Chelsea District Library

Itpsi, Lose C ontest Dexter Rivalry To Be Renewed ,jiO'«uniioK» vi'Chelsetregten ^ Veil’ confluence record., to 5-1 Friday night by defeating Ypsilqn- ti Roosevelt, 51-33, -and then lost' a non-conference tilt to Stock- on- Si rt u rd a y ,—6 4 ^ 5 2 ^ ^ Friday’s ira me at Roosevelt gave rentjnr Chelsea- team . a ~good opportunity to perform as 10 men broke into the Bulldog scoring -column. »hn quarter-Chelsea led 17.-8, and again at the h a lf /28-16. By tlirijnTBt iuiu'toi1 mark the Bull*- Jogs hod 'extended- their, ,Uad .to ^•26 and then won't' on to win, 51-33. Bob Ricmonschneider was high far Chelsea With" 16 points, while fl., .1 tV. «t1 nH \ ini u" rtriTm a la (ton. meeting, introduced Ralph Frisch, who S tshowed_pictiu,es of a Boy Scout camping and fishing trin Also a guest at Monday’s meet- ing was -Robert K. Taylor. Cuit Farley, wgs" the gam e’s sec- ond hiirh scorer with 12. Don do "jeph, Jim Hnnson'rGordon Carpen- _ _____________ _______________ __ __ _ ter, and Carl'"Walker“ collected [and Alvjn Reinhardt who showed fain- points each, Dud Holme$,Jeff_ J3oy_Scout canoe- trip pictures. Fiintoft; and - John- Ashley ‘each scored Two pomts, tvhile Don Wil- son scored one. Farley and Riemenschneider led in the rebounding departm ent'w ith and 12 caroms, respectively. Chelsea’s Junior Varsity de- feated Koosevelt'a J V's 45-31, for their fifth, win; of the/season. - In- -Saturday’s game’: /against. Sloekbr-idgCj-Cheisea' w ehtlout-i: fropt in the first quarter, 15-12, ... but in the second period Stock- Harold p ,,.GlazieF, 76, member | bridge came on strong to lead a t ball time, 31-25. , Again.., in—the— th ird 'quarter Stock.bridge ■shot exceptionally well to outscore the BuRuoga, 21- 10 as Chelsea continued to have shooting trouble. gained some of th e defiett- but not enough to catch - the. Panthers | who went on- to wirr^PU Sg. The Bulldogs were able to out- I rebound ■Stockbridge,' 45-40, but ];shot a below par 3l percent from the floor while Stockbridge hit on I..3?. |ieicent-.of-their shots. - Curt Farley led ajl scorers with . 25 points • in a fine over-all per- / Jim Cameron, in'one of his’host | performances to date, collected ;cight points, along with BotTRte^- unifr'-Harold- -Glazier-was—: fflenschneider Other Chelsea scorers wbre Don mimes with two. High .'for -Stockbridgei was | George ...Stephens with 22, points. Stoekbridge's JV’s defeated Chel- sea, 52.45), in a very good J u n io r varsity, contest, Tomorrow night the Dexter-, mcadnuughts come to ^own for we of the real .key games _in the a 8H t e-n a w t Conference racer TMiuimver Lexter und .Chelsea get ~gether for* u basketball—game- anything can "'Hit this, ‘another .'very “must'’ We for tl-.c Bulldogs, jt should one^ ' The postponed-Saline gatne^-wilj ^ played at .Saline on Wednos- 1W, itoh .. lb. Mrs. V^esley IVIorrisbri who fell oil broke her hip Tuesday, Jan. -rr— ■} IulLiont •ftt St. - Joseph ^'oy' Hospital. Ann Arbor. . Kiwanis Club Entertains Approitaately - 50 Kiwanians and guests were present Monday evening1 for the club’s weekly din- ner—meeting—in- -the—Methodist" _cimrch_aoejaLeenterr-— ....■■■■■■— In observance of Boy Scout Week, a number of Boy Scouts and leaders were among the These included Ralph John Pickelsimer, Joe guests. PriSch7 S(inU,- ......... ... w„v„i0, Tom Scholtens, Harold. Baker, Rob- eft/ATidibrson, Alvin Reinhardt and John Bowling. . Luther Kusterer who was Kl- wanis program chairman for thn Edmxd-Lauhon Improving But . Still Hospitalized Edward LiUihcm, who auTfeTed severe burns when the Lauhon home, was destroyed by. fire Fri- day, Jan, >25, is impi:oving: steadily, Mrs, Lauhon: said; yesterday; how- everj_he . wii_L_be in _the hospital another 10 days at least. Firem en—Whtr wnrlcett- rnimi rtf The night to control the blaze and keep it from spreading to nearby homes, went on record with a vote of thunks to the people of Cava- naugh l-.ftkc who kept 'them sup - plied with hot Coffee. If. P. Glazier Succumbs 1>1S IINGUISHJ1I> SERVICE AWARD win- church. Burlg iscurrently-serving as a‘ village ner, J, Vincent Jlurg,, II, shown above at hisjwork councilman find is active in church and comnutn- as a registered pharmacist' and manager of Chel- ity_aft'iurs, The. a sea Drug Store, received the award as outstand- ing; young man between the ages of 21 and 35, for 4he past year at the annual flosses’ Night dinner award is-given annually by the— Chelsea Junior Chamber of Commerce to the person they, feel has contributed the most to jlu> In Missionary Conference Tuesday in the' social center of the Methodist Chelsea Baptist 'church on, Wil- kmson St., will jwrUe-ipt;te--i n—the of a pioneer- Chelsea area family, died Suturday at St. Joseph MCrcy hospital, Ann Arbor. He-had -en - tered 1 tire'hospital' Friday: Boyn iii Chelsea, Dec. 18, 1886, he was a son of Frank P. : and Henrietta Geddas Glazier, His rrndustrlal and;, community development .... in Chelsea early in the century. He dpnated tjie site Metho-’ dlSt 'HOttie, contributing, as well, a substantial gum toward construc- tion, in 1905, of the firstjunit of The Home-which was named after Frank Glazier’s ’mothciv Emily Glazier. When cornerstone laying cere- hpltHn -7 j’or the Home’s newest addition a medical faci 1 ity and apartment to participate. He psed the silver trowel which his Mr. Glazier was married Feb, 5, 196?, at Broadalbin, N. Y„ to Edna D. Hawley; They made their home in Detroit and he was em- ployed "by the Murray, Corp. there and 1 later was in charge of the irm’a plant at~Belding for many. years. Following his retirement in 1949, they, moved to their home flfr.. T-.nkfl.-- MrA> Glazier ^died Get. 1'5, 1061. ':" -Mr.-Glazier-served:.on the-Syl- pected—^nd-i-van Township Zoning_.Board..when a" zoning ordinance”for tffe- toWiT3- ship; was prepared—and -adopted He was a member of Highland Park-Lodge,No. 468rF&AM}: Cav - anaugh Lake Grange and the American Rose Society.- Surviving are, a son, Stanton,1 of Detroit, and two daughters; tathryn/ at horiie, and Mrs. Thomas-Abern-<Barbara) of WaU (Continued on page eight) _ sixth annual ”South‘ Ci*ntraf MicHi- ganmissionary conference. The an mpil eyont. is1 a joint effort of eight co-operating chuvcHes in the area. These include "Baptist clurrehes at.Albion- Omega; Han- over, - Vamlercook Lake, North Sharon, Rives, Springport.^. and Chelsea,' , " > , ■ ' “"'Speakers scheduled to. alternate at the various churches are the~ Rev. George .Bell,, genera] secre- laiy of European Evangelistic crusade; the Rev. Ellis Gaston, missionary to tl\e Navajps in Ari zona; George-Haberer of the Asso- golism, Inc.;, Dr. George Hilge- man, missionary to ^Bolivia -with the Evangelical Union of South Amprida; Robert Joharison, of the Mi ssionary Aviation Fellowship, who served in New Guinea. The list' erintihupg ■ wifti thrt T^» Honors Conferred Tuesday Night At AnnualBosses’NightBanquet Dana Corp., Perfect Circle Plan Merger Anno U neemcn t wa s mad e -1nrlay by J. E, Martin, p re & id eiit'-u M h i)in- Corp,, of Tple<io, O,, and Donald H. Teetor, chairman of the board of Perfect Circle. Corp., of Hagers- town, Inch, that, the boards of di- re'etors of both corporations-have approved a Memorandum of- Agree- ment setting forth the husia nf a- Liessesi assets of the two cor- poi'atioHSr—The—phm- is- subject tir the appmvill of the stockholders. .The agreement . contemplates that yerfeet : Girele stoekhodlers will '. receive “ oiTe "share of. Dana common stock-for each- share ■ of Perfect . Circle common stock- held. —It-is —intended that- fuRowtnjr completion of. the transaction, Per- fect Circle - will- operate ■ as ' a wholly-owned .subsidiai'y of Dana. and that Donald H. Teeter will be elected , to ■ the board of directors of "Dana. ' ■■■■■>' . The Memorandum of-Agreement also pi^v-ide-s-that —Dana, Corp., may declare a five percent'stock dividend on its common 'stock prior—tfo th^— combination. Sudh dividend was declared Feb. 1, pay- able March 25, 1963,'to holders of recor,d at th e ’close of business on March .4, 1963. to holders, of record at the close 'pf business on Chelsea Jaycees held their an-, nual ‘Bosses Night” banquet Tues- day -evening^irprthe T^pcdal--c<mtgg=r of the Methodist church ancj eom- bined the event—with an awards ceremony honoring the outstand- ing young farmer ^Chelsea area.._and the outstanding young - man of the community. ■*»■.. Named -.-■aH'--4he>--vr9Ptgtaud4ny- .vuung funner, was Keith' Bradbury" while the distinguished service award winner for the outstanding young man of the year is J. Vin- cent-Burg,. II... „■ Guest speaker at'Tuesday's ban- quet was J. E. Consol Magno. of the/ ' public relations department ' of ChrysItM ,Keith Biadbury.’honored as the_ outstanding young farmer of the year, is 32 years old. He manages and operates the 150-acre farm at 520_North„Diincei,. .Rd.)...owned -by .. -___ Graham Benedict of Birmingham. In addition he rents 30 acres from neighbors - another 66 ' _ucres- wdnch i-he- - owns,-•making- a~ total of 256 acres. His main farm crops are oats, --■De - tains considerable acreage for pas- ture for His "Herd, of 73 cows, sev- '. oral of which are registered Hol- steins,. He milks, 40 cows in a modern milking narloi-eqnippPfl \vjHe mpny... aintiOTt^UtTdj a ptistil f o r W orld Tuvaip r ifflllSDl. T FI/' * D j' O A l*rVA' TTl 1/vA 1»l)t n r \ 4 ' tin . Sn n .tn J * hm J a. m - ^ f will not fee ■ issued and payment at the rate, of $43,75 per share, the. closing price-foiv ..Dana’s com- mon stock on the New_York_ Stock- Dale'Leathead, who served in India ..with-the Regions Beyond -Mission- ary Union; the Rev, Eddie Weaver” f>t the- Republic of Congo .Where! he ^worked for thd Africa Inland Missions; arid the 'Rev. Herman Turner, .-Stationed - at -Guateino 117-4- Echange o.'n Jan. .31,,.. 1 !)(i3,-wili--biri made in lieu-of delivery, of frac- tional shui-cn. . . (Continued' on, page, with The United World Mission.. ■Services at the Chelsea Baptist', clnirch are scheduled fot\ 7:30 p.m; each evening, -ex&ept Friday and Saturday,, .c|iiringv the week and both Sundays, • ‘ ' • \ Friday, Feb. 15, all churches\will CinTEF'fbi' a symposium at 8 p / 11 , at the Vandercopk Luke church ond on Saturday/ Feb.: 16, -a ban- quet for all young people 12 years old and up and for all1adults -will ' (Co ntinued 'oh‘pugc~tli ice) Social Services m eo. 13 'ectint “Catlwlic. . Charities: m o v-e s Ahead” . will be . the topic of the guest speaker;’therVory Rev.'Msgr, Wilbur Suedkamp, Detroit, a'rch- diocesan secretary- of Catholic Charities, at the’ Feb, 13” fouVtiv annual dinner meeting: -of the Catholic Cbeiiil Services of \A‘nslT-' of the latest conveniences in dairy ing. v 'Bradbury was active in 4-.H cluj3,„ work since his, early school daysj first as a club member and later- as a leader, While in high school- ,he was an active meipber of the Future Farmers of America and at ' the state FFA convention.'in.T940- he was '."awarded, the. coveted. State , .Pattrtiei/degre.e^ He-graduated from C hc^^H i g h Jjfijiao.LiTr=JLurie^i!i40.-- - -^-He .jh;^;f--meniber-of ,-the—Farm -' Bureau and. Holstein.-Friesian As*- socia-t-ion ofr'-Ame-riciii ia-asslst-ant '~ ' techiiician for thez Chelsea Artifi- cial Breeders- Associatio;v-and does milk 'sampling work' for dairy 'herd owners for their own records. He and Tiis wife, Kathryn, are members of-the Chelsmt 1Unth.Mfist chprc.h. They, have one-sfnypzKftvinr> -Sv. -l-ll .. . ___ , 1 f tenaw county. The dinneif will he held in the Michigan' Union- Ballroom;"'. Ann' Arbor, «t-fiv30 p.m. CLA i WliniiKAS,'Kcj). 8, .1963, marks tho fifty-third anniversary of | j the founding of the Boy Scouts of America,- chartered by tho p j Engross of tho United States in-1916 as a program for all boy's; ft ! arid - . A " -g j WlI^l'A S, the Boy Scouts of America through' its programs of ;4 ’ Expi orittghasnffected th.e.-j^ j JS of over 36,000,000 boys and volunteer adult IcadOrs since -HhKKAS, the Boy Scouts'- o( America now has pp dctlvd on- ^ | -j^l^b.V-iof-more .-thon 5,200,000 of wjtom 6,800 are active ^ f-Ijin - - our-.Rort«ge'--Tj,ittila--€pitncil.i and-:’----:- : 1 f | Scbuting movomenU obaorves this ann 1 vcrsary | I fiiri' Wlt l f,I,0cla^ emphasis on tlte physical/ mental and spiritual y I RveoV,'!.?1 ' youtll; now, therefore, be it * fe5 I . . . . that I, Robert Daniels, president of tho Villago of , j> the btate of Michigan, do hereby proclaim th 9 {/ | CPJ1„ °f pl?h» ,»wn,y 7 to 13 as Scout Week and acclaim its pro ( ?|..,^j'e>itributing .. to the natibn’a^flrst:- line of? defense, ^|. f »Mi;y’tho character of Its people and The oncoming geneva' ~~~— ~ ~~ 1 "tbut our”cltlzcna bo” urged to recognize the i,m funiio!! 10le Scouting plays In the development of boys; and '^^lipplreclato ar^^ppoH WunsSflsfi. patrloHc p this erGd ^ our community by the volunteer loaders of khftni movement. and tho assistance given by religious.bodiesi ilk S aa r£ani*<wWi fr.atovnal groups, and civic .clubs that>, use ,tia* UT'ogrnm for the benefit-of the youth of our corn- IN’ ^Scout- packs,1 Boy Scout troops,"and Explorer unltsr ~ offil m0NV. WHEjtEOF. I . have-hcreunto. signed my name. b« affi, 7 ftnd ^used the seal of tho Village of Chelsea to Bev«nth day of February, One Thousand Nine ™ Slxty-,'Three, ^ Robert Daniels, Village President. KEITH BRADBUKV, 32.ycar.oRt farm man. ager and operator, was selected by a panel of judges as the; outstanding young farmer of the !- year and received the Jaycce%*‘honor award at the annual Bosses’ .Night' dbanquet—of - the—Chelsea . Juiii'oiv_Clmmber/of Commerce—Tuesday evening in the social center of the Chelsea Methodist Church. Bradbury has a dairy herd of 73 cows; is assistant technician for the Chelsea Artificial Breeders Association and is. actively interested in community affairs and ; farm-affiliated groups. rt on UN- Duane Saiierthwaite , , .v. ... Eams-Dejopp at-WMV Dunne -Satterthwaitc received a bachelor of science’ degree in in- dustrial engineering . on Jam 26 from Western. Michigan Univers- ity, Knlufnnzoo, .lie .has accepted a positjon in the engineering depart- ment of Genera! Motors-.truck and coach at Pontiac and he and his -Avif0 —will-w o w — to-Pmrtiat* as soorr as they locate an apartment. Mr, SattefthWItc’s/pm'ents' arc Wayne Harvey, GR 9-6541 for din- Mr, and Mrs. LcRoy Battorthwaite. ner resbrvations, "Also speaking, will he the Rev., John A.- Tresc, director of the ngohey, whosy topic will. hi}. “Priv- ate” Agencies, and the Changing Scene.” ' -- - - This county agency which has been .'serving the community for ■more than ' three years,., .worked with approximately 900 families f e r ruls from t h e "" C lie I aon * D ox t / r area. .................. -..Interested people who might "Wish -to attentl tin?- 'tliiTnermay' call who . is eight years old.' I ’The DSA ,(distinguished service award) ' is presented t by Cheisca Jaycees each. year , to an outsta'nd- - ■i-n'g young;.man - of the community between 21 and 35 years of age. 1 —Known, as “Vince” to his many / __ friends;. J. '.Vincent Burg, II, was .chosen' ns this year’s recipient be. his - varied community cause In services. _ A .1947_graduate— of-- •Chelsea--’ High school,1ho attended Ferris iosUtute at Btpv Unpifts7_p-v^v.l»-^- Ninn Greening , 475-85)53. or :Mrs. mg 15)52..with.. .a__lbaehelon. of. ^science, degree in pharmacy. He ' spent . two. ■ .years —Hr*-the' ■ ’iirtned iserviegs serving 18 months of that’- tim eiu Korea. After his discharge he returned to Cheisca and became' a full-time registered pharmacist at, Chelsea Drug. Store -of which he is. now the manager. He serves on the duire-h board unit building . Committee of. St. Ma 1 ‘.y's C at 1 1 rdie ehui'cli; is a„uvem»_ ,'hei' of flic TCaiglUs of - Columbus,' Ainny.rra;r i ;ggJoif,Nielsen'"Rbd-atati i- - r Gun eluhj is a member of the Chel* (Continued on page eight) Seminar vFo»»r-Ghelse«'‘'peopto -who-were delegates to tho eighth annual De* troit (MethodiBt) United Na'tiond —• Washington Peace Seminar Jan. 26-Feb. 2 shared their experiences by re* porting to the WSCS meeting Wed- .nesday1 .'eyeing, .... Fob1__6^.„ia._thfl. ~.ciaUcenterpOf-Uho^churoh^Dele- gates )ivere tKo Rev. and Mrs. S. D. Kinder Albert Klcia and Jean Pajot. ; Fifty-five high school seniors and 20 adults made the trip. In- cluded .in the seniors' listing were Three foreign, exchange students padding a.year-4n-Mtohlgi» racial... group1 enjoyed a program planned jointly with a seminar group from Illinois. " Tuesday and Wednesday were Hoffman, Jr;, Lapeer, of Germany, and Anrt Mlfleciiim, Caro, a native orUbljand. One bf/thcse (students had' a priyate' ^-m inute interview with president:John F, Kennedy. ArrlVijhg in NeW York on Sun' day tho group attondod mbrning 'services: at ~the .lamfidUJUverside Bap^ist-Unitefi Ghureh “of ; Christ where they also ate-their-noon dinner. Sunday night they joined with the MYF in Str Mark’s Moth-, odist' church, Harlem.. This fell-. church' has 4,600 members. FollbWtog a ^n<iuet;. the /inter- > . v i * ’ ■ Monday h F(nal ^ Date To Register | For Village Eleetioii \ I Monday is the final dny.ft I to register for the Village || election. •--r-Tbr-*bo-1T ? ttR i^ ''tA ' V otu ^ Tli1 . AiiiAtlAaa. llit- I •VIWvlUTl I l r ’l citizens must be registered ^ ith th e WUlagOTclerkTOeorge-i Winans, by Feb. 11, ” , i Registration ., for /County, ^ state and national elections M I . with township clerks . Iocs. M ® not automatically provide eligibility -to-yote in- village- election^ ------ . ; - Don’t1 be deprived of our right to votol. Check with the Village cldrk if . you: are * | in - doubt about your regis - tration. b. spent at the Unitoil Nations whore they mot Lindh; r/oengeter and- Susan Grossman pf Cholsta ;who w.ere on uv tour from , Eastern Michigan Univoi'sity. Tho group 'attended, meetings' of. jh e Sub'TSiiitnrlsstom7an7lho---Pi>o^ ventimi of Discrimination and the Protcctioh of Minorities, They had private conferences with Giorgio Pagnanclli, Economic - and tociul Affairs; Human Rights Diwlon of the UN; S. H. .Okuchukfi Ibe, Second Secretary, Permanent Mis- sion of Nigeria Africa; and Mlto Fad Bozinovic, F irst. Secretary, rrrtrl On Tuesday bach-^f^he^Vtmld^t^h^FgaWr ization; 'Wcdhcsday was spent at /the Inter-Church Center where many -ehurehes have thcir*natloTraUh6ad-v quarters. Visits were t made ttf the ;RussTuh Orthodox church iut dis- play room, and- the / National Board oTMTssioSsTVf the Methodist Church. There the Kiddes visited William -H, - Lacy, Secretory of Mission work- ip __ Asia, whose daughter attend^ Albion College (Continued on page three) ^AlT^-HAliPX^he four7 Chelsea . cioty of Christian Service •in .the church social people who were delegates to the Eighth Annual , center,: the four delegates presented a panel pro*’ 'NatlonB- jtramtorepprfdntheirnctiviticswTiilbirmTho Washington P^ace Seminar, arrived home Sgtur- tour in New York City and Washington,’ D.C. day from their iM ay trip, Last night, a t ' a From left they are Albert Klels, the Rev. S. D, / special guest night meeting of tlte Woman’s So* Klhde, Mrs. Kfndg and Jean rajot. N

Transcript of Chelsea District Library

Itp s i, L o s e C o n te st

Dexter Rivalry To Be Renewed

,jiO'«uniioK» v i'C helse treg ten ^ Veil’ confluence record., to 5-1 Friday night by defeating Ypsilqn- ti Roosevelt, 51-33, -and then lost' a non-conference tilt to Stock-

on- Si rt u r d a y ,—6 4 ^ 5 2 ^ ^Friday’s ira me a t Roosevelt gave rentjnr Chelsea- team . a ~good

opportunity to perform as 10 men broke into the Bulldog scoring

-column.»hn quarter-Chelsea led 17.-8,

and again at the h a l f / 28-16. By tlirijnTBt iuiu'toi1 mar k the Bull*- Jogs hod 'extended- their, ,Uad .to •26 and then won't' on to win,

51-33.Bob Ricmonschneider was high

far Chelsea With" 16 points, whilefl., .1 tV. «t1 nH \ ini u" rtriT m ala (ton. m eeting, introduced Ralph Frisch,

who Stshow ed_pictiu,es o f a Boy Scout camping and fishing trin

Also a guest a t Monday’s m eet­in g was -Robert K. Taylor.

Cuit Farley, wgs" the gam e’s sec­ond hiirh scorer with 12. Don do

"jeph, Jim Hnnson'rGordon Carpen- _ _____________ ____________________ter, and C arl'"W alker“ collected [and Alvjn Reinhardt who showed fain- points each, Dud H olm e$,Jeff_ J3oy_Scout canoe- trip pictures. Fiintoft; and - John- Ashley ‘each scored Two pomts, tvhile Don W il­son scored one.

Farley and Riemenschneider led in the rebounding departm ent'w ith

and 12 caroms, respectively.Chelsea’s Junior V arsity de­

feated Koosevelt'a J V's 45-31, for their fifth, win; of the/season. -

In- - Saturday’s gam e’: /against.Sloekbr-idgCj-Cheisea' w e h tlo u t- i: fropt in the first quarter, 15-12, ...but in the second period Stock- H arold p , ,.GlazieF, 76, member

| bridge came on strong to lead a t ball time, 31-25. ,Again.., in—the— th ird 'quarter

Stock.bridge ■ shot exceptionally well to outscore the BuRuoga, 21- 10 as Chelsea continued to have shooting trouble.

gained some of the defiett- but not enough to catch - the. P an thers

| who went on- to wirr^PUSg.The Bulldogs were able to out-

I rebound ■Stockbridge,' 45-40, but ] ;shot a below par 3l percent f rom

the floor while Stockbridge h it on I..3?. |ieicent-.of-their shots. -

Curt Farley led ajl scorers with . 25 points • in a fine over-all per-

/ Jim Cameron, in 'one of h is ’host | performances to date, collected;cight points, along w ith BotTRte^- unifr'- H arold- -G lazier-w as—:fflenschneider

Other Chelsea scorers wbre Don

mimes with two.High .'for -Stockbridgei was

| George ...Stephens with 22, points.Stoekbridge's JV’s defeated Chel­

sea, 52.45), in a very good Junior varsity, contest,Tomorrow night the Dexter-,

mcadnuughts come to ^own for we of the real .key games _in the

a 8 H t e-n a w t Conference racer TMiuimver Lexter und .Chelsea get ~gether for* u basketball—gam e-

anything can"'Hit this, ‘another .'very “m ust'’ We for tl-.c Bulldogs, j t should

one^ 'The postponed-Saline gatne^-wilj

^ played at .Saline on Wednos- 1W,

Mrs. V^esley IVIorrisbri who fell oil broke her hip Tuesday, Jan .

- r r — ■} IulLiont • ftt St. - Joseph ^'oy' Hospital. Ann Arbor. .

Kiwanis Club Entertains

A pproitaately - 50 Kiwanians and guests were present Monday evening1 f or the club’s weekly din- n e r— m eeting—in- -the— Methodist"

_cimrch_aoejaLeenterr-— ....■ ■■■■■—In observance of Boy Scout

W eek, a number of Boy Scouts and leaders were am ong the

These included Ralph John Pickelsim er, Joe

guests.PriSch7S(inU,- ......... ... w„v„i0,Tom Scholtens, Harold. Baker, Rob- eft/ATidibrson, Alvin Reinhardt and John B ow ling. .

L u ther K usterer who was Kl- w anis program chairman for thn

Edmxd-LauhonIm p ro v in g B u t . S till H o s p ita lize d

Edward LiUihcm, who auTfeTed severe burns when the Lauhonhome, was destroyed by. fire F r i­day, Jan , >25, is impi:oving: steadily, Mrs, Lauhon: said; yesterday ; how-everj_he . wii_L_be in _the hospitalanother 10 days a t least.

F i r e m e n —W h tr w n r lc e t t - rn im i r t fThe night to control the blaze and keep it from spreading to nearby homes, went on record with a vote of thunks to the people of C ava­naugh l-.ftkc who kept 'th em sup­plied with hot Coffee.

If. P. Glazier Succumbs

1>1S IINGUISHJ1I> SERVICE AWARD win- church. Burlg is c u rre n tly -s e rv in g as a‘ village ner, J, Vincent Jlurg,, II, shown above at hisjw ork councilman find is active in church and comnutn-as a registered pharm acist' and manager of Chel- ity_aft'iurs, The. asea Drug Store, received the aw ard as outstand­ing; young m an between the ages of 21 and 35, for 4he past year a t th e annual flosses’ Night dinner

award is-g iven annually by the—Chelsea Junior Chamber of Commerce to the person they, feel has contributed the most to jlu>

In Missionary Conference

Tuesday in the' social center of the Methodist

Chelsea B aptist 'church on, Wil- kmson S t., will j wrUe-ipt;te--i n—the

of a pioneer- Chelsea area fam ily, died Suturday a t St. Joseph MCrcy hospita l, Ann Arbor. H e -h a d -en ­tered 1 tire 'h o sp ita l ' F riday:

Boyn iii Chelsea, Dec. 18, 1886, he was a son of F rank P. : and H en rie tta Geddas Glazier, His

rrn d u strla l and;, community development .... in Chelsea early in the century. He dpnated tjie site Metho-’dlSt 'HOttie, contributing, a s w ell, a substan tia l gum toward construc­tion, in 1905, of the f i r s t ju n i t of The Home-which was named a fte r F rank Glazier’s ’mothciv EmilyGlazier.

W hen cornerstone lay ing cere- hpltH n-7

j’or the Home’s newest addition a medical faci 1 ity and apartm en t

to participate . He psed the silver trow el which his

Mr. Glazier was m arried Feb, 5, 196?, a t Broadalbin, N. Y„ to Edna D. Hawley; They made their home in D etroit and he was em­ployed "by the M urray, Corp. there and 1 la te r was in charge of the irm ’a p lan t at~Belding f or many.

years. Following his retirem ent in 1949, they, moved to their home flfr..T-.nkfl.-- MrA>Glazier ^died Get. 1'5, 1061. ' : "-M r.-G laz ie r-se rv ed :.o n th e-S y l-

pected—^nd-i-van Township Zoning_.Board..when a" zoning ordinance” for tffe- toWiT3-sh ip ; was p repared—and -adopted

He w as a member of H ighlandP ark-L odge,N o. 468rF&AM}: Cav­anaugh Lake Grange and the A m erican Rose Society.-

Surviving are, a son, S tanton,1 of D etroit, and two daughters; t a t h r y n / a t horiie, and Mrs.

T hom as-A bern-< B arbara) o f Wa U (Continued on page e igh t) _

sixth annual ”South‘ Ci*ntraf MicHi- ganm issionary conference. The an mpil e y o n t. is1 a jo in t e ffo rt ofeight co-operating chuvcHes in the area. These include "B a p tis t clurrehes a t.A lb ion- Omega; H an­over, - Vamlercook Lake, North Sharon, Rives, Springport.^. and Chelsea,' ■ , " > , ■ ■ ■'“"'Speakers scheduled to. a lternate a t the various churches are the~ Rev. George .Bell,, genera] secre- la iy of European Evangelistic crusade; the Rev. Ellis Gaston, missionary to tl\e N avajps in Ari zona; George-Haberer of the Asso-

golism, Inc.;, Dr. George Hilge- man, m issionary to ^Bolivia -with the Evangelical Union of South Amprida; Robert Joharison, of th e M i ssionary Aviation Fellowship, who served in New Guinea.

The list' erintihupg ■ wifti thrt T^»

Honors Conferred Tuesday Night At AnnualBosses’NightBanquet

Dana Corp.,Perfect CirclePlan Merger

Anno U neemcn t wa s mad e -1nrlayby J . E, M artin, p re & id ei it'-u M h i) in- Corp,, of Tple<io, O,, and Donald H. Teetor, chairman of the board of Perfect Circle. Corp., o f H agers­town, Inch, that, the boards of di- re'etors of both corporations-have approved a Memorandum of- Agree- ment setting forth th e husia nf a-

Liessesi j.m d : assets of the two cor- poi'atioHSr—The—phm- is- subject tir the appmvill of the stockholders.

.The ■ agreem ent . contemplates tha t y e rfee t : Girele stoekhodlers will '. receive “ oiTe "share of. Dana common sto ck -fo r each- share ■ of Perfect . Circle common stock- held. — I t - i s —intended th a t- fuRowtnjr completion of. the transaction, Per­fect Circle - will- operate ■ as ' a wholly-owned .subsidiai'y of Dana.and th a t Donald H. T eeter will be elected , to ■ the board of directors of "Dana. ' ■■■■■>' . ■

The Memorandum of-A greem ent also pi^v-ide-s-that —Dana, Corp., may declare a five percen t'stockdividend on its common 'stock prior—tfo t h ^ —combination. Sudh dividend was declared Feb. 1, pay­able March 25, 1963,'to holders of recor,d a t t h e ’close of business on M arch .4, 1963. to holders, of record a t the close 'pf business on

■ Chelsea Jaycees held their an-, nual ‘Bosses N ight” banquet Tues- day -evening ^ irp rthe T^pcdal--c<mtgg=r of the Methodist church ancj eom- bined th e event—with an awards ceremony honoring the outstand­ing young farm er ^Chelseaarea.._and the outstanding young - man of the community. ■*»■..

Named -.-■aH'--4he>--vr9Ptgtaud4ny-.vuung funner, was K eith ' Bradbury" while the distinguished service award winner for the outstanding young man of the year is J . Vin- cent-B urg,. II... ■■„■ Guest speaker a t 'T u e sday's ban­quet was J. E. Consol Magno. of the/ ' public relations departm ent ' of ChrysItM

,Keith B iadbury .’honored as the_outstanding young fa rm er of the year, is 32 years old. He m anages and operates the 150-acre farm a t520_North„Diincei,. .Rd.)...owned -b y ..-___Graham Benedict of Birmingham.In addition he rents 30 acres from neighbors - and..w orks another 66 '

_ucre s - wdnch i -he- - owns,-• making- a~ total of 256 acres. ’

His m ain farm crops are oats,--■De­tains considerable acreage fo r pas­ture for His "Herd, of 73 cows, sev- ' . oral of which are registered Hol- steins,.

He milks, 40 cows in a modern milking narloi-eqnippPfl \vjHe m pny...

aintiOTt^UtTdja ptistil fo r World Tuvaip ri f f l l l S D l . T F I/ ' * D j ' O A l * r V A ' T T l 1 / v A 1 » l ) t n r \ 4 ' t i n . S n n . t n J * h m J a . m - ^ fwill no t fee ■ issued and payment

a t the rate, o f $43,75 per share,the. closing price-foiv..D ana’s com-mon stock on the New_York_ Stock-

Dale'Leathead, who served in India ..with-the Regions Beyond -Mission- ary Union; the Rev, Eddie W eaver” f>t th e- Republic o f Congo .Where! he ^worked for thd Africa Inland Missions; arid the 'R ev . Herman T urner, .-Stationed - a t -Guateino 117-4-

Echange o.'n Jan . .31,,.. 1 !)(i3,-wili--biri made in lieu-of delivery, of frac- tional shui-cn. . .

(Continued' on, page,

with The United World Mission..■Services a t the Chelsea Baptist',

clnirch are scheduled fot\ 7:30 p.m; each evening, -ex&ept Friday and Saturday,, .c|iiringv the week and both Sundays, • ‘ ' • \

Friday, Feb. 15, all churches\will CinTEF'fbi' a symposium at 8 p /11, a t the Vandercopk Luke churchond on S atu rday / Feb.: 16, -a ban- quet for all young people 12 years old and up and for all1 adults -will

' (Co ntinued 'oh ‘pugc~tli ice) “

S o cial Servicesm

eo. 13' e c t i n t“Catlwlic. . C harities: m o v-e s

Ahead” . will be . the topic of the guest speaker;’therVory Rev.'Msgr, Wilbur Suedkamp, D etroit, a'rch- diocesan secretary - of Catholic Charities, a t the’ Feb, 13” fouVtiv annual dinner m ee tin g : -of the Catholic Cbeiiil Services of \A‘nslT-'

of the latest conveniences in dairy ing. v

'B radbury was active in 4-.H cluj3,„ work since his, early school daysj firs t as a club member and la te r- as a leader, While in high school- ,he was an active meipber of theFuture Farm ers of America and a t ' the sta te FFA convention.'in.T940- he was '."awarded, the. coveted. S tate , .Pattrtiei/degre.e^ He-graduated fromC h c ^ ^ H ig h Jjfijiao.LiTr=JLurie^i!i40.-- --^-He .jh;^;f--meniber-of ,-the—F a rm -' Bureau a n d . Holstein.-Friesian As*- socia-t-ion ofr'-Ame-riciii ia-asslst-ant '~ 'techiiician for thez Chelsea A rtifi­cial Breeders- Associatio;v-and does milk 'sampling work' for dairy 'herdowners for their own records.

He and Tiis wife, K athryn, are members of-the Chelsmt 1Unth.Mfistchprc.h. They, have one-sfnypzKftvinr>

-Sv. - l - l l .. . ___ , 1 f ■ ’

tenaw county.The dinneif will he held in the

Michigan' Union- Ballroom;"'. Ann' Arbor, «t-fiv30 p.m.

C L Ai WliniiKAS,'Kcj). 8, .1963, m arks tho fifty-third anniversary of | j the founding of the Boy Scouts of America,- chartered by tho pj Engross of tho United S ta tes in-1916 as a program for all boy's; ft! arid - . ■ ” A " -gj WlI^ l 'A S , th e Boy Scouts of Am erica through' its program s of ;4

’ Expi o rittg h asn ffec ted th.e.-j^j J S of over 36,000,000 boys and volunteer adult IcadOrs since

-HhKKAS, the Boy Scouts'- o( A m erica now has pp dctlvd on- ^ | -j^l^b.V-iof-more .-thon 5,200,000 of wjtom 6,800 are active ^f - I j i n - - our-.Rort«ge'--Tj,ittila--€pitncil.i and-:’- - - - : - : 1 f| Scbuting movomenU obaorves this ann 1 vcrsary |

I fiiri' Wlt l f,I,0cla emphasis on tlte physica l/ m ental and spiritual y I RveoV,'!.?1' youtll; now, therefore, be i t * fe5I . . . . t hat I, Robert Daniels, president of tho Villago of , j> the btate of M ichigan, do hereby proclaim th 9 {/| CPJ1„ °f pl?h»,»wn,y 7 to 13 as Scout W eek and acclaim its pro (

? |..,^ j'e> itrib u tin g th e n a tib n ’a^flrst:- line of? defense, ^ | .f »Mi;y’ tho character of Its people and The oncoming geneva'

— ~~~— ~ ~~ ■1 "tbut ou r” cltlzcna bo” urged to recognize the i,m

funiio!! 10le Scouting plays In the development of boys; and ■'^ ^ l i p p l r e c l a t o a r ^ ^ p p o H W u n s S f ls f i . patrloHc

p this erGd ^ our community by the volunteer loaders of khftni movement. and tho assistance given by religious.bodiesi ilk Saa r£ ani*<wWi fr.atovnal groups, an d civic .clubs that>, use

, tia* UT'ogrnm for the benefit-of the youth of our corn- IN’ ^Scout- packs,1 B o y Scout troops,"and Explorer un ltsr~ offil m0NV. WH E jtE O F. I . have-hcreunto . signed my name. b« affi, 7 ftnd ^ u s e d th e s e a l o f tho Village of Chelsea to

Bev«nth day of F ebruary , One Thousand Nine ■ ™ Slxty-,'Three, ^

Robert Daniels, Village President.

KEITH BRADBUKV, 32.ycar.oR t farm man. a g e r and operator, was selected by a panel of judges as the ; outstanding young fa rm e r of the

!- year and received the Jaycce%*‘ honor aw ard a t the annual Bosses’ .N ight' dbanquet—of - th e —Chelsea

. Juiii'oiv_Clmmber/of Commerce—Tuesday evening

in the social center of the Chelsea Methodist Church. Bradbury has a dairy herd of 73 cows; is assis tan t technician for the Chelsea Artificial Breeders Association and is. actively interested in community affairs and ; farm -affiliated groups.

r t on UN-

D u a n e S a iie r th w a ite, , .v . . . .

E a m s-D e jo p p a t-W M VDunne -Satterthwaitc received a

bachelor of science’ degree in in­dustrial engineering . on Jam 26 from Western. Michigan Univers­ity, Knlufnnzoo, .lie .has accepted a positjon in the engineering depart­ment of Genera! Motors-.truck and coach at Pontiac and he and his

-Avif0 —will-w ow —to-Pmrtiat* as soorr as they locate an apartment.

Mr, SattefthWItc’s/pm'ents' arc Wayne Harvey, GR 9-6541 for din- Mr, and Mrs. LcRoy Battorthwaite. ner resbrvations,

"Also speaking, will he the Rev., John A.- Tresc, director of the ngohey, whosy topic will. hi}. “ Priv­a te ” A gencies, and the Changing Scene.” ' -- - -

This county agency which has been .'serving the community for ■more than ' three years,., .worked with approxim ately 900 families f e r ruls from t h e "" C lie I a on * D ox t / rarea. ..................-..Interested people who might

"Wish -to attentl tin?-'tliiTnermay' call

who . is eight years old.'I ’The DSA ,(distinguished service award) ' is presented t by Cheisca Jaycees each. year , to an outsta'nd- - ■i-n'g young;.man - of the community between 21 and 35 years of age. 1 — Known, as “Vince” to his many / __ frien d s;. J. '.Vincent Burg, II, was .chosen' ns this year’s recipient be.

his - varied communitycause Inservices. _

A .1947_graduate— of-- • Chelsea--’ High school,1 ho attended Ferris iosUtute at Btpv Unpifts7_p-v v.l»- -

Ninn Greening, 475-85)53. or :Mrs.

mg 15)52..with.. .a__lbaehelon. of. ^science, degree in pharmacy. H e ' spent . two. ■ .years —Hr*-the' ■’iirtned

iserviegs serving 18 months of that’- tim eiu Korea. After his discharge he returned to Cheisca and became' a full-time registered pharmacist at, Chelsea Drug. Store -of which he is. now the manager.

He serves on the duire-h board unit building . Committee of. St.Ma 1 ‘.y's Cat 11 rdie ehui'cli; is a„uvem»_

,'hei' of flic TCaiglUs of - Columbus,'A inny.rra;r i ;ggJoif,Nielsen'"Rbd-atati

i- - r

Gun eluhj is a member of the Chel* (Continued on page eight)

SeminarvFo»»r-Ghelse«'‘'peopto -who-were

delegates to tho eighth annual De* tro it e o n f c r e n . e e (MethodiBt) United Na'tiond —• W ashington Peace Sem inar Jan . 26-Feb. 2 shared their experiences by re* porting to the WSCS m eeting Wed- .nesday1 .'eyeing,.... Fob1__6^.„ia._thfl. ~ .ciaUcenterpOf-Uho^churoh^Dele- gates )ivere tKo Rev. and M rs. S. D. Kinder Albert Klcia and Jean Pajot. ;

Fifty-five high school seniors and 20 adults made the trip . In­cluded .in the seniors' listing were Three foreign, exchange students

padding a.year-4n-Mtohlgi»

racial... g ro u p 1 enjoyed a program planned jo intly with a sem inar group from Illinois." Tuesday and W ednesday were

Hoffman, Jr;, Lapeer, of Germany, and A nrt Mlfleciiim, C aro, a native o rU b ljand . One b f/thcse (students had' a priyate ' ^ -m in u te interview with p residen t:John F, Kennedy.

ArrlVijhg in NeW York on S un ' day tho group attondod m brning

'services: a t ~ the .lamfidUJUverside Bap^ist-Unitefi Ghureh “of ; C hrist where they a lso a te - th e ir -n o o n dinner. Sunday n ight they joined with the MYF in St r M ark’s Moth-, odist' church, H a rle m .. This fell-.

church ' has 4,600 members. FollbWtog a ^n<iuet;. the /in ter->. v i • * ■ ’ ■

M o n d a y h F (na l ^D ate T o R e g is te r | F o r V illa g e E le e tio ii \

I Monday is the final d n y .f t I to reg iste r fo r the Village | |

election.•--r-Tbr-*bo-1T ?ttR i^ ''tA ' Votu Tli1

. A i i i A t l A a a . l l i t - I • VIWvlUTl I l r ’lcitizens m ust be reg istered

^ i t h t h e WUlagOTclerkTOeorge-i W inans, by Feb. 11, ” , i

R egistration ., fo r /County, ^ s ta te and national elections M

I . w ith township clerks . I o c s . M ® not autom atically provide

eligibility -to -y o te in- village-election^------ — . ;- Don’t 1 be deprived of o u r r ig h t to votol. Check w ith the Village cldrk if . you: a r e *

| in - doubt about your reg is ­tra tion . b. ’

spent a t the Unitoil Nations whore they mot L in d h ; r/oengeter and- Susan Grossman p f Cholsta ;who w.ere on uv tour f ro m , Eastern Michigan Univoi'sity.

Tho group 'attended, meetings' of. jh e Sub'TSiiitnrlsstom7an7lho---Pi>o^ ventimi of Discrimination and the Protcctioh of Minorities, They had private conferences with Giorgio Pagnanclli, Economic - and tociul A ffairs; Human Rights D iw lon o f the UN; S. H. .Okuchukfi Ibe, Second Secretary, Perm anent Mis- sion of Nigeria A frica; and Mlto Fad Bozinovic, F i r s t . Secretary,

rrrtrl On Tuesdayb a c h -^ f ^ h e ^ V tm ld ^ t^ h ^ F g a W r ization;

'W cdhcsday was spent a t /the Inter-Church Center where many -ehurehes have thcir*natloTraUh6ad-v quarters. Visits were t made ttf the ;RussTuh Orthodox church iu t dis­play room, and- the / National Board oTMTssioSsTVf the M ethodist Church. There the Kiddes visited William -H, - Lacy, Secretory ofMission work- ip__ Asia, whosedaughter attend^ Albion College

(Continued on page three)

^ A lT ^ -H A liP X ^ h e four7 Chelsea . cioty of Christian Service • in .the church socialpeople who were delegates to the Eighth Annual , center,: the four delegates presented a panel pro*’

'NatlonB- jtram to rep p rfd n th e irn c tiv itic sw T iilb irm T h o Washington P^ace Seminar, arrived home Sgtur- tour in New York City and Washington,’ from their iM a y trip, Last night, a t ' a From left they are Albert Klels, the Rev. S. D, /special guest night meeting of tlte Woman’s So* Klhde, Mrs. Kfndg and Jean rajo t. N ’


I \

»Sl8U raises j$fcmbarb > i.General 'Excellence Awara-by Michigan Press Association

‘ 195J-10M.lWr959.196Q - — — ^ -rW atter-P. Leonard—Editor^andPubliBher' - Vxjj.

Published every Thursday morning a t 80j0 N orth Main Street, Chelsea,’ Mich.,1 'and second olass postage paid a t Chelsea, Mictj., under the Act of March 8, .1879.

........ — Subscription -Rates - (P a y a b l^ f c A d v a n c e l r _7 ” In Michigan: Oirtside Michigan}

One Year.-........................ $8.00 One Year ............................. $.4,00Six Months ..... .................— -$1,75__ Six Months ............................ ;-$2.25.Single Copies............... :....$ .10 "Single Copies ............. -.....$ .10,

— — Service men or women, ahywhore,-! 'year .,...'.$3.00 . ■ 1

l uiitui uwsNKt u^wyrmiro%

Social S e c u rity T a x IncreaseAccepted w ith H a r d ly A M u rm u r

With the Jan. 1 boost in the Social Security tax rate of' i/o , p e rc e n t each fo r ' th e e m p lo y e r a n d em p lo y ee , th e to ta l

lev,V ho w n m o n n ts to 3-Vit p e rc e n t f o r e achThis increase will add -about $1 billion to business costs

for,the year, and likewise.-will''reduce-the employees*, tal home pay,by another $1 billion. / '

Yet this huge bite has gone practically unnoticed. Every '_t one has accepted it as a matter of more oi: less sta^dur'

nrprocedure to know that each and every tax:_they pay_ w bp^nereased-wfth-i^gHilarfty-as time- goes .on: — ■ ~

him to accept his take-home pay qs the. amount he earns— hls-base payr lt has beeri accepted as a “painless extraction” because the employee ..never even. gets,Jiis hands -on the. money before Uncle Sath gets his bite from: it.


We recently heard of one employer who jolted those who work for him into arTealization that their great—‘Uncle- is taking a gianf^bite from their earnings, JThbreinployer began withholding taxes only once a month instead of weekly. Itreduced his ^bookkeeping time-and cost con si d e rabjj^— and it also proved to'be a real “shoekef” for his employees'.

For instance, a person_w.hose_salary. i/s_$125 for the. Week, u n d e r th e u su a l p lan ,of w e e k ly d e d u c tio n s, w ould ta k e

; home $99.29 per week and he'Wbuld'becorhFhilled into taking it for granted that was-what he was earning. Now, under

—the-new planT-h^vdraws f -1-25 -for4he-fii^st-thyee-^wee-ks-and-i-n- the last week of the \nonth his eyes bulge when lie sees his pay check reduced to only- $2^.68.

_£und s—t o—acco mpl ish—i ts—p urp ose, is.making great .strides.

T_bb .‘Aiillidrity-riiow has., jn m tt

—This-employ&rTl-eports th atTU j^ ystem 4ias_hcIpvd restorethe tax perspective of his employees. They now have a better understanding of the little-realized fact that much

. of the “free” federal spondirTg=T5rbgi''ams are being paicOof

struction Lynn M .. Bartlett said the guaranty plan was growing

'far- niore ran Idly than was .untici-■ ■ --- —— * 1 . » ......—---- . . . 1

right ouj; of th^ir: own poqkets.We wonder-if such a plan adopted, on a wide scale, ba^is

across the nation might not serve a. useful purpose at this time ofhugeapendimTmTogramsand defic i t f i n d i n g -

A L o t o f C iphers U su a lly. H a s Som e, R e la tio n to G o ve rn m e n t S p e n d in g , -

Government financial figures pass over the -head of theaverage America- because they are so-large. It is hard- to

«take a figure sueh as the $300 billion plus"natidpa! debt and impress" the fellow at (he gas pump, the ^lerlc behind t iie

T—clo'thing^WtpreTrmii^^’ America is in sad' financial- shaper-" "

U is-esfiaejally luml to convince .them.’when they arc

-banks-on-a -10-to-h-l>a«sr>y>Sthe 4burs this-.-year-,- M dntyreH rtdflr^-

b e ip g c o n s ta n t ly lulled by s u c h e th e r e a l s ta te m e n ts and*figures as GNP (gross national product) and the dreamed up excuses and reasons, •

In the first place the $300 billion, dollar national debt is a joke.. If all government-defieitsr-mortgag-obligations and commitments and marketable '<!and~ non-marketable securities were’suddenly called in and the Ameri­can account for them, the figure of the debt would be $.i('000,000,000,000. That’s supposed to' be one trillion dollars.

- r : - ._ That-: figure-1s-usually reserved for ;youn'gstgiis~pjayhig_ Monopoly.-^Ingiuun County News. ^

. After waiting _for_whht, seemed hours,--the customer buttonholed the head waiter. “Just as a matter of curiosity,



Psychiatry.'.today-. h S' a public acceptance that would-have spi^mecf HrYt)<)Ssnblc^nlyilO-ytmr.Tiigror^';fke_tlie"MctrIerTr» i I . . I ■ v \ •* , ‘,1 ft ■ * ' 9it has thrived on the funny stories; of which it has been the object,

If you want to get even with someone, try those who have helped .you. - -

LIKA TOWNSHIP TAXPAYERSLima-Township Treasurerwill--b* at Cheljea Sfrafe Bank to collect Lima Township taxes oil day each Friday from ? o.m. fo 5'pLm'« beginning Dee, 21, until further notice.0'

.ThoiezWhQ vdikrnoy.iend check or money order by moil. . . . ; Receipt will be returnedby moll, ------

All Dog Licenses must be paid to Lima Township Treasurer on or before

March I, 1963, to ovoid oe no I ty.- MALt A N tMU H S »X !Or$S:O0"~- “TtMA CI7_$57ffO—

Rflblei Voeclnatidn Paperi muit be preionted Th order to obtain dog Ikenie.



- j i y ' w • .-*7KT * ■ -

t » - — -

•y .‘5jv

y n to L iin a K te ii

f. C . o f . M . P c o i e s a o r

W ; i l l A d d r e s s A r e a

. y i T i t M W B i a n ' d . r d C 1 iW»OciatloH....■Hii|ii Hiiii]mniiri|iim||ni*|||i‘...... ..

....... ......... .. t ........ -C V. ■

/-N 1

— . - . i •

f irs t of its kind In the county ^ Homer Nixon, Chelsea Electric

dt ~ Water Departm ent i auperlntewd- erit, ‘.s'^d’ Januavy, has i e t

QiiiimiimmmmmMiimiimimiiNmmnuimiimiiiMHiiimmriuiiiiHmiiMiinimmH i i i n i i i i i i i u n i i i i i i i i i n i i i i i i i i H U i i i i i i n i i i i i l n l l i t i M I M i ^ i M i r t W I i r i M l t l K l i l l i ^ i t i ’n i u O ^ l

.— . • ' * ‘ * * ■' 3 .1

By_Elm£r _E. W hite, Secretary, Michigan P re ss ,Association

—AB-Mieh igan.D inne r” d.Uf ing .th e.i^ 1 Team E ffortk

4 Y e a rs A g oThursday; ;PeJ>.bt2i 1859— / |

Wilbui' ibndm 'w , ;who has b|sn'; in* th e ' food business in Chelsea for '89 yoArs, is dosing the bu&b .ness- thia. week..years the store has b e e n , located a t 10_G_ North Main St. 1 '■ 1 '

Chelsea , l^t^ta /^ a n k Tfne J jn- stalled a «>cjtrNc_ ageouht- jng' "'moehinOxHiK! hooaw^dneflkvig ^couht* ■ bookkeeping* It . is.« the


AO nlbt}tpe_jr;ecord ffip-tonsurap tfoh ef electrical pew ^, i f 0i|el- eea-^a to tab .b f- 6fi^,0Qb /Kllbwatt hours. This Is>}m oreA th an Tw ice the; Amount used 'in lk49.u'nd lfe.7 tfw ite^tppr.e thotLthe same period las t.y ear, -}

' ' ■ if-' ;ast. year.

l i Y e a r s A g d . . 4ThutW ayLiTeb. .8 , .

, - ....... The W inters lo tO ^ W e s tM Id E eSt. tyas flooded tl^la w e e k ; as,- a skating:' pohd e a d ly acc«|isible Yor younffstersf: of the Thework of .preparing the a rea vj as^ T e r ^ ^ u p e y v iB lo r i" o T I t enneth- -b u t^

ihunity had the real thing; Glue.;BUncf>hao\^ith’ E lton Musbach as chairman rof a. jo in t PTA—^Village Council .(iim n ltfee , which includes W alter L<J&ge,-4' h ! t 7 M oore; Nor- than Eisemann and Vic Kohsman. High,: ccthiol boys andv/Kiwanians: assisted; ' 1 1

High , tension w ir e s , . . heayily

Tuition Loan Fund-Michigan's, higher, cduration As-

sistnncorAiitEoi'ity. ca-e ted hy the legislntni'e but not given ’tiny

than 50 banks participating, in a. loan guarantee program, whereby1 -the—banks>-bac4t- up—1 onns—in tlie amount- o?~T0 times that vvTnchthe Authority actually has avail­able. - ' ,.. .—Superintendent .o il Public. .In-

annual Michigan Press Association, convention, State Agriculture Di*. rector. George S, M cIntyre is m ak­ing -plans for i another »unusual venture. . , • ..

puted when it was first- attempted.

.... The Authority was created by' the JegislatLU‘e__dn 1900 fcu the. purpose of helping-- make it pos- si hie •■•for »w>ry qm.lifimi prli-1 ..‘«hmLb.oy ;in. Michigan to obtain assist- -ance in financing life collego edu­cation. > . " „

fiecavise the Icgisfittuie 'failed to appi-opriate-funds for its operation In both 1000 and The succeeding years, -the Authority, last;, fail

the ” " " ^

mittee chairman of the National Association of State Departm ents of Agriculture, will soon visit iEurope arid Asia .laying plans fpr ^fafiueEs’.fours. . ...j

The.^ Association sponsors tours

.withplanned— the arrangem ent Michigan banks.. •'Contribiitions for loans held at the various KJichigan .colleges. anil.uhiversitTeski'e by "the

participating- lULioiitrr

financial' .ihstitu-

To date, lja r tle ttv said nearly(>0 lonns- have been granted ’ to students at eight of the MicHigaft collegers and universities, both pub­lic and private,'ami-Michigan stu-

s—going- to—font' vout-pf.-statein stitiU io n s/-.}n iv e^b e tn : grahted them. /

Plans Tbirmer Tour Still, glowing -over—the liicb

praise i received fdr his dep-’i t- ment's pari in the very suecossfulf

M cIntyre - -gives ' much- of-' the .credit f o r ,. the -success of. )the All -M ichiganrDlnnev~to';'his7admlnisr' tSTttve _ass is t antTTJ o’olEzWjslls, jyJjb. worked for weeks ahead planning the meal of .Michigan products and, getting contributions from fai'm _gi;xiiips:.and-food-producarsfor the “g ift bag’’ given to~^aoh guest. Chelsea Milling Co., as they have .for. Several vein’s^ su p p liedpackages, of thek m ixes:f o r . eaclf-gue^

’’Jiffy" cake

-...This is the second_cQnsecutive year for another promotion^ Moln- tyre, who serves as .executive coin-

fl£m--wdgroups to see how their counter, ~pnrt in Europe and" Asia operates.

i’A Michigan group went -last .year ami - inifial" indicatfons ...are th a t •fai*mers from 27 states will go Of)

11 is Mob ’■ on the tw&waekabroad is .-to line up tour arrange- rnents, McIntyre will, be working jwith Les'" Davis, coordinator o f ‘the Goodwill' People-to-'Peoplq ’ p ro ­gram . ‘ ' |) The two will consult with gm- bdssadorSi— agricultpral., a tta ches

tVhoJBJ^spOrtBlble for the widtf^ .spread rdcognltibh of the, prog'yeBi o f11 Midhigaij’S- highway 1 ayfcteirnY Some would- g lv i tho ' d r^d it'' to Opie" man alonei ■ . - U

But rthe man’ who" m ight draw -this credit, Highway Commissibnor John C, Mackie^ says—“teamwork" a tfa li levels"1 haS^Jieen^theakeyi tor Success of Michigan’s highway- Con­struction prograin.'' < ' -

“W ithout the understanding and support of local-un its of .governmnnt, the legislature, chambers of copimerce,. highway associations,'news media and . the people:* of,Michigan, the Success of our road building program ■ would n o t... bnpossible," he said.

“ ‘Mackie . note^ ’ , th a t highway building is ei ,"partnership" "~fae~-tween the S tate Highway Depar't- tjaent, city a n d 'v illa g e commis,- e ions, County. Boards _ of , Supers y isor^ and, Coiitity .Rp'a'd^ iC.p^nm^-

rbJyps,' b y -a h d - ld rg e r haye^M en

Ways for,M ichigan th a t -vve have been able to accomplish What we Have in recent years,” he Saldj s Emphasizing the need for con-

tjnued co-operatloft. M ackie» eaid.“(instead of ‘getting. Michigan out ,otf -the

aiiri agricultural officials in Hrus^ .kels, Mosco^f, . W arsaw, Budapest, Berlin, Paris Hnd ,London in 'm ak­ing the selection', of agricultural' points of in terest to be Visited th is year. !


11 lllll n t H M EMIHl-Hll >11H l>> I III 111 n I ri HU II i l l n ii m I ........... ..tM4ltrrrirnilliriMl|Unir|4MlllllllMIIMIIiriJI|||MIMIUIimMrill(irniiMIIMllll4»l»VlMtirrU(|DEAR MISTER EDf-TQR: ^

Zeke Grubh’s preacher come by the-c,ounti,y-8toi,c -S a tu rd ay ',hight;reported that the Lord’s work wasin' a state of ’ confusion at his Church , Hght now

l’irst 'off,- "mic told.^the fcTlers, they had n mooting of the. Ei- rin n<-e— CoirmyitLm Ort" Tuemlaynight and Ka tig . High tower brung up the s'ubjcot of . trybtg- to gib Sottre money■Katie said they hadn’t - nobody With money ,Chy oh in-the.,wun money ,ChU C\ in-thela-Ett five year^Rutd^my-i wifespoKA'-ttp an6:,alIov)/ed she

ing wheri" Hezekiah Adams. Was teaching the Men’s Bible Class.The Sunday;, School lesson. was on the_iumily, he said, and Hesekiah got along p ritty good till- he got to the place in the. Bible Where it sa y ir th e husband ought to be theliead of the house. Everbody kttOWeiHho\v--henpc!cIf(rd--HezekiRhis-, and they was, holding their Tireath to see how he Would handle

had took note iEjf the sivt f thing. Shev said theWi'.'O-Ught tJisik'ake a'

ithm, 10

finances and would raise t' i •stnndnrds'of'the'Churchr -'l, /■ ,

The- good Pdjfton said--he to'-' 'em hc wouldHen e, this ..problem - up to the Committee, thaffer him persona!, jt, was a) heap leader on the ■ preacher to work with pore folks. ,Tho Good Bo ki ho dHowed, didn’t ' say ' nothing ‘about1 stand­ards. but. it '._did.. say , pore., folks

>' Well sir, reported rtfhe Paitson, dlezcd<inh-sw alldg^'.li"7Couple t jn)ea and hauled off and sdjd__the_ G<iip,tf JJook was rlgh tiv This ../brung 1 a ‘round of apriddiffie - Ifi'uVtj all' the

^^niembers, ,i/\The Parson said ho th o u g h t^ t

w as tim e to back Hezekiah up (to he ■ raised.^ hiB-hand-tm -say-a few wonis. He told the members the

ih the 1920V the problem now i s How - to - keep- the state out---of a: njionstrotis traffic jam brought on hiy its wonderful growth.” ' .

-coated with, .ice causing, them .to brei\k apa(fall across electric wires leading' ioleading ■- to the t Reuben L,esser home . resulted, ,li) a. ‘ ire whichcausedj extensive .damage- ;fo , the Eeabers’ neyrly-i;emodeled kitchen. ;i W ork-'on Cheliea’e P ie rc e ' Me­morial P ark is steadily progresa- ihg, , even" in the midst of > snow a n d ;- ice.— Accbrding-^ to W alter-;Harperv chairman of .the. jointpark_com m ittee of Cham ber...ofCommerce and AKiwani9 club mem-, bersrajjdth^r^fleaemp;”^ ”^ ^ b e th e l Saturday.


4 tiQ * * •Feb.* 9, 193

■ ■) B etty Seitz was chosen as Chel- ,s'ea H igh "school’s': representativefor .sta te competition fo r selectionof a -representative from Michigan for: the- Paughters of the. Am eri­can. Revolution (DAR). Miss Seitz owesi.. her election, to her- comp leteexcellence . in , the, four required qualifications tt- co-operativeness, ’good citizenship, leadership and honesty. ^

In the JBd. ’YeRrs Ago column Kteeb, ;3, i905')i..tjight fam ilies of -Bridgewater • township have been quarantined .because of .th e , small- pqx score a t. M anchester; mem­bers of the families had attended the funeral of Joe Lowery who died of jthe disease. v

In.__tha.^84- Years A go—column(Feb; 11; 1916) j Mr. and Mrs. Peter

ricmweMMrs., Matthew Kusterer March 1; Mrs. K usterer ‘ and—fam ily "will move to their home on Jefferson qt.,.' in. Chelsea, ■;— .

e a r s A g o . . .a y , , Feb. 14, 1929~

, ----- acres, fronting on McKin­ley St,, has been acquired by the -Village Council from Howard I». Gilbert M r <#400 a s ithe! U ltim ate sjdenofcA-sewor*dlsbosal plant.-Al- thbughyno d efin ite , tim e , or plans h a v y been. conWd'oi^a-'6o.. faxy for th6' ’ tiohstrbctlbn. of a disposal plant, ..tine village' officials deemed it Advisable; to ■ take advantage of, the opportunity t'o purchase this site, for the s ta te will require con- st^uetjon’ of a disposal plant be^ fore m any y e a r s . ' vr ■' Consumers Pow er Co., is in cor­

respondence w ith Sylvan township officials ,in \fegard to m aking ap­plication.. f6 r a^iranchlse-iQ . J m Pji ish electricity fo r the use of resi­dents in -the ru ra l districts. The f ir s t line will be on Chelsea-Man* Chester Rd.

Robert Collins baving m aterial M .8.,associate director of St. ]«!!_hcl Afiph~ Hospital—SchooUoyNuBingj

will, have built on -his property-on (Old! US-12, lus t west!. of,JdninSt.^TICKY TRAFFICj Redding, Calif. — Traffic in

your home town might he sticky,

' ’A flatbed truck and trailer,; lowned by i the Pacific Plywopd

The United^. States has proposjJ to-.the-Soviet Union- thnt~"ir<Iu'fd| line of communications be ostab-l lished between W ashington anf Moscow. This would include, tolsl

■4^onir;'aryteldt^&-^"dlwouU-h^lto reduce t he risk o f nuclear

Company, Dillard, Ore;, lost, iia.-4ness.ages exchanged by/ the Presi-load while' rounding a corner, The cargo contained three rubber-bags filled with glue. One of them split and fcfiOO—gallQns of glue oozedotit. . . :■■■ ■ • •

.It took two hours to unstick t r a f f ic . '■



by an accident or miscalculatiojj During- the recent Cuban .(>risij|

dent and 'the Prem ierfook hmirji to] span-the-distance-and-then-hnd be coded before ._tnin8miUi'| land and radio, and 'then ' doco^ before being delivered. It took from 4’ to fi hours. I

There are people in-Hip--wnt-dwho think they can argue with! electricty.



• 3 Bedroorps ,• 960 Sq. Ft.• Copper Plumbing• Rough Wiring .• Bryant Furnace• Briggs Bathtub '

-• Kltchen-Ca bin et—-with Sink


• Complete Foundation .• Insulated Aluminum

Siding-Wtth Reinforced Backing


W|th a hammer and saw you can save thousands of do!.* jafs on'k-new-home—we do

- pli tho har.d_work“-founda?_ tions. 'framingVdry’wall, sid­ing, plumbing.'-'heating, etc. Investigate this exctttng Idea-today! Advertised In Saturday Evening’ Post! .

from $4,250.00-WRITE-OR-€AWrTODAY FOR" ' ' DETAILS

L a



■ ...... ........ . ...........

, 1 '

. l l l l l lli llHIIIItli

I M P A L A faVoor 9-Passengcr

uiu*l2 W ■*

mzm ---------1 —

'-^-M PALA |-Door 6-Passengcr•......... ................ ................................. I lh u i i , , , , . .........■ ' .

• .................................... ............................................ ........................■ i i l U l M i M M t i . .

><!_ < W'.TT,„....

r - - -

• - B E L A IR 4*i5oor ti-Passcnger. ...................................................... . i niTTrnTTn ........ .B E L A JR - inDoor 6-Paesongcr-

r Pick ydurwagon7 f. I ’ - I 'J 2/' " piok-y<wr-hor$e$r

& -G 0 Chevroleti / ■ / V < -.'':* ISC A YN E ri-& .oab% P fa^Q er ■ •i f f y .......H .........................i i ‘" T ’v 1!‘’r “ ^ §1# j?r‘v-.. ’ ’ ............... :?■; ; ■...v........... ;

good liord knowed th a t sooner orj-

had a better rhanot' Heaven.

r1 fritting' to

But the big lsHUbj. hfi- tojd the fcllera, g o t^ tn t te d Sdndiiy morn-


#T——"TORYOURL1VE5TOCK . 'Coiiiilbn k Hie


We hove buyer* for oil kinds oflivc-oik,;'S' every Mcnday

Phdne iG89 ]iov«ell"H:. l fornpmtY *wj, :

Inter -the/Wimntott* folks woutiT ’tfy ' Xo-takp-overr »o-vitr was wrote down, iir tho" Bible f o r ‘everbody to see­the husband should be. head of the bouse. B u t ho wanied' ’em' -that th ings was not going> right, that-, the ’'B ible . say?. th6 .youpguqs ip. ‘eupposed to obey their parents but they nitiT "doThg It. ’And' ‘theyain’t doing; itl' ihecexplained,'ohr account of their Mama ain’t, listen­ing to their Papn..1 He told the fellers- thatthe jhombers: 'went horfte • ahd told1 their wives what he said ;&hd' things started tb boil. Ilczekiah’a

-and'•jtitid him to-stick1 'to h is proneblng and quit meddling. Hp rqpor.todt he’ ttin’t seen .'a huslmpd ‘out all weekand he figgefst their wives Ibcked . Join up fer1-punishment. . A' The. good PaYson ;l e f t , a -little early, snid he bettor git on home and wnsh the supper dishes or

o ld A ^ y ; cu t,,o ff his^ii6wanceiJ/ i b ^ * v .

Yours, truly, Uncle Lew,

Choose fro m 10 d iffe ren t 1963 C hevrolet, Chevy 11 & G reenbrier W agons w ith a ll k in d s o f 4, 6 & VS pow er a t y o u r C hevrolet deater'W


.• , CHEVY I t Novb'too*X-boor'.! ami you'll chaiTRe S f f ------


, | m ore

-J wjiiin iiiu tM itM

\ i h . ■ k -—-J

.CHRY.YaIJ 100 r- fr *••••. • * ■>............................ il-L .r , " 1 ' i, ;

..-j . ■ :• '"m iiirniiV M i; (v,

' : 1 Spol'ts' Waunris ■ ana weenbrier

i • o»wi c<n,. u.... .,lH. , . * - U uro built to hftul moroo v e r so o n f-

; ' 'C H E V R O L E T’■!

Th"C“Fntiyr(9TOf^du<?atioirMProfessional Eractice” will bo q J program Lfoous ■ fo r a . co.mbiJ| meeting o t _the W ashtenaw DlJ -trict N urses' Associationj and the! South Central iLeague !for Nursin.l to be hold Thursday, F e b . |i4, sj| 8 lii the auditorium a t’$tl Jo se’ph -M er c y 'H o sp i t a l A n n-A^i bor. ' >>■ - . 1

Br„. Allan -'G—Pfhistorrnw c]at»] professor of ' higher education ail the . U niversity of Michigan,' will speak on the topic “Higher EducaJ tjon’ ,for the'. Nursing- Profession,J

Following-..the guest speaker, ,1 ,panel of three nurses will rosponil to . thq'. - topics. ^Partictpntihy a. | panel members will be: Miss Ruthl


Ihehi'S,liiey- in! Ulira h

bve. 1adcuul

U the..lot ft .

-Cummings, M .A ^E d; D„ assoclalel profosaor o fS te tite ,lh e n lth nm-s.l ing_and m entaP health ; Miss Mir.l iam L. Keller, (M-.S., professor of] nursing and assistan t denn of the] University;_of Michigan School o(| N ursing; ’ and MiSB 'R uth Stevensl

ICA Tin [On. Thuidcih-11Lv the Iverftl0 |ith tiu'i Ives.'Th I t tlnlle }al sfiR I fameinci, “1klvndoi'. fcnna!’ h; , tlu} r>[(tnbi’iint


[here tin irdmce-

diapla;|0n Eri<l | State ItfC fen' |nis-sin>fe


A* Keeps Going 6t

. .. • . . a . f ; ... * s S h o w r o o m


—vmr.TrTJ'fi'ijCHELSEA, MldHLd>iN

|r-\Vhiti }itd to lam,' hrii Id Kussii Isits wit IcTTinn ade of ti

IffciSOllIniiiii Ins' luseum, ; [The groi. |e'till ill' ei lint.s of [Their rei

wscs|e 'form -



Your-vole n$oUs u; bosoline lure. you pond owf


O f

n o $o

M i ' ”;i•.•VWiA

ffR B R tJA K Y

Jegates Report on UN-ashington peace Sem inar

........* — ■ — ___>7^nT w cr«ro tan» l!® -'meH - ;

Mylilyn Pttjot of “f Jo in Pajo t.

I ' '18! ' u s B ocreW . Mibb pty .... „ former memberefowttrti o former mejnuw

i’L Kimle’s'cburph a t F a ir' ,hC ThV Sw ap « w the T V■ ^ V 'W h a t 'a -M y L ihe?”

f c r v ’Muore Show, " I ’vej f to rW ’-WL1! _»ttondB4 the

| Co t ? h S y the group had a i t tour of the Capitol and p ru f, Si Senate in session.tlm l of tlio slutlonts had lunch r,k il'ir respective representa- I S Tlwy vilitod the National C i l le r y where they-sa w -se vl rt . .MiinUnpH a u c h „ M' original luiintjngs sutjh aa: i » u 8 »»> » \ i* :

lincifalli?iu. Lord's Supper” by , n-ili ‘.‘The Alba - Ma S ' by Knphael, “The Return

lS Prodigal" by Murillo, and iiin t- ’s-The Descent from, the

roic” ■ : ... ..kcverul' national buildings were

as A i;ehives-Ruiidiflfr L ' i h e D e d m ^ tim ^ -o f^ n d e r 1 rtac(^ , ^ b i « m a a e i p a t i o » =.j i is i te L ___________ .__ ,— .On Friday n visit wns. made a t

le State Department auditorium Ire former Gov; G. Mennen W it- tnii-spoke-to-the g r u u ^ w ^ & l ^m 'Siniirsr7t4iJur-\vas-mttde-_ of ,r-\Vhite—Hoinsef—followed— by inis to several embussies—Vict

BritislijL’lnd iiin r’Portugcse," id Russian' They had half-hour

Jsits with leading officials, of |i^^ fu rrT ftp ,rr(Knr~toTrrH—Were adi> of the Washington,. Lincoln,

Iffdson Memorials, the Smith- Iniiui Institute and the Nationalluseum. .■ /|The group traveled’ in two priv-

I'tWiiir ceiu-hes ur twxr busses tjr lints of interest. ‘ • • .ITlieir report at last night’s spe-

h'SCS "meeting was given in ■e form of a panel discussion.

Because of the special program, husbands of WSCS members am other guests were invited to be present. . • ,•

Personal NotesMr,- afrtf~Mrs7 f a l t e r ” Trinkle

were su rp rlsdd ,S atu rday morning "w lth-a vl s i r from WoTsly Vogan, who .roomed a t theitv home unti en te rin g m ilita ry ' service- during World W ar II. Ho Is now' living in D etroit. .

Jack Miller and-son, Clreggi of Riverside, Calif., spent last week visi t ing h is parents , Mr. and Mrs Ednrund Mijler, Sr., and' otherrelatives and friends. He left F ri­day to return , to hi! home,

Out of town, peoplo who worp among callers a t the homo of Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Eisemann the past week in c lu d e Mr; And Mrs. 'W aldo Eisemann and William Eisemuhn o f Ann Arbor, who wore there

Stierle o f A nn^A rbur “ and Mrs. -Clara Sodt^o f Plcasant-L ake-w ho visited, there Monday afternoon.

D a n a C o r p ... ..(■Continued f rom page-one)

The Dana board of Hlrnetora ,

D a v e P o t f a ®F U E L K I D f

et)^dekSB R iW < = »-T O -m f a r m e r 's d g o r >

fUE 6 A 6 0 U W £



/our voJuable fa rm eq u ip - n rjt is useless u n less-it h a s bosolme to . run On.. M a k e jure you. have p len ty o n N : ; - r e d i r GR 9 -3 3 1 1OWI; ’

uIbo declared a quarterly dividend of-BO-cents per share on-itr-com - mpn Btock payable March 15, 1063, to holders of record of shares out­standing a t the close of business on -March 4, 19G3.

tEhfi—regular quarterly , dividend was also declared on the prefer­ence stock in the amount of 93% cents payable April 15, 19.03,, to ■etoetehoidet s uf record on vApflt

— - ' __________Dana Corp,, with ' General Qf -

fices in Toledo, 0., numbers among the seven .leading American man­ufacturers of parts for, the t-i’ansportation- industry. W ith ~12" divi­sions in four sta tes and an ex­tensive " In ternational Division^ O .ana^em ploys-m ore-- than-12,Q 0 0 persons. •

Chelsea Products is a subsidi­ary oP P a h a Corp.

A s-tr m a j o r" s up plieT" to 'the"pas- senger ear. and truck industry for almost (50 years, Dana has pio- neered—t he=deveIo])iminL-t)f—i>nrbasic components such as universaljoints, axles, transm issions, limit ed. slip d ifferen tials, and ' fram es

Nation-wide availability '.of Da na products has playod-a n - im


f* U M-- - -i •

— m

r j

— v

m tgtM

m Im

m m

H' 4 rVV-.


The , second assem bly. o f t f i ( i United Church of C hrist Was 14udld in C incinnati, 0.* frbm Sunday (ln' til Wednesday, Ja.n , 27-30. Amen ^those ^attending-fronrf-throughout the— country was - M rs;1 P r G. -Scha.ible, Sr.A of Chelsea. r.;

He - said •tha'ii Afche church-»i;elated college' m ust b6 independent and critical of fliu|■church," .th a t. . , . ........... . ......._ .- .Wshouldr , ^thro^ - its — influence agai n'st 1 tb® --.atoregtype s ’ and

A t th e sessions on: the final day of the assembly, the Re’S; Dr. Trp'r man B. Bougkssh of=ffeW * Y oiV - City,- ’spoke' particularly on the

idsubject of church-related colleges.

Education M iipt C ontinue T hroughL ife , Says E x p ertio n jo b s w ill t>h»ng<> in1X7 AmD ItTtll Uji ua Ju 1. . .il .. l. I l

portunt p a r t in D ana’s increasing ’penetration into the heavy truck market-. , ; .

Perfect Circle Corp., the world’s oldest and largest volume producer of piston rings, ' headquarters in Hagerstown, Pnd., employs . mpre

“tkanT;:2 ,900"peopleF 'Perfcct~Circle produces ' rings for new vehicles and for T uplacem eht purposes in both domestic - and f o r e i g n m arkets, -• . W ith ninc-m am ifacturing plants, Perfect 'C irc le ’"d istribu tes to the

Tnroughoutthe/ United S tates through more than—6,000—autom otive—p arts job bers. .

The accomplishments of a com­munity .are limited only by the wtUingness of its c itlzehs-to 'W ork"fo r the common

v A





Ro . $«.70

REG . $ 8 . 9 8



ilOWh M ain S h G R 9 * 6 3 H

Work will be more in teresting -cause m achines w ill" dinrepeW tiye tasks. The. work day and the worjc

week—will—ahorterirriftime/- fo r sports, hobbies, a r t and fu rther adventures in learning.”

This is w hat Evelyn Mills Duvall told . teen-agers, lhore than1 ‘2,000 strong a t a Michigan State ,yni versity F arm ers’ Week session.

jp iscussing employment ' p ro | pec tsrfo irto rno rfow 's ’ adu lts( ’Mrlf;Duvall,' au thor of. "F acts of Life and Love for: Teeritaj^ers’', "When You M arry,” noted th a t education all through life will be a basic p a rt of the fu tu re ; '

She pointed out th a t unemploy Inttht hits hardest those who havethe least schooling. She said th a t . • /education-is-im portant-for-gefeting ,.p laciuai..8 il jobs and increasing' earning power, but it is also necessary for adding depth, "breadth and m eaning tq life. • ' ■

iok-Kn"StaPtf-'a t life,” -M rsrD u^ atU-dents. “ I t ’s b igger.-than a part- time job 'apd a jalopy. I t ’s biggef than a data, fo r Saturday night, a steady, or a promise of iparriage.I t 'c a l ls fo r big dreams"/ big as*

_piratipiis,. hig_ people who care, enough about _ each other— am L p’ about them selves to prepare wcRfor the fu tu re thAt begins righ t NOW.”

Michigan farm er^ have nearly one and th re e-quarter m illion acresof unproductive pastures which could/ be improved by fertilizing and management.

shoddy . Values. 4 f our- culture and be counted !|m)6ng the Insui’gen t forces qf h u ^ q life.” ; ,' He .em ph^l^ . that he-was not idvocating .ili Dj"ivrasponsibl« aU-tonom y^rpu^frtB porisible of iivtellqfituitl i|fe . the chlijck ejl a.:reliable i cpiticiam.’v ; ‘ . / :

.Wljiie the.,college must (provideand -en


e^urce of

-mvuifwifupf- (luu.counter w ltlj;'a ll types of belief and unbelief j* DV. D ouglass- urjged .that—th eg—a le o . piake^a=place=,f oh "at" least’, qtip superlatively compe­tent, .respectw orthy and vigorousinterpreter.' Ofr the Christian view of exlsterte'^l.V: • ‘

" m a y : .yet" sftye. th e . church/’ Dr. D ouglass'sa jd , by helping it con- f ro n t- th e world' realisticSUy. But they m ust retain their independ- erice of th e cftUrch. . ‘ - 1

Dr. DouglaAs is executive vice- _. president ;o f the ,Roa,rd for Hoipa* 7 dand-M injfltries j D n ited Church of ' Christ colle^ee .are related to the

denomination , through this boarc and through th? Council fo r ' erTBducdtioh. > ;

Council BrieA t the Feb, 6 Village Council

meotfng in the Municipal Build­ing, thq Rev. Raul M. Schnake of St. P au l’s United Church Christ gave the invocation.

' Motion approved to accept Bid No. 4-fro m , JWilliam Ternes fo r fcwo-year garbage and rubbish icon- trac t at-$S,800- per year.- ......—

Report by Homer N ixon,.super­intendent .o f Chelsea Electric & W ater Departm ent, th a t because of the unusually cold weather* sev­eral breaks in w ater mains Oc­curred and repairs have been made. In addition, Nixon stated, 16 service lines woro frozen but not broken;

Discussion of wage adjustm ent of Ploctric & W ater D epartm ent was followed by a motion to increase the -salary of Mrs. Edith Palm er |200 per year a,nd the salary o f Mrs. Mae Grossman $300 per yearand .to .gran U m-jnereasc-of-U-cents- =Works7per rhour to WilTiam Harris.

” _ Eeonomic "Development" Comm i t r toe m em bers hold _a m eeting, in Jan u ary an d " contacted the Chpl-: sea Cham ber of Commerce fo r as- „1BIU. s is tan ce_ in —compillng-'-tt_Hat=±of: ^ t a r - fac to ry space now available in the 3.30 Uhelsea u ro a .._ ,... ' ' '

_ln__an_ a ttem p t _to -relieve -tra ffic congestion in the downtown area during the afternoon rush' hour on weekdays* left tu rns off of Main St. to either P ark or South

Discussion regarding p lan e-b e­ing studied for a mow fh ^ T ia ll on the so-called "W inters lo t” on W est Middle St. I t was reported several meetings have-been held by.jthe ' Council’s . B'ire Departm ent committee-^M erle B arr, J r . and William Chandler—and the menv- bers of the Fire D epartment, nnrlthe fire building architect;

;■ Also ■" discussed” was t h e .. possi­bility of a Civil Defense control center being incorporated into the new f i r e ' hall plans. The m atter is to hfl-inveatigatcd. - - t-— -

I t was pointed . out th a t" the Federaf Government will,:With cer­tain restrictions, provide m atch­ing - funds fo r such construction; W ashtenaw,. County Civil Defense Director Gerald M iller was present, for a lengthy discussion ce rta in ;ing to possible construction of such a control center and a m eet­ing was scheduled to be set up between- the " Council’s :Civjl De­fense com m ittee-iJ . V. Burg ■!!,and Dr. L. J . Paul—and members of the Council’s Five D epartm ent

. committee—Bari’ and Ciiandlcr—,Tile—collegia—and— univer&itie&-:a d d -a —t5ivH—Defense—Region—IV"

representatives, team for_.the pur­pose of a discussion of t h e ; pro­posal. ■

Trustee J . Burg, II, reported th a t he had attended a meeting With" Chelsea School Board mem­bers regard ing the youth program which has been Under study by

•the Council and others for some time. I t was suggested a commit­

tee be form ed to include tw o School Board members, two’ Coun- cll members and four citizens. Various prelim inary plans were discussed but n o ’ official action _was_takon on any of the prelim ­inary plans; however, the motion, was ap_p_£0Yed th a t—the—ViHage Council go on record-as being in favor of .support of organization of a Community 'Recreation Coun- d l.

Motion to approve .Justin W heel­er and D, A. Itiker as. members’ o f .Boards-of Rovipw With Thoma a Smith, village assessor, and to au ­thorize payment of $15 and the cost of one meal for Bpard''of Re­view members to attend a d istrict meeting of Boards of Review a t M arshall on Febi 15.

. Motion approved to relocate the **No Park ing” signs on Cortgdon St. as requested by Federal Screw

.5:00 _ p jn ,_ jj j i_ a triaLbasis. Police Chief John Palm er will direct t r a f f ic . during th a t tim e. a t the beginning of the p rac­tice in order to fam iliarize m otor­ists with"-the ruling. y

Discussion relative to the ’ Vil­lage Building. Cude_ but no official action taken.

—: A. le tte r was received from the Cavanaugh Lake Club president,. Lyle’ Haselsw^rdt, commending the ire D epartm ent fo r the "splendid handling of the recent fire u t-the Edward Lauhon home.” -The—lette r -cred ited1- Fire Deuart- m ent personnel with preventing w h a t jn ig h t - h a v e b e c n - a f i r o - o f Such m agnitude th a t ‘‘a t least five Qtheriiromes m ight have been tip, stroyed.”

V ilU te C o u n c il nrnet.ings.held" t he f irs t ' atitT th ird Tuesdays of the month on tlie. second-floor of the Municipal Bundjhg,. Any in terested citizenattend -t h e-


a t 8 p.m;

welcome to "begin

New cream replacementsTfnv, nan

igan S tate University and will soon; be trkd._hy«jco.nsU:in‘ers.-T he new su b stitu te 'co n ta in s less than 10 calories per.: serving.


PTO Nominating Committee ChosenThe' ’ Junior-Senior High School^ J

whose main topic was "G reater Responsibility df an sAdult Com­pared to the Responsibility of a

P aren t Teacher O rganization was held W ednesday, Jan . 30 with ap­proxim ately 55 paren ts and teach­e rs present.

I t was decided t^ b a y e a m eet­ing of the organization in March and one in May, with a jo in t meet­ing of . the 'PTA and PTO to’ be held April 24.

I t .was. .a lso . agreed - to charge; 50-centa p o rH amjly per year as dues. „ .

A nominating, -committee, was elected as follows: Ross Schaltens, Donald Carlenlus, and Robert Fos­te r . They will p resen t the new sla te of officers a t th e ' April meeting. -A refreshm ent committee V ^ r a l s d estabnshqdj, to he under tlra.4upervisiqn of Mrs. Theodore1 Faist. ' .

' H ighlights o f the,.evening" pre1- sented by Neil Cellcy, included the appearance of panel of. high school students, consisting of Carol Mayer, W arren Porath, David Runeiman, Janice Wood, and Susan Schroen. Their discus- Sion—centered-^-around-the-/itopfc::"Relationship of Parents, Teach-

'S rand-T een-agers:” — .. The other special feature wag

the presentation by Dr. William H. Mills, instructor in education a t the University of Michigan,

Teen-ager."A question and answ er period

followed, a fte r which refreshm ents were served under the direction of M rs. Rpss Scholtcns,

LOSES CLOTHES ,Cincmnaii, 0 .--~When Patro lm an

James Hollund.’finished practicing basketball, a t a club, he found his uniform", including his badge, shoes, socks and bullets stolen from the locker. Holland ha<L4^kon his gun into the . gym. " /. Clad only in sw e a tsh irt and gy'm ^iiorts, an—ombam«}se<i—Holla nd-

V '- \

called a fellow patrolm an to take him , home. ,

Police are , no^ sure whether I t was a th e f t Or practical-joke. > - - ,

Y u le S e re n a d in gSerenading th e ir neighbors with

carols is a comm unity en terprise in St. Louis, Mo. More than 50,000_ carolers— p a rtic ip a te / —under^-the- guidance of the St. Louis C hristL mas Carols association, eatabllshedhalf a century ago. Voluntary con­tributions to the carolers are used to help handicapped and. under­privileged children. ■ '





: ■■ fo r - -





Balmer's BrakeService24-HOUR WRECKER SERVICE

140 West MiddcHe St. Phone GR 5-5131

B a p t i s t G t ih t e r e n c p(Continued from _page one)~ W i

B aptist churck.A t the Feb: 10 11 a.m. service,

the"speaker a t the Chelsea Church will be the Rev. Ellis Gaston and

17f-iSt—1 l^STmT

think ofbottled aos,

E ddie-W eaver is_sched-s; Rev uled.

Sunday evening speakers a t the Chelsea church are the Rev. Ellis' Gaston Feb. 10 and the Rev. H er­man Turner Feb. 17.

The Rev. David W ood,.pastor .of e—Ghelsea—B aptist—church, sair

all people nf the ccmmonify are-’ the sched-invited to

uled services,Theme, of th is year’s missionary

conference is "Go and. Tell the Message.”

think ofSH ELIAN E-only a few pennies a d a y to use

Sksftons BottltdGni )i 0 product of Ht» fa ff Oil Company

Chelsea TheatrePHONE GR 9-2211

tHELSEA, MICHIGAN.iiiMiMKiiTTiiimiMtHitMiiiMMimiimmiirimminilt


King o f The < Wothi ....... -


FEB . 8-9

£ 3 “ *

-W Awi AwWwl, iJWftOfl

E X JR A I W olt D isney'* Live Action Specie!

"B ear C ountry" in Color

SUN .-M O N . FEB . 10t*f^



World N4w*

Your local agency fo r the blind or the A m erican Foundation for the Blind a re good sources fo r ob­tain ing inform ation about blind­ness, and th e ' services provided visually handiVappad poftpU.



201 S, Moin St, Ph. 47^-3851

.^1 surest sign of Spang


WILLIAMS FOO TW EAR IN -SPR IN G COLORS and a host o f 6tHer new items. —

» « 1 ‘ / v * ' ^ ■! / jY o u 're Invited To Com e In and 1 Look A rou n d t



7 Ever notice how It it that - pood.' now« hat cr w oy o f getting around?

it can begin anywhere. A likely place ifthe advertising pages 6f this newspaper. Hundred* of foiki tee the ad*. They tell lot! of other felk*, Who; pau the ward along, arid » H goes, on and o n .;

Newi travelt "fo»t in our tovm beeauie-falki ;<ara ln«:

tereited fn their fellow cTtl- ie n ra n d in the community.

This, a i everyone knows, Includes the folks in our bull* ness community. They adver- file with u i because they Want everyone in town to (mow the bargains available Hi local ito re i.i < .«. Lfoven'x y®w seen— or heard! — some good newt

juclijciS- LoV£ily-lingecte; Hosiery-F- Jew e 1 ry, Ha n d ko rch ic fSy Scarfs^ Purses and many other items that will p lease Her on Valentine Day. “

T.fVoy uit.i .i*d dOMMiRiljf prtgrstt.

of Commerce

W e v e F in ish e d In v e n to ry . . .W e have combed our stocks for odd lots, broken si2es, and winter apparet • . . W e’ve ass.embled these items on our Second Floor. /

PRICES Have Been Deeply CutFolks ore comtnp'down from our Second'FfooT:rwTt?i orms fulhoftruly 9>ebtmdney-Sdvm vq lues. Rugs, Rem non ts, F loor Mots, hlonnel, Dresses/ Coats, Jbckets, and Shoes for the entire family,

. Vou'lI er joy shopping Anderson's Second Floor. Come inand browse around.

m mS t i / f i l


1 I yj.



r The Chelsea Standard


, ' v*rtiwn#nt», 60 ■€<'tents for 25 wordsor less, ssch Insertion, ! Count e*ch

7l«rur« sh a word; For iriore than 25 word* sdd 2 cents per word’ for seen Insertion, ‘'Blind" ads or box num» ber'sd*. 85o extra, per. Insertion* CBARGB ,BATES—Same as cash In ■ advance, wltn 16. cents bookkwping charge If not piald before 6 p.m. Tuee*

• day preceding publication. Pay ,In ad­vance, send cash or stamps and save 16 cents. .. .CARDS OP TRANKS Or ttBMOR.

JAMS—Single paragraph style, 11-00 pOr "insertion for 60 words or less; 2 cents per word beyond 60 words. Minimum, l Inch. / ,

LUISPtAY“ WANT AD£5Kife7_ii:id" per column Inch, single column width

-onlyr^6't>elnt-an$H-H«polnt-llght"trpr" only. _No—borders or_boldfas#_jtep#e_ COPY DEADLINE—5 pjn, Tuesday,

week of publication.‘—■T " ------ - ;

' FOR. SALE — Registered .York__faoaiv-4150-30O—lbs. -Choiee-of--2-.

^KUnk-H nreTTl ush’-R<b — -—— -72—FOR. SALl'P—• 2 mahogany step-

ta-We*., Call lifter 4 . p.tiT77 475-8144, ________ :_______ -32

^K07{ SALE-M5 ewes-due" to ItimB last" of March; Curl H'clieiv GR

9-3310, -________ .___________32

- - a p p le s -Rod Delicious, .also Anjou Fears.

Bring own containers. '=----------CZAP-I.A-ORCHARI)---------

WANTED . TO IUJY For Cash—; Antique chiri«j_ (Ioljs, books,

‘-lUglnssr, iron-Lbunks. -decoys,-lampBr ' oh) coinsriiTOsit' “uuxesj.. t’u-rniture,"

frames.. Waldo Luick. 33()5 Jack-

1817 Rank Rd; Phone GR 9U>468----------- _ - --------- • -34-

t t e r r r ^

FOR SALE—Dry fireplace wood.We deliver. GR 9-6361. -34

FOR SALE—In Chelsea, custorn- _ -bu H t ■ 3 - bedroom home" Exce ' condition. 2 baths,-carpeting,'base­ment recreation room, 2-car. gar- age. Only 7,900. Harold C .'E ast: m an ,. Realtor. ■ Call 605-4406 days; or Clarence Perrine, (502-1106 eve­nings. .20tf


MARIE RIEMENSCHNEIDER .. .... Representative

- M A K O K T G l C O , A n n A r b o r

175 Park St., Chelsea


Phone 47d.-41.»1 . __ . _ _-29tf

Tar I * ET.VL A Y K R's ha v e to 1(1. us^that, they reallyHtkt—to lay Wunda Wove Carpets because it’s made so, well, it handles so easily, and makes such a beautiful looking job when they’re firiiShod,- -Mimk-e] 15 ......... ...... .........WANTED—Listings of all . kinds.

Buyers waiting.- Kerri Real Ffs- ’ : , tate. Phone_ 475^8503, ■ • 18tf' _ ■ -^ACCEPr $3,SO ' MONTHLY, ’ on ; : ' Singer. Zig. Zag .equipped sewing*r • mixchine_t _ Makes designs,^-fiutton- ■' holes, etc. Like new,-Total cash

f.,'13.10. PliuHe OR 3-3211. =3*FOR SALE—.13 eu. ft. Coldspot re- ■ Yrigeriitoj- with 00-lb.' freezer. Automatic defrost. 8X0.'Phone 47f>‘- 8742. ■ ' ■ -32

. S e p t i t i E o n k s E

*■ A n d D r a i n F i e l d s


Septic,tanks from 300 gal. to 2,000' gal. available for prompt instal­

lation. ., . .......

HI LLTOP PLUM3ING................ ....HOB' SHEARS------------- *

201 S. Main Phone 479-3851 . 1 _■ _ 2tf

IT WILL P.AY YOU"" $—to"dr i ve — -+ruit and look—a t our used- car

selection. Ample -parking space. Chelsea “ Motors', Inc. GR 6-5011.

■ _ ■ - ' K5tfFOR REAL 1)01,LAR SAVINGS,

Be sure and see„ .us before you buy any new 'or used, car. Palmer Motor Sales, Inc. Your. Ford Deal­er for over 50 y e a rs ,________FOR TRACTORS -.and—equipnwmU

__ Also—Navv-^-IIollaiui- machinery,Rales and service, Cobb &, Schreer. Rtockbridge, PhonoULvsses-R4525,

49 tf

FOR SALE—Full size Roper gas stovo, Oop(Tcbridttion, $20, Girl’s

shoe 8knWft,-size 1, like-new, $4, Call Gli 9-21)21 days. Carolyn StolFer. ■ -32


Homes in Chelseq^Ranch typo 3 bedroorit home, atr

ta c h e d M ca rg a rag e . Gas heat.Can be financed. , -

Older 3 bedroom Home, all fu r­nished, full basement, gas heat,

2 cM garage—in heart of Chelsea.5 bedroom homoi 2 fireplaces, oil

hent, fullv basement. Lurge lot,close to schools-and churches,Several other, typos of property for

sale.- ■■■ ■ , ■■ '

-KERN-REAL-ES-TATE--01(5 S. Main Streetr-*-

Phone 476-8503..29tf

son. R clA nn- ArhorV Teh. (505-5128. ----------' ' -35

FOR SALE BX-OWNER^-'Apnrox.19-acro building site on Werk-

ner Rd.,: 3 miles -north of Chelsea. PHone~G R4)-183l7T~:— T" 45tfMERKEL BROTHERS Shoptacular

February. Rale starts today. 14- oz. can Windshield De-Icer, Iieg. 7!)c,'45c with coupon in Merkel’s ad' in this issue. 32

Wanted' To. Buy5-ROOM BUNGALOW

IN Cl'lELSEA . _

B u t t s S w i s h e r C o m p a n y

_ " ci)H,'__,-_. .NO 3-0501 days ■

GR 9.-41(51 evenings George* Frisingei’.-.

-3TWANTED TO BUY—Top .quality

hay; also old and ratrieT-on'hriyj straw. ' We pay cash. W rite ^A rtCallari Hay7'Co., Upper Sandusky, Ohio, or phone our representative,Jackson RTate 4-0028, T 7 tf

Gulf Oil ProductsFuel Oil and Gasoline.

ALBER OIL CO;8025 Ann Arbor St.

..Dexter, Mien. ‘ ■>.. -

IN A -l' CONDITION Tor sale cheap—slacks, sweaters, blouses,

suit, formal,-dress.- CaIl-475-38{)lT-32

BABY SITTEH AVAILARIiE - Phone»475-8743. -32


With pads, insurance & experience. Local or long distance.

Free estimates. ‘CALL GR 5-8734

17tfFOR SALE — Large, year-round,

90 ft, Crooked Lake front, home. Basement, garage, fireplace, living room carpeted plus separate rental unit (approx. $1,100 gross.) Im-

83,000 ddwn. Phone NO 8-8018. 6tf

A-l USED CARS’62 Ford 4-Door Sedan ’6)0 Falcon. 2-Door

_tB9 Eorlir:4-Door^^Station -Wagons 8 to choose from

TiT F o t'ri .2-Dbor.. Sedan’58 Ford 4-Door Station Wagon '58 Ford 4rDoor Sedan - ’58 Rambler 4-Door Wagon ’57 Plymouth 2-Door > .’57 Plymouth 4-Door’.56 Ford 4-Duor .Wagon ... ....' . — — TRUCKS . ' ■ .

’63 Ford ton Pick-up ''’56 GMC K> ton Pick-rip

-i—1 Year G & W Guarantee-—r Easy Financing Arranged "

„ S- BIG LOTSCorner, of Orchard and S. Main

and 222 S. Main--------- - GR—5-3281— :-------------

PalmerMotor. Sales, Jn_c,Over 50 Years of Service

• ■ ■■ . - ' . ■ *32MRS. BROWN, have- you found

motha in your home? Stop .dam^ age with Beriou. Three-year guar­antee.* Merkel Brothers. 32


JTVV-UR««.U^PiL_eiL jr^ o X 0 7 117V I’

" __ :■ ■■ . ^ . ■“I've located the trouble— you forgoTto tum off the-olr

conditioner we got in the Stondord Wont Ad» loaf yeorTV



bonofit-of-church building fund Saturday, Feb, .9, 10 o.m.-2 p.m. a t K. of C. Hall. -82ATTENTION—New location fo r

re-upholstering. Free pick-up and delivery. For estim ates, phone GR 6-8575, a fte r 5 p.m, phone GR 9^4882: 805 So. Main St., Chelsea.

• _ 52tf


Reynolds Sewer Service

We Clean Sewers Wi^hout Dlgging ‘ Drains Cleaned Electrically - l - * R E E ;ESTIM "ATES_“ i z -

2-Y EA R-GUA RANTEEj' ? -Phone Ann Arbor NO 2-5477

■'Sewer Cleaning Is Our Busibesa— Not a Sideling

Real Estate For Sal<

ICE SKATES — Remaining sizes OLD COINS WANTED—Lincolns............................ “ befo re . 1925, Indian head cents

and any other silver, gold or nickel.originally priced to $14.50 are-all

now $6.95.. $.1.00 off on all usedskates. _M_erkel_ Brothers. 88FOR SIGN PAINTING and le tter­

ing dial 475-8841. 61tf

Clean. Your Own RugsWith -Our- Amazing Rug Gleaner.-

Rental charge, $6.00" per day.9 ’ - _.



Thirty LP Albums Americans Top Sellers

Regular $3,08 ... - Only $2.7-7Regular $4,98...................Only $3.77Regular $5.98 ...... ........... Only $4.77

By Mail or Come To


> 25tf

828 South MainPH’one NO’ 2-5667

Ann Arbor

FOR RENT—Two-room first-fleor apartm ent. Stove, refrigerator

and heat furnished. Available Feb. 14, GR 5-4851: afterJS , -32 TKAVEL THAIL.ERS—13-ft.- and

'.up; 10x55 ft. trailers. Orlin R, Jones T ra iler Uales, Gtufeol'yr'Mlglv.

80tfAUTOMATIC ■ ZIG . ZAG sewing

;miK‘hine, Makes, fancy stitches, blind hems, buttonholes, by. dialing. Only 6 months old; Only- $5.08 rier month or $44r86"tbtalr Write Credit Manag'er, Box FK7. care of-Chelseft

Phone ALpine 6-2656, 43 tf■btnnriani. 32

F O R r S A L E

24xT5D”Xomj)onant," sHell home, In- sulated and painted. Can be mov-

er 11, nV^dfiliTQtgUn^tyrice^Sl^JSffQg^

H & M UPHOLSTERY SHOP ''Free cstim'atb, Pickup'& Delivery

---- 305-SHWnin St7-—

MERKEL BliOTBEliS-ShopUiculm February Sale s tarts toduy, W il­

low U tility Basket, 18 inches Wide, lO Mp inches- deep. Regular $1,29, wth-eounom-m-^rle-rkelVi-ad-irr-t-hls


- -Buy land, livestock-, refinancer Free Appraisals - F a s t Service

’5MT% lritereBt

Federal Land BankROBERT HALL, MGR. >

w th-cottpe paper, 99c.WAN^ED-^TQ—BUY^-Qltl post-

cords and albums. Phone HA 6- 8170. -32

BULLDQZ4NG-^ i F o r • » ♦

-Prom pt Service - Quality Work

DICK KISS6045 W erkner Rd. Chelsea, Mi^hj

Phone 476-8446 ,479=279t

88tFOR RENT-H-Newly decorated

furnished and pnfurriished a p a rt­ments. Includes heat. Phone GR 9-5441 afte r 5 p.m. _______23tf-HELEN AND JA £K are m aking

the furnitur£..ileal8 while Bob isfu rn itu r^ g f tl ■fb-.' Seullr un h;

DHON.E_GR.^V8578- qr-GR . 9,4882

lis horieymooriT They don’t knpw, as.m uch abou t'it but if you can be patient while they figure things- out you can reullyvsave, some money on stock and speeinl-orderv'mercnnndise;—I there is something you have I6nf wim,tod please, come - in—and—ge

.TermTlT'desired. Cull 426-8188.r .-T- ■M d r y W o I t e r '

— R e a l E s t a t e '742L-.Dexter-Pinckney Rd.

I : ■ ilA G-81-88 '

Chelsea, Mich,'32tf


trespassing 'on the property -at^ ^ 5 T<j 1 p r Pp'wU Prf1871Lake, will be prosecuted,Eva Vogel, bwner. «> 39!—*"•——h—---*---—-------

Look To Grinnell's


7 Rooms on,,S. Main St, • ’10 Rooms orf Orchard St.2 Acres with new. Ranch Home ,60 Acres good level farm land 00 Acres rough rowing land ~

I n '62New Spinet Pianos from .. .... $489New Hammond Organa (2 manual)

from - . . . . $995Used Spinets a t ............ >;........ ;.,$295Rebuilt Grnnd from .v?.......,..,..,.,..,.$596Assorted Uprights fro m ...... $69,50

120 Acres Jackson Road 250 Acre farm south of town



Phone GR 9-540129tf

their price; Merkel. Brothers. -RtlROOM FOR RENT — Gentlemen

preferred. 124 Lincoln- St. Phone GR 5-8146. i -20tf


-624tt North Main ST(Behind 'Production Machining)

Also; complete portable equipment.Welding,, cutting, brazing, pipe

th a w in g .— ---------—— —-----—

.. Phone- 475*8781 or GR 6-8252


R. U. Vuilleimy, h i , Adrian, Mich,-38


/ 2221 Jackson Ave. Telephone NOrmandy 6-6139

Ann Arbor, Mich.----- -— ------------ ------------- ^ 2 7 «

WOULD LIKE to do babysitting(IRfSLSDir ~ " _ ■ 32

FOR RENT-—3-bedro6m home on _South_M ain-St^_A -v^ilab!e-Feb. 18EKefn Real E state , phono 475- ■8568r - m i .

East Middle Street - * Chelsea

Here is a good close-in location and a sound seven room home.

Thu f irs t- floor Ima f | panelled: en- trance hall large enough for. a desk; living room, TV room, b'edr room (needs Some w ork), dining room and kitchen. The second floor has ■ two bedrooms arid bath plus attic storage. The basem ent has gas heat, and new hot water 'heat- er. The .garage arid large lot areother features, prieeq .to Bell lm- mediately a t $12,500 with $2,000 down. Ph. NO 3-6656. Eves. NO 2- 8274. •- '

]j|CARL A. BRAUER, Jr.Realtor. 50fl“A;A~Tru8t~-Bldg.

T40--E,-—SUMMLT—&!room house; Hardwood noora.

New bath ;arid kitchen. 2-car g a r­age. Im m ediate possession.

3 TWO-BEDROOM HOMES to choose from.- From $9,500 to

$13,000. Ideal fo r sm all-fam ily or retirem ent house.

NEAR NEW HIGH SCHOOL —- 3 bedroomB, full basement. Re-

centl'y decorated. Low in terest FH A m ortgage availabje,

4 "

Clarence Wood046 Flanders St,

' \ GReenwood 9-4603RUDY—SGHMER&ERG, BROKER

N O rm andy '5-8669. .32

RENT BLUE LUSTRE Electric Garpefcr-Shampooef Tor only $1

per day. Chelsea Hardware. 32

CARD O F THANKSWe wish' to )liank all of our

kind friends, neighbors ■ and rela­tives for j h e acts of .kindness,

-m essages^oi-sym pttthy-rand-bcatr tiful floral offerings received dur-

W ANT A D SM E R K E L BROTHERS Shoptaculai'

February Sale s ta rts - today., Johnson’s Glade Air. Fresh ner, 4 scents, 49c with coupon in this paper irf.M erkel’s ad. . 82

■ 5 ^

Teleph on es F o u n d E v e ry w h e re in World... Almost

W here 'in the- world can you_got anymore to escape the telephone?’

Nine places actually—only nine. You could."not be called in the

Aden Protectorate; Bhutan, Ye- men, Maidive Islands, Sikkim, and the islands o f P itcairn , Nauru,-..Oik bert and Ellice, and Tokelau inthe Soqth Seas,

- The-1962 edition of “The World's Telephones,” released by the Amer­ican Telephone & Telegraph Coy; r 6p o ftr" th a rth e number of phoneK in- the-w orld rose to 150 million, a : gain o f "8.2 million. More than

tViP TTnifpriStates.

All figures in the report^an an­nual .statistical study-undertaken ■fey ^AT&T, are -as of the begin­ning o f 1962, as it takes a year to compile the data.

The world’s net gain amounted to .a new. telephone every four seconds. Countries other than the United States accounted for ,65-—--- :------- 'JIT --- ------ ■ T,T ) * —"percent of the gain—the highest .proportion in a-great-many--yearsi

The U.S. led the international field with 41.8 telephones per 100 persona. Indin, with 0,12- phnnpa

Conservatioi Units Bring In $75 Millioi

v • • • ■. iLansing — Campers, picnicki

huntcrs,_ fishermen,, and users iof state facilities mam by the Conservation Dcpartn, spent an estimated $75 iniliiol Michigan/last year while pu ing their favorito forms of but recreation. \ •- The Department’s breakdownuser spending by facilities erasta te parks with $37.2 miili sta te fo re s ts , $27.7. miUioi\;_pu fishing -sites,^ $8.3 million; sta te game^nieaB. $l.7."mil% —■“W o- are . .h ap p y -b u t“ fnr f] completely satisfied over the dende our program s are ■ pa_to the people ;ofo:Michigan.” n] D epartm ent D irector Gerald1 Eddyr He expfain8p“TK<nJes ment's program of forced sa?

I.,,..!lars in potential revenues ■hi have been lo s f “for. the lack! facilities to m eet growing out needs.” _ . _

As an example, Eddy out "'that: meve than 38,000 fl lies were" turned .^way from sj parks la s t year because csj grounds were filled to over ing.

pei’ lOO, - reported _the sm allest Slumber per -capita among the major countries. Brazil was sec­ond-from the bottom with 1.42 phones pef',-100.

For the first time, automatic telephones reached a (proportion, of 90 percen t-o f all"telephones in the' world. . . .

Michigan Bell Telephone Com- puny users cun call some- 98" "peiv

loss o f 1 our beloved mother. We especially ;thank Staffari ; FuneiaL Home, the Rev, William Hains-^

cent of all the telephones in the -world;—Overseas ' service was' ex­tended to Basutoland,. Bechuana- lan'd,.Burundi, -Ereneh-Somaliland, Reunion and. Swaziland in- Africa;

jvorth, v-Limancera and -. Friendly. •Prcrich' 'Guiana in 'South Americaclub.,

Mr.Land Mrs. .Norman Klingler.Sarawak in Asia, and New. Heb­rides in Oceania.

THANK YOU UI wish by this means to ex­

press my very sincere gratitudeInjury, Accident, Totals Hit-Newto all vthe wonderfuhy Kind neigh-

bors, friends, and relatives-w ho !¥ •■ r \ • •* a /»'ahave been so helpful to me since H l ^ i l D l i n i l f f l i ) b 2 my accident. Your cards and, mes- sages, plants, gifts of-meals, baked g09ds,\'fr.uita'.aml. fowls (and, other thoilghtful acts) were* all deeply .appreciated!

Michigan began J963 with . 04 traffic deaths ini_-JaiHiary,.thc same - as in that'' rriohlh a year ~ago; ' : '

Alma Kalmbnch. •

THANK YOU * T, __ .. ........... ....________________

. I 'wish to..thank relative?,friends and neighbors fer all the cards, g i f ts . and. calls- w hile-I-w as

And it ended 1962 with a pro- visional death toll for the year of 1,545^'Which was a reduction of 18 compared with 1961, but it es-

U. of M. ^EeaTEstate CcrtTffcate Intefnationnl Traders Club. ,

.. 32MERKEL BROTHERS Shoptacular

February Sale s ta r ts today; Dust Stop Fiberglass Air F ilters, 4 sizes, 49c with coupon in this paper in Merkel’s ad. ■■ ° __ .32-

For the Best in

POLE BUILDINGS'Be sure to see "S M U S V ”

Call or W rite •JOHN LIVERMORE

Gregory, ALpine 6-2827 .

_ were yorymuch appreciated. " , ■" '> .

' Mrs. George; Cantrell

CARD OF THANKS.. Wc..wj^h _by:.-. this means to

wthnnl< a l l ' the- relatives, neighbors and. fj'iejids .for..the sym pathy' ex­pressed in so .many thoughtful

• ■ » ~ ■ - - - - - - -----» “ " V ■ W V tJ_

tablished new record highs of 107, ■ .117 injured and\ 230,439 reported : hecidents, ■ according' to - the State

_____________________ S6tfFOR-^SALEr-Gentie Shepherd-Col-

. lie dog 10 months old. Good with children. Very obedient. $10. Phone 'GR 5-8316. 32

323 South-Main Ann Arbor- - -_P>ne NO 2-5667 t ' SOtf


Funeral b'ervice that meets every requirement

“ She wee a gentteeoul; the service f w y t ^ \"must be one of gentle simplicity."

“We have a limited amount of “ money Wmpend.”

MI want the finest funeral money ^ ‘ can buy.”

We oniieer oil fm’n e r a l q u estio n * , P h o n e t write or t> is i tu t .

W llEN YOU CONSIDER new — (tool's—fo m your^trom e,—there “are

■ /2 P I K l Nel-PI-l <C—- - - sevpra-1—points—you—will w ant tov j rx l IN IN C L L O keep in mind. .You will v’an t them

to pc attractive rind comfoi*tttble. underfootT-to~keep their good looks in spite of daily wear and tea r,- ..

Hdieyslmuld be easy to keep cleaili and now looking. We have the.

-eompW telArmstrong line of floor­ing m aterials th a t meet all th ese requirements, rind, installation me- chanlcs th a t are .ready to go. Mef- kel Brothers, - • 86

LOTS FOR SALEWhy not buy yorir lot or building site NOW for your fu ture home?

C an

KERN REAL ESTATEPhone 476-8563



Auction every Monday* 2 p.m.W e have buyers fo r all kinds of

livestock. Order o f sales feeder pigs, dairy cattle, feeder cattle*

’ Funeral Directors for. Four GeneraHom ■ : 124 PARk STREET > FHQNE GR 5-4417

sheep, calves, butcher cattle, butch­er hogs. ' ' *■ " -•

c o m p l e t e m a r k e t i n g, SERVICE

For trucking to our sale call us or L_your lMriT tm k o r. .Liyeirto^ is insured from, the^tune it la loaded at ’ your farm until i t leaves our barny... -----.......................... '84t f |

<3. G. HOPPER... Painting A Decorating

Building Opntractors Phone G R 5.6881

Gregory A^plnb *8148 /

- f o r s a l e -MODERN, 2-bedroom, fake home,' sleeps six. Oil heat,, utility room^garape,-Rr.i.cfr $8f500. $1.500. down,

V owner will finance balance.1 . r C> • " ' . ’ '.IN CHELSEAr—lnsulated modern house, 5 rooms, bath

— and utility roomr hardwood floors, enclosed porch, ——modem kltchen, gos furnace, garage, landscaped lot,

shrubbery and flowers. -FHA or GI financing avail- V able.. f

2-BEDROOM HOUSE on South Main St. Hardwoocj' floors, oil furnace, large lot. /Low down payment, balance'like rent. •

“ MODERN COUNTRY HOME on all-weather roadT Ond ‘ bedroom dowry dnd two on second "floor. Mddern kitchen and. bat^ diriing room, large living room, enclosed porch, Targe screened front porch, stgker furnace, 2-car garage, workshop. Maple shade.l Lot

,100x200. Large garden. Price: $11,060,1S5-ACRE FARM Sm iles out '6% blacktop, 4-bedroom

jriodern houses hardwood/flbdrs, modern bath, oil * 4r»ot water heat, bams,Mother,^buildings. Well fenctd.r ;

Price: $35iOOO, parfr down.' ° r

■ LU t your real estate w ith R. D . M iller 1 fo r, fa s t, e ffic ien t service.


ways fulluwbig” the death of our mother and' grandmother; also, the Rev. C,. J .1 Renner for his'com ­forting. words. These kindnesses will never be forgotten.

' ’MiWand M rs. W alter Loeffter- and family. »

Mr. / and Mrs: W alter Bltimon- auer and fanriTy.

IN APPRECIATIONSince it wou!<r(be a-m onum ental

task t o contact _each one person- I a lly. T .am taking this meai

-Police -p re lim in ary - affhua 1 sum- mary. ' ■ 1

The reduction .in deaths w ^ . one percent, -but . delayed reports-rare expected to make the final figure about equal to the 1,563 deaths _the previous year. ■ 1 ' 1

The injury and flccirW —were 17 pereent increases 'over 1901 and moved past the previous record Jiighs • of 93,350 injured in 1961 and' 209,724.-. accidents In M‘960. ■


s Covonough .Loke RoodP d if OW Iet Box 388 Chelsea, M ichigan

Phono* GR 9-5892

say “Thank You”, to each pnd every person who hejped in any way tward the success of the March of Dimes campaign—I am-la -most j fi'Btuful fo t - the~~fnchdlyr willing „co-operation of all the workers and those who contributed funds. ' - . .

Sincerely, •Mrs. Wallace Wood,Mftfch of Dimes .Chairman,

CARD OF THANKS With deepest gratitude I ex­

tend' these words of_thanka.for_the. sympathy expressed In -so many thoughtful ways '-by relatives, neighbors and friends during the' illness and following ..the tfeath of my beloved husband. Tho'(mnny fards, messages, flowers and. acts of kindness are especially appre­ciated, as well- as the comforting words and the matty Visits of the Rev. Paul Schnako. My thanks, arso, to the Staffan Funeral Home, for c u r te s ie s extonded. Such kindness and thoughtfulness can never' bo forgotten,

Mrs. E, J , Bahnmillor.

THANK v7)l7^~" ‘ ^ M a n y n l^ k ii i ra ir tK e lr lo n 't t f l , relatives and qolghlmrs who wore so kind to mo nnd tOjmy husband during my stay in thV hospital. I;o o p lr”^ l J r M m r “ Hre“ fomim." orancos I received and the courf- eslris exten<fed to us .both; Special thanks to the Roy, Paul Scnnnke a n ltp _ th o Rebekahs, th e Pinochle club Ahd the Birthday olub.

„ ' rSinceroty,- M rs/ W ilbert Breltenwishcer,

. Contributing to the " traffic toll were gains in accident exposure factors "of . more cars;- drivers and mileage. Registered vehicles went up by three percent to 3,498,758; licensed drivers increased two per­cent to 4,205,245, and estimated mileage traveled gained four per­cent- to- 33,25—bilHom—all- record highs. 1

The death rate per 100 million vehicle miles was 4.7, th e 'sa m e ns—th e -s ta te s - .p re v io u s—Inw—(it

"Sw1mm%rSj :pichickei’s, and oj day-use- v ic to rs—of statynpi provided the b iggest share of] year's income, returns, an estid e(L$29.4-millioiu=State^pai'k=4a| ers spent- $7.8-milHoni---- - ■

JfJunters and fishermen uJ s'tate fo rest figures promina in the to tal by spending $18.2 i lion in sport khops, gas statil drug stores, motels, rcstauraf etc. . ' ■

Families using- "'state' fol campgrounds' spent $1.9 niillioJ groceries,' gasoline,', paper pli f ifs rm d suppliesrinsect ropellq and other such item s; Day of tKdse campgrounds, added miljion; Berry pickers, hikers, | other- day—visitors, who - used forest, lands outside establilcampgrounds,-spent; $fl;0 'mill™ j State game- a reas—fielded hi ers who contributed $1.1 'mill The figure does not inclli'de| cense coats, Another $600,0 spent by, general recreat.ioi| who used th ese areas. •

The Departm erit’s estiniatesj based-on spending studies madf M ichiganJ.and... other, .states; are considered to- he roriservii They include money spent getf to' and from- these state facill as well , as; dollars left in l] arena, y —=

TINY SATELLITE IN ORBr The United S ta tes has sent)

a pygmy satellite tiny-er to hold in the hand — to help]

lasi-Srim m er’s—United: States, altitude te s t over the Bacifi(.|

The Defense Department held the date of the launch ] it’s !. exact jjmissieni b u t did [f.Vmf. f.VtO lin+A llita’a wii'aairtth a t the “Satellite’s 'mission to m ap-part i of the new raditj belt th a t ■ reaches 3,700

s-hhrqugh space. - - — "

1958, and 'w as fou r percent than 4.9 in 1961.

Rural trunkline deaths incra by 22 over 1961 hut this wallset by fa ta lity reductions ■ oj on rural county roads and fivi urban areas.

Although the new limited! cesj highways are helping to [ down the tra ffic foil,: the newl ords in injuries and accidentsf emphasized the grow ing.:?er| ness of th is problem on the highways and have indicated] safety m easures m ust be streij enod; "the n a ly s fi "shows, a



Coffee . . . . . lb. can 59(■ ' ;■ ' , > , ;.2.L».; CAN $1.1

'0-02, JAR M A N ^ L l HOUSE ■;

Instant Coffee . * . $1.21.MIRACLE WHIP - A :

^alad Dressing. . qt. 49<M B . PKG. ARMOUR’S STAR ' 1

Bacon . . . . . . . . . 45<46-02, CAN LIBBY'S

Tomato Juice. . 4 for 99< —. - —;z±:_. — ,

' P H O N E D E L I V E R Y D E A D L I N E S :

M o r n i n g - l Q i 3 0 a . m . A f t e r i i o , ) n - 3 : 3 0 |>.i

S C H N E ID E R ’ S lW I D I U M ^ T S ‘ G R 0 C I R , I S ' w i D tM V IR * H O N I O ft 9 - Z 4 1 !

N O w a s h in g ­d r y in g W O R R IE S■ m :■LOG OF FREE PARKING

■ at

CHELSEA MOTORSl a u n d r o m a t !

W A SH 2 0 c - D R Y 10c D RY C L E A N IN G $ 1 .5 0

Jail North ofsl-94 Exprenway on M a n c h e s te r Rdr (M-92) •


M O S T -IM P O R T A N T D E C IS lO N O F G E N E R A T lO rd i

’s Proposed New ConstitutionErtn-QR-S NOTE I T h / W i o of Worn-*

en Yotoi'n o(; Miohlunn, » nr>n*pni1trtnn oiv h*8 jtU(l|<(J til© n«W COQHtltlltiOTl

niul IjpllevW) that I f should be adopted, ini' rollowliiK iirtlclea have been 'predated flu2 I'yullt*; Hei vlo©, to belli uciiualnt voter** with tho .dl/feience between and1 tho olu''conBtltutlon«Jl.i->- .........

E x e c u tiv e B rartchNew provisions in the proposed

c o n s t i t u t i o n are intended to strengthen the executive branch, ^ : i f y : j in e s : . .b i a u th o r ity and t re ­sponsibility, , and ■ increase e ffi­ciency and' economy of operation.

—-The n ew constitution lengthens the term s of the" governor and of other elected s ta te officials to four -years, This should make i t easier to plan- and carry out-long-range program s, with less tim e devoted to 'campaigning,. The governor and iioutenant governor will run as a team on the ballot as do the p resi­dent and vice-president. The role of tho lieutenant governor will be strjiaigthened by perm itting him to

vote to break ties in the senate.The governor w ill continue > to

be nominated: in ovstate-w ide /p ri­mary} < the' lieu tenan t gov ern o r ttye secretary of state,! and then a t ­torney, general w i|i be 'nom inated in p a rty convei^jkm.

O ther .adm inistrative officials, now elected, a re to be appointed, in ordei; to secure the beat, quali­fied-people for. the jobs, to remove them from partisan . poJiticaViland to shorten t h e ' ballbt- The super­intend eut^of^publi<Mi\8tvuctionwUt be appointed by an elected bogvd; o f education, T h e . highw ay Com­m issioner will be appointed by 7a b ipartisan four-m em ^T .commis­sion appointed by t h e ' governor, and the auditor g e n e ra l w ilf be appointed by the leg is la tu re .;!

The governor w ill, appoint* a ll other heads of departm ents,* in eluding the s ta te treasu re r. ^hey will *serve a t the governor’s pleas-

YOURW? ¥!.*P_

uro, to be sure th a t his d e p a rt­m ent heads will c a rry 'o u t his poli­cies. Members of boards ahd com­missions, w ith -certain- constitu­tional exceptions, will be appoint­ed by the governor fo r four-year te rm s; This, brings uniform ity into a hitherto confusing situation,

"Advice, and -consent" of the senate^ for gubernatorial appoint­ments is retained as p a r t of our traditional systpm' of checks and balances. Howover, the new section t ha t, unless th.oisfmate_re=- jects an appointm ent within 60 days, it stands confirmed. At p res­en t a positive: vote to confirm is required, .and many appointees havensevved forlbng~ periods w ith­out confirmation.

M ichigan’s spraw ling complex of alm ost 180' adm inistrative agerv cies will be reorganized into no more .than 00. (Colleges and uni­versities ' and the . office— o f governor and lieutenant governor are not included in th is lim itation.)' Tem porary-!agencies outside—the lim itation will be psymittpH hut




a p p l ia n c e s

* 8

. 8 8





REG.4 1 1 9 5


DRILL $ET>4,-27



- k ' ^ j R V C O U P U N

’*' f 7 ' ^



/ ‘

' • &— '

R-YtIIN^UUI ILE ‘\,■[■■■ V.J .•



DEL U X E p < v i t a 4 t ^


REG.$ 2 9 .9 5

ROOM HEATER$1 9 , 9 5 REG.

$ 2 4 .9 5


REG.$ 5 .9 5


for no more than a tw o-year life time. The governor is given clear- cut authority to make organiza­tional r changes as necessary for efficiency! such changes will stand unless—vetoed—byr-the-leg isla tuT e within 60 days. These steps should perm it increased efficiency and economy. - ~-

Other new :'provisions encourage sound fiscal planning; The gover­nor., m ust present a balanced budget including surplus of deficit from the*previous year; the legis­lature m ust pass the general ap ­propriation bill including tax es­tim ates before passing any bill fo r non-budget item s; the gover-

1 nor, w ith the consent of the legis- Jirtiv.e-._JippropriaUon-.-committeo8r must—reduce.-.expenditure^ when revenues are lower than expected;

An executive mansion shall b.e - provided fo r - the governor, as is the practice in' 41 o th e r ' states.

The line of gubernatorial suc­cession is established as: lieuten­ant" govei’noV, secretary of sta te , and attorney general, (all elec-ted officials), followed by others ns

|!d ete r mineri-4>y"-th<Heg w 1 n t

bor Bank" and" .customers Dextef Bank can- now use Ann Arbor B ank'office.

This ac tion -w as the firfal step in - the consolidation move pro­posed jointly by>the boards o f di­rectors of both banking in stitu ­tions a t th e ir respective meetings in A ugust of last year. .. Shareholders of both bpriks ap-

T>rovbd-^tlie m erger * a t special m eetings h e ld ,Sept. 18, .1962.

Since th a t tim e approval has been in~ process~witK'~the"~MicKi-

S tate Bank ing CtrmmfegiOTf



HEATER EXCLUSIVE SAfETY . CIUTC'H- ■ ' Stopi blado . {ail, laloaiot yblad. d/iv#. fpr eoiy ilartlflff, infer opera* lien. (2) '

ROTARY MOWIR:Th« mower for ffibia wha. want a high quality long tailing mow.r that' do.i a luperlor Job if cut. ting your lawn with greater ■

a iuf»ly.j

Milk Producers Sign One-Year Price Contract- Southern Michigan "milk 'dealers ahd dairy fnrnjm-s hnvn rniiphrwlagreem ent on a new .one-year pric- ing contract' to 'repiace^one which expired Jan. 81,

The agreem ent ; a ffec ts move than 14,000 dairy farm ers who supply lower Michigan, w ith drink­ing milk. I t calls fo r an average pnym ent of $4,88 per' hundred pounds of'C lass, I ,(drinking milk) delivered — in Detroit, and th a t am ount logs a aono d ifferen tial in

"22” MOWErBrlggi A Stratton Engine

ONLY $ 4 9 . 9 5



— WfrCgrrye Cgwplefe Rain# of i SALE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON 66c each

R V * C O U P O N t^ C T J R V ^

Other_^ssuth.ern . Michigan -markets Actual prices wilj vary during the year,' r.anging from a low of $4,65

j=Un=^ring=and==^mmer7“ tor'ia=ihighf of $5.02 in winter. ' "

These prices will average 84 cents m ore, per hundred pounds than producers would receive un­d er th o Federal Milk M arketing Xrdeivr This i s alm ost twice ; as


FREE ILtBBEY 12 01 . U



T O P R E V E N T f l P P I N O i

R V C O U P O N ^ * £ 3 R V ^

M FSn R V C O l i p ( I h ' k j M W W. T -wr «W -- - . -- J < \ v

■jinuch as" any o ther producer-group in the - nation ha& been able to bargain, and assures Michigan dairy farm ers the highest. Class I- price in the Midwest.

Glenn Lake, president of Michi­gan Milk Producers Association and spokesman for six co-opera­tives invoived in negotiation ay said the new prices were somehwat lower than those obtained a year ago a fte r producers issued an ul- l!— ■t“ " *-• ^ m - their

Bank MeOK’dCommission■ I ■ ' ; : '

' The . proposed m erger of Ann Arbor Bank and D exter Savings Bank- became a realty?, today ’ac­cording to word received hero from the Michigan S tate Banking Com­mission arid the Board of Gover­nors of the Federal Reserve Sys­tem. Effective date jjL afethe: close of business Feb. 16;

The D exter Bank will Nwnf be known as VDexter Office, Ann,Ar,-

g m r __aridHthe-i-Ecde r a l D e p qsit^-Irt sur^ ghee Gorp., as well as the Board of Governors-of- th e-F ed era l Re­serve System ,........ —_vAccording to Ann Arbor,' Bank President Joseph* B._ Foister, the m anagem ent and other personnel* of "the Bcx te i Savings Dank will* rem ain and the present - directors will become the d e x te r Office Ad­visory Board of Directors, thus as^ sufing a continuation of close community association and" per­sonal. in terest for custom ers of theDexter Bank; ' " ■* >» J

Members o f the Dexter Board of Directors are .Munnis J.. Kenny, Carl E, M ast. W ard A.. TuonerW illiam G, U rquhart, O tto, W ag­ner, W ayne W aggoner and BramlT on-C. White, Jr.

The Dexter Bank was organ- Tzebtin 1898 and a t the lime of"the

“ Ann A'rl more than, largest" bn W ashtenai

merger, had in excess o f $5;0t)0,000 in assots.

ank Irks Assets o f ,000,000 and: is the

king institution in county. The m erger

an tnge—of broader banking "ahd complete tru s t s'erv-' ices* for the Dexter community through the Dexter Office. _ v

The business community . will also benefit from the. added lend­ing power of thd leading financial institution of the. county. W ith amplified—bankingV. service avail­able, the community- also is. in a better position to grow, and pvos- per through economic'develop"me*nt,

.“Ann A rbor Bank a)ready is serving a number o f residents and business customers- in the Dexter area;’’ F ^ p r -HHl fL ‘‘ftnd »hp m arg- er 'Jis in • k eep in g . w ithL..the.. bank’s philosophy of grow th with the suburban expansion- of- business, industry and residential sectors of the M etropolitan Ann Arbor Area." v


|A KE NOTICEThat a Townihlp Caucui for tha'

Democratic Party Township c l Lyndon

County of Waiptenow, -State of Michiganwill b« held a t the


W 1 :30 o'clock p".m, for the ’purpose of Norpinoting Candidates of Sold P6rty for' the several Township. Of-

ces to be* filled at. Biennial Town-: ship Election to be held Monday, April | , 1963.

Supervisor.,Township Clerk,

. Township Treosiiror.* 1 Trustee for. 4-year...term,- rr-- .,

1 Justice oflhe’ Peaoe;'4-year term. .. ■

- ’Member of-Boord of Review, •. - 4-year term. . - ■•

4 Constobles. .' :. j— justice of the Peace and/or; _

Member-of Board of Review tp '.’ - fill vacancies, if any. . " ..

And for the election of "a Towrrshfp' Committee consisting of three qcTaTU fied ond registered electors affiliated with *«;nIrf pnrty "’T" trfllff-oc’tion of such’ 'other bCrstness as -may properly-come before the meeting.

. THIS NOTICE published in com-, plionce .with 0 call issued by chairman of township committee o'f aforesaid party designating above dote; -hour ond place for holding caucus. .. v • Signed: Emnya Goodwin,

............ Township Clerk,■Bnted: Jonuory 3-1, 1963.....


> TAKE NOTICE,Thof a Townihlp Caucui far the

Republican Party Township of Lyndon

County of WeohteneW,Stote of'MIchihonwill be held e t th*

I DON TOWNSHI9 HALL SATURDAY, FEB. 167 1953dt 2:0uT3i'dock p.m, for the purpose of NomVoting Condidates of Said Party-fori the several Township Of-« fices to tw filled a t Biennial Town­ship •Election to /b e held Monday^ ApriL 1 ^ 963.

Supervisor. , , '•Township Clerk., :^Township Treosurer.

: 1 Trustee for .4-yeor term.1 Justice of the Peoce, 4-yegj

term.M emberrof Boord of Revi^W)

4-year term.

■ ■/r.

I f - K *

- j.

: 4 Constables..‘Justice of'the*Pe«o^5Jl/of

Member of Bc^rd of Review to fill vacancies, if any.

And for the etectibh“"o'fd~TbWnsHip“Committee aonsTstlng of throe quall- fied and registered electors offilioted w ith said pony; uliu fui llitf IIUHS- oction of such other business gs may property come before the meeting.

THIS. NOTICE published irv com- plionce-with 0 caihissued by chairmo.n' of township committee ofoforesfeid-* porfy designating above dote, hour, gnd ploce for holding coUcus. .

Signed: Emma Goodwin, Township Clerk.

botcd-i--Jqnuory 31, 1963.—--- ------r~



2 4 - H O U R A M B U L A N C E S E R V I C E



■ Present::;rArm Arbor Bank, cus­tomers m ay immediately use the Dexter Office as they would use any office of the Ann Arbor Bank. Dexter is Ann Arbor Batik’s sixth banking office; _

Munnis J . Kenny hasHbeem. ap- pointed Aiin Arbor Bank vipe- prasident. and m anager . of theDexter Office,



i l U 'V d k s ir'Eiur.....

a l u m Tn .u mBROILER

demands. He pointed out,, however, th a t'w h en combined with a higher

| Ip rice on m i Ik used to make dai ry products (Class. II) , the nego.tD ated price- contract: would" Tesult in producers receiving alm ost the same return for ail milk, th is year as they did last year.

A significant .aspebt ' of th is -contrac t is" (.hnl. ft ■ wmr■by give; and take bargaining,” Lake said.

Save 38c with each L.ibbey Coupon C Y C Y L t m e S a -V y - ■ W G l M M F Y


Thli «oup«« geaU only ^

pan par family. AUvIti tP yasri ar «.*r only!


Thl. tovpan good only-.h.n tlgnod, P.d«»m> obit In pinon only, an >p A ar bafora tha data (ndl- tnl.d an’ Dili taupan, v -piaata LIMIT ana cou-pon par family. .Adulti It yaon ar avar bnlyl

whan ilgnad. Pa da am. W abla In panon anly, an ar iMfora Dr».do1# Indl.’ caltd an 1hl| coupon, u/Ptloia TIMlT ana'.cou.. Sr-

1 |> " " ooodVor two FREE CLASSESp i : . ■“ ..............

i p



MAR. 2

YMi coupon .gead anly whan ilgnad. fUdaam- abla In partan only, an or bofara Iht data Indl- catad an fhlt aaypon. Alania iimit ana cau­dal par family. Adulli .. H yoari ar avar only I


1 , W ADD«e

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good for two FREI GLASSES

w il l o w u t il it y b a s k e t ^ .

M a n y O th e ra n d

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To develop the character of your car . "keep it in check ot. immev's. See us. ' ejGpiert, protective • pol-

rg. Gqard the working rts of your car with our1


& / M M £ Y ' £P \ STANPARP

^ 1 \ S E R V I C E

6 a m i o p .m

and Brandon C. W hite, Jr., has been Tphointed assis tan t .cashier an'd assis tan t Dexter Office m an­ager.': T '■ : '- W ork . is, beginning a t once on

consolidatiiig the bookkeeping and accounting systems of- the banks, to bring in tegration into—t he—program m ing fo r Ann Arbor "Bank’s recently announced computer cen­ter. Custom ers of the Dexter Sav­ings Bank will be : supplied withAnn Arbor Bank checks and .other. necessary. documehtsr iu—the—noar-future.

DEFICIT AND TAX_;CU.TA dm inistration officials are fore­

casting a Federal, .budget deficit this year of $7,800,000;000. This could be big enough, perhaps, to imperii P resident Kennedy’s plansor- a ia«3 tax cut.

The economy, by falling fa r short, of'::.earlier expectibns, is cutting. deeply into forecast revenues. Fed- eral income now' is expected to total $85(900,000,IpOO —• down $7,- 100,boo,000. from tlfe estim ate Kennedy provided when he sent the budget to Congress in January .

Ideal Economy: W here you sell what you have- fo r -the highest possible prices and buy w hat you need a t your own prices. *

V /P' 80 ru'MAiN ( I'K'hjf l' (>| \l

What you can do

sick or hurt CJ

Find out about Allstate’# new ■ieka«es,aeoMont and hospital in* turauce, Mpney-aavlnf Selector Plan lets: *you buy only what you neea to bring your prsesr ‘


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• / ■ • 1 -ybifirm m oooet h ancle wW»


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n e i g h b o r w a s t e l l i n g m e a b o t i t - A a T o w -

c o s t p l a n f o r f i n a n c i n g n e x t c a r , *

r 4

/mv/A on SovIngi A on *Tima Certificate Book Acctt. ■# / O of Deposit for 1 Yr,

CHELSEA- iyrtMA'1 ■

BANKMember Federal

Dspesft insu rente Cerp.


Le g a l Notices


• i /<in

, MORTGAGE SALKBofmilt having txtvn niiidv In ' the'' tow n

uixl conditions of* n' xortaln mortanxe 'nimle by Johnelln--Williams, Jitlit Jm n mill i Mill# .Hull llmipy. o f i Ytisilnml, Wii*hl«nnw County. Mirtilgnni/MigigHKnix, ■to Siuilc Hlncli of Wayne Ciftnty, Micfil- gait, Mortgage*;- ilttUi) i the l5t)i liny of

"A tn ll, ./A.I>. Itnliii mill i ccoAlwl ■» in' the office of the RegiMer of DvetU^fni tho 'Ciutnty pf VViishtcimw nmi Suite (TAvMlehi gnn on the :1Mb <|ny of Ain;ll A.1). in Liber m is i>/ Mortgage*,s un, whldi snid mortgage \vn* tboieiifii’i', on, to-wlt the. Ulb day. of April A.l). IIMlii, unpinned lio (‘ & J .Investment’'- Urn. n

• mfixtereil MicliHnin (^o-piutnei shin, and iccoidcd on May -a, linlu, in the office ol ■ Kegi-nor of.....[lends, foe-xniil- f-'iinnty -of Washtenaw in Liber 910. of. Moehranes, siB tan.'*’ T (l, on winch rnortnawe there i» clainusl lo be due. at the date of ih ix .ua lice, foi' iieiNciintl -amt :uili’ru*l. the sum. of E lgin-.Thtnixtiml Emir Hnjiilhsl ■ JH1 x ami b i/ld ii, ,

And no sail or pmcecillng* ill Tn'w nr In caait.v having been institntwl . to iccovee.

nyae d

miuigiiKe, mid inn'-uuni -to the statute, of aim S ta le -o f ' Michigan in such cnso'imafe n'lni nrovlijeit, .niilicc_[s hereby. Pi.viur.LlmL. on Friday, the. hull day of 'May, ■ A.|). imi;j. at in o'clock In the. fiacnwm, Kaslein StniabiNI .Time, yioil [Urntitniui'xwill : lib fui eclnseil'by a- sale at 'luihlie aiidion to th e ' hiuhext, balder at liic west- entrance to the Wasbteimw:Cimnty . Unibllm? ■ in I be City of Ann -Arbor, Wii.-diteiiuw ( ’nun.

-ty.’—Michrmtn' (that ■ beinu tbe bnlldtmt where tbc C!i call Ciiiii'I foe tbe Counry of Washtenaw is hold) of the.. pWnr.i t u i__jb'.yxibod—tin ,. .miUI—-nmt-Uou'e,—m i; mucli _ lInii'iir ■ a s ’ may-. tic .nece.s.-mry to nay the aim,nut-.due. as .'ifmesuid. oil

equity navinu neen in-qnineii . in iccove 'llm ijolil si'Miicil i,y snfd mortgage ne an, .part t tbereof, Now, 'ifierufni'ejl by del a

" o f - the ilower of *ulo enntuined In- sail

Mini ni(ii’leinw< wild_ll.e -l,ii.i,u .i_ i.l.^^ ,tat seven ner -i-niiI — nm_unaani-nmt—alllegal eusls, charge*.‘uiuf expenxex,. Ine-lud

" ing the attorney fees allowed by law. anil also any. sains which may be .ifiiid. by die nmlersienisl, necessitev . In’ "protect, its ln- leK'sl tu the ineinises, Which said prem. i*es are lle.-enlual, as follows;. All that

-..-ecwUiin iiieeo-or 'imrie|s.of-lntiil xImmU*-£:i'"tlni ' iTy T7r~. V|,- c’<;[ 71 ■ .a flu, Cu filly of■Washtenaw. and Stale of Michit'iiik. and deseed^

Commencing at the. soulhen»U-roffiec;of n d of .land formerly owned hy' Ann • b'lilleiinir‘_on the. west side <>f-« _LIhi<li*lrr Sii An ; -thence snath four .rod* along d-hirTvest side nf f hnllstee Street! them e fiesf oinbl n s l s :. them1/ rmfjh'

’ e aofStale nf. MieJiiean.

Ilaledt' Janniuv HI, Itui.!. ■ •f & J Invgntnieiu- (Vi.,- n rcuisteced Mii-limaa I ii'Pael aei’shin.Assignee nf Miu leatjee ami flnldsleiaAttorneys _fmi_ Assiitnce nf- Min I •v.’rtS,• Kilsl Tvvelvc Mill- dniul W uneii. Midiimm. ■It'eb'.Mny-’

. -lliem e viesf oinllt iis is:. thoney rm nb“---- ............ fain roilie.; .thence east emlit -nsls to, the

I’jare^ nf beuianlni'.' Heim: In the flly ' ____ ____ of V risiliinti, Connly _roJ _ Washtenaw,

oinM ifiv, »> i «ht su tu t* ln suoh In te rw t-in -th i C i w f ^ W h l^ wdd-lii^m^ caa» 'nmiio • and^provldtd, on-ftfdajrrrFA *" d»*a a t* deaddwt), foltow st All thatj-uary 22, 1U83 a t tarn o'clock in the certain piece o rs parcel of and . altuate In,forenoon, the u n d e rlin ed , wllli a t the west eiUVanco to the W ashtenaw County Rulldliiir In the7"Cf&7 of A nnL A rtor, Michigan, that belnir the place where the Circuit Court , for the County of Wash* tcimw Is held, Mil a t publlo auction, to the hljthest blcfileV 'th e premises described In said mnrtiniKOr.dr so much thereql>UK may be necessary to pay, the amount aforesaid due on snld mortKflKo with In­terest lot f l t I t e r , annum thereon to ilnte of snld sale-and .all iepnl costs and expenses, toy ether w ith said attorney e fee, allowed by law, and nlso nny sum or sums which may tie paid by the under- slimed, necessary to . protect ■ Jtsvlnteeest fn the premises, sltunted ■ In xpidluutl Townslilii, County of W ashtenaw, State

MIch.lKjuvto wit! . , i.nt/29H except Sfi'ly 18.0' thereof.

Wlfflucnnw Concourse N<u 3, a part or Mho mirtlmnst uunitor of Section 3, and

tho northwest uuarter of Section 2r ’ toscn 3 ; smith,, rntixe J east. Ypslrantr

Township, Washtenaw County, Mlchltmn. tici'iudlim to the idnt thereof ns recordetl In I liter 14 nf Plats; panes 21 and 22, Wiishiemtw County SiRecords, ,

pitted: November 20, m0#2.—'PKDRRAh- ’NATIONAL MOUTfiACB ASSfllCIATION, Assignee of MortKotroe

1IANNRM1U.KR SPEHL1NO, Attorneys’ fo r- Assignee of "MortRAftee ilnsiness. Address! "825 Tyler Rond, Ypstlantl, MIchlKnn Tclephtnici llUnter, .DV.>f,7, Novati-Fehai

— MOimiAIJR PORRCI.OSlfRE SALKDofmilt haVinR' been .made In thc_tormB

and rnmliilons of a cortnln moKtctiKo con-: tninlmr therein n power o f snip mndo by Wayim Ruyonc PiiKetml* nnd Judith A,- JJanennls, his'wlfo*, MortRftwrs, to Ameri­can Midwest MortKHtre Cnrinirntloll, n Mich- iunn corjioi'ntlon, MortKnKde.' Which mort- naue Is llaiw'l: Fehninrv I). ■. Hid), and recorded ■ February I t , llifil). In v.yjbcr !Kll) of . .Records, Pmros , it44».'f4Tlif*.Ittfewtci' , of 'IiisslsTOffird,”'Wlishtc'nnw County,. SlIoSlA min,' valid thereafter r asslimed hv the. snld

FRtlRRAT, , NATIONAL■1 ASKOt‘1 At IUN. n colnoi'Ktlon

oiunnizcsl urnler an "Act of1 Conirress-. and exlsrlinr piii sriiiiiruir the Feileral "Nafronat Mortyayc Assmdatlon. Chnrter Aet, which' nssiyameat is dated .February. 1C, IUGU, .anil recorded February 23, lfi60, in l.lber. 001 of Rpcords, IbtRe. 340 Refflstcr- of Deeds' .OffUs*,.- Washlenaw .County, Ml.chlRiin, ■ on',tvlilclr-ipoi-lvlavle tlieI'C—in claimed -to' lie-due-on the. dole of this nollre for principal anil Interest and nl1' " " O . i l l . . , , —| »■■■ sniu mortifiiRo the sum of 112,441.05 nnd an nttorneyls fee o f $75.00, and no suit or (iroceedliiR at law hBylnR-diccip Instl- Jtiled—tcr i:ecovet--thtr money secured by said .mortRURe.Vfir any part thereof.

Notice. Is hereby Riven that by vjrtno o f- th o ; t’ower'Myf. Hale contained In said mortRORc. which upon .defau lt has-heroine oporntlwv nnd the statute Alt ' such ease

. . ■ c u n 77‘ -MOKTf.’Af;f;7 FlHIRCLOSl'KR SALE

lic,faolt.'"haviiiK liwn mmle in tbe Terms i. ami i-oailm.iriv of n cerialn mm lRas'e' con-

— t.ouim,; tlieii iu a' power oj. sale m.ole'hV^ 7 1 ilLitRRT, Hint- 'MA.IjiClAR.KCi-t-^

. JthltT, hi-, wife, MortRiiRors, to AURIi . . Ml)|{Tr;.\i;K COVi-ANy, „ MicbiL'au Cor-

po, atioa, MortRaRee, ■ which mortRiiRo is iluied Oi’lolar. It'.VT,. ;,iy| ,|c,,|Iho- 7, Pi.'or in - l.-iber ' M Ffor Heioirls,I'.ivt-s- ........ „j |)„<H|s’ Offi,,,.l) ashleiiaw ( oiiiuy, MirhiLiaii, anil llioie-

as.ii'Ued, I Itiv -sriiff MorUoiRi,,, to■ 1:.1:vl V1-- .N A Tl OX A I, M O RTfiAfj K A S.

’ MM i A I IDS, r;i r (ii |ifji iit ui;^ orj. t.iii/oeV u_ dej u A d ’' f- -HVo11vr-i,- -— rini r e \N tT M [ii;i ■

---- "m m to t In- -hciicrirt' Natmniil- Mint vino.Association Chnrter/Acl, wliicii assrehhient

-5-': datid Oi lobei ,i, -III.",7, and i c o i deil .October i, l!i57, in Libci- .s tU D M lm m la

-------- > <L’r^.>:M tmnT-r-->rmv,r,T orr,rc;^m^T>'-lemiw ( uunly, Mii himin, ,on . which, mort- ij.mi.' there IS ■ Hiuiiieil la ho liar on ||ie dfite of tins inn n e for ,|o inciFial uml ' in-

• tei-fst nod iitluw rharues ‘hllowcd l,V „|i|<| inorlRiiui!'the.. Mini ' or SI Jv7.S2.H7 and an <iHtif rir-> - Mu. r>f ST.', and suit or

------ -.jiMKcediiHr at -law havum |,e,.|, insri,„is.i■— . !*'—rl.ia'ii,! L III* Ithiiic.v I,

■nmi IRnwe. or any ),art ihereof,------ :— is hereby .Riven irfai !,y virtue

of tlio. power of -ale contained in- said■ niorlRHi'c, which ' ........ dcdaiill .ha's ' he.

imiie (UMoalm;,. and tlio siainle fn ' such ;C. lli.nlc nnd ia.r.1 n ld , —at;—M;ty—7:—lyy;!

“ f i & B T10NA G MORTCAnE VVSSOf.IATION, Assignee of Mortcaftee ARNOf.f) W. TAM MEN


jjl In.uu o i lock in the forenoon, th c u n -, 1 HmnH...will,—at—tin, -West—enTTance "ITT

tlici Washlenaw (Vmiuy ftnilillmr In the < ity .of Anri Arliur,- Micliuraii. Dial heiiiRDie ..........1........... -■(lie aui'iion ' lo ilie .hiRhe.-l • .Imltlcr the t»remises dcsci ilicd in said miirlRiiRp. or mi niuf|i*thureof h.s fruiv !jv noci'M IL

... .^nn yjiiiji* r»l Iffh V'l{ 11, Ilia! I>0| u. w Inn I—ut-Jit*—f-i 14*ml—(\tmrt for l h<?

l n'inty "f iVViivhiriiNw ip hVlfj, si-jf mi

lo i»:iv

.ihi'.'f-rar11! I t nl»v id—dn» —trn-- v;m7I niori -

11 jVr jicj'. annum' ru»ff ji IJ fosfs

ttnh*Uun'A\ilfc.vd,ral'ldn-|ie.yf-ft t\ alfnW I II |jy fKVS - ' "(if Mfin- \\\

hrrirr.Vhc jii-vnii-r’.-rrf-^V-'......... ....... -

' h riiMy L iy In

nm! ;t/-o a n y sriftt, J*:iid l»y the? under1-

• inuitM-j.

ii'iuri, loyjuv r,r Waditf liiii- M M ro vv j i• byd. I*, ASH I'ENAW O ltrU A Illl-

e t..I!]i|\ I.-IIIN -Ntl. I, I 1 1 of Die iiorlli-ll:v1 ■!;.I,11," rt.soi'ioM--h-oTa|-rTTrr--iTfr nr.* lifi1 ! hcji-t/, i|;j;»itr-r of ^rcluji) •» 7 ■1,'UV? ; South' r En'-i, Ys t;,,,7i

11 " " a I'ouiny, ,Mi|.)m,„|j.

i ^ UrvosIttp; uirTy-'-pvtrr'liTFnuTf ^ 'niiw, and Notice ■ is .hereby'

III a,l I’!—-,i^o'sivr,ii-w—i-U-'iiii , I -1-. —

l ; I'Vl.nii' v 7, .1 'ii',:i])[.l;l>l' y.It A I. N A | I(i,\ \ I, h ( i ll'l'li \ ■ASM It'I .VI It IN!; -i'/iice <0 Mmicnveit

; TT'! ■ I-', l-'h ' » I urn an ''A " Jl "V f,„ \ ..Hu me - A, |, 1, i . , . • • • ,»M|. M "lU'iw! ......... DuUdim''Ana - A I..... Ml, | 1 ,’I r !c|’h<a,it; \ i ) ina o<|; . Ti'l,7..M.,i

-c. Mll!t'H'e\i;-U. t„ Hi .III .".'•iilv'Jl u. I,i:

md liiii.cliv m;

SAl.l'i771 iJic Im rn

d K< ii-• r* V ' 11 ' " ( V,iii'l'.'a'|Iy|;|p.,) 's

I i t'f'fH fli’tj S<=j.'l r:/r,drnj.r f, 7 i• i-ik..;

ft i S' 11111Mnl'.


Si'iijrmlmi i ' . i ; r, ;i’rj1 H'DiV Su l jlu-r'rnt^- "l»,

'< uuMy . ;irii'lf j|j<

•J'.'hmfnf -djifud • i ‘y dfd n« ini,|,, M .. W;i hlrfiitW-

i:► uifl in' -1']Jill flK i.',- - f1' f |}) 11 | I I. ! || IMji) , 4«ud • n-f'tndrrl- i JrtTdii'i J.ilinN F>:i\ . r> fr VV;:’-h’livviii fK idld 5 lUTJMl h-r ' 1

In Thri M ff; u h ■ I;1 |) Iry M dutid il(-, ( ltJi I u f im nn ill I I i|‘rmndn. i !', • ()l'7 b tnry<>|.?r:i W;i hl<'VuV\s Vu (ill vTfTTiTIi rural I On iV j

.-ilui;'- ut—Ums-djUp* V)i;-i.i,|

d, itv

Ulf.v .-!r l^iidiu- tlivf-TtHj lMffl-.nirr'j r I .stJf'Jl r;i-C

■■id vrni—Htttt' tTTT hi |(( ‘tr’

'1 iinr, niij nn }\ -*do ul liifMci ;il

' k’imw

if.nil -nlI 'OWU'V

f'Vovidiil, riTT .............'

11 MM'd I rI III'TJTT'tji ;t t rrrr* T

nu’.fiitiMl in Um* -;-l ;iI.iiU'1 Jji--lili-LflvV

A.l)TWTT"<i;i> <>i Mjiv,•' Sfunthnij'(•“(' !»(• fin <‘cl(i idI ,|»y

l”ilil» mild loll lo Dm hk'hest c Kill call, e of ill,, Winli.

, . """VI; dluiidiiic, in ' the City ' ofA na A i hoc, Waslilelmw Cn.iutv,' MicKii'nn, lino licinc Ihe i.In,-t- tthcic. Die Ciicrii I "ucK of • aid l V,iiniy i ■ held,' *if i lie Promises dcsri-ihed ia said nim lio'c:,., ,,, so ana )r a- may lie fus-cv:avy f,v |Ary , j,;, aaioiiiu iha> with iateresi. m ' |i , ; ,.(,n, per narnmi and nil leva I mal elu,1 Said |,ioriii i,s arc IoiiiIikI in Hr T,,\'w,i

shdi ut .-Yp; iliilili, Wii-hleiiHW .I'lnuuv, jMlcliicnn, mill de-ci iiied hSj , lad, l., of Nam'-v -I'ark, a suiidivi iop id parl-of tlio S. K., i, of, section 1 T. !('S. it; 7 r.. ac, online lo pjal i Hereof 1 Cttll'lil'll--Lll—I iltl.e--f |--of, [dot op [7]lV'l,115 and lii WndiliuiMM (‘oupty Records,

T'cbnat!y I, ,l!di;|’ I..The.. NVaiibiiJln,!i,.,,SiLv'iii)rs..„IJiuik,

Assii'iiee-' *In >t Dntom-r,—i Tcfrb m rrrr '" ^ "Tr ,1 nrou'7'- ‘ - ■ A [ 1 or fie;.--, r A sviclier' of Mol 1C. .r.'a.'CJ.!a!i (Iriswold Street ‘fictmil Jii, M i ill I im 11 ■ ■ •, I'VIi7.Miiv2

MOKTfiAGR FORbXTKOSM HE SALE ‘• llcrnutt. hn.VlitR IhW '' m \ f t in tbe IcCriis

nnd comlitions of it f/rta ln mortRayo cnnlainiim llicrcin a power of sale made li.v PATRICIA L, WATiSTt, as Moit,, to A'MKRlfAN MIDWEST. MORT- (!AtiK CORPORATf<)N,"iV MfchlRiiTi— oT- Jmirnioif, as MovIrmri'p, which moilRni'o id tinted ' Seiitwnbor Hi, Ifi.'s, nniT recorded Rcptemher 2,5, 1D5S, In Liber H.12 piiRcs C2, (13, and fll Rcttislcr .of Deeds' Office, W ashtenaw t.Vninly, Mlclilnaii, ami thorp iTflor .nHsiRttctl by ■ said MorlRntreo to FRDKRAl, NATIONAf, MflRTi 1A0I4 AK- SOCfA'nON, a. NaDniiiii M'ii'tRnRIL-A^Vif ?Ialloji, Wlilc.n nHsiRiimonl in dated Sep tembor 26» ID5X', it ml recorded October H, H'5H ill liber >143 jmirc 47!) UcRlster O'f Tireds' Office, Wasbteimw f.'onnly, Miclil- win, on wlilcb niorlRiiRfl Diei-fl is claimed In be clue an utifinld prlncitiiil and Inlecest on ■ llin d n te . Of this noDci* the sum of IP.l.Udll.l!!) loyethcr with (ill Iirh I costs mid eNpontmH of AirfeloHui'e and an at*, fm ney's fee .as pcovidivl by law, and no suit oi; lii'otcedliiR nl law or In d inky

JuivliiR/ been lii'dilut'ed , 'to recover the . money stupimf by snld m oilRnwv o r . nny

part lla/iebf, ■'Notice Is ‘ hereby ' irlven ‘tbn t by-V irtue

i of. fiitr "ia j\\c of cHie conthlnud In snld ImortRRRc, which upon defnult chnn . bo-

■' ■


1HG3. >nt- ten o'clock In the forenoon, ,tho umlorsiRnAl iwlli, nt the west entrnneo to the Wnshtcnnw County nnildiniR: In . the(ity of Ann Aihor; MichlRan. that tirinu the place where the Clriudt rCourt for the (punty of Wnshterfltw 'di >etd. sell at public aiKtion-to.^tho hlahest"bidder the in cnyscs^dgsci Ihcd In ~ said mortRnRe. or uc, vnu,.a thereof As tnhy “Tie nocessnry- to pay the amnun* -aforesaid tlUec o n • *a!ii mortRuye witfMnterest nt*8Vi% Per nnnum thereon to dale.of snle nnJ] hII leRnl costs and expenses, toiTethcr with Hatd attorney's

hNowpci hy Irw,. and 4\1ho any mim or sums which may bo paid by 'th e 'u n d er. Hluncd. ncressnry -to pioicct Ifs lalcicsC

.Hltnnt«T:.ln:zthe:-TOwnshir> u, Xminty of Washtcmiw, nndbtntc of MIchlKnn, t'o w it:

’ Id, Dianne Acres, r. subdivision ..of pint nf the southeast quarter of

hci iion ■ J1, town - 3 -south—rmrK«r7 -cn5t7“ ypsitantl Townshlp, ' W ashtenaw rounty, '

. MIchiKan, according to the pint thoceof ns recorded In liber 14 of Plum,4.1. nnd „n. Wnshtcnnw County.'R'erords,

r>n;r<l: December (i, 1hc2 ■ -..

the City, of , Ann, Arbor, In th e County of Washtenaw, And State of Michigan and described as follows, to -w lt:■ Lot 05, Bni'fonl Homes Subdivision, n part of the Northeast U of Section 10, Town 3 South, Ranno 0* East, CTtiy ofIUWII ») Ptniilii ItUHMU W /V*y weAnn Arbor, Washtenaw Count/,. Michi­gan, :ih recoi'iletl In Liber 16, I’naes 13 and 14, W ashtenaw-County-Records, -■

Dated a t Detroit, Michigan, December 20,1<I62 -.

MICHfflAN BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, n N ational B an k -, Dir Association, Assignee of Mold- ■

: . '• RHKCe. ' IRADNRR and RADNER ■Attorneys for vAsslRiwerof M o rtg ag ees— 1730 (iuni'dlan Hullding ‘Detroit ,26, Michigan...;'. , fJWO 2-5450 ......Dcc20-M*v.l4

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE“ DeTiTiTlt^hirvinR' lieeii m n d o in the tArms nnd conditions of n certain mortgage con- taJiilhg 'therein1 a pmver of sale ntude bVt r u m a n k , McP h e r s o n and J o y c eMrPIlKRSON,:, liuslniml nnd .wife, • ns

niortgiiRors,' to' JAMES T. BARNES- and COMPANY,' a MichlRan 'Poniorntlon. as; Mm-tRiiRves, , which mortwago , is dAted Dccembor 30, 1057 and recorded Pec.emlier Si. IB57. In liber 310 pajreH 533. fi34_(fnd 535 Register of .Deeds1' Office, Washtenaw County,: Michigan, and thereafter assigned by said . Mortgagee to . FEDERAL NA­TIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, n* Niitlnnal Mortgage A ssociation,w hich ns* slgnment Is dateit- February 47 , 1958 .and recordeil February 26, ,1953, In tilier HIT page 244 Register of, Deeds'- Office, Wrilih- temiw Comity, Michigan, on which mort­gage there Is claimed to be due nit unpaid principal and ’ Interest ; on the date of this notice! the^ sum of <$9,378/23 ■ together with all legal costs and expenses of foreclosure nnd-un-nltnrney's fee ns jlrovldetl 'by law, and no suit or proreesling at law or in

-3t«t» o f Michigan »ad d a p rlh td -M , M *-- - ..■ -iLot 07, Saline Height* Addition, a iub- division of parts of the Northweet num ter o f Section 1. Town 4 South, Range 6 East, and Southwest Quarter o f Section 86, Town 8 South, Range 6 East, City of Saline, W athtenaw County. Michigan, according to the. plat thereof 'an recoriled lb Liber IS of Plata, Page \Q, W ashtenaw CountyRecord*....... —

Dated a t D etro it, Michigan, January B| 1963.' \/ The F irst N ational City Bank of - New York, a .n a tio n a l banklng aa^

soclation organlxed 'under the lawe of the United States o f America, having nn office' a t 399 P ark Av*

- enue,- ■ City, County - an d State of . New York, Assignee of Mortgag'ee.

Peter CooiwrAttorney, for Assignee of Mortgagee , - 2433 First. National BuildingD.etrolL:26,; Michigan '■"''•'"'"'""'.7, ......WO 1-1293 * JanlO-AprlU

the money semirwl hy said mortgage,- or any part thereof,

uo-of—the-..power of "yttie-contninctl-^n.'. said

MORTGAGE SALEDefnidt having been 'm ade In the 'term *

ami conditions of a .certain m ortgage mode by JAMES E. DICKINSON .and RUTH a DICKINSON, his w ife , as-M ortgagors,, to HANNAN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE INCORPORATED, a corporation organised nml~ffslstiri'g Under the"' laws o f the State of. Miel|lgnn, as Mortgagee, dated the; 4th day 'o f October," 1960r and: recorded In tho office of the Register of Deed* fo r Wash* tenaw-i C ounty;tM ichigan, on October 6, J96u; in L iber-926. Pag* 627, W ashtenaw County Records, which mortgage .was sub­sequently on tho ,15th of November, 1661, assigned to WAYNE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a cbtiiom. tlo.n’orgnnUud and existing under the. laws1 of Die United States of America, which assignment was recorded on November-17. 1961, ln /.the^offlco - of - the Register: of Deeds- fo r . said ; County of Washtenaw in Lkwc—MTi—Page-Di5-,—-Washtennw^'County- Records, aml sald assigned of mortgagee havlbg elected under, the . terms and con*

-dUlonH of mild m ortgage to -d eelare -th e - entire luTncipal and accrued Interest-there* ............................... i d ................................

made and ' inovldcd, on Friday;- February 22, 1963. a t 'to n o'clock In tho- forenoon, the undersigned' will, at the w est entrance to tho Washtenaw County Rdltdlng' In the City :fiL"A"ni>-t;Ar)>or,^Michigan. tiiaJLJiclng. tji* ptneo where fho ClrcTiit Court for the, Coiinty of Wiishloanw is hnlil, noli nt mill-’1 kp-uiri’tTB'fi'to_th c ’Righest hlddor tho prem* lies dcsi'tlbeil In said- mortgage, or so much therct)/ as may be necessary to pay the. amount .aforesaid due on said tnnn- gngc. with In te rest-a t 6’4 % por annum thnicqn to dale of said sale anil all legal rqsts and expenses, togethor with snld


MORTGAGE SALEDefault' having been made' In the term s

and tondltlen* o f n certain mortgage made by Nick -M> Della-Badla and Virginia A. Della-Badla, hi* wife, of the Township, of YpHlIuntl, Washtenaw County, Michigan, Mortgagor*, to Wayntf Federal Savlnga and Loan Association, a„F«d*r*l Corpora­tion of Wayne, Wayne County, Michigan, Mortgagee’, dated the 18th day^b^Sentem - ber, A. -D, 1957, and recowlw InU Bbiifflce of the Register of. Deeds, Tor the countoovif Washtenaw an d 'S ta te of Michigan, on trie 24th day of September, A, D. 1967, In Llher 709 of Wnshtehaw County Record*,

. -on-4i«ge 582,—whleh- sald - mortgage waa thereafter on, to»wit the 28th d#y,of Octo* ber. A,. I), 1957, j^recorded In thejojfice. of Register of Deeds for said ,County of Washtenaw In Liber 803 of Washtenaw County Record*, on page 348,-on which mortgage there Is -claimed to be due, at the dato of thla notice, for principal and Interest, the sum of Ten Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-eight and 61/100. Dollar* (tl0;258,51). No ault or proceedings ht law \or In etjulty-havlng been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any imrf thereof. > Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in jiaitl mortgage, and-pursuant to the statute oriTe^Stflte of""Michigan in such "case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Thursday, the 26th dAy of April, A. D. I983i"6t 111VU O'clock, A, M., EttsU'

m m tgage-w hich- upon dofutilt-lint'W -onnr -b '^tuer-w hlelneleetlort-lt-doe* hereby-exer* operative, .and- tbe stntuto in such case e.lse, •PU'suitiit to. which theio Is claimed

■ ■ ■ ......... — ........... lo be due aml-unjmld op said mortgage a tthe date of this notice for principal and

lilterne'yV fee, allowed by law. and'.-also any. sum or sums , which-mpy -bir-tml(|-by

,....tbe.. undci'siKncd, -necessary to "ineici’t ItsTlflJl6' D,ni,i J.!T0.\l'!eilp dll Frldny, *-Ma*eb~:l7{ '||,ieruKt<..; in - (f,o;...pT'clufscsr "Hltuatcil In'

Ylislluqtl Towixdilp, •Wuslitennw...(,'uunly, State .o f, Michigan,', to-, wit.i ‘

T h e -west 50 fro D o f 'lo l 219, cm ciU the .w est,5"fact thereof, -Washtenaw Con­course No." 2| .J'KiLt of t1u,'. .iioi'lheust V| . Of Section- 3, town 3 noiith, range 7 cnsl, Vpslliinll Township, W ashtenaw

-^Couftty-,—MfclilKttTr,' n rroiillng t» the jilitt thereof as 'recorded in llbor ' 14 of Plats, pngeH II and 12, Washtenaw County Records. ,

Dated: November 29, 1962,FEDERAL NATIONAL'"'MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, As.-1 vnet- of MortvoKei1—-

.HANN.EM 11,LKK - A- SP-ERMNO;Attorneys for Assignee of 'M ortgagee • . Itusiooss Address:525 Tyler. Rond, Ypsilnutl, 'M ichigan Telephone; HUnter 3-5257 Nov2u-Feb2t


• . No. 47555.lourt for

Telephone:. NOrmamly 3-6300. Dec6-Feh28

FORECLOSURE SALEDefault having, been made In the tei"

^ d ion,111 ons of it

hy JAMES ''' E f W ? S 7 'made

* COMI»nANV' " n' m AMES T ' r ARNES tJMIANY, as Mortgagees, n Michi-

-GOttnf®— uum-p, wastuennw Wttntyr-M'ehJffan and thereafter nsslgned .'W ^ .s a b f Miu'tiral/ee fn FFDTcitAt NATfONAL MORTfiAGE ARSOCj'U ‘/ o n 'assignment is dated ’ June "Vo ‘ u - M June .24, . 1953 in liher ^ Ul!l Itegisfei' of Deeds’ rirr:r„ ti,_ ... 1Conntv,t III' IT Mfchlgim. nn

is ctnimeil ; to InfOffife, Washtenaw

whlelv mm ig'rtttr(Itie --fla iinpal'iI

principal and interest oi) the dote of thisk Tei’n|hP/ ' , ‘m ° f, together withnit legal , n-U nmL:expanses-iTTT'fm r,-Is"■■■„

irnd no n ,,f:'•"f'-Y'-s fee. as inovided by low.CV

. .. )>y lnwrprorp(viin^ nt );i\V or (u

o«imty )mvin«- hocn In«lilutr^l In r money liy suiit^mnng,. erover


„r , u • — given that bv p T " "w,ir. ,rjf s,l,t> contaimaly in sard m nitiag", wlueh uinm default hnS her ninet 'ole 'm.'l I1'? Kt|du tP In- sill1 h 'ease

March 15,1963, at ten o'clock in the forenoon,' the he',,,xvvnw •lh«-.'.west. entrance to

( ' Iv 1 Cmnb , ?il»l‘Hnw-' in 'thtrI ,y , l ' .Ant Arbor, Michigan, th a t ' being the pi,ue where the C ti c n ltC o m t for the

;ibl .' ouit'on to the highest bidder them n/liT us r1'1 ln 111,1 mortgage, nr so m eh hereof ns-may he necessary to pay hi. arttimm afoie-aid due on said mort-

t h i ^ . r fl‘ r'Vt r/c per nnnum111 M l,n 1,1 dale of said sale and nil legnl o -ts . and expenses; together Willi said

^iiiornny... fee, allowed hy law, and 'also any -urn nr sum.,, which ■ may lie |!afd hy

■ nn,lei-,ii'tiish ncecssary to -protect Its m the premises, situated In the

J own-lup of. Ypsilarili, County' of Wash- li'iiaw, —brute nf M'trhiguir. l o wit': -------- -i Sooihea ueety f0f. | ; of |, lt• inn loi oxrrwt xoutnrnM^rl.v 21,0)(,.(:l_LJitirf.'Oi r -Wii-hl^rinw- 'f 'nnf'nrir.y^r No

n f'fir! of tho norlhniKl \\ nt Hi-dinn ,r-t . .DlliJ—Ulit—4)4>Kl h W(*7*t— (---rif—J pT t |Till—“’2~town 3 South, Ramie 7 .East; Yp-ilani|- ■<,v' /|V ■ * nOitfOn w V -Mil, neer g to the- pint ih r r r iT i^T ie ip t’1,,1 ,,, r |l,or.J,4 of r ia ls , pages s] .

.i'.'i;1 Wuslitennw County Records, HnlfKl: I )(*r*i'fTi1icr- )'it HI!:', i

\ ^ l i i r;AiTt^MATJ ° .N' Ar‘ MGRTGAGE I A.. Sl)( I.AilON, A-sii'itec of Morigiu'ie,DA.NNKMILI.KR & ‘SPERI.ING ' •Mlmney-. for Assignen- of -Mortgagee

/?\l|flrp<n • ‘• ■ ' J.vlcr, Ypsilantie Michigan 1' D-J'ln>tuj: HUnter 3-5257..

Dec. _2n,Mnr—14

ii fa’dt having liocti made In the terms ami nniUjiions. of a certain mortgage


Pco-anon, of Iteiroit,' Wnyne County, Mo higan, Mortgagee, (luted the 2nd day Vi- ,\11’ 1 /JlI” 1' A, I). ' Ifitlu, -nnd recorded- n the office of tUtt Register of Deeds, for the fcmntv of WMileiinw nnd Slate' of Mi- bomn, ,in the, IftNui’lay of Heplombcr; Himi,- m f-llior !h*<of Washtenaw. joiFnty Record*,"on page 4T6T>rswhich snld

vas . thereafter on, \to-wk, the "tt: 'my of Senlemhei', A.D. Hulu jwslgned\ug('wVt‘'W»xi NATIONAL MORTflAGK \SSO( t AI ION, n Niulotml Mortgage

on Setitemlier of Register of

rn . ...... " .W a sh tc m iw inI.ltiei nf Wasitlenaw Coiuity Records, 'W.Jr 4‘iilfu~'(;^;'~whrc||[ said nun tgiiuii vchs

AssiViaiion, | |1U| reciirded '-u, liuiii, In (he office ‘r I’l'Ods for said1'County of

VT."" !sr, n" ' ‘G-wil, the nth day of May p c v t ■ ' , i 1.y';b,t)ed t i /T H K MICHIGAN, A \! n Ran sing (’ortini'ai ion,W Jn ! . ^ , 1 ' I'/tiA N h a n k , n a t i o n a lA b u S ( jc iA - i.)o h fn f in r r r t l Ranking As-

■sociaiiiui i-titid-rceordiid on Miiy 22, lltfii, in the office of Register (if Deeds for Mini ( oiinty of WnslHenaw In Liber 949 or Washtennw Confity Records.-on tutgo ;v,st whirl] mortgage there Is claimed to be due, nt ihe date of this notice, for

t'tui Interest, the sum of FOUR*lu c tc r tiIIVI’a^ 1’ f,,,VE H U N im Er) « u r s , <i,I , ,^ ,iS !'•)«> THREE CENTS .}?'4t% '’,'nr!).-. ..No anti, nr firoceixllngs nt

low or in cindy haying been Instituted to remver the debt. seMirni hy mild m art, imge or any part tthkienf. Now, therefore. |>.v viriuo of tho power of arIo fOhtnlnwl In jiimt mmlptufe, nmi imi.mmnt to Ihe s rtnie Of tlio State of Michigan In mttih

''‘ntl ,lr>tt'0 I* herebyghen that, on Wednesday, the 20th da'. Etistec;

gatte will he foreclosed ., auction, to Ihe 'highest bidder, ' a r ’ the t»p!i Washtenaw CountyHulhllnk In he City of Ann Arbor, Wash* enuw County, Mlrhlgan ' (thttl luting the

bulldltig where, the-C ircuit Court for the ((unity of Witshterlnw Is held), of the premises described In said mortgage, or so much 4lici't-of as may la) necessary-to p a / the amount due, ns a fn tm id ; ,on 'said mortgage, with the Interest'. tHereon a« provided In mt(d m'oi tgnge and all legal costs, charges anti expenses', Including th# attorney fees allowed Ity law; and 4iTif6 tiny surri or sums which may^ho pM<| by (ha- undersigned, nMeksary to protect lt«

Stale of jC vhigan, The Pm),ate C4-he-sCo«»t5^f—Wnrhtcwirtv-------Its the Matter of the 'E state" o f "FRED

HELX.ERMAN,. a /k / a ' .FRED 1IEL/,ER­MA N, JR .,. Deceased

At n . sexslon' of said Com t, Jhtnnny 16. 1963


I'te.-cnt, Ifonorabli! John W. Con! in, Judge of Probate.

Noli, (. j R Iltiijliy —Ciivein—’rtvat—tir tiou of H. A. Simons, tlie Executoi1 of suiil estate, praying that bis f in a l. neeounl be allowed and the residue of said estate assign’d ;to the •licisoirs.en til ltd thereto, .wilL^lH'-.- heard tU—the—Probate 1 Cuin lrm i l’cbruury 13, HUM, at P:2lt A.M.';

It i s . Ordered,. ' that notice thereof be given liy publgat ion o f ii copy hereo f'fo r t)u cc“ wc,eks eon.siiculively -mevious to said day of heari'ng, In 'I be Clmlxen tStnudnril, nod tlint, the iietitionei'^ ctiuse. it 'copy of tills notice to .lie served npun eucli known paity in Interest ut Ids lust- known mldress by registered, certified, oi . orilliiiiry mail (>\ilb . i.iiviof. ■ of mailing-), nr by iiersonat servlrc, at least -fourteen (14) i|ays piior to soeli hearing

A tnio cojiy A min ' Donvitsas 11 rgislec of Pcohnle.

S • JOHN - W.- CON U N V Judge of Probate.

! /ii, A...Sim.ons,.. AttorneyMilan, Micliigan^ ’.)!Ui'24-3i-Feh7

. . . ::S.T-ATK .OF.-MIGHI(iAN The Circuit Court for .the County of

Washtennw, in Chancery.".' ■ 'JOE LEE RAWLS, Plaintiff, "

GERALDINE RAWLS, Defendant.Order for ''Appearance

1 -K . ' 'Suit ponding- in tlio.. nlinve. . entitled.

Court 'o n the 5t1i”"dhy"iY(December,, 1982.In this . I'inise it api'eai ing from affi­

davit on file, that tho Defendant,. (Set-al'line Rawls, is not__a'- TesiUent ,-f (tilsState, lint .'-52213 -■ -M Street,- Til-calnoMi,' ■ A IniianPh-—On—mntion o f '' Hubert Thompson, At- fortiey ■ for the Plaintiff, it ' is ordered Ilia! tho said ■ Defendant, (ierultlino Rawls, enos'e her appearance to be entered In Ibis enu'.se within three months from the dale of ,tbistfiTITer nnd that in defnult 1 hereof said Hill of Complaint , will he taken as runfcsse;l,': ' v

AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, T hat wlthiir..forty dny_s the said 'P la in tiff cause ii niitice of this Order to be published in The Cheben Stanilnnl, n licwkpalier tu'inteil, liiibllsbid unit eim ilaling in said County, ■ad—H«+t—s-o-h—imlili!al inn—.ho* ro tiHnued

Iborein nt .least ilneq In eaeli week for six weeks in succession ; or- tha t a copy .nf. this . Oi(Ji; pei-sonn'lly served 'on

aiil ' non-resident" Dcfemlant, Gnrnldlne J tow Is ,--UL _ iitisl . twenty days lieforq -the. 41 mi: above piesi'iltii’d for her ntuieantnce i or Ihiif.' ii isipy of this Order bo served utioii ihe strut min-i'esiilent" iJcfcnuant, Gcr* alrlirir ltavvts,- by United 'States Registered; Mall,- return rcccliit''"requested,- delivered to iiddiT'ssci’. only. - D at'd: Ilceemlier 5, 1962.

/ s / J£M ES K. HRHAKEY, JR .C ircu it, Judge.

A .true ropy .. .Ian lla M, Smith, Cntinly Clerk .Helen It. Miller, Deputy ClerkHubert TlmmpHnnAltiirney. for I’laintiff. . .Jliiblnau__AdJi'f’sxaili- Ann Artior 'I'nist Huildltlg :Ann, Arbor,, Michigan, Doc27*Feb7

Interest’ the sum of. TW ELVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TW ENTY-FIVE AND 4G/Hid nOLL-ATfirTi 12.325.18)7 and no. hai'luif I 'a t law or ^ i n ^ oqid tyHri'iired'-'liy "siibl mortgage .o r ,. .any part thereof, Notice is hoteliy given tha t by vir­tue of the power o f:sale contained in said mortgago and pursuant to the statu te of ■the--State oi Michigan in sueh ease made- titul provided, o n THURSDAY, the 25th day of Aril’ll. A. I*. 1963, lit 11:90 o’clock ’A. M, Easlern Standfird Time, tM- said m(iitguKr"wlll_ bc— foreclosed by" a ^ a l e at Public - Aut'Uy.p Mi.- the Jd g h eHt .biddarr^ at,the- west cut runce tu t he-Washtennw County Rulldhig In Ann Arbor; VVmthtennw Coun*ty, Mieblgan, : that ’being thft. bylldlng In wltleh the -<'lr£alL.Cuurt for. the County o“ Washtenaw is lii'ld , of the premises ties

Ibisl In said mortgage or so much there­of ax may be iierrsMiry to pay the amount due on. said iinirlgage as iiforesalil. and n ny simp nr sums which—may 'be paid by the undeislgned at or before the sale (pr takes aiiilT'or—1 ns.uijllice on said premliWH, and all other, sums paid by the under* signed, .with'.Interest, thereon p u rsuan t’ to law and to the t^rms of ■ said mortgage, ami nil legal-costs, rhnrgeH and: expenses, inclndltig aftorneys1 foes" alloWed by Stat*

aa-fol*low s'.. ■ ;.

Liitiil. In the Township of Ypxllanti, County of Washtenaw, State, of Michigan, described .as: Lot 68, PARKWOOD

~GARDENS" SUUDTVlSIONrTo\"y"nSRn> ofYlisllnnli; -Washtenaw County,-- Michigan, . aceonling to the I’lat thereof as recorded in Libei’ 13 of Plats,. Pages 36 and 37, Whshtennw County Re cord a, . * . ■

Jan u ary :DL—IU63.—,----- -- ... --- - - -WAYNE FEDERAL SAV.1NG9 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION,"''assignee of Mortgagee ' . . .

T1NKHAM ' & SNYDER __ _________—Attorneys for- Assignee: of 'Mortgagee*1, II A \Un oh li,/Wnn A 11oni■ a W311)6 Wastdngton -Avenue

ligmir Jnn-24*Api’18

» MORKkAGE. SALE Default having boon made in the terms

and cunilitloiiR of a certain mortgage made by— lUJATTZA BOWMAN .an d HAZEL BOWMAN,-this*, wife, of the Township o i Ypsiianll, .'Washtennw County, * Michigan, M ortgagors, to* AMERICAN MIDWEST MORTGAGE-CORPORATION, a Michigan imTiDi'iitinn, of-. Detroit, Wayne -Couthty, Michigan, MoitKiige€,;..(lHted .the. 19tJr day of. TlV'i'ember, A.l). >958,. anti rocofaed in the1 office of the Register of Deeds, for the., ('minty, of Wusbtemiw nnd S tate of Michigan,' on the 2!Jth day of December,A.D. . I95S'. ia l.ilici:_854. -pf -Washtenawv ounty Records, on page 649, which said m ortgage' was thereafter on, to-wlt the -26th day of Jnnint'ry,. A,I). lb'BO, assigned lo FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGEA iTSU U STtud. a coiTioiiillnn .nruanlzml.under an Act of Congress- and existing pursuant |p the- Federal- National Mort- I'jige ... Association' C harter A c t:w ith .. its principal iVfficc in' the City pf Wnshing-

.Kon, f)istric| o f Columbia, anil recorded on Jnm uiiy 27, 1959 in the office of Regis­ter of Deeds fur- said County of Wnshtc-

Records, on page 418, on which mortgage there is- claimed to he due, a t the date nf tlvis'tuillce, for principal add Interest, the sum of Ten Thousand,: Seven-Hundred

;ty- Qt-W«*htaa»w» «nd SU t* o lJIlsb lgM ! 4q w lti

Lot 1. -Dianne Acr**, • jubdlvDIon o f part W h 4 H * t quartar 9 f .8 « t io n 11, town>» »oulb. ra n w '7 *w»t. Vp»Ranti Township? W aw U naw County, Mloh* Ikan, acw rd lna to .th * plat tneraof M recorded lo llbor 14 o f Pl*t*, PMfO* 49 and 69, Washtenaw: County jtoeord**

Dated: November 15, 19(2 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGB ASSOCIATION, AeMsfiiao of M ortgage

ARNOI-D W. TAMMENAttorney for Atalgnee of Mortgagee Business AddreM,: . .. „ ,, , ,210*214 Municipal Court Building,Ann Arbor, Michigan - „Telephone: NOrm sndy 8*6309. Novl8*FebT

ern Standard Time, said mortgage will .he. forectosed by a sale a t" public auction, to the highest’bidder, a t the w est entrance of the W ashtenaw County Building In the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan (tha t: being, the building where the Circuit Court for the County of Wa»h* :tenftW-lx-heid>—of-Ah*^pr«mlH«* “described In said mortgage, or so much thereof hs may be necessnry to pay the am ount due. as aforesaid, on said . mortgage, and alt legal costs, charges and expense*, includ­ing the attorney fees allowed by l*w, and also any Hum or sums which may be phld by the- undertdKned, necessary* to * riroteiit it* In te restrln the premlsea. : Which said McmlseH are described as ’ follows: All. h a t certain piece o r parcel of land situate In the Township of Ypstlantl, In the Connty "of"Waiiht«naw, "n rd 8 ta te“of"Mlehlgan1 and desw-lbed as follows, to-wlt 1

North 20 feet of Lot 131 and South 89,feet o f Lot 130, Donoyan's Cloverlawn

"Subdivision, a ..part "of. the E ast H alf of1 the W e s tiH a lfo f . Sout'Section-11, T ow i 3 Sou Ypxllanti Township, W ashtenaw County,1Mirhtgqn. flTgmi'rllag- tn (ha

the West ;Half Section-11, To1

IWUl .....................................f-pf. Southwest Q uarter of Wn 3 South, Range 7 EaBt,

as recorded ,In Liber 7 of. Platb, Page 2v W ashtenaw-County RectjrthR— :

Dated at* Wayne, Michigan, January 11, ■1063. .


the County ■ of WaUhtenaw In the M atter o f. the Estate of BER­

NARD L, MILES, Mentally Incompetent.At a session of said Court, held .on the

31st day 'Of January A. D, • 1963, ,'P resen t, Honorable John W, Cottlln,

Judge of Piobate. . ‘Hei'eh,y (liven, Tlmt th r - p rH-

tlon of W.lllliun J. RrtdcmHchei', Guardian of said estate,- pnvylng—for—the allowartcrr

Coi'iToi'atlon, Mortg ag e e^ ' ' , -TINKIHAM'”'A SNYDER?374)6 W ashington A v e n u e ' 1 , .Wayne,-' Michigan'T e l . t ’PA rkw ay 1-8210Attorneys for Mortgagee, : Janl7-Aprl111

MoH t GA^IE FORECLOSURE SALEDefault having been made In: the term a

and conditions of a ' certain m ortgage c ulnlng therein a power oL aa leJm ad e ' by

TPA UL A RNOLD -SEE and NANCY K. SEE, husband and wife, Mortgagors, to FIRST FED ERA L SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCTATION O F DETROIT, a corpora­tion .organised under the Home Owners' Limn. Aet of 1933 of the^Unlted^StStes of America, Mortgagee, dated September 27, 1961 and: .recorded on October- 12. 1961 .litLiber T)6#, ]>age 369, R eg isterr of Ddeds. Office, W ashtenaw County, Michigan, on which m ortgage there is claimed to be due as unpaid principal and in terest op thedato a t th is nnHi-s thn fuim nftogether with all legal costs .and expenses of , foreclosure and an attorney 's . fee as provided- by law, and no suit or proceeding a t law or in 'eq u ity , having been instituted to recover .the money secured by said m ortgage o r any p a r t thereof, ,

Notice la—hereby-glven'rthat^by—vlrtue-p f 4he power o f *ale contained In said m ort­gage, which Upon default has become op­erative, and the-sta tu te In Buch case made arid, provided, on the 12th day of A pril 1963 a t 10:00 o'clock In the fm-eiwvnnE astern S tandard Tlroe, the undersigned will, a t the west entrance of thy W ash­tenaw County Bulldlng/ In the City of Ann Arbor. Michigan, th a t helng the lilacn. ■whei-c. the^L 'licult Court for the County of W ashtenaw is held, sell a t public auc* tlon to the highest bidder the premises described in said., mortgage,, or so much thereof as may be necessary ■ to pay tho amdunt aforesaid due on - said mortgage w ith in terest thereon as provided ln said


Thlrty-Fiai'r-nml 5 7 /1l)t) Dollars ($10,734.57) No,suit c i ' iaocee(lings a t law or in equity having tjci'ii i ii»tItnU'il to recover the debt wacmrfl ■ I,v .millibi’iiTif. Now;- therefore', hy v irtue' of the Timvn of Mile ('uiilaltici1~'itr"irnltl mortgage.anil pursuant to tho sta tu te of the State of Michigan in such case made and pro­vided. Holier is ' hereby given th a t on Friday, the 26lh day o f 'A p ril , A,D. 1963,' at. 1o:im d'efork A.M,, Eastern Standard Ttmiy-jiabl mortgago will lie foreclosed by a sale IP ''piiblle.'- Kiirtion, to the , highest bidder, ati the west entrance of th e Wash­tenaw County'Building In the City-of Ann Arbor, W ashtenaw County, Michigan (that, being .the building where the Circuit Court for ,lhe ('punty-nf- W ashtennw Is. held}., of tho in rmlses ■■ described in- said mortgage. oi' so miieh thereof ns may be necessary to pay tlie amount due,, ns aforesaid, on said mortgage,.. ...with tho in terest thereon—at- four mid tbrea-quniters per cent ( i !yir/e'l p c ;j i nnum .iini.i:.(ilLl£giiLeoMljk-cliarg|es-<ind-

"iixpeiisex, ineluiHiig the ntthriicy fees al­lowed t>y hrw, and also any sum o r sums

-which—may he. paid . by ihe imlterxTgne-.necessary._Iou.:»rotecl Its_Inlerest In thepieftlises. W-hlch ■ said tn emrsea are Tde'xL cidbed i)H follows: All of tha t certain, piece or" pai eel of hind .situate In the Township nf Ylisllnnli, In the County of W ashtenaw, and Slate of : Michigan timl ;described ns follows, to -w it: . ' ■

Lot 31. Wtisbtenaw Ridge No, 1. part of tlie Northwest quarter , of Section 1, Town it Smith, Range 7 East, Ypsllantl

.. Tniynshlp, Waslitenaw County, Michigan,- «i-CT>t-ding]ttrr-HiT^mhit=gitrrprif' ax' i nenrdwi

MORTGAGB BALE- D efault has been rhade ln the eonditioriH of a mdrtgage made by Robert N. Good- .

.enoW.-Bn unm arried-m an. to'^Atlanti<yMorV -order.

” • .....S)I*-' >"• »»»HL MII.H.IH nil nn.iii uniin Libor 1 14 of f la ts , Page 17, WaBh---------- ’ i> 1----- t-i------ :—

MORTGAGE SALEDefault having been made In the term s

niid- cniiditlorix of-ii-ecjdnln m ortgage -made by Frederick''Paul Bernhardt lin'd B arbara June Rei nhnrdt, his wife, of Saline, W ash­tenaw Coiinty, . Michigan,1 M ortgagors, to Fort.. Wnyno Mortgage Co,, it'M ichigan Cor- luivniini: nf Detroit, Wayne County, 'Michi­gan, Mortgagee, dntixl the 16th day of November, A,l). tilfil, lin'd-, recorded it) the office of fho Register of 1)ooiIh, for the (Rmnly of. Washtennw and S tate of Michi­gan, on tho 17th day of Novomher, A.D, 1961,' -ii) Liber 1)71 Of W ashtenaw County Records, on page 17, tvhlchj said m ortgage was thereafter, on. to-wlt the 8th day (if January, A.D, 1982, assigned to The F irst National City Hank of New York, « notion­al banking- association orgnnl*cd under the taws of the United States o f America, hav­ing nit offleo nt 399 ‘Park Avenue, City, County and Slate of Now York, and rc*

drrt nTr“Jtmrrary~22,'‘“lD52rtn"the"'otftOTi'of Register of Deeds for said County of Wnxhinmw in Llher 977 of W ashtennw i ’ojiiity Records,, on page .481),-On .vylilch: mortgage fhiwe Is claimed to he , duo....hi. ihe date nt' this nolleoT for prTncl]>iii nnd .Interest, the sum of Fourteoh Thousttnd Five Hundred Twenty-Seven nnd 23/100 ($11,627,23) Dblltti's, .

And no suit or firoccedlngs nt law or In equity having been Instituted to recover the debt secured -by aid'd mortgage or any part thereof. Now, therefore,' hy v irtue of the power of sale contained in said

tunnw 'Cotnity 'Records,Dated nt Detroit, Michigan, January 31,

1963.'FEDERAL N A TIO N A L, MORTGAGE^. ASSOCIATION, a corporation, 9i<k,. ^As­signee' of -Mortgagee? - w 1 "'

HENRY J. S/.YMAN^KI Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee 803 Ford BuildingDetroit 26, Michigan. Jnn31*Ai>rll2f>

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. Default having been made In the tern)* and .conditions of n certain mortgage con­taining therein a power of sale made by CHESTER LAWSON and CLAUDIA LAWSON, his ■ wife, M ortgagors, to American Midwest M ortgage Corporation, a Michigan eorp,. Mortgagee, which mortgage Is dated January 14, 1960, and recorded January. 18, i960, in Liber 868 of Records, Papes 185-188 Register of Deeds' Office, W ashtennw County. Mich

mortgage, nnd p u rsu an t' to the sta tu te of the State of Michigan In such case- made

Igffn." mid theveaffer assigned by tlie said Mortgagee to FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a corpora- Tlon. -organised under - nn Act of Congress existin g -in ii'fliiant . tp the Feitarnl Ns. Itonftl Mortgage Association Chartor Act, which assignment Is dated January 26, I960, and recorded January 29, 1960, in Libor 899 of. Records, Pnge 838 Register of* Deeds' Office, W ashtenaw County, Michigan, on which mortgago there Is elalmwt* to, lie duo on the> date Of this noUce'Yoi' principal nnd Interest nnd other chnrgca, allowed by said mortgage the* sum <tl |1 !,943.t2 * and an attorney's foe of $, and no s u i t , or proceeding- w l a w

and provided, nollco is hereby given th a t on,.Friday, the fith day of April, A.D, 1963, a t 19:00 - o'otock,, A.M., Eftatern Standard Time, 'said mortgago will 1» -foreclosed by h sain a t nubile auction, to tho highest bidder, a t tho west entrance to tho W nshtonaw County Hu ldlng in

IxL-J-Ufty!" qV a J » - - « k y - ^ - - Ann--nA'rtmrr-- -WAHh^nawKtamlnr, Time! said mmt- County, MlehlttAYt'ttlint' be ng the hulld-

? ^ k 0" ,S . « v r%C ounty. of W ashtenaw la held), o f the preinlses iloscrlbetl 1 In snld /m ortgage, or ao much thereof as may Ins necessary to )5ay the am ount due, as . aforesniu, ■* on snld mortgage, w ith ,th e i9 tor*»t.tbereon a t Five ami uni-QiIttHer iior cent (6V»%) per n n n tm u ah d nil, legal costa, charge* arid exponsf*. Including tlio nttorney fee*

neeessary tx>‘ prftlert It* ’ intorost In ,th« premi***. Which jg ltl- r'Cmlses nra des' (fibftl a* fd B m w rtir tH * 4 - .« ifU I^ ^ > rS r(of1,Parcel of " l a ml > s' ll'u a fe"^n J * i1,1’ .Pip"'*!** K eusehr'A ttorneySaline, iA th* Ooumy Wa*htf»«W WiS « « hn tho Township of Ypsllantl, Coun* Chelsea,' Michigan, y


Having been instituted to recover th* money secured by snld mbrtgnge, or any part1 thereof,

Notice is hereby glvcn th f t t ' 6V'"vrflu* of the power of salo contained In said mortgage, which upon defnult ha* b*' come operative, and the statute in aueh

w ^ s e m ade and, provided, on Friday. Febru. IT" Itry 8, 74767, nt ten o'clock tn tho forc- • noon, tho , undersigned will,- at the west the Washtennw County Build­ing in the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan,th a t being tho til ace where the ’ Circuit Court for tho County of Washtenaw-<-is held, soil a t puhllc auction to the highest bidder the promises described-, 1n sitld mortgage, o r so jnuch thereor as '-may be necessary to pay t h e . am ount nfortsald

Hlitl UA(W|inen| Jll«. 1«I«I nno.iiv / lutcr^ltt ntSnowed bylaw) ami also arty sum or atm*- .per annum thereon to date, of sale Which may be •’imltL by the undersigned, and.nll legal costs nnd expenses, together necessary R>‘ prfttert Its’Intorost In .the with said attorney’s toe, allowed by law,

*nsL«ls9 nny «'>m[ or^sHma «W ch_m ay.he TwATrt by The nndorslgned, necessary -to

.. feon .mortgage to date! of .sale and all legalegHtff=wtd=expensesr togethur..will:"1 aTtor-ney.'s fees allowed by law, a n d ' also any m m or sums which may be paid by the uhdevsigned, . necessary to . protect ita in* Aere.Ht._Ln_the_prem ises,

Said prem ises are situated in the V ill­age of Chelsea, County , of Washtenaw, S tate of M ichigan and are df/Cribed as

. . . . . . . orensen suftdlvlslon, Village - Chetsen; —Wash tenaw Cou ntyrrM tebt-

gan, according to 'the P la t-th e reo f as recorded 'in Liber 12, of P lats, Page G4, W ashtenaw County Records, ! ' r


,'th e M ortgagee- WILLIAM J . RADEMACKER Attorney for Mortgagee BusineHs Address': ■ . .l lo E. Middle Street Chelsea, MichiganTel* 47-5-8980, Jiiu l7 -A prllll

gage Corporation, n Michigan corporation, Mortgagee,, dated M.ay_29., >062, and re-

~on M ny- a i , 1962, In Liber fl»P, on Page 632, ) W ashtenaw County Records, Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to b e 'd u e a t the date hereof the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety ami -62/100—Dollar*— ($lT200.62)7-inctudlrrg' Interest a t 7% per annum.

'Uhder the potver of sale contained in said m ortgage and the statute in such case mqde and provided, notice is hereby given th a t said, mortgage will be foreclosed by a ssle oA the mortgaged premises, or- some.p a rt of them , a t pub lic : vendue, , a t the 3L • ■ ...................... “ “/cat -en trance to the -Court^House-ln- A-firrAiboC. Mlohlgan, a t 10 o'cloek A.M - East, crus a.tnntiard.jrimo, on Wednesday, FTtblu-nVyl27th, 1963^

Snld premises are situated . In Ypsllantl Township, W ashtenaw County, Michigan, anit are described a s : •

-v..... - a t a point on thd North dine-of Section 25, Ypsllantl Township, Wash­tenaw County, Michigan, said point be­ing feet West Of tho Northeosl corner of the said section: thence South

■ 0#J2 ft W est,200.5 fee t: thence Westerly parallel w ith the N orth lino of said Sfctton 83,4 fee t; thonco Northerly 290,5 fa it to the North lino, of Section 25 : thence Easter y along the North lino of the sa d Section 82.8 feet to the point of beginning.


Robert D. Ahspach A Mldmol K^Ausimch,’ Attorneys ■2861 Guardian Bldg,,Detroit 26, Michigan-W Oodwawi-4-M5(F— -------NpVHKFiMr

ORDER I^OR PUBLICATION f Probate ^of Foreign Will ;

3 tn ^ 3 r f ^ < A iT g T in N ^ V o ¥ a t Court to t tho County of Washtenaw "

m i v o f ‘ho Ertato of E1.S1E MAY KING, Deceased.

uary “ t ^ i m °'f 0ou,,t’ hc,<1 on J ,in -

ofP Pro0ifate.H<,n' -J °hn W\ Conl1" ’ . i^ foLleCc i!i Given, That the pell-l in n J ,L iS h i' tuy V '"^ IJ«'Ry4«« tha t an In-

s nr' nnV Probate In thoState of Ohio, rho ■ admitted ■ to Probate and recorded In Michigan and that ud»

tllrley Gross or some other suitable per* mln«lrtn'u ,li!n ta!hc. hel 1 ,H Bt htw Ik' dbtOf-mined, will be heard nt the Prohhto

1968,'a t 9:39 A M ,: „ i» L l i, „ ° 1 ,wl'„ 'T(»| t: bOTTco UieV'eof bo

.,u*hhcntlon of a 'copy hereof for ^«eks conwcuHvely previous to said

ami 4hu CHikI"t ' " T h o Chelsea Standard. ?sV Ihe petitioner cause a copy ofbfiVv" In Cii*t0 T v ,1*1, ' ip0,n ®flch hnown pRfty in IntorcHt nt hU Irh known ftddronft«af,L(0K,i««lc< *5'Ll fled mall, re tu rn ‘to-w p t dem anded,, k t least fourteen (14) days Prior to such hearing, or by per*

t H u c r h i M . 1 ,ly'* <8> ^ ,,plor. . JO HN W. CONLIN,

U a a u ..........Register of Probate,


MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE ’ [—«— iV ^TL... Im «ka UiimaDefattU having te e n made In' the te rm*

andeond'ltron* M a certain D nprtgagecoit

..........................— &if*, : a*. M prt-FRANKS, hu * » n d

to JAMBS T* BA R N ES. m y^W* PANYi a Mlohlgan Corporation, a* Mort­gagee, w h ich . m ortgage I* dated.10, 1968 and teeoraM January 16, 1988, In: liber 812 page* 86R, 669, 870 Register of Deeds’ Office, w aih ten aw . County.

yagee.' whloh m ortgage U _ !, 5ttnJiRS

‘ ° ' ,,r' " m S . ° ^ a ^ ^ n “awMichigan, and t h ^ f r w n sH gn^ 'b O S W t . Mortgagee to FEDERAL - NATIONAL m o r t g a g e A s s o c i a t i o n , a Nutionai Mortgage Association, which assignm ent Is dated February! 27r. 19B8 .and recorded March - 4, 1088 ' i n fiber ■ 817 ..c ag e 576 Register of Deed*' Office. WnshtenAW County. Michigan, on which mortgage there i» claimed to be due as unpaid principal and interest „on the' date of th is notice the sum .of 89,891.08 together w ith all ' legal costs and ex p en se ro f foreclosure and an attorney 's fee a* provided by law, and no suit o r proceeding a t law or In equity having been instituted to recover the m oney: secured by said m ortgage, orany part theatof, .......

Notice ls-TIereby g iv e n - th a t by, virtue of the power o f s a le . contained in «ald .mortgage, whloh upon default has be­come operative, and the s ta tu te iq ouch ease made and provided, on F r day, Feb­ruary 22iL 1963 a t ten o'clock in - the forenoon, the undersigned w ill, _ a t_ the west entrance to the W ashtenaw County Building in the City o f A nn Arbor, Michl- gan r tha t being the place-where the Circuit Court fo r the County of W ashtenaw 1* held/Bell a t public .auction to the highest bidder the premise* described in . aatd mortgage, or *o much thereof a s 'm a y be necessary to: pay th e am ount aforesaid due on said mortgage: w ith in terest a t 5 tt% per annum thereon to date of said sale and all legal cost* and expenses, together w ith said attorney 's fee, allowed by law, and also any sum or sums- which may be paid by the undersigned, neces­sary to protect its in terest in the prem- jB eB -.-sitH ated^-ln— Y p silan tl-T o w n ah iiv County of W ashtenaw, S tate of Michigan, to w itt

Lot '98- a xeept th o easterty 84.18 feet-thereof. W ashtenaw Concourse No. 2, ‘

-part of th e northeast .34-ef^-Section 8, - town 8, south, range 7 east, Y psllantl Township, /W ash ten aw County, Mlchi- g*n, according -to th e plat thereof as recorded / I n liber 14, - of P la ts, pages 11 am i, 42 W ashtenaw County Records.

Dated: November 29. 1962.__ _ ' -—FE D E gA L -N A T IO N A t-M O R T aA G B —

IATION. ABBignee of Mortgagee^/:IEM ILLER ft SPERLING,

orney* for Assignee of Mortgagee Business. A ddress:626 Tyler Road, Ypsilantl, .Michigan Telephone: H U n ter 8-6257 Nov29-Feb21

' ORDER FOR PUBLICATION- * Account. No. 37605 ' - ' ------- - -.

a t a to..of. .M-toblHuni': The P robate Court' fur

o f ’his n in th annual account,- will' be heard B t i tb e Probate Court on February 27, 1083; a t 0:30 A, M. ;

I t is Ordered, That notice thereof' begiven ’hy-pub ilcatlop-of-ft-copy-o t-th ls-or- der; for three-w eeks consecutively previous to ..said dAy of-, hearing, in ..The .kChelsea Standard, nnd that .the ]>etltloiiei' -;cause a copy of this notice to be served upon each known party in int'eient nt - his last known address by -registered, certifledi-or ordinary mail (w ith-proof of m ailing), or, by-personal service, Ht least fourteen "(14) days prior to such- hearing. '

JOHN W. CONLIN.A tf'lie copy, ___Jutl«e_Qf_.PmbHte.—

nna--Douvitsos------- : v v--- ------------ ".Jegistvr of Probate,W illiam J . Rademachor, Attorney Jit) E. Middle St. . ‘Chelsea,' Michigan. .. - ^ ^ F e b T r t i i i tn

A C R O S S , . 53 M ak e tr '• m iatA ke

I Obduttra 4 Anttw«d v*

MilQAl8 A rut,

2 4 ’P r d U ;_ b a fo re

»5 C ity o r

16 D io s17 B e v e ra g e18 Rueslen \

m o u n ta in s19 Entire20 French for

" a n d M . .21 Certain 23’Tardy 25, Malay

H U R SD A Y, F E B R U A R Y 7. . * ■ f • '■vf,;

A n e W o r J o P u m !»~N o , 7 4 4 ^

<:M Riveb lstand55 Severe56 By way of 07 Race track59 Tibetan priest60 Plural

’ ending61 As it stands

(mu8.)62 S poken 6 4 ‘S p ln n in a' tpx ’ \

67 Ll4uld medicinal preparation

. 'for washing ,69 Remainder70 Before

□ o nu u mn a nr i r j uf l H I lc H ETFTh"s TmL a, n .* Dr ;TJ o’

c m]2TT"


p J]E

s 7 ElT t ft'R E SA n f"YS 5 t]

YRA i'

pf r]T.t! 7 7hi7 T|TTL n Mr TTTi77T 7

£i 1

pewter coin 71 Traps 26 Cloaea 72 Places28 Roman

bronze29 Allowance

for waste30Towe&ry 31 Succulent

P lan t SpU )33 To be

borne by34 Pionoua35 Danish

measure36 Hail 68 One given

to certain : habit (pi.)

"40 Remaining 44 Sign of the.

- 4 5 ^ } — - r46 Cobunon (Haw.) play47 Seethe

- BO'Seds tu-— r52 Matures -

73 Occupied A ohalr


1 Suitable>2 Anger3 Vessel of

known _ oapaclty

4 Incites5 Biblical

weed - V6 Macaw7 M ed ieva l

W arship

12 Changed direction

13 Landed - , property 22 American

Indian ’24 An enzyme25 Prefix:

three26 P o rtic o27 Female of

red deer28 Beverage.

( P l .) -29 Threespot

in playing c a rd s

31 Slhging voico,(pl.)

32 Satisfied 35 High card 37 Large tub

43 Cut ' 45 Mariners

47 Slopes the , ' edge of48 Prayer2? MW’8 name51 Cbinese. pagoda .52 i?iU,P utc|‘

57 One of a tribe of'Siouan-------Indians "

58 Furniture ,r' moving

. ' trucks59 Endure

.61 Title of 1 respect63 Female ruff

.8 Smalli insect, 39Siclu\asafla— 65-Anglg-Saxon■9‘Part ifTff- T T F I t . coinplay 41 Thankless 66 To fondle

10 Lubricating parsnn (p l.) . qt) Symi^Vliquid ; 42 Negative for

11 Bone . votes 1 tantalum


■ F T ” 3 r - i f


^ 8 T “ 10

P ' 7" . X

r " n r

* 20w

13 ’

■ i ^ 22 i 23

26 27

ST" .- .p I l l

. S C --------J gi i31

28p i 2’

.3? « 3 3 :

1 1 18^138 39 ‘




h ■41 42

46 '


47— 48- 49— ---- bt—a 52.

5 J ........... - - . ■


1 “56 * 5 7I— w i P '

58_ jss-xf so , ’ '. «

r w

— i l i ^ ......67 ' 68■ ■ \ ...................... /.

n s s r


63 ". ", ^ 64 65



71 *-- : —----- n ■ , | | | ?3


ORDER FOR PUBLICATION N o tic e ( if H earing—Ainiol-iitincnt of

• A iim m lsirator arul Dctcrnilnallon - of Heir*

No. 4796.4State of' Michigan, The Piobate Court foe

tho—Coum-yl -<>f WHxhtennxvIn the Mutter of. the Estate of STANLEY

VALANT, Deceased. •At a session of snld Court,, hold on the

30th day of January; A .’ D, 1963, Present. Honorable John W .-. Conlin,

Judge of Probnte,Notice is Herchy ‘Given, That lhe peli

tlon of Stejla Geer praying th a t the ad­m inistration of said, estate be g ran ted -to §tella Geetuor to some other suitable per­son ; and that the trolls of xaldi deceased h/>^rintfii-mLnril n!ill_hn_hnu,-,i [ t ,^ r - rbate Court oii March 13,' 1003, a t it :ku A. M, ; • ■

I t Is . Ordered, That 'notice thereof he giMjV. hy publication of n , eupyrtie rewf foithree weeks cdnxcrutiveiy jut-vioux to said day of hosting, In The Chelsea Standard, and that the p*titi(inei;'-~cHuiia''''q enpy 'o f thlirTidttarttdr'- be"Trefv''eil'‘ uYion- each known Party In inteiest at his last known «d- dreks l>y registered or cei tlfiod ' mnll, re­tu rn ' receipt iletnafiilcd, a t least fourteen (14) days ’.minr. tn such—hearing —nr -Wjici'Honu) . service at, Iqnxt foui tceii (14) days prior to such hDinltig.

r JOHN W. CONLINA true copy. . ■ Judge of Probnte.'Anni t 1) o it v I tsnx..... — ' • ’Register of Probate.John P. Konsch, AttorneyChelsea, Michigan, - - Fel,7-14-2I


. No. ,41133 . ■' *State of Michigan, The.Probate Court .for.

the County of ’ Washwiiiiwof-the 'E state of MARTHA

HOUCK, M qifally'Incom iietenl. - : *At a session of hiiIiI Court, held on the

3tlth day of Jam iniy, A. D. 1963 • Present, Honorable John W. Coldln,

Judge of Probate.Notice Is Hereby Given, -Thut the petition

of William J . Kndemarhcr, Guardian of -said estate, praying for the allowance o f his sixth and .-final account,'w ill be heard nr~Tne Piobate Court on FcETaiary 'ii, 1903, Sat 9:30 A. M. ;■

It Is Oidei (Xi~TKaf' notice thereof lie given by publication 'o f a cn|>y of this- - ------------- utiveiy prertahato said day of. hearing, In The Cholxcn Stajninrd,; nnd thHt the petllthnar V.mi.x „ eopy of this ;iiotire U> be served ilium euch known pai ty In iiitorenCn t his I a st-rfc nowifaddress by iegTstcied, eertificil, or ordinary mall (with proof of mailing), o r : hy per­sonal 'service, nM east fourteen (M ) days Prior to such hearing.: JOHN W.^ CONLIN .

A true copy. Judge of. Probate.Anna DouvJtHHM ReKister of Piobate.WllUnm J. Hadcmncher, Attorney llo E. Middle St,Chelsea, Michigan. ' v , i . 7 . i s . ' m

....... NOTICE oY l‘Um.IC"8Ai.KNotice. Is Hereby Given by the tmtlor-

slgneil that on Tuesday, February 19, IttB.'i, v . " «'«). a t 2 Er Michigan,•

-Ypxi itn11, Washtennw- Cqinuy, Mlclitgn'nV public: sale of --a- 1962 Chevrolet ilmpaltt, )cni lng serial, number 2 1747F135474 will bo held, for cash--tor,-the higbA t bidder. In- siiectlDn thereof may be made a t 2 E. Mien Kiin, Ypsllantl, Washtenaw County, Michigan, tho plaeo p f . (Storage.Dated: 1/30/83 :

CommerclHl Credit CorisiratiotifAddress) loii/il L lvcrnoL ........

D e tro it 21, MichiganU.. t+ - ti....■*_ »,

either hy registered or-certified mail or by 'Personal service^--npun Jam es J*. I.lcbeck tile fiduciary of suiil estulif whose- add res hi—GbtDeiv;—MichiKnn, -on -nr ~lWff6'fC'~lher 3rd day of April, A.I). 1983, a t 0:30 o'clock- in tlip -forenoon,", said"' time uiid -place Iiei nir hereby- appointed for tho-'-e- imiinntion and adjustm cnl of nil chums nip) demands against, said deceased, and for the adjudication and iletiuiujunUon-of. ihe heir' a t -law pf said deceased, tit tho;_timc-nf-hlx death entitled to inliorit the estate of which the deceased died seized.

I t is Further Ordered,-That public notice thereof be given by publicntlon of a cojiy of this 'o rd e r otice em-h sveek roe .lliieo successive ' weeks prev ious 'to . said day of hejUiDfg. In Th'n.''CHeisen-S lw ida rtii •■a -'-iU’W-H- i>a|)er printed a'rtd ■ circuhiled i u . said County.. l • -• JO H N W. CONLIN.

0 t0 Py:' ' . Judge o f Piobule.Anna. Douvilsas , :.--------------------

•Reg I ate t-' iti 'P roluilu. Jn)i31-l''el>V-i

G ltD Eit FOR PUBLICATIONDclcrinina'lino . nf Jlctrs '

.730113 - ---------State of Michigan, The Pi'iilmte Court for

the Ciiunty...qt. -Wuxliteiuisv is . '/ ) ' ' , Matter of the Estate of REGINAs.Cf'V 1) f V' , h...i^M_-i *

held., (neOKSTKRI.E; Deceased.

At a session of said Court,January '3(1, 1963

CiinliTiTJudge iof . Probate.

Notice is Hereby Given, Thai the peti­tion o f Daniel Eckstein of Jackson; Michi­gan. pynying ' Chut -skid ' Court'diento iind"itenTTminc w):o were ut the tim e of per death the legal heirs of said, deceased

entitled -to inherit the real estate of wHU-h said deceased died seised, wilt be hwa lij a t the Probate , (,’inirt on February 27, limn, at !t;3tL_A — M. - 3

It rs Ordered, That notice thereof lie gfveiv'by.. publication.'of :n Vopy hereof for' three weeks consecutively previous to snld day iof hearing, tn The Chelsea' Standard, and that the. petitioner cause n copy of: this notice to be sorveil tqiori'each known, party' in in teiest nt his last known luldrexs'by registered oi; certified mull, return receipt

'demanded, nt least fpurteci: ■( 1-1) days prior to such heiiTlng, or by persona) service at least five 15) days'' pririr' lo such hearing

■; JOHN w. CONLINA' true copy. Judge iff Probate,Anna DonvitsasRegister h f ■■ P iTitiiito, ~ — -— ■---- —— ~*—Richtml L, Fnhrner, Attoj'pey 2 9 5 'Ann Arbor T rust BUIS,Ann. Arbor, Michigan.


By C, R, Jneiit, Unit Mgr.Fcl/I-M


HEIRS,, No. 47913State of Michigan, The Probnte Court, fob

TmrCourlty of Washtennw * t,f lllc Kidiitc of PETERA. IJhH LCK , DccoumwI.

,A1 a session tif -said: Court, belli oil Dio" ' iiy._t)f-^-Jamiai:y-r—A.D,i-1063

'resent, Hennrablc John W. Conlln, Judge of Probate,

It'U ipeRrlng-U L-tho-Courl-thsU the-tlm o for prcsentHtlyn of claims against snld estato_slimt1d .be limited,, knd that a time aim place bo appointed lo receive, examine him! mljurtt nil claim* and ctomamls luralnal mhW ((ec'OHMCtl by m ulaIwftirjo Raid Court!

i IpkhI heirs of. snld deceased entitled to Inherit the ontnto of which sa d deceased died seized should bo ndjudl- ontod and determined. -

It L Ordoicd,. That nil of the creditors

their cialms in w riting anti tinclor^oiUh^Hs ""t'1'C o u rt Hit said

i iobate Offlcpi and to «crvc A copy tbovoof

F o r W d y n c C o u n t y

L e g a l N o t i c e ;

P u b l i c a t i o n !

* u i e

The Legal AdveriiserS lartTett Av*. Detroit 3r lefi,

Phene TOwmend

Eftite of Michigan, The Probate Court foi'" th e 't .o u n ty of' Wnshtcnnw

m I xi.'A? ^ .n tl'L ,of Dtp-Estate or TERESAN A N R Yt"M ontnl ly:: I ifeb t n i iot c n t .

hry *xWH19?1 o f“xnld-Court, liclU 'm i "JIT«--Present, ’ Honorable - Jbhn W, Conlln,

Judge o f P roba te ,:Npllce Is Hciyhy GlOen; That all creditorx-

or Haid montHliy fnromjietont mp rctiuiacd to .lircsent thelr7cm im ir“ [ir"w j-iilim "andmhler oath, to "Raid Cimi t, uh<r lb 'se rve a copy thornof—niKMi'-Ajin-ATbnr^Tr'iTsrTriTiif" nany of Ann Arbor, Michigan, fiducfnrv of sold estate, and tha t Bitch cltiims wlil be henid by snd Court nt the Piol.uto

Aiuil 19, lV-03,.iit 9:31).A, M... i r - i s Ordcvetr,. That notice thereof 1,0

jdven by im hllcntlotr of n copy hereof, for three weeks consecutively provlotis to AiliUl1!!5! ,°s }" ilrhy?\ Pho k e lso n Standard, an t that he flduclnry cause u copy of this notice to be-served u'lton each known-party In. Interest lit hlx Inst, known address Iw registered, certified or ordinary mail (with proof nf m ailing), .or tiy persomil service T O ) J . H ) . ’. ‘Iky*- prior to mieh

JOHN W, CONLIN Judge of Probnte;A true rotiV.

Anna Douvltsns Register' of Proiuae,Biii’ko, lliiike, ltyim & itohui'ts,AttorneyAddress 215 Ann Arbor Trust Bldg.. -- Ahh..At1wH‘, Mtchl'ganx. „ „ ___ F e lu -11-21' ' 0 '

Interested in nn cxpnndinK und Townrdinf? field of social Work? -I-fr-'-n« roeont ani vey conduptod- by the American Foundation for the Blind) it was hotetklhat there 'Wivs a dire .«ht).rttt«e o r qualified 1)ei’. sonnel in work for the blind,

You've been asking for thenM

N o w A v a i l e b t e / o t

c h 6 u ;b a s t a n d a r d

m IP Af t VS


T i l 0 . 0 1*. 98— ' 'At Ute ,lan. HO nieetinRXif GirlJ

Scouts Troop. !)8,"B tic Anauhs piil trol was -in charge of the openingctn 'innoH y r

Cii'ls checked . on what Inulfrd wore needed' tmil presidents of' puj trois met and decicleti. 'tliat foil ihe\ Fejb.. Ill _mceti»g1_Vavii- gkll WuTTUrhc 'asTceiT to iirinjf ccYtiuJ items for refreshment's and every-] °uc is to iii’in^ a. vnk'jitlt.H'...

- At'-thu J tuV 28piTH0tiTTE^rt^_('' had their refreslinients til tlit'ir| meetuiR' room ill the Freenum ■BnfldhTg'“ aTur"tlien ■visJEetT WTim'iij Jewelry Store. Mr, Wimms rx-j plained about' the ufonei' wav lol3et--«- titiile and told, how"' ti) Inly plates, silver .and goblets am! how to judge the quality, i

Carol 'Foy.e, sci-ilie.

THOOI* .is— , 1 '-T-he meeting' Feb.-4 of Girl' Snuitl

Troop 48 ,hcg;in * with' LG'iiFerJtiitt’tT H a f a-e-r brought refresIum’iiNl which were chocolate chip 'cookies! Su/.y—Chirk . will bring -lol'iTiiiirJmeiits. next .week.

OivKi'l). 7 Troop 48 will lu'T atj tt^Blue arid (ioUriiini

(jUet"""at f’i i/cloi'k ut' t!ic_Lllltdil sr-hoo]. They-urc-to be in ittit-l f o r m . " ' *

Su'/y Clark gave ri rent;it '.'“I the Senior pianniiig board im'ft- ing. The girls voted an a date'foil a senior- week-end -iAp+ii. Tliel Junior-Senior banquet wjll. hikol I'hico at Forsjrtlie Junior 11 ighI school," Ann Arbor, March" 11<) to 8:!3(). p,lb ./The next plmTtnv.Kj board meeting will , be Mtu'ch ■ at .1^0 ; ]>.m. in Ann Arbor. [' ■“‘tH i 'h S c b ii tg " A v i l l T s t i n 't ^ H i i j ^ o i ' dci’3 for Girl Scout cookies 1 rei"| ATttrch ,1 to 17. They will be tied livei'utl about the middle of Apvihl Tho troop receives, five ceii|s foi'j each box. sold.

March 10 is Girl Scout Sun<ki?| atul girls will w.oUr full utiif«i'i>1j to church. ' v I

during the week of June !) the]Girl G a kies from Indiu’tvill/iiriivC’] Juno 21) is Girl Seout l)ny ht Go. Sfi’s. GUmn Clark, I’enny I'liw'Tl iciscr, Sur.y' Chirk and jtwo frbm troop 77 ami one of their coi -j inittoo ..iiHinihers will phiu tlir| hbnhrInyrpui'iy foFTTiTh''yV’tlr:'

The girls are plniining a . ttiplt o - G e t r o i f 'T h r T T c t i '6 ,i tY W C A 'tiT t? jnvited then) to stay over. niHhtJ

nnd go swimming. The date decided on yet. ' /

Susy Clark,, acribo

r i t o o p f>i- ~ ~

rnectlng Wednesday, begun "'Ulil ptitrols. Some of the g i r l s lcarhcil|

tjeed doing so.. O ther \m trols iu'hC'J ticed on a play,. All the girls sni'Jjseveral songs,. .. .....

; Koxnnne Shears,, scribe.

DON’T FOLLOW TOO CI.OHMIYI/M otorists driving on frecwtO^J

should follow other vehicles a t h | d istance of at, least m e ., car

"iffr every 10 m ph of speech This I distance should bo increased Wh0|1J w eather conditions a re ■unfav.of*| a b le ,

,r ntv FEBRUAgY % ' m

S e r v i c e s i n O u r


to fJJ’f' w S


8:00 a.m., m.

' Tl,e ""-Feb. 7— .iTiJS pon; - Youth C&°‘r r °'

- Senior jjiolr r»

H f ^ P n s l o i - ’s conffrmatiqn ’ The chuvch offlcq. . ■

p o a.m. - JuniorJfjwir re-arsal- ■ 1(, J .

I primary and : jun io r.; SundayL | departments.C a.m, — Morning; worship*ice Boy Scout and Brice Re-

1, i Sunday. Sermon: “Personal

Koliawship.eaoi.f e-fi

f c f l l a,m.-Youth and adu lt Kday school classes

Ljjp will be quests of the Rev. I Mrs. -Klnde at’ a pancake sup- in the .church social center.

CndByrr'P® ,-^7p rrjrm.—Official Board-m ept- Sunday^ Feb.

Iturday, Fob. 16-- '|l2;3[i p.m.—Older adult group It-Iuck dinner and party., Speak-

Mrs. P. (1. Schaible. : .


Ilhe Rev, John Jolley, P a s to rmday, Feb. 10— - .....

110:00 a.m.—Sunday school.-^Worship-service.__


—— fUnHed Church of Christ)Th« Rev. Paul M< Sehnake, P as to r Sunday, Pel. 10—

8 »1 S a.m.*-rEarlf worsliip ^erv-and Jnatftliation of Church Coun­cil members, W pnieri\ Guild of fl­ow*.— Sunday ■ Bohopiy teachers,helpers and /staff.

9:80 a.m.—Sunday jdhool. 10:45 a.m.—Se««itraw o r s h i p

serylc* and installation 'of offi-Cbrs. • >. .'

Obcervance of Race Relations and Boy Scout Sunday. 1

5:00-6:80 p.m.—Annual get-to­gether family night smorgasbord and program.Wednesday* Feb. 18-i —Sj QCLI p ^ . - — -Women’s- -Guild. ProgramL-“Preparing. For Lent.” ■Program ■lea.der.s: Margaret Griob and Louise Altenbernt.

METHODIST HOME CHAPEL The Rev, E. J. Weiss,‘Pastor

Sunday; Feb. 10- 8:00 a.m.*—Worship service.

■Methodist-Youth-EaL. - B E T H E L EV A N G E U C A :REFORMED CHURCH

(united Church of Christ) Freedom Township

TheJRfey-T. W. Menzel, Pastor


, w 20?00 Old US-12~ i Rev, J .R . S mucker, Vicar-Sunday,' F e b .-10-^

« a»jn.-tiHoly. Com m union;.\ 9:00 a.m.~rChurch school.,1Q.00 a.ip.—M orning P rayer. —

Thursday, Fob." 14— ■ 6:80 p.m.—Fam ily night church

dinner. _ _ -

CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ' (United Church of Christ) Sunday, Feb. 10—<10:00 a.m.—Morning service and

church school. Speaker: The Rev. Philip Rusten. ■ -Monday,_Feb. 11— r.-i:

■ p.m.-r-Choir rehearsal.The Kev. Philip Rusten will cbr\-

tinue as supply 'pastor whenever necessary. .He may b e 1 reached - a t NO 2-1688. - -

lu:uu a.m.—Worship service. 11:00 a.m.—Sunday.: school.

7:00 , p.m,—Youtn Fellowship m eeting.


(Francisco)/ The Rev. J . T racy Luke, Pasto r Sunday, Feb. 10—

11:0Q a.m.—W orship - Borvlr»e,

” “ NORTH LAKE - ‘- METHODIST CHURCH- The Rev. John Jolley

j. W--------f_S;30—.Woi’ship service. M:45 a.m.—Sunday school.

11:15 a.m.— Sunday school. Sunday;—F eb^ t7= = ~ ' *r~—

11:00 a.m.— Dedication of thenew Sunday school rooms in: .the base merrh-.SundayTschool- membei \vi 11 take par t No regu lar Sun-'day school will be held th a t day.

NOTICE Is Hereby Given, that a

REPUBLICAN TOWNSHIP CAUCUSfor the purpose of placing in nomination xbiididates-for township offices:-of the ship of Sh6ron, County qf Washtenaw,- Statepr cf Michigan, and for the purpose of vtran§-_ -octing such othe^-busi ness -as-moy -properly:— some before it, will be held at Sharon Town-V .sh ipH aii ' . . . ‘ ■....v r : : r -

Saturday, February 16,1943, at2:D0p.m.* By order of

liiane Haselschweri

Until a pew pastor is appointed all church groups who wish to hhv$ announcem ents inciuded-r-4n- this church column should call The Standard office direct. GR 5.8 yi‘. vr beiore the Saturday preced- m g=publkation-datei— = = ---■ - 5 - Wednesday,, Feb. 18— . ..

1:30 p.m.—Rachel Chapter 6r- gpn fund project (picking out hickory.imfcjmeats) - at- tha-ahurchr Anyone jn terested_in-vited to aU tend. - - .

' GREGORY BAPTIST CHUfcCH ^The Rev. Robert Ramsyer, PastorSimdpy, Feb. 10— . , ' *5 1’ 10:00 a.m.—Sunday schodl.1

11:uu a.m,— M orning ’ worship. ~I'!

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH . - ; (R ogers Corners)., .

The Revj C. jf, Renner, P asto rThursdav^- F e b. -7---- - —' B;00 p.m — DroUiui'lmod"riieetmgV Saturday, Feb. 9—

9:80. a,m, — Junior" catechism class, , . ■ '

10:45 a,m. — Senior catechism class. J ------------1.. .. ■ : ■ - —-----Sunday, Feb , - lfc— '

9:00 a?nv—Sunday school.10:15 -.a.m. — W orship ■ service.

_Sermon topic: “The Ground of Our-Assuranee-.-” : — — —■ ..... 6:^0 mim.—Family niffht.:luck supper and program . Monday, Feb. 11—- - 8:00 p,m.—Choir rehearsal:-

CHELSEA BAPTIST CHURCH - The Rev. David A. Wood; P asto rSuft"day7"F.eBT"10—“ ~T- r" - “ '■

10:00 a.m.—.Sunday, school." 11:00 a.m ,—’W orship service.

~ 6 :0(Tp.m.— V oting people’s serV-

7:80 p,m.—Evariing service. From Sunday, Feb. 10 Until

Sunday, F eb. 17, services will be

observance' of .the sixth annual Sopth Central Michjgan...Mi&8ion-' ary Conferences—Guest m inisters will a lte rnate between theparticipating rhurches.-

NOTICE It Hereby Givoh, that a

DEMOCRATIC TOWNSHIP CAUCUSfor the purpose' of placing in nomination condidates for township offices of the Town-, ship of Sharon, County of Washtenaw, State oLMichigan, and for- the purpose of trans-Minglsuc4v-other -business-os may; properly come_ before-it;-\vi 11 be hel< at Sharon-Town­ship Hall ,

Saturday, February 16,1963, at 1:00 pjn.By ordei^of

Haselschwerdt, Township Clerk

v° n T o w n s h l |^ f e f l i u M f , w i l l J i e - ^ t J C h e l & f t c .

to collect Sylvan Townthlp taxes ®06h Fr °y fr’om 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., beginning

21), until further noHeir^

,f!l Pog Ucentee wmet be pol^ taylvan Township Treasurer on or before -Mon k 1 •* I963v to

MALE UNSIXSD. $3.00 * FKMAL6, $5.00

R«blei Vaccination Papon muttJm pratented In order to obtain dog lleama. \



1888 W ashtenaw Ave., Ann ArborSunday, Feb. 10— . . i

9 :30 a ,m ,^-Sunday schooL

tfie’lif^b fL in o b ln an d J'ohaLWel»*,, Scilpjure: , YVv ",y«.1* year 1908 ha* beam designated Ald<6ragate . Y4ftf ,j»hU;, a 1c each, Sunday.< win: be in keeping

with', -this ] H untera/^dfn ti*era, and parent witn amaU chiiJi nrem are eapecially! welcome; >< < ‘ V

--'-I a: ; FIRSTyASSEJjlRtY OP

- ’ , 1490(^Old,US-l$.Tha l\ev. Harold/S Bllottai Fa atm! Sunday, Feb. 1A


9:46 mm.—Sunday schopl. iliOO^a.m.^^^hip.a'ervice.

. 7|80 p.m.rjEvening aervOoe, , „. w ayer Aaetihg and Bi^jte each Tutaday Pity


,, Frc^dqm -TWftaaJhip 7 j*.r The.Rev, Herbert C..Spomer,..Sunday , Feb. 10— ,.. 1 atOIVaun.—W or«h|^M ^vlce^/|4}lI^M otion carried.

j , v A January 15, 1968j CbunoiFRoomRegular Se,saion, ,j This meeting was called to order b y /P re s . Daniels a t 8:00 p.m. T rustees ’ present: B arr, Burg, Q handier/JClark, 'and Paul. Trus-, (tfee absent: Haselschjvardt.; The m inutes of the Regular Ses«

W<?n o f January 2, 1968 were readgndi approved. --------

A dlBUtraslon was her<f with Mr. Howard Holmes, regarding a pos­sible access rout^ across the Vil­lage Parking Lot. located on West Middle Street, to the property re­cently acquired by the Chelsea Milling,. Company.

Motion by Chandler; supported by Paul, to authorize the. Supt, of' Chelsea E lectric and W ater D e p t . t o tran sfe r $10,000.00 to the General Fi^n^. Roll call: Yeas

person or cause /a n y 'person1 to make such exposure, in .the pres­ence or view of an^ other person or persons within the limits of the Village.

g.T Be in a- state of intoxication updef^-the influence of alcoholic

'iagdbeverages or narcotics in any pub­lic street, place, park, placeNofj y z

t / o rbusiness, place of amusement assemblage. / . ..j;-

h. Collect,, stand in crowds or remain loitering on sidewalks, streets, or any other public place so ps to hipdef or -impede the passage of pedestrians Or vehicles!

1. Wilfully break, injure'or de­face any portion of any building, Whether occupied or not.

j« Flirt, wilfully annoy, molest or make or extend offensive ad- vances or invitations by word or

R E S O L U T I O N Ordinance No. 64


act, to any person in any public place, . ,

k. Beg In any public place.l. ' Commit an assualt or an as­

sault and battery'on any person;m. Engage in any distrubanca

_____loo~Vh * a g b o ; ______ r’ (Evangeltcal United Brethre n ).:

The Rev. Wilbur Silyernall. PaBtor. Sunday, Feb. 10-^:

10:00 a.m.—Sunday school.: 11:00 a.m.—Worship service." 7:00 p.m.~Youth Fellowship;

.CHEJj SKA ANd THE FIXING,| fight or quarreln. W rongfully throw or Propel

any snowball; missile- or object to-

u n a d i l l a ■. . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. William Y auch .lPasto r-

Sunday, Feb. io — . :. > 10:30 a .m.—W orship -service.— r ■—lAtSO u,mi ' Chupueh oehool!



'Section 1—Disorderly Persons. Any person shall be deemed a dis­orderly person who shall, or who shall aid an"d abet another to:

a. Conduot "him solf in -o - noisy,. boisterous, insulting or disorderly manner.^

b, Be a masher,' windowpeeperpr prowler, : . /

<?. Discharge any f ire a rm or shooting device w ithin-rthe-lim its of the . Village w ithout djhe ex-


(U nited Church of ChriBt) (Rogers Corners)

The Rev, J , T racy L u k e /P asto r Sund a y rF e b r l 0—"

9:30 a.iii.—W orship service..■ 10:30 S unday1 school.J


bress permission of Police Departm ent.

d. Found; loitering or loafing about the s tree ts ,-o r other public place w ithout being able to give a satisfactory account-o f hiipselfn—

c\ Use indecent, immoVhl, pro­fane or blasphemous language inaiiy public w ay.dr p la c e .__________f .■ Make 'an y indecent. Immoral

exposure of his o r^her

.ward. - any^person—or-^rttutomobile o. W ilfully, or without good

cause, cut down, injure or deface or destroy any shrubbery, flowers ■or—trees -not-his own.

-Make im proper noise, die turbance o rT io t. , : ^

Section 2—Any person, firm or corporation who. shall violate -ahy of the provisions of the Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed ($100.00)

the Village One H undred ' D o llars/ br by- im­prisonm ent for a term' not to ex-

11:00 a.m.— M orning s e r v - io d . Lessop-sqrmon: . “ Spirit." S c r ip t ’ tu re : “Now the Lord-is th a t Spirit, and where th e Spirit of the Lord is, '■ ....... ‘ ‘ ^ t y r ” I i Cor. 3:1-7. • '


. _ _ rn-Jloada___Sunday, Feb. ,10— .................

10 a.m.— Sunday school.11 a.m.—Worship service, v


REPUBLICAN TOWNSHIP CAUCUSfor the purpose of placing irv nom inatton- condi otes foi’-tQt^nishlpnjffices of the Town- ship. of Lima,; County of Washtenaw,. State

' of Miqhigany ahd fon the purpose * of trans- outing such other business^os .may properly- fcqm - befoi*?- |t; wiU .jfce>/he'ld at Lima Com:

--mUn i ty. .Hall 1 '-t--—' i!‘'V

Saturday. Fehraary 16; 1963. at 2:00 p.m.By order of

Ralph Stoffar, Township Oh

7 p,m.—Evening service P rayer m eeting .each Wednesday

evening a t 8 o'clock.

CHURCH OF CHRIST . 13661 Old US-12, E ast

M urray S. Hudgins, M inister Sunday, Feb. 10—

11:00am.'—W orship servlce.« 6:00p.m.— W orship service.

Bible study each—Thursday a t o.m.~


Cor. Seypiour and Mt. Hope Rda. The Rev. K arl H. Keefer, Pasto r

Saturday,- Feb. 9—9:30 a.m.-t-Children’s and junior

choir rehearsal.Sunday, -F eb —LQ

10:30 ff.m ^S u m lay - school. Mrs. Ardell Lantis, superintendent.

11:15 a.m. ’—W orship service. 'Sermon topici"“The Foundation of Personality” based on stories/ of


A People's Porpy Caucus

:•-----W4t-BE-HELD AT-THE -C O U N C IL RO O M /

M U N IC IP A L B U IL D IN G '..............On ■ , '

Monday# Feb. 18# 1963a t 8 :0 0 O 'c lock p.m;

to ndtn!notei tandldotes fqr Qffltes_ be Tilled ot the Annuol Villafle"

Election on--MtjrehJ"tT; „:1963, viz':.,

. f Preildent -Clerkv Treasurer

, Three Trustees for ,/ Two-Year Terms “

Assessor1 4 /2 Library Boord Trustees / for Three-Yeor Terms '

i : G f w g * ; - ^ i n o M

bated: Ijjruery ?Jin «


DEMOCRATIC TOWNSHIP CAUCUSfor the purpose of placing' in: nomination candidates for township offices of the Town-. ship rof Lirna, County of Washtenaw, State

_of_ Michigan, and- for- the- purpose of trans^ actTng sbich otheT business as may properly

come before it, will Be held at Lima Com­munity .Hall

Saturday, February 16,1963, at 1:00 pm. By order of— — ' ~

Ralph Stofferr-Township Clerk

ceed' (90 )days, ov both such fine and im prisonm ent—in—tho-discre- tion of the—C o u r t r ^ T '— ■— :—~

portions of Ordinances in con­flict with the ' provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed.

Section, 4—This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force twenty (20) days a fte r its pas­sage and. a fte r its-publication__ -

Motion by Paul, supported by -Clark, to approve the above reso­lution as read. Roll’ call: Yeas all.Motion carried.-. • - -r .......- -

Motion by Chandler, supported by,- Baihv th a t the firm of Icer- m an,—Joh'nson—and—Hoffm anr-jbe employed to audit the books of the

-Village of- Chelsea, and- the-Chel- sea Electric and, W ater Depart­m ent, Roil call: Yeas_all. Motion-carried-----— ----------- -------- -

A' report on Civil Defense was submitted by Mr. Elwyn Beach as follows: ’ • . ....... -r \t\-

1. Approx. 60 people have been recorded /and issued ID cards irnTf their stations and" dutieB are now

l being assigned fo r their paytici- patibn in anv d isaster tha t m ight strike this community. *

2. All Chelsea Boy Scouts in Troop 76 and Troop 25 will pass ou t Civil Defense literature- to &R homes in Chelsea along with _the annual peanut sale for the March of Dimes, this coming Saturday January 19. . 1963. .-T he—Village; Council and the local Civil - De- fehse Organization wishes to th ank -these young- nien^and- their- leaders. for their community ac­tivities.

3. Specifications and estimates have been- furnished^-the Vitlage-

^efeDse. ..Roll c.all: Yeas alL M(, tion carried.; Mptlon jby? Burg, :iqpported by Clark, to authorize ancTrdirect ^he c lerk tb^lasUe' checks rn^ pay^ m ents o f bills a s 'SiubmUted. Roll call: Yeas aU. Motion carried. Gen­eral Fund:: $6,727,165* Parking M eter Fund: $30.38.• Motion, by B urg ,'silpportod by P a u lr to authorize th,o clerk to purchase .61 parking m eters a t $^9;89" p e ^ m ia te rr H oT l"calIY eas all. M otion carried. , - : ’ , •.7 Motion by Clark, supported by B arr,, to adjourn the meeting. Roll cull: Yeas all. Motion carried.'; M eeting adjourned.Approved: Feb. 5, lp 68., R obert L. Daniels, President.

Geprge Winans, Clerk,1’

CORPSE COMES HOME Jacksonville, Fla. — Edgar W il­

liam s found his fam ily speechless, .When he- walked in lh e door of his home1. Relatives thought they had buried him last December.,‘ Williams was reported missing*

$nd_ sometime later his sister identified the tjody of a man who died in the hospital as her brother The missing brpther explained that he-had-bserr^wbrl ‘and had jUst decided to visits his ’Some-. - -

" f ,


jUK P r o d u c t i o n T e s t

g u r e a R e l e a s e d l o r

7A r f e a H o l s t e i h C o w sy { • ’■ ... ■■;. ■ ■ .. ",

Registered Holstein cows from this /area a re 'p ro m in e n tly men­tioned in an official production testing -repo rt receive'3 today from H olstein-Friesian— ^Association---of™ America headquarters a t-B ra ttle - ’ C9> V.L ’"Leo Bur Farm er Rea, '4095487, a

six-year-old, produced 19,509, lbs. ihitk and 661 lbs. b u tte rfa t in 865 days. Led Bur* Lady, Irene, 872(^716, an eight,-year-old, had 17,375 lbs. .milk and 63.8 lbs.: b u tte rfa t in 355 days: Both are owned by Leonard Burm eister, Ann Arbor.

B ess Ju lie Springdale, *4062990, a seven-year-old; owned by George; and Ralph E rk e / Chelsea, pro­duced 15,698 lbs. milk and 541 lbs.

J iu tte rfa t—in-^CB-^days. ---V— -----D ictator Ormsby Nell, 4618702,

a three-year-old, owned by Elton Frey, Ann A rbor, produced 15,856 lbs. milk and - 536 lbs, b u d e rfa t in 334 da^ys.

According, to the-nationn l Hol-


stein organization, the-* new pro­duction-figures compare to an an-

’ r o u t p t t 'of: 7,211 lbsT of milk and 270 \ lbs; p jU ^ ttq r ff lt . .by- the avera'ge^U. S. dairy cow,



PHONE GReenwood 9-2011 .If You Plan To Build or _Remodel Your Home- 2 Call Us for , . . - . •

F R E E E S T I M A T ES O R B ID S— on —

P LU M B IN G , W IR IN G arid H EA T IN GAll Work Guaranteed with 1 Year Free Service

W E-SELL FOR LESS - WE W ILL SAVE YOU MONEY..... -— - Hour*: Doily, 8-5:30; Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. .» ___i EMERGENCY SERVICE CALLS: GR 9-5948-------- " ----------


Phone 479-3851 1 Chelsea, Mich.


DEMOCRATIC PARTY TOWNSHIP OF SYLVANCourity of~W<f HfelTo'w7-'SfoTo "o( MrcFrrgori —. --~

Will Be Held at the

SYLVAN TOWN HALL Monday, February 18, 1963, at 8:00 p.m.

Lyndon Township Treasurer will be at Chelsea State i Bofljk to efrtteef Lyridon-Townililp faxesall day Friday/ dan* 18 and Fri4dy# Teb. 45“Only7~ from 9 a*m» fa 5 p.m,, and qn any other day# except Jan. 18 and Feb, Hj># at my home# 11437 Boyce Road/ R.F.D. 2# Grass Lake# Mich.

All Pog Licentefe ttmst be paid to ^~^ nd<m-Townthlp f rewgter w ^ rhel

Marieh 1 # >963# to; avoid penalty.. : male and unsexed, $3.00 - fem ale, $5,00

' R«bl«i VflMlnofion Papwi mutt bo qrokonted in or for to obtain licortM.


C ouncirregarding the construction o f ; the con tro l. center for civil de­fense and disaster control.

4. Mr. Beach has m et with Mr. Norman Bauer, C iv il, Defense Di­rector for Lyndon 1 Township, dis­cussed plans, personnel, equipment and related subjects, as perta in­ing to the basic requirem ents for. a< civil defense plan for this area.

Motion by Paul, suppurted by Clark, t ha t th e salary _of Police Chief John- P a lm er-b e increased

i n - the-am ount“Of-$28thtJU per-year, Police Sgt. C a r l . K och. .increased in the am ount,of $120.00 per yenrr and to se t the salary of .police officer E arl Willis' a t $5,200.00 per year. The yearly uniform aiiow- ance will be $160.00- per year. The hourly overtime rate to be set a t $2.10 per hour a fte r r44 hours. Roll cailt Yeas a ll. Motion carried.

Motion by B u rg r8 « P P orted Chandler, to authorize the pay- m en t-o f. $25.00 to . fo r Expenses incurred for. mileage and—m aterial devoted to locaLiiivil.

Vil la g eCAUCUS


An Indapendent Party

for th® purpose' o f Nomina-Candidates of Said Party for' the severol Township Offices to be . filled ot Biennial Township Election to be held Monday, April 1, J 963-.

Supervisor!Township Clerfc Township Treesurer.2 Trustees for 2-year term,1 Justice of the Peace,

1 Member of Board of Review, 4-year term. ,

Justices of Jh^Peace and/or___Member of Board of . Review to fill vacancies, If any.

— And^for---tho-ele€+ibn of-o-Tdwnship--Committee: -constjt1ng~-of~rhree“- qualified nnd registered .electors offilioted with said party: oho for-thn

transaction of such .other business os may properly come before .the -meeting. ______

THIS NOTICE published in compliance with o call issued, by chair­man of township committee of"oforesoid party designating above dof6,

_hout_and_ploce_for- holding-caucus. ------- ,------------- ------- ------ ____

Signed: Richard J. KernDoted: Jonuary-3{>7 1963 Township Clerk

• ■ >- • , . . .





TOWNSHIP OF SYLVAN "County of Woshtenov/, State of Michigon

Will Be Held at the

SYLVAN TOWN HALL Saturday, February 16, 1963, at 7:30 p.m.for the purpose of- Nominating Condidotes of Sold Party for'the several Township Offices to be filled ot Biennial Township Election to be held Monday, April 1, 1963.'

onMonday# Feb. 18, 1963

i t B iO O O 'd w lrfrw rto nominote Condidotes for Offices


Supervisor.Township Clerk.■Township Treatu 2 Trueteos for 2-yoar term.

—1 Justice of the Pea to:—

1 Member of Board of Review, 4-year term,

stltts of thn-P Member of Board of Review

----- WcTrictwTlfdfrv:

Election on March 11, 1963, viz:

President * 1Clark Treasurer Thrift Trustftfts for

Two*Y«or Tftrmi A t w t s o r2 Library Boord Trustees

- - - J 'o r -T h ro f t-Y f tf trT e m if


■ Artd for the election of o Township Committee consisting of three qualified and registercd^electors affiliated with soid party; also for the

! transaction of such other business os moy properly comp before the 1 meeting.' / / ‘ . .. ' «

THIS NOTICE published in epmplJance with o call issued by choir-; man of township committee ofVfordsald party deslgnotlng obovo dote, ‘ hour qnd ploqc for holdino caucus. ___ ' " ^ _________ -

GftorgftWlnant VHIo«t P w k i

Dated: Fabruary 7, 1963..

Signed: Richard, J. KaraDated: January 30, 1963

V> Town Alp Clark

..........c, . i "V>"

4< « •%»'."► W ». ", V! * *

PACE E lg jtf

n< w w e f

>< f*•; ' ' V -*■ ■ ■

. ; v * w f e . . - 4'* *5*..4 ’} \ / 0i

.. : ii* Friendly • club- regular meUfng, South,-.-Sylvan E x ten sio n . !<j(yb

.....-^londa^v Thursday, -V e b rU r f ‘ p ;tn.home 6f Mrs.- Joseph . Merkel. Be prepared. with home ideas. Cancer pad project canceled.

* • * *


home of Mrs. John Haselswerdt Assisting hostess: Mrs. ty. J. Bax*

, ter.. ;j,7 * • *• I1 ..........

, Rogers Corners Farm Elureau Friday^ Feb. 8, 8» a t th$ hpn^c

... ’ of Mr. -and Mrs.* Loren Koengeter.

v Lyndyria t Ryndoh township hall, N orth

‘ Territorial Rd. and M-52, _Satui> ~ ~ d a y r-F e ^ — ^

. .4;., Chelsea Community Fafm Bu-• reau Thursday, Feb, ,I4’n« a t the

J. V. BUrg homo, ^otrluck. sup-. perT .7:15 p-g:.. M eeting,'*8 .p.m.

Hosts: the Rqy Millers'and ReubenLessors. Sr.-----------t- -------------------

:■ * . ♦.. . .t , , :■Bake Sale. Saturday, KehT 9,

10 a,ni,-2p.rru a t K ..o f C.* Hall Proceeds for benefit of St. M ary’s

-chureh-building-Tundr - 3 a

Olive Chapter No. 140 RAM, Royal Arch_.degl’ie school*.- Of .'iiF

-^d tru c tio h LThurBdhy, Feb. L4, 7:8(7---jpm-.— —— r'— ...--------— ------ —

* Y \ t * ■ > . . -. WSWS of f ‘Waterloo Yiflage

T hursday , ..FeK-14,.1 pjro., aj;, th e home of Mrs^Anrift VVftk. «*>.*?

; _ v j ' ' ':i

day, Fob. ic , b :«ju p.m., at fhe home of Mr.i.and; MrsV'Lee Weiss,' 5215 Pratt- Rd,, Anri Arbor. Each family to bring sandwiches.

* * ■■. *

Uebokuh Lodge Valentine ;pot; luck,''sapper Tuesday, Fob. 12,^6 p.m-,, ‘a t lOGF Hall. Bring dish to. pass and bread or rolls for oWnfamily..'' o ‘-

* -’ • Apnual jnecting-. of- Oak- Grove Cemetery. Association ^Thursday,Feb., 14, 7:^0 p .m .,» t(A- D. Mayer Insurance ^gbpcjri i' llR ^P ai'k St.

, 4 •'*»V « ’ •'M.hsonio ladies’ night; Thursday,

Feb.77 aX Masonitr;Hali. Pot-luck dinhdrVat 6:S0 -Shp^t business .8esaio»..of.jO)ijfh .Chapter No. U ftRAM F a t ^SO^.ra,'.followed';by .en tGrtqinmont.t B iuo' Lodge mfemb’ers arid wives ‘incited. ‘ All who attendbring a dish to pass -and own table- sorviec?r-“ ” =“ ='— -------- - —

St. Paul’s- Mission club Thurs- a t- the-hom ed a s Feb. % 2 mm.;*

of M rs; Otto Lucbt.

VFW A uxiliary 'social meeting and guest night Monday. Feb. 11.8 p.m., a t the homo of Mrs. Joseph Merkel,

-------------— —P ast- Matron^- of OliVe Chapter\ ~c No. -108, QfiB, Thursday, Feb. 14

'a t'^ tm r4 h o m e of Mfa: Harold Graceyi Pot-juck dinner a t 12:30 p.m. , - - . -----

Chelsea Camera club W ednes­day, Feb. .13, 7:30 p.m. i t McKune Memorial Library. Movies . of Grand .Canyon to be shown by Harold Bair.

flrimaneo^s T hursday! Fob. . 7, at. the home of 'Mrs. Alfred Linduuer. Fo^ucfi^dinnoj^i2i30.„ pan. -Elee- ionoT ip f ic w ir — ~ "

^ . T *: ' * ■

Al'CH ' Masons. 1 regular combined with school of instruc­tion a t the'M asonic Temple,. Man­chester, a t 8 p.m., Feb. 7.

ibj. Clarence Doud, Union Cqun |B 6 y Scout executive in ElizalRt!

March 1, itju m agnouncedi yeotecr day b y ,J a c r a j^ |e ;« p d v d ;& e 3 ; fdent of Ravage f r a i l s , /;# ijph4

oversees activities of’ 6^000 youtiT |find 1,800 Scquf - le a c^ * * jn .W asR-''ten aw and '|iivm^B’to'n eount.ieB, ' ’ ;.;4

At the stfbae tithe Juncker will - becomq. executive of the New Jer- - - sey organization which Doud has headed since 1057, ' , J f

j Doud, a form er Navy lleuten- ’ sant commander, hq& Jjeen a.jpro^ feasional Scout Ainhe’ 1084,'' 'serv* 1 Ihg ii^ fiv e7 m ajor. Scouting posts; \

They are_U nidn C qu t^ i^exeou^.live, 1057 to p r e s e n t ^ J e r ^ .q l b f ^^'executive of Region IK .tiJyewi/sbrk^ NCJbAR l-Vailt Tamoaii ■ DhauI a

- • \ - W -

New Jersey, and ' Puerto ■ Rico?,|*-r 1945*50; .Rutherford, N.J., execu-

(^ A U K N # : D^)UD

-TW^) DIME BOARDS FltLED —Henry Ort* the canlsteri category ^>f which .Mrs. Charles :bring,. ‘proprietor ofvThe,Pub, is shown above Winans wad'thairman. Canisters yielded a total? [dletown, N. ¥., executive ; standing beside, the .two -“.March of Dimes” dime • of $230. Gra ul .total contributed-in the-Januaryy boards.ori^witteir ills nam m ir^ ird contributed a ' campaign, to •------1— ---------------------“— ------L0 A 0 U I kit If jIjIaJ 1a li* A At A M Mailin' li.f a( *>i,. ai’lt mO 'Lt, ' d tRVtotal bf .39)®0^o be-addcd4o the campaign total rt*ijort by ilii* .-Chelsea chairman, Mrs. VVallace, h e ^ ^.Jhe' dime board proceeds^ are^'included ih Wood. i

-^TT-■ j'S' i

r. ;K

^tive, 1036*1042; and assistant? dleto’1836.

, 1 0 d f i

dftte.' lB 82^T3;2y. according ' to s fzChelsea chairman. Mrs. WAllsce 1 W ar lJ> «W vlng fn commyn'5EWorld

Jlcations and w ith an ampijj anH -tn -the Pacifier

F e b . 1 1 a t M S I !

; Chelsea Child Study club Ttnre^ day, l‘'eb._12,_8_p.m.,_ut:_th(uhoimi O f - M r s : Robert' White. ' Co-hoste s ses:-Mrsr"J«'ck- We 11 n it^am l' Mrs. James Shadoan. Speaker: Miss Dorothy BeacHT”

Chelsea Band Boosters Wcdnes.dav. Feb.__L3-,—8—p.m.,; in -Irigh-school band room.

. * • *Rylvan^i.imtt -Frtym&rft- -G-uiiiL

Monday, Feb. 11, 8 p.m., a t Llmu Center Community 11 all, ____

♦ *;■Lima Center Extension club

;|.W-c(liiesduyf Feb. 13, 10:30 a.m., a t ' Lima Center Community JlalJ. Les.: son:' “Credit Buying,” L eaders:

—Mrs. It.,^Mra._.G._-E(lict;. JiosUiHSi Mr's, i.eitoy Keltihutnp.

*....Kinder Klub'Tuesday, Eei>. Iri,

^ M T S t h s I

To Mr. and1 Mrs. Eugene Wahl of Waterloo, a daughter, Teresa Marier Jan.-81, a t Mercy Hospital, Jackson. Mrs. Eugene W ahl‘ is the former Alj,ce JClink. - ■ __

HermairA^Benter^J p 'le a M o n d a y R t H o m eIn F ranc isco a t Age 83

llcrm aft, A. Benter wqs found cleud;&lofidqy_at-hisihomo-iiL-Fran=. 1 wo. lie was 83 years ofti. ■ . ■

Born a t Winona, Minn., 'April. 4, 880, he was a son .of John Henry

and Bertha Priew ert Benter. He came to M ichigan with his par- cnta in 1895,. Before hio re tire­ment he had spent most of. his life

Southfield; -seven . grandchildren: ' ami a sister, Miss Irene Snead .$3f,

Janesville, 0 . 1# ■ •— Kuiioral services- .Wore held 10:30 tun. Monday a t the Methodibt Home Chapel, With the ltet'; SctaT MncDonakt of Ufetroit; q Itq

•George -Stanford, oificiating,. Bunul took place At Roseland Park cem etery, DetroR.

Arrangem ents w e re m charge of the Burghuixit Funerul Home.

A ‘

a e home of. Mrs. Duane Schiller. Members_ to_bring useful articles for auction..

~I>TliTli<: —Vfllam.inu c.nchro, . party

A son, Andrew Timothy, TueS' tiny, Jan. 22, a t lia r per Hospitalr Detnrit,: to Dr. and Mrs. A. I,. Jaitkens.. , “•

*.-A daughter,. Aiiiy Elizabeth,

Wednesday,' Jan. 9 ,” a t W urtsmith Air Force Base, Oscoda,: to Liea- J.en.ant^nd Mt'B. D. E. Smith. Lieu- t'etTant Smith is a son of Mr. and Mrs.- Ellsworth Smith, of Wash ington S t.----------------- -

in-D etroit where he was a build- ing-epnumetor,

During World W ar I he served as- a -master—sergeant—with the l«th Engineers of the 42nd Divi- qioji" i n n F r a n c e " .

He was a member of H erbert J. McKune Post No. 31, American Legion, and Detroit Zion ' Lodge No.' 1, E&AM. He returned to this vicnity to make his home about 10 years ago. ' '

Survivors are three sisters, Miss Si\rah Benter of Francisco, Mrs. Floyd—Howe—tSe+mir)—of—Chclseay und Mrs. ILiymond' Hainili- (Ella) ■of'Grass Lake; one. hi-oUmi- AlhmU_ Benter of Southfield; and several nieces a ml nephew^.

J lu a era l sei-vices are being-lveidr a t 2 pmL '.today (Thursday)- a t the 'S tormont- Funeral Home" - at Grrtss Lake arnf burial- will take place a t Salem Grove cemetery. ;

The officiating clergyman- was the Roy. Richard. Fuirbrothcr of’ the Gruss L ake Federated church.

Harold P. Glazier(Contjnued frgm page_one)

nut^Creek,—Calif .LAnothef > daugh,-! Cer; Marjorie, died in 1918 whepj she was eight yoar q ,oldi —

Additional' survivors ' are fivjb, g randch ild ren ;. two sisters, Mrd.j Rollin Schenk (Edna) of Long Beach, Calif,, and M rs. Donald Barker (Dorothy) of Sun .pity,. Caijf.;— and— tL “ b i 'd th e i'^H frirjp

•dHa gicr uf Santa A na^“€ atif r ' sister, Vera,-preceded him. fn death in 1910. .

F u n e ra l. soiWic.ea were held a t 2 p.m ,; Tuesday .at, the; S taffan Funeral Home, with’ the Rev, Ed­w in --Jr Weiss; -su p e r in te n d e n to ft t 1 _ ' .Wi

\..: Doidge_<dted Doiid- as-tK’e _per­son who rasiad jtoSQ,^]) .fo r. pur* jehase of la ra an i’j devetpprneni of 1 ^a-new surnmif ,<^hiR; for thdl Hudv' )Son CounciLin-tne Jersey City area.: A t Ruthejjfqidy. fipud’e w ork’'ted Jto-trip tfng fff camfi? attfetiub n q r^nr Aix years, ajfc|v..-i|)oidge skid JRiat jDoud had a .b e t te r thanaV efiige “tam ping record a t Jersey'-City und Elizabeth.” . 7 - ; ■ i

cemetery where Masonic gravesiderite s- w ere-iji -charge t>f Chelsea Olive Lodge No, 156, F&AM.„

Drrjohn T. Bacon» « .„ 1/ * . u . . . a the Methodist Home officiating.Digs. M onday d t V A H osp itR L Buiiut took -place ati Oak - Grove F o llo w in g L o n g I l ln e s s .Dr. John Thomas Bacon, of 804'

Corunna Ave., Owosso, died Mon­day a t the V A H ospital, Ann jAr- ■bor, following a -long:--fllnessj' He was : 48 years 'old. • '' He had been a practicing dentist

in' Owosso since his graduation from the University of .Michigan.

The son of Reynolds and Alice .Flaherty Bucon, be was born in Ftu-mtngtmi, J uly-hL~1922T-He was tt veteran ol WorkUWar IP, serving" hs t> captain

.Survivors are his widow, Trudy; a daughter, Mollie, otv l<'armington; two hriithers, JaLii,-/. R Hucon ot' Farm ington and Rennie Bacon of Traverse City.; two sisters, Mrs. Robert Hooper ...(Frances) of Charl­evoix, and Mrs. Robert W right off


j a y v e e A w a r d s—-(-Conthna’d—from-ptige-nmrb1-Meb Village Council; is-president of H i<7'Chelsea Chamber (7f Comnri.n'ce7 jtml serves as welfare director of the^Civehturtrivi FI)cfctisc-tJntt

Mrs*..Nina L. Irons44>rmer—DetroH-Hresident il)ies at Methotlist Home.Mrs. Nifta L. Irons, 73, a resi­

dent a t the Chelsea Methodist

A jso>8urviviiig. are four dunW;; .M rsyJIenry LSchneidetwof.-Ch*elsea, M rs, Fred Dewey-»f - Hirwin^bun^

JVirs. N ,, E .: PHclps’ of ‘ Coldwater; tuid Mrs,-. H arris F letcher of Ur*

Hoiih -;uhI - formerspoimored .by .St. Marv richool As- b<;s been tt Ja.ycee member and is ( j^ t ,...dieil —'I-hur^sday 'eveningsoeiation Thursday, Feb. 14, 8, K. of (7 Hall. Cash- prizes. Tieju-ls: 7o rents, available' from . Murkel Brothers Store, Glenn MeClear or

.Miles. ■ Proceeds for school•_e<iuipmciit._j_ _______ adv.33-

* ,* *Ann Arbor Friendship club,

sponsored by'the Ann Arbor 'Rec­reation Dept.,- will hold: a valen­tine dance ami card party-At Pat-

! ten gill sc'liool, Crestlimd ■ Dr., Ann Arbor, Friday, Feb. 8 at H ;p-.m.

—Music--.fuTTrishe'd - Isy—the- 'K'tVhtT-' m'e.ntals. Refreshnumts. Uniiiar

J liersoi —ttge 3u uirougn (54j in­vited.

a -past , president of the Chelsea Jaycee Chapter.

Burg and his wife, Shirley, art? members of St. M ary's church. They are the -ptu'ents--of“ thrcesons_and a .ilaughituv—Gregg,Diane, *4, David, 8 * and Brian, 17 mouths' old. Their home is a t 418 Chtmdler St% He is the son of- Mr. .and .M rs.'J . Vincent Burg, I ,, of 315 Wilkinson St

Today, 80 Soil Conservation Dis- tru 'ts serve"^HehiganTThTT first Detroit fc

the Home ■follpvving a long iil- ness. She had_chtom L.the..rMeth* oifist Home- frcun Detroit on March15, 1957.' ' ..... .

Mrs. Irons was born Jan. 12, it-“Oi’egon, 'M0.—a daughttrr-

of 'Zachary . and: Olive' 'Stevens Snead. She 'and Edward' W; lrdns w ere, marrieti July .15,' 1916, in Boston, •Mass.' He died Oct. 14, 18<?3. ; .

She hud been, a member of the M etropolitan Methudist: church in

Ottawa and southern counties in -1938.— -

Western Survivors' include a son, Jam es Muskegon Irons of Berkley, Mich'.; a daugh­

ter, Mrs, John (Betty) Fleming of

aldvBacon of Ann Arbor, John Ba-i .con of Empire and._George Bacoii o f 'F o r t Wayne, Ind.

Funeral services wore held «(-.fF-prin .-*-yes tend a y ATV edn esthryj' a (rthe- J enrHome a t Owosso. Cremation willfo llow .-.........................' ''Arrangements , were completed by the- S taffan Funeral Home at Ann Arbor. <. . *

Correction 4In the .-.obituary '7 o f Emanuel J 1.

Bahmniller, published in the Jan. 31 issue - of. The S tandard , one of the deceased brothers was incor- l'cetly listed as Oscar: whoJs_gnA of tlie sin vivora' a'iul lives at Man- ehester) The deceased brothers are Albert-who tiicd in 1954 and Thuot (lore who dtbd in 1937.

Elizabeth.Doud was : g r a d a te d from the

" 'loot of Finarrcq- and , . Jjiiverslty ■' o f ;’7 >cmi-

^ylvaaiq,. w h ere . h e ; concentrated Jn Indusjriaf'fnatmgement. ! ■ ,■; He*'Is' a native.,! of New 'York jitate and a.tten4edj public spoo ls Jn d ' Franklinf Adadimy in Malone, -.ylr Y-; -•*- r ~ 1 , ~; .w l ( Active in cbmrch'and community work, the Doud fam ily :ncludqs a daughter in junior high: aohoo( and

’three sons; o n e V jn .(5ollege, one J'cady for college and th ey th ird

me in high school.

Dm8t LansTog—Shtep ■ sn6aring —one of farm ing's m ost-d ifficu lt skill?—will be taught in two spe-

f ' cial iessions a t Michigan State livqiiftjr^.‘Feb; IlVtp i|i. , M ortfithan 380jdQ(l T eeppw ere

sheareavlafet year^TIfey gafve up.h ea^M 'tn rd e miySwii poliRds." of Wool w iled was wprjth -more than $ 1 million. - • • > ..r -

BecatwV of th4/ am ount iof in­dividual, ;ji}StruCti'9l)" required; thehnm)i!ap!.W utiT/tflnffttriitlm—rii«—am

D ec cm tij& J in p iv tfo rm C qst S ta te $ 2 5 0 ,fy 0 0

Lansing ~~ Th«; Michigan State Highway Department; spent an es­tim ated $250;p06’to. jiieep highways open . in southwest'eyn ■ Michigan during a .week-long, snowstormthat hit the area early in Decem­ber:

The storm —one of-the worst in th e 1 region’s history—blanketed u th ree-county — area— along:- Lake- Michigan w ith 'tip to 54. inches of snow during an eight-day period

astarting Dec. 6. .S ta te Highway Commissioner

SERVICE With a Snile...

—TbeFs-Whqt-you-afwGyS"'get "wh«n -you depend on 0 s to keep your cor

-4fl-peffect-TOnrtfng-condition; Every­thing from a . complete lubq;-job

J o oir for your tlreii is handled with -preokstoth ond coreg.-i- r: 7—


-riumborj pf^studeatipw ho- qAn^on •roll J r i r ‘t |jo >h4j% >g’ ^ n n R -ils lim it6 d>7 i accovding 1; to ' Graydon B lank,. MSU animal husbandry specialist. Two sessions consisting 6t two . days -qach are - being planned- Persons, from the- west- e rn -h g lf- of—th e -s ta te . a re- urged to attend Feb. 11 ■ ?nd 1 12.' Pro-

upeetivd^*:eastern, p a rt of ..tjhdi State

A ttend JjebT 13 apd 14FurtheT detail^ .are available

from county Ekfonaiori office^






$ 1 . 0 0


B B 0 0 M

no .S l.00♦ »!*#. I

JfbjhH C. Miickfe said ’.tR?( 8259,008 was spent in .the Highway D epart- m ent’s 10-eouhty KaJaniaxmi 'P is - . t n t fie - arteFmT7 --■ ■

‘‘L argest -share . of the money was spent in Allegan, Berrien and .Yam—Simon—counties -wh ere th e snowfall Wus the heaviest,^ Mftckie said. '

The $250,000 represented about 0 n e* th ird - of—th 0-H 1 ghwa y Depa_rt- "mefft’s e n tire snow and ice re -

,ii" "moval budget “for>-ttieVKa 1 amazdoD istrict this ..winter, Mi^kie said!

Nearly one:tliird, of the-nation’s 18() million population live with- i ir 600 miles of Michigan’ sum­mer and ’w inter sport areas.

• • St-v------ '■ -■■■ ■■ ■■ ■ ;•

Telephone Your Club’NeWg T.o GR 5-3681 , .

N e e d S p e e d

o n I n s u r a n c e ?If your insurance claim is still unpaid after six month*

You'll know—the hard wav^. The Big Difference betweenbuying insurance "directlyfrom a'company and through an independent- Insurance

Will a company salesman' stand by you when you have ,a claim? Doesn’t it make bet-

sepje to buy through an Indepcndentagentwhb/piie^i- your interests first?

- W* *^* «n Independent lft»surene# egency. Our',Job iB-to «oe that you get the right Policy. from J! ompeni e* - jv! th tood records for paying clAims n-fo handle .details, cut (ML , •' tape and speed payments due you. .

. ,r ___________, „ ... S ?

^ m g n A Y . F E B R U A R Y - ? , 1988

i j h e A d m in is tp a tio n ’i T a x P ro g ra m • V *• PresidelT ■ K e n T T ^ - ta c - ^ r o -

I «am carries few surprises. This I I" '" . that,' except fo r some rel-ftiwly- minov yeta^l8A 1 a ll„ ;tl| e iltor pToposftis had" been fa irlyaccurately covered by W ashington' S e s and rumors. This does not ' ‘ ,n the importance of the sug-

changes, and it gives no

indication as to ■ how long it will tak e th e Congress 'to " h c fc ^ B u tit cleurly would be wrong to expect a bill to-be passed in less than many months.

Underlying the three-year pro- gram is the snme basic-philosophy th a t was^ emphasised so extensive-

Jy in ^ho report of the President's ^opncil o f Economic Advisers. This

—•th a t- the e conomic "system ' ftfailing to m eet/,its potential pro* auction by some $80 to $40 bil* lion a year. A nd ,. i t j a said, the only means fo r correcting this to increase purchasing power. To do this, it is maintained, it is necessary to make the m axi­mum reductions, both percentage-

jfl.jatttaI-doUur.a^in-tho»» of the lowest taxable incomebv b. ff\ ft I k A __ _ . . _l i ( ■ . r ■ . . j- - MiWUDbrackets, and th a t is done, i ■

If these groups are perm itted to keep a larger -proportion—ofwhat they earn, .'it io argued, it will be spent. This- will improve m arkets and lead to g rea te r in- v e s t m e n t, more employment, greater,, p ro fits ,'an d more income

fo r thp fed e ra l g o v ern m en t.; This is the road, po i t is safd, to a balanced budget, dpd g ra n tin g the governm ent has to kee.p increasing its expenditures, it is* the 5o;nly w ay to get a balanced budget; I t is not indicated in the m essage ju s t when th is balance is tb be a t ­tained, bu t the gossip in W ashing­ton is th a t 1967 is th e expected year. • . j ■.

y i s r ef leotud-Tim same mnuipjmin the trea tm en t o f corporations. The preserrtreorporate incom e tax consists of a n o rm al ra te of ‘ 30 percent- on the f ir s t $26,000 of profits, plus 22 percent on every­th ing above, $26,000. The President proposes th a t In calendar year 1963 the normal ra te be lowered, to 22 percent, b u t all p ro fits abfcve

dueed to 60 percent and in 1965 it would full to 47 percent. I t also is proposed th a t s ta r tin g in 1964, all corporations With a .tax liabil- ity of $100,000 or more be re­quired to .begin n program which within five years would put them on a fully current i basis in so far

paym ents are concernedSuch changes, the President sayS, will-strengthen-the~bu<igetary.posi­tion* of the-governm ent, but will not offset, tho benefits of the rate reductions. ' .

And the sume philosophy , irf .shown in various of the "pro- posals foil s truc tu ra l revision and reform ,” The adoption of a mini-

, . . „. w . . . ,7 . mum standard- deduction; would •» „ * ,« ,« ,, „»v,VVWt■■ .P y 9>-The .following—yoar--provide-about~-f&20-mtHibnr tof - t a x* .will be on ' the^so^calletf‘refornrs."’

rhf. :r ? te' would be re- relief prim arily .to those with in- d'here ar,e many of theseL ;come below $5,000. And changes in ch ildcare deductions, the taxes on .older people, employees’ mov­ing expenses; and so fo rth ;'w ould1 all be of primary, benefit* to those of low income. = / '

This philosophy is basicallywrong-..Of emir,sc/ thoso-^-groups- — Ii-4s-euggeHte'ti-4hat-thneed - ir- tax—redaction. So does everyone else.\ But-, the economic system, does not. s tu rt - to ■■■■grow more rapidly njorely by a n . in­crease of purchasing power, Wb have a profit-and-loss system, and an . increase, of purchasing power ha.^ no .necessary -relation to - th e outlook fo r profits,‘ The, g rea t controversy on the:

I t is suggested * that, item sied deductions ^be ^limited. to a to tal in excess of 5 percent' of adjusted gross income.- This is estim ated to yield $2.3 billion of revenue. A_ I t is suggested th a t the present sick-pay exclusion be .eliminated

credit! and dividend eliminated

Tije holding period -fo r ':cap ita l gains is to. be. incVeaSeil to one, year.

Depletion allowances are to |k> reviewed and lowered. And so forth and_ so on! ■

Ail. of us are going .tft be discuss- ing-tfiis bill .’fop’ m any weeks and

months. The nation is in ___ _______TieedTbf'Iower takes,. HuT not along the. lines .outlined by President; Kennedy.

SERK SMQKINGi TACTS A Government advisory* commit­

tee has. begun an extensive study ui m eruit finding out whether, smok­ing is a causb of lung cancer. ^ *

irfceti-4hat-the-dividendr - ' The ^'ubjTr-HrTTttlf^e'FVTcT^aldt ividend exclusion In* th a t tlie Surgeon G eneral’s AdvisyAdvis?

ory Committee on Smoking anu Henlthrwjis s ta r tin g a broad*reviewof “ (he scientific litera tu re -and-----basic studies bn nlj. aspects of the ~ ■ ues of tobacco and smoking habits, as w'oil.' a ^ jjo s s ib le 'con tribu ting fac to rs ' such as a ir pollution, in- dustria-k^axposuro, radiation and . - alcohol;” J .............~


STORE HOURSMon. Thru Wed. ............... .......... . ♦ . 9 A.M. To 6 P.M.

Thurs, And Frl. ».■*... * . . . * . * • 9- AiW. To 9 ■ P.«M,"Saturday ................................................................. ..8 A.M. T o 9 P.Mr



STOP S SHOP E sa iu te s „ .:'TnpU R Farm s"..-vU. S. Clum» . . . f a n f « t^ ~ . • ■ ■ , ' . -*• — —»■ — — — - - —- _ _ _ _

We Reserve TheRight To Limit

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"Triple R Farms" FRESH DRESSED

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PORK CUTLETS .- Triple R Farms" . . . MieV Gradft l^

Skinless WIENERS .

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CAKE MIXES . . ; 6 Delicious Varieties Pkfl.



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Scot Towels- ” t 'Em . ^coioryCvapontod "Mltk ' ’ '*

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Gallon 69JCaiij_:


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/ /

iP A G E T E N T H E C H E L S E A S T A N D A R D . C H E L S E A , M IC H IG A Nmsm

\V ictory League

Standings as of Jan. HOr\V

LaRosn . - 59 25Blat* . 49'/a 34 »aDexter Bowling Club . 48. 3(1S e iU --- - - - - - tn • ' jltV . 88 •Tohy’s Electric - ,Ml 43King’s Bar / 37 *17Schnoidvr- Std;; Kcrv, 32 R* 51'aFalstaff ■■. > 23 _ ; ) n ,_ ' H i g it .t (*7i nrg ii m(p- a 11 r l ■serifs: Ra-P osh; 944r 29>t3t- - - *

W o m e n 's LeagueStandings as of Jan. .‘fO

, W LBint? Boer


27 -17:i7 -17atils 4 8 'j

> High iml. game: .Joe,Toma; 250 High inti.'series: .lank Packiiid,

205-iil=4i25. ]Gam'es of -20.0 njid over:- John

Schneider, 244;- Lloyd .Mull, 221; Vot-nell Packard, 221; Joe RnRosu, 2 1 4 A lL -Tlolotzky. 212; _ Glynn

-Mast. 201;— Doug Jeffe ry .' 200; Charles Rnveln'ce, 2<H>,

dfffyo^ives Model n ; Beauty H;tnkitfdVBurc-()iL

(i.eiiiwieve Wheeler.■howledsm all spare name of 183.- 2(10 mimes: N. Hi&emaniji 201,

__5(LQ .series:-G . Wlmuler.' 534; P. Poe rt nor, 520; ■ N. Kern, 510; P . Kli<ipvnilie;\ 51.".

-175 series: T. Matthews, 485; NR. Wiuelicspjr, yJX4; . N, KNiMijfrmTr 481; R. Hummel, 4*2: M. PoweT!, 47jl; ,M .V^li&nildgtiL-dl?

W -Omen's I n te r c i ty-------~ ~ t e i m r e ~ — r, Standings as of Jan. 29

w ' LiBJnncheis:.Beauty.: Salon (12. 7 IN :Dancer’s Stores 47. 80

~McReod’s 'Pm gs - -4<>\<> S.'Dy Ehnis Gioeery ' ‘in'aSportsman’s Tavern 80 41 .Central Fibre - ProduoJsjlT-- 42 , Dexter Bowling Club 80 50Dexter Bank 19 01

Team -high series: Did jeer'sStore, 2,122. " '• Team high game: , ..Dancer’s

Store, 75(1.-.''Individual high series: AliceI, /• - • •* -Schneider, *182

Dulividmil. high—game: JoAnrtrHorbst, 185; Alice Schneider,. 170,*

m n m a m e n ?

C mnil.TRmcwmir 1115,

. . . ' h a v i n g a c a r n i v a l

o f .fu n w h e r e p e o p le

■ w h o l i k e t o -bow l

f i s e c i l L A N E SI s Va I S H o d t B a k K

Chelsea Milling Co.. :A$_ , 8(1H ank's Refrigeration Chelsea Kanes . Chelsea. Grind mg-rCfa Foster’s Men's Wear

-441*: :tD

Wilson Dairy Tv-MiVes

88'.. 4.7',.

'•L'lU^yriysr ~M: Hitter, -l.Tt—425 series: A. Knickerbocker

rc r ‘:;-i ''8 'r~s . F ixe-)humn,’ 4-li>;-B. -Chriswoll, 445;,' .1). Aiheiv-4*10: A. Eiseniaiin,*138y.• A; Turner, *122; J ,, *120.

H oys Jim to r" t e a git v- —Blandinus as of Feb, 2

VF-W No, H'70 ' PcpsM ’ola Sceicys

• Coca-Cola Spares- Chelsea-S-tati!—Bank-. - 1’e^si-C‘olii Sjilits Pepsi-Culn Strikers C.*\W No. 487 -Pepsi-Goln i’ins

D.W hiter—507; -11.—Altcnhrcndt.' .178;(i. White, 401); ■ B. Vised, 411; D. Allen. 439': M. Folieht. 40(1.' . .

15u games: (1. -Beemaii, 229-190- 158; 'l). White, 201-100; B, A lten- brendt, 170-1(15; (I. While, 100-102; 1). Allen. 11(5-151 : M. I’olich;. 100B. Visel-rlGO.-

S en io r H ouse LeagueStancWngs as of Jan. 28

. W LChelsea Mfg. No, K / 55 2i*■Spaulding Chevrolet ■ 51 88Chelsea G rinding-C o.' . ‘49 05 ''Schneider's- -Grocery 4 4 '” 31* LSylyan Center V\ onder liar ■

-Wolv eeing—Ba-r-^vo—1- Slpp & SllT)]) _ “

! Gheslea Products- j M erkel's/lii’ers ■ .

M tier O i l Go-

-41 - 440U H- 11Oiy-j *11". o*’.:-..- r,n.

Chelsea Milling Go. 29___55 .-i. 200 .games-:';, J. D. West, 200; 0 , i Johnson, 227: R. Sjiauliliag,,*. 220- !213; 1,. Hauer, 228;./ f . McClear,[ 228-218; ...II. • Pennington, 2 0 2 -2 (1 0 ; K. Mpuruu, 201; C; Baize, 200; 1).

‘■EwntyJ, t , . .fi()0-; sorftrs~:~R7 7SpITTll(ling. .-(ill);

Ch rysler P ro v in k League' Standings, as of Jan. 29 |

------- — -------------------W - LDrewry’s . ; .......Koor-Mohil Service, Brown’s Gulf Service Frigid'Products

A\ra!v(n’in'e Tavern Pub B a r"

52 .V 82 50 li 88,'i 18 8(1 45 89..•18“ *:.-. 41 -■ 42 * 4241 4888‘s .4 5 ly 82 ■ 52-28. 5(1

Pfeiffer Beer .Miller's Wonder- Bar CA.W-l.ocal 1284' - CTillihg B ebtu ..'1

vTeam hig'h, 8. games: Foot* Mohil Service, 2,788; Pfeiffer Beer, 2,700; IAih > Bar, 2.007, - > -. -■!-* Teani " high,' single game; Poor

Mobil fService, 1,028; UAW I.oeal 1281, -908; Drewry’s Beer, 978, |

individual, high three: W,,"Wifimia 057:;J.LJ;Gln\pni:iTi,. 027; 14. I’nlevyski. (125,

Jriid i/l.' sing ly —J L

bmAhtiCxuxij ■l FtaA».

M-aMivi+bwh-Pmewski, 247;, 11. 4.ockhart, 27fO; G. LnWc. 248. ‘ ‘ /

J u n io r H o u se to n g u eSlandtags as of Jan, 81

AlarGhelsea Spring -M eabonAs—Anderson’sJiftv i\e)‘!Wolve-i ine BarAltos BgcrPrrtTrnn -'-s-'r-Birds----Si-lmenberg's . — Tile PuliFarrell ..Sheet- -Metal Slocum’s Const.

20 0 gamebt h~ F'cirtkrnnp," 221-204

_ w- 49 _- 48




, ' 44 3(1/ 43 . 87

42" 8iG-40 4088 . 42 -

-85 .82

. .2(DT. Dault, 218-225;

8 1 “

44r-Hmtwkr211; S. Slanc. 211; -I I . . Grossman, 210; N, ■‘iMsemann.. 209-; J.- (laken, 209; 1!. Bassett. .20(1; G. Die-ch, 202; F. Gee,' 209,

lUgF series:- T. .Dutill,- .(1(54. • ' •0—se-rtes: 1 i.. (•Trossmiiim -dl-rS;

^ . Slam*r570— tCruT'ficTV-uiUr_D7 Feldkitmp. 508; F, Goe, 559; J, (iiikcn, 558: N.' i'lisemann, 558; I’. Rasselt, 550: P ; Huston', 541.; K .S tin eh e llc r . 589; S. Hayden 588; (1, Dresell, .580; • I..- ('lit iswell, 584: 1,, Dann,■-524; R.Devine, 522; F. lliiroo]— 521: ,AVt.. l-lowes, -51 Or K. if, Ringe, -511; G. W. Rake. T)ti8; —R5— WrbdrtT! rs:— 5088— f t— At

----- 8?


qosTeuo amp «ygxiw&-MAT6' HAL SREER fORM THE FAMIXSr BACK—


J *‘(7Tm Mil IMI • 1*1 IlMMII IIH IK HH< llllf Mi‘' 1 tMMMUMI (Ml MtMMM I MMU^ 4 1 M H • l> III ll|<1 IIHtl

| R ural C orrespondence, I• Items of Interest About People You Know •


FOUR MILE LAKEMr. mid Mrs. Floyd Fowler and

M*r, anikM i's, .Richard Fowler, tit* tended the wedding reception, Sun- (tajTTTf^tlie home o fr^ ttr tmd"Mrs.

Hinge;—507t —!v.—(jtirttHtcr;—5 07-;—Or IRivt. fiufi: Ponovndr, 502.

C m -n lyttoti ofCiilRTts ■ Rake ''hon­oring. Mr. and .'Mrs, Allan Dutton,

Miv mid Mrs, Conrad Turner of .Dexter- \veT'e'SuTiday dinner' guests" of .Mr. anti Mrs. Je ra ld ■ Iloy-dlaufftmd ■ family-.—.......—

| ._ Mr....and Mrs. Jerry Kelly and |7a i7 .iilyo f Rivoni.R " were "“SiYndify vi.-itors <yf :her p tiren ts ,M r. and Mrs. H’arvey Fischer tind grand- mot-hcr, Mrs,: John Fischer.'—Al-iH-mul- Mrs. Ruymmul Bruasmv.

S u b u rb a n LeagueStandings as of Jan, 8(1

— ------------—-------- - w — fGjolonial Alanor '--- Patty A nn Slinppe llelliing's Mm'othon A. D. Mayor.(1 immev's Soi. Serv.

*{ Cboluea Restaurant , (iiRLttiii_____;______

T: ..McClear, 004._...SOd- serics.: J ...JJaucr, .585; J , I).West, 581'; ('. AVhite, 578;' K. .R. .MeMarmis.’ 501;, D, liwald. ■ T)5(li. H, - fcmiingTiui,' 5J51; J* IRarook, 548: D. Alltel-."'548;' G.‘ West, 542;f) ~-11 ; 1-L .......'"H, r*'I5jG, Burnett, 581; R. Ilutzei, 580; .K. Kec.-zer, 529; B, *i ■ rei 1 i11it. 510;

KfieTC 71T87 G.R', 'Maurer, "77F5 Baize, 51.8; F. Klobuchard,



Village ElectionMONDAY, MARCH 11, 1963

of—Devtcr wzere " Sunday . visitors' oii Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rrussow and ftmiil.v.-— 51 iv and—Mrs,—hbm'iik—Abdon of ( lielsea - were Sunday.- dinner

Knoll's Ashlan'd Bitlmcr’s Brake K T bed’tT bG '----

guests of their son titul his family, Mr. and M rs. Ru'hanl Abdott.j .. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W right and 'family, of Chelsea, were Sun­day afternoon visitors.of hls-par- ents, Mr. and - Mrs. Burton■ W right

family called o n 'h e r mother, Mrs, Mina W ah l, Sunday- afternoon.

Mr., and-/M rs. Lerov Loveland and family, of Grass- Lake, and Mrs. Leonard Loveland- called on Mr, >and_ iVlrs. Bob AlcGoy of*. AnaArbor Sui\dav_ afternoon and Mr. nnd—M rs.- C. S. Dudley of Ypsi- lanti,'.M rs. Albert Grimsby called on

Mrs. Kva- Notten Monday fore­noon. . . .

LYNDON TOWNSHIPJohn Prentice... returned . home

Saturday after, spending three weeks - as a patient' a t St. J oscttItMercy hospital, Ann Arbor.

Ruth Prentict, >vho .s'punt •- the past two weeks-at the lutme of herparents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Prem- tice, returned ' yesterday”- to' her

Prentice Truckin'-Waterloo (inixige

-High team, ,i.itiiiiww-Patty Shoppe,. 2,172.=TT f h?' " I 'ntrigh team, *1—frarrmr 757. ■

.Hjgh* individual,''l_g’ames.: Pal Huston, -175; R. ■ -IM, MeGihney, 471;-. M. W eslcott, ■ 48 i ; M.,\Yaiz, 457; V.,' 41 > 1; B, Fritz.,-451,

High . Liiidlvudpl 1. game: M.WjM7T- rTi27^~----------------‘-----------

•a»d_ fan>ija,v.r...... ; — — —-;----Mr, mid Mrs. William Wierieh

Aveir*— Sunday visitors of theii mother and sister, ■ Mrs, Mary Keitmos.-und—M rs^Alela Shellhar.t,nf_ G regoixL- , _____

A birthday v- dinner, Sunday, •honoring'— Venum Sattertliw aitif

I).Splits ' picked- XTp:-. Smilli, 5-10

5-Ki, 5-(l; P, Norris. 5-1(1;Thelen, 4-5, .1-7-10; B. Hafley, 5-7; If. W est; ,8-7; C, Harris, 5-7; G. Brown., 5-0.; R. Trinkle; 5-7; N. Simplon, r>-7;- Sehuelke, ' 8-1,0; J. RieOimiUer,. 8-10;,-A. Bohnp,. 5-i),

Held at'H ie home O f Mr. aiid ; 'Ronald Sattorthwaitc, Guests

and M rs.Mi-7 and M rs. Vei non Sat* lerthwai.te; Mrs. Ronald" Satterth.- waites parents, Mai. and-.Mrs. Nuw- Imid Begole of Milan; Mr, and Mrs. Daryl Sattcrt.hwaite apd Mr. and


5-0; M. Will/., 8-10, 5-8-10; I..Rant is-; 2-7.”" ~

N ile O ld L eagueStandings as of Fell. 4

Foster'Chei.,,4( 'lie) sea


W RMen’s Wear 54 23 ■State, Bunk 50 30 'Drug 47 32 '/.>'a Marathon . •10 41)

Electric 89 41 .reaV-Ulus t e r i n-g4tU- 44it : 31 4 (I\ GiiVagc 38' 4(1'..

COUNTY_OF WASHTENAW, STATE OF__MlCHIGANrNotiee-4s hefeby-givcn-tbaMn-eonfonnity with~tho^IJMtc^tgan' Efo

Slate Farm Pn-s-urance Ghejkea l.unihor Go. ^ ’ ”T)7T0'series:' f-


88. .* 4?88 47

Gi'att, i)SJ8; R. b’os-iicUanl

Bhuer, 551558; J.


ToetisfLow," I, th e . undersigned Villogo Clerk, will, uporv ony day, except

"Sunday-and a legal heliday/THo day of”any regular or special election or primary election, roceive for registration the namo of any person who possesses the qualifications of an> elector in said Village not already registered who. may apply, to mo. personally for such registra-, tion. Provided, however, that I can receive no. names for. registration

- -1 )>—Kde iv»5*l h 5—IL— ra­ni 1; R. Harvey. 51 i; i f No*

-Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Kalmbaeh (} Jackson" gulled on Mr. mid ^"Cliester " N ott’ch”'SuTTday atteyfiooh,

Mr. mid tdrs, Hai’oJsb^Rtrober, -\l-ih^H<l-4tl-raiT-J<Ai^y^tr4d)cl—and. fa in ily and Nh><7uul Mrs'.' Jimmy Stioiiel (ifSkicksorr spent Sunday (Weiiing-Ayftli Mr, And Mrs.-George Klk.ins. >frs. Mina Seitz, and daugh­ter, h i/n u , were Sunday afternoon y i sit id’s tii o re ._____ 1_____________

studies 'a t Eastern Michigan Uni­versity, ‘Ypsilanti. i .Susan Bott" of "Dapsvillc Called

fffiturday and Sunday on, her cous- tfl^, Mary Jo and Beverly ' Bptt, ; -Mr. and Mrs. George Bott; and family ami Mrs. Verna "West of T^insville were Sunday -d inner gmests of his |iurents, Mr. and Md'jsrTAustin Bott. . '

(Mrs, Glnrrles . Fuhrmann— and son, M arkv and /Mrs. ..Nettie Hall were Sunday guests of the .Ilev,

SW c^bfidger-8^ 0 Friday— with- Herbeft und'MiM Ffahcoa. M'clnt^e. Other Vttilei’S wei'p i Mt'»* CJpoi'ge I^eeman, Mrs. Norman Bott and MFs. (ieorgo Bott.. . .

Mrs. Mary d a r k spent W ednes­day afternoo, 'with h e r sister, Mrs. Clarence Bott a t Batteese Lake..

Mr. and Mrs. George Uoodwin and Mr. and Mrs. Karl. Lee were recent callers of Mrs'. Mavy-.-CluKk

■and aon, Doan, , •

LIMA TOWNSHIPMiss Mabtdlo Notten, of Itoimun

R 'di~fs “spending seveial—weeks with her sister, Mrs. Eva Dancer. They were week-end,guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Dancer a t Base Lake and spent, several days .last week at the honu>.\ of Mr. and. Mrs. Howard DancerHrr-Ann—Ar-- bor, Jiu irsduy evening they were present for; a- birthday. par$y hon­oring the Howard;.Dancers’, daugh­ter, D iane.1

WATERLOOMiv and Mrs. W itW Pluck' en-

t&r ta ined*—IvhTr-ttistmv-^Mi'B. -M able-)-Bell of Coldwater, -for dayakepeflentl-yr-

- .several

' NliC and Mrs. Harold Lynd anddaughter /have returned to the home of their g'i'undmotheiv Mrs, Eva -Barber, a fte r spending some tim e- with - rairitives--in— Spring- field, N. J. '

"Tlm-TVFCS of-the. Village churchwill meet a t the home.-of. Mrs.Anna Walz, -on ’Fob. 18. , '

Miss June ReVan of .Ann A rbor Wns a S’atui-diiv night guest a tthe home yf Mrs. Annubelle W_ooj ley in Chelsea,-— 1

Mrs., lone Moeckel is 'recover­ing nicely a t the /hospital and hopes to return home soon.

UNADILLAMrs. - N ellie ' Potter and Mrs.

Bertha Cortwright were \ve.ek-6nd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo-Gorser, __Giiilpcap f -Mr. .and Mrs. NormanOlson this-week werc Mr. and Mrs. John Haines, Mir.', nnd - Mrs. Iirston Clarke,-Mr, and;M rs. Ty Tyson ofBrighton, arid- Clair Bamum.*. ___

Mr. and, Mrs, Daryl Cool have moved to the apartm ent at. the Raymond Allen home. -Mr. Cool is taking care of the farm chocs while Mr. Allen is/in the*.hospital.

Mr.' and'—M-rs- cal'led -Tuesday-on. M rxv iSusie=LIud-- son in Lansing. ;

iMr. nmj Mrs. L ouis Kaiser midJoe_ called Wednesday on Mrs. .Lottie Salters a t the .Belleville hospital,

All', and Mys. Milo Corser ontor

arid M rs,/C .. (Anthony mkthgrandffa rents

J, R'enner, ;celebriited his

KebT) 1, - \vitir ..his Mrs. Claude

tiiined tlToif ('on - i n - law' and d u,u glu­tei', Mr, and Mrs. / Henry Samson and family' on Sunday.-'-. -

Mr. and Mrs. Clair Bnrnum were -guests at:, a dinner Sunday givfen ■ by Mr! and Mrs. Charles Niitiivan t.o (■(■lehriite ■ thn_ Ciuhtti birthday of their ^ l ig h te r , Karen. -' ’v

Mr. and Mrs. Louis' Kaiser and Joe visited George Kaiser, in Ply­mouth Thursda y;—*----- —— —- - -: .'.'Mr7. and-riHi s. Art. . Abbeg anddaughter, Artie, were.' Saturdaydinner guests . of Mr. mni All's

T H U R S D A Y , .F E B H U A n Y i o fi!vl

N U M B E R S a iA N G E DThe Detroit-Chicago ' Freeway

warn known a I n t e r s t a t e 02 under the original in te rs ta te highway numbering plan. I t was la.ter changed to 1-04. The Detrqit-Mfisk- ogon FFeeway wns given the 1-94 number in the original plan,; but this was changed to 1-9.0, which it is known as today. ''

d o u b l e f e a t u r e .St: Helens, England Her tliiiu

.twins i n 84 mpnths ■* were bo’ru t0] Mrs. Mary Prehderkast. 27, of gt_ Helens, recently,

“ I suppose it m ust run in ■ thH family?” ' she said. “ I have twin sisters, one of them With twins 0f hot* ow.iu”

t . S. w -

Faster gains

P o u n d s a n d - p ro f i ts m ount up w h en you f e e d o u r C a ttle n a tio n s . . . sc ien tif ica lly c o m p o u n d e d to p r o m o t e

w eadvT w eigh t g a in s .

C o m p le te ' 'fe e d in g -ra tio n s fo r a lt your liv e s to c k / pou ltry .


PH O N E GR 5 ,5 5 1 1


M I L K i s . b e s t l o r

your baby-’s heal th^r -^iv^-B < 3b-y --the-r-igh t-stoV t-in -1 ife w itl->

lo ts-o f m ilk , I t 's n a tu re 's -m o s t n e a r lyp e rfe c t foocL . . . rich in v ita l fo o d ' l j § j

t. va I u es 4h-a”t''hetp::lTft1e~feo^ies "groWTipR s tro n g a n d h ea lth y .

O ld U S -I2 Phorte GR 5 -5 7 7 1


Mr, and 'M rs,; W ilbur - Winkle (hd family., of Willis,'weff- Sunday

’iinner guests of his brother-in- law a n d . sister, Mr. .and Mrs. George Beemaii and family.

!Tommy~Sharmhan spenT b'ruhry with ' his grandparents, Mr. yund Mrs. Lawrence §hanuhan.- -

Louis. Kaiser, and Joe."T h e - ■ Wonicn’s zM-hnsbTnury—Ro»- -

.ciety 5f the Umulilla Pi'csli.vtcri:m i'lHircli will meet at the* home- of AM rs. ['Ripa Young Wednesday, F(-b, 18 a t 1 p.Tiv. Each mo-mbci' will, bring her own ltiitch.. SccrctTPlibr

[Mr. and Mrs.- Eugene Widmayci

M '. and Mrs. Clifford Pe.terson wcijc iir Hudson Thursday to at- to.Hu the funeral o f George Pnrtee.

NlYs. Esther W addell'was a Mom- Ray yvcrniglit-'-K-UCat of- Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Miller,

of'Jackson were Wednesday gues.ts oi_M_t^ and M rs , _Laurei)ce_.'Nouh,

iMrs. Ray Morgan and :sons, of

will be revealed .a t the earlier hour'before the meeting.

INTERNATIONAR BRIDGE’ Lcgislatim ucreating the. original TiTteFhatinmil" BridgeR. Authority was adopted l\v the Micinean leg* -islatui-e—in—1.985, mU-liomdng ■ tho- ■Amhority to build ”a—hi idea1 overthe St. Mary's River af Sault Stc. Marie. The piesent B idge Author­ity was ci rated in 1955,

-S. titl'd a- .ther V

t dinner guests..of Mrs,. Es- ^uldcli and George Zeeb.

M r, and Mrs./James. Clark and~'

t !1 nmiuL*!,..504; L. Sander-...

during the timo Intervening botwcon the THIRTIETH DAY before any' " • M l I I A k L l o l * h i . 1 > . 1 U u J - i l . . > . I - . »regularr^pceial/ or official-primary election and^tbc- day of. such oloctian, (If thp..30th day ihall fall an Saturday, Sunday, or a legal, rcgictrationi shall bo aecoptod tho next full working day.)"


(Winans Jewelry Store) 108 S. Main St.— ON — '


v(1 S.S, 59^; G.- Deuti'ick, Mann, 505; li, Koch, 508; iels. 501. '

209 games: R. Foster, .Packard, 218; I’. Cruft, _C,_:Mil)or, 215; P. Main,, Schultz, 201; D. . Filer, Hmvey; 200.

C helsea L anes M ixvStun'dingH as of Feb. 1

- WHiinkerd’s • Firebirds 57

son, “OfilTT JblUumtut,-Schuelkc, 458; L. Kustprer, 425,

Women’s 150 or over: P. FiU- simmons, 208»l(ii); R. Hummel, 203- 158; T ; 1’oertner, 181 j. L,. Sundei'- sim, 177-108-155; R, Johnson, 175- 109; ; N. .Eiseinun,- 169-100; M. Sehuelke, 108-101; L. Kusteror, ‘Ii;7; ”F. AtlreT, " 1 0 7 7 'A. -Tum eiv IOO-152y E. Packard, 100; J . Rub- liitt, 100; J. Diekelman, 150; N, Sweeney, 150.

C u p l d s b e s t

Valentinesore Acre

lings and (Jiiecns.Jack Pots Ilcydlauff!s GR Block Busters . Fovo-Rudreau'

THE 30tk DAY PRECEDING SAID ELECTION.-from~8--y<lotfc--cr.-mruntff fk-g;tti. on sold day for the burboui of REVTEWJNG H S R lG ISTR A Tlfcdnd REGISTERINQ tueh ol lh ?qualified persont/in. laid yjLLAGE ai SHALL PROPERLY apply therafor, *

Fitts .................... 4tSimderson-FeldUttmp .. :.4<Jells ................. . *.. 41Sam's Harbor Shop. 3'A & M > ......................... 3(Ups and Dowrts ............. 31

Men’s 475 series or over iiuitv 570; G. Johnson/Kogers, ‘20

D ex te r F rid a y N ig h t M ix e d 'L e a g u e ---

.-StandIngs as of b'ch. 1E V E R Y W O M A N W A N T S T O BE

R EM EM BER ED ONSpry-& Keogh - Mosher & Poppcngei:Dancer's ...............Goer’s Aqlialn.nd ......Wolverine Tavern ...Shine &Tolidht ....Ferris & S m ith .........Uatliff & Mosley Four D’s ...........

. . .......Bjl'/ii . 43.......8 5 V , 44

'Miles, 504; B . 'FDW r5A3rIL“F'‘cirL kii'mj),* 502; 499; L,

Turner, 48‘L


name of no penon but on ACTUAL Retident of the viHoge at the of said registration and’ entitled under t|u> Conitltutloh, if re-

ilng such resident, to vote at the next oleetion, shall'bo entered

The timemalning such in the registration records.

GEORGE WINANS, Village Clerk

M._^p6ertr Kusterer, 488; jjv T un

Men’s 175 ‘or over) 0- JohnBbn, 20(1;/C. Chirk, 202; B. 'Feldknmp, 191.)/1). Miles, 196; J), Rpgevs, 185- n Ui-h■ M. Poertner, 184; M. Pkck-

tyai'a--. J,82; L, Kusterer, 18i; ■ armon, 180-

■ — j ‘ v!Women’s 425" BeffcsV**’ over: P.

Pbortner,, 527; P. ■ liJltzsimmons,


Team Policht,



1 garnet/ Slanc &

ray, 200.Ladles'

lioht, 513 Lndlfes’

licht, 222- -IT**-

highr 'I',()fe9. high,731.

’s high, ,3 gfvme^: Stan Po-

Vance Mur-

% h , 3 games: Eva Po-1

high, 1 game: Eva Po»

/ y ° & ever thlnk surprising your man with

^ . L w o u l d . b e ^ j ^ e c t i n g a

speh:io{“someone. Did

, men’s ■ mgn,,.;j gfvme^: licht, 521, t / ■'

Men’s high, rg a m e :

a giflon this day? Gifts for (7 to^O-year-olds.


N ,

J \ D i m e w e l l s p e n t

k f ° r ( y c e n t s J u t m e d

Ten csfits wilf run a Gas d ryer for flvG hours, To run a flam eless d ryer th a sam e length of tim e c o s ts you fiftycen ts , f iv e ’tim es a s 'tn u c h ._ Worthwhile? T hat’s ju st the s ta r t. A Gas d ryer opera tes by a flam e. And a J! w on’t . ever w ear ou t, You go t years and years of service!■ ^ e ® ^ ie latest G as> dryers now on d isp la y a t d e a l e / o r Gas .C om pany

- show room s/E asv te rm s .-------- " ------ - -


/ ■

F r e e I n s t a l l a t i o n

o n G a s D r y e r s

I f y p u b u y n o w

i. . Nt_

FEBmMHjU2B- u .

and S ocial A c tiv itie s

rolwf111)11,'iftcviv mnnberm and% “ .t» » • « i»'cai!nt,: . , ,

r ^ b v ' » business^ ' L' iiiisw il by me

onwas served at not ■ eotin,

lii «*". WU5’„ “UJpVul htfuseholdi,,. ('ivinttft - ■ - ■ '■

FcbruiiO': ineoting will bp V i T m W Mr*. Lauwnco11\L u o v * are to bring dis-jh Members a re

Jd piiiifs' -«ind--toys-0 t> - ■ - ...... . /■ BABSAI1AS KpV

(5'jtiniibiis Kpiseopal' m hcntd exeerpts 'written by,


,fi ■ * 4* JAGIi. KNI’K EPREN EL US "

• A gricu ltural Entre p r e n e u r s Farm 'Bureau m et -Thursday; Jan,- 24, a t the home of Mr. and Mrsv ■Herbert. Schnirer. Because of the exceptionally cold weather atfd be­cause the |lu te had been chunked,on ty-flix -fam ilies-found-itpossib leto a ttend . • •

Ray Schairer le d ; the evening’s discussion on the . topic, ‘Htfcrease the- .Bowers of the -Executive On fice ?'*

The g roup’s /chairm an , Jerald H edlauff/ presided a t the meet­ing and announced tha t the next meeting: is scheduled for Feb. 21

to—th is it t the home ' ” ' “Duncan.


Church s from a. Ict-

tiic Rev. Robert- of the Episcopal

„!iticniiiIn^at l*>c Jan. meeting: »t tii^ ^ u rrc tn -M rs .rSm uckc^eud-tli^-m atenaL*■ the ilfvetioiuil ■ servicei(ti opened-the meeting.

Smacker als» 'included a pf report on.the work of- Church ,rH .-forwc—at-l 1» ng_K on g , _aa_ slid by Mrs. Ciesidmit :”irf . .

cf Michigan, lh m proved t because-of'the


T hursday’s eluded with fi-eshwonts.

m eeting was con- tho serving o f;.re -

Merrill Lenox, United—Chureh-

roen..•refiiir mtcres t [hut Mrs. I.cnox --had -mnrn fi'.ituic(i_spcakcr itt the firs t j'll meeting ot United Chuich

of .the Chelsea area, heldmenBarnabas church1-Friday


Mr.^ Jack Merkel, reporting fog th e St—M ary school- library—con;-

St— MaayV-Seht)ol:“ As-- sociation a t the group’s , Febru­a ry m eeting Tuesday-evening, said cataloging of the books is now being completed. The committee h as done a considerable am ount u f-w ork“in-tlre

During the- business were discussed

session, fo r • the

Itch’s family cuvered-disn sup ■ to be held -Fob. 14- Hostesses [charge will be Mrs., Chester »|ing and Mrs.. Hugh .Green. 1e next regular meeting of St.'

U ^ - 'Eg-VV-- is-schedulcri-for.fursdayV Feb: '28,- with -.Mrs. Sid- r?chenk as hostess., .. _ llnnouncemcnt was made of the mi n't ra ci/~ u f i n m n hi m ti n g~ C o m -

■Included on ihe committee /Mrs. George McKcighan, Mrs.

Rogers and Mrs, Sidney

[Telephone Yum- Club News ■ To (lit E.:3$81

process of renpvat- books—for-

tho rearrangem ent of the school’s library . • . '

In addition to M rs.' Merkel, those on the. committee are Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson, Mrs. Ed­ward. _Orlowski„. Mrs. Paul Mayn­ard, M rs. Donald Aiber, Mrs. N /H , Miles, Mrs. W ilbur Yocum and Mrs, Howard HasolscKwardt,, *, P lans were completed fo r the public —V alentine -e uchre .party,

of which a re -to (benefit of St.

useda ry ’s

proceeds fo r the school;

General chairm en of the party'; to be held-’Thursday evening, Feb. 14, a t -th e -K. of C. Ilqll, tu 'e1 GIofiTf McClear and N.'-H. M iles.'... On the ticket—com m ittee—are

Jack Merkel,- Glenn McClear and N. -4L--Miles-,-' w h ile the refresh ­m ent com m ittee includes Mrs. Wil? liam Clark, Mrs, N. H. Miles and Mrs. W alter Bury.’ The me x t~ lm g u 1 a F 7h e dt inlF~of St.

Mary-.School .Association is sched­uled for ■ Tuesday evening.. March 5. ■ 7 ' ; - » r

H o u s i r i g S h d u l d

A d a p t T o S e r v e

F a m i l y ' S r Z S t a g e s

Housing for changing families means housing t h a t \ meets ' the needs of thg fitfully inV ach stage u f 'i t s life cygje, Eyelyn>M illsDu- ivull, told . a ..Farm ers’— Week audience a t M ichigan -State. Cm- varsity Thursday, Jan ; 31. .. J_

Dr. Duvall, Chicago fam ily life cpnsultant and" ru .th o r/o f "AYheu You M arry ,” said the seven stages; a re : '--•ThrFrfew)ywwe(ls;f.;,thft:rchil(l< bearing fam ilies; the. i'amilies witlr pre-school'-children;-, .'families- with school-children; .fuipilieii.witlrr'tct‘h- agers;-. families as .‘launching ecu-, tors’’. w hen gmidu a tion s , ■ we<Id i rigs* and departures keep the hi hoRnium m ing,' and fam the middle-an<l--latei!--y t\arsr‘when-the- children have left ' to - establish, 'their, own homes-.'- ’ ' ;

Each-Stage, she noted, calls for,, housing ,, th a t meets /.Miffcreivt needs. A child-bearing .fam ily, for exa'mpjo, n e e d s 'a ‘‘baby-proof0(1” house so th a t both -thu child and

"the."family possessions w|llr be - jmj-" tected.— Eurulluuir--^floorx,—eiiuip-r ment and, walls'.m ust be washable, sturdy and stainproof.,- Families with teen-agers, how­ever, need space for the-young-' s ters to etitertuin*e- h"obb>es7Tbe jafreh'ts need a p lucelo jcall_tiiek_uw.n, -OuL.uL_the_a.dnl cent hubbub.

"If houses were designed for



istorical Societyi—

Pltfdsed hy the fine response to Iheii'Hirst “ winter ta lk” the W ater- loo AVou Ilistorical. Society ■ has set tiie d a te for tiled; aecp'nd pro- soivUiiUiiii_Thcse talks ure offered -as- a -public^.scrvice to the com- m,unity,Mi'rul:.^veryoiie is— weloome.- O n - J a n .-12 in th e ' Stoekbridge'

•Tuwn -Hail- a-liirge. uUdicnce ’heartl- iiarold Hinies ,of the University oL^Mjiehigan School of A rchitec­ture :dis.(^uss__coKmiai architecture in th is ,pa rt;(if the. midwest.

Himes expluuied .the political and nlli liiur.iihifi,i’UBt,,.,J

imieupluloMojihu’afwuuionH for the

Greek Kevival' designs wh"i6h were popular* on the east coifsL of the

"iJnited .' S ta te s / f it te r the Hevolu- tipnary . . Wui’,'/. and., the ... w ayil.. in.. which our midweste.rn ancestors adapted these designs and th e ; de­signs. of the .Victorian period

.which followed-'it.,Mrs. EdnaTturkiunu of-,UmidiUa,

chairman of the committee plan­ning the series o f four events, an- aoutTces—th a t lliu rcext_7~tTrt1r- wTtf he a t th'o ■Stockbi'i(l<>,'» T»wn Hull ;on Monday, Feb, l i a t 8'-o’clock.

\ ' ' ....The - subject 1 will >be the “TheMichigan Frontier 1815-1850,” "ami Dr. Gurl Burklum! of the ifaivers- .ity_oL-Michigan-:wtH~iutroduce-:th.e- subject o f how and why' the'-oj'i-: ginal settlers came.— A second . feature, will be the- tnpetLrcmiivescences ' of_ joe:il folk wh»'Remembered the pioneer s to r­ies told tlioin as chtldrqi. Home o^“ thosiT^cMthilmtmg-- to “tins rj7r()-: ■jilict which the society hopes will be. a continuing one are ■ Mrs* Georgia M itteeiv Mrs. Alice Ka- to,r, Mrs. low Sawyer o f StoVk-, bridge and Mrs. Josephine Dyer of-'f>tirinfiet(b "- A t th is 'm eeting th e re will also :be u large“ 7lisplay- o f “ u /n a ls v diaries, ledgers, letters and other printed .memorabilia pertaining to the pioneer eni.— Mrs,' Burk-hrntPs. helpc)’s- in this; project arerMiiJS Lulu Siaith, J(J.rsi Edna M'allehkopf, Mrs. -Floreift’e Wain, Mrs. Ev.elyn Ford- and Mis, Florence Trinkle o f . Munitii, Mrs,

r;—-■ — - - T — ■ **r,r

family living,” Mrs.'. Duvall; stated, “there Would- be flexibility — a de»Igii-tha-t—-would g row as t he family grew, ad»]>ting itself to new

Rs 'iiml m'tivit.iow, a ndvalues .step-by-step through the family, life cycle.”

fo rd ,7 Mrs. Marjorie .Abbott and Mrs, Lenoro Milner of Stockliridge, Mrs. Bess Marshall of Gregory and ' Mrs. Lester Bates o f Una-

iiiliu- ------ ___________________ _______________ -

equipment is used in University of Michigarv astronom ical studies.

J u n io r h ig h HONOR ROLL


7th Grade Russel], Beoman, Kennetji BJaess; Alan [Boyce, J a n ­ice,. Hush, Rebeccu Clemons,' Mike G rub; Sandra E isekv - Donald Koengetcr,; Del/bio Kuhl,.. Joanqe - FishfU',^K_athy l'’ulks,_Susari..:Gi'au1 : Carol ■■■•Hepburn, Lorraine Xiriinsby, STnrley Howard,. Suzanne Knicker- bockeirrSan'dru Knoll, Lyndn-Koch, David-!vi n d say .-E ric ' Kusti ij—-Judy Salyer, Haul Scliriakc, Carole Shar- rard,' Sandra Shears, Carson S ou ie ,, ■Shari:.Stofer, 'Carolyn Wenk, Ray Worden,. Tom Wojichowski, Con- ■ nio Carlson. , ■ '

8th”Grade M ary7 Arnett, E ric; Baty.dorffer,. John' Bergman, Eliz-

jihet})"”Bjfiierr/SUfiro'n Davis, Bon­nie.i Erskine, Oandii Daniels, John Collins, Jane Farrell, Kim Flint- uft, Charles Kredettej Rebecca FrcomatiT'-Rogei— FrisingervTSue

Xianjner,,Cheryl (Jrau, Kurt Kindp,;, Jan. Kjoengeter,:Dennis Kyte, Raul Lancaster. T ina Lindauer, Richard Idndow, Bill - M cF all,. Tim Mein-



fTfgmT or.Oesterle, Tom Rich, Donald Saiyer, Sharon ..Sutter, 'Ron W atkins, Anita W enk; Sandra White',-Wilma\Vjhjor. Charles__.Winans, -A rly s-Wisenmn,— --------------- ---------------

rs fire = insure-anee more than home burns down.

the man .whose

Mrs. RobertM, Merkel -.^■ ■ *H * 1 . Ht

B a r b a r a J e a n C o l l i n s , R o b e r t M e r k e l

E x c h a n g e V o w s S a t u r d a y M o r n i n gSt. Thenars Cn-f.hnjjc

•Ann Arbor... was the -setting for the m arriage ceremony - uniting Barbara Jcftn Collins and Robert M artin M erkel a t 11 a.m. S a tu r­day. The R ev.-Fr. Gerald Nitoski -officiated in the presence—of



' • - 'm i n i m u m 4 lbs.)



He Do the W ork for You!

ARKERSe x p e r ie n c e d G LE A N E R S

one GR 9-6701 113 Park St., Chelsea



THE l a t e st ' n A .L O N G L IN E O F F A R M F IR S T S

e x c l u s i v e A M E R I C A N

ff0m ^ e / / Wator settles to transparen t bowl---------------------- -y------w o y,m fuetl W ater set!

j dr^ r^ t o f f ^ 7-------------------- r^8 ’un wfi 1,1 ™ ond^soato—oven particles so small they can’t 7 Jpinst «>«(,,m'{,,mKP‘l'c,yo. I t ’s the finest protection you can buy

i'its a i/m i!lnl's tlla t c«n enuso costly repairs and clown- k jp^, u,l,t or /atmp/

■ Offer: you get 2 filter elemeKits- each,coooI . of BALfONS-ANb THE FILTER ADAPTER HEAD fOR


Geo; A. Knickerbockera g e n t ....

1 2 2 1 . F re e r R o a d ,. C h e lie e P h o n e 4 7 9 -3 1 3 1

proxiimitely 250 guests.Parents_o_f_ the_ bridal couple are

Mr, and Mrs. William Collins, of 555 .Chandler St;, -and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Merkel 'of 320 South Main St, 'V ;

Ttur ;bridc's wedding gown, waa fashioned" oLivory- silk-filced" satin with inserts of Belgian *]uco,‘ the bejl-shiiped skirt extending into a cluTpcl-lmigTH'- train , ■ The^^frUed’ bodice .'featured '.fhcix.-quin-Eoi.

ap ^ /g u eot bookr-anne “W ojeiehowlkq was a t- g if t 'ta b le .

Others who assisted are Mrs. Gerald Wolf, and M rs.'..R ichard Stark" of Ann Arbo;r, • who poured. | coffee;. Mrs. Jam es Smith arid M rs. F. T. Peyton of Ann Arboi!,.| ■who/served ' puTieb/’ Mrs’.’ Gerald

length"' '.sleeves,.; Heir ./17h()u'l.deT- leng_th_ ■ bouffant veil of illusion was: ,held in place with a . circular -hertTfyioetr-fash ioncd erf ivory .U tt’C leaves trimmed.- with seed peurls and sIkv carried a colonial bouquet

■whieli iiieluiied llll'TC Wldte p lch~ ess' roses, with . stephano^S -and sw eetheartdvy. / / ; / ' ;

Joan . , Sakui of. Los Angeles, "Calif., was maid ofTTonoty we a ring fo r the occasioii a gown of moss gr.ecn lusterless satin; The gown was' styled ‘ with a bell-shaped sk irt and m atching satin jacket.H erof niiftehing- trimmed with (.'oilmini bbnyairr

rose- -sm.oss /gileeh ' satin velvet leaves, l ie r

Midi bbnyMTt Whs ol pink ca-, mellius. and ’ ivy . encircled with deep-g'reenr-glossy leaves and fin ­ished with pink stream ers,

Ensembles of the • two bridcs-

Arbor, following the ceremonyr -L ately- the— weikHngT-i'eception-

to.ok place there .and K athy Col­lins of Birmingham, a cousin of the bride, was in charge of the

-Another cousinr

Mummery and. oL Ann Arbor who cut" and served the wedding cake; ami Mrs. David Dollina, - sister-in-law of the Uride-i-who assisted as her p e rso n a l. a t ­tendant. , •. When the couple.Jeft l’or if two-

^vet?k -atay. -a t - -Acapuku and Me.vicirTweanng a and match-

City,- the "bride; was" pale rose mohair suit ing ajccessories. —- 1-—T_.■ 'The' briile is a g raduate (d_ Mercy ScHodT/JLNursing a t D etroit and is.’ employed at St.. Joseph Mercy


U S E T H E P H O N E !

Hospital, Aim Arbor.The bridegroom .graduated "from

Bowling Green State University, J Bowling Jlroon,- Qif-aiwl was affili­ated there with Sigma Phi .Epsilon-.

i-tr-rs—mmochrtvd- Brotli.ei.-s—store

maids—Catherine "Crego - and Bar- hara- Pcp _Ann Acbm-.—woreidentical to 'th a t 'w o rn by -the maidoffeatured pink ' roses instead . of cameliias. -; -- The bride’s m other wore a teal

blue ei\d)i'oi(lered silkf dress with m atching accessories and u sequin- trimmed pillbox hat ' while the bridegroom's mother wore a beige hrm-ade costume, with, m atchingaccessories. Mrs. Collins had a cor­sage of pink roses; Mrs. M erkel’s was of yellow roses. .

John (Merkel assisted his:brothor aft" besrirnrn ; Pa trick Me rkel, nn- othei- lirother.,. ■R-iehnrd Mei-kelj a cousin,, and rhfyid_a ii(rJan ics Col­lin's, hrtithers of the bride, served as ushers.

A 'w edding brunch for the bridal pafty and the. .iniihodiatc: fam ily wno ovi'ved—at "Holiday I tin,—Arm-

With th'e “ Merkel here. , ", -l'l-e-nuiUial- jiam es .ior"’th(> bride included a show er-givtur by Mjrrs Sally—Crego and—rMiss— Barbara Poplin and o n e -given by her sis- t er-m -alw. M rsL David 'Collins; . _ :

The bridegroom's p a ren ts 'en te r- ta in e ir a t a rehearsal dinner a t their home Thursday evening.

h—I- tiro- eoTriTle yv i 1J home a t 124. West .Summit


.Xhree baptism sofficaited

■Httnda y durUig-the ’morning service.

Baptized were •-Karen -I.ynn Dresch, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs: Harold D resch; Douglas Scott BoWcti whose pat-enhTaTe Mv. aTnl -Mj-s. Michael- Bowed;-and Miclielle M ane "Alc'xmulei-, d au g h te r of \Mi and M rs, I)0 na. 1 d.._A 1 exunder

The slate third of the gaiFs - income-

jirovides about one- U niversily (if Xllghi- ■for opora-t-imwr





POTTED PLANTS - Large o r Smal l



or1 1 1 a c o r s a g e

SYLVANFlower Shop716 We«f Middle Street

Phono GR 5+4561 Chelsea, Mich.


IDlhere7* an item you want at our SALE GRICES and you cannot get Jo. the store to get it; don't fret, moan and postpone . . . USE THE PHONE! Ju*t pick up thephqnfl.nnd tell ut whot you Wanf and we7ll lay it away (AT. SALE PRICES) until you

‘ cap pick it up In a FbwMayi. Anything you want to own Jt.youri by phone.







■*- Untrr«-alfabt»t1amtltf-----"•'"I'of^Capatily’""

'K onfa fr





r;REG.- $2 .95



■ WASTE DISPOSER* » ^ ' - $ 4 7 ^ 0

Eatily Irtiiallod.__ ’Cradled eipedofiy lo efimihale nolle and

finn- 1Orindi food waste and bones to tiny, uniform particles and washes them downthe drain__



—REG. -$1.19

REG. $5.95Built-in ovetload protector.

#0YAt---« VAtUR™* ' SAVE





-dUiylil pelished ulumlrtuni plastic legs and handle. Qord not included. Can be used for'-warming soups and other foods.


snack bowl setREG, $3.89 $2.97


DRESS GLOVES$1.38REG. $2 .3 9





REG. $2 .35 $1.99

REG. S3.69 $2$9

14 F06T




$ 6 .9 5






REG. $6 .95




$3 .49

$ 2 ^ 9

r v c o u p o n t^ n Rvy^







REG, $M 9 IU P O N



K ? " ' I R V t S M


J WITH,Brrt : o COUPONREGi 39c - ------


★ RV tiov P 6 NCOUPON


f-REO-49c-eo«h-— ---- REO-49<-eo«h/ Of $l,5fi value


RV trX ij !r v

> \ .

J ‘

. F , : ’

■ • 'i.

, S’


t.' • Vl "if '11,1 tl

.... :.i '4 2 d !b ,

. . i./ ! j.

i t ------ ■ of W '- i i-n f -W of-N W -»t-far -n -p t- — iing- o f^ e tH - tf r -B -T d ^ f^ t f E f l f W -y t r ” ^ ? . ^ l!lr r !UV “ . V c ' 1°1 ' 'o f hem th W 132 ft. th S U*.'.4' E 06 >ft. jds. th S 24 rds, th K Si) rds. th N. ?Ay ,Sa . A , 1” th,“ E ? / ,Hec' ' A -®

t ,h K 1,i- f l ' ,h N »*54' W. 6 6 'ft t0 l '1 'J4 nls In K lint' of *«■ to lit of hem lll t1hv no of ***ft*« 'l(1 r' ,0 >e I'1 WI i-l.Tfi of heir, Heimr « unit of \Y i'j of'NWVi n$lnir n im r fo f E 1 j of N B1 \ of be«, Belnjr n |>nvt of SE f*‘* A

: 1 2 - 11.2J m a o ,2 1 s ,s n ■ - a s i2 .n o m o o i d t .im l a 1 ,3 J in.01' l - r'-K-) 336.70 Com nt NW cw & k -w e ,. th S ti’ 06' W Com a t - N K -e o ro f w e ; th S IM S -ft- ln '-Co,nL i!)i P I „ o t t h if NW 1',- • 633.24 ft In -W lino of- sec for jil of E lino of »er: fcii' i'l' o f 1 hdj>; th tf -1 6 -■ w W ' tb P f w - x r ' n*i 131.22 be*. th S s i f r iU o " E -3B2.4S ft. th S ft in k lino o f 's e e ; th defl W '2 3 ' Vlnhv , ^ ' I t h L I h °N

it, n’o-ino" B .002,7.1 ft; th N so .42 in inn ft ■ 'th tiefi ■ nil""1’ ' loft 74 «•<• th • c.M t foi i in of nott. th N . « -At.•*<• •” •■tV'lino, ■ )V Qi «•> N inth O't'6' K jW2.7_4_ _ 4 « r i jin 122' rlg h i in.', 'ft i th ilofl S'>3ti? Yf ' n.fii'& r' Hy|.jl“ 'ftE 1 ComiV.lo" E _ o in W lino of R '^ io i j l hi'K. Re* thrhi fHi ft ; fTT E of lion, “ t f c J t h i T f c ' W 66

N . « ", " i N 'J jX 1M > l & l . £

' font nt 'SW cor, of see, "th N 6*17,.0 ft In W -i of E - i of NW-', ■ {'ho hU S ’Z . 's 'N ° 7 n ° 2 V ‘W n o ^'i.-.-*'*-. . ' ) L ^ U ° rF. h.K'lfi f,” 1' _sf f c ' * i ‘-ftS _____ _ . IMP 2qA.60 to III ;Qf- Hin t a l - K M, 0f, _.ln>kM^r^***7 — iii^N- '17'°(i w ft th "s r>y nt NK cor- of W of- NWW^ th SB li _NW l l 'i n ^ llnt l'f ^ i i of 'lmt, l i y l n , S Sh°34' W SO ft In N lino of urc 14 1fUM___________10SI1 124182 ^£pmi W llliw ni.ij of SW*/. of S W 'j for Dl of hott. th S SS'ii4 \V SO fi„ ,Uo^ nt a point 202 ft N and 40 rtln W“ i,, p, miul o f fSW ,, of. , th s S77 ftj th S SS*2I' -E 360 30 ft % tlw sfc coV of NKVS of N E-J of Wr, f t;t ... — . . . . v, ■■,„■. . to rent of l ireh. til North 44 22 h th E 66 ft. th N 33 ft. th W -66’ ft th - SV 2116.07 '-nett. llt -SW w iM if «M. th N 46 • rd» In 170 ft., 'lh N 21526' -W i'sti 72.0.r> ft, th s r i ft to nl of heir Heine imrV of 8 ■

of l U jh e W line of see. th E lu „ s and 11 N 6„*14' E 22 ft. - th N -S 6 ' 12' E ’ m NEV ^ N e 'j ' ‘ f ««links, th .S 46 ills, th W 10 ids nnd It ftr ,j, N 26. 4L)' W 7f,,l ft, th N. 2»“32' , is ’ - nifiO 06 30 E

f 1G1.1L links In tht* S line of kPC to the I>1 of - K (!? .R?_,.tt-L.»K I!. _in oei -r. ’__ 1 ____ :____ ______■ ” • p* * * ---->■■ ■U1 S h “ K m. iie n i ft imirt o f SWVl of S W ^ % n K VH f t th N V 7 **' C^ r » t l t o ^ t of *ec. th S ona2 l ' W ComY - i f K F r -------- L-----44— 3 0 0 ,— -A -m en— ? 2 4 4 3 - _ ^ - a? - ff-! N ' git "a f “—-K- Va f t - - h n-------62«.0U- ft In thu -N&S'/t line^ - th &. — | tvj Hew nt SW coi ’of NEV*' of SW U, th N s V a s ' ' e S ft th N 30“‘M' E 73 ft E ?Bi|-hS f4 tor n id ’ of heir, th 14

■i'i ft in , • K7H.IKI ft in W line of N K 'J of SWV, t h s Si, . 3j. w ’ s i" 41 ft th N "7S ft s K 50.00 ft, th S r.°07' W er.s.mi _ J h" tn i ft. l'V n ly - U*< U,H> ^ r ,,,lnh Rlli hSil!l' *u -tS- i>t of heir. Heim: Mill of NW*/, t L ' ^ w i / l f ' v i A " ,1\ h fV ll'»07' F — bt'TM ir I! 11,1 M■ ft 1m lina txi-^kjAhuah ,jt| *= r1Tr ............ : tf tifr it 1.11 — T fjit” , " 1/1. P * 1* (h N | trl)7 ^

i r e ,nit iniliunit, th S 330 ft. th E Om) .ft. th ,,, .. ' ■ „ V’r‘ *T «6-'.77 ft to the |>I of hem Heim? P in t SWu 1,1111 S 33U ft to n . iiciint In S line of NEV, u>m a t S h cor of- sem th N iB.t.W fu <lf N W i/, of N EW '

161' re ' of SW sail)' Jioint belnK S rda W of V ir^ V,IU|lti ‘f ii'«» nf' J n th - ' i l S t - o n « f 5 i - - fs- - .... 'lOfln S3.S3 Heirth N- - S K NE'., o f '^ W '/ i ' th W in S 7Sf^ 6 ft 'Ifi dSfl T r 'ftrt' ?eft 1 K 27 tV,m 1,1 N W -cor of see, th S 73°4S' K -72

l i i i V .N E ^ " or s ? i > / . "*■ , - ^ n ,h0f V ^ ; Tf;)ff,^ 1!)^;i o f A w - w 33ir..«5 \ l V " a S - W

/„t( !'t « Heir nt S E 'V O^NW*/, of Sw\ C n r a r ' 1' 40- ' ' 1!IC0 r>1.46 [[/ V ^((.^63 V V s V 4s ; "": 507 Ml. ft In the K lino ol N W « of Com nj Sh -cor. of scc\ th N 2300.06 ft K 330 ft, th N orth 2l)0,r.n: E 1(13,63 ft, W. t. n pun y w ii to the S line of Wnbimh rallroiul, r lif h line of hoc for pi of iie«, th N th N 7.s°‘|s / W a Mi ft to nl of hoit"

• . . , • th SNVIy nloritf the S line -6f the-.rail* Ihm , ft In E .Hue. Ofvnec, th Uefl tM)954/ Uuhik' imrl of NW*AroHij to a point in the S ‘‘tine o f1 the loft .3«su«i.6 ft, th defl 8P°06V left 2C0 ' . j.t o ,so • l fi60 22 2° - '■

.7 ft In :NW:l/| .of S\VV|-, K 7'»6 ft in S. line of ft, th . EhNt 882.7G ft to‘. pl i of h ^ , r i u • .. • , * 7

n ™ n* - r ^ • * oi s ^ o 102,10 ^

'th '1 deff WttbU' h , T ' T l 0 1060 163.66 ^ ^ ,? * ' T "f. ^ .j? “ f r W ^ M e l tr i 4 , . ^ l l ^ - | - ^ ! le;


mTV. FEBRUARY 7,1363

Kflpllf®rr* « f

Year* for In t .a n d Which chsri»dH;

Delinquent . In noldrom To [ year*

| .ndu ilve

..jW N S H iP /R an g e # Ka»t

v ~

■' - .................................................................TH£J CHELSEA STANDARD,

D eeerlp tlon ' or Parcel

, i Tot. taxei

w hich dig*, due Delinquent in eald From To years

Inclusive dire, eta.

gjJ#Deeerlptlon' or Parcel t

NORTHFIELD TOWNSHIP T ow n/L..South,'U nnue G Glint

"W hitm ore J.nhe Summer Homes Subd'n"

. .Tot. taxes re for 1 I n la n d hi«h— chap, due

i, _ . year*1Inclusive^' d p i. *t».

DelfFrom D escrip tion '

o r Parcel <

T o t/tax esYear* f o r Int., and ft

Which Delinquent From To


chasi due In efsitl

years dire. i ts .

Description t " or P a re d f t !


Id5 Ml ■8 $Lot ft?U*ftW j ! j . -------us*?. £ ftftUt 2'Id Hi8*1 - wId . -

■ W'

w »Uil! ■ ■

6 • ' B S _ / :Lot Mi- 1 •f eId 3?i ■IdId 5-'!*Ld IW 1 ■W *?1 «Id «Id MS ■Id f t .

W » ‘lot Ml ■P |lOt 59?Lot ta;...............p ! +

■<i>2 * • ■Jd WTid««6U t0 7 ----- .JdtSI lot <52 - lotusId <M----------Id <15ld'<35. -•Lol • ■M ......'

1060 1060 1060 1000

;,1000 1061)1060 1900'1060

■ J06O 1080 1060 1060 1060

; 1060 L060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1080 1060 1061)1060

TOBIT 1060

. 1060 _10BO.

1060 ;.w co‘:■-•■lliBll.' 1060

to6o 1080'WGtH-----Shift1060- 2.1T.1060 .0,16 1060 :o.u>

• 1060- I960 - 2,16- 1060 0.1.6

2,16 2.16

i 2.16 0.10 0.16 0.16 0.16. 0.16 2,16 2.162.15 0,70. 2.70-

. 0.70 2,16'2.16 0.15 0.15 2.16 2.16

'2.15 Oil 6

•2.16 0.70

“2.702.152.15 2JB2.16 2.16 0,15 2.16 0.16 2.15

Lot 611) L b r e i i U t At 2 U t BIO” Lot 614 Lot 015 Lot 607 Lot 62K-.

/Lot 620 r U t 6.10-1- U t o:u Lot 632 U t 633 Lot 664 Lot .66.7-

>Lot 666 Lot 640 Lot-a4l Lot 651 Lot 652 Lot 666 . Lot 667 LOt 666 Lot 760 Lot 766 Lot 61) It Lot 830 ■ Lot 641 .

■Lot 666 Lot 011 Lot 016

1060 1060 1060,IIIBfl

.met) \7o;ii! 1060 4.751060 - -4.751000 4.70

\ 1060 4.75. 1060' 4.75■If 00 4.761060 4.751060 4,75

—1060— ,4.75 \ If no -4.75

■ 1060 4.75106O it; I a1060 a.lili960 „ ii.Ut1061) ■in ;t1060 it, lit106O . ii.ttj

• 1060 ii.I.'t■ 1060- - a. IK

ltltlO ■ 7,07 loan 7,071060 ' it, | K

PITT8FIBLI Town 3 S0uth\

CT ot SW .cnu.of K e tr- ttm 17116 ft In S !l,.m’.,<tf<Tfec ror. n p i 'o f hog, »hr-N--ft*0!i*

TOWN8H11 Range JUKaat

ft )h /w ' 4,1 S 0*09' G 700oM iPi.'nniV ^ of see to illof beg, Relng a jm rl of SE'/# of SWV*

*■' .‘ *41 > 1 + 1060 102.08j *a 1' as. v 1/ if | y± 7 ? i S£ , ‘,° f /hS<,t lh K/I01S ft in S lino

J ofLb<6f. th N oftio' W 500^ h 3 {!• th s 0*00' E not) ft. eh W

loi't V if 'sE v / o f 'sw 'i;! ° f ' beK> 0e '.. '« L-'l 1060 16,62l ih ^ N)V' ‘ ‘‘‘ of the E )/. of SE ’/ii

y ''l - 'V -S - YV n ■tho K4WV, lino,Invy? Mi .swr! v th(l / 0'u/ r f a f ME '«oF“of' sec, "th W '026S1 ■"in" W to W Hue or E i " «f q p i /1®') f ,,n ® of boo. tli S 3%>|)' E IKSB^ftVth N*■ in tlmW01l i t uf -? 'J r'B- R ” 6 ft ' ,h N >a«s ‘74 « 'in E

S ' " .............................. .... " '

. ' 8ALEM TOW NSHIPTown 1 :Southi Range 7 Eaat

Com iii. W>/(- imHt of sec, th N 311,06 ft in W lino .of?, koc for i>l of lieu, tb N 367 ft. th defl 60.65 ft. « iah t 013.61 ft

4h, dofl '121.24 ft iltrlit ")2.'27' th defl 6“86' righ t at)7.70 ft th dofl 68"64' rluh t 846.02.ift to pi of lieu, lloltia po rt of Vv. Vj of hlW filH

6 7.07 ‘ 1060 162.47S 16 AC o f N 36.6 hc of W-Vj of 'SW fiT'/,"

•-- 6 15 '. ■ 1080 266.05B of SW f r l l/i

. 6 73.20 '< 1060 601,37W >/j .o f.'SB friy,

JHt.25 1060, 231.46

i 1* # « I'lm o f ’tho B '/j of-

' 23 10,30 . 1060 77.06Horn nt NW: cor of E- >5 of- NWW th S

hi-W ; .line Of fe y. of nf'V " i‘ih 466,4 ft for |.l

1N d 7!(1! = ? - 6,W tr th S 42MV>

4 W =

lot t!*.’' Id 03 - Id <'< Id < $

, Id <»K Id <.'" Lot 468 Lot 469

: jd ts» -tot 491 lot <?J lot <?5 Id ills Id 490 —

. Id5M r i d 505

lot 106 lot 50"i"- lot SOS ■ Lot 509. Lot sio Id 5I1

r ld 4 t* - Lot 513 , .Id 514 lot’515 Id 516 ■Lot ill Lot 516 Lot 419 . lot 5.’0 lot S.’i - Lot 575 Id 573 -. td-57t ■ Lot 525 ' ■ lot-526 Id 571 lot 5 2 s

. Tot 53S d 551 Lot S5S ,

.1060 mioo 1060 1980 11160

. 1060 196(1 lt)6(L

'10611 lOllil

, I960 11)60 1060

. 1061) 1060/

. .1060 1060 .

, 1060 ,-■-1060

1060 , I960

, 1060 " 1960

I960 : I960

-L-1060 i960


d.559 d 560 : loi-561 lot 567 ■ Let 563 *

Hd 567 r lot obS lot 569

,ld.S70 Lot 511 '■ lot 512

-Lot 513,Id 571 '

-lot-575----U «id 577.lot i!J__^Id SI)

I'lartsf’ loTisr-- lot 5)7

|-loi-5s3— | ld'5St r -Lot-586—

1960 - . . ; ■ 1060 ,

- 1060■ ,1960

I960 1060

- - - -1 9 6 0 -1960

---------1960-.. . 1960-

1960• . - ‘ ■ 'ino'o-

■1960-, ’ - I960

: I960 ■ I960

I960 -1960

:------ ,------ 1960-. . 1960

1960 I960 1960

. I9601960

__:__; i960I960 1060 1960 1080 1960

...........1960-------- ■ 1960'

-- .1060, 1060.

r 10601060 1060 1060

------- ------1-1160-

2.15 ■2,15

' 0.1 r.a. irr2.15 2.16,2.15 0.152.16 2.16 2.15. 2,16 ■2.15 2.16

— !U 62.152.15

■ 2 .'

-245 - ,2.15


U)t 016 ■tot 936 Lot 037' I * t U3K : Im r Oiil) “ Igit . 04‘i ‘ 1x4.-043 Lot 1010 Lot 4043“

-bot-|tr4K- Lot’i 1066

iwtt- |x)t lo s tLot.loon Lot loan I Alt 1007 1x4 loim.lAlt l 11)2-

--------- lo u rlllliOlm;o lnuo

. Horn .19)10


. . 1000 , it,i;t1000 8.1if

. 11101) —

. 3,133:13

. 3.13 3.13

i*' “" ,/!• 'A N 42*43' W 253 f t to pi of hi'K, Delou pnrf of 4K.)/a 0f NW>4

U n - 'i ^ Nf.Wr f<ku ?,f |iec> S 1° HL' W ll.i.t,46 ft In W 11no of. hcc for n i'll" of bog, th S IP I.P W 104.13 ft In W lino of

th. fa S3 53 iill” E 1328700' ft- th N r r ! r , J ) ’f R 404,1341, th N X«“53:;tT)" W

» w '■ ),;1"oft NW1!/ ° f 11 |l<‘-rt of-/ , 5,00

° m , )tt/§W ■ .cor of nee, l5B0:7tf ft • ----------

.1060 1060 1(160;

lotto 1060 I960 HMin KOiO I960 -


1060 334.07, ----- th _N 0°Oil' ,E

i * . l it ,1 , J^ l,a <>f •«oti' for p r o f beg, th -N 0°O9' E-a27.M) f t - h r W- Itr.o

N 39*43- K .1323.32_fti "th’-S- rc , W 327.S ft, th S, 39*48' W

'Sllne iifNiec1 to )>I of hog, Doing p art of ■;NE>/, ofNNE fH >4 /■ ' 0V 6.93 .1060 287,83All that purr of th e -E 50 'tur-of W </. of

NE frl W which, lie» N E of, the. f e r e■ M iuitnene If. R. r lf li t-o f wny

/ 10 2.20 I960 174..34The" W 32(1 f t - o f ’ N-ntitG ft of^N W ,frl»4 ... '10 10,00 I960 150.08W 34.30 Ac of E >5 of SW fr l'/,

10: 34.30 - -1960. 84B.43Com,: ut NK cor- of Kt' S v5i)0 ft fit B

of wte—fni'--til ro f rb e g ~ th “ S ‘-2804- f t in E lino of sec, th S 85*65' W 612,69 f t , '1 th N -3*10' Wr- 310.04 ft. th N 89 13'30'' E 520.3 ft to pi of I teg, Doing p o r t 'o f E i/a of N E W -.- •

11 • 3.63 V , 1060 116,47

thtt3.13 „ - 25 ■

Com ht the SWr 1301.37 ft In the;

Com nt S '/t post: of HCC, th W 868.6 ft in S line of. see, th.,N .873,76 - f t o f beg. th N 203,75 ft. th E 203.76 ft. th S

' 203,75 ft. th W 208r7/Hff to : t i |-o f -h e g rBeing p in t nf E it, of SW frlVi -----

11 1.00 / toot) * 127.08

,X _ 4 Tojt, taxesVears-folr rn h and

Which chga. due Delinquent liiauid From To years

Incluslte dtrs. cta.l

. ! i« TOW NSHiP Town * Boutlli E an g e O Kaat

the Yillngo limits, th > Sly to jil of heg, omg0 P.ot I of SWVj of sec 32 T1S.

' HOF# &, tmtl of MW'/, of.'sde 6 "1 * : 0.70 . ,■ 1060 -25.67'Heg nt the SW c o r . of .VIIIAge of S«l<>, n

rcnmltK plat, th ,N III rd* on the, W lino ■ of Mwpjc s t, th W 8 ids, th S 4 0 ids,

j jW ir tp ip * ** « ■ -' 0i 0.50, ltif.0 . 7,53.

In E lino (if spe nt it poliit. which Is

b, 849,-29 ft t o - E '1/! post ol set',■l Bk. ' ( x -In- H&.W '/r lino to cent of

sec, th N .so ids on N&SW' lino, lh ‘r r ! w-AV ulh f righ t—22().tt7—ft- .tip . u‘ ’I 1. I" !,he JeH 1367.42 ft to Hex.' tiir ltd, th SK ly tn cont-line of J)6 \to r !" t<>i)Wt.‘if bpg, Doing a pari of NKH

RW Host qf seo. fh -N 1*18' H .'JH1''? , in E UrVt of see th N

- W 3 H ft In co tiK o l hwy,' th N4.i LTr W. 190 f|, In cent (V^Awy for a 'p i of hpg. th ,S 44“IIS' w. 363 ft, th -N

t1 K ‘V1. — .E -1.80 ft in coni of hwy to pi of beg, Also oxc enm.-at JiTtcrspJtlon 0 tmit .of Dcxter-Aup:. Arbor Hil.-,--wlth H ifne o r sec, th SKIy 5r6.16 ft In cent

_^.0f ':<! for-Ji! of-beg. th -d e f l-91*23' right 436 ft, th deft 01*2iK loft 500 ft. th deft 83*37' loft 436 ft, th defl 91*23' left toil ft to itl, of beg

.Vi 10 01.42 /, 1960 272,32Com at- E<-) post Of sec, th 1 ° ts ' R

840,20- ft In FI line of sec, th N 42*27' -•W ; 34. ft in cent of hw^, Hi M '45“22'--W-

' ' hwy for a pi of beg, — th S-44*38--~W—36K--ft,- th N 45A2 2 -W

180 ft, th —N —44-3K-'—E-*

3.13 "3.13 3 .1 :l 34 3

“:n ; r

Deing a-pip-t of Wa'-iji-hiv-A" 3 ■ 0,15 -■- -1060 21.65o .ik 1.3-?jn,,).*< . the S.E <H>r of tjit.,.10,..Kimberley

Hills,' a 'recorded plat, th S ly 450 ft 'thn Slv Mriilr.,iirHlmn 7.r Ihn IT II..n

-2.15 2.1f> 245

- 2452.15

,2.152.15 245 2452.152.15 24C2.152.15 245 245

-E.15“sm r2.15 2:162.15 245 245 2.16-

-2.-151960 2 46I960 246

__ ,19.6.0. , _ 2 . l £• 4900. ,2.15

1960 245I960 2.15196ft 2.15

— 4960

l-.Jd_5/E__ ____Id lo,sId 609 ' •"Id 624 ■

t875 1413- -27tfr


-7:.03-4.764.754.75 7,97

, „ ...... ... - .......p t . Or dny’i Whitmore Lake Subdivision"

T I* ■ ' 1960 , 85.62Id33 I960 • 7.97!« H JIxc N 21 ft, 'W It .Id (5

Id 57t--..,$i '. lot *75 - \ ' ; ,-ldtSO ' Ji Id 736..4 " " 'Lot 750 ■ ■ -\

■Id 151 ' 4 "3t '

It 135 7~ -


—1060--1960 -

I960. I960'- I960. 1960 '

1960 I960

- I960-4060-

” 2715"2452.152.152.15 2452.15


, _ PITTSFI F;U) T0W N 8H IP —----- -lo w It. 3 'South, Haiigc 6' East ' .

Corn at HF! cur of, see. tli N 711,5 ft lit

89 24 )10. left 193/55 ft, th defl 3ll'24'3(i'' ^ “ . NK'y 233,74' ft t„SW y. R/.W line of New York t ’oilt'. -K7 K„ th Soulh 24040 ft !„ F) line of sue to Id of bog, llelug iiart o f " E 'V> oro « Yi t

. . 1 0.80 - , - liirmv 303.83Com Ht SE cor of-lot 10, Kimberley Hills,

u recordist- plot, 4 h : Slly 320 'ft In the S ly prolongation of the E lino of said P.lut -for it" fil of beg, th S'ly 65 ft In the last mentioned comse, th defl

V* the i-Iirht 93.66 ft, th dbfl 0.1'IM to th e right 6ft ft, th defl 83*ft7) tn -the""righ t 08.73 ft to the p[ of beg,

- J M u g _ n-]>arl-of - W s w i j - - ------ 3 ... _0.15__ . V A T fiie i) . - 21,fir.

Com a t the- -SFJ cor ofyiot 10, -KimberleyHills, a recorded plnf, tb S'ly 38ft f t inthe s l y prolongation .of th t \ E lino of said plat for a pi of beg, th S'ly 65 f t |n the last mentioned course, th defl'

—W^ftl-^f^—to-‘the- right, 96.54 - ftT T lnf& fr _.0l.“0av,to._the 1 ighU llft-'U ^ tlt-d cfl XX4V7--

to tho righ t 9S.6G ft to the td of beg,*/a 0 / SW

i960 39.3,S3 ^ o f . tho sec,' th “ FI

, . i- ■ Tt7HC.df 4 lie see forn pi .pf dieg. th N 400 f t l t T E ,4ft ft, th S dim ft. th W 4ft .ft In the S .'line

- <>Hhe sec to th e pi of beg1-Dcthg"’ft-pm'r of the .E 'ft of the SWVi---------

p '— ' 7 7 ^ ” 0.41 --------- 1960 K7.()i| ■ 1. _____________C oni a t NE cor of sec, th W 153 f t ^ n N , th S 14 rd s ' to the pi of beg. Doing

iii.u j rods-In ESWf/i line, th S'ft71 ft for p! of beg, th S 300. ft'. t l t iE to S .W Ijniiie-of railroad th NWly 1n-SWly li;io of I'nilroad to' pi of, beg, Doing part of E )/. of SW frP/,

„ . ' 11 ‘ 1.00 I960 13.00■Heg-'ln S llno-of sed :n t a -p t-w h k 'h -is-44

I3ls. E of SW chi'" of FJJV Of SE friv . t h ?f"0 ids in sec line th N 14.ids th W 6. i'd

••■m, <>f «o<-’ for pi of heg, tli S 19ii- ft, tli W 92 ft. lh N 191) ft tfi K ii') ft tnW lino o| sec lo of NE'/, . .

- / ■ 27 n.'.M .Com at NW; coi' of see,

85ft,30. ft in N line of

licinu part.

106fr 102,27 th N .80*3(1' E sec for a pi of

=F060—=08?| 8~ = W *

the Sly prolongation, fjf the E line of said qi|.nt for a pi of bcg,.-qh S’ly '6,7

. f t In the lust mentioned course, th defl- . l88*6l'8<i" to the right 98,42 fr," th dofl / 01*03' to the '-right 6ft ft,_ttr~(1cfl 83*57’

to the right" :ii3.6l_:ft. ."to., pl._of. -beg.B eing a p n it-o f-W '/ .- -o f -S W —---------

3 . t)45 - ,, 196(1. 228.25Com 'Ht NE cor of- Packard Homo Sites ■ Subdivision, th ' W ’ly ■ 446,50. ft in N Hoe

of safd subdivision for a |i| of beg, th «jefp'ii5°;27'' to the right. 93 fi.i defl 90° _tq_,thc left 53 ft. th defl 90°

- id the left 103.82 ft, th E'fy - 53.22 ft in- N. line of Packard Home Sites sub­division lo .p l of beg, Deing a p a il of N la Lot- i7 Jo rn —Com t ■ uniecynied Subdivision

--------- r— *-■— 042.-. ".w— . mi lCom at "W14 post of sec, tb N 9*37'30’'. W 1136.29 ft in .W line of sec for a

)>] of beg, tli N 88*32'2S'' E 143.5 ft, th N 1*39' -W 124,35 ft, th S 88*05' W

■ 150,08' ft, th S 1°44'38" E 123.30 ft in . ■ R ..lln e of S tate Street-'.Rond, tli N

83*32'28" E 6.5 f t to nl nl n^ln.r

heg ,-th N' SU^tO' -E 753,9 ft ip N- Hue of. see, th S i 1*04' W 173.34 ft. th S 8!t“3l)'-W - 76331 "f t,"th” N ~\VStf 'E f 173T3“4' ft to p| of heg. Deing a inirt.. of N WV, :

](|i) - 27 . 3,00 . I960 220.30

Com • at NW .cor'o f sec, tlv N N9*V30'-,E 355.30 ft 411 N line of see, th S 1*04'

-iyo .7,!'*l!ft(,‘1 for a pi o f begr th N 89*30' E 754.0 ft. th S 1*01' W 173.34

• ft ip cent of road, th -S , 89*30'. W 754.0 f t . th N 1*04' E 173.34 '

...Deing a part of N W 1/,' , 27 3.00 1060 200,50

Tho N 165 ft in /w idth of S E 1/, of SFH/,27 ; 5.011 ■ C. 1960 .102,27

Com at- SW cor of see, th B 88*46' E871.32 ft In S line of sec for pi oL beg,

— S '88*46* E 457.47 ft -irr-H- 11 uu of sec, — th N 1 *iti■' -E-303.59-ft--in -R -line-o f' W

■■Vi nf SW '/,, th 8 • 01*fjK'3ii" W 260.61 / ft in Sly line !of hwy, th S 59*47' W

51)0 ft in Sly line of.hw y, th S 23*25*30"- E- 457.13 ft to pi of beg. Deing part ofW .'.ft of SWVi .................. ............ft . 28 v 8,24

W V, of Si/, of SF.i/i28 20. 'mi -.

Com fit N E - coi- of- W 588.61). ft in E liiie of ;W a ,|d .of-beg; tb S~ 8' rdsMif-E lillivof'-W"

. t_. of NB'1, tb S C l 'f t r W fa ids. th

part of E Vi of SB frlH. , w I4~^-<U»3-----------

W 10 ac of E '/.. of-NWV4 ft, ■ : 12 .19,(10 " 1080 284.61Com nt. SW; coi- of-gec. t l rN : 620,08 ft In

W line of see for pi of heg, th N -27()y25 ft In W line of sec. th N 87*43' E

. 825,65 ft, th .8 .270.26 ft, t h . S; 87*43'x j y 326.65 ft- to-pl of beg, 'Doing m ait o f

W »fj of SW'btft* ■ )' -12 '5 4 2 . 19fl(/ 68.99'F. I9S ft-n f .-w 33(1 ft of N 600,7ft of W

Vi of N E 1/, ' '. '" ' : : - -„ .1 0 ' 3 . I960 173.97E -Vr of. N W 'f r l1/,, exo W. 20 rdH of N 30

rds, -also exc Epat 231 ft. of N 1468.97 ft ■ , 10 65,00 i960 103,20T 2 n is of the- W .4.. ids of-, S -6 rds of

1" ■ 9.08 ' 1960 20,19of E Vj of SK fi-l

„ 1" 4 iaVS . I960 41-5.13Beg at SW cor of /N 35.30 nc of W V> of

NW .frl'/, th E 30.12, ids tli NW'ly* 23 .JL-ds 40- a i>t ftvhieb is 18.6U rda E 'a n d - -20- rds—N -of id -T U -W gr th^W - T8.6ITT(li7

,to-sec-Hne-th—S~2«i>cds-'in-sec -itne to p! of hog,- HTTliig i| p n \ of W Vi of NWf r l 'V.i 22 ■ 3.00

foil low tlf"N"In '

E of

1960 220.311

I960 33.34of N E '/..- th S

of Nrl'/t for

|>l of N E ' \

beg. Doing a p a rt of’% of

N W ll32

of NE'/i0.50 1960 31,1(1

NV4 of f:33—-slfMlir---- -

B 'A' or Ntafi/, 33r : 20.Oil

Com-at-SE corTkf sec ft ' ill the E lino of see 50 ft fbr a td of heg lb 495 ft,-, th N 2°0 li '.E'.88 (ft: th S-88*->r E TBS-ft.--------- ------ ----------------------


1960 41.til)th -N-2*0i)' K 2214.25

th N' 88*25' W •N 83*25' W


p a r t of NW frlVS sec 5 and a .part.'o f : NW frl Vi sec . 4 All owned & oecuidedas one nit real

Lt 45 Lot 55 Lot'50 kt ii Lot 56

1960 66.22.I960 7.97I960 . 7.97I960 "" 79.15" I960 7.97I960,'"' ■ 7.97 1960 79.16TWO-I960


J&ktum'i Horohac Lake Subdlvialoii"« Wlfln ftn i 1Let 4Lu 5LoC 87

| i«< !« .Lot.59Jitdx


7946 7946

7.97 63.86 . 7,97 9240'

lot jq ' m l) 20.02f t i ; I960 117,98

, .- 1960 4.75. • I960' 4.75

rntmore Lake Summer Hontia Subd’n"g , I960 4f,75Lot s . _ I960 ' ' 4.75Lots 1960 4.75Lot 43— I960. 4.75

,LtHlJ I960 7.97-let U •« • ltlbo 7.97

-lot-20---------- ---------- ---------- 1960— 7.97-U 21 ' 1960 ■ 4.75

-K SO — ^ ^ ...... 1960 -4.75bx 36 I960

.5 ------------------------------ l e e ^ r - w d i : ^ ^ o i o t i H 'o f j t > ikt 41.

> -4 5 - kt5i

i960 ■ 7.QT


>11* {*4 129 k< 153 kt 154 H 171 ktciii kt im

> 4 1 7kus*kt 195 H 196 ;■kt 203, vkt 2041k irnkt 311 >

> - 817-— > « 9 .....Lot 339

> 3 (1^3(3

> 3 t«" > 353" '

ktJ39 kt 352 k* 371, - kt 380

496 457

. > <03 .


| sk<t3ikt(34

> H S

■ g « -

' 4 '

I ”!«}■g r

| 8 -

,__+969' 1960

— U i l 7.07

j— JIT60 7.971960 7.67I960 7.97I960' 7.971960 7.97I960 ft.O?I960 7.971960 7,07

—— 1060 ' 7.97I960 7.971060 7.97I960 7.971060 79.16I960 1060 1060

------- IMfr"—1060-

1060 1960

. "1960“1960

-------1960-I960 1960 i960 I960

. I960 - 4960:

i960 1900

-------m e ­m o1960

4080 I960 I960 1960 I960 i960 I960- 1960 1960 1960 1960 1060 I960 1980 I960 1060 I960’ I960


XI960 I960 1980 18KP





_ ‘7.97:7.97


/ 7.97,7,977.077.07

72.697.0?4.764.76 4:764.754.764.76

- 4,76-4.764.764.754.764.754.764.75 8.13 8.18 8.18 8,IS 846 8.18 8.18 848 8.18 8484.75 7.97*7.97

70,16 “ 0.98

„ .. 1 ro .42 -V 1060 303,83Com at center nf sec, th -N 3°10'4O'' E. , 14.01 ft in the N&SVi line, th N 3*26'20"

W 783.22 ft for a id of heg. th S —88W 2ir~ -E -30K .46 ft, th N 3*45' E

875.40 ft.- th N 88“06'20" 1W- 440.24 ft; th „ S 4 ^ 0 ' j : .10ft.4U f A . th -S . 3*21-7202. E 271.18 - f t—td the id of beg, Iichig n

« p art of N f r l A5 3.58 __ 10(70 (303.83

Com. nt the NV4 post of -sec, ,Tli W tidl.00 1ir~ tlre N iiiic; "(if see, (iF fA fA ir'-VW

—40940.. ft- fog H—-pi of beg— th- S 4*30'—W -ln i7 5 0 -ft, "tlT-S-T6*-Fm04,(ll) ft, th

N E ’ly- to - a -point which Is S 76° E598.40 ft fi-om the jd . of heg, th N

..„7.6* W 598'.41)..: f t ; to c„ |i|—of_. beg,.Being a p a rt of *NW frl Vi '■ »-6 1.20 ' ■ I960' 102,27.

Cqm at N'A post of sec, th W J22440 ft In the N' lino of netr-for u pi of beg, th W~"-iit3:3t) f t I n~" th (~ N "It nffft ~of—rct-7 S 4*30' W 64148" ft, th SE'ly lo ir point which Is S 4*30* W 660 ft from t'he id

. of bog, tb M 4*30' E 660 ft to -the lid of beg, Being a tm rt of NW frl Vi (

. , 6 2;(HK 11)60 2a3.06tCom a t NVi Post of Sec,, th W 1*139.40 — ft— In N line of sec, th defl—87-*46' - to - the left '33.06 ft "tor .11 pi ■ of be'g. ' th . ' continuing S'ly 1362.24 . f t in the.■ mentioned course, th defl .135*46' to

the itrff -frHin m ft. th dofl :44*40'3I)" leftof1074.21 ft. th Wlv 28242 ft lo pi

beg, Being p a rt of E Vi of> NWV4 ' , 1 0 8,30 i960 354.22

Com a t WVi post of see, th S 54G;4n ft In th e W line o f 'se c for a -p i .o f bog. th S 82.60 ft in W lino of. see, th ,E 628 ft, th N '82,50 ft, tli W 528 ft. to tho pi of beg, Bciflg-n p art of—W -1-i

~ bf sw y 4— ^-------------------- ------------ ——- 10......1,00 ■ 1060 102.35

Com at NE cor of sec, th S 88*33' W ■ 1325,60 ft tn N lino nf sec f o r pi of .beg,

th S 0*06' E 62840 ft, t h . s 89*39' W 164.65 ft, th N 0*21' W 524.06 ft, th

■ N 88*33' E 16745 ft-lit N lino of sec to pi of beg, Exc N 83 ft thereof, Being p a rt ofi'E Vi ,a f ,W % of NEV,

11 1.7Q i960 152.68Com' a t NW vo* of sec- th ..S-.851dill3IL". -,K 731,01 ft,..In—N lino of. sec, th

0°02'30" E- 88 ft' for |>l of hog, th S 85-'-40'3()ft' E_lO0,3n ft,-th -S -Q . 02 3D E 356.56 ft, th S 89*30*30" W 100 ft, th

Being p a rt of W Vi of NWVi...... 12 1,66.^................. i960 455.7)3

Com nt SVi pout of sec, th W 23.52 ids In S line of Mc.foi''i)I..of-l>eK'th.'W ' Hi rds In & lino of sec, th N 40 rds, th W 10 rdH, th N 4)6 .rds, th W 36.48 r d s . /h N 24 rds, th E 56,48 rds In E81WV1 line, th S 160/t-tls to pi. of bog, Being p art of E Vi of SEVi gi12 22.98 I960 . 303.83

■aecg - th N 429 ft , lhE lino of sec foi' pi- of beg, t f N 09 ft, th W 300 ft, th S 90 ft, th E 300. ft jo pi of beg, Being part of F# Vj of N h .i

If, 0.68 I960 102.2'Com a t SE cor of„NWi/, nf N W '/ th W

20 ids In the S line of NW A " r .^.WJ3, for a Id of beg, tb N 7-64.50 ft, th W

" ' th SW!IV_ Jtlofig- t be. I'.wy, .HLiL S IT

l.AH_u. in aY3LiY_ju<mK vpoint In the 8 Titto ,of ' l h 'E 'K26" c7rris in 't!inS"1i'HrTi.f N W ',

........ 'Vi to tho id of beg, Being a i1*"'1I t f e -o f ..N W Vi

16 12-.H0 1060 2:05:Com 'n t-N W -cor-of-M i-r th -W-620 H ln -tlw.

W line -of sec for a pi »< beg, th 7768.30, ft In the W' line of see to a igdn'

..Which Is 60 ft S of the SW chr of NW<4 of NWVi, th E 467.76 ft, th NW ly along the hwy to a point which « 4n;!.81 ft E of .the id of bog, lh W 204.31 )’the ul of beg, Bolng a P«rt__of NWVf^

. f i i s o . ........>■«»

C°fT 26l r ( Z t t f7of beg, th E 856.7 ft' lh defi 80 37 k fl

dot! 75*02' to tho vlpht 500.50 ftp tntlofl 104*4a/ to tho vljcht QU ft In contof hwy to lil-of.'beK, fiolnx a °* SW'1/i o r N \ y ^ **19G0 01 *28

w s f l r s j i , I960 240.28

Beg a t NW eor . “ e-' ‘Iw 'e h tI* Hne of sec to a /o ln t which I« f.412 on J*S of the WVi pM t of sob, th E A-1 iii* f t In » line mvfalbd to ^ ^ u x ^ ifne of

f«U > th -W * ln N line of of beg, Being » Phr

. fi'H4 and a p a r t or V • 19 84.70,

III S 2“'")'■ :W 88" fi to . pi of heg# Being a p a rt-o f SFI'i

35 1.90__________ 1?iS(i •->"•! 21tom at SK t'or of sec, th N 2*00; E 806.26 - ft. in the B line of stsvJJv—M 88*25' W

X51.3#!- ft for a pi <it#^heg, th N 88*25' W "483.68 ft, th N^2°l")' E '88 ft, th S 7i8°35' E 489.r,3yft. th S 'ly 88.24 ft to

I960 116.47.h t ' ' the- S V,, n ost

the center- of sec th _ '.&W'4 line 8,70 chs th S- lo a

I'l In the S line .of sec' which p t Is 7.41 chs E of .Shi post,, lh W. 7,44 chs to jil' of bug, Being a juirt of-. W A of. SF7

■■■ f r l ' i ' # ■ ' , , . ■ 1- i ■ —_ 22>-- " 1060-71164 5.Com .al-SVi post o f see, th N '4*30' E

1933.84 ft in N&S'/t line for place of. heg,---tin-S 82*23' W ’ ,3(") ft th N to

E&W'/i line, th Ely t o . center of sec. <b S 4*30' VV to .p l of bog, Being .part' of- MW f r l1 i .

_________33- -■ 4-riil)--- =----------- 1rfeo------0:3rE Vj of SEVi of NWbJ exc com a t NW.■ -cor of sec, lh S ]3 111;IS ft in VV lino of

sec, lh E 89'57! l.r>" K 2151 ft in cent of■ hwy for pi of hog,, th S 89*57'45'" E-K'0,

ft in cent of,-luvy. III S fl*"2'l.r>" , W ft. th N- 80°!-.7Mr,” W ftm>*t# th M (i 0'2'tft'; K f,i to p i of beg.

25 .'.III."" - • I960 ft 137.01.,E 1j - b f-K--'-ft-<>f-SW i,4 .. 40.011 - : ' ' • 'HJGO 60.2ftW 12 iu / of E Jh.fifi uc of K .0!i.:)'> ns #.f

the pi. of heg, Being a part nf SE1/,■ • -35 : 1.00 ft 1'1)6.0 78,54

Com_ul_RE cor—(if -HPC,—th—N—SS-*-3K—W-545.01 ft in th e S line of/sec, til N 2*00* E 1599.20 ft' for. ic-pi of. hog, th N 88*25*.W 495 ft, th N 2*1)6' E 88 ft, th ' S 88*25/ K_.41)5 ft. (h S 2°0U'.'W-S8

, ft to the pi .-of heg, -Being a p art of■ S E 'i ' ' ■

___ ;...... 33 .... 1.00. .- . ,1!IG0_ ___- ' ■ "Ardm ore Cardens"

Beg in thq Ely lii\e of lot 20 nt a ptwhich is till) ft Sly from NFl'Iy cor of

■ -lo t. 2 0 _ t h . SI y^5 0 _ f Ui n -E I y - 1 i ne-o ftd ofe 2 fl " --tb 'def^TO^' trr rt-rBht- nTrft" fl~Tli"171(‘T~"9li*~T(7

r ight ■ 60 ft th def 90° to right -07.5 ft to the pi of Beg, Being a p art of


" "W l-ft of NE f r l ' i - ' 27 12 uc . I960 19G.3RS 3n.-ac of SEVi of N E '/,, except- S 987.94

,ft of E 347,66 ft. also exe tho W 14,25 ac ■ 27 7;95 I960 ' 4047

W Vj of NKVj, ■exc-tieg-ntftN 'i-post of sqc th N 88*4,1 '30" E 1314.02 - ft in N line of sue. th south 9* 27',.'{()" E 807.57 ft in E -line of W V, Of N E'/i. th N 87*12'30 W__660;8 ft, tB S 9*43' E f>2 ft- 1 h s | 89*46' W-. 655.23 ft, th N 0°23'3(l’' W874.23 ft in N&SVi liiie tp .p l of heg

28 -' - .54,4_0_:__ . - . .-lUGQ-_t3tr42.

45*22' E 180 .ft Ijl,cent of ftwy to .pL of beg. Heine' »■■»»"•) #''- M f-'l

■ ■»». ■'*« »,'»•. v t . pfv i>| • | |Ui 11 ,|P726.12- ft- in B - llrre .o f aec.M h defT 88*59'30" right 443 ft ‘ for pi of ' beg

_• >th defl 88*59*30" d eft 333,87 ft, th defl 08*28'. right.. li.Vijk: ft. th -defl 81*32',

-righ t—-292.2 ft, fll“ defl-8S459'-30" light- 251uft--to-|i|. of-heg . Del ng- pai't- of- Diock-

Ifi 1-.50, - I960 • 151.06S Vi If SWV, of SEVi oke the W l- r i l '

17 19.75 , I960 437,3(1Beg a t E'/, post of sec, th S 24' id in E, lint* of;, sec, th W ,20 rds, .tb N 24 ids,

t h E - 2« rds.,In- E&WViv Hne to the pi' ■ ot- beg,- Being a-partT of FAt-ft of^'SEVi1 '

■*17— —f t — 3.00— " "19'6(T" 182.95Beg a t SE cor of sec, th N 228 ft In W

lino nf sec, th W 435 ft, th N 3()(i ft; A [>tT?"",,lc ''West7, |n(‘-n f-th eT rj|s t T T W of SEVi, th. S 82 rds to. tho SW cor ofF# Vc .of SEVi, th; E in R line of sec tn

ftthe-id .o f beg, Bedng a p a rt of F# Vj {>(■ fc>ky'l . ' -77

-1.8 ,13 . I960 : 87,61Com at SK cur of sec, th N 228 ft in E

line, of. sec, for pi of heg: th N. loo ft in iftR,-liilC^bf ;«e.c,.-th W . 43iA£t.-th S 100-ft£

iJjvR-.'Wf' /$ - t° pi of , beg, Being -p art of t>F#Vi of SEVi - i-

18 - 1.00 > 6 0 ft 13.53Court.nit NF# cor of sec, th S 2*09' VV

1410,60 ft In . E- line of sec, th ' N 78“02'3O". -W 659,32 ft in. cent of hwy

. for id of beg, th Wly in .cent dT hjvv. to - i i -p pint—kvliich is S 83*10' Eft from intersection df. cent of hw iyw ith W line of K I ft of NEW, thM M tS ids,- lh Ely to a point N 2* E of pi df beg,

/.th .S 2* W. 652.52 ft to pi of heg, Deing \ l i jm of E -'V>i of NF#1/,'M m ilk* «/, o ,i ■ m,. * *19 .7. Ill I960

Reg -.49.64

„ ......................................................S'0H-*li723llftft—E - 1820.-70 • ft—To-- the ceht'er' line of U.S, 12, th S 79*39'20" E 16.78 ft ,tn the cqnlor line of ‘U.S. 12, th N' Olt°07'29" VV 1832,75 ft, th W 1 rod in; th e N line of tho sec to t he pL-ofMjcg, Being a-tuiVt of the N E ’/i :

•2d O.bV ’ ' '. 19fin,Com a t cent 'of sec, th ' N 0*O7'2O" VV

881,95 ft, th .S •741*311)1*11" E 412.04 ft-£oi- . Ii id of beg, t)( N 1*20*40" E 107.3(1 ft

-T h S.vy“30'2"'; .K 100-89.ft. .th S 1(1°.20’Pi" .. VYr l95,117 ft, th N -7.9°30'20'!'W- 1(70-ft

to til of beg,. HeingT'a part o f VV ',, of N E'/, ft, '

' 20.. 0.78 o I960 32,86All th a t part of W Vj of NW,'/i lying S

■of hwy U.S. 12, except com -nt-sNW cor — of-sec, th-S.. 1427-36-ft—in—W—line of-sue,

th defl 83*23' loft 198.15 ft, th deft .0° 16 ' -right 340.14 ft - for |>l of* beg. th defl 88*05' right 267.89 ft, th defl 90“left 165 ft, lh defl till* left 260.1 1 f t , th W ly ' 165,18" ft" in cent’ "of hwy to jd" of heg

■W VToTEEVi"28 80.00

‘‘Village of r#ot u n ik 1 ■


20 33.12 :1900-432.65N GO AC of VV 89818 nc of SWVt

20 60.(10' ... . 19611 13l).53Beg in the E line of-see at, a point which

Is -1057.14 ft .S of the 'EVi'''P'OSt” of sec — th S 88 ft ip the E line of sec - th W

528 ft lh N 88 ft, th E 528 ft to the pi of beg,..Being a part of E ,y. of SEVi

- 22 1.06. - I960 228.41Beg nt NFr coi1, of sec; tli Sly 160 ft In E

liiie n f sec; lh d o f l 89° 17* right 1320 f t ;’ fh defl 90*13' 1'i-lghl 1"U ft ; th defi •89*47' eight 1320 ft to td of beg, Being Pact of E \(j of NEVi

19. 3.93 7 I960 67.69 ,Beg 111 "tile FFHne nft:sec- nt ft~point-which~

is 1145.14 ft S pf The E-Vi post of . sec_thft S >’S ft inft.Ihe E line of see ,th -W

!)28 fT th N 88 i t th E -fi38Mt to the pi, 19GO . 39T.26-


—..of heg, Being a part of E . '/ i-o f SEVi22 1-'(I6 1960 . 16.03

Deg -In the F7 line of sep pit a. point..\vhl.oh

to the pi ot lots 20 and 21 ■

I960, "Kimberley H ills”

Lot -66 : I960Lot 72 . I960I-ot 106 1(16(1In rT nT ........... .. .................-1060.#a


11.59 ■ 11.59

-6.55 6.55'

TT'fii)"I'L’i rIn t 130 , I960 11.59l#bl 134 I960 6.55Lot 136 1960 6.55■Ixit' 137' • It"!') ■' 6.55Isit 138 , . 1960 6.55'IgJt 139 -19 G0" 6.55I/,t .140 ... .: . , , 10G0 0.05lart 111 1060 9.05Ix>t 142 ■ ' 1060 0.05

"O ak P ark” ft nf lot* 34 __—__ l

W,Vi> of dot 8 2 ' infill 116.47— ' “ Fiedci.dck's Addition -t(v-thy~Vi11a^~

of Salem" -I960 116.47 1960 13.00

’■ . 1960 .127.98I960 116:47

. 1 liitld ' ' 13,(10 to the V lllagt of Salem "

dao S -ii) • ftro f' lot "2/r

Lot IS . Ix/t 22 I-sot 24.Lot 39 Lot 41. "W heeler’s Lots 22 &

*A(U> 23 081

HT6I)I#ots 1 & 2 exc S 40 ft of lot 2

I960"Salem Heights Suh’n" 1

E 120 f t of lot 6 ; I960



IjOt 76 1 . i960 16.62“Subdivision of Lots 1 73 Inclusive except Lots 34 & 36 and Lots 1(19 to d ll '

inclusive of Oak Park", Hlk -■ . .

Lot 4 ■ 8 ! - I960 51.87N 15 ft of ; Inis 10 and 2.4-f t Snnth 'Bl- ft'

of lots 11 & 24 18 - ■ ...... - ....... ........- i960--.... 1 1,90

nn<r n .10 ft o fS Til ft of lots 12 & 2 lots 11 & 21) - -

... ftLot 8 . I I -Lot 21 11 -Lot 29 13 •I#ot 30 13

"Packard S A of In ts 19 and 20 Lol *2 4

: - .—ft i960---6.70----------- 1060 77.01

i960 318.85 ,1961) 77.12,1960 77.12

Hills Subdivision”I960 273.60I960 11.50

"Packard Home Sites"Lot 92 - )lxit 03 also thu~Ndy-]D0 f t of dotr27~Ant-

moj'e (iaidt’iis ) L ot.P f


L6l"dr Lot 15 bot-Hr

"Snmmcr's Subdivision”I960 1061)




"Snutli Main Acres"U t ' 2 , I960 122.52Ix)t 4 -, i960 41.90"Wniditcnawkttiib View Subdivision No. 2” Ig)ts 838 & 839 .- » 1900 162.68IxitS 964 St 965 ■ I960 ’ 6170laiU 11611 & 1151 I960 6.70In ts 1203 to 1206 Inc, 1960 1 1.69Lot 1358 A ljp( -4269------ - I960 6,70

VVasblcnaw Estates"Lots 13, HI, 15, IB, 17 ’ _ I960 1,613.01

SALEM TOWNSHIP Town I Smith, Kangc 7M ast ;

S 12 ids 11 ft of. tW) N 99 ids 11 ' "'Iffrl’/."o f Fl 71.fill m "n f NE

____________,_________ _____ I960, m -K iCom at W ’/i i>nst nf koc, th S 1518 ft, in

W iriic of sec for pi of beg; fh" N'80*3B' E 606- ft, lh S 193 fl. #th S 80*35' W th .N ,198 ft, to til of b0g,; Mer.

•lilt 1’nicol TV Doing p art of W Vj ot

1ii?o“ ll9798Heg »t KVi Hindi of w c,.th S 354,72 ft In

Fl lino, of K cc/th S 80*24' W 122,3 ft,■Ht N .S r.U 2 fL ^ N 86*24.' Fl 1228 ft In K&WV. lino to pi of beg, Being part 0 f K y 1) f S K f I,■ 10.00 1966 277,45

Dog a t SF# cor of W Vj . o f SK frl W of sec th W 165 f t In see line th N 108 ft th E 165 ft lh S 198 ft on tho 1/8 line to p i.o f,bog ,‘ Doing a part of W Viof s k fiT'/f (UR , injo lin.eo

Cbm at WH pert of hoc; th S 80*56' K 685,58 ft in -EAW.U tiho-.for 1>I of beg# th N I“25'40" W 854.8B ft In cent ofond, th N 89*54*30" B 693,47 ft, th S ,92,52 ft, th N 80*56' W 685,58 f t In


- w T ^ r ; ^W Vt of NF#' fr l54

I960 7p,48

I960 530,40


J 1UV I'1

A I960 415.40,

« 89.60

K * ot T S & . 10«0 346.43,, of « W .fr l^ Mc t1!. Si^ B c a;M

s 20 ac of W Vi of NW frlV4. exc com S at NW enr of said S 20 no, th S 897 ft

In W line of wo for pl of beg, th ..S 252 ;n . th E 400 ft; th .N E ly to a point K 4 td of beg, th Wost 660 ft. to - id ,o f beg, also exffcpt c o m n tW '/ i t 'o s t of sec, th k 311.06'ft 11 W Hut) of sec for td

f beg th N'387 ft, th deflecting 86*85' right 018167 ft, th defl 121*24' right 92 27* ft, thh- dflft 5.*a6'-. rlghL.3a7.79.Mt. th dofl 5.3*54' righ t 646.02 ft t ^ pi of

bWf' 8 8.04 ' .1060 ’ 88.00

SALINE TOW NSHIP Town 4 South, Itangci 5 East

SW frl*/, of NW frV4 exc the W 2 rds in,w idth thereof

19 34.15 ' i960 101.37

,in tho E&W'A line for a id .of heg, th ■ -S '80 rds, th «E 28 rds in the N line of

S frl Vj of SW frlViyth S in the K line .of the W -30 rds-of-S fid SW frl'/l to a point which Is 146,90 ft N of the SE cor of W 30 rds - of—t h e -S -f rl - A -of- -«W C»I1/ 'Mffil,. - I . , , . l'tO 1#4

Hi S dH ft in the Fl line of sec th W - - 528—ft—th-N —8)4-ftMli—E—5244-ft to th e-pt-

of hug, Iieing a ' p a r t 'o f E '/; of SE'/i ’ 22 1,96 . I960 16.63

Deg a t -WV4 post of.sec th S 195 ft in the W lino of sen th N 89*17' E 669.96 ft to the Fl line of W of W- Vi of S W id­th N 195 ft in the B line of VV 'A of W 1... of SWV, th S' 89*17' W ,069.96 ft in tho E&WV1 lino to pi of bog, Beititr

—n-purt of-VV—AV-of-W W -of S W '/i.- 2s 3.09 ■ I960 99.37

Beg in the W line of sec nt a- point which, is 1()62,47 ft S of the W'/4 post of hoc lh S 264 ft in' the W line of see th N .80*17'' E 660.96 ft.dft" the E line of W Vi of W >9 of SW '/, th N 264 ft in th e E

'lino of W Vi of W '/j of SWVi, th S 811*17' W 669.96 ft to the. jd of bog, Being a p a r t1 of,W '3 of W Vi of SW'A

23 4.116 I960 24.20Jlom a t EV4 tmst.ftrfh S -436.65 f t tn E

line of soi, <)#—N> 73”2;i’—W

Tot. taxes Year,* for Ip t. and

l g J Which chgs. due

D»sc,(i»tW n|® | f i f f i r s i ‘" .S ISh r Parcel ^ Inclu^lvo dlrs. els,

. j l SQIO TOW N SHIP I. Town J South, | Rattge 5 East

Dok In N ,line of acc nt a p t ’8 rds E. of NVi pest th E ■ 13 rds in sec.dine th S 40 rds th W‘ 1-2 ids th N 40 rd s 'to pi of beg, Being a part of W VS of N E'/i

34 8.0" I960 268.31Com at Eh»t VS post of section, thence

Nort-h 1882.76 ft in East line of section . for place of beg. thence South 80*28'

West 1323 ft, th N In W line of E ast ’ ^ NE"/, to ,NW cor of E Vi of NF/,4,#,,t t F/ in N Tine of see to a nt 660' ft

W o f .N E cor of sec, .th S .185 ft, th E 660 ft to pt tn Fl'dlne of s e c , 'th S D'K ft. th K 405 ft,_ th ,S 108 ft. th E 4 i,i ft, tn S 190 ft in ft line o f-sec to

- i d of. bsg. Except 6,55 AC sold to .S ta te Hwy Comm as right -of w a y -,

■ : ’ 36 15.75 1060 31.77Com fit EM post, th N 1789.5 ft in F# line

of see for pi of fieg. th N ,93.26M t ln , E line of sec. th S -80*28' W- 1823 ft , Oh , 3 0*40 ''W 93.26 ft. th 'N 89*28' E to pi

of beg,'E xc that tmrt lying w ithin hwy right of w ay . • • -

- -— -2t4j--------- “ “ I960 228.47t "M ichigan Village" . .H i " N W : corftof-lot 8,

> ^-1y „ ln9 ft J n W 'liftJinelof lots 8 & 9 ,.th N 'ly 112 ft to a polrvt In N 'ly line

- .of lot 8. th W'ly 22 ft In -the ' N dy-llne of lot 8 to pi of beg. And Jots 19, I t * I ; ,.., ■ Blk 3 I960 GM.OS

* Village df Sclo—Qrlglnat P la t" to m nt -NE cor of sec 0, T2S-R5E. th S

I, ft.pH rt of Second A. Maple Streets ______ B lk l ------------- ------L91tfl_ 91.7X


- 3 ' I960 109.83L o ta .J ft.M -3---- ftft— ■ 1960 Tb.fiH-l'he W 82 ft, In: width of lo ts '2 ft 3 and .the E 49.41) ft lh width of Lots 1 ft 4-

... . 12 ' . •■ I960“ Buena V ista"

Lot" 14 Exo N~fiO ft ------ - HiQfrIs>t 15 . i960Lot' 16 1 . I960.Lot 25 1900

---- - -------- ■— I960' ■I960

I960Lot 27 Lot 28. - Lot 64-Lot

LotLot 103

12.-85 137.68

I'lfio- ‘ 115.III! i960 16.63

“Dexter Avenue Hills"■ ■.... I960 192.34

, - 1061)A "The Evergreens"

-fi.08-bp--t7^ 183.08

12.85 16.63

- 16763

Lot tiG

l-#Ot 99 - . ■ *I-ot. 10(8 r ' . -Lot l03.^Exc S 11 ft L o tT 04----

1900 Hifiu

— 1960_ 19 60 1001)

«106(J - I960s

' - 196il_ ' 19,60 '

1960 1960#

16.6316.6316.6316.63 1G.G3 12.N5.9.08

12.85 12.8R 12.8.512.85

X.ot 'll'.*Lot 106 IjOt 3()7"Hesubillvisix)n,(of Evergreen Little Farm s"Lot 15 ' I960 62.03N ; Vi of lot 10 19(50 16.63I#ot .17 I960 f37.iixLot-H<------- —----- — ft":'"::"--1: ' ' 196n-----92728

tHouey—CrcekLSubiti vision'—. .. I960

. . . . I960. . 10(01

' - ' 1961)

Lot 0 Lot 10 .Lot 1!Lot 12 .LoTT3---------------Is>t -14 Lot 15 Lot; 1,6.Lm;-17 ' .lin t1 18 ,Lol 2 L ' Lol ' i i A — -" —2 Lot 23 ■Lot '24 ' .l.ot 2.5,.Ia>t- 26 I,ot 27 - '

-Lot—2-8—. r t~ ------Lot 29,Lot 31 Alt 32 'I#ot .33 .ft ' . „ _ l.o t 34 Ud -35- I-#ot 37


' " FOfift..'. 1960

I960 196(1

' ' I960'■“ I960moo ‘ 1060 ' 1960 ft I960


I960 I960 I960

-..19-60— I960 1(160

16.6316.63 16;tttW16.6316.6316.6316.63

: 16, G316.63 \6.63


■16,6316.6316.6316.63 -P6.-6K

| J - 8Description ' 1 or_Parcel 'JSH <

T p t./a x . Y ears for Inf. ond

• W hich ' .digs# due D elinquent in sold From To ■ years

I n c m e i d | r s , tls .

SHARON TOW N SHIP • Town 3 South, Kange. 3 .East

t» the nl of heg, Iieing n' part of E Vi of NE V} J -. 14 '55,13. 1960 205700

The S 345*ft of W 639 ft of N E 1,; of'.NW-'/, 29 . . 5.0(1 infilo ; 41,05

W: Vi of NWVi . • '22 -Jlllft '«»•«« ■ I960 261.95E 20 a c - o r S .66,4:1 in- o f K“ i ~ o f r k 177

sec 22 - also "W '5 of rSW td '23 Owned and occuiiicd us one parcel' 1

_ * 23 100,(in I960 504,68E Vi of E Vj tjf N E'/'„ 27 /lii.iili - Hifio , 130,93S, 50 nc. of w/)..., of, SW 'V

27 J 5(i,Lit]i_I 10(iU 130,93•S 50 lie Of F/'l.ft of SK'/(. . . . ", 28/ 511.00' Hlfijt 139,01

AH' land it / NEVi' of sec .(32. which Is c<,ve(’ed \jy Mill Pond, also all lamb In »■ Vy of / e c . 21) which is covered by Mill

- Pond, / I s o land In S S VJ sec 29 lying Jk-fif Jiwy S« (if Stonework on N side of rsp im yay tall race & N of N bank of

Iv t/, -owned and occupied us one lait-cel A-2ti- -. 24dU)— -------■ ; Kick— 619,21

_ SUPERIOR TOW N SHIP Town 2 South, Range., 7 KUst

Com at-EVJ' poH rorsec—tdrSftO* rs''“E -3387fi"- ft ln .E line o f see, 1 ti-'S-U'ftftl-l—W-()26. 4,5

f t in cent of highway M-14 for a pi of beg, th N 1*52' K 311.5.65 ft, th N 72*53'i

. E 387,71) ft .t.o NVV .coi' of School flroumlH,1 th S 260,6 ft to cont-nf hw y,-th S-fiT-^i-l

— W -ln cent of hwy to id ‘of bog';” B e!W a part of NEV, of -'SE!*,

■ - 2 ' 2.52 1960 ' J76.17Com at- NV4 post of see, ,th. W ,405 ft In

N line of sec for pi of hog. ah defl 89*5(1* JiltlddtK .ft, '# u ' ftT77rr-g-,,owAriMgr-21)4.32 ft, th defl 90*01: right 533 ft, th haHt 204.32 ft dn N lino of_'m>c tn - n) bt nog, HOtng pnrt of 16 Vi ()f N W '/t .

(I___ 2,-OIL-— . i960. 17.73"N 17.56 AC o f E Tft’of. SW '/i l t *‘"

„ 11 17.50 1060 77,39The F#.46 ac of W 'ft nf S E 'i , also 3 ac

.in SW -cor o f-E 1.. of SFl':,. said S' ac being 31 ids N&S ami |5.5ii rcis.E&W

.lift. 49:iili 1 (I GO '286768ftE Vj" of SEVJT Exc 3 AT m "SW coi-, saW

2 nc dicing 31 rds N&S ami 15,50 rds E&W, also exc 4.39 jic in the SB) eor

N&S amt- 29tr

Description or Parcel

Y ears for > Which chgs. due

Delinquent la said From To y cat’s Inclusive dlrs, cts.

f -’ 1

BYLVAN TOW NSHIP ' • -Town 2 South,. R ange 3 East ,

A strlii .of land 2 i'ds. In w id th ’ the center line ; of which _ls desc As heg on N Ifilo of sec 21 at '» pt 6,7c chs W of N.V*- mist th S. 55')!* W to ,h id In thn w line of sec w h ic h ' pt is 18,70 chs N of W VI post ■' ft. •

21 2,5 . _____ I960 • 16.58

■:.. ......■, ' i960"H uron River H eights”

Lot 20 • I960"Loch Alpine” -

l.ot ! I960.




■ 31.50

ft E&WI I . •. 72.61 . 1960 357.23

S. 10 rds of N 20 rds of W 80 rdn. of S Vi of S W ', —

13- -5.00- ............ I960 J9L22E Jft of SK'*,m • 13 80.00 . - ’ •-.19611 .517.7(1

7Tho-# fcj—:1 •••AC-of "follow ing, heg : Hi KE cm: hf see, Hr W 858 ft In S line of m \ th. N- 2.54 f |, th Fl 858 -ft, th S .254' ■ft—in E line o f■ sec tu id of- beg;- Deing ' port of Fl- i - of Shl'/i

16 ' l.mi ft ■ I960 48.56Com at. NE cor (if.-scc, th -S loO h.ft in'. E lin e -o f sec for pi of heg, th fon t

S 165 ft in E - line of see, th N .88*12'- - w !i8(i;!);t-Tt7-thMSMim”J't'^E:T8T^T7’ f r i n '

cent • of Ih ain, th S 88*12' E .885,53 (ft to jil of heg, Being a paH of NFU'i

22 ■ ■ 3.53 1(160- ' 23.92Cora III NE 'cor of see, >lh W 5 3 J / 3 rds

In N line of sec for ]>! of heg nt S 60 ids, th W.53 1/-3 rds, th 'N 60 ids, th E

- 53- t / 3.-(4s iu N line of—sec to pt-o f bogr Being part of NK'-i - - - - - -

24 '2(1.Dll' ' I960 115.33N 30' ac of W ’ft of N W '. ' exc heg at

NW cor of see] Hi S : 1*28* kW 366.63 'ft-dn-VV line cf -,ect thence N S(i°:!s';tii"

— EM 30 47'24-ft#r-th-N-0*1 3 '-F^378M l-ft7-th ' Wly 1296.3 ft iii N line of sec to id of beg

••’82 1-8.88 • ‘ 1060 51.32-Com afe-cent of scg. tb S 2*30 '25"-E -700

ft lh N&S'/j line fo r .p l of heg, ‘th.’ R _.-2!2f>225- -E -200- fl—iiv-N&SJ/V-ldne,—th—S-

88* 13'94" ;W 1331.8-rr7 T h rN T rn '3 5 " 'W 200 ft- th N -88“I3'04” E 1304.43 ft to

■ id of hog,- Being part of.E .-'!, of SW'/i , ’ . 36 6.13 'i960 191.22

S v-ft of N 15 of S E '-i-.36 4(1.00 - ■ / 190ft 286.08

"W ashtenaw Ford Subdivision"Lot 8 ifnfT'W- 60 ,rt‘o r ’l#ol 9

Com at -N Vi post of .sec, th S 59K7 ft..Hi .■■ NftiS!<i line, t i) -<lef! 84*.W' to the rigiitV

45.20-ft for a i’ll;‘'«f Iieg 1 th defl 21*10'to t he left : 669.95 ft, -HLsN.WJy_2.45.34 - f t / -...

1 to a poinlo in cent of liwy, ne\V; lI .R /f’’ "'')'' 12,. th Fr'ly 052.8 ft in, cent of hwy.. ui . • id of beg, B eing.a 'pact'of F3 V9 of NWftVi ,

- - 22 - -1,80 i960 -15.,58# ACom -at N- VJ pt'st of -sec, th S 591 ft In #

’N&SVi line, tli (len: -84“57' rigid Gtts ft •for id of heg-, thence NWly.. 685,(76 ft ro ■N line of- see, th W 471.46 ft to N W 7 cor of K ift of NWVi, th S 7,05 ft, th /

.•Ely-In cent of hwy. to pi - oi bog, Doing part of NFJVi of N W '/i, Exceiit\5,'65 AO ,■ (Iwdcd to riiate Fiw:y,. for Hwy. purpohes, - Being pail- of N E V i,of NWVi V- ------ . _ j,)60 <ai- 4

Al! thn) f tp a rt. o f ’ tbe following described = • ^land which lies S'ly of the NE'ly r igh t

.o f way line to ram p C and the N W 'ly - :;■ rigid o f w ay -lin e of . vamp Bi-C om a t

— NIC, “jrost of sec7 th “S 591—f t “fn" N&SV4 r •lino, lh defl 84*37' rlgh't 698 ft fo r-p i

■ df, beg.r thence NWly 68f>.56 f t to N - line of se c ,: th W 47).4() ft to NW cor .

M(ifftE_V5 .o f .NW.V+.-th S 70A_ft,_th .Ely____-ftin 'c e n t of -hwy to pi of (teg, ‘Being p a r t of NEVi of NWVi

.22 1966 36.70 iCom at NW cor of sec, th S'«27.0O ft In

- 4 V - i i ne- o f sec.. tlv -N E ly -n long - a line ft wdiich would vsfnKe the fc line of" W Vj ft “ of N W J'f a t n point which is 705. ft, g o f the N llne^gfETiL((*;~itrtnBrT ff~66()i1W#' fbi'-:— ”

.pi of bog, th defl 84*30' to left 131,30.M t—th—vdefL-(hP10V "'t(, :;'>'iRbt 324—ft," th •

defl 20*53’ to r ig h t 392.25 ft to E line . of N W '/, o f N W '4 , th S 253.30. ft in E lipe of NW14 of NW14 th SWJy 684 ft to pi of beg, iieing p a rt of NWV4 of

— NWV't - - ' __________ 2------------------ ^= -------., - -2 2 - —3.52=1 — 1960 _ 43.74-------All th a t, p art of the E Vi of NWV4 Pf

NW '/i which iieit N of the. T errito ria l rnati crossing, tin t SE—cor..of-.said E Vi ■ ■■■■'(of NVV1 i of N W 1/, exc 1 1 'AC on th e N end Of said E «. of N W '/, of NWVi

-Hirfd 11 AC being 40 rds wide EAW and .708.70 fj on the W boundary, and '70.5.00 ft on tho Fft hounduiy

22 8.50 • • ’ - 1960 635.06Beg nt- NW cor .‘of .sec th . S 1718.39 f t in

IDfin 143.79. "Dlxbor-o H cighls”

Lot 26. Except S 1 1 0 ft, also S 3B ft- -of E 216.35 ft-o f lot 27, H16O 264.82 —"W ashtenaw —A utum n—Numhcr—2“ ■ •

Ixit 51 ' 1‘ir.a '""

T o n n 196" ■/ 31.59Ia>t 3 ' itioo- 31.5(1Lot '4 ------ WOfl—r-itfMtrU t 5 i960 '31.59U t 6 . ■ ' I960 31.!Ml

-Lot-+ 4----- r----------------- ------q — 1969 ” ■'25.87IcOt 37 1961) 25.57Loj 48 !!)6(l 31.59Lot 62 1960 25.57U t 67 • I960 31.5(1

“Ijotr=68=— -------- — ........... 1060 -31.59Lot 72,'.73 74, 75, 76. I960' 66.08

- - - - I960 :6J-.68

teg-ViV line-O f sec .- th N 58?29' E 89.80 ft

to a -p o in t of cur vat u r o r th in t he. -arc-------.of .circular culVe to the right, th rfl ‘a

, cent Angle of 32*11' to a imint on- th e ... ....Eftli/to of W ft )5 .pf W )/, of NWVi. the

■ ra d itw of -said curve being 1113.9U ft, .. th N 1498.6(1 ft in th e .E line of W %

of VV V-ft. of NWVi to the N line of sec, tli VV. 40 'rd s ' tn the. pi 6T beg, Being a

- part- o f-W - Ift- of W )2.-of-'NW Vi, Exo heg at intersection of -S lino of high*. ■ way now U.S. 12 with Fl line of W Vj of NWVi of NVV14, ' th Wfy 2 3 2 'f t In S line of hwy, th S 218 ft. th Ely 232 ft, tli N aT« .ft to pi of beg. ■

■ • ... 22 22.70 i960 71.90-Com nt' NW Niv tvf th S f t in.__....W—line-o f-.sec for a - id of b e g ,- th -N ......

:■ 58*29' E -:| | ii, 11 ft- t< r a- point -0/ curva­ture til in the arc of a e lm iln r curve to

■ th e iigh tL lhnv a central angle of 32° 11'1 to a point on the Ft line of W V._> of #—_W—i.._<if— N-W4i—t'ho-ratBi) -

being lnxn.79' ft th SW'ly 787.89 f t* to ■*, a point, in the VV line of sec. lh NMgOiGO ft.. iiL .WML1u._0f sec to the-p i of beg., •

.B eing 'a part of W *.. of W Vs of NWV4- 22 ' 1.111 ' 1960 22.62

J^ul-N—hyMatlsej .E . hyMii.em.enschneliler. S- -.......- by- road, VV. by • M an iu a rd t'- - •■-.......

1960 29.66"V illage of Sylvan"

Tqwii 2 South. Range 3 E ast-Hog lilt NE cor. ofMot 2 hlk 1 th S '5 7 'i*

W 90 Iks on Nly. line of Lot' 2, til JS 1°■ I) t ,, pi in Wlv Iinc of )nl 1 th S (12 n..* _

-'-'E 21 Iks •((? SW 'ly roiv of lot 1 th ' N- •--, ■57 1...*. E to . SE cor of lot 2 th along ,

E'iy line of lot 2 to itl of heg, Being part of -lot. 2 ami part, of lot. 1

M " t i r T '“ ............ i960 7f,;o3^ eff-^X -KK'"n f lot 9 III M 32^*--

SYLVAN TOW NSHIBv Town 2 South, KangJ; .3 East _

Com a t the SV'i posit-.of sec. th W. 309 ft ni-.thcCiS line of sec for a p i 'o f -beg, ih N 40 rds, th W 4 • i ds, .lh S 4" rds, tli E 4 .ids in- the S lime of sec to the

—1*1—bf— beg. B eing-a- p a rt of the E ';.

Lot IDS Lot _l 3" ..

Lol 141 Lot—H

SW frIVi, th' NE’ly along- U.S. 112 to■ K-iioiiit in the N& S‘/. lino, th N dn io.97

f t in tho N"&SVj. lino to the centor of■ sec# th W -ln -th e E& W '4 Ijne tn the pi

— of-lreg;-Be!ng a part oTSW fid Vit9 87,82 ___ •_ .1960 277,15

Com nt the S.Vi post- of the »c<’, th W 1481,44 ft In the S lino, of see for a id Of beg, th' N 35*27' W 323.11 ft, th

- S -.(8*H0' W 397,34. ft In tho center lino of the hwy to tho S ilno of the sec, th E 484.83- f t . in_ the S tine of the sec

'to the td of beg, Being a jm rl of S.Wfid Vi

'ft—— 19------ -1.-46---------- :----- 1960 -203724Com at

N 78*02' W 1050 ft th S 11*58' W 82.51 ft for id of-’ beg. Ill S 11*58' VV 171,74 ft, lh S S8°lH'3ft" W '92.83- ft, th S 11*35','(I)" VV 135 ft, th 'S 68*17* -E

,398.06 ft, th S 56*11' W 101.17 ft, th S TC2* 18'-~F;— fr, th "S' 37*52*""E 15,78 ft, th! N 8HMfiA W 301.82 ft, th S

— IM.1!-VV HI!).34.:fL-U^S-H)4t4«t-E -30 i ;‘J0 ft, th S 1 * 1 4 W,_G0 _ft, th S 89°3O'30" VV .78.59 .ft. th - S 0*43' E '414.42 f t , - 1h S 88*56*20” ' W 81)8.4 ft th N 1*28* W 717.83-ft,- tli S 89*33'. W 454 ft. th N

• 0°27'45" W 510.68 ft th ft N # 80*66' E 164.27 ft, fit. S ' 89*42*. E 326.97 'ft,- th S -78*02' E '8 7 ;3 2 ft to pi of beg, Bclnff part of SEVi

• 23 16.61 , 196ft 122.55Com at «m l of see, th S-0*27'45" E 624.73

ft In N&SVi lino for pi of beg. th N S9*33,3n" K 522 ft. th S 1°28'‘ K -7.17x33 ft. 'tb South 88°5f)'2n;' W 634.55 ft to

TOL S 'l t r e ,/of"so1 "th •• r-SW nw -of N-W)4--«f--d4i.Hi. t b - ^ n * ^ Slit S- lino Of sec, th N 25*35 W 360.28. w 722.02 ft to 1,1.of hng. tletmr hit i-l. nf t for a pi of beg, , tli N 25°-35' W 4(H) ft, th. N 48*80' E 226.20. f t 111 . cent of hwy,. th -N E ’ly in the nvc o f: n circular'

MtfpveMoMhe r ight tb r tH’W ccntm i angloof 3*14' said curve luivlng a cndiils.of

.5817,26 ft, th N 61*44' E 76.04 f t In cent of hwy, th S 25*35’ E 554.29 ft. th S 64*83', W 582.04 -ft to pi of bog. Being a im rt of SW f r l<4 .

■ 19 6 .44 ' 1060 ' 20.66Com at S'/i post, of see; th N 0*10' W

808,1? ft In N&SVi lino for a pi of bog, ■ th .S 64*33', W 249.2! ft, th N 25*35' W ' 620.90 . ft, th N 51*44'. Fl 625,O f t ill cent of hwy; th S o° lo ' FJ 840 ft in N & S ^ lino to pi of ljcg, Being a p artof frl >4

19 6.51 1960 29,06

8 C I0 TOW NSHIP Town 2 South, Range 5 E ast^

Tho N 3 lxIaMn width ,o f thg E 450,80

„ 2 0.52 ' i960 7.53Com nt N'4- imst of koc, th S 2*07' E

40,5 f t - ln N&SVi- Hue for pi ■ of beg, Mth,.S.-.2?QI.'-_E..8ai.G-ft Jn_N&SV4-Htid,4h ' S 88"22'30" West 1567 ft, th S 2*07' E

725 ft, th S. 88*22'30" W 815.30 ft, th S 87*53'- W 210.14 ft, th N 1*00' W1M)LI5 ft, th N 88*27' E 20Q7.40 f t to id pf beg,' Being p a rt of NW frl'4

„ 2 49.85 I960 302.41Com fit 8W eor of N ixon's Addition to the

Vlllngo of Delhi, th N 6S»26' W 132 ft for ft pt o f,heg , th N 68*26' VV t>6,5 ft In -N ’ly lino of W ater S t / 'th N "22*07' E .165 ft, th S 08*26' ' E 95.5 ft, th S 22*07* W. 105 ft to id of bog, Being a p a rt of SW frl *4

2 0,86 I960 .157.98Com nt most Sly cor of lot 68 of t#och AH

pine, th 8.27*58' E 66 f u for |d of beg. th 'N 62*02* E m it,2 0 6 . 2 0 In, Si lllio of bond, th NEly 512.17 ft In nrh of curve

— 4eft-of-2!81'.H--ft--rndiUfl-thni-'ft-e()ritTft'rti?le m f 13*17* tho chord benrs N 55*18*80"

E 510,08 ft, th N 48*85’ B 871.07 ft, th N Ely 86,55 ft In arc of curvo righ t of 25QA5 f t rmllua th ru ft cent ftngle of IflI 48* the chord Ijears ,, N 58*20* E 86.12 ft, th N 68*23' E 51,70 - ft, th S 4,0*20' » 176,84/ft th along Huron R iver S 58*06' W .127,35 ft, N 87*18' W 128.2 f t . . S. 59*54' W J 1 2,6 f t and S 24*11' W 255.2 ft to Nly line of rallrond, th ,Wly lit onfr rail roftd to pi M b eg, Being liftrt of SEVi we 3 A p art o? SWVi, nee 2 ' , '

P°JT n,t NW cor of sec 5? th Houth 198.94 ft, th .S 67*58* E 78.92 ft, th N 19*16*-

polnt' ft|n th e D»xt»r /V illage J im lU -fo r f tM t-n lo fb e g rM ih —N

r i f t ? 5 286.81 f t ,T h W 50*18* '(V 15,58 lh jm r th jo ^ o * . W 98,68 ft, tfi Vft,

68*42*60*56’ .. ................

100.96 ft, th S 19*16* W to

W 722.02 ft to pi of beg, Being p a rt of NWVivof SEVi *

28 8.70 ,. i960 16.63Com a t SVi post of sec, th E 500 f t fn S

line of nee fo r-a pi of beg, lh K 41(5.ft- ft--in S line-o f sec, th -N. 1348.8 ft, th W 495.4 ft in N line of SVV>4 of SEVi, th S 134S.6t);ft to pi of beg, exc S 66

there of, 'Being a P art of SWVi of SEVi

23 14.58 1960 213.34^ h e K 396 ft of the N 110 ft of the E

60 rds of the S 52 AC of the E '/j pf the SEVi '

- - ' 23 1.0ft 1960 39.34Tho W 119.50 ft I11 w idth.jof.the following

(lose land, lots I & ■ 2, Carden Homes 'Subdivision, unrecorded, ilesc as follows, com at NVV cor of E d/i of-. NEVi of see, th S l* 33*40"■ W 660 ft In t /8 line'Cor Id of hog, th S N6*56’20" K 239 ft, th » ■ I'dlO'Hl"- W -’J;i6M8" f l, t l i S "28*tr>‘-Hr

..-W-84.9ri ft. th N 50* 14'5ft'' W 255,72 ft,. th N 1*33*41)".E .210.78 ft to pi of beg.

Being part of FJ Vj of NF,'4. c.xc that part lying SWly o f 'a line 6ft ft NEly of cent of Miller Road, also exc K /W

-„f0tx7-lUV)t-UrS. -12-:,'----- -------------- ——, ., 2 4 i960 152.82

W Vj of lot 22, (Inrdon Homes Sub, tin- roconled dose, ns com nt N W .cor of F! Vj of'-W lM , .fh S 1 ,(3'40". VV 322 ft, th

■■ S 86*56*20" E 528 ft for pi of bog, th S «6“S(1'20" E 119.5 ft, th S l ‘ 33'4o" 'VV 140 ft, tli N 86“56'.2(l"’W 119,5 Tt, lh N 1*33'40" E 140 ft to pi of beg, Being

I#o( 173 U l 174 Lot 175;Lot 1761 I-ot 177.Lot 185 Lot 486 LoP -187

-Lot—UHPft U t 189 U t 190 Lot 191 Lot 192 U t 198 U t 194 U t 195 U t 196 U t 197 U t 198 U t 199

-hid 6(10 )U t; 2(11 U t 202 U t 203 U t-294 Lot 205

'U t 2ITfi—U t 207 ■Ut_LUK_

Tg>t 2'0IT'U t—'210- I#ot 211 U t 212 U t 213 U t 214 U t 215 I#ot 216 U t 217 U t 218 U t 226 U t 227

T oF '228 ftU t’230 Thnt pnrt of lot 230 lying

That tmrt of lot 231 lying

Total 127-.76 liifil) 3 1. ,79 1(160 ■ 31,79

~196f) 31 .S(rI960 '.31.59

—Ltfid--- 10.54I960 19.60 I960

, 1960 I960 1960 I960



'13.53 -13753-

496d" )3;531960. I960 1060 14160 > I960 - 196(1 I960 I960 19 61) 1416(1 I960

-+960- 1960 ' 1960 . I960 I960 I960



43.5313.5313.531.3.53 13.53'13.53 .13.5313.5313.5313.53 13.5.3


+W(T" 1960 1960 1966 1966 I960 I960 1966' 196ft 'I960 I960 1966 '

H O T13.53

+ 3.73 T3".:,313.5313.5313.5313.5313.5313.5313.5313.53


I960 10.53MO’GfT- Ift/fM

In T2S-R5B 1960 ' 7.53

in 'T2S-R5E 1960 7.53

of NFJVipart of F# Vj ... ,__ .....24 * I960 ‘ 9.08

Lot 41 Carden Homes Sub, unrecorded dose ns follows, com at NW cor of E Vj of-NEVP sec th S 86*56'20« B 1023 ft on 'sfG line-fo r a / td .of beg, 4h 8

_ 216,78 ft th S 2 47’10” W f P S l N 86*56*20" W 213)19 ft,' S3V*n’' E .165 ft to nl of beg,

Being a lupt of B V# of NEM , exc thnt — rrtn+ytn'R,"'E of Trllrto fts f t J\V “dfM ofiW

of Maple Road ' n.■24 i960 H8.00

Beg nt SW coi1 of 'Dexter A,venue Hills’, n recorded 'atibd th N In W lino of said subd J297.8 ft th deflecting 9ft* to left

ft th deflecting76.24 .. . f t th SE'ly 89 ft

■ ft p art of S W ^ ft

Com nt NVi post of sec, th E 886.06 f t In

90* to left 278,61 lo id of - beg, Being

I96ft - 9,08, N'line o t tiec, th defl 01* right.11.39 ft 1 for pi of beg, th dofl ftt” left 446,86

ft. fh defl right 1478.76Mt, tit W , 446.36 ft In E&W*A line, th N 077.84 ■ ft to pi of heg, Being pnrt of NEV4

26 16.14 , 1060, 116.00B*ff In N line of. sec ftt ft pt 8- rds E of

NV4' ppst ih B 12 nils in-sec-lltte th S 40 nls th W 1*2 rds th N 40 rds to rl of beg,’ Being « part of W Vi 0/ NEVi-

84 8.00 1066 246,81

-fcof+J32---------— 11)60 111.63U t’ 233 I960 ■ 10,53U l 234' 1960 • 10,53U t 235 I960 1 10.53U f'2 3 6 11)60 10.53U t 237 I960 10.53U t 238 r~ I960 10.53U t 239 I960 25.57U t 240 f. I960 25.57U t 241 i960 10.53

-U t 242 I960 +0.53Isit 243 196" 1/1.33U t 244 1960 lO.frSLot 245 1960 10,53U t 246 1960 10,53I,(It 247 1069 10.53U t 24S I960 10.53Tlmt jinrt n f lo t 2-19 lying 10 T2S-TOE

I960 .7,53U t 469 1960 61.68U t 470 // 1960 ,31.59U t 471 196(1 61.68U t 472 I960 ' 01.68

of 'th e SW Vi.1 l.ftft

B eg1 in FJ16.25 clis'N ^nf E lj 'post of se#-- 111 N 7.4(1 chs In sec line th W 2,79 chs th S45* VV 4.89 chs th S 25*30* W ft.77 eh

• th S 611“ W -440,52 ft, th E 815.76 fl to tho-pl of~hog._DerftK-n-.pinl of~E_Uof N E Vi- - -

___ 8 - ,- 6.2i)-t — IU6* 1 17U.-L7Beg nT 'SE cpr of W ' j g>f SFJ'/lt th W

75ft ft in S lino of sec, tli N 350 fl,th. FJ 650 ft, th N to shore of CedarLake, th , Ely in shore )ine_to E line

................' * “"1 ' 'p: of beg,-Being part of VV )., of SE 1;

• ft .6.93 liklll '212 (idBeg a t SE co r of. s c r th W iso.lo, ft m

S line _j>f -sec th NE'ly to a pt |n thoE line of see. which pt is 135.80 ft ■ Nof pi of beg, th. S 1377811"'ft in E lineof sec to the pi of beg. Being it part

’ of SEV, of S E 1/* - . . .-------- :—~ 10 0.30 ; -I9 6 0 '8.54Beg nt the NW cor of-see, ^th S' 498.4(1 ft

- ..................rn_W—Ijae-of—sesr-to—n—point oi)-ii-<4rum-. lar curve, th NE'ly. in t’he arc..of a cir.s clilar curve to the left thru ' a central angle of 8*43' to the point o f ta n g e n c y said curve having a radius , of 1156.68

- -,-f t j th --N-L 3 7-52' ■ E 139_74 ft, th S 62*.ftS'E 8.25 ft, th NFJ'ly to a . ptdnl in ' the N line of sec, th W 413.91 ft in th e -N line of sec to the pi of heg; Being .a pitit of VV o f N W '4 * •

n . 2.37 tsiftft s;r,.«•That part which lies S'(y of the N 'ly R /W

line-1 of hwv U.S. 12 of the following described ■ laml- 'rhc W i'70 ft of (he E ,750 ft of the S 17 nc of W : o f'S W '.gxc the- N 375 ft thereof .....

13 - l!)6(l 1-ftft. (T5-N 48 nc of S ,611 ac of VV of S W 'i,- - exc—com- nt MV—-0)—prat—of see; th S

656.37 ft in W line of sde for lit of hnir. th—N_JjM.2.7'i K 1 347.71 - fl ,—Ull-S- II-’ III’05" VV + 2(17.1.3 ft, th NWly 1446,75 f t . in cent of.:lv>vy_lh N 732.32 it -in . VV line of see lo pi of lieg. Exccpl 13,81, AC deeded to Slate hwy for hwy pu r­poses ' . 1

16 3.48 1(160 15.5.8The part of FJ ■'-a of S W 'i" lying N of.

Michigan Central -Railroad lt,VV16 76.8,4 . Kiliil 16, ,7 8.

A strip, of hind 2 • r d s - in / width being ! ■vd wide on each side of t.ho following dese cent lino heg in the S "line of see a t a ..p t 'chilli is 446,16 fl VV of S ' i post nf sTr th N 14 I : n r n.~ i0 in *)i-- N&S'4 line which pt * is 279,42 f r N of the SVi Post of sec, iieing a purl of

. E Vi of SW ’4'■ 10 9,4ft- . ' Idfift 5..n,'i

-A—atrtp nf tanvf

“M orriion’j .River. F ro n t. Subdlvltlon’.’ .The E Vj of U t 3 U t 4 1 .U t 6 U t 6 U t 7 U t 8 U t 9 Lot 1ft U t 11U t 1 2 ...U t 13 ■U t 14 U t 15 U t 16 U t 17 /L o t '18



7.53 '7,53 37.61



"Srlolo Hill* Number One"U t 07 _______ ______ I960. -16.63.t r m r f r — ............ .... roB o.nsU t 187 1-960 9.08

"8ui>ervl*or'ii, Plot No. 1"W’ly 20 ft lot 4 1960 0.08

"Westover Hill*"U t ?fi Except the N.5 ft ' I960 12.85U t 102. ; I960 16,63U t 103 • I960 77.10I#ot 194 / 1980 16.63N Vj Of w Vj Of NEM of NWM. also I - ro In NW cor of the #E Vi of NEW of

NW>4, said 1 ne being 28 hd* NAS and 6 rds EAW , , / . „

10,- 11.HO / I960. 88.38Beg nt NB cor of (fee, th S 88' W 4t rodk

and 2ft Iks dn. the N line bf Aec, th S 6* E 88 rod* Rnd 18 Ik*, th^S 5* W 28 rd*. th S 15* W 4ST th S 84* W 88

-. rdft, th 8 8* 8 20 rda to.^fr-SW'eor oft i of NEV4V th N 8«* E 80 rd* Hi the

“ ■- the ' EV4.1XW of Viline of eeO

r- ltn e r tto - the ' EM • t o -160 rd* In the S


L em#, im mini - ■, ■ I'lTs Wide living t - | rds wide cm eaeli 'side of (lie following dose cent line bug in the N A S i'p llne nl

,._n pi-'which Is 274.57 ft N of S ', post o f sec th NWly to n nl in ihe E tine of ,W Vi of RK'i which pt is 1.462,42 ft S of E&WV4 line, Being a part of VV <iOf SEU ' .........

■ IB 1.40- 196(1 8,54Com at SE cor of sec, (It N 51)2.73 ft in - -E -ltnc of-see for td of "hpg, th N 33(1.82

ft in E line of sec, tli S 88 '37 ' VV'1 ta ts ,117 • ft, t h .S '0 ”20' E 3;!i).82 fr, th N S8+!7' E 1316,15 ft to pl of beg, living pact of TJ V-4 nf SE Vi

17 111. lift 1(160 36.70Bog at NE cor of sec th R 2ft chs in E

— Ilirft"iif1 Bci" +h" W1 ■') tTftft"'i'lir ")hr+3-+-2*—W 20.56 chs to N line of see th FJ' 15.88 chs in sve line lo pl of hug, Being a pnrt of E o f, NEM

18 27.48 . 1966 1.I77.U1Beg in the .FJ- lino of sec a t a p t which is

" fd.25_ ft N- of SE cor .ol.,sec.th_N .44,7n ft In flic E .lliiv of sec Ot SVV'ly 10 ii Pt in tho S lino nf sec which Id is 5ft7.7n ft FJ of SVi post of sec th FJ 117,70 ft in tile S line of .sec th NFJ'ly to the pl of beg, Being a pn rt of REV'i Exc thnt part as lies w ithin .present litnils

.of Michigan, tV nir|\l Rnll'rond righ t of

"rR‘V 19 ’"a.fti) - ' 1J'fU> ' 15.58A strip .of bind 2 rds in width being l

rd w ide-on each side of the following dese Thnt-llmv heg lit the W line of sec ftt a pt which 1* 778.95 ft N o f SW cor of sec th NFJ'ly making, n NFJ’ly .rffcglc of 89*55' with the W line of See

distance of 1329,4 1 ft .to a pt. of curvature tlv In the arc of a circular rtirye .icfL..ti)rti-_UjLit_aitkc-.cum' said -curve having a cen tral angle (H 16*50' 0 tangent of 815,54 ft and a radius of. 5428,60 ft th contintilng on the . tangent 50.29 ft to ft .p t In the N A SV 4-line-w hich 'p t Is 713.44 ft S of ’cent of K.'jc, Being a pn rt of SVVV4 exc thnt pnrt as lies w ith in presold limits of Michigan Central RrdlvoAd rig h t, ofway .........

- .20 2:60 ........ 196ft; «1,5.r>8A Att'lpf of land 8 rda In width being Lfift

rd s/w lde on each aldeM7rUTo--fo]lowing dftsc cent line beg Int th e NASV4 line nt/R nt w h lb b ls 728,7* J t S of the cent of sec th N ET iO ft y (n In the- B m tc o ff ic e which, |>t Is /8.G5 chs N of the' EVi noat of the see * 7

20 2,7ft / -1060 . 15,58All th a t ttftrt of E 6 cna In w idth of E + /j

of N Evi «f «ec 21 w hich Ilea N of the Village of Sylvan ' „ ■

41 14.00 1960 . . 67.81

VV 3.5s chs th S 1“ FJ to a pt in Sly tine nl - lot II -which' pl is R 571,? W

■ .1(1,5 Iks from SK cor of. lot 11 th N 5 7 ',° E 2 .l()f> chs 10 pt of hog, Being a nai l of lots R. •!'. 1" A . l.l

--------- BTTT+----------------------------- rmm------ (7703-E ntire Blk 0 ! i960 6.03E ntire Blk 7 1 ' ' I960 5.03 -Lots 7, 8 & 13, Block 8, also bpfe at -a'

linin' in- S 'ly line nf-lot 4, Block a w h lc h ' , ’ rtM—VV—6ft—Iks' fi-prrr ‘cm nf lot (. th-N 57*3".; E 2.2" chns. the N 7(2*3"' VV 2 elms in Fi'ly line of lot 6, th S . 4 /VV mi..4 Iks iiv N'ly line of lot 6, th R '+o- the pl of heg, Being a pill"!, of. lots- I, ;4 & ,6

Blk 8 / ; ■ (I960. 8,54'ix)ts_Ji, 7, -s & 9.....; _ __

Blk 12 +960 212.69Lot 1 Blk 13 1961) 5.1)3U ts J ,. .4, 6 & 7

• Blk + 7 ...................................’969 5.03"CnVaftaugh- West Share" “ :

Lot 26 1.960 15.58"C edar Grove Subdivision"

Lot- l . r . ; .I960 15.5?“ HJ M. Glazivr’K Subdivision" '■

The undivided 1/3 in terest in U t 44 19G0 ,5.03The undivided 1/3 .interest in ,U t 44----------- , . — ‘ .— -Kifift 0.«s -

•H. M.. Gliizici-'s Subdivision No. 1”-Lotr-fn— , I960 . 8.54Lot 73 I960 8.54Lot ?.V • ISl'fiO • 8.54-"U l 76 I960 8.54I#ot 79 I960 78.94 .Lot 80 -fltlfil)/ 71.90” .U t 81 ■ 1(160 - 71,90 ■U t 82 .' I960 '.8.54U t 114 r I960 ' 8.54Lot 11 5 ■ I960 8.54Lot 116 I960 8.54

(+-. (

'H nll's Ailditinrf to the Kavanaugh +7nhc—Clirh—tiro im its"

Lot 13 19f,() . 93.01N Vj o f lot 17 and S '•> nf lot 18

— ----- " ' 196(1 100.06"VVooTtland- P ark Subdivision”

Eof"I5 ' . 1961) 5,03

I960 21.08

1U60 330,31

1(160 0,5.44.of RVV'4 also

— W EBSTER TOW NSHIP — —— — Town -T Smith, KanRc'"54Knst'

,W 78,4 ..AC of NK frl >i| ,v Execpt- Tieg .-at cent d f , see. tli N 7"',.3 -ft in N&SV4 line, lh R Ml (((!' East 1237.72 ft. th S in 24*30"- West 70.5.31 ft, th N ,89*36' ,W 1 232.69 fl in F.AVV'i line to pi of • lieg. nlsn exc bog at N'.#| post of sec, tli Elv ft m N line of sec, th d efl 9(|“|M'3II" right 320:2(1. fl. th defl 89*56' - «()" right :2 4 l.l ft’, th. defl 89*65*30" Ipft 400 ft. tli defl sa°,4,4'30" rig h t

;■ ft, tli N 720.5!) fl in N A SV4— U lie-to -p l-o f - h e g • _____ __________

1 4(1.4' i960 118.93Bi'g at N 'l post of see, til K 6s0 ft in

N line of sec. th defl 9n“t)4'8()" rig h t32".29 fl, 111 (lift H!l°.;4iV:tll” - right 680 ft,

■— th ^ N'(fr tlr-3 T(tT?trMT ill "N- & g ' j IIb f M<)—# 1 >1 nf lieg. Bring inirl of W '4 of N E •

f r l 'i1 .4.00

E 77.21’v AC nf NW frIVi 1 77.2(1

RVV11 nf R>V.',i , " ,il In.l(f)

S 2 rds in w id th ‘of E ' mm ut S ', post of sec. ill N 2 rds in

- “ N& R'i lino for it f l '-of---lieg. . th N ”19 ills in. N '&S'i line, lh VV 16 rds, th S 1" rds, tli E 16 rds to id of bug, Being a part nf E ' j #of RVV1)

9 2.(10 1960 9.5.44Com at N E cor of lot 36 of MrClnthey's,

1 ndeix'jidcnci' l.nkr E sta tes .' th N . 'ftfiLfif' E 9n , It Inr |’*T ot bei, lh N '87*1.4' VV '2911.32 fi. tli NW ’ly In ,n rn „ ....(if a 'curve left of 5" ft radius the chord benrs ' N- 4x“22,30" VV 47..41 ft, th N82“.41'5"" FJ 3(16.6(1 ft, th S 35*39'' Wtlfi.'JJ ft to • pl of beg, Being p art of

... NE.l.4..-,------ r.-T--,------- ------------ - ..... ' .... - ...........H '0.38 . 1 I960' 5.43

Heg a t1 NFJ cot- of lot 36 of McCIntchey's Independence Lake Estates, th N !J1*07'■to" \V 247.03 ft, th N 'ly in arc o f n curvo loft of 50 ft radius the chord hears N 17°55’30" FJ 46.H ft, th S87*45',50” K 290.32. ft. th . S 35*39' Wftif fl to pl of beg, Being part of NK*#4

. . , . 1 1 . 0.30 I960 ft.43,Hog at int-itrsectlon of N line of V alentin?

Road & FJ itne of Merrill road, th 3*07'3U" W '217 ft in FJ lino of. M errill road,- th S . 7fi*08'3u" FJ 2ml' ft, th ' S 3*97'30" East- 217 ft, th N 76*0S'3O" W 200 fl In N line o f Merrill road to pl / of heg, Being part of SW-V , ■

J 11 l.ii"- +960 ftfi.441Wg"TTt~S'*T '’7TfT3tl nf '+t 'rt ' th■‘EMfmvW--/ft.'-tn-----

S ' lino of sec, th dolft 91*311' left) 2617.9 ft to EAW'.;, line, th defl 83*16' left

• 665.31 f t - ln - E&W Vi line.' th defl 91*44* left 2618,8.8 ft In ]^AS'/.| line to p) *^£.

f t /

1060 118.68beg, Doing p a rt of SKVi

12 40,00NWV, o ft NW4*x +■

15- 40,00 • 1 196ft ,189.40-F# Li ,o f. NW!4 (pf NVV'4, Fixe N 16 rda

I n .w id th / N - - ■ .M 16.00 ' I960 #2,82

The N IftMxis In width of E V i of NWV4 of N W '/j . ' ■

. 16 4.0 ft- I960 9.38Beg at SV4 port -of- see, th N H4*58' W

251 ft th S line o f ace, th 'N 2*S8'80" W 19415.6 ft, th south N4*30'30" E 864.82

- ' “f t , - t HT B' 7*4*48*80**...W - ’W fea#- f t Iff1' N A S>4 lino to pl of beg, Being p a r t

of SE '/j of SWVi'■17 7,81 I960 26.41

+,- ?,l■. ' \ ' .

. ? ■

town n noum, nance- / ivnai > r'"M— HoiO im N W cor of lot ’ SvE iia t Piu K Subr fb—w ^& ^rl;3G" W to - p l «

7 .in th NKIy 1.17,7(1-ft i i Ioiik the Nly lino of Imr. Helnmpiirt ’ n M ' / if,IB ■ lots -1 ■ to s Inc,. Ih N In ft, tli SWty , ' .1.1*80 124.4f. 16 U*7.7n ft im nillfl witti, N aide. of said Com at n |x>int which U S 32ST.74' ft i7,10 lot** • * • to-: s Inir. ill S I" ft , to ol of hoi K 224S.»t ft from NW cor Of wc,- th 17-. 1 0 - r . littiii f .w sis9) 7’■in" '\v a is .ft for p! of ben, t7.1(5 Hew lit S W , cnr ' of lot as, l,ay (limlon Jbltr-AfMT'au.* ^Veat !#H8,91 ft, th NlM il ' Siilnllvision, ill NEdy .VI,I ft iiv -S lino • . i l l ***<• .Of- curve the chord of whlcMU 'of lots ,‘ s * .>7 to SK cm'.of lot 27, th bein'1 lio itll d*.ri'27" W iA l;7 il- 'rt . tI.lf i -S; I Jo.V ■ K ’ .lift.S I. ft to N lino of Mk'hi. couth fi,VI,V4fi"„ JB. .'.Wj.'Mf, ft . th I.Hi unit Avo, tli SW'l.v In N fine of Mlchl- sjH'Bti" \V to pi of bett, He 1 rip part 0.10 vritii Avo to ii point .will Il ls S . l*n,V E ri V-

MO ! 17.%'7 -ft fnim p i. of-hoi:, ill N I'OR' • •trrr 15 1.40 1(160 280.2M«. W 11T.27 it to pi of lunt . ; . Con) lit tho SW cor of hoc, th-.N- < ;-lfl0i>: • • 2H.71* ft iiv ne_of' hcoj' lit N «y*44' E 43■}v 'Com :iit " \V 11 ' post- of - sci% -th - N s s ° . E ft-; for n )>l of Ill's', th N Vp*44? K ttti■ « itif.'i.’j ft. in E 4 W i, line, th N 1M.V •■"ft, th N K.n ft, th S 'W '4 4 ' W 3r,y ft■ V W ol t.s i ft for pi of hop, th N as.5 E th S If.n ft, to the pi of heft, lietiiK- i■ 5 IIS ft, th N 1 'I.V W 213.3 ft, th S ns0 1'ii't of SW t r l l i■ - ,.\V 1 1 f i . t h S .IM S ’ E 213,3 : ft to. ill . IS 1.21 ,~ /lli6< l 71.1.

; of hop, JloUii: pint o f , NW f r i t i S <50 AC of W ftl (... of SW frl>4 e\<■{[j 3 . o.fiii - m<jn .> 71.1s . corn at SW iw of see. th N 1270.S2 f

Com ut W i i tHist of sccfth-N -,78 !! ft- lit ih 'V Dtie of *eo for n pl of bep.’th con; ! - \V lino of . m i l l E I ft for n pi of N m V> line of sec 726.0 -ft.- th >,s " h o c ! ih v, imni r r m r Niy jt a .-j i* a to n ■ M c ir m " e emi ft, th> s--r26Rp - ft r th - *

: point Which is M ft K of-.tho W MiMl 1*r W Con f( to the p ro f heplino, of m t : th W f t : ill S , IH r>n.(f) '■ , tl>60 230.7

' . ,-4-i-', ’ii._ ft-: tl> 'W I till V; .ill S- I .tn f| _tn .Coll) nl SK cor of hoc. th N 4 Hi. fill ft- IrIP the pi of hoi:, hoi lie a part of NW fi|t-J — H-lino .of-roc. th tlofl \7°i»4M o.the lefi p __________ ; t _ _ .'..'ii* ■ . . until j -JJfi.27 .ft to rout^of Srtmey CrC^i rone

J l! Com lit cotit of see; th S K ltij.'l ft i l l ! f t ; !'i - bRSf‘ « *5. r!-° 4| n«,t ’ ,h° i hf■ S l u . t ' 1, f t ■ - fii left “ > " '0 rlcht 27G.S7 ft, th (lef■ 2 pl-.i V i \ , ,1, . 'V r ic t «'* ihe rw hl 131.0 ft. th def

V 1 v ft- tli Slv 1,11 I ft to nl of hoc t'h'im'. to .tho rlnht 3S7.66-ft to the |i ' / I i r ol r of SW . of l.oii, lloiiiK pint of S E f r l>4, i, / in .m i i .h i ui r. . i ijm i Ki6l> H0,3t’ f t T ,l ' ' H ' r, , ", Com at N E cor of see. th S '(C.MMti" E

ih im at •<•»')) I of >c< ; J h s - 1 ■*.(•-■! ' £> _tlL J. xs- - f t -- i »,i-K -1 i 11 o of-so»s-foi^|il-of^b*ff,rH ''___N & S1 r lino : -th ^ s ill,m ft ln--S lino _ ih s n-r.I ' t ir1 • E ) x | ft . th N 7tS, 4;i,|f»'<j . »T n or tjtw11 , -iii, ,tori Sir up l i i-n r w am rt in 0f h w y .N t» , i6'4o,‘

■H; 1st , 77-ft for pi o'f hoc; fh ilofl sn5 In' j,v ] p.', f i, tli H "Vaa' l f t " K ft toI f f r n T - r f f T r r ih f f f I ' ' ' i 'M t T fT f i i " 1 in,'...*,.*- — pj'ol- hop. -Heunr- pint ol N K Ir l^ -------■{•*•• ft : ■ tli . <|ofl - iniM .P r ii:lit I-I. . . t i - f t ■: .lie . . • ".'ii ii.s.'l ' 1H60 166.62} f - .‘S—pnr—f i % rh—K " K~=f-H—t-ii—!4----.htV7 V r fu -CoW fit^N -hT^oor^N Cpprth^S K9MSk'iOu W (■ , to , p| o f hoir, lioinKr-pnit of N E ' i of . :iil ,7 tt ft* in N lino of soc, th S iCiUPati'!P S W ' i •„ ' , ,n , , , E .'7,77 fl Tor pi of heK, th S OMS'afl”.’ •• , , . , .1 IvIO: • : . H ' ( . n v l i ,[HI E lilii.'.iil (ft, th S S!i'n:"r,i)'.' W (Il)3.n7 ft .; llc .r nl -j.nsi of soo. t l i . S .•M.Hi.fl-. i l l , th N n"Is'^ 'ii" • W . fill.'.'S f t ; th N

H’ W line o f , m :c. tli . N i .s l .n q l ,W -M h.'.', m i0uj.'.*n-* E .' ll . .'a - - ft i- lh —Eily—r>lfi,31 fti i . ft in—coin of. r . l , . L h „S - s ;i- I , H 7-lfinLl- -— in-n+.^ofM‘iipve-ioft-of-4t>374.4fi--ft—cadltlSi

■’ f ! : , l.1 . ,|,K lu of n l, i l l N ; f.n.Mi.'t .ft, th N, ■ mho chord hours N M U " / E filS .x fi f t ,_ .-n -K r r,T7l V ‘ ul------tli N s .'-,UP:tuii-E....| .-.b.9f, ph.of bm ,

■ , „ .s - '- <>r 'SS\ '.'„.t l! " l y J ; ; . ,1'1 <>f ,1W ' lUnn.: pint of K ' of N E f i l '4 '.Hj >■ ■■ Ifomi! . par t .of. N\\ i , of-.sW ! i •. ; . i-t 13.nri_,_ Ui6U 200,47

p ■11 ' , • .(*i)in.:«i N E . cor o'rseo, th S 0° 17' E 0.7S[j.1 f " " ! »’ u/ ' f"% 111'1) / " l fl in ft roi Pi of. I)0 K. th S 0" 17* E . 109.22

; W lino ol .re fill a t-l of hoi: th h ft |„ * ; luic .()f >w.. t f i" N ' H(l'43' Ep 'irr;-'iA r‘ - 1,1 ‘ f n to the left |n.*-a ft. ih N u’ 17' AV !I4.10 ft, th E ly! . . 7M .P l ft , Ui i f r Sh ly line of In Mi ■■ p.iV.vl .f i . | n ' S lim'. of hwy to- pi ofP M ul'ih iih hun'hprn mihoiid. En/, Holm: pint of E ’ i Of N E ft l'4 .■! J L 'L .^ ” Jy said *SrJy. Imo -.ui nuU - . ■ Ut l,V 1060 l.VI H

i iL - „ .i;iwd. l i i . . i , iniui.t In tlio W l inn o f . ic i-, 1 h r i , rii nl di' I j m i o f■ ..lio; I II -S -(A l t *-:-B j l(y ; N V U . 11 111 tin lino- of -.O lo f , K | illp ()f f,„. of hec. ih" J)'p L;,1, " r, ’’V1'* 11- 1'1-' ;i 11,11 ’ " r w m - — s n^+T'-E—H x a .7 s JU .- th N KV-ftftHe21


Tol. tax** Y««tfor JhL and

- VYhkb-- ebB«Ld!t« Dellimufiil .-.In

F,$ iu « lJ ° d lr i.sK !

' \ 3 % W 27_ft Of*4 Jn J ■ U'OO 107772"

8 . ' 196(1 ' 80JI2lllUli 103.1)2

8 Addll»nu 4

* «”d 8 12j s A - y lol u’1'3 moo 30N,n■.iKrtjiW'ft'4' 8 co n KM

W -. piflli 233.U)l l * L d Krmpi> Addition; fttaWfy .^ |« | .o). .....A

V tH1' ‘■8ubdlvi«lnn'

, , ,1961) 185.27"II cf lA

It , hi fi of to t 0 , j S f \ r N V ; " ; 1060 267.84

J k Pwk". , .$ 5 * « s i» « lying, a

R‘A<V 10(10 263,20rt I . :■■ lllGO 104,00m - - ■ 1060 276,888 ’ - ' . 1060 266,22

I960 234.12

of T‘<’t !1° " lf)R0 '228.78- ir.Kiitr Subdl' inloft No, 2" illl'l*'.1" ,L'11| ..'* ' 10fi0 06,3110' • • -t«i60_271,36in : : - ■— — wan-— 71.16

1060 110.22'06(1 180.761080 .03.771960 102.24

TO 60— I6v85* I960 03.76

' t 1060 . 06.31 1060 . 308,02

1‘1’Jiivfriil)' Height*"th Sl_y_ 233,7.2

pi|ra Ol WM Ul HlUl DO tib, NVUmsn lllwl: th NW ly " tingf( Brockmim til'll 68,27 f t , 111

With H fine of Lots 06 1 \! line of Lot 011 th E along n( Lot •*l >» I’OHi-belnB Ivot , ,t Uf Lot* 01 til'd 03 I*1’ 1060 682.57JVin Dusrn Suhdl'ision” r' , "*i ffnnl t»- . .

' T . 1080 166.65' 1080' 103,16

.. . . . -TOC 1060 110.05100(4 129,56

' ' . . 1060 128.1 irirfOlf Comb-Ilnulevntd..Gardena!!.

{.EAA)■ 1060 : 44.58

1080 .118.34 1060 63.04

; 1060 216,80 Al Ut"M 1060 3211.10

H. >V»|tle». First Add’n"--------- (IVnr'l *> . ---------- .I t l 'i . ,>n.dr -’n T> o. I time p a c tfs f: ' 'ir.i 'J Iviny VUv <if line di'awn

:c pt fi W--r='f—N-W. ■ei>i‘—<>P-' 1 C r.'Ht"l II— ft—K O f—fa-VV—(0>ll -Of

. . 1000 _]00.G2■‘t. urnoit Hills Subdivision'*- ■■ 1 1

(Wind 3) '■1060 13.66'

■Woodilrram Siiliilh'l»lon” - ’ <(Wnril 5)

. 1060 307,0(1-r ■ — ......... °’...... * * ■ 4*r; *■*-£

CITY’OK SAIJNK .-•:....» . .. . .^Aijfusor Plnt + Nu. 11

u *-r-«

. (if'l,<,i J(i . 1060 3,)8.60 asnr’a I’lill No, 3”, ®

nifif)—22fl.R8 /" •»« ' • ... 1060 . 104.02(jor'v Pin! No. —-------V - - . 1 1)6 0-

Ely 10(4-ft.-Nly 122 ft of Id lying* nt SW -..C.P1-. Short A .Orchard Sts, or Loin U i -- &--123, WoidoP (iimiens, unrtct'nriicrt

tofco 12.88L<l 'com - at- intersectUm of . cont60 .' HKe

H a rr ie t■ St nml comer line First - Ave ;JL-72*20*_E, 786.47 f t : th N 72*25'

_ 233.6 ft fo r, lit of liep'; til .N 72'*1,V E 85 f t ! th S 2°02'17" E 158.81 f t : th S' 72°25' W 8 6 . f t i . t h - N 2“02'17" W 158,8 ^jFt to licif, exc N 1 >/., ids

■ , . 1060 236.02Ld com at n pt - on cent line H arriot

1020 ft of cent line. F ir s t’ A vc: th S 168'.8 f t : ' t h Ely paralle l ■ to H arriet

.....W._iluL.U ! - i lrT r- f trc K .!L: th SWly tofaetr, exc Nly 24.75 ft for St

------— --------- -— — i------- i ltnm 748.50M l-eom -a t—pt-in- SE cor I^ot 31’ Normal . School Addition.: th S 50 f t : th W 128

_ _ f t l th _N. O O iftp 'til E J 28 ft to ' ben■ ,.=1(160 215.77

Ixl hounded 'N hi1 Lot 574 N orris Western . AX|(Htion, E hy H aroh Iliver. S by

(Hmofi • Kivei’ and W by Michigan- Cen- urtial Kaitroad

.............. 1060 5.45Lund com . a t .a..:i>.t. on ,.E _ lino -Adams St

341- ft N ly, of N iinei Forest 'Avc; th ■—m n n — . . i. uf . i:nn u....m rT

—3 1.84204.36


a . ■ • ■ io6»"Awssor's Plat No. 6”

« 1000 Amiiof.-vl'lst Nil. 1-—.

5 • . ' ' y 1080. 45.02"Brnnill’i AfeLlition’*

III . ' ■ 1080, -30.80"(.’olden Acres". .

IK" . . .1 0 6 0 38.12144 . _ . ... . 1060 10.80

'Ki-lifS' 'Subdivision".1080 .341.62

tl " . 1060 120.62'Wheeler Court" ■ , ■

1060 106:08

OP- yPSII.ANTl"Original Plat"

. (West)(did Lot 34 exc E 48|l. ft

" 1060 r r o r e!) fl e'f Lot 45 1060 180,05■. fUini 56..& .-W. . 14> 1 5 ft viic._ atlajL ‘-i i!t E . . 1060 ’277.2i( ft uf E 40 ft of Lot 73 and 3 16

ft of Isit 731060 482.1,4

- - .....................=H08- and -'W4lt«(



---------W6(h-7:880:49-.* 1 4 144 S 115 and S '/j of D " of Lot 143 I960 .454.66d Lot bn ami' S; of Lot- 181

1960 ', . .(Kasl)

o! .Lot—104-C_— :...— 11160; ■ i««9

‘L t— —— 4.,--- — HfGO; -.•4 S 257 exc S UlO ft of lboth

, , ' ■ . 11)0011,224.62"ft « U 2.)8 . 1060' 166.08■ ll-ll 2HS ft 'o f t-ot 268

. . . . . — -T--W60~-li8M9-. t.-: (West) ' ........a hit 405,66 ft S of SB cor

0 iiad Harr SrSrrth .- S 66 O ; v . '111' ® 132 fl; th N 66 f t ; th ■I * 14 of bet! , • iOGO 200.04

*1 a [4 561.66 ft s o f SE dor fc.t: and Sts; tli S 102.3 f t ;

I h i32 ft ; th N 102.3 f t i IM . ,1?. I.,t of: 1*CK ' I960 167.41

it I.1.’ .ln.i“ '^lL'.r line' Huron.J8W' SI;,v ihiersectlon of- c«n-1, 8t iiml center line Mon*

,|-°3!i'2(i" IM m - f t t h Sj ; 1' f t : .t l l-N 58c50(20w W

1 tf.N. 31 on May E 80. f t to begw-dTTT^ ' i960 48179l i s ’irr ■liv,n • e<fnic*' line H uron St■ » -W ;B® W ft from" "inter-''y-ir^cnl' 11,10 ^bnon St and cent

B * T . Avc: th 8 58»B9'20" Ew f t : th.

ipi- ,if r,"1 f t: th N 80“ 17'50''SCO,t..:',!h„N 22JS4MU" E 00,08 ft I

l.-'i'i('h4M vv w 158 ft: th ;Ui.sVri [j, N at*oo'40"

K ft of f i r 106(1" "16.00It e\v l®1’ °f. n parcel of Id

j j , co! Adatna and Catharine

t* «e'[|'V lj?1 f t ^ e - l ’lrat

Miarilui' L a ilHI»<in...132 f t ;

V t S f Avc. 132- 'f t ;1 ''no Just Ave l3|j {t-I960Mi »t ,, ' .1060 21

1S o( s n!n Inc First St. 4lltl i i jJ , 'lL‘ Mirhiyan A v e; t

" , ^chiyanAve 4S.K7 ft ; th W'W'11 ,rH' '2 f! ; th N:,ft A't, 48.07 ft

•mi m . . . . . . I960i 1!' 01 N hae 'l' 'T F\m Avo

th W . th N

“h r beg 266.88

058 th E

, th S ■■ ' t pnrnllel along E line

J ' wicrlt'K. oL th , 'Sl 1M ft ;

' ...... ^ta ; I.87V

v % $

103.68 e 132

> ‘o »«wkVnKlhg? ya i 0 ^ &

th N pnrnllel E lino

176,99 ..Ins S r th Sly th Wly to the

.A...UL — to

. unrecorilcd w n... J?®0 161.99AV- dlne-H ewhlnw 8 t "4t g-

' ‘>1 tn. th Sly 80 1080 818,98i f f "

(ninlcns, vnrocorded «t vl‘,Ely ■I2(i\,.l)f , '"fie 122.73

A Kwhinsly«!‘K ,U

u^iP’|J''itlh844.pK. oib.WB

P w c rlp l lu a ’f 1 o r Percel <Z © jj

- Tof, taxes ^®*r* fo r ’ In i. and

«Ug». due Delimiuent In said V 0I,n . T<1 , yeftra lnc lus|ye, dlrs. els.


c,Ty i i a &SlyJ 52 ■■ ft-N ly . 364 ft-Kly 120 ft of Id

8W _m v -E tunhlln &-Wor<lJTr u Woi'^ n

s ly ,H .6 * ‘^ ly ,4,l « 'ft:,B |y iso ft of id- lyjiiu ” i® W orden Sts,, or Lot 64, W oidcp (iiu'dcns, unrecorded

. ■ ' I960 213.06'Lai com at n Pt on N lino Hill St 236 ft ' ^ y'8 l K * n W& n v,!3ri , h 'W ‘8 Jilunw Hill

1 s l 107 ft ’n E ily r |,ri,l?k V : ' ? r e nKCse lJiV f* *r xY, * in ilKWKHlKSt ! 1 M y f,l) • ^ .'O O , Pt 00.08T^tN iy( ° U " ,#f l>®«: th Sly to bug. br ,Ig).t 01,. W oiden (nuiiciip, unrecorded'

‘ - - " ' TU6ir’ 77.8ifUL - u J l -i<?n H ill S t 34'1' 2 ft Wlyo f W line 'Hnw ldna S t ; th Wly r,o ft ;

!u S y PornHel, to rllnw klns St' 107 ft j' W n S m S - it*1 ^ Sly l«K ov fait 'Dll, jVout&n (kIhh uni’«conlQ(l

11)60- aos.TflM com on N || , ,e H m s t 304,2 ft Wly of

W line .Hawklnn St t th Wly 5u- ( t ; th Nly nai'KlIel to Hnwklim' S t J07 ft p th

1 lQ3 f t to-be« or— Lid-H W orden (itutloiiH umeconlcd ;

Ltl com -on- W line O rchard•'• S t^ n t'r 'n'Titf 'N 'y F rnnklln .St | th Nly 50 f( ;

■■ \ oTrWly --ttt ''*'1—ungies^■■ 92 :8 -v ft^ :th ■ S ly1 if’";,d. (I w " • ’V 108-2 ft'Wiy of pt of b e g : th Ely t.o beg, 'Or Lot 101, Worden

(iim lem v- unrecorded . •

Sly Sb-^ftijhy. J.20 .ft of id dying at ^NNV ?n7 w ch‘i*ld ff I*ranklin' Sts. oV Lot 107, Worileti tiiirdoi'H, unrecorded -

Ely inOTMNIy. J24_It_of-Jd._ lying cor F rn n klln & Orchard Sis m- Lots M l, «. Hifj WpnJ.on liHicjunH, ui\fe;

Ely .60 ft-Sly J22 ft*o f Id lylngU nt^NW-

W oiilen (Jmclonn unroconlod

Wly !”0 ' f.'-Sly-122 ft1 of* h i flyinga t , NW cor. ..Orchard'1 & Short Sts. o r’

....Lot 1.1.4-,; W oideni (Jardons- unrecorded___. ---------- “ '“ “ '— - - l!)6(l 108.48Ld com op S lino Short--st r». w i,,

(ii urcnnr.u : S t ! th Sly at ■ rt ftnples ■ ft': f t .Wly, 'paralle ShorJ 'SC“ 61,6’

f t ; th Nly 1.26,4 ft to Short St nt u pt ■ 29 f t Wly. o f i(pt of beg: th Ely to bog,

o r Lot 118, Worden (laidens 'mrccoixied

W.ty 60 ft-E ly 160 ft-Nly F iV ’ft' o f ' Id lying a t .SW cor Short & Orchni'd Sts,

■or. Lob .121, W orden (janlons 'iiuvecordcd

I T ’ot. taxes „ l« a r“ for_ In b a n d

.g s « ■■1. fi 7 d igs, duo Dfttrrlptlon I ® 2 'S tn m l|UT,’t h" “‘ld •. I '. i . . i ' I *■ 4 . , ' f j S L S


* ‘ , S 4 | A “1‘L & 2 9 -Dnvls Additlon^-cojiit:' ■) ft N . f U ' 118 Cwiitor St that ..Is

-« .«! n ^ i S - t W i f A a 1* " l 'h s.<, , , ^ 7 r , ( V - 1060 .'■263.61

ot f a t alley g lu ttin g , said lots

•‘.E.iUersXubdlvisioi,1' ' 6''(m 's i>

* 1960! , ■■-.' ' V" F'fiO

' I'.'UIJ . 106(1 ____

" i la d le l Subd iv ision^1'• . f W eii)

■■ \ J 1060

“ H awkin’s A 'ddlliohY ^-,(W est) ' ’ v

Nly . 86.3 ft ; th Ely- to W, line Seovlll. & .Tuttle- Addition : th Sly along said line

— extended—36.6 ft. th W to bog. _ . .196(1 127,58

-W4--fl-Of- N-4-12 - ft 7of. W 130.68 ft. of E 3 80.49—ft—of n pnrcebMtf—law ! lying litSW cor Cross. & Onkwood ■ Sts.

I960 4ii.‘ll)S 58 ft-N 470. ft-E 139.68 ft of a piece • df Id lying ut SW cor Cross’ & H iaw atha

----- ---- ---- ^..................... ..............—1960-387:58• (East)

Land N by M ichigan. C entral R.R.. Co's right of way, W by K line of a St running along W side of Lot 81) in H iinl'er’s Add, S by an alley running along N side of said Lot 80, E by W lino of an alloy between Lots 80-& 86 extended N to land of said railroad eo.

. . I960 203.03Is) 1 com a t n t on N ' line Michigan Ave

f t irer574.119 ft W uf u i i l t r ...... ............. — ,th 'W along N line M ichigan Ave 28 f t ; th Nlv a t right angles to MlcKigan Ave to Huron River : . th NEly along H uron~Rivet ‘ '

■ a t right angles to .Mietiigiin' Ave frojn - :Vt- of-' beg 4, th Sly to beg -

-- • < • 1 ’ -------- -IQP.O 340.32Ld Coni , at pt on E line Prospect St 66

f t N Of N line .Mnrtin S t : th E 20(1 f t : th N 66 f t : t h . W 200 f t ; th S 6v6f t to bcu — :— ■=

___ . 106(4 172.48l-.nd lying N...jA- .Mlchlgiiii.. Ave & S vL

Y oung's Add :bctween City Limits & Mllea St exc Ind com at pt on E line Miles St & S lino. Young'H__Add ; th SE par Miles St Wo f t ; tli N 02’4 2 '■ E 56,5 f t ; th N 3°45' W ■ 165,18 f t ; thSW lB'2'.7fl ft to beg ■ ._ .__i______----- '» . .Hi,;,) 11.05

I sl. com a t a . nt 108 f t .W o f S W corMichigan St River Sts ; th W 66 f t ; ,h S 247 V. ft ; th E 66 ft ; th N to beg

P ■ 1060- 576.60Land: com 186;6S ft W of E 'R iv e r 'S t & im_S line of Michigan' Avo; th fa, 247.32 ft ;

- th -W 60.35 ft ; th north 24,7 V< ft :■ th -E60.82 ft to beg J060' 2,2(47.61

Land com ) 1 5 ft W b t centerline River S treet & .oh S 'Ine .Michigan Avc; th S 246% f t ; 111 W 71.18 ft to beg

....... • ll»bO ) .<» /7*iU)E 66 ft of W 420 ft of IN V65 ft or a

parcel of Ul lying at the b h cor Towner and Prospect Sts

E 80. ft of W 610.77 ft o f . N HjO ft of S 183. ft of SW '/j, Sec 10, .T3S, R i^ . _

7 ; ^ —--------- ■------ ------------ -------- i960"A insw orth P a rk "

P t o f . liOts 31 St 3^, com a t a pt 3 f t S of N E cor Lot 31; th Sly along Ely line, said I-ots 81.86 f t : th NWly to NW cor Lot 32; th N to 'N W cor. Lot 32; th

. N to NW col' Lot 31, tli Ely to beg

■Hr -tvLot 48 _ ,ot 6 0 Lot 66

1060 1G8.50106(1 106.37

—1-960.- 166.76„u '' I960 372.83

IxDt 71 & land .60 ft s 66 f t ndH m North'

Lot 170 i9 6 0 2 2 0 .8 3L a 171 " I960 270,67Lot 178 exe S 60 ft t ' ' I960 6.46

‘.‘A insw orth I’ark No. l

L o t-180 • • <W“ lV KT!i83" 370 71-Numher. 3"(W est) -1060

‘‘A sstssor’s F lat No, 7"(K#»l) , ' i


-1060 11)60

P lat N um ber 10

(WM,) i06(4 "23V"David F. Hallcntines & Bichard K

M arts ' . Allntn 'en t _of—the.. Wcsjcr.n Addlllon"


Lo t 4

Lot 3 Lot 3 L o t 'l l Lot 28


246.77 146.00 Hill.60 161.04

"A ssessor’s

Lot 60

434.86E 42 f t of N 110 ft of Lot 1'Blk 2 " ,611

N . 111 ft _of ^ _______ isfio . 211.22E 15.86 ft of": N 08.T ft . ( * L S J 31’-J f‘r °1

.L o t 5 & W 16.16 ft of N N jh l ft »f s - 189,1 .f t of Lot fl- ■ *

N 82.6 f t of S 67.2f f t 'O f l / i l 82.8 ft of_S, 67,20 ft of E 1 rd of U t 11

, w,5MCk A » . 1 1‘.Cll’aieeorliwJ1 -N 1060 118.01

t of Id.

i t » . i 3 f fi.s ,y M p . r n k til'u i ' '^'crleky* ^ u / ; i of. *ij IVlr»R

' Wor,l'o> (Iflrdfs W(ml«n Sts*, o r ■ ' ‘(Odens, oarecordedPSie - 1090 *262,61ass n-wiv , , , V[ao~;¥2,r,i

S C »«-

■W wdwJ.44' • voiuicn ‘ Cardens, un-

. W flQ 197.84

"lo* ?n - f ill60 39b.45' ‘'Barthotonew ’s A ddition^

(W est)U t 7 7 nml S 8 ft o f-L o t 78 m f l ^

Ixvt, 86 ■ ........ 1060 160.15U .1 1 3 0 A W 83. ft Of U t HM

"O. It. Beni’s Subdivision oi l-ot Number Wnad's. SubdlvillaP-------

L ot 1.(W est)

"Coll obc~H 6 i^hts ( S uW Cnddn"196,0 230,19

l/Ol 201 HOiO 29,1.11.1“ ColleB* Height! Subdivision Number One

S 8 ft of . IiOt 263 A 1)11 'of l/>t 284', except W «0 U Of «ach J{|60 ^

K i i ? K m i l‘‘College Place Addition"

It 7 . .except a l P f t ° JL6!! !^ 'n n

"Nortli Wbster)l Ai(dl|ion, ................. ' ‘ f W.est) ; ,

: JUU17-L----- - '3POOLot 67If; T 1. 1000Lot-570. • . mooIx)t#t77' I960L o M 2 8 _ _ _ _ : - ' ' •' .. . ( 196ft Land

Lot 0(Lob-ia Lot 24 lait 2s U)t 20

I*at 3Lot 7

, 60.50 ,88.2(4

Lot 1 Lot 6


T,1060' 235,n f

t'iooo- im ' i i216 ,'63

moo • «4,oo 1060 241.101060 r60.831060 124.04'

Lot 6 rM>1 8 and S ‘l «r Lot pN% . of. I^it .0 , -ul11 fhe" E-'il - ft'” , ,;'2 . ft of Lot 46 ............MjBii 1-.1 nW --1 -U-Df-lsA 48 .and E 28 ft of Lot" 17

" B . W. Hemphill's A dditioh""37’41

Lot J-excont Ely 3 tt 1900 318,01" H u n te rs . Addition”

S—4L-ft---of Lot 15--------—^ 1 0 6 0 1.6,30ir Vi7? r. ?Vkr°,7ft ------------- 1060 30.5745E .H» ft of N .1 id s of Ian 68

loop1 m .iiir

U t 101 Lot 165 Led 107 Isd- 160 : lad 170

Lot 101fait air.lad 216 Lot 223 Lots 1 237 Lot 243 Lot 24 fi

N 48 ft:-.c.f-". Lot -73: except W 1 * t odT m -g ------- - “ ' - 19011—-150,(18l*°t- 8- ; 10G0 : 21,21b, too ft of- E 7 ids of lait 97 -.

N fi-S'*t3j ft-W 150 ft.E 183 ft of Lot lop •• moo •123.85

mi. -cnin . at—a—pf- on W ‘-line—Prospect—fat -li.08 ft fa of N’E cor Lot 102 Hunter'sAdd; ih S 71.7 2 ('t !7fi W j i x j s f t ; th

-^_NWly alonfe i Crove St_ 75.55 f t ; th E 142 ft to beg '

1960 285.8(1S. 1811 ft of Lot .112 li.itn 332,43

“ ReHuryey and* Plot of NW P art of ' Ja rv is Addlllun" 1

(W e«t) .Lot 11 and Ixit 12 except N 60 ft

. irno 103.40i*"t 42 ■ ■ - Toifn !J"7.27

"W illiam J a rv is —Addition" .. (M’vst) . . . . . .

Lot 2 W m , Ja rv is Add. exc Hint pt Nly of .11 lino that coni o n W line Lot 2, 235.76

ft Nly uf .ijVV cur Lot 2 & runs to E - lino Ia d -2 -a t a - |d—214.29. ft - Kly of-NB-•cor 1 jot 2 ____ 1 HKIa. 618:31

« 70 -ft or N 200 fl of E 1... of Lot .'19■ : ' 106(4 ' 1)1.81

“ Hopp’s A ddition" >- — (H ost) - -

P I, pf I-otS'.lO & 11 Kopp's Addition Nly of a line running from a pt <■ ft S of NK cor Lot 11 Ho ii pu.52_fl—fb-sd—N.W- eor Lot Hi ' ■ loco 129.13

VLarzulier & Post Addition" ■(W est)

That part of Isat 101 exc W 30 ft thereof that is Sly of a line, coni at it pt 15 ft

— Sly of—iN-K—_cui:_Lot_-4U4_and_cunningto. NW cor Lot 494 . MCI) 472.13

"H . W. Lnr/cleres Addition”■ (W est)

E 120 fl o f Lot 28 "'"".-maOM■ iJivttvtST-N '5 of E or Lot 20 Iv'ICIl 169.(48S'"»a . •'.) or-fcot-2'J---- ' ■ tl>(;u— l'lhdt-W 'A of Lot 3 1 " ---------- — Hicir— 77:'45

tottn— l-IBdll N '.j of E of Lot 36 I960 1 10.6!)Ii. ''j of l.ot 87*" v > _ l ‘,i(jo 40.00E '.j of N 'A of I.ol 38 - I960' 166.98 W -idi ft of lxd 41 liH.0 187.72W fi1.!'. ids of I s its 42 & 4:1 _____

' 1'Mil) IlloTTS 45 ft of E 125 f t ’ of - Lot 45 & N 27

ft. of S. 72 ft of E 127 fl of (sit 4,5 ■ exc S 10 ft of N 70 ft of E 127 ft— but 4 5 ..................... 1060 21 till)• N o f Lot 51_____ ____ 1 _ lilfili 23634S Rj of Lot 51 - HKiii 134.12E 66 .ft of N 186,12 ft Lot 65 exc. N 66

ft for. St. ' ■ v I960 17tf.'21S 132 ft of N 318.12 ft of E 165. ft of

Lot 65 • V • 11160 244.97P a rt of '.fait 65, Com a t SE cor Lol“ 65T

t l '-N 5° E 78,5 ft : th N 85“ W 165 f t) th S G°- Wv 121.50 f t : th N 77“4(FE i 171.30 f t to ibeg

. I060- 281,22S-55 ft. (if N 272 ft-of—W—lllo ft-nf—l,ol 66

; • R-fi'l 77.10of Lot 66, Id com at intefscclioii- of

line H a rrie t St and E line Hamilton tli S 0“5P W along E line' of

FPpSctiffetmrtoTTline H arrie t St loo ft for pt of bo g ;

th S'88°.. E-100 ft : th S (ir 'f il' W 64.814 — ft.Tth-43*-75*OS'-W. 104.41 f t ; th-N 01°5P

E 95.00 fl to beg .1900 150.07

S 55 ft of N ’272' ft of E 100 ft of W- 2111)' fl of lad 06 ----- - 1'OBi) iy jS 55 ft of N -217 ft of E 100- ft of . W

2ii0 ft of Lot^ea—--------------- t96ll——13.33

Tot. taxes Y ears for In b a n d

u . w h ich ch«».dufc jfi '' Delimiuont - ;In (tajd c From Ta ■

; ^flcluslvpr - (Urs. pt*V't'A-

■ 7x11 7.41 •7.41

147128 60,76

2(411(1 com at SW V or Lot 686; th N along ;-W lino' Lot $H0,\tU2.n2 ft ; t h .E 8 2 'f t l

tjl S’ly 171 tv .th S lino \lx>t 586-c-th along, S 'lln e Ix»f .'iSO, "Elr ft to bog

-. 106(4- -107588U t 603

‘t * U

• t(l6(t‘P rehura P ark Addilloit"

.(W est) . ’-11)60 -260.4(4

“Park Rldjre"_ ' (Wlfsl) ■

h Vi of Ig)t 6 . nml N ‘/ i lxd ' 7 '


Lot iff •Lot 85 'Lot Iff!U ts t25': & >12(1 Ixit; 136 Lot 136 U t:[J5fIzOt .'toft

IxOts (43*146 Iiu-1,ik in n ij- '




277.271ll(2,9M 66.80 66.8.

J 28.81_. 184.83, 70.(1

I8M 8


U l -247---------- ' ' - —N 72 ft of. Lots 251 & 262

= --J.a6(L=L-16<).H lffOf) J84.6<f I960 446.91 men K2v76 loan "202;3s

- 100(4 -106.68 106(1 86.8,6

. 106(4 181,261961) '254.06 106(4 . 83.26

: 1060—1-46:08 106(4—265,37

S 6(4 ft of Lots. 25! ■ & 252

Lot'.iJTf*— 1960

11)0(1 106(1

-mot) 10611 1060 1061) 106U

■ 1-00.05



Lot 266 , . r \ . ..Lot. 2711, lxd 371Lot 2s 4 ' '" x • :Loi 3P0-- Lot 32*> •Ixn 326 & N. fl ft ot Yne. alley , - 1 0 6 0 14 1.17Lot 331 & N -8 ft of Vaer alley "— : 1060 60:35■Ut.SOfi & N . 8;-ft’"of_Vac^al!ey

' - I MlflO 63.81' ' lOCp 260.11'

■ :■■■■■'. ..... 11460 242.3811)60 201.87

• a - . 106(1 ;,134.H3

Lot 33!) U l 341 m 3 ii OTt Sic.

U t 358 U t 367,- Ut-37'J Lot 373 U t 374 Lot 873 U t ' 377 U t 381P Lsd 383

Lot' 388

Lot. 307 •U t. 398 1.01-40-1-


Lot 406 Lot ,107.

■ 106(1 72:13/ - - ■' 10611- 201,30.

' ■ >106(4 305,81■ .1060 8,4.21

" V. - • • . • '19611 161.05. I960 ' 464.55

_ ■ 106(1- 120.38-...-.1DU0 66.16iiinl S 8 ft of vac allev -

, ■ . IOGO ;210.70and fa 8 ft of vac lalley

I - 'l \ I960 221.27 \ men 170,70 \ man ■ 8-1,51

_____:.-.:rt:[fil)..-: -73.,l3:

W f f J n

' . Tot. taxesYears for ' In t. ami

" 3 r i ' v 'W h ich — ehgsi'ducDelimiuent in said

. - -Fro;m. t o ,., years i ft M Inclusive d lr s .c ti ,

OF CHELSEA vxSouth, Range fl Fast .

or U t m Block . 17 , E

, * l YLL „ Town Com at 'SW C.~

Cmid'lop's fli’dSidHit'lo,)' to 't i io ' VUl'nge Qf- Cnelsea ; th SV2“ E 3 r d s : th N Hh*30' E 83 .0 -ft-rfoS ^ m. o f ,eg : th N 8S“3(i; i; 268 ft I n T I f l k of Van Btireu fat; t l r S 870 f t ; th S 42*80' W

- » t ' f t ; W N, S4» W 2.46 ftT'Th N 2 8 4 • ft to pl ufjlipg:. beipg a p an of SEV» - „-v - . Tw.p, & VIII, 1060- 112,77

«4 S&,-etH-vo^.S W ' i pf S E 'i - of. see ;Jth J U . | . W. 17J5jt3j. J n * th o f V - lh m U h

,St ;Hh N 9s K .46 f \ oti JNJlne of Moln 8 85H»L/E 132 40 th.' Wly 132 ft to

line of. Main St.Wliicb pt . fr fw m the pi of b e g ;

>.3t for a. pi of 8 J i t; th N O’.,.E 46 f •tl id ta the E " is N 0“ E 62 . . . Iltvill

5th 8 9s W'62 f t1 to.beg, part of 'SEVi -v"«g ft y^ \' f ■ yfl.ttc- lDflO .31,14 ft,.88. ft o f the, following described land -

« CfflllaV.y l.n, N&.si/4 "no which Pt Is o ' - \ 3 , \ .-“AslW Wins from N ‘4 taist.

' (IU°30' E 8 Wins in VI line ;. a i 'W ' o * 1 <* -N-E’ly do a pt .which Is 8 85 B 398 ft from pi of

, iteg. th N 8,1 W .398 ft to id of beg, --,flxc=E-8s-ft- thereof,-belng--|farr<)rNETi

■ : Twp, A VIII, ■ ■I.Oft , 196(4 271,97

. TSJ'n„ 2 South. Range 4 East • Hog In W llnao f see nt u point which Is ".^i-ixis-fa.o^NW cor of-Sfrl i/j o fS W

f,' * '■ ‘if NWfv|4/( ; th .fa n rods In see ’ ^ 111 h *K l d,s : N 0 rods; th WnV mm *° P -°f lt,fr’ bolltK ’<l of

„■ „ . , ,7 Twji, 1060 417.33-SW ooftof Lticy E,. Gates 2nd Ad*

■ ditlrtn to thp Vlllagc. of -CheiseH. a io- cordjNl p l a t ; th :S-81* E 8.62 chs ; tb S

; s '»*JRJJV;'10:«1) chs ;..tb-N f 4 W 547.33 ft to n polnt-iiu-the_W . 'Hue -of sec : th N 11,44 chs, on .sec line

■■jft t he ol of bee. |i»iiiir n |.i.u =.(

T wii,&..V11L

. > Tot. taxes , Years for In b a n d

" 'W h ic h chgs. due _ . ,, l ' s 5 £ 1 Delimiuent fnmaidDeaerlptUm 5 ^ ,{*_ From To . years or Parcel # ©—53 ' Inc iushc - d |is. cts.

. -VILLA UK O F .MANCHESTER = /loW'n-4 Huutli, R a n g e 3 E ast')

((mi at cent of sue; tli N 8S‘55' E'diS f t ;. th 8 n*15' B -69.16 ft in tlie K line of

Ann- Arbor St ; th S 38* B 187,32- ft- In th6 K IIjic* of Ami /Vj Ijoi . S t 'f c ir \ i nl " f hog 1 til S its1 W 51,30 f t : th S .42* J!j. . j i n 1)- ’ l->- *Jhft-1*1 jaiVtOf “ fcsvj

f , Twji, & Vill,’ JiJCO lao.htlIn© N-liV nU in .width of tlio S Tifr ix| k l»i

width ot the of NK«i

(■ranger^ & Morgans Addition”

Lois 1 & 2 2 Twp. & VIII. 1961) 00.27

.VILLAGE OF MILAN , "N orih Side Addition" ' . -U t ' 43 Twp). St VHI. I960 1 1.13Lot 88 , . . Twp. 1060 7:33Ixit 93 ■' Twp. ■ 1060 18,99Ixit U4 . ■ .. Twp, I960 106.48U ts - 106,.‘ 107, 108 . - Twp, 1060 (8.09U t 113 VilL’ 1060: 35,3(1IxjW-1 1 4 . Vtlt. -muo . 3,4,31Ut-,121 , • Vill, lilfili ’ .10.41

“ Supervisor’s P la t No. 4"W V j-o f-U t 51 ^rwi'". &.VI1I, I960—lGli'.OG.

‘‘Supervisor's P lat No. ■ 3"U t 6 ar.d U t 7 exc th a t im rt which lies

■E of a line' 1 IP ft AV of nt)d parallel to- center line of W land of hwy (J,: 8. 23

UK relocated.J__ " — _ _ '3* ’ ----- - - "Twp. man 555.28"Supervisor’s- f l a t : No.-f '-ti)" - ,

U t 27 ,_ jT w p ..& y|ll._l<i60 274,til

- - r r \ ^


irt.nn 'm,4if '38T60Twp. St vill.

- ■ ■ I960 43.6.4


Lot 412i960 C3.43-infill l.VaT.'t

& E 26 ft of Lot - 4131060 . 1 -1.7733

W- 2.4 ft of U t 413 & "E 'J5 ft of Lot " ill" '-j0Bn~--“t 36=07- 1!>G0 71*2!)I960. 254:!!fi 1000 10,43liO60. "' 195:47.

Lot 435 Lot 436 Lot 413 Lot. i 16 Lot 44!) nml U t 450 cxc E 10 ft

•m«a—4H-5W4LLot 453 & K V= 1 (= f .Lot i 4 6 2 ■

U t 454 Lot 456' 'Lot 458 .•Lob 464Lots 467 -& 468Lot 472 '------—Lot 478 •Lot 470 •Lot 480 Lot 482 ' - -LPT "484.

11160 11)60 I960■tornI960 I960 I960 196n; .10 60 1060;

2(4 3.04 70,06 73.43

105.01 189.81T5T7T '73.40 294,44 73.49 00.00

DF19(10 1178.61Itrmr - -isfi;oV 1060 226.00 1060 77.77

E 60 ft of N .-.LO rds of U t 66' 1061) 345.70

W 55 ft of E 121 ft of N 10 rila of Lot 60 - ’ 1060 ' 187.63

W 66 ft Qf E 187 f t ' of N 10 ids of Lot 66———— -------(------- —------- ,—,---1960— IE ' lil.oii ff i>f W 160.5 fi- of N Irt. nl.s-of

—fit*----------------------- :--------i960—23 6 .-1(1-

l.nt—4 8 9 --------------------------Lot. 491) iLot 401 & W 5 ft Lot 402 E 4>5 ft Lot 402' & W la ft U t 403 1

....... . .19611 ... ” "P ests Addition" '

(West) 'N 80 ft o f .w 20.32 ft of U t 2 also N 80 u /l -of B 8.6a ft of Lqt‘ 3 alHo W i l ft of

B ’20,68 ft of Lot 3] jk I i___________I_____ ----- 1960 n.<

E 2,14 ft .of Lot 7 and W 30,86 ft of Lot 8

\ , ■ ' , . . ,i" 1060 230.00"Pjosjiegt ..Gardens Subdivision'/—__1

-(•Eittif)-Lot III ' I960 226.30■Ut-23-^-^— ...... , 1(460 : 120.1.3

""Prospect P ark Subdivision"-'•M"-'-' (East) . . .

Ixit- 81 . 1960 373.68U l. 8 3 .... - - ........ ............ - ....... IllGO t(|.'7|

■ ' „ . -.Total■: , B. Congdon’s Addition".:Lof. 1“ ~ ■ liJk S ' -— TwpT-1960 -1'42?29 ■Ut 2 exc t-he-N^.6 -ills t hvrr o — =t-

« TWpv .4060 R.54-Tbe.-E 78,24 ft- of U l 15 amt the W 26,26

ft of Lot ISII Twp. St. Vill-; 1960 109.68

"E . Congdon’ib 3rd A ddhiuu"•Lot 2d _ 17 . ' . . Twp. 1061) 149:33

■ ■ "Jam es M. .Congdon’s Addition” • ■ Beg ut ;n id In S lipn or Lot 4. lllk '1

which is ' 12 i ds ' I'd 3/11 Iks ETy Horn - t h e SW coi> of Lot 3, B lk 'l i th ETv I

i nr 2h n/11 ■ ikx Do too f> lino o l Ixit 4 :"th N'ly .parallel.'' W line of. fx>t 4 to

= .the;- N dino r o f ; Lot • 4 ; Ih W’ly 4 rds■ 20 ff/l | Iks in the N line of Lot 4 ;th H'ly. to tile pi of beg. being a la in of Lot I ,

. , .1 ' Tw ii.’"m60 100.03U t 5 _ 1 . TW|I, 4961) 191.57The N- 1.882' Chs of Lot 1 HIk 2 cxc the'

W. 1 uh thereof, being part of-L ot 1- <■ " 2........Twp, & Vill... IOGO- 208.86"Abel K. ’Fenit's • Addition"

U t 4. except the," E *7 ft _.__ _ _ _ _- 7 " . -"'" Twp: "1960"" 12'I.ISMary—lb—Frazers -A ddithnr

Lot—10- t‘w;n— 1900- — S.iPI Twp.- ,& VIII, lOOrt '75,6(1Ixit 11 ______

'Glnricr, W ilkliiHon iiiul 'f i l l tie AlflttrlonN ! j of- Lot 20 Twp, 1061) 111.13

VILLA GE OF DEXTER__ ' • -“""Original PU T’ '

■ lllk ■ -Beg at. .the N E 'ly cor of Ixit 4, .th S 25° .. E. ti. i ds . in E'ly line of l.ot 4 ; tli S 65'

W 6 rds A ) W ’ly line of Lot I ; th N 2.’>° ,W 6 ^ i s 111 W'ly lino of Ixit 4 to

-“ tiTc^NW'iyrTTarr - of-''Tot 4 : th -N '65“ ' E U ids on N'lv line of Lot- i lo i.l of bce:-belng part -of Ixit 4

1 Twp. & Vill. i960. : 101.50 Beg-, a t-the-N W cor of U t 3 : th N 65“ E , 4u ft - in the N 'ly line of Lot 3; tit S

■25“ E 198 ft to tile S'ly line Of Ixit 3 ; —Lli—S—66° . W: 50—ft . in- - the—tviy—(toe—1>(

Lots 3 & 4 ;• th N 25° W -198 ft to the N'ly line of Lol_4 : tli N (i5“. E" In. fl in the N 'ly line of Ixit -I to the p i 'o f beg, being a p a n of Lots 3 & 4

4 ----- a— r ~ r ’f.'qi Lafio— 73.71

r ' P A W


Jm k m m m


5-10-r-Annual M ich iK an T ech W in ­ter C a rn iv a l, H oughton.

8- 10—-W inter C a rn iv a l, G ra y lin g .9- 1 0 . — C IIftftA Junior-'-_______ A lpine

Championship, Region, III.JN'ub’s Noh, Harbor Springs: ' ■'Sr'f-■—

KS-^Michigan J lig h School: Ath^ letic AssJh. Lower .Peninsula Re-

* gional:A lpine Ski Championship^ Travei'ae City.

1G—Sturgeon Queen’s Bali. Che7 boygan. .- .. :

1G-17—Alpena W intor . Carnival, Alpena.'

23-24— U p p e r1 P en in su la A m ateu r --H o ck e y - K in a ls ,. Ux2£_S.ttulium >-— ^ B a n ta n r ,'M id g e .t ;' .Ju v en ile y -Ju n -

•ior, H oughton.— : • 23-24~‘-"Cheboygiih "SLui’gebn Shiv-

—’-.ereej-Cheb oygan ........ ....... ... a - —' . _______JV1AR.CII____________


« J


;f|T2^ 3^ -K tw an is' S k i Ju m p in g Tour--nam en-t, P: Mountain. Iron-M ountain.

3— T h h ’d .annual Mio__-Mountain ’Ju n io r -R a c e s ;. M io J

8—'Profe'ssibna-I Sk i' R a ce s, Boyne M ountain,’ B pyiie K a lis ;

_1_6— Lu n ts ~ I n v itatio n a l S k i Meet, r - ,'m ouht "Rip 1 e y , H oughton, ■ ■10-17—-N u b ’s Nob Ojnfti j t a c e s ;-

H arb o r S p rin g s.23— L e o h a n i“T i7ophy R a ce s, N ub’s

Nob, H arb o r S p rin g s,-' z t j -2 4 — W in t e r sk ill- ( T .o asT "t(r W ih -

Beg at tho=rN-E..-cor-oL.l,oL 3 : th_SL.65* W: 2 sds in the N ’ly line of - Ixit 3; th . S

'2.5“ E 12 rds to the S'ly 1 ilie of Ixit : th N 65“ F, 2 rds to the KE cor of U t

. 3 ; th N 25“ W 6. rda in the' E'ly line of Li)f: 3-r th N 63° E 12 ft : th N 23° W

.. 6 ritk to the N ’ly line of Ixit 2 ; tit fa

. 65* W I2-- ft I" the NTy line of Lot 2 to - th e pi of beg, being a p art of U ts

. 2 ■& 36 Twp. & Vill. I960 112,61

S roa “of Let. 1 ) th 8 -193* E .67. ft -in the Elly line rtf Lot - 1 ; th S

•,65“ VV 88 f i f t h N 26“ . W 57 f t : th N 65* E S8 fl in the N ’iy line (if Lot 1 to the III of heg. being a part of U t 1

•T-w-t=. 7&-V4ih—HI60— t64r47

W 56 it of N 10 rds of 'Ix it GOlilfili ■

'"M artin Place"(East)

--' . i, .1960.*.------------ V-1960

, 1960 I960

' I960 i960

;• . .1960McCaidih Homon Subdivision

(Eant)Ubt 1 I960 373.58----- ------------ "M llll'Cu Ailtlllioii" . ------- - r

. (Emit)S 38.ll-fl"of 4x)t -l and N 12 ft of U t 5 .)illill 94.1,9(1

U t 1 ■Ixit 20 Ixit' 2 f U t 22 Lot 25 Lot 28 i Lot ’ 211


_ 42.99 10.15 61.J3

I I 7.28 21.21

-31,88 31.88

S '5 4 “ 'ft- Of U t 5 v . " " i960 147.13"Mnrxp’n Addition’’

"(Weil)-U t 4 nml N “ 10 ft of ..Lot 3

80.20106(4lint 21 . 11161) 113.84K 5!) ft rtf U t 27 lllfil) 192.06VV 16 ft of U t 27 and ■E 38.38 ft of Loi 28

11160 38.9310 35 llicl. A N 84.9 ft of Ixit 36

nrfii) ‘iO'.WWS ^ lxd a

lxd N .6 t

K of lxd 40 - ■ 1960 -105,2041 A 12 exc N 45 ft of E 160 ft of

41... . ,......... ... . tt'GU.: 198.48ft of E 160 ft of UL 43 ■ ■

■ I960 31.07Pi o f - U l 51, M orse'Addition, com rtn .W

line Socmid St, 52 ft N of ,S 1ine*-IxA 51; fh N 72 f t : th W 150 f t ; th ( S 72 ft ; th E to beg 1950 182,74

— ' "N orm al I'artc AddlUon"(Went)

Ixit 2 excei't E 45 ft 'Blk fi . ■ I960 2611,40

U l -fi, Blk'K, & W 8 ft-Vac alley . &, S 8 f t vac alley . ,

6- 19611 356.39lxd 4 16 , I960' 153.04

"N orm al School Addition’-’...... ................. (Went)Ixn 16 except S 28 ft I960Lot 27 except-the-W 5a ft i960

1MT-Norrta1- Addltto)i----------1 -' (EftHl)

LotH 422, 423 St that- pt of U t 424 M. Nori-ls’ AildUion that is S of a Hoc that com oil W I lm r 'U t 424 nt a pt 87.50_ft N of SW cor lxd 422; th E 57.92 f t i

“" " t F N '8.54 - ft-;- th E 42.30. f t to. E .lino-of U t 424 logo ’'946,98

I’t r t -456....... lodo 72,1.4U t 464- . ' I960 277.20U t 406 T iilitf'3 1 0 3

"M ark Norrl* 2nd Addlllon"\--------- ' , (E aM4 -


txd 601 I960. 308,87U t 6 L0 ' • ■ I960 760.01Com on N lino M apl^ St 160 ft K o f E

tlae 'U tvcr S t ; th N tmraljul K Ulvor S r 165 f t ; th K parallel to River St to N> line Maple S t ; th W, '''OOK N line Maple St 50 ft to beg, being part of U t* 518 ami 519, Mark Norris 2mlAddition ami nni't ot

n * .^ ,'(TiTf€Iloi\ T "OW1V!yF,"'lVTiT ' onx'nrrl’wT‘~'»’n»: —f*1'*1 l,ul t l '1----- ------- —------------ 19*0—264.77

"N nrrl*’ & (Toss Addition”-(■Hiwt)

U t 16

61.42 11 (tf W 88.42 ft of

.ii fill 326.03Addlllon'!

8 57.42

>Ut 16 ,

U1 '■JIBSf'SJ Ki. *««"t2w i i u . • 1 , r x , m

Lot 12 11)60 131.52 I960 824.56 |960-«ie.«6


V ill of Ixit 292 I960 135.48

« « « ■ ao» ,.th ; N w i» « e i 1!(,i |4

E of U t N 8 f t fl0 m M

^ ^ ' “ ■ ^ r T T r T ? ------ m < ^ W A,1960 1066 I960'

N iWN Rtx>t -336 .

B- V6 of . Lot 8D4W »m !1 F e ilc tl .C . Joalin

K. M. Sklrfncr Addlllon. — .,_=__ . L Em ! ) _ _ .

N IF 1.50* R of f4>t. 586 5 mrtO 8 40Vj ft IxOtifiSB 193®S o u th '40Vi ft M l 33^





“ Scovilt and ' Tuttle Subdivision of-------—- - Jarv is-O rig inal -A ddition '’

(VV cat) .S 6(1 '4 ft of U t 6 i960 174.84Lot si , • men 28.5,17Lot 57 ; I960 292 22

"Stcvena Recrenlinu P ark Subdivision"(VVcHt)

"That part of Lots .33, 31, & 36 that lids — -Ely- of W. Corpor/itlon—line^of -City- ’of

Ypsilanti and "all Lot 35 ,■ . ■ 1116!) 427,112

i960 395.45

Total 822.47V.' McGregor’s Subilivislh'n of n P art . 'Ixits 53,_54, .55, 56. 57 & r.8' of H. W.

Laraclere'B Addition'!(Went) ■ i * . ■ ,

L o t-6 anil land com at NW cor of Ixit 6 ; th S 6(1.25 ft ; -th W 70.'5 ft ; th N.60.25 ft ; th E fl to heg

' ------ :— -.......... .....— H46<1 .‘t'rrOS-Ixit 18 and- land com at SE cor .o f Ixit

P!t.;^t.)i - B—P8—ft-^-th ’ N 47 fH - th . VV... IH-ft ; tl-. S 47 -ft. to heg

I960 200,94— :!.*Vtilkcnlng_.ft-_.Co'»'. Subdivision"

(East)Lot I) inid R* 26 ft of U t 10.

-406(4—247U t s 84 & 85 _ ............- 'I9 6 0 : 199.44

... ’ ■ “ VV estern—A ddition"(Wcat)

U t 60 except. W 50 ft t., I960 228.34 "W ard’s Subdivision of Lots''26'lo 15,

Inclusive of Hawkins Addition" (W est)

lxd 1 A N ,i.j. .nf U t-^2—--196(47-. 409..10Lot 4 U l. 10 ' 'U t 14 Lot £8 5 ,E 50 Tt of U ts 28 & 29

190(1 ill. 33 I960 384:43 196(1 1(47.13I960. 122,06 I960 -204.78

VILLAGE OF CHELSEA.‘'O riginal P la t’.’:................

Bag a t a |>t in, the W lino, of Ixit 3 Blk 2 ; Original Plat. Village of Chelhcn which

pt is, 6 la* S of "NVv cor of U l 3 ; th S to a pt In W lino o f Lot fi which- pt is 7 ft 10 in* S of NW flor of U t 6': t h .E 108.6-1 ft parallel to N line of: U t J i ; th defl 814*64’ to the left 43.26 f t ; th N W ily.-30,66 ft to a iiolnt .which’ is 102.70 ft E of th e 1 pi of beg : th VV 102.7(1 ft to - th e pi of< beg, bulng entiru

■ Ixrt 4 ami part of. Ixit a 3,-5, i t , 'lo and.- 40........................... .......... ............

Blk 2 , Twp. 1l|6() 664.60iBeg In th e . Nly line of South St at (0

point which I* S 70* VV 11 rods f rom. ibc"SE . cor of U t . 81, mock 4 O rig inal

. 1’ln t.'. Village of Chelsea; th N .20* VV 1,88 ch its ; th N ' 70“ W 4 rd s ; Hi S

.20" F, 1,8.8 c h i 's ; tb S 70“ W 4 rds In v the Nly line of south St to the pi of

' beg ,. Itolntr a part of E >/, of Sec 12, " T2S, R3E and n -pHir nf U t ,(4-'l(lk^t

All owned and occujded ns one parcel _ 4 Twp. i960 247,88Town 2 South, Range 3 East

H eg-nt:-N B-eoi‘-of-Tx)t -16 ;of -Holmetv-Sttlt>» d iv is ion ; th ,,N 176 f t ; th H, 87“27' E 182 f t ; th S 176 ft |u W line of Mo- k ip ley ,^N8722I72-_W—m -f4 .- to -4 4n /1 lut<* ltnlnh aniii aft XI t*'1 /of!beg, lioing p a r t of NEVi

„ .12* : , Twp, t jr o ' m niHBeg 'In E llfto of W Vj of SWM, Sec 12

nt! a po in t-w hich Is 80 rdrt, JFK ft Nof, S line of Soo 12 | th N 4 ,vds; th VV.18 rds i th SWly to a . point which Is20; rds am), 16 ft W of til of lieg; thR 20 rds and la ft to tho- bl of lieg;

»?s^l>V /•o^aw a”,• '‘” ,• '7 '"” " " "

—4 3,1) I - cJis-N:- frpnvS B -oor—of- sec - ; t h -N- 1144 chs In sec line; th W cits

■ th. S 42.M10-'-:.-W-fUIU..nhii.,-..n, ...U t l / . l!hi S 42*31)' W. .6.00. c h a | tl) U B t0 *4flbtg a part

of - okV4« ! J 2 T 'VP' & VIII. 1060 ,271.97Reg .a t tho SE cor of soci th W on , the

a®9 Iinei 2(4 chs: th N 1“ W on tho'1 Vf,■ IA I rk‘ ft9 aka i tL 0 (b<i I / « fta • aa- t - . rimci enw: \n « 1“ ^ on th o i Mi lino 10,07 cha t th S 88'/4‘ >K 5,00 c h s ; (h N . l i w 7.48 .chs; (h Nll/=“ : W 8,25 elm i, th N 8 / ^ “ W 5,78 chs ; th N U 5“

...... i ' / / E 2,60 chs; th Nh S 88',i* E 216.4812,08. J t -tQ E H«)» J

88U* W 5,78 c h s ; fh N U 5“ W 2.00 chs { th fa 884/j “ E 2,60 c h s ; th N

f l f t h ^ S fi4?HI'l!’M i l ’S’ 18.8(1 6hHs In sec line io lhe Rl heg, also com a t SM O or of Blk lfl

VlHagf881/J’ " w '-'5n "ikiT fort 7i 'd d “ e r ' b M t t hs 1 E 12 f t ; th *8 ,H8V|* E 5.00* c h l | th N ll / j“ W ,12 f t ; th N 88v(|* W 6.0(4 gm 'T hr.the pi of beg, being a p a r t oil 8ifi^4 ,i

' .* '12 ■ „ Twp, St VIIJ. JOfli) 271,0?

Reg 41 .'>ho NW cor of U t 2 : Ih S 25" E - 42. ids Jo -the SW - cor p f Lot 2 r th . N ■ 05° E 8 rds tn-'thv—SMj)—line—o f-U t- 2 p

!h N 2,5“ VV 12 rds ,!o the N ’ly line of Lot 2; th -S*.G5“ W 3 rds in tlui N’lyJjp^ .of Ixil.-#. to the - p i l i n i n g -u,

, t a i n .9 i^ -94— S pi'inp - F r o l ic " a b t l GosCuTiui

'P a r t y , M t . M ao ice lo m i; M a n te l ' o n a .

3 0 -3 1 - rrM a r(U G ras ,- N u b ’s -N o b , H a r b o r Sm4*re&

| t r \ :W ;\ 'w ){sr>.w

-■ :r‘

'f 'l-'. . -■■■ /'< >%' _ ■ h i v

M rs. V yiiliam H: S o re n se n

A J i h D i n s m o r e B r o w d e r , W i l l i a m Sorensen E x c h a n g e V o v r s i n S a t u r d a y C e r e m o n y

_ t h p c) = u i ’fl'i h o n n l b a l l , '" t h o s y

io .- a .u s is to d rnl-’ u d c - M r:;, P h i l ip

- — A n n I ) i Bc nwi ! >v ftm l W ilJiaui.:::.HiU!;li...^ S u c t 'i isp ii r x c b a i ip 'iw p th im jr v ir rv s .n a f" »• • 'lour'- '.'o 'e lo ;

-S i i t t-ri^fcy ii ft ( r 'H io i! be- V.’c a k la 'n i l o f F i io t i c ‘> M i - . W il-fo re t h e ivpv. I 'ln ip .st T . C a m i i l id l i / - - i ,,- ..., >■>; I l iu m B ro w c k -r ■ o t • \ \ lh n t - l tc . i l l . ,:it th t '- 1 'i i 's i IT O s h y tu n a i! i .

ra iT irts~ "o f'—th 'p__briTl'cv~>'>'lKT— inu tro tl- W p P d v a n d - A n n - H i-osvdt-i

Ap.n A r b o r . •

.T b o br.idp ■ ,is th e liru j’lv to r .o f ■ < l>- ^ ‘^ •' .P r o f e s s o r -and .Mrs', i d in f.. I h w '.v d -1 i’1' W .iimt-lLv. . JiL , cu ii.^n .s of. Ilioo r ,■■ .Ppd-pf-di'B-d vin<“ 4»n,—A-v t*. ; A-mt- A r b o r . - T litv I>i-i<U1 ltV‘ itv, w h o re - ] Q u t 't 'u s l . iu d .

J b i i i l c , a n d ■.M arilyn J p l i 'c n c s o'.f■"ATisfhrii'Krr vv'p'i. }u',:n r t 'd

”f ' u 11 fT T fi'-W y-a i:u 11 > i t ii,s id e s a t :ui()(i KcniJC Kd.. is a \ ^ 1 1' v/A n ( ■o f _ M )', inu l" M rs . 'K i 'i l r ( i a r d tu - . i ', ! ' l.') "'■'| Vl'd cu b .'’ , a n d K la in c (m i d -i 'c jf) d a so ii A v e ., 'A m ; , A .b o r , j , s;: s u- r <> P 1111- d t r i (!i> ir r t »o n t . w h o .

■■The i ' l id ".yroom ;(4sd m e m b e r s in c b ; u a b .o f ;jr,uost- " :olv.4 , , . , T wf ■ bis ' i'amiiv formerlV l esi'ik-d in i Foi'lDTrirr;' a .'week’s slay nr New

te r) , Pine M ountain, Iron M.oun^ . . = . . | .vbrk City, the . eou'ple wil' reside

&ki ’Carnivar, " B i t tbe; rriU■ istee. ’■ '! tl:ilIV.


Tbcp_. b r id e 's —.'W'ed+Uiijr. ttnw-H. - o f i a ' o a d b R e ^ tz . K d.W hile sills m i s t ,v .: s I ’-im rncd i iT TB't~l>Vidv A'lu'i-'h; ,a_ pl a d u o lc itf th e n e e k lim - a i u l . On - th e '. th r e e , i-A tm Ai:l i.r - . H ip ’ll s.elt.-»id. is io '.J te r q u a r t e r .k n ji 'th s le e v e s w i th N’e tie - .]un io)-..,yeai; a t . R a s H J . '- .M :in ti ii jl - 'la c e . 'A ' .e.(im m .ei‘ltu m l e x te o d - i U n iv e r s i t y , l i e ^ l n r s t i a n d is a «rt-rr»U

■vtratf— rri’—-( liels’e a —HUin to iv e h a iie l l e n g th U tb- Un*d—ttm H — .--------------


pai l of --Ut-■■-!!-—: - ~ : —■8 T w p. & Vill. 196(4, 213.55

Beg at the faW cor of Lot. 8 ; th ’ N 65° E 6 rds to the HE cor of U l .8 ; th N

■ 25°/ VV I I'ds in the E 'ly -line of Ixit 8 ; th S 65“ W- 6 rd* to the W 'lf1 lino of U t 8 ; Ih S 25° E 4 ids li> the W 'ly line of Ixit 8 to the pi of beg, being

—-Hi 'pnrt of 'U t ' 8 ; •O ' ,H) : ■■Twp.-*-YHI. 196(4 177,44Com at-.l h e ’HE <‘or-<,f—l-xU-6 ; th N-26" W

(19 ft ip E’ly line of U t 6-,for- a pi of lie; : th S 65° W 56.5 ft ; th -N '26° W

■ 10-ft; th N 65“ E 56.5 ft; th S 25“ E lirn ill the E’ly line of Ixit 6 lo id of

. beg, bein'? a part of Lot 614 Twp. 1060 10.53

Beg at SE cor of U t 8; tit N 43“ E 12 . rds In' the NB 'toFTif. Ixit X; th N 47*

W 3- rds .in the N ’ly line .^f U t 8 ; th fa 43", W ! 12. rds to tho fa’.ly line of’ ix it S : tlr'fa 47° E 3 nls iii the S’ly line of Ixit 8. to the pi of beg, being a p art ofl.ot ~8— :----------- --------- \ ............. ' -

19 ' Tw.p. 1060 ; 73,71

U t 8 ■ ..'29; Twp, & VilL 1060 ' 98,7.3 U ts 3 & I 31) • Twp, I960 61,63c-_., ■--■s J B 'yifaL fliiu lh , -RflngiL- a 1 Fa il___Ciim at N E cor of sec '87 111 south '198.94 , ft ; th S 67“68' E 78.92 ft ! th N 1)1*15'

K - l ,2tl.4~ft for pi uf htfg i 'Ui B ■ 19n I fr". W 126,4, ft; tit N 67“5S'. W 78.92 -ft:' t h ' N -0 8 “o? '-W - 131.-66 ft-; th N -7l)!,-47-

W 152 f t ; th N 71*or W 66,81 ft ; th north 19“ 16' E 20.4 f t ; th S '7(i"44’ E 198 f t ; tl) N 114“ 16' E to Dexter-.Village L im its: th Sly along Village," Limits to

■' pi of beg, bel-ng a part of Sec 32, T1S-II.5E & - I'lln^ofUN-EK- -• ~ : "---- -

fi .Tw i'. & VIII. I960 '189.48 "Plat of the Addition ..lo_lhe Village, .of

Dexter by The ' Dexter Fatale” -,' Blk "■ ■ ............... — ............

Lot 10 33 Twp, ,&-AGII, I960 161,71Ixit 1 34 Vill: i960 ■ 53,37U t 8 34 Twp. & Vill. 196(1 281.16-7 ’ .."Mary- J,-*Raywalt'* Addition'!U t 3 T w pfc & Vill. I960 98.73U t. 14 nlsn- th fl ,y.'lv-6 ft In widt h of lxd

16, the W ’ly boundary of said E’ly 6 ft being parallel to: tho E'ly boundary of U t 15

Twp, I960 85.14


Blk 1U t 2 . '3 Twp, 1960 884,9(1Beg nt the N E cor of U t 1; th SE'jy <• 82.60 ft in-the E'ly line of U t* 1 4 4:

Ih defl' 90“ to tho right 99 ft ; th defl no* to the right 32.60 ft ; til. NE jy 99ft In the N ’ly line of lxd 1 to the pi of (beg, being , U t 1, exc the W'ly 66 ft hereof, and th e N 'br“L rd of Ixit 4 ese

q W 'ly 66 ft thereof L 12 Vill, I960 63.25

AU \ a t pa r t of Bocks 10 St 20 lying N of Iru !h \n u s Addrtio'tV and. the N E ’ly pro- io i 'g \ld n of the SE line of .PulhonuisA dditX n.......... ...................... .... ......... „

19/1420 TiVp. & V !ll,.:t'0" ■3.89Txrt '1 e'-VtieVs' S'-fifi- f r ................................. : y '-

SV Twp. A Vill. 1900 427.9U Cotrj at N E X i '. of Blk 10: th S 61" W in ! rda In- th e WHI n r of Blk 40 (ni--a-t>i—of-

iiogt th *S 2 t \ K 78 f t : th 23R ; th N 29*V 78 f t ; th N 61“ B 28 ft In the N 1(V> of Blk in to the pi of beg, being n tau t of Blk 40

■ 40 Twp, I960 1 16.62C om -at NW c o r-o f Blk U ; th N E’ly 56

ft In tho N line of U t 2 for a pi of ’ beg ; th def! 90“ to the right 132 ft to

tli<i S line of U t 3 r th N E’ly ft6 f( In

65: ft In the N line of . Lot 2 to the pi of bogr-being-a-pnrl of-lxrt* 2 A- 3

■AH—land w v - B H f - }? - lyingRaisin A VV o f Furnace Sl, oxe beg at SR cor of ,txrt fi, -Blk At): th S fio’ -ll* W ' 16,6(4 f t ; (h .8 6 l ’ ftii’4o” K IS,,|(( ft ; th S 84“36’4li" F, 8,5.89 fl ; th N ‘63* 26', 40". W 36.50. f t to. the .N -J .lM .o t. Blk 47 i th SW ’|y In tho ,N line o f Blk 47 : to pi of beg 1 l~ B T k 47' ’ ' Twpy-A VrlL'Illflil.... 3.80

Town 4 South, Rang* 3 KaMat S (i irnst of sec: In N 250 .30-; -JK f t f-l, ..I '.It toll ' »(*• W4u 111

jlnb of Stnte I tw y “S L i m Nly line ol City Rd to Ely line of Illh rm d Sl ; th

w mN Ll.*.39!atl.7 _W fll)3.24= ft J. lh N„Al)Ai>Ufi0!t B 444.R7 ft; th S 0*04’ W 3B4.7I ft ; tK Ely In ofnt bt Ralsih River to NASVJ line of om t th S 2*09' K 188,09 ft: th S. -2*05'30” B 818.88 ft to pi of beg,

“being "TifkPt o f n i k fl, ({ranger A Mor* gens Auddltlon A part of E ’Aiof SWVi

■ . , 1 12.88 ■ Twp. I960 L8ft4i0

.Tttt'(TmRn'jr .JacksonH op t i a r a o f vvhitv- s e e d p e a r ls ! Ipii1'/. H o jis

h e ld a n c ll .-u w -ic im tl) r o i l o f s i lk

in lo r C oU ir: i l s a r v ' I 'a r ’m -

il lu s io r i , a r,d s lip n i m w l \v h I! t -r o s e b u d s a n d s u m lm n o t i s ,c o in t‘)o d , k A /^ 4 - U a i . c r ~ ' l i t l - \ ' vvilh .n . w h i te n io t l ic o ia ’l d d . ; ' ‘ j W O T n e i 6 V » V « ..i-nH ttfrh tid mp~]—\¥4v >—wei .*> s- y - v— _ ‘— x ^ | - r U - . a ahop sh < to r’s m a i d o f b o iu ii’. avopo. a j \ j r Q O n i Z e a . J U n , o y t)Iuo '^ 'C T T ^taflH T ra-^T l 1< ' d r e s s : - i r n i n - "..Tc a m 'o d a b o u iiu o t -o f ]) itik ' a tiid , , . ,,rt ,

-_____ !_ . ■ d a v . J a n . . - ’0 • m is I i

A a o v o -u b o ro an i 'a .- ;! \Vod»;.os-, .IV;' -d

. . . . . t * ' ,-r-MrTiboi:s R lt; 't r"o r - ( - f r r - t- t’rn— h y ^ r i rB r id o s m a id s , K .o n lu -a lly iro w m o la . v . . • -. • • • . , -/ , i ... - '■■.....- m ootitiit'--l-.-olv.- —p b ioo

ik o - th o m a u l -ul ■ b o n n e , o a r n o d. .... ■ - ■ . . .{ , ' . , a t- th o - hom o, ol ..V, s. i i.aruoi -I u r -■mou-loi- H ia r r i a . ll lC lf -lartli|!'OtS. i . •• • . , , . • ...........

. .'•”• , -, - . i , - n n v w i 'h a ll s, h a i o a t .11 :■ •.-- .■ ’■b o m jr p w 'i a u n in a n j lv .w h iu - w b slo ; 1 ,.•. *y. j a ■ j m m ; i ’',' it?' C (V ; 11 iSv (• {n .t in ' oiu?. i‘«vi nt»MM t)>' t n r i m a i i ! ol

-M ,

\r'v y f

s i s t i r v

h o c tip T v u rs^ ro d q n V n m 'n l’y " 1~ ' C irr io o ,? ; o lo"i> 'j! a r o '! as. /)-! a r -— T b o —u n d o ’s- ;nutT^-p-rT\',-,-:u"iTo' ai'i / ( i b-L J b a ' r i.h . p .i v . - i i n T i :—i l i i i :__I .U ik Lo m o ra ld tn ’ia ’n v i’lv o t s u i t , a n d th . ' M u r p h v . 'v t c o - i m = ! f r t : :bv id i> /iitxn iv ’-s ■'■mothoi'i-- m ;i , ro y t t l j X tii im o t, s c n e v a t y - t t - o t i M m - r A(l i s . b lu e s u i t d ro s s , oao li h a d a n oi - • ^ “ -’v e I .o - l io , .-U P-Jiii,o f !i;:r-i;, )i; c h id t o n a t f i ' . ' ' :— i'M i's . C l i f f o r d L y o i i a , " n i c ; r ] 'o b a i f - -

• T h o •h rrtlt '.irroom vvtts a s s i s t o d h v ; m t tn ; a n ti .M r s . J a b n I t l .s '. '- r - D oturla.-i S t a r k a s h o s t .m a n . a n d i k in . . • : •"R o b e r t B a h n e r a n d liio h .i'd S t a l k 1 T h e s e c o n d mc-o.tjp.R ‘d f tiU- l-t.ub,

, o f A-nn A r b o r , I)a-vid • K n iso l.v o f i w a s so h o d u lo d f o r l a s t iiiL'T.t ( W 'od- C lio lso a , ' a n d ( io o i,fra " '\V a o k < 'r n iid T n o s 'd 'a y 1 a t i!To "fTTuub- o f M i-s.


R ic h a r d U u s h e r s .

-ARuu-b -IJa p le i; . U_ a v i thM rs . I '.v o ro t t J o h n s o n a s -o o -h o s i-

■V t t )*n vt.f.n p t j^ip) ft ,11, ,u -f ul.

lU V lT r 'J r S l 'H R a U lM , J R 7. = #. *— * ---------■

P a u l J , - S a h r a m m , J'r.,V .* ...„A .

C o m p l e t e s N i i w - W v v k

N a v a l R e c r u i t T r a i n i n g/ - -

Groat *T,akos, III. --•■ I'tuil. J. Schramm, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, Paul J. Schramm of 5800 Rtof.or Rd., Chelsea, Mich,, conijilotcd re-’ em it "ttuviiivtiHv - Jan , 18,—at Rho Naval Truimnu: Center,- GroatLakes, 111.

'D uring tho nine-week indotTrin- atioir to Navy life,, recruits are trained ill physical fitness, basic m ilitary. Jaw, .m ilitary drill, cus­toms and :etiquette of tlic naval service, swimminjj and survival, first' aid, nn‘d “soTtnTtufsliipT '• Each recruit receives tests and, interviews to determine future trnininftr and assignm ents.

P f c . G l e n n H a y e s

L e a v i n g f o r F a r E a s t

T b o ' a r t l ~ t ^ S ^ ^ i i n i ^ f n

USR . Princeton-—Marino Private F i r s t , Class Glenn W. Hnye's, son of Mr.xiuid Mrs, (ilenn C, llaytjs of 184 Orchard St., (jhelsoti, Mich., is sorvinff. ahonrd the amphibious rrsxnttIt-sb ip l-ISRr-I1 ui'cM^rr-wbiidv-receilt-ly completed two weeks un- d e r w n y t r a ini n if InTftAT^STan I) i c ypy

The Princeton is selioduled to doping to t h e n a r Mast early in lfu hima r.,\L^fiu'..5r ..p iu c ■ ra tailK .Ao ur of duty with the Reventir PloeL

The prineeton carries holieopt- ei’H. und ftfaidiie. Jtifantryn'iety The.

,’W r>',wr r ‘ trTw ip w l,'‘iw i ’«c e p t a f a m p h ib io u s a s s a u l t t e r m e d v e r t i c a l c n v c lo p m e n te ^ - H - - R r - U w - M a r in o s a r c l a n d e d b e h in d c o m b a t l in e s b y h e l i c o p te r to p r o v i d e g r e a t e r s h o c k p o jv e r u n d e r c o m ­b a t , v

— O -> C PH I T T H E M A R K


H^ r-ts n od flow ers. 1'Q-lci/'g tngp.thpr. 'A t f'.t

a !I on V a le n t in e 's D ay. ..So se a so n y o u r s w e e th e a r t 's

d a y o r 1.d a te tim e w ith f r e ^ h ^ J /a g r o n t flow ers. . . .■

sw e e te s t sym bol of y o u r love.

B e a u t i f u l . ; .

L a s t i i i f f

• v o - t

TU L4PS- - H Y A C IN T H S ■



..... ^ .........


SH O OU p ..... '

We Have a Beautiful Selection ofCUT F L O W E liS - CORSAGES


7010 LINGAKE ROAP RHONE GB 9-6Q7JM e m b & r - F . T - , ^ 7 — R o w e r s - D e l i v e r e d —B y - W i f e - A h y w h e r e v s

■ r

/— f-— .......-L-




ConstructionBrow nies...TROOP 606—

' ' Thursday,- 1 at South tseh^xof. 'iirrrvh i^ i>f- Troftp 606 jirere enter-

mh*d-bby-- M rs-,'W itter SilvernaU Watf fiv*.-, •A.-r.ftH. . fov.^jr home

•vaa. if.- J-*pwfrr—Sfi»-• 4A<med_^he. - - -TV - w a ! r.umr*f -vf -I * * - , . . - * . t . fu 1 ’.hr,;; ft's she. permits- W«ueA in- • Wa.*!ii*ffa * j '■•'i'- r<r- •■■f, from. Japan.,f, rhr;r.ti~lM2 -'how l ar rVf----".-.i-"’;> > re' server! byEZsaTfr'oveFTS^I ly;w. reT^TTTyrfLuAnr.

.Vf ; i y •p’-'W j* *, .j* ri r.<-,.;*a<crj by tr,* FMr.rpit.Vfetfr,pontiff!Ar*a fiesri'tnal, f'lahff m/ ■ f.'imirrH. * -sir, a iff tt.-i*ar.m;ai -aurnmary. of > fRWH'- 6 $3*- " •• • •■;'••

.f*r,rj*-nti?i! fj'iiirtir./ fftiffnit activity r fai'y vr.,^ -,f T/n^p- $3-5 a* .aat that •'Washtenaw epur.ty n* i .<«*** .-*■ m«s*binsf-, •■ ^ade, arran'rfa-

ji'ieiJ !0u mpre■ !pe'rV.-;;t.« ;r.' i'.rr,:;-1 .mm’.'. v» -•/•■v’Mirn-and ap r *r« - ; | ; ■*- ■ 1 ,r 1 1 ■'* i f ’flC :Taff‘* A T UP . Tl lYl*! l pF’/’

r ■. W hiskers S ta rt

r. F-ff.-2. T’-''V ffarJ aOF thawe, four wa' c F .;•- ( ,‘i;^ j .f - ir ; From: station.' « ttin » •

,f ! li'.'l LUC. ' - r.;_, - ; . .0T --aT-. w«-r*-■ m rv<5d/at;”the mact- •

■ by-.'.Tr,«ja^:'3--:; :■:'/■ '■’.' ' I‘i Linda TV;kc 1.7fmar-,-: bo.; ■ ■■;!.

j .j ir.. y ur.itu. -micm J-htf-'- j afffJ tr./t-i--m■., t ;-?am ;:y .fftjti »r. -Dexter: 15 T .ryV fim , t > ?;fui* m Hottor yfr*-r -hip; thro- '

j_'isrl«-fafn:iy ■' bffi'-rt :r>. .■ ?'«•>■•«(•;nr.• •.i- n.<hip; —Art\-it-.M-•• n' -;r.y’:f--Farr.,,> I

■ si. i tA ■] n- f, i rr, a -tow r.Jt r.; p. rROOP - T—F'/ro'wffife< ,.{ Trooff *7 'not at

. a r n vh),ol Worine-iday ar.d-f'.r chi, arara rr.r :<irto F'v- -A *.’/r.• Va>vtr> Thoy a.-jo

,:or, township. ftM ^ hinr, iay.■■■V/wnshtf>: two, -nn. .Manr-a»«tor-:.

'■Xif.■->'t'ir)-'tirda-^nip; >•:arr.*l -,r r . .v i JT". i.v’ t . *r


R ;" . roa-j. iortoo.

rR o o p >r:—

The. over*all- Wa+r.tebaw■ . cam m •riy<?:-oapcfiy to tr.o. •/.r?:s

................. i

(iff.-'-.-'. a?.d"a p".ppetjhow . , ,' • j ^opp*-tt_ma-lA.fiy tne/^ irl', was ;

ff‘y *fff- at tr.o Rrowjie 1

ToU row liSrS atan ’s H oliday

Mala* over 18 y ean of ajfe, a re A.i«Mfrv.traiii'ihsr - fo r the “SaScan’* i


/ • mrscouritNEWS,

W h T ^ ra—-Brother-of—the—Br-y^hjitfEN ' I— |V•conteatNto be held ift connecjrtSnf Memberj of .Den. V F tta rted th e in

good condition for the Blue ^hd gold Cub, Scout'and Dad djrfner Keb, k'.'I he meffibern ■ fuiimed the living “circle ahu- pronounced Hiej

. , Scout Benediction, i | Their leader Vernon Parks, an- | f, nounced the next meetinjf will * I be held at Den headuuartera, 151 't Van Buren-St,, at J, o’clock Feb. O.

hl|fh m arks and are I

with "Satan's Holiday j {■'S^rd^7'Taff€^3'X""ar f j Oututanding p r iz e / wf!l go to ■sltbe winners in the following, cat*'' ! goriea: beat goatee; best b u tto n pi chop, beat fu ll ' beam, longest,

beard and moat unusual, beard

bn-lWebeloi m eetingi Saturday, Feb.

flag cerem ony,' David'Cor.klin the Cub S^out Promiee, Lee Diekeiman the Club Scout Motto, and A rthur Farley, John H epbu rn ,:Barry No- vess and Bruce Parka the Law of i

’ Jfkhigan State University acj,- TgirtfST3^ave"^ o u n d ;:t,but--o,hfeke' aren’t bother&^A’yt-crbwded hp\jas long as« environmental ta p d rs $uch as nutrition and prj^wr ven-, cilation, are- ^ tls fa c to r

STUDENTS NOT RELAXEd" Buffalo, iN.Y,—School

Uttle lpYe, sa y s , a,sor.

Dr« Sm ith, .a professor of jjj tion a t Syracuse University a ^twcHars^ conference 1 “We

* ildren conform, e^iifor^ 3

We know people cave in um|et| due pressure, But we continue!put our children under floramore pressure." v

Anyone - wiahing to en ter thia j the Pack.:‘ content ahouid mail S1.00 t o ■ the ’A ft£r tl.,i Heil Chamber of Commerce. They f bcjL'made notes on the electives

f^r the duj?i were taken the

d ■ will receive - a registration eertifi- ’ tj^y wouLd like to work on at cate ac once and ah -official -badge-j-^uj^ • their - parents > help in

-she “day of she' earning their go id arrow under[,■ Ber.soh Harbor haa mialed is. l i thei,r Lion patch. They w ere . then

l j host-..of entrants, and. it m ust. .bej introduced to -five letters l'ft",Morse -i admitted, the House of-David Lads C(Xje followed by a contest to 'm ake

have taker, a, pig lead in the cor,-. as many words as possible _from | t e s t . out,.. John- Burg • and ■.■several - -fceg'e code fetters, "tVext meeting , o ther, local men are woricmg over- ,j,ey wjj| ^ taugh t two more and ; time on their tickiisr. adornm ent *-ere advised .to study the original and promUe...ty ,jppker.^j$&e., of :,t,. f,tV€ th is : coming . week, ■ •>

r‘T'**— ‘ a ^- - o* '* 6/ Ste/fen^— ila t tn a is were given—each -bo.y.. merchant-, is • rated a- d a rK - ,^ - b<,- kept in hu own b o x 'fo r =

: chance ay the vld-r/maitera. ■makin'r-’k.nota^-tH?.*.:.project- -.r.o-• h»- -

■:,J.U K FO LLIES Q I,'EEN ~Jo Ann Weston, third grade teacher

Tr vop 17 Tuesday. Tr.e | a t . North Elementary school, s as crowned "Queen of the 1M3the dee at C av-

Tom. was ’ a;r,. rease i-r. toe t ;.«iw:r. ‘rv.dr e...- .rr,»:, v -r*A& r.eld a*, the home of j ( hryder fee Follies" Joilowing^apsoftbalj game-on i.1/ g. . Ta-irrfrr '(.ftar..-n*ny{.. -’a-naugh-' I- rk? ?fyturday—"afternrK»n7—(fer- husband.'o. Ann Art,or .r..t-. r.. . W.V.rhe ster brougn*. ---- . . .» .. t.

j worked on a t t heir "den rheetings. pi" To close the nieeting it was an- i

— -y. - -.•-,! nounced.-the boys Would not start.;l O t r & l f f l t l t l I n s t r u m e n t --‘4-.t&---wear their -Uniforms—f£ir=ScoutbrLr

F ire Call M ade

4-«Ann Arbor f permit- ar-t.v.

• ity.; accoonte'Li/or.J71 •• ;.e- .er.t- r <tW countys v/,.i, 'o-i ffg

. Don ice Bussler, scribe.

r*.» ' TFtOOF* HA—

^mtmbrr of, the ( jitjjikr ■dr>sej:uaeidujnu:.-5-JL eain-jL ho-defeated-the_b ,5r‘•p'lsw- .t-fijr-hBdti^g* engineer, team m the! event. The teams are already plan- for testing work .At Gelman'"ntng other....g.amcs,.- •- ■■ ■ -. , ' : Instrument Co., resulted-jrs—a call

for the Chelsea .Fir.e Department

- Pacer .w h ic h - - ig ^ i t e d - a f t e r - b e J - '^ 'Jtitii .EridayAy.. Fo b .-8. as looming overheated .from ‘ a- nearby! theyw ou ld like to have them in

TListen to thot "oirs-well0 purr

Y o u r c u r 's u n g ln u .. w ill ^pur WLtll jB u a ru u fm en l o f W our 4 , p u r ls c h u n g u t h u o il a n d • giv« a g o o d ' lu b r ic a tio n * -

Sweat music your, ears Is-the purrof your engine,:-sure promise of pep|power and < performonce after qJservicemen drain the sludge and-filthe crankcase of your cor with-Kiohe quality PURE oil. 8 *


-Tiies -— Batteries — Tune-Ups — Broke Service — Wheel AllsAmei

— PHOHJE 479-3541 — , CHtLSEA, MICH,

-H '~r\ .-anked- Fif-j , :r, y»f- \i- r ‘-y; r. 1 \rr*. *. > • .

-»■ i'■■■‘i— i-nH-i—f fi.. . n,~"T~i by "WuTrT .• -

l-Tl 1 T'jKi-uiay a.f-err.i'ion.; Ronald Brar.ham, an employee

eh& pjar.t who- i j one .’of~'Chei-~■% : * K J. JO'J

wfir IT-1. .OF *.re 7 ■(■ c.e t .

■t ' f-' 1 h y A >r-f-rf f'.f .•{/,[

family dw»-, ,ag

\ c \ ( , : 1.7 _ d.-.-' ■-or.- Th.-

••! so a s -volunteer firemen, turned in .the..: a lam " and .»$ed.. a fire extin-

bguisher on the blaze. .•• . .. r ; •, .':.;aVed t'aif.t v a r,d •• . ■ —- ■ . . . . ; • : ; *.

I ■ Barbara •Duerr,- vr.;r>;.--. n r ■-■rt- o:‘ • The-University of Michigan‘sAIn*

'ti'o1' He dert v, y ot* s cien,;e and Technology,'0 'Mich i gar, corn muni-1

rf’fif.t’ier.*{••*■ * r. ibt* {-' * Tr\r.V ■vVdT.v'i ' i f lr.d J, rXa V « r i •- f \-i ..'» .h

■ it'icffigar.-hc.nooi of fyenr.iAf.ry. -

H oftbai. g a m e - ,,f, th.i,c ..-o ^ -l n a v e o e * n .a f a i r 'h a n d i- .-.■ a n - ^ d u a t r i a l ' d e v e l o p ]>,-r. tr.>.- \ . ..,r. ,;j -. r.',. t.or.', out ment. research .'program to aid the ]

n 1 ' •• <■■■.........T* • ■•'v : Ls gro'-vtn of STichfgan industry.rr.e<-r.anics and the;-'-;o:'.er.-;, tr.e. 'J-a-. .p.a'.reo--under ,:ar- .fromr- normal • : ______ ;____ i _ _______1_


r+-pf : - -■ j -.-Ta.,m i = 7 I.n : ‘. UU - ~ . |tlo.h ahd crowrrir.g ' of .fiy, r . ‘ Wner. "the managers'" of"’ the two"--'

... in ju s t seco n d s on ourSH ERW IN-W rU IAM S

A r.n We-tor, a.-. "Queen of. tr.e. Ice - teams —W arren We; ton and , Gary ’ ' ■R n . \ •' . \ '___i _ : _ ri/.nwartz-— w.ejie...a.ik£d___why... the.-;-^

’ ■ ■ ’-A r = ---. ■■/-,rr ‘‘■u/ha* iram--- -a-. - ■ r, aye-,-;- -;ey. - they----t.;o'r..r.g - the" honor. • •*a>. n r,te<! -a-, v ia ;n .v n - .r -reniy was. rj-iite logi- j ' a . . ; / f r r: ■ w r i.: "h--;. trat tr.e -,rr.mer.

.'/ca'ie ■ >a' rier- at rtr. Klemer- t'/a.l tVe.d owner was planning to->-- -, “’aTy r “o- ' '"• 'ix7.7i.T ^ T ~ r r ~ ; r r l .,:y ■ ... :~-=ft==trre—orj*.DtRf---an(i---

v.-r "T7r:er-.;i.;i: , y -f, _lifujer - sUert fon<’li-t. -tt;-t d o e -.r, 't rn a k e s e r .s e . '' w n r.-g-“o f" -Mt -7 WTr.Tlo n

MAUSOLEUMS > MONUMENTS.-.e-vre.-o: vatur’iav game a-: .12 -1 . wa.-> 'tfi.e -final.-evert of the day.;be t • he ■ r'rvar ager 'of the her. idnee.-; ’ ! . ."f'ecau -.e ; the winter1 ' .softball * . ____ ___t<-;, rn ' .a; rvv— - other w;-e. ■ :-r.atitTg"garrre- /.i-ove-l --/jim'a' ,-.uc< (r.i.s, it is i BRONZE TABLETS ★ MARKERS, that the .driver mechanics 7coredw..[ijar,rled to h'oidVsimilar events', at

Our new Sherv/in-V/iMiams-Color-.. ‘w , ^

|------- rr-e-fer rnakev. afiy■ pai'tit color.your

- ■ kt*frj-r4—de*sivon -j—*■-,-In ju it seconrJc.

. ' - U'di ll.'i.t l,ln',J»service for all your p a in t needn end : he cure of per feet-. ■ r/zior match,


Take the g uessw ork out of d eco ra tin g !—aorro'/ t- e r e/i t v y r‘a-r- men} Ol. 'ie . ’, . free’1 He

A* h‘ v,

unciI | I J l d

-f--- - q r i r j g S O l Y M e h - t / H J n n j m i r . r 1

yd jM tz so little!

W/y7 / / 'r '


Per GallonJ \t* —Ihii—wiill—piiln t--valu«c_t) f—11 w_

|I Hi tfi jj it isi-iriw I-1 »t • i

century! Siif.ier Kt'in-Tniu1, th«f Inte* well puint. ft in t. flfiWHion Hmonthly with cither bnipli or KoMer-Koiitor nnd will give yme h "now" room in le«K timn n dny. A gnllon will cover nn nverngn room nnrt Mtiper Knm-Tono ririM t.o n tough, niijyr-w iiH lw dile finish thnt, nctunlly re-

. ninfM wenrv T'lmone todny from more than a 1* hundred ~4ovety-dncorn t(tr-a |»rpve«L twlor«,.

ColorH thrtt are nlno nvnilfihln in Kcm-CJlo*— the miracle ItiNlre enamel. Given kitchenn,

and wiihFu'E 1 ike iiiikod ennmuT.

W r u p i r K r m - T o M ^ ^



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.-Kut foj- two. women arrested in aniscou'rit store fecentl.vv"'fhe a Worn- ihe!. binding^ of merehawdise.*

binding^ served -as storehouses


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JU ST A R R IV ED !!a •


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' ore,an. who weighs about Z.iu poi.r.'d-:. loir! .-tuffed into her ■lnrd:<" i-i pan ~n: worner.'-;"hb-f,'1 ■. r ,i,, - ,H w

- pairs of men's . stockings'/- 14- Hi - z-. -j__!1 a; L' - -o f _a r. k! •: tu—si-nrl—y

• r;,; -I -; A -e-eA -r fa t, j-.—en-otrgh—rrm mt'.,r' •v.\i',-ar.d paws of .worn- <•! N n_i,.-ei- 2<) pan - of .men's stock- me-, . -, 11 j -. a boy'-'ca|>. a pair of r . a n d a- of.girl 's pa-

i M . a r. S'a'e University -ei- are aUeu.-'ptmg to deter*

•'ifpe-of ’ fi*'. reasons .hmitia-g proouctive life of 'dairy nres.-

fr.-:-y ior/kirt' for ■ way.-: ■ to ,ve- : . e m w n c a u s e d by aging arid

f.r.d c ' whjch could ex,te:i1d the .-•■■prod life of bulls.---------- b


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availaLie for you to tako home and study.Wc Gladly‘Furniih You with Ettimofct on

If you with to remodel your present homo wc now have o service which will holp you work out your romodollng job on a monthly payment plan.

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T hink Tw ices > 1

= 5

i i ?'S a t

Y o u ’re p r o b a b ly p a y in g th e p r ic e -o f a L e S a b r e b y -

B m c k —w h y -n o t-o w n o n e ?LeSabre 2-door sedan shown below—$2849.'

*Bmd m VdftufKtu'tt t SutiMtai latid Prca for . this LbSiSm -door tdda<i uAciiidts fumfigri*.lit Ft4<fit In Md Sia :t4_Cifi,tf_Dtfi#«ry. 'and lfimdiiftj 'Chif'ia• imtooruiAVt chaxi«a Slid and local Uiai Kcntao j*<j. idoiGfitnt

_i.mPfoved carburetion for . - g*a's miieegej.n"1.63.^4 &' wheels -

stretch tire life ^ Finned alumi* num front hrakA v-hnmgAlongest <$ Buick's high quality

. engineering cuts upkeep costs ♦-Long»life e^uminize^rrr^fterr

Hys J1.

■ up i Minis_l.u. X U.n ou s _Lrt te.riQf s. _A_307.doc- orator trims, - durable vinyl or tabr.ic ^ Exclusive- Advanced Thrust engineering ^ Arrow- straight trac King ■Wildcat 401V\8 Acbon Surging Turbine Drive* <g> Substantial £uick ride ■ Front andireAr.lloot "moun- Iain" gone $ Big, roomy trunk.*0o<«ul *1 »ili| «nt

J,& } ■

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B u i c k r e s a l e ' . v a l u e f l y i n g h i g hExample: a i960 LeSabre 4-deiof hardtop retain? an overage of

-;>i?S6 more of its origine teoet -te*day than did a comparable 1958 mode! sold in 1960* <p Today'sVJj ,M HI 1 7WV I'UuOJ 0 /quality Suick stays npw longer! •loirt. MOA BW.kl. PUv., IttO, Ittt

^ ^ d ^ » b r t ffwdstspWfn»TirC6aftrtiBlt.-2.-iiuf 4-ifaftf kimkir^n^ j | i r r


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■Extra-values'^ tooj