THE EAGu.s 53 Corona del Mar 56 67 La Mirada 59 45 Irvine 74 59 Whittier Christian 58 41 S&tl Clemente 70 65 Valencia (S. Clattta Vly) 59 66 Oceanside 71 so cajon 64 53 Nogales 45 49 Vista SS 79 Huntington Beach 59 84 Port Moody (Canada) 38 56 Fullerton 71 43 Montclair 52 71 Glendale Hoover toTJ 67 51 Santa Margarita 60

P~ c.o.t ....... 80 Costa Mesa 45 65 Alrso Niguel 52 49 Laguna Beach 51 58 University 69 51 Laguna Hills 60 64 Costa Mesa 44 60 Aliso Niguel 68 49 Laguna Beach 36 FlO ·University (home), 7 F12 · at Laguna Hills, 7



(Overall) W LI Un1vers1ty (15 ·7) 6 2

l .,g Hills (13·10) 5 l

A Niguel (12·12) 4 4

Tuc;Icer leads CdM, 7-4 • Sea Kings roll past Dana Hills in nonleague girls water polo Monday.

CORONA DEL p O L O MAR - Corona del Mar HJgh 'a Melinda Tucker achieved a bat b'ick and three other See Kings scored goals, includ.inG two by Malia 'Illrayao, as h<>1t CdM defeated Dana Rll1s tn nonleague girls water polo Monday, 7--4.

1\icker scored a goal in the first QUArter, tben added two more in the' tbird, a period ~ CdM ouUCored tbe Dolpblnli 3.0, to take a M lead. Daria Hilll led at balftlme. 4.3,

Shawn Rua and Hayley Hape­man ICOC'9d one aoel MCb for tbe Sea Kings, While CdM goalkeeper AJin HeDcldcaoG bed in •we.

The SM Klngl, 9-14, caadude Sea View ~y (and tlMtlr see10n) w~y at bome ,alnlt m 'lblO.

mr ...... ,, DMMlllll4 °"" :\: 2 a I .o . .. CarOnl Mir 2 , , • 7 111M · 1UdDlfl.J•H~1,

Md)lt1.SW·-..rar1 ·-·1\ldllrl.~ ... ,. nx nnt.IMil ·~G 11.

Artists edge Mesa, 1-0 C 0 S T A --... --.­

MESA - Playing I 0 C C I I the role of spoil· e r in the tight Pacific Coast League boys soccer race, Costa Mesa HJgh's Mustangs had hoped to do their cross-town nval, Estancia, a favor Monday by defeating visiting Laguna Beach, but the Artists earned a 1-0 victo­ry and kept the Mustangs winless in league.

•we were hoping to help (Estanda'a Saga) out,• said Cot· ta Meta Coach Mike Dunn, wboie team hAI lost at least 13 game1 tbil W10D by one goal.

UlgUna Beach (10-8· 2, 5.3. 1 in PCL), two·ttme defending CIP Soutbem Section Division IV cbamptoo, bMt the Mustangs in the ftnt round, ~.

Mela WM led by goalkeeper CeNr Porcayo (MVen M vet), dllfader Joee PKMc:o. ltftker Bdloa Cna aD4 ~ 'Dtnl ~ wbo played well ... tbl>Uall b9 ... -.....

Coltl iMIM condudel hi ... 1GD on WUnttdaf wbb tbe Mi .... be.a A.lllo Niguel.

Vanguards win, 5-2 South.em Cali·

f omia College T I II II I S singles player Stefan Johansson won. 6·1, 6·2, as the Vanguards defeated U.S. Intemabonal Uni· versity, 5-2, in a nonconference men's tenrus match Saturday at USIU. 1r:1

l9Colll ~ .. UllU J ....... ~(SCOdlf Or-.6-1, 6-1;

UfwWd t'lCO • · ~ M. W.: ~I ('KO *' """' w. M. SNrU (U5IU) ....... M, M. l 4 .... DIHin (KC) def "~ ~ ~ C.,.... IUIAA .... "Wit&. Ml, 7-S

....... """'*'"°'Skr~I CKO def Orae­Gllllrled\ w. ~ (5(0 cM1.. ~ ~..,,. "9mhOll~ (VW) def ~ w

Z8cbocbe fa& in semis POMONA - Ruth Zschoche of

Southern California College Nae.bed the se.mlftnall of the Cal Poly . Pomona women's tennis lnvttational Satwday bekll'e k>I· 1ng, 1-2, l-3. sec. UftdNy 0oy. .. ud Mk:beUe ~ IMdMd lbe l8COnd round in ....,..., ,.. ~ bed • ftrit·round ...., °"' c..a .._..Maya Wrm. M , f. 2. Dor-I ....... ShUllm ....... ..o100~1-1, l-3.


Chasing a championship • Sophomore Ryan Hiskey is expected to lead Orang Coast as it tries to win its fifth state crown in the 1990s. PREVIEW

JASO~ 11111


COSTA MESA - 11\,ere was much disappointment after ~e Orange Coast College men's vol· leyba.ll team. which was 21·2 last season, lo:>t to Santa Barbara in the state semifinals last season. It . was oilly the seventh loss OCC had suffered in three years, a span of 68 matches. · On~ of the players on that

team was Ryan Hiskey, a fiist· team All·Ora.nge Empire Confer· ence selection who had 1,173 assLSls last season.

Hiskey is expected to be the centerpiece of a team which will . try to defend its conference btle when Orange Empire Conference play begins with Palomar Feb. 17.

•One of the things I told Ryan after the season ended was 'I was going to bwld the next team around him,' ~ Coach Chuck Cutenese said "l thought he did an excellent job as a freshman. He broke the school assist record by more than 100 sets. He's the best setter we've had sm.ce I've been here."

Cutenese. whose record at OCC is 103-26, bas had to recruit at many of the other ~itions because players . such as Josh Richardson, Darin McBain and Mark Pozgai, have all moved on.

SCHEDULE TODAY • .......... u

C.olleqe rMn • South em C.nfomie Coll~ 11 "" a.pi"'- 7 )() p Ill Colt•-· Soutlttm C.Ofon» Col· '• 11 c.l B•Ptl•1. S lO

High Khoo! g11I> • NtwpOrt H¥bOf •t s.nt. P\.W91"M, 1 JO pm: Cofone de! MM at IMne, 7 lO p m ; Laguna hach •t Ccxu Mew. 7 pm • Teftnb

Coll419t m.o • SoCat Collegt at Wtnmont.. 2p.m C0119- ·

w.stmont 4lt Southern C.~fornia, 2 p.m

Cotlvnunlty college men• Or~ Coest 11 Mt s.n Antonio. 2 pm •"°'°

Hog" $Ctlool 9tts • ld'tton at C- Meta • ) Pl" •Volle~U

Community college 11\en • Or~ COMt \fl lioPe IM..-national at fuli..ton co119g1, 7 pm. • Softball

Con• , c.a1 si.i. Oomong~ Hilk It Sovth«n ClfifolJ"• College. 1 :30 p m • w-tllng

H•gli fdlool' l>.c1fic C.0.11 LHgue Fllltlt 1\ U111~2pm • Socar

Hpgh Khool girts · N~Halborat M'ltl MM9'1'IU. l 1 S pm.; CorOt\I cMI M« at IM11e. l IS p m.: IAgun4I 8ffch <It Costa Meta l 1 s. Uniftn<ty at (rt~ 3 IS PA

The otily ietunung tarter 1S nuddle blocker Nick D01nlruk, who Y..'iU move to outbid•" hiller Cutene c expects 1J19 thmg from the SW1tzerland native.

•we made ·lum pla our of position last year because fie was effective, but he Wdsn't ve1~· hap· py about 1t, • Cntenes•' aid •Now· he's back at htS nanuaf position (outs1de hitter) and I'm convinced he' a D1v1slrm I

. prospect.· · . Ryan Rex, who l st pl 1yed for

the Uruvers1ty of the Paci.he two years ago before on a r h· gious mi<;s1on, is expected to be a key contributor as the startmg middle blocker. Rex will JOm Jared Starling, a third-year sophomore who will start at nght· side hitter, in filling the leadr>1sh1p void left by player depa rturi s

This year's team has a lot of freshmen, but Cutenes,, expects many of them to develop mto good pldye1s who will ht v.Pll at occ

"We've got a lot of line~ps we're lookl.flg at with this team because WP hn\1• pla)erS who can pldy both tlw nght 51cfe and middle, - Cut"ne e srud. "Our !reshnien dre pl' •lt}' equal to our sophomores m terms of ab1h· ty. I'm not afm1d to 'rrux llJ> our outside hitters either, d •J>f!Ddmg on what we needin a g1i;en situa-

Brad Evans, 6-2 2 Brian Brown, 6-4 3 Jared Starling, 6-4 4 Kyte Anderson, 6-2 S ~yan ~i~ey, 6-0 6 Nicolas Dominik. 6-3 7 Patrick MCcarty, 6-3 II Ryan Rex. 6-4

9 Tim Everswick, 6·2 10 John Pecora, 6-4 11 Griffin Cogorno, 6-5 12 Kevin Goff. 6· 1

18 Enc Saxton, 6-6 19 David Moser." 6-4 20 Jed ~oen1gshofer, 6-1 Coadl: Chuck Cutenese


"Our 'trength 1S our versatili- ..,. ty."'

Thi:! Puate' will need it to delend theH OEC title. A number ol tedm~ are expected to be com· petitJve this !>ea.-.on and there is alwCtys Golden West, which, along with OCC, has dominated the conference the pa!>t Eeve1al ca ons

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8 Tuesday, Febtuory 9, 1999

Five years ago this we5 ... Costa M~ H gh's HNthw RalalnlOlt

sC04'ed 22 potnts 1s tne M0jt1ngs defeated Laguna 89(h. 17·18. ito clinch the Pac:ih<. Coast League girls baskMbatt thampiomh1p fOf' the third corise<'utfve season.

Later 1n the week, the Mustangs finished off an undefeated PC.L season with a ~38 win over Trabuco Hills. The victory was the 30th straight in the PCl.

Robinson had 13 points In other girls basketball action:

• The Mustangs raoar victory proWd beneficial for Estancia High. The E1gles ftnished their seMC>n earlier in the week with a 54-34 victory over Century, clinching third place and a playoff berth. Costa Mesa's win droi>ped Trabuco H1hs

Esc:row No: 0001755-0KMB





B & P 24073 el seq I Notice IS nerebr g.ven

that a bull( sale o asseis and a transfer of alcoholic beverage hc;:ense 11 about to be made The names. Social Secvrlly or Fedel91 Tax Numbers. and ad· dresses of the Seller/I L1~nsee are HOA LING PAK and WADE PAK. 600 WEST 19TH STREET •MB. COSTA MESA CA 92627 560·63·0155 567·93·594 I

The business 1s known as CALIFORNIA STOP FOOD STORE

The names, Social Se· cur11y or Federal Tax Numbers, and addrasse1 ol the .Buyer/Transferee are THUAN HI TRIEU and l/IVIAN VALERIE TRIEU 547 71 2179 . 527·81 5109. 2351 WEST BEAN LANE, SANTA ANA, CA 92706

As haled by lhe Seller/ Licensee. all other bust· neas names and ad· dresses used by Iha Seller/ LM:ensee w1lhln three years belore Iha dale such hst was nnt or delNered to the Buyer/Transferee are NONE


The kind ol license to be transferred IS OFF SALE BEER ANO WIN E LICENSE NO 20·326192 now issued tor Iha premises IOcated at 600 WEST t9TH ~TREET I A.&B, COSTA MESA. CA 92627 •.

The an11c1paled date ol the satellransfer ts 03/0311999 at the oThce of A.pu Escrow 15576 Brool\hurst Street no B . wes1m1nster. CA 92683 The amount ol the purchase PllC8 Of con· 1tdera1ion 111 connechon with lhe transfer of 1he l1GenSI! and business in· c ud•ng the esumated Ill · ventory $35.000 00 is lhe Sunl ol $ t 38,000 00 which

• COTIS•StS of the lollowing DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CASH $103,000 00 NOTE $35,000 00

It hes bean agreed be• tween the Seller/l.1oonsee and lhe intended Buyer/ Transleree as required by Sec 24073 ol the Bua.nan and P1olessioos Code that the cons.aeration tor lhe transfer ol the busmen 1nd hc.ense 1s to be paid only altar lhe transfer has been approved by lhe De partmenl of Alcohollc Beverage Control


TRIEU Publlsheo Ne wpon

Beach Co11a Mesa Daily Pilot Febrvary 9, 1999

T293 Fictitious BuslneH N•m• Statement

The lollowlng persons are doong buSlneu as FREIT~ FURNITURE

SERVICE, 902 South Citron S I . Apl . 16. Anehlem, CA 92805

Tito Segundo Frenas. 902 South Cllron SI , Apt 15, Anehelm. CA 92805 Th~ bustness IS con­

ducled by hu$bantl and Wile

Have yQll started dOing bUl'oel11 yet? No

nto Segundo Fr .. tas Thia 11a1ement was I td

11111h lht County Clertc o1 Oraf\ge C<iunty on 1 1 1 ·99

19"entel3 O•~v Pilol Feb 9. 1~_3.,:

Marth 2, 1999 l<MI

Actltlous BuslneH Name Statement

The following persons are d()l!lg business as

ProManage, 2052 New port Blvd.. • 224 Costa Mesa. CA 92627

Donald Alan Plllff. 24I1 Via Maune. N ewport Beach, CA 92627

This business is con· ducted by 11n lndtvidual

Have you started doing bUSIOeSS yet? No

Donald Alan P1all Th<S statement was !tied

With lt1e County Cle r1c of Orange County on 2+99

11996782368 Dally Pilot Feb 9, 16, 23.

Mar 2, 1999 T296 Flcdtloua BuslneH

Name Statement The fOllowlftg persons

ire doing business as Center of Balance and

Harmony, 252t Orange Ave. Apt, A·2. Costa Mesa. CA 92627

Brad Lee Wood, 2521 Orange Ave., Apt A·2, Costa Mesa. CA 92627

ThlS buSIMSS IS con· duded by an lnd111idual

Have you staned doing business yet? No

Brad Wood This i latement was filed

with Iha County Clerk or Orange County on 2·5·99

199941782515 Daily PllO( Feb 9, 16, 23.l

Mar 2. t 999 T291 Fictltlous BuslneH

Name Stetement The follOWlng persooa

are dOlng business as Blisters, 2790 Harbot

Blvd • Suite 20t . Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Andy Harber, 338 West· brook Place, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

This business Is con­ducted by an 1nd1Y1dual

Have you started dOing business yel? No

ArwJy Harber ThtS statement ;vas lflod

with the County Clerk of Orange County on 2·5·99

19996782514 Dally Pilot Feb 9, 16, 23.

Mar 2. 1999 T298 Fictitious BuslneH

Name Statement The I01tow1ng persons

are doing bus1ne51 as Corbin Thomas Realty,

2215 Pon carhsle, New por1 Beach, CA 92660

Corbin Scx>tt Thomas, 2215 Port Car11ste, New­port Beach, CA 92660

This business is con· ducted by an 1nd1Y1dual

Have you started doing business yet? Yes. 10-02·98

Corbin S Thomas This statement was filed

w11h the County Clerk ol Orange County on 2·5·99

19996782516 Daily Piiot Feb 9, 16, 23.

Mar ~. 1999 T299 Fictitious BuslneH

Name Statement The lollowing persons

are dool:lo bu\mess as Patrida'• Treasurea,

1370 Logan, I F Costa Mesa. CA 92626

Monte Charles Salot, 30122 Niguel Ad Ar>t t08, Laguna Niguel, CA 92679

Th11 business " con· ducted by an lndwtdual

Haye you started doing business yet? Ve~. 1-15·99

Monie Salot Th1 statement was !tied

With lhe County Clertl of 01anoe County on 2·5·99

~ 19996782510 Dally Pilol Feb 9, 11!, 23,

Mar 2, 1999 r :lOO Fictitious Buslnua

Name StatetMnt The followlng pel'ION

are doing business as Hydl'0500!, 19 Urbino,

ltvlfl4t, CA 92620 Malle Anthony W11ham1.

14 Vta Corooba, Rancho Santa Marganta, CA 92688 ~on Thomas Minton, t9 Urvlno, Irvine. CA 92620

This buslflffl It con· ducted b'f. a general pen· neflhiP

Have you Stantd dOlng bulintss yet? Yes, IM6·.91

Mark W1rllamt Thia Jtatement Wll liled

with tne County Cler11 of Orange County on 2·5·99

1ttM71210t Dallv Pilot Feb 9 16. 23,

Mer 1. 1999 l.)01



BEVERAGES O.c:ember 14, 1998 To Whom II May Con·

cam· MANDA FOODS INC Is (are) applying to the De­pa rtment or Alcoholic Beverage ContrOI to sell al­OOhollC beverages at 2701 Harbor BIYd 0 • Costa Mesa, CA 92626 With a ~41~ On-Sele Beer & Wine Pubtfc Eating Place license<•>

Publlshed Newpo rt Beach-Costa Mosa Dally Pilot January 26, February 2, 9, 1999 T279

Flc:tltloua Bu•ln•H Nam• St1tement

The IOllowtng persons are doing business as Schlavello Sales USA, 3333 West Coaet H!QtlWay. Suite 300, Newport Beach. Calllomla 92663

Artlcles or Incorporation Number Al I 2037315

JacobSen-W1tt. Inc: , (CA) 3333 W Coast HIQtiWay, Ste 300, Newpon Beach, CA 92663

This bUS4nees Is oon· ducted by a corporation

The registrant com· menced to transact busl· ness under the flct1tt0us business name or l)llmes listed above on 911151198

Jacobsen-Witt Inc. Jucty Witt, President

This statement was ftled With the County Clerk Of Orange County on 1-22·99

1909$781093 Law othces ot

Steven Casselberry, One Newport Place. 130t Dove Street, Suite 940, Newpon Beach, Call · lornla 92660-2473

DailY Piiot Jan 26. Feb. 2, 9 f6. 1999 T261

Rctltloua BuslneH Name Statement

The foltowtng persons are doing business as; JP's ol Newport Beach, 3450 Via Oporto, Newpo rt Beach, CA 92663

Enk Rameson, 64 White Cap Lane, Newpor1, CA 92657

w 1n1am Rameson, 73 HohJter Ranch, Gavtota. CA 93117

This busmen 1s con· ducted by e general part­nership

Have you started doing business vet? No

Enk Rameson Ths st1tement was filed

with the County Clem of Orange County on 1 ·22·99

19991781087 ·o a11y Pilot Jin 26, Feb.

2,9, f6, 1999 T262

Flctltloua Bualnen Name St.atement

The following persons are dOlng but1ne1S as· Costa Mesa Mobile Es· 1ates, LLC, 327 Wesl Wllion, Cos.. Mesa, CA 92627

Costa Mase Mobile Es­tates, LLC, (WA), 408 Plazza Lido, Newport Beach, CA 92663

This buSlne•• Is con dueled by Llmled Ueblhty Co

Have y00 started doing buSlntss yet? Yes. 2/11'99

Co&ta Mesa Mobile Es· 1atea, Cynthia OeBaun, Manager

This statement was hied With the County Clerk ol Orange County on t · 22·99

1"917110ll Dally Pilot Jan 26, Feb

2, 9, fe, 1999 T263

Flc11tloua Bualneaa Hime StatefMnt

The lollowtng pereont are doing bllliness u JAVA WOOD, 3535 E. Cou1 Hwy 15, Corona del Mar, CA 92825

Terry Wllllams6!'1

Par1c Creat. Newport t, CA 92820

Thia bu11neu Is oon· ducted by an lndMduat

Have you t1arted ~ buS•ntaa yet? No

Terry Wt111em1 This •tatement wu filed

~Ith the County Cle11t Oil Ora f\ge County on f ·22'"

1""711097 Deily Piiot Jin 28, Fetl

2, 9, ft. t99t T284




The followlng p(lrson has withdrawn as a general partner lrom lhe partner· ship operating under the fictitious bus.ness name ol Abby's Rent A car at 18080Beach8lv15. Hunt· ington Beach, CA 92648

The Fletltious Business Nome referred to above was hied In Orange County on 8· 2 ·96 Fll.E NO. 19963691718 •

Full Name and Addfess of the Person W1thd19w1ng MaJld Janaraghl. 28109 HigMdoe Rd • u , Rancno Palos l/erde$, CA 90275

Majid Janaraghl This statement was filed

With the County Clerk of Orange County on 01·29·99

19"e781829 Daily Pilot Feb 2, 9 , 16,

23, 1999 T290




LAGE CASE NO. A195565 To all hetrs. beneh·

ciarles, creditors. cont· lngent cred110fS, and per· sons wno may 01fletw1se be Interested In lhe will or estate, or both, of GA.RV 0 . LAGE al\a GARV DONALD LAGE

A PETITION FOR PRO­BATE has been hled by GAIL G . LAGE '" tile Supe J'k)( Court ol Califomla County of ORANGE.

THE' PETITION FOR PROBATE requests . that GAIL G LAGE be ap· pointed as personal repre· senlatl\le to admlnlsler the estate of tile deoadent

THE PETITION requests lhe decedent'• Wilf end codk:lls , rt any, be adm1ned to probal9 The Wiii and any oodiCll1 are available for examinauon In the hie llepl by tile court

THE PETITION rvquelts authority to administer lhe estate under the lndapend· ent AdmlniitraUon of Es· tatH Act· (This Authority will alkM the persooal rep­resentallve IO take many actions Without obtaintng court approval. Before talong certain very lml>Of· tanl actl0n1 however, the person1I representative Wiii be required to give no­tice to Interested persons unleu they have walYed nollc:e or consented to the proposed actJOO ) The In· dependent adm1Tll$tratlon eulhorlty Wll be Qfallled unle• an interested per son files an ~IOl'l to Iha petition and shows good cauM Why lfle court should "°"grant the euthOoty

A fff:ARING on Iha peti· llon Wiii be held on FEBRU· ARV 25, 1999 at 1 45 pm In Deot L 73 IOCatad at 34 I The City Ortve South. OI • anoe. CA 92868.

IF YOU OOJECT to tile granting of the pet•tlOn, you should appear a1 the hear·

Ing and state your =· uona or hie wtlnen ob • ~ With the court be oie the hearing Your ap­pearance may be In peraon or by your 1ttotney.

IF YOU A.RE A CREDI · TOR Of conttngel'lt Cl9dlt0f of the -..Md, you muat file your dalln wtlh ltl8 court and mat a copy to the pe11on11 represen1atl\'e ac>oointed by the ooun Within lour monthl lrom the dale OI the f1tit laLl8t\08 OI leners a1 ~ In Pro· bat. Cede Mdlon 9100 The llme for MnQ delrn• wt1 not e11p1,. before IOUJ monct. lrOm .. hMMg d9tl nolhd above

YOU MAY EXAMINE Iha file kept by the Q)U~ .,. • petlOl'I .,,..,.. In the estate, you may ,.. WIO'l the COOi{'. Aequett fOf &oeclal Nolloe "°"" 0£. 1&4) of Iha lkig of art In· ~and~of ...... a...a Of cf any peWon ot eecount .. pftMdld In PfCtllle Code ~ 12SO A Reques1 tOf ....., Nollce form II aWllllllee "'°"' the aourt cMftl

Spo~ LOOllll llCI

Actltloua BuslneH N•m• Statement

The following persons are doing bustoess as

CLS Aeelty, 600 ~Jorth Tusttn Ave.. Ste 270, S8nta Ana, CA 92705

Don E Alexander, I 337 Golden Vista Or , West Covtna, CA 9t791

This business Is oon ducted by· an lndNtdoal

Have you started doing buSlll8H yet? No

Doo E. Ala under This statemen1 was filed

with lhe County Cieri( ol Orange Counti on H S·99

19996780499 Dally Piiot Jan 19, 26

Feb 2, 9, 1999 T255,

Flctltlou• BualneH Neme Statement

The following persons are d0tng business as .

Commemal I.ending Re sourc;e, 2082 Michelson Dr , Ste 100, lrvlne, CA 91812

Michael John Sk1bba 2218 Pnvale Road. New port Beach, CA 92680

Ttlts business IS con ducted by 1n lndrvidoal

._.ave )'OU 1tarted dotng businosa yet? No

Mldlael J Sk1bba This statement was f~ed

with the County Clerk ol Orange County on 1· 15-99

19996780500 Dally P1lol Jan 19, 26,

Feb 2, 8 1999 T25e

Actitlous Bualnesa Name Statement ,

Tha lollowlng persons a1e doing business as

David Lllldenthal Con suJhng, 981 West 181h St. Unit A, Cotta Mesa, CA 92627

DaYld T. L1ndefllhel, 1161 West 18th St.. UM A Costa Mesa. CA 92627

Thie business 1s ClOn· ducted by. an lndMdual

Have you started doing business yet? Yes, 121131 98

David T. Llndenthlll This statement was hied

with Ille County Clerk of Orange County on H 5·99

19996780501 Dally PllC>t Jan 19, 26,

Feb 2. 9. 1999 T257

Flctltloua Bualneaa Name Stetem.nt

The foltowlng persons are dotng business as·

Long'a Garage, 2633 w. Pac;:lf1c Coast Highway, Sle. B. Newport Beach, CA 92663

Jellrey Wayne long, 1310 Galaxy Drive, New· port Beach, CA 92680

Thia business Is con· dueled by an lnd1111dual

Have you started doing business yet? Yes, 1·7·99"

Jetln1y w Long This statamenl was filed

W11tl the County C1efk o4 Orange COOnty on 1 15·99

, 9996780521 OallV Ptlot Jan 18, 26,

Feb 1, 9, 1999 T257


Flc:tltlou• BualneH Name Statement

The lollowtAg pel'$0nl are dOlng buslnou as·

Pac:Ulc Western EleC!ne, 7005 Seashore 01 • New· port Beach, CA 92663

Mi c ha el Charles Kirchner, 7006 Seasllor11 Or , Newpon Beach, CA 92663

Ths business II con· ducted by: 11n lncfMdual

Have you started doing business yet? Yes, Janu­ary 1. 197-5

MIChael Charlet Kirchner This statement was filed

With the County Clerk of Orange Coooty on 2·5·99

19996782519 Dally Pilot Feb 9. 16, 23,

Mar. 2. 1999 T303 Flctltlou• Buslnesa

Name S1atement The foll0w1ng persons

are doing bus1neu as Fab·Tac, 835 Seagull

Ln., •C201 , Newport Beach, California 92663

Danny L Hawkinson, 835 Seagull Ln , 1c201, Newport Be1ch, Cant, 92683

ThtS bu5'""5 IS oon­dUCCed by an indt llOUal

The reg1stren1 com­menced to transact busl· neu under the llctJttOUs business name or names llste<I above on 211199

Danny L Hawl(lnson This statement was filed

W1th the County Clerk ol Orange Couley on 2·1·99

19996781tn Dally P1IOI Feb 9, 18. 23.

Mar 2, 19~ T304 Flctltloua Buslneaa

Neme St•tetnent The lotlowlng per1on1

are doing businl5S as Vine Tales, 1680 West·

minster Avenue, Colla MHa, California 92627

Cyt11te Helen Hanson. 260 East 19th StrHt, Cosfl Mesa, Cahlomla 92627

This business Is con· ducted by. an Individual

Have you started doing business yat? No

Cynlle HaT\$0n Thts statement was filed

With lhe County Cler1c ol Orange Counl~-4-99

1 82l82 Da~y Pilot Feb 9, 16, 23,

Mar. 2, 1999 T305

Flc:tltloua Buatneaa · N•m• Statement

The lotlowtng perton1 are dOIOQ bu1111es1 as

Proof ol l~nlrty. 9125 Westnunstar Man, West· mloster, CA 92683

WIPtam B Dsv.a, 3070 Sagewood Ln , Corona. CA 91720

Cynthia L Davis, 3070 Sagewooo Ln.. Corona, CA91720

Thia business 111 con· dueled by; husband and Wife

Have you started doing bUslllesS yet? No

William B . Davia This ctarement was t.lec:t

w11tt the County Clem of Orange County on 1 14·99

19tM7I0473 Da11y Pilot Jan 19, 26

Feb 2, 9, 1999 T254 Flcdtlous BualnHa

Name St•tement The following pereons

ire dOing bullness as Sweet Nadine, 2032

Phalarope Ct • Costa Meu , CA 92626

Stephanie M Lelller, 2032 Phal11ope Court, Cotta Mesa, CA 92626

This buslntll II COO• ducted by· an lndlvlc:lual

Hive you llarted doing bullneH yet? No

S1epllanie M Lemar Thie etatemenc w11 ltled

w11h lhe County c1em or Ofange County on 1-14-89

1"91'1IOJll OaMy Piiot-Jan 19 26,

Feb. 2. 9, 1999 r255

FIC1fdout 8ualne .. ....,,. StetanMnt

The lollowfng peraons .,. dOlrlg butlnell ..

Padflc Bel PCS SIOt9, 603 N State Colleoe Blvd • r: ullerton, CA 1>2a:J 1 Pldl~ Wlrelen lt(I,

(CA), 2710 1(1Mn Ave . i22•2. !Nine, CA 92814

Thie butlnMa II QOfl • dueled by, I lllnltfd Plft • nenntp

~1:~ luma Inc 11"1 .,.. '*"*. Padllcl Wlte· leN Lid , 9oclby Bums, ..,...,..

Thie .......,.,.., .... flied di l'8 Councy Cleltl OI ~~

Dalw Pllol Fet> 2, I" 11, Dz,. ,., PlltlllDU19utlnHI ..... .. ....... The ftlllowlr1a .,...... ~**" .......

Video tlmple, 10M l~ Dt , co. .. ..._CA_,, a.tea"°""· ... T"'""°'*' Dr,. eo.c.


This buslr.tS IS oon­dueled by- an lnc:t1Yid081

Have you started doing business yet? No

Cha/las Brown Thia stalement was filed

-with the County Clerk of Orange County on 1 ·29·99

19996781820 Dally Piiot Feb 2, 9. 16,

23, t 099 T289



PETER UN CASE NO. A195286 To all helre beneh·

c1anes, creditors. cont· logent creditors. and per· 50tlS wtlo may otherwise be 1ntare1ted tn the wtll or estate, or both, of STANLEY P, PETERLIN

A PETITION FOR PRQ.. BA TE has been filed by STANLEY PETERLIN 1n the Superior Court of Cal· lornla, Coonty ol OA· ANGE

THE PETITION FOR PROOATE requests thet ST ANLEV PETERLIN 4 UURIN PETEALIN be dP" pointed as peflOl'lal repre· sentalNes to administer lhe estate ol the deced8flt

THE PETITION requests the decedent's Will an<I codicils , If any, be edmotted to probate The Wll end any oodols are ava table tor eumina11on In tile f1'4t kept_ by the court

THE PETITION requests authonty to 8dmln15ter the estate under the Independ­ent Administration ol Es· tates Act (This Author1ty Wiii allow the personal rep· resentaltves to take many 8C1IOl'lS W11tlout Obtaining court approval Before taking certain very lmpor· ~ntactions, howevef, the personal representetrves W111 be requlrod to give no­tice to Interested persons unless they have waived notlc:e or consented to the prOpc>Md action.I The in· dependent 8dm nl$trlllon eulhonty wil be granted un1e$s an iflteresttd per· son fifes en objeelton IO the 1>41t11lon and allows good cause wtly Iha court 5hould noc gram the authollty

A HEARING on Iha pell· tlon Wiii be held on FEBRU· A.RV 25, 1999 al t 45 pm, In Dept L 73 IOCated at 341 The City OfM South, Or· ange, CA 92868.

IF YOU OBJECT 10 the granting of Ille petlbon. you should appear at the hear·

Ing and stilt your = lions or fllo wntten Ob ec· tJcna With the court be ore the hearing Your •P· pearanoe may be In perM>n or by your atfornev

IF VOV A.RE A CREDI· TOR or ClOnllnQ8fll creditor 01 the deceased. you mus1 hie your Claim With Iha coun a.nd me• a copy to the personal reptesentatrves appo.nted by the court Wittlin lour months from the data ol tne llrst lsauance ol letters as provided In Pro· bate Code section 9100 The time tor llhng claims w1ll not eiq>lre before lour monlhl lrom the hearing date nolieed aboY•

VOV M1'V EXAMINE the Ille kept by the 001.111 II you are a person Interested In tile estate, yoi.i may file w11t1 the court a Request for Soecial Nott0e (form OE· 154) of lfle filing Of 1n In Y9nlOfY Ind appralaal of ettate assetJ Of ol any pelillOn Of account a• provided In Problte Code MC110n 1250 A Requeet lor Special Notice torm Is 1Y11tlable from the ooun eta rte

Attorney fOf the PetHlontf: DOUOlA8 E. GODBE, E80, (C88t70'71), 240t2 CALLE DE lA PL ATA, 8Tl . 00, LAGUNA H ILLI, C A _,

Publl1n1d Newport 8Mc:h-COll8 Meaa Diiiy P!to4 Fabrulry 8, 15, 11!', 1999


Rctltlous Buslneas Neme Stetament

The k>llow!no peisons ire ~ b\Jslnesa 1s

Bottom s Up Boal Main­talnanc;e, 109 112-341'1 St , Newport Bead't, CA 92863

Brye» Ogle, 109 1/2·34tr'I 5' • Nnport Beactl, CA 92663

This butlne11 Is 000• ducltd by an lndlvldUll

Have you started doing bul!neu _yet? No B~Ogle This statement was filed

With \t'8 County Clerk ol Orange County on t ·S-99

1"9677SMM Dally Pilot Feb 2. 9, 16,

23, 108& T28t

RctJtlou• BuafnH• Neme Statement

The f()ltowjng peraons 11re doing business as.

Baskels by Sonja Petrone, 109 t /2·3"h Street. N.wport a .. ch. CA 92663

Soni• l<J111en Petrone, 109 112-34th SU"t. New· port Bea<tt, CA 82663

Thie bu1mu1 Is con· dueled by. en lndMduaJ

Haw you sllrted delng bu11nu1 yet? Yes , 01-05-99

Sonja K. Petrone Thie -~ ..... ftted

With the County Clel1( of Otang1 Coun~ on , ·5-99

1-11177 ... 5 Dally Pilot Feb 2, 9. 18,

23, 1099 T282 FlctltlOua Butlneta Ntime~t

The following pertOOt are doing bo11nt11 u ;

Mllellone Flntnelal Setv· ~· 2102 Buwten Cen· tar Of. 1115·H, IN!ne. CA 92612

l<l"M Conway Olis. 201 112 Rwv St . Belbol felt, Calif t2M2

Thie ~neN la con­duc'8d by: to lnclvtdual

Have you •tart~ doing bUllneN yet? No

l(evfn Ollll Thia eta*'*1t WU ft6td

WW\ the Countv Cleltl of Orange~ On 1•2t.atl

1""1t1111 23~PllCJ( f'eb 2, tti:t lfiC8leUi luelNM ...,.. .....,.....,. The tollOwtnO ,,._.

.,. dc*'I bulirlt• .. CllfOmll Q*Oin C.r

C.., 321 N LandOn fll , ~. CA­

QerYA ...,._.Jt., 321 " London ... AMtlalnl, CA-TNa ..,..,_ II oon-cMlllllllJ: ... .,.,.,.,

~if .. GlrY"' Jf, TNi .....

... .. Collfllr '°"" • o...,.~ a.°'fl.NIA M . I, ~


Flctltloua Buslneea Name Statement

I The following ()8'10fll

are doing buSlness es Thl'H Angell Ptlaf'TMICY, 2855 P lnecr .. k Dr , #C319, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Rdlerd Matthew Ktng, 2855 Plnecreel( Dr , #C3t8, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Th • buSlneSS IS con· ducted by an indivl<lUel

Have you staned doing business yet? No •

Richard ~ Ktng Thi• statement was filed

with the County Cler1t ol Orange County~ I ·22·99

19996781108 Dally Pilot Jan 26. Feb

2, 9, 16, 1899 T273 Flctltlous BualneH

Name Statement The lollowtng persons

are doing b\ls1nesa as REAL VIEW, 325 Grand Canal, Newport Beach, CA 92662

Brent Burnham, 325 Grand canal, Newport Beath, CA 92662

Ttlil buSlneas is t;on. ducted by, an lndN\duat

Ha\19 you started doing l>USIMSI yet? No

Br11nl Bumtlam Thie atatement was filed

wlltl the County Clerk o1 O,.nge County on 1·22-99

199M711109 Dally Pilot Jan 26. Feb

2, 9, f6, 1QG9' T274 FlctJtlOua Buslnesa H•rM Statement

The loloWlng persons are doing busineu as Thetmia Soerne's, 9582 Hamilton Ave .. 1107, Hunt· 1ngton Beach, c~ 92648

R1ndy Allen Poulson, 9682 Ha1nt1ton Ave . 1101, Huntington Beach, CA 92648

This bullnes~ls • CIUc:ted by: an I

Have you started bUSlneu yet? No

R1ndy Poulson nus statement was ftltd

With lh& County Clerk ol Orange County on 1·22·99

19996781099 DailY Piiot Jan. 26. Feb

2. 9. fe. 1999 T275 FlctftlOue Buelneu

N•me Statement The tolloWlng pe!SON

ere doing business as· The Collectlon of Balbol Island, 332 ~rlne AYI .. BalbOa llland, CA 92662

Jane L Hayas, 332 Manne Ave.. Balbol IS• land. CA 92682

Tlw bWineU Is con­dUcted by. an l.ndlYidual

Have you started ~ bullneU yet? No

Jane L. Hayes This statement was hied

IMth IN County Cler1c ol Orange COUnty on 1 •22·99

199M'781085 Dady Ptlol Jan 26, Feb

2, 9, f6, 1999 T278 Flcthloua BuslneH NMle Statement

The lollowlng peflOl"ll ar11 dolna bu6ineSI as a) MElLb-ROOS COM. b1 COUNTY·DATACOM, c EMG STUDIOS. 101 Brioao Drive, Suite 110, Cosfl ~a. CA 92627

Peter M P1acey, 537 Newpon Center Drive, Newport Beactt, CA 92660

Thie bullness Is con­dueted by. an indlvidual

Have you staned doing bullntll yet? No

Peter M Placey

' .

Doity PilOt

Have you started ~ bus1neu yet? No

Gregory A Futll This atatement was tlld

with the County Clerk Cit Orange County on 1 ·tt·ft

1"9671te• Dally Pilot Jen 26, F'eb.

2, 9, f6, 1999 T278 Flctltfoua BuslneH

Name Statement The IOflowlng perM!n$

,,. doing business a:. Anahefm Gardens Rell•

denlla! care, 525 w t.:a Patma Ave , Anaheim, CA 92801

Image Community Carw Resources, Inc , (CA), 10031 Crallet Dr. Hunt · lngton Beach, CA 92646

Thia buSlness Is c:on · ducted by a corporallOn

Have you S1arted dOiog business yet? No

Image Community care, Resources, Inc , Coltert weus. President

Th• 1111emen1 wu ftled with the County Cieri< Of Orange Co\#lty on I ·5-99

1MMnM65 Dally Piiot Feb 2. 9, 16.

23. 1§99 T280

Flctltloua Bual""• N•m• Shrtement

The follolmg persona are doing MtMSI U TTNI MARKETING SER"'" ICES, 23782 Catie Ganedor, Mlsalon Viejc>, CeMomMI 92891

Weldon Lee Haywood 1170 N Cllron St. 1202. Anahet!Tl. Cdlomia 9280 t

Thi9 oos.ntss Is coo• ducted by an lllOIYldUal

Have you staned doing bullneSS yet? No

Weldon Lee Haywood Thi& statement was filed

with the County Cleft< o f Orange County on 1 ·22 99

1"91711101 OallV Pilot Jan 26, F.O

2. 9 . f6. 1999 T26e Rctltlous Bual""•

N•me Statement The fOlloWlng P8"Ms

are doing business u M V LIO"UIDATOAS. 1064 Pescador Dr.. Newl)Oft Beach. CA. 92660

Brad Ch rl et o pl'lar Goebel. 1064 Peacac:tof Dl'IW, Newport BNc:tl CA 92660

Thia buSineu IS OOt'I· dueled by· an lndlYiduel

Have '1l" started dOlnQ bulllneu"V8t? Yes, an. 9A

Bl9d Goebel This t tatement was ltled

with ltte County Clerk of Orange County On 1 ·22·99

1Mle711102 DelV' Pio( Jan 28. Feb

2. 9. f6. t 999 l&!t1

t I • ' . ,, . . .. , , .. PIGUET

Miry J1ne (= Piguet, 88, of Ne Btldl,

dted Fel>Nery 3, 1999 • SuMiora, husband, Bil,

daughtef'3, L)'d11. Tr!er. Jucty Wldelyz. Jeame ~ en, eight ~lf't, four g rtat -gralldchildr9n

Servioes win be held Satulday, February 13, 2 ~ m at St. MfchHl'S

pl$(0pal, Corona clel Ma' , OonatlOOS Blm Children'• Leaming Centi<

., . . ~

. . '·"".. "' -.., This statement was filed

With the County Clert< of Orange eoun~on 1·22-98 MClflC Y1aW

1teM111-.. • .,.,...._ MRK Ody Piiot Jto. 26, Feb

2, 9, f8, 1999 T2n Cemetery • Moftuery FfcttdOua Bualneia Chapel • Ctematcwy ~ Statement 3600 Paciftc VitW 0ri119

The lolowtng pel"IOOI N8wpof1 Beach are doing butlneN U --.... 1100 PACIFIC COMMUNICA· ir-:=-=~·===~ TIONSM!: Aocnesltr St., - -·-Cotta • CA. 92627 ~

Gregory A. Fulla, 379 ml IRIAIWAY Rochileter Street. C61ta Mottury • ~ ....... Cellf 92621 erem.tion

Thie bUMneH Is con• dud~ by: an tndMOUal 11 O Brolldway

CoetaMeaa Ma-eteo

"Affordable Alternative"

Dh;count Casket, Cremation a Burial Service

Why should you subject yourself~ your family to paying inflated prices tor casketa a: servtca?P?P ww ........ ,......, .... Orilltllliu t1C1Alll

• I •


, ... IC llOl1Cll 11 IUIUC MOTtOm t I PUIUC NOTICll I I PUBLIC NOT1Ca 1,J PUBUC NOTICU I No"ce of Sele

of A..a Property at Prht ... Sat•

ca .. No. A1t5113 tn lhll Superiof Court Of t State ol C811fornla, Ii:>.

ln~':a~E•· tall of DOROTHY E TRUMP, CSec:eased

NOOOt •• Ml~y !Ven 11'191 the under w1a 1tll at Private • to the

hut and bttl bidder. I to oonftrm&llon of

Superior Court on Of al!er tht 20th day of Fet,ru• ary, 1999 at the otlice ol Robert M Stone. 2750 DelllloWer BIVd .. Sit 100. Long Beach, CA 90815 •II the rtQhl. lltlo and lnterHt of uld deceased at hma of death and aM right, titta and Interest the esfate ha1 ac­qwrtd In 1dditfon IO that of ..aid deceased In and to all the certain Real property. 11tuartd In ttll City ol Anaheim, COt#lty Of Qf• ange, Stale ol Cat1fomla, pirtlCUlarly ~ u followS: Lot • 19 of T111ct 4239, 88 per map thertol reoorOed In 8ooll 217, pagu 26 end 27 ol MiS· cellantous Maps, rtc:Ords ol Orange County

More oommonly known as· 1234 Berttely Ave. .Anaheim, CA

Ttrmt of sale are cast\ in lawful money of the Vnited Stataa on conl1rmatlon 01 salt, Of pert cash Ind bll · anoe upon such ttrma and cond1hons 11 are acctp· table to tht per50081 repre •

Hnt 1r1 , llve percent OI amount bid lO be deOOS le<! With bid Bids or ohe,. 10 bl in wrttlnQ eno w1I 1>e re· oetved at lfi. atoreaakS of· floe at any lllTle 81111 the first publlciitlon heflOf, and before dete ol 1111

Oiled January 28, 1999 Marilyn Dre kom. Persona~ Re1HtserrU1livt ol the E• tat• AttorMy(e) 1t AOBEA"n.t. STONE, Eeq. Simon, McKlnMy, Miiter, Zommlck, Sandor 6 Dundu 2750 Bellflow.r Blvd., Ste. '100, Long leach, CA 90815r117l'

Publlahtd Newpon Beach.Costa Mou Dally Pilot February 5, 9 12, 1999 No 105~ FM7S2

Flctltlout BuelnH• Name St•t•ment

'rile following persons are doing business as Martin Garoa· Lanoi;caplng, J413 W. Central Ave , Santa Ana, CA 92704

Manin Garcia. 1413 W. Cenlral Ave , Santa Ana CA 92704

This buSlneas 1s con· dueled by an individual

Have you staned doirlo busioesa yet? Yes, 7·31 ·9A

Martin Garc1a This statement was filed

with the County Cler1c ol Oranoe Coonty on 1·22·99

19996711103 Daily Pilot Jan 26. Feb

2.9. f6, 1999 Tl68

g ' ... g

Fletttlout ButlM .. Name Statement

The lollowlng parsor1$ are dolnQ bu5lne51 as BON VOYAGE YACHT SERVICE 13 ~. RanctlO Slnia Margarita, CA92W

Enc M Pinion, 13 &lc1;· thorn, R1ncho Santa Ml~. CA 92e88

This buSltlCIU II ton• ducted by. an Individual

Have you lllarted dolrlg business yet? No

Enc M. PlnlOtl Thia 11a1ement was 1 d

with the CounlY CleO< of Orange County on 1 ·22-99

19'M791105 Oa11y Pilot Jan 26. Feb

2. 9, 16, 1999 T2G9

Fictltlou1 Bualne11 Name Statement

The following persons are doing bUSllle.SS 81 Hugg.s & l<tUez. 270 E 17th St: '3A, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 . lma~s & Evarythino

LLC, ICAj, 270 E t 7th St t3A. Co&1a Mesa, Ct. 92627

This bUSiMH Is OOt'I· ducted by Limited Uabi ty Co

HaY9 you started doing business yet? No

Images & E\lerythlng, LLC, Kristy Gltddlllg Man· ager

Thi$ sratement was f led Wttll the County Clertt of Orange Coonty on 1 ·22·99

19996711104 Daily Pilol Jan 28, Feb

2,9, f8, 1999 T270

FlctttJoue SuelnHe Name Statem.nt

Too tollowlno P8rl0fll aro doing bustneH at PLAN AHEAD, 203 Hunt· lngton St • Huntington BOaeh, c~ e2s.a

Bart>ora Austin·Loyd 203 liuntlnQton S1. Hun· lnoton &iadl. CA 926-48

lhls bu nen 14 a>n· ducted by 81\ lndivldUal

Have you atanoo daillg builfllH yel7 No

Bart>ara Austlh•LQY<S Thia statement was !dad

wl1h tl'le County Cieri( o1 Orange CQuttty on 1·22-99

1HM711109 Dally Pilot Jan 26, Feb

2, 9, 16, 1999 T21'1

Flctltlou• Bu•lneH Name Statement

The lollow1flli persons are d01ng business 8$ TRESIDIO INTERIORS , 23'10 Santa Ana Ave • IA2 Coat• Mesa. CA 92627

Edrlh M. Devlin, 2340 Santa Ana Ave , IA2, eo.ta ~. CA 02627

Tracy L PIA$ioher, 2314 Conifer Lane. 'tustin. CA 92780

This business 11 CX>t\ · dUded by an lnd/vioual

Have V'JIJ •tarted doirig t>uslneH yet? No •

Edith M 1Devt1n Tracy L. 'f>uts1pher This ~atement was filed

wrttl the Coonty Cler1t of Orange Coonty on 1 ·22·99

19996711107 Dally Pilot Jan 26. Feb

2. 9, 16. 1999 T271

NOTICE TO rnunuy Colegc Oistric1 CONTRACTORS Bld lh8ll fie rocieiveo in

CALLING FOR BIDS lhe ptice iod abOve, Sdiool °'5tlld. and mose bids be

COAST COMMUNITY ~lalld ~ .~1 COU.EGE DISTRICT t1°""""'a .... ..,~ ......, ... , ,.., Bid Deedllne me ... "' .,...

Mardi•. 1999 at 2 00 p.m In coorelanco lllo Place o1 Bid Receipt Of· provisions ot Caldom1a

flc:o o1 DUeclOf o1 PvftiiU· Put:I c Con1rac1 Cooo Ing Coast CommUnfty Col· Sectlon 3300. tho District leQe OittrlCC • lclg • D" ruqult tilal tho blcld r 1110 Aoam1 Avenue, PoSSe "° tollowioO dll • Costa Mesa CA 92626 • hcal;on ol conlractof.s

Pro1ec1 lden11lica11on lk.ensc I tno limt lhlll lh Name Golden Wtat Cci· contract Is awarded lege Rerool Gymnasium COntraetor C-39 Roofing Bid No 1781 License

Piece Bids are on r~e ano available at Office of the Phy•ical Facihtiet. Coordl· nator, Ardith RIGhy, Coest Community College Dl$­tr1CI, 1370 Adams Ave .• Bldo D", Costa Mesa. CA (714) •38·'467 3

NOTICE ll:i HEREBY GIVEN lhel tne abOVe· named Scnoot Oiittict of Orarige County, ~Gfonlla ltctiflg by and. thtoogh l'5 Gove1T11ng BoarO. t>erein­alter referred to as •·DIS· TRICT", w·11 recerve up to, but not tater than ti.a above-stated wne, sealed bids for tile 1W1Jrd ol a con· tract for lhe pr()JeCI de· scribed IS 1

Rerool Gymnawm-ap· proiuma1e1y 13,456 square leet

The re will be a F rve Dollar ($5) noo-retundab:S payment r9CJJ1rec! for eac:h &el • of bid document• Checks should be n:iadl payable to Coast Corn

PUBLISH f"ebrutiry 2. 1999 and retuuary 9, 1999

WALK THROUGH Feb· ruary 16, 1999 11 9 oo a m., G<*Sen ... ut COlli>g~ Maintenance 8fl<I Opera· l.!00' Depanrnent, locatCCl oll McFaddal\ Avenue l>O· tw11en Golden Wesl and Gotl'lard Streets

BIO DATE Marcfl 4 1999a.t200pm •

BOARD DATE Marcti 17. 1999 •

No pevnient shall bo made l.ot woni or material ulldor the CX>t\trac.1 union arid until the RoQ!strar ot COr •ractofl wrrlki1 to tho DISTRICT that the CON· TRACTOR was Jl!'o:>orly llcenSed at tile lh contract was awarttod Any CONTRACTOR not so licanll!d IS sYbject to pen· &Illes uOdel tne law If tho licel'l6e classillcatlon Gpeci· lied herelnabo\le '* that of a "speoahty contractor· as

inod In !on 1058 ol the ca tomra B111me11 and Protelsbll Code. lhe 1p c1 lily con1tac1or

waraeo the Contrld IS>t th WOA &tlall ~ con-ltruc:t a ma)ortly of tt w~ In 8QCXlfdanc w tho Ptovlslon$ of 08lilomla Business ano Prof !Ollll Code Section 7059

All Worll must be oom pfoicc.t wtlh 60 CXln$eCVll'te days 'Time fs ol tno ts· •eoc• F allilre IO Q)fl')plet !ho Work within lhe time set IOf\h hervbi wdl result In the lmPQS•hon ('Jf liQuldaled oamagea IOf each day 01 delay, ln tt1e &ITIOllll set forth In the •·1n!ormaoon for B11der1'

Eec.h bid must contonn an<1 be responsive to 11'1 contract ddcumant\ Eacn bidder •haU S\lbm1t on me form furntstlld witn :ne cpn1ract oocumunta, e lest or Ille proposod &UbcOn· tractor• on <!his prCJictl es requ red by t7IO Sublett l)g -end S\lbcXlnUedlng Fn!r Pfa(.Ucca Act Govcm.-nent eoao Sodion 4100 et $GQ

eocn Bid &ttan tie accom· pa.flied by a c:errmed or CllshlO(S checl! Of bid l>Orld In an amount not less tnen Ion percent ( 10%) of trltl to­tal bid pnce, ~yable IO Ille District as a gU&rant!M! ltlbl me btd00r, II 1ts proposal acccptoct shall prompi>y uecuto !tie Agroemen1, rum11h a sa11slac1ory Flllthlul Pertorrnanco Bond In an amount net iH~ tnao ono huncHed percent

By ~laWln Person:

( t 00%) of #le IOla bid price, Bl'IO kimlstl Pay· ment Bond In ao amount no1 CIWl one l'lu'IOl'CIO percent (1 OO'Jl.J of total b"iO pnce, arns rum ti ce evidericing lh81 the rBQUir8cl tmurancxi 11 In eC1'8Cl In lhe lfTIOlA'ltl Ht font\ In the general condi· ~ In the event of lailurv to enter WllO • ct.e contract and lna.Ae ltle l'9QWed oocuments, ~ bid M • cunt~ will b9 IQtl The Falttilul P&rlo nee Bond remeV1 1n lull torco al'ld •11fle1 Chrou~ tho gvaran111 p riOcl as speci· fleo In 1he general condl­Uons

Tl\e DISTRICT reMirvos ttie ngllt to r11ject any or ti bids <>t to W8iYO any r· regularities or 1n!C>n'l\il s In eny IDlds 0t "1 ine bid· 011\Q

As- fBqu1rod tiy $«lion 1773 o1 1t1 CAlitorma UI• bor Code, ttie O reaor .of tne Department o1 1n­nttSV1&t R(la~lOnS 0: the State ol C8 llOIT\iil hfls do­termtned the gonerally prevallll'ig rates of ~-agoa In mo 1oa1 Illy wi tiicfi OlO Wort< IS to bo pef1ormed Coples ol lhos v.-;ge rat oeterm naUons. ant1\led PREVAILING WAGE SCALE. are ma!nta ntlO al !fie DISTRICT otta IO­ca!ed at 1370 Adami A\le , Co6ta Mesa, CA 92626, Ptt)'Slcal FDClllties Planfltnll , and are 8\laltab,. to any Interested party upon 11quest The Con·

~ uosdoy, F bruory 9, 1999 9

Eactl bl<I aut>mlnad 1n ' Sfl(ln$ 10 lhla NQtJCe shall cootalfl. as a bid Item. adO-­Qua t 5he !310 Shoring and braang or equtVll)Ont mctnocf. ror lllo pro1eaion ol Ille ano limb In trenche! .and open excava11on, ~hicn aha contomi to ap. pllc:abl aa! 1y OI081S Gov.ming Board av Wllrtam M Vega. Ed D, Chancellor, Co11t Comrnunlt)' Cotlege DI• tnct

Published Newport Bcacti·Cor.ta Mesa Oatly Pilot February 2. 9 1999



WHA1 HA,,lllS

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Hllll"' .111rl d1•,111l11n·" urr "llliJ•'f*l 10 duui~r. ... 11h11111 111111cl' 111r p11hh-lu-r n ·• n 1 ~ thr 11i::h1 to ~rn 11~ n·d.1• .. tf\ , n:q .. c or fT'Jrrt 1111\ 4"la--1fil'tl 01h r rtM'mr 11t. Plni~1· rrpon 1111\ l'rrur 1ha1 rn:i~ I 111\our1 l.1, .. 1fi1 ti uil 111111111 l1a t<"h I l1 r Dn1h l'i101 arc•,p l• tlf•

Ii f11l11' for m l\ crrur 111n11 111 h \ 111iCof>nlflll C:1r \\hi\ h II 1118\ '"

""!"'"''''"' C\1"<'1'1 ( r tli• 1'0'>1j)r1hr• urmnlh 01c11piNI h\ tilt I rwr ( rf'\IJJI ·a.11 0 111\ llf" r11io" 1>t l rur 1h1 fo-i;1 111'4".Mtou

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By Fa.~ ('HCJl o.'l 1-oi>'H

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U NII Ml8lt Mttftltltt IA lllis .......,., 11 Mltd" ... fn lril ftlr ...... Act .. 1111 .. ....... fttdl Utt II ltpl tt tntrtllt . .. , JltltrtlCt , flrndl lill If .. ICllllllalllH ...... .. nttt ,.,.,, ,.11.,.. .... ..,.let,, i..11111 atthtt" ut11111 q11, • H latultH • Ill»• .. , ••• Jf•ltt•••· Hlllllllf .. " 41Mrt111U1 ... .

Tai• H•OOtr •Ill ol ,.,., .. ,. '"'• "' mett1n Mii ler real 111111 • lllU 11 It -.ltlttl.. .. ... ... °" ,....,. .,. ,., •• , 11111.... tltlt •ti fttll1Ati 1••1rt11t• II t•is ttW1f••• •rt aune•t• n 11

-.111 """°"' ~nb . Tt "" ,i.11 ti fita'l11111tt1 ... "" HUD Jttl "" It 1 - 414 ..... flt IN Wltlll ...... OC lf11 ''"" ullltuOll~.

·t~I SOLDll

ShowcaH HomH for Sele In our Saturday Rnl

Eatat• Supplement! · Homes of the Week ~ Ms Slit! 81 ..,... $75' Ditdlilt II T ueecs.y II 5PM OIJ9l Hause IAttngl SI St . nu.dalt sPM ft Pay1 to AdvtrtlM

In the Best Loe.I AHi Eltlt. Section


94t-574-4252 . ANNE Wk.LEY 94N74-4249


FME Uat of HOMEI HUIWA fllEPOS 1-t00-721""57

YnKftAN ftfAL ESTATE FOAlcloHo Propenl11 HQmte beloW matMI valUe



Eaatslde Oyntmlle Duple.ii E11nlny potent11t two· 28dml, 111t1 un.soo c11 ~ AEt., tcMM-3915

1 '8f UL·dk1nu1 Big A·2 Lot. $315,000

tcMCS.o44t NR SOUTH COAST PUll Gr88l Stal'ler Horne1 38drrns (updated msll1 288. C8VI cell ti LM, bridl Fp cwntry kl "1 IPlflM pa~ gerden m doW 2c Ill gar Cal t.Ail1ent f.g. $192,500. IM')-1'94"5793


GREAT LOCATION 3 bedroom 2 blttl. qurtl al a.uc. H8«lwood !loots, lire­ptau. -..ood~ $409.0QO

949-1531 801 t Jackie Gllll• RHllor



BEACH COTTAGE 3 + 2 $360,000

Agent 94~723-8120 cuSYOii BACK BAY AREA Over stOO aq.fl. 8utlt In tc. sn t,ooo Eart • Jucty Tsytor, A'f;fttcW.2_.1"22 W RFAONT SUNSET VIEW 2·StOIY 4Bdrm 3Beth HotM. lrm.aAl8 Condllion 1525 ,000 Agent , Brian Edmondlon 94H2.:H 151

How Much II Thia Custom Home Worth?

l• • proleaiOnlly dlllgnaled Con&dlant nl a 51'11 Ctl1 AilP'llllt &hollf you ""* y<:Alt

hQml atlOIAd bl WOl1h CALL TODAYI 949-<t74·1669

OR 714 .. °'4-&4>4

0011• "'°'•• ,earn; 4Cef age. upgraded $699.000

Charlol1e 714 .. 32-9308

~.2woom2Lth g1te4 community, 1m1ll octan 11iew. Under ground pwllint tcM15-4372

IRS & FMHA lirWIClng IYl!t­' 8'111, ISi llTll buytta &

lnvt1tora welcome 94t.371-4792 ~-In

ll!!J~-=-~ • ...-....... 1anct1 ~ ol anow c:IPPed

Emera IO 8albOI _., Sin Frtneho _. . Cool. • ~~000• t~~21s=:r c1ur 1.100 e1av111on.

_.._ ..,... 8ofdetl state llM good IC• i.:. cw ••eason recreation -~-;~~ ....

~·'.·f'r"·j' ~.--... , -•"-. . . . '· .. -· . __ ..._. ""'. . .

• t T T"" ·,~·····~,•.,.....

• LOWUT l'NCIO 3ldlm In Cofonl • Mir

• Qil of.,.. Iller uys llLL IT • 'fl)OA YI I.age 38ctfn I femll'Y • ~ ,._.. WOlll IM PAICEO

tr_S LESS 11111 1111 .... 1311.000 .. Olltf1

ICOURICO. Mt'37H671 • •

AZlft 1·177·244·1439 (CAL'ICN)

.,,. ..... -'._ .... .,,, . ...._,f t ' ' , .. ,. .

'• ... ·~

1110-·=I1~.:ml * COSTA a.ES,4'S BEST * VIEW BACI< BAY JuntOr 1 bedroom and t 2bf 2ba, loWnho\IM $!Yle, 2 car bedroom. 111.o 2 bedroom t QM wlopener, rrp1c. •.mun, balh Oulel gated comrrulty, 900~3-3130 PCJOI. leMil easy ac:.cess fo lreew.y. beech & malll

71..s5'7"4075 NEWPORT HEIGHTS AREA 38t 288 .. 1500 IQ II up 5'1111 int, pvt bllc. i.t01 n>OmS. No Pets SI ill mo f l-4-S-40-0130 Newport (KrOH ttrtet). 28drm 1.58ath New ~ & carpet No pets 1666 IMnt A~e 13 $9951 Pl' monltl 949· 720-i422 Ext 203


2"' Uba, den, z car oar•ge. Wattler/Dryer. 12150/mo.


=$1~. t~~r: I I l*fll & Cllrpel. gal paid $8751 155 HOUIUICOfl>08 mo -t MC dip 9'49-&SG-3735 FOR RINJ


1122 I~ OCEAN "AOHT WITH VIEW • • • 3 S.Oroom 2 Baltl, Wgl docll. 2 BORMS tot tht l)ffce of 111 new pellll & carpet ' parking NEWLY RENOVA TEO, Y"Y S2075lmo 949·5"48·83&4. SPACIOUS 945sq 11 One 2bf beach fiOUM w 2 bl 1 Cit bdrm + den avlllllllet Large 91r "'1d 1vafl mwch 1. S 1500. mastat bdrm & 1MnQ room. nur bHch and bay. fiJ81)1ace cen1ll NC Pela ;;.M;.;;H...;.;..73;...-63~15;;__ ___ _ "'91come RNmg v.atlfWlt' and picturesque V1tWI From S 111 ~ Call Now 888-218-0897

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Apartment• Ba)"front community with privet~ l>t'ac-h & marina. \\'&lk to

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ga111gr Sorry. no pt'lll.

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Iha anc be\ to SO< Te> dre Lio PA WE •A< 92 Sfii


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1 de Id FU

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I ~

' I ' 10 Tuesday, F.bruary 9, 1999


ACROSS I nemcr.. I• hat) eli Wrtiar~ ' Low.tying .,.. is JaJ -

14 lnlPOfled car 15 Ctiefbh t 7 Ore eource 18 Locala 1~ Moo

~· ;!() Cooke nood 2t Wtldl 2'lP~ 24 Mac me~er 26 Printer' • ll'IM(tl 27 Heed honchot 29 Grin 31 With 53·0oWn,

big-tlend name 32~n

monarch 33 - Paulo, Brazil 36 - chi: Mlf·

defenNlll 37 M\!QOflduct

mnrlc 40 'Kipllog novel 4 t RN'e lpeclalty 42 Baby goat• •3 Put - · MYe up 45 Colliery

emancee • 7 Hector. tor one 48~(•1ur• 51 Inclan nall''I• 52 Parts of

DOWN 1= ~Su~ 4 "For stwner 5 Mists'ttandl II Coln of JO<M · '1 Wedding wo.dl 8 Ouot& 11~11

wortce< 10 Stlcl< • 11 Ac~r Grtenf 12 Bwtld • 18 Flocl! mernbert 21 Go.90 • 23 Utetary genre 25 Greek lett., 27 P"ieoa of

lolU\allon 28 -------


Admln. Suppof1 FfT Ind Prr lOf',,af mam:i mgni co ~ re.tilt! crganrzed computer ri poop!e w'Qll!AI cu tamer roll · Ions shits Weokfllld.wor1t nP.C Flt:l f'\esume .W1Yallable hme/ lly~ 94 9-720-94,36 BARbERYCOAST~

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l'AlVtOUS PUz:D.l IOlV!D


HAIR STYLIST WANTED lor Salon in Costa Mesa

ewpenence Y.llh Cli~tele 71• ;40-1877

s1000 WEEKLY s1url1f'lg env~ al hOIM F"ree illo A'!sh (lollg se!l·addr1Z$Sed, stampec1 etWelope> to ACE. 1:>ept 50'J. P.O Sox .5769 Dtlimond Dar, CA 91765 CAL'SCAN




Bulh Yulncrablc. West deals. Weit led the ling of diamond~,

NORTH •AK7 o K74 () 10 7 •AK 107 4

1 ovcrtnken with the kc. A club shin would defeat the game as the cards he, llut wuul<.l have b«n fatal had West hclJ a singleton club, so East continued whh a diamond W~t >Noo

w•n • 65 .l Q 1093

f:ASI' t and $hiUed to 1he ten of heatis, .East's

queen l(ISina 10 the -.-e. • 108 l Occlarer cleared trumps an three

rounJ , ending in hand, then led a club, diKovering the unfortunate brnk when West d1scanled a die,. mond. Hov.ever, South was equal to the task. After winnmg the ace of clubS, cJcclarer n:lumcd 10 hand with the jack of hearts and led the remain­ing trump F..tit. down to two heArts and three duhs, could nQt afi'Ofd to let go 1 club, ~o had 10 come down to a ~rnglet<in heart. Now doclmr crossed 10 tlle king of heart., and led a low club tuward the nine.

o KQJS431 •Void

SOUTH • QJ9 .. o AJ6

0 Q85l <>A 8 •QJSS

0 96 • 96 3 l ' .

The biddin&: WESf NORrH J O Dbl"

EA'>'T soum ra.u J• Pass . Pa.-.... 0


Optn111g le:id: King of O

The late Sonny Moy-;e wl~n edi1or of "The Bridge-World" wns an artlcnl proponent of lhe power of the 4-3 Iii m n major sui1 He would have been proud of Sou1h'~ hnnc.lhng of hand.

Ea~t was a dead duck. The defend­er could do no beuer than win with the Jid. of clubs, but then had lo lead away from the queen of clubs into dummy·~ K IO tenace. 'The defenders look only two diamond tricks and one club. 8c~utifully played.

North, fully aware that Soulh mtght have only four spades in r~ponse to the lAkcour Jouble, elect· ed to gamble on the Moysian fit. Thal landed North-South in the only game that hnd a chance to make. Certainly. tile aucoon 1S eminently reasonable.

Learn to be a betttr brld1e _J>lay· er? Subscribe oow to the Goren Brid&t Letter by allloa (800) 788-1215 for lnformaUon. Or wnte to:

NANNY fO< 10 mo Old IJOV, NP6 home, FT Mon-Fri 8-6 00 live out. tels. Pf!alc eng CPR med t\st WO~ 949 646-5777 OFACE ASST. fllf olf in NB J C11a1rvt, mulll las!\ Ofl80 comp Ill strong COfTWllUO PllS Fu Res Juon 949 833-0645

OFFICE CLERK FT, ~omei ilMCe & tCCounlS Rec/collec1.ons good COfll· pu1er & communiciihon s~ !Is $950.'Ht Call Tuicy Sam· 12 noon M·F. 94M46"1540


FT /Yf day and f'\T111Jij( sJtffut ~H2-820 Per llour Top-1•rodti<:08

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1-888-318-4 744

Gortn Brld&e Letter, P.O. Box '410, Cblcaco. lll. 60680.


RECEPTIONIST lmmedla1e ~~ FT. good letepllOne skiffs & pmlo$S10111t attstlldt a mu~t Xkll benf>l1ts Ma• tesume and &alAty re­quhements to P~. PO Box m1, Newpo11 Beath. 92659 01 Fai 800-637·4501



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