Convention to Settle League, Liquor and Itisli Issues Altered ...


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Transcript of Convention to Settle League, Liquor and Itisli Issues Altered ...

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Comminion Probobly V I Act Week to Revoke Rig ft It

General Omnibin w

I Itjr Deceit, Raymon iSayi

mf- r >■ ‘

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c ity CfttntBlHlon tiwliky |] hut 'k H IDt fraaclilw a ra a tM M1««n tia l a e to lha O anaral o Mibui Ba»y to o p tra ta a ly ita m i ( from V H i kiMaa In th i i elty j i l f tn a

thft UM par of tha m ^ th« k” kahly 'Will ta k t th a t ■■ p n a i t

• *• th a Mftttar w ai o rd .r |l UM •■HI n a a t , T huraday an I C ity •1 OafttlatOB waa InatrurBid to

a rapaatar.btlaalonar R aynond d . r l ^ h .

■ o raa tha raroeation « lha . '■ th a t tha fn n e h la a ortfM ally

Halaad “by dacalt •ltd Ril|H«pr«' on." lU tM Q m onibi VeU

of tho proposOl bu t* r tp ro M n M to th* eiiy In

0 ronr mofitha ^ I v f e^ bM #| W9UI< b« 4t Ui«• fisMbliH photoffophi

0f onr« b* IntandMl tfr. lUymond.••nd of bnia« w* h a r* h«d t pro

Ot «M w lnc prornliM/* ib* dl ”**•*“• **If Jalopy a o f t b t f bavan 't a Hnvl«

? ! T M ap thayM w opffo lln f

• ^ B d - h f M Jtlpaya w h k n thay “ •y fn*t pnrrhaaad frgff our

♦"jw y n o n -^ l ic a r d a d fnaai! ^ “ y dopartm ant li oon-

^ ** *!?! G aaaral OiMlbu<i• • f wibl opanue t j j , p t i ^ ^ 1J^op^'^vloo'r o f T rm u p frta -

w nw ford not ta p an n It tha I w a n.

•*» *fr. Raymond annoaftoad i» a oaaara] company would baaa

•raw ca dafinito av idanra hy Jaly 1 I to oparato buoaa hare

i**r ** It w ara u> ha paaatad t ^ h a r aa t.n a lo n t to Ito fra«d ili* •M ay Mr. Cukor a p p aa r.d with on* 0 Inu of a how typo, a im iU r It lha * • • • a « baa, aava th a t th t r a la no “ **t o f aaata, and announuai ha iM a ta r t tlva buaca o f tha ordtaary

to f fy . Tbo eomfnls»lon«>r d®- TW epci"*** fatlftfied w ith th* t

APvfcwe D rtay,T M franeh lta would h a ra b*ai r« -

t* “ * " /*!!!.*' •*‘*'** *!»• In ia rraa -M a t C ity Counaol Conv1*tan. Mr. ^PMPM f oppoiitloQ to tbo b u f com* ■y »fta aehoad by Commiaatoftar pkIkftM and Ih* Mayor, a ll thi-aa <*• i r la e flatty Ui* franoht*« ahould b* • • k ^ R at Mr. ConcUloD daMlaad

_ ? ! ? • , • form al opinion aa to tho* * •" ■ la»al r ip h t to ra ro k * th a f r tn -

l if f lb vtow of th® tb roo -m oatb ®i- M M of tim a vran tad la April, which Irta today. Mv, C onala toa adrtaad • form al action bo tak o a until y today, « tha m otion to Inatrnct

to proparo a rap aaU r toy oopt k'a m aatlnc waa paaaod unftft- aly ..o rta r. Saymotir J r ., eonaaol fo r 'aw Jaraay Auto 8 u i Ownara* Aaa t- k, aakad lha ooinaitaalon to revoka raacblaa. Ha wvm ov ar m uch th a ■Toaiid aa Mrc Rftymond, bold lnp tb a Oaftaral Onm lkua C om pcay

p ira a Ik* M tr no th ing b a t prwmiaat a lha day It •k ta tn ad tb a traa< •ftr h lf company baa baan uatop tb a

tcb ad op w ttb tba fraBeblfta,}f!aay fa b»aa paddltoR a laek fo r aN W ha t tb a o tbar baad, th a rav a lftr JHpay m bava baM raMiaMMd fro m nmUnd baUfttlftl ImproTamfttilft to tfcalr ■aa- f o r a yaar aa d a h a lf tbayhaT a aa boldloa back la ta a r baoauaa ol ti fMftoblaft w hich b a n t ev a r tbalr

‘f b a lltf t ty m an faal tb a ra nw a i • j p aiptta a a i a a l » b paita. t t b ao ln |fa. i

Vba R fw arh ■•■•■■a Raw a w ift a a tpuMMfe M aaday, J a ly ».

Duncan Wins Golf Tit Of Britain with

Scmet of 71 tad 72 in Todar-Hod Totals 305.

306 and Barnes 306.

*'ifen Fmithes WajbDoevii w it l^

IBAlo Bnyland, J a ly 1 ( » ) . —0 MM, tha ra ta ra n f t r l t t ih p lal (o lfa r, won tb a B rlllah o p a lM f aptanahtp, oanoindad an th a < taday, w ith ft to ta l n f to i.

w ant to tha f ro a l by doloi rawod la T1 and th a fltm lt

•4 fitilabad tb a fo u rth roandhiRMaI a l IBI, and Barpaa w ith I t l ,

. iM f final aeora* w ara .a a fol tpa; . SM V ln ta la , l i t : B atrara, n t ; M d Mbaty. nt; Totlay. l t d ; l i ^

l^N llf tild . tba B rttlah jo lfa r ,Ml(h 111 ftbd Jim Barnai

«■« tiad a l » • w ith lu . bbothar Bncllahm ai , m

} th ird round, who bad a to ta l o f II

i i f a rannda, had a b rt tla ln i: O nnean 'i loir ca t ,

thow ar of ra in w aa fa | t p waa Mk>tad th la m ot lap

f i n i t d M a r ta ft p o v l n s ~ rsp Mill Iftlllaff arltta tha

la k f l t a f ft h a iv y w tad b( lUK 'lk tba Iftit roatid.M n H H r Ift tb a th ird ro a a d . M tk a M tw a rd . half, hia p MHIft p t tha aefen tli.

• i t t a d k u th ird fttmr tb a H 1 m s snuM, hot ahtppad

ilS lha pin ftpd s a t ft flfft. ' liln ik hla ftaoMd laa

i %4» P S 4 ^ rapftir • » « ha

Girl Dies Qiasing Her Bridesmaids

Min Ksiherine Van New, Weit Orange, Victim of Heart Fail­

ure in Automobile.

Trying to Catch Railroad TrainWftfitn n bl9ck of c ttt 'h in p a tn ln

which c«rr1e4 h®r bfld®»rri®ldt. Afinr ihft bAd rAc®d from B a it OrAnpc. Mlt» Xmthftrln® Vftn N®®s of H utton Wm i Or«nf®, died of h®Art r®l1ur<i lo- dujr jift «h« b ro u ih l b®r AUlomohLi« to a ■lop At PlihA And OrAQK® TheBlrl WAA ACCompADied by her piir^nd. U r And UrA^Fr«d«rlelc U Van Nee®, w ho At f lr i t IhottfHt Ah® tiAd m«r«ly felniMii. Effort® to r«vly® b«r a t m n««rby ceff failed And when an Ambulance eurfeon arrived h» pronounced her dead

KiA® Via N®®a had An Appolnimert to meet h«r brldeowAld® ai the Rti«t Or- A ta^ S u tto n of Ih® I^ckAWAnna Ra iI- roAd. 8h® drove up to th® etnilnn a m ihut* After th® tre ln had puflMd out And «h® itArt®d Af(«r It ImmeillAiiiily. ■Ajlnf ih® would catch up w ith It at ihe Roaerlll® St Alton. Sh® rcAched that lU - tlon JuAt In tim® to ®e® th« Train ®lu<i«i faer ACAla and the ca r w«® then headed for Ih® N«wark depot

Am the Automobile we® nearlnff Plann Atreet on O ran re i lre e t th« ^ |r l r®Ile1 out to her pareDt® th a t nhe felt heraeU f« tl1n |: weak, fih® had the preaence of mind to pull In to the rupb. and aa ■h* brought the car to a atop h«r head fell over to one aid®.

M l« Van N*h wb* lifted from (h* car and taken Int* the cafe of Jacob Rraunateln a t 10 O ranpe atreet. F trat aid rem edlet were applied n h ile an am- bulaiwe waa aunimoncd from th* C itr lloapltal. Hr. R ublniky. who arrived with th* amhulanr*. aald ah* waa bo- yond medli-al aid and took the body to the n t y Hnapttal.

BrIdrentaIJa raw tinw e ta • ta re .The hrlde.emaida, of couraa, knew

nothing of the acd d e iil and conllnueil to tb i New Tork .lo re , w here their dreaaee w ere to be ee l.c led . To the dreeam aker with whom lhay had an a p ­pointm ent Mra. Van Ncaa addreaaed a note, which ahe requested B raunaietn to telephone.

"Pleaae tell Ih* young Indie* who are are coming for the b rldeiitia lda ' dreaaea thare will he no w edding."

The brldnaiTialda, how ever, did not racalr* the rnctiage, because they a r ­rived at th* aiore at the time th* alale auperinlendent, to whom Ih* meaaaae w ai Intruated. waa out to lunch. They bought the m aterial for th e ir dreaaee and ordered It aent to a d reasm aker In th is city

Mlaa Van Kess waa to have been m arried Reptomber 11 to John F. Met­calf* of to F ra n k lin atree t, Morrlatown, wbo la now In Buffalo, He had planned to ra tn rn her* tom orrow n ig h t to buy tba w eddlag ring. A meaaag* n a aent u rs la g hla Immadlata re tu rn . It told only th a t Mlaa Van Neaa w aa III.

Tha g lrl'a falliar, w ho hnd been In III baalth , almoat collapaed in tho cafe whan he rea lliM th* g ir l had died. H a w a a ram ovtd tod ila bom*.

^ • • a • h a w ara to h a ra bean biidea- malda for M lit Van K*aa w tra Um Mlaaea F ran rea H tnm an and Mavla Bepodlct of Raat O ranga, Helen Hal- aay of South Qragg* and C llaabet^ Mar- tib o f M orrlatown. M aa M argaret Mlobaal of K tw Torlt, w bo waa to hava baaB m aid o f hotror, la aw ay , and waa no t In tba p a rty w u b whom tha ap- P aljlnaaol had bm n Mada.

« M Van Haaa waa an only child f ? " i ? * ‘»»»*y-ano yeftiw eld Ja n u a ry '**• *he w aaw » ftS « « tM .ttr* y apr a ftgw from Mlaa ISaandW acftool. Barkeloy avanua, Oranga. D uring th a w ar ahe enljated In the Red Croae M otor Corpa of the Orangegt Bhe w orked hard fo r tU* corpa on am argency calls frequently nnd was made a corpora l. Mlaa Van N*aa was also a m em ber o f Ih* Jun ior Deagua of the O ranges and tha Omii Y. W. C. A.

Few persona baaldea h ar p a ren ts were ■ware of her h ea rt a fflic tion , aa aba look part In various a th ls t ic a

Only Coal Received by P. S. j Is thft from Open Market

Tnr Iwo tlnya rtinnfpf not a cArloAd *>f Tublln tiervice KIcetrIc ColupAny coal hAA Arrlvcrl K( lli# coniimpy'i i>ovr®r plantu fcom ttiM lolueft Only iHrelv® cAra of coaJ, Iona than S6A IntiA wer®

at 111® ynrrlft In North Jeraey today. Thftft® curloHda were purchaacO In the ofirn innikei. N«\iii of them W0TV d e th ered ul MurUin anJ five At thf Ee®ei pUrii.

Mihe npi<ratorR tiii\e rriiorted to th® cnih|K4ny that i l a* IntirAlali^ ■.'otrrti^rra ‘ ' ‘iiirninetfin urnl ibe rNilroaiU have failrd to aaffiy,, them. t>n®min® Ih IVTltl1iyl^n^^ n. \*|ilch euppllea

luhi t'f lOttt a > iiir to th«< com- hat rccelvi.l nri' ur two car® A

day fur PBVfru]

New Highway Board Makes Burton Head

Convention to Settle League, Liquor and Itisli IssuesAltered Wilson Plank Ends Hope of Balloting Today

Edwards’s Name Is Greeted by Cheers and HissesJersey Delegates Chagrined

Over Reception Given Their Favorite's Name.

aiCommission Organizes and Forecast Appoints Thomas J.

Wasser Chief Eng ineer.

Govemof Urges More Co-operationStiff Citrrttprmdimce.

TKF.NTOX, July 1 - Knrmal nrrania®- lien of the new Highway •'ommlfimlon■ ppolnled by r jo \r rn o r EdwaM® wan

In tho ciecu tlvo offlcoj h-*rf fhlft ftftertiijrin a f te r th® oath of cifflc** wa* jtdinJniiirFrcd to »li of th»* num- beri hy F rank TratiAUo of the .^crr*- U ry of K u ie ’i orflc® The ■i^vFnlli rrember, W nilam J, Kirby of Srimer- vlllr, Ift In South Carolina and will ho■ worn In upon hi* re tu rn Form er Ab- aerublyman n®orRc L. Burton of South River wa® elrcied chairm an, A, Lie® Orovef of thl® clly re elected eerrMarv ib d Thoma® J. AVaaner of Jer*®) <'lty, the 1-Iudfton (.'ouniy eof^tneer, wn» ap- pointed ■tatft h lf lm a y enalnerr at a ftalary of |ll^.000 a year. He !« to he- (In hla dutlea on July l&. the iU im flx^.t for the r ftlfn itlo n of ^^l.lUlu U. Thompeon. the prenMOt enRlndrr.

Al tha auRRCAtlon of t'olonej WaliMr F W hUteniorc of W w lon Amsi!nili|y- man Havld Youn® of M orrli wna made Icmiiorarv rhalrm on nf the m«eiUi|f, Mr. Burton waa nfinilnatert for Uii. pei- alllon of perm anent chairm an of the commtftaLan by John Fcrrlc« of J»raey City AJtd Mr. G rover wae nominated hy Coionel 'W hittemortv The nonilnaMon of Mr. Waafti-r aa afaie hlahw ay en­gineer WA® made by Thome® E Poltlna of KllAAbeth and prg'onded by Ur. Fef< rift and Colonel W hlttem ore. In notn- I r a l ln f Mr. Waftaer fur (ho pnaitlon, Mr. CoiHns aald ho knew tli« Hudson !

Admit His Early Withdrawal

Convention Hall Only Half Filled When O'Brien SpeaLi His

Words of Praise.

Was Last on List Yesterday

“Nothing to Say," Only Words Coming Out of McAdoo Home

lU ’.NTIMOTON, N r . Ju ly I t.P ). ^ M a in ta ln ln r hla a B phlni'llk® alienee, WIDUm O. UcAdo«, At h it iou titry home here todAF declined to bo i»«r®uad®d by aew«pAp®r men tn make any comment on the ac< Hvlileft of the DeniocrAtlo coAv«na Hon ®t Han FrancUco. where hla nmm® baa b®en placed In nomtna* tlon fur th® Preildency

"Mr McAdoo eAya h® hae a o th ln c w hatever (o aay,** va® th® anew er brought by (he maid to the newa- p ap ir men, who hud be®«lA®d Ih® IdcAdco home th roughout Ih® m orning, In a futile effo rt to lat®r* vtew th® form er H®cr®(ary of th® T reaiury .

[McAdoo Will Sweep Throu| * Strategy Board Head Says

Ff®ff Pefreipdednio®.HAN PRANCIHCOe Ju ly 1 --1® th®

face of (h® reiterated aeeertlon® of Ih® oppoaltloB th a t It had over 46® delegate®, or MArlY one-half of Ih* cnnveation, abeolut®ly tied in B galnit McAdoo, the lAtUr*® friond i cam e out of eonferanc® a t 4 oV lork (hi® m orning with tnor® confldene® (h®ti ever that tbeir man would •w eep through.

"W® cannot tell you whAt ha® happened," n:Hd tllbboney of th® McAdoo atratc y board, *^ut w® liave reason l» i?*d (hat McAdoo cannot b® elopped, Uv®nta will Justify thl® tu te m c n l. Ju a t i tlc k a pin In ihli.*' A. J. IL

I Ffeff r'orrrjpoiisfjurv.BAN KnANT[HCr>. Ju ly I —A* foca

New Tork In Hi® Iirm octaU c conven­tion an will gn New Je rtey Tam- TnAtiy and Ihn |Iudnr^>n macbln® and the Nugent follow ing are hand In glove | end they will be for th® same latididA'e when the ahow-down < om re at the end of the week

Several thnea yesterday Mayor Hairue of Jersey I'My held converaatlon^ wllb C harlei T. Murphy, leader uf Tammiriy, whlia Jam aa K Nugent and VV ilourke Cockran of Nrw Y’ork wer® ^'humming It aa meniber® of the rcaolutlona com* mlttra.

New Jaraer'ft l>ld for the PreftIdenMal nom ination fnr isovernor Kdwardft came a t the far rnd of ye«t*Tdi*y'® acaaion. when (he crowd waa exhauated by the avalanche of nom inating epeachea, It la InevliablH th a t Ma name will he w ith ­draw n In lha early bAllotIng. The New Jermey Governor'll boom W®a buries] banaath th® enthualaam which followed the preftetilaMon of th® namen of tha o ther cand ldatea Of the (en m m noml hated ther® waa leei enihuftlAnni ahown for the New Jereey K iecutfva than (here waa for any of tha o tbar nom l' neea. The crowd w ai a k k of fvjlaom® •peecheg

•p eh e fw H w lf-rilled H a u e .Edward® * name w ai preftenied about

7 o'clock, and more than half of (he h® auditorium whan

Murphy-Taggart-Brennan Block of Bosses May Be Routed in End by McAdoo Battlers

Cttunty K ngineer fo r th* ten yrnrs, ' ' f■ PS Ih .t he h».l vom pl-.e knoel,..lK..

Sittff C'orrttf^omdfne*.MAN FJlANrlW O. July 1 --E v e ry r#-

iource III the grasp of the oppoaltlon ik ill piny today (o head off th® P rerl- daitiln] randldacy of WilllAm O. McAdoo In th® Hrmocratlc .National fonveh llon . Tha lines ®r® drawn tight, but tb® flrat real teat of Blrenglh will p rob ­ably be delayed unllL the fourth o r fifth ballot, ftclieduled for tomorrow'M ae®- • lon

lletwreftTi IlcAdno and tha nom ination formidably atanil® a phra»®. "The Crov. n IVlnca," .Never waa a i»oIU1--h1 phranf morr deadly or d ifficult to overcntne. A C'niblii.itlon of mlan^ftn- ageinent and luvlnh uac of money de- feat®<l General Wood At Chicago, and arandalft touching btft cam paign ex- t'»n<IUure* defealrd Governor Ixiwden Herr li la a phraMo with a condlUon behind ll th a t make® ftcveral hundred delegateM believe (hat UcAdoo cannot ba elected. Thin belief helped to de- alroy Wood and Lowdrn at Ghiiaijo. and th® query today la what will It tin to McAiioo here'!

ObJe®l ®f ib r Bwe®* ■loek.He baa morn delegateft than . any

o ther candidate, poailbly mor® than any two. The apuntanelty and enthualaam

*'I>OfA h® w ant the nom ination hlTna®lf, or doea h®, perhape, wa~\t th® compU* m ent of being nf/errd IIT* ihoy ehang® couAlenanca Juat a trifle aad tu rn th® quartlon.

All the earn®. It la a w onderful con- vanllon. In apirli and fight It out- ■irlpa c'hicagn. Jl has certa in aapot't® of fascination all in own Many of these are provided by Ih® altractlon® of Kan Kranriaco and by lh< hoapItaliiY ind cnurteiy of (he people and th® ap^

parent Independence of th® delegat®®, A. J. A.

to the conetru. lion of roB.1, »ml *“brlU ,*,. He re e i u re e e r . n , >Ir. Wa*. , Ver**« r » r .r e e r w ■„ en*lneer. Innludlns ,,h en rh a lrm(he wetrk which he ha® HUpcrvlsed and the coat of the ro n ilru c tlo n hin term aa county m tlite e r, Mr Col­

e i F. X. tr ilr le n of | behind him. From Ihe Kouth and

quaiifkd and a H f to perform (he du> (lea of ita(® highw ay entrlneer. Cnloiiel W'htttemor® In aecotidlnic the nomina­tion ale® pp^k® of M( W aaeera ability for which h« said ho hud the higheat reftpcct.

•Alary iBereward n.OAA.

W rit h a re come hundred! of men con­fident lliat h® te Ihe logic of th® ®U- uaMon. But (he clly bonici and th®

Robinson iniro- ®IA(® chalrm ra o f the Eaat nnd Middle nu rin» J O 'Brien and the hand bU red o u t W est do M t WASt him, and they ar*

How Dry I Am.” In prefacing hla d e te rm in e to doOlAr® ll will be p a n yaulclde to tiomhhAt® him. ao they aland by (heir block (n oppuatdon—a block In ®li® and shifting In ftolldarLiy.

Of course th is block Ia negative In purpooa. A gainst it 1® being hurled the poiMv® campaign for McAdoo. Had Ihe ballo ting com® y®eierday. In th® heat of tb s dsm onstratlon In favur of th® form er Secretary, h li chano®® for th® hom lhatlon would hav® b®®ii groAter. Th® psychology ws® w ith him.

Iitn iT iiii ■.* vsjurtijr efinutoer, Bir (.O - . r*mmrL« «• — *.ftj _ ,


y of overlooking (he poor place New Je rsey had draw n to get J ti G orem or'a nam e b«for® the convftnfion, h i gtiot®d Sorlplur® to the (-ff«ct (ha t **TH« fin sf ahaU be last and the last Ahali b® flrM ," a sd "Many are called, but few gro olio«®n."

O'BrteD 4r*w BFpUuen wken heWhen It . « « * . tn the nneitlen of i r ! * " ’’ •'**‘ * ? • • " I T w U r the tk lk i> hBrder, anil probBkIr

flBlnii the a a la r / o t Mr. WHicer, !■• tj® ‘ t“ » K '« h l* « llh Aiftftodinent waa j lom orraw It will ba mora bo.MUlry waa tiiade of «•-. r .ta ry Urover | ,.**** tanS. trut ftot hlaiea 1 The twaaea who hara formed th*aa to tha aBlary Mr Thoinpeoi. w ai , “ '<* <luit | block to fruaira te McAdoo more noerlynow recolvlnB, to which he replied that •S''e*<t on Hovernor Coi of Ohio thouIt wae roeeotlj- fixed hy the rommU- i ‘ Comiiletely qod I arty other, but they are not wholly»iOb Bl IS,MO, At the •uaae.iion of ! warned on Co*. If. m aking th e ir neftB-AAsflmbfyican Tounu tha rjuretlon of j wmlAilOB Of gl® Addreaa thA j tiv® right, they r*aolv® th® conventiotit l i i n r the aalary w** taken uii. Mr BOnlenee hfok* ou t la harrah* and I inlo the dradlork which la predictedT nuac exprea.,*,! a b-llef that the po.l- | *” *' **'• >"“ ' • played aa the moat likely oulronie ol th*tlon ouftht to be worth tlO.OOd II the | ‘ • * ‘t lb*" eoncludeddutle* were property performed aiid . ‘T here 'll li* a Hot Tltno in thaeapoclally in view of the h ljh coat of T onl*ht."llrln ft the aalary ahould be fixed a t ■•7* Feopt* Defrawdad *e U afeta, th a t (laure, Bupi.lcmeritln* Mr. "We are fully coanlaaot " aald Mr « !d " ^ • ^ f ’' h ^ u ^ t w”irt"h\l^^^^ | ‘ > "rlc„ . " th a t Ih* K lphtecoth Amead-Ihe klnil of 1 - ‘ i ’*** '■ the lawtl« klml of a man w . wa n t/ ' Hv of th* land, and a lrlo t obedience to theIContlniimt on t m , paae, la t Goluinii.1 | mainliile of our h igheat court la the de

Frightened by Clap of Thunder, Former Newark Wonun DiesB m k* at tS* jrRIPR.

HIGH BRIDCIB, Ju ly 1.—F rlc h t. It la bellerad, cauaad the d ea th yeaterday of M ra U araa re t U agory , w idow of John Maftory nr Nowarti, a t th a Union Houa*. Mra. ^laaory had b**a III In bed to r ■evaral waeka from rhoum atlam . A heavy clap o f thunder frlg h ten ad her and ah* Jump*d from b er bed. dylua toon a f te r from h e a r t fa ilu re .

M ra Magory Came hare ab o u t a lch t ycara a ro and w aa eh iaf cook a t the ITnloo H aute. She wae ab o u t flfty -flva yaare old. H er m aU an nam a waa H oran, and ahe w as b o ra a t Mowark. She leftvee a ton and b ro tb a r. John lla> ■fory and P a tr ic k . B oran , both o f New­ark . B ar body w ill be ta k e n th e re for burliL

No Mail Delivery MondayT here will be no d e llv c rr o f m all

W onday. Actlnc Poetm aeter S Innott a a - nw ueed today. The r e s a la r ho llda j oehedule will prevell a t th a poefef- tiee, One etemp window w ill he open from 1 o'clock In the m oraluB tta tll l l n'eloek a t n l |h t,

fR * se a e ra l dellveiT w indow w ill opon a t s o'clock In tha m o m ln s (or tw o benra oaly. All o th a r dapartm oata w ill ha eioaad for th* dap.

The Newark M erslac Newa will ■*«M U M Maaday, July ft

Score of Persons Hurl in New York Subway Collision

N E W Y O R K , J u l y I ( , P ) , — A b o u t a a r c r e o f p e r a o n a w e r o I n j u r e d , t w o o f t h e m a e r l o u t l y , h e r e t o d a y w h e n a I h r e e - c n r p a i a e n p e r t r a i n o n t h e U u n i a

d l v i e l n n o f t h e L e x l n y t c n a e e - n u e a u b w a y c r a a h e d I n t o t h e r e a r e n d o f a w o r k t r a i n n e a r t h * L o n a w o o d B T e n t i e e t a t l o n l a t b o B r o n x .

R d w a r d C o l e m a n , f o r e n i a n o f t h a ' * * '* • o u e a t l o n :c r e w o f l h a w o r k I r a l n . a n d W I l U a m J. 'W i l t o n , a w o r k m a n , w o r e t a k e n t o t h a h o a p l t a l I n a a e r l o u a c o n d i t i o n . T h * o t h e r a I n j u r e d , t n c l u d l n k a n u m b e r o f p a a t o t a s o r a . w p r * a t t e n d e d b y a m b u - l a i i c a a u r i a o n o a t t h e w r e c k .

T h e a c c i d e n t , a c c o r d l n c t o t h e m o t o r , m a n o f t h e p a e c e o g e r t r a i n , w a e d u e t o h l a f a i l u r e t o e e e t h e r e d l l f h l i a t - t ^ h e d t o t h e r e a r o f t h e w o r k t r a i n U t i l I t w a a t o o U l e t o a v o i d t h a o r a e h .H a h a d j u a t r o u n d e d a o u r v t a n d f o r t h l a r e a a o n f a i l e d t o e l p h t t h e l l p h t e I n t i m e , h e l a i d .

P o l l o a a n d f i r e m e n w o r k e d t o f m o r e t h a n a a ^ h o u r e a r r y I n K i n j u r e d t a t h e t m n d w o o d a t a t l o n p l a t f o r m , w h i c h a i i o W M p a r t l y w r e a k e d b y t h e o o l l l i i o n .

D I a t r t a t A t t a r n e y F r a n e U M e r t l n o f B r o n x , d a t a o t l v a e a n d P u b l i c H e r -

f l M a f f l o l a l a I m m e d i a t e l y e l a r t e d e n I n v e t U d a t i o n t a d e t e r m i n e t h e c a u a e o f t h e a a e l d C B L

mnnd of the Item ocretlo party ; but tho vone of the poople haa not yet been lieerd on thla trem rndonaiy v ita l leeu*. We feel th a t the A m erican people have been defrauded of a r lx h t and wa pro- poee to undo the w ronx by tho Inetalla- tliin of a Conprea* and a P re ild e n t who » tn protect and not deatroy pop- ulhr Koverntnenl. • • •

"We believe th a t th la queatlon of Iirohibitlon. when It la put lo the ac­tual teat, w ill Juat aa readily find a liearly repudiation throuxli tho aame m raaurea th a t Iboufh lleaaly and w an­tonly moved Ita Inception. • • •

"Wo aeek no q u arre l w ith the dletln- pulahed aentlem en who may oppoae ua

ve do nut doubt the I

h e r w e d d in g p e a n e h a l t e d b y d e a t h .

sincerity o t thos® who ar« commlUcil to (h® esuifl of prohibition, but we do rnoit potently deny th a t our govarn* m ent now I® or ever will be trsne- form ed from on® of m ajority to m inor­ity rule. If prohibition l® a good ihlng for th e AmerloAA.people, we m aintain th a t the r ig h t of personal llbcrt)^ ind tts pr®s«rvAUon Ar® of f s r g rea ter run- Sequenc® and more In Acrordape® with th® Idea of Justice and natJonAl honor.If prohlbtilon li possessed of aM th i v lr tu s s A ttributed to It, why not tf i the poopU decide fo r thfrnRr*1vi« w h srfin th e ir own best In lerpsit Hr and thereby give ®vld®nce uf th r ir pm- po rtlo n a ts ospnH ty or IntsIHgeni'c for |•rtf-goverm nen l?

n a lA id AA BwshwM 1f®«. I'*W# ASSuniA th a t we have tho right

to tak e A forem ost position in ihiN la te s t figh t fo r principle. We sneuni® th a t no man Is b e tte r qualified tu lifid than the firs t oltlM o of New Jem ry R eputa tton so d egperlenc® In maieji-m anshlp and buslaess are his In shnnd- -anose W h s ih sr as contro ller of the I f’ensto r Reed of MlsaouH was denied ® AtatSa Seaato r or Oovernor, to every j Prcftldent desired. WLUon's

present sltuadnn. (hey will b® required to produce a man who ta n be nrni- Insted, Unless this msn Is Inetantly forthcom ing McAdoci wilt then cap ture th® grand prise.

Though one write a million w o rd i' and Indulge In a multliud® of unilyeem, h® could not clear (he sltustlon fu rth er The queedon ]r, (’ho they utop McAdoo on the (Mdltlcsl Judgniant of the East nnd Middle Went? Murphy and Tuggai i and Brennan say they can Will (he PreSIdenf then unlMngle the rteuJtnn t deadlock by sending the word lo su(>- port To* or ('untm lngi or Davis'* Th® groups uf antl-UcAduo leaders say tie will. F)ul no one knows. And (hue the negntlv'F s1tiiAt|r>n u|irpara ((jiclf ugalriH. GH‘ iMfsiijv® oiiH, wllh the OiIiTk In Thiot of (hone who are forcing the flghdng .

Illffera froai B slIlH are (Wiiftbliie.zM Halllmorrt In D ili a com bination

was mud® agwlnAl a candidal® wlio go! a m ajority, but who whh consid­ered fiiully Fresidenllal Hmb*-r. He WPS Speaker Champ Clark. That com- b!ii;tiluii was riksdi! by U rjan end th® unlioBsed delegates, the men wllh the l■nlhllAlaftlll and the fire* and they had (he Issue of Hyan and Belmonl, WitJI Rtreet and Murphy, to fight with, 'HHth these (hey nom insted WIIhoh. Hut h®r® s t Han Francisco th® eq u a­tion Is reversed: Th® sMthunisftta are driving for the hom lnstlon; the bosses are combining against their choice.

This equation leaves Dryaii out of ronelderallon. W hat h® will do will be made more apparent during the p latforni argument® today ll« |® Angry aiuk nervous and resentful. He ronsM srn th a t Ih® President. ac ttnx ibrouxh Chnlrmaa Glaaa of the reao- lullana committee, hae ilellberately iKrioretl him. JJe la about lo tu rn on the McAdoo movement aa repreaen t- Irig In anme way the Wllaon Influenca. II la believed, however Ihnl Rryan will ne ither nominate nor defeat al thla convention.

W llaoa Not RvIxIbx NrAJwmThe Frealdenl haa not yet foand It

necraaary actively to ael Into the aam e

oattaa In hetxalf of the pu)tJlc vr*al ho bft* broUNhl an c a a rc y and perae, varanea th a t haa battered down dle- honeat oiipftalllm .*

Ravi*w in# n o v ep io r Xdwarda'a offl- • la l racord, Mr. O 'B rien aald th a t aa aon tra liar ti* had placad the rinancea o f Haw Jaraay an aa aound ■ haala aa tIUMM of any a ta la la th e Union nnd th a t than ■■ S ta ta B enater he bexan th a tan k o f I ra w h a tln x from w ithout Um Mftlft Uia fareaa ib s t a ttam pled to tftkft « « a y our t ia tA a l Hxhta, and from w ltk h i Um foToax • ! dMhonoat e r fa n - toad waftlth th a t h ad e o n a to ba ra- Mjtdftd aa th a alm oat dom tiiant facto r to lift s o v o n m a a ta l ftffalra .-

1 B th a w tw o v ita l laaneft” aald Hr. tyDriWia -h a flead ad lha pabtlo canaa

. ----- a tlirln x lF th a t tha oeo-

'ord and tha leaxue caoac. linked a* Ih- alita qua non of ]iemocrai;y bv I'hnlrm ai) Cnmminxa ware acceptad by thii convantlon; and the p latform com- inllle* haa fallowed hla wlahea and hla attitudo . It may be necaaaary. If th# fixh t over the platform today ahould endanxer It—an uallke ly con- tlnxency—for tha F ra a ld en t'to lend a xuldinx hand: but If th a t happen*. H will a tlll provide no boarinx tow ard the hldlnx place of tha candidate. For It la only fa ir to a U tt th a t lha P real- den t th u f fa r haa done nothlnx to help UoAdoo and tha McAdoo m aaacora do not Fxpaol any help. R ather have they feared a blpdranca, a tlxh tan inx o t tha ■doilnlatraltoft hand axftloat th a ir ao- tlv ltle a T ha Prealdent, they bollava, r ta l lte a tho haadloap o f "Tha Crow* P rlnea" an d tha "D ynaaty" a rtru n en la , aad It may ba th a t th l i la th a raaao« th a t th e MeAdoe m anaxbta a re a b it w orried aheiit h In . But ha had dan* nnd xfttd noIhlBR. and h to .c lo w t t Irlo h d i hara, Rimihara o t hto eah toat. adw ti th a t Uiftj havan 'l th a f a to tw t Idaa w im n ha tovora 'W haa aakad, c s^ w ssE aB a ao n aB w asaeB asaae as^ ^ B

McAdoo “ Informally” Presented in Speech^

Nine Others NamedSudJPn Shift in PlaiM Not to Have

Nomination T a lk for the E*-SecreUry.

BAN FllANCISCfi, July 1.—N om inal- Ing speeches for ten ranrlldstes wer® mad® al yeatenlsy 's session of th® IVniorfatlG eNsibinsI Convention, Th®y wer® for:

HenAtor Rtihert la. Owen of OklA- homA.

Fortner Ambassador Ja tnss W. 0 # r- ard of New York.

Homsr S. Guminlngi of ro n n se ticu t. Henatur GUbftrt M. llltchcoek of

N ebraskaA ttorney Getiersl A. Mltchsll PAltn®r

of Pennsylvania.B®cr«lary of A griculture Edwin T.

H ttsd ifli of lows.O ovfrnur James M G'oi of Ohio. Governor Alfred K. Mmlth of New

Tork.Form er 8eer®(tfjr of th® T reasury

I W illiam O. McAdoo of New York.I Oov«rnor Edward 1. Edw ards of New I Jsrwey.

Benator Owen ws® (he flrat on# to b® placed In nomination and Governor F^dlwsrds WHS Ihe U st on th« Hst far (he (lay,

• af* MeAJAA W ill A«wg<aA sudden shift ws® nasd® In p lans for

a nom inating speech for W illiam O. McAdf^o. ftr Hurrls Jenkins of K ansas r i ty . in spits uf urg ing! (h i t Mr Mc­Adoo should not b® plAOfd In nom lpa- ticin, ®|K»ke 'MnformAlJy*' for him, ®Ay- Ing:

”1 had Intended to mak® an addres® placing my candidate in num lnatlon, but berauns of Ms persistent requests th s i Ills name be not presented la a spcFK'h, I have d®61d®d nut to do so. Hui i Am put sure from th® tp lr l t nianlfeatsd in rny own dologatlon and In (be I'unvenilrm th a t we sha ll not (Jr«f( him for Ihe service of h is country,

'Kiiriheniiur® we know (hA(, If d rsf lrd . he will accept the n o m lnstloa snd any runjors of any te leg ram s to (he cftiiirary lupposed to have been ret'clvcil by nie or anybody els®, how or In the furure, sr® falsehood® perpe­tra ted by the tnemla® of the Demo- crailt’ party. | therefors place In num- Inalluii WllJIain G. McAdoo."

4J»verA®r gailfh K itokM .W. Bourke Cochran made th® nom i­

n ating speech for Governur Hmlth of New York. *‘l nominate here today,” he said, "the man whose career sAvoru mure of a page from romance th an a mer® biographical narrative, a m an who, s ta rlin g In the very hum blest coii- dition. has ristn In th® com paratlosly sho rt ipac® of ■Ixteen y ta rs to th® sec­ond highest, as w® bellev®, position in th is country; a man who has risen from A peddler's wAgoti, while yet sh o rt of h is prime, to Ih® (lovernoFs chg lr o f tha g rea test sta te In th® Union, who through ftll of tha t long Journey, ao . compHshed In such short space of tim#. has never lost a friend whom he h as gained In hlfl youth or failed to Aoqulr® o th er friends through ail the stAgSi-''

Owen C'AlIrd F o n ra id LeefclBS* Deocrihed ns a man whos® record

would appeal to tha women voterg, th# busInrAS Interests, Ihe farm er#, tha lAhorlng men. and to all Inveri of popu­la r government. Benator R obert L. Owen of Oklahoma waa placed tn nom i­nation h r I). Uaden U n eb tu g h of Mut* koge®. Mr r*ln®baugh dAClAiwd th a t “p a rty line® w«re binding m ore loosely** and th e need of th® hour w as *tg candl* dal® whoa® record and whoaa oharao ter w ill Inspire th® confidence of progrM « Alve-thinhing. forw ard-looking men aa4 woman, w ithout regard to post pArtg Afftllatlons. W t o ffer you a man*** Iia SAld, "who In thr®« g rea t campaigAg hog shown him self cspnbl® of A ttrac ting th# support of p ro g reu tv s m*n and wAmon w ho ATO not Affiliated with th s Dajno* cra tio party • • • Oklahomg pro* oents you a man who w ithou t b lg o tty has bean the faith fu l ekaniploh o f p ro ­hib ition In his own s ta ts and th ro u g li- ou t th s hAtlon-*^n® who can ho r ^ o d on to M th fttlly sgseutA th# B lg h to ta tli A fntadm snt. We proseat yoQ 0 M A w ho h as proTSh beyond dotibt h t i r e S tgehm ent Ahd fidelity to oouiMI p rld - ctpl*s of goVArnment and w ho ho# fo r yAAra strenuously and ineoeoefully Ofwd to promet# tho Pfboo. litipyHiOM And proopsrlty o f our p#opt# hy nggJilgw ogr govsm m tA t, and aU of Itg A toheiig , t ru ly rtnpoAsivo to th# wltlv**

VAiM OnpAii A« m o MssMdftU ..B O. C harrr r t ^ W a m m m « t

fftrm ar AmbaaMrior t m m W . O fttard to MwMkMtMi. H f atototod to r ifta aqRilftftUoa e ( • aalft


Fight Over Platform Not Settled by Chang# in^

Committee.Plank on Liquor Not Drawn

-------------- - J

Bryui LoMd After Loiig ArguiwBl Fdvoring KeepiDg Lotgiie IiMe

Out of rminyin ^

Iritti Question l ^ l t U p to L e a f u c

■ AN ft;nAHC10CO. July 1 (» J* - irB ft ' p raaperta for ballotlnx lal* today to r ft I 'raaldanllal eaadldftl* w ant xlllaaM r- tnx tK* dalexalta to th* D asooffttla N ational Convention aBwinblad fftr tba fourtli day'a aeaiton. A lonx. b itte r rixh t over th* I.eaxue of N alloaa daclft. ra tion . In whicb th* aupportara t i l*ra>-

Jd e n i Wllaon war* forced to aeeept ■■■ mendment to lha adailaletraUftft'x plank before It could be adeptad, ao delayed Ih* work of (he p la tferm t t m - m lite* th a t there la littia likftlthoftd the delexate* will xe t down te balleS- 'Inx before tomorrow.

Tb* platform commlltea w erbed q a tl) nearly dayllxht tbia m erelnx ovar tb* l**xua plank and then aeuxbt ft tow hour*’ real before reaumlNx dellberft- tlon* a t 10 o'clock. '

Member* of the reaolullene c e a m ll- 1 lee expreeiHd tba hop* lhay w ea ld be able to make a report to th* oonveatlea lat* today, but a t a fixht I t hi pm apiM In the oommltte* on th e preblblUftft nnd Irinh queatlona. w ith an o tb ar bftS- II* on the floor of the eonventles ev e r then* plank* and tha Leaxua of Ifft* tioiia. lead en tn control o f th* eenven- lion have aloppad flxurlnx ea t* When Ih* firal ballot will ba taken. V oltad for I’realdent will not baxin un til th e p latform ha* baeu adopted, ,

W illiam J. Ilryan'a prehIhlUen plftak.■round which lodny'a fixh t In th* p la l- form committee le cenl*rl*x. read* aa (oltowa: ' i I

"Wa heartily conxratu laU tba Deeae- ^ cratlo party on Ita aplandld laaderaU p In lb* aubmlaaiuB and ra t t f lw t lM o f tba prohibition an w n d n tfti I* Um F*d- • r a l Conalltutlon, and W* p la d t* tb a %*■ p a rly to Ihe e fiec tira anfPrcMW ftt pr< - ■,/'th* V oU ttad Uw, b « aaa tlr Bftd to «o#d ^ ^ faith , w ltheu t any lie ra ftw to t t « alcohallo e«aten i o f parm tttod b » w r* , *■ x « aad w lthau t any waakablbM ftd .o th er a f Ita piwviBlana." . J-iEifirt/i' .

reatarday*! W hirlwind ••aalon bavlnx plae*d ton form ally In nantlnallcm,■p**ch retnalnod on th* prepraM to ft* heard today, before th* rep o rt q f tb a r*nol«tloaa cann iitto* roportlnp , Uft p a rty platrorm . It wa* tbo npeecb by Q ovom or Cornwall of Wool T lrp lftla, prenentinx th* nam* of John W. Uftvie,' Ambaaaador to G roat B rIU ln .McAdoo, I’alm er, Gerard. Hlldbooek, Cumminxa, Kdwardi. Bntltft, Marftdtlk and OwEin had bqen form ally ptaeod-v ' before lb* conrenllon befora I t oeaaod laat ovealn i to rea tin* a t 11 o'clock thla m orning, Th* HcAdoo apeecb waa a ohanpo from hla frland* plan, but II brought about a d tm on- a tra tlo n by tba datogataa laaU ng fo rty mlDutoa, whil* Palm aFa dam onatratiun ended In ttalrty-*lx mlnutO* and Cox'*In th irty -tw o.

F ra n k ly ad m itting th a t HoAdoo aoemed lo have tha liuld* tra c k on Ih* rac* fo r th* nomination, tb* Inner ctr- ol* o f old-lln* Domooratle U adera w orked through th a a lg h t dor lain g m aana to atop hla nolntoftUon and find a candldaha who ongjd coniroand tlio Docaaaary Iwo-tblrdX VOta.

Pa* Ikawee («• Cftaaap Otatft.Champ Clark, form ar Ipw akar of th*

Houa* of R e p ro u a ta tlv o i, Wfte waft de­nied th* noinInaUon a t tho fta llltnor* cenron iton a f te r ropoftUdly hav ing n - celvFd n m ajority—ftouMthlng unprooa- dented In Demooratlo p a rty h la to ry— waa being dtoouftMd by th a old-IIae leader* a* a paaalbllUy about whom they m ight rally.

Th* anaw or of th* lieA doo poopl* to th o t mov* wan th a t If ■■ innar eirol* com blnailon toranlallod th* aom laftllon o t th* form or B aertlary of tiw Troaa- ■ry, thar* would b* diaclooad onftthor eoallllon, w hich would produce a W ll, ■on-backod dbrk horoe, who oould m ake enough aocaialoai lo win. Th* nam e of Homar g. Oummlnga, c h a ir­m an of tha Demooratlo N allunal Com- m ute* , oroppad Out w henever tha ad ­min la tra tlo n dark horaee wero belax dlacnaaod. T ha name of Vic* Froal-l* i?i ltobo.1w ith th a t of Champ Clark whan nam b iw tio n caedldatoa to break Ih* Bc- Adott wav* were b*lng dieuntoed • t ^ a g th* Old llnera, a"W a *Ab,?** ***' r#j{ and FAlfAsr. M # nv a l to h iT ’S*'' ^ ‘•®*aa<®»*. •■-yftrtftblF demanded to b* ah o w n 'th a t tb o ir cand idale i were out o t (h* run- '■tog- F om ter R epreaentallva ChrHn.FMmorto ehU f of atari, retuacd In eon .

*?* * 'to rn ay G eneral aquld M t ba nomlnatod. and R H. Moor* af Toungatow n, 0., tha Co» fieldaald: , 7 ^ "

.i.7"iT u .T i:rv .v rbreriiS a^



Bfting lo

to hito. Rftti tha tormor'S think nvoAit Ilia autoMit Iftftiot, ba wwill not **fteto

h p in i r toto h i 0

CoeveslioaV Rsgnsi Tods|r'; Depiftdb 6ft AAblai {h>ort

m^iiSSnitp 1' (»>**.■ — asito>dRi®ii.v'4toWtoP«toR,:y;■ ' .• j’’ f''

Th* ftudltorium hda boon p u t tp, ngnlh today, th* WHwkag* « f u r * M toy aorimiiiiM * i b t ' poArftd, U nto ntoBtofiit n i l o rderly ' a rra y and timb.>A » udw p f the fro M ad •poocft o f Bnrrto JtbM i kdd proiotplUUd: 'Cfto .

otohad la whH* fftpiasift*Ot gpotllghto, w m i ^ a

z is iA ’Stz >, ■:>ttf ><!**■** wyig** wSrAii gwitovUaSL;- llui. AtAttnM MA# VAa■ lF»wWVwtpR, ^ Pw- MBoP ■

Governori f Skm iI i t G. 0 . P. PrioMiy CootMt , *1

Ym t Securities

Hh Advoa«e* CeolimM CUnu

Do yo« colUct your coupon* prom ptly »h*n tKey bocomo 4oo

Do you h . « *ny m e n . o f know ing when bond* ■re celled for p iym en t before m ttu n ty .

Do you not In d it cumbetuom* to m*ke delivery of itock i or bond* when *old •

n ju K k It. t (» ) —M ierM• tpeetlved eevtr traa IT* «r ib* |

gM* peM(MU lb rb« (Ui* umt* w in- 1e* l«aCV. a*-!*!)** racaltr Rapub- V «u aabOIOata far tba aaialaMlaa far

. aovMwae, ltM*,.a»* Oaaaroar'brnn J- | p y ^ a r , Nas-rnrUWb Laaoaa aai'OI- 0m4 II,**i .|I« yeataeObira primary.

•iOPOrirr* «a*b tiafeat aialmad I ■ I l i i U l l ' (•ow ^ vau au a llr baa*y { Mtik Tba T u r n «*«r>ae !••*•■

oaw^apar at tha Nap~Parr)aan btefb*. claima* • vtabary lar tbair liBbat by n.M*.■ Kar lly af Praald tka Narlh Daka«a Ao<aiPtara>

tbair raaOMala far VaR** ntataa I itM lar, jwaaM aieaa* lb*t Hr*ra. ]■OMIar A- A (Iraaaa t**OP**tba a i cataeali Fraab WWl*. a tarmar | «M«nior. laJa tbir* eaad l^ ta

(Waua'a malartV f*** t a i S r ^ 7 .btt> labOiw by■■aat tba aama* ratla aa^i^aear waa

Do you not find it cumber»ome to p*y for secun- lie* when bought and then depo*it them in

\ your **fo depoeit bo<?

u i* it B. rthat

By dcpo*iting your securitiee with our T rust Dep*rimeni, to be held for yonr joet to your order, you would bo relieved of t h w ■nnoyencee. At the sem e tim e you would be ef fecting an «rr*ngem ent w hereby all your financial M naaetion* could be concen tra ted , fo r we would ■ct aa your Financial Secretary .

Send for our booklet entitled ' "THE MODERN CARE O F SECURITIES

py tea iS S T fS io e y M la ^ J^e p a ta tu t

N a t i o n a l .N e w a r k . * E s s e xBMOOrtO 0 0 * tP * N Y

New J W * OMent «id U rtw t BeakKuaMuArd ttOi

Wnminuiion II Coiltt^ted ofMm fh o W e iittl y<>Uteid|

ja ils '. a i J i i t m I S r S u a i n - . In « .y ot tba dlf-ae«l»fad oraUU MllcUae, aaa wa

r«r*nl par«r*nl |ihM«« of a

■sueox. MJaa., Jvly l . o n —A ault Itba i^ n la a t lo a ta r Can- [aibi

------ la v . C, O. X trela a f Baa-S J J % tba r a ^ K a w b ^ a prt- S i . aiaiiaa. eafaeatM K ^ a a b ta -

a t e i i i e r tbA Mtlat, waa ftlaa Raat

•bar Fouiarab* taM tb a ■Mat. ir aat alL a t ^ uraa a t iba tre fb ** ^ a a t a r P aatarana laelOablaUir alarad ha ha< aa apalap iaa ja w a k ^ a rkla vota to r ra ilfic a llo a w ith tb a M M * pravlalan* Tba D * « * * ™ ^ Mrt*om«r*iM <l*clMr#d, could ju s tn y b pMHIon kiilint tM tr**tf Va4 W*l#% II t ^ lIII* •dm lnl»lr*U ou pi*ii1i. pl**Wftlih did

th«x dviDlFid. bui would prd««Bt a l i l U r !*•»»• ! • tb i rouiiiry .

Ati MUMrtloti by H*n*tor WuUb lB*t v ltb o u i h it im #ndm »ftt Ih# ifwdty would b« luMl. MBd (but wUh U tM

r»tirir*tic»n would b« UMUrod.


Wtf Depertneat Botid AjiaoittM Other Caldwell Ciac* WiO Ba

riniatied Sooo.

Atnotinti to 6a Aanotinced Later

Diilrkt Attonajr to Her After Story b Tpld of

Quarrcla tad IWett.

CaDf&kdutk W. R. WiDcos Nm fork aad cg<ScMtor H.A.

lupQitof Dckwire.

E x -H o y id tecp cr Make* Stal f u l

(r«ii(y • ----------- , -WAi rufl by a ilAlAtnAlit Djr Tormur GovcrjkUF UcCorbl# of W rit VlrpItilB thAl b« w«M op|K>**d lo uctlou for mufU TipAdIrncy.

'•Oud h*lb lb* rkAWtocrUic pdrty . Oovarnor bteCorkU AAClBlmAdi. ‘'Tou wilt lOiA th» TAAPACt o f Ihu AniArlCBII P#Opl« *' a

Durlotf tb i dmbuU BuABtor OI«M Ur. B ry tn rluAhtd o y t Mf- B ryutiu publlibAd crlflolAm of ib# iub-coiaiB li- (ia IM A **MfTAl bodjf ’* WhUft BUftAtUf(flAAA objA< l**d 10 It Mr. B ry*n rupli*d thAt bA would 4«« li A*Btn Of B«r o4B*r word b* Abould clkdKfiMb

Footprints Interest in Irvington Death G ise

u ; ; ' j T T r ^ t ^Xbiaapata P tatrtatAearibu a

navantb________ . . itarOay.

'W ttb* * M w aa a a l ^ r J a lyI t

SubXloimratlee’s Draft of Platform

Mark*'in Sediiiient at Bottom of Tank in Smelting Factory

Being Investigated.

Murder, Is BebefSuicide or

yVMi «• lTi»Wa**aa •*•*#* af l»* XVI,v/»<i xewe. __

WASHINOTOW. July I—Tba war elatffii baartl af Iba War D a p a ^ ^ haa einoaad af lb* alaimt of Ihlrtaaa C w aa rT ^ p raw n y In Ih* We « . « Maaeowa. wbteh ■*r* laban *»•' "V I ha aaTaramnnl for aaa aa a rtfla raac* Thara waa a l*«»l •* ataiy-O** ***•■ Tba board alata* loear that II will *a- TOl# lia attanllon to lb* Caiewall eaaa* until *n *r* rialabae- U • * « « « > •dlifMM of •!! WithiD ft Wftfth ftf UB

<-a**a flitpoaae ot an* IM Imminl* *w«r*a4 tha claimant* will *#t b . annoaac.* urill *A*f upan by Ih. aaeilor lor lb . War Da-tw rim * n l T h . b o a r* H p A la *11 * t K ; r * " b . a p p ro ..* by <ba audllor^ A fl*r ihft CftftAi bta f in isb e d lb® bftibfft a f Ih . c l t im a n l . and Iha awarded *1H b* *»«•■»«•* “ V' ‘ crp’iaTa'^a... who I. h .ndlln . Ih. (’aldw.ll tnatlor- »l»ta* •*<*• mefP'"* that aa y*‘ b« bad el**" "* alUallon 18 pr.parln* a r.porl aallln* forth lb . fact. In Ih. lib lae *»or »h* bropfyif at Caldw*lt and Ih. manner In which tbft pfopftrtX btba d ftiB ft^d . Hft w d h u firil conr®rn w** lo aa® ih»l lb# p®r* ion. who*, property wa. damaeod ara r.eonp.ii**d A fl« thal ha will »raporl to Brcratary Bakar. aatllna forth th . facta In Ih* caao. Tbl* raporl aapoci.d to ca.1 crlllolam on »om* or- flclali of ih* ygvernmont for Ih* man- nar I* which lb* rlfl* raac* maliar waa conducted

U k a iii Fomea lo Hmna.M^ t ^h N art^fcaitoba b u t

, U N rRANCiactX a_Tba Dawaarall* platform *®*'**ifLf7 Ik* awb-aammlila* o( nla* aa* aubibn

(auMP • ( Iy I f » ) . - 4 b b ’|< » b n t N a tf lt w tll h « r* Ih a lau Ib tba aaihJ*M n>

a u r a . Ig tboiicb ib a r p re b n a a O ia —*aty w m ba wiabl* *0 oawmi __.

jiM tr. aacardtac to ^waawplat* a e tw a a

r i in jT T * -“ — U b araM il* ; F b n a a rh I ;

a * M I. ■iabt at* fraiB Wl)

bial»a*a. a* tb* a s tir* 'w W aM tI b* bbpiws Bbui I

o n R a t i o i i n

Not YetifA($usted

rCMUlbsaa t ie a w l

etaaa b»i x*A*ii*». lb . B p * * ep*i «**• than an baar. la aa lawaMtaa •aanee b* rsp*at*a raeaatt h w t y t m t y

tod t* Ib* fa ll aam m lltaara tm ea tlS B *f Ib* 1 ^ * . „roaa la lt* t* praaorv* »b* baao r ana lau 2 r l ty a f Iha r.’a li *Irlab quoatloh eaa b* hrouej* la a ta ly bafar# lb . U *«tt* f a r aa ltlam aav aad I* *l'*»t «" ‘ba ayblftcC of problbltlob. [

II BdVBCBUft odiuoiw4 bBr*Bl(ilng foefa rm ara ; oppaaaa eamAHawvI Ian of l a W d u p a lo h *»dar*a for

. . . I rwoBwaltloa of th* saw , M ailcaa Oov- tl? Jlfi I o r a ^ a t whan II ba* aaiabllahod o rd .r , b a t c ity I tac la ia iar* . "t T.nn.a-

toa. r io r U a aad North I'aroU na l u a t - try tb * a a trn a * *«ada> p*i- W

l a m a a r raapacl* 'bo pU lform fal- Iowa Ib a l adoplad by Ih . v ira ln iaOowiiMrala aad paWlciy .appro*** by Pnaldont Wllaon. Th. IhaCU* of Na- UOB* planb •* paTIloaUr w*. tak .n ' •Irtually a* a wbal* from ah . \ Irflniai BtatWnii. tboueh I" olb.r raapacla! IbaM baa# b ^ a madlflpalloa* maay saw aabjaata hav* V**a •**•«• | A s^Biaary o( tba *ub-<oemiBlit** *i a r s tu to l lb w i :

AHhouah <h. I r r tn t lo n po llc . war* Inclln.d today i . abandon th* lhaory of n u id .r in Ih . la * . of F ra n k W .n a .l, wbuH body w ar (ound y .a la rd ay m en.- Inc i t Ui. a id . of a laob *ba plant

NEW T O R *. J a ly !•— Imaaodlat* r* • ta ja ta a t la a •*ih t f l a a r - la tb* la*wtl«*ll*« IBIOl b . m u rd .r of Joaaph Bowa* Elwall w bist aapari. I* n a c u a a ry aa a raauli of dlactoaur.1 m ad* by A sa a Haa*. DU iric l A U aenty E d w ard a w aa a aa Bouacad today.

Mr. PwaBB w sa la ran ao d th a t Hlas K an . d K larad “Mi.* W llaoa" bad mad* ih ra a ti cca laP t ib a lit* W E lw all a f ta r ha d»**rt.d bar. Mia* K aa*. form ar ho w i.k ao p .r to r E lw all. now IWaa la IrwlftBdw ftdfOkttftd dUflBC Ikdf srav lo u i .la m la a tlo a # tb a l aba had q aarra lad w llb E lw .ll on .a r lo u a new atoaa. b a t “II a o tb la c * ^ o a R “ Mr S^flkss dBtd*

“Thar* waa a o th ln c la Ih* auarraU whteh indleaiad a b . m ieb t h a j* b ^ provobad to m iirdar. o t tbn t * b * a jb ^ ihpaats n calnal Elw oll, a* abo daaerlbadtharn to wa. ' lb* d l* tn« t a t ta ra a y aaB0llll0ft4-

"Miaa W llaon" ba* b lraady baob « nm laad m any tlm aa. Mr. Bwaan roalod. H ow atar. b* p lanaad I* a**#' lion bar *c*ln d u lnc ib . day.

Mr*. Marl* Laroan. bonaabaapor for E lw all a l lb* tlm * •* bl* daatb, i th a t "Mia* W llaoa" wa* n a t lb* roai nam* of Elw oll'* companion, but th* o n . w hich Elwoll u.od la Iniradao Inc h . r to tb* a o r ta i i la

"MU* W llaon" ew aad lb* Uncart* found In tb* E lw all bom* and adm Jlud ta lk lo c to E lw .ll a t 110 A M. on tb* day of t h . m a rd .r o t . r tb* t.lophoa*. H .r ronl n a m . ha* b**n carafally Cuardad by Mr. Iw aan .



a s th e »apu»ttw H* IMMaHSE t«M piw aariAe


thbl tha Iiltroeal i

t r ib o a fah lse M y ral* , th* traa ty ih a a ld f C E b T wMh iwAeWeee/bPpesvad by

•sE la t ewAMMBlbsailabi

Ibiar hy M r.

flM h afiM sA irtU eitta da* yyscMaa t »■ t o m -

- M r th a aaw b iM t tMd a w^Jr«stw M val7 ^ Arf“ ^

I k Um tira to hattta ths'yMwthtsii IBM AriM *e eadWB bH ^ en •»

B aB daecraallnc to Ptwaldant W ltsaa. r ,n i - i—w‘-ir hi* aehl*T*m*atB |a tb* iB taraa t o f th d eau n lry aad of th* Whola w orld. Condtmnp la caoara l l.rm a tb* R .p a b llo an Cancraa*.

liWMiaa a t XatlaBa.R apaala tb* T lrc ib la P'*"** "R** " • " *

y a r ta tla a , aondatnalbc tb* action o f tb* ■onal* Rapabllcan* In adoptlny raaomra- Um b BBd tb* aaparal* pose , raw lu - tion , h a d advocntlnc ratification of tb* ■aac* tra a ty and .uch mamborablp In tha^lU B can o t Nallann aa w ould In no- w la* Im M ir national l a ta p l ty * r la -

[E a p a b d a i^ .caw a w t a t th a W an

mralaaBt tb* admlBlatraUon'a conduct a t th a w kr. aatomandlBe u tfartB a t AburUaB olilaaaa ta a id tb a«™SJaBr«rP~l*«i

Baaal foiaaa, w ith roastloB of (tab- VaraklbE by nam*.

laap a rtlao tb* param ount public In i.r- •ctA but add* a ila t .m o n t vf oppoiuum to .om pulaory a rb itra tion . F . t o r i r«- adluatn iont of •a la rl.* of coyornnn.iil unploy**.'

ao ltrac* .ro n c rc lu la t* . I c i l i l . l u r r . th a l h»»*

ra lirtad I b . lu ffra s* a m .n d m .n l and urc** lU m oeratlo tjo rarnor* and l.B '»- iBlara* of T.*»c***«. North Carolina bad F lorida to oomplat* ra tifica tio n In tlm* for woman to r o t . Ihla fall.

Womn In Indaotry. l i .c la r ln c *I*ln*t child labor. Favor*

la tla ln tlo n for child w .I fn r . and ma- t . r n l ty r#ra- Advocata* l * « r . * « la t.n o b ara aalarUa. U r i .a o * '* "* '"" «* vocational aducallon, boUar condlllon* for w orb lnc woman and roclaaaU leitlon nf tb* alvll aarvlo* w ith a vUw to otIBallly o f tbo **!•• lo ^ r» a » aapa- ra lo rlllian an ip lor n iarrlad woman.

SoMSa* c#mp«aa*loa< Advocata* canvroalty to d iaab l.d *ol-

dU ra. but d . e u r . .bond laauca to pay comp*naatlo* which would pul patrlotlam on a pocunlarjPaata

IlftiIrBBAftiCom m and. fm U r.l 7Vi“„1, “lI

ra llro n d . du rlny th . war. waa a f tlc u n t and acohuiulcal d .ap lta liiBdftQUA(« Bh<i ^ o tt i AnulpmAHl. ( .n i- icIftftftV# rBBftntly #nftci*d *''*^"***!'^: ailV\A»i ftn i ftftyft Congrift® unTllYo U t l “ d a i . th a t «b- P f ' - l ' " * waa torcad to alyn t h . bill or el»« thlww th . rallrond altua tlon Into ebaoi.

H labwaya.Favor* con llnuanc. of fod .ra i *ld In

roftd buildingUlftftg WBlftrwBfft-

Call* Rapabllcan plank laadaqoal*fu rthar d .v .lo p in .n t

of I h . Irv in tto ii R m .llln f W ork*. ITt Ny.*. Irv lncton . ih .y w a r . la- i r r c . t .d in th* m a rk , of a hand and in foolprlnla In am liro.nt * t tb* botloau of Ih . tank

tVrnarl who waa fo rly .l* y .a r* old, and hoarded ai US F*r«u*on a ira .t . thia city, had hern In 111 h .a llh , It I* aald. and wa# daapondtni.

I 'h ltf U r.«n of Irv ln c to n n o llll .d IB* profccutor » o f t i r . a f ta r t h . dU cov .ry of th . m ark . In th . acd lm .n l by PollM - man W illiam F ln n lc a " of t h . to w ^ T b .«)lACOV«Ty Wft» WBd* wbAB Ih* IBBII wMdrAlnfd tl‘l» morning

Th# flr^t Ih to ry ftf»*r th# diftcoverj of Ih** body WAA m urder. b\il aii eiftBil* HAhon b> »h« county phyilclftik gftv* Ha® to Ih® AUii W® lb*orr

W orking fJi* ib® tb®ory of lulctd® i«* tank. Whlih l oniain# a aolullon of b lu . iKrInl. will b« d ra ln .d today at ( h . ra- quMl of H ollc.iaaii F ln n lca* In a aaarrh fur fu rth ar .v td rn c .. and a lw to d . t . r m ln . w h r lh .r W .n a .l bad b .* a in Hi® iftnk. whi«‘h Ahould b® Ahowft by foolprlnla In Ih . h .a v y acd lm .n t

n a aulopay y .a t .rd a y ahowad a f ra c . tu r . of Ih* akull. and th a t ih .r* wan a uuanltly of Ih . v itrio l aolullon In b it atoinach. T h . i . f f l c r b . l l .v .a th a t W ent.I may have d runk .a m . of I h . liquid, which cauMd him lo fall to lb . Blon. floor, au ffa rlnc tk# trae tu ra .

Mo m otlv . ha* b « n found which would p*lnl lo m u rd .r T h . man had v .ry IH lI. money, and would not have raMivHl h i. pay until Monday F ly . o lh .r Biaa amploywl *n th* room In which tha tanka ar* located told the po llr. th a t W .na.1 waa not quarra l- aomr Tuamlay afternoon h* had com- nlalrthd of b .ln * III. but rafuaed to

McAdoo “ Informally” Presented in Speech,

Nine Others Named

Turks* Reply on Treaty Refuses to Quit Smyrna

«A S itiA d sy

-W a rn *iNOTtiH, x a iy i ( » ) cIh* ll#»uhll«Bh FracMae*

■Mata, saallB B ad hla a a s ta r . Ip th BaptaM Itha laaC nrs today.

, iM ihdiBK W UIIaai tL m |f*w T arh . chalm aaii • ! tb*

N allaM l CawHMtlow to | rC aaator H ao ry d. DaFoai

aad O r. Mortwa pa. a

k |r llaad liic anid Mr. Wll / * r iv * nasBraao*# of

“to m sh* auccaatloa*

r ;V

oaaipnlirn am tm rr a ta

plh with B.wapacar eerr**#OBd. g , ,r, Mr. WniaoK ladorsad th* II “troat porch" *aato*>Btt, da- -*

Boantar Hardlac wna wall arar th* oaaalry aad that a Id* tour waa aaaaoaaaarp. r Kardlac also taday taohlad a* etaaiiac away poadtac aiat-

.tory to hla dapartar* aarty lar hi* hOBM la Martoa, 0 .

icatlea of th* raoaptloa awalt- ^ to Marton wa* wla** ** **■* lap today in a totoKraw from

aaavaatloB or Ohio Eapahh-

(Contlpuad frota F lral Pac* )

qnlot man. but ona of cl*ar vlalon; a man who haa b .an trlm l In Ih . * r .* t fu rn a c . of I h . Ilm .a. and h . r la tm .d th a t O .rard had all th .a* qua lltl.a . K* ravlawad Mr. O m ard'a record* a* *tu- dant. acholar, nn, law y .r . |udc* of Ihf Supr.m e C ourt of th e a ta la of H(W Tork and for four year* AmbM**- dor to Oorraany, "at a tlm* and undar caaditlona mor* try lnc , mor* a .v .r . ly taatlBC tba l.m par AOd th* tn l .n t of man. than *v»r b«for* occurred"

"N em lnalt him," daclniwd Mr. Cherry, “and A m .rlca will finlah t h . Job "

I*r4 > laM l i

lOOlIBKIina V". ■ “— ■ .| m i« i**Ip p i • • • • * ’** *"*Lawr.Boo.

fee MMiiae W h to lj f a r Thl-

th a T v ^ a* 'faVBhmaa• iBhilatahtivrlU i A aia r-

I Awoiw taaa rp o ra t.a t h . la n c a a d a •* I t o ^ n m ^ t i a a w o n t a I w adaral Eoahib ra . ayatmn aad th* Dtian* LL.W o f th o w ar and la oaadam ntnc th* fM oFuhlkaaa to r a ltrayacaao* .


a f MV. A v F M d fc iito K to rav le* • h v - l t t o M a .u o « » « . rwoi a f O t o B B dl o n d ArmMid* a aurray of ta s o o n « - |nc. Ihi a w a attL t h . u m ln a C aaertaa. Oanlaa

rM U alm a Iha K aauhllcaa Caacraa* Car I Advocate* aiianaiou u tohadula# rm ilam atloa with a v l.w lo

way*. Recacnl*.*

and advocal.i furthar u .v .io p .n .a . ofndaquat* iranaporta tloa on river* and ; / h i Ifo rlh a r Im prov .m .n .^o f of D isC U SS D O W H IO W R U u b

Im v® for M® bom® T h* l*ftt h* w fti wft® About 6 :1# o 'clocB thB t n tg h l

wh®n b# WAA chftDBlng h i t ctotK «i.Waraa) wftt AiBfJoy®d lo drBlii th*

Imnkw And to fabiov* th® ••4(*n®»t H® has A wif® Aftd IhfA® eh lld fio living In Hungary

^ v o r® ®il®niton oC foreign IrndB,

FlndgM M F ir *• ■ ®( con-tlnood iMprov®m*Bt of ib® m®renftn» mftrln® und«r proper UglAlAil**-

MorlBMSWiiu®it®niloB of 1*04

S S ? j y & a ^ a a " wav* th ra w a atiLc c to a_ ,

tarav ladtoad* a th* tamlai

home bulld-

T h . nam . of Homer 11. C um m laca chairm an of th* D m a c ra tlc Nallonal Commit lea, waa placod bafoc . th . d.lo- cala* by John F. Croaby of Connactlcut. apMlal aa iL U n l t 'a l t r f h ta laa attar* nay c .o * ta '- **'® <>o®t»™V ***• ***• tianal chairm an "atanda fo « r-« |u ara with that Inaplrad canl«* ®* damoc- racy and Iramortal prophat of w orld­wide p.*C*,' W oedrow Wllaon.

Chairman Cuoimlnc*. **•<! Nf- Croaby. balonca to Ih . d.m ocracy of t h . na-

-F a r mor* th an tw .n ty y .a ra h* h u b.*n C onnacllcuf* official vole* In the nation*! a ia c u llv . council party." Mr. Croaby continued .n tpho tlctlly a p ro c r.a a lv . tho laat quarter of a

PARId, Ju ly 1 <x>).—T h . reply o t th* T u rk I.h d .le c a tio n lo Ih . AlllM corr- m iw Ibc the T a rk l .h trea ty mlnlmtaM T urklah rtapoB alblllly for th* war, r e c o a n li . t t h . new . l a l . a of Polaad, Ju fo-S lav lo and Caacho-Blovakla and olno tho lnd.p«nd«BC. of A m en l* and Mcd}»i

C o n c ra ln c Bm yrns. Ih* Turk* aay th*} cannot a d h .rn to th* aolutlon of O r t .k » v tm lc n ty and w ill cod* tbia te rrito ry only by fore* of arm*. T b.y oak for t h . r«:aU of th* O r.*k tTo«p* from tb . Hmyrn* d latrlc t.

T b . r .p ly r .co cn la* . (b* p ro t.c lo ra tn • f F ranc* over Tunlala bhd MoroM* and rnnounc.a T urk lah richin to tha Ldby* lalandf. In th* A .c*an do*, rncocnlaan th* Ind .p .ndnnc* ot Ilyria. M aiopotamla and P*l*Bttnt and r*. n .u n c * a ll r ich t* lo Beypt.

II fu rth e r r« o c a la o n th . r ich ia of C roat B rlla la la tho dtM* Canal and th* Sudan aad alao B ritlah a n aa ia tlo n of th a la laad o f C yprna aad r*B*unO*i T urhiah r tch t* to th* lalaad* of Im- h ro ., T***do*.*o*. darntthrae* . Htlyl***, Ohio*. d*nio* aad NIkarla.

Th* roply p ro tta t* •■ aln*t Ih* a llo t- mant of B u ta r a Thrme* to Oroooa, da- c larlng th a t It violal** Ih* prtocipl** of Batloaalltl** and tho **0Brlty of T nrhay, p tao ln s th* Drooh fron tU r w ithin cannoa rang* of C opatantln- ople. I t point* ou t th a t Oraoo* ha* a ■ tron( a m y aad nary , w htU Iha T urk- lih arm y haa b**n v irtua lly and Ih t navy to ta U r *Bpp(«a*«d.

fh* Mtod r a m hor* la th* d*aa d tova a s d OBBcTalBlhtUai aMtoBB* a a d addadi

,, „ » y«a to h a h a lf o t a aaltod aad w itaat p a r ty to y o a r natto* aad b o n d MAt* o a r o athaato tU * sup ­port^ mMl voBr trlumphaDt *lac- tlon ; a Mdvamhof. W* ooBdratB- Ui* 1 M ^ B t t o * th a t wUh yoBt Inaudw ltoh aa PraaldMit o a March A J B tnU har* * » 1 b* a m tarB to popa- lar M conatH nU onal BOVorstoBJit- W* confM tot* th* p a r ty pyoB th*_ fact that <wh y**r anoBMlOB to Ih* Pr*it-■"“ .-t Bill h*«to BBothnr lU psh ltoann d ro M f* “ *» Ittotoad of a p*x**m I auloSdl* fo v n ra m a n t—an d a a adm la-M tinlw to a l w ill Elv* ho lp aad cob- r id a if r to U o pBOpl* of Ih l* ^ B l r y , th a t Mil b v lo f d**«* *® Amortoa ond w lin n -n o to b U tb tb o povarBrnoot of thla jMloo »B oOBColvnd by th* f*B*-

**D^lih* y**torday, Mr. H a rd ln i , h*ld*froi* iaou**!** th * c*BspOld» »uddOttw ith *v*rB or Coolldc*. ooBfarrod ^ i h0 .o r p M. B a y ao ld a ar*«*i Chari** W arron . eha irm aa *rIh* B iaw art R apablloaB ‘J J JmlUMi F ra a k E w a re a •ln**B *i«a. a« d J*««oor o a tw r to r O o v a rse r C**Udd* d j« »tha paoOBvantloB Pa»d*»«B. aU ilw how w tr* hi* « * « ‘» •*Intat. Banator C ald*r o f M*w ■!« rnamhv of th* Bonai* cam paldB Com m ltu a al*o *aw th* B»aat*r.

^ r r r - d so a h la * C atB palfa .P lan for co -o rd tn a tln p th* *P**ltl*d

camOtEn of tho R epublican* w*r* dla- luaaiT ya»t«rd»y * t a c o r f tr .n c * b«- Iweaa C hairm an H ay* and*a«n- tativ* F**a Of Ohio, chalrm ao of tb* tV n J J J * l« a l CampnlBn Com m ltlao PrarfkallT H I t b . R opubllcan

I*a*t f if ty m *m b.r* of lb*' i ip o c ta d to nluBif th

of our H* U

Throuch............... ............. - c .n tu ry h . Iin*

touch t vallanily for .v a ry « /® r "th a t mark* * mllvaton* In th*Inc p ro c .i t from which ideala h» v . b» .n prom oted and I " ,

of popular (ovornm ent pr«-purllytervod • • Lot u* nom lnata a^ i 'l h r o U B b whom tho P ® » " ' , ^ ^ ;

.h a ll fu lfill * t l*»t I * H ^ •country fu ll HI — --- - ..n.Miclont p ro p h « y 1 'N ation ih a llup *word ac*ln*t nation; they I.*™ w ar any lood tr.

Home widi Trade Board

Ofjicialt of Both Orfuutdtiotu Consider Fe«ibility of Moviof

from Present Quurter*.

-T h . D em ocratic party m o .t 'to a d ortoll BP®n t h . r ^ , r d tb®OoT®mor

Rooms in New Building O ffered

as:i5L rB t.r.'“4 sr.sT d.c 'i^-puS T m B tU ay waa *a«*d *>**pt a t lS«th a t »B dsosay wgpqpaa Bt *tnci*B«r of EovBHimdtil

wBPfe artthaalIrWtT L * L B M lS in * a d M ^ ^ I “ 1 ! E i ”T ia^ ;M lW . in th a t th«y d*

.^ Z i r ^ u E r mlB*r p ld d U . I ■

H igh Ca*t od U vtod.m b dlBtlnlih*d ptftJueltoB to r potoo. aad t o l a r t o t h . lU publl-

B*««thl M t o • ! •* » »>*»>«■ ^ • * ^ - w * l t o r # d B*to>* aad fallod to provide th* "*A B M h«H U d to UtoOBaSdltt*^ ^ * ^ 1 p S i td J n t With n«»**ary l#«l*iaOoii,

ptwtrMaSr I t o r iw*##«b* « * »0BBd*«ta* tha_ * • ? « » * « “•

B to t to to a t la a iroaty Pladk. d d c a ry itB M tbB V liatlv*

m w . rncommoad ratlflOBtlod Bl U“W *"r*co«m *ad ratlftOBtiod Bl iBb . ^^w uuina. i ._ « iiw * n * «T rto ty of V .rto lll.* a M th * U * « « * • ( a** *f apptopriatloo* "> tovoalldhtladTTB»r O* I r._nf Ih . war.N ^ lM a **v.n**t w ltboat raBarvatloBB I noaduct of to* war. S tiS h V iS id im pair « . * * * ..t to l t o t .# - I arHy.“tb * ward* a id ed by SahdtBV W a lib '*

‘*!SSr;vr.*ot .pp*M ,*..7.ti.«w hich Bi*h* Biom t i f r ,??. *F* f L?}!, ob llta tto n a to to* **y >t o 4 ^ t t o ^

Tb* •abaU lut* planh* *1 Mr. B fyhd nito B taator* W *lrh *f M#Bto»* *■«Pomernn* of Ohio went dow d to It wh* ••Id. w ith but iw*la# to f lfw a *

''*J5Ialrwi** Cartor Ola** Ed* atb*r m*aib«r* rafUtod to «lv*

P l*dr*a th* party to *iiactm *nt * n i •n to ream an t *f *uoh U taqalr«d to brihd tkft ijrlmlftgi JuAtloi.

M#nl®«bDtslor®! th*~ __ ■ „_.*.< l<i.w (Wmaljlmail MVll*lcB* 'p*opl* *nd npkolda P re .Id .n l W ll,

non'* H .klc*n policy, docl*rlB» ih a l *a

ta r i f f doo- rnannroh on

I M i atb*i pM an y to

i : s : ; , 'r t o .~ T K " w V 7 i i £ to d * ? i iX ' dlnsnilntlnd w ith the t r « t y p lan k

.rtwrnd, a m lnorliy rnport forunifti*”*'fk” "totor T t l a i adoptod d*

,'laMd a ia ln . t compulnory a rb llra tto h , b a t toP*w*d • t r lh , . .B d Im ikout. aa 4 .•M H iind th a t noaio paaeoBbl. w»y b* foart i7 * o U to indaatrla l d U r u i .^' afafJtojM EavBBtalad, ,

n T ^ J ^ t t . * a»no put 111 approval ..dnclaiatlon for lodlnlallon wbloh

wOBirtormll collMRlva barta ln in t hy


wBortod by Ih* •ub-eom m lU M .

S r > r s . r r „ - r . r , ' r al “r « “ £ . w - , ' 5 s ' i

d*h*1*. which l8o**d * flood of h ltta r toallnd- donator W alati wan ! j j ^ . d by M r Bry*n. M n a to r W a l.h l l ^ l * e h u * * t t o and le n .to T F o m .r .n .

t ^ l T w h l l . th* batil* fo r the ad- J n ^ r a t t o a wa* lad by t* n * lo r Ola**

VtaJ^nto to* oom m ltt* . chairm an , w ila h a m inority f ; : ;

f l S . D *»octftJlc 8.H-S ,- irw " - t* mak* *Bch co « e .* tlo a# »* if! - nacM tary to *(curo ra t t l lc a -

•n f t to " “ " 1" All o f Iha** who .naartod It to ld tho com m ittoo h luM ly f f b o to of ra tifica tion w ithou t m odi-

“** - i - h i n* w .ll b* ahandonod i tho wl*o eour** w aa to epm -

tb *Tariff,

R ta f f ln a a Pomooratio fpln®i fti>4 d®cl*<‘** ' . .th o *ub j.c l by a non-partW an comialo-

ladKOt.*v .t.„da PraaldanI Wllaon'* veto of

tb* hUddOt bill and advocata* * buddot aarlla lly undar direction o f the

K i t S i r r o f th . T r . . .u .y , w ith con- ;goll4ftt«4 ftu4Ulng.

|*ftfttgl g®fvt®*orom m anda DamocraUo

Item of th® poAtftt i®rvJc® »nfl p lM k a t d*cl»rallon for b ldbar **l*r|** to r poat*l #mploy**a A d v o i* l« ■ recto r u*o of motor vnhleU* to ^ r U l l o n of mall *nd •* t.n * to q of tb« parc.1 poai.

g wOT IID*ol*r*a for fr .* •p**eh *nd for /r* *

pr*i*. •ncopt I" o® fo ' “ RIh* I lf . ®f t h . nation.

A B ttm taro .

SSSutoH * * .X ' declared Mr. Bball**; E Jrg .r. “W ithout H w* a re bankrup t.

OONBTAIlTINOPUB, Juno I* I # ) .— Run* on navarnl ConMantlaopI* benka have oocarrwd and th*ro ha* W *n t tn - *r*l n n a n c la l unroat bw aaao *f rumor* th a t tb* A llied powwr* w*uld a*!** the account* and a«cnr1tl** o f O ttom an mb- jocto ahould poac* not b* aldnod.

Th* E n to n t* high eommtialoo.r* h*T# hav* p rto to d a *tal*m *at la tbir local nairapBpar* doByteg an y IntontlM of lo to lh t O ttom an prep«rty. bu t tho eommlaaionor* hav a no t bo .* wholly ancooaatut to tb a ir a tto rt* to allay *u*

^ 'lia n 'y ra a to ra a ra to clreatatlon th a l tbo T arb to b civil au thorlllo* w ill be on- tlro ly iaporaodod Immcdlatoly by Ih* In to ra lltad m ilita ry ad tbo rlll**

ftnd AlM*UM ur*eegntiy. ^

T h . .p o a k tn t c a m ^ l« n . It w i* lawprobaSly wlH not boglnf .e t ftato prim arlo* havo boon h* dIn Htrt«Mjbor. , ,

T h . f l lu b to d to d eam palda. '* « * (iMlded. w in Iw to c h a r t , of Mr. Hay*. Mr. y.** an d d o n a to r P o IndoH .r of WnahlndtOB. chairm an of ‘b . ^ p u b ­lican N n k to iia l C oaim lll** Bpo»k*r» ,hu r.aa« Wtll b* m a ln ia to .d Tork **d Chicago.

a l New ’

Palmavto ■dbtold o f Jaattom'Hailed aa a “naw Nav*rro, b i t la"®*

P ra ia .* tha Damooralle ra e o r i U bllahlng farm loan banka •" ')fmrrnt kftvlAlftttoD. Indofg*# C0U*CUV®linraalntoB and r***archa* Into produc­tion oo*ta Lnhor,

roU ow i th* V lrg ln l. p lank In * •« '» '; In f atrlka* *nd lorkouto ahould not

» ™ o * * * q o '* n c * " o i d a r I * r a * p p . * r t o B t o Ifr ilo o Advoefttri reoggnllion of b®w | i * v t c f t t i O o v ® r n i » ® i i l w h * n I t h u * prov®a U* ftbUliy l» mftlntAlft ord®r.

Ir*lftftdA®lt*TftlAft PrAAldtnt WWion'i prlncl*

Dlft of A®lf‘d®tern»ltifttlon, ®gpr®®AM ■YmMtby th® ftipiruHong of th®Irlab paoPla- ®"d daclaroa th a t whan th* Uoltod Stnl** aa * m cn ib y of tha League of N ation . It can >**’l*‘ m atoly b r ln t t h . Irl.h problem h .fo re tb* b ar ot tho l.n v u .

ArmeiDeclare* II Iba duty u( the Amarlcan

O ov.rnm ant to aid In th e h lU h n i.n t o f o rd .r and com plct. Ind .p .n tlr no . for A rm enia

Alaeka.Command, the D .m orrallo Admlnla-

Irh tlon fo r rallrond con .tructton and coal and oil development A d vorit.* m odlfunilon of coal tow lo f .c IH t .l . d*v*lapm tnl. and alao .i te n a lo n of ih* farm loan act to Alaaka.

rblH pplBH .D artorea for Philippine In d .p .n d .n ca

w ithout unn.c*aanry delay when the to land . . r e ready for aelf-BOv.rnn i.n l.

Hawaii,AdvocalfW a liberal policy toward

Hawaii, w ith g rea te r development oit h . right* and priv llcg* . of the middle c iaaraa

C a n a p t P ractlw o .Depinr** the p r .co n T .o llo n M nendl-

tu r .a of Republican IT e .ld .n lla l c»n- dldat** and advocate* regu to tlen of •uch aip*BdUuraa by fa d .ra l law.

F to o ta l T rad* ComaalaM**. P ra ia .* Ih . adm intotratIon of tha

commltalon aad advocato i am plifica­tion of II* work.

U v w to rb Mark***- Favora legiatottoa fn r tuparvtolon o t

llvotlook m arket* by th* Federal Oo»- •rnfMugt®

Aft tnforingJ gliCti®rtoii o f ih® pro- poAAl lo ih*tftk« quftriori In ih® n®w build ing o* Ih* boftrd or Trnd®. wft® h®ld thl® noon At th® club’A h®ndquftrl®Vi in th® Kin- D*y building. b®tw*n m®mb®rn o t lb® t|.ft4ft bddv'A build ing ooromtll®® nn« ft Aptotftl commllt®® of *b® Down T.»wn r iu b nppolnUd hy Vlo®-Pr®nld®nl W ll- Itnm BIttI®*, ftcling In th® ftbA«nce oCPrAAlU®nl L®wl® fllrnu®.

It w t i not Ih® lnl®n1 of th® com- tnlll®®® to ®om® to nny d«f1nlt® d®- clAlon. bu l m®r®ly lo d licuift tho f®nil- blUiy of th® plnn. To IM i ®nd. plan® of th® propoAod build ing w®ro ®iftin® 1ii®d, In ord®r th n t tb* Down T b * ’' r tu b m ight detormln® w htih® f th® h«ftdquftrttrA would m»®t lU npprovnl- rhnrf®® H. Plnm®r w*® nom lnant*d by ih® club lo m®®t w ith th® •®cr®tnrr of th® Bonrd of Trnd® to w ork furth®ron th® plftHA. . * - M

Th® club’A commltt®® con®1it*d ®f B e cc la ry F r a ^ T. Alton. W a lt« M Elll* and Mr. P lum er. On Ih . B®*™ of T rad e ', butld lna co m m u te , wa* W. y Moffmftn. chftlrm nn; Rlchnrd C. jMikln»on. rh » rl« * Br»dUy. P*t»r L'ampii.n and F ell* Fuld.

Aald. from a tew m inor oece**ltl«* ■uoh aa Im pro v .m .n la In t h . kltoh.n^ a linen room and • llttla decorating, aald Mr. Allen, "th* club'* pr**ont q u a r­ter* on lh« to p floor of th* K inney hulldlng m»*t all the roqulrom .nt* of It* proaent m*mb*r*h1p of about WO. The club haa alw *ya been eptondldly i r u te d hy t h . ow ner* of th* building and w ith no cau a . for com plaint, and a l .a a . th * t allll ha* tw o year* to ton . It la not di#turb*d ab o u l quaftora. Th* Board o f T rade, h o w .v .r . ha* InvHto u . lo oon*ld*r q u a r t .r* In It* b r o p i ^ new building and wo, of coura*. w ill b . a lad to hear w h a t It* b u l l i n g com- mitt** may hav* lo offer. Th* m attor w ill then b . aubm lU*d to tb* board of lru»fM * of lb* club fo r fin a l da- lAPOilnftlion."

I>..I of Iftw hlf fthlcld o f )«ftlo®a Attorney Q .no ta l A. “ ‘*“'7 ' ' wfti pU4®d I® nominfttloo by

MOlerand and Foch to Bo At Inter'AUied Conferenoo

Ohio Republicans Silentliquor and Suflrag

canlim mu*t b* on guard.••Id. "No fo* w ithin w ithout mu*t im pair It or Telling of Mr. Palm W * record a* alien Property cu.lodton Mr. B lg .low mildi "W hen Icaa th an four year* ago, tha n a tio n 'r .io rt* d to arm* » ® r l - •overelgtiiy. to r .p . l aad r ..* B t « naalHl IneuH* to bar c itla .n ry . It waa h . th a t by f.artoaa uditllnletrallon of h li trual *• cu*lodton. »nriched our wM J ^ u « * . by ll.OW.iOi.OOO and d lr*ctto IJT l power *g*lB*t t h . fo . *^® “It w*« token. No ta .k aaton to to toy­man or olEctol be* *t . t bo .n per­formed, In t h . hl*ory of th l . « ® '« f^ ■toMnl With fubh m®ft®Uf®Ihftt hft* ftU®nd®4 hi®aLI«ii p ro p * rty o u ito d U n . Wh*®.ri® w®r ftnd iuco.®d»Bg It. th®•vll* of *n*rohy and h . r lawtoM l i t te r arM * It wa* h* th a t ■lood u B la i t tb* p ro t .i ta of p arlo r B ® ^ * ' v l k l a g a t o i t th# thru*!* o t ¥ .n * l pan In d a i r l to r o u . tongua, *nd d .p o r tto .n d ImprlaonMI !>;;

Trtftd in

F A R ia J a ly 1 (M>-—Tka F iaach dalagatlon lo lb* Inl*v-AIU*d w n - t.raao * a t Bruacal* w ilt tneluda Prom lor M llto r.nd . t o a h * l Fooh. M ln la ltr * f FInane* Francota-M araal. H la la to r of Publto W ork* to Troequar, Loula D ubola prealdont of th* R tpara- tton* Comml»*lon; o*n*r*l W*yg*nd, H*ar A dm iral L*v*va*»aur. M. d* F tourton and th irtaa n * ip arto an taob- nloat aubjacia. Thla d*tog*tl*n la tar w ill ra p r.a * n l Franc* a t th* m totlng w ith rapr***nt*tlv** of th* OWma* (jovarnm ent a t Sp*.

Cbarla* Lmurant. th*new ly *pp*lntcd French A m b aau d o r to Oermany, laft Pari* today for B erlin to a**um* hi* po*t

COLtJMBtW. O., Ju ly 1 l » ) . —■ •pal'- We*M msEo attoVt w ork of th* lr Mat* een v w itW weBtavday, adopting a pl»t- form m lM M * r raaW a tto l toloctar* and tianaantlag rBUtlaa to a quick *o**lon.

v m ia ill M- Boyd a f a*a* Iand . u Wood iM logat. to tk* n a tto n a t «onv.n- tion. and U J. T abor of Bar*«»vilt*. m aal.r of tho Ohio g ta to O raaga. wore pained e lucto ra-a t-targo .

Th® plfttform Adopted I® ilU h l W® ®v®l end d ry du««tlon and ®qffrftg®. It® tftgftilon pU n h ftftira® ih® prlptlpl® nf lb® Im lth on® p er cent. Uw, d®cldr®® for ft r ig id ^®b( llmUfttloD, wogld p®r- mlt IlmlfAtldn® of th® dinUli U w U n« . eiccA d^ only by p o p u U r vol®, h id ss* Atriftthftt local Auh'dlvlilotift ®ho«id not be United In th®lr ab ility to poy • l i l t ­ing feb li ftu ih o rli^ d by popuU r yot®.

Ultle Damage When Rays ,01 Sun Ignite Fireworl

Austrian Treaty Ratified By Vote in Frcndr Senate

Bryan and •*v*tal ntboru w an ta* HMoailon* of tbo w ording o f th * ^ T B U in h and. a* lb* dlacuoaloa

ih roagboat ih* "'Eii.f*gkorn ib* ' tio n could bo

[ ^ M i c D E a l k aO^tCbAae

l o f o o i t u


k«pt ffff lb® conT®ntlon floor dim ln-

" o n tn . prohibitioncommit t* . m .d . no '* " ‘’" r « t andand . big g r l . l of P'OP®"-*dry propo*al* w .ro o ff.rod w ith Mr.Bryan Iwding Ih . dry*mlnwl CToead* to h e p the PW 'vm aking a *« '*1** '';? " , ” T log a ll.n l on Ik . ptohIbUlon l••UB

•ymsM by t*v Iiinb.Th* Irl*h pUnk *ubmm*d by to*

nib-eemmlU** r*W*r*»*d In g aaa ra l term * Pr.*1d**t Wll*on * prinolpl* *» »*ll-d*t«rmln»U*n, *ipr****d •ynapatby for th* **plratl*na of th* Irtob p*opl* amd •agg*»t*d that tb* lrl*h p r o b l ^ •oold b* i* b rou fM for* tb* L**gu* of Nation*. TkW U unaatiafaolory to com* of th* 0*1 tnlU** m*rab*ra w b* nr* "figh t for a Ptoah plodglng to* p a rty t* taeognls. toy uU k

In bl* f ifk t agatoat ^ * f^to to iw ™ - Itoa'* Lcaga* of NatloaF Ptonki Jla ita- lo r Watoh daclarad th a t a lth o ag b ba had boaa for th* lr*aty vatloao, a y*»r of uffort M d d e m o b - , a tratad that *aoh a ratlfloaU oa *fa* t» - pagglM*- *• too oomiBg eW SF**f"^*7 wmirtBd, tho D*moorat* oouM not hop*

oaougk gonatoro to m ak* a p th* ,ry iw o-tb lrda and, I t to*

HigjalM lIon doclorbttoa wn» M nplM ,

•1!?. " f t ****** **VtTtrrg g M M r i i r ? ^

gave no Inform ation to tho pubVIo r*-to^ . ______.wba.A«bm mwaathldi TMlgard lng w liai r e e rv a tlo n * would fall

tion—ay*. *v*n ■tarrorlat' bomb*. tho Otoclblo of da*g*r and m o n acd by n i n peril, th* A ttorney Oao*r*l of Hi. United «* to * ha* not m*r*ly prof.aacd, bul ho h*o provoh, hi* truo Amerloau- tom."

t*M*«ary H«*BdHh Xn**d.Edwin T. M*r*dlth.

miiMv®- wft® »Uc®d In ndtpliUiflon by CUUd® H. P u rt# t, Pf C®nt®fvlllA* In., if® a man who “would b ring th* b lah offic* of P M td a n t qualllto* th a t would m*k*

i ^ * a of kto ad p jin l.tra il* * an u»- t o t l t t i c e rta in ty ." . B*f®r* £ '* « * '" ■ goerotary Moradith » nam ., f a . Fofto t re v l.w .d briefly t h . work of th* D*mo* I I I i t r M r t y and of Pr**ld*nt WU***'a td ro to la tn iio n npd f ta y r i tk*« n ■anat* lo* It* fatlur* to ra tify t b .

PAHIA Jn ly l <»>.—Th* g * n a t. y**- t .rd a y ra tlfiad U * T rw ity of B t O .r- m aln w ith A a itr la , Th# veto wa* l i tto II.

Thl* ra tlflan tlo n wa* •b ta lnad a t th* ■pecUl r*qu**t o ff Pr*m l*r M tll.rand, who *tt*nd*d tho genat* dlaouaalon* th roughou t *nd **k*d Ih* g«n*U lo dlipo*. of th* tre a ty b«for. hi* d* p a r iu r . fo r B ru** .la Th* adv.raariM of the tre a ty w . r . confident they could m u a t.r 1*1 vol*» bofor* M. M lll.rand'* IniervontlOD. _

T h . P r .m to r wa* lacalvad by Pr**1 d .n t Duichan*! for • tongthy contor- «no*.

WUI. *om* f trv w o rk i w .r* d ry ln lI * taki* In t ^ ro a r o f tho horn* a f

Bdtrti F- B llto r a t I* O akland u r * * ^ Ihli ifte rnoon tb* aun ray* prov*d W f^ riciMtIy a tro n g to * •"••• t h a o t w d n •eriM o t miBor •«plo»lon* followM . Tk* d.ainiotloB of th # firow orh* ond **nld danug* to the la h l* r**ul(*d. A n«lgk.^ bor. who hoard th* H p lo ito a* and • •* lh*tu«k*< w n t in nn a la rm b * » r* Bit­te r muld p o t o u t th* fir* w ith gcvn* boa.

ght*r *aM h* h ad b**n m aking I worln In tk* m ountain* and tb* r* w uQ V *r. H* b ro u g h t *om* mnu hoM ta m ak e firew o rk * fo r klB o* ua*. H* mad* UP ikn**a.te th* trod* a* "P*vll Chi*«r».j and *gon* Of Q u n F ' and hod them g*"^ tog i r f h . yard w hen Old Sol datrid on » Ititl* e*l*br*tlon and b«ot Blv

*"g#t*r wa* r*c*Btly badly Injuiwgj Ah Hiiomobll® ftoel4«nt wh®fi n ii turt»iroT®r on th® Orgnv® M*uni HUteft grm Ift n tlll In ■pHnU-

Informs Connegfttionaluts Wet Plank Woukl Beat Party

Luther Burbank HI; Taken To Hospital lor Treatment

w itnin t h . c l.M d.acrlbw l * • nv.‘ pairing th . e o v .n .n f* “e*a.iittol In l.g - rlty " Mr. N*rah»ll w»* aald to h»w daclared th a t he would ra th e r go t® to* country w ith a P>*nk to r unqualHratlflMtlon »•>*■ ®* "to** *® <»“ "•d .» ttuc tlv» laoervallon*.

Chairm an O lau . Bonator H cK .IIar of T*nn*a*M and o th e r adm intqtration ohtottaln* * tr.nuou*ly ®PP®**"_ to* W atoh *m*ndm*ni. T h . *1**111**00* of It* ndoptton waa Indicated by ib a rp *•- aartlon* from th* *dm tol»lrat|on Nd* th a t H would tl* y '" to t h . jtanM the B*puhllc*ii». b . r*gard»d M • w eak­ening of th . Uomocrotlc poalHon and b* •Upport lo r t h . poaltlon of IjHmh- llcan P»n*tor* tod by HMaWr Itodg*. g o M •dm tototrallon apoJwoto*" •»*«■•clnrod. It w*» enld. th a t It would w ork to d*t*al lb* p a rty ta K ov.m b.r. T n i **n*tor M c K .llir woo d M l.r .d lo h a% d.nuut>c*d th* W alih am endm enta* "th* dottrln* of "o".A aother adm lntotratlon w .nib^r « ld It would appoar a* war* "oomllig to term * w ith t b . R .- publlsaa*. iitH aao to o r *PPPP*"* ®f l i U t o r V alok * *«*B dB i.*i aald toot It* d rfo a t wa* ia a ta m a a a i to ^o*?**: Ing tfi* U d * oU tho •aa tf lltto a adoptad fka- ^aJ»A agdlttoa « 'TiBgkf tp pat,S#nalov la a*M iaatton" toavA

ban FBANCItCO. Jafv f » ) - “ Lutb.r Durbank. th* wa* breufht today to a ■■* FraM'opo Aftnftt&rlum (rom hi® horn®Ko**. Mr. Burbank ao«o|BP*ktod *Im, ^ in to rm a tto a a* to tb* *1 M rBurbank-* IHn*»* w*» r*fu*wl *1 tk* •anatortam.

ReclaisiHcalion of PosUl ' Employees Now Under WayWABHlNQTON. Ju ly 1-—XfPto o f r *;

Claaalfylng po*l»l •mploy**# to t*««to* Ib. benefit of aalary tnoraaa** an pv*’ vidod in th* »ecla«in«aitoB n ^ aWw- ilv* *ftor Jalv >. to I* ’'Effort* *r* being mad* tn M .. ----------- poaMV

can danat*peso* treaty .

Call* On* ■ Wtnnev.“vnih Cba an r*ar aaadldatA Obto

U Demooniln, and with « k l o ^ * - erntto, vIoWW to » • « • /Junm a JokBdWi *f tprlngftolA ©..Ik tormally prapaultog (Iov*ro*r Cos'* Umm "For *Wht y*ar* b* ha* bo*a under tha aaaianUgBt In our ita tk In Moh of to* yonr* aow probtoaw wor* m*l. naw dlmmiltto* •ncountired, a«w d*maada mad* upon M* tirotooa ladw- try and up** tka r*ionro«i of ato itadarablp aP* atatoamaathlp Ho haa ooBitgatly Efdwb » 'to th* Mvortty of th* togt M JTory crtol* amd ^ o * ^ n*w trial •* tid* developed a apUadlt ra itfV t tore* *1* oapMtIy.

"All saw gp« admirod tha tow ltto ■land k* tapk for Ih* Impnritol en. fo raim nt Of th* law. Ha damandoA at •vary gakardlBhU ***«itl**•van MBalr M t Ik *vary maaMpaWP t h t ^ a tMHaaritobtog o h M m M ^ t

i w t o

•ovT fH f, J td p i WBIMm. B arton of Cktong*.

iV ird M e T O ta n S !^

tone •toto-totoPT ka to to k a t I l A l p a l t

n e a * S to w r J « faff*at M ilk --------It tpdtri*•M itoto •ng* to II n o t i s .find sn*** krstok

4 S , M u S q y if l

H t, H alydM Jend Ftapato BOB) t* ik d j _ hillWtfiE to tod

tk*ploy*** a ll a d v a n ta g t , ^Pottoffto* Dfparlmtnt anaddBoad tadny.

Wdf Minirtiy Appropritfioa in Arfentioe Budfet Much Ur«dr

gtaatto Fam*p*a* .topporiad.w a to r* U d d M * g i . deatortug ik to- ® ^ k * d dridrto _ . . - ^

[ytUip' idd.:!toP*' .to*. f t to a to ^ to |* a l tta toPftoipntMm IR to d ito d to

BVKNOd AIRES, Ju ly I.—t k a

M inlatorlal budget b ill In wktok *k< ttitgfT lo r tk* » * a t n*e*l y*nr w w JS S rin to d a t « l,d*# .dM A i j m t ^ *

mt. Th* apgroprln tton fo r tb* W ar M inlatry at** P*»to " d foth an to 1*11. •_______

atY «l® NOTES

•quM giid «BMt toatlo*. H t o ^ r i l M M■0 u g h V ad kli *«a** *f IhWMta t* •v t la a d magllMt (hat a* laMtep *M •vw BMdad Id matah batwaaa aaptlal**flRMM atola« th* r ig h t af *?*ty » « to Mb aptoton *a •vary arapoM d Pdb> Mo m aaw P h * lt* r to* dW iiN tog * t oi w » d to#*Rd|ntoBt al to*

— igt* <hid liet* wpiu**j«to to* tow •ut* . h* haa with to* mm*

"""nJUS•M l dftd

■iB**r«t.. jA w tm e d tin t i i s H .^ il4 al«rm*d e itto e tjii

to r .* f to*yiH .lto l Witolto


Wyno. McAdoo dnd Gov.Oi Snme Bettint OcHi. New T®

July l.- 'B a ttln t la let loday an tk* D«i,

*<™i"aitoa waiN g MHP *f *dd* of P io i agalaat Of

im lto ef Naw T*rk I Ead, Tha aaai* odda w a r^ p||«Ed«at WlUoa aad f"*

- iaetai^ d ie I' w to

ilawtilH la IM

aevaiad • «• M W t o t t i i a u a k wanPtoM to FlfMMlA Itod. {toEUidito- w r a u n k iM **M t W.CaafnffdU VatoataMf-

S H ni'

W to * *

EWraWM aaw u V —w


Omaaa AmeAGft®


L d f ^ ......

b ie Uh E

D iqw rib

Tha-C* raal *aratoaa fon M a*bUr I tha *1*011•t*a Taw from tb* R hy ti mighty Wl rMwaet 0 eeellag h to th* bt abl* r*qi formar a* li.oaa far pay taa •

Hr, Ka* with aaai a>*au aa to Maaaaa priea a t g right, ha In tha M boujM ww 00*1 tha. toll, too, cenildoral th* praml would * u hood and adjolalag

With a m®fitlon®4 bl* yard. ' «* • a pie h*o ho ti proving bl Int.rottod tog ea a lie Barvlc ■iroct Ian

“LM mi f it.*** not Mr. KuobI It will le<

A ftor H i ••ra lag h mmrd d**lf iS to

llohaal la* bady, *Hy o f in Die farm F iaoa. H on th* w low, had Ih* Oraagi m natclpallqalrod to war* ath raughou

HI* ram appeal of ■ton Town to tho uof w hich w aj h* paid t l

M«Tho boa,

B*v*n a p p . lay, mo*t Ing im a tl 1 H. S. Lav* ira ru appo ■Ion laat f On* of II Oaode of iladuetlon ■ ra«nt on r th a t h* wa COB with nalghborho ply from R andnayor to bo gene, tb* •*••■*0 when mob Mr. Gooda'i

I (w ho -wore p*al*d forfo r which got tho red

Eleven M Mini

Cbargiad '* fra w*r* a n ^ oMdtr Moa ilair Polle* g rg g ^ la gauapaadod 1of f t H lvei t t f . a a d ti f i a oaoh: A M a g le ta i r : , waod aVani B M tk . Wb

F to * i of Cohoa. n 1 •ohu tto . I t Joaaph Btrl Irv lag taB . ■ gtraal, Man 111 Blghtoi l l s s d t t . I paatoao** Aam* *tr*t

. /C la r k J r , M otararol*

AldenrsIlnw lB j

F arm P ro AMaramr I th* piio* 01 p a a lw la a d « a a r t ko ttl to r plat*, w as flttoaa to atttooB prto* * t * t ebaagadi • aoaaoam an


Whito Al ft* Bergoa torday aft* a woman

•M, oatorm lag lator. I and aaUad ktotonlf an a*«ld toad

fc’l N o w

- Htodard • f y a a ta )- wlltu t* a t Ot

, d a « t uat, a t inIJtolEl


*■ 4.

« r t ^

ViDcoiitor H.A.«rt.


kla•dtra teter. \M.m R . Wl'y « at tfc* ilM In ll . D «I^/

Mr. WU|1 •(((•■tlon*


irlD<ecsed tin f |

Mtai^CBt 4»* m war wtU' a>d Uut a iBaeaaaaiiF' ' today taeklod aaa4l M » * ‘

tyartora oarly I Marlaa, 0. Mptloo await-

to th* llaa taai froei OUa Rapahll-t to tiu Bona- oavrataUtloni I addait olt of a aaltod lar nattoo and laalaaUa aup- mphaat oloc*Mo ooBdratB'I with root;.It OB March i . J itara to popo- iro raaiant- Wo asoD tho fart 1 U tba Proal- tor Itotablicoa of a parooaal ■and an adailB. holp and eoa-

>f thia ooualry, o daorlea and ■ooarataaot of d h r tho foaa-Hardlnb aaldo

mpalda anpport , oeaforrod with baahor of Chi-

I, chalnaaa o r « WB Btato Caw j

a Rootaa hat J a B. lU raald tl CaoUdBO darla ■ npalSB. a ll <|) a t a laaeho«1

of Jfow Tort canpa lsa Cowl

bo aM ahtiidJ la worn dia- toroneo h«- I llBpToion- m an of tho Commlttoo. j

!ao BonateraJ >*ra of Iho

atUBIt th(|

It waa t a l 'l itll a f ta r th<] a boon halo

ilaa , It waa of Mr. Haro, oindoatar of

tha Rapub- t. B pukora ' o*d a t rfaw ]

ns Silent and Suffrage

iT T (JP).—Ropfib- o rk of th o lr afala •, adep tlnk a pl»*- n t l a r o lo c ta n and > a quick ooaalan.

a t Cloooland. a0 n a tio n a l eoirraB-wr of Baraaaolll*. Ita to O raaca. wore r«a. ^t«d la alloat on tha1 and auffrafo . Ita ma tha pripelpio o f coni. law. doolaraa ttatloD. would por­ta Sm ith law to bo . p u ia r ro t* , had ao- llTialona ohoald not b im r ‘o pap aalat-bp popular iroto-

i U l t r

h H s Ljim ] .

Vormm Couaty Clerk*Bo«d by Askini Ad IK*from 1400 to $1,000;

^^*P“ ***®* Again Empl R e d

WO 'Cotutlp Ta« Board roet w« a•■ rprlaa poatardap a ft^T v ^ .

« 0 a fOrmor C ouatp C lark Will tm O. “ r t U r appaarod and doniandc I lliat th a aaaaaaatoni on hla land In pine • * * ToWBahIp ho Incroaand lo llPOi. froBi tha valuation of ftoo pUci Upon It bp U t loeal oiooaaor. i v ta M lphtp w a r n la tha taa offico, ■ d thondwoot a t Mr. Kuoblor coma eoollBc brooaa, ao rofraohlnp




to tho board a n o r hoarlna In Pnor abla roqaaoto fo r roduotion. torm or oouatp d o rk oold ha hi II.OM tu t tho land and ha daa pap la a oa th a t am ount.

followod up th li I kooat w ith a M th c r, to raduca. tha w na- " * *“ --** If It wai rlfh i

h d d ^ aooordliii to tha pu ohoao

to apply th« a a u iru la In th a uaao of tha dw allii,,.” Tba houaa w aa aaaoaaod for | t »«o tiai It

- « « l tha . ow nar tt.OOO. Mr iT b U r folt. taa , th a t ho ohnuld rocalvonvia tonaldaratloB for tha b a a m ify ^ oj

**• potnl " o u ^ t* tha naiBlbar-

tha vaiw ofadlalD lag' proportp.

m antlonod tha n a n p blooma ihai Morn hla pnrd, w hich only a faw ja a r bnck w aa a ploco of tw am p land. N-i

‘ poraonal prlda 1 i bn-proTinc h i t own p ram la ta but h< B ao Intoroatod In tho placa th a t ha ii wrv- l» d « a com inlttaa to hava th* fnb- lle Borvlca Kloctrlc Conpany rftall a t n r t lam ps u d houaa lllamlni im .

“ * *•** It looki llhaala.ooa now arouud my plaoa." d« hTad Mr. K uablor, "hut a lad p la Nov abor It w ill look Ilka th ir ty conta ■

A ftor Mr. K oablor'a oaplanailoi loo- '!■ proportp valuation tba

M»a»d doaldod to roduco tba aasro pant

■“ ^ • * 1 R ln la a . praaldani ^ th o thh h o ^ , apa ln amphaalsod tha dpaa-

^ IhcroB alof tha aaaaiam«i*i In “ *• iB m ln t d ia t r ir t i in w w a ro *•••■■ Ho aald tha vatuatlnna iBwad ™ lh a praportloa wora a n tlra iy to o low. bod aa a eonaaiiurnca th la iftp . Ibo O ran p aa M ontclair and othar Irpo " b h id p a l l t la a In tha county w rr i ra- bBlrod to p ay mora taa than If 1 1 ^ wora a m ora tuu liab la aaoraMPUl tb rouphou i Kaaai

Hla ram arba wara proinptad bp tba appoal of Joseph U Balfarl of Uohp- alon Tow nship for a raductlon of *0* In tb a oaoonamani on hla real r ^ t a w hich w as 11.70(1. Ma told tho bMrd ba paid tr.ldO lo r tha placa.

H aora Notioy A ppaak Tha board today la haarlnc tw w tp-

aavoh appeata fllad bp rcsidanta of Bat- lap, m oat o f tba redoettona aakad lo- Inp am alj and on real aatata. Aaacmifa B. 8. l^ v a l l and W illiam Uorman. nbo w ara appohiled by tha Town Comafi- alon las t fall, aal with tha T a i Bowd. Ono of lh a appellanta waa Byrd J- aoodo of f t Dally alraa t. who aoupM a raductlon of |TO0 in hla ll.lo o aoawa- m ant on raal aatata. Ha aald ha Bit th a t ho waa ta ie d too h i(h In compari­son w ith o thar aaaaaatnanta In kla nalphborhood and th is prom pted a 10- pjy from Comm laalonar William B. Bandmayar th a t the aaaaasm anti aaapad to ba pen sra lly low In Nutlay and Oat tha aaatsaora should heap th is lo mind when m ah in a Ibair naat aaaeatmaat. Mr. Oooda'a appeal was pranled.

Thaibaa O. Holton of 15 Taylor atraal. w ho Wore a G rand Army button, ip- paalad fo r a reduction o f l io on a let fo r w hich he waa asaeaaed flSa. l a pot the reduction.

When Rays nitc FireworlrorV i w era d rp tn i ear o f tha hem a a f la O akland tarM op an r a p t provad iu f^ Ipn ita tham and n >alona follewad. Tha Iraw orka and aoma > raaultod. A nalph^ axploBlona and aau n a la rm batora Wb ■a l ira w ith garda

I baan m aking I a ln a and tk a l ight aoma m atarld w orba fo r bta ow lom a tm a ll placa an 'D av ll C h ia a ra J and had tham <

len Old gol daold ton and boat Bib

lip badly In ju rad j Idem when hla

O raag a MaunbIn aplln ti.

and Gov.lOddtvNcwY^p 1.>-Battlng In odap on iHa DM Bomlnallon waiJ p lo I against (tl Ilk'Bf Bow TopB I m a odds wara] WllaoB andagalnat tha MIbBp wara

anatad « to t


Eleven Motorists Arraigned. | Nine Are Fined b Mnm*.laiw-Y'' ----------

C hargad w ith apeading and v lo la tls ta of . th a t r a f f ic law , alaven m otorlge wapa a r ra lg a a d th l i m orn ing bafora H|- o o b a r H enry W. T r in b la In tbe Moia- c la lr Pollen Court. Nina paid finaa a |- gragqflB g MS aad tw o w ara glvm auapaadad aan tencea Joaaph M. Alvm of f f B lr a r a trae t, ihia d tp , waa tlnM t i t . and th a follow ing paid tin a i ff t l d eaeh: A nthony Lulal. t t P a rk a t r a ^ I fo n tc ta ir ; John U. Nawaoma, Tt H ldpa wood aVanaa, Gian Htdga; Thomaa M^ C lM tk . W k lta L ana avenua. Caldwell,

P taas o f M *bch w era paid by M, CokaB, n B raom n atraa t, and Banjam Sohutta, I t B lllalda avanua, thIa d t

F :] Jnpaph S trippa, 111 N lnataanth aven I ’ r IrT ta g to a .a a d H obart D. Millar, ISl Pa

•trn a l. M oatctalr. E lla w e n h Pearaon Its B lg h laad avanue, 6 tan RIdga, w ( llao d i t . a a d tbOM glvan anapandi 1 ptktaDoaa w ara H anrp Rothfuaa, f Aawa a traa t, th ia d tp , and Jab n 1

, / C lark J r , tS Hlllalda avanua, N uth ( JM aftqro la Polloam an lim o tb p O .P laM lag m ada th a a r ra a ta

Alderney Milk Cent Hi|d^FoIlBwlng tba lead o f tha Bordegi

jrarm Producla Company. lae., t | t AM araap D airy Company today ralatl tha prica o f Itn m ilk ona c a n t Grada A paataBrlaad bow ooata alnataan c a a ta 'i •■ a r t b o t t la alavan cas ta bahig aakM for ^ t o . O rada B p aa tau rlu d . wMH w aa fItiM B ean ta a q B a rt la advaaMI to alxtooB eonta a q u a rt bottla. Thi prloa o f o th a r a rtlc laa w ill rem ala qg. d ta n g id , aoeordtBg to a p iia ta d alb ■auBoamant o f th a oompanp. ^

Boyt Rob Store of $50 IiWhlla Aafanlo Palastlno, a groear U

MS Bargao atraat waa In tha cellar laa tardap atUrBOon getting aomathing B a wotaan aualomar ta tha aiora, tfi bopd. BBMmHr >Mat twalva paqr gli, latarad aad took II* from tho

V iigM Iir Vho woman akoutod aa aj awB aalliad oaa of tha bop*, but ha '

^ oMiapad bafora th a li | aptO* tbaeh hho. HM oom paaloa

If*! ■ flow County Treniurer 6 o ^‘‘ '.lUitar* IV- Booth, who for > b™|| "alwSw hqa hooB couBtr eollgldpr*- ” ^ V l l horoaftof raopoo*

- - 1 Tfabnrgr- Th*_ _ j-tphldfe ■


)AT. JDLT 1 USD. m

SUMMER H0UDAT8!Beginiiiag July 10 tlilg Btora vjll b« doted on

Saturdtyt, continuing until god inetudlag Septem-bor 4. , I


FUR CARE!Fur csrt m ll should bt Is yrgododd

Fur cleaalflg, fur rtpsir*, fur iiorsgt ill i lo Inaura Mfety to your furs I

Phut*—TUN Floor


White Georgette HatsEmbrtddered and Exceedingly Smart

4.95A Remarkable Offering

Just whtt you v tn t for the holidiy—the holidiy thst does not wtnt to be burdened with ■ lot of !ug- gsge tnd yet upon which yoU wont to look your very best.

You sec, if you only wint to tike ONE hat awgy with you, these georgette hats will happily combine the taiUeur" and the festiveness of • more dressy hat.

This is gccompliihed by combining the soft georgette, which it handsomely embroidered, with Doe milin hemp brims.

A vtriely of shtpes invites every type to indulge in their beauty as well is their economy.

Very remarkable hats at this price—4.9S. It hsrdly seems possible!ptagta-^coad flagr

The “Fourth” WiD Hold a “Swim” for Most Men

Whether it's the '01' swimming hole" or the gay resort beach, he'll need i suit—and our very exceptional stock of Bathing Saits prompts ut to urge his buying now while unlimited choice will bring beat satisfsetion.

One and Two Piece Bathing Suits

5 . 0 0 t o 9 . 5 0

All wool and wool mixtures—colors (hat will stay colon in ill waters —good, roomy suits—plain colors or enlivened with contrasting borders —suits you will like—suits you cin buy "on the jump’’ with perfect safety! Sires M lo 44.

Men’s 3,50 Shirts, Sale Priced, 2.39Shirts that ordinarily would cost you 3.50 and delight you at thst price. Good, hlgh-

grsde patterns in msdrts, rep snd percale. A very worthy and exceptional offer—in time for the ''Fourth."


2 ,000 W onderful Petticoats At Tremendous Savings!

All the little "everydays” are here—all the festive little party petti- skirts—all those fetchingly fashioned fripperies one must have for sheer bummer tnd evening frocks—and best of all, all arc properly full in the straight line silhouette and the moor remarkable values the economical could hope for! 1

Caabric PeUkoatsFancy lace or embroidery trimmed petti-

coils as nibbible ai a kerchief, always fresh ■nd dainty, snd these pirtlcnlsrly beautiful la tbelr dcsigBlnt*

1.T4. viloe 2.00 IJ«, value I AO LM, value 2.50 IM, value AM MS, value S.00 4.95, value 5.M SJ5. value 7.M

Satin and C r ^ d* Chin* Sklrta,3JS, 4.9S, Sv95 and 7.95

Lace trimmed and very beautiful with posi­tive values ninnlni from 5.00 to 8.M.

Satin Sldrti with Donbi* Pan*b. 4.95Tailored and very smart.

Other '‘Satiny” SidilaLuxelli Halyeon ft Leroy aatlne. as veil

as Dura sstln—those lovely petticoats that look like satin, art light In veighi tnd wear three times as long ti their ill-sllk sistera.

Satin* Skirta, Spedal at 1.99White saline with double paoele in front

and neatly scalloped edges.PlBBta Secoad Floar


3.93 Imported

Bead Bags

lAT, value 3.M 1J5, value 5.00 4.9$, value 5.M

7.95And What a Wealth of Smart Tone They

WiU Add to Boll- day Costumee

Really, next to one’s shoes and gloves, nothing CAN add quite so much distinction as the wel -

chosen big—and nothing could come so ad­mirably within reach of all purses as this very special sale of Imported Bead Bags.

Deep, fldi colorings, in exquisite oriental and motic.inttema—fashioned of small beads ill draw string style, and all handsomely silk

. ^ sales must be Bnsl, because of the very low and unusual price** N o C O. D.'s.


Women’s 1.75 Athletic


1.49>incf because moat women are now wearing athletic underwear, in aummeriime at leaat, there will be a merry hum around thia apecial-"80 come early!

Devoid of frills and furbelows, yet as daintily feminine as any young woman could wish, they meet every demand of warm weather comfort, freedom and coolness.

Fashioned of finest quality nainsook, with round or bodice tops. White only.

We cannot replace them today to sell at even 2.00—so we need say na more! Just about 400 garments—sizes 34 to 44..

PtsBls—Main FW

PlaotB—Main Floor—at Eninan to Mght

For Friday Only*4n Annex Square Sale

Summer ToiletriesAll of the numerous accessories needed by the fastidious

woman, with a special price for each. Quantities on sale while they last only; in some cases quantities restricted!

At Special Prices25c Mavis Talcum ..............19c20c Corylopsis Talcum .. 17cI7c Williams' TbIcuiti......... I5c20c Pond's VtnishingCream.lSc 35c Pompeian Night Cream.,29c19c Espey's Cream ..............17cSOc Mavis Face Powder.. ,39e36c Java Rice Powder........ 33cSOc Dorin Brunette Rouge, ,41c 40c Forhan's Tooth Paste...36c 22c Kolynos Tooth Paste. . .20c 39c Pepsodent Tooth Paste..36c lOc Palm Olive Soap.......... Rc10c Physicians and Surgeon’s

Soap ............................. 8clOc Woodbury Soap ...........I7c15c Glycerine Soap ............12c23c Borine Tooth Paste , ...20c12c Ctstile Soap ................. 9c29c Williams' Shaving Stick 25clOc Hard Water Soap ........ 8clOc Soap Kewpics............... 8clOc Bath Soaps .................. 8c


29c Bay R um .......................21*1.25 Mavis Toilet Water

3-01. b o ttle ..................... 81*1.75 Djer Kiaa Toilet Water.1.483.25 Thermos Bottles, pint

siie....................... tea29c Freezone ..................... .25*12c Lux ................................ l ie25c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo. 14*19c Powdered Sulphur........15*59c Ivory Dressing Combs..47c1.25 Syringes (No. 3, red

rubber ...............29c Tooth Brushes ..35c Tooth Brushes .45c Tooth Brushes .89c Bath B rushes............... 75*2.00 Hair Brushes..............L |g29c Nail B rushes.............. ,21*45c Nsil B rushes................34*15c Cap Hair Nets, no white

or r « y ............................11*12c Powder P u ffs ....... .. ie

Aftiiei Squbtii

FLAGS!For the

Fourth of JulyA full issortment of all sixes

and fabrics awaits you at Plants—moderately priced.

Silk flags, wool bunting flags, cotton bunting flags, tittle flags for decorating one's motor vehicle, printed cotton flags— a wonderful assortment in every conceivable size—snd ill the paraphernalia necessary to hang or display them.

Wool Bunting. 2.25 to 16.20. Printed cotton, 8* to 35*.

Cotton Bunting, 2.50 to 9.00.Silk Flags, 59e to 100.The wool and cotton flags mn

as large as 8x12 feet. Silk flags only to 32x48 inches.

Ptaota—M ala Fkiae

J » - >.'is5

h i :

The Load Minute BeXldag Shopper ' WIU Do WeU fa Come to the

IPIe^i^ce in WtHu^n’s Apparelof timely ap p trd offers many choices

capos, wraps, dresses and skirts a t most Inter-

' of m ii^ that' It doilrable andQearaiioe of ottr own tiia stodcs

ifia'aales a thing unique in value, and variety

FORMEBlair | i » ;iq 8$J0 f?

fM O IE R U N lI^ :


A Limited Number of

“Romelink” Couch Hammocks4 t Reduced Prices

Coin' lo have frieeda at your aubvrbaii home or sammer bungalow ever tbe Fouitb? Coin’ to spood tba day quietly at bone? It maticra not which, your day will he hap­pier tnd non nstful because of a conch hammock—and you can buy now so graat “ advaatag*.

Mow UJ$ to AT t

FOR FRIDAY ONLYWhite QauitlUei Last

.v>"4 rAME ievEtniiO'

rim m tim am . » t tf « lb Di-PPMH

k D w la M M* .5 ■ sr •' d n b FiWiI F«r froDi Home

C m pore Eicperknce

Stanley Car

' r >■

Oi* W tM!• th* BttMittM «f *b« »olie*

• ( k **»r*7*w-«*e • I , ^ • tm* b*h'*e • ►"*•

Z £ i W tr Um rnM T tvM te K*ltr«K<i M <• * ^ * ^ *****

i r t wiH k r roii«* ^ Mia af tba moat

i j aaar eoma ank*r AftM oh* had *••■

---------------Mr h r tha doolor.STeCllM rM ••■I M »*•B & S ^ aaadltlOa « a * oarbaagaO to

. ' i r a A l tb a ig t i t» to oaHao*' «ba dortor*

t jm « r * h * waa f o t i j waa a « rly i « '• **r*a* tha gtoadow* from h*f

'H M a a a a f ' i u Dai*i**rlalagtora Valla o* 1*1

wtill* •» •ha*''U *r ■•**• dtocoaaraO Tha atarjr told by tbam t ’ u i U t lhay hakrt

a •mSawe *■« V*•baa a maa Jaatgad oat. r»- haad aa* »ot«l*4 M « Iham.*2* J swag a taw (aat aad

id w rag la W diraotiaa oi ^ yard, a tlir M lallad *•'" K .* |C u tB * r aad Valla g*’ « It wy, bat tha man * '“ P’

4«rk Itt » » w * fr t ifk i

DouMets YOU uied oxcolkQt judgment In telcctlng your car. In lU probsbti^jjmf ““ '‘*“ ™mend It to your men<U; BUT

lU probtbaity^u tre proud to recom- ar frieni

at«M f7 T ' ___..4 ^ wfcM • J!!d


J J^Hgniagtk Qu ,

Oayawaat. thirty »**«Itaa aaaaa*. waa arroatad IbU

If 80 you ire ready to team more ibout the Sttnlcy.. It would give U8 pleasure to demonstrate It to yo^ We a n promise you that you will not be tobuy. The Stanley Is for those who are rady for it.

_ ■ »W»SSSI*.OataaUTM «k_mt (tha— tha Third Prarlact at th*

w S S llg tan Pump Work! In H arrto^ S n S » S a n 10 th* Third P ra j^ ^ g * . . y * E ;1 b* waa poalllyply « •» ' SSSTM Tuaiaar aad Valla U lb* t j y S , iMt alght. That glohodCiaggiaggt out o( a Ha* o(

L e w tb * dataotiraa took CUymaaat la UM Oty Hoaplial. whom an aJJ®r* Will S* taad* la obtain *• Idaatllloa-• * ? f T ld T h a V a loan a a — r l a , « a y -

waa aaaa w glhingiTwitoM mtto '

Can You Beat 1 1 ?

£. C SCHMIDT, 188 Ccabal Are, Namrk

I MaifeM ItT t

5 i i« r N r .5 ¥ r - . t h “ i"*5

Some Roamera are equlpt wit Aam:^U IH 9 ^h«.|rM ww«ifamoua Rochestet-Duaenberg r—, cyltodar 75 H. P, motor. The ( W with the horizontal valve actio valve action which giva Aeae e that almoat unanay pick up a*'10 noticeable in Roamer ara . with thia product of the Roc #ter Motora Coi^raHon, manuftctu t of “America's Moat Desirable Bii( P-

^ a «Ab. tbm91 IW


Immediate DeUverU

d o u b l e c a n t il e v e r 8PRINCI . f w . Ru*aM« tow . Itw M ar 4 Pm BfW

B ^ a m m ^ HTOMOBUE C O ., 496 Centrd A. - _ __ BMW d W WW W W '

gad bto («M»aai—. 1"laQiaf tbolr atory toot night. m W I C ^ * e r tb* man who almad IMI s « thornT ^ ~ |. | . ||M hlllboard and on ^ b .

It (Mhd tbo llttU girl lyiag

■ M ^ S iii 'f te ld e d t auttoh- m . Ctorb 2 m M iilud a t bto boM* utd wao at

* 2 & r tw l2 w r w w whw tha litti* OMA w S to T tC rT Irm d t**' % h aW aha bad boog hnrtdlly

' ■S t r t t l W a g lh apaa d la c e lo ra ^ h o r hagiinroOw whar* aha hddboowh*»taa_

' **1118 to rahdar har unogtaotoii^anj

Intn’t Wd-Snnnner Vacation Sale of gags, Smt Caseti Traveling Goods

tNMgMBt. AOar giving h«r daohor am t hor to th a hadgitol.

1!* I thg dtoaovary t l iho coadltlon_ «Kd. Obttota roha. to “ *

-,1th* eH «* Wga oMtimlUad.

_ . . - r , to g - llto

5 ^ * 5t t h o MMhIt aad aoaroh^ tha S3 B|g, hat waro aaaht* i»

th* taaaltoat of th* to n MIA UoatoBont Nortoh a t a*M> ta ha4 a Oonoral a tom tato.

ta adlataat ' ‘tioa • ‘’ ‘■f • IVi a a t tho man aought. All ygrdo to tihion. h iW d l ^ aa4 ••mlto* WOT* ala# aollflad to

iMkovi lor th* man, who w** ath loat tall, hoavllr hnllt.

tobod and waarton hiuo had ao hat aot ooat and

>’k*d.ia«r aad Valla had toldga, laojr wara ordtrto da* Iho Talrd Proolnrt atatlon

’lIlMrtHp to tb* dW« • “ '“ •T ! " • *a ***a aa *b* roaoh** aa bad b**a rjpartod

ghaat • ; » •'oloeb. iho wa* ta h* atofiBf la ih* a#igb;

a *t hor hoaaa. hut whan a waa madt for hor, darfcnoaa had

and ah* Muld not bo found, ihor* had lookod. for bor

(' I* M ltb *4 •*• waa carrlad by bar ■Mtotoht_____tb* grotoar part ;* Um warto tha l ia i i ia i i .U*l wMf* b* at*

llv «atoi«d bto.

Qiurry Tree Btinchea Brak;Two Railroad Men Ate Hurt

gamW d«Tt<* *f th* VeWB. ^ w abhikotoi*. m. J-. July 1-—Two tnaa owpioyad by i!** 'V T V ""*iiaU tM d are f tb u n t f w * B y tf t ^ » y . raeotrartog trow burti ttoy auffarod jpoatordoy whan lb* Hath* of ebarry Ira** from which tM r b‘®“ "?tbo fr«U broha and tbay fall to tho grouad Both dr*aaad tw**iy-flva hat. Xaa two ar* Elmar Ballay. •iWVl M awv M»m ww r-T

, brahoman an *ba Waabtogton « « « " : ■--. l alid Varaon Toung. a trolght Clark at ■ tha Port Morrla OtaUan.

H*r*’i g Mto to latofMt Ibg w**k*end lourUt or tor tboa* «*ln8 away{lul befort ihe P*«rt>u aa welt aa — — — -----------------tor Ih* annual »a«tloBl«. Wa araK«4y lo e lm y « btotay tbtir W r ti** la our new atore with f«»li naw atocb b*«aa» to anOS an advtitsaMtlg pfl« thu »* « " extiamely tow prle*a for durabit. w*ll m*4* b*|* and auitcaaea H*ra are a tow of our offari::

FnWc Bee*Inch alaaa. wondarful vatoaa; to bU«h only.........................

GeUiiM tiiellHr Bnis* widad* to ganuio* aowklda to 1* a"* i* i " ^ a o

cauh**:' aaod lock, ntrona U atn to h*ndi*i a R K A a | | Q 5 . 9 8 ■* ■ roguVar II ...................................................... ■ ■

U im WeigM Suit CawnJiiai wbal you nood for va«*tl«ntog. Th*** JapRattan Bull Caaaa hav* l«Bih*r P/®**'*** ^ p /. ^atraga a ll a ro u n d , good atiwng look aad catch**. ^ g Q j j p

Lndica’ Hand Bags . J k .B rau llfu l dU pU y of ta ilo r mad* ladi** all itlk molr* h in d b*xa.

' 4.00 UR

St^bh UmbnOnn for Sun or RniiiCholo* *llk In all Ih* pr*lil*»l ih id** w ith rich bo rd rt a*fo®^' «tron* Irani** *n.l w id . variety of hindlM , to r * r . wood and bijU llanlly polUbad hakallt*. B«gul»r 111 to 1.1 velufrs ■ ................................................................................IIP to t i l 7 . 4 5value* ......................................................................

FRANCIS S. GREEN840 Broad Street

.A e j o t w i i t o f - It. oT A Tioa

mmmmmmrnm «> «. StompedoaaSliMMamsStankinlGf^^

649Broad SL J^umrk^ J u ly C learan ce S a le

Women’s Low Shoes

Rumia Calf Oxfords with Wing Tips Gun Metal Calf Oxfords

White Snowbnek Oxfords Snowbnek Pnrapa

A(/ipffA ^ Jrilfto iy 2beb

10,85lif BNp ftiW

TBL MKT. Ml*. Cartor-lataM f Ca.

r^rnmtm, W* J*


r H i-rr-rr* Waltor RgyaaUt * r ,M ^^O W *. "• A saw l ^ - w V * . h J. rwath A a to y .i l -

Partb Alitor ( C*

Out to-NewMctorHecords

for JufyA progratn of greet mone inch at only Ae Victor can ^

The newest ofierings of woiid-femed ertisti, among them avCTelj mo achieved their first American triumpha during the rtcent opea a e ^ . Look over the liit and mark the aelecdons which specially apodn to you. Any Victor dealer will gladly play them for you.

I m i is a iab —ir«giW pM M llw la*ar f t W a f atTkytwamVtoal , 64177C*MtolM)>toaalAILafg* (Fiam 'Xar***") (Baadalt leeeewe (Ckofto r iM SoohA rmaaaai* Vkdb L*a raU* da Calto (Tb* MaMa *4 Ctobl BoU m*—I taaoaoM dl Radalla (aedetob^Warmto#CIri to A* GaUaa W «to>ORtaa Ml an d a (Thai tha ■ «

AftwdCtoit IMS

•maOdaCBMl 64« ONOaHatoU fem

% ^ U to .a « iT to ian ia toT iaD

' (W*an E*MDKigilitfii Miwtoiy<,«TWfl»l t lU k k r o C to W a d a i ih a a G aad«y% a«atopar T to Matoiaf to ttfO Wto*r*WtoU Taha Ito PUi* to MairT IM a a iVaam 8*0*1 Ba Mani4ar Ma)Tto Meow Sbia*i on t to M * n b iaa ta I to f I 0 *4 m s (H «« U ag Y«a G Altgaadfto-Fda TkalOriaalal Ston—Om aiM T toT ofbaraP ild i'd (|i«m*'L«dy«l*bot*to*> TtoyBldM aSla*^ (riow“Lidf to to tak*n o a t By A h fo l- IM Ia r FawTrat Notody But Yon ■■ Mmiloy F*o TiM

»an7 4 S a

aMHmtUdto fom MmiaAkMbl13*w w ta

a* (torn# 7)

!}•ABStayTtoal ____

f b ) M * t i d a |* ^

Hear theie new Victor Recorda to^dxf at any Victor doA ^ He will gladly give you an iUuatrated booklet daaonAtoE ^ w'

w*. Wh A a n * .1 to ..a. B ^m ■ 1> MlWIMNew Victor Recorda on aale at all dealer! on the l i t ol each am i,'VictroUa in great variety from $25 to $1500. ' t

V i c t r o l a



Th tlai aiWDiod ■*woom IhtMigkt < •ad headnight of to Tudgo C am ll. ( ooatoaoa* to aovoa bmnaky.l

atw aatyPraak

•out *r iC altr af a*r* I* I M. W**.|



at*, u.


Victor TaJkmf;■ *».•< *

peiiWiiiMAaPB- « 'Utaiia' /.v-A: I .m '<|f tnrtritMd'rtpcQI■

Oth«y «tch*i 1 •tmk b Calahf** larwoar 111 ,W» *tora*i< Igatoa n*(M a. rMp*. w

C A., If*


tod bait apaat 1 JlMga X

waa tore> ol

S'.',' '



IS. P*ina#* I


"tZwaa aTWWlftaway.


' y , T

' I





ij -

if. -'i ♦•'jt'-f?!

W b

• ' IIlirt Spend Iron TIkm to Wroi

"lEoiCi ia I^ifon for Subfaini Barber in Quarrel.

Olber Penaltiet Arc Inpoted

Th tlatLl M tn t o f t r»c« rK hl Vbleh br«Bw4 th* n*lshb«rboo4 brouM O e w o M w 4 M o n t f O m e r T M r * * ! * * n < b tw a b t ta * polio* trom ***1^ p ^ ln c t • M h * b 4 q u * ttw « to U * im b * M Uw Rl f b t B( j u M •, w M *m o ib 4 |TfNBr4*4r IB r«da* K bcUb 'i court «b*B.P**r** C biroll. oolorrd , « t t t H orl •trfBl, **Bt*MB4 ( • B ta u prlooB H r fr«a tbr*« to **T«B |TO*r» fo r BtobblBf JaMpk Dor* bowakir* Or^prtBto* of o borbir fboo *a aroooa* a tto o l. t b * flita t iU rU d or*r» tv o a t r - w M paoobM * of b»n>ia>*.

V tM k # ro l * f t u abonB*!! br*ii«f. nb> H *a w ith MOBBit BM b«a*iT la oonBOOtlwi W ith injuri** to Koato Fa*- «*U1 of b i L o n *tr**t. ano f ttM i Mo. C «U r Of 4* W oodU ad a rtau * . paaaan* ■ a rt h i • JItaoy d rlv tit by P rd March M , W a» a tv o a tw o ]r*aro prolMUoa by J t l a t a n a lio l ’W buo* of b« rocoN w i l i t b t ^ l a r . la rraiw o m a tor* ■ a a a l h i t ^ n o to r trao ip o rt wnia. It W tf a i | | M h r a probailoa offbar that t h t t fH h V h b a B fo n or«r* a ta lU a t o* th a J c M f a4*h w h*a r r* t raa oIb** to Ife^ odbh a t d U o r f«ii * n i | | o aa

I th a t F ro l did not atop w t*r tba * • ' iOUldr a r obatloB aonttncai W Jnd (a

NMial w tro i Jam a^ Rooba a till Stbl* atpBoh l a r t a a r a a d rM satriB tJkataalo Calabt u a . o f IM Tbirta*Btblb**aao.

riMOtriDf: M i a t o a a of t o itr* a t, OB t i l taiaa

atn ltb . eolorad, o l ( t Laa- aiPoaBB, itoBicUir. w o a a r;

F l t f M t . hoaaBBO. oolerod, of b Ot«a- Hdhb a to a v * . MoBfclBlr, la tcW aad r i t a t ttla a : Frmnli Rauach of t i l T. H C A., Mow T o rk . laraB ar aad r •I*Ib«.

■ a lw o r o FalaatiaB o f I t f i ruonth ao M M v a a tIvoR tbro* aw ail Jn th* o o a a tr tooM ontlary to r rtola h t hi* t r a b iU o a om a la i to t tr aad i lltoiB« o k a ra t- J t d f o h tk b * i d*ctar*d |a t it* OM# Ih lii i t lU a d aa an ob)*c i)«a*0B t t ttllBM . A an a Saab*, coloro a t I f l O tth f la ttr* * t , waa tw it to II I Stat* U m i I t r O trla #a an la c o rrltll (

n * a t r i M f a r T a k M i ^ ' Dl Fade* M a rtla ’t ooart t*a bi | w*r*

i f h i t i i d to p a r M l aacb aod P M p t l i lU t te fo r d r l r tM a s a t tP d b it*

t t tb a cenM at Of tba

e S- liw f f ro * UitlP . _ „

lU a b e o I0 | b t i th a t i h w a w M ^ * tb* pftfroaolT* w ork of ifco t t p l t o

d tr lB t tb* roar.baJo)r*aai t t lb* ro o lM v M I t -

ertaaod b r ih« o la tiB t o f Mit. H arJorl*Loa WhIU of buatmlt. Hra. J*o*l*•ball. MIm Anna haaodlct and MMi A ta a r t la rh o r o f ih it c i t r and faob W oUlaki of F la t boob Tho laat I* a roBBC bartloB* w bei* oolo* ha* a mat*law o u a lltr th a t lBt*r**t* th* h a a r tr .

S a y i She C m ^ t H u t b i o d L a tv io g O th e r W o n u n 'i H o u s e

Told by bar B tlakbor* th a t bar hua- baad. Jacob J. a**l*r. waa apoadlBa a good pari of bla tlw * w ith ano thar r a o a t toBiB*. M ra A aaa M. baalor »f Tt hruo* itr**t *Ba*a*d la a ll t t lo p*r- aonal •Uoihlnd. w ith th* raaalt. a* ■b* told Vic* CbaBcallor Foat*r r«*t*r- dbr. that OB tw o oaeaalsB* ah* aaw h t* ootnlBg out of tba a tb a r w oB ua'a bom* ta r l r la lb* m oralag . T b*at Ib - cld*Bta «h* H id. happ«B*d a tr a ra l r ta r* MO. wbllo «bo a M h*r baabaada* r* UvlBb la Ja rao r (^ tr . Ho livaa

p 'u t tmm.'m-rn,I • :

iwad I t tm lo U b M R M tbo f tM H ha w t t

a w tr trtM haa»a ttM t tieh ta a td M b. Aara waa that h* waa oat plajriBt c a rta Wbllo abo wad btltla* bor atorr bar batbaad aat la th* eoart room, b tt waa aot ranad apot to toatitp. H t haa niod aa anawar laableg a toBoral do- alal af bar *har«*a

Mp*. hoWdr toaiiriod tbat bar but* band dooortad bar Fobruarr 1. Ill*- Whoa aba bad apoboa to bim about vtMtlag tbo otbdr wooian. «b* aald. bo Irl.d I* mako light *f th* laoldtat.

Whil* Mr* g**l*r i*«ilfl*d w ith ap- p a r tn l c « r t t ln l r rtap o c llag t h * Inrl- d * n u th a t had macrod h«r ■omoatla happ in tta . b*r m M o rp tla p * d h«r a tr ic k wk*n ah* uadortooll t* 1*11 th* Umc of h*r rv tu rn to .V«w Jaraap *ft* r having H**d out of Ih* a ta t* f a r a partod Ip o n ih* an*w *r d ipaadod whclhvr o r not Mr*. SaaUp had *taad< log lo >u*. and aa ah* b a ta * * n o ro and mora ooafuaad uadar th* p reddlag of court andicounaal. ih* via* ebaaool'. lor rinallp o ldarad tb * h o arlag dIaeon. Ilnurd for th* p rtaaa l. naailBg D tctm * bar • aa tha data for I t t r v n a p t to a . Up th a t lim a . It I* *ap*«tMl. tb * p e t i ­tioner will have • lra lg b t* a * d oat th* hlnh In har mem ory to *u*li affoct a* to tea able lo qualify aa a B a ilo r .

M I ' L L -A m am a^gbM lw p i i tBQ n p q w f MjpqMnBo’ Of Qo lieft (Son incy

M M o n «f tMMm fto m ' t i i KrlalUUrMtf m impPK lUvrIc# WtSA of f t i Soldw m Jtrooy City*John Srew n of t i t Hoteofk otroot. Ho- hokioA, woro M ooittod ro o t« r4 v by o J o r f In tho UliUo4 ito too O tatilo l C ^ r t . Throo moh who woro w ith thorn w»re uood by iho §ov*rr* moot i t v UmoooOi ThOy oro W llllom Nlmmo of 14 llomolit ovormo, W llllom Btovoni of IM Q roT* itro o l ond Jomoo MtilHfon of n CodOfo o trto i, oil of Jorooy n ty .Tho fo v o ro ao n t ohorvod ih o l Woloh. who WM formorly oMployod thy iho Krio oa o brohomoo. W oufh t oom« oftho iiolon clolh to th# KWo t ’ornoro ro o to u rin t In J n m y City fur dlop^rool Byown wni th# tnonofor thoro Nlmmo o wolier. Ths* w o h rr tortlfl#*! Ih o t W«l#h brounht the cloth to him OOd tho t whrn Urown wot consuliod ho told Nlmmo to u k e \i to hia tMm- mo‘o1 owo room *

S fo lllB ^ b r ln fln c pl#co« oftho clo th from Nlmmo'# room to th# rootooront for <ilnpd>o«l Bt#v#n# «•#- tlflod tbo t o lt# r Nlmmo w t# #rr#ol«d Brown dlr#«t#<1 him to r#mo«# lh« Boodi from Nlmmo# ploc# brfor# th#.

C m T

D a d la t I

NMMP niaHi gf U g

tutaa la a aoatbp ab«*04tgh*d latar withoutotdfhw

A aak taa t TTaltod b tatoo tM atrlot At* taruop K ooohr ob ta laad a aOTonnoo g l Ch* ladlataM Bt aad p tana d oalp Browa a a d Wal*b «a tr ia l. Tb* oihor th raa ar* u p a a la d t* plead gu lllp and b* **g- lanead neat w*«h. W alsh waa a u a d i* te l* for froebo lter la Kudaon Coualp IBM fall *B a toldlor tlek«t tb a t * * * • eloa* to *1*0110*. Ho wa* eonvletad In th* f«d*ral eourt tw o nioatb* ago «B a ebarg* a t raoM vInt g*od* *t*l*n from th* Sri* In ano ther robbery, ba t ha* ac t been aehteaced. The cladb which figured la boin trla le waa b«lBg ■blppad by TbOBa* ()ak*i A Co ef Bloomfield to aoacern* In Ih . W«*t

l I K

I F. w. w ^ mSISTiT I KI F ra teH o h MdMwgg. H adlaaa, apoog*

llw . t U r O ortilb i r t l t e a . B gaad Brook.S la«. l td ; B. F. B oadter. Foioala,

lag. M l W. ■> K a o a a g h o rt H illr, apoodiag, a a d r io o n lleoag* w ith hltn, M: C. J. B atbp. K ltaabotb. BO l ig h ts lt.1* : A rlh a r N. Ftarooa Jr., W oatllold, apoodiag, (Ib i Q aarga MlUotl, W«*l- n*M. l i t ; C. A. W illiam s Nowarb. apoodiag. t lb ; B dgar W. B oaaatt, Kow- arh . ao llghto . i f t t ; B. MuHla, N*w- arb . >p«aglac. tU .

T h ir te e n M o to r i i t i F in e d o nS p r in g f ie ld T rg f f ic C h e f f e e

Thlr|#«n *u(oi#t# w#r« fln#d In th# Bprlnffl#ld Totpnnhip PoUc# Court Im I n lfh t by R#cord#r Kel*#r K for ▼lelntloA# of tb# irn ff lr ncl. Th# nrfwst# w#r# mod# by lio torcycl# Po> lleomnti U nrlln Oonihn. vf (h#d#f#nd#nt# pl#«d#d guilty #nd pnld th# f!n#i #» follow#; H tJuihrl#. Plnln- flold, »p##dl«g. U L. I’rk rtltlo

WtNBU Hurt in Auloniobile8gff*rtM from c«t« «n th« r»«* #nd

body lofUetM hy giM* fiwm th# wlnd- ihloid wbtoh w u •Mtt#r#d wh#n th# tvtomobM# In which #Kc w*# riding WM *truch by # trotkry c#r y»»t#rd#r #tt#rnoon #( Mgrlngtyu And gtuy- v#Mnt A##nu#«. Irvington. ur«. JM#i»h Hollnndcr of IM Huntdrdoh »tro#t. Ihl# city, w#p uli#i> to th# Irvington Holi­er#] Ho«pll#l. Hh# WM Abl# to go hum# #ft#r rm'#lvlng inDdlfot ntientlon.

Hr# Holliiidfr w#i riding with llci. mrth# dolomnn, bI#<i of th# ||kint#rdun ■ tr##t ndrlrofii Th# front p#r( of ih# KUlomobll# WA# Irottly dAii)#g#d by ih# rr»#h And Ur#< Hoil#fid#r w#.# #«v#r«ty t 41 by p«#c#« of th# flying glM«.

#M gg# WM m « Obi n w J M #■ mt lb r n m m M b

■ art* a abaaos Mte try a nmodp Mr fr**bM* with IM a a tg . •at** ad a MllabM aaBaMi that N w g gpi ••at y*a a p*aay aalMB N bMg* famtog It* fTeeai**! wbb* It H gaat gl«* pM g u**r eawplanlea It* up**** M t tU l te

■naplr bm aa *«ae* *d * -atroagth—tm a tap a r* g M pgaallaH •aeaM * • «(• t# rid T b*lp (.1 I*

I a Mw I■*w you M> rid yourHii *r tb* baaMtp tnag'lao

ii***iii*i — ir‘iai*a

B* w r. ta tab tba dauM a a l r M a u O ta i* .H id aadar o aaraa iH _________telle to b*la raiwava froablaa; ..adraMWiv meat for o th iM Labaralarlaa

tiH aad

•I aMOMi baM 9 |

Pompeitn OUt« OU


VWWMVWWte f W»Igroaer aad rtm .wiAirra

tetebglBg tt to tha aataat jUtte I Frail of SI Fraablli guaat

I U ta


a tor Boauii• ‘ VE# of mhnlgg

J '

r i V

'dt ''S

S glVan alahtaan moatha tp panltantlarp oa a

g s Ha waa preaidant of Jgggtp Novaltp Pootw ur Ciipaay. PM Bp B brthardt of Morrla rlafg w u •WllaBOod to thrao month* for aBl baltarp. Leula rlataa of a#got waa tlnad tloA and JMB* Martin on th* chargeRf|M|Wlag bout*

l # 4 g Mottao of III gggiinor •*****, ■da larcoar agd roeaingf: Joaoph Oa-

I of IS Drift atrMt. tar tatatW aadT. and Harry J. Crook* of SI atreot* for nbductlon. w#ro

I to th* Kaw Jonai' RdforuHtorp. JUlo* trona of I t O la a r l^ afoanua.

4p. waa oaut to tha Raw Jaraop atorp a t Cllntoa on b chug* pf

lit aad. battery.rgo H- Lacy of lOl Aobdemp

_arag g lv ta ala mootba hi tbo|gtp poanoaflarp for laroaap aad r*.; 'a g ; Jaaa ^choco of III Waal,

____1 ptraot. Naw Tork, four montba ont i e aajBO charga.

I ■

o1 Family Hurt When Auto Skid* in West Orange

*r hiainbora of tha faluHp of Ih * Ateltnan of 1ST Belmant avanua

burl lata yaaterday aftarnoos I aa abtogioblla In which thap wart

a# aklddad and nvarturaad 1* te g b tarb at BailPtnua and RIdgw

Warn Oraage.—4a Atelmaa. flp* ptatb aid. a targa edit * • bt* ligM Hbo' •Ubebao war* taken la It ar

waa acratobod. Hr. Adalmi a eat bahind hi* right ta r agl

atobod; Louis a ptar bid. tu* , j brulso* on th* bodp. Mr*. Adal. .was ooralcbad aad aaffared frog

Anothar child waa found lo b* bd. All waru tub** tu Iho or.

' Iteaiarlal Hoopiui. tea waa hwpt undtr obHrvatlo* lakoa hom* thi* laoralng. Th*

wont homo laat plfht after out.

ap war* oat for a rida with Hr. i‘a brolhar-la-law. WUIIain f ef Bolmont avaaus Mrs

•rg and a chllg aM« war* la th* bin*, but all Ihrat taeapad hurts

)sr. wbleb ws* paw. w u badlp _g*d.fbon s report of tha aeeldant w u |l*od a( WMt Otaaga poUoo head tar*. PolloaRaa Anthoap nirta s Martin J. O'Connor asd John

rlau waro dotaltad., , 1

I ^ e r * of Horse* Figure ' In Two Street Acddentti ---------— -

IMo accldonta In which diirort of bpIBos Dgurod waro reported to tha rtlSoa laat night. Alaunder Tanga of II . Farh avanuo w u t t Orange and Fite* otraoti whbn bis tMW phlad at a pMte of pspor that blow acroa* tha gltet t and Taag* w u thrown lo (b* paiwaiaBt. .Ho WM takon to ft. in tb u l 's HiWplUl suRarlag from abock a i# an Injurp to o « of bla arais

# M u * l Splor of (I Fgfrmaual guonuo wag a t riftaobtb aotgu* and teuih TuMlrtb mruot whob hM h*ig* run gwap. Bafotb ggtar* etuld atop ib* w ateb hod eettidgd .wMh turn aaiame* HiHL on* diiTOb h r Juatph Hutetr of I I I Bouth HoPonth atrual dgd Ib* btbar bF Cbirlaa H. IColb o< H* Wbrran ifttM . t Both eara and tb* T***«-)tt*t*

■' I ■' ■ I > r 1 I ■ OraN SATURDAYS UNTE. 10 P. M.$10 to $15 Panama

Hati $0.05 J M c U r e g o r s

$35StoSSO a t F F e S a ----------9tiit snw

Hats S2JS

S o u tltB ro o d o tL eio y ette Street* Nvwesrk

Clearance Department V-

Jerse/s Greatest Store for Men and BoysBecause McGregor's only terms are c#A, McGregor's regular prices ire ahwayi lowest, now at these reducwl prices you arc buying

merchandise near cost, at cost, and less than costAnd the quality is guaranteed, just a s if yoahad paid regular price.

Qearance of Men’s ShirtsIS.OO, UMn a

SHorre$ 1 * 0 5



m ibes, oolon and c Eutire stock redaoed

a e n lengthB. M r*" F lo o r .

H M u a i i s $ 4 , 6 0 . $ 5 . 0 0 & $ 6 . 0 0 $ 8 * 1 9 & $ 1 0 $ 1 0 . $ 1 1 a $ 1 2


$ 7 5 0

t a r w tth

$ 3 5 5Hagp with O X F O R D S

$ 5 . 9 5


$ 7 . 9 5

O m a n to ta*. Callay* la Natrb. N o m r U s o a a n y s f t h e m i l

Clearance of Men’s Shoes112. $14 A 116 SHOESAND OXFORDS

$0.05 .

AU c a l o r a a n d l e a t t w n .E n tire Bloek red u ced . M ain F lo o r .

Hundreds of Men’s and Young Men’s



but gobadp WM b«bt*r !'

Pefioe Seek Ml# Vkt He Wis Oly’s S iibW F*U«* g rt jo aU i# # » S.

g B tM tiB t • • tha m HtF «ggit>gidUlie..4# S

augw. bt'WWiMHa

la e


b gugMdwHBjesr'*""’'wb» WM WjF

Saga* g l thalr abf»r I tba art« a te ]


$45. $50 and $55 Summer Suits

Reduced to

* 3 8 ^A b

Usual, Alterations FREE

$60, $65 and $70 Summer Suits

Reduced to

D o n o t o o n f in e Rmwa H fc G irg o r N e w n ik -m n d e S u its w ith s o i ls o f u n k n o w n orig iiL so U b y b o n o k n o w n d ea le r. E v e ry f o m e n t a t th e a b o v e re d o e e d pH oes ' b y m h e r e in N e w ir i t , f r o m a U ^ o o l bimI fe s t-o o lo r m a te ri« l. T h e w o rk m a n s h ip is th e b e s t, a n d ttie s ty k and fit y o u ea ii see f o r y o u rse lf . T h e M eu reg o r

ile e faiBu reg lo n g w e a r a n d a b a u h ite e a tis fa c tio n .Id I b t h n n A e d s o f s u i ts j m t le d u o e d y o u w fil f in d y o u r 4 ie , co lo r, (h b c ic a n d m o d e l Y ou w iU ,a lso fin d s sm ii ig U rg e en o q g b lo p e rm it y o u to b u y sh o es , b a ts

Witt tfait msdnf.

V •• vj'


I * ' ] . ' - '

Sale of Men’s N p a ili or Yale

$L50p S2.$0 and $2.50 Shirts or Drawers

# 1 . 0 0

•ndm iyi

Men’s and Young Men’s AIMVooI and Fast Color

Bbe Serge Suits

» 4 5 * 5 5 - - » 6 51

O a B n g T W g a g n

Ilk #12 and n s

Sale of Men'*IMpaik or Yale

S2J0, $3i» SISO and S4J0 Union SnH*

$ 2 . 6 5

AO 4 k # wMh the bcM Bejeetjon in tba acty


b ititt Annas at M firpaidl reetp ffOYeeHrom Oar Main Store Ampia Quantifies- Perfect Merchaw&e—Newest Styles

' I :. tFirst Long TrbuMr Sdb

iiamo’ly Sold at $2$y SlO and $15 . Redneri te

I d o o r c o Ita w R . ‘ SB ilM ii colonb

.. ' ■, ' W.IL

Boys’ Fan^ Mbed Norfolk Suits Formerff M d at tl8 ^ ^ and $25

. wnuuueu m# I 2 «

AB-wtlh t«# ij'V 1

[ JLrph



g - g aOURS


A i M k r tiM M t af k«n4> h u tw n biM 4o«»U«ii WMmlUaa,' which liaMltohUM tiMMvh la (h* Ironbounil IH>t l>lit j a 4 w hich wIN halh a m cM MtUa* ibahay aftcracaa at n. Cad' mif'a ■all la TaaRuraa drMt. Rav. ■mI will pradh* at thal rail)', Ortgiartr tha aaUPaal ba4ara of thr ra naa« aa Naw-bat tha laaal «smmltt*aamjuaI#h‘mK aaaSTbtM laatM ilf ralaitadlf ralaa« thair mal u ttH.aa

' A i l t t t f ttraa-laarthp af lhal amount •M haaa aaaaaalaa tar. Roaiaoo the

M haaia aaU hr tha Iwa a*«- M. awra ikaa ad- aaa aaM by a law Tollah warbtai adapaadaoily.

Hr. Airaiaaf aaa Mr. E«an. t t a liPaRira lad alabt laaladad Wlada- law Badakl a t Iba M lab laaatlaa at WaaMaMa. laaaca MarawakI of tha .|MM t oaMalata at Now Tortc'aad Bd- «a«A Vwiuilaa of Ibla cHy. Thaaa thraa 9 a k a la Pallah. Aaa. JoaaphThlT'--------r* K. Hanlalaara lUmiBn

' W M IIa ebtttah'diractad a aanMaad iharaa a^ IM yalnaa la alaalaa aaaaral ■■aabaiA

Wbaa, tita boad aalllag baaaa at th< adM lBli^ af Iba waahint. Iba two aHy alfldala primal lad oft by aaeh IweheelBg a boad. Tha largaat dagla MtalMBa af tba avaalaf waa af |i* a Wf tba rallah Baalaaaa Naa'a laraat- amal Aidi clatloa. Moat of tha talaa. ft waa aaaoaaoad rapraaaatad add!- Maaal pwrekaaaa mada by paraoaa who had boatbt baada aarllar tn Iba drira.

.Shop Owner Denies Strike As Walk Out

Twaalpadlva babora aad abaat on fealpard awployad at Iba plaal of tha OalMntl aahlag Compaay at I I I Wat* drtp aaawaa ara oa atrtha, amardlag to A alataOMBt mada Ibla m ara lu PdANMMatlva af tha aaloa. Tba oaw t A r , Mmarar, daalaa haawladga of tha m i l dial of aay atrlka

fpaaaa amlgaad by tba ualoa ■ah Sat Ibair aotloa la that aataa Uma aca tba aodpaay pramlaad that May I It waihM raeogalaa tba aaloa, aad aoa

ratatloBa wttb Ita amployaaa iraahlatlaad Hltbarta

aaadwotad aa

Of an lha apfrapriata wad- dlaA padaatlaa aad bhtbdaj fifla la oar atach of tao law- airy, lha bracatal wtlah Maadt Idgartaal aa a talmrtaa Hart- dMoa'a Mm waalMy aad aayw- ftor mrotoa laadaawi wow a laa ftr pariad tbaa n r « fW Jowalar la Nawaih, iltaH ii aaa- thl (Ifli that laal a Mb ttea.

N«wsffc*s CdMtsr

Hartdegen’s■atad Mu td Wart NM M. '


jGMst Haveamassoflooii thick, ileamy hair^


eeeafdia* la aalee poealetl Wm l y s i ay baa alw^a

WheiilL ttaa aaiad tba aua aar, tba aaaaaaw taSaaad to laaha aay afnotai t or tba laaoL Moraorar. tbay adfWiala baaaa la dlaebaraa la tha ahoh aad hira Boon with aay aatia Tbay alao 1,1a say orarthaa «Maa aaaard- Ma m)m aibidalaa, aataa auajlba.aai Kth rpaatra

Special$4J9 & $5.49

Hal) reffulariy itltimg at much higher prieee

These hats are made specially for this occa- ' sion and are probably lowest priced

trimmed hats offered thi^eason.


There are hats for Dress and Tailored wear in a variety of shapes and colors, to suit bptb young girls and matrons.

Among these hats areRICH TaffeU Hats In Navy B lu e - pleated and softly draped — large mushroom or medium “off-thc-fate" models. Price 15.49

Black Satin Dress Hals with tranapa^ ent brims of maline—trimmed with say flowers or burnt feather effects.

Price 15.49Summery Georgette Hals in Navy, Flesh, or White—trimmed with soft wide ribbon or dainty flowers. Price W-49

it _daaMa Mi bmotr. Taa caa Ham Mt tl Mag; tbMb. Mniw, laainw bale, baa'i M*H plar Mdim, ibla, mrapyty ar ta«ia» rtas bwM ItB aatof, *taar ani vltalUy.Oat a W mal balUa at mVfbtlal **Daa. | MtaW at aar dNf,ar MWt a iar ta ,,

MaMMa ram aaaMi aliith daaarail aad 1 M« |M» Mar biir am# iH> aUmaiaMMs l s : s s l

af Um Mpr IMw O. l#My Umi Mta la aa m 'ba 'feaowa. lu aai layii i baaa Mt ibraagb hbiaa, Umt ara aatc'

Bt paya warb ta I bampafwd.I wSt aat ba raeagalaad, ba ■ Mhif. Ba aaya bla aoaa- I baa aad alwaya wtn allay

# Iba apaa Mah.

mtiwa—Siwryl— , pm MpawWia TMadarbm ‘

. MOMR!'•OHfomia Syfup of FlfiP*

Child’s Best LsxativeM i ^ M i s i o grnieir Two Children

llaa Mward Rabaa of way aayaalad taala PMaaMm of lat plaaa, ta aaatat. bba la fla#at bM wHaTuuiaa Pa- iBBibat had tb9r ahlldyaa, bayh twalaa aad fayyiaaa. Tba baabaad laid tba ahlaf that tbay taft baaaa baiarday wbila ha waa at work. Wbsa ba ra- tamadJm feitad thaai Maa, aa waa tlM la aaafiaad twa |M Ubaaty baada Pilamba aald ba baa alaaa triad to hmala thdm at tba bemaa af rtlaUyat la Rawarb aad otbar naarby alaaaa. bat witboat raault Ua daelarad ba koaw a( aa raaaoa why bla wifa Mrahld laaM

South Orange Village. Peculation Is 7,274

Tba pbpulatlnn of South Oranyo ▼II- laya Hba Incroamd l.iW alaca Itia, It la ahawn by a report of lha Canaui My. »aaa At Waaplntton.Tha Ttllayo haa now a .bapolaltoB af tjii. no Incroaie repraaihtd twaniy*, . yaa yarealtl. In ton yrara.

ni l Fredeiick H. Ketchum B in Aher 'iW -r ‘ Short Ulncu from Broodiiti*

grydaHcb Hurd Kctchum. vlea proal- Mwo yanoral mannyer of tba Im- Malal Layadry Company of (Ma city HIKW Ad catabltabmrni In lii}, died yiiyiarddy at bla home, IT North SavoB' r ’it' taybib >troat. Bait Oranyo. after aa IIHiMt' of Aa daya wllh aeut« bron> .cblllaiMM had been In falllnf health dar pavae# yaar».EafcimtB had been pr«tt<1«nt for

f fORfjt’ th« Royftl LftunAry ■ay of nttabaryb and for tan 'aan ypaaldani af the Jaramo Avenua LdndrT'Catnpaay bf Raw York city. MMaM ba W*a opa'.at Ih* tnundera. irU farthM baditor of the Weatlny. M)MM-lllaetrl«ebhipany o .RIttaburyh..) lijhTthi bP eoibbalv In lilt, after fit- ■ }iM yaStwiA aarytoa.. 'Tva tKha! fordttr presldaBl of the New '**1'■■■ I ' T ifiinitr»Miii‘i Club aad waa ■

and Chemical City, an F. and A.________ a7lt..luadOfoTebWdLand llR' l<ln<mln Re fSab of thii city.!. He wan faara ayo in Clacftibatt and Ih'SHt Oranild flltean y«ara. Katakpia waa married on ^ne IH*. IT Bfooklyn. to |Un Kau Ay RayiaaSr. who..dltd l>*p«mber laih Ob May • of Ihia year ho --- ' MUWMary fHuarl of Pttta-pitblB adfe be leak#! two aona. Jt WH# AbormaR P at Caai e^r. Mra. W. NTRawyor

■i ai|b; iMO ba AoNiDciod “ ' tht fii'yWab bt ibi' 1,'JbnaUn. paa-

l -,. am waa. iorj»*r p.™,#Jafaoy ihuadiyfaen ■ (If :~iliiak lf of tbe 'nrug fl ASl# of ROW Tork'OUy. an P.of Xtnyatoa, K Tu tba Hermll

387 Cotton Crepe

Breakfast Coats$2.24

A simple model, with straight, slender lines. It Is trimmed with cotton frlgg^ around the sleeves andheoj. Long, narrow sash encircles the ^ is t .In ro4e, Copenhagen, Infc.

Sum SS to 44n»«. bdlb it»ae4

for Indepeodonc* Doy

FLAGSWe have ■ good lelec- tlon o f til-w o o l b o n t- ingd ht tttrhcdve priced. Site 2 ft. X 3 f t 11.4* “ 3 a « 5 f t I jH- 4 ./I. * « f t- s ft. > a f t sa»- 0 f t I 10 f t r j f" a ft. 1 13 n. ttm■ 10 ft. X IS f t i# .4a- 12 ft. I 20 f t IT Ja * IS ft. X 2S ft.'‘4a.TS- 30 ft. X 30 f t a t j ia

And p o le t t n d b rack e t* .Pole* 8 ft.Pole* 10 f t fi.oaPole* 12 ft. 14;Bracket! H e to l» a a

SPECIALMarcertied rUfa,

inouiiHd,12 X 18 iBCBea,

Jdc each

na^'Blodcni DepvtHcM 84en Im 1 lufMltal wtthbi ita walk. TW bcaltii of tlw BHAbcn «ltke ocxHi)iatJ«M ia uR flir the coMatant ohamtUoB of a mff of phyakiaM and danUatM.

Here arc two good styles of glove* for women who are going to the codntry for their btliday. They are serviceable and practical because ttey can be easily laundered.

Two Clasp Chamois Finished

Lisle G lo^

$1.09iThree rows of heavy eml|)idery on backs, wrist

bound with contrasting colofto match embroidery.

WhlH trimmed with aatttrtl Mode " brownPonfee " _ " beaver

trimmed with gray Ite " " pongeeite " “ black

Lisle Pull-Ons

5b Women’s Pongee Dresses.$17.74

Coat model—In natnfal aalor pongee. Made of t fine quality pongee, plain skirt, coat boxplaited^belt of material, futeoing with two pearl buttons in front.

Tht. drei* I* made in on* plyce-eimple and aa»y to adluat. Cool and freah looking. It ta made on inch elmple Itnee that It la tultable for any hoar.

For the euburban woman It U Ideal-not too elaborate for the train, yet cool and comfortable for town.jyblra naae’. n*tb at« Rear

White Chamois Fini$ L l

About fifteen Inches long, h4' pique sewn, strap and clasp wrist. Double draw eear backs, gusset at wrist

ff liw n '

For the ChiWr^r# 4th of July

9e package

Sparkler whecle,for holding iparklen,


Pistol, hoUar and beMa,for'^fldren,

d9e, 7k AMe


Aeeayt ■■Callleoua" arrue e t yi«» ealy— laeh tat IBe aan* Caliroiata n the BBeh- ay*rtta«B y n a r , wre yw r child M harlay oae af lha hmt Md uaei harniaw rhrwaa far the IHIIa Mamach. Hear aad kawala Children lav, IH tn illr that,, rull dlrac- liana an aaah baltlt. Tau mutt m r “Call- tornia."—Advartlmmaai for Calirarnia r t f ■yrup Ca,

TmA Tender SfMtsVtt CtriknmAfbrSbvingAIMr Mwvhy whb CWleuta 8 ^ 1M MlMm way, wtboui rniiy, yeady n * «Mr lyata aa tern er*Ban#aBemH

w«k t Ml M Cancan Oby i at TbMl WB# eS #f wkb Cmlcim tmy *^ ^ wMb I M wna tea# wsMt. FMeH euM«aiit^



...... -M th a

ASmjN .“Bayer” on Genuine


ATTENTION!For 62 yean we hawe sold depend­able merdiandiae l lowest-in-the dty prices.' We art doing so now, and shall ^ tinue to

■r*r.The Sununef tw i^ is fioi

Electric FI90T.


J hH * ? :I".*;

Him WTTruorty m n

This lamp is very at­tractive, with a 24-

' inch shade, silk lined and trimmed with gold bi^id snd silk ’fringd. The shades

: had in rose,gold or blue.

. 'I

, The base is mahog­any, and Atted - with

' * two pttll'bhaln sock-,f y ■* •<■*(' 'I'

Misses’ Shantung Suits.74

of dm Saeat make thete anita raally exceptional.Shmtutig of excellent qnallty tnd tellorin. - And Shaatang ia the accepted fabric for a ort weer.

' TVew ModelsThe I t# The aUiar at: k

li a Toxado. It haa goaeroua patch podnia, aad a narrow bait hotda it at tbo w#iL

la a onO'b (Ion mod#. Patch poeketa an a nurow saah art

ifain to mako It rtctleal.

eaM»a awewuyeaployod aaiart aad



% lo-’ W V * * h‘ ^ V—

ia 11^ inchea hig h, W/4 t i i t e w iir and oRa'd^aart Alnmkittiii abetTce 4 radlatora, 2 n d h k f In this Choker there la triplIeaHf psila for loap end .IWI'W-B-enenn ume dm*. 1

. Cofld sigiuiifIf ifo^ fai^y It e f i^ be sstih ^

mliieF ler«, eU os'dfa^'ln ,<me▼e are,offerii|ig__ _be|ov-v<me ow,iVhf 4—which wn voidd PeiUMb ,■■. Ko.HA

Ko. i«A






i t

r t ' ***1


Addreat Given by W, Spader Wilb

‘ a ■ m aw u’ achM l far t ra ta la a la to fc h ln c m tlh'>4a w at t»4ikr I* 'lk« Oal4wtU lIlgK Brhool, w ith an- ff#|mf&t o f nlnoty, of whom al#llt7 *owa

m am bart of iha T>omtnlcM tfo ta r- >eod taftoh la t ordar Tha m o^rH y of tiiA a lf litr -o n a a U U n haaa booh foe in pororhU l achoola Tha ramotB* lot «U h t m am bari of th« aummar alooo •»a fraO uataa nf public talfh tohooll o r ] ara (ak in# iha (^eurva to Motiro Uo^naaa <o laa rh d u rln f tha na*t poor. ,

Tha ro q ria ta bqinf conductad undar jB lh o rlty of lha b ta ta IH portm ait of B aucatlon and tha an tlra axpanao lo b o iro mat by tha r^ornlflloafi ttita r* . Aaajtona win ba hatd avafp dap hut Sunday far tha next fW# w aaki from i A M. until noon

Tha aaaxlon ih li m rtrninf w ai Opanad w lih a abort talk bp Dr. W. Spo*,lar Wlllla, principal of tha S tata

K of iia) School. Nawark. who |a aiao a tnam bar of tha Slate Board of Kl^ BtnJnrra Ha waa Inirodured hy Siatar Coh'^apta, who Ifl d lrartrtM of otadlaa.

In w rlro tn ln* the taruHy and eUa«I WllJIa declifad the |ro u p to bo an

aa 'Cpllonal ona, a i it wax rompoacd of I wo nen of m aiuriiy and cuitura who

bad dedicated ihelp )ieaa to tha taarh* In f of rhildran. He wa* p artlru larlp lli 'c rrn tod baraij.e «f (he teach lnf• m .r The principal. Mlaa Lvalla ^ ‘.aer. ix 1 member of the faculty of lha local normal irhool. and two® lhrrr ^raduaipii undar him.

Th* la iK r » rr M lo Klorrncr M»(- Ih m ii, InJitrurtnr of phrrlcal ( r iln ln c In the i l rv o l .n d Juriinr Hl»h Bchpol. UI* oily .n d M I.. Iron . r . H .m m ln r e r ltlc if»o)irr In ih . W .h i i .r T ra ln ln f Bthool, . 1.0 of this city T h , „ i , , f ,n .

*' " 'in m -r K^hool 1.VIlMy V airiKiT i'jp .rta tondon t of achnola at Dover

S L U r r -o n e p t , . . id th . i i h . r , » -la is u m l.u n d ero u n d tn a on th* p»rt of

D om in ionICB hor.. All of the*, i .h ln t th* *um.IT/L i''’" ' * r «

*"** '>«"f n l Tfc? *'?*'■* ""'■"'•I •'■hool tra lh -

hi 'T''''’'’■chnnl I. h»vln( (bo *iimmorpublic »rbooli hroughl Into v ro a ltr

• lu d if . th - r . « in bo loclur*. proitilneni aduoatrira Teata • tv rn *1 iho rlo .o oT iho trrm ,


Stone Theft Case Hearing For Henderson July 13

ro rm * l r h « » r . condacl un-•o w m ln r a county omployoa will bo •o ry rd tom orrow upon WiliUm J. Hon- «rr»on. l i iy o r of S’orth l aidwoll. wno w t* rw o n ily .u .pondfd *■ chief o n d - no r of tho county ponltontiary. Hon- d .r .o n w ill bo nivcn * h u r ln * hotoro B u j-.rv l.o r Bowden , i th , p o n it.n ti.ry Ju ly IJ at 10 30 n’rloi''k.

Hondoroon'o ou.ponolon * wooh «»o foMowod *n lnyo*t|,* iion

inildc by the frooholdori’ prl*on. com- m lliro in to the thofr of tw olv, of • lo n e from the p rl.o a quarry. It w u blouB ht out th*t thooe had been d .l ly . « « d lo Iho North Coldwoli Bornnch b r H urry D on il.o , one time In the o n - ploy of Iho county *■ chauffeur of • tru ck . P o u n ia i Informod the froohold- • ra th a t dellvory had boon mado a t lb* roquoat of (ho cblof onctnoor The t a t ­te r denied thia.

Tlio rhorvo*. preforrod by W ardan HOap. Include two ■pociricatien*. The i I lfn i ncena.* Hondorion of a ld lu f and 1 ■oM tlnn [>ouff1na and other peraona un- ■BBwn to tak e and carry away tho •*®na. Th* aacond accuiatlon It th a t h« coaaplred w ith D o udaa and o ther Bdrvona unknow n to carry away tho p n iM rty of the county. Thoio acta ar* •tiBBod to hay* boon eommlltod' In or •h o u t th* taonfha of U arch ta d A pril

More Tweaty-fecond Infantry Men Arrive at Caldwell Ranfe

w. •"*'*•*'* Tw-dhty-tacond^ n * In fan try , who, under lha command OT U a u to n a n t Norm an N. N tlton bnya V«an pollclnp th* Cal4w*l| R ifla R aaf* fo r lha paal few m onthi. wora rallaood ■ r a freah datnehm ont of tha anmc racl- m em from P o rt Jay yaatarday. Th* r*- llav rd man l* tt for th* fo rt Imm*- d ia te ly under command of tha non- •om m laalonad officora. L lautannnt N»l- bon ram alna a t tho ranp*.

E arly In Juno Lloutonant Holton ro- oelTod ordora to atrip tha ranpa and p rep ara to abandon th* proparty. I t w aa than ata tod th a t tha troop*, In- oludln* th* officer, would ba ramovod Vy Ju D * to a t the laleat. At thh t tlm* H WM aapoctod th a t ih* b u lld la tt and OTiMr proporty would b* to ld by th* y n > rta m ia a t« r atatloned a t Camp Mor-

Uno* (h a t tlm* Captain Caaa of tha Boat'd o f A p p ^ laera of the W ar D apart- m en t haa vlalted tho range to adjuat claim * of owner* of prop«rty takan lo r ran g * p u rp o .o a Captain Caaa atimpA^ th* ta le lam porarlly and It Will b* naoaaaary to m ain tain a guard Oh tha rang* un til tha govarnm oat Intdraat la th a p roparty la «nd*d. Juat whaa thla w in bo la not known. It may bo oov- o ra l wook* bofor* th* troop* a r t w ith ­draw n .

------- — — VTnde Board Mamet Men SukaUe

At Terminal Comnitlee MeodicttEither Arthur H, Walfa of Til Blah

atroet or Ihaac P. Ro* of I I Uoaala would bo agreoahl* ta tha toard

• r Trad* aa North Jeraay'a ropraaenta- tivo , an Iho New Tork Terminal Coaa- mlttra, a aub-commlttaa of th* Inter* atat* Commerce Commlaalon, Theae man Were aelactad at a matting of tha

' board today. Th* eommltalan aahod tM t name* b* aubarittad of area Mil- abla a t th* roproaentatlva of th* mana- taoiafora la tUa diatrtft. Oat la to bo «h**en. Baavnuturot* from *th«r mdalclpaiuioa w in alaa habmlt namoa.

Me Wolf* la aaalataat I* tha maa* daw ®f ‘b* Batl*rw#Hih.Jadma Cot.ta fftioa . aad. If aaUetid wiu b* i i v n

Ivo- afbabaonM t f dorate all Ml ' I arofk. Hr. Rod la preaUaM

> o f Roe B Oanoaer, y > -

H ard W b M Aaa* BMa M ia y;

Id d t p f WiMM b i t Mil wad m u U ^ OT Utd

atrddt. at ArilOTOTOT iVda*

■ s s r a n k S a w


V -r.

* ” **irwlh# eraiih Ik*ila f board of

iicAirdd-.' tbd dtlUBMlLOTe.

N eicSpecial Sakil

Taffeta FrocksFor Women and Mfaoeo




AppexllAff Models of Navy and Black Ti^etx. Also Figured Georg­ette Dreases ip several styles.

Sale Price 18.00 Values 35.00

To Close Outf Ffiday175 Children’s Dresses

Of Chambray, Plaids, Checks and Organdie. Also Navy Reg­ulation style in blue and white.

R ^ uced to 2.195Girls* Wask Middy Skirts; Plaited Models. Reduced to 1.85

A' Specially Prepared Sale

Remd-Made BlousesAai 1 extensfre asaortment of hand-made BktWKBi devdopod td fine quality white Volte and whdte Batfite. Homstltched and drawn.

> ' Moti*Exceptional Values

. . . . M

Motorists Know the Difficulties of These RoutesNew York to Poughkeepsie and Return


Brooklyn to Sayville, L. I., ReturningI

Through Huntington and the North Shore Newark to Delaware Water Gap and Return

A Stock Essex, Five Passenger Phaetonis covering them every day this week, locked In high gear with shifting lever removed.A stock Essex made 3,037 miles in 50 hours, averaging better than 60 miles an houfiestablishing a new world's record.This endurance run prompted thousands to buy the Essex car.This week’s "high gear run" is to demonstrate Essex power and flexibility on hills and roads familiar to local motorists.Will your car do this? Try it, not ^voiding hills, but seeking them, as we do on this run.

Hudson Motor Car Company of New York, Inc*866 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.


n 1

D i.ttT 'S S

h i t #

• '"-Si:|C. Jl: 'r' '


[T W W E l . |p , .* fW


. SVfl V, ...... . Pwife:’W w « « n a « iO T >





■ f s lS

' 0 -




T i e P r m i t r

i i m t k B o t m

t f l h w T o ^ mid Hnmrk

Tilephom tS AfatV OrdtrsRective Can*jid Juntiam

TJ5 Broad Sl (mwmm.) NewarkNew T«k Slarei:» Waal-OMiSL and 4X7 rU tt Awe. (atSMi SLT

Pays for the Use of a Victrola for All Summer


Attd Landay Service Guaran* tees You Thorough Satisfaction

You may have the pleasures of music and dancing at your camp or bungalow without carrying your large Victrola with you.

Pay for any Portable Victrola in our stock—the prices range from $25 to $75—use it all summer—return it before Oc­tober 1st, and receive credit

' for the full amount less $2 service charge. Thtl?, if you

' buy a ^ 5 Victrola, you can re­turn it and get credit *for $23.


This credit ydu have the t^ tlo n ■’«;of applying at any flme you ; wish ts^the purchaie o f vYldtor records—we, have , th e la rg edstock In ithe .^ty—or yoiivinay^ .....apply i r w jk e





■ M W .-’..;',■VV- "!■'


v;iI t ,

r'J .:

vtolM litatiM i0 b »

n w m u i

K «


«PM to ( to (k to U M •» «rMUr iMiiir«i(

Ml w iim t t toM (to M ato i

v to to M

t i Mali ft vftftk*I Mr MM n>ll» MftT kft riif tftt «M •* MA «uk r w •«■ IftM aMlMt rr ftfOM

MkMM(r« Mr PftMliftlMft rftrftU kr ftMIfti Wtr *k«<- I 'M m m

I MHk tft* vrMw'r m jh u ft »«ir»M m ( • BftM MMk. IM ii»ft««r»»Mft «mi

Mr •.

M ft MftMkrr • ( tbi ArwMteft ■itaMft lurrM ftftft ftftto-

t o ' ( # ) M IMilWMft rM M ftfMftMhM, M r M kft Mvlftllr iM M Uft weeftl ftft

ft* ito ftMtiMuft rrMft toofti H bM*M ftttoUft M ftftUftftl >• (ft*

ftIftMhIlftft • • Ift llftrMIMIMft

Whit They Went. 1wTftU ft rr«ft( toftftt ftnorr fttovt m wMk Urft« m t btlatftrftd (ftrt. ftftUgto of Btotoft to Birftteh

1 ro o n to C ftn4, >• h*

Mttftrritlfti BMlftM itft r « to to n U » a t* tftM b r

■ ( to fftrm of ft •ovfM (ft y u k thlft

(ft wftftitb ftad ft blfthar. or I to w ir fttoncltttoB . But thft ■ftTftt. ftpMftft* ( to offftr to

•IftiBmfta tbft bftnftfftctor, w*j r»4. ftto only then Iftomad Mft rftfti ftftd forttvftoftftft ftttll

Bat to to d cluftt to ft IftUftrftd (Hftrk Rnftftftll, fttid hftd found

to n of hM cftti door w on m ibfttttntft for bftd rods In ftoftlnc ft 1ft (too* word* hft ftftnt out bla toroftfal tton rolltft, fe n e w e r i

tovftto tto dnftRM ftf ftwioft (•rto d bftftk to th r

Mr. RftftMU’o brick romonr*. Ito oto»r “W tot Tot Wftftt"

ftoaolaeo roavoftUan, It would ■allkft t to to r» of t to tftU. Tt

for tto cftftdMftlft. ftod will flfto. Bom* tontlftBiftfi from

•trftftt In Mftftkftitftn. from Uek ftftd froM C bk*ro t o n tt. T to Imu* Ift whottor tb*

■to* t to O. Uftorr toro , will (fttorfftrfttw to Ito «ftm« torrid

iB i t i n t OitoBB toft* *M_____________ J l tt*BOT t to W U BBIII ftdtto tkroft Trcii-ion, w to toft* toft* ftUftbMto vtow tto rroblOBM of Buror* fiw n th* •BBlft BBlIft. Mon tta a onoo AB#1o-PY*nfli rftifttlofift to r* bftftO Mrftttnd ««d Iborft r*r bftfto rood ftoftoft far ftta rr criticiftin tork •Bd forth ftern* tto Cbamaftl; ftll of which fOftft to fttww Ito t m eb totomftUonftl mit- t«n 00 or* (foubllBB Barapo ouebt not to bft loft to thft roprftMAtailftftft of throo (ov- •roniftnU urltb th tlr lira l oinbltlonft and In tftrftfttft. tortopa, on lb* wBolo. It 1* for- tunalft that t to orgaBlafttlon of th* Iftaii'i* hft* b*«a dftlarftd len t ftnoofth to lot ih« world MO how Impoftftlbt* K would b« lu hard thftftft Pramlftrs contmo* Indiflftllftly '.o try to find ftolulloa* for all ih« quftfttlona that moat to iottlad.

Thft ftoonftr thft Iftfttwa can tak* full com­mand thft bftttftr. for iho problrm* of tto world ora ao InUrwovan that thry cannot to handiftd ■oparattly. Ao llluatratlon of thi* la found In thft laaaua'ft handling of Panlft'ft ftfpftfti for protaetlon againat th* BoUhavIkl. Wbftt could It dft. aacopi advlao Tofftlft lo •oatlaa* nagadatlona with th* BovUia. whan Poland waa. at th« aawift tlm*. conducting a campalfh againat th« Bolahrvikl with mora or tana nnctlon from aom* of lha Alllftd powanf

What la naadad la a policy to which th* oftKclatad nailona muat adhar* and con­form th*lr pollelftai and oaly tha laapu* l> oo«p*unl to fermutat* ftueh a policy- UO' laftft thli *an ba den*, thara I* aothtnf in light but a ralurn to tha old atniggtoft b«- twaan tha chancolltrl** *f Bttrop*. oa-oh con- landing for It* own inli «ftta and *ftch com- MltUag ttftalf to ftdrt -turaft and pollct** which pr*v*nl united action. Kurop* tin drIRftd tftT anough In Paralft, In Poland. In Tlirlity, In Harman affair* tp pror* that It muftt havft ftuch a conf*r*nc« cham btr and rlcarlnr bouft* aa only (hft laagu* offer*.

PoHdcftTn* Am dB Hhm.

and anb.gaMaaa IftdleatlM f ta fartnar •aerataiy of th* t to papalar ekole*. Moat of tho aitina ta to oa t to Mdo of hit

af t to atelld oppoaltlon. to It ttaae ba, nadar (h* laah of

^toBaia. aa t t o a tto r. I ta r a a M to ia -

f dMUaot Mamlah on hta ooculchooB tMt (a aria la t to ciroaaMtaaooa.

Mba-dfeM* rata la tto M« bardlo. Th* * e ^ -HaM — BtoBMlIna any thaar ' " | t o **(• Parhapa thay can. But

k *BStt*a and t to prpcaa* of In t t o nopport of tndtvIduoJ

aata la, >• It roaaoBablo to *up- ( to (irat hrofk *wtll coipo In th*

ohato* rather thanV y.---

fo itttr t t o o ito r M y. En- P Bponunaaaa *Bd iMba* con-

M r* ’ftraakon* in MW a t torrid aad popnlar daalr*, or at

| l tig tOBdanoy. But It haa to be ' ' aB oaoh conrantlan la a rule untu

( ta t procadant doei not n*o*t'/

W to lia b k Wood aad iMWdaa aa t at Chi- iga la a t lao r*e*nt mamory to m II for

f t doft* not aparata la th* caa* N r. WiM po a t ton Ernnolfteo, nnd h*

aat, lih^ Champ Clarli In BnHtmore In toba la carry th* eralfht of b*lnc th*

a a u e favotit* uf **tto inUraata" u h I a to t l Btanda no blavh mark. That 1*

I that, In Ih* light of paat *k- gtfty mak* It difficult for Ih*

ta pall him down froig the high ha lotoy t* occupying.

The League Aseerts Itself.waa not to h« npoctod that council of

iM g w af Nation* would alftrt off with Imaitolai* oaarrtlon of anihorliy. The

Couacti, compo**d of th* Premier* Prano* and Italy, and their od- In being and functioning. It waa

nalarftl that thap ahouid hav* ba*n to oontinu* acting for th* Alllad until thft Iftftguft Connell could

tWa nad gat going. But erldftno* that council I* now under way and

If (a aaaum* th« powar* aaalgned to It treaty appear* In U* action of

ly. ftrhait. for th* rirat Urn*. It took tho Hr* In Important Intarnatlotwl matter*.

I* eaunnil then *«t a date. July t t . for Bnaaclal confarenc* at Bruaeela it ad-

lb* Bupram* Council what policy It lUI, pa^auo ftrtien It nroftta tho Harman

a t Spa. dad roqueatid It to bring final aaMlamont tha queWlona ponding a*|Wtany In order that th« way may h* fo r Ih* Brumal* Oanfarenc* to bagln

with a ftlav to r*-*atahlMilaB aooiwmla WtpaUan and th* flnanoa* of

tto Bp* Contara^aa. th* rprtmid th* opinion that

labU ptloa* MiMtM to cloariy do- , which la Inlarpratad to madn

u* aaaa ift -anpparU th* thaorr awaM of Ih* raparatlaM

p . ' '! UBflt IhM point 111* AUladhaan nafthl* ta ranch an

a t Ban Banw aad iraia la that Mnetloa, a i* a* l to r frata *a

I hiM aadsir aliar ta (hair tlU ig N *

I W l

The Pjjbllc Wins the Skirmish.The co**twl*e tr* n » p o rta tlo n (irlk * In

Haw York coatthuaa. fo r th o m en w ho quit

t to l f >ob* a* longnhorem aa on th * conaiwla* ftltam th lp pier* h a re no t re tu rn e d to tho ie lobft. The ftympathotlc ftcUon ol th e union truckm an and laam atera , w ho iwfueed lo U nck good* ta a a d fro m Ihoao p la r t during th* continuance of th e i tr lk * . Ii »llll In fore*. But th* fac t ra tn a in o th a t ao fa r t i t f f te ta ar« coocarnad, a n d aald* from th* coalft Involved, th* fttrlke I* b roken . The pier* have been p rac tica lly c lea red o l their accum ulatlana o f fra lgbL Bhlp* w h ich had la ta two m onth* In th* ro a d s te a d aw alllnii berth* a re being unloadftd. A nd. auh ject to delay* Incidental to d ep le ted w o rk in g force*, e th e r ship* to r * haan a n d a r* being loaded.

Thafto raaultft h*v* been ach iev ed In lom *- t h l a t Uk* a fo rtn ig h t of a c tu a l ac tiv ity , tol- laarlng a m onth o f ca ro fu t p ro p a ra tlo n , by tho application o f m ilita ry orB anIsatloo to usual buftlnam m ethoda, O rg an laad m ar- ran lil* Baaoctatlon*. o p e ra tin g th ro u g h a caa lra l eom m lttoo com poaad of m an of organising nbUtty. hav * don* It. Th* Cltl- ■ono* T ran ip o rtaU en C o m m tttoo d a tm * . and It* elaimft ar* baaftd on appaiw n t fac t, th a t th* w aterfron t frftlgbt b lo c to d o la a th ing o f th* past.

Th* rasutta hav* bean a c h la ra d w ithout ftloiaac* on r l th o r aldo. A n d th a y have baan based upon th * ooW prino lp l* th a t th* public Intereal could n o t be su b o rd in a ted to a conlrov*r*y batw aen em p lo y e r an d em ­ploy**. The cow m lU ao d e a e rra a com m enda­tion for It* auecaa* tn k a a p tn g U* actlvltla* free from any a tte m p t lo p ra lu d tce t t o taaue betw ean (he a trlk aro an d th e aleam ahipco m pin lH ,

Th* open ih e p laau* ha* baan Infected. B u t the Cltlm n*' C om m tU a* did no t Inject th a t laauai tt accap ted It. T h * a trlk* orig­in* tty conrernftd only th * quaatton of wage* paid a ri'latlvely sm a ll sec tio n o f t t o dock w orker*' untona—4.e*o m an o u t of ts ,* * a an ro ltad m am bar* of thoa* union* la th* port. It waa w hen th e tru c k driver* and leam stara. to e ffe c tu a te th o dem and* of tho dock w orker*, boyeo ttad th a s tru c k pl*r*, th a t th* la r ie r tasu* re a lty en te red .

Th* T ran sp o rta tio n T ra d e s C ouncil, a r*n- Im l labor body, h a s a d m llla d In a ffidav it* of It* officers and of Its a f f ll la ta d union* th a t tl* purpoee In effec t la to co n tro l th e tran i- portatlon tyalem of th * po rt, to th e end th a t thoee who refiia* o r fa ll to em ploy union labor eaclualvely sh a ll be e ffe c tu a lly pr*- ventftd from sh ip p in g th a ir goods through, tnto o r ou t of th e g re a le s t port In (hft counlry. T h li wa* ftfttablifthftd by th e court record In thft H urgeas lu m b e r r**e In Hrimli lyn. already discuaaeil Iti th ese colum ns.

Dut while th e s trik e . In effec t, I* over. Its m a ltf outcom e Is fttlll to b* defined. It Is developing like a gam * of chaaa between ftsperta Tho dock w o rk e r! hav e voted not lo call a genftral s tr ik e , b u t hav * given pub lie notlcft th a t som ftlh lng of th a t naturft may result If the open sh o p cam paign now sponsored by th e co m m ittee Is con tinued to thft e»lent of try in g In fo rc e union dock w orkers on th* d«*p se a plftr* to handle goods unloadftd by n o n -u n io n m en on th* coastw lw pier* nnd tru c k e d by th e com ­m ittee 's Independent tru c k linft. m anned by non-unlnii tn ick m o n . T he com m ittee Is p reparing to sue tw o f tttam sh lp oom panle* which havft iwfueed coiM ignm onta «o handled, on the ground th a t th e ir ow n employees, union m en. w ould s tr ik o If aak o d to handle th is con traband o f un io n ism . I f tn th is s i - ftctly sim ilar case th * V iew s of Ju s tte s F aw ­cett In tb s B rook lyn oaao a r s to ru le, t t o steam ship com panlas w ill loss, a n d whan th* re iu ltin g In functlon l i enforoftd, It will t o fteen w h e th e r th e un ion* n ra actually dom lnatad by t t o i r a lo c tad laadftrs o r by Itlddftn forcftS of radloallani.

Thft a c c i^ l t f td iM dftra h a v e declared againftt a w idanlltg o f th * Mrlkft, a a d to v * to a n suppertad tn th e i r a tan d , aub jao t to th* daclaratlon th a t th is ac tio n m ay t o ravlaad tf thft opwi iA p p laaua t* fo road . B u t a a I to plera and am o n g th # fttrlkara rftcftntly elroo- lar* have ba*h d ia tr tb u ta d w h ich Bhow th a t th * h iddan fo reaa e r a itoadU y a t work, i ig n a d " T to C a n tra l B a v o ln U o m ry Coun- clt of Amortoa.** th aaa e tro a la r* nail for BaaUBUBMBB tod BB>*bMm M t t o atrik*

M to «VBV ( to - M lMtt o B 0( , tol- IMBtyyi tlM ftMtoMBi ( t o to rk H B :BliMto'' out

' (iBM-'toi^MtoiwiK Bifitoto-toMrito:

^ ........

A $20,000,000 Enterprise Now.ISnglnfter Van Duynftfa ftstlmal* of

K .oot.oao th * ad d itio n a l am ount M-

qulrad to compiftt# th e construellon o f t to

rasftalc Vallfty t ru n k aaw er rftprftaSBU a

problem w hich Is no Iftas acrlous to the con­tracting m u n lrtp a lltlss th a n it Is to tho Passaic Valley Bew erags Commlsftlo*. Th* cost of building th is great flum e Is **W rslsed to (11.100,000. A large prwpoftloit of th is sum 1* tn conssquanes of th* ysara of delay w hich th e com m laslon ha* ftBoauB- tsrad in Its w ork . A sd th* sltua tloa I* n*a* th* las i trag ic because Its cause* have h**a Plata and beyond th e pow er of th* commlft- ston ta avert.

T he history of th* delay* which hav* left th is great public enterprle* still fa r from rom pisllon end co n fro n tin g a nost la r In *»- cssa of w hst w as at firs t proposed. Seven­teen years s f l s r th* oomnilssion which undertook th* w ork wae first named. Is i fam iliar en*. The flret contracts wer* let twelve years ago. the flret ten tative date filed for th* com pletion of th* sewftr I* ten years gone, nearly eight jea r* have paaftftil sine* Ih* exp iration of the period flis t fixed by etatut* when pollu tion of the river muat ftStlrely esaa* T h is lim it h as now been moved forw ard to th* end of 1111 The proMnt eatim at* of the englneftr la th* fourth step la advsnea In thft m a tte r of coat sines thft original eetlm ate of Ill.JtC.OOC w ai mad* In 1(01. and each lime th* leap has been on* of m illio n s F irs t It went lo lU.tOO.OUO then lo 115.100.#00, and now, ipp ro ilm ate ly , to tlO .000,000.

The roinm lselon seem s firm ly convinced that Its task m ust be flnlahed substantially aa bftfun and th a t th e r* ahouid bft n slther v turning buck nor s tu rn in g aside, o j some engineers have auggssted . w ith respect to the lower section and outfall. But Is th is latssl ssllm ato to be accom iianled with s definite assurance to the contributing munlc- Ipalltlei th a t It meon* p oslll'e ly (he m ax­imum of cost? W hat la Ihe altuatlon and the ability of th e m unlctpalltlea to enter Into a new supplem entary con trac t of ( t . 000,0007 Kftwarh. Tor exam ple, will hav* lo provide iwo-lhlrdft of th* w hole sum , o r ( I . t i t . 0*0, under II* con trac t w ith Kasl Orange, who** sew tg* It lake* c a rs of.

The a ttitu d e of th is city tow ard this long protraotftd w ork has been on* of grudging com pliance In th e severa l alterations ol th* contract re la tin g to th e paym ent of th# coat. It has manlfefttftd Im patience of 1st* both ■! th* delay und ov«r th e burden of ftxpftnse. Th* City Ift now In prox im ity to o ther Im­portant public p ro jsc ti to w hich H I* com ­m itted an d ftoon m uat meet, w ith by no m ean t a free m arg tu w ithin th* legal debt limit. I t la t ru e th a t th a t limit dot* not prftvall w ith raapact to coming iMue* of school and W anaqu* w ater supply bonds, but both o f th e se n u t te r s will have a post- tiv* Influence upon th e city 's flnanclsl sltuaUoa, an d th * w a te r problem Is oompU- cated by th* aBm* necftaslty for m setlng a Iram andously tncraaaad coat over t t o orig­inal i-sliu ls llu n th a t appear* In Ihs stw orI ro)^t'l. s.

A pparantly , how ever, thft only aolutlon o l th a H w ar p rob lem la to go ahead and tlntah It quicker a n d w ith th e least possible fur- Ib a r MWt. T bla w ill necew llat* continued public confidencft In Ih* bualneas wisdom of Ih* com m laslon an d lo th* eoundneu of th* princlplft* of an g tn eerln g upon which th* work la bfting done.

f T to p g i | i ‘gii g riM lai now t o i a f ftwd* by Bftpibliaaa* l a p u * th raag h a a u trM U o * legistetlan, i r ( to y w ia, a fU r * yaar a r •**** of dolap and obatradtlao. during w bteh thdy gav* Ik* paBpI* tittl* ralisf. r***ll* Id ■(>< ft ta la t t o Oraakd aaa* listened to from t to lips * ( AftOsp mar* I to a tw ^nty-flv* huadred y ta r t ago.

An aaa baaougbt a bars* is **ftr* him a small po rilsn of hi* laed. "T**.“ said th# b an e . "If sa p rsm s la t out of w hat 1 a a nag sa tin g I will give It y*a. fof *h* *to* •* my own ettpftrtor d lgalty i and If you will oome v h d n I rftaeh my own gtall In th* evening I Will giv* you s IIIU* ssek full of barl«y." Thft ftM replied: "ThftOk you. I eas t th in kth a t pftU. who rftfnftft m* a lltll* m atter now ftrtlL hy and by, eftftfsr on m* a g re a te r b eaftd t"

B to trd a te d f t ttn r . Oftd d ( IM W a r m t m * ftU ora u t o * ( to M gftifidsft* pgliatt ** t o r - e leP eg aHoftt. t t o haatap rtaU U ev ea ho ttlag IB B«M tMdgll MavlJl bwbbb*b to•o ld hrdrw shlarift tdM t and to l i u i ardlaMB t t Uttd hftid SBd MBfttlfBl BMM BldF ftM V • « w alghahl* leas a t ta r ta f a ra l paftia *(

atlU U*.

Bialnlftfts a r ruallaaa ahr ama tra a aad ch rem a-a taa l war* triad In I I U an d I t t l . Th*

. r tir-----waa (*aad t* ngalr* mat* Itoae ig h t per cfthL of chramlft**. w hlah am p to rP M d tft tw en ty par s f ta t, and taWI* »am - •r* « * s i t o r matal* M y t o addad w H h a lig h t a d v an tag * o r dlaadvaaU g*. t t o ahraaslam m u st ram aln. A* th* su in ta a s sh ram a-stas i. ao uaoful for cutlery aa d eafpsaU tW tso ls , w as iniapondftB tly pyaduaad hy H a rry D re tr ly of fthstfUld. both la ra a to ra ’ p n U n ts a r s w orked togatbsr.

fttate." H la ehiftf avowed objftctlon to th* board Is th* m annar In which It Is con ­structed . bu t h* bag* th* iMu# w hen he p s rp s tu a tss lb * p rln tlp l* with s m sr* sw itch of psrsonnal.

A lthough counsalad by th * slto rn ey gsn- era] th a t h* haa no t Ih s righ t to m ak* ad tn tsrtm appain tm sn ta , th* Oovernor a saerts th a t ta* baa obtain** "p roper legftl adv ice" to thft cofttrftry. an d *o o u su fiv* m em bers and nsm ftt M ven new ones until th* Benst* fthaU convene Ju ly IT In special eesalon at hi* vail to ac t on thft appointm ent*.

Th* O ovam or gm voly lamsntS th* a p - pftarancft of "political an im us" a t recan t m setlng* of th* board. It has «kl*tcd, no doubt, bu t tnfluencM close to Mr. E d w srd s. evan bftfor* h* ws* Oovernor, w ere d isposed to play ducks end drakes w ith th e com - inlftslon an d Its w ork, to the surprla* and d lacom ftture of thoM who w antsd to ses th * highw ays bu ilt expeditiously and In th s beat possible m anner. It Is not th* dtspoaltiun of th* Naxra to read any th ing s ln lite r Into thft O ovem or's action , but th e re a re thuao w ith axes to grind who will bo g rea tly e la ted a t It I t seem*. In any senH , to be a n u n ­called for e is rc lse of powsr, p e rhaps even u n w arrsn ied w ith th* Legislature not In session,

Th* G overnor's argum ent for a s n u l l sa laried board 1* also a plea fur valuab le polllteal p a tronage lo bestow, when Ihe g rea t road building program ought, a* fur u - poealbls, to be taken out of politic*- A •Inglft h igh salaried and responsible com nils s loner-sng lneer as so sxscu llv t of an equally h igh-grade, u n u la r lsd and non-pftrtlaan board, would, ss pointed out before, m ak * to r a com petent adm ln latra tlon of a n In- crsaslngly Im portan t sta te departm ent.

W hether the O overnor will be p e rm itted to m ake h is ouster action slick Is ftomftthlng th a t, w ith both highw ay board* schedu led to m eet today. Ihe l^g ts la tu r* . and p e rh ap s even th* court*, will wroalle w ith. T e rh ap e he counts upon simoftt a m onth 's possession of offlcft by lb* new board, sh o rt of a c o u r t Injunction, ss constitu ting th e p ro v erb ia l nin* poin ts of th e law to perpetuate Ih e i n ­cum bency of hla appo in tees But th a t ra - m alns to be seen.

Lehigh VtUty Folb Taught thatA e d fk o to A re M o ^ L)niiee**BBiy

MM.MM IB ( to m a t f t , arbaa* i

WattlftB U* tsftM t t ( to BBft.MirtaalftB kftslt t to asft Mh a f (to « | |

WaHing tto tstHfc af (to am.Daw M tto via* aad tto tod *>d t to By>>s Baft a* tto tear* la tto ayaa t t a Isa*.Might aka Be* that Utvy awkU* aa* (toy pnaa,

Waltlag tto toaeh af tto aan.

More th an half a m illloa paraons, am brae- In* th* combined population of m ere th antw e n ty oltla* and town* of tb s LshIgh T a ilo r d is tr ic t o f PftoBftylvaala, partic ipated In an o rg an iasd 'W afaty" driv* w hteh eonllnuftd lo ra fu ll week last month. In sum m ing up the re ftu lu o f th is campaign. N ational BafftCy ytew a Issued by th* NattonsI ftsfsty Council, describe* It as th* most comprshftnalv* and m ost successful "No-Aocldent W eek th u s fa r conducted by any oelBmunIty In Amsrte*.

Th* d rie s w as cooduetsd undsr a g uasru l o rg an isa tio n , divided Into sig h t d is tric ts , as follow *. Bsihlshsm . AUsnlown. P alm srton . t-ansford . Catasauqua, N asarsth , Easton. P a . and Phllllpsborg. N- I.

In a partia l list of Ihs rftsnlt* nblatnsd. th* fo llow ing ar* ineludsd: A reductloa ofn in e ty -tw o per cent. In m ining acc ld e iiu , a reduction of eighty per c e n t I" e lec tric r a i l ­w ay acc ld tn is ; a rednetlon of Ih lrty -a l* per cant, In all public accldante, a reduction of m oro th an ninety par eant In ncctdan ti nl the la ra e e l industrial plant In the d istric t. At th* Bethleham Bleel Company, w here II.OCO m an ar* employed, loot time due lo ncoldent* wa* reduced more than nlnaly-M ven p e rcen t, aa com pared w ith th* prsviou* w eak a n d m ore than ninety-four per cent, a* com ­pared w ith the corresponding week of las t year. A reduction of nibety per cent., com ­p a re d w ith a year ago. w ai accompllehod *l th * w ork* of the New JerMT Bine Company. Corroepondliig reduction* were reported by m any e th e r large Induatrlal Instltullona.

Th* eoncluilone of th* Nftlloaal dafe ty ttouncLI upon the outcoin* of th* drive *m- phaatse th* parm anent benefit* to be e x ­pected from It. It 11 held th a t th* Influence of th* drive upon th* conglom erate popula­tion of th* Lehigh Valley, mad* up of more th an h a lf a hundred natlonalltlea and a con- ■plcuoup nutnb«r of Im m lfranta who camo v l th in the Lift docft4*e k o l grootor Im* portonco ttoan th« ictu&l r«4\ictloti l» tcrl* M u tt . Im portanca U rIoo ilv « n to the foct th a t e pub ik fenllhiem hM bo#n creeled Kinonpr boMi the butlneaa men and the w o rk er! fo r a parTYiaiieRt aafety movaineot. lo a«U b- Hah M fe tr idueatlon lit the public achoola an d to cpn»ert many men, both p lant m an- a c e re and workmen, irho had looked upon aafe ty caropalioa aa merely a fad.

Wft hBVft bftftrB « t ft g iH wM feftft tovm tftj ft Bftvioft ensiitMng t f toUftw n M o r toll* whlok, w toa sUBPto ovftr ft k a r t toga, la anp- ftftuB to gravant kar from aittlft^ Haw a

h*« waaM task whaa tlltoB out (n *M t t tk* oofttrlvaftua* la kard to ImaBlB*, to t Mw ft toft wouM aat I* i«*l* unoMk. a# ftO B lg u a t skB offaaBad to a i perfatm Ift mash tto BSM Bmnnar. A kumlllatat Vaa graaaat* tto maat Balntal Hfftt It la poaalbl* to sot- Jura A kaa may b* biIoyM- *«A * ban may to mortlftaB, to t thtr* I* na kamr* aOTonum abort *1 ito aa* that eaa gravtat to r from antlag H tk* ftltllng Impula* ***r- takftft bar. Th* aatting of tk* sub la n* mar* loftvitabi* tfcau that «f the h«n wklek baa an laettnatlon te warm some agg* to tbu progsMtisB bar rsoftt No arrangomftflt of hollow rubber ball* eaa dissuade a hen from attung. I t ftto fftftl* gartloularly la th* mood and «an find aothlaB olso on which to alt ah* will alt on th* hollow mb bar bails skd In th* fullntft* ef tlm* batch out ao asaortmont of Inasr tubs*, hot watsr belli**, balhlns cag*. fountain peu holdoru aad flshlag boots.

VBIIT. VBIIT T itus.T our eram lng lo Ih* m ald tas not to g M s *

th a ir lov t and hand*T in they'v* aaeo th a ir awalna la ba th ing su l i t

cavorltag on th* sands1* tim ely auA Im gortaaL and I'v* naught lo

•ay but grainsEaesgtlng, which you fhllftd to slats, It

eparats* both waysO ne's fa ir Inam orata I* no doubt a porfart

h.And a* such In doahly charm ing in lugnlla

fo r tho boach.B ut har* sa d thay* ar* instanefts of w hat ii

m adam maidH ay ewft to w hat th* fssh lo n t giv* by way

of a r tfu l aid.JIM

Votar* long accustomed to m sasuring t to dlatakcas betwesn pollllcal promlaa* and gartaraance* cannot undsrutand why th ere should to any great fusa ov*r the construc- tlun of glfttfonn*.

UrfeB Ne«d of N«w Building forM iry F iiher Home as M em origl

Foft Squirrel Has Flghtmf Blood.W han (urprl**d In th* wood*, th* behavior

o f th* fox squirrel H quite illfferent from th a t of th e g ray specie*. As a rule the form ar will p u t fo rth hi* best endeavor lo reach some hollow t* a trs*. aad Into tb la be quickly sc ram b to s to avoid his snamy, aays Th* A m er­ican F orestry M sgailn* of W ashington, On* n a y often see tham stralchad out on a limb an f la t aa poHlblr. and they Will, th lnk lB g tto m ao lv es nnpercelved. rem ain a long tlm * In th a t position t s quiet a* a mouse. I f cor- narad . but Ihsr* being no hoi* hnndy tn r him to gel Into and th* limb he It on In too sm nll to bide him. b* will begin bark ing a t the h u n tftr o r hts dog In Ih* most defian t m anner pooalble. It Is said th a t a fox sq u irre l can b ea t o ff a small dog, and will put up a hard f ig h t If one atlacka him.

" I t Ii sllsgftd th a t K o au lls r w as drlvln.( hi* car w ith OB* arm around a young womau com panion."—N*Wft story.

Mr. K osletler. w* read farlhor, waa flnvU t ) for rack lts* driving. It Is ao us*. Mr K oatallsr. Th* m otor cftr, while adm llledlv ft vary p r s ts a t ftld to Cupid, can never w hollj lak e the place ol old Dobbin.

A horee. eenelng th a t ona hand hold* Iho re in a and why, wHI Jog along undar Ih* moon, aldafttspplng colllalent and d an g er In every form. Thin Is becaun* th* boras Is u aagsclott* boast

tiag arlty Is so l s p a r t—not svsn a s p a n p a r t—of lha motor car's equlpm ont. An automoMI* haa n s sftntimsnt In It* m ahsup and cannot to trusted , let alqn*, to hnov w hether It Is out to ram ble In th* tnoonllfh i, for a Joy rid*, or to burry for a doctor. The m otor car. Mr, K ostsllor. w ill n sv fr sn llre ly eupplsn t .th* hors*.

Oa a u l l box. containing n phonograph, w hich th* sxprftasman left la f ro n t e f i Broad si re s t stor* w as th* stencllsd Isgend.

xfvtt'u 'dn s a lt s iiu

High-Handed and Deplorable.Were hla tlal«m*Bt to be Ukfttl Mrlotly a t

Its face valus a s gn unblgsed gruftentailon of ftotOftl flOftdltloftft, It m ight to Sfttd that Ihs Oovernor had mad* ou t • fairly reasonable i-aa* for I he removal of th* Stats Highway Commlaalon. T hat It I* fto to ba regarded la (ifthkly op«n to quastlon, Jlla aunuMry action ha* all th* look of ft masked and un- ctlled for pollllcal movs.

It la to b* rom om torud th a t the Oovftrnor •ntered upon his office ogonly prsjudtcod ftSalnat the commlsaion. Among hts sdvlsors wars men w toao uwn prtjudlco s gftItiM It SBlountftd to sn antipathy bontering on virulence. At th* time the Legiftlature re- ceened without, aa had been threatened, taking away from him Ihe power of removal from pr even of appolnim enl to t to board, tt Wftft understood that ho would, IB ths Interim, leave I he board a lona But hs Just could not ksep hi* hands oft It.

The G inernor'e action In th s olrcom- ataitie* le h lfh-hunded. dlSorgsnlMng and (leplurnble. lie )>rnfaSns lo r*fsrd himssif as inveateil with ii responaibllliy for the ftaie road eyslein of such character ns to conitliute him. In hla mind, as n vlitUftl eirctiv* conimisnluo of one, with thft bosfd ntftmbftrt. who are authorlsftd Under the se t creating the board lo be formulfttefs Bl potloy and ndm lntstratore of h ig to sy dft velopmrnt. functioning aa mere dorks and Intermediaries to do hie will. An unwar ranted assumption.

It 1* open to question whether tbft hoard was well advised In tftklBg ovtr the entire highway system May II , Instasd of leaving those parts of It not to to Im- proved S t once In th a care and s i ths *ft‘ pens* for upkeep of th s .o o u n tiss wttkin which they happen to Uo. T to beard, la this raspsot. m ay have blttsB s it mors than It can chew; but to th* Oovsrnar’s eritlslsm that much of th is mllosg* I* sadly In A«*d of rspalr, it may. In sxtsnustloB. ptssd tho Isok of labor and mntsrlslft. and. In SOM In ■unce*. th * IneffectIvsnsa* of InspScUpB sad road patrol.

If tho m ansgem sat o f tli* highway board has been bad. If It closed road* an d tiadsr- look rspa lrs w ithout tolBg ahl* to sftyry th tm out prom ptly, tb s Oovsraor t a valid criticiftin of tb* commlastoa. sbould. however, even If this 1ft Ih* caa*. hav* been poaalbl* to r th is to be demon- •tratftd a t ft public hearlag; Ramovsl with- oul an opportuDlty for dsfana* ada- quale remedy, bacauft* It shakes coafldanc* In the hand tbsit do*a the nmovlag.

At Its v e ry w o n t , th is la • quaatfoa of 'a tdeM lcy . p u rs a n d afupldi a a t t t r t | t a aa d a M to . T h* in ta g r i t r t t I t a M i ld ll,B B l iBMiMd, t o t «M t t MkIB t a ( to

“ S sT *." ''* r * ' * *

■ 'J ia i.''

To tkt gdllsr tf Ike .VtlTB.'Hlr—I have been sollcitsd to bacoma an

aasoclatft member of ths Mary F isher H o m s As they ar* badly Is need of fund* they w an t te gain m any raem bsrt s t I t per year. Th* thought coma* to me th s l if Miss F isher, an ■ligHeh-horn woman, could work so bard a ll h sr Uf* lo d* good lo Amerlcsn women, w hy oennot th* American women—"and rasn, too, fo r our msn adm ire asd will asa lit a p tuohy woman"—rala* * memorial lo Mis* F lahar In he form of a fireproof, up-to-date bu lld lag o car* to r her loved ftnci? Th* situ a tio n a t

Tsnafly Is Idaal. but, oh, (he old tram * b u ild ­ing, narrow halls and old-llm s plum blngl

W on't you go aiam ln* ths building and Judg* for yourself If It Is s credit to such a woman and our sIslsT Could not D irec to r Brennan d ivsri some of (hs hundsy a m u s t- m snt m ensy and all ol the big man o l our sla t* contrJbuls until we ra iss a fund to build a building second to eon* to r h s r m e ­morial T I t la s t t s la Institution. Let Kssex s ta r t the ball rolling, and others w ill follow,

ilo esre ly your*.MRS. ISABEL noeg KING.

Notes ef ScigBce. 'A ccording to a Pari* pbyitelan p rem atu ra

b aldness I* due to some trouble w |tb th e testta.

A m otion picture cam era has been hullt th a t can make l i t photographs a second, tw en ty -th ree times ns many aa th* av erag e laroera-

DiMnoBRCttl I t Prime Need for Peace

ro lAs gg llsr t f l*t VgWF.Rlr—Th* Nsw York Tim et In an sd lto rta l

crltlc lsss Ur. Hoover's proposed su b s titu te fo r Article X and In doln i le Ignores Its v lts l point, which I* dlsirm sm ent

irisarniam sBt Is Ihs world's most pressing seed, now th s t inventions hsvs reached u stliae where Wer might eaallv mean th* com ­plete ennlM latlon of the so-ralled i h l l l i r d warld.

Mr Hoover ia>e: "If arm am eat werollftiliad to petice purpose* and to re s tra in half-clvlllsad iiatlone, (ha other p ressure Ithat le. m oral and sconomlo) of th* laagu* would be f la e t" Ur. Hoover saya th a t "ft lim e lim it ahouid be pleoed upon th i* d ls- ftrm am sqt aod th* Unltsd g tales should p ro ­vide th a t coatinuanc* of Its m tm harablp In th* league ehould be baled upon sueesas o f th is effe rt." Ha laye. further, T h is oouktry could won afford to loan money to R urop* tf II eaved.lHo taaoe neceeiery to r m alotonsB oa of bago naval and m llllary program *."

I t a ll cauBtrlos would agrao to d ls a m a - m oat a w ar such an was oadiad by O ar- m aay'a m any years of methodtoal p rap a ra tlo n would bo Irapaoaibi*. Whoa It ra g B ln J a s lleanao t a r a n a n to c a n y tli^aamM a a d dua l- la g waa not Itiogai. duaii w ars a a av a ty d ay osourroBOo. How often do w* sa w t a s r o f a daalT

DBallng, oaoo tbouah t to ho tho only hon- orahla w a r ta aatllo a dlfforoBC*. I* how ra - gardad ao a orlmo. and th* aan o raau lta ean t a o hu lnod th rough n a tlo is a s a r* ah ta tk adthrough Individuals. n. B. R.

T he governm ent of Honduras has g ran ted sift BObolarshlpt ic youag H ooduran t te on- fthlo thorn to go to Cubs to study th s cu ltiv a ­tion and rnsnafaciur* of tabacca.

"An In isrss tth g tsa tu r* of tha partic ipation of woman In tho prollm lnary w ork of ihu convention I* the urging of o mqtat p lank b> New York womoo."—Boa Fm aclsoo dlapfttch

Did ra n ova* try . my dear, t s m oke a ■hrimp w lg flo ir ttb su l a Hltlo iftorry foi saason lngT

a‘ hot w eather caller In one of th e doport- m an t otore* yaotordoy was o m an la quest of o book of tooata


A fter Ion year* of q iporlm antlng a F inn ish onglnoor has psrfsctod a anaw -m sltlng in*- ch in s u sing wood, coal, coke, korOoono or crude oil as fuel for ns* In eloanlng o ily • tr* * ti .

s a *op era ted by olectrte m e lo ra a n*w m schlno

Tor compr**slng cotton baUo nppH*s pr*a*uro sim ullaneonaly from five sldoo.

Mdtnetiiai tiid Atonic Wci l.A strange oboorvatloa laSely recorded i*

th a t th* fow noiably m agnetic ojomonts have nearly th* sama atomic w eight. Thao* a re Iron, nlckol aad eolftli. w ith raapaetiv* fttamlc w oighla of It-I . I t-I aad l* i and m ss tse* * * . the atom ic wolght of w hich la l i t . la fBohty msgftoUe. A ngw m agaatlo *«*y. moroOTor, oonslolt t f oeppar. manganoe* *»d alnm litlum In proportion* th a t gW* a a avorsg* aiom tc w olght of i l l .

QoA PwaerwJ by Dyeiat-Cloth o f ftaturftl wool boo hoo* found h r x

Oorm an cham lst to dotorlorat* m ore rapid ly w hoa a sp a tad s a t a f door* th an d r* d waoi. O rgan le dp*ft ** * (*■*< 'It* g raa tso t prosarvntiv* affaoL M l slo th w ith eno per coat, o f ata o Mt o n « • "» •* w i l« * » t o f ail to o tM oaftarla * * « « .

Afloya th a t T ake a Keen Edge,

R etain L iater and Dfefjr R m t

Th* dovolopment of now ollor* tod hOOft ft ■otabU foatur* of th* s tr ir aadtBly. At ft late Ponnortvonls meeting *1 fttglM ats, Rlwood Haraos slalod that hi* IttPt ftUiT • ( put* nlokal and pur* ebromlftus, pgpdhadd la III*, showod great roolatang* Ift - aafppglaa, was praotloftlty intolubU tn bolting altrto add. and waa maiioabl* whan oatd. I ta i t lF aftarWard. aa squally untarnlahaM* to t HWItt katdar aatalt-chromium alloy was - " g i f t * la m * a BBtilnB hisd* was saad* to lP l i lB

(Busy, tftkiag an adg* oompanM* | p.............. dtaal; and th* lalar id tt

,pr BMlyhdanaa yWMaf a | | i i i i ' i t t t a iiB to

Ii ttatt, Ita

= L A U T E R C O .=

Music for hdependeiice Day!

ThaVk$troU' ColnmhU

The Ltttter Piano Pathe SUrr

Recordsf' '" .

tbMO 1* ^ Und. ConiB to our virBivftnt ndw-dnake ainuddiitl Itot P*y»***> • Idtutdr-HtinMMMtioma fto dto hiDeert* And fbn aame hotda tfna ef toy on* oftho worlds Itodlnf phonograph* (we carry * completo stock

Qearaiice Sde*I M

U P 4 v

I aI.

UMdPla|tr> lH tnot

$3S0 up

B ta ie lM km w €

t h

tA h

UlidF h o s w ta s

S K id i

'■’nM O



tdrta* I* Iw ho M s ;syatasa t* In g tk* tn ayatam h s la ta rM U * offlo* n t I laoarporai

Th* om th* U dta Baan r t o boos hoftf craat* h*i Bialn has Bvary oni tu rn what will ris* I a paadglni t acrow a method 1 which I t s voir wdstn holftht thi run off, t a t N lagar

Th* w | dulnm Ok tachod b] of b i t ow ta a k i w | steam an v*rt*d la pr*to*d a •n g ta n tl to m , pro oaea turn

T h a t *1 m onatroti eonblnod pllaace* power bu

Th* *s ongto* f r valv* w | eogtn* ui In tank* off when to th* Id irectly J through urml coat th* prod( and oloet to proTid S tatistics thsr* artdrouftht

■ . gy eon prodneor.

Mr. Su tw o tsa . a ir tngb aad a ft w ith lari of Nsw .

Th* I: p lan t a t a ffa ir . It B tatsn 1* p lan t Is , both hot) pisr. aoo o ito r . as on tb* di


tried le lorn W itt stroot, ai ta r w as i la tso t v | m orning se rton fi wa* elli awaksn*< Tb* pros when a * ■way am through On both and th*

wTh* p

glvon to RagHa'i

H sreh —' Ovftrtur* Soloctlon


Binging I" a l l iW ftllsto-

HelaelloB Mareh—‘


MA a

i ( h

‘ 1

i ^

rj ISV■ O tl

tevmtoJ U t W il l A la a«p-

H«w a M a t tka I t haw a • an la*

la m a k I araaaata la ta aan* ji4 a ban w kaaw a a araaaat ataa aaar- I na a a r* fhleb baa r* to tba faaiant of ban from tba racxwJ ta alt aba

11a mat in kaaartBant I, bathlaa ilaa baau.

r a i arlaln>(ana waiHMit

, waa ftnr'ila UM, I tr

adm lllatllv a*#T wholly

a holda (ho uhdar tha

I d a n a a r lii baraa la a

ran a a p a r t Iptnant. Aji )ta makau? a, to khan a Inoanllchl, id c te r . Th* iTdr antU aly

pbanairapli. f ro n t e f a

:llad lac*nd.HJL

partia l potion n r k of ihn itat p lank by lep 4 lap«krb ta m aba a fb a rrp foi

r tb a dapart- 1 la qnaal i f ‘


raaordad la lanan ti havs

Thaaa a ra aellva ataailu 1 maafaaaaa. i t , ta fM bly ly, maraavar. li a lna ln lam rra ta aiaialf

«uif.M fonad by a m ora rapidly' B dyad waal. tb a b raa taa t r llb ana par i l i ta a t o f all


H r o w e J U p f e ^

In o lo r Air EitiiQfevhi dut lighti Two Teih

* i; Mwflepower BuQm.

D jpoano Fed by Nature** Eneity

of tko droam of tbo ean- tb llM la tb a claim of Ramual R. ■(aln. who baa }tM taatad a oampraaaad a ir l yi ddbl t a la a a r a ia alaatrlelty by alllla - tb d tb a w a ra pow ar of tba ecoan. Tba ly a ta a baa baan patantod and tha ( ta in ta ta ra a tla n a l P o v t r Compaay, w ttb *b offlaa a t I l f Cantral a n a a a , bM Im M laoarparatad .

T ba aap n aa aa po trar a t tba waoafc tb a Udaa aad tha wtnda baa a lv ay a baaa raallaad, bu t tha p tab laa i bM baaa bow to harnoaa th a t pawap la craato b aa l v tio c triaa l aa«rep> Mf. aialB baa ttsad tha alatplaat a f HMtbada- B aary oaa knowa th a t a wlalM Ui w ill ta rn wba* tha wind b)aw ^ th a t a float will riao and fall w ith tba waaaa. t b i t a p a a ld la n will awinp ta a c irra B t and a a c rav aarolva by tba aaiaa (aro i. A tnathad which ha haa nal aiad , b a t wktah I t aam non know ladfa, la a raaoT' »olr wbaaa w a ta r la atorad a t a ( r a a ta r h a lab t th an naadad and than a |law ad to ran off, lu rn ln t tha tu rb lna whaala aa a t N lacartt.

T ka windmill, tka flaal, tb a p t * ‘ dalam ajid tha raToUlnp aopav a a t at< tachad bp Stain to pum ptnp w aahlaa i of bla awn daatpn, which pump ^ r Into tan k a w bara It aacapta In a almpla ataam a a ^ n a . which haa baan con- Partad Into an a ir anylna. Tha ecm- praaaad a t r tu rna tha whaal of tha a ir a n p la a tb a d n a ln p whaal of which, la tu rn , pfopali a dynim o Tha dynamo onea turnad, alactrlclly raaylta

T h a t alactrlo liy doai raault waa da- tnonatratad ihla wach, for w ith tha aanb lnad oparatlon of aach of tha ap- pllancaa m antlonad two lan-candla- powar bulba wara llih tad .

• t a n c a P taaldad PWa.Tha aaeapa of tha a ir Into tka a ir

anptna from tha taaha la pooam od by a vaWa which kaapi th a lupp ly ta tka aap tna unltorm . Tha aicaaa la atorad In ta a k t from which It can ba draw n off whan naadad. Tha a lac ir ltity It tad to tha M in t of conium ptlan a ltb a r d lraetly from tha dynamo or Ind traa tlr tk ro u sh atoraga hattarU a. Whan nat« o ra l condUlona of wind and tlda favor tha p rodvein f of larga volumaa of a ir and Olaatrlcal a n a r tr i both ara atorad to proTldp analnat parloda of "drpttSkt-*' SU U ilIca akow. aaya Hr. tto ln , Ihn i thara a ro navar mora than foor dayN <Irouabt.» a g a ln it which a ir and on-

' .'ST could bo aiored to tlda ovar tba prod near.

Mr. Stain claima th a t If ha oaa tty k l tw o taa-pandlapow ar lIM t w ith u aly iB fta a of dna-alsb tn horaappwar and a to u r am para dynamo, ha could w ith larpo u n til ligh t tha whalg a tg ta of Now Joraay

Tha labo ra to ry and dam onatratlng p lan t n t praaant. an adxnlttadly cruda affa ir , la g i U ungar'a Saach, Naw Dorp. ■U tan laland. on tha dock F a rt of tha p lan t la Jiouaod In amall bulldinga Uka hath hattaaa. ano ther part la undar tka plar. ano tkar In ih« w ater, and atlll an- ntbar. aa tha windmill, off to ona altla on tba dook. and rtalng high In tha a ir .

Burglar Ttvice Scared AwayTwtea w ithin a waah n h iirs tM haa

triad lo g a t In to tka hama a f W ill­iam W lttlln g cr of l i t doutb B lfb taan tb atraat, gad t r both Inatancag tha b u rg ­la r waa apparen tly tha aama man. Tba la taa t *lg |t waa about |1 o'clock Ikla m orning w han tha man ram ovad s aeroan fram a b»d room window ggd waa clim bing In. W ttillngar waa aw akanad and frlghtaned him aw ay. Tba praafbua vlalt waa Sunday n ight, whan a agraan waa remorad In Iba aama w ay and tha b u rg la r waa g a ttin g through tb a window whan gcarad o f£ On both aaoaalana ha w ara a a tn w k a i and tka daaorlptloM tgjiy.

West Side Perk Concert tTka program of tk a conoart to ba

gttran to n ig h t a t W aal Slda P a rk by Bm IU 'i Band folJowa:

*Amart«a.”March—"March F adaratlon"........ K la raO v a r t u r a — " N i g h t i n O r a n a d a " . . K r a n t i a r S a l a c t l o n — " T h a R o y a l V a g a b o n d . "

, . _ _ Cohan(n) T i l Saa Tou In C-U-B-A". B arlln fa ) "I Loti tha Land nf o ld Blagb

Joa" ........................... D pnaiasabB l n a t n g o f " T h a S t a r S p a n g l e d B a n a t r . " W a l t a a i — " M y I s l e o f Q o l d e n D r e a m a , *

BlaufasaS c l a d t t o B — ‘T h a M a g i c M a l o d y ' . R o m l M r aM a r c h — “ T h a R o o k l e a " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D r u m m

"Calumbla. th e Ocm of tho Ocaan.''

iiunUer Rugs, and Floor G>vermg$

At Saving PricesPractically our entire stock w u bought end con­

tracted for many months ago, and we have only added, to what they coat ua. a reasonable profit; but there have been so many advances since we bought that we find, in many instances, wholesalers are now asking more than our present retail prlcea.

Don't you think it la the oetter part of wlidom to at leatt Investigate thia atatement?

V e shall very glad to show you throu^ our stocks, even if you do not buy, for we well know you will, aventually. i I


Fin* hddvy Importad grtu. io ttn*. biudd and grMna.

6x9 . . . . 5.95 8x10.*.. 7.95 9x12-... 9,50

Heavy Referable Rugs

Wool aod tibor, ot eloar- anea prlea*.

7V ix9 . f t , 10.95 9xlOVa f ty 12.50 9 x 1 2 .. f t , 13.95

BORDERING ^For around room*, both plain and bordered effects, rep-

resmts hard wood and parquet pattern*.75 24-lnch Widey 59c Yard 85 36-Inch Wide, 69c Ysrd

TEXOLEUM PRODUCTSRecognized as the standard floor cover­

ing of today: pliable, waterproof; does not buckle; will wear better than linoleum at double the price. >

79c grade floor covering, 51c sq. yd.95c grade floor covering, 69c sq. yd.8.50 6x9 rugs, mill seconds . 5.10

15.00 6x9 Tapestry Rugs, 9.9530.00 9x12 Tapestry Rugs, 19.95


Eventthing for the Motor Car

Accaaaortea, SnppUee, Ttna and Ford Paiti. Goodyear S m iee Station

Roth & Schlenger, Inc.29 WIILUN STw Cor. Habey St. Nevirk

Tafephone Blsrket 9744

Special Holidajr

Attnetions for Indcpcn- dewDBr

The D l t f t . BriftitMt. Clioiiiat DBTlIcht

Candy Factory fai the World

I S n ir th

Br i g h t , f r e s h , h o l id a yP a c k a fo a . o f Q iok ost

Swaata. Irnm anaa Aaaort- monts-^IncompanibU Values.

Oar Bif Dally , Spsdalfar

fHday aad€ atin d iy ,J d y |4 t



’ ^ a mlU* gsMUgml tPwMBMtaa pm v m crady naalniNBl M aartle.

Hw ladMga a iMrtt sp gf IwdlfWW cMteteM*, packnd

I far aanylaf. IW icaatao wr appi t la m t i haa ImrtI*

I a n aa foUavai

1% ' Ckml. Cmrmk tw IWiUh u * 1.49

AboUmt Blf Foorili 0# July

Atteadkmm w oMoceiAXB


Our 4 Big'Friday and Satardoy Holiday Extra SpeciaU

Our Natioa*s Beit” Bon Bons and Chocoktes'CaOOOlAT

tipMg mt fmm\ pa* «p M MatSakBp pM N* w h r . In pMtMl kwpkw' wNk *Tb. llBN *T .

Our *QU Glory” Padeege"


■<frv(i M

Ekppiness!Itn't It warth laa dnut morn thtn all tto (414 la all tb* (Old mlM*? Caa tou nna- aart tJi* [oytaa laufhter af a happy ahlM In (anna •! nanayt You tr* ten tlmta repaid far lb* out of ■


Pteyer Planola tb* bipplnete It brlna* t* ■II tha fanlty. Decidedly modarata In price, luiran- teed abMlutely reliable and ■old op tuch convenient lem* that theft U not fhe gUihteet retMB for a dey'e delay IY e t , w e w i l l m a k e a n a l l o w - ■ n e e f o r y o u r u i e d p i a n o I n pan p a y i M i i t .Tha D o l l k 8a u P l t y e r P l t e o h w t b o u M ^ o f g a i l s f l e d o w n a r a . O a r o t o c k l a u n u w - a l l y c o m p l o t g | u M n o w .

Doll & SonsI N C .



M tha Afooy tad Tortura Froai Conik CaUiNaaa aad

BoiioM WiUi

coRN“n x rtb . M . M — Wi m Mcng « j iium. ■M keaMb Tk. p.M .t .» . - “ k tb . *«P Hm *W- t* *** miauuo lb* f t n M r k. M U. Bgp*rtCklrvpMM. Wl Ik. H « . MibM. HM? M lk*m w 0*r> "ntX--

Cwv "PUP M U lu M «th*r. m ll.- gl.*. ..Irclllo .clA O' o lb .r b w t u i IM'*4>.o» 10 <*t lb. goo. rioM **. mob. lb. foot Hr* Mo m or. . i ta b M . tr.«lm.ul. for BHOWl M n * a . .Iaht. 1

M ’'m klB i " lb . lowI f . Il fv . pm .* ., ibo o m »

M Ik* piJb Cwo -r ix '^ I* •MW U . g lttw o .t

I'l . . t lw .M tkw m ia u t. Own*‘r ln ’' I. .o .4 .r(u i, will m m trkolp rou. It your w*l*r c u ih i ..pp lr .ou, t*n. u. i t . I. tl.m .* *nd —0 wlU fgM rou * boul. .Irocl from *w iM .ruw r Tour moH. rofuMM if

*r* not Hilifi*..r t x CO. la*. N n w k . M. A—

m ut mrt.A e v w t i w n at.

Cu tlc iirfi Soap Q e a rtllie Sktai and Keeps itO ear


CO.*Wo o l- z u e

ClhRJifDe MeMMTW end Tburidiri Bm«||liha In tm ol nnil TfklreTii** Kt«vat«y S«rv|c« tr. yii»r BOX OFTfCI OVUM FROM

I A. U. iO lu i*.


“Robin Hood"C ut *f old fovoriiM. ^'lgh*n it tot, Htg 11^ SL WM*. Sot •ti4 Bun. SOD• m4 TbDDtDP MtroDo «4miited to

* r t u J>o«iito«D ofriow.I.— ^1^1^ -yjii firifiy "



Continuoui tollP.M.

MO|iIIAT-4 VB*l>Ay—WEUNBaDAT( ' • M r CmpnM

LTim^ H oTH w aM Olg BMuIr Cbw w

IlM l Big Cm Mt Mill kw g . w^lmigtM* w T h n n aw



Aldid WiBiCKb-fflUifAJR M U B m h l»' --- --T- -

••■ aW b. ( w w a p . .H aw hag



LYRIC c v N ia i

~ III uwUirt«arswm^ N a.l l o a T j ^ Tonight


S B R l ■4 w rass'■>44


\ ‘‘i _

New Gad Rate Due To Higher Costs

. *1 "i '•Public Service Gas Company has filed a new rate for p s to tglll effect with August sales. It calls for $1.55 per thouund cublo lift''

The present rate of $1.15 per thousand cubic feet was, after publto' hearing and after thorough investigation on the part of expert! e » ployed by the State, declared to be just and reasonable on the b u llof the costs that then existed.

Since the present rate was filed these basic costa have radlctUy changed: i

(a) Gas oil has more than ^uUed in price.

(b) Coal used for g u making has greatiy ad­vanced in cost

(c) Labor is receiving much higher waget.

(d) The gas company, like other taxpayera, muit pay higher taxes.

All of the added cost to the consumer is due solely to inereasad operating expenses. The company will get no additional profit fromthe higher rate.

Elements of cost that make the new rate necessary will be further discussed in subsequent advertisements, as the company wants Itt customers to be fully informed of the reasons for the increase and is prepared to Justify the new rate by facts and figures.



Why not anticipate your Grand Piano needs of the coming Fall and Winter now and avoid disappointment?

Due to the serious transportation situation which has almost rendered shipments from New York to distant points an im­possibility—we have been able to procure a quantity of Grand Pianos far in excesa of our expectations.There is no doubt that the shortage of Grand Pianos which prevailed daring the put teuon will be repeated next Fall end Vinter. It would be wise for tboae contempUting the purchue of ■ piano later —to take that matter uodu immediate adviaemant.Praaent prieu and a targe diaplay of dieiout makn to aelect from suggest this at a meat opportune time for the intending piano buyers to conclude their purdiaaea.

b addhlea to the eaMfitod

STEINW AY PIANOwe ara aok dlrtfibotHi kt the IdM ng wBO mowii raakti:

Sohmer Lyon & Heily Knltauer H aO etADtvIf Kniiich & Bach Eitoy Conway Wdto-Migiion

Kurtmaa Waahtem GiiHiUi Leater

GRIFFITH HAND COMPANY, t w B r o d i a M t , N nrarii- , .

l u i,v -a*.'- .'I

.«*?%]■ t - f 'L .v,4


E l ii'i

' 4 M


............hi= ‘■ ' ' - K - n ' y ■. .6 ^ * 'c. v'' ' ]*I


' ' M*" ....

B JQ ,.1,. P ;.b V ■*

‘jem gP B vB N isd"

(jw e ,

^ H oiy Cwriingm y

Ihik Gntihde to Coo- ^ tiW m fo r Hb

M tftnncc*

M l b DM7. Ho D eduttr ffHirtiMi w H ii*M to Cm *

fVtOMlak I t UMtoMkwt«« t INM iM tofter Own Wxb*

. . B «M «to«W by w u r OjM* «torkt, to rtM inltlM at

to iMVtBf OMVtoW *•»>*I MU far tadm l attll w nlca

IfN* Ihu IM wbMIto kr aanlara, uO ttolr

U *1ton. Hall, IM Oaart ‘.H i llr> Lahlbaeb___ t a t IM paularlTMto

iito itoa.tototoM «f th* carrim , Will* , WIHtaai Haatt aa l WlllUai

I W iirm IM OaacraMnaa lata flaaa. atoara IM aa«-

^ iratoaaia laak plaea. Hary ItoM a t H tomaat atraat.

4aa itto r af raramaa ' JgfUti' ’'pN eaetai Mr. Labibaah a

a( Qavan. TM racaptloabr .Jaha Wbifam,

ra a n a k «M baa baaa

yonndf v a iim in e o n ^ a t Sommer

il aarrtaa faHy-aIgbt yaa». to laka thia appariaalirMbilair tar laa r alfarta

“ arlloB-tablbaah pan- IM Maato,'* aaid Hr

af tba aanriea,___ iir. arb» Mva ' watchad thato Maa aaab a bill aaacud tbaaa toraaty ra a n . ara partlcularty■ ‘ *• r*a-”ratoaalaa wara lataraptad fra-

artlh barata a t ahaari by lha M aarylara, vM aaaM nat haar

Mr. tablbach

by taking one of our wooden mail­ing boxes with you. They are fu r­nished gratis. IThe Resort Optician usually sends your glasses to some wholesaler who has no interest in you whatever.If you send your glasses tb us, you will save time and also be sure

of our painstaking accuracy.All repairs , re­turned same day as received.

• j ___■!'

837 Broad S t

Itor a iw^cKlaa Baab aM Mr, Wbtoam

' bla tratlUda for________of Ibo poaUI amam rod tbaa m « m only

r ih l tb fnrthtrinc a ibaaonr* b ^ ta M M«o boon a law a tony

a a i pyomtaad la eonttnno la babalf of fadonl

tiTb**T^ waa thoa aaooTlad to •Mia, M wbleb waro poalaro I Uai aa IM ohaiBploa of tba

M apliri* "Aftor a twanly- M pal onr p o ^o n bill

^ f c a fMMtoa

rand. Tbo

.rfl af r » a yaar to pootal , nlnty-rira yoara old wbo

la IM onrriM thirty yoara , eejw aro ararldod for lhaoo who I a t aa aaffiof aaa or attar aorr-

h% afcartor porlad. Tba law will ‘ i i f ia t f Aiwaat to.

I Set to Supply LBinriui at Nonitol

kpphr aa aaatatanl nbrarlan, MbiTail ■abool, tbU olty, a etrll

aaaatlaallon will ba bald Mon- IK opaa |o wotnoa roHdontn

a anitT ItoqBtranitati aa clron latoabtof abaaaaelnp tha au n ln a -

tM flMb* af an applicaUon — _«M| Ja tr u with tha Clrll Ototmlaatoa, Mata Hanna, Tran-

poaftloB aarrlaa a aalary of ••a month.

__ tltona for eandWatoo araaUpnloal eoaditlon, adoration Mb to a fonr yoara* hlih acbool a a i a oortltlcala from a roeo«.

y adtool. whlto not a . la atotod. a oormal oehool two yoart of eollod* work la

maat M at loaat of a«o. _____

Coma pr poffdct charactor (row acarccr to4 toarcar—conwqucnily h ither and hlfhar In prico.

A tPiid Diamond—booiht now— will prora a wiao tnrealment—a aafe Invealmcnt.

To be Hire of quellty bay at a yeUablc houie—one whoeo word h u alood uDchallented for 38 yean.

K .

in baffles for

- at fonntains



BelM hrP, Bdlantine & Son,

Newark, N. J.

Sires ^iQ m O s■ baixs,herbs amherfies

Annual Summer SaleEvery Pair of

R egal O x fo rd s an d Pum psPrices lower than any others in this

for shoes of eqpial valuedty


Sak» of July 4th and Vacation Apparel_ a a V ____ on Adhlto

Regular |0 3 Prices to


At the proper moment—jus* when needed most—comes a sale at greatly rcouced prices . on Dorothy Shop apparel, designed with the charm and daintiness appropriate to the summer season. We know you will appreciate the substantial saving offered, be-

. t ________ »pU«n ean n lu ri tn a n n f lfe l o f t h ^ tVDC SOlQwe Know yuu will i»ivcause they mean so much when applied to apparel ot the type sold b y the Dorothy Shop. t a

I Read These Items—Note the Savings—and A ct.^


Suits Rfidsced for Clearance_______ 3 5 " *

4 & “D e f r i a M S u i t t n k M U Sto*r.^ . «

Coats Reduced for ClearanceIS"”

£ -5 ___ __ 2 5 "3 » "

• d ••**••*

IWI(« "C"


F = $8.75

Foe H ^fnilar 5»> Prices to— 110.00

$^ o c Regular X o D Prices to


i f l f r t m ..t o B l im it o T h it M t t e B « y t o g B B E c w iw B y


^S [«h

I am AS Vhmip* la StodL I

MBeg. 8,TO Snk » « « • . . . . s w 18.75 B kO M .. .RkfS I Beirfir. aU » M o w . . .U.75


'...iffi.'/ 4a-*--*

Regular |o 5 Prices to



t l l s s g S ^1 1 ^ 116.00

Tour Flee Cholee of Leatheis and Stylea-and

The earlier you come, the better your selection of models In your size at each price range.

Every pair regular Summer stock. Every pair this season’s styles.Every pair guaranteed perfect.Every pair backed by the Regal re­

sponsibility for service to you—exactly as If you paid the oririnal price for them.

In other words, If they are not entirely satisfactory, you can exchange them or get your money back.

RememberNot a pair of these Oxfords and Pumps was bought for this sale.

They are not “sale shoes"--or old stocks—or broken lots—or odd sizes

“_ o r “discontinued styles”—or anything else that means a compromise on your part when you wear them.

' And again—rememberSuch values at such prices arc possible only because of the Regal policy of am- centratlng on the best styles and the finest leathers. Making and selling many pairs, with only a conservativeprofit on each pair. ,

We offer you these Regal values at special prices for quick buying.

They will save you oven more of your shoe money than usual.


* / b c e B w k rPrices to


to M o e RegularI Y S $10.50

^ u .r = $12.00


ProgranW hiit

m tn tt foi Jv lf fnr itinln In K6v«rk«i (or tho w voloino 01 by tho n month hi to eopo w mont.

Tho C« rondo foe h a n ^ e il la n cfrci poroono ooenrtnt •iro.

The Ce the oooeii care of » addition* day croi ie n fo r tr the Jeree hie conflcompanyIh o u A Ia^roepeclillj aro epmhe oeld. \

I dor# not the num linee. T oaienda i

Tho Pe hUnder, «erooy nto eeoun pLarod U|ajie of tj r-Hri. he 'Will do I f>eetrlna the farll thinks. V >h 111 he Tuesday throngs

iii\v y

agent of sielemen B ill he t r*^ad lo of mallsf travel. H tiecesoar The reoi that for meni ha and the

The rr yveiident'f M artin J meet of and a CO qitahic ^ e con the play etst of tI March. Solertlor J'upular Ini ermcl

04 k c tlo f Rein

March. *' “Toiumb

Monde Irlo tlc r the city recilonwill beHall A( celehratl quahlc r clrcua a nina at Inga wl Kaat 01 those m llvgred I


Th» M Botorfld { t>«rniltt« yaar. w< linu* ul )lDB4*r tn r o f I ll*d • ! th o u fh b r th* { VIIL hoi proTl»loi and a m plod inf W ork! n

il i to f d*r tedi m an d tn tho tr mi anforetd b« bold 0f Pabl •u ltln* (o rr. aa aocldtnt to capU

Soma work# I dara, tt cura4 II towna a So far found I baT lns • la a t In th tir w< and tn whan t l.lad*.

rnpa an wnrnad

LQC Regulir ko5 P rim to


•1(^®• lls S “

toto* atotoB C« M r 1

ThabaM w

14- th* Ml 'W ' Um ' r i |■ ’i; mafiba!

I &.{< thtir Itor It f,*, ibnltoriiartiBa

' • M to a--;5;-ni*hv

*toTv» 1 fh u T

Orto hi



R a i k i M d i

M nncc P^«p«nltotis for Umt*' utlljr Hmtjt Traffic Deipite

Home Erenti.

ProiruB for Gty b Aonounccd

W hite U « %XVt t f n e b ln t e rre n g e-m e n u fe r e tU h re tlo n of th« Fourth oC Ju l|r fe r th e benefit oC ihoea who re- innJn In town ever the holiday, m any K ew erhert e re p lto n in g to go aw ay for the week-end, and an unprecedented volume of paeeenger trafflo la e ipected by the rallroada, eome of which for a m onth have been m aking preparaUone te cope w ith the trgnaportatlon require ment.

The C eniral and PenniylTanla rail r e a ^ feel confident of ihelr ability to hanule (he load, but the i* ck aw an n a . 1b a circular, tip reeeee fear th a t many peraoni will be dteappolnted In not aecurth f the accommodatlom they de olre.

The Central, beceuee It helpe to forve the eeaftlde reeorte. la expected lo take care of a large part oT the demand foradditional tra iiepurtailon by the holl day crowda. W illiam C Hope, pai>- aenger tra ffic m anegrr of the road, Kt tha Jereey City offlre* totlejr eaprfaeed hka confidence hi the ubihty ut Uje company to ine»t ihe Hlluatlnn. Al* Ih o u A the tracurcee of the C entral, e e p e ^ l ly with rt'gerd to dny I’oacheh.

4 a re apmewhat limited, ihi* cumpnii>. he aald. becauee of | I h Iona preparatinn.

, doe# not expect lo limit In nhy mh> the number nf paneetiaere iiNln|f ti« llnea. The ahortaau In rara, he add^d. uaienda to parlor <aTi

The Fennaylvanla. acm rdlng to F. T Mandar, paaaer^H^r Wnln niunaa'''' •* i Jereey n ty . like the ■VimtuI. frela nl^ie te eaeume any *-irra T^ifrii; tiunlvn placed upon li. Tlirr* wiil l.« a ehnn- age of both day cnarhrN nnil elHcpIna Cara, he explained, hut ihu t-imimny ■will do Ita xjimoe? in eerse e^er) oiir* f>ealrlng acconioiorlBi;to*iM t*n** njah mi th e farlltllee nf 1h« road Mr Mender Ihlnke. a i l l come Hatur'ley. bui th a t it u i l l be g rea ter Mnmlay evening nnd Tueaday morning when the h'>llda> (brohga are homeward I'riim*!

r i t r a lCoulp«rat ahertege.W. y O rlffitta, general pnaaengcr

agent of the Lackaa'anna. In u printed atalem ent explaln i that, although l(

111 be the deatre and rndenvor of the road lo provide every poaaible m ean! of eallafactortly handling th* hoUdiy travel, )t la e iirem ely doubtful 1f the tieceaeiry equipment w'tll be avallaM*. The reeeon given for thla ahortage la th a t for the paet three >eare no f^qulp- meni haa been built for the nillroaOx end the Fullm an r*>rnpany

The municipal plena for the Inde- peiiflence J.Uy relebretlon, of which M artin J King la in cTiargr Include a m eet of the Road Horne Aenoolatlon • ed a concert by Bealle n Band at W ee- quahic I'ark on S^ttirdA) afternoon The concert program will begin wllh the playing of “Am erlci' and w-lll iMn- elal of the fidlowlng iiumtiera >larch. -b lg h ta OuC .. l^alghtgelertlon. 'T he Red lluBiar" .Holnnion I'opular metlley. ‘ itSO H id ” Berlin In ierm eiio . “The rm co d llr Motian f inglng of "‘S tar gpangUd Banner ’ iVaTti, "Miami Hhi>re’ JaroblE lec tio n . "Zlegfleld ^'olllee 132<i

Belli" BerlinMarch. "W atervllle ’ Hall“Columbia, the tlem of the Ocean.'

Monday morning ul 10 o clock a pa trlo tlc m eeting und#i ^he auepicea of the fJty gavarnmen* Uhd under the d i ­rection of the le lebralton com m ittee will be held on the atepa of the City Hall. AC i o'clock In the afternoon the celebration will be con1lnue4i at W'ee- quahlc Park, where thern will hi* a fre« clrcuB and tro ttin g racai In the ev e­ning at t o'clock three patriotic meet- Inga will ba held at Branch Brook. Eaat Ride and Weat Side Ihirka’ At theae meet Inga addreiaea will be de- llvgred and conoerta will be given

Orders Police lo Enforce Law Prohibiting Fireworks

The aule of pup*# tmpm, gparlAM And Colored fire. Which are the ODly thinga |>ermlttu4 In the way of firew orka Ihla year, waa beguti today and can con- lln u a until tha n ight of July I, n e t t Monday night. The ahooilng o r burn- tn f of kny of tbooo artlcloo to prohlb- lto4 < i« p t OB UoiidBir (h ti r u r , th o a fh no uduiubJ offort wUl bo uooj b r tho polio* to proTont tt. Tbo pollco vlIL howovor, o tr ic tir onforc* nil olhor proololon* of th* tlrow orko orOliwBa* and n rro it peraono found to llln s or f lo d in c ftrocm ckorn or n n r o ther tiro- Work! not pormlttod.

ililef of Polio* Loaf drafted an or­der today to b« (*nt to precinet con- iii*nd*r* laatmeUaf them to adriio their men on th* lew and laatat It be aiiforced to th* letter. Cepteln* will be bald raaponatbU lo the Departveat of Publle te fo tr for anr eorldent ro- eultlnv from a aloletlon In ihelr terrl- lorr. and tha m u on * pool whar* u e.<cld*nt oconrs wlU alao ba oallad oa to riplala.

Soma ahooUnd of prohibited fire- workt b u boon ■ollif on for eeroraJ dera. tha tirawonu hartaB bean pro­cured la Bwrlaon and other eubarbaa town* wharo tha Mia la aot torblddan. Ro far onlr two tooal dealan war* found vIoUtiBK tha lev In repard to tiaTlac eqvlba end othar email eaplo- •Iraa In thair plecoa, but In both raaea thry warn man aow la tb* bualnaaa, end In on* tb* etook area In th* -Mon whan tho pn aant owaor bought th* plaoa. There boT* been e number of raeo* w hen marehent* aotd apatklora, rape end oolored fire, end Uwr wore verned to etop until todejr.

Highway Bureau IsIn Muckfled State

' tCoatlnuod from ilre l Page)

i t

IMS w* w u t." » r nnuimoue w U th* a ru ffgad at tlt.dW.

Vw» OH Begdi H u Appear. M f in tha novtr a ^ a t o d hoard

■bore of the eld oemmle* _ by Ooeeraar Bdmrda, mot

pMoa* of the departaMBt and gMalOB fof (■db of a

. fh o r aren gManel HeToreUok a i i d ltr bad Lewld C. Duaeaa. both S im MhtebS Uor g n *tlU mamVen

„ S eew m laa lon aotwlthitandlad tho OpPHUr’g gatlon. “Mi* eboantaai who gNM aMMbwt *f ‘V*Mifp C balnau John W. Barbort, A*-dbur Kkd«

tb* httaraar • •***«• Vmbean aakad br tho ratirad mombore of ib T o ^ lM lM tar on opinion u to thd 'rtfbV nf tb* Oooeraor to ramo** ■apphoio of lb* beard aad to appoint Ihalr tuPMMora. Br. Touag anld |o- rtgp It WM hli Inlohtloe la naalf n•M ln r opinion from Z S m aal. Ho nddad tbnt b* la d dM tmgll nb Bulront tar •.



tib* th* poalllnn by UbdOta id Ml endnty. . . „

tS* firm of vhleh Ifr. r*rrt* I* d gtataW . InrMy Ctiy. bdi Jha omtrmoteTW uw «• » " " ? t r s K f 2

tb* rMb Ankod if_______ _ - - -• • mdmber ot d

I&iil bdvldf d lU f* nodtraet might be piMtSiw* d b ir M rdidinihd tb* pthU, ibS^bdW aidbWdy Oommlanloaar ro- tacM bln dWIIIOMr fdf d» niievor to

^ 5 r s .8s .v i i i s ? a s t - .VdMWf Idld thbt Id M l

j i js r s ..

Eb'M artddd noMMlNlM r * f tlK iddld h ly h T lu ' r u lo n w ith

____ ir af noainc vhatbar Ibnr* mm b*a r r a d ^ th rough the eo ih tU a oo-opa- r a t io n . In th* m atla r o f m alniaannM UdtU gueh Ham na U aaa m ala highw ay tod to* end b* poaod, H* alao nrgad th * In eoo ttdo tlm of th* oaBdIllen of • e a ry e o n tn w t and th* r****n*. If o a r , to r u n re d M u b l* dairy. Tb* O oearaor po ld tad ou t th a t while h* I* nn *■• offlolo m om bar of th* commlaaton ih* bualnoaa o f hie offloe e i Ooveruor wlU B d k * It d iffloult ta r him t* m eet w ith th em e io e p l oa rer# •ooaelone but a tro n g ly roconm ended th a t th* board m eet weekiT during th* period of no t i ro ronetru rilon . He eleo rtcom m ended th a t th* rrle llo a between th* S ta te H ighw ay Commleelon and th* countlea be eo determ ined th a t th e re w ill be a t all time* * cordial e*-op*ra- tion re ih o r then the coBdItloa of dle- unlon, "w hich I em told now o lle ta "

A fter th* Oovernor'e le tte r to the commleelon hed beon head * t th* inerl Ing of (he new board It waa ordered to be received an dapread on tha n tlau tea A ehori tim e a f ta r It had boon read by (he B ecretari'. Ooorg* Paddock of New­a rk u rged th a t eome conalderallen be g iven to the aubject In th* Oovernor * le tte r re la tiv e to Ih* euggeitlon th a t Blrpa be Im m edletotr teh ee *o th a t th* financia l burden of m aintaining lb* ro u te , tak en o re r br Ih* oommlaolon would DOt real en tlra lr upon Ih* com ­mleelon. H eeling thle euggrallan Mr. Tflung eapreased Ih* opinion thet th* com m leelon would make no project In Ihl* d irection eepeclallr einc* all Ih* countlea were only too glad to have Ih* e te te ta k e over Ihelr roada. gpeaklng epecirieelly . he eeld U o rrlt County waa In th le cleee

C aeee llee fB Jeh La*t* O** ■>■*.T he fire t (ifftcul action of the com-

nileelon nfler lie o rganlialton w** to edopl unenlninuely e reaolullon lerm- IhBtln* forlhw lih Ih* etrvicee of W et- eon <1 I 'U rk of Tepiefly *■ conaulllng eng ineer Mr (')erli waa appointed to thle pnelllnn li> • re.olutlon of th* old .■!>iiiTn lertlnn prnt Idlng that he ehould be I tnljlf 1 eit for a inlnluium of lliree day*}■ week ut u dully eeU ry of It® Hie ee rv lee . ee ertneuinog engineer began tnriny un.l under llie reeolutlon of tti* new rnrnm Ijulon will t^rm lnata today

Mr w»iB#r, officially notifltd af hla uppolTi! niptit a i f ta ta highway an- irln^er, dateg from July 14, annourn't^*! hta wllllngn^aa to begin h li dutlaa u n o ffirU iiv !imn*dlata1y in ordar ihai he nifty prapared repaifl to ih f rommi^ftl'iti u lihout unnecetaary delay He anii*^niiCft(i he would aerve w ithuul roTfipenfAiloo until July J4

It WBB thi4 Intantlon nf tha remmlaalon tta obtain from Ur Thompaun an ln> frirmal report loday ouillnlng the preaent atatla nf road work, but bafore the a rriv a l of Mr Thompaoit It waa da- rltlrd In defer thla until tha nakt meat- |Mg of (ha rommlaalon. filed for Ju ly l l A' th a t time Mr Thompeon will be nnkod fo r a report Indicating the Ptatua of all rontracia, the amount rk ld f>h each, the balance dua and othar m at- te ra pertain ing lo road oonatrgctlori.

freoow t Baaplwyiwe Frwtwrt*#* Inijulrlea were made by (’olonel W hll-

tetnore a» to the atatua of F.dward R. Reed, aealatant a tair highway anftneer. W hen It waa learned that he w m a p ­pointed fo r ta iiM*^ i«r«m five ) eara exp iring In 1*?1. Mr Paddock remirw*A th a l thle waa uMforlunata. aa 1( would be dealrable that Ihe npw highway e n ­g in eer ehould have bln nwii nrgeiiltft- Moii A fu rther blow at Itie apjiarenl Irilentloh of reinnvxle In the de(m rl merit weft rcceU ed wb^n the cominleelon waa ftdvlaed by Ihe eecrelRry iha ' nU cm- miploye***. except the highway engineer fthd hie ibJialatenI, who have filed trrmft. ar* protected by civil eerv ire

It wa" the aenfte nf the rommiuftlon th a t In ai'pordatice wllh the lu g g r itlo n of D ovirnor Kdwarda weekly m eellnga phnuld ba held, but becauaa of bualheee engagam enla of membera which could not be cant'eled It waa derided not to m eet nen l week

Colonel WhUlemore expraaaed eur- prlae w hen In reaivonae to an In^iulry he learned that the filed aalBrlea of tha h ighw ay deparim enl amount to |4Q,< (KI a m onlh.

Twal wf G«ver«af*a LaHwt*In hla la tte r to the cQinmlailt^a ■ tha

Q ovenior fetll: ^•Tl'hll* I em »n rg -nttlclo gi*mb*y

of y o u r conm lialon. ill* bui|n*M o t th* b fn eo g f novrritV r will la g f l^ t l d iffi­cu lt fo r me to meet w tih you eacept on ra re occaelone I feel, however, a t lib­e r ty to m ake cerieln guggeitlon i from lim e to lime (or your c a r tfu l con ilder-gtlOB.

" It l i needleee (or me to point out th a t you ere undertahlng on* of th* moot Im portant office! la the atat*. P roperly conetrucied ro td i hev* be­come h neceeelly; e neoeaetty to the econom ic end bualneia Ilf* of (he atat*. Th* highw ay hea become tha euallle ry to (he railroed. end g veat proportion o f the (h o rt haul freight of th* coun­try le now carried on m otor b o ttsm e W ith th e proper conatructlon of th* m ein hIghW eyg New Jireey will bev* com pleted e •yelein of la te r-c o n - m un lly end tn te rite i* ireneporteiloo ro u t* ! th a t will Inereae* the pro*- p a rity o t I he etete far tieyond the am ount of money eipended. Tour firet du ty , therefore, li to aee that the inelii h ighw ay re n le i of the etete ere not o n lr properly paved, but tha t the work te puehed to final completion ee r i - pedltlouely aa coodlllone will pernilt.

"V nfortuhe te ly Ih* amount of money approprle tod through direct tagellon undor the preient highway law will not perm it tha completion of more than h f ty per cent, ot th* route* Indicated, and niepe mu*t be takan by th* naat L eglalalu r* to provide to r the financing of th e balance of the work- Thla. how- over, need not In any wlia In terfere w ith th e dutlee whlcb now devolve upon you aa for two yeara to come there will b* annually tha aum of about to be epent which will make It poaaliilo fo r you to continue your annual p ro­g ram .

VI*wP aa «• Betewr*.In paving long elretohee of road It le

boceaeary to provide proper detour*, W hile euch drloure cannot In moat In- ■ taacea he found In properly paved ronde, there la, nevrrtheleea, no eahua* fo r p roviding uneafe detou ri on Im port­a n t tra ff lo line* The tncreaaad am ount of tra ff lo Whieh the detou ri w ill ba com pelled to realal will n a tu ra lly eauaa th em to lin k Into dlarepalr. I believe y o u r board baa ampla pow er and a u th o r i ty to koap tueh dataura In tarn- p o r t r y rep a ir through a p roper pM rol ayotom.

“It U avldaat at praaaM that aot oaly ■ ro many of tha mala highway roulaa In bad Tapalfi but tbo dotoura which ar* u*«d durlag Maatruetlon porloda are abpointoly daacataui.' Thla eoadltloa ■hould not bo pannltlad to any longer 'Mtat, and yoa ibouM tab* Immodlal* atopo, la my Judgmant, to proolda tar a proyot rapatr ayttam through aa lataa- aiva rwad Mtrol. Thla ahotild aypty aot •n iy In tbo dolouro but to tho main highway road, vhM t for tlgaaolal iwaaoM or othorwiao oaanot bo Bum*- diatoly Npaltad.

C o apaan ttaa wHb fJonaltoo Vagod."I tergo a tharotigb latragtlgallon of

tha taM ag ovor by tha proviaua own- ailaalon dt alt of tho main highway routM with a (flow of toaibg vbothor thoro ana b* arrangod through tbo ootintloa a oovoyorallon la ibo matlar ot analatananoo until auob ttmo aa thaoo lagla highway rouloo osn bo pavod. It la My nnproMlon that b r« a | oaa* having boon lakoa ovor Mnnot ho again ratornod to tognty gtilhorltlag, I am. bowovor, ooavlaood that thoro la noUitag Thifh will p w M t tbo ooanif from oo-oparatMig with Ibo ptato Ig



Iha alM* iMtlHS-

Iba gMttar af gmlatanMoo aaiij pgab rabtaa osn bo pormniMBtly eoaainotoi. If thla oan ba arraaSod i voald aag* goat that olopa bo Immodlataly tafion *o that Ibo (laaaatal bardag a t mala. talBlng thoaO roulog will not raat on- tiroiy npoB Ibo I t a u Highway Com. mtaoloa.

* rba laalM waH lakoa avar agaRml my aapnatod ludgnm t a* T taroMw aaaatty That ba* bkbbwmg—aaamly.

f r i rk for jo u f cornmlPBli^n ind It c«p- i b l i of OQm|l1fitltli lh« iam«, thei* ihouM b« Ampli proi ftiflln ti opcnft'l B llhfr to cbmpi) Im m idlxii compk- lion or to providi for lh« iu rrfiu lr. of th i contfAct, And 11 th# bonJi whu'h hAV« bA4«n roqulrid Afi In proper form, (hdt BlHti ihould b i Amply proleitcii lr«ni any !«■«. WbAt ib r people nf Nbw JtrAvy ilvqtAJid !■ Ih^ f'Oinpkilnn of thiA work At Ak M rir aa pn«■IblA io ihAt th tro TitAy b« a mlnlmunt of InroDVinlfncft.

“ I would itro n f ly recomntfnd lo ynur boxrd UiAt you providi for a m*iUnf of tb« commlifllon iArh we«k durlnf ih i period of ArllvB conBlructton iu thxi ihF d«liy In ihe dM«rmlnAilon of df'tAlli bfl AB iho rt Ai p0Mlb|«. And iO thAt (he InliflocklT ii r«Utlon« b«tw*«n ihft ro u n t li i And th i ilA ti n tiy bi tub* jFi-i to Bpftidy cO'OrdlRAtton

' t would itro n f ly ricotnoiBnd that rBlAtioni b i tw iin th« HIaU H tfh '

WA) ro m m ltilo n And th« countlBi hi AO d il irm ln id thAl Ih tr t will b i At hH ilm pi A cordlAl co-opiTAllon TAthrr ihATi th i tondlllon of d liu rlun which I Ain told now a iIaU T hi OArrylni out of th« roAd proffAi«. both Ai to mAln hlchWAXi And Ai to th i AUilllAry county htihw A yi. TiArdi ih i in th u i l i i - tic vo-opAfAtlon of All bodliB hAvInf c o n c o rrin l Authority.

"1 Am iu r* (hAt yo% will u n d irU k i th la probUm In th* ap in t ef M rvinr th« bUAln*aa InlATwati of th i aUt«. and 1 trv a t th a t yaii. ««lll tu id inU B d tha raaaon fo r my B u n ia tla p aj 1 havi irtv in th i problim of tha S ia ii H igh­way Com tnlulon conildirA bli itudy pltici 1 b icaro i Oovirnor.**

Men Anciled for Whiiky Theft Held for Grand Jury, Bail Cut

Wh*B four mifi. a r r« ilid J ura 10 In aonniCtlon w ith Ih i holdup of two truoka fllU d w ith w hiiky on F tilla g - h u y iin a ^ rn u i n ta r ih i Lithlgh Valloy R ailroad brldgo th i night bifor*. w ira ea llid for iiam tnA tlon In th i F ln t P r« ' clndl C ourt today, th r i i of tham* Ja m it R y rn ii of 111 PU tia a l r i i t , Nufray Han Otaeomo of t Ahtl i t r« i l and Ralph Rtial* colorid. of 2* W arran plaoi. w a lv id AEAmlnatlon. B y rn ii and f lttil w ira r i p r i i i n t i d by J- H arry lienagAit. who told Ju d g i Hoonpy hli cllfintR w ould let th i lr c a i i i go to tha grand jury . Judge D'Atola. ro u n iil for Ran (Jlacomo, u In CallforhlA, but It waa announced n li alao had dioldadto wal^e iXAmlnatlon.

At th i re q u ii t of fo rm ir Judg» H oraoi C. Orica an iaamlnatloTi of PTaak Maokln of 112 Bunm ar avinue. thA fou rth of th i ao ru iid mill. Want on , and no th ing waa allcltad to change the iltu a tlo n . H divelopad, howavar. that i th i ac c u iid ar* all N iw a rk tra aod In conA iquinci th i ball od It.ODb demandod At th i t im i of Thi a rria ta waa raducod to 11,500, w ith the exception of Hleel, w hoia b in d waa roducej to |b(H) Ho WAA amployad In a garAga on W arran plaoi, w h ir* th i whlaky waa taken.

Mitfouri Profetior to Help On Setmen't International Code

OBNOA, l u i r , Ju ly 1 (JF).—Dr. Hen- lay Oe Kudaofi, profataur of law in tha UhlviTAlty of Mlaaourl and Judicial ad< v l i t r to Ih i Ih lirn a tlo n a l Confaranca on L a ^ r . h a i bi«n appolntod chairman of th i cim m laalon which will ax irrlna Into t h i q iiiitln n of f r a m l^ an Intar- natlonal coda for Marnan. I ^ a appoint* m in t of Dr. Uudion la cbnaldarad an unprw cidanlid hpnor. aa ha la not a m im har of t h i Ih tarnatlonal Conf«renca on Leabiy^dnd tha UnHad Biataa la not a m tm b ir o f tha Laagu* NaUona.

Ptrii Newip ien TeU Fieacli People to Observe July Fourth

FAIUg. Ju 'r 1 <Jg).—M*w**gg*r* of PnriB todny egll*4 th* g(t*gt|oB i f th* poogl* to th* fMt thgt •ggSgyl I* Amerlenn Ind*b**S*Be« Dgy. The Hntln dtolnre* the rngob Oovorgment will So It* utmoit to obUlg rooognl- tl*g of th* oooealnn. th* •BOMitni In­cluding * p«r«da ot treoy* b*tar* th* atntu* of WeahlnglOB. Tho n*v*pnp*r gskn PnrlaUni to d*o*rgl* lh*lr b«m*t with ling* on July «■

J. R. CtpeUtBce. Cubwt Expert Jh Chess, Arrives in New York

KBW TOBK. J u ly ^ (*),—J**o. R OgggWbS**' 0 »Ss» «*“ •• WSdf*- rivoS b*T* to d ty on th* •Unmihlp M om OgotU from Kgvggm It wm **;mnUy nanounood h* would go nhrou to MBb g m tch w ith th* w gru 'g obsm,.


Trolley Farei, Phone C»ll». Milk, All Rise in Chicago

CHIf’ .tflo, Ju ly 1 I .r I —Aurfece Car fart-s in ChliAXo B ihanrril from ■Ix (o irrilB (i*tlny Trlrphonftca lla A iriFAmirf'd rAt«* bAftl". Jump4M] fri>m flvf to b1i «nf1 nnei half cent*, and milk w ru t u p a • rM (O fifteen iBtitB A quAtt.

FartB DU the alevAted linen r e ­main Wt ABven and ntiF-hAlf t-epdi. but a deciftion on Hm Appenl of •lavatid lln e t for an Iim rr-ABe to (•n catilii Is r i pec( ed u Uhl r> n w cfk

leCeCGets Report On Rail Equipment

Railway Lxecutivei Make Detailed Recommendations for Spend­

ing of Fund.■ la. . ■' -

Total of $121,000,000 Provided

WABHIKOTON, Ju ly 1 ( » ) . —D*t*He<l recbmmandatlo&i for tba d la tr lb u tlio of tha Bum Ait Aalda t>ui of the |IOO,000.000 riT ilv Ing fund prbvltftd by iha trana- portatlnn act for tha p u rch a ta nf new aqulproant and for iddUIOBi and bettar- manta wara mada to Iha In tera ta ia Commtraa Commlaalon today by Thomai I>a W itt Cuyler. chairm an of lb* Aiao- olatlon of R ailw ay B iaa tltlT aa

Tha raport propoM t tb a dlatrlbullon among tha roada of IM.iOO.OOO to be uaad In rabuHdltig and repairing€ c a n and looomotivea and In the pur- chaaa of t i l naw locomotlvea and $6,000

row to cnaeerna aelllng m ata rla li ara«r>1cBa to tha rallraada-

Tb« appeal, aeoordlng to a ita te - mgiit Itfuad today by Ih t Railway RuBln«nii Aaaoi-latlon, 1i haing Uauad In the h e ik f thal a ahortaga of c a rt In Hi (he root of prea«nt Indu ttrla l iliffli'uli lea T h ii rondltlon. Mr Jobn- Biifi poihiB out, may be allBVIatcd by riiAhurBC'turera If th«y will g ran t th i Iranaporiation llnea prefarancB In Iha niAtler r>f tle lh v rle f

Predict Jersey Shortly Will Be S a r a ’s Rival

Prohibition Enforcement Officislg See Tightening in Trsde from

Now On.

First Year All Doubt* and Hopei

On ibB f in ( ann lvcraary nf prokibl lion. f#daral nfflcarR in rharga of an> foroament today pradlotrd th a t July 1 1921. would find tb« «ta(c almoal totally dry. OaorgB W. Van Nota, t la ta diractor of prohlblliun, and Ciaorga A- Damo, In cbargB of enforcem ent lit (hla tecdon of Iha BlAte, adm itted Iba paal yaar of official dryneaa haa nui raally baan Very dry, but Inalalad (bat anothar year of entorcemenit will maki* a big i-hanga

Tha d irector racallad th a t whan th# ban Waa lowerad a year ago today AAloon kaapara acknow ladgad that whiiky waa dbomad, but hung on to the 2.75 bear un til the Volataad act waa pAiaad In October. BatWMn Iba placing of tha w aretlm a ban atmIi the advent of tba IClgbtaanth Amandmant. January 1C* ha addad* tha liquor men wern hi conataAi hopa th a t (ha w ar­time ban would be ilftad. Aftar thla

- . . . A.. . i j , J kopci di^d thara began the a ttack ! onfreight rere. *nd »IS.9(K),000 for .d d l- *nd Ih* Volet.** *ct,tlone end b rtte rm en l* to prom ote lh« t,„th of whloh w ore reoonllr upheld by

bwwBgl tfegbWMsr*'M thMi a « w M Uw a«gdi« t miMie tnoiBrigg MBMilgg* ov*v wbub *# bgv* gg ggntrol, W n hgvo trl*S tg f* t tbg bgggg bg llt, b g t tb*M M bSlltM i OHMtgg gflliiB l BVorylhlhg w* *ggM do."

Mr. Ctakot g*b*S ihg bogrS t* wnHgk ttl b* oBuld go t In Ingob w ith big *oag**l, ABdrow Vnn Binrcom, b*tar« B iting *n tho m att*r. bg t Mr. R * y m old tgform od him th n t H r. Vnn Blnr- oom hnd fu ll hnowlodg* thg t Ih* oom- P*o.t‘* rrnnchl** m a tte r would com* up *1 todor'o m oeling.

"In view of th n t. It I* v try ic n a g * th* i b* bn* not oom* her*."

Mr. Cukor began to o ip in in th a t Mr. Van U oraem though t It would not b* neoegaory fo r him to kpponr. fltio* Ih* five old-typo boMO w*r* to be oporolod today lo hold Iho fronchlo*. wheo Mr. ttoymond ogoln out In. deoloring;

U th loh the frnochl** ehould b* re ­voked; It wo* obtVinad through deceit Odd ml*r*pr*a*BtotloB in th* A n t ploor."

"Bo do I." declared Ur. Archibald, nnd Mayor a illo n d ec ln n d h* woo of the e*me mind.

A fterw ard, when **h«d w hot h* toennl hy "deceit end Ril*r*pr*o*nl*- tlUD" Ur. Raymond r e f t r n d to th* proinl*** mad* by U r Cukor t l i l ta a tnonlb* ogo of w h*t h« wno going t* do, «nd h li fnllur* to k**p tho** prom* li**.

In It* figh t *g*ln*t th* Pubtlo B*r- vli-e U*e t’ompuny'e nppllcallon lo In- rreeae |[* r a i r i lo I t I I ■ ihou.end cu­bic f»»t, the city will not ..*age *■- pert* *( ■ubeientlal (e*i That policy Wee adopted when rnniinleeloner Arcl^- ibeld end the Ileyu r (J«cl*r«d Iheiit- e-lvee ***10*1 paying large fee*.

I »m oppo»d In (he (.hole echeni* "f *ng*glng re iic r t* " decU rtd Ih* Meyor, "end enyw ey our evidena* won t emnunt lo any th ing In my opinion the Puhllo tHIlltlca Commleelon la * Joh*. end II w ouldn't do any good to bring * lot of r ip a r te evldenc* lo them, I think Ke ehould figtil Ihl* ca** on what *vl. d.nce our depertm eni eeperl* ran fur- eieh. together w ith (he city eountel'e li.gil eh iliir W* ehould fight ' | to the limit, the l-uMIc Bervlce Oee I'ompmny he" heen Irlnim tng Ih* clly now for el tra il lien yeere evUh Inferior gee."

Sir Ileyinond, who will have charge ef Ihe ge* fighl. aubm llted to the Judg meni of hie ro llreg u re He eeld he he.l engaged Alfred E. F o iaiell of Nrw Vork. * roneu ltlng engineer wllh e erore of year*' e iperlehce eperlellelog III the lubject of gee. but only for a i-i'Oferenre lo b* bald Tueedey, He eeld no e ip e rle have been engaged for r ru r i eo rk

Ticket Office at Millburn Station Is Robbed of $303

Thft t i rk i l office Ih Ih* Mlllbtirfl Pta- (ion (jf Ih i leAckAwanna Railroad w ai forced aome llm f After I! o^'lock la it n lfh t and «arljr th li tnorn lnf «nd ISO] • toleti from Uib BAfe Hllver. Amoun(- Inf to II M. whiQh WAB In an o th ir part of ths BAfi. WAB l i f t bihimt. The rob> Urry w ia dlftcovrred by A lftid WlamAri, dmy AgBhi. w hin bo reported for duly IhiB m orning And hft npdfled th i police. A wlpdow WAB forced to i ic u r i *0 - Irtn c i.

Johr^ Rgan nf Ml- Tabor night a t in l , iAB oil duty until m idnight. I( Ib b»- HeVid by N&e pollco th a t h i did not Bhu( (h i agfi door tight. The lum hkr# on the aa fi had bOin tu rn id . Indicating thal Egan believed h« had (he door fully clooed-

ForYoorSteiio.Ifyog grg a bgygr of I

si tlm B»sas|riitsra thslr n o n sr Um raM io V sii4 sslsct tbs bsMt rrodnets fsr (htir usk

B drar^ ll

PcorloBg CirbsM Pa*snhMatagtgaagg aad MaWeawCstaM tamaasaai Mat

boa rifMa, M.M i BiafaaM OOnsa fDaiafaaM

Mart* Tn Ntto Batika, Pads,

limag Iggf Note■barn Pnarllg, IDoaWjtabigti TW-Wy 1

«s.■oMm Ctw. mad Pandli,

g.VAODagt ,

2S1 HaiAet StiwI l , u

I '

R S u f n S j S S S

Want* Judge to Get Her Goat, Which Two Men in Auto Got

'T w ant the Judge to get my goal.” announ^od a women aa oho entorid the Oraftgo Potloi Court room thla morn* Ing, gAd th tro b y alm oit accompMotkid Ih i co iiv irp i on Ju d g i Ovidio C. Blanchl. The Judgi. howivor. q u iitid (h i ripp li of laugh ter and InaUtuted an Inquiry, ih roagh which he «ltrl(ed (he Inform ation (hat the goat of Ure, Rna« Ruiac. the vialtof, hgd I^Bon gottan by two men ami (aken away In an auto* mobiii.

H ri. Ruaao o ipU lned Ihgt tha tnan drove an augom nhlli yaetirday paat her home a t 111 Scotland atraot, Orango, where the p a ilo ra l pot waa tlid* cut ihB rope, p lac id (he goat In the car

I and drove away.The ju tlie turned (he requeat of Mri-

Rueeo over to (he police* who have biguti a Beari'h for the mleelng penny.

l i e n c h lu ih i i l i i ')

Uiliuk'^vE.H.Nie8pScewardH otel NetherlandiCneab (traerbarrt**, mtg whb cu4ar, ttaab at MaragablaOt wad •M B ^ "rbiladglpbia’' Craam Che«in to mnka tWah m M*> MnkapaooakonnaddropbUifOOBi Inlpaataooaaak. PoMotmrjowSi* with ioSnr, *tiipo with bnl fohat nod iarra plptnl bot. Umt Saab a iavorl Aad Milalnlaf M S baatataaklAik lor "rhUodalpUa* (>**■ C^aaM Srieaeoa. "PHILAOBL- PHIA” ao Iha lahal i* imor a»> turaoaa oi full, riah laroripofHf •od (nahoam.

A PNCNIX niO D U CTrilKN I X I'HEICaK cum^ an V ro CtiifimcTC#- atrvet^rwftrh. N J-


Umt tlm jah o( __■raat fa r tha stata :

ta ahoaMsrWM tao

iwajr Coimim-Aa It wilt

a r W i j r a R S '^bs ■MmaoMtV pavs4 raaa th a t It to of ftatl

MS!! W

fsataias. laa m ilir to

ts i i i i o r i i h I p

tiaa, iw. Bual Laak*r.

leBrluii Made CoUefS TnisteeNHW TORit.Tuiir I (»>.—Wljitam ft

Larkla, fiaad kalM l of th* Knlilit* *( ColiHahw aad dlioclar of th* order* oT*ra*ag work durtna th* war, today MM aftftalaidd a Inwita •( th* C ollut ot tbs CItf a t Haw T*rl| br U*ror Hr

RkaJMis Out k Nonvilk. Cobb.

MmharlBf, ■dVMHW rasivad IS

Ivift 1 (»»- paiatan b*«, tar aa

movement of ca r*Twenty.flT* road* would r*c*lv* th*

to tal fund for addlllone end belter- mcnle. Including Improved round houee end *nglne term inal cepnclly. Ih* ee- (•nelon of aldlnga, edd itlonel yard track* end the like. Tw *nly-flv* roada would r*c«tv* | l l , t t l . t l * for tbo ecqul- Bltlon of I t fre igh t locomotlvce end 3tV ■witching locomotive* having n 101*1 v*lue of I5S.TIT.III. nln*I**n road* would r*celvo |52.3I0,5ST for Ihn pur- ebta* of 15.931 tro la h l car*. Including T.tIO re fr ig era tin g care, of a to tal valuo Of app ro ilm ate ly |14l.5(t.T10. and nine roade would r*c«tv* IT.OS*.9*0 for th* purpo** of addition* end bellerm ent* to eglettbg equipm ent w hich would reetore lo effteU nt eervlc* 11.(11 care and looo- m otlvea

Th* commltt** eleo Tecommended reearv** from the fund for emaller road* not iB*mh*r* of tb* aieocleilon a* follow*;

For aqulpm ent, 9T,T((.*00 and for ad­dition* and b e tte rn ien tt, t4.709.noo-

Vadon* Allwlm*B4a Vrg*4Tb* New Turk C entral wnuld r«-

nelv* th* largeat nmouiit out of th* tl(.((6 .M 0 for th* purchaae nf new looumoll***. It* a lle lm aq l balng M .lll ,- 0*0. Th* titinol* C entral would ro- c*lv* |t.UT.500: Ih* Atohlaon, T ontka ■ Banlk ft^. IS. 141,000: th* N ortaarn Paatflo. 11,150,000. Naw Haven, |I,T5*.- 000: Chloago. B urlington a Quincy, 11.741,000; th* Q renl N orthern, I t . lH ,- 000: th* BtI*, 11,140,000: Ih* B oiton h Main*. 11.140.000; th* Bouthern Pnol- flo. |l,IIO ,0*«i th* Ch*M P«th« * Ohio,J1.0IMS0: th* Phll*d*lphta A Reading.

l,*tl,000.Of lb* MI.*f0,*S0 nddltlen nag hot-

tcn n en l fund, th# Hew Haven would ■wool** SAIiO-OSOi tb* Chteapoak* AOhio. M,U0.00O; th* N onhern Pnclflc,11.400,000: th* Dolowar* A Hudwtn.

1.1(0,000; th* V irginian. |t.**0,*00: th* T aiae A P aclde , f t . (11.000; Beaton A Main*, |l ,l t ( ,* 0 * i Chloago A W oaUrn Indtaaa. tl,l** .S0(: th* O rm t N ortborn, tl.UO.OOOj Ib* KrI*, |1,4»(,***; th* Mocking 'V*1t*r, 11,171.000. W h**llSg A Lak* Krl*. II ,(11.000.

Of tb* tlt,0*0,0*( t a r tb* purchai* of freigh t e a ra th* K*A T ork C*ntr*l would r«c*lv* IllflOS.OOO; th* Atchlaon.J gpoh* A Bonta V*, t7.((0.000; th*

rn lt ar*w*r*- Enpro**. ((.TIO.OOO: tb*••athcra ftMtfta. lAlH.too; th* On- M * . btllwa^** A I t . Paul.In tee llo g A Lmk* Erl*, ft.dOO.OoO; th* Oblcago. E u rlln g ta a A Q uinor. ts .t7s.- ttO; th* Ch*Mh*Bh« A Ohio, |t .( ( ( .o o ( : K orthara Paclflr, It.KS.lOO: lllltioU G ta tta l. « ,ii(iS S S iUul*. ll.MS.O0t i W ootorn ftaeirie, |*,ttS.

t t M a a S a ro ts td th a l tb* MistmlMton I* pr*parlt)g I* a« t p r* m p tlr upon thN * r***iniM aS*tl«aa I t wa* nn- aouncod th a t th* road* bad a i r ta d r arrottgad ta p a n h a a * an d flaaaa* •* ! • ( ih* ir *w a r* * * a ri* i r a s t s *ar* and

‘z ssw iijrss iL s .' -Urn to aquipMSht to oka vala* ot laar* thaA tha aaMMt ^ l b * th* ISM ssft W •*araSil ts HWbAA.tsHteJ.. tmlaa** o* ba m M pM anr r**7 lA stb lsw M i

' ....Seek RiS^iiMiQee

C if “ “ - -

the I 'n lled S tA tii D litr lc l Court' Cp to the t tm i th* H uprim i Cour(

miitJe h i dicU lon lh « rt wa« gppgriQi Die hope of (h i liquor mon (hot prohl- hldon WAX not her* to olAy," Added Ur Vin Note. “iMnct th in they hAVi rao l' lied thoro !■ no c h tn c i of the lAloon builnoM over com ing bgrk. end mony th ro u fh o u l tho iU to hAvo quit.”

Whon tho d irec to r and onforooment Agoni woro remlndod th a l moot of the IdKI-odd AAloon keopore tn thip cfiy woro tak in g uu l U coniet for Anothor yoAr th«y oAld (hoy roAiliod (hero wab much oDforcoroOhl to bo dono here. Tho Mceneei Ar# lAiUod by tho clly And pvnnil only tho oaIo of noar boor and lucb drlnk i. Tho fodorol AfflcorB Aloo Adroit th a t (ho jAlli ^ '^uld bo over* crowded if All thoAO violating Iho law woro caught a t onc«.

"W* havo a lot of work ahoad o( ui." Oald Mr. Doroo* "And It ioom i an lin- poaolble ta lk lo onforre tho law a* II ■hould bo, but we have mado lomo nrugfoo# and will roaSio much moro In iho tiix t twolvo inonihB.'^

Today waa alao (h i dato for rin iw a l of retail and wholeaalo liquor fodoral llooniAi which iako (he form of (aa •lam pt In donorelnatlonB of |IR for ro tallore tiirl |10(i for wholoealor*. They aro lBou«d by th i iDtornal Rovonuo Bureau, where l( waa aald that only d a a ltr i who hold perm iti under (ho prohibition law would bo perm lttod to buy the ataxnpa. Many aaloon h#ap*ri- who woro glvoB th# atam p llooiMO a y«ar ago, w ith th* w arning th a t (hoy aarrled no prlv tlaga ta toll In to ifoanu . w#ro (old they could »iol havo ihom whon thoy applied for rrnow ali re- oanlly.

In addition (o the p#nallU t prooMod fa r vloUilofi of (ho prohibition U « . Iho hnroau will levy (h* t a i on any porion ogught oolllng liquor w ithout a porrnlt from th i 4ir#eiuf. Tha p#niiltg aro g raatod to d ru fg la la aa rotalUra- Tbaao who qualify by filing aufflclent bond ^ro grantod perm it* a* w ho liaa liri. All porm lti A^* In to itcan dfor non-b#Tiraga purpo### only*

Repealer OrderedFor Bus Franchise

fConttauaS ta*m rig*t ftaga>

It. tba

Sports and Studies Program at Fellowship Aooociation Opening

A program of lum m er aporti and or* yon liid group work on rellglouB And •(luredonAl lopli* were part <if tho opening rally of th« Young Womon'e KftllbWihlp AAOOclatlon, eompc4*«d of lolorod g irla of Newark, held loot night In SL P a u l i M ithodlai ICplacopal Churek. Tho club room* used during the w ln ttr by iho Downtown Club at Ih i cthurrh will bo uaod for hiAdquar- rerB aJ^d will be openod avery day and dunday afternoon, when ifto wMI beBifVftid

Mri Jo taph O. Rpurr, preoident of (he i*f)Rmii((v« uf monagemvnl. and Mlio Neva A ('happen, general iic ro ta ry of Iha T. V’ C A . reprs-iintlng the wum-

I d#partmftn( of the FidirA don of C hurchii. we-re amfing (h i ap iah ira . A TMimbir nf (he \ \v r A- g lr li tang. About ifg h ly -f |v e ptreona. among whops vsfri‘ Mt^rsfBenlillvvB o f a tiurtibar of Ihe poInreU rhyrch«a, atieadod th# r#My. \t\mm V 'T lf Autkea nf ('heyga. Pa.* will p# IP chargo a t the recraq^lon r#oma.

It’s GrmdraoUMTf Rsdpe , W « Bring Bick Cokrr twl

Lufttar to Htir.

Thai W iiliru l, ivan ikag* ef dark, flaiig kalr ran i*nlr b« ba# by brvwlat a HUatar# »r §•#• T*o and Sulpbar. Tnar balr li Pi#f rharm. Il makM or marB (ba faca. Wkia It fadM. turna gray or stPoakad. JO*t AA apbllcatlon or two of B«tf* and iultabsiy gg* bonoae Hi appaaranc* a hundrE#(o1#.

l>on 1 botfa*r lo pr*par« tbs rndterot yo# ran gal (bla famoua aid r«vlpa, Improved by tba addition uf ptJiar (naradlcntB* al A •tnall eop(. all r«a#y for iiEa. U U oallid Wyaib'i Aaga and Hulpbur rom paoni 'Tkll MO alwaya ba dependad upon (a bring baeft (ha natural color and iuitar af yvur kalr.

Ivarybitdy «■■• "Wyath *” Baga «n# Ml- phur Fompcuad now, bacauaa l( darkeao eti ialurnlt/ and evonly that nobody raa iall| It ba# baan appUad You almply dtrupea a* •pong# or aofi bruah with It and draw (bi# tbraugh tha botr. laktng ona »mall Rroid i t a tlnia; by morninf tha grey balr ba# dloappaarad, and afiar anofhar opplUall>Hi it bacitnia b«aullfullr dark an# apfean glosay and luatroua —AdTtrlUaiti»n| |« t Wyatb CbiiBlea] To.

F I R E W O R K SHeadquarterg at

SILVERMAN SBloomfield Center


m nnr hui** n*w *p*r*tlng *• w ill In- tur* to th*ra B Infln* Mor* bu*A Um f f**l. w ill h » l l»u*lti*M. * m ultlpllentlon w ill BOt m**n » « ^ l t l - M letllon o f po*BMiB*r*l I* w ill m*«h l*w*r rtvoButS.

"Th* fiv*-*(iit ta r* t*S hr 1* ■ •( •mitIbb ptopwiloB- Th* I 'I s jr

H p ir ir tr* *la* la I to S M M tff .W ; V I kM w full « * n K lo a o t a i l Um* v s w ants Ilk* u *«j m

"to, It shi* wia<Ml»*r«1 OamllMMI OBHpMi I arnail** p w MS* l im t m w ill

f e S F ' -ommwi itoi(» a*

fhh*4f . . w | a ~

What is the Thing ta Look for in a Used Car

T h e r e U tlwaya t chance" tfiai;tha used car a man dccldea upon

may not come through aa It ought to.U nless be takes th e trou b le to

look beyond the sales talk and the price and Into the in ten t w ith which the car was built originally.

Havlog doae that be will uoderstaiid. as perbapa ha ntver did bafora, why there la tuch cer* taioty of aatftfactory sarvlca about tba

• naed Packard.

P A C K A R Dlta(w Ow Cemeeer M N*w T*ihBroad Street at Kionay

Now oo th* flo o r M y o a r loiwoSItta SorvlM

V OMftnclurSMiOpmwn- OOf Touitno m w ^

0 «* F*cb*fS S E I (m**m

Oo* ft*«hMS Mi n*M w*M aee*hw B-W a


% g U / n i m ( w l ( l i i P W d m a f « i w 'A i » y * <

(UUJDWEMe RIFLE' A t ( M W iW 'M iid q ia 'N iw ^ *

I ^


ilro^O Worth of the Finest FootwearA. Shw 8 iom f«r Odds Safe.

- ra » " ^ ^ > 5 ^ « ‘ ?4rw ^at' 30%, 40% and 50% Underprice^ F t p h -v Pptr n t Shoea in Our Store

t a o d « to iM he Oita BMXifice—

SlatersBigShoeStore603 Broad St., Newark

' 0


To Reduce the High Cost of Livings a l e s t a r t s

T a n A. t r IT W II.L rA lr »« « T tM OWK r H O „v j U i V 1< MII.K1 AROt’KIt TO T n i t lALK,

Men's Dept.mirg tua WORK AND

oardining SHOn —Rrown•Ik cbront ImUmt. OA Ml 4ovt)l« . sole, 0 .U 7mmf Iwt....... •-nr N«* u4 Sar. mt-----

MBN tTJ* U. K ARHT MUNSON LAST i }ASROD-Vtttr proof.half Ullovt longtM...____ _ a*r.a^ —-

1 1

MfirS ISAS GOODTEAR WttT STROT AND -W OA DRR88 BHOB8 ^ In ^ « 0 7 gmsnMtnl cnif .. .., rn Tm Mm MU. la ---

ftlimllir' NH(a rtn and PMtMst SKUOUidwt M QA Uatd ikoM, wo f“tla),Oy

Women's Dept.LADIES’ 13.00 RUBBER

SOLE SPORT PUMP8-Of white wnvw; for Yoention, yachtlnt. MMhoro | WA ind nU-iround wear. 1 , |Y At

-OtMiMt TUw. *a BwO

mbps AND ROTS’ /% QA SCOUT it .o VSR TAN

-aM. mk M «Mr-MBPS |«jM sport shoes

—Whitt anay dock, leather patch ttfamlBCA rnh- 'J i A bar aalat. For ontlns. kt% V7

lit, oearta, etc.

m . For mm «Mi ttndar feat and”*'-*S5.89

rTOUNG MENW lu s wmn. BROWN AND ORAT CANTAB 01. ^ AA PORDS —Laathcr or ^ • 4 7 nMer aalaa............Jfao Vmt yrttec. eeC WUefcltM..~ ---------------O MEN’S

WOMEN’S AND GROWN GIRLS’ tAAO SHOES, OX- PORDS AND PUMPS—Inbrown, tan, black and a OA patent leather; hifh 4 eU7 or lo« hecla..........



Children’s Dept.ROTS’ AND GIRLS' IlM

PLAY OXFORDS- | 'WA With Elk aolet, brown 1 ,^ “ calf uppen..............


tt.0« DOUBLE WEAR ^ QA SCHOOL SHOES—Black calf------ Mar fM tk. AMm

SPEaAL! BOYS’ M-l*SCOUT SHOES—Ex- Z Atra atrong and du* rablf ....................-T.n TMir rnMC. m* w.iek>M.

- n r n.w. Ban Uaaar-BXTRA 8PEaAL_I______ DR.

KIMBAIX’S WXO CUSHION SOLE COMPORT SHOES AND OXFORDS—For women and groini glrla; broad a OQ toe, flexible aolet, 1»» 4 a 0 7 beeta


SaOBB — For heath, |•Iffat ud all aM- l J , yHiff IpOflV te.ea.t.*•G •■4 1 WmIpg Hm) iUg «f OmtMBPB AND YOUNG MEN’S ns TAULTUBS SHOES’ AMD OXFORDS-Black, broim. tan, broad £ A A blechar or Engllih j/aOY 1

n r tttm aM Ian m t ------WOMRN’S AND GROWN

GIRLS’ n> TO lll-M NEW SUMMER STYLE BOOTS, PUMPS AND OXrOBDS— Black, brown, tan, patent coh. New eyelet punpa, £ QA Colonitla and on- forda

MISSES’ AND CHaDREN’S tl.M WHITE CAN- | iA VAS STRAP PUMPS- [ ,4 ^ Leather or robber aolet.4 aat I Talr* >aa tha rrtM af ftaa-

MI88ES’ AND CHILDREN’S ISA* MARY JANE PUMP8- In patent leather, gun- } dO metal and while buck, J , 4 0 at.........................

- a Aaaaa a( • LlMtiROYS’ WJ# U. 8, ARMY

SHOES—Mnnton latt; i ' ! £ beat Ytluea In the 4 e n 0 world ...................._l«t WaMilaa Kaae Taa

MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S,jp White canvas 7 a aHIGH-CUT BOOTS—Leather aolet and heela• •eea«*«aa*e

Altantion, aportameni $10.00 U, 8. Army extra qulily Hip Rnbbor Boola, pom ^

WOMENW AND GIRLS U RUBBER SOLE VACATION AND TENNIS SHOES | £ 0 —Of white duck. |aOO At ......................

n n , denhta ply aolM •a d tie«ta ................_ _ ______ Itow Vae a m r —

MBtrS llfl MUSK OX WATER PROOF SERVICE SHOES whk ballowa £ OA (••gw. double oak g)a07 ••IM. U. S. Army laat. rtf Bertaea

Mirs AND YOUNG NENW nOM AND HIM HIGH AND liW SHOBI—Slack, brown •ad un, EngUeh Z Q A « M i ond madinm | | * 0 7

.—.CM T aw BhM M l . !■ llUf-----CELEBRATED Dr. WHIT­

COMB fit CUSHION CORK SOI.R COMFORT SHOES AND OXFORDS—Of black glace kid, flexible aolet, rubber heela; broad or me- £ OA dium toee; high or JJeOz low heele .............

-a ia MMaew-

EXTRA SPECIAL! MISS and CHILDREN’S |TA* EX­TRA HIOH-CUT BOOT8- White Buck, Patent i OA Leetberi YAht Tope, 4 .0 7 .Brown Kid.


./HITE AND BROWN I JAtennis high rub- i ,£ fyBEB-SOLE SHOES.



m iM t. tatt-------

BOYS’ AND GUOS’ $33* BUBBBB-SOLE SPORT SHOES —With laather patch irlm- mlnga; for all iporta— | AQ baaabnlL ontlng, etc.; l.Y O at ........................

WOMENS AND GUOS’ t|$a YTHITE CANVAS OXFOBDB—Uathtr aokn•a d heola; Ugh ur, 1.98

mf Hww. iGW*SMALL BOYS’ M.N | QA


■ r M a w e e U i a i a a

big BOYS’ n.M BOX CALF SCHOOL OR DRESS ^ AFSHOES-llMa 2H t*5>4 .......................- e . ' v

m n





We’re doing the busineBs—is it any wonder ? Our regular prices are lower than other’s

sale prices.Our credit prices are lower than other’s cash

prices.Our styles are the latest—our selections are

large.Our credit system is Modem—no red tape, no

collectors.Wc arc mEnufacturers: show the newest effects,

and save you the customary middle profit.We are at the inexpensive end of Market street;

save you the extra rent that you pay at the other end.

FOR WOMENSU rrg—In Ser^saad Tricotines DR£SSES><-In Serge, Silks, Or­

gandies, etc.SK K T8—Plaids, Checks. Gab­

ardines >WAISTS, COATS, WRAPS, Ac.

W* tra ttllorg at wtU u dotb- 0 «r mgltrialt nrv luams-

lipd Urn warbmaaahlF ant-dm— flfew M fev •• It ia poHlbta

'Em iRf

• 1 —

w l . ‘'t 1 ' .‘t.-


Center Market Food Specialsgdwncr’n Prumiom X l c Correa, IK..................0 1 wIUbUmW AaraPta a t W. T. Btato ralY

I f j m a m a k ■ p o u n d « f N u t B u t t o r

T tp s f^ r inToo ana,

• a , a a a lk a . laaaa at• * a a a a tVital Ptiaa,('Mtalaa aa kaaaaata ai

Mat BwIMt Btana Ca,



Uodcr CHf Suitary Impectloa

Subject to CltF Regafetkm

Real Foodatufh Served At CenUf Market

Get Your Meat For the 4th

F. & J. SCHOTTU Cealcr Maihat

and y®u will b* rata ta anjor a •ootl tnaaL llaal mMt, riant arioaa and eoartaooa u rtw a,prioaaT r r tk a anoTHSan w u a t t a

M M tatlao .ntoaa .avuiaaBT

D in s AT HOMS JIILT rOVBTH aaadala Thai Maha It Warth WMto


TM1. MtiLBaaaTG »ala* M«B L aab .•baainara nwHas Lamb........••H aa trfiBib Cbapa...............

KT.::: Veal .Ma•baatdara CbaaK Ha.



/ ”

NEMICK BROS.6<13 Center Market,

Kdvi O^oed • Storo st Watar VitefL Sfeo it HlfhtaBfc N. J... ,;.;iM ;R tl«eK .A ^'l i or'Ceiwta'Ldgi y$il f*/ < .1. '

Kiank & HoroerU i C r n k g U M

Qnafity Meats

The thousands who wilt n(rt go‘a ^ ; p * W ; ^ will want “aomothlng extra good'* to eat CiBtef supplies the want, no matter what ft^' P*®,Poultry, Fruits, Vegetables and*ai*fythhlg •a w ^ b lc is found in plenty and at the loweat iirlcea in m 4 ettf.’, Visit Center Market and relect your favorite diliigs to eat.

Market closed Monday to observe July 4th.

iLDornbiiscli&SuiisSpccU lU iW eelc V

baby CHICKS >

Yiov IndsnoideneeDtauiBr

D v

wBI aM b*


a r C a r e d ‘n e e b e d R aaM .


Jle iiv t at the'Center Market

SbnUdigd «C Viiit k • ik. •Byta*!*. 0 Yed . ./.t.i.yit. t.lWv«t dteerRaeM blSbMIw Idta|kV»v*Ar.v’i**Jfe t'At Root ***'f .•».**•••• ..Ifc.'Fm$i Fttie;>.'..v...t..*rv«”y Flat* Gifaed ■eef...v...i.f.iiei






■ W .

»*%**>jia aa«|» a,B'**«%4ra wseBd^opwe fPDeawi^w^sW't* 4 f is* !»«• s * * 44 kae s V

» ‘'-f

.:>?-i' s— ' .

V . ‘, 1, •F®J5

* ^ 'T - - ^ 4“ ; y .. •

V'(V ;''’,iiS

W '

W f l r o U w » j t^ Ia u n d e r in i m t M ■ i i eluaereJ, sttamin[-hoi kitchen |p « -« Jaun difm nt utentUs toot\>ie^


i».;?t ; ••


-'M -■

In Tkt modem way of AihO-dering—with Rirjo—yon hssf SOAK your clothes clean. The ■ rUk-' .Rinso wav means an orderly, ■ cool AiVcAeM—no utensils but !

yW; ■ f ; ■ ■

the and a basket■

1 ,®

• -s?. ■•JLv

No more of d iiel ^ ■ -One 4 tf in tvfry owi—owr-jratKl

lijtHmt—womtn uttJto tptndm wnfkdnyUiksiiluthii! RintQWukin y tu r th th n without a u ii i iro


fra-' leal® i



t v u r r o v B T H I t W n fh WMI*


Venter Marktt


Stor* tt ViMr C i f h U ^ N . J .

• K.iMk

■y.V • » * i ftV'a ' •’

#•«*«« « « «M l|fr« R%<i ■•■**«■at

t » i f a 4 . H 'f''


• •l»*.*.'a*aa«aaaf


O ne Modem Way of WashingYou just soa^ your clothes clean

instead o f the old rubbing and boiling


VenreloAtj atrt out M i m tu d vm ih io m rl — ndut did rr do to jTMir cumitif

Y OU know the old way of wash­ing well cnoughTThe cluttered, messy kitchen. The long stand­

ing over the steaming boiler. The rub­bing, rubbing of your clothes on the washboard—rubbing that frayed the edges of collars and cuffs, and faded the color out in specially hard-rubbed

spots.Next Monday, try the modern way of

FashinglJust soak your clothes clean! Soak them

iwith the wonderful new form of soap for the family washing—Rinso, the new soap product, in fioe granules.

Different from anything ever before produced

Kinso it different from anything you liave ever used before.

There is no solid soap to stick to the {fabric — there are no harsh cleansing agents in it Your clothes soak at safely in Rinso suds as in watcf alone.

Its fine granules arc; so rich in cleansing

Rinso IS not o '*washing powderTb0 fioe ffraimlM of Rinso M much Rke 0 **oraahing poerder*** bat—nMke gUiteat U nahetp im tooipoonfal to • 4hn of boffini m tir

-'Si* %■ >a‘t *

iltP W *!#■

value, they loosen every bit of dirt at the clothes are soaking.

Makes clothes last twice as long

You rinse the clothes in the morning, and all the loosened dirt is gone. Only a few badly toiled spots will need a light rubbing between your hands.

Ail the rubbing of cake soap on your clothes is saved, all the cruel tubbing on the washboard.

You need never boil your clothes, ex­cept occasionally, if you wish to sterilize. For Rinso cleans as perfectly in cold water at in hot!

Saved from all this hard treatment, your clothes actually last twice as long I

Try it on the hardest things to wash

Give Rinso just one trial—a hard trial. Try it on kitchen aprons, that have to many hard-to-get-out things spilled on

them. Try it on dish towels, that you think now you have to boil clean. Try it on your small boy’s suits, with the dirt just ground in.

You will be amazed at the simplicity of it—at the case—at the clothes so clean and white, without all the old-fashioned work.

You simply cannot believe how won­derful Rinso is until you have used it week after week, and seen how beauti­fully white your clothes keep. Until you have seen how much longer they wear, and ecp their colors.

Start using Rinso this weekBegin with your very next week’s wash­

ing to launder clothes the modern way.See what a simple matter the weekly

washing becomes when you follow the easy directions on the Rinso package.

Get Rinso from your grocer. One package will do your whole week’s wash­ing.—Lever Bros. Co., Cambridge, Mass. (Maken of Lux.)

the new form of 8oap for the family washing

»V’i * ' ' '




m l w

N o m ore of thitlNo more hours of drudpry ooer msteaming boiler. Rinso washes yat0. flotkeS WITMOUi L ..4 M0

Just soak cir tbehts omm night. And rinse them am tpotussly ekast!


l iH if i t

■:X'Sr'„ ■ i i i r ; . J

h?.‘ •

t - . v ,V I

___im Queslio ” Complex, Insistent,flot Easy to Set Forth in ^act Terms

H e W i s p i c t u r e d w s y m b o l o f t h e v i t a l B A S T E R N Q l/

____fwW&'jSbT) .For Road Wwk Fads

r ■* - ■

Ciforts «t A p p re h e n s io n D e v e lo p V a r ie d C o n c e p tio n s o f V i u l F a c to r s .

Miwtoiiary, Teacher, Humanitarian, Slate-Builder, Sanitarian , Each Finds Question Something Different and No One Is Wrong.

*’ But Over and Under and About All Is Elusive Problem of Islarnism

) S laff C tm aram trm l-CAitto. u»> *"*>

fr«m th« I»nd» of our »f>n ■ f ■Irmo,, r t e r In th is *or> dlfforoiit world. »hc*» WMtors tounilory l> iro rk rd b) the • • rv in a thoro of Iho K M trrn Modi U r ru o a n . lh*re ritUt* » •liuotion VrhMh wo of tbo Oceldont to ll Th« Eo"'- • r i Quootlon. Bomo pooplo tnoludo R m s Is In iho » rt» of ttin 'o o ’- rlMO Queotton.

Wtion Amorlon to ookod to romo Into world •ffolro »nd "boor ' ur t liiro of

I Amorim lakf* Armenia SttaI thnuch ' (ftH n new Influffl''# fc nfw j gyslem. m lfh l tn drlt ln* In a' bftwCfn rhurr^i « rd ■l*t« In th«j tirlanl The pfopleu m ight agr«« to l*l ! Vmtrica do thla. ■■ t h i j irould have I r onftderioa ii « a a alm plr tha Am ariran

mathort oi fo r^ rn m a h t and not a po lli ' leal achama, Once till job trare dona In ona avata U could apraaA"

It will be fememharad th a t thara waa a auigaatton during tha g iariia iloni of

l*U|>rame ro u n rll eoncarning (itcIH*Turlilah T fo a tr t» tha a f 'e r l that tha ftylian of TurHey ihould ba driven from I i'onetantlnop.a ae Pultan hut aa ra llp htha burdan." r a r t of wn.n !■ nteani !• * r f lalam ha i'ou!d et.:i rr*taln hie eeai th a t wa ehall help eol^o th li (Juaa- | ]; v a* anjrirpate'l that h,a t»*m'

porat forerTuTiant lOuld l»e aeiahUnh^rttlOQTot Ihorr lo 0 dlfflcuHv *Brr««l

t k n a b ovfrybody lo Ihoi th r f .a itrm . QiMItlon n lo io . Ihrro * '» » ,

foront W »« oo lo whoi It '•Momo 10 bo Olio of ih . mony Probl'm * In world otfolro, dIocoToted olneo trio parlo CoOfcroneo for wbleb * * rc o v Ir inlto tofW i h » " boon uo*d lo cov.rblfhiT todoribllO iltuollono.

V h o t l o ' ■


■VdSldSW - -------wBot ■■ tho Bootorn Quootlon .Tkoto who h»»o boon workln* oyor

tfco from ln* of tbo TurVloh b » o « " * lOOiT lllcoly to loy ?hS?• f Mooloni o*»l"*t Cbrioilon - n t y hooo in mind tho m o f * " '*Itlont by Turbo ond Kurdo. th lnk ln* of tho ‘V '°r'll'o* o?blb Aolo Minor ond of >“ T ^ n -towbfd tho form otlon of 0 Iblt Oonftdorotion * * V h .7 ^ ^ o *<>"* • f tho Moolom world ThJ^ »ro * rtod ovor tho throot now boln* low ra

r c b ^ M ’r n " w : ; i r * . r s i : V h : ^ t .o n Quootlon? .

« % •! o Tooobof ***o»looOOd.Ono of our Am.rlcbH ‘ 'J®®' ’*1*5,*™

n o ln i in Alo.nndrotW , o« fo w l, told Ih . w riio i »•■ORiothini tho i i i i o llaa t maaaacfa. bha hb4 hadfdtn lk ln f in low tonro ,7 jh i4ow Bho « l» n « d ool *"*® ^*' " hor o yord. wh.noo tho ®®“ " t*■ rt w h it wno k o ln i on. Hor " O l^ W r WM o Mooum, k •‘ [J';*' ®’* qulot ond Induoirlouk w ith *•**"’ •"* Sad booo on frlondly tormo f»^HO woo ih a r iw n ln j ub '• ‘® , Vn-womon w o r. o U n im t ohout ‘®'“lac in mufflort tonrO. w ith on air or

. ploaoojit o ir llo m rn l, Oor hoard apoko tbo ir Uo»uo»o and oh» hoard (horn d laeu io ln t tho doctor hidScot roia* "from hllth tiuartorp. o f '* ''- lag a maaaacro of I'hrlaila.ia. to br*ln *1* » o'clock tho n a il morning

- t k to r In tho day *hon oho mot th o ^ poapio In tho atroot. thoy ®’‘w ay i boon oo w arm ly frlondly. with whom oho bad booa Inllm alo onough to Ukchaago k itekoa door courtooloo ky

' w ay of tho gordrna. Iimboo • 'kor and paiood hr. Thoy hod ro- ralvod ordOfO," and I k . world had changod Thoro waa onough of • b « b - lorn In thio 10 la « our follow -country, womon th a ,ro o t of kor 1lf«

kw lft travoloro Ibrough Iho Orionl gro probably ogrooS th a t Iba Kaaiora " ^ o it to a U p tr t . r o f thorn, how to .lo an up Iho Kaol lo Iho b lggoil puitlo m ankind »»or focod. much hardor than P h tag ln g tho monlalKy of him who ppilloo lodoy and maooocroo tomorrow

ftl P r L»e 4 Thi» plun wne m rt by 4 ;r4 tegorlral 'nr>' nn the par ' lalam The w riter t 4 -k f<1 lo rnany IStoeiema on thia euhjeet- They elmplv fould not roncelve cf M parating the tw o funrtlone ' of potitinai anil rellgloue rh leftalnehip ;

Ye| Hornet rule ha i apparently arrum - pllehcd thiB U ik In Ruiala, whero the eame eyatem prevailed before tha war If Polehevlim penetratea into M oham­medan raan trlaa It may work tow ard the aama raiO ll there. !

WgA4 Cbwfvb and i t a le Dlearea4. i Thar* te an elamant am ong the Intel*

lac luali of the T u rk lih Natlonallet movemeat that a#ia tha need of eep* > arallhg ehurrh and a u t e and which I | believe la w arking ta ira rd thla They | apeak of it vary guardedly, however. . hecauta they irlah not lo eicU e dlatrual I and oppoalllon among th e ir followere. Hut the \Veatern Powera, a lthough all three of tbam trlaA Have eo far failed to find a way of w orking w ith thla group and have aucceedad only In d riv ­ing them fu rth e r and fu rth er into op-f >a1ilon. Ita ly haa aeeoaaded the beM

ranpa n a il. A l for ihe Britleh. public opinion at home haa ronfuard their poUry. At p rra rn t the T urk hae teen “punlahad" by them and h il rap lte l oc* rupird to pleaae Lord Bryce imd the party ha laada. There la no reaeon to thing, however, that the oppoeit* party Ih atUl w orking to collaborate with the NallonallBii. wham Ihoae on tha apot know to Le lha moat progreeeiv* ele- mant in Turkey, If they aurceed, thle wedge beiw arn church and elate in the Kaet may be driven In a t Hi g a te w a y '-ronplaJillnople,

Thla would eeam tn be better ihan lil t in g Bolahavtam and dlbcontrnt Ho the lob am ld it aconea of ruin and ion- fualoBi I iA)RKIAN

y.i I h

M ■■ H

e 1 ■»v;

6 '


i p &

M r

^ eeBH^aieiiii

MedulidlTo'Gel U.‘

H i c b A d d re iM s F iv e Q u e r ie s o a j

t ) e U iU o f J o b s B e in g D o n e in

M o rris C o u n ty .

N m ^ ib o r in g B o e rd W ill R e p ly J

bloH om i Sbo eurriod u ib o w rr bnu- g u it of b rld i roM i. Th* b rld rim ilil woo droMod lo pink not e v tr l>iu> ■Ilk with h»i 10 m u c h »ml eorriid K lllirn cv ro p n A rOCfption took gluco i f l - r Iho cfPftTvon). ot tho homo Of Iho brlilo Aftof 1 woddlrk trip to I.ynn. Mm p . Mr i r d Mri l onro, will muko th rir hooii »l 1>? W alnui a treri.

McGee-Van Dusen

The p r tw n i S u lltn of Turkey, civil ru l* r of w hsi h s t l» o n snd probsbiv Hill >0 ih« m ost pow erful of the people of W estern Asis, co m ln j out from the w eekly cerem ony of Ihe S e lim lik w h e re , ■■ Caliph of 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 /» 0 of th e f a i th ­ful of la lam . he ren ew s h i i title lo r e l i i i o u i chiaftainahip.

Thf briilMT ganritr iH-'I A n* r ii w . .i 'ohk; It u ^'

vaH isaa drener I In tilur nr nina r irr lr 'd o[ih*-li.i roarjs ti fiK I r J p i IkC) 'V I nn u r

Tbo Tow .oh Kooulug n .w i will gubltih WMUiy. Ju ly k.

Social Activities

The merTlear nf Mre l.lllian A an r)uarn nf 13J W alnut e lrerl. and Joneph Mnle* nf lOT Malnrv etreei. mnl* pi*'-** laar night in ib r I riinn R1r»el htrihodini KplHcnpal «'hurt h Rrs i r i l n g i ' Hiarr performed the lerrm ony Halph Juffra- wae beel man and Xtlt* Ma Van 1>uern a e ltre r- in -li» nf ihr brld* wee brldee- mevid Mm William H. W'arh prreldrd at lha organ After the cerrmony »i reception fnr 1 HO gueele waa held In Ihr parlore nf ih r W t A . at a h i ih K L^rny Kmllh. reK iinua d irector pre aldad The btldegronm le a member of the learn of epaakrrH lonnrcied wirh Ihe rrllglooe depertm ant of the aaaoHa- Hon. A puree of gold wae pfaeented to the rouple by the w orkeri and offlcere pf the organlaatlon.

The bride waa dreeeed In gra> < r« pe •1r ehlnc and ■ a rrin l whUe foecfl Th*- hrldenmald vaoti- vHrik aallii ;in'l e a rrn d pink varnallona The euijplc uwnldlng Hip Heaahorr lUie'H

Itoagal-K raaedy .M.vp Hoermary K-nru-tly.

ilAughlf' "f Mrn K aiherlrie il Kinm*il> nf 1.1 her. I' ^Treot, Arlinglon aud Ar- Ti,,ir \ I '-uan l MJii of Mr .iJi'l I 'liB u l “ f South .'rsf-nth

'll . . ;t I w. rr* m iirrlnl Ualnighi at <lif r n lo D of .-irp lifn ii

.Mre Henry Hummel of • • • flprlng+ield avpnue. thle city. No date hae been eel fur Ihe wedding.

ated le 1111 from the Boontb* H ighHchool. She waa a mem ber o f th e d e ­bating team, which for four yeare wae never defeated Larty th le ap rtn g ehe repreMnted the eiudenl body of W el- leeley at the nallisnal convention of the y W. r A at rleveland , O-

First Commencement Held At Camp Dix Army Schools


Kroiik Bchonrr knil faniMy of 'a i i-Uflon oronu* will Irm r ioil«)- for Ihoir ■ummor homr In Mlllliigti-n lo romoln until Brpiombor I i

Auk u o rh .p i moro u c c o n .ry lo ooWo. fu r glwAio lo fbor* coBlAglouo 0 * *

I 'h f i l r r Corberry of Ttlucknburg. lo Ihr guoal " f bio I 'o rn i!" >lr iinJ l l r r K H I'rirlmlvt "f H T 0.3 lor H rr -1 Ij i I.t iTi Ihr nionlii b- uHI Ko to It.-l- iiinr un.l Hurllig l..okc

MIro 11 ruvo H I.** I« of • I I S..U ’ll Hl> - irriilli r lrc r l Irfl yfOlrr.U) for llrlilgr- ton. Mo . lo Olirnd Ih - ruii in. r al l ouip WI III wood.

Th* Mtoooo I.WIIU anil I'.Hii'l Hrown of IT Kr.-nnil a t r 'in r Irfl j.a ir rA a r forAaliur)' r a rh l.> )"lii .............. .. Inth rir aumnu r hooir

m aaaacrt 0 »a no aoonrr rn ir ra tbo ggatorn gatew ay a l Conatantlnotila than ha flnd i huboulc' plaguo and lyphuo rkrokic. H« aaao b ig brow n rato Iroi- (Ing about a l u lghl. o r lying dead In lha a trao ta p arllcuU rly I" ih» crowded luarkat allaya In froni ol Ih r m rat and vogatablr hoolha. M noty-flv* itir rrn t.• r Iho poogir In th a Sola Minor PC "''-, m , , n j ( h r Inert, aay tha inadleal man. a rr lo n m - I coihorl lu tlonally u a d ra n and * 1 '”. | I 'lfth o irrr t. .diaaaar. Who will Irai h tho (H-i,|ilr ftrrthn V I’ n trin i ii ofWho will rp rnd Ihr n ionry- How long ..■ni, q. nruir In in a im i " u- m ’ld will It la k r lo leach the E au itian o I ' | , , , „ighi iq 1I1' hi.kruah Ih* flira out of the ry ro of ih rlr . y , , , Th" I.i i I'T I" miil*i*nt InChlldron? 1 , |•ul]ll^ l-ilirtin“tjod ornt Ih r ftlo* Ih r , o»,. | i o - j " 'c tiofltly: "wc muoi bear with thrm ’ Bi> you o«r the forlorn boluro iln>o|>l"a I" I

A naouocrinrnl of 1 hi -neoarm oal of Mlaa flu th r io r r m r I'hiniii itau fh lo ro f

A l•h..»l.■ "f :H North i 'lf th o irrr t. to ilVrilrrl bHiddunl. oon (sf Mre V' •• Kirincn of l l i



tk« arm a nf lliclr molhi-ra, ihH r c )t‘i. Beairlle anti muuthe blevk viith fllci, Ikeir eyeildn red w ith avrsa. Rurrs-d ft> n u a t not l>e toucked. *0 hr fraBiB. and men and a omen get ira ibnm * amt then go blind. All the moBQuca tn rg|r<i Have twii round pHlare m arklna the Mibrab ah tch Indivnlel the illret- Unri »f Mecca T hii le done an thal I He m ultitude uf Mind can feel how to fare for ih e lr prayer Hrlileh. r r m ih and American doctor* are here etrug g ling with thU aye plague and have made Bume h aadaay in I'alro. Hrvnalna Ih* real of fcigypi. where not «*nl> fllee abound, where e%en in ih r houeei nf Ihe better vlaBa vermin run* about ffret> And thle le 1 hei Near Kaat. where rondl- tlong are i-ooiparatlk el> gn<hi. Away lo the K-aat au-elch Ihe Iceguee and hordre tha t are Wtsrea. Can th r world progreeB Whila IhlngH a rr hk« Ih ti* U thle ihB ^g g tefn gu«*Btinn ‘

IMker rhaaee wf The f ta « rt* a r |Ai.r Ihr sdijcfiior ihe K aaU m ijuea-

tl«‘n Ib Ihr J ih rra tin t of the mapeea from the d»-nae Ignorance of Ih tir preaent Few who have not beenhere reatlie ih r uinouni of in«»ney and the • ountU'PB lrgl»na of te a ih e r i nacef- aary m arcomidiHh thia tank, even In em ail nieaaurr "n ih* “Ih rr hand, a

httii hapt'-'iied appatM til) a th r HUT The iirupice ar*

ruliaaitoM <if ihetr Ig- notmn'ee" and »f n-elr nerd f.,r an edu^ s-atlon. At Ihr A m mhmiU in the^ ^ * r Kooi ihc)oltimlloo ln*iltu"'>"" '’H’ *'■*bulgiaa wlibl .k ln g In «"il try in g «.,n„h..o I- pro-tide for K ,r r , on* oJ ih. iii li'im i - MOflllnopl* |. | lo l ro I* in iM . . » l Eiich lurtiii iri.w ilo ow o, '".V*OIIU .11 b .v * . long wuHIng Hot Th*liropl* ..V ib-> wnni . . . w h « *u.oilo l. . l« .c r .l rdui'otlnt. Mhcr* t t i . r r . r . no .bo 'rrlii.n *rUo.'l« lb* ocoplf Plood for Iho c r l .b l l-b n i 'n ' oStl*^ Tl.r w rite r h .ur.l IM» ^ ' l ' ' urged ■> f . r norm .i" Itum onl- " 'you A n irrlio n . . I " ' '1 „.hool Uk* Uober, . ollcv. Thcr. M th ln if you .■"■111 do fo. III. r i - i * r would vaiur ue n im h a* tni»

■niry i .k r polri. m .<li>.O .ni ,i,,n - .cc i.rli.n n IIIM.III Th.y

Mr .lid Mrs. l ifo rs . E W *linn of Il7 H ro.d t l r* r t rn tr r l »lin"l o nunibrf „f .h lld r. n "f Ihr N»» J r r . f ) Bronch „f III* Hhui ln hii.-liiv »i m*lr oum- m rr homr In M lirr .' Mill y*»t*rdoy. Thr . hlM rrii wcr.’ Ink. n ih ir* by rirhhlln.

Twfl wrdrtlng dreaneB of another gen* eratlon a err worn yeeterdev afiernonn Hhan MIee Marlnii B Meberlon. dtugH® ! ter nf Mra A l> lU berion Tt Am [hrrBi B^reri Fael Orange, wua m iirrlrdl . 1 J Kamlel W rrka Mon of Mr amJ 1Mrb .fohn It m-,ek» «-f thl" ‘ I ' ' f ' " ' 1m. Tiv nf South lirangr. 1

The Ijiidr n-ofi- h»r m i'lhrr ■ wedding ji>f hra^> I or.led ivorj Hailii .m.l

rtui hrcM poln! Ibi r TF»- '<'M HiSB ofI s u r ^ l u ' l r a rra n a rd I n l a p ef f ' -< ' H* r Im.UTiU.T HQ* rtf whin- H»rrT p'liw uml m U i t roHi 'H b a n k e d a r o u n d I h o si ,i, | i4t u I i : ti |or i.*' l i T i h i d e

The lirMrgertofn'B m oilirr n o rr 1 Uf ■ame coaiunv# aa at her own wedding

Tha i-eramonr waa peffornird at ih rhomr of the iMlde * paferkli t'y llrv hi Kretl lUIrtn In. d '^ lrl. t eupm n(endrnl of Ihe Newark .Mell' ollit topal hntifrrenie.

j Miae K athrrln* M*benou. a laitr of I the bride, wae her only illendaiM T ht

heat man wae 1>r Ray Hualey a reeaor al the L nlverelly nf Ueorgl

i Miaa Hsiherion wore orchlsJ organdir : an<l old blur wlDi an nr< Kid hai ir 'm -

mod with field flnwera Her flower* Hi-rr ft Bhraf <>f U rk ip u r and Kll-

, larney rogff Mre. Hebertofl wae In while g eo rgeltr rrlleved only by her i-oraaga buu<|Ue( of rm hld Mwact pea*

Shirley-Heyden■ Ulo-

Mr .n il Mr. l-’r nl r r 11 I. I 'u l .h of >*i Soulh N inricrn lli » l r i i l will lr«»* B*t- iiril.J . I rn - t l i , irlp in H .n K o n . I '.

M r * . N n r m . n M t l i i . l r o i i . n i l h * r * n n W illi.m I ' . ' r Hililrnn. n f A m hrtll. V* . ■ r r B U * » 1 , o f In I l i n . l i r r m . J ■ l . l * * - l h .I.iir. Mr »nd Mr- \t Mi t ;i H rw lll of Ml NoPlh KI ’'.»’nTh rir> ri

£ g a l N fW # rk S is te r i M a rr ie d A l D o u b le W e d d in g CereiiKM iy

m*glim u l t of uwakInH

\ doublr Wl-il.llriu o r* performcii >**lFril.) .f t* rn o o o III !■! I '. t r lc k * I '. l l f 'd r . l , w hrn Ml.* .tu n . \ .fon lc* l l .u bcc.nic lb* briijr of rn ir t. 'k J. (I'l'onnor of Je ff rr io n P lrir t. Ihl* ilty . .n d h rr l i m r . Ml«» I.lllmn E ll l .b f th R .u . b « .n i» th* » l/« of l■■ ullk A llu rk . of 1!< Hired, Ihl* .It! Th* brill** •* • i1.u*lii*r» ..f .Mr, »nU Mr. John n .u I'f I Irani nv»nu*. t’. . l N rw .rk Moth . . reinI'lilt• w«r* llWformoil by l t d 1" IT .o . 1. f Wc- Hugh, rcrti.r of Hi* im b**lr.l

Th<’ b rid ri w rre atiendk-d by Mlaa lyoretla l lo n k i tiT 1 Me « it ' a-H maid of honor and t‘V Mfi Kditl. K tiber. a

0 Kaet N rwark. ne m .nron uf honor Ml*t M«lfy ro .im .il) of ^C .rny ,1.1* b n lie *01.111 »nil l l i ib c ru K*ltwr, 111*0* of Ih* b rill* , w ." f’' " ' ' /John OT oniior w«» b*M n i.n I tfrn .r ill . ltchm .n pAg* .n il VMin.m Monki. »i.U ClifforU l lu rk . w*r* u*h*r..

noth brlrt** w o r. ilrr*.** of wlUlc ,u ,in with tr.lTin on® lu li" " 1“’, , r r l n l bouquH . of white ’’'oo

of honor war* prorl-colorod . . t i n w ith h*l to m .ich , unJ th*m . rnon of honor .n d th . b r ld ..m n a w or. df*M»o of pink with ItgbornhalH

Mlaa Kdna June Heyilan daughter af Mr* Klenora T. Meyden df M* ilon l- gatu try avenue, Irvington, and THoma#K fthlriry. aon of Hfr and lira- Thomaa M. ih lrley nf -3 Alpine ihia ciiy.w*re married yegterday aflarnoon at the homr v f the bride i mother, by R tv h r U'llllam K Hatner, paalur of I the Kiret i hrlatlgn Church, Irvington

The bride waa attended by her alatei MliB Llentire li Heyden. ae maid uf hrtftor. Howard W. Hhlrley. bro ther of (he bt'ldegruofviu acted an beat man. The bride wore a gown of flaeh colurad em. brotderrd georgette with hat lo match and ta rried a ahnwer bouuutl <rt while rneee Her allendan i waa In r ra a c h blue organdie and carried an arm hau-

I uuet nf pink aweet peat The brlde 'i ' inulher waa drcaited in bla> k lacB and ' J**-A rrc-epll**n f?ir ihe ImmeUialf f*ml- ! lira followed and ihe couple left a itgr- < ward un a trip on iKelr ra iu rn they [ will raeide at the Irvington addreaa.


Ih ry whave nearla ae inudi dlaleal' for Isrtng

* TO m*n> bcopl*baub Wtfrdneaa of

s f v

• y

/ - 5

■u ^I f X y

lhathe wfomen Irr iCaal-

t r n counirl*" ■ . .m i l tu tu 1b* I ''* * '" " Q iuatlon Th.') c .u iio i »•* ho« »n II-

m oihcr ui,*chool*il In r .* n ih* * u d l» * n t. of p .n li .c y Ilvlna. h -m p .t.d S r oil •« ''* y .«lrlfll»n* wcobh hrjU 'iny froir- lo. “ .■ rr" '* '. "o 'Lnpft.«il t - U k - p .r t tn th* 1. 111(100* Ilf* of th . . I.iiimiliill! '■■n briny up n hrullky. high-prill. Ipic®th* f . ' i Ihui «hr 'lo ‘‘* "O' ®o " ®cuS* oui of * thnm und ilo*i mil lu r-

’*' 1** Ih C b .i k nf III* m im l. of •l*l**- m*n ih»r* I-. ho»*vrr, .u o tlirrtlo a of th« E ..i* rr i g m n lo n . o«»MOT* lm port*ni In Ih* p rfp lra lB a lu»» mt umalr* bul.illn* thun •"> "fforagulag VotH i" '* l■••l»*® w no hap* "ot only of ••tkkll*hl»S ..gggful rm ptr* o ' r f oubJ*d paopi**. h« t *S ln*u*lna <h* po*"* <>f 'Ii* »"fW .

B u tt* la th* PbtuiuatsMulu.TB* w rita r r*c*"ilp « • ' • " Armaolun

aiha » a o coming '***"- - I Cgaas au a miaolau- H* a* * c ri^d th la-=>?>-■ fu aS am .n la l

tlg astlan la th* foll«w l"« wofot^K uat.rn Qu*atlon t* iruch mla-

*■ kBA anU od uniJ tha f “ ' «*flnlHon of It la M l ganarally knawn. It I* om Ih* h igh a f iKIag th a t la baing talked ol m 5 | t h « t w« wha lu tu i lU d s and

g r ta in U> Wia p u n a l iha

ugft|.'*(g|gtaru Q aaallaa la nal ih* ^ j l b t g f Msatam g ta lS t i OiHatluu

m ggtlg* of la M ru tlh t’ Ih th a ftM(.

Ihu B u t a « i MB galas UMa " fir hu m g«a-

'■Tbo wedding m .rcb w*»|.*of«oor A J Hollywood. * lollow fd the c re m o n y th* brld*a parent* Mr *nd Mr* O b o a ' ^w Mh.i Mr (ind Mre Burke are ipend* Ing Ihe month at Helmar and retu rn will reelJe in thla iH>.

Vie* Lnrantlne A hander, daughter nf Henry 1'. tender of i l l Tw enty-flratalreet. Irvlnglcn. and Raymond L. Aumack, a<in of Mr and Mri. John Aumack «f tetonmwM, were marrle«t yesterday *f1erii«'«n at the home of Ih* brlde 'i fa ther by ICev r f trT la '’ Ureenlv, ftialftlanl paatur ^f I'enle nary Math- odlat tiplacopftl I 'tiurih , thia rilji. formerly «f the lr^lHft^.n Melhudiel Lplecniial I’hurcb

The bride, who wna gti.en In m arriage by hcT father, wa* atlanded by her a le te r Mlaa I'bnmu M tendvr. aa mmil aif honor, and the beat man waa lli«l»rri r Aumack. a bruiher --f ihr b n ir - groom.

The bride wa* drgaaed in dm-heaa ■atm atsd wore a tu lle \*ll caugM with orange bbilioma* Him aerrlird a ahower

I bouquet of brida r«*aee and aw#et peaa I The ruald of honor wore while beaded

georgelle w ith a hat ot pink georgette, ■he carried en arm bouquet uf pink r««a* After a recepMon the 'lupte left for Atlantic iMly. They will reaid* In Ifvington on their return.

B o e h ro -W e is le d c r Wsclcr-Tunison Wedding

Th* m orrl.g* of « '•* l„l*r. i l .u g M .r of A ugu.l W .l . t .d . r of f[ i-h .ilw ick ovenu*. »B® H irry bn .hm of !7S BfOkd . t t . . t took p lac. I . . I n l th l I" 'b e bom . of the b rld . •r . ih .y ll .v E dw .rd KuhtmiBB pa»-tor of St B t* p h .n i ile rm .n BOBOgel 1 " | I 'h u r.h . p .r fo rm .d Ih* ooromony^ Ml.* Bl.l* IV M o.m .r wa* m*'d j f hoBo* and lb* b .a t m*n » « A rthur E W*l*1*d.r. . broth** of th* brld*.

w*r* th* u*h«r* A r*«*ptl«B for ltd gu**ta took plac* a fto f tko «*r*(noav.

Th* brld* wor* a gO«B of whll* gggfgolto comblpad With oattB afld a aatin court tra in faaU B.d a l Ik* ahoal- B*r» H*r tull* v*ll, w hich wa* ar- rangad a»P •ffovl. wa* h«ld In plaa* w ith oranga bloaaonn Hh* carried a hoMdUOt o f whit* ro**o Th* m*ld of honor wo* In N il. gr**n oatin and car. Mod Pinh roooo. Afi*r a w tdding trip to A tlantic (?lty Mr and Mrt. Boohra wilt mako thalr homo a t tS Ckootar gvaanM-

liljpp p-tornico A Ttiolion. d .u n h tr r nf Mr. and Mr. J K. TunUon of 1503 North Hroud *11**1 HilUIrt* *»o m ar­ried la*l night to Ailolph K \V«. k*r of «|5 Pulton * lr.*l. K lli.b e 'b »' horn* of her parm i* H*' Arthur Northwooit of th* K U t.lirlh . t 'rn u * I 'roab jie rlan I'hurch ,„ r(iirn i..l lb* coromony HIM H.l*ii T unl.i.n of *)«J North Broad ilr*«i *»» b rldum alil and_ *. _. P Uww..nn*i haw taS ffSlftn.nor I n O'* w \ * »• - - -Thom a. H .a l.yMUa I'aulln* Wr*l1*P played Ih* w*d-d l ^ march

hrtdo wor* a gown of whll* «aor- g .i tV c r rp * and a t . l l f a . t .n .r t withom ng* bloaaom*. „

A ttar lha «»ramony Mr. and Mr*. W ackor left for Waahlngto*. I pen thalr re tu rn 4h*y will r* .lrt. at ll.« homa of th . brld*'a par.o i*

fg S g tg i*, Wa Ija

C o o ro y -T u T b e tt

r'W eBS

Th* aaartlag* of ISloa UlUnn T ur- tw it « f SSI W alnut ntrout, gnS Johh J. CMiNV « f n m atraut, took plM s n l S ••alu ih iratlafflAp g f l g r ^ n Ib a t , jg g o ifa lU iM U CMthollo O h j p ^

' l e i g , M ^ ^

h e tso n -M cC alK iin

Th* m nrrlng . of Ml*. BInneh. Mct-bl-w m . ShuBhtw ®* ^luM g t St Cawhiln avogu*. and H nrrp Matoon of Hal*oy *tr**t took plac* Inat n ight tn th* horn* of th*

Jacdl* A A'Ol*. pnator of th* H *lh-odiai Bploeopal Churoh In Hndtann. por- formod th* ooromonp. Mian a iad p a Me- ^ u 5 . a alator of th* brtda. wng maid nf iMBdr "hd har Mhor "•••af. Ml—V gM ia MWigtliaw.,w— W d a——^ Jt> B

CK in li V rlineifn TKe I rnlf »aa et- Ipnilwii U) Krr hlMer, Mlfta <irisce Ken- ni*i!« Mini fhp I't"! man wae BenjaminH. in lertr "f iK'n H i) The ceremdny w MH |.*Tl'i>rfnefl by liev Joeeph £ab* liyiUf Afier * wedding If'P- Mra l>nugel will realde In thla city

1 ta r fe r* ll* re * le r .tflaa Nuaah Irene HcKealey ot t i l

W arren alfeet. H arrlaon aful WH’ilam J i'laff*) of O Nrablt elreel. ttila clljf. were niarrlatl jr ittr rd a y afternoon InIhr f 'h u rih of 'K.‘ | 1..!> i Topm HurrUnnI. 4 \ .liiliii K H..|ti>n Th.- lirM.W.IN ,siTrTii|*il 1" Kfi MiBh MaartM. I i-. Irt :ili'l ' 1" !'• P*

.1 Ki-.'h- i "f I'"- Kt i.J.gMvfJiii A I. , a-ii] i.fij fi'l.'.« f -I >•'*- b.ime ofIhl- l.nilr .N ii'int. Mi> Jw'i'ej. Mt Keiles.<4 WaahingM'n Nir-tf. Iturrl'don Theruuptf lefl l-«t i"Kbl f"i Ahlolt) I’erk

lim ikargi>aw *w .M PK t l '4d> " A SiMi*. .U 'ltfbier ..f

Mt rtnl Mrn .;ii<> J Hnt-sv "f p*llo 'sn r'i Mtrt-fl fibins;t"ii m jirr 'f 'l |„Pi me*'* ;ll HIM | 1. rn h en n .1 r n-.nt.r Mr .11..1 M*- WillirtO' Mt-rnli 1 riil of 11’ Si.» r r : iri.i h yHioMua- 'K im fiT> Tilw^^|(|m^ lock ......... m ib f ¥ net I ’liriKliiin I'tti^ri h ihhI-'M. H'* |i.aMH.r. ]U-\|ir Wiilluiii II H.tiinT, rtffi- otliMi; The I,Mill t. ,1 • a ilin Je il K) h. r Nijiit-r Miaa .S.tinh Riiuw 4f ir.aitj of hnrn r antJ (h*Imb; It..Ill w‘i ‘ M ri'lno Tili.ipli

I w felg-rllarlln.Annnuni em rtn «,<.■« made loa]4i\ of the

m arrieg" T ueeln) afTermion oT Ml«i Anna M “ f Ku«*if s »tree(.tUrrm oo, anil Alfi .1 tnif. M r>f 171 \ an Hur»n eirr-fl ih i" «i;. Th*- wrd- iling I'otk iilis'e a: the home of [lev. Jopeiib y. Koleam. paMior of the f’lln-

, la n Asenur l ' i . aby i .rlM n f’huri'h. SI2 Moutii H liteciiih alreet. Ihie ili> . The lirlileamiti'l wee Ulea J F. T liu l end Ihl- I" el mao F‘, J Marltn.

W lltUwiM-JMiaeea.Thw m arriage of MIm* Helen

jMinfnei. ftaughier f f Mr. and Ura. tjeurge J Ji.mmea nf 274 Hueaex ave­nue. and Harttld T. W llllama of I I bec- otid elreei fiok ple< e laat night In tha home uf the brlde'a parenla. Rev. Oeorge H. l^ono^en, i>aalor of lha New York Avenue Reformed i.’huf*h. per- furn'ed the itre m i'n ) Miea M argaret Hyan w»* hritlmrimid and the beat man WM Aliraham L n w r Jr, A T.-ie|»llon for ih if 'y giieata wa« held a fte r the »are- m<m> KulU'Wirtg a irlp l«> AfUnlle f l l j . Mr and Mra. W llllama will live al ?M Suhpex avenue The I'nilegfoom

■ mrtnl>*‘r uf ihe Lf ijj j'u i'i’l) T rains t t Ihe f* e vi Ol) - f iKh' K t»n i" -m atid Ihebeat man w m a m einhir "f Tank I ’ori'* Repilv I nH No i

U laehea-il a llaae.The m arriage of Miaa hell Mulline

nf 13S Hudaon alreet and John J. Hlo he!i or 17 i:a 'h .T M rm lu-ik |>la<-a yeatrrday 'n Mt Juaephe Roman ra th o lc Rev '''T iiellua J

' Ahern jierformeil ihe i eremoii) Mlaa [ r’a ih en n e MuHaiie isitendrd h tf elaler I aa lirldram ald and ihe heal man wag

Thomaa K llurK A lefepiUin waa held a fte r ihe terem«in> in the hcmir uf the bride I poll thi-ir re tu rn from a trip. Mr. an<l Mra Hinihea wilt make their home in ihia > liy. The brldegri-om la g firem an in l.nniTi*' I'ofopan) No 14.

t adwIu-hVldMaa.The m arriage i f Mlaa KdUh K'eld-

mgn. d au g h 'e r -if Mra Si»|ihl« Feldmanof 111 Mofilgornery alfeet and Irving H- Vadwln. ann «if Mra Ja iir Yadiailn of t i l h 'alnnount avenue, took pl«ca ^^■larday a f ’errirtun in the reeldrnce nf Kabbi JulluM .SJlberfrld. M ' Munlenlon ■ trael. whn ps-Ttfinue <1 the erremony. Only rnembera uf i hr In\m« d ia1e fam lllra «•*** |ir*.»nl .trii-r ■ I r lr I" N'1»a«'’» p . i l i lb* coupi* will iiyi* I" ibi* ci'y

J.*w ba.-H I*k*y.Ml*. Mlldr*.l Ml.k*>, il..iiKhl*r <il

T h o n i.. H Hick*) "I I ' l bi.ulb .'<lnl!l *lre*t, ." 'I il*'>ril- ■' J . '" b u t . *■■" ■>< lifi 'r* * kk'- J .-n b u " W .lnu lplrefl, w*rc in .r il . i l l.i«l iil«M . t 1 h* m>n>* of th* Mfm.irUl I-*.* byt* Church by K*' Aruircm S ’/.immfrrn.ii. HI*. M uIM M. Ho*mn<ri* " » • brldoi m .ld .lid H orold J .c o b u . . c<iu*ln of ih . brlrttgroom u .* "•*• "inu Th* ruupl* will live I" ‘■"I'

H ow .lt r - MtwbIb b**.Th# m *rrl*g* of Ml.* J*Mi* M. Il*n-

iilngtr of S7I U til* to o »v*nu« »nd w illl.m H o u .I .y of H B i .w .n pUc*. K ilu b tih . look plac* y**t.rd») a f '* '; ti.Mm in Iho m .n** of lb* M rm orli.I r r .b y to r l .n Church R*v AnJrow g. m orin.r p*rform*il th* c*r.mony. Ml.* K.ln. H*onlng*r • . l i t .* of th . brld*. . h i E rn-«t M oupl*),' . b fo ih .rof Ihe liriilf’grfjorn, were the attendahla Tb.- iouiil* will llv* 1" Ell*.b*lh.

PfWR.KStOOMlO-Mi*> liHCb.*. K1**m.o of 53 Plum

,lr .* I . 11.1 lld w .m M ProfI uf to* PlI If .n lh ov-rnu* wor* nuirrl*<l ln*i night j.t Ih* hum* of th* brta*. H*v Andr*w

I H y.lmmrrm.n, ( . . . to r of th* McinorlNl I 'tr .b y l Church, p .rfo ro i.lf Ih* ...rem ony Hl«» Hu*l* K iiin nnd A .5 Kl**mun. »l*t*r .m l broth** uf Ihr brld*. »*r* Ih* »il»niUnl« A w*d- dlng .upner took plnu* «fl*r th* ctr*- mimy Th* ci.upl* will llv* In Ihl* cll)

«nlolll*-V*MI.Th* fn.rrkng* of Ml*. Ev»1y" M.

N*iill. Anughl** of Mr and Mr*. (Trorg* N*mi of t* f'I*r*metii ayonur. Irv ing ­ton, and Cl.r*n.'* W U a l.lll.. non of 51* and Mr*. I>*vld W. B il* lll* of a t l Orov* *1***1. thAf town, took pine* l . i i n ight ■> th* paiwonng* of th* P Iru c h r la l l .n Church. IT Hyrtl* oy*nu*. Irvington. Hav. Dr. W lllinm H. H a in tr officlallng. Th* brld* wn* *lt*lid*S b r

Central Traction Company Denied Right to Raise Fare

g^arMI ■errire of fA« yE'WS.IIORKIBTOW'K, Ju ly 1 —A la tta r fr«m

U IL Hlcka of the E t« g County B oard • f Fragholdefs waa road bafor* ih* U o rrli County board yealerday afl* r- n*on Im which he aaked five quMllonda and M id th g t by an tw erlng them llo rr t* O w atyW ottM ba favoring fellow county o f flo ttii to g g reat axU nt.

Tk« ^ttoitlona wero aa foDowa: Ar*y«« Ollmlnatlng all now W ork2 Af4 y*U eurtx lllng new w ork? Of j o , lo w hat hor cent ? Are you lay ing r tm e n t rowdlT Are you laying p aten t roadar WlhAl U the per senf. of Incraaaa lA OMt ooor I91S*18^ The queattone w< r tfa rra d to county FJngliievr W lnflH o Hopblng with u requeat th a t be anaw el tbam.

tem ual 8 DeniiU of M orrlatow ^ praaldani of the Howard Havlnga loalU tu tlon of Newark. In a rontm unlcatlog lo iha board raid ihai il‘« M orrtaiown* Newark road la in almost pt-rfeql con­dition . wUh the exception of a pU«* about two milea long betw een the Hxn® over Church and the bridge acroae I’aaaalc River D irector I 'h a rles H. Munson said thlg piece of road la baing rapalrad by the county.

Mrs. Kmma L. T'almer of Bchoolayg Mountain, who at on« tim e chafgad (hat lha freeholdtra were doing !■’ farior work with Inadequate appllancaa. ■aid that for the flrat time In tw eniy y e a n the gcbooley a M ountain road was m fair condition. She aaked th a t A heavy rail b« placed on the road wharo li needed thi* proicction- The clerk 'ft-aa Inalfucted to thunk Mra. P alm er for the augaeatlon and add th a t the m atter will be allended to.

.sp<'-ial 8err*cf of fke .VglFffI'AMP DIX. July l .^ W lth the prea-

fTitatlon of fifteen gold m edali and dtploffiaa and certiflca iea of and aliandanc* to nearly ioO aoldler rludenta. the f l « l com m encem ent exer-

l.iBea Df lha Camp Dix educational an-1 , ^^>callonal achoole ware held b*fe y«e- ' icrday at th# U b e n y T heater ‘ Tha preaem atlon waa made by Major

ijenera) W ll. Maan af lha general *taff. who haa aupervialon over the educational work In the arm y He lo rg rs tu la te d tha ao id lar-iluden ia anw ilaclared ha could aa iu re the garrlaon 'ha i 11 woultl be a perm anent one and

I r()Bl ihe arhools m xl y ie r w ill base] I i^n K* Her pqulpmtti I H ng ad irr <ien 1 rra l H.irry M»l»-, Ihr funu* «ommaniJrr, t p m u l.f l a ' ih f fxen-lfrei'. which wcr.* i Htf«riiUd li) many men «f ih r garrlaon.I Al IhH prt'HciH lime Ihert' are lic.nK I .omlUfLcd III 111- bocttl'nual d* jfa r'm rir

I laaxet 111 M'jl'f mcfhMiiUa. motion pi- - m raa aii'l -Morae lii'd »* I'-Hnea ta le « r i |,hy 1 If js i-laaa uf aevaral hundred who MT*' jiiianding. elghty-nm *' le r- n flcaiae I'f proficiency were given and :M!\ed a iiendanca c e rtlf ira ie a

In Ihe ertucat ^onill phaas- of th r wfifK ( la ’ srn are In-Jrig condUiMed In elrn- ograph) . i>)»ew rllIhK. li<'«»K kce[ilnrf. Mgh mHukiI and A ii'crlca u ' la 'lu n w.irk, iiM lulling iKr teaching of Kngli^h \» frtn- Ig nrra.

I'oUmel T R. H arker has been In -■h«rgp rif Ihe pducational and r e f c a - I lull » iirk

fttmff CarrrepaadenreTRE.NTO.N, July 1 —F ailu re of the

New Jeraey Central T raction Com pany to furnlah aafe and ad equate se rv ice la asalgned by the Public rU H U ea 4'om - mlaalon ai » reaaon for re fu s in g lo grant a rrqueai for perdnlaalon lo tn- creaaa thi' p ifscnt ra le of erven ccnia In each fare lone to ten ren ta It oparatea iiv Perth Amboy. Ke> port. Mid- dlatOWTi. Atlantic H lghlanda. M alaw an and adjatent terrlto r)

To Ast If Holel Fire Suspect At Boston Is a Jersey

Herrick Protests Seating ofDr. Barber by State Tax Board

f t o f f rartrupoMt/rnrV.TRKNTON. July t.— W hen the {Hate

Taa Hoard rnet here today Dr. Isaac Rarbrr of I’h illlpaburg p resen ted h li crcrtrnMala kb a mem ber lo succeed Alnnn* 1' Herrti-k of HarkeltalOW B. Mr H erruk formally p ro te n c d agalnai rhr healing of Hr Barber, aitd Ihe board adopted K reiioluUon re fe rr in g lha w hota m ailer lo the a lto rn ay genera l.

T ie apeclfic s|ucjnU>n Involved la whether Mr H erru k waa e a titla d ta Mfrie for n full lerrn i>f w hether h li ap- h)' former ijov crn o r Kdge waa In f a t ' to fill Ihr unex p lrrd lerni i*f Kr.inh R J i'Bb, who rcalpned aa a ni» nil>er lo bn gnie p rceldcnl of the liOMr ij.

Trollcymen Return When Wage Demand Is Granted

Motor Appliance Plant Shut Down When Few Workers Go on Strike

Xperitf krrTfcre r<f thr V JfB 8I’KRTII AMIRtV. Ju ly I —A fter a

• trik a the rrew f of the Jaraey t 'rn - I ral T raction Company for higher w ages and recognition of the union, whlvh etarted Saturday n ight, aervlt* waa rcaumetl early laal evening, fo l­lowing aa agrccmefit betw een Ihe nffl- I lali and cinployeea. The new agrae- nisnt provlclrB for added colppanaallon for the men. bul the company refu icd lo rct-ognlae the union, te n lo rlly rlgh ta ware also g ranlad , which gives the man the pfkvilage of aalecllng thOif ruM .

Cara raium ad operation balween Matawan and Keyport about • o'clock laat evening. This m orning cam ware operated on all braochea erf the road fnmi P en h Amboy to Red Uank. eacepl the line between MaiawaA and Kra- neau. whara a washout exlata.

The new a<*ata provldea for the pay- mam of fo r ty a lx canU an hour to new men for lha flrai nine m onths, aftar

.w hich It X» Incfagaad io fo rty -e igh t l .^ m a After a year'a service iha com-

pensatlon ta fifty centd T nder lha old acala. new man ware paid foriy-ona I rniB an hour the flre l ni&e month*; forty*thraa ta n ta tha »»eai three, and fo riy -llva canta a f te r one year.

Kpniai Krer-pV «i/ fftc VKII’K.Hnltf'KKN, July 1 A s lr lk e railed

by th« Z&O tool m akers p rec ip lla tad (he shuidoan a l It o ilo ck thl* m orn ing of the Uljur Motor A ppliance ('om pany.throwing lha real of th a 1.144 w o rk a n into idJenaai OPfleUla of lh a coneam say ihn chief cause of th e ahutdowB te a lack of raw m a ta r la la and an effo rt Mill ba mads to raopan Twaaday.

Tha tool m akara yeatarday preaanted damanda for a lo fty -fo u f-h o u r waak and a (wanty^flve par cant. Incfaage In pay. The damanda wrara rafuaod and (he lool m akers w alked out. The fac­tory was In operation Ihl* m orning when Ihe offtctala decided to close.

rATERBtJN July 1 —Th* local polica ar* trying lo ascertain If the John Hopko. who wan arrc slcd yesterday t» Ronton, rhsrgeil with being rciponatbl* for the fires whU’h have been atartsel there In si’verul hoielB la the John Hopko Iwenly ycKri old, of 21 MadW ■on avenue I'llfton, N- J . form erly ai th is City- The T*aterson police are also anxJouB 10 afu'crlaln what. If a n y ih ia f . the Boston prisoner know* alM»ut tna fire whUh deafroyed the M anhattan Hotel here May 24 Jaal. In which many patron* had rinrrow escapes.

T’ollce reportM bU Ic tha t New York police also desire tn question the roan an to a serlea of uriexplalnad f1r e i In th a t c ty .

If th " lioaton prisoner whose name In the first i!lst>atchcs was given *• Hobco. is the r ilf lo n man. he la known here to ihe poliie. w h<» say he had been arreeted a number nf Ilmen alnce hi* boyhood for petty burglaries. Hta^ad* dre»* le now 27 Madison avenue. Cllf* lun. but he formerly lived a l 31* B ar­clay flree l. this city.

The ralererm police say th a t at the fire here In the M anhattan. Ihe HopkO*4 they have in mlnrl )• suppoaed tn h av g j been the man In a sa llof'a unlfpra* registered aa Jam es Harrliioti. L- Jk which. R la alleged, la the nam e Ul In Boston. According tn the aulhorH lIpB ihe sa llo r-a ltlrrd man waa aaer • ornlng out of Ihe building fully dresa aa soon a* Ihe fire s ta rte d by T h ao j ilore Barclay, one of the ownax* of hotel. .

It wa* said today by the I*a4#f*onl polk* (h*t Mr B*fcl*x. If >I I* f ® « d | n*c***ury. will n" l" B utton to lUUii J ■I th* prloontr th*r*. ,

Th* tlr** w ith which the no*too i prl*on*r I* *ll***d to h»v* h*en coil- n*ct*d in Buaton or* ThA( In th» Adorn* Hou*#. fo rm rrly Iiov*rn0* j ('oolldf*'* horn*. JuB* H ; In th* H®t»i Hotll*. th* followln* d*)f. In th* Hot»l Br«w ^*r, *h*rtljr » ft* r tho t, ond fino llr th* blBH Innt K o n in r In th* i Hoi*l E o h i Ii w»* ol vho Bno*g fir* ] ihot Hopho woo orr» it»d hy |» llc* ofi-l ri4-*ro who clolm thojr had ***n hlm j n*or Ihe prevloui bloovo.

B ody o l N e w tr k e r F a U l l y H u r t In T ru ck A c c id e n t I t T t k e n H o m e

Hackensack Youth Dies While Swimming in Sound

of fJke SMW9.M O RH irrow N , Ju ly 1.—T ha body af

Kredefirk Muaa. who died y a g ta r te y Ih Memorial Hospital from In te rn a l In ' Juris* suffered when th a (n te b ha wag driving left the road and a tru ck a traa near Uorrla Flalna* waa (a k a a to bla home ml 29 Homarsel a lrea t. Nawgrk, ih lt morning hy a N ew ark u n d artak ar.

Patsy Kimrone of 244 Cam den atraat. Newark, h it companion In th a acoldaat, also '.nternally Injured, li a t Memorial Hojpiial In a critical condition , Ba- rausa ba haa been unooaaeioiia atnea his arrival, the cauaa of the accldanl rannol be daisrm inad.

V e rd ic t f o r $ 9 ,0 0 0 A s i in * tD e n t i i t in u i O d d C « te j

BKANrOKP. C nnn, J u lf 1 <»>.— Ttobert ( ' HIroni. tw rn ly thr** y**n old. nf H»cli*n**i k, N J d 'rd y*ot*r- doy *(1**1)000 whll* aw im m lni 1" Loon loland Hound »t lodl»n .\r , k, wh*r* h* «-*■ oloying wUh ht* muihor. Mr*, r J HiVong E i«m ln*r McQuernof Ihl* town inlil d**ih w oi du* lu he*rt filu lr*

HACKE.VHACK. Ju ly 1 —Th# llobrrt r Htronn r*f****)l lo in th* A*»o*l*l*d l'**M ilKpalrh t i h»ving diad y*»t*r- doy whll* iw lm m ln* »i Indinn N*fk. I* h. Ii»v*d to b* on* of Ih* tw o •on* of Mr*, yiorm u* I Hlrong, a widow, who** h'.m* h*r* 1* *l 57" 1. 1 koul *)*no*. A rrp o rle r who fa iled th*re lod») found Ih* hou*» clo»*d Nel»h- hor* **ld th . family w*r* at Hrnnford. Conn , and ihol Mri. H Ironi h*d k *oii who** nkin* w*a R obrrl ■’ Th* n th .r ion'* nam* li Donold. It Wk* kkc*r- U lnrd Ih lt W llllkm K- R kckfdo. k locol und«rtkk*r, hkd b**n notified lo m#*t k (rklk lodky from Brnnford k rrlv lng ■( ,h* Ormnd Cenlrkl Htolton, M anhkttkn,

' knd t*k* Ih* body to Ih* Lookout kvt- uu* horn* of th* H Ironi tkmily.

C h a rg e d w ith M a iu la u g h te rF o llo w in g H u s b a n d 's D e a th

g/eriaJ gerr4fa af fAa NBW§.HArKENHAf"K, Ju ly 1,—Upon lha

death har buaband In th a ■ gekanaaek Hospital last evening, C la r^ Orasask colorad. th lrty -ih rea year* bid* bf >14 Hailfoad avtnue. Hack#gM bk« « u gt* rested ch a charge a f m aiia lggghtar by County DatacUva Jo h n >L T aylor. Ahe had bean out on ball atnea May IS last, when aha wan ch arg ed w ith ad* sault with Intent to kill. On th a t data, It is alleged, she shot h er husband . O ar- held Orecnc. (h irty -n laa yanra old, of 230 Weal S ixty-third atraoL Now T ork City, In an argum ent w ith him * t L ^ l Junction* Bergen County. T ha bullet lodged In hla left lag. n a c a sa ttk lla f th e amputation of th a t m anibar.

C n tic is m F o llo w s N a m in gO f H a r d in g F o rc e s L e a d e r

New Brunswick Hotel Man Dies While Bethibg at Asbury Puk

Alleged Stolen Auto Suspects Are Held in $S,000 f

om ctaiing . tn* wtiw wma »«s«f*w«w WK Mil* AIM) >*IUc Ul4 tkd M U WM H M *rt M. Burl**

mnd* Ih* Mkr- I t '*nn Niwnikn,

« = ® S ‘a r3 s « :»S B ,

Annonne«in*iit !■rlMl* Bnlurdky *f M l**-------------------- -dku tlil* ! * r Hr. nnd Mra. rm n li N«w- m M «r t« Kliikid* piM*. k td O M lf* M m * • ( t t t lu * * n l l i kvSnu^ M th*

■ ■ jM u h a iv tp .

dp«v,*i i*m r* of Ih* wews.PAHSAIC. Ju ly 1.—Th* H lortloB of

Chorl** r . H. JaAnion lo l*kd th* H *r. d tu i foro** In thlk city hn* not m*t with th* kpprovnl of *om* R*publlc*ni h*r*kboutv. i ip ir ln l lk n)*mb*r* of Ih* Bka.alc City Bopubllckn Club. Th* Club membir* rl*lm thoy w*r* not Informod of th* •»1*ctlofi o t Mr. Joh«- ■on whr»** appolntm rnt I hoy k tirlbu t* lo I' H. H m ator K r*1 ln ihuyun . n)> though an liivllktion wk> **nt to Ih* iTi*mb*r« 111 kttond a m o d ln g of th* Hint* l.«kgu* of Itopublickn t'lu b i. Mr. Johnaon, 11 I* contindod, hk* not b**n ki'ilv* polltk-klly for anm* llitl* whll*. and Ih* dlka*nltni Krpkbllckn I'lUb m«mb*r* Intlai Ihkl form or fongriM * man Dow H D ru k k ir ihould hav* b«*n i'ho**n. H* Wk* T*c*nlly *«l*rl*d g i Ih* Irkd tr of th* pkrty In thl* elly by a unknlmou* vol* of Ih* club m*mb*l& Including kll of Ih* county oom m itloo' m*n.

Aniftihlynokn O rovfr r . Hoinnmkn, com m inllng on th* H lic ila n df Mr. Johnion. Okid: "Tou c u t tkk* It fr*ia m*. th* b**t wky lo driv* l.hb# rokl v*l*rkn* Into Ih* I>*niocratlo pgrty U to hkv* Mr. John ion run (hlngg fur llto Ropnblicnna In Pkkonlc. If h* w nnU b flgbl IhlcfkU . hk can gut It "

Hr. Johnton lg n volurnu S t, th* W orld W ar and wn* commlanlMiut n M i ^ . H* WM MBUMtud wHh th* OtdBM M DnpWtiuuiit.

QtUMhl B M W. Bf bggy h M bMU kppolntid n* dM lrm an pr th* cum iill* t** on p*ru>*B«it o m n lw l lo n , whMI w ilt h* tu n n td M s t w *dn**«»r.

dA«rt*l drrrlc* of •** MMWt.ABIIUHT PARK, Ju ly 1. — H *rry

Huhlln, tw en ty -ilg h t r«* r* old. * ho trt proprlitor, of 15 H Ironi *tr**t, N*w Hrucawlrk. dl»d y«*urd»y »fl*CWM* * t th* Pourih *v«Bu* bo th lng g ruuM *. A t Ih* Him h* «oll*g**d h* WM w a lk la g I* wgt*r lh* t WM •h lT h h * " .***S; County Phy*lel*» I t •• B *o«*tt vltw oS tho b*dy nnd groBo«nc*d d * a t^ dan tu * h**rt n ttH h .

Stohlln'* body wn* tn h n n In M*B rnuw M h thIo m orning. Hn I* uutV lndbyh l*w ir* i H* bnd iM in m d tn th* b * n i with Ur. B. B. BniUh nf I I I A l. bony *tr»*l, M*w BruMW inh.

h * « M , t f ^ W *5s B*hW »*««g ^ ggl f a gwd th* MfdlWMiy-

M gn 'a ii4 ''e i^ .’'Mi*a.

Two CoBvkted of MusliuilSerPATBRl

jlnu g h u P y taurdny day* had

p a t b r s o h . t u i r 1— "O h iH r m m nX .I n u g h u r w ^ ih f unrdin* rnnd*m d

MUrdny hy thn A n r w hloh In r tw aday* had ha*a hagrtiig th a anna o t th a ■laU ag a ln tt Bayaflnn B nrdat.. — , Armand* O lanalll. w M "M uand• r tha h illing n l JnM Sh B»h*n n f M w t « k . M May I I . B ayraw n O nurt Ju * . tic* M lntura w ill M gt**** **— — “ July II.

|g*M*l nrrrlM *t IM BiTBK BOONTOM, Ju ly ■

lag B b lar

•wustrlnitdih s

Boh KiBi Fnnaer aad Cow■h *i*i m n frt *f f»* iftny#.

Hb LMBTTA. Ju ly 1.—C hari** OIUI- land, a faniMr, wa* h lllad hy H ghtn lng laat night whan h* a t ta n y te d tn b ring n oow la *h*lt*r d u rin g th a a tn rm . ~ - WM found d*nd k y m anthatu •<(ngMIy. Tb* nniM tl P M f rngntka tg u Mr.

d M .o i t i i iM r y

Ig tiM ih n k t *y M* BBW 4 ^ n v i D B R f t dk iy t* -^ n w t o WW*n«y H M * i M f t o f d ■M l«id S — ----------------

| g W15B maww m**wBw.w ***^w .W4« not la gqcHl physical MmHtMUi

Th* COM wa* f l r i t tr ia d ln Ih* C lr^ cult Court u v u rk l month* a g a an d l th«r* kttor ■ trtk l ot tw o dnyg Ih Jury dukgraod.

•ISpecnl Envoy,

widi Actin [ Sui


9 / th* BOW M ail U ln recognition war* In itiated y Ig lail** Caldarot nil**l*n*r lo Ihl lengthy eonfarar ta ry of Stnt* E y l*H for raccgni Mr. Caldaron to y rla r te th* conf tk* m atta r weni •a n t Wllaon.

Th* mlaalon o< I* head, It wi

ilanned to bcgl ^ 1 Ing recognition

m*nt* In M eilc I member* of th ' mah* heat* ad) \ H aalcan Congrei I w ithin th* laat I

, b raah of a new Padaral Oovern

( Tamanllpa*. wh . tarday to th*

th* American I favor of quick

Mo Inform al yaatarday ragai ctal mlaalon,'' hi M. O oniaU a an Buyr«m* Court S lat* Dopkrtinr

( laft U tllc o CIt) I Official tg en

alao «*r* activi I day. Itaulng a

Vlltk'* atand on national Import report* from 1 chl*f. who bkj pr**«nl reglm*

itld tacy of t TIIIIMB*

BL PASO. T low *ri of F ra a aoulh-bound C hihuahua City day, and captui t r a l officer, b a tf , aocordtng llo y ta tarday t

I CoBBul to r Me yaaaeatkr* on i It waa aald.

Two A w JtTARBE, M*

Froaaar of No* C. L. Bah*r of tg o r of Ih* I tit ln ln g Co.'o War* aboard th giltod by Vlllli City Tuesday, i Cktved by tb* Jy**t*rd*y.

B* In terf*HEIXICO c r

w ldankl P ra d d ^ 'A rlll not Interl

tw*«B oil m« Truvlno. Baer* ladualry , h* i

A d*l*gatlot toratgn oil tn ytovlalonal P»

I ta in from hin ( O aneral Trevli

Tnaaday. but I y|l*d hla atcrel


JK tU ieT CITT. Ju ly 1,—In an odd | rko* which wim tried her* in th* C1^ cult Court before Judge L u ther Campbell, a Jury yealerday re tu rned verdict for |t.Di)* agalnat Dr. K rcderlckJ W. ZKbell, a dentlat of 377 B crgeB lIni] avtnua, Cnlon Mill, In favor of H ltc h c u j O lltrt of 1115 Mudaon beuU vard. N orth] Bergen, ad m ln litra lo r of lh< ealat* o f | hla wife, Cornelia O llert, d*c****d. Hr., O lleri au*d to recover tIt.OO* dam agr*. I

Mrs, Ollsrt, sccor^lng to Ihs coro-j plaint, wss having h sr te s ih tr sg ts4 by j ih s dsnllst on ths n igh t of Jun4 11.1 1*14, wh^n s hsavy slsc ir lc g to rrn | b rok t. I>T Ki^bsll w ss u sing sn elci'- tric dflll mouth S t th s tliir>B|«h«Q U 1* all^gsd ih si a bolt of Ugbt* nlAg hit sh el««trlo w lrs snd Ibgt s p4)wsrful ru rrsn t rmn down th s d f l l l l which hs W4* using snd hurnsd M rs.J Ollsrt** mouth, giving hot a ttverQ ■hock. The burns snd o th er Ifijtirls#^ which she Is sllegvd to h s tg ln ed dsvsioped Into lockjsw nr ts tsnu ib gxd j d ss tb followed. m

It w ss ssssrted In ih s com pU Int t b s t l Dr. ZLsbell neglected tr> h i t s Ik s W lrsl which provided power for th s d rill? properly protected sg s in s i suddsp ln*l c re s is of current, shd th a t the blinis^ which Mrs. Olleri is said lo h av s rs« eelTsd were the d irec t e su ss o f IWM dssth . ^ ^B

All of these g llegatlons v e r s dM isd i by Dr. £iebe1l sod s nutnbsr HftSees were produced to show tb s t puc1i| sn gctfldsnt could not hsvS k sp ^ tM ^al wm* s i te sllegsd th a t U r t. OtHri*

snd th a t he the tf law ful d4


•oBiiniMlon of S i Governor o sf Lower Cs w eeks ego b j ^ ir s r f i |s s n t , hi I ks to an onr taday b y S an a t fa tu rn from k

Oevarnur I eantly notified O cvtrnor, acce Mrxicall. caplt

■|5B**y NEW TORK

ra lav tc tn l. M Halter, sailed t apaclal E urop r*pr*(*ntatlv* ')* la H uerta

. aald, will ilatloa* b«tw )p*aa countrl Banor Palav

Mexico during a t hi* pro-AlIj ta Mexico e t t aharg* of hi* H* waa daoora land. Ita ly *■ akavallar o t ti


PARIS. Ju l tfoaal CoBgr* Biafta held II


SAT-^ a k t tho

gauarn aparatl

ascgpt far < that tha AIlli M paaalM*) t dRtona tor th< andmy daht* Ulamatlaaal gauam manta, iMta* aaelat atad agahau yadnaa ih* li UalA laeraaw thrafta lean SdHrlsta agd W ats la boy Wtag abaat i

rail Tha raeomi

a datoaad at illti

Motal S ell,* af t*« yw w t.PLAINFIELD. July 1.—Charged

haying in thalr paaaaalon a alnlaa i mablla, with carrying concaalad pane and with *x«aedlng th* ulimit, thra* youag man war* held taday la tl,dH kail aach.

Tha man war* recorded a* Haa Naan, aged twanty.thr** |i*ara. a t pMk avaaua Th* Bronx, a chaafi Albert Baltlal*ll*. aged . twaaly'.M

at ttSd HttghM aytaaa,Sraax. a praaaman, aad Praah taMa aged lw*nlji>tw* FMhi. af m ■aM Fifth atraai. PlalafMA a ehaafS foax. wha. II If aald. hag bean warklat far twa wanba a t tha Waaaon Plptaal Rlag Caiasaar glaiit, thla oily, Tbay;f

itad I" —

.Jitlaa of m trb a ta ta r tlaa af all oh ngalirF H tbaiaw kafar*

■oam a f tb • s n aa IbaO lb u n b a re Ifd ia Iba tia Ig aM tria l pi i M b l t r . whi

MM3 jd i« 1 ___. t k a f u i * a

n a M p MmiaaftBBMjf ■■M*u-y — w —w^ awarn arraatad dl WaatflaM rqal*rdar|by tlM ^ l e a , w ha w a r t M hed bF Ihu) laaet s M m ta ba a a tb a loahau t foyj■WPdl pMiaBB W WW -W WWM ukr M M* kVa ^ibTM laaa. baltapad t a h aaa a ta laa tb* ; OldaaMblt* ta a r ta c e a r la w hiab ibay w a ra ty a ra lla f a t h lfb v a a d .

tb a t lhaM&tidi

ibaM wTib tbi

■ udadtdataaM ta aa"

Qkb IbtB Statwetd toCAM DM N,Jair

g a a r M a ra t*1 b f Oa«u M

U m « ti

araaalwwvr .J w a fd a tw a d a r* bafara _ ta .b a r a badH .alattraaatad fa r th a au iy « /| day a t Mra. K alla K aaahal, M la te a k i K aatyaakl w m ra taa taao a d paatardddui by SupteMa C aart Ja a tlea BwapHb Ip H dia la Iba alaatrlo ch a ir d a r ta g UiA, w M k a t AagiMt I. W h aa C aarii.I • a n r t t a r C lahew ahl m d a k a a w a 'tb a arlaaaar w b at Jua tlaa Bw---------•aid . tba yrlB oatr ra iaarkad : a l l m aahay baalaaaa; 1 d id a 't da

ftjc ig id aa d *W iBiaaM a tjOaaHaaM m p a P tbAtiai PBHgdtlpbfo


— -------- df M MBVftPRKBIIOLD. J a i r l . - . ^ a

f aif I1 frai

Parlag C aat^ay atF Pbltadala U t t i f

IM w rtlaf e w e a t p tWU

y tf tB S .

_____ tb* lawaat a f flva bida 'aaaN raaitaa af Ooaaa avan M ‘

a l iM iu H a tb gadP d ^ p i m W B TMtdt H f i dafci l iata . Tba i d H S ’Mi bwaydaS Iba

raa ip rdB r *fca tasaay


**?»■t s A d aW ^ F a c b

ive Queriei o®' ieing Done in M inty .

d WiU Reptyj

y 1.—X le tte r from peel County B o ird

reed before iki*I yeeterdey i f ie r - ted five queitlond. r e r in i them M om * irlng fellow county item .t ae follow*; Are

new ★ o rk ' Are w ork? o r 10. to you la y ln i r tm e n t

rlny paten t roaJa? nr. of increaae lA rhe queettone were I jn g ln rfr W lnfldd eat th a t lie a n e a e l

ti of M orrletown, k ard t^avlnge loali* n a I'onjmunicatlo® ill tU* Morrletown*. ilmoat p tr fe c t con ­ception of a pie**I betw een the HaB*> bridge acroae Iho re rlo f I 'h a r le i H- «>ce oF road la **t* hn county. ilmer of Bchooley'e on« tim e chaf## 'l

ra were doing I*-idequatr appUancea,rat lime In Iw eniy Mountain road wee She aeked th a t a

I on the road where iecii'»n. The clerk tliunk Mra. Palm er

®n>i add th a t the lied to.

■ire Susjjecl>n 1* a Jerieyma1 —Th« local po lii'» |

r rta in If th» John - r u l u l yeatrrd*)' In ih being reaponilb le » have been atart#<l Toiela la the John ra olil, of 51 M.adi"', S. J . form erly #f• raon police are ala* n what. If anyihim f. r know# about th*

red the M anhattan laat. In which nvaoy

K eacapea.ate that New Tork in quenllon the man urieaplalned f ire i In

■Inoner whoae name tih ea wa* given a*•>n man. he la known w hfi auy hn had been• nf tlmea alnce hla burglarlee. H ti ad« laillaon av**nue. Cllf*•ly lived a t J ja Bar- Hy.>Ui e aay th a t at In* an h a ltan . the HopkO*>^

ta «uppnaed tn have 'j a aallor'a unlforB

• a Ifarrlaon. LV t t N J •d, la the nam e u*ed iling tn th* au tho rH llrrd man waa ae huilding fully dreaa ire a la rted by Theo-j of the ow nera of th*

lay by the P ate rao n l arclay. if it in foum ll u to Boaton to l**a | »re.

which the noaloft d to have he«n co»i‘ | i are T h a t In the :

form erly ilo v erao r j fun* t* : In the Hotel Ing day. In the Hotel y a f te r th a t, end

laat Monday in the i waa a t vhe Baaeg f ire j rrreated by ix>llce of^a

they had aeen him ] btaaee.

)00 Again*! tilt in an Odd Case!

Menco Inkiates M o v ^ ^ To' Get U .'S . Recogni6m

J, — —

Sfwcial Envoy. Calderon, Confcn witb Acting Secretary of

State Davii.

Will Go to Preiidcnt

Ju ly t . ^ lB an odd] [rled here tn the Clf re Judge L u ther yoaierday re tu rned agalnat Dr. F red erick ] Mat of 2TT B c rg ea tln e l Lt, In favor of M ttelleuj daon boulevard. N orth] ra io r of (h« ea ia te o f | i O lleri, deceased. Mr.r ,'over |2 t.0*e d a n ta g e a l rcordlng to the co m 'j g her tee th tre a te d byj he n igh t of Jun* I I .I heavy electric g to rn il »1I wa* using an eleC'i r mouth a t the tlm a l d that a bolt of l lg h |» | Mrto w ire and th a t t ran down th e d rill 1 aing and burned M ra-J g iving her a **ver« ng and o th er InJtirleaJ ‘fe d to have.Buvtalned K*k|aw nr te tin u lk a a d i

i| In the com pialnt th a t! icted to have lh a i r lr * l power for the d r i ll]

*d agalnai audde* ln<] It. ahd th a t the biiraa ri ia Msid lo have I d irect cauae e l h ea l

llegatloAs w ere d ia led ]*ad a nutnber e l Vrit luced to ehow th a t ptw hl Id not have hapB tM C ] leged th a t Mr*. OUert d phyeloal eeadU M *

flrat tr ie d l i th e C l f ^ ■ ral m oatha ag e a h d | irU l ot tw o 4 » f t lh«

V . ' \ '

_ te tk« Ih tr4 M< « f • k»rd fM^t wftUk. Mlh. L*«gU>. ok«.|»•u iU M iir lutrodacwl th* fa*ht«* which all the buddlag alrllah oham- plonthlp asplraata arc copying Ibic yeer. of wearing abort freeh t and BlcCvolcsa btoaaca, cut lew a t th* n*eh.

Ihw OMm.i A jl-

OJ K r a s 's Departure


W AiHm OTON. Ju ly 1 (J*).—KHorU e l the new Mexican Governm ent to ob> la in recognition from th* I 'n lted 8lat«a w ere Initiated yeeterday 'by Fernando Ig le tlaa Calderon, Mexican High rom< ■ ilietener to th li country, who held a leng thy conference w ith Acting Secre* ta ry of B tate Davl*. Argum ente and p l e u fo r recognition were preien ted by Hr< Calderon to S ecretary Davla, who, p rio r to the conference, announced th a t th* m atte r would be refe rred to F re il- defit Wllaon.

The mlaalon of which Mr. Calderon le i* head, It w a i learned, had not

leaned to begin the w ork of obtaln- ] Ing recognition eo soon, hut develop-

m e ite In Mexico wem rongideTe*! by I member* of th* m leilon such to < mah* haeta ad v lu b l* . T'nregi In the I M eitcan Congreee. w hich h o developed 1 Wtthin th e laet tw o wcekn. end the out-

, break of a new revolution againgt the Federal Ooverntnent tn the etate of

( TimauUpag. w hich we* reported ye*' tarday to the S ta te D epartm ent, led th* American advtaer* to decide In

1 favor of quick action.No Inform ation w ia forthcom ing

yoaterday regard ing the eerood "ape- otal mleaion," headed by Judge Alberto M. G onsalea an aeaorU t* Juatlce of the iuprem e Court of Mexico, which the S late D epartm ent h a i been Informed

/ keft Mexico City laat Saturday ( Official tg e n ta of Franrtaco Villa . a lio Were active In W aahlngton yeoter- j day, leaulBg a a ta iem en t of General

Vllta’i etand on a num ber of m a tle r t of i gailonal Im portance They also denied

reporta from Mexico that the rebel chief, who baa refused to join the present regim e tn Mexico, sought the

atdency of the republic for himself.T illlM H Dywaiwlt* realm.

EL PASO, Tex.. Ju ly 1 { .P ) ^ r o |- lowera of Francisco Villa dynam ited a south-bound passenger tra in from C hihuahua City near A rm endarte Tnei- day, and cap tured and executed a fed- oral officer, but were finally driven *ff, according to a r«port made pub-

' Ito yeaU rday by Luis H oniei de Oca.I Coaaul to r Mexico here Ninety-five , pM aeagert on th e tra in escaped Injury,. It was aald.

Two A m o H ro u on T rata .! yCARBE, M et.. Ju ly 1 t P > —H A

Froaaer of New York, a director, and C. L. B aker of El Paso, general m an ­ager of the Am erican Bmeltlng A Refining Co.'s p roperties in Mexico. %are aboard the passenger tra in dyna- Bitted by V llllstas south of t 'h ihuahua City Tueaday, according to reports re­ceived by the Am erican C oniulate here yeeterday.

lie iBtevfvTwwee !■ Oil Im w .MEXICO CITY. Ju ly 1 t .V )—Pro-

visional P residen t Adolfo de la H uerta ’ t l l not in te rfe re In negotiations be­tw een oil men and General Jacin to Trevino, S ecretary of roruni^rce and lad u flry , he declared yesterday.

A delegation o f rsprceen tailvs* of foreign oil In teree ta Interview ed th* Frovlelonal P residen t, seeking to ob­ta in from him some m odification of O eaeral T rev ino 's adverse ru lings on Tuesday, but 8*nor de la H uerta re ­plied his accretariee had ample pow era

Pain»y Workers’ Delegates Meet to Discuss Situation

^ITTSBUROH:. Ja ly l ,—Two hundred and fifty delegates, represen ting SO.OftO em ployee! o f th e Pennsy lvan ia R a il­road system , niem bera of the United Ilrotherhood of M aintenance of Way and R ailw ay Shop lAsborera, met here today to decide action to enforo* their wage demands.

The m eeting, called by T*. f. Kennedy, general chairm an. W ilm ington, Del.. Ii being attended by brotherhood chief*. Including Orasid F'reeldeni E. R. Qraber, D etroit.

According to Kennedy, the national o rgan isa tion w ante (he Pennsylvanj* syetem em ployees to break off negotta- tlona w ith ra ilro ad m anager* and fol­low the national body. Today's m eet­ing la to deolde whatwer to continue conferences w ith am ployara or call a strike. Kennedy says the s ta te o r ­gan isation favor* contlniianc* of n«' go tlatlons until “all honorable mt^an* have been exhau sted "

PHILADELPHIA, Ju ly 1 —Im ­provem ent in fre igh t condition* In (hi* city yesterday caused the PennerIvntiiA and R eading ra ilroads to ruodlfy em ­bargo** placed tw o weak* ago a* a resu lt of the yardm en 's s tr ik e O ffi­cials of th* B aldm or* A Ohio aald laat night, th a t, whlla th e ir em bargo silil Is In effect, the re w as gradual Improvement In the situ a tio n and th a i ihe congestion w as rap id ly being re­lieved.

W hether or not the s tr tk * of the rnnney lvan la F ederation of T.4ibor men employed by the P ennsylvania R a il­road will be called heat Monday, as predicted by H arry B. Jeffrey , leader of th* elx allied shop craft* , will prob­ably be determ ined when le a d e n of the o rg an lis tlo n confer In P ittsb u rg h The general opinion 1* th a t the men will not be ordered out It I* aald that Jeffery '* th rea t to call rnch out last Monday, w hich did not rnat«rla!- lie, and his th re a t to call double that num ber out next Monday, are simply bluffs

W *aU T ake Ih b * fiwiii PvlUtm.WASHINGTON, Ju ly 1 ( F ) —There

ran be no Industrial peace on the ra il­roads un til the question of pay for em ­ployees Is ' ‘*eparated entirely and e x ­clusively from th* polllica) arena," W N. I>oak, vice president of th* Rrother- hood of R ailw ay T rainm en, declared to ­day In an addreae a t ihe City Club.

"P ractica l men" m ust be put In con­trol of wage d isputes. Mr. Doak said and "the em ployer and employee mu*l be given the r ig h t, w ithou t m oleatatlon or In terrup tion by any one, to agree on Just and resantiahl® pay and proi>er and suitable condition* of employment from a prac tica l atandpoint "

Men cannot be expected to work for wage* th a t are Inadequate to m aintain them eeives and th e ir fam lltes accord­ing to raasonable American ■tandards of living, the brotherhood official con­tinued. and a revolt against prvaeni condlllona la rapMly f.>rmlng. p resen t­ing a s itu a tio n w hh h m ust be met.

Kuion in London Failed. 1« One. Going Merely to Confer with

Soviets. If Other.

Hitch Reported on Two Issues

Surrender Super-Zepp^Built to Bomb New York

t/)KOo;<, July t <ej,*-Tli*ltr**t- est 2 «piF«lln ever *on*tni*t*il by Uerma*)r. Ih* bulU 1A Itl® f*f the purpose o f bombing N*w Tork. w as surrendered to the Pttibani A ir­drome today.

Recant dtspmtehes have dsacrlbed tha sup«r-2eppe1in L-Tt as being tod fast longer than tha Seppellna which carried out bombing raids oti London during the war. Th* a ir ­ship was said to have a cruising rad ius of mile*, with a speedof lOd miles an hour. Th* G erm ans delivered the 1* 71 to the B ritteh In compliance Wi t h tbv term s of th* peace treaty.

LONDON, Ju ly t ( ; n . —W hile an il- Bolshevlk new spapers here a re con­vinced th a t the mission of 1-eorld K ras- sln. Rolehevlk M inister for Trade and t'ommarcc, ha* failed, and th a t negotla* lions h a re probably b*en ended, the pro-HolshevIk pfees Is equally poslttv*M Kraealn I* going lo Moscow m erely10 confer with his governm ent.

He will explain Ihe p resent pojttlonof the neg o tia tio n s which, according L* these jo u rn a l^ *r* proceeding qu ite •atllfac io rlty .

LONDON. June 10.—l*eonlil K rassin. the S^ivlet M inister of Trade and Com­merce. will leave J.«ondon for Moacow tomorrow in order to cofisult w ith hie government

Ills departure probably will be iLier preted s s a rup ture In the n eg o tia ­tions. although oeiensibly he Ik golnj^ back to coneult w ith the boviet liov- ertim ent

There were two point* on which agreem ent In the negoliailons were found tb be Impoeelble, namely, the quesMnn of allied recognition of the Soviet Government and the rea tltu t'o n to foreigner* of the ir seUed property11 le alleged that 1v*nlne, the Bolihevikprem ier, refused to consider the la tte r propoelTlon, except In connection format peace negotiation* at peace conference. ^

In anti-Bol"hevlk circle* her* U al- , wounded. Troops surrounded tb s sec w «yi h* i bten roni*n4r,l (ha t irad« I a r r . i t , war* m»d*.n .notlnt^oni were m *r, biuff. *nd th » i , (*11 _ u„id l* r« w*r*w h ,l L*nlne il«*lrril w»i p a n * n .n o il- - I)l BUN, July 1 Boiaur* w*r*

railed from their b a rra rk i early tpdav i by the d lutharge of firearm * In the

nelghborhf>o>l nf d.p Kkngsbrldge ter-

withform at

Police Station in Cork Is Damaged by a Bomb

Shooting Near Station Precedes Attack-Girl Wounded-Troops

Are Active,

Dublin Streets Cleared After Shots______ I

CORK. July l ^ T h e King Btre*t Po- j lice Biatlon. from which Sinn F elnars I

declared the m urderers of Lord Mayor j McCurtain had come, was dsm agad to - ' day when a bomb exploded near th* I

‘ building II There ws« lome shooting n*ar (he |I s ta tio n during the night. A g irl w s i

No Confinnation Given Of Capture of Avlona

London Without Word and Rome Newt Agency Issues Denial of

the Report.

Americans in Albania Warned

l*ONDON. July 1 R eports th a tA\lt)h« han been Captured from the I ta llu ra by the Alhanlan* have not h.'cn confirm ed in l i te rtl*na1^^^* from Hal) A Milan tliipatch to the Ixtn- d rn Time* quote* a m essage from Avlona s ta lin g (hat an em issary of P rem ier Glolltll, who had been a u th ­orised to hand over civil adm lnlatra- tion 10 th* Albanlana, had arrived

( h m arA tn tqrrlqw dd AlbAqiM ebUfs, f t I f gagfriad th* U iU r rteognlxed I ta lia n Tnllltary oocq|>atton o f th* oily 10 be A lbania.

Colonel Olds, gonera) dommlssloner o f th* A m erican Red Cross In Europe, who Is now In Roma, has ordered all m em bers of tha American Red Cross m ission In Albania to w ithdraw from the tone of m ilita ry operations, ac- noriUng to tha correspondent of The Times. This acitofi fellow s roeatpt of the report th a t th* lives of the member* of the mission a re endan- gered.

D ealal o f C aptaro ta Rooio-ROME. Ju ly I L<Pk.^Dlipalches r e ­

p o rting th e ocnupstloti of Avlona by A lbanian Insurgen ts are denied by the BtefnnI News Agency, a sem i-official organ isation .

A greem pnls helween Prem ier Venl- se ln i of Greece and form er Mlnleter of Fore ign A ffairs T ittonI of Ttsly look­ing to (he division of A lbanian te r r i ­to ry betw een Qre*c* and th is country a re to be repealed as a result of nego­tia tion* lo be begun soon by Italy , ae- ro rd ln g to the Popolo D’lta lla .

siMiiei' f 'rHigher F ^ , ^

R a ilr o a ill t i e snow beinx (rffered by L e h i g h V a l l e y

R a i l r o a dA ddiM i H. i . M<Q«wU

PiircbM inc Agtwt m Ubfttr StTMl.

N «« York

Bomstead’s W orn Sym^


m lnal of the Gr^nt Kfiurhern ll*llw av line The lri»»>p* patrolled the *tre»tS | and sloppi'd till pr>rteeinans and rxsrn- Ined th r lr |>r-irnlta lo Le abroad

F^veryonc ^ sa lo get hom e'Ki qulckl) iiJt poMilhip F iring ws* renewed lBl^*' hut there hae so far been no cxplutiat Ion r>f (he dJeontcr.

More TriMipM | r i.*ad*agvrvT■ L/tNI'tiNliKKKY, July I (AG --T he

arrikn l i:>f mrtre trortph |i(<rv hue given rise lu Ibp that h house lo-house

J *|]ie« 4iray. who was arri-sled In con neclton wilb t)i.- killing uf Jam es O 'Kane during (lie riola here, has becit relcaAfd t>n hnn<]

Jam es Itnhtilii who wrs shot and 1hn.iwn Inlo (he rl'k«'r during lh« r io t ­ing. (lied.

West Virginia and Kentucky Miners' Strike Starts Today

rH A R LM TO N . W Vn.. J(jty 1 fJP).— Officials of th e United Mine W orker* of A inarlca announced hare early today th a t while they had received only

— ---- .m e a g e r rep o rts from Mingo County.nod th n l h . would not I n t . r f . r . w ith ^ C ountr. Ky . » to (h .th » lt lnw(u! d€ot»lon-- ^ . 1 .., . ^ _ _ I p rogress of the m lo erg s trik e , whichaavvrwav Almada R eaaved . t •' *

IXI* ANQEI,M . Jo ly 1 (A-> j n - ^ B ,*m b.r. of th . un'oo■omm lulon of B sldoni.rt. A c o u r t l . . would w nU out b .-M O ov.m or of t h . .N IM .trlol )

I The s tr ik e o rder w as sent o e i last Tuesday, a f te r, according to union o f­f ic ia ls o pera to rs of Mingo and Pike count]** refused to meat w ith rapre- san ta tlves of the men to dlacuae w agea

Two repreB«fUatlT*s of the Bureau of ConctllaClon of tha United B tstes De­partm en t of Labor arriv ed In W illiam ­son. lb* Mingo County scat, today, ac­cording to rep o rts racalved here. The conciliator*. F. L F ra ick of G arrett, Ind., and L R. Tboma* of P ittsburgh , w ere sen t to W llllam aon In an effo rt lo avart th* strike . They expected to con­fer w ith rep resen la tlvas of the man and tha em ployers du ring the day.

I Auto Siwpeeb Md in $5,000 rM, .vm f.July I.—C b n rM t wjU

p « w « la n n n lnlna nnb irry inn conennlnd

• n c .d ln n Uin n c m .n wnr* Knl4 i knil nneh.M lAL-ordnll M Hnn ■ ir 'ih m «t t i th« Brens, n chnnffMM itU. agn4 . tweiity.M

H u th aa B ttaiM , m an , an d fY ank in ty . tv a JiM fv- S l | lei. P la la m ld . a «h»«flaM . had bann (.a rk laS a t tlM WaaaoR Pk f l a a t . tk ia c i i r . T k a y |

M W aatftaM j r^ a u rd a r , r t a w o t t naked bk Ik a j ba Ml llM loakau t f a r j

am d t a ha*a atalait Uta j N M a a r la w klak tlw r a t W (h BMii.


et Lower C ellfornla , teeued ».ver«l wreeka ago by the M .alcae d« facto ^ .re ra ia e n t , haa be .n revoked, accord- In s to an announcem ent made public teday b y S an a to r Almada, foUawInc h u re tu rn from M eilco CUy.

O everner E eteban C anln w ai ra- eaatly notified he waa to continue aa Ooverner. accordlna to dlapalchee from llrx lcn ll. cap ita l e t th - d litrlc t.

Bavwr a^ J a r e a a taUa.NEW TORK. Ju ly 1 ( .* ).—Eaita F.

ValaTtctnI. Mexican new epapor pub- tialier. Bailed today (or E n flan d aa tha tpeclal E uropean envoy and pereonni reprecentntlve of Frovlelonal Preeldent

la H uerta o f Mexico. Hla mtxalon. exid. will be 10 eaub llxh friendly

tin llone betw een Mexico nnd the Eu- apaan countrlea.

Senor Palavicinl wax exiled from ■ exico d u rln f Ihe W orld W ar beoauM • f hla pro-A lly a c tiv ltle i He reinm ed ta Mexico ( 'tty la i t year and reaumed • h a r ie of hla newepapor. El L'nlvereal. H e wax decorated by the K tn a i of E na- land. Ita ly and D etalum end made a akavaller of th e Lealon of Honor.

GNnmerce Congress Seeks StabUzation of Business

FARIS, Ja lF 1 ( # ) . —The In tem a- t CoBEreee of Chanobero of Com-

laeree held Ita eleelni; e e u le n yeaier- dAT.

the re io la tlo n e paam d were: Tbiat Eb**nbmeBta abeta ln entirely

(yaia pperatiD g rom m ercinl veeaela e lcap t toy th e ir own reqnlrem anta, th n t ike Alllea f la dafln lta ly , ax eoon a t peMihle, the n n o u n t and the con- dH teni te r the se ttlem en t of Allied nnd

'* h andm r deWe In o rder to re-estnb llih U la rn a tlm a l c red it: te recommend th a t n e e m m a n ta , banks nnd commercial M l a a aestet ooualrlea w ith d e p re d ­a ted e s a k a u e rk tea by helpinE to fM aea Ike Itap erta tlo n o t non-easan- UalA laeraaee aaportatlone, d le e o u ra n laratE a leaaa, en o ea rasa v le iu 6y tpdrlkU aad ladaee fere lpn In roat. ■ M id td home Induetrlee In order lo K 5 e akwdt a norm al relattonahtp he- tlM en w p o r ta and im port! and correct dEChdlWO r a te a

Tho racom m endatlona Included n ito a detanad t tu d y of the export powl- Mllttea o f each country and fo re lin M driwta fo r Ito producte; Ihe ellm lna- tla d of a ll ohalaelee to exportation and ftadlirT H to w hy axportx a re a ttu M kW h afo re -th e .w a r quan tity .

dome of th e Amorlean d e le fa ts f w ilt ddll da th e ateam er Lapland Ja ly 1 . 0 u in d b a n aoooptod an In rlta tlon------ lb* tia l la n UoTornm eat te r ta lt

arld l P lante a t Milan and th a t dbDa etlMr* a r t eoIbe to

Strike Over Wages Ties Up Street Cars in New OrleansNEW ORl-EANH. Ju ly I N*w

G riatnv tdXlay waa w ithou t a lrae t c*r aarvlca *s * resu lt o f * s trik e of ih*

b m p lo ^ a a of lha New Orleans R«liw ay A L igb t To., w hich fallowed * fa ilu re of th* union w o rk a rt sod th« fadaral recaW rr for ih* company lo raach an agreem ent as to wages.

D epaiy United B lg trs marahAl* wsr* g uard ing (be ca rs &nd electric light plsatSe c a r b a rn s and ro lling stock of th* company and It waa announced that. In th* ^vaM of any disorder, so l­d iers would be called oat from Jackson B airacks.

Company o fftc la li o p era tin g tn* uUI- Ul«g for the receiver announced th a t oara probably would ba operated to- ■Borrow w llh g o n -an lo a w orker* If aeceaaary-

jf, $, Message on Elections Satisfies Nicaraguans

JVAN*t>MI. BUR, N t c a r a w ( jp ) ,~ 0 ( r ic la l no llflea tlen by I D a p a r ln e n t a t W aahloEten A inartean deT ornm eat la lm>

lb iKe differed!„ n r tba PreiM eney, and Ibat •d a tra la th a t the eleotleim he

lb* I td w a l falrneee e ^ free - re w ire d here with Bed-


City Council in Chicago Votes Down Wage IncreasesCIHICAOO. July 1 (» ) .—The n iy

CouboIL In paeelBE tha annual appro- prtatlOD bill early today, roied down propoaed ware Increaue te city em- pjoyeea which, accerdlng te oppenenta of the ineraAaee, weald hare totaled mere than |I,t$e.M0 annually.

City hall efftolale declared that more than I.eee city empleyeea new are ea etrihe or Idle beCaaee of w»ae con- tmremlea Involved In the enncira de- elalon ledny.

Moat of the propeeed Inoreneee would have *000 te varloui claxaea of teohnleal aad anakllled employees Al- darnian oppealn* the Inorwaeen ealil that In eeme eaeea they run ae hich ae IH per oeat

New York Rood Fatalities During June Totaled 187

NEW YORK. Jaly I ree.•rde far hlEhw ay fhtalltlea Id Hew Terk etate ware broken laat monlfc when IIT pereoae were killed by antomobllae, wacnna traine and trolley oarA ac- oordlBE to the report of the Natleaal Hlrbway Proleelive ■oolaty leaned to­day. TSIe tienro eaeoede by elaty-elEbt deaths the eaanilty list of Jaaa, l l l l , wkleh WM the reoord a t that time.

Id New Tork CKr aatamabltN oanaad Ihe deoUi ot alaty-two poreoH.

Poles Admit Retirement Before Bolshevik Advance

WARSAW, June Sft f Hy th* A*po- rlaleil Tre**! —Polish force* on Gie IloIshfvIK from have evacuated M oiir and K alankow itt, In Polcila. tccord lng 10 an official sta tem ent lasued at arm y sta ff headquarter* here today Thl"*tep was taken, it 1* aaid, 1'* nht^rlen ih* front

Soviet troop* In the nohrulsk ie r to r are regrouping under rover of a r tille ry ) aearch for arm* Ir ani li Ipalrd fire, the Ptatement p« j *. but tii Ihe |KiMxyn region Ihe Dole* have defeal*d ' a itrnng drlachm ent of Ihe enemy, v*p- i turln* cannon and machine gun* In ’ the region weel of Zwlebla. G eneral I lludenny'e tUilshevIk calvary he* | broken through the Follth fron t and i th* I'olleh Infantry Is re tirin g low ard I K oriet. keeping up a rea r-g u ard rn - 1 gagum eni against a aupertor Hulshevlk | force I

PARIS. Ju ly 1 {.$*> —A itrm pte byHusatan r?ol»hevlk force* to croea the ,BereHlii* River between Hohrul*k ami ;Bf»rl*i*v h ive been repelled with heavy |Io*H. acrur'llng lo an official 1‘ollah ataiem ent t»*ued today and received here l>y wlrele** The ila tem en t records the *ucre*»ful retlre inenl of the Pnles from Moiir and K aleiikow lts i

Fifteen Companies Organize Three Ship Risk SyndicatesWASHINOVON. July 1 (,F».--Porm B-

tloh hy fifteen Am srlcan 1n*uranre companUs of lhr*« m arine Insurance syndicate* for the purpose of u n d er­w riting American vea»*lt to the e i ie n t of ll.tSo.OOO on a ■Ingle risk was a n ­nounced last high^ by Chairm an Ren- HOM of the Shipplr^g Hoard- Orgatil**- (lon of the syndicate* w as prom pted by thr*al*ned refusal of B ritish com- pinlaa to continue th»lr risk* on American vhlpa as a result of the re ­cent pasttag* of th* Jones m erchant m a­rine set-

Two of the syndicates will b« con­fined lo American companies. C h a ir­man Ben*on said, while In the th ird American Insurance firm* will repre- ■*nl a t lea it tw o-th ird* of the to tal und«rwr1tlftg capactly, foreign com- panles m aintain ing Amarlcaji branch office* being perm itted to aasum* th* rem aining one-third Intereel- I

Mines Bill Passes Commons With Little Opposition

I/^NDON. Ju ly 1 <J»> —R epreaenla- tlve* of British m iners, from whom strenuous oppoalMon to the m lnei bill hsd bean expected, failed lo m ake an Impreastve show ing when the m easure came up for lecond reading yestetday.Rejection of the bill wa* moved by them, but It was carried by a la rge m ajority. This bill *ets up a d e p a r t­ment for the belter regulation of the coal irad* and of m iners conditions.

The Hou*r of Lords paeaad on rhlrd reading (he official e*cret»blll. Am end­ments ■uggeitv'l by new spapers, which viewed some of the m easu res ptuvl- slotis as likely to restric t the freedom of publtcallon of trfflclml document* or reports of prosecutloni, were not In- corporited In th* bill-

Labor Candidate Is Victor In Dection for Commons

LONTKJN, J u lr I (A>).—iJ b o r won x victory In tho b r .- . lo r t lo n h .ld ro c r l l j - In Ih* N.loon and C oin, c o n itllu .n cy ,RoblRxon (Jraham, rx n d td a l. of (hxt no rtr. belna .lo c t.d by 14.IH v o t . i K.N. W xlnw rlahl, CoBlIllon I'nlonlxi. wxx xorond. hovina 1.177 vot.x. and W R R.x, Indapendont Liberal, wax (bird with I.IOI.

The rlacllon wxx hxld lo fill x vx- I ean rr cauxxd by iho rtx lc n a tlo n of

Captain Alborl Bmltb. Ihx Labor whip, who waa forcod (o rvllnqnlah hla acat la the Houaa of Comroono bocauio of lllnoaa.

Chicago Lawyer Now OneOf Leaders in Siberia

IHKI'TSK. .Siberia. June (Aa^fi-l isted L reiJ) --The rise lo power of A T Krvpnnti. hekoff, KorRign M inister nf the Kar LuKtern Republic, who ilalmf* .American cltlien«hlp and who ta broad rasU nx from \'e rkhne-rd [n*k , Trsn«- bsIkaJla., news of the birth of the Far E astern Hepub]!'. 1* a lyptcal slory of the re iu rn To th rlr forniFr acllvlllc* of revolutlor^ary leader* Ihroughoul S i­beria who had b**n hiding In (he S i­berian wOdR or Imprisoned since the coup of (hr Isle Admiral Kolchak In te r­rupted the court* ef the revolullon.

K ailw srd of Lake Baikal, except In the r h l tk s district, which G eneral Sera- enoff contlnuee to dominate, iher* e x ­ist* a So-called buffer a is le donilnalsd by the picturesque figure of A. 8. To- belson who, unlli July, I f l t , was a C h i­cago lawyer

Tobel*on now Is known a* A T K ra*notch*koff He w rlles In Engllsli. la te r trsn a la lln g them Into Rusalsu. Btate paper* and memoranda. He ha* a* aecrelarle* H uisiahs who have been In Ibe United Ktaiea, and call* the m em ­ber* of hi* party "the b o y t" He In ­terview* himself and circu lates th e In ­terview* In hie own new* service.

He arrived In V ladivostok In t i l l and went to Khabarovsk. H ere h* headed the F ar E aeteni Soviet, which w oj known a* a m oderate body, and dom inated It with hi* pereonallty. Be­ing drlveri oul of Khabarovsk when the lnterv#nU onl»i*, Including the Amerl* '-•gnF. advanced In Augual. l l l l . Krae* nutchekoff wandered w estw ard and ended up In prison under hit* aesuraed name In Irku tsk . He wa* freed In Jan^ uary, ll to . when Ihe local aoclal revo- lutlonlai* ended th* KolchaJc ru le her*

IRKUTSK. Hlberta, Juna 2$ <Aaaoct- ated Urea**— Official a ttltu d a of th* Hov1«t Oovernmenl In Russia tow ard th* F a r E astern Kepubllo Is recognD (Ion of the n«w sta te as an Independent governm ent separated en tire ly from Bolshevik Rusal* and capable of c a r ­rying on negotiations w ith foreign powers, eaid Jacob David Janson. Ihe Bolshevik t'h ief for Foreign A ffair* In Kiberla. today. Janson Is a form er po­litical prisoner, having spent five yeara in sharkle* for partic ipa tion tn th* n o t revolution*.

ir 1— hr 0«ir- t v « 4 t f g M m M

f» r th a M H /1 Kalk XMhgt. IUote«kl » rd thh t ta o a i g W e f i e f e l •MTt Jw tl« g *ira|F |% iotrio obalrMt I i W M b Ctiirl|MU(i^v| iowalii » a # a ImawM* rh«C JM tleo ^m ar ram arli*4^

bu m ; I

IfiltiiMWtb. Jtihrkir a¥ F1ilt«4ali rgat a f f lv t I OoMB avtnm a M« aa d B*a Br{ g rm grM rnr a t L. T ka Bisapaay M f lu I I m H a t a l

4 iia a 4 a tram

Tesnii TetmtoM lo'WiftMiii tod C*rl«id

v w n r i i rm i • jJmUuMI wt niHlinrtk oai S N«rrt»■ W iB ltaw « r * H H a H (* a u 4

i M l f , IFIIIIain K J o h a a ^W a rNMOWR aa<] WIIUbm T, •*tw a H M N h . tM aoMl-flBAta a f t i r t H f M T S iB N lll . t t a W ltu * ta<ni RM O H U R atM M h m »*•

_ ii M laM l I M t* • • •

' T : , * j ! S S S 5 f t H f s a a t y a j s ;

I O K ttm d 'l a H l . ... ._ .

H law YBUaMv-^

Death of Woman Reported in Canada Forest Fire RenewalBT JOHN'S, N. Ju ly 1.—Mobil*,

a se ttlem ent about th ir ty mllag from here, w as In danger last n ig h t of being wiped out by foraat fir*# which have broken oul afresh In various p a r ts of Newfoundland, destroy ing la rg e woodied area* and many btllldlnga.

On* death, th a t of a womaa, has heen reported as a resu lt of the firaa a t La Mancha.

Philtdelpliia Wotiun Bcqueith* Over $2,000,000 to Charity

PH IU 4t)E IJM lA . Ju ly 1 (A>) —C har- llxbl* and rollE lout oraan laatlono woro loft moro th an ll.OOO.nqx unAor lha will of H arriot BMnohord of thlo elty , who diod about a yoar aqo. Tho will waa probatod yoalxrday.

Tho boquxito Inoludo IIH.OOO to tho Domootlo and Forolan Mloolonory Bo- elolp of tho Frortratant B plaw pal Church, ttl.O H to lha truxtooa of th a

Escaped Convict GivesHimself Up in Boston

BOUTON. July 1 fJP).—H arm an L Barney, who escaped from tha sla t* prison In Charleston on the n igh t of May S$, w ith tw o o ther priaonsra, sur- re n d e ^ d to tho au tho rltlea late yea- tarday, and ju s t before m idnight waa re lum ed (o the s ta te prison

Todd, Shipyard Head, Gives Stock Bonuses to Workers

NEW TORK. Ju ly I.—Blovli bonnaox am onatlnB lo more than | 1 .41)0.000 w a r , d iatribntad ladap by W illiam II. Todd of Iho T o H Bhlpyardx co rp o ra llo a lo

Oonoral C lo r tr RoHof Fund of Iho i omplayaao boro. Vrom ona to fifty Proloalant Bpiooopal rh o ro h : Unlvor- I aharoa woro (Ivan to amployooo, do- iU y of Pannoylvanla. I 144.4H ; A m orlaaa > paiutinB on loftgth of oarylrx and m ortt.

Protest Poor Service by Burning Madrid Traincars

i u o i n o : J a ^ T 7 5 i> ! Z e e e e W e t i l ah ad trMBxray aarvlM ta M adrid aad Yim ABBaadM aM irt th a t faroo wnaM ba ta - draaaad W dar. S tatarhanoad aonarrad laa t Bight l a th a wai1ilddMaii*a daaytora o t lh a aitF- Ofoapd o t w a d ta ra h araad adacB tram adra aad H tadhod a lh a r i. Tho FdtlM VON ah U iad M la ta r ra M t a r t - t ta rd a rd tr .

BqitiftYoitilfPaopIt'iUiiioa OpsoB CoawBtioa ia To

T o sio M T a A r t r i ” <ai»,MM li iB ta ru ita a A l d a B rn t to a id SSaM H V a« M Vat«w o t Am t .la a w aa M iB ad b a n M #iF . ' '

M a n S m T U H dalad t t iR f m i i w i . l a c a ra e y d M a la lh a A a n l id a a a l n ....... In!2C!2P• C ld H ip R a d ^

ChcTch Inxtitn io for NxgroM. f lH .S H ; K an p to n la a llta lo , tU (.M 0. aad Tuo- | hofM Inatlta to . l i t* ,40*. A num bor of Philadelphia boxpllala w are ( tfo d la r i* ooma___________________

New York's June Marridfe Record Br^en with 10,000 Licenses

H * w YORK, J a i r t <JP».—Tho Now York B iH rlaca m arho t olooH y o a u r . day a f te r a a toath w hich brake a ll pra* Ttaao J a a a racarda, a ra a th a t a ( IflT,^ whoa alaekor m arrladoa w ore in vocaa.

M a n Ihaa U ,aM , eouplaa took o a t H- . M a a durlBE th a montfc. Today a l- xtaat I H oeaplao oaokao tod d o l la n f a t ponaltA a a d a tk ird o t tkooa, aoeord lac ta A otlae CIW C la rk , E dw ard M art, woro wod te a n la a to a k n a r by oily m ad< atn taa M th a m arrlaco ebapal a t th* M aaMlBd! h a l l d ^ . _______

Ndw York Ceotrdl Rdfuiet loR s d a o e I t s I J p - S ta te F a r «

ik tO A irr, Ju ly 1 ( J n - ^ 0 Maw T a rk O N i n l S d l ln a d haa iM Ha a d ta obey U ddS H a f ’ lM F a U la s a n t a a O a« - adoCxn I ta d d d D H U lak t a rodada Ma

a f

tm tar Mr. Todd w ill ( o to TaeamA Waoh., to m ako a alm llar preoontalloa a l th e oompany** yardo ihxro.

.*r5#' ta «*•!■f .V*


40,000 S«|iiare Fsetn a a e t S clW Iai IB N aw ark t tp rin k la r •jraMin; U re a t i t - a tH r ; lo ed ad arlth u t m l 4 a r i l |M ; t t f rtlc lK and |M»- aao sa r ddfO H i iM SidIM d fo r d ll e tiM M o f to S o ti p r i ta fo rty p a r eaiM. I«m S dd f i g i a i w i d t Y dtM ;•d fly . s m m l p d ; MMMiidl

Fafat af li l

m m

Poor OldBill

Tirtf "Wirilfi o/ t k t trip "anmapping txptritHcts. "Bill"Simpson, the oldest member of ike group has just taken C^tl, followed by a swallow of water.

JB IB A II.EY ; (Uif youmrest (>f the thm-) ‘■>Yhat’s the ides. Bill? Oot to tone up the old digestive organs?”

BILL SIMPSON; ‘‘My trouble isn’t with digestion—it’s with elimination. I’ve trietl every pill from New York to Frisco—can’t quit and don’t seem to get any better.”

"Wliy don’t you take core of yourself? Eiercise, get some sleep once in R while, eat the ri^lit food. T W ’b the trouble wilh you.'

“ E*erci.sel Sleep! Eat the right food! Holy catfish! Say—when you've been toting R sBiiiple grip for aitout ten hours tday f o r twenty years, sleeping ona Pull­man shelf, and eating tlie stuff any hash- slinging re.stanrant-waitre.s.s is willing to bring you -then you can talk. My sys­tem has stood for more punislimenl than aback-curtain in a hit-thc-nigger-in-the- eye side show. It 's a wonder it U work­ing at all.”

'. JOHN (ilLFORD-(who has smilingly observed this interchange) "Poorold Bill! You have just summed up the reasons for practically all the digestivedisorders and Intestinal troubles that so many travel­ing-men suffer from w ith the exception of myself and some others.”

"Yourself and some otheraf What sort of hokum is that?”

"Listen. You have both adverti.setl, haven't you?” .'

OTHERS: “Sure.”


"Well, Nujol haa saved me from more lost days through illness than I can thank it for. When I started on the road, three years ago, I had a talk with my doctor, lie told me that the things a traveling man has to put up with, like irregular rating, poor food, chanM of water, and- so-forth, usually midfe him constipated. ‘Oh. a laxative now and then will help me through that’, I said. That sure did get his goat. He told me that laxatives and purgatives would ruin me quicker than anything else. He showed me that they weaken the bowel muscles and make them less able to work—the more pills you take, the more you need. ‘Nujol is the stuff for you.’he said. Then he explained how it works, and you can bet when 1 left on mv first trip, I slipped a bottle in mv bog. Vvenever been without itsmos I t’s kept me regular as clockwork."

OTHERS; "How does it work?""On an entirely new principle. Instead

of forcing or irritating the system, it simply softens the food waste. This help* the many tiny muscles in the walls of the intestines, cmilracting and expanding aa they should, to squeeze the food waste along so that it passes naturally out of the system. Nujol prevents constipw tion because it helps the body to evac­uate at regular times—the healthiest hab it in the world. I t ’s absolutely harmless and pleasant to take,”

“Say, John. Show me to the neareit drug store. I want to give that stuff a try-out; and if it’s all you say it it. I ’ll buy you a box of sure enough Corona- Coronas.”

kaM M laia hr all d ru a liti In im M bsItlaanDU, Iw - Ixi Vuial Tradx Mafk. Wrllf Sulal U tn a la n n . Rtxndxrd Oil Ca. i krw Jrraryl, SO Broadway. Naw Talk, far baoklit, "Tnirtr ftm t o t Daaxvr ".

The Modern Method qfTreating an Old ComplaitU

J# i


WOLFF &B uy Y our V a ca tio n O u tfit H ere a t G reatly R ed u ced P rices—O ur L iberal

T erm s M ake It E asy to P ay





Our entire stocks, usually priced as low as exclusive c a s h stp'’'ts ask, has been r ^ ^ d from 20% to 3 3 y |L Bring In your

entire family, selecU f eir entire out- fits, and pay in small convenient amounts. 22 years of liberal credit- giving assures you satisfaction both as to value giving and easy terms.



‘'s / -

m v m am lA io i s r credit c L o n o m

ittUnsTiiimiri^ fU i Umi wiMiili.■luat'

a i W Mwilt-aa

. ‘Ai > * *.•5;?;^

% J-. y

On Agitators m TokioBwvt «t M«in G«t« of

o f R cpreim U tivM .

MN o O iw H urt.

|fj|on>ut SiboHu Movo Hinted

" n K M i J ib # I® b#»*>E lH f UW«*> 'O* « ““•*

Or Mb B»w»p*r*r» •• *B*WPf» ppb®****BNMBt m«l»iry

^ IHPl«fl«ll ^u rftB IB *!•"*»M fWlf « » • •* I^B **•••• <“•*

..*••** t* t*i* •* ••**'*'lOiO f t tliB ‘iMMMBbvN •( tb« Houh w*r* «lthln

-s*w. tkB fclWlM. AltheoBb IhB l«n

LnEtr*. rni. to*** *11 tiMrtr buiWiBB. wtr* ■h*A, BO eaiuBmo* ••''• e»u»»®- 10, Juno U (AoooelBtod Pr***

, ,, .. „.„fo*Bo«eo».nrrro™ IB* prooo »o- ^Sax. •*Mi^BC*rnl«f tho BboWob of tho

MVtMmoBt OS Blplomotlo.. *, ntboroBto Mk* A

iwl MMr




•f ft fttfftftft Bua-wfim »*h ;•Ual

tha_______. - »•<§»)•■ proporMf*. bofli fovorn

I) toko 0(*M to ,*tB)iborfio«4.

S-t •Bd prlooto, on tho Borihorn M rt o f Bochollon I>!Bnd u > •v o rd a lr •a d Om Io for cloltnlnO coinponoollap fof ObbwW whon tho ootohllohnOBt of • legal laoitOB OeTomioont la conaott- Batad te tho futuro.At BKord* (ho quaotton of tho rooh r iM f f tho A nflo f*P*h*«* BjltAB^ lb* •*v*rBB)*al hpa doclfo*. II li •old. tB 'BiMBlolB IM rro H * ! tdo t. wblob«IU *t«llBUo W OBlfl BB‘I> of t**eoBtTddtlnf p*fU*d OBBOuhoao d|li«B- dM Iop of Ih* pfHonioM |to«OH* of

fOB^IIddtod iip tt of tht rttloBi ta i hoc^uoo of too

•ntOBoOtb« otlU uoftadfaf of Ndtloai taf Aomuo aaiaUico of •iddBllloa la ih*

. la Canada aal AuatrtUi. Ihola' Bot ihougbt laraiahla for raolalat

tioatr. f«PM BOOlarf. UartforA• lea of

H9#lr*OB iB thf t^vpd IB t)ila ooaaaoixjnr. •rtaaa ohaiMa

ano tha rortafoB of tho f ^ t and

h**raaeh^ hatiPMa iha 'INItldh ai3tla«, aa acriaaant of olawa haanoao lavorBaiaBti radflMIr _

M o u o u ju rr w. hW \ f») ~ n #Aa«lo.JahaaodO ('a«ir *111 aat ha alt Urad aatil IM ooum of IBa yaltoB •tatoa In rogard la iha Loagtia afKaIIom baa baoa 4oiona||i*d. 'll bao i

, ***« faport*d |a Taalo, an-oHlng toI, acrofd liiJill Jaoi

r$. Tho ohioboao oBfoa I

Advicad 10 tba Niaaa JaagBAso Bovtfanof bora aaaioaiauud *oa|d aiaho ih* inaiy •Aitbrin. to tho liauuo of Katloaa, but

, tlMr *111 Bfi ha carriod aui tf tha Caltod Btaua dlaathrovo* af ibo laagua. bocauia ii i* iha*ahi ih* loatu*

' ara«ld not bo doaobdahla vltboai tha Vallod dlaloi. tho dianatch alalod.

Coil GmI* Stle "Margin'I Not Profit. Gaikill 5aysWiMWiNOTW. ibir l—Tha 'HMr. ftai" hotwooB tho aoti nor t*n of

at th« laiBo and tha aalaa raAitaAiUa I ahould not ho uboa aa aha^ag

Qm arafii nor t*a aa c*a| aooruina ;(a the oaorxaf. Holla* ■. awhlll. fa * Jaraoy lawpbar of tho radoral

! thhda Comailaalaa. lAld roiurdar In '-B laltor t* Vla*'rrool4oal J D. A Maaaa*. of tha Hailnaal Ooai diattah

Tha lattor *ad la rthir ta a«o fraai I‘ ■ itUarotaotlna agaiadt aa arraao'atM tatorprolailoii whtoh bad hooa T*aaa4 a»oB tha nnhllahad raport af iha I te*M*|taioa ahawina product lan cooti *t hltttailaaM *aal dM batlaa for tho ■M th af lU rth. lltd. Tho raaort ahdvad a atarfla holvaoa produet ion rodt aad Mlllbf 1*100 af farty.iwo eoBla por ton In robruary. and from th ii It hid boon oialod ihot tho Indl- [ on tod profit of tho oporalort hod hooa iMPoAdod thirtaaa oaatt, or farty- ftaoM r oaut. •■tan.

■•Tm currrai toot hnllallAa do >al aha* tho oporatoro' proflta and do not I h * rM t to do to." Commlaatonor Qaihlll I •A li m o y •how only tho diffaraaaa hAt*Adh tho tailing prico aA4 iha toot 1 a t praduolhg aaal at tho mImo profit

i.thowji it (rof* the marginaollln(ar opKadtllwoan tha foiling prlot and

«aat at tha mlM IMra |i daducud tha paopar 'aUawinaa far oaliing coat, lt> larool. taioa and oihar Itoma.

Oooornor Coolldge of Maaanrhaoolio diiagdoad ilM ganarAl anal titaaiioa trtih Chairman Clark of the Intorotale Coaimorco Coimnloolon and nonimif- glaoara Aliohlion, Koftman and foliar.

Wtr Department in D«iial Of Mw Opening Stitemont

WAnflNOTOH. July t (# ) —Forwial daalglt wort aiado today by tho BtaleAnd Wat dopartmontf of tho otatemont of>iaf!

r DniS our Blaoloy E. Ryplno of tho r of Uinnoipla ooaoral dayo ro the Cook Qaiinir. JHinole. cnnaABlIon of iho Commilloo of Forty.

olghi that he. while oorvlng In >ho mllllArr tnteliigonoo dlviaion during iha way, had opened the mall of Brechin. r ld « Imni. Third Aoeletaot Becretary • f Btato. Rypini declared he waa gltarad to open Mr Long'a mall ”bo. ***** he happened to be In correa« g*Bdan*o with a conaoleniloua ob>erior.'‘

"Tha military mielllgenee divlilon did got open the mall of Mr Long or BBjr athor peroon." «ald the War Do-

■y pgrtlgailt'i eiatiment. "Profeeeor Ry- *1** hap never been connected In any n iM ltF with tho military lniel1|g*nca diTlldag. During the war he eerved for

. A fAar glOBthO aa an enlloied man In the * Blsth Piotaloh. CaBip Wadoworlh. 8. C, 5 during A part of whtoh time ho wo# do- t taltod for duty In iho offleo of tho d|. " VtatOKAl iBtelllgoBCi offtoor. Thoro tf

B* paoord of Profoeaor RrplBO haalng u li*g g*y conBOctloB with tho popigl •> Bonaorahlp. tho only agonlo of tho gov- ■K arnmtal outborlied to open mall "'Y ih * gtate Department eald U know of lii M roggon for any euch atatem eat *• T* IMda by Ryplna Anil bad receives ‘th a U. gBaBalltled aaauranco of the W ar De- V gartaioBt that it hao no haala la faol.


DocreoK in Lynching! Is c Shown by Tuskegec Tally

TtflXCnEE. Ala, July 1 (#)—A doapdUl lu Ibo nunbov af lynohlngo luH ag tho flrei Ilk Riantbo of 'bl* pgag la reported by IL H. Koton. prln-

'• tM l af Tuoke**e Inatttuta The total •rag toralve. compared * tlh aavenleen

, IB tha corroapondlng paflod *f Uld thirty-three In Iho OBBIO gerlod In

f af iKooo lyBchod *gM aagrooo.k alxM af vrhnta ware aai|g»4 at oo- awlllag white wpato*. fg* lafgooi

i gamar of lynohlnga la AbF ago aiaia. waa Ihroo In MlnnaaatA Thara wara

............. »a and aa# ahoh litwg aaah In Alahania and aa# ahoh la narldi, Xoniaohr> IdAaoaoi Tagai and" “ Caroltaa.

Tro[! iei Available For PubHc DhtributkmTOXK. July I (»).-Tho Wap tani haa avAllAbla a auaniliy at ltd guB8 laotura and hswitaora

U aiHlUPAl aanoratland.______, Argiy a f Iha * •••aMlartr thgnuiBoni aoaocla

jaaY A. Wt huiah. apdlnanoo tha taatAP* DapartmaMt, aa>

darlBl IhaWdoa__I n a itM five*alaiTikcll hovluara.

^ ^ h -I I

IKlSMim/.S lUHLOiOtl

■hat IMA Ite 0. Cm ha ggiahggiA lit gM 1



Three ptevee reopheleiereo la tpaatehItiiher, til uai el^ velour

( l o t I K ' s I I k

L v ( ) i i•Ilk work fiffTMitMft:

LlkrM RtftivlM mmm ^



Have You Prepared for the RAINY Days of

Vacation Time?

Go Away Over the 4thh WHITE’S CLOTHES

Come up tomorrow—aelwt whatever you desire, whether for yourself or your entire family. It's your last ehsnce to boy them at

Yom may borrow a Vicirola from us for the entire lummer, afid it will not cost you a penny

REDUenONSThl! is sure some stunt, we'II tell the world, and no

one else but WHITE’S would do it for the simple reason that ill sales heretofore have been of the cash varietyw-but we’re always doing something a little different, and now we're giving you this bona fide reduction and sti)lallow you to buy

CLOTHESThe method is simple. You buy a small portable Victrola from us

for summer use. In the fall, before October I, you return it to us, and we will allow you its entire purchase price on a new machine, or on new records.

Wo do this because many people do not want to take away theirWo do this because many people do not want to take away their big machiofl-'and yet they feel the need of music in vacation time, if gnlv for the dreary, rainy days that happen in the best regulated summen-gnly for the dreary,

1 Te'» N M V ieirols IV and 25.00 w orth of roeorda. O r a X j J J V f ' i V O . A ‘ v ie tro la VI and W -00 * « rth o f records. R efurn the machiiia

to u t O ctober I, whan we will rafund the money paid for It, or give you ita full value in racorda. Or credit you with it i price on t new. large m te h in t if you do no t a lready own one.

Offtr 0 You buy I Vieupla IV or VI without recordi, and use it *YOo M jjudi October I, when you may return it and receive ita aquiva*

lent vilue in records.Thas* VWtiolAf coMC p*tk«d, and will bo ihlppad fr»a of charf* to ad; pgil i f tha Unllad SIbIm . TaSo advaataf* of lUg g f t r B*w.


For Men, Women and ChildrenDEDUCT 20%

From Our Low Prices and We Will Trust You to Pay

ON YOUR OWN TERMSThg gaaieat and moat liberal te rm s in tb s world. O at

the hab it, g a y a t tTH ITE 'S. I t’a a m ighty good on#, hund reds o f your friend* and neighbora will taattfy.

. • _ _ - 1 __L . ^ J a d e a * AoAti « A A t t A P A V4 hl lSp A M b #aaWe re alwaya handing you a iqnere d«l, for ^dj}^ ^to be Bleaaad with w hat you buy or we m ake it n g h l. , aboard W H IT E ’S band wagon. W a’ll hat you’ll never t i l l off o r buy enyw here ctae. C elebra te th e F ourth in t t o r i t t a

..TSU* Y eu’ll loeh your beet in W H ITE'SeSiea.

Si^ last Vfffr Mdlon, for Bamberger’s regular Adv.« >


Keep your heels squaii?204 Market Street, Newark


get double wearLo o k at your beelt right

/ now—art thay run over oo one side? Run*over heela

not only look ahahby but they actually throw your risoet out of shape and lessen their life.

You can save shoe money by wearing Wide. For ona dollar a g o ^ cobbler can at* tach a pair to your shoea. Then at the first sign of wear you can Interchange them youraelf. Inatead of wearing down the heela on one side, you wear them evenly, keep them aquara and tbartfore get double wear.

Cbeapeat In the end and they certainty keep your •hoes looking good.

Thd tala of WUd li raaorte f d tot^cobWan. WriitiMforlte

o f lb* t*tbortA*d W iM•lioo Moraat to y*t>.

WID8, 14 i>wb PUao,N toarti, N. 2.


Everythingy o n h i v . r t w y .® ! ? * N e A m m f a R

know that yon gat the beat the nwr had sffmdi at

^ g | , | J t o y r B lA R T tR

No. 2 oan...........3 7 C

nuLOo*All fnill fltvortie* ertam p o v d t , . . I4c

rvas u an ^ y c -Fftwd ......................

Evaa* iR rtitatv Flf« brand., l u v


.*0 .itS4|

FbwnO-. H lf4.)b. suhtfu........ eV t

c o m .- . i i r

^iSnj^tlfwnidg i j u

n w ru K is^ lid .Otrtm ................ iw vnASL TAnocAo* H y-

nsrtm iSm^

tr a O lH U hrfiSwSkI a* f seks h« t« « gnrv

M S B ffsT * ?tOARpnAift.


of Umunal Qmttty.W h s tD o Y o R ^ fBrftftit of MUkF ed V oftltS O elb .S h o r t Fore­

lb Ih.

q n u rto ro f Ltm ls Zb I I


S m o M Cftlft HftiRf. Me lb.Dixie 8 m o M K M e lba

B o o fk j--

i atfbf. 26cPASOWAX-.

Mb. tubs . . 17caALtSATOa- R«IMlhiV Cmr brand.. OV

a u o t w m

Thirteen CcFedsral i

~Clow....... 47cPotato e m n s -

Nwfmnk........ 15c1<Ms|ir. Owi^

M.... K


. .'ii

cEw or■TWA ran * '


S S D ’

R e s tra in t

WABBINO' •galBot Ih irt fa rtu ro ro •*< Allogod vtola truat act. w. cago, Dopar aroounco.

Tho bill ( Amorleon Ll T o rk ; Anko! rotnpaBjr, D, Llnoood Cor lam O. mood H irat A B«| Midland L in MlBBooota I. noapQlli; Na York City: I paBy. MInne Oil Compan: Sharw In.W lI tho Tolodo I Mann Broth Iho Armotre duotrlo*. Tho bill m ont e ( Juoi fondant* “tr oa rry ln g ou •p iracy In r<

CHICAGO. In Fodoral m anu taclu r, I t l t and 1.1 up from rifi wholoaalo.

J W Hir flrm a name • tro n g Bur waa formed know ledae ' aentatlvea o era m et mor offleee to e

U. S.LeBar to

CHICAOC frlendahlp end the I 'r «ned by (h w ard the K rorftan , lent n lfh t of Chicago, quft.

or nil (hndn la the t proaperoua

"Cnnndn Inter to ib tn te wha.1 noyniry wi her Prime CaBOdn's ll the m other

♦The n ir tw o countr not exist Ti ftttllude Tf being that purpose ar purpose.”


NEW TO nnnouncem firm of Col terdny by 1 ract wna yeaterdny. have two I In commof

Ifr. H arr o f plays w ns an JndOeBOOfL *

' I



■:. ’ ' > ■’ Tt"-'} ‘ * 'r>'-.;;' *r>v


1, and no >le reason h variety Tent, end and iti)l


vortd. Oat y lodd on*, vill twriff.

r you'vt |MI nght. Qnt111 p*v*r fant| in ilorttta n WltlTE'S

1‘ ^i

A caid^R ® I ' ■

Thirteen Conpnnie* Muit Answer Ftdnral Charge oi Anti-Trust

Act Vioiation.

n u ; i47ctSc

i i^ 8 c

Restraint of Trade Is Alleged

WASHINOTOK July 1 (.»*).—Suit■BAlR»t th lr t««9 of rh«i principal m»nu- f4 rttir« ra n^alcrn In linaa«d oil for lEllotod vloUUona of the Hiiorman anll- t r u t t se t. wft» filed yeaterd&y In Chi- cAfo, Dopurtment of Joatlce o fflclaU anopunct.

The bill of complaint nnmea tho » A m arlean Llnaeed f'otnpany pi New

T o rk i Ankeny Linaeod U an u fac tu rln c f'cm pany, Dca Molnea; A rcher-D anleia L.lna*ad Company, Mtnneapolla; W ill­iam O. Cloodrich Cotfv>an>r, M ilw aukee; H irst A Begiay Linseed <^o. Chicaco; blldland L lteeed Prodtji'ie Company and MlDBaaota Llnaeed Ci|| rno tpany , Min* neapotli; National Lfb'l I 'om piny. New York City. Northern I.lnieed Oil Com- *«nr. Mlnneupolls; Red W ln i Mnie*<! Oil Company, Red W ins Minn ; the Sharw ln*W liuam i i'ompan)-. C leveland; the Toledo Reed A Oil I’o , Toledo, the Maun Brothers f'ompsny. Buffalo, and

* the A rm atronf Bureau uf Related In*duatrtaie

The bill was brnusM , the D ep art­m ent of Justice said, to preveni ihe d e ­fendan ts '‘from further rnffa*lns In snd o * r ry j ||j om » comhinaiion and con* aplrftcy In restra in t r>f trade ‘

CHICAGO. July 1 tjf ) —Ths suit filed •n Federal Court a sa ln st linseed oil I tnA nufaclurera derlarei that betw een I I t l t and ItlR prices of iin^f^ed oil w ent i up from fifty r e n d t'l |1 NO per SOllOB ' wholeaaie. i

J- W. H irst, preildrni of one o f the firm s named, decisred that the Arm* a tro n # Bureau of Related Induatrlen w as formed durlns the w ar w lih iha know ledse of the fo te rn m en t. fiappa- san tatlves of the leadinf linseed t r a s h - are m et monthly, he eaii. In the b u reau offlcea fo e irh a n i# trade Inform ation.

U. S. Leame Stand Declared Bar to Canada's Friendship

CHICAGO, Ju ly 1 (JP > ^T he atraPB friendahtp exlstlnp betw stn C anpda and the Vntted Stales 1* being weak* «ned by (he stand sf this eeu n try la* w ard the Leagus Of N'aUoiva, David K P o rta n , Chlt^afo o an k tr d aclarsd laat nlffht before the Canadian Club of Ckicaio. st (la Dominion iJay b a n ­quet.

Of a ll the natlone 1ti the w ar. C a n ­ada Is (he most eetdeil and In (he moat p rosperoui ctiadlilon. he s^id

**Canada did not eend her Prim e llln* later lo the Paris ennferenee (e dle- ta (e wha.1 some l l t tk h a lf-b ak ad country w anted .' he paid “Bhe sen t her Prime Minister there to look a f te r C aaada's In tarsst on an equality w ith the m other oountry, and she got U.

*The strong friendship betw aen Ihs tw o countries. 1 am sorry to say. m ay not e ils t now ow tns to ''u r co u n try 's a itllu d e rrg ard tn a peace, llir feeling being that w t went m er th ere for a purpose snd hare gone back on th a t purpose."

Dutohition of Cohso & Htrri*Firm Ii Formtiljr Aonouiiced

NEW TOHK,'i»iy 1 ~ T h « ftr»t ( • r » « l announoem snt af th s dissolution a f tka firm of Cokati A H arris was m ods y e s­terday by gam H. Harris. T be Sen* im e t was s verbal one and eap lred yeaterdiay. although the firm wUl s t | l | have two plays snd two ih a a ie f lSM«a In common.

Mr. H arris alao announrsd a Iona Hat of plays which ha purposes to produce as an individual during the com ing j aemso n. * t

WAR SAVINGhas crystalized a great thrift aentinient in thiscommunity, but there is a tendency to relax now that the strain is over.

Business men, employees, members of the family, should continue to produce, econ­omize and save.

Deposit your money in our Thrift De­partment, where it will draw interest at four per cent. (


■ ....- H i---.7 4


Do Not Mist This Unprtcodented Sale of

Women*8 Shoes Oxfords and Pumps

For Fourth of JulyAT

REXELL BOOT SHOPMt lavt vavr Mug* aad wa v*||l ah only ka^ MtOv al h at iMAi p«lM •< aAwaa. •ni»r4 m mm4 My vmpCalaato Ik* public Ikt fan tkac Tlllk kHOK

Thia Sale ran w«r artclaal atork raaaol loo atraacly■ A L E lr« l7 lk » rk « » » * • • • U h l l » . I« I* " * » ' ■

B r r a l i» w * ■*< B B»w U m Hb b * • ra B M I * U » s « ul m> * •* ■ a t I hr * U , r l m BB* I tN B B h Ih* rvB B la t rh B B arla . W » ar* fhi f B a r n _ t h r a a b llr hfBBdlB. W * BWBt ! * • » * ■ ' « - t l r r b II B ar ahora aIW il rn iC 'E N ED K TIO K .

1.1% 1

WE MUST VACATE THESE PREMISESW e‘re only here from d iy to d i v now , bu t

w e 're a n x lo u i to «erv* you i f y o u l l tu * t d ro p In in d lei u i ihow you o u r tu n d to m e lin e o f women'*


For $ 2 .9 5 A PairThe aiaat marhahle hay eerr atferra la aar atam ar !■ aa* alker atarra, aa far aa wa kaart, are a aaBbee a* raalaai-BwAaOttorOa aa* Pane* ** rartoaa nrarHptlaaa faraaerir rriatlrO trwm $7

( • O i l , a aarlBB af » % .BOW ON ■ A M S A T et-BO A F A I l tBar aa earir aa aaaalhle Frl*at aa* Balareax. haeaaaa It la aae fcalpa ta **eaa yaa arwaaftr h*lh la 111 a a * alyl-. Tkaah fas.

Fourth of July Cdebnthm S p e ^WaaiaTBi- WWIa Caana ■aate OatarAa, faal valaa • aarrlllaa lar a trw Aara a* an il

$1.96 > PairREXELL BO O T SH O P

689-641 BROAD STREETWulk wg wilt fllgkl hwg amv* IMW #m ymwr ekme# fwr FMttk «f Jmty mmd v vmtimw Tww Duuf fr»« 9fmylrr*a CmmAy ftwr*


See Our fVindom n o u N o e& H P iB iM iH n n n in u iR n iMI til n .’ h ' hOP' f F(,GNL''-iiW '

159-161 Market Street

See Our Winiom

For Friday and Saturday Important Before the “Fourth” Specials


The Biggest Values of the Season



■ 4■■aW



Delightfully good-looking dnd rofretbingly cooL • Trimmod vltb nwt collon ind enfft of organdio or whito

I piguo. A Mg variety la blue, black, pink, lavander, gram and mlaad cheeks and plaid*. Valuei abeolutely wiequaled anywhere at |S JS

rpdfNMuioiis Veurietks ofM

Otim, Cottw Summer Dresses at pM , $9M $tOM

l E S T I N T H E l O H C RU

TF A BETTER tire than1 theS iL V E R T O W N C oR D .is

ever made, it w ill still be a Sdoertow n^re^ and Q oodridt -will make it.


(Americas Firsts C ord T ire

•Jk# O ooirich A d ju itm tn t r Ji'/pcr/oiufi Cordt^ Booo M iles t FaAr f Ti'w, feooo M U ti

■fi 1

■ W

1;‘45-V -'4irra ~4

Spselal fiWeI rr ^ '■NEW SUP-ONp f SWEATERS-'#.,

'thM-fhefaukv tm i' .>$iFT]7

' m waar.i A# wWl M fllMUmi w m to . ^

nwiM iiii ip SAL&'Btfai ome StUc Dreues

. -jf* ;i . ,(.3«. W<mdtfM ,Vabie$ at

4' $

jlS'Mfvi SiMiw iiidM (w'-' Mktp .lintoivi Ckori i iiw,

ig n TsHi . ? ^ r u ' '

htta . tUk N s i ^ Nw40i pwrtMlii^Skioti. i t CMwi aM Triwtowt eoartilMtlatt.


2:30 AND 8 P. M.

ABSOLUTE AUCTIONOf Every Remaining Lot. Price Is No Object.


Hill Crest ManorBetween Boyden Ave. and Irvington Avc.

SOUTH ORANGEConvenient by trolley to all parts of Newark.

Many unusual features for ill attending.

How to Reach HiD Creit ManorITaka Springfield or Broad Cart, get off it Florence

Avenue, walk 4 block* to the right on Florence Avenue, to the big tent on the gronndi.


220 KiuMoth BUk* Asbviy Parii, N. J.

COME ONE I COME ALL!!• the Blmit Rial Ihuic E-««t ee the Jmeer CeeM.

Spend the ttlTar leir HeUdara atPORTAUPECK, N. J.Fronting on the BeauUfnl Shiewtbnry River

D lr^ly OpfKwIte Pleasure Bay, Loog baoch, N. J. i

2 ,0 0 0 “ S T 2 ,0 0 0OFFERED AT

ABSOLUTE AUCTIONWtthout Limit or ReaerTe to the Hlehert Bidder

Bt eider «f the Emplr* Truel Co., New Yorh CMjf, TnutceJULY 3, 5. fl. 7, 8, 9, 10

Twice Dallv. 2:30 and 8:30 P. M. ^In Urge electrienlTy Hght« tent on the grouiMia

LUNCHEONS will be lerved to til C ittending the m Ic. Trantportilion

refunded to ill lot buyers. Hundreds of beautiful souvenirs.

Buy Your Seuhore Homeiit* at Your Own PricePOBT At: F E rn t If a Aallahlf Jl raaort, fa m a a i to r Ita ahara d ln a y i,

iM autlful Ilriva". f i ta n . lv . vlawa unit p laafuraa of avary kind Only lira inlnutaa nnfih ot l.on« Branch ptalton a n i « » a n . P lrac tly oppatite l in r t ln i p ifr of I fH o n Boal L in . from Naw York rity Conranlant I f tro lle y , to North H tanrh anil all .North Jaraay ahara raaerta.

E A S Y T E R M SPolicies of Title Insursnce miy bo obtained from Fidelity

Trust Co., Newark, N. J., on fivortble terms.Hew lo reich Port lu Peck Auction Grounds:

Taka Praaa. aa Jeaway O retfM «a l.aBj^Bi»Baki tkaa h r taattay ••E. M. CLBVEI^D, AucUooaer

220 glnneWh BMf., Ashury Park, N. J.





98-100 MuIbcfHT St, Neir Center M«rket

B at Sufilr Cured SiMked Horn. lb..Smoked CsL Hamii

lb. * a v * • a a tf«

bVjt.e • e » v e

Shmtlden Mutton, |d ^ foUd meat lb ...

Fw * Pork, Sbmihkm. lb. 22c

. m , .'a aja «,. * 'ft- * ■ *3 fm p

l im i f Fm k, _

«s?v? f S l|^ < - -^ 1

, - 4-1 '^ ^••,

fci *- iT'j-i'

Period b on. I

I ■ ^ '4 ,

hiScAlioBi of Better Cooditioti.

Keductioii Being CoRittmtedf -WAMnNOTON, J«lr > (*) —■»»!• — !• pM «lP( through t porlod oj

‘ M a o n t »n«J In m»ny In iu n e o i of tiM r«d«nU Rowroo Booril

IB 111 Jun* rovlow of fonorol -------1 flnnnolal oondltloa* of Iho

«th>M to, h o w o w . OTorj Indloollon k w tbto truBflUon porlotl will not toot

i-4»doo4. th a t lh« turn lownrd now lltiM o h*» nlrondjr boon , tnkon.

MIhfWd tho boord'o ■uminary <n roporli , IIB ngonto, who. Inking Iho country r f l Wholo. found connldornblo onrU-

j t e to bgtinoH fotnll prico*. n*«un

J to f 'in rn in i untoorinl during Juno, It ! l ' £ n m I4 In o in to iu tloB of tb* con-

Inrg* TOlunio of roioll fB o prloo eutling reoooniont.

hggrd nnld. h»a boon nldod tha rofuM l of tho public to k ick priooo. nlthottgh tho ton-

g of wholoanlo prinoo to winlnUln M t toPoto doolnrod to hn»o

■ • gn tA U m ctln t inftuono*, Bicopt alolhing nnd ohoos. nil oanontlnl

- S S m i l i inaluding foodrtuffn nhow ^ I t t t o in ilen tlon of rodnctlon. but 1 u ^

S r i* and non-ognonttoU in many llnoa V ‘ 'Zaoa haan *Alatlnrtlr OUL"r/T ^ko k^rul'r »»••" '• • ••"‘'•"Vaotlto down to n roadjuiim ont hnala

* U prooood w ith huninooa u i» » » | m l of priooo and damnnd. tho UUMOftod. -Control o f ctodit nnd

irM lan Ito a botwoon pon-oooonllnJ 1 o io cu ttll— borrow ing nro produo-

g no taooloptng tadtnooWoo no l» nnd gTodunlly. Tho

- ^ tontohod. ^ ‘l* 'T il* - ngonelo# ohow n roduetion,

t incTOnoM "wuowwo OonBMtton g tin tonWo,

‘ A llbongh oono toiprootm ont In im ng- toMMlM wno notod. tho mllrondo worn

1 u hnoo pot oToreOBo Iho on, nnd "gront congoollon of mn m portod to i in l oxItL Fro-

t omaplnlnlo of enr ohoHago worn atgd by tho ng tn to ' roporta, aoaao • t i n g n B anaolag ahortngo of ooai h . nnlono ramodlod. will “o o r lo ^ y itorn w ith ranonfaetnrlng, ^ o - 1 on m nnnfio tn rliig for ih t

hnwooor, m ngod from *»iro«o Mn to ogunriy omtromo poaolmim. •b ly Iho Btnnt onoonragtag for w n th w as tho Improyomont of •ImrnI proapaeta, all crops oteopi ■ gbow lag Iraproyomanl with tho •b io w aalhor, good dlatrlhulloa

V M taM lI and roplnntlng of crops, f M a tlne t tmprouomant In Iha moaoy Mlantiaa w as notod du ring tha raealh.

1 It wan nnld th a t condttlonn In ■nl conlnrn ohowod llttlo

N fw T a r t dtotrlel tho ropori O n t *l9 ocnlnlloa has boon do-

a ltbaggh tho bond markol ha i Moro g ln a ly oupportod than lor

1 nwallM pan t B ipo iio ra roport a n ing la tb a fero lga domand for

I pradneto. Im migration lo In- I—, prices haoo lallon In aomo

gn lta dacldodly and rotalt trado ■ Ma a lliaaU tod by rooonl radar-

•a lM In g eenllnuoa Inadoqualo.wwoiaooian—rC M a ara ln g goaoral m anufacturing■•.'r B.___ «•*_ M b M n t

i WWVggMooS »wo*-.^iI kpard tay a : *ln tbo flaid of g th —

Otnring coadltlona bays vaMOd aa a raonlt of iraMfortailaa

^ oraiH oenirol a n d o tbar fa«- . l a tbo Phlladolphia roglon Ibaro

haan ninrhod doprtaaloa In aboaa1 loatbar. T aan lag In Inactloo. and. . . . . . • ^tba priea o f raw b Man oontlaua

aa taday noat y a a fa aboaa will n m a t a ^ l daeraaaa In prica. IfeO g ^ o n d lttr le l, Mo. 1. It 1a

■ (b a t no t wUhlB tba momory of kMI daalof la laathar bao tho a a r h o t boon to o tagaaai aa dor-

Ika U n t ‘ tw a a ia a tb a A oaat o f ahoaa ba»a boon rolarnod by

tabbora and wholooaloro toa n g h tu r trg ,. Ordoco hnoo' ^ a

■ a w an nnprocoddgiod o i ta h t tn n w flo o Jinro cloood dowa on and Ib t ir prIooB aro off from for

— b ig b lovata.’% a l l aboaa. bowocor. srllt bo a t rota

b lab lovato a* prieo. Puhllo kaoa bona eaadactod by m aaa-

la ardor to oi l B la s ts aarplua

mUbI and yarntoh taduatry to pajona and tbo doaond trory g*ML

mmt- (ynaaporta lloa tba gb ltf obataelo.1 alhor m anu fac tu rin g Itao* tbara to

IM PrabU rn rla tto a . Mon'n alotb- In, pofhapa. 'moTa dapm iaad than

t g tb a f Industry. Bayorn aro hold- g a (f In anifcipatlon of lowor prleoa

_ i '# t« g s and ohamlCBlo much tmprooo- IBNII la roportad from tha HIddIo Waat. ■ l ^ n n gonorat w ar, ordora for futuroE ry OB manufacturoro* ho ik s tro

and aaffle lant In most caaoa to I onpacity o p o ritlep for o o n ra l

klWIUii ta eoma. but now bualnou 1a « ^ a g In Boro olowly and th a n la a W |jy ^ a n o r i l dlaposllIan lo cair.col

Ckthiof. Textile Indwlriei Show Inactivity, Bank Rqiortir

, t * w TOKK. Ja ly I (JP) —Much ua aW gloynwal o ila ts among the workora Ik tbo cladhiBg nnd m t i to Indnslrloa, nggordlag to ih r report of (ho Federal Hogproa Bank for June. In some cloak • M g n u tao torlea oeventy por cent, of tk o oparalora are cut at work. Inae tfirtty la usual al th is season of tho yggr, bu t It Is now esceptlonslly oaten'give.

D uring the last few y e a n only th irty t a fo rty per eeni hove been laid off d a r in g the du llo tt season. I’rartlcally n n Iho fu rm nkori la New York f l ty

on ■Irlko, and It to tstim ated tha taro oat.

I <Incr’oniii

• a a I t lo eotimatod that a month

IM *eontri|g^ to the p ro n d ln c month I Incr'oasod acllv liy la Iho bicr'oasod acllv liy ullding

1 about oavoaty-flvo por cent of Iho In wora w orking, hul now (he per- l in g o haa been Increasod to nlnely-

Thore Is a ahurtago of several kdrod houdew rerkera. ^

ore 'la • aho risge of unskilled kero. The supply of Im ntlgraol

la be lfw Ihs demand, and Ihora , gbortaae of farm labor,

S o ld fitific F acte


.■oMftv iM H%nnmiiiQA 9Tle»l«|« MWht Ok»l IhaaucMN fior vhleb w« «t« M Juatlr rBn*d- ¥• «• •Tvryltitec !• DmUMi •aitfwify F»«MI«Ml]r !• MV

4lm.' P rm m Yimr TWIit

Wbaa you eall w, wttt sigtola Oar iBprovsd Sndgs Wofh.

af rtriJih naiMi

[m iC ttL nET N IliilliilteWPMipi# Sv

'W o o d b u ry W ay


I M k t lw

QHitrlTha eholct flavor ' of a n p 0 r lor Mill god Hopi.

Ovdern Cm* froM

Groevnr DMkrOr drop VI ■ poiiit orlot. M arket ITS).

Ballantine’sClRKAle ExportBETBRAGB


le Ateum Sc OI0.A Number of

Sennil«made Sports Skirts•m art and up-to-date, have besn taken from regular stock and marked, for clearance, at specially reduced prlcev.

They will be placed on sale ti-jn^rfovr' (Friday) morning. In the Wool Qatss Fabrics Deparlm ent. The n e * i j s > /s will be

$,ie?SV 7.50 & 12.75/T>ierc are several attractive styles to select from In the e Skirts, Including box-plaited and accordlon-pislted effects and pla'n- teliored modeU. The m aterials are plaids, checks, serges and woo) Jerseys, showing an excellent variety of colors as well as a i-whlte.

W aist sizes, 24 to 22 inches; but not every size In every style.

(First Floor)

Another Special Sale of

Week-end Casesand other Summer travel necessaries, at prices that represent excellent values, will provide an Interestlngofferlngforto-morrow (

W eek-end Cases, w ith tray; cretonne- tlned and fibre-bound; sizes 24, 26 and 26 I n c h e s ..................................................... $7.50W om en’s Hat Boxes, with tw o hat forms and a pocket; cretonne-lined; size 16x16x12 Inches S7.85

W om en’s Hat Boxes (dull finish) with tw o hat forms and a pock et; cretonne-lined ; circular shape fn size 16zl2 Inchei $8.00

Motor Luncheon Cases, with service for six p e r s o n s ............................................ $16.50

All of the above travel goods are made of black enameled duck.

Traveling Bags of black w alrus-graincowhide, with riveted frame and leather lining and pocket; size 16 inches, $9.00

(First Roor)

tfbZrtaim Xnniiir -9U tlj Xunoti Mm atth 33tii 0tmfs SIrtn fork

S9 -N


. I# t ■*

and he {Janie kd e a d a i v s n r

f f

k ■ '>. - p - .,.

ITUMUttJkTla a •


a a a•V AtKINe SMSai

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ANOAbMKBog a a a

ToeauLvOMMa a a

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a a aAND IIMVS • UMt.PON TNa bwl !lSH«OM,

# • •AW HE Wiifcti MOia4i

♦ • •ron A tM 9 W i• • »AMO I ta«V I VM te

roM TMt mm m i w• a •

• O lM M W tt l ib• • a

^OULD YOU mom m it e a •

IP I bOTtfet» k « r• e •

AND THSN Iw nOM,Lma A lesBiH mr.

• a aAND SAID *V« (hMhi.• • •PU. SMOKS af m.*AND I fM e w

• e «and askco Ua e• • *WHAT SRAND bi i

• • •AMO Ht IfegvM m

g U lE Umt atMy.

AND T H IN M M l*.

havg *‘bodri'~khaS '* *he BmtyiaMBhliiNisliANSMi

T H I Y SA TISPV .- * • a

AND SfOOeH, b lB rU B i

tOtkf IWiatiMUy—< ^T tiMBWipIlibiil tWlapiMilMei Thw

mti pit tbip*N aiU.

C I G A R E T T B 8

The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Coaof Akron, Ohio

$201,000,000 Par Value 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock

Par Value $100

$10,000,000 Par Value Coaunoo Stock Par Value $100

O f f e n d in b locka ( 2 . b a n s P r e f a m d ) f _ _ O Q Q o f th re e J i a r w } 1 b b a re C om m on ( T w ^ l u y u

exempt from the Oenerel Property Tbx mider U»e L e a s of Ohio DIvldendB exempt from the N om al Federtl Income Tex

CAPITALIZATION _Reflects* CBptaHxBtkm of ■ portion of the lurpliu on recent dedwrtfan of nock dWdefid of 150%, bat w ithout Ovine effect to peeeem flnBnctaf

c « ™ . S tock ..................................iw a iw o oNO BOJVD5

A le tter from Mr. F . A . SeibeH in^ President, is summariaed as follows:

AS8BTB AND BUSINE88: The totxl net ■secte of the eonipeity from the faalsnee ebeet M of April ^ lflM .«noortaltom oreth«$U 5.000.000. Tlw Good W I I t P « e i a ^ f r a t e I l l a ^ * « ^t.Bx«d t t I 1.M BJtboi*h the M«««emert believe UM thta to the moM vehmtM s M i t ^■MMoo to hevSics Bound vMue of |1S1 b«fc o f ^ th tre of common Mock. p p rA m m wffl their pro rW. t o of the Com pen/e Good WUL B a g fn e e e fo r^ e to m e B ^ t e i ^ U g J ^ that 0/ Ifre Mooedfi* fleo«( y ew 6*^ period h r 89.3% . An hSBBd onoperBlion indkmes net eim inei for flecal yeer eodin j O ct ^new f r r t¥ v rforwiaepproximgtetH5.e0a.00fl i i compsredwilfa gUMBflAOOfa thepriM dim Bsesl

wU MOMy V (M»e •( pH ■Nub a«rh« tiltto l a«vg inaat Inunall•f hair lu trial AImI nudabahar. •aat Bugar •U a r ataad] flag PatroU gavaral a t tl way abarta •«ra.Nam—Tb' light eaaUa tbaugh aall tha higbaa waaha Ex ataillaUy ,

PRSPXRKgD RE8TIUCTION8: The P relirred Stock !■ MfevMfded hp m tllfllm w whfch Ind a ^ P^ vieioog (te the mBkiMwnce of Besets, far Ow bhoobI retirement Of a portion of tbs in ae end Btskiet enatloo of s m ort|S |s or Men on the Meets.D g r p p p OP coiniOM BTOCKiRemliiaB far P is t twelve yesrsappUcsiils to oomsBsn stock s f ts fp a y y a tef preferred dWdsHis have exceeded an tv tre a e ef H % pw snmim oa m m iiiiw t o g l ^ISN cM h d lv ldm dssfll% hsve been peld eed>year<stU w com iB sai*o»saaiaaM «tw ns(oai y m a a i have bssn prid m feOew* IPS*, 100%; l*W. 199% W ll, 100%{ IPl*. >•%» 'W l, v

POflinON or COMPANTi (1) ProSBdnc epproadiaeiely H% si IMri •*" *>wkmm af•oeatry. (« Prodactektotslogfe volomeofpneoramc tiackSn^UMMS^Itrack tin s , both ki sstsBilve dsmsad la Indtistrlil and ig r ib a l t^ f lU lD (B) r n ^

B aSarata i Oair and V plagia aad I a id ae«lpni ahamiml ab nara oaafld ratto ranali tha base B tara w ia tl BalgUa TM

l;l»-dB ti pareapttbly wbai eall par eabb CaMallSau uadar praai aad ralatad waalaltlaa

Lataat baiMa

14.14: fliai M.I4I tb in li.ld ; Vlete M.I4.

ClaalBg— th a laat he rtoa to toui o a t m a ta rli ■ taaki moi tba aaaatoE

Tba lRi|>a aigns a f en baap today w itb la n a r

Salaa apii U b a rty tHa *i'0«:

II.M l flrai I t . ia ; th in I t TIl Vtou

Tba ran i Biera actlv< n a r b a t In cloatng lu c Nawa b y P

AdaaM Zg|i Ab. BattSu AB.Soach 1 Ab. Caa— Ab. Cb S Am. Zxptea Ab. 1st Co Ab. Loco . Ab. Ship .. Ab. Small. •Ab. Stoan Ab. SamatT

' Ab. T. ft 1 Ab. Writ Pi

Atcb......Ad. Coat Li A. 0. W. LA. 0. W. I Srid Lon..B. Co..B«lb. Sted, Bona Br b . Salta Cop. I Butte ft Sap Cal. Ptckiui Caa. P ic ....C a t. L tati Coio depM GbaBdlriTl CftO......ChL C.W.,C U .f tS LCbl. ft N’tCbiftN-intu. X LC X L ftP.fattaCoppO toaCoLOriftlCbB Oba..Cge-CaadpQan Piad.CtvdUaSkCib.(^l(hkCM*DaL *H bZiMrtritTalMa....-Mh IHP PMawni Mtabb OmSIto-

(XHarO-, Ot.Ma.Oa B.ftMtokt RWpMob ta-Bw-N $MfM. I 4iNkhi bA ZtpB M T C



t M.0m«SmMO

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' gmfrSI

f I)ii0fl<-i'««•••»•' ,4 Oflifliid'I

n n wEib vmm■*•■wi" ■ <1 uDiisMMi^^«— homin§ 4mmeA MiftimotkoeA (4) pridBckn MsMbi inlM snf Wtaffsot luhbM hsilxm di^llridM sid bythsiliSSlf»M

w«I " ,« ■

I o fferh if th s un ioM p te itfo n o l Ifaii •togk

h bk dtfl o f ] 2 i l» r M P N f m d( [ l ■ -

/ . 1.--•A

•.'T 'st.

" ■ -'-f/ .•it’.’f?(*((!>•. ’K'.t-l w


L -

WaJI Stow MametM ;l > > r—>n u of u o i b t r f l a n r !■

M il nMMir w *r* r*n*etM In th« sB cran - lM n4 n t p rteM n t th« outM t o t wdny*! M M k AwPhM M M toa. Cracll)l« n M l 'i i In ltta l ndvM M o f tw o po ln ti « m ol- i moot Im n o d lo to lr follew od b f forfoltAro of kn lf 111 rloo. A tlnntlo Oolt. Induo- tr ln l A lM hol, B aldw in Loeenotloo. ■ ludabokor. Unltod f l ta tn R u b b n and B**t B ocar Warn Includad am ona tba • tk o r o to a d r to f t m itiu o i. bat Moat- oaa PotroUuiD. C om olldaled Q ai and Mt^ofol d f tho Pacific and a ran aar rall^ w a r oW m r to ld cd m cdcrato lr to proa- ta ro .

Noon Tko m arlto t Improrod on a a r r U attt dM U aaa d u rln a tho mornlna. a t- th o a a h oall lo a m bponcd a t 10 per cant., Ow U a b to t iB ltlal ra lo In taooral w toka. B aproaa com panr laanoa aub- o taa ilaU r aahancod iha lr rocont ad- o a tM t a a d ih lp p ln ao itn n a th c o o d on ■ ad o ra to aecum ulatlon of A tlaatlc, O a tf aa d V altod F ru it. Cructblo, Ro- ploalo a a d B alldw ln toaturod lha tta o li a a d aaa lp inaaU . and tobacco, anaar and o b o n lM l abaroa w ara raaponalvo to tba m ora con fidan t eparatlona or poola, bat ra lla ro n a ln a d dull and irrecular. la tb a bead B iarkat th a outatandina laa- ta ro w aa tho a tra n a th and ac tlr ltp of • o la ta a TWa

l i t b —Jn ta ra o t la tha m arhal laaaad p aroop tib ir d u r ln a tha mld-aadblon w han ca ll m oaay advanced to twalva par eobb D olaw ara A llud ion and Cowaalldbtad Oaa loot I pclnta aach tiadar p ro tau ra , b u t ra ra ria la In ataala and rolntod In d u a trta la alao In varloua M aala ltta i, aa a ra a a d laia than a point.

L a taa t bond pricaa a t II 90:§0.94; i l r i t 4s, 19.40. ttcoBO 4b,

•4.14: f t r t t 4%«a I I .10; lAcond lOvOOl tk ird 4^* , II.M : (ourtk • l . l§ ; V le to rr !%■, 9I.IJ, V lr to rf 4%s, §lbl4.

ClM lBV^TndlfLV Imobtiib Ut«UM til tftO t u t h our on coll mo}i«y‘« further rlM to fourtoon por cent. P rlcei were not »B.t«rlBll7 however, * fewo loek i m o u n tln c to h ifh e tt leveli of tho ooMtOD. Tho c lo flh t woo firm.

Tho iRipoodln# fiohdey end oddltlonol ■Imo of erodli roo trlc tlon i combChed to keop todnr*! ito ck m orkel operotlooi ▼tthih norrow hmite.

te lo o opproxlm oted ihofOo.U b o r t f bond cloolnf prlcei wero:

IH io » l§ § : f irs t 4e. »(40. second 4ia il.9d i flro t 4%Oa iStO ; second 4^1, 11.10 ; th ird 4 S40 , lu. fourth 4t40t II.T0; VIclOry Mk*. H .7I; V letorr 4%«,

Tho r a n ^ of todsy 's prices for the ■loro octivo oeourltles in ihe New York m orket In c o n tra s t with the pfovlouo cioothk ^ttototlOQO. o i furnished for the Newo Df Foot ^ K I skk , li Riven below;


UaionFacUk,pr.. Ua. Alh>7 S i ^ .UbM D n«;-----Unitad FfniL....- Ud. Katal) S t«*i D. B. FoodPiod..U .S . tiuLAl......U .S . R .d l n . . . . U. S .R ab b « ...« U. S. Sm.dRcf..U .S . Steel..........U, S. Steal, p r . . . Vnadioni Cor....Wahadi........... ....W altaFugo____Wwl Union____WaninahooR__Whila U o lo o ..._ WiUTwOvtTland..


1U% 112% 113% 112%*2% 62% 63% AAftiSa44 44 44 pASIkS

113 112% 113 ''■«S*4s201 too 201

7*% 78% 79% 71%66% 66 66% 66%93 92% 93 92%57% 57% 57% 56%95 94% 95 94%59% 59 59%93 92% 93 92%

106 105% 106 105%•7% 86% *6% 86%7% 7% 7%

56% 54% 56•2% 81 82% 81 -49% 49% 49% 49%52 52 52 51%18 ft 18% 19 18%tE*. right

Qdlat! v lb ta r atraiBhULr , ta«p: Vat * WMtapn, l . « a. b.

r., aad M l e. I. f. da«aatlci Urd, aaaltr; Middla Waal. t« .u e iM I : ivat n , > . .caffaa. naariaal 1 Iw o n e n

Buttar—Blaadr; raealpCa, M*l tuba; craamarp, blgbar thaa axtrad Ill4 # ld : aatra <»l aoara). ’“ •*•obre), t i e u i atata dallT flaaat, tuba,ITBSi; do, (ood to prime, u e i i i pack*In s alack, cu rran t m ake, Na. I. U O U H .

■ s f i — Irra su la r ; raca lp li. l l . l ^ oaaaa: traah sa th arad , tx t r a Drat, 17*41; do., flrat, 4 t* l l ; atata. Panairl- ru ila and nearby Waatam hennery white, flrat to aitro, ii* W ; do., brown, aitra, 13*14; do., satharad brown and mixed colort, flrat to extra, 14*11.

Chaaaa—Btaady; racalpta, 1,417 boxaa;atata, whole milk flaU. currant make, __white and colored, ipectnla, 17li*l»*.i; | the do., avarasa run, 14*17; atata, whole mllb twine, currant make, ipaclalt, ITH *17%: do., avarapa run. 1**14%.

Poultry—Live, aaar; freight brollarA 40; aapraaa do., 41*41; lowia, 11: rooat- ara, 35: turkey*. 15. Draaaad, ataady and unchanged.

roiaioea—B uy: Jaraay. bbl, 7.oa*II 00; Southern, 1.00*11.00.

Cabbagai—Baay; Long tatand. bbl.,I (o * t .u 0 ; Jaraay d o , 1.5061.00.

^ G K oitR ieiiiih ed lb F aAmalganuitod Men W age

R e p r c M o U t m t d « l

A g e n t ! o f M u M ifa c tu m * M e e t

a t S o m e S t i i k e i S ta r t .

M o re T h a n 1 ,0 0 0 O u t t o D a te

Bus Lines' Fund Blocked By New York Court Order

NEW TOKK, Ju ly I —E ipe^dl- tu rs of fl.OOO.OOO s.pproprlBte4 by the city lust Msrch for coiRbUshment of ■kw b u t lines to ^epl*ce stree t c«rt where opertitlon h as been ebendoDsd, Li preveniM by «n order Issued iCNlBy by Supreme Court Ju s tice UeviRtn. Th« order. Iisuedi on spplIcAllon of Bdwetd t^chnfer. s t t tp a y e r . prevents further acquirem ent of buses, but does not In* le rfe rs w tih the operktlon of exisilnv lines.


ay j

Adams Egpeasa.. 35% 32 34 ......Am. BsstSugB.. 91 90 91Am.SsKh Hag.. 115% 115 115 115Aa. C o........... 40% 40 40% 40Ah . C« A F. .. 139 139 139 138%Ao. Expeew...... 146 143 143%Ah . IbL Carp.... 86% 86 86% 86%Ah . Loco.......... 98 97% 98 *7%Ah . Ship.......... 23% 23% 23% 24ABv Smelt___ 59% 58% 59% 58-Ah . Slasl Tdya.. 37% 37 37 38Ah . SiBsIn..-.,. 88 87% 87% 87Ah . T. a T— .. 93% 93 93 92%Ah . Writ Pap pr- 42 ft 42% 42%Anaccada........... 55% 55% 55%Alch................. 79% 79% 79% 80Ad. Cossl Lin*—.. 84% 84 84% 84A. 0. W. L - ...... 164% 160 164 159A.O. W. l . ,f t„ ‘ 1% ‘ 1% ‘ 1%Bald Loco...... ... 119% 118% 118% 118%Bw A 0 -.....-s.iwas* 30% 30% 30% 30%B .A 0 .|b----- -- 41 40% 41 40%Bamtt Co.......... 145% 145 145 144%Bclb. Steel, B .... 90 89% 90 89%Bong Bnn........ 109 108 109 106

NEW YORK, July 1 Mercan­tile paper.. Of Kxehings steady Rierlln*. 64-d*y bills. 1.19%; coinmer- ilal. 40*day bills on bsnks. l I lH i cutn* TnerclsL I9*day bills, I994h: demand. 1.944k; cables, l.tSifh Francs: demand. 124; cables. S 14. BelfUn francs: De­mand, 1.47; csbles, flulMere: L>e* mand, 14 10, rablce, IkM- Lire; De­mand, 4.90; cablee, S 91. Marks: De­mand, 1.4t, cables, 144, New York ex> change uti Montreal, 12 4 per cent, dis­count, Government bonds firm, rail* road bonds steady

Time loans siroug; 10 days. 10 days and 4 montha, I Vk

Call money strong ; high, 14; low. 10; ruling rata. 19; clo jing bid, 11, o f­fered at n . Iasi loan, I I , bank accept* ancea. 4%.

Offer o f $ 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 (or Liner DeKalb Accepted

S h ip p in g B o a rd W ill D i ip o ie

F o rm e r G e rm a n C r a f t to

C o m m e rc e F in n .

o f



7H 21% 67 H

7H 11% 67 H 67%

BulwCop. ft Ztac.Bottaft Supnioi- Cul. FacUag.......C n . Pac...............Caal. Lauthar-.. . __ _ . _ . .Cano dalbaea.... 42 O U

m s 112% 1U% 112% 6S% 61 65% 65

C buM U artt^g .! C . 4 0 . . .

CW. C .W ...........C S .ftS L P..IX. Chi. ft N ’w aiL ...

C h if tN 'w a M .p t .

th L a L f tF . . . C .K .L f t F .4 % .

ChO aCoigM i........

O l a e C a ^ . .C o L O M ftE la c ...

0 *6 . O k a,............

Cm.04ib4r.-.....C n Fiuft...........O w A b S l a a l . . . .C b k t e a S u p t -^C 4M Sut.;r.CW-ft* 8upx. M . ftHbdna...

M b ....... ...............P.......F h e w n e y a a L -

. M S b h te .......

52% f t’

*9%67%91 36%63 15 29 S3%W«%95

154% 151U% S3«%51 W% n11% u <3%»%









N srw TORK. Ju ly 1 <.P>—Toppvr— I>uU; electro ly tic spot and third quar­ter, 19. Iro n — Firm and unrhanged. Tin—Bpal, 494B; July, 4110; August, 41.99. Anttm ony, 7 74. Metal e irh a u a s quotea lead, firm ; spot snd July offered 1,11 ZiBC, dull, East St. Louis spot. 7.19 hid.

At London—Htandsrd copper, spot, tIT Is Id; fu tu res, i l l 19s, electrolytic, spot, £141; fu tu res, 1197 19s. Tin, spot, £149 19s; fu tu res, 1294 19s. Lead, spot. fl4 Is, fu tu re ^ f l4 Zinc, spot, £41 I9s. futurea, i i l l a

L e v ia th a n B id C o n i id e r e d

WABHINQTON. Ju ly 1 ( * ) .—Tb* bl4 of tl»0,0tt0 for lha form er Oarmao Boor p* Kxlb. made by th* American Ship a Commarc* Corporation, waa accapUd today by th a Bhlpplng Board.

Th* off*r of H.0O4.W0 for lh« lltiar Leviathan, mad# by tho Unitad Btataa Mall 8l*anti*h1p Company, a tlll la under conslderatloB.

Two Moi Killed atSwift Plant, Kearny


su#ar. staM y: centrifugal* li.1 l: re- riaed, staady; ftna gThnulated. 11.490 14.99.

F u tu re s W«rre quiet enrly w ith oper* a to ra inclined to aw ait developinehti In the spot n a rk e t . At noon prices were 19 points lower to IB higher

NEW YORK BOND MARKETThe fellowtM queiatloas were

bjr Post sad F^legg:Oyefi- Htgh-

(ikg# «et. evt.9s l i II

l*f. Is 77% TT% cit. 4s Ti% t«%


.m. fkf Am. T. A

Chema. A


Two employees of the Rwlft Packing Tompany of H arrison avenue. Kearny, wrr# ln»(antly klllod till* afU rnoon by an #l»ctr1o cu rren t from a mechanical cool conveyer

The men were F rank Kowal»xi. twenty •lx yeare old of 431 John atreet- Harrlaon and Albert Bbyder. th irty *!* year* old, of 111 W lUon *v*nue, Kearny

Th* m*n w*re unloading coaj from a cart and attem pted to move th* elec­tr ic conveyer w ithout flret eho tltng off th* power, according to olher w ork­men. Thle li eald lo l« con trary to the regulallona of Ih* Bwllt company. They had ecarcely touched the conveyer when they created a contact w ith the ground and were im m ediately electrocuted.

Trade Balance of Nation Further Improved in May

WARHINOTON. July I provsm ent of lha trad* balapc* of the United i iU te i w ith every Im portant gfrOiraphlcal division of the world wss shown loclay by the report of lha l>e- pgrtmsBt of Oomwarca for lbs month of Uay.

Kxporig to Europd in M ar totaled USI0t59.e#9. and IWRorta li l.o o , lesviug a favorabla balance of more than I299,90fte999. an In c ra ^ s of flT,- 090.U09 ov*r tha balanca of Aprtl. South America's favorable balance was re ­duced to 19.999.099, against 111,909.090 tn April, exports last month a g g re g a t­ing 111.909,000 and Im ports 141.900 9*0. E tp o rts from India were |74.009.090 in d Im ports 1104.009.909. and th is

L«6g- Close country bought 1119.999.909 from Northssi. log. American co u n tr ie s saMIng In re tu rn

goods w orth |l9 1 v9*9>999.

I COLUHBU8 . O.. Ju ly 1 < ^ ).—Confar*, snee was ranum ed th is m orning batwean ' eom m lttaa t rap reaen ting the A m alga­

m ated Aaooolatlon of Iron. Staal and Tin W orkars and rapresentaClyaa of

Indcpandent ahaat and tin plata m anufao turara . in th a lr effort to reach an sg rea tn o n t over a new waga scale.

A eco r^ n g lo announcem ent yester­day, and ra4L>rated last night hy tha confereas, i ^ r k In the IndapendaBt m ills w ill con tinue w ithout Interruption pending ae ttlan ten t of the negotlalloaa Tha Old se a ls egptred last mIdnIghL

■wwso Owl at QtrwrC Q1RARD, O.. Ju ly 1 1 J*)-^Approx*

Im ately 400 Iron purldlera, memti^ra of the A m algam ated Asaoclstion of Iron, Ntael and T in W orkera, did not report for w ork today a t the plant here of the A. M. B yers Company.

Tha com pany announced that Ihe bar m ills would ba kep t running on stoeka now on hand for tw o wraks, a fter which 9Q<v bar w o rkers w ilt be made Idle.

The puddlers w ork under (he bar Iron scale n ag o tta ted by the A m algam slrd and tha W estern Bar Iron Aasoclallon. Union man say lha bar iron acale, orig* Inally d ra fted to expire Juna 19, hed bean ex tended by m utual sgraam ent for ano ther m onth and that the extension waa not b ind ing In casae where the union did not care lo ronoade It They say th e re has bean friodon le tw een U>s Byars com pany and the Amalgarnsted and th s t (heir orders to quit work hsd coma from M. F. TIgha, president of tha A m algam ated.

S. K Hina, general maSM*"’ of the plant, said today he did not know why the man had quit when the scale agfsa- m ant had not expired, ffe eald ha ax- peeled (h« troub le to be ee ttl.d so work could be resum ed Tuesday.

Men a t r t tta h s v v h MwH* r iT T P m ’RGH. Ju ly 1 Five

hundred and fifty Iron puddlere failed to report for work a t the mills of the A If. Byars Company and Iba Brows Company, In c , hare today. H. B. Reaae. vice preeidant of Ihe Amal­gam ated A aeocistlon of Iron, Bteel and Tin W o rk era announced (oday. They will rem ain ou( pending a W'tlU'fnanl of the w age controversy at Columbus nelw een re iiresen le llves ot Ihe union and rm ployere.

gaeae O at •« Igaewelar. LaANCAKTKR. Pa., July 1.—Puddlers

and fin ishers at the Penniylvanla Hteel A Iron C ^rporailon struck today for h igher pay. The walkout numbered II& men. The s tr ik e rs rejected offers of 114 79 B day for pu*ldlere and s five par cent ln< rease for fliiUhere

CHKIMX) UVESlbdf KAUlkiScHiCAoa A ir 1 <e) <t7. a » tt4 «

• r lU rkM * Roport).—C xttlo—14.MBIb«ot ttoerx Ktrona, oomo MUInc hlah44; •xrlr 44P. 14.I4; botk. ll.6a*l(.M i' bxU A tr xnd tooder itook ■ tronfor;•era and bullx alow; balk t*niMn. 4 .1 l# 4 .7 i; bulk buteherA eowA I * * # 14.54; oxIvtA unevealr l*W*4l M k vealerA tl .l« e il5 4 . ' '

Hog*—31.040; m o itlr lie- lower; light an* lig h t butohora,1514; bulk. t l 4 pound aad oT-r,16.40. , ^

Mheep—11.400: Tory alow i laMba,xrouDd 60c. lower.

----------------------------- — k

Archbishop Haye» Warns Against Socialism Spread

NEW TORK. Ju ly I.^A rchblB hop Patrick J. Hsyea, artdreaslng th a en taenlh annual convention o f Ih* ra tho lJc Educational A saoclglls* w m eeting last night In the Hotel Csm* mcMiora. raaaw ed his w a r n ^ g ag s lk s i educational B<»c!al1sm and aacu la ris* . The prelate argued th a t a sacra l dlSM- ganlaatlon waa going forw ard, ening tha fabric of Atpartcan tlons. . .

O ther spaakare Included Chief A i*‘ sla ian t D istrict A ttorney Alfred J T a l­ley and Corporation Counsel John P. o'BHan. D uring lha day m eetings af vsrlDUS sections of the convention ^1** cussed Ikalf apaclal p roblam a Tha convention w ill continue today.

SAFETYnr4t and Lm I


The things you value most—jewels, hdP- looms, deeds, mortgages, wills, bonds, stocks, fine draperies, rugs and furs—can all be kept, in absolute safety in our /

Safe DqNMfit VaultsSpedil Daj ind Nl|d>t SerrlcB )

Morchants &, Manufacturen National Bank of Newark770 Broad Street

g s i i = J i s : ^ i a i i = a l i a d i r f V H t H l i a i[’■ j j t H E f i H J i - H E r r

*% •...rl. lU e.

I» ll.

l u u ISO52% 52%


7151ISn11%u«%« %


»%U11%U %U %31%

14t% 141% 141% 141 24% 14% 24% 14%

o w srtet . x r » .Ot. Itatk.,04.H6.Om. ......B.»ai*C4t0g.

tg .B * .4 < N .J ... .b a t M. M ., F - j K H k k U -------

« WL r . g«a. ee A St.P.taa4%s

1. a gr<%fr4i9a I. a a Pv ev, l a

Ateh evtv 4e. 11*9 At-Coa«t I-iee tit, 4i B a O. iM 4e. ..B. a O r r f t*II a o. piK a O. cvl.B. R T. Ta. cant. Lsether le. ('ent. Perlfic 4e .... Cest. of N. J. U , . . (‘hae. a i>. evtv *i .C a O, art.Chesv a O. g«g. 4%e Cblv, B a Q Jt. «e 1C., k a a gas. 4*. C^L OL Weal. 4a... a.Me A BL P. gsg.4e Ce.M. ' “ “Ce. M.C. MC'.^ a St P .rv ttU a C. a N w. ges. 4« (*., B. t a Pfon.4aC. , K, le a Pv reC. *aChile le ................CkUe alt. N .........Cat a Bo, rsf. 4%a CeL a s«. let 4a..D. a R. (1. comm. 4a D. a H. tl. raf. 9a..■lie «l. is .............grle can. I* .........Ml* cvi. «* n. . .grl* *vi. 4* D.........K. g N. r«( I* ..iat. Met. re . I%* . •1. K. Tr. r*f. 5*..■I, M. U. ----

Lok* xkar* 4n 1411I . 6 N. —I- * • . . . .HUl>-i* * ^ l 4* ' -M nr. * T.. l i t 40. II*. K e . 4*. . N. T. c. (V**. I t* . K. T. C. d. 4*. 1*14 H. r . C*ol. 4*k. *• K T. T Co, *f. 4. «• N. T. T*l. Cn 444*H*r. I%e- 4*.........Bar. FaclR* 3*___Or*, gk. U, r*f. *• O.Vr.niLC.gM lrt.4* r -e . U. * ft. 5*.. F tao, *vn * 15*...F*an fan. 5*..........P au * . can 445*.. Pub. gawlr* go*, i*RtndUif ■**. 4*----M . k f t l . F . p L 4 -iU L g g. P. *«J. It i t , L A ft F. toe •*.

■inbanrd «dj. 4*... • n Pm . *vt. I*----EftTvar*.?*::;;Tklrd XV*. *dj. 4*. Ualan Pne. l i t 5*.

UxlM Pm 1*4 r, 4* Pm (»t. •*.

~ ft. ft In f t 1* ftokkiv To..

' * .la

TS% TSU 7*% le% Pl% 11% 91% »l%,345 tU ; . a | | 54* <4 *4 1441ft 44ft 44% 44ftt i f t 41ft 43ft 43ft 41% 44% 41% 41%41 41 41% 4344% 41ft 44% 44% 44% 14% 44% 44% 44% 44% 44% 44% 4T »T% »t IT% Tift Tift l i f t l i f t I t I t 44% 44ft

P e t i t io n ! M o rn M o w a A E rie T o I m p ro v e P f tw e n g e r S e rv ic e

MORRISTOWN. Ju ly 1.—P .llllon* lo ’ • f t , Ih* M orrlitow n ft Krt* Rxllroad. «*k-

ing It lo Improv* It* pnaw nger *#**10*. have be*n lurn*d In lo Ih* compan)' bf F. C L 'lirlhaw o t C*dar Knoll*. It request* the p laelag of a turn tab l* a t W hlppany. the ua* of tw o gaaolene car* nod a tlm etabl* In connection with the LAckawanaa a t M orrlalow n It alao aak t to r nn u r j p aad Iat* larvlao to accommodal* a ll ela*a*« *f palrona and particu la rly eom m utara oroployod In th* W hlppnny tnllln


14% 34% ]4% 1!% 34% 34% 34% Tift 11% 14% 14%

J o u r n e y m e n B f t r b e n S tr ik e F o r M o re P a y a n d S h o r te r H o u r !

PER TH AHBOT. Ju ly 1 —A walkout of tk* Joum eym en barbor* of Ibla city look plac* today Tht* alrik* I* th* roault of the boa*** rafoalng to g rant a ralae In pay of 15 par w*«k. and fifiy per cant, of th* am ount over 144 la k .n In a t each chair Th*y a l » demand a phortar day on Balurtlay. They Inolal th a t tho shop* m ust cion* on tM* night at 14 oarlock of 11 *a la now th* cna*. At tho pra*«AI tim* th* loum ay- man barbor* ar* go tllng I I I * waoh.

L ig h tn in g l U b H o r s e W h ileU o h ilc h in g I t E acap e*

PHlT,LIFftnURO. Ju ly 1.—W M It on- xagad 1n unhitch ing a horno b*longlng lo Rover* W. H a g .r ty , In g h lm .ra trM t, during lb* M vor* • l .o tr lc a l *torm th a t vlaltad Ihia aoctlon Iat* T uaidoy *ft*r- iioon, P*t*r N .w m an of H o n o r atTMt wa* oonildorably ahoehod whan a bolt of ligh tn in g struck lh a anim at. Th* ho rw dtod a f*w m lnutao later. Now* man « u nnlnjurod. About a yoar ago, whilo un loading lo* In fkiuth Main ■I root, n nlool chopper w hich Nawraan hold tn hin hands, wan n truch by lig h t­ning. bu t h* onenpod taiiury.

II ill iil iW**t*raWllsan Ca. 1st 4*.. ___ .. .vnitaa Co, *«t. %. *4 14 *4


^ • « i i ; 8 | : I

S ie 'iila iS

A c q ia t t e d o n M tn n A c t C h a rg e

At Ih* dtraotlon e f Judgu l ^ o h a lory In lha Unitad lU la * D ItIrlol C ourt yaatardny aegn ittad Snlyntor* MeacaTullo of 1*4 Bruo* a tra a t e h s r ^ w ith a lo la lin g lb* H ann ML Iftaa FannI* Laaplna of ! l ro n r to a a lb ntrs- nn* taatlflad th s t H o m m s Ho took liar to Naw T ork Fabrttn ry I t nod k * F har thar* aavw ftl doyn o n lo n t bar w ill Sh* oogid go t giT* tkM addr*** of lha ptaoo TThor* aka vra* hald, tk« said. M ow srallo daatM tko oftnrgo aad to ld • ( kn*lbg obtnload n llaooa* (o m arry Ml** Lopplb*. H«r roU tlvoa poraundad b a r oo l tb M arry, ho A tnlatnal U oltad 13*1** O latrla t AUor- ■«y H nllaok Mftdo tlm nioUaa dnr • dlraotlnn o t vnrdlM la Inwar o f dataodM L

South Jersey Gas Concern Asks Leave to Raise Rate

glaff ComupoMaiwU-TRBNTtJS. Ju ly 1.—In an •ppllratlon

lo the Public U lllltle i Comtniaalon ^the New Jersey « a* Company aeki for per- nilaslon to Increase It* ral* for xa* 1w enty-*l* and one-elghih cent* a Ihouaand cubic feat, and Ihe board ha* f i n d Ju ly 1! * l th* *1*1* hou** for a hearing . Th« ftraaent ral* I" | l 45. plu* a tw »nly-flv*-e*nt re*dln**i-lo-*erve

^**Th0 com pany, which o p era l.s In G loueaatar. halem and Cumberland i-ounllea. claim * the lncre**e I* nece*- »*ry becam e of Ihe Incre**ei1 ro il of f sb oil and th a t II repr***nli ax jc i t the Incraaaad coal of th* oil over the I at* now paid th* Biandard Oil Com-

** Ptopoaed Incr***** foF electric lig h t­ing and w *l*r aarvlc* by th* N*w Egypt IJg h t. H eat, Power A W ater Co., becoming effective lixlay, hav* been vuvpended by the romml**lon until Hep- U n b a r 34 pending laquiry Into the rraaonab lenasa o f Lha gchodulaa-

New York City Will Appeal From Dollar Gas Injunction

NEW t o r k . Ju ly 1.—Mayor Hylan y a tte rd ay directed Corporallon Couneel fyBrlen to appeel from Ihe Federal Courl o rder en jo in ing any allem pi to In tarfer* w ith th* priv llaf* accorded th* C onaolldaled Oa* Company and It* tubildlarlam lo charge I t » Ihuueand eublo feat fo r g u , e n d in g lha tr ia l of Ihe com pany'* aaflon lo have Ih*• Ig h ty -can t law declared unconatitu- tlonxl. _ .

D «putr AttorivBy Unxmbwnannounced th a t he would appeal d i­rec tly to th e United State* Supreme Court. Th* etty w ill Join with him a* wall *1 th e Public B*r»t«* Commlaalon.

Man Stabbed, Two Whippy, As Citizens Stop Meetings

DILLON. Mont., Jufy 1 (JF) - F r a n k Jana*, an rx -aarv lc* m an, wa* nabbed and aerloualy In ju red yasirrdsy In * d lstu rbano* w hich followed e f to ru of citlaen* of Ihl* tow n lo break up a m eeting , o u lild * th* city limit*, a t w hich fo rm er U nited State* AUorney B. K Vfheeler, tndoreed by the Non- P a rtisan leeaAue for the I>fcmo«-fallc noDilnallon for Oovernor, waa Ihe p rin ­cipal apeaker.

Ell t 'u ah ln g wa* arre*ted aad charged w ith sla b b in g Jon**.

PINK BLUFF. Ark., Ju ly 1 g. K u b an k a praaldant of the m LouM T ardm en’a Aasoclallon. and Her J. P. Aragood, a BAptlat m lnlaler of BL L,outft w ar* aaaorted ou t of town by

eltlMna* com ialtto* of nine, a* they ^fX a ab o u t to address a meeting of labor union people her* lael night. w ere ta k e n th ra a milea from th* e t tf t p a r tia lly atrtpped. w hlppi^ w|t%

Itches cu t from tree* and told to s ta y aw ay from th* oily

Two Policemen Wounded in Food Rioting in Germany

BBRLIN. Ju ly 1 (JF>.—Two pn llcm o a war* w ouadsd and many persons Waaa InlArad y aatarday I" food riola *! Labwek. w h a ra a t ta r eompalUng U b i* and f ru it m archanti to r a d M th a lr grtaa*. diaordarly crowd* r n t r e h ^ th ro u g h th* atraat*. plundartag a a d tlrlB B on th* polio* whan the a l ta r

to ta l dabl 10o u rlia . M lblotor o f Flnanoo Ifttrlh aft- Bonnood boforo tho budget oommltlo* of ih* B alohatag.

fj« OaaUkv HbUobbI WB*arwl laaAsT. has boap alaetod praaldoBt • f th* foreign offairo eomasUjM of tha OorwMh ItolohoUft. Foiraar ChaBOollet Mualkr will act aa rloo pr*«td*aL

LONDON MCMnf MARKETLONDON. July 1 ( * ) .—Holiday In

alock and allver m arkst. Bar gold, 144*. Money. 4% per cent. D lK ount rate*, *hort bill*. 1% Par cant.

Throo-nvonlh btll*, 9 11-14 CBiit* Gold prem ium fit LLibon* 149.

STEAMSHIP REPORTSNEW rO B K . Ju ly 1 (JP>.—A rrival*; 8l*am *r H aaelhural. Rosario, Juna t,

to Weot India 8t»am*hlp Company.Steam er Norfolk. Nuevlla*. Jun* 3!,

to New York A Cuba H all BteamshipC“-Rteamar Ban Juan. M ayaguea. Jun*30, to New York A Porto IlK-o Bleam- •h ip Co

steam er H orro Caitl*. Havana. Jun* 17. to New York A Cub* Mall Bleam- •h ip ('o.

Hlfixiner BuetiOi Alr^» (Rpxn ). Txm- plco, Junn 11, to Corap&ntx T rxM tlxn- tlqux

Btoamer E clxn tU r (BelB ). Antwerp.June J9. to Hed 8(»r Line.

Htexmer V1nc«nnM Hrldt*. Topen- haven. June II. to a b a te r Htoamahlp Companx

HtFanier UhfFrtaw. Ht Johna, N, F , June 16, to Howrtnx A Co.

Hleainer Ziti^pa. ( 'a r ta^en a Jun« II. to the United Fruit Uotnpany

Hteamef lmp»K*u iRr.). H a llfa i Jur5« It. to the RtandarO i>ll Company of .New Yorli

Hteamar RInta (Port.). Nawporl Nawa June 39. to F urnria . W ithy A ('*».

Hteainer Allantown, Hodonda, l le i - ko Jun** 19, to MrAlliater flrtbUian.

KThooneT R. K Ouvln, ta p e H ayll Jun«i 18. to (hf V rritaa H hlpplni Com­pany.

Uleamar ('harokee, KlriKaton, May H . In the Uarlbhran Hteamahlp ron5]«an)-

Bteamer H&marlnda Boura-h a ra AprJl 77. to Fum h. Kdya A t-o

V. H H. Kmglfi No 1. Tonla D aliada. Juna 12. lo the United fttalan navy.

Kteamar llaaalburat. KoHarlo. Jun* I* (u the W eft India Bteamahlp Cotnpaor-

8ieam *r Norfolk. N uivltaa. Juna It* to the New York A U ub a^aL ] Btaain* •hip CO-

Htram er flan Juan. Mayanuax. Juke | the New York A UoMo (llco Btaam- ahlp i ’o.

Bleamer Morro Uxalle Havana,. Juna IT, to lha New York A Cuba Mall AUaik- ihip Co

Btearoar RiUnM er (Ral|r }. Antwerp, June 19 to the Hed fltar Line

Ktram er Vlncaitnat B rld ta . Copek* haxen. June II, to (he fleager fltaamahip I'onipany.

Aaltlwsa.flteamera Taihmoo. Norfolk.IsAka 8hora. Nuevltaa H ortenatua (B r). Monlfakl

The REXALL StoreOne C e n t S a l e !

TODAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY A Few of Our Speciilla

SScOpfko Coffee, 2 for Me MeOpeko T n, 2 for 61eTScBalbrd ViUe Jam. 2 for

76cSOr Bouquet Ramce, 2 for Sir2.50 Hot Wster Bottle, 2 for

2.512.50 Fountain Syrinire, 2 for

2JI125c Rexill Foot Powder. 2 for


25e Rex iU Uver PUk, 2 f « 26c

25c ReinU Bnby Tnlcun, 2 ft26r:

25e PifroBone C m a, 2 for2(le

50e Milk Magimlft, 2 fnr Klc25c R»ul] Tooth Pnt«, 2 fnr

26c35c CftBcnde linen, 35 for 2le 35c ('ocoa, 2 for 36c


North Arlington PharmaqrKearny Ave. and Belleville Turnpike '




renewed rovefln* Ih the cnUnti m arket a t th* upeiilng today Three m ore p r i ­vate crop report* w rrr Iitued Ind ica t­ing a aubstantlal Im provrm eni In prne- pects a* compared with a month ago. but they failed tn cre«.e any fre»h veil. Ing. ThI* promoted the covering move, ment, and a fte r opening firm *1 an ad . vance of 44 polni* on July and of U lo II point* on "new crop poalllon*. Ih* m arket aold about 15 to 46 p iiln li net higher. Ju ly conllnued r r la l i .e ly firm a.lvanclng to 14 45, while llclobcr sold ql 11.44. The prlvfele condition figure* ranged from 44 lo 71.4. Dn* of ihe re- p o rli Indicated * crop *f 11.7*4,*04 lisle*, while of Ih* o lher two one showed a derreaae ot two per *nil th* o lher of thr** per cent tn acreage.

Three o r four July notice* were re ­ported In circulation and after selling St 11.54. or »*v*nly points net higher. Ju ly eased off lo 34 30 1st* In I hq m orning. 0 *ner*l business wa* very quist, but naw crop month* held steady ow ing to Ihe failure of the bearlah con­dition and w eaihar repo rts lo bring in any ■siting of consequenca. K icept for sca ttered covering there wss very llltle demand, but offering* were co rre s­pondingly light w ith (V ruling around 11.44, or about 14 polnis nrt h ig h tr. Ksw York fo iio n E ichang* member*, on th* average, esllm al* Ih* condition of the crop al 44.3.

T rad ing conltnu**! very quiet during Ih* middle of Ihe afternoon, bui there wga a little flu rry of covering by July sHorlS which eent the price up to 14.47. o r eighty-eeven pulnlv nci higher, and I I I point* above October October held around 33 40. or Iweniy- f o i r polnlg oat higher.



It e ils l* eolely In aerv* th* Raving AlUJts earning* ahovt c ip e n e e i pay

' Its *urpiu tIt pays In terrsl on *11 deposits up to tl.OOO,

41.%**. • H 'i .Deposll* ran be draw n In rashIts nsTi dlvlilend day w ill be Beptemher flrat. and

and Hepte.nbrr f lr il In each year ■I Is sp ra F rld sys fewm • A. M. I* H.gB F. M.i BstagAaps.

IJ II.. o ther hwstaeas d a t a lA A. M. 4* 4 F. M.It la now locatrd a t MM Bswsd ■!.—***4 t# ih* (VwtfwJ ft. :

Intereat on deposits and laersagg 1

4 f t ^ n sxessssg ovsv

th srsw n sr I te rg h

I t Ae

EIS ELE & KINGM smbgfg t ( tlM Naw T h tk Slack E x ck ih g t

gad HkllhdAltklB S tack b d M g a


BONDSUiUM BulkllBK 9 CLINTON ST. Ntfwaifc, N . J.



FINANCIAL POINTERSThe Iron Age today nays "The week

baa brought the steel trad* no relief from th* d litrac lli.n s of Its rallrunrt en- tang lsm en ts . Work# oparallons con* lln u s a t a fairly high rale, but with fo rlb s r additions t<> Ihe unshipped slocks of finished product. F ailu re ot to k a supply has stopped a num ber of b la s t furnaces, and In E asiern Pennsy l­van ia six have been ihrow n Idle on th is account or for repairs end In th s Chi­cago d istric t two.« . ■

T hs combined Ini-oine s ts tsm sn l of Ih* B slllm ore ft Ohio llallroaft Co. fo r Ih* h sif yosr ended yesterday, which

p a rtly **tlmsl*d. w ss lsau*4 by ih* com pany y ssitrday It ahowod th s t to ta l Incoms fur the period am ounted to !I*.144.4!7. which w ss a d*cr*aa* from th* corrsspondlng 141! psrlod of 111,144. N*l Income for th* porlod to ta led M,4lt,334. snd sf t* r th* dsduo- tlon of th s regu lar two per c » n t d iv i­dend on th* preferred stock for th* six m onths, which totalsd ! t . t 44.ii*4, th sr* w as left a surplus of ll.IJ i.344 .

A ooBalgnmsal ot |4 ,411,444 In gold ta l lU a from C h iu arrived a t laiv. F ran -

raa tsfftay on lha B rltlah g tsam ar ■ ■rrm aelw a fo r tha F ad sra l R sasrva tfaak * f Ban FTanclaoo.' I* b* t r a H - m ittaft to tho F sd sra l B sssrva Bank a l Naw T ark through th a gold rsasrva

4 , 6 5 0


tr id td In on the New York, Boaton, Phlladelphli, Chicaco and otiiftr Slock E x ch tn fg t, ta well 44 the New York Curb, Boston Curb ind other AUrketx, arc referred lo In the June edition of (-TH E INVEBTOITB POCKET

HANUAL" juit off Ihe pres*.

Such salient data covering caplialliallon, par value, earn- IngB, dividends, high gitd Jow quotation* for the current year, etc., etc., are contilnod In th it comprehensive beoklet. Every In­vestor and trader should have It-

' Ash far imshls* N. N. Na. ■.>* sad in* earns wilt b* seat wHbasI rbsrse.

Q ^ S m m s^25

main u r r i i 'KBroad Street, New York

bhanch o rncB44 Court Street, BtooIiIIt ii

m c o m p a n V: B 0 N D 5 .

Our analttiecl $urve0

liDDHEOilCOlPlUiy/« rtadf h r dUtrihuthm

Ogglsa Obsw HA fttm aliO M i^ M t S t

•eW ARK, N. J .f U . M arktt 2590— 7

aacMM n iL A m n u A ptitsbuksh BOflON HBQMEK BAUmOKE

GENERAL MOTORST he lYM U nt ftfigutggttgft a f Ma Ui% BiaaafBctBriac p a aaa ag g r ,o ^ ^ l r a c k a , tra c ta ra a a 4 a a lO ' i

l u ftitaBrfvA pewgiUtua , «Am u c IbI eaenieetieeg g jif ■ llca lloa a f o a tp u t g taegg I t | a an afteaaiM iily

H u renUxsd hag* f tB ra la fa toth e past, but h u na( k a g m t o ' ■how He real M m ln g g a w a r ^ a t. .

Uotori 1| r«* \vl*«Bd In (hit wMk’i Uwrk«4 (^tt«Vg 'dnlAllFtl rvf«mitr« b«ttt| |hBi4W I* Mk* tur>, pr«Ma( H(»tuH and •ullovk. Ii1A«k tm N*. HN-llk* f M mm ^


IMNBaxt omoucmtbd HttocsL nfCMAk^ ifM9lto c ia - a o im s -F o n i< H x x e R M N i

MaHsrtwCftt, Hs4usr3u.HJLPhon* *. Hulhsrvr JihAVftft

JttlK Of/Ics, tipfosw 0 0 m

High Y ieldTfaii l! lha CMidltiaa aa dcmonttraiad by tba Uftt we hava p n p i r to fo r Ju ly Invettmtflt.Tha July Pii|ikaga Shaat ■howl retag of retarn which Itnd to oHwt tho pratani high coat af Uvta^,

Didn’t MonR 8 S A t O I U Q f f O n i N p O P

io Let nbb m <« QnlloSo MuckJ»fk* NtlMi. * r*w Myt M<>- rt-

I ^ M U r writimi la InC *a plain ■ jpwpprua^ to eon* from a Mrtta* la 4r«iu *a« apfar-

0 : |a i l « a l a *a« raooMMt m lvlB«, a fOP*rt«, w hich bore • N***rlt dut*

BVeaina N*w*—I knew thatI la aracloui and parh*** M w*aU Mir '/•ad * r* loaM n**d ' • ka**

' J pU ( ra t t i on Ih* m arket that r i a a M l* a haaaaaa ar« the Waba*i

l a iM a n A h io a k i i i c a r ia * . w « bad * L W b M i W * *1 *!>* ehaiecat kind

a a r (i.V i h« r* f <*>*• ch®!®® M.V taldatr U a k n a a , tfod iaa

l>tana«- X I -I I I for Wne bunrh.-“Countlna in

r a ^ h o r h e »d nf « # b a n w ifOBii I price- RMpecIfully

HI I*ilxlue« t ‘o . per (leitere at), VCOi h tte ff* •tteet. ‘ 'In' la 1 . 1 ) >’ a —«'in »lve you

(ba« i r a a l ■■ a* *»** ►*'■_ la aauntt)' rrodaaa and »**»*rp iM n a r b*ll*V*d I* lalaht he !*■

lo learn why the K«e*t Cnmnnny is

'OMimsrc* •irw*. ‘k M bllclly for th* ^1#^ ih*i It n kunch of thaftsn^ *V.*f*' TV

iU f M n n u iu s u rii^t Ih 'l o#ncffn sn s

The antwar brat* ik* a*®- ahaptar—th* letiar In the flrai—In

■tan that la a tr in * ivturual l a t bar* at* the (acta in chronaiofi-

'"llSnMba taaertar wen I la th e Kaaai*4ae* Company. Chari I* Morn and I brathar, who oondaet •>* place, de-

I they knew a o lh la t t f •*^* 5 lb* la liar. Tholr bartV haapar t ^ d

I Mootnlaed ih* h a n d w f lt la t aa that ' U abraan The Mom* ri«later»d

and declared their la ien tln n to

to th* • t ta ta la * •# IM m w m f T . charptn* M d i pctaad prafW aaifa*. »mlphl h*. H* aakad th a t Ih* auhl**d b* pann itiad ta raat , , „

I t waa than U abm an aaplatnad m t *«MU>«i*r< w aia abtiMati** to the prlaoacliaratd hy ralaOar* (ar banana* and ha tbowdbt a atarjr ta tb o paper wodld aauaa their to he more raaaonabi*. |p - cldaatally. ba adaiittad th a t he had paid 111 for the bananaa and not I I I . a t b* had atatad in lili latter.

Llahiaan't ator* le In a ne lihborhaod Inhabllaled chiefly hy colorad paopl*. The reportar want thara and aaw tha htinth of bananaa. Me a iked U abm an Is »how h it racalpt ahowina ihe p a r- ohaa* price

"If 1 laid you I didn't haa* a ra- aalpL my word wouldn't do, would H '" Bald Llfbman. Then ha added "They d«o I f l t a you a raaalpli lhay iu*l (Iv* yoo a (Up which you ( le e up whan y*u pey for them."

Maatip* Paatad P*a T n d a- When told what had been aald a t th*

[>*B**r, DanhoKa Company L tahatnn adtnlttad ha had Had. H* pointed to the receipt where It waa tacked up on a watt near the bananaa foe hla eua- Icm tri to ae* Alotifalde It wa* alas « Hat of hla latee tl ahnwed th a t h* lied eold fort)' bananaa for a to tal of l t . l t . levanly-three oanla a doaen

Ldabman declared It waa th a only tima he had av*r abtalnad a raceip t (or mar* than ha bad aa tually i>ald for hli banana*. H* aald the Idem waa eu*fe ited by the fac t th a t the aalea> man at the Donner, U anbollt <'om>r ta y had aahad him Cor 111 for Ih*

auanaa and a f te r he a«yaed >o tab * them at th a t price had made out a Blip (or 111

lelibnian Inaltlad th a t th a prlea a twhlah h* wa* a a llla t th* bananaa wa*a fair ana, and th a t hla p rofit would

U -Id | t bo t for U abm an. They ad they had neear handled bananaa, had not aold any to Lie ^ptaa. and

d th a t It muat hare b*an_ th* a, Danboltp Ca.. Ine. a l (‘aen> atraal. which nold theml

fu la p r ta n n a for Caatam ^ff- 'A t Ida la tta r placa. ■- Idayar Xtannar.

a f ana of the p rop rla lo ra who la aa cdPhlar, aald tilebikan bad

, Ih* hanaaaa »b*t* Iw i d** „ h* bad not paid l i t for Uiain. • « a paH ^ *ban tha t." aald’ youhf - lUar "but aahed m* to ma 1 a


•howa Blip lo r t i t an th a t he coal ta kid eaatam er* "

y a « M Itaan ar aald k* aauld iMt **• j a t i w hat U abm an had paid, but

baaw It waa laa* than lha aw atm t w a on the raeolpt dlyaii Udbrnan.

^ M a h l e r nddad th a t k* fr*<|V*ntly ' it*d d tu tew ar* Ih Ikta way,

ira aifian whalaaalar* ihaa _ M* aaU lhay **t*a«lmta had ily In O btalnltif tb*W price un-

r had a racatpi t**lab wauld ,1a th a t lh ay M _ p n lA moaa than a a taa tly had- Tba wbalaBalara

ha Ibua ic g e a e ie d a te d r ta llta d ta u d l p rofit, ho aeorrad To ae-

lU tktid >h UUi *mr didN k W tar a a lM U abataa f

Tt Fknww dtraai, Oth"*^

be amall w haa allowance waa m ade ta r■ polled fruit. He had counted t i# bananaa In the bunch, and a t I I I far tha huaeh ihia would ha a lltlU o ra r four cente each, about f ifty centa a dnlen. .

Ife had Itad about tha racalpt. Lleo> man aald, baenuaa of th* ob lacttana af ftonner, D enholli Company, and becauaa he did not w ant to loee hla friend ly ■ landlaf w ith iham.

At the im nner. Danhatta Company, llayar Doniiar rapaalad hla a ta tam an t abniit mahinir out reeetptp fo r mor* than wae actually Inrolead In • Iran*- aolloa

"W* da It avary day ln th* year,"he Btaied.

Joaeph Denholli. tre a iu ra r a t th* eanaarn, aanflrm ad thl* itu ta m a a t by the caahlar.

"It don't do ua any hapm." ha aald. " t t don't do anybody any harm . Wa do It Ik an accommodation to our atialawara."

D anhalta a»M tha oaatam prawaiiad only w ith repard ta bananaa. an w hlah priaaa wara leaa atabi* than on o th er ■ aad t h* hnndiad-

‘Two oommlaalon m erahanta In buat< ■**a bar* for • Idora of yearo da- alarad tb h t tha pm rllea waa not (e n e ra l tn th* trad*. Four other dealara ape- atAllalita Ih b M M ik daolhrod th a t they bj^j*raM lhy**llh|^J*ikj^yo|^

t a r liM nr t id b - nnpwenad tan lad

tk n weirhadw rit* t«r

thnuym to to tho IfawA

■■ wbn wrtttar 1 yodhdl

Hb t k i 44 ^ „ «M wb* y M u U e d WamiM not roonti tbVl yapM NUifa

Ha Utatatad. bawauer. «MI tb* it abpat buylBb a bbnch of fra ii lb* aaaaa Pradaca Com- 91k dPdd tatta

(ba Haaaa Fradooa Cbfapany a ta ta ta a a i an d atad II had

hdahaaai th* man pa th* n k aafo d hla a ta taam af. any-M m 2 m

i r F n i H D ,F i m v n n

Iflgtaat IW itr f irS c H i Aching,

n s r s A m v 9 ffi*C'SS:kdHibm Mtd iddUr

ia« H a n .

« i C oni.

_ -___d* Ota tddfiW dlUd Ita■ ( iT k b a M i n n i ta d IbM Iba ■ M t a ^ l f k l k M la r b * d ra k p

TaWf* taatiM I T**r u fM j p ebadad, aablaa.aad^'fl*."

feat real tired, iw taty aad Ahay

S T m SwS S taldar U a H u a wrdfk|taMik«i<i vadki* bdiktai taibtad

ta itaktahtadhdtar*i d i b aa«i' lartSd' k* hid ruamuad

l b * D d f U T, p w l t a t Ua ta d l a M a y b r a i t b tarh a ab|a«t<

"Tie" mibaa Met eamu baWy Imah a r*-*f**f> T k " taka* th* pata aad hara |h l aal at aataa eattaum aid baalea*

m Iba aiaaddtt ftad-dladdinar lb* Ma evar haewa.

• a t a haa ad "T V at any *rw* were and dad m i MHUN m a wbol* T*ar, Karar haa* tIraA Mbiaf. awaatr. n a l lytaaSryear aheaa wM fit itaa •aly Wisa yaa had irted "Tia" teei......... -AC


f l



All Fancy Straws\ . Worth $4.00

Now Only $2.95Orders to “Go" have been given all our

Fancy Straws, and to help move them quickly we have marked tfiem down to ^.95.

ThoM nidn who gtitcrally buy twe halt during the bdwoii will (Ind now a good time to buy. Flat Foot, Fancy and Improved Mnnii Rraida wiUl $nw and Cable Edged tnd hitch and Fancy Bniidl arc include^ in ibo tal*.

Genuine South American




Panamas, $535Inckidiaf ikx

Tltabd Hats art Actttilly Worth 17.

K>v;'m-'.' .


Panama* de Luxe , - $8 and Up

a q » , S3 and U p


' i ' - /

v-.l' ?. ■"fivlrwv«

^ *11 o T h a a e i b e m o c t ^ a p t O i r : 2 i 3 ft., | S I 8 j

a x 9 f t . , 9 8 .W ! 4 x 0 f t . , | i 8 0 ; 5 x 8 f t .0 I T i O ; t e l O f t . , n O J I .

Closed all day Saturday, July 3dTo help us do two buswess in Ofl , Sei full page odverlisefMttt pa§e 1 we offer these Fowrui of July Specials last stction for other specials

A holiday saleSmart voile dresses

$10for A ngularSlUiMMWfi • w m itmThe large woman will be ouick to take advantage

of this pre-holiday sale to supply her vacation needs.Dr*d«ef kttilkbld (or ttreet or aftamoon w««r. In town or

country, pric«d «t a flgure ipproilmating todtf'd wbotektlo coat.Delightfully cool and comfortable otyloa, fuhlofied of wft

tMtured non-oruahablo vollt; In bmArt fouUrd, floral tnd convto- lionti pktierni.

AMfopfiataly (Hmnwd wkh dainty ootlbn, cuffa and vnaicM of batiiu. andi* and ncl.organd

Flalngt and giilUInct of contraattof (nalcritlbw>ftncy buttona.SlK$ izea ra n g e from 40Vj to S2V^.

Women’s figured voile dresses$10in n^gutar

firedra ruitir

$ 1 6 .5 0 m luM t

Also priced at $10 for Friday adling. AttractlTa now auei- mar frocki, of aorviceabic cotton voile, in smart foulard, coO'Vkn* tional and floral patterna.

Modlably *tyl«d—tunic and bouffant aklrta; tnrplica and baaqaa waletf. novelty frilled pockett; abort and H aletvaa, taoa tnd ribbon triffintlnga. , , ,

Sisaa 34 to 42.

Misses’ practical tub skirtsfor over-the-holiday wear

$2.98 to $4.95

A timely sale!$230 to $2.98 blouses

$1.79An absurdly low price for

blouses of such daintiness and charm. Vacationists will buy two or three to fill the gap in their summer wardrobes. Your choice of

—white v«Uk colorad voUe

—white orgtndy lawM

And Iba amartiMas of tba modeli, embodying every n«w ityte fcatura

Ona lUuwraMd, but I her* t n aeorta ofaf fha aaaaen. touchaa of btnd-ambroidary. tocltt, novalty eellars, ribbon bowa, tie. olhcra aouallv pretty.

Aitchiaa. Mila

$4M cotton blouses, $3.29Sheer cotton fabrics In ell white or chic colored elfecta.

Orgtn^es, lewna, batiste, voiles and corded dimity.Peter Pen nr Tuaide caUemSeeara and reuad aedw. alee the eeel. eefleftaea aad tU .Lata (rimmed effeeta aiU enmidaUered etal«*. gUaever mndila, btatan beeh sa d awer-bb u eea.Blouses for dress, outing and sports wear.


Smart bathing capsfor beach and breakers

An economy event of more than ordinary importance.' "1 ' 'Misses’ tailored tub skirts for over-the-hollday and all-season

outing wear.Fashioned of dureble Lensdale Jean and ■ flne gfedc of gaberdine. Modishly

cut on generous lines; imartly pocketed end belted.Peerl button triimned.One model sketched.Specially priced I2J8 to IdJS.

Robber ekull cepe in white, bright colors and combinstioiis. 15c to 3Sc-

Ronnd frill ceps in gsy colors, 25c, 36e and SOe. i

NevtUy Caps trim­med wtih rubber oms- mcnls, tise lackeyitia,X le vsrteua smert


Beseb Hata with brima In iwo-tonad effecta; chic ttm* with rubber tsaaels; one lUustratad. |1M.

Bathing niU bage

Women’s sports sweatersslip-on and coat styles

$5.75 and $10Ragnlar $830 to 91630 Vahica

Practical utility sweaters for vacationing and over the Fourth outinga. *

Made of aofieat lephyr wool in a variety of becemlttg and popular * nodalA

Ragulgtlon coat, Tusedo end alip-oo styles. Roll, Dutch and novelty collars. V. round sod soutre necklines.

To be had in solid color and two-tone combinations.Contervitivo street shades and vivid sports colorings.Ona model aketchsd.

m a h u i aBCONO PfcQOk

Draw-atrint beg ef rubberised ssieen. In nary or btseb. Tic.

Fan^ cniaona baga, rubber Usad] mads with drtwstriag. f t •ad ^

h lu htndte begs af fisid ailh r fiorsi psttamed craioane.


Kaspeaek bag «ltb button claapa; nsyy astaan. tl-ti.

Bathing gartera; plain, shirred and ftney. In gay niers ta insteb eaee. lac ta Me;

Acesaaety baga ef rubberised allk to earty eouib, powder, wash

sic. Tic to li-H.■AHIfVa—OBVO PB rT e WtltaT PUtOH

Women’s $4J5 sUk hose S2.98

Just 300 pslrt el theta pure thread eilk hose in bUck ’otily. Full fashioned, reinforced koles, heela ebd to n ; double garter topta

CkUdren'f 75c Hon, 45cFine ribbtd black sitk lisle boee, far draee or ttaeial wttr; aisee 9

to 9H .

Women’s silk skirts/o r tporii and gaiurat waar

$6.45•)' lUffular 91030Novelty lilk poplin blouse skirt etson-

tiolly smart for sports and general wear.Self tone stripee, plaids and border

designs. To be hsd In navy blue, black, taupe, ten tnd eopen.

Sites 20 to 30 inches.

Women’s separate skirtscrapa da e/Une

$10.50RBgvltr 91230 and 91430 Valtw

Smart sida platted medela in haavy crepe de chine, f*r wear with dainty blousea, filk awaatara er aporta coata. In (lath tnd white only.

Sisaa 20 to 30 inches.

For one day,only$325 long d lk gloves, $2S5

Welcome newt, thii tale of long allk glove*, now that abort sleevea are the accepted fashion.

Elbow kngth of heavy Mnaacaa atlk, neatly ambrol4ar*4 hnekt, in white, pongee and beaver. All M *o I ; while the lot laata, tXA.


Women’s $29S0 iVool Jersey suits, $17MMoat practical suits known for general pnrpoie tnd

vtcatlon wear. Pack in small space; don't Mtily wrinkle; ready for every informal occasion. The maker's entire surplus—plenty of colors; navy, taupe, tan, pakin, rose, gray, brown. Sitot 99 to 42.

HAHNWa—UADV-TO-WBAK—sw ooiro n -e o B

A holiday special!

Girls’ sturdy tub dresses$1.50

A varied assorimaat of practical tub drawee, fee growing girta, aasamblcd from regular stock and very sperially priead for Friday •ailing.

a tfavalapad la pltlda, alripea

tad s b a ^Full ee« aad wall oiada. Nek.

garvlfeabta drew ftafdy |iagham la

etad, baitad and variously irltanad with whiu ar aautraaiina eelars.

Silts la tlta let Isclwd* 7, 9i 10 sad a linitad aumbar ef I t

Girls’ dresses a id coats" \ . A t M a r k e d H eduidU m m

CMn* iif dialkti iurtdaMadfklii- ............. ' ----------------: iM IiJ

Poiaiy fummordiHiM I f i |n lw ItO, ngnlar 91439, wpA] m-

Sale ivomen’s white shoes

i a $6.45I t

R e a d y fo r th e * T a u r ih a n d a iP h o le t e a m ^ a f te r

8 0 0 p a i n Un r o h r o d . W h H t B i h i e k a a n I m n « w i O a i t t a

c o o k r r d m i k l n c M k a . V a d o o d r i n e o t f u d i , p m p a p d W *

e y d e t o x f O f d i . F o t r d p h t O n i l r a l a d .

Well end teni leleai Cukata MWiary m$ ammiad Unli bada All MpigiHk■baa*, lakaa from our mulw aia^ Md raduead ta IMS l i r Ma waM. . .. t

Women*s keds, specUd at t J Mu o p a i n * ( A n e r i i t ' a C w t e r t 9 h i t a - * 'K l 0 9 , " t a t h a

e n f e r d . R u b b e r to l a * a n d I* w h e i ta . y - ■ y

* i f i 0 0 b o x a o



VM W IM______w m ' adte

Hardh an twu f tfu to



eoiM ' dovit hi vrm-C o t a iM t a t e ' l t a n w i t e r in m

on •Me*a.*«iaiUtlt lIlBUilMr f






O R»‘ hcH taf. I Y o rk

Wliuri*m o d iBR a n d

B itrabrab IC*Irnaallvt*IPI PI<*f tn

T ACm tH Rdwi *r# I From Betur to I ♦mn fo r 11 Cun*

C O Jtina loved n*ri ■ nd t the 1 rhwnt I A rnpD*VfrhlM . J>

t>Adun*Addli and tho I fknul t d n y f l»ry


Dfw m C ig h I • t ItnvlfiCam «

FAbalovtIVMland Thirl A. II


at A.JohnRomahavw9 o'cl

haHanaM . M MarlJ friaiM fanar •traaf at. A

K A Wife Uv«a B tar ■ ra li h«r ! N . Jm in t

Klmo.airawlottdFfWdliK o tU

KIIraidr Rt lHdl

a r Iwrdaj ('hufi qulaf) aoul I af tbKOnoadirbUd

HytrFua*Itl 1»:t6Cema

Kl19I6.lha I tlvdaiiafl allandbartJOHlraaRkamm a a l

LARantFail.naa.A R F iiav tlnaa*.(rta»<Waa4


IlalAla t t Mname R r•* ja ?


H r® '

. .: i i , i4 ,o i9 f r ta t !„

“ ■ ' WlflOi'l

r o d ^ b t i n t l a g \

x3ft,|3 iS i


MW (lyU fM tItr*umittelilBa. M ill,Ktw tf e M«rM Of

$3.29co lo red e lT ecu ,



w h ite , b r i s h t

I5c to 35c.

ly co lo rs , 25c,

cb H t t t witb In iw o 'tontd

i; chic t im i with r t s w l s ; OM sted. |1 J « .

w ith bUlOB in . t l J i . i; plain, ib lm d e e ia r t In match

of m bbarln td ^ j o v d a r , waali



in b la c k 'o n ly , nb la g a r te r to p e .

»al w ear; a tn a Q

, $ 2 .6 5gloves, now

r a m b r o id a ra i V i to I ; w h ite

m s

■ m i l M O m

m u A

k AU N. .

I * M M IN M b aeijMa, m m m • r t f - w w (MM, iweei taVr PM M

B £ ! « 7 S a S S fc

Onneh Ottk*. y«*Mlt NnlL lJ*flli>¥*U»itir“* '*"*■ ‘’***t'

Sara •***u>. Td N UUiewi.V«WJ»1» nr»pr» OfflM, I r u n M»«a »•*. O K tv .ta.lUBmll artneh OlflM, ftoMB 1, H u M

kUlMlllt. 13 Hppit ItrM t T»l MIT D a w J iu e h Offkt, 11 Wm I BU cbnJI

MrMt Tfl. tU(N*» Jireapi B ru tk Ot***P •0*I*ld*ro ftvm, Ij4*| wik«Pin|(Wik

Tfttetoii BurM u-^l wWl iiM« Tol.I l l TfMiatAit

H»« lorfftfr hMtiMro 4M ||« ia MfMtI w r i e Vf r*«l mk&t« •#<

o » ^ u gMtorriM. r« i t f tAMiirf HrA.

AUMtip n th —Tb* DvrUM A4v«nw af

ir« M

m m m

K R V i T r f «Of*

Owre* 1

O aietatr.

IL BRAKCII Q PriO W r«l. .UH l<ir%*L

■•llevtU* «v». H i HrrtI* it *., IIWevtriT pT*., ML vlll*i. MLW am a A , U l

••ttlb Plitli ii-« l i t .

T h e N e w a rk E v e n in g N e v a w ill n o t b a re a p o n - t i b i a f o r e r ro r s v n la ta A a jr e r a d e te c te d a f t e r th e F IR S T in s e r t io n .


rhi>B isnnouncw ilii msmsge «f htr dpufti- t*f. rri*ds r., to Mr lio rirl#*fts of Vaw Vork Cilr oa Thursd*)'. Jyl> J. «t Qitan

WUKS-HKHBRTtvK - On WMteMA*v. Juns t'i, fl|0, St thr roii4sn«« «f tk« krigs « mtbtliar, tk* Hov Kr*d Baldwin,r* D . Marlon Bobotta Hwteaiion lo Jnkn Bsndal Wttha Jr.

DEATHSBiBUer^-On June 21 1U0. Uarr Oar-

rabraat. widow or Uw ima V. BidliAB- i*r- t^cti at bar liamt, i% North NinMi siroat. Trlday altarnoon. Jgiv 1 «t I M Hobo- livto onO trlatda or« tnvttod lalartnmiIn Bl«r rnftald roinalarF at tba ««ibaQidhts rf mo Idfnilk'.

rAlt»EllRr*-dVn Jiina |«. IIS# fllCtrbornr |ur« iillloa»ioi bolo^ol widow“ ' ' ' ■ ■ Ti

m urof Twonn aosooiomoq, iLr lavnod to oiiMd tteo fu*

—-------•* rmidairtw, l |* ip rin i-flol4 o«» Bdl^paiky, Jvlv 3. oM V. U.Iht«rnkd«l id KdirihOtetei ComsU#^,

***•- I* yaoM. bolovf4huobd«<i oi M int a. 8*v«our< Fw«rBiWt* r**^DctJ. Bouwbirat Uia'», Ifrldik'. ol l;l*. VUIotiTOo oa4 fiifMiM orw livlldtj lo oitoiid. UUfiaaot privsta in C^lgw«ll Gaina •tarTi, ®MArrRiB—A* ■»Sl Qroibfo, M. J., so

UU *« ’ *'^*^'** •hfMfr^. hteSbdpd of Kdllo Bhafrar tnaa AoDiaiiPorl. BflBllvaa ut4 friorida «r« Ihvliod i« «it«nd iho lU' aor%l *ervle«d *1 kih koNio. H itotitedP

OB “kurodoy «von|qg, i, .f |D rlo^k. Im o rm o o t g i th« o o avo n lo A co a t Ibo Umllr*

M O N TH 'S MIND—Mdnlh'B mlftd klgk Wdoa of

roqtilom for tho ropoo* uf Oio aool •( Blok' oro Ifurrir, Friday maiaing. Jultr t. Hid. ■ I i A H . at t t Jam u'a Cfai rck- Rola* Uv*o aad frlonds aro klndl> Invltod lo aU land

HnlatitOa and,, _ of frlt-nda

at toad I ha fuoorai Jaff*ra«R alrooi. oa

“ J u « l ■ f I u rw uRdward Carborrr are ktndlv in'ttad ■-from hor roaidaara, ifc| __ ____ _Baiurday. )ulv t. H2^. ai t H A. U . to It. Jamas s t'hurfh. *Aara a Ml* omn blfh m>M of ra<|uiem will m affaro*! for ika rapoaa al k*r soul |nlarni*at la lha Oainatary of Ihn Holy 0«pulchr«

COIIBT^At Na«arM. N J aa TiMaday, Juna ll> HH. Wajiar Charlta rVrby. ba> lovad aon of rath*r\aa Corby fha« U<Taaa- nay) and the laia Ira r Corby. Ralati'^M and frlandi ara raapaclfujly Invllad to artsad th# funart'! Ffoai lha ftiuilr raalJaai*. H rhoator avpMu*. on iniarJay, July I. al I A >1. A hifk maaa of roaMtow 'tie rnpup* of hla asul mill b« offorod li htVfrbaorp Church at h a M Intarmant irf Bt. Jobn'a Caneiarv i>p«sfa.

t>AJlLiN(KwAl A aai i^tAAia. N J oaduna 7S. ]ll<t. Kanri, balo'.^d ho*Uaad o( Addia Darliag. stBd It yaart- Halativnn and fnonds are aindiy invited la nttand tho funeral »«rvir«p at kia raeidoaca III floulh nirMl. East Ornbit ob Thur*day at K y U latarniartl ) l t OMva i>m<" l»ry at th« consaotonra a| ib* family

E.NAION*~At Ssji UraAfP M. J . «n Wad nawdtv. Juna 1*. Hl^. Ckarlw A . husband of Wnanlthn A Knalgn PuT>arnl Mrvicaa w|]T b« bald at ht» raal4«neo. ' l i t K»rtb Cigbte-anth otroo'- Fnda> a^eivlnf. July 3 at I H Ralaitvr-a and trlanls sp« kindly tnvitad to attand Iniarmont la Ttnoodala Cantatory at ronvaniaaca of family.

rABBELL^On Judo It IttB Jaka O.. bolovfd huaannd of Br<<is%t Parrott Bala

IN M EM ORIAM1^ motekofjf df our 4onr boy, Prlvata

rrad J. Ifului Jr.. wUn d^od In nnrvka «f hla country, Pobru*rp f. U H. ngtd | | yoara.Al avanlnn whon ara ptmy danr Prad,

And look at tho oky of biua E'Oh Uod M*ma iw knvo in iko baskonp

nV>vaA aorvica (laf tor you-

Tho tod la iko aunoot glory.But the wkllo Is ckanftd lo klua.

And the first-a|ar Ikol anih«a tn lb* ovarilRf la tho alar Qod bna pia^oJ 1k«io for you

SVhan al«>na In our aorrow aad biTtwr taaipf.ow.

A draam i-omoa bofor* ut of iwooi long ago, Than from our hoar's <oinaa a tinar slfh.

hy. doatMl Prod j l j you haia |u d^atLONE0O1JB 1>AD ANO HiiTMER.

IN rotmory of our dogrly h« mothoc Carolina flkld(H'>ra. vhg 4o&«tit() IlUa Ufa

July 1, Ills .iVhtn a mothor branihta tear Inal ftrowni). Tko atroko maana morw I .an longvioean toll, '^ o world roaiuB ^ufa anothwr ploca. leltkoHl tko amii# of dnar ntulhar s faao, Twalve yaars knv« psilad. (iur b««rta tlill »oraAa tima fUoa on wa mlaa bar moro.Abo ■iaaos, wo laavo bar |n paai o to rogl. Tha parting wnj polAful. l>ui Ood bnowgtk



tivoa tpd fTlsndR nra kindly Invllod to ni* _ . . . ......11 from hlo homa, M Korlk

Thirltomb strsot, on Friilny. July 2. t l IA~ If., to Bt Rota of Llmn's Ckurrh, whoro B high masf pf rmuiom will ba ofHrod *t I A. W InUrmalt In Iba Ctmotory u( tko Holy iagi^ckro.

John fnulknsr. runarnlL«v Juno M. III*, ‘oorialown, M. J .

afvlroa i t tkokomo of kli ooo-ln-inw. Charlos Wloteon- knvor. Bnaklog Bidga, N. ‘ i o ciookP H

J . on Prtdny. at

Juna It. IU«. Mary Agnoa Uanon <■*« Hunt), kalovad wito of Tkoiaat I. HnAnoa nnd daiMbtor of Mlfkno) J. and

Harm Hunt moo l^ooayi Balal!v«o andfriaibdt nrn miBaatfuily inviud , . . ..funoiwi from lor roMdonoo. «I provldnavo

July al I S* A. U.. U

IK mamnry of our dear motbar. Mary «T. Hanrlch. diad July 1 | |H .Raat on, dogr mL<(har. thy work la aor,four H'tlMtig hosas c«n d.> no oinrrAu<4 wb«n )Tou brosihed vour last f«rowal1 Tbe How rnaedt mvro than wotda !sn tall Wlihngi thi amiio of your donr fnt a ''>ur hi>ma la quii* snciiher plpr-a.You aaffsrad mu'^h. > ou inuriTiurtd not,

tA'o wall'hod you nlahr and dav L'nul al iMl. with hii,kaii h taru .

Wo aaw yuu nai-J awayMEH laktlEAVIC^ Nd. WILLIAM AMD

HARIlY MENRh Ik!K loa inf mamory of ou( beloi ed dsuibirr.

Mary C Hanr'-.h. nhw pais«4 so a r July i Hl>

You «fo not f-iFgotian. daughter doar,Nor a» ar »j;: i ou to,

For BB lnog as Ufa and rnot 'tory laai Wo will romomVor tbta.

What pain j'nu hora wa novar know iVa did Out MS you dis.

But this ws know iKat )Ou aro gona Aad naVfr paid guod-by


IN loving m d»oa of our bolovtd siaia'r. Mary C HonMck. wko gsBood away July 1. m l Two long yasro ws kavs aodly miaaod bar

Loving baarts aloiia enM till Not eno day kavg wa forgot har

^daao sho tads Ikla world farowall Tho flowars wa lay u^on tear gravo

May vhiikar and daray.fraak and rrom bar momory

ABO nwvwr potu Kuvu • oyBEBEAVtfV FAB^'TB, UH. AND Mftt.

BiM fraak and gTom bar momt Within our V ifU ikaM ■Hr.


9 aitokd Ik*Pi

atraot, nn Frldsy. Jt|ly •. al I s* 4 kt. Ainy^ua's Ckurtk. wham a MiOMUi bigb rmnaa of roqulam wll4 bo effarod for Ibo rr- PPM •( .)i»[ idUL !■ Snip IfioR^rkro Comoiarr

KAT— Juna I*, ||2 f, Louisa, boloved wifa of Jokn f. Kay <nao Cooporl Bslt- tivaa and frlando. nlso (ha membora of I gtnr of iha (Cast Chapiar No ST, O. K. g. ■ro invilod lo ausnd tho funoral t*rvi«*a at h .r horn., m C-h.itout ituMi, AFllnmm. N. J . on Friday, July 3. i t * P- M Intar- mant la Arllngtoa Caraataiy.


KBTCHUhi^n Wadna^^ov. Jub*' big bnma, Honk taviginafik Baal OranM. Fmdorick Kufd. baoiroot. Baal Orango. Frodorick Kurd, ba-

lovad kuskngd af Unry gad lb« ifikhr ot Fradarlrk I. and Ibarman P . ngod >«ifg. RoUca uf funoral boroaliar.

KINCAI&—On Juna H. HI*. Kl»*raid i.noa Almaa> boloiad wilu of Tknmia P Kincaid. Balgilvoa oti4 Ir-onda nrut lndly InvKod lo kitagd (ho ftigdrol trom

or rtaldoAca. I** Contra) ovafiua. on gnt* wrday. July 1 a( I 14 A U to i t Jooogk'g Churck. whsm a ao'am" high maoa of ro- qulam will ko offorod for the rspuM of bar ooul at t A. U thlormoai In tkn Cn««tary of tbo Holy gopulcHro.

KOCHMAN-^Bntnmd into rngt. on Wod* naaday. Juno s*. l*fo. Qoorgo. bMov^ chUd of KUot ond BomIo K»okman lka« Hyarai. nrod 1 ytar* i munika t l dnyn PnnomI prloata. from kla paronto' moldOMO. Ilk Tklrtaanik nvanuo. og fyiday, July t. i t Y:l* W H. laliPaoM In tko Holy kopulckro Cemotory-

VVNXBtr-BiiUrsd Iblo J u m t t .itt* . BiiNkotk Ihot gittki. htiovod M I ho (uo VhtMi KMhkil. i<*d if r^Apa, lloln^ tWao and trlooda.


IN laving maninrv of aur doar wtfn and matkar. Mm Tkamag Bdgorlsy. wka

pOMod away July 1 HI*, nloo aur door aoQ and krotkar. Jnhn Bdgorlay. who paaaod nway April 13 HH

Tkatr navo eigapod oaoh atteara band.JUt not Dark ihf dosr drpnrlsd,

gopof^ lafs whira it^ m a aro a ar« p ikg hordoflsnd wg loft thorn,

uoop we'L inoM iu part np nioro HR. THOMAi BDOEALBT. HAg. THOUAi

HAHFkOH. _______ ^

IN Invlng motnory af my doar kuahnud. f.^gj'loa L>. Bottlngsr. who dlod July 1,

m *.Juai 4 ihougM of owoti rornombronoa.

Just a mamory fond and trua.Ju it a lokan of ifftciion

Aod a hannaeho itlll far you.WIPE. BEHTHA BBrnNQBIL

IN maiMory of eur kalavgd danahtor and sitlar, Dorolhsa tvioMl. w^o dtdd July I

Oons, but not |orfOltfi avbB kiOTHKR. d»J


M O U R N O U G j M p ^OUB hinck guarantood. flntakod 14 t* kMfni

eaUad for and dollvgpod or parcol

iviPkti. u i 4 » ru f* . Ii'ip ' alM L d lt l ' M tw ir .1 St

Cpat.k. a n klidli U itta i la U ' a l t S a iHPanl a« «1P >. * » •IT kama. ( r t f Saplli^ **•»•* «•IP y M., la i i . Slapbana a n a ta k . rw r r raat aM Wllaaa aaaaaa (Paaltr rah r-

/a lp I, in a i harI :M . . .... . . . . . ------------ . ----- - .■mat aM Wllaaa aaaaaa (Paalar Vi maap), ahara aarvicat will ba halS. latat' ■laal l« WaMlpnS Canwtarp.

L* rOWT—Ob /awa IP, IHP, Maipp U 1« eanl (WPP Okafll, bplavad wita e( Vlaiar La raal. aaM 41 Taata. af IM fa lrn a a a t pwp. BPa. FaParil aarrlaaa win ba hala pt eparpa Akfa tpapfpl ahPMl. SprlainaU pnapp p{4 ■awh Ipappmalk ilraai, a* IP ti^ a p anpr. ■Paa, /a tr iT al t a'elatV Ijalallaaa aM MaaSa a n aipSiv ta-'liM. la itanpal la WaMlaBS Casialary.

T d l l ^ . * I i r / ' ? r H , 7 a % a . Xlaaa Waraal, wMaw af Jabn /aaaph H apm . Ralatlaat aM (riaaSa ara hiaSl* latllaS (a attaaS iba fuaaaal ( n n Iba paalsaaaa al

' OiikkSa awtaaa.

a n . JIM. iafea Maa- i)ta Wpw^

V M gyhkjlO jM iw tle pinar'VatatpMpI

l U M m - O a Jpaa IT. IPJI

MataP apau. M attapp w

poM. LIhOhnUa Holrt oL. &4H Orgigo. corfior Hnrrlpou ■(. f)i*hob d f n ’Ni^CI 0(i6r5a dyoTTe H kourii 4y«

iunrantood; onliod (or and doilvgrod. Bopos A Bon. I l l Porry ti., phono *>ftl Horkti. HOtl RHINO 400H I dy*4 in J* kourSTj oaIToS

for and dollvtrod. Control CUnalig A TVyotng Co.. *T Bollsylllo nvo.j B- >. *fdd.



w iU t PvitMisR r e e i i ia i m niia Mark braMelalh. whila ap tllaap

p la n I*a4

UnM wiik naP Hlk pp palia: psIpIIP uup.■4«Iml brlik ■ognolPd kny knadlok

igrnvod homo sUto. eukot bodutlfully Uitid m * Mlk Of gnlln; pnigldd•f4Yangrnvod

*ay dltg OOiMtiry.IMeSiJtp dkS,.*.. - - - - _U 4 i i f* t * w k « i* FunofiLfArlAn rmo


NaTtfB.w i u . p m m s N poH m

aatia flaa Uaah bnafptaih, wMla pa afl.w

aaaPPlabrA alpvaa, phMn. aaaaap ppaahpa ^ V ttw al e^Pv

owitBO If dogMa

Coll %B< i^ F . Mgr* oic. Aistg

s S f i t e i s i a L i j a s !

f e i ? 3 S

WJJli,- i h ’ w u w r

aaa SriTtap as4 npalrlaa aa ap.ta aM tracka. wt a il faa Ueaiir ' fall aaiina.JlP j apaa awaalpfa.»t. aprpar waainJ f a S L i btayUia.

I ' W S Kpfip W anaa


W ;^ |ia aKD STKAPliBMUCN (T

Laara i* 4rlvt. bpcuaw nffpf la a m |wr t*a art afaniap. CtrrPKar Aai* IInaloa *■

WOhh m

cdi&jiH. l i i :• kmuffour: (kli

ImfftOR tvn.llV C ^A T fld i^T nlb^ . »i

onro. loi'orgl flmt'clgoi. nil * gr^uid |lonkj, Btogdy work gud 4004 *ng"

---------------------------- ,

flTaftK laal first clgM igtLltlon

lairK T

good wngda.

Inna V a T l i r i lman; floid ngtg, Appi

madAppI,AltUM ud'

«>peo. fl . _ nil y««r rpvnd. good :sD lisigay «LA CT^O tfJ iVeI* A i ntodi nlotSiy

work ond good wngan Boo Mr Biowon.N S Auto Cm.. Moln and Cllniuu aii.. lUnIi^ranga, N. J __ _____A uTSi r f> R t T. I: ?T?a n t c w anT IF .

HlTMOltir E KXPFRIKNcc t h e [II.A( K and WHITB UaBAUH CO.. «iri-R H f BT _ ^ ___Ac f J Tficd- iFi>iT*>r#*o rnoi or ati n

and rogtlr Bid holpora. 44-kour wook. hlshtst wogi-s. hudneui Hoior L'or co , SiAuaun at. ___AVr.:,M.niii.!-; " M i'o fffS R '' 16 norli on

4 hi.krk irurk, night work Ward I brtklng C'j . Pwurib ava. and Nurtb FIf- j taanitt at,

AiTO llk riiiV I^ C .A i'rm r'p o a u ln a . aiMt I Ilolb bis »on ((Kfla aoo |aar«Lnno. Hoff- I msna Mat or I'n . 4M ^ u tb Tfiiih at.

AUfb M'aIHBH for (lay ua'alilug.^lV A II Uai.i^a WaUliung «>•. and PirU si . li(j-

M^ji.lair. phtne Honlrlalf III

B p s n e a a o t eHMgtFt

I T E D N f S D A Y S


• r a ay ao ia l P a t l g a t i i a

S a y s l a t h a E v a a t e g

N a v a , O f f te a a p s e tv a o *

I i i f i u n t i l S o 'd o c k . O a g y

iQ M m n a f a r r a b U a s t i a i

o n th e f o l t o v l n t 4 a y a a a t

h a in by t h a t H m a t t t h a

v a ry la te s t .


ap papiPUirM aM pl&T u d (MUa wUhA t iK :,


H t t p H f l M t t u J K HJw g 5 a JB 3 !S f rJ ! .a i . B g L

N U n m•rIpbapSIiHUlit. liialar, p am liM ................

aatlaitni. abnrt bsura. Corapr tlra f llara. 1*4 iyn*hlng Ion j v - , BoHovlIlo. H. J. __ bm < l CLKHK—J-ClIJIlM erSA lilN o'TFN -

lUH: OOOD POSITION. ADDREMp n r o ^ B o .x rt, N-«w | o r r ic R ________DBi’a ctltR 'K—J u n la P if l l ; a'loa noar>.

I Otporioncoil only, roforoneona Addrosa I Busy. Boa l*l,^Nowo offiro. U iRV U H I1af.^PflM ^ pr p tm laacM

lunivr. Addroaa Drugrgisl, B«]| X, Kaws ifncs, urnrigO-

DHI'O i 'I.HHK. rallat. 1 ot f Sa*t. aiaMr^ A.idr^i Orupa, San II, Nawa aftlaa, |la« t.

______ H i i r w i ^ p - i i M _____QANK roouiroa Ckrittinn young mgn In

rnah d t^ rlm ta t. mugt bnvn swtn* in* ps rlaitco In risuntlng monay. g«s>d upporig- tiulty for nilvofuouiont, aimo roforauco and •ntary oxpicud. AddrrM Bunk. »ua 14L

rRAPTBUBH.M'rornI . . . -------- --

wanud «lik gnyotlc^iF fl ■

dnfi og|korr*i

ivnlipmilit of nuu* malic mochlnory for tn« mnnuftr-iho ioglfii j r*44* \n

blLl* CLERK for Urg* wholvoolo kouM:I nnt with Vnowiadgo of grocory hutliioao jprofarrod, alnla uuniiRontlona, n#o and »nl' lory shpscud Addrooa Bill. Boh i4. NawaI ____ _______ ___ ___ _I HLACItSSfiYlf ind »Uon akAp noil coh- ' lOMa, call from T lo H A. fi. nod l . l i I lo I F. II Apply IH t Hudaok *L and II-

lOf I'oidcn at.I ulaAi'KghljTM wantad. horaontiMf and loh- ^ har. Kiianrd if W)L-korf, Bool Millaiuas.

u K iP ifS U lth ’kTlptr fp/r tiondy wark. good wagsk '■■1111 1011. i ; l I'amJon at

Jl^CKiHTTII on nagon w ar^ Apply I t

iiiro of alactrio Inrandaocanl lampa <ir ■Insllgr ig afitall Msklg* t r a p ­ping mofiklMorr wrjtga atgtlgi ago, vapartarn'o. natlnngjhly ajM winrif axpacisd, lo D. B., Hoi 4i, N«wa of-

L w r a i t A a ,Wasaii. a a a L5 ': ___ ________________

w kpt Mtaai Was HPDUrlptap PL| Najp Tptk.





BHOWir f t AMP tU T M AVH,nbwaric.

UBM WAMTBflrU«t-|Uag mo*tha followitig wkktod for


DRAFTBMa N waatad, ons wUk 4 or s years' cxperlanco on macblna inols. f</i

layout, dstalllng and irai'lng. Apply L«y MHsurmth Co.. f» Hunyon at, Nowark ___IiUAPTNMAN--OiK'd oppurlunlty for young

Mi*n. praferiiOiy with fkap aspvriaaca. for gripving hianuracturlag tompatiy. Room 2|lo I* IVmi ni. jo rk Cliy

watc-HNBx .

WESTlXaHOltflf UIMP ts tt , Waitaaalnp Ava.. ([.tcSawuiap S. H I.

lilooqiftoHl. H. J.

f.«titsBOtTFRa-tT# '

hlK MAKEAJt WANTED(hor>'Ugnly anparlsnayd

fih (neUN.K M^CHANIi'g waniod only

luockinloe Msosl apaJy il«B al

TWf\n < i i i

flial -rlisa .lsr^d-1 hsyrr, IsA Washing aVTOMiIHIT.K ■ MK 'HANlt* wsnicd

Ue (if Iba tiret ilsis r«t.1rui Ui>l (’O BlOultifle'JAl TOMilbn.E liyjClU N Tr/fitst .as#

fu«J w«Kaa A^yiy t' V Ur-g|a Cv . P i O nlisi ava



IS* aipaclrniad bulloravupnsalsd at anra

Plats *oiK, good |i«k ploniy workA H'. y


BHABS Mivl.iiKK FnH b e n c h WflRK IN I A tiiMJp CI.KA-V' r,JOHT ruliN ^R Y . I APl't-l l.^tF'!..n MLNT UliPARTUBNT.

<iX\, KUj ai'LIVLENI CO.. MS FRJS- LiN 'jHrvfEV ,\vff


APpRlNTirEB 1A ANTLP-tin vse t toRaia 11 y*arn of iga


kliould Ink'-silgstu our ! year cotvsauf Uftialtifrail sad sjk to ass *ba1 o t arauuing.

WEBTiNGHOt'dE L.AUP I'-O , tVslaaiilng itsiian i Larkaa «una R R

BiovAifiaid N J.

Al-f fRATtCi?Oiaildi oh msn'a nnd wnwistCr isrmsRis ilagdy poaltion. Addrasn

P'eadv Bay 111 K"ws offics _

BFTWXHS AfiKS f>F 1| AND ?1.Fi'i! rACT..'KX WORK

AFM.V W t I iEN' fiH‘‘-K CO ii . w a sh iN(pTo .n n r .

_ _____v T M A n K N JPOTS <0 carry mcrnlng pap^ta. Cllntnn HIM

sartioFi, avyr.itig and Sundai panors Ap- piv Rfirr ■’ If P If 412 grrjyn al.HOT tegaied (iiio'"yonra*' hlgiT iiii«M«I lu

laaro drug buetn^ee gquisr s ^ n rm ic i l i t tMr'.e-/ri tie Hirrlsoit iJ' iT S* sap*rl#nr#d for Tridi> "^nd

hniurdfu KaM' nnl ilro<ary Co.Psi.« et Eae '~ S n | S

akaii' l) yasta rsgsrisnesd, gnro3~*p*jr and edririi vmant National ilrixonr To .

AJI "firna Pl^VeusrltHOY^'iilod In ofllfs of Rninflnl laaMtutlon

good angorlmittv Addrosa Opporlualiy.B»i4 U. aStws affic* _ __ ____8<^ WAoiad tn run arrmsd'i all day' Old

Itnlan Uiand U>«ii tnd Ciannora. HI Hroad si. __BO'Y. Dvof I*. wf^llng aa^ okrrtfnV

run tlsvilot. Call >i i t f H ark*T *1. ^ j t ’ Vnrad f* Saorn jowoUr i uovia. Hit-

BoT wgnUd lp liikor la" bMkor ahog.Ponaps ohog. No. 4 Arlington *4

BnY uaaiod la daiivar rigara Call 't>4-t^ on aM 4_3J* * roagu,jri.___

PO/" ri!riVarn’'3ewalr)f engrtving Ifnrt 4 hrycr, laS Mulberry ft

B f^ wAfiis^ To run trrinda Agily^ItolTii'V.? 1 a • H o«_^

IkSt wanlod ig wash aodn"*gin**^ivr p. Ms gmad sL ___

B of"t< ^ orF t'n ^ ^ ’<5 la rr<5fct u*BROAP IT

S^TJQ ~^W mPARK ^ -------


tU fV X ¥5R ” n T } ? f« iO J



ovtITst CO.,

s z i t m T i t n r U aiki v r w .ik J . ' j . f r s 'U K 'salrtp c i-ki.r WTsW ict WkSBai

RAKKh i HBf.PjCR hHESFikLIt j.l'NVU. r . nK'j.vD ,HT

Bl’T''KKR 0|is u iiu undarstsnda his hu»i. nsvp I.. »!., it la rMsasgsr, teas* >'f rsf

-isiPpseo. Address BuUkvt ItvS I) Veei* r(('. . _ _

BCTCHCn "siilsd. avporltnosd. ifnr Snlui- 4ai Lail Thut. irr PrI. at iup linis Wm

*1 ‘.\,iisr-v,i f t , Nowirk lU‘TT''H£fl: weritod at oAns taquirs at ITl

4'sntisi S'S rtf rMldvOLp at naafuidpi I.K a ■ '[arseRl'TrHRR Vuuiii moo. nl>lo la cater klgk-

ciisa iraUt Ksssiitgrr A Cu . Bakrr *1 ,Mspl'<eu„d. N .1UI'TCHMHB vaiUrj. |npd PS) . Ilaodv p ^ -

liOB I't! L^'sn lAbKs liirk r l ^u . 4lf Orsn|« sr■II T' Ifl.H •ei'ie'l stee<i> Job. niuat spOha _Ho'jaJ» ji.'t Msrkat at RAI.’l H WANTtJi to P E W "rF PA'LII

'■'F im ia iJnCK> A PVA NCBURNT Ar Pl.Y at mNi K \V a W PAVIA CORF

ask fo r h r i.jtiVB ft t r K T.A t ER f>--gi ar! it nneo . nmviug pic*

lura i>'ilUlln| i.:g >ob. iputl4 (.trsng* rvnier nail t u n Ks|f

H FiTMN DFR ~(It Haliski.n t '* bui'kac 'are



At The Vrrlay Oryon C» , fsaj-won-i. N JdtfOdr amployr-vant with gn«d wigos


Thr*'* thor-'Uf bly angarlenaad man for|-slnt>lnsn<in ilirs for docorata ' tin ___1>«si wi/TkInf *oiiatitloM. with pirasant aur louMditigR, abs*>iut*ly itaadr Apply Pas ss llstal Wara Do . t i l Brook gVa Paa-MJ- N J _ __ ^IcH t.ll sod flnlalTsr'^Phl^rloru'a^ on strap

la-aiher, wanted, muol M ieth* and 'sp ob;!* Ilf laking I hargs nf nihaih. Addraas N <• R"j| 1*1 ^'0UJ afCiuo UlNI.Si} KiH>yi also man for ganaral w<>i

1(1* It uah I iia hs m. iT Pi ibafia-i. t at ■ t's tig s

POBORRg uti ahrarn g<»>i1 wag# vFa il ''iimplun l!( 1 aniilen -

DPI i'‘’[>>ll uiirk*re A|<p!)' Nun.>1 1 --I.IC r«» Jtjh N'leaes si . Herrla-Jli N

Lt KCTIMCTAV—IVaiiiad, s mslnlaham-I• < Irluaii. only IhLser iti(ir<iu(hl> utui*

alnrk'Liig rrpalr and Upki'sp i f a;ls< ci• '‘rril apply llr)var> HorfiF ' T> ■ atJiii. • iiiani (.ffii a. Harrlson H J


A largu Nfwafh manulneiur- Ing aompony h ii pl4<»a for two nr tkr«o tallogo naan, iruduiia*la okamNal or tnovbahtcal aufilnaoriiif. (or work nJong ogarst- ng 4nd nruducilon lina, laadiog

u tiocHlivo plicag.

- ■ w w

PP h H S , a;i»room;

4 ^ S.. . ________ ,

workar; dny wt>^ j|w»i gtjf^

» iflT IR i (KIOD P o iil

m »' T s b k S T . " " * ® - »*'

ill nrokn^ kt44)r gmtih A i ^ n nu Pklft

* 1 1 ^ , . v „ ,MF^IN'TERli—Mugt bo eeggsntn

nrlonlioua; nU giBr k r9 i. wmam

l*A]NfERB--P«n('llora WAMindl | I # fip• II tonlricl. 1-Tilrg i t rriiB lB i l l

P R E S S w a n t e d , I t l l i t aRAWORw pi„

»s* > J


Addrant C O , Bu* I*. Nawa affica

‘AP PFVTEKNnail any Uma'-ABPlfi^YSsi

Tin union manft.r I m p m

hast of wsgrp If] CUflontar 1 ID F M -antaal. 'only g

Ics r Md •**)?. tl *3 kogrr. PiiiiQPr ajapiawpoo i


{Teh c6 i.L S aa,"rtr T sirt' h a . Kaar Tor.Ciiy _________________ItARBBR wni^tld Pridni and Snlurdiy

111. aundt n«dt wofk; hlghasl wagsa»»u. - - ■ ■

h S t .L » ieal!*14 j

>n)jrtaftd wintbd to aUrt nny l)m«

. r: for ■tondy job or 1| Etond •!■. Bioohnflald.

Kli wMjr: for atondy job or for taturdny10

HaRbI e wnnifdi t r \a tp ogi Inturdny Yronh N., i t Bolmoot Bnrtmr Ikop.I lo 11 P . _ _ .

JU tgrtMilMd 4vo„ elt:B A w fs iP '---------------


elty.fH H_ »ssta4 lai Hd4/~n)gktrikd f i t -

urdny. anjnrT III. and Mondy nonl wotk.U l iotilb ■9-1515BARBVII %nkr»4;^ni*H In tmmndlnUly.

good iilAnr: it«4dy PMiltlok. Hon Alwoll.441 q in tgg nvg. ^ _________________bXRd C ^ firfl-gJiao: com« randy~to ttnTk:

• teg g pogliton. intd ttkfoi. I l l Court tl..

r s n a n .ply cHAf artMi p a c s B Y r t a c n K i .. KuJoBtlnl kmiding.

wantaal' 'only fund r. tl *3 Kogr rgll gl ]ab

T4 Park ava or Obarllo ot off Tuoenn modH F M'j.i'ahi bulldar Maplawpodca;APPLY nC3«Rj.L #CI FRCLtXOHLYilCKCAR^EistiiR, hTfkoti wgfog Old rnrtiro

P«ld Apfly i t shop 4*1 Vnlity rd . vpnof Mofii^lnir

CaRf RNTFBS framing and Irimmtng

CAEPENTeR- on wagon work, atogdy oiP' pln>maiu, jood nnfoA._f | wml* nvA

''ELUl'LCJlD aahara and VoTuSipn7 'anparT pQcsd only. tfU huup gar wack. no Mot-

urdh) *ork, |oodj»iF RoMvilla MovtityWorks II* North r i t h St.. n»»f Pork mym,

c'tA \ JlK I 'ti^ ^©r omUom ' law - *lrj akei4(i wr*rk. good salary, aacsllsrit ni'lin*

Artia^ s'uA ISClH JPKk.U—tlgtil ail "\ajrtal rvUjMrs | I 0

r*»r weak 41-hour waak Indlau h«rin!ng Co. Fnsaalfl ava Koarny, N. J , okiA is Market 414*____________ ______CHaiTFEI'R cm irjtck. wnTc^man for fTt-*

«ory. aaleaman fur 4 ulo truck firm draw- lof accuuiM iDd LommlaalogA ay^andid op- }>ortuntt> for nun of good nddrgsa and p«r •onsMty riark. atonngrapkar. aktpglnf ciarh fsriAry hamls. laborers, loe. to lie hour, wsrp- h . use and plaiff/rm msg. mill- wrifhi. spianijid ckanca. aioadg work, good pay. rhof, also pnatry cook privgta «|ub houM *4» wsoh Oich. wniitri and k lukoim«n for saashopa kotol.


___ Btubllshod fifty yaars.ciiA i ifSEuii w a n t ed fo i l roR iT t^ iiT T

INI) CAR, NO n ig h t WQRlf. Nu Bt'N- E.^2 ’•■‘ •'V UST SATDRPAT A?.

y 2 “ e * * V a r i>, fo o tOF CROSS ST.. rniDAT. rWt WiIeN 11 A NP 13 A M


iTKADV fO tiTigN .i^OOD PAT ■ ROD CO.,


SN^ilNE YuhKFR'-eWA>-Tr n," k F IR ft- ri.ASg e .vQIKF on if-cand NoVKLflk--^ ADDREMit

CAM.XT BOX <1. NEWS i«rFICE L'-’.lS i: TI^'NKK asHir<i i/n riAirstta and

■er<ii\ saovt ual^ iit^K nasa n|aa walieo XX " T r. K Bob 12, ll: i hnailvaiN N»my.rk _F.'b .ISI-iKH vart«*i1 run sBiii • ' nir««

en«;ir|. « xgaa gnd rtffronras Addr«**Coi'T Isniial 71 Ns«a Offlirv-

ki.fVATOR TipEMATOMi.iri..] .^refLil lugh lu i.usiais aitvair-’P

eiejit', i..'-hirvii AppivVfiox n; b a im a '- n a ,

(» U Ma-ke' atenrT A tC fl man In Id. I. v'Vud.lmi. .illfn ,

'•1 iTiRke,i Reatfsliv u»s-rii , rw,.S,ls sg*'t ^K.rfsrre.l bririf t*fer^D.f>E XV||li«ru K < s n I < IX Ltrsve^la fl i; > \ ATf'R 'O P IR aTOR FOR "OFriCF

id M.I'lMi AHPl l KCrKhiNTENTivsT •!. i*rri'-E :s c ijk t o n ?t

MKH.N o rn a tia r w h at y» u r p rav io u a a ig o r ls g s m i

ara. If yuu n ro II c r ovar. rd n a o n ib ty eclueatrd . t ru th tailin,| and d o m in g n i. kav« n ul bosD lu a n lo g II g l I ur m o ia s s a r ly hut (m i u u a llf lo d icx. ah I n te rv ia * w ith me w ii! u ffa r ) iiii an x in lin ilted fu tu re ( ir u x ld l l i f y»u

brn lah th ro * u n q u a lif ie d r ifO a o n s M sa (o o s r a c t a r an d a ia o d lu g T u u r fu iu ro da- and a guon you r uwn viawa. H k u n t M u i- • rry MT*. Misrulnga from II la noun i Mr.


nil rad hlnodod broduoora •*■ m«nay samgg oloclrla wfiklPB Ironing marhlgag and vnaiitun *M#4li||^ft|F. •dv«ri|tug cungilgn (■ gov g | Hg 1and Ihousanda of groagacta kn*0 Rdgpf *■» . J t«rval«d, mtP who ksvt k id dVPWlvilj^ fit 1.4 ers-w work will fu laia auf giggg gggtklR||g,- .)! ,

- 4‘J4-

grs aJ«« 11 naad of * d*|*i RF R|A|t^loung mrn whe would Ukf U iHIR •S t'lN ii lag gaiuv from ifca ground ugi *nm |g iHNi' dania hana ivr ika aumniar » g e t ^ '‘S ||k a im wklls tkay loam. r. »


y IR r. M E Niv a n tb o .

«T4N'DARD F ages

Xpp:v XX M FERRlNg. ni'n j&igaw Bnfino TarmiMi.

Jersey i'ltv. S' J



MEN MLNIf yau'm put .jf a jab and waat work

and mean bualn^aS. rra*! uur ad' in ihis txaper uiidar ‘phlpwrir k^ra W'anivd and■ h*n repo to tks amfxJoymoPt alfli*,

dl'D.xiAjUKi p n i f ro R F PORT HFW'Aktr N J

Join our army of ragglar warkaia aad lake home a (at gay snxa^oga ovary datur* daySIKN' a I ten I ion hxo ralliMa”~nnd noa'

apprajiaa invn in raptoosnt uo In Mon mouth ani Mua'erdnn rouotiao marriod imsa Piafarrad, aiandgid ligo dirt^' lo cou- aumar ailar* and cowimisatan. asgonoivva wot na^oasgry. > riio, ntaiirg u a l osnsr tone*, laferonraa Addroaa <1 r , Woa laS. .Vowa oltico•XfEN''Mala a< hool t•al<^or4. BrlgflgsU. U-o*

yora an<i griifiaaiupal man In lha stsi* o( Now Jarstt im daulla Ihflr yagrh Invi/ma In a dlanlfleii nianntP hy iildraaaini Dig

la anawsrlng pJoaaa giva nkM* |



l«o PBR OBKT ? ‘ i!-

f t r t i i EN —Return iubuUr bvllore. * hflur • h i'’i r days per «-eek r' *d pa' afeadv

work, ‘-''mllUona Faaboard ' hemirai'"n rianrhard a(Fac' ti 'hT ri.EHH —fouai"m4Ti~wnVa?mi»

iiperieara si '-lark In faatory oantod a'npe# App'i Dann Mr. .ling l« , JIX b.nii

l U i U i i a j Lf ionarnl faciory work «lM4y oH4glr>ymani.

Apj»l> M* AM*i. *J_ -Orarifa j VRN wiptad for lanaVnl work la fgriiary. ' Jaraay BigcuU <'m III IfodMo »4 . Raw*I **' Mftv ws nl'od* friT Ylv rtork fi» garaia inu#i j know kaw' ta o »sk cart- AFPry 1>3 Waak-I nr'''’n el

h £n wsnfe.J for alT arisnal Tic^or> workI Apply Tyi-jpar I'hamu-tl t. n 441 ' an3ur#n si

ES ti> leapa drog (or|«it|, g o ^ pay to f fiTtiptfip _I14 Jjamdan it

JEN t. ■ laet

ARE Yot klAXTNg U O N ir OR ;A LIVlNiJ?

ff rou aro n?l aarolng agiL praaoai and gioLldluf gonaraval, futuio you should taka aa aacosw*sotf.

W'a havf og aur falling flg lt . MiMmM *k« c*m« la our ipvga*iHM|ing houao from othor Unsw nndl m iU..,. --------- ^ ^ ,

s m


?"1 RS’Ai'E YF VDf;n Watitcd I.p o|J (irrit iti brsaa foundn FTaTiklin VXji!.

:|Ti* lii._ I« I _J^r(f r* .'U a’CAHM rrr^ fiV Til'll I'e Sln*if7 f, ,

Iti farisi utirk. on atork farm naar Momoi- VII " AjTly Vx Falb'UU. IIJ hrei.,^ ii> , rt . » N»m srhr x KM HAI^. gea'dir wiiWad. who * ■ d m!l)'

an I plow. (1. H MItrhalE. Hoc Or i aiuw r. N J


iVmBTRlAL FEBHQNNEL fUlhViCB,................................................... iV irtirff"*fi r r d a d it

EXA'TLT WHAT THK NAUB IMFLIRO*->« 314. *• ----------

CHAt'FFBl'R and handy man^laco; (n u f l ba ab ia to d r iv a F lo rc o r'ar

tood a.

rafaranco. AddraM bi

t r ir

mantonaaH* Ktjlalda gJ Bouth 6 fona<

ttgoriohcadT' atiT’ sHfa for I'ooklai, good w a n t. good.

^Ivyanr^guiUron. loy ioaiaward. U, N J- “

SiluMair ah S»|f mt h*m — r t f e x — M

■Majr IU f I

ifi4. IH V uS«t .1. : T S iiii l wnak

j p T ^ j n u W t T t U t l i i m s k :

« K ^ m 4 LuCrti Si—s y j —t i f t e n i l

• l A l i m . fall.flM sM Sim I tttsssi* . —w U s US —V tn in m iteUaMui. nnwicUt r m M . «tc.; nual b* thortu tli.

ly iu*)a*dntp ip maiMfU: atnia wngira w * g loM h r pm4 tk m Yanrg tn wkgt ang*

and glvaL. r, -ciTa

Hottiawork or cooniai, good w a n t atondy. nil'Tanr giaouron. ift? §ooPummU. H J. _ Fko^luam m U lii*^__

for" Iftm-tog Irifc^ wantod. only atparionend man nood apply Va

1 (lonnl Tranahr g. Wnr« Homo Co.. iis j tfnlaay al,, e»y.________rH^VVFWJR wnniaTTaio w^o unmoral a

a ear; mual hrti tAY. I HnuMina

aKNERAt. I’TfLlTT MAN m siaMe man \n CL>al yard, muat understand hore#t and

r-otny wall rn nnxmnAilad. Kviag roama onfra-plaaa Apply F Trimmer A Cg [^.a>*fia al _________

QARDEN'ER. plain, to help in ^be huLiso In ^buntr^ a«e

«o«l buya.~ilon uai wa

HELJ>! KBLF* HEtsI': Mon you ara ioing iway laii on uai

all klnda of work opwiy al (ha leadmi h.s|aka s 'ro all lya la

i i i M T S i ' uli^feraUjtli irtng raf«r«Qoaa Apply frl* ha g i*«a, l*f iprtagnold■ TV.

i.'H iM FF tO ir'h r ilallr-RpriagfriiT tniekitaaahaaienl •snaHaiK'a aooaMary; mfgf*

♦Booa mqiiirag Halil 43 fpanjar, * Liotof^vg ~ ba avporlari<TOg

I ahurea sd l mia.. fare pa><1 of loral p-saii|nna. T1.I ttrua I your ihofca. vboa f A. M -* F M

GBOVE ADENCY14t Main a( . gear (Ifova K if 'irange

IIaNDV k"e .n' in' (uiindiy II i,.r .i.r up" froo Jitney aafvlce from ( .Iniciii ava

Anarlcan .iKraalvo Mtlals Cu , liRt,, _____ _____HELFERH on ahipping flnoj Apply'Y^H

U Ward Boklng Co. Fourih as* «rvd North HTfiaoorli at

L-f CuU

Auloonrg U m, »r«

’(ml iruakavporlah<T

John H OngnrgBtva.. Itvlagtotv

ant, Bog 1*. NowaWfioo.B A V % H k F |« iC l^ Y r*lT^!a S*nk*T

kangn*. ■Kl|l ba nwciirata nnd wming; gn«g ohikr- avirw non.

C lU U ll a u b m b e r b w it h t o o ia BENCH AiSFMBLERS.

MACHINE OPERATORI.nkjm t j a m t o r .

I*, aillil M ngctih f iKo hA iAddnaa aVAi^ 5 r ;a T s s 5 L i i i i v , . T i i « 'V r T : ; i 3 :

l O i T

AfFLT AT OHCBKeohlas* Hotara Cor*..

Uawollgn nvo.. Bioomlialg

f A * i t W T t b r ^ o l a t " aTao a i a w a r d , a l o o w a t A * r i m : a k l p p l n g r l a r k a , i h a p f l a u r ; v a f l i n r * :

. hs______Hkktdf-

i MPtMajl » l -----THE rblia til:r

vofw: oih*i vnoanola*'< vtnAOBNCr to N ew «T


gon ^

S O bTe h . muat ha rapid and aci*urta hand-J S l i W . i V l . T ^ . " '" » •a*F ffn Craam Coo o S l

arga aRinwn'Pi3r H*w7t^ 1111 Ml planfagf ay*.rnr*

in r t r u h e n t m a k ers





r a n t a d l/ i take rharga o f l u n r h wignp wn.t undarilanda cooklnf. * .od JoK r«>T r l a b i m a n c a l l o ( o n « - f >*4 < *ao i r a l a v * .

SiAN work on tonnla rftTT^e*^and fwt trimnunc iswna, v«ri pltae^ni ■><-. upa

■ Ion Apn r i«eorgo Norn# tei uih Orange FleJ_d_ ' 'lull. Buuth Oraaga. N J

■'. rt.'grk al soda (otin'ain nn *s|s*i|. enc'p ne{'-*aar.v itK/J salary «lih .. iian--e

m e m r i g h t g a n v App 'y r a a h i o i . I ’u M l i«er'i-« Tarwii'iat ao< a fogMi«)n

■ MAN Wa NYE^ lu'r" motion pktufo Uboi«.iir» . oaod In luMiag iagatBa and

Joiri Tif I' r t iu i -w Film L a t u > r * l < i r > , ajd l s r . i i a b a i e , ' V e s t ' ' r a n g e U A .N f’.r e i e t d y Job a i d e 1u d o rnpalt .'■(

paniar a n d m l l l w r l g k l w o r i i I ' a l T T k p e . f i e x H b a a t ' o r p R a J g a r a ^ s a u UHuardii »l

' M A ^ — f i l o T b , t t a r f l o d . l u •‘o l l a L ' i ^ a n ^ I s oJIl <( a a l s o a n d L o r p r n i a a . o n . g o ^ i j ciy. •gorfuriilv to ■iian'-* R<m;n l* n . hi Ciui l o p at. _ _____

ilJrVTo oork Oft ftasTT riioiu’TfofM*’' f* lu f^> half d a y sil > e a r mutiij. App x .s’ j.

Taiiai g 'fiiwai a * N«*« *1.J4 aV~ wbuI ^ to ur.irb on I- a wagon Aifrod

hulami, J O I F o u r i h o v e'i. in aaloua 4*4

kuulh tManga av«' ' MA' HtNlKT

Kiral ■ la.ip nih. hlplai. nag«rlent si1 on auto. malic t'l'haatng ryiarhlnas; gf>wj |»ay it- hour uevK etMdy w«rk-

ATF'l-Y nfUSTOI. UTKRia r n Taka Fafn>a |Hn*F 1*1 tiiliaijo a>eITa< t(lNlgT»-^W'«nta4 by iaig« i xri'

mariufarturar. two thorfttegkiy i».gari«B. .| ma'hlnieia on ’(Ak’ *' i)ia«l>L?ira ful,.. e-UUipprd ms' hin* alK.p Ui faLlun yl.irTei

alfPi aiporlartcH i^ad *>■•■ ttpociuLi ling <k\ Naoi OTTipa.

ilbfFa all-aiound M l a M f u m g i i c m a > k l u «

work. Kaal working (''iitditLona, wllh pUaa ant attrrogrMitnf* ApgiY Flooair Sfoiai x* 4ra C o . , I ll a rae li'iva . ^ ^

mlllwfigki, far hciory ra- paln aad malaiansiire. mual givo laai g

y*4ra of ampinymnAt »|iU wagaji agpoLiagAddraaa M Mm |s4 NoRf nfflca _M*“ S iT m iT ^^ b r« .‘ol»«.“ V 6, M s 'Ha...

Kanda. parmanafti J a h a . a g c a l i a n l work­ing fioadiilona. nvan atmp. Hall Frlixitug

7f J ._ _llACHWifTE a«panan«a4 Ift aa> branch

of Ihe maorilna Irada rail airiBlayntaal huraau. UottM g Eberhardi. Laklgh Vaiiay ^ _H tnd rk a ftcallor ava. _ _ _ _rJCcinWe o r rd V r^ fiS 'iv A'VTffp . 'd u o f l(A J TO STKAllV WOHKICHS, I’OUlN-

lAI, STAUPINO Co.. POOT o r Mltll.I, IT ,

Kifti'grada. prafttaki* aarurlllM •-.onimdapiao haaig, in (wo yagra 1 a rampatahca. Hm y otharg iMFi iarnlBda maar^fpld.

W'a m a lid yaw (g taraiiipilak tBR11 yaw tarwaaily daalra la «at ig , Iw 4

vaur akara of lha groaparlty ikgl U Ell I you. wa r an da far >uu wkal lak g ^ I for alhaya.

Hinrarliv IMagrl'y stxd abllllf tg i •(r'rmrtuDlIv aad iraag Si a rt tkk maiili

Tkia baabJai hwuaa makaa iwdggtt-p Ralaamao iud Ita flStal#. H wilt N ^ f

Ingwira halwaag i« A. M. gld rm*H it HABrk|H4.

m en w it h IBLLINU A V IU Tt. ^THE NE^R'ARK BR^NC— t b ~ r —


I NEW tb R B " iSvi^T iiw :XA'ANTR a RfcFFfSKNTATIV

; MRH WHO HAVE NO IX P M1x411.1 DF. TftAiNEP F R m l n i l


I Dt^TFriMlNATinN TO g f ic i I ONE THt><! t'NTlL THtlT H,

M>'«T VWN AHL not AWaM.. , Mj’iM K n M T tk f rOK C A m i THKIN PCLL Ba RNINO K>WEWs i

IIAXF PLP .’(‘•Vlk HHAlNE - \PPEAR4Ni'F WIt.l tVflNKAd TOo n ; XX Al. M'K CAS f^How y o u JT«> M.XKi: MONEY .XNfi \\I(AT IH

: iMroitTANT. Ma k e LAgTiNo i V | ll'NlKNr>g AT THE MAMR TImB.

\JK.N Xx'lfH Ci.EaS h KCORI'I. WIW, KK



AN o l';- i»((TCNl rv WILL KCiKDkii Tu i;h;ci>ME RUFI WITH rOilMl;N(H. RATE SALARf


Udryaa D Iki* t.1. N«U A ?ttlV tlY i:^ak»a4 :man, ai^V^ianrwr la


Al.l. rNmEB3|H»A'r>LNx'L teTHK'TlaYI'lOtNTIAL

ADDRME t-lKl'N hLFBRVIi14*. NBS^ o FFK'L _____

AC.ayii LANjb^MaCIUN'IIT—Aupfealtra i

plY i l farfa^ttan Twpl g Harvaf ■( . vll^

haya wanlad Ag- H ichlia La, a ll

EOHANIC-^-i'an vaa Iwa mara aiwarlanrisl itca, with (a*fs, writa, AddfiM A. H . Baji | .

automoblla niachaaki •tftiing aiptrlaaca.N'»aa afjlpa.


W \rEFT YOUYOl'R AfilLtTT TO OOOD CL AFFIuT. T TI3REMTEU IN tiKTI'ERlNO' POEITION and Yu O h a v e iANl> AND fJETEEMIN; j^ K E OOOD, w r it e Fi»R U^TfRVlT^W TEluLlIFi»R JNTRRVlTiW TE); a b o u t T0UBEE?-F WR ABE KbScTHic Al. Rl'l MR. bW IW NLL. l ; i MJ

iA L E iW < ^ jr " ^ M nrgiklSallganaia* raewrd of iahinvainar'’

- -----------“ -f U Join tu n n

••ogKanra, WM**

M a Ao n t a l a y by icS i a n d p l a a U r . U a r i u a * C4e., II Cltatia at.

ballar; miH\ Ravi lieaaaa and furolah raf- aronoaa.__Aniity III lylYan •»•,. oUv

a waak. AFfif Varaiwi ChamLnl Oo., sa Var*rva ava.. rfij'.

«jMr*i<w( u « «s.> HkSarsUirtf m*lQn( MSn—SI* Irwi .*4 IsSlas csr* •( furiM*«.

' II* «s4 —*lnS. AS./».W V* . gs*— ttt i . K

KS !■ (M prlkf S ssv isM st «• <1 M Str M iu li A u i W (W*

w t* n , *i*«4s ssdUuaj ( b u . s M —s«>l*4. M4r«—O r ^ » > . f c a M , N . * « J t | ( -

S.I4. oama rwadvriAj N. J.

far w-jfk.

v r lo L i is a a i- ^ h i r .;i Io tu ih ti— ~iiMr M « M h ss— sM /wa i—n s s r a s s s 6r-

s n i :

w'El*B W'tIT FT .

IITOR—Two ililrdar. < aa wlso can (aid aad make r«ady, at«ady )ub tar goad

man; good wagaa. 4l hours ATowh Prana,C% Qfaan at. _____dolfffWtWilJni, KEFERil1fN<*BP. JiyPLT

n iP P IB L O LUlfCHsm BhOAU r y. _ _

- I m — «>. H . . H i , K.wm _ ___________ ____ ___ ___e-ulwwwwa_SI. _____ _ ____ ' - - kalaara for ahup work. Uoallar Cnnalriia*

b - 4T*----------------------CAiQmAIHe^ n n i — siH —t t f H jls ——rt— AidrM| A.. Irt« ll) . Niws a r«*yi^?*W»» T»rli

‘ z ; t r u ‘“S s j ; ^ ^ A ; r n i i : i . R iSrt..

t m u s n t l c s t j b .o o u a c T o

l — n t o r i h o i r w o r k . ^ o o l f o ^ l f o L l I ,6a, ~F «

. ^ • r , ...............•l^kB R artasua

Uisirt-wllM SM. e».~Or- ssca s*«.. ••). L>«sssdw St SSSlS WM.

SISMS. r t OinXm *t „

S istrtr ,

c u a c T o a w n i« Apply «( Cosn «i.

>Nl*S h r a n —to ie rH U .



ll»Sf. —r is . «*-«ri SfMruc ip■ •S il— MS—Pi u « p 4—ti WOPS I a m

•PpsSmii** r*4u[r*S. ASarM* Nwl. u«>itn tS W S pfDiS

an aFFartunlty I* Join tu nrM l ha nvtT |& i(wl kava Ifta afaiUlY |a talk and tail fh i tru ti. aad W m wil] ha abahlad i* dupUaita M f tha aerniagf of «ur ragulgt a v o r n g a o f I l 4 * w a a h i j r . w a •

ipldik atiij euiLy piuiuoLlan la ^aiiion kwaJU the ■ <>A WMnll. i(,-r rraolr*.! In.orriSwo ,ll now. H If Sp-oio A Co,, arko. at . Nowirk. iplla I*

Supllaal* nur rtfulsr w*«hly. w* ara aap

uiooLl^n la ap PS «ll*S( P< — aanH

,_rpH*liarka. at . Nowirk. IPIM 1*1* Sorly-tSIr't r. N- T-1 .MI* t i l t kl,1a.. S. V.. lu ll. 101. I t : NaaMS al. auita II 1*1 lluiiiaa— a.,, HroakM III. llunarj^ Mila WpaSlSfloB^lk^

I aai akpnip.4 «ltS vork. mp Iprowipp ky !*■— pp* iJopnS.t Iwith aala. ar .Ma. nanailop akllll 1 ran irala 111 Pit Matkola. mpM Iptaljr SrpaoSablo aop pvl alraU work aaS raapaaalklltlr I 4**'^ nopay rhonr____________ ______ ipi Sop'l •nopay K yop ta ll P*H[P*l( .* M phonr HatJoo. Frjnofc 4 Co. If N rirprk; phoPt Markal ltH .

SuU.EHC.N-Itera oppHtPSU; , a( I par a—J. SlrU*n4 SS/SI

rodoapwkip SS4 ronrtrtlkis


B B Sum aM .


K iem asaiiT L T iva re o M a n a t i a a .TAW atmlMBBEIMI AMD BaAVT- ItW M K rttSH B H I* W lU r W (V o t ia o m e s w w T a a T ia w l u . KiHM o r M u v v B iia tt. m v i a n d L 0414. V aiP4T, fX W t s H 4 . aT f t a . a , r a u u T a v a M a w f a a , s o s f , N . o e t s aesy iw A V ./VLT I, IS A. M. TO I » . SI. ttAVT OOOD OPBHIKN AWT b W f PtLATT-iMo, KANurACTViuita o i r o w a aAlf» IB P f ifcBW t MW PVW 4W y

In ildOnklj

iaa$l4tt v n .

A i C i ay s *>■

LAM KHM fw (ppt*9 «*rS; rtssSr ppi-

• ' ^ s i a r K S F i , « : i . i ? w R S j ! ^ aM f f l f t T a a f v r K i ^ i --------------------Ha ,e n f « i r,i, .1 ,, . , , , , ,

^ W ltcA T oa m e A V T O H oatus.lo S SMi a s o a Bj , m isM s

powBR m a w orcBATOHsWANTBD; MUBT BB B X Feei-

BNccp. A r m TNa L ioH ai.c o h r ., SSI SOUTH TWENTY.r iM T STo laviitaT O t).

i ^ s a . r . 3 n 5 i ? *

m i m

I (aW k. ■1 ';y>lr J

| * B f t

lU I L ^ S a, H E ^ E H.


^ 2 S I I K r 8 1 * 1 6 ‘SI

i p . t, r <

SCL 'i f

a s ^ j t L S s sT 4U M U lN !• •

f « w a ‘ ia ^•*•.. VanM i If.

M-U M « . I i . ^ (n»k ■■4 I* M lw t l— »li tMMnllF anrcl.

■Jlklllw t5« C4. I l l » r ^ »t.Vl PWO k*W w t i i n ' »Mk» M«-

M I* ■^Bt •!«••; n w rMM rB^BV**- >•

_ tilftk — »«KiT> » i iM k la r—m* Ott* B«rai 0«s.

____ _____ __ ._ fraearr •«ttk refm eeai «a«4 vaff<Mu l i t

kth m .

m ■■■I jWIM as# m, I I la M liS fa , l i i

, ttailHlaa. vk* } *#« t« !«• am Tm caa taara

.IIsCb r«Milat« ntttac. «klkslaf

OtWO iK>Ti U ialKrtr sawikaairt.iu ra i tIT > r a j ^

l i iT

ib S u a idkK U sa^tar wark. B ^ K P awaIII Braaa at.


ilw Blh*r BklpII (BBlnMtlBB M

FBB Bn B>BW<I M fnpBC-■M BB bbbibHbbL It rsa eBBB*tIb G r teBkMt. ‘4nlBlB

|lT im -L B 4 ln IM » n t>iBliB; I_____itB lUBilnilBB; w iu n i BB« Bl " 'BVUiBf B

M_Km « I ti_

iViMi BBBiBIBliIbUf U>4onB4, M th .T jB ^ aH


A m rD iP A im nM T .

■tM T 0 0 1 0 .MW BAT t B i r TAM f

IWWAHB. N. J.o n BBPiWMNTATnnk,Hit. o u r r m i .U N n . NHWABK. N. J.

•o o K -K ra ra iLWnt B* n iB B tim Bud BccarBIA

THB Oa VTd m tA U t CO,

K o n s f r a rLADT

.r iK H lM ■ orricB 01


. - T E i m r i TKif wllk BBtemsMI* BBTUl

nslrlB ls • • • • *>1) l>* ' B M m i n u rHki u n .11 »B« l i t . X»»» «ftlc«.

n a f l B* nB*n’«r elonrT_ IBW iBtBB BBBiBBr WMlthr■feB aBBt B B inaln bb;

araBi lalH vsIMbb. Addr til Nbwb Bttln.

SrW it, •s*r«*tli r« > d____ af BBBB-kt*BlBd) IB BI'MBBteBtBrlBc eeeemit l«m«4 BBB b n a d : bIb u bib, bubH-

BBBBCtBd. AddflBB KsBr- >B«B Bttica.— ----------- i«a:

vttflsf ia Man ai ?Ma«nakl* k f s r t f a t tat* m f ra-

_ v n k al<l-aaUkltaM eaa- isflas aSawNal iMvialtiaa; I asp Atafy waalM Ja vast I te tsa iag . Bat la, rfasi

;isal»a pM41«*aitn sa rtaaM . aaali(*4* aaa. AfiAy llaliawk

aak l asimU Ma > a ^ a ts “P ^ sw tta f»

'•a H aSiaslaff as4 ra-eppeaiistlr. Tka kak-

ap aaitataat a k ^ y ^ t Ittaa. ^ l a a l a Iroa A

_ If aisafiaactd aalaMaaa: ^ jM ^ ia la rf i alaa atTiral

. . . . . .. raaiakjr BMarAM. A ffly iaaasP topassa a^

is Mir ~ Aaban iW li r Jak. A fftr I II m m d

(k Maasaf

.................. MANUTAl _ - ____AT BLIlAkaTHPOIlTi A ^P L t IN OWf KANDWHITINO. BTATtrrO AdB. BXPfelU BNCB AND BaLa IIT BXPBCTKD. A& M W B. T.. BOX iai> WBWa OfFICB. BOOX'flifiPijli waalak,. Al, to taka ekaffo

la Jawolry nfDro; atalo ttfo rlaiM aakoalaiT oipoctod.

iB-», •■aoiAd4roM B iT • . Boa It.

No«< anffo._ __ _______)i6 o 7 -i( ic ip a n B>i « u i l ar, oiporloaoo'ii ;

aaoltloa af roflnoinant Baa II. Yoagar'iAdaortWj^ Agoaci', Baat O raaga._____ __^OOK^XBI^Btl arb4 ataBograakor la l&ka

okarga of offtoa la a faaaafarlwriag caa- rar*. Addjraoa J. L., Bag II, Nawp

Ki_ v n > Ti w a n t b d .


Olrti If fa a n af ag* u B a m .■aara I U «rM o'eSaak.

BMarr ta Mart, l i t ABTaaoamaal allkln oim ta tkraa

■aalka. Laaakaaa aarva# fraa.

Bigartasaa moaaaaeaary.» as«A fftf ta sataas

l :N a'aBOOM i m , MBTBOPOL1TAM B I M b,

1 MADIBON AVM.. at TwastfHkM i t . Maw f arli Olf*

CLKHK. * m n bbsIbU bI : tffla l, alanogra- kaak«kaafiri waltraaeas. rbam W :


MUda far aaaakara. raaaacalaa. coancrr aad lAkaa; dawaatle and faatoir kalp, ararr aw

U-CBDAH____ M T A N U IH IP n H ^ TNAMd U M t i n laBBiBl BTfiM «ark: Vbbbi B.

kaBmtB Bi f lii tm ; trBlat pntB m dj fBBd BnartBBlt?. KibbU bt H Cb, Ibo.

^ j tk lM lh BBB.. Illjr. iBBBln HlBI

n x i x ' far g iMral afflaa^work ragatrad ^ % Isrga isa sifsa tsrta f eeee#rs< trslal

pr afar rad j rap^, atath ii aga, aalary aid pMt axpananea. Addraai C. 0 .. B«i II, N^ra offtor

FOB L10MP FACtOHr---------------------- ^i* i WOBKmO PAPBBB.$i FBANK tllt gT.,_RlA_B,

PkMM O ra i tA lO f t i^ i r l f i l ib isIB BeBnie Cast p n , ,n ; llfki. cli

B tB S ^^sItlM i IM i PBF. UBt

C tilltK -IK—TaBBd 0r1 la siafAtB V arm ibB ita ta«aat naaklaa la laeal baak. atala

i^a asd adaeatlas.afflra.

baak. atala Addraai Q., Boa I,

e n s B r waa^ 4 Mata anpartaaca a id aaf- arp atpaetaA Addraaa r . C. M.. Boa I. awj a f f l e a ._______.Nawi

k e H T R if t


l lT oMbb abb.. J bbbba ikWBBk IBB.)It rm a # Iw a bU bI ••Bd «BI A»ttr

VMMtl dOBrtBinBd; 1 Utw^ IBi BlBdr A vk, (BM pBT. M

M im a HBBBtulBrlBd Ca., Nawark. N. J.

J . U aatrT lM Nnad

CUM S~«rHAD T POM- i n r a O L D -M T A iL IIR n ‘ j n i p m i i N c n r n

itriT A TtN O AOB, a x -IX -

IS S W i-A 'R * **•

- U A t^ N a a l hAH had t^N rl-■fklBd tlBM iliidf l l ■- -------kUa pnfar

o o a a a r B T a L a rra R a n d iH A PEit axpaaiaN C B D .





fBB BBIBBI dBBBrtnaat. A n l i .1 awarkiteadesVa aftloa, foartk fla kalara II A. M.

MAHKB * CO.ilaor,

CKAmBRM AllCW ArrRBai 'B M ir ta f n ;N Olai ttidga: atata rofaiaeeoa agd waMg.

Addraai C,. Bai I, Nawt afftoo. Uontrlair.S ifA H R B iC tfilE '-W A itR K airi^ iB .' nKT.

afoaa roqulrada Call IM Pranpaat i t , Boot OraAfo.

H otoL jIt Broad it. Apply Barwtck

CABHlBfti.L. B. PLAtrr B c a

v ast aipaftaii«ad caikiira.& p |o f« a it Offlea. iaoand I

saa« liM A. M. a s i t l I tApplfflaor.

r is s L t u u u rill p a n s psA atk__________ _S n a with |BB« BBPWtBBBB

i * ^ N r y r % A . r T ^K C,. II* w 7 t* tk at..

m a oobrkb^ ^ I ^ I mjBin cBBfciBn far taU

•iBAdr PMittaB. AppipiraAd BBd Cadar bIa ,

twantt faad m a rr)Bkpl, IMt

far IsBtkar fBBtarri WB««aj BBBir n a d r tar

----- Brs B nr. Ca., NaUrwla Klth war. • ______ _ _

’•"lirM -vfm tra) rad waaiadi faod w b m , ataadlB>H. U. f . Tsai Ca , Ibb, 11

SU ^J^kC aj^B ^^A D aWp ^w ^ t PaAK•T t.. WANT! CABHIBIt APPLt BUPBlIim t i N D i N r i o r r i c k . F o r a tH r t o o x

it>alaaa a a s with wkda•riSMital work.atsailM aaui work. Apply

Oa.. Wataaaalag ■aatlag.

A tltlB lI waalac; om who widarataada ka^'kooplag m f i t iod bat aat aMontldl;

!iad aalarf aaC atiaAf paaltlaa. Apply at Fi^ftk*i. lU B riM _

SkiSiBIli—AttraetWe fa ssg lady for liTifc- motloA pirliro tkMtori aaporloaco aooary. Addrowl A. C., Boa M.

mport dp dia oaailM lilttad far aaport.♦k t l . Nowi offtaa.

oilpat aaoaaaary.Nowa o f f i r a _______________CA BH I^ wanlad f«ir f-d«y slatara basa^

I II por «-tak. Addraia I t C , Boa «|. Nawa oltko.

gra lo ah iu for ataady d p ^ r iu n s p Maaua

rkal a t . NiSark. N, J.ffiS ifT iK aaMffaMaX App^p~ Bbafnald

Laafkj <Tt Braad at-c lb a m b iL

i i twdaa'V a l M r S :

ktraag womaa. wktto ar oatorad, for goiia oral rloaatng In A tarslta ra atsra; aiaady

caai Makar and k^kolniaii ~ ‘ ' I I Blaai

poaltlon. Am I/LUDWfp BAUM ANN

OBT wsfiu man far Mali'----aoma aiMrlonra proforrod.sdlor Ca.. I l l BmsMt a t

l l - l l HABICBTc L ir iJ r i t” ?<)ii“w # T c r i i

PLY lUPBBINTBNDBNTd UPPICB. | lCUNTON ST. ____________c d 5 x i ^ 4 l aad | t4 far^oliy, laaatry an?

Maar ooaahorw and all toM rii. II wall•aaa, wklla and oolarad. far Atlaallo City.

I l l and |I0 a mantk, room out, room ta. I l lCIti. l i .tnoaih, waUraoooe far Bndd Lok«, Lah

Hopaicoag, Aokary: vhamkorMaldo. goaoral howaoWora gtrla, nvraoo and pratticnl nuraaa^ aamo your plaoa for yaur yaratlon-.Ill paid all iha tlm a Blacklodga Soloot

fancy, I t Main a t . Batt Oraagaj Warron.

__ altroooov/^liuMkariaalda, a s imaid fiwaral kouoowork malda for kotola.

aoaohora and monatalao; kigbopt wagaa.Apply Mra. ItavaM, MatraFolftaa Bipplaya •koat Agaary. II Oadar ata, aaap Broad.

CCH)K a»d goaoral boatiworkor: goad wagaato right girl, moat bo atroag and havo

good rofofoneoa. la i Park a t, Maotclatri j^ono Maatalair I t l tCOOK—Watnaa ta do rooblag; gdod wagaa;

raforascaa. Apply H I Clavaiaad at.. Ot-

t!OOiL~oipaat^ e ^ la goahtag; no mMmdmm work. I l l Marhot at ; b a a a w a t


COCNTBH O IkU WBntsd, akan kaan i bb •BBdar wsrk. AbbIf Bbb. . . Ibb, 1,


aa aBBartBaltf far t wamap t l to da Imparlaat work la tbo

Tka follow*

Igva Art Mft.llpMaa at.

^lOoM AN far ta r aBaSaetBriBB. B fartk PtflBaatk ak. Baal OnaBa._______


IF pas dislra ta work and aaaaalaia in tk a II grasp af gaalal glirla.

If pas v a s t rapid pramatlas.

If pas a a ^ asarial waMfarti aesTSstisais siadloil # 4 '', — -______ _____ _,jriao. fla-asala) nSd Ip oaaa af Mcbniaa asd atkar baiMflti wttkaat ooat ta yas.

If yas ara Is aarsaat VjB dayta ag iBiaraaUsg vaaatlas a l wklas yas wm balMB prasi,

U pas ««Al U aars 111 a vaaii wkUi '

Wii^ f ppsr ik i s aii

i n CUstas aviht Navsrk. M. I..

■r laO p m tifir Tralatag DapartMiat

111 Waaklpgtas a t.

k a tv m I A. Mb nsd I P« « .



FOB UCMT. Cl-BAN p a c t o b t w o r k .











c o r sb t pa c t o b t


i l l HIGH ST.

A l i u w iS a T ^ B i^

S n O r BB tratat tfl ikrfa linaBi nsBaBaO# ^ adrsaM m al.

. . . . K tB tta,; U r tfu u n a ^ wark: 111 wr«k u a ta rL A p,lr

IW Bwad BC, tap tlaaf. __ ______ _diilL for BManl heBBawerii la aaull fanlt>I

BiBtB onlilBc. wa«M MBi karlBiBr aasBla. Tal. l i f t CNan^.a lR U wBBiLrdT'tBBBd d r tr la rart u d Ja- . « .* ■ » « PknatrapM a Or..H I CIlBlw, arr.

B A L B j m F - w 5 5 d r

*Uark k ^ __iALifaJiDt ikf\R llW HI VW


IR.b. ! ^ b am m n a raatagrtpuM ca., IfONTCtAlIt_____~ - - P **** J— i l f FlT-iTTY fir i r r g i i^ l a t i l i l ib if tOtfuAf. ^Marod. i i r llgki faatary wark; ka«ra aaad a J a r r H r aso wRs assart*

P w T A S ir » « : . . S , c ^ in f i a T i iS E l i "” *_**ssaai iTir i.*, m a_"___l _QIrLB w an t^ . iipartoacod as ‘ faat and

powar pr«MM. Aisarlcut Alnwlauni Wara **o.. I l l Jaliiff ara.GfRL—School glrf Ip mind baby all day

durlnff tummar vaeallon I l f High at,naar Cantrml avr_______________GIRLS; light faatarp work4 flra~ ^y a a

waak; paid for als. Arlington Brsab Oa.,y l^teyalto __________________OIRL wantad for gasaral hw aw ork; faoillr

^ thrao adulta. Call at Mra, A. WaJUah i,T Thasiaa at.______________ ____________oTiiL wantaj^To wark In ika Martha Waak-

t l ltngian Candy Blora. Apply gtBroad atUiRtd; "c l e r ic a l WORK. >ACT0RY Or*


GIRL wgiiiad for v«»arrt offlea warkj aii- pOrtano# not nacapaary, A p^y_ll Colt at,

OIRLS, two, wantvd In oogfactlonary atora, caanlngB. Neuinaa. Ml Clinton ava. _

OlRL for gativrai hoUMwork; plain ODokltif; rafaranco raqalrad. Phono E. 41.___

dlRL, la attend coal offlea. light work. In' gtllra H Jaftaraon at, _

Ge n e r a l offio# glrl waato#; ana who ran do ■lanography or rapid typlal. ataady

poaltlon. apJatidid adaancamanl offarod for Iba right party. Apply U t Main a t, Eaat Ornnga.URilEKAlr botiaawiKhor; good pay. Mm. B.

Salwngn. IH ATartna E. Bnyonna, N J. HOUSE WuRK—Woman wanlad^Tpieineil

family; good plain cook »lch rafaramaa, Itbarnl wagaa; would conaldar mothar withfrown child. Call batwoan t A II. and 1

__H.. ft^ChaMnut ac.. f a Bt Or^nga,UOUtiTwOllk—R .jla tiir woman for plain

cooking: tkraa In family; good bnma;m* wka can anawar phona ralla. Call 4 Poraat a v a . Summit, or tal. I l l Summit; cayfara paid.UOUSRWORlI^MIdctla-agad woman fw goo-

ami houaawork. clanrle wtahar: wagaa111 par month, rarfara paid, lira Rodar' nkond, 4i Columbia ler.. Waokawkan. Pbona Union I Ml.HOUSEWORK—Plain ron||. firat floor work.

wglta or colored, raferenca; high «ag*^ Mra. A. Auganblkk, la Kandolph pi.. I^w . afk.HOUSBWoRK — Tnithg woman to da bouao'

work; good wagaa. rtfarcocao. Apply 1#4work; good wagaa, rti Cl«a*land at , Grange. hoUb e w o r k ' In family of adulta; no cook­

ing and no wMblng. mfaranrao. ITt High ■t.. near Warran.HGtlSEKEEPER^'ompanlonnMa, RilddlaT

agad woman jo cara for amnll apartmant: no cleaning or laundry, |« a woak. II North Klghtoanlh at . Kaat Oranga. invoice ' Cl.kMK wanted; aapariancad;

muai fumlah rtr«rrni.«a. Addraaa I. V., I l l Broad at.. NewarkITTVc h in ' ' w 1 111 a n Wa n t e d K)R pai

TORT CAPETrJHlA, .NO SUNDAY WOHiv. APPLT EUPUiTMENT DEPARTMENT. oXWELD ACKTYLE.s e CO.. 441 FRE-LINOHUY8EN AVR. ___________________LaXtHd r Y; aipfrlenead faodara and foldam;

IH to 111 par waak* arrordlng ta aipaii- anra. Iiniiar l.aundry Co , 4|4 South rlln>ton at.. Kaat OrKnga. near #outh Oranga ava. LAlTNDRESi. plain, to balp m kitchen In

country for aummar Call or addraoi |74woodal^ ajra j_la!_ 4141 H. B ________LAUNDRESS and kltchan halpar for aaa-

ahora botat. Apply l l l ^ Sbarmati ava . rtlyLa u n d ReI ^ Wantad for ragnlar work, r^>

afancaa. _l l i Fifth at,MESH AND

hALBiUlRZJL dgy and •vaaigg, ggd nwinigg ca^klar. Mtrtbg Wmblsgiin. T4t Bm sJ.

BiU.EiL'XDT—Bi^wlaata^ aiUs.la4F tar 4nr ,a<.d, .tar*: f*a4 par. n * ■*. OrsaCB Bn.

BATii w o n BN ' Wa n tb d at aaV*. apbI, n4 CIIBIOB » n , aac. CfcaBirkk > n .

IW lfCHBO^jlP a ; , rBlPti MMltani aBBaraata iwitibl anpiTi .Clifton at..

tunlty an|artwi_i>id opirgiir............. |g (gitary; oawtrsl

linen dMlmdi Wgitt 4 ~ it

•EWBRiT wggtnd.~ part gg# fstl ttis ii #n<partanoi g it giianggry. Mipw'n Drgpnry

■ “ “ , M islilglr.Skip. 411 BleeisM d gm>« Mnstniglf. •W ^H B o X iU i oiriKkTOR waataEi Ba

atpartiftoi SiiMwary. ApflP B«tb |irg*latpiiHoapltal, High and Win tn irB .SBAksfRBSS W A Jrrib 'r iia f U k M p n ^

U r - •Hnmia|Mtbl< H fpttnl, I II :


Hnylora, d ii Br—d rt.

itDoiig gag,I an I


FOR EXPERIENCED PERBON;REFlaY. STaTINO AGE, KXI EHl-ENcB a nd Sa la r y b x p b c t b d .




TYPIST and ttnsifrapb ir * u ^ tg ifflea of maiufaoturtng eoacara. muat bn neat

and aorumti wllb figuraw; aalMT f l l to ■tart, but good idvaaramaot far ■figdil' and willing workar; In aniwarlng mtwt atata ■ga, adwratton. aiparlanca and rafareaea A d d ^ a _0|^rtunitjr,_ Ban *, Naim wfftra. L'kACHSR. amhitioui, raaourtaful, wno

lahai to anter iha bualtteui world; lum->ner employment. Mbaral aalarr, parmanapi

Addraaa J,. Boa 4A Naweput! lion poaalblf ntrina.

tr l k p h o n b o p e r a t o rBEDBI.I. CO . HIIOAU AND WEST PARK

AT*. Wants t e l e p h o n e o p e r a t o rAI'FLT BltFT. B OPPICE, POURTW PLOOR.i'SKEhS wantad, youag girla to act aa

uahtrm. Apply today, maaagar. PrecteCa Palam Tkaatar.USHERS for aftamoon or all day_Foa TarmlnaJ Thraiaf.WdUAN^EIdafTy


woman, □arman or Hungarian, for ganeral howaawork: good

kotna with plain paopia; two adulta and one i-hlld; Wagaa t i l waably; In Waet Oranga muuntalna. can baaa iniidtya off. Inquire Idaal Bakary. 4T» fc CUntoa aaa.

WOMAN wantad far ttakwgahtnf and la balparound, hoara from is A. M. till aboqi i:t»

P. MBMli , IIV

Aadraiaa T. J„ Bai :_ _l4,_Nawi otficw. WOMEN to candla agga; goad vagaa paid

while laarningj aUady *ork: eoAgiplaJ bourn and aurrondlagn. Addraaa Egga, Boa A. Nawa efftca, Qmnga.WOMAN with aiiUd wantad far ganami

kouaaworb. mrfara paid. Ckll ITl Ormf- ton ava , Foraat HUI.

■AUffBUB«MBCHAIfT9 wlgkis ssWIMsi


imntg agfpastaa ____^BWBl rtBAlriBs: Sbf-b v«,R #r HslrsBl.

■« MbAIbbb bt».: W. BIbbIbwHSB.c a r p e n t e r n B U J.bMBf, r*BBtr waA]

an.rBilBB,, B B nt« ; Ssp , r OBatract. Saad. an trailaa ,, n r a f a t : oar ar naatracL S*i Baalal StraaSla. t l Chaaiar a '« ., IrrliwtoCARBBNTRT—jakMaa aaS a l ta n i la a ^ a u

w ar, la hilM las llaa; raaaaaaSla. o. RaaRalt, i f f BaBlh Ela.aalh •>..C A K raN T tf~ *B *tl l a l i S ^


t f t BaaU, RtaalaaBtt sL'a m ir . a .

dnya 1"RTCOOK-'-lkg^ayjMnt

I isd Suadaya, ^ l y gs4 A s f f i t .M l bafara t t • ‘o la ^ fa t i r d a y ,

s g ta T y gkd .

ialBT- . aiBba

HI Si>yk Omnfa nan., ilea.cUkV, "aipariancad, wlabaa atagdp parttias.

■ Addraaa Cbaf, Bam H, Nawa aTftaa, BKu59T5fj raclitarai. w s i l a tS S JS

cKargia ntil*ilgia, ^ l raund. aiparlasaad, wgnti parmagaat paaitlon; mfarasoaa. Ad* draaa ialalTlteg 41, Nawa offlea.t>HUOOiST—itaglntarad, foHaf; bai 7«Ty^,

4, I opon; rafaragea Addfann Drwgftpt. Bon II. Nawf offloa.ENqrNEiR,~wfiS~grgda O Haagna. daWrai

peallloo; wgteb agjrinoar peaferred.“ ‘ ------g « , “d rm Entlaaw, Rej t l , Haw, aftlaa.

CARDENKrI « p .r i laadKapa, flBWan, T.«.iaBlM, frail, ««BatnK4lBB wwa,

wgnta work by the day or waak. AddraaaB. B., Boi III, Nawa offlea,JANITOR, anpWlagiad, daa^aa paaltlag

gpgrtisant: all ar pgrl Diaa; Mgkaa all ra- paira. ToL Omyya ft • IW._______UAJ^N, colomd; s a n u daF* wark. brlak-

inylng and plaatarlng. J. B. Natln, unlan raaUj tV Htfb at.. Newark.PAINTINO, paparSiaaglag, cmldanlnlat aad

plnatartiiif done vary raaaaaakla. Jacab BaaMlt, III South Savantaaatk at.______

MAH.DO YOU w a n t a m art

A raal Urn man wHik Initiatlva and abtl- iLy; g man tbnl thlnki aa wall a* worka; a man w«ii oducatad fmm hooka and by aiporloncu. tmval aad ohaarvatlaa, and byanaociatlon with big and littia man nod bualnoM; a man who nan handlod andknova man. aaparlvamd In a huilnaaa way lu accounting, advartbing. hook-kaaplgg, orTMpoaOanca, offtra and factory managa-

and ca- . _ _ ayitama, railroad, gar-

arament. and maay cominerclai Itana af bualneaa; a eapahiu maa with a wall- trained and artiva mlad; If thcao qnaJIflea* eioni ru In with your neada addraai A. H., Bov HI. Nawa offlea.

■ingU, aspar$anoa3

■ urfM ^suvni*, vjiir« anu urio ryrnent, «ellin|^ plaanlpg. dovtalng veloplnf affvrlanl nUtnoda aad ramlllar wlUk the conduct of railrc


MAN, mlddla agad, rtncla, asparlanoad aaleankan, would Ilka pomtloo: light work ly kind, maderata corapanaatlon atari. Ad-. ... . corapanaatloh 1

D. C., Roe II, Nawa nfflco.

— ------ c h a in Ma k e r s , k x pehIENCED on 14 CARAT SOLDCRKD






R ’light, claaa anda fpw gtrta

itaady werlb

T ill ta II and U 4I ta 4 :af

•gtwday,fnr (iwf dark

T U ta lt:4 l A. M.Gawd wagui gwarantead and aa llaalt

ta agmtaga whaa profleiant.TKB YOTBT ORGAN CO*

------------D. N.GARWOOD,


Gaaaral wark In hltebon and cafa* alia of laiwa fartonp


WESTiNOHOUiE LAMP CO., Wateaaaing av«., Larkawanan R. R.,

Bluvmfiald. N. J.

OtRLB.t t m kS-ti-4 wetK 4

waal ta woik In a lanRaryala fbeterr, with nitady

and gaad pay

LAMP CO,Buflaa^, L^ckawaaaa B, R,,

WEBTIMGR ___ilaa. Leckawi

BmcMflald N J.

COOK, aipaiiaaoad, fnr nmall batal. ava* ahem town; aino weman for ganami

kllchaa work; good wagon, will pay earfaru to partlM ongagod. WrTia BI.Senalda HalskU, N. i.

S fR ti: o l l iU i 6 tf tU iwaal wark. Tau aaa gwt any Urn

yM daalra. no runalag amoad; wa rupplyall avar iba itaia; avar 144 paaUlana now

i f Ika akaraa and mta.: tarn paidBtl ----- - ‘bftM all

tagatbar: gaad manay madai alaa iplemJidyaur frlahdi;

vaaailaaii apan T OROV

ptaca yau allall M.

_ AGBNCV.141 Mala ■!., naar Oroto. Bant Omngu.

a f i tu i ON A ccouN niH arTkara ara navaraJ eppartualllai for glHn

an ilarleil wnrh la tka factory] ae as- parlanee In requirad but acuuraoy; i goodorating kaowtadga of nHilhinatla aad good kandwritlag ara nacaagary; wa will taaak you our atoek and ear ayaiaw »C acuuutitj Call al 44 Chaatavi at. ar pkona Mulburry444; auk for Mr Toang.____________GIRL - — aipariagead talaphone

lar’i offlea; raaldant of Kearny; gaod poalHon and

■alary for right girl. Tall Salmond Broa.U i lHm_at.. Arlli

GIRLS to work

oparalor In coalmria Arllngioti

IfiLLIKKK; ftrM hIb h . wantad; anma taunt ba gaad trimmar; good aalary. all-yanr'

r ^ n d poaltlon. CmH at onm 441A Oranga at. MAID, for ianamF¥ouaawork; email tAmUy

living In apartment; Foreat Hill nactloA Apply Albarl S. Koaalg. tT4 Broad et MAID for ganami boueework; amnti family;

no wnabing. 147 Harrtaon el , Boat OraB|^ . AID—k^olerad maid far aranlagA F i t TarmlnaJ Tbanler.

WOMAN to go te MAaber*. amtat cook and do laandry work. Addrma B L.,

Rernoida tar., Omngu.II

w oman wnatad, wkifa or ealatwd, tar pan­try and kllobaa wark. Wolpln'a Baetaa-

rant. IH Marbal at.WOMAN 1taf light baunewarb; amall family"

eoi^ homa; no laundry. Naah, 144 Rargan at, WOMAN far

Apply Hra* K. i.

gaaaral ipla; feed aama.

144, Nawa office.aeweewetk^ bealaeue

Addraai Woman, Boi

WOMEN to da cleanlig; good w uee ply Uauaakaapar. Robert Tmat


llAhcfeL WAVES. K, u U ' - h s I< >» In Dilicr ^ b*b*b. M. A. Dnw-

»aa, Madlaon bldg., MoirteJaIr, N. J,ify U E S — Tk. Hb)i« f~Md k IIbI mritBkvBr.

N J , haa varaneita for Iwo undar- kla day annua; 141 a maatk; raem, aad laumdry. Pkoaa t ip t, Rahway |4


•alMwomen wanted far ocesaioaal amploymani, one or two daya a wrak.

No esparlaaoa rteremary. laatmc- tlon will ba provided.

Raglater at employment afOca. aarond floor, between f;l4 A. M. aad 12 H.

OPE^IA TO RS—Tlplaui an3 hand nealan.mountaru aad athar uiparlanced apamtora

an miiilatura aleciric lampu: nlaady work and hlfhaal wagaa paid. Naw Km Lamp Co., II Sloan at., South Omnaa. N. J.. opp.

.rkawnnna Stalloni photio 2l4J Souln Or*a n g a . _____ __SiPM TTon n M ^ . ' t iperlenced on men'a

.laelar Shirt Co., I l l

__ ____________ T U i .V A I T » E ■ s i l l . W A tT R K S S B S.


vB(H. iiw Sr m k ; A>pt* aftM- k P. M.,^ ' ■ ■iBrSrt M.Alpha Raataim nt, 44 Ifai^^Ti py


CO., 144 MARKBT ST.WAITRKS8, asparivk i^ wantad at tha

tlih ln ing _R M Ia^a, 111 Mata aL, Or-anga, ftour Day at.W A ltRB ^.

braakfaeLrt., Eaat OTgSga.

g |* wamaa t« wait agriy Tha Bniklagham, IT Pmnpaci

WAfTRE^S waritad at o m Apply Marl* borough Hntal, 4l North Arllngtgg avu.,

Eaet Oranga.W'AifRBSS and dtikwaabar wantad. I?4

Woahtngteg at, call aftar t P. M., mady to workWAITRESS WANTED POR RESTAUR­

ANT. II m ain ST., EA»T ORANOE.Wo r k e r s *• h u - mU Mv^tNis. XpsTr

Atlanlla Camb Worka, Rallavllla pika and Rtvar 1 . Nartk Artlngtaa.

TOUNO LADT wantad far nOMa. vH k name aaparleeee nf beab-baapinsi ntuady poal " - -- - !€ # ••« .tlon; t b i n h f adtancama AFply at





Morrla avo_.j_Nawarb. N.^J. __ _PANTRY woman waatad. oelor^^er whita, _____________________________________

to make and eerva mladn. aic.; mnat ba YOUNG U1>T of aaal tppaaranca for af- eulcli worker i no night worh; good par. . . . . . . . . . rApply Martha Waahington tag room. 14T Broad 4t.pRCssER Wa n t e d on k



flea wark; allgkl typtag adpaHanea: al! X* ' ‘• aalarr

Hoi III. Nawa olftca.ftrred. not work; tiaia aalar

mtial: gaad haura; daMrud, aaparteaca.


TENTH STPo w e r p r e s s o p e r a ToRs^waBHn «■

parlanced on operating powar pranaea. Heady poallloan and chaam ta aam good wagea. Unlqaa Art MCg. Co., 44 Sbipmaa at. _____

YOUNG WOMAN to luara S ip au lag . laaal- curtflg aad facial paaeeagwi aaa wuk a i-

peiianca prafarrad; p ay wWla taaralag; »ar- manaat poaittam. Adidmai Mabdrueear, mai II, Newi afftca.

rAlNTKK ond puperhanger, f tn t -elami.reaiunable rataa i l l LAfayatta at., Joe

W'ldejbo.REI^AIRINO, all klndn; palntlag, carpaater,

cement work; lew mtea; day or caatmet. Addrein R., Be« 11, Newa offlea.HiflPPINO CLERK—Al man daalrau port-

tlon; iborough all brnaebaa (ruffle, factory rouilne. etc., antiru ebargUi baadia ail kelp end aqutpmeni. produce roauJta: cradaaUaia the beat. Addraaa L B., Baa 111, Nawe af* flea.SEOHETART-EXECVTIVE,'lt, I c m -

atrucilva eupartanca. auacutlva aaefutarT and monagar, urallubla for high gmda poal- tlen; |44. Addrem M. C„ B«i If, Nawu af-fir*.THAPPIC NAN. ikoniiisklF up<rl<-o*4

roilroad and mercanilla mathade af pro- todure, good claim odlnatar, Addraai J.,Bov ^ Nawa offlea^_____________________TRl'l'K OWNER In bmS »t i t u d r » » > « -

meni (or dump work. Raffaal Bnga, f t lHHIer a t. Newark- ______________WANTED^Poaitloa ~n manirfaalariag

plant aa aalm afan l: a eaicam laat naede Hi product puabei te Ibb limit; klgbaat rafon pamonat tnlarvlaw. Bov HI, Nawa afftca. A d d r^ P. C. M,


C. HILEY. H SOMERSET ST,Wa tch m a n wanta ponltlim; age SI; will

furnlah jwfaraam. Addrunn WatcbniiSiKIII, If awe office.________________ _

YOUNG MAI^r brtghL klgb iobaol gradnatu, wlabia poaltlon with opportunity to laamhia pool__ _

book-keaplag. t Iltyaan, 41 HllJMde nvn.,-fk. N. J.

EM PLO TH EN T W AHTED— W OM ENCOLLEGE OtHli wa&ti lummor poattloa.

prufambLy outdoor work or tutortag. Tata* ‘ “ a t e - ........................ ....................phona Maatelalr l l l i , IIS Walnut at., M«nt-

eUlr,COOK, nrM-olaaa hoBiiL (roitw unbr: bWt

of rofarenca. Call at 144 Caaiaf A . Or- aaga; wtlliag ta go away; na oarda,

avpeH en^. wUlUi naatUon kfUl av boarding b— . AddraSi C a ^ Boa

U, Nawa ofrko.COOK poaittan ^r~^gDat bo«r aatyi

“ “ 144,

H Mwa-

wtabaa , . .. ___ _ . ____of rafaraaca. Addrann F.« Bof 144,

Nawn offlea. ______________cU aHRERMAID u S wnUrw.

moiMk at., oily. _______ __



_________ W » tkniM>n< *»**-«-SW •sHnwn, MSF — tw ; M wai-Uas

MMabm (MR Mninrk, N. i.) flv* fsll 4*- MM a Srt-k Ik saeiw les- AR.

111. Wwr, -WMk.___________

nmosBiD WKisu ro t ia u OR TO LET-SBASHOM

MAMAMVAK, X. j . - m kHasal*w-»t. Iskk,. _ ntkis jnK^^ Ikfnlik.S, Im srp ..-

•kn, jtlllpnalM *, SWUM H. W. Hrr

i u .Clliiak si., Jm * r c iir . X. J .. ;>iiv'a ti

***»**■F O tM U H lD l O t n U TO U T -

t t A M O R Ekaxkkuko—r if? »—■ kkissiow «iu ,kkth, la MmJ Saaak s m Ims i M itaia,

f ra a kkuh: alMly n tn likM ; all moAar,,

i#-BiX>M ^ rm bonau, nlealy Inrnlakad, iu lad far Angnat. near baaab, good bathing.

bnaUag* Ssrifgp firdan, a4o,i |144{ truUoy 144 faat from banaa. Hra. C.

Harlww, K<

r, palOB >, W. J.

OaTdana, WaM Kwaakkre,

PLEASANT, K. J.—l.raaki lianw'.Imptg, for aaaaon. |4U. witb,nrivll*ia f»

raar; garaga ahd fmJt; twa blocba from ata tlon; raring oaaaa. Addrunn Ceinmblm Tnil-artiif Co., t f Main it., Bradity Banvh. PhoM 1441.S^R^NO LiKK. N. J —ifi* : T-noma, far

aliked: I minutui from ttatlog, I block a from troMay; te id locatloa; good eaBdltlou; from July io fata In fall; luiTmproaed. Apa to lata in rail; ttalmpmaed. Ai

If I Haca ava, Bradiay Bmcb.u J L R O ^ banaa, f«ralahvdi'~(w~tb« iuvivaaloncaa.N. J.. Im ogra raent

^ in Raaalla; with nit eon- Wrlta Q, Marrtll, Ktgblande. a af Oa W, Hardy far SsfalBt-

T W ^ tb Bradiay Begeb aad vicinity, riagiag In

yrtaa frwm 1140 ta li.H e!" T. ' Frania Applaby Ca , Bradiay beaci■pplaby Ca , Bradiay Beach, app Pupot XEANB^URQ—Baaatlful bungalow ta le*

IM (eat from boardwalk and baach.icreanad-ln ioruk' can nccammi^aie I- reenoBuhla, 14 Ballavlew ava., Kaalinhuri.WEST KEANS^VRa. N. J__N,w 1 ana .

room neully fumtahad bungglawa tMpTte*'

.ch, gae. water, akowar bath, raaeoaubi* M- Bonhag, Ceatral uva and Thlrd at.

BELMAM—New faur-roam bungalow, fur nlahed; alectrio llgkta; July I in Sept, irHSMBw, vmirifT iiaeu, rfuiy ■ in oepi, if

Inquire Palmar, Maplawood rd. aad Btwardrlva^^lm ar, or pbena Market 1441.____LARQB bouBo, near IharE KKar, neH-

ocean: cloae ta Avon Station; rent Iom H. Schumaebar, aavt In borough ball, My, vaata are., Naplaaa City.GRANVILLE PARK, Kaaanbnrg—Flve-rooni

baagalewA fumlibad, naar tha haarh._ Iowa fumlakad, naar tha ha Apply III ikara Bawlavard. ar pkaaa I42«i

‘bon.Hairtil-R O O M ~fcn.^ .w . l i t ! ■aanoB; earopiiiL.

altea, |1 |; ahadr. nrIvaU beach. Lor doa. Saa Bruaaa Baaen, To4tauvllle, ItaUii lalgad.NEW rODR-ROOM KUNOALDW. . ii fur

nlahed, ta a Chrlitlaa family. laqulr. Hn Laitarwaaaar, II Parkway, Beimar.ATON-BT-TH B -SIA .-X t..tlful aaw l-reoTti.

baik, fwalpkadj oaapletad about July I AJbartk 111 Waabfnftaa bL, OraajA

B O U SES TO U T. V n k t l t u B H lU r ^

raut and |SI4 eaak np bum yuar homa.nama In and fu t l l i t i ----------- '— “ -----IN Marhat qlSlE-ROOli HOVIli rOMESSION >DLT


B O U SES WANTEDWANTBD ta rant, 14 ar 11 ream bauaa. bi

fora or by Sap(. U imniAi aantmi Iota tlon prafarrad, Addraaa It. M, E.. Boa li,.

fora or by SapNewi afflra

T O L E T -O U T O P TOW NORANGE—HawBA fowr roaraa: 111 manthu

aad 1144 eaab bnyn It, Why par reriY Naar Eaiaoa'a Bayar, 144 Markai a*., Nawatn.

H O U SES W A N T E D -O U T O P TOWHBIGHT or alaa mam boata. aU improve

maatn, aonm yard; If paaalbla aarltar than Oct, 1: two adulti. na chiidraaj Ommy.Maplawood,'Brocmflaldi'atata full parties' lamj beat ralaraacaa Addrma RallabiA MdptiT rfa a ^ afftoa, Omnga,TVANTID Oaa-famlly bawaa, na iaaa

aevaa roomi, all modam Impta.; la gw't: natghbofbaod! aa lat at laaat il-faat froatag#! located IB tka Orangae; givt fall dr- acrlptloA M, R. Smith, 14 tM t T yrtj third a t. N, Y. C.^AWTBD--Ten- . .. ^avan room bonne fnr _ lang or abort laaaa la Bloomflali ar GU / lUdgu. Addraai SuburbA Bai 11, Naw»iCtlcAU detK » fUt, • I* I rM n . O ikaft, sr*

tin k k : . ta .1 M l « n s l . Ow UIh , ■1.114r , . Cottr, l i t H w w fc M.. MrMklxB

A P A R T M E N T ^ R O O S S AND P U T Sr o LET

APARTMENT—tavan light rooma on aacob .floor; all Niodam Improvaraeau; nawif

daaoratad; hardwood Room; ateam beei laAltor aarrlca fnmlihed; Idaal tocaltiy f»rSodor ar danllat; rant 1144 par mooib. Al. draaa N.. Bov 114, Newe officeAPARTMENT, wlth flva larga, llgkt roamj

bnlki ooraor houM; all Imum vamamo YAUawwrgh aaetion; far two aduFia; Gasitiw g h naetton; far two aduru; Oaallk



amouA A ddy^ Owaar, Boa ||4^ Naw» aft^y.a p a r t m e n t --PIva rooma, ail modern im

provemanu, vucuum eleunar. See Jaaltur oa pramlnoA Harvard Apnrimenta, 141 can tfai avA, Ntwarh.___________APARTMENT—Fiva roamA bath.


haal. hot vmtar, targe lighi rooma:July 1. Day. ITI Radier ave., i-of,



a p a r t m e n t ta let with furniture ter aaii .no daalara; ta be aaen till T P. M Lu't-i.

444 South Qmftga ava.

DRESkMAKElt wl*h« SMillon u uMaUnt drenaruaker; aiparltnced. MrA L S

Brown, l i t South Grove at,, Kaat Oraaga, OlRL, l i ; grammar'nabool gmduatei wlakaa

APAItTMBNT, 4 reima aid bulb; Inmn * dtala poeaemioa. Apply Janitor, |TJ Roe«.

villa ave.

Lj II; g m i__________________ _____peallJon fa office, or tube earn of amall

childrwi with private family. Anna Blli,

AVON PLf 14—Ftva roama; all Imptm, ax capt baat; adulta, Saa Janitor ar afiav ;

UkojmJJmiiga i_244.

POWER PRESS eperatore; aipartanead;oieeed Saturdaya; ateudy work, gaad aal­

ary: celomd. Apply Mekuwk MaUfTay Ca , Bleeckur and Summit atA

y g g x d U M . i i t t d a y . ■ * o ~ n » acK A R ai < 0 f a k c c L f 6«T l ■Xf I k T


• J .S m It., cltf.n o r m a l sch o o l st u d e n t 4—I n . pm I-'

tlon for nummar or pan of iwmmar. Bloomflald 4114,

:^O N AVE.. IM, IHT T n . l tu h M.—S*,.!.roomr, yaragaj alt Impta; nice aad brlghi-

WiLkUTJFUL 9-rooin and bath apartmani, all ImprovamnaiA with or witbent garaga.

•aen to appraelaU, III Sontli Oranga ave.

E N C E ___ ____ ____ ____GARTEN BROS,, 411 HIGH BT,UtK JPERV,, WK* KKJRMM IP*,YOUNG LADY WAN^bV ^ ut alarlnal work,

ana wha bM bad at leant tw« yaan* as-

SKOB RCPAiRnro.LadfOA don't have your goad abaun aWb-

Mad: brtiit 'am ta ma and Nava tham mada Ilka new. John Maatk, 114 Harkat at-, baai maat; twa daora from Sunday Calli Radar

oif. Alataadpr tt. Apply Jaalteg ar Wm" ~1lht4 'Simon. ** **T

I^OLISHiRS—Oaod poattlona_______ e ^ a fur otpa-rlencod poHabom on Rno grado af Jawalry.

Carrlngton * ** Watnut at., Nawark.pRKasER To r sw B A fc i i ; i r a A S ?

WORK, k t o r a d b k n it t in o m u x s ,TT1 SOUTH ElOHTEENTH ST PMOTOORAFHIC P ltY N T E R II-^ iiSH w a

prtnlera on _ai&ataw_(lnl«hlag. Stagman

paHoaea In gtaaral afftea work. Apply Haaovar Sikoa Stara; haUway anty—an Ctarday P, M-. H4 Halnay pt.

BsTaU T I^ L f-rwai^ aad balk apartnMnl;alt ImpraiwRiaeln, wUh ar wltbont SSfRBv;

naaa to apprwdata. I l l Bantk Orakga av«,‘ car. Alavaadar at. Apply jaaltor or Wu. Wmon, 14 Clintaa i t

TOUNO LADT for afGca w affdaratand

Apply WUI«' BloatnflatdTOUNOI

kTVEB. WWei UK-boah-haaplng aad typawrUlag. »w Garaga A Salat ^ a . I l l


sT in o o r a H I i^ t T t i a f . wlabai ia iubatltita during iummor. any

pT, with aoma aaparlancn n^ typ-

IlmA caalar of cKr or la dlrartlaa ofAddroai Tuiapwmry, Montgamnw i t . la

AlVeJtiJlfc cLi NTGN ATHi, *441,

PhotograpbJo Ca , 114 CUotoo avalag. for goaoral offlea work; rufuraaaui ru-

AddroBo a T.. Boi 41. Nown offloA


______________ ___TOUNO oTr Li copabla, tor Ufbt konao*

work In asnall family at aaeskerai good Bag III, Aeun-tiy-tba-t

BURNET ~Et., II—iu - n o n . nH ki b n i- ,, mpartmanti runt |44. Inquire Mra Wei<,

nacend flaar,boSTON ST., 4^ - * ^ ^ ro ^ a . Inqaira ii

----------- atofW;___ _ayfnwTFeahlaa ava. -

111, NEWS OPPICE,Four ta ftvo rwama batb, naati

pravaataRta; I I I ta IM. Im u Iiw wwtMr a s sraialBaii I (a 4 P* M-:

tatb , baati all Im- Janlt'M.




TOITNO iJLDt wantad far offloa work uiparlanaa raqwirwd: aninry 111 ta atart.

Addraaa B.. Boi 141, Wuwa afllaAirOUNO -


in d u s t r ia l p e r s o n n e l s e r v ic e .Room 114, ITI Broad at.

Whan tka nest waak day oomaa arwinS w br sat nand m r ololbaa U adr wp-la«Ma,

M l n r r M m MudArt. l*e. »wr sd.

utdNTOK H lU f e - lATK. Air, >#,■ ikodwk likkm *-.*-U ; tlM n, All . . .

3 At I t l . A jS n it HAdATA. KA( m , Xav,n«

a a H T C ir~ H iE C = H iir

f S ^ t T u l l T . to mmIm ItAikAlf EAkAralS BwtA) t» aWI—■ Assly lAI XtaaI a1.

TOUNd eoU;w'^iroiAAA u hltAkAk maU~G AoAfdlAd toiAA. 4A K tS Si-____________



FhAkA XArkAl Till. Otaasa f l lL

bAISj AtAAH, aMaMCI AAAt HR-rikbArt, IH r ■■ --------------

CA gF if t . .


COLN vUHHiTURK c a , -------- -------- :LEIUU (iBAk. WAiAAkl. I t - k n r d , f»r p<i*tAl nAll •ArTlca; |U l kWAUj ASAml*

WDMa H; wlui bAtr. -hdiAA saMUaa m AAAI AT SAAArAl bMUAWArlwr, CaII Al U

H aasuIavIaw aaa, OnnsA, at khAkA tlA i

nwBtA t t r llWIAirA

Arllnftm._ at a ^ a fointaia:

paiianca necaaaaryi good aalary te atari: wllb advancementa l« rlfh l imrtlaa. Apply enabler, eoda fountain, Publle Servira Ter- mlanl.

• T f N 0 O R A F _ X . R - ^ K . g J ^ |

■ l i ®PBRtENCBD iK :

cblJPLIH. # iil to f i l l a HRaRtb, g* aarayfar aummar: abaaffanru, wivui a e w t pfl*

vate and It Main

DWRABUD t AAAIk fUlA l l . -----, . .f i j i r * - * ' **^ »*»•

U M A N T I4AAB ASMteAkL Iwki: V h


COVPLiM, aulBrud, tafamliy. Bhia llA t mtlaldi

Bag ' -NEWS o r r ic B .

wBgra. Addruan t44W Summit SammHk ar M t

Ufltldl; light factory worbi I ; l l aT Ic.- Ifbt .|;44 P. If., II o'clock faturdaya] wagruL44; chaaca tor advanoemont, ~44|

CUntoa i t . Eaat Oraj|Bgo. noar Soulb OraoEi

iilRLS for light faalory work, raotal pnrto; e1<

ond benue wtillo |o FrBnoh Manalkrtartag Ca/


114' Jacheon at.

STEKO., bII araand%^#ie« w a ^ i wlU taka avperlencid ot good bUSlRMri iplaadid

(liBBco for advoncimeot} j l aaaini oorcaand*. IngB! oat who can hnndia tha publle pro* ferred. Addraaa OppartualtFs P> o* Boa III.

FRXCT CBjilN MAKER Ak so li u T 'ilk B :: ■kn chAlkt. I l l MaaM I M ~ F ^ Iat

TODXO LADTI II VAAn; AAkHAkAtk UaaalA -rrlU kk lACArdi, nsdAr w k A ir ktktA>

■AkiA, tflAlRklHMAA; R*A f ta n f kIkAttkAAA

OARbBNER, mlddU'^aiudi."'^ so '«B0*

OlRL wantad to worb la eonfoatla atora: aaay work; g a ^ nay; prafar

wha Hvaa boma. Apply Ml BanK a tGIRtdS, M^riatkcod an Bowlag m n ^n e ;

aparalcwi and team an wantad In jlave ractory; highael wanaa paid. Call Br« aUadt Ca.. I l l South Tanth rt.

munwraciurer, Btenogrupkar «r . ■oma asPiHanca; ascollast fafiqutrad; alead udvincamant offlea.

dran; mnn to ba ganaral bgadF« vMo aa■ ^ 1 k^ntljnl raaRw anjifoe*" ”iBundraM. ______________

tf LAW. I USMIAM wmSaA-nilAA w aIaaM vaMi b n w . A i. CASaMR »A« It, XAWA AftlAA.

ju m O aiR Ls, urAA, WAki iA ~ k k ^ aTAbAAk AA AbAlkWmAldA, I t XAUklR


B 'i


eady poaltlon and apfortnaliy for Addroaa Slono.. Em L Nawa

oialr; tai, Mantolatr l ir

GIRLS wantod to loani iba ialnlnf af ma- tlan plolaro fllmai good ebanoa Tar thoai

laaving anRaal.. Cvomlow Film Lobar— .a s;;;- - -


A XaMahA AAA SAAfAtAAlAI KAbAAlAir tjfS W r. 'A iT fiJt:® M W H . I------



A> llAAklAR AkA-i WaaA O.ABSA,

OlRL IkA tAAAnI IwkAawwfe!sin Is UhA I»r* Af bAbr *4 I

SlA StiTAA, I I I ATAA aaa, dto, «1|VL or WAAiAA.


STITUTR fr o m AUQ, M W 'M , c a ll BAI.BACH S H K L '^O 4b RBFiXIXa CO..puRCHASiNo d e f t ., H a m a r k e t et ,bTR^IOURAUHEi;; a (SAWAAimt 1 *IAAllini

AASartuAliT t , r rlfh l BAAtr; aIaia Asa. aa. AArlHir, And AAlArr. — —X-w, DfncA.

lAhA i .tilreb satIi a1 llbfAnrt AoisSAAAAtt^ AddtAAI. RgblAblAS fAfAAjkIjIA Akj kkAlWlAA-Ua« a OaI. X , Kaa >11.

IRAPHBR nnSirataadiiti ^... - - - f l f***^**?? YKntrad. EdkRrOkmtJoinn avo«i clatking bonao,__________

^ N ta da abniabar w a^ and h im to i dntlaa In wabnnga r

kltolu -s ill .

Ily of tbvoo a d ^ f fT C 'u i^ n a n t i o n who geaa b m a ^ n l^ ia |gagiff»d. Apply at aJorvatoT. T4 Uncol.a^

STENOGRAPHER, for law ofne*] age wRb l«tal anporlanra prafarrad; atala anpaii*

aiua and ralary rwqulrod. I l l UnlM bldg,. Nawark. ^


4MRL, AAlAnd. kABAIAl IWWAfAtb, lA b .AAA At IWA IkkMA fnr tA—ll|T At I AiAll

aaI rAAM Akd bAtb lAr mAld. Fbok.m .

•TBNOURAPHliK — KsAAllAnl ApkArtAAily lAr iiMMl nAnaAnpbAr; n u t b . hlsb KbAAl

SrAdAAiA. AddrAW B. W,. Boi I t, N»n, a t f l c

II 4a it FAAfA Af A »; in wofk (a __________(ActArr aH I,.. . AdirAA, lA A-m ADDRESS S.. ROX UL NEWS OPFICK. A, OtltAA WATh, Xoi M, NAWa ------------------------------ --------- T------

STBMOORAFIIEB. BRIOHT TOUNO LADT,b x f b r ib n c r d ; oood o p p o r t u n it t !

IMRLa, AAlAlkS, AS ASttrtAAkb A« StkSA, m IBS M W ISAARlSASI klAA kriAiir. 1

F tisrisshk Dr—» Cm isast. Al Ktaa. aLQIRLK —lAred, wa- I aS aa asaiaIaaa m

■ ^ g i & ' d a * & 4 s g y -

• s b ^ E T W r s g ' ■ b a r ePnlWlwWlslffllTlLilBISlij^^ Ifflll——■— MAMSW»»

ri *Maa*UiMrM lI (tM <1

n » S A U B IO M

•d, lM^rQ«c> I, ftlU v « irr

i . W. Htr•• ^I|M«UP4(I I t H«rMr ., N. J ,. illV.

T O L E T -

nctkow w iu Mki 4 M lfiv l# * I; mi mo4*r.. . fU r^r pl4m0, klUr, ftv%.• i i j n t _____

tiirtil« li*d , la food bAthtns-

[ |1H{twm. Mr$. C.


i i ,p r t y i l* i« r»r MB* Tram ft«-

Tail'padlar B«ai h.

T-w w *i^fir I ilo^M

:aod caedlUoii; npravad- Ap tdiay Baacb. far tba am -

« l i k a ll caa- It Htfkiitoda.T fa r i p H t o t

I tar real it» Tt raafiad In

T. Frank , mpf. D«»oi tfalow ta !*•

and batch. •minadat* Ij ., Kaaoabtrf. •N*w I and i nvaiava otar [h, Tvaaanthir. nd Third ■!. lunaaJow. far I III Aapt

rd. a ^ nivtrM I tit .____

Hivar, n*H' Inn; raat la« nail hall, h>'.

iT|p—Flra^raoni r tha batch ar phtaa t#2«<

Itan; eamaliih.batch. f<or

■arllla, ■tat*n

jbW, all farimhr. lB4)tlrir’, Baimar.Ill aaw l-raoRi. abatt J t l r I


r tp t a a t atrt T#«r homa.

i lo S r jC L T i , HSfTBAAVK

1 0

aaatrai lao^E.. tto« 11

TOWW: I I I m antM > rhy p a r r a r t ? la l N t w a ta.

r O P T O W HaU laprpva

ta aarltar than drat; Or«md". I fall partIcN lUliabla, MPa

ianata.; la ft<«i

i l - f a o t fra a t- atva fall 6*- la a t rUH]

•om hoaaa tnr ntlald or l a i 11 , Jfa« »

. O rtafo^ pfr OanUloo. to

■L, Brioktyt

M I D r U T S

am* oa otcaa »maaia; naw4r

aiaam haai m lacalitjr fiv ar month. Aulea ___I, l i c i t r t a m jIm araro iaaw ta d t lt a ; O a n t lk •Mttaa; raCar It Wtw II uadarn Im r. Baa )anltcir taata, HI can

b ath , ataa.i. It room a; pva d|ar a ra ., i*of,

•Kara for^aaii . T P. If

h ath; Iniiit'Itor, it; Aoaf-

a ll I m p f T o i i Itor a r B f la r ;

lath al.*^vi.'i. Ira aid brlfhi. 4h apartmaiu, rlihaqt taraca- I O raaft ava, Altar «r Wm

th apartmant; rltfemit m n w . h OraAct tr*!., «ltor or Wm.

• ta tm A ttk ot,Irt Mr*. Wot<,

3l Inaalrt

¥ ^ l a t avo. - haati akJ Im*

Roiro Janlt'*!W.: m i w

rooma Om¥ iS ih f .

ITi. Ktvo140 fo«r<^ootn '▼tpoBlrn

i! * i

SfiC lf.lAdBkfp

• roM» apartn

i t r r ta rt* T lK M., OOP top*


ta tk i 0>*« : M«Wa & J V T l i•oofOM 4Uf


).{ fiMM Wt«

U "'Ugt, 'a i»

M M M t bB ‘; m d rn m Bbt,

* ? s a g s !

* & V S S ! i

S ? ! D R E ,


im p t a i r o l l raasouB B it!if JKtll! a a ^ a s w L

■ . r N tAW bk oad. _C i H y W o 0 * T M M i n i o Q M I f •( T H O M U i t H K M i

H n r « A ^^n.*ti •la roatAfi ovary Impt. laf ttra oaeoi>{~

- ■ t ■ vvw«, irwviH * U iK t t l i t ( M i k N m t h It.•ootd floor

JC L U rr AV*., n»iBi n. 1* A t i l t . I i t im h t« i. tlA t-t r l t l i r . , . 'n i at t i l k » . i n f« .

IT.. I I T h l r , t t p i r t m t d i ; tm Al). ' i ™ ! ' / . . * ’*’* "* . t l '» r i« n u in d A A lh ; M«.J W Wl>Cf«f A ,n fh itn r ttfla t l .a q r h Bro»A.,

LIITLSTO!* AVE.. t i —Amoriean coupla lava larpa front room mth kitebanetU

eloao, eomar houao; prlvau an t r u n : m a i l Iw q u i* ,; ,4 u u h Ii h a » « pia prorm ad, runnlni waiar; «o« of haw* (hd maoHtaa


W E E T I N O e( III, H to l r A W T A i lM lA U p n r , 7 i ■ ' ' ' W M t T l A thA• It '^'■Ka p t T ln lB i . Ju ly I. IIIA,• “ • *• *»o^r rant payor In th* elty ih o u ld a t t in d <hi> tnoounB.

E f t ' lA D K S H T 8 T . l l l- ^ T h ro o U r| a , Itfh trn o fi« , An ontlr* »#{>ond floor, III OtOrljr

p a ln ta d and d tro ro to d w iia r and p i i tor t^w« mdult* Inau iro klO.M T i ' i i o * p " E c f i i V E r i » : ^ 7 s . i s i ;

*aa_ In q u iro m ptnne it• •VI! p io o io n i roo-rt. p iM ly ’ fo rn U li* d '“ pr‘r

vat# tom Uk p r M i« f* h | h i h o u M k o o p la a , r* n o * il ro g p lr , A<1«lr«i R nf>% 171 N 0 » l ''f l lc o ,

OitcrirAPI^ ^ 1 i Kurn|tio3~~^pv"7T~‘aaY4 ro e m i. p i f im h«*' jt/ iiia r t«rvle«. U r

H n w lioy

F k R I ^ iR , bod room , bam and k ilc h o n m ^ o r n a p a r im t n t hou*«. |||, com ptotoly

*,**'* ■1 * '■oorn* A p p ly to M v l d - Orn, 1014 B ro a d . 1 m )4 J m ( to-m o rre w

l i r . A l J T r o f t I N S P E C T I O N — N * * h is s -i i S ‘ • ” « * fA AniA U | .n « M n i iU * » T A . N tw a rh c . l l a b p r t n -

Or phnn* W f v r r l r I f t I

•Ikm i S E V l l . l r * , f : i H - H i i B - t u ™roam*. A r q u e i flo o r i ih ro u ^ o u t tto an i

■ ha»«i. but.*r ■ pan- rrnl Im;«lro OPI

l U ^* r t r __

hikt »«>pf. tii«d b«ihic y and b**i ii'«| r»mtB*ii.K^'KtVlLsLt. Xflrm niKth at, ai —piva

r«.0 Tna. at) Impla ImmOilIMO yoM coalon * la j j6 n. At>pljr o i prriib1t«p

i i - . i i i v i i . i . E M , T , r . ' . ^ j i - r r » r ™ m . a ll Im i-it Irtin iPdlit* fiftaa*«i1on Ti«*r IIK

M fir ^liAf|uhp [,fi r.rpmiao*n '> .' iK V n .l . i : T».-. ( .m i . , h oV » ir

r Cior hp*t*r« ■• partla rn lro n ral " i *Norih R'p^p.n^h *i

"•om« M 1' h and tr<-i]rji i l i ' S i v U . I . H A V K ,

iiOUT rr^.ru i.-ar ihrr# Trotlay Mt)«b Ort f A 1 * fa n il I jb 1 f M

►fiflO* PI 4* * lryl■Al'h n««r Rua«<bUla B ia ilo n

w y



%r «« .a n t r a l!-urTila^fii iriur-riir-m apartnioni (nr

a tn tiT ifr rrfrT«.iir-#a oppvnilal Irqwlr* H * n rj,

B l\ R<h i M h * .r* m H ill a r .l io nAdOlu ..til, |4 | \v.»Prh 3«U o, addrAAM

h l \ H iK iU h . baift a I Lm p. >■« «ntanla butn r a i ih rr# fan .U ) I nupf ai H i l'•ar■M1»

in jt t ir a arr.iTiit f: >urMIN liR h l rrvotna. m '.si-rii im nip r l . l r r »

'■•ttpl* p r* r-rrr .l A M ir p a pifti 11,,N*w a o f f l . r

.N JCI^AT Ip Ir' ; n«Ol> p a m trd_ i l - w a l * 4 . iK r e,«iN j i H r a ia a a \p P H K B M A N a V r Tooina f i r n

r ,M r b ath , M p a n is . h<ptrr n«ar Uurr*> •1 I r t ia d ra r t a m |«o

t I K Of n ih a-ro i.m flat in |«t lo i l.ynoa t v f p H I m p u I a ll batnA-PQ £ f r M . fJoMr^

f i x la rd * , i i r h l r..Af,ij a n J l.arrL I4j l*»^hlniA a v r tjfPT t :in|on

P* •( T H K r i t l l T K (*T IS l Arvuiut flonr pparin » rrit an im p M ppwis i|»rp.rit*,1

Im m OPlIalr |j'A«>r«BLi.n lpa>r .tiip Mf>, t,>p- iF a l p i r lrnll*|r

S o r f u M N K T E E .N T H »T t t l - A l . X . . S ' " ’ *'*, * l- t . I K r H l >V K M K V T S l A M . U i r m u r f l . SK Ctr.S 'l' P 1..IOR

•*’ ."I • ‘*T ......... .11 ,n,pl.ln<|Utir cri nrrm lpr* arlulta

S fA 'T U T W K l.F - T H Ml . U 4 . f U * m om *• 11 iTni'.fc , rrni tJl

■*'.• I H - A I X S i m uF L A T I M P R O V E M E N T S C A l.t . J * T

M A N . l iN P R E M I S E S

T i l H K N O R R y i j A p t r im .t it S , two.i h r t . Bm1 (.lur m .in is;

m . n i i j . n l i M r . j i n . i . n , t i l l j ' • Od Ir w a la

BUBLIBTTINO now apartmoai, 4 rooma thd baths madora voavoaloaoaa too plaaoani

locailam 411 Farh aoa. lU*t O n u ^ ^ f - ^ly JanMor #f phaaa ioath Oranfa t f t .SIX roama, ail Im p^. Til" i ‘itot6o ova^

inrtaiton. N. j . *iMblro Oaldhorfi !■oaadpr B tara . ________ _________is K C K iM f l a t ani^ * ia t& rfb c o « d flaarB ( o jw o -

family hou**, r*ai |H laaiura 111 Proa* foet Ok,, ICaat Orahio! tol. Pfamo ITiT,


M^O(>llFlk:li.l>—kNyor rooaaa wl‘h all atoatBfioid ar noarby. Ai, Ntloom, ifal*

•on Toai Jdaa4ilna Co.. II Lioarallya aotk, Bioomflold N. J. ______________

PLAT APARTMIKr OR llOOfl.Two adultj, with ona chllB, I, I ar T poama,

within eomrnutint dlatonca Mow Tarki PiBI radoeaabU Addroaa Raftmo4, Bot O, Itawo offloo. Oranfof o i 'i i ' room t f u . all Imota, A id . T

roni aot over l l l j far family of t i m . Addrwai Ballovtlla, Bai IIS. flow* offtoo >o'rB • r ft»» rAAiM la at akBul irv ltf lM .

rBnt Bol Is satBad 111. Mr* CariMBn Ifs Sratli Oram* BTA., WBiTBrh.____________

FIVE »r Bli rsBK* wBstAil b, IMS lallH In snM (HiiMi, br Aalr 11 w Aisual

1. Addroao 11 , 0 0 1 1, Newp o ffice k iA R N t or Arllacton. waouJ.'T. T ^ p I

room*, baihj e«opl« with child. Addrooo Roikabla. Boa u i , Kowa offico.>‘ E W L T m a rr io d coupl« doelreo 4 or I

room a. b o th , m o d o rn Im o ta ; la i i a o i ffi*|il nr v l r ln l iy . A d d r* M Stprrlod. B e i 10. N e w t _______________

6 f lA N 'G C B - ^ u r n i i h o 4 4 or Y r d o n ap att- m ont o r « m a il howao w a a ia d fo r tu m m e r

• r p ro fo ra lr iy a lo o o o e ilm o : roaaeoabi* ro at. ad u lt* . A d d r o M 0 . . B oa f . K « w i offic*, C 'ra o f o.T H R E E a h e m i< A N A D C L T S w b b i t n r T ,

fiv* u nP u ro to ho d ro om * In JEoam y or A rl- I n iin n , re n t roao n nab l* Addr*** A m ericanM ni >1 . .S»«* o f f t r * _______T . H 'N i j maerHod ee u p l* S**1re m odern foor

room p p a rtm e n t w ith b a th , n oaev ili* «r O ro rtfe a o r o t t r T e d , o re u p a n cy Rapt I, 1*oaa. A d d re e i H B- P , B f n 1*4. N*wo o fflca 4 k f t o O U f l w a n te d , a il Im pt*., R a a o v lllo n r

R a i l I .ra n r« p r* f« rred Phone <i»riando. c>r*f>a* bOTI

PURNISHEO P lA n AND APART M E N p T O U T __________

A f ' A F T i l K . N T , I room * and b ath , handoom *- ly f u r n l^ e d e fo ry m odern Im p i,. tint a

aum m e r p ro p o afito n COM moat reaaooabl* In ^ r m a n e n l t*nan] . no nbjoctlon lo quiof ch lld re ib Cftlt l i t So uth B * lm o ni a v f b* i« * e n I to a n d I 10 p M A T T R A t ' T I N U fu ro ia b o d fiv* room* m d

b i lh l i t M<^^lfj*lr iv * ro r U t Pro*p ert R > e IH . * J H HH A L l ' I ' l N MT I I — r u f t . ihs-d ip i r lm e i i t . 1

ni th re e room * rea* "n h b le Im provem ent*.I '' m ln u ie t to H ro a d en d Sferket h K ^ 'A L t H'r ITVT -T h re e fu rtilih e '

tMfMlern eJe t r l r U y . ih n n e r Rrreen* andn w !i| Fi I ■ re f ereri. eB h . j A U S T . n T i - t v k o H iK ix i i a n l .

H A T H . A L L I M P T S I N g f l K K J A M T H K h R .I ■R.'<l H A H t .K e p a r lm e n t for *u m m * r-w ln (ir .

«*ry c e n tre l e n d reaeonehle <'*M between 7 30 > 10 O arrlt> M ifh tt.I I h .N lS H K t i or u n fu rn le h e d I or • ronnik'

■ II tm pte. 1, h .Lb ln \\K IlMljlele r t * t ' V l t i l A B P N T . 1 s i — P u rn la h 'd ep a rtm e n i,

5 «ntl 4 r^Ktme. e lean i he^! jen lto r e .r ^ he U r T taw tiejR ].. T ' . f t N T , 3* ' T h rO r lla t it htiueakeep in i

rnnm e. ih re e m lhui«« (n tu b e l M arh el U I 4T W 'i * n <1 ih r e r room*, beth wtrh RU rhen

»H«- e l* .« r i. r ie rv ic e liK ju Irr }*n»to^ ; i w * jh u l *1 , r iijr Ph on e 3 l* rk e :S K i n t i l A t M H T M I t - N T far

niehed hot P e ' i T ^nd Jan ito r for 1 ,n tn p lii* nr |•>naff P h on e B ia n r h M i l '


T W O - tM ap art m ent furn iahw d or U A fu rn li

k l i r b r n e i ie , e U i^ ir lr lt ) , p'rertrn wtndo* n o rth U p h t , -b lcin lty n f A rn p er- preferred P' I K a e tm fr i. A m p e re . ,V T t v h y o u n r m en de*lra furn lehed berbeior

a p a r lm e n i . A d d rea* A m e r lra n T e tH le Ttyeetuffa I’o rp tU U e v lI le . N .1

Of J V* le eat ran . e. <lehr'll hyth and ■

i n i , i . r . r ,iB s r>„.n,. B O B ,, F U R N I S H E D F L A T S A N D A P A R T -

iiin :" br.L';",';, 7:o‘**,isr,T, l " ents to let--out of townI KA.N T e t R A S . i K — F o r rent.

t>npi» her e h . A m e rl-itnfe R] Rurn

*4ftv 7 » k 'M iH H

'■*0 fa tn ll) mep ave

fi'|J*N<'||.,1IS ,11 . i „ . ,rneut IS ^ e n h l ln *1. T H . W ave rly t I M

T H U U A i C T ., j ; — l,a rf i- fm iii Ihtrcl *u,i __ foO fn. OH cfin ren len ree p ri-e reae o aaM f

N l f ' T O h V I 'iv L H T . f«»rii*r W aln u t aod «tr» f l t i n l at*. I rooM epi . firm iahed cif un»

ru m la h e d . aH m udem Imiua , r te v itn r e#r- V I-« . Intfo ire la n h o r «r '•all Mtat I K *

W A ^ V K B L jr A V k . 2*J. n « v K ifPLlaaM h ova.-s.Mire, i f r r W d room and Ih 'tnt room

W Mh uae of h i l l hen tnr U fh r h ovae liee p ln i111 a n-tdow * p r i ia lp h>>tnr lU ^ a lilr f .rn o rk ln g co u p le Phcinr SVaverly •a fj

U K S g t A M P NK. T I O N l.« tiitb ave - K t R b l b e a u tifu l ciH»ma, iu n iiaTtor a il im pt*

fa r* if» ■'< (•mrniMlalUin, m ifnf'llati* m ru -

Ea n ry f1*d. R y ru H m e n 1*4 H a k * iln e et ra rh e i *17.].

1 . ranr f iA 4rr..#*e t Ef _

W R M lj I' A H l ( ' P A R K — F ire l f la t , five larpe, llfhl rtvoma two-latnllr hou*e. every iru>d-

M l |i II utiterlion i i .

an R lr r 4

1 T .e ir B th k . 'h u f r h S taU nri. l i : J lR ll'e d »i I le i I .ra n p e I * T U .

K A H r i..H A S viii» , R o u ih H u o n iv e , M* — i Seven ro om a. J h ath * , e« reeried plaaaa:

i« o iii'-n ih * ( :• • . fine lis .a iiu o o ra a a * i * * iJ ’

t p a i im . la i#l P fliifi J u ly 1

!er m o n th , l ir e / « l u r i. *1 1a«i ' 'TH nqe

T i t u r K It 'iio M a p a r i in e n i neari) furn ia lTeT tp a u b ia t f r o m i v l f I fw iv«t I tf« par

m o n ih . See h ,# la r .ilo r : i 4 .\nrth ilru v* el Kaet O ra n p eW M .I - ru n .ie h c d fiv e -fo o m a ^ r t m e n i . pii

•S’ o r ih A r U n f lo t i * v e , Caat i>ranpe, uriMIi . u n f u m le h a J Ih e r-a fie p rh on *

PluK'-ne K n rI irT . I l r ja n t siHHnK h iiiin e e ih i'U i* I li.A *



* r r im i' i , a d u li* . M l-^ A H R R N RT. 4*4—^ j| ro«iw tTiodern a p a rt . i * —

m ear* all tmpt* , rent |*R. Imniipillale 1 m , „ ,fic- U p a n ry . Inq u lri' JanHor ^ A R l t K B s T . IIO— P'our roarne for

new ly jm it i ic d . water and hath. r . l U R J i l fiBt, » l ib t i l I i|>l,. h in t

flo o r bvjl. \Veiaa, ] l4 R«*ulh K le s e n lh el h arh« 1 i:« T


B T y o u n t . reftnesl. r h r nilan roup la. J '4 .| rrii*ma and b a ih in no-ilern a ivartm ant, |44<

|Ch. N e w a rk ur auburtw Aditr*^*! |‘ rr- fn a iio n t, t io i 4 i. New* nrflc*C t lU ^ T .E w e n ie five rvuMn* iie iw rrn Ju ly and

N eR tem ber I, lrapr<tveitveni*. A d d ra M A m e j lo a n . B o i III. Newe office^

need I ar 4 room i. name im prove- rheiita, *1 o s i'e . m iH lrra le reni. ,kililr*aa

A . B * ii II. BOwe o ffice b H I t R A l l t l f T E . S A V T » t n l . ih r t* o ,

ro om R p artm e n t at i.n<-e f a l l SVaverlyI I P . ___________________

I s lH I R A L «4im p e r.H llirn w ill be p a id fo r fliU lInN m e fiv e runm* fur f>ctober 1 ;

A m a p tra n lo y p ie , you may havn w haf I w a n t, w rU a m*. Aitdre** tlan tlle , B o i iR4, }4ewa (vTflce

| I E F t N B [ ) . ynunp, C h r la lla n cuupj* dealr* am Ril f la t »r apartm ervi in fo o d r*w li«h'

Itwi b ec ito n ; a ll Im tirovrm ent*. A up uai I or B * fn ra , sta te Ctnt w ahim l. A .ld reW A T

B o k t l . N ew s iif f lre

T B ' u o r ih re a ubfurhiah ed riHima, w ith ba in Raid Im prvtrem enia, yn u n f i-uuple, no th l!

Spark, iu r ^ I'H-aiion Retired. L. H lu m . <•« ow4h W inat»em h at.__________ _____

T U ’t# n r th rt* n m m i. part Impta., r e m r a l l r • lo c a l vd fo r m ld iile -a ja d cu u p le , rent t*A>

•Otiable. Addrea* M. K. B ., ra re c a rr ie r 44^ . _____

aiTwIia w an t ih re a or fatir roam aj w ater a n d fa « , A d d r tM AvltNl*, H o t 4 4 , New* fffU'*:_____________

W A N T B T t at Witee, b y caupla «o ch ild re n , fo u r u r f iv a room s w lih Im p ro rem ania

MO! m o re th«R 11 rtd« lo M a rk * !B n d B ro o d ; PO«t 111. Addroao R. |t„ A u aW . N o w s o ffico . ________ ________^ A N T B U - ^ B oor) i s p r lro la fO M lIy ItTlPor*^

H H I fer'tjA o : rofaioBcop if neeaem ey; « la le

ra r lk M la m a n d ro n U I. Addroao ftt»om. l iu i I. M ow s o W ljo ._ ^

W a IC TB M B lh iU f lo l or 4-1 rooiifeO fo r rtn io c m a r r lt d eowplo: sta ts partkn Jata . AadroRa

#• *' • i i* y t l . Wow* o f ^ , _____

f i m l iy . iPifRcao. 14 R o ih a rfo rd pi A r N ^ o h . ^

r p f ln ^ A m o ricoh coopio w ow hl'fiha a n a p a rtm e n t or flat, 4 nr I room a; r*Rt

A P MMSOd 1 10. Addrooo F . tl. F .. B m _____________

T O t r i f O C O i r F l .n w ith baby dowiro thrwo r u o M ski k m p u ., ro a l #31, A d d ro m j , B „

l U s II. ^ o w i offico . _ _ __ __f ^ n d o l i H r A T b w tih 'tNiiHo., V T s d r ' a l i i i i t o

„.‘3ss mp. f r . ^ <H* 'L ____ ________________

B O O H i In tw o 'U m lly or o l« f]a hottas, ■ It lU M lS .. hy odM lts lA'hHOUMRii I OPRII«N

p r o r o r M b Kttdoiph . «f« 0«p«f4i «i.,f t o h okem. N. J . ___ _ ____I r T l I R W A K I ^ V M r t i r f lv b . f M O l f l « , 1

m v M M E l i , Hi b H * n b ltk b a r k M d i n i t t f M g g B l iU . i ' b I M I H ls w k s r

H i.v m U 'U H o r l i L K N R JO IJKOH I> tN A.S« K N O H ]

A n orfiJneht-e la p ro v id e fu r Ike p a i ln ( e>t pli.,* . Iform erl.v tinnwn ■* t le w e lly n

H v in u e i an d fu r lo n e lr m t ln a a infntilna llcvn . i .n r r e te < u r ii a n d a u tte r i-n birth »lf1e* »f •el'i .A 'lam a plai-e

ft«< It r n a r l r d e p d ordalfverl by (he M ayur f i r a i I am t ■'••uncN u f ih e h o ra u fh nf (lli>h Rld|«

In The rn u n ly n f E e e e iI Th«T r b f rn adw e y nf Adam *

p Jarc (fp 'rm e rly hrvr.wn * 0 iJ e n e lly n k ie iiu e j frkEm h h il le n 'l ave n u e in H a w th "tn * ai'>nue w ith in th e iim ii* .if ih e Iboriiuth of tlien Itinae. lb# pav«-i| It n i l a ep h ali limjnd nta> a I

<J*m p a v e m e n t |N'-a Man T T h a i e rn m ltln a I Tun ■ ■•iM ret*

‘ urh and g u t ie t hr ■ i>nE>trij> tei| nn both I «ul»-b lif aa 111 A 'la u t - plai>- ifu rm e r ly known I

I m p lA i I Ik>rd pt„ N o r i l i

a* l.le w e ll * n a V entH tN w iti'n I T h a t a a lii iwij.n>« am em * pK*M I

h«- m ade In ' (iet]en< v w h h Ih*- iilan* and ' ap<-'Ifb'atluMe prepar«<1 h> ih* m llriff I liu ru tish eri|lTieer, r.n file In Tpr ,d I1,a | th - • lo rk o f Ihe b u rn u sh i»r m e n R ld se wild u n d e r I he eup«rviHl-<tt tif ih« a*M e i . f l M c f a n d th e t '> m m lllc r nn b ii* - ip and **wer« '<f Ihe l4orrrO||h C u u n ill

Ret lh>ri 4. T h a t th e l oet a ip l upena# nf ih - f f fc B o ln o irtiprn vrm * nt* eh*h ep ne*s«etl a s a is e l (h e pritpacty brnvriteij th ereby in *4 < n rd a n ic mhki law.

R e rlio n E. A b d be It fu r lb e r «rnclv<| amt MfdMlricd th a t th ia (inUnanp - *hali la k e

I effes I tm rR e ilia lO lyM rt lln a iu e pawa*^ J u n e |A. i f in ,A lte a t l« >4. H A V K T .

M ar^ rJ O H N A R R O W bX,

R o rm k fh f l e r kB o n d t ' O H 6 r~ titB~ N B I D G K .

O H I H N A M t 'K NCL 111 An n rd in a n c o to p ro v id e fo r lh a m n stru c-

tlo n o f a n o m o n atofi o f ik * ayatam of a e w e / a io p u rc h a a o d fro m the tow kahip of R lo a tn fte ld . Ihro M B h H a w th o rn e avenue fru m A d a m * p la c e ( fo rm o r ly kaow ti a i eity ti h v o n o o i to M so lta atroity*. wUhIn th e llm ita o f th e h o r o u i l i o f Q len R ldp e

tie it o fd o lR o d by t M K a y o r and iNiun H I o f th a b o ro tt fh o f O ton K id s * In the c o o n ly o f BoooR. #■ fa llow * ;

• a ttlP f i I. T h a t Ibo r* *haH ba la id kad rn k * 4 n io lo d a n o n io m oIoii o f Ihe oyaiotn nf aew araRO p uroJiaoed fro m tho 4owMhl|i of B io o ra fla ld . to con aiot o f a p tso oawer eiph i Inrboo Ih r lla m o lo r fh ro M B h R faw th om e ava- nM» fn»m A d a m a p la o o t fo rm o r ly h au w o aa j.iew etlyTi avontfO ) ta U a n lia avrntie . w hiah Bvwer ■balk bo la id fn a c fo rd a p o o w ith th« p la n e a n d O p o v if ira llo iia projpared by 1 M■ P t lJ if b u rw u fb o n a lR oar. on flfa In Iha nfftre i>r tti4' f lo r h o f tn o b o rw a ili o f o ie n lildR * and u n d e r th e o up orv la lnn o f lh» *aid en « ln e cr aftd 4 M r o m m lt io o nn atreel* oRd eawera a f th e fR oro U fR COMRCtl

BH'tlon 1 . TIte toot O id capokse o f t M fo re g o tn t Im p fo v o m o R t oliaM be oeaoaeod■ B«m st I M p ro R o rtX b o a o fllo d Iheroby In tM o r d a h n o w ith law .

Rwtkow 1 B e II f y n i in r *nBctad aad o rd a ia e d th a t thIa «r<llaanr« aha li tab* offo^ l I m m o d ia to iy

U rd m o R T O poaoodA lte a t - t* H . D A V R T .Mayor./ O lt r f A . B H O B 'N ,

B n p P lU tt ^ 2 ' r h .

All otlwr duiified a^*

vertiiiiig wiD be lomid

m folbwipi leelioii.


»ooR rtwpa, Ui 4m.

iM * o h lt ir ii

'niiStiwfc "SSSfy

l i r '•

h '


C l O T M t l R S T O M A R A R P P O V A N P H A P t M l A S N C a S

Cor. Market ft Habey St*,, opp. Bamberfcr's

Special Sa le

Palm Beach Suits$ 1 0 a n d $ 1 2

Abo Some Exceptional Value* at $15 - $18 - $20

You may scour entire Newark, but you will not find the equal of these Palm Beach Suits at these amazingly low prices. They are built with shape-retaining shoulders, collars and fronts. Ideal for these sweltering days.

We also feature at $15, $18 and $20 smart Mohairs, Bannockburn Weaves, Kool Kloth, Silk Shantungs, etc. All sizes. All are very wonderful values.

C L O T M t l l l S T O M A N A N P P O Y A N P H A P I k P A S H t a *


'’Nature's TonicTOver I QUARTER CEV- TURY, this old home rem- fdy. knoMn to thousands of people, has served is a guardian of hBallL The o r i g i n a l B O S A K ' S HORKE VINO ls an effec­tive, mild laxative— its medicinal qualities acts as one of Nature’s best aids, in building up the tired, worn and fatigued system.

You will find the original BOSAK’S HORKE VINO a real genuine health building t o n i c . Your Druggist or (irocer will supply you— but be sure Ihe name BOSAK'S ap­pears upon the package and bottle— refuse imita­tions.

, BOSAIC^^ a m ^ eb tr ify Oo,


U.T Swoad Stnet, P u n ir , N. .1.r - o p y r lE h l , I t l d

Split the Co$t!

Watch the papers carefully for Van Dyk announcemeatt. Take advantage of them—and split your cost of living I Live twice as well and spend half as much!


SAVE MONEYDiidiMt Coffee . . Manciibo Coffee . . Victory Coffee . . Comlii^tioii Coffee . Q ^ .T e u kMtV l c t o f y - Oolo**, MUad. <4<.

PoreCoeot •a ir

-V' THv':'

48c lb. 38c lb. 35c lb. 30c lb. 50c lb. 35c lb. 28c lb.

F l i f

^ -- ---------------- ------- -----------------------

P it; TEABS ago Ilmflit m iy metbar tlmclife bar obOd moit bw;^ PABEQOBIO or hada&Qin to mike It ileop. Iben dna will predo^;

ileep, awl A FEW DBOFS TOO HAJT; wm prodnoi tiM SLEEP FROM WHlQt thtA p. is no WAIQNQ. Ifaity are tbo ohlldm wbo bare eni kmod whose health baa boon rained for lUb by pansorliH laodasom and merphinoi eubof which tl a narootio product of oplnm. Drogglati are nobibited from npig; either of tho naroottoe named to oblldres' at all, or to anybody them “poieon.” The deflnltifBi of‘Siaiootlo ’ li: "A mwUettte whiek r*ti«eiM pabttm d p ro d u csi ils tp , bu t tehU h (a po in m cu t dose* p ro d u c e ttu por^ oem u, cm*snl»aioiwanei The taito and imoll of mediolnei oontalning optnin are dlegtdMd and Bold under the namee of "Drope,” “Oordlals,'’ ''Soothing l yropL” ets. Ton

ron tmieei you of „NOf OOH. ^


Children CryTor


O f X o i S e ^ S a X o f ^ o i ^ B i I l i ^T « « i m h h t e t m t a flti vary W fla a t^ b a cm it et* 1 410 —

Tou w h a t k the BattarwhMHfaNa bad. It e t a aely cry aed laak to yaa f«r hrty H t tha aura yai ton baby, the aora 7^ w ait 1* half baby, tha mof* yw « fh t ta raallat what a rawaiynockaf Y CMtarla ^ & haa baaa laad tar babiaa’ alliiieata far •vag' thlr^ year*-

to axparlaacad dector dlaeonrad Flatchar'a Caatarla aapadaltt: for babia uaa. It la a harotoaa eutirttata far Ctotor 00. Paragarto Cnpa tad Soothing Nrrapa. Dactori whakiaw.what ia aafa ato baft/ j f e , l o r bablM haw o a l y good ta aay of h.

Doot7ao0ict yoM baby. Oat a bottla of Flatthar'a Caatarla aaa . give baby a few doaei of It. 8w haw tho Uttto oao amflaa at yaii U trying U thaak yoo far helptag It. Soon yoa wlU laara ta dtpaai aa natehar*i Caatarla, aud* Jut for Isfanta and ChOdraa. and ft a., courw yon would aot Alak of n d u anything far than that waa not .4 * .|TtyaradaifOcUllyfar lafanta aadOtlldran. 8a katp It la_M M to

aiHuiNi C A S T O R IA *tw *w ^3Slgnatore of

f -

lE*ct Oepy of Wrtppst . T H * • • H M H V , M a w W M

BEJe«*v '1


HOSIERYFor Good Valu«

98 YearsDoing One Thing WeU

For almost a-oentiify we have beeo content'to do one things wcD—knit hosiery. Ipswich Hosiery fits right, looks well, and IVears Sutia^tciorify,^

Not Just a moderate-priced hosiery — but stockings knitted up to the higlwit- standard, yet Aibdarare-JPricoof—that is Ipswich H osieiy.

The wide variety of styles include numbers in cotton, lisle, mercerised and 6bre silk-^mit to meet the needs of human feet—for all the family.i

Look for the Ipswich Trade Mark—it is the Sign of Good Value.

IPSW IC H M IL L S, Ipswich, Mass.BatiMlikiiHa

O U u t O m * a ^ f t « L m n m t H u A n M i t t t i n t k $ V M t d S r n m

LAWRENCE ft CO„ Sole Selliod AmentaBoaioo aU N*« York

O t # 1

1A, *

m .

Mo. 814. Wo- W ta 's I p a v i Aoombod fottoo,'

^ I

th. lt.«ll0B**

) k M r tisitfM tM M taM t ( wWI* VM IWM.

•t-MniII U l lT M n . I l l

«Am l Ih MAm l Wk* II* U l i t M

Tm <«■ l*«n Tumt. rW ipIn• r « • f t tk> «*k« (kip

•M •fnsU d iHtraiUM mE a ta M t PM (r> pU nd n krMiK'

aMa M (•■»•(«*. If r« ( E £ M k Nr kwkMt. "Tr>r>la« Mtlp

■ APPLY^ 'j^ /iH P u m iK N T DCPARTinitrr,

■tMT o o a p .PAMC b a t fB tP TARO.

■IT innrARX. n . t . oom BBPRBnntTATnrB. HR. o s i r r m i .


t S L T S i M ’ T L .* ? ! :Mkiii it.1 B Ii% M a« i NMikIkRMA Im i Im *

» ^ 2 S f S r ’R . - « ^ p SBli a rtlrid aw., Tir»— , W. J.III

callw iM t m r K « w rt \-k>-iM ^rmoi

'MUNQ^AlTwAaNd M Mmmit ttM- M la Mial Mm« i m i f O M I.

~ i l ^ S r l to a i4.roVMO M

•lUatlM r*ML OiU B«fBJ O*.

iWO UAH la wark !■ ( tm ;rttk nfartaaai raa l waaaa. I l l Mi-

t x a i k ara.___________________________ _'"M il'IWa B o n U laffrar B anpapm .

“ ■ l | f Braad atliiaa 'a ><>afc tiara, I lf Rraad a t_____f o t ik d Ma n U ik partar aiffc, Huplar'a,

I I I B ra il at,________________________

H ELT W A N T I D - W O im i-ABTISTS—-LeAiw ftrla kara

Im wraAwtwa; naliloa «nvlii« . _______Aaalva lUaMfaUM: — f— alfhljf 4 t f M i fllMtii. SiltA Tf*M Anidpaal, K t B yaa 9C1 TUI B ■*

BOOK-KECFIBKan b* o»m» •t#«t a a i aecaraiai



pA n u ix u *| « < ^ T p PWDAT.

litaiaaM li MrUi Mplaai aasa vtll ka

T m n r i rw tu a«uiM

mm la r«»triafi Mat viiI S M I f M «•#«• !• rlfAt J

lUwi »I•lan,

^ __ . •ffk »Aim m m^rfi>r «Hc

• K lWfliW Kff* aanAar wtalikr w m a an , ^ troalM Jarf«<

m e w ; MiM vAitlac, ^ "" lttw> aCflea


. >awf»w Taaatf____ _ M la n -) K aM fiila rlif «Mo«r*r la^alai I * a » fM i: I ■

pH»wt affl—.

•Uta M*> aipaclr A iin M Em T'

i i c * l R A i l # r i f S :__ i t f m MlaJT>I v m is f wfciti. i i ^ tagraum l_ IA»ll1ar with fkrtarr

UlMf \m itAit ai raw ttbbt* M aarif «9 IM* m f r»- wWk n i-aaU bltalki w

VMlai hi 7««r Itaira

RtaalNla^rlteeei, MaklaA,U|r •i>»r1teeei. MaklaA,

■lag Maai. AiplT MabatrA “-a k a r AM ■famU aU.

tE f i^ b «ia i f»n|tW *m Kiirgi ^ a b M iif M i r«<

Tba lUb*

bK ar M iiaubl ■blpplap paKtlaa. fAltaata Iran B

reaag m m , is an«M at Apfir

t i i P l w 9L AMliTANT la

LADTritC tlE ll »OOX-KE«riKO MA


SOOK^BBB^BR waatai, At, t« taka ehafga la Javairr itat* »iaarl«a«a a a i

•Alary •tparlai- AiAr«a« B- M. I Nava aftiM.

9 . B a « U ,

IIOOK-EEBPBR aa i aAaklar. ■iparl te o a i;aad tka *f r*naaak«ai. Baa If, TaagaCa

AfltaflMaf At«acy, Baal OraafAfe o o K T ii iF i i t and ataaatrapbar t<

okATga af aCftca la A WMifAciarlaji a« Nava orhaatara. A idfaaa j . L,, >#a il.


CLKBEl' V A i a D .


ONto If yaarf af aga a a i aaar.

A*ra f u «:H a'alaal Jarr la ttan . I tt.aaat vUkla

Maatk^ lAUMkaaa aaraai fraA

Eaptriaaaa anaanm rypAgplr to


1 KADIBON ATBa i t TwMUr-tklri a t. Mm Tarh CUT.

CLERK, MdttAat ; ~tyiyltt, a tvaom -.N.— k. 1. ,^_a.-------pkar* Wok-kaapaft valtraMai. ebami. .. M lia (at ■•aakara. faavBtaJaa, oaantrr aad lah«at ia iM tta ami (aatory btlp, aaarr aa^

4BRAL A a o b n c t .n —CBOAR r r —II

KiTAMtIIME D _ r iP ^ TBABi.t gaanfal afflo* ««rk,

a t (Igvm t trpNt■aai W

— _ paparM. (A Maaaar

« ^ k lp aaparUatwl aalaBmaa. a: ■■■4 aalarpi alar atvaral PL TtT ■raal al, _____

a larm atuU M tarlad aaaaar a i tn la l . prataaraJi n>Tr, atatlni ■•(, aatarp pal apai 1; rwaflaaca, AMraaa C. Q.. Bei IP. Ifiia

^ in i - t l a a afcaaawk'I ail m a d Bitai ■aai aa«aa;

I I % iilw all a n ., Harrto*

Iia M, aapatlaaaal. waata3 a la t |r vaak; aaa l aar,

* fcaa i n ArliiiflaM

___ ■TMIaliApplp l a a a ^ a

la par Aahar|j| J S i

L i a LIl r a m aaaa, aka«lMM «ai Akktr

‘ ^ v .....................aataC ^BparltaM i: I bU [ a taa ir w«fB t m pap. M

fta, Navarkp N. J, i i ta i . J . Btoaatp'^lin

_P0»d L O -B f tA B L ti i^ -------------- ^ID p AiXPBRlBIICi


A M ,' BX- . . LART BX-

“ ’gSrfe.A Ti*B - p p ^ j g ; }

I a laa . pnfar1 ! ^ M^ttPiLiar

•U f o g m i i m -------------------

. B C . I l l i r ^ l l t k a t. S . T.

vw iia l tar laatkar N atarri i appfr m i r farlalakac Braa Ca.. K aala*

- tw a ilral-iTaaa taal aaii

f i m ^ n a e l a l work. Apply tata CSa, Walaaeslas aactLaiia

-hapart M lla oaatli« m t- k r tia lilM t v aipart. Al>

Baa II, Waaa a t f l^ara iMkiaa far aiaalr

■pplr lilrrap Maaaarfcal a t, Wawark. N. J.

MAM—Bsparleacrl la ladiia-“ V a S K S H r S :

aaal laakar and kuaKalmaii I raadr for work. H lUaoiB-

rtACTORT v a iiu man (w ia*tt« ■‘ I with aotfi* a»*rl#noa praftrrM,

il»r Co., I l l Emuiot •(,


IMtoicoi mart far v tih itic d*« — aablcl—. Apply a t •mploya i filtoo, Mtoath door. batwoM , i T a a i 1 r . U.

I R n n f f i t k r o i r far Hliaaball. lor Kowark, Appir loka

KipaFark Milk and optaai Co., raar ~y at.i Ntvark. _ ^^"vilk ftiviaaa'*

FawliM Launity

Vi adlttldd aairolUial|^Warlu, MUvlII.

ArMaptoe.liar Appl* la p ik a a i i

i^Nlfbta, ta (actory bvllili BWlaiVtaad kotlar RutacR. H i

Q t ^ i a a t koaaat aad ataady Bpply vltb ratcraaaiB. 411 Mar-

t ^ a O BBrtTOItMBX aaatad. Paaa -E lBTr i l CaMpair. Appir la A. B.

^ a i R t T araiaat PTMpki Traia K a^ I Kpdtoipa pla. Jfraay OPy,

paid appertaaRy. Kramlat F Ca.. tno,. I l l M a ta a i tk aaa, ally a lagalra Mlap

Wkaar.»ekl<- (or paborat •ffiM vark rapalrad by

larpa nim ifaatw tap •aaoarai t y ^ t«•

____ T E i a rU aparala foot .......... . llfkl.

M aalfpaStlaas paM Hf- DaliOp., I I Ikipwaa aL__________M^BW OHa M far Mr au

Marik WBiiaalk al-. Banauwafariarla«.

■ Oiaa«a.___


n f yaa dMira ta vark aad aaaaolaia « n k a Ifftaap a( laalal ftria,

ir ya« vaM rapid prvoiadaa,

II ya« paak ^ a d a l •aarfarto a id awreeteieia. piadled adriaa, (la- aipto] aM Ip «apa f t aickaaaa aid atkor bawilna vlikaat e«pi la ya«p

II yav ira to aaraa t aM d a t^ aa ipUpapuM aaaatlai al vkkk ya« • n f ba Japl praid,

U ta a v a i l la aarm 111 a vaoh vU la ‘karatoto

MtnfB pair ■kiaapi

Ai»>f to«fl a t a k i am .

KavaiBt M- L,

Optoitayf TratalM DapattMBC. Ml Waahlifiaa au

aay vatk day, b a tv m f A. Ml aad I Pi K.





T:44 A. M. TO 1:11 F. H,BXCBFT LEGAi NOL.

____ AND lATURDATIt iATUBDATi, M f TO l u l l A M.




AFFLTw B rr iK O H o n i b l e c t b ic *




CL^BK^Tamat giri aaarmla ^ r r a a g Ba aUtaaiaat Ruaklaa la l^ a l baak; tU U

aga aad •daaallaa,Nav" “

leoal baak; ataU AddraM Q.. Ra« 1,mwcv.___________

CIU RKI w taja li aiala aiparlann aa^ aai- a r r aaiacud. Addraaa P. C. M.. Bni i, Nawp alnaa. .





_ OORIBT PABIlrollAM. B iptriaaail aalaavaaaaa waalal

nanat lapartmaal, Applp at eaearlpieelael'e affiM, foarik flaor. M ara II A. H.


AddraM C.| pan I, N*w office, Hantclair.pRMMPMm a.., B, r««wa oinca, Jtantcipir.B M A H B B R H iT b - tfA I li im r i^ u rn K r-a rn a raquliad. Call 111 Pnapaal (L. Baat Oraiwa

w««ilr* p*— 1. Hold Akar l Ma. i l Waaktaploa pT,

MAICltjtliHAIM v aa ia l; a n d waaaa. Ap- plr Haonknp«r, RoMI T m t Hiilal.

CHAlUaRHAIC): alaap la. Appir iarw lM Hold. I t! Broad d


WM aaporUasa*. mfcipra. J ^ , l r Jhaptardoal Oftin, Ptcaal tfaar. M w m PiM A. H. a M I l k

TBB < K > B R * ^ « C T milMl M l Colar ota„ppkaira Maktora■laadr poaIttM. raar.

aapt.. m ta



iTBn WANT! CAPHIBIt AFFLT iU P lR -t f ^ N P B K r t o r r i c i i fo u r t h f i^ r<!Ja BM1BR viAtadj «•• wka vidar«ti»da

baik-k—piag ptawfTfd bat imK «aB»iiitoij ga»d aalary a a i al«My paaittaa. Apply atm m , F i^w a , fU BtWUI * * • _ _ _ _ d A iltriiii—AUmatira ytiiig lady fornTlgk*

ataaa motlaa plelara tkaatatj anarii nat aaoaaaary. Addraaa A. €.. Bos Nova offtra

la m

CAiifiBR waatad far t-d iy pklara boM ^ 111 par va«k. Addraaa Id C , Bos 4t,

Nava utfka.f lX iif i iK atBHi^aaai!^ Ap|ty~ BW (kl3

Laark, 4T1 wraad at,_________________ B E iB iiK

ptroag vomaa. vhita or oalorod. for g*n•ra) riaaktng In • taralhtra alara; aiaady poattloa. Apply



CLINTON i T . _________________ _H is aa4” |TI cliy. yavatry a ^

DMMy eoaok*ke and all raaorla: If wall- ra iin , wkUa and cokrod, (or Atlanllo Chy. I l f a id 114 a moatha room out, room la. Ilk moath: valtroaaoa (or Build Laka, t^k a Hopatooag, Aabary; rkambariaalda, «oaa»af hoiMowora gtrla, naraoa and prot'llgal


o r r i c i WORKIN



111 HIGH iT.


Sava taaaaoki (ft a ryv girk r Ilgkt, ekaa iad ataady «orE

Ba ta —M pat vaak.f r lf (• II aad to * **

far I tn i _ _ iktvtdiy. T:ll la l l - f l A. K.

Oaod wigta gaaraataad aad aa itmtt to tifslagB vbaa profkkat.TBB TOTBT OBOaN COa,



Qai aral vark la klleban aaf ca(a*l i t f t (acidhr.

GOOD HOURgtarta • ( to

WBiTINOHOUfE LAMP CO., WataaaalBg am . Lackawuaa tL R..

Blcramflald, N. J,

OIRLRTf m v i i l to work It a laattary ttp-to-dato (anary. vuk ataady v o n tad gaod pay

WBiTtNEH WitotoGag iUU<


’. ■ J i n . '* ™ PrikA p; U«fct. EALJKLADT—Waatod.~

i n m . for goaoral ___ jw i^ la iM JI tanilljplala rooklag. wagaa 114; baalaaaa mmmJu

Tol. I f f ! Oraa—

■alaatody tm gaeerti dry gaadfotoadjr pmiU m aad m i l m i t f , vltB I

paly E a a f ^ If! WUaaa a m ________________ >rma^GIBLE vaaiW ;^«iaiig flria ta aart aad to-

a p m BHata. fetogvita Fhatograpkk Ca., I l l CtlalM a moiiiLR. caiorod. Jar Ikkt faatory varki

paaltka; gaod pap. Apply IfS-

iFPjP iA L ieK A t^IDT,



iL ^ M F l l111

. . f y k , ____________________________GIBLe vaatodT aspari*a(vd aa (aoi a ^

povar arABaoa, AnMiicaJi Atominum War# V. 144 JotUff am.

.BELA DT for dry gaada

UiRL-'.-ErliooJ pirl to rnlad baby all day dvflni lummtr vacation 14t Hlpk at.,

near Caatrai ava.GIRLE. liffhi factory work, ftvo d o n a

vook; paid for als. Arllngloa Broak Ca,. J| LAtoyctta ■ (. ____I^IBL vantod for gaaaral houaaworki taiiHV

adulta. Call at Ura. a. w«|lvali'«.of th rrr adi 1 Tbamaa at.OtiiiL wanted to work to tW Hartka Waok-

iBgtoa Caady Etora. Apply at OBca, III broad a tOIBL. CLERICAL WORE, F A ^^R T OF”


vda atoaiibowra, gaod talary far aaa with

•ara. Cafl Bra'a. I lf Elm at,PALEiHilhljl, day aad amalag. apd avaalig

I mabkr. Martha WatolMtoa. T4I BraikT ‘ A A IaEiC A ^—Baporkacod ^ a a k d y for dry

fpuda atom; g o ^ pay. I lf io. Pray a m Ta LEE WOMBn V ANTED at aim . Apply _ IM n ia to a a m , ear. Ckadwtck a m itV tf^HBOARD aparaior; aioallaat apfiar-

luaity tar aipaflaaood aparaiar aa mi- m ta awlichboari to faotary; oaotral alTloa aiporkBoa daalrad* Waltt E Boid. l a i , 41 ettfton ai., toraaf Ehanaaa am fic w B lti waato^r purt aid fali

UlHL wanted for a«rirml efflra work; as- parlanca not n*r»RM*ry, Apply_4J Coit at.

UlHLE, two. wn»|rd |» coBfcrllonery atora,e ra n ln g a . N ru m a ;i, 14 t_C llnton a m _____

UlHL for s» n * rn l hoUR Mrorb; olain docking.r»farriH?^__rMUulred. Fljon« II, b II. _ _

OIRL. lo atlrod r-onl offlra, llyht work. la- quira If Jrffaraon at.

G e n e r a l O to ca g trl w aatad; otia who ra il d o a io fto p ra p h y o r ra p id trpl*l> ataady

p e a lt la n , a p le n d id ad vap cainan t o ffarad fo r tk a r ig h t p a rty . A p p ly III H a lo at., K a at Omaga.___UENRHa L houaaworkar; r<>ad pay. Mrs B.

E a l i m a a . m A vaapo K . B a yo nna, N J . ^O i'EEW uRX —W om an waatad IIOVEEWuRX—W’oman waatad Tii tmai)

family; good plain eaok wltn rafaronraa, llbaral v u a a . would ranaldar motkar with grown child. Call batvaan I A. M. aad T r M.. 11 Chaatnut at., Eaal t^ranfa. HOUflE^'ORK—Rvjiabta woman for plain

roohtnr; ikrac In family; go^d homa. •aa who m a anawar phoaa ralla. Call 4 tk Foraat aaa.. Bammlt. or lal. I l l Summit:carfara pald.^___ __UOtTREWORi-—Middle agad womaiTipr foa-

aral houaawork. rle<-1rl« waehet, wagaa I f f par month; carfare paid. lire. Rodar- mond, 41 Columbia ter.. Weakawkan. Fbone Unka n i l .Ku UIEWCjRE —Plain rcoh. ftret floor vorb.

w k it a o r co lo re d , refrren ea . h ig h wagae, M ra . A . A u g e o b JIc k . 14 H and otpk pi-. N a v - ark.tfoCaRW ORR—Touna Woman to do kaaoa-

work: good wagae. referraoaa. Apply lf4 r ia V a land a t , Oraage.HOtflRWORR la family of adulta; no cook

lag and aa waahlag; rafartacaa. t i l High at,, naar Warren. _H O ^ e x X RPR R ^M aanloaaM a,

agad woma.n Jo rare far amatl apartment: aa claaalag or lantidrir. |« a waak. IT Norik Elghtaanth at. Ea«t Draaga. INVOIC CLKFlK w anl^; oaparlanc^;

m a a t fvmtah refarefuea. Addraaa 1. V .. i J f B r o a d at., N e w a rk .rnfcH R .N "R UM A.N■ WANTRirPOR ' RAC-

TORT CARKTliHIA, SO lUNDAT WOHk. APPLY RHPlAlTHilMT DEPARTURNT. UXRrBLD ACRTTLR.KB CO., • « PRB-LIMOHtJT»KN ^VR_______________LAUHt>R T ;_ aiparianrad faadm and fallar^

I l f ta I II par vaaR. arrardtni (a aapaii. •■<a. Hmiar Laundra Ca «M RaaOl run-

Oranga, aaar South Orange ava LAI/NDREM,

(-oantry far aummar. Cal'W'oodatda aea.; tel 4141 B. B

plalA to help In kitchen In ] ar addraaa ST4

LaAU^DRBM apd kltrkan helper far •##• Apply l l l t l Snarman ava..ahara botaL

city. _ ____________CAUNDBEEE wiotad for ragatar workTHaJ-

oraacan. 114 Fifth «.MBIH AND CHAIN MAEERS. KXPEH-

tSNCBD ON 14 carat SOLDERED HEEH. g o o d PAT and STEADr WOHE.B, K. IHAKLET ,---------BftNOR gT. JUNIOR CO., U UOV>





MtLLINBB. Ribt etua,----- , wanted; name maaCSa gaod trimmar; goad aaUry, all-year'

round pealtloti. Call at once 44IA Oraage at. MAID, (aa ganeral houaevark: tmall tonilty

liatag In apanmeat; Foraat Hill aactlan. Apply Aibart E Eoanlg. I T! Ptaad at

parianoa aai aeaaaaary. Mayur*a Drgpary Hbap, 411 Btoomflald ava,, MaitaUlf. ■MlffcltToAKb o p e r a t o r waatad: u

aapartaaoa baeaeeayy^ UraalIt Mahay ata.Ifoupital, High and Want

SEAMfTRBU WANTBDi 11m- - __ , . _ to baeSIif„ Hamaapitb k Maapltal, IM Lhtlotoi ava. SODA DUFENSBIli w ^tad ; bmuw I to 4

or I to U ;t4. HuykFa, 441 Brand at.





TTPIET and Maaograpbar waatad la afflm a( maanfactarlAg eoncam; maat W naat

and aecnrata with flgufea. aalary 111 to ■tart, but good advancement far ataagy and willing worker; In anywerlng muat elate ugu. adwratlon. atparlenca and rafaranca. Addraaa Opportunity, Bai 4, Nawa offka. IKACHEH, ■mbiUuua. reaourceful, w<io

wlahat to enter iha huatoam world, aura-iner employmeni, liljerni Mlary. permanem patitioa poaalble. Addreea J,. Box 41, Nawan ffira

telk pm o m r^o pk r a to r .BROBLL CO., RROAL AMD WEST PARK

BTa . WANT* TKLRCHONIC OPERATOR APPLY HIPT. I o r r i r E, P o b RTH PLOOR.CRHERi wanted; roan* f lrl, tn act aa

laday, mahagar, Froetor'iuaham Apply alar.P n In raT km f

Us h e r s far anomoon or nil day work Fog Tarmlaal Theater.

W OMAN^^daiiy woman, Garmaa or Hungarton, for genarnl bouxawork; good

borne with plain paf>p1e; two adulta aad one child; wagaa ||1 wanhly. In Waal Orange meuntalne. can hava iundaya off Inquire Ideal ^ k a ry , 4TMf Cilhtaa ava._____

WOMAN waatad far dWivaahhif and ta kelp arwuad; houra frav if A. M. till about |; t4

P. M. Addraaa T- J.* Bag XI. Nava anica.WOKEN to eaadk agga; good wagaa paid

laniuJwhile taarnlag; atoady work; eoagt___ bouia and aurroahdlugh Addraaa Eggai Bot S. Neva offloa, Qranpa.Wo m an w its aklld wanted far genatal

houaework; carfare paid. Call ITt Omf- ton ava.. Farant HIH._____

■AurFKVB—TiSBg M B M to f iiG tljS .

aatotlKd Mk. _____B Jabkiig pasM uy m m m m aaruaaa g eiaatoltya 0»n m • Buiga, 141 Ftor m asitw fSa Jaw *

CARPRNTiir n ’i u 'awaia^iar m k aa3 ■aaaral r**airiM: dap-a waM aa t« ln * L

CRpralai. H lUdlaae ara-1 tal, RIaalaw MM. CARPENTER waata JabMa*. npatr woriL

altaraitaaa, (a n .a « j dar ar oaatracL Mad Roalak WraMla. II Oiwtar ara., Irrlaftoa.CARPBN^BT— abMi

WlJdtvork Is Ip BaaBilta HIC T S i x f i r

>ng aad akta^iaan;T|»a: raaataablf. O.Jag U»a: raaaai

Baulk Blavailh at. Newark._. waata )ahii»g Bid f iS iir

work. Phaia f l f l Wavarty, M, K irtm saZf t f BauiJt KlMtoaatk aLCOOK—B t o ^ i

d Buidara July aad Augvat. Call bafora II • ‘ciaek^iah

a a i3 far l i tu r - r and Augvat. atubw

_ __ . . .1 • ‘ciaeg u t k O ra itg a a a a ., B l ^

daya agd prufarred. H i BouthCHEF, expartoBcad. wUhaa ataidy paaittoi.

Ad d r ^ Ckaf, Bag 14, Hawb aHleo.bftUGGIS^ raftotorai, eaWbla toklag

tharga, nrat-alABa, all rouad, esperleaeav.want! paruMiaat poullloa; rafaranoaa. draae Balel, Bog 41, Waaa efflca.Dh UOOIST—RaglaUrad, reilaf; kaa July T

4, I apati; rafaranca, Addraaa Druggtoi,Box II. Nawi office,______ _ _____ENOINEER. with fiada C~ Hm , . . dadraa

poaltlon; wa|«h aajrinaaf prafarr^. g II, ■■

iwai , wm*vM MM||aiawT jpav.Mi ■ viadreva Englaaor, Bag II. Nawa offloa.CAUDENDR, expert lundacapa, flaM r^

vagaiablaBi fruit, eaaairucllna wark, vante work hr Iba day or waak. Addi

" ■ I*. Neva ■“B B., Box 111 offlea.J aNITOB. Bgpariaioad, daairaa pm^Sm In

apartment: all ar part Dmo; makaa all tw- palm t al. Oraigu t U IW,MASON, ci^«r#d7 v aau day*a” wark, krlek-

laylag and plaatwiag. J. B. Notto, uilua man, Tl High at., NewarkPa in t in g . p a^ rS a iad u . calcladalac aad

------- - ----- ------------ Jaaakplaetarlnf dona aery raiaanaUAin ■ “Banaatl, III South Bavantaeatk at*


A rual live man with Inlttotlva and abtl< tty, a man that think# aa wall aa workx a man wall aducatad from book# and by experience, travel and obaarvatlaa. aad byaaaoolatloa with big and little men and bualnaM; a man who Kaa handled aad

L urraaponaenro, oiriro xna ia<narr meni. eejnng^ planning devlelng valoplug a f^ te n t oiatKod# anti familiar vlUi the conduct of mllrt

Itnowa men. atperlencod In a buxlnaaa way La accouflllag, advcrtlalng, book-kaaplag, urraapoiiitetico, office and lactory manaia-

and 4a- •ymama,

railroad, gar- ertijnetit. and many coramarclal Itiua of bualneaa; a enpabto man with a wall- trained and active mind; If three qvaJinea- ilona fit In vUh your oHda addraaa A. H„ Box 114, Nawa ofiMca.HAN, middle agedj alagla, aip aHaaoedIdle aged, alagia, egpanaaoad

I, weald Itka poalUea: light work medarala cemsboMtton xlart. Ad-any hind: medarala cemba

drew D. ^ Box 14, New# ^ jg a . rAlNTEH and pap^hangaV" fln t^laaa.

raaaDnabla ratal. l f | Lafayatta aL. Joe Wldeiko,r e p a ir in g , all klnia; paiaHug, earpaater,

camant work; lav rutaa; day or cOitracFt, Addraaa R.. Dot It, Nawa ofnaa.SHfpPINO CLERK—Al mia 4aaifw a~^T

lion; thorougb all hranckaa traffic, factory routine, ate.; M tlrt charge; kaadia aJI helpand equlpmeai; preduea raaulta; eredanUala the beat. Addraaa U Bei i 1a Nava ef.Dca.

WOMAN to go to Maakora. naalat ceolt and Vork. Addreeado laundry

Heynolde tar., Owofa.B. L., 41

WOMAN waaUd, white «r calerad, tar pan­try and kJtobaa wark, Wolpin'a Baatau-

rnnl. I l f Markat at.-----~ ? 5 --------WOMAN for light beuaawerk. email fatnlly

v vod honaa; an laundry. Apply Mra H. d. Naah, fa t Borgaa at.WOMAN (nr ga^ra l keuaawork^ bualaaaa

eewpl141, Nava efftce.

pla; good aoma, Aidraea Woman. Boi

WOMEN lo da claaplng: good wuaa. Ap- ply Hevaakeapar. BoheH Trmt Hetot

W A I T H E ■ • B •. W A I T R R I I E E .WAtTREUE*. Q I^R i ( , ' WANTED.

r e a c t POR w o r k , a t a nt IKORB oh HT. TOU DBEIRK; e x p e r ie n c e If NOT M R C B E I U R T r n N D THE HIOREaT CLAM o r a iR L i AWATl ONLY EELECT R01KLR lUPPLtBD; MAKE MONET

MAID lor ■(.•(«] h»u,oworhi an.II Immllr;no wanking. I t t Herrlaoti at.. Bant Orange.

k A lb ^ -^ lo re d maid for avanlnga, Fea | Terminal Theater.


w .*H ; ( tw d r worh- Asp It (ftar I P. M..• ■ - - M»fh,t w.Alph. RwiAur..!, M M.fhw

U A h eeL WAVER, .U ( • • who M prw- r tc l,.i I . Dih«r hraiKM. M. A. D.W-

M *ll(o. (M(., MoiHolAlr. N. J.

aX lT R E E iiS r---------- ------- RXPERIEMCED: o35BWAOEE. STRADT WORK. C i ^ CHILDS


if l^ ^ B S —f l u R .h w .r li^M. J., ban aarnnetaa for twe under-

gm inato dny airaaa; H i a lianth; rwaoi, beard and laundry Paeaa iipL RaKwey^M

w a it r e s s , axMftobHd, vaniad 3 iSa Llgkinlag Betlaaarla, ItT Mato a t, Or-

anga, near Day at."""» ~~~_______WAlTBBSB, al#a wamaa ta vmli early

braakfaat. Tba Buchlnghaoi. II Fragpact at., Eaji Orange.

4x x :a b io n a l b k p l o t h b n t . L. B. FLAUT a CO.

s iA T T R iir wanted ni oaaa.'

BaleawoiBen waatad fof occealoaelemployment, one or two daya a week.

Ntf einartanea naceaaary, isatme- lion will ba provided.

Ragtatar at empioymani affica, aacond floor, between l: |4 A. M. and IS H.

_ A ^ ly Mnri- boceugb Hotel, 41 North Arllngtoft ava.,

Eant Orange. __________________________^AITBEBB and diakvaa\ar iH itad. ITf

Waahlagten a t. call attar 1 F, H.. randy to vof4t.w a Itr e b b WANTED “ FSi


W oRKEM M m ta lU i' HM lttwTA tlu U t C(Uh WarkA BMInlll* plh(

BiTf rd., Nertk Af1iak*an-o and

■ECRBTA RT-EXB^tTTITK tl . I p w .- M .-Birucilva aaperlanca, aiooutlva •acrataT7 id manager. aTallaMa for high grade poal­

tlon; |44. Addraaa M. C., Dog i f , Nava ef­flca.TRAFFIC MAlf thoroughly taparlenoel

railroad and mafrantlla matheda of pro- cadura, good Claim adjualar, Addraaa J., “ 1, NawaBox office.TRUCK 04VNER In Dead at ataady ample^

meni (or dump work. Ratfaal Ema, t i lHitler a t, NewarkkrANTED—Poottioa with a mnnufnofnrlag

plant w aalca afUnt. a eomcam that needa■ d lo thf ‘Ha product puakad to thf limit; kigbtot raf-

■raicea aa to ability, ate , eaa be tamlakedon peraonaL talarvlaw. Addraaa F. C. B.. ^ x UL Nawa afpea.WUITEWASHINO. RUG BEAflNO. OAJt-

DKNING AND HQUIEWURK DONB MT C, RILKY, 14 ■OMBRSBT ST,Wa tc h m a n v an t# ~ p ^ ti3 tT aca~ lffATTHMAN want# P a tto n : age H; wU|

furnlab rutaranca. Addraaa WntekHvix Sox 141, Nawa office,fOUNO MAN. brMht. high ( ,h ( .t s n S u tA

wlxhM Boaltloft with opportualiy to ok-keaptag.

Newark, N. ] Ilayman, I l Hlllalde aaa..

EM PLOTM ENT WAIITEDl-W O M E IICOLLEGE OtBL vanta aummar position.

prafarably outdoor v o ^ ar tntortng. Tale- phone Momie*-*- •* " “ “ ‘elalr.

itelalr l l u . IM Walnut at., Haat-

COdM, fim-elaea. konaat, tnitw nrthy;of rafaranca. Call at tM Caatar A ,

anya j willing ta ge awaf^i na anrdn.cook! MpariancadT “ i n a s j -----------

Or-[, axperlancad.

•r bearding b 41, Neva offlea.

rltoad poaltlon hfUl Addrato Ben

COOK wiakoa posltlea lor dtonor hour aafy; boot of raferaaoe. Addraaa F., Boa 144,

Nav* affloa, ______________c h a m b e r m a id aad wmUraaa

moatk at., city.H Men-

TOUNO LAOT vnntod for ettlen. v tth M ed ^ « h A fo M -f ip is ig tnd Kand

mountam and sthar axparlanced a•aniaru!

_ . . ............... . axparlanced Meratoraon mlnlotura electric lampa; aiaady work aad Highost wagaa paid. New Bra Lamp Co., II Sloan at.. South Orunga, N. J., eap. I^ckawajina Station; phono M4J Itouth Or- nngA

gpertoana pf be^-hoaptnfrirt«ady p^ i- tlon; esasM, lag ndwaaci^anL Apply at




_____ atotojw* nanr vnlag; •nmmuilaggtofSRM (fPto Mmrafk. M. J,i fiU do-^ ------- - -------- A.Ran to stoaav too.. In n so

I t , P oe HL Mavg tofiiOknsoverlng.

n n u n s B i P s o i i s u r o t i a u

O t T O u T ^ i A s a o uMAMAMUAK, N. J . - T » k . .« a t . . - » i -

in tia . ooinplatflr (imlakad. tmpeave-loaita, t f f (eat fraan eaaaa, j t i l l wuh r. . ------ . . N. J .l ^ W ( 1I . ii. ( « u«..

«if. PboM (f .S d rw C r l iT H (ri.r;. M a u to a *1.. Jorto, O tr, S. J . : 11)1'IM O K I

r o u a s H i P s o u s u t o u t -S E A S a O IE

K B A W EB PK g^' hangntov vlto oaotloa; 4 mlantaa

moiar>.M tk a ach : atca^ futnlpkai: all 1 ImBroyufnaoU; apntoam n ^ k playar s w a n . I4H. laatoru B ft. DltlUr. Bi Idonl E ^ h ar i l l Lakigk nan, otty.If-ROOM "7arm benoa, nicely (umtaihad, to

lot far Auguat. aaar haaoh, good bathing- bontlng. garage, gardaii, al&; f l l f ; ualtoy w pnaoaa Iff (eat from heaaa. Mra. C. Harlow, Union Gardena, Wa#l Xonnaburg.

POINT PLBAdANT. yf, J.^t-iwem h w .Impto. for aaaaon, f i l l , vitk .prtylleit fi»r

year, garage aad fruit; two blocke from aU- llen; facing ecaaa. Afdrem CalumMu Tell oiing Ca., | | Main at., Bradley Bm>.h Pbosa 1441.iPRINO LaIcb. N j —| 1H; t-n»B(,"7iir

niahed; 4 minutaa from a llien , I blorVe, V Kiun pwKiVB, i vrv<from trolley; good loeatlou; good cenditlon. from July to lata ta fall; wiimprorad. At ply I I I Park Pteca ave. Brwdlay RaackSijLliooM kanaa, fumlakad, (or the

OMr moatha, In Boaalle; with all con- ▼oniwnoea. Wr|ta G, Marrtll. KIghtoade.N. J., la enro ^ G, W, ‘ ' moot. B o ^ tof sppotot-

rwEM TT l . r . l .h .4- - , _____ _ aotlagua for real 1uB n d l^ Baeajk aad ^clalty, rang ly^ in

prioa ftwin |lo f to 11,144.Applohy Cn, Bradley Baechy 0pp. D ^ i

T.- - - —------ - T -rr- —zx-

KEANBBUBO—Beautiful bungalow to la* ■to feat from boardwalk and boach.

ocraanod.ln ^ a k - can accammadaie I? reaeonabif. I4 BallavUw ava. KaantourgW e s t k e a n sb u r g . n . ■ . . .

room naally farnlahed bungaleva, neatbMch, wax. water, ahower bath, raaaonabit. W. M Bonhag, Caatral ava. and Thin* at.BBLMAB-—New four-room bungalow, fur-

niahod; alectrifl LLgbta; July I i4< ttapt. Ir Inquiro Palmer, Maplewood rd. a ^ Bluer drive, Beimar, or phone Market 1441. LARGE hoia ^_ - - . ___ Shark RWer. tite-

ecoan; cloae la Avon Station; real lo« K. Serhuanaoher, next le borough ball. S>.- vanlu are., Noptaaa City.GRANVILLE PARK^ Koanabnrg—FlTO-reotti

'"iwe, fufT* t iBato

V eeia ■!>■ luiiiiifunlaned. aaar tko boarh.

Hanteoi** Betoavard. or pkana >f?i>t-ROQM iungnlowA (Iff laaaoa; camplt>»

•Ita^ 114; ahadr, P rin ta baaoh. Cior don. Baa Breeaa Banon, ToUaayiiia, state n laland.NEW POUE-ROOH EUNOALOW. .11 fur

■UImA, 1( . ChrtMU. Iu bUt. laqnlr. IL Lautai waaam, II Parkway, Beimar. AVoN-BT-THE-|iA—Baaatlrei new t-reoni.

hnib. fumlekadi aomptotod abauc July « AJpoft, 111 War^**tteg, a t. Orange. __

B O U SES TO L ITW H l pny nniT 111 meatkly up ansa aa

rent and MM oaak up bun reur home, atma to and got Btoi opon aaaninga. Boyor. 144 Market to.SIX-ROOM MOUE% POSSESSION JULY i.


B O U SES W A H T tOWANTED te raat, If er i i roem bonaa, b

pi. 1; Impto.; aontral I Addrma R. M,

fore or by tap ttoa pnofarred. Nawa efdcu

aentral lecd Bex 11w

T O L n - o u T o r t o w m

OKANQB—H(U(. t(W r(w i.: f l l m*DlM,v 1 i t t* l u b kari It Wkir poy nriV e A w '(. Ew w . im MwkM (t_ wWm t I Eww. IM Mm’S,! (t_ N(W(>«.

H O U SE S W A B T E D -O U T O P TOWNEIGHT ar blaa room bouaa. all Impaeve

mento aome yard; If poeulbla anrilor thanOct. J; twe adulta, ae cbiidraa: Oraag-, Maplearoed. Bloomfield; atfta lull partlo'* tore; beat rafaraacaa Adaraaa Raiiable, Bin S,. Nawa offloa, Ofauga,W ANTED^na-famlly bauaa. aa laaa

•eves reoma; ail ttodam Imptx.; In ge^i: nolghbefhood; eu lag at laaal U-foot tro»i

located to the Orungae; give fail d»- “ 14 la a t TbBij

Ug4•criptloa. M, B. third i t , N. T. C Smith,

W ANTEI^Tea or aiaraa reeui ktose f^r long or abort leaae la Bloomfield or 0U»

Rldga Addraaa Buburhg, Beg If, New* odTlce.ocnce.H s w r ^ n c r 4 to k roMne* draagea p ^

fbrrudi nbant Ml; oonplL GanJlaa, bl oBildrun. Corby, III Kanaoah at., B a ^ ty #


AFABTMBNT—govan tight roorae on apceci .Door; all madera Improvamaate; nawl^

dooorated; hardwood Doon; aioam braijaaJter aorvieo furalriiad; ideal locality f^r doctor Or d#ntlat; rant Ufa par n

lex l i t . Ncwe ef fjea.•r raoolb. Au

aTa R T M E ^, vtth tlT, lari*. IlskI M ina unto! corner bauaa; nil Imnrwvamonta

VnlWbvrgh aactlon; (or two ndnfta; OenttU an uBlldron; Immadtoto rafar

BLi.TBB'S SHOB iTOBE, N I Broad St, Ba T w o r k e r s—d o n t w o r r y , T5D


^ o a a Addraaa Qwaar, Bag Uf, Nawa ^A lk tM B N T —>lva reetnB~all m ^arn Im

provotnanto vacuum claenar. Sea juRltur on pmmlaaa. Harvard Apartmanto 111 Can trnl AVA. Newark-APARTMENT—^Iva m raa, bath7

waatad. axparlenced Na

6FEBATOR ____•hlyta and collura, Maetar ih lrt Co., I l l

Morrio are., Nawgrlt. N. J.____jPANTBT woman v a a t^ , eolora^ or wkltai

to make and #erve aalada. etc.: inuat boXalcte worker: no night work; goed par.

ppiy Martha Waahingten lea room, t«t Brond at.


" ------- ‘ aI a i


bent, hut water, large itobt reoma: p^e Dny, ITI Badger are., voiMaalaa July 1

Cllaton ava.TV , OtAiai


LRT DB-OFP1CB.TOUNG L.ALry ox aaac appai

Moo work; altghl typing « farrad, not aaaaatlnl; good work: toala anlarr doalrod, •■]

La DT of Boat appaarnaca for to- orh: altwhl t n l u aanaiiaace naa-





work:'toala aniury nv Bog i l l , Nava office.

WVMMBVW iwr ««-esparlaneo prf*

^ boura; aagy •gportenca. Jay.

bRBSMHAKER wlahaa poritlon aa naaiatMt draaamakar: •xporlaneod. Mrs. L S.

Brown, 141 South Grove at., Eaet Q raa^ .

APARTMKN'^ to lol with (umltur^loT salt . no doalorx; le be aean tlJt T P. H. Lui-i.

444 Mouth Qrang* __________AFAEtfllENT, 4 rooma and bath; Immt

d iatt poaaaatioa. Apply janitor, u : Roa - vllta ave.

POWER PRESS OPNHA'i'ORS—Worn*, u - perlonoed • on eperaiiaf power praeaea:

■laady poetttona and chance to aam good wagaa. Unique Art Mfg, Co.. 44 Sblpiikaii

YOUNG WOMAN to learn ukamp^tog, mnnl- curing nnd factol sinaangai ena vtth an- toaace prefanwdl Jtold vhtla laamiag: par- aaeat poaltlon. AddraM Rnlrdraaaar. Bog

GIRL, 11; gmmmar'aaheol graduula; wtotbaa iftloa to efflca. or take care of amalJno

ohlldraa with private family.I Jabag f t , city.NORMAL SCHOOL PTUDEtit d w ln . saaST

tien (or atimmor er part of xuemar, Cnil Bloomfield i m , ______________

pertoacem aaeat , ........11, Newa otrica.

POWe S PRESS operetora; euparianoad;

To u n o LaM . ' i ^ K T , TO f l H

AVON PIa. l^^F tao reami; all Imptn, ag- cupt heni; ndulto ioa Janitor er nftat •

*>000 Dtonga n y *

eloeed Satnrdaya: oteedy work, n o d ary: colored. Apply Ho^wk MatnITay On,Bieeckar and Saaimlt ata.m l w h SISS^Sm T"_________ ___ poettionx opaaTiar enpe-

rianced poHabera on Dae grada a( Jevalry. Carrington A Co., 41 Walnut at., Haamrk, PRB SK R i^ R SWiSATKHSi STKX5?


K N C *___ _____OARTRN KROK. *11 KlOH KT.TOUNG LAt>T WANTKD for ataiteal vn-k,

•M wlw ks* feaS at iHal tws vw K u - pwWaca Is «■*'*! atflo* n r k . AppirC ta rd a r W-' «>« H .lw r U.

SHOa RRPAIRINO.LaStw, S « 't b a n rmir s - ^ ilwa, « k -

plaSi briat 'm ts ■■, aaS hav, (ham smS . Ilka a«r. Joha R M k, II* Mukat at., ksw-

Aaaa BHl. a VE.; M*, 'a w Tvaall.ik M.—Savci'.roome, gurngei all Impta; nka and brighi.

He a UTIFUL l-roon tod 'btoh »unrtman\, all linproramanto wUk er without garagg.

•ton la appraeiato, HI South Orango ava. tor, Alagnndar to. Apply Janitor gr Wm. Simon. I f q in ten tL

metotj two deora from Sunday Cnili Mnnovar Skae Stora; bntlvay aatranan

BBAUTtFUij f*roein^and balk apartment; all impraaoments, with nr wHkoul SBrng*;

tm ta apprutonUs H i Seath Orahge av«., car. Alfgander to- Appir Janitor ar Witi. Mtmon, If CHntan a t

YOUNG iJkDT forT i darataud boab '

Apply WUluv Gang* iTeemflalA

PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTERS—BiptrUnced prinlara on amateur flBlxhlDg, ttag aan

Photegiapblc Ca.* 414 Clinton eve

T0U?I6 IsaS t , with aom^anpartanee of typ- Ing, far ganaral affica wotk; refaranaaa ra«

qolred. Addraaa Q- T.. Bog Nawa affloa. YOUNO^dlRL, eapobla. for light box “

worh to amnll family at aeaglmrai x-by-the-f

or efGca work: muft an- kaoptof and Vpawritinr. arnga d Salaa Co., if lMontclair,

You enn gai « i . f m daaira; no raanlag around; w# auppiy

you want work.all aver the xtata; aver i i f pototlona nuwaver

HI for tka •borea and mto: faro paid, u f ail your (rlandf; wtl) placa you allrelhar; — -

nuraoa; nama your place (or your vacation-;Sat paid all tba ifmA Blackladga Salaet

ganeyf II Mala at., Eaet Orange; Warren,mgr.coo i^ iT. waltraiaaa. chaB barnialda,___ _

abd ganeral houaework malda fn? boteto Buaahora and moonUlaa; kigbeet wagon. Apply Mra, Stoveoa, Mtorto^Hthu Bmproy

lonrilgbeet wagon.

. 4uan Employ-makt Agaaoy. If i ^ a f to., arar Bread. COOK, oip^aaaed, (or amail hetol,

ganeral carfare

briUL . . . - ..............., . . - -(egelhar; geed moaay madai also apiendld aaoatlaani apea 1 A. M--I P, M.

GROvi AGRNCV,141 M .l. near Oreva, Baat Orangt.

S fR E so N A c c d tn m iia Tlwra are aavaral eppertualllaa (er girla

•n elartcal work to tba (actery; ae on- porlanea ia required but aecuraey; a grwd working haavladge of aritbni#tki and good kandwrltlng are neKaaaryi wa will taaak you our atoek and our xyotam of accouata Call nl 41 CheatoUi it. or phone Mulberry444; aak for Mr. Yoaag. _______OIRL wanlad ax aaparianced lalophnna

tTENOORAPHBRS,TTPlSTg,r w it t h 'b o a r d o pe r a t o r s , BUkROUUHP BOOX-KKEPINQ MACHINE


STRNOORAFHMi ■ TTPIST up,rl*D »d, wtokea to aubotltuta during summer, nny

ItiiM, oeatar of city or In dIrxrttoM at BItnnbath preferrad. Addraaa Tempernry,Bjto i i , Nawa office, ____ _^bMMBlt D B l i s u ' U jiM

a n d w e l l a d d r e ss d r b s s . S ox141, NEWS OPPtCB.

BURNET IT,* 11 'iit-reom . ataatp 1faaa»OM apariBMnti runt Ml. Inquire Mra, Watr.

aecood fleer.Bo sto n iV.7 l l —Five reoma. Inqulto

Montoamary sL, to atote.ntoamnrr Vr ro iT A WCUNTON

to O'44t. eornar Paokine ava, - ----- .bAtkj heal! aU In-

wngua, Ben 4H, Avon-I iie-Sen,"emmM



tdtn«<ri«ADT v an ted fa r «r4,«« ww. .eaparkonee raquirud: anlary |U to a to ^

AdfreM E. Ba« IM, Wevi efflaf.YOUNG

work.^ ( H r e a , J l | i CUftoa ava.


to Ov* rtoSto. batk. heal! aU In-

c l i i r r o N m i i r - m * iw«*, , 11, m mWkM Gt* • « ( WUk te* « « n «

’ ■,! H id TMf clolku w ear es-U-— Im . "teBil*kU' r tu tT Aw*jr t r m sll

4u* —- —

f S U N l T 'l ^

wk{ ■** m d ]T(W dolloolm d *lfl wutod Iw * w (r,l d t r * S u l ^ b m i£ ' ------------_ I j l CUftqfc ------------^— C tuk WSHl,*, Kwl IrMla* lod proni

n M m lm uav* is» t(i altem, A d d w ■■

5 i j ® ¥ 5 > r - i n n ; = 8 i i 5 ~ T S i

•RH, ,x____ _ M*M*tr;M (dm , ■ « ITS, M,w.

•(■I"1LQ>T, t« swU, iMiHit n u n l l j r

Is e tn u . Asslr i l ) K m ) at. cd«r*« wcteM u kit ‘ ^

koardis* fcosu. *« rw k pi.

te l l iw r M os, i U s t e r l lte .-su~ ••■•&***

■ S u T n « ti aU aii dars la ifn ,i CHaua. Kaa l«*. Mwt, ,1

IWI> te iM


i S S .

■ u r v A i n i D - * E i A n t s o s n i

««■ Wa VAMiWMI WR., VTOPk*s* Mark,! t i l t . Oraa** ■Iftl.

iI ^ ^ I a r k e t I ''^ * * * .*RT.

erater In aenlmrieapeito ri office; raxideni ofepar_. .

Arlington er Xauray; good poxition ami. - . ----- C%3 - ‘

LEBKS (man, woman I, I I ueverd far potoai mail oarTlca: f i l l moMki einmi-

nationa July; aiporlanto unnaaaeaary. For free partlouinra write J. Loennrd, IIIEquIl- able Wdg., Waahingtoa,

WOMAN, WUk fcak*. w l^ u sw itlaa u iA iilR A B Li teak *r *aa*rsl hteanrorkar. Call a t U

MaastalsTtaw a n ,, Oran**, w sk a a , IlSd

wkita. dar'a work a("knrWad, AMiSte mT il . Kaa^liT, Maw, *(•

CLINTON i n r —r S e n s s r " •*batki M tete dteltM i tes t IH.

W .l a h „ * ,T y «»«.CAMP KT.. I I—r « u n 4 «»a rte. . ..

■Mata, n a d a n a n n s k a te a i H lw t Mate. I t r Inqalra SastetStakdaat. ^

tetea askrl-

(lat. Tasti dtP r ta n ft. Rte aatate, !•* F. M., as* *«*•

■IW. 11 G aoJk F i l i r _________ _S O h ia NT stertasNL k t e t '^ m

Watar MpslUd, dH lrlatlr! ITdi sdMlM.--------- ---- US r

H la n fte rifkl flrl. Call Salmond Br».Co. t M Kim at, Arllafloft.___O tnL f lo work at otoa fountain;

parlance nocoaaary: good aalary to ata .rtleo.


ROUBi .....................

w— xLi—Jx-Jllwr— flee

It Mat o

with ndvancemantx to right partlea. Apply toahlar, aodn founlalft, rublie Sarvira tW-

_______ f TO 4:14, I I SATOBDATSi COV^^LKi, te lm d . t* 4 ,

•Hcrra town; aleo wofian (er klickto werk: good wagea. willkllchto werk: good wagea. will pay carfxkre >«• "te partlao engaged. Wriia St, Ckarfaa Hotel. ;-----r - r r - r - : -Beaalde Halgbie, N. J,_____________ GIRLS for light fnalwCCK>K and ganernl heuaawwhari geed vague

to right girl, muto be atrong and have geed rafarenraa. 4tl Park it., Mentclalripkene Montclair ttS^ __ _______c o o k —Wemaa to do cooking; t ie d wngWl

refarancoa Apply 144 Cleveland at., Oy- a n |nC O O K a ^ p ^ to ced to ceaklng: no Snnday

work. 1x4 Market ot ; baaomonC COOK AND kfhzHBN

a tCOUNTkR GIRLS w aaite; d i ,d k n n | a .

Asplir Bte>.r laa, | |•s sd a r wark. W »<•______

■ n c t m v a s t s n o g r a p k k k

TODMO h k h . itddlATIOM MOHKT.

n - i i : f a r t^FI^ARANCj^

f t CiUX^RAT.

% r

L. S. FLAUT A CO.k n to .I an oppartutoty (er a wemau ever t f to do Impertoat work in the adflto 4f aa aaactttlva. The fellow- lug quallHentiaiiB are oaiantlal;

Iw-AWllty ta Bfcjtoio butoneai ever tka tajapkens.

» EfjfaHiAto to SoaJIaHag with tka ^II^^KngvIadga to tUrnmmBjf nnd

. t$ ? w A * in ZiMiplayMwIi

hiytoiiR to ft i

FECTED.NEWS o r r tc E ,

family, alee 11 wng4A Addraaa IffW *

I. W W W«VH In^gHtolTrkt autaldo vafBi fM d

Iffw Summit01 111* lumHili, m

G lk lk ; ftobt^factm work; l:fT A, M. to ifioK o— atl' l ; l f P. M., II ecloefc ioturdaya; wngm Ai'.Arenito arn•11.41; c k a i^ (or advaneomaol. 411 Mouth Cllntaa to.. East Orange, near South Orange

Work,. . . _ . . . . ----- jblin^;inalal part#; olaan. bright xh^ , g o ^ pay

and bonua whllo learalitg; place worn. Ftaneh itouufaoturtog Ca., I lf Jnckxow at.

......_____________ worfi viil u h aoaporlsnccd or guad bagtoRfr: aplandld

fliaace for advaaeomeatl Itfaxtni. aurrouad-Inga; one who can handio the public prv- torred. Addraax Opportunity, P, O. Bex 11«. rwaat OfangO'

bids., reoifi 41,OARDKMKR. Blddla^vad. wiH,;

iiKNOORAFHEH—Waatad ,* a ' Mawark inanufacturer, alonegrapbor ache hat b id

dran: mnn to ba ganeral bandy* laundraaoi banutlful roanwi onpromli anga m «* IM Harrlfaii to.* Into


typavrlUnigi___ ^TO U ._ __ ,

xkofa ag ekam^

U S t e t A H , . W M h iMHal wark k m A Ad>

iBBMdlataava.. tl K L L I O '

■ a d


asr InifA Ai •flMa.


I K ? V

n ra D n**i u Mt la • SMteK

trsn m u a * _ ____ ___ ____rte* Ca»*kl(, i - i It, Mwr, aftlafc OUNG GIRLK

VURKIIUKD ratal la M Ik fisa d lv M (sm ilri n as t ks*« *«tw*s«»i JU ttm ,

tlifte, .waal t« a* t* mt,- iW m alte . U Nwrsrk at.

Bom, -aatel-ara; ,i» U * sl n t a m n a ra-GIRL waalMl la wwk la wnratelotwr*

alara; tea* work; (w d ■*,; srafar ana who llTte koM. AFFl* Ml Saak a*. OiilLs. a i* .'lH i'-d M~ aawln* laulifiM.

iparatere and Iveman vnaiM in jgiava torr; hlghmt wag

ata to t Ca., I l l Bcuin

qulradi aiaady nooltlon and Addodvanreaorit

e ffto o .

.. ____ ippartUHlly tarddraae Stano,, ^ s 1, Nt

MAN ar VMnan. (or UtakM work.phana* ar oaJI a t I NHlalda

^ I r ; tel. Uentaltor tIH .Nava


GIRLS wantfd to Iffto ika JetaUif af mo­tion pictwa flliMi feed ch n m far theae

laavlng aehato. Crestlev Pl|m lA ham tort^ 41 StandJih nto.a Wato Orange.

to domand; gtoif aala^* and Evening Sauefb

Drake Bvatnaao and Seavftortol M aela.iTBNOGBAPHBR, COMIR'

STITUTB FRuic AUG. lU dU i:I d W f |, CALL. . J. Id TC . . . _

nAt.iiACH ■M RLm a_A

•TRNOGRJIFMKR—Aaivitte .al*aa«rapk*r aad aamlar*

part* WTltln* saItGcat wark, srskaM* prate IsoraUn wkan suifealad; (Mastery akMid alaa ka aappataat lo asdar- laka raaadrrk work al llkrary; ootasaaaaUos, AddTMA fstkiakte* ralaroaaoa sad faalKIOA. tIosA Col. K , Rsa IIL MUteara. N. J.


rU U a S H B D H OUSES r O R S A U O t T O L n - f U T O y T O W B

J., Boa H t, Maw* aatei.f U T — Four l l t k r n a a * *k^ M uk;

IS* hralalwr: s*«Hv KsS.

" • „ * * a . * * S S 2 3 a »«W M **. W V fsrsM ked.

t i S S u S . ;

nttto rnami u rn to d aoupla»k Kowi ____f l c ^ T i W s b M . ' WIcIg

«CB Itepte. r*st H it At Cholaaa ava., or piaso tMtr bar*k aoWlos.

I r w B i i Bovw pv •mruwmmmr, wmwwf w u ^; near WHbmi ava; ndwto e rp a v n prefafTtoi rant |Ms k im im X.* i s «

rwi to f la n ..............

m u ?ratortaa. FVRCHASINQ P KPT,. II* MAI

hTRXUURAI’IIICIt.GIRL Ikr soaoral koaaaworkl alaa s o m

*W to taka oar* o< koby of I roar*. Ap-

iipariaatedi >anltant _______ ______oBportanlly lor risk* party; atat* a*a, aa- Itefcl dallte. ti

porlanr. and aalary. A. C. W., Boa IM. kltoKas aad | I W.wa ome*. ____________ t i l l .

|kl d a lla a . ta asokaada

ply Slltef, III Avoa ate.. oHr, OIXL ar woiakB

, K A FH iR aidarateadlu k* kaopts*) ralaraaou iwfulrad, tsa ro ,

L lttto*^ ara., clothlag h e t ^ w o Wa I^ to do ekambar werk nnd mnn in^

rU R m S H B O HO USES T O i n - t e O I I T O F T O W H .

‘% a B $

O O tn T rarsMkad l-FMki aottetk, i Takte.^H.^ J-. I* m t far I t l l ; kosGSe;

S ter m .

f l a - ^ - tw* r * M iitefirT !Bla* watari f M rwMMSI

K . r b J ! L

liiTof tkraa te i l f f ^ ^ . a M o t e , k . |fam-

goea bema nlgktavnter. f f XJnetono n tL a

WPSdPi vn« wp«Apply at ala.

STBNOGRAFHBR. far law offle*; a u wKh Irdal (apariaaea pratarrad; atet* aaparl-

OBO* aad aalary roqalrad. III Uala* W * „ Mawark.___________________ ___________

tlakiK*. baiU pt teavaalasaa, aaar aasussusdit t a i ^ l d Fans, ______m tT r* i.. TorN o rr .

,k»* .

J S S I ’ R a t * ^iMilap, I n f s ; Impla,: ' CCtolM' «

TveUtk 410. MMrl«4f4a

eeloTod, giilxfal keutovailt. te ba of two rnnkfa h f (amito to • nduUp;

re e ^ a n d bath for maid. Pfcene iau lhETENOGBAFH E K ^ Eaaallanl eppertunlty

far feed aUnograpkar; maat be high eckato «te. Addreae B. K., ........................ *

Ominagai f i n

gradual' Box II, New# elckm<ffl


nitoTad trow 1 ^#!1 with a vaU-kna

UIIU. I* !■ IT yaan of ■*(; i* w« tewolry tu lo ry ofllca. Addroaa la

h aadw rlU s*. O tn « Work, i u I I , Olflte.

f « koo^ f iib r .GOOD OFPORTUNITT.

NowaK X F K R IK M C E IJ; w w v r r 'u n . u n .a a


ACTOR—MOTION TierU R R ACTOR J*al amTad tfoaa Frantei wo«U Ilka ta

■oaaoat witk a waU-kaowa aaoUta plotsr* corporallas: II yoarF aaparlaate; kav* playod la Italy aad Fraaaa; dtanatla or oOBWdy; oaoak tteilaai FraMl ' ~

of ronron Mows dftiw.

______ A f ________ _d ^ l l a * , 1* doatteMa MOttaiit — _

» * * *iw a th a t

NswsA tn c l io i

itoa. Franah a ^ Oarmans iid raM Zrtor. Baa Iff,

FOR B iO fM tog-^ofnt atoi

,A K B ® F H iM B "

o n o j , (alan d , m spaaktefs, as Hapir taar- _IA* psw«r ausUsa*: Uh priaair. Tba F fadiaaMva tuste Owapasy. <1 Krsta **,■ flU ft (*lam> ■ M M J te apaasisn s s

W Idtas'* df«Bia*i_al*» tM a J*nastl* aSH ■Isteif kar MMStes »!■» ^ I Krsssw at.

o i B a i j i F a L t a » a i * t * *

lALMWOHIM.U K A M B M oni A 00, raptlat

SM-rtooted aBlaawnaaa teaCOATR AMD t u m

h f t t t «VBW

. ..................... .. . - J r S i t H « * i s l f c id.

Gkas, dH


Good telwtaa *Bd' rsandtelsM.ApHy Bt asiptteSHSt tin m , aivi l(ls*r> kstwsas I X M. ksit I F.

worn vASm -.f u y o r t u i f g ? * -



|A '



L irr:peelit iranci pto P lag iMER*!

•r 1

7 ,olten^Hl'I.I

roei rxixM IwV IMT i



* riHewkP a m


liKAl ClXi 114 I

Nk« IR< >PC

rofir h'lt mtry ki UrKrnl l .a n t


kII lion Il'Kig

r LaO If:. NFlu.,,*4 m 1 I IdiHC

lijh t A I P I

h \ rI t*

B IX 1 Rilq

A<1nlt ttl V 'i


hlX I

Six p■Isr*

f]»oV *i l \ o

■ I! I15^

ffej l« H T

"pelImnii UkI ■i n r f

H'ML im 9t* S

l«e.i r n r

W'M* ri.i

R A V.

T l ' HJIkr*

m *ntfIL -* 'Yis-ii . n#1.

ihnr a ^Vne


Vh tlr hX'


n A V1a irh

xt smbt«'

gerif piipif f Mxrki




ItoX IT roc


h^nall I

Pftocr Heholn * s




m« ngA «lmSSI

I'iVi '

Tilv s n

. p q g i a ^ j i g g q p i ^ j r s ■ ,.. ■..

1»; M oim tlav I |tT* fell «•-IL

r o t S A U

u i o u

i«4. tw ^ rov I'­ll, JUII » tli r . K. W. Hrr • •rl iT H T h tr ,

K. J.i fcliv


tafokrw w lu •iij 4 HUantMd; Ml mi>0«rr.K 7T P

r. Boy y y . _____

14)food bathltift.

; l i l t ; irollojr »«M. U n. C.

t-r*h.prtrllM i fi»r kOfli* from it«- C v lu m M a T « ll ■ r»dl*r

f-roMid, fur J MocV«

rood cooditioii. mproTod. Ap »dl^ Baoeb-

iop'tlio’ oiiii wltli dll con U. KlchUdd*. ly Cof •pfOlot-

t for root Im f , roMlM In

T. fronU

ifdlew to Ic c and bodch. ammodata I?. >. Kaooabort '-^•w I aad i ■fdlowa, pent th, raaaonaOlt. >dd Third pL mngaiow, fur-

4 III H«pt. |» rd niPur M I9il.

HTvar. tit*' Ion; rant low mob ball, 8>,

ir t—FlTa-roon» r tba bonrb. or pbona >#?"

Mon; enmi Waeb.



U3W. 4J1 fur b i Ut . Ib u u Itu


ItON JtL Y 1. H»«TK« AVK

rEoMm bmu*. b<: •Odlrnl lor^ ■I L , Hoc Mw

Townij 911 m o D iM v rby pav ra n 7 to! tC, Wuwa>iT.

r OP Town, nil Impdova la abfilar than dran: OruM*'. » full pnrtto'*I B a iin b U r A ba

Bt laainPta.: I t toTil

4 l-co« t ( r o t i tl?a fall dr.IIm fblH]

>oti ff>rmfiali or OK) lOK U, Ba«r

,~6rnnfaa pra- OatJlaa, bo


« n a o t aocop . imatta: oaud^

•lanm bra i ml tocaUtjr for >ar moBib. Aulea._____i. ilfbt pBoma. labfoaaita n u 4 «Tib; OanUk Mbbtot; rtfar m, Warm tdflQa, il modarn hu r. iaa JaBitur laBtt, Ml CaB

bB.tb, ataa:i. It rooma; po«dfar naa.i eoi.

■Itura for aaii .T P. H Li)i%

bntb; Immi Itor, ITS RoatH

nil ImptBi, an- llor or tf ia t ;

lath pt.'^^acii Ira and brigh*. Ab ntMlmM^. rltbawt rtr»«a. I Orntfo taa. Alior or Wm.

tb npnrtmaM; [Abmit fM « * :d O r n ^ nv«.. uittor «r Wiu.

atanm batvoiiIra Mr*, wair,

«■ lB4«lra a[

Aatbltn taa,»hani; nil lm<

r sv ? ? :v ;iVry r t« p ic ~ n ii •trt, eU w rk, ■m I fl. Mama

me fov-fm»uivmmM

a e sL .•Pbrt-


h rf. H., w r

*« *

t ffiMiteo. iM r i la

i E L f C S l


S r ^ F iuhi MWM W»1

Ml 'W k , 'b n f uViSSSTidC:'ML »«WMrt ’SB,.;

•MMMM ««1k' I

® 2 ? £ ‘M t fM 1

B S ^ S I I

' I

l i u l i i

"TOM^JT.. llt- .y ee r.W M e^H M eel le MteeM kHM) tH feet reeee—Me

>r JMir e»4AeM et.--------- fC S-

i h a i i i i t I t

(er_ ^w o-K b o ii

A r A * T U B .V T « .KCA* b ro a d

OR f i n i i a r »* r n o u A i i f .


•*•*•'1 A FLATi i ll r<HMM, e»err Intel.u m l , tw » heel III tee tk levaeth , 1.; l«AeVe eeeeed fleer

JK L U rr AYR. •«»—tK reoin, ee eetetul. . .V' L* eieem heel, riec*O‘*0y. t ell hi III R1de*n,*d ev, tlnfeJAMC* «T.

nil/ IJ H UeC

*• — Thlrrt ,/e rtm ftll: kinellf®""'* en i keih; MC. R ■fatTaehait Fhon* tBAi itfAnrh Hror,ii.

cauBla hitrPanella

AVE., tl^A manenn bnva iufya front roam with paaiUvtlp r|»na; eom«r houaa. prlvaia an trnnra; mutt t>a dut«i, ndult hualnam pa« pt» prafarrad. ninatnc wntar. uaa of bofr LM, Biarhina__9 9 R ^ T IN 0 of the R an t Pnj

af SMai Caunlji |nc.Friday aranlna. July I. 1IM, • r M, Eaary rant parar Tn - - j

aliand Ibla mrailnpAlt'irBC^IlT NT, 119—Thraa larfa, Ilfht

rooma. an anilfa taoond floor. aU Bowlr

F h p a n r A a to e m iB w» lf i ba b ^ I t tb a

July I. lll« , I Pa eirr ahould

forra tn ia d and d a r o u u d . wtiar and fat. iw a a d u J ii tnuulra ||o MT l‘ROtrfL0T A VE . lt-^ 'lg mofiu. walar

fOa (nquira ! U N iona ■(" V E r ifa a a n i rn-m, [••T-tiy'TufnTafcad “ iT l-

«ai» faralU p rM ,,,. j;,h, bauaaP aa* iB » .. iiupU .A MrrBB n . Hen IT4 Nfwi


b f i^ 'J fA R b f T H i - F iirn ith a d a p i %• room* atoam haar JanJIor a a rr lr* W t

H aw bay

and ktfehaEi Ml romplataly

b a v ia -

F A M i l m . bad raom bniinrulnm apart mant hnuaaniahad, outajd* n>«niia AbbIv

U I 4 Rrrhad. T i«fur

U K A L T F O R i N t p t C T I O N — N iw

lid Huiaida aan. N««ark N m Or phnna Waxetriv t^.tf



R i> N I v ii. rM>«rT)

h''J Wa'arP»m

A \ K I M — U t a h - r iia a alk rquat fionrp t h r o u ^ o u t ataan^

tlWd bt(h ahouat Oullcr'a nan- try arvA r.*a: a-rMr,. Mft laejulra r>n

llw .r i-.-aa|o)i

P i t 'P t l 1 lA -E . Sftr^n P iit h ar«*oma, all Impia im m a c M ta b >

^ R r alatJoTi. A p p ly ti?i p r*jrla# lT r - .b g v i l .L t ; siyrtfa a v . ' i v i T 7 o^m-

aiJ im T'ti I n - n ird i it t pn«aaafti>n ni»ar Mani)h liii-juln* rin T’ ramiaaa B '* S K V 1I.| l; . T » 1 fam ilT

f oOf iD p iifa iP h fa ia ra 1 t>i ^■nrl h K> ' ■‘ fH h pt F|I )hE\'I l . l .n I . ia n a i a; , 1 1 1 ^ 4 ~

fo o fr i vtuh i . j ih n**r HuaavHland tr i 'l lf) ■i l - i s i v i U . K .tV K , -o ^ .

i lH i l frw.m MPar fhra* irnM ay iTnaaiA i* faniji.i

houaa. a*p*rata

aaeandn ira n ca

■ J airy Ptallnn

pr|.I rif 1 tiS K.s 1 \ KTK 4

i r a . Puriil»h»-(i fr.ur'f''f>m i nmi-r ro lrri- I' A* aaa-fkttal

I I ear i a n tra l a p a rt tTjant f-’f tr quJra H a n t j .

II X kOir.MH i ir a n iRciullB f-nly |4| \

^ iiHr l]'i| 142 h \ V 'H lX t M t . hath .

n i'at, thr»»I n^vlra aa^nhii

K l\ M|ht rnnma, m ' “ Upla prafFtr^fl

u ffl. a

>riri. ■ r*rh < ffr i.

Il> , H ik aa-1 (loh S411 Qi addraaa

|inpr» *•- at

>an>ania hui117 I'aaM rtt

AiMri-aam i ' i i , K lt l .

r id e r .>•1 l*T

'« ly pa l tiled and H ra d iw av#

e n iom a r tr il er near M u rra y

• IX -RIHIM r i . A T l i 1,1 -^ dertirattfl , tUe thP H K b M A V a V k U ^ \

floor bath , aapara ia h at t r n a d ra r rent l i n• l \ Or n»nt-rr>»m fla t tw let. 104 |\yifiia ave

all I m p u , r a h bai.>^^n P « y M fu id e nI J X la r fa , l ic h l t i iu in i an il Nath |tj

reahinw tv* hear I'lthtonC ' l T H K M .H T I l B T 111 fl,<onrt f W r

Mportm enl ai; in ip l* . n e w li <i«M-nraled Imnia«1U le Ir*p* r/n* t-lf,ek «-rii-Ira l |X# irn lla y

f c i r f i i n i s k t e k .-j t i i * t <i .‘ I " , * 1.1. 1 e r n . H K M t.S T II

y F e v i i j t * . e t c i i . s i , r u i o R •■I Sl.STH « T . Itl i i , , , | |.

li**. in q u ire nn P re m 1e«-e adulta I f . i l T H T V V K I .rT lI HT . - n

aM I n ip 'i renr |]|

lY ’ R t N u r i L L i ' A v t iP 4 - - i i x r o 4 i«F [ .A T . !.V|PR‘ '\ 'P :M E \ T ! i l A l . l J A T


• B t K M P t l p f l i b r a it i t e t U r a lU M M : M m H m i P M v t t t a p I

H m v o i F , I m r b t v n n t n H , Amtora t t d ilro<f e L ^ r a o f o 4Hf.___ ____ ________JBylKGtOlf—ropr roawia aad bAibj db

■ruat ai*t,, p*«mnd boM* from OlltlPtt» a.___ _____ __________ ,b U t i L k t t l N U toot B p t r tm a tt , 9 ro o m o a a d

bnib. mbdort uoavoBiMoBa ntd plMaani io eo ilO B , 4 9 l F n r b bvo^ B m i O r t t f o * A p - fly J a a t U f ♦» ^ ot a io u t b Ornwf* t i l . _ b I X ro « m » 7 a ll Im p tn . 9 4 T t ' l l a u t avo ..

lM«lr« GoMborf. I tN, J.I fr ltA la M e t a d y a t y .l< RO (> U f ia t ia t h . 1 ,

famlijr haoao: ratt III. lapi poet a i., Ea a t Q r a P fo ; tol. OtniLgu

U r n f i f s : :>rnM« ITIT.


In B lo o ra flo ld or noorOy. AI. B a lo o t, aen T im l A M aohlhp Co., II U a w o J ly t t o pR lA A ip fla id M. J .

rmaiat w |'b all

F L A T A F A R T W B N T p B f lO O S B .T-oo aduitj. with nno rhltd, I, 4 or T ft

W itbtn e o m n tu t ln f d ia ttn e o Mow T a f B : ro M O A tM a A d d ro N f t o f l t M , B o i o ffleo , O i a i f o lo c r t or fU a room Afl.. nJ

fo n t not over M *;A ddrooa BoU oTlIla , Im i 111, f io v a o ftlao > 0 1 *R o r f io t ro o n u I t or a f c o T T T n t t S a S "

fon t BOt le okeood 111 If bnath OfnACo a r t . K«»nrN

Tftf B.dtjTdii G. lft#t

ra C a r lo te n . 11«

F I V E or a l l room# w an taJ by ttoe lad loo U fo o d aoeiioB, by Ju ly 1» or A i t u M

1 A d d ra m W , B n t J, N r i r i ofTlea K C A R K f ^ er A r l ia t t o n . w antad. 4 o r I

ro om t. b a th ; eaunia w ith c h ild A ddraoa R a i y I n B oi^ IH^ _jNew e efflca 7 'E W L T rnarfiad couple

■ ftoma, l>ata, m odora L fie ld or i l r ln l i y . A dilraaa $1arrlod ,\e« e offleo.

A I XA l . l .

n p t *

4 e fcMim a .

M a n .

II Ji»- Aparimenti, tuo. rnriTfii; m iidern im p en ra- • ll t ia i« n > I J M Nerween

■uppUad p M v o ia houae. uae <if b o ihro itin

ill : to ilyii.e-rr>

■ mplP lia Amer-I- '1 turn

T J 'H F .V O R A T .I hPee and I ru r

m ante. Jam rur < i^VaPiJ JT t i IJ la ra i . ..hue.

;na and a‘ erirl<' 1-ne bliM )i

01.f iv?) Rl H jitn

r-aa famll>Pier a^rf t ' I ip q t M jM jt t n jn.,(i^rti. im p riittH l ip a n

maitt 11 l->anhlln rt. Te j. W a rn r iy .tl44 T H u M A ) d T .. t s — >li«r|e froMi Ih lrrl al<i*y ^ rnojrt, a ll rrinraTilanreii prt--* raaennaNS#

It T O H V ( iM 'H ' l . r<»rn*r W a ln u t and ftr* r lia rd M r. t rnmn apt , furrtiohod nt u n -

fu m lih e ij . n ji m ad am im p ta . e lav atn r la r - VI. R IrjqBtre Ju n h n r nr r-*n plltt Hi m

” A V X SIJ. A O tr hyshA ooeth o w .-*-Nira, a iry W d rirtht and l lv in t room

*|th uee itt h t irb e n fnr M th t h 'iu p rb a e p ln c In a willow ■ pr|t-afe h'tme . ituilaU ie f..r O 'trk jn f rn up le P h u n - W a» erly 4ap:

W K E U r A H l i ' A fE 'T I t i.S . liOtuph ova — K t| h i b eau tifu l nm m t, tu n p e r lry ; otl lmr>ia

p a r tp e a 'rixm m iK ta t U»r<. im m e d ia te i« ru - Pane y , l ia o . p F ru itm a n . l 44 M a f a l ln * "t MR'-het 411].

W R K g l- A H I C P A R K - F i r a t f U l , five la n e .■Igbt rihoraa. lo -n -fa m lly houe* i every fr« | .

•n i Lmt>i a d u lla . 941 i^ t l llu ja ie n la rt r i. % A H R E .'f r r m - ^ i a

daatraa 4 or I mpia.. Ib B i Bom -

M a rr io d . B o i 16,

0 R A NQ E P^^^^uroU b3^^7 TTpom ^paTl • m a n i or am nil botma v a a to d fo r BunnrBar

or p ro fo ro b ly a lo no or ttm o. ro ato B a b la ro u t . ■ dulta. Addrooa 0 .. B o b f . H tw t o ffleo ,1 'rB U fa .TKREK iUfXRICAN aDVLTI w%hi Hitt or

flva u n fu rn iah ad r o o m In K o n ro y e r A r l-Initftfi, rent raaaonable AldrOea Amarlran. fi*-'* IS, \ew» nfflraTniW'tj rnnrriod roupJ* ^aolra modem four-

room apartment with bath. Rooovilia or Oranpra preferred. r>e*jpon<ry topt 1, l*o#n. Addreaa H R- P 0 n s J I f . ^ N a w i^ o fftca _ t ' l RitOMA wonted, all impia., RooovIMonr

Eoii oranga profarred Phono orlando.r>i tiiB* lOTB


A p A ft T n E N T . I poomo and bath , h an doom o- ly furtilahad avory m odorn Im pt, , not a

•u m m er prapoolM on ron< m ooi ronaonablo In parmartent torvant po o b jo o ilo n lo q u io t ch lid T e ii. *'all 411 Routh Relm iiPii a i r ba IWeen I 10 uud 1 10 P MATTPACTI'K fu rn iahod fiv o room a uikt

bath 1 )1 Mr->ril>ialr ava ro f. M l Proa- pa®! aie lei '443,H HFlALI'l'IS' HT 11 — Furn.ihed apariment, 1

nr three rooma feao''ntbJ#, 1mi>ri>vamenta. t n-ilnulea to Hroad and Rf«rhet IIK'JAIj dT 1:ol Three rtwiina furnla'he ’

modern elo- trif-liy, thnwer *>-reoria anJ a W iilr.BR referetii-eBhijau . TiTr t " o hihim I a n l

B a t h , a u . j m p t b i N y r i i i K j a m Thy.HHI 'F IN IR A B I.K ip a M n i* n i for eu m m er w in t e r ,

very r in l t a l a n <1 re iio n a b te t a ll betw een 1 :u-» to lia r rM ) I S lu . H ' f h g|.I I h S l i H E L i f.r unfurnla^ied I or 4 roAnih.

ah iiupta I. l iiiM n I'p. IIMIaida are n u n i A R n A T . I l l — F u rn i.h e d ai> arim »ni.

3 and 4 rr>orna. a ttan i he4 i Ja n ito r t<<r vp-a M r lla w h e v H K t T ' i H NT

rnome, till U t lrw

If Throe ]lrht Ooupokeepinfl ■r mlnu'ae (n tuNoi Market

ifl'l th ree rooma, Lath w ith b it rb e n ette *|«xKtitr a e f ilre Inquire |*nllor. : t

" 'a lt iu t el . c l ly . Phone li'iio : M a rk * !.1 HtniM AftHTMKNT fMi

nlahed hot v ia 'r r and Jan itor a rrv ie e fo r 1 TiiOTtUia nr lunaer Phone B ra n c h H'-ook 1411


T M O R u * > Mf i if n lahod

k lir ben etie . n orth i i f h i K • Kaatitian. T W fb y o u A f


a p o r im a n i. o r iv a te a o ir « n r r or u n fu m ia h r.i ba th and eJecTfIcll), F re n rn elndna-

Irlh lty nP A m p e r'' p ffP err* .! Ampere. N J

m dealro furnlphad bachelor iAddraoa A m a r lr a n •e |1l*

T>yaa1 u fft I 'o rp . StalleylH#. x j


K A A T t 'R A N i/ K — P ot ran i, an tJ ry I roi/iu furnlohi-d ap ariT n e iii for aum m Rr m .in ih a

near B r i fh i h iir» h h ia ilo n . i t ; H a io 'e .t (e. t trange t k l IJ F ,A b T I 'H A N i lB . A om h

Hayen rcMnna, • hath) tw o rn n n ih j. fine liH o llu n1I4JI i*l o p o r im e n i

lo lot frtiin .lu iy I ir

ier m o t ill ilre y ' . j r laa i ir ra n fa

T l ( l i i : k M 'M j M B pa riiite n i n aa ii) fu rn ia Y e X la au h lo i teofU J u ly I rw (W i ] f f a p«r

•Pinnih. Hea lh * ja fillu r , JE4 N n n h Ij TUVO ■ t. Kaat OrBuga\tK I.| , fu n ila b e d ft ie -rn o tn a p W rlm en l fa

N o rth A r llt ig tu n av* E a a i <>ratita, ijnItJtnri/ii.-r I iin rurirtahoJ tK--eaf|,.p P h en * K u B -n e p-orkrr. IlTyao^ f f l " . d n r f n i h uflneaa

Muon Bve, ti4 - ' raone.i piaau

ne*T|y purBiahei.-l, • '•-t 1 rant 11 nd

IJ Proape T at .

h»Ur tl-iO


nptaOf • UAan< y. _ Jn i^ ire Jo ntinr ^ A R H K N h T , l i b — F o u r fiion io

(■awl> j»alBted, w a la i and b«tb T - h iM t l i fiatj o l ih a il Linpia. R in g

m»4«rri B|iart.

floor Kelt. U'elaa, to l. B a rb o t i:« T

] t 4 A iiuth E le v e n th a l.;


BY 1-4-9I M -J> r-


younff. refined . I 'h r 'a ila n eouplo, ri'frttiJ and h o lh in m.Mlern B iM rtm o iit

9 t 0 . N e w ark gr aubgrlw A d d r r ia m a iio n i. Mmb 44. N»wa c f f lr e P i i i ' r i . E w aula five rrMirne H e iw e m J u ly ai

H opiem bef |, tru p r-ivf m ento, A d iJ r a _ Amoftran^Roii J 11, N«ira offlre

neipj I o r 4 nKiina, awme Im proeo inebla, at Bh>‘e, m o d o ru ia ren l Atldreoo

A . B«tl l l . Mow* n fflra . iy t f is iR A b L l^ i 'X N A N T w ant* ih ro o or

n»um Aparlnaonl bI unre t'aij W'Bv-erty|f»TipafiM tiifO w ill A# pi fiv e rniim a fo r Of-tc

a id I Or-fobwr

IfinaRAl. «niti| ftnEIng

A m o ytfB n m u p la ; you m ay h av I ra n i, w rU b m«. A d d rro o O o n tllo , B ua U 4 . N owji o fftro _ _

R E F t N B L \ y o u n r. C h f t i l la n co u p la doolro atnBlI f la t o r ap ftrtn ian t in gomt fBuldon*

tkBi aoctloB i a ll lriai>roVemrnla; Aug-ual } or boforw. it b lo fon t w atiiod . A d d r o u A . T .X i iT W i.i or Ihroo u n fu rn io h e d rootno. ta-lth b a in

M d ImbruvoTWonla. y n u n i ('o«pU , no rh i! f p o p ; |on0 la ro tln n d ra lro a . L . R Jum . in n ih Nlnotawfifh ot.

T W u n r tbroo raom a. p a rt Im pta., O ontra lly ■ lorw iad fo r midille»BJ|«4 l-u u iiU , fo n t ra e .

•Onable. Addrooa M. £ F>. ~ ~Nownrh P nraa-cBfe rnrrier 4t

r w G adulto wiiht Ihma or four rooiba: water and gaa. Addrwno Adialla, Hon 44. N>wa

^fill’d . '___ __B'AhTTBI> at opto, by coupla po chtidron,

four ur flT# Poioma arliii improvaipotito, KOI mtira ihbn t9 minutou' rtda to Ifarbat and Brood; robt 994> Addooaa X. R., HubM, Nowa offica. ________^ANTKfF-^Hoons 1b pidvato rbmtly lrT>VrMi

Hill acetiOAi rofoioacoa If noroeawry; aiaiorariloHlara apd toaul, Addrtaa Hoorn. Iloa

I. Howa nffl^ ,_WiiMraii^^iMuii t:Vt orV-i ruliM iw » 7 n i

marrlod ooupla; Btwta portlewlan. AddroBo ^ <*., Baa It, Nava ofneo.W A ^ U - F l n ar ala room*. inpU.; I Ib

fbrolljr. IBibcaii, 94 Rolbarford pX.. Konh A rtte s ie Vki/TO,

an apartihon(^_^ ir t f lB fd A m o fiM B f otapfa footilS" Itlia

‘ ‘ ~ I raanta;A dd roao F . I>. F ..I to aaatod 91*-

M. i<i«a o ^ ___________ ____ToUKO I'OUPtkR with bBby doBtra Ih r^

PuoAa. all imptA. raat 939. Addroaa 4.Bob II. Maira offt^, _ _ ___T^HOGlI' FirAT, wllh'tiiiMa.. b y 'l w oiiofM

fno i Aiinal li prafarabir Boar Pallraad MntlM In Hawarb or viHntiB . B*j 41 N o cU l l i b I t _____f-4 RGGMI In iwo*Uml!y or alBcto h o o ^

all lApla., hr admta icIiofoUBMF: pfmMWbfaTofrad , h u d t ................................Xobobim. N. J

H O R U C O M O F ilI .E .V R l t K j E O lt ll l .N A .V i F. N O . Zl7

A n nfflln*n*-e to p rov ld o tiiO lb * U O iln g nf AdaniR pl*<-e I fo rm e fl) hnnwri Oa lE e w e lly n R ii-n u e i an il fo r ian atru < lin g a in m h ln a Hart . i .m r e le i urti and g u tter on blit h ahira <if ea!i| A 'lam a pla<e

Tie 11 e n s i le d and o rd a in ed hy ih * U a p i'rf lm i I * 'id *>'Urnll t-t ihe N o rou th nf o<n(i ft ld g a

In the f-nunly nf Eao eiAei-||i>n I T h a i thi- TriadWay " f A d o m o

p lace <ri>rnieriy h n n a n aa I J e a e f ly n ai^-nua®. fn>m A tlilland avonuo in H o w th iirn e a ie n u e a it b ln the hpiille i.f the hnrn iig h n f li le n H M g e, lie p aved n iTli a iip hah l.nuJid r iiO ia - |

d am p avem en i ,Hei-tli#n 2 T h a i x ' n m M natU in in ru fe t a

■ Urh and lu t le i Im- . iinelPui 1e<| nn pnth I eii1e« Ilf aalil A iian i* iilai*- t fur inert jr k n ow n I Ha t .le w e lU n a v e n u n L

Nertii^n I T h a i aatd tmt<rui e m e n t i >ha!1 j he m nile In A ii-a rrla n ie wHh lh<. plan* aii'1 ' ap> ’ Ifh-atlOMH prepaTWii by i h« Mr-Ung i buTirU Ith eng Ineer. I>n file tn th " n ffl. • o f | the I lark nf rhe tm rnugh n f i) i*n f l ld g a einl und er th*- euporvleinn nf fh# ■aid eii#lrMor and ib a i n .m ihlilpe an airw eia and #«W*r4 «.f tbe jAnrnugh i uum N

B o illi.n 1. T h a i the *-oet and e^periaa n f the ru re rn ln t Im itfovrrnt Qia ih a l l be a* iwpM-d agBlnat the p rnp orty b vn rfJie iJ th arvb) In B i-vnrd an ie w ith law .

HotIJnn 9- A n d Sw ll fu rth e r a iittc led and nrdntn i'd th at th la nriilnam -e ehaH tak e effe< ( ImrBadlatOty

o r d ln a n t a p aaa^ .luite I f . t f ; o .A tia a l L . H. l l A V R T ,

M a y n rJOHN A B R O W N ,

B n ro u ^ ^ C lo rk _______B O Ti6 t ! a H 6 r ~ a L i N R j D G i i ~

O R l i lN A N C R NO / J l l An n rd ln a n cg to pooolde fo r (bo rn n B tru c-

tlon o f BO o Biw M ion nf tb o a y o U m o f •owerago purrh apad fro m lh» io « n « h lp o f t llu v in f lo ld . Ih ro u g b M aw th o raa avrn » o fn»m A d am a ptoco (fo rm o rlir b B ow n aa L ltw a lly n bvon«o> to M a o llo aBOniM, Mrithln th e it in llJ o f th e b o ro u fb o f Q lo n n id g e

lie II ordM lBod by lfc« M a y o r and t'iiuB- eli u f Iho borottch o f G io n R ld g a in ib e co u n ty o f BaoOk. aa fo llow a:

Ho<-tlcrp 1. T h a t fb t r o abalf b4 la id and fo n a lru c to d an oirtaBaiofi o t the oyatom of aow oraga purobaaed fro m (ho lo«nahl|> of U io o m fle ld . to 4’onatal o f g pIna aaurar e igh t Im'boa In d la m o to f I b rM tt b M « « tb o rn o avo nua fro m A d u n ia p iBco t fo rn io r ly k n o w n *a t . lrw e lly n avenwa) t» M an ila g rrn tte . w h ic h ai war a h k ll b* U t4 h i o ceordBnn* w ith tba p lana Bird bpoolfh'atlom a pPOpured b y tb e

criing b o ro u g h t n i l w a r . on f llo In th e n ffirn irf 1h " elyep o f iR o Knrwpgb * f ( lie n H id io and u n d e r the lu p a rv lo lo n n f th e aald en g in e er an d th o roBiw ittloa nn alreeta ad d Bowrra o f (ho B o fo u g b C o u n cil.

gfH-tlou 9 T h e <oot and fap on ae i>f the fo re g o in g j'^nitHrovemoilt ah a ll bo aaaoeabd aguTnat Iha p ra p o n y ban o fliod ib o ro b y In a c ro rd a n ro w ith law.

h ectlD * >■ fiw II fu rth e r o iu irta d and o rd a in e d th at th is u rd ln a n ra a h a ll la h a e rfa c l liw w iadlatoly.

O rd ln a u ra paaoad Juaa >■, 1994.A tto a U lo H . D A V R T .

Mayor.JO H 7Y A B R O W .N .

RomuEh C le rk . ______________


v lc ln t ly .

g fo riilnhiFiV

dulph. O a h iM

HRWAHt^Fonr or flya-ruuni rial, Jm- gfovamaalB. In aira nelthborlkood; ront

WiWgMibla. CaH_4l Slooi her ■Ll .tgR flitr .


All othor cliififiod ad- vertmng wiD b« looiidm


t ~ R m , r a s M , a t I n -

te* ^ch>l)rM - wHR Ml ’


m S f B '

■MMif .a Hi; jaiw-i(j -.-*o l ESBKJ>8 RiaRSWAia3. Ifef


C o r . M a r k e t & H a b e y S t o , , o p p . B a m b e r g e r ’a

Special Sale

Palm Beach Suits$10 a n d $ 1 2

Abo S<Hne E xceptional Vatuea at $1 .')-$18 -920

You may scour entire Newark, but you will not find the equal of these Palm Beach Suits at these amazingly low prices. They arc built with shape-retaining shoulders, collars and fronts. Ideal for these sweltering davs.

We also feature at SI.*), $IH and $20 smart Mohairs, Bannockburn Weaves, Kool Kloth, Silk Shantungs, etc. All sizes. Alt are very wonderful values.



N a f u r e ' i T o n r e ?Over t QUARTER CEN­TURY, this old home rem­edy, known to thousands of people, has served as a guardian of hoalth. The o r i g i n a l B O S A K ' S HORKE VINO is an effec­tive, mild laxative— Its medicinal qualities acts as one of Nature's best aids, in building up the tired, worn and fatigued system.

You wilt find the original nOSAK’S HORKE VINO a real genuine health building i o n i c . Your Druggist or (Jrocer ■vllt supply you— but be sure Ihe name BOSAK'S ap- pears upon the package and bottle— refuse imita­tions.

, BOSAIC^M a m ^ a c i t t r i n g G o .

— S c r a n t o n ;* PA.ANDREW GA8DAJKA. Distributer

14.1 Second Street. Pwuir, .1.r o p y r l th i . m i l

split the Coitl


Watch the papers carefully for Van Dyk announcements. Tike advantage of them—and split your cost of living I Live twice as well and spend half as much!


SAVE MONEYDttclwft Coffee . .Maracaibo Coffee . .Victory Coffee . .Comb^tkHi Coffee QoaU-Teas ^V icto ry .; OolMkg; Mbuid, etc.

PttreCoooi ^

48c lb. 39c lb. 35c lb. 30c lb. 50c lb. 35e lb. 28c Ib.


e> Don’t Poison Baby.P in 7£ABS AGO almiiit eroy mttber tiwaElit her cbild noit bnt

PAREQOBIO or laadinam to main It iloepb Thrae drop will prodoflfr •iMptiDd A FEW DB0F8 TOO BCANT will ]>ro^ the SLEEP IlOlC WfllO TS5RE IS NO WAKING. Many are tbo ohUdm wbo hara ^ killed «t whoM beilth bu been rained for lift by paraprfe, laadaimm end morphlnei eidl of which ll A DETOotlo poTodiiot of opiaiQ. Ihnggisti ire prohibited foan MlOllgl either of tbe ntfootiot named to ol dren' at all, or to anybody without hbdUm tbem '^Isod/' Hie definition of *Siarootlo" li: "A modieifto vAieA roUeimt paba mnd produce* aUop, bui ichleh in poittmout do$e$ protlucM atupor, eoma,e(mmb

> 1'■

jour pbyiioiiui know' of what it ts oompoeed. OABTOKIA DOES TAIN 8AB00nO3| If,It .bears tbe tlgnatnre of Ohaa. H. Fletober.f

Children C ry Fop


Of'CourM'Yon 'Lofwe Your Baby.T ee i m h beta** «f Ite very k ilp lew w , becew It c e lt NO -piy

Toa what ta the matter whe* it feala bad. It eaa eily cry aad le*l|. m «M t«r M r H t tte m«e ymi tort baby, tbe mora yea w a it» - • belt baby, the mete yea eight t» raalln what a woiderlil remaif-ra Flatehar’i Caaterla k. It haa baaa laM far babiae' aOmcita far a«N' j thirty years.

Mm axyarteiced doctar dlacorarad rutchart Caeteria eapedaDg for baUiW see. It It a harmleaa tnbadtite far Caator 00, Parecerl^ ~ Drape aid Soothing Synpe. Doctor* who kaewlwhat la eefe aad bail for babioe hiTe only foM to eay of tt.

Drat>oflact yonr baby. Oat a bottle of natcher’a Caetocla t i4 TO baby a fow doaei of It. Be* bow tbo Uttla on# amflee at ywi as tjyiag to thank yoa ter bclplnf It. Soon yoi will learn ta dapaat yieteber*l Caaterla, made Jntt for Infant* u d CbUdita, uid 41

J f l

coum yM w«tild M t thtok ol w lu u y tU B i f«r t lim Hut w m a rt pftytfrt vtixcltltT im Ufuts a&4 OkUdren. w kety It ti tkt

a i N u i N K CASTORIA a l w a y s

the Signature of

B ttc t OwpT «f TMW ••HWdbMH «•*«#«■¥« F ew WBMB #mp*


HOSIERYfor Good Valus

98 TfearsDoing One Thing Well j

For almost B oentory we have been content-to do one thing wcD-knit hosiery, Ipswich Hosiery fits right, looks well, and fVears SstiBActorily.

Not just a moderate*priced hosiery — but stockings knitted up to tbe highrst standard, yet Moderate-AYcecf~-that is Ipswich Mosaory.

The wide variety of styles include numbers in oonon, lisle, mercerized and fibre silk—knit to meet the needs of human feet—for all the family.'

Look for tbe Ipswich Trade Mark—it is the Sign of Good Valoe.

IP S W IC H M ILLS, Ipswich, Mass.PmMlil ii UN

Oldnt ami OmaftMt U t m tfaatoy JMtfti f* nb# Vm $i

LAWRENCE ft CO., Sole Sellioa A<eotiBoaioo Md Naw York



Wo. S14. W o. aaa’a Ipaviek aonbad aottoa.

1' Mo ia«M to*b' l^nddilHinnM

[ j^ o ^ B M d h tm ' C

'VU r 4DM, iShb*'


E,-.. .

' g g i c i t '

■ U W IM CXW- I f t IlM MM* I t lta«

r S v 5 u i H " V r j R r “s

M m s s■.......f .i lB n t2S ? ! l

«*OT ■ ■ HI •

M «r« 4k M i

9 t ttM

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_ |M*I M i k t r l M *•I Ik* tm * ■■■•

(I***,***) * M ta f l to t « »

„ . J * k . kK* r* ll l» * *H M f c k M M n t* U k » »cll»«

I * * « fr M **M n M t a l lo * *( <>I M m tZ n l» k m l ;“T I k i i i i r " •• *k» <wMit»«k *»»

IM I, • H lW M lI t® w*l» r*(l *>t tfc* 4 im X m n . m*4 ■ o U U• t o r U « t f« r . M v n r l M U t j *

Ailr i t o * « « ip tay w m h#id. at w h u ii

i lM K I « * 'ih lr4 a IhIWV'IHPIlkM ■■•» — w— 9 t tl** ha»vnf^W«f« ®ava prr«4ra( !■ p^tpab. andft% ®ar» pTTPrrM -■■■-

Item tW'l^tritP la int«r*i( <»f •r Ika atpcklitfldprv havlm vol’

wwm T»t*4 la fa*«r «r pa'-h 4*4 r«aaa iPlAi aailMrtaad aapiialM t a i l a n M l a f M . .-*- ^ T l u t !t ta a4r1aabl# ta da*

ta ta l a a tliW iB ad cp p ira l Pi**h * f 4i r rrv m a la* lia a d ttd tltA aM nd d® U an 1« fo a r h«adr*d aad f l f t r i M M . M l i d aU ara: aad .

fa n d a f r#**lT*d. T K a l a »*#*»n# ' }d*fa l a U l ia a H la a apofi taa

laU aa W ra llv d tv h* Kvid


a r i ia i r i

. ._ ,? S ? 2 r* I*•lua m Ika itatk**)**!^ ksirliia ^a^ara, arMc^ adM arritlva aaaapt la

w H U M- * p f •— -

v a t t M



UfiAl M S W w W p B K i

b S S - ^ « *, *■« k«r I ^•Ml *t Mm K

* ^ " T k » t k i n ikMMM • * « « • * '■ ? “ ■ink •»* n • * • !* of prttoTTt* .tK kI H H * u * M U t a s k ln * . . ___ -

I* «ll*«« »k»m * <k« Ml* T k s J e w k K * * M « i P n w l* * I’M i n k l k n o n i n e a l * i» fc« * l* n 4 i r " * k m W » » J k ^ li« n cM tkrr. tiu l H» * * • ',iMnto klfliM Ikl* twvBllHk >l*r ®l Mkl.

' vlaviaaa daiulrvti aad laivair®n u r w m oT H B H I B K iL K R

‘ ^ * u » A I K H .P M r H K . 1 k l .B l l .|*mldva(.

* H r A H T i t r i t r i i k n « i k h .■eorp iarp -

T h a i 11 la a d v ip a h i*tldk i rtal a iJlh orU *4 l n t

IK* 4 »m a# nr (Tvni ali^v hBrtdTfil th K a rta dtaaaaaai d«»^Un t** r»ar hau4r*<l an<i fiftir iK o a M fid d o lla r t , and .

■ h Ip l i iM h . 'r r«# »lvM , T h * t a m **tlng of ih# iiv* K hn iiU r# In la h o a i i ln n vpwn 1b* fiirM o fe iC r*aolu Uort b« ia l l* d Up Ih» bald •t IBP tiflntlpal irffl'*" «f 'I*** ' ■inijpaii)'. "3 W Hpoa N fv iv r h , N J *»n ih * I f a * -H ath ditt- v f M a r . I*l*> a i i I t o 'l Ifpcb inlb* aftidnipcin ”

T h * Jb«t*fpian*d. b*in * m o t* (ban !*•• ih l r d i III in U f* * l nf ♦*« h rla*P **[ ib* pikkokholdarp v f T b * Jw*|>b lt* n a i4-r l l r * vIn f I'oB ipaaiy, h a v in g v o iih g ^p«w«rp^ h av ln a ai a ih * * ia iaa< a in**i aoB r*-vu laftr ia il« d fur ih a i pur poav lc il*d fa v o r o f tba r*anli»tlon U* da ervaa* th* tu ia l auihwr|»a4 « ap U a l a luck

■ A M B d Sbpvaa •# ®(aafc.Artkar C, .. ...............................R k i k a r * k . H i k ^ w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J J 2AMIkk r. H»n»l»r............ •.*«iH I k ir i A- J f JIm MI H*Ml*r Bo»kl*............. |}JE4«kr* r. .................U a r| k r* lk * B- ll• l^^ l♦r............... J JJ

>11* U W k l l lk . ■ **•

k*Tl*« iMIk* * m M

* (■ 1* o f T it w 5 » iin lr “ 4 . * “ ?• **Ifa II r*mvmb*r*-d, That on thia iwan-

n > lk <Hf «l H * f . k I k r tM k h U B ilrV j ««A i w . n i f . b o lo tt b m . Ik* • u M frt iH T , • n iA . l f f In < k>Br>r> o l t i r o Jrrm rr. ^•r****^)' o y prmnO k r lt m f I* ll* * * !* ' » « i-* l* ry o l T k . J i^ n l i l l t M l ' r B ro « l* » l o B X ^ n r . Ik* 'o r - i>rtr*il” n niMWilonad In and u rh U h e ia c u la d ik * tot. I in i .1 . » k n , b*ln« 1»> IM»d u lr BiTiiin on hla a a lh ta y a th a t ha la iPr'h . n r r t l . t l .) v l I h . l M l. •••I » f M t .* I* Ifc*p .ld iP T ilf ira lp U (hi- v o rp o ra ta aaal o f paid ..urtKifPlIon th# »aina l»*ing w v ll |in4>«rn to Klin i Kmi A d o lp h r H p u a la r la p r* a ld * n l an>l alpr«M,l »a1d p * n lP i* a l* a n d a ff la a d aald p»al ih a rr io and ii#l1f* r* d t a ld r * r l lh ‘ a lp bv a u ih o r t if lh a board o f d lrv cro ra and ^sth lb* Mpaanl Df !• « ihIrrtB In Inlaraat of ra th ilaaa of lh# alurKHo1d*ra h a v in g To|- I n i powpra. ma and for h (l v o Ju n ta ry a n and d rrd and ih* v .ilu n ta ty a r t an d da*d o f aaid ■ (irp'pratlon In th* prvaanap uf d * p v n * a l, w ho iK *f'U |^ u tubp'. rtl^ d hla n tn i* tb ara tu a*

... . .4A nd ha runh*t^ P O fi th a t th * raan lutinn (it lh a board of d ira c lo fa r* fa rr* d to In ih* paid ra M lfK a t* . a trk»a c o p r o f w h h b Ip P iipandw l lu ppid ( • r il f lc a i* . waa ad opt*d at

U r

M gPtar

A iiT H ^ a * a ^ i ia n u B L •4 kii* ■«•(• t* M m a w th lk• t B w . ^ b i m ,

^ K d k b , MVU.Itar ip Cbapoprp g t N*w

ilOAJf, f«W J g fS ^ .

Iff ntAtfCBUT o r NBW /V M B T —TpAvvllrn LvrvpM:tip vlrtiM •# pa ardai* mt Iko of

C h a m 'v rr . m ado o« lh a t « a p t 7 >*1# h th d o y a f Jpav^ A D p ln o lo a n h a a d rv d andtw«n(y. «b*nlm Mapla lAorvapo ta »*tltloa*rand you a r* d a fv b u ia t . r*'ib p fa fv g b irv d to a p p ra r , pl*ad. aavw *rrr d * m « r lu th oprilltunof a Mtttlon ua tV hoforo Ihv thlr^ tla tti d ay VT A ag p o t nvat^ or, In d a fa a U

a a a la a tHilMtj

liaia oay «i rMat* or, ihlh arao f. au(h d*vr«« « U I ba la b a o yo u aa th* c h a P ^ llo p a h a ll th ln h Miuiltmbl* and Juvt

T h * paid p v tU lo p la fU ad fo r lh a purpoa* o f kibtaliilng a d a rp M o f d lv a r* * d 1**o|vtng th * m arriag* b*tw a*n y o n an d th * aatd p* 11-liuu r on lha ground of dvaortlon

j i r u i H --------r c i j j ig A h iN . k o lb l io r o f l>illl<»n*r

H I M a r l i t t S lr* v t. N * « « rK . S J .

I K C H A N C A T o r N V W J S I I I C T — T a

P y t IpIu* aC an o rd a r « t Ih* C o n rt o f n ia r ii-* rr o f N * w J v r w y . m a d v on th* d ay o f th* data h araiff In a e a r la in eaua* w h*r*ln P r o fn i Mubnfin I* v o m p la ln a n i and you a iv d rfa n d a n l. yuu aP* re q u lrv d 1o an -

•n w a ii M ara w wm&m mmmwm w ju mm mmmm •a A * k>i*i*)l** * B * ll 4 U a k l « t t ' *•* MMUM* MMI k* ■■TiMkIi I* HukUIBU i* Mah <BM M*A* ik* k(*kli»«.

Thk *kjMt *f m M M l I* I* M ate *t f c t m t t ilT*n* •Babul fm t tm lb« g n a n t a t taaanigm.

rVMTOH. r«iitiMW '.

*>kk f BlrHl.

r i ^D k ^ J m

SiUkkm M W ik

I M ) m l , M~4t;p!Swat IkM j S b * 5 ^Sk», A. »7 ua* ib im i* httpoiad ppd tw p ty .

/ MAMWI,hl»a

S arrau ryi a n M .af

t i l

l l l t H )r a fa&lUr H AMrapg. Ill ~


iTATB o r nw w j s i m t *DKPAllThIKNT u r iTATB.

Cartifirata of flJIng af oopaant by Maah«holdara to dlaaoinUun.Tv all la iPhucB Ihaoa praaanU M y oaipaii

Oraatlag:'Whar***. tt appaara to mr aatlafarttoa.

by duly authanitcatad rarurd af lh« pro* raodtaaa for lha volunlory dloMoluliap th*r*«f dapuallad lu my offioa. Ibol lha Calvin Tomhirra ICIvctrle Onraga I'ompony, n rorparnllon uf thla alat*. whoa* prlnclpnl offti’a la allualnd at 4l Bridge- alra*i. In Ih* Hty of Nawarh, ran*niy of C#**i. atal* of Nan* Jbrmmy iFradarlrh K Tuwnl*y. b«ing tha ag*m th*r«ln and In iharg* lh*r*of, upon whom prtH'*o« may b« Mpv*d). h*a lompUad with Ih* ra<)ttlraru*nla of "an not ooiirarnlng rorporntlona (ravlalon of I IH l/‘ pr«llmla»ry to th* laaulng of ihl* tartlflcnta that auch coboaat ha* baan fllad.

Now, thamfom. I Thomao P, Uartn, aaa. ratory of atata of tha aiala uf N*w Jaraay. do haraby aarllfv IhnI lha aold (oruorntlon did. on lha Ittta day of May, ttiv fU« In iny ofhea n duly «a*tut*d and nlt*a(ad cab- aant In writing to Ih* diaaujutlon of aold curparnllufi. agaruiad by inora Iban Iwa- Ihlrda In Intaraol of tha atockholdora Iharaof, which aald rarllfital* and tha tacurd of tha



Whar*M. tha NatloMl Baparva leewfppee Gumpauy* locntad at lUat l>ubi*giM. IP thP • tp ta a l ftllaakb. haa fllad la thib dtphn- luaat a awarn aiatoBianl by tha pfwpor of* fUrarp lharawf, ohautlap ll* «.*«n4llk>a pacuMhar 11, l l t l . nn4 buoluMo lor tha yaar npe' ha* aomplUd lb all mepaol* with lha law* af iht* atnio applicnbta to Hi how, tlifrafarb, .I. iSpbk 11. ■mllh, commt**lapar af hanhlKg and InvaratM'a i*f tha ataia af Naw >araay, do harabp cattifr that aald oam> MOV la duly auihortaad to irnpoact tia apirayplata bunfnaaa •! ftm. Ughlutng and taniaa*l Inauroai'a In Ihl* aiat* In aooord- gm* with innr until March 1. IfSl. Tha cnndllion ond buatnaaa af onld company at tha ^ t a uf BBvb atnlamant, la ahown aaAdnUU*d aanata .................... . ■ MiJobllltIa*. *ac*pt capital and

lurplua Paid-up caplial > ••urplua orar all llablittlaa. Inooma for tha yaarD iab u rtam an ta fo r lh a

rn*r*«f, I n nv* hapa-

|i>«,tf9 ««101.tlT U171,IIT Tf Ul.tTo a1

i V ^ r »IH P iu i kaUaika. t l CUaUa k irn t, U j** m M, K J.. w m W kdewikr. Jaw l*. w * . kl f v-klMk r . M., kt w iM * M MW •ill M kpkkH kr Ika P m ^ ■* * * ■ » * * Ik takllk UMilk*, ta r I k ^ r o a v a tK «uaM •M k k«a M »«kl«r wkfli aa* atlwr «ark rM«b*a Ik ik* m g ll— kk4 MUklillka •• (Ir* . M aw *k thk O b lr T eM lIw I B w e l kl llJp tkkkU a ■tnai. PlkMkflkH. * . I .

•pkcinckilkk,, klkM akd tarwaa at m -Cu l Ik knnk(4kk«k wllk wkMk VMa m M

Mkmm.* mkk kk khiklkk* kl tbk vflka ot lha Bm H kl H w m Im af tk« M k k CMikir VoMtUakl kelMalA

Th, bokr* rvHTTkk tka Hakt ik rkikki kkr or kl1 bia. ttr io wkJn kar a.fkkik la ikk m bh .

ROBBBT O. BRBBB.______ ____ ________ DmocIM.dKALkl> PROPOAALi will ha raealrad at

th* offloa of (h* Vaai Orpnga A Ampar* laiad Co.. Klanny bwUdlnii ®^*?*J*_1"* Markat airaau, Nawnrh, M. J.. p p UI W ^- naacUy, July H it , n| ItM P- M®® far lha ronpiruciion nf a alarm w ^ar aawaf lacataa la Blaomftald avanua and BroohPida Bluonflald. kbd Bpal iHpiita, N. J.

All bldi mum ha •uhmLliad upon MMIng •haaia, wbkh may ba racalvad Phd Mppa ......... “ - Briand apacificatlona a*an at tha otflea af Brn®

In wiipoB unto aat iiir nnm* and afflt»d my i

(faal) official a**', at Tmiion, lha day and yaar firat abuva wriitan

{IM .T1I K I I A N K 1! RM TTIT,O^miaalonff uf Banking and ln*uraaca.

*at Baarhiln, civil anglBtaf, Blaamflald Na llenal Hank building, Mlaamflvld. S. J

Cantracior may aatlmala an Bnttlon ' Aor Bootlmi "8" or both naetlaag If daaira*, Tb* Rnal Ornng* A Amgava r<rml>aBy rravrvaa Ih* right la aeoagt ar ralaat any or all blda.

karh prop«>*al riimI ba aanlad and doraaU with th* oam* of tha lm»ra«*maai

■Stofer Will Be Open Saturday Until 7 P. M. aa Usual"°°

H el n p p' u<P :''n"nvElectrifying newt thit will create a seniation in Newark and throngkont Northern New Jeney—jntt what thoniaiidf of women have been wbhing and waiting for—a break m apparel prices.

$150,000.00 Slodi ol Women'skgl-Dresses, Coats, Suits and SkirtSsAc^cEg CQLQ&SgL MaMBiaCTBItERS W iM a P lN e s a «

D *R *E *S"S*E j* SAbout half of the Goerke second floor given over to this tale—more than \ triples the sellmg space of the Cloak and Suit Department



" Unfavorable weather and Its resultant backward season, coupled with cancelations due to the shippingembargoes, have brought about a condition of affairs that makes it imperative for manufacturers to retrieve what they can of their tied-up capital, as represented in made-up goods. As a quick means for the immediate release of such goods they have combined in a gigantic co-operative sale, by disposing of their surpluses direct to the public at prices that will make women everywhere eager to buy and take the garments off the hands of the makers.


$150,000 Worth ol Apparel At 50c on the Dollar

C-O-A-T-SWomen'a and Misse*’ Sports CoatsChoice of iilvertonet, velour*. noveUv chect*.

Tuxedo »nd re (u litio n m odeli! buuon trimmed 1 T P nnd belted. U iu tl r e u ll vtltie 7.50 to 10.00 percoki

Thousands of stylish garments of every description from the most aristocratic gown and street costum e intended for Fifth Avenue shops to the most modcst-priced cotton dress—every desirable style, color and mode; vacation and sports apparel, cloth suits, spring and fall coats, separate skirts—silk, cotton and cloth dresses, for every occasion. Every one offered "for less than cost of pro duction, in this endeavor to convert surplus stocks into ready cash.

M idufteturer-* Ml* price

Women’s and Misses* Polo CoatsReitulaiion *nd iporr* m odels; button trim- m A A

med and belted . u»u*l re till value* 15.00. / M*nuf»ciurer’t kale price ......................................

ExtraDon’t fail to come—«ale beginn

at 9 A Friday, July 2nd. SEESalespeople Second Floor. WINDOW



Fancy Tiusah Silk StdrtaStunning, up-to-dit* ®1 0"* quility silka-

Usual retail value, «.00. Manufacturer's sale ^ price ............................. ......................................... *

Women’s and Misses’ Tub SkirtsIncluded a n White Piques, Gabantinea, HmeycMib

Weave, Rep and linene. Usual retail value*, | Q C3.00 per skirt. Manufacturer's sale price........... 1 * 0 0

SUk Poplin SkirtsButton trimmed; alaah pocketi; eatra and peeula-

ikirt. Maaofac-San alact. Usual retailtares'* sate price

I per I 3 i0Checked Velour and Silk Faille Skirts

Button trimmed, novelty pockets, extrs and refu- j lalion (lies. Usual ir.-tail value 10.00 per skirt. Meuu-a facturer'i

Capes, Coats, DolmansCapes are accordion plaited with the crush shawT

collars. Dolmans are of black moire silk with satin collars. Coats arc in aporti modris —in every wanted fabric ; uaual retail value S20 to S25 per garment. M anufacturer's aale price..

Silk TaffeU Coats and CapesCoats hive over-collar* of moire silk—full length

models; novelty-patch p o ck eti; capes are In g iwo-tier style; made of allk faille; usual retail value MS; manufacturer** M le price...................

Coats and CapesCoals of polo sloth and silvertone. Cspes in two-

tier models; wool broadcloth. Uaual retail | f A A value. 25.00 to 35.00 per g a rm en t Mumfae- | 0 * U V turer’E Mil* price ...................... ..*....................

Winter CoatsKit coney fu r collar* and large circular collar* of

self m aterial; betted model*, patch pocke^ | P A A Usual retail value, 36.00. M w ufaetarar'* l O a U U ta le priea ..............................................................

Ramie Linen and Voile Dresaes200 pretty dresses to choose from. Usual retail

value, S5.00 per garment. Mamifacturef’l A A aale price ....................................................... dHFaVUWomen’s and Misses’ Voile Dresses

A wonderful collection of the most wanted street and afternoon styles—beautiful pattern* for choice.Usual retail value, $7.50. MiHUfactaret’a $3.69

Voile and Gingham DressesAnother wotRlerful collection—ginghpmt in striped

and plaid patterns; voiles in floral and spray designs. Usual retail value $12.00. Maniifactam'a sale price .......................................................

Voile and Linene DressesOver 300 in this assortment—every wanted color—

plaid gingham dresses included. UsusI re- tail value, $15.00. Mamifacturer'a sale price, aU V

Women’s and Misses’ DressesWool serge, tricotine, silk taffeta; long and short

sleeve models. Cloth dresses sre silk braid and button trimmed. Silk dresses have lace collars and cuffs— various other style touches. Usual retail values— $15.00 to $20.00 per garment. ManafaetIl^ er’s u le price ...................... .........................

All Linen DressesSmart tailored models, in a variety of newest light

ind dark colors; long and abort sleeves. Uanal retail value, $17.50. Maanfadtirer’a aale price .......................................................

Plain Color Orgsndie DressesTrimmed with ruffles and surplice coUera—

mostly in short sleeves. Usual retail value, A A A $17.50, Manufactarer’a sale prke ......... v i V a V vHigh Class Silk and Serge Dresses

All beautifully trimmed, newest IP20 summer models; long and short sleeves; many accordion plaited; offered at less than cost of materisls. Usual retail values, $25.00 to $4p.OO per garment. $13.00

$ 8 i 0



Fall Suits, in Navy OnlyMostly in men’s wear serge; smart tailored

models. Usual retail value $40.00. ds-VA A A Maaufaetnrer’a sale price................. <P*fvi

Manufactiirm’s aale price

S-U-I-T-SSuits for Women and Misses

Men's wear serge, French serge; tailored models;

$10.75Eton effects, dolman effects; elaborstely trimmed with silk braid and buttons. Ususl retail vatnes, $25XK) to $37.50 per suit. Maanfeetmerh aal p rice ...........................................................

SUk Taffeta SuiteTrimmed with silk frogs, covered buttons; tailored

and dressy models; some with contrasting color trim* ming. Usual retail value, 140.00. Maao®factorer’a sale price

YARD GOODSTw o W onderfoi V alues in S u m n er S ilk s

$8.50 Dk88 SitiiwHeavy quali^ with a high<

laater; in a rich deep black only: 36 inches wide; a real bargain for this spe- |

$3,50 Navy Blue Chiffon Taffeta

Always faahlonable and popu­lar tor frock*, aklrti, blouse*, wrap* and m illinery ^ 'V A needs; full yard wide; offered below value, yd-dal price, yard.. ■. ■

, What DeUghtfid Sumaiertime Frochs You i t Could Make from Iheae Lovely/40-Inch Figured Georgette VoilesAt light as a summer lephyr, cool ss sn ocean breeie d A ^

and to dainty as to add to one’s charm........................... T 7 WH ,r.H klk That You'd Ordinarily Kay 79c, 8»c and ll.OO for

Whet woman could retlat thta tempting offer

Summertime Economies in the Curtain and Drapery Department

Colored Border ScrimsVery special,' per yani

A feature bargain

What cool, b reeiy curtain* they'd make for aaah window* or full length windows! Has t real summary look with Its quaint doklgn* Choice of 7 pretty atylce, delicate coloring*. See them, buy them.

■ - f!

R '.a . up a few more frocks st such Htle cost?_ M aterisls Ihst giveiV41*rinction'and sttractlveness to the style. In figured, and

osnventlonsi design*. In delightful color combinations on light and dark ground*.

l: 69c Colored Beach Cloth SuitingB

w ...• ■ ,rM and 36 Inch width; ha*

Ua appearance of pure linen #d waar* • • well; makes the

^masi cbarmlng frocks, suits I m JT sfclrtt, aa also kiddles’ ^WwanblM-, variety a a"‘if colni; tpaclal,44C

40-Inch Colored Dress Organdies

What can be daintier and cooler and rweeier than an organdie frock, and here’* the material at a MVing. Crlap, even afte r laundering; in a beautiful M tortm eni of paslel shade* and aeveral of the more coo- Z A — •erv tiive color* for those w h o | | y ^ prefer them ; apecinl, yd .........

f Sale of Towelings in Rem nant LengthsrO v « t ilOO Y a rd * f o r O m D d y*s S d H i i f

i ' t S p o d iD y P t f c a d , Y « d

, 12V2C to 29ctr nUnrt unbletchnd

fOld In «w fnU pinenn nt 10e to 4te ibndMrt

M n iU iia ,-.iMl I .wrorOLtO 4fc

.fo r. IT-t*-.’*

Matting S h i n Waist Boxes

Wall cohiilructeri. c«dar lined, wllh. brasa hahtSles. t'overed wUh goutl guallty Jn$>anei« inutUnK. m enpa-- cluKis, ruomy boa for va- rtouB uaea. m akaa 4 j a

vary p ra^ tlra l

Genuine “Palmer's” Woven Swing


g in . S p« , priced.

Hardwood TabouretteFumed oo.k flnleh. nrm

conttrurtlon: for plant*,kiddle*' *#kt, ped- CA_ eklkl, etc., ■peclkl, ewh ...................

Good width and tengtb, strong snd t i f e ; colors are woven and guaranteed fast; equipped with wood stretcher* and pillow head rest; deep fringe *11 tround, J colors for choice. Site,

There’s Beauty and Rich Quality in These

Royal Axminster Rugs

59 i0In the popular 9x12 f t size. |Specially priced for tomorrow ...............

Ju a t th a ru e you'd w a n t fo r your baat fu rn lrtadroom—(or parlo r o r Itvtnw room, o r fo r a handwjmaly furnlahad dining room or bad room- In a wida rnng* of pattsrnfL moat o f tham ooptad d a ila n a from tmportaS O rlan ia l o r l-erklim ruaa In baautlfuU y^ blendad^ '■'**211Inga ' " ..................them .

Vacation Sale of LuggageDRESS TRUNKS

Conatructad of baaswood; boa covarad with fiber; htavy fiber blndlnga; solid atari hardware, with alDCla or double Inilda traya: protaoted oamara; good alrona lock*; apaclatly prload tron)

21.75 to 37J0,,wnvy qUAlliy w ith i* deap, luiU otw naff® BRt Y ouil w ant ona.

1.65 GeDuine Cork LmoleiimThe kind that wear* longest and look* beat; mad*

illi ■ ■■ ----- - ------of fin* grnde cork, with purollnteed oil, backed on bur­lap: dcaignt ar* geometrical, figured and conventional, pattern* In,attractive color*; two yard* wide; | 'JA cooleti floor covering*. Special, aquare 1 . ^ 7 yard ...........................................................*

^ FIOOROLEUM—A durable grade of kitchen end bath room Hoor covering; acores of neat pat-

SUIT CASESbred* on Iho l in n of the tWr mort

•apeiikive kinda; will ataad roogl bandllna: ba* protaetad earoera with ball hkkd rlvati; atrapa kl around; good lock and bay; w AE I teather bandU; vary apa- jV .y Q P d a lly prlckd .........................

I lu B iB L A C K T R A V E U N O R A G S ' - • '

r o t waak-and trip .; made o. r i T « '5 .5 S ',hid*: bae walroa grain, karatol or cn^ iaa piaM «*■"*; rw caiobkB and tnalda lock; dovbl* aawad-on oarnara; aal#...........

terna, two yard* wide; special, aquare yard...taT.g CONGOLEUM RUG—To replact tba heavy

ruga during the aummer; many designs_ for 8*96cbetca; tbaac tra tllghtly Imperfect; sp^al.

Vacation Time Sale of Wmneii’t Silken UnderwearEvery woman lovea the ItKury of allk undergarmenta and thIt event

affords her the opportunity to buy under regular value.WaahaUa Sattai PMtlcaato—In flesh

color and wbitt, trimmed with row ofC npc de ChiM Btoamara—With pretty ruffles shirred at knee; Ih w bitt, flaah

2.M and l lo valuta,and skyfor ................................. ................... b a titt

Crept da CMaa Bavalepa Chamlao—Ten dainty modeli for aalectloo; tome tailored, others trlmmtd wltt IlM lacet and ribbons; also bnilMP effectn. In lleih, while end light Mnn; vpMW'7 7 E

" . C T i - : "to A60; ipedal..,..

flat Galale lace, with ribbow rosettta. in fleah color and white; ape- i QOClffI * * t*#*ai** taea*ed*»aeaea ^Wa^^y

WadmUa flotia Cwdawhi In tUp-en modtle and bulh-19 effeeti, with liasd- ambiMarad aad . laoa ttunniadyoktt; apodal .....................

OUmi* I* At!99c

A .4*

Househiniisliiiig Bargaint for2®Bnnwr Blue Flame

on StoveCablnat'barUi; fina for Q g

bungalow oooklhg,—i . . . V kTO

Wire Foldiiig RadttPar Kaaon praaarvlav


•p o o la llr prlcod

Naw CnmenieiB w sra autalda aad w hite In-

•Ida; t a t In alekal pUted rp A tuMtu, £ , n

81.Pieee BUNGALOW OR COtTAGE SETSOf pun wbita Amaricaa por>

catala; tllghtly Imporfaci.d Maaar FWaa, • Braad aal Bri®

tir Plataa; C FnR Plalaa, 4 • T ta C apa, • S a a e tn . 1Cwa, i sau

r ; C eaw let* .


OASlat to go 7(


E o n u ih t a r 12 p a r a a o i , . jU - t o Itta la ; pa. U M ia a l y ah w B Afor »BM

......................... -


■Ta lat rtet; ra aavtd aaAnd at ) buy batw taciur*.

Somo 3 lag SOO y


Pot for ill tod nat

\A 1

of the 36 iiicht

Ha fetas. floral p

A (inch ed



Sti of 2 to


shore ol o i t i t


A di In paafel wide inat


Con • r d a i n t e d g in g , 1


tr .*r. ” ‘

O u p tl

B ongtei^apeaoefag-ebatwgi'.


*I..| V-" ,

: iW “-


«• V«fi. PM«M

ei(l«U. n r jT tmrwf «f aF«-

rh te h V M * m H1*4 at tb« ir(l>*t of tk«tKM ta ralH t

I aaF 4«rHU 1*O- BRBaa.

Biracly. ha r*c«U*4 *«nf« 4 AiM*r« »g, B r«^ ikBA

. J„ imUI W#u- N P. Haa r«r <!»• •r Mw#rr*a M. J.#4 «PM MMInf »tv*d 1 ^ plftM I# n tfle* B r n '

»|Df1«H. J „' AIf «■» 4 AnM^ ht I* acotpt *rlinA In*i« |m»r«v«niMi

sesI retail

}.00esses1 Btreatchoice.



7.00JSid short button

cuffs— ralues—

n t li |h l Usual


0.00ressessum m er p la ited ;

si re ta il



ned vith k25XK) to

10.75; tailored ilor trim*


t r te w 5 a 5 54-AH

fGALOW IE SETSAmerican per* rfecl.BraadaadSid*

!Tt2J9e s * e a

C M 1 K 4 '

S E V IC K j^tm

im port^ oo ito’'■t.- ^ o v flee wtfrir Am

ksHlifiil cottoM fkM Fm ee and SirttMr- lapd—now fo out at )oit kalf pice.

. 'T o Imparted tb tM oaitaas dl- m l ; n r t d Imparter'a ptoflis; s a r td oa tba le a r t ie of c seh sa tr.And St timss halved prim, pou buy Ntav sdinsi CMt of msau* fsciura.

SoiM 2JD00 yards In all, loclud- Ins 500 yards that have |u t t land*

id ihsy’rs leat orardae, andthey am their drst abavlai la tUa half prim sale.

Glortans cottiaa all of thsaa thser baiista sad raUas seam arhlis; soma calarsd; all faael* aatlnaly embraHerad. Alt are la the ^ b l a width; Uitla la la-eulrad 'f a r a a sscluBhrt frock.

Regular I1.&5 to $4.50 Now, a yard, 88c to $2.26

.w aaii oaaD S—r t m a r sw camn v H su

S3.98 all sUJc foulards, $2.48


Sumptuous satin foulards In a wide display of delightful styles and color combinations. 40 inches.

$4M pongee alike, $3.4SPonaea, that picturesque rough Orienul Silk so practical

for all manner of aporta wear. F ttra heavy weight White and natural shades. 3d inchet.

$1M poplin at $1,05A unoin of silk and cotton; the beauty of one, the strength

of the other. Stylish and serviceable, r i 30 inches.

ngth'ult range of shades.

79c ribbons at 59cHandsome hair bow ribbons In outstanding pure silk taf­

fetas. White, pink and blue; variously brocaded in beautiful floral patterns. 5 inches.

aaah rlbhona, SScA 0-inch sash ribbon; the center of silk moire taffeta; the

inch edge of a bright satin. White, pink, blue. />

}69c bath towels, 49cHeavy white Turkish bath towels, subject to a dropped

thread here or there which few people will find, and leas will mind. Hemmed ends. 20i40 inches. Limit of 6 to a customer.

bleached bed Bheets at $1.95Fltia quality sheeting; toft

fialsb. ends. 03x90Inches.

69c pillow cases, 55c

Snow while bleached pillow cases; hemmed. Site 45x30 Inches.

98c table damask, 75cSturdy grade white mercerised cotton damask in lengths

of 2 to 3 yards. Neat pstternt.

$20 down comforts, $14A limited quantity of these fine comforta—idedi for sea­

shore or mountaifl or anywhere where a lightweight, warm com- foit is reqoirad.

Filled with 100% pure down; covered with beat qualitytatean In neat designs; finished with sa tis befdcr to match.

$10 white wool blanketa, $7J9Wool m iud with cottod; Uu« or pink borders; white

*^iMtiB tumlitrbiJIkUAed aia», -i m f i r a —u L 4 * * m T 6 —rn ie sT i m u b

Far the holiday!$li>0 silk camisoles, $1

A dueen daint>‘ styles of pink wash satin; hand-embroidered hi pu^el rolon, hemstitched with uilortd top nr trimmed with wide inaerti'nis of Val. or Filet pattern lace.

$14$ Envelopes. $1FIcah color balistc envaiopa

ebtnrists, adonad with silk Imm hiad-taabiuldtry and dam stWh In faaciaailut estort tad dealgnt.

WiiMMi'i $U<rand $116


Tiwriili, AttiMllMit—Tils AstottKibili Blue Boob, the offldal guide, covering New Enj^n^ New J e r^ and New York, Jiiit been received. I? yoii are | ‘ a motor run, yoult find many Interesting tripe herein, Book Dept.. First Floor.


9870 Men*s $1.00 silk tiesgo into a tremendous sale at


-JS-fir/ *4“

$ 1 .0 0 tics for 39c. W hat’s w rong? N othing. The ties are o f fine silks; the qualities are perfect; the styles fresh and new. Everything about the ties grades to the fu llest $1.00 standard.


We know, for we’ve sold hundreds of ties just like these at $1.

But there's been a crash in the silk market. This maker had his money tied up in stock; he owed the mills; they owed the banks. And the pressure along the line forced him to let go.

The sale bulks as large in variety as it does in volume. There are light silks and dark silks and about every shade in between. Stripes of all kinds, checks, Persians, rainbow stripes, cubes, .dots, circles; patterns in endless variety. And instead of $1.00 pay just 39c.

iXHVR's—U R ir t SHOP—n u r r n . o « «

Closed all day

Saturdap, Jtdp Jnf

To hdp us do two days* busincsB in one we offer these

“Fourth of July” specials

See 1st aeet/oN

for w on values

Sale of men’s straw hats at $1.98Regular $2.98 to $3.45 values

A ■pedal pufdmw of Jimt 900 fine Seuuit Strtw Hds, choice of saw or swooth edgw, la a wide variety of height of crowns and width of brliM; sizen 6ii to 7H-

Summer suits, $23.75Two-piece suits, made and well made of such standard light

weight fabrics as—mohairs —alpacas —woo! crashes—beach cloths ' —novelties —Eureka tweeds

Skeletonized clothes; with all excess weight taken tmt, which means extra hand work wrought in. For lAese suits are tailored to ht and they do:Choice of

two and three button sack atylea; aizea 3iJo 46

Mep’s white flannel trousers, S12.75Almost indispenti'ble for the "Fourth" and convenient til season through.

All wool cricket ftsnnel. Sires 29 to 42 waist.

Men’s oxfords—Clearance at $6.65. . former prices were Sf.SS. SS8S and $9.50

■ Something like five hundred pahs in alL Most irf them are in the desired mhisgway cilf hi file varlois toe shapes. The rest include black gunmetal uid vki kid. All sizes and widths. ' harve-s—hhv* sHor—mrst rLoon

Boys’ $2.95 to $3.50 wash suits

$2.29Just'600 in these popular models;

Oliver Twist, middy and Russian blouse. Of chambray, devonshire and repps in plain blue, tan, white and striped patterns. Plenty of every size from 3 to 8 years.

$1.19Boyr 11.50 KKakl BIoumiVeil made of a tail color khaki

cloth; short sleeves sod low neck; sires S to 15 years.

Boys’ $7.45 SoHUBcr Suits

$1.19Boys’ IIOIO Orenlh

Of strong wearing bine dwlm, tnsde with biba; the acamrare rt- Inforced. Siset 2 to 10 yaari.

$1.691145 WMh Knickers

Made of a durable khaki twill; the seama a r t reinforced and taped. Sliea 8 to 19 ytara.

$5.95Coot suits of gray or tan craah,

or of all white duck; siiea 8 to 15 yeare.

Boys* Straw Hats-/^ffttcecfSave a atralghi third over former prices. , Choose from our entire

stock of boys' hats; Engliah, Penrod, regulation and novelty ahapes. Black, colors and combinations., . . - ,

' V - r.Were $1.65 t(F $5.45 Now $1.15 to $3.64

H A R N W ^-novn* S H o i '.^ in B T riA Fon



$1A0 Pink Bloonien, $1BIm bird design on pink batiste,

also prim a donna d rsw tra In wMte and Scab color; elaborately Iom trimmed.

CoiMt Covetib Siiv—Fine whits nainsook with one or two rows •r dtlRty Vil. or Filet ihsertion; others vith eyoJet embroidery edging, ribbon rim. All tisea.


$340 and $4.50 porch dressesS 2 .S 9

Gay eolored stripes, checks, pisidi sod figures; fast colon that wilt launder like a handkerchief.

Dopsndtble gingliiiin ^ psreslea trim­med w idi plain onlor folds, ej^et anibroid- ery| spio and span whiM cotlan and cuffs, piping and paarl battosa.

a ' VSsmI-Ittsd nMisIs ter these amo want thsa,

■nd BllUe Bttfkna tor (ha otmlght-llnn modal Slian 38 to 80 bast msaanrn.

A Millinery ClearawaySome 500 hats; all fresh and desirable, REDUCED for this sale. Choose

fromSports hats , Were $4.95White milans / T # '^cre $5.00Leghorns ^ Were $6.75

, Taffeta hats Were $7.50i Organdie hats Were $10.00 i

Novelty hats Were $12.50

Other sports hats100 hats to go; former )prices were $1.95 to $3.95 "v (

■ 4H SIPS— m i x i R m s T —a a c o s D r L o o n


Women’s $7.50 Jersey

Silk petticoats, $3.98 I,J1 ■'i

The petticoat that accentuates the slim ailhouetle—«l|'4i lh ':jersey with plaited flounae. Copui and brown.

$8.9R UffeU silk petticoats, $6.98

Changeable tiSetae in pompa­dour design, in the eetson 's •(trie - live colors. Shirrod, corded and ruffled Itouncei or tellorcd hem.

Black, navy, green, gray, purple, roia, ^

t W -$10.98 jeney top pettkoata, $8.98 ^

Smart peiticoatt with ttffata Hounce and lertey ailk top; changeable taffetas ip light and dark colors, fancy flounce.

■liki$7.98 Tub Silk Petticoats, $6.39An Intcrealing aaK rtm ent, consisting of white w ith e itln , flesh eoW?>

striped sijk; alio white taffeta, finished with scalloped edge; n i f ia v ^ ’lj; jruffict, shirred and tucked flounces.


85c ..\ V i liffiff sjMk, tlaavatoas aid te$ba alplaa of laa iMta tWa, with

' : i'.

fe '-;

P i* 'r t '#■

M i M b

Vacation needsR a im lir$ 3 .i5 $ Q .6 3E p e g U u s^

Battaf 'ttlur an eatrg pair of gtanaen wlih yaa trip.

Tlnled EyeglusM for ahore, V t np.

Antaawbile GogglsB, Ito np. Camp Thentwawteta. tie up. BamaatorariTr VcatoerGlaaih

Byiglaaa. Cniea, He up. Campisaai, Ns up.(Ptaa) .Syeriaae C‘ idtct Semr Driver.

Cleaner or


'ri.'-.H '


0 k

M r"mm

$iO, or moreSmKkaaCaat$|ffleetito

[ M l .A i ;


K • a.-r

to"lla IMiL.




(As illuatratcd.) Khaki can-< VM, with adjustable head rea l,' metal bottom frame, fitted with Romelink fabric, snipendad bp bcllpal apringa; alas 28ifT2 inches

Ends of canvas with magazlno pocketa. chain auapenaioil.

MattreaS. canvas covanA tllind with wood wool; feff top; oottoo tnftod.

U tO iirco K lik n M d BReduced a m o lg h t l i f t .

For Friday oaly. ,,;M,,

$16.50 imported beaded bags at

$10.05just landed from the

customs house

The illustration shows how ef­fectively new are these beaded bags. They're 'the latest Paris

‘ thought; our buyer bought them on his recent trip.

Draw string stylo; beadad in colorful de- slgu; each Individunity aitractivo.


r „ , -S k

.■llMli kM W f

Mtm.. WPw..^ m s i


$10 to $12 silk umbrellas,

* r Cokrad SOhi far IriBarflUw ^-btj ■ . * 4

f Blaa, graM, garaat, parpto aad Aaageabla rilki. Attractive ’ bakalita haadka to autdi. Bnwekt luodk whh ailk loop. Casa

Vhita tlpp^ fSto. S k p t u dQa.PM ^Tax.

i ir-i-

■mw .-3* -,.,, ^ ..m?r ^ .,

Fridap oulp No mail or

phone order*jS

Women'k Oxfords, 4J5 7

r>f b lnrk hitl w ith fnilHury |i««i AM W«tt MOlfhp Odd sU rs, 3 to i \ i : AA* A ftnd B width*. Beoontl Floor,

Men's $2.25 Undor- weir, ILT9

i.ieh i w eight e h t i t i ■ nrt d raw ers or a m ixture o f QottOAsnd to rtol, S h irts 14tr» 41 sItM ; drtW Art 3iMu4SAilSt. First Floitr.

2Sc Iron Pills, ISe"iiianO’i" ; tOd |w I*. Vlrat Floor 1>ru(a

Children's $2.98 Creepers,11.98

Whit. pl(,u« rr«.p.ra, wMO i-onira.tinn m ll.r . ana b tltt; pink thirrinx. OIm * ; j month, to 3 r . . r . , Umittd gusnUty. 8*oond Floor.

25c Food Strainers, 19e 'F lu in r ala. pot Baa.Monl.

$4.98 Doll CarrUgoo, *111$Dork blno boOloa. wltb bjoeX; -A i fotolnn boodi; rvbbor ttrad L . wh*ois. ONir I* on Soooad Ftoor-Toyo. me.:'

$ liS 'Moor*'l-qL tM£^.,l8ltoato^:',

••fm, Irtm.■l*t» r«*r. Iftfi* l«t i n l l f .

CLDfTO^f HtLL^^O*«-r^Ur.r^ iM . *v«rT I m^r9**aMfi (.

•«» p»rl9f. ,wnit«m J ^ r . ««] B«r9«« •!

DIUII0% H, J..... M 4 ^ .

*11 lA »ta: l«t %Ut*^SOtSTlLLS.

.V'■S J , , . . " .‘.i*

t i u M r A n I M I W - M m i t i t m

ajUTOM B IL L -»ew w t i i l t f M n . l lrMiMk ttv«nr m««« k«M.

•tM irtrltr «•« tll«4 kMkt; r*M« f*tWliUMM *41

b WsMi «ir. Oimw«


lllVflMTCMI->DU4T M»>hJBltr, I Mm A•(•ML < i< rew M il* ,W . S n M -

— iw. l ) i T n iiUwi»i Miir.s M d w*.ROIBTtI.Lt—r iH tk m -tu a llir , 11« V d !x d «ii.

CUMTON MILL MjlUkWR* m-fUkU* T m m . U r—t—. I tllM tiM

I t* if* a m t%rw*«l«MI kM t •■•clrtrtlr.

I i M f ...................... ......KMl a<

WlllUm rr*r. **t M rfvn, tm . OllAl«<i »vft.VA'M':• f«r c»«

WBEC Da KIC fARK, VftflMT ftn..l Rr»i n»or. brMk

tMMfj MO0«»O •vtfr \m<^ro**nMn<: «i»«n K««t, tltciricKy. Hr*'

br^ht««t r*«m, bard«eo4 rUL tvomrx mk R*H«r,

r ek, bt*n «tU«, fM lili«Ma. imrgt Ut, »•« wtttUm Trvr. Ml* At«Bt.

CU/)l*ii «v*.rtlNTO!f KtLL. i«r.—«*▼•() rMHi

Imum. rr*ry >lNr« k«Al<»J««lTlc(tr. (11*4 bAth. i||«4 IcItohtB. 9*rtu*t flMTf. J4ff* fwil l e«r f4r*<«.

d(« A*u. ^Ic« I1I.4H for fvlell i*l«.UUBin W^r. #4] il«rg*«. cor. riNtoo .

I«L lM«*lo« I«»0-N b« 1WREQUAKIC FARK. »rK*«r«r k n ,

n icrif bo«M, «*or7 itMinb«At. «l*c(rlciijr; lArf* lot, t l i l t t . lmm«*

gRAXBR a » i t h f ^ \

r v S l ' «»•WOOMlDR-<Tir*-fAibll/. II rMMfi « h *

r»t« •ntrAircM; ftBctrlclIrj

! r? 5 f ‘ - M i l rsNaRtiob fc<

•O irrif U IT K IT . k*i*Mm iM lh Otmu*• nd TktrlHBih ■*•!.: ( ntmm, WlV,

MMn. rtTM-tlM m 4 l t1 u ; Mlir f*o4

• l i r o . l lB O l l h tim i M r w t nI *11 IM W M U IL Iv t lulU. MBtir.■ •Im t*. »((Mh ■■■- *'------------------ --- '

WIMiX* ATE., MW KIRT I t —T hrw -tuB Ir. H r*«M[ k>tk«j tlM «W«lr‘-

B v rv KVviw.M «*ll4r; kw%

j IfBR*. MfTM*; K n alaBUa wailk 3 m l ;

' wmt*r. ■u.iUAMk^a- '« r«*«A miBhi Rrt aii4M CAslMk ^McbH rM4M( ^\hMi rui« ftlM «M« *•$«'. H|M, M

4 rMfM, i*th. h*i W%m, AIIIW ir*«ar t i MMm« n«uiib*rh*W. d M l o i f t W 'A*k iLM t.fBiit. Mi gwcli TRmbam 0*MtmctiM Cb., i i

IHOOR A CAUOCL •M » tff llftrkBL, T«

TI^O 4Ac4r 4 - l|i^ lx i*«T TBg«r«m«nU B««fc. ffit BiMtfl* )l#MiL

; grIcB |H | i l . WilUikbi FiV*

n«v b*MB; I fBTM* r*«ito

Mr. nt»tM

C L orron n iL iw * n tr t ««b.. «««r n in u n»v«.. h*«M; BMry imptovBmaM:

BtBrtrt*. BlAt* prlM |I,4MbWUUaih Fm t. m i Hbcim . bm. ClIstoB.

m M f d i i ' i i u r t o c f i i

I la > » ;pfvCB

T B i R i m m ATHirvB. 0M .luU ]r MM* -*lth Bir laUM |

, Em ««4; M


A H-fMllR UW tKM t lMW*i 411 laRll.;(Ml Iw « m I l l . lH i rtIm

A MOMRM MbB-Mbm 4RM M 4I k4H*i I ■1> ^ ( tn m b ., L. A W. BUU*n i ( n

(M TlatnU M *Mk n w , (MalMIki H «(»(■ Iatb* ((M rutA rawM wlik I M id i UA W ik: m M W ilU tM u I *a4 ' (RWUMHIA.

PABK fn M p . M « l« 4 -tm - I r iM 4 n k t i i i M IT k iit^^ jT N aM i lM4ti m n *if

f% iL ItlL

r - f - i t a r T t - a * *


I ti!( k to i, k irA v M riM n iii im a l u A till kitlt, k irtv H A • l l i t i t i rwBu

riM i 4 ll•M M ia (iMmrRT, ( m , (IM n M4li (w r ik lM M Wd-ilAM M a m in . (BVir MlMM. Mwlr M W ntM t l -W M .IBM « l a MUMAlmt ( t m n r*Mt; «*■

RILL, k x ik •!.—YM R irn ia ,

•*M*4 \ta fU .) W ilU i

t u r a o u i fAMC, CkBR (L. «W M r-Tw(.U M C I, Alt la i» » (■•AM 4lH.

W ^ ^ f c ^ j ^ ^ T T l W T O I T .’A C i v r r o Pi :— ------------n c ! S i ' ^ J 2 » ' R S :B M k n .i kM r A ll • r * c

Il.tM . MAtl ' li.M I ■ ' M l i ' ir ira m n 'i Ai MAIaa,

i^d-iFABULir "6ew*, ll room*. lU ioBili PiatR at


A M w i tn R M t M t e m -tAinllir k n n . nw lM klA i^ B l Laki'. f1r*( fo rr vqo#'Cii|HB<d Rivtm TwFtBf- Jr., MT Ewclld Bva , AII*wk«rBt

I lM M fM dmnoLCTTlON RaLB

•I4 H la vkAt la Maiad la u k a AAauitaaa« BlAportunUT. "■ ■ ‘" . .. .,. ._ iiBTB b*#ii ardarMM MtU rtiwrdiaaa bT prlr«. tWa Hu m n»w •MWl-bwncBlava ofi Earf ‘ . M w«rtk

wut terica,

alBJP AfB.•f MapifBaar/ M. Bitd casTawiMf to Or- tward f t llatitifi: ^Mraitd Im b Rka r«#td*A'tu t UcAllir; a«4|| ko«M oMUatM | ----maBBd fwn tltBd bkih v ttk attMar. vAr-dvat riBBcj. a«a» rtr«ftBa«. h«r4w«»d lrtp^ Bactpt|ofi«.| ^iiMt rWBWi «jM vary Ujtiiy dBCWlmlail: r*«Ajr to moa* Ik any iIm on « n te b U dfpoBit; »* «ui l i ^ oa* fBr Um (Alt; IkU Ara II f .ls ll* . rvttlTlkMtB rMm. A kMAa Uha tiU «BiU BPdlA^rr fAf

id lha•hoAld rawwlTB AbAwt M,IM cwha bat owlAt te BBrtBATfktp difTar«A«M av« pAa tall rtr It.fM fMb AAd far ts.ldii: *kA flrMh u f r t tU Iba baat b^rfAlA, •» ^ fe 't

all «B lodwr AWd *« vllj #■#«lAF tMBa baiMivarlc.

itavamB,vllj «ba« yaw


VNUiUAli OPPORTVIfirr.OAAd r*A#AM prawiwt baIa: aplAwdld k «»-

M*WAa c«lBf NwburWn irAl* AndpBAttry lAPpry bwinBM; will W m U a«m >»U(B witb bwlldlngB, w kuk lABhl^ BlBTA. wara b»ABa. tbroa ro*ima on flfwl (lAAf. f it rbama and batli ab«va; All m04hn im wfP^ ■anta, ■i*«1i ^ d iwa aai 'elBtad oAt At ImvAAtAry pritBOd will. dot»f AWAOAl H cAali raAAlrad, MAf lA (iM tolAl wHm ln,*M .|U .d*4,

it«ry priM: • • aliArM ipr lAWl bMlAAtp Bf IM.Hd; ' ** tkBWAed d U i f ;

AMArdiWI iB Ik*lTE^'Rrr•OK OOMPART, M b AfBkte.


it.M* CAiHt BBMl'bAAfAlBW, JM rWkIpiBtBd,

ftpBA (iMplACA, alBctrke llciMA flBora. PlBkik kBAt. ABAr Srakd

• raBWAibArdlTBBd _____ . . _ _. . __ .•i. Akd Hifk IcbBBt: IIm BkBBpaBt boBMB« IRb HAABt, am* M.IM, wUI takB h ^ k lAMBABA. r H i v i W « n C n tn l a h ..

~ ~JolH « t l U t k i r Vnito??oAid biv FBwr aWB fcBkia trwwi «a « | ika lATSBBi TBAl BBtkiB Akd IknrAAC* wflleB* In CBVII.


H A R T P ^ J jA t^ CO..R. i . ; pfcBkB HU.RIbbi _____________

WR. bai^iiM tiriki. bwpB l-rBBik WltAbU Nr tw* NailllBi; ImpMi

M.»M,t r«Bm*. imBU.;

tiwkBBB: »Bkr ptAtup.rlBAU, klBeifiBi dBwbM Ckra#*; I.IM s u n t«B'Nnillp ' -.iPAfkU pBrekBA

IrwIiAp, BbhatS B.BAtrakB*MeCBf.

. PBkr - STd.l OUkwBBd



At* AkKAAMAl AM._____ ______ ....__Aiai I I .M , (AlABAA

llBMRtA, RtoAliit RHWtBAiA, W W A MU( I n * ! ; : : ? ; ;

m IW QiM fkl WA. M ill MaiIMI._______

Atkii AAfArAiA lakriv*.ttAcnM lf. Mam m IU

MAARUR WAirAlMl«iM i.MV nitRMi: MAwr AkArtnnt tacaau •MM MV tklMA; >n*t l t \ * # l A«(f tWiAA M ura i . BIllMA, lRf.j VIUkAlfc AA«

A in i I t lR T ' ” '*“ •* --------4 w A ^ ■(• Ml WA hAM A lAIBA Uftl It

VA MAATt VkAITAV VAkl VA Will k(U4 Wn a liniA. JAka It. P i u n Ca„ 1(11 Mulk

tM ik .'H M H tn k in . T O la t N « r kitchen,la in , m l tlMr: I m 4 em m i u d kAtk

1 f ln r i (M m b m c a»4 katk third n a , daelrtA, k»t waiat kaat, «ak

; Talli AiTMAtd ; lat IMIM: rtIm I tl.- riiAiA iii i iim A . onw i. II*

'( wmbmb. 'i B i g - r i u i a e n ^ i 4 K M

lll(( t . I t ( MMl MB kAlhi

•AArtfirA At n r •MlWa ( t M liu r , 11 M l

n R ld it t nnlAkAd. tlna (lalARronai carMr, H * lH i a c d i n t eaudltln . laklf and had Ua*a and ehlaa aiam warla

r n d r U lU rt bwlaaia t U v i ( ( :RtTlAR II Avar U MIM AAI (A r llM tt, vilk -----lirtM. AddMii Wid(w, Baa k r , Riv .sa !* '*f t w r

iftctni •«w.,bBWB BBBkk ^ to tTWCtni U kl: dBUbt* pBiwhBB; 1 ltrg« m

rBBfTii, alartrU llth u : r*rAfa 414 drlvt, IPalll. BcrBBRBi kwnlndp. Bitraativaiy

tkfkUhad. ikBy# >1fkt Ik Oft BnlubU 4*- il.H d . t4r««. H

pilkBtBB traliar,parbkpB U


PRARBLrR T B R ^V B ^tuB lIr M tlla batki alBiB ro*f.' AVS—Bifkt

JBPHkJ t s i l l t - tBBai (dt BavBral rwra. fTOTrUANT AVrZRaw. I

aravaikMU; faikfB.•lilTK NT,- **- “ —

roonuk all Im-I—dll rianiB. ajt loipta, IBalBP.

BALL dT.MM.Twft-fkBt|y, II rBBW». kll tin*M ! 7 L P * n k ! ? r . M CA d l IMPM.:

diivavmy Bk4 tWB>a(«rr Bb«pCQOPBll TO.


m -R p o M *a iBprBWBMki*.ut. i i ]* i .............................

frpvamaata, tkrwa pU WB can. - (toB M U

af Ibt iB«n. R Wai

UrtB(TkB (VB-ramtly blBBs. All Im-

ilBt Of fm k 4 . fBTkca NrI14|m la bTl BkBtloDafabar. d*# ttky*BBBkt Ava_

i^iXt^TtPCLlocatUir'. twoTFamilv, 14 rooma.] b4tk». All lAtaat ImpI*.; iat MilbB. car-

kar pTBParl?; Abat ■prlPfiRald akd Rraad tfOllByB: priaa tll.lM . K. A« ickralt. I l l

f »*••• __________HOViC FOR iALB—N*«. two*fAmtlr. v 'tk

tlBfA, II Kl vBlrson Ava., Iraltifian. ktra l i t irtuik OriAfa bt#. elly.

Jd-■ktr# UT irtuib OriAWB

Will. 1b fiBBBt afd«r;Hr. 4 Akd 4 roam*,

rantBl Ml monthly*prUB IT.Mk I t Wutkrwp Bt. ^T W d^toW and B bBfB tor aAla.

C* H BbwAbb, im Ar«k AVk.litkAirB

A I baiRB WwUNi

K S A R B B V R O . hlllBldB orobard a( App_ __ , ..... ......... . ,, -w'P'*’

MkBli Aftd pBkr troBB. iBBktBd b«t 11 mllBa k]r bBAt tram K. ' 'T Ctly; road (Uhing.

dAACjpj. at#ciBnimiM. dAACtpi. t . .. » B I lAN^T BATHIRO BBACH.

Tratlajr tsd atMllan m BMpaHr Tak ib tSRtp BlAiitBp’ troUBt ta Bltkar v(tSfik kw t *;•« IB R, T. Cl

• OMR td O T i I I I .ImaBdUta pBBBiBBicia p| ra«r l#t oa Ont

■kymeeL Miikthiy pApmaata aoBaptad- 1b- vbu m r vkBAttBB m * m f *kd mvb a fmi pirmiABBt awmmar kama.

PURS TRARfPOSTAftOir.H r O ttw «U1 ka at Braad I t. BtaHn.

O n m i R. R. NivaKh, rawT dar to ar. n a f f ter riu r t i n tiAMf ntA tloi u .till

‘^ t 1*ata( v n k d a n 11:>^A Iaatai v n k d a n ]L It. MAdAn, 11 H. Biaik. tralKr. x t- IMA, (AAAnboAtA, Kknia, A kickw all aiaII-tic liR IH T * W * u c n i. KAAMkAiR. M. i .

Writ! tai loAA AAd k n a iAt.______iriofi'M idcp^Bkla al BBBWB WM kl IbB

uifiofi'TRb tm ta t l Bkla af BB»ikBf» M

MffBBl MrtAlk prlcBB Brar aftBfBd Br tlMtafar trill ba a tra i^ lk tba hu iarr af iba am*

will Pb Bold a*. trill b# ___lira Jarray CBkst. EaBrir tal __ . .Iba BM ■Beium |«bI apaklkk mp at ibB maai

____jirleBB Bvrr MYarad akI bBkBk (r»at davalokUa A L a tin o , p i i i ^ o

Iti BWk »Mta ■andya ll bArWr

ll Bppart< r BMijni d

S rrrr t e dw rd rfk m tktlfB vttl to %• ractly In frakl a f iba iKbat aMea of tto & R R, af H, I., SraaA ll . rupat. ta Arrakf* tar yanr (raa IraEMpBrUUPk ta vtatt tba prop*

onart tbU faaBBW‘B { pBBkMrtBR 1It, aa BBiaa da*

w n i & T

*fu, lad i n will Anw kin k i a laAil VAka Biark k a 't n la tk( Iami•ka Biark k a 't n k tk( Iam

Aih for iho Umob IfiMk U i T n it IniiBR w n h ia r t ll: t«

At tk(Addi

_ K i t ;tto lAPal al BBki.

iViRf11:11 Offtra rtybt ‘ tflbrr partlealafi

and Sn4*>ya prapartp. a r (ar

pBtll; p^cB aalp M.Md. tar««. H. Carii M ry . m Martot a t ; p b w MM IdArbai.

WAAIllKOTOR AVSi^BtiBlaBBB eai7iar;_ aka*(Aiklly: t,ur,iv., . , r . ■ uio; oil

lot K i l l l ; nltAkl* tor H orn; arlAB n A Mkrall. m Nark«i a t ;% k «


im tA ) IfllA .

RkMi. « n iMwl ________ _____________ ____________l l x A ana, balki. raa.' M nm Inati n m ia .t miBAin ta iraiji W a tk lid n a n ..

AttW: tiM1 |T,I*(. -(*UlA.


I m U b^ U i ^ t

fromTIR.ROOM baoBB v ttb U

bAra; aaib«itdikfp; bbb towr Tarbi BiBfAht vail twAiar; trwil iklkktM' vAlb frank datot ar tISIaM a E J„ II rvllor Rt. B rnk ld i. M. i .

t s si l S l i n t

a tmt e C o r ^ ; k a fd w n F j^ w « ^ A V (« r ,jR .^two .oardata In w o n w a tt : f l «■anadl r ^ r tar ircTfABor J d r t; » r ln l u l u . Mirnr J. J ^ i M , I ^ . RIlHkotk ( U I tn k ir A C ,; W trarfr t u t

k ? C T « U ! r ^ . r *MA M . t hATA llttiBRS At All pf(R

f* D.

TROrI t r

la tka ..ava.. tk n * — , -------- -------Bttka It ik m aartlaM. O m ( mirk. • OlBloa it.i ITIt Itkt. Q llttM A R I t . . i l M i . kAAr CT



H .l t t ., OI., . — n . Btar CTIatn a n .—I all lm tU.i d rlnw iT Ib r ta n riC IBS M ndl. i n n Mdf.

B U X A B m i ATK, I I—I-tamllr, I raABn; all takRta.) r tllr . f m iBkAt; rtC t t . t i t .

Mas M ndl. Ik a a i 'k g f .

TWO tlrB-raaoi bykpkNwa; porrbta •rratead In: k * ^ (Ublny a a ^ bMllBf; OI*a Wljd

U in , 'BlnmlBfdAliV ft.'J."~'fB|ttlrA Aliifl r. l^eB i Boa l l . RlrardAla. N. J.

E « l O t u f tQlfB At tka k n i k a n n IM m arlnl to*

to r ; A k m a ihal v a n w ta C paatlaa tadadnhW B i: I t U rn roana. halh: oarr fMd aoMlitoa: baaautai for RfaftnUaal n a a ar AA noA lInt korni for a Rfivau n m ijrt mvavAllr cnlrallir Ina lfd , Boaravlnt to tn l ta AAd traiUr. R rin tll.tdd ; avkldtl la raasAMkla attar.

F R A R K H T A T L O K .Not* firat *ian*

M PBAfB Bpp. Pricb rbwrob ltA> U ,0 .

BlTRQAtOW tfp«. ctA ■paeUka TBatAB and bktb. b it llvint room, pkrBWdi ttoorB, rood

•IBB tod Nocba. lMiadaora«lp dBomlBd, dandp f la N " “ —tlihUkf flalarBBj room for____ _ .-itaqr^^ rtFAim ivf RArkdB:

Unt to itatton^ 1*1 a^ tab^B O d:

baib PMkMt MBftor

tWAlt, U fLIWTOia IT. ■T.^RIaa m e , kdffi.

_____ itai toad turalabAd m m to ra lln' lAlfRAVAH. II e U WTOW RT.

A ja W d ir . Mar E llnW th~ ara.—¥ k r n 'feaU hr. a u ^ a a te . aacaRt a l ^ r i t aad Baal; will n i l at •Rortrm. oil

nwnWM •mawi r» * ^ " ts a r a n r w ; R rto a d f .ttt! maMR. t ta n M , BlnakaUl krtB.; WavBflr Tilt.% b Iw) i aUu.' t>Ak« hteft6M -O M .k^iU K

baiMBa wit raoibB kkd to th ; t l tk a hBAto«§•. BlBBtrUltyt

MB kkd toth. ____ #tM fttolM: ABV l»o*BBr

kArafB; bBka# kiwtp dBCBTktBdi pBkkBBBlsnlapi. 1: M•Md. Harry J. Sibvor^ iar„ oor. BIbatotb Bad MtfltBP ar***: WawBrly Till.WlkoUSHTc > aIX

up kotttt. Ok BkrkBt. koar oar Itn*! II

jkcrtfliu.: WAfBfty MU,

Mm .

^"Skwa ior baIb: I floor* floBr ra

rookia, 1 bathi; patkkBl floora; ya^ *!#«< irtcliyi itfAki haat: front parchtfl. p«bmo*

. , tlon M dkpi: krtoB Itlrfdd. Harry J. PtovBnAiltek. »M 1 inr . Kltkatoib akd ItaBkar aybb. ; War. Till.

W EmuAHke F A f t k ^ ^ n T nrw t-^mUy.

J i l a r i W ’ a i t J ;itkf kfki, Htwarii.

fl. iolo*

WB 0 IT B *1R<^—M.ltiT*Wo»#yniI n o ja t k t« i I rkBikka toUk Akd

idp^& rrW B DBPkii ktowt I I rIHUrtkA, Mi CBklrkl kTB.

. r o r —OR* T A t f i c r; Rriad Id.lMi r r n s n kalk. RoaaaaaloB Aus- I *• m rI. I-

ri c n tra i ara. _____KKST K m ti tva.raBiUr M uh ,

. ___ ilOBa tia t , Rtaistu,

1 >kn; alHtrU IlfkU dWR k. Vnlastva ati

s m i a n . _____________liCV Em&MB R nR irti; aR.ta. and tw* tlata; ab car liao jvi

A d d tc Mwt toll. ~'ITbI T t.

if. I

•y ApanmBnt. w-r-n n fM k tIM M : bar* atty Ckia 4M Broad

W > m a ilkH loW -fta-kanltip , riot d RAT Riaalt; bartalB) t l t . t fd ; i i r r

Malar Rratir Ci,, ltd Broad ai.II—Marfaln; krUk t a a e n t Hlns Brtci l l t .M tt mniklR

RnU r. 11 T k trtan th a n .V., l i t —Lat H a i t i ; twa^Smtir

iS f itS / ‘TwIKTlart IL t i n i..... ... ......... llBtorl .

tU k at. I rMm l i l t JEf 4m ltlaa; asiR t l l . t t t ; wertb

Mdr M .ttt aaah Midad. m BItOAD r r . : Mulbarrr t t l

11 roams all lalatl taaRta, R arvni tin ro ; aai far n r i m j InwAdUla pawaailBB; v n t RTlca | t l , i t t | martk U l.n d i ovaar

In Vina towa raaaas IBR nniad . H. A. tckrolT, III Markwi (L i kkaaa dll* MliL

ltOfl>VILLi-lfaM |l r u tk ava; l•tamllR. l i (Mmsi

it I l f par aiBktbi fM* a| T m -

k J T ttk firln ktortekSk MidH a t '4 p*r MaliI. T RBtoHkkk, d ig f t i kfik.

kk kkrBd BttBBl, to t lT Trtih Batra

lolt b iill bp Bwarr; Bteallkkl ^oadltlBk: rrniBd r w kt ILfM ; pnoBIlfi.fMi ak Ok.cBptlMwy vtU-k«M pfopwty.AtUroao *** ?^* ottUkwRtiblcvn _. ntar CMiral ava,*—To arUU

BBlaif. k T'fOBm h«kM, with aa fXtrk 1*1 And a dandy bar* kkd vapon Aad (cauld to BtAd* Inl* ikrakat: 11,4*4 rkabj op«A Nr any propfaUtoa wllluk rakaon. SAclaatri aftktv RTBvRNt. I l l Caktral avi,r e g g S I w m i i ^ ^

bokaa, I roofnf. to tb asd atUc; ran parfor all

ikaiie. .. arry J. ..........Aad MaBkBr ara*.: warafly koDB^H Iwo-tArBlIy, 11 iWma, wait bklll

l*r. p«r«lL porch: plM I ln.flt*. Ha

I; po aai mi Ok Ji . MtVtlW. IkQ. wAvarly Till.

arliUofr* AkdJuly 1; prio*


vS a T W* t nl n I tv a At T^Rtvi V« 11 a ,twa parchaa. flka rondlUoa. vkliilU Park

AVA, and Rorlh tovwnth #1*; kaklay oaly IU 44I wUh AttrarllrB tariiMt aikU N«f; Mparata ataam hoktara. H, Caell B*rry. tb l Hkrtot at*: phona 4*11 Harbal.

p i^ iir ilV A R iA A vEnSW itETFS!tlM fkah; p m if Mik B itt, | j kUkohal



l! MmH. M. Watt,

•ai anMl

aMyrWmmn~ava.— ^ I mUtavARUStt;


l l n S a T i

VAtilA ATE. b # B tXbo-no, n - . u i J S T ' S ^ . a n a k W ' I Mkpk: trn » U,H9. toUhaat. In tBod abkpB: PHto f4ilM. toUkra Ilk* r«m. di*f*ii*, ■riaabBtA ana M**k*rkvai.. Of IT4 Caniral kra,_______________0^*P A M 1L t koaa* (or lo n ti

Tklrf**k)Lk at, farar Madiera k*A); a*td*kl l^rkom b**k» wftk «v*ry kifBklBMl*. ta flTBl'klAkB BkkdltlBk.. . Bceai ytfIcB

weapAkBy: _____; *All aiU — I t

. _ ... OBk* kkd r«kdp Bkpkt aat*

iK6AO ikt.. ikM .jU f. lUr. T u r n i n g Two krawMtoBo k o n n : roadR tor oooa-

all imRrovomoata, laolmllas aUam - ^ l . m . ^ l N « | f a in to Ml, OiUn

CLIRTOX ttlLL-^Tvo- Raravn ftooiikn m s c. r r * .

I t•n ara ta

d I taU fi

hdfAlULI aad M

.tn iM , j i . i I

ckakc* of h«Blo*Ba cMk»«i* ib bbIIskrle# m e 4 , wBKk ll.tllL H. A. Bckrollo 114 Mark»4 rt., Rawarh. H. J .t ,4IH HartoV WlfTs CLAFiOAia>nfR6 u t H COtiORiAU

Btokl ttoku, to tk ; aao parwh, flrkplaea, kardwBBd fiBor. alaetrlrlty. vUam: l-eartkF*BB{ ktokdkMB »rOctokw IM ijrw : pric*

r R .

irlrlty. vUi ■kriHitofvi B t l lo tto

H. T A T L O B .Hkt j (tVi'


I tolba; ban pBfcfa. alaBplaf porcb:

B. O.

.n pBreb. alffBplaf porcb: b^a-ilNlly dBOBfktBa N a BBkMr*an*B knaniwr; poBBtailon kt *kB*t prU* HAM li kkkWalLy iUracltv* iBniA

r R A M K Ha T A T L O m.Rb4* tlikt kkfkB.

14 y ran opp, Rrlek Cbarob tla ., B. o.14 r*ar* opp. finek gkkr«li via., B. <

CLAltT RBW BRMI.BVKOa LOW,• l l klo* klM roBiM; braatiNt n**rB; opan

4lr«pNeaa; wld* BtT»**i to«B Blb*r* in tiltn Rldkk and Maktywr} wfu <kll (or y*v la kiAtoiBB, Ckto M t o ttoJjM tktoand brtld* *r. t f | t o B a 9 * l d dWkN^tokktfl*1dd Pbkk*

'fat... . ..................grBOplyn; at Ih* Utand ja t. and Man __EA llEoM FB bX O ^itokuU fkl f - r a ^ ert-

iktoj cAiMBftt BBtlar; aU kUA* *d frkH; bdkrtiral irfbadB; flii* wall wat«r In hBkBBi

CCBAR OROTK, R IM BlBBfctM i Buapalowi I ikAika. B»Vkr, wkIBB.

A v n tan *or**n*. Nlly ^ImahodlAl* afBkpkaay: «« wmm. wty*kr offar, B«Ard*t«y, 111 CllklBk avko

" i M i - 5 « : - = v r n « c :

BBAUTIFUL l>ro*ki boka* irtth lMp***k> tatBU, earaar plat: tarakB la raar;

Unlmi edr Ma*; tkr«« mlaatai■laltva. ao a«*aU Apply u B«n«r ompctoKUna. T to I P M. Thor ------l»* Boat Uti f M . tbrtkk* HtMaikAra,

d ava., Rewwilw.

R alw iiy8PLBND1D relenlal r«*44*kc«; aln* Iamb

rookii and i»a hath*: Alt InpaorkintiiUi wril ihadod lawa, |M H ' t* tkirh bmrW.k. B. Uoraa. ttahnay. N. J,

S m A O n o f tt i l , 1*4—NEAR Hauntala itk tirai ra*-(kJk*

tl). T ronma. bntb; paidkrt (Ucra, all ImpU . garafa. Al ooadltNA; l«t Il«impulid

•I7,4to—Oea-famMr Impta.; Jacl larg* plat, mIoBI l*«ailBk,

4 room*. ^ baths, all raacTAtM tbrougbrai:

lit,Sto-nThroe mI'iuttB tB doitk Ofanka Pu-tUk baaotiril oaf’lAmUy, | rooms, 2baths, Urg« rorn«r vanUni io a^crytblag.

in .lto ^B ra n d now ra*-(k|ally. T i ballt-ln Tils bath, maid's to th ; lat*. sic., largs plot; ilvtag lopBfl flraplacot.


|t«.**«—PsiatUI r*«ld«iMB. bread k««, mo*t oiciasivt avetUa toath Oraat*; *rooms, t tiLs batto. BAk floBriai. ak* porch and opaa poreh; vapor hoaUad ■rpiam. U fact, svarylkliBt that mod* «ra last* and roatfart caa dfmand: ikrrraadad by toavUNJ ham**, tr*«a

*kfllliJtt*i!HBNRT i l l H ^kot at. I4ti i ib i frCl^Hb—HontrBSs sBclIon

W*wBfk, W. J j wotoorNI #n-

bokBo, T rram*. I lot l l i lM ; Im*

Ttraamskl: paw baiha «kk porob. mrdUto posssBsloa.

nt.B t*-^*loalal boms la flasat rasldantlal •aciloa Bl Mvktr**a: I rootas, Ihsibs. sisoflag p*rek; apaa (Iro- piacoa; Bkk pareb; larfa lot: im-medtat* ptmassstoa.

p r a n k h . t a t l o r .Noto first asm*.

14 F«drs *pl-ANck Qbartk. Btatikk,VaT T 0?uiSoS,*N**t,

ttl.oM —r ERTRIOTBI> moIIob of loaih Or-It.ota—RERTRIOTBI> mlloB M ■oath ^ anao: hlah olonllaii; oltkln t mlnWn ad

toilDii: T lira* roonu, I botki: ion porch r■tiilDii: T lira* roonu, i botti: ion poi dopbl* noori on flrot and i io n d ; larfo lie. In# r o c with m n nroRlaw; InaU BU nnu water M itir: Boon ooti woU hock from i t m l RTiMnttna dlitIntiTo apRlBRAMo;ROIIi lllQB I t onre.

F H A N K H. T A T L O R .Not! ririt Binn.

14 R d OPR. Brick Chnreh ttsMoa._________ EAtT 6RAH0R. M. J._________

■A CRincl.O n^am ant of UavlM mva, a e n p lutlo m - f a mill h n n of a

Mat. will ba H ' aalo: roaBOnaSlthlHR M rs

TIIOMAB J. MICEf. u a G niral a n ., Earn O raats

Cor. Ualitid iL

* n mvwm lowB, a o n v luuoo c of t roamo sm l balh. n m n> c r in ro d d r i r u t t n a aaloh laSli t in » s RomiialM w fuia

I IW I r o c i ; lot lOtlH.. I rn m ii lot H im

•M; t roonu; loi t l i l to ; darafoIt.toa; la roonu: lot m m llt.OW; la roamo: I bntM; lot m t t l :

A p d tE * HMB o r TOUR RM V tRB H BianJ O H N D M D N T H E R,

Id Sloan I t . aoQtii orando. rMbo >«l 5iitTLBMAM'k rabkiton aotato; conMaU

. hidh •; flk*

_____ CBkMkUktgTkSkd, 1*1 llbsSIO; rdoi: tSkali Bourt and fardok: tSkaU BOurt ani

mBdsrn BnglTlk trpo. hAlf-tImtorod rooms; {kr** baths; saa

il>44* cadk. Alfrid RaMako NolM's PalatRlA t* HkfkteBiiir m i .

U s i I f M c k .

LOW* BBANC1l-cr-nc hona; Riot t a i t l t ; M VAiar biAt; All ImRls: vU U r d

}’V H fn « w » 'ra rcr Addf*Bi


taBAtlra. b**kllNI lr*«* gsragsnous*: 11■■•rplng porrh: prlco | 2I,*H to akteh

JOHN U HtNTHBR.Id Blaaa *l-. toalb Ora n ^ . Ptoa* MS.

MIiW iiMdsra Bbs-famlli hak»as ready farBCCUpAJICy * " . .

traUay#; ptUk J ____ _ „No ■ T44 BfW" rt*i WBwark» H. A____TOL^NtAld rtyl* to«i*i Irai^eM kpI*4^ ;

larta plBl: «»*d*iii hi «r*ry dalbUt wHK

odsra ahs^fanilr hak»as r*ady faract; I room*. S b*|ks; rtaakkr «I*b*M r ’r J c t n W r i ^ a ’S iR rC IH.tM E. -A. B n d k

m p t J T f E r er : n ~j ; .n i i m -r m M iid rooBH. with Ufki h n n h n s .

U t RrIviURi; rn inAhlo Rrlimi n Uw ------ t r n l . . M r^TLn Lowls.IK itiL liT SSA fg . H. J . Ml f t e s k**.—*

A b*aktlfi4l lATf* room wHb p«rck oa1 froki far i \ T T ‘ ' — ' ----*- *-

■porlkl rkt* I t l p*r

;T ;

LTf* room wHl p«rck «k first iv* waakf Ik Jkly.

p*r wfsk. Mrk. Lkk Lkw*

a o Le t to ic M —FiiAiAst n a l n c a ; RrtvAto M a n l i t Oenn RaHi An.

f B i V A R r f i M i r ' f i w t i i --------^kTA.—PkfkUboJ iati Ok* btaek (ram oeaka had

boardwalk; all BMdsrk cravakUkoaB; dar Of saiBBk; a ilra arrakimsiikttkkb*tlda£ wMh. T. ld*A«h.S iLM A l. N


-TBrniiMd roiam; kasatl. fully loratod «k kbark Rl**r; fm ii

tothikf.f r ^

rhnw AUnSarot Id tj'Of K larf*. daablt roonu, Iwa toato; A* bakBsk*oalkkc IS!

AVA,, Bradloy Boa«b, N. J.Ha r r o w ' maiIor , m Uai^T A**., CUOAB

CIrao*- PIsABAat roofks. roktraily, wooh or ssaao*; tpocial s**e*a raloa.iCGAlABirR'u.' ft.'T i—RTralatud rooma to

1st tbr | l and IT A iroafc. Ikkkirk j*a Qklnn. Lkursl av*.

bHANCH. OroBd Vtov H awLONORooiki t* lol by woah o r _____

front, bitcbfk pnvilakM. ratsa ikasakabU. Carnor kra VUw and Oaaaa aroa.

aI b VRT PaI iiC. r n r t bNORTH A lH tiR t PA*iC; Aborts loo. W t— ftovaral Larya dsalrablo rooms, v llk prl

vat* Nmity: soloct avlybburbood. yaraya.TR.Pbcko ItJfR,

b e BAH IROTB. I ll saUy Lak*R tto Inon. WsaUy tok** MkT Ito ocakn, aiay

klftoaat oatlook, laratehad raomsc wttboat board, lavatory la ovory roam; tolaet kdaUs only: Borrospoadonoo f«4UKod. I4a M CTarb. OCRSTo ROTH, RiiBooUs, tT H iA w f

^K tlrtonstt* apart m*al, rooiks conplata for bokpohosalky; atootato^ «l*a«.llybt aad Bhoarfkl; I klocki t* BBSkBo* Mtk P» KkM t<X*BAir UROVB. I* Wsbb avs. ^ torya

rpQikk. »rcommodatt««s for four or a ti. aUo smalJor room, for over 4tb ar voobly; Boar s*aaa aad cafotoiia; roanrakklo*_____^ C B A ^JiO V B . Asbary ava. l*>--Mto*ly

Nralabad roa«4 boi and ekli waiar. ooa* vaalakt to avarythiof; wllk prlvaCa (anlllytAtdnUn nnly.OCBAB (IROVB. Tto •trkbd, I t Abbart kOk.

FkMiBbod rkoku; liyhi bokrekeBpNE: block In b*Ach; *•*#, rkt4i Jkna kkd B*to

arllb or wlthoal bBMk*aplny pgtollayik;Mra. *. C. Oormar*_____Mock to toach,

OCBaS aitOVB. W udnr. tuTBir Wihh And Ctatralc k«kr bokcb—RBomB witk knk*i

J. F, VlbbarttoopimOCBA

If pftvtlaysk. J M o l5 W T * kk from Borar^J

TV, wkeffBt. lb Bmbary ara., Bora*w*‘AoBik*i with or

kitrtoaBlta.__Hr*. J, Cfckpikkk.OC'Bi^dROVK; Tto # s ik la y te X " in S a a E

way. a*«r ocs*n -fl— ti] tlyki tokB*k*op- Ijif prlTtl*y*s. B. Blaak.OCi!AH OROVC. CkmHra;

Purklatod rraau; Uybt kBkf*k**iAi B*k*-baarb. Hrs. B.

k«*.A Itowplay; baaf

OCtAH ilk b rS , BnihJTtllA. • AtlAstto svw —riirnUked rnoiad; brskkkMI If daMradl

Bpaclkl ratrs waokly.. ___OCKAl) CIROVBr I P t l f r i^ filhw iR —Tbi"

nlsbad rooms by day, woak or araBoh. Mrs Ti Mklrhayi>(*ttA3~0RbVB—Nie*71arn roonu. Ik pri*

Asar tokci. •SkfAkka 44vato hoik*.Broadway. __OORAiT'aROVB. 'tM itARmcA, td Ahlwtt

Avo-m.Mtkrto to baack; kttehoa prlvUaya; roasonkbl*. ______

piarnuCad6 CIAN onOVH. pnhWT An., (i (bis rkt*a.r'tismB. roaskkkb M to J B jn h w .

RHBRIVAH HOUJE"|i iemhBrr A n., (tonn OrAn. N J —rnnilihid m s u : MHk t#

MArh A M. RMfldAB.____________

F U U a S H E O R O O M S - U A I D D I G S E A S H O U

OCBAM OROVB, Abbott a r* « II—RBom# and board. roAMnabl*; «ii**kAlf block to

toarh. 4' aII i t 11 Caarl at., Kowark. or pbono Ifki. 4114R. ______________

B O A ltD P tG - S E A S lO U

art* plat: Ntosin hi «r*ry dalAll I tofN r. opBk Ib^UcB kirt «ald'*

roAvoaiBBt ta uollay aad BtAtlak; pr M. C«eU Barry. I t t km .t to : (*niii . .

kM i t : pjwka 4411 HarkatrlBoiar-

L y m P i


L u « k sWATmPBOIfT loU; 1144 1_____ ________ _ I kf! M fitfd tort*

my, Bvtmkilayi Barnafkl Bay: •aar larms. LM*to Brack Ca.. 114 uark*t at.R flwwkrk.

IV lAtfA. VAll M ilt nlOAlAl

Fo u r AitiAciin «ni-tAmllR awAlllaRBl **»fI mBdars ImRCAViBHAt. RRIcai ( n m l l t . l t o

t« l l l .to f : inmidlAM RiiiimUA. w nilunMir, l l CiBiir M.. Mnth (^A t«

F lii= ?rW o.!rA lH L t. ----------Lnt H bUI; I* nmmij R iiiin i iA M dAr*;

Addmw B«i 1T4. Mnlh OcAAfs

TWO-FAUILT hiiAi. t l r n m . 1 kAth ratm i: MRAnt* i tu m h(At; All Impls:

bmM 4 Rwn; MIt biMk tc lnll4Tt Id mln- ■tM' wAlk to itAtlM; d*id ( tm t Aid » lsh - harhcM; M lc i^ M t. A. C. Hifer, 11 Ida r.U «n ; 1(1. IW r.

■uJ, . n i t o ; ,« * * 2 f c i h X h 2 «j troHoy aiwi slatleki

BokOBklAktr t oae*i tor

a Hakr. 11 NkrrifkidkUlly IkitiWiik la; other to rw k k j bake** ' ■aiak' Uik. li.4N

iW R A jiA lM M m .--------- ---------------------- SELECT kams w l t i l l ACfW at lAVA.: H im AND DHT.

SoA dltd lacAtlaa; l« m m s. t hAtM. AllImiHs; lonAAA, Awninsi; ipliitdld scaundi; M ddslHi wall hBlII, TmmidlAtd pomml:B rAM W s d s H. A Rebnll. I l l HaR At.1 FHam dWt IdArkAt.

loa; Harkat

4*n, frail AM rtiAd* lr*«*:touffokr's roBi

llorrU avkit to*.etouffokr's room: 114,444.

I*, itu c .yaray* sHtkC B U r. n

BOABPlNg—Pim-ctara KeatorTo Vra_flb_ato baardw aU ^aed

TWO*BTORT pika oka-i

bkUt < a rara *bak*s.

rtary brlak *vl*k*l«kd 4 ® d ; kar let, 44gl44i tBtkw Ilka rokll

4 Noffk Nlwtll (t..c. c. Lumica * co..

i m ' ■J H L Till*'kAlMlASA,— a4*ir1

*».*A4 sqtTABB FEET, brick hMTR 0*A(twU*s RriMiBAllt

••.(to *(«Ar* toll noASl m ( S < btict ub.RrBTAmABt: ainRtUaAl (KIrrUs tooimton;AAAr thiwi miraAdi; o ttand At i ( RAr_MU. fXAl *t mmUKlUA: A*< AAllh LSM F M .

FMs* 1(41 MaiAH

4M Sf«lllTlU—i>ilhrrasAksbio r

fm m*ribi.iA* M uri

KLkkBir bkUdlay. Ptoa# k

I > p S a H 5 C T H T T n W

S T O U S .O F F W

lYWH t_______ iH A fU T U.1U K h . lA

AUIR Asd (Aiimist, O nRiw t cmmirwetAd kwUdlllsi ll«kt AS tow (Mm; •WHtaaH aM1s« i •*od bAbav BaBElakB

L O V I R B C H L B S I N O B B ,U a m u s (L. Niwirti, N. J.: tAl. (ddd HkL. ■ . "W” - vw«" itfr ih r . Tn fokr-story, modork, mai"

A am rH tid bBlIdlAS U Mar! at ittRi llski •A aU aM*(; «»*lliat Ubw oAwdltUAAi Rrinvara noMAAbt*.

L O H I S ■ c H U Cimios it.. NotM i n ^ T f n r


^ L H S t N « ■ R. NawAj^ l t . J,; tol. idbdd Mkt.

twA-Mor? (AMtot* i u A brUh bWlAUis: dsfltohl

J«»A (la»t ImmadUtAwiutAr BaMc ty T lw

FA C TO R IES FO R SALE O R T O L I T1II.4H BQ. PT. 1 aad 1 stary krtcM brtld*

lays; uoiaplato power pUkli a»riakl*d]railroad *Uikj. hamodlalB ---- ^to44f PT.; Ivstofp; ku ton i evaerato

Aki i apria__ ___ pkBB*aa»o«

M . PT.i 4*stof7: aiedoni cvaeraiB btfirb Jw tdla ti raUraad sidlny, ols*

Oklon, brat. Ilykl aJI sld**. IraikodUts poo*ifiSST iO. IT :

aMvAisra. dut«

4-Btoir Akd bficb;r«iln>A4 *441*4* tokSd iikku-

14.14* rtJ, r r . ; I-Moty brtdfcjIwat; all •* N part; brart ad aktaraabiia

BlBvkiar.fBctloa. ImniodUl* paaBanatok.14,444 yg. PT.I Irtory brUk: rarlakikd!

BiBAia to r t; toraadlkla paaasaBloa.RMALL l*tu in r rw M n , t*r (d e b rnawllA

WALTtUt MAKER CO, IH BIIOAO STd i ^ 'S l d . r r . , irilh ll,*M AS tu

. I mill (AAAI rim'tiE U r prailmatsly |i,4*f la a aartra of

Uraa atary toavy y and apprailmat

BkB*Bt*ry tolidlay*; addUUkat laed far a i

CHURCH—OverVSr Riht mai

•p^nyflold ACHINB HHi Ifirt. oompiov

BB l i y . n * B1


K srtoki fully raulypsd aowar lldinya U aaranski eoMitiaki

r r i t r i m T P K 'II CiloUk St., Nswaik. N. f . i 4*1, O to Mkt*


riA i,T r o o nTRB RUA^ vr TtlLKi. MAlh rrMBUincP.. 1 j:\rBRiKNrKT' rU R N m A P. A •'t'LLT. WK

* PBIBTdJNQ AHU 01VI “ ■ " at BPPl

111,44* MOimUl'<CB*Btraat4d kklldlAft

maUral Ilykt; akJUbl* far i of bratkM*: ikOraad * * fif Cratral £ B.

L . O U I I i C K L l B I H Q■t( K. J*; I ■ ■•1 CltklOk I , Hawarki Ml. 4144

44.*N SoTPr. lA Ikrao-Biory and bAkara«a(. Mkvy RBlIVeBaaOketed b r t tr tu i I "

iBkt u Sbparatv aalkrrt Hykii atraUakt U S m

V o ? i ' p r c 5 i K r i ? 7 n . 'I I q ikU k BL, N ( ^ -- • * •I t a tk tok *L, Ndwarks H. J.j .


Tl> THAT OUB RATBitv 1 AIILI main r a w umtfNyv DfetPRIA. BAS. C.’ NBW Y'

AVlilS, ipp. AND HOyTON.d a il t t r i :^iHHiVk JNMirhJ: 1-L »>B i*oriKEMINTATIVIILIDBR’fT BTO • I BRANPORD •443; n ig h t P

r A c r o u i s a n d L o m t o l e t

•rM*Beat Bator araiuyi at ur# ' Craiykl at*

liana; kaal. oiovatar; r«k*44Mfkld rayt; )o. .

e in nV / eW n . .T*t*pk*a* 41*1 Haiitrtw

Ihy- II4 Brlalay ar*.BOARD' and raam. 111; taU* board, \ l i :

homo rookiny; no cBtldtOn. tors* Mkddoll*t I

M4 Broadway. Ocraa Orova.___BXCCtXBNT rooike~eed'board'5T5iin¥kl

Barnstat. I l l por wrak aad kp: toaUki* nshlay and hknUna. Addroa* Hr*. B* C. Hniyafoow. Bon B Baraoral, W, J fllA N tfU R d ," Vlaeanl HBkaa,

14.SOO k g tA n i. 4'' in lbNa*Bior7^X *ni brUk bklldlki, NiBCbrrad by m. • r

abd stk*l, Ik iha soatt m N*w«,rk's MlUrtubli* r t r t ^ l : lary* rtntftitf rjl4«.'‘ flkafk to r t: wlrad (or Pdwra} cakorou t « Irtr Ilybt; 'tramodlrta MniartakT su

ABOUT liil*" sy. ft. Brar gyao* i« H'-n okksiructod faoiory buUdlPt; stsam Y.-

fm iU todj city water aadt otoctric pivu avallabl*: rant r*a«aaabl*: iw* ear lla>Aprty At Oft**, t i l l •prlayntld ao4.i liwln:

LONG PfyTAN IsAROE ANl>van : ^T:ri:RjVICR; YOU Al o v n •YARW I nrR.NTTURB •ANl"ARY 1JHOV'f'Bl.Y. 'V' TO POtU

- t-tn WAPUtV » N. PUUi n u ".tn IN'i • . '< ■, i W!t.’ H'.ytu iHVMi iNrPfii !*• - -

7-«:i___ &•••

Pisno- Df |;‘ ssnrks

tkki to

SlfV ! t - TKI.


naar baacb—*BrardFii nvoWf mmand fki airtud

rt*. ■ilR4d4 igT ^ ~ h i fbar-atary, kravp* PB*

BBjMtrtoMd brttdli^; Uykt gk ikfd* rti**, 1' 44a •••aiBkUairt labor laei

BO A RD W A N T E D -S E A 8 H 0 R R



I m »nr if7sri?‘a?ET*'II aiAtoA I t . KawaiIi . N. £ ; W. WM.Ubi

w a n t e d —SI SibAnt M rk (w J aIR t aa4 4; romn wiih i<n bAds with or wltkaat

Mard; bath It Bouibli: tor (Ma, wito aad Bblld. VtriiB Mr. Rriliwill. Bowf t l ( M T nai. Niwatk. N. J.. or liava Rkaga call.

I(,(d( S ^ FT (A ^ h m la iw R ., ' ml1l-i'(BriT*(iid biiildiss la k s ir t I f city. I Usht oa toar itd n i saac laMr ■iwtH lia i.

vsi^fk p;• 1 M

raaraiiabt* rral.L O U ( l I C H l s B i ______

tl eiiBloa St, Hawark. K._^i Ml. ••

AU« aI I H O


■fop F L ^ H , evn triw i a c ( ^ I.Hd M. dlvltod ( f f l t o

& ^ k t .wiltons

MLAwi. .- i.- ~ - - ..-7a.~ ■ e l . .

MSI W R SWAR. O. Itoh111 M*fM4 iL k(ad Etn i i .





MwM4M MT**i •*rkBNi kak**: baray. erar barkc.

* t l •T .ttosv pH*ro*i s*room uw■■■. weess ra d c tistt, sfMk (ad ImpUaMBtc

H i aend: baam; barn; baUdlafs; tokll: I4.IH.

far riiOBEi ( r I t i l l l i t HBlbotraiio iS fiS lB w T d m

T B S S IiItarias! MB

lic o N O rtoM ( t R idv iu^stns* .maBatutarii

■ I t___________________, . T c r 5 i * r T i i r s r T t r .far Ilyhi rtaktKsctuniiy, ikyrtr* 4t kraiii

V im i IM

kbo IIS

POOD RKAI, VPATK L D A U itX TOKr ~, __________________ OKPAHT

m brtld Ib mart p*«r rafklramMlA ■ 1^. al PtopkM rt to. graM * m


S h o tH M iCRTSTAL EFRINa FAEfc—P lai roBtrictid

r*Bld*ntlrt puts- all rif**t Uaprovanukto; a* saMtirtnUi balld »*w; 114 por (bbi. U* (*Bl d*4fi irrit* (or layktettay. C. Orb*k, •wkBTf 114 7ir«m*n'B bktidlnmJMawj

•4 arroi; hok**a 13 room*: lary# barai orebard frail; |T.4to

Blghtke s w :

liBRls: hara; tra il.

TO m (aadi. . I

i w

Or. Ml.


!•* acr**; koka*; hara; (ni]l; ••(Mt. -• ftcr*s; kBks*, Impls.; tom ; frklt; lYtffd.

P A C T O tM S a n d l o f t s V A N T O )

raraiA. to rt 4 (ar all m at;is dmmMi rslift

FarttruU n brob n iM it. Wa Hat A(tT tariM la kUMM list* ot CBltlvdltoa.

MDTUAL SERVICE CO.,Jo irasl S « » r( ridf.;CUr.____ F M »

W A N tE O -U flit twtorT IRHA las, l,H ( to I d i ^ M . f t . n i 1

vlcinttp; waald bar marhui '

•to m briar. ,

fX —Wi M I tW4 t r in s war

toaSi ar fmri b

: tMd.S ^T -R O O M M(((,..all ImRto., alM i


ItHM Blaomtiild.i t o h r o i >L,. id—fa a ”....................................... rooBiB, I MtM;

•tiam Mat! atoMriritfl RariiMl Haan an tiral aad m wadt aaaawaMa Oct. | i m a

■toMrienfl p sri :dt Mawtotaa i

* T r n r K H r a i T i(•OLE AOMNTI—Itoto n r

— k*vfainl1y koaa*, rtm* re«

- li O Hrfirst aakia

B. O.IBBBtk i t . 111

hoti i i

^^gk*vfamily ehie* swvm*. v«w amrir biatof; pariaat f lfan : (aad plunia-Ins: nawlr palaiad ana daiaratod; tmau- diato RiamaHasi aiw vaaaad; lad I f tlto ;K-ln ILdto: m artsasi ta aalL IL J.

row a. H i Mala (t.. n a t O iasn .^ KCTi r » a w :----------

N o r C(iitnil_ y *.. aa ^ • * * 'i * ^RiM twa-tomhr MkRl « and tkraa lavatw toc csm lsat Utmi M*d*at naan; haa * 4 sr , f u a s a l Sril* f U J W l u aaaiRttoeaHl Sm E kdp.i Mivasi. a l l Ota-tial (va., NawMk.iidk'T-HOOH

w iti Iw*

rttE riiaalRS Rm k'RartHt' caadlUaa: (toam, alariM I

Eaa» K O,

111 ta l l l ,« M n a All ;oi we too* A raftot

Prraa 11*114 Best Oranyo; _ . . will to flad to tovat ines b lffid t r t y*yr

J t CratMl yvB. ^

BBftoirtn Ufl kkd to kkrralskkira

•fiV B H B

i^wdftU t*Fk to r tip t '^^"V4rt "rartlraup *4.-kCeUi *11 -.c-r K x'l

kokk*t vlU sAcrtflei il4 |(m anhahan^ i J

SRartaMRliU W t

I o r ia E i ataTM.|.dsm ilr it*

t ta . tIM.

J k .

4 .

[W to T i

Bt*rt snliiW s i



E EA irm nn. h o m e—Tw ain mlnatM’ walk to URpair MnitlAlr Dipll sad trrilar; It

roams dm RUlir, l i t e rars ImpMVis u l t i ; daUL„ ________ _____cknlaut trim; lawn; ranuat walk. 30la ■it; tlLtod; l im a to init.


•Itcpini Rank: all mad- MaiTar-( Cat* 17 IbU kardwaad flaan;

aad Eawu rd s * i^ M. J, lisa lfa MI ^ R A R ^ did T i atk w aasa ava,; H^l

tV IN 'Iu U h u . bAMBlav Ir r i m Mi aa Manta a n ., aiTir-i CatoBR.

Nina stoia. I f a . t r a i t toait la M a n sf ; m

•EV irpai sawi 11appMlto

i s r e a i e s k n a i f r r s _________tlna Mfia. I f t . t r a i t toad la M anas;

kaaimMil b an , rwEiatod (ta ils M s M s s I h m larsi (hUMa h m aa i d R a s U r ----t* tUakdaa: r ia ta ss EatMdir all

a o m ^ l i pator‘ ‘ --------- til

ckroo w nr •4 elMok«> ktorpthuiy •lAbloB. hi

F A C r O M U AND O O T O F ^

T O l i t

B A E liU .ilO ttt ia i id .l

■rra tE oriV li

5 i i r ’aLM ""rUk‘ v . ’S i u ' ! 5 ^ H i ® ~ N m i C T A n « A i t f i D

TEari ta aE m wka miH t ^ p ^ r

Ckuw andIBWOM, EIIwBIOWr y ■EMH, w(WEtordwokd flran , krt weter torti rtdra; rtfttd rradr •• rtM** Hto pfio* 114,Md(


TWO DBV hBii*ra; lAlBrt Impu.' »l IkcltoM ptotibra; brar m Um(II*

•bd il Rselty

bftttol Ikclrtid pnrtil

rOFULATIOM iMNiaw: atovallaa blsM rt air M ltati waldr Ranri mMala M t l

praRsrtR I m (SRapiln Isa im i Carl H a s

. (told raad. t> mijis am laa I t Sara, Rria* It iTldd. Far a a ln ((iiaa .>111. Tkomian CaBainiattoa Mdt,, Summit. IL J,


. .. Saalh Ead Moatclalri

IL in BV ^ (laetria: IS

BwnaM E BtoimtUM.

' i t t r i i i. ekiiOkBUiit.

i*yw*Bd ktov.

V B u h a lFOE id liE FM( ( m a m a kasM s a l M i

■liaatoi aa ( (raar at Awmtfiw f t aaia Aiiaatto ava.. T aw HaE. iT X i riaM U lti

tw J l aI I MkrakAbtA

^ V X S T n ,hHrh*A; mMi yra

I, IhrkMrtd

, r a f i ’* s in n i t i l tla w t baaa- h tb n l akawR d tn ias ila m a a raama. au ra bata; t la ia t t lila ra a

w aU r aaa l: cam , (M W ); la t I t i lU i

•4.y*4 aACK; Hbw, itodtra wid H m n f t o k l M ~ il« FkkM. MUIr 4BB ttolMfj

opkk RrBklftMB, ilMflia kNMnt, B in v d to r ^ i k«fe Id itl l ; nm nfk '

t f t ; V M . S ? S t j ^ J S S Y a ltowa watir aad ilu lria M M . Ml •aad, toaaiiMBt kaaia, aarw • maadaw. rannlas aRrins valart 'la rab n L. Cananr. EaacMar,

’•a n .wa alaa bava aavanl asw


t . t ,

III bauaaa In Saalb OHHWa |T 1 7 1 ^ E Co., la s T ru ark, N. J,BW JSSiT


A W R K W v T T M if _BNlbla aamjBBtlas i l

prlaai i t UllaM HTtol aw atfa madita r ii i taiM. alaalrlallr. itaam MiL' | •arasa . v i a t i n aa ' e r i l M — —

i* t

MENLO F A R X -^ Mltto Mlato. a r i i M

t im ; I wra* a flasd i FaaafftaEtoaJM Irw dS T i r i r ^ a i ^ ^ Rriaa

HpruCHEH. H. J.—Will aaU Eatk; all impu.; kaadr FadR.

mM I , trallar; u n w RrraBR*d._l i l l J m t o a*4L ManabaE.I M S .

' T S ' ^ i J H i s d r c . m . s s s r y #

EEAOr TO MOTE m —Marth M to f tM l .a ia tomllR Masaa I w . jM s all M sM i

•aid aa m r torsm. J a w Tbaaim, t KaMHF

laBiRartab^t * k i h a ii a ih ia fa lh a

S f e S E Z r "

•avaa raama u d MlSi aanaM Mtoat fadiItriF lau : all ImRravaiaaatoi vanr atifaa. tlva: rauoaabfs

W . t . COOFEE, Xlril ak. W U OiasEa.


KtorrecKT to M f m i r »

si*f**; only J lS f !s s i F n H n s i ?

braiUfi MS W lR totoM I

s i t

U A L I S T A T i n B l A l I m N I V ;B U i f ' J

pt t l

igkl T*nM

g t iU 1 » '

i t ' .


" w a m g• W* toV'

wyratrtl** ead A d ^ Umm WMs T i r \

fkalljrtiBk Bf1*1 Md

i8 S i" te


F f S .

■uAddB''\ S r ^

, wrmI S ,

...I. - . . ' m


r ta a in H g * '. . . K i v * ' :

td itoriA.A.-A ■';

Rtf' 1/

scT sn ™ -:

* » Iw*.s ^ v I r S s .

m i a i

I f i ; ^ 4 l l ^ M r i i M ; i ^ ' MHHtfc K**-! m n fw 4 MM«ft'ii amFXT

!*».i- ^ i

ishpvi Shii^SBiSf f S S H * suS I iLbsu _ o ^ 3 ^iRSim$idii * , ii»i*ew S3«T*•MMi •(Mttto M< m«;-wfc»li' «r mm-

~5*f ImZSi

. .-I

* ;r* isr^ w---------------------------

TjiMtrtlHt wM ii uk* A «i« •«

• M m . M.■ii|ii*<{. I l l O n aa i M,


r O ^ m O M JAk O fftM t tn iM i tv*F " • mI*: ^ m r r**ft*; ftftft llftftt

HI j jf tr i^ tCj yhfty» Hftrkfti | | t t. inti «i kftr»ffth*ii. eiftfttf Ura«^''ftu^ft1 f l ip . ftNirftlftf, iiiftlftM ft ItUiitrMk tft ’ A _ " i . i - I., ’ iiIlk ftftr MJUU Aikftrft^ Trftftift«Ntttn»« Cft» III JCIffblMftlh* • ff. a u u . AAfttftOT ^ l|*fh#| I f t i u r K m u w fe Jrrn*. «4

OrMft ct.t UftfVt IH .\CAl4« CALfcXl>AII (»r <nrftfiii m^viaf »i

i»ftW ftH»; hiH I Bftftb It.

T»« *, ktw/nOT Fiari

A* fft» HkftiIfi infttft i ftlift (Hm ift lWTufMAiri ftftd >Mftjr» W «ft«b wftftk tou jUU%*rft4r MniiftftMi. lUftiftft ftt lM«<1*4 Itrfti^ord pi.: pboi** ltAr||«l iTtI, bXlLT irift t» ftU OTftftlwfft fbftrft

‘ “ lift "

VKII All i»b«ft.i pHvftM bftftft*; rfttfrftiicft_ _ _ _ _ _ :________ ^WiSfr itikxair

H W ., H th. Apt. I t

roimsHP) ftoobs vahtidm3r**'rtf1ft*d, wUtwft rftftni


|1*«L Wet sl*"<>55wt'i__ _---!*■" l«*»t______ ____________

: eSififtU t

TOl'NO hMln«Mrftl« IftraHi' fthtr* UKr« ftj^ ft« fttlKT

■ t»



*Wl 1 IhUM TM«H U p«««- « tl •iHi®* ftftft. IftftiUrft Hftritft&ft Dr««s4*7**___

n t (M l«r~r<>aiM n| C .n 4 . .~ tr . l/i! f t n A lW C. Pwl.Kli, IJ» lny ihs. _____

•v a /sS L <ur fttir hu«1 laitJliS; « > T f M t P#ft»o ■*.; i»i. ; n \1*1% AVILii *li, UPT. of kCiftHtli

riftbt brtnrft. fttDfftfto rftiM rPfteeeftblr; ro-rlM-lutoilr

■tftftftk ft4»«4 lorgo rooN for ftU btft& *1 ViioiftOM,

lorn kwd» ■uriM'liiAi T 1««- III Uftrhftt.aOTO loot 4lilftft}« ■Mvlhf; ftiM 4amTorT rtftooftftbk. Call ftf UftrAot flH> tVftlirr Bftan4*n, l l Boochor H. i kOVW ftr4 •loro •yftrxtMn« Tftl. IlM'

I tf lM llt Hft^Snn, ftoy tloA Bilbiv in Mrft, Trftj nftr Co., l i HftrrfaM ftvo.r«Bl roMiMi i J

FORBKB—«M*»vlft| nnd irloroft* PWr< - i l l “

IliiftSr* f Mr . . . . . . .—r —— ' — Arr*<r %ftnt. I l l Mulborn *t.. Mowftrki, N


* kallMa* «t>M, ftfttftftftUv. iIsM; l{ tfttftM llhft rftftli

IfOBH. Mllftltft f«r iftllor ftiorv. MftiMilRfiknftd; ftilM hnv« ram* ttriM

------ 114 ■■ToftU »t.j llliirriU-^cRli iftAcft In n >'*>*4rk 4>ft«o*

t «••9ftl rftvaftftibl* r«l« ftf rvtirr*1 ^rink iifh im tftii tm IHonur wvrM, Ad4 vmm, Itntloft▼lUft iU.

krlfk kalUlM.; »«lp«Jtf w fti*rp: fftftftftA •ftMT Mn*

ibM ftft fftoimiftfti PM fti 11 M«r fftfei.

.. _ ..ift M lornm. Cpluttnigm^. _________


W4l Mftrtftt I ■%. fi. Ift Aw* cft*iftinictft4 Hj tftITfftftd ftWlMi4 1 I M O »

Ul. ftW MICorjr.^ftdnrft, inUI-




A T n t A C T T \ 'B Irrft* itn4 am nit rO(»tnp. 2ft#‘'ilhft M fllil htiMk’ ftrvftiitg rwokM. Ini|. IJ

T ft'r it ««*•. f f to 3klt i in n l nvp , |i i l . M l .' A T T R A L 1 1 \ 'K ro p iM . or 4o«E»l«; f f

-------- n in t K a R t" . R.«* lllTftl ft»UR*llMwlllf.I 'O lJ E HftTIfti ««o4 f* r W r U r . »Ii m tnnbftr. I lo 'i 'x ii'i H lr>T^r-^ .• . nbon* ( i n H n rh o t.

K w .k n w a . » 4 u u e r ; A T i . \ N f U ' »T . S -— P r - n t j w * . t a lk rmiiBf ^ ^ k .^ B L A * > H ^ , ' fu.u , t*^o r'lM R ik , Im Jln. i »U« «1d |JoI l y H ^Rftt r r o u l *t. P 'R in flv 'ft. | rn«i;it n rpr r* i» . mb«R. *

it H U U f f . *kt H u fift P u u M li R>. -4*um«r ' * -; fo r nny Uo* o«*». f i ’ -tM J u ly l | h H u a h IIT . II— T w o rftrnU h nd lo p

U fh t hm*k*ft*<*plnf, |k — “*■ *“ -*

A. A.

ITa>IlFo jftftlCor. j r M S ln ir r n if t t r«

•bPfto H>l X.'hfRr.r.N*wftrft,

o< ftitftF llftba i pMoftW ftMrtitIftMft

111 n 4 ■ aJ.; ukt. MT iftweftUft 4jSA NkllElMk dM^BblMftttftn. imeediftkftCft., TM W n U ^

U OR TOUT■WIT Artck MI14- ftiftftli R B r t i ib M j l* pmmiorn

■ioAftfft cvftcrMft JIrftftd •Iftl&M. •■«.

PtUki ftlftTftEftr. •art «4 ftfttftWftMW•lolk

brtcft! iprlfttilftE?far ftftirii roftftllft


^ k s rift ft ftftrtftft mt

.WftftI Iftad f«F fti-J DWftr.piftJil; ftllvmr foad,m T T T '

/ ; W1. 4 IH MkL

AEUKarUN ftu*/* til lit vUb . rft Pftnftin, nil lMi]>tn.. tn n finr locn-

wHIftW for nnv 1. ti i tjf ■ |io«1nnnt. TbftWiA I Ennrnv n»t. i i T fl’ Ml. k*rno). nr*.- riD« iuftft*fur ftftjr ftnolRcM i*< nt i-> Atinnti« A

t n BpriAftfit .1 4<r«RE ■( STi rrnlrnJ Rvr. r.,..i < irntiftn,

Blini)ti*f4 «vr.. rr«Ai J Li oi $45.nTftft^ I f t rcftlrnl nNr . Nrwnr«

T0R18.0FnCES.CTC. WANTED- oijrr OF TOWN_____

f h' amtcu—*m oil Ri«>r« lu tfiii iiiiik t.iM TiSoau; Ift tftburbn, jihmI Iw alli/. rr.)t

111. Addr^R l>li«ro. iil. ■>iifTh>*.


floor. Iifht hmi«*ft*4>p1iit. |k, nUDV* fr«nt ream, nnoond f.o<ii. hat nnd fold wnler. nlnc' lrli‘, |M , light h'-aRnbrODtnf. ('mII evrningn BROAIl^ bT.. kfl, ovnriMhIni HHltft.rr

I MTk RUil r . rh pi.—Lr.rgw from rviMu. hM »a4 rold running wrUt. for k gtolln- mnn. mlnuii? in inbn. vhon4 UktoAL BT-. I III—Jiftrc*. iM'ftfttlftil, front

room, with hllirhnnnltR. rlrctrln; contUtft* nttn hot «ftt#r. Inonarr prlnl«gtn. Tni l]AI ^Vn'rkrlr.UROAli ST. I l t l —Nawlijr d’*rnrntp4. I«rf«,

frtifl' kltrhnnritk, runnittf wftl«r.tirgn front SdiMi^kUt «u4 hltcbnunllo. rftO'nlDg w»<nr ____UKiIa D NT I t i t -LniH*. niry froot^roivm ,

fimi ru-or, nit I- rnril. porrK iWftfAi*. • rirma, hoomltrrpiT'C'Uitt^AJi HT . 1(1— Kurutph^<< Mwpi with hll-

rhvn^tlv, nil Implt ; Hu* l«MRtl»ft; ouw- v*f»i« lit to rnri. ^ ^HRilAI) IT . lltt.~ L A n . friHi( lltkl hoow

kooplBg rooms, orcohd floor. fl.lO WpOIi .


CHURTH—Ovor U,M« m or fifth t ntiftnofftr I tiring

Bftnnaf$*ld orr. llACKlNE HHOpk-^«ntrr c>i

I f ir t . oom ftiotr ftlklM .w i s y . m B E o li) KT

(i . far R^orog* n'-nr High M

c>f (no io ry dlg-n. fl.i>IW«.

uri.n.^itHY I'l*-

HiU)AD BT 117—Alofto rmim fer kl»op<Ing. •k rlrlr , fOBtln«oftj hm WBtor.

ilHOAfi BT. IIRI—Two <>nfinn4iing roonu onri'»- r| f,.f Ughl bfHIRohrkptBt__




EAfHH>AO OMpa tl It b e

ItET.r s s i9 ss» 'inti nufwtTJmrr m ; IM fa r (M t. T m M * a a r Mk a« tar I t mum mmI ■ I R q ■ &. t.; lal. t I H H m . isrr aak kaaaMat! haO «V i Wa Bar.

Jaat U ior raatlaain?7n,%tc.,

- ' a ifa Mill.

om TO UT[JARS’p«rr j iu i iK a .

tara' Iratcki a t.- raa ti In.^*M oi^ Ift

iCOfoftd by ^n. <'r Xowwrh'i -

Btftiftr 2 rftftftrftle t iftMftHWhf ftll t'l Riy WAUtr lu

In ft'-WlUUftfti P(«Bm h-kdf fttfteific pnn ift; liFo ear |lft> «nftl4 ftft«.i Ijwln:

rtory. bftftfTi fsi'

. f . : ^al. I l M l l kt rtaara. la baary.

f ta kMrt a t ctt> . lakar aaa titigai.




HIODS JNElIhlCll IN TIUXBIT A;..LL um 1‘OiT c a rd w il l u iu N a r e p <E£jlENTATIV|lLIOEltrT RTORAON * '^fU^rKINO CO. ‘ UMANrORD T l. . PHOXFJi MKT 1441- 1443; NIGHT FHOMk MXT. *8-rt



^ ^tH W D S JNElIhlCl) INm ^ ^ h L urn 1‘OiT cA iuy T E£jlENTATIV|l


' ' VaS'.r'HAVE

|kft.L.AtuN i' A ll.. t*k—'ftbJI Im'plt.. IrunneliBtft poBnnsaleB. |>3.

PKIST A —III HroBd *1.

RELLVvjLiaR AVK.. «r twovtrftUrt*. light. plMtsem rwnm^light hi>iii*v'

hrvpiftg If il<Rlri«.|RllKI.STNALL I’l., II — ].er|B frunl room

with alrnir'R. nil Itnijri,. for OB* or twn1 r u i R fin 4 _ _ _ _ * ________I' HtA>oMKlKlj» a VR..’ i l l —rrcrpl n>oni io

l*t Ci.r •‘>iU|>ff. I'ltll RA)' Urn*, trullry. _ n.lNTu;< AVJ5 m —Tool. comfuriftWe,

Vary -.‘Mirutri;! '.Mini. ■•■aOrmep:

prlvnt# fnmUT. MrVny, WavrcIjt $4H.___t't.LVToN AVB.. llf-^Purn'«htd roem W1."‘- .. . --------- ,

I TENTH AL AVK. ]€ itim mtpBti-.* frem I ItehnR'ii—Two iRrg* reumi fur light hoiwr-

kn^plng: ilno largr reom fer two fthtlBUIftn I iiT lw>» Intlirs _' rofTH A t. AVK..' m — bririt . a ir r

fnml. rornrr room. huunthBoylng, Ibbb- dry pflvlifgr*. _cnViiT r r .. la—Ba.uutBlratlin. nocond floor, r*flnod bftslftaalpotipi* raAiy J'hono Marhrl f$40J __iu im T KT.. iai-~<'i<aii. atrr Iv.aHhrrk-

Iff room. Bl»o Inrgk- And RtJiftU plooplng rt nma I’honr Uikfh*-! ItftitV,CUl HT #IT . I - I—Largo'frnM room for Iwo

mm nr twiri (JoArR frtain lllgh^t.t'ouFiT irr :i-rcttN iiiM K O 'n tM iii t oLKT oriU T llo m F ; aiKXTS nsLT.

Ih piItb: ---------- _ _ruftfttiBi cftLitrftl Ift tiihrn; «|kio Mrtl-ftWrOa I k W Addrool G- A. W.. Hot 13* S##il YOUNG O U Y l.'f wftfti furntihrd ^m 'w k lk

hltiMnrUk. Hill Nootlad prof«iT*dr fttftto iwlrt AyArrm F. U., B«n 141. No'-» offur*.


AllU.X«Toir K. J-. : t H arn rfti<* iirr* fOBUM. prtvBt« t»Mh. ^1 iBlFt*-

l>OftB(1fft! Nw4t|«n; Frlv«to fiiolly. ^BLUOMffRLM, N. 4.a Mnpio bv«.. » - L*rM*

fftmlohrd room, or win Blur* hoft*« withrtflriftd t-oftpjr. nr«r ptBlIoa ft»4 WF*.BlAKiilFikLLi. Vafftift Bl.. 14—lAr«* Itrftai

I rooin It Idokl lot'Bilon i«* r»*ftt. _I ji^ lT ORAbNUB Poftlh WbIbbi ■4., Ift—

Nlerly Nfftlphod roanu; all tnpraofmontii; hnBfto Brwir dRr-urblrd, p«l.ito4; laafrotnili tft btinnllftg hoBook, hoitn . 3 nklnuloo iu OTAMga tro ll* )', b mlMUlo* to Kn*| fJWBBgo l,Brk«iWBB.nn fttatlon Theno tlrangf ISJIU EaRT I-RAMIR. WUIlBfti »t 341 -Ronly

f«mttl.#d rnairn*, wIlli ar »li.l.4Jiil ftrlvt* I Ugo ef Llirii»ii, 1 hitwh frwfti h»e«4 nrB.ikg«

I lrol »> m <1 ■ in>l<>n {iCAlIt Ol^.l.sgr., 5k CfttnDrHlio *

I (urn r.*i r<>nn . fn ’,a\ar r< |■.rvd grAiio i I iiK O . (in# .'K*ii 1(13. 1 m lB ir ii i l* ) . M r- L oo ir I

IKAN'i nttANilF'—llrifM 'h rrtfu l roam. oB« poroaiii, |>iisnt'' h'MiRi', vrr*y rf^saBithto. 41

ftoBlh Hwr koi I -i bifik trrnng"j EABT oHANCL st.uih Wnlafti ki., 41.1 Bollovu-^—La ■l !r,apt raom. all Imprwvt-

Qi4ftt* r.oar irnin kn4 ifollrr I EART'ORA.S'GS:. 1l« Na n ih i t . '- ru r r ^ i .I «rit fwwB. firvt fli>ur. oao taraifthod roofti.I kirrond flDor.' |(ARR1V()N.'ivnth Third'atT b—^ft^lftLodI riiMin for g«nn»inRn. Iniiolr* )»atiorILAM'IB front rvnm ht»m* romforlR. oaJt

nllf fnr ba*tii*^k raupii* I'f twu rraporl* nhJi- mr-B, with ttf *l:)iuut h«»rd lao min- L-tof rmni W*k( Ornhgr 1-kr. riv* from RJI-

L kain'R l4 Flm W , 1 Ornngr.r .ri 'N I rAllMK. r .trb .iik . M. ' l a —AIrr I 1114a troBt raaiti, nilaut* tu <ftr or jltnoy; I ah

prlrnip fnmllr no viho' roonm ; goaik^ I man pf»frrrr«l _ _ _ 'MOHKlirTUWN —Larg* front o«U loraBKal

ptM>m aaisll tMivBi* ffttnllY. fi'f rumttiiftft. I roniPh-trd k^tLiaii. rafoponkoo rru*>rr4. Ad- | dr**« lltHim. Brat Tt, Kow* offier OHANQR, liuy »t 111—Thr** r-iama. mm- t

fnrtablr fBjnlbhrd. for light hau»rli«*plng, , kll kinpls Phnnr irrnngr |fll'ITE rvf thro* Attrkr'tvkIftR famlkhnl

reohka. nlltInB rvuini, lr»4 mom aftd hfttli- bftkl rraldaan;tal 4l*irki. Kft«( OrftBg*. r* finod family 4 ratnuioo 0''tc'li CTiurch Bia* lion, I minuio* Irullor. A4iiro*o O. Q.. Bon III, Nrt*r iTffIr*T W O raBAar*1lag fu iA ik h td room * as Eoap*

Bv*.. n«ki Park, two gOBtJoiara or hiW-Avea rn^l*- Phn* 4431 M OrnBB*.

AHMY hJi4 nftfti hWftkftUi Mftftp ftll hlftakftlft, kg «JiAM koaftkl f M

wftBl. flat* up, kkftkl, dark i n u ftlid mm*. o\ ‘. lB M4r« In lAMW). 4U Offtfti* iL.Roantrk, N .r, ^

laTftM ffttrftrfti .ip^WaiWr M u h r s J r in t

A irN lkq*—CBBvat m alt. Aarb ' '

akiaaaw^ «q i caK. iJU JS 'i,'< MlU KBtr «ai

VniiirtrmoS U baBaiaaa. Mf' abealtV *!" '’ lli.^W a«»tr. i r r u h fi. Mkt. UOL

BKialaBUHf laKBtr • •«a riaa* at

AMS ro O 1mhlB« n » a r a l - a 1- a«*« tt»- 5 H 2 * * y T ^ * 1 ^ 0 w B W tw w T Wa h a n Ikani. liiia*, t t l Rnaaa C A R n W

a t. Baar •KrtBKdaM »BB.! KHBBahll W if, UKR KSW, CKRAP. 1--------- ----------------------------------------------» a i 41. Nava a«<lsB.




WldRaa a ma wMafceda»B ^ »atrrT5»*

n a aaaavaaa, o«a, wwiw o«*i *•*»-k oMftlft oftMftftt, III. i W '

tab BBA irw vrlta? iBakai tllllK eaM- BMa, ahlaa rhaliiy lal artaalal rmai M a ,B?T«,‘rusrK ati arvi


M ira r a t raa t raKranlaaat. AH •KMrbAB KallTartaa anaa traa U KT t . H a n . M l - l i r S t Rtaa«uakaaA aaa Klailaa, _____

•>D an ilK O , I fl. a k ., tall alaa M . a u l l kHakaa (aya. taaW fBaR wlauw ttiu , lA-

la raaiw abaaffaBr’a aaai. ahaap. J. Waaa. TI Paath Oraapa aaai

n . . u - : e ; 5 3 i 3 i i e a « i far aala.■Sr*;" TUPF’ — . r'kMtmm' rrlrftt*; / 'ft Mga toMMMftf. i n *vft i t«l: H4f#Io« IM ir

DOUr LS rappar'call aaa Mftftd: toft4 rftkftOa lal of

Mmo_ Gainaj kok^ Banj^ io r kM R ftt.^t^r

fffff im

bM IfttltMl ]

IS*. Ifar

I DO m kMomilaara awar '

win latanila- pa Uarkai

_ ___ ____________________________________ABiKiLtrribV biiaaat prtnaa paM tar far>

alla ia aa* Paaaaliata paaaar wa p a iau tr larwa ar laa aiaall: taa4 laMal. aall ar M O naaa atiiTR. Varhaa 4 *aaa. t i l t lar at , Otaa«a.

H CMMTEAL ^Y%i MV^ W4l._________WILL pftY Nft kftftBfthold nodiLl i X pfty rftlr Pfiftw Nr koftafthold nodiL

ftfllM hirftUoco. H. J. Hiifti. I lf V o S «o Efaftok Erook liTt.


D«fi rr4 CkbI tar «aaa pa* apui »aaria*.

atlppaW. Tailrliaal aaartara:* laBaat ar.jl*. XrUMiae; Art. W i

A HOptwaMa.S V ~ ifD 6 ^ lliaa 't ifaf

■ >4 -


WMftilMI aPftMIftl fffttftlplS raA ""BASRRT. pab

Irwiat a a la aiS S f 'a i a 3 S ! E ? l _____________arm iwipraaaiaHalai frica lli.*M Mmtmmm RaaAaPca. Vil MallM iMIUC ROOTR—lW * a a a H a ^ i^ t 4an » W

wa«aw. Wtilaa, Paaat; p r l a t ^ l , l ^ I n T * - r J NwwartTltaaliHia Raa ta n a . IW HHlaai tf. >t > wIR W S U T riUJTORT. fallT I f f !

uwUr laaatMi raai Mil prtaa fM**; 4 ^ -.waa raataaal a t sajrtaaiaMR. Nawarh ■aa* 'V> aaia S a c A a a a a .^ i Martial M. ____ __MartialiciiiiBaja SieAmapa. I




141-Ut m oA D PT., .JITM rSNTRAli HA'

i-uuNR aaaa markorrowiTH rsNtiiAL RAj tOAB.

CRaara tar aarta ai aat aaaa; M arwari i aa*. ReRwana, H I

OanOAlN* L t KLaCTHii: m otors

Taa klail aa4 llPa Rpti wati. far n a i ar aala at raAaanaMa pnaaa: tRara Cr.*rarr- iVRaalar. WratlaaRtwii.Hablaa 4 Mrata, atc.i aU fa a ru laRr 1 r’ . . . -

I ara

raapa lal at ra ra tia n paa alaaa,ALL AlnOB paf ftC0«« flathfoa ckoftftl ftOO » • 1 i

--- ipriBVf.ftli i DtMlMO HOOK. Ilvlftf room m 4 koi raftft* I ftBmltnro, pow; aftM M fftoftl rftdftoUok.

Mr«. HftrpM. SIT WftftI Kink*/ ftL _ DINING Jt(»UH ralUr' Mujl UMo Md

ceWfk Minor, M4 foftU. EKktooBik M .Ntwftrk, M. J _ _____ __________UIMIMO''Ta Ii LM, ftftftftrft. eoock. |l~

ftlfto doftbio matlroBB. 144 Wfttaoa ftoo,Woftl Orftftfo ____ ____D'lior liRAti i r Wi n o ' i u ^ ' k i r n i i i i

U ^v iL L C a v s r . filHTOMr

DoftlBT Ift Mow ftjid Sfteoed-Mdild ftm ltura, AftUftMa. Otr FftlMttM and Brlc-ft-BrftA

Footftlk Froeksllg AtloMad Ta 4:4 ri^K EN T»t_A V E,. WEWAtiH. N. J. r^ R "p a l s —Oaa PRaprArRai 'tt'liua raa.

k ill , raoo and Mm ; kftftad tow; loo IftTgo for rooifti l l t i . TI North Kftah ft«o.i Ek^iVOftfo^ _________________________ _____F I ^ T kodk for Bftl*; BFrliiffa, hUilroftftaa,

toibpuu, !■ up: kftky vwiTtag*. |4 kp. Hrroiww i fttufmg*. ^MjJiftfd M _________KHK.NCH i>«p«rnuotlf rang*. F *ftt«r fltoi

doukla ovrb, (a V^*d coadllloa; ckoap.ftnlooii, H_M|irlngGola a T o . _______ _t’oi'lT.R'lKl'K I'AHLOR ItJiTR far gala IlC

I'aU >4t R..ulh M a lh jl riK-ir.i>IK('K Iiiirarr BlMlaa aalia fK aala

_*i _Yo^ln^nn at

rafttOT, '■ ■ llM i.

__ aarantaiftiftkft ■ ftVrCMltg of priftftr W9 Cftii M » , MfthMt m i - s - i

E U K T^IC MOTOE E E ^ A IE OO.___ •* . Mowftftt N> Jw

I aEOaTm parfa pMU. W«M«oufkotv* ft fkU lift* ol won iftktfta

droa# m U a »nd pft**> t* mfttek POW ftftfttft. ■ftTO Ikft jM ld d lp m ftr.‘« prftfK. H KftMtftg-Mtftft, Ml ^ f ia g tic o ft»*. Mowftrka



TkrMftliM. o«vr l7sS«; Wftm cftoofft Hft*hi4H; lottta. p) ramlJb. iT tll; ftna* toot* •lakft: pno tantft, r«'.L MUUlroftftOftMankotft,

i t NEID*r lUtWk, *1'.RT Kranford pi.. Kfwftrkg M.

van : i::ri;Hnc,'.'r«j>. row H TK ofs p r n . ! CAHV PT. t t—l.lthl aad alrr . lar l atapla. VlrB; Y'VL' AUK INVlTBIl TO IMrifltCT | *“ ''P K *' 1'. I'ciwara * gaa 1“ * ■ » «OVn '-VAOT. BOtHKP AT ALL TliHCp; : a t f r » I’ «• _______________ _FTR-StTURe AMf> PIANO


(■A I.I iH ’ R I .U I lu > rU a .l or h i l l , alwat O r- angp one ur tn-<i i|ul*l rufima and h o ik

with h f h t h u iu rk rtu lO ft n rrtim m tid a tle ti* , p u r* « a t r r . m ilk aikcl (prufti rg g s . Addr***,iirntllra. Boi F Nrw» offki«, CNniftk* ____fw t) fur tight hgnuawkmftlflg, >n' ruuatry. Addraaa U , Bux 1* Jl***

( j ^ . _________________________ _____________


nnroiid f1<»or with or w ith o u t lig h t kowao- k*«>p1ng. w o uld Mrre hruaktftgt _ _ _

FURNISHED ROOMS AND ROARD ______ WA*<TED _______B F a F I N E t) yo u n g hoalnoft* w em n h daplr*a

T'Htfn. hoard, rrmrft] prrfarrtd; ra*oon< aU<«. r*fRr«nc«a. p r i'ftt* i.4 4roa* 1* k l.. Boq 4?, h irw s e f f t i - o _______ '


•A N l'A ltr lartTKEftrfTORAGB;

IS v r

NUTLET. Hlllaldo ftve. |4 ftm<'eibfftrtftM« ' room, for grntloiBftn, homo mokitkft; ftOft*

_____ _____ ____ t-oU*y oppMltn Fronklln fttaUfta,^BLW>iUl) .\VE., ' l « , “ r*r«>o^kori—N*r*l> j o r a n g e . ’ 444 Canlrftl ava.^Lftrga. wall

Moyrwi.V, tVH l«AKi: WKKKLT TIUFS | arlrtirg T O F O L L O W I N G f o r N T s : B 0 9 1 0 N , t f r , a . . „IIF1v»0 ; * 'n R 'r ftPH lN D ^ 14 C^ l^ T R E j f T o N . *^*ri,*^r * M ' ' »*PTA W A N I M N > .r N . U f U lp l . n i l

r ! I . ' Dfw n»!*• IH i - r ( K• t T K I .

U A I .T I M O !W W C A l

IRT r/)AU. GOING ORf W K C A B ^ f A N I H a E

c‘ . v u o t wN i T R E U 4M

NN|>•ruiaEC iT M -0 >M


. TIlAaVRlT tiFKICC. ; TE1 M i ‘ KKT «llT WaRK

'UTtI rouKTEEKTK7'*-14 ^iL*& V l W M ' iA i L T .

n u Y w r T H U r H ilal>C.-1 ftlMl loipg dlftln t-W.

Fltho-ko!«i!|f< fl ftpiKialir- 0 ^11* aarrkft la pr- rifttAC miaippftd alrni

WftftI toMRW‘ ^ iA .

NEW tOHK. r h i u O i B i . r uM l a T i M i l t l Er < v » jo N .


T w i t i U i il a c a M•PfSrr R u t l f f l l u i T M l .

•da• W f u t * w d S ^ t^ Ak irtPatariM! atm

• P M L iP t pf. n . .. laaPlra U aawi.i

k paw pR jn tar

cm WAItllD


VrUB MBAKHunE rulK T i.- t a a ^ j ftffttftvt fir*, dftkiftg* Of

C ■ aM In frinrlt. b tith a tra fiifm«hftd. •"rmw», TEAMiPORTATfOM TO,.

| l WftFlfft j>;. iMarkot iftSU. Newark. ^jKigkt ft^^lftnMftr t*Ph« Eoftqlla t4l3w.

a l l SEARllOItt:) rc>INTAA U T O H B H V l i 'K M A I L T

T O A i J i U n r P A R K .

ftir^UKitd fooM with llgkt hoiMMkffplngklrgMg.^ _ ______

NT., ;si^Lftrgft frofti monk ftiid ftl- i'aivv «i| ImprovitRietkii. ftultahl* fnr two

ihon nr haRlnraM coupl*. prtWfttv family; rtf-*r*' r* R 'O tie H , B 7!rt4._ ___________r'HA.'tnJ.i.S il*'.. It —Kiit-h*n«|U and iMrgf

bed roum fur one or twu tiuRthuce Maple, mflia-d. htiftk* atmoiphrrv. Call aitar IM. >f. __________gKbbn BT . ^nomeiit: twai Ma* awk*

nn'tlag reomR; runnlag «at*r In hltehan: a'ae elei^ng roem. _• _ ■ _

i T ; KICEV L A h o t" AIRY.^N iIL N noOM, ^BBAiOaVABLR.

JllGH BT, tSI.^rM r eourl hnaar—Nicely

fa rn le h e d rftowin. board i p t l M ; verftftda, p rIvU rg .i j in r io r , llb r f t r r : f l a t lo catlo« . o*ft- v a a le a t tre llc)^ ra llfe a d . _ P k o h c H f l J O r f t f a.

BOARDINGA R T H l- r t iM M F M l l T H O H E fa r la T g lld i

in e a ta lly or p b r a lr a l ly 111 or fo r crippinft o f h II k lh d e U 1 U a c o ia a r * . ; p koaa l i . B .

UHUAU’ Bt*,, Ikli'-^Lirgw frftkt t«a cr ihr**: rwkwtag wi

rootn, for ham* cook'

B R O H ^ iA N n m c M l ' l H O P k M '^ l f t t ^ w an- t l* M In aam iM cr rnpf.hR, dlatlMMW R atyla*;

l<'h> re a t i9k««nR I '-o itn v fa . oftcft rra ft lhga; n ra t B r « « i a i P k o M M g /kat n s 4 . O . I T T E R Y N K B V l i L I ' lA T I O N ; eqklp iftaa l

■ ad MW pariii fur nelR. Addrena R., Maa M . X am a o n k * .m r " P t 'O L 'T T P N T B . l A C H

W A 1 .P H 'H PO.SP a 11>. C L A T A K I )l iO p B I ^ P T P ________ _____UAtft ta n tap. anj rhiw’. pata .far gal*.

Saaon d D o or I f? Dakdg aaa i, A r ila ft la n .n«ftf Gftihrg,B A H T C ?A R R 1 a G R fo r nn)«,~ ! $ • ' gaad he__» e;w.__ 4T Jo k n a tu n * a v r .. K a a rfty.t» A U y t ' A H H i A g K d ftiiij kU ch » a re e l alu*».

I l l H ftU ia rrv «i , l ig ra .i n ; t c m t ; l ( H K K > 'llt(» K f lA T < iR ,'a g y r ftT m a a l

n e w . a e ry rm a in n h l* . A p p ly R a l l ' l M ar- k a t. (1 1 O n ia g e it .H A W I tk V iA 31 I n , W ith r y m k a ia r iS I .^ A d d r e s s r ifw m . i h , Nawn h N W ^ ___C O % k . took at uftr p tu m lilh f t i i lu r M kafar*

ym i p u fe h a a* a le e a h e ra aerre la lri. aa«m - w led einkB . «n.Dh tulm. |j,»a, rlaaeta. f l i f t , h M h twLw ftjif] laraterlca at ft ro D e h lrra b U ■ a r lp g . fto ld e n h arg ( 'a ., l i t T h ir d ftv«..^ I r t r ’ g lg ih ftad T k lr iy - a a v a a ih i t a . N . T. C O K E , le e k at awr p lvm kJftg fla ta reg W ^are

y»« ftw rcM iae a lftaw kara; ftarvalalft. aftftm- t ie d a iB k j. w aak la t a , f i t * : (}««aU, I t U ; k a lk U ilw a ^ Iftftftitjrlaft a t a roftaMaefthl* a a v U g . f k l^ a k f t r g C a ,. t i l T h ir d ftva,, T k lr t y - a t i t k _ft#^ fh ir ty -a a v a w tk *$*.» _K T . C A H U B O A R j i c fta d y b e ia a aai} Iftrga a M g '

p lr.g b o ta g ; s a w ; B »f c c c i . s i «•*% 4 tBridge at. _____________________________F l i o P V U E l f aceva fa r gaa e r ch fttv M i,

h r ir h Itaed. u cftrly r«w, J. Mutt*. 2 Tk K ftlaay at.E L E C T t l f C n>*ftt rhoftftcra a n d caffaa tBlllg,

Btclft«r*a. H e b ftrt'a , Royal*, ^ ta rp r tc o , U iilv a fa ftl. i 'a lr a f-aff** raaatam . aUcIhg in* ch in e * , e iv . . aftv* t t % , eftay t * r iM . fu lly

fiftftr•nta«d U ao . F a n d t , SIT M a rk e t at.laa-ark.

i l . t n - T R i c T i U t a ~ w g r . r " c M r r m c u b r w il . .(e ra m e a t a llcar* grid f lt la r* * (or any

kfta ln cM . 9 i Dfttik at,^Y O l lG B , 1 H . F . D C. a la ctric m a ta r; h an d .

g am e fta r le r awH*: gaa ran g*; rfteec: Ja rd l- h t ^ ; hoy*' la p eftftia. E ith e r , 41 Cftm p at. F A ( T ir o i lY ftrcwftdft fu r ftal* ckeftp , *!**■

w o rd ro h a t n ia k a O ra ftU la T iw a k Cw..i*J:*** Caa^ ffti a**. _____________F lv i^ h ara« F v w a r g u aagideD. i r r w a to u -.

l lg k t a n d k e a r y tiftek*g C tM t t 4 H a rr l- >a g ee .. H a r r ta e a . abeh * Ifai harrlMiiU.

P O R S A L E — C h e a ft , hot ftir fftrtiftca w ith a ll F $ F e i, In A I Uftftdltlon. II C la va la n d at.,

Oraagfa. ^

fwaaJft. Wavarly SUf. ___iM Ti|}lji7>UPft—Eatr* rfW* padlgraa,

Pho*aprka right.

calUe. yo«ag.

GAR RANGE, two wkH* Irftft kadA apiinga.• mall kMcknn table, ftftrgwt awaepwa, mlr-

rer, ehftgktker »ft*h a*l*. aafth* htw* aummar ■erg* Mil. 11-4*, IftdW akaeg, Fraaoh heelA iSft-^R> aplandld cenditleft. I l l iirafloa ftea.,Narik Nawftrk. Kuhn, H B. 14ft. _OAft iulNOK Tlr" aalf.' draaier, rk1fr««ftler.

rwf, f a l l *3 Rtdgawowd ar*.. Irvieffon.H iwillk. phone Wsv*r1y tl4T._ ilAP PHUWPH. lAdrg Auh twk Juk.'gm gll

garior lahle, parlar ftlctafaa aad lawftawllHf. T* Y1r*t *t. ^ ______ _OAP b'a'NOPI—N .w r g u iu t-Rol.: r>».g;

krotier; good coagltlen. ttf . Naf*t> 3 S3Hunterdo* *t. ___ ___ __G<UN0 abroad in Augu*t. wnal lu Mil my

furniture, in^udlSK plane; aic* rvg*.Heaka. 31 t'otinge at.. Newark.HANDEOKR net mabogany dtnlag room

fumltwre. aidekoftril, gl*** rfthinet. plateRIfta* nh«l*ee, renter table, eight chair*. *p

alctereid Ukrary ehalr. ga* rang* priv«i«B*l#. »a daaiara. ApFly t i Fareet a*a . Glen Hldga.iKK’pSMOLD rUKMlTt.'HS i u u l . . c o p . ________

tenia of UTe-room flat; good cohdltlen, | TKlKTtafter I

liRa iftita; ftrlVfttaFftjfy, T*l» Braack Brwak S***y^ ___

BKAXi'iHTOlL «m' ' . ouairr u i l i . , twrl apA gRulr rppAj um nm wUtgg p.lg. fw iU n

RII1W4 Cb( gufc U io P T M N

form ft*d wbarkagKarkat I3II> _ _____ j

d r - ' h . v aMdUr k o B iC i 'HOaPITAL rOR DOUP AND CATS

l« -li-ig Qtrta rP »L Tg|. rOR ' p a l s —>r*pAa iMigni i i u rabMt

Rh s Aa Uh biw) r«p pgi n « >••> w in.O K R .«pgM. MgrrPrt. MP.____________Stittiia W ul. will g«ll w ig '.bow Pop ebu p ,

hl*d dlaftealtloii, ladlaa' pet, g*od kaftv* wasted, no dealers. Addrea* Ckow. Uoa 17,Now* offiew. __ _ ___GKT yo«r~4af allppal~1^ a l^ h c lty . d<^

for eal* aad euppl**- A- Ilkekei^a Bird sier*. 41# Elgkuealk »*«., aaar iprUgnalda»e. ___________ ______________________I.JLR0B tiS u wanted la*"”ftet ft* faatar

mather for ahepherd gappiai; wtU gay hrice dagirrd. lira H. L Kee fteknela, Old Rhort Hllli road and M*F' ion are.. Mlllburn. tftl. Hlllhwm IM. rKMlGHKKM PERJiiAN KilTENft.'liAUe'.


IfAl.B AND ONE FKHALE, |4 CHARE•T.. NUTLKT ___WANTKI>-ilelatan potlca dag; ktad fthd

good wairh dog. pl*a«e elate and It trained Addreaa Watch f>ag, Bci 14, New*vfflr*. Moftlrleif. __ _ __________WIT.I. ani rifire foi hoftad haeauee ef mae*

Ing for 111, worth |ia* TeleoKoae 44IW Uedliieir. 41 ftituth WINiiw Jl , Uoniclalr. W HltK I ><»D1aK FVi' for aale. R. BlOaWi-

field. $1 Tthlrteeftth nv* Tel I T U Mar-^ei _ _ __ __________WANTEl>—Im me^taJy, ikortiughkmd^ai#


M G R O U T C K R E S I X l E l E B THE (Xt> R B U A B L E R V It!^ " * ^ * ^ ^ '-------- “ AD r“

E L *M A P

« le g a le t* t i ^ f t l M 'ftlcftiualftg a d im ; pfieft ErftftR t L , rwftwi SA

O a r f t f f t i kw ar aewawai law fa s t : la s M ; rwoftipt M ^ fM » c ft lk 1 y ; W t r f t i t p W g •ekw ftrtft. I t s Rftftftd at., toftfti l A

ir* ftw i M f t t f t e t M m ; r*Rt M l ; t h ^ ra a m a ; daa« eaaftllaftl fcftwaaee. wrlcft M I A ^ k w a r u ^ l i l Braftd_ftt^J]POfti SV ^A N T e a a l i ^ ' l M r f a r w t l l a ^ ak lU k ad

nee*, w h ic h w ill be so ld a t Ineeftiary prlc*g W ith a o ch a rg e fa r fe e d w ill, w ill w e e a r a d re P tU a in e n t , ItloaaaflaUI Real M a la U F a r Rale e o lu m n T H E tT R V E N A > M C O MPANT, B L iN » 3 iF lK L D _ C E H T B R ^ , __A T T R K t I O N 'm . t k i r m a r n iknft' U m atki-r

fo llo w , 1 b u r e ie r y lh ln g ; keai pH rea n aM fo r ro a te n « i o f elore* and W irrek ikdlae a f a ll klR ^ a w ii i f t e r . II N p ria g fie ld a M . i H k t M M A L I w k la d * o f liuaineaa p ia a e i aald; i f y a k

w a n t ta buy o r eell, ae* N e w ark liaalMaaM E a r b a a g e . laj^ M a rk e t a C ; JteL J d a r k e ^ M lA A O T ' g U h ' k — 1 p ay m o re (koft a k a n fa r

M ore* , M o c k s ad d m errk aad laa a f aa a r/h l ^ __lllm aa^ 141 B ra ce u l ^ W a e i m *A T Y K N T l r > N - ^ R A r M k ^ i p l ^ ' f c r 'a t a m 'e f

a ll k in d * , ae# m e befot* yea « e ll taiMMitr> ITT Rpr fh g f le ld a r e . . Rk c * e B tg a law 1117. E a K F R Y , l iv e c o u a lry taw'n. 14 barrel* ' p e r

w e ak : Ift-raem keuee, doable fttefim;w a g M , ko ree s, F a rd oar. e le r ir la dawfffl a U ia r , b r* e d -w re ftp li'd m ach in e, etc. T k a m - acn ISm e tractlftR C a ., Raeard B a l ld la f ,R a m m lt , ________ __ _ ____ ______B U T T K R . eg g s, b ra n c h b ik r r r atore~*i«lag

g aod baglnega; anvall r*at; laaee; |M# 4a q aTck k a y a r t|| g fth n iG e1 4 are- B 'L A r X R M I T H baalnem . e e t« b lB k e d i''t M lJ

a n d e la o ir tc paw er la g u lra M * RIeMB* G e ld a r e . B iA em 7ietd . ^

'W i

lione Nutley fllW .

CkkkpwCIITrEH, I I I P E R 1ft* EDWARD L.


Ma tc h in g a u . fe r t il t :;* t i p e r Kir riN U ; AiJiO ba ht CKlrKH OF ALL IIREBDg. DORNBUkCH. 43 CENTER MKT UiiOD rhane* to buy Ift Orpin^iun chlckenj

andMt Pri>ap#rl a»e, ftlfALTHT hatched rklclia; buy dlreut fraai

hatching, mil Hatrhery. 3ft4 North Re enih el.; 1 11 H ll., t>jt*B iund«yk.

a* ro<Nit*r. Call ilernoan, 2*3


wkllaH. M .*11'Harrison et.,

Ing Call Baat Or

En*ETRUrTLY FRBRH EGGR. delleefed la ft

daaen lata. 4le. per doe, S Wakarash aTSti II. B. T33*.


('lark. 44| BetfM *t iitAVT kiet'k i^ iiu c bed roam eult

* ^ ; aa daeler*. It L.*klfk aee^ __t l^ N BkD. jpring aaid riMttreca! Hir^da

rocker, wtriiar table, fuldlag caarh aad m*ilro*g, ptllew*. ate. ('all after ft.Ift,Hgeotea, lift Orchard *1., NawirlL _icm-HKN CABINKT, HuogTgr moigl:

large, white wooden tad. bowl, pucker, biteken, ft ft. vat^bvloft ti^le.^14 H ro^ *l_KITCHENETTE' riViaer and Ic* bo* ree-

eonabla. laqulf* A 1*1 Rautb gistk*t,. _f1r*i floiir, rare Petkln._________ ____ CERMfRf EE^ SflMftlEE GrA ^Le a v in g cHy; a*ll rnmllur* af Ihree-ream .

apartment. In «*• three mentha, complete. CAMERA. Refle*. pMtrard *1*0, Al f ^ d l ■ attractive elao ro#rk, hammock and metai Ml, also P r^ o . |bad Apply Jl Kenney, Ml Mt Pnwpert ate. 1 il5?' J; l^und*. Croi^owvj ' L’ I ■ :l: — *•— fi i“ *Tb i L*koraierr, 11 Biaadieb at*.g Wa*iMlRRKiiS oak dining room eat. euhd eag ] orange. I

office Of 4e*k iaIiJo; foldtng couch with I ----- imaitree*: rag 1.1*14.4. «il in enellent dltlan. Phnna Orange 4228J. ^

l ^ U 1e fresh, white agga you want Hnrrleoo t i i l or rail gi 134 Grant see..


CAFE, which caa be taraed lata reatagraat ar kaardlng boaae nr balk, caa ba baagkt

eery r«**a*abl*, Gret floor baa vtor* aad large dining mom aad klUkaa: aad teg ro*ma apstalr*; raattal localioa, aUaat MaL Mactric light; brick enraar Addrait Ear- 1* CAFE, reetauraai and property; maatklif

iwoelpt* ll.4ftftg brick kiig.;. ra*«M I*r faar famlllea. garM* far two rar«. ftll lig«K iveamwta; prie* Itt.ftftft. Addram Cala,

* ftftj Nei^a aftlce. _CON F »Nk Rt . atalkmary. elgMaT*?**

bftcce. nawapafter* aad magailaft*; bast- aaaa how frem | t , I H Ao ll.iftft ft Mlgatlli well aiorked. good rsaaea far eala, ao kRoatg Addrev H-. E«* ^ ^C\jN'rK<'TloNEllT atera Nf'^iaFa; •WHY

maker; bargain l)bg*r, 141 Oak il.iFarig Am tw y^ Tel, t l l lW ,

CANDY, cigar aad suttoaary stare with foar roams: real III

weekly rat-elpta ftlftt; prtre . buyer. IngutT* J. KrtM, Ml •1.. Newark ^ N D T , eodaT^iara, aatloM; faod m (d »

real 12*; twa rnoiiia. Call Aflar 4 Ft Vw i n Orange at« ^

S score i#v ew«eI per mogik; |«M la g*$^

1 Wesi Klggay

DIRTRICT MAEAOBRl WAMYtRL if*(ribiilar far aallanaily ad-


CAMcnAP. LPN Pn. fiDTncbEAiO I Dappbt, Pold gni B,cb»np*A

----- _ - ---------- - i . , . . — I B O B N ia 'B PPO B TIN a fHKlDP PTOIkrtUIPPION dlnlnp rv,in gull.. U t: lc« bjg. . | , | B rud, gerngr WlllUm M.IT; pgi r»hp^ l i t . Igrgg dgoig. M. ! --------------

rnmmoQe, II Taft n»rgen *1. ___ j

Opportaalty la k*e##gs ribuiar f verttoeR. long i auto epscfalttm. Na couft- petltlon. Unusual eo-oprra- lion furalahad ta aBargatlr. huatling man or firm, aaa tiarlDg a car preferred. Eft- «lualse right* ta T*al rape#- aentstlve. Must Gaaaas •msll initial ofd*f. Uaas* ually liberal proflla. Writ*, giving addrea# and taftapkoa* number. Alcomo Mfg. Csi* l i t llrldga St.. Ntwarkt N-A.

KAbtilAN tA KOI UK. will, iuu irh 1l.omb Jebi; will U4*ilfle# Mt. Address

s o . 1 1 VtCTBO LA pgrior galtg. mg- ; Kodgk. B » i m . Ngwi ..ffUg hogany muelc rablnet. alarm ftock. hang

CLIFTON AV'H. 1tft«-Latg*g ronforUbl* rpofn. with airfigg car* far btvsUd. T#i.

Bmncl^nrMk IMI. *f Mr* M arian ,____furniih^ ■tnyls ghd dnabi* nmma; bath; j R(X>3I and board far two geailaraaB. tftftft

hot and cold water; oJeclrlflls’: prtvfttCg } Hroa'I et. _________________MIuH 'rV.

rt>R SA lJr-^ lft" m a d * bm _ ^ tk e r * ril»g IM Routk Mth *t

Ing eleetric fniry lamp, braae electric bed room lamp end eksd*. I *RMt1l fuakogaay

I table*. *m*l1 oak table, mimlon Dower eland. cihIMrea'* kooka. • peraftoli fey small



a n d m ov in g . CHARQHa.

•F irtA ip A*mvfTiON TO p a c k in g * CRAtlMQ AND RtORiNO.VICTORY rraRAGB CO •

iH - t i t haI j e t i t .FBage ftlU Marksti M il MarMftg

TOim gnada idmod tk aanltgry lockadRfSHiag. bagi; of tmr* RkgraataeA- alas vag*

l*r Ml Hmtiig; gaad mir*f«i haadlsrai rsa- ggM lt ralsg^ logs dMagc* oar apaviglty; •as Eg kffara mskuig ^aul arraageaieata.

. • , mopum rroR A O E CQm_t l Albadsteyift' Da/ aad gtim ^iksga.

^ MftcRct fftlRI Fp^wW a Ikf t f ts a lart# igslor yaa mahhit I tars ftftpa a amak is ArbWiSr Park, will laRs

Isgig s r FSfft to ar flFR* ftftf/ ragaagakly.

piecirlfits': pflvatc. f i t —fwe irofit ra»m*, lUicty

furnOhed: k'l liAprovement*; private.Phone Mnrkct Tilt. _ _'liAlgglsV tlT.' “M~Xfaiiy^furnl*ked rsaiw

priva'.e (uinlly. for aaa raipactabia gantla- •nas-iiUNTERDu.ig HT, ITI, fliwt floor- - Two

bright, h'eaeani poorli; uee ol kltckea and hatb; ii'.> i>'br " roum rN. J«*nnc*a. _ JAMES HT.,~ 7S—U p-ta-^ie furntahVd rmm.

fnr ladv or gentlcmaa; all Improvemmta; flee mlaute* to lube*. ^ ______ ___JDliN«(>5i~AVk,7"iftl—Raom Is lal^wuii

Itr^ele femlly._LINCOLN PARK.

rsam; ll|k l kawsakoeplag4|mh<o room; all eonvestoacea.

J l^ le a lypHrilsgaa;


Mi. PIp NANT AVM.. ft—To ratlgad aSu- I*?"* *i?<I kUsksaetie.

liA btioN Avs;. j t . pgu aipw ti—lAipg.Hpbt. g*g*-tT fnmtgbtd r44tn fgr giw ot

•_ cg-tit- rk sti. i it» rt*TwiT. _Mtil-nSBifT 'P t., IP—Crtipgrtlip f i i i l

nnmg, h r pgpggbyptop;jy» Mebt»pigo objgfttog 1o rMIProa. gptrpnc*.UliLBBHHT PT„->U—Kopgopggplpp roong.

I I ; glggplnp rtwa, | l ; wgtgf ggpi* Itow. i l i t tM 'B T . . l in p f iit farplphiB^rMmii. MiUiPLV ■HL7''iC-+*»P»- 'eleSr"hinitaSil

rdMfe. for Pprtp*gr M«p>* *r two pH tlt- mgpi gipa gippig fPoa! nggr t opn boW : ifiuA~W og4 gap UatHM pU.'—liln .

Thrgg-raom gpartiagiptl la p u .i f*riA*pMoplg Oply, Ipppltg I j BBPB it. ______O W ^ A B D if., llP^^Virp cM PH tlaftt

pap l3t«lMartt*. gMpP p a i aipd^r P M ^ ■- “ - i .g — — >— -1 -laftadrii. _

ir a b o bt.. : ig > U ii^

(or HtAUift, a# akiacUsg is skU4« ,

okCHARD ET.* Str^^^uRa. lA o a .^ ^ n

Sl'ftUCE l4T.g ftft, gra* Lineals Park—Twa double roomi; aack room ■uHsbl* for twa

mra. table t ^ r d optional._____ ______WANTEt^A Protestant Amaflrsa girl Is

board; aUist Ift year* old, Addraaa Oirl, Boi Ift, Kan * offl^ . _ ^

" JOA^WANliW_____DUdlNPJRR womaa wiebe* room aad bsard

wUb private family; c«mv*al*Btly located.Addrea* P. O._Bp1_ 3 1 7 ^ ^ w k , N ___TOPNG MAN wft&aa revm a i^ ^ r d la

Nawark sr vlrlalty; privata family. Ad*dree* IL. ^*_**g Nejr* afflca. ____f&ilNQ gtan wWVm Im iA la prival* Casi-

lly. AddTON Prtrat*, Hot gl, Naw* af- f l e e . _____________________ __

B0ANDING-4>irr OF TOWNBLOOHriBLU. W pmp tt„ «•—Ogg ro«n.

OARDBif HOffB. M U gpP gpprgp gorggp WgUb'g iogg A Co.. Fgggpk ppp Clpp gip

U t^ tUTlgpoi ip fw ij 'n g - dlllOfi; alao I rylikdef atoves; rtassaahle.

344 Jsknawa ace _ _qnOCBRT BTORjl fTXTCBW"'tW ip l. A. PIAiip. i l l Hobohoe rp., CArLg U J t . R . J , _________________tlAP iTa TBR HkA'fSR (of pglg. M 'S ;.-

■1i^ Nswirk. Mr^ RRaerer.iiOT Xlii irtJilNA^ei «P.'iondlUggi t n r

raara aid; Thattker; III , Pkoae Wavarlyftail, ar 41 BFkelUu tef.j_VaBikargh .____in v a l id ebatr for Ml*, g a ^ psadUioo.

ckaap,' Call 4U RaaUi n ir tta a th a t .*ft*r_l_P^ M . ________ _______________kilBP UR f i i r i t—Cards, takal^ l l . l i l,ftftft;

Ulllmada, sa v a laM latltrkaad* at aaaL Praato PrlaMgf . t ftl Plaft* it kLlENIi^'*jM>t iiglttg perfaci awdar. j", MS__CsiLrtil y t - - , ^UlMEEA ewi taD sT w aM m i& ls ^Maglaa,

FalatSk Aatgfwa; ksirar kssa laai. Gglj

flrls. oak >sreagg parlor aad gad Amm pic* urea, loo «hatcS, winter Coat far glfl of 13.

■grtfig coal for giri of 1ft. *etftp baaket.Ireaa, high chair, afclld'* dinner ekalr, baby batik tak. ga* lamp (can be made *lectrt«1,la rg o k t a c k b o a rd , b * H ia e t , clothe* horiM .camp chair* and olk«r oddi and ends. wklt* rocker, white bath room chelr. erasing*, 7 and I. TI gtoeftton p i, OrftBgw___________________________

iiCb'P. n t r L i l A npvo'LVEiip Hougbt. knlrl end BichaJiga^

KOENIO'JI hPORTlNG U001>g I ^ R B , •1 | Broad. eora*r William i t

” n ir"OPPORTUKTTT for quirk kg/an ta get *

few ali-mAnlke-fild ensi brrd from pedi­greed Cheeter White of t1n«*l etock fqr

at*o I prip« llitie above ordlaary poor pig*. 134 t'ftll I *ark4 ikJno four-veer-oid pedigreed Herkahire East boar. II n# Freddie W«1*b Farm, Long Hill,

guRimlt; teL t*lM kuromlt.

ONE tkrs#-pl*ca roverad 1

t t l ft; alao>rlor attlt* for vale;; hKM 'e-aU


aarhroverad In tapeairy; looac iprlag cuahlone,

thmc-plec* penor edit*.largar aUie, all roverod In ta poetry. ioop« rpnnf ruehtark#, ftllO. nkusl be eeea to be appreciated GoroOh. &3t Hi-nad et-

' ONE beth tub, i ft. by 3ft in., new, ou l>i*a*;Qge range, on* hot air heater, cheap- 231

N. n r k e l, f>M Urange. phone t i l l Or.' OAK doable tiay dining roem tea wagon.

~ Beech a t. BallevllT*. N. J .. Oreylock | FOR RALE, diamond clusief; ^ larga stawegi


B lD rA T e p p p v S r rg g lig ra o l god god.fountain; ft-year l*ase; ekaaa panl,

eluding 4 rt>um apertmanli taklug per week; will **crifl*4g lagfttfe aori. IH Market *1. 'tiicimv^Br.5rT5w^itahM nghd; aagr ftfahwa tars, aE ftaturimj^kayfabi. A'Bo* il?^Naw4 offiee.

asM^ ^ 2 2

ONBARN 'ftILftftft A flEAir***



capable, live bvaiBPSo maa to reprsaagt ua as d)*tjrlbut*r (or a faraou* moief track la oairk county In New J*r*ey; eur sailing plag and method of ev-op#ratlon will abaoluisl/ Ip.aure sale of at )ea*t enaagh traeka ta make hualnea* pay a kandftome return; mag ■ mu*t b# able is Invact Immadlately Mt.ftftR In irucki and hare about ftl.Ml addlitaggt fnr pro|H»r handling of bUftlnasS from kftfla* . nlag; our plan wlU move the** liurks ta sot morr than one month at prafli sf ouap 41.***; distributer cannot lose a ovst. hi truck* are *b«i>}ui«ly hi* property aad M always be sold; wa ckarg* nothing rss f ranch laa or terrlc**: ttal* la l*|1ll1kglg 'hvelneee Offer by well known and reSRSk* elble poople who will deal with aoR# but rosporkslhla mea. If you nr* I'laklnR fa* k remarkable opp^unlty , and ran a r ru E t for nooe*»*ry rlnanclng. write linmedIgtftlY ta r full pwfiicuiara of plan. Slmmaraigg m Co.. CTrere Rtudlg hidg., New Yerk. iA E T 'K K lT R T .—Far’ sale, furajiSad i

hoiftae, 14 TAoma and bath; la ftosa g tloa; oaalrsMy located; eorasr keuaas inenms. Addraaa B. F.. Bo* II, News A B k(^p¥ loN A 'L L T ~ii^ opftertunUy*"is"Wf

agg route taklag Ift ta 13 kuiidrud dSMM wsaltly; *#11101 «n accosai of lllavaa. A4«

Man^ Bo* 4ft. Naw* sH iot.___BSTARLifliiRP PTOIIAaK f 'A 'ffM T M llg

V ir B P TA T Iotr, fgllv gqgippgA, tg f fU * reseonabte; otbar buafaam (erca* asUlg^ Addiwas_ K- Baa 14, K*w.afflce. KURN IRH ED rooming kaus# k

eala; 1 1 fasiR*. calkplataly

GUINEA PIOLOveratock; will aicrlflce eoma af sur a*>

rellent braederi, aotid end broksa oelote; peaaonsbiv. Jersey pet Htock Cs., 4fl flouih Nii>ete*nlb at., nror Routb Orange ay*.

WSc*«t Bid JmIrT

fef *u* *r twa fseUefi raem fpr car; krsakiggt It Blsomflald llftftRLea I t

itlemau: alt Im; daMraRg Pi

iMa.1iau a

___ ORANGE, Lskos BTa.. 13—itUftaraema and suliss, «rHb maalag waftsr aad

srlvata bath: maksgaar furatsklufa; tarla Mds: paaltteaiy t M siftss: aumrnar ralas. LsiMk_ Maftar.BAIT OIUNOR, KoHfc Artlgplag

lATpg A*pMg ppd gM tg ggopu, gggr Pi.- rtgg, fgr ggpta»gf; IgpRlA I a RUB Ap^ p pwnti I Blpplgp Brkh

Ckwrti BUIM ; IptBPjprgggiAP a m Mappp: I jM r* a< ^ kM ) tPAWIMl togAiM. FIm .

fio!(l^‘L A l i ‘ I S w a a i M ' Bvg. f f c m ItH H —A tu ac im pgiMg n p M i IaAI*

futmU: giPAll tpugii pMA* rtagmlMKi Pg- n ^ j i« (A ; ytWAr t o M , w gM B.A «>pp.

HliCi'l'PKD cMdcoLATW Cgr ggltiDtug- ggggd bA»* At lig , a AaaM i lAt A. pgwl

gg pgrlgiit dlppM RUHrat CA. J*r AndtMflgrgoA g t n _______ _______________KirHc"bAnk AA4IHf 'u r t ' ligtiAa

pgM tAgiAIrtin ; H I . FI— MArtirt I lH OKS^MiPABiAtir ppiAp. AAArlr A««i 'U g »

tw tA,A ' tn n r ti 1B<— •n . MAtrr AM kR- claw AnWAtn, (Iu a Ph ia . N w r t aa« n a n i

------------ akgM AMKt. W— aIa, natfigtiiKMnnllgg gM b WIWWlA ..1-

• n n a AAk pli m c R baa nirt wntgr pI»a a m WltlAkg. M Pap Alu^QniAn H. 'ONi" — *' ' ’

• TiwcMan, ^ _________ _______________ _RVOR'^^crlftss t a l l eeanuam friaga la-

grtla , lift; Brumala, 113. U ftp jlf ; A s-' .jitaatsr. Iti4.ft. lift; faltolaum, fic. yard. ttrsTlTf** FIssr Cseertagg ftft RgrliufleM ' aea,, ggsk ■*•■*••• sgeagft Tuaa. sod 'ntura, i

RFBCIA L r a l e . 1ChIffsBsiatftg Ik; drasiara. lift, sideboard*, |

|1»[ buffsta, lU i roaad ublai. fift; warG- rokaa, I II ; ksskeasm, I t l ; l-aler* parlor ■nttsa. I l l aad an; naw beds, Linrk poati, i i l l ; Ift# new osttan mattreisM. | l l . com- plot* dtatag fusto aaltaa, V* and up, t)avtu- |Glia, Mlg rugs* HI asd sr ; a complet#

Llhar tlkrary aklla. M l; Jacobaap dialnK rsoai sutta, ulgbUy uaad. warth Ml*, for ISlft: ksda. I l l SM up; all kinda at mle-

m .orfisa. _ ____ ___ ___GI'ggNTR diamond rlftfi about carat: coat

Mftft, will sell MM; tent* scarf pta. 14 cut dlamoed*; ro*t 1304. s«|l for Addreu Pla, Boi ITl, News office.

Address Diamoad, Bo-* 4*, Nawa

• m .

Oak Rtfktmn a t io n a l caab reglaier at half price:

M30. Call l i ft Va1l*y rd^ 3lontHaii\__s e v e r a l registora. from U. to f* N ^

tionel Mercuadlaa t 'o , ft Wo*t Pork st,

ig^S^wA^M ulIgg AM

'i^ iA p . B-Fl

lar , . -------------n ia t (MAT, ‘nniMAB AgHiAB. b it« g n

< aM I.Wfldt VVkM.l

cgllgngoAA baM i. f t y a m p i L l^riy Don-Jg Ia a ; •fllggrga (rig gll oggrj

gpg* •VAnlAIA BMITH, M ACADEHT 8T ,Igkgg M l .All

•VAWA_ ntifBAAlW n

BltlA w M Pm A^. OwAjA, M. J. ^ BIBR U BSAflAwMSitlpe ggiBg gall.

IBkt f k w L. B-lnAAt t ) Wiu Attl ckAM, lar IIC t f t Mlllgldg

I f t liiiBh'at-r Wfrt OnmK

'ft; telaphsae Mkt. 4711. fiB TV w B 'ltirFA iiia.

•Aan n M ln : r.pgl'a M - : Aitf lAAka At atara, ragfA, far-

gf ks4 WBisf hsaler roanufae- ~ OsrMFgtlsB, 114 Mai-

^,£j*lg_lUfk*l * * l l_ ________ aiwUiSi kifiaakaai Va-iShV -i I-

CARIN BOAT—t t r*a(; I H P. Mlanus; In commiaslon: fttlft. or esehanfs for mbtsr-

^ole. II WigBlnuB, M Wright *t„ kulAgaa. 'M' r taraMiaA.

otor boat, tl" Teat; copper i both, lauadry, olaelrlc and *H likRlaal (astaned. 4 M- F Miaou* eaglaet «p*ed 1 to .......... -


" f e r s E n s n r m T s

full tllSp | ] susa, raakg ilteally gew. - R.

avftgp Oraage,

aRgg SFws 411 ERringflsId gvs-i Wav, laai. s*mng out. M ei T S lw D iirT iA C in S ltp * '& gll giAkw !

rSRgtEsd aft ynur hams and guaranleed, r *kiRMU ft* t l i l rtaagik ava; IMS Market.SB A LL'''am w % rikm ''tek lw Ti'ia; n i i

w in taWaa, la t Tlggg.H.M gyfc. Maaagaaf'g »targ«g. I H»1 a lN O ta RRaM b I d gna gprlAiiA'

I mile*; prtc* |tftft. UordoB, kea Braeia Bearh, ToUeavllta. Riaten Iiland. *

CANARIES—Hart* and rMlara; fins a te ien ; aelllng out. 13 ea«k. I l l Warrag at.; par-

_nd 'kalr*. c lo sin g out our entire Has af fur* kslsw

saw aad aava 111 Haiaey ai.p

oa*t of maaufaciure; boy saw aad aavamoney. J. M. IteU-her Co.,

Orsags aiftTW ,______ _____________T ftfe tl waagkifmsf #11 atbv** tar *a)* at

Magi Ragck, IM Proapacl at,, or lagutra m Esy k Qfssa a t, Irvlag t^ , N. J. ‘ t Wo K s n ia a i ''# ^ ' range* tor mle: Dn*

nagdlilau; gigs atdaboard. Ilk* aew. Ml __________

MU largs^alM gaw ArMi cbmi*

lU i trariMaed after flHti'iM asf [susral rsmarh* arei "Wa were fcsra by Mm. -----. W# bad

i-OTTier Branford pi-___ _FUR ROHIb for eala aawi llso fur sswlag

macblaa M. J. Carroll, IIT Waeklngton at.

DRIVING GOAT, wgmn aad hgraaaa progpbcl *1,. East Orange.

GARAOE and akoW rsom doing gosd busl-a aaus; must sail on aocouni of idrhaes*.

Addraaa Etcaptlanpl, Ba* IT, News office. IP A c NancF.

xage. In baarl n( ollyj tmldaJ4*tad. with latasl or sala oa g4Md

hutisa cloara 1113 to I3ft4 monthly avar aB» - j ; pensM: rent ITI: straight lease: oMSlug anatkar bualneaa. wU) aall raasabaM* la right party: aae nausa at II Lsmnar<iy st.i

nn a / a ^ . _FLORliT buelncaa In T tlig^iT ||;M g;|M , -fj;

faslng I Imurorad strsatft, oa w Mt/ MMl, eld satuklbihaa buolaeai with ftomplfti* |MftE and aquipmcnt; hot ksaaaa. Hump larga . . orchard, ift-room restdsaea; cu b f*tRM%MO.Oftft. price fttft.ftftft. Edward TfiBroad at-; Msrhat Tftftft.nATfo?TBRVg rlgar. tokkaas M * .

candy store for eala; I Tftsm* la rRafti dSe TFv Ing gaod basInsM: waakly rsoalfU, ftlM| I* yf. Isas#: prloa reasonable. fH iumgtsy kWh RTATiONERY. confecilonery aad slRtR

ators fnr aal*. Call at Millar. II RtfsMwi ><>1 pi., owgsr; ns agent*_^d_ ftPPl/. .*^goDAg aebuol ■np'pilia, < fgare. oand/f

posit* large school; rent fU : room. 41k gouth Fiftecath *1. and FllKanth *Tf* TAilj^RtNU buain***: aata^Uahed tau PMlfil

fw sale: gsod paying bualna**; raaggRlW bg. am losvlns for lha floutk. AMfSBII. . Bo* Tft, News <HH»g ____

WLCANV/TNO RHOI^Fully good, profitable buslnMi; rent

rossunabfe. Addr*** VnleanJelng, M.^ g g g -ifficg.

klgg, glib kiip^nggai very choap. . BmU lam . III Blftaagtli

WMlbL-DRlLLiNli^maoklbe. wltk IP. Bn ■il. N. J.St- Oarlatadf, ... ,-___________

WlLIa tmy good a^san If feaionatST full particulars Addrae* Raaaagskia. ESR

<1. New* office. - . ^WANTBD~'T<5‘BtlT.~OOi5D SaK O T T a EC


HAS Mlm fH m M .

b m i i m initM fAi m iMftM. t*« «!>•-

aAMfeA. *M*^S T *?« i;nC 'K :!K < tn?:

Im . ^rw «tr*a •••! Wh i Iu -• • ( n A takt, iiMiT »•>■(•"

m m < U b r t , FHOKS MKT. M«.

■ m i r CAK A XAMAUllo p a u .

o p n t m o pk lk ijM oi#*e«»gi t m h h .

t pMM«v*r. I T»«fl*fI. 1

r e sT*«rlA«.T*wU«-

T * w ^ . iMTiaf 1 <W7 ■»»■»

l i t1**

\ v h

If v««Il Mhlr.

" I U '4H

i4illM UvfM- r«l»t 4H il«l 4H f«M*u7.

tMftllf. ,u thrill# .

U f M tMrt«f.\tk

w«n iMrtiC.

» An«4Mar.

Uwl««.m M k i n kfl kw* a ik fM «*wi kk rT iM lir IMl >n.M m 4 a n M k vttkMN rm rrA Wt a u t t1*M «|___ . . . » •»

MMirt t*t «l m M (U* iM kt r m a >V a i i t a m * if l i n n k»4 C n a -

If AiMnA.

f-M iMM tr, • m im ic i ' S P r r * r » . ,

i«it. l i l t TOUftl.NOi OQOD A t ___^ AtOKASLA «M. VKTMaCK

U 'lt |M«* a *f MM cAr» wiil*ftIMIM* im Am , r*ft4«tMA

Hvee-pMiwesBii. *ll(

PHOAK 11^ " 3 E ? 'XitrAM r

RfCC» 4, lAvrlnv- f«rMU; »«»m«lnr IlfM, pAlnl n*BtM t OM«fnAk»i>a « 1lk »l»rlrtf ll(M«. Mlf a u r t n | Q,r«i». I l - l i r i in i IT! N *»rk.»a4 mfw |«tA ni»dct«. tom* k t\* bi«fe •rvr* ^ -

o v k*Ij u #5 tPAtat, 4IJ f Avo» ATA, ^l;

KawajC Wk ^*•4

MMiMiniM. l« u ee le i. Am t im 41 Atr IlM WA7 IhrMCh, prlM

ftM ih«r *TArr' > prlAM rMC« frAia tiM i m 4 **|mX T .rt* 'T r'V ;

MMCAA iM raal*

V«41« r«»rarllM* r4tf«Mnt«47 ■«w1a

mM IA lAAcIlMllMl MMiltMlllT r«*4at»r. «m<l

la macltaataal vantliUa, Mir nr».SAsAanfer K*a«all. rarvaHi' •rarluuJM (ame^iU

•rMflAlattAC, lOfA inm «tnf aaij aa> a •pMlAlii' Aui«m»4iiatnc . t i t WlltTiUa «M

HAITWEIaL m m lAiirlAf. a«», parfart ctmi41fi*a. aaU’ ran l,t4" aaikd tlr*a,

a*»* *p«r«, tMI raah, or woai4 >*oa»liJ*r aa ovpn rarhaaao fur jIM or M14 FarAaril. ('adll^o «r AAat|) r tr allh |oa4 lirto arui la\t* 4104Mr« l«

Iff «r aoarr rar «iia poaa iirta ano I'ClMi lAarhAHlral a aM tAM r/tuM 4#«a M I »fe*4ai*f Pall Mrtlvv^ ‘A Baa M. Elluk»#ih. J.

HM. Mf AaoA ATA, lily. i f i *7TfC^PAMlsR9iinM^aliAf car: lira ai< tra fHw: *#•! U tkti, Mat. ^ I L AAT ova*OVEflLAnp, matal It, taarlnj, IkkU . . i - k r - - - - . <—-n- .-n. —

jiarwr p»o4 tlra«, aiMl M o a lO l ?j!-r M. pvA ____L * l ! _ t * L ^ i ! • ^***^J* ' Mkir OfAAd Aavro'CADILlUC 1liAaai4ao,~TiTl. M ^ t r ' >«'t Ma Ml*. 4 t «A »iuW lAtAka A.

I1«ku; O. B . aaa baitorr. all JHaafrahnot: Wat a|f*r »«#r tM t lAk*# n. u i;Ic ii I tUBArnr^ ll^WtAhinfiMi at., eHr. -----M>A}<Bli aidaa. 1111 mni fim :

f»Alat: aiai«r aaaallaAli viii »«ii reeaeasMy far AAl k m ]» (*an W aaaa *l III Ulaava* ftaM a r t ■ UoaUlilr. pkaw 91*1.(lU K U L itl. t-» w . l>«4*r 1 ;

m i) nklp*''*- HM ru h . k«l 1* n i l . will law arnall car U Irado i 'aD traalavo, aacant ^



A B U w n n i A.M D ^ M H lic iA L


TfBBM Olir B lS S Il L IH II^

n u fo w , HAiiAoi)i. liA B K rCO..


BSO tAArtoi tw . m i) T-fAoaaafar.lA4ar. la W faat Mapa, raa li.M I mllao,A_._A ---- rT irthraa k ra tt war aort llroa. klnMra aail

tM fllaf; la)# ii tra aptr* Urar, lan «ilra. ,A.. a*.,)., . - T r » r i___ 1*a1ap>ioa* f lT ltra a c h Vtrfwii a(tr<M). w tAt' ba aaan ai Moani HlvaMa*

« | H\i ntAiAAl AM . Nairarfe, S. i LIaO a

iUW U&lILt ftlEAtkOvAfkAAlltt AM rapalrlfti of oloatrical ----*------- - ‘ - vartatVlpAMAt #141 aapafi vartman)

AAl *va., OrAAft, ?4. J.. 1*1 OfAlita AlitfAtturan of a«« ilrculi laatlM

lit#* MV. ■pnAtflAM. ik M t aWaM

•r, a# rapal^ not-arsA#/. AttlilAAM aitrA KaUi

rifli._ U«l Wa, r*fl*4*tar. tClnaar WtiWfA. MV w iu rr . «tr : ti*

‘ Air#« «Ar; 11-H ailla* ta fal-■llw AB tlm . IMI. Call Or-

4. ___ ___ ____ _MM 4Mr4iit: I *4ra vliMla;

evar-Ha* ika## aJI Ar#AAd. •#*tmrtAlB] p^tahtt alAta

Alimr< M|A/ ClAlt. MVI•■tm: wwiki n « ff i M MMlk. klirfeljkkf kWkkl * lkik*f VIITW Dm. M#-

a n k lM lu « «*d U ru m * n i . | Br*n<ii

E S T B V r o r i a T li« i' W nlfthd ‘tfi»,k«Tk Ik 4ilm Ikl* "BkM< l^rk..'' f t

■ ** n « r kkll*))' fflltaI illi

rk Ik J < y \ j k tkkA Mkrur Ikktkr Kkk«k lilH'. n r 'u tkiul. kkt« t n kkpkrlkkni kk.) ur*f«l u i n u will n ry i |_ 1 k n n n k t (jfln lM .

H l f l M

»ll . . . . .W A REPAlM a x

CAEt — C tilT " rara. All aiatalAk* - V •• *»'Mfffi, ia«rlAt& fMAAO) fm pm , prtaAa

t i l l t t aa4 I t ; V* AAat tW r#o«; lia- lAtt ttlttAflAa #B A#v aad aaAA tAl*l

P O ^ B i-m m m m n

■c% II MAAiW. Atdraaa ywB afflaa.

cAfTlinG5r-k i a s b r i i s i l , - o n r k n l - . _

gaai MrtA Aa4 ota aalra; fmllr aA alM t trlMl MlrAAi ktm iA for 4«kk kayay. CaA

WA?) i l t l : PlArkaitB* MCf. C%,

ftoAT. 144 KltaaWik a v « ___AKklT A*4 aarjr btanlioia. boAry all vaol,

Jaal Ik* tklM for aaimr.iibllaa: |i- l4 Mi irarlati' of dark r-oLor* Imivira in laaAJr>f 411 tVaapo al . Kawart. N J. _iAXOJI tlj[ loarlat. foad riMM)ia| urilar,

aovarful DH><#r. torn; paint aa# UHij; 1414) aWayfal daoifvnotrailna. A. t . I ll l'k**laat a l , Arllaalsn, N J. ^i^lA^ i l taailnir. v irto fa ion atarlar, a4oe<

trM llfkia, tranh rani*r. rllp ra#*r«. #«»*) ohaairAHy atrfact a kaaatiril OAr: aarrlflaa I t t t l>MMlly. M V«H oj

r, Bk«. Ilkllk lira •n frik im t H flkkti kkk rWMVkkW *»••

t i l l (> Tkirk (ti» lt u O I l f «: kkiri k n 4 t.k«i a ilm

wilt n il Ik rT l.lH . kkfl « l lk rin l »T«k.■■'•cS k. ClkVkrlkkf. j n l krkfkk

t f M*ki Ik* M*k: kkrIt) Hkll Oarukk. citr

P A i 'S S t l b ^ ^ '------

rta ia

kkk m r kMik«|rtii( lkj««r II>«n takkk JfP*WMt_k*k.._Wf.

; mt*4 kkW«k irwakk; i n nN W li. O.

i m MAXWBU^ Ik f lrk t- tlu . kkkAiUeki •IkWrta ll«ktk kkk ktuTkf. k*k»» kkk kk

••• f»r nw k. >11 t n in > kl,______f tlf^fl PkBkkk] l i S i k u 4'wv vi^'avkk wraA#wl, AAnp AAA AOM

»<« kk kkM kl k kartklk. Ik.u : i a t . S r y r i L , O T ^ **niV iH::¥Sir m i F K ^ i i A j i U ; k iU i i i

^ • • k n l tk tn : kkM n«*i w kkikE^kkXkf H U kr t lH I W k . W H P ^ n .

H I MaIa a m . ^ — *-w W \*

* n 4 \

na(. n». MookJ

MI4 f'^APOriNuKlV "l>acaniakll#, ~ Pariad; wlrv A A if if a rd r r ra p a la to d . roalukatod; w ill

_ j a#l4 raaaon akia fo r ^ ulcli k a ra r : ta ra uir dMtra^l. U ark a^ n iA __m H tnurint. 7ara#MA tlloBl

A*a#v« valv* motor la p*rf*it aoaAKlan. a#w lap aad raaalatp>d *#rr ctaap: tana* If dj^raC _ l i f rk i t _ __MATl^HAlk roAdatar, m flrat-f-laal t#Adt-

ll#B. olactrlo llfkto. t*lf-rlAnar, 0*V bat tory. akoch abaorUtr*. prtc* MM. pnrata 4T NaMj»»n i t.. 4>-l>ary ________iX>lHJi:"^raadai»r^ firto ■hapa. daady kill

allmWr, spar# *>ic>*. lab*, rim. foUlnp larpar r*r: prVe* rtakt Wad*, 111 Mala at.,Baal ^>fanAo. ______________VBLiB ra i‘dawn *pori roaditar. In a a ^

vwodlt^n, lop. windiMaid. aitra iTrpa: mart k* aotd » iuoday. raaa* effarl>»trr r»ir »■! Klan* i' ___ _ilXI {^OOC 4-daor acdan; In p*ff#rt caadT'

Una. 4 Oooilraar mrd l«r*a, 1 nUAal


bamrora. 4. P. F4«uwUk, E***i HdC*11. 1*1 Mu Wrijr 3!l& __c i i-rN'nei>r n iu v > t’M ir' > irro N »

rln u . fv*f#l|)a vn*4 piM mad* i Hf, iT tAmpaU. «M BallaWUa ava*

__________ __NATKiNAr. cpiTpa and (Wariaad CommamtAl

tor aa!* kr ov«*r laavlAV tawn, b o ik r ^ raraally ovorhaultd. Ear dtmoAatralion\r opkan«_MpB(rlalr 4lHJvbTj B i'.a*‘M a M r 'to a i^ i ... . _____

Mlf «lA«t*r, *l*«Ula UiBD, to*4 llfaa.Al dUloa.

f i l l ; Ihlo l« « karcAlh at., f l ^ ; MArH#4 I j i i .

DoPabI. im Nivtad

KEW 1‘pAaatASor JIM-M t4ad*koa#r iOA.tpoolal rarlAlA#' r*m»*»d la pvt #a all-

y*ar top. ckaap Driwa Aula B*II K*or» at., rttp.

k*p*\t c*.


PHONK k ill B n

W n .ik n t i fk t ikSJ. f lan oAAdlclAA; pfl4M raiaaaikt#.

Boath Tv p U a tk at ______I l i r B U r t a fW d ruAAP#Pt. fABAlM ardtf

adtrA tlraa apd toDla, M Bkav a**., cor n*r Dawvy at . Navarh, i h A v ic irw A B 'f ' "laorinAA Ul*

•l*i kaiBAlrw OoadwtA AUltfar

mMar Raa;

~ ---- ' Pwk «in m kkkr. cnlk. I l« n k I

kiB'b I

n k kkkd kktk tk r ln « k wllk kkk kkdy. Ik kkkkllkkl kkk»ki Urn M k

UklkkwarA, lUB t t M f ______________

U ll.

« 0 •Bd II,-. , unk iU ) Co,

Lti c n f f * r *»«■, Hir.Pi>l*l> KknAI* Ik kkidkkl''kkwllllkiii' iDvir

PklmlM: mkM k* oold l*lk kfkkk. II Hkrtk Third M Mtm Pwlnk H rnsS rfnS kkB t i r n lk . M i. li kkrfnt

randltlBA. nawlp AAiAlM, rAABOBAMa. Ctl\ HkTHtjA a t , Wavafir_______________

cka^Bipgood caMlllaA- i

^ i^ a _ t t i_JAfpak W yrt>RD

r raadBiw mtU# aaO raniBAklc.

wiKtiw. - __Askaui. llUr daBiowAtAbl* rlima.

aacalltnt coaBltloa: IMg UkW M. I trr‘o f| ln IT M a Ia # »t. ____

LAUPl AA■Bauniatil* vk*Tu:

Bart*. HI BynwAlt.B*i« avanar, wa

I t»*4 tlrtf, aPaap

•ar,u KEaT Ha ROa I>»B—ua* Fan toarii tkr*« rord randkoAiA aaa Paid

H I Xorth W^aath tl. i m VoRU icmria«.~kok4 rukkkr ud~ituiikr

In firat rlaaa raedUlaa. Mr. Will*) t i l MNI *1.. »*llavlllA,

J, IPIT. AAW 4road tlr«a. ruM A« faad a# paw, AarffilA

A*aa a*#.. *Uy.FRa XKLIN tawrUA, aarlM

damowatratlaA, IIM. n i Bllaakatk ^ K lrH 'B u o T tl

goad r^adttlnA.Tal. .............

i k . I l i

fAAdAiar, l>pA— A g^ rwb«Af„ paial, aitra*.

l ijIW kiAffcai.if ru ¥ l rpAcaaABAr lw lA « Ufj fi<Ta4-«i^rpadlihaa, at a kg^AiA. Ttl Ckadvi^ a**., aacond DAar

fiBaat rdv41 Ilka kkW. ( l i t ; ( M kkdir.II Pkn , It. IrkkTi.__ *

t% p tb $ rA , iT~UiMb tn k k . wiU l-n rd

NTl. tIM-W.M i F i i A i n .

kkiitk P«™ _____(kip. FklfkWw Okik«^

M K ofr,

WkkirtT M4«.iF iK iC ii i= i ;

»tl*. kkkJ n n k-Triikik wttk r Okik«k. *1 Pi

Hull; Park kUTlkk Tkk

'klrrikk kTk.:

Ik kkntikkt ikwHUkh: n likkii wraicf CAP AT BAilwrr: vary

w lU ik k . k.,1 » k .n

BABAa* o a , m Mklk w.. <krwjkkkk AL, Itokt Oikkkk. Mkch Irka

O. lU lIkki IkkikQakl IkCfk fm nati ki— ■“ * ' ---- " - kk. n k k K

'fik^M Ikl

Hfkt. d n p kkrdA wkfk UkokT n i k kUkdi fAAdy AAW. QrAA#A TUT.

» , s « - d i c a a T .ikiH.

J ttLIKDirtDCAI. OABAOB. ( AlkUkAw a ..w 5 5 u * * s L £ ^ ! : 5 . -__i—> ir iiiTm ** 1)i1WB*ap BC)U '.M rjb tiA t kPk o lA~pklTAtk~ikni^i~il

Ukvlkkfkk k**, kkw O n im kn., Bkki » i f tIB OkkiMk.

^Wkwn-r PrlTAlA EWAM fW rtAt; d*Ak y*40AAl lA blAAWftaldOAttar) Addraac Ml MljlAAd Am , OlAA BIAea.P%pll id ly 1, PttvAlA AAfAfa la lai II

aIrrtiA AfAr Wp^ ft*« IrrlAEiAaCAAfar,

r » r i ^ ___ti lo tf io v A 'i . OABAOik.

__. _ _ _ B T . ________________O k M U kki~kkkk; tkaTH; ikkrrkkM aMt.

Ilk * M i ■ ».

A i k k S B r S w ^ i S u i i kkki . w k ^ Ukln li< kkdw kUk«a nMi fkkkt n ii t kk>k«(k krkMMtlkA H r kklik«k,7Mikt!nk td k r i •* ikklk in i kkMBlkCk n k m i i (k X llll tl»hi

r a l••4 kkw T k k ___________‘* * t^ kp pkiMn n ( k f i fL f a . , -



Ckll. n i u k k ' 'k lM k*rtlW lft* 'K klB k)

A 'A frm j kkif j l k l ^ MA, tfkikkrk.J. KUO


— TB. , iklkky ■^V C ^'pker k lT B r kikikk kkflkp

*1 4*«B nkkki 1idrUd Ik kkk ktukkur Ik m i Bar .. . P '.'k k n U n fkr kl| *kll,«kki Iww-rkw 1 kckoki kkifM okTktkB tk twk rkkn kr



• i tw ^ A f f ’ ^ i t A T S w r ^ s g S L ^Joe M kkrlkpIMil kkd k) Qnkkk n n .

• T W d M V i ^ H ^ r r f r ^ m * * . IN TB lM A Tfoldl? B tW K M 'l f x A A o E .

If M kinr kC. rllif. __i|jw ™ T otrira a' iit bcm o o u m i bK ax

---------- B. K pM k lk irln *

TBB B B U A B U AUTO WBBCKBM. likkkkt m a n pkM fkr kM kr vm kkd

)kkk kkd p u t pkipkkkk: ta r nkk*I t n iwk Ik kkW kkd kkkd Mm. tnkak u d

Efrk k n ., trvtkatkk. kkkr ckkikr W inyir l ld tW knrlir U dt___ ___JOBI) l l i u r ; kikk-w

kmikUklMi r k n k ■lk«k kkd ■kkAajr.

i « y $ K r a r i $ n n a Fy . r ^


M r ; dk-fkr kWcIi kkiki kkk l i t I rk d k k M tkA.

for bkkkr kr okarkkkikdo » m M.

kkr» kor; akiukl) j m Iw n tkorkiMklr

»»lr At'k Oktkdtk. I ll


r u r E C e *BBAMB MOM-

t BBC “ “II* BBOAD (T.A V f u i E c e e T H i y j t o K j :

_____**” a*!*b . A tZ i o p B i ^ ^ * * ’ "■TWO Ifollii J( ir ik « tM ) IrvekA i t i ­

l l >4 T fifc k Ic X .)n ^ B w rT ir ip H l n u r )t-tr«). Dili ikhk car Ik aiakkan. IcktlkA

17 aianwiHAlg paa.i« ii rC fiD aaBa p ; I

ihaptrAl *01*41 P*APhono B. ■; 1414.

api U Al ^1I4« or «aR At

— ------- -- ia Al m*-allp aPaara. priea lU*

rORD _____Pliona Wa*

Maaa oiApr>lf &


w v'ffAA AAd

CtikHe roApa> fjl* modal, drivaa laaa lAAal,M« nailaa; jlrPt-alaaa coadHIaP;AA* a; I around. Can ba aaan Ai I t l vP-•hAA* a; I around Can

ana* rA. Monirlalr.fffJPIdlT

Al aW||ai good paMt; P^Jawaad by prlvaia PArty; MU) t i l


iTIOP,Milt,japir.PArt .Iat .PAta.

M t t . t>tl» ftw pttM AM BbM

\ tAtd piadoli )uai ovaVhAUlad: Tiav ptW hAtiary. palitt airollaAl; atp

aM Mcfiflcp eWAp.A AAAA WtWOfd 4 Add I a'clAck ai

jvtan* APik. MAplawood, N. J., ^ JpftlMrtNM d»A. laat Wmaa In.r d n ^

i a e 3 # n r i i ^ MU!, tioartai

Ally goAdVallay rd

ipprlafdtitPA' faoq r u b ^ , aitra ali#a;

npat aal}; prloai>AiPa at.) eJty,_________ __i t u UOUCU H Ooorland) '|4 H r ill4 Kaa

itw : I t l l Baby Orabd rw araipt ct tS tl. m Nanh Park at


poRD tPAriaf car. lata laadal.bbar. aitra ali#a;_MV'|pf.

tekm in * cAcb. Ur. l i

WHMj i r wpHage • m tpdpf, Ikkdp k jk k < kklBklA

: « j p k f .^ W M « 4 , , . M -k « ,B .r lk « k i( .

IH nIrk 'H ttA prtrkk U. Ki, cndlttMit »■ MklM. I tH I.MJMktkr Cokiwt|iwH)|Ii, k m MdfkA Skiltlkk flkk; i f l l I-'h • kTkIkI n ik k, indiilkii •■oklltkt. Itrkk

«li kkta c*n kkkk rtkikA

Bkkt Ormkkk;

l-C ttrilD E B Itudohkhkr. l -n m iiia f . n - fkkdr

S lfppfpcl, . .MPtor CA.( I t l WgabliMrluA il.j ItL Uai’


Mvpllic, n i l , •

w,'W * *

___ Blk *TA ___ ____T T W W 'fiirT S u iiiiii."

" i a B _

rPM^AbaMy fli»A raadHlAii) a tv lop. Aaw *oi4 t lf^ Any damoaalfAUon) Pbona 4114R*AArb ProoiL __C^ACifHiU oBikdawB f p ^ a g A r

car, rirat'ClAfi ruaalag ordar; mual i*p Midi l i l t (Abaa It l i t Avan ara., <atWAVorly Till._______ . ___ _________H)R lAlkB^LAta ma^al P ^ p o d a n i^ f^

anflhA and nibbor. Apply 114 Dakwaod A*a., Onnao, or l*1apUAAa Broad SITI ba- twaOA t AAa I- _ _ __MAHWEtX ranabant. l i l t , fin* eotadiilon.

will aall ch*apv 1*T Proppact a t, Baal iranga, pbona Oranga ITIIR baiwaaa 1

a n d f l \ W _ _ ______ _____ .ilTl irHANDtdElT^-pAJaonipri parCaet roa

tll^llApaa# Pf'Paa; late If (gw. aalLpCartar. Mav-

_^^ttk« ikWk kkkk (n k r i w. Ikk kMm rkkkIrfMn In Ike

ktkWk kirkirk tlklMii fer Wlllknl

l i WAilitBitAA and UAJaay.

-kj. Ikk kkk n

tkkiT k k k ^ «MU * r . M.I ktkkkB Ml

: k«.. kkl. W»kllttl(t«li end Hklnr. I ll* II* 1*6*11; 1 Tkki kll r u r round l i r ;

f k 4 kkikl; im 4 llfkk u d nkkODukl) pPRA.

P*DI>OCK-CU(l 00..> Qkkkk Bt. O n n ilk Cllr Hkll.

i x ^ ^ f n i s i x i i r i n H h k d i n i ^fk r Alt Mkkkk Ai AklHMktlkk.

C llfiV liO U T taptlAt AAn: taaar^u iad 4M Cvpm lai

taa tta t d A r * r ta y a ^ « ^ «ti■hipAs Al

IbtP l i l t

K kSrit co.rM c n ^ i u i i , irAnd Iri vwBrwikki lourlngn'

Cittb. AAlP, rUB IctH___ CVrcrland madatar. fiai. oiioi l l ioatb TvAMy-fim a l . aatoipA'

blla pAlbl aEati pbaa* l i f t Wavariy.- - n S i j S D f 4 B o r A u r K r t f e i

t n rro B cuAtomI

**** * '5 “ k**lk Tkkrlkfi iBkOlal iiBkM)atArTk

it i r 'iS B ih u : kkkd ktrT

n d ; W ln ^ r n ^I Oraap (H.

a nd CABBUKBtauBAato tpaciAltlaA

- . a ^ Wlntam tLm x r Baby flratid tourtag

Aft qaicb Bai m .

I l l CHANDLER T-pA4a*nipri | dfllkn; kklMiL kkid r*kki (lk«

T A ddrmr J •*

iK<r i im n c i . ^ a dfpaaittfa

HIT ^vartAAd ta^A iV budal It, |IH . I AA ba apaa AflAf r t l , Mi dr-

AAfa Mk. MpvArli.&OME v itb tDbdE tVArtng v ltb t iap& ■«•*■#* Aad

wlAtari iTIb pAkh AAkr MAdtar darAgt. H I R adg^ A*a.apoB (tOAOBtBB; P*Br>CT CONDI- TION; OVB*tH*BtBD. INQUIlllI CAWDBN r r .

KBO, l i i l i, flk^M M kdkr imrikk. l i ^ # k - ^ djd t>kkkk llklhkrrr IH l, i

i T i t A i l t ikkrlkB cm ; Ikllr «kklkk»*i i runnlnc krdcr; IIH . Ckkiril U kU r

Ck.. B lk k n f t^POND tewHne Ckr, wllli *11 InUkt kkkik.

■MkU, n r^ .* lk n nadHIkk. AMrkM tU leu lb wlnth pL CADILLAC, l^ » , *■

lAW: miM Pill Nava aftbea. n s

DODOB m d k tk r, kkw n lk l u d m ~nkd llrkk. rkdk n ik . will kkll tai *IM III

A*an a n , ^IMu * K w E i i

I t t t Uoogwtn Aatomobfla C«n iral A*A,. nlt^,M ‘ - - - - -

taairlAf. fapd aa AttiiUoogwtn AatomoWla C«n. t i l Caa-

I t l l

IIT PORD ROAT>iTkR. 1A Al CAAdllltA, far ■Ala ebaap. Im u Im ■baabAA. II BryABt

NawarbM*Eu'IClX.~r»ll: f ln i clkck

■hta), aboa aad Iaapt ipbaaiilOA MarbA».E iiicv! mfMici n 4i:

rik MUkk; n frk k n ; ill*, m .

Ik flTkl^Ikkk jC^tttklbInpalra VAllaburgb OAfAga* 141

A ^a AVfrh:

Hr nglppcd. l-kcnkkdcr kUi atanar, alaelrio 1lg4i*a- ^

AUBURN.sAca, w* aaad tba roam. |4 l l labP* It, AroA^ya


tH I Llttfa glK. n*A rnrd ltf»n, gaad top anib ipa^'Hanlcally parfaci: damanjJUli

IIiirntlan; vUI aall for any fair aff*r.Thifd ■<) _______________ ________RICO car, lilT modal: In parfart oPAgllfan;

ran ba *aan aD«r 1 aryntngt and toD' l i t Hatatad “Mt4. Kaatgaya; prfca

Orang*. ________ __ _________________MAi'kiiAtf AltantloHi qr* bava aararAl . gnad aavan-paAMnicr cam, am* nadpa.

Wpat Mudaon ■bleb Co,. I l l Kwray ava. laarnyIffU D i^A l^R k laiuiAf; ■ tartar, alaettlo

Ugbt*. now rubbar porlact mndUlau. aar- lifpe for I t i t or baal offer caah. 141 Narthejitb *4 . _________ ____________‘

"p$*ang*r rar. *alf *TArtar and Sac- gptA llgbt; car inaurad. prica | | |A liwbira

T w an tl^ VI ■. batvaag • aRd I

SCICK. 1 cyHnTar. modi!*! b ' i t M t l s ^ rlaokB Ub* naw and run* Ilka a*Wi

Call VavWlyaall Pt trada far a aoiall rar. TIMcWS^ro I S t roAdatar.

condlttoa: an; damaPilrattaa Iaav Chaa. Zaubia. I l l Proapaci i t . EaM UiX. 1

i t l l ;.ttaa lA ^ rp pf

nik:, pptal goad; lira*riAgPk

•ZUtl CO .city Mail,

•UlCX) O’Vi. l.paaaaAfar; Ltula Ml loaf' IM* Mway aptrpat al', all goad tlraa; maeban-

. . ^ . . a r r e T n UB.• Balaa'awMk A Taurttig.

ip »A al; llha apVa , pprtagi MpAApaiitPr.TPPrtM.

kAHy'apfTd-IUdl CO.)

•rfLlKDRR CAdlllao llmoualaa. Waating*bovaa ahacb akparbera; Whlta;

MakvaR aatipo, Jual

1 i in 'C H ^ X I) will ba Oil of paint ibap Haiurday Ilk* n««. 11.404 ratli: bargnla,

Ooodwta Automobtl* Co., | ] | ('*ntra) ava.,cHyy _ _ _lIlTiiASiWFlLId touring; In firat-claaa cpa-

ditipn: All Uraa. will aall ebaap toquick email buyer. Apply M 1 'aiaon Ava.,

pORDlMrlag^ car; iaalar parfret; Hplli'ikrf magnato' one*man lop: gornl Uraii; |n

Cbavrelat 41# laarlaf. ararliApladL M tivau

••ILDON MlI M ___________Marbat I t aad >1.

PHIUdlPi PALM C a l l - f l CwCral Ava.

chummy roadmar. Uidam ap ftAraga. jUI Cllataa A*a. t-PAWSk«i*M H Udpon, flna runalai canal'

. 14M: »llp r

ipaa. iapHM< Mttia '*4,^

tlon. l i i l ; »llp raveri) lola of aitraa; will lAka amaliar car m f ^ n pa/maal. Can ba paait a i 'th e Mataiiic Club. Broad at.. Thirda»A.* Aftar i f H ____________flTALUKEk l i n ' taurlkk tkr. ikcd cuiidl-

Uopk rlh* ApBaarahra, *etf eiarltr. elavtrlc Nghk; will damoDalrate, no deaien. 1. Lavti. I l l KAAmy ava.. KtAcnyr 4a_l;_Artlnitan ttA

i . , . ^ WITH OVKH- • i t i t ^lBTpNi;_ R iy o i A iPCCIALtT,

>ar T-Paba laurtAgk tbPAHAy rPAdatar.

fMlADlilir MOTOR CO,. IM HtailLAND AVE.. NEAR BtOOUrlBLD “ ----

la i r luVAP ^APy. II’AAW

ay l-taa tpv«C

R & ITM PORD M lAn lit#) aqtiipped with eei)

•tAriar, ahaeli gbaarbara. mirror, nonglara latw, all in Tina candltlon: fto i Werd Aula lA‘#a CO., Pairtb ava. And Braad «i.,Nawarg. ______ ______________Wj^TOB ■ti. l i i l m ^ l . Xpaiwwgar; pn-

machanlcAl dwndlHcn- cord Hraa- Com- ptetp tgbMmant. Wlllaw CarAia A Aalag ro., 1T1 Bloaniflald ava., Uoui>.lAir; pbona« f k .___ . _____________ __m i . * M k w u l Ortd Wnr*«t BkllkrTnl

gAarantaad I yra.; All tnAhai battaflat ra- pAirad pad rachargad. Raab Klactrte ibap. Jta i gpiingflald avf., Irvingion- Wav. HO,gpiingflald IT*., irwington ■!*#,P O R D f^ itit modal*, plcMura and dallvar

lea, ona-tblrd firat paymenl. balnflc* I t. . . ) .moAiba; Itnmadlala delwarlM on all model*. Addreea F o ^ W Neva

I t l l CHRVROUT louring obaap. vltfi winter lap. n*w palnl. motar In Al epA-

dIMon. Call at |H J*\lUf a?a.> aacowd flojr. I ^ 'r d taurlag) At abap*, gaaolin* nafian

’. larag* gaaolana' puaip,' aarvlca air pump. aTbo rndlAii moiarcyela, all bargalAa> N ^ K Newark Oarnga. i l i

dTANLKr ITRAlfCAR. a m lla fbal u RRROPRXE

BDW. C, iCHltlDT. DlfTRJIlUTIRk Phopa |lT»->m Mkt. ajj CaaUal ava.

IkHipikViiU, )>iiw* liimri •vini *nDretkClaaa ih a p e C o u r l O am g e, M l H ig h *1

Br CRR roadataA Hudann Paper 4 toaring. podga roaditar. Cadillac l-oylindar eaupa-

H. RaTi. IIT Halaay at : phone l l l l Maihata ijic li raadatar, n i l ; practtcailr ?*v. Im-

madfaia dellvary. aacriflc* D B. Mc- J r , jloyrlatown IM. evoning caH IglJ.

La t e i t i l lourtng car, l•p■•awni*r. rune aad laoka lib* n**: can be e*«ii tvenlngi.

q»o. Nlalann, t i t Kearny ave., K*arny. N 4. Ba RUAIN^AH qurck: l i l l takaa i i i f

Studabahar, T aaaaanger: ntw tup. tn-o *j, tra ah004. J. gen^IS H C a*FiD. ■aa’otid” haml. five_________ ..... ....... five paB#*nt»r.

touring car; hour* I 14 lu I r. If. *.l New- man. T4 tlarrlaon at. and New fork ave, itit^ Ft»H& aaJarir^parf*M tonditloti; her

gain for atfma ena! prira |1to. Kella, It ^raaovt od aya., Montciatr phon* 4ltR OVER LAND tou riiiiV l^ t ov*rtiaui*d; mood

■hoaa. iiattarr and llghti; niuat t*ll; bar- galn. tIH . ITt Maple are.. Irvlngiort BTUTl raoeaboul, ' l l : newly peintad, firet-

elaaa rUnhlhl oVdar; ■if'*ptlonal bargain O. P. Tpwefu, iTi Bouth Nlneiwenth at

[mint ahft Urea.

lag bVdar';I, ITi Bo^t

CXlJiLtiAC l-tourfng, n«wAl niAfklag omdillan. will aeurlfk* ihta

‘ ar iLliO.w ek for H.iifl. I l l dvo^ATf.j^ Hty 1*II-TH0" I^R D louring enra with naif

Btartar; Ip firat-olnM order. John Kopyta, 114 gkiutb^QraM* av* ; open eveninga BTi^)eB*KBK jlk, n i l ; aeven panoager i

touring; peifari condition, new ttrea Branch !Bro^ TIM; 114 ^llevUie PURD tpuViAg; flAA rotidilion; Ruech mag-

ato; good itrei add body; §*»■ owner ere- alftiB 4-lB. P Alp, 14 Monmouth atM ttX aadAn, i t l l : naw, nnny etttae, fTH

tana Ibaa «a*l. Paoae D, B. _UcRiw*e Jr.,MurrkMvh i l l , call H llUVjytLANl5 l-paaaanger, e ic^an t. _______ . unalag

• rd e t. a # v to p , at a b a rg a in price. |a - A auo Ciarnga, 144 <*l1nlon _ _

J E F F l U E f 4 to u rin g . A l randttl^ a. r«m - p le ia ly o v e rh iu ta d ; b e r ia ln

bpyir. I t l Wy *1., Arlington. N. X t cylTnJW. ^

Seod rubber, '' Co.. IH Cahiral ava.. cliy.

biilck: rbkdnw,rcliMr;

li^k k k * .________ _____________KfcrEl-fiO N *!.' ikAi;£*1M f-

UlAkcoM kr BkkA Bk^tlkk.'^ Pkpiw ikfkr Pkckk H«r

( h * l i1bI s ~* pMMkKtt.^ f i l l '*w O r~1?r >d cohdtllAh. I ff Rniaaollia ava.; baam

H. “p 6 a1> touring CAT) lit# ; vibtar iaj

lire. b«mp«r* mirror, ate; pyknB. 1414.OVKKLAND. nkkki t | ; i j (w Q iw il tg k :

Can hoIrvlngtonkftHWi

•*0*1 Ai <14 Orvoa gt.,

touring car for Ohio; ItIT m o ^ J | i lagalra 1 » 4?aAflrotkClAoA oondutva.

t r ^ _n ricM roudatar, IIMii «i«, a«v paIaL | £

Al running coAdltlwA; bArgAln. 4U Avon city

riiEvlToLlBT. hAbr g M ^ . i t , , .quir* 41 Jiendal nra., Norib

ovaningt.roRD ninkbekt. ikkd link, like i-kidlUtk;

kklt rhDkk: tikrtklk. D. McNkll. I l l Cllf- tun avo.

TtTTDoDOR touring, .w .., «k good aa sow, prleo IIM

At,owa^arM . niM an

III Nartb tlitE

PORii toArlag. naolpr l l l l . aa4~1C' iMAltlam. no foadnraj llkb t l PiW«t t i

orry at.< rea n .OKR 111# Ford tomrlAf GAP far aala;

144r mI War-•qulppod; will oaJl raaAonablo.req at.____ ________ _____HIT BUICl^^ logrlrig ear; lit# lo j t a l ^

buy AT. i m

tincein ava.. eity; Bi 1.

PO% lA TiW’- i fT f^ ^ g o eoupa, only run tib mtloa; will nAeiinca. phoM ■raacb Ib ^ h


roaoonAblt ’ P^Ab^i OarA^i - i i r c ANlkktnklli kf ._____ , NkWkkk,__EoBb c k U » rtU I M M k; ill

Nrik?; Mkl kkkk ku4k. HI In lhO T kka* kkk.E o lf i L iT k r rk k J k

ilfta iaAi a. ^ KARptA,

T f t #a4 ft. t) aufLif# doHlb TbtrtaoAtbab|4 tor QggriAglAg,

•t., nrat DqAf.E ditb d o U ^ y ; pAAAl bwdjr; ebpAA.

i l l BloomfleJdAwPurdy OArAga.ooa, K, J.

r w :AVA, For.

PV.R ■ALRXf.iM R opw l^ (fieb . fiA* eoA- A bATfAtA. PbuAO RrAAOb fecMbdlllAA

IIH ______Jlf)ltf~% A r oaW

AddMuatormn.floa. J i a u . ? 2 r v » , ' s : „ “3 :

rkk4 kctkkkikk; kkkiNk kk* kkaik*kkik; kk kkky. Ckkrt Okik«k. I i rh lk i i tl

■ftrWBT Ikf n tk ; rkk, nkkkik tengk. *4-4rkkk (Itkk*. Bki III, Nkvk klHnX .

h m ia UBLiVBI^f-<rirAt-AlA4A dolhury M_»bda. H4 P#Mfu* H.

4all*uf fU lb 04.

body; IIM. Ap-

for i m : I t

jlu 1»]| dallvorr!■ “ t-k Mor

» l

T ha*. A w i v o H K v i H I k *

T H B lJ^ ltk ll* khktk; t Mrkl«lll cMk. kkkU v R l I lk lH riTkkt'kiM.0KB H l l klral«Tit M k Uklktrikl

k « k k t cbkkp. ilkkWrk kktw*.r\k1 Cimwt Qk.

rtklk; okkaoq 4 nmd I

*DTOiiOBIL6 Ikkck hit; fcnkiilklr HklkkW k ith Am piktkk. « i» , hklkkc.

ferke kkk ,pckiM; thrkk ikkkwich koiai. n i t kkk pkkkvr chklnraj kkkt Ok. will n il (or II. Ckll hnwkkk I A. U- kk* l : |k P. M.. Int flkkr, I O rrhirk n _________

* * > '^*OBCB RolQckkkH kkk. k tv U n , mk«kklkk

Kk hkun wllh kkkr — Pi^^ B B^TOiItk iny ktw. Ik thk Wkhikkk W kn__________firchkkH M -ek ir ( fa n fchrw 'ta art* llrkk

Wk. hkvk kW hkk« 11 PliMUkk i n l m lk f i ; k k n r wkk«: n ekk A m kkk k«kkman*k. 1( kkk hkrk thik kikk « kkkr n r . Bckkk Uklkk Uklkr Ck.. I t l Wkkhhiktkk ft-i Itl. Mht. IJl

AUTO t t f l M viliiAAiaAiTTbw 15 aacM-bAAd ttrAii mg hi M la

M b* tlroa: Ail watR E«AnAliA4. f*. o* Exchaaga. IM OAAl m »»a T il Hllk fffilBi from iM ts ry S S

rad Hwar ti^Hwar tabu, _writ# for frluBA oa * LoMy* II WAlldq* AL

itHT dirkkt: H iT u . t i . l l ;k gUATAAtAMk H l l V l i . l l ;

•A otbor Utm. fboAo Jo

AAiA AAflAkFboAo or draw Wootil^am d got Abo lb*

l?JSSllWft5lK*AVik,^ _ o Cb n rI doRo n j

#H WP R Q If O H

ovary maaa o4 e^M D^ELX TNRUP

A coeaploU llao of paria ovary make of eAr; v a opaoIaIIa* oa Cai lAU# Up to m i ; CRAlmofi. modato MB aad


. u i r r , & l . * T R r ------------------OW dBfT AutA vrwab«ra 1a~ JbfW4g; eoeealt

oa balara oAiUmg yawr am awr ar truck: w* ' * ~ Ia AAy oAodlMoa or mako; bav*buy

BT- PliU N I TIPI B. B. PMblOn df*v cootana doalga, iJiuolrAtiaA aualRisx

boob covora Oowoa blgbly ladomod; \4nf aid ovoAii^ elaaao 'HONTCtlktB •■TBitTAXl lutaMlve Indlk- «<*5f‘** Indlvlduol oeorotailal U

N. T Citr n fk r t . ThOktor M f .. U N I^ lifA L P r n kch»U rkkkki,,

k k h jn u . relloaok k»*kl (IkMilWlthokl n o rm kkrtkknoM k»- kkk IIJ

W * -

f i r t T i wl^h ■

kohik m

WBIDT BCHOOL OP KD*IC.BuJo, Mondollk, Oiillar. Violin, Uh«l4



l«kkl*i« Liko or All Itrlkfok IkoiruMiinl Proo Donakktrkllano Moilhlr Pirwokto.'

H orn 4 u II p. If ITUDIO u k kAUBk BOOIL I t COUIIT *T

III MkWnl Milk


pwrta a*d1 aeoeMortoA for may laab*_ al or pboAo bridg» trlth CAdb. Amor- ieoo Auto WrocblAg Co., IM tpaadVoH av*., lionlotoVA. If J .; Aboao 144J Morrlatowa ■rAAob. 114-Hi Watar at., pmtoraoa: pbane 4##4 ^^taruoAi ^ f ^ i 6 r i i i j i i ~ b U r o ^ W i i f f l i R R

I l l- I l l , at,; iol- •H I WAVnaid oaro boagkt lor

wartg; klfUOH RfioiA paid; parte and tlrui la all makot aad olioa alvayo oa baud

w n xaay ouMj

purpoAOA Boa LorlARttoA ot.; pbwwoW AfW to

orloA or tikaaaiii

iIm klg¥«ai p rie« ^or oT7 cor*. itlM or m ^ o . for Jaak u d Baa Lormau, tlU Ruyor. Il4

Wivorly H*.portaUv

j g y n i i V g i L ?WANTIIfi u 'h W . it

louriag, runaboat*. d*llv-Auy eoudltloA; aloo Rard

roar 14* Hldgewwod av* .

dalivary iruab,buotuoit. Addroaiontoo.

[kt or modtum walgbt___ or wlikoat trueklbfTruokmaa, Boi ft. New*Hal111

PORt> lowrtABi u iv t bo la Al coadltlea" wrTta ar caTI b o ^ u II A. M. cr after I

P. M. H. Xlroobbaum, 111 Bprur# at.DOboX, Olkmobllo. Okhikkk laurihg oar

|4N for boot ear offerod. Lladblad, II'Mfhtw

DOPOB ar otlMr modlum grado car. I-Ma- oengori ItoniedlAle daljvagy. AduNo* Maot, Bdu U#, Rowi vfno*.

l_O rk^^_^__rmkk u r . l-jw

^D T IM B PIANO PLATIMO tokchi Ik k fkw wokhk; mktio) Uoh U W> fill. lltoM lonco wllh vIopiT kklk* ink '■pop. kkleh, n o r h u , (i,(i huikl: no-

WI!«M BCItOOl, O PffoR j I.*R Ml'IlC, MT Ulukd ot., H ht TUI.

I4TTBBBB1I tin i , Ih

VtOLINB. Uhklkln. lU k io lW M u n ink , Ba oo, Cawaa. lu lructinv Rooha. llrblx* I

«nd Accaaoorioa. al raaopnabie P^vau iaoinMiioA. I#e^ p«r

E. T. foBAg Bud briit'etto Trice Tickaaaif,______ IT HmUoy ot„ opp. Hak»* AIFALTEM p. TOUNO. toociiar ^r~fiAgAg.

CarM^a Holl, Naw Jork; MadMon bldg, ‘lair; eiport Irolnkig f«

“Vriio 1UoateJ __ . _omoteuro. begljyiom. wroftANOoA e.

r Moa buotyi.PLO niN l'K ANTIttlR,

TokOhor of Londoo Cknkoroktonr i rkkrt, •'Ikllkti nolhwl) rikkk. VMllt

III WMhIllktwl rt. PbOM 11*1 IfjilT H B 'W tck P T tib llS r

BDWIN WICK, VIOLIT'EDITH WIDMER w ic k !' ? ' i i s w— . «) Potikk, ot.. Bokth Orwi^k.

iiD N E T A . BAUiW iiTPliksfertk IiHtfiKtlka.

PHI twin boklkk Tkekdir, Ikpl. T.ADidJe 147 Brood a(.; -pbona Warkot ;j**li

W rF Or llfkt iouring; not firtm lifr Abkot briug CAT lo l i t Lindaa ava,COAdlUoA

Arllagtaon Fko*o 4|#WV rif fB 5 = 1 fL 'T * il «ANTED—Bkkt )*)■ M i t i t Pkfk“ck/Tfi*i

111* kf * m n a h«k. Akdron Ckih. Boiil, Nova offtca.K R b aaru vaaiaidi dba or a 4 o a t^ otbar

piakoo boutki; cam paM. Pbea* wavariyl*C It* p to m ki, n.NTklU, (s«4 Mkd Pork ikkrli*; lawoot

i t . J .Addrklk Bkl II, Hkm-


B ed O rfB M•D lltIB B BAl.a PIANOE

Ukk« kiMik »»k pUpkn, fallr (k k ru tn k , 4M« kWh iwkhkk M BkhSki, Enkhk. t esWok, M khkrAt, UkMk A ikk

( I t* kpi ii^ ik fiT kklalktkk Ifk Ekkh,.-

^ BIO fU ltaA IN t. CALL TOKAf"’”PtKkkk. plkkkf-ptkkoa. violrslik 11 nmorh-

— ficki;ABK***' ^ ^ J abT ^Alro*intcHANBB.

Thk Worfcla«BMk'i plaio *t«-km (w ith OTkktk kfo.

I.AUTBB upriAht klkw , (o«k u ikw, f in ; pkkkk. _WInkkr. K niloh A Dwli,

Dili, Okhikt kk< oBo h u k n k wkn bl* birRIm ; kk kkkk p u n k h tA Ntw Jtnoy > |u< PIAi^O^*^*'' —kkBtkttkk otplApkHh k w a i , plitaotftBhi. tor

kkk pkt f-t, ink pikJk j WAA tk l what klBa what TAA Bkl h m ; aikht n i mikUlit.

kw ikiakk Plaaa BtinB* Co., Woihtai.tkh it._________

H O W ^ f lA d K in i r MilkikI k^rtin NBW plakkr-Dlaaik f i r aal# for eu h or lo- tu lm a tk : oill hafira kow p irahm . N,w

“ “ PiMk B tn a ik Ck,, I** Wikhlnklon tl

r o i T ~ i i I * 3 i S ^ 8 M r i rAl Ckakitlia. Apptk kkk.U ni abA labia;

luA nrakM k

uV l BtUDSBakKR l-pkknnBkr.kllloa. now tlroa all krouni). I l l Llknlu

ciliv iiO L B V ; la lt n i l . IM rkAkbkkti Itw OikkI

k rt hayn. ^touring^; Rrot I t t l IM m ou Away;

I ..............................___ it( .

ihaaiM, -Book »a(u|i>nr^krloa II**:

W lra »l IfwttBofiiktT it.___ tkbrlkh.'juu3 runn lu nrdfr. MlUrik.HUbHL U r i r b a.a ., Wail Onkta.

ti(* j aU 6 W b l .

ii^ oTiik/- Mil .rik

ll*‘I^ADBHr BTP o S 6 *

fkia bkftkln. Been R|d|4 gf.4 cyjlpdar, good

Frollnghuyain avo, BARaAlN^Tibb u h n Ovtrliiik

rwulkB^ kfdkr.I.. NkWkfh.

. , . ................. ..... u iiliBckri fullp aqslppak. I l l O llnr at.

PI Nd~tokrlk* n r for okit. "korfiSfoSilr iloa; Brlfktk JHMr. II* Hlah tl.

r o I t^ lT ~ r k W b n « r ~ kWIHUh,If Kw ih Pkfb « t . Raft O nar

_ l i | CaihdoH ot : l a i l wavorly. DOIKiif u i ir ta i. iT li ~ODOR Uwrtai. IH t: cord tlno; |

cohdlOaii; MH , MAfkat f W __ V____LAROS fdboAbout, with amtfA 'b ^ * fkaftiC

<7 N om an uU k u t OyUBA•AXOlt tiT i, lOtiHfig, 4-5T

Ur. WAodman. Marhot UI4ipiiRD lourlug body cbeap.

«my Ota T i i ^ r m a rf

CanWR havo A Aumbof of uoad truaha ranging

rmm I to I ton*, noma of vblek aro equippod with body aad cab: oack ono kM beon rebuilt oofAplotoly and tn porfaat eon* dltloa; iB ordor to gat mori m*eo wo ara i'ofhp*n*i1 to aUbv a dloeoual of u par cent, on oBr pTublouBly advartload prlaoaScull A M a im Motor BMaa ----------Waabingtoh b4., Ildrhot IIH l

ntngB, I# naroAtu rti. VidiobuyBkk ______

■iBhtn Bktkki PAIB far alA IM*.■iBhkktrS m o ^

Ukkk,iRD WkkA pkfla kl

1 ^ U iL; aU warli BWkAeUk#. MtAl T a i i u l i t e Oh, M* Mkia at.. O rauki

! ^ p ; rkkr wAk, iw tkf ,0, tkMkk, Ita Ckaatma-


^ ^ * T U “ n » s i id 5 S i- f t i i "

n i l Cl Mwd*.

CA4« dlfflvilla.

r w l d a wMeVBOLeTff A ktAm. ( I , |H , kr wiu7f&'.:w‘ -a ,T .3 M T -S ^ 5 &

w b O M t aro.

r S ' S i ' a r m r

hkk 1.hkkUkBi vk -wBI iM«A t lI* * riAd..

ilM Cowktik. H ; * s ? a ; £ A , r ^

PIVB <l> Ittl D- B. khkiitk, II woBthk iMi ookAlllkA; ihkkB far qklek Mit.perfact

Uarkat |TM.

n 'th t B k ^ l M kkjt BMMH

UBBD TBVCKB.RtpuUlr. % -ItB, With PMMi boAr- aii-wmrl. l . io t , khkktlk kAlT.

l-tkk, with apt* wprkkk boAr kk*. flho L-InJuion,

dooilwln Automu-truokB OAoOwtloAally good

H10H-CLAM t-pkikknBkr tourlir oar, 1111.Al »k4)1tkn; kowlr kaiatkA, map ho aoik

>k kBpMklmwit; nn dokltro, WkTttlr 1M»

DUICK tnurik*. t*U; OMkllonl condllloi;rouknobJk. D. B- MoBlwoo -Tr,; phono

HwTtoiawi m . kvanliiB n i l l l t l _ OVERLAND ^•pUHk|;or~ (k ll/

III* DODGE iskiint: wrA llrt«i now tap;................ - ‘ 'Ikkki

tkir ktwtrr, ilkk tr? 'r i th tV '|i ^ ' '’tikMI I , A-nn avo„ flral floor.■ #6iT i0W H 6B SST N *U R A iI5*

; J raO tlB M U ieBBR .Tji.^ JWOQB M________ALLBOPP. INC.

R S n n r ^

" iB iT O T S T O T S eT B iW afOm m*.Im PkAtral.Om iwo-tM riAarkl

okh kiiA hwal.

BTVTE. i-kkMOkBkk; iMt kiorhaulkA; aaw nora f|rk*i; MW Mat r m n ; rwap^tk It

kkkrk AktAII. Phokk BrokA It*, Mr. Mlbar. eO ^D ipkkAttkr. 11)1; lioinoanukfti: a ,tra

ffuDEflAjeSh, i-paaoengof^ In gnoi

(hanloAl A aparany damcmoirai Apply AT# tJaraga. ti* OUvor *t.

----.. ----JVk* IHrundlltoAL luuet Mit* owfior dlod: prico

|ITI. II Hatolwood avo„ thy.p o ir BAUil—t'l i l OlAimohlU l-•kaMIl«or.

pfrfaet eoAdUjoj; Janh^^^llk* haw; wilt

FRAMlkLlT4 i l | l icmrtM* ogetUonl eci 14m ; oaarltle# l« qlilek burar;

^iTilAgiiollA ara.. Jafi»y e tty-

Joraopm w iromD i r BOW plAJmr-plaAo ju tt

tko faolAfF fa bo aold for cABh or tbre*“ ‘ PioBO ‘POAI^IIMA

iH WagRtogioB AtF G f i F y S n R r p ;

a H. Oktrai

*tklk«o Co..


CHARLEB T A H M ir Tokchor kt Slndk*. >

lULlA TAMME. Tkkchor Si pUko, ._____^ll_Orch*rk al . Nowarh R. J.EDNA PAIN. M K liuM th kkk.—IkkkMk la

kikkk inA >hi«li,|; for 1 m r a h iU ki'thk p lu o koA v m l Aopartatni tf Mm nkMAki Boulemoot Brilool of Muole.Now farrAtlBt, OUR

of violla piiqrliigoummor el

Btudlo, i l _CoBtrAr oVf._c b j« i6 k v * T d iT “ d i r

IIT BrokA i t iHkrhkl ( i l l ) —Blk wk avmmer rOBroo for BlBdOBli a»d toBohJ w i»; ro la a _____________

A i j X A N O T i T B i i u ^ p ^ —______ Nowarh B ladiorT irB naA ktN. T pkktrY^lIkkDBkrk-Hokkk hikB-LEBBONJ In a l ^ n * Aana 'Trlkkktl M

BkkU OMtllk A Jk rw k tirr. BkflMi iSaa£prokikPk^ i k o . l a ; . i M u n t T i J i r i * :

ta S tS i r t i? ^ ' E .iC T (* d * ir irH 5 S M'coJlo, Rufa, •* ,P^A*v. haratoaukkAkUp kpA BkMkr.

CORRBCT e o L _Clkkkik okolkl AkkIdBB,

C fUkhkiAk MkAiok ani.BrokA M.. Ikt. Marhot H H .Akr. WoAkkkAkk and Prldkr; aAniHA lay and ThanAky. 1:1* p: " dkicot WoAnkldky and " ‘ ‘ nMkPR A N anco 's BTUDiO, CintkW I t i r ih k tA

kkk JRridko ill ,: p r tn tk ^ «l*M Ikfiaaaiwo (WrknIM; It y n hAVk fWoA ----- P_hino, 4k(* MbLIMRM lo no.NhL: dkkClaa T karikkakA MkiAU) tkk>

DANCINQ C iM K B -~ «trik tlr W im M llk r )-----, WN»hi> i a r j

'>6r Sbob""5Xifcr. HI.

- - - __ rtkB. ________lag. d H. OitraaAkr. t i l l WiTorly. Por-

BHrlk kkpitiatkkAebt i i iialrk Bkmbkrtoyaplkkt ArtartikaBl.

---------. ipHsht , bk (Tlkklk AArtrl hi

••rwa; nap tailb lk bak<Bkh «*, HkWk afllok.________

i m h A a a t l t iA '* f lo l^ B aharC a. tl* H uhlaB taa tl.

Uko Btv; for ibT*prlM; Btllaraciary Addr------------Rtllablo,

ptayar-pUao.____ ______________________DOlt to B*in<boffor'A

----------------- i w e a c rThrkk t*-a«tk pUkkrt; *11* tu b ._ . . . Dkhor

Ck.. IH WatNInfiaa kl.. a a l to Banktr-

luA kut—praclloal ptaak maktr, n - pklrlai, kU bnaobM : aaw k tr tia , falti.

r . ^ , CANW, l i t BnnwwHh AliTTt War.H * h d fdM nTd a a d l

Uaaa nM«lal«i aad i BtkharAt. i l* ta h th On

Jfl<| ka4 rapklrliiBr^kiayor ,orwklrwL" f. Iruiiank»AI Wao. kill.OraaBk k»A I '

6 o W r B “ B b% lirr w S K T S k ^ * ii? ii . w fo il llTIM BLPD.


il-MpIni plUrkfk chaaBkd' lo (Ilk li-lllltk r*M: twiilBir H a, ^ rapaln. C. J. Lktd.

* Bkkth i C r t i A ^ : w . OraaBk; «tH OfakiahM kIin i w ilakt p l i w : WM IT*^ H i i l kkkk lknas._ a a lu r Ca., ft*

B i t la Bambariw'a (••Aktk p iarar-ilu i

I W t V V

•otwooB _d awd I F. Ma 1

IH ulow^JarBoy

iMe# ViSS

AAAI lanii.lU. a n t to

two BOHthk With 1 twk yoara la HBh ktlikkl. w tI r r m MfllkAkki I ra n tM (Irtt 1__ „Mb Ik Latli. B a n aa a( Uatiklkllkki MaaNikf i s ^ . i s . s i ! " i i . a t r s i ' ; i r SOimnga; pbowo H lj.

BBBUTl'iBCinooL 6 * LAEH I W llittm at.. OrAhBk.

IMMht: B i l i k nr BrIkAta. g

■ O T O g C T C U S A W M C T O J a■------- — ’ ------------------ — ■* i~hiri ~A. RAMIaRRi

Cyriory. bavo a largo Moeb af bla* TolPdroma. B. 3. A.a Ra otmI otbor malieg of htnyeioo

ewmbiBod wllb Mi«tU‘# fo Moeb «f FUtaOh Oohnok

B. 3. A.k Roadtsf EtaiidarU --------- . oomMM'iloB maltoo Booolblo tbo buylag of eactBadIota to ooll a t low prieoa. 4t|4’ff T

n t



oarggl al« M-14J#• m w b4m i n i

MlBbtlr „ ,Twlk-akllaAkr chala BiekIMan: fkiA tkil-

AlUkt; |1M.. mih taut or whaol, ta raaali BavarforA C rJo Co.. Ml Hi! j i i a j g a u i

KABUIT-DAVIDaON klAk «ar. wHh iBAn Bhoo; also a H i# KMdorooB In good «Mii- Hour raJl MBnlngB afler T o'eloeE. R. W,

Coryolt, IH R6>1b Tvotfth j t . . Nawarba K. JML liuB elu 111


NRWARK MUTURiDRAteRmt n r a t c r i


> 'B liE iib K t

I'YoLit ^ P A iiT i ‘ii r o i i w HOTOBCrOLB-VBMORiLB.

bLm o n t c t c l b c a ,I lt-IM BROAD l1^

HOME o r ODOp DtetOLM,Ivor JthBkon. Pl«—»(i.i< WILL- rioLU" A B iiitdU l DNTil,


■ * f E U P ^ t . Ml CLINTON A*H iT R iA b iN o i f e N « t y iir \ ^ t

maUroTolk: iiatA imoti^yclHp |M


iktr Ck.,ibartar-A

n c t p i * 1*1* » l k l t V i w ;HnAftlaa AkA MIk h MbmA.

-I P. M., O. T e re A flT W . ■kth. M.

f f B i iZ F B A f iH B R r

o. Tan*.foot naalBE ooaAl

Call bkfwkkn M P. . mo,l kkk.. NkWkkh, M. (.

ad«t»F#d; OBMlIaat domttMrBlWo m a tllican atior < F. H _____________IM M ILM l.te*thi Bkllkwi iHkk

saaiiB aiH B M ip ir’ :

■ m s i

S t k e e w l tn l»-Ml l—afcMt 9m m O ««. M M l•w w •! ffcyiimi'S n c e S ■

BOOL o r a m m« U II.h*M T i i i - f l i r IHKI COtUMB.( M

t t i k r w .

I MtM i h H .MbMl 0M«

IT t•n■1 ^ M Mrwtof4 i« tw« rM fi M i m I' A A ^ s s s r s i S k .

imi4 Or——

i^^^KBKCB. r—T T ra w E m n o .JiaU. Writ* tr n il IV tlKBM BXCMJLNOIS.• f m ~. rtiy __r ■CH oou Ml bK aoI B. B rMfci*ji4r*'»\ r 1Jli»«tr*«i*«i•* hlflilr \ p t /

E rtA lT A Lkl •*«r«t*f1ftl

M f.

^oll«M 4ltilivn*(4 *v*.

tM ko o L o r utm tc.Sultar. Vlaltn, I7h«l< rx» r o » iAi-B

“O lB tO ir MMk4eni)II tlrtAf«4E llaatk lr PtjrHtflt*.W u r . U


Pt.AnMd Mfc#: mftnn tech U w* rich vN»ter hpUf An<t

bftkp iiafi teii4>: irk>NM hchcx)l o r^rofi?- UoAd X., Mht. TTlf.

ni»ai2olia^ d«IUn mr^ ■, •irketinr Iteoln. Birtec* \ raAAoiubU MicM.»oA. lie. p*f .IfInattA rrlea Tiete kar. ;f>pp HaB** A i 1■fO, tMciiar !»« J o t k i Matekon bite , \ralnlM far prafsaAlaa*'*-

WriU far t r m btMBi.I’K A n in v R . a Canam atnrr I ptAra, irtbo(1> r tia a . VMIa

" M t i l l

PBONB MKT MM. I C i iH s i r PA.. OB

WITH A laKo i I:a h ta k b v p p a I

THAT v k a fa t f______ c A u . M U tfm rv

m j . II pBANrOHD PL., 1 '. ilOHt PHOkB

* 5 1 1114.

' H ' . V ^ ' a ,o i.1VXMT HBAtONABLa I

^ CO..*.

O H 'W fff.AU. MOMn MBPimtlBO IP'Mu ‘ f S c 'T J J O T E

ni. A. PATTViuloif. AirmoNua.TNOMAi MOVrroN. •A L nU U K


■ M jU n . Wm, wMliiim A i at.


ah akan r tn rla IkUn ™ r ? S

n t n s i x s r :liawMA________

m T tdaiir. T«rr r»<niiaaWt ' n ^ a Warabraata. Ite

m Mmrkt t i n , %i§%t pbaM

tevlAp aolB te« f te f l - «f daw t A

u«41m la ' ill* 'fTiw'Tanap iPa teVlAp iVMapa O*

.IteMa vllb.n ««I I I Baulk J^aiaa l aa*,.

, - - raaaaaatMiT iat aaf 4 A a \T aur wir*. Haul* W«l«al (a n

WILLIAM WSIOKL,III lllllar a u ‘

Laaa Uaaia. kaalaa nOvaA K n a . 1 will a n a* nanaHkl* m

Aahia caalnataA Wbob; ____

W Mmar at., Viaa HalL l l , f.i BraaA at

IRT MAAJtA ..a Vfeu HbUTh .

T i n . Baalinn l l i ^ . I l l _______aaalaetlaaarr Man (or IH U lakaak

IM Maaia aawiT a t. lo P. M. BarAaak. m l J ^ la ta iaaiaal J. KaafWA IM

W i ™ “a i i O T 6 W : ^ i a j n i 7 1 ^a t t i Saat Park h. ta Ifr*.

^ i J S ^ iBMealeea, \ U

atbM ptt<aiBn iiUi bp ^ la^■ rtaea.n falrad i laatb«

teMi rapaUawNlt F ta arter;

A U U t l x U m « a ___

'ii iii l H laaoaalaj M laa liaBraaaA A a ilk a a raaalxaA. laaiiia («•laM M IM i naaa kafc npatHkaA; nat- ■ aaA haa n r la aa naaa la arAaf; iMaK: attp tarara aa4 aaa Carallfia

m m i B b o b w l b ji, aaar I aalu

at. raaic k pTiiDTOf' -H li.CK, vioMMikr.R WICK. prA N larL •tiaaa at., koata Oraaaa

'B A l b w i N r ^ ” 'b* Inatraettaa. aa Taeadar. Bapt. r. at ; allow* Mafkat 4«»>

TAHlfC ' af Binriaf.B, TMch*r m ■t r_N*arMk._jr_/. HMb*lb avv ; far Tkart Mill f Vaaia.

I arc-—I cataap \n )

lA m O nataAranaa, aalu aM im aa at a M Jaallj a, A A aaa^ laaAilA A UBiwiaitT. Alim l iata Baa aa. > K u MalkarfT .kWt.

IS ic B B T iw S li:^

t-arlataAl KallAMl ,Bm1l. CarialAt. H. t .

0 L & '3 (^ K 7 ^ Iw ’* *iM h L ktilatra. II Wawart Tbatear,


u - t t MUDOB rr*.

* aaara laaatar, nCi a f P**aa.■ idHBKT ariraa paU tar a a a t - ^ akathiM

aaa a lu n JUaA paalal. I wW aatl. L

JaM raaalaaA t m nrlaada at Irr Paw n . «al(M w H i m I J*« la l.Ma Iks. aplara. Ana as Ikan aaua w t taaar aal- araA k ia iia n a n b a n n a n all AnllnlalaA aaA n a 4 r Mr varb. It atUI *ar paa ta laafe n p k an u aaar k ita n paa kbp.

A in aana taab aaaaaA fciian aaA nataaju u o a oLAiBR, pnopnirroR.


t* D. THi. i m HULBKRIIT.


AAtfiM CaMmc, B«i UA .

___ .____ __ __ narM acaHataB: cHp m a a b j ^ i aaan

A . L. iLAMD J I L ^ ^ s UP Maibal H. ■ TaL Ul* Hailin .

kOHVV to tot* an h n t UbA ABA BiaHiMa al I an4 r i a r M L i MAto k t l>H aat aa

kaaaa ekartaST. HkarrIatkaaaaB A ItoH'paana, raaan tata-blOaw. Tit B f a J at. _U V W i f i Q i i i ta flk.aH' ik' k aa j I ' t K ’

aaaL aa flrtt kaM u 4 nartfaaa . Cbak Oiakil. taaaawar-kl-tak. H CUatoa A bONBT toaaaA iaa lat aa4 M laariia tH

a i j aaAlPtM WMNMa la tatalaa. ibrTla q a ifc a , rn toa U M II. Bank kH- i u i f a an aaiit n a H c t^ ' laaM la

T a l k A b o u t V a h i e s

S n n u saaa>; lat.

_____I BiaH«a(a laaaap la anaa atto lltaa. Hn (UMT *•* nibbnIk M il ~WAT,

N o n a s

PIHB SaCAPB*.W« Mk MM p««r HkPiflNiSmA

Oo«4 w «^.PTMBte Atltemik

Call, « n u Of f t e H WaTortr f i t i .w n r r b id s m o if A r r s s L w o iib b ,

lH>4l W aatft/ kvO-a Kavarv*

M Cantaiat far Eukaaft■ ATB aaa akattoiA »aap. ta raaaaaa'a aurt

aaA b an an a iMIl aaa b u ta tor a taarlaa aar: n a a t ka la aaaAUtn, IM Bataala pL. Vaaal a fckaataW: Mkt. H k t

}l IraaA at. H. K. Tall.Pa aalai, rapalr. wr. ala., aaarp _.

aM, laakp taato, laitara, a lt.; laaaaa prlanaW ■aanniaaA: aM a fc lr - '- - -----—* —

laia a t aniatto n a tla t ............ l a Pkiat all ktoka. Pkaaa

F| WfKs a pw w aiw a yPbW W In tiM iritk

kll Bb*Hkffeoi m .

M A o m iik T ro K s a u

MOTOBBW« Bar, m U, roM* woliMMa r t

AM MikUOa •iMirtoM te« lp M a t IteteMa Ib 'MI M i OtteM O lltlM fOM*

WB B U I L D J ^ D ^ sI p^ S t B POWfA rLAJfTB.

------------- ffiBCTRiCALBOUIB.


nwtella r ijk lt AvIpMat



i r t t - l l M.. m iV l | l l . H U MarfcM,

____ kb« r«« »o««r ptl kl«te «4 f u fIm . Im U n, r»tt«f«a f&Hlfite. t t f : tJl

WMB oonNHMt eh«»rfa11rJ iS 'S A * P a iw 2 r ^ " S :

itto > iH o "A »b « k % * » a .“ i r c 4 ' “ T r , k V r » « s : flABa. M i Tklatanik aaa.

V a*6M W 5 I I . eh|nia«]r« pabaUl. tai •toalarlB*. aUarailan, lakklM a

T. II. PorM i4^ Sf BonfcW 6 ¥ kT piMlOTiMak i l io F

a aaaalalip; wai aaatta, I Wait Par


LOAMS W A g lB - l lA L IS T A n

L Waaa a tlin .___________________ ,


rriMBiNta M o w & DkVMa CMiMOlOf te 1A«.

aiM B nai baaklaA CanpaBp.

Cttot*» mi4 Bm om oteiB fB A iB i liATB 1% rmm tio im iM MOBritr ^ k—Mkrte fiitBli«n> TolM mM of |M1 ter tmm M—thr

ti MLM.r i T “ — MM* lo pMpitIteB.

,*A* ^

M01UIIB BAm iNBRT C a , teru rtr

H*mrkJteoba4«llAAd Mo^biMrr Co.B U T IM AND BELLRHB OT




teratm o At wbol*

loUftM m«4« A n . t . : •ioBO 4IM MAI

ELBCmiC MOTORE TRo IU«d amI rte* r*« wMt tor rrat at


, . ______rmAlAAd; _MAh* A ■PMlAjtr of povof woHN aa4 vlfteg. CAit m «». MAiiM .M ll-I 'l.RLBCTRIC MOTOR A REPAIR COMrAlTT.

S«4 UaMat «L, KawatIl N. J.

T»r BlAB AMI MM WM( Cl*Al* A4 rMMMblo rtIom ; tk rrr A CrMkor-WkMrH'a WMUofkAM*. RAbbtM A M*r«rA Ate. I All f«ArB

PO W RR^FSERStR"PIt* prActkMilr MW BaIH prM m . Ir.

MiwRa. la rktellM i iwa^tWR. la m m s .

_ - _____B inIS tN ?. (rattap . kaa4a«. ariiitolBl Mma

vark. oatlraallaf. Janaa A. Baalaa, III Da4t at., Ban C R ^ a ; pkaaa U ltW O r a m n iQ iC f^ A L WOkKAlfb flS tt lM A

Iib lia I l b S l b c t b ic CO..IM h a r k b t tT Wh. h k t . n il.

aI L KINM *>( raaia l«M. rapalraA A patotaA t l tovaai palcat. ■aaaattp Bat

lap Ca., y baak at.; pkoaa Mafkat la t l .__trraOLATinttItIt. aakiaal n a k n . p a l M t^

aa ran Biaka r n t poar toraltsta ta laab Ilka aaa. 1>. (lallaa. H I Walaal aL ANT kind flf ^ t i a p ar polMiiap

qairk tarvlaa, raaaaaakla. Waaarip Pal uaiap A Plaitap Warka, •l_Rank at. ir fin iA i.R T H P tB . cir^B tar aa*T k a h in .

lakMar a laarlaH ^ ra in rattoaaakla. 11*O ^ a a a t 1 pkaaa Waa^ ____________IffHOUiTBiltNli. p thM Iu . toiMtaia to-

work paaraatoalT w p taaaaaaWa lUk. M AraAaaip abj ta t Mark#!

Markal. KtNKriCIAL LOAHB------- kfa laaA an aata ar kaaii to n tla n

alikas i ramavai, la patama kaalap ataadrKka, allkoai laqairlap at anplapara: alia

■4 Jm oroprrtr owa*?*: M MWWi> 1«aai ftWM | t l 10 HHi rrp iriM r Ia t*« piMibIriMtAloitnlo. *>f A* d n lrte f kfAl ckarf**•wlft bAMd ori AAtei<i htiBBMta tor acmuitUM 4w0a ThI* avt'MIJP Ia ftRAACAd AAll 4M«clo4 bf lOCAl buaInMO IMA. «A*«lMt*d in

n ir it or iwrvir*; baN m i lololjf lo M k r iM O I vnrr telr And hnlRfil: otHrtlp ton-

tl4«BtlAl AAd MnirtMun 4MltB>li Row kor- I fwworo wMromad, krtvpu Irrmom ' RRlek Mrvk*. boon t lo | : l t : BAlRr4te^ * > lo I. CaU. writ* *r


l i t CBNTtlRT nUILDINO, THIRD TliOOJl, Lit HAHKBT BT., Nter KrIm t «t

10eOR^tlOR. R tlX P M

4tmA. ( II oRck;- . ( II -tlolvorMl fellUor.

bip ORvtkE.

i S m u 7 \ i ooMoifeor MoiRo4. I t oPk kox L , ' ^lllowi roA«rAt«4;


_ tl MMfcRRlc of,. n o MCofool*io. Ilko iCHfNBR^ %RP.

•4TI 'JiATteu

AMOf d lBMI bT t te Art

a»a._ _ ___h v A T o ir o> liOlBt:;larkal MIT)—«■ wnkal

MaAaato aad laaabata,

I t iu S T P iA W if :—d a r i i r B t n d a t

rolltka-Opara H a ^ kldp.

paaalMbaA. n a t t r a n n aad koi apilapi M ap fir. Waibla Bna.. Aiatrtn k taa-

ra. n r w a n a a p t; pkoaa Mkt W it

i B A tb ramaaad kp tliH iki aapattaaoa.

i fto. 1T4

dft;***^^ •11 p raa tln dfill. k rkar k. I- ibtpar.

Uo,»n _

•* kp. Aana T rtp p k ir^ia a n i aM U .

___ _ M-, aatto II.E i< * B f l* * r i fT f ia u ipiaaa. arpaa 'Up MB paMar.


__________________ : j r . ‘ -aSMI Batr aaw ir paann , I la. attoka, aaw. f Atoa atkar aaa aM aaad latkaa. ditllik. M s tb paaar praiaaa, drop k aainan , ata.

_ A v n u i UACHIMBRT CQ..I KBOKAjilC Bf. NULBiBRT l i t .



____________ROOP LIAKI' Mart If »Palr*i a i i

palatai. R b . fcaapaa. I l l Htph al.

SoMMk AwBiic*i S ta r s S bA Eta.ATTEKTlON^por porcb aa4 wmaow ocroOM

of quAlMy, gtt ootlBAloa from NowArh lerooo WorlA. 144 BhAW at*,: ^ 'av, 1414.


VBNINO BRQB. OO.* I I HAMILTON BT.p HBWARK, ______ TBL. Mte m a r k e t


K. t

WINDOW A04 porrh •cr**bA. otvnn Moh nod loclooutM toA4r lo ord«f. Jobn JCopp,

411 Booth Ninth nl.; pbotw Wo*«rtr tf*-

HRTAL CBltlNOA AND WALLA Rraciad IB All Xladt sf Bultdinpa.

JAJI. V. MAUVIHK. I l l Halpar al.. Naitark, ' MKtAL CkiUNUA AND WALidt ~

CaUlnp. •• ap. Prad Back. IT-II Ellla aaa., naar Clliilok a ra .: pkaaa l ia t War,

■OUITABLB LOAhi.Haaap Innad to hMtnkaapara. niarlad

kaalnui mna, .prnpartp awaaraK ss:- eoNfldtollAl, r o o r t tw Wrrlooa Looni do to (tM : rA«r 0*7*1 010; only tegil toroot rkAiird writ*. r ^ | or |*l. I||^C I

lOtriTABLE LOAV BOCIE MNOriELD AVE fnonf 1d*Ujr And Aloo WodnoodAp__

Licooor N*. M. bofidod (• rbo t ti lR

TtAB^x“ a rfA L~ c H u irarLdow nrlvvt *o4 work foArootood. M4 R»rg*n rl.; AktOf WAr. UIA

- r » i Vn S g r« O B B B m

............IB ff jRlPl RHorotlOgRMHl

M Mtoalaaatk aba*. fcala r p ^ -M Nt

I a ^ amlMM

c o m p l e t e llRod,' of lootol workloffMt«t 00 oRf noof ter ARl*; ogliro ptaoto

gr oiRglo loota pwtehoaodBug MochlRofT Ca, Im .,

I f f WoihiRglOR oLaMowatIL N. i.

Up h . ». Baatoh aaarlaa balia/ la R. P.ripbl, IM H. P. BabcactoWUcaa, l t l ( n i

air canpranaor, ll-lack M.faat itaek. l i tOin n w t i a t ; pkaaa IMT, Markat.________W f in a a la a la ia aecarala a laa ip ta praaan

n aa kaadr H. c. Hajtlaaa ; pkaaa l i ia.


wl MM. _______d Pyidap: adraaaad . I IP r ILi aatoBiMp and Aalp |:W la 1L_ DIO. dralaa BairBraad prlvata ar atoti lanan :

aa kava fkUad tinw kan na M H MK.) raa, » U

JB—Atiiailr W bato)~iap M a n a t ava.; aa n 1 U B rtI t - ■o b d aM*

m b t a Tktaka, Htp ralM karrtop. ti

."W A l^ K tl KVOI Ira n aM a a rp m ra* M l kMtUiB. knablaaa; P k aaa ito ikat M U

~ ^ U l a Baaaapai axparl a n .i l T ' l E S l l ^ B PABLOB.

____ aObiBlaB IL, apa fliikt,___

n r i « r

WaMap Tidap, IM n t ik a t Tal. 1 Bbafttnp. kaapara. paltopi. katllap.l l i o l ^ r & - a m i r t l ^ n T a ifoat oT ll-lack caavaa kaltlap.

la paaA caaditlaa. raaaaaakla laqslra P. O. Baa M, baaar, N. 1tUm I T

baltori aaa Oa.. Hakakaa.f A P ii i Boki

II. iiaaar, N. ________________M. P. •aitahto loeauatlca trpa

tad aa akMa. TM ia th r-

a Iha f lrtt Inana. laa a( trina la lln j u t n la tokaala. ia . I l l Ilalatad

X>L o r LABOVAOjK . O raati: Air toatSpaa Klcaia. g B OtM krjnp.

ES AND I i a C L I I

I^ fc fitir 'B L ta B L B lI. ^IR O PO D U r;.Bpanlaltol. Al Laap H. OHIoa kaara.fran

« « 3 ' S S S S R ^

■ O g m , CAMUA C E y ijL

______ RRd wnrteoityXfRBP, IM BprlRgClold oro.

, Cv I K. P. olACtrid tRotdr: tinilo phg«o; HOa I I I T.: te good ooRditten: itRt* too. A ite n** Motor, Bom IS, Now# offko.

PLANTA^ kaapbt aaA dWaatlaA:

k« eontrou row ilfterodt >wlnr End room, •

l«RU of firo rooteoROO*. romorod ftoTRgr. ropoiUgg «t tho fot-


nt Wtft Bid* AdcUoft Roono. m WBBT KINNRT BT-.

0««Trl4ofa y At 11:11 A, M-tiM fro*lowinu.

dtelng roow, I te lit ___gortor ■dltdo, draaoor*. «MffoRRlon, b*te.*grlAg«a iRAtifo«MR ek*lr*a t*M*A. rookOfb.bofteu. chin* claotta, book eg***. In* bod ^C*« And rogi r*Nf«R kttehonwgr*, plotwroR

rf«-*-br*e. Iin»l*«m. oirgois god rgg*. At*o « lATg* qmgfttttJ of bo4 mmd tgbte 11o*g, rortgtiM, Miilomi, ooddtkg aa4 otRar IgTRn gn4 amgir *rtlcl«o to bq told wIlRodt IkiRlt or roooroo lo tk t UgROot bl44or.

Daaltm ab4 prldoto goOf^A 4oo^t toll to gttoRd iMo front hUr


M U m I f u n «

NowarlU N. J*PofTf gRd PorrBit Mr .

<«aitteo4 go Moek gf-- -- -- PvWOOp UORMi*

a. A.. Raadtap t l a i ^ r d>f Mnpeln: tkla oanMaa- la tka kaplap t t cartoad pricaa. Itb -IT Saalil Or-

■ laafaiatoa t-----•Ak.

■atorapila, biUp apAltap^- lala Bxealilan: paaA a^a-n l . ta raaali Co.. Ml Bi ■

lalaa arAtr. ,

^ pbaaa Mat »U I.________ _ifANTBII. aa apdraiMe cldar praaa. la flrat"

c la n coaAlltoa. Bapnaad BaoKaabirp. Cbntar. H, J.0MB aman a

Jartap BtoaMtBS, I L 4 _____

loaaA-kaaA papar Ca . I l l B aiaiia i

aaltar.a t. Naw.

w A i m p

auctk^ ok^im cLA rM kti A iniR im iU D PWPBRTT.

M. 1. tfOOKNOR'A iO M , AUCnoNBBBB Hallca to karakp p lrta Ikal Paklle Bar

Pica lU tlaar Oonpaap, paiaaaal la tka p rt Tiatoaa a( t a act aatlUaA "Aa act caacarn

iarrlara. raab lia IPM," wUI atll al Barrln Tanalaal, la V a rk al., Baa-

l„ aa mdAp, ja lp * ,,llt* . At I* ^ a Iba kiZtor tka M laaM aaarfaHaad AtM .iaTanA ariM at at paiaaaal prapartp, a a a n at IM aarbtra M a t akkaann aaA aa eaaal f a katap laau d :

Mbtotp'alaa ppataan , n a la a U aakaavBi I a n i l , I kPL !* • daata a a -

la T ba^nraatlM arttetoa ara to kataHh.


l i t APRlNOriRLD AVK (iwaf WaM tl. 0 »*n dolly nod *lno WodoMdog RIBMRa. - . . . - a .

TOU CAN BORROW**m* tag to tlOO *1 l«g»] r*i* of tiitorootfrom ft llr*iiMd *nd boodrd loao conforri *g hooaohold fwtUlvrOn gfftjaoft. Mr ; grongi, ooortooM nod quirk otfrlco; writ*, cftll «r gbon* Htt-k*i 4141,

PEOPLE’S FtNANCB CO-a itT MABierr et .

Poorlh floor, room HI. Llr*iioo No. 4f. Hftnri I .M tft S :l>; Bgtgrdgyo I P«- M i

PmANClALTHE kdrortiBom gftd Wokrro Rodtr thi*

cto**|fteoilon ogro* U gog (or Vntlvd Biftioo Ubvriy bond* gcoordlAg I* Iko Btook Enckftng* qootftUoo*. oloo Igtoroot, rEBTERDATB C t M l S i i QUOtATlONb.

Llb«rtg SH a......... .......... .. . M“ IM 40...........................te.M” Sd In.......................... lA fi** I tl 4Ur ...............t . , U .H

gd ■

Virlory 4%«■* H is

gd 4H*................... 14,11•d 4 2 o.................. M.te•'* - .........

......... n ,i4



gutCK BERT1CB.114 PER CEtrr. BBRVtCf ^A E O R .

KAkOLD O. PINK. INC. f bonte! iCock broteir (or 1 | gogfO}

ehgrM lU MftrW

uborty __coin for bMidii 1%

bonte___ koRdiiBrood tL. r*M>m tH

i IrIr tot, I t i t



■ta r n flatw bbkato. t tU a t rear a r taa baa a t BaaMaa aatoa TatAfa r.

KThe vtc tlon irocminent' Is

penth ep r e ^

MoMo NogaUnkaMc Fodntaln Pen t h a t writes beautifully and unfailingly and never leaks.

! We sell also, Evei < aharp Pimcfla. Great!

Q i s n s s

Q i4 bPMig |« taite i........ g

ON alda car, «Hb apAra I Kaadaram la paaA una- | t a flrr T n'clwS. B. W. Tyalfth pi.. Naatrk, N. JRCYiTil RKPAip I'llCTOUb, MOTOBCreLBICCICASOniN!.


aoop ,1J* A BlC___ „WBBCB. ATBAiT ,_ ll | ULIBTOR

I awtorapetoA l i i ip i B

rpt*. i»ii wCTiViip;f g ^ .r a s i ' s n A


rT■ f e d W f c

r Vi n ■'

nH Si

w it j|l

t gaudy fiiettifedW or tgt gift kaitdc Okq ptetfiM Md

' ' S 'Wtai**?






Here’s The Best

NewsIn the Paper



’5 0 & ’ 6 0f

Guaranteed All Wool Fast Color


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■Suits of this quality, which includes Metcalf and Oswego finished and

■ unhniahed serges, cannot be pbtained anywhere near this price.We will not only surprise our customers but also the retail clothiers, who will gladly buy them from you at (25,We have revolutionized prices since coming to Newark, as it stands to reason with a stock of 30,000 to draw from our New York Factory we can give you everything and,anything to please you at wholesale prices.

In A d^on to Our Spedal Sale, 1,000 Mm’s and Young Men’s

SUITS ’ 2 5' ■ f' .

m C w i m B r e i ,

Wwtedi, CheviobAPM*T

- .. .. -

^ „ £ :;.S A V B K a 'H lp I^ ^>'Kt- J.. >T'--






ju if'i, n :\.

'm m


^ 'i

ia- -I

' 'fV -' ■ >; 'C -

W S o x m o ■


■ av'*w

j/eioeit Stops Roberts With a R ^ t Uppercut

Wil«>n't Battle Here ' His First as Qiampioiv

T h e P e r e n n ia l S l e i j l f R i d e K in g T U n l V l I m p ' '

• b l ^ p g j a t o C i m

•c .•«

Ne«i«rker "Blwk'* Rivil wkh J a b i in Fwnrth R ouod , Then Nip*

Him Fatlinc I o ta Clinch.

Bofton Bojr WiR D efend N ew M id'

d e w e ifh l C row n A ^m iii* SoI>

dier B v tfie ld H ere T onight.

“ n rr . A rM y .

'OMCK.!EofUi TtMii Eipirta Ubiblf 'l*AfMt on fVoUbk Omcawiw i

Lnwii an d Thom a Show l ip Strong F areic ' an d B eecher A re on C ard0


A m etic itt D odblm T a n g C lgdi

n«i Wur r>und» « tr* r*««1r«* fay Cn*rll« w*ij»r( to aiarowrw* Al n«k- M*'* I4t> th«i I.* *M fWne l« "4> tttaa*’ ** w«(n*rt Itadl tha U ttar aavar

poMtbla whan tba tu u at (1**1C *i Kaif ala mat laai nl«ht In tb* nt*U

I at Iba opan-alr Ctloaaaun

*Ua bath ATltr «fa«ri *( au tM I lin ii i bwana

tiMM.w u t* n .a* *

% T MU *MU tt*a Uw ( M m t Wulir M a**4*

A. A.Mr. Cbtrla* vt'amari aaMirtt Rnbaru t# »l*an *• rh* fourth ra*ad aftar on* BUMta ■no » b«l< at rieblliie.

It «*a lha thU* Itm* Walnari nad n*W t* Md

Im*(ha liaobrkar win >'ao*tatu an polata.

a ia ^ a r In Olllth W*l- • r III* hllhly louiad Ibar* will nrohably M

•■oihar iD*t«h ha-

HlddlawaiebtChamrlMrAhhhU WU- aaa'a AMaartilaa hara (otilaM m «Nmi kMI*r a*rtflald of ir**r T*rk Ih IM giahi iwal*a-te«ad hMt at IM llan>a(k iserliR)*n't Clab> ahaar a t lha ariaarr Wtll ha Ibt Boalaa boaar'a flrat atart alia* anaaitnr Ih* erwwa. Wilt M**ral waak* ago vaa to htvo ■ Au(i* Raiaar in rhiladoipbla bat rata iwle* pravtnta* lha ahow. riiiallf, tb* I'MItdalBhla boat ara* ealla* *R

n o n

f t e t* w neteii

eM ■WHO KM*« tUMd biA* iN w « *

MtM«fQ liggI*

WnemnoM, nseiwe, mw w-nuWglbbA «r. a t Uaatt «n «UM***

UttlM ImiAIm Is

wareiag faaUb. Ibo abifbUr lat* TM *b*w-aa M U m hU I •eaat* wMlo baroM la (I

LatV (KrrN«

•litirtir. WlUoa alcea* arllfeManagrr L>a*o H ifR ay al Iba MorU-

hai M*or bait*

______, _______B iav aMy. ttr*ebi* t m n*eibf t* l^ a r lta b* Mb bb* **•> (m bMOoa (bat wara arfa M IM lr a# iba with Rabarti. Cber- It* altrta* M aU bt bwor at n tM riT t

M* m n tb la IM (M l rM bt aad **r ttopIMe ybut IM Ibbrtb. wMb rta *a*t* la * a i taab tba *Mat

'laa* boaiab a ft bg nafw aa Maanr

m*n't Clab. Wll la N*w Jaraay

Haatlot a chaaibloB trill b* abU aow tar lUrtritl*. Tba faraur bbt

hbttlae • aabibar af Utua, Tab L*'

Ttil tfe r A oo M

.>400 Wo AU.I M Hf. AfMaf e

tM ■aatibn b iu raia tM Aw Will T. TUfiw b a i a a r* t i l* /M AwiMiia, A n»nbeu»i iiini* blaa, la tM ib illaa ti law A Oi It U a bMUb obMh bM Um Waai uw ata a( IM m m * Maa m e e V >■ tM air. Whbt llUla MbM* bM * •• • a((tra< * t Mbia e raMbfOM i t aMbO

atriwal tn m u * , 'Maaa bla

alMlIbg MaibU U*M r*. Ta* O-Om I aiul Taab lalUaii ba« thoaa Tlilabal*art trara bMa I narH Iuj alt b u (aai.

HartnaM raaoi

VU ttU aawjWltlab M bM i

te eat a tw fb " '! tb* »*>*>»> I

aaaw b te ia t < ■wafae 1

raaoatir ta tw aae (raw a U taalia of n a raM vbara

lat af ir

tMa't,'* tM t fraaa aia* b eaaH. To bUbttar tb* aiaaaat la a At baart bi U a aboalbarbolat af bar aalt. ar aom Ih* bOBoral tirlir tbar'ra tm|klhb a n • thp aabarat a|i'** aat-up

.klaa la

ka dalhaua lb* b*i wtibhta Ha I* aariaia af ananlbb *1*

Ika uuaia*

Walhaat ana claaa______aiaafi bMla tb* f t« l robaaa. whii* Char*

riafw af laakae M ttitar In hW aaraar. aa- Mg ft new'a

of hi* tMaa b* ara* a

•a ltl ka brMahad out

•bfeW# to frU il* af tba W irba Mao to*n b |b In avar* I b i H i n a t a fr#> tba tMa* M uw f*a‘Bbl *alU ho bri bitA IM baaarwatbki eiaab.

WhW r**ny UbAa* la baat nabort*

^ 6 a M A aT aM jM ^rrW »L Cbarlla IBA« at iS l ^ c b M* lUl an*

la i i , eM b a lm naM rta^atiM lak*braau w ^ r t tiS»M a ^ *

M w l i* M l ta iSaMrUb Ibaa. Tba

PM MgV%m%rmmr^ A w ^ h f a arlla Maobar,

fataiartta PaMrWb Ibaa.

WolBart UaAaA aa atlff ha*

I u t ,M am w u p a rt waal* MW aaa ia ^aiMH * * * i^ * 'y JJJJl

aaarr a tS aae lM M aO tlilata ibaaa (Abai ta tba I bae a atrabaa at Ara w eoB -"- •


IM kaackam ra a u taalgM aa* baa H iOla n hU auuiagaa. Paa MiKttrUk, a etti W tb* t*rm a t i

•aMBiaa baaW afiar iM ^BaralA Par*** aad Cbarib _______

rifal Uatbanralabu. wtK alaab In tba *a«l-*l*a<*ai atao twalva t*a»«a Ka< raaa k u b*M m i af iM rla« Wr aa*. arai awnlM. la bwaflag naaobar ha la la ea agaiaat a baiar with wbaaa Mrl* i* I* wall tdqaalnloA. PafiM a«M*alatae baaMUf la a olaabln* b tf . Ua IM Itat tbM' Ibar wai.'PblllU m in a a t a bare-hlitla* fw Tarb Mabiwaiabt. tM raa i

Ha* Tark b ^ . will b* Ik*

J ohn O tD C bU

•S A O AitaM CitRee ia n SfCAlf, UMAK'AfKy

l« r *UM IM A RAcA lb i b a ^ jw tf m AoiMWee e r .mam

B%TbtR *bMtl ■« a«aAu.y fkeiM-ilfwM OitihT Ohaa or ouo J * mm

Stymies Beat Newarkcr In Final of Junior Golf

■r lbtli aU In tba lhlr« atar b an t Thaaa ^ a faagbt.. bawtaar aaA •Mga ra*

’ batriue f l aC u n

lei'llhaiiK P m ib u 'a ? ‘biB

t Wltaa* liJK lin# Ab W W ^A "

» .rw i5 ;» b rw a u * T iM ailaaue la nraanAn. raaltaA tbai

Fire of Tham on Sixteen Green* Aid McMbhoo to Wn O m

Leonerd by ) and 2.

Chinp Oliatb Wia in Scmi'nnel

I* ta him. If IM '« btai '

bit M l P **M ana. tw«*

. a t a iiba bteari n * * ^ ■an biM b aUtiUb aM witaa rt A* w*l (W Walnara—f i r

w itb-TS

Jock PiMMOy It Now AB Reedy For CwpoNier, Keem StniM


a ‘ aSSri?M2Li *15!abarUa hwMa tat aa u a*.

laM allM ah m Wabaraifb

ranliaaA' oalofclr tbM Ika «B eaewai aPaei, lar ib inab ta oat e l i aW an i ba

tbair w ar H a t. ■latfMifih. far

Ogaioa* Car* . , I baaaf walakt

II la* PiMWb, AM aWnln# (ar a ftaH M a^a lab . haaarei— ta a w (aa^aaaa lb (b ttaa rta-

i**4r a* tali. Cb*(«* wUb b M l baab that awar, atW ba navor UA

, M ill f M ae b f bla taaa a tibuac 'aaapw e a tr t AH tb* nab t tMMMI m b t a/tH 'at bWb

ri** atm laa an fittaan araan* ar*M a tang tra r lawarA eontrlbotliia la IbA AafiAt af Jabnnla Imonard, tb* H*V> ark r MOWfiw Ut tb* final at tb* Pl(aa|i*li*a lenlar gait obawau eab p yaatorany aftaraeaa a t lb* maaae Mallaw Oaantrr Club, ben horanab, H. T. LatM ra wan baalan b r a a iaw

of tM hooM dab. Jatapb A HtUabaw I an* A '

ItelUh**, wb* waa tba MM Krtan laAallM bbl tM irtnnar a t tbO

canbtr WMar till* laat waah. e*t In tM final b r altmIbbUao Ia m m O’i aanu fram eb iabiMaaau ArtlMf C WUIla Laanari b i r a a t t i t* dw tliu l tbrenah lb* AaCaalt at

ea. Shew '

Malntalalna w lu ln a (**« after a anarlar af a oeaturT a t Mb* radng la tlUnaUna nallMr WMi atlMtian t* rraak XisMar. fb * faewar abaaiFi** la IM aablaat af M talal irtU lta a* tM ■ewtlna ***** Ml aam tb* eaanttr, MgalaM aalur* ■AOaabMa ar* aa- pM ttaf ihi* cram bibiM iaKat aaA tM *H bar ta eararar M a e brouabt baiara n a r l u e l a ta tfa ana atbar raethfbl traaalaaUiM t* b* aabiMtaA aa' tb* *yt**at a a tm tb r a t Mta**r bf* aawblntA wuti laAIM*** n*lbt.

n*( Wbai ab*«| *M JaM n*a*ut OM rM a a i biai f baa ( ( ( Jaba ara* raUibiBt a lt baUaa ra*a* abaai tb* t ta a Kraaiar waa Uaralbt t* erlab M* f ia i* A uUk am at m am la*t*ad e l a mat a tt faba p aUU gaiaa aa

aa M «M M ilu r Ubaata'a a t- H a t baw aM faba ta

I* aalto aibeawa. Tb* ta ta at hla M t^ U a U tm U a t a n a r m ta k a *M t famWl aa4 iba bik h a t raaa tM m

rta ***** b*A Nba la b a t bait, d a ta S i a i ana aw U bal antiralr. ralHi Obaem u M l a (aw a tta r a u a f W m u raaall laba wGi-

Nba lab ak bait, ttaAantli

,__ ____a lawMill raaall taka

■t t t a *M aanaebiire ra aH m w att* Bnid

iiM, te e f e u * la u bt* lu ra iabafoT* Jb w aar waa bla ar*U* raaa

vraaraum :TbM* MM* . fie-U u*H f ln r* thatJab i ba* ralae I w a* M a a t tu oigiit P rirK ibp aaA aaataal taaara

K an

Mae* tba M p u b a a t am t t b*« WMeai f t a u a u at > CbarW* IghMae .tM eiAtaa

la a t

Patal,Kaw TarbV ~ 't*v aballaao* (*r Car- paailar le (IgM Dam$aar m r*er ar. itval bar* la Aataitaa waa t t aagtae b r IM ahawaiaa. bat laiar rM aut*e t ta i ~ itlar w*«ie wait m i UOwetatlar wa«ie wait m i U OaawMr • t d ta r te a t Araft tr* a tn , TM

M alaarae af tba*

« u a a m

. Ubbt waliao A e

■bawglae «■n aaraa Mlibat** M a (a r r aaA h « m *MT*c ba v ie MaAa A ewiairr t* aatlWr

UfM m y A

' j v r z sla tba tbUA c e o T S a I laabaA aa U BaMi

_ M W ^bW O M baM i *ba tMtebta ^UrA avaa.PblA att *Mb w a ttb la s iw ronnan

fatraA* ara* *4 tbo aa M bib • H rttna-raaa A aw*e

laab tt*Lawto. rtvaa*

r ( h r a l h ^ W * ‘ wmT

* * a ^ t t* t t a Wiae it raw imbmauuit baabal ja ta b e a M ‘a itaaaBhia fa ir 1( far nafaa*. Cargaallar aaA r*ar. ■Uf (UUan. in aaaaet tt* abaMaaea. 1 w ^ M JijM ei rw i ib M ^ win arrW* ta Matr TMb baiara m w MQ fa r BatagA M a t a k m H tr / * r T. arataraA ta t t t a artiala* aiM »*gt i a r f ^ far l>*iM*w.Otra*Btt*r M tob, aaA aln.

attaab a t ataataak (rwgblA AiiA bi aa. aatMlUae ta e e twAwa PabAW taam kt I w m aa irr

liarrl* waa *a wbah far iflM lae MMb to tM

a AM to a tM ta l a t tb * r a a a e a M tb* n iB t l a e aaA ta a b t b a b a e a n

( m i Imwit.tM aaaawA raa a A Low It battWAA

Ml bieeaA tba rtt«L iM B Mb# lertM ea fa r nuM ia. bU

tiw lattor largriaa i all b aa ia hr amm- Ine aai traab Aar tba thirA ravad raA loMM rIae with aaa rr gartoe. o aeu a waabaaaA tarriU r ta iM U ttar aa* amt, bat lAW(a al*a taamaA to *Maw,‘ aa* wMa IM UM oMpla a ( iMnA* waa* i*aeba4 LaebU'a panckaa UAa’t abrrr M if a* barf a atlng In them aa iM r flA Id th* a t r l i t t raaaA*. Thr •AMalb raaaA waa a baA aa* far DabUI. Lawla ■aaflne biM ■eUaU tb* raaa* aavarai tioiaa Th* watobM war* 111 far Lowia aad III f*r>ar***.

Al Tbama. faatbarwolabt ebamptaa a t IM Twaatr-nlnth EHTlaUn, aat tb* fUW^wllf by bla davor aabibitlon aeUaat la* Klain In a ala-rpuad aa. aeeagItoL Riala, op uatll laat ntgbt, bM aaarod ala eoaaaeatlya bnaofcaata bet M harU r landaA a daan blow tgalnat Tbama. The bent waa (b* ftrat oh* la bit moatb* tor Thoma. Al ra- tarartA from a aararn atiark of rhau. matitm racanlly and ho took th* Klein match laoralr (o try btbiaalf out.

Thoma tralaod with Fraddi* Welih for laat nighr* aaraa. aad Al uaoorkaA maay IIUU irlokt h* UarnaA from th* fornwr llghtwalaht champion. Th* mnnaer In which Thoma handled Klein b ad th* crowd In good bamar.

After lebblna and hooklna tor thro* raaada. until he hid Klein reelltig

tamiie (*r ■■ear at >m l laab

Roop b Sib clid to Srfwoe Teadkr'JacboB Bom 12

OeruM talar** to r tM UebiwoMit autah batwaM Law Twit l t r. VhlMa).

lU'a *•*, aM w m i* H ttm a . ib*

S 'S IlK iJtw .irS 'S rMM*r *f ibAjMMaaL wkUb erOI M 'pat M at tt* Iff iiA U e tto ball la th fa ir I t atw eM M UM etxbi tt* i wnUnm n. (MIUI n **aa bM b*M ttUetod to tt* aatUAwtl** af all fflaataala *aa. o*rn*d. n«eap la a PhlUAtlpbU apart, lag editor.

M ttrr OaMPtoa, eaM ibaa, wb* VM aaabl* to b* praaaat far Ma aaaO-flaU

Kekabaa laid Leonard partial •trmltB •* tbo ttotb aad «lakth m im k and IM r*r*«r b«r wao cnafiraatoA b r Impoaalbl* patto m tb* twalllb, talrtotnlh and atataaatb.

Tbo flaallata baltroA tb* tlia t two bale*, noth atortad paarJI r*«aMae ttra* fbM* to t u M (ba fraaa, a AU- tu * * at n i r a ^ mm *aeh tahlae ttra* patto. Ob t t* U l - r ^ M**aid

lAonard affbaaeUMty*tt.pM

Mcltob**. wk* •atdr***


______ ___ faba 'i aata«a I* tt* fiM that wItt

M **«r waa a ra** to toM It* tiA*a w ttt tt* **««

I aa aHMh maaar aa tb* alAw B*A*U. Darlac tt* tw aatr r**r* b* baa b**a a atoadr •*m**titer la Newarti M ia baa b M *U*«d wltb m*eb**l*al r*e«Urttr. lUiwIr baa thor* b M a ' I M awat aammnrr In Which tob#a Am am n*t tamaar. Tot b* boo baamaaltobaA tbU w ttt Ua* bpacd tbM th* M*f*«ttr *f tb* Hdar* wb* bar* fUMAA bahtaA him.

leba la toMtllarlr baawa a* a "ilalth Hear." a totm applUA to Mhar* who pUk **t a rM*r wb* baa a B**d ohuo* af Wtoalac a f M m A atleklna to him Uh* a pabpw Ubatoa. Carir la hB i i i f l i l l l e p f t o i r tokb. roall*.

lag that M waa aat >I*m *A wltb muchDIM A, mad* a atpAr a t ttU *trU a t (IUbk. arbub bo gTaataallr A***iap*dlato u a r t TM at ia t balabt* ta wbUb Jaba baa t i M aa a altlgb rtd*r ar* la **lA*aa* tram ttau to tia* wbaa

iUat wiBi a UlwmlU rao* with Jab* tootad aaiA a M fiaa t Ur*-mll*r* a* Oraada aad , KaNwwfa third and

t t Uk*a oomi "aaadlef t* Irlue Jabafa aaUwit toe* la ta (raat of Ttaa* aad Oroada ar Bawa, ** ibere- tor* fab* I* aatltUd to iwaagnUlaabat bM aiP if »*m* bU erv . n*d*tl I* a Mramatiitar at (arm, •* to

T totaU r with 1b* *<b*r rid*r* atarr dar e ln * him th* ■af*n**ltr to dctormln* w b itt *p**d bar* nr* *«• toe b«ac «md when b* pUM «ni hi* ‘kltoh'* on ean to r *t ir*dB**dar atebia tt* toM toh* It to r arM tad that Om UM ar OrmMa, ar wboarar It mar b* thatIJabb la atUkimr t* eiaacr ttM a ibadaw, Ic th* boot aun In tt* laea. Bt* todito>*at I* aM nina. bat **oa*l»MHr hU pUm mlooarrp. John Cato bwmpad o n tamuim aa. bat k* naafa to hli man w ttt each tanacllr M aad lb * ndor who trU* to duUde* him frma tt* *kH«b” aftoa craah to tt* track. Bodara that* er*r* a* m u r aaad mM la lb* loagfr raa** bt«tt*r iM w tb w u fc lr WM, (m b A aM ah. rlUpa hahlnd Mba, bat with a naibat al lU ta la tt* iU li Jaba bitch** to an* bad Koaae gUodhlmaolf ta onolbS. vtaa tt* (amllr two

iaDtaai at aa*.Th* anantlM noM daopltod hr John

I* to M la front la n ra**. OceoMon. allr b* I* fnread ta th* treat and hn. aMdUtolr bU wriBkIod claaM la an- velepad la gloom and thon tellaw* a aearrrtae for ghalur back la tk« tuM wher* tkarW* aa atmaopbara to back. That John dot# aot car* to tape** hi* lack of ipeod id th* Volo. dronf* rooord*. Almfct jonrlr thor* te a ilctb *r a mil* record trial agalnet time and aaear ka* aid JohanU aatored tkte oampatltlen.

Uba th* pitehar who haa aatklag bat a ataaa aad hi* head, Joha h**a‘t get a tttiig bat a Mk* aad hla hcHA. bat H'a wartkiegiR tba* tb* **■■* t t makr fac ttr uoa. • *•.. ,

. iMinjI ^ l ia iA ....

Ik whl*b lU kI tUU Mi*l m ik B i S*«MMWNM»T

_ a rM* *•*. loafte* aaA Kr*.

Mr okafloago re b M wilt M aaa

Barnes Second at Deal, Six SKots Behind Leader

pMJag im *Ub*ag lae*ato*t, TIMaa tad irintom•too, oppoUaa ObarU* O*n. Nerrte W ntU M ' “

Long Jim Tied widi Herd at ifS, MitcfaeD Leediiig for Fjitfih

Title with 147.

V * oaawwoaa pmpoi **MW■ama, TIIAm MPft t e M fliA*a igaeUlp «ebARM4 tb* Jnp n am e thoa f i ig i l

• O M * to * to !• «*( n i * A 4 ■ tir M t t i e

tag tt*

C 7S2Hagen, with 166, Out of Rumiiat

Tabtag thro* palto aa th* ttIrA g tM oati L*M*(d tbl* haia, Oa tt* n tu thHenaban pat hi* aaooad lato a trap U d taeb a *. Laeaard oqaaHng tt* maiih w n u a l. Bath teak Ihra* potto M tUa pMaa, Heltaboa had a*aib*r aooarat* Iraa t t a t aa the lI l^arA fifth aad won ^ t h a I, LoaBard** to* •hot Mlag poor. Tba, t i l th w m hal**d M fa , a partUI alrml* pratoaUag Laaoard from haying a full oap ta pgtt tor a wiB. Th* aaraath loaad *aMi lad Aawa to par figara*. A birUw 4 M tt* aigbih m*A* lld U h aa • ap. Altar, u aaamtaltr l*ag driy* tb* j iM fr Hollow roiiBcator toppai ht* MIMA, thaa Uid hto Iron third to tb* pin, Leonard piariag parftat (i*lt having a par I. when hto app*- M tte approach rtltod pnot th* •*!*

r i eBMod* D* kw—eeff *


DBAtt Baglaod. Ja ir 1 >mir4ag*g hopat In th* liiUah epoa golf okam- plonablp nr* aow toaud tol*6'. In tka nagnUr Jim Baraea At tM baaol*. aloa at U* tth tr-a to kola* of mitk plap r**wrdar, tt* firot dar of tt* toaraar. tb* Waotora pro w m ttod tor oooond p iM la tt* olaadiag w ttt Ato* Bor* *• l i t , whMk wac ato atoakoa haah of Ab* MltohoU. the graat BHtbAi pra- toiBteBal. WalUr Bagoii, th* A m tlcan open fkamplaa, la galfot* plBca* groat aeafUon^k raahid fortr-alebth wh«B th* aaa w M deera,' which waa n eruohlag dteappalntmaat te Hagan and th* m u r AmarUau bora. Hagon te hepalaoalr oat af tM raanlag far th* tUU hte total halag l*d.

At th* coBoluloa af th* tirat alghtoM hotel Bamoa ataa* loyaataanth with t> hat k* gUrod brlllUatlr after taaok •ad tnraad In a card of T1 gotog M t In 1( and coming hem* la t l . Th* fuatly eoiobratod H a n r Tardoa (la- tehod to *Uy*Btk plaoe ia th* iMTatog •ad H ag u **• lo«t book a t f*rtr-tw* trko taraad In lowar ooor**, apd M (all*d to Improv* hto paaltlaa la tka a(tora*oa r*aadi bat Tord*a atoM*A gpwa from «UyMiui to toath p iM . Tard*B'a aaor* la* th* tw* w a a l i WM UK I (

Ih lb* attiiW M rmtoAbtoikM Al*w

BlM*d UK At tkte H m m getoad Apwaim pluftit (br**

,*UllM • ( tka 4M M parte

mXhi^SIl «b*k M

U M lag to*U*k ft t t a t M wag toitetaeUp

C r ie k 'bbaMM iarrtod tt*a a d t t a a to 4 ^

r*wp>*f th* aaM *l > m ia « rto a a la A * M t» u tb .''^

MISSISt t f tb* aa-obMpI**, to tt* flr*t raaad todar.' B * rm ted am Ip M (toU with a eoor* a( 1*4, pUirto* toPPt a t tb*

Mte w u M M U oak. H* paH*A bl* Meond ihot lato tt* Uag graa* M

tUa* to a M arp d*WBpp«r *f rala, ilU* Witt hU pattlag aanag

aUlIoB • ( Ihad troahl* wflh hU |MI U* w*t tad maddr ooadiil


tM ha«k u d hte third w«at paly fif- i M rardk l**yl^. him .rare*

Bte a*ara*t atm K i'tor w m l(ar«t«B, tt* f*m *r m w ptoa. B*w a t tba Ib tiM

OMrry Tilley,I. Awerlto|!^ t K liu S i

Phlladalpbla, te la li

from Um b iU But ■tiklght tot* u * *B| be iMBHd dtotlaiA

Tb* oMaploalMi 4,H4 raid* la tear nla of Ih* halo*

It M Mat hto

■W X ttf'kipn

wb*raTIMM gtoiag • titoalM

a W h to M U to rM

Boft • aad I,

tog bPiM I____Tha (teat ibtUAa i i i r m *.

Md g«Hlr la hte lla* of U*r. Tha AhMkamakan r* u e* to r go* a gaat

riy» (laiartg *r« M 'tM Ja lr toar-

|j*ho OB th* lM-r*rA ainth. aad wwkaamoat i i bida l* gaaM M A todar by

mtMpoUMB Oalf Aaigototten a**-th*I to 4 When HcHabon no*d*d ttra*

pgtta Thl* loft UMfahen 1 og at th* lara, th* bote* bay bolng oat la 4* I* Loooard‘1 It.

j , A. K PaggoB. TM IIM laitudig IM n**pr B*IUw layltottem Mgiii- alM to * ^ w ttt a fUM a t m*r* U m IW. Other 4vuto oa (ho Mhodate ar* tt* WagtohaMir CMBtr

Tba toath Wa* halved In par I'o, ooib1 aa i

Tb* MMh*r aad ABlartalamaattof th* Alton MIook Poet of th* Anurtenn Loglan. pootponod ttro* tlgaa*. will b* •lagad lonlghl nt H ra tt PUM. Harri. •oa, wtatM r parmltuag. Th* commit, to* In eharg* bM aocurod n ipundld array of talent ta r Ih* *v*at. Hoet of th* local boion hav* Mon llnod up |* ibew iholf wnra*.

•round. Thoma l« f ir h li right h u d in lb* fourth, ftoorlag Kioto.

After the thow lianngor Harry BUu- fuH elfned Thomn tg boa TommiiEteno al Ib* ColoMoum'o nett ihow. Hpeno wai originallr uboduled to bos lait night agninti Iggrl*. hut called H oft on tceouni of tllniaa BUutaoi oayi Rp-i.r< will hav* to u through trlth hi* lonlraet with tbo Coloaioua hofo,* he hotel tnywhor* elo*. or oIm ho*ll tehr up the metier wlih the Dosing f'l-mn *ialon.

V A K lTY gjpr;1 o/' tKt 7

Popular S ilts o /


getting good dtetiao* off th* to* bolng bom* In t. Th* match wM *«unr*d on th* olovoath. when lf«- MahoB. n ttir hooking big locond Intp IM wooda, tried to pU r out tnd hH tt* Umh at * tree, fiM itr picking ap tad coaeidlag tk* hole Thli left tbp bora nil oven and eeven t* go. and on throi of tb l nett five greent LoeuN wMbtrmiod. On ib* 4t].ynid twiiftb tber weri thort In 1. [.eonnrd pterod up n rit and then hit rival sppronebedJp bolwtea him and th* cup, geittog

own la 4, white Leonard n**d*d a t On tt* ahoH Ihirtoanth HoMehon put U t maahl* abet eft th* t*o into a trap I* tb* right of th* gr**it. r.cen«rd't ball itarod OB the groan, to Ih* right of th* pin. HcMaiMn Jupt got out o* Ih* greoti with h li athllch. Igontra puttod pait th* holt, end Mcllahon'i •Bpro*t:h pull laid Johnnie a dnd Hrml* and onahlad tte Now Torkor to got a half la 4.

A RebMd ngpiwBpb loit Ibo four- t**Bth tor Loenard. Uelfntaon polled bit loo ihot aad war ihert on hte oooond. Igonard wai airtight tnd cloei to th* green In t. but ho went only about tour yard* oa hte ottompt

p i I* plloh up *BA had I* pity inothtr 11* aot *n th* gr**n. giving him *' 4 te ' MoMlhon'i I. A abort approach w ti

hie downfall again on th* neat hoi* on which HcMnhon 4am* cloa* to tinh. lag a birdia I. Aa It waa McMahon wa* «'itl 0* la f. fend Leonard took three ahot* to gal homo, th* hot* mah. Ing th* roraier dorml* I. On the l i t . yard a ttu o n tt l,ooa*rd placed hla mid. Irdirr third only four yard* from the boT*. whit* MeUahon'a third took him •croie tb* croon Into t ho rough. Hr. Uabon mad* a romarknbV rocovery. hla chi* ahni rlmiolng the cap tor a t and bnnaing on ih*i lip of the hole on the aid* Leonard wa* putting from. Thla etyml* could not he nogotlatod. and the boat Leonard could do waa gat * k tif In I. ending tb* m*toh.

Th* card* wot* m toltewa;

ptoettip on July I t U d II, ^ ^ t o d jmen **, -ov — ••..-■-.o* moatigg at tha Dm I OoU Ouh J*ly i f to td. * ucap tauriumnt *t Wyk4«y{

— (M BMual iBvttollo* moatliHl

te B((to Memiat •(

tog cMagad, a i- parta daeUr* tbo •**»* to n r* i t r M * m*ra dUftealt t h u tormnrlp. Tha iM liwt bate te 444 yards U Bk*f4igt 14k

Hagan waa woefully weak ta patUog *d h* WM eft hto Arlviag

p*at*dty gottliig lato dlffMI WWW- oAm maMag hriStoBl

Ttto Iw ^ag nailria falUwiLMIAI^

MtoUMT ia gama* MttB**d,.at

lU iM th . "tM iliiaaB tt, a M ptoyar Ani iggaa ia r * atovte* B B tU 'tM 'M l tOvAgama. T M T H A M tabto tta M kto awk^MTTM tfto flrsiL M WM M BBflayafcl* M gnwk Jtta tor iIm Aaetiwr tS* MM to M>lmiUv***A k iM M ly aad awBug mt* tM

M Sttai^iralSSr^tM WlBMr. tb* (M tt t > to ^_

t t wag bMA HIM THAm 'MW M l Mtag Ma l ar iKtoallr Ipat iwytoa w tkjaaaL ^

TM aa*akA gni WM to Ml

A ftlP •

BgiM M k ttoir BigliiBkHri Bm m

(M M M BtofT ted*/toM 4a (m gamwTairtt* KApI w tIM I tn l tarn gam w .af tt* Kupl . ^

T U du wptorod tt* ftrgi t tig iim * ran IM ttto-ttok

aM**t*lly to IM M d k iu d . whlto^l>> •ly mablad ag l* IM aarriito

lla*, bbA irtlM AM M t **M g tl thkt far. W ttt MrimMsa dWV'

ylMary to thto **L hgw*a**,IM AiAiB togu to wwt ■

••K, and tt* *aan wm ip*M ty

B*t kilted

IM H*l»WMto* • M l l l i * toOfMwtok CteUBtry ClwK WBad M.

T irnB D B aiL JalyHAftottlM kWMMto IM Btedaltot to

DB*ldB*B1.—K g*lt eiiamBten. IM tfkglltolag

AixldiionAguDSjpisliatR iiIgmTo Coach Mbs AA taic Etabii SaI Dom

OeTriaBiiJer Y. M. C. A. Maet

Ib TA M b T b w h v i ,to Rwidt \

\Ndwarker Eaten New Agw anw t to HumI a Track toA Fidil

Hto* *TiWto M ondgwB (W tk* t riaagalir

SoMil At Bimwick.s£s&»“i . f f n j r a 5 itoHM ABtoiAiy AftorlwM a t WknAian

Abaat twBBty b m m . i r tto togal team aad TM I

-O jA d tti

Indikfip Off Scarlet Grid Stsli I nv-A"



-TM> rtdW II*to Wtaeen la th* Va*li*

flrt *1 rnkn.'-•eehntrrte

SSURCTCIk VUELTA Tobicc* It roUdd Into Marla Ani tgingttg C l |a n . Rich—vat nUd; f ru r in i and «vco burnlnt. If cr A MARIS ANTOINETTE C lfir ia glwayg fntt IWMfAdL

,lA few. if gdlfw In mcllpwiigga gp h ig id Utg rg tt aMiiMiRifBAy, ' ■ -a

I# ' Air VMr iM lw for t b n gH h# VteKy I i i* ~ g fiTeriit

by ■. BLBITIIB A C B o ^ C . Itow V*«k

Put the vest in the bank! Save thst much on your summer suit.

Vestless mohairs, ersshes, silks, $40 to $55.

HBW BROHAWIOR, Jaly 1—A m m . tract hM Maa •zoentad M tWM (MKnlgirg. A ttlttlo Anteointiwi oitt Oart' O. Aadar***, Wh*r*by th* la tu ^g Aii^; vio*i ** traek o**ch hav* b a n Ab ' *ur*d f»r aaeOwr yaar, Mr. AaSWBk te ragwlaily wnptoyad'hy tM «i(r t t Htwayk, •* gkyal«i*l dlr*to*r «f OeMnl Manual Trntotog u d cammawial Migb (tehooi of that pUM. Hla g*gtow( with Rntgera pr*v4d*t tM I M. dMIf conch thT«* g|torn*«ng a waak AktttR the creaa.c*untry. Indoor agd a m ta t track ■•uonl.

In inurooltegUt* «gm»*tlUMi Hig Rutg*ra trnek toem la Pwtond *Bly to (bat of th* football team. AtoC* Mb. Auderoon took cherg* of lb* trodk kWB.' thoy buv* won twoHIddUAtlaMtoiMM; eb»mplonohlpa In toatoWHa to AMltlM I* two rotey phnmplonfblAB, PW tM p u t two MBOoni, RutgtH totol’'kkTd b u n pikcad In th* 'TaldfwilAgWiatf through th* •xcoltent ew tk h g a f Mk

laa.iwMA ArttT

'ig**,!-- - -m


lif lit ^ *..L


Mclltkeii—Ont ......... 1 i « 4 f a

Leenort-®ni .....Mrttebon—

In ............. ILeo**t*—U .c .'..,..... 1

• • 4 4 • I I I I—tt4 4 14 1


k 4 t I t Ag«ln*t Wt1’l% McHnhon went opt In

ti, aa d|d Witlia. th* latter r*i«hiag the turii I top. McMahan bad a laat ha't OT the tenth and Wllll* aufferdd a almllar tala on th* etevonth. WUIte, who waa a demon on hte long aittto. M t a half by runointr down * ibirty. feat** an tb* twelfth. Mcii*b*a got it I I* th* na il b*W. igaarln t tt* mMoh, and ho won th* n u t tb fu heiu ta 4. t, *- two para and a bWAto Thair oard* feitewt


♦ 4 4 14 11Hritohow-

4 • 4 4 I A a 4I*

WllHlL.4 1 d I a 4. a aA 4 I » • r r « I

In the aocnitd olght flit*of tba RcAl4Mb.Atn*riauby

Sporting | 6o4s. Lug* Omoei., *gsgc

bkrtAg UmI RlUBtoB,Sm>X'McIa iiSS # .

II ’ ^

C. tteftorbAd


Tbo ftowarhar h«a b«*a A*Mto^4Mjj||'

wnutopiatlag a Uta t* Ap 4w«T aammor to attrnd tbo OlyaiTto 'Ha te nt tha praaaat tiwrAgnAttof Mb' •par* tint# to training mnk ttof ttM-UK ‘ taniatloiinl compitKtan.

For mowring - Wowoft- proof caps—our own ides.

Lap robes.Motor lunch kiti.Goggles—ground to your

own prescription.Thermos bottles; tlso Fe^

rostst (unbreaksble). f Blue books, ‘ ’

It w u alio unotoPtA today Mm* tiM Unlveraity oT Vlrglgla fu tM U AWAASwatild mMt .Bulgora In flila ally b|w II, npteelQg tb* vnivaitoBy^Ar

^ 4 Indlaupplte teambad nakad for the «ta«*lteiiA«MT

fall. U AtofeT 1ag n em u t, mad* laat i________________________A m bit ihto *iiy>. fM egrad iM tj toy BtaiAan to ga u fadlaanp*] n i l tor a to to rt iagi*. Th* w . ,

•gptolMd ttd t •PhAlfM *'' r«M*fB .CtoatoMdA'.aAiai t u a . B ' irtBlA' wtaatt tm

mi•toMA*<Mt tto* g( IM W< told Itto Mali

Af a IMiaHl (At’'tM HoR tr ip I* t t *

l l iA a .tb* taAittaii M u NMdily

S fiir.wiMtod ih t



-•af fie

S t r -

,iL.w;t(.„. Y V-®-."':





fall, M t to TteW• I fv w to




U HtolMH .1Vteftoto


blew YorplCitv M*b


» "■ M i ‘ 4 - ♦ ■ '»*

9 « l l UmU*' !*ifaU Oirtc^W'^

' \M Tm CU

t • » O ttl m 4 tM

£ f2 a ^ S• h |M nU «MMW N M M fM

■^•SJSS^mS L ^•mmt CUM OMI

f t s r is .’tI niM Wi

I t M « ■■CwtMl•M ir T M fn h iC Wm m MttTiijtu »*t-I tk « m l M «H ! • • -«. ■ • m W M W M ' itat u, war w». irMMvrm nBM um

■*!('• i M r MB/taM 4ca W 5S."iI' O H CWi- tc* t u

•MkCuCi «lilM ffl*' C « r t* tM M n lH I M t ««•■ cat (M t

c d r^ w * CMC*

tM c fH« M s* ■Of Mt MBMnBtiaa wttc.

th« M « MMtowalCfel ,tc m * tk* tm ^ M M tkc* • l« i4 r ‘lwBac cut'a, wIm. tc

HM« M m* Ih* raUlM M t teC Um t* ****lor V (w alM

cM Mw that b* t* ehfoirl** m ** ic ■• ticht •!•■« .M atlcc atl

w U l M Um mM* b i t n t a u C • r fe**a r*Ur*4 by * b*tt*r III*

111 That* a a r a*t b* aacb la watClac • ( tbli l*Ulal atataa** ta b. tb* atUaUea of a C«1l*w *nlr

aaacailr lattroatta la tb* botiac r a t ta Tha *Baw>aB*'tb*B~ *roctatar la a r t ta baUava aU th* ale* tbiar* tb* rr**a ■ •••ta wAt* about b*a«ra Tb*yr* all bar***, I* th* ral*tia«* of tb*** ra>< rftaa ac**!*—h«ro**> • wbl*b tb*r ’Mb’V that tMll* a*«a oa tb* aerld fr*ta a la r ctUaa r*<*ataJa wbleb tb*r Caaft Ta b* vtwrtr franb ab**t ih* CMtIar lb* aotrar* boxor 4a«tB‘i aiaaaat t* a wboot i t a 'w tnn eouairr.At b a a rt b * t t a laar*!* ana abov*

tb* th tu ia t r* all bubble blowe ta tb* r a la t of bur*U *t. w ith ibe a** of coo* • t i l . a r aom *thlnf Ilk* II And a t fa* tb a r o a t t a l ta * ' of moaero eboiiiploaa v l^ r t b t r ' f t m o tlaa rle tu r* ''tiir* ttB ta ‘' taflUlB a f l *k oocttlonal tT eB lta from thf* o a b a r tt I* naltroai tom* iBoff**- *|lb* **t-ub. Of cooroe, all ttal* I t

b la a lb ■ •B tr tll l l ta

Ib eaaaiaoratlob of thet* lh ln (t It I* ,*wbrirhl rotrtablat ta encouator *

tM, a ehamrioa, wbo It a boxtr h*ut tK* btaallr appar*Bt twattod

tad aad a chamrlab who la t^llllor ta flcbt all oemtr^—tb* B*arar tb*f tlaaa to tb* b*ad of lb* cIa h th* m«r* tatlttaotorr l* him. If It wortn'l ntctM tfy t*r blai to menilob eham- rtObahlr lb hit *torp, to h«*r JohnBi* WIlBob toll of bit hop**, on* mlBht nattir ta tb tr th* Imprttilon that h* la a BtudaBt a*t*n»ln*a lo i t t tomo* bthtro: a*d btarlaa him eplo hit rarb h* 1* lmM*aiat*ljr r*Bo**a from th* chanrion* of Ih* footlitht* aad th* c i n f a. J**t what boxart would h* car* to o*Btld*r ^ pro*p*otl** oppo* atbta aft*r hit bout hare with Coldltr tiartffaid toalahtT Anr of them) Aar iBiCaUwtUibt I* th* world, preftrabljr Hlh* (TDowd. Thit mar lound Ilk* branlbC> and It ml<ht b* arcopted aa bracflAC If Wilton didn't qulcklr coTtr u r kl* appartnt *x*l>*d oplalon of btoMtll with an *xplanatloB. **Tou a**." txplalnt the chamillon, * ^ 0 )* •f th* faa* ar* not wUllaa to ae- e*pt M* a* a real ohanplon a* pat. I « * a aOM O’Dowd OB a rof*r**'t d*clt< !•■,' T^a rtfbrt* waa a cloa* fritnd af MBItr 7<a>^ ttandiBd of Paddy Mul- Itaa. ODawd'a aiaaa«*r. HuUlaa really

t* iwfafa* our boat, and l"^B *atiy MUta td that 1 tarn td th* d**i*l*a *• mMit. Howavor, th* fal­low* who thoa* to b«M*v* th* proto*tt whieh liuUla* mad* tho day aftar th* boot ar* **tltl*d to thalr own way abaat It. lo tb* moaa tlm* It * up ta Jabnnl* Wlltoo t<t prar* to th* world that h**i th* rta) middlowolrht, oham- Rlaa, a a t 'a i aeoMtat. aad I propaao to do tha l'th lb f or b* Mparuad from iM ;tltla M tba attmupt” That'* fair obouth, aad aaroly tho Italian boy from tb* Hub la provtar that b* maaiib what b* tay* by laabUar tba arlnlad. ryurh p a t WMIm SartfM d ■IsbL I ,

r rOa* a n u a ila t whMi ■*«■• to bava

tba prlbttty aall a*M all *tb*ra with the dohatora aaatobdlBc tha^ Wlltaa'a atatw l** to . tba thraac waa nuk*p la Ih* taat that th* a*w titl* hold** baa Map M«ihC * » twalr* y*ar* aad that ha la MW tw««ty-*lcbt yaara old. laa l aboUiar aaampM of diraataaM (MM tba Wllaoa *aMp. Uk* primp C a u u a n *Mpa—* M b*. baxaia aM 'd«M aaorotiwa abaat tb* qtMitlaa *( iCCf Haaaatly, If* a «rlma alatooi.

Tbaa* iw appMi UtthCaya paww

•ad aama afeaaMtoaa ba*a a babW a t pala* baak aayaral yaar* bayoad w hen tb«y atoppad aa a*e«adlac tb* th raaa cull. Wlfaw* adailt* that h bestac tw a in paata aad la twaaty. •tebt {P«a pM, whieh la a*t to* aM. a*t hta yaara af a*rrle* toa ataay t*r him to b* a r*CI obamptaa. Htap hla> tory p ran a thla Jaek Brlttaa waa la tb* a*lcbb*rhood *1 thirty y*ar* •Id and bad b*M boxlac upwarda to a doaaa y*ara wImb h* b«caa* th* r*a- •dalaad world'* w«lt*rw*ltbt ohamplea.' and aow at thlrty-flr*—or laor*—btfa rotud b*tt*r than arar la Ua earaar. Thta tab* tha raat marval t t th* rta*-^ Bob ntaslmmoaa “Baby ll*b*rt'‘ wa* tw*aty-BlB* m i b aid »a'd had M*a bexlar al**aa y ta n Whaa ha dataatap Konparall Jaek Dampaay. H* waa Ih lrty -fln yaar* old aad had bo*a la th i Haw aoraBtooB yaar* whon h* t**h tb* w*r1d‘* b*«ryw*lBbt ohamaloniblp from Jim Corb«tt at C am * la IttT. Jual thlab of thab—a mlddlow*t|bl aad thlrty.flT* dafoatlay th* world'* h*aryw*lyht champloa, baecblny blm •ut. That Wllaoa ha* woa th* titl* *ft*r tw a in yaara *t tlahtlnB at tbe as* of twaaiy-alcht la a trlbutt t* hla p«raoToraae« ratbor than any othor thins. Hla roeord—an uapadd*d r*a erd, lacldaatally ■proroa that hla prod- raaa haa boon itabdy, that bo haa M aa flabtlns la partloularly pood form dur- ta r tho patt yoar dad aow ihAt ha haa raaehod th* eroat of hlo hill phyaleallr matured and tharoupbly aoatonod In the waya of tho rta# ha ought to btay th*ra for o*mo tin* to oomo If ha a*r. vlT** hla own procram of prorlac him-

-'MJ'f'dt'C M iM r M d l ’d *

Italk SMto Ifnt BoMfB “1"

B*b« Mutb. wh* l« nn&«hlnc o irahorn* rtan record to tb l i•Mion* If i f t i r f ltb tr hobori In tb« Ban Johnson oircglt. R uth w n o ti to loftd tb« l«ntu« In hlUInc Todnr h* If fourth In b a lttav , h n ^ ln t on o v iro f f o f .ITI. R uth If tl*d w ith T rlf 0p*hlur for f irs t b o n o n u o run f s t t s r . Both hsTs eroMsd lb s plots s l i t r ^ tb r s s ttm sf, but B pssksr b s i p ls rsd In four m ors v sm f i ih o n Ruth. R uth Is ftftx* flTs poin ts bshlad lb s m ark of O s o r ^ Slslsr* tbs Bt. Louts ftn r. Rabs polsd out tlx b its out of a lt (rips to th f plot* In P h llsd s lp h ls rss ts rd sy . Two of Uisk rap* w ars homers, brlng lnv h it to to i to / tv s n t j - fo u r . Ths T sn k sssb n v s slfbC jofovsn m ors dstuss to plojr sod H utb Biuit moks only sis moro bom srf to boot lost ysor'a rseord of Iw sn tr* kino c ircu it olt^uts. k r s d r x^o todxf h s hkd b u t ssvsB boms runs to his e rsd it. Ho clou tod out h is tdrsftty- fo u rth bom fr tkst ysxr ou Boptombor 1. Bkbo h u knookod out ons o r m ors hom srs In sv s r r c ity fn tho Amorlcsn Lsm iu s sx c sp t W kfhlD fton th is sssson.

■■ ' ..

Fear of Housing t r i a g eFor O ^ p l c Crowds Ends

ANTWHRP, July 1 (»>.t-Tho Olym­pic eomroltteo In oharya of flndlay IbdBtBC for vtfltora durtnc the com Inc gam**, wblcb l r tba paat moath haa ro- doubM It* *KBrto aow aapr***** eon. fldaao* that It wtU b* ahl* to cara tor tbouaaada ot Ttaltora It m uatta , bow- « n r . that AaMrIcaat and atbara wbo totoad to TifIt Aatwerp maka early racarratloM by cddraMlnc tha dlfaotor ot th* Otympio Commltt** on Dodc- mmit. I t B m da* ■‘ortltlcatloDA Ant- warp.

Thauanda ot rooaoa at a ttxad piio* will b* anllaM * la p r tn te hOua*a on arrirtne In Antwerp vliltora will b^ ahl* to toour* tlchot* •ntltllac th«m lo room* oa th* payment of th* dlx*d prlo* a t commltt** haoAquartora

At Utti* Itoek (11 taalnM).UtU* KaM ............................... ■■' *>* *HoWI* ................................................. I I * >Baltarl**—T*II*wh«t*t. tohmaa aad Brot-

i b ; XakaaaTlc. puitaa aad reU aua.At NemphlwKtw Orl**a* xaaw rata.K* *th«r lamao oahadUad.

p o p to M liP , w ith h*tD»j,lf*w T « rk toom* I tM Ih f th* lr roopoetW* ia a c u a a h«toh*lt tan a la th * H a lM - V i i t o a M otlocjw on f to v r ld f * • *M ia« th* W N iS 'i Stoloo h tdcad a t th * M l* a r * u ^ t* « * y . Irllb th* T a a k a la aoooad pla«* aad tb* O t* a u h*ld<M Cawa p a n a th paeltieB, th* aam * y * tM tiCbr* th a t th* to 1* a ohaao* of th* illir **rl*a hala# bald la Haw T o th Ahl* y**r. J a ly i . l« * * Taak*** had a p tre a a ta c * *( dd* w hll* th* O ta a u had a m ark o t . tU . Tho Taakooo h a t w oa t h l r t y - f tn aad loot o lfh u o a ' w h tu too O laato h ad w o a thIrty-olK aa4 lorn alM tooa. Tho t*amo th a t w*r* oocoad a V*»r a«* flalohod In fro a t I* Oetobor. Th* W hit* Sox w*r* two aad oa*-half cam** bahlad th* T eak* a yaar a«* th la tlm * h u t fln - toh*d thra* aad ea* -h a lt cam ** ahead *( th* tndl*a* aad about tw*lY* cam** la fiwat *r tl(a Taah*M who laad*d la tS lrd place. C loclnaatl h*at out th* O U ata by a m arvla of a la* c* m * a aad th* Il»df w*r* tw ra ty -o a* pam ea ahead of th* Chih*. who riB ith td third.

ClBclno*tl w*x tw o cam** bohlad th* O iaata Ju ly 1. 111*. Th* tt*d* cala*d •1«T*B cam** on th* O laat* from Ju ly 1 up to Ih* tlm* th* rac* *ad*A Th*r« I* a-dltI*T*BO* ot bu t too cam *# h*- tw**a th* laadloc Rad* aad lallaad PhlUlaa la th* K atloaal Loacu*. Th* Qlaat* I* MT*nlh pUc* ar* • •» •* cam** bahlad th* leadvrl. I t la aay - body'* p aaaa a t la tb* N ational. D*- tro li wa* la th* flrot d lr lt lo n In thy Jo h a io a otroult a year ago but the T lcora h are fallon to a«**aih plac*. Both Chloaco team i ar* h o ld lac down th ird plac* In th* rtapoetiv* l•at^u•■. A y*ar *«o th* 'Pntli* Pdb w*r* Mcopd and th* Cub* w«r* fourth . C tnctanatl took th* la id *way from the O laat* during th* B«rond we*h of Ju ly U at ,* a r whll* during th* iain* ported tb* Y*nh* h it * slump and th e W hit* Box ■et Ih* p*e* d u r in i th* r*m alad*r of th* »«s*on, Th* Olont* maaaBed lo regela th* top runx during tbe l a t t two week* of July, hut when A ugust rolled orouad th* Rad* h it ■ w lanlnC otroak and W*r* n*»tr boaded. If h l» tory re p e a u Ih li year th* T»nk* and Card* will fight for Ih* w orld * chom plon- ■hip.

Ikob to cuah

(•tcotoB Ih* fiW d kaipaa.roared tb a aalcM l.

. . ymi far a praac a« M t, *« kaap rk la c t t It aad lay o f t b*l*B a a

•BUmlat.”V b a a th* calf**l waa bow ling ddw a

Bauth O raag* avona* la th* l*t«at * a r h* purehx**d th la w**k. Ih* lato lU - C*ae* ehap **aU r*d lo *xplaln I* th a l l t l la croup of dU appolnltd f*a* had* dl«d aiiA tr th a dr^loetloa o f th* p a r t - ' ecchor* th a t w M t ho latoaded to o*a- roy w aa th a t Kcamor and P iaa l had b*OB on th* tondotu togothor but tw loc a a d th a t they r ta lly n**d*d m ore n - hM raing to ooabl* them to put th r ih th ir best *ffort sad that With aao th a r day la whieh to practle* tb*y * h* ild ha olooa to porfoot harm eap toalBht,

*Tl( eourt*. th* eoloaal, looha a t tkoo* peilpoBom tate Id an aa ttro ty dif- faroBi light.'’ woat on th* latsIlIgM Ott tallow . "H* flccrop th a t of lot a t Patreo* who would h*T« boo* h*r* U - a lg h t h iv* othor *nc*c*<ti*nt* (m T huraday n ich t aad th*lr abyenc* orlll oa t down th* la to rn a l n*r*nu* Do- parlm ent'* ahar* o f th* c*>* r*e*lpt4"-------------------------- -------------------E -

The Lid Is Off!TW Kg Hkktkiw OMMUpb IkB ICightyleMdmUDdlKMwkSkMaiBMB, 300 lUBI litU U id i^S ss« .k B tB « w B d tk t Pwpldt* rH lg h Fitok •< fatkMlHBi Roi '

a Codttd Hat!

IlMHiil itiM i •( Sant Qibrti Uf-tm

Wwtli Up T « | f . 0 0

• Psk.

Due to Rain, Cycle Meet Is Postponed to Tonight

Last night. )u*t •* F ra n k K ram er. Orlando Plant and B ay E aton wor* nicely oiled UP for tbo ir deadly com bat a.wb**l, a ram pant show er dou»*d the proceedlngo and gum m ed, the work#

^compUtely. Iram edtatoly H a n a g rr Chapman of th* ■Velodrome called off the carnival and In th* name breaih auMuunced th a t the en tire cast would be on hand ton lah t to go th rough w ith Ih* orig inal program acheduled for last night

"Very good, very good. Indeed," r«- m arked the head of the Velodrom* In. telUgmtf* bur«au. "Tblh le ra re Ipck.

Worn tlM WorU O w

Headqwaten SayB^

MaJoe- a Sladiii^ Holiday QtferOxfords Only

Group I

. 8 5 '

I »v-A”, • ■ r’,.'!.*' 'iKv- ,w



:v.c^ , ..-...-i

e.. • • ..V-' • i f ; I'w « '' .'V-i

■> if - ■■V,



MBAN IfOBB T t l ^ ^ m O L A T IB ^ W T A N D TpIDny^

C d f:

7'i; K ■'-1,1

U ^ M U ffMifyiaFourth of July Trips Awheel t

You can go op hill bh down date • *‘ieootin(" w1||

! I • good motorcycle—do hs p w d ity , e c w f o r t a h l r t

( c o ih m IcbUt i W w T ^ G i i U

SsK>f SassU FRIDAY Msfsisf si

' 7 . 3 0HarieY-DtvidMO

Motorcycleswith or without cldd c a n go 40 to no mlleo on a gldlPfl td ■Molcne; 800 lo IJOOO'Olllw on a gallon of o il; ruBhlhg on three xmall Mrca

fiaay t’arm oato -

Raaaonable Exrhaago TMtoB Slor* Open Until T P. M.

Halardaya UatU t*

• f BtoEdwy

» 4 ^ * 5 ? 8AN D ^

b 'o lo B B f a ib S B tB M iy T P B r f a k hB n r y BtottBMBt I t b t c M b» by


Bicycle Races Tonight, 8:15

* - 2 J h h VELODBOllll T rr* "T r(:o a y t» « n



0, A tL ia lax tortodidTioketi eo e*l* lor wut*d*y xad •■*-

fsy. US MarXst sire*!. *

AiiiiHwiMiBmIilfiiBtninfrilBrfrttiir *If ya« ctB So tUt BMP, why SdirtyMSBS loaf Wt «aA S» ItBOV. S tw iw d o C iS b M B B iB w w b m W adtS wM i' tth « iM fW pSHosdlr^ a w k t it B It liM k Ugb prices U S h i i i s b ItB So It,

WAtSeiaiBWetbaaeiirehari I t tUi mooewet Wo bm ddbentdy trkn tfiiB B tk ttock tfoB r 1^ nH sU ,w ^ n p l o l^ t p d r . awd M t t M A m b Sbww Ib A b


MMtoltoAmMlIidMgHrOMdR Vld KM..0m Mm I md Strnm. S r S i t o K 5 M B * 5 5 s l TJO dlw ip * • S o b t o t a id iM to o to

eaN ariw tstin iiMBM-I ANO WOlOHPP PTO B n

1^1 'S V ‘S '



BIG TAILORING SA^E!^Tve fa th e red together all my Sample Suiting

Lengrtka (ju st enough for one su it to a piece) and bnncled them ail at one ‘'step Urely'* price*

-m s o i ^ y«B • DmY ftr r cwL* -aaboAMo, noK^aitibte

$ 4 2 t o $ 5 0 Q1 4 . 7 5h ■ t a h b

V a l u e s ^


i TOirH

f j . " “

nCK YOURS ATAnpdm' fine-and-dandy anortmeiit of tweedirCkevioU, UnfiudMd Worsteds,Fancy Mistnres, Homespons and Plaids liave been dipped to

Hus lot comprises my stodc of wonder- fad Imported Materiak that are dm enyy'd aU tailors for utmost exdariT^

I I I l» tM Vahso

IN lO'.m'Ydhto


>■ ’ - * R ^ •

B in g o ! Reduced 3lue Serges!“ l im J ly " B to S i« tM i$ M b i id $ S S ^ ^ . A i . l i

' ' * Th Tour Older—Now

49i2v ' - - - - . :.r ' • ■r S

“ K t o B t o W " '



lOD lo r BOI


Silk Mohair SUITS




SHIRTS(wltfa sepiiats eoQan



Eof. no SUrto

Sightly imperfect, but hardly noticeible. A won­derful value.

Get It At

Chas. J. Rich2S4 Mailiet SL, Newaik





TennU RackeURatom f m a ISJM to l U A I Fmw WlUch Tmi Tdw K Of i>'

MODEL F RACKn. M <^..|R».^(A Veoy F I iillt HoM ) ‘


Aithnr Johnson & Co.’LILADBB3 tS TttlNOI A T H L m O , V

Sto Bnuul Stroet, Room SO

A MIM* b ----- ■ — w* hMW. hto lIjriB

w* tS*H •atotoatm MpaaA A to.O ia»JE

Nifty Shoes forN t ^ ’FeB ow s

‘ cS ^ jE w * '

PEABODYShocfMlur to Men


» • M m ****




i ^ f . .


- E s S a wm ^

« t § m atjiMh u m O ta m . amamm

.MM wmu.mi liM^ ■•*•«•_ »4■ m IH* MM(P«M« iMMftt* «• M W '____ lMi-AljaM Ww tlaiMl AMmmifOl MW ■»«>• HMla M«M-

«f iiMiiy» Uhm0«M Frotat' .W fM iliJlo lV i

u u s n s . " ! ^


as?MilMA J l ^ - M i i p ' ' l i i t MM

- ■* r*

Yoikeei Make Big Gain Oh Qeveland Indians

Yaik Drttui Up to Within Fhre Pdato of Under* by Tnkini ' Double BiS hw AdUMor.

«*M a( OfM «Wt«rtM to *Mii«WM fa r Um W lailr O lv H m Mi n ui4 nanaiM iJaUton • 4|«bto Tkt naitaii M tm tMk tM Ilret4'!^ la ika iMth iH U f VfetltWaihlnclkn oIm cnMN* tia

I IfUM).■ rtM <

It ShPmInu Twice Defeat GinntiMaw Tarn aallrt ua l* wllfcln n*«

iaf*W a t tin la*4tne Oavalaa* IndUna i !• Um AMartcaa taa iu a **tttrdar kr

m • daakla hradar fr«<n iha Alh- ^ la FkllAdalplila, «■* •"* »*-A l)M Ua Olaata nf(*ra<l two dataat*lAa Oraund* at thi> handa at

L ftnaW ra. '<•• aad M Tti< J«ubH *l«. ■1 torr fa t ika Mparbaa la Mc«ot Plata

la Ow iard lar dreait Mato Mtk- kaata tun ktnc. h^nuaht

at I

’ ^ lata) at drruit tloata ap to iw«nty : l a v kjr gatlint two toor-bajuori .' aaatoat tka WaakaMn. Kabo u now

iv v t a i a kanara akaad of ala latnrd f i laat raar, M farklaa, catrknr of tha

f lH lallfi. alaa atamaad out twt l<i>mo a& MM ta aark aaaia, wklla li'tooah i r i f f W tka TMka taradd 4n n r- II drtT4i la tka tacaad faint. Itutli I bJa flrat kaiaar to tkt.n .nni intiln<(

. „ tha (Ital kaltla. aad U provrj (e u UM wtohlac u i l r at tka kanlt. In tha

^:dfank tonlag of tka ateon) gamt ha j'M aalit oat avotkar with a inaa on

________OffT at tha M a Oraanda U a iaM r■waifnaan ttoOraWa glaai far altaiaing

la tka Natlaaal Uagoa raaa. a t Ua nafarkaa aad flardar of

Olaata wbatod aat baaiart to tka kaltla. MlUkatl haM tha.Olanta


kita. Ortiaaa kald tka Olaata j IUM..HI tha aaaoad gmait. Tha I alaifrf •fwt tha nraakirn aatflt

UMaa ftaiaa at tha Iaa4-ati■ta af Ua.Qahf MM tta

'U t « ktoj l i hho a .afagM' t r“ ■ tnt WWW.. jM fl

whoa a i'lh a Chioaga fa in t^^tottrattha

_____ IW tfB '> M tha flrar toa

j M'i tap. afatt waa aathattodtf

, aaaaa ftiU lf taw.Mt W ttoah Ua (

itUra talUatllu s tt.'e s : s m

iahaftaa a( tha th< to itw vaaI a htiMd. Tkf itw vaa fM wff

h f aaartaf ala raaaaiah hf dairtu. —L MWm a(f «M iaehf.- Aaa gaat Mia I— " "w t aa WWW

W. L f.C."it «« !«

B {I ;tBTotk

N ttio a tl U t f u c

BaoMM atHtMlcfyn

fM«toA «t4 ra hglee.IfotkohiYU'eA Mw ClitMte •I. UmHi


r i S x ^ i m m-^ '4 a ia M W thaiwaM

r < A J t a a < ^ l

MAPnilV l t * t

w r jn sM ifitH72S ISfiS SMS a SIOSSSEKHS

MEN AND kfOMCN# . t . o o u m M

OHou MeMmimKra rt mM in lOTof o«r


r at odljr €iM

. /• profit* AM «hp)-\____ Bj MT mtllio4 ofaoKif W. L. l>o«|lif tlMwti Bm ' otMngfromlOW toBOWmorotboovalMfordMir


valuot b ddt t Biibry lor Bm nooof. Um MWrt ntylot am tho loodow ia tho fatahioe ojntan Hi Ammem. W. L DooglM anno and Am tolafl prieo uro tfaunpod ea Bm boBowi of • I Bmoo bofiMTo tfaoy looio Bm fodoiy, which oiwwAMfw Aawouor »*■>«**■ WlwK niooi md Wi i o o m b b U o p to f ilS i

If ym oeoU eUl W.L D oo^ osiMHifo oad wal) t t9 a t Wa»Mii»awM i i M f - , u p J • • • fo r

, o l wotUng w fA AD h o o A f t___„ Bm W nhoen fo r tk a p B m Bm I :

[ W. L Dothu nlMon.I bfwaar 00001

. _________ If waaelaaal tM alfr aapaa* f a y i^aaaattaaaiata Oaiardbeetlreetltolaetetf. SmI

**alUaghawlaaa<agahaaa>f — *V*aa*etil>ii.

W .'L . D O U G L A S STO R E: 8 3 1 B road S U NEW ARK■ r O P E N S A T U R D A Y E V E M N G S ~

fft-TTl 'J'k I . t • r- ^

: t v i ) V ^eck this off!

SS--V i J . r '.

' f'

f i

i* J



m , t


are onwhen you pla)r Ae snidEO game with Camel cigwettes!

K t I * . '

GAMELS are inrat unusual in quedity, iii delightftil refreshing

flavor and in mellow mildnesslI Once you know Camels. ey alone answer your cigarette requirements —they are so absolutely satis dng!I Camels never tire your iarte, no niatter how libe^y you smoke!And, you know what that means in contentment.! Prove..glso that Camels never, leave any uiipleasant cigaretty aftertaste. or unpleasant ,cigaretty odor!

. CaoMto m aaW »w»iywhdrw to dof. m titaally w aW #*»•<#• • / to e t f e - iwI«m ; «r toa f ■«*»*»■ 1300 «t*a>

• rdftodj to a |l« r i tad f^ w ^ a o w trad aartad. W katrwM frracaatatand U fa oartaa tor Ma bom* a r oMaa Iffjf tf a r wAaa ea tra w l

R. J. RfynoldaTobnoCDOotnpnnyWtnaton-Snteni, N. C

- f t ■

i Q o i


.V i;;b « Ml f I I M W ■ m»t 11 I I a « «

''■teat*' X

f !

. - T 'v 'V f / , 5 Vi ' i » r‘ ib i 1*1


1 ■


Toong meo coji^ t woild of cotnfatt And wtisfactioa in Mohair, duriof thi hot days of lummer.

Pmll of OHor itUght 4 nfg DmroUt os g Wotstoi S k o p o 'r o l g i o i g f

DipsijCriia oppoormsog Do net rtqairs sooshtop or lssmPslkl0 Seldom need Pjtssngf

Laak «M *a kWl MwaSaaat. I t(Maahii



i i i i ti iii . T | i i i | ; ^ i i i iiir i

itolM•aiMWl■M haift^faU i

. ’ ttl Itfl*



1. y i.-t-i* \

to., I Mat flat Mtoit. f half aat Ihf-fto

“ftrai Xat wtt • Oy. MfMMar»‘art:.MM flk.»

•1 Ih dtid wiIroat h' hnitwi ft 1 M hhchai

11 tat Ik(W;, l fWaat

eat . fe

. whrt■f u


liwene U* Owl Ntwa.ih«; Mt eawrta, ih tof 1 ttou IM huBiMh

JW*t not tki*«!!•-Wallafata.Uf. I'taa* B« taw H«tot in*daftn t


*Ra* •has Iaa.fdir

^ hi alMdaapafMan titwad at fratate tltota I raead i mtot. alta*4t aha M mA ft waato k a * ^

"Af n p ha ta air aad ItMl* IM

Wh«n:aek«d dlda-l Ja*i tlk*aa (aolumi ch*ea*

- Do dewB dear d to rr fwu « Bolleriir Imirljr at«ad at. Ilf atop *■hak*i

niBaai n fwtall t awr « and Iaad-'f

-At fWu« tin 1 htbwi tralM ■M « aaaii aUdP

*1- M- v ilUL*

^ : f»w>t

i « - i « s i n t s OKi l >SXi i i R# » n

•t»PM lap

l A f t l C N S l I S t R l l t R S i

e c i i B i P M i i P S g g l l l ^

tv ■'■►5,1

*' ■ tfl_. ' . ’ : »',i

iv^J v.K '

MMIM tr« ;--“ Kialir ■ • ■ ( uii* MM*a 0f t1

bart Wf !>•*« » 'j t M ’ M*mb«r, tmcM

bM lh« rtfhi t4w,

m ; .*n

'saiar?► a # '* .'

th* «M M ,UI t Mb «h*tlMr 1 4

S f urbaailatiwliwri t k m ■ iT ts a 'i iM th it . fIthW f I DaMjr

• tM M im• (MMK

I n I* *

■■d tiMN d rt ao iMHVit*w han It It naatr ~OMlt Mllli I w M t* !* (• * W alyh. ta t

n r taltbfyl atarnkar.kM iha r i f b Mw, n u t i n

;*'*♦*• «b* wtM Wawt «ad«bar«WlfglUf.

n t

i h t a aa ah r win waw a t t tM u. wat

iba watar f i n h in In tiM wk, ' tlL w m • ohnnat a f M «0w

. It Mt auMUT tba b tia t ,M tU n ib tt taaa with it>HlM (Ith.

•M ailI h n *‘ttaSS iSth'ib a n t (M ia ta

It lb'

•ab tr I rata that n waaa* twrn to b a tr I han’t know

ra ar tha *aa« lhanbbt It waa tn ita a«aln. aarw*r<

_____ Id a la aa I4aa> tar ahanahau aatna timiiar ta tbat a t Ktitlaa.

aniMlir, tha tipwarn voyneii m>i j*™*I aamn. M t a a # far aH M ha (la i«n>- \

’’Y aatarnar I bacama a i t a r Ikoul a t I tka f o u r t a t H aaor m aallnc. w ith th lr i

taan n a r i t b ad n a i la mjr c ra ilt.-I hara not writian about n u ca»i»-

*aa«a tn

Doa Ara. A on I<ana an t Alla- iMtada af aniaa. CaMwall

»’ -J ■to ta la r Yaa aar W afir with my - f i J i f m jm ty o a t tha tohar n ilh t. aa

g W jto , n i tat ran hara a » w p a t iha L »n> nto u k a an tpana n M paaunc I t

aitl; taaini n r taat lot Mr. I ’am anMaihfat ta aaa a law npra Hi mM. I naaa I’ll tall ratt abant n r Mth (lahlac trip to th* Ratorratton (ar t m i , (aaa it , i t» . Up hrathaf, n r -

and ^ triaad arrlrad t h m ab a«

triad altht walkara tar hall. %M aPth na aaaaaaa. t taatiad to trp. a Or- I worhad n r d r ant ta a pwad latfclnt apat abaai ihirtp taat dlataat « ? ■ a largt trant thlrtaaa and

Thankb laal tha tana. oW hoah laannar. and If

.apaaitia tara th a t

& .'Swaaha.

lattarL ata aa tallawa:

hrathar. I Uka tha Tik

a l^ y laIt la t r r

laahaa ttrark. aaap! I aat Iha lapu u t uM r a abort fltb t 1

Mn. watt. I aaad thia n r haf .Mad flaallr taat It on a hum

• m s a n a iir r w a l k i ' *1 Ibaa triad a alfbt walkar anhta A d waat up ta tha brldna. w han a traat awan uadnr * Hon*, u I lat Ih* halt b ritt to th« alaaa and ha tatpad R, I atrwch, hat mlaaad kitn. H* want hhck m dar tka atoaa aatia. TMa Mma

1 1 lat tka halt fa rinht undar tha atnna,[ oA piatatr out At Mfbi. aad tat It atar I i l iH f n a aoapia of a tcanA Whan

want to brlna li out 1 ihaunht I ' eayfht tha rarli. Wall, pratty adan

a b ln out aad ht m cbad tka rap- whlA iMlpad him fiihi. lOb. tov. d t that rod bondlnn, thoacbll I

u out of tha rapida and ttndllr I him.

tkaa borrowed a ftp from mr llrtahd and |o t aaa amra liOut and Iwe

allahth."nMla W iftllr dot* on to lat! aheul

A .Acoynlar ba bad with anathar KMWnaa ha thlnka waa tha adMariol dih Oill In Iha Op*a dapartinaal at ika IfaWa Tv* lahob Iha n^attor up with Iha! A ta r and ha pltada culltr. O* aattpaa, ho ou|ht to hav* orrlttan aom*. Ihldd aboal U for J. P. b , and boat ttau h i wanti mo to toll him obayi iho hunnlbd bird'a noat I'll paao h in up.

Mat M abow that L'nrlo WIAt>Y t* not tbo, onir ao* who can wruo tatoi- ettlM Ittlart. Wo hovo tbia:

'W ll« Bill, and Paltowa: Kara 1 ant aAlb- |A bad pinnr alwara tMbath up. rva lutl finlahod raadlnat J. I'. U. and aaarli jumptd akp bitn whab I daw Hoa Uull'a plolnra. Btll, ceold pay lat ma bava H«a Odll'a tddroaa. It ho doMn't mIndT

^fSarkkkut la wlllla'.' That la an a - prlialon tn lh< book of 'David Oapmar- (IdH.’ bp DIebaM Un'i It. tillT (W h t)

*Barlnf tot that eft mp chtbl 1 •ban rA ta taillk •tll'i pormliAB), aa.ndvantara that happanod to ma

3 hara travalod aalto aama for n p alnwon paara u d thIa incMaat A p- p aM wklla I waa awlmmlnk la a amkll laA ta Italy. Up doc, Quoaota. wad altiinc oa iha bank, aad bar aa- praaaloB appaarad worriad. MYoral tin to ato a ** atacraia-llho A rA and raead ap aA down. I hopi aa pwlm- mhlR, bawavar, and did not pay dlAb altatttoa to bar. I waa mad bacavaa aha t alAad ta tana In tha waiar with

' m a far tbd tin t iltaa In A r Ufa. I wad M ditr i t r «■< whan aiA a a a h a « l/A d araabad la attar na.

- Cdiha aa OIrila!' i A oata .’Aa aaaa aa aba a * (• » • aA A *o

mp And a««h a nip that laara aarao to np apoa 'You aon of a cuo!' I bald, aA aurtad far thora attar b a r But A o A at ma to lA A ak, aad tacA latraaia OA A iam c abad. aaa attor. Wban aA M (,tA r* aha aiappad aad iMkad at na ao-aa—wall, pdu kaaw—I ■dida't haAMba bcart to paniab htr. Joat thaifjA otMlB aama around tha bona (abafAflhto OdMtaca in tho ctria' aolumt^I. *Yku paar, Ircaarani placo of chotpa-’ aba aald.

" 'Don't know.' hara aho dropA f down on^.JpiCdad Quaanla, th a t tbUi M at do(i to»f Th_Pan waro" Alto mini Boltorad, but pen didi Ip I would Ava Allad mp edtuln a eurip w ir ta r aaiiinr ma dowa. but in- atond I bdccad A tb har A d QuMnta A llcht lA t tbap A tb p n lp ^ I'll atop now; M I aaa An Oull, BHI and Uhakaapaht* aalorp. riaac ,

* i^ t ’’JdATTIIVW MATTICa’ a ' VfK YOriR RYBa

<|ullo a dramatic opiaoda You aaa tallawa It'a |uat aa I waa talltnc pon, n o ra 'a malarial on ovorp t lA a t pan far eorklnc toad lattara Jaat ha*p your apaa apaa.

And apaaktnc at ualnf pour ap A A d Mtlolpc ihlBA bara'a u o th a r ax- ampltt A trip ta Hamloek raO d Row nanp a t pdb ha«t atoda It. aaid pwt haw faw at you find tina ta writa Ama a t pawr aaparlanaaaf I'm A t ftadinj fault, bat It will da p«« cdbd u d tha aalonui alab. to try pawr pan or W aono taaartotlua writinc.

“Daar Bill: I am c«toc t» toll pmi af a bikd J dM to U n in ac ratia , a n i A a w dM m an thA m a abaol al A P*'' A pMaM atam a nn.

'On tA intnrdhp of Jana 1* Ihrad mawu ^ npaalf want ta lldniaak Fnita Wa latt trrlBAan C ^ to r a t • a’elaak aad/fat up Ibnn A t^ B A t IR Attar plapttc brauA a wMla am arani A ck ta IM ddarty and am kA ow^

tl tand[ m I iaa r a«M ana n A f H I (alt lA world It waa Aftar MKng her dlA af wa wadt baak to Ran falU A d pla»M BMbA a whiM d A aaidi • A hdcttalM wa do a lltlla d lfn a n w

fflU en cK . * ^ higAMbd a'whUa wa i ta r tA

MdYMf b fapia. m * A ia c thmuffe wbiab ihd

dthdinihihiff « a i« A A hiih ^ tk a A A lh rW B T l^ ’S ttsssw a p !

dM hA BTY. A t i

r o w * /

tta awhllo

9 '



you cat trnak al anythtoc a A pan (hiak ta abrnt It In-

Ror« la * tm i ctaMraw Uttar taatn KM Ha lain rm toka- p«ar Rialaa at w A t PA aroBM Ilka ta A m him aplU Ibk emr. Ha wrltaa:

WRR M B Ih ■■Oaar MU; tIaA

•eah. Mill 1 WA bAaat cMbc b aalaa talk out an pan, but aaw ta ant ant Iba obto nmU.

"I .know what kiA af a aaamp it WA ih u BMhp Hatch toundj it la Iran S arbA m A d tbo waA an tha tap eanUn't A ra boon 'BMAdaa* Iba V A l u Y‘

Yflaa Cnab: l would bam camnanl- eatA with pay. only 1 am a bum lattar wrllrr, A t you map A m mp addraaa and writ# a lattar to mo„ Am pm a atamp coHartor ar a machanlcT

APK AAM r tWPR.**l would Uka ta kaaw wbo( pau lal-

Uwn A with atanpa that havo no pUea In lA atninp baakf

I d m Wlro Bill BA 1 AO co lA ta n a A an aUoatar ataro hauoo la atara w r 'Innh' la. TA 'tonh' la battia tapa. Ctoaa, rubA r bAda, apoalt, na acconat papar. atc BaoM Moa, AT It It only worha'

"Lira Wira Bill la fo lA to aMd pan la a birdp plA prattp tAB. aa A toM ma, and I havo pUni for numaroua Atnca. Which would tba bopa ra tA r havo plana for nan, a clfar A d puaila a lanh, ar wAlT

"I a n a raenur dub whon ft eomoi ta hlla anUnc, aa I can't aaA vary coad ptaaa far thorn.

“Kelp apaa cait! Look w A t iimo ii la A 'l l a t ta A l Jumpinc animal rracA ra a lane BDL I Avo la hit tha hap ur I won't A able to cat up In tho mamibc. oA oaama A |ln lamorraw, too O ar Touri with ojMulatlana.

‘KID.Tbia aa*t Ud hA a Aadp timo la

rro ti of bln. I’ll dacUA. Aa far iha narapthM raAR ibA will A canaldorA aftar tha aamnar vacation. Too many af tha follawa am away now to mako It roaaibla.

‘DAT am and Campanp: RY aAui tln a I wrata. I llha ta lA a tho aun bam A tA leacnativto Hp faroruat am two larta tinilod anciMa ar Pnll- m A oncIbM K A I lf l aA tIH A Iho IMawaru, tuMAwaoM h WaatorK Rallmad. t an CoiA to oamp ihu Mnmar. r n c*lA (ulp t and atap till Anirnat if , ma.

"WhA am wt come to A m tha airplano and bAt moooT I hop* wo can Avo thorn b*f*ro July a, iaio. I haif a Alcfcm In iho (a t Bhow and cot ftrat prtM. Tba cup la a dAdp. I thank tA Bpmtt canaarn and t . Bam- harcar * Cp tar lattlnc na A va tho Aaw aA ciriac a a -

“HR. JKMM.''Bana mom latem atlan m tha atamp

Beaky Katah la Abtalnad la tA fol- lawlM A te; ,

■ a n RMBR CABBIR*.TUnr Bill; In mfamnaa ta Boabp

Hsteb'a Uttar, 1 will m p tbat A hM fA ad a atamp tram BarbAA taat BAhader). Mp a t^ p a from that c a b -

lac Oaparlonca, a I aald I w a M In aw Inat totanr. biAnaa I aA tA t aana fA kA a A m A la with It Rrai.

"J think that 1 will abanca n p aana from Un Ami Ada AIBWA « •*“ Ceaut althouch I atlll a n a IrUbd to all aalmnU. Bp tha WA. ( *■« J A aacand alar lAHt tn tha OUn MdC* A p dcouta •

"Won. I'll A va ta Maw now. • • there are attll a b A t lU nam diaarta M ebarrioa A apr tm ap eMhwSh pichad aM ptokA a h l ihatdft WfoW day wa flak M Uaat a lA RArM Pf alrawbarrtw! Tacm t ^ ^ B ^ S o i r ^

w rita A a lattar trwn aamp.•O M tO h UfM M T m .

I waa Mtortaiaad bp a vA t trPM OaakA BA LPtoU tA athar iw . Latala naA to A H aAta Jtoa but A cam# la to cAnc* bid tllto Ha w a ^ (a know If any lA a |p kla vlatalM would w m la (alb tha LoA BoAta. R M. A'U put ib an wua, a A to tA t aA A A hA mo ta |1 ra Wa aana aad A - draw. Uo U H arm TarcaAkp at m Couth dmva atmal. trvtaCMb.

Wall, It aoana tbat bam la aUll ^ oUMfb who wufcM ta A lp Boabp Hawk koap la tha rlcbt a u n p path.

"DAT Bill; I A va raA >A aalnma, but A va aavar wrtitoa katam. Aaf-'aa la

hakbtoa am plaptoc hiMball a A raAlac. A coad beak la The RAkipur Niao. WolL I mwl atoA Taum,

• d a d d y U )N 0 UCOb." Walk thia a p acaM. D aA p.' Daaar rrA k a l M A from Baal or-

aac*. toUac A alakAMa m pA Am PA A lac to t Wrtto t A Ut n a kww.

Mrfcaklm la a m w manbar tmaa M at OratHa Ha Juat aapa A w a u to

AO a naniA r and lata It a •>

aa A A a. apart. T«tl' A o ltiA lA t bappA A fiTU lA W A U taTatani

l a a w i f P A A m u alcn p A p m al M ovary lim e you w r i t a I t la A l ­

to A m . H a, aaka a b A t IM p a -■to eacka and tha blr4 with tha bin hill atmy t A Pol Mow. TAP ;HP hibitim

I lA A d for A -T onny Tit

a crapoa draA np of paphp (ha BaAU- lloatod, A d It waan't A l t had. I'll tn- alaln.

And now I na> polnc ta cult a 4 tak* a lltiU raat. I waa up w rlp tfcU mam- Inc WhUtU Braaahaa aat tka aUrin oloeh for I InalaA of f. a A tbo whaU bunoh ara aam at k in . RVa CM to rualU In all tha w aA bA watar ta make up far It. Ymm alaapUp,


YOUR RUGS ANDBin bp hNiiSirfiny

th i iM P t

IfC A j|F |m

iWOdtilfWRi It

dWardcnatpltk Bt M tld M n t - h U B d i t t IP d d f f p t ;

•M .lbR-'

WHM. O d I « r rfcMM T tr d B i TM MRMMfY.

JANCOVRIS A SONI I M I S A i t t w t M i S i , N w C M i t i t , N w ra ifc , N . J .

McMp IVbiIm fhr AB Itrvkp.

1 '

way I WAld ra tA r brAk tha Im •“■ toar. ^

T MW tba lattar af Baahp ■ •* « « t A AAV latt nlpfct T A t ataaw M — I r C h A i T l M T H I k i A A ■ and alao aA tA r » n A r af

^ "'l A to Ban Bide Hlpfe and batonc to that orrboatra Wa A *a • ®*naart lu t rrtoap Bipkt a A It waa autta a auocoA A IrlA friand al nina w nfn I call Harp A a ctvoa n a tha-nlchaana I will laka. OaA

"WOODBN iHOM." And BOW wo hov# B A tA r fUblnc Ut'

tor rino would almMi tklak It wai Prldap. would a o notT

■'Door Bill; I ptomUA W toll abAt Iho tuhlap trip .and ham it la It wm a nice Aturdap m om lA wkw f UR. wh«n 1 c*i tA m It w a ahA l U o'clock, op I A t lato lA pmh. TAb I aow two kidt w A hA hardly aap A l t oe I pova tham w n a t p a t^ ta a new and Ihoil. but dida't catrh AP- tblnu-

|>H, WMBT LMWI “Then onolhor bunch of falUwa

aakoj for A lt. and I »avo thorn aomo. too. Then aam* tough pupa look my lino. 1 had none then Acauaa I loal tba alhor. A I had to aa boma. Yonra.

"DANIBL BOOKB. Tench luck, aaya BUI.Caldwatl Pimrt wrltaa b a U aaadlna

(a dlraatloA for ntoklnc • b«ueaao, A t t think I wlU Ava II until fall, wAn Ikam ara A t ao mAy outdmr atlracltoA Our mambar coatlnwa

"Daar Bill; Hr bretbar want! to Mb. aA A known aa DAdy I^nc Ac*- Ha la fourtoon yaan old and will wriU you a Utter In a few day* I am c»' Inc to antov bleb aobml noat Apton. Ar. bavlA pau*A my ajama Uat weak. I am twolvo yaam aid u d I am MBdlac yA my plctnro. I want to have It In Iha paA f Dm. a t PhakO' •poam hA Ma tattorln n m . IvaabM It ny oAuiB. and M art A fu U a ‘fritad af ffllA- Ra mAo an aUctrIc bulb thortnamatar. Wa a > ahead of Ihf Mrit In A tllnP up an archaalra. Tour aiamAr. CALPWBLL BPORT "

1 will aavt lA plrturo. aid acont, un-

ICM Buoonu, th a t tbia

immlnc rUtit for It. | reu didn't hoar.' Uanaval-

Wkldiet or Jewdry (ran Witt’.J

■ ivrw ' A P I < ]H iip e a lo ptvprr ro BlrBiROfit for gii retnlt of OBrontY-two yee tiotis offort to piBoo befoi

For Q ndutioto, JUmiverMrloi, Birttiiioyo. or iny other ipodtl oretit you1l etwtyi Snd tho Vie* •tore' boot qnaUSed to pleoM your tMio end meet

’ gift!. The Wioo otore h tbo yeere of h o B o t i end co iw d o R -

piBoo before the pabUc food, reliable merehondioe ot o ftir price. Thio foot olon'o deinoB- otrttoo the oxcottont choracter end reliability of th o Who otoro. A few aaggoition gifta ore futurod boro, bat wo urge you to cell ond too more.

Dainty H-kfiral MUd gold broocbec f r e a l U O to tT».00.

14-kdfOt m IM | oM ladtof* writo wucImc, b c C M by o k r g A n iiM p , from | I 4 to t l M .

Solid lo U brcedldta from t O t o f t M .PlariBW i d ia ito n d ftudded b n e e M a from

•U O to J U O O .,

AH dopOBdobto Btindord American mokeo gon- tlemoii’a wotdMo from |20 to ISK. Solid gold cuff Ilnko from H to tN l Solid gold pocket knlTOo from l l t o i t t *

j L m s s i S x mn, d i a m o n d I O M f VI t l ; m

New Clothes to Complete Your Plans for the Fourth

It’s going to be a two- day (for many a three- day) h o l id a y , a n d whether you spend it out of doors, vacation­ing or joining in the patriotic celebrations, you naturally w i l l want to be appropri­ately dressed.

Stylish Blue Flannel SuitsAt Very Spedal Pric»,

Proper for practically every occasion, day or night, at home, at the shore or in the mountains, these Blue Flannel Suits constitute the ideal Summer Suits.

Best of all, we have made such big cuts in their prices as to make this offer one of the best you have, had the good fortune to choose from this season.

$45 Blue FlannelsSizes 3$, 34 and 35

* 3 3 ^V,

SSS 'Kae FluindtSingle and Double Breasted

» 5 l r e

Blue FlannelsSingle Breasted

Fancy Mixed SuitaAre Going Fast at Their Newly Lowered PricM$35 Suits, now I28S0 $52 to $48 Suits, now $41.75

$80, $75 & $70 Suits, now $57,50$38 to$68, $65 & $62 Suits, now $52.85

(siH ptR aK iA di

'ytoW'.. tVk

$10 White Flannel Troniert, $6.75Sizes 36 to 40 Only

Others at $9, $13.50 and $15

A Clearaiice Sale

Mot’s NecktiesAll Four-In-Hands, in­

cluding S u m m e r Silk Foularda and Rumchundaa, are now being closed out at these reduced prices: •

•u«O rsdec

Kool iOoth, Pabn Beach and Mohair Suits

$12.50 to $35

A Timely Sale

Men’s Summer Underwear

Very fine count Nainsook Shifts and Drawers that were regularly sold for ll.OO the Mrment have been re- duceo to

the Garmoit

A Fine Oppo rtunity to Plrocure

Ffigh'Grade Men’s OidFords,-.1, At EseaptioiMilly Low Prices

> $18

# 1



D evo ted to th e G e n e t^ In f a n thloimal Costumes Ifltfityieittalie to the WelhTaikxd Wonfim

M M «b«r that C«t1*r km Ik* MHt 'itvte 111

wMis u lt M •feoai itrSi trtctaraS, » • .t*M

!•««•« JMT* lllw • 1*1. iS t * • I* bMCWo iSalftnn.'

laat lattMi th« SHa> l■Mraatinv aM IlfkUlMlM

: I ta t af Ultk, SnatlaaS, ap tlia atarv ftam Ikara. Ia«a te alll ThlttM a , latur, a t kaia f*aa:

Ika Itakthauaa la ■alarallr waatkar-italnaS.

Kaapar «aa a MlSSta.acaS ataa Maar ar* >ka Ml** >>« ***M tail. ■M ftMimkw aar aa t waa ta* K Ikan.

^ T . wSteh «aa ealloS Watt af Lalth, waa *ar|r lane. It had

ita lra«k* nuinlae tha hall Irnxh. Iratlia kad *ar Inada of coal for

_ ar katfolBe alaaaiara. / I tha aa i * r Ika piar thrra la a—veil.' kaaw tka- aaaaa bat It ii ilka

'kar Ump aal M l aan* af kaa ataap ta li' toff appatata* br lalitoka. T* Ikaaa wka kaaa kaan apklat Matkar wkat wa* to* Malta* Milk 7aat M ilk.' m aap. 1

raaftaaM I

At Ik* ktfiatatal ka* r aaiM ktlikt aoMiiM balla \ tototoff. 1W * akow tka paa

la tiMtotoff atakaMi*. l aap> ap wata tovarad aad faplaa ii at M ttoNt at tka Sm * tk*N to ^ a kaal kaa a* aa

Ok. arkal aipatarto* toal Si* at*. I aaad i* took

, I tka Mtokaaa, wUtk war* «rtp M Oar'MkkaS. aad aaald

“ a* to itoaekp aai ar tatoar rawbaato.

t* tokka «p Htti* aiaitoa akaal•M r Md t tolak r a wtfl* a totffir

— « .iklak IK kaltat ttoa* Ikto

I l*M r a r ^ O S i ^ win ak*M J M ar 1*0 M* to *1 to* afeatiar. L l !*■■**• to win* ator* Ma«t

SarafbK pM w w t « a p * a t ^ l i a ^

F u p toaal* ator*. laat tot aa* r n •** If t kaa* toaa aad ■

SOOh-M karl* daaa that -to: y O to Maaawto todf. X kfpa It daaal .Ckfwtrw wtu fftr* PM top a l i rM t tkat to K Xm ear* to aaad fu tk a r laatiw*' ^ ra i atantaff a awaata* .*• *.' toartk daiM. r o hatoff H atoap If I •a* taritod.

• W I M n asr TW laaa to* _a*to» M 1 I atoa kaaa a pto. to la af em toa t iwadto, hat ihar* M*m a BMttoa

« y t Mkid. n i faniard thaai 1 kaa* toaap daaklaa. to a l l

• o o m J n m : ’ .a a aiM M * to baa* laara a t ■**«•

Of aaaraa r o far* to Ohraa l

l i l N t tka f . A arakaatra to a t e w a a d 1 keff* H to a aaaaaaa

to* aarrp I aaald aal •* m tka to ▼)**••* Laka. 1 waaU toaa ta

Ohaatpa aad tka fflrla iM bap* kaa Ika aaalk. .

^ I waa toailaa ta r p m to M la p , h«l 1 m M aat fiad pala pM ka*a fawad RatoM. ■ - i

Opal dtowwana, PtcaadQiP M**. B«lp Patlt K aad

SSSfS:^tmrvfin.. Xtdaad told *»a a t fbk plaala tkat *{**

JMtoMt toaad Katoaa. ■nurvK a m nna rjumnai.

k't kpwM aa* wh* aadaratoad*I pup with ■« *t W*Md*kle aMB* a Ika a**r fatar*T | kap* tw* to ,a*t aad balla aad aaa ptop ) toMp w all bat * « aa lu diM m

I dk* rato*. Tm Map ra i M r a ddraaa **i Ckralpa. a* Carairn bhlt farward

P tar lattar t* aia aad w* Mkp acra* aa toto* dap u ptop.

PM ar* a d**d fritad at- adm a a i pwar taitlal* a r t C. l> .Stawwana,S laltlato ar* A

driaad af Rial* riffki. aw 1 aat

*WI« k

S. aad pk(* V * a aad tW fkto A A1

■atflav* la all ib* X. r A 'a t *m.

r. poar PICCADIU^T JIM.'■ • • '

I la a akaM * fan tka M«ak**a adia SL.. ara toaal* aatkaalaata ta haip a trtaad. 'M t o lS a will II k a f '■

*7aaa Da ta . I *m tlttaaii. Caralpw WtOjAa* pau HP addraaa If p m wUb I t

tOa. Aaau*. paa b a n a* atanp aiaa**. *a *•*•>< Frr aaatoar? 1 wtli aat ,ta taka ap lao maab tka*

faat *a aarrp far paa,. I pM Will ttod Raltaa; h* la aaeh a

%4ih9t)r<"Op to* Irak* a t thlBfi Plha Jha to

toal alrapad ar a taira thiah «k*a to* daatarr p*rf*rta*d tka aparattok aa

*lMMi _____"— B o r m '

l a r Mto nrtiMiiirciR o o d w rm' <•**!** lata ikaa a*v*r,‘ aap 1 At

dart 1 bar* lolnad to* cardM hMatltal.1 aaa a faator Ip Mato ild* aad prMd af I I Mp kokMaat Oir* a n a ffood book and 1 will m H ap to a aarnar aad b* aalal u a Maat*. Ta*. aa aaplr- toff aathorua, aap aMbIttaa I* la k*' a*Ha what paar nan* aaffffaat*—aa I aalboraaa. t

"I have a faw aaffffiatlana af lataraal- I Inr plapt, R*m*lr> li'Atfflaa,* bp ltoa-.| land: 'Uonriaar Baaaaair*,' br kM th ' Tarklaptan, and 'Itlcballaw.' kp Balvaa I Lriion. whieh cantalaa that faroaa*’ aaplna; Tb* pen I* miffkilar tkan th* ■ward.' Par abort atari** 1 bav* alwap* i •nlopad Bdffar AlhM Paa, aad te la* to t | mail ffraaaaai* a t hla atprla* la th* | ■Blaek Cat.* I dlaOkatlp r*M*aabar raadlBff T ka Leal Wartd,' ^ CMaa OapI*.

“Hew Haah I appraatotad tkat bMhI Thi* la da* to to* taai, I ball*** toat haviaff r*ad a aaaibar H roaidaU* ■tarlaa prarlaailp, It waa a raUaf la tara t* tola bank af advaatar*. All M b*oht^ar*Mt kladir add Ibis *!•■- bar ta paar alrala.

-Avaa amoar. CtMRTTR.'a « *W akana. Comu*. paa will tlad loti

af oaBffaalal noaipaap la th* oalnmn, for w* bav* bookwonno paler*.

A PtoW HMSAMd.1 « d P Paaaaah, awp I aap Jaat *

faw ( T) word* ta pM t Ar* p m a raallp aad tralp aatraao; and da pap.plap m a ■raadwap aUffiT Haw lavtip H aiaat b*l Do PM aaad paar platoM la bd< ailiara It toap aak fkr h f Ito aaa— aat- aa aalraap' aa adialfar ad ah

lak* to f taalva alarf I aiaaa

“Map kaa, i "ttotoiT d* 'PM

aaa w y abaMt “ 'Hr*. Haakato *r tor*.

■aai y laaff > a iM w * traai b y an la aad : ap nar* kOml

tP*M a to a rla

aaptolBff p

BAUfT."1 ato aa ardaat la rar ad Baffltok aad

,Jtot iM to, pkawt f kaa* Oklhftow IP aikarUttoaf* l i a r i i

wh* arm* * * __a* th* ^ o a r aad Mavtov'

1 karw M aatoto ptopp ad n i l l i a i ia y M a y I da aat S S w la rlto rX

to to* i a t r MtO* tow* a t irvtoff.

kM varp aiato to*I* th*

war :l l l th

a t Ik*ta, M r ^ - At th* aad *l a araa raptala tafaalrp. ,D*

• i i f t m r aaato p m atop toisk varp add. kai t ffM * I itaa paitaraad afiar that aaffatabl*. ktoap vatp tan aad •toadpri hat p k a I baM aa atrias* br ja |M bt aa* *1 to * % A - htod.

v k p P M fa#**# ahaatJbaiBff to il Daa't M* to* k*l* to tb* M ighant bat thiak k*w aaaMltoff M la t* b* *M* t* to*h

T ra a i aa aftaottawat* aad aiMaffl***,•WTHIRO »BAII,“

a • aTatlfir<aa»-Ha iM mU *m ff*t lata of

ahaattoff ap fraia to* athar tall striadaw'l iM f

ARWHHH WSmiO JdU l — .aikP, waaaft It /aal sraai at to*

fiawM to aak to* swla w ie totp war* aad tall tMta paar a a to a r '

•Im p. kraaktoff that sla** didn't daaal paar aptrlto aap. I tall paa ffirta Ik* Mr* daaa dan bar *«•*.

'Hlawpak* la bp aa thaiM aldw. tb* h arrM **■* at fflrt* aroaad tkar* aa fa*t tkas ah* had aa ilrad aal t o a iatoato. ^

'7 *M im |R awaip thI* aaMwar aad 1 aipaet ta bav* a tlB*. bat I dan'thaaw what .lt win bo Uk* to b* ** tar awap (roao th* aataafa. m wkaa ria awap will aa*M af pM fflrla qi t t aapind with n t f

"Wall, ffwaa* I kattar alap aaw *nd fflv* aoia* 0 * 0 ala* a ekaneo to loll abaut tha plaala.

-With lav*. TIA.OOOM.U.’T . dSaddta, I ttv* an tko rlraot

n blaM awnp front p m nnd I enn't find aat wka M aartk ppa aro."

‘Hallp Irakn I nw aarrp I waa as' ahto ta nliaad Ik* ptenla, but w* bat an arakaatr* MaaUkff. I ■*! Rbapaadp HMsralM. UantoraMaa, Uttlo Caralpk aad bar atatar, alM Chap!* Vala* aad

Make iced tea in the morning

M AKB^Llpton’d k e d T e e M x t y i a

the marnifigo and httve ' ft ready in the fcebodc»

t h t n —

VVhio tho tot__n ,

InaJL^dStle w y ip a B lo ie e o f t i a - y M 'b o ^ ' . *

,-‘4 ' j."A f L. ■ "T-' j si*

H* waMaa .diia pal alanp new with- M t t a toforaul uttorod aolt of thio tppa ta Aatortoa It la mllod a opert aan. ta HapMad * ‘Nwanirp la l t. ' Th* haat aadala aro at vorp ooft Ualti- wsiffht iTMt to dariL paatml mUturea, bad avorp d a ta ll'a t - tollortns li cor- tool aato a aalt la kapt aa carotullp priaaid a* a Ban kaapa bit eloihoa, and th* alBlMa aalt la areompaalod br

n k laln apart h a | and a allk a r )ln«a •h ir l, with a aoft N*. La w b«olad oport I ahooa. ur tan oaford* w ftb bu lton rd opala—and, o f oouraa, hoavp, m annlah I f lo ro a comptato th* cootam*. 1 cM t to

tbia laB B ar than awattom for poneval waar ovar aklrt nnd kloaaa apart om* lumoa Th* loo**, aportp loaktop

mod* of v*rp aoft llpht.wo*!'Tb*** loo**, boylib polo oeati ar* I rabrlo~warm *naufflhlo b* ooBfortabl*

v«rp mach tha thlnp tbit poar If pou I lo a aaa br**a*, but wltkoat tka balk have wond*T*d why good leoklnp 1 (bat la aacomtortabla on a w an t dap. aw*at*ri ar* offarwl al aneb atiractlv* Tb* coat la of Irlah twaad. aad for all pn«*t. look tor tha antwar In tbea*} Ita almpllrltp It ta a varp «ieha*lv* n*w pole ronta~tb*p a rt much *mart*r i aiodal

h«r alalar. W* *a)*pad a p taaunt af- tarnaM. JtTtT RUTH• • •

I am all *ul *( patitrna Jaat now. Wka wOl (and noB* for Jnat Rath! It tb* ^ r la waald ratarn to* pattam* wh*k toap hava ntoda aamylaa w t could hatp ap a a*rt of andlaaa taobana*.

'Wtatl*, 1 too, hava kaan In Pannapt- tlM 't poa think tk* M*n*rp la

baaatifal aal tharot Tk* hill* nnd ibo kMidar* h*ra and th*ra with Ika llttla brook* trlektlnp dawn *nd th* old- fkaklM*d Mill* with th* mot* covarad wh*«la Mnk* It lavalp. I would lor* I* k* **t than now. I Ilk* tta* aher*, kat lav* tb* eouBtrp whtr* on* can ••( eee r to

T aad k Itoadlnff, I'm n r* pour Itttu hllUa I* a banatp, bat a* w* ba«a luat adopt*d an* I tknll a*t ark f*r poar*.

' y w did pea all tajop tb* 'Houa* af Dr**m*r^ W atn 'l ' It wondartult kaaat*, pl*aa* taka of apaln at th* aattnp did nw pood, i "W*!! I n a i l tack mr w*o bird in b*r a««t and aap (aed ntohL

Tjorlafftp, BL.UB JAT.~jv w r JRAR ■■ AWAT.

1 am hartaff a f la t lima now that I am aattlod. Ttaurdap t walkad with BP ffirl trtand torouth tha wooda for about «lffki mil**. W* both bar* varp ffood timaa b*rt.

-If anp of tk* alrla woold Ilk* t* tnk* a rid* oat h*r* to •** m*. O* to Plalnfltld. tarw from B u t r » n t atrool to Mto«f»*t atr*ol; k**p on Ibat m A paa* tk* Ic* hon** and, lak*. and k**p *n ffalas until poiq com* to a ar«at bta haaaa with p prlrata gaff around. Turn t* Iho riffkt up Ih* hill

T bora aro (ovural abicoe houtoa on to* kltl; than laka Ika flr*t road to tb* iofi nntll pM ooma to a big r*d barn, ^ r a up thf road aloneald* of tha barn. Tha taM laada to a Inrg*. ol4-f**kion*d Wkllt farm houa*. W« hava th* half Baartol tk* road.

*Tfp calf aron a blu* ribbon and a tonntalii p*a. Songbird aad I ahould bo varp glad to writ* to pou..

' l l lan't gait* to nic* n*r* a t it l* up ham* In Otnnactleul. bat thapa n*v«r la a plae* anpwbara in tha world alcar than pour bom* atal* and town.

•Tffllk toV* from JUtT JRAN." Tali'Waa*-B*'Bmall. pou aro right:

BP tntttnln nr* L. a. B*ttp lr*n*. pour nggaatln* I* havo a Sunahtn* Club la v*rp good. Tou map enroll m* a* n B«mb*f. . IKE.”

BBMT MW CALUBB OB AH WUI. -% * ovarpkodpi I'm bar* again to

tap a f«w warda Mama to m*. glrllot, tkat tk* ItIMrk iBpror* In- Intarait ovarp niffkt. Thop ar* »lmplp d«ar. aagb an* avorp an* a t them.

'Haw waa tito' 'nlopla' at V*rona ffirlat I Inat bat pM all had a wonder, fill Uma NOb I waaari tkor*. but. I dar* aap, I bad na ffaad arM rbapa n b*ti*r tlnto than paa did. r t f tall pou what i dIA Hothar. BP llttla brotbar and I had a tonchaoa *naaff*neni with ‘Ah W*^ and h tr matkar. Mch a time *■ 1 had: 1 wall 1 KM navar had befora tkara a ll '

■Bat I dldkt bare to* whola aftar- naon with 'Ah W**f Tm aarrp to aap. 'eanaa ah* bad t* Im p* tor a cord party, but U fa Ak Wa#' (t) alapad on with aa n * t aaralp araa a grant dap (for S a aa rm torvlklr taod W 'Ah Wa*» TM WMWaft MSB* BA fflrla If you *tow kaa ^

T hava g ataadp aairiasandone* with Mddp, a varp daar frlfw* of mine. I aaaak* kaa a lot tor ia tMIght'a p*p*r. Wkll Btaa h tr M tara whan aba ff*«* to aSBB. WM't w a ffIrliT ^% * |V * ta TvdJp! T*4 PM mim nol farffat wa whU* p m ar* a t gaapl Ptemw wplia r*al»aH*n. ^

•Iw Hormaa. Tv* bakrd about pour earf*M*Bd*n*a with Taddp. Map 1 too. bav* fwat aSir iaa ran fourtaa* <a poor TM*B*r Ma* K*edt>, but wouldUv* to Wriu to PM.

■Ah Waa don’t torpat to fftv* me PMf 'awny addraaa. t i l glv* P«u min* whM I lasnt It. „ ^ .■Ah. BlrBI Tm gotoff to Hahn*, but BO* a|U Auguat. t can hardly watt.

tCaroIpn. vdtl you do me a faverT If PM ptMaat Tall Ak Wo* t* wrS* to to* ealuMn wfcll* akal* air*p. I forgot t* to « y Htll* Boaakg* 1* l y ,

‘Warpor*. Tv* gM to atoKtor Ok»*- Ipa'll tkraw *H oa I M C*to>y»‘ patoff no saHk a* toy toRifn aarrp aa*. Om I (agaaaSf tola W to y r la d aatl

-.•TaiM to .Ah W ^ ^raddp aad * ^

Housekeepers of Japan Follow a Budge! System

Geoarett* Hoateaaaa, i Larte Pet' oentage of tbaJnconic Going

for EntertsiDment.

Tbea* dapa when a dollar g*«a a varp Mttl* way. m any of ua who naver b«for* would h a re conaldered liv ing bp a bndget ipatem are now adopting It in an a ffo ri to m ake our Ineom et airatoh Ovar tha rapidly iaareaalng eapanAe* and a tm have aom atblag le f t to anv* to f^a rainy day, A pparently aup Jop- a ^ ^ alaiara ar* aloo m oatlnapfatiaM r prahlam* In tk tt nw nner. fo r 'g 'r a o a n t num ber o f th* PuJIn Ho Tomo ' ( W ^ . an 'a Companion), a Ja p an e te p ubU a^ lion, give* th* hoaeabold budget o f tb* wife of a aecondarp oohool m a ite r . Th* couple have threa children and a a ia - oom* of l . l t i pen a r e a r (about la ll.4 1 ), which la divided a* follow*;

Rica and barley. II.ST yon; tich, m aat and vepatab lea t.M yen: fu e l nnd chnr- coal. I . t t yen: food eensonlnga. t.tO yan; odtBntlonal n peneee . S.S4 pen; kitchen utenall*. 1.14: c lo thea |,I4 yen: vlaU ort. preaent*. etc., f OI yen; houea, l . l l yen: picnic* and other am uaem enta 4.40 yan; booka and o ther occupational e ap en tea0. tT; Ineuraneo, 1.11.

Aa you ***, (bit Ja p an e te houeewlf* 1* very ecenomlcal on dr*aa, but ra th e r lavtak In th a am ount of money epent on en jbrtalnm ent of frienda

n baa boon aabed If th* w |fe of th* m ltd l* d a a a Jap an e te la a w if* or a drudge. In on* h m llp of fiva noraon*. hrikbaaA w lta aad tbr*o ehlldran, whar* no m aid la k ep a tb* wIf* baa to waak, m ead and ram ak* fifty un llaed h im oadt befar* lb* nex t w lntor, whti* onrliw to r hor cVIldren and eoak lng thro* maain a dky. Baaldaa thi* am ount of w afk, uattorw ear m uat b* waabed and reanad* one* a year, neuallp du rlpg thm w arm er month*. In bomoa of the m id. dl* elan* when n vlaltor appear* a l to* doar a bonaewlf* m agt eaat o ff hor w arkikff o la th ca op«n the door, reootv* tk a oallor aad b ring In refreahm antA It tb a v M ta r la te her hu tbanA Ska la biMp tra m m orning to n ight, bna no (Inan to ratroah h e rie lf o r h e r mlnA and oaip wblla p o ttin g tb* baby to •loop kaa ah* • chance to glanc* ovar a paper o r a Bapaaln*.

How Nkich and What Kind . Of Food Sudl You E§t)Al the bkhllg and rondittona or Indl*

viduata dtftoa.' ao. too. thotr peeda of nn u rlah n u a t differ, and * (h«lr food' ahould taa adkptod to th e ir p articu la r rru ttlrtm ahl* . .' Bach peraon ahould1. -arn bp auporlonce w hai kind* of food yield him nM rlehinem w ith the leaat (lieromltort, and .ahould avoid thoM which do Bfft agro* w ith him.

Too muck food la aa bad aa too llttla

aad coctaloaa a nraat* a l alraagth la th* bodp a* wall aa a waataof nutrlilva malarial, a p toad apcnlal' lau a t tha Ualtad SUta* Papartmont of AgHcultura. Vfctl* la tk* cap* of aoffl* toedt a* purehaaad. natoblp maata, tom* watt* la anavaldabl*. tk* pccunlarp loa* eaa k* dlmlnlabaA koto by bnplag (boa* klada la which tkar* In tb* leaat waaU, and bp atlllalnB mart oaratkllr than I* ordinarltp d*M pertton* of what la nauallp nlaaaad aa refua*. Much of tk* waatc map k* avoided p r caredal p lu u lu p ua a* to provid* a oomfortahl* and appatlaing meal In anfflelcnt atnMut. but without axecaa

If atrlct aoanump la ncMaaarp. th* dearer cut# of meat* and lb* anar* **• panel va frulU and vtgetnMep abosld b* avatdeA With rtoonnble car* to eaak- Ing aad aarvlng. a ptcaainff a a i vaitad (Hat aan b* tarnlahod at madanata aoat. At akouM not be forgattaa. topt th* real cheapSea* or deareM* a t p food material dtponda aot m Ip os' Ha mar­ket price, but alao an Ih* acat of Ita digaatibl* nutrlenta. It BwartS nlwaja be remembered that th * ld*al diet It tkat comblnatloa of food* whkAwhIle Impoatna ih* laaat hurdan.Wa tk* bodp, auppllea It with eiactlp Mfllelant ma­terial (o meet Ita want*,' and that aay ditregard of tuoh a ataadard muat la- avHablp prtveni th* boil dovolopmeat af oar powera.

W hat a noMBM oaMfrowe* I t la pappi* ta pMatla* a p a a ahIMrmi rai*<

th a t wauM fa ra v a r awehido tbam pollto aaclalp If thffp aetolaeled

•d a n * t* tb* aoB* tndlpnltlaa. 'W b a t r ■ap* the bak ltaa l t*a*M o f children, roaanithp Ikl* iB p llo s ilo n i ' I don’t m aag nnpth lap b r taaa ln p child ren— Juat da I t fa r to n . ' B u t to chlldroA l lv la i la a w arld w har* th ln g a nr* m ar* raal t k a s '* 10 th a w orld a f g raw a-kpa. tcaainff d**a maan to lap . anS lhap a ltb a r auboelt o r robal • a d a r it* la flla llaa a iao rd tn g to w bathav thap af* aonaltiv* an* tim id a r boldly pMltlv* bp naitof*.

Tk* llttla g irl w ith a t i wiad -up no** tb* bap w ith rod h a ir w h* m uat

ra n tha gnuntlet o f honm a n d echool nhd nalgllkarkaod lennora nogulre a d iapnraging aatim at* o f (ham aalvaa cut a t nil praparOon to th* a lig h t handicap th a t, Th* g a rra lo n * old man a r lh a giddy peung oao w ho plapfutlp thT*a|*n* to ateal a •IIUI* g ir l ' who tak ca hla fanop can p lan t In th* mind of lb* child a raaontm ent aa d d lalraat th a t will bta* her Jadgm oat of o ther people who make friead lp advaneoa Thoa* adalta who Indulgu Ihcmoolvee bp craokkig th* perenn ial Joke about achool toachari ly ing In w ait, rod In haad. to r bad bep i a t actaeel. ar* re- apoaatbl* fo r pu tting bopa naodkaolp on th* dafanatv* a g a la a t achool dl*. dptln* .

ThM* people w ha dellbarato lp taaa* children map aot ‘to o a a a a p to ln g , ' but th o ir onjepmont o f th* p ra ^ le * maana oam etblng to thoughtfu l puopU who

ORBBN CORN DISHBAIMoat of aa appradau what It la t*

Hr* In a laad whar* graoq oorp It a Mmmor commoaplac*. Hokedp appro- elatao thM Tegotabla roallp, howover, who haa net Ilvad through a aummor In a land whar* It daaa not grow. Hew corn la boat Juai halloA but wbon It la ptantlfii tad ohaap wa can ua* It la a good nmap wap*. Htr* ar* aom* of th* bait ****!

OOBH OTBTBRK To two cup* af grated cor* add tw*

egPA lightly hasteai tw* tahlaaptaa-tula of Bilk, (w* of flaar, tw* laa- Bpaowtol* a t HOltad kattar aad a taa* ■pooafkl af oalL Fry aom* bacea crlap la a frying paa,a ad nwiov* it t* a bat Plattsr. ra a f aff aotp* c< tha melud ta t bad la to* roat ^ tk* oora mlx- tur* to tablaapaoatula natll browa aa both aldaa, Perv* with to* bacon.

BOILHO OOBM.Tnk* aft aular huaha aad put in n

p*t with anfflclaBt bottlnp wntar to evvar It) add aa* tabtaapaaaful af augar, half aa ounce of hattor and bell twenty Blnntu*. When dna*. drain, re- mava to* ku*k« and allltp flb*r aad aarv* hat'wtth buttar, pappar and aalL

BAXSD TOMATOBB AHD CORN.Cut to* top* tram loBatoo* u d ro-

BBv* th* ate da and pulp wHhout brank- toff to* haU. Hall freak cor* aatli taa- dor, eat It Off to* oak aad te avarp cup­ful add tw* oupfula of tamata** aad on* chopped greaa p o m r. Ptow all in buttar until tender, lenaon to toata with . •alt aad pappar, and ata tt tka MBate bulla with tola dreailnp. Pprlnkl* btoad cruBb* over tha tap and bMwa.

COBH nUTTBRA icore fraah ear* pf tweet earn and

prana out to* palp. Add thrM egga beaten with htdr a pint a f mtIA Add •nough ain*d flaur to maka a batter tklch eaeiigh la trap f r e a tha apaon. Beaaen wUh aaK OM paip ar and atlr vtgaroagir wlto s wuadan apaan far five Blkfflgs EMp a apaaa tol agw Uug*

HRkff tknrKid fry a go id*#r

A“Wlut«Elepliut"t to n 't buy a car,” t bcewil B'garalp

tried autemoblllct cap th* atkar dap; 'I t wtu b* anwhlla elephant an paar imod*.'

A largg toad, wc ihould aapl But that la how It atBrtad—the flrat wbito elaphanta were iKartl burdona upoa (hoaa wha wart affllctad with thani.

A national emblem, th* white *!•• phant hna alwapg been aacrad with tha natlvaa af th* llttla oMBtrp of Btaac.

And In toe dap* whea thap uaad^ia nudi hi Hagland U waa tk* inwIMi a f Slamcac klagf to praMot A aoartlaf In iwpal dlatova^ with *•• of toaM m U malA dkfntolng h la ta ear* tov*it IA aoaafdak** with Ita aw ad ataia.

Thi* B»c***ltatad atuadaatc and a prIviAa dwelling, a* alakcrat* aa could atfUvd. AM It la froB thecumatann* t ^ lhapaat af MatototoiSB the white alapkaat ■uda Heap bnnhnpt toat.wa hava th* cxpraaBM la Ita papular conaaUtloa today.

JBAJ4 RBWTOM,* ---------- -—

* Pols CmIi (or Sport Waor,pal* coat* tor apart waar

hava taraad back ftaatt aad g rail collar all In oaa and lha a u t la warn •IlgMIr epon, bald la ptaa* M lr 'k ir th* taaat belt, ieparata coat* a t wael ar* warn with cpuvl aklrtn of w m I plaid ar with white Ha*a aklrta •uch a camklaaUon I* thaa a aklrt aad awaator

Red Ants Easily Destroyed If Measures Are Taken Before They Invade the Home in G i^ N jijail^


fO|UMOH“la draw-

tap arjpdlaitog, wBaVarauto Ilka ta' wrtie dU’ B kr iM T pto jMXr*** (torn QStalpk. l i varp raad .afgH ftn asp atoaa). M l aapaaiallp toff SB4 •atoUpp.''.

' ' t HBMKAl k .•waal VBlsstto RMld Ilka to

Ha* an t r a p af rad ante aver tava- ded pour hema daaCreplap pour oMa* tort and peaoa Of mladt, Aala ara a coOtmon houaekolA peat la aammer aa t whan (hep appear In' praat numbe* It daaa nol alwapt maaa toat tha houaa- keeper I* rareleaa or (Mltdp. WUh oar* (hep caa ba hapi kwap. but It wtu often aeem a kapalaaa tank und that* muat b* a tiffk ito tk* finlah.

In atamplna out aap-pagt It lu nlwapu beat te diacovor tkalr kcuadtnp plnaoa and begin th* praceaa *f eatermlnatlOR froen that bnae. Bad aata aaat In aaft looae aolt, prorarabtp In n dnrfc ■haded epot. Under porckaa a r woadaa atepa will ba u likely plaoa to look. Very often (hep can be seen oruwUng outiihrougk oracka ta tka kaarda bM

g ivaa clpa to tkalr aMllMff placaa to lek llB tla * p t la k |^ al*B« tha

andtkasw sakadto wito kaiUaB water It wia kill theta la grant *•■*• bar* befara thap can pet lata tka kaiwa, A toldUra a t barua ar paaat aaka wHh •agar plnead «ad«a ton aatSk ab ,i‘.tf fnaublc, win attract to«B aM i total, alaa A Baa ip ta r aSamlnaf til with pnaalana and a p m d to Mb M t*aM aaia la vary amSttVA hpt Botjba uaad acar nre ar M tiw M -M ib

ilM aadav.

to* t o &

1 w ttkjI IB tka tIdt 'lM t iM a a -.w M siM r'isM lto to

•O alto v c te^ «SI


Wkaa anca la tka kMta It la Hard** ta kUl thaa,' bat It «aa k* daaa If-aaNt* Ittoan to pravMt tokir MABd kp a m r iBiTlag Mwaakad dIahM arM fd too klichaa. Altar pr^artiig tb* WNSl, w ^ tba utaaMla laaad la ta lr aad 4* not taav* nncMkad vasatMHM ar*A but heap tkaai. Ik ak * g bat wlto a UA If tk* lap* S^i •r* re*ted ta pan* ar aoM wMk caftoa grauadA t akaceu a r A itwsiiw. It will pravant tha aata atawlfaiff BP tka legu onto tba tokla, Tk* tSM *f balllag pawdar cate will ha Mpad Inrga *aMik tor tola inMpaas. Thar* la aa aid toaorp that aata wRi pat eraM a aknlb Ua* aad {Main kbspawlv** bava fauad U aflMFva to ipalM a kraad ehalli Ha* niMRd tka M la Mkr-paadMa wdws w .h b I* •f .M M ran d k g a i^Bbka* H iB prp*ti*al .

tap all dtp attaahL■ *«*•*» ••■■* f la tt Ip aMarad m aaptotoara aPa

• a M Mava l u aavaia a tl aap Mncaa .i s ‘

--''Brvarad a fu t aviirf nkcal -and .fai aat. Mava w lM laa af miBr an ika takla arahial il, pa m i* bra Rtod • ( awaata

-iW ka drawa to touik iwat* fP M ' kb to aap atolB Mad at Iaa4 ■

' ' a l nito whtak - ■»(■■* « M i dPfliiB Rto

.M Kto

'■m b S S i

Your Hair Your Face

Your NailsOor ti^ a to n mb Bspart b .HAIRDRESSINO


<iacladiag Hmmm)P^MANENT WAVING

/v^HAMPOOtNCPAGAL MASSAGE ^(liidadbg nBRck Ibcfc), MANlCURING.«etc.• fiyi9« as higher ban yoa

^ .fW ordiatry sstfioe. •M a l i appoiati^t, to

tvoM viidltbg—cill MiiibBrry 3904.

M. PERCELLlatosmesce*

677 Bleed S i, ||eHwkd ss id Nsto MsadM.Alaly I

\ ]

R ig llB t R t o s P l q A f

nuinqjN scHOfHA

H :h ' I ' , / i >'I


WBiSTI bips Ihsai b s i |lB t ip Hak d id

rlhMB dfSSL -

S K 0 N B 6 R Gitc id w

IfW lBP ■ * i


M h ig y n r. „ f t i l m r • M B ^ b R f t m I ,t 0 m y o it w s PTO i f l l l i i tP fraB hft^ ’

ffSBi b t f b f t a i iiM t . fWWPKt i t 1.• M h e y n i r .

B y i jb W ii B o t B K l y a M ^ b i «m U B H « prWMe t b t to f l b W ! « * • • » •hto y t f I* * » • ;> » tr d sM M BKd vIumWW «W m > M b t « M w 4 a b i

•IW r •M M iniB R H | r dyw « • i i i thd t S b i ^ l

.’C anrl '-■1

i mU : ;

1 i -f: : ‘ i^^R Ym



■mmrn a m t M k a aallM HlM at aU l- mrntHtaamaaa amti r • • M « M « ir Um i !i«M at tiM •(!•««• ■ m l th a t «MMi't

U m h »H > w k sla I t . ' ' A b «B M w r r k r t M » t« » iO T w lU i tlM k M a f » n « l« l p r a t i t t« « ■ •

UM. nULA, <M)


' t ,


t ( b <

• f o l t i r .

M 'H r


Im t A u y o ur M i f ic e . •

l i u t n f ^ t , to a l l i lu ib u iT y

itELL, ' • 'V

T i T "

U n c le ▼ i ic i ly u d t b e H o o k e — B y H o w i r d R . G n r ie . '•, fc »• k.- . ■


c 'mmm ■•tkipi


All of o m M oft 0 n « iiti% t tm U n ^ l i , W itidljp Bot Is H b hollow •ttim o Oooffolow. rWulinc tho Cab- boRf t^ o f O o'BellB. hiB BVBfllnRpop^r, Nuro* Jan* KusBy lA’u u y . hi* m uphrot I o dh t) u • A h B i OBfijumped from hor

•fctjr and ^loiipr.! her p«*’e toflother.*'lle! W h3' ilw feUihlen outhurei o(

|oy?" ashed I’nri* iWlnkl.nR-hip plnU noff "I'ld >ou Bee aome funny joke fn the paper?*’

**^0 ). no. What makBB you th ink to?*' aaked Mias K uuy W uiay. and ont-e mote ihe ilapped her petee to> Rether

“You *»■< jtiat ne 'f you were a1 tbe movl^a Mill! saw ioinethhiR funny to I'lop Blip' aaid th,e bunny Rentlcman^ •m llini'.

“ l*m not «'laptilny'" replied X uri* Ja rte. ‘T m oitl) ir^Mir i<i -ul< h noine iro ib ljupra ih.-i- n .r f h ln f uruund. If l don't cniili ihr>‘M U|j nil myhInnUr-li mid )our •'•iihea, the motke w ill-' '

“Thni e-o^iM be i«)0 Pad." u i d the bunny “W r nhnll need oJoihe* and MankpiJi next trin trr ihouRh, ea It la nearly ih r K ounh of lu ly now, 1 am hot at alt raid. >tut TH halp y0u«4'lap

motile. Surne Jenr tt n tu it be f\in«“ ” 1 would ra ih rr >ou would put me up

M in i tiM k t !■ Ik* e toM iA ' m |« (k k ikH lU ’a l U4ir. '

"P u l k » k o « k i r cri*d ijnci* WIk * cUr> anC fcU pink noN iv ln k laC iw |o*

^ - T S i L - r Jtm» amt, K m k a i t r a HI k w e e « r ««M M, mkiPMta rkan ru iprlniilt

Park from tkr-eaCar I t u f t e o M i, ako t It UA a t« t o

itotkt wlll. Ctra ««mt to."i i q t p a o t r a ik o i U ntU W lc tllp , M

N u j^ ,A a i^ )tn ip * < l up and elappod kar

don't Ilk* tho omoll of oodar," aald tko m uokrat ladp. “l o I w lak ptk^d pu t aam t a a tra hooka up

% iu u e , M M lM ii t m Co m m m a frtW a l t v l e H a maa l U t M t e t f k N k* •• t low m 4 paltt* b t « * r hH pink, * f o t a w a r f r « t tk « hM o r a t t t im ttr lM U n e tan a . . I r in a llp ibo laot Iwok m a t M w w td

T h o t ho n t l s k M tk o pMoP a t d WMt ' l l . 1to hod, a t A la th o m ar t l t t , ho alartod to p a l Bp oomo o a i ia h a th a la tk a H ath claaat (o r Muraa I M .

"W ill you Uotaa fo r tko M a r ball and t d t p h a p a r 'a t U a d tkd a ia a k ra t M r up to tho acnw ad

"Do grau mind It I tr y Ihoin to ooa It Ihor a r t f tro n f onouphT" aahod tho k annf.

"]‘ll try tho hooka m rio lt," aold tho .. . . . . ekoo. ' I f you try th a n you may pat

10 b u aay iwelo a t ta r ho hM | r th» hooka w ill hold mo ihoy 'nIn 'M tk a M k dMOB hMho. poia ^ moth I auooo. t.ooh o u t tho

w oyr

UNCLa WIOOILT BHUT8 T H E BKEB III THE CLOaKT.aa f«4 t. "Do you think ih t m otha wUI i for me tn the b i f oIob«I. Uncle Wtffffllf» haiiR thenaelvep up on the hooka, and 1 U you ploMe-play l a f w ith oae another, and let o u r ' “ [ a h ill do It In th« m om tni,*' (he

"Wliat*a tho A R ito rt CBh*t 11m doorboll oM t o l o k w llolon fo r thorn- j bruohod Cnolo W it

' I l ly ooldo, and tho I M ch ap atoppad In •Oh. don t Im MUy. I maan will you cloaol to taa t tk a haako.

an o v o r thorn w hilo I ru n a ro r to Ura. ..h . i NaWo my ohanaol I kauo your' W Ibb low obb l.'. to b o r r o . oom. o u t o r r w itp l ly . o lam m ln t .h u t

houo.hoop.r. lo^vinp U.- n i aaow ar thorn If thoy o ik mo any olo| pm ; o « t r howlod

awoolloBo" apoko Ih i bunny, t to o ln t ,llk k -po^ pif. K oT tr' I’To e a n c h t you

O k. Pm not po lna to ta lk to you. p n . liow I'll oond for tho pollcomon *’m p a in t ou t fo r a w h ila I f anybody jiog,” Mid the bunny- And he did and c«»e» le t iKem t a r aald Kuree JaB«. ih^ poiuem an do« took the Bkee to

” 12’, „ . . Ikll fnr • »*dk- » u t Mnelo W lt t t ly. W _^W kl. onld Lnclo W it t i ly •« hod put up iha m aik b o o k , for N urat

P d t t ih t ou tra h a n t ln t j „ „ And i f tho rho tk dooon'l iur» kadk* ™ tho riooot and pro tty aeon ho -jp i, „ | , od It loao tho rod Ink t o u i a l n hoard a knoek a t tho door. ' „ „ niako tho b lo tto r b lu ih . I 'll to ll you

"Como In!" ha invHod. rcniom barln t , noat about Chela W lta t ly a n d i tho What Nurae Jan e had fold him. But firew o rh aynu can ImaRlne how eurprleed tbe ' __the b u M y Rontlaman wae whea in came , picittree er cbiierea are deeired fw wee the bad old Hkeeelclie, lo n i and lanky. •>**» Bediine fjorlee. Bend the l***Je_

-I w an. aouoo! I . . n i « u . o - t« r - t r . r ^ i a » . ‘ wh7crwpru*,;fur^^^^^^glad tho bad rh ap "W hat are you do- Urom lalMUor Horn* PaOo. Now ark Kvontt-v

l » r ho aokod Cnolo W ittily - Nawa. ! l l - : l f Uark.t .lr».lyou p a i t i n t up hoeh i to b a n t your

H h 'i kiHiiifii

f The Coolest Plaee in Tear Bu n /IB nU <dam H «r l« y tm t pdixk. liw lM d tt v tA m ^

ORSCO COMBINATION PORCH•aC MOtra M a fa ri M d a lta tu ra du rlo i Ib li n M M f, •lalM Uw datPMMi of lltd n 4 iMteH. r> \« v -

‘ 'f r t p a n fdp M M jw t vtatfw f, Inclotc yt«r ^onh m w , Wotoa dor Haakiot. Hot CanpBoH M tMaddaa tM M W e f



F e u rih of Ju ly etock jiif <m***1 on ly hauR my etoHtlnR up at

C brletfnat." eald Ifacle WiRRily, alowly like aftd aald, *Tb«ae aro m oth hooka for NdM e Jaaeu Pleaac don 't tab* my ■ouiw u n til Y ftniab ecrew lng them In (he citiMl.**

*’Woll, bo ^ulok about U! I'it.W aU here for you**' (be Hkee enlokerod, and he eet down n ea r the cloeet Vnole WlRRlIy e<Tewe«l In lh« lABt hook very

W o o len s


Here Is the Best Money-Saving News in Shoes YouVe Read In Such a Long, Long Time That It’s Going to Fairly STARTLE You! W e’ve Promised You a Big Surprise Soon—AND HERE IT IS!

In This Sale You Are Going To Save At Least $3.00 On Any Pair You Buyl

You Have Been Waiting For

SomeUiing Like ThU


It's Ikrtl

’ A

.. — «« _ Boxaa Phtinfy Stampad,Ytt. Aettnily, $2.98 ' M . $S.BSttndup.

Pmt Come, First iS o ^ ! Sale Starts 7.30 in the MorningillI f .iS , h r imtlm im i 'S m a iS m K kL im O M fa ird t,ad fn m ^ M i «1pp Haim m Aresm «h fU m tU m t^ m O M M L At tA M , FmtmaLmmtIm /-£>«fat TIm m tti Hmtmmm AtmmTka, fartmrfy m li hy m mt tkt B n g w t O k h i tA t tm d t t a m i ^ n g

W $9. t t . A i $4M , magm ifieMt Rwtrim CalfwirfaH B ffiwI m w s * f Ar iaat Jf.OO.

Now that yott’wB imkI thb much about ihie big sale, what do you tUnk about U> Ita t it woadarfuU bottom h an ’t dr^iped out of t b whabwabi maeket. or anything like th a t Yat there is a reason for tbs t s i ^ smash ih|A ura am maUaf in our pitoM. 'K li jnsl this: Wa and maW i ^ t s b b ratailaw throughout dia country haVs swung b to tins ^ down tbs bmiter of high prieea.oMs. last awl foirrar. Oaly. wu a n going to make a bigger israe of it than

In th b n ie wa b in brushed aU ^ siusty thoufAl of cost, n h ia or profit It’s not a sab to make m o ^ . h a a sida nads W V |M n princlpla. It’s a p A em dea sala- an itnsatfuh ntovsnisBt to nitica tbs faubUa

ilal, dtogelheiinhiild-ofaed daring sale. Into dds a u n t uaw ' doM thw H nib and ihoassnds of tham—fai all

h w a M ki HMadn awI naatha. and you wiH nat hk t j n adtgaaa to help you fa y o n aaberiaii.


Baby's flannels and other woolens know that they come from the tub dean, soft and w ithout 'shrinking when washed in luke­warm suds of—

Kirkmaii’s Borax Soap*


A nw it i ifwwiffwiu4 l pbdrf V


_ M r . 1.—Tk« M iw akM tar I I M r r iik lM M amlMoU tn m

• t ilkoat IM l«U«ia v r t tta i i ■ tn a i to tk* B a v * r« r ■• of » • r« u r l i t* ,

r k ton to* . « « r« e e e to i frw ii I t t a tka a n U v M a t Mat*

( M w tto a f ' c o rn a ra M a n t, I M M t l r to llaaato a a * i w e e n a * to ta rlk a a tk a rk a -

a ( tka lattoaa a t Ikaaa

? « ia« la iir a ttaak ad , taa -

■t a r k ar k a a k ^a tn M tto a ra ln a t ! » •

I tkraada n a ik ra a c k tka I a laiaat k jaU H aa l a f-

____ kaaarar, aaia a lr . (aa t^ f a r ■ aa ra tia , tk a ~ n ra tla • t to waa f ta a llr aaaaaalaatad,

, a l tk a D aaw a a d a ra iT tM a r I la a a ta ta , aad wtM Ja a laaa r

IS a k a W akalaa.I akaw tk a t tk a to a i la a t la r a t Ika takM -S ala a r t

k a t tka Bmpraaa. l a kar ) A a a a a tla a a llr laa taa ta tka la ta

__ > I tf la ta a a t r a r blai w klla ka laIM lW r w aaaaaa a a d Utoa to d ie ta ta

aaak aad k ak aria r « |tb ^ tk to a ka a t aOMtarr kaad«aarU ra. T ka

I to* fa ll a t kar d a ra tto a to a a d Ik tka kallaaai aa d d l r la l l r a f

I aad k ar a ra ra k a tto la a daaira > tk a Baikarar, tk ra a a k tka la<

a raM a a ia o ra t. j k u a a fa a ta ra ra ,

E aM kadar'A a B arraaC * aakaara fa r la T a a a r r r - tola * r t ta d b a ra t to a t i r !

I r a a 1 M 0 **. » * •» •* a r ' IraaaaH to tkaaa roH raan*

m m to tfaa r patU aaata a a w . ' a t tka M to iau ra a a ita la

a a a a a r . T a r la a to a a a aa i t | l ' i k a « |N l a ; T l a a r to tk raak

r i n tka W a M a ra " ,I J w la a ir a tO ra a d D aka N Itoolaa

I to tk a g raad d*k«<a a rM ljr aa - I to w a a l fa r t i n R aapaU a M al- » r tra a c tk ra tka K e ira to t'a da

j aka w rata -to k in th a t th*___ J apaaly ta IU a« a t tk a r r a a dit«rMakaiM U*

«*iii I ■

S t o l e B o d u s L t t t

iiApkepired for Cootrolfer

„ f a i r !.■Ikaakaaatale o n p lta a a a

r a a r tk a C in i illatoa ta d a r n iad w itk tka

aafeadalaa fa r tk a p a r taaa toia i ta to am ptoraaa

katt. H tka tlaaa l r a a r

Id M k r tk a O tII a a m a # I aad a r t*a r t r a r a d ky tk a S ta ta

aad tka a rp ra p rU - ‘ U c la la ta r a «raa

' dko ra t l u a a i l ' T ka to ta l

• l l ,M t ' a a i |» . a M a t tk a H to a a t kaa k am aaad to p ra- MN (a r taaekar* to aaMala I aa d to n a k to p wto

^ . «aa to tta to eetoN TW *’* * [d arrlaa d a rlag tka « a r . l a r i kda a l apdcato***tolr l a a l fraai ka t apaad ad > a lan caa

' MM* d ap a rM a aU arm ltakla , w klek w aaM a lk a r '

T kla tr il l d ia tr tk a tla a aC tk a aaaf

B a ( n a k a a a i aa t t o f to ad a la A pril i M M latla latlaB art

f ln M a C lta Ma la ik a a to U

a a t a r a c tk a 1 Uit da aat rdlatrlMlak

arw ikttoMladra lta f t» p a r-

p a r tM p a to

, ,

E xtra Sjlecialt! Wilt Band

f r w idWtoMil yra M^toiit| N D U f f n n r

X n f f MM CBt i r t w h o b o o m h i t M « d » ' f l o ta i « a f M t s k B « w i t k a t w i t i i t k a oon>< l n f o f h o t m a t h a r t h a n v l D b t a f u r t l w r d t c r a a i a l a p r o d o e t lo B , d a a t o t k a f a c t t h a t n a n v f l l a o t p o t f o r t h t h a l r b a a t

T a n o fa l f o r t a i r b a a t s f f a r i o f f r o m o p p i t a r i t i

6 - E

I k n s

T o a c a n o m t w a a t i i a a a B tia ] r a n i ' m a r ‘‘■ la ra ii'^ a n d a c t n a l l f f n o rw o d p ro > d i t e t i m I f J M w i l l b a t I n a t i l l t h a n e e a a ’ a a r j r n i u a b t t o f G a n a r a l S l a o t r l e F k n i .

Banniw * « I a • • ttet* «tM ) « l n ^ •np MiiBa dnU' iMfA

rmaJ Tomii.ooaoo(



W f t H o c C r to o l

Poalord P M a>r M o S i f t o

G - E F a n a t a er a a r a p r e d n e t l o n b r k a a p t o f j o a r w o r i t a n c o o l a a d e o m f o r to b la , t b n a o^ U b e t b a m t o d o t b e i r b a a t w o r k a r a a a n d a r t n a m o o t t r y t a f h o t w a a t h or e a o d i - t lo n a .

miN«>*t uaBn kiactric corpMstiooMb Ara> A IM h *l~ Wan T<nk C ttr

K. & Lathaai A Cooaanjr■M man at. pan Taia ittp

Rojral Baatma Elae. Sopply Co.l u w . a r tb a t . l a t a v a ra a t r

IH dtjrl Dectrk S a a b a a la ^ Nawarit. p. A


Aikmr h ik , K 1

NORWOOD HAUa Ocaai StockAtbarr Park. I t . t t tad a» dtllTi IM ap

aaaklp. ataap tlatti lakla. Wiilta aaurlaa.

H o m <Cm l Airj. • lUWOVlX,


ALBERTAe a to n ta Ata. PPaap MM.

A a b thk A ratraw .

thaftodorfck£2L *SL ______

Maak. a« u aa ia tt Laka. Konara w n IIM, K. c.



O rta all ■AWK.

■ P M u a a o c v i P m( laaallaa li

M ta a «Hh rar5 b > ' M k

m tth Arm. tf a .______ la Aaawpi pawl* taaartiad.«Hh nuBlaa aalar^ p natia tolha.

Alirak Traaa.

Marta VtoW '<ST

Bom ncm in}a n ta A n . a w toaaa.- Man* rka*a u i k

S iu q o ^


aaiar latfc*WP-


i l U n d


Oat: traM Oetaa WJ

T t n r

ittfMmtrt I/' IPnatIr aa tka naaaa

Plaa capa tp to* UL** Mria (PM P aan O M am ^ ItoBalBa I Otid aw Watar tai Paawa |

d .


I prtvau totha: raana rito ap tan w uta aw>PkMa arwav >00*

A iHM. Prop^iliilit,


u•A, - *>*»■ dto*~m o a ti ia P rira u Oaraa* Fa p rT . Aahurr PafC. M. J.

i E M E R E•"SMaaiM"daracSk*

l a a aatiwat

n B L A T A Y B rnrut Mkatlw Paaaaare hpawew

_.i| kwaurul hpMa* prt- ■lat kaabtPr ap a rin aan

aaadla hat: nw aa

:tiO fiLoaai S Pndar.

m nnmM a.ffB .'Tss^ warn all raaaaai aaa. t l. p J. TUtaa

n c T M U g g ^ ^IKVIMBHOUSBPawa-in* rk aa . MIW. Mra W.

. ArSNUP JN aahp T ir v iw p

BUtoHo«itl*:jaaala larma

•ka Aa*. aaariaakiaa •af Oawa. PaA M te -A -TPM P

ALHAMBRA U 4H a a n l lm ~ llaabr I 'hlaW *TS •aa Pi rip ia a i l a a P in al*

w a a a w M P M p to ATV.Aak*rr ParE PatVYAIIMIr;*^ Id r t a a l u watar lam. jr^warmak.MONTAUK HOTEL

^mt An. aaA Paad at Paarr P, papa,TUEruNiiDA 2 ; - ! : ^nuh.j CRtArtir. IM.HOTKL CHARLES rtk ATaaaairawrwn Knnrwaew aaiaa daw; partfca* Aaeannafataa I lk P. J tC

Ocaan Grof% H A

BjM M n;

Wtolls•SMMiFottf^Pieee R eed FIbtify

^ d J s a ? ? & j iH n j a ; , Z r a t i ' I M IJ rMfcer. ssito*. M i r tsW#} fSSbfvsMs MSi- B D QhmUri^t «f ftMM hmamrnt wittoawt fdOswii wnm

flsM Md r«eM: less « i i


SURF A V raiw HOUSE__blsek t* MiSBsrsL b#mn eeektns.Om W*ek t* MiSB Hid A«kiii7 Mod-

BookUu Bldrtdift Bres.

HOTEL LB CHBVAUBRM Wato 1 B w hCaatiatr lacalaf :

II *T»..• mi . )H OeeSB PSthwar- Lerf* twwmt, fjif

fpeelal rsiee. tl.1*41*1. ilUMt 4 or norr O. WINOLC.

endBWlMi MNiranB At«. omJsR* Ha riirBlflbnd reoni. A. M. Vi« kklte.


ahurr A». Tat »»W P- * Wapkla*halt


OCEAN WAVE ipowlna Rye, rnn oyr lt>L Wm. M

B oscoB a r f j j :DBV1U ItAWD Hoeeui—DBini OTATTlWtikturdijr dlkiier Tb**-

kresItfMt QIC.) M-H iyinitdld moiliM&DVtBW I* Wokb Avesuop st**k ddlWinVIbTv I'MclL UfM n*rt*5

ftod teWe; TnA*pi»k1e. MIw A. MUOHE%

C O R D O V Aaaiytart* Paaaa IMJ. -A P PICHAXUr. r»o— ■inw- rra. <w

T H E P E R R -m N iCar. Paacll aaA Wahh Araa P C Patfaak.

THE MARGARET \T•Ida r®oma xi.ftnaiiT, Pkaaa IITI

CRYSTAL WAVE ?L.k."*MnStn ilfp^e: mod, ritoe Kmilk*l 4 los.

ffed_ej<_:d, A.jmtiY_HAI .I.>VT»to«» AraV kiato■ aA U i|.„g i agaa* aiatpl*

ipaa a a to rd ar O r a i to p P a g l M a'ClaaPaAMHM A U . PAT K m A T . dU .T I

W o t i f A R T f l ^ K O o S C o

> ' ; / / / 7 / > ' ? / / 'n c in c iF

6 ^ 6 4 S p r ii |^ d d A f4 S k !d le w a ikX haCestw illM I that U u T M K m r


R. A

Op tha BoardtrafkT h e N e w C o lu m b ia

RSLMAP, P. d.auppppLv tAK'At'KO rACiNutMP'*PAi R P iu M in p ic T U i a P lr t 'l i s ia P K D t p p w i (imoi;t

oR cPB ariiA roKCERTa rPIVATE BATH HU Laaa aWIM-HIRn I'lOL, (lO l.r, TBHiMP ANDTACPT ci.i‘aa IN phoxipitt



I M E EDWMID, h e .


Of MW totocreie oeMiricUeB end refur* Atotord i l reft *f flH .III- bax«nou« lultea l-t-d neine. bkthn end ubooep. hot eid cold « e t« r ta *H r»^>nn. CaM «ilr 1**' very *x- cluilve M trenei*' Twelfth oonneih.0, WIUJ|ltlO!^iy>______


R i u t l u kot i s d eeld %«l«r eTery roomJewtoh dteidry !**• cbearved.torn halpmhm, Msi^

SAGAMOREHOTELL retWfttokedi Mder new ewneKe

nsHMeiiieiti ktotk hou»«a; FI iRtb rutnlir: ipede Her t t ; epMUl pecontitjB Day rilM.

M*t«l m efc ii H i Laekiwaiaa llallraad.Tible M ir^u eed . Fm irh MUtry a *Mr- Inltjr. Alt roomn vltk n siilsc water and Alpclrte Ufkta. Bieellent M lklnf Waek. bontn. ceneea; lir** daaee kail, toawMss. GlllUrdn. Speelal AcoemnedatioM for ante

lerleia _ RSlti aad hnefclet. peaVaffteetearlelaatiuBto Lake MwtdMH *r Laadliur.■ ‘“‘iXlILJ. P. MULL

ROCK SPRING HOUSEipoawpop, 1en 41; IlMIrtAIAcMmntonlati. . . . . . _w--— i MEW kMt

taU a boarda free* j|C « , nUk^. . ------*lSli MMria, MhawTilabldia, ewi hrtn . PalVAtC taAKC; TCAtINU^ BATmifil, n U I fN a Maaklat.

feoftta, Matk ..WM


Oa aaan af laka. TaHa aaw nnw ad. Era aPaa araiiua: P rta raraadaa Rataa an («aklaT. jA PPa aCBlEA. Pra*

DeoipHouBteerha ^•

fju 4Uk«r 4t|ri. rarmC'mlUd;U Laarge. adr>

!f. J.

Lm i BoiimAi A A


Aa. a»a». JairPaaal*

ULMkTHE WHiMINGTONUtff* rtry rooiDs »■* tekle. >. M C E,e%le.

SPRAY VIEW, on Oceia fhm lO M tH y IM iend fer keelUei. /. WkHs,U fT V P K tt Bmkufy Av«. ... _____n U P I A U rm>wia Near ill AitnctiMrt.Th^ p^ket.

Alt ««tol4e bitnctlMi Ni yaTPP

THE PALISADEtoa#r4lM *wd table keard.

AirSto MStoUffr U. Ort

OUVB HOUSE 2,«V S 2amilal Jana nn«* a. la MtWPAP.I. L. »'

Ckr. A AwM xavoih eera^hi • ww- vvnevwww

H r tP t lN C E S Stoulh CarollaA A n., olaaa la baash aa tJMia*l Piar. In n a a t RMAania rNm A hatal

Nickof ataal. brpk aad alaaa tOBairuaUta. Nawlr ransdalfd Ikrtaakaat. PPvatar.awlr tai _ ___

. -nin» In roonva r r ln ta balk* ta .H a* A n n . pla*. Bwalal waakp. rn a c li chal. Picallant tabla. Pathlaa

hatal. Bath kaun* ahawar baU* Baaklal aad aala n ap wallad. rALi. r. HiiAKrRtNa. o*nrr a m *

SuiS'Etoxa ro3Eim EiaxCT


ELDORADO HOTELjry*%iaiy.btirdiy ___PhiMrtfT.

MAIN AVE HOUSE-------- -------------- --------- ----- artentn; renmi niggle «a4 h i Rille: _weekly or by geievg. lleeiM ikbresg^ly__^•ted . Og« Ueck to keiek: e»p. Beieh asd Meta A vee. U id f owieyM * ■ n—geaieitl.

Gmnd Atlantic HotelBetck end IfiUi Are. IsyoM ig. WewRi

by dby, week, or eeiapii eiMAiy l l t j ^ •MiaieiUlloa ideil: eaMerig Miiing M „_______ ___illlW * mrfakK.THE CHCL8EA B eiik Are.Mb blocb from oeebA Rgdolal Fourth *f duly Fbte, SftturtUy ifternoos to Moidiy alifkt.i

ikdoAtni kreakrAbt.- y --------

Blnglo. I t . dogbie.SUNSET

loRbie. MlIxiSiMK ___ Aaaiiarium

. . . . . **d E-ackl Caa-iral Afi., n im aa la Pacilalaafc at. A Pt dlatat n a n ; AmarlaaB waa, Owaar-awa- a j . i ^ iii _ M» a n d p k a J a aw M T.

WTSL ALBION•aid raaala t watar•laTblarj arabaatra. Qwaar aad Frarrlatar.

HOTELt# r* « 3

£ a ll __ESAjrroiia^WlUl!j|MtiF JKJ' KmaAlb mar Nark

Aaaerieae-Sae- tawa abaarrad.■OOtJINPOP.


F o w F i I'MIk am‘ja*:rpapa' 'lit "i.'

B R E A T T tr W ^durf At*., el the ooein. Oeois OrsTto N. 4,

............ “ NTFORT,r V. ktON'C im A T K f|4**r all AttractleniL •soetleat table. IIMaegemeM F. w to

I 0«Mk FaikwaF Fall m a s view.

ta*T9 «k alnr rooskSp

THE5 \_______H, K, aOHLAMO.

M A j r a T i d

Maatlant labia, apto. tatw " ayw ftk . Naw w a p . K; P O P l

pmimTBlaninr aa rr ln


I S B O J N C ^ ^n Mala A n . tofaraa* ptgn.

I t Pain A**, halt Moeh is

AB aattMa w aai* aaarakphi

rbaaa IMtb

m p ou M u,

U n a w P b w * . P an fm atow aadP E aw P b w to PaiM biafitow toPfl lan . k k ^ w d lawPitolPrlMwn* ritwM P it* h w p to d n d ^ Atotoa | t o P apMIpi HI

EaaanwpkaaJta^d SwE

Hotel EsplanadeWBOLB BUCK <w ocnAM n oim

to B anrrif a f t rla r inevQoiL aakai

Overlooking [o o e a n , l a k a I

jUadetoto ko^**)ikr Ralde M* ug, Booklet. y jU ltM to. M m toiLO*MT aad yrog, f

THE iI aNYMORT taaP : jaaric ■, r a d a ^ a pal. jtrwaaaa: am IM.B a u a » » a - r i A B s s W a L f - * E . i p L u i a .

1 5 t o 2 3 d a y sTwos.diirdi nf dw thM nt ranGuat wans rLssr iiee

r tparidO EMPEnctod fpr (PEE* ' HPWBto lkgl*h*rihaarbaSi

S ka had k i tE m a w kh m in toa t a E a M r a a m E b t o a . t i i l m

dinHkttoalUmnra fnutroob

T H IM T O M . J 7 «dr ol

alaac* In th ifu,i*t,ii*.». «

«M w ar* than apna r t r a a thi tM h r tlw I t t o t a n r a r lati v a rd a waa ap ran d ltla n of ti a aa t him by B

l a m aking f a r tha appr<traaau ry *f(lo f ta a balanoa n tk a bao lu It ' b a lp tt of tho I th ^ t l a n l yoa tU ^ T l .M t.l l . a fuk llad n a i l t r r J h t la n c t to ia l roaouroi r o a r will Or I

In m aking Rooui rrcal

Id tr ta a u rc r karttanra 1 tUM i t . : i i . i m r . 7 i

a ov rr 1 In iara i

to/o f f le t from I

o f tha Snprrr i m . m ; r i r r e l t to lU.OO fiam lii .o o r eiwaaoi w ort m anta.

L apard t p f ya*r andlng 111 1.417.41 would otharw t a M.t7T.7M. *Bproprlailontr ta a n ry w« dauhlad. Tha tha follow ing mtaoloa. Il.<H aopitat. 140.1 a t ll b r id g ta i

B O S T O Nand N ew Eoi^and Potato

via PALL RIVER L in e

IriNW V t t f J l yaortli A n and P at., I m u T1U aA | « , hlaeka baaeb. Rataa •II » t i l . apaela) rataa flrat I waaka Jsly , i ChriailaB maaaaainiai P r* Oaa. C. TayW

THE CARIATONpartty SStt raiee IS I -m

. . . to. 4.t ^ a a front Cn*

iwa la Fooet V ‘g'i;VoVa“C M P Lodyp **' ***f a « c k : ra.finad: hamallka; alas.; tsiito : ■male; caa M; IU isH « :b k lt. E .H H .U aMPLPMB INK—N*w maaantiisBi. Idaalty

laaatod d i m t l r ----------- --------P lai Kaakact as* ta t. Wataa


THE BELMONT,Irik ^ n , m m banck. '

N .XJ. Watak, Pro*

to t lU k AN.. PalBi •tk ot dkIwEpaolal

ft**>. t». Ww. aisd*


Nlaaty J •r a la h •d m mi. with ar w iih n t b a a i f (iw w ar b ath * O m m ln a ta ja baasb

p r m iL L ir a , t i o c p a n . t i P w a V p

GRAND VIEW COTTAGEalk. H ttblar i> X !lig

Oa Pa*iand nai.pWRiM latrlt

Hatblaa Ilka It far Ibai thiaa honuHaad* to -


GnM tCsttogB p A .ii’"“ *gSStoBioalHBi laHa. Mot aad sold walS.

BAYADB HOUSEModera napU, { _ reagQgnteo latoa. , ^ Ontad V tov Av,

blnok ______, OAcollent toklo) MRS P. KUIB

THE MAJESTICFew kiln, bn Bnnok. H i m It faraintindjimau q*»4 saMn, illta. ‘ ---ilnMi m


Oasd baardi airy rawm* mla It baaak. “

Idaal laoaitoa, (4 >4, P r* Wataoa.

THE WAVERLYlip*te>data reoaie gtod anartraanto, roaem- ■bU; to klook from bench. MBi. cw oat.

NEWLY OntNED HOUSBLarge, nlry, from neack; rMtoWMitS* rMcnn, two blMha

raten. W Carr Aea.

ELIZABETH HOt)SB?.,“ ' ^All oa titla ra a a * P u S u n t iHlariaK An POPPBT HtHTM.

modalad. _____labia U ariaw A n


BEACH VILLAfarata k a i/ra amai dhtog raam r k t a a l l i Mn, M. wLamaa,

THE ST. JOHNAt baasb. ruralahad roamai p iMlnai f r n nd* laraa parthaa; bathlto ffw* M. 0 . OtolWbd.

HOLLAND HOUSBoa Raasb., . Apply MPElJ I i P P P PP *.

CONTINBNTAL .T iM im ii A n , a ta r Saaoh. Always <PftvBta hatha; rwaalaa wsHr la r s M i a lan ta r; . Mcallaat labib; wbHa \ tsrria*Amarleaa plat. lAtO ap dallri -----waakly ralaa r “ ' --------T*t Al3ST0N0AM.

(.aarlaa 1*1. ------------ ^ ta n watar hatha; roimiiit watar H raam ; altsalsr. Eapartsr (•bUt aaa* oaa rala* (^natb a t (rMpa

w, l ^ rA. P w aiarr, Ifn t. W. tT L a rito m .

t h e DUDLEY fW U r.t'T T *a7lnmweemeina^rJm^kntiUL

VnnraeMat l a a l l

r a * W H I T T Ut i r a d v i j r . f s k g i g f c aMAirMium B x a j i y ^aad ^ t y a a p la f ,


• fM * Otto* ***k.« 4 r *$■«• ‘a x e ip y ,IM P S

A 1 Y . H O V 8 ]


.jw a w m m wmm wt mmt■ 7 . THRFAMBIINB . T

PBAimw p p o o p IruraPaad rosau

a n r Wawark b n t , ♦ ] l i t r a y t .

V 'y M u E H fH ^ A A

S l^V IE W H O T E LDirattly a> Pay. All a tw da nwaa* im rn twtibai, " t o S i t o laniad. Iffiitllaa b id ilaw raaa pMa. CHAB. aEllNERTMEr

Hotel Brentwood"Tua Idaat yaiail)> Ucwra" Pathlag tm .

yittaliK. raadr btarh. Ttaal* (M lTPaH *t'NWB.THE CARLYLE HOTEL

AK» PEETAUPAKT Oafi ralliaad tlatUrtt boar keaek < landing. Pariaenent aad tiabltonat^


rb ars tak ed y im ad a ; baaaaooahlagj fm at*i•oh to lafc* Uador ■ u oi iw iot to X toag ■hatdsB, Notoaaf. n a n a l iy i iT PaaEmC

Laiga Two ■


F O R E S T H 0 U 8 1

Mral ia lL lOat *w i 10 llM Waidmoro laauroo a rotara. Tho a ( ^ Nawtoa P o ltn M o d la toa 'll.. I, clan lawab

with Karto yorawi'a obilatot l a p n dpettoa > b a na ia i l td

Uotol•nlua far lakia i a « a - --

J. MAtoCH]Mbfianr bearierg. Aa i

I dbiitry r<M;qa

MOUNTAINSIDEINNAARlIaltllg, battoUg- L a m

kWriu predaeiib » v»ir»irifKRa

l e « i Teim Dpjr’p OpHBg EE * TacBitEE El


Tka Moat rooan. ariordlag

— •-— Oommaaloraad atbar

tosa B»sto ■»—b

auaaa w Itta n a le a t l ie a

£ Kmat M a l f i ^farff

______ t«r»l4«B ntf aekMFr•nHa«e Am * I* i t . O a a c ^

oar diroet ta iea ik

rrttfhM M k A A

MARSHALL HOUSaR n m . m i b ^ S ^ w f i t a r a . H, oTarltoklaQ oen*. f r n M taM* L*r»* abady m n a d t.


gRIEWBBUUr COTTAGEOn walaf Irewi Be#4«W. kaMa f , Oawd bapia f a t o l ^ . A i t t P h e



lE W B H O U nB g ^ s y j a r V T t h

***** w........ -be*aw iSew jhl

wo uImW l* .

t m o N


m x m mTHE CARBOLLfbN •

*Eto« tokianAU1 ^

Ulbtoto Ha T


. e«fpiidP tPoliito -,tle ir r ty n a ^

i i# 5 F S 6 S ”

P ito Byloadld maamrto la aa • m t o ’W y . iBcHdlaa toi

'ikialHi Ca n to t B ito iratCaaL OamtortaMa Malt R<

p t l i i M Pari*«s MaadaodSourtidbl •a*Ia« Timi. Oaa

lAltrra n R lnr L it* daltr ai nN. R, (rallad W.). t:H P.

aarrlaam l


IL (FaUed « .).Diio peoton, foath Btatloa t i l l

Loadip (Korwteta •ttiday, pier 4 itk , 4:i* P. H.

fitd I p. m .

i Uae. I. M. ■- Pier TS,

«*, dally oseogtiaj.^Ptor IL, fe. R jCatheHa* ' “ If, B, ii. (ltdEL). I r p.

fu l l- ....... ........(p o sM ta f i . ) a * EiiaOar. * J* P


B i « ^uota AvenSUMML

AclMdiag ate_-t 0 ^ m -r*

ir .. A

lar* 1»UBS



' ^ 2 S S ^ S 6 7 I S p"M W W ikeB f t * ^ Jtow Toefc



r a W t ^ X fW H j * J ; j 3 * E. PW Z S hS o K (R O B W W P U V P I,

Hmodatn •*.»

I nl:*»>. M. 2r"•ir.

. Potooa I t . wk. daya aaly,Pr. 7*. MR. itd * t. « P. P.


: U - .II

fTwoi FIflikaaii

itIAM MMTI'w o n DATa n d evn d a v Trtpi>PtleM M *to

E At O H T d l l .


"“ ^SA IfllD A Ytram K. P I.taa im ida,a.

nha rq iara : l « atiauiar w ant daa IMi madara l»pnr< daaP tE . taoBi*

M oa rooaaoLCAMPRBI.L ~

■amnba tg aad

MOEOOR P. Tg w a a a w ^ ^ ^ W «^^toreWtojtotoe ii* Bp

THE EDDV f a r mOb W af (ba n w l baaatlful tddlao oT m DtlBwan R lnr, IH -atn farmi toailBg,

katUag, fltolac. laaaht baaoball. daaoiBgi dara toprovomoata; aooon IN ; tooblat

I . N. Pjttowaa Surm abnA N.T.N.T.

A katiarbaiilii; PoBiarlia aitonai u K ffW,

IM m o p WK* G i n P a

CASTLE I N N;WAPB WATBI P kP , p a~B* Imti ~W riaritir Paradp* Awa w ia ar Para

P M a i a a . P lrttiw r *M«| nag a w i to

: H * 3 l -» r r f td P f f


T aPa

h o u d a t '

S U N .to M O N w J iily A iA S SteA S teu n erto *^ nu id R epnU lc” i e s n : ! .S ra d a l B epI L fP . W J m 8 1 , I U 4 A J I .

, W oaEgaya I t o


BEAR M T.“ ••S !? ” S tr .C L E R M O N T

ru k

r. dmvfi ilftto f C

pe* M*jsxi*ar^ito%

Fere SOeBoond T rip

V p I w U HiV Ptotq p i g i M M W iio g k 'fN

C ^ L O N l A l p . U N M

B O S T O I ^ I M OP R O l

■I’ i)U

ri'-, iM M


'll VJ * t


t aim aiaytoo



, .«bw. 'C-; '«Nra


o n -

JL* k ;•f-*. . :t- • 11:11;



*4■nisM 7»tOVM*»*• tti»>m M ,(«•3 ~PON" jt »*



hlandci^i s s r a .

•K . M«u S k» Tm.

tM O N T

I*Fl^ m

W p ■ ••«. « v ^n>>r


Fwad; Ttv^ About$l,000,000 Over CoutroUerV

EituiMte in March.

Tou) $12,671,969.32

THINTOK. ra )y I^ W 1 » B th« lU U 't r* a r eioMa rM ttra a r ih« (tm

ea In t h n 'tT n u u ir amonaMd t« Y U ,t l l , l lM I . «r a«pro(linnt«lT ' CM n « r* than th* •■ tlm nttd (t m fedl*

M M tiv n n th* appropriation* eonuBlt. CM h r tlM lU t* eoD troIltr and a u t* tPMmnr iM t Unrch. Oovarnor ■ w ard* wa* *pprl**d o{ th* c rn ttfy in f M B dltlaa of th* tr***arr la * U ltarn in *«Bt him bp B ut* ConIrolU r BuabM .

I* mnkiBB th* *it1ra*t* of racalpU f a r th* approprU tlon* comiBltta* th* t r a a tu r r *((lolal* plac*d th* probabi* tr* « balanc* a t •l.tfl.dOO. tn b a U a d a t th* book* It wa* found th a t to tal ra- balpta of th* a u i* from t i l aoure** for UtA n*cal y*ar ]u*t olo**d unounU d to

Should th«H roealplt b« •Cukllad n»xt ]r*ar. In addition to th* t r a J balanc* on h*nd la*t n lfh t, th* to ta l roaoure** for th* p r t ia n l (lacal r a d r will h* IM.IOi t l l 71

la m ak ln f th* catlin ti* of mlaeal- lamaou* r*c«lpt* th* o u t* controllar a a d tr*a*urer f la u rtd ih i i th* Iran a ftr t u a r l ta n c * U i drp*rtm *nt would rM lii* ll.tlo .ooo In d c id of thia M .lK .ttT 7( w u rra llird . Oth*r In* M at*** over th* u t l tn a u * w*r* a* tol-

' llaara: Iut*r**t on depoalti from | 12C.- to tltdrdOO; a e r ro u r r of atata^f

/o (fle* from |!C 0.«hi) to 1110.d««: d a rk o ( th* Suprrm * Court froth IfOO.OM to tl ia .d td : cl*rk in Chani-arr from |H .> •M to IIC.IIOO; D epartm ent of Haalth fram Ill.OOO to • Hmallor In. efannoi war* ahown In other dapart. m an ta

Lap**d approprlailon* for th* ttaeal « M r andlnp yaa te rd ar amounted to l l lM f f '4 4 R aapproprlatloni which would Otharwla* have lap 'ed. am ounttd to II.ITT.TI*.*!. Kao«pl tor thoa* r*- approprlailon* th# caah balanc* In lha tm a a u r r would h*v* ba«n n tarly ddublad. Th* p**pproprl*tlon* Inoludtd tb* (o llow inft Brldo* and Tunnel Com. tnltolo*. Vorrl* Plain*H oapltat. Itid.ddO: Btato Normal Sehosl a t O laaabpPi «*; purchaa* of |to ll brld«**i I lli .W d : * ttt* u** #y*t*in.

^ - J




CO.South Bread S treet O ppoelte Central R. IR. -8 td i* a

G O O D N EW S!YES, i«dl 0**1. Mf *• recdlvBd PfWi »uf b*Mqiuft*ra In

Now York ■ranllot «* pcrmlMlon to eontlnno our Mtiaailonal On* Dollar Sale of Tlrea w«r the Fotirth of July holiday*.


Buy thtm now, whon you can aairt aloney, and do away with the poe- elblllty of mtrrint the pleaaure of your ouitni with defociWe or in*

' lufrident tito* and tubM . Read on:S ta» 4 an ) M a h e a e f


Vacation NeedsBulling Suits Tnuiih Raekete

KedsThcmtM Bottles

Daylos and Batteries Fishing Boots Fishing Coats

Raincoats Canoe Cushions


If you huy an extra Here’i a U*l


OoamtdMl Mod Mlha l O i t . P riM f20.0S

Two for $21.06•OtlH. rrtee lic e t

Two for $27.69Other etiea on the idiiM

lire and a lube tl the Hat price of Tire* for Your Choice.


CENTURY-PLAINnELD Hundred# of Flral Tl^e with orltlnil

eerici aumheri til wrapped at they left iht factory, alte In ihli tale.

Essex Tre aid Rnblier Co.233 HalaeT S i Newark, N . J.Q fU ntry er4«r» uB t* 4*^

A uto T n ei-* w k iL ufiage C a n te ti

' FoldincCluJn Foldinf Pafla

Lifht Auto Coata Spot UfMa Grease—on

PolMi—Jacka Tire Tools—VnlcaiilMn Blow-out Patch ea Ete.

Kedi! Keda!, The great aumtnar shoe

for old tnd young, for work ind pliy. We have the complete line to show you—rightly priced from

$1.00 to $4.75 P airCheaper for the kids

' than leather ihoea.

M IN O R R U B B E R C O .**lf I f s M a d e o f R u b b e r W e B a v e it**


For the boy or girl who has paaMd in school or for healthy exercise for summer months.

SPECIAL 1Complete with coaster brake,

ipring siddle. mud guards, rubber pedsis. roller chain.

$35.00 $40.00mke Urea and SopfUn

Wholeaala and Retail

A Lucky SignCEB the fMtar abom below an Um wMdawa

leadinf aloctrlcal. hardware, dng, eaie acae 3f7 end eportlac goods dealarK ■So dtagliv Aa

Eveready $10,000.00 Coih P r iu Contest Picture

mtuf • " ^ a * £ r .\)^ Tg4»7—f» t« «W i IbmpM f M i n

*a>wm, **.naap m r*o Shi*

MIS I* **lr ■ blackHIT * v*ln*bl* •* . __,tp nSucil** la E » * r* * e f D*al**»*

wmnlw* lit* •< I w m Ot D ty l* a*d will tiM k*lr T*4*:

IB col

iWhat does the letter say? S10,000.Q0 in Cash Prizes

U ,m M V in t PriM $l,0M.«t S « » d Pitee. n « d r tw priwi af IS0P.fl9 SM* e * f » «« * MMTdf Avw J7» «

M $10.00^104 cAsiaeM f wfc e #rtw

T OOK «t thia picture; use your fanagi- * ' numud below ,'a^ o will eupply ^ d a l L nation; think up a good anew w m ' Cooteat Blanks R u l« and.fgvelve WOC& or I m , t T S aueetioo. t ^ ^ d W o n a printed in fuU on the W a # D o # p T /io L e« « r S d u r ^ * ? Wanks.Befora you write your anewer to w in Remember A ere fa abeolutely N o ooe^*

• • * ------ am ore JVdoW ^gaiten. Men, women, boya andgirla—y vu n f and old—a ll m ay enter w ltb o tt coat*

! * 8 f F

Lkt of M m . u i* Conttat CmOSa**

- - 1 1 l a i i i i lS.M **(li.......•*<h---- IS

IM PriSM -A M W U t will b* J*e f« 4

art ow n ib*a IS w *n *. I f «w* *r mat* tamattMti*

neMMsby tb* *ait*n *( “u r r tea mm igw a. KppboaaMd watd* **wh •• ma ^

ariiriii!ni!K.‘3rA s l .*" ■“ " ““


I b M P f " " e 8 w w T m E viiftiD T $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 C ash P a m C o n tm t P icn ras In C o io F a O n TH ii* W indow*

v /" NEWARK’ "KG.Ka*aig

r - t Bm 4 i t' BnJi WUaan

, t i l CMaSaa A**.

; .•T tfA W r

G. H. BraaS, Ina. aa owMral A«wCMdral Stafagn BO. Ca.ess CiaMi '*»»TSa Clhnaa NaraRy Skop aat CiMm A**v• ,J ^ ‘UOmiv


t. ^ : ___________ ____

i.' ’ Oa.> few * iBB AamaaRsi Ca*- ^ a i t M . r r*ye*M A m ,

|1 JWlA


S S m fU J

. «M O M sn Am. i-R

y , / f ______



ei WaahMotaw tl.

CRANFORD ' Uwaad OnwMaain A*at

DOYRRGaa, D. GaatMar IS IV. M**«*n as.

n * Oaari * Rtehorda Ca. '* it naligrta

. ua WMseo as. aMMfd P. Want

,^ ;^ E £ W w B ^ C a .


Si' <

h r .' ' . l

M S -'m m

NsUona) Auto Acc. Ca* lei Main a*.

JamM Owen, Inc.4S* c**nl AmH. Rainer

■I* I 'ta tn l A m

Radio* Crelo Co.IM as.MS c*afr*l Am.

SlMperd AaW Snoplp Cn.1*1 ctatia l A m

John A. WlMara an M*M at.Aahland Ante Shop. Ina.


ilSa Ek. Shan sen fcrtatnall A*n

isttisric.. ' * * ,* ,* •■

im apaiaiiiB mw

'. . .JIAOipOlf,

NILLBURN Janwa B. Owen. Ina.


Mate fLlatdaii Bn*.L a Onno

ta* Beast

f V

w y i i i « a a ^Ww

IIS _W. R. Baacha

U* a iilM WII Am


M« FraaklM A mPandira Pmg Blan

fMMhi A**, A 0*a*av M '•O U n ORANOR■ n asaan* mm


Value $12

White Oxfords(Of Smartest Buckskin)

One of the many ecfisatlonal valnea In our


• 7 . 9 5 ‘ < 9 .9 5ValuM up to $12AllSkm. All Sh^w.

Values itp to $15

All LAotken.


IM lu i in triEiET I Deere friB Im iin nmv Tonn

isam aa isfiaai- m a *. laamat. la ibaa i i u s l llbAttTy, adnm.T*. IM-IIHh BM Car. sc a*. r«*. S^ t. C*f. 1*11* , sSb Bi. r*»> aib A*. N K w m h a a Mtk at. Off ita A*. i

i-iS if


Get Clothes for 4th of Ji|ly Here; Men

and Women



I Mm




42r iT fir a

DEAR LADIESMenter invites you all—m ir-1

rlcd or single—to get whatever stylish garment you want for| the Fourth of July holidays, on generous terms of credit—just | a small first payment secures the garment. Welcome.

Silk, Cloth and Wash Dresses, | Cm Ib, Blouses, Sweaters, Skirts, P e ttico a t Millinery, | Girls’ Coats, Boy's’ Suits.


I Tike 25% Off the Regular Prices—Do it Yourself

Uan Your Oadtt, Saji Menter

p, '4> .$


1 J

Cal ■ 940 Sait for *30-PWy $2.00 Down aed 12m Waakly,

Col a see Salt for $4e.7&—Poy $4.00 Downan4 $4X» Wookly.

Gat a IBOiOO Suit for tSJM. t i i n i m tndSaoOa waok.Ool a S42.50 Salt for S30JS. lailOlawB oa4lAOOa «oak.Oil a 110.00 5uH for S45.00.S4B0d«wn and MXIO a wtak.Oal a 4S2A0 Suit for $4090. liOOdawa an4 MBO a waak.Q«t effSOO Sail fW 180,25. iSilO 4 m and lOdlO a waok.All Maholf Md Pain Baoah Sntai ai much

• ^ S S m f in abava aro taeludad la IhliI oala. w t dn M «a advarUaa. Maotar, iba MMdIr aM«a 7.


Vi'V 1 ^1•'M4

«»: 14 • *t

■J V.;- “ 0<> ••

>n*, ry —-'<*7W{W

'.W J W

Srtore W ^ B e .0 1

■ ’/irfy Srd 'i^BtttealBi Jaly lOth, iIm Bambtrict «tm

w iilit etawd At) day tvtry Saturday up M u d iMladlnt StpMmbw 4th. '

■,,JV ...

llHt8 idllillir 1W * P • • • *

f -:-

O n e 9 / “. ^ m e r t c a ' a

• ;f



G r e ^





One of Our Biggest Events in Years

Sate of Silk Dresses

A ihontand very beautiful models for sports^ street, and afternoon wear^ made up in the superior quality weaves that you associate only w ith dresses priced two and three times higher

Three Hundred White Lonsdale Jean Dresses for Girls

9 0 . 1


On Sale, 3.98Youth Hti


Which is far less than their retail price would frf, if they did not represent a remarkable purchaseWe will not be able to secure more to sell at this price.They are beautifully tailored in approved regulation middy

styles, with shield, sailor collar and correct finishing touches.A black silk tie gives the appropriate "sailor” finish.Fulness Is supplied by plaits, falling from the shoulder yokes

and held at the waist by a wide belt with two attached pockets.Sizes 6 to 14 years. The price of this grade of Lonsdale jean is

advancing every day. It will pay you to buy plentifully at this sale. bamurroeR'k—Tiim u floor

In Four

A Smart Bathing Outfit for “Over the Fourth,” 7.25

At this low figure we will furnish a suit and iig h iS y cap and shoes

Four mndeli in ■ aood arade of surf siiin, piped with silk poptin In color offer a choice from which vou will not fled i* diflctil' to nick out a bccomina style. These tui'i are further tflmmed with buttOM. A moat il- trattive aroup of tuiti, complete at the outlet, which meana that extra alia sulta arc Included. At S.OO.

Good oualliv black tiahtt. aiies 34 *a .TO, are T$c.The cap la an Interestint one, prMtily trimmed and marked at Me.Good looktna black aateen ihoea. in altea .1 to 7. pried I.M.If you are already aupplied with any of these, it will be posalbia to buy

these srtlcies acpari'elv. A most rcasonahle coat for a correct eot'uine.U A M B E K U B R '8 — t h i r d F L O O R


In th P M tlm pp w lip i i t l i« In I M k»eiA norw oc^wU pcImc* than Ti«

M lw rw l lU M a r r . * n d w han th * pnAf- w1«r •wiil bo4rd Ih* thokifhti ub4ot mmtiwm tir«dBkftn, p m ft iic fM tM l wotnwn. n « l to ni«p> tl«1t f t P p l l iM PtAlMCIbPA. tfa t ft lv th M IIMla a o m a lh ln f w« o « f^ t *11 to know ab oa i.

W b « t 1* it . (h ta b i l l 'd o a e n lh a t t r l lw t at h M eon ^ la tn an ta ib a w a ll' lc n u w n f iv a ir» tcb rbad aboa t In |h * f l n l t r a 4 a ?

M iM p la M H !■ a lu M v a aa II la

« rh « t w a M c b a ra m o a l awra cA !■ » u r ’ a*W*a. H i faaat f i t lb J u d f* .

|^r*< a l V l o ih « ■ w a ja r m a lt l lu d a a : Iba t ra a a r l » f b it i i w h o w o u ld co n v ln ca

^^?ha* a i i U aenao— ladapeeM leat la U a t if ,a H« ••■waap a l a m b rw c la f *11 t h t o lb a r f l va— l a a fa ra t to a l i h o lp a oaa to_______ „ h im aa lfVklf. to boar tba voU>a of Iba Moplt, la iMta Iba owaal Ihrougb Iba alltar, la M l tlM pala* af rR p l tb a pa la* a f h a n a a l t p , a n d lo am ali.»wyr, %

T l ia it k i lb mA a a M a «C ham o fa o f c o v a a .

Prices Reduced on

Gogfifles and Sun Glasses

Tbs opportunity for those who Iter, pses thewill moter, b e t^ w s lk sad

MhtmJs. etjoy the oui-of>dMr to escape' the gisre of the sun.

4J0 ARICTOCRAT GOGGLESDisde with Isrts Icnsca. of t<Md ,asHty, In smbor color. Made

IN THE AUDITORIUMNot a "Job lo t” but a picked collection, made up of various small gbups chosen here and

there with infinite care. It took two months to assemble them all. We a«re d^em ^ned to make this' iH

( l l d w W I f c l l l l l i | i l l 4V V d l i V * • • * ww W **mw »wwwwwr w I >

sale a very wonderful Occasion—and we have succeeded even beyond our hopes. These dresses re- mind us forcibly of those “before the war” sales that added so much to Bamberger prestige

Georgette and taffeta TrkoletteFkmcred georfctte

Geoigette crepe r ’ Paulettet Georgette and foulard Satin S / ..

Foulard < ' ? Crepe de chine' V Crepe meteor

Practically every a^ ro v ed dress style showii thltwason is In the assbrtment. Plaltingt, frills, draperies, accordion plaited akirts, coat effects, ipdits overhjouse models, beaded typeH embroidered effects, arc all shown to sfeartW advantage. Not all styles in each slz^ however. It will be impor-tant for you to come early. . ;

Sizes 34 to 44 in all, but the greater choice in sizes 34,36,38 and 40; Arranged on separate -racka for V ic k selection. A few extra sizes inclpd^tl*

No mall, tetephone or CO.D. o rd ^ None rent op wrowaL jf jtp w w n « M ~ J l P D t T O i m J W —*n C T H Wt/)0* , ^

with MinfMttbl. MfpItcM. IJk.340 SUN GLASSES, with amber

w jtnM IMUM. With ImitaHoa abcil from >b4 mttal etr piecM.

*'?35 COMBINATION GOGGLES TbM. may b« htd in Mth«r white or iMokM ilaM. The front ii of InUtatloa A*ll nod tbore am lotiber.eido proloetlone nod motil •nr 1 '* y ? S U N G I ^ E S - W I t h Urge

nabof, unMcod or amethyet lentea.They aro nbao flBaata with imlta M p h tll ~phtll franc.

0A M B S«Q |tR ’» - r iR B T rLO O R

BoysModel Yacht

' C fO n te s t Closes July 3rd

Tbt cwKMt CMBW to n tad M Saturday, JiUy 3. Thowwbo havtfl’t almdy entarad their boats should do so Immedistaly.

Tbi Usd to be ootarod sra iba Uao|Mrifiad sailboats.

This aontsst Is being hold by BaabatfH'i, la ctH>porstlon idtll tbs iMngton Model YachtClub. as.

SSL'yaar beats la aad _ a entry blniika la . ' cW Sooul DIvWsa.

B A i i p a B o a r a - a n t T H f u m k


Important{Friday Only)

la laitaiiwi wim Ita M« la

■n ear, •» net* ■t th* >il»,w «r la tn “WWI* eauatUy Ma. N*

w c. a P. mOm .*17.00 TABLE U M f^ 10,00

mtcirte RHlaJ lanpa ■ l i t ) l l - U u k a n a la aa paaa l ■ h H l.. la c h a lM *1 <w« t lB lif c a k w i t l i I ' l l a i t t , y l l c h a ia aacOaia. B a a « m .B t

M E N ’S D R I V I N G C L O V E S

A T 2 J 0l.M drlTti ac aaia ,1am wlUl

aharl dotk kaoB aad Italhir. par- taratad pala; aam# la Un and tt»j. No aiaU. pkoaa aa C. U. t>.'a rm t naar,

M E N 'S B A T H I N G S U I T S

A T 4 ,0 0 .a.ta aad l.aa aulU el r « e a>a-

(irlalt, wall mada, ta tka ataan- laaa Bad eaartar alaara atylaB. Whila Ika, laat. Ma raall, ar C. O. D-’fc Flra* Hm .


ICE TEA SETS AT Z76l.ia eat (laaa lead tea er laaaaa-

ada aela, aiiaat akapa, aal la tka floral paitarai aai aaaalata ad I eararad }v, aad « Ull laaWarato tnaick. Uaaamat.

ID P A P E R A T 4Sc

y Z E N R O L L S Rawiitarty t#a For wrapidae

laackaaka, ata. Saak raO aak- uika If akaaM Mm tttU taakaa •uuaaatv IM0 n w Plaar.2 0 c D IS H T O W E L IN G A T

IB s Y A R Dll’lpek araak lawalliia. wklia

wTtk tad karOar; aultakla far kaod. awk ar latlar taaata. FtratFTaar.

C H I L D R E i r a 3B e

D R A W E R S A T 3 7 eOf waillk, likkikae wtlk kaai-

atlickia, aM tl*tar af laaka. ■laaa t la U |akta. aaaakd Flaar.

12S W H IT E o r g a n d i e

A T S S aftdaak raebak araeUla, akaar

aad arlap; aaiiaMa fcrkiaemakd draaaia. WkUa niiaatlt|P laito

" Flrwl fle e r ,

M IS S E S * L E A T H E R E T T E

C O A T S A T lA SOCaata IM taM MwaHp M ll.aa. Tka, art %»aa liaflk.kaiiaiL aad fena aaageWa- „ lara alaaa It ta itTnlrd PlaOT.WOMEN'S GOATS AND

WRAPS AT toss•jrtissc B aatk iw o ek

tk a l w tra I ' la I t

TUM naaa'.

N ow On! Sate Men’s Soft Collars, 95c Half D ozen

Sew. fresh collars made to ■ieU for much higher prices

This it an event that stands alone. We have held tone big soft collar events In the | ^ , but this one fRf eclipses every previous effort.

There were 32,000'eoWan when the sale atart^ . They ware purchased fromitwo w ^ n q w n Troy tnakeirf—quite advantageously, we

An new and A law ‘'iittperlacta" lii the lot

wilwim jjL;.:

A banan lb s a tra rt i jo rn a r t d Ira tflc ru . rrapanalbli S m ith , r ift In .to n Btrc crow d wal in tro k t oi i n . tra ffic Lroaa. Aa ia( atdritfl

^IM«1 knd f' ' autom oblli

hla haad.Tba boy

w ork. Intraffic p;it ■traat a war* d u a f corner*. 1 faw feet e tba truck, Q uickly ih powerleas

Jfan y wi u w the b aonia acrei Baniy and mok**iuari tb rp r*cQ'

Immadla til.; boy w lomobtle <! uf MO On la k tn to paiilad by tw o of th* ta ll. Tha nkd la te r t m o rfu r. w ntetber, I I death waa aknll.

A ttar ar hoapitat. 1 th* th ird eccLdeOt t Tuea. qua* aeveral wc ■ h*m abac W illiam C< Aatorla. 1 taken to t held until Froaacutor haarinw aleldkd Dotwad diacha Tha W blta la laad Cll; cokToy of pkny'a a s r

Tba true kec t t ra a t lha co raar T ha pecom It whan Br •U tta r bev atappad on In tha air f ro a t of a • to p fad 1r t t n a to o r waa compi the boy • ra a lla la a I w aa not t •a tharlD S th a ooraar dUiamawl*

Tba ho) th a Waahl fa ta*r. W i from hla a

Autos ( l^r E

T v . a u l w a rd L k k i a n a . B a i t W ll lla io 1 OoHiaad ai o a a a a t a h b a d ly d M i • p b u t B< rao tad b y U r lv ta a wi w a a In ! • • o n a t t i o f

• A IBOtO N pw T o r i

I C b a r la s 1 A ra a u o wl A l M klbor n ia b L Thi • • • w a a I b l i w h ealk d e M M t I

W h an I fT M t a t k V ro M t K v a irp a t w a t r o a b drt 1 1 C l A r t .

,k A U Ib a b a y U itai

' tk V ( m n w a a a r re t ■ a iO H l P i

W hU a r Edw ard 1rwwrurO ro d k M tate a a

k k I

t o t b a C ll IhrO lad.

■j -tr

Pre kdrFourth SafeMade to settfyr^dO 0ni3,95, at

■ i t ' ’'''-