classical and modern liberalism


Transcript of classical and modern liberalism

Strong bias against paternalismEqual treatment of individualsEducation: promotes self-development & critical thinking

Early 19th century:From feudalism to capitalism Rise of the ‘Middle Classes’Rejection of Absolutism

“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person…”

“ pursuing our own good in our own way…”

Locke: Disobey the government if it violates your natural rights!

Hobbes: Even repressive government

is better than no government at all!

Each is able to define and pursue his/her own selfish interests by calculating costs and benefits of every possibility.

State & Society should guarantee ‘the greatest happiness for the greatest number of individuals’

Free Market- ‘Invisible hand’‘Laissez-faire, laissez-passer!’

Social Darwinism- ‘Survival of the fittest’

20th centuryRevised Classical liberalism because: uncontrolled pursuit of self-interests has failed to create social justice.

Classical liberals negative liberty

Modern liberals: ‘freedom to starve’

Positive liberty: enabling society and state

Human Egoistic utility-maximizer

Capable of altruism & empathy

No to Social Darwinism!

T. H. Green (1836-1882)

Classical liberals: Minimal state

Modern liberals: Enabling state

Responsive governments to increasingly complex and demanding society


- Away from‘laissez-faire’- State interventionism - Popular in post-WW2

“Liberals exaggerate our capacity to distance or abstract ourselves from [our social roles] and social relationships, and hence exaggerate our capacity for individual choice” (Sandel 1984).

We do indeed find ourselves in various roles and relationships, but we may not like what we find. We feel capable of questioning whether the practice or tradition is a valuable one.”

(Kymlicka 1989, 54)

“Members of marginalized groups have to adjust their personalities and practices so as to be inoffensive to the dominant values of the community” (Sandel 1984).

Impose democracy, pluralism, and individualism by force?

Isn’t this a breach of liberal principles?