Colby Alumnus Vol. 60, No. 1

Colby College Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby Digital Commons @ Colby Colby Alumnus Colby College Archives 1971 Colby Alumnus Vol. 60, No. 1: Fall 1970 Colby Alumnus Vol. 60, No. 1: Fall 1970 Colby College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Colby College, "Colby Alumnus Vol. 60, No. 1: Fall 1970" (1971). Colby Alumnus. 72. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by the Colby College Archives at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colby Alumnus by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby.

Transcript of Colby Alumnus Vol. 60, No. 1

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Colby Alumnus Vol. 60, No. 1: Fall 1970 Colby Alumnus Vol. 60, No. 1: Fall 1970

Colby College

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Colby College, "Colby Alumnus Vol. 60, No. 1: Fall 1970" (1971). Colby Alumnus. 72.

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Waterville, Maine


The Issue Fall 1970 f/111111·111111111g . I ht· \H·tkc11d l11lo11gC'd to J. li1·el)e ancl \f,11\ Bi,ln, .111d \\ould h,t\L t\tll if tile footli.dl 1l·:1m h.tcl llJ"t'l tilt· mo.,l powtilttl Bowdo111 'lf"·'d i11 lll< lll\ a )l':1r. (l L Ill.II I) did.) I he pH·,ide11t t•111t·1 itm .111cl hi., wife were

ho1101ecl 011 Col in l'\1ght. .111d 1c,po11dul ''ith the w.umth, chatm : t11c l wit whith d1.11';1ttc111ccl the 18 \it.ti Bl\.kr )Car� at Colb)- (Pages 1-3)

The /5Jul cl11.11 a11it•1·1 .. . I'rt�idc11t .Strider, in his tradi­tional aclcln·.,� lo f1c.,hmu1 011 tlwi1 f11.,t cl.n 011 c.tmpus. <lb-

c m�td ,..-h:1l the tollege "ffu., .111cl \\h.1t <.111 be C\.pectcd of '>tudt•11L-.: i11tl'llcctu:tl c h.tllu1gl. \ ad.1ptil1ilit) . • 1 rc'>pect fot Colb) ·, hcrit.1gc .. 111d .1 \l'lht' of decorum and humor. Humilit\ .111d .1 1e;tli1.1tio11 .ill gt 11cr:1l1011'> hold peace, jmtitc and libert\ dc.11 will help �mt.1in the fte'>hmen dur­i 11g the 11e:-.. t four ) cat'· thc prc�iden t suggested.

'Clul!' lo th1· n/.:!_I'' .. . l'iofc·.,.,or Do11.1lcf.,011 Koom, chair­man of the gc:olog) dcp:1rtmc:11l, i.,11·1 Hire about the future of our world. But "' tt«lt her, a ftt•r-d111 m-r \pe.1 kc.:r and d1airma11 of ;\l.tine\ powL·1ful bl\i1011me11t.d Jmprcl\cment Commi,.,io11. tlm Int'>) '>tiu1ti.,t \how., .1 f.1ith in ma11' ability to 1Hl''ll'l\l' the e11,iro11mt·nt. 111 an inteniew (pag'(:S fi-9), l'rofc.,.,or Koon, talk� about thc root!> of the pollution prob­lem and �ugge>L> tht· a11\wc:r i� IJeLU:r edu(ation - at Colby and ebewhet e.

Georgl' F.<l1111111d ll'lrn/011 . . . The collq.;c was saddened ·witJ1 tltc pa �i11g 011 Sept. 1 I of a man who won the respect of the c11ti1e \\'.iten ille commu11ity during 15 years as superin­tcndc.:nl of building'> and grounds. Tributes from the com­munity an<l President Strider's eulogy are on page io.

Cul/Jy in tlir 11rwf . . . • .\ wide range of e,·ents kept the col­lcgT in tlte new� during the autumn weeks (pages 1 1-1 3): appointment of a bo.ud of tnt'>tces committee to explore the Cu/by Echo'� rclatioll'>hip lo the college following pub­lication of an i '>lie (Ontaining material of questionable ta�te: e�tabli'>hment of a Gl'orgc F. Bakn Trml .,d1ola1 hip prog1am: and :1ppointmt·nh and aw,ucb i11\ohing the farn lt y.

Pliotograpliy CO\cr, Howard Gra): 1-5. 12 and 15, Irving Faun(e 'G9; 6 and 1.J,<.hael H�l\ey '73: 10, Earl Smith.

THE COLBY ALU�fNUS vo/11111e 60 11 wn brr 1 Editorial board: David C. Langzeuel , editor; Donald E. Sanborn Jr . . Rid1ard N. Dyer. Bu inc� manager: Sidney \V. Farr '55. Letters and inquiries should be sent to the editor; change of addres� not ification to the alumni office.

Published quarteily (fall, winter, spring, summer) by Colby College. Entered as second-class mail at Watcnillc, l\Iaine 04901.

Ralph S. Williams '35 nislraliYe Vice President

October 23, 1970

I remember well my first personal contact as a teacher on the

campus . . . . I was leaYing my classes in the morning, walking ...

through the mud, through the rain. And someone came along­

side me, put his arm around me and said, 'Roney, how are things

progressing?' I looked up ... and saw that it was the president

of the college .... The reason I speak of it is because it epitomizes

one of Dr. I3ixler's most important personal characteristics -

his humaneness, his warmth, his unfailing regard for others, his

ability to communicate and cheer up eYen the bottom member

of the faculty totem pole .... Recognition this Colby Night of

Dr. and i\1rs. Bixler is richly deserYed.

Homecoming Dedicated

to the Bixlers

Virr President Williams

Colby lin.1 11//rartr•d 11w11ry IJl'C(J111e Bixler has [!,iven tit<' 111111/1111 111tdlr·1/11nl to11r'. Alont!, wilh booslin� lite 1111ri111/11111, 11010{;/y 111 jJ!tilosojJ!ty 1111d religion, he l111111rl1cd art 1111d 11111s1r dcjJnr/111t•11/1. /fr fostered a 'n('(//111r· tlii11/u11g' «J11Y.ll' .. . . /fr 11irred Llie school lo 1/111/ 11 11 ltolarly 111ugnz.11u', Lo jJ011dn a 'book of the )'l'11r.' . . . 1 fr .!!..of Cu/by tu gwl' T /' < 011ne.1 for credit to 111rn/ i•iewcn, 111rl(lf' tltf' 1r/1ool n .11 1 m111er lelller for nd11/1 ed11((1/11m . . . . ,\fore '111/('/frrtual curiosity' is 111·11• hn11/1·111 .\111drr'1 <11111. It would not have been /w111/J/c if Colby l111d 1111/ r11r·11 to lite quality of ] . . ')(·dye nl\ /er.

Ten )Car-. ha' e pa-.)ed )ince Tnne magaLine marked the n:tirement ol the man who for 18 )Car wa the dri' ing lone behind .1 ma��i\'e ph)�ical de,elopment dlort and the wclhpring of that "imelle tual tone."

The alumni 'ho e thi� anni,er)ar) )ear to recogniLe Colb) \ coming-of-age b) dedicating Colb) night to J. Sccl)e and �lary Bi'.\.lcr. The clima. of the annual dinner wa., expected to on ist of tribute� to the Bix­ler and pre)entation of lumni Council gifts. 'ot wrpri'>ingl), the honor gue t� up taged the principal wcll-wi:.hcr� with their gradou nes an<l unmi Lakable appreciation. ,\nd there wa ome harming an<l time-1) Secl)e Bi. lcr:

"You know the m<1n who got a liule flu Lered and said on an octa\ion like thi , '1 certainly don't appre­ciate thi�. but I tenainl) do tie ene it.' \\'ell, I do the app1etiating an<l m> wife does the de erving ....

"I think the alumni reall) ha\e it in their hand to how how the college can continue thi ba ic tradi­

tion of �en e of mi ion ·whi h i o important in the e changing time in .,.,•hich the e tudenl will learn. I think our campu trouble� are not o much a revolt agaimt edut:Hion .. . but rebellion against the in­equitie of our �ociet). nd we\·e got LO change o­ciet), . . . not onl) by the working ol Lhe ocial cau e ·,

but by helping this rnllege to be devoted to truth and al the ame time, an in trument for ocial reform."

Vice Pre iclent Williams, a ociate and friend of the Bixler for o many year , paid tribute lo their ac­compli�hrnenls and pre ented the gilt : a Colby clock, an armchair for Irs. Bixler, an athletic jacket with Colby "C" and a bound book of per onal letter di­rected to Dr. and Ir·. Bixler. The pre ident­emeritus donned the jacket immediately and proudly


3 the Cdl:¥ Al.JmnUS FALL t970

wore i t to the homecomi ng game with Bowdoin. The "Wi l l i ams tri bu te included an anecdote abo u t

t h e president as he approached t h e home of a wealthy man w i t h no Colby connections seeking financial help for the college. "Dr. B i x ler i n troduced himself red­faced and said, 'Sir, I'm going to blurt this o u t and then go a long. I came here to ask for a gif t to Colby College . ' The man p u t his arm on Dr. Bixler's shoulder and said, '\\ hy of course, would $ 1 0,000 be helpful to Colby? All righ t, now come clown and meet my guests.' . . . after that Dr. Bi xler was a t iger i n raisi ng money. Thus, y o u can e e that the marriage of a phi losopher-theologian and the crass materi al is t is not imposs ible of a t tainment. Recogni t ion this Colby N ight of Dr. and i\Irs. Bixler i s richly deser\'ed. Many of us presen t o"·e far more than we w i l l ever be able to repay."

I n remarks fol lowing the presentat ion, President Strider noted that the Bixlers, w i t h travel and lectures, s t i l l are "busier than many of us who regard ourselves as having ful l- t ime jobs.

"And you got me s tarted on this dubious path," President Strider remarked, "during a decade when the course that American higher education has taken has been very different from what it was while you were president.. B u t the exci teme n t you generated in me when I first came to talk to you abo u t Colby has never aba ted . . . . You have a lways bolstered me up with your encouraging remarks.

" Because of the fact that Seelye B i xler imbued me with the spiri t of what Colby meant to him and what i t has meant to generat ions of Colby alumni before, I became aware, even in my \\"Orst momen ts, ol the po­ten t i a l i t of this inst i tu tion for excellence over the years, bui lding on what he helped us achieve . . . and what his predecessors had s tarted. So I regarded it as my mission to cont inue to build upon these founda­tions. And tha t is what I am trying to do."

The president concluded: .. . When he retired, I had i n him an example of a warm, friendly, humane i ndi­vidual, a scholar and a teacher, and a human being who managed to conduct his affa i rs as presiden t of a col lege witho u t losi ng his in tegrity and without losing h i s soul.

'"When the t ime finally comes for me to retire, I hope ery much that I w i l l be able to look back u pon the history of Colby during my adm inistration, having accomplished those same k inds of things ."

It is always one of the special pleasures of the year, as well as the first one of the year, to welcome a new freshman class. The class of 1974 takes its place in the long proce sion that began, in more mo<lest numbers, when the first class arrived in 1818. I don't believe I know how many exactly there were in that first class when it began - I think the first president, Jeremiah Chaplin, had something like 17 theological students in May of 1819, and a year later the l\Iaine Literary and Theological Institution, which it was first called, became a college authori1ed to grant degrees.

Howe\'er many there were that started out. on!) two were ready to graduate in 1822. I trust that both the number and the proportion of tho e who sit before me now will be considerabl) greater on that .June day in 1974 when I will have the privilege of declaring you to be bachelors of arts. In the meantime )OU ha\'e joined the procession, not necessarily a procession of either saints or sinners. but a procession that O\'er the years has gained respect and distinction. You ha,·c now become part of the ever-renewing life blood of this institution, and I greet you as fellow Colby men and women.

I am going to tell you something of what you will find

here and what you probably ought to do with it.

... You are a diverse group, cho en from a large number of applicants, many of whom were just as worthy of admission as you were. It is an agonizing process to select the class who will be most likely to gain the most from the experience of higher education, but we hope and expect that for all of you our predictions for your success will be borne out. I do not know why some of you chose to come to Colby, or even to embark upon a college career at all, and perhaps you are not all entirely clear about that point, either. But here you are, and I am going to tell you something of what you will find here and what you probably ought to do with it. When the upperclass­men arrive in a day or two some of them will tell you what you will find here and what you probably ought to do with it, and you may wonder whether we are all talking about the same institution. I would not be so rash as to suggest which of the many versions is closer to the truth, for indeed the upper­classmen may know some things the faculty and administration and president don't know, and possibly even (though it might be a shock to the upperclassmen) vice versa. So I won't tell you now, or ever, whom or what to believe. One of your first

The President: Warr intellectual exerd.,es will be to find out for younelves, and it ma) take time. It will certainly take effort.

One need not be espetiall) peHeptfve to realiLe that this j-, a p1ecario11s age in American higher education, jmt as it is a precarious age in the worltl of which education is one of se\.eral microcosm .. Colleges, and their (amities and students, arc suspect in some quarters in our land, as the) ha\·e often been from

. time to time. B11t we don't think colleges or faculties or )Oil who are now college students are su pect. Indeed, )CHI are the reason Ior the college's being here, and ha' ing been here all the e years. But in order for that reason to be justified, we of the faculty and aclmini tration, and your upperclas colleagues, will expeu tertain things from you. I am going to suggest a few of the thing we expect.

Fir t of all, we will be expecting intellectual effort from )OU. There i\ a libraq, prominently ituated. One of the first things you should do is get acquainted


r 1 elcome / Counsel with it and prepare to spend a good many hours there. I suggest that you not only learn quickly how to find what )OU are looking for, b u t de\'elop the rare

art of erendipity in your browsing. Some serendipitom ra i n y Thursday afternoon may turn out to be one of the mo t memorable few hours of your college career or e\en ol )Our lile.

The g1·eatest intellectual demands upon you will be

made by the faculty . . . . I hope it will not be too

much of a shock to you to learn that they are in all

kinds of ways wiser than you.

B u t it isn ' t only the library that will demand intellectual effort from you. There are l abora tories in the sciences and languages, there are compu ter terminals with which many of you will become familiar , there are listening rooms and studios for

5 the Cd� Alimnus FALL 1970

music, studios for art, and a magnificent art gallery which has not only a d istinguished roster of peci al exhibitions in any giYen year but one of the finest permanent collections that any small college can h aYe acquired . . . .

The greate�t intellectual demand� upon )OU will be made by the f aculty, for that i� "·hy they a re here . l hope i t will not be too much ol a shock to )OU to learn that they are in all k i nd of \rays wi er tha n )OU, and they \\'ill ha,·e wa)S of imist ing that )OU a bsorb ome o[ their \\'isdom and discipline )Our mi nd in

the ways in \\'hich they learned to discipl ine their 0\1°11 i n order to follow the noble and dema nding prole�sion of teaching.

And it must not be forgo tten tha t )Our fellow students will make intellectual demands upon ) ou. whether it is in the actiYit ie that \\'ill a t t ract some of you or i n the conYersations o\·er coflee at the d i nner table or in a dormitory room or in a \\'alk around the campus.

You will nol only be more satisfied with yourself bu t

you will be better educated if during your stay at

Colby you bring something of value to the community .

A second thing we will be expecting from you is the deYeloprnent on your part of social adaptabi lity into this comm u n i t y that is new to you. Jn this respect college life is not u n i q ue, as it i s in i ts intel lectual demands. You would be req u iretl to deYelop social adaptability in a camp or in an office full of co-"·orkers or in any n u mber of s i tuations. But your fellO\\. s tudents are the people wi th whom for a t ime you will be learning to live. You are all different from each other and you represen t many different kinds of background experience. You ha\'e differe n t ta lents and in terests, probably a good many differen t

poli tical a n d religious views. You may among you h ave many differe n t concepts as to what your aim in life is. You represen t different l ife style, differe n t modes of dress, different kinds of personal standards, differen t concept of what an earlier age cal led "decoru m . " You come from many kinds of communities tha t differ from ·waterville, i\faine, and from Colby. "Adaptability" does not by a ny means suggest a levell i ng o u t of everyone into, heaYen forbid, a "type;" b u t i t does suggest that you learn to play your own role in a di\'erse community.

And this brings me to a third expectation of you: your participation in the communit . You will not only be more sat isfied wi th your elf but you will be better educated if during your stay at Colby you bring

something of \';due to the community. It is not only that there arc opponunitie� in dramatic� and mmic and athletic�. debating aml journafom ;rnd student go\ernmcnt - a ll of which there arc. There arc further ways in which you ca n exhibit your sense of respomibi lity for yourseh·es and for others, in our narrow society on �fayflower Hill and i n the world. Last fall we had a Constitutional Co1wention wh ich set up machi nery to n:,1ke it poss ible for the responsibil ity for coli.::ge governance to be sh ared among all our con titucncy. Through this machinery students h a,·e greater opportun ities n ot only for go"ern i ng themsehes but for helping the college continually to renew itself arnl shape itseH ) Car after )ear i nto an imtrument comonant with the dema nds of the times in which we l ive. Do not neglect these opportun ities .. ..

You must learn to respect the opinions and the rights

of others, no matter how much you may disagree.

A final expectation (an d I hope you do not th i nk the college expects too ma n ) thing from you, for if you do I am not sure college i the place where you n ow belong) i · a respect on ) Our pan for what ) OU find here. The heritage of this old institution, lor one thing, is a worthy one, and you are now among those to whom the continuation of that heritage, with its own respect for the llignity of the i n dividua l, i entrusted. You must learn to respect the opi n ions an<l right� of others. no matter how much )OU disagree . ..

·what will help you achieve these expectation we have of you? For one t h i ng, a certa i n humi l ity a you sharpen through learn ing and experience your perspectiYe on the p lace you occupy i n the un iver e. For a nother, a sense of fairness on your part, and an effort at re traint i n order lO translate that fairness into action. For another, and not by any means the least important a seme ol humor. \\'e live in a world that has its grim aspects, but one can �ndure them beue1 ii one can occasionally laugh at somethi ng, especi a l ly at oneself . Try to find something lO laugh at every d ay. An experienced educator who was here for some conversations with ome of u this summer remarked in a speech recently that a ense of humor among the present college generation is rarer than a 750 SAT I scholastic aptitude te t] score.

You w i ll find that, grim as the world sometimes seems, there are redeemi ng aspect to it. One of the most refresh i ng books I read this summer is The Recovery of Confidence by John Gardner, president


The 011tsland111g {tp,11re in Maine's struggle lo main· to111 n lu•a/th)' <'11t11ro111111•11t, along with . . enalor 1-:<11111111<1 S. M11 hie, is 1Jo11a/d 1m Koons, the 53-year­old 1ham111111 of th<· Colby f!.<'UIUE,')' deparlmenl.

Prof<'11or /{ouns i.1 a busy, rnmmilled and articulate man wmking, in many Wll)'.1 tu educate people lo the part:. they play 111 befouling the enviro11me11t and to it•liat lh<')' ca11 do lo improve lhe situation. Besides his ll'arhing, and admi11islralive duties, he has taken on the chairmanship of the la/e's powerful, pioneering Environmental lmproveme11/ Commission. Influenced by the l ommission, the leg,islalure passed landmark law:. 1<1.11 )'l'ar giving the commission control over where and under what cirr11ms/a11ces sizable new in- 1 dwtries ma)' locate, and over conveyance of oil along coastal watl'Ts. Pro/es or Koons talks to service and fraternal organizations and la I year, established an

I environmental seminar al Colby. He is openly critical of the co/leue for not investing more in courses dealing with e11viro11menlal problems. I Born in Korea, he lived there for 17 years and dur· ing the war, he was with lhe 0 . . . working in China. Professor Koons came lo Colby 23 years ago from West Virginia University. He also taught at Columbia Uni· versity and al Carleton and john Marshall colleges. One son, Robert, was graduated from Colby last year, and another - john - is a junior pre-medical student.

Jn the inlerview which follows, Professor Koon.J speal<s of his hopes and fears for the environment and I of his concern for the lack of education on the subject.


A World 'Quite Close to the Edge': Conversation with Donaldson Koons

Editor: H indsigh t is wonderful . I ' m looking back and saying, 'Why didn' t we notice all these things before?' Why did things explode? Is i t a fad?

Koons: No, it's partly a reflect ion of the fact that i n some areas w e are qui te close to the edge. You get j us t a few extra gallons [of pollu ted water] a n d there you are - j ust enough to push you past the l i m i ts of toler­a nce. Or the s i t u at ion in the air, New York for i n ­s tance: for 30 years the a tmosphere has been get t i ng worse. F i n a lly i t reached a poi n t where the four or five-day i nversion, instead of bei ng j ust enough to make things u npleasa n t becomes enough to make i t i ntolerable.

E: Do most people thin k this is something t h a t happened overnight?

K: Partly this. On a l ake, people say 'Don't bring that development in here; they'll spoil the lake. ' What they're t a l k i ng about is a 10 per cen t i n crease over what they've been doi ng for 20 years. This may be the trigger, b u t they are, in a sense, the charge in the gun. I f you're going to get this kind of thing u nder con­trol, it m ust come at the individual level wi th l i t tle groups or pond assoc i ations.

E: How long have there been people we could call ecologi s ts , tho e aware of all the ramifications of what we have been doing?

K: There have been some for 20 years. Some have recognized pieces of i t and have been deeply con­cerned abou t ome aspects.

E: Then they have been voices cryi ng in the wil­derness.

K: Defini tely. People simply haven' t paid a t ten­t ion. The reports on some of our faine rivers are 10 or 12 years old and nobody pai<l any a t tention. The industrial load on the rivers here i s the equivalen t of a populat ion of 10 m illion - 10 t i mes the population of the s ta te. About a year ago the major i ndustries finally accepted the idea t h a t they were going to have to do this [clean up waters], and they've turned around 180 degrees. Co ts are increasi ng at such a rate that i t 's bet ter for them to build [treatmen t fa­ci l i t ies ] now, and they profit from the poin t of v iew of publ ic rel at ions. So i t 's self- in terest . But that 's okay. I don ' t care.

E: Do you see evidence that i ndustries are con­cerned enough a bo u t the s i tu ation to invest for rea-

7 the Cd� AUmnl.lS FALL 1970

sons other than what we could call enlightened self­i n terest?

K: Some industries would like to do this. Bu t re­member that in the final analysis, i ndustry is con trol­led by the stockholders. The i ndustries have got an argumen t and i t 's one I can' t really disagree w i th: their management is employed by the s tockholders first of all to make money on investments. I do think there are people in the industries who are beginning to see that i t 's partly their responsib il i ty, because of the particular knowledge that they have, to try to lead the publi c - to take a little less. But the major industries have known for 30 years what they are dis­charging, and they haven' t chosen to do anything about i t .

E : Apparen tly this i s a m a t ter of education, a t one le\·el or another ; as chairman of the Environmental I mpro\'ement Commission, you probably are i n the position of p u t t i ng o u t brush fires before anyone i s educated a s t o how t hey got started in t h e first place.

K: Yes, in a sense. But we are run n i ng a k i nd of educa tional opera tion at the same time. S ince people have become sensi t i ve to this, we're doing an awful lot of talking a t various places. I get around to the various service clubs. These are the places where I thin k we can have some i nfluence, because we catch the people who are apt to be influent i a l in the local town.

E: It seems that i n Mai ne the commission and the legislature are ahead of the electorate i n their concern for the environment .

K: Oh, we're w a y ahead of m o s t sta tes. Those two bi lls (si te selection for i ndustry and oil conveyance) are almost revolu t ionary. In fact there are plenty of people i n the state who say that in some re pects, this i s the most powerful commission in the s t a te.

E: You spoke of the i mportance of educating the greate!>t n umber of people to the problems we're fac­i ng. H ow can we do this, in terms of formal educa­tion?

K: I thi nk, qu i te frankly, the college i s missing the boat here in tha t we are tending to s tick to the tradi­tional patterns. Many people in colleges look on this as sort of a fad. Well, it may be a fad, but i t's an i m­portant one just the same. And I thin k we're making a mistake in that our science requ i rement i nvolves taking certain cour es which follow tradi tional p a t-

llidd1'fo1d Pool Rcp1intcd with the pcnnission of thl' ptesidcnt and 1111 ll'l� of B1md<ii11 Culkgr from As i\lai11e Goe:i by John �lcl�cc.

term - introductory geology. introductory chemi tr) and so on. Jn man) rnses, students look at that and say, 'Fine, but what has that got to do with the condi­

tion of the Kennebec I RiverJ toda)?' Now, I can argue with them by saying the only reason l'm able to do the work J'm doing is becau e l ha\'e a long background in technical, licientific preparation for this. Now, the only way l got it was going step by step. But the studenl still ·ays, Tm not interested in becoming a geologist. But l want to know what it is that's going on and what can be done about it.'

l think we should take ad\'antage of an opportun­ity that exists for us, take this question of environ­mental concern and use it a a starting point to bring the student who is not particularly oriented toward the sciences into the sciences o he can understand what it is that really goes on.

Last year a bunch of kids asked me if l would give a seminar in en\'ironmenlal problems and I aid, 'Fine,' because it looked as if l would have eight or 10 students, mainly biology and geology students. Well, the word got around and we finished up with an en­rollment of quite a few and they were spread all over the college - freshmen c::nd seniors from the art, chem­istry and biology departmenls, government, history and everywhere else. ( I 'm sure some of the enrollment was because the) thought it would be a 'sit there and think big thoughts' kind of thing.) With thi , l at­tempted in a \·ery sketchy way to use a central reference book published by the American Chemical Society which is quite a technical manual. Then we

had a number of people look at nrious a pects of

thi (a recreational de,eloper, a paper compan) execu­ti\e, a J;rn -,d1ool imtrullor, (,O\crnor Kenneth i\1. Curti'> and the majorit) leader ol the .\Iaine House of Repre. cnt;ttl\ e'>, among other ) to gi' e these kids a c.hanc.c to t<tlk to the people who are direct!) imohetl with 'ariou. a!>peus of the problem - nol in Lalking aboul il from the out!>ide, but actuall) itting lhere doing it.

Thi wa� not b) any means whal )OU would call a traditional ience cour!>e. But I think it en·ecl in a

way to bring in ome of these people I Luc.lent I who had looked al cience and te hnolog� as an ogre, and h<ne them recogniLe 1hal Lhere are complex problems here, and that lechnolog) produce problem and also soh es them, to some extent.

I got them to recogniLe, for in lance, that they are nol going to continue Lo drive automobile to work, or to Colby or up to ·ki lope or where\'er un­le oil comes into i\faine. Thi de, eloped new recog­nition of their own respon ibilities and what the tech­nological a pects are.

l think we would do well to expand this type o[ operation 1seminarJ. 1 don't think we should take all our scientific in truction and mo\'e it over into lhat

area because it would be absurd. But it i one area in which we could bring togeLher a number of problems which are part of a very complex !>Ociety and have tu­dent see the relationship of one a pect to another.

E: ls the college level late in the game to introduce environmental studie ? ls it practical to introduce lhi


l l 'n /er nnd nir jJOllu tio11 i11 1 96 •. R u m ford.,,lexico (.H 11i11e) Repri n ted w i t h the permission of the president and trustees of Bowdoin Col lege from As ,\laine Goes by John i\lc Kce.

in the secondary schools? K: This i s being done in fact, in the primary

schools right here in M a i ne . There' a bunch that is working out of Bru n wick and <lai ng i t a t the fifth­grade level .

E: You said perhap the col lege is m issi ng the boa t by not get ti ng into the area of the en\' i ronmen t . I ' m j us t wondering i f the college c a n afford t o g e t i n to t h i s area?

K: It's j us t a q uestion of whether t hey want to or not - j ust exactly the ame quest ion you ha\ e at the federal level , of which priori ty ) Ou 're going to ha,·e. The col lege has to make the deci ion and the) 'ye de­cided they don' t want to spend it there [ em·ironment­a l problems ] . But of cour e they can affor<l it . \\'hat we're t a l k i ng about i about 20 ,000 a year, maybe $30,000. \ \ e l l , the money's there.

E: l there any source of federal fund to help establ ish course o f thi k ind?

K: Federal fund are aYai l able only for programs which are a lready under way. They are not going to start any programs. If, f or i nstance , the col lege makes a commi tment, then federa l funds can probably be found to help. But the federal people are not - and thi is true of the priva te fou nd a t ion - prepared to give money u n l es the coilege ha already made a com­m i tme n t of it own - which i q u i te under tandable.

E: H a ve ·we done the environmen t i rrevocable h arm?

K: I don' t th ink we have done a n ything y e t which i s ent irt ly irrevocable. \\'e may ha\'e done some thing

9 � Cd� Alunnus FALL i 970

the effects o f which we don' t suspect. Plast i c contain­er , for example, when burned produce compou nds \\·hich en ter i n to the reproducti,·e cycle of birds, and probab l y other pecie , i n exactly the same way DDT does. One of the t h i ngs that bothers me, which the public general l y pays no attention to, is the carbon dioxide discharge i n to the atmosphere. I'm a lmost certain that i n the case of carbon dioxide, '''e h ave al­ready i n i t i a ted an i rreversible change in cl imate, and we don ' t know what it will be. For example, the bet­ter the combustion i n your au tomobile engine, the fewer contami nants you have. But reduce carbon monoxide, which is lethal , and you i ncrease carbon dioxide.

E: There seems to be i m minen t danger from air and water pol l u t ion . \ \ h a t i s goi ng to happen? Are people goi ng to wake up to the trouble we're i n , or i s something disastrous going to happen?

K: \ \'e ' l l ha\'e a disaster fir t . As far as a ir is con­cerned, we' I I have a disaster. v\ e\·e come very close to it i n ew York C i ty se\'eral t imes. And one of these <la ·s, l don ' t know when i t w i l l be, we' l l have people drop dead in the streets.

E: In great n umbers? K: In numbers. And people w i l l say, 'vVhat h ap­

pened?' E: I was appalled to learn that something l ike this

happened year ago i n Pennsyl a n i a - something I had neYer heard about .

K: Yes, Donora, Pennsy lvan i a . N obody paid any at tent ion to i t . I t w i l l h appen . . . . It wi l l h appen.

George Edmund Whalon

1 907- 1 970

George E. T V h a lon, who won the respect a nd a f­

fec t io n of thr' l l 'atervi lle com m u nity d 11 1 i n !!. 1 5 yea rs

as director of buildings a n d grounds at Colby , died at

home Sept. J.I . He was 62.

Preside n t Strider voiced h is own sense of loss a n d t h a t o f the college at a funera l Mass in Lorimer Chapel. The text of that eulogy follows on t h is page.

George Whalan was a Fellow of Colby College a n d

i n 1 968, Homecom ing l l 'eel< e n d was dedicated l o him .

Born in Pepperell, Mass., Mr. Whala n attended M.I. T.

a n d worl<ed as a ron.1 / ni c t io n for('ln a n until the war

w hr• n h t· bcrmn t' 111 o i 11 / t' 11 r 1110· ond r o 11 1 / r11rt ion s u per­i 11 t f' /l dc 1 1 1 ot Ft . 1Jcvn1 .1 , Mau. Fro 111 1 9·/R lo 1955 , he

was direc t or of b1 1 ildi 11gt a n d g ro 11 11 d 1 al Fe11 11 Co llege in Cleveland.

A 111 01 1 / h aftn M r. l l ' lta /011 ' 1 t/{'(l t h , ground wa.1 u ro ll rn 1 1c>.. l t o Sc/ 01 1 f !o 1p 1 t a l i11 !Va terville for a new rn idc11 u· for t he Si� t t•rs of C h a r i ty . It will be ( a /led " l l 'lw /01 1 I l o 11.11' . " lie wa 1 a 111 r·1n ur·r of l ite h ospital 's /)()tl l d fo r St't•t·ra l )'('(IT.1.

lie lcove1 h i� wife, t lt f' fonnr•r Helen G i b b o ns; two w 111 , Pct!'r C . of Watervi lle a n d Dr. J\/ ichoel I V. of

T11l10 , O l< la . ; tmd a g ra 11dso11 of l l 'a lt•rville. Pre 1 ide11 1 St rider's r· 11 logy :

Colb) h a s been u m l', u a l l y pr i \' i leged for 15 years in h a \ i n g George \\ 'halon as � u peri n tenden t of b u i ld­i ngs a nd grournh. J a m deep ! ) hon ored t h a t M rs. Wha lon and hi� f a m i l y ha\ e a �ked me to speak briefly a bo u t him a t this sen i ce. I m m t a d m i t , t hough, t h a t i t i s i m pos� i lJ lc to be objcct i ' e a bo u t a m a n who wa not on ! ) a respected profc�si on a l c o l league b u t a clo e person.t i friend whom Ill ) w i fe and f a m i l y and I, a long w i t h c. o u n t le s othen i n the c.omm u n i t y of Colby and \\'a ten i l le, not o n ! ) admired but lo\'ed as a warm, k i nd ! ) , a n d though t fu l human be i ng.

For this col lege campus, so much of w h i c h h e helped to b u i ld and u pon a l l of \\' h i h he l a \ ished t h e m o s t a !l ec t ionate care, b u i l d i ng� a n d tree , garden and la\\'ns , bo i len and l igh t i ng S) Slem , road a n d wal ks, b r i c. k a n d \\'i ndows, he w a s i n deed a man for a l l �easom. \\'e h a \ e seen h i m om in u h-zero weather m a k i ng sure that the road� a n d park i ng lots were c leared of now, a n d ,,·e h a \ e wa tched him w a l k i ng a round the campus again l a backdrop of f a l l colors and in the green of su mmer, apparem ly con cerned a bo u t e' ef) blade of gra s a nc.l e\ ery �hrub t h a t grew in t he c.lom a i n t h a t wa hi to care for.

\\ 'hen con. truct ion wa in proce �. as it often ha been in t hese ) ea rs at Colby. George howec.l peci a l ze t as w e l l a� crea t i \'e i maginat ion. ' o t h i ng e ca ped h i s not ice, from the earli est arch i tect ' dra w i ng to t he bl uepr i n ts , t he fir t exca\ a t ion to the l ay i ng of t he corner tones, the <la i l) u per\' i ion , the hrewd scru t i n y o f change orders and co t est i m a tes, the check i ng of s tresses and sta i rwa) S, p l u m b i ng and electric i t , r ight on down to the last d a bs of pa i n t , l ay i ng the carpets a n d waxing the floor before occupancy. George's h igher education was accom pli ·heel a lmo t e n t i rely t hrough h i own broad experience a n d readi ng, but many t i mes archi tect a n d cons tru ct ion fi rms wou ld ask us where h e h a d done h i gra d u a te work in engi-

neeri ng. COl>l I :\ L E O 01\ PAGE 16


The Campus Press : a Question of Responsibility

The board of trustees has appo i n ted a commi t tee to explore means of clarifying the role of the Colb)' Echo and i ts rel a t ionsh ip to the col lege. The commit tee ,,· i l l m a ke recommendations to the board not la ter t h a n i ts J a n . 30 meeting.

The study s tems from what President Strider has termed the con t inu ing "deteriora t ion of taste and tone" of the Ech o. An article i n i ts Oct. 9 i ssue was i l lustra ted w i th a photograph of a nude couple, their backs to the camera, i n a corr i dor, and i t con tained language which many found offensi\'e. The article defended a student propo al for a coeducational l i \' i ng experi ment, which wa rejected last J une.

Presiden t Strider wrote the Ech o: " Except for the con picuous efforts of one edi tor and a few members of other edi tori a l boards, the Echo has exhibi ted a de­terioration of ta te and tone for some t ime. The firs t two issues t h i s fa l l encouraged me t o t h i n k t h a t the Echo was making a comtru c t i \·e e ffort to re\'erse this trend. The i ssue of . . . October 9th, hO\ve\·er, while i n part quite constru ct i\'e, represents i n se\·eral ways a deplorable con t inua tion of the downward spira l .

" I regret to h a v e to i n form y o u that , speaki ng as president of the col lege and w i th the concurrence of the chairman of the board of t ru tee [ Albert C. Palmer ] , Colby College feels it nece sary to begin ex­p lorat ion of tep tha t m ay lead to inst i t u tional dis­associat ion from this publication. I t i i mportant for the students and facul ty , as well as our a l u m n i , par­ents, and friends who upport this college, to knO\,.

that the college can no longer ignore the e\' ident fact t h a t the Echo does not appear to reflect accurately the concern or the ta tes of the community as a whole. The step to be explored and their full implica tions w i l l be discu sed w i th the board . . . la ter this month.

"In the mean t ime may I req uest , . . . that ) OU cease immedi a tely u ing the name ·colby' i n the ti t le of your publicat ion."

The Ech o, i n the fir l of two edi torials repl ies , sa i d : ""'e ha\'e g i \'en carefu l con idera tion to P r e ident Strider's req ue t that we remo\'e 'Colby' from o ur ti t le and w i th a l l due re pect to Dr. Strider and his office, we ha\'e decided to decl ine his req uest.

"The decision wa an ex tremely difficu l t one to make. \Ve knew that some people would i n terpret our re pome as an affront to the pre · ident . . . . \Ve feel compel led lo ri k such unfortunate conjecture .

1 1 the Cd� Al.JrnnLJS FALL 1 970

·: ... :-� . - . , . • - ._�· .... :_C..� "'lj

__. - ' ... � ---

. . . Henceforth , we w i l l i nclude the following state­ment in our masthead : 'The opi nions here expressed a re not necessari l y those of the college or st udent bod y . ' \\'e hope that this addi tion . . . "·i l l sen·e to dispel any mi conceptions about our rela tionship to the college.

"Secondl y , we feel that the tradi tion of freedom of the press . . . would be impugned were the Echo to accede to the presiden t ' s reque t . To make such a con­cession at this t ime would be to succumb to what some might call i n t imidat ion . . . . In o ur opinion, the last issue [ Oct . 9 J was not i n bad taste and we feel the tone was O\'erwhelmi ngly constructi\ 'e. To make eYen a tacit acknowledgement otherwise would be a l i e and a l i m i ting of our right to pri n t w h a t we belie\'e repre­sen ts the \ ' iews and a t t i t u des of a great number of students of this col lege . . . . "

The board passed this resolu tion at i ts regular fal l meeting Oct. 30: "The board . . . affirms i ts support of the action taken by the president and the chairm a n . . . and requests t h e chairman to appoin t a spec i a l committee . . . . In \ ' i e w of t h e seriousness of the m a t­ter, this commi t tee would explore a l l the aspects of the rel a t ionship of the Echo to the college i ncluding the implications of disassoci a tion . . . shoul d this s tep be­come neces ary, and the processes by which this step would be accomplished . . . . This motion i s made in the i n terest of a free and respon ible press a t an in­s t i tu tion which has made historic contribu tions to the freedom and responsibi l i ty of American journalism."

Dwigh t Sargent '39 , cura tor of the N ieman Founda­tion and board member, i s chairman of the commi t tee.

Baker Scholarship Established

The George F. Baker Tru s t of New York C i t y has established a scholarship program a t Colby to help "expand the supply of young men trained i n the l iberal arts and a t tracted to the field of business."

President S trider, expressing the gra t i tu de of the col ­lege, said : "This is a remarkable program, and a signi­ficant in nova ti\'e plan to assure better understanding between the academic and the busine s worlds ."

Select ion of Baker Scholars w i l l be m ade each year from the sophomore class. The scholarships w i l l be awarded for t he stu dents' j unior and senior years. Cri teria are "character, respons i b i l i ty and motivation; a high degree of recogni tion of contemporaries; men­tal competence; and financia l need." A select ion com-

m i t tee \\' i l l comi\ l ol L 1 rn lt y , ; 1 d m i n i ,t rators ; 1 1 H l a rea

I J 1 r - i nC\\l1H' l l . T h e ,d10L1 r, h i p, ; 1 1 c prO\ i d cd b) t h e \\' i l l ol t he

Lite Ch.t r ies F. l laker J r. \\' ho, ; 1 t the t i me ol h i ' death

i n ' �U i · \\" < I ' d 1 a i rrna 1 1 ol t h e bo; inl ol t h e Fi r st N ;1-t ion;t l Cit) llank ol N e 11· Yor k . S inc e it, l ou l ) d ing, the

Ba ker Trmt has d i ,t r i l w tcd more than ) r � m i l l ion to p h i l antlnopies l or rc l i g i ou , , d 1 a ri 1 a b l c . st icnt i f i l , J i ter­

ar) and e d u c a t i on a l put po'e'. ,\ l ore than h a l l t he

t ru s t \ i n come goes to st hol . i n h i ps . ,\ bout 1 . . 1 00 s l u­de n b h a 1 e been ; 1 ss i ' Led .

The spet i ,t l conc ern o l t h e B ; 1 k c r T 1 1 1 s 1 h a ' been t he

sea rch l or potent i a l leaders in . \ rncrican l i l e. " J t is t he hope ol ou r trmtees t h a t t h e sd 10 J a r, h i p h o l d e rs w i l l

decide u pon c1 reers ol b u s i ne'' a s t h e i r l i l e work ," a t r u s t spokesm a n s; 1 i d . " T h e demands u pon mod ern

b u s i ness leader, h i p a re 'o broad ; ind t he so< i a l c onse­

q uenc es so g1 e. 1 t t h ; 1 t 1 hc b;"i' l i be r.t l a rt , e x pe r i ence

i, i nnea s i ng l ) 1 c cog 1 1 i 1 cc l "' c l l eu i 1 e prepa rat ion i n de 1<: lop i ng t h e 1 i , i on and u 1 1 t k 1 , 1 . 1 nd ing 1 eq u i red 1 0 1 u l t i mate lcadel",h i p . "

Fo l low ing g ra d u . 1 1 i o1 1 , B a k e r Sd1ol a rs 1 1 1 . 1 ) ; 1 p p l ) J o r ; 1dd i 1 ion a l a i d l ro m the t1 m l to J Hlr\ t lC a grad ua t e d e­

gree i n b u s i ne:.s a d m i n i ,trat ion .

The College / Briefs P a u l D. \\'alker J r. o f Cl aremo n t , Ca l i f . , has been

n amed d irector of summer and spec ia l programs a t Colby succeed ing John B. S i mpson , who i s o n ab­bat ica l .

\\'a l ker �en·ed on the s t a l l , o l E l m i ra ( ' . \ ' . ) Col­lege and S tan ford n i 1 er, it ) , and < 0me' to Co l l>) a fter complet ing a s tudy and d issert a t ion on the or­ganizat ion a ncl opera t ion of the Claremont Col leges. Prior to t h a t assignmen t , he spen t two year at Colum­bia U n i ver i ty Teacher Col lege in a master· degree program for admin is tra t i 1·e officer of col lege and u n iver i t ies.

Professor Robert "'· Pu l len 'i 1 , att i ng admin i tra­t i ve l' ice pres i den t , ha,1, been n a med b) the Federa l R eserl'e System's board of gol'ernors to i L ,1, tru th- in ­lending commi ttee. I t was e tabfohed when the lend­i ng l aw wen t i n to effect last year to represen t the pub­l ic , lenders and sel lers of cred i t merchand i 5e.

P u l len i s serv i ng a 1· i ce presiden t Jar the academic ) Ca r w h i le Pro!essor Ra l ph S. W i l l i ams ' 35 i s on sab­bat ical .

Adel Heinr ich, ass i s tant prolessor of m mi c, rece i l'ed the Double R ibbon , One-Star Award of Meri t in t he 1 969 Parade of A m e r i c a n M usic , which i s span ored by the a t iona l Federa t ion of fl- l us i c C lubs.

,\ l i ss He i nr ich was conductor and composer of a

c h o r i c -d a n c e en t i t led A lll' l 11 ir1-rl lll' l t1 i(/ writ ten joi n t l y

wi th � I r,. S u s a n �I . G u n n , < l'>Si '> t a n t pro l e..,sor of ph ys i ­

«t l e d u c a t i on . T he a w a rd honored t h e Lorimer Cha pel C hoi r, t h e Col b) C l le'> . t h e � l odcrn Dance group and 1 i ol i n i '> t U l en Flor i n ' l i ! J . T h e ,\ mer ica n \\'omen Com-po.,ep, prog ram w a ... pre,cnted b) the � l a i ne Federa-t i on ol � I mic Cl u b ... .

N i ne '> t u denh were e x u 1 .,ed f rom c h1 .,se'> f rom Oc t . 1 i t o N Oi . :{ to work o n pol i t i c; t l c ampa igm u nder the t e rm' ol .1 '>pec i a l a rra ngemen t worked o u t by the E d u ca t i on a l Pol 1 t ) Comm i t tee and f acu l t ) . n<ler t h < he t e rm.,, the -,c1 cn '>Cn ior•,, one j u n ior and a f resh­m a n were req u i red to pro \ idc l e l l ers from bona fide c a rn p<1 ign rnmm ittcc·'> \ t at i ng that t h ey wou ld be doi ng leg i t i 1 1 1 a tc c1mpaign work, a nd t o make up work m i ,.,ed d u r i ng t he i r a bsence'>.

Portrait of a Maine Community A f onner cha irman of the Co l b) t ru tee has joined

the ranks of d i s t ingui hed a u t hor of local hi torie . Long regardetl a an a u thori ty on the hi tory of h i Andro cogg i n com m u n i t ) , Regina ld t u rteva n t ' 2 1 , who wa head of t h e col lege go1 erning board from 1 9Go to 1 965, ha p u bl i IH'd h i s long-projected A His­tory of L iverm o re_

K nown to h i friend� a " t i be," Regi na ld tune­' ant ha, made th i' h i � tory o f a ?l la i ne town no t mere! ) a l a bor of 10\ e , bu t a bo one of pa i n f u l and freq uen t ! ) frmtra tetl determina t ion . He had scar e l y begun the arranging of long-a sembled data and i t reduct ion i n to manu c rip t form when h e ·wa <l i abled b) two el'ere s troke�. Though depri 1 ed of the u e of hi., r ight hand a nd of peech , he ne,·er gave up. Ted ioml) he learned to wr i te wi th h i left hand and by pa i n t ak ing therap) , rega i ned the power to peak . Then a th i rd t roke o di5abled h i m tha t h i s book had to be pub l i hed i n i ncomplete form . That unfini heel work , i , howel'er, one of t he be L of our n umerous town h i storie .

l\ Iany of M a i ne' older local h i torie , publ i heel i n

the 1 9 th cen tury have stood the te t of t i me. t i l l va l u able a re 'onh's A ugusta, M a o n ' Hallowell, Eaton's H'a rren, ib ley· Union and Al len' Dresden . Among the m a n y newer h i torie , o n e of the b e t is Skowhega n of t h e Ke n n e bec by Lou i e Coburn ' 77 . What l\ l i Coburn did for her town , and what John Pul len Colby ' 35 did for the Twen t ie th Ma ine Regi­men t in the C i l' i l \Var, R egina ld Sturtevant has now done for L ivermore.

Tho e of us who have heard S t ibe a<ldre Colby gathering are wel l aware of his mastery of l anguage, and we are not u rprised at the l i terary exce l lence of his work . Marked by clari ty , vivac i t y and economy

1 2

of expres ion, the book tells us who d i d what in a

Maine town for 1 50 years. The prese n t towns of Li vermore and LiYermore

Fall were original ly a single town . As was the case

in many other such areas, it was not the present Falls that a t first prompted the set t lers to make a vi llage with shops, church ancl school , but the now smaller comm u n i t ies a t Livermore and East Li vermore. Stibe tells us the s tory of those early selt lers, their labors, their modes of travel, and their pol i t ical prowess, as

strik ingly i l lustrated by the Washburn f a m i ly , who produced four representa tves to Congress, two gover­nors, one U. S . Sen a tor, two foreign m i nis ters, one secretary of state, one major general and one naYal

captain. Many informed readers will consider Stibe much

too modest in his account of the Livermore Fal ls Trust Co. and of his own fami ly's part i n i t s develop­ment . A lthough bankers are notoriously reticent, Stibe really should have let us k now more abou t the Stu rtevants. H is father, Chester Sturtevant '92 , was one of the founders and the fi rs t treasurer of the bank.

Stibe's mother was, before her marriage, the bank's only other employee. It was the Sturtevants who l i ned the walls of the bank with scenes from Livermore

his tory, provided the funds for many a local loan, and were leaders in the town ' s religious l i fe. St ibe himself served a term as presiden t of the M a i n e Baptist Con­vention. Much that L ivermore Falls i s today is due to the Sturtevan ts.

Waterpower, lumber and paper changed St ibe's v i llage from a rural hamlet i n to a n i ndustrial town. Together with the neighboring town of Jay, it is now the home of one of the nat ion's large t paper mil l , the giant plant of the I n ternational Paper Co. During their l i fet imes, Stibe and his father saw most of this happen and had no smal l part in i ts promotion .

No town history i complete wi thou t i l l ustrat ions, and A History of L iverm ore is fil led with nearly a hundred picture of persons, buildings, events, farm and industrial cenes, and e en Deacon Livermore's unique corner chair.

H ere is a sample of Stibe's arresting l i terary s tyle : "The first decade of this century had the fru i t and confectionery s tore a t the corner of Union and Church s treets, where the peanu t roaster whi t ied i t s cheerful tune a t the door. Inside, in the summer, two huge fan-like helicopter blades rota ted slowly and a lmost s i lently, as the air fi l led with delicious aromas of fru i ts, syrups and candy. Many of the hardest de­cisions of l i fe were made there - whether to spend the hard-earned n ickel for cherry phosphate, ice cream, or nose- tingling soda."

13 the Cd� AUrnnus FALL 1 970

You do not need to be a native of LiYermore or even of Maine to enjoy this book. EYery Colby grad­

u a te can be proud that this la test in the long proces­sion of excel lent J\Ia ine histories was wri t ten by one of their own Colby men.

A History of Liverm o re was published by the Livermore Falls Trust Co. to m ark i ts 75 th a n n i \ er­sary , the 1 5oth anni ,·ersary of the State of i\Iai ne antl the 1 75th ann iversary of Li ,·ermore-Li vermore Fall .

Ernest C. Marri ner ' 1 3

The Powder and Wig Dra matic Society used the Gould Music Shell lo slage Sophocles' Antigone, the first of four scheduled productions, in lhe tra ditional outdoor m a n ner.

DirectOT this year is F. Celand Witham ' 52, associate pro­fessor of speech.

Wilson Heads A1umni Counci] The new pres iden t o f t he A lu m n i Coun c i l is an

energe t ic Cape Cod a t torney who wa!> l i :- t ed i n O u / ­� 1 a 11 d i11g Yo u ng Men of A m erica .

Kenneth E. \V ibon J r . ' ()o h as served a:, class agent

and Alumni Clubs Com m i l lee c h a i rm a n ( 1 9<i7 - 1 � J70) . He l i \'es in Oyster H arbors and ha.'!> a l aw offic e i n H yann is .

Besides bei ng Barmtable cou n ty a t torney, J\fr .

\Vibon is counsel for the towm o i Eas t h a m and \\'ell­fleet and for t he Denn i s Wa ter Di tr ic t . J n 1 9<i 7 , he was a special assis t an t to t he a l lorney general of M assachusetts.

After receiving his A.B . degree , he earned his law

degree a t Boston U n i \·ers i ty . l\ f r. \\' i bon , a member of Zeta Psi , is vice presiden t and trmtee of the Ray­mond Moore Fou ndat ion , I nc . , an i ncorpora tor of t he Cape Cod Hospi tal , er\'ed as a delegate to the i\ I assa­chusetts Republican Con\'en t ion in 1 96 7 and ha� been act ive in communi ty go\'ernmen t a f la i rs.

He is married to the former Eh era C. ] one . The) have two ch i ldren , Deborah and La ura.

Ken neth E. Wilson Jr. , left, newl)'-electcd A l u m n i C o u ncil president, presided as master of ceremon ies at the a n n ual Colby Night din ner Oct. 23. R o bert S. Lee '5 1 , awarded the "C" Clu b Man of th e Yea r A wa rd al the din ner , was cited for leaders h ip of alu m n i orga n izations a n d f111 1d raising in th e B osto n a rea, s upport of Colby a thletic p rogra ms a n d recruitm e n t o f o u tsta n d ing y o u ng m e n a n d women for e n ­roll m e n t a t the college.

PR PiIOENT <;TR I DE R I RO\I PACI (i of the U rba n Coa l i t ion a n d former secretary o f the federa l Depa rtmen t of I Iea l t h , Educa t i on and

\\ 'e l l < i re. Dr. C .a rd ner � 1 1 mmar i 1ec l . . . a few of t he objeu i ve� t h a t I t h i n k \\'<:' wou l d al l agree 0 1 1 . . . _

!Ve wo n l jJ<'<t U' , ju t ir (', liberty. J l 'e wr m l r1 society

t ha t li onon l it e dig n ity of ea< !t pcnon a n d proscribes t h e opprc.1 1 w 11 of one by c1 1 1ol hrr.

J Vc .1r'ch e q u a l opport u n ity, cq r({/ l ar{ess l o t h e

be11ef1 ls of t li r' JO< icty , a 11 ( ' ! Id lo t h e cxr/ 11.s ion o f some cit izrns f ro m full 1 ltari11g in l it e life of I fi e co m m u n ity. 1 1 '<' sec/< l it e f 1 1 lf1 /1111 e 11 / of l it e 1 11 dit1id 11al, lhe release of h u m a n jJo/en t ia l .

l l 'e belin1c in in divid ua l responsibility a n d t h e oppo rt u 11 i t icJ f o r pa rti 1 ipr1 t io11 t h a t k eep rcspo11sibiltty a li1w. l l 'c .1ed lo re1 l o re a sense of rom 111 11 11 1 ty and to fos ter li oneJ/ , ope n , a n d ro111 pauionalc rela t ivn1 be/ ween people.

l r 'c sr·c/i fo r each in divid ual l it e c h a n ce t o be n w !tolr pcno11, free of t he frag m e 11 la l io11 t ha t plagues 111 odcrn life - frag m e n t a l ion of in tdlect a n d e m o t ion, worl< a n d play, job a n d fa m i ly, m a n a n d n a t u re.

ffe wa n t a sonety thal pu ts h u m a n va lues a bove m a tcria /1sm , com m e rcia lis m , t ech n o logy, a n d t h e s u ccess e t h ic. H' e seek a n end t o t he deh u m a n izing asperls of large-scale orga n iza t ion .

We seek an end lo t h e deslru c t io n of o u r n a t u ra l

enviro n m e n t . W e wa n l l o bring o u r elves b a c k in l o some k in d of liva b le rela l io11sli ip to t he a n imate world

of w h ich we a re a part and the pla n el wh ich is o u r !t o m e . •

. . . 1 t i� not the funct ion of t he college and uni\'ersi ties to solve all the problem of t he world. I t is not the col leges and uni\'er i t ie t h a t should be

under a t tack becau e these problem have not been solved. Rather, it is the function of the col leges and univer i t ie to educate young men and women, fol lowing the rule of reason and i nculcat ing t he di cipl ine of the mind, o that a c i t izen they wil l be

bet ter able to assist the world in the solving of those

problem . In the course of that complicated process

you wil l not get everything you want nor achieve

every one of your object ives, for everyone wants in

· one way or another omething di fferen t . . . .

Bu t you will begin to di cover, I hope, a you

proceed with your higher education to see where you

yourselves fit i n to the broader picture, to discover

what it is that you want for yourselves and for that

part of the world you wi l l occupy, and to develop

i deas as to how these ideals can be brought to reali ty.

• Reprinted from The Recoiiery of Confidence by John W. Gardiner by permission of W. W. orton & Company Inc., copyright © 1 970 by John W. Gardner.

Th is David Lane (20) field oaf helped pu t Colby a h ead of B owdoin l i-3 in the { mt-half of the Homecoming ga m e Oct . 23 before the favored B owdoin juggerna u t came back lo grind o u t a w i n .

Sports by Irving F au nee

Sophomore flankerback David Lane of Saco doesn' t look b i g enough to worry oppo i ng defen e s . Bu t the five-seven, 1 60-pound spri n ter was the principal rea­son Coach Dick McGee came up with his best year since he came to Colby in 1 967 . The 3-5 eason was Colby's best si nce 1 963 with win O\'er Tuft , Maine Mari t ime Academy and Bate , and las e to St . Law­rence, Coast Guard, Tri n i ty , pringfield and Bowdoin.

Lane set two records and t ied another while fellow sophomore back Bri an Cone emerged a one of New England's leading small college pa er . Da\'id put

eight touchdown on the scoreboard plu 13 extra poi n ts and a field goal for a one-sea on record of 66

1 5 the Cd� Al!mnLJS FALL 1 970

poi n ts . He t ied the old 56-point mark last year. H i s se,·en touchdown receptions broke a mark s e t i n 1 967 by Steve Fre) er '68. The eight touchdown t ied rec­ords held by Bruce Ki ngdon '63 ( 1 960) and Cone, who completed 62 of 1 2 7 passes this year for n i ne touch­down and 9 1 6 yards.

Despite inexperience on the squad, Coach i\IcGee con tinues to build toward a winn ing sea on. Leader-hi p was pro,·ided this year by 1 1 sen iors i ncluding

tri-captain Ron Lupton (Warwick, R. I .) , J im Fau lk­ner (Alfred) and John Hopkins (Concord, l\Iass.) . O ther seniors are M i ke Smith (San ford), Dan Blake (Attleboro, M ass. ) , Bi l l Agrella (Somerset, � lass . ) ,

Dennis Cameron (Watervi lle), Ken Bigelow (Flor-ham Park, N. ] . ) , Paul Edmunds (V\ e1.tfield, N. ] . ) and Bob Ewell (Chestn u t H i l l , �lass . ) . Thirty-n ine players will return next year.

Scores (Colby's first) were : 1 3 , S t . Lawrence 25 ; 7 , Coa t Guard 1 6 ; 1 4, Tuft , 6 ; 7, Springfield 49 ; 1 4, Trinity 2 8 ; 1 7 , Bowdoin 3 1 ; 4 1 , Maine l\Iari t ime o ; 1 4 , Bates 7 .

Cross Country Lew Paq u i n of B a rre, l\ f ass . , not much bigger than

Dav i<l Lane, i :, no l ight weight among New England compe t i tor . Not u n t i l h i seven t h mee t . t he l\ I I AA championsh i p at the U n i vers i t y of i\ f a i n e (Orono), was he bea ten . And hi:, second-pl ac e t i m e a bo broke t he U l\ 1 cour!>e record. Lew set a Col b v fi,·e-m i le cour:,e record Sept . 1 9 , t hen t u rned i n a bet ter t ime ( 2 5 : 4 5 ) Oct . 1 7 des p i t e a raw w i n d t h a t du te<l a

Col by-Tri n i t y foo t ba l l crowd w i t h snow. Lew a bo holds t h e Ba tes coune record.

The q u ad got fine performa nces a l l ) ear f rom sen­ior cap t a i n Pa u l Li m i ng ( Lewiston) and j u n ior Bob H i ckey (Yarmo u t h Pon , l ass . ) . It fi n i hed w i t h a 4-6 record i n c l ud i ng w i m over Bowdo in and M a i n e . second p lace i n the s t a t e cha mpiomh ip m e e t and SC\ ­e n th in the Eastern Cro Cou n t r) Champ ion h i p i n Bos ton . Paq u i n fi n i shed secon d there, f o u r econ<ls beh i nd t he w i n ner.

Resu l ts (!owe t core w i n s) : 37. U. of ' ew Bru m­wick 2 7 , Gorh a m S t a te So, l\ lerrimack 9.1 ; 5 2 , Bate 3 3 , l\J icl dlebury 4 7 ; 54, Bo ton t a l e 3 7 , Tufts 3 ; 3 ' , Springfield 2 2 ; 1 9 , U . of :-. r a ine 3 9 ; 2 1 , Bowdoin 34 ; s tate champion h i p , 5 5 , B a t e 2 2 , l\ f a i n e 7 1 . Bowdo i n

92 .

Soccer The team m a n aged a 2-8-3 ea on de�pi te a rash of

i n j u ries. Colby was o-6 in state erie compe t i t i o n . A sou rce of comfort to Coa h J ack 'cho lL ""' the ta nd­out p lay of ophomore Andy Denn ison ( Be l mon t , M ass.) a n d goa l i e l\lark erdj en i a n ( E a · t G reenw i c h , R. I . ) . Co-captains were D e n n i H artung (Chappaq ua, N. Y.) and B i l l Buckner ( i\ f t . K i sco , ' . \ ' . ) , who led the scori ng u n t i l h e w a i nj ured.

Resu l ts : o, Norwich 4; 1 , U. of i\ f a i n e 2; 6 , Lowel l Tech. 5 ; o, Bab on o; o, pringfield 6; 1 , U . of ew H am pshire 5 ; 3, Brandeis o; o, U of i\ f a i ne 2 ; o, Bate 2; 1 , M . I . T. 1 ; 1 , Bowdoi n 3 ; 4 , Bate 5; o, Bowdoi n

3 ·

Tennis The women's ten n i team, u ndefeated in four

m a tches, won the tate i n terco l l egi ate champion h i p duri ng a two-day tournamen t h e l d i n the Col b Field­house. Fre hman Carolyn Estes ( Rye, . Y . ) defea ted classma t e Ann G raves ( D u b u q ue, Iowa) in the i ngle . I n clou b l es, sophomore J acq u e l i n e N ienaber ( Ridge­wood, N. J . ) and fre hman N a n cy M u nga l l ( Radmor, Pa.) defeated a U n i vers i t y of Maine team a t Presq ue Isle. M iss Estes went o n to the New England I n ter­collegi a t e sem i fi n a l s where she was defea ted by a Rhode Island girl .


George \Vha lon read widely i n h i !> l ory a n d biogra· phy and in m agaL ines of a l l Ort!>. Hi k nowledge of ba!>eb a l l and i t s old-t ime heroes was ency clopaedic, h i s f u n d of torie l i m i t le , and on many a fi h i ng ex· ped i ti on wou ld rega le his compa n i6m for hour on end w i t h h i l ariou · t a l es of mice a nd men, cabbages am! ki ng!>, and storie of horse and beagle , their ance try a n d t heir cha mpiomh i p . H e loved Lho e beagle and ot her clog , and the wou l d take to h i m a n <l h i s gen t le w a y w i t h t h e m more read i l y than t o their own masLer .

B u t it was w i t h other human bei ng that George made hi grea te�t i m pact. He wa tru t i ng but h arply (foce rn i ng. H e co u l d not abide di hone t y and wou ld q u ickly recogniLe i t for wha t it wa . Bu t he never fa i led to re pond to a gen u i ne req u e t for help, whether it wa b u i l d i ng book hel\'e for a faculty member or apprai i ng a hou e one was t h i n k i ng of bu) i ng or p u l l ing a t udent' car out of a di tch or l oan ing eq u i pmen t to L he Out i ng C l ub. He wa a man of good humor who la ughed ea i ly, of tolerance and

ompas ion, deepl y religiou , hu mane and generou , but who had exaC L i ng sta ndard that he expected of oLhers. It i no wonder that the men who worked for h i m were fiercel y loyal to h i m , lo\'ed him and re-

pected h i m . It i no wonder t h a t tho e of us who worked wi th him knew we could cou n t on him to do hi work w i th i n tegri ty a wel l a i n d u t ry. It i no won<ler the comm u n i ty c a l led o n him o often for p u b l i c en i ce.

For a l mo t a decade George endured i llne s and phy i c a l d i comfort wi tho u t complaint , fol low i ng the order of the de\'oted friend and doctor who more than once a\ 'ed hi l i fe, )et work i ng to fu l l capac i t y for his

o l lege, caring i n e\ 'ery way for the fam i ly he loved, hi w i fe and on and l i t t le gran d on, whom he re­ferred to a "my friend." fo t of u who h ave ur­v i \'ed h i m wil l one day have hard h i p of our own, and George \Vh alon has e t u a n example of q u iet forti tude that then, a we remember him, will give us strength. A h u m a n world made u p of George Whalons i s too much to expect, but he left thi world richer and bet ter for h i presence i n it and h i friends and fami l y r icher for having had him among u . To see part of his monumen t, look around you on this h i l l . O t her monumen ts rema i n i n" i i ble b u t eternal i n t h e hearts of his u n n u mbered friends. Now he re ts, a n d we m i s h i m more t h a n we can expre s a n d w i l l con­t i n ue to mi s h i m more than we can now i magin e as we carry o n t he work o f t he world to wh ich he gave so

m u ch .

i 6

Contributors to the Plan for Colby and the Annual Fund 1969-1970

Col by is especial l y proud of i ts a lumni and other friends for the manner in wh ich they have re­sponded to the needs of the col lege during a very trying year in the h istory of America and h igher education. The tragic deaths of col lege students, needle s destruction of fac i l i t ies, and other l ess serious b u t perhaps more subtle forms of violence have worked together to create much distrust and even fear between the generations which make up our society.

Somehow we must work together to re-establish the essen tial val ues. \Ve m ust do our part to main­tai n those tradi t ions w h ich have guarded us all and allowed us i n our time the basic freedoms so neces­sary for our development as i ndividuals and as in­tegral parts of a greater world.

'Ve must choose, and very soon, w h ich part each

of us is goi ng to play i f our society i s to recover from the challenges that face i t. 'Ve m ust make that decision and follow i t through desp i te any frustra tion or disil l usion ment which may resul t.

On the fol lowing pages, Colby pays tribute to the many people who have chosen to support one or both of i ts campa igns this pa t year: the annual fund, on the one hand, wh ich keeps o ur opera ting budget i n balance ; and the campaign to implement the Plan fo r Colby on the other, wh ich wil l keep our future strong. Their gifts, both large and smal l , are symbols of their fai th in Colby and their confidence that i t will con tinue through i ts educa­tional process to help break down the barriers which threaten our society today.

Robert E. L. Strider PRESIDENT

Shareholders 1n the Plan for Colby Leadership

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alfond (Dorothy Levine '38)

Estate of William H. Atkins William Bingham II

Charitable Trust Edward S. Boulos, Jr. '39 Estate of Abel Edward Brudno

'2 1 Mrs. Frederic E. Camp Doris Carpenter Estate of Julia Swain Carpenter Laura M. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Clark H. Carter

'40 ( Raye Winslow '40) E fate of Jannette C. Church James R. Cochrane '40 Estate of Warren H. Colson Estate of Leslie H. Cook '22 Estate of Hilda F. Crocker '28 Cummings-Guilford Charitable

Trust Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Currie

'14 E. Richard Drummond '28 Dr. and Mrs. Edmund N. Ervin

'36 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fawcett

(Helen C. Smith '27) Mr. and Mrs. John W. Field

(John, Jr. '66) Estate of Florence E. Fitch Mr. and Mrs. A. Gurnee


Try as we will, errors and omissions do occur. If in your case one has been made, please notify us so that we may make a correction i n the next Alum­nus.

Mrs. Frank W. Gray Grossman Family Trust N�ie Grossman '32 James J. Harris '27 C. F. Hathaway Company Howard F. Hill '18 Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Hill 'SO Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oakes

Hilton Theodore R. Hodgkins '25 Hussey Manufacturing

Company, Inc. Philip W. Hussey '13 Philip W. Hussey, Jr. '53 Peter A. Hussey '57 Martha D. Hussey '55

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis M. Hutchins

Mr. and Mrs. Ellerton M. Jette Mrs. George J. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Jones

'40 (Geraldine Stefko '4 1 )

Estate o f Harold W. Kimball '09

Estate of Selma Koehler '17 Charles A. Morr�ey '56 The New England Colleges

Fund, Inc. New England Telephone and

Telegraph Company Norrwock Shoe Company Mr. and Mrs. C. David O'Brien

'58 Palmer Fund Estate of Mae Della Parmenter

II Wilson C. Piper '39 The Rosenstiel Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S.


The Dorothy H. and Lewis Rosenstiel Foundation

Robert Sage '49 Shawmut Glass Containers,

Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Silverstein Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Silverstein '56 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stoll '49 (Carol Silverstein '48)

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Silverman

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Smith '24 (Ervena Goodale '24)

Estate of Lenore Snellenburg Estate of Augusta M. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Michael

Sylvester '64 (Catharine F. Camp '64)

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McK. Thomas '63 (Patricia Raymond '65)

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. P. Thome (Susan Whittlesley '59)

The Warnaco Fund, Inc. Thomas J. Watson, Jr. Mrs. Sol W. Weitman Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Wingate

(Henry K. '6 1 ) R . Frederic Woolworth

Challenge Dr. and Mrs. Asa C. Adams '22

(Vina Parent '22) Robert N. Anthony '38

Dr. and Mrs. J. Seelye Bixler Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.

Boehm '59 (Joan Peppard '58)

Raymond O. Brinkman '20 Frank S. Carpenter ' 14 The Equitable Life Assurance

Society of the United States Mrs. Joseph S. Fairchild

(Susan '57) Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.

Foehl, Jr. (Will iam C. '59)

Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Gilfoy '40 (Helen Brown '40)

James M. Gillespie Roderic H. D. Henderson Clayton W. Johnson '25 Mr. and Mrs. Alton Lockhart


Plan For Colby Share Plans

Leadership ($5,000 and over)

Challenge ($3,000 to $4,999)

Founder ($ 1,200 to $2,999)

Heritage ($600 to $1,199)

Progress ($360 to $599)

Loyalty ($180 to $359)

Mr. and M rs. John H . McGowan ( David J. '72)

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Miller ' 1 4 ( Evie Learned ' 1 7 )

Mr. and Mrs. t Wilson Parkhill George W. Perry ' U M r . a n d Mr'. Albert E. Pratley

The Edward W. Pratley ('68) Memorial Fund

Scott Paper Company Reader's Digest Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thom a 0.

Richardson '6J ( Ency J. Sch ick '62)

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. L. Strider

Reginald H . Sturtevant '2 1 Edward H. Turner Prof. and Mrs. Ralph

S. Wil l iams 'JS ( Barbara H oward '35)

Fo u nder

Bruce L. Ansnes '6S Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Baxter

'4 1 ( El izabeth Sweel er '4 1 )

Mr. and M r . Robert J . Bean (Susan Fairch i ld '57)

Mr. and Mrs. A bner G. Bevin, Sr. '34 (Thelma ha e '3 1 )

Mr. and Mrs. Hartley A . Bither ' 4 1

Mrs. Eugene L. Bondy, Jr. (Anne Lawrence '46)

G . A ll an Brown 'J9 John W. Brush '20 Cities Service Foundation Herbert F. C lulhe '60 Mr. and M r . Charle J. Colgan

(Charle '7 J ) M r. and M r . Robert A . Cron

'S8 (Ann Bonneau '5 )

Harold D. Cross 'SJ Mr. and Mrs. John W. Daggett

'4 1 ( aLa l ie Mooers '42)

Mr . A l ice L. Daub Addie M. Lawrence Scholarship

Mr. and M r . John D. Deacon (M uriel Howard '48)

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Deering 'SS ( Ann B u rnham '55)

Dr. and Mrs. Richard R . Dyer '42 ( N atal ie Cousen '4J)

Edith E. Emery 'J7 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Eustis,

Jr. 'S2 (Georgia Roy '54) Arthur G . Eustis Memorial Fund

H i lda M. Fife '26 Mr. and Mrs. Will iam C. Foehl

'S9 ( Linda M ackey '60)

Frank C. Foster ' 1 6 Estate o f Samuel Fraser Estate of Doris P. Gallert '04 Mr. and Mrs. Will ia m A.

Gelotte 'S l (El len Kenerson '50)

W. T. Grant Company The G reene Foundation George M. Gross '6J Reuben A. and Lizzie

Grossman Foundation Stanley Gruber '41

M r. and M r . James E. Harri '64

Dean E. Parker John on (Stephen '72)

Leo . Kre ky 'J9 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. LeBoff

( M eryl . '7 1 ) Roberl S. Lee 'S l Lewis ( Ludy) Levine '2 1 Mrs. William v a n V.

Lidgerwood ( J ohn King '7 1 );

M r. and Mr . Rolliston W. Linscott, Jr. (Wayland '72)

Mr. and Mr . Bertram K. Litlle Paul E. Machemer

The Mary Corona Machemer Memorial

Dr. and M r . Leonard W. Mayo '22 ( Lena ooley '24)

1l1omas B. McCabe, H o n. 'S8 (J ames L. '65)

Mrs. Frank M. McPartland (Alma Morris ette '07)

Dr. and Mrs. Thornton W. Merriam, Jr. 'S l (El izabeth mart '52)

Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & milh Foundation, Inc.

Mr . H ans W. Miller The Rev. and Mr . Ufford H.

Osborne, H on. ·49 Mr. and Mr . Paul . 0 tro e

'SJ ( fatel le J acob�on '55) Oxford haritable Trust Albert C. Palmer 'JO Wimam P. Palmer, I l l \ ! il liam Philbrick Robert W. Pul len '4 1 Ro�well H. Rau c h M r . a n d Mrs. Robert M. Roth

'S l ( Helen H. Palen '5 1 ) 1l1e Sears-Roebuck Foundation M r . Kenneth H . ims

( Dorolhy Steinert '2 ) Mr. and Mr . George F.

Sprague 'J l T h e Seth Sprague Educational

and Charitable Foundation Eugene C. Struckhoff '44 Bruce M. Sullivan 'SS Miss Sigrid E. Tompkins 'J8 M r . Edward P. Tucker

( M arian Ori ko '24) U nited State Gypsum

Com pan Mr. and Mrs. Gren E. Vale '24 M r . Louise Coburn Velten

( Loui e mith '33) TI1omas J. Watson, I l l '69 R. Leon Williams J3 Mr. and Mr . Robert S.

Winslow 'J8


Leslie B. Arey ' 1 2 Mrs. Francis F. Bartlett

Franci F. Bartlett ('26) Scholarsh ip Fund

Richard B. Beal 'S 1 Bird Companies Charitable

Foundation, Inc. J. Warren Bi hop '3S A l bion W. Blake ' 1 1 L . Rus ell Blanchard '38 Mrs. Margaret B. Bostwick

(A udrey A. '5 1 ) Dr. and Mrs. George N.

Bowers, Jr. 'SO (M yra H emenway '5 1 )

Ralph A . BramhaJI ' l S A rthur J. Brimstine '2 1 Crary Brownell ' 13

Jo e p h B. Campbel l '29 Prof. and Mr . Richard Cary

( Hance PerJ.. in\ ·33) Edward J. Cawley 'S2 Mr . Lawrence E. lo!>e

( Prisci l l a Cro�slicld ·54) Helen L. Cochrane '08 M' · Ethel Cochrane Mrs. F. C. oddington, Jr.

( . J ane Whipple '55) Mr . David L. Conlan

(J ane Mi l ls ·59) Connecticut Gener I Life

lmurance Company Walter S. Cornel l Loi B. Crowell 'J4 A. A. D'A mico '28 Mr. and M r . Dougl

Dav id on 'S8 (Barbara Bur her '60)

Trustee / Declaration of Tru�t, C h arle A. Dean The Ray mond P. loan Lecture hip Fund

Clarence E. Dore 'J9 Mr. and M r . John E. Douglass

'S2 ( J anet Le l ie '52) Mr. and Mrs. Peter • Doyle

Jr. ( Peter . , l l I '60) Mrs. H arr B. dd

( Helen J acob '47) el on T. Everts 'SO

Mr. and Mr . Roderick Farnham 'Jl (M argaret Davis '28)

Dr. and Mr-. Jam E. Fell 'J2 Nathaniel M. G allin '28 E late of 'ad) A. Gibb General Charitable Fund Keonetl1 R. G e ner 'SJ Richard H. G ibb '61 Mr. and l\trs. Hyman S. G lass

(,Peter '70) Mr . Katl1erine l\t. G lennon

(Wi l l iam Jo eph '7 1 ) Gerald Gold mith 'S6 John R. Gow '2J Dr. and Mr . Merrill S. F.

Greene '20 (H arriet Sweetser '20)

Ray B. Greene, Jr. '47 The i ie and Ethel Gro man

Fouodalion Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.

Hargrave ( Robert '53) Harry L. H icks, Jr. '42 Jean . H i l lsen '49 Mr. and Mr . William

H utche on '44 ( Dori B lanchard '45)

International Busioe Machines Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Jahn '43 (Hope M ansfiel d '44)

Kenneth A. Johnson '37 Warren R. Johnson 'SJ The Leonard & G lenyce K aplan

Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kaplan

(Glenyce M i l ler '46) Mrs. George E. Keeler

(Helen 0 good '53) E. Evelyn Kellett '26 Keyes Fibre Company Donald F. Larkin 'JS David C. Larsen '6J Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Latham

'49 ( Patricia Lydon '49) Percy (Pacy) Levine '27 The Second A braham S. and

Fannie B. Levey Foundation Mr. and M r . Peter J. Linder

( orene Tibbetts '5 1 ) Mr . a n d Mrs. Peter Lunder 'S6 David D. Lynch '49 David E. Lynn 'S2 Claire C. Lyons '6 1

Priscilla B. failey '40 Mr . John W. Maloney

( Patric ia Manin '57) Mr. and Mr . Robert A.

Marden 'SO ( Sh irl ey Mar�hal l '49)

John L. Marlin '6J Rita A. McCabe '4S Mr. and Mr . David M. Merrill

'SJ ( Barbara Best '53) Mrs. Ellsworth W. Millett

(M ary Rol l in '30) Harvard E. Moor ' 1 8 Margaret J. Moore 'S4 Bertram G. M o her '36 Mr. and Mr • Richard D.

Muzzy (El len '72) Roland E. agle 'SJ John T. ' e '29 Mr. and Mr� . . Warner Pach

(N icolette '70) Katharine 0. Parker '52 Eugene J. Pelletier, Jr. '5 1 Dr. and Mr . Frederick A.

Pottle ' 1 7 ( M arion tarbird ' I )

Donald . Rice 'S6 Mr . •rancis J. Ryan

( El izabeth Wi lJ.. in on "37) A . A llen andler S4 Mr . arl F. A. iedhof

( Ethel Knowllon '09) Kenneth J. mitb '26 Estate of Ri hard P. Staunton

27 Mr. and I r . Frank P.

tephenson '62 ( a i l Wright '69)

Mrs. rthur H a Sulzberger Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A.

" anson 'SS ( Eleanor Turner '54)

Mr. and 1r . J. Marble Thayer 'JS H azel Wepfer '37)

Artltur T. Thomp on '40 Martin D. Turpie '60 Peter H. Vlacho 'S8 Elmer C. Warren, Hon. '40 Jean M. Wa on '29

herwin Wei on '51 lichael Witco '61

Prof. and Mrs. John W. Winkio, Jr. ( hri t ine Woodbury '49)

Roberl N. W ulfing 'SJ Prof. and Mrs. Walter H.

Zuko"' ki ( Luci l l e K . Pinette '37)

1 Anonymous Donor


Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. A l lan 'J2 (E l izabeth Swanton '33)

Mr. and Mr . Burney K. Arnett, Jr. 'S9 ( Beverly John on '60)

Mrs. Marios Atsaves (M arcia E. G rigg '58)

Richard W. Baldwin '52 Charle E. Barnfather '4 1 Francis F. Bartlett, Jr. 'S6 The Judith and Richard Beaty

Foundation M r . Earle D. Be ey, Jr.

(Sue Ro e ·42) Edward G . Birdsey '48 James D. P. Bishop, Jr. '58 Prof. and Mrs. Philip S. Bither

'JO Boothby and Bartlett Company Brew ter A. Branz '40 Walter N. Breckenridge

Mrs. Iohn C. Bridge (Joan Ache on '52)

Mrs. WaJlace W. Bridge (Jean E. Brewer '52)

Philip W. Bromwell '67 Mr. and Mrs. Carleton D.

Brown '33 (Louise Wil l iam '34)

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Brown '49 (Vivian M axwell '44)

Mrs. Whipple Butler (Elizabeth Whipple ' 2 1 )

William H. Caddoo '32 Mr. and Mrs. Donald 0.

Cameron '52 (Sa l ly Shaw '52) J. Ardelle Chase '27 Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Chellquist

'48 (Shirley Smith '48) R. M. Clements Mrs. Edwin B. Cragin

(Edwin B., J r. '62) Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Dankert

(Phil ip R. '58) Mrs. Darwin K. Davidson

(Jacqueline Bendel ius '59) Norris E. Dibble '4 1 Mrs. Herbert Douglass

(Edna Owen '02) Patricia Downs '62 Peter C. Doyle, ill '60 Cheryl M. Dubois '69 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.

Dudley '45 (Shirley F. M artin '46)

Marion E. Dugdale '38 Duo-Temp Corporation James G. Ellis '64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Erb,

Jr. '56 (J udith Ann Merrill '58)

Ronald M. Farkas '48 Mr. and Mrs. E. John Farley,

Jr. '56 (Charmian deVesty '56)

Frank P. Farnham '40 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney W. Farr

'55 John W. Field, Jr. '66 William Finkeldey '43 Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Foss

( B arbara '70) Donald C. Freeman '26 Karen Freitas '65 Mary B. Gilles '48 Herman Glassman '2S Harry J. Greene '24 Robert S. Grodberg '53 Everett H. Gross '21 Mrs. John T . Gyger Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hager

'55 (Rita W. H amilton '55) James G. Haidas '60 Mrs. Albert Hamrab

(Beverly Forgey '52) John Hancock Mutual Life

Insurance Company Chester D. Harrington, Jr. '5 1 Mrs. Henry L. Hathaway

( Ruth M. Roberts '4 1 ) Mrs. Richard F . Headley

( M artha Bennett '49) Philip R. Higgins '29 Gerald J. Holtz '52 Mrs. Richard A. Howard

(Elizabeth Solie '39) Mr. and Mrs. Roger M.

Huebsch 'S3 (Susan Smith '54)

Meyer C. Jacobs '43 Robert T. Jacobs 'S4 Johns-Manville Corporation Mrs. Alfred M. Johnsrud

(Jean Beauchamp '49) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Jones

'58 (Rachel West '58) The Felix and Helen Juda


Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Kennison '06 (Marion Horne ' 1 8)

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin King, I I I '53 ( B arbara J. B urg '55)

Donald C. Kupersmith '56 Dr. and Mrs. Alton W. Lamont,

Jr. '52 (Joan M artin '52) Charles M. Landay '54 Catherine Larrabee '22 Elizabeth B. Larrabee '23 Philip C. Lawson '50 Mrs. Lawrence Lowenstein

( M arie Kraeler '46) Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Lucier

'60 (Helen M artin '60) P. Kenton MacCubrey '28 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mackey

(Linda "60) Dr. and Mrs. John E. Macklin

'55 (Dorothy Clapp '57) LendaJ C. Mahoney '37 Mrs. Sidney H. Malkin

(Evelyn Helfant '48) Arthur Marchand, Jr. 'SS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I.

Marks (Sheila J ay '72) Ernest C. Marriner '13

The Ernest C. and Frederick W. Marriner Scholarship

Mrs. George A. Marsh (R hena L. Clark '0 1 )

David Marson '48 Douglas T. Mathieu '60

In memory of Mike Loebs William R. Maurice '48 Dr. and Mrs. James E.

McCullum (Ann Morrison ' 5 1 )

William H . McDonough, Jr. '53 Earle A. McKeen '29 Howard A. Miller '40 Mrs. Royce M. Miller

(Gertrude C. Cleveland '5 1 ) Mrs. Robert E . Montgomery

(Ruth Graves '43) Mr. and Mrs. Donald D.

Mordecai '60 (Dru cilia G . Harris '6 1 )

Dr. and Mrs. David Morse, Jr. '52 (Deborah Brush '52)

National Distillers and Chemical Foundation

New Can Company, Incorporated

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Nicoll '49 (Hi lda K . Farnum '49)

Reginald O'Halloran '33 Frances M. Palmer '34 Norman D. Palmer '30 F. Shirley Parks '48 Mr. and Mrs. Norman K.

Parsells (Norman, Jr. '7 1 ) Henry D . Pickering Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pineo, Jr.

'63 (Su an K. Schaeff '63) Dr. and Mrs. Albert 0. Piper

'36 (Bettina Wellington '35) Kershaw E. Powell '5 l Mr. and Mrs. Mark Powley,

Ill '57 (Lorraine Wal ker '54) Dr. and Mrs. Richard D.

Pullen '50 (Barbara N. Barrow '50)

Major and Mrs. Robert M. Raymond '56 (Francis Wren '58)

Peter D. Rjgero '57 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Roy

'48 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Sanders

'37 ( Betty Herd '38) Dwight E. Sargent '39 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schultz

'55 (Xandra Mccurdy '55) Mrs. Christian R. Schulze

( M iriam Rice '27) Gavin Scotti '65

Mrs. Earle G. Shettleworth (Esther Knudsen '27)

Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Shorey, Jr. '54 (J udith Orne '55)

Mrs. Dorothy Skillings (Dorothy Harlow '33)

Robert A. Slavitt '49 Dr. and Mrs. C. Freeman

Sleeper '54 (Susan S. Johnson '54)

Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sortor '56 (Rosemary Crouthamel '56)

Mrs. John E. Taylor (Ellen M. M cCue '6 1 )

Frances E . Thayer '30 The Thomas & Betts Charitable

Trust M. Colby Tibbetts '45 H. Stephen Tilton '46 Philip M. Tocantins '57 Mrs. Claude Toziert

(Barbara Libby '30) A. Ruth Trefethen ' 15 Ober C. Vaughan '33 Remo M. Verrengia '44 John W. Waalewyn '52 Mr. and Mrs. David

Wallingford '54 (Bet y Powley '54)

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ward '35 (Ottel l ie Greely '38)

Robert R. Wehner 50 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Wescott

'53 (Eloise Larned '55) Prof. and Mrs. Peter Westervelt

(N ancy S. Fortuine '54) Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. G.

Wey, ill '56 ( Marilyn Brooks '56)

Peter J. Whalley '64 Maurice M. Whitten '45 Judith H. Wiggin '57 Mrs. Carleton F. Wiley

( Phyllis E. Bowman '25) Mrs. Charles B. Wills

(Arline Kiessling '47) John A. T. Wilson '60 W. Malcolm Wilson '33 Nahum M. Wing '94 Henry K. Wingate '61 Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wiswell

'62 ( Pri ci l ia Gwyn '62) Work Wear Corporation


Joan E. Abbott '49 Dr. and Mrs. David L. Adams

'58 (Pamelia Brockway '60) Stanley B. Abrams '54 Mrs. Carolyn W. Albrecht

(Carolyn Will iams '52) Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Aldrich

'52 (Marjorie Russell '52) WaJter E. Alger, Jr. '50 Donald E. Allison '30 American Optical Corporation Mrs. M. Michael Ananian

(Janice Coburn '59) Mr. and Mrs. A. Wendell

Anderson '38 (Dorothy Trainor '38)

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Anderson '53 (Janice C. Pearson '52)

George H. Anderson 'JS Hugh F. Anderson 'S6 Mrs. James Wells Anderson

(Alice Clark '2 1 ) Mrs. Ralph K . Anderson

(Susan S. M il ler '6 1 ) Mr. and Mrs. Reginald D.

Anderson 'SS (Jean C. Hawes '55)

Robert M. Anderson '54 Mr. and Mrs. Makolm E.

Andrews '53 (Patrice M cintire '55)

John A. Appleton '49 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Arkin

( Barry M ark '69) Mrs. Ray D. Arnold

(M 1ldred Greeley ' 1 7) Mrs. Harold A. Atkins

(M argaret E. Clark '48) Edna F. Bailey '36 Thomas R. Bailey '59 Mrs. Elliott R. Barker

(Jean Cres y '54) Elmer C. Bartels '62 Forrest M. Batson '30 Louise Bauer '28 John S. Baxter '58 Mr. and Mrs. George L. Beach,

Ir. '41 (Martha Rogers '42) Dwight K. Beal '41 Robert T. Beals '32 Clifford A. Bean '5 1

Edward Pratley Memorial Scholarship

Virginia M. Bean '22 John A. Beatson '52 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Bedig

'49 (Phyllis M cKiel '48) Carol L. Beers '67 James W. Begin '67 Stephen I. BerkJey 'S l Mr. and Mrs. Albert L.

Bernier '50 (Shirley Fellows '49)

John P. Bernier '61 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph I.

Bemst.ein (Lawrence '67) Mrs. Michael Bernstein

(Caroline Kre ky '67) J. Philip Berquist '49 George R. Berry '36 John L. Berry '24

Dr. John L. and Kathleen V. Berry Fund

Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Beveridge '53 (Jacquel ine Warendorf '54)

Frederick A. Beyer, I I I '67 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J.

Billington '54 (Pri ci l ia Eaton '53)

Mrs. Herbert A. Black, II (Norma Shea '53)

Mrs. Ernest L. Blair Pauline H i gginbotham '20)

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Boardman '61 (N ancy M. Cunneen '6 1 )

Peter A . Bogren '56 William J. Bois '57 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Bond

(Whitford '63) Mrs. Howard E. Boone

(Joan Drew ' 5 1 ) F . Christine Booth '26 Richard J. Bowen '5 1 Frederick R. Boyle '51 Thomas S. Brackin '57 Mrs. Peter T. C. Bramhall

(Hope Palmer '56) Laurence I. Braun '64 Dr. and Mrs. Albert R.

Braunmuller (Eleanor Smart '43)

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 0. Bridgman '62 (Jean Eiel on '63)

Mrs. Morton A. Brody (Judith Levine '58)

Brockway-Smith-Haigh-Lovell Company

Mrs. Charles D. Brown (Arlene E. Ringrose '23)

111e Rev. and Mrs. Frederick R. Brown '56 (Barbara Barne '56)

Roger W . Brown '60 Benjamin B. Brownstein '37 Mr. and Mrs. Kennon W.

Bryan '65 (Sally R. Thompson '65)

William L. Bryan '48 Carl R. Bryant '04 Mrs. Robert B. Bryant

(Prisci l la Ford '5 1 ) W . Davison Bryant '49 James N. Buckner 36 Mrs. Jed W. Bullen, II

(Deborah Wilson '60) Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Burke,

Jr. '60 (Betsy Perry '6 1 ) Robert W . Burke '61 Robert E. Burt '43 Mrs. Peter Campbell

(Anne Gellhorn '64) Mrs. William C. Campbell

( M ary M astin '54) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cannell

'5 1 (Joan Kelby '52) Charles H. Carpenter '48 Mrs. Edward W. Carpenter

(Ragnhild Klafstad '49) Bruce Carswell '5 1 Manson H. Carter '49 Mr. and Mrs. Albert F.

Carville, Jr. '63 (Sally Page '64)

Richard T. Chamberlin '52 Mrs. Joseph C. Chandler, Jr.

(Fabia Bowman '54) Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.

Chandler '28 (Helen Merrick '28)

Alfred King Chapman '25 Mrs. Mary C. Cherry

( M ary Hathaway '49) Mrs. John D. Clark

(Ru th iles '28) Mrs. Kenneth S. Cleaves

(Adelaide Jordan '34) Mrs. Robert E. Cleaves, III

(Helen Koniares '53) Alison A . Coady '65 Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer Cobb

'42 (Sarah Fussell '42) Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Cobb '59

(Deborah Robson '58) Mrs. Michael D. Coffey

(M arlyn Crittendon '62) Mason W. Colby '45 Mrs. Lawrence D. Cole

(Cornelia Adair '28) Richard A. Cole '55 Ralph C. Collazzo '49 Jane E. Collins '56 Victor A . Conklin '67 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.

Connolly '66 ( Virginia A. Grelotti '66)

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Consolino '58 (Carolyn Evans '6 1 )

Edward R . Cony '44 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cook

'49 (J une Stairs '49) Whitney J. Coombs '62 Terence A. Cordner, Jr. '62 Vernon Corell, Jr. '5 1 Edith M. Costello '54 William T. Cottle, Jr. '65 Mrs. J. Thomas Cottrell

(M argot M. White '55) Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.

Cousins '48 (E l izabeth Ha l l '48)

Sara J. Cowan '37 W. Thornton Cowing '30 Gerald B. Cowperthwaite '54 C PC International Incorporated

Mrs. Redding L. Crafts ( M ary Anne Seward '50)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Cross '54 (Helen Chambers '55)

Laurence E. Cudmore '58 Mrs. Walter E. Dages, Jr.

( Louise M acGill '53) Mrs. Janet D'Amico

(Janet Nordgren '56) Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Dann

(Susan '70) Harold P. Davis, Jr. '38 Mrs. Richard W. Davis

(J anet Pride '49) Charles R. De8evoise '48 Mrs. George P. DeCourcy

(Eleanor Otterson '53) Robert C. Dennison, Jr. '43 S. Frank D'Ercole '62 Mr. and Mrs. Robert DiNapoli

'62 (Hope H utchins '62) Philip P. Dine '50 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Dornish, Jr.

'54 ( M ary Jane M illett '55) Mr . Joseph Downing

(Doris Downing '69) David Dunn 'S6 John R. Durant '57 Lauritz N. Dyhrberg '64 John C. Edes '58

In memory of Michael Steeve Edes and Michelle Holly Edes

Mrs. Bradford W. Edgerton ( Edith Harris '5 I )

Paul M . Edmunds '26 Edwin R. Ei en 'S4 Dr. and Mr . Frederick C.

Emery '38 (M ary Herd '38) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E.

Engdahl, Jr. '57 (Rebecca J . Rowe '56)

Dr. and Mrs. Angelo John Eraklis (Katherine D. Sfere '57)

Mr . Lawrence R. Eustis (Anne K . H agar '49)

Albert P. Everts (Net on T. '50)

Raymond W. Farnham '36 Thomas W. Farnsworth Jr. '43 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley W. Farr

(Sidney '55) David S. Fearon '65 Paul E. Feldman '34 Richard M. Felker '49 Mr. and Mrs. Richard R.

Fellows '45 (Muriel Sterling '45)

Leon E. Fernandez 'SS A. Thomas Ferris '43 Warren J. Finegan '51

In memory of Elisabeth Levardsen Finegan '52

First National City Bank Foundation

Peter D. Fishbin '54 Samson Fisher '34 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P.

Fitton '42 (Jean Desper '49) Mrs. William J. Florence, Jr.

(Judith C. Lawson '55) Thomas J. Foley '33 Janet M. Forgey '59 Karen For lund '63 Harvey G. Fotter '29 Mrs. Paul F. Fox

(Janet E. Clark '60) Mr. and Mrs. John T. Frazer

(Susan Fether ton '59) J. Joseph Freme '41 Paulette French '63 L. Martha Friedlaender '53 Mrs. Wallace C. Fry, Jr.

(Joanne Bouton '47) Sandra J. Fullerton '62

Mrs. Rose Gahan ( Rose Seltzer '27)

Ralph L. Galante 60 Alonzo H. Garcelon '38 Mr • Arthur W. Gatenby

( Eleanor Gray '57) Hazel M. Gibb '17 George J. Giffin '51 Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.

Gilbert, Jr. '64 (Sally M ae Saabye '64)

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gilmore '40 (Ann Jones '42)

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Glockler '57 (Beverly J ack on '60)

M. Ed on Goodrich '37 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goodrich

(Arlene Will iams '30) Donald R. Graham '60 Mrs. Harold 0. Graves

(Charlotte Crandall '50) Mrs. Jo eph W. Grdeoick

(Phyllis rawford '62) Great orthero Paper

Company Robert F. Greene '33 James S. Greenlaw '57 Robert E. Grindle '53 Jay Kenneth Gronlund '65 Mr. and Mrs. Everett F. Gro

'52 Faith DeVol '54) Arnold Gro man '44 Mrs. Frank L. Gustaf on, Jr.

(M arguerite Broderson '45) Mr . amir A . Haddad

(Barbara White '44) William E. Haggett '56 Donald G. Hailer 'S2 Mr . John W. Hakola

(Judith Hoffman '6 1 ) William D. Hamilton '6 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.

Hammond, Jr. '49 (Grace Rutherford '50)

Mrs. John E. H an kins (Nell ie P ttle '25)

Mrs. Mirek Hansen (Janice Klem '58)

The Hartford Insurance Group Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Hartung (Jack '7 1 )

Mrs. Edward M. Haweeli (Doris Hardy '25)

Mrs. Harman Hawkins (Janet G ay '48)

Edward F. Hayde, Jr. '62 Don R. Heacock '49 Harold E. Hegan '42 Eero R. Helin '42 Richard S. Hellawell '56 Mrs. Lucy M. Helm

(Henry '69) Raymond E. Henderson '52 Mr. and Mrs. William W.

Hennig '52 (Carolyn Perron '54)

J. Pauline Herring ' 10 M rs . Jeanne Peyrot Hoffman

(Jeanne Peyrot '36) Mrs. Henry R. Hoppe

(Charlotte Arey '43) Samuel T. Home '49 Sally B. Howes '58 William H. Hughes '41 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.

Hunnewell '67 Phillips B. Hunt, Jr. '52 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford H.

Hutchins (Eleanor Butler '29) Joyce Hutchins '5 1 George E. Ingersoll ' 19 Frederick C. I v e s '52 Mrs. Myron I. Jaffe

(Katharine Wei man '48)

Mrs. Peter Jeffries (J eanne Arnold '57)

Mr. and Mr . Edward H. Jenison '40 (Helen O!>ter ' 38)

Mr . Bruno W. Johnson (Charlotte Pettee '5 I )

Mr. and Mrs. Kent A . Johnson '68 ( ecily Sm1Lh '68)

Mrs. George L. John toni' (Virginia Grave!> '56)

Le ter T. Jolovitz '39 Robert L. Joly 'SO Richard A. Jones '54 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Jordan

'50 (Audrey Fountain '49) John Jubinsky 'S6 Robert E. Kahn '44 Mrs. Sheldon T. Katz

(Audrey H i ttinger '57) Charles D. Keef '39 James K. Keefe '51 John P. Kelleter '64 Mrs. Jean E. Kenoyer

(M argaret John on '40) Mrs. Stephen R. Kent

(Joan G ay '45) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A.

Kimball, Jr. '63 (Gail Price '63)

Mrs. Robert R. Kimball ( ancy Saylor '64)

Richard H. King 50 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.

Kingsbury (Susan A. '69) Mrs. Maclean Kirkwood, Jr.

(M arguerite Overn '48) Mr. and Mrs. L. Gary Knight

'66 Mrs. Yvonne R. Knight

(Y onne Richmond '55) Walter F. Knof Ide '28 Eliot 8. Kraft '43 Ro Iyo E. Kramer '45 Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Kre�

'S l (Helene Wolper '53) John D. Krusell '54 Richard A. Kuebndorf '51 Mrs. M ron R. Laipson

(Hannah Karp '46) llan J . Landau 'SS

Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Landrey '57 (Virginia George '58)

Richard O. Larson '68 Paul R. La Verdiere '59 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Laverty

(Sheila McAlh ter '58) Robert G. La Vigne '29 Thomas P. La Vigne 'S8 James Lazour '50 Mr . Robert E. Leavitt

(Barbara Bone '52) Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Lee

'58 ( harlotte Clifton '6 1 ) Mr. and Mrs. Donald E . Legro,

Jr. '62 (Rebecca Lowd '65) Carol J. Leonard '52 Richard Levardsen

In memory of Eli abeth Levardsen Finegan S2

Paul A. LeVecque '52 H arry L. Levin '44 Mr. and Mrs. Sevy Levy '53

(Patricia Levine '55) Mrs. David B. Lightbody

(Barbara Chapman '60) Mrs. Albert F. Lilley

(Judith Pennock '56) A lan R. Lindsay '54 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lloyd '64

(Jacqueline Roe '64) Susan A. Lockhart '64 Mrs. Anthony J. Lowe

(Judith Thompson '54) Mrs. George C. Ludlow, Jr.

(Loui e McG uinne s '56) Richard Lyon, Jr. '50

G. Alden MacDonald '32 Charles A. MacGregor '38 Hiram P. Macintosh '4 1 Bruce A. MacPherson '52 Carl R. MacPherson '26 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Madden

(Anne El izabeth '70) Robert L. Madison '47 Laura A. Magistrate '42 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.

Mailey, Jr. '57 (Barbara Easterbrooks '53)

Mrs. Otis J. Mailhot (Lyd ia A bbott '40)

Mrs. William B. Maley (El izabeth Jennings '50)

Mrs. Joseph B. Maltais ( Beatrice Kennedy '4 1 )

Kathleen L . Markham '52 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E.

Marquis '53 (Pauline A. Hoyt '57)

Mrs. Raeburn L. Marsh '18 (Alberta Shepherd)

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Marshall '56 (Joan Ann Will iams '56)

Kenneth and Florence Martin Foundation

Mary L. Martin '59 Mr. and Mrs. William P.

Mathers (N ancy '69) Mrs. Donald Matheson

(M argaret Salmond '34) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B.

McAlary '43 (Jo ephine Pitt '44)

A. Warren McDougal, Jr. '44 Blandine McLaughlin

(Bl andine Laflamme '60) Frank R. Mellen '38 Oliver C. Mellen '36 J. A. Melnick Corporation Paul R. Mendelsohn '53 Mr . L. Aaron Mendelson

(Cynthia Crockett '59) Jerry M. MerTill '47 Merrimac Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs . Robert E.

Merriman '50 (N ancy Weare '52)

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Meserve

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Murray B. Miller '29 Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Miller

'36 (Sylvia Richardson '3 5) Mrs. Arthur N. Milliken

(El izabeth H olcombe ' 6 1 ) A lan B . Mirken '5 1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard S.

Mittleman '62 Mr. and Mrs. C. Flint Moger

'58 (Helen Roberts '58) Mrs. James L. Moody, Jr.

(Jean Pratt '56) Virginia Moore '35 Mr. and Mrs. Mark S.

Mordecai ' 5 1 ( Edna M ae M il ler '52)

Joan G. Morrison '59 Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Mott ' 5 1

(Constance Wiley '5 1 ) Herbert S. Nagle '52 Mrs. Alfred Naman

(Jean M aloof '49) Elias R. Nawfel '44 Michael M. Nawfel '45 Edward R. Newhall '28 Mrs. Robert Norton

(Margaret Gi lmour '24) S. Win 'fred Odlin '4 1 Andrew 8. Offenhiser '49 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S.

O'Halloran '50 (Marcella Laverdiere '53)

Mrs. Paul J. Orloff (Germaine M ichaud '55)

Robert R. Oster '6 1 Linwood E. Palmer, Jr. '42 Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Palmer

'37 (El izabeth Walden '40) Mr. and Mrs. William R.

Palombo '68 Mrs. C. Thacher Pardey

(Helen Chase '30) Mr. and Mrs. George A .

Parker, Jr. '42 (Geraldine Fennessy '43)

M r . a n d Mrs. Herschel E. Peabody '26 ( Ruth Allen '24)

Mrs. Lawrence A. Peakes (Arl ine M ann '27)

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pearce '49 (Virginia Davis '50)

Robert Peck '5 1 Norman C. Perkins '32 Richard M. Pious '64 Nathaniel D. Pitnof '66 Mrs. Charles W. Pitrat

(M uriel B riggs '49) Mrs. Warren J. Plath

( Margaret Wetzel '60) John E. Poirier '44 Mrs. Kenneth Potter

( M arion L. Porter '60) Roland J. Poulin '3 1 Esther M. Power '20 Mrs. Lucy T. Pratt

(Lucy Taylor ' 1 7) Ransom Pratt '2 1 Joyce E. Preece '69 Mrs. David B. Pressman

( M adelyn Wechsler '53) Mr. and Mrs. George C.

Putnam '34 (Vesta Alden '33) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rafferty

'60 (Rebecca Crane '60) H . Paul Rancourt '33 Mr . Jack Rapaport

(Edna Cohen '28) James Rapaport '54 Winslow W. Reed '50 Mary M. Rice '21 Mr . Edwin S. Rieb

< Ruth Scribner '4 1 ) Mrs. George T. Richards

(Ann M arie Stiegler '56) Reginald R. Ricker '32 Garrett V. Ridgley '45 Clyde E. Riley '27 Mrs. Frank E. Riordan

( M ildred Schne bbe '48) Richard J. Rt>bbat '64 Lt. Col. and Mrs. David L.

Roberts '55 (Ruth M cDonald '55)

Mr. and Mrs. Dana I. Robinson '47 (H arriet Nourse '47)

Hugh L. Robinson ' 18t Quimby N . Robinson '61 Mrs. Charles A. Rose

(Sarah Packard '53) Mrs. Donald P. Ross

(Ruth She ong '35) Arthur Rothenberg '54 Dorothy Rounds '2 1 Thomas F. Roy '58 George Rudolph '56 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Russell

'22 ( Doris Garland ·26) Mrs. Donald Russell

( Betty Lou Rivers '52) Anthony W. Ruvo '59 Virginia Ryan '41 Joan M. St. James '45 Sherman H . Saperstein '54 Philip M. Savage ' 5 1 Victor F. Scalise, J r . '54 Mrs. Richard Schade

(Gail H a rden '60) Mrs. David T. Scheele

(France B uxton '59) Mrs. Robert E. Scblier

( Jacqueline Di l l ingham '5 1 )

Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Schmaltz '62 (J oan Dignam '63)

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schneider ( H arlan '68)

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Schulze '64 (M artha Watson '66)

Lorena E. Scott '22 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L.

Scranton, III '58 (Jane Eplett '59)

Mrs. A lan G. Seal In memory of Robert M. Crowell '7 1

Frederick G. Sears '6 1 Ann Marie Segrave '59 Mrs. Gerald C. Seidenberg

(Gloria Shine '48) Janet E. Semonian '68 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.

Shanahan, Jr. '49 ( Barbara H art '49)

Gloria A. Shepherd '64 Mark R. Shibles '29 Burton G. Shiro '44 Oren R. Shiro '42 George M. Shur '64 Mrs. J. Donald Shute

(Alberta Vanhorn '28) Clyde W. Skillin '33 John L. Skinner '33 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G.

Skolfield '59 Mr. and Mrs. Fay E.

Slingerland, Jr. '5 1 ( Margaret Preston '5 J )

Walter S. Slosek '30 Lyndon A. Small '43 Mrs. Margaret R. Small

(M argaret Raymond '34) Gwyeth T. Smith '27 Walter B. Smith '60 Abbot K. Snow '64 Arthur H. Snow '24 M rs. Samuel B. Spencer

(Susan Ebinger '66) Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.

Spindler ( Peter B . '70)

James Springer '44 Richard K. Stacy 60 Mrs. Walter StanJey

( M . El izabeth Perkin '40) Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.

Staples ' 5 1 (Loretta Thomp on '53)

M r . a n d M rs . Selden C . Staples '55 (Sue Biven '55)

Louise L. Steele '23 Stephen S. Sternberg '41 Mrs. Jack R. Stevens

( Eleanor Runkle '50) Dr. and Mrs. A llan J.

Stinchfield '29 (Ruth H utchins '28)

Carl W. Stinson '63 Robert G. Stirling '31 Helen Strauss '45 Mrs. Thomas F. Sullivan

{Penelope Dietz '6 1 ) Vincent G. Surabian '66 M rs. Herman P. Sweetser

(Phyllis Sturdivant ' 1 9) Mrs. Edward C. Swift

( M ary Sargent '52) Mrs. E. Arthur Tanguay

(Priscil l a Tracey '50) David C. Thaxter '62 Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis

Thompson '4 1 ( Pauline Foley '44)

Mr. and Mrs. L. Richard Thompson '5 1 (Nancy Webber '5 1 )

Marion E. Tibbetts '13 Constance L. Tilley '4(). Louise K. Tilley '23 Roger B. Tilley '37 Mr. and Mrs. William R.

Timken '57 (Judith Prophett '57)

.l\'lrs. L. J. Timmons (Shi rley Adam '55)

William H . Tobey '44 Leon Tobin '40 .l\'lrs. William R. Tolford

( Ruth Watt '52) Elva C. Tooker ' 2 1 John A. Torrey, J r . '5 1 Ward W. Tracy '54 John N. Tully '60 United Aircraft Corporation Mrs. George V. Upton, III

(Carol H untington '5 1 ) Thomas G . Van Slyke '36 Diane G. Van Wyck '66 Mrs. Herbert M. Varnum

(Jean Smith '52) Veeder Industries Trust Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Vigue '57

(Eleanor Ewing '57) Harold L. Vigue '44 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vogt '63

(Susan Ferrie '63 ) Mrs. Joseph B. Wadleigh

(Leota Schoff '25) Shirley I. Wagner '42 Mrs. Wayne Wagner

(Mary Dexter '63) Margaret R. Wall '63 Ronald H. Wallace '41 Mrs. Robert Q. Warren

( H azel Brewer '45) Mary A. Washburn ' 1 5 Lucille E. Waugh '63 Diana K. Weatherby '67 Dorothy A . Weathers '64 Guenter Weissberg Lloyd C. Welken '69 Margaret Ann Whalen '39 Mr. and Mrs. John A.

Wheeler '66 (Mary Walker '69)

Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Whitney '5 1 (Mary Warner '53)

John M. Whittier '60 David G. Wiggins '62 Raymond L. Williams '69

Bea Judkins Scholarship Fund Henry A. Wilmerding, Jr. '61 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wilson

'63 (Anne Godley '65)

Joanne K. Woods '59 Mrs. Gordon A. Woodward

(Viola B lake '30) Mrs. Thornton G. Woodwell

(Patric ia Omark '52) Mr. and Mrs. William D .

Wooldredge '6 1 (Brenda Lewi on '62)

A. Hilda Worthen '24 Mrs. Benjamin J. Woznick, Jr.

(Carolyn Doe '5 3) Captain and Mrs. Joseph A.

Wright, II '62 (Cassandra Cousins '65)

Robert M. Wright '61 Mr. and Mrs. Emerson G.

Wulling (Lucinda '64)

Daniel J. Yett '58 Mrs. David V. Young

( Barbara Forre t '53) Mr. and Mrs. Louis V .

Zambello, J r . '55 (Kathleen McConaughy '56)

2 Anonymous Donors

Club Members 1n the Annual Fund

President's Club

L e l ie 8. Arey ' 1 2 Bath I ron Works Charitable

Tru t Blue Hi l l Foundation 1 946

Tru t The Charle A. Dana

Foundation, Inc. Colby Var ity "C" Club Dead River Company Guy George Gabrielson Mr. and Mr . Maurice J.

Hoffman ( B ruce W. '72) The I nternational N ickel

Company, I nc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lewin

( Lau rie '67, R ichard '7 1 ) Lewin Family Foundation The Agnes M. Lind ay Tru t North K ennebec Regional

Planning Commission C. David O'Brien '58 Margaret Payson Charle H. Pear on Tru t Ednah Root Mr. and Mr . Henry Saglio

( Robert H. '70) Scott Paper Company Joseph M. and Ednah Root

Shapiro Eye Institute Foundation

Shell Companies Foundation Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Louis F. Stahl The Rosamond Thaxter

Foundation The Charle Irwin Travel l i

Fund Jacob Zi kind Tru t u/w for

Charitable Pu rposes

Associate's Club

American Baptist Board of Education and Publication

American College of Surgeons, Maine Chapter

M r. and Mrs. Marco Chiara ( R ichard Beaty '7 1 )

Colby Alumni Association of New York

Mr. and M r . Wil liam C. Gay, Jr. '59 ( Dorothy Reynold '59)

E. Parker Johnson Robert S. Lee '5 1 David Marson '48 The Presser Foundation Robert Sage '49 Charles W. Weaver, Jr. '30

Underwriter's Club

Susan Fairchi l d Bean 'S7 John L . Berry '24 Boothby and Bartlett Company Carl R. Bryant '04 J. Russel Coulter '23 Mil lan L. Egert '30 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher,

Jr. ( Eleanor H . '72) Morris Goldfine Family

Charity Fund, Inc. George E. Ingersoll ' 1 9 Jeanne A rnold Jeffries '57 M r. and Mrs. Norman D.

Lattin ' 1 8

C 6

Robert L. Madison '47 William T. Mason, Jr. '47 Beverly Colbroth Moor 'S7 National Merit Scholarship

Corporation Harold C. Paul '43 Sigrid Tompkini. '38 Lora T. Tibbett!o

In memory of Vinal H. Tibbetts ' 1 4

Mr. a n d I r . Robert D. Twohig ( M ichael '7 I )

Watervil le Council of the Arts, I nc.

Loui A. Woi ard, Jr. 'S l

Touchdown Club

Marcia L . Adams '72 Mr. and Mr . Herbert C.

Altholz ( harles K. '7 I ) Robert N . A nthony '38

I r. and Mrs. Samuel A twater '48

Joan Hunt Banfield '47 Mr. and Mr . Elmer L. Baxter

·� 1 (E l i zabeth weet�er '4 1 ) Mr. and M r . Abner Bevin '34

(Thelma C ha�e ·3 1 ) tanley R. Black '21

Elizabeth P. Boccasile '60 Ralph Bramhall ' 1 5 Joan che o n Bridge 'S2 G . A l lan Brown '39 Jo�eph A. Burkart

( J o�eph A., J r. ·7 1 ) Robert . Cander , Jr. '39 Barbara Gurney Cas idy '3 1 Philip Ca tleman 'S l Norman . Chaletzky '43 Mr. and Ir . Robert L.

Christopher ( R obert P. '72) Edith Washburn C lifford ' 1 4 Mr . Charle J . Colgan

(Charle . '7 1 ) A rthur and Mar) Connelly

( Ei leen 1. ·7 1 ) Mr. and Mr . Donald Cote 'S9

( J udith Dignam '60) John P. Crawford 'S l Mr. and Mr . Robert A. Cron

'S8 (Ann Bonneau ·5 ) Eugene K. Currie ' 1 4 Dr. a n d Mr . Raymond M .

Curli (G ary . '73) Mr. and Mrs. John S.

David on '3 1 (Fai th Rol l in '3 1 )

Mr. and M r . A lfred H . Dean, Jr. 'S8 ( K athryn German '59)

Dorothy E. Deeth '29 Ralph H. DeOrsay '27 Mr. and M r . Frank S.

D'Ercole '6 1 Mr. and Mr . Harry W .

Dickerson ( H arry W., Jr. '7 1 )

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dietz (Cornel ia Robert '65)

The Dow Chemical Company Paul A. Dundas

In memory of Catherine Clarkin Dundas ' 1 7

Edythe P . Dunstan In memory of J. Leslie Dunstan '23

Leonore R. Elkus I n memory of James H. El kus ( Peggy '70)

Barnet Fain 'S3

Hilda M. Fife '26 Colby Fifty Plu Club John tone Fitz-Gerald

( Ocmlre M. ·72) Leroy S. Ford '30 J{oland G ammon '37 Ellen Kenerson Gelotte 'SO Dr. Robert B. Gile , J r.

( R ichard P. 72) Mr. and Mr... Donald A. Gilfoy

'40 ( He len Brown '40) G. Cecil Goddard '29 Mr. and Mrs. Ru ell

Goldsmith 'Sl (f::.l a inc �l ark ·53)

Ra 8. Greene, Jr. '47 James . Hall 'SO Jame H. Halpin '26 Mr. and Mr . Lynwood P.

Harriman '49 ( Donna . El l 1ott '48)

Nel on Hart 'S6 Franci E. HeatJ1 ' 1 7 Leon 0 . Herring ' 1 6 Mr. and 1r . Gabriel J . H ikel

'48 Jean . Hil�en '49 W illiam D. Hood '6 1 Dr. and Mr . eli.oo E.

HO\\ lctl '52 ( Patricia rsk ine '52)

Donald G. Jacob '20 M r. and Ir . Ri bard H.

Johmon (J uruce L. '73) Thomas F. Joyce ' 1 7 Henr) Kammandel '38

lartin M . Keats '28 Mr. and \1r . Karl Kenni on

'06 ( 1 arion H orne · 1 l Marie Donovan Kent 'S l

arl Klinzman 'S3 Le" is Krin k)' '65 Jame . LaGrua '27 M r. and Mrs. David M. Landry

(Timothy D. '73) A l len F. Langhorne 'SO Cat11erine Larrabee '22 Hildegard Drummond

Leonard ' 1 9 Lewi L. Levine ' 1 6 Stephen B. Levine 'S9 George Lewald '4S M r. and Mr . Peter J. Linder

( oreen fib bet ts '5 1 ) Alex Lindholm '32 M r. and Mr . Rolli ton W.

Linscott, Jr. (Wayland F. ·72) Samuel and E tber Lipman

Foundation Christine Bruce L.)·on '42 Claire C. L) ons '6 1 Mr. and M r . Charle W.

Macomber 'SS (Barbara J. ardozzi '56)

Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam A. Macomber '27 ( M arguerite Cha e '27)

Candace Castle Mar el lu '61 Mary L. Martin '59 Louise Holt McGee '40 Alma Morrissette McPartland

'07 In memory of Ellen Peterson '07

Marjorie Ma) nard '47 Mr. and Mrs. Jean F. Me ritz

(George D. '73) Mary Roll in s Mil lett '30 Russell N. Monbleau, Jr. '66 Edna Chamberlain Nelson '22 Peter C. Nester '66

Mr. and Mr... Charles Norton (<. hrntopher C. '73)

Richmond N. oyes '3S Timothy C. Osborne '48

orman K . Parsells ( orman K., J r. '7 1 )

M r. and Mr . Harold Perethi:m ( J anet L. '73)

Geor�e W. Perry ' 1 4 Mr. and Mr.!t. Paul J .

Petilmermel (J ane F. '69) 1uriel arrell Phil on '42

Edward . Pniew ki '49 Wil!.on . Piper '39 Ovid F. Pomerleau '30 Prof. and Mr... Frederick A.

Pottle ' 1 7 I 1 arion tarbird · 1 8)

Ralph F. Pre colt '27 Maj. and Ir • Robert M.

Raymond 'S6 < Fran e� Wren ·58)

PhiJ ip Reiner-Deutsch 'S4 1 r. and I r . John W. Rennau

( u�an 1. '73) Dr. and Mr . Jame W.

Re) nolds '51 ( 1 t ldred Jhorn h i l l ' 53 )

N e l l i e \.\- inslo\\ Rideout '07 rthur 0. Ro enth al '2S

Mr. and l\.lr . Robert C. Rowell '-'9 ( Pau l ine B. Berry '50)

Mr. and Mr . D" igbt E. argent '39

1r. and 1r . . Donald Schine ( R andolph G. '72)

A. no coe hie inger, Jr. '47 Tru tee of the ilco

Foundation Herbert imon 'S2 Lmfan Beck kolem '43

1r. and Ir . Ro) E. Smith '29 (Ruth Park '30)

Dana J. pallbolz ( Dana-Jean '70)

I r. and Mr... laude L. tinneford '26

< H elen ha�e "26) Albert tone 'S l Ethel hild torer '2S Reginald turtevant '2 1 A l ice Buzzell Taylor 'OS \1r. and J\tr . John Ta) lor

( John, J r. '72) !\ I r. and M r . �W i l l iam M .

Terry '33 ( Jean Well mgton ' 32)

t r. and M r . Louis S. TI1omason ( tephen S. '72)

Arthur Thomp on '40

Annual Fund Categories

Pre ident' Club ($1 ,000 and over)

ssociate's Club ($SOO lo $999)

Underwriter's Club ($2SO to $499)

Touchdown Club ($ 1 00 to $249)

Shareholder' Club ($SO to $99)

Honor Roll ($49 and under)

Harold J. Thompson '49 Mr. and Mrs. Grover A.

Tindall (N ancy L. '70) Edwin A. Toolis '4 1 Marian Drisko Tucker '24 Dr. and MI'S. Richard J. Valone

(Frederick W. '72 and R ichard J. '72)

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Verrengia '52 (Beverly B aker 52)

Milroy Warren ' 14 Jean M. Watson '29 Robert R. Wehner '50 Dr. Stanley N. Wein

(Richard B. '73) Jean Whiston '47 R. Leon Williams '33 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S.

Williams '35 (Barbara Howard '35)

Mr. and Mrs. Walworth B. Williams (David W . '7 1 )

Barbara Starr Wolf '50

Shareholder's Club

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allan '32 (Elizabeth Swanton '33)

Philip A llan 30 Webster Anderson '53 Carleton M. Bailey ' 1 8 Edna F . Bailey '36 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bailey

(Thomas J. '73) Brice R. Barnes '7 1 Dr. and MI'S. William A.

Barnes (Robin B. '73) Richard B. Beal '51 Capt. and Mrs. Leo J.

Beaulieu '60 (Sherrill G ardner '60)

Reta Wheaton Belyea '23 E. Richard Benson '29 Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Benson

(Joseph D. '72) James Bernard '53 Philip S. Dither '30 Elizabeth Hodgkins Bowen ' 1 6 Mr. and Mrs. John E . Brassil

(John R. '7 1 ) Richard H . Bright '4 1 Phillip W. Bromwell '67 Alice LaRocque Brown '21 Carlene Perry Brown '60 Harold F. Brown '35 Helen Kimball Brnwn ' 1 8 Crary Brownell ' 1 3 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bruce

'59 (J udjth G arland '58) Mr. and Mrs. Vivian M.

Bryant, Jr. '5 1 (Joyce Wall ace '52)

Marjorie Meader Burns ' 1 3 John A. Campbell ' 1 6 Jean Griffin Carey ' 5 1 Frank S . Carpenter ' 1 4 Mr. and Mrs. Clark H . Carter

'40 ( Raye Winslow '40) Richard F. Casson '60 Stanley F. Choate '50 Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Christie

'56 ( Pameli a Jones '58) Paul Christopher '51 Oscar Chute '29 Ambassador G. Edward Clark

(George K. '72) Chana Marker Cole '49 Jane Mills Conlan '59 William R. Conley '42 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.

Connolly '66 (Virginia Grelotti '66)

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Consolino '58 (Carolyn Evans ' 6 1 )

C . Stanley Corey '28 Jane Bell Corydon '44 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.

Costello (N ancy E . '70) Paul A. Cote '52 Charles A: Cowing '29 Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Cowles

( Robin K. '72) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G.

Curren, Jr. (Jennifer E . '72) Charles E. Currie '65 Mr. and Mrs. Alanson R.

Curtis '31 (Phyl l is Farwel l '32)

Louise MacGill Dages '53 Emma Berry Delehanty ' 10 M r . a n d Mrs. James F .

Dickinson (J . C raig '7 1 ) Cornelia Roberts Dietz '65 Mira L. Dolley ' 19 Carol Smith Donelan '52 Richard W. Dow, Jr. '69 Allen I. Dublin '49 Mr. and Mrs. Hemy Drozda]

( Mary E. '73) Cheryl Dubois '69 Richard R. Dyer '42 Dr. and Mrs. Warren H. Eddy

(David A. '7 1 ) John Edes '58 Grace Bicknell Eisenwinter '02 Ruth Stubbs E tes, Jr. '34 Ra} mood W. Farnham '36 Melva Mann Farnum '23 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney W. Farr

'55 Emmons B. Farrar '14 Mr. and Mr . Alfred Fearing,

Jr. '59 ( ancy Thompson '59) C. Carson Febiger

( Edith R. '72) Mr. and Mrs. Archibald I.

Feinberg (Sue A. '73) Dr. and Mr . James E. Fell '32 Warren J. Finegan '5 1 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Flynn

'6 1 (Joyce Dignam '62) Diana Wall Fogler ' 13 Dr. and Mrs. John H. Foster

' 13 (Helen Thomas ' 1 4) John T. Foster '40 Catharine P. Fussell '4 1 Edwin W. Gates '22 Edwin S. Gibson '45 Alma W. Glidden '30 Joseph P. Gorman '25 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gottlieb

(H ope I. '73) Susan K. Gould '69 Edwin K. Gow '6 1 Leonard W. Grant ' 1 5 Frances Gray '40 Katherine e·. Greaney '28 Lydia Tufts Green '45 Stephen Greenwald '39 Mr. and Mrs. Robert K.

Griffith (Loui E, 1 I I '72) Edward J. Gurney '35 Daniel Hall '51 Emily Heath HaJI '26 Francis Hammar

( ancy E., '7 1 ) Beverly Forgey Hamrah '52 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hannon,

Jr. (Christine G. '73) James E. Harris '64 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S.

Hatfield '58 (Judith Ingram '60)

Judith Miller Heekin '60 Lincoln Heyes '19 Alan Hilton '27

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Holway, III (El len T. H ay '53)

Mr. and Mrs. John H . Horrigan (M arguerite M . '7 3)

Marilyn L. Hubert '47 Hazel Cole Hutson ' 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl A . Hyland

(Carl A. '73) Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe E. Irving

(Jeanne D. '73) Frederic C. Ives '52 Clayton W. Johnson '25 Frank H. Jones '50 Audrey Hittinger Katz '57 Stephen E. Kaufman '55 J. Richard Keddy '58 Ralph W. King '16 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kelly

(Jeffrey R. ·72) Joseph C. Kennedy

( Mary D. '7 1 ) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.

Kirkendall 6 1 (Dorothy Boynton '6 1 )

Raymond 0 . Knauff '33 Walter Knofskie '28 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kolonel

( M artin T. "70) Donna Sample Kramer '61 Sanford I. Kroll '48 W. Bruce Kueffner '68 Roger Landay '56 Elizabeth B. Larrabee '23 Merle Lathrop '48 Thomas P. La Vigne '58 William J. Lawless, Jr. '7 1 Mr. and Mrs. David H .

Lawrence '59 (Dorothea B aldridge '60)

Lewis L. Levine ' 16 M r . and Mrs. Sylvan Linn

(Jonathan J. '7 3) Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.

Linsky (Alan M. '73) Margaret Lippincott '59 George M. Littlefield, Jr.

( Lauren A. '7 1 ) Ruth Barron Lunder '48 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C.

Lockhart '61 (Carolyn Webster '60)

Mr. and Mrs. William N. MacKay (Richard G . '72)

James A. MacLean '52 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F.

Madden '60 (Katherine Kies '59)

Elizabeth Jennings Maley '50 Samuel R. Manelis '36 Stephen Markowitz '59 Ernest C. Marriner '13 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C.

Marriner, Jr. '40 (Prudence Piper '4 1 )

Dr. and Mrs. J . Edward Martin '51

Bradley C. Maxim '47 Ruth M. McEvoy '28 Mr. and Mrs. Peter McFarlane

'60 (Helen L. Johnson '6 1 ) Carl McGraw '40 Mr. and Mrs. James R.

Mcintosh '59 (Sarah Phelan '59)

John L. McKeon '24 Arthur F. McMahon '51 M r . a n d Mrs. Richard

McMillan (Douglas DeH. '72) Mr. and Mrs. Thornton W.

Merriam '5 1 (El izabeth Smart '52)

Hope-jane Gillingham Meyer '43 In memory of Arthur D. Gillingham ' 14 and Louise Gillingham Bennett '48

Dr. and Mrs. Carroll C. Miller (Ann E. '7 1 )

Michael S . Miller '63 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B.

Miller '14 (Evie Learned ' 1 7)

William J. D. Miller '52 Jean Millions ' 14 Eleanor Bradlee Mitchell ' 1 6 Harvard E. Moor ' 18 Irene Gushee Moron '2 1 James B. Morang '65 Mr. and Mrs. John G. Morse,

Jr. (Jane P. "73) Marston Morse '14 Herbert Moscow

(Ann L. '70) Judith MosedaJe '68 Virginia Mosher '4 1 Edward Moynahan '25 Richard D. Muzzy

(El len '72) William E. Neth '52 Irwin Newberry '22 Robert O'Leary '6 1 Jerome Orenstein '4 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ossoff

(Joel D. '73) Charles J. Paddock '22 Dr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Paine

'37 Stanley L. Painter '59 Shirley Parks '48 John 8. Philbrook '55 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pineo, Jr.

'63 (Susan Sc haeff '63) George D. Pirie '53 Donald and Roberta H.

Poinier (Carolyn W. '72) William J. Pollock ' 2 1 Evelyn Gilmore Pratt '26 Lucy Taylor Pratt '17 Lenna H. Prescott ' 1 8 Libby Pulsifer '2 1 Molly Pearce Putnam '08 Mr. and Mrs. George C.

Putnam '34 (Vesta Alden '33) I n memory of Beatrice Berube Judkins '38 and John Holden

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Quackenbos (Ann '7 1 )

Gerald R . Ramin '52 Mr. and Mr . John Reisman

'55 (Jane Daib '58) Linda Levinson Remis '58 Dr. and Mrs. Donald H.

Rhoades '33 (Dorothy Gould '36)

Dr. and Mrs. Roger H. Rhoades '35 (J uanita White '37)

Portia Pendleton Rideout '34 Alden Rider Carl W. Robinson '20 Everett A. Rockwell '20 Katherine Moses Rolfe ' 16 Irma M. Ross ' 17 Louise A . Ross ' 1 1 Ernest Rotenberg '45 Edward J. Ruff

(Clark W. '72) Louis Salhanick '4 1 Aaron E. Sandler '48 Earl J. Sayer '35 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.

Schiller ( Robert J., Jr. '73) Judith Quint Schreider '39 Janet Semonian '68 Roy V . Shorey '28 Burton S. Silberstein '49 Lyndon A. Small '43 Craig W. Smith '69 Major and Mrs. Jay W. Smith

'56 ( Barbara Baldwin '56) Jean Burr Smith '39 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Smith

'24 ( Ervena Goodale '24)

Kenneth J. Smith '26 Le lie W. and Ruth K. Smith

( B ruce H. '7 3 ) Peter W. Smith '69 M r. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith '29

( R uth Park '30) Todd H . Smith '70 Mr. and Mr·. Wil l iam P. Smith

(Jan ice Hol land '54) Dr. and Mrs. David C. Sortor

'S6 ( Ro emary Crout hamel '56)

G eorge F. Sprague '3 1 Helen Cross Stabler 'S4 Ella MacBumie Stacy '09 Mr. and Mrs. W ill iam R.

Stanton ( Jeffery W. '7 1 and Wi l l iam J. '72)

Frank P. Stephen on '62

Dr. and Mrs. Allan J. Stinchfield '29 (R uth H utch ins '28)

Steven L. Strau 'SS Mr. and Mrs. Everett C.

Stromberg ( Robert L. '70) Arnold H. Sturtevant 'S l Ellen McCue Taylor '6 1 William D. Taylor '40 Albert J. Thiel '28 John L. Thomas, Jr. '42 Mr. and Mrs. L. Richard

Thompson 'S l ( N ancy Webber '5 1 )

A lleen Thomp on '40 Harold J. Thomp on '49 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Throop '66

(J anet M eyer '66)

Shirley Porton 111rope '41 Mr . David W. Tibbott

( Daniel Ha l l '5 1 ) Edward J. Tomey 'S9 Mrs. 0 car A. Trippet

( Larimore O . . l l '7 1 ) Milford J . Umphrey '21

niroyal Foundation Lucien F. Veilleux 'SO David A. Ward 'SS Roland G. Ware '2 1 Diana K. \i eatherby '67 Theodore W. Weigand 'S3 La'l\rence Weis '43 Mr. and Mr • William Weitman

( eorge H. '73) Kenneth Wentworth '2S Barbara Field West S8

harles H. Whitelaw, Jr. 'Sl Ra mond . Whitney ' 18 Ruth Hamilton Whitlemore ' J 2 Mr. and Mr . Oliver C. Wilbur

' 1 7 (Winni fred Atw od ' 1 7) Robert . Wilkin '20 Grace Flet her Willey ' 1 7 Cdr. and M r . Neal E .

Will iam� (Laune A . '73) Jame H. \\- oo� '29 Mr. and 1r . Linwood

Workman '40 (Joanna M ac M u rtry '4 1 )

Diane Reynolds Wright 'SS Capl and 1 r . Whitney

W right '37 ( Loui e Weeks '38) Roberta E. Young '47 Fran e Hyde Zecker '48

Complete Listing of Parents, Friends, Corporations

Who Supported Colby and Foundations

During the Academic

- A -

Carlton E. Abbott Charles F. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. A dam

( M arcia L. '72) Mr. and Mrs. Elwood P.

A dditon (Carolyn J udy '7 l )

Aetna Life & Casualty Mrs. Harvey Agnew Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Agnew

( M arion S. '7 1 ) Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. A lco Packing Co. Harold Alfond Al l ied Chemical Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C.

A l tholz (Charle K. '7 1 ) American Airlines, Inc. American Baptist Board of

Education and Publication American Can Company

Foundation American College of Surgeons

- Maine Chapter American Insurance

Management Corporation A merican Optical

Corporation American Stock Exchange American Sugar Company Arthur A ndersen & Company Mrs. Grace A . Andersen

(Wil l iam '70) Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Arkin

(Barry M ark '69) Aroostook General Hospital Atlantic Richfield Foundation Automatic Electric Company

- B -Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.

Bachmeyer Carlyle K. Backstrom Sarah Badger

c s

Year 19 6 9 -19 7 0

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton D. Baer ( arl '70)

Mr. and Mr . Jame L. Bailey (Thoma J. '73)

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Barne ( B rice R. '7 1 )

Dr. and Mrs. Will iam A . Barnes ( Robin Bruce '73)

Bath Iron Works Charitable Tru t

Bath Memorial Ho pital Roger Battistella Dr. and Mr • Edward Becker

(Amy Gertrude '72) Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Beerits

(Chri topher J . '70) R. Gregor Belcher Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace

Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Walter H.

Benson tJo eph D. '72)

Dr. and Mr . Joseph I. Bernstein ( Lawrence '67)

Louis Bernstein Robert S. Bigelow Wil liam Bingham I I

Charitable Trust Bird Companies Charitable

Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. J. Seelye Bixler Mr . Mercer J. Blankenship

In memory of Frank E. Wood '04 and Mrs. Frank E. Wood (Carrie) '05

Dr. Brand Blanshard, Hon. 'S6 Mr. and Mrs. Brooks K.

Blossom Blue Hil l Foundation 1946

Trust Blue Hil l Memorial Ho pital Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Bond

(Whitford '63) Boothby & Bartlett Company

Francis F. Bartlett '26 Memorial

Mrs. Margaret B. Bostwick (Audrey A. '5 1 )

Thomas H. Bott

Mr. and Mrs. barle Fred Bou me

M� ellie B. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Norman

Bowerso Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bradley

( F. Weber '7 1 ) The Braitrnayer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Patrick

Brancaccio Robert rowel! ('7 l ) Memorial Fund

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Brandt (Karen Ann '70)

Mr. and Mrs. Joh n E. Brassil ( John Richard ·7 1 )

Mr. and Mrs. bandier R. Brewer ( my Jo '7 1 )

Mr. and M r . Roland Britton ( Robert P. '7 1 )

Brockway.Smith-Haigh· Lovell Co.

Mr. and Mr • F. W . Brown (Fredenck R. '56)

Mr. and 1r . Gordon W. Brown ( M argaret A. '62)

Mr. Jo epb A. Burkart (Jo epb A., Jr. '7 I )

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H . Burley (Thoma C. '73)

Burlington ludustries Foundation

Mr. and Mr • Will iam E. Butler (Burton W. '72)

- C -Cabot Foundation I nc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.

Cambridge (Charle C. '72) Mr. and Mrs. CaJvin B.

Cameron (Denni Scott '7 1 ) Mrs. Frederic E . Camp Bernadette J. Campbell Campbell Soup Company

Laura 1 . Dor' and Frank arpenter hol rsbip

Endo"' ment Fund 1 rs. \.1ary W. arrutl1

( Frank W. '7 3) Mr • J. Greene arter

al') lemoriul Hospital Mr. and 1rs. Howard J.

Charle h e 1anhattan Bank Foundation

Ir. and trs. Philip R. Chase ( tephen E. '6 I )

M r • Thomas base ( 1 arjorie '40)

Mr. and 1rs. William C. be ter ( ally C. '72)

Mr·. Judith Beaty Chiara ( R ichard Beaty '7 1 )

. Roland Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.

Christopher ( Robert Patrick '72)

Citie Service Foundation Ambassador and Mrs. G.

Edward Clark (George K. '72)

R. M. Clements C.N.A. Foundation Colb) College Modern Dance

Club Colby Varsity "C" Club Mr. and Mr. Charles J. Colgan

(Charles S. '7 1 ) Margaret C. Collins, M.D.

(John F. '69) Mr. and Mrs. John Condax

(M ichael D. '70) Mr. and Mrs. George D.

Condon ( Rus ell '72) Connecticut General Life

Insurance Company Connecticut Light and Power

Company Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F.

Connelly ( Ei leen Mary '7 1 ) Continental Can Company

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cooper (Pam Weir '67)

Com Products Company Corning Glass Works

Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F.

Costello ( ancy E. '70) Mr. and Mrs . Robert E.

Costello (Su an '70) Alden T. Cottrell Mr. and Mrs. Roger W.

Cowles, Jr. ( Robin K. '72) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F.

Coyne ( Robert Edward '7 1 ) Mrs. Edwin B . Cragin

( Edwin B., Jr. '62) The Rev. Wil liam H .

Crawford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Crimmins

(Deborah Ellen '72) Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cross

and John R. Cross (Suzanne E. '73)

H. King Cummings Willard W. Cummings Cummings-Guilford Charitable

Trust Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G.

Curren, Jr. (Jennifer E. '72) Dr. and Mrs. Raymond M.

Curtis (Gary Allen '7 3)

:__ D -The Daaquam Lumber Ltd. The Charles A. Dana

Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Danieli

( Frank, J r. '70) Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Dankert

(Phi l ip R. '58) Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Dann

(Su an '70) Mrs. Alice L. Daub Mr. and Mrs. Tyler B. Davis

(Tyler Burton '72) Dead River Company Trustees u/declaration of Trust

Charles A. Dean C. Edward Dean, I D M r . a n d Mrs. J u a n B. deLavalle

(J uan '73) Anthony J. DeLuca Mr. and Mrs. James T.

Dennison (Andrew '7 3) Mr. and Mrs. Harry W.

Dickerson (H arry W., Jr. '7 I ) Mr. and Mrs. James F.

Dickinson (J . Craig '7 1 ) Lawrence E . Dickovick Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Dionne

( Ida C. '73) Mrs. Norvelle H. Dismukes

(Gwynelle C. '7 3) Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L.

DonaJdson ( M alcolm L. , J r. '66)

Dow Chemical Company Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Doyle,

Jr. ( Peter C., I I I '60) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drozda!

(M ary Ellen '73) Dun & Bradstreet Foundation,

Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William P.

Dunham (Susan H ope '67) George J. Dunphey Duo-Temp Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Dyer

- E -Mr. and Mrs. Zachary ff. Earl Eastern Maine General Hospital

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Eaton (Scott S. '7 1 )

Dr. and Mrs. Warren H . Eddy ( David A. '7 l )

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Effron (Walter H. '70)

Egan Machinery Company Douglas Eitel Mrs. Leonore R. Elkus

(Peggy H. '70) Mr. and Mrs. Greer Ellis

(Thomas G . '7 1 ) Mr. and Mrs. Harold S.

Emerson (Anne M. '72) Mrs. Gertrude C. Emmons

In memory of Donald Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Thurston C. Englund ( Richard E. '7 3)

Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Estabrook (John S. '69)

Albert P. Everts

- F -

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley W. Farr (Sidney '55)

Mr. and Mrs. C. Carson Febiger ( Edith '72)

Federated Department Stores, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Feinberg (Sue Anne '73)

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Ferris ( Patricia '7 1 )

First National City Bank of New York

Fir t Cleveland Steels, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher,

Jr. (Eleanor H. "72) Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone

Fitz-Gerald (Deirdre M ay '72)

Mrs. Louis M. Fleisher Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Foehl,

Jr. (Will iam C. '59) Ford Fund Educational Aid

Program Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Foss

(Barbara '70) Mrs. Charles Edwin Fox Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Fox Mr. and Mrs. David F.

Freeman (David F. J r. '7 1 ) Miss Grace Frick Mr. and Mrs. Julius W. Friend

Robert M. Crowell ('7 1) Memorial Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Frisbie (Bruce C. '72)

- G Guy George Gabrielson Gardiner General Hospital Robert ff. Gardiner William M. Garland, Il Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.

Gawthrop ( R ichard L. '73) General Charitable Fund The General Electric

Foundation The General Foods Fund, Inc. General Mills Foundation William G. George Mr. and Mrs. Carl Glenn

Gesen (Karen E. Pierce '57) Dr. R. B. Giles, Jr.

( Richard P. '72) James M. Gillespie Mrs. G. B. Gilmore Girard Trust Company

Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Glass (Alan H. '72)

Mr. and Mrs. Hyman S. Glass ( Peter '70)

Mrs. Katherine M . Glennon (Wil l iam J o eph ·7 1 )

Morris Goldfine Family Charity Fund, lac.

Dr. and Mrs. John Godfrey (Patricia Ann "72)

Goldman-Sachs & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.

Goldstein (W il l iam Peter '72) Dr. and Mrs. Gustave G.

Gordon (Joanne Beth '7 1 ) Gordon Linen Company Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gordon

( Robert '7 1 ) Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gottlieb

( Hope Ilona '7 3) Arthur R. Gould Memorial

Hospital W. T. Grant Company Mrs. Frank W. Gray Great Northern Paper

Company Harold Greene

The Greene Foundation Rev. and Mrs. Charles W.

Griffin (Charles W., Jr . '72) Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Griffith

( Loui '72) Mr. and Mrs. Robert T.

Griffith (Shelley G. '72) Nissie and Ethel Grossman

Foundation Reuben and Lizzie Grossman

Foundation Mrs. John T. Gyger

- H -

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haggan (Elayne J . '70)

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hammar ( ancy E. '7 1 )


John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company

Richard J. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. John W . Hannon,

Jr. (Christine '7 3) Mr. and Mrs. Edward P.

Harding (Susan '7 l ) Mr. and Mrs. Francis A .

Harding, Jr. ( Donald M . '72) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.

Hargrave ( Robert '53) Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Harris

( Russell H. '72) Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hart

(Kenneth R ussel l '73) Hartford Insurance Group

Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Hartung

(J ack '7 1 ) Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Haskell C. F. Hathaway Company Mrs. Clara M. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Healey

(Stanley Kenneth '7 l ) Mrs. Lucy M . Helm

( H enry '69) Roderic ff. D. Henderson Mrs. John A. Herrmann Mrs. M. C. Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P.

Higgins, Jr. (Barbara Jean '73)

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hird, II (M atthew '73)

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Hoffman (Bru ce W. '72)

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hogan (Charles '73)

Miss Katharine M. Holden Lt. John Parker Holden, II Memorial Scholarship Fund

Honeywell, Incorporated James L. Hood C. Heath Hopgood

( Thomas '67 ) Mr. and Mrs. John H.

Horrigan ( M arguerite Marie '73)

Household Finance Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C.

Hueners (J anet S. '7 3 ) Mr. a n d M r . Ray G. Huling

(Sandra Lee '69) Hum ble Oil Education

Foundation Hussey Manufacturing

Company Mr. and Mrs. Curtis M.

Hutchins Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Hyland,

Sr. (Carl '73)

- I INA Foundation International Business

Machines Corporation The International Nickel Co.,

Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe E. Irving

(J eanne '73)

- J Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jankowski

Robert M. Crowell ('7 1 ) Memorial Fund

Mr. and Mrs. John Richard Jeffrey (Diane '73)

Mr. and Mrs. Ellerton M. Jette Johns-Manville Corp. Dean E. Parker Johnson

(Stephen '72) Mr . and Mrs. Richard ff.

Johnson (Jan ice L . '73) Mrs. George J . Johnston Samuel Joslow

(Marvin S. "48) Tucker Joyce The Felix and Helen Juda

Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fielding

Jukes ( M ary F. '7 1 )

- K -Seymour C. Kaback

( R ichard A. '72) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Kaloust

(Gregg M. '72) The Leonard and Glenyce

Kaplan Charitable Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kaplan (France E. '7 1 )

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ff . Katz (Joan F. '70)

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kavanaugh (Karla Anne '7 1 )

Mr. and Mrs. Karl J . Kehler (Li a J ane '73)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kelly (Jeffrey Robert '72)

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kennedy ( Mary D . '7 1 )

Keyes Fibre Company John W. Killheffer Mr. and Mrs. Luthene G.

Kimball (Luthene, Jr. '73)

C g

Mr. and Mr . Edward J . K i n g bur) (Su�an '69 )

Si! ter Mar) Augu�tine Klota Mr. and Mr • A rthur Kolonel

( M art in -r . '70) K opper Company, I nc. Mr. and Mr . Elijah Kravitz

(Benjamin '70) M r. and M r . Stephen P.

Kudriavetz, Sr. ( ancy- nne '62) (Stephen '60)

- L -Mr. and Mr . John A. Lambert Mrs. George H . L'Amoureux Mr. and Mr . David M. Landry

(Timothy David '73 ) Arthur L a n g Charitable

Foundation M r. and Mrs. William J.

Law les , Jr. (Wi l l i am J. ·7 1 )

Lawyer Co-operative Publi hing Company In memory of Frank E. Wood '04

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. LeBoff ( Meryl . '7 1 )

Dr. and Mr�. Charle� A . Lehman (Anne '6 1 )

M r. and Mr'. Stephen F. Leo ( E leanor Sarah ·7 I )

Mr. and Mr . Stephen C. Leonard ( Loi Ann '73)

Mr. and M r . George G. Le lie (V irg in ia nn '7 I )

The Second Abraham S. & Fannie B. LeH} Foundation

Harry L. Levin Foundation Paul Levine Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Levine

( Ian J. '7 1 ) Wm. LHine & Son M r. and Mr . Robert L. Lew in Lew in Family Foundation

(R ichard '7 1 and Laurie '67) The Agne M . Lindsay Tm t Mr. and Mrs. S} lvan Linn

(J onathan '73) M r. and Mr . Rolli too W .

Linscott, Jr. (Wayland F. '72)

Mr. and Mr . Richard W. Linsky ( I an '73 )

Samuel a n d E ther Lipman Foundation

Little, Brown and Company, Inc.

M r. and M r . Bertram K. Little M r. and Mrs. George M.

Littlefield, J r. ( Laure n A. '7 1 )

Mrs. Richard B. Locke Mrs. Nancy J. Lowe

( K athy A. '72) Mr. and Mrs. A lexander W.

Luce (Ph i l ip '57) M r. and Mrs. Claude W.

Lumpkin ( Donna Gale '67) Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lyle

(J ud i th Ann '7 1 )

- M -Henry E. M anning James T. McA ndrew Thomas B. McCabe, Hon. '58 M r. and M r . John H.

McGowan ( David J. '7 1 ) McGraw-Hil l, I nc. Mr. and Mrs. George W.

McGum ( Robert W. '73)


Mr.i" and Mrs. Duncan Mclnne Mr. and Mrs. Richard

McMillan ( Dougl:.i "72) Mr. and Mr . David McN amee

( David B ruce '70) Dr. Paul E. Ma hemer

The Mar Corona M ac hemcr Memorial

M r. and Mrs. Wil l iam N. Mackay ( R ichard George '72)

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mackey (Linda '60)

Mr. and Mr . Douglas C. MacMil lan

M r. and Mr . James L. Madden (Anne El izabeth '70)

Madigan Memorial H o pital Mr. and Mr . Leon J. Mael

( Deborah A. '73) Magnavox ompany Mr . William l\laguire

C l n memory of harles Maguire '40

Dr. and Mr . Herbert L. M ah ood

George D. Maier M aine Alpha hapter Phi Delta

Theta - Colb t aine Medical Center

Maine ·women' Club of ew York

tanufacturer Hano' er T�t o.

Mr. and Mr . Anthon} A. Maramarco ( n thon; 1\ 1 . '7 1 )

Marden, Dubord, Bernier and handler

'\1r. and Mr . . La'\ rence I . Marks ( he1 la J . '72)

Ir�. Frederick \ . Marriner M abel 1ar ton Kennelh & Florence l\lartin

Foundation Mr. and l\lr . Walter L. Mason

( Donna S. '70) Mas ·achu etts M utual Life

I nsurance o. Mr. and Mr . W il liam P.

Mathers ( ancy '69) Mr. and Mrs. Ensio W . Mat on

(Anita '69) Mr. and Mr . William R.

Mattern (Chri�Line P. '73) Merchant National Bank of

Bangor 1l1e Merck Company

Foundation M r. and Mr�. Thornton W.

Merriam (Thornton. J r. '5 1 )

Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and M r . C lifford M. M e en e

Mr. and Mr . Jean F. Me ritz (George 0. '73 )

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Harry M. Meyers, J r. Dr. and Mrs. Carroll C. M i l ler

(Ann '7 1 ) Mrs. Han W. M iller Dr. William R. Milnor, Jr. Mrs. Che fer R. Mills

( J ane M i l l Conlan '59) Mr. and Mrs. A rv i d M oberger

(John C. '70) Mobil Foundation, Inc. Morgan Guaranty Trust

Company Mr. and Mrs. John G . Morse,

Jr. ( J ane '73) Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moscow

(Ann L . '70)

Mi s arolyn Muzzy Mr. and Mri.. Richard D.

Muay ( l len '72)

- N -Miss Antonia Na h Mr. and lrs. C. David Na.\h

( 1chola� D. '7 I ) National a h Regii.ter

ompany National Di til ler & hemical

Foundation National Lead Foundation,

I nc. National Merit Scholar5hip

orp. Mr. and Mrs. Walter . ·e ter

( Peter . '66) ew Can ompany

The , ew En • land olfoge Fund, Inc.

New E ngland 1erchan� ational Bank

ew ngland Mutual Life In urance Compan}

ew E ngland Profe ional Chapter of igma Delta hi

Ne" ,ngland Tel. & Tel. Co. Mr. and I r . David e\\ man

( l ark. '7 1 ) ewton-Welle le) H o pital

r\ew York olby 'ollege Alumni so .

Mr . Iara oble 1r. and Mr . Yng� e H.

ord trom ( J effrey '7 1 )

orn\O k hoe Company orth Kennebec Regional Planning ommi ion

'orlhl' e tern l utual Life I n urance o.

Mr. and 1rs. harle orton ( h n topher . '73)

orton ompany

- 0 hubby Oak

Oakland Tue da) lub Kathleen M. O'Connell Mr. and Ir . Edvin D.

Oelerking ( Da\ id W. '6 Ir . John D. Ogilby

( H enry 1. '72) Dr. and lr . Donald K.

O'H anian ( 1arg.1ret Anne '72)

Old olon\ Charitable Foundaifoo

Oregon-Pacific lndu trie , Inc. Rev. and 1rs. C lifford H .

0 borne, Hon. '49 Mr. and Mrs. Jo epb A . Os off

(Joel D. '73) Jo eph K. Owen Owens-Coming Fiberglas

Corporation Oxford Charitable Trust

- P -

Mr. and Mr . S. Warner Pach ( icolette '70)

Palmer Fund Will iam P. Palmer, I I I Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Parkhill Mr. and Mrs. Norman K .

Parsells (N orman, J r. '7 1 )

l\1r. and Mrs. D" ight Parsons ( Dwight l . 69) Robert M. 'ro\\ ell ('7 1 ) Memorial Fund

Paul nevere Life I n urance Com pan.}

1 is Margaret Pay on 1r. and Mr • Saul H. Pearl

( J ame� M. '49) M r. and Mr . Harold Perethian

(J anet '73 ) O r . A rthur H. Perkins Mr. and Mr . Edward Peters

( J meph . '70) M r. and Mr�. Paul J.

Petitmermet (J ane '69) Will iam Philbrick Henr D. Pickering Mr. aud Mr • A nthon}' Pinone

I n memory of A . Donald 'lark '28

\-\ ii on . Piper Irrevocable Trw.t for Charitable and Famil} Purpo es

Pitne) -Bow e , I nc. , I r. and Mr . Donald Poiruer

( ·urolyn '72) Polaroid Corporation Frederick P. Pond

( hi.abeth 69) \ lfred . Popoli Dr. and Mrs. mold Porter !\Jr. and M r . Harold V. Powell

( l al lhew L. '73) J r. a n d M r . harle W .

P o \H r ( B arbara '73) Mr . Leon H. Po' ers

( Linda Pu\\er , 1cker on '56) !\-Ir. and M r . Albert E. Pratley

Edward W. Pralley ('68) Memorial Fund

The Pre ·er Foundation Dr. F. J. Pritham Prudential I n urance Company

of America

- Q -Ir. and !\ I . H . Maxwell

Quackenbos (Ann '7 1 ) Quaker hemical Foundation

- R -M r. and Ir . John H. Rasch

( harlene '72) Bertis . Rasco Ro well H. Rau ch Reader' Dige t Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John L. Reichardt

(John Field '7 1 ) Philip K . Reiman Mr. and Mrs. Edward F.

Reinhardt < Dougla E. 7 l ) Mr. and Mr . John W. Rennau

(Susan '73) A lden W. Rider

In memory of Robert L. Voorhees '54

Robert J. Robertson Mrs. Arthur G . Robinson

In memory of Dr. Hugh L. Robinson ' 1 8

M r . a n d Mr . Charle E. Robinson ( Betty '73)

Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Rogers, J r. (Paul K . , I l l ·63)

M r . Ednah Root Rosensteil Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John M. Roth

Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Round ( M ichael '7 1 and N ancy '72)

Charles M. Royle Edward J. Ruff

(Clark W. '72)

- S -

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saglio ( Robert Henry '70)

St. Claire's Hospital St. Regis Paper Co. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E.

Sampson ( David J. '73) Dr. Joseph Sataloff, Hon. '65 Mr. and Mrs. Carl 0. Sayward

In memory of Mrs. Edna McC. Wales

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scarano (Claire L. '72)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. SchilJer ( Robert J., Jr. '7 3)

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schine ( Randolph '72)

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schink (Susan Alma '73)

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schneider (Harlan '68) Mrs. Anoe S. Schuster ( Derek '67)

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Schwarz ( Roslyn Dee '70)

Scott Paper Company SCM Foundation, Inc.

(Glidden-Durkee) Joseph E. Seagram & Soos, Inc. Mrs. Alan G. Seal

Robert M. Crowell ('7 1 ) Memorial Fund

The Sears-Roebuck Foundation Arthur W. Seepe Mr. and Mrs. Georges

Seligmann Servend, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Severson

( Kathryn '7 1 ) Dr. and Mrs. Charles J.

Shagoury ( Ruth Ellen '72) Joseph M. and Ednah Root

Shapiro Foundation Mrs. Carleton A. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Shaw

In memory of Elizabeth Shaw Whiteley '52

Shawmut Glass Containers, Inc.

Mrs. Timothy J. Shea ( David M. '70)

Lewis J. Sheaffer Shell Companies Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roger J.

Sherman (Roger B. '73) Mr. and Mrs. Elmer R. Shippee

( R ichard C. '7 1 ) Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Shorter

(Jaye Charlotte 72) Barnett I . Shur

(George Shur '64) Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Sigel

(John '73 ) Trustees o f the Sileo


Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Silverman

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Silverstein

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Skillings (Patricia '73)

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Smith Kline and French

Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith

(Todd '70) Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Smith

( Bruce H. '73) Prof. Wayne L. Smith Estate of Lenore Snellenburg Mr. and Mrs. Keith Snow

(Stephen K . '70) Elmina L. Snow Mr. and Mrs. Walter L.

Spallbolz ( Dana Jean '70) Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.

Spindler (Peter B. '70) The Seth Sprague Educational

and Charitable Foundation Louis E. Stahl Mrs. Florence C. Stander Mr. and Mrs. William Stanton

(Wil l ia m '72 and Jeffrey '7 1 ) State o f Maine, Treasury Dept.,

Augusta Sterns Dept. Stores, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stompe

( Brian '56) Hart Stotter William J. Stout Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M.

Stranton Robert M. Crowell ('7 1 ) Memorial Fund

Mrs. Edna Strasser Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. L.

Strider Mr. and Mrs. Everett C.

Stromberg (Robert L . '70) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C.

Struckhoff '44 Mrs. Arthur Hays Sulzberger Mr. and Mrs. John T. Sutton Eugene L. Swan, Jr.

- T -Mr. and 1\ Wendell J. Tabor

( Paul N. '70) Tau Dell.a Phi Fraternity Howard R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor

(John, Jr. '72) Donald P. Teece Teledyne, Inc. Textron Foundation Trust The Rosamond Thaxter

Foundation Thomas and Betts Charitable

Fund Thomas & Betts Corp.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Thomas Lt. John Parker Holden, I I Memorial Scholarship Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Thomason (Stephen Scott '72)

Edwin Charles Thorn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thrun

( Robert R. '7 l ) Mrs. Lora T. Tibbetts

In memory of Vinal H . Tibbetts ' 1 4

Mrs. David W. Tibbott (Daniel Hal l '5 1 )

Mr. and Mrs. Grover A. Tindall ( Nancy L. '70)

Travelers Insurance Co. The Charles Irwin Travelli

Fund Dr. Bruce Trembly Mr. and Mrs. Donald K.

Trescott ( Deborah '72) Mr. and Mrs. Foster Treworgy

( Robin Jo '7 3) Mrs. Oscar A. Trippet

(Lari more Oscar '7 1 ) John D . Tubbs Mr. Edward H. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.

Twohig ( M ichael '7 1 ) Mr . and Mrs. Samuel Tuttman

(Alan David '7 I )

- U -

Uniroyal Foundation United Aircraft Corp. United-Carr Incorporated United States Gypsum


- V -Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Valone

( R ichard J. and Frederick W., both '72)

Veeder Industries Trust Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. V inette

- W -Mr. and Mrs. Warren F.

Walker (Henry Allen '7 1 ) Hazel G . Wall Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wallgren

( H ugo B. '72) Mr. and Mrs. Donald C.

Walrath Richard H. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ware

(Wil l iam B. '70) The Warnaco Fund, Inc. Waterville Branch of the

American Assoc. of Univ. Women

Waterville Council of the Arts, Inc.

Waterville Hardware & Plumbing Supply Co.

Waterville Osteopathic Hospital

Thomas J. Watson, Jr. (Thoma J ., l I 1 '69)

Mrs. William P. Wattles Dr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Wein

( R ichard B . '73) Lucy H. Weiser Mrs. Ulrich Weiss

Robert M. Crowell ('7 1 ) Memorial Fund

Prof. Guenter Weissberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wells

(Katharine '70) Mrs. Sol W. Weitman Mr. and Mrs. William Weitman

(George Henry '73) Western Publishing Company

Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.

Whidden (Thomas Avery '70)

Mrs. W. Lawrence White (Deborah A. '7 1 )

Mr. and Mrs. August Wieners (Walter H. '72)

Hermann Warner Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard A.

Williams (Timothy H. '72) Mr. and Mrs. J. RandalJ

Williams, I II (J . Randall, l V '65)

Cdr. and Mrs. Neal E. Williams (Laurie Anne '73)

Mr. and Mrs. Walworth Williams ( David '7 1 )

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R . Wilson (Frank A. '73)

Henry S. Wingate (Henry K. '6 1 )

Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Wolf (Stuart B rian '7 3 )

Dr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Wolff ( M ary '72)

Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Wolman

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wood (Charles '70)

Mr. and Mrs. Arcbjbald M. Woodruff ( athan '7 I )

R. Frederic Woolworth C. Bruce Wright Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wulff

( J ames R. '70) Mr. and Mrs. Emerson G.

W ulling (Lucinda '64)

- X -Xerox Corporation

- Y -Jay Okun Yedvab Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Young

- Z -Jacob Ziskind Trust u/w for

Charitable Purposes

C u

Who Supported Colby

19 6 9 -19 7 0

Complete Listing of Alumni

During the Academic Year

1 868 In memory of

Frederick \ aldron

1 893 I n memory of J o h n F. Wood

1 894 N ahum W . Wing*

1897 I n memory of

Edith Hanson Gale M innie GaJlert J\1a} er* In memory of Linton Waldron In memory of

Fannie Parker Wing

1 898 In memory of Frank W. A lden Ina Stinneford Taylor*

1 899 In memory o f

H arold L. H an on Will iam L. \\ aldron''

1 900 Stella Jones Hil l* Charle F. Towne* Gertrude Pike Towne'� Lulu A mes Ventre *

1 901 Will iam F . Hale* In memory of

George A. Marsh Rhena Clark Marsh*

1 902 Augusta Colby * Edna Owen Douglass* Grace Bicknell Eisenwinter Bertha Thayer Flint Angier L. Goolwin* Nellie Lovering Rockwood*

1 903 E dith C e n a Bicknell * In memory of

Will iam H. Hawes, Sr. Clara Martin Southworth*

c 1 2

1 904 Eunice l\Jo,Hr Beale*

arl R. Bryant* Edith Watkins Che ter"' ln memory of

Jennie M. ochranc Bertha Long Han�com In memory of Frank E. Wood

1 905 In memory o f D:n id K. Arey In memory of Arthur Field William H o}t* Ida Phoebe Keen Al ton I. Lockhart A lice Buzzell Ta) lor In memory of arrie Wood

1 906 A lacc An�lc Anna M. Boynton Loui e Al len Feenan Karl R Kennison* El la E. Maxc} In memory of

Arthur G. Robinson Cora Fam ell herwood* Susan H. We ton

1 907 Myrtis Bassett Betts• In memory of

Sarah S. Cumming Ro coe C. Emeryt Caro Be erage Faulkner• Virginia No} e Getchell * Ralph H. Hoxie* Bertha H. Kennison* A l m a Morri ette McPartland* Mil lard C. Moore* Ray S. Mor e * In memory of Ellen Peterson In memory of 0 car Peterson Nellie Winslow Rideout* Arthur W. Stetson• Perley L. Thome* I n memory of

Elihu Blaine Tilton Dora Simmons Watts• Bertha Robin on Wheeler* I n memory of David M. Young

1 908 Emmons P . Burri l l* Helen L. Cochrane* Helen F. Dickinson* Florence King Gould John E. H atch* Molly Pearce Putnam* Ninetta M. Runnals* Ragnhild Iversen Tompkins* In memory of

Annie Harthoro Wheeler

1 909 Helen E. Adarru.

lark D. Chapman Jeannette Sturtl!vant Cro"ell Thoma!> J. eaton Ethel Knowlton iedhof Ella Mac8umie Stac In memory of

M aude aton Wadleigh In memory of

athaniel E. \.\ heeler John D. Whittier

arah B. Young

1 9 1 0 Leona Garland Booth Emma Bem Delahanty Leona Achorn Gil lis* Jennie Grindle G rindle *

harl L. Haskell Ruth \\ ood Hebner J. Pauline Herring Lil lian L. D. Lowell * Gertrude French Packard

1 9 1 1 lbion W. Blake

Hazel ole Hutson Rochel Felch Linscott

athao R. Patter on Louise A. Ro Ro e Carver Tilley Eva La asce \.\ alker l n memory of

Beulah E. Withee

1 9 1 2 L l ie B. Are} * Erne t H. Cole• Jennie Reed Dixon John P. Dolan• E l mer D. Gibb • 1l1omas S. G rindle* Florence Carll Jone • Lei.lie F. Jordan J . Willard Kimball Je ie Ro Murchie Margaret Bu well ash* Elsie Gardner Pierson• Ann • B. Pomeroy Sister Catherine Louise

( Loui e Power ) Leora E. Prentiss* In memory of

Walter J. Rideout Lillian Carll Schubert* Maud Collins Steven Ruth Hamilton Whittemore*

1 9 1 3 Mathea Windell Allen* Genevieve Barker E l mer Bowker*

rary Bro'l\nel l* Diana Wall Fogler John I I . Fo ter

ictor A. Gilpatrick· Marian l ngalf Hague• Pauline H an5on • 1'.. lmer H. H u� ey • l'hilip W. Hu ey John P. Kennedy * Eva 1acomber K)es• Dora Libby Lockwood* Erne!.t . larriner

1arion E. Tebbetts Belle mitb We cott• I v a B. Will is Ada Waugh Young Andre" Young

1 Anonymous Donor

1 9 1 4 \.\'iJlard 8. Mbford Lou· e Drummond Beach*

ophie Pratt Bo telmann• Marjorie leader Burns• In memory f

Philip L. Campbell Frank . arpenter

dith \\ · hbum Clifford* Eugene K. urrie Idella K. Farnum Emmons B. Farrar Blan be . Farrington Helen Thomas Fo ter* In memory of

rthur D. Gil lingham Frank T. Gill ingham• 1\1} ron . Griswold A lice Beckett Haley Ra\'mond I. H kell* M:ibel H. Hunt

delaide K lein Jackman* Lou· e Jo e

arl E. Kelley • Lucie Barrow Lane• !\label B non 1cD niel * l\larcia Farrar Mcintire*

tanle 8. M iller Jean M. 1 il l ions* Wilmer A. Mooers* �farston 1orse* Carlton . ason George G. ewtoo• Emily H anson Obear• E a Pratt Owen* Robert E. 0'1\eo* Glad} Paul"' George W. Perry Gertrude F. Philbrick• J. Franklin Pineo* Clara Collins Piper* Christine Whittemore Power * George W. Pratt* Thomas J. Reynolds* Abbie G. Sanderson* James E. Shepard* Laura Bragdon Small* In memory of

V inal H. Tibbetts Milroy Warren* Ethel Merriam Weeks* Lynnette Philbrick Witham*

1 9 1 5 E . Mildred Bedford Putnam P. Bicknell Ralph A. Bramhall * Harold S. Campbell* Marguerite Chamberlain Leon W. Crockett* Thomas J. Crossman* Prince A . Drummond* Vivian M. Ellsworth* Clarence L. Foss* Roy W. Gillmore Airline C. Gilman* Leonard W. Grant* Mildred Holmes Roland B. Hutchins* Charles H . Jones* Marion Steward LaCasce* Raymond P. Luce Ina M. McCausland* Ruth Brickett Rideout* Ray D. Robinson* Halbert K. Struthers A. Ruth Trefethen* Myrtle Everett Waite* Lizzie Howland Waldron Mary A. Washburn * Lester F. Weeks* Evelyn S. Whitney Ray C. Young*

1 9 1 6 Alden W . A llen Hubert H. Barker* Elizabeth Hodgkins Bowen* Edith Pratt Brown* John A . Campbell* Alice A. Clarkin* Berle Cram* Franklin M. Dyer* Hazel Moore Ellis* Gladys Meserve Ferrell* Frank C. Foster* Effie Hannan Fraser* Arthur E. Gregory* Marion Harmon* Leon D. Herring* Vivian Skinner Hill* Ella Robinson Hoyt* Cyril M. Joly* Ralph W. King* Hazel N. Lane* Lewis Lester l,evine* Waldo C. Lincoln Louise McCordy MacKi.onon* Peter I. Mayers* Eleanor Bradlee Mitchell* Lucy Montgomery Newell* Katharine Moses Rolfe* Mina Titus Sawyer Gabriel H. Sbohet Marion Wyman Sim* Esther French Spaulding* Carolyn Stevens Thompson* Maude Huckins Webster Chester 0. Wyllie*

1 9 1 7 Harriet Canham A lley* Mildred Greeley Arnold* Elmer W. Campbell* Helen D. Cole* In memory of

Catherine Clarkin Dundas John F. Everett* Donald U . Flood Mildred Barton Flood* Hazel M. Gibbs* Gertrude Donnelly Gonya* Harold E. Hall*

William M. Harriman* Francis E. Heath* Morrill L. Ilsley* Thomas F. Joyce* Leonora A . Knight* In memory of Selma Koehler Elsie M. Lane* C. Wallace Lawrence* Paul D. Lovett Evie Learned Miller* Lillian Tuttle Morse* Floy Strout Murray Frederick A. Pottle* Lucy Taylor Pratt* Cecil A. RoJlins* Irma M. Ross* Hazel Durgin Sandberg* Ernest R. Scribner Marion White Smith* Ralph N. Smith* Anne F. Treworgy* Nathaniel Weg* Mildred Greene Wilbur* Oliver C. Wilbur* Winifred Atwood Wilbur* Grace Fletcher Willey* Lester E. Young*

1 9 1 8 Mary Jordan Alden* Bertha Terry Arnold* Carleton M. Bailey* Merrill A . Bigelow*t Howard G. Boardman* Helen Kimball Brown* Helene B. Buker* Violet French Collins* Alta E. Davis* Florence Eaton Davis* Elizabeth R. Fernald* Charlotte Gilman* Howard F. Hill* Ross S. Holt Marion Horne Kennison* Marguerite Bradbury Lampley Norman D. Lattin* Alberta Shepherd Marsh* Harris B. Mcintyre* Harvard E. Moor* Kathryne Sturtevant Moore* Raymond H. Parker Alfred H. Patterson* Milton A. Philbrook Marion Starbird Pottle* Lenna H. Prescott* Hugh L. Robinson*t Ruby M. Robinson* Violet Shaw Scott* Winifred Shaw Terrill* Paul A. Thompson* Otto L. Totman Clifton M. Tracy Zella Reynolds Tracy Stanley M. Wallace Leila M. Washburn* Raymond C. Whitney* Daisy Murray Wilson*

1 9 1 9 Charles V . Andersen John D. Anthony Ralph E. Bradbury Katharine Hatch Burrison* LiJlian Pike Chick* William W. Chute Ira E. Creelman* Mildred Dunham Crosby* Marion Griffin Demuth* Mira L. Dolley* Edward C. Dunbar* Elizabeth R. Eames*

Gordon E. Gates* Helen Baldwin Gates* Miriam Adams Harmon* Lincoln Heyes* In memory of

Helene Blackwell Humphrey George E. Ingersoll* Bertha Peasley Kennedy Hildegard Drummond Leonard* In memory of Neil Leonard '2 1 Newton L. Nourse�' Alice Barbour Otis* Matilda Titcomb Pavey * Harriet Eaton Rogers* Emily Kelley Russell* Arthur F. Scott Burton E. Small* Nellie Davis Spiller* Belle Longley Strickland Robert E. SuHivan* Julius G. Sussman* Galen F. Sweet* Phyllis Sturdivant Sweetser* Margaret Totman* Vera Moore Wilson* Sidney P. Wyman* Clara Harvey Young*

1 92 0 Henry L . BeU Pauline Higginbotham Blair* Raymond O. Brinkman* John W. Brush* John F. Choate* LilJian Dyer Cornish* Alice Bishop Drew Anna McLaughlin Fallon* Harriet Sweetser Greene* Merrill S. F. Greene* Myron C. Hamer Donald G. Jacobs* M. Lucile Kidder* Ernest L. McCormack* Rafael J. Mirandat Raymond S. Owen* Esther M. Power Alfreda Bowie Rand Elsie McCausland Rieb Carl W. Robinson* Everett A. Rockwell* Guy E. Rouse Hugh A. Smith* Clarence A . Tash* Lucy O. Teague* Stella Greenlaw Thompson* Earle S. Tyler Robert E. Wilkins* Madge Tooker Young*

1921 Pauline W . Abbott* Alice Clark Anderson* Thelma French Arnold* Laura V. Baker* Helen Hodgkins Berry* Stanley R. Black* Arthur J. Brimstine* Paul L. Brooks* Alice LaRocque Brown* Chauncey L. Brown* William E. Burgess Frances Bradbury Burke* Elizabeth Whipple Butler* Elizabeth B. Carey* Lou H. Carville Dorothy Knapp Child Marion L. Conant* Clark Drummond William C. Dudley Grace R. Foster* Adelle McLoon Germano*

Grace Johnson Grant* Everett H . Gross* Geraldine Baker Hannay* Arthur A . Hebert* In memory of Neil Leonard Lewis Levine (Ludy)* Nathan N. Lowell" Harley P. Mairs Bernice Butler McGorrill* Wayne B. McNally* Isabel Genthner Misto* Leota Jacobson Moore* Irene Gushee Moran* Grace Wilder Philbrick William J. Pollock Frederick J. Pope* Ransom Pratt* Libby Pulsifer* Mary M. Rice* Ashton F. Richardson* Dorothy Rounds* Margaret Hanson Sandberger Raymond Spinney* ReginaJd H . Sturtevant* Elva C. Tooker John B. Tschamler* Catherine A . Tuttle* Milford I . Umphrey* Roland G. Ware* Clara Carter Weber*

1922 A s a C. Adams* V in a Parent Adams* Eleanor C. Bailey* Raymond J. Bates* Marguerite Craig Beach* Virginia M. Bean* Walter D. Berry* Avis Barton Bixby* Julia Hoyt Brakewood* In memory of

George Willard Brier Mary Brier Dorothy 1\1. Crawford* Kenneth C. Dolbeare* Elizabeth Dyar Downs* Charles H. Gale* Edwin W. Gates Ruth Banghart Greenleaf* Miriam Hardy* .Robert M. Jackson* Catherine Larrabee* Helen Raymond Macomber Leonard W. Mayo* Bertha Gilliatt Moore* Edna Briggs Morrell* Edna Chamberlain Nelson* Irwin S. Newbury Charles J. Paddock* Daphne Fish Plummer* Clyde E. Russell* Lorena E. Scott* Evan J. Shearman* Laura M. Stanley Arthur J. Sullivan* Annie Choate Sweet* Hazel Dyer Town* William J. Wallace* Mary I. Whitcomb* Hugh C. Whittemore

1 923 Myrtice Swain Andrews Reta Wheaton Belyea* Arthur L. Berry* Frederick D. Blanchard* Arlene Ringrose Brown* Thomas A. Callaghan Elliot F. Chase* J. Russel Coulter*

Luq 0 good Dean Doris Be e Dickey * Ed} the Porter Dunstan * In memory of

J. Le lie Dunl>tan* Stanley G. fates* I n memory of

A. Galen Eustis Marlin D. Farnum Melva Munn Farnum* Frederick G . Fas1Jett, Jr.* Edward Roy Frude* Agne amcron Gates* John R. Gow Wendell F. Grant* M. Gertrude Weller

Harrington* Edith Weller Juchter* Elizabeth ll. Larrabee• Lillian Cy·r LaVerdiere Merton E. Laverty* Vera Coll ins Lindsley Marguerite Starbird Lunt* E leanor \\ ilkins Mc arthy * H elen Dre er Mc DonaJd* Velma Brigg Moore A vis Newman Norwood Margaret A bbott Paul* H arland R. Ratcliffe* I d a Jones Smith* Loui e L. Steele* Loui e K . Tilley* Mary E. W arren* Cliltord 0. T. Wieden Dori W}man

1 924 Percy G . Beatty John L. Berry* Ruth Crowley Brandmire Martha Marden Brigg * Charles M. Clough* George M . Davi * Ethel Reed Day" Sue R. Day e * M a r y Wat on Flanders* Celia Clary Fo ett Paul W. Gate Doroth M. Gordon* Harry J. G reene* G race Fox Herrick* Maude Herron H ol t Doris C o l e H unter Cranston H . Jordan Louis Langman Charles S. Lewis* Carolyn Hodgdon Libbey* Marion Cumming Mann* E erett C. Mar ton Franklin C . Matzek'-' Lena Cooley Ma}O * Will iam J. McDonald'·' Jo eph W. McGarry John L. McKeon Ralph D. McLeary':' J. H arland Mor e * Marion Brown ewcomb'� Margaret Gilmour Norton Roland W. Payne Ruth Al len Peabody '-' A nne Brown tone Prilutsky* Lawrence A . Putnam* Katrina Hedman Ranney* Rachel Conant Rowe* Ervena Goodale Smith* Joseph C. Smith* A rthur H . Snow* Pearl Thompson Stetson* Ronald W. Sturtevant* Marion Drisko Tucker* G ren E. Vale* Merle Rokes Waltz* Mildred Todd Weir* Fred M. Weiss*

c 1 4

Helen Gray W e ton A. Hilda Worthen

1 925 Eva L . Al ley* Mildred E. Brigg!>* A l fred K ing Chapman C. Barnard C hapman ElizabctJ1 Kingsley Chapman Lloyd M . Dearborn Herman G ia!> man* Ethel Mason Goetz J o eph P. Gorham * Ray mood S. Grant Nellie Pottle H an kins* Edith Gray Havice Dori!J Hardy H a,, eeli Robert H . Hawkins Theodore R. Hodgkin Clayton W. John on* G race McDonald Jones Ralph M. Larrabee• Earl T. L}on* H oll is W. Manning Olive mitJ1 Marcia Edward H . Merrill Earl L. Merriman* In memory of

Ell!>wortb W . M il lett Al ice Mc Donald Mill Edward T. Mo}naJtan

arrie Baker Pratt Dori!J Tozier Putnam Verne E. Reynolds A rthur O. Ro entbal* Ethel Childs torer Ho"ard B. Tuggey J,eota cholf Wadleigh Helen \\ ee Watson Ellen mitl1 Weiblen Kenneth Leon Wentworth Phyllis Bowman Wiley

1 926 George B . Bame Rutlt KelJeher Bartlett Agne Osgood Blake* F. Chri tine Booth* Agne J . Brouder* A l pha Cro by Brown* Pauline Lunn bamberJin • H elen E. Davi Donald H . Dunph Paul l . Edmunds* H ilda M. Fife Adelaid Gordon Fitts W illiam 1. Ford Donald C . Freeman Doris Robert G ate * Emil Heath H all f. ciive Hair Jame H. H alpin * Doris Dewar H unt• R. Fremont H unter E. Evelvn Kellett* Alfred N. Law • Girlandine Priest Libby Carl R. MacPher on* Wilbur B. McAllister* Clarence R. McLaugh lin Marguerite L. O'Roak Carroll S. Parker* Ellis F. Parmenter Olive Soule Parmenter Herschel E. Peabody* Jennie Nutter Peacock* Edith Grearson Phelan* Evelyn Gilmore Pratt Ruth Jagger Pratt George E . Roach * Evelyn L. Rushton

Doris Garland Ru!J!>cl l* Margaret mitb hearman * Abbot miU1 Kenneth J . mith ·

'laude L. tinncford Helen 'ha!>c tinneford

arroll D. Tripp• A lbert \\ . Wll!Jl>ell* Esther E. Wood Madeline P. Woodworth Herbert M cC. Wortman* Mollie eltzer Yett Joseph R. Ander!>on Barbara Whitney Beatty

1 92 7 } lvia V . Brazzell tanley C. Brown

Jamei. C. Brudno Ena True ar on J . Ardelle hase• Leola M. lement Ralph H. DeOr ay Ruth . Dow Marjorie G . Dun tan Emily andage Iii Evelyn 1 . E tey H elen mith Fawcett Leonard R. Finnemore Perley C. Fullerton• Rose eltzer Gahan Elizabeth \\'atson Gerry Barrett G . Getchel l* Dorothy Gidding Jame J. Harri Alan J . H ilton Mabel Root Holm * Robert . Hunt

van Jobru.on J. Douglas Johmton Jame •. LaGrua Percy Lnine ( Pa y H arriet Fletcher Lockwood Marguerite ha e Macomber* William • Ma omber MiJdred 1 am larden Maynard \\ . 1:U.\\ ell Thomas F. O'Donnell Albert • Peacock

rline tunn Peal. * Greely C. Pierce* Will iam E. Pierce, Jr.* Ralph F. Prescott Pri!J ilia Ru II Richards

lyde . Riley 1 iriam Rice hulze

E ther Knud en hetUeworth Theodore G. mart Gwyeth T. mith Richard P. taunton*t F. lement Taylor* Fred L. Turner Lura Norcro Turner* Elizabeth Alden W assel l* Faith D. Waterman*

1arion Sprowl William on

1 928 Irma Sawyer Andrews* Roland B. Andrews• A va Dodge Barton Loui e Bauer* George P. Bernhardt* Gladys Bunker Bridges* Marion Jacobs Burke Miles F. Carpenter Everett 0. Champlin* Helen Merrick Chandler* Robert C. Chandler* In memory of

A . Donald Clark

Ruth V iles lark ornclia Adair ·01e

C. tanley Corey E thcr Parker Cro1iman • A. A. D'Ami o Amy 0. Dearborn E. IUchard Drummond * John "1. Erick.\011

1ona Herron Erick!Jon 1argaret Davh Farnham •

Edmond F. Fiedler· ecil E. Foote athanieJ M. Callin

ela H . Glidden Katherine B. Greaney G. Holbrook Hawes • Eva Page H a w k ins* Augustll!J M. Hodgkins Dorothy Daggett Johnston

lartin M. Keats* Leemont Kelley \\ alter F. Knof kie* A rthur B. Levine J. Lewis Lovett P. Kenton tac ubrey* Harri t TO\\ le Mc roary • Ruth M. McEvoy * Lauri e Ede 1erriman

d\\ ard R. ewhall* John F. O'Brien Marion Da e O'Donnell John S. Parker ln memory of

. targcl') t. Pierce Edna ob n Rapaport*

ccil H. Ro e barle J. ansone

l�oy \ . bore) lberta \ anhorn hute*

} dney P. now A. Frank tiegler, Jr. * PauJine inclair tincblield Ruth Hutchins tincbfield* Alice :\1. Taber

lbert J. Thiel harlc E. To"ne*

Edna E. Turkington* Ella L. \' inal

usie tevens ' at!Jon* \'era Da.> Young George C. \.h t

1929 lice Paul A llen*

J. Dril>ko lien* 1 uriel anborn A rm trong

Everett W. Bell E. Richard Benson*

eat D. Bousfield * Jo epb B. Campbell * W. Sheldon Chapin 0 car 1\1. hute Charle . Cowing Dorothy E. Deeth HarHy G . Fotter Beatrice Palmer Frederick Lucy Chapin Gib on Ellen H oy t Gillard G. Cecil Goddard* Lil lian 1\lorse Henry* Philip R. H iggins Richard P. Hod doni" Everett H. Holmes Eleanor Butler H utchins David F. Kronquist Robert G. LaV igne Lowell P. Leland* F. Elizabeth Libbey* Doris Wyman Lord* Lemuel K. Lord* Elizabeth Marshall Lynn Mary Vose M cGil l icuddy Ruth Norton McKay* Earle A. McKeen*

.Murray B. Miller* Dorothy L. Morton Harold R. Moskovit John T. Nasse H arold L. Newcomb Barbara Weston Noyes Warren R. Payson Robert A. Peterson Ro alie Mosher Reynolds* Sophie Reynolds* Ruth Plaisted Robinson Ruth Bartlett Rogers Robert W. Scott''' Mark R. Shibles Roy E. Smith* Fred J. Sterns'' A llan J. Stinchfield* Martin J. Tierney Donald B. Tupper Irene Hersey Tuttl e Jean M . Watson* ln memory of Dorothy Woods* James H . Woods*

1930 Ethyl Rose Adams Philip F. A l len Donald E . A l l ison Pauline Bakeman* Forrest M. Batson* Philip S. Bither* Robert P. Brown* John A. Chadwic k W. Thornton Cowing* Linwood T. Crandall James E . Davidson, Jr.* William B. Downey C. Malcolm Dowsey Mil lan L. Egert* Dexter E . Elsemore* Lucile W hitcomb Elsemore* Philip L. Ely Leroy S. Ford* Frank G iuffra A l m a W. G l idden Arlene Wil liams Goodrich G . Gilbert Henry, Jr. Ralph B. H urlburt*t Michael J. Karter Evelyn RolJins Knapp Robert B. Lunt Miriam Sanders Marcbo* Pauline Smith Mayhew Edgar B. McKay* Wallace W . Meyer Mary Rollins MiJ iett* Theodore Nelson Albert C. Palmer* Norman D. Palmer* Helen Chase Pardey* Ovid F. Pomerleau Thomas A. Record Bernard C. Shaw Margaret Hale Shaw Walter S. Slosek Eleanore King Smith Ruth Park Smith* William H . Stinneford* Frances E. Thayer* Barbara Libby Tozier*t Pauline Bril l Trafton* Charles W. Weaver, Jr.* Edith M . Woodward* Viola Blake Woodward

1 Anonymous Donor

1 93 1 Myrtle Paine Barker* Thelma Chase Bevin* Florence Conners Branscombe

Barbara G urney Cassidy Isabel H. Clark Edward S. Cobb Louise Mulligan Collins* Mary Cadwallader Combellack* A lanson R . Curtis Faith Rollins Davidson* John S. Davidson* H enry F. Deetjen Wallace A . Donovan Gertrude Sykes Elwell Arthur B. Esty* A rlene Woodman E v ans* Roderick E. Farnham* H elen Ramsey Felt H o ward L. Ferguson* In memory of

M axine Foster Foster Thayer H. French Dorothy Shippee Friend* E lbridge D. Grafton* In memory of

M a ry L. G . H aley Beulah Stiles Harris* Charles W. Heddericg Anoe Macomber Holden* Eunice Foye H u tchins* Frances E . Libby* Bernard Lipman* John C. McCoy, Jr.* Mary T. McNamara Margaret McGann Merrill* Ruth E. Pineo* Roland J. Poulin* A lice Linscott Roberts* W ayne E. Roberts* Evel.) n Bell Rowe* V ivian F. Russell* Florence Ventres Sherburne* In memory of

Marjorie Dearborn Small Clayton F. Smith G eorge F. Sprague* Robert G . Stirling Marion W hite Thurlow* A da Cram Wadsworth* Richard D. Will iamson John J. Wisnoski

1932 Douglas B . A llan* Robert T. Beals Jane C. Belcher* Marjorie Van Hom Bernier* Jame Blok William H. Caddoo* Stanley L. Clement* Phvllis Farwell Curtis A.

·John Del\liceli*

Harvey B. Evans* James E. Fell* W il l iam C. Fo ter Estelle Taylor G oodwin* Nissie Grossman* Martha Johnston Hayward* Myron M . H ilton Evelyn Platt Johnson* Harold F. Lemoine* Howard I . Libby, Jr.* A lex Lindholm* G. A lden MacDonald* Edwin W . Maddocks* Dolores Dignam Morgan Norman C. Perkins* G ladys True Phelps Bernard H. Porter Tina Thompson Poulin* Reginald R. Ricker Henry W. Rollins* V iola Rowe Rollins* Marion Richardson Sno w * Morten Sorensen*

Jean Well ington Terry* Verna McGee Thurlow Ruth N adeau Twombly

1 933 Barbara Johnson A lden* Elizabeth Swanton Allan* Charlotte Blomfield Auger':' Velma Brown Barker E l izabeth H aley Brewster Carleton D. Brown* Leonard C. Cabana, Jr.* Frances Perkins Cary* John P. Davan* Dorothy Dingwall* Emery S. Dunfee Ruth Weston Edgerly':' Thomas J. Foley Robert F. Greene''' Nancy Nivison H am i lton* Bertrand W. H ayward* Stanley C. Jekanoski Raymond Knauff'' Rebecca Chester Larsen* Myron J. Levine * Reginald O'Halloran''' James E. Poulin* Vesta A lden Putnam'-' H. Paul Rancourt Lillian Shapiro Reardon'' Donald H . Rhoades* Eleanor M . Rowell Priscilla Perkins Schumacher* Clyde W. Skillin Dorothy Harlow Skillings John L. Skinner Geraldine Colbath Taylor�' Wil liam M. Terry* Ober C. Vaughan Loui e Smith Velten* Raoul H . V iolette Otis W . Wheeler Ethel Bragg W i l liams* Harrison F. W illiams R. Leon Wil liams* W. Malcolm Wilson* Perry G . Wortman

1 934 A bner G. Bevin, Sr.* Louise Willfams Brown* Wil liam T. Bryant In memory of Clark Chapman Adelaide Jordan Cleaves Lois B. Crowell* Muriel Walker Dubuc Ruth Stubbs Estes'-' Paul E . Feldman* Samson Fisher* Curtis 1\1. Havey* Thomas J. Hickey John P. Holden�' In memory of

Clark Chapman '34 Richard N. K imball William A. Logan * Margaret SaJmond Mathe on* M) ron H . M atz* Barbara White Morse* Eleanor Wheelwright Ness* Franklin Norvish* Frances M . Palmer* Everett P. Perkins George C. Putnam* I n memory of Beatrice Judkins In memory of Johnny H olden Dorothy Hawkes Reynolds* Portia Pendleton Rideout* Frederick A. Schreiber* Margaret Raymond Small* Arthur W . Stetson, Jr.*

1935 Carroll W. Abbott* George H . Anderson J . \\ arren Bishop'' Donald l\I. Bither* Harold F. Brown* H ope Bunker Ruth Thome Chaplin* Beth Pendleton Clark Morris Cohen* Laurence E. Do\\ ':' E l len Dignam Do�rning':' Melvin 0. Flood* Elizabeth Lavallee Gilbert Ed\\ard J. G urney, Jr.'' \\ ilma Stanle) H i l l A n n Trimble H ilton David R . Hilton John \V. H unt Margaret Jordan'' Lawrence \'. Kane* Wilfred R. Kelly Theophile S. Krawiec* Maurice Krinsky':' Donald F. Larkin Floyd F. Lud w ig Sylvia Richardson M il ler Virginia Moore Richmond N. Noyes In memory of

Frank A lden 1 898 William T. Paine Bettina Wellington Piper Roger H . Rhoades Elbridge B. Ross, Jr. E linor Chick Ross Ruth Shesong Ros.s Earl J. Sayer* Virginia Swallow Seepe* Gordon P. Thompson John B. Ward Barbara Howard Wil liams* Ralph S. Williams* Ruth Wheeler Wood*

1 936 Kathryn Caswell Abbott* Frances Tebbetts Audette Edna F. Bailey* Arthur W. Bartel, I I * George R. Berry H. Leslie Brown* Katherine Rollins Brown* Robert 0. Brown * James N. Buckner Evelyn Wyman Caverly, Jr. In memory of

Brainard E. Caverly, Jr. '36 George M. Cranton* John P. Dolan Will iam A . E llingwood, Jr. Edmund N . Ervin* Raymond W. Farnham* Ruth Fuller Frost'-' Milton M. Gilson Agnes Carl) le Hadden* Floyd M. Haskell', H arold W. Hickey* Jeanne Pe) rot Hoffman Maxine L. Knapp Eleanor Manter LeMaistre H elen Curtis Lothrop S. Robert l\tanelis Oliver C. Mel len Katherine Franklin Merrill Sylvia Richardson Miller Robert N . M iller Bertram G . Mosher Ruth Richard on Paradise A l bert O. Piper NataJie Gil ley Reeves Dorothy W. Gould Rhoades* Asa H . Roach Albert E . Robinson

c 15

Erne.,t J. Roderick Roberta Ryan H) an · Gordon \\ . chumacher ,. Beulah Fendl'r o n Smith La\\rcnce .I. ullh an Carol) n \.\.' i l l iam Turpie Thoma!> G. \ an I kc Doroth) Cunningham \ endetti

1 937 Norman W . Beal • Benjamin B. Brown tein Norman J . Catir Sara J . Cowan Margaret Libbey Dario\\ * Marcella Duoba Edith E. Emer) ·• Roland I. Gammon• l\l. Ed on G oodrich* Dorothy \ . G oodw in J . Robert H askell Mar Fairbanks Haskell Barbara Frazee H a)ne * Robert D. Hu ey Kenneth A. Johmon* Wil lard D. Libby Ruth Walden Lud'' ig Lendal C. !\1ahoney Fr:mci R. Maker E t i ter L. M a r hall* Marjorie G ould M urphy Frances Bums Nalle Ph) l l is Jones Oecb lie Stanley A . Paine* Paul K . Palmer Malcolm M. Pierce J uaneta W hite Rhoades Elizabeth \\. ilkim.on R) an• Lillian Stinchfield almon Wa) ne 8. anders Robert M . Smith Hazel \.\ epfer Thayer• Roger B. Tilley Loui!>e G . Tracey

tanle) J. \ ashu k A l fred H . Wheeler H enr) \'. Wilcox Wh itne) W right* Gordon S. Young Lucille Pinette Zukow kF'

1 938 A. Wendell Anderson Doroth)' Traiuor A nder on Joseph G . A n tan Robert N. A nthon)''" Edith Barron Sidney B l ack L. Russell Blanchard* Ralph W. Brown W illfam C. Carter Philip E. Colman Richard J. Currier H arold P. Davis, Jr. Richard W . Dow M arion E. Dugdale* Lawrence W. Dwyer* Frederick C. Emery* Mary Herd Emery* J anet Lowell Farley* James Fox* Ernest M. Frost* A lonzo H . G arcelon Joyce Perry G o s'-' Willetta H e rrick H al l W . Linwood H aynes* Helen Foster Jenison* H e n ry Kammaodel* Edwin M. Leach Lawrence C. Lightner* Frances Quint Lowe*

Charles A . Macgregor"' Ethel Bradstreet M aney Ira L. McGown Frank ll. Mellen Jean Cobb Murrill Frederick B. Ole on M . Elilabeth Oliver Richard W. Peter!>on Frank A . Record · Walter B. Rideout Charles H . Rimpo Betty H e rd anden.* Carleton . Savage Edw in H. human Marjorie Rolliru; n)der J. 1 arble Thayer, Jr.•

ii.trid E. Tompkins* Otte llie G reel Ward Margaret Higgins Williams Robert • Win low Harold M. Wolman Louise Weeks \hight* Lero) N. Young

1 939 Freda K. Abet•

ally A ld rich A dams Ph) llis Ro e B· kin Ruth Pike Berry Edward . Boulo.,, Jr. Leon J. Braud G. A llan Bro\\ n Bemerd H. Burbank Robert V . ander , J r. Al berta York hoate Charle L. Dignam 'larence E. Dore

E l l iot H . Drbko tephcn I . Greemuld

Helen Carter Guptill • 'athanacl t . uptiU

Con!>tance �nickerbocker H arle)

Pri cilia Jone H auler• Elilabeth olie H oward* G i lbert E. H utchin on \1arion raw-ford H u tchinson !\la' nard 1 . Iri h Le ter T. Jolovitz Charle� D. K eef !\tarion Moore K e nai on Leo • Kre k) Da' id C. Libbey V elma Saunder.. M ar hall Donald W. 1::1 im

nne Simp on Mil ler* G. Elli 1ott' A rlene Paine Oi.ias \ ii on . Piper· Pauline Pratt Plaiste d * Jeannette D r i ko Rideout• Dwight E. Sargent* Judith Quint chreider• John W. Tarr Price Y. Tozier A rline Bamber Veracka* Th oma • Vose Margaret Ann Whalen Ralph C. Wilde

1 940 Isabel C . Abbott* J . Ande Baxter• Brewster A. Branz Jean L. Bridges* M a ry Wheeler Bruzga* Robert B. Carr Clark H. Carter* Raye Winslow Carter* Marjorie Chase Chapman* W illiam A. Chasse

James R. ochrane Ruth Moore Corkran Ruth Lnen alor 'rowlcy Ralph E. Delano Ruth Emerson Duchacek \ crnello W. D) er, J r. Frank P. Farnham Clarence R. Fernald Frederick I. Ford John T. Fo ter Donald A . Gilfoy Helen Brow- n G ilfoy .John E. Gilmore France '. Gra Dorb E. Ro e Hopengartcn Edward H . Jenison Gordon B. Jone Eleanor tone Kemp Mari.tarct Johnson Keno) er

tanle) \\ . Kimball Earle C. Lord, Jr. I n memor; of 'harlci. Maguire Pri iJ la B. '\hilc) L) dia Abbott 1ailhot Ruth Hendrick\ 1aren Ernest . Marriner, Jr. Loui!. Holt McGee

art W. J\.lcGrnw Ho\\ ard A. 1 i ller

"harlotte oy le on Julia Whe ler O' u llivan* Jn memory of

John J. O' ul livan I n memnr; of

Annie \ 'h eler '08 In memory of

atbaoicl \\ h cler '09 drianna Rodgers Paine

Elizabeth \\ alden Palmer Olive Pullen Palmer E llen Fit h Peterson Wil liam D. Pinani.k \ irginia Gra) chw ab \1. Elizabeth PerkillS tanle_ Roger \1. tcbbin Ruth Gould Stebbins

onrad W. wift \\ i l l iam D. Ta) lor, Jr. A l leen Thomp on•

rthur P. Thomp on on tance L. Tilley

L on Tobin Barbara Tow- le Wheeler Linwood L. \\orkman, Jr.

1 94 1 Hen11 W . bbott, Jr. Jane Ru ell Abbott• Charles E. Barnfather Elizabeth \\ CC er Baxter* Elmer L. Bru ter• Mary Hitchcock Baxter• Georg L. Beach, J r. Dwight K. Beal H artley A . Bitber* Richard H. Bright H annaJ1 Putnam Burbank Jean Pearson Burr Ruth Stebbin Cadwell Mary W i l li a ms Chance John W. Daggett J ame A. Daly Mildred Van Valkeoburg

D martini* Norri E. Dibble* Barbara Partridge Dyer John C. Eaton Donna Horne Ellis* Rodney C. Ell is* J. Joseph Freme* Diana Wiesentbal Friedman* Catharine Fussell* Stanley Gruber* R u th Roberts H athaway*

John E. H awe� W i l lh1m I I . H ughe� C . craldine ldko Jonci. Mortimer Lenk Clare Donahue Libb) l l iram P. Madutoi.h Beatrice Kennedy Maltai\ l'rudence Piper Marriner Ooroth) EmeN.on Vlartin Wil l iam H. l\1artin \ irginia B. 1o'>her Ruth Lew-is ow-Ian ·

. Winnifred Odlin Jerome Orcmtein Linw ood . Potter Rob rt W. Pullen Ruth c ribner Rieb A l bert J . Rimo ukas \ irginia Ry an Loui . alhani k*

tephcn . ternberg• I l e rbert D. terns G orge J. tumpp•

. Francis Thomp on hirley Portoo Thrope d w i n A. Tuolis

Ronald H . Wallace Gordon Wolman Joanna MacMurtry Workman*

1 942 Barham Are Ambler Mary Anacki Dorri!. H e ane) Batt l\l artha Rogers Beach�

ue Ro e Be ey Clifford F. ame, Jr.• Jane Leighton Carr \ . pen er obb

a.rah F ell obb \.\ il liam R. Conte

atali Moore Daggett M uriel H o w- e Delano• Richard R. D er Jane oule Engert \ ita edorovich Doroth.} mith Fernald* Blanch mith F' her Law-rence P. Fitton A n n Jone G ilmore• M ilton W. H amilt* H arold E. Hegan

ero R. Helin Harl) L. H icks, Jr.• Barbara R. Holden Robert I. John on Mar) • Jone Ruth row- ell K n ight* Richard • Koh11 Alton G. Laliberte Anita Pooler Laliberte•

rlhur B. Lincoln, Jr.* Burton L. Linscott Melvin Lock Chri tine Bruce Lyon Jean Cannell MacRae Weston 1acRae Laura A . M agi trate Eleanor Comi h M artin Pri cilia George Mc ally* Ruth anderson Meredith

barle W. N ightingale Linwood E. Palmer, Jr.* Walter M. Pejko M uriel Carrell P hilson* J. Franklin Pineo, J r.* J. Richard Rancourt* Robert S. Rice Albert I . Schoenberger Oreo R. h iro Betty A nne Royal Spiegel* Elizabeth Greer Stark Addi on E. Steeves M a ri lyn Ireland Steeves

John L. Thomas, Jr. Edith Curtis Townsend Shirley I . Wagner* Lewis E. Weeks, Jr. Theodora Wright Weston Marion Thomas Whipple*

1 943 Edwin W. Alexander Hubert S. Beckwith* Elizabeth Field Blanchard Daniel Blatman Thomas R. Braddock* Jeannette Nielsen Braddock* Eleanor Smart BraunmuDer* In memory of

Anoe Dunmore '43 Robert E. Burt . Norman A. Chaletsky* Betty Tobey Choate* Elizabeth Beale Clancy Kathleen Monaghan Corey* Marjorie McDougal Davis Robert C. Dennison, Jr.* Natalie Cousens Dyer Patricia Ford Ellis* Thomas W. Farnsworth, Jr.* A. Thomas Ferris William Fiokeldey Diane Ferris Fjeldheim Madeleine Hinckley Gibbs Harry P. Hildebrandt* Charlotte Arey Hoppe Elwin F. Hussey Meyer C. Jacobs* George H. Jahn* Howard R. Johnson* Eliot B. Kraft* Mary Lemoine Lape Frances Small Lash Mary Reynolds Livingstone Ronald D. Lupton* Delbert D. Matheson Thelma Proctor Matheson Frederick B. McAlary* Barbara Philbrick Mertz Hope Jane G illingham Meyer I n memory of

Arthur Gillingham '14 and Louise G. Bennett '48

Frank J. Miselis* Ruth Graves Montgomery* James W. Moriarty* Harold C. Paul Charles F. Pearce, Jr. George A. Popper* Marjorie Brown Pursley* Thomas A. Pursley, Jr.* Sidney J. Rauch* Ronald M. Reed* Lorraine Desisles Reifel Herbert S. Robison Glenna Hartley Rush J. Kenneth Shepard* Lillian Beck Skolem Lyndon A. Small* Hilda Niehoff True* Jacquelyn emey Wallace Jo eph R. Wallace Lawrence Weiss* Donald C. Whitten*

1 944 Melvin A . AndeJI Rae Gale Backer* Helen Watson Boldi* Priscilla Gould Brock Vivian Maxwell Brown* Catherine Clark Brunell Robert H. Brunell Edward R. Cony

Jane Bell Corydon Jean McNeill Decker Efthim Economu Mildred Steenland Ellison William E. Frazier Arnold Grossman Barbara White Haddad William R. Hibel* Jean Ferrell Howe William Hutcheson* Hope Mansfield Jahn* Louise Callahan Johnson Robert E. Kahn'' Nancy Curtis Lawrence* Harry L. Levin* Barbara Blaisdell Libby* Carlyle L. Libby* Mary Katherine Smith Lyon Josephine Pitts McAlary* John W. McCallum A. Warren McDougal, Jr. Evelyn Gates Moriarty* Elias R. Nawfel Maxine Merrill Newball John E. Poirier Barbara Bavlis Primiano Elizabeth Wood Reed* William A. Reifel Edward H. Saltzberg Ralph M. Sawyer, Jr. Burton G. Shiro Robert W. Sillen James Springer' Eugene C. Struckhoff* Pauline Foley Thompson William H. Tobey Remo M. Verrengia* Harold L. Vigue* Sarah Martin Wahl * Frederick S . Wood

1 945 Laura Tapia Aitken A ugusta-Marie Johnson

Alexander Adele Grindrod Bates* Bnerly F. Booth* Marilyn L. Bryant* Mason W. Colby Charles A . Dudley Richard R. Fellows Muriel Sterling Fellows Elizabeth Chamberlain Ficker Georgina Gulliford Fielding Lina Cole Fisher Edwin S. Gibson* Lydia Tufts Green Elizabeth Lohnes Grudin* Marguerite Broderson

Gu tafson* Floyd L. Harding* George E. Heppner Robert W. Holcomb Jeanne Parker Holmes* Doris Blanchard Hutcheson* Joan Gay Kent"" Roslyn E. Kramer* Mary Callard Laughland George H. Lewald Rita A. McCabe* Dorothy Sanford Mccunn Marjorie Merrill Melvin Michael M. Nawfel Mary Brewer Norton Naomi J. Collett Paganelli Grace I . Keefer Parker Kenneth L. Quimby Garrett V. Ridgley Frances Willey Rippere* Ernest I . Rotenberg* Joan M. St. James* Constance Stanley Shane Douglas N. Smith* Helen Strauss*

M. Colby Tibbetts Hazel Brewer Warren Frances Dow Wells Maurice M . Whitten*

1 946 Anita Herdegen Allen Clarence W. Barry Norma Taraldsen Billings Anne Lawrence Bondy* Martha Blackington Caminiti Shirley Martin Dudley Priscilla Tibbetts Durgin Carol Robin Epstein Nancy Parsons Ferguson* Wilfred R. Granger* Hope Emerson Hatch Francis J. Heppner* Dorothy Dunham Hobbs Audrey Dyer Houghton Nancy Jacobsen Glenyce Miller Kaplan* Hannah Karp Laipson* Marie Kraeler Lowenstein* Hilda Robertson Lyons* Adelaide Jack McGorrill* Norma Twist Murray C. Emily Holbrook Pelissier Jean O'Brien Perkins* Gloria Fine Polan Betty Soule Pope* Austin Ryder Gerald L. Sheriff Roselle Johnson Tbarion* H. Stephen Tilton Mary L. Young

1 947 Nancy Burbank A llured* Elizabeth Richmond Anthony* Dorothy Briggs Aronson* Joan Hunt Banfield* Virginia Jacob Bradford Margaret Scott Carter Margaret Erickson Davis Elizabeth Wade Drum Charlotte Hanks Dumas* Helen Jacobs Eddy* Albert I . Ellis* M. Jean Murray Fallon Elizabeth Hall Fitch* Elinor Farnham Frolio* Stanley F. Frolio* Jeanne Bouton Fry* Murray J. Gore Ray B. Greene, Jr.* Marilyn L. Hubert* Harold S. Joseph Jane Wallace Lamb Barbara King Longley Robert Lucy, Jr. Jocelyn Hulme Macconnell Robert L. Madison William T. Mason, Jr.* Bradley C. Maxim Marjorie F. Maynard* Jerry M. Merrill* Faith Jones Middleton Alice Billington Rex* Dana I . Robinson Harriet Nourse Robinson A. Roscoe Schlesinger, Jr. Edward S. Sherwood* Lillian Hinckley Silsby Lester L. Soule David C. Weber Jean L. Whiston* Arline Kiessling Wills* Carl R. Wright* Roberta E. Young*

1948 JacquelJn M. Allen Margaret Clark Atkins* Samuel S. Ah\ater* Marion Sturtevant Ahvater* Anne Fraser Baer* Bertha Graves Bagby PhJUis l\lcKiel Bedig In memory of

Louise Gillingham Bennett ShirleJ M. Bes�eJ''' Richard W. Bill ings Edward G. Birdsey Mary Coulombe Boddy Carolyn Browne Bolles Douglas C. Borton"' Donald J. Bourassa Priscilla Bryant Bourassa William L. Bryan* Elizabeth Day Bugler Lois Bowers Came* Charles H . Carpenter Carl E. Cbellquist Shirley Smith Chellquist PauJ A. Choate Elizabeth Coombs Corke* Charles E. Cousins Elizabeth Hall Cousins Jane George Daniels Charlotte Weinberg Davis Muriel Howard Deacon* Charles R. DeBevoise Hilda Proctor Douglas Dorothy Bunker Dubowick Helen Knox Elliott Ronald M. Farkas Mary B. Gilles* Hattie White Hannigen Donna Elliott Harriman Janet Gay Hawkins Gabriel J. H i kel Katherine Weisman Jaffe* Marvin S. Joslow* Barbara Herrington Keith E. Caroline Thomson Kinlaw Marguerite Ovem Kirkwood Sanford I. Kroll* Merle I. Lathrop Charles H. Lightbody* Margaret Horsch Lightbody* Barbara Lindsay Lucy Ruth Barron Lunder Evelyn Helfant Malkin * David Marson* William R. Maurice Gordon T. Miller Marie Macbell Milliken* Paul F. Murray Phyllis O'Connell Murray* Macy Coale) Nelson Marianne Scboeffel Nelson Timothy C. Osborne* F. Shirley Parks* Frederick °"' . Perkins, Jr.* Helen Moore Phillips Janet Bowmer Reynolds Mildred Scbnebbe Riordan* Gerald E. Rov * Aaron E. San.dler Gloria Shine Seidenberg* Philip J. Shulman Paul I. Smith Paul Solomon* Carol Silnrstein Stoll* Gilbert Y. Taverner* Elizabeth Dyer Wortham Marianna Nutter WJer* Frances Hyde Zecker

1 949 Joan E. Abbott Beverly Barnett A mmann John A. Appleton*

Robert G. Bedig A lice Covell Bender* Shirley Ann Fellows Bernier J. Philip Berqui t* \ ' . W aller Borucki Barbara \ :ui Ever Bosworth Earl S. Bosworth, Jr. John W. Brown ;, W. Davison Br} ant Ragnh ild K lafstad Carpenter* Man on H. Carter Mar) Hathaway Cherry* John S. Choate* Mar} Louise Clare* David W. Clark* Chana Marker Cole Ralph C. Collazzo"' June Stair Cook Robert L. Cook Janet Pride Da v i * Ra) W. Deitz* A llen I . Dublin A nne Hagar Eusli * Richard M. Felker Georgiana Hooker Firth* Richard Fi ch Claire Rosenston Fishstein* Jean De per Fitton * Ruth Endicott Freeman Mary Bauman Gates Paul A. Golden Elizabeth Brown Gordon Ralph W. Gra , Jr. Bette Brandt Gutman Jeanne M . H all Fred H. Hammond, Jr.* Jeanne Littlefield Ham mond Lynwood P. Harriman Don R. Heacock Martha Bennett Headley * Jean C. H il lsen * Sam uel T. Home Rae Libby H utchinson Jean Beauchamp John rud* Audrey Fountain Jordan Evelyn Armstrong King Patricia Lydon Latham Robert I . Latham Donald G. Leach* M uriel Thomas Levings Cynthia Crook Lieck"' David D. Lvnch * Shirley Marshall Marden* Frances Nourse Mc arlhy* . Sally McCormack Mc Donnell Sidney B. McKeeo* Mary Wit on M iller Jean Maloof Naman Donald E. Nicoll * H ilda Farnum Nicoll" James C. Noice* Andrew B. Offenhi er John R. Paquette Nellie Macdougall Parks* Charle A. Pearce Jame M. Pearle Russell S. Phillips, Jr. Muriel Brigg Pitraf'.' M. Marjorie Plai led* Edward S. Pniew ki A n toinette Fera Romano June D. White Rosenberg* Robert C. Rowell* Robert Sage* Jeanne Gray Schmidt Barbara H art Shanahan Daniel J. Shanahan, Jr. Martha Loughman Shepard* Anne Bither Shire Burton S. Silberstein Jean Sheppard Silva Robert A. Slavitt* George I . Smith * Gerald Stoll * Lucile Farnham Sturtevant H arold J. Thompson Robert M. Tonge

c 18


Bartlett Wedge Chm.line Woodbury Winkin Haroldcne \\ h itcomb Wolf* C. Royce Woodman Pr�cilla Leonard Woodman Ivan A. Yeaton, Jr.

1 950 John M . A lo* W alter E. Alger, Jr. Barbara W man Anderson Charlotte Sboul Backman* Gerald D. Baker Albert L. Bernier Jane O'Donnell Blai dell Mary K ilkenny Borah George N . Bower , Jr.* Richard M. Bower * Fo ter Bruckbeimer StanleJ F. hoate Win ton E. Clark

eil W. Collar Mar} \\ ard Crafts* Jame E. Dick Philip P. Dine Jame F. Dought} * E telle Byther D} er Ncl on T. Everts* Gerald B. Frank*

Blanche B. Frank M emorial Fund

Alfred B. Gate Ellen Kcner on Gelotte Joan Seekins Golden Charlotte Crandall Grave • Barbara Miller Green* James S. Hall Grace Rutherford Ham mond John P. Harriman Con lance Leonard Haye • Kevin H il l* Martha A pollonio H illman * A udrey King Hutchin on George W. Johnston Robert L. Joi Frank H. Jones, Jr. Margaret Rodger Jone • H ugh B. Jordan Richard H . King Edward A. Lampert A llen F. Langhorne Philip C. Law on Jame Lazour Neil Leonard, Jr. Beverly Deschene Libby Richard L.> on, Jr. Eli abeth Jennings Maley• Loi Prenfu Mansfield Robert . Marden Mary Jordan J\tegargee* Robert E. Merriman David G. Montt Wil liam P. Niehoff Arthur S. O'Halloran Robert G . Olney Virginia Davis Pearce Constance Foxcroft Perrigo Richard D. Pullen Barbara Barrow Pullen Winslow W. Reed Patricia Murray Richards Pauline Berry Rowell* Nancy Ricker Sears Charles L. Smith, Jr.* Robert A. Stander Mildred Fenwick Starrett* E leanor Runkle Stevens Priscilla Tracey Tanguay Lucien F. Veilleux Roberl R. Wehner* Robert N . Will iams Barbara Starr Wolf

1 95 1 Barbara Hil lson Abramowitz · Bernard B. A lderman Joan Foster Barndt Richard B. Beal Clifford A. Bean Robert Bel}ea

tephcn I . Uerkley Richard B. Birch Clayton I•. Bloomfield* Joan Drew Boone Audre A. Bo twick Richard J. Bowen M } ra Hcme1n�a Bower� Frederick R. Bo} le Henr Jed Bridge Pri. cilia Ford BQ ant V ivian M. Bf)ant, Jr. Helen Leavitt ampbelJ Uobert E . Cannell .Jean Griffin are Bru e a�well Philip astleman Paul F. hri topher, Jr.

ancy W illiam� bute • \ emon Corell, Jr. John P. ranford

anc Allan Darb) G len) Blumenthal Davis '

l}ce 1osko\�itz Domenil.t Edith Harris Edgerton Warren J. Finegan

1:.l tzaheth Lcvard en Finegan ( '52) 1emorial und

Jean owie Flo.}d umner . Fo

E. Wc!!le) Freeman Harriet Bo) er Fro t Robert L. Gabriel

or al E. Garnett William A. GeloU George J. Giffi n Ru II Gold,mith, Jr. • Daniel M. Hall

he t r D. Harrington, Jr. Robert . H a rtford Robert B. Ha\\ kin Maril) n Gra ie Hiers Els Warendorf Hulm Jo) ce H utchin

harlotl Pettee Johnson Richard A. John on Richard Kaplan James K . Keefe

larie Donovan Kent Harve l\1. K i rstein

1artin R. Kre Richard . Kuebndorf Robert R. Laliberte Jean Castelli Laliberte Edwin J. La\·ert} Robert . Lee Ruth Le erett" M. C· Lightner

orene Tibbetts Linder Jane Perry Lindqui t• G eoffre} S. L.}ford* Florence McDonell Lyford J. Edward Martin Ann \1orrison McCullum* Charles S. Mclnt)•re • Joan Cammann l\.lclnt.}re* Arthur F. McMahon Thornton W. Merriam, Jr. * Gertrude Cleveland Miller A lan B. Mirke n * Fenton R. Mitchell, Jr. Mary Leighton Mitchell William B. Moore Mark S. Mordecai Schuyler L. Mott* Constance Wiley Mott* Naomi Jennison N oice* Joan Mil lett Pape Robert Peck*

Eugene J. Pelletier, Jr. Jean MacDonald l'ctcnon K c"haw E. Powell • Jame W. Re) nold l lcl 1 1 Hi�her Rindge Ian L. Robert.son Maxine Ro enberg Rolland* Maurice F. Ronay ne Robert I . Roth * f lclcn Paleo Roth * Pri•cilla Uavi Runkle \<\ alter . Ru ell Robert E. an on Philip M. av ge Jacqueline Dillingham chlier \1aril.}n fatthe ilva Fa} E. lingcrland, Jr. l\-1argarct Preston lingerland lfohert F. taple Albert tone

mold H. turtevant cda W h itney Sturtevant

Jame� ·randall Tabor L

_. Richard 1 hompson

anc) \\ ebber TI1omp on Ruth mart Th ur ton

harle W. Tobin John . orre}, Jr. Lucille Tarr Twaddel

arol Huntington Upton Barbara Jefferson Walker

herwin \\ elson harlc I f . Wbitela\'\, Jr.

Ed\\ ard O. \<\ hitney Harr) R. WiJe.} Loui A . Wo�ard, Jr. •

1 952 arol.} n \\- il liam Albrecht

Paul \1. ldri b* 1arjorie R elJ ldrich *

Janice Pearson Anderson • Rkhard \\- . Baldwin

ita Hale Barbour an .} H ughe Bate

John . Beatson Joan cheMJn Bridge• Jean Bre\\ er Bridge John . Briggs• Loi Thorndike Bro\'\n Jo.} cc Walla e Br) ant Carol.} n tigman Burnham Donald 0. Cameron

all) ha\\ Cameron Joan Keib) Cannell * Edward J. Ca\\ley Richard T. Chamberlin* l\largaret Bro\\n Christie* Nancy opeland* Paul A. ote * Thomas J. Crossman, Jr. Janice Vaughan Crump

El izabeth Levard en Finegan t-J emorial Fund

�'\ il liam F. Cu hman, Jr. John H. Deuble ·. Carol mith Donelan John E. Douglass* Janet Le lie Douglass* Winona Nile Eddy* Arthur G. Eu tis, Jr.• In memory of

Elizabeth Levardsen Finegan William A . Gardner, Jr. Norma Berquist Garnett Howard H . Gaski l l, Jr. Evangeline Sferes Getzen Raymond S. Grant., Jr.* Everett F. Gro s* Jame F. Gruninger* Donald G. Hailer* Be\'erly Forgey Hamrah* Jeanne Hallee H awkins• Raymond E. Henderson

William W. Henni�* Barbara H amlin Hladky Betty Brown Holmes Gerald J. Holtz''' Robert L. Hooper* Barbara Chee eman Hooper* Nelson E. Hon lett, Jr/' Patricia Erskine Howlett* Ellen Le\\ is Hutf Henry B. Hummel''' Phillips B. H unt, Jr. Chesley H. Husson, Jr. Frederick C. Ives''' Arnold 1\1. J ame , Jr.* Robert B. K aake Georgia Fisher Kearney''' Stephen M. Kenyon, Jr. Raymond F. Ke,Yes* Alton W. Lamont, Jr. Joan Martin Lamont Leonard Lamprey, Jr. Jo)'ce Root Laubach Joan Gridley Leach* Carlton D. Leaf Audrey Morgan Leaf Barbara Bone Leavitt* Carol J . Leonard''' Doroth, Washburn Leonard Paul A.


Robert H. Libby l\larjorie Au tin Lupo Da,•id E. L} nn* James A. l\1acLean* Bruce A. l\ lacPher on Kathleen L. Markham Elizabeth Smart 1erriam* Nanc} Weare l\lerriman William J. D. l\ l il ler

Elizabeth Levardsen Finegan Memorial Fund

Edna l\ l i l ler Mordecai David l\lorse, Jr.* Deborah Bru h Morse* Herbert S. Nagle�' Ann Orth Needham* Will iam E. Neth* Katharine O. Parker* Edmund Pecukonis Ann Ryan Pierce* Graham T. Pierce* Lionel J. Poliquin Beverly Cushman Pratt* Patricia Merrill Pratt Gerald R. Ramin* Doris Miller Raphael Moir A. Rennie Alfred J. Rosborough, Jr.* Betty Rivers Russell* Howard B . Sacks* Carol Thacker Scott* Benjamin R. Sears Herbert Simon* Elizabeth Greer Stark Anne Plowman Stevens* Edith Carpenter Sweeney* Mary Sargent Swift William N . Taylor* George F. Terry, I I I Nancy Ferguson Thomas Nancy Newman Tibbetts* Ruth Watt Tolford* Richard B. Tupper Jean Smith Varnum* Richard Verrengia

E l izabeth Shaw Whiteley Memorial Fund

Beverly Baker Verrengia John W. Waalewyn Bradford L. W al l, Jr. In memory 0f

Elizabeth Shaw Whiteley George W . Whitney* Celand Witham Patricia Omark Woodwell *

1 953 Hershel L. Alpert Barbara Weiss A l pert Dana W. A ndersen Charles R. Anderson* Webster Anderson M alcolm E. Andrews Robert S. Andrews Joan Rooney Barnes* Carolyn E nglish Beane* James E. Bernard Quintilio Bersani, Jr. Ruth Sheehan Bersani J. Nelson Beveridge Priscilla Eaton B il lington Norma Shea Black George C. Blance, Jr. E . Jane Bailey Blood Ruth G allup Bowers* A. Kenneth Castonguay Parviz Chahbazi Helen Koniares Cleaves Robert A. Cooke Electra Paskalides Coumou Harold D. Cross Louise MacGil l Dages Eleanor Otterson DeCourcy E l izabeth Robertson Deuble Paul H. Dionne Barnet Fain Joyce Peters Fessenden* Charles F. Fisher Harriet Sherman Fortier E d w in E. Fraktman* L. Martha Friedlaender* Kenneth R. Gesner Elaine Mark Goldsmith* Joan Erskine Green Elaine Kahn Greenberg* Robert E . Grindle Robert S. Grodberg Robert W. Guterman* Robert T. Hargrave Mary E llen Betts Harrison Jane Metcalf Healey Dorcas Crocker Hodgdon Norman S. Hodgkins E l len Hay Holway Florence Fisher Hooper* Sally Baines Howard* El izabeth Chilson Hudson* Roger M. Huebsch* Philip W . Hussey, Jr. * Cecel ia Lasbury Johnson Warren R. Johnson Helen Osgood Keeler* Franklin King, I ll E l a i n e Rhodes Kirstein Carl K linsman Helen Wolper Kress Anne Chadwick Larrick Sevy Levy Ruth Flagg Lyon Barbara Easterbrooks Mailey':' Gordon E. Marquis* William H. McDonough, Jr. Bruce E. McRoy Paul R. Mendelsohn* David M . MerrHI Barbara Best Merrill Nancy Twaddle Meserve* Roland E. N agle Marcella Laverdiere O'Halloran Paul S. Ostrove* David J. Pape Miriam Price Patten George D. Pirie* M adelyn Wechsler Pressman Beryl Baldwin Punt* Mi ldred Thornhill Reynolds Sarah Packard Rose* Phebe Dow Runyon Judith Mayer Schneider A lden C. Sprague, Jr.* Elaine Zervas Stamas

Loretta Thompson Staples Leslie D. Stewart, Jr. Carol Carlson \'an A lstyne Jay Veevers Theodore W. Weigand Paul A . Wescott Margaret Randall Whitnel''' Mary Warner Whitney Carol} n Doe Woznick* Robert N. Wulfing Barbara Forrest Young

1954 Stanley B . Abrams William C. Ames Robert M. Anderson A n thony A rthur Jean Cressy Barker Charles P. Barnes, IF Judith Wetherbee Barr''' Marcia J. Begum Jacqueline Warendorf Beveridge Raymond J. Bil l ington Mary H i tch Bowles Sally Baty Braje Mary Mastin Campbell Dorothy Duda Cecelski Fabia Bowman Chandler Lindon Christie, Jr.* Priscilla Crossfield Close Edith M. Costello GeraJd B. Cowperthwaite Robert B. Cross''' Ann Thoman Cushman Karl E. Decker Merrillyn Healey Decker Karl Dornish, Jr/' Martha Cornish Downing Benjamin R. Duce Diane Stowell Duce C. Arthur Eddy, Jr.* Barbara G uernsey Eddy* Edwin R. Eisen* Georgia Roy Eustis* Peter D. Fishbin Faith DeVol Gross* Robert H. Hawkin , l l F Carolyn Perron Hennig* Jo Anne Conkling Hoffman':' Robert F. Hudson* Susan Smith Huebsch* Thomas A. Hunt Nancy Eustis Huprich * Robert T. Jacobs Richard A . Jone * John T. King, II* John D. Krusell* Carol Robinson Kurth Charles M. Landay Benedict A. Leerburger A lan R. Lindsay Katherine Davenport Lindsay Betty Latter Longbottom Robert E. Longbottom Judith Thompson Lowe Margaret J. Moore* Janice Sigler Nelson Richard E. Nickerson A l fred F. Obery Mary Ann Pilon Obery Albert S. Packard Eleanor Johnson Palmer Josephine R. Peary Beverly Ambrose Peter on Lot Phillips Lorraine Walker Powley * James Rapaport Philip Reiner-Deutsch* Ruth E. Reinke Abbott E. Rice* Arthur Rothenberg* Arlyne Rosenthal Sacks* A. A llen Sandler Sherman H . Saperstein

Victor F. Scalise, Jr. Lel.lie Van Nostrand Shaffer<-' Ro} \' . Shorey, Jr.* C . Freeman Sleeper''' Sus:m Johnson Sleeper''' Janice Holland Smith Helen Cros Stabler* E leanor Turner Swanson* Judith Jenkins Totman Ward W. Tracy Meredith M itchell von

Breitenfeld In memory of Robert Vorhees Betsy Powle) \.\ allingford''' Da� id WaJl ingford* N anq Fortuine Westervelt

1955 G 'l\ en V an Eerden Andersen Reginald D. Anderson* Jean Hawes Anderson''' Patrice Mcintire Andrews Bet!>)' Keene Au tin l\lar) Lee A u tin Elizabeth Young Baker Brenda Mahoney Beckman Randi Miner Black Bets} Burns Homann F. Bruce Brad haw Margaret Connelly Callahan* Su an Franklin Chapman Richard Q. Clough Octavia Smith Cobb Jane Whipple Coddington* Richard A. Cole Margot White Cottrell Will iam M. Crook Helen Chambers Cross* Janet K i l lheffer Dalonzo Ann Burnham Deering* John V • Deering''' Jane l\lillett Domish ''' John A. Dutton * Virginia Coggins Eilertson Sidney W. Farr* Leon E. Fernandez''' Sarah Keeney Fisher Judith Lawson Florence A nnette Irons George A lice Beale Gleason Robert W. Gleason, Jr. A. Minot Greene John W. Hager* Rita Ham ilton Hager* Eugenie Hah lbobm H ampton Ro.}al Bruce Harde Barbara Ayers Haslam Susanne Wh itcomb Hays�' Barbara Re tall Home* Elinor Small H u dson Martha D. Hussey* Ann Dill ingham Ingraham '� Frederick M. Ive , I l l Nancy Perron Ives Dorothy Dunn Jones Stephen M. Kaufman* Mar} Stinchfield Kenney Barbara Burg King Y\>onne Richmond K night Barbara Ritch Lamprey Allan J. Landau Lee M . Larson, Jr> Patricia Levine Levy Joseph Longren, Jr. Lucille Small Lovegren Earle P. MacGil l ivray John E. Macklin Charle W . Macomber Arthur Marchand, Jr. Betty Cuthbertson Marshan Sandra Sivert McRoy Carol Maciver Murphy�' Germaine l\l ichaud Orloff* Estelle Jacobson Ostrove*

A nne Burbank Pal mer Rachel Quinb) Perl..i rt\ John B. Phi lbro o k John N . Rebman Da, id L. Robcrb Ruth '\le Donald Rob.:rt Robert L. chultz . andra i\kCurd) Sch ultz Faith G reek\ Sco ' e l Carol P i a ' in

. Shapiro

Judith Orne hon�.) Harrielte G ia!>\ Siegel E li1abeth Harri' Smith

\' 1 rg i n 1 a ura\ C h i h n ton C5oJ l cmor ia l hind

Seldon C. taplc� Sue Bh en tap le' Bruce 1 . :)ullh an Ronald A. 'rnn\on·· K atherine H a rhHl l

Thalheimer · Shirle} Adam Timmonl. Richard \\ . Tripp J . \\ ood T.> on, J r. " Kenneth \'un Praug Da, id A . \\ ard E loi e Larned \\ e�cott l\ t aq !\lcC u l l u rn \\ oodman Diar;e Re} nold� \\ righ t !\ t a r} Cutter Yan Lou� \ . Zam bello, J r.*

1 956 H ug h F. Anderson Francis F. Barllett. Jr. Peter A . Bogren B ar kev J. Boole Joan l\ enh, orth Boole H o pe Pal mer Bramhall Frederick R. Bro\\11 I n memory ot

V irginia G ra,es John ton Barbara Barne Bro""n Nann herman Brown Peter

.B} rne

Paul \\ . C h ri\tie Jane E. Col l i ns'" J u tin .\ . Cro s Janet "lordgren D'A m ico Richard J . D<n i D•n id Dunn Shirle\ "leedham Eaton Richard E l liott Rebecca l�O\'e Engdahl Robert C. Erb J r. K atharine \\ olcott Ern t Charmian d e \ el.I) Farle) E . John Farle.> , Jr. Loui e Peter on For!>leff J o\ cc Frazier Frase r � E: Sheila t c Laughlin

Freckmann Gerald Gold!>m ilh ':'

rthur B. G o) ette Carol Dauphinee Go.>ette"· Abbott 0. G reene·· N anc} H ubbard Greene* J anine G reene William E. Haggett Nel on P. H art* Barbara Preston H ay es Richard E. H e l l awell Eleanor Ca'' fey Hickey Robert N. H ine Ruth Ann Head Horner Barbara D a ' b H oward Patricia McCormack H u l tgren Susan M i l ler H u n t Carol.) n Donley l n man I n memory of

\ irgi nia G rave Johnston Gai l A l len John on V i rginia G rave Jobnston·i· John J ubinsky

Arline Be rn J u l ia Fotini Xcn:iki' Karri' Uarhara 1 1 1 1 Fult ings

Kimm an Donald C. K u pl•Nnith Bonnie Uarron Laforme l{oger Landa.> Chrhtinc La} er Larson Robert S. Lea' ill l\ l a urice C. Lihbe" J udith l'cnnock l .l l lc) "' anq Carro l l Luce Loui'� '\kGu innc'' l .udlo\\ l'cll'r H. I .under Barbara "' ardo11i htcomhcr .Joan \\ i l l ia1m '\tar�h a l l John C. hmhal l 1 anc) h1gg �kCarth) H arn . l\ leinhold .lean

·Pratt l\ lood.)

C h arle, A . '\ lorri"C.) Richard .J. ader lh"�el l ,\ . "' a h igh111 I inda Po\\ef\ "' icker on ' \ Oline " ohlc Robert \ 1 . l{a, mond Charle' B . mce Donald "-· nice \nn l\ larie licgler nichard

George lfodolph Robert B. alage Loi' L atimer Sa\'UJ.!C Charlotte l\ ood cull.> * \ incent \. Serpn Dcni\e L) Oil\ h U JlP Gerald Sih cr<,tcin .J :n \\ . Smith B:irbara Bald" in ' m ith \ ernon \ I . ur n en Da' id (. • ortor Ro•eman Crouthamel ortor "- anc) I\ i cLeod 'tephen�on Brian K . Sto m pe Patr icia Hennini.: TI1omp on \\ i l l iam R. Thomp\on

anc) i l lii.:an Torborg Donald l\ . \ ol lmer .Janet tcbbin' \\ al�h

1 rg 1 11 1 .1 u r.1 \ e\ Joh n,ton l e mon.ii hind

arol Harton \\ ard l l enr) F. G . \\ c ) , I l l '\ l aril) n Hrook!. \\ C) l\ ill a rd G. \\ .} man. J r. Kath leen l\kConaugh)


1 957 athanicl B . Bate

u�an Fairchild Bean William J. Boi�

nn Chern Booth Thoma .


, orrna \\ i l l iam�on Bro,,n Marietta Hobert B u rrO\\e \1arih n� anton Harr.>

. Carlson, J r.

Janice Thom�on Clui ten en Jame\ H. Clark Grace Bear Daile) Ronald E. Darroch Gordon D. Daugharl,h Jr. Phi l ip A. Deering John R. Durant A rthur E. Engdahl, J r. K atherine Sfere Erakli Charles R. Fra er* Jean H aurand Furmau Eleanor Gra} G atenb.> * A nthonl S. G l ockler':' Ezra A: Goldberg Jame S. Greenlaw Colette Piquerez Greenwood Frederick C. H a m mond

Laura Sue e u lrnu' I I amen ( et lric I· . l l arring . . Jr. l•. leanor Shorn I l arri' Salh \ 1111 D i \�1 1 1 Hartin K Hi idli l l aruta \\

.i 1 1 1a11 1 G . l l e rdiech

l'ekr A . l hl\\C \ l 'hi l ip < . . h e' · .Jeanne \ rnold .Jcll rie\ lknalc Sid.ini.:cr J ordan \ udre) I I il linger Kalt

\\ arrcn I< . h. in, man Gail C.a\ nor K i r i. bride John G . . Kochler • . I r. I· ran!.. I'. I audre\

anr) Ro\l'cll I �·a\ i t t l'.lc;111ur H o lll'rl' l . i l l lchdd \tan Danforth I oticr l'hil ip B. l . U l:C Doroth) Uapp \ Jack lin \ l ien () . \ l acLean

Ridrnrd H. \ J ai lC.) , Jr. l'utricia \ l artin \ ! a lone\ Pau line H o) t \ l arqui!> · f ern D. \ l a \ o

. \\.end\ ( )�rman \ tdnlo h

Shirk) \ ergu '\ lontini lk\ erh Colbroth l\loor Bethior

. l{e.) nold lorrb

Jocel) 11 Lar.) Mo trom L\ dia �mith "' adcr A

.le,andra Joh mon "'icker 011

Da\ id 01<,en ( andace . . Orcutt Da' id R. Palmer K aren G en Pierce \ l arl.. E. Pon le) . I l l

l a r) l .a\\ ran e Quarrie .Jul ie Pul len Rand l .e�lie \\ ) man Randolph Peter D. Rigero La\\ renl:e . 'h a l\ i l l iam f. ludc \ rthur B . • m itb

t are I'. tah l Elaine Gorman tott .J udith Phrophctt TimLe11 \\ illiam R. ' I im kcn Phi l ip \ I . Tocantir Chari B. Tn igg \ l lan r nn G e,tcl

Jerome S. \' entrn E leanor E" ing \ igue * G u) J. \ ii:ue

lizabcUi H al l Went \\ o rth • Judith H. \\ il!l!in Jean '\ J anie \\ i l l iam

1 95 D :nid L. \ dam Barbara C\\ hall A rmel l\larciu Grii,:g AtsaHs l\'anC.) Derderian Bagdasarian Leigh B. Bang Brian K . Barnard \ lari.:ot L. Barrett Robert . Bates '\l ar\o \ nn tetson Bate John • Ba;\ter c, nlhia G ardner Bevin Jame o. P. Bishop, Jr. Joan Peppard Boeh m Peter G. Bridite· l\ l ary Fllen Chase Bridge* J udith Le\ inc Brody J anet Pratt Bro\\ n J udith G arland Bruce* Pamelia Jone C h ri tie�' Maril.> n C l ar k Clark \\- i l l iam P. Clark Nanc) Harmon Clark H oward V. C larke* Robin H u n ter Clutz*

.lo cph L ( 1 1 1 1,11 l i 1111 I ra1 1kl i 1 1 ( . ( (Hl ptrtlm aile 'ihc:ila I t 1 1 1 1 1 11rl. ( o lfohcrt \. ( ro11 \ 1 1 1 1 Uormeau ( run

I .uurcnl:e 1�. ( 1 1d111urc \ u it;i I alter ( urril·r Phi l ip R. l > :ml.c:rl I J1 1 1 1J,!la., l >a' id on ( , ;1 1 1 ( ro'b' l >a\ h I ri, dl la ( l;rhloforo Oa' i-. \ lfn•d I I . Dean, .Jr.

Caro l Hal l1:1•• a1 lie Lemo\ .l udilh \ 11 1 1 Hro0\\ ll Okk!.011 l'eter ( . 011nu1 ( ,corge I. 1-.aton .lcau I· rc11d1 l aton .Joh I I ( • f'.de' I n rni:.nun 1 1 1 \ l id1ael Stcc\C\

1 de, a n'u \ lil:helc l lolh Ede\ Jud ith \ krri l l I rh


l{idiard I . hie\, Jr. G a) le 'clrncfl I· o f.rnc\t \. G auer Sheila l\ k Donald G i l man Barry \ J . Gi 1 1�hurl! Ber I .' oft G loHr Su au Carll Gollii:on G len P. Gofhn

'.> nth ia f o GofJin I - rank E. G uth Katherine Knight Hall Janice Klem Han�on Dougla!. . Hatfield Su\aJl Bo'' er Hcndricl.son ;l\ l a rgaret mith Henr) Robert L. He\. e Joan \ 1 uir f l ocking '.tlh u. HO\\ C \ l urgarct l·o H utchin on \ u hre} E. Jone�

Gerald k... Jone Hachel \\ e t Jone • John C. Keal J. Richard h.edd, • Donald G. Kcmicd.> * l )oroth i Greenman h.etcbum \ ndria

-Peacock h.ime

J oan ,\ dam K i ng \ irginia Geori.:c Landre)' Ed\\ard J. Lar cban*

heila Ml \ I ii ter LaHrt) 1om:.ll> P. La\ igne*

"orman J>. Lee litabeth \ ogcl Leighton

John D. Lud\\ ig \ larian ll ood ome Lud'\\ i Loi \ lacomber L� 1111e D' m ico McKee Loi \lur on \ legath l i n*

. Hint \ l oger H len Roberts Moj.!er o.I\ ida KO\ } C\\ man

. l )a, id O'Brien Debornh \\ i l l iam Pinkerton Gar' . Poor Fra1tces \\ ren Ra}mond H O\\ard 8. Reed J ane D�1ih Reisman* Linda e \ in on Remis* Da,id \ , Rhoadr ·'

heila Campbell Rhoades Tboma F. Rov Rohert I\(. a ltz l\ i lma E. \lcDonald Sa\\yer Aaron B. Sch ie Wilbu r L. Scranton, I l l Linda Corcoran Smith_.

1111 \\ ieland Spaeth* Judit h �. Spall Paul L. S\endsen* \ irginia . Tru e ' J u l i a Balzer Tn igg Peter H . \ lacbe Richard J. Voj.!I, Jr.* Barbara Field We t* Daniel J . Yett

1 959 Rosemary McDonough Abele Janice Coburn Ananian* Burney K. Arnett, Jr. Thomas R. Bailey Carole Jelinek Barnard Charles G. Boehm* Frederick H. Brace Margaret Lippincott Brezel* John K. Brooks* Robert J. Bruce* Carol Holt Case Ka.thleen Coughlin Champagne Carl M. Cobb Leslie R. Colitt Jane Mills Conlan* Thomas N. Connors* Cathryn Marcho Cootner DonaJd R. Cote Jacqueline Bendelius

Davidson* Lucinda Paddock Day Kathryn German Dean* Edith Foresman DonaJdson Paul C. Downing, Jr. Judith Colbath Drinon Barbara Churchill Eddy* Latimer B. Eddy* Grace H. Fawcett* Alfred Fearing, Jr. Nancy Thompson Fearing Michael J. Ferber William C. Foehl* Janet H. Forgey Charles J. Fox Susan Fetherston Frazer* DonaJd S. Freeman Dorothy Reynolds Gay* WilJiam C. Gay, Jr.* Edward R. Goldberg* Arthur E. Goldschmidt, Jr.* I. Michael Goodman Gilbert Grandberg Marion KimbaJl Guth* Wilbur F. Hayes* Nancy Nelson Hellquist Jean Smith Hummel* Carroll MetcaH Hutchinson Melba MetcaH Johnson* Thor G . Jublin Nancy Gross KaJin Robert C. Keltie* F. Fritz Knight Robert W. Kopchains Mary Twiss Kopcbains Paul R. La Verdiere David H. Lawrence* Stephen B. Levine Gregory W. MacArthur Stephen Markowitz Janice Cronk Marston* Mary L. Martin* James R. Mcintosh* Sarah Phelan Mcintosh* Patricia M. McNaJly Donald E. Megatblio, Jr.* Cynthia Crockett Mendelson* Bruce W. Montgomery Anthony E. Moore Joan G. Morrison* Richard B. Morrison Mary Ranlett Mossman M. Patricia Black Mullarkey• Arleen Larsen Munk* PauJ A . Neri Stanley L. Painter, Jr. Barbara Hunter PaJlotta Denise Kellner PaJmer* Janice Bray Pawlisch Ruth Lord Prifty Thomas J. Quarrie Frances O'Donnell Rando Elaine Maccaferri Reese Paul E. Reichert Anthony W. Ruvo

Frances Buxton Scheele* Jane Eplett Scranton Ann Marie Segrave Thomas G. Skolfield* Mary Camp Smith Mary Jane Davis Smith James B. Stockwell Felix Suchecki David A. Tamaccio Susan A. Taylor Susan Whittlesey Thome* Edward J. Tomey June Landry van Gestel* Elizabeth Hay Wilkinson Margaret Bums Winship Joanne K. Woods* Edith Scarcello Woody

1960 Pamelia Brockway Adams James C. Ainger Beverly Johnson Arnett Leo J. Beaulieu* Sherrill Gardner Beaulieu* Elizabeth P. Boccasile Carlene Perry Brown* Gail Longenecker Brown* Roger W. Brown Deborah Wilson Bullen Edward J. Burke, Jr.* Arthur D. CaHee* Janice Rideout Carr Richard F. Casson June Chacran Chatterjee Linda Levenson Clark* Herbert F. Cluthe David M. Copithome Judith Dignam Cote Lawrence W. Cushman Barbara Borchers Davidson* Courtney L. Davis Aon Dudley DeWitt P_eter C. Doyle, ID* John P. Dunstan Margaret Barnes Dyer* Cynthia Love Estes Henry W. Fitzpatrick, Jr. Linda Mackey Foehl* Janet Clark Fox Donald P. Freedman Peter E. French Ralph L. Galante Anne Gerry Gassett Ronald P. Gerber Beverly Jackson Glockler* Jerome F. Goldberg Louise Robb Goldschmidt* Donald R. Graham W. Bradford Greeley* James G. Haidas Judith Ingram Hatfield* Judith Miller Heekin* Leon R. Holmes* Jane Holden Huerta* Diane Hilton Johnson Margaret Jack Johnston* Robert J. Jordan John B. Kellom* Elizabeth Lassen Knight Jerry LaForgia Lawrence R. Lathrop Dorothea Baldridge Lawrence* David A. Light* Barbara Chapman Lightbody* Eleanore Choquette Liston Ronald G. Littlefield Carolyn Webster Lockhart Helen Martin Lucier Richard G. Lucier Nancy Bassett Mack* George T. Marchant* Nancy Walker Mathews Douglas T. Mathieu Carol Seaman McFarland*

Peter N. McFarlane, Il Blandine LaFlamme

McLaughlin Margaret Hibbard Miller* DooaJd D. Mordecai* Frank C. Morgan RaJph D. Nelson, Jr.* Robert E. Otis Margaret Wetzel Plath* Linda Julia Poellot Marion Porter Potter* John R. Rafferty Rebecca Crane Rafferty Ann lmpey Reed Marcia Peterson Robinson Joanne Price Rockett Julie Klafstad Runnells Gail Harden Schade G. Alison Hill Schueneman Judith A. Sessler Philip R. Shea Maren Stoll Sherman Michael I. Silverberg* Walter B. Smith Eunice Bucholz Spooner* Richard K. Stacy John N. Tully Martin D. Turpie Richard D. Tyson Hank G. Van Deever Susan Macomber Vogt* John W. E. Vollmer Roger Wheeler, Jr. John M. Whittier Janet Grout Williams* DonaJd P. Williamson* John A. T. Wilson Karen Kennedy Yearsley* Lee David Zinman

1961 Susan Miller Anderson Stewart S. Arens Patricia Zapp Amott John P. Bernier Edgar A. Boardman Nancy Cunneen Boardman Constance Collins Brennan Robert H. Brown* Betsy Perry Burke* Robert W. Burke Heather Campbell Mary-Jane Rutherford Carroll Peter D. Cavari Stephen E. Chase Donald K. Clark* Carolyn Evans Consolino* Virginia Murphy Cragin Margaret Chamberlain Davis S. Frank D'Ercole Charles E. DeWitt* R. Dennis Dionne Sandra Nolet Eielson Cynthia Spaniack Elsey Suzanne Fourcade Erskine Thomas J. Evans, Jr.* Marilyn Blom Evans* Richard S. Fields Patience Oliver Fisher Michael D. Flynn* Judith MacLeod Folger

Jacquelyn Nunez Memorial Fund

Townley Gamage Freeman Carol Trigg Friedley Joseph H. Gibbons, Jr. Richard H. Gibbs Gale Holtz Golden* Susan Detwiler Goodall Edwin K. Gow* Robert A. Greer Judith Hoffman Hakola

Jacquelyn Nunez Memorial Fund

William D. Hamilton Regina Foley Haviland A. Virginia Wriggins Hochella* William D. Hood* Ellen Harper Hopler Wilhelmina de Kadt Juhlin Gene P. Keddy Dorothy Boynton Kirkendall* Thomas D. Kirkendall* Donna Sample Kramer Charlotte Clifton Lee* Theodore C. Lockhart Diana Sherman Luth Claire C. Lyons Anoe Lehman Lysaght David E. Marr* Patricia Houghton Marr* Candace Castle Marsellus Nancy Tozier McElearney* Helen Johnson McFarlane Elizabeth Holcombe Milliken* DrusciUa Harris Mordecai* Robert C. Moritz* Bertha Clark Mutz Robert A. O'Leary Robert R. Oster Barbara McGregor Otis John J. Pallotta, Jr. Quimby N. Robinson Frederick G. Sears Henry M. Sheldon, Jr.'� Henry N. Silverman Sally Genthner Smith Penelope Dean Spierling Penelope Dietz Sullivan Charles J. Swensen Ellen McCue Taylor* Norcross Teel, Jr. Ernest V. Trowbridge Aon Weir Ventre Judith Dunnington Vollmer* Frank H. WaUace J. Paul Whitehead, Jr. Michael Wilcox Henry A. Wilmerding, Jr.* HeDI')' K. Wingate* William D. Wooldredge* Robert M. Wright David M. Ziskind*

1 962 Grahan1 Barkbam Elmer C. Bartels George P. Beaumont* Nancy Gould Beck Paul R. Beck James L. Bishop, III Susan Welch Bishop Anne Ticknor Bridge* Barbara Eayrs Bridges Andrew 0. Bridgman Margaret A. Brown Rosemarie A. Carbino William V. Chase* Gail Macomber Cheeseman* William P. Clough Marlyn Crittendon Coffey Henderson W. Colley Whitney J. Coombs Terence A. Cordner, Jr. Edwin Cragin, Jr. Elizabeth Simmons Davidson Hope Hutchins DiNapoli Robert DiNapoli Patricia Downs':' Judith A. Dupras Brenda Wrobleski Elwell* Anthony F. Ferruci, Jr. Joyce Digoam Flynn* James R. French Sandra J. Fullerton Mary Ballantyne Gentle Gail Smith Gerrish* Phyllis Crawford Grdenick

Janice C. Griffith* N icolas P. G ro Henry W. Hansen, Jr.* Edward F. H ayde, Jr. Ruth V eit Hodum * N ancy MacKenzie Keating Patricia Millett Kent Dennis A . K inne Edward E. Kyle* Donna M. Lambson Ovila J . LaPlante* Jean Young Lawrence* Donald E. Legro, Jr. Peter L. Leofanti* Richard A. Lei.sard Richard W. Leve que R ay mond M. Loew Ralph J. Loffredo A lice Sbest Loffredo Samuel R. McCleery, Jr. Jane Germer Meilke Richard S. Mittleman * Patricia Jack Mo her David C. Norman Diane H i l ton O'Connor Richard T. Poland Wil liam I. Pye, Jr. E l aine Healey Reichert Ency Schick Richard on Patricia Farnham Russell* Ronald K . Ryan Brenda Phill ipp Ryan A rlene Gauthier Scanlon* Richard R. Schmaltz* Richard A . Simki Mary Swinney Stegall Frank P. Stephenson* Robert T. } I via Mary B. Symonds Pamela A . Taylor* David C. Thaxter Constance Fournier Thomas Roberta Loveland Vest J anice Turner Vollmer John C. Webster, I l l Susan Keith Webster A l lston E. Weller, Jr.* Joan Kisonak W heeler Paul J. White David G. Wiggins Frank L. Wiswall, Jr.* Priscilla Gwyn Wi wall* Cynthia Barker Wong Chri topher R. Wood Joan Tinker Wood Brenda Lewison Wooldredge* Joseph A. Wright. I I Margaret Brown York

1 963 Judith A llen Austin Warren P. Balgooyen A . Lawrence Barr* Wh itford S. Bond* Lizabeth Simonds Branson Jean Eielson Bridgman G i llian Lamb Butchman SaJly White Butler Albert F. Carville, Jr. Barbara Haines Chase* Rogers S. Chase Meridith R. Claus A nne Quirion Connaughton Charles T. DeWoody* James P. Dolian Stephen L. Eittreim Barbara Mayo Evers Patricia A. Ey Susan Hassel Ferruci Karen Forslund John T. Fraze* MacGregor Freeman Paulette R. French Diane Buckley Garthright

c 2 2

Janet al lahan G lennan Robert P. G lennan, Jr. Joanna Buxton G ormley Arlene Jenkins Graber George M . Gro· Thomas S. Gro man Lewis K. Hathaway Marjorie Walton Hol mt<i Cynthia Rich mond Hopper�· Pauline R} der Kezer Ralph A . Kimball, Jr. G ail Price Kimball Kirk R. Koenigsbauer J ulia Dodge Korst David . Larsen N. Diane Lerner Dougla S. MacMillan Ruth Pratley Madell John L. Martin * Pri cilia ewbert Mather Brian G. McA lary John A. McDonald Edith ewall McKeon * J. Wei.ley Miller, I l l Michael S . Miller Robert T. Moulton, Jr. Elizabeth Doe Mulvey A nita J . Nourse * Linda S. Orr* Gretchen Miller 0 en Neal 0 en Marvin . 0 trov ky Mar ha F. Palmer Dori Wilson Perry Rodney D. Pierce Paul Pineo, Jr. Susan Schaeff Pineo Edward W . Platner Adele ckley Pluta

ally Mo�e Preston* David Pulver · Betty John ton Ra} le Jeannette Fannin Reg tz Thomas O. Richard on Paul K. Roger I l l Joan Dignam Schmaltz* Mary Cahill chroeder Su an W . Senkler John S. heldon Wi lliam B. mith Donn E. Springer Ruth Grey Springer Loi Me erve tan el Eleanor Burge Stetson Carl W. Stinson Diane Nelson Teubner Thomas McK. Thomas*

tephen W. A . Thomp on Daniel H . Trai ter Frances Jones Vitaglione Peter ogt Susan Ferries Vogt Mary Dexter Wagner* Herbert A. Wainer Margaret R. Wall Frederick A. Watkins* Lucille E. Waugh J . Stephen Week * Charles P. Williamson, Jr. * John M. Wilson

1 964

Mark D. A lbertson Susan Hayward Albertson Joan McGhee A mes Charles F. A ngell Bentley H . Beaver Barbara McClarin Bing Jack Bober Sara McCobb Bober Bonnie Bankert Bowie Mary Stimson Bowie Laurence I . Braun Kendall Burford

L inda Doe Burford John N. Bu ·h Jean Brennon CalJ A nne Gellhorn ampbcll

ally Page arvillc Jonathan hoate .l udith Milner 'o he M icha I . ohen Barbara McFaul ook Jame B. rawford Linda Johnson Crawford Barbara W. Darling

1argaret 1attraw Dodge W i lliam M. Dowden Robert W . Dre we * Jo�iah H. Drummond, Jr. Lauritz N . D}brberg J ame� G . E ll is*

u an Ell \ orth lfobert T. Emmet Jon ugu t Fredrikson John . Friberg

rthur . Fulman Robert M. Furek Janet toddard Gagnon John W. Gibbon Donald E. Gilbert. Jr.

ally aabye Gilbert Stephen . Goldberg Anthony A . ood Wld John R. Gow, I l l * Dennis L. Hardy Jame E. Harris Peter D. Hart John K. l la} ne , J r. A nita L. Hegmann Bruce A. Henkle Barbara arT How on

lartha · arrington Huotari Roger J. lsbi ter J o ce Arnold I b' ter Dor· H. earn John P. elleter

anc} a lor Kimball Karen M. Knud n John L. Kreidcwei •

Lizabeth Ham Kunz J larT . Libb) A le Lloyd Ja queline Roe Lloyd

usan A. Lockhart arol Ha ne Lyman

uzanne O} es Mague * Linda urlis Mar hall Paul L. M ar olinj Linda Field tattox

u an awyer McAlary John . Mechem Margaret A. Mil ler

anc Mitchell Miner* Donald E. evin John A . Oaks Clifford B. Olson Paul K. Palmer, Jr. Frank H. Parker Richard M. Pious Jon Perle}' Pitman Benjamin C. Potter Jr. Hannah Sewall Potter A lan S. Rhoades Sara Shaw Rhoades Shirley Cobb Rich Richard J. Robbat Loi Philbrick Rockwell Murdock J. Ross, Jr. Joan Thiel Sanford Nancy Green Schatz Stephen Schoeman Barbara Gordon Schoeneweis Lawrence D. Schulze Marcia Phillips Sheldon Gloria A. Shepherd Donald J. Short* George Shur James S. Simon Kenneth B. Skodnek

Allan M. mith Abbot K. now

andra . mitJl obocin ki Jean Martin olcw�ki Kenneth • . Stone l'aul lrong Bernard . Stupsk.i, Jr. David G. veden J ane Lew is veden Catharine amp Syl e ter \1i hael } I ve ter• J udith Van Dine ylvia Joan Phillipps Thomp on Elizabeth <.:rocketl Ty on Jon 1 icha I B. Vore Bruce I . Waldman Dorothy A. Weather Robert . Weibust Peter J. Whalley

arlton H. \-\ inslow, I I I Lucinda L . Wulling

tephen E. Young Frank T. Zaremba

1 965 David C. nderson Bruce L. n nes Randall W. ntik Richard W. Bankart* John H. . B xter

} nne mer Baxter Pauline Belanger Beaudoin Jocel) n Co) le Bierman William F. B othby, Jr. Joan opithome Bowen Gordon W. Bowie John W. Bragg Karen Jaffe Brown Kennon W. B Q an

all Thomp on BQ an laude L. Buller

Hel n rand Burstein Mal olm L. Call John F. amochan Elizabeth tark Champlin Joan Ire enger hesley Jonathan lamer Timoth F. leghorn•

r on A. oady \.\'illiam T. ottle, Jr.

harle E. urrie Richard W. Da is

1 le Denny-Brown Cornelia Roberts Dietz Martin . Dodge Joan Richards Dolian Roberta Gil on Drewes* David S. Fearon WiJl iam P. Ferretti Jame C. Foritano Nancy Barnett Fort Karen Freitas Patricia McClay Gauer Margaret Hornaday Gillespie Michael C. Gilman Robert A. Gordon Katharine Parker Gordon Kenneth C. Gray Jay Kenneth Gronlund Jeryl Louise Hamilton Richard B. Harwood Nancy Winslow Harwood David F. Haskell Candice Wilson Haynes Virginia Cole Henkle Thomas A. H i l l

dora Clark H il l Patricia Charlton Jacob Dale C. Jewell Maria Sevast Koenigsbauer Thomas Korst Diane Terry Kowal Harold F. Kowal Lewis Krinsky*

Rebecca Lowd Legro Jill Margaret Long Elisabeth H. Lyman Marc Machbitz Diane R. Mattison Gerald P. McElroy Barbara C . McGillicuddy* Su an L. McGinley Norman F. Miner Jonathan F. Moody James B. Morang Susan Brown Musche William B . Neil, Jr. Shirlee Clark Neil William A . Oates, Jr.* John J . O'Connor, Jr. Frances Matteson Packard Elizabeth Stevens Palmer David F. Parish Pro per K. Parkerton Sheila Webster Pierce Arnold Repetto Matthew A . Riddel l Robert P. Rogers Paul M. Ross William M. Savage Gavin Scotti Lynn Smith Short* Arthur S. Sills Judith G upti l l Simmons* Anna Owen Smith* Starbuck Smith 1 1 1 * Eric R. Spitzer Pamela Pierson Stokes Eliot F. Terborgh Patricia Raymond Thomas* Barbara Howard Traister Fred J. Wetzel J. Randall Williams IV Loretta Kirn Williams Anne G odley Wilson Cassandra Cousins Wright Michael P. Ziter

1 966 Nancy Reinelt Adams Britt Carlson Anderson Peter C. Anderson Nancy DeWitt Antik Elizabeth Peo Armstrong Bruce W. Barker Peter L. Blumenthal Thomas F. Boghosian George M. Cain Cathlene Fitzgerald Christiano Erwin T. Clark Jo eph J . Connolly Virginia Grelotti Connol ly John S. Cookson Jean Elizabeth Craig Patricia Berg Currier In memory of

Ellen Peterson '07 Martha DeCou Kate H o l linshead Dixon Malcolm L. Donaldson, Jr. George S. Dukes Joan Manegold Dukes Richard L. Dunnell, Jr. J. Frederick Eagle 1 1 1 Sarah Vaughan Eagle Sandra Raynor Eastman John L. Eckel Martha Lane Eckel James E. Fell, Jr. John W. Field, Jr. Anne Ruggles Gere Anthony S. Giles Richard Gilmore John B. Glaze Peter N. Grabosky Charles E. Houghton I l l William P. Ingham Ruth Loker Ingham

Bayard W. Kennett Phillip Kindy, Jr. L. Gary Knight Howard M. Latham Susan Mahoney Michael Russell N. Monbleau Harrison G . Monk Frank W. Musche Frank G. Neal, I I I Peter C. Nester Sally Leighton Niblock Walter R. Nock Susan K. Nutter Gretchen Wollam O'Connor Richard T. Osborne Lawrence H. Pike Nathaniel D. Pitnof Peter W. Redmond Jane Michener Riddell Jo Anne M. Rydel Wil liam T. Rynne Martha Watson Schulze Brian M. Shacter Ruth Kelleher Shacter Nancy Johnson Smith W il liam C. Snow Susan Ebinger Spencer Susan Rumsey Strong Vincent G. Surabian Peter Swartz John S. Tara A l len H. Throop Janet Meyer Throop Carl 0. Tighe Su an P. Turner Deborah Wilson Van Atta Gerald N . V an Atta, Jr. Diane G. Van Wyck Richard Waddington G lenda Gerrie Walker Elizabeth Hemberg Went John A. Wheeler Margaret Fallon Wheeler Le lie Sutherland Wilkes Geoffrey P. WilUams Dean D. Wil liamson Jeffrey D. Wright Natalie Bowerman Zaremba

1 96 7 Charles H . Anderson Ledyard G. Baxter Carol L. Beers James W. Begin Anthony M. Benjamin Lawrence Bernstein Caroline Kresky Bernstein Frederick A. Beyer C . Jean Howard Bleyle Margaret Scott Brewer Phillip W. Bromwell Ruth E. Chatterton Nancy Wilcox Clarke V ictor A . Conklin Roberta Stockwell Danielson John H . Demer Susan H. Dunham Martha Lane Eckel Joseph M. Fine William Fineman A l ice Hubert Gardner Jean Grindell Giles Christopher H. G lenn Carol Severance Glenn Elizabeth Coffey Gross Robert M. Gruber H elen C. Hil l Thomas H . Hopgood Richard W. H unnewell Robert E. Jackman Andrea L. Jennison Peter C. Jensen Sue Jane Barden Johnson Stephen R. Katz

Philip M. Kay Barbara Monahan Kindy Mary Beth Lawton Richard P. Lemieux Donna G. Lumpkin Robert B. MacAdam John M. McGirr Eric A . Meindl Richard W. Merkel Linda LaMonica Monk Susan M. Monk Marcella Ray Morin Sanda Stemmler Paquette Linnea L. Poulsen Helen H. Powell Walter L. Procko Lou Richardson Cecelia F. Ronis Derek V . Schuster Judith Macintosh Seidel Katherine A . Seligmann Sarah M. Shute Christopher Sinton Ruth Seagull Sinton J. Steven Stahle Judith G. Van Alstyne W illiam L. Vanderweil Harold W. Vestermark, J r. Paula Willey Vestermark William A . Walker David G . Watterson, Jr. Diana K. Weatherby Patricia J. Whittemore Lawrence J. Wholley, Jr. Susan D. Wood

1 968 Nancy J. Abbott Robert S. Aisner Carlton E. Akeley Maxine F. Allison Jacqueline B. Aulson Deborah H . Ayer Mary Calabrese Baur Elizabeth L. Bridges Jane B. Brown Ira C. Cooke Timothy A . Crowell Richard A. DeVincentis Ellen J. Dockser Dorothy M. Evans Stephen D. Ford Jill Brown Fuller Robert C. Grossman Peter M. Hobart Ann Wilson Hobart Leslie Mason Hopkins Elizabeth Drinkwine Houghton Penelope T. H u me John C. Hutchins Cecily Smith Johnson Kent A . Johnson John P. W. Jost Jean M . M iller Kolonel Richard J . Kuchar William B. Kuetfner Robert E. Kulp, Jr. Richard O. Larson Jeffrey T. Lathrop Nancy Winslow Lemieux John P. Leopold Frederick E. Levine Susan Davidson Lombard Bruce B. McDonald William J. McKinney, Jr. Jane Peterson Moody Richard J . Morey John A. Morgan Nancy DeAngelis Morgan Judith A. Mosedale Patricia Davis Murphy Judith Redmayne Neal Barbara Kuczun Nelson Paul S. Nelson

Lynne G. Oakes David W. Oelerking William R. Palombo Diana M . Parker William E. Portnoy Thomas R. Rippon 1!.lizabeth Rotch Carol} n Welch Ryzewicz Jay H. Sandak Elizabeth A. Savicki Jeremy T. Schneider Nancy A. Schweitzer Janet E. Semonian Hethie L. Shores Michael L·H Shu Olive Niles Shu Vaughn Jelly Sills Jonathan R. Stanwood Lee D. Urban Catherine McManus Vanderweil Susan M. Volpe Robert E. Wa1dinger Gary N. Weaver Craig A. Weeden Hope Jahn Wetzel Judith A. Williams

1969 Lawrence A . Adams Barry M. Arkin Betsey J. Baker Raymond E. Beard, Jr. James C. Bishop Rae J . BraunmuUer Peter C. Brown John F. Burn11am Howard L. Camp Anne G. Curtis Richard W . Dow, Jr. Doris Briggs Downing Cheryl M. Dubois Katharine B . Earnshaw Frederick C. Emery, Jr. Roberta Kent English Jolin S. Estabrook Irving B . Faunce Carol B. Feldman Stephen C. Fisher Stephen D. Ford Stuart C. Giles Susan K. Gould Linda I . Gray Ellen B. H aweeli Henry Helm John M . Janes Lawrence A . Kassman David K . Katz David S. Keene Laurie A . Killoch Faye C. Kolhonen Mary E. Lyle Nancy Mathers Anita Matson Jeanne L. Merola William D. Merritt Charles E. Mil ler Barbara Klingerman Morgan Lucinda D . Murray Stephen J. Neter David J. Noonan Martha L. Peverly Elizabeth Pond Joyce E. Preece Carol A . Putnam Robyn L. Ramsay Sandra L. Reed Edward S. Rogerson Curtis G. Schneider Peter W. Smith V incent G . Smith Susanne Gilmore Snow Jeanne Bryant Stanwood Donna Massey Steffey J. Bole H. Steffey

Gail Wright Stephenson William Jay TI1ompson Nancy Money Thompson Richard W. Upton Susan Wakeman Patricia L. Walker Kathryn Batten Ward Thomas J. Watson, Ill Lloyd C. Welken Mary Walker Wheeler Lowell L. Wilke , III Raymond L. WilJiams Alden C. Wilson Thomas G. Wright Stephen B. Wurzel


1970 Walter Effron Elinor Bartel Miller Earl R. Palmer

1971 Robert A. Gordon David J. McGowan Nicholas D. Nash Frederick H. Osborn, Jr.

1 972 Harvey J. Greenberg

Come Hell or High I Va ter J\.l i riam Stover Thomas' book, origi nally publ ished in t he Lewiston journal Magazine, tel ls of the partan undergraduate l i fe at Colby in the early 1 870' . The material from the l i fe of the writer's fa ther, Daniel Randal l tover '7 1 , was taken from personal papers, term bil ls, textbooks and Zeta Psi news of those day . A"ai l­able from the author, South Harpswel l , l\faine (04079);

3.45 p lus postage.

R a n da ll Condon a n d the Condon Medal Frank C. Foster ' 1 6 , on-in-law of the man who endowed the medal recogn iz­ing Colby's outstanding en ior, has wriuen an e say on the l i fe and idea ls of !\ I r. Condon. lt ha been published by the college on the 5oth anni' ersary of the first awarding of the medal . Office of the President .

La n dscape in Maine (1820-1970) Biographica l sketches and reproductton of works in an exhibit by some of America's most widely-known artists , i ncluding Win low Homer and Andrew Wyeth. Colby Art l\ f useum; 3.00

Fina n cin l A id (1 970-1971) Thi brochure outl ine the gran ts , loans and jobs ava i lable to tudents at Colby which help defray the moun ting co t of education. Professor Charle H ickox, director of financial aid.

Jndepe11de11 1 Study a t Colby : The Ja n uary Progra m The concept of independent tudy at Colby is described in tbi booklet from i ts origin in 1 960. I ncluded are regulations, admin i lrative procedures, Lhe grading system and the cal­endar - from a signment to deadline. Office of the Presi­dent.

Chm P1 ofile 1 974 The statis tics on the 429 freshmen (sel­ected from among 3,488 applicants) in this brochure show their rank and non-academic activi ties in secondary schools and their various achievemen t scores.

Cons1 i t 11 t ional Conven t ion This report on actions of the board o[ trustees resul ting from the con ention was re­pri n ted ft om the A lu m n us (win ter i 970) and reports on the conven tion. Office of the President.

Oracles Copies from 1 965 and 1 967-1 970 can be obtained by mai l ing a check for .S,6.oo each (iucluding handling) to l\ l iss Patricia l\Iontgomery, l\ Iary Low, Colby College.

Colby Gifts

Chairs Boston Rocker, black, trim and seal in gold, $33· Cenernl, as above, 35, or with cherry arms, $4 3. Ladies' ide Chair, same, 25. Sllipping charges extra; three weelts delivery.

Clock Based on Eli Terry's style, the Pre­sen tation is 1 4 by 9 x 4 inches, and is handcrafted to order; name and class of recipient inscribed on dial, old campus prin t on the lower panel; $39.50. Shipping charges included; three weelti delivery.

Dishes All by Wedgewood of England. Plates: blue and white, Edme design, four campus scenes; et of four, $ 1 5. Ashtrays: same, set of four, 6. Cups and Saucers: saucers have scenes;

cups, wreathed with a band of mayflowers, have seal inside; set of four, $ 1 5. Shipping Charges included.





University Table, hand-rubbed, butcherblock style, seal in

center; 27 in. diameter, 1 4 in. high, i lf.& in. thick; tempera­

ture-abrasion-alcohol resistant; walnut, $59; maple, $39-

Shipping charges extra (fob Lancaster, NH); three weelts delivery.



MELVA MANN FARNUM (Mrs. Marli n D.) Buckfield, l\Iaine 04220

J · RUSSEL COULTER writes that a fter his first wife's death, he married the former larjorie de Kuyper. Russel is i n­volved in many busi ness and philan thropic activi ties a nd demonstrates his loyalty to Colby with regular con tribu­tions . . . . TOM CALLAGHAN and h is wife tra\'eled last summer to Spain and Tunisia. They ha\'e an apartmen t in Delray Beach, Fla. , and wil l spend half the year there and the other hal f in Wi l l iman tic, Con n . . . . cu 'TON A . HOAR is retired but has many hobbies : minerals and a lapidary workshop, bird watching and counti ng, and best of all, ' ' ham" radio with contacts all over the sca tes and a few in Europe. Cl inton 's wife is s ti l l gai nfully employed. . . . MERTON LAVERTY and h is wife inv i te friends to call on them in their retirement home on Pine Poin t Road, Scarborough: or i n warm months, a t their cottage o n China Lake. Their i nter­ests i nclude the Scarborough H istorical Society, the Public Library and the i\fethodi t Church . . . . In 1 969, CLIFFORD o. T. WIEDE completed a distinguished career as presiden t of Aroostook State College of the Un i ,·ersity of l a ine. The Wiedens then traveled to Florida, then wen t on a five-week i n ternational seminar to schools in Geneva, i\ l oscow, Ankara, Beiru t, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Cli fford is chairman of the Governor's Task Force studying library services in Maine . . . . BA IL and Frances A!\fES were honored on their 4oth wedding ann iversary at a din ner party given by their three daughter and their famil ies. Basi l studies law and practice in Norridgewock where Frances has taught fi fth grade for 35 year . . . . ELIZABETH GRIFFIN, who has taught at Stearns H igh School in l\ l i l l inocket since 1 925, retired in June to her Lincolnvi l le home. It was bui l t beside Penobscot Bay more than a century ago by her grandfather.

DORLS WYMAN retired in June a fter 47 rewarding years at Revere (i\ fass.) H igh School. She will miss the con tacts with studen ts and faculty, but may do some substi tute

Next Ju ne is the month for reunions - '2 1 , '26, ' 3 1 , '36, '4 1 , '46, '5 1 , '56, '6 1 and '66. Your reun ion commi t­tees are making plans and the wi nter A l u m n us wil l in­cl ude a directory of your classmates. Circle these dates - J une 1 1 through 1 3 - and plan to return to Colby.

1 7 � Cdl::¥ AlJmnUS FALL 1 970

George '69 a n d Che1)1l Moriarty H iggins '70, ma rried in Lorimer Chapel last s u m mer, a re a th ird-ge n e ra t ion Colby fa m ily. IV ith t h e m o u tside M ille t t A l u m n i H o use a re James IV. '-13 a n d Evelyn Gates M o riarty '-1-1 , left, a n d D r. Gordon E. and Helen B aldw in Ga tes '19. George is in h is seco n d yea r a t Tufts Un iversity School o f Medicine, a n d Ch eryl is teach ing in t h e B os t o n school syste m 's "English as a Second La nguage" progra m . The J\l oria rtys live in IVeston, Mass. Dr. a n d M rs. Ga tes are residen ts of B a n go r.

teaching in Revere. Doris is doing many thi ngs she has long wan ted to do . . . . MARY WARREN finds retirement very satisfyi ng. She i chairman of the scholarship committee and a commi ttee for revision of by-laws and constitut ion of the Central l\ fa ine Retired Teachers' Association . . . . HELE . DRESSER l\ICDO:'\ALD and her husband, Bi l l , are retired and enjoy their lei ure time - with "no earth-shaking hobbies as yet." They \' isi ted their daugh ter, son - in-law and granddaughters in Virgin i a before they were tran [erred to Pa nama by the Army. The fcDonalds had a n ice \'i s i t with l l ELEN PIERCE BRO\\'N and her husband at their South Harpswell home. . . . IDA JONES SMITH travels occasionally through the East with relatives and friends, and is con tinu­ing her ,·aried communi ty i nterests: Eastern Star, a l i terary club and a un i ted min istry program which brings together the Episcopal, i\ lethodist and Presbyterian churches of U nion pri ngs, N . Y . . . . Another person i n terested i n ecumenical min istry i s LUCY OSGOOD DEAN with the "happy all iance of the Baptist and Presbyterian churches of f arion, N .Y." . . . Lucy and husband, Arthur, are i n terested in the overseas agricultural min istry - their daughter a nd son-in­law ser\'e in Sarawak, i\ I alaysia. Lucy expects her mission­ary family home i n 1 973 and hopes to bri ng them to our 5oth reunion. . . . MARGARET ABBOTT PAVL and hu band, Herbert, have retired and moved from Phi ladelphia to We tbrook. "I am the same quiet person I was a t Colby -loving na ture, walking (or more o ften riding, these days, I 'm a fraid)." . . . B i l l a nd MARION DRISKO POWERS plan to move from Eva nston, 1 1 1 . , following Bi l l 's retiremen t from the faculty of orthwestern U niversity. They are having a new home bui l t in Sun Ci ty, Ariz . Their only son,

\V i l l i a m Jr .. i� a p l as l i l \urgeon a l :i. c l i n i c i n Joha n n es­b u rg-. Sou t h .'\ f ri c a . . . . A R I 1 1\ L K I M.RO\!·. URO\l' N and her h m b a 1 1 d took a , i , ·wt:ck l '<1 l i f i c Coa'l motor tour from sou t h e rn C;d i fo1 1 1 i a lo H r i t i '> h C :o l u m bi. i a n d re t u rned \ i a the Tra 1 1s-Ca nada H ig hway Lo \\'c'>t Lo ng- R ra 1 1 d 1 , N.J. . . . LOUISE Sl i:.E LE 'en t us n ews o f a Co lby re u n ion i 1 1 J u ly. H I LDA F I F E , LL- ON ET1 �- \l' A R ll U R r o N \\' J \ l I A R D , JOA J O N E.'> S\1 1 1 1 1 and L I B K E LLET1 cRA \'1:.1' met al t h e su mmer home of Chris Booth ' 2 6 in H a mpton , N . H .

SP I K E a nd I :i. ttcn ded . \ l u m n i \,\'eekcncl . .\., w e s c a n ned the b u l le t i n board for n a mes of 1 92 3 c. l a ss members we were glad to see t h a t of JO l l N R. cow. \ n d we were happy a n d proud to sec h i m recci\'e a C o l b y Brick a l the d i n 1 1er. \\'c must say we were prou<l o1 our son - i n - law, Don a ld E. N icoll '49, who sen·ed on Len l\ l a yo's panel fot the A l u m n i Weekend sem i nar.

24 A N E BRO\\'NSTONE PRILL f�KY ( ;\ ! rs. N a t h a n) 4 1 9 Cumberl a n d A \·c. , A p t . j 2 Portland. l\ l a i ne O.J 1 0 1

Dr. LA \l' R E NCE A . PU1 N A \ J , a fo1 mer surgco n - i n -c l ticf o f t he Holyoke ( l\ I ass .) H m p i ta l . re t i t ed la'>L . \ p r i l a fter 10 yca n of pract ic ing med i c i n e a n d s u rg-ery. A l ter cot rn i ng h i B.S. degree, he a t te nded Boston U n i \'ers i t y S<.hool of ;\ I edicine a n d recei\'ed h is dq..,'Tec there i n 1 92 8 . H e later H ud icd s u rgery a n d pathology at the U n i \ c n i t y of \' ic n n a , \ w. tri , 1 . D u r i ng \\'orld \V.i r I I , h e scn-ed as a rnmma1 1dcr i n N a \ } hospi ta ls, a n d as mcd i c. a l ofT1cer on a n a t ta c k tra n po1 L i 1 1 the Sou th Pac ific .

ZS DORI S TOZ I E R PUT N A �! ( :\ ! rs. Lawren c.e) Box 1 2 8 Orr's I s l a n d , l\ l a i ne 040GG


presiden t of For ter ,\ l a n u­facturi ng Co., \\'i l t0n, i nce 1 9-+ 3 · ha been na med c h a i r· m a n of the board of direc­tors of the firm. which pro·

duces wooden and plasticware i tems. Ted was n i ne year

wi t h t h e Sat urday Evening Post before joi n i ng For ter

l\ f a n u facturing in 1 934· 1 1 1 t h e ensu i ng years, t he firm h as

ex panded from a si ngle factory to a seven -pla n t opera t i o n .

T e d is a C o l b y trustee. U n u u a l l y h ig h honors ha\·e been bestowe<l 011 two mem­

bers o f the class. vVe s a l u te t hem. Professor A LF R E D K I N G C l l A P l\ ! A N , re t i red cha i rman of the

Col by English departmen t , has been appoi n ted omb udsm a n ,

a posi t ion created by the Const i t u t i on .i i Conve n tion. I n his modest w a y , Professor Chapman describes i t a a posi­

tion in whi c h he would try to settle grievances of studen ts,

acting as a go-between w i th stude n ts a nd fac u l ty. " o

d i ffere n t from wha t I 've a l ready been doi ng. " . . . CARROLL

(P R I N T I N G) �





Phone (207) 622-6288

Kt 1 -. 1. was honored rcc. c n l i y at a reception of the D u n lop Chapter of � l a om i n Ch i n a ( .\ l a i ne). He has been pre­'> i d i ng onl( er of a l l the York Bodies of :\ f asonry a nd is now '>en i ng .1, gra n d h igh 1nie\t of the Grand Chap ter of f a i ne.

27 \J J K J A \1 K J<..L \ J J L Ll.1:. ( � l rs. Christ i a n R.)

·I \\'t:st S trcct :"\ ewtown, Co 1 1 n . 064 70

\\'c h a\{· \omc more ret i remen ts to report : Ki:.N 'ETH COPP

from tc;H h i n g in .\ I t . \ 'ernon , N . Y., a f ter 40 years: W I L L I A :-.t

P J J Rc 1 from the ;'\ cw York Telephone Co. (4 1 years) ; R A L P l l l 'RI c.on from Dow Chemi<.:al (4 1 years); P R I C ILLA

R L \LLL R J U J A RDS after 25 } tan of head ing the Boston school l u n c h proi,rra m : F R E D T u R :- 1:.R from Cony H igh chool ( . .\ ugu�ta), whcrc he has been one of 'ew England's o u t·

s ta n d i ng cicnc.e teachers a n d w i n ne r of many awards; DORO l J J \' G m u 1 :-. G from Cony a fter (her q uote) "4 3 and one- h a l f years teach i ng you ng American to be better ones, I hope." Dot headed for German y i n eptember. . . . LOUISE

c1 1 P\ IA N D J B B I E reti red a fter nearly 40 years teaching in Old Sa) broo k , Con n . , chiefly foreign l a nguages. The Clin / 0 11 (Co n n .) lfrrnrder aid: "Over the years f rs . B iddle ha� i 1 1 n ue 1 1 ccd thou a n ds of you ng people, i ncluding man y act i \ e i n town l i fe toda . " . . . � ! A B E L ROOT H O U I E ub-

t i t u ted for 1 2 years a fter ix years of elemen tary school teac h i ng and 2 0 •ear of h igh chool La t i n and French i ns t ruc. t ion. She gi\ e Colb cred i t for fi ne prepara tion i n those ubjcc�. he enjoy k n i t t i ng, sew i ng a n d ches . . . . ROBERT W A U G H , recen t rec i p i e n t of l 'Ordre des Pal me

adem i q ue at the Fren h Emba y. claim he ha ret i red (as ha hi w i fe). B u t he keeps h i k i ng over the mounta i n

of c w H amps h i re, readi ng, dri \' i ng, garden i ng, doi ng c h u rc h work and sa\'ori ng new of h i da ughter, Lorene H a rris '60 . . . ' B E R N I CE GREEN P I N K H A M sends a gracious and poetic i n v i t a t ion for classmates to v i s i t her and her h u band i n K i ngfield. They a re renovat i ng a home a fter her re­t i reme n t . Bernice taught 39 years, mos tly a t Corin n a Academy. Y o u can ee s h e remembers Flossie's class : "How clear, how keen , how marvelously bright / The effluence of yon dista n t mou n tai n 's head,/ \i\l h i ch, strewn w i t h snow

smoo t h as the sky can bed,/ S h i nes l i ke a nother sun." Represe n t i ng Col by a t t he i n auguration o f the new

presiden t of H artwick College wa GREELY P I E RCE . . . .

E L IZABETH WATSON GERRY wri tes o f many activ i t ies i n Brewer

1 8

A. Diversi distributors

Budweiser M ichelob

Gab l ingers

Ruppert Knicker bock er


Boothby&Bartlett INSU RANCE

Since 1 859

1 85 M a i n Street Watervi lle, Maine

Edward L. Atkins

Atkins $ PRINTI N G SERVICE 34 Main S tree t, Waterv i l le

furnishers of brick!J at Colby College DANVILLE, MAINE

19 the Cd� AlJmnLJS FALL i 970

and of \'is i ts from her sisters, l\ Iary and Jean . . . . MILDRED

MCCA R N MARDEI', in Seattle for the past 19 years, hopes to vis i t J\.Iaine more often when her husband retires this year from Boeing Aircraft Corp. . . . Eager for the opening of her classes was teaci1er ARD E L L E C H A S E . . . . St i l l a ttending classes are R U T H Dow, l ibrarian at Pittsfield Junior H igh School, and l\!AR I E H O U I ES l\! I TC H E LL, soon to complete a t Bridgewater (J\ l ass.) State College the B .A . degree work started at Colby . . . . CLEMENT TAYLOR and his wife traveled to Expo '70 in Japan where son, Tim, was performing with the "Cal i fornia Band." . . . H E LE !' S:\!ITH FA\\"CETT and her husband travel often to Paris where their bil i ngual daugh­ter is a secretary.

Remember that "loaded" question? (Wha t are your ideas about the direction Colby has taken l ately and should take in the future?) Hal f of you ducked i t. But the answers received were i nt eres ting. They ranged from Holmes' p i thy "Teach them good man ners," through "re-insti tute those outmoded words 'expel, dismiss' and 'common sense' " (Pierce and Copp). to a puzzled " I t's too complex for me."

Then there's Dow's generalized comment , "Less of author­i ty in the home, education and o-overnmen t stems back to the loss of the authori ty of Goel ." Here's a special com­plai n t (Gould) : "Classes should not be closed to those who wan t to at tend." A nd a corollary (Giddings) : "Should a minori ty group stop the whole college, and should academic qualifications be lowered for those u nable to attain them?"

Some additional comments follow. "A good job of keep­i ng the lid on. (Copp) Let's combine sympathetic l isten i ng to students i n general wi th a firm hand in dealing wi th the far-out radicals . " "This permi sive age with i ts radical youth has me completely bewildered. (Green) Greater minds than mine are needed to meet today's challenges. I 'm sure Colby has the ne<:ded leadership." "The fact that we've heard of no violence at Colby is a credit to the ad­min istration. (Root) Any demands that are proper and reasonable should be met. " "Great efforts should be made to have the dissen ters presen t constructive alternatives (faylor)." "I thi n k Colby is taking the right direction. (Smi th) . . . . I feel students a t Colby are in an ideal learning

si tuation, well placed to see what is going on in society and the world. An ticipation of possible future developments by the faculty and the president, as well as the trustees, keeps the changing areas and student opi nions current."

An answer from Ralph Smith looks toward the future: "I think Colby handled the campus situation very astutely. Colby should contin ue to strive to teach the basic truths for a sound future. Our educa tional system must con tin­ually keep up with the rate of i ncrease of knowledge, but strive to educate also toward basic wisdom. One of these bui lding blocks - a person gets only what he works for and earns - must be dug out of its dusty corner. The populace that stands on a solid foundation wi l l be able to find leaders and go forward."

29 JEAN M . WATSON 67 H awthorne Drive N. New London, Conn . 06320

Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE FLETCHER celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary in June. He taught school for n i ne

years. t h e last year as pri n c i pa l of K i ngfield H igh School . For e i g h t vears he was a fore m a n of t h e l a t h e room a t the W i n ter l\ l i l l in K i ng fic: ld . In ' ! H S t h e y mo\ Cd L o Ra ngeley where he owned a n d opera ted a ! 1 ,h i ng tac k le store known n a t i on a l l y as Fletc her's F l y Shop. H e sold t h e s tore i n 1 962 b u t worked i n the bm i nc:ss u n t i l his re t i re m e n t . The Fletchers l i \· e in S t . Pe t ersb urg . F l a .. from Novem ber to l\ f a y. They rcce 1 1 t l y p u rc hased t h e Ze n a K i ngsley K yes home in S trong. a n d a re rcmod c: l i n g it for thc : ir perm a n e n t home. i\ ( rs. Fletcher w . 1 s gra d u a ted from Eastc:rn S ta te Normal School (now l\ Ia i ne i\ f a ri t i me .\c ade m ) ) a 1 1 d t a ugh t elemen tary school for 20 yea rs . The Flc:td1ers haYe one son , Earle.

G . C E C I L GODDARD was re-e lec ted a 1 1 a t iona l cou nci l repre­se 1 1 ta t i \·e from the \\'a ten i l l e Cou n c i l of Boy S o u Ls to the a n n u a l meet i ng held in ,\ l , 1 y in D e l 1 \ er, Co lo. A lcle1 1 G. Barber, chief swu t u t i \ e, i n a l e t ter L o Cec i l a i d : " T h e pro blems a n d c h a l l enges fa t i ng tod,1 y's you t h m a ke the i n tere t a n d e f forts of men l i ke you even more sig n i fi ­can t in t h e w p port o f Srnu t i ng a n d Bo) power '7G . " . . . Dea n J\ I A R K R . Sl l I BLE , head of the Co l l ege of Ed u c a tion a t t h e U n ivers i t y of i\ fa i nc s i n c e 1 9 1 ; a 1 1d d i rec.wr of the summer sess i o n , w:i.s commenceme n t spea ker a t the H o u lton H ig h School grad ua tion exercises in J u ne. Dea11 S h i bles ha a master of education degree from B0Ho1 1 U n i \·ers i t y a n d was awarded t he honorary degree of doc tor o f h u ma n e l e tters by Col b y i 1 1 1 95.1 . I n 1 955 h e recei \ ed a n ho norary doctor of sc i e n ce in ed uc a t ion dq.,rree from Boston U n i \'er­s i ty. H is profess i o n a l ex perie nc e i m l ude., Leac h i ng. e leme n ­tary a n d seconda ry sc hool pri n t i p a l , d i rector of c u rr i c u l u m a n d s u peri n te nden t o f st hool� i n B e l mon t , ;\ f as . He ha served as a member of t h e Colby board of trustees and i a member of the ath·isory board of S.t i n t Jo e p h 's Col lege, North W i ndham.

ROSA L I E J\! OS l l E R R E Y I\ O L D . . daugh ter, Bethia ;\ forris '57, her h usba n d , Joh n . and their three daughters, from H elen -b u rgh, Sco t l a n d , v isi ted her for two mo nth t h is s ummer. Professor i\ Iorris o f the i norga n i c c.hemistry departme n t at the Stra thclyd e U n iversi ty, G l asg low , 'co t l a n d , made a three-week l ec t u re tour of se\'era l rnl lege a n d u n i versi t ies in the U n i ted S ta tes a n d Ca n ada.

Your corresponden t spe n t a wonderf u l summer at a lake near B rewer w i t h my two s isters , i\ I a ry F l a nders a n d E l i ?a be t h Gerry. I m e t Ethel H en derson Ferguson 's one­year-old gra nddaughter, i\ l e l i nd a Cole, d u ri ng my two-day vis i t w i th E t h e l at Gra n d Lake.

33 \'ESTA A LDEN PUTNA:\[ ( l\ I rs . George C.) Route 2

Oakland, I a i n e 04963

MA LCOLM W I LSON is preside n t o f the Waten• i l l e Rotary C l u b . BERT HAYWARD o f Phi lade l p h i a was a guest at the c l u b last su mmer. . . . In Sep tember, DOROTHY HARLOW

S K I L L I NGS of the spec i a l sen•ices departme n t celebrated the a n n i versary o f her 2 7 t h year w i t h U n ion f u tu a l Life I nsura n ce Co. o f Portland. Dorothy took a trip to Portugal in November. . . . CA R L A C K L E Y , Conner act ing district m a n ager in l\1 a i ne for l\ f ob i l Oil Corp. , ret i red l as t summer from h is pos t as presiden t and general manager of E . Rob­i ns o n , I nc. , a Mobil a ffi l ia te in H artsdale, N. Y., a fter 37 years wi t h t h e orga n iza t i o n . H e joi ned as a service s ta tion

G EORGE IL STE R N '3 t F R E D J. STE R N S ' 29 H E R BERT D . STE R N S '4 1

maine 's most beautifu l store



Former Maine People with Financial Resources T h e :\ T a i ne Depart men t o f Econom i c

Dc\'e lopment i enrnuraging a l l t y p e of

b u s i n e-;�men , en trepreneur , i n ventors

man agemem people, engineer , scien­

t i sb. ( hemi'>l ', e t c . . to move al l cla e of

non-pol l u t i n g i nd u tr ie back to :\ I a i ne .

T h e DED w i l l as i s t t h e e per ons i n any

wa tha t i t can - i n term o f gu idance,

i n f or 1 1 1 � 1 t ion on i n d u trial area , i nforma­

t ion on i m e wr and ot her our e of

fi n ance.

If you \\'Ot 1 l d l i ke to co I E BACK H O 1E, you are urged to con tact Dr. R ichard Lyreue, Departmen t of Econom ic De\'elopment , tate H o use, Augu ta,

J a i n e 04330.


headquarters for books, pr i nts ,

souven i rs

Roberts Un ion


attendant in 1 933 . He held marketing posts in Augusta and Boston before moYi ng to 1\Iobil's Portland office where he served from 1 94 3 to 1 957 . Carl was a district manager i n Worcester a n d Pro\'idence prior t o joi n i ng the Robi nson firm in 1 966.

Our class president, JO H N P . DAYA · , was honored last spring by a testimonial din ner giYen by the Westbrook Aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. " ' Paddy" has been at \Vestbrook H igh School for 25 years as a teacher, coach and athletic director. The Eagles presented Paddy with a gift, both as an expression of appreciation for his many contributions to the commun ity and as a lasti ng tribute to his younger son, Ben, who ga,·e his l i fe in \ ietnam. The dinner marked the first award of a trophy to be given annually by the Eagles to \'Ves tbrook H igh's outs tanding athlete of the year. Known as the Ben Davan l\ femorial Trophy, i t honors all men who have given their l ives for our coun try. The Eagles also plan to establish, in their memory, an a thletic scholarship. It will be presented ann ually to a desen·ing sen ior. . . . LOU l�E '\l lTH \'ELTEI\

retired last spring a fter 35 years a priva te secretary to Lewis Cotlow, l i fe i nsurance agent , explorer, author and lecturer. Since her retiremen t, Loui e, who till makes New York Ci ty home base, has been doing a great deal of traYeling as wel l as enjoying her coumry home i n \'ermont. She returned from France, England a nd I reland in time to a t tend the June weddi ng of L I B S\\"A1\T01' A LLA1\

's daugh ter,

.l\fargie '69 to Robert Ewell ' 7 1 . l\ f y daughter. Carol '69, was maid of honor. A nother member of the class of 1 933 presen t was BARBARA JOH NSON A L D E N .

34 MARGARET SALMOND i\IATH J::SOI\ (J\Jrs. Donald A .) Lakeview Dri ve China, l\Iaine 04926

After 39 years of seniice in the chool systems of Yar­mouth and :Freeport, HA M I LTON GRANT will make his retire­ment home in Alna with his w i fe, the {ormer Velma Jewett. They will l i ve on the Jewett farm where they haYe spent summers for many years. The Gra n ts are looki ng forward to a l i fe in the open, raising blueberries and vegetables, and to vis i ts with their son , Professor Roland Gran t, and their two grandchildren i n Bill ings, J\Jont. . . . GEORGE M A " N

writes from Houston , Texas, that he would l ike to see us a l l aga i n a t some commencement . In 1 969, our reun ion year, he and h i s wife were vacation i ng i n Rome. He looked a l l over for a place to send a cable, but couldn ' t find one open. This past June they were again on vacation i n Europe. How about making it to Colby i n 1 97 1 ? We would like to see you, too!

RUTH HANDLEY PRICE is l iving on Gould Farm, Great Barri ngton, J\.Iass. Her husband, the Rev. H ampton Price, is executive director of the farm. Ruth enclosed in her letter a brochure describing the work that they do. Gould Farm is a rehabil i ta tion cen ter that offers "milieu therapy." It consists of rest, care, work and counseli ng for the troubled. The Prices have been there for eight years. Prior to this they served a pastorate in the U niversity of Chicago area, two pastorates in l\Iassachusetts, and seven years i n U tah. They have two sons and two daughters. Their youngest daughter en tered the U niversity of Denver

in September. Ruth ended her letter by saying that the

2 1 the Cdl¥ Af.Jmnus FALL t 970

Ur. Sa m uel V. j ust '62 and Jea n n e L il l lefield Ha m m o n d '-1 9 talk over rece n t developm e n ts a t Colby d u ring a b reak between classes of the s u m m e r Lancaster C o u rse in oph t hal­mology. Dr. just , a Xavy lie u ten a n t com m a n der, was a m ong I F / physicia ns from all over the co u n t ry en rolled in the I I -week co urse, wh ich helps prepare them for state b oa rd exa m in a t ions in oph t halmology. Mrs. Ha m m o n d, secrela1)' for t h e co u rse, is employed in the office of the regis t ra r d u ring the regular aca de m ic year. D r . j ust is a residen t at t h e Ph ila delph ia Xaval Hospital. He lives in Mar/ton, N.]., with h is w ife a n d th ree ch ildre n .

New showcase fo r

trave l le rs

in the heart of M a i n e


on Interstate ® Waterv i l l e , Ma ine

Gateway to Rangeley Lakes and all major poin ts.

The ultimate in luxury, 86-air-condi tioned rooms with TV. pool, re tau1

:an t, cocktai l lounge.

Telephone I 207/873-3335

fa nn i rea l ly u n be l ic\' ab le a n d t h a t C\·cryonc i'> we lc ome to \ i '> i l . . . . I t \\ ; t� gc)()d LO hca r t h a t � l l l· R \ I A l\ R L ' \ \ F J I , who wa., w i t h our c l ; 1.,., fre� h m . 1 1 1 vc. 1 r . re l u t n C'Cl a f t c r t h a t to . \ m l t cr� l Col lege. He i'> re t i reci a n c l '> pe 1 1 c l � t h 1 <:e mon t hs a yea r i n Cou 1 t l ) G a l w a y. l re l . 1 1 1 c l , h u 1 1 t i 1 1 g f o:-..cs . 1 1 1 d e 1 1 joyi 1 1g t he d e l igl l l., of :w t h ·l c 1 1 t u 1 y p l u m l i i 1 1 g .i 1 1 c l 1 H t l H e n t u r y sen· icc. T h e l e'> t of t hc > c a r he �pc 1 1 c l ., a lot ol t i me ; 1 ., c ha i rm a 1 1 of t h e boa rd o f .1 .\ l o 1 1 tc�.,01·i '>c hool f or c l t i l d rc 1 1 from t he a g e o f t h ree to t h i rd gTade l e· \ e l . · 1 he sc h oo t ; t l.,o worb w i t h e mot io 1 u l l y di t ur bcd c h i l c l rc 1 1 .

37 :\ l l C l l A F L "Jerry" R Y A i'

1 900 Sou t h C l a yton S t re e t D e l l \·er, C o l o . 802 1 0

S u m mer new<, i tems l t ig h l i g h tecl two o f o u r be., t - t r;l \ e lecl a nd most ac t i Ye l l a .,�m:1 te'>. r t U L U l' ! l\ 1· t n I L K0\\''> 1' 1 : i n c l ROL-\ :'\ D C A ;\ ! \ I O l\ D . " K i " Zu kow., k i ( .\ I �. \\'a l ter) . n e w ! ) a p ­poi n ted d 1 a i rma n o f t h e m,1 t l u ::m a t i t \ depa r t m e n t a t Co l l iv .

was w ri t t e n up in t h e da i l y J.:r' ll llf' h l'l /011 11/f// ( .\ ugmtJ) when she spoke at t h e a 1 1 1 1 1 1 .d meet i ng o f t h e ..\ nH:r i c a 1 1 Assoc ia t ion of l l 1 1 i \T r'> i t ) \\'omen ( \ ugu'> l . 1 lna n d 1 ) . Luc i l l e re l a tecl h e r e:-.. p cr i e n t e� I i \ i 1 1 g- i 1 1 t h e :'\ e a r l:.a � t to tod a) ' s t en e '> i l ll a t ion t here. She a n d h u ., ba 1 1 c l \ \'.d ter. t h a i nn a n o f t h e c le p:1 rtme 1 1 l o f . 1 c l m i 1 1 i'> tr.i t i H· '><. i c.· n c t' . l i \ C:d i n Bagh­dad. I ra q . a nd in h t a 1 1 b u l . Turkq . d u r i ng .... di l >.1 t i c a h .

Rol a n d . 0 1 1e- t i m e Etho ed i tor, '>poke d u ri ng \\'orld Pea c e D a y a t Expo ' i o i n C ha L1 . J a p. 1 1 1 . H e opera tt·s a p u b l i c.. re lation fi rm. E d i co r i a l Comm u 1 1 i l a t io m . I m . . i 1 1 :"\ c w Y o r k Ci t y. A n a u t h o r o f book., o n rel igion . Rola n d repre­sen ted the U n i ta r i a n l ' n i ' l'l''> . t l i � t . \ �'>01 i . i t io 1 1 at \\"or i e l Peace D a }- H e i� p re!> i cl en t o f t h e l ' n i ' cr'> . t l i � l C h u rc. h 1 1 1

' e w York .

39 J L D n 1 1 Q U J. ' r !>C. l ! R l:. !D � R ( .\ I r!> . S t a n lq H .) 2.J B a l l a rd ' t reel

' e w to n Ce n tre , .\ l a!>\. 02 1 5!1

D\1 I C l ! T .'>ARCF :\ T . a Col b\ l nt\tee. a t le n c lecl the I n ter­n a t i o n a l Pre�' l mti t u t e . h e�bl > i n H on g K on g. . . R ll l l ­

A R D 1 1 o r i- I l\" was gi \ Cn a � u rp i i.,e LC'> L i mo n i a l c l i n 1 1 e r i n ho nor o f h i � re t i remen t ; 1 � p ri ! l l i pa l o f F recpon H ig h Sc. hoo l . . . Th e Re\' . l\ A l l l A l\ A I L \ ! . G L PTI L L . pre idel l l o f the i\ l i�� ion a ry Soc. i e t y o f Co 1 1 neniun . 1 m l t h e Trm tce of the F u n d for .\ l i 1 1 i He 1 � . "'".., t h e g ue'> l m i 1 1 i ter for t h e 2 5 o t h a n 1 1 i \·ersa ry l el e bra t i o 1 1 o f t h e F i r t Co ngrega t i o 1 1 a l C h u rc. h of Griswold, Con 1 1 .


Tr Dividends 5 % Per A n n u m


R ussell M . Squ ire, Preside n t

Colby 1 925

41 fOA l\ ' \! A C \f l R I R \' \\'ORK \ I A N ( .\ f rs . L i n wood Jr.) 'I li p r i n g La n e \\'ooc l \ i l fc , .\ l a ��. 0 1 781

I ' " R t '>\� I I A 11 no n . head o f t he st icnce depa r t me n t at \\'. 1 t t' l \ i l l t - l l igh .l.ic l r oo l , h. t'> been n a me:cl a H i lda ,\ f aeh l i ng Ft" l low I i \ t l t e \ .,.,oc i a t i o n of C l a �'>rnom Teachers of t he :'\ . i t i o n .t l b l 1 1 1 a l io 1 1 ,\ .,.,oc ia l io n . .J a 1 1e w i l l ll'>e her gra n t to c le\ e lo p ", 1 u t o- l u lo r i a l de, i c e� . l c<t<. her a n d �t udt1 1 t devised . " I ! t i ., a p p ro . 1 c h w i l l h e l p t he � t uc le n t l ea rn w h i l c l i �te 1 1 i 1 1g

to i 1 1 ., t 1 m u o 1 1 p l .1 yed on a �ma l l tape recorder.

42 A '\ '\ JOl\I ... G i l \IOR� ( .\ f rs. Joh n ) .\ l i H ) La 1 1 e - Broad Cove Ca pe U i 1a he t h , :'\ J a i ne 0.1 1 07

Co l . 1 1 \ l '' " ' " "' · w h o rell lrnecl i n J u l y from a year's tour i n \ ' i u n a m . ha' rec e 1 \ ecl hi� sec. 0 1 1 d Legion of Meri t .1 1 ... a 1 d , t l t e Jo i n t Co m menda t i on .\ J eda l , a n d the Honor .\ kd.t l ( h t \ l d a '') f rom the go\ ernment of outh Vietnam. \tT\ eel " ' c h i e f of opcra uo n a l p la ns a nd req ui rements ,,· 1 t h t he l ' 'i . .\ l i l i t a rv ..\\\i� ta 1 1 c e Com m a n d i n a igon. He i, :i u.H hecl lo t h e. C on t i n e n ta l A nny Co m m a n d at Fort .\ f o1 1 1 oc \ ';i . , a\ cllp u t � t h ief of �tall for peno n nel .

43 1 1 1 1- L \t A PRoc. 1 0R \!Al l fLSON ( :'\ I rs. Del bert D .) ( ) Joh n \0 1 1 , \ \ e. \\'a t t n i l le, � J a i n e 0490 1

C \ R O I \ ' ' L 1 1 " c \ I A Rl l " represen ted Colby at the i nau­� u ra t ion of t h e ntw prc'> iden t of l'\onh Adams ( ;\l ass.) 'i t . t l e Co l l ege . . . . PHUY u 1 c 111 0:-; , di rector o( J u n ior . \ c h ieHmu l l o f \ \'t tern Co n nec t icut i nce 1 954 . resigned

h i � po\ l l io 1 1 t h i' ) Car. In 1 9GG he wa the first w i n ner of

the ( . h , 1 rle� Hook . \ \\ a nt pr�e n ted eac h year by Junior

. \ d 1 i e ' cmen l 1 1 a L ion a l h eadq uarters to t11e nation's out­

'> L a 1 1 d i 1 1g u t i \ e d 1 reoor. Perley i i m olved in other

T 1 u m b u l l , Lon n . , com m u n i t) affa i rs. 0 \ er the years he

ha-. worked \\ i l h more t h a n 1 0 ,000 teen-agen. H ,1 \ e a n v o f )CHI een ROBtRT Dl:.COR:\l lER conducting the

DeC..ormicr i nger\ o n Le le\ i ion ? H e ha been on the Ed , u l l i \ <1 1 1 '>how., a 1 1 d l a l year wa the d i rector of the Ed S u l l i \ an i ngen i n a " a l u te to I rael " p rogram . . . . JIM

\!ORI \ R I \ wa\ n a med a sen ior v i c e pre ident o f group sales ,i n d \en i t e for J ohn H a nco k Life In ura nce . . . . DELBERT,

a f ter 23 ) C a n. w i t h the \\'. B. A rno l d Co. in \Vaterv i lle, has

bec ome t h e new bu i nes manager of the Kennebec alley

Region a l H e a l t h gency.

45 DOUGLAS N . S:\llTH

q 2 \Vest i\ 1 a i n treet Ellsworth, i\1 a i n e 04605

P L L R. I I L'BER wa a n u nsucce f ul ca nd i da te for the ' tate e n a te. Pa ul is general station manager of W R K D i n

Rock l a n d a n d ha sen·ed t h ree terms i n t h e l\ I a i ne House of Repre e n ta ti Yes. H e i ma rried to the former Doris Taylor a n d they ha\·e fi\ e daughters . . . . M A RICE WHllTE , associ a te profe or of chemistry at Gorham camp us of the U n ive1 i ty of M a i ne, has been elected a fellow of the American I n t i t u te of Chemists . . . . CRACE KEEFER PARK.ER

wri tes that s he is a n elemen tary school teacher w i t h an "ex tra son" this s ummer. He is Peter Sa bune, a n exchange

2 2

studen t from Uganda, East :\.frica. He at tended high school with her two oldest , Ken and Deb. H er other son, Alan , i s i n the e igth grade.

CON TANCE STA:'\LEY SHA:\E i in \\0a ten·l iet , ;\ l ich. , and is busy helping two da ugh ters through \ l ichigan State Uni ,·er­s ity. One dauo hter was graduated from \ J S U and married last summer. Four more offspring are rapidly nearing college age. Con nie says she was busy last summer pre­paring to teach again .

47 DORIE MEYER HAWKES (;\Irs. R ichard L.) R.F.D. # 1 Fairfield, l\ Ia ine

T E D Rt.: S E L L ·was a candidate for the Democra tic nomina­tion for the office of treasurer of Kennebec ( :'l l a i ne) Coun ty. He is chairman of the Cou nty Democratic Commit tee and a member of the 1 970 state platform commit tee. Good luck, Ted . . . . BURTON SH IRO and .John .Jabar '52 are asso­ciated in general law practice in \ \'a ten· i l le . . . . Dr. HAROLD

KEARNEY, a you th educa tion special i t a t the U n i , ers i ty of i\fa ine, spoke this spring a t the Bangor Regional . .\s ocia­tion for Chi ldren wi th Learning Disa bil i t ie . H is topic was "How Parents Can Help Chi ldren with Learning Dis­abi l i ties." . . . CLAYTO:\ CLRRIER i a j u n ior high mathematics teacher at the T imberlane Regional D istrict School, At-kinson, .H.

49 JEAN SHEPPARD SI L\"A ( M rs. Bernard) 33 Marla Lane Reading, l\ Iass. 0 1 867

JEAN H ILLSE · made a n employmen t shift las t year from Ea ter Seal to Blue Cross, and i a member of the Alumni Council . . . . LORENZO RA T E L L I i teach ing i n a outhington, Con n. , elementary school . He enjoved our 20th reu n ion . See you i n '74 . . . . Last year D\\"Ir,HT ERLICK accepted a po i tion with the Na tional Bureau of tandards in \Vash­i ngton, D. C., as deputy chief of the social science group . . . . BUD 'AN N IG has been appoin ted a manager of techn ical market en·ices for the Chem ica l Products Corp. in East PrO\ idence, R.I . . . . The l l 'a terville en tine/ has assigned HORACE P. LANDRY to the paper' kowhegan office to broad­en coverage of news in that area . . . . :'.\!Al' ON CARTER was elected recen tl y to the board of directors of the Wil l iam Caner Co., a n a tional kni twear manufacturer. He is also a director of the 1eedham Y \ I CA, a tru tee of 1ew Eng­land Deaconne s Hospita l and acti,·e i n M asonry . . . . Tak­ing new pos i t ion i n the teach ing field are : w11'STOK Ross, i n­structor of mathematic and c ience at 1orthern J\Ia ine Vocational Technical I nst i tute ; BARBARA GRANT DOYLE,

kindergarten teacher i n Thetford, ;\ l ass . ; and SHIRLEY BO 'D

!CGILL, phy ical education at Tenacre Coun try Day School, Welle ley, ;\ l as .

I n local pol i t i cs i CARLETON PORTER. He is running for a three-year term as school committeeman for the i\fa cono­met Regional chool in Top field, .\Jass. Carleton i man­ager of data proces i ng and programming for the General Electric Co . . . . Ronald peer , Republican candidate for Congress from i\fa i ne's Fir t Distric t, named ROY WOODMAN

of Read field a h i finance chairman and treasurer. . . . Repre ent ing Colby a t recen t college president ia l i naugu-

23 the Cd� Al.unnLJS FALL i 970

Abington Press has pub­lished a new book by the Rev. C. Freeman Sleeper '54. B lack Power and C h ris­t ia n R esponsib ility, which deals wi th the emergence of the black power concept, cen tral questions that face the white commun i ty, and how the Bible can proYide importan t i nsights for this cruci a l struggle for j us tice i n

America. The Rev. M r. Sleeper i s associate professor o f re­l igion at Tri n i ty College in H artford, Con n . He received his bachelor of di' in i ty from Yale and his Ph.D. from Van­derbi l t Uni ,·ersi ty. and is a member of the Con n ecticut Committee on Race and Religion . He l ives in Cromwell, Con n . , where he has been a member of the board of educa tion.

ra tions were BE\" BAR;-.;ETT A?>Ii\IANN a t U n ion College and DO:\ J\ ICOLL a t Howard Uni ,·ers i ty.

It was great having notes from G . I . S:'.\!ITH, who though l iv ing in Cal ifornia, manages to get back to Colby once in a while; and from ED WALLER, who is busy w i th a young, growing business, but didn't say what the business was. JUJ\E \\"HITE ROSE;\"BERG j us t wanted to say hello . . . . The SIL\"A family just re turned from their sixth summer at Y \ f C . .\ Camp Becket i n the Berkshires, where Bernie is the associate director. I am back at Reading i\ Iemorial H igh School as assistant l ibrarian . HOPE HARVEY GRAF and I s ing i n the Polymnia Choral Society, and are members of the .\ferrimack Valley Colby Club, a long w i th '49ers JUSTl:\E JACKSON DOHERTY, TONY FERA RO:'.\fANO and MARTY


One note of apology: some of my mai l was accidently destroyed this summer, i n cluding some news from alumni . Please, i f you wrote this summer, send m e a repeat. I don ' t w a n t t o rely on memory for details !

so PAULI "E BERRY ROWELL (Mrs. Robert C.) 41 Winter Street ''\ a ten• i l le, l\fa ine 0490 1

A grand reun ion was held i n June, and too bad you a l l cou ldn ' t attend! Class President KEVIN H IL L and B O B ROSEN­

THAL were chefs, cateri ng the party at Bob's camp. About 50 attended. BARBARA " Pi nky" STARR WOLF, travel ing from Brazi l , must have set some sort of record. M ust give more credit to your reunion committee, s ince the din ner was not only del icious but there was a profit to return to the alumn i fu nd !

News of the class : JIM FRASER, with General Electric, writes that at reunion time he was i n tl1e process of movi ng hi fami ly, i ncluding six chi ldren, from Providence to Westtown, Pa . . . . JOHN PARK.ES has been appoin ted man­ager of the Li ttle office of Frederick C. Church and Co. of Lowell, f ass.

DONALD :IL JACOBS has been appo i nted headmaster of Kents Hi l l (i\Ia ine) School. . . . RICHARD F . ARMKNECHT JR.,

treasurer of the Wil l iam Carter Co., has been elected to i ts board of directors. . . . PHIL SHEARMAN, who is minister of

t h e .\, J i l . 1 1 1 d . \ H· 1 1 1 1 e Il . i p l i'> l C : h u 1 1 h (Toledo. Oh io) . w 1 01c that h e c o u l d 1 1 ' 1 m;1 1 1 agl' t hl' 1 1 i p L1\t i 1 1 t i me fo r reu 1 1 io 1 1 . T h i ' f . 1 1 1 I l l' h . " l i 1 1 ce d 1 i l d n• 1 1 i n wl ll 'gl' . ; 1 '0 1 1 i 1 1 h i g h �1 hoo l . . 1 d . 1 u g h t e 1 i 1 1 t he -. i , t h g r; 1 d c . 1 1 1 d a t l 1 1 ee- ;e; 1 r-o ld a t home.

i\ l y mi n l i ft• i -, that o f : 1 i l l l '> ) hoU'>l ' ll' i k : 01 1e d . 1 u g h t e 1 a t t he l l 1 1 i 1 cr\ i t y o f \ ' t · 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 . t wo i 1 1 h i g h , d wo l . 0 1 1 t· i 1 1 j u n ior h i g h a 1 1 c l m y l i t t lt ' 0 1 1 e a 1 c 1 y h a p p y f i 1 , 1 g ra c l l ' I . . \ n d ) l''> . • d i d : 1 u g h tlT'> ! . \ , . 1 1 1 t·11· c o 1 ll' ' J >0 1 1dt· 1 1 t . I c o tdd l l'>t' .1 1 1 y 1 1 e11''· a 1 1 d w o u l d . i p p 1 e1 i a tc i L .

51 < l l A R U \ a 1 1 d JO.\ :\ C ..\ \ I \ I \ /\ :\ \ I C I ' I \ R I '.! / E l m S t rtT l i\ la rbit h c: a d . i\ J a,� . 0 1 ! 1 1 5

D I C K 1u :-. 1 i-, m a rket i n g 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ; 1gcr for t h e l l o l l i 1 1g,wort h a n d Vo�e Co. The Rc: 1 1 y, l i a 1·c: f o u r d 1 i l d 1 e 1 1 a 1 1 d l i 1 e i 1 1 \Vel l<. :� ley. 1\ J a�s. . . 1-.R� l l I O R I I :'\ l i H'\ w i t h h i ' w i fe . 1 1 1 d t h ree c. h i l d re n i 1 1 Longmeadow. ,\ l . 1�' · I l e h . I'> l iee 1 1 J l l o­motcd to c l i 1 i '> i o 1 1 t ra ffic m . 1 1 1 . 1gc:r f o r t he ' e w E 1 1 g l a 1 1 d Telc ph o 1 1 c C o . i 1 1 S p r i 1 1ghel c l . . . . R L '' c.01 D \ \1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 d Boll " Fe a r le�s " u E h;1 1·e fou n d t h em.,e h l''> fac i 1 1g c:.1 d 1 01 lwr i 1 1 the c. ru i � i 1 1g c la�'> �<t i l i ng ra c e'> held oil � l . 1 1 l i l c he: 1d . . . . LEE P R E � C : O l'T h a ' bee n a p poi 1 1 tc: c l a\\oc i : 1 tc '>� '>tt'lll'> d i 1 ec to 1 i n t h e commerc i a l l i 1 1C\ �V'>l<: 1m c l i 1 i '> i o 1 1 o f t h e m u l t i - l i n e ope ra t iom d e p a rt me 1 1 t a t 1 he Tr,l \ ckr'> I m 11 1 a 1 1 c c: Com­p a n ies. H a rt ford . Co 1 1 n . . . Thc:1C· \\',!'> a n a 1 t i c lc i n a Port la nd pa per a l )Q u t t h e L i e l ie,k i 1 1d fa m i l ) ( 'K i i' r 1 :-. 11 1 Re. )

a n d t h e i r rcanion ... c'>pec i . t l h t hmc of .-\ I a n . 1 5 , to l i l e i n hrae l . They a re c 1 1 1 h u , i : 1 \ t i c .t l JO u l t h e i r 1 1 t·11· C < Hl l l t ry a nd p l a n to bec . ome c. i t i 1 e 1 1 of J ,r atl .

DICK a n d N A i\ C Y 1 1 10\I P�o;-.. 's olde'> l . L 1 u r i c. l' , ha e n tertd Col b y in the c la�� o f I �)/ I· . . . l l A R I .\ i\ l l 1 " " \ I A :'>< ha'> he{'n p romoted to das� t h ree i 1 1 the fore ig 1 1 '>l'I'\ i c e . . . k. l R'> l l A W POWELL w a s e lec ted p re�idc1 1 t o f t h e ho.1 1 d o l d i 1 ec tor5 o f t h e Wa terl' i l lc A rea Y . . \ I .C . . \ . . \ 1 10 1 hcr p re 'l i c lrn t i, JOI u HUTC! l l i\ S , w ho h e ads t h e A ugu�t.1 h ra 1 1 d 1 of t he \ mer i c1 1 1 As�oc i a t i o 1 1 o f l l 1 1 i \ er� i t y \\'ome 1 1 . . . . RA Y R I 1 u 1 rep re­sen ted Col b y at t h e c e 1 1 tc 1 1 1 1 i a l yea r c. o l l \ oc a t i o 1 1 of Lovola U 1 1 i 1·ersi t y i;1 C h i c. a go i 1 1 .-\ p ri l .

'R a y i � .1 douor. pral l i� i 1 1g

i n C h i cago . . . . In t h i � e kc t i o 1 1 ) ea r two of o u 1· c la �'> m a tes h ave been a u i v e i 1 1 the pol i t i c. a l he ld . l ' l l l L C .A\ I U \I A N i'> 0 1 1 t h e � l a5 achu5c l l5 R e p u h l i t ; 1 1 1 S t a t e Com m i t tce from t he H a m pde n- Bet k�h i re d i s tric t . BOB GA B K I F L , who l i ' e i n N as h u a , . H . . w a a c a 1 1 d i d;1 te f o r � l a t e reprt '1e1 1 ta t i \ e.

52 NOR :\ I A BERGQU IST G A R l'> ETr ( ,;\ I r . Nor\'a l ) 39 B e a r H i l l Road C um berla n d , R. I. 0 2 864

l'> A l'> C Y N EW ll ! A N T I B BETTS works for a p ri 1·ate oc i a l wel fare age n c y in Portla 1 1d. Her hu ba nd . E a r l , i s d i rector of the Spa u l d i 1 1 g Camp for u nderpril' i leged ch i ldre n i 1 1 Concord, N. H. T h i s s u m mer he was gi v e 1 1 a plaque in 1 ecog�1 i t i o1 1 of h is work w i t h t h e camp . . . . JOl ll'> 1 1 . J1 1 cco11· !'> J R. i s a part-ti me i n s t ru c tor of p h i losophy a n d re l igio 1 1 at Col b y this year. H e has done gradua te work a t Col um b i a U n i ­vers i t y, taugh t a t Northern I l l i nois U n i l'ers i ty a 1 1d a t Eas t Cori n t h ( l\I a i n e) Academy . . . . H E R BERT SL\!ON was pro­moted rece n t l y to d i rec tor of admi n is t ra t i ve a n a lysi s i n t h e d i v i s i o 1 1 o f emp loyme n t o f t h e ew York tate Departme11 t of Labor. He had served as d a t a processi ng adviser in Turkey, I ra n a n d Pakistan . . . . A N N E OSBORNE SHONE a n d

f . 1 m i h ( J C ' 1 1 1 1 i fn. 1 0 , f\ ,1 1 1 . fi 1 e, a 1 1d R ro 1 1 w y 1 1 c , 1 8 mon ths) 1 i \ i l t ' d l i t ' r m o t h e r i 1 1 lk l f a, t t l i i \ '> U rnnH'r. 'I hey l i \C' i n \\'t''> l B 1 i dgt 'w.1 tn, .\ f . 1\\ . . a 1 1d ; 1 1 · bu i ld i 1 1K a c a m p a t R . 1 1 1gC' l n .

\\'(· 1 1 . 1 1 1 · c . i mpt· I'> : 1 1 1 10 1 1g o u r ra n k'>. l ' I 1 1 K a 1 1d " Ch ris" ( 1 I " ( l l R l \ 1 1 "' ') 1 10, \ll l RC.I R ; 1 1 1 d fa m i l ) h,l \ e had \Orne

!.ire . 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 c ' t . 1 1 1 1 p i 1 1 g in \ f ; 1\\,l ( h ll\ t ' t t\ a lo 1 1 g w i t h t he ,\fc­l 1 1 t 1 1 t· '> . I . t l >o1 \ ; 1 1 1 d K uc : l 1 1 1 c lorf... 1 1 1 . \ ug m t t hey e n joyed t l l l' •.c1 0 1 1 d :\ c 1 1 1 1 l "o ho 1 t· C .o l b ) rnoko1 1 t a l t he home of j o. 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 U 1 . 1 1 l 1 C' .\ l e l 1 1 l ) rl' '5 1 i n � l a r b lc h t a c l . -1 he menu 1 1 1 < l t 1 d l ' c l l o l l'> t t' I , '> lea k a 1 1 d c or 1 1 bo i led i n \ca wa ter. l t '5 l )( ) \ l i 1 d to l iu o 1 m· .t 1 r; 1d 1 t 1 0 1 1 ! . _ . D uri 1 1 g t h e c .om i ng 29th \ 1 1 1 1 u ;i l 1 1 1 , u t u t t 01 1 l· u lc 1 <i l Ta i.. :1 t io 1 1 a t the H o te l Com­n 10 c lo1 t• i 1 1 '\cw \ '0 1 1... C . i t \ . c , 1 R.1 1 0 J. 1 101 1 \ poke :'\01 . 6. H is l o p 1 c '' . t '> t he l IT.t l ll l l' l l l of IT\t'I 1 c·' i 11 ta i..a ble or tax- free (' \ ( l t . 1 1 1 gt'\.

53 I O R I l'I A 1 1 10\1 1'\0:\ \ I A l ' l l. \ 1 :18 C . l t 'm i c l e Ro;id .\ l u rr,1 y H i l l . � .J. l l7'. l7 1

( \ R U I 0:\ DA y R l:'. E D , a con­trac tor and member o f the :\ l a i n e Sena te, has been n a med a tru5lee of the n i ­Y e n i t) of .\ f a i ne. " B ud," who '>tn ed o n t h e . \ l u m n i

Cou 1 1 1 i I f ro1 1 1 1 ql>li to 1 9li9. is i 1 1 hi\ t h i rd en a t e term a fter ,t·n i 1 1g one i 1 1 t he H ome. He UC(eeded Robert .-\. ;\ f a iden '10 '" t·n. 1 1c p re idem in 1 96 1 ;1 1 1 d wa a Democrat ic can­d i d . 1 t e !or gm e t 1 101 i 1 1 1 9bG.

Your c onc\po 1 1 dc 1 1 t a polog i ze for the .ib ence of news in the l . 1 \ 1 / 111111 11 11 1 . The: . t a p le , 1 re fi 1 1 a l l y e uled in our

1 1 e11· home i 1 1 Rerk t' ie1 HeighLl., ' . ]. The mo\'e was due to e le1 u o 1 1 o f Boh ( '5 1 ) as a 1 1 offi er o f the Home I n­•. u r. 1 1 1 <. e C .o. 1 mon t h ago. I .1m worki ng a head l i brarian al ::'\'orth J ' l . 1 i 1 1 f 1e ld ( N . J. ) H ig h d100!.

R , \ 1 nu 1 1 \k\J F. an assoc i a te profe or of educa t ion a t S m i t h Col lege . w a a ppo i n ted coord i n a tor of t h e m i th-

The Knowlton CS McLeary

Company 3 - 5 C H U RC H STREET

F A R M I N GTO N , M A I N E 04938 ( 20 7 ) 778 - 4455

prin ters of The Colby Alumnus for over 20 years


the store for men and boys


LUDY, '2 1 HOWIE, '4 1 PACY, ' 27

Northampton Summer School, a cooperative ven ture . . . . Rowley, fass., i s the s i te for TEO LALLIER

's new law office.

Ted, his w i fe and on l ive in Boxford, J\ Iass. . . . N E LS

BEVERIOGE is marketing manager for Zonoli te products. He and his family have relocated to Concord, J\ Iass . . . . rr o

JOHNSON, pres ident of Bliss College. is director of the Shaker J\ Iuseum and Library at Sabbathday (J\Iaine) Lake and is executive secretary of the 5haker H istorical Society.

''\'ould like to hear from many of you so that the nex t issue o[ the A lu m n us will carry lots o[ class news.

A l\ N B RNHAM OEERll\G (i\ f r . John ,V. Jr.) 27 Hedgeron Dri\'e Falmouth Fore ide, J\faine 04 1 05

H. R I DG E L y BULLOCK is the new presiden t of U lC I n­du tries, I nc. , a highly di­versified manufacturi ng firm in St. Louis, l\Io. Unti l Au­gust, he was executive vice

president. Ridge, who joined U IC last year as secretary

and director, received his law degree from the n iversity

of Virgin ia where he sen•ed on the edi torial board of the

Law Review. He also is a partner in a New York law firm.

Ridge erved as an officer with the Air Force in Japan and

was a theatrical producer i n New York. Believe it or not, our 1 5 th reun ion has come and gone.

A small but enth usiastic group enjoyed a beautiful J une

weekend a t Alden 's Camps. Those returning wi th hus­

band , wives and some children were: LOU ZA rBELLO, 01 ' O


M O s, S U E (BIVEN) and S E L D E N STAPLE ) ]EA (HAWES) and






OEE R I 0 G .

25 the Cd� AllmnUS FALL 1 970

M I NOT G R E E N E recently received a master of arts degree in economics from Trin i ty College. . . . LEE LARSON has been promoted by Scott Paper Co. He is the new marketing manpower development manager. Lee has been with Scott s ince graduation from Colby . . . . P A U L MCCLAY was a successful candidate for the i\fa ine Senate in the June Democratic primaries. . . . DA \'E and N A l\ C Y (RoBil\501\) ROLLll':S have been transferred to Toronto, where Da\·e is i n charge o f the Canadian operation o f h is company.

ROl\ALO FRANCIS has been appoin ted professor of photo­graphic science and i nstrumen tation in the College of Photographic Arts and Sciences at the Rochester ( - .Y.) I nst i tute of Technology . . . . JAl\E :\ f ! LLETT OORl\ISH has been elected to the Alumni Council , and JEAN H A H LBOH ;\ I

H A M P T O N has been re-elected and named vice chairman o[ the council . . . . OJ?\O SIRAK IOES i s a vice president of one of the Litton I ndustries en terprises, and has been trans­ferred to New York from the vVest Coast.

56 JA?\ET STEBBl?\S WALSH (i\ frs. George) 64 Canyon Oak Dri\'e San Raphael, Cali f. 94go3

M A R ICE c. L I BBEY is acqu1S1t 10ns l ibrarian at Eastern I ll inois Univers i ty (Charleston). He received h is master of science degree from the Columbia School o[ Library Sen·ice in 1 966 and worked at the Brooklyn (N .Y.) Public Library for a year before accepting the post at Eastern I ll inois. J\!aurice is cont inuing his graduate work at the Un iversity o[ I l l i nois (Champaign) . He and his wife, i\ !artha, have a son, Peter, and a daughter, Elizabeth. ! aurice is the nephew of F. Elizabeth Li bbey '29, Colby associate l ibrarian.

B R I A N L. A L L E Y , formerly undergraduate l ibrarian at :i\ l iami (Ohio) U n iversity, has been named ass istant director of l i braries there. He is in charge of techn ical services. Brian is married to the former Peggy Egan '59. They have a son, Nathaniel Will iam, born Jan. 3.

58 LY ·N o

'A M ICO M C K E E ( Irs. Robert)

P.O. Box 2046 APO San Francisco, Cal i f. 96555

JOHN L ow1G, business manager of the Beverly, J\Iass., telephone office, has been promoted to head of the plann ing department for the New England Telephone Co. i n F i tch­burg, J\Ia . Wi th five plant managers reporting to him, John will be responsible for the i nstallation and repair of all telephones i n his area. . . . GORDON C U N N INGHAJ\! i s manager of the Thomas J . Beals Co. furni ture store in Freeport.

P H I L L I P GU ILES has been named special agent for Airway Underwri ters i n e w England. Phi l"s headquarters w i l l be in Portland. He is the firm's first New England represen ta­tive. Phil has been head of the commercial operators d i­vi ion in the home office at Ann Arbor, J\I ich. . . . RON

HALEY has been elected a Jaycees director i n Fort Kent, one of three serving the s ta te. Ron has served his local organization as director, v ice president, president and state director. He recently won a trophy a "Outstanding State Vice President" for the period 1 960 to 1 970. . . . A l\ N

W I L LCOX CAGLE runs her own secretarial service. Her hus­band i a detective l ieutenant w i th the Ashboro (N.C.) Police. The Cagels are building a home on a small farm.

C. James Fox Rob(·rt j. B 11u 1'

59 BARBARA l l UNl t::R l'ALLOTl A ( .\ I r . John J. 'r.) 1828 \\'est fie l cl Dri\C: J\ f a n l i us . N .Y. 1 3 1 0.1

Greeti ngs to you from Syracu�e. Ja( k and I . our boys and a n i m a l mo\ ecl here from St. Louis in A ugmt. J a c. k has bee n made regional ma n ager of the gToup olh< e of G ua rdian L i fe J nsura n c e. \\'e a re del igh ted to be bad:. East.

N ews of our da�s is 5t a n e thc5c day . \\'e d id ha\ C a \' i s i t from J l l\t l\ 1 u r-. rn�1 1 la�t 5pri ng. He re< c i ' eel hi� l 'h .D. from yrac usc l l n i , er i t y a nd ha5 been n a med a�5 i � 1ant profe 50r a t Lehigh l ' n i , er�ity. :\ l'>o a n a � i � ta l l l profe��or is BOB COCKBUR · . He i at the U n i , er� i t) of :'\cw Brumwick and has j u5 t had a boo !.. publ i5hcd, The Xui<l'ls of H ugh MacLe11 11a 11 . . . . JIM 1- ox ha joined t he van. i ty footba l l srnff a t Holy Cross College a s defem i ' e l i n e rnach . . . . Congra tulat ion to BOB BRL 'CF . who ha been named \ ice president at Bard Col lege. KEET AR1'1::IT, a long with two other people, has formed a corpora tion, Sc..u i a matic.s, I nc., dea l i ng with op 1 i ca l character re ogn i t ion i n the data processi ng i nd u try. Good l uck t you, Keet. . . . fter receiv i ng h is master's degree in socia l work from F lorida S ta te U n i versi ty, Dl::AN STl:.\\'ART h a returned to Bangor to work for the ta te Departmen t of H ea l th and Wel fare.

60 A N DUDLEY DEWJIT ( ! rs . Charles E.) R.F.D. # 1 , Box 3 1 9 Oakland, l a i ne 04963

ROCl::R WHEELER JR . has been elected loa n officer i n the banking di vision of a tional hawm u t Bank o f Bo ton . Roger, w i fe Joa n , and tl1eir three chi ldren a r e l i v i ng i n West ewton . . . . DAVID LIGHT received h i Ph .D. i n Englis h from ew York U n ivers i ty Graduate chool of rts and Science. A fter receiving h i ma ter's degree from ew York Un ivers i ty in 1 96 1 , David taugh t English at W i co nsin S ta te U n iversity. With h i w i fe, a ndra, and tl1ei r two children , he is l i v i ng in uperior, Wis. . . . GAIL HARDE · SCHADE is teaching E nglish at Thoma Col lege in Wa terv i l le. Gai l , h usband D i ck, and their two da ugh ters live i n A ugusta where Dick has his law practice . . . . DICK H I LTO. , who is i n Ca l i fornia, teaches fi l m prod uction at Carmel H igh School and a t i\ l on terey Pen i nsula Co l lege.

Now that my chi ldren are a l l in school , I have taken on the d u ties of f a i n e div ision legi la tive chairman for the American Associa tion of U n i \·ersi ty Women . I am a lso worki n g f u l l time in A ugu ta. I would grea tly appreci a te notes con cerning you r activi ties.

61 GRA YCF. l lALL STUDLEY (1\frs . Joh n F.) 333 W i l low treet, pt. 2 1 1

lameda, Ca l i f. 9450 1

HR <.1. 1 RN�-R . corporate d irector of personnel at the Conn·r�e R u bber Co. in J\ l a lden, i\ la� ., has been elec.ted pre\idc 1 1 t of the New England cx iety for Per on nel Man­al{emcn t for 1 �170- 1 97 1 . B ruce d i rects person nel programs for h i ' wmpany's work force in seven plants i n e w Eng­la nd and Puerto R ico, p lu sales offices i 1 1 i\ f assachusetts, Chi «tgo, N<:w York. and South an Franci co . . . . DAVE st� 1 1N was a 5uccc sful Democ ra tic candidate for one of :\ ugw.ta '5 three House eats in the J u ne primary. Dave 1s �en in!{ as as ista nt exe ut ive secretary of the f ai ne read1crs· Assoc ia tion, pre iden t of the ou thern Kennebec Val ley Community A Lion Program, president of the Far­ri ngton Sc hool PT . v ice president of the National Educa­

tion Profe�sional ' taff Organi1ation, and a member of the

.\< h i\ory Comm i t tee 0 1 1 Teacher Education. Dave has

been a ppoi n ted to the Keep J\ l a i n e cen i c Committee by Go\'trnor Curti .

·1 he Re, . DOI\ CA M PBELL is an incu mben t member of the Boston � l ex.lei cighborhood Board and chairman of the board 's Hou5 i 1 1g .\ f i lestone Plan n i ng Committee. J n addi­tion to thi, , Oon i ' ic e president of the Ecumen ical ocial :\uion Committ e (E AC), hairman of the ES C Youth Stee1 i ng Commi ttee, c hai rman of the P lanning Commit tee for 'ommu 1 1 i t y Cha nge through Photography, a nd pastor of 'a i l l l . \ndrew' J\ l ethodist Church.

63 L A:O.: FERRIE VOGT ( � ! rs. Peter .)

<>509 i6th " treet Cabin J h n , f d . 2073 1

DAVID JOH ON recently completed a train i ng course wit l1 Delta ir Lines after erv i ng seven years in the

Air Force. Dave is assigned to Delta's t la n ta p i lot ba e

a a econd officer. He i married to a native of l\ l i l len, Ga. BRU E FENN has been appoi n ted a loan officer in the

Waterbury (Conn.) at ional Bank. Bruce i working toward hi master· in bu ine s at the U n iversity of Con­necticut (Bridgeport), and i acti e in comm u ni ty affairs. H e wa trea urer of the New Ha en rts Fe tival and rai ed fund for the New Ha en Rehabi l i tation Cen ter thi year. . . . BILL HAN EN and h i father have purcha ed the Ta n n i n Corp. in la achu etts, a company which produces pecia l blend of tan n i ng extracts. Located i n Peabody, the

firm w i l l be known as the Henry W. H ansen Co., Inc. B i l l i treasurer . . . . RICHARD VAR EY is career development and person nel ervice upervisor of the New E ngland division of the J\fobile Oil Corp. Rick is concerned with employee rela tion , salary adm i n i trat ion, benefits coordi·

nation a n d labor relations. Rick and Donna have a third child; their first daughter, Kimberly A n n .

GORDON M O O G is attending t h e Air University's squadron officer school at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. The i 4-week school prepares ju nior officers for command and staff duties. With Gordon are his wife, Beverly, and their children, Penn y and M ark. . . . We've been keeping busy in Cabin John (believe i t or not). I 'm involved i n local politics as campaign treasurer for a woman ru n n i ng for the J\Iaryland House of Delegates. Whi le I 'm planning campaign stra tegy, Peter's company, Guggenheim Productions, has fi nished work on the "Ford's Theatre Sou nd and Light Show." This presen tation involves the even ts and atmosphere surround­ing the last days of Lincoln's l ife and is well worth seeing if you are in Washington, D.C. Guggenheim Productions was recently wri tten up i n Time and Newsweek for its part i n various campaigns around the coun try.

Our news items for this column have slowed from a trickle to a hal t ! Please keep me infom1ed about yourselves or people you know about, and we'll all have i n teresting reading. Thanks a lot.


25 Spring Lane Can ton, l\1ass. 0202 1

GARY c. ROSS was honored as outstanding supply sen·ices officer of the year after completing a tour of duty at Tan Son Nhut Air Base in Vietnam. He is assigned to Ran­dolph Air Force Base, Texa , with the 35 7oth Air Base Group. The group provides flyi ng, techn ical and basic mili tary training for Air Force personnel. . . . Among J u ne graduates were CHARLES E. c RRIE, who received his master's degree in business administration at Golden Gate College in San Francisco, and PA U L I ' E BELA 'GER BEAUDOI I'\ , who re­ceived her master of arts degree i n French from Tri nity College.

I am leavi ng for a four-week vacation in England, or­way and Germany. So I haven't had much chance to con­tact classmates. But I promise to have more news next time. From friends I have kept i n touch with, I have a few more notes. JOSS COYLE B I ERMAN, after five years in New York C i ty, has moved with husba nd, Norm, and son to Scarsdale, N.Y., and plans to vacation i n J\Iexico . . . . LOUISE M E LA 'SON BELKNAP is living i n Concord, J\Iass. , and has left work. She expects her first child early in Novem­ber. . . . MARCIA HARDING A DER 0 i in J\Iontgomery, Ala., where Andy is stationed at J\Iaxwell AFB . . . . I saw G I NG E R

GODDARD BAR ES at the ope n i ng of the I n trepid Gallery in Boston where her husband, Howie, had four painti ngs shown. They were modern, bright and (I thought) quite

good. . . . David and L I N DA COTTON Fl C H E R have bought a

home in Nobleboro . . . . R I C K l a nd Al'\CY WI SLOW HARWOOD

are in Cen terville, Ohio, while Rick goe to graduate school

at the U niversity of Dayton. They had their first child, a

girl, last M ay.

I am still with N ew England Telephone in Boston work­ing as a computer systems analyst -"a psychiatrist for com­puters," one friend called me. I am living at home in Canton and would appreciate any news you have to send me. But I will reach you when I get back.

2 7 the Cd� Ak.JmnLJS FALL i 970

P A M E LA H A R R I S HOLDEN (l\Irs. Randall) 4744 i 1 th Ave. N .E. Seattle, Wash. 98 1 05

As usual, fall is a time of change. LONA ELDRIDGE HARDY

is teaching remedial reading in the j u n ior high school i n Falmouth . . . . STEVE JOHNSON i s a social worker at Thayer Hospi tal, Waterville. He joined the rehabil itation depart­men t and is counsel i ng i n-patients, cli n i c patients and com­munity groups. The work is quite a switch for Steve, who was a Peace Corps volun teer in I ndia for three years. Steve recently married the former Leigh T ickerson of Waterville. . . . J I M LAMBERT was named manager of the Casco Bank and Trust Co. 's Bridgton office. Jim came to Casco from the Chase l\Ianhattan Bank of 1ew York C i ty . . . . In J u ne, F RA N K M USCHE JR. received his M.D. degree from Tufts U niversity. Frank and his wife, Susan Brown '65, will li\'e in Providence while Frank is an i n tern at Rhode Island Hospi tal .

In his fourth season as a director with the U n iversity of New Hampshire Summer Repertory Theatre, DAVE P E 1' H A LE

directed End Ga me by Samuel Beckett. Dave holds a mas­ter of fine arts degree in directing from Wayne State U n i­versity. H is productions include extensive work with Beckett plays and the works of Harold Pin ter. . . . Air Force Captain B R U C E BARKER has been decorated with the Disti nguished Flying Cross for air action in Southeast Asia, where he was a R F- 1 0 1 Voodoo reconnaissance air­craft pilot. The medal was presented at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., where Bruce is now serving with the i 8th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron. I t's a u n i t of the Tactical Air Command which provides combat units for air support of ground forces. Bruce and J\Iargaret have a year-old son, Bruce 1 1 . . . . PETE FELLOWS has been ap­pointed assistan t director of the news bureau at Rochester ( .Y.) I ns ti tute of Technology. Pete also is completing

work on a ma ter of arts degree i n public relations at Syracuse University. . . . JO H N CARVELLAS and his wife, Betty Savicki '68, are l iving in Syracuse while John pursues hi Ph.D. at the university. Prior to his recent move, John taught i n Boston and completed his requirements for a master' degree in economics at Northeastern U niversity . . . . BETH PEO ARMSTRONG made her "operatic" debu t as a Iady­i n-waiting to the goddess Diana in my husband's production of Jupiter in A rgos. Beth's wasn ' t a singing role. The Armstrongs wil l be in Seattle another year - Sam has re­ceived a fellowship in hematology at the University of \ ashington . . . . JA E T BROOKS spen t the summer touring Europe. She was pla n n i ng- to return to Seattle this fall.

Among the Holden's summer guests have been the Ned B axters (Lynne Urner) and Holly Gower, all of the class of 1 965 . Ned and Lynne are stationed at the Pacific Naval Facil ity on the coast of Washington. Holly visited us over Memorial Day to be here for Randy's dissertation produc­tion. Holly is still working for the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development but is now living i n S a n Francisco. I n September, Randy a n d I vacationed along the Pacific coast from Newport, Ore. , to Los Angeles. On our way we visited Holly i n San Francisco and the Neil Cli pshams (JEAN HOFFMAN) i n Tustin, Calif.

The spring A lu m n us will carry the news received from the questionnaire. The goal for i 970 is 1 00 per cen t return on the questionnaire. This is our reunion year.

67 SUSAN D. WOOD 855 Great P l a i n A ve. N eedham, J\ f ass. 02 1 92

As befits the t i mes, muc h of the news is of c l ass members i n the armed serv ice . ''le \I A RSl lALL wri tes t h a t he is sta ­t i o n e d a t Sheppard A i r Forc e B a s e . T e x a � . as a n i ns t ru C Lor in e lectro n i c data process i ng and that he i> work i n g toward a master\ degree in computer st ic . . . . l lARRY " B ud" GRAl· F received the . \ rmy Commenda tion l\ f edal in Vietnam a n d i work i n g for the c h ief of s t a ff for t ra mport a t ion . . . .

CLARK 1 1 . w 1 1 1rr 1 F R i at S t u ttgart . \ F B in Germa ny ass igned to the 7<J0 5 t h A i r Base Sq uadron . . . . DO G 1 1owE i s per­manen t l y assigned to Li t tl e Roc. k (Ark.) AFB w i th a u n i t o f t h e Tactica l A i r Command wh ich pro' ides c ombat u n i ts for a i r su pport of ground forces . . . . rRED tH Y l· R was p ro­moted to c a p ta i n a n d i> a prod uoion offa cr i n the A i r Force p l a n t repre e n ta t ive offic.e of t h e A \'CO y terns D i vision in \Ni l m i ng ton . l\ l ass. . . • R I C J\ t E INDL is a n officer assigned t o a u n i t of the , \ i r Wea ther Sen ice, whic. h provides i n forma tion for m i l i tary fl i g h t opera tions. H e's on d u ty at U-Ta pao A i rfield in Tha i la nd . . . . J O l l N WOOD

re t u rned from Viet1 1 a m rece n t l y, lmt I d i d n ' t learn of h is p la ns for fal l . . . . P l l l L K A Y ret u rned to R hode I s l a nd a fter serv i n g for two years 011 a c le'>troyer in t he Pac i fic . He en tered Boston U n i \'ersi ty Graduate Sd1ool of B w. i ness i 1 1 September.

Our class i wel l reprc e n ted i n the teac h i ng departmen t. G I LL CONGDON is s t i l l at R ead i n g ( l\ l a\'>.) H igh chool and has added a s ignment a ba ebal l wach a 11 d basketbal l assista n t . . . . l'A 1'C.Y 1-1 . G U H. i s tea t h i 1 1g first grade i n K i ngs ton , i\ l ass . . . . E L LL N C.ROLT l l R f l:.D has the first grade at the Orford\' i l le Sc hool in Orford, ' . H . , w h i l e Terry doe gra d u a te work at Dartmouth . . . . J U D I Gt RRIF dropped me a l i ne to say she's a t the h igh school i n Canton, J\ f ass. . . . A L LY RAY M OR I :\' is t i l l bu y teach i ng i n Rhode Island. She and her h usband topped in Jack onv i l le, '. C., to see s E and M I K E C U L L E :"i . Sal reported t h a t l\ I ike woul d be through w i t h the ser\'ice i n No' e m b e r a fter sen· i ng 1 3 mon t hs i n Vietn am.

Now for the m isce l la neou notes. O n one sma l l postcard, FRED H O P E l' G A RTEN managed to tel l me that he received his law degree from Boston College l a s t J u n e and that he wi l l tart work i ng on a n i\ I B A degree a t H a n·ard Busines School in the fal l . Fred reports that DOUG SC l l A I R is a first­year student at H a rv a rd B m i n e s and that K U RT SWENSON,

al o a J u n e graduate of B.C. Law, is a clerk i n New Hamp­s h i re for a federa l district j udge . . . . C H A R L E S LEV I N is field hous i ng as istan t at ew E ngla nd l u tu a l L i fe I ns u ra nce Co. in Boston . . . . N A N C Y W I LCOX CLARKE rece n t l y received a n l\ l .S. in zoology from the U n i vers i ty of M assachuse tts . . . . SA RA H S H U T E , a f ter one year a t Yale D i v i n i ty School, is a n actress i n a n e w Ca n a d i a n Llieater company cal led Creation 2 , which is ex peri men t ing with " new forms of drama and w i th t h e experience of Christ ian comm u n i ty." . . . S U E

B A R D E N JOH NSON is e 1 1gagecl i n h ypertension research a t Peter B e n t Brigh a m H os p i t a l i n B oston. . . . Received a bubbly letter from B A R B F ITZS I M M ONS who, at last , received a degree in i n ternational f'ela tions and is p u t t i ng it to work at the Center for Naval A n a l yses. Sounds l ike Was h i ngton, D. C. , is the p lace to be. Barb keeps ru n n i ng i n to Col b y grads of d ifferen t years -Jon H i l l ' 6 6 a n d Janet Ra thbun


to g ive


wi sely

There is no finer way to support your alma mater than by m a k i ng a gi ft - eit her outright or i n tru t. However, it i important t hat the gi ft be ma<le i n a man ner that will be mo L benefici a l , n o t on ly to your col lege, but to you and your fam i l y a wel l .

O u r e perience<l t rust officers w i l l b e glad to meet w i t h you and )Our a nomey and di cuss the fi­nancial �pect.!> of an ed uca t ional gift that w i l l erve a s ) Ollr per�ona l memorial i n the years

a head. ·write or telephone for an appoin tment now.

J. Neal Mart i n Vice President a n d Trust Officer

D E P O S I T O R S T R U S T C O M PA N Y T H E B A N K T H A T 1 5 B U S Y B U I L D I N G M A I N E


Trust Department / Augu ta, M aine 04330 Area 207 6 2 3-47 2 1

Secon d L t . Pa ul B. Dealy Jr. '69 has been assiuned to fiying d u ty at C la rk A ir Force Base in the Ph ilippines. Pa ul, from Stoneha m , Mass., recen t ly received h is pilo t 's w ings at Laughlin A FB, Texas. He had bee n e n rolled in the A F R O TC progra m . C la rk is headquarters fo r a ir opera t ions in t he Pacific, Fa r East and So u t h east rlsia a rea.

'70 among them . . . . DA\' I D GRAY i a reporter-photographer for the daily Ca ledo n ia n -Record in St. Johnsbury, Vt. Da\'e married the former Sally �1<i llman (Bates '6i)· They ha\'e an 1 8-month-old son, i\ l ark.

As for me, I 've decided to take a year off from teachinu, but ha,·e no plans for fal l . Summer was much too much fun to do any plann ing. Hope to hear from any of you ·who care to wri te. Iy bes t to you a l l .

68 JEA NE M . A \! K OTI£

14 Chiswick Road, Apt . 5 Brookli ne, I ass. 02 1 46

PETE and L Y K N E (Urguhart '69) A RNOLD are complet ing their second year of Peace Corps sen·ice i n Chile. I n De­cember they'll be returni ng home on a four or five-month j au n t . . . . l\I I K E CA U L F I E LD and wife Hele11 are now in Ft. B lis , Texas, where i\ J ike , now an Army second lieuten­a n t, is serving at the Air Defense Arti l lery chool. One of the top three men of h is officers' candidate school class, l\I ike was able to pick the branch he preferred . . . . FRA N K

COR \ ! IA , who left Colby i n 1 966 to transfer to orthwestern, is now in his third year of medical school i n M exico. He plan to go i n to neurology. . . . A lso working his way toward a n i\ f .D. degree a t the Un iversity of Rochester, K E LA N E has married Lyn ne T urrell ' 70. . . . J O H N

KECHEJ I A N , a graduate s tuden t a t Babson College, became a member of the Beta Gamma Scholarship Soc iety there, sign i fying his s tanding in the top 20 per cen t of his class . . . . First Lieutenant CLARKE KEENAN, a weapons con troller with the Air Force, is on duty a t akhon Phanom Royal Thai AFB, Thai land . . . . Back from a cru ise to rassau, NANCY

BEACH G I Ll\IORE and Bill are l iv ing i n Watertown. B i l l teaches a n d a n c y is a computer programmer wi th Keydata .

S H I R LEY o'

NEAL plans to return to this coun try from Scandinavia and to studying a fter two years away from both.

29 the Cd� Alunnus FALL i 970

She i n tends to get the education credits she needs to teach. . . . DEBBY J\" U T f E R has been awarded a N a tional Science Founda tion fellowship for her Ph.D. work in pol i tical science a t Columbia Univers i ty . . . . GEORGE and M A R Y

('''ELLER) R IDEOUT ha\'e been i n Biafra since January as missionaries with the Ri\'ers S ta te Educational Relief Team. Their duty is to reopen the war-closed school and to teach natives to replace them as teachers in two years . . . . N a\'y Ensign "R1P" STA;>.;\1'00D received his wi ngs a t the NaYal Air Station in Corpus Chris t i , Texas.

As for me, I ha\ e spen t most of the summer away, co1·ering such ,·acation territory as the Grea t Southwest and the Canadian i\ Ia ri t imes (camping in both) and then England and I reland.


9 Ten n yson Road Reading, l\ Iass. 0 1 867

G A I L \\'R IG HT ST EPl ! EKSON has started teaching Spanish at i\Ia ine Cen tral l nst i tute in Pittsfield, her alma mater. With the experience of sen·ing as resident ad\'isor at E ndicott Jun ior College behind her , she should be ready for teaching. . . . JEFF COADY is teaching math at Can ton H igh School this year. . . . TOl\t l\ICGRATH, who has been worki ng i n .\ I aryland, i s a t Loyola College this f a l l i n a master's o f bmi ness admini tration program. . . . E D and KATHY

GORI-IA:\! \\'OOD 1 ;-.; ha,·e been in San Diego, Cal i f., s ince Jan­uary and are enjoying the change i n environment. Kathy is working a office manager at the Berli tz School 0 £ Lan­guages while he trains for a director's job. Ed has pur­chasi ng respons ibili ty for six i tems used by National Cash Register Co. He got back East in September for a business trip.

Philadelphia is SUE EYAJ\"S' new home. She is working as

a l i brarian for young adul ts. Sue was graduated from Sim­mons College with a master of l ibrary science degree . . . . Another classmate with an i\ILS from Simmons is MARTHA

PE\'ERLY, who will be a ca taloger at Pine l\ Ianor Junior College i n Chesmut Hill, l\ f ass. The insti tution was an estate, and l\ lartha will be working i n what was the stable! . . . CI J\'DY \ I U RRA Y was graduated from the State U n ivers i ty at Albany (N .Y.) with an i\ J LS . I vis i ted her at home and tried not to bother her too much while she applied to ,·arious towns for a posi tion as l ibrarian . . . . M A R Y WALKER

\\'HE E LER enjoyed a quiet summer a fter worki ng a t Colby. She worked on regi tra tion this fa l l and wil l be a t Colby this year, too. . . . Boston Un i \'ersi ty's i\ Iarsh Chapel circular ays BOLE STE FFEY i s an i n tern a t the chapel. Bole i a ministerial studen t and wi l l be doing various jobs i n connection wi th the chapel and i ts s taff.

I returned to \i\ akefield H igh School in September a fter a great summer of tra1·el ing. I Yi i ted my cous in and her family outside Los Angeles, got to see D isneyland, H u n ti ng­ton Library and Un i \'ersal S tudios. I played tourist , com­plete with e\'er-clicking camera. I also went to J\.Ia ine and

ew H amp hire with my folks. Besides being on the teacher's side of the desk, I ' l l be a student : I 'm taking a n education course to fi n ish my certification requirements.

U n fortunately, news for this issue is sparse, but hopefully I will be heari ng from all of you in the future . U nt i l then, I ' l l try to make do w i th the reports J 'ye received.

married 1 9·1 9 • IW ll l· R I \\'. \I l l ! I l l 1 1 LO J l' < l l l l H : l l e c . . i\ l o n i -.0 1 1 ,

J u n e 2 7 , La 1 1 c1\le 1 , N . H . l 9S3 • \\' I Li I A \ I 1 1 . :'-H u o M > LC. 1 1 J R . lO C . I . 1 i H' � . Co 1 1 1 oy.

J u l y . B r ig lnon . ;\ f a\,. 1 958 • A A R 0 1' 11. '>Li l l I· '>'> to l ' h v l l i '> Rm�. J u h 7 . '.'\ t·w \ < J 1 k City. 1 959 • J O l l :-0. I . JO I J :-.\ C J'- LO .\ I . l 'a 1 1 it i .1 \\' h i l rl l .1 1 1 , J u l \ 1 8,

P i mfie l d . ;\ f a-.s. 1 96 1 • R I C l l A R U I I . G IBB\ lo Co1 i l ) n J>ol lot k . \ ug. 2 . \\'es l

Or:rnge, N .J . 1 962 • U)\\' I. \, I I . CRA C . 1 :-. J R . l o \ I RC l :-0. I A A . \ l l R l ' l l Y '( i 1 , J u l ) 2 5 , lk l mo1 t l . ,\ f a\'>. : J l U 1 1 1 1 J · J I O \ f , I A :-. ll lO l- l .1 1 n \\'. Bri tol , J u n e 27. H o u\to n , Tex;u, ; J L D 1 1 1 1 F . 11 1 n 11 l o \\' I L·

LI A \ I c. ll' E Bll , J une 2 7 , H i ngha m . i\ l a'>'>. 1 963 • SL''>A :\ 1 . l'J· t.So:-. Lo Bradford G i l l u m . J u l y · I · .\ l a t tapo isett . i\ f ass.

1 96-1 • C) 1'1 1 1 1A R . C A R R OL i to \ Iden \ \' . �m i L h J r. . J u ne 2 7 , K i ttery : E R I C 1 1 . L H L to Cec i l i a K;1mau , :\ug. 30, 1 969. ;\Jom ba<,a . K c n v a . 1 966 • Sl f \ L :-.' P . JO l l :-. .,o :-. t o Le igh :'\ ic ku-.0 1 1 . J une 20 . Be l l a.., t : J A \1 1 ' R. '> l \ I P'>O ' to K A R I ' J L n 11 1 1 , 1 . . ,0:-. ' t i 7 . Ott. 1 1 , 1 9G9. Barri ng ton , R . I . 1 967 • � 1:. J A K L BA R D J :-. t o :-. l ar k F . J o h mo 1 1 . .\ I .11 t h 2 , Brookl ine. ;\ l as\ . : L u u 1· :-. L. u 1 A \ J l' AC :o.. 1· to l'A \l ll ' < . W A R ·

'ER '70 . . J une 1 3 . L i n c o l n : U A 1' :\ I P. D A \ JU\01' to R i c h a rd A. Kas low . J u l y 1 8 , 'ew York Ci t ) : c 1 0Rc1 1 . \ I A R J.. U Y to C H R ISTI N E K A H A ll l:. D I A N '70 . .-\ ug. 9. P a l mer. .\ l a�\ . : LL \' I C l OR

H. i\ I A R5 H A L L to \'eron i u .1 G. Sa ns i ng . .J u l y 8, \\' ich i ta Fal l , Texa : \ ! A R K J. H O \' A N to RF RlCc. LL \1 \1 1 :-.c s . J u ne, \\'e . ton , r a�s. 1 968 • N A N C Y J . n 1· AU I to W i l l i a m ,\ 1 . G i l more, .J u l y 4 . Groton , Con n . : K l :-. FTl l '> . 1 \ 1' 1 to ROH f R T . \ 1 . \ J L R R L LL

' 70. J u ne 2 1 , .-\\'O i l , Con n . : R I C I J RD B . T I E B�.L to Lei la l\ l i lgToom . J u l y 1 9 , Newto n . ,\ l a ss. 1 969 • ' I RC J 1' 1 A :-- 1 . UL l'< Jl\ T to Kei t h L. ,\ l a i l la rd .

.J u ne

2 j . Berl i 1 1 . N . H . : R I C l l A R D 1. 1 1A n 1-� 1 1 1 .\ .-.; to :--1 . \ R l l l A < . L L CF ' jo, J une: 20, \\'a) l a nd . .\ l a . : u '1' J I LIN >/\ to \\' i l l ia m B. \ \'ooc l h u l l , . \ p ri l : 11· 1 L LJ . \ \1 1 1 . L \ O /\ !> lo J.. A R F K \ . J.. 1' A P P

' 7 0 . J un e 2 7 . ' ew town . Co 1 1 1 1 . : I I O L L Y l\ . � l l A \\' to ' t ig Am men tor p . .J u l y 1 1 . G o rh a m : JOSE. P l ! B. 1 1 . S H I H \ to oo ' K A L . \ I A��l· Y , .J u n e LJ . Swamp\c O l t . i\ J as . : E.D\\' A R D F.

W I LL IA \15 to D01' N A s. l\I AS01' ' 70, . ug. I , \\'orcester, fa . 1 970 • \\ I L LI A \ I A. K I M to J u l ie t te s. LaCh a 1 1ce. J u l y 2 5 . \V i n s l o w : SL;SA · :-- 1 . uA K N to \\layne A. Le ig-lno n . .J u ne 20. Ly n n field . .\ l a�s . : PA \ I E LA R . D Y E R to .\ r t h u r F. Turton, J une 1 9. \\7arwick , R . I . ; PEH R FOSS to L I N DA ;\ ! . l\1 A RS I ! , Dec. 2 j , \Ves t BoyhLon . l\ f ass. : i\ I A R T I N T . K O LO ' E L to J F A · M. M I L L F R '68, J ul y 2, \Va ter\ ' i l le ; J DI T H l\ I . S'.\f ! T H to John A. Lucare l l i . J une 27 . Lorimer Cha pe l : F R A 1' C I S Y L\ ' J A to D ianne C. Jo eph. J u ly 2 6 , W a terv i l le ; AR rH U R l\ I . w 1 1 1TE

to Lorra ine E l l is , J u ly , Sharon , f a s.

I !17 1 • R O l l J· R I \I . K l\ l c; J n to S A RA I ! F. VOSE '70, J une 26, So u t h l 'o n l . 1 1 1 d . 1 � 17 2 • l' t l J R 1 1 . 111 u 1 1 1.R to Ela ine ,\ . l\ l i ( haud, Ju ly 1 1 , \\' i m low.

born I � ) ( ) ( ) • \01 1 , . Jamie R . • Lo ,\ I r. a nd ,\ f r; . P E T E R DOYLE,

adop l t'd .\ l .1 n l t H: a '>Oi l , Tommy . to :-. f r. a nd l\ l rs . DONALD c.RA I I \ I _, .\ l .1 1 ( h !J. a \O i l , ,\ l a r k K . . to ,\ f r . a ml l\ l rs. Ren ner / o h mo 1 1 ( ' • A R C . A R I 1 J \ C 11.), ,\ f a y t fi ; a daughter, Trudy U f('n , to .\ I r. a 1 1d ,\ I I \. K e 1 1 1 1 t th PotL<: 1 ( '1 AR IOI'< PORTt:.R) , :'\ 0 1 . 1 9 . 1 ql iq : ,1 \01 1 . B lll c e C .h r i\ t op her, to ,\ I r. and Mrs. Ph i l i p Rn·d ( " - ' 1 \ 1 1 ' 1· \ ) , ,\ f a rd1 J lj ; a da ugh ter, J\ n ne­

l:. l 1 1a l il' t l 1 . to ,\ 1 1 . a nd .\ I J !>. DougJa., R i is ( ' t A R Y Ml:.RC..F. R) ,

J a n . 2 1 : a da ug h ttr . . \ l y�o1 1 . LO .\ I r . a 1 1d .\ I r�. James R u m­r i l l ( 11 \ R il \ R \ po1 1 1 1 ) . J u 1 1 c 1 7 , t CJl�i : a da ugh te r, Karen l· l i t. i l ll' t h . lo ;\ 1 1 . 1 1 1 c l ;\ I r, . ) )0 1 1 a ld . mi th (ROSE \ 1 A R Y ' 1 1 1 1 A R ' ) . / . 1 1 1 . : l • : a \01 1 . l'c·tl' J , to .\ f r. and .\ l rs . Timothy \\ ' i l l i .1 1 1 1' ( J \ '- I 1 c . R o t 1 ) , J . 1 1 1 . 1 1 : tw i 1 1 \Om, J a mes Douglas .1 1 1d \ 1 1d tt•w B l l' l l , [() :-. 1 r . a 1 1 d ,\ I r\ . u ! DA\'10 Zl1' ;1.IAN, ;o, l , 1 n l t I ! I · 1 �H i l • \ \oi l . k l' i t h . \ Jc,. 1 1 1 c ler , to ;\ J r . a 1 1 d ,\ f rs. Thoma J. h .1 1 1 \ / 1 . ( \l \ R I J ' ' RL0 \ 1 ) . I ke . 2 1 : a daughter, Cymhia

( . ;1 1 1 . to .\ 1 1. . 1 1 1 d \ I r\. U1t\ter }t)ell'> ki (L. JOYCE. JORDAN),

\ ug . 1 1 . 1 % 1 • \ \01 1 . Ja< k Re) 1 1 o lds. to .\ f r. a nd .\ ! rs . Peter C. \ \ ! le lo t t ( J l J l l l l l 1 \ \\t I ) . J u h 1 1 1 . 1 9t i9: a da ug lner, I rene

,\ l pogo, t o :'1 1 1. . 1 1 1 1 ! .\ 1 1 , . 1 RIC 1 1 . 1 H I , June 8. I !Jb .'j • .\ '>01 1 . \ f . 1 1 I... ) ) ;n i d . to ,\ f r. a nd :\ I r, . JOll :O.. J. o'cON·

' 1 1R JR. (C . R J J C I l l '- \l ot t A \ I '6h) . J une 25; a daughter, J>,1 1 1 d. 1 J o . i i , lo C. 1 p 1 a 1 1d ,\ f 1 \ . JO J J \, T. \\ O R K \ I :-. . .\ f ay 1 6.

ht'll l l/ \ llcyno/d� .11arden

Nomina ted tru tees at the fa l l Alumni Counci l meet ing were DORI J I . H A R \, \ , '6 I· JOll F . R E \ /\OLDS (.\ l . D.) '36 and

Ro111 RT A. " R m. :-. '50, in c umben t tru tee. i\ l i Kearns, a magna n1 111 la ude graduate and ach i er on youth to former Pre� ident Lyndon B. John on, i an a i tant profes or of go' emme 1 1 t at Harvard, where she earned her Ph.D. Dr. Re) 1 1old , re-elected to the counci l last year, i d i rector of su rgic a l en· i c c a t Thayer Hosp i ta l , \Vaterv i l le . l\ I r. l\ l a rde 1 1 , a \\ aten i l le a t torney, is a former presiden t of the l\ fa ine enate.

Artic le V I I I , sec tion 2 of the lumni ociat ion Con-st i tmio 1 1 (a amended at the fal l meet ing) provide that o ther a lumni may be nominated by petit ion igned by 25 o r more a lumn i and filed wi th the executive secretary before Feb. 1 , 1 97 1 . I f th ere are no nomi nation by peti­tion, the counci l w i l l declare election of the nomi nees named abo\'e at the w i n ter ( 1 97 1 ) meeti ng.

in memaiam

HENRY RUSSELL SPE 'CER '99 (LL.D. 1 950) died Oct. 29 i n Columbus, Ohio a t the age of 9 1 . He was professor-emeritus of political science at Ohio State U n iversity, and was chair­man of the departme n t when it was founded in 1 909. A native of Foxboro, Mass. , Professor Spencer was a graduate of Coburn Classical I nstitute, where he began his teaching career in 1 899. He went on to earn master's and doctorate degrees at Columbia U n iversity, and joined the Ohio State faculty in 1 903. Professor Spencer retired in 1 949.

H is honorary degree cita tion noted: " During your ad­ministration the department of political science grew i n wisdom a n d stature so that i t now numbers 2 ,000 studen ts. Your activi ties have i ncluded leadership of discussions at the well-known Williamstown Institute of Politics. Your books have won you fame, particularly as an authority on I talian political history. In 1 948, you received the high honor of election to the presidency of the American Politi­cal Science Association."

President Strider, who visited and carried on a lively cor­respondence with Professor Spencer for many years, said: "The death of Henry Spencer removes from the Colby commu nity one of i ts most distingui bed members. H is in­terest i n Colby was a n abiding one and i n all sorts of ways he gave constan t evidence of his faith i n the college from which he graduated."

H is late brother, Charles Spencer 'go, was "equally de­voted and loyal," President Strider noted. Their father, Wi lliam H. Spen cer, was a Colby trustee from 1 90 1 to 1 904. Professor Spencer was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Contributions may be made to the Spencer Fund a t Colby. 1 906

E L L I OTI CURTIS L I NCOLN, an Engli h profes or and shon­story writer, died July 5 in Claremont, Calif. He was 86. M r. Lincoln had served seven years on the city council there and was a director of the Californ ia League of Ci ties. He retired in 1 949 after 25 years of teaching a t Pomona College, where he had en·ed as chairman of the Engli h department. H is writing hobby produced 1 06 published short stories, two books of erse and ma ny articles. Born in H i ngham, l\fass., Mr. Lincoln was a graduate of the high school there. H e earned master's degrees from the State College of 'Washington, where he taught, and from Harvard, where he received his Ph.D. H is background as

31 the Cd� Ak.Jrnnus FALL 1 970

a cavalry captain during World War I and teacher in Montana provided material for his short stories about the West. ;\fr. Li ncoln leaves his wife, the former Beth V. Peck ; one son; three grandsons, and three great-grand­sons. 1 9 1 5

ARTH U R HOWARD LARY J R . , 79, died i n Portland June 2 2 . Born in Gi lead, h e attended schools there, a n d i n Jersey City and H oboken, N .J . (Stevens Preparatory School). l\Ir. Lary worked as a teacher, in banks, and ran a farm i n Yarmouth for some years. A veteran o f vVodd War I , he worked i n t h e N e w England Shipbuilding Corp. yards in South Portland during World vVar I I . Before his re­tirement, l\ f r. Lary did maintenance and custodial work. A bachelor, he leaves no close relatives. 1 9 1 8

M E R R I LL A LBERT BIGELOW, president of his senior class, died June 25 in Litchfield, Con n . , at the age of 73. H is wife, the former Esther Anderson, had been buried the same day. A native of Vassalboro, f r. Bigelow had been an educator for 47 years, 32 of them as a principal in Bloom­field, .J. Before his retirement, he taught briefly at the Gunnery chool, and Wambago Regional H igh School near Litchfield. He was a graduate of Cony H igh School (Augu ta) and received his master's and doctorate degrees

from Columbia U n iversity. Mr. Li ncoln was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Delta U psilon. A niece survives. 1 9 20 RAF A E L JOSEPH M I RA NDA, 73, who became a professor of languages after a long and distinguished Army career, died June 2 8 i n l\ lobile, Ala. A native of Havana, Cuba, and the son of an American, he prepared for Colby a t N ew York ! i litary Academy (Cornwall-on-Hudson). He re­joined the Army after World War I service. He also served with distinction during the second war doing Latin Amer­ica n liaison work as an intelligence officer, i n terpreter and compiler of a military dictionary i n six languages. He was awarded the Legion of Meri t and decorations from Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. Upon re­tirement in 1 94 7 he returned to the classroom after a n absence o f 2 9 years and earned a master's degree i n Span ish literature a t the Universi ty of l\I iami and a Ph.D. in Ro­mance languages at the U n iversity of North Carolina. H e later became chairman of the departme n t of modem languages at Spring Hill College in Mobile. "Association with college students and faculty keeps you from growing old. I t is priceless," he said as he approached h is 7o's.


T h e un timely death fi v e years ago of Dr. Constance Barbour '44 is testimony to the wisdom of making a will early in life. Dr. Barbour, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate, was killed in a n auto accident.

She received her f.D. degree i n 1 955 from the Un iversity of California, and completed her i n tern­ship and residence i n psychiatry i n 1 959. Dr. Barbour practiced as a private psychiatrist unti l her death i n November, 1 965.

Her wi h, expressed u nder the terms of her will, was to establi h a scholarship fund for students of considerable academic abili ty.

M r. Miranda was a member of Del ta Kappa Epsilon. Sur­vivors i n c l ude his wife, the former Rena Evl i n ; three da ughters; a son and several gra ndc.hi ldre n . GEORGE ROBERT SKI LLI N , 76, <lied J u ly 20 in Port land. H e h a d ru n a summer drug Lore in nearby Oc.ean Park for 4 5 year . l\ f r. Ski l l in retired there from h i s Lyn n . J\ l a�s . . home a fter 2 5 years of Leachi ng a t Ly n n Cla��ical H igh School, where he was c h a i rman of the ma thema tic.s departme n t . B o rn i n Somervi lle, l\ f r. k i l l i n ser\'e<l as an Army sergea n t during World W a r I . H e d i d grad u a te work i n math­ematics a t H a n·ard and Boston U n iversi ty. l\ f r. Ski l l in was a member of Lambda Chi. H is late wife was the former Lois l\ f . Osgood ' 1 6. They leave one daughter, M rs. Elizabeth York '45, and a son.

1 9 25 M A R I E N !TELLE B U ZZELL, 6 7 . a ret i red Engfoh Leather, d ied July 26 in her native Wa terv i l le. 1\ l iss Buuell taught 4 5 years i n l\ l aine public schools. 2 3 of them at Wa ter\' i l le J u n ior H igh School. She retired in February because of i l l health . She was a graduate of Coburn Classical I nsti ­t u te and a member of Phi l\ l u. She lea \ es a sister and a niece.

1 926 STEPHEN B U R B A N K BERRY, 6 7 . a retired manager of hotel and clubs, died Jan. 16 i n Larthmont , N.Y. Born i n ew­buryport, Mass., he was the son of Arthur H. Berry '9-1 · H is s tep-mother, Myrtice D. Cheney Berry '96. was a Colby trustee. Mr. Berry a t tended Classical H igh School (Pro\'i­dence, R.1 .) . H e managed a number of large hotel and clubs a l l over the East. A Navy veteran of World War I I , he was a member of Alpha Tau Omega and president of the senior class. He leaves his wife , the former Frances Pleissner; two daug h ters; and a brother, Arthur L. '23. A n a u n t , Grace L. Berry, former Colby dea n of women, and an u ncle, Myron E. Berry '07, are deceased. 1 92 7

THEODORE PRESCOTT E M ERY, 6 6 , died J u l y 6 a t Lemoine. A n ative of M anset, he had re turned to l\f a i ne upon re­tirement from teaching and public school admin istration. He attended H iggi ns Classical I nsti tute (Charleston) and earned his master's at the U n iversity of l\fa ine. H e also did graduate work at B a te College and wa a Genera l Electric fellow at U nion College. l\ f r. Emery, one of eight New England win ners in 1 957 of the El izabeth Thompson Award for outsta nding science teach i ng. held submaster and principal positions in se\'eral l\ I a ine and Connectic u t schools. Before his retiremen t in 1 964 , he taught at Gould Academy (Bethel). He wa a member of Delta U psilon. i\ f r. Emery leaves his wife, the former Florence Sawyer, and two sons: a brother, Frederick C. Emery, M.D. '38; a n d a nephew. Frederick C. Jr. '69. Two brothers, Ken neth '23 and Clarence Emery Jr. ' 2 7 , a r e deceased. 1 93 6 RA Y GEORGE F O U RN IER, 5 5 , a science a n d chemistry teacher, died J uly 23 in Si nclair. Born in Fort Kent, he attended Ricker Classi cal I nst itute at Houlton (now Ricker College) and earned his bachelor of science in three years. He re­ceived his master's degree from the U n i versity of Colorado. M r. Fournier taught at Fort Kent H igh chool for 1 8 years and for the past 1 5 years, at Fort Ken t College of the U n i ­vers i ty of M a i ne. H e w a s a member of Del ta U psilon. Surviving are his w i fe, the former A l i ne O uellette; h is

mother; one son ; two daugh ters; a sister, and several gra ndc. hildrcn.

1 944 c � ORGE HO M �.R "1 < . K A Y , teac.her a n d baseball coach at Sau­gu� ( l\ l m.) H igh Sc hool, died J uly 2 5 in South Wel lfleet, J\ l a�s .. at a ge 50. Born in Saugus, he prepared for college at Hebron ( J\ l a i 1 1 e) Academy. He left Colby to serve in the l\ l ari 1 1e Corps. a n d actually comp leted his A.B. re· q u ireme 1 1 � in 1 94 7 · H e received an M .S. degree from Ca h in Coolidge College (Boston) and had been at Saugus High for 2 1 years. l\ l r. McKay l i ved in Lyn n. He was a member of ,\ lpha Tau Omega. He leaves his w i fe, the former J a n e K u tlowski ; two daughters and a son. 1 969

LORRA I N E IRENE fOREL, 22, a Brockton, M ass., high school teacher, was led Sep t. 1 3 in an a u tomobi le accident in J\l orri . I l l . , while ret u rn i ng from a visit with her brother in J\I i higa n . An endowed scholarship fund has been est.abl ished at Colby in her name. l\l iss Morel, who taught mathematitS, worked last summer in Oakland as a camp director. Born in Jersey Ci ty, she grew up in New Hyde Park, N . Y . . and was a gradu a te of Herricks H igh School.

he was a member of Chi Omega. A memorial service for l\I is) l orel was conducted Sept. 1 9 in Lorimer Chapel. She is sur. ived by her pare n ts, I r. and Mrs. Paul J. Morel of ew H yde Park. I n formation a bo u t the scholarship fund can be obtai ned from the director of a n n ual giving at Colby.

HONOR A R Y EDWI ALLA LIGHTNER (M.A., 1 95 1 ) , assistant to the presi­den t at Colby for 25 years, died Aug. 1 4 in Alexandria, Va., at the age of 89. Born in Youngstown, Ohio, and a grad­uate of Oberl i n College, M r. Lightner was selected by Pre ide n t Frankl in Johnson to direct the campaign for funds to move Colby to f ayftower H i l l . H e remained on the staff u n t i l 1 96 1 , sen'ing under Presidents Johnson, Bix ler and Strider.

He tra\'eled thousand of miles conducting i n terviews and ra ising funds, and persuaded 60 of the na tion's leading publishers to establish a t Colby a permanent memorial to El ijah Parish Lovejoy, martyr in the cause of freedom of the pre s. The Alumni Cou n c i l awarded Mr. Ligh tner a Colby Brick. in 1 953· Preside n t Bixler ci ted the quali ties of the man when awarding him the honorary degree: "apostle for Colby, ti reless traveler, unda u n ted seeker, bearer of good wil l and consta n t messenger of good cheer." Surviving are h is wife, the former H elen Chu te; three sons; n i ne grand­chi ldren and two great-grandchildren. l\'femorial gifts may be made to Col by College or to the Waterville Baptist Church.


OFFICERS PreJ irie n t

Ken n e th E. \ V i l on J r . '60 v\'est Bay Road O yster H arbors, l\ I ass. 02655

Vice Preside n t

Jean H a h l bo hm Hampton '55

i\fEMBERS·AT·LlRGE Term expires July 1, 1971 ] . D risko A l len ' 2 9

Jean Brewer Bridge '52 ( i\frs. Wal lace W.)

W i l l ia m L. B ryan '48 "

Arthur G. E us tis Jr. '5 2 "'

Jean Desper Fi tton '49• ( i\ f rs . Lawre nce P. )

John E. G i l more '40•

Thorn ton \V. i\ ferri am J r. ( i\ f . D .) '5 1

Phyll is S turdi,·a n t Sweetser ' 1 9 • ( i\ f rs . H erman P.)

Term exp ires 1972 George L. Beach Jr. '4 1 •

N e l l i e i\I acdougal Parks '49 ( i\ f rs . Warren J r. )

Lois i\I acomber '58

David G . Sveden '64

Arthur T. Thompson '40•

Term exp ires 1973 Rebecca Chester Larsen ' 3 3 •

( i\ I rs. Wilbut F.)

Norman C. Perk i ns ' 32 •

I rv i ng G . Tolette '59


Term exp ires 1971 James R. Cochran e '40

Charles R. DeBevoise '48

Warren J . Fi nega n '5 1 •

George C. Putnam ' 34 •

Robert Sage '49

l arion D risko Tucker ' 2 4 " ( J\ l rs. Edward P.)

Term exp ires 1972 Charles P. Ba rnes I I '54

E l l e n Kenerson Gelotte '50 ( J\ l rs. W i l l i a m A.)

Jean H a h l bohm Hampton '55 • ( i\ f rs. Richard L.)

W i l l iam H u tcheson '44

al u m n i c o u n c i l 4 8 Fox R u n Road Top;field, .\f a;s. o 1 983

SPrl'l' l n ry

S i d n e y \\I. Farr ' 55 Trensurer

Arthur \\ . Seepe

John F. Reynolds ( i\ I . D .) '36 "

J o h n A. T. Wi lson '60

Term expires 1973 E l mer L. B ax ter '4 1

Susan Fairc h i l d Bean '57 (i\f rs. Robert)

Betsy Perry B urke ' 6 1 (i\f rs. Edward Jr.)

W i l l i a m E. Haggett '56

Lois i\ f u nson l\ f ega thl i n '58 ( M rs . Donald E.)

Peter Swartz '66


Term expires 1971 Eva i\facomber Kyes ' 1 3 •

( l\ f rs. Leon A.)

Term expires 1972 Cyri l l\ f . Joly ' 1 6

Term expires 1973 Leon ard \V. G ra n t ' 1 5


Term exp ires 1972 H azel i\ 1 . G i bbs ' 1 7

Leon ard \V. l\ l a yo · 2 2

.\ l a rgueri te Cha e i\ l acom ber '2 7 ( M rs . W i l l i a m A.)

Norman C. Perk i n ' 3 2

Foahd ] . S a l i e m '37

A l to n G. La l i berte '42

D a n a I . Robi nson ' 4 7

B ruce A . .\ l ac Pherson ' 5 2

Eleanor Ewi n g Vigue '57 ( [ rs. G u y E.)

Pa tric ia Farn ham R ussel l '62 ( i\ l rs. Roland L.)

Term expires 1973 H a n·a rd E. 1\ l oor ' 1 8

H e l en Dresser .\ [cDonald ' 2 3 ( l\ l rs. W i l l iam R.)

Corn e l i a. Ada ir Cole ' 28 ( i\ I rs. LawTence D.)

C 1- 1AIR:\1A1' OF THE A Lu;-.1 r-; 1 F u r-; o

Robert Sage ' 4 9


D r. ] . See l ye B i x ler (honorary '60)

Joseph C. Smi t h ' 2 4

R. Leon W i l l i ams ' 3 3

Sigrid E. Tompk i ns ' 3 8

H i lda N iehoff True '4 3 ( M rs. Fred L.)

Francis R. Fol i n o '48

Phebe Dow R u n yon '53 ( J\ I rs . John L.)

J udith Garland B ruce '58 ( J\ l rs. Rober t ] .)

Charles P. W i l l iamson Jr. '63

Term expires 197-1 H a rriet Eaton Rogers ' 1 9

( J\ l rs. A . Raymond)

George T. N ickerson '24

Earle A . l\ fcKeen ' 2 9 Paul E. Feldman '34 Clare n ce E. Dore ( i\ l . D .) '39

Burton G. Shiro '44

Donald E . N icoll '49

Peter Lara ba '54

J a n ice Cronk J\ I a rston '59 ( i\ l rs . Richard L.)

Doris H. Kearns '64

Tnm expires 1975 A l fred K. C hapman '25

i\ f a ry Rol l i ns 1\f i l le t t '30 ( \ I rs. El lsworth)

R a l p h S. W i l l i ams ' 35

W i l l i am D. Taylor '40 Doris Bla nchard Hutc heson '45

( \ I r . W i l liam)

Ke,· i n H i l l ( 1\ f . D . ) '50

J a n e i\ f i l le t t Dorn ish '55 ( .\ ! rs. Karl)

Caro l i ne \\Talker K nowles '60 ( i\ f rs. Jonathan)

i\ f a rgo Beach Bjorn '65 ( i\ f rs. \Va l fricl )


P h i li p S. B i ther ' 30

• Re-elected