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Try Empress Drus Store for OneBox of


And You Will "Joe No Other.OLO. A. FRASER.



Phone 83




Sudden Clarification of Atmos- Number of Vessels Reported inphere at City Hall—Aid.

Langley’s ViewsSinking Condition in Gulf j

of Mexico

There Is a decided clearing of the at- (Times Leased Wire.)Moephere at the etty hall to-day. The New Orleans, Oct, 20 -(Steamer* Br- clty solicitor, F. H. M< Dlarmtd. la In a l iving here report a death list ot at much more doeth- mood It I» Oa- h-pa deait IIX) In tile riuilds «tins - that.1 oTHmaetr and hi» friend» that a way j *<v*pl the Gulf of Mexico al well as may hi found out of the difficulty «he southern .tales.which ,m»e letween Mm and them.-. M«"> w,'re reported «Inkingjorlty th«> members of the council, which yill not necessitate his pressing; for the acceptance of his resignation/!tenderer!" to Mayor Morley Tuesday;; „. . ,__.ti... .nh»«iia* Beacher. water logged..

under conditions in which It was itn- ! possible to offer aid.

The steamer Carthage, 400 ml lee at j *ea. sent a wireless that she reached !

! the schoone


morhlng The dx»ve of peace Is about to return to Its perch.

“The Tim»-* saved the situation.”This statement was made this morning by qpe very closely In touch with the situation, at the city. hall. And he add­ed: “The articles published yesterday relative to the matter of the threatened resignation of the city solicitor have hail a most salutary Influence, and been In the Interests of the city."

Aid. Langley was seen by the Times this morning, and made-an Interesting , Weal Indicate that the grvatvi statement for publication, lie said: "l done by the Florida huiTlcan

Tearly to-day. The ([schooner's crew re­fused to abandon _ their craft A tow line was thrown, but the cable parted and the half sunken . veased drifted

A dozen shipwrecked boats were sighted .aboard which were no signs of flïe, and it Is thought that the crews proha Id .v were drowned.

The Fos Still Ashore.Havana., Oct. 20.—Cables from Key

a teal damage anes was to

Atlantic ocenn.Carolla, according to weather bureau

have been preparing to-'probe this mat- , shipping. The Norwegian steamer Fos ter to the bottom. ! seem to discern still Is stranded, and" a Standard Oil

^someth 1 n g in the sit nation which re- ; hrfrge i# ashore at Island K*x, quires to be cleared up hi tM interests The Key's lighthouse was blown , of the ratepayers, and I purpose~<j«lng down and tlie east coast railroad be- all I can to that end. I low Miami was washed out.

“1 was surprised to see a letter in the | Wheather ReportColonl., tbla morning from K V. Bod- j 2fl.-TlmWell. h , . ,ln -lefen.e of the uttltu. r|or|(|„ hurrk,ew ln.dav „„asromed by the dry «Heitor. Ht. W- A , h. «ran. „f Northwell. KJ» we» known. Is the solicitor .. ..for the WorswTvk FiTvtng fnwiwbv.^^ 1̂one of the parties Interested In the set- ; ____________ ____Moment of the very point about asphalti __ r»p||AnniTlPpavement specification raised by the.|UC*Tri Ur" UuIVlUvKAlIv city solicitor: and In -view of that 1 tldnk he displayed very poor taste in publishing "a letter over his own signa-,

“Then, again', It must not be forgot­ten that liât! the council yielded to the advice of the city solicitor at last Monday evening's meeting, when the

, contract for Vancouver street was "Shout to be awarded, the effect of such agreement would have been that the

.company which Mr. Bod well represents would have been given the contract.

"But" I also entirely disagree with Mr. Bod well In his contention that an observance of the ethics of the profes- tdon would necessitate Mr. McDiarmid handing in his resignation in the event of the city 'council not accepting his advice on legal points. Why. the whole




Arrangements Completed for Re­ception of Canadian Warship

.-Plate for Vessel



Will Seek to Prove Wife is Not Dead But Fled to

America - t

(Special to the Times.)Halifax, Oct. 20—Hon. L. P. Brodeur

minister of murine andJMdivries1. Alrx, Johnstone, deputy minister, of -marine and fisheries; (\ Destftirat*, deputy

^Special to the Times)London. Oct. 20.—Wher ’ Crlp|»en

■teased- into this dosfc. this morning he was noticeably 'palei and a suspicion of hony was discernible on his features.

minister of mtftijfj»jjfalr*. have arrived; until now had Isen inscrutable,here to meet H M. C. ^ Niobe which S.u,te hwlf of thv l,ubli( ln court were


la expected to arrive to-roorrow at 3

C. H. Harvey, local agent of marine and fisheries, has received a wireless message from the commander of the Niobe via Cape Race giving the cruiser’s position as lat. 45.20, long. 55.46 west.

The ship will be greeted by a salute from the citadel, and .will In* hoarded by the visitors, General Drury, Lieut.- Governor McGregor and Acting Pre­mier McLean, w ho will present the offi­cer* with a handsome piece of plate on behalf of the province, and Mayor Chisholm who will read an address Lon behalf of the city. .

Tlve Wireless station at Bible is re­ported to be In communient Ion with the cruiser.


David 3. Hill, Former Governor of State, Passes Away

. Suddenly


mania. The Million PopiBatlon ef St. ] Louis made the poorest showing, trav­eling only "17 miles before alighting at

i Racine, Wls. 1 *

.(Time* la-a.wnl Wire.)Albany. N. Y., Oct. 20.—David Ben­

nett Hill. Democratic leader, formerly governor of New York, ami ex-United States senator, died at his residence. Wolferts Roost. at 3.50 a.m. to-day.

Hill had Iw-mill for two weeks with a cold a'nd lts complications. During the last week tils condition grew more





Edmonton. Alta., Oct. 20. Thé meet­ing of the legislature Is railed for No­vember 10.


Dom Manuel Will Spend Some Time at Duke of Orleans’



tothing la very al»*»urd. The council may , . . . ,at any time «««urn. full r.HK.n.lbUUr *'’rloue- >ut yshr.lay he seemed

— few., .«iLu-^uaedl i?,P”r.«ln "«y» p*W tlîe .rttTIIUMHH'. U"M ti uÿ'ttlkr tte-î-*1 MttufatU- good »U»rUa.!» appointed to act In an advisory ca ! , Aer,enf ^tallty caueed a re-paclty to the board, eut who take» the | nl»‘"- *">d •'* <"»'■ «uddenly.responsibility for any polk y adopted i™* ,h<’ nur’" beln* Pr,«m “» «111 by tin* council In a matter about which them Is any legal phase? Not the city solicitor, but the vcninclk If they «should make a mistake they will as­sume the onus, and the city solicitor may ‘sleep quietly In hi* bed.’

"But, aside from till tills- I do not ju<t like the complexion of the wholeT

borne of circumstances about which It !

may in* desirable to seek more light, ij am determined to do what I canto con­serve th«> interests of the publh- and if

can discover ‘a nigger in tl

All American Records Broken by Oontc. tants in International


breathed his lastHill was the dominating power in the

Empire state 'Democracy for <ye*rs He was admitted to the bar In 1864 and successively betaine a delegate to the Democratic national convention In 18*7; mayor of Elmira; llcutenant-gov-

't rnor and governor ot New York.With his ey**, always on the presl-

oëfivy. TîîTr Wh Democratic state machine. Folkiwing ('leveland's defeat for the presidency

(Times l,ca-ed Wire.)St. Louis. Mo., Oct. 20.—AH America»

records -haw gone by tin? boards and International records are seriously threatened by four baboone that eeilo* away from St. Louis .M«mday afternoon still up. according to last reports re­ceived at the‘headquarters of the Aero! and the powers of


; Speech by Bcottieh Whip—Mr.Balfour on Needs of the


London. Oct. M.-iît i*

Will Carry Crew of 600—Has Ac­commodation for 6,000



ladles, who seemed fascinated with th< gruesome details concerning the ghastly remains.

Dr Spalvsbury, pathologist, of St ‘Mary’s hospital, was of the opinio^ that th-» murk on^ the skin was tlie result of an operation and not as the defence allege, a mark resulting from the fol,|mg »f tii»» akin after death, ,«

F>r. Marshall, surgeon, said he agreed with Or, f*pl'I**rj* j evidence ttiat the " mark was the sear <i(t a wound and also thought, dissection | must have been done by some one posa* sing eonalder-

i I. anatomical kno*h .ii<.After several minor Witnesses had

linked up the main elm In. of evldence,. Dr. Wilcox, liont.- -.fthe analyalst, answ'ering Mr. Oddie, Junior counsel f<»r the crown, said that the remnant <«f pyjamas buried vas identic*} with «‘iher - pyjamas fourni in c'rlppena boxes. He also dednred the mark on the skin was due to a surgical oper­ation.

Rotating his examination for mineral essences. Dr. Wllcq^Wald hd had found traces of nrsenic and carbolic acid. These, however. Were the results of dis­infectants used and thfclr presence had - no slgniflv Alice. He. found In the stomach one thirtieth of a grain of hyoeclne. In kidney one fortieth. In the intestine* one-seventh, in the near oTtr- twelfth and also a trace In the lung*.

Answering Mr. Oddie Dr. Wilcox ►aid hyosrlnP was a gummy, syrupy substance. In the organs examined there wg» I wo-fifths of a grain and h« thought In the whole of the body half a gzaln. * •

Is that a fatal dose?'' “Yes.""What Is a fatal dose?” “From a

quarter to half a grain.““What is hyoscine?” “A powerful

narcotic potson. It le not a common drug: Its effect produce* little de-

I Hrium or «xcKement. the pupils of the eye* become paralyzed and the mouth and throat dry. Then the patient be-

| comes drowsy and unconscious and re-

Together with Manuiel and his mother aboard the yacht were the Portuguese ambassador. Marquis Several, and the Spanish ambassador, Senor Urrullar. As

chib of America here to-day. Some-j Hument «h»r«- al»,y,- t|M- Canadien forests the! Th.- Master of Bllbank, who a» ehlef four balloon a still unheard from are i St

(Time* I^a-c«l Win*.)Belfast. Ireland. Oct. 20—The White

! Star liner Olympic, the largest vessel1H the world. Was launched at the Har ________

j lan and Wolff ship yard here early to- the yacht’s anchor let go there was no i day The ("ountess of Aberdeen, slfoj welcoming salute.

Icar th*A • of the Viceroy of Ireland, christened the subject of Hume Rule is included the Leviathan. Forty thousand per- n th<* dls< usslon of the Lords’ veto j son* attended <hc launching, w hich

the Imperial par- ; was carried out without a hitch.

(Time* Icsmd Wire.)London, Oct. 26.—Dom Manuel, de­

posed king of Portugal, queen mother A'melle and suite, arrived on the royal yacht Victoria' and Albert last even­ing, and to-day an- on thEhr way to the | practically i paralysed. D«‘athII,,k. ,.f Hrl,.«n«'V»l;,t.- m W,,rr,,t.r- : f**gW. ''''"mut ........very U«

! something under 12 hours."shlto. where the dethroned “hey kin* " n>. tfl. chl,f Ju„tlr,.: -AM„mln* theand his mother, together with several ] dose In Ihl» ease was half a grain, how noWe mena», vjirterror 1 time. ; I"»g would the •

"Under art hour.'’ 'Answering a question by Mr. Odd.lo,

«^d tnTtir/iateTto a strafghtt^-'n'm ^5?). ^-j*] WOOD’Jwm» »

.. i i,! ***• t,l<% Hill and Çlevebmd fori wood- 1 ,ovKht bitterly fnr control of the New

pile,' i shall. certainly make tiiut. iavtj Vork dcleg.itlon to the 1902 convention, known at the earliest possible date." t w',n filmed a corhblnation

Aid. Ross Is another member of the ! w*tb Senator Gorman of Maryland forluiard W’ho is disposed to be just a lit­tle Inquisitive to ascertain what were the motives which actuate! the city solicitor In taking the extraordinary rHttude be- «Hd; “I am keeping my eyes open," said Aid. Roe* to the Time* this morning

The letter containing the proffered t v-signal boi <tf the city solicitor will -be tonsldered at the special meeting of the city council to-morrow evening— is. If It l>e not withdrawn in the interim. The Times learned this morn­ing that, the situation had clarified to such an extent in the last twenty-four hours that an amicable adjustment all around l* among the development* .momentarily1 «-xperted.

line toward Hudson Bay. They are the America II (United States), Hel­vetia (Switzerland), Aserula (Switzer­land), and the Dusseldorff II (Gcr- matiy).-----------------

According to the last report from anv of the four racers Which was re­ceived yesterday the American balloon was In the lead » miles ahead of the Dusgeldorff. which In turn led the Hamburg III by five miles.

| Won! reaoh«-4-here- that the H*m-~ i burg m bad dropped 1,866 feet Into



Ingersoii Exonerated of Any Per­sonal Connection With Case.

ploynient, Shoots Himself at Seattle

san Francisco, cai.. o« t. 2o.-Mr*. D ; Young Man, Unable to Find Em- H- ingenjoll, whose friend, Mrs. Javin. was taken to L(« Angeles in < onnectlon with the dynamiting of the Times building to-day nuta eagler than sli.e has for a week-.

She wak hurried last night to police headquarters and questioned' on all matter* relating to J lb Bryce and a man known hr ' Smithy'' who roomed at her lodging house. When she had told her story, however, she wag ex­onerated of any personal vonriectlon in the che**


New York, Oct. 20.—The heedless ness of a moment'tame near causing lng.“

union of forces to defeat Cleveland After the -invention, met. Gorman de­serted Mill, thereby arousing the bitter animosity of Hilt. Hill and Richard (Tf k« r, th.- Tammany Hall leader, then commissioned Bourke Cockran to de­nounce Cleveland and speak for the ' f^ik<a Nipiaalng. Gntarlo. and tliut nomination of Hill. Oratory was Mn- j V’ogt and aide Asaman had been res-

- i • h velànd was n«.m- i i>..m M island Where tip inatef and subse quently elected After U,M.nt the rilglit. Aaaman s arm was retiring from the governorship in 1891, broken and he Is being cared for by Hill wps “lected to the «.United States | ('ht-rokee imlians. who rescued the senate. Hill opposed Bryan In 1896 aeronauts. Nearly worn out by ex- and in replying to crltlvlsnx said ; “But, posure. Vogt made his wav to Pamas- I am a Democrat still; very still." san. on the Grand Trunk railway, and

Despite his former opposition. Hill ! fl]ed the following report : seconded Bryan s nomination In 1900. | “Balloon dropped sheer 1,800 feet lak*

^ ______ - ! Nl pissing. A airman’s arm broken.TIRED OF LIFE; Balloon saved."

Dispatches to friends here gave mor*—--------ATTEMPTS etlirinr ^dltplets^detall»-*# the flight, which-B*

lo OUlLlUt .-onhidvrcd on. of the m.>st brilliant- ever recorded.

“There was water, water every­where.'' said Vogt's messages “Firat we tried to *and at 9 a. m. on Tuesday, hut a tricky air current swept us off Georgian bay Just as we had thrown out most of our ballast.

“Then we tried to land with the drag rope but ‘failed. At H o’clock daat night oui^ plight liecame desperate. We had no hallgat, did not know where we were and had been in the air more than 28 hours. It was pitch dark and we decided to take a chance. We Ho­ped open the gas bag and dropped with frightful-velocity to earth, which w*» much farther away thjgl we had cal­culated. We landed Intlie lake. wbWd* was lucky, for had we struck on land w6 would both have been killed.

“We floundered 1 about in^ tlie water for two hours, finally being washed to a small uninhabited island In the cen­tre of the .lake. _ There we spent the night and this morning were taken off by two Indian hunters whom we balled from the mainland.

“At times dnflng- JWir trtfi wr sailed

(Times DhwI Wire.)Seattle. Wash., Oct 20.—Vaino Auer

; Is In the hospital to-day and will pro­bably recover after havlng shot himself

[ through the head and clfest In a suicidal attempt yesterday. Auer lived at the local Y. M C. A., and before attempt- Ing s- lf-dc<tni( i ion Au.-r left a note

j In his room saying:' l am tired_pf life. If any mail

t comes Jor me destroy It without read-

the degtli yesterday of John B. Mols- sant. the aviator, while he was trying out hi» *>cw Blvrlot monoplane at Bel­mont i>ark Hy fell '125 feet and wrecked hi* machine, recently in*- j paired, hut picked-himself out of the ' thist unhurt ai*«i wq» Ju*t about- to-fly j again when his unVioua ^ ife rushed on ;fhe field •!» an autotnobil* la*q night attended by leading business The

“Are you hurt?” she stammered, j men of the two cities. Port Arthur and egrd of any of the baboon* no fur lieafd “Why. - np: nohodv ever gets hurt fly- ; Fort William, it whs d.vclded to work ! from. It travelled 775 miles. 50 miles lng.’’ answets-d MoieSant “The e.«vt- j harmoniously for qnlon’. The united dent was Thy fault for removlhg my eftv wniUTd have a population of 50.00# feet from the rudder tu regulate the I .and make one.of the largest shipping

Little Is known of the young man. who Is about 20 years old, but ft Is be­lieved that lie was despondent' ‘ be- t auae out of work.


Fort Wiliian

in the counsels of the govern­ment. lias Just made a significant pro­nouncement. He declares that: the government Is anxious for 'a closer co­operation of the Liberals with the Irish member* If the government could confide In the Boers, why should It not trust the Irish. He hoped that as the South Africa settlement was one of the glories of K Ing * Edwards reign, so the Irish settlement would b* the bright star in tin reign --f Kintr George if (Tie veto conference sTioula prove futile, the floodgates of bitter partisanship would ,re-open, shaking the very basis of government.

Balfour on Navy.Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, speaking

In Glasgow, discussed the relative lu- ferioMty o( the British nsvi mmifrai witii whet it was ni cfi'h of saveral (Ive-year t>criode of the past. This sit­uation, h«* salil, must In* cured Imme­diately, |f not out of the finances of the year, then by loans. Britain must convince the powers of her fixed re­solve to devote her last shilling and h<T li|Bt man., to thw fuifiUmwat *«f - hsr Imperial ol>llgatlons

Tin Olympic is a ship of 40.000 t<ms burden: K46 feet long and 92 feet beam.

Sines, capable of driving lier at a speed of 20 knots an hour. The crew will number 600 and the ship has accommo­dation for 600 first-class passengers* 1,200 second-cabin and 3,200 thlr.1 « .*»*.



Mayor Pelletier of Fort William Represent Winnipeg Street

tail way Employees., the hitf' of çrf miles an bour."! la< night attended by leading husinca* The Hamburg III made the best- rw-

farther lhan the Germania, which came down yesterday at Pogamaking. Ontario. Tlie Isle i»c France landed iwLbhi a shuU t Osunt-e.. of tin# Gsr-

(Special to the Times ' Winnipeg, Oct. 20.--Tho street rall-

waymen held a mass meeting early this morning » hicb heartily embused the action of the executive, referring the dispute _ to arbitration. Mayor Is. N. Pelletier of Fort William was nomin­ated to represent the men on the ar­bitration .hoard, and a wire was re­ceived from him accepting the potrt-


Situation May Get Beyond Control of President of Nicaragua.

New Orleans. o#t 26—Private cables received from Nicaragua state that rioting at Managua Is Increasing."They express the feàr that President Estrada will not be able much longer lo <N»pe with the disturbances.

A mob lit Leon stoned a train carry­ing Dr. Cardenas, a revolutionist who had been exiled by President Zelaya.

A^s Manuel stepped ashore he looked pale and worried. The event*, of re­cent weeks had clearly been a severe strain on him.

Reports are c urrent regarding Manuel to day that he is badly in need of

.manev- mid will probably continue to find himself In straightened

Wilcox said hyoeclne was given Inter­nally, nearly always by means of a hy­podermic Injection under the skin. It- was ueed âi ft powerful sedative in cases.of delirium or Inflammation of the brain and delirium tremens, some­times combined with morphia. It was always prepared hi tabloid form. It was not used as a homeopathic remedy In England and America. It lmd rather a salty taste, but might be given un-

cïrcum ! Ttoticed tn something- of tt pronounced flavor like stout, beer, tea, coffee orPflPS

Beports that the king Invested much j , , , , *money in England before fleeing frbm ! iat- in„ yo,ur.. 0l,lnion- WHa ,tvePortugal are believed to he errdneouw. '-®11*6 death ' «aid Mr. Oddie. The queen mother herse*Ai wra|hv, \ "Poisoning by tuUMdnÇ." ftMW.crcjd Dr. but as she is extravagant theretime ehiinee of Men,ml enatertsl The vrOSS-examlnStion of Dr. WltfOXlittle chance of Manuel getting material assistance from her.


Freight Houses, Cottages and Off Tanks Destroyed at St. Ixmie-U»s* 8M6.666.


Special to tne Times »

St. Louis, Mo., On 19. Freight hous-n ! of the Chicago .& Alton railroad and of ; the Baltimore * Ohio were destroyed by | fire to-day. The flame* also burned 12 j cottages near the warehouses and set j fire to a score of oil tanks, which' explod- : < j- damage Is estimated nt gW>,000. ^

The cross-examination of Dr. Wilco: was very technical and almost ex clùsively referretl to the methods of analysis and process by which he ar- rived at .. lualons,

A clerk from a chemist's shop said that Crtppeti had ordered five grains of hysoclne, saying it was for homeopathic purposes. He did not have five grains In stock, eo got it from a wholesale house. The clerk had previously sup­plied Crlppen with cocaine and mer­cury. Crlppen showed po hesitation when he algned tlie pdlaon book At the conclusion of the clerk’e evidence

•pen signalled Mr. Tobin and lean­ing over the front of the dock had a lengthy conversation.

Mrs. Harrison, a friend of Belle El­more’s. identified the liklr as reaem-

Toronto, Oct. 20. —Rev. R P. irfckoy. ; SIX WORKMEN AREsecretary of Presl.ylerlan foreign mis» ,’n,-

w An.i.rson at tl». —BLOWN TO ATflm him* *rô. frtmmr*. en». efr'ûnaïîvStfstymen s Missionary Movement, left OLUVwll lu M I Umo „„ b,in, llk„ that w„rn by Mr„. ,.ri„.last night to engage in missionary camfialgn In the west during thter. They will be Joined at Sudbury by Rev. G. M. Ross, of the Honan mla-


i>e'n. Cro.sé-i xamiiicd. she described t'rlp-

Nearly Twenty Others Injured by i><>n H* kind and amiable, she knew Boiler Explosion-Several I-here the artkle, e.m. from. Sh. «a.

Hurt in Panic

(Special to the Times.) ,. .. , (Tlm<*a lseaard U Ire.)London. Ont. Oct. 20— London has ... „

fi>ur casC4 of Infantile paraiiiyi» -..nq ■ New .York, Qgt -O. -flix men were ^ tlie outbreak Is so serious thkt all pa- blown to atoms, two were fatally in- tlents have lieen completely Isolated In ' jured and nearly 20 others were se- ..rd. r to prevent the disease from j v,relv hurt |n a boiler exploalon al the sprcadlngf. , , .

_________ I American Manufacturing Company splant, at Green Point, L.- I., to-day. Twelve men were its the boiler room at the time of the explosion, and some of them were hurled a considerable dle-


Olympia, Wash., Oct, 20.Bellingham.Mount Vernon. Port Townsend, Iron- dale and Port Angeles will he connect­ed by a mono-rail railroad, according to’articles of Incorporation offered for1, Hehey built the Copper River railroad.filing with the secretary «if state. Ow- ; — ------— ——-trig to sortie defects the papers an- t»w- REBEL SENTENCED,trtg iicld up. 1 ; ——

Charles V. Gentry. Walter Stnmge j .Manila. Oct. 20.-Wmwn

Seattle, Wash., Oct. 20. The will of Michael J Heney, thf Alaskan contractor,who died In California ten days ngo, was i , h bv the force of blai,t made public to-day. Mon* than I1,»X)0.0(I0 - ... 't* bequeathed to relatives and friends, j.Heney directs that 810,060 he spent for the lieneftt of Indians in Alaska, and |n,non Is | bequeathed for n club house in Cordova

and A. H. Pade Tokay arc the Incor­porators and the capital ,*Un k is platt­ed g t 87,000.000. It is proposed to us* Hvyee mono-rail In^c ub thanoçthw.stem Washington towns that He vts opposttv aides-of - Pttget ptouird

k •

former governor of Ricos Norte, who , receotb headed an uprising, lias been eontenced to 20 years’ Imprisonment j Be received the modified punishment In consideration of having pleaded 1

As the boiler eiploded a panic started among 2,506 employees of the com­pany. and many were bruised and trampled In the rush and fight for the exits. Walls ef the buildings were wrecked and four cylinder heads were driven upward through three stories of tlie .building, endangering the Urea

Mnnrtar. i ef ,srm»u »f -mpleyw.-

where the articles came from, asked to Identify them.

Till* closed the case for the proee-

Mr. Tobin’s opening words to the Jury were that Crlppen would go into the witness box a* soon, us he sat down. Following Crlppen there would b*- eminent doctors who would express the opinion that the remain* might have been buried In the ground before the disappearance of Mrn. Crlppen, also that the supposed hyoeclne was an ani­mal alkaloid. Mr. Tobin Indicated that lie would criticise the evidence of the prosecution at length and would speak quite briefly at the close of the « SS'V

Mr. Tobin first referred to the i licit y give# the case by 01 urged the Jury tominds all Influences i judicial paragraphs, feature was that Crip •among social friends associate* wa*


,*. The t


New York. Oct. Highlanders game

3k—The cheduled'

: »sk«d to believe that the 1 became a fiend inci

t #uggest«*d W*s ridiculously 1 iliants- j Mr. Tobin speaking sk»w ly. for tv- } tv red into an exhaustive state

---------. iconcluded. anX



To the Boys and Girls

The October Puzzler is Now Ready at Camp­

bell’s Prescription -....... - -Store —-

JUST RECEIVED—5 GROSS OF V1N0LThe great builder-up Tunic. Try a pottle and watch yourself

get strong. $1.00 per, bottle.

Campbell’s Prescription Drug StoreCORSES OF FORT ASD DOUGLAS STiTVè" ere prompt, we ar** careful,

end our prices ere reasonable.

Make Your Washing Days Easy by Usingur-Lr-i_r-i_r-ui~T — Ü-.-I — ^ ^ — - — — — ~ ^

RKRAY WASHING TABLETS, per package...... ...............LfX WASHING mSVDKR. per packet.............. ■*”FKI.S XAHTHA SOAP, per package............i.............................WOOL SOAP, > for.... .-........................... ..........................f'J*IVORY SOAP. 3 for.................... ..................... = • ..........***WHITE SWAN GOLD III "ST WASHING POW DKR, per parlv

ac* •■•••••■................................-............... ..Æaf


Attract Trade After Dark!



Distinguished Parliamentarian Outlines Aims of the Bmer-

»—, aid We — :

UIKI).BEI.t. At Jubile. li.i.ptul, "I' ut.h

OcL. I9W. Henry Pur*» ‘ •wivon-l Min .if lh. hue nb n,|t| of Renislird. Whlt.bou», ‘«“"JJ Antrim. Ir.Urut ««-«I «• qf Agn-. Ill.n. Ii.rd B«n. of Truro, N, 8.

' The funeral take» pla« • on Friday at - he P m from lhe «'Impel of the H. < Fuçeral Furnishing Co. Government ■*re*1-. o'clock at Christ Church Cathedral. *»* terment In Rom Hgy cemetery. . •? (Halifax ami Belfast paper» please < *>P> ’


714 IVmbrokv «Ire.I

TWO (URLS WANTED- 1 «sundry.





N-vanthcr Re.nriia now JID B»tif. _ licç oof w indow - luid-fioor. dlnplay ol_ Autonolas. Broadwood, Kranich * Iiath and Chlcierln* Grand Pianos.

MONTELIUSPiano Hbuse, Ltd.U04 Government Street. Corner

Fort Street.. Tel. 44.

♦ λ OBITUARY RECORD *♦ *.j. <. > a•> *> •>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

To-morr«iw aftei ruxYu the funeral of

Every Beat In the epavloug dining salon at the H<rtti Drlnrd w*a filled this aftermnitv. by- an audience made u« of the hading eltlsén» of V'lctorla. comprising members of the Canadian t’luh.und the wonv-n’s brnnvh of that organization, en the oi’oaaion of tUa address by T. P. O’Connor, tlie farrntu* parliamentarian a n<V Journalist, who took for til» aubJecT “Home Rule for

| England." The enthusiastic outbureta of applause, .which puut tuatetL.a speeti* r«*mnrkabl«* for Invlaive logic and scln- tillating wit gave eloquent démonstra­tion of tlie fad tiuit here-in this «listant

oner of the Emplr«‘ there la much sympathy for the curiae which means AM* mut-li -in r+*4«t>ui -a-ud tlui. .unity -ûL - the Empire '

Dr. ‘ T. J. Jiiii'N. president of .the Can­adian Club presided, and to right and h-i i, beside» tiD' honored g>»c*t "f the da;, snt a number of those prominent in the public life of the titty and pro-

The chairman, in" hlB-»t«e»w-h of wel­come' to Mj O'Connor gave adequate tpe very great pleasure fell by the-people of Victoria at being given an opportunity to extend greet­ings 'to one of the foremost personali­ties in the British Empire, one who

I a tide from^he special mission which had brought him to thl* continent had gained a deserved -uul lasting .renown for his atiflevement* in the world of letters and In the domain of parlia­mentary work.

A great dotimrst of applause on id» ri»

WA NTKD—Furnished room for man, within IS mtauten of Dflrtrd Hotel, state term* Box *&. Times. °~

FOR SALE 9 roomed modern house. Bay Mire, i. I8.ÂI1I Hlnk#on Hlddell ât Son. New Grand Theatre Bldg.

i FOR HALE-71 acres, excellent land jvlth frontage on Hooke Inlet, p»-r acre $30. on easy term».- Htnkeou Hlddall A B<>m

’ New Grand Theatre iBldf.

4-ACRE BLOCK, Hooka Inlet, water front ami main road frontage, 1750. Hlnks«m Hlddall & Son. New Grand Theatre Bldg.

It Is AstoundingThat having regard to the costly nature of a I’iano purchase, people should blindly pay high list prices for inferior instru­ments, instead of seeing and comparing with those high grade


HEINTZMAN & CO., Etc.Which we have to offer you.

M. W. WAITT & CO., LTD.- l*i*iio and Talking Machine Headquarters.

Herbert Kent, Manager. 1004 Government St.

FDR HALE Several modern houae*. easy term* Iflnkson Fîddalî A Hon, New Grand Theatre Bldg

FOR HALE-4 roomed cottage, fully mod- 4 tti an nletil home. prit* rea*«ui»hle."wily* turns: Bbx Xtt. Timer.’ 9m

PORT ALBKRNI TOWN LOT»-High and level. $95 each; personally selected;

cash. |1<) per month on a pair; no In­terest or taxes. Post Of!b « Box dl. o8>

COOK STOVE, nearly new. «oat 144, will Hell for |25, J. T . 1104 Broad street - «40

LOST On Hunday. EnflTwh setter blteh.on Hillside avenue, with collar mark-d

- “Dr. Henderson, Powell River." Return T Wither, Es«iulmalt road. Phone MTJf.

I the lat*it, tm P Hell C E take ‘ trig t«> a«ldre*t* the large audience which11 ' ... . , a , »... crix-imr rtllM-

j l iai *- from the B, pany's parlors at 2

Shoesi The current of trade .finds an inviting channel through the store brilliantly

lighted with ---------------


Drugs Osram Tungsten Lamps GroceryBarber

Nothing serves so profitably to attract trade after dark. Telephone 16t>9. or call.

Bakery I

bTcTÉLE C T RICRAIL W A Y CO., LTD.Corner Port and Langley Streets.



Kui..-jmI « '"in- dci«»vk mi«l ten

minute» later at Christ Church «'«iral. Interment will be matlè In Rosa. Bay « w nutter y |

inv i mi. ntJ A Blackwell was madti—Uiia .ittttra.-- iug In Rmn« B*y . vniutci. The funeral t.H.k place from the B. Fun.*raTCompany’» parlors, where llev. Gilbert

! « 4>ok conducted service».'**-A tt-tfmber t»i the frlentls «if the deceased were In

j attendance and several flora! designs were presented.

| The many friends of Mr. and Mr» Chari»» Jordon. Admiral*» roa«t. will

l learn with »ln« « re r« gr« t the n«-w8 *>f j the death of their daughter. Mrs H.| Taylor. Bvattlc, w.iich occ urred yoaior- i day. Deccpaed was well kndwn In thl*! city. The pafimt» «»f Mr». Taylor left

last evening for the Sound to attend tlx I'uneraL

Th«‘ yemalnwXu ti laie Mr». Marx Iredale «’err laid to iest in R«*»» Bay <>„metery yeeterday afternopa in the presence of a large number of friend». *lfi«- funeral t>»>k place from the resi­dence of J. W Creighton." BnrnsUle r« ad. Vher« Rev. Dr Campbell ron-

I ducted |mprer»lve servi< The floral tribute* were autneroh» and beautiful |

c«mfr«»nte<l ■ion to thi

him. After giving expræ* pTëasür- lie felt at the ex>

TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED, also cash registers. 11 M Wlleon. 4M Cormorant.

YALE LOCKS FITTED, key» duplicate»!; all work guaranteed. Waite* A Knap- ton. *10 Pandora, near Government. Plmne .«!♦.

FOR HALE— A f«»w large roun«l kltch-n table» at |1 2ft e*rh, ale*» hit«-nen chairs from am- At Butler's. «Il Yale», «orner

•Y. Olde Comer.” where the big buildings are on Koi’t Street. W here* IVo«tv is Hanisln tl "

Satisfaction Reigns.

As Good As

(I IDUiea nrir ■«merm,.-’ ■#, »«.••••- I; oiiifplqj BU«*»iw*n-ai’i^lkiW pall* y-

hearer» J A McGraw ; T A. <!<»»!- j win. J Fr»»«*r \' H Benson, J Bull j

j ;*n«l F H. (’lark 1I William Clark, ime uf lhr pioneers | of this city. f> ts«-l away thl* morning

at the family resldet.-«•. J">42 Graham street, at the advan« ë«l^agi' of HK He wbk horn In Owen ,Suiinil, Out., and « nine to Victoria In the year tknfr. ac­companied by hi» wife. l»ecea*ed waa

the constructing of tenir of the brhlge* built lierc In the eprly day». He I* survived bv a* widow and «me «laugh­ter. Mr*. Q Mln< kler, Toronto street. Th« funeraj he» been arranged to tuk«- place .it 2 r* o’chx k from the family

"residence and at 2.41 at Chriwt Church uthedrs!

T. P «’« CONNOR. M P..Who Addressed the Canadian Club ôh

Home Bui. for Ireland This Afternoon. r*~

MAN OB WOMAN to travel and appoint agents for established house. $15 a week and expenses; state age and previous « niployment. E. McGaryey. Mgr., 2SV Wellington atreet. West. Toronto.

HOLLYWOOD VRKH.’KNT-Two very large water front lots, well sheltered, lor. $B6Ut>. on terms. By Htlnson, Fam-

[ . field <>««•-....._ ^! U(K1D ONE A new 5 room cottage, «m 1 corn«*r, very modern, for I2.S60, on ♦*"SV

term* Al Fairflebi Offl«-e.

TO RENT- A « room r«-aldenc«*. close In. for -$tS month, Including water. J ' tStinson. Fairfield OfHce. 020

TO-DAY ONLY 8 lota on Oa«iar "treet for 12,500, .a*y term*. At Fairfield Office

CHEAPEST BUY ON Y A TEH HT RE ET- - I«ot 60*120. near Quadra, right Where It !» proposed to put the new City Hall, -i *tnmoney-maker at $12.0W*. on term*. T V McConnell, cor Govemmetit an«l Fort <Hreet*, upstair* ®-*u

HAVE YOY-R MOTOR BOATS, et. «le-alaned bv Old 4'ountry expert». R HI'» - mon* * Co., consulting naval architect*. 42* Richard street. Vanc«iuver, B. L. . ny»

JAMES BAYr-Flne *evrn roomed house. In excellent repair. hsU. parlor, dining niom « bedrooms, kitchen and panlrv. on full *ised lot. for quick *al«‘ at •3,»r*'. term*. $206 rash, balance easy monthly payment*. Pemberton & Son, Fort ami Broad.

VKHTERDAY *' >'«’* » 'll»*h•2.201 for Hint clwlve bulldln* '"b Linden avenue, nortli of Ri* tiarda atreet. our prive la I2>«. on l«r™- »n it I* the best buy on the street T P. McVonm-tl, cor. OtiYmmicnt a.'ti : Fort street*, unatair*. • J

LOST—Near VUitoxia H.ot«.l, wrist \Return to Time* OfBce ami ret etTr \ward. . ________ "T j

OAK BA Y DIRTRUrT Lot rwxlii,. 0‘‘« blodk from car line. Nvel clmmr rock, price I*»', terms. $5n c*»h ,mfttlthly. . PembeTtoa A Son. Fort * [t ! BfornT . . " "" 1 |

FOR BALE—til" detune a or rev. eieo UurK- board. Apply 8. Perry Mills, city

APARTMENT HOUSE' at tn per month, only 2 bl«it k* froni Government street, on Fort. AJjpl yti- H. Lelght«m. real estate agent. <-*» rn" *tr«*et. Call peraonglly. '____________j

WOMAN’S INTVTTION tn Jmlxinx an l«- } veatment is sometime* as valuable as ,man's loglv- G. H Leighton. j

uj:hlvehh site -bvi °"*v‘ ha,ff/‘.minute * walk fr«»m Post GW- e, l >i quick sale Sll.fW. on terms Pemberton j A 8on,.Fifrt and Broad °*-~ |

KKE JONES for flat-bottom Ud«lb'tM, ti*p . lFtitder*. rtr. 1<W» V»te*

uiy jFt)R SA LE—2 l«»ts on Reservoir Hil|l, com -

manding an excellent view of the city i and Olympic mountain*, for a few day* | at Stitt « ash for the 2. O. H. Bowman A <"ompany, Mnhon Building. °-®

FOR SALK- l.tftt kttfkyp» Oh tiurn^a .al , 4Sr- 2.000 Canadian Northwe*t oil. 10c,; l.GOD Ptngree Mltn-a; Wd O. II. Bowman & Company. Mahon Building ’C*

MARICOPA OIL—Just stop for a moment and think of your future It wouldhave been very nice to have I «ought some of this stock six weeks aro. hut p laalbly rou «Bd nut Buy then; end now the stoek ♦* jretttnjr at A*e per ahare Now thl* t* your last « ham e to" get any of thl* stork at a price that* appeals to the smallest Investor, and If you can spare « few deltiswr ot your xuvlng*. to put out to work for you. which will In later years bring you In a substantial Income, we advise you to buv now. amt buy to hoM, as thl* sto. k will surely make you money, a* the ( wypany h«* now got the oil. apd it onlv remains for the «-omoanv to start shipping when the shareholders will receive dividends We have listed with us for sale in.ona shares at 40c tn-r share, or any part »»f wntf <« H. Bow­man & Vompanry. * Mahpri Building. o2Q

How ?By having your -

Old Silverware Replated

By thow who can guarahten it wearing as good as new.

We call for orders.

Bond&Jessop622 Johnson St. Phone 2008.One Door From Broad SL

\V ANTED—l*l»noforte pupils, by ceHT fied lady teacher, visits within car

___ ___________ ___ v.vjigs»*i«r.7inrr-sMi " limit, to** UJttUl. -jBOX .trente crdialitx -«r tlv wel-onv which ----- - --------—--------—r1,H«I Gee11 extended him by the people j WESTHOLMK ot Victoria. Mr OC.mnor said h* '*" * * N would *|>‘ak on the subject of Horn*- Buie for England For eonshh rahly bver an hour ha In « nu>*i mas"t. rly fashion with the subject, adx anc- fng arguments fm' the granting of local *e If-government to the componentparts of the Vjilted King<l<"»m


D. R. Young. News, is in th-

of the Queen Charlotte • «Sty

S. ,w .cr«w of fine ffult land, "on k"& n Ry. well ««• «*-

■ llvlolnn. only 12.1»-. ">.<ou A Irfttr1317 Btf»ad-street. °**

NEW. 7 room. 11 story bungalow• a big sacrifiée. $2.45". or $2.«6 eàsh. W1. Rroad

M. W. Grand Lodge

^ iA. F. & A. M.

Master Masons In g mal standing are cordial!' Invited: to attend the cero- mnny of laying tite «orner stone of the n< w C«»nva!escent Home and Emer-

Uosptttrl jrt c - ^Haturdax. the 22nd, at 2:3d p. m.

R. E BRETT.Grand Secretary.

E | Lots of Lots J3

n miles from CITY HALL 3* acres of small fruit*, new rt room cottage, mod­ern. Stable and chicken house», a btg bargain. $5.000. easy terms. 1317 Broad street

Silver Spring Lager, pints, per doz.. 90C, qrts $1.75 Silver Spring Ale, pints, pur doz.. 90Ç, qrts. $1.75 Silver Spring Porter, pints, per doz. 9<)<, qrts $1.75 Victoria Phoenix Lager, pints, per dozen 75c

Quarts.......................... $1.50Victoria Phoenix Ale, pints, doz... 75<, qrts. $1.50 Victoria Phoenix Porter, pints, per doz...... 75c

Quart*................. $1.50Patronize your own home production and keep the

old town going ahead—its a good thing.



j Passengers Rescue»! But t'aplain ftywd t" Abandon 8teem< t

Havana. Oct 20.-According tn dl«- | patches received. here tills rtfUTnoon

the passengers on the *tearner Louiai- plylng between Havre .and Nqw

I Orleans, who were nnt rescued earl -r m * the night after the ship struck a reef,

j were to-<lay resc ued by a revenue ctit-

iter The -tiptam the Lot|l«l4IM M . fused to abandon his ship, though there is little chgnee that she can l»e saved

| from being a total wreck.



I A new export from New-chwang Is t coai. „f which 69.1*34 ton*, were *hippe«l j in 1909. The c«>al comes from th. Fu- [shtm colliery, near Mukden. Previously

in 190» this «ttal was shipped entirely ! from Dairen, but experience has shown j the South Manchurian Railway t’om- : pany. which has the managemi nt of the mine, that If the coal is to com

| pete successfully with its rival», dur- j tng the summer ;months at any rate.! Newchwang and hot Dairen should be

I j the chief port of shipment NVw- 1 >hwang I» 1# miles from Fusliun. and

Dairen 272 mile», tlie shipping facltl- | de», also, at the former port art* great- j e, than at Dalrci*. The output "f, th«- i Fusliun colliery In 19<*9 wa.s about 2.000 ] tons a day. but It is lioped, says the I Brttlah eonwul at Newehwang, to \n- ; crease ft within three years to 5.000 a day, or 1.800,000 tons a war. Of thla latter amount It I» e»timat«‘«l that

I tlie annual consumption in Manchuria I will of} al«out 700.000 tons, leaving 1,100.

Sailing night» of tirand Trunk I*h« Ilk1 .S(r«m<hi|M for X anvmiver ami North nrr nmv Ht'wlity* ami Ihursdays at midnight.

F Jeûna, of F. Jeûna & Bros., left for Vancouver to-day on business in con­nection with his property holdings Inthat < ity

Gordon A*new ha» pasaetl the pharmacy •xamtnations with high standing, and will continue to practice his profession with the Williams phar-|

L. Fulton lias passe»! the Junior examinations. ^

Mr. and Mrs. R H. Walker have re­turned . from Vancouver. Mr. W alker went over-to accoVnpany Mr». Walker home, she having been ill at her sis­ter’s in Vancouver for the Inst- two months with typhoid fever.

M. H. Murray, of the well known j drilling firm which Is boring for oil at Sookv for the Western t’anadn Oil | fhrospet ting Cttmpanj : »• returned- from th.' south with additkmal ma« liln- j ry for th«' pr««»ecutlon of operations.

MAGIC LANTERN and sHdew cheap a good outfit. W M. Ritchie. Box 82. tity.__________ ___ _ |

LANS DOW N E A VE-4 roomed house, on ] lot 40X120. price $1.300; terms. $W cash, balam-e $10 monthly at 6 per cent. G.1 lighten. - ----------------- --- ~t--.....**>

PARK DALE LOTK-AII of original lots sold, a few choice one* on for re-sale at $25". on easy monthly payments. Pem­berton A Hon. Fort and Broad. o..

A YOVNG MAN. with some business ex­perience, wants situation In established business house. Apply Box. S6C, Tlme»^

Red Cross Sanitaiy Closets

Modern, Obemiettl, Oder lee*No water or sewerage required.

R HARRIS & CO7:1 Y il tv* Str-'t, \ i ( t1 •!" I •«

706 t’olutibla Street. New West­minster.

GRAHAMK ST...............................$«VANCOUVER 8T...........» ,.$AQUADRA ST.................. .. ....$»(VANCOUVER ST." near

Queen’s Ave................... .... . UFIFTH ST....................... ............. $6iFAIRFIELD HD., corner .. $SM

Easy t« rms can be arraflgc*.

RogrersonInsurance, Etc.

622 JOHNSON ST. I L Phone 946. JR

TO LET l.arg'*, pleasant room, with board, ventral, all modern conveniences. 641 Superior street. _____ n3

W ANTED Room and board for lady atu- dent. « lo»«- to High aohool. Apply .V2 Catherine street. Victoria West. o..

ONLY * MILES from G<»rg«- car and* 3 minutes from railroad dep«>t. 5 r.Kuned cottage on * acre» of land, with $3.500 Improvement» : everything readv for the market; S5"0 «ash. balan« «• $5H0 yearly i»t 4 percent This Is the Jiest and cheap­est thing 1 have ever seen. G. 8. Mgh-

------- ..JV

Phillips Bros. 1granite and marble

MONUMENTS826 View street. Victoria, B. C.

Phone B1207.


HOTEL SLUMP. ! going concern w as no more than £50, at—-------— 0- ’ ! which rh«* lot ijianged hands

Two examples ot trie elump that ha» ,n lh. ,.a8l, th, Shakespeareovt—taken hotel property w-ere fur- hotel, Stratford-upon-Avon, was offered

. è a ■ —-*~ In one raw the Royal Mr sale by auction. It ta a pictureaque , w...nlshed re. ^ fourteeffiTtî WirV building an......... . ! 000 ton, for ex.afft The eu. I» » »«Albion “ 11 hv order or' of th,- fliieat «périmer,, of Kllrabethan . hltumltiuua coat uf very Mir quality.fur “** Wllh The oroperlv In que- ? arehlteeture iT Stratford-upon-Avon. ! A»- a gteom cuul rt ha, twen Mvoroldy the inoruaavo. fie pn.|,(|G 'Mar.. , Wftn»„v R how. ,hr la-t reporu-,1 on by ehlpmajter, who havelion '"‘Nr*^lf2rt,*,|,| year, 21'. year. It , I, a. been an hotel largely I tried It It !«.«••<lue parade, held for t U W • ; plllronl,,d by .xmerit an and Kumpealt j ateam to "< ^'’V 'a! a ground ^"t ,■ ^ ^ «moa» "Mr,m.v.-! oregaure without w e#ui. u|,| .totWigv tit fît • ,t til. au.'IhUH". r « "u-l.l n..t | b x\ - -nr.fl nnx - nk< r « ' -

^hc hotel as a!;*MHln , single hid for the property. per cent -f •»>

rament.». Cal . Oct. 26.-11 was ne» denied at the governor's office this morning that three Mexicans suspect**

baling dynamited i1"' M*Times building were under mSan Bonltu. or that the Mexican au- thorltie* had been ordered to hold them awaiting further instruction».

r~ Governor GllUnt and hi* secretary absolutely declined to dlscuair the case in any way or to give out copies of t.dcgrams known to have been sent Irom the offiç*1 of the governor to Sac- rx'tary <»f state Knox at Washington regarding the case.

Should the men refuse to return wRh- out a tight in the Mexican courts the stwte department Will H l-

Hlse for slXe. u ttillM of spider a Silk Is

ton. 725 Fort street

YOU WANT A PAR.KDALWfcOT W. have some extra choice ones for sale at H>ao, on easy payments Pemberton * Hon. Fort and Broad. o2J

I FOR SALE-2 lots In Alt»eml,* close In, at $|V> each; $25 cash and $10 per month; or will exchange O. H Bowman 1 Com- pany, Mahon Building n20

I LARGE l<OT—Inside one mile circle, all I clear and no rock, one of the highest on | street, formerly llst«*d at $1.2»0. owner i n-eds monev and will take $650 cash.

Pemberton A Son. Fort and Broad. o'22

I LiiHT OR STOLEN From Hhawnigan ! l^ake. on Haturdav or Sunday last, white

jjtvodle. answering to the name "Hnookle " Will the person harboring

same klndlv write, and receive vewarti. to Ray El ford Sliawnlgan Lake? o26

TO LET—Furnished room for gentlemen. In quiet family : no other roomers. 70» Discovery street.


Monuments. Tablets, Granite roping», etc., at lowest prices consistent with first class stock and wofkmanahlp.

A. STEWARTCor. Tiles and Blanchard Sts.

7 ACRES, with frontage on two streets, easily cleared, çoritlmiou* stream, one and half seres bottom land, balanci» i good fruit land, with exception \ acre of . fist roc»*, «Aftl-y-fwnr miles from City Hall; price $2.ML on term#. Pemberton A Bon. Fort amMireadr 7'>------ o2!


dei-bledly tougher than one "i Steel An oidlhari iiift.nj will bear a- weight ibrcc gtfclna, Ttüa. js about âe per ‘ ent stronger tlinn * steel thread of th* same thickness. • ,

Subscriber* ot the Victonv. of : Daily Times are requested to pay

their subscriptions to the collector,and not at the office.

foundThese who have had their watch repaired by ua have found the

Most Satisfactory Watchmakers

In tho olty, t ,If your watch atojia, bring It

to u« ne will retialr It ami mal e It like new. All work guaran­tee! anti nt low charge. *

UITlt & TAYLORWatohmukers. Jeweler*. Optician»,


644 E0$T. PHONE 446Umbrella re-covering our

Specialty.Full line of mission handles.

Repairing, etc.JAS, WAITES, Locksmith.

V-LaltSiSV- ib-W-tf»-. H

. r■ '


NEW GOLD JEWELLERYDainty Articles for Ladles* Wear.

BROOCHES AND PENDANTSSet with pearls and. Various Colored Stones, Peridot, Amethyst, Garnet,

Etc.BKOOOHES. up from .... ..................................... .....................................................*VENDANTS, up from .................................................................................................... ..

REDFERN &~SONST 'wafiVmAVcmnd'Hw«ttmr:-roo»-aovF.RMMErNT s-T. victoria. B. C.


Feed and Boot CuttersNoyv that hay and roots are so dear it will

Save You Moneyto buy these machines.


........................................................................................ ..... 1


Sensational Charges Are Made at Investigation by Hughes


HunyadiTl ■ Jànos a<

NaturalLaxative Water

Speedy Sure

CerftleQuichlv Relieve* ____ _


Ship ChandleryOur Hardware is the kind for Wet Places.It won't Rust, We have Galvanised and

Brass Fittings for Marine Works, for Big or Small

;oats, Rope, Galvanized Chain, Canvas, etc.

£. B. Marvin * C°The Ship chandlers. 1206 WMrf St:

New York,- Oct. 20. — Charges that will tear open the political and financial centres of New York and reveal a cor­rupt ring that would have, surpassed the wildest dreams of "BOes" Twe.ed, were contained in testimony given yes­terday before the Hughes committee investigating the alleged wholesale bribery of members of the 1908 legisla­ture to defeat the anti-race track gam­bling bills. The name*. of leading- financiers James R. Keene, titarry Payhe Whitney, Charles H. Hyde — of politicians and leaders in the racing game, wore mentioned as originators *of a bribery fund to purchase votes against rave track legislation....ThiTchafgr-s- w-uie contained in thetestimony of Congressman Foelker, then a state senator, and of District

‘Attorney Elder of Kings county.Before the hearing had progressed

many hours the names of Charles Murphy, leader of Tamrnany Hall and present controller of the destinies of the Democratic party In the approach­ing election, was dragged In.

pemocratlc and Republican polit I


European and Asiatic Interests Not Alarmed by Threats of


Still More Beautiful Coats,

Suits and Dresses Are Awaiting

Your Inspection

Still More Beautiful Coats,

Suits and Dresses Are Awaiting

Your Inspection


cians were accused of having received bribes ranging from $4,000^ $10,000, and It was alleged ttiat the ccMbption fund reached $500,000. That the bills were not defeated, according to one witness, .was because Patrick MvVarren, 4he "Hose of Brooklyn." became disgruntled and refused to support a movement aimed against the bills.

The grand jury is reported to be ready to consider evidence that will involve nearly every member of the 1908 legislature hi an Investigation that

j may reach many of the

_ -London, OcL 20.—The big European, and Asiatic Ott Interests profess not to- be in the least disturbed by the an­nouncement made some time ago that the Standard dll' Company intended to Institute a rate war against them in an attempt tP smother them out of thefield of competition. --------- - --------

Interests who regard themselves ob­jects of the Standard's attack declare there Is absolutely nothing to fear. They intimate strongly that the threats of the Standard are mere bluffs and nothing more.

During the past year millions of Bri­tish capital has been poured Into the largest enterprises engaged In a fight j against the Rockefeller’* Interests. The heads of these companies believe that ! the standard has been frightened by ] the appearance of this capital-even to | the extent that the Rockefeller# are | about to give up the fight.

Th- principal companies array* <1 In ! the fight against jthe Standard are the j Asiatic Petroleum Company, which controls practically all the Dutch oil wells in Java and Sumatra, the Mexi­can oil companies, controlled by Lord Cowdray, formerly Sir Weetman Pear­son; the Shell Transport Petroleum

Vo-called * ComPany the French Rothschild

The 8. C funeral furnishing Company(HAYWARD'S)

I01S GOVERNMENT ST, VICTORIA. B. C Established 1867.

Oldest and most up-to-dats Undertaking Establish­

ment in B. C.

CHAS HAYWAAD. Pres. P. CA8ELTOM, Manager. R. HAYWARD, Secretary.

TELEPHONES 2235, 2236, 2237, 2238, 2239.

higher ups’* of politics and finance In the Empire state.

Elder testified that Gardner told him of a half million dollars subscribed, half of which he «aid went to "Jim"• îaffney partner

; the Tammany leader. , .........The witness testified that Gardner

told him Senator Grady, the Demo­cratic leader, received only $4,000. Hé said he did not know where the real of the money went.

Elder testified that Gardner told him j the. real reason why the hills were not i beaten was because the late Patrick ] McCarren, he said, was disgruntled and did not support the plant to defeat the bills.

Elder swore than Gardner aald: "The president of the senate took $5,900 of the fund."

Asked whether he meant Lieut.-Gov­ernor Lewis Chan 1er, Elder replied that that was what he had understood.

Then the witness was asked: "But you know that Chanlef voted against these bills?"

"I am simply telling you what was told me," replied Elder.

Elder said several newspapermen also participated in the fund, some of them getting as much as $3.000.

That he could have "named his own price" while a member of the

Company In Baku.The opposing companies declare that

the Standard has lost its power of "centralizing' in the foreign fields, a fact which they declare means the Standard's eventual defeat.


Men Implicated Are Believed to Have Their Headquarters in

Ban Francisco

U.lttUV>V>‘i............. ..

Flowers at Flewin’s| The foil owing plipit cm now be »ga at Flewin *g Qardeug, *88

Heywood Avenue.

Gladioli, a Grand Collection.Dahlias, All the Best The California Bush Poppy. *Three Large New Monthrelbias

A visit will interest you and all are cordially invited.

San Francisco. Cal., Oct. «.—Thatthe dynamiting of the building of the l»s Angeles Tlmvs was the work of a band of anarchists with headquarters In this city, is accepted as final by the men Investigating the disaster. That thç arrest of Mrs. Belle Lavln is but the forerunner of others soon to follow Is believed here and that, the' men or

j women arrested are either actively j Identified with the anarchistic move- ; ment or known to have anarchistic j sympathies Is certain,

tate Flve warrants charging murder were~ 4 re. etTMd~ 'TTr-dgy^-fnW*r*î«TaîuTe--ÏH ;rrr*'"r ~«r«*r~tn«rtw

the Hughes ami-nue track beUto* °ut tor ’John Do, ■ andbills; was the testimony to-day of Con- ! Richard Roe. and the police are

maintaining the strictest secrecy re-gressman Foelker. Foelker aald lie re­fused an Initial offer of $10,000 for hi* vote and later another offer of $50,000. While lying on what was then believed to be his deathbed, Foelker says he was

j told that he could have any amount he wished to name.

Foelker k i used FdPtner State Sena­tor Gardner of having distributed brjbeiLto legislators for.the.pULBUAt.<lt defeating the antl-gamying bills. Gardner, earlier in the day, refused v to testify on advice ôf hi* attorney, al­though the committee had formally or­dered him to answer all questions.


All That Is NecessaryIs to connect the plug with an

ordinary electric lamp socket and turn on

the currejit. which will bring wa­ter to the boiling point in three minutes, at a cost of less than one- third of a cent for the operation.

THE HINTON ELECTRIC COMPANY LTD.Government • Street. Victoria, B. 0.

Melbourne, Oct. 20.—Fisher Is urging the Imperial government .to hold a conference of overseas prime min inters next June. He contends that Premier Asquith ought to preside. He opptmea the scheme of an imperial secretariat suggested by ex-Premier Deakln.


Gas, Heartburn, Headache and All Misery From Stomach Van- i ishes Before You Realise It.

gardlng the identity of the men they are Intended for.

They admlf, however, that they have men under surveillance and as soon as a few missing links of evidence are gathered will make the arrests, in the meantime they are closely guarding the .suspects to prevent them from com­mitting sdicide,^ which It is fearAl they,

At leant two suicides and possibly one murder will follow the arrest of the loan known as "Smithy," was the statement made yesterday at the Inves­tigating headquarters. It is believed that men only indirectly connected with the Times disaster will attempt "Smithy's" death. The police and de­tectives are bending their greatest ef­forts to-day to capture D. Caplan, whom they know to be an anarchist, aijd who it Is said, assisted Jn removing

U into the house m south San Francisco.


Welcomes Extended by the Mayor -of Vancouver.

MAPIIHK A «noria, qbH the m as lrmnn or i—.J*r 'li-.v, gr.aalated «near in water i •Min, Maple,ne, , Micron. is ms4. nna lytiro better Urn ewple. Usnl&a. issoM h •ronif. It aot .and 50c far 1 oe. battle an. recipe bo*. Crsiesnl MS,. Ce. Seestle. ».

Thb initial coat o( our Truss la a. little more than of the common sert, but you will be more tnan repaid' In COMWBT AND «APETT.

RUPTURESensitive weBirn and children Appreolate the absence of thoee FlteTHT


Phone lift. T. MacN. JONES. 1248 Port St.

Nothing will remain undigested or sour on your stomach If you will take a little Diaiiepsin occasionally. Tide powerful digestive and antacid, though as harmless and pleasant as candy, will digest and prepare for assimila­tion into the blood a|l the food you-can eat.

Eat what your stomach craves, with­out the slightest fear of Indigestion or that ■you will be bothered with sour risings, Belching, Gas on Stomach, Heartburn. Headaches from stomach,* Nausea. Bad Breath. Water Brash or a feeling like you had swallowed a lump of lead, or other disagreeable miseries. Should >"U bt suwcring now from any stomach disorder you can get relief within five minutes ,

If you will get from your pharma­cist a 50-oent case of Pape s Dlapepsln you could alwayn go to the table with a hearty appetite, and your meals w^uhl taste good,^ because you would

or Sleepless nights or Headache or Stomach misery all the next day; and, besides, you would not nçed laxatives or liver pills to keep your stomach and bowels clean and fresh.

Pape’s Dlupepeln can be obtained from your druggist, and contains more than sufficient to thoroughly cure the worst case of Indigestion or Dyspepsia, There is nothing better for Gas on the Stomach oy sour odors from the stomach or to cure a Stomach Head­ache

You coujdn’t keep handler or more useful grticie In the house.

Vancouver, Oct. 20.—The opening ses- »*lon of the Sunday school convention was held Tuesday afternoofi alt 8t. An­drew’s church, when the president, George Carter, of Victoria, opened the proceedings with an. addreafc, the title of which was. "Why We,Are Here.” Following that, Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner, rtf Chicago, gave an address oil the elementary standard of excel­lence. There were various other ad­dresses, not the least interesting of which was that by Rev. Hugh C. Gib­son. of Los Angeles, which were suc­ceeded by' the business of the meet­ing.

At the evening session the chair was taken by Mr. Carter, and after a short" service of prayer, the Rev. I W, Wil­liamson, general secretary of the as­sociation. led the singing.

His worship the mayor then made the address of welcome, and in the couse of his remarks said that Sunday schools were absolutely necessary to the upbuilding of good cltixenshlp. He was followed by G. A. Mr Bain, of

^ North Vartcouver, who made a sultable

i The address of the evening was de- j livered by Mrs. Alary Foster Bryner,

entitled. "The Spokes In the s. S. Wheel." Mrs. Bryner*si address was ilhyuçaéed by n diagram of" a large wheel, which emphasized the substance of lier remarks, and which afforded her the greatest assistance in demon­strating to her audience .the purport of her remarks. Her address had Its full effect, and was thoroughly appreciated.

Fifty-one metals are now known to»x- i*tt finir hundred years ago only sWen were known.

Remarkable Bargains In Neckwear For To-morrow

and Saturday OnlyROUND LÂCÈ 4’OUiARS. of black silk lace, extra

tin#» «(iiality. Regular tkk*. OCpWeek-end price.................................................ùuy

ROtrND LACl* .(ToliLARS in cream ami white, also i» a*i4 it^t . tr ittehea deep; al­lowing, them to he suitably worn with O Kpcoats. Regular 60c.1 Week-end price...... '£iO\J

ROUND FLAT COLIaRS of Bne white Bgtisto and

... 25cRegular "lOc.Batlenliurg laei Week-end price

STOCK COLLARS in cream and white* guipure lace, with long fronts. Regular 60c. OCp

. Week-end price"............................................. ÙOyEXTRA FfXK BATTENBI RO LACE COLLARS,

round and pointed fronts. Regular 90c. C Ap Week-end price ............. ...............................vvv

ROUND COLLARS OF FINE BATISTE, with Battenburg lace and English fagot- ting, 7 inches de<p. Regular 90c. Week-end price .............. ................. .. - • •, -

ROUND COLLARS, of guipure lace, with round and pointed effects. Regular 90c.Week-end price............................... .............................................. ..

FINE NET STOCK fXW-LARS, with side frittnf superior quality net. Regiilar 90c. CA. Week-end price.......... ................................................................................. ............................Wyv

LACE FRONTS, with collars attached, in cream and ecru. Regular 90c.Week-end price ......................................... .......................................................



Hi^-Thc tonked-for shipment of Children’s and Misses’ Rainproof Capes, in navy and cardinal, with silk, lined goods. Agee 4 to 18 years.





OUR STOf^K of pretty parlor furniture is mejst complete, including many handsome pieces tit for any parlor.

"TTanylcIestgus antT styTesTolSBfidse'from, including thTee AM ' five piece sets in oak and mahogany, silk and leather Uphol­stered, rieeasionat chairs, parlor rockers, tables and jardiniere stands. See also our fine line of upholstered couches and easy eha irs of our own make. Prices are reasonable and we know that these, goods are well made.

Parlor Rockers

Pretty Parlor Rockers,mahogany frames, spring seats, covered in rich silk upholstery. Real, bargain at < 'ash Price ................ $9.45We have many pretty Parlor Sets in stock. Prices start at $22.95

Parlor Table

Solid golden quarter-cut oak pedestal table, high­ly polished, round top, selected wood. Cash price ......... ...$10.80

Parlor Chairs

Same Table in Early English, oak or mahog­any. Cash price $10.80 Pretty high grade ma­hogany parlor arm chair, rich silk uphol- sterv. (’ash p rice

is' ;.... :.......$ii.7o"haw many pretty «k-sifcnfl for

you to select from at low prices.

Smith & Champion1420 Douglas St. “The Better Value Store” Near City Halt

hunter succumbsTO HIS WOUNDS

Blips When Climbing Over a Log and Content» of Gun Inter

His Body


Nanaimo, Oct. 20.—William Murray, 20 years, of age, a resident of the city for three months, was the victim of a

° ( fatal-hunting accident yesterday after­noon, dying from the' effects of wounds three hours later.

Murray was climbing over a log when his foot- slipped. On falling to the ground the liammer of the gun caught, discharging the contents into the right side of his body below the riba, inflicting terrlW Internal irijur- les.

HP was Hi tompanied by a brother, w'ho. ran three miles for Thewounded m.rri dint ofi bel'ng hrou^ft into the city. Although suffering ter­ribly, he .was conscious to the taal


Portland. Ore., Oct. 20.—Thu case of W. P. Webb, charged with the murder of W. A. Johnson, will probably go to thé jury to-day. *

Mrs. Carrie Kersch, who Is charged jointly with Webb, took the stand yes­terday and contintiéd her testimony. She clung to her original contention that she took no part in the killing of the man whom she admits she was en­gaged' to marry.

Mrat KlUStly Webb ar.d Miss Verna Webb, the wife and daughter of the man on trial, testified that Webb was of good moral character while Bie lived in Seattle and British Columbia. Mrs. Webb and her daughter live In Seattle.

Mrs. Kersch. declared on the wltn* stand that she did not see the' body of Johnson after he had been killed by Webb, at the Grand Central hotel, nor did she have any guilty knowledge of the fact that Webb had packed his body In a trunk.

WonSKt timrwytree will produce 20,«W oranges. A lemon tree will produce MW lemans.


REMEDY, has cured more than a few , chronk cases of rheumatism.

We are fairiy certain that Ü would be beneficial in yon because we kpow what’s

D. E. Campbell. Jobdt Htecocke. A W.

Co.. W. Ja * co„ r. j.


. -



The Daily TimesPublished dally (excepting Bundey) by


Offices ....'............................. UM Broad St restBusiness Office ............................... aEditorial Office .................................. plon *

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delly-Clty delivery Me. per month

enough to pay off the whole provincial debt. Here la a fund ready to hand for the purpose. In what better way could It be employed than In putting In force an immense land settlement scheme by which thousands of people would be brought Into the province as permanent settlers, and put In such a position that they might earn their own living and enrich the province as

By mall a whole XV, appeal to Mr McBride on | ^ ^ #f ^ ^

■ |ml| . ------ - ----- - -ally) ....... .................. . «1.00 per annuo.

PMtK» to Unite* Btstee.Sl extrader >*** Address changed »• Often as dc>lr#a~

CITY .SOLICITORS RESIGNATION Matters At the City H*U *»«*> quite

tlon of the trade and navigation re­turns of thé Dominion, copies of which are in the possession of harbormasters, will disclose the relative importance, from a commercial point of view, at all harbors of Canada.

■ — • £ ■It is rumored that the city members

of the legislature may yet fulfil their pledges to the electorate by resigning. We do not believe It. We have no faith

been henor- they would have resigned

vie; KUog out, Collins to Davie; Ptet- ater fanned. No runs.

Eighth Innings.Philadelphia—Collins filed to Schulte*

Baker out. Zimmerman to Archer; Da- vis doubled to .left; l|urphy out, Tinker to Archer. No runs.

Chicago—Sheckard walked; Schulte filed to Murphy; Hofman doubled; Archer fanned; Coombs pitched wild and Sheekard and Hofman scored; Zimmerman filed to Murphy. Two

Ninth Innings

Our Dress DepartmentWill offer for Friday selling Great Bargains in Costume and Suit Lengths. No two alike. Varying from six yards to eight yards. These are all this season’s goods. See Government

street windows.

dear to the legal mind, but it Is to bdoing this than by following ouradvice. He has a great deal of pride in anything whtcFi he has done for the benefit of the province Here Is scope for his energy and a chance to make a name for himself as the man who built up the province of British Colum­bia on a solid foundation, for which In -years to com4 people will call him

Philadelphia-Barry fouled to Kllng; ....----- i long ago. , teütVâs ~ofiT rio " Arrtter unassWedr

aspirations, to throw off. the dominance ^ see coombs singled to rentre; HtrunK out,of the Bowser outfit, to cut loose from ,t |B not oft»n w, ,njoy meeting a Zimmerman to Archer. No runs,the lend grafters. and to <»*• l", ‘ ‘ men who cerjjs to » HUIe of our fanned',compfehengtrg land settlement scheme. | rlgh But then “Tay P»y" does |t’^SVedham l,uH«-.l for Pfrlsterr

Mr McBride is fond of advertising iuch a delightful broguç and In such ^tole secondhimself. We know of no better method flOWjng periods.

Needham fouled to Baker.

feared there are certain things which to the lay mind require clearing upx

The facts as they appear to the un

sophisticated and unlearned layman are that the Wore wick Paving Com­pany have submitted a -number of ten­

ders for street paving. The company's tenders have»been .based <ai upon the specifications of the City Englmsèr and](b. u; r ; . ations'.prepared by the | Jt wftg a'glartlmcStatement that PrJ . ~ -

company itself. “Cii*?*1rMVil'1 j HodgVtts made to" the- Omeervattoa 1 WiHl JUL ChiClfO GTOUBuS wJT,understand tUe-clrvumatanccs, tliaxiMi- 1 Commission when he said thAt whUe f — ScQTC Of TwfilV® RUUI




rem has obtained Its civic contnn ts England and Wales with its teeming j upon bids based upon Its own specif!- millions has a typhoid death rate of ' rations. The question as to the legality i only 11.2 to the 100,006. Germany 74, of contracts so awarded was never and Scotland 6.2. Canada has the high raised until other companies entered rate of 35 5. Part of this high rate he the field and asked for equal treat- j attributed to impure water* * raett with the Wore wick Com ban >. There is too much freedom of actionOnly when a rival paving company ap- allowed the individual. Freedom is all pears and secures « contract upon right a.* tong as the freedom It not precisely similar conditions as had been ] interpreted as license. License to do accorded the Worswlck Company docs as one i.kes to the Injury of one sthe City Solicitor make what (to the lay mind) appears a belated discovery' that the whale thing is irregular and that ratepayers cannot be held liable

to Five

(Times Leased Wire.)ATHLETICS 12* CUBS 6.

"No runs TWeivtTi

Strunk e f Lord. If <'olhnst 3 k- ,Baker, s t* tiavts- Hr. y,Murphy, r I.

ThOttMMI, *V V-, -Vfittmb*. v

Toula ,,,f

Phiiadr■Iphls.A i« h h il S I» P O A. E.à i i « a o o

* ifT »

• Chicago. Oct 30.—Out-batted, out- fielded. out-pitched but not out-gamed, the Chicago Cubs lost tfietr third straight game to the Philadelphia. Athletics by a score of 13 to 5 this af­ternoon.

The avalaWhe of runs for Mack a Americans resulted from 14 hits by the Quakers, combined with five errors and"

0 T3 II Chicago

. / AN it H If surd A E 6,-hekent, I f . > « T # 2 # «Schulte, re , , « 2 # $ S •iiuhnniC", t •.riri—r-r—r-f—♦ i-hince. ÏTr r h » »"-» •Zimmrtmsit 3 1. « 9 O R. « * 6Slelnfeldl. 1 b < 0 « • » « 2Tinker. ••...........« 1 > 1 * « IKlim, ••................ « « « » > 2 DReulben*. p. . . o o 0 o e 1 o•Beaumont . . c 1 0 0 o o oMcIntyre. p (l 0 R-» » » «Archer. 1 I», .... J (1 « I) « « lPfelatar. p,

neighbor is not. true freedom.In tnrttdtnjr new tow»» »nd cltiea

sanitary arrangements are atmoet wholly neglected. The people live eo

. , J i erratic pitching by three Cub iwlrlera.for the coat of works executed under much out of doors that the danger is ! .... . _. „ .. .such a .y.tem. When the til.x .ouml] not so great as similar conditions W°^ to h“d” his* o "omlngP°AthtthsU “a

gafuaas to accept Thin legal opinirm thc.i_Le in the older settled countries, out «City s-tllcitoi intimates that he ctttfi ulitiona do not prevent theundertake to advise a client who rç: * spread of the dread typhoid or the

fuses to accept his advice and tenders j equally dreaded dyphtherla. his resignation. Mayor Morley. whose ’ Mcloria has been very neglectful in bond fide* in the matter is of course j this matter of conserving the public above suspicion, hastens to inform tne [ lies 1th. but she la improving. Old public tîiflt T+iurf has hfen a mtsunclrr- 1 butt dingy that were a live Race Ui~tJitr

••Needham .. v> 1

Totale SI 1 77 H

standing and that the t»crvkes df th City Solicitor are far too valuable to be lost. E. V. Bodwcli; K. 0., an emi­nent provincial, counsel, likewise speaking nr the interests or the city (although he is said to have acted professionally in some cases for the Wqrswtck Company), points out In a letter to the Colonist that the City Solicitor under tbe clrcuYnetanrea could not t!" otherwise tlian tender hi* resignation, but /that it would be an unfortunate thing ff»r the municipal corporation should his resignation be accepted.

Is It any wonder that the unfortunate layman, with hi* limited understand­ing, Is in a state of mental confusion?


There are always numbers of people-ask» would bo glad.xo

©mmunity are being pulled down and hack yards are being cleaned up. Much more will have to be done, however.^ before the city is a model of cleanliness. WTit-n The new scavenger eyetenv t*v4n-- augurated matters, will be Improved somewliat. There are. however, many hack promises wfilch are a disgrace to the community and should be torn ■out, and burned or properly cleansed. A purity campaign is a good thing, espe­cially so far as 'concerns the cleaning up o' the filthy parts of the city.

Dr. Hewitt emphasised this fact en he visited us a short time ago.

resident* know it. but have not the time or inclination to move In the mat­ter In saying this there is no Rostre to knock Victoria. The city is as clean or cleaner than the neighboring cities, hut that is not enough. If the figures quoted by Dr. llodgetu to the Coneer-

Wisn are eorreO, sodof land from the government on condi­tion that they place a certain number of settlers upon it in a given, time. There are great opportunities to make

money out of the settlers in *u< h a deal. Hundreds of people in British Columbia and in the United State»

have purchased large tracts of land from the provincial government, pay­

ing a certain price per âcre in order that they might sell it again at profit to prospective settlers. We have

no quarrel with people for doing this

and for getting the best land at a minimum price If they are, able to do go. Our quarrel is with the provincial government for selling off the best of the land, and then through their news­papers whining "that they can rot get people to pre-empt the laaid. The *ys-

« tem of pre-empting land has never yet been a success because >t has never been given a chance. It has never been pushed. There have always been too many hangers-on to taki the plums if

there wore any without pre-empting. A government with a crowd of camp- followers such as have developed around t,he present Bowser-McBride aggregation —has-dts hand»- th*d.~-*itd can never expect to succeed In giving the land direct to the settlers until rids Itself of the panudtss.

- Hon. Richard McBride \» an Iri.

there la no reason to doubt them, the whole of C anada needs cleaning up. and the sooner It is done the better. We Havt> to do, however, only with our own city, and it will be well for us to see that the best possible conditions obtain'

man and he has with him as guosj .» 1 distinguished Irishman who spent { a large part of his life fighting just ! such conditions as the present govern- ! ment is trying to Impose upon the f province of British Columbia. A* a result of this policy thousand* of acr#*s Of the best land In the province are now* held by speculators who proceed. to bleed anyone who Is looking for a place to settle. It might be well for the* pre­mier to bare his bosom to the visitor and ask hi* advice- as to how to pro- eeed in -future. There is a. touch of humor in the situation of a. man who has for years been weaving a yoke for the people of British Columbia enter>- - tafning a patHot of the type of Mr O'Connor.

It has been suggested that the people would not approve of spending mon-y to open cp new districts for the settler. Yet these districts will have to t*> Opened up sooner or later and roads will have to be built. It is announced that Uie proylndial government had a surplus for the year ending March 31*1

There is a movement afoot to Induce the British Government to confer the Srdi r . Jm uixm «he distin­guished Canadian. Lord Btrathcona. There 1» a vacancy to be filled and while Canadian» are not usually very much 'interested in ttttee and rewards of that kind, they would be pleased to see' so great an honor conferred upon a man who has done not only Canada but the Empire, such distinguished ser­vice. If the order above referred to is to be considered', as a reward for faithful service to the Empire there Is no reason why a Canadian should not receive that reward If a Canadian is to receive It. Lord Strathcona, the monogenarian who is still in harness In the service of his country, will be by g« nernl consent selected for the honor Now that there is a general movement toward the unification of the Empire no opportunity should be lost of show jng that no distinction Is made in favor .if any*particular part of the Bmptre tn Uj respect. Canadians would cer mini y take it as a courtesy to them to

iav-e their distinguished fellew céun try man so honored.

The launching of a steamship that will have accommodation for five thou sand, passengers Is a distinct advance in marine travel. The Great Eastern, which a few years ago was too big to be operated at a profit, would be a com­paratively small craft at t£e presentday. ' ' . ' - ^

• • •—In quoting Canadian authorities who are in favor of the policy of the Im­perial League. J. Norton- Griffiths give* them In the following order.' William Mavktrule. TXT. McBride, Sir \v. Laurier and Sir Frank. Olivier. Comment Is unnecessary.

A correspondent asks us to specify the eight largest harbors in Canada and the six largest harbors in British Columbia. That is a rather large order. .11 the person in search of Information means the largest harbors in a physi­cal sense. It Is an order Impossible to fill, Inasmuch as there are indentation* Hi our coast line that might properly be classified as harbors, but which

igat Of two millions and th-ee-quarters. WV* hot been surveyed. An examina^

He lasted two Innings McIntyre- who relieved him, lasted a third of an Inning, and PfHster. who went in wltis a forlorn hope facing him, was slammed liberally, while his teas» mates made errors behind him.

The line-up w-ns a* follows: —__riJladaipiiuir^Strunk. L; Lord, L£.> Collins, 15 ; Baker, i b.> Davis,, .1 bi; Murphy, r. f.; Barry, s.-s.'; Thomaa,

Coombs, p.Chicago—Sheekard, I. f.: Schulte, r.

Hofman, c. f.; Archer and Chance.!>.; Zimmerman. 2 b.; Stelnfeldt. 3 t»-*

liinkor, s. s ; Kllng. c.; Reulbach, p.; McIntyre, p.; Pfelster. p.

First Innings.Philadelphia—Strunk walked; Lord

sacrificed. Reulbavh tu Chance; Çolllns t-cl to Shet kard: Baker singled to

entre, scoring Strunk; Baker was caught stealing. Kllng to Tinker. One run.

Chicago—Sheekard walked; Schulte doubled to left; Hofman filed to Strunk. Sheekard scoring; Chance fanned; Zimmerman filed to' Strunk One run.

Second Innings. ,Philadelphia—Davis walked; Mur­

phy sacrificed, Stelnfeldt to Chance; Barry doubled to left, scoring Davie; Thomaa filed to Schulte; Coombs doubled to right, scoring Barry; Strunk out, Zimmerman to_Chance. Two runs.

Chicago—Steinfeidt filed to Barry f Tinker doubled to rl$ht; Kllng out. Baker to Davis; Beaumont batting for Reulbach. walked; Sheekard w;alked;

doubled to left, scoring Tinker and Beaumont; Hdfman fanned. Two runs.

Third Innings.Philadelphia — McIntyre succeeded

Reulbach Lord filed to Sheekard; Col­lin’s single was too hot- for Tinker to field; Baker singled to right. S'-huitcbooting the ball and Collin* acuruig. Baker reaching third. McIntyre hit Davis It Is raining again. Murphy hit a homer to right field bleachers. Davis and Baker scoring ahead of him.A wrangle rAulted. the umpire decld lng to allow a home run as the ball sailed clear over the crowd. Chance kicked so hard that he was benched. Archer relieving him. and Pfeister succeeded McIntyre. Barry doubled to centre; Archer dropped Tinker's at­tempt to throw out Thomas and the latter was safe. Barry scoring. Coombs hit into double play. Zimmerman to Tinker to Archer. Five rune.

Chl« ago-R-.\rcher out. Baker to Davis; Zimmerman filed to Lord; Stelnfeldt fanned No runs.

— Fourth Innings.Philadelphia—The hall was slippery

and difficult to handle. Strunk filed to Hofman. Lord singled to centre. Col­lins forced Lord, Pfeister to Zimmer­man. Collins out stealing, Kllng to Tinker. No runs.

^teàgô^^nkër-sinine3r 1<T Yfiplt: Kllng hit into a doubue. Baker to Berry to Davis. Pfeister out to Baker to Da via. No runs.

Fifth Innlgs.Philadelphia—Baker out, Zimmerman

to Archer. Davis singled over Tinker Murphy filed to Hofman. Barry forced Davis. Tinker to Zimmerman. No runs.

Chicago—Sheekard bunted safely. Schulte fanned. Hofman filed to Mur­phy. Sheekard thinking It a double, continued running and was out Murphy to Davis. No runs.

Sixth Innlhgs.Philadelphia—Thomas out. Tinker in

Archer. Coombs popped to Zimmer­man. Strunk fanned. No runs.

Chicago—Archer wg* retired at first, Thomas to Coombs. Zimmerman fan­ned. Stelnfeldt fouled to Baker. Noruns. ' ......; ■ - :

Seventh Innings:Philadelphia—Zimmerman made >a

sensational catch of Lord’s liner; Col­lins out. Stelnfeldt to Archer; Steln­feldt muffed Baker’s grounder and the latter was safe at first; Da*ls singled to right; Tinker booted Murphy's grounder agid the bases were filled; Stelnfeldt muffed Barry's grounder and Barry wr&s safe, Baker and Davis scor­ing; Thomas walked; Cuopibs singled to centre, scoring Murphy and Barry; Strunk singled to centre but Thomas was held at third; Lord out, Zimmer­man to Archer. Four runs.

Chicago—Tinker out, Bakar to Da*

•Beaumont bsttejl for Reulbach in

••Needham batted for Pfeister In ninth.■9 Score byMnnlngs.

Phttadetphts-Rune .............................13B000400Base Hits ................... 1 2 4 1 1 0 0 1 1Runi".... ... 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0

Base hits ................... 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1Summary.

Home run, Murphy; two-base hits. Coombe, Ttnk.r, Davie, Hofman. Schulte (2*. Barry 12); sacrifice hits. Lord. Mur­phy; sacrifice fly. Hofman; bases on balls, off Reulbach 2. Off Coombs 4. off Pfeister 1: struck out, by Coombs 8. by McIntyre 1; double plays. Baker to Barry- to Davl*, Zimmerman to Tinker to Archer, Murphy t|o Davie, witt COomha;earned runs. Pfilîadélph'fs" 5. Chicago T; left on base*. Philadelphia 5, Chicago 3; hits, off Reulbach 3. runs 3, off McIntyre 3, runs 3; innings pitched, by Reulbach 2. by McIntyre 1-3: hit by pltched^ball, by Me Intyre, Davis : umpire*.(/Day. Htgter anit «'onnolty; game. 2 hours 1.0 minutes.

Fhetidan. time - ef 1

♦ ♦ i» LOCAL NEWS ♦! » ♦

—City architects are holding a con­ference with civic officials this after- j noon regarding public conveniences.

—The Laborers’ Union, at thelyneet- ]ng on Friday evening, will consider 1 the matter of Increasing the entrance fee and monthly due* with a view of placing the union on a better working bawl* A full attendance is requested. All laborer* wishing to join before the entrance fee I* raised are asked to | hand in their marne* at once.

-jThe property on the west aide of j the Garesohe block. Yates street, with a frontage of thirty feet, ha* changed I hand* for 330,000. the deal being put | through b) I’ K Brown. It 1» under­stood that the purchasers will erect] an office building of four or five stories, with stores on the ground floor. There | is quite an active inquiry for Yates | street realty Just now.

—Last evening a meeting of c pan y No. 24, Imperial Veterans’ Assoc I- I ation of Canada, w-as held at the Car-1 negle library, when the following off!- | cere were elected: W. M. Wilson, president; H. A. Treen, secretary; D. McIntosh, captain; J. Dietworth. first] lieutenant; H. A. Treen, second lieu-

7 YARDS 46-INCH ALL-WOOL FANCY DIAGONAL, in green, brown, navy, grey, wisteria, rose, moss and black- Per

— length ............ ..... ....................... .......15*256 YARDS 54-INCH ALL-WOOL FRENCH

INVISIBLE STRIPE SERGE AND OT­TOMAN PANAMA, in brown, navy, black, green, rose, wiw’-ria, electric, myrtle, per

Jengih ..............................................S6-008 YARDS 42-INCH ALL-WOOL PANAMA,

in garnet, myrtle, moss, grey, taupe, navy, cardinal and black. Per length. *2.80

8 YARDS 44-INCH NAVY BLUE SERGE.guaranteed fast color. Per length. S'*.00

8 YARDS 44-INCH FANCY TWEED, hea- thcr mixture. All exclusive d'esigns. Per length.............................................. flO.OO

7 YARDS 44-INCH HERRINGBONE DIAG­ONAL CHEVIOT, in navy, myrtle, brown, garnet, taupe, cardinal, reseda, Persian

. bine nhd bhmk. Per length".'!.. • S3.50 7 YMDS 44 INCH HEAVY DIAGONAL

CHEVIOT, in garnet, navy, myrtle, brown, prune, cardinal, grey. Per length. *3.50

7 YARDS 44-INCH INVISIBLE VENE­TIAN. in tan, prune; navy, peaeork blue, electric, brown, garnet and black. Per length ...............................................*5.25

7 YARDS 44-INCH BLACK DRESS GOODS, consisting of Sirgeji. Venetians. Panamas, Poplins and Voiles. Per length. .*5,95

8 YARDS 44-INCH SATIN CLOTH, in navy, brown, electric, cardinal, myrtle, rose, taupe and wisteria. Ter length. SO.

Six Special Lines fromThe SUple Dept, for Friday6 ONLY. EIDERDOWN. COMFORTERS, one side floral and plain satin cover, the pthermer-

«^rixed figured sateen. Regular *15. Friday's pnto V,"'YY :''"u $'>‘.,"13 DOZEN HONEYCOMB BED SPREADS, with fringe full double bed size. Regular^»-.-»IS^PaYrS ONLY, ALL-WOOL’SAXONY BLANKETS* ' Si*V '7*2x64."'Extra heavy. Regular

16 PIECES FICU’REI) COTTON CREPE for dressing jackets and kimonas. last color. Regielar 25c. Friday, per yard................................................ ............................, ;

1,000 YARDS WRAPPERETTE, in assorted patterns, dark and light ground, licgular^e

5 DOZEN PILLOW SHAMS AND SQUARES, in Swiss muslin. Reguiar 75c. Friday-..50<f REMNANTS of Plannels, Flannelette*, Cottons, Linens, Prints, etc., at Great Reductions on


. 15C

Women’s and Misses’ Sweater Coats, $1.90

KNITTED SWEATER COATS, of good quality worsted yarn, made with high col­lar and band. Price ......................*1.90

WOMEN’S SWEATER COATS, made of knitted worsted in fancy stitch: The V- ncck and front ha* a wide, plain border Single-breasted style, with belt and patch pockets ...................... ... .....................yi.W

$3.90 Brussels Net Waists for $2.50

BRUSSELS NET WAISTS, made over slip of good quality Japanese silk. Front has a heavy insertion forming a panel, and is daintily tucked on either side. Full length sleeves finished with d(4>p tucked cuffs edged with lace. Fastens invisibly at the back. Ecru and white. Regular $8.90. Special ................ ..............................*2.50

Specials from the Veiling DepartmentTHE ALL-WEATHER MOTOR SCARF, guaranteed waterproof. Something new. This veil

has just come to hand, and will prove a very useful addition to a ladies outdoor apparel, making a perfect protection from the damp weather: 2Vc yards long, and comes m colors of grev tan browns, skv, greens, lavender, nary, cream and black, tnday........85f

Men’s 0vr~iats at Half PriceMEN’S WELL TAILORED CRAVENETTE

AND FANt Y TWEED OVERCOATS, with fine twill Italian and mohair sleeve lining*. Neatly trimmed. Thoroughly waterproof. Fawns, greys, brown and green mixtures. Values range from $15.00t*418....For.quick.jidlinX. Priday *9.75.

$3.75 Boys’ Norfolk Suits, $2.50BOYS' TWO-PIECE NORFOLK SPITS, in

tweeds of greys, browns and green mix­tures. ' Also BOYS’ T\\ O-PIECE DOU­BLE-BREASTED .SLITS, in dark tweed mixtures, with plain knieker or kuieker- hoeker hanta. Values from $3.50 to $3.75. Friday .................... ...........................*2.50

Men’s Patent LeatherBoots, Friday and Saturday, $3.95If you are wanting a high class Dress Shoe here is your opportunity to secure a pair at a

moderate price. Large purchases for ready money alone enables us to sell these shoes at such a pru r The stock is of guaranteed patent eolt, with dull calf tops oak tanned soles and Goodyear welts. Come in four different shapes. All new andup-to-date m style. Not a pair of these shoes is worth at regular priee less than $.).«). Friday and Saturday *3.95

gee These in Our Broad Street Windows.

—There was a well-attended meeting of the Henry George Association laet night in Sir William Wallace hall. Ani­mated discussions took place upon the great advantages resulting from the I exemption of Improvements from taxa- I tlon wherever It had been adopted. Ai-1 luelon was made to the remarkable growth of Edmonton and Vanouver | under that principle; a tan the good ré­sulta evident in the municipality of Oak | Bay since the adoption of exemption,

—A meeting of the Fleet Coiigrega-I tlonal church troop of the Boy Scout brigade will be held In the schoolroom of the church on Friday evening, com- menlcng at 7 o'clock. Mr. Wheeler, the | Écdutmaaïer, extend* to all former r members of the brigade an Invitation to attend. There are a number of Old Country ecouta In this city, and he 1 wlehea to get them Interested In the | movement» one more.

—In Sir William Wallace hall this | evening the Welsh Society will hold social. A line programme has been ar­ranged. after which refreshments will j be served. Mrs. Jenkins will preside. Mis* Bablngton will render several se­lections on the harp , Others taking part are Mr and Mri. Dllworth, Misa Thomas, Mr. Uaakell, Mr. Searle, Mrs, | McLaren. Mr. Findley. Mr. Roberts, A. Fetch and -J. M. Thomas. All Welsh I people are Invited, together with their j friends,

The New» makes no profeaelon of 1 sympathy with the NatleneMet agite-1 tlon In Quebec It Is something to he- | gin a ngvy even though the programme j rpay be feeble and Inadequate. The 1 chief fault to be found with the government I* that It refused to make an emergency contribution to naval defence. In thill way It could have expressed the deep [«ding of Canada end have done a great and timely ser­vice to the Empire. Something, how- , ever, has been done and puMlle opin­ion may be relied upon to force the government forward and ultimately induce minister» to permit.the country I to assume Its fnll share of Imperial re- I geeuaiUUity,—Toronto News. • • . • . I


SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, in dark and light rose shades, medium sizes only. Regular valueMEN’S HEAVY SANITARY ^WOOL FLEECED* 'sillRTS* AND DRAWERS,*in blue string.

MEN’S HEAVY'WOOL MIXTURE 'aMBTS AND DRAWERS.* in strî^. pù'm. naturaUnd

MEN^HEAVy'’RIBBED'COTTON SHIRTS' AND DRAWERS ^^ in'naiuraland Uu ahade^ This is a splendid line between seasons. Special...................... ............ ............................

More Low Prices from House Furnishing SectionAxminster Rugs at $18.75


' wreath, scroll and conventional patterns, chintzed in green and wood shades. Me­dium light eoW effects, in fawn and the deep rich shadea of green that are ao much in demand. Thia rug ia of a strong wear- ing quality, with thick velvety P‘lc sur­face. Size 3x3*4 yards............... *18.75

Brass Bedsteads at $13.75ALL-BRASS BEDSTEADS, royal satin and

bright finish. Handsomely designed with 2in. posts and extending footfall. An tuv usual opportùnity to purchase a bed at a low price; % and full size. . pe-cial price *13.75

See Government Street Windows.

Novelties in Window CurtainsART WINDOW CURTAINS, in high grade,

selected wool fabrics, rich colorings of crimson and greens, finished at the sides ami foot with fringe; bordera and centre aitistUally decorated with woven designs. This curtain is made to suit every room and harmonize with all decorations. See Broad street windows. Price $12.50. $6.50, $5.75 and.......... ............ • 64-75

Brass Bedsteads at $23.75ALL-BRASS BEDSTEAD, in royal satin fin­

ish, handsomely designed. Has heavy con- t intion* post and seven liras* pillera at head and foot. These beds are perfectly sanitary and easily: made. Special price ........... *23.75

David Spencer, Limited



LozengesNot only palatable, but an un­rivalled remedy for purifying lUe blood and building up health, They not only


But are a positive cure for chronic th'eumatiam. Sold at thla ■tore only.


ysS Government IfiteeeL' ' Tels

wwwwWw WWWtt WWW»"".

» «> LOCAL NEWS ♦ i❖ *>♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

—T>o not rr rc'-t tnnt you ran get an I I exj.iesa or truck at any hour you may j

wish Always keen your checks ùntil J you have seen u». as we will save you ; the >0« nn *$v>h trunk v°u havs to D*V j to baggie agents on trains and boa ta : VV® win check your baggage from your hotel or residence, also store It. See u* : before you make- your arrangements. 1 Vv^» guarwntfe—to satisfy everyone on i price and the wgy we handle your goods. We consider It a favor if you will report any ovcigamrgea or Incivil-1 Ity on part of our ftift*

Pacific TranaTTr Company.•Phone 249. 60 Fort SL i

—Ton can deposit your money at 4 per cent. Interest with The B C. Per­manent Loan Company and be able to wh hdraw the total amount or any por­tion thereof without notice. Cheques are supplied to each depositor. Paid up capital over $1.090.000, assets over 12.- SQ0.00O. Branch office, 1210 Government street. Victoria. B C. •

“ Whuskev an’ Parridge arc Ihe mikin’ o* a man Britvc an * \\ allaw won a their battles o’ them. Burns built his povtry o’ them. They are the secret of Seotlaml s greatness/’

—Fine tr|p “around the flound" by steameni ory. c: ft g. On: Ch sap rat—, j including berth and meals. Phone 4,, • .

—TO iXnvrr YOU to have your Xmas photos taken early the Skene i Low:« studio will, during October, make r-6-Hlftr fT.W portrafta for 85.W i-i *5» | These pictures. In style, finish and gen­eral get-up «re the last word liy high | «rad** portraiture. — 4M*• early 1» the \ month. .....4J

—Trusses The common sort are usually Instruments of torture and prevent a mire. If you value safety and < are for _£omfort consult Mr T Mac N. Jones. Phone 1479. 1248 Fort St. ' •

Tin- above is II quotation from a good novelist of the age. While you peruse it we would sc mind you that Hon­nie Rfotlusl’s favorite is . Johnnie Walker’a Kilmar­nock. That is why you find it at every club, hotel and bar in B. C. Your dealer can sup- ply you for Home use. Ask for “Kilmarnock Special Scotch.” the famous 12-year- old in the aq^tre, bottle.

PITHER & LEISERSole Agents for R. C.

Victoria, Vancouver, Nelson.

—lessons In Voice Production and Singing, given by Paul Edmonds. of London and Paris, baritone with Tet- rntztnl nn her 'Hat British tour Studio at tVsttVs Ptann stores. *

—Wm. Stewart, men's and ladles' tailor, o er Terry's Drug Store, Doug- laaSu *

.An Ere Insurance Policy *t Your I»ru«- M ». tfnrinw Err Remedy Insures Tye Heellli -EyeComfort-Rye Beauty, Try Murine

— Real down comforters, warmth without weight, genuine English down comforters. In full double bed slx^s. at 125. |7.«5 $ Roiilngon'sCash -*tore. 642 Vat* *

Just ArrivedNEW PIANO


Hallailc in K flat.Vais.- Brilliant?Chant Du Soir l’olkc Schcraando

MAURICE TELMA 8L'AngchlaChant du .MatinSilver Wedding HellsSouvenir De Kussie

These fine seleetiona are moderately difficult, also specially good for teaching fmrpooM

Some of the Stoat used il! the conservatories of music

.for t-hoir examinât ions.W. shall l.c pleased to

show them to you.

FLETCHER BROS.1231 Government St.

Phone 885,


Time, like ti»l«\ Waits f()T mo man If in therefore im­portant that a business man should carry a reliable wat'h.

See our ’splendid window display.

WATCHESFrom $1.00 to $250


W. H. W1LKERS0NThe Jeweler,

616 GOVHRXMFXT STREET.1 -Phonsttoe.



Something About the—Brilliant : Career of the Great Par­




fw............ ........ .................................81.00ACTON S SPEC IAL HI.EM) TEA, 35c or :! lbs.

for ....................................... ............... fl.OOH. (*. <'REAM, 20 (,z. size, per till.........-..IOCEM PRESS CREAM, 20 oz. size, per tin.. 10(*

x ___ Wideawake.

ACTON BROS.«50 YATES ST. WHfi Awake Grocery?--------TEET IMI. T


I T. I*. O'Connor. M. P., tic* famous ! parliamentarian and Journalist, who ;• «hi* afternoon delivered a brilliant ad | drees on the subject, of Homo Rule fur j Ireland befor*1 a very large audience i und«*r the auspices of the local Cana- ! Ul«n Club ht the Drbmt hotel, - ex-

! i tresses himself as delighted with thu f cordiality of hla reception In Victoria. ! Prom the mommt of W* mthiri in

- i e-rdwy ai tormkmwhan-lm j w an' TftveU d By Premier MvBrMu. ! whose guest he t* during hi** brief «tay j lu th** upltai city. Mr. O’Connor hua i bet ri busy exchanging greetings with T the hundreds of hi* âfdmiriT*» who are

~ —The government organ thin mom* ing says that the provincial govern­ment has a surplus of 82.750.Odd on th* financial operations of the year ending March 31 last *

Owing t<> the recent 11 These <>r l » i ü - trf-t i*eputy Mrs Ph-stub: Queen -Alex­andra Hive. No. 11. Indies of the Mac-* cahves. swili hold its regular business an.I social meeting. In the A. <>. t\ W. hail, room 3. on Oct. 24. -

- The young ladies, of the Phllathea class of the first Ita^iiat church will

------o—— j give a concert ôh Tuesday evening. No-—Ladles’ heavy knitted underwear, i vemher 1. in the new church hall, cor-

in natural or white, vesta with high | ner of Yates and Quadra streets. A neck, long sleeves end button fronts, i fine mush al and literary programme drawers open or closed. Worth 35c ' will be rendered and tickets will la- »ieat h. Special rains, per garment. 25c. * Robinson's Cash Store. 143 Yates 81. • j

moderate prices. The proceeds will go towards the furnishing of the hall.

• —S. P. C. A. cases of cruelty, phone Inspector .1 ussell. No. 1921. *

—A building permit has been Issue.1 to Moore * Whittington for a house on Third street to cost 82500.

J. Kingham&Co.Victoria Agents for the

--------Celebrated -------------- .--------

New Wellington CoalAnd

Banff Anthracite CoalAgents ^or the New York

VSaerwrttcrr FI r# msurawee.

pher.e 647. Cfice 1203 Broad St.

—The bazaar and entertainment held yesterday afternoon and evening at the Aged Woman's Home was a most suc­cessful venture socially and finam iallw. The attendance throughout was large, the donations most generous, and the

----- -------- | event an enjoyable one In every way.-A rommk or W of the I Four «”"» of .>'<*»' >n<1 » con»l(l»rahk.

Voters' League resident In ward.,two. 'tti».«tlty nr wood were -privately, do- will he held (it John Melon's. Broad 1 "»**». b~lde, groceries and other ar- strvet, on Pridav evening at 8 o'clock. The-entire rash receipts were

r, j about 1450. but a detailed statemvatwill be given later.—Provincial Constables Dockstead«-r \

and O'Hara arrest***! ‘John Najfet a»d John Smith nn the arrival of the Tees. I on the charge of stealing two over­coats whlyh they w« re wearing at the time. The men will lie taken hack to Alberni to-morrow nlglit for trial.

Y. M. C. A.Temporary Quarters

1209 Blanchard Street.WFATTINQ AND PAME ROOM8.



Summer Membership 50c per mo. Phone* 9$9. Next new Building.

— The waterfront lot owned by the city at the foot of Queen's avenue- situate between the property of the Taylor Mill Company and Lemon. Gon­na son A Company's t*reml*es Is to be improved' by"" ifte côîiStruettôh of 6 breakwater Iq, line with adjoining property fronting on Rock Bay. The space between this wall and Govern­ment street wilt be fitted in. thus furm islUng accommodation for the unload­ing of avows nt tiiHt |***»nt

—The- Yotmg Women* C4ob -<*f ropolltan church have been fortunate In securing the sendees of Mrs. Fran-

j els King Headlee of Seattle, for her famous lecture on “Hawaii, the Queen of the Sea." Mrs. Hendlee is th«» rep­resentative of the Hawaii Promotion Committee and has a very large num­ber of beautiful lantern slides with which to Illustrate her lecture. Every­where she has delivered the lecture Mrs. Headlee has received the highest praise. Jit is both « ntertarinlng and ln- struçjUv^ The Je< ture will bo given on Wednesday. Qet. 26. in the school room of Metropolitan ehurch.

Umbrella CoveringNcw èôvers Just Arrived.


WAITES & KNAPWN$ 610 Pandora. Near Gov't. Tel. 2439.



Whole Wheat Bread Walnut Bread

Is AU That Can B* De.IrM |n ________ the Bread Line.

We Have a Fine Assortment of

Fancies lor Afternoon Teas



Grand Trunk Pacific Steamships

Lv. at midnight. Sundays and23— * - Tirarsfiayr, w ... —

VANCOUVER[idnight. Saturdays end

Wednesdays, for'


—Victorians who had the opportunity "f liearmg Staff CapTlTtn'"Sfr.* M. AI» • when here in the spring, w 111 be pleas­ed to know that sh«* will lie welcometl in the Salvation Army citadel on Broad aLri2cA.._at—p. ro. >L*bMHky7--4HHl will

on “Your Viney.-tnl On Sun­day. at the Hnlfneju* meeting held at 11 a m . her subject will be “The Sol­di. r« Srcret.^At 3pm she will give a short talk on “Heavenly Dynamite." The evening meeting wtit be held tn the Grand theatre at 7 30. “Two |m- l*ort#tnt. Appointments'' will t»e the suh- je* t taken by Mrs. MeAbee. Staff Cap-

in Hayes ami Captain Knmison wttl assist at thexe meetings.

Fire Chief Ildvis will forward common 1 * -ation to to-mnrrow evening's meeting of flu , streets (ommittee of the city council calling attention to overhanging sign», on the leading huai ness thoroughfares. He will recom­mend that steps bç taken to have such signs removed, as in case of fire they w )ukl seriously lnterf«*re with the oj>- efallons of the brigade. The fire <-hl*/ la1 also once more calling the attention of owners of do*rn-town b!o<-ks to the hccessity of confirming with tin* pro­visions of the bylaw; calling for fire escapes.

A successful entertainment w^s gi\en by Alexander l»dgc. 8. <>. E.. in K. of P. hall last night. A­ence was present, mdde up of Sons and Daughters rtf England and their friends. Bro. Cr licit ley presided. On the platform #4th him were President Pomeroy, of Pride of the Island, lodge, and Mrs. Somerville, of the Daughters of England lodge. Ixith of whom ad-

^dressed iim gafiteriug Past Prwldvnt George Jay gave an acemint of his trip to the grand lodge. Songs were ren­dered b.v Bros. Lougheed^ Harrison, Datcêll. Bflndle. "White and Weight. Recitations were given by Mrs. White and Bro.4 Roberts, the latter being es­pecially appreciated. The success of the ^entertainment was largely due to thc*efforta of Bros. Bailey, Carter. HilMer and D Brown.

—À building |M*imit lias lie^n issued to Miss L. M. Sylvester for a dwelling on Queen's avenue to cost $2.1(k).

*—The contract fw- supply mg ' thirty pairs of trousers f««r the police force has »>een awarded to K. C. Huiü. ~at the rate of $7.5ft |H*r pair.

The New England hotel yesterday celebrated the eighteenth anniversary of the opening «*r the present building *H*cupled by that long-established and pioneer hostelry.

—The British’ Campaignerv Associa­tion. will meet this evening In the A. O. F hall. Broad street, when the (luestion of the annual dinner will- be discussed among other items of busl- nes*r

Investigations into shortages in milk shipments -fr»*m ftaahleb dlstrh t It ii to i\>, Tm . -• ,t Hindu employetl along the V. & H. line. Tlie man was dismissed With a caution, while the magistrate-commented on the Slackness which made su« h tiieft«g|>oselble.

-Special harvest thanksgiving ser­vices are being held in St. James church to-day. This morning there was a celebration of holy, communion and choral evensong w'ill he sung at *. I» tn. The Dean of Columbia is the preacher of the day.

Victoria lodgt- No. St. C.«o*l Temp­lars. meets In the avhtsdroom. corn* r Humboldt and Blanc ii.trd streets, to- morroU- evening at t, and every Fri­day. Meml*ers of the ordwT ar** cor dlallv invited and all temperance work era will be welcomed to unite with the lodge.

-The Pacific Coast Construction Company Is now assembling plant auU engaging men preparatory to an al­most immediate start on the work of building the big s**a wall along the f«*rêêltore- wT ThUloi» F*-*d Tlie- w»»rkT which must be compl«*ted by June next, will cost in the neighi«»rhood e*

Tile prtiYtnclal eseeuilvg ypalejilay ufterfioon confirmeld the appointm«-nt of the civil service commission, con­sisting of Dr. Alex. Robinson, superin­tendent çf education; J. p McLeod, deputy attorney-general, ami W. J. GoeiH‘l. insf*ector of legal offices. The commissioner» wre- meeting thrs after­noon to organiz»*. P. de N. Walker Is

domiciled in this «listant corner of the fchtiplr*!_-. —r—---------------- h-— --------

Mr. O'Connor Is visiting Victoria for the first time, and that he Is greatly impr«’s«.-d with It* many attractions goes without saying.

Sjleaking of hhs Impressions of we*t- < rn Canada generally, he. suit! “Put Into m> mouth an;, language of admlr-, atlfin your |a*n may suggest ; nothing $ou ;"Hii say will . xaggerate my feel­ings *lhe, west ha* been (■aUfhg me. If I may so put It. f«>r many years. Indeed,. 1 tlilnk 1 was one of the first people in England to r**nllz«* something ul .what .it meant, but my own exact­ing work as. a journalist and politics have made it Imiswtlble for me to come usiner. I <ame with great ex|>eetatl<m but ali I esjrt* t***| was fur beneath the gigantic and aat«iim<Hng reality.


Tented \\ !h l)cx> results,Tor more than twenty years,I'M TORIES IN

bnnhni, Paris, ffamiuii'«,. Montreal a(«lXew York. Branche* throughout the world.

Sold wholesale by

WALTER S. FRASER & CO. LIMITEDTelephone 3. 1129 Wharf Street, Victoria, B. C.



Report Furnished by the Victoria Meteorological Department.

have. I believe, here, in the west, tlie errantry With the greatest futur* in the world. Your Infancy, i* very robust, but It Is but an infancy compared with what the future has in store for It."

Hon. A. K. NtcVhllllp*. K. C., presi­dent of the executive council, accom­panied the distinguished visitor from Vancouver. In the party *b.» were .P.

t»'qtrr**H. writ ko'/wti -in Ameri. HH | J* urnallatic clrvh h. and l I > Kearns, of Vancouver, who was chairman of 1 the entertainment committee at that ; city. At the |an«ling stage, to grtet the ; visitors were Frank I. «Marke. secre- Lacy uf tlit! t'anadlaa Cluh. Frank J. . Sehl. of the Bureau of Information. '

Vletorla. Oct, 29.-5 a. m.—The main t>ody of the high area is now in the Mississippi valley; a moderate high pressure is on the. Washington ' <iast and a low area irt Alberta. Rain, has fallen rtrt the British Col umbra n coast and at Edmonton. The weatlu-r is mild cm the Pacific ajope and

YuU ! In Alliertai, .but temp*-rattires are lower in

p. m., Wednesday:Temperature. i

Highest ................................................... .......... (jfcnwwr .. .7. .777... ; ’ ;; - •" "• 4-Average ........................................................... ' * y

Bright sunshine, a hours 18 minutes’ General state of weather, fair.

Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

read the times

Overland and Russell Automobiles 1911 models—■———rr=------ — ^'-WtSSfM—iSBBBWe have demonstrating cars of both these fine makes, ami will

Ue pleased to show them and quote prices to intending purchasers.

These Are the Latest in Automobile Advancement.


THOMAS PLIMLEY•Garage T27 Johnson St. — 1110 Government St.

—At the recent preliminary examln at Ions for provincial I ind surveyors, til** following passed S 1). Af*nohl. C M. Barker. Douglas N. .Campbell, A T B. Charles worth. J. Vlcerl. E. A. Karl. W. H. Eassle. A. Henderson. E.« ' W. Lamar*|ti«*. J. Y. I .aorta, P. M. McDonald. C. F, Mint borne. G. W. Neate. H. R. Patti neon, W, A. B. Paul. P E. Bweatman. S Thurburn. W. m To ii is, O. • i. Winstead and C, W. VVootton.

—There was a gratifying attendance at the meeting of Baxter Hive, L. O. T M.. In Semple's hall on Tuesday even­ing. all members being present to answer the roll call except those who werfr unavoidably detained on account of. illness or absence from the city. Mrs. Preston, lady deputy for Van­couver Island, was present, and gave helpful suggestions for carrying on Uot'cW-otk, and- lncj t^s.uig, tJis.-«n*na ber- shlp of the order! Tîier** were several visiting members from Victoria HhC, No. 1, prFSêîit. arid the captain kindly assisted! in half an hour's practice in drill work which was enjoyed by all. Drill work will be made a spe<*lal fea­ture of tHe e«‘ason. and half an hour will be devoted to It each evening. It Is expected that all members will be present at the drill exercises so that these may become t*oth pleasant and profitable, plans were formed for hold­ing a skating party early In Novem­ber. as soon as the hall committee can make arrangements. A feature of the meeting was the presentation tijr Mr». Hardie. Beut commander, to Mrs. Willlscroft of a beautiful cut glass bftwl on behalf of Baxter Hive Jn ap­preciation of her services as com­mander. which position she held from thc establlshment of the order In 1903 until compelled to resign on account of absence froqrt the city last summer. Mrs. Willlscroft made a suitable ac­knowledgement. thanking the ladles most heartily and expressing 'her .ap­preciation of the kindly spirit which prompted the gift. Dainty refreshments were served at the vbiwe «f the meet­ing. the tables being beautifully decor - ate** with 9weet ^pNts and roses. #

Jain*-* Forman. I'apt. Hunter ami Miss Evans, the latter representing the Woman's Canadian Club. The Fifth Regiment band played Irish melodies as Mr. O'Connor and party were de­barking *

Informal greetings over. Mr. O.'Con- por was taken in hand by Premier Mc­Bride and. shown over the legislative buildings, which he much admire» Later a tour of the. city was mad** by automobile. Dinner was partaken of at the Union Club. Mr. O'Connor being the guest of the premier and his eol-jl leagues of the provincial government. ;

At the residence of Mr MvBride later In th<* evening Mr. O'Connor ha*t the pleasurable arAl somewhat unlfiuiS experience of seeing for the first time the initial number of the latest journal­istic creation which h«* is responsiblernr Tfim' wtTtÜi " a copy W'^Shr. t of^Vof 1 of “T. P.’s Magazine." a montlily pub­lication which lias just been issued In I*ondnn. The magazine is well illus­trated and printed and the contents show an interesting army of articles, short stories, etc. other publications which Mr. «O'Connor founded many years ago andNyhidi are flourishing to­day am M A V* (Mainly About P**o- ple>(. T. P ’» Weekly and the Weekly Sun. -

Among ITÏé books Whtih bear htr name may i*e mention***! “Tfie Parnell Movement." "G!a«ist«b*S's House of Commons." and* "Jiapoleon." while in “Some Old Love Stories" and "In the Dajs of >|y Youth" lie has presented some delightful reading. He is the author of countless essays and articles on many subjects.

Thomas Power O'Connor. Nationalist M P. for the Scotland Division of Liverpool sinei 1M*:., was i*«-rn at Ath Ion* . Ireland, and ccl**brat**d his sixtyse«>*md birtlnlav-xili- Oltuber 1__He was••ducated at tile college of ihe immacu­late Conception, Athlone. pr<u*«*edlng thenceu to Qu*«n's College, Galway where he graduated In the degrees ol" R. A. anil M. A. Adopting journalism ar a profession, he joined the staff ol “8aunder*» Newsletter," a Dublin Conservative journal., a* a junior re-, porter, and alter three years In the Irish capital <’roast'd to London In search of a situation, and was fortun­ate enough to obtain a position on the

Daily Telegraph."^ -After frwidingwhlg po»iti<m for— years, a reconatruction of the staff left

Hi,' >t.»rnn seas "t Igfflfe den Journalistic., life as helpless and * friendless ns when he first reached the j city.

Eventually In 1876 lie obtained steady employment in the London office of the New* York Herald. Soon sfter- wards he published a complete life of j tlie then premier, entitled “I»rd Bea- j corisfleld. a Blogfuphv," a work which ( received general praise for Us literary merits and research, but as it took a j very unfavorable view of the Conserva, j

. Uve leader. Its conclusions met with a widely different reception from Liberal and Conservative critics.

Mr. OVortnor was elected a member | for the town of Galway at the general j election of 1880, and soon became one , of the most active and prominent ! -members of the party led by Mr. Par-* nell. He was one of the exwutive of tfie Land League, both in Kngktand and •Ireland. In UAtrfber. -.1881. he set out for the Untied States, and lectured on the Irish cause to large gatherings In nearly all the great dill's, during a tour which extended over seven months. In 1883 In- was elected president of the Irish National League .of Great Brit­ain. and two years later stood; for-the Scotland division of Liverpool, defeat­ing the I^ilv-ral < andldgto by a ma- orlty of l.XMk lie was returned at the name time for Galway, but elected |o take the Liverpool seat which he 4*Ui ««Uüoad -W¥«r

For 3fi hours ending !> p. nt. Fridav. _ ! Victoria and vicinity Light to moderate ,

Winds, uns. tiled, WHh : alialA>wer Malnlanti Light to mo<lerate ^

winds, unsettled, with raHi.Obsenafions at 5 a. m.

Victoria Barometer. »• "4 temperature. #; minimum, 44; wind. 4 miles 8. W ; weatheir, «Toüdy.

New .Westminster Barometer. 3m *M; temiierature. 4fi; minimum, 41. wind, calm; w eather, ’loudj. fogg}

Kumloop* Barometer, 29.94: tempera­ture. 4N; minimum. 4*. wind. 4 miles K.;raffT.-fnir west her. part eioitily.. ....... ........ __

Barkerville-Barometer. *.«; tempera-


Rome Oct. 20 -The official reports' on the chulvra situation in<ih*ate an in­crease In the spread of the disease. During the last twenty-four hours end­ing yesterday • thirty-seven new cases developed. Seventeen deaths occurred during thé same period.

Opportunity Is Knocking at Your


ture* SO; minimum. wind, ealqw; red®, a.*: weather, part cloudyBan Francisco—Barometer. 29.92; tem­

perature. It; minimum, ii», wind. B miles 8.; weather, dear.

Edmonton—Barometer. 29.7ft: tempers- ture, 42; minimum. 40; wind, 5 miles W . weather, cloudy.

Wlpnlpeg Raromet. r. 3n tempera­ture, "24; minimum, 22: wind. 8 miles 8. ; snow, trace., weather, char.

Victoria Dally Weather.Observations taken 5 a. m , noon MHfl

No doubt about an enamelled bed • hrgienic merit, none about its beauty. Nor any about its being worth its 1 price—if it bears the “Ideal" Guaran­tee on the lootrail.That Guarantee assures you of more «ban mere surface excellence. It warrants real satisfaction to the buyer.

_lts snowy enamel will clay white; |tl parts win not work loose.Know why " Ideal " Metal Beds are better. Ask for " The Philosophy of Sleep" — worth readinf. though it is free. Writ: for Booklet No 14*


Now i* your vhaner to buy low prb cl goods with high priori! values. 'J,et us prove it for you.Finest Creamery Butter, :'i

lbs. for .,................ 81.00Wealthy Apples, very nice

Ktock. per liox........81-25Rice, 5 II)*. for........V.. 250Tapioca, 4 lb*, for..........25CSago, 4 lb*, for...............25<*Sugar, 20-lb. sack.. 81.15Selected Eggs, :< doz. 81.00 Brooms, each.................. 25<*If you can’t eome to the store, phone your order. We

-tMmv goo,4.-4reimy™paTt rrfthe city.

E. B. JONESComer Cook and N. Park Sts. — Phone 712.

Made la M differed etyl*.

Known by NameSlim plate of bat quality tad *IlV.tong durability to leowe

ty Ik name

M Rogers bros:On knives, forks, spoons, efe., this is a mark of distinction, superiority and exclusiveness.

Past lea sets, dlsites, waffws. etc., art ttswptd


"Silver TLstë that Wot


Of Every Description


721 Y’atc» St. Phone 730

New SuitingsWe are showing some of the latest suitings received from Europe, also some very ex­

clusive vestings.


Charlie Hope & Co.1434 Government St.


Grand Trunk Pacific Dock

Offers splendid facilities for DOCKAGE. WHARFAGE AND * STOR­

AGE BUSINESS.For particulars apply to

► HAROLD BROWN.Dock Agent,

Telephone 2431. O. T. P. Wharf.

I Centaur Cycles

• Again on hand.CALL AND INSPECT


1220 Broad Street.




keeps it continually on the move.

COPAS & YOUNG ARE OUT OF ITto give you absolute valu. — ------ —----------------- »---i posted on Grocery Price»; and OURS; are the-low est possible:

„„fw putcfs The it.nriced below do not give you a complete list, but we guarantee to give you absolute value at all times. Our stock is alwayafresh, for our large businessvertu* OUR OWN GOODS at OUR OWN ads: will alwayrtoep ygu p^^-^— ---------------------- ---------


roWUKR (Hi

NICE LOCAL APPLESIVr box. *1.00, *1.2."i end


weight burs ........................................................GOLDEN WEST WASHJNO POWDER large

il-lb. |>kl......................... .............. .PEAKLINK, 2 pkt*. for..............,.....................SAI'OLH). !per paeket .. ..........DO:.: AnilJ2 packets for........DI TCH CLEANSER, per tin.WHITE SWAN WASH I NO

SOAP. p.-r pkt................... ......... ................ ;..CHLORIDE OE LIME* per tin.................. .PI RE WHITE CASTILE SOAP. _ilLLKT’S LYE. 2 tins for................................. .


( HIVER S ENGLISH JAM. 2 1-lb glass jars. .4-11». t in ................V.... i.........................

VlHVEK S ORANGE MARMALADE, l ib. glassj*r . . .............. .. . ................V................................

IT RE NEW ZEALAND JAM. all kinds. 4-lb.tin ......................................................... 50#


( ROSSE & BLACKWELL’S JAM. all kinds. 7-lb. tin ........................... *1.00

CROSSE & BLACKWELL S MARMALADE. 7,lb. tin .......... . i.......... ............,. 75#4-lb. tin. 50C• 2-lb. tin............. .......... 25#

ONTARIO JAM 7 lb wood pail................... 65*NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. 2-lb. tin............... IS*

Half gallon tin ................. 35»Gallon tin ........................................................ 85*

PI RE MAPLE SYHIT, quart bottle................. 50cMAPLE FLAVOR SYRI'P. quart tin....... 35#

Half gallon tin............................. ........................ 65#EDWARDSBl KG TABLE KYKI P. lO-lli. tin 65c

' . i. ..... 35*







5.1b. tin . .TT ............. Ï..2-lb. I in ........................... ,

LYLE'S GOLDEN SYRUP, 14-1 i in15c


INDEPENDENT CREAMERY BUTTER <t>4 AQThe moat popular butter of tile day. J lbs.. *

DRIED FRUITS1-KTKWI> G PRUNES. 4 lbs. for....................EVAPORATED PEACHES. 2 lb*. for..'.

Or 25-lb. box ,...............................CLEANED CURRANTS. :l lbe. for......................SEEDED RAISINS. Victoria Crçaa brand, the

finest put up. large 16-OX pin'liet.................Or 5 paekats for..........'...................... .................

NEW SULT.VNA RAISINS, fwr ttm,.............. .ENGLISH MIXED PEEL, per lb.........................NEW CALIFORNIA TABLE JTGS. per packet,

15e and ......................... .. ......... ..C. 4 It. CRYSTALLIZED CHERRIES. IN.r lb..SHELLED ALMONDS, per lb..................SHELLED WALNUiSHwr lb -•••••-,•... ..........MIXED NUTS, per lb....................... gt............. ..FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, per Jb..............


Or 20 lbs. for, .. ... ..................... .. ........It & K. WHEAT FLAKES. 2 packets for. ..........CANADIAN WHEAT FLAKES, per paeket. CARNATION WHEAT FLAKES, per packeti. OLYMPIC PANCAKE FLOUR, self-rising. 4 16".

paeket .................................. .................. ..OLYMPIC WHEAT HEARTS. 4 1b. packet....TRIKCltIT. per packet............;............... ......... ..WHEATLETS. .,ier packet................:..............OATMEAL, carse «7 line, sack——,.RICE. SAGO OR TAPIOCA, £11™, for..............

Or 9 lbs. fo*...... ...................V-,..............WHITE BEANS, 4 llw. for............................. ..PEA FLOUR. |ht tin. ..........1,0 A F SUGAR, 2-III. packet...................................SUPERFINE TOILET SOAP.

9 eakes for,........'.................. .



FINEST GRANULATED SUGAR. d»C »7C2(l-lb. sack. *1.15, 100-lb. sack.......... "

TEA AND COFFEEANTI-COMBINE TEA. :s lbs for......................... *1.00TETLEY’S LOOSE TEA, 4 lbs. for. ..............*1.00BLUE RIBBON TEA. white label, per lli.......... 40CLIPTON’S TEA, per lb.. 50c and....................... 60CMONSOON TEA. per lb...................................... 40Cvol NG HYSON TEA. per lb....................... .. 50CI \COLORED JAPAN TEA. per lb................4©CRED LABEL COFA’EE. ground or bean, per„,

1 III. till ................................................................. 25#tTUABE & SANBORN *K < OFFKE, 1-lb. tin.,... 40*

I 2-lb. tin . .......................................... ......... 7BCCAFE DE EPICURE, genuine French ! coffee.

1 -lb. glass jar ... i ........... ................................... 50CJAVA And MOCHA COFFEE, our own blend,

per lb........... .................... 40#POSTVM CEREAL COFFEE, large paeket........ 25C

Small packet........ . IOCCONDENSED COFFEE AND MILK, per tin.. 25C


1,-Hi. tin 25C, '4-ib. tin„™......... fcf..,. 45#Sl’CHARD'9 COCOA, 1-lb. tin 90#, %-lb. tin 45C

♦4-lb, tin ........ ..................... ......... .. 25#VAN llOUTEN’B OK’OA, 1-lb. tin 90*, '1-11».

fin 50#, 1 ,-lh. tin. .'........................................... 25#FRY’S HOMEOPATHIC <XM’O.V 3 «/«-lb.-pkts. 25#LOOSE COCOA, per lb........................................... 25#CONDENSED CtMX).\ AND MILK, per tin.. 25#CAMBRIDGE LEMONADE, carefully prepared

from Sicilian lemons; one packet makes two galliui* hf delightful lemonade. Per paeket., 15#

WITCH HAZEL TOILET SOAP. QC.Per Ian ............................................... .................


CANADA FIRST CREAM, the best cream on. the market ; large 20-ox. can..........................

CANNED GOODSTOMATOES. Tartan brand. 2 large tins......PEAS. Early June, 2 fins for.................SUGAR CORN, per tin. ..;---- ...............ASPARAGUS. Tartan brand, per tin....,........FRENCH PEAS, peff tin. ;............................. !..CALIFORNIA PEACHES OR APRICOTS, large

pan ............................................................. •".........BI.UEBKRRIES 2 ran* for...------- ... •CANADIAN HERRINGS IN TOMATO SAUCE,

2 time for ............................................CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S HERRINGS per tin THISTLE BRAND FINNAN HADDIE. very

—x SWW M««r.a ae.a ».-».«.» «A».SCLARK’# PORK AND BEANS. :l tins for......LEAKD'S CHICKEN. |« r can. ........VAN CAMP'S SOUPS, all kinds. 2 tins for....CROSSE «l BLACKWELL'S SOUITi; all kinds,

per can ........................... 1...................................COVE OYSTERS. 2 tins for.................................CLARK’S POTTED MEATS, 4 tins for........ .CALGARY RISING BUN BREAD

FLOUR, |ie,r sack............... —--------- -SUNDRIES

COX’S GELATINE, per packet.,........ .....A.ANTI-UOMBINE JELLY POWDER. 4 pkts. forPEA SOUP SAUSAGE. A for........ ............. ..<\ & B. SOUP SQUARES, per packet........... .CHIVEB’S SOUP POWDERS. 2 pkts. for..........ROBERTSON’S MIXED CREAM CANDY. 2 lbs GENUINE TURKISH DELIGHT, per drum... TRATER’S ENGLISH PICKLES, per bottle... C. & B. BOMBAY CHUTNEY, tpiart bottle....NICE ONTARIO CHEESE, per lb........ ............REINDEER CONDENSED MILK. 2 tins for... PURNELL’S PURE MALT VINEGAR, quart

bottle ....................................................... .........JOHNSON S FLUID BEEF.

Large lti-oz. bottle.................... ................. ..














We Sell Everything at the Loweet Possible Price. No Specials or Bait. Money Refunded if You Are Not Satisfied With Anything You Purchase From Us.

Copas & Young, the Anti-Combine GrocersThe Only Independent Store Corner of Fort and Broad Streets Opposite the New

Pemberton BlockPhones 94 and 96


!»♦**♦ *>*♦<•*****»♦♦! » ** SCHOOL SPORTS *e <•



Hnaiiders Ee i* Entitled to Jame* Leads Senior—North ri»,-i-am-aiat. wn.«.t ttu«t»>- iM..“ Si a. . WW. IW M .. m. : —...........--....... ............

ond DivisionGave the Champion

Well |ila$ed the uni vernit y Ml. Totmle ix’hoot ground» yesterday j

: afternoon, met a heavy defeat the uni- ;

"erally pta^eu win^ilug by S3 to nil.

tut."". Laj Jeered Him as the Cubs Were Arriving at Chicago Yes­


New York. Ovt. 20. - Balding NclaonI, on « nlga.t r «mil JnM «I oreaeut he I* following the trail. In an automo­bile In company with hi» trainer, Ab-, the Tui k.

Bat. believe* that a second fight with his conqueror would have a dif­ferent ending, and he Intimates the reluctance of Wolgast to .engage in such an affair ahowg that the present * han*fkU>u nmy. share the game view tia to the outeome. Whether Abdul traa Iteen -pitttmg I'eylon can only b»j other lightweight battle. Bat. »a>s In a recent interview:

Since winning the title from me Wolgast lias fought «me battle. That was an easy ten round no-decision af lair v Uh J.v k H-'lmuml. a good fight err—hut - -not—in the cnàmpionship run ning. He lia» consistently Ignored th<

The goal kicking record of the Vic­toria and District Association football teams for this m Is appended If tiie league executive at to-nlgiit's meet­ing upholds the protest of the Esqui­mau « tub then one goal will be added for Esquimau and one goal against

that T James Bay. If the protest is- lost the record will remain as'at present.

James Bay witli lfi goals for and 3 against, is still the leading gital-klck- ing eïub. biit la now ahTy two aliead «»f

M.duiKan iiruved . tow»r of ■tren»th i ,.hjl. fl„ fight 1,,-lwrrnto the university team, and while this I . ..Victoria team flayer la at K-hool the : Manager Krank chaiir, and a .11.- youngsters of the other «ehools have" grunt led fan. in which a half-dozen « cry little ehsnce at getting tlm hotter I (Thkggo players and as many *i>ecta- t«l the game. , tor* joined, nearly resulted In a riot

• • • | yesterday aftersmiri at the Pen nay I- JThe High school next Wedniwtiay, vahiii depot when tiw» |

Firit Basketball Practice Tuesday Evening for Teams in All


Mtkr McKItlrlck wfff manage the Y. M. C A ha.kethatl team, thta winter in the hiatt he* for the city champion­ship, and the first call to practice has been md*h for Tuesday .night next at the Institute hall

Last year the team# of the Y M C.however, promise# Mctiplgan and his i team arrived here from Philadelphia./ A. were trained by W. J. Findlay,followers u stronger game than the Tl.oueantlii of ^cheering fans gathered ! physics! Instructor of the association,university has had during its matches ; p, greet their defeated champions, j who. since the closing of the basket-ttris season ttrtttitgan tw one of- the • tirrii.-.l tfrulr «« « 11 fm Into rat calls and . all season last year, tigs severed hte

ILki.i, Victoria* West; then comes North ! best players in Victoria; sod the school j biases for Oiam^fcnd his .men and to , connection with the Victoria Y.t, • mum» <i* t»\ .in ! Ward with' the Empress on, Hni la-1 boy* have m«» HRSc*—MIIW-1 ÿfS&a of -n, our age men t for the ; A and is now a realty man at ( algary.

hittle Bat sa>s hind as fourth. Th«* record Is as fol- him. fighting fan Whfn the fight was at McKItlrlck. who was a member of

has become known as the 'champion staller" rather than the lightweight". He 1* a disgrace to the ring He lias now ipapped out four imaginary battles, to quiet the public,

Victoria West; then comes! Ward, with the Empress one p

hind as fourth. The record 1*1 lows:

First Division.( For.James Bay .... ................ 16Victoria West ................ 14North Ward. .. ................ 11

1 Empress ............ ................. 10j Garrison .......... .......... . 9j Esquimau ........ 3.j.Forester# -------- ...... v .3! « Ydar Hill ........ . 1

its height the police charged with i laM year „ y j*. <^. A senior basket The Collegiate boys could not have j drawn cluhs and the players were sa veil 1 team, which won the senior cham-

heaten the university yesterday had from rough^handltng. » pionship, will not- play on the teamiicOulgan not l»en on till team, hut ,, . lirt«-n*-*l th«iugli .» loyal | this year. Instead his whole attentionthe gam«- Would have been. mor«- I*1* 1 following that a«ut--i the arrival of I will ue given to the training of the ttreating and, knowing they had the , Ul#i rub ept»viMi Jtmj the Cub team was j In hand without the man player ; ,.f,et.rwj lustily enough wlien t|ie mem- j McKItlrlck cannot at present sise up

♦ *]» 8P0ET NOTES. ♦ ♦ ♦

North Ward football team holds a w lection practice at the Fernwood hall to-night. After the practice the selec­tion committee will* choose the team tq r< present the . club against the James Bay teem ’«e*t Hatueday . --------------

Edmonton Is going after the Stanley cup. Manager WMtcroft ha# made of­fer# of contracts fur the season to l>a- londe and io Frank and Lester Patrick, and is now waiting replies from the three hockey stars

The Vancouver terrier show opens ThanksgiM'ig [>.«> Entric* should li­sent to E. C. Powell, P. O. box 1071. VSWcbuvcT The prize itot surpasses any previous one. so the serctary says.

Abe Attcl, having cleaned up every­thing In the featlierwelght division In Canada. is~rmw matched with Allen who, although he resides at Syracuse. N. Y . is really the holder of the Canadian featherweight title. The bout

dal tournaments The plan is being handled in Winnipeg. Tournaments would be played between the eastern ! rovlnces the name as held between. British Columbia clubs.

The Corinthian football team, which ha# been touting in the1 Argentine, ar­rived home on bogrd the royal mall e liner Amazon. They played and won six matches, scoring 3* goals to 6. Mor­gan Owen.. -captain. In -Ute u^»tir#e -- oiTah TnlervWW, aaid botli from sport Ing and social aspects the tour had been a success There wire, large at­tendant e*. and the standard •>( play Ip South Amsrlcs wee much higher than they had been led to beHeve. The grounds, however, were hard, and con- m quently somewhat dangerous. Still, there was only one casualty. HoweH J* nee. who was injured in the second match, being unable to play In the later fixtures. He has since recovered.

...-Bombardier Welle last night -knockedout Private Voyle* in the tenth round at King’s hall. London.

Second Division.

I The strongest goal kicking tyaro fn----- -- . - i the city is the North ward secondhut li« has again ignored the man w,l° j e\*ven, which lias kicked 1% goals in

four matches with only 5 kicked against. The second division clubs

t* most entltle<l to a battle.Any champion who loses a title

after the i«attle 1 gave \\ olgas ■- I )iave gej up the follow ing record enttth d to » return match. I gave re- » p„r Agturn matdies to Corbett. Britt. Clans.Herrera and. iq fact any man who thought he had a chance after I de­feated him My title was cleer-eut Hiid undisputed, l pa*s« d up nobod> while W«dga*t on the other hand." ha* fought nobody In forcing him lnt«>a return match. 1 am not asking an>- I Ga^.‘ison 3Ihln* u*TWOh»bk. »r wthill* that .yu-toria Weal •<1 iiav* denied others. We can fight dnd fight to a finish, at Reno, and geta harr.l of money for It, too. 1 tilted on acx-ount of Vlrforia West

"1 *m no- etartlne on an autum„- , p|uy|n< an unre,latrrr<l player, anrtbile trip with Abdul the Turk, mv rseoutlve awardln, the «ante totrainer and Mr Tawney. of Kansas BlyCity, and will be gone three months. . * _______I weigh loO pounds and have some- , •»•«*•£ onn UATfiUCCthing on which to train. ^ statement'! UMV Id VUr Ivl A I vnuu! could not make pullc when 1 fought Wolgast before. The public have al­ways accorded me the distinction of l»eing abmdutely on the level and 1 am sure the press and the public

North Ward ............ 26 »| Beacon Hill .................. ■ 12 4

Iiuraca ................................... 8 3•_ «Oak Bay .................... 6 21 Esqalmalt ....................... 4 4

’ 1 Regiment ...... ................. 4 is1 •Victoria West .................. 3 12

183-1 against

Oak Bay on October 1, but the goals do not count, as the game was pro


ni/ihtt school, the university would hav shown a more sportsmanlike spirit had HcOuigan -tteni out from the ranks, and'left the game to the boys.

A Junior açecer match took place•

the South Park school*. The match re­sulted hi a’ draw, neither team being able to s«ttre uguuiaL the opposing backs. The game was played on the Royal^ Athletic1 park.

Miss Sybil King has been elected a* captain of the High school girl a hockey team The « lub w III hold regu­lar practices to get ready for the match against the High School hockey girl* Whic h take# place at Oak Bay on December ^ *

here swung from the train, and the others stepped briskly to a Une of-waiting autronobib*» A fan loliuW- ed them, stngted out <’hanee and b««- _.v abusing i tm for tie ahdwing of hi# team in Philadelphia. Chance stepped into Ills machine, then.suddenly turned and kicked his tormentor full In Hie face. He Jumped out of the automo­bile and tiie two men Wvllt to the gi mmd in a" spirited fight. Tin- two sprang up and a hard right swing sent the fan reeling. Chance followed, him up, raining lefts and rights «n his face, beating him unmercifully A score of

! spectators started to |nterf« tv and several Chicago players rushed to Chance's assistance,''

Chance's opponent was knocked uh\ conscious and spec tators said Chance

with both fc

his men for the season because he will not be aware- until the practice season start* what rriaterlal he has In view. Tuesday evening however, 1» set-for the first call, when Manager MoKIt- trlck wants all the Y. M. C. A. basket­ball players who intend to take . part In the game this winter to assemble mi the Institute hall at 6 o’clock.

The Y M. C.„ A. will enter team* ti\ all* three leagues. Two of these cham plon*hlps. the senior and Junior, the association having won last year, are defending, and will want the strongest players obtainable because some of the other athletic clubs have on hand many valuable and steady players to select the tjne-up from.

will stand by me .in my demand* for u return match for my title.

• •1 have notified John R. Robinson, who is now touring with hie own show to start a press campaign immediately against Wolgast. Robinson Is a master of all the arts of my game, and he know* my idea* and stand "better than any one ebnVWr will he in con­stant communication by wire and let­ter. and I am ready to back up any b« may mak. regardln, a return battle '

Sydney. Oct. 20.—It Is unlikely that there will be any Divts cup contest this year. The Austràlasfah Association has cabled to the English Association noti­fying the withdraw'»! of Ameri<*a, and inquiring whether ait English tebm in- tyulc.d to « onipete. The reply has been received: "Impossible send team with­out reasonable guarantee.••

A» meethig the Australasian Asho- datlon to-night carried by a small majority a resolution that no guaran­tee; he stven. but that the Rngltnh As­sociation bo Informed, that the previous

That suggestion of <*. «'oat*, of the Victoria (Trichât Club, to m?hool x |Ved Itc rlcket league next > car I# » atepHn the right direction. Once thé b*ry* dis- . cover how much Can be done with 11 cricket but, and how much can be done J with the ball against it. ,their interest | will be keener than for any game now played in the school*. As the school game* would be played during the week the ground difficulty would be got over. • ___ __'.................... .

The long summer night* provide time for playing the matches of a school aeries «luring live week after school hour»/ and if a trophy is of­fered no doubt every school in Vic­toria will make a trv for it.

kicked him in the face with both feet before lie went down On l»e!ng n*#'

was learned he wÿt* "iil% a youth, not more than li.alf Chance *Size.

,,YoU'’re not a 'peerless Wader.’ you’re ,i pei i k a - lemm . ’ was the Jeering remark of the lad that'aroused Hi* Ire Ilf tilt. Cub captain The youth declar­ed that he had mit called t'hanee a vile naine. Hpectator» h"r«' out his state­ment afid lie wu* not arrqsteti.

The ffiphttng was gno-tal wt*#a Utw

ii-.i Into iheli • itomol It • ttiain was whirling » way individual memcr* came in f«ir i heel# with the exception of I’hanut , who was hieweti. Hw drivers were onlcted *«• drive »m and the crowd woe then diepereetl,.Before the fight <*haihw« wa« neatly

motilH « by thi m« • ....... 1 «I the fan#, who tried t# hotel bln» **«


R. H. EPortland .......... ...........,............... 0,. 7Han Francisco .......... 3 < Î

Batteries Krapp and Fisher ; Hen­ley and Berry.

R. H. EOakland .................................................4 «Hacramt nto............ .................... y - l 6 1

Batterlea—Christian and Mltae; Ar- rrllane# and Lalonge.

R. H. EXN rmm . —4 ULos Angela's ......... 2 4

Batterie* -Hitt and Brown; Delhi and Hmlth. 4

For more than a century and a half the Cornwall iron mines st- l#ebnnon. Pa, have been yielding ore, and recent ex­plorations Indicate that there ts a prac-

w III be atagvd iu#idc a month. < >n ; «u-aally Inexhaustible supp:November 13 Attvll ts signed fight j — , , ■ i '__Conley at New Orleans in a twenty- round match.

...Jack Johnaon baa signed up a new j

sparring partner. Tome Overby, a big negro heavyweight. The champion ha# , great Ideas of the new man's ability j and is preparing a negro to carry the Johnson honors, lie says, "With ex- j perience. Overby will be one of the ! best pugilists In the cduntry."

The Fort Erie race meeting this year I cost tiie promoters 835.000 The loss w as] due to opposition at Dufferln park, and to the «trike on the Grand Trunk rail-1 way. There was a lio.ooe handicap which helited eat up the funda.

Racing in British Columbia « low'd ; definitely for the year last Saturdayj at Minoru, where the Vancouver t Jockey Club finished up a seven day » meeting. Victoria has been too ex­cited betting on the city hall surprises to need horse races.* • •

Th* Eastern cricket clubs, .IhaLj* the Montreal ami Dlatrtet (Ticket League, will adopt the new English percentage method of reckoning the standing of teame.^ ^

Eastern cricketers are In favor of a < anadlnn Crtcfctt league for th* i-ur- p##e of bringing about Inter-provlni

The MeUughlin Buick Car Still Leads

MR F.RNEHT G. MAYNARD, 316 Pnrk Boulevard. Victoria, writes I he following : -..vWestern Motor Supply Co.. Victoria,

Gentlemen:-! have driven my U. iJiughlln Buick Car continually “me May »th. US* covering OVER |smo MM.KK. and during this period my fpaire and replacement ari'minrhae only been |7.<D, for one «park plug and one spring. My Car to running as well now ae when I purchased It. I hiivo travelled over «„me of the roughest roads on th<* Island, also been over the Summit eeveral time», and still running on

Mhe sam» tires 1 got with the «*•* i 1 reel safe in saying It is the BEST


This I* only one of the many un- •elicited testimonials that have been received. Better come In and let us demonstrate ode for you.


BROAD STREET. v R P CLARK-, Mgr. Tel. «*.


.......111,1, i. rhoiivr '•"’■r In «rr»n*r matrhr. In Auelrella.R.iiver »»»••"«-- place ”î„ ... .»*!««, u„ D«,i. . match.'LZ”'™‘eS.i «5£ £ .ia ......-l-m, V» nunn h.,f prnht

/ txi,<| tbe fere# in the Kingdom. tnntch-g .wa# Mill open.

Vancouver ha* n school Rugby union, the first game In which I# to lx-played On Saturday tTÏTorfa fias ttte . ,I., Hi Kocccr. and In the c.i^l I tljclr lint while the It,1.1 »«•t.M. Lain ha. iH-en giving awey «1 j In l'ror"> mn.l ,jf in.»r wl»> » imriw.nmnr ihrr..-w fuck, u... ' "I ll «MwwXed tu. «HUtgUOM..*m«U#,»mp thet th-re arc Inrrnwcc l.-ngn.-it j la,vpnr rn tinnl. In »ll the eaitcrn cille». 1 Thr Plillmi.1pli|« Atlllltl.« In their

tisl I I., Mlof t$fes«‘ Red Is tiw* • ohtr thaï «''an be distingué* l ir. n"on And W VU tpvl by a crowd 01 j

cti at til*' greatest dtslan- «■. ^ - ! w.WQ pftTSoua^ .... I

THORPE’S SODA WATERMade From Water From Which All Germa

Have Been Removed


r MMjUMiUftiuij teaa* ■




KootenaySteel Rartge


Three Auto Trials Against Pitcher Rucker—Oldfield-J ohnson

Auto Race Postponed CALABASHVirginia Cigarettes

No Better Vir­ginia Cigarette has ever beenottered to the cultured smoker.

• MEClary’,!fceedoa, Toronto, Mvsussk W'uwpe* Vaecewvet. St. Jok», fl.B,

t ---T' I i*W -

To make the sound from phonograph# more true to the original and without the metallic note ia the idea of a New Yorker, in patenting a cabinet for auvfo Instruments fti which the amplifying horn Is pointed to the floor

A IJPlted States double eagle la permit' ted by the government to weigh half a

* grain more or leaa than the standard < f II<1 grains, snd s silver doll'sr a grain and

... e lal.f more.« leni Ui«n us it«ui<l*rd all. (isias. - - ---------—,«!*/

15c. (cork tips)TenofboxPer

with itKjrc exclusive improvements for yqur benefit, tlAn youTK find on any other range at the price. We ’ieant to ^rotictiiis to you before you buy. The nearest Met lary ,X^Ti; n t tv ill quickly convince you that every elaim for the Kootenay is built on the solid foundation of merit. Write the nearest McClary branch for full informatinn nnd booklet

, (Time* Leased Wirt.)I New York, Oct. 20.—Tyrus Cobb, of * Detroit, and Pitcher Rucker, * of the | Brooklyn Nationals, to-day signed artUles for an automobile rave at the Atlanta rave meet November 3. « and 5.

According to the agreement the play­ers will meet In a ten-mile event eavh day. the winner of the two fastest

; heats to be the victor, j President Ehbetts, of the Brooklyn ! team, and President Navln, of the De- 1 trolt Tigers, were advised Of the agree­ment to-day. and announced their op­position, but whether they will attempt to prevent the race la unknown. I

The proposed racp between Jack ; Johnson and Barney Oldfield, which j was to have been run to-day, was #

! postponed on account of rain. An effort will be made to run the race on yatur-


Victoria Meteorological Office,October 12th to 18th. 1910.

1 Victoria—Bright sunshine. 7 hours 48 minutes ; highest temperature «3 on 15th; lowest, 39 on 12th: rain, .82 inch.

Vancouver Bright sunshine, 20 hours 38 minutes, highest temperature, 88 on 15th;' lowest, 41 on 12th; rain, 2.90 inches

New Westminster—Highest temperature, i Wt on 15th; lowest, 38 on- 12th; rain, 2,.'i8 ;

Kaniloopa Highest temperature, «8 on • 15th and 16th; lowest. 82 on 13th; rain, .15 inch; bright sunshine, 98 hours.

Barkervllle— Highest temperature, 54 on 15th; lowest. 18 on 12th; rain, 1.T2 inches.

Prince Rupert—Highest temperature. 60 on 17th; lowest,‘86 <1*6141 h ; rain, 4.82 inches.

Atlln- Highest lemperature, 4M op ISt»» ; lowest, 22 on 17th: rain, .20 4n<h. ^ •

1 >aw son—Highest temperature 4* ofl18th; lowest, 10 qn 17th; no precipitation.

These Lids are Made to Lastand, stay fiat—no bulging in the centre, no warping, no cracking ; because they are extra heavy and made from the finest metal. Your kettles and pots will always set level and get every particle of heat all over the bottoms. Not for a little while, but for years. And every detail of construction is of equal goodness from end to end of a

Price Clothing -Small

T>o vno realize that at this time of the year when the merchants are getting big prices for their goods,1 that you ran buy the finest line of, this Kail’s Furnishings and Clothing yet shown at Fineh & Finchs’ and buy them at WHOLESALE PR ICES 1

Just stop and think it oer. and you will walk out of your way to get bargains like these. These prices will explain how we are reducing:BLACK CHESTERFIELD OVERCOATS, silk fared or without. Regularly sold ST t’J’J.

For.............. ................. . ......................................... ........................... . -..............916.00ENGLISH MACKINTOSHES, regularly sold at *22. For .......... 816.00HAND TAILORED SKITS, made by the House of Hobberlin from English and Scotch

Faner Tweeds and Worsteds, blanks and blues :

$30.00 SUITS for $25.00 SUITS for $22.00 SUITS for $20.00 SUITS for


OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK OF DRESSING GOWNS AND SMOKING JACKETS are here, and you had better come m and sele -t yours now and have it put asidu Indore they are all sold. , >

Finch & Finch1107 Government St. Victoria, B. C.


copies of thé delegate* report of the Trades and Labor Congress. These copies were ordered distributed amongst the unions.

Union Notifies Contractors Not to Complete Work Which Orien­

tals Have Commenced

Unless the practice of employing Chinese laborers to do preliminary painting is discontinued the painter* of tiffs city wilf Inaugurarr a boycott by refusing to allow any union men to complete work which lies been com­menced In this manner.

The delegates from the Painters’ Union Informed the Trades and Labor Council, which met last evening, that this was the action which had been taken by their union, and that all contractors had been notified that after Monday next no union painter will be allowed to work on such buildings.

Of. late, the delegates explained, there has been a tendency on the part of builder* to employ Chinese to do the Inside work; but when It came-to the more dangerous work outside on scaf­fold and swing stages, this was given to the whitest The un*«»n painters, however, will now take either all the -work or none. a|nd those who secure the. services of Olrlentats to do the easy part will- hereafter-tafrvs, to took to-. Chinese to do the outside as well.

At the meeting everyone favored placing workingmen In the field as can-

| didates for aldermen and school trus­tees. and where this whs Impracticable to have men elected who, in the first place, were scrupulously honest, and, In the second place, friendly to. labor. This matter was discussed at some Vngth by all members' of the council.

Delegates of the Machinists’ Union


Dr. G. A. B. Hall, Medical Officer for City, Arranging Winter

Dr. O. A. B. Hall, medical heâlth cer for the city, Is arranging to deliver a course of lectures. oV “talks” as he would prefer to ;have It expressed, during the winter months, on subjects which will be helpful to the commun­ity in guarding the health of the peo­ple, Dr. Hall is a firm believer In the old adage, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and jt is his purpose to endeavor to educate the people on simple safeguards "Which may be employed In battling against the.Invasion of disease. *

Seen this,morning. Dr. Half'said: ”1 have not yet completed my plans for these popular talk» on matter* relating to public health, nor have I as yet se cured a public hall for the purpose, but I fhay say that It Is my Intention #»rm* The course of the wtnt-w to hold a series of public meeting» at which ll will endeavor to impart some useful information on this all-important topic.

"I shall fake ns my subjects hygte'nb In its varlomr branche», and the science of bac ter k logy as relat­ed to the human system, my object being to outline the various preventive measures which may he taken by the gem r il f-uhlic in the effort to ward off

_______ disease. It hks long l>een life opinionreported 7HH-»m»-mWr of liieir union of medical jttoctltioners that the dis-was being prosecuted on a charge of conspiring to raise wages. A commit­tee was appointed to consult with the Machinists’ Union with' tlm object of seeing that they got fair play. Dele­gate* Phil Smith. McKensle, Sherk, Milter and McEachren were appointed as a committee to act In the matter.

The secretary was instructed to write all the building trades unions.



Engineer Says Derelict Balloon ia No " Longer Menace to

*> Hkvtgatton *

doned. their dirigible balloon America ! feet above- our forestry* and morte* and failed to cross the Atlantic through [ at*out twelve knots an hour. We kept

beneath her with great difficulty, for

New York. Oct 20—Fears that the dirigible balloon America. In which Walter Wellman and his crew at- ; tempted the America to Europe flight J had become a derelict, and therefore m menace to navigation, were set at rest to-day by Chief Engineer Vantman of

-The Amer lea. ------ • - ------------------Vaniman declared he had tied a can

of gasoline to the valve cord, thereby ng the gas Ht added that the

airship would so.-u b# carried under the water by the weight of the.motor* and steel framed cars.

Wellman and his five companions were landed here yesterday afternoon by the steamship j Trent, which picked them up at sea after they had aban-

the air.Standing on the deck of the Trent.

Wellman said : "We thought we could not get along without the «qulllbrato». Now we find we could not get along with It. Our plans for the future are indefinite until we find something that will do what we thought the equllibra- tor would do."

The "equl I Iterator” to which Wellman attributes the failure of his voyage, was the series of tanks containing gas- j oline which floatedQln the water and j were attached to the airship by a long j rope. Its purpose, in addition to the

Storing rtf gasoline Hud | serving as * wireless "ground.” was to keep the bal­loon steady, compensating for the e*- panslon and contraction of gas flue to changes in temperature, which would have made the America rise and sink erratically.

The direct cause of abandonment of the .America was exhaustion of the supply of gasoline, which bad to be thrown out to’save the ship, for when "the crew abandoned' The "b'tiTloon

semination of this Information amongst the general public ia most helpful, es­pecially on occasions where there Is danger of an epidemic outbreak.

“Vleenllness, In the fullest sense of that word, Is essential to securing the maximum of protection from the at­tacks of disease, and how scientific means may be employed to this end will form a subject which I will en-

YES, You may be assured that it is easier to imitate the Semi-ready label than it is to reproduce Semi-ready quality.

Flare the cloth side by side, study every stitch and every curve and line of design ■■ the only way to compare value*.


enclng Mr. McDlarmtd to take up the very strang*- position he has placed himself in?’* “Is It all a part of the modus oper­and! of Hie Worship to oust the engineer before his own approaching dismissal by the electors at the *-n<l of the year?" Tf was well stated hi a letter In your coT-

write all the building traues unions. . t ,k whll.h i ; umns some time ago that Hts Worshiprailing upon thrm i„ .<■■><! .lolonalo. to lurac upon urlng i V?1" ; »"»«. a„,l,u„a,K- th- unfortunate en-a ffit.tlri* to be heW ttTP the pttrpoee trf - pwp»«- ^ivtna The heeHh of vtowrta | ,ln(,„r iff along the line »o long a. the organising a Building, ,-ouncll. j ** on the -hole romarkahly good, but I It was decided to have an Immediate conditions can be improved I think.

if the people are but properly enlight­ened, and it will be my hope and aim to do this.”

’«myenough was left to last about twenty- four hours.

Wellman tried to grasp a rope thrown from the Trent and the rope i got twisted about hts hand Before be j got loose it nearly tore off his little j finger, and badly bruised the hand-

Speaking of the rescue of the cr6w of the balloon, t’apt. Down of the Trent said: ‘The America was only twelve

she swung to and fro In the air cur feats, and sometimes we were forced to full speed astern so as not to lose

’Then the crew of the airship began trailing wire ropes. Lam son. our chi»* officer, grabbed one. and held on until the skin was rubbed off hts hnnds. and he was lifted from his feet and nearly dragged overboard.

"After half an hour we decided that this method of rescue was hopeless

I and much too risky, t»* Wellman ask- | ed us to keep close while he and his i crew .jet down tiivir Uteboat*. .jsayin* T lie trusted to us to pick them up We j gvt twyi boats ready and stationed men

al »ng the sides with lifebuoy*. I sig­nalled all ready* and Wellman low­ered his airship until the lifeboat sus­pended underneath was within seven feet of the water. The trailer, com­posed of tanks of gasoline and weigh­ing thirty hundred-weight, "was the real danger, and after the boat was launch-

.fit. .they a truiuk. tier- and slowjêl hoiea in the side aliout six Inches In diame­ter. but above the water line.

"When Wellman dropped his life­boat it struck the am broadside, but quickly righted Itself. I went full speed ahead and had considerable *1 i f- Acuity In pi- king up the boat."


meeting of those interested to take prer liminary steps. >

Secretary Draper sent a copy of the entire proceedings uf the^. Trades and I^il»*r Congress 1 • Id nt Fort Wttttam.

A communication was received fr-*m W, E Dltchburn stating that J. Throw, of tiie Typographical Union, had been appointed to succeed him as the official correspondent of the Làbor Oasette here. Mr. Throw also wrote asking the officers of the council and the unions to kindly furnish him with) all possible Information that might be of interest to workingmen. This request was agreed to.

Rev. Joseph McCoy, secretary of the Ministerial Association, wrote to way that Rev. W. Stevens.m. Rev. T. W. Gladstone and tev. H. A. Carson had been appointed to and conferwith représentât l vea^of the Labormunci! With a rlesT^arrtvinif at a definite arrangement by which both bodies could work more harmoniously together in accomplishing moat good. The following committee was appoint­ed. Delegates Sherk. MrEàcbern and Perrott. The president also stated that he would attend the; conference.

The secretary of the Musicians' Union wrote to say that his union favored compelling all delegates to thsr Labor *r*mtnril t«> at meetingswith at least three union labels on their wearing apparel.

James Tattersall presented Ills cre­dentials ns delegate from the Theatrical Stag* Workers’ Union.

The secretary reported having 1.266

IlWhatOttierftoplelBlTHE CITY SOLICITOR; .

To the Editor:-I think it wss In very «luestionable taste, to say the least of It. for E. V. Bodyell, K. C., to have rushed to the defence of the action of the city solicitor in tendering hta resignation over a question which arose when the city council was about to award contracts for paving with asphalt. Mr Bodwell Is solicitor for the Worewlck Paving Com­pany. and that fact ought to have deterred him from writing a letter tn defence of the solicitor’s action fn this particular matter. Fof. you *•». Mr. Editor, had the’ city solicitor won his point at last Monday evening’s meeting of the council, the effect of such victory on his part would have re­sulted tn the contract for paving Vancou­ver street being awarded to the Worewlck Paving Company. OBSERVER.


To the Editor Apropos of Mayor Mor- *-deliverance ALr-^McI.Uarmld is. too

valuable an olficfal for Jl* to permit Wm to resign." the fact that Mr McDlarmld strikes at the city enffincer no doubt en dears him to His Worship lu hla vindictive hostility to the engineer We ell know HI* Worship by this time, and the question is ■What part, if any, has he had In influ-

Dreath of office remained In his worship­ful body, and that he would “get him," too. ' 3. Q. F.

Victoria. B. C., Oct. 19th, 1910.


Many Claims Staked In Vicinity of Steamboat Mountain. .


coJi'^V’ ÏBSW


Vancouver. Oct. 26. — Steamboat mountain, near Hope. B. C., where gold was struck some three months ago. promisee to become one of the richest mining fields In the entire province. Such is the opinion of F. J. Crossland, who has recently returned from a fivs weeks’ Inspection of the whole locality on behalf of* a Vancouver syndicats which «bas claims there.

"Free milling gold Is In evidence at Steamboat In large quantities." said Mr. Crossland, "and tlie find will causa the greatest ecxRement evSr seen Str the province Already the country for ten miles around the property owned by Messrs. Greenwaldt and Stevens has been stake out by prospectors from Alaska. Cobalt. Stewart and other min­ing centres, while the great mining financiers of New York and the east have representatives on the ground."

Mr. Crosaland has every faith in. the new field, and state* that It Is ttad gen­eral opinion that -a • ittitmpede -of at- least R.Q06 men will take place In the spring. The original discoverers have already been made tempting offers, and only yesterday refused fifi.noo on a $156,000 bond for eight claims on St. Alice mountain, ,near Steamboat.


Notice is hereby given that I Intend to apply to the Board of Licensing Commissioners for the City of Victor!* at It* next sitting for a transfer of th« license now held by me to sell wines and liquors, by the bottle, on the pre« mines situated upon the southeast cor* ner of Douglas and Johnson streets. In the City of Victoria from myself to l H. Pickard.

FRED CARNE.Victoria. B. C„ October 11. 1910.

NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN that apt Dllcatlon will be made to the Board oi Licensing Commissioners at Its next sit. tS*» for a transfer, from’ me-ty; ;Ang«a noria of the liquor license to sell spirltu- ous snd fermented liquors by retail on th« «remises known as the “Ship Inn Saloon." situate at No. 1217 Wbarf street, Victoria,BDated the 28th day of September, 1916.




We aak the pleas­ure of showing you our hsndsome now models in Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats. While we are already noted for having the best clothes, we’ve rather outstepped ourselves this season in pro­viding for our trade, and we want you to “see." ,

The idea Of select­ing, clothes where there’s nothing but

____ the best clothes to se­lect from—where every garment is fairly priced and you’re sure of getting a full measure of clothes quality for every dollar you pay is a good idea to say the least, and a feature of this store that is fully appreciated by all its patrons.


ALIENS CO. FIT-REFORM4 AA4 fi .... y-— ont 5"11 rflfilUul vovernmrnti •juv'1 - Victoria, ». 0.


* SOCIAL AND PERSONAL <•o ♦♦ ♦oooooooooooo* *

C. J. Prior left on the charmer lest nlrht for Vancouver. ^

Mr» P. Donnelly. Vancouver. 1» Bpending a week here.

H. Hepburn leaves this evening on his return trip to £uatslno.

J. M. Ellis, Vancouver, spent yester­day In. this city

A. W. Seymour returned to Vancbu-^ ver islst night on the Charmer.

Angus Campbell he»» gone over to the Terminal city' on business.

Miss Ada Alexander. Glasgow, Scot­land, Is a visitor at thé Dominion.

Mrs. Duller has arrived from Abbots­ford to take up her residence here.

H. $». Griffiths crossed over to Van­couver last night on the Charmer.

• • •Mrs, T. M Jackson. Ganges, la spend­

ing a few days in town, visiting friends.

Mrs. W. GouWling and Mr». GUchria*- of thlg city, are holldiylng In Vanco»-


Bead Parsesand Handbags



Th. Messrs Shubert Announce 1 Solid Hour, of L»lighter.

The Blue MouseK Notable C.»t ot ». Including

GRACE MERRITTPile»», tlsu. SOc—75c.. 114»,' *IS(> mJZZZ open. Sotutdeg. Oct. lith


MAnGARETIUINGT0NIn a New and Original Drama

THE WHIRLWIND.By Henry Bernstein, Author “The Thief.'

Privo*. 50c , 75c . $1 on, |LS0, L 00.Scat sale opens Tuesday, Oct. llth.

New Grand TheatreWEEK OCTOBER lith.

MAT ORLETTA. FRED. V^TATLOR. •‘The Butterfly and the Prince.


Are little patchee of ecsema on the skin, ecalp or hand* which arc Instantly relieved and speedily cured. In the majority nf cases, by hath» ”-«ih pf'Tf. CUR A. SO AP and gee-

tie anointing* of CUT! URA uia i *» purest and sweetest of emollients.

J D. Prentice went over to thé Ter- minai city last night on a buainci* trip. ‘ ^

57L Gleason will be among the pas seng »Sn on the Tees for Albernl this evening.

, W. W. Duncan was among those who | {«.ft fof Vancouver last ntgMj on lh± j Charmer.

. K. E. Hardwick was among the pas- I sengefa on last night’s 'steamer for the I mainland.

J. Colbert was among last night's passenger* on the Charmer for the Ter­minal city.

Mrs Evans B. Heane has returned U Vancouver-after a pleasant visit with friends here.

Mrs Walter West left on Tuesday for southern California, where she will spend the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W McFarland. Vancouver, are spending the week at the Oak Bay hotel.

1 l * ' "Mrs. F W. Stevenson, 8» Pemhert—

rond win be at home to-day and evenr third Thursday hereafter.

Robert Newcomb, deputy United States consul at Victoria, left yester­day on a trip to Bostoa, Mass.

Our 'showing of these will be appreciated by any lady who is desirous of having something in this line entire­ly diffeient. Each design ia exclusive, in many very at­tractive effects. In fact, words could hardly do them justice. A visit would be, ap­preciated. Prices are Indeed modest.

Challoner & MitchellCo., Ltd.


1017 Government St. Victor!.. B.C.

IM2, rowed In the Eton Eight which won the Ladle.' Plate at Henley In 1193, won the Diamond Scull. .1 Hen­ley in IMS. the Diamond and Wing- Held Seuil» In 189». Mir. Gulnneae •erved In the South Africa» war with the Irish Hospital Carp. Hr *•» created a Companion- ot St. Michael and St George In 1991, hee aenred on the London County Connell nnd been commander of tjt. London division of the Naval volunteer Reserve. While on the IBlend Mr. end Lady Guinn»»» will visit Albernl as guests of Angus McDonnell.


The EveningChit-Chat I

----- mr KWH CAMtKON---------

JOHN HIGGINS. .World's Champion Jumper.

SCOTT AND WILSON.Athletic Humorist» Extraordinary.

CHAfl BRESNAH, JULIA MILLER. In New and Diverting Song, and


^HfeVnLLSAte the acknowledged leading remedy «or all Femaleeomplaints. Recommended by the Medical Faculty. The genuine beer tbe signature of Wa Mabtin /registered without which none are termine). No lady

’ efcould be without them Setd by all Chemists A Stores

JOSEPH KETTLÇR AND COMPANY. *: ft » pronto comedy- titaeta. -4

"The Town Fiddler."

THOMAS J. PRICE.« -------- ,------




"Where Everybody Goes """KNIGHTS TEHPLAR." Thirty-First

Triennlsl Conclave Recently Held in Chicago dee the Magnllicence ol

the Parade."IN LtPB'S CYCLE." Biogreph.



p.rformenee. dally from 3 te l». 7 te U. Admission. 10c , Children to Metlnee. Be.

Let UsSubmit you Hguri's for in­


Hot Air op Steam Heat

Mies Macullnugh. Linden avenue, re­turned to town yesterday afternoon fr .m a short stay In Vancouver.

~\ • • •Mrs. E. J. Martin, 2411 Third street, !

will receive to-morrow and afterwards! on the third FYtday of each month.

Mrs J. C. Sproule left on the Charm- j ,.r last night for Vancouver, where she . will spend several days visiting friends.

• • •Miss J. Catterall left for Vancouver 1

yesterday on a two-weeks' vacation, j I where she will be the guest of Mias l j ' Madlgan.

Mr. and Mrs. H T. James, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Duke it Cadboro Bay. revurned "to Vancouver yesterday. ^

Mr. and Mrs Burton-Brooker. whose msrrlags took place yesterday In Van­couver. a very smart affair, are »peto4- ing their honeymoon here,

Mies Bromley-Jubb. who recited at

tho Aged Woman's Home last evenlna. waa listened to by the large audience with much pleasure and appreciation.

Noah Shakespeare, who was In Van­couver attending the Sunday achoobcon- vention, returned to town yesterday afternoon.

e. • eMr. and Mrs!* Roper are leaving this

week for the Old Country. After visit lng friends and relations In England they Intend spending the winter In Cairo, returning to England again In the early spring They will be In Lon­don for the eerenetieh.’

e ~e-............. - ••— ' ■'A pretty wedding took place yester

day In St- Barnabas church when Mr. H. G. Overy, eldest son of the Rev. H. Q. Overy. St. Veep, Cornwall. England, and Mla6 Louise Humphries, eldest daughter of Mr. à. Humphries. Pine Hurst, Wilkinson road, were united In marriage. Th*- bride, who waa given away by her father, waa attended by her sister. Mr. W. J. Gawley support ed the groom.


------------------------------- When horses aretrying to start a team, I was told years ago by my physics teacher, they are exerting all the time a pree- eure equal to the resistance the y have to overcome.It la the sudden quick Jerk,* plus the pressure. that start» the load.

I thought of that the other mognlng

I lay in bed dreading to get up. All the time I lay there I was exerting a mental pressure all but aufflclent to overcome the resistance of my lastneae. AU I lacked was the quick Jerk.

Now It seems to me that's always the way when we put off some duty. We

‘ r—lly mentally do It all the time we are putting It off, and thus waste" a lot nf energy before we give the quick Jerk and Anally accomplish the task-

Isn't that one of the reasona why people who work systematically, ac­complish eo much with so little effort that la, because each duty has Its routine place and therefore none of them are done actually, with the sequent waste of mental energy.

toaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaveaaavaaveaaaaaaveaaae ve »>eaa<a»>«aa«a»» eaaaaeee

-TO-DAY^I» your bout opportunity to act. If you will not save now, when will you start! Remember, you can start saving to-day, by buying your Groceries at this store. .A visit, and we can convince you.FAMOUS CLOVER VALLEY CREAMERY BUTTER, per lb.,

35*. 3 lbs. for..............................J............................$1.00Once tried, always used,

LARGE TESTED EGGS, 35c dozen, 3 dozen for..........$1.00PICNIC HAMS, per 16............. ....... ....................................18*NEW EVAPORATED PEACHES. 2 lbs for....................... 25*NEW EVAPORATED APRICOTS, per lb.......................... 15*UPTON'S PICKLES, 2 bottles for................-------------- ...25*GENUINE FRENCH PEAS, 2 tins for....... ............... 25*

j SPECIAL—Few «till left, Bamboo Handle Brooms, each, 25*

H. 0. KIRKHAM, GROCERFort and Douglas Street*. Phone 178.

wwmiewwimiMtwiwMwiwwewwewwtwaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaeaeee ;

Last events* In First Presbyterian cl.ufvh. Rev; Dr 1 Campbell united In marriage Mr. Allred Ernest Roberts, l-adner, and Mise Agnes Harken. Vic­toria Tim bride, who waa very hand­somely gowned In white silk with veil and orange blossoms, carried a bou­quet of white carnations, and was at tended by Miss Mary Evier, who wore a very pretty white silk gown. Mr. John Rea supported the groom. Mr. and Mrs Roberts left on the night Goat for Vancouver. They will reside at

Hon. Rupert Edward C. L. Guinness and Lady Gwendolen Guinness are at the Empress, having arrived In the city.yesterday afternoon Mr, Guinness Is the eldest eon < f Lord Iveagh. head of the great Guinness brewing business In Dublin He Is a fsmaue os reman, having won the,school sculls at Eton In

OPEN 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. / 1

New Arrival of Handarin Coats_These are truly magnificent wraps for theatre or restaurant

wear. All designs are hand worked and linings are of ailk. -

Oriental Importing Companyk 610 Cormorant Street. Opp. Z. A N. Depot.

How about It?

A young girl wrote me the other day to ask how to treat pimple» an4 black head»

For her sake, and for the sake of all women who write me that sort of ques­tion. I take this opportunity to make it plain that I am not running a beauty column, that I do not claim any ••Pi­llai knowledge on the subject and ahat I cant ir t rule, anawer tbat kind of question.

At the same time It Juet happen» that I recently heard a very good doctor telling a young woman how. to treat a lot of blind pimples that had broken out on her face, and T am glad to pass along the advice as It seemed to help her.

"Fimplee are very often caused bydirt.” he said. "You think you keep your face perfectly clean, but you don't. That's not an Insult. Very few people do. It you Uve or work In a dirty grimy city no ordinary eoap- and-irater washing will keep your face clean. Bo when plmplea bfeak out. take a nail brush and soap and scrub your face long and hard. Then bathe It in alcohol and then anoint It with bo- raclc add ointment. If the pimples come to a head prick with a needle •terlllaed In some antiseptic, touch with a drop of hydrogen peroxide, and then rub on the ointment.

In your hnm§.

Crystal TheatreBROAb STREET.



Oooq Subject."AVENGED." 1.000 feet, feature trag­

edy..-raw FOLDING-BED," comical eomle.

SONG.ADMISSION. 10c; children's Mat. 5c.


Telephone 228

Handkerchief MuffsBeiutifully designed and

padded for laying on the dressing table.

Lee Dye & Co.Next to Fire Hall, Cormor­

ant St. and 107 Fort St.

Lyceum TheatreHunts Wusical Comedy Co. i

THE FOLLIES OF 1910Direction Herry B Cleev.lend. j

» New Feces This Week-U«2 gy^..Antr,nt-*i CB*n**~'-—-tBl I


■fumes. New «ornery. Electrical Effects

^ Matinee every day at 3 p. m. Two ahowe nightly, 8-1.15.

Admission. He. 21c. Bos seats. Me. m Amateur Night, Friday.



The Latest IdeasIn


STREET HATSAlwaya Shown At

Hat Shop705 Yates Street.

I Next Merchant's Bank.

Of all the bad habita for anyone who -wefrte -to be popular..,! .Ulinka failure to pay courteous attention to what peo­ple eay to you I» the worst.

And aleo the moat commonHow many people you know who

will ask you a question, and then, as you arc answering it. ‘I™ '“Twards you with a glas»y«sure that shows they do not hear a word you aay.

And how many people, while they would not actually Interrupt you In the middle of a speech, will break out speaking the minute you »ay your last word eo explosively that you know they haven't bean listening at all. but just waiting for you to dnlah. so that they might have their turn.

Ye», real listening certainly 1» a fine art and a rare one.

It certainly ought to be an opening for the plain girl who need» gn auxil­iary to her charm».

And if she avail» herself of it. a very sturdy auxiliary l think she will and It.

People Who Work ndoors With Their Hands

Seamstresses, watch-makers, art­ists, draughtsmen, and many others, cannot properly handle their tools with cold, stiff hands. Many a lost hour or two on cold winter morn­ings results from the delayed heal of furnace or stove;

The Perfection Oil Heater in a few minutes gives the tempera­ture that assures the worker warm hands and pliable muscle». CiThe

•RRFECTIO]^ Smokeless '


quickly glees heat, and with one filling <*

and drop bxck so the wick c»n be quickly cleaned.It has . damper top and .cool h.ndle. Indicator elway. show,

—g -ia i_ fnnt ^tk. fliicr-cap doc* not need to be screwed down, it Is put In mHaîLThJMrS&ES » 'he Ion, by a chain, and c.nno, get loxt.

The burner body or gallery c.noot h"0™,T^^’e^iîÿronKrewe’d !nktohnfC££!*n,d CT™lC^ iaa«i^ i-hapan or nickel, i. Wong. d”wU%T^«^mior^r.ndfl,e, lip,, a^TmamenUL

> s>V-

Upholsterers Be-Opholstering,» Speeialty.. ______ mmtl no e_ Oil inn 106 FORT STREET

Or can atRing Up Phonenw. STILES & SHARP


THE DEACON- REFORMED. ComedyScream, 1.W ft- *

TM« BROKKHH DAUGHTER. Drama.1,6*10 ft.

NOT TO RLAMK. ' «Wiedv. IMA ft. -----------------------------


FANCY CLOTH COAT.The coat Illustrated to-day sugavsts a somewhat dressy model. There Is

no foreign trimming, however, save th- n*t velvet collor. Cult» and all seams are heavUg etitubed and there Is an Inset veet of white silk.

❖ household economy ♦* --------•> How to Have the Best Cough *» Syrup and Save $2 by Mak- *♦ ing it at Home

. <.»♦»**♦♦**********

Cough medicines, as a rule, contain a large quantity of plain syrup If you lake two cups of granulated sugar, add one cup of warm water, and stir , about 2 minutes, you have as good syrup aa money could buy.

It you will then put ouhcea of Ptnex GUty cento' worth) In a l«-os bottle, and fill It up with the Sugar Syrup, you will have aa much cough ayrup as you could buy ready-made for .12.50. It keeps perfectly.

And you Will nnd It the heat cough ..•run you ever used—even In whooping cough." YOU can feel It take hold— uauallv atop» the moet severe cough In 24* hours. It le Juet laxative enough, ha» a good tonic effect end teste 1» pleasant. ■ Take a teaepoonful every one. two or three hours.

It I» a splendid remedy, too, tor hoarseness, asthma, cheat palna. etc.

Finer Is the most valuable concen­trated compound ot Norway white pine extract, rich In gulalool and all the healing pine elements No other pro pa ration will work In this formula.

This recipe for making cough rem­edy with Fine* and Sugar Syrup I» now used and prised In thousands of homes In the United States and Can­ada. The plan hae often been Imitat­ed but never successfully.

A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist ha, Plnex or will get tt foe you. If not, send The Plnex Co, Toronto, Ont.

DANCESThe beet ef mtistc supplied for recap»

tien», datiees. etc. Term» moderate. Strtall or large orcbeetr».

WILFRED A. RUTLBT.Phone 21 and L160.


Burt’s785 PANDORA ST.

Padded Vane, Prothpt Attention. Experienced Men.

Residence Phone R710.


University SchoolVictoria, B. C.

FOR BOYSNext Term Begins.

Tuesday, Sept. 6th.Fifteen Acres of Plny ng Ftelde. Accommodation for 12C Boarders.

Organised Cadet Corps. Musketry Instruction.Football and CrlckeL

Gymnasium and Rtfle Range, Recent Successes at McGill and R.M.C.

WARDEN:Rev W. W. Bolton, M A. •"ambrldge).

PRINCIPAL».R V. Harvey, M. *." «C*mb.)i L C. Barnacle. Keq. (Lend. Unlv). assisted

i by a resident staff ot university men. I For prospectus apt.* to the Bursar.


Watch' RepairingWe keep first-class "orkmen for

English, American and Hwi»» wafehes. AH work ruaranteed one year. A Itet ot price» below,.Watch cleaning, 7 Jewels........IIWat-’h cleaning. 15 Jewels........$1-5Watch cleaning, 17 Jewals......-fl 5C>Watch cleaning, 23 Jewels........82 00Main eprthgs ....................................M ®All othet repairs at equally low

rates.Jewelry repaired at lowest ratee by

efficient workmen.Engraving done free of charge.

Samples of aame In ourShow Window. »

sTa. stoddart



Night SchoolNOW OPEN.

Matriculation and Commercial Subjectl Splendid Matriculation and B. C. U a

! Success This Summer.Address All Communication, to

the principal.Phone 2041. ‘ Medina St


read the daily times

AUDITOR, W. CURTIS SAMPSON, Esq.DIRECTORSSECRETARY, EDWIN COVENTRY. Esq Victoria, B. C.HONORABLE EDGAR DEWDNEY. Victoria, B. Ç., Civil Engineer. WILLIAM ANOUK GLEASON, 1452 Vinin#Street, Victoria, B. < ontractor.

ERNEST A MOK JJALL.T25 Fort Street, Victoria. B.J1, Physician.ANGUS BEATON M.-NEILL. Trounce Avenue. Yictoritt^B,<L Real Estât* Agent.

ALEXANDER PEDEN, 611 Fort Ktrect, Victoria, B. C., Merchant.




BROKERS. BOND & CLARK.Room 8, Mahon Block, Government Street, —

ANY visitors to Victoria would be .in­duced to remain over for a longer periodITH the rapidly increasing popularity

Vw of Victoria as a residential city and tourist resort, it has been apparent for some time that increased Hotel and Boarding House accommoda tion of the best-and most up- to-date character is necessary.

This Company, is being formed with the intention of filling this need, and to thke ad­vantage of an opportunity that has arisen of acquiring by purchase that, portion of “Bur- lei th.*’ now owned by Dr. Frank Hall, com­prising Air. James Dnnsmuir's. late residence and 22 lots, including a water-frontage on Vic-

if they could secure accommodation such as it is now intended to commodious and we

irovide—an up-to-date -furnished house, ; and

where tennis, boating, bathing, etc., can he en­joyed amid lovely surroundings.\ Special in­ducements will be offered to permanent hoard­ers, who may at will enjoy practically the privacies of home life or mingle «with the. transient gnests or travellers, for whom ample accommodation is provided. The rates pro­posed are extremely reasonable, taking into consideration those charged by other hotels possessing fewer attractions than Burleith will possess.

It is proposed to augment, the present fa­cilities for reaching Burleith hv placing a mo­tor launch in service on the waters of the Arm. which will ply between James Bay Causeway and Burleith at stated intervals, extending the trip to the Gorge and beyond in the summer months; It is intended also that the Com- pav’a conveyances shall meet the steamers and trains.

With these advantages, added to efficient management, an attentive and obliging staff, a first-rate table, and a comfortable house, there should not be the slightest difficulty in keeping the hotel filled the year round.

Flower Gardens Below Music Room.

Hall and Stairway, Finished in Oak, Beautifully Carved. Burleith," Front View.


Burleith Mansions, LimitedShare Capital, $100,000, in 10,000 Bh&rga of $10 Bach.

Victoria, B. C.......... .....................................1910.To the Directors of the Burleith Mansions, Limited.

Victoria, B. C.I apply for anil reflnest you to allot and deliver to me................................. shares in-the share

capital of the "Burleith Mansions, Limited," in accordance with the provisions of the Brospeetu* and the Articles of .Association of that-Oompany, and I agree to accept the same and authorise you tft.regisfw me aa the holder of the raid shares, and I agree to pay the par yalue thereof-m man­lier following, that is to say : Deposit of $2 per share herewith ; $'J on allotmeiit ; the balance m calls of $2 at intervals of not teas than two months. * -

Dated the

Our offices will be open each evening this week from 7.30 to 9.30 for the convenience of those who cannot get in during the day.

day of.

Room 8, Mahon Block, Victoria, B.C (Signature, in





V* *




Just one week morein which to subscribe for Canada’s big

illustrated weekly magazine




Importent -Announcement! Re­garding Coast Steamship Busi­

ness Are Now Expected



Catches of Three Sealers Up October 4 Reported by



fleet, end Ike hullt. North Bend, whirl, «he i towed from' Queen Charlotte Islands to j Prlnoe Stopert. In a bad blow In Hecate Strait the North Ilend was carried out of eight of her consort through the breaking I of tha hawser, and It^was not until lh«* following d^y that the steamer recovered her tow The Prince George had a foggy j trip south, but maintained her schedule. She brought down 140 passengers.


<"• <■ *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦


B. C. Coast Service

Fall and Winter Sailings

Canada’s National Weekly■t

One Year for One DollarThis offer expires October 31st. Send in your subscription to-day. This is the one opportunity fot^a year's good readipg. And the cost merely 2c. a copy. You pay 5c. at the news-stands, and after October 31st the regular yearly subscription price wHl he resumed. We want to place THE CANADIAN CENTtTRY in every home in Canada. That's the reason foj uris exceptionally lpw offer, ^vety issue of THE CANADIAN CENTURY will delight and interest you—every/page is good reading. The week’s ■ happenings are portrayed by pen and picture. Popular questions are dealt with by men prominent in Canadian affairs. Breezy stories by popular authors interest—THE CANADIAN CENTURY is a welcome wefckly visitor.

$300.00 IN PRIZESWe willgive 1600.00 to the persons sending in the largest subscription lists. There is still time. A week’s good work may earn for you one of the big prizes. Moke use of your spare moments—interest rrtu­rn ends tell them of this big October offer, only good this month. Here are the prizes:

$150.00 to the person sending in the largest list of. subscriptions-

$50.00 for the second; $25.00 for the third; $10.00 each to the _ fifteen largest lists, and $5.00 each to next twenty-five.



Is Offering $400,000 Worth of Bonds at 86 Per Cent, to Eng­

lish Capital

Stewart rivers are throwing heavy Ice. and there is considerable running past Dawson. The flraU mail stage from Dawson to Whitehurbe this season a tar ted y ester day „ - and expects, to make Whitehorse in seven days and to do as " ' ll a< the La Fr&l

Following the visit of Sir Thomas Shauglmessy. president of the C*. P. R., to this coast important announcements regarding the company’s B. C. coast steamship service are expected. It Is understood that a new steamship is to la- ordered for the Queen Charlotte Isl­and northern B. C. ports service, tak­ing the same run as now covered by the. Amur. Although no official news has been made public. It' is generally believed that tills vessel will Ih> much larger than the Amur, wilt l>e built a* an oil burner and will represent the latest ideas In equipment for freight and p;tasenxer earning.

Another matt, r up-ui which t ! been considerable speculation,.and con­cerning which the company Is expected to make a definite announcement. ' Is the establishment of the C, P. R. oar ferry terminal at Nanoose Bay This matter is said to havie been decided during the president’s stay In the city.

The extension of the (\ P. R.« dockg. plans for which were completed somerime ago. Is stilt in abeyance, "but U Isprobable that an early start will he made as the enlargement and im­provement of the present dockage fa­cilities has engaged the attention of the oftlrtal*» for some time past.

• Capt. J W. Troup, manager of the coast service, went over to Vancouver with Sir Thomas Shaughnessy Tues­day night, and has nqt yet returned, lit hi* absence no definite part haulers of the changes deetded upon can be obtained.

The addition of two new vessels to the Pacific C. P. 1. fleet and two to the Atlantic steamship service, as well as additional steamers for the great lakes, is now occupying the attention of the C. P. R directorate, and par- tlculars will be made public, it is gen­erally understood, at an early date.

Cable advices from London state that William Mackenzie and his associates are planning an appeal to tlie English money market for the purpose of float­ing the ptnadlan Northern Fisheries, which will be developed Into a giant in­dustry as soon as the transfer of t!i<- Paolflc Whaling t"unipany, whit h ha recently purchased. Is complete, For the development of the whaling and fishing Industry, In B. C. waters Mac­kenzie & Mann are offering $400,00* worth of bonds at 86 per cent. A bonus of 19 per cent, in common stock is be­ing given to the syndicate with which the Canadian Northern magnates areendeavoring to place the trauf.-------------

It is stated by officials of-.the whaling•

“a*"à going concern will be complet** next montlL The new owners are to taxe pouevsslon early In December.


Dawson, Y. T.. Oct. 19—The steamer La France, the last steamer of the yeat t.i sail from tiaweon for Whitehorse, got away Xondayi nUthL. crowded with hundreds of passenger*, including some Of the best known operators. All freight for wav points was refused, as the boat

..hay—a- race •aga'lnst—tee. Petty amt


a * a <.

(Times L’ffiMd Wire.)j Seattle—Arrived : Sir Osiris from Hum- , burg: sir. Vhorlrfe Nelson from San Fran- t risen; str. Bertha from Valdes: sir. Klthu

Thompson from Nome: sir. Jean le from San Francisco: str. Olympian from Valdes;

Istr. Maverick from San Francisco; str. Lucy Neff from San Francisco. Sailed: Str Admiral Sampson for 6ap Francisco.

New jVork Sailed Str President Lin-.Hamburg; Adriatic for South­

ampton ; Lusitania for Liverpool ; Martha Washington for Naples.

Yokohama—Arrived: Aymerir from Se­attle; Tam ha from Seattle. Sailed: Em­press Of Japan, for Victoria.

Hongkong -Arriwd < 'Inna fr«-rn San Ffunvlseo; Monteagle from Vancmiver. —

Southampton—Sailed: Oceanic for NewTorlf.

—SaMed Cytiute for- DeStii» Naples - Arrived: Atlanta from New

York. Berlin from New York.Havre—Arrived : Str. Sals from San

Francisco.Tacoma Arrived : Br. *tr. Ha r fleur from

San Francisco ; str. Riverside from San Francisco: Jap. str. Panama Marti fropi Yokohama.

San Francisco—Arrived: Str. Arizonian from Seattle. Sailed: Stns. schr. Salvator for Pnget Sound, m— ;-----------


Holt Liner Has 9,000 Tons Cargo - -Suveric, Three Days Late,

is Deep Laden

The Japanese warship Kawachl. tif the Dreadnought type, was launched at the Vokoetrir naval dockyard on the 15th.

Advices received by Norman Hardy, agent for Bod well 6 Company, state that the Holt liner Titan Is taking the place of the Cyclops, having left Yoko-

| hums on the loth w ith a cargo of near- : ly 9.000 tons. The Titan is due. on the 128til and w ill lg^d over 300 ^Asiatics at if his port, later returning to discharge ■ 4>60 tons of general cargo.. For Van­couver the Blue Funnel liner has 4.500 tons of freight, and for the Sound abolit 3,000 tons. The Cyclops has been placed on the Australian run for one trip; qnd a new schedule,Issued by the line sliows tlmt the order of sailings has hot been altered, although each steamship will leave Liverpool amonth aht*a. *f tte lim- wUStilt

j scheduled.j R. -P. Rlthet J Company have been ' advised that the Bank liner Suveric I sailed from Yokohama on the 15th,I three days behind schedule time, with i-a large cargo. The Suveric will dis­

charge 950 tons tor B. C. points ahd 2,000 tons of local cargo, 1.200 tons of overland and 150 bales of silk, consign­ed to ibs-C. P. R. The silk is valued at nearly SIOO.OOO. The Bunk\ liner la also bringing two first-class and Un Chinese passengers for Victoria. She Is expected about November 1st.

Try the Cream of Dessert PerfectionSurprise your folks today by serving Mooney’s Sugar Wafers, instead

of your usual dessect This charming dessert confection with its spicylayers of crisp biscuit crusts, its luscious cream centers of real fruit flavors is rapidly displacing pas­try and cake in thousands of Canadian homes.

Taste Mooney’s Sugar Wafers just once and learn how good this dessert really is.

Ifs Easy to ServeNo longer is it necessary to worry, week and

spend much money in serving desserts. Mooney’s Sugar Wafers are not high priced—have

no work attached to them—and are always good.

Mooney’s Sugar WafersFlu Dès;vrt Th it v Aske^ for Again

At luncheon, dinner or tea—with ices, fruits or beverages— nothing is so good as Mooney’s Sugar Wafers. They are so L very enticing—everyone likes them. Always have a package

handy—for picnics or the unexpected guest. Put a few in kthe children’s hmch box—their wholesome and appetising

« taste will please them. *In M) and 25 cent dainty, dust and damp-proof

your grocer for Mooney’s today.

from a west coast correspondent (he total catch of the Victoria sealing fleet bo far reported is given as 4,421 skins, and It Is likely that the estimate of 4,500 made in yesterday's issue will be slightly exceeded, as three of the fleet have not been heard from since Octo­ber 4

h'apt. George Heater, of the schooner Jessie, reports the catch of all in.sts as li.tluwh. -« f«»r sea son.Jessie. 1119 skin*; Thomas F. Bayard. 917 skins; catches up to potolnr 4. l*es- câwha, 770 gJklps; Umhrlmi. 715 skins; j Kva Msrle. 500 skins The catch of- the 1‘Jva .Mnrir 1s npi-mxlmate and she is expected to finish the season with more than 600 skins.

At present the schooners Jessie and Thomas F. Bayant have landed thylr Indian crews it h squtal tnd Ihousti and are bn their way to Victoria; the Umhrina Is off shore and should be re-

i:\e Marte apd Pepcawha are expectedto reach the coast' next week.

Vessel.From the Orient.


SuvericEmpress of Japan ..................... .... Oct.

From Australia.Moana .... Nov.

Titan ...

From lilvrrppol........

TO SAIL.For the Orient.,

Awa Marti ........................ .... Oct.Panama

For Australia.Makura


The North Arm bridge. Fraser river, wilt' be closed for navigation on Octo­ber 27. 38. 29 only.

Marine and Fisheries Department, Victoria, October 26. 1910.


(Oc tober 20, 8 a. n\.)Point Urey-r-Uloudy; strong N. W.

wind; 30.02. 52; no hnipplng.Cape Lazo—Clear; wind N. W.; 30.00;

45: heavy swell, ho shipping.Tat wish—Fog; wind . W.T- 10 miles;

30.08; 49; sea moderate; out. steamship Maverh'k. at 4 a. m.; Admiral Samp­son at mlunlght; U. 8. 8. Manzanlta

Pachena—Cloudv; wind N.; 29.25; 50; sea smooth; «poke ). G„ 8. Quadra, left Pott Renfrew 6 a. ro.

IJceda—Overcast ; light S. E. wind; 29.96; 46; sea smooth; no shipping.

Prince Rupert - ilaln; wind 8. E.;29.14; 46; sea smooth. Cottage City In and out during night.

Triangle- Overcast; wind 8. W.; 30.16; 45, jiea moderate; Leebro returned fr< m Shelter. 7 a. nv.

Estevan Clear; calm; 29 86; 49; light swell; no shipping.

Noon.Point Grey -Clear; wind N. W.;

50:06 ; 55; out. Princess* Ena, 10:30 a m.; In, Abesslnia, 8:30 a. m,

Cai*e Lazo—i’lear; wind N. W. ; 30.06; 49; sen moderate. Humboldt passed. sew*hb»H»m1. l*e-80 a. m,, 'reporta Camo-

For Liverpool.■

4’yHnps- :....... .............. ................. N..V 2“


C. - P. R steamer Princess Beatrice- or Princess Buy a I . leaves C. P.- R. docks every Friday at II p. m for dkagwey. via Vancouver, Swanson Bay, Prince Rupert, Port Simpson, Ketchikan and

■erwiTrnif ■every Monday.

Xoriliern 11. C. INkrts.C. P; R steamer Amur leaves Victoria

October l*th ^ and every second Monday thereafter, at 11 p. m. for Queen ChaYlotle Islands, rtkeena and Naas rivers, and Rluers,Inlet points. Returning, steamer i Is due here Saturday; Oct. 29th, and every i second Saturday thereafter.

Uu scow Its steamer Venture or Vadso leaves here Thursday night for points In 1 Northern B. <\ Returning, steamer la du- same day as sailing.

t» T. I*, steamer Prince George or Prince Rupert sails from ti. T. P. do< ks every Thursday and Sunday at mlgmaht for Prince Rupert, via Vancouver. Re­turning. steamer is due on Wednesday or Saturday nights at 7 o’clççiL

West Com* Service.C P. R: steamer Tees sails at 11 p. in

on 1st. -7th and llth of each month for Clayutiuol and way porta on Weal Coast of Vancouver Island, and at 11 p. m on

• »f each month for Holherg and way ports.

Nan Franrtwo Henke.Pacific Coast 8. 8. Co.’s steamers leave

the outer wharf »?v*ry Wednesday morning for San Francisco direct. Returning, steamers arrive at outer wharf every Thursday about 11 p. m.

VU-torla-U«»inox Service

C. P R. steamer City of Nanaimo leaves C. P. R. dock's every Tuesday at 7 a. m. for Comox, via Nanaimo. Beavr-r Creek. I>enman - Island. Union Bay and Gulf Islande Returning, steamer js due lo p. m. every Saturday.

FERRY SERVICEVictor le-X'wuvouver.

Steamer leaves here at 2.15 p. m. dally except Wednesday, arriving at Vancouver at 6 45 p. m.; steamer leaves here at 11.45 p in. dally, arriving at Vancouver 7 a. m. |

Steam»'f leaves Vancouver daily except . FrWav at 10 a m., arriving at VI. tola at 2.10 p. in. ; steamer leaves Vancouver at 1 p. m datif, arriving here at 7 p. rn

X Iciorla - Seattle.Steamer leev

ALASKA AND PRINCE RUPERT SERVICE.5.5. PRINCESS ROYAL and PRINCESS BÉATRICE sail from Victoria every Friday at 11 p.m., and Vancouver Saturday* at 11 p.m., for Skagway, railing at Swanaon Bay, Prince Rupert,

' - Port SimpHon, Ketchikan, and Juneau.

QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS.5.5. AllVR nail* from Victoria Monday. Oct. 17 at 11 p.m., and every second Monday thereafter for Prinee Rupert, Rivers

lulut, Skeetia River, Naaa Inlet and way porta.

WEST COAST VANCOUVER ISLANDS.S. TKKK anil* from Victoria at 11 p.m. on the let, 7th and 14th of each month for Clayocpiot and way ports. On the 20th of

each month for (Juataino, Iloleberg, and way ports.

VANCOUVER HARDY BAY SERVICES.S. QUEEN CITY nail* from Vancouver 8.30 a.m. every Thurs­

day for Hardy Bay and way ports.

L. D. CHETHAM.1102 Government Street. City Passenger Agent.


“Prince Rupert” “Prince George"FOR VANCOUVER AND PRINCE RUPERT

At Midnight. Thursday* and Sundays, Connecting at Prince Rupert for HTEW-ARr AND Cil’EK.V I'llARtZlTTE ISI.AND*

FOR SEATTLE w*tam4mri£&£,,u*mn “Through Tickets Issued and baggage checked to all pointa In United State»

and Eastern Canada via Seattle or Vancouver.

THE INTERNATIONAL DOUBLE-TRACK ROUTEFrom Chicago to ixmdon. Toronto. Niagara Falls. Montreal. Portland. Boa-

ton, New York. Philadelphia and Intermediate points.Finest roadbed, modern and luxurious traîna. For Information as to

fares, etc , also for folders and particulars re Grand Trunk Pacific nolnts apply at temporary office, O. T. P. dock. Wharf street, rear of Post Office Write ar Telephone; 'W K DUPKROW, Telephone 2411. HAROLD BROWN

City Pass and Tl* ket A*' k and Freight’AatGENERAL AGENCY T«AN8-AT1,ANTir STEAMSHIP LINES

......... .iï. ..... ! ^a|(nil|ta. of A nW Vim__ IMI*. « n .

Railway CompanySLACK WATER—Active Pass, » C.


---------- ifw

«un off Cape Mudge. 9 aTatoosh—Fog; wind W.; 30.10; 50; s«*a I riving Seattle

mcdvr.te; ..ut. r. H. M. 9:10 •“««• * ».,m «?”• h,re 1 »V unoiMi vvv.K.«ll l«

liere l p m.' dally, a P rn SleeulH

a, m. ; outside, bound in, 3-masted

Ikeda- F >g; ralni^ 29 90; 49; light •«ell; no I hipping.

Triangle- Cloudy; wind 8 E, 18tplles; 36.16;. 45; light swelf; l^eebro at anchor. .

Pa.-hena Cloudy; wind N. W. ; 29.88; 53; light swell; Etnpress of India passed westbound at 11:20 g. m.; D. G S Quadra, at Bam field,

Estevan Clear, wind N. W.; 29.90; 51 • sea smooth; no shipping.

Prince Rui>ert—Cloudy ; wind 8. E.;48; sea smooth; no shipping. "

<• ♦♦ TIDE TABLE ♦♦ ♦

did not stop j ♦ ^ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ *

Victoria, October. ItW

•> <••><* 6 o•> V♦ MARINE NOTES >» »❖ <• <• * •> •><••><./*»*»♦

The steamer Tees is loading 750 sacks of cement and a carload .of hay for Alhernl

-She wtll-sail at 11 p. m. for Holherg and way ports on the West Coast.

The Alaska Steamship Company has been advls-'d bv cable from Nome that ih«.

was ashore near St. Michael on the morning of the lflth. but floated off with slight damage the follow-

So heavy Is the passenger traffic from San Francisco to Honolulu that local agents of the lines running between those ports have been unable to secure reserva­tions for local assvngecs during the past

Vimvouver-Sratllc.Steamer leav.-s Vancouver dally except

Mondays at 11 p. in., arriving Seattle 9.19 a m-: leaves Seattle dally il.» p. m., fa- riving In Vancouver 8.30 a. m.

Data. _|TlmeMt|Tlme llt|TlmeHt|TlmeH:|h m ft lh, m. ft !h. m. ft.lh. m

7r o nr 7 X TÇ 3 2 TI 64 7,5 » X 26 6 6 .. 1 62 7 2 * 00 3 X 14 38 7 4 SO 3 6 7

...... 3 ft AFf

2 52 7.2161 7.1 4 ;4 7 0 6 04 7 0

Ô IS 2.71 « 2 7 1® 172 44 2 73 4ft 2 *4 31 2.95 21 10 4 10 1.2

0 24 0.71 21 0 92 19 133 19 19 « 1« 2.4 510 3 * o oo 6,8

42 6.6

X 44 4.59 21 5 2 9 52 5 X

10 21 6.8

18 10 X2 14 54 7.9 14 00 7 7 13 26 7.66 S7 1.57 42 4 « * 25 «.« 9 06 8.8 ft 44 6.2

10 30 7.011 20 7.7

12 04 AS12 42 8.613 10 8.6 18 26 8.8 13 27 8.1

6 47 5.0ranrr

14 4M 7 715 ON 7 »

15 46 8.0 15 4» 3.115 18 8.2 •5 4*>.l16 12 M 16 38 8.3

IN 4N 6.919 14 6 0 13 32 7.813 52 8 014 16 8314 42 8. 415 08 8.7 15 31 8.9 18 62 8.9

14 00 .8 4

20 0ft 6 4 22 24 «" 19 54 1.7 ..13 14 8 0 2ftm 4


21 32 4.022 06 3.422 46 3.123 39 Ù

19 47 4 9 2054 1821 « 3.721 51 1.822 40 1.52111 OS16 A4 8*8 16 06 8 5

' The (Princess Ena Is expected to arrive to-night Jram Skagway flidl way points with a considerable amount of cargo. She Is bringing 1.060 barrels of oil and 1.70ft sacks of fertilizer from the Rose Harbor whaling station.

At the last meeting of the Prince Rupert 1 Board of Trade the securing of i, pilot ; for the port was discussed, and. although ; no definite action was taken. It Is under­stood that an effort will he made to estab­lish an office at the O. T. P. terminus. |

' Commander Thompson, head of the - steamship and Hfe-aavlng service of the I marine and fisheries department, arrived In- the city, from Ottawa last evening his Initial visit to the Coast. Commander Thompson to-day Inspected the Vlcto- lifeboat. A trip up the coast on one of the department’s vessels is being arranged for

i him*. * • *j The R M S. Ktnnres*. of Japan sailed : from the outer docks for Hongkong via j Yokohama and way onirt* phouf.: fb*,»1 o’clock this piornlng. From this port the

white liner had onlv one saloon passenger i Father Eyeke. .a North China missionarv ■ who attended the eucharistie congress,. and latar visited relatives here. FlXly-om- I Chinese embarked here.

The time used Is Pacific Standard, forthe 120th Meridian west. It is counted from 0 to 24 hours, from midnight to mid­night. The figures for height serve to distinguish high water from low water

The height Is In feet and tenths of a | foot, a box.- the average level of the low- I rst low water In each month of the year.This level Is half a foot lower than the

1 datum to which the soundings on the Admiralty chart of Victoria harbor ait


"T'n you believe In long engagements”’’ he asked after she had consented to hehis.

’Ypi, dearest,*' she replied, “t have al­ways thought It was such a mistake for wo people to rush Into matrimony before

they learned to really know each other.’’•Well, about how long would you -wish

the engagement to be?’’“Let me see. Would you think It was

too long If we didn’t get married until a weitk from next Thursday?"—Chicago Record-Herald.

, 3 2*| 14 3» 4 16 ; 14 1» i 02 ; 14 I*

; S 48 IT «> I 6 * i 17 22

f » J 17 44 1 8 27 18 06I » 30 1» 26


CLEARED LANDS— . rl*erwl »« QiK.ll.-um Beach.sU,-> i. w «, > District arc uow on the

market In tract, of from thirty to forty* u t-* i> a i..!j - 3 L For »l,n« «n» price apply to L Hir'

e n !,, S ! KO*'LT- Lend Airent. Victoria, or u E.* <5 i'll n ! -XI.LIN. Local Agent, Parknvllle1 S’ il y i

Il « i.lacfj]M 21 22 21 i.. 13 M« 52 II 31


Î 5 39 u

The time used Is PaMflc 8Undi the i2ftth Meridian west. It is conned from 6 to 24 hours, from midnight to raid-night.

TRADES UNIOÜrMEETINGSBarbers ....•••••••••• Xnd and 4th MondayBlacksmiths 1st and *rd TuesdayBoilermakers ............ 2nd and 4th Tuesda>Botlvrmakera’ Helpers, .lit and 3rd ThursBookbinders ......... ........................... QuarterlyBricklayer» ............. *nd and 4th MondayBartenders ................. Mt and 3rd SundayCooks and Walters, .tnd and 4th TuesdayCarpenters ................ 2nd and 4th Thursdavngarmakers ..................... ........... 1st krhlavprivera and Teamsters..let and 3rd Friday Electrical Worker» 2nd and 4th FridayGarment Workers ....................... 1st MondayLaborer» ............ .............l8t 3rd FridayLeather Workers 4th ThursdayLaundry Worker».... 1st and 3rd TuesdayLongshoremen ................... Every Mondayletter Carriers .............. . 4th WednesdayMachinists ................ lel and *rd ThursdayMoulders ............ .................... lnd WednesdayH ualctans-.. .vmx pom mt. yn- *Pd- SundayPainters ................... *nd 3rd Mondayplumbers .............•"<* 3rd TuesdayPrinting 1 teaamen .......... 2nd MondayShipwrights ............. 2nd and 4th ThursdaySteam Fitters ............ ?»t and 3rd TuesdayStonecutters ............................. 2nd ThursdayStreet Railway Employees .....................

1st Tuesday. I p m.. 3rd Tuesday. « p m.Stereotypers ....... ................................ MonthlyTailors ................................... *■« MondayTheatrical Stage Employees . .1st SundayT. A L. Council .. 1st and 3rd Wednesday Typographical ^**1 Sunday

Shiloh’s Gurea.lrklv St... c..#!.- «.“•• k-*'*Ik. tkroat mm* >»■*.

is c.H«.88 costs.


1W Mooney BiscuitThe G. T, P. steamer Prlhce George,

1 which returned to port last night from ^ ff | V gm ‘ m | .. - Prlav. Rupert and Vancouver, broughtI nmnanv I M Slrarfni'n I JHISO* i. r.«* »f a tryinanperictiM <vtU'-b t>6f»lwmpaiij, lis, . • utrauuz u, vanaue i u,e ,ie*jn.r utnmiu,. ot tu. a. t. v.


KÏÏ7n,!5îa4and protradinf

__________ _get your money Wk If not satUdl ad. 60r. at att dealers cr Edmakso*. Bate» ft Co., Toronto.DR. OHASC’S OINTMENT.

S. S. St DenisFor Bella Coula and way 1’orta

Saturday, October 16

S. S. VentureFor Stewart and way Porta, eall-

------ — ing at Kitamet.Thursday, October 20.

Northern Steamship Company of B. C.

Steamer Petri ana Sails

Monday, 17th October, P p.m,

K*«lnaynn, i-.nncrlc. Nan. Prie j Rupert Stewart and Portland f"2n.i IXlADINt; AT PORTErTwSakp

Tot freight and paiug, apply K-..........................."..........H= A. TREkx, -.... -

«1 View 8,.. Victoria. °7.,*n7"4.

During the p.r|^ navigation is clos­ed on the Yukon River this Com­pany’s stages op­erate between White Iforee and Dawson. -, carry'-

ing freight gnd passengers.For further Information apply Traffic Department, W. P $ Y. R.,

Vancouver, B. C.- 605 Winch Building,



Csllforni^Oct. 1*. X.leaving Victoria at 8 a. m


Leave Seattle, 10 a. m , steamers onv ERNÔR or PRESIDENT, Oct. 21 »

For Southr astern Alaska, CüTTAnr CITY or CITY OF SEATTLE teavea a attle. 9 p. m.. Oet. 21. 36. ee *e-

TICKET AND FREIGHT OFFICE-,,,. Wharf St. Phone 4.R. P. RITHET » CO., LTD.. Agent». C. D. DUNANN. Gen. Passenger Agent

112 Market St.. San Francis^. For further information obtain folder.

t JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent.334 Ystas St:


Monthly sailings to and from British Columbia and Mexican ports and • taking cargo to Eastern. Canada and Europe vis Tehuantepee-RadisjfAy!

Neat sailing. S 8. LONSDALE, about 15th October. Passenger Agents for the Canadian Northern Steamships. Ltd., Montreal to Bristol; the Anchor Lina and Hamburg-American Une from New York to Glasgow. Southampton. Hamburg and other European points; also through book­ings via Mexico to Europe.

Apply T. H WORSNOP. General Han- *e^r Ml Hasthtgs St.. Vanoouver: H A.

TTUfiBN. Agent. 4M -View ’St., Phone

"1 rnfiuiffi ttiivtt-"





Logan A Bryan. 8. B. Chapin ft Co.

Memlrrs of New York Slock Exchange. Boston Stock Exchange,- - Chicago Board of Trade, New Tuck-Cottvn ExilUaM*-. —.—

firsts, 30t seconds, 29t storage, »|c.Vheew-~New California ftwti. fancy. 17c. ;

firsts. 0|e. ; seconds, 13c. : California Young r America. fancy, 17c. ; firsts, 15*c.; Wl*- ' con sin Daisies. Jlc.; Oregon, fancy, 16*c,i

‘storage, California, 15»-.f'otatoes—River. Whites, 6.7<\fj«0c. : 8al-

I lilas, Burbanks, $l.45ft$l.t)0; Sweets,12.

f Oranges - Pvt box. . choice,‘ extras. 0.9600.33;, Valencia»,' i Ivm $T.»f0 0; faut $. tv-'ii 80

BANK OF MONTREALEstablished 1817.

Undivided Profita.9ttl.Ml.44

O.C.M Ô, and G.C.V.O ,

Capital, all paid up. Rest.111,400,006.00 912.UOO.O0O.OO

Rt. H«% Lord Strithcona and Mount Royal,Hon. President.

Richard B. Angus. President.Sir Edward 8. Ctotraton. Bart., VW-President and General Manager-


- SAVINGS BANK. -*" ‘ Interest Allowed on Deposits at Highest Currant Rale*

Correspondents In all Parts of the World.

A. J. 0. OALLETLY - . . . Manager. Victoria

♦ ♦«■ VICTORIA STOCK ♦* BROKERS ASSOCIATION ♦* ♦ft ft ft ❖ ft* ft t

All»erta Canadian Oil American Canadian Oil

Vtetnrtw. ♦**: 3».Bid. Asked.

.......... 07 ‘80

“APENTA”_jgjSFmriM at mt »»»


N. B. MAYSMITH & Co:, Ltd.Reel Estate Dept. Phone 1500. Mahon Building

: LOTS. Esquimau road 10 Start- lev, large lots fret from ruck, f 1,800; IflOO cash, balance 1, 2 and 3years.

# ACRES and cottage Burnside road. 160 fruit tree*; *2,.700, terms.

5 ACRES, small house and barn.Albert Heed, small ««rebard; 0.1*»,

QVADRA STREET EXTENSION- 12 acres, house. l.«« trult lr«-.«w, email fruits, etc., là minutes from

7 ROOMED HOUSE, Oak Ray ave­nu* targe lot, *4x173. fruit trees and small fruits. ST«.2Su. easy terms.

7 ROOMED MODERN 1101*80, Johnson s«-par«ite bath andtoile», partir y and. scullery. $4.üUu» easy term»

Vanadlen Northwest Oil .... .10

Diamond X’hW- t’oal * « "oke.. .11International Coal At Coke.. • 76Nicola Valley Coal ft Coke . .66Rove! Collieries ....................... 2.71 26Western Coal A Coke ............ 1 ¥>R. C. Permanent Loan ....... 127 tj6Dominion Trust Co. .......... ■n 'niGreat XV <t Permanent tA). 12,7.00 130(10(Iftat Wr*t IVrrtmnrnf «Fit 12» 0»Stewart Land ........................... 2.7 00S. A .Scrip ................ .............. 715.00 740.00Bitter Creek ............ ........«... .«Glacier Crêék ........................... .21 *Mu In Reef ......................n K. Fractlrn ..................Portland Canal....... ................. .2) 2»iPortland 1W'under


Red Cliff ...................................St ► Wait M ft D. ................. 2.95 3.15Klasklho ...................... .12 ' .15La»q.uet1 ...... lift MLucky Calumet..................... 63 A'4Lucky Jim Zinc ....................... - .23Nuggrt Gold ........................... "0 .9SRambler Carlbcm .................... .25 .2*Snowatorm . ............... 43 tASiiowuhtte ............. ................ . ,.1| 63

Sales.5 Great XVcsl Permanent . 12.71

(Continued from page V)


INVEST IN A HOMEA COSY FIVE ROOMED llOVSE. with all modmi voimvn- uiencM, im:ludroK g««. *‘ti\ Prirt* S4.200. Small cwh psy- mont ; Ralanvi' Wry ra»y. As art invmliwnl I hi» » Iwnl. •«--heat. There Is ample room on this lot (60x155) to build an­

other large house.

The Stewart Land CompanyOFFICES 9,10 AND 11 BOARD OF TRADE.

I’hone 1381.

On the nieest part ofFBRNWOOD ROAD

8 room rtftfajrt,,“ rietC and modem. Lot

93,150Jt.000 cash and halanee *30

per month takes it. »

R. D. MacUClUAN____WrwtrS ofTrade-BulbRug. -

* ft ft v ft ft ❖ ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ❖ ❖ft ft> NEW YORK STOCKS <♦ <■ ❖ ft ft ft ft ♦ “ftftftftftftftftft <

(Special t,a the Times.! imlpeg, Oct. * 3>. Wheat Oct4 9.7*«'.*#

Nov . M8« w»l« . Dec. 93*c.4#0c.; May. 'e-F Cash - 6»»»- No 1 North­ern. 96*:.. Mu. 2 Northern* 922*:', .N«», 3 Northern, me.. No. 3 White <>»tS.Fias. 92 63


Melbourne, tk*t. 20. The fttial count In the New South Wales election shows ll*»t Moth pftfttM arc « -tually divided The first count in the recent electiongave tin khef part) e ngjorftj af iw® Premier Wafts • the U0nt ir.ftu, immedlaUIx resigned, and Mr Macgowgtt, ttiie>«ir reader, was summoniul to form a mlnlsirV- The Anal count now shows a tie. Tin- |mu4- tlcn is without precedent In Australian political history

ARIZONA'S POPULATIONWashington. Ovt jT The .pop ulntlo»

rrdtng to tu» census bureau to-day. Tills is an ln- cr»-«ae of 81.42* over I960. or 88.2 per corvt. Tlti increased population means that the new state will have one repre­sentative in congress.

A HARP FIGHT(By Courtesy F. W. Stevenson ft Co.)

New York, Oct 30. High. Low. Bid





aw <"ft tt

* ♦ft *

(By Courtesy N «■ Maysmlth ft Co *. Victoria, 0- t. an.

Hid Asked.--------- -------Cti.iuû-&tcdt&.

Bear RHer Canyon ....i............... •Bitter Creek ............................”■«lacier Creek ................International MiningLittle Joe. O. K..........................Main Reef ...................................Olga ........................................Portland CanalPortland Dreadnought .........Portland WonderPortland Bear Rives ............Rush Portland ..............RvnI CliffRed Cliff Extension ............Stewart M. ft D. ...................Stewart Land .T...... .......

Miscellaneous.Alberta Canadian OH .........American Canadian. Oil ....B. C. Aiiialgamated Coal B C. Permanent Loan .H 1*. Pulp ft Paper Co......... ••••B. C. Oil Refining Co ........ 25Canadian V<>n. H ft It. ......... 0.0Canadian Northwest OH............ 67Diamond Vale «"oal ft frpn..Great West P< nnanent- * h". 123.06 Internai louai Coal ft Coke.. 68 JjAiqueti Island Mining ('©... AIN'igget Gold Mloest . 90Nicola Valley Cost ft Coke...........Hambirr-Car.lioo 25

" Royal Colllerle* . .*..<>■ rSouth African Scrip ................7«)6.»Ff

ft •> <* ❖ ❖ 0» ❖ ❖ •>

t GRAIN MLA ilKETS *ft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft •>

(By Courtesy F. W: Stevenson A Co.)Chleago, Oct. 20.

Open High l4>w Close




Whegt-D«k-..................Mas f........

...i...;,. Mil

................ siMg


Ml i

July ....... : *;:wm m m 971Corn-

Dev. ......... v* 47* m «IlMay .............. 0 498 no* :July ....... 50* 51 W*

Dee. ....... ...........— -W 3ia 36|31*|

341 iti* :?4ü iJuly .............. .......... 33* .

Pork-Jin..-.••••• ......... 17.25

' 1*‘3'17-.42 17.2.7

J6.U2n.4oW.45 à

j <!*** ■',.............. Hi 4M 16.45 46.37 16 42

May, 9 80 9.85

Amal. Copper .Anm. Beet Hu gat ..................... 3*1 371A ton. Can., pref.......... ............ 7»** 7»HAmn. Car & Foundry .........54) MlAmn. Cotton Oil .......................... STJ <71A inn. Ice Set urltles ------- 21 2»iA nut i lawn -..^.....-».ri.»4U 40.—

-Armw.- Smelting ,-rm—rm*m-?*»- --W|Amn. Sugar .........................,....110 11*5Amn. Tel & Tel.................. 140 13SÎAltai undu 431At. hi.» >n ItAil i-::*B. ft O. ...-.....................................M0 leftB. R. T. ...........................................:x 7*1C. P. R.............. ..................... . 1» 197*1Central leather......................... Of-l* :;4j.c. A t> .................................. '31 *OjC ft G. W...................................... 251 24.*Do. / • pref. .. :................77777777 7 St1!—86C. M ft St. I* ......................... 1>\ 12K|C9I0. Fuel ft Iron ................. 355 .‘tilColo, ft Southern .................... *»i 66Cun. Gas .:..l3*i 137T>. ft R. G. . . :;ïv. .. 30 #Distillers Sec......... .. ........ 312 31JErie ................................................. :*'it 295

I 1 »o.. 1st pref................................. SO* 4Hi1 tloldfleld Cons............................. * 71: G. X.. pref ........................ 1.10 12*

O. W. Ow ct6r~ ...............0 0I Illinois cent.................................. 1.131 IKj Inter-Metro.....................................22} 221i Do., pref..........................................5ft 6*) pier. Harvester ...j I. ft N.....................\ M . Rt V ft K S ; M K ft T.

Mm Pacific.............Nat. lead Nevada Cons...........N Y c..............N Y.. O/ft W. ...N. ft W.............N P..............Pacific Mall ............

People’s Gas ..........Railway Steel Spg.Reading .. ...............Rep. Iron ft Steel

I ROvk Island

j Slews Sheffield .......>* r ■:..................Sou. Railway .........

I Do., pref . ........... ....... II Tenu. Copn- r ............................! Texas Pacific .......................r. r .............................................rV. S. Rubber .............................V. S. Steel ....... '

j Do., pref........... ............... ../........ 1:I Utah Copner ..................................: Va. Car. Chem......... ..................... 1; Wabash .........................................

Western Union .........................! Westinghouse .............................! Matt, pref........................... .

Money on call. 21 per rent.Total sales, : .866 shares.

•lit? 1695 14*1 147

.1321 I31Ï

. .151 *

• ■ W*


.. 433 1665 ft»Z

-.1218 1261

11*1 1191 43 135


..llfti 11*

.. 2tii Mg

ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft

The Story of s Failure.The writer was called to the phone by

a priwninent attorney of San Francisco who said that a friend of his eas dying «•! Bright * Disease- u«<l that If we could do any tiling to send the treatment and a phvstclan. Both were sent. The dovin- phimed back that the patient was at the end of a year's fight with chronic Bright s Disease and whs almost a skeleton, and

..sut» in-CumtL-itnfl that the priests had ad mlniater-rt I hr ‘lus» ifte* anti thaT flu.-Ji.L tending physicians had told tlie patient's wife that it Was only a question of hours, and he declared with <onstderatde spirit that lut- had practically been called-in I sign the death certificate The patient,San Francisco business man. was 1 charge of the nurses. They said that ti­thing had passed into or out of the pa­tient’s stomach for. twenty-four hours: that It had reused to act —would not hold peptontsed milk and that they were wal’In g for the end Our coney H F.g physician did not ifiTfik that There war mTr-~vhan< e Tt a thousand, hut started a hard fight for that chance, .lumping Into a carriage, h went to XVakelce ft Co.’s, procured a high twenty-hfeh tube and the necessary a.l- Junt ts and Returned for an all night’s flght to keep the pafVent alf\:e.' "After four hours with emulsions through the high- tnl»e the lmpa< t« 'l fe< es were :removed and. a* the stomach had almost cease.I functioning, the patient was fed and give. both treatment and fqod per rectum. Th food an«i ireétm»*«t« were HtMnt»‘.frH and withdrawn every three hours, nigh and day. The patient was given an alcohol and emulsion rub alternately every thr.v hours. He was given no food by »h< stomach for ten days,except a little client pagne ami cracked Ice. The second day be began to move a little. The fourth day1? he was 1 .««ginning to clear mentally.. In two weeks his stomach began to accept «thicken and solid foods. In a month he was svalking around the r«Hgn. and In tw months (contrary to the.atr.enu.ou* advlt of the physician) he Insisted 4Sn taking a Southern trip. He. was not as*'strong as he thought and suffered a relapse The physician was telegraphed for and went South to attend and bring him home, but the trip and consequent relapse was so s« rious that the patient expired mi arrival lr. San Francisco.

This was a battle ugainst tremendous odds and It Is our Ixd'ef that It would, have been won If th** patient had followed the physician's advice and glx«en up the

-11 I lr,n i>nttl he was stronger! The attorney mentioned wl*.o called Us

y « up bv 'plione was the ITon, Barclay Hen- 55 j ley, the ex-mem.her of Congress and well * ’ known lawyer of San Francisco.- His of­

fices ore In the Pacific Building., on Mar­ket street, and he will doubtless confirm these feds to anyone*who mav he Inter­ested. We refer to tills Instance and It Is name In connection therewith without his consent. VV«- could hardly afford lo do ■this |f the altovc was not strictly true.

XVc consider the , treatment that this physicien used In this ease to aid the Renal Compound as so imnortant that tt was at cur reoueat written un In detail giving the varions prescrlntions and formulae. XX'e will «qaM It to physicians who may have critical caeee like the

Bright'» D‘sea»e is now curable In a greet majority of all cates hv the new emollient treatment Fulton’s Renal Crmi-- nniiM.l. It may be had In your city at D.

t 'amnbe)V§ drug store Literature ma'icd free Address John

> FiSton -4W Battery street.Sgn F'-anclsço We desire to hear from Hstd advise with every case not making the Usual recovery.

Resuming gftef luncheon- Mr. Tobin explained the card found on ' - which Urlppcn wrote threatening suicide. That was a plot to facilitate the escape of Crlppen. Learning from the quarter­master of thfc Motttroac ha wee to be arrested. Urlppen arranged with the quartermaster to be smuggled off the boat with the cargo, the card to be- left In his « Hhfti to suggest .suicide. MiasLunevL, who did not Mfttif a ftiapéct, was to Join Crtp'pen later. -

Crlppen In Box.Crlppen took the stand this afterriopn

in ids ou n defent • h Indlarted that he would seek to prove that his w ife Is n«*t dead but that she fled to America to Jol/i Brute Miller-, a Chicago friend, j Aftbr outlining his medical career, ha ! said: j

"I knew my -wife was friendly with | Miller, and often upbraided her for corresponding with him. In 1964. Cora, j whiHi ls Mrs, ffitanen’s right name, adr » mît ted her .fond nes*. for filler and I ! ceased cohabit1 ng with her, and from j that time Our relations were strained.

"Repeatedly she threatened to leave me. saying that she would go to Amer- I lea to Join Miller Th«- last time I saw I her was January 31. of this year, and I 1 be If »• Ye aiie fled to Amcrtea.

“In ait effort to avoid a s« antlal, 1 concocted a atory that she had gone to America to attend to private buxine»» for me In California and that wiillc route she.had died and waa Incinerated In America. Lsimply couldn’t fat e tnv friends and admit that t1\y wife had deserted me

"Monday night lx*f ore she left I wrote a letter In h«*r name to the Music Hail Ladies’ Guild resigning from hdi-position as trcwauri r-------------------- - -(

Mr. and Mrs. Martinr-tte came out to dinner and my wife abused me fa» not paying them m-ue attention, say­ing

This is the finish. I will stand It no longer I shall leave 'To-morrow and you will not hear from me again.'

Before this .she told me that the man she would go to would be better able to support her

1 went to the oflb « next morning and on returning home Itetween 5 and < o'rloek. found that she had gone. 1 tried to think how to - over up her ab­sence so there would be no scandal-

I wrote to the Guild that she had gone. I also told my friends the sam» thfng. Afterward I rrsHsed that this would be an Insufficient reason for her not returning, and so told them all that she was dead, l do not remember tell­ing where she died except sax ing tUg* it waa,in California.

XX"hen asked where my son lived 1 ga\e hla address. I then advertised In the Era. that she was dead, thinking I ft would prevent people from asking ! me a- -U>1 of question!. WhaleYCF I I toltf"others regarding Tier ITeatTi was absolutely wrong and was done to pre­vent a scandal.

T do not know what my wife took with her when she went She often told me she wanted nothing from m»I did not pawn her jewelry -but 1 did ta'te the money accruing from several cheques she had signed XVe had a Joint bank account and I always fcir-1' tied cheques signed with her name so I could get money when I wanted IL"



Engliih-Atrtfcority Make» Recom­mendations Which Would Be

Useful in Victoria

Short Ribs -Jan. .......... .May

❖ ♦ ft ft ft ftftftft ft ! (Times I,cm»cd Wire.)

' s.f, Frinctscq, Ogt., Oct 0 Wheat Australian and i»n>po 91.WW*ht7V Sonnn. 91.70441.7.7; California Club, it.WtfiRussian Red, 91.SO0|1.(k2L.

Rariey-Fee.l, goo«l to choice, 95c.fl.ft7^' ; fancy, 40V: Spring, 91 «fjtftl 671*Chevalier. $1.9660.0.

Eggs -California fresh, including cuaeg, extras, 45|c. : firsts, 42c.; seconds, 306,;

30r.Butter-California frsak> extra,»,

, By means of a pedometer a wtat’sticlaiY' T I has been able to establish ,tlm nunihor of

stsps taken by a girl ........... .. „„g u, -----------------------------I the principal Biergarien* of Munich T>e Waud (approaching

The settson for planting roses is here, and much of the beauty of our gardens depends upon the steps taken now to provide for next. year. Vtf-torla has the *oil and climate essential for the very heat effects, and If a love for these flowers is cultivated it will he a great step towards" the beautifying of the city. Discussing suitable rosea . the Ça» Mall Gazette says

Three qualities are Ihdlape.liable In a good order rose. First, that it should possess reasonable longevity; not dwindling after Its first effort as a maiden nor ending a spiritless exist- eriee hi the first severe frost: second, that It should hold H* blossoms erect. Roses are staged at exhibition in a manner that does not reveal their na­tural habit; many of the moat conspicu­ous show varieties hang tlielr heads In a manner that quite unfits them for decorative growth. Thirdly, it must flower liberally and late, right on till sharp frost arrests growth for the sea son. when It must have stored up plenty of vitality for the reawakening In spring. These requisites I have found fulfilled by the following varie ties, naming five In each color. Of course, there arc others ns good, per­haps better. "Lady Hllllngtop," for in­stance, judging from exhibitions this j summer, tftoka if If fhf wight eitcel • Le Progrès" among the yellows, and. if rumor exaggerates not, M. Pernet’s

Rayon d’Or" may caat both Into the shade: but one makes a choice among tried-arid trusty friends

Red—General Macarthu., George C.Tcarlet). Marquise



I have pleasure in announcing that our FIRST WELL WAS BROUGHT IN YESTERDAY at a depth of 2050 feet, and is un­der control, being drilled in the record time of 70 days. 1 THE PRESSURE OF GAS IS TREMENDOUS AND THE WELL WILL BE A BIG ONE WHEN TURNED LOOSE. Preparations are being made to commence a second well forthwith, the inten­tion of the management being to drill six consecutively.

The whole output of oil has been contracted to be sold at a good price and the policy of the Company will be to provide for developments as well as dividends with a view to building up A VÜRY SOUND ORGANIZATION.




T. FRAMPTONFiscal Agent

413, 414, 415, Pemberton Building, Victoria.

WINDOW BLINDSWe have Just opened a nice line of Window

Blinds in all colors which we have put on special sale at

50 Cents Each

LIf you need blinds don’t let this slip past you.


Complete with Rings, Brackets and Knobs\ i

25 Cents Each


1101 Douglas Street. . Telephone 633.

pedonvMrr r«-glstarad 58.606, step* from 10 th* Salisbury, Sara Bernhradt, Bardou n. m to midnight. If sbt> took 76\c-«*ntl- Jrtb ........metr^* (27 Inches) at ^enech* atop. »h<? ! Roaf—I’arollhe . Terstout, . Dorothywalketl during tha day 40 k Hornet re», or J»gg, Robert», Papa Gonticr (trn, not

mt\«t. For th^moat per! ah- wa* an- v * hHr,lvl FarbmlmnlgHn. Zeph^r- ***** la carnrlng rom « to 12 litre bm- j ,f,/I>rw1l,n a hybrid tea, but be­lles .or diHii' H of victuals. XX hrn ouf ! .tako-i into, conaldrrstlon the celerity wl'li hBxe* a* *u ,whlcii the girl bad to act and the. other | Flesh—-Mwe. Al*el Chatenaye (moat fartora. It will be seen the power of en- 1 P60fu*«‘ and fragrant>, Betty. Lyon durance required of 410* serving tuaft] is re«6k La Tom a. Earl of XX'arwick.

' «nil

Gustav Regis. Mme. Ravary, Gloria 1 due to the heroism and talents of Lord de Dijon. Dundonald, one of Nelaon’s captain*.

[ refrain from presorting any white 1 who trained the early C hilian navy and V.r) netiotrhkl and' Mme. | taught the man how *- “**

Alfred Carriers t-re not of the tea tribe and my limited knowledge Inyludes no rose to equal Iheir purity.


Spuhianis. riiiUana are not ungrate­ful to hi* memory, for opt of the miaat warships la cajlcij the ‘Admiral (*och- rane.’ and' no town Jn Chile 1» complete without Its Valle Cochrane* as one of its chief streets.”


Notice ts hereby giv.*n that, on tbe first »*xt. Mpr*’ ** elL

t 1 il*- v\ of 1 ! =. imlv! I

•I her. IX ft PfcriM "> 1 hl1 • P ’ Eminent medical authorities assart tftbra des Ingles." which means an j that |j)e gUdden Imnlerslon of the txaly |h Englishman’* word,* and when two j ct)ld Wfttçr, soon after meals, la extremely Chilians complete a bargain and wish dangerous to make it absolutely -Trd^ve they use

’this phrase. No one in Chile ever uses this expression ns referring to other European nations," ways the Times mi||Sduth American Supplement. j WMÊÊJg^

day of December next, roads tothe |Police for well retail in the the Howards Hotel, situate In the province of Brii

Dated this 17th

implication will be

.J^C j_ sû0clent -to dismay an athlete. Yollow—Le Progrès. Billiard et Barrs, dependence»w Engllahmen know that the In-1 -pendente of Chile Is very largely ft- ihreet wed I

NOTÎCB Is 1 4 km will *r the for tsittl

: |


: • -


< Money to LoanIn Sums of

$1,000 to $5,000—------- -— Infmt Sevan (7) }*er Cent.

FIRE INSURANCEEffected in the GUARDIAN, of London, England.

DAY & BOGGS620 FORT STREET. VICTORIA, B. C.Open Saturday Evening». I to It ESTABLISHED 1890.



j Percentage of Typhoid _ Fever ! Cases Higher in Dominion than

in Great Britain




Fop SaleAt a sacrifice, Fruit anil Chicketa Ranch, 48 acres; six-room ni house and out-buildings. Situated at the Junction of West

Saanich and Prospect Lake Roads. Apply''

B. G. HAIGHRoyal Oak i

Thr ft ret session of the Dominion Public Health Conference at which ! werWi>reeent the federal and provincial j public health authorities and the mem- I bera of the committee on public health j of the commission of conservation, «vos j held at Ottawa a few days ago. After * few Introductory remark*. by the*Hon-. 'Clifford Ktfton, chairman of the j < «remission. an address on "Pure Water and the pollution of Water*

was delivered by Dr. V A. f Hodgetts. medical adviser to the pub­lic health committee of the Ttlbn cominiastion. 1 1 -WOmfttl t* Whom I

In» r h*w recommended it/’-Mrs. Henrywater V pu^“S Clark. Glanford Station. l-r. a,,erl,,l wa„ , t „uf.

Added to the Long List due j to This Famous Remedy, rGlanford Station. Ont—“I have taken

LydiaB.Pinkhsm's , Vegetable Com- pound for years | and never found any medicine to I compare with It 1 | had ulcers and fj.ll- ing of the uterus, and doctor* did me no good. I suffered i dreadfully until I I iiegan taking your medicine. It has i also helped ether


that all waters could he classed under j,lle two heads, navigable and non-nav- j Igahlc. Tile first class was polluted by ■ the dTaluaji' Into them1 of sewage mat­ter and factory waste», while the sec­ond was. In addition, liable to contam­ination from the numerous vessels ply.J lug upon them. When the area draln-

I Ing Into any source of water supply w as wholly within the jurisdiction of one

I province, the prevention of pollution j was much easier to accomplish than I ( w hen portions or If lay within ""thêT

Read This !-A -NJW-HOM E tlX" tilN IfEJf ' AVUXt ’ Erupt'cr hden T58Si pWlTfollows : Drawing room, h*>akfast noun, kitchen, pantry ,reception hall with »|»t*n fire-place. beamed ceilings, front and -hut* gfrmr; 5 bedhWix, linen closet

basemeut with cement floor, piped for furnace ; all modern conveniences. The work­manship is of the best anti will hear close inspection. Lot 60x120 to lane j,,' r,.Hr Paved street, cement sidewalks, boulevards, gas, etc. The coming residential district of the city.

Price Only $7000On Terms to Suit

uFire Insurance Written

Money to Loan P 0. Box 428.

P. R. BROWN............... (Successor to P. R. Thrown, Ltd-L.

1130 Broad Street.



—- —■J_____............................................................................................................................UUtWl

H. P. WINSBYTvA?.'ÎE‘ha*'*r" *r* lnv,ted to com oar* our prices with those of other agents. UAVIfe., near Jubilee, comfortable 5 roomed cottage, all modern conveniences,

basement, upstairs will make two nice rooms, stairs are In, Instalment$3.150


$7.875 -.1377

.........................$ 500

GRAHAM, near City Park. 2 lots, terms, each ............* OR. ? ACRES. near Mt. Tolmle. ail fruit, tile drained, nice home

houses, etc., within ÜJ-inlle circle, easy terms ................ATER F RONTAOE, Cadboro Bay. only, per acre .

STREET^. 60x130 ................................. ...................... ................ ............................ . m

(1or*,‘ Waterfront. 2 lots .....................‘I.’.” ............................ tLSM*.rt>vtH -Wf« -„*-►*.... ...vmr:. ............ ! .C.'lOO

" -SksooÎ.400

____ ____ ^ !.M0

atfon, in parcels to suit; 11 miles$48.000TO A'*RE3.‘ bottom land. under cultiv

from City Hall; per âcre ................................................................... .W /rUlt land, improvements. 8 room dweillnff, hath, h and c.

onveTmpvnta'ndstmw'............................ fH*SSÇî?uM!Sr&^Srt?eîMK»k‘'}■£%TEL. 7141203 GOVERNMENT, UPSTAIRS.

: lx>undarlcs of another province or an­other country.

Referring to diseases due to Impure water. Dr. Hodgetts said* .‘ It is gener- ally conceded that a large percentage of all sickhcKM happening in t itles and towns is due to Impurity of the water supply, sewage contaminated wafer be-

| Ing an Important cause of diarrhoea.typhoid fever, cholera, and probably*of llTlsfree imrl nlwavs

! a number of other disease, of which at * *"* ' ftn(1; present we cannot speak with cer- j ----- /"~j.tafnty." It was now almost the gen- 1 era! rule, he stated, to consider that j a fontlnued typhoid death rate of over

I*‘r 100.000 of population was an Indl- ■ ' atlon that the public water supply ; was greativ ,,t fault. Charts wore wwi

*" *h,*w graphie» I\r tfrâr ttnp nphoTB t death eate-in the itttoa of r-ansdû. IB nearly every case, exceeded 20 pel* 100.- |

[000 Charts Were also exhibited; 'indl- I rating the typhoid death -rate in Am-

; erlcnl cities'along the Great Lake, and | In European countries. It Is » slgnlfl- .rant fart that, while Canada has a

j death rate from typhoid of 3Ô.3 per 100,- !000. England arid Wales, with its teem- |

I ***« roil I lens and accompanying poverty, , j has a typhoid death rate of only LM; !Germany of 7.6, and Scotland of only i

ferer from a female disease. The doc­tor said I would have to n to the hospital for ait operation, but Lydia K. I^nkhano'e Vegetable Compound com- pletjftlv cured me in three months.Vira. S. A. Williams. R. F.D. No. 14, Box JM>, Gardiner. Maine.

Because your caae U a difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do ’ not continue to suffer without giving ! Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-

a trial. It surely has curedmany cases of feniale ills, wich as in­flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregiilaritsea, periodic pain*, backache, that bearing-down feeling, indigestion, dimneao, and ner- vou* prostration. It. coin but a trifle to-try it, and Ut* result is worth uni- ■ lions to many suffering women.

If you w ant special advice write 1 forittoM rH.Piukbam.i^ynn.Masfv


water supply of towns and cities. > »th near and remotfrom the point of dis­charge; and further to consider and recommend ways and means for tiie abatement -of tto^se nuisances, having always In mind that the health of the ettfsens of tlTls «ountry is p«ramount. Lut * r rewH mbering Uh n emit] I -r the fostering of agriculture and the de­velopment of manufactures.*’


GOOD BUYSSL250 -James Hay. une block from Beacon Hill 1’ark, mml-

< rn bungalow ; lot 50x1411.52,100—(iorge Road, on one mile circle, good building site ■

100x387, .5750—Good building lots, NortffiHampshire Road, close to

—— Oak Il«y Avenue......... * " —--------=?53,150—A good one and a half storey house on Kisguard

street, lot runs through to Mason street.51,250 Fernwood Road. 160x190, will make three nice build­

ing lots.

National Realty Co.Phone 1166. A. S. ASHWELL, Mgr. 1232 Govt. St...... .Ul|


j Dealer* In Lumber. Fash, Doors and all kinds of Building Material.Mill, Office and Yârds, North Government 8teet, Victoria. B. C.

VrO Box 628. Telephone 664.

CaUmstM Given on General Jobbln* AttendedAll Work. Pnone SOL to With Dlepntcb.


Hot Air Furnaces a Specialty. Galvanixed Cornice*, Skylights and RoofingGutter end Down Pipes, Hotel end Restaurant w„.i

Bskera* Pan. etc.. Ranges and Stoves Connected.Stove Pipes and Elbows. ^


—-— ............... *........................................—............m..... intnuiismu-


Manufacturers and Dealers In Rough end Dressed Lumber Fhlnrles I^th. Sash, Doors. Mouldings. Mantels, Turnings. Garden Firings, etc * ** ***BRANCH OFFICE AND FACTORY. 866 TAXES STREET.

I f you require Lumber in large or small quantities we shall be pleased to supply It.

.. ......................... .... ........................................................... WIMm H > Ul

It whh time," declared the doctor# "that »o wew alive to our res pons I bill- tli‘s anti madp haste to put our house In sanitary order "Certain It Is." he continued. "w> are not ddlngjt by our present methotis and laws It can. however, be done by efficient laws, by

j bettor laws than we have as yet seen fU to enact, the enforcement of which should. In the main, rest with some centrally well-organised and wisely admi-tiistcred federal department, co*- operatlng w ith each of • the various provincial departments of health."

j - Tiia- law-— relatirTg tn -potTqtthn jjjr J Water suppHos arid construct ion of se w ­

age systems in Canada, the United «Utes and Eurorw were then reviewed

j and analysed. The examination dls- ! Closed the fact that each province, with

"i the exception of New Brunswick, has placed In the hand» of the provincial health authorities certain powers with regard to the construction of sewer­age systems and the proper disposal of

Many of these laws." said Dr. Hod- getts, "Jiave been on the statute books for years. In some of the older pro- flHct*s they tiavc been amended appar­ently with the obJe<-t of preventing the pollution of the waterways, ahd thus, in a measure, they present evidence of good Intention on the part of the legis­latures to protect the'public. Persona! experirnc»* lead# me to rVprrsa ths opinion that. in. the main. ihe> are lion-efficient, they look well on paper, but In practice, municipal authorities ffo pretty much as they pleas, and us the powers of most provincial boards of health are only advisory, they ae- cept or reject the advice or recom­mendations of the hoard Just as they i*ce fit. The provincial laws, with the exception of those of 8askatch**wn-. lack all mandatory, restrictive or cor­rective power." •

In conclusion. Dr Hodgetts again al­luded ,to-the desirability of some fed­eral public health organisation to solve International and Inter-provincial J problems.

"It is not conte: ded." lie «aid the dangers at present existing in the various province» arç Identically tin» same either in degree or in fact, but there exlEts the rame underlying prin­ciples In that provincial legislation alone will not solve the difficulties. It require# s«mi other authority, vie., that of the federal government, to deal with them, particularly1 those interna­tional character It will be for the commission of conservation to Investi­gate the various watersheds, collect­ing all available data with the assist­ance of the several provincial and local health authorities, in order correctly to estimate the character, quantity and variety of the various pollutions at present existing and to ascertain their exact point of discharge and ffieTr bearing upon the present sources of

Gonzales Hill is Correct Name of Elevation Where Wirelesa

Station Stands

Special Reductions$20.00 SUITS ........... ...................... ........... 515.00$22.00 suits..................,.••••............ ............................ 517.00$24 00 SUITS ............................. ................ .......... 518.00

New Fall and Winter goods just arrived.Suits made to order. Fit guaranteed,

CHARLEY HOY & CO.1616 Store Street. Merchant Tailor*. Victoria, B 0

J... il "W - ■ 11 isjsew.1 i >, i ii j 'in

At the lait regular meeting of the Natural History Society the following revolution was adopted:

"Whereas in many issues of the city press the term Foot bolt's Hill his been substituted f »r the old hls- tolie name of tlotisalt* HU1.

"Be It resolved, that the Natural His­tory Hoclety views with alarm and dla- Lkvur tlo:. tmdcnc»_. ta rvhiiuOa tlma-., hmnwed—ns tees—m -obsrmrtty and —tn sulwtltute others alike Inappropriate and without Warrant.

"And be t farther resolved, that copies of thin resolution he forw;arded to the l<a al press for publication."

The following resolution was also adopted ; "That the thank» of the so­ciety be tendered to the committee who had It In hand for the excellent ar- rungyt.trnti made for Dr, Hewitt's lêc- ture. and to the press fur the aHaist- once rendered in bringing the lecture to such a successful lasue.’*


Read These SnapskRi n FARM AT GORDON HBAD, two trod one-fifth acres: good house and barn

and ehieken house ; plenty of fruit. Immediate pt.ssession. Make us an offer. Your own term*.

SOME REA I TIKI L FIVE ROOMED BUNGALOWS, all modern, in best l.,vf.lrty. fim eash; balance as rent ; $25 to $30 per month, including interest.

FOR RENT, some new California Bungalows, from $15 to $25 per month, in best lo- ealities. Re sure and see them. —

SOME CHOICE.LUTS for residence purposes at a price that ypu will surely buy. Your own terms.

Drop in and see us. We can give you some of the best snaps in Victoria.Specialist* in Auctioneering. We attend to all details and moat liberal.

Shib/ey Realty Co. Mahon Bldg.1107 Langley St.

Office Phone, 2666. Residence Phone, R-1928,


Up Real Estate Office- Robbed by Armed Men.

Vancouver. Oct. 30 Following in the wake of the robbery at the Grand view- branch of the Royal Bank of Canada.< omes the information that in broad day fight Tuesday afternoon two well- dressed Individual» ransacked the of­fice of E. A. Higglnbptham, real es­tate broker, on Broadway, near Bridge street, and held up W. L.( Nile», who was In charge, at the point of the revolver.

Mr. Nlie* was the sole occupant of the office when the couple entered. They HtaXod they desired to purvhase »ome property on Uroadway and -Mr. Nile# Inviting tlum Into Mr. Higgin­botham'* private rum turn, supplied them with a little knowledge concern-

‘that j Ing the locality. The pair «retried hlgh-i> Interested and Mr. Nllg* was <«n L/ the point of making n. deal when one fiYf the - men, "who wore an overcoat, rose from hie seat and i>ut *hl» hand In a j ocket a* If to extract. a handkerchief. The next moment unsuspecting Mr. Nile# saw the gleam of shining metal and was glancing down the muzzle of a revolver.

The next instant the clerk threw up bis hand# and the other robber rifled his pockets, which contained $5. They then left him seated in hi*" chair, but

Uncle of Exiled King Decline# t<f Dis­cuss the Revolution;"

- Baïr YTimdsï'K ffO.V^Prtfrre Ferdinand, brother of Portugal1# exiled Queen-mother and uncle of the depos­ed King Manuel, i» In San , Francisco seeing the sights of the city. Tuesday, it is said, he will sail for the Orient on the steamer Mongolia, where he ex­pects to do some scientific investigating and surveying.

Prince Ferdinand, who arrived from Njçw York, declined to talk about events In Portugal. He said he was in ( New York when the revolution broke out. and h» did not feel like making a irtgtcment -ot»-Portuguese- affair*, - TU* prince is travelling under the name of M. Vllliers.


Man " Who Aspasslnsted Empress Austria Hangs Himself.

"Advertising Is to business what Steam Is to machinery."

G. W. NewtonAé—rli—monte Wrdtrn and Flmood for

All Linos of Buaineaa

Office with Angus Campbell A Co^ Limited

Phone 1S1. Residence 141L

t>neva. Oct. 20.—Luigi Luccheni, who | ussassiuati ii t..i Kmpriss of Austria, la j ISOS, committed suicide last evening in j prison. Two day» ago Luccheni went J violently insane, and after smashing j everything in his cell, was put Irt a ■ straight Jacket. When his violence 1 passed he was again given cell liberty, j Yesterday afternoon the guards heard j him singing for several hours, but at night he, became middenly silent. Later I thé giiard».- alarmed, entered the cell j and found him hanging to the window ! bars by his waist belt, which |he had ; twlet-ed round his neck.

There is HEALTH- - ___ in every

EPPS’Slu fin. invigorating qualitic. Mill p.ople of all ages. Rich in cocoa butter end



and STRENGTHcup of

Children thrive on “ EPPS’S."



kept a watch upon him while they at-

Chii ago, ,Oct. 20. — Mciphers of tlie Chicago paWking < orporalions who re­cently wert> individually indicted on charges of ‘t-otisplracy in restraint of trade, appeared before Judge Landis In tlie United States court yesterday afternoon to plead.

Attorney Mayer asked for a delay, and liis argument Indicated that he also would ask lor a change of venu.

The court ordered the defen<V*nts



A few horses boarded. Horses broken. Saddle riding school


Notice of Removal

terfipted to o|m-ii the safe. In this they present their plea# on or before Derem-

Suffer from rheumatUm ? You

will' find to aimait

perfect uric-acid «olvent

marveHou* relief


were unsuccessful for after they hafd pummelled at the lock they qulejlly de­parted. The whole affair was enacted It- a shorter period than It takes to tell and up to the present no clue has been- discovered which wUI throw «ttr light upon the tnlscreanii. There Is reason for believing that they are the same pair who. recently robbed thp Grandview Ht-amh of the Royal Bank o' UfO


The fur business so long conducted j by J." Boscow itz & Sons of Victoria, j British Columbia, has been removixl to •38 .G run ville street, Vancouver, British j Columbia.

Esquimalt Drydock

L-OHt $4.000,opo. ■#Fnur cruisers and six torpedo

boats will be built.We flavii Lots For Sale From



A. Toller & Co..__ ROOM 5.

Imperial 'Bank (’hambera.


Melbourne. Oct. 36 —Mr. Hughes in- | trodured In the federal house of repre­sentatives a bill authorizing u refc|-- endum on the tranafer of industrial powers from the states -to the federa­tion. The proposal is regarded by many as an advance towards unification it U denounced by federalists A great etvoggle Ik imminent between the federalists and the SUpnu:tr;> h, uni ' Acation.

MAGICDoes not contain Alum




SOOKE SNAPSIt may bo necessary to wait for the Railway announcement, but got in ahoad, and don’t wait for the first train, BÜ\'4iOW.—- «-■ ■ —.————— ——-40 ACRES AT $15,00 PER ACRE ' ^ - -EASY TERMS40 ACRES AT $20.00 PER ACRE -...................................... EASY TERMS140 ACRES AT MÈTCITOSIN. with some very Vgood land at $15.00 per

acre.............................................. TERMS340 ACRES, well timbered in parts and some waterfrontage, on Roelio jPove.

Price, $2,000 - - -..........................- - - - < - - - - TERMS


Acreage on Carline18 ACRES, $2,500 per acre. Just outside city limits. This property is level,

cleared and cultivated; admirably situated for subdividing. Secure this now before prices rise, and get in shape for placing on the market early next year. , : __ > ' ■ ■ ■' '"V- ■

Business SiteLOT 30x125. only 200 feet from post office; no rock; fine and high. Look

into this either for site or investment.

]>em berton & SonCorner of Fort and Broad Sts.





BA y For A Limited Period at

$12,500Swinerton & Murg-rave Gov^cnt


LOOK THESELINDEN AVENUE, comer ........ ...................... ...EOT TX CH.VTUOATOCK'll SUBDIVISION, 1cm


OSCAR STREET. S-totarrarfr..;.....................CHAPMAN STREET, lots 50x141 ft. Each.

Wm. Monteith


than rost,$2,625

$1,050 .. $640


Insurance*mi LANGLEY STREET.

Edmonton Road

,amrmm^*"*“************"***************........ .............. >

Fruit FarmsRelow is a list of a few of the best small fruit farms

close m and reasonable. FIVE ACRES. STRAINS

BERRY VALE, close to Burnside Road, 500 fruit trees, balance in small fruits, pood 5 room house, lots of water. Terms.Price...................... $5500

TEN ACRES, HOLLAND AVENUE. Strawberry Vale, about 5 acres in fruit and balance in hay

— and oats ; good . 5—mom eottape. barns.'etc., lots of water. Terms. Priceis............................ $6,500

48 ACRES NEAR ROYAL OAK station, about 30 acres under cultivation, balance light brush;, six

.. room house, well built. This is a good buy, as a person can make a gond living from the property.

, Terms. Price . $0,500

CURRIE & POWERPheo* I <66.

1214 DOUGLAS STREET.tww<ww»winwwn,>K



f5 rooms finished downstairs), nicely laid out, with bathroom, pantry 1scnttctT. and.. lourde ^æMGœttBKZXEï moat new, with * acre <<t good, high ground, on the ear Une, arid only ten minutes from the City Hall


Terms, $350 rash, balance arranged.A NICE LEVEL IX)T, well with­

in the It mil* clrelsT close to the car line, for $350, $75 cash, balance $10 per month.

Jalland Bros.~ «K JoKNaON ST.

Real Estate and Contractors. Phone 2214.

R> HETHERINGNWContractor and Builder ^

Two Choice Loti for isle on Nlssara street near Park, or will build on same to suit pur- •chaser.

Residence and Office, 1163

Burdette Ave.Phone Rita.



Fop Sale183x320 on Old Esquimau road, close

to IJitnpeon street; price $2.700;(tn»-thlrd rariL. -v_________________

2 Lots. 50x110, Cedar Hill road, with­in city limits; $250 eath, on easy

R. B. PUNNETTEstate Agents. Stocks, Insurance.

ROOM 10. MAHON BLOÇK. Telephone 1U>. P. O. Drawer 71$.

umvnr............. ...



On the Instalment Plan

Id. h.~ baleContractor and Builder

Cor. Fort and Stadacona A venues Telephone 1140.

Metehosln-B“f KS„^e«llwayWe have for sale a a going conerra- ffcU crop is in) in the above district ; 175 acres : 35 acres under cultivation; bal­ance mostly slashed ; a creek runs through tin- property. . Fur­nished 6 roomed house, barns, stock, implements iitni everv-tbiug complete. PRICE $100 PER ACRE, ON TERMS.

For further particulars apply to

R. V. WINCH 6 CO., LimitedTel: ltkTemfds Building. Port BL Tet 166. Victoria,

COOK STREET, near Hill- ! side avenue ; large lot, 56x^150. Cheap at. $500

W11,MOT CLACK, Oak Ray. only a few lots left, $600

COWICHÀN. 100 acres, 45 • under cultivation. This

—farm is a good—duty—gr ...... ......... $9,000

GROSS & CO. 622 Fort Street

Close to Femwood, fine block of lots, cleared, good soil, size 55x120. With the development going on in this dis­trict, these lots should increase rapidly

in value.

PRICE, $425 TO $600$50 Cash, the balance $15 monthly.

Marriott & Fellows

H. P. Winsby

MONEY TO LOANShort Loans Negotiated.

Agreements of Sole Bought.Office Hours 9 to $.

1203 Government St.. Upstairs. Tet. 714


Orth acre good land, fruit trees, etc., 5 minutes from tram. Owner Jeavitig province. Only .principal*, dealtwith.

Apply 1248 Fort Street.

Put “N A G.” Paint on Your Roof

STOPS LEAKS AND PREVENT! ... ..... RtiUF.JTiaES. .........


Phone 645— i 619 Trounce AvenueOpen This Evening 8 to 9 p.m.


hi 1.1,Y MODERN NEW BCNUALOW, with <mc acre of clear­ed ground, on a double corner, close to school, tar and sea.

Can be bought, for quick sale, for the very low price of

$6,600Ca&li payment arranged, and halanee ietm remain payable at

$30 per month which includes all interest.


; **********


Margaret lllingtAn To-night.Sinre Margaret I Kington's temporary

withdrawal from the stage, two. years ago, those who had enjoyed the, priv­ilege of se«-lng her brilliant work with John Drew In "His House in Order," and la tor as star a< tlie head of her

own < Ornpany Ir. "The ThJef." have i hern patiently awaiting the time when

AttYTrtrjmake» the news mon* than welvome to j her many admirers to learn that she is j scheduled Tor an appearance at the i Victoria theatre to-night, presenting a ; new play by Henri Bernstein, "The i Whirlwind.” —~—

Miss llhngton is accredited with hav- i in g found succès* In this new play, even ! greater than she did In Bernstein's j "The Thief." which theatre-goers will | easily rev a 11 as one of the finest plays of- Its time.

"The Whirlwind" Is a story replete j with brttHent possihtHUes for great acting, and is aald to move easily along i towards Its climaxes without theatrical ! trick or subterfuge, with every power- ! ful situation developed rationally, from consistent natural conditions.

Miss llllngtpn is described as having reached the height of her art In her interpretation of this play which with­out question in the greatest success of her career. A» unpsually .excellent supporting company is tarried.


üihfL Ylyttirik -Tlicairu To-night _ ljl Ikrnstein» "Thtr WhhTwtnd.H —•


513 James tit.. Hamilton, Ont. " "Five years ago, 1 was taken down

with what the doctors called Inflam­mation of The Bladder—Intense pains in back and loins, and difficulty in urinating, and the attacks,, which be­came more frequent, amounted to un­bearable agony. I became so weak that I could not- walk across the floor.

"My wife rend In the papers about GIN PlLJU*r and. sent tuç-u box -From the -very first. 1 felt that GIN PILL# were JtolHg me good. Th<- pain was re­lieved at once and the attacks were less frequent. v,; "In ,iix. weeks the Stone, in the Biaddêr came away. When I recall how I suffered aiid h«*w now I am healthy tind ifble ■ td work, î canïtof express myself strongly enough when r ol emit OTN rii.t.s have

"done..for uiv." John. Herman, 4M>11N Ptfiibg are sold at f»0c a box

if your dealer- does not handle them. Sam|>le bo* free if you write uk men­tioning. Uùs paper. Money back. If G1N' PILLS thy not-give fuît sat tsfav- tjon.. National Drug and Chemical

t. V T , ÎWWltP.


RECEPTION HALL, pannelled in rod oodar.DRAWING ROOM, nicely décoratedj with lnu'd-

some fire-place.

DEN OR LIBRARY, with fire-place.DINING ROOM finished in burlap, with plate rail

and fire-place.

FOUR BEDROOMS with modern plumbing, and xtsua t conveniences. -—------ 1----------- -—

LOT 55x150 to lane and street in rear

All in splendid condition.

Price Very Moderate


UeistermaD, Forman & Co1207 Government Street, Victoria

Phone 55

Do You Want to Se/I ?If S9 list your property with us We want business, residential, farm-

Ing and suburban properties.

GILLESPIE & HART, 4116 Langley Street.

his agility. His jumping is extraor­dinary; in fact, it is a gift.

Scott, the mugh etdetT and his part­ie r Wilson,' are i who never tire the

I the Isugluer going afterMay VrleUa ami Fred W. .Tag tor. Um j „ through. ™

tog aet <d the Oeaad ti.aatna this week. ^ ^ fharles .

New Grand Thibet t.

nr, winning thrir way to pttbHe apprr- tiatlon through th<- brttllant singing and acenlc turn entitled "The Buinorfly and the Prince. ' which 1» without doubt one of the,, beet of musical acts on the road. . • -

John Hlggtas surprises everyone b*j IN Hi I

give a plèw and dancing. MaHel


— _ _ _ _ J- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .■;;......^.....r~.--^- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •"—:--- - - - - - - - - - - - -—:--- - - - - - -

These For Sale-1-11,1 ,i, i,,ni— inmrir — ............. ... ................................. ......


...........................----------------------------------- ^ f -_ .

Will Bring About Some Real Estate Sales To-dayfvWWWtWWWWWMMtUMMWWMWWWWMWMWWMWW1

LEE & FRASERBaal Eatot» and Insurant Ag«nU-


F. E. MITCHELL & CO.Real Estate, Timber, Mines, Northern


Room 2, Foster Block. , Phone 2o29FARMS AND ACREAGE FOR SADE

BTR AW mm RV V.AbK—Ftv*Hirer and a halt cleared. *»!»»« slashed. 4 .'roomed house, barn. *ran‘ an. chleken-houae. etc., S°<” and 3 springs. Price only S1M0U0

Term*W1LKERSON ROAD—Five acre»,

cleared and fenced, 5 roomed how.stable, etc., running at ream........GRANT ST.-One lot, 1-3 ca«h. Price

STRAWBERRY VALE- Twelve acres. $l.r-00. nine acre» cleared, all fenced.


a snap at $1.200. Easy ter»».


SON—Fine lot, 60 x 125. price 1120?

rormed house, ham. stable, etc. Oojd EDMO.-ÿON ROAD—Double corner. we!I ...........................................;• t I good buy at $800. Easy term».

iu nix month#. |.*rkv $1.57,».

veil .............. ........... .DYSART ROAD-Off CiorBT Roa«l. oe

tweefi Gorge bridge and COOK KT.-Thls lot will bring «2.000bridge, one acre, good land, fine amt Stlon. splendid view Price $1200 Term*. ‘

POM E Nt »S DtSTRK "T Twenty-me acme, good land. Price vj '’Tj-

HnuiM for Sal»; City I^*t» tor Sal*».to loan; Life and Fire

Inetirencv. * -• • •


rilE Last of the taTES estate


« FOR SALE. . .M ACRES-Sooko District. last ln.ld»

Sooke Harbor. !For further partlculara apply to

above address.

Errors to Be Rectified—Cost of_ Undertaking.. May B»*c6.......

. $6,000



Broad and view street».



S. A. BAIRDReel Estate. Finançai an® Insurance

Agent. *


SMALL COTTAGE near Yates Street

In the supreme court of Brit­ish COLUMBIA

In. the Matter of Elisabeth A. James. De- | c^nterV, -ami trr t-ltr/Matter Mtb* OfTU Lal

Administrator's Act.I Notice la liet-vfiy *i ven that. under an order granted by the Honorable th* Chief

i Justice, dated the -Mh day of September,I A. U. laitti 1. the undersigned, was up-

pointed administrator of the estate of the above dectuaed. All parties having claims

i against th*- said « flute are requested to ,-*,.nv street send particulars of same to me on or be-

«1 ton fore itie 3th day of October. 1910, and all ■ persons Indebted to the said estate are re-

__ _ , „v.rYW,,i qulred to p$x> such Indebtedness to meÎ AIILFIELV V.STYvE. six-roomed . , . ,a ;ucottage Stone fotihdWim. basement paled ni Victoria, R. C . this SWi day of

. * ,;„ht i,,f 47 x 107 price. In- Septum her, 1910. _ "elecirlv light, lot <• x • .» WM MONTF.ÎT1Î.eluding carpet*, etc., • •••<•.......... Official Administrator

TO HKNT N.w' T-i '-'iueJ huuae with .furnace, on Rank St reel. ISO ' P«T

VAXCOUV.g.V STREET . 7-roomed bungalow Just comptHed, full «I»*® baaeraent. furnace; large lot; thla 1» a very desirable residence and can be had on easy terms.




New Westminster. Oct. 19.-The city will at test be surveyed again and »U doubts as to the limit* of each plot of

Number ; of Properties Are Now..... - Being Developed—Some......

Rich Strikes

Nelson, Oct. lb. — One of the most notable Instances of the mining re­vival which will mark the present year

ground In the city will be set at rest. | . 1.The work will d«ta hy Krneat A. | »» °“ <* ">0.t Importas in ,,a 1.I —«.... ... ............... nsltlah I'n limll UCleveland of Vancouver*

Work will commence almost at once but it will he â long time, probably six month*, before it i.« completed. The cQNt may be less than $6.000, but Mr. t'b velhnd estimate» that It will not be more.

history of mining In British Columbia is the activity In the Lardeau country. This dlstiict lying to the immediate

i north of the main- Kootenay lake, has I for several year* been practically In a ; dormant condition aa^ far as milling ■ operations are concerned With the


Like the one we advertised here last seek and sold at once.

F< >lt $3.200' we hav• Just listed a new six-n>-im cottage, full basement, con

For years there were auapk-lon» that ■ ,.xi.,iptl<m of th, Oliver Cup at Fergu the aurvey» of the city Of New West- , R|m ,hl|>m,.n„ hsve been made for mlnater were at fault and during the flve or ,lx A certainlaat few year» the augplelona have j emuunt devc,opinent work and some grown Into certainty. Even r<V- t prospectif have-been Ih progreaa. but narvon atre t «.n)e of the resident» , M |R nn,y-wltM„ th, Ih„ ,,w month» arc encroaching on city property and , (|)p h-v, become marked. !at the opposite aid. of the street the Wlthln a few week» have come the

«1.900—S-roomed house with hoi and cold water, sewer/ on lot 40*130. only one mile from city hall; $300 caah,

balance $15 month.«1.000-Practically new «-roomed cot­

tage In nice neighborhood, all modem conveniences, half block from car. $500 caah, balance monthly, to suit




foundation, two fireplace». Ufcy •* encroaching.on some ofit else'» ; ri.|ltirU u( lht, rtohnw uf an asl**ti«j« . „ .T"

♦*v9ry mndtro rnnvmtpnre and In a splendid locality, quite . close In.

operix.HoWaver« w4w$a the new survey

[ However, ft is considered **»?n,lal | Ferguaon.' on. Tif the hiatorlc mines of | ‘^re"URroah^and"Rurden have, gone

«050 CAgH.

Buys, a 7-room new house, with large lot, on Cedar Hill road. Price $2 «50. balance payable at $:r, p*, month'

which Includes Interest.

$400 UABH

Buys a fttroom cottage and lot. «xm, in the north end, Juat. off King's • ottagr is modern. Price $2,400. balanes at $25 per month, which includes rent.

L U. CONYERS & CO.650 vrerw street


$2.35°—Fairfield Estate—Brand new cot- j tage. 4 rtx-tms. everything modem and up-to-date throughout, well fin­ished good lot, a cosy little home. Terms. $500 cash, balance arranged to suit.

$R00-Bank Street—-Choice level , build­ing lot. close to two car lines, easy terms.

$800— Empress Avenue—Splendid build­ing lot size 30_ x 127. close to city, rea­sonable terms.

I2.50&— Simcoe Street—Two choice lots (room to build three houses). 120 feet frontage. * Only one block from car line F.*sy lamas.


YOUR CALL FOR HELPWill be answered at once il you ’phone when your wa­ter pipes hurst or some­thing else happens.


So that it will stay fixed until entirely worn' out or you wjg* to change it for more modern service. Then call on us again.

The ColbertHumbing and Heating Co'y, LU


survey „ ’"R™1' «»« A«bc«frd groupatPopI in ^4,,,^., (orc, etght men. We.... ..«.W.u,. ! 1er and of the opening up by H. T. An- , to get out ore for raw-

made and It. round that to make the prson the well- furl„, «be winter. A lew day.Splendid view See our photograph property owners, conform to the new 1 .knilwn Beatrice property located be-, “”,n* ‘ "t w,„ eik,uV one foot in of thla cottage and then judge for lines will work a hardship on them, Camborne and Ferguson. No* thr mlne and it seema likelyyourself. Term., very eaay. 'h« /'"y ,W" -Z' =°™- ‘he new. of a rich atrlk, on the f^ rîL ldln, commence earlier

forcyd, even If they legally may b*. sl|Ver c and that the Nettle L. at *However, It is considered essential i * —that the purvey . should be made In order that no Ihore mistakes may oc­cur. In some fascs on the outskirts of the city the lines are as much as six feet, out.,

The new surveyor must start from wl„ probap|y ,hlp thla win- I A ‘"' 'ïv,n, now taking out acme.umenta erected , tpf Th, NMII, U IW «cro» the val- |

conâüucta '"V from *»« 8llv<,r Cu»l a r<‘,uta;*hlf: Mr Anderwm mentioned, a. further“i per for acme years, and, la operated by evldence of the development of the

Lardeau country that la taking place, that a number of leases of mines near Ferguson have been taken during the


Phofie 1425.Next to Bank of R. N. A.


some of the old monuments by the Sappers here and with them for a complete new map of the city Uu til the new survey I# made the im-

many of. the newWe have the selling of ten choice,, level. I provements ongrassy hda. situate on Graham and streets of the city must be necessarilyPrior streets, does to Bay street, held back for tin- hoard of works de-dtstant 2 blocks from George jay partment does not know where to layschool and % mjV-s from city hall. ! the sidewalksThese are by far the cheapest lots in that vicinity, and will he sold for $600 each. Terms. $50 caaih ; balance can | be paid $10 monthly.



.Mayor of New Westmlnater Asked to . Sign Cheque In Favor of R — A A I Society.

New Westminster. Oct. 1*. — The Fishermen of Hooke Make Presentation I j\nHnce committee at the city council

to" J. W. Burns. | àf the weekly meeting presentedport recommending th^it a cheque for

(Specla* Corresnondence.) I $2.000 In favor of the t. A. & I. So-Sooke. Oct. 19.—The two companies of ^ ^/raw n up and presented to the

fishermen united together met In Knox | m?yor fnr e,*na,u[ church. Six>ke. on Sunday evening to hid farewell to J. W. Burns upon his

the vamp and the one in which W. B. Pool, ||OW manager of the N.uggt I at Sheep creek, made his first hi g stake Ih this part of British Columbia, is again being operated with a large stuff of

the same company, the Ferguson Mines, Ltd . under the local management of F. C. Merry. Over one mil* of under-

ttp to survey tlte Excise claim for Drew and McLaren, the owners of that pro­perty. which is located on the Beatrice trail Another property on thla trail i.H {].,■ Sm.h r, from .Whleh ilU«Mll and_ I , ». U D V II "e H 1 w-

ground work has been done on the pro- t two weegB and that five or six perty and thre« main ore bodies, known men are wa8htng out gold with appar- respectively as the main lead, the cross j pnt flnam-tal success on Ten Mile had and the big quarts vein have been j creek opened up. The new development will ] -be on the big main lead. Four levels | have been run on the Nettle L. and three crosscut tunnels driven on the (


HOTELWashington Annex

CrJ SEATTLEA modem, homelika hotel.Absolutely Fire-proof.

200 Rooms All Outside

l$w$J A«r. ill Sw»irt it.- ‘CwxdMt «• ETwytbiwf"taropeao Plea- $1.50 Per day. ug

J. 1. DA VII. Ftwleter

When in SeattleEnjoy your visit by xtoppmg tl Uu


Tabla unejLceUed. I'opUar pried*. He*$4quarters for Victorian*

T. 8 HRorHY.



leaving for another mission field, pre­senting him with $73 and an address, read hV Morgan Cliff H. Hooke acted as chairman and made an address, in the course'of which he said

“We are met here on a common ground to do honor to our worthy friend Mr. Bu-ns. to wxpress in our own way our love and esteem for him and

i to show him that among the fishermen 1 at least hie services are appreciated i at their true worth. Sir. we are very | sorry, indeed, to part with you, and the i news that the presbytery has thought ; fit to call you to another sphere of j usefulness came as a shoçk to^ us. who \ knew yuu." so well, and _wiio enjoyed

meeting you so much, not only In your capacity as our spiritual guide and friend, hut as a man We respected and honored you for your quiet unobtru-

In commenting on the subject Mayor Lee Stated that m great deal had been put Into the in. Went that was not In­tended. He dW tint want the thing to be taken as s personal matter, as some people'were fnqflhed to take It. State­ments both unfortunate and unfair had been utt*>.‘d at tiie meetlpg of the .R.A. A |. 9<x'lety. These remarks had been allowed to pass unchallenged and thus become part of. th* proceedingsof the me. ting If the board of con- i |0 h<, ^ evidence* of the development

Vancouver. Oct. 19-Henry Darcy, an nH British sokller. charged with ahOOt:-


With One Acre of Ground

This represents another of the many charming homes we have on our liste.

Thig cottage has 6 rooms and la In perfect condition. Lots of fruit trees and small fruits.

Location is Lampson St. Price, on terms. $5.000. ____

Ajax claim, one of the eight claims ofthe group. ..... -1 m* wül» liâ*«t to kUl Albert Rldtcj.

The ore Is quarts, usually heâvlîy , 917 Rrari, avenu* on. August 17 last, mineralized, with tetrahedrite. galena. ^ foynd »not guiity” by the Jury in sphalerite and some copper and Iron aMjIC COurt. Darcy's defence waspyrites. The mine is equipped with an aerial - ropeway, nearly 8.000 feft in length, which connect* with the com­pany's mill at Five-Mile on Lardo

At the Silver Cup, the other property operated by the Ferguson Mines. Ltd., a new and very rich body of ore has recently l*een opened up on the twelfth level, about 1,006 feet down, and It Itf the intention of the management to in­crease the present staff of men to 150 within the next few weeks

•The outlook In the Lardeau coun­try.” said H. Y. Anderson, “is brighter than ever ‘before. On all hands are


An exceptionally well-built 9-room residence, with stone foundation, hav­ing 96 feet frontage on Upper Pandora street. The moderate figure of $8,060 Is all that Is asked for this home, on terms of $2,500 cash, balance on easy payments at 7 per cent.

Thla la positively...ope of the beat"home buys” In the city to-day.


To Edward Purser or the Legal Repre­sentatives of Edward Purser. Regis­tered and Assessed Owner of Section 115A. Sooke Dis1-1**

Take notice that in application has been made to register Stanley MvB. Smith a* the owner in fee simple of the above Sèc- x on under, a Tax Sale I>eed from the As­sessor of Victoria Dtslrlvt, and you are nq hired'to contest-the-etatra of the Tax Purchaser within 96 days from the first publication hereof.

Dated at the Land Registry Office. Vic- ' —torla, British Columbia, this 23rd day of

September. 1910.1 B. Y. WOOTTON,Registrar General of Titles.

The Doc TO* i ” As l yes. rasllees aai feverish. Give him a Steed- man % Powder amd ke will eoeahw all right.**

Steedoiu’s Soothing PowdersI CONTAIN


trpl or th*- executive or the directors of the^institutloh withdrew th«»sc re marks and thus expunged them from fhe proceeding* of th* m«**ttng. h* would be satisfied and would sign the cheque.

•: ,\a «nu. i»nuire-Aiuloua. In hdp t he r A. * T jmcTotjr than fh)a wnrshir ‘ But it I» unfortunate that thing.* of a personal nature enter into some of the proceeding* In New Westminster. There Is no personal

of the country that is taking place. At our property, th* Beatrice, we have four men at work getting in timber for mine buildings ànd I #kp**l to put on

that he had been taking medicine for a complaint from which he was suffer­ing and did not know what he was do- tnir It was shown also that he was A man of excellent character.


Greenwood. Oct. * 19 -The force at the Mother Me la to be Increased and the output of the mine raised to 1.500 ton* daily. ,

The allait on the Combination will be completed to the 109-foot level thla month. A drift will then he run to tap Sn ore hodv that should he encounter­ed within thirty feet from the bottom of the abaft. Th'e Combination ore run» ht*h In gold values.

After a visit to Chicago for three

months Mayor McIntosh ha* returned to the city, and announces that work will be resümed upon the big tunnel within two weeks. Two shifts will be put on and a force of twenty men em-


aive personality, and your guidance of fe,hng my action. Here Is Sn In heart appealed more and more to us. I __i a» not nrn.v.*.heart appealed more and more wish some one more eloquent than I

suit to the city and I do not propose to stand for It. Let the directors with

had been selected for this duty to-night. draw ,hr Vcmarka »« part of the pro- but I art| sure you know that In each reP(1|nKB of their meeting and the af-

W .1. — .i m, a ii t-oH a ca laauln» K»nlltn 1 .fair will then be reduced to a personal

Notice I» hefeby given that I Unsnd to ai-ply at th* next sitting of the Board nr License Vommuis.lnners of the City of Victoria for a transfer from me to J. A Van of the license to sell splrltuous and fermented liquors by retail at the Colonist Hotel, situate a; No. 201 Douglas^Dat'ed the gth day of July. 1910.





1 hog to announce my self ax a candidate for the Mayor­alty for 1911/

Take notice that I. 8 Caffinf, Intend toaunt» Uf lAc«t«ei»$g t^mmi*.-•loners of the City df Victoria, B. C., at the next sitting thereof, for a transfer of the liquor License now held by me in re- aoect of th-1 Albion Salnor sttuate on the corner nf Yates street and Waddlngton Atwy Victoria, B. C « to Jarrv\s Morgan.

Dated this 5\h dav 1,10

BV hi,-Attorney *» Fact, Jn», F Dickson.1 Applicant.

REMOVAL NOTICE.The North Victoria branch of th$

Canadien Bank of Commerce are now xwcupylng their new premise#, corper nnon . bougies and Bay street* _A General Batikin. Buainèaa. Con­

ducted.BEAVSN, Manager.

John A. Turner

of thr fislirrmen you are leaving behind you a friend' who will always think of you with the kindliness feelings

"We HTT Miwrety hop* that at Kxten slon and Wellington you will find loyal and united congregation who will appreciate your services as we appro dated them. Sit*, in my own name and In the name of the fishermen of the>wo | camps I have to ask you to accept this sum of money as a slight token of oür regard. We know you will consider not the amount of the gift, but the spirit In which it Is given. We trust that you will be granted many years of ii4â«»fillness and health to labor In your new field and that blessings manifold may be bestowed upon you and your work. We know that many of EH n-'t attend the services as regularly as we would have liked, mid we hlso

matter and I will not object to sign­ing the cheque. But — matters stgnd now* Ï refuse to sign the cheque."


Falls from Steamer Inlander While Steamer Is Passing Through


CITY OF VICTORIA. . , , . ____ _ ur.-v, authorized by By-Law, from time to time, will be founda «-pi*. v« {Stem 2 STLit. U» city hui.

Kttselas. Oct. 19—As the steamer Inlander was passing through the can­yon Bert Whine up sllpi>e<l off the guard rail Into the Skeena and was drowned.

After fHtttny into the icy water WhJn- cup swam about two hundred yards ina-frantic effort to_ce&eh a small boat which iiad itwn lowered a few min-

Tenders for Brass Goods, Pipe and Fittings.

Separate tenders endorsed, sealed and addressed, to Wm. W. Northcott. Pur- chasing Agent, will be received up to 4 n m. on Monday, the 24th day of October. 1916, for the following:

First. Brass Goods.Second, Galvanized Fittings. -Third. Lead Pip*.Fourth. Galvanised Iron Pipe.Specification» can be seen and had a

the office of the undersigned. The lçw- est or any tender not necessarily ac­cepted.

r WM. W. NORTHCOTT.Purchasing A gant.

City Hall, September 14, 1910.

terms and rendition» aa to the payment at the reel nf auch Improvement aa the Council may by by-law In that behalf regulate and determine.


City Clerk's Q»«er Vhuada. B. C., SspL 21st. 1910. l

Local Improvement Notice

tlmi of this notice, the Coupeil will proceed with the proposed Improve­ment upon such terms and conditions *s to the payment of the coat of such Improvement as the Council may by by-law in that behalf regulate and de-Jtnaiaa ...—.............. ........... .... ..... 4.____

WELLINGTON J. DOWLER,City Clerk’s Office. Victoria, B. ^C.,

September 27th, 1910.

utes before for the use of the sailor»as Wf* WHUIU H»Vf lIRfti, miu »V niff" I nr, , , ,,know that you were aware of the little I’uttina the Une. out. Wh'n Hbout hvo dlfllcultte,. In our w.y and made ample yar(la «"■» '**'• **** ^allowance for them You met each and ] promptly to hi. rescue, hejm. caught

all of us just as one of ourselves, atno time did you evince a feeling of superiority towards ‘us, and you were

In the whirlpool and carried under­neath. He was never seen again.

Whincup was about thirty years ofsupt-riu, .ay 4‘r. , ' ”, ; agP and came to the Pat Iflc coast fromIn all respects a model and example for “ L . ,pw veriremany to' emulate. Sir, we wish healrtlly. Godspeed.”

Mr Burns feelingly replied.


All Yield to the Blood Enriching, Nerve Building Influence ofDR. A. W. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD

j Picture to yourself the thousand» of ! cases of nervous prostration, of loco­

motor ataxia and of partial paralysis

Chatham, England, a few years ago. For the past three seasons he had been employed on the steamer Skeena. oc­cupying the position of night watch­man Ten weeks ago he accept eel a position on the Inlander. Whincup leaves several brothers living In Eng­land.


Vancouver, Oct 19. -Picking up an unexploded torpedo at the home of his parents, at 1226 Richards street. Don­ald Comphell. six years of age, in some manner discharged the explosive. The force of the explosion threw the lad to the ground and so badly Injured his right eye that it was necessary for

that have J>**n cured by Dr. Chase's | th( doctors At the general hospital to' take out the optic. The boy was butNerve Food

Then doubt if you can the effective­ness uf this treatment ih the cure of ffiiwof nervnaâ trouble*, such as treed-

I ache, sleeplessness, nervous indiges­tion, and tired wornout feelings of brain and body. Don't look for mere

six year* of age.



Cumberland, Oct. 19. — At the last meeting of the city council a.rommunl-

rellef from this treatment for It does ration was received from the secretary not work on that principle. of the CttlMM' L- a«u'- recommending

Its benefits are both thorough and I tt,at only one wholesale 'liquor license lasting because it ’supplies to the blood j be granted in town, arid that hotel the elements which are needed to re- | licenses be Increased to $r>00. The citybuild the worn out human system.

Local Improvement Works

•the Municipal Council of the Corpora­tion of the city of Victoria bavins deter­mined that it la desirable:

1 To grade, drain and pave trlth bitu­minous macadam Blanchard street, be- twesn Humboldt street and Douglas street, and to construct permanent sidewalks of concrete with curbs »nd gutters on both aide» of aald at reel. Including coat of sower, surface drain and water laterals

* To pave with asphalt Vancouver ■treat from the south aide of Burdens avenue to Humboldt atreet (roadway H

wide). Including coat of sewer, sut- (ace drain and water laterals.

X To pave with asphalt Menâtes street, from Belleville atreet to fflmcoe atreet, In­cluding cost of sewer, aurfaç» drain and water laterals, and that the aald work hall be carried out In eccordance with

the provision» of the Local Improvement k.naral By-Law and amendment» thereto, ,nd me City mutineer and City Assessor having reported to the Council In accord-

>lth the provision» of lection 4 of ■aid by-law, upon each and every of aald Torka of local Improvement, giving stato-

.bowing the amounts estimated to h?charge»ble In each caae against the vlrloua portions of real property to be benefited by the said work», and th# re- ^rt.ot the City Engineer and City A.

aa aforesaid having been adoptedthe Council : ; ___

Notice iff hereby given that th. Jm, reports are open for Inspection at the 'Ice of the City Assessor. City Hall. rmiMlaa atreet. and that unless a pétition

___ ____ h__«nrk Of IftfOl I rot.Saanich Municipality. •

I-'I almlfïarv PiiW uüfcüoh 5n KT-1 , improved, all the oreana arallKen:‘lav. '"tub., 2LU. laiO. at 12- uUJpuJt , *,ntn bv the roatww»

Mov Uttrtt,. hrnmlffi) n 1 . . 1

i build me worn ..u$ nu..»t. , cierk was Instructed to Inform the Clt- gainst any proposed work of 1m-. Thfc appetiU ia atrctigthOlied. dlges, iztuis' T>ague that th»* matter of hotel ; provement above mentioned, signed by a

"i tlon is improved, all the organ* are | IfOenses Was now under consideration, majority of ^ •_______„ _,,oH

one Bay Horse branded O on ! ^nres'^nd ÿou f*el yourself regain- j -Will Hold a Gallon.-Our strong ine VBIue __________________________lialf hind quarter, white blaxç on face, j Old time vigor and strength- earthen demijohns will hold one im- I jg presented to the I'ouncil within........ . . c.^outiii,1 hffnrr 1 1 8 ... . .. ._ ,.i__11..............« .... ...ta it., v>.,4 \ .. •«». »■-.«

Dro'perty to be aaaeeaefl for aueh taigrore- ment. and reore.^nllmt at least on«-half of the value of the aald land or real pro-u _______a__a a— tka I'annrll ■4»M™

if not redeemed before.H LITTLE

Pound keepar.

ad . is a box, all dealers or Rdman- i perial gallon, and are sold for 35c. Bet- 1 y day* from the date or the first publics L rI é Vo., Toronto Write for 1er get one R AJ Browh S tSC. H62 j iL'„ it this notice, the Coun^l Will ptoexè*I ton, BM^s ft Co., Toronto Write for ter get

1 free copy of Or. Chases Recipes. 1 freuglae street.

The Municipal Council of the Corpor­ation of the City of Victoria having determined that it Is desirable:

1. To grade, drain and pave with asphalt Queen's Avenue (roadway 2« feet wide) from Quadra Street to Cook street, and construct a permanent aide- walk, with curbs and gutters, on the north aide pf said avenue, from Qua dra Street to Cook Street, and on the south side of said avenue from Van çouver Street to Cook Street, and to construct permanent sidewalks on both sides of said avenue from Cook Street to Chambers Street, and to construct a curb and gutter along the northern boundary of the North Park. Including cost of sewer,* surface drain and water laterals.

2. To grade, <9.*a.n and macadamisewith bitumen Vancouver Street, be tween Qiieen's Avenue and Bay Street, and to construct permanent sidewalks, with curbs, gutter* and boulevards (In­cluding maintenance), also cofct for main sewer, surface drain and water laterals, and that the aald work shall be carried out In accordas»ce with the provisions of the Local Improvement General By-law and amendment# thereto, and the City Engineer and City Assessor having reported to the council In accordance with the pro­visions of section 4 of said by-law, upon each and every of said works of local improvement giving statements show­ing the amounts estimated to be chargeable In each caae against the various portions of real property to fee benefited by the said works and the re­ports of the City Engineer and City Assessor as aforesaid having been adopted by (he council: ,

NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN that the aald reports arc open for Inspec­tion at the ofttnv the city assessor; City Halt. Doqglr. Street, and that un­ies* a petition against any proposed work of local improvement above men­tioned. signed by a majority of the owners of the land or real property to be assessed for such Improvement, and at least one-half 6f the value of the said land or real property, is presented to the council wlthtn 9



V- -

! '

with the proposed (paproromoot upon auch days from the date of the flrit publics- tember Mrd, Ml».

R« Municipal Election, 1911.The attention of persons desiring to

qualify as “Householders.” or “Holders of Trade Licenses,” to rote at the Municipal Election to be held on the 2nd Thursday of January, 1911, is drawn to Section | oi the “Municipal Elections Act.” which pro- /Ides that "In the case of the holder of » trade license, or In the case. of a house­holder, he, nr she. shall, during the month of October In each year, make, and cause to be delivered to the Clerk of the Muni­cipality a Statutory Declaration made and subscribed before a Supreme or County Court Judge, Stipendiary or Policy Magis­trate. Commissioner for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. Justice of the Peace, or Notary Public, In form, and to the effect of Form 1 In the Schedule to the said Actln the caae of the holder nf a frade License, ânff of Fofln T uf said Schedule in the case of a householder "

• HOUSEHOLDER" shall extend to and include any person of the full age of twenty-one years who occupies a dwell­ing, tenement, hotel or boarding houaa. who has been a resident In the Municipal­ity the first day of January of the current year, and who shall, unless ex­empted by the provisions of the proviso at the end of sub-section (117) of geot|OR 50 of Chapter 32 of the Statutes of isos, being the Municipal Clauses Act* as amended "(which exefnpts certified effi­cient militiamen and persons over the age of » years from paying road lax), have paid directly to the Municipality all rates, taxes or assessments, which are aot chargeable on land, which rates, taxes or assessments so paid shall amount to not less than two dollars, due to the Munici­pality for the current year, other than water rates #f taxes, or hcenie fee. for

"ftoctlon 7 of the said Act further pro­vides that “No declaration shall be ac­cepted by the Clerk of a City Municipality, unless It be delivered within 48 hours' after It la made." “ |

Section W further provides that “No person who Is not a British subject shall have his name placed upon any Muni­cipal Ltst Of Voters."

Forms of Declaration may be obtained, and the necessary Declarations made, at the Office of the City Assessor, ted floor. City Hall. Douglas "tfedC 3* ™Tp|


Ctty Clerk's Office, Victoria. C* Sift»

4 4

&&rf. uVrrÜ.Ï-, --*•> *"-.; '.'X -'.K •', • WÂVvïi'.t>V>v, -V- "i"


fmiinmniirimmii..............................******......................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

r These Want Ads. Will Make It Easier to find Work or Workers1 ' ' ____________ * . ^ -_______,______r

w ,

/unitiutww %w»%v wnw nuww w%mt> wv»wee nv»%w wsvi


. cm per word p.r ’ “JV®»r month; extra I nee. 3 cent» par line per month. a


WILSON. JOHN. Arehlteet. «” Opeern- wssnt St., victoria, B. C. Phona «•* Rea . MU. P O. Box ni. _____

e ELWOOD WATKINS, Architect. Room 1, rtveitewm' Block. Téléphonée IMS aid LU» ___________

r W. HAROREAVES. Architect, Room 7( newness Building, Broad St. 14 tf

B g. GRIFFITH. 14 Promis Block. 100# Government street. Phone 14».

DENTISTS f,UR. LEWIS HALL. Dental Sur,eon,

Jewell Block corratea and Dougin» etreete. Victoria. ». C. Telephonw- Oflcc. SR: Residence, UL _______


cent per word per Insertion; 3 Insertions, cent per word per Insertion; 3 insertions.1 cen»e per word ; 4 rente per word P*r week; BO cents per line per month". No advertisement for Use than 10 centa


LIGHTS, ETC , for churches, schools, public buildings and private dwellings. Plain and fancy glass sold. Sashes glased. Special terms to contractors. This ;■ the only firm In Victoria that manufactures steel cored lead for leaded lights, thereby dispensing with unsightly bara. Works and store. 848 Yates sVH1- Pupne 694.

S. W. CHISHOLM A CO., workers In ecclesiastical and domestic leaded glass and ail kinds of ornamental glass for churches, residences and public build­ings, copper and brass work a specialty. Phone 2241. *08 Fort street.

BT>R. w. r. FRASER. 71 Tates street.

Oaresche Block. Phene ML Office hours I.S a m, te t p. m. _______


Face massage, ladles' hairdressing, mar­nai wsskis alaolsln and vlheo halr tfoak- ment, combings made up. Phone JW. *•»


Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers. J. Herrick «(cOregor. manager. Chancery Chambré, hi Ijangley street. V. (X Box ltt. Phone LB04. Fort George QfBc*. Secona avenue. J. F. Templeton, man­ager. — 3 —


C. W. BRADSHAW. Harriet Chambers Bastion street.

MURPHY * FISHER. Barristers. Solici­tors. etc.. Supreme and Exchequer Court Agents, practice In Patent OtBee and before Renway Commission. Hon. Charles Murphy. M.P. Harold Fisher. Austin O. Ross. Ottawa. Ont. , ;



688 Yates St., agents,


lent we can

per word per ------------- ---------- .t cents per word; 4 cents per wore P** week; 50 cents per line P*r month. r»o advertisement for less than 10 centa


made; children's smocked frocks a spe cialty. Apply VC Quebec street. nut

DRESSMAKING Vn*inmes, ladles' suits, children's wear. 728 Fort street.__ *

5, 10 AND 15c STORE.oI4

5. 10 AND ,I5c., STORE—T>ealers In notions.v__i____ .'i........... enamel-ware. china, stationery, ladles neck wear, men's ties, toilet articles, soaps, dry goods, jewelry, candy, toys, hosiery. -)ost cards and ribbons. Nothing over15c*' *E.‘*P. Charlton * A Co., Ltd., U09

'Government street. ______________ ___


TRY BAINES A BROWN, __ With our new vulcanising pis

t ajl kinds of repairs, to1•pairs, outer caaa* retreàtlsT sections • and plugging. Inner tubes, blow outs, puncture* eta Phone ITi.

BILLIARD PARLORSbroad street hall biixiard

ROOMS mi», door nOrlb of Tâte, .treet finest billiard end pool table. In city.


WW J. W RIG LES WORTH—All kinds of fresh, salted and smoked fish tn season. Free delivery to all parts of el If. S.S Johnson It. Phone R3M


J«nt per word per Insertion: I ;8 cents per word; 4 cents per word P* week; SO cents rer line month. »» advertisement for Use than *> c*p>*’


FOR SAI.E ll.m will bus » «°1"* r*m" ' ('em1, mmuifiv titr.rut plant lu bits, or

will trade lor real eetaie; this ie » •“«». owner furred to retire. Apply to Box

_W6. Time». __________________ °;J


lot Dallas rued. Phone LW*.TO LET-) room cotta»». Oak Bay. near

beach and car. $1.1. frank W. Grant. D. Spencer, Ltd . Mall Order Dept. 024

MISCELLANEOUSADVERTISEMENTS under *hl» rent per word per Insertion: > t"ee«lo"“

« cent, per word; 4 cents per word per week: US cents per line per month, •dvertleement tor 1res then 10 centa____

FOR SALE-LOTS______LOTS On" Edmonton road, KxlJO. hl«h and

dry, no rock; price |W". «0 <«li-i»l‘“ 11.T n«r month Marriott A bellows, «»»fir» per mAnth. Trounce Ave. o21

LOTS. iixllO. jual oil the Bdmontou road, good location, no rock. vash, balance 113 monthly. Marriott & Fellows, 61» Trounce Ave. _____

TO LET-FIve roomed cottage, modern. •GO St. James street. Apply P. O. Be*

ol5 tf843.

FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT-Gorge road, close to Government street, i rooms, with modern conveniences, rent 888 pier month. Apply to Duck ft John- •ton. 623 Johnson street.


ported direct from. China. Ladles* tail­oring dona to order. So Kee. 1222 Broad street.

FURRIERFRED. FOSTER. Taxidermist and Far­

rier, 1216 Government Street


PRINTS—Any length In one piece, six cents per foot. Timber and land maps. Electric Blue Print and Hap Co.. HI* Langley St. "


Mil U BJORN FELT. Swedish Masseur. Ml Fort street. Phone lS»e.

MàtS LAitNMAN, electric light bathe; medical massage, low Fort Sl Phone


Green date «ergc^M, soioisc and leeciwr '* w Hoyal Artillery bamh. London converts. ,m ale., desires pupils, terms modvra'.v.

Harp, coat prie-- also Irishharp and Radcliff convert fttitè, cheap. 1065 Richmond avenue , tiM

MRS. TULLY, teacher of pianoforte, re­ceives wild visits pupils. distance Imma­terial. Apply Hunt’s Cottage, Esquimauroad $

Misa HARCfSvRT. XT L f: M (London, England*. visits and receives pupils for tuition In music. For terms apply Mountain View, Beaumont. oil

THE ONLY SHOE MACHINES that bavq. priver, oath factory are the Chemplon. made expressly *or shoe repairing. Try HH?m Hi bos. 3 Oriental Alley, opposite


teaming end rentraollng. Several good teams ana simile horses for sale. W. Symons. 741 Johnson street. Telephone ML

WANTED-Scrap brae», copper, ala* lead, cast Iron, sacks, end ah kinds of bottles and rubber; highest cask prices paid, Victoria Junk Agency, 1680 Store street. Phone 18»


FOR RENT—New hou»e. five ton mi. 1« minute, fyim City Hall *'*1 Dr.n.m. Mr..4. nur Bay. Apply fofi E***.ntrome

TO LET-» ruom.U farm tool», and

a. {“'S’ *£1r.rm nan., .no - .or.. Of van*. acre, eleared. ,ood w.iar, 11 mil* from town. 1 mil. ftom ata'lo". rent lie par month to r*hl peraon EJ Rlllanoourf. properly *♦*Orant » fjneh.m, •» TatM olraal. vie toHa. B C.


FOR SALB-S6-arre ranch, fifteen mile.from city, *.kk1 oulbulkllnm. f oui room

■ edJWMfaJàbout el*hle.n ai-re* thin), •tre.m Ihroo.h properti cow», home», sheep, ho»* and chicken», eoh ueJ r"e1 ,fy • • into. Apply BM A» Tlmea ni»

THOSK W18H1NO lo dl»po»e of ihelr Pandora »treel properly for spot ca*n. «aine muet .not lie above Vancouver at reel, kindly communient, with H. R . Time.. ■ 621


cent per word per Insertion; 1 Insertions. 3 tents per word; 4 cents per word P*r "ssk: 6b cents per line per month. r*o

2 laOTS-Jniu off Oak Bay avenue, a snap at 1575 each, on easy terms. Box •**>. Time* oJ0


FOR SALE—ARTIGLE8FOR KALE—Orr© nearly new beaver cloth

<»vem>ala - muskrat Hnj*d. .otter eouar, price 160. coat 1125. Apply Box 814, Tim*».

FOR SALE - Wild black raspberry Jam; à gal Mason Jars, |1; quarts, «c. Box W,

n!7ROCK, in large quantities, for aale;

contract by month or year. Apply_ to YTctoria Truck & Dray Co., Ltd., IMo Wharf street. M

FOR SALE—Bulbs, hyacinths, tulips na^ clast, crocuses, snowdrops, etc. Jay * Co.. 1107 Broad. °3


cent per word per Insertion; 8 Insertions. Ycents per word; 4 cents »er word per "2**: 80 cent» per line per month. No advertisement for less than 10 centa.


: WIT* -On Scott aired, 13ft each MO, Time».

AMERICAN STAMPS tor »at» at Time,orne». «it if

W> FOR BEAV.TH-Tl. LOT nn Davie • treet, IBxta, term,. Trarkerll. Ander- •on A Co. , _ OS

f#)0 FOB FINK mull I.OT on Cjladxlpnç Mxl37, terms. Tracks© 11, Aitdmmn ft t Co. o20

ACRE AND HALF ACRE LOTS on $ Cloverdale for « hlvkeo or fruit ranch©*, right prlc«a »n«l term*. Trackaell. An- | deraon ft Cô. 020

IF YOU ARK lÀ>OK4NG for the he.nt thing on Douglaa stre«*t, south of City Hall, we have It; cannot advertise par- tltfuFar*. ------ -—* -------------- **

FOR SALE—Portable locomotive boiler and engine, 11 In. *14 in. cylinder, on wheels. English make, suitable for port­able sawmill or tie mill. Apply Duval Rroa., Royal Oak P.A

FOR SALE—One Allis Cnairoeis Bullock motor, I» h. p.. nearly new, in good or­der. Apply Shawnlgen !«ake L«ml)W Co.. fAd.. Government street. Jf« 11


and Jobbing1 ACRE. Just outside city limits. SLOW-

half cash. Box 4tw. Time*. ■_______ 020


Repair*, contracts, promptly att* ruled to. 915 Pnnd«*ra avenue. Phone I54T nil

CONTRACTS taken for cleaning halls, theatres, ctiurches, offices, hotels and private reeldenrus; vacuum process. Phone 643. The Duntley Store, 728 Yates •treet. in

A. C. MAYOR. Carpenter and Builder. Repairs, contracts, promptly attended to. 915 Pandora avenue Phone 1547. o^5

specialty. ________ _______ ________Phone UM7. Office. WUkereeeBrown's Greenhouse, corner Cook Fort street*.


Gardener. Tree pruning and snraytttg • jroR KALE—50-acre farm in South Kaan- speciaity. Beaidenta. IS* Pandora AY* ^ » a«*res cleared. I0u fruit ire**.

strawberry plant*», six room house, two good barns, shed and stone dairy, two chicken houses with yards; this place la splendidly situated on the main road, having a commanding view t»f the Straits; adjoining lantl can be bought If requlreil. price 111.000. terms to suit. Shaw Real Ketete Company. 707 lates street. Phone 1064. .

FOR SALK^SO acres. Cbmox district. 3 miles from right of way. II« P*r acre; Will be worth IV» next summer. Apply T R«?ddlng. Victoria West. Phone 2pa

STANDARD STEAM LAUNDRY. LTD - The white laundry. We guarantee first, cleee work and prompt delivery. Pkooe 1617. 641 View street.


LOOK—Carpenter and builder.PSMHBHI ___________ of repairs. Estimates free.MR J. D. A THIPP. the dl sting me hud call. J. Parker, 71 Moss street

pianist, composer and conductor, w'ill ————— - —visu Victoria on Wednesday of next week for .the purpose of forming a class in piano playing. Appointments may be made by addressing Mr. Tripp at Chester Apartments, Pender Tmd Butt streets,Vancouver, B. C.. or Drawer 796» V torla. oil

MRS. TVLLYi experienced pianlstT do­st res engagenir-nts, dances, etc. ; moder­ate terms. Hunt's Cottage, Esquimau road. n!5


WHY KEEP ON PAYING RENTT Buj your home on the. installment plan.

W 11.LI AM C. HOLT.Builder and Contractor,

to dsreally Road. Phone 1*1448.Plans and Estimates furnished free.

CAMERON ft CALWELL-Haek eng livery stables Calls for hacks promptly attended to dar or night Telephone 91 711 Johnson street j

RICH, RD BRJLT. Uv.r», HaeX ai.» Boarding Stables Hacks on short notice, and tally-ho coach. Phone 1SL 72* Johnson street.

Trackselli .Xnderson ft Co. o.*0

82.90ft BUYS best lot on Lind.n. On the hill, near Fair held road Tracksell, An­derson ft Vo,

SHACKS FOR SALE. 76X78. door and two window*, built In sections; will agve you money Jones* Capital Carpentering Factory, ©or. Vancouver and T»tea-

GREENHOUSES, flat bottom boat A long ladder*, steps, meet safes, dbg hÇ^**** In stock and made V- °J<ler _Capital Carpenter and Jobbing Factory. 1606 Yates St. -cor oT Vancouver Bt.

LARGE LOT. Just outside city limits, 88.». on very easy terms. C„ Box 174, PontOffice. ' ■■..•________ m

HEADQUARTERS FOR. BOATING OR ATHLETIC CLUB-I-Ota 6 and 7, Bur- lelth. with the Dunsmulr boat hq^use and stone pier; will lease for this purpose; will fence and add oilier Impr" Fetherston. Mount Totmle P. O. nil

FOR SALE—Lota 45 and 46 Pendergaststreet, close to Cook street end near Beacon Hill Park; price 11,060 each, easy terms. H. F. Pullen. ’ The Wigwam.' Oak Bay avenue. Phone F1605______s» tf

LAUNDRY FOR g A LE-Un btmcu«etreel. block ». lot 80. triangle shape, price 54.UUU. Apply 17* Governmen^St

FOR SALE—Rifle, 308, Savage. 115; shot­gun. 112; large trunk, tf 80; cornet, "Vi ll- liams.” Ill SU: roller skates, 13 50; sur­veyor's compass. K Jacob Aaronaon, 673 Johnson street, six doors below Gov- erftment. Tel. I7IÎ.

FOR ALTERATIONS, repairs and fob­bing. call on J. W. lolden. carpenter and ‘obber. corner Fvrt and Quadra.

GOOD ROOM AND BOARD for 2 young men. Apply J039 Pandora etreel. Phon« L1487 - . .. OÜ

TO LET—Comfortably furnished room, mqdcrh. car. 328 Mcnalcs, near Superior.


TO LET-r-Two furnished front rooms for light housekeeping, near car line. Ap­ply to Mrs. Loalc. Chaucer street. Oak Bay. nil

TO LET—Nice, sunny, furnished room, reasonable rate. 1318 Broad street. Phone L391. n|

FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, 11.50 per week, with board If wished. 2610 Gov­ernment street. o31

NEWEST TRANSIENT ROOMS 1n Van­couver, 76 cents night. The New Tour- 1st up the marble etepa, 167 Cordpya SL

IN VANCOUVER^istop at The Tourist.modern .and newly furnished, 107 Cor-

ROuMti AND BOARD. In all parts of thecity. No charge. Warburton ft Co., 1006 Government St. (upstairs). -----eI7 tf

ROOMS—$4.00. ^er. week, The Sylvester, 713 Yates Street. Modern and newly furnished.

THE PORTLAND ROOMS, 733 Yatés «t. gteam beat and hot and cold running watei in each room; rates moderate. Phone 2404.

BOOM AND BOARD, also table board; terms moderate. 882 Pandora street.

HELP WANTBD-FEMALEWANTED Woman to cook for 3 men In

•nmp: state we*«-e required. Bax 1Û4. Tim.* 021



FUR KALE 7 0-acre farm, all cleared, with email orchanl». house, $tabl*\ etc., , close in water, price SLOW, easy terme. , Apply Rdx A196, TTrilt S -

L. HAFER. General Machinist, Government etreet Tel. MS

Ne. m


carrying full line Imported good* Clean­ing, altering and repairing done. Moody Block, corner Yates and Broad.

MILL BAY AND KAANiCH ARM WATER FRONTAGE- We have a snap, 5©-atre track, fine leml. running? water, excellent beach and anchorage. Track- sell. Anderson ft Co. ________ b*

BEST WATER FRONT BUY hegr Vic­toria, Portage Inlet, four a* res, near Four-Mile House. onl> H"| n^-r ncre. Bond A Clark, Room >, Mahon Block.



W. DUN FORD ft SON, Con tractors and builder©. Houses built on the In­stalment pian. Plane specifications end «stimules. 615 Fort 8t. Phone 2894.

NÙR3E—General, maternity. Phone R23»


CAPITAL CARPENTER AND JOBBING FACTORY—Alfred Jones, builder and contractor. Estimates given on houses, buildings, fence work, alteration* etc. 1003 Yates street. Office phone, LIKA; Res.. R1003.

HIGH-CLASS TAILOR—Suits mads to order, perfect fit guaranteed; all grades suiting* Sam Kee C*. 614 Cormorant-

MR*. WALKER receives patients In her"^ursfniif'-TTnw; "WmixTOTT—... rxq-tPmAfT

road. Phone R1637.Mia» fc. U. JONES,

A, McCRIMMON.Conti actor and Builder,

erxTîrv rhsrg» of every detail a» olO builoing. High- class work. Reasonable

prli7M Vancouver^ m Johnton Bt. Phone (U.


graphing buildings, horses. cattle, ! groups, lawn parties, wedding group* Esqutmalt Photo Studio. Phone 2588. 022


eonal tuition and speed practice fn short- • hand, typewriting, bookkeeping knd

commercial subjects. Including English . and French, write at once to the Excel- ' •lor Business College, Room 5, Sylvester Block. Yates street. oil

E. RAWLINGS.Carpenter and Builder.

997 Richmond Ave.. Victoria. B.C. Estimates Given. -.Prices Reasonable,



Cornice work, skylight* metal window* metai. slate and felt roofing, hot air furnaces, metal celling* eta Ml Wew. Phone 1773.


EXPERIENCE and fine, tnouerr. equlo- n-nt art- at the service of my patrons No charge for examine * ground eh the premties.*45 Fort street l‘hon* 3261

FOR SA LE-Farm. South Baanlch. bo • rres. 20 acre» cleared and in grain, two story house, large cellar, burn, chicken houses, hay. chicken* wagon end carts, harness, end complete set farm Imple­ment* over 100 large fruit trees bearing fruit, about 1.667 cords wood price 1224 per acre; terms. 18.006 caah, balance on mortgage at 6 per cent. Apply L J Cameuaa. 1214 Wharf street. all tf

FOR SALE—LIVESTOCKwm’ . FOR BALE Holstein bull (pedigreed), $ —— j yenre old ; dam. Corfleldfs Lulu, cham­

pion' row of Vancouver Island, clvlng over 15,(Mm lb*, milk tier year E. If. Forrest. Hllthénk, B. C. o25

FOR 8ALE—House and 98i acres. Otter Polnu 4 roomed house, pantry and base­ment full sise of house. 10 acres dcar-d.

* Jt acres v*try good land easily cleared, lance lightly timbered, gbdd land. 13,566:

Apply owner, on premises, faction 34, Otter District, Vancouver Island, oil tj

FOR KALE At a sacrifice, house and lot ; will deal with purchaser only. Applv Box No. 942. 022

WANTED—At one-, strong woman for kitchen. Ringshaw1* cor. Yatos and Broad st rbet*____________________ 081

WANTED--Girl Cor light house work. Ap­ply 38 Dallas avenue Phone R1S61. o.’l

GIRL WANTED- General help, In small family, imxlerate work, goo<t wage*. Ap­ply at once. Mrs. Benedict Bantly. 1125 Fort street. ________________ °-I

WANTED- Reliable girl for general h-ljvBox !

NEW HOTEL BKUNgWlUK-Baai locw- uon. no bar. strictly flret-clae* epeeiai Winter rate* two entrances. Corner Douglaa and Tatra Phone HI.

BITUATI’N WANT'D—FEMALEA WOMAN wants cooking by the day, Trot

too far from Government Street. Box 7 M , Times. M

ENGLISH I.ADY Wants position as com­panion nurse, housekeeper, pr care of children, $ to 10, tight house work, coun­try preferred. Box 288 Times.

SITUATIONS WANTED—MALEWANTED—By young married man, work

of un^ kind; references. Box 845, Tfm* ^

GOOD ALL-ROUND MAN seeks situa­tion in or out of city, good worker. Ap­ply Box 844. Times. o21

FOR HALK-gtx room house and five lots. 83,21X1 ; $**♦ cash, be4anee **»»y l«ri»*;owner must sell, leaving city. Address 822 Catherine street, Victoria West. o21

BAROAIN-Two good houses on Spring road, monthly rental $8 each; price for quick aale $1,506. A. W Bridgman, 11)07 Government street. «26

5 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. Just com­pleted. on a comer I6t, near city park. 12.W, on terms. Box 566,- Times o.-O

NEW 3 ROOMED HOUSE and 1 acre of ground, $1,660. on terms. B‘»x 499. Tim»»*.


small family good wage*.Time* or Phone R1436. o.’l)

WANTED—Nurse girl and mother's help Applv Mrs. Champion, 663 Niagara 3».

021WANTED—General servant or mot her >

help. Apply Mr*. Fleming. “Virginia,^ Foul Bay road. Oak Bay car. o2j

GIRLS WANTED to learn chocolate dip­ping. Popham Bros., 342 Mary Ht o20

WANTED-A coat maker. Apply Mis* Stewart. David Spencer ft Co. ol4 tf



lery and personal effects. A. A. Aaron- eon. ror. Johnson and Broad. ------

PLUMBING AND HEATINGCHAFE ft JONES, carriage builders end

repairers, general blacksmithlng. rub­ber t;res and painting. Satisfaction guarant ?ed. Order* promptly executed. Corner Fvft sad Blanehnrd.

HEATING AND HLUMBING-J. Warner ft Co.. Ltd.. 881 F eguard srreet. above j street Phene LZ7I. residence. RI70.

1.766-lb. MARE FOR FALE-TVell broken, good worker. Hciive. and eaund. 7 years. •HI. Apply 4W4 Huperlor xtrcct oî*

FOR SALE—Sorrel horse. 6 years old, weighs l.xrg Apply H. Clark, care of R. Bray. Ilverv. Johnson street o21

FOR RALE—Gentle three-year-old hay horse, unbroken. Apply Mrs. Chsa. Hogg Cobble HUI B C. o21


JAMES BAY HACK STABLES—First------- class carriage* at alUhours, all orders

SCHOOL* 110S Buad st I promptly attended to. James Blrney, Prop Tel. 639. o24

SHORTHAND _ Mi _Skortkanu. typewriting, bookkeeping, telegraphy thoroughly taught *. A.


ei FORT ST.. Prof. A. E. Parnweii. Huurs Sour. tHi midnight, ladies day every Monday, 10 a. m. till 7 p. m.


JEMKNT ■ WORK—^Foundations, floors, walk:, and all kinds of cement work; also draining and excavating. j, *», Morris, 303 Langford St. Phone R21V3. nU


SEWER PIPE. Field Tile Gr..u«d r<ro Clay. Flower Pots, H* B. Ç Pottery Co.. Ltd., cerner Broad and Pandora etreete, Victoria. B. C.


FOR SALE—Young bay mare, qutet In > rood condition. Hayward ft Dods. 027

Fort street. s36 tfFOR SA LE—Good family cow. very quiet

with children Apply Thos Pllmley. bicycle store, opposite Spencer's. e27 tf

FOR SALE-Yearllng Southdown ram* pure bred and registered. Address A. T Wwtt. P O Box 79». Victoria. B C. e2tf


, N WING ON, 1709 Government street Phone 23.

omro, IAshes !

VICTORIA SCAVENGING CO 1826 Government street. Phone Sand garbage removed.

LABORER'S UNION on Friday evening Oct. 2lat.. Full attendance requested Chang»» in constitution affecting the mofiThty dtma aud initiation fees to be onsldeie<l with 11 c object of plat leg

the Union on a better business basis 1 do more effective work. o30

W J. HAN.Na. Funeral Director Embalmer. Courteous attend! Chapel. 748 TatM 11».


meets aver* Wednesday evening at | e'eloca u. Odd Fellows' Hall. Douglas

; O'BRIEN ft DUNNE. Chimney and Fur­nace Cleaners. A good, clean Job with-

, oyt any iness guaranteed. Phone up law.

CLEANED—Defective flues Wm. Neal. 1018 Quadra eu


CHlMNiAa fixed, ete. rnun« lvi>.

etreet* R. W. Fawcett. Government street.

Dougia* CLEANING AND TAILORINGSee.. 287 : —^--------------------------------------------- ----- -,—_

PHONE 1747—Highest cash prices for enst-nff clothing. Will b*» pleased to call at anv address. , Jacob Aaronaon, «2 Johnson street.


COURT CARIBOO. No. 741, L O. F.. meets ei» second and fourth Monday, of each month In K. of P. Hall, eornsr - Pandora and Douglaa street* Visiting Foresters welcomed. Fin. Secy.. L. W. SVW t- Bos «16; J. W. A King. I R. See.. 1661 Chamberlain street.

K OF P.-No. l. Far West Ledge. Friday, K of P. Hall, cor. Douglas and Pandora ! It* J. L. Smith. K. of R.’ ft g. Box 544 1

VICTORIA. Nh. 17, K. of P„ meets at I K. Of P. Hall, every Thursday K. c 'Kaufman. K. of R. ft 9 Box 166. ;

A. O. F.. COURT NORTHERN LIGHT No 1935, meet» at F-vrasters Hall, Breedstreet, lad and 4ta Wednesdays. W. p.

! GEMS C LUT il ES CLEANED. rvpairMl.i dyed and pressed; umbrellas and para- I «vis uindc, i epe rvu nuu re-cvvwf a. I Guy W. walker, 7va johmoo Si., j^st * east ef Douglas. Phone L188T.

CUTE ON & CO.. 714 Yates street. Dealers in and manufacturers of ladles' silks, dry goods, etc. Employment ofllc* Con­ducts taken for Chinese labor. Phone 2534.


er* Out o.* town w. lesponUwnoe solicit­ed. 624 Fort street. Telephone 748.

ALFRED M. H')\VKLL, Customs Broker," 1 Forwarding and Cou.m ssivn .vg. nt. Heal ! Estate. Pioiui* LIuck. lu06 Go. «rument Telephone 1501.; Res., R16Î1.


paints, oils, plate glaas. Orders proumi- Î ly filled. Phone 812. 766 Fort street.

GUU.NG MAN FUNG CO -All styles of kimonas. fine Ivory wares and curios, fancy silks. Including pongee, crepe.*1*. Chilien linen, Chinese and Japanese ■ilk goods, ladies fans, -toy boxes, and a large assortment of rhttan chairs, dreg* pstierns. prices to suit all purse*1715 Government street P O Box

--------! MOTHERS.

j THU PSYCHIC RESEARCH SOCIETY htdd meetings at thé ForeePr*' Hall, on

1- Broad -slreoi. every Sunday evening »t D k o'clock. Under the uusplue* of this

Society Mrs. F. V. Jackson, a reliable paychh- and medium, can be Consulted dally at the Pullman Rooms. 1318 Doug­las street. niû

THE DU NT I.E Y~ STORE.” 728 Yates St. Contract* taken for cleaning halD, churches, office*, hotel* and private re. aidence*. Vacuum process. Phone ti|a.

FOB SALE A2îl" acres of best watrr f-tu.jon Portage Inlet, cleared and free from rock, close to stor»» and post offlvc; only S550 per acre. Fruit and poultry ratu he* for rale J W. Mmlott, Strawberry Vale P O Phone R240 oil (f

A BARGAIN-Owner leaving city, new, modern. 6 room bungalow, extra light fixture* large basement, good lot. price ktonh; Hum . ash and $2"i a month, includ­ing Internet. Box 49* Tripes. o2>

NEW, modern. 5 room bungalow, on Queen's avenue. |3.in0; 1450 cash, balance C5 a month» btcluding latexeaL Box. 4$?.

WANTED—General servant, good plain cook; wages HO a month. Telephone 340.

____ ___________________ ______o26ÎVaNTED—First-class Chocolats dipoer.

Apply Mgr Confectionery Dept , D Spencer, Ltd. of tf

WANTED-Cook for family of three” other help kept; comfortable home; good ■alary. Box AnA Times. o« tf

WANTED-Strong woman as general help at the B. C. Orphans' Home. Apply to the Matron, between 2 and 4, or « and 5.


MODERN * R(X)MKi) HOUSE and 2 | large lota, on oorner. In Oak Bay, 1 j block from cgr. price 83,560; 1600 vagh and balance $26 a month. Box Times. o2J

SMALL HOUSE and lot, on Kelvin road.Just off Douglas street, some fruit tree* hearing, a atiap at terms, uutathlhlcash, balance «, 12 and 13 numth* 7 per cent. Interest. Shaw Real Estate Co.,707 Yates street.* Phone 1004. o34 AGENTS

12,500 BUYS 7 room hous*. bn big deep lot. on Caledonia, near Chambers, in good repair. Tracksell. .Xnderson ft i'o. «S>

BOY WANTED Apply Cusack's Printing Office, cor. Courtney and Gordon street*.

■<" “ - ©21BOY WANTED Apply Wtlkereon' ft

Brown, flnriaia. i'unk it reel, or IBS Yates street. ç21

WANTED—Private Christmas cards, samples free, large profits. Chip- chase, Darlington. England o24

ADVERTISER, having afternoons free.would UR© employment, temporary or otherwlsrr good penman and tudhutor; knows city well. R.; Box 174, Post Office.


YOUNG ENGLISH ARCHITECT dispos­ing of practice Is desirous of obtaining ntist as assistant or manager In colonial office'; 12 yeare" varied, excellent, ex­perience ; work given greatest satisfac­tion.; artistic and practical, quantities, ••te. K orner, architect; SUnderlamY. England.________________________

WANTED — MISCELLANEOUSW A NTED—Five or six roomed house,

must be new and fully modern, in good part of city, near a public school; will pay $2.500 to S2,*t>: terms must be easy. Apply Box A13, Time* ol9 tf

V ANTED Vlctoi •« < 'n anu shatstate price. Apply Box M*. Times. o2l

W ANTED To rent, an unfurnished cot­tage, 3 rooms. Apply Box No. 929, Tim- ».

WANTED—A good, sound, , quiet horse, nbout 1.360 lbs., for delivery wagon, must not be over 7 years old. Address W. 1*, 3K Edward street._______ !_______ °-T

W ANTED- Ih-llvery horse, reliable, a out 1,186 lbs., between 6 knd * years. Box W*.

GENUINE SNAP Niagara street. 6 room hou»**, n**aiïy J acre, land, f.n* s<41, |3,0JU, terms $50» < ash. balance to .suit. St»Bond ft Clark. Room 8. Mahon Block ^ oj.9)

FOR SALE—N»*w 6 room house. tm>dern, good lot, near Suixrtor street, James Bay; price, one week, only $2.6uO; cash 3566, balance arranged Also 3 good lots adjoining same. App y "Owner," Regent Cigar Stand «32

WANTED—Good strong boy. haw Be©*» 242 Maury street.

Apply Pop---------- —

XVANTED-First-class stork salesmen, A1 ; TOproposition, will bear closest lnv«aVga- tion Bond ft Clark, Room 8, Mahon | Block.____ ________________ 036 ,

WANTED Handy man to work around j ' stove work*. Apply Albion Stove Work*. ;


W’ANTED—By eouplr. without children, two unfUrnlsheil room* with ):onvehi- rnce* for housekeeping Apply Box No. 908. Times.___________ o2Q

Wanted—onr'of two good lot*. < he«p. on Bla kwood. Prior or Seavlew street*Box A«7. Tlfnfi_________ Qjo

WANTED—A well furnished house, in Hittv at>©it :• rooms; must li­

near tram. -Bo* _fW8. Times o22WANTBD—Young, fresh. Jersey cow ;

state price am! age. Apply 1667 Dougia*■treat. ............ ......... ~m __ o3>

BUX' FOR CASH, or exchange for td farming properly, house and land

hear car line. A pply P. O. Box 1075, Vic­toria- ———nl#

FOR SALE—7 room house. Jamfe* Bay, near' Park, one block from the sea. In flrst-clas* comBtlon, large kitchen, bath­room and lavatory separate. China-

ad k.,lut can t>e bought or rented. If sold on or before November let purchaser can take over all electric light fittings and kitchen range. Price 8.*.7iOO. term* to suit purchaser. Apply Robin 10, Pro ml* Block, or P. O. 590. O20

m 1.MODERN, -oat tl« rooms and r *• 1 Yate* street;

(UPtf^Hy |m-(|liitt f Ul't|1 sh ■. II office* The .'Sylvester. 716

Y ate* street; The T^ngley, 1205 and 1211 Langley street. n7

TRANSFERSvicrroHi* TkucK axu kxpkk»»-

General trucking and ! express. Furni­ture and piano moving a specialty. Charges rea*on*hla. Phone tts. l.ungUy si real.




tjtovernment street. Phone 2171.


gems suits cleaned gnu p. e»s«u. vur work il guftredtead. U2- Guv^nu»..-.Phone 201* -

Esquimalt&Nanaimo Railway Co.

tkndbr# for clearing RIGHT-OF-WAY.

Tender» will be received up to Nq- yamber 1st, Will. By tile und.ui.n-d tor ctoarln. of the rlght-<g-».y of tha vomo* extMlàlon, Esquimau * Na­naimo R.llw.y- between l-arkivllle and Vnlon Hey.

SiMSi*'*110”” O'"1 particular, or the loc.tlon en ho WOUred ut tlm'om. ..

'.of the Dtotolmml -BnrlnfOr. K. * x L. X WIMi ,,x. i.™ ,„„.ru 1'ït.lfwdy. Vlelofl» P»»"» »

The lowest or any tender not hecto Wily accepted.

M, K. BEASLEY.Superintepu^t: ,

■ TKUCKIXir-yul.-» .ervic., twmonabt. ch.rgee 1. W.l.h * Sons. Baker i Feed .lore. MO Yales ilnH

VICTORIA TRUCK AND URA y CO— T.l.Dbc--, 13 Stable Phono 17B1

WATCH REP AIRING6. FETCH. Vt> Douglas su est Specialty

of English weigh rvpatrmg. All kind© nr *tnek* reeatfe*

bring béiby to Esquimau to b« photoed: the outing will do him good and the photos will please you. Phone 2M8. e22

DRESSMAKING - Winter rnatumed. coats, skirt* evening dresses imb Quadra. Phone 11936. O20

TO KENT—A BA KERY.on 'cha'mbirr street. Call and see it; In good order. John B. Lovell. 1106 View street. «20 tf

B. C BTEAM DYE WOHKS-The Israel dyeing anu cleaning works In tho pro­vince. country orders solicited. Tel MR J. C. koilftv. proprietor.

EMPLOYMENT AGENCYMH* >’ K TURNER- Rltu.lion. toiîiui i ‘

rnr», etc., at 71» Fort «reel twge. Phona

X. w. U. A.KUK THE BENEFIT of young women 1

nr out of employment Rooms an i.ei*nl A home from bom* 943 Pm dora avenue.

TO THE CITIZENS OF VICTORIA Names nfid addreasos wanted of prospoc- Development League, No. 554 Broughton ■end such name» to Vancouver Island live settlers and home buyers now liv­ing In British Isles and Canada. Pie*** street, Victoria. Llierature and full <n- f .«rm^tlbn forwarded to all names fur-

x% Ai YV*Tf, cleaning. Ironing, mendinglow prie* 1530 Government etreet. Vic­toria. nl

7 ROOMED HOUSE, with over 5 am-S of groui U. 1 acre under cultivation, hot and cold water, septic tank, basement, fur­nace, etc., good shack for Chinaman, roach' house wfd stable. H mile* from Royal Oak station, good supply of water, splendid view of Cordova Bay and Ml. Hak*r; price $6.000, terms to be arranged. C. C. Pçmberton. 7»7i Yates street.

A SWELL HOME In Falrfietd for $2U) etH-hi bouse, sr.van «©landid rootna • full basement, wide veranda, bathroom,' electric light, lull slu-^lot, one of the t»est localities in the city; price 83 400 puvabie 8200 caah. balance $2:. per month' See us abt>ut thla first thing in the morning. It Is a snap. The p. c. Realty Co.. 628 Troun<^ Are. ___ ois tf

yoK flALR-A new bungalow, all modern imprvvfimnts. gixxl locality, near Cliv Park and George Jay school. For par- liculara apply to owner on premises, 1018 Princess even up.^ __ o17

A HANDSOME, modern 9 room dwelling srd one large lot has been listed with us for immediate selling, the location ia tha best part of Pandora avenue, being xv 121*. with extra la-ge street frontage; price 88.5«A on term* nf ort*-third e*»h. balance can he arranged. B. ‘C. îumd *fir *“ —


.1 m to I p m tn * P mJ. FOSTER

114 1


and Seal Engraver. Geo. Growths* i*9 All ftrrti Wharf street, behind Post Office. 1 Cigars la

lias Purchased The WINDSOR CXGA.L STAND

__1 Government atrevt, Miteiy kept by jI Frank Le Roy. and will be pleased to!

hla friends an.1 fofrmcr customer* | -class branûs ôf Tobacco and 1

Cigars tn stock.

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS for large or *m*ll gardens, nbeoiurety 'iwend and in perfect condition Btwf for particulars of my aphmitid |5 and $lu parcels. 8p. - dal quotation^ for larger quaiitljjee. T. K W'w,|*tonc. h.-ach House, f’adhoro Bay, Victoria, B. C. P, O, Box .1029. Hyacinthe tulips, daffodils, attOwdropa,

. Ml aiiwyimaa. narclual. Jou- qulla, etc. They can also be obtained at ii" extra cost from The West End Gro­cery Co' . A. Pool, grocer, Yatea street ; The Oak Bay Grocery Co.. The Ex- 4Fort street ; A. H*ndry, Spring- Ridge, and The Cad boro Bay Stores

WANTED- Well educated boy to learn office work; one with High school train­ing preferred. Apply P. O. Box trjv


C, W.» Sanders. 817 Broughlou atrcfcL -jjs,PERSON8 having wast*- npa-'r In cellars,

outhouses or stables can make 115 ^o no per week growing muahrooms for us during tall and winter mouths. Not* la the best lime to plant. For full particu­lars and Illustrated booklh write Mont­real Supply Company, Montreal.

$2 00 TO 15.00 A DAY HVRE-Pleaeant. honorable work at your own home, for man or woman. No experience or cap­ital necessary Our company with am­ple capital will furnish work and plana absolutely free. Edward McGarvey, Manager. Toronto. Ont.

W \NTEl> -SMART ROY about fourteen years nf age. wdl recommended. Chal- fonéf A xmrhidr-Oor. Lt* .............attf

WANTED—1.000 babies between now aruj -Xmas to be photographed at the EsquJ- malt Photo Studio. Phone 2*38. «y

WANTED—To rent. 5 or'6 room furnished house, close In; no children. Applv p. O Do* 146. ____ • _____ s22 tf

VVANTE 1>—At once, second-nsnd stove»,beaters, etc. Highest prices paid at Foxgord'* 1607 Douglas street. PhoneFox^Qfd

Wharf Repairs and Piledriving

The noted diver. M McDonald, who haa of late contracted In plledtivhtg and wh*rf repairs, wishes to have people be- Hevi that I hav,e been lnt<rested with him. Su<h Is not the • ns«- -Me ha* had use of my piledrlver and gear at « small rental. 1 T. P WE»S.

•ni| .Fiaguard St.


Investment Agency m tfWANTED—Owners to Ust houses for at I*

ar rent with us. Shaw Real Estate. 7074 Yates. Phone 1091 __________mi> tf

MUST BE SOLD wit haut «eta y, * a>M, and 1 lots. Victoria West; the price i* away down; act Quickly. Box a too.Times m$ tf


era! contractor, has removed to 921 * »ri etreet. sbov»» Quadra. Tel. 620.

LOST—O'n Wednesday last, a gold nugget , vrescent brooch. Initials M J. B. Re­ward on returning to Times Office, o23

LOST Pearl brooch, on Hevwood Ave , Rupert, Quadra or Yates streets to A. Q. i V. W Hit'll. Re Ward at K74 llc> wuo.l , Ave. Phone LI270. o!9 if |

LOST -On Sunday, English setter hitch, on Hillside avenu*- with t-oll*r marked ! "Dr Aadcrsun, Powell River." B*.tu-n . *f Wither. Es«|iiiinalt toad. Phone M72*

o26 'IaOST A gold Slid pearl handled nm- i

b relia Return to Times Office. o*iLOST -On Wednesday last, a gold nugget •

crescent brooch. Initial* M 11 'F, R ». ward on returning Id Time* Offic e ,>;‘i

STRAYED— To premises, t^iandier . wtikmson roou. "two young Kngliati set­ter bltvhes. Owner can have same bv paying expenses. o.*o

LOST. STRAYED OR STOlJËN-Black English retriever pup. Phone L1285. o*0 f



General Contractors

KstiniHleH giwn on build­ing and rej.nimg wharves and bridgon. M.nufacturerl of Patent Reinforced Ferro Concrete Pile».

P. O. Box 969.Offi -ei, Wharf And Ware­

house., Foot of Yatea St„ City.



by the day. Santos. S3.Û0 per day;' Thurmam $4 50 per day. The Victoria Vacuum Cleaning CoTt P. O. Box 1108. me

RHOIMIEKKDBONS - Healthy Kvtvrtd wetMtoga, strictty local pr L, par doaen. f. o. b. I’clueleL Fntsèr, tlelualat, BL O.



celvee pupils In I matlca. #tc. 767 torla West.

Notice la I


'rSSrïï&xïmhrânSïÿ ■KflriM;!,ve's.'sr.e&e -xSESi ■ '.,--....'e.>v;>,e:vt' :3p


mnnnn............ .................... .»»»*«»

“CHEESE IS ALLIED TO SQUEEZE”* (Old Dictionary Definition )

The smart housewife can certainly squeeze out nice luncheon or supper dish at any time when «lie is wise enough to keep some of these nice-cheese delicacies on hand ready for an emergency. All new stovk and grand values:

.GENUINE ENGLISH STILTON. fi>.. 60c; whole Cheese. It)...................FJNK CANADIAN CREAM CHEESE, It>...........................................-,PRIME CANADIAN STILTON. !h.......................... ...................................;...........GERMAN BREAKFAST CHEESES. 4 for ................................ ................. "I NC, E RSOLL <* RE A M GH BKSK, « ... ~~——1 —IFRESH CAM KM BE IT CHEESE, each ................................................ .......... £><FROMAGE-DR-BRIE. each .......................................................................................NEVFCHATBL. each . ................................................................................................. ™c,IOQVEFORT. per It. '............................. • •• ••........... ...................................... j™OREGON C.tEAM CHEESE.................. .................................>*•* ' 3®ti



Also Wish China Released From Treatr Obligations by British"


T1|WKB, inunoi/n A, vvgynnn. w, aoav. —— =-=g===g=g=g====!1"*" 1 —

Are You Going Into a New Office ?You Are! Well, You Will Need'a New Desk


J Tel», se, 61, IS. , Liquor Dept. V* 16»

The Exchange738 Fort Street.

Phone 1737.Headquarters jtor the finest

polishing cloth ever dis-- covered.

REDIOFirst consignment sold out.

-. Fresh stock on Friday.For Housework..............25<(For Motors and Launches

at . ;.................. ... ; 50<

Preliminary Notice.

Stewart Williams & Co.Duly -instructed by Col. Carey, will sellby Public Auction at ,„1__ :

l 2*42 DOVOLAS STREET, 5. (Near the Fountain)

Tuesday, Oct. 25X 3 o'clock «harp, the whole -of the

FURNITURE1 contained therein, «oneletlng **f »

_____________ quantity of really good old .Mahogany---------------- ----- ’ I and ^alnut Drawing and Bedroom

Furniture. 2 Good Old English Plate TVÎ RVilSiPCl OC OOll Glaa# Mirrors In Gilt Frame*. Hand-


Instructed, we will sell at salesroom»

To-Morrow, 2 P. M

some Oak Bookcase (with glass doors) Large Oak Hall Rack. Brussels Car­pets. HntikehnW Ijlnen; tteitdtng. Blan­ket*. Handsome Dining Chair* uphol­stered In red Morocco, Good Buggy, set

1 of Single Harness. 13.000 New Shlngloa. ' etc. Particulars later. ^

almost new

Furniture and Effects Stewart Williams, the Auctioneer

Including: Upright Plano. Oak Side- ; HANDBALL AT THEboard, Oak Extension Table, Gak.Dining Uhatrs—leather seats. Hallj K<v*k, Centre Table*. Oak Rockers..Mission Arm Rocker In leather, up- , bolstered Arm Chairs Bamboo Seat i Cosy Comer. Onyx Ceritre Table. Bo*Mattress on legs, very fine Iron Bed- \ steads. Springs, Mattreases. Hair Mat- tress. Dressers and Stands. Chest of ,Drawers. Horse Hair-covered Couch. ; very good Bedroom Suites. Toilet Sot*- Bedspreads. Pillows. Sheets, very good carpet Squares. Carpet. Stair Carpet- Rugs. English Baby Buggy. Ladle»'Australian Wambat Coat. Gent's Coon Coat. Kitchen Tables and Chairs-


Largest Tournament in Game Starts—Winner Will Receive

Handsome Silver Cup

Vooklpg Enamel Ware. Oil Stoves.Hesters. 2 l'çxik Wove*, «-hole stesl fiance. I alt of good Linoleum*. 'Ve­in view this afternoon and morning o. sale.

STOCK. ETC.One 3-year-old Celt by Gold—Salver,

one Chestnut Horse, one 0-year-old Urey and one Bay Horse, one l ow. part Jersey, milking. Rubber Tired English Dog Cart. Double Set of Har-

■ new. one iqadslnne. Rubber Tired.Single Set of Harness, good lot — ; .... .................... -/■ “TChlekens English Pigskin Saddle. pars, this tournament, I» completed the club Jersey and Holstein Cow. milking: j intends to hold a doubles open tourna-

Aftcr a lengthy discussion on the question of public education In the schools of this province the synod of, Columbia, at tU final meeting last evening, adopted the following resolu­tion, which was moved by Rev. E. U. Miller and seconded by P. Wollaston :• Whereas, in the Public Schools Act there, i* a vla-iUe wliich. reads .‘.that. the_ highest morality sliall be inculcated.’ that this svhod records its conviction that a text book of Bible knowledge few rompUcil and. put forth for the use

! of the public school* of the province.”' The Church of England has made de­

termined efforts to have "Biblical text h«n>ks placed in the schools. It was stat­ed, but have been unable to secure thé support ni other denominations. Sev­eral of those w^o si*oke on the subject suggested that If the church was not able to enlist the co-operation pf other churches they make an attempt to cerry 1» through by themselves.

Dean Do till introduced a motion, seconded by H. O. Litchfield, which rend us follows: ' That it is desirable that In every parish at the yekrly meeting called for the election of church officers a Parochial missionary cîiTfimmée of hot more than six laymen- be elected by the vestry, whose duty shall be to assist the rector in develop­ing a missionary spirit In the parish, and who shall present a yearly report to the Easter vestry ”

A_ resolution, to the effect that ' the travefilng" expenses of the rural- deans | when.on officiai business be charged to th^ diocese whs carried

Bishop Perrin appointed the follow­ing committee on the projected provin­cial theological college ; Dean Doull, Archdeacon Sert v en. fanon Cooper. Rev. A Silva White. Mr. Justice Mar­tin, L. Crease. P. Wollaston and A. H. Barton.

Following tlie resolution of Rev. W. Barton dealing with the spiritual needs of the dlweiw. n committee was ap­pointed by The bishop to take up this matter | |

A strong committee was appointed , on the motion of A. S. Barton to carry ' out a systematic canvass of the din- j yCse for the clergy pension funds*/''

Rev. K. G Miller submitted the*« anon : on registration, which was passed j through all its stages. This canon lm- J poses the duty of every clergyman to j register the names of all persons who have been baptised, confirmed, married ! or have died, and to sen«l copies of the I register to the diocesan < registrar year- ly |

Votes of tliunks were passed to the speakers at the missionary meeting: „ to tlie authorities of Hirtst church par iaii f«ir the use of the schoolroom : to the ladles for tlie luncheons provided during the time tlje synod was in ses­sion. and to the Bishop of Columbia for j presiding.

At the conclusion of tike business last veiling, lev. A J. Hall. Alert Bay. at





ÜUtffi Aoum /mcàxJL ^oAjd, a /met diAh Jul om. oVnttm£mX jfoxr

f./To-J«•- {*■





Jusf »

XWe know that there nr<* a lot of office» almost ready for

occupation. If you are going into one of these new office*, surely you are not going to «poil it with old or eheap furniture !No office looks well from the outside, so you ought to have it fixed up exceptionally fine inside You will find that it will pax you. We have the largest display of office furniture in thé West, all of the very finest workmanship and latest styles.We have desks of all kinds, but they are all of the best auil reasonably priced. We,would ask you to come and wee our

X disulav on the fourth floor before making any purchases else. « where in this line We know tW we have just what you want here, and we will be pleased to see you getting something Ïd Md artil^ and som2iug that will l satisfactory to you in every way. Below we quote a few of our pr-ees:

Humphrey's Clover Cutler, 1 Tent, «to-

Handball at the James Bay Athletic^Club «tarts to-night, with a record list of entries reported by indoor sports «hairman W X. Kennedy, who says

: the club never looked so promising for 1 indoor «port* as it does now. and

j never before has it had so many hand­ball players. The entries are: TV H.Hlevocks. Dr. Hall. J. Flnlayson. K. **

1 Hughes. S. W. Lorlmer. D. Booker. A.K Todd, Walter Jesse. P. McQundf. h Thomak W H. Beûrle. H. PeglJft P.McCarter. R. Jesse. F. Schneider. YV.K. Castles; J. P. Sweeney ami W. N Kennedy. ,

i The tournament winner will receive j n.». •• -• -• ---•* — ------- .— : a handsome silver 5Jm«»t^_re»ult ^.LthgLj1H|uest ofU'/ ^^^'7*TT hi* labor and ability, and a* soon »s thrr srrrod ^w- Go-. ^utK l^lnK LQMUtrV ,

__ ____ » ... - i ,.i..h rd amongst the Indians. He deprecatedin earnest terms tfee injurious effects of tho potlatch which has been allow- j ed to be carried on to an Inordinate

MAYNARD SON. Auctioneers.

Davies & SonsAUCTIOXr.ERS


TO RENTHotiM *nd central: for ml.,

pianos, sealer, from 35c dosen. bods, bureaus, chairs, blinds from Me and tot, of other «cods. Davie. * Sona Auctioneer,. M6 and »« Tate, street

The play commence, to-nlghv Twjl wtthout „„y „,„mpt being made j or three games will be P»»* every curtaU Rev. Air. Hull also «poke ; night If the player, can be got to- , ™ x.un norU.«rn r»rt, u( 'ge.her T« *hi» I*tP0^l“i. Wand,-l,lly a, Quatslno. |manager asks that the players get to


A prominent western «ttorney tell, of a ,„y Who once applied at bis ottlre for

W"?hl, boy ... bright looking and I

"•A'ow’t.i0»nm-I*“'<1- •" 5”U com* to

educated?*••The boy smiled confidently.••-•I be.' he said."

g. tlwr during the day and fix the time for playing their matches, so the tour- j nament can be- played out without, i dragging. The draw for tjif1 matches ; has been -made »» follows: j

n liri'oRor. fttK ■>. against W * I Castles, rcc Ï0; R Hlscocks. rec. 5 against W. H. Beurle. ree. 10; F. Schneider, rec. 5 against J P. rtweertey, rcc. 10; S. W. Lorlmer. rec. 7. against Dr. Hall. rec. 10: J. Flnlayson. scratch, against W. X. Kennedy, rec 5; R.T.xld, reCt. ". against P M ' .trf- r NC, 9; R. Jesse, rec. 5.|aguin*t C. Thomas.

, | \\ h .!• --• scratch, a gMcQuade. rec. 9: K Hughes, scratch, against H. Pegler. rec. 7.

Critic-My dear sir. your story Is very much larking In attention to detail Here vou »ay "he Watched with admiration the fashionable beauty a* she went up the street with free, swinging steps/'

Author—Weil, what's the matter with

Critic—If she was a fashionable beauty, how could she walk that way In a hobble skirt?—Baltimore Am,rken

THE LORAIN RANGE1* «he latest and best production that can be made. It will save two-thirds of its cost in the savjng of fuel. Come in and

see one.


Ctor Broad and Yates Street*

this lalftltd. eepecigU) at Quatsino.The afternoon session was taken up

in titr passing of résolut buis, tlm most important of which was moved by Archdeacon Kcriven. and read as (pl> low»; "With regard to the oplumj traffl In China this syriod' urges tlie.j Y Brltisli government that Cliina be ’ formally released from treaty obliga­tions to admit opium, and that the eon- |

j nectlon of the Indian government with ;H,e opium export trade la- brought to j an end.” This is tlie second resolution paused on the same subject at th« j synod.

Another prominent resolution passed was proposed by Dean Doull an«l sec- | onded by A. J. Dallaln It read as fol­lows "That having tn view the incen­tive to-excessive drinking, which arises from the-treating at the bars of saloons and hotels, tills synod declares itself in favor of. the total prohibition by law of the treating system."

A resolution asking for the appoint­ment of a censor of all public moving picture* shows and dramatic enter­tainment# afni recommending that no childrenadmitted without an older person

The resolution moved^by A. Lf,nK" j THREE MEM HAVEfield ahd seconded by Rev. E. G. Miller . was carried: "That this synod strong­ly recommends the publishers of the j Book of Common Praise to issue an j organist e edition about the same size j as tlie large edition of .the Cathedral Psalter; and that in its production a much better quality of paper and Ink he used tFTrm In tin* editions already published.”

HIGH ROLL TOP DESKSTht- high mH,t«q> style give» mur* jspmv fur tiut.vân.-

veiiiviit storage of papers, etc., ami is therefore favored by .nany' business men. We have a big ehoiee <'f styles amt pfj. es, *100.00. *140.00, *80.00. *80.00. *60.00, SQtMXI. *•*•>•*18.00. 825.00.

LOW ROLL TOP DESKSThe low style in the roll top desk is bceomiiig veW

popular with many business men t)ur selection of this style of desk embrace* many styles and a-magnificent awmrtmeul

4140.01. *125.00, *55.00. *.'i0.00. *4.> 00. *40.00. *35.00.SANltARY ROLL TOP, DESKS

' A sanitary desk is a desk on legs. It appeals In many business men. and is fast coining into demand. We have a xplendid assortment of styles in this desk in ^tl'-ii finisheduak. nt *115.00. *60.00. *55.00, *.>0.00. *40.0(1, $30.00.

FLAT TOP DESKSMenv el I lie larger nffiees prefer tile flat tup desk It

ertainlv is a splendid desk and does not take up very much floor space, and yet is large enough to store away your pa-

It is-a..vexy atvlish looking desk. \\e h*ve some splendid ones m tïïfs sfÿlë from #10.00:

' BANKER’S FLAT TOP DESKThis is an ordinary flat top desk with a rais.-d shelf

running round three sides. It is a very useful desk for any office. Tn Karlv English finished oak. $70.UU.

OFFICE STOOLSFor high desks in

several styles, with win id seat a lid Cane seats aqd revolving seats, priced at *2.50, *1.50 and $1.25.

STANDING DESKSWe have a fille assortment of the buuk-kei pers stand­

ing desks. The arrangement is splendid and the workman­ship and material of the best. We have this desk in three Sizes. 6ft.. 7ft. and 8ft. With three drawers and top shelf. In golden elm. 7ft $30.00, 6ft $28.00, in golden oak. 8ft. $35.00. 6ft. $30.00.

TYPEWRITERS' DESKS.A great assortment of styles in either golden finish or

Karly dkiglish finish oak. with the latest ideas in construc­tion. Wiv have theih in Early English from $12.00. also Sanitary stxfiys. in.either golden or Early English oak at$40.00 and $3$.00, in golden oak at $30.00.

TYPEWRITERS' CHAIRS.\y> have a nie# assortment of comfortable and stylish

chairs for the stenographer Nidi ing chair with adjustable hack and a cane seat. $8.00, Very stylish chair, tilling, in erHmr pflhlesr «r dsariw E»gii»h oak-#8*50»

tilting officeCHAIRS

We have a splendid assortment of these elixirs in golden finish­ed oak and in Fjirly English finished oak. suuie yf which are uj>- holstered in leather. A fine selection to choose from. Priced from *18.00 to $7.50.

Ladies, Use the

Best Roomon

the SecondFloor.


OrderYour Goods

By Mail We Will

Look After Your Wants



Theft Charges Dealt With—For­eigner Wandering With Open

Knife Gets Month

Holman Hunt Hold Pot-Boilers While Hie Big Pictqre Had Face

to Wall.

Why Not Make a Date With These ?FINE DATES, pdr lb., only FINK TOMATOES, per <rat. FINE LARGE SWEET POTATOE


$llV5.«»... ....................TOES. 5 lbs .. . .^, .^254


packet .......................................... ................................. ' *flail»—-'— will be here very shortly and. you’ll need both

Figs and Dates. Better get Them now at these prices.

The West End Grocery Company, Ltd.1002 Government Street............ Telephone. 88 and 1761

-—. -...... - " ■ • -........................... i 1

As a young, man the late Mr. Hol­man Hunt had great difficulty In sell­ing Ills pictures, and. Indeed. In going on with hi* painting at til Tor tour- years he had to keep "The Finding of the Savior In the Temple." turned usu­ally face to the wall, ivliltr lie was' working at "pot-boiler».'' He sold his "Two Gentlemen of Verona" to a Bel­fast patron for £157. but out of that amount had to take f«® In a painting by “young Danhy." The balance was paid partly In £10 Instalments. Hunt wrote In the Contemporary of May. jggS: "When the date* for repayment

mum nr .■». ............................. ........, -------- *oore. w*. , ame. a letter Invariably 'arrived pro­fs* tory ones in Hag laud have tint less i hetel. w»« hUnllfteil as 1 ’ C1 O’1Rite.- y'o posing t» give Instead e« muney further than £200. It will be usual, too, unless i, |n a seeond-hgnd cloths» store, nu' i ^,aint|ngS. »o that tlie transaction he- the «bed Is one of a colony, to engage "maintained Mr Innocence:, rame a continual torment to me.”

>«!» services of a watchman, and If one V more generous patron wa, Mr.Is to give oneself anything I ke * 1 ^1,,. an open knife In Ids hand. Somite, printer to the Clarendon Presschance of flying he will want the ^Li-ieent to jell tor three months. He assault- oxforii. who made a collection of elusive services of at least two tire- , ■ g wanuin on the street and then gnl pre.Ra„|,ae|ite pictures, among them ehanles and the occasional servie» of up wltll men who went to the j .1T)w fj,

I anything up to three or four laborers ■ wOman's assistance. i . .'é'éd g?it,° S^r'otV.ri sli y "s'. n“d "l,',l'n,|,^‘l|t'n*" ” t'*,'n“‘ ,“11 “ 1,11 ” 31 "subs. Vs. our Kgs Producer aloag with «.EXCELSIOR MKAL, pee sack ..ILH.1 BOO PROUL’CKIt. per pkg. **■

Tel. 413. SYLVESTER FEED CO. 709 Yatei


Some partieulara on this subject are supplied In an article In the Pall Mall magazine by H.. Massai- Billst A large biplane nr mifhoplane. It seems, costs ( or ft.tee A sited. Which shouldbe something of a workshop loo, will then be wanted. This will cost a mini­mum tit USS. though few really satls-

Kdward Moore, allaa Wilson, whose I home Is In San Francisco, was arrested . last night on the Prince George by Peter 1 live Perdue, and from the police court

ll,ls morning lie was sent to the provincial | Jail in serve a term of three months' In,- j pris.,ament, having beef, convicted os » j Î barge stealing an overeoa, owned by , tiantel Hula iron, the V h lorla hotel Moon*, whs st en l«» take the < from th«*

■ being "Tin» at the naval ' *‘la wldmThe conclusion, arrived at Is that the ; j. Jones, nlghtwatchtnan at the naval buaee m

expenditure w ill work out at more then yards, was sent to lull , ,üfiSL .a- ...W, -We. ,.f the machine In noon for on* mouth, having been eonvt-ted < omhe used to tel

[eight of the World.” Tlih» | KtiV. to Kettle College.

Arrow Brand Gilsonite CompositioniTfor Concrete and Brick Walls. Iron and Wooden Structures of all hiedE For Ships’ Hulls and Pc ks. for all kinds of Bools, for Tin or Iron Buildings and Bridges. It Is especially adapted for insulating purposes It will stand a high degree of heat, and will not carbonU It is proof against Acids, Alkalies. Fumes and Gases, and la pertuu- tany adapted for ns* an «es, e# sad cyiilde Lank», pipes. 1"’ •smelters, etc. Ask for color car 1.

PETER McQUADE & SONShipchandler». - - Sole Ag.ntl.

' expenditure will work out at more men , yards, was wnl >w. «”••".—> "•'••! rtouhle the cost price ef the machine In noon for oiw mouth, having t”*7v?l 'v I îtdw mmtth^e LLUhl rn.4nlnc.cuxt- ,.of

I in« about £3,0C0. -------^------- I g,,,,.]. jn ni, p-msesslou he dented theft.An Investigation followed nml he was afterwe-r-d* 4**uuUi4 ovtx lo Lh^ proYinria.l polite. At the time he was detected sn- ;t.hpr .r"."'' rH"'”'!n!t * keg o? paint was

---- ----- -------- • —:------------------------------ lamTT- BUS. The latter, howt-ver. made Me[•nckly .top»j coutfht. rwtfrcolj». . V’f. If it the hEVf hit ^-«vriptUm.SMkh’s CureqatcUy stops couihs, ceres- coM». beat*

rti-o*>4 r * • ¥-■ • • • r»rm%.

.............................— - th’. chapel. Mr#.romhf used to tell how- eUv ttfice v ia- , tied the studio of a well-known H. A. ■u. vrt'.d is mrwsr 'vtBi ***her there- ”Would you Mh-ve it Holman Hunt hu> found some fool to^ feuv htw <«A*M -of Gu. AKwM.' ' Sltf-- replit-tl. "Yes. I 4o liolieve it, for my friend here t« the wife of- Ute man who bought it”*

f ~"


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