CHAPTER 13 - Meet Joe Black

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press CHAPTER 13 CHAPTER 13 Chapter 13 – 1 20 Good Reasons Chapter 13 – 2 First Encounter Chapter 13 – 3 The Office Chapter 13 – 4 You Have 106 New Messages Chapter 13 – 5 How Do I Live Without You Chapter 13 – 6 Happy Ending Chapter 13 – 7 Dancing in the Moonlight

Transcript of CHAPTER 13 - Meet Joe Black

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press



Chapter 13 – 1 20 Good Reasons

Chapter 13 – 2 First Encounter

Chapter 13 – 3 The Office

Chapter 13 – 4 You Have 106 New Messages

Chapter 13 – 5 How Do I Live Without You

Chapter 13 – 6 Happy Ending

Chapter 13 – 7 Dancing in the Moonlight

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Character Chart

This is what has been happening in the MJB world so far:

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Chapter 13 – 1 20 Good Reasons

< It is at 11pm at night, Joey and Edward are having dessert at a quiet café. Joey seems to be not herself the

whole night, and Edward is still as caring as ever. >

Edward: Hey Jo, I find there is a bat cave somewhere out in the woods, it had got the best glow worm colony.

After we can gaze at the stars on treetops while sipping a glass of fresh blood… (coughs) uhm I mean blood

orange cocktail heihei…. What do you say?

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Joey: Umm… Ed… I want to talk to you about something.

Edward: I would love to listen.

Joey: Uhm…. I think you are too perfect for me.

Edward: I beg your pardon?

Joey: Maybe you will understand if I sing this..

Stay forever who you are

Don't change a thing

Because you're perfect

You sway gently in the breeze

In between my dreams

It kind of makes me nervous

You're storm, yeah, the lightning striking down

To only strike me once, would still be worth it

In my dreams you were perfect

When I woke you were perfect

<Edward looks more confused than ever, as that song did not explain a thing>

Joey (Sighs): You know, you have such a perfect face, sculptured body and you are such a wonderful person. You

are so sensitive and caring, and would listen to me talk about nothing all the time. And even your breath smells

like the morning air, and your skin would glitter under the sun. So I ask myself, what more do I want?

Edward: I am not following.

Joey: It is just, when I am with you, I feel so pressured. I feel so ugly and dumb and such a bad person. I think you

can settle for someone way better than me. I don’t deserve you.

Edward: No, you are perfect for me. I have been waiting for the perfect girl for 250, uhm no I mean 25 years, and

you have finally come. Did I do something wrong? I can change.

Joey (looks away): No. It’s not you. It’s me.

Edward (Pauses a while): Is it because of Blake?

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Joey (Pauses a long while): I am sorry Ed. Yes.

Edward: But he is with Kellie now! He has moved on, so should you! (They don’t know that Blake and Kellie have

already broken up)

Joey: I find that my heart can only contain one person. When he enters my heart, I have no room for others. But

when he leaves, he takes my heart away as well. Let’s just say, I don’t know how to love anyone else now. I am so

sorry Ed. You deserve someone way better than me.

Edward (hurt): …. Joey… please…

Joey (stands up and leaves): I am sorry, I got to go. Please.

Edward (sings):

They said love hurts

I wrote that book

I climbed that wall

I had one look

But you just came around to say hello

The streets were filled with guilty hearts

And here was I right from the start

And I lost everything when I lost you

So tell me why-y-y-y

Should I let you go

Give me 20 good reasons

I need to know, yeah

Give me 20 good reasons

Give me 20 good reasons

Give me 20 good reasons

To let you go

< Edward watches as Joey runs off with tears flowing down her cheeks. >

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Chapter 13 – 2 First Encounter

< Erik arrives at Nepal airport. The country is still very underdeveloped. Erik has no idea where he is, but he needs

to get to a five star hotel. He hails a taxi, and tells the driver to drop him off at the nearest 5-star hotel. Deprived

of any sleep by Ella and Coke’s mental bombardment on the plane, he dozes off straight away. When he wakes up,

he is on a desolate road, far away from any civilization. >

Erik (To the driver): Hey, where are you going?

Driver (Suddenly takes out a knife): Money or… DIE!!

Erik (nervous): Okay okay… (Passes over his watch, wallet, phone etc)

Driver: Clothes!

Erik: Huh… but I will be cold... please...

< The driver swings the knife again, Erik takes off his branded jacket, shirt and pants. He is taking off his

underpants as well. >

Driver: Hey! What da?! I No want undie. Shoes!

< Erik puts underwear back on and passes the shoes over >

Driver (Stops the car): Out!

Erik: But… can’t you take me back to the city? … Where is this place?… (The drivers walks off the taxi, opens the

door, drags Erik out, and drives off) No… don’t leave me here…

< Shivering in cold and hunger, Erik wanders randomly in search for civilization and food. He walks past an apple

farm, but the only apple he has seen are peeled apples cut up and placed nicely on a plate, so he doesn’t know

apples hanging off tree can be food. He leaves the apples tree along and keeps walking. Along the way, he walks

past a banana farm and a mango farm as well.

Erik has been walking non-stop for 45minutes. Just as he is about to give up and let nature takes its course,

suddenly he hears the sound of children laughing. He follows the noise and he sees a bunch of local kids playing at

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


a pond. And those kids are being led by a young girl who is playing along with them. Erik watches in distance as he

checks on the girl. Her smile is so sweet and genuine, her eyes sparkle like diamonds in the sun, and her face is

sweet enough to melt anyone’s heart. Erik walks towards the girl, but hunger and tiredness kick in and he fainted

on the way.

When he wakes up, he is lying in bed of a simple infirmary. The girl is watching him and smiles as he wakes up.

Erik is stunned to see such a beautiful face looking back at him. >

Erik: Am I dead? Is it heaven?

Girl: Hehe… No no you silly silly boo boo ~… You are alive and good. This is my cutesy little office ~ ♥

Erik: Thank you for saving me. By the way, my name is …

Girl: Dr Erik Leo Charming right? I have read all about you! I am 1劉嘉玲 ^^ (pronounced: Liu Jia Ling).

Erik: Sorry what? liu.. liu... (trying hard to say it properly)

Girl: Oh it's my Nepalese name, a bit hard for you foreigners to pronounce. You can call me Elizabeth. I am a

volunteering nurse and teacher of this village. Anyway I am super duper happie that you are A-Okay. I need to

cook for the my dear kiddies now, 2我愛死他們啦~ Call out if you need anything aw ~ (winks and walks off)

1 “Angelina Jolie”

2 “I love them to death”

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Erik: Oh okay. Thanks again

< His mind is now completely consumed by Elizabeth, whose every action and word makes his heart tingle. Erik

giggles as the feeling of first love comes back. Erik jumps out and start singing and dancing to Kylie Minogue’s

“Love at First Sight”.>

Erik (sings): … And everything went from wrong to right

And the stars came out and filled up the sky

The music you were playing really blew my mind

It was love at first sight

'Cause baby when I heard you

For the first time

I knew we were meant to be as one …

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Chapter 13 -3 The Office

< At Elizabeth’s office, there is a small television connected to a DVD machine. Elizabeth carefully takes out a DVD

from Erik Leo’s Doctor Charming Limited Box Set, and starts watching. She has got her pen and paper ready to

take note. >

Erik (on TV): …Spread my words. One word can set a whole generation free…

Elizabeth (laughing): What the hell?

< Elizabeth is laughing so hard that she starts to have tears in her eyes. Suddenly the door bangs open with Erik

storming in. Elizabeth is shocked and embarrassed, she quickly switches off the television, and pushes the box of

Dr Charming DVD’s under a pile of documents. She also grabs some tissue to wipe the tears off her face. Erik has

already spotted her watching his DVD’s, and thinks that she must have felt so touched by his words that she cried.

He is secretly glad inside his mind. >

Erik (apologetic): Oh sorry… forgot to knock…

Elizabeth (trying to act normal): It’s fine. I was just doing… uhm… doing some filing… phew~. This place is a

mess… So how can I help you Erik?

Erik: Nothing much. I was just making some coffee so I figured you may want one.

Elizabeth: Aiyor 3好貼心哦, 送愛心咖啡來^^ you are such a sweetie boo~

Erik: And please call me 4梁朝偉 from now on. I got myself a Nepalese name at a local temple!

Elizabeth: Heihei, 5梁朝偉, sound so cuddly~

Erik: Oh another thing, I was just wondering if you would like to climb with me up the Himalayas?

Elizabeth (cheerfully): Yes, I would love to!

3 “Just what I wanted, a personally delivered coffee with lotsa love^^”

4 “Brad Pitt”

5 “Brad Pitt”

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


< They both smile happily, and seem to be frozen in the moment as if there are sparkles coming out of the eyes.

They can definitely sense chemistry between them. >

Infernal Affairs staring Asian Brad Pitt (梁朝偉梁朝偉梁朝偉梁朝偉)

Elizabeth (slightly shy): Uhm.. I’d better get back to my markings now.

Erik: Sounds good, 6嘉玲姐. Thought you said you were filing.

Elizabeth: Heihei is that what I said? (Blushes) Whoopsy, silly Lizzy me~ … Anyways... see you later at dinner okay

aw~ (pretends to be busy looking at a document)

< Erik leaves the office happily. Elizabeth turns the television back on and continues watching, laughing all the

way. >

Elizabeth (thinking to herself): mmm... 7梁朝偉 and 劉嘉玲... hehe (blushing at her own thought)

6 “Angelina”

7 “Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie… Brangelina… hehe”

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Chapter 13 -4 You Have 106 New Messages

<Miranda sits down as she orders herself a nice cup of coffee in a small cafe in Balmain of Australia. She looks up

at the calendar hanging on the wall, a drop of tear rolls down her cheek as today is supposed to be her big day

with Erik, but instead of her, Erik walked down the altar with another woman, Hermioné. She has left her

blackberry switched off since she boarded the plane from Taiwan, as she wanted to get away from it all. She

forces a smile on her face, thinking finally all these Erik drama should be over now with him getting married. She

takes a deep breathe and finally has the courage to turn on her phone to face reality>

Blackberry: You have... 106 new voice messages

Miranda (mumbling to herself): Oh God.. I knew it

<She starts going through to the voice messages, the first one was Erik's, so was the second, and the third, and

the next 50 telling her that he was sorry. She does not listen to any of Erik’s messages, she deletes them as soon

as she hears his voice. As she is about to give up going through the messages, she suddenly hears a different

voice.. A familiar voice... from a woman this time… >

Voice Message: Hey there Miranda, it's me... Hermioné...

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


<Miranda drops her coffee mug as she is surprised to get a voice message from Hermioné. Thinking that

Hermioné’s probably just calling to gloat, still she is curious so she listened on.>

Hermioné: Before you hang up, just want to let you know I am not here to brag or anything... so please listen on

(pauses)... I didn't end up marrying Erik. I did a Run Away Bride, like you know ummm Julia Roberts? Anyway...I

guess I was too deeply in love with him and too selfish to have done what I did (sobs), I am sorry. I lied.. I am not

pregnant and never was, I made it all up to win him back. On our wedding day, I realised you are the one who

truly deserves him... because you are the one he loves and only you can make him happy Miranda. So I left him at

the altar…

<At this point Miranda is in shock. Her hands shiver and she starts sobbing in the corner of the cafe>

Hermioné: So for Erik's happiness, please take him back. (sobs) I heard he has gone to Nepal, just to get some

fresh air. It's so dangerous there! So could you please find him and take him back to civilization before he gets

malaria or something? You are the one that's supposed to be with him... wait, he's even written a song for you.

Let me sing it for you

(sings) Hey there Miranda

What’s is it like in Aussie City

I am a thousand miles away…

<Miranda hangs up the phone before the song even finishes. She drops a hundred dollar note on the table for the

coffee and runs out to the street to hail a taxi >

Miranda: The Langham, and then straight to the airport please.

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Chapter 13 - 5 How Do I Live Without You

< After a day of climbing the Himalayas, Erik and Elizabeth are both tired. The two are sharing a great time, taking

pictures and enjoying themselves. Elizabeth accidentally steps on a piece of brittle ice covered with snow, which

breaks immediately and she falls down the cliff. Worried, Erik calls on his phone, but there is no reception. Erik

carefully climbs down the cliff. >

Erik: 8嘉玲!!!! 嘉玲姐!!!!!!! Can you hear me????????!!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU??

< There was no reply. He frantically looks all around, and finally spots a backpack that belongs to Elizabeth. He

digs with his hands, and finds Elizabeth buried under the snow, motionless. She is badly hurt, with a broken arm

where the bone is visibly sticky out. Blood is flowing out.>

Erik: Oh my god… so much blood… hate blood… (A cold shiver is sent up his nerve)


Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


< He tries on his phone again, but still it receives no reception. >

Erik (to himself): What should I do now? I hate blood… so much blood… and that bone….ewww… (To Elizabeth): 9嘉玲, talk to me… SAY SOMETHING….. don’t give up on me now… (Still no response from Elizabeth, tries on the

phone again but still no luck) Bloody 3G… I have the most expensive package… I am so changing plans… (Back to

Elizabeth) 10嘉玲姐… 嘉玲姐!!!

< The snowy mountain turns into a stage where Erik sings “How do I live” by Leann Rimes. >

Erik (sings): And tell me now,

How do I live without you?

I want to know,

How do I breathe without you?

If you ever go,

How do I ever, ever survive?...

< The scene goes back to normal as the song finishes. >

Elizabeth (finally wakes up, spots Erik panicking, in a faint voice): 11梁... 梁朝偉... Be…believe…. In your self…

You….you are a doctor…. The Doctor Erik Charming…. You can do it…..

< Now Erik is motivated and determined to treat her injured arm. But he has never done it in real life before, and

he starts to panic. He looks for the bandage but he hasn’t packed it in his backpack. >

Elizabeth (smiles): …. my…. Backpack…..

< Erik reaches for Elizabeth’s backpack and takes out a first aid kid. It has got everything he needs. But the bone

that is sticking out is making him nervous. He bites his lips to keep himself from fainting. >

Erik (holding the roll of bandage): Mmm…. What to do with these….?

Elizabeth (struggling): the….Doc…. Doctor Charming show…. Episode 14… how to treat…. a wounded person…

9 “Angie”

10 “Angelina… Angelina…”

11 “Brad… Brad Pitt…”

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


< Erik thinks hard and remembers that’s the episode where he had Blake as his assistant. He tries hard to

remember how Blake did it and the image of that episode plays at the background. >

Erik (delightfully): OH YEAH!!! (talks to himself) Mmm so you unwrap this first…. Or should I sterile it first…

mmm … where’s the gloves….Nurse, I need tweezers!!... Wish Blake was here…. (Struggles a bit but still manages

to complete the task) I did it!! I DID IT!!!! You are ok…

Elizabeth (tears in her eyes): Yes…. YES YOU DID IT…. 12真的好感動, You are the very best! Thank you… Dr

Charming… (she leans onto the shoulder of the exhausted Erik) 13好幸福哦... 幸福滿滿...

< Erik carries Elizabeth back to the village. A sense of achievement fills inside him. He finally saves someone

directly and that feeling is great. Most important, he has saved the person who saved his life.>


“I am so touched, really touched” 13

“I am so spoilt… so spoilt with happiness”

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Chapter 13 – 6 Happy Ending

< After lunch, Elizabeth packs the dishes and everyone stays back to help. Erik sneaks out of the dining hall and

wanders around aimlessly. After walking for few minutes, he feels tired and thirsty. >

Erik (thinking to himself): Ar... Bloody hell! No servants here...

< He sees a bunch of kids playing around the oval. He suddenly has an idea. >

Erik (cheerfully to the kids): Hey boy and girls! Wanna play a game?

Kids (loud and happy): YES!!!!

Erik: Okay okay. We will play a game called "Simon Says". I will give the instructions. You only do what I tell you

to do if I say "Simon Says" in front of the sentence, okay?

Kids: Okay!!

Erik: Let's play! Everyone jump! (Some kids jump) Hahaha... I didn't say "Simon Says", so you guys lose! (pointing

to those who jumped) Lets try again! Simon says, jump! (everyone jumps) Hahaha good work guys!

< The kids seem to have a good time. >

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Erik: Simon says, you go get me a glass of water. (pointing to a kid) Simon says, you go get me a bowl of

watermelon, washed and cut up please. (pointing to another kid) Simon say, you go help me clean my room, it's a

mess (pointing to an older kid) Simon says, you go give me a massage (pointing to a big kid)...

< The kids innocently listen to Erik's instructions. So now few of the kids are giving him back, shoulder and foot

massages, where Erik is lying down on a beach chair that some kid has fetched for him. One kid is feeding him

grapes, while another is standing there fanning him to keep him cool. Suddenly Erik spots Elizabeth walking

towards him from distant. Erik jumps off his chair. >

Erik (to the kids): Simon says, everyone make a circle, dance and sing Kumbaya together! (the kids do as told,

dance and sing happily)

< Elizabeth arrives at the scene. She nods and smiles joyously at Erik. >

Elizabeth: Oh there is my princey boo. 14

Looks like 梁朝偉 is more popular than 劉嘉玲 now. You play along with

the kids just like a little monkey heihei... Can I join?

Erik: Of course! (Take a hand out and invite Elizabeth for a dance, Elizabeth holds his hand and they dance in side

the circle)

Erik: (sings Michael Jackson's "We are the World"): ... We are the world

Elizabeth (sings): We are the children

Erik and Elizabeth (both sings): We are the ones who make a brighter day, So let's start giving

There's a choice we're making, We're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day, Just you and me...

< They gaze sweetly into each other's eyes for a long moment, then being interrupted by the kids. A kid brings

over a fluffy "A Bug's Life" toy caterpillar and suddenly shows it in front of Elizabeth.>

Elizabeth (shocked, screaming): ARRR... 15這毛毛的是什麼東東, 人家好怕怕哦~ 要抱抱 (sobs)

< Erik goes over and gives Elizabeth a long hug >


“Looks like Brad Pitt is more popular than Angelina now” 15

“What’s that scary hairy thingy? Angie scare scare ~ Angie needs huggie hugs”

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Kids: 16你們兩個好幸福哦~... heihei... 朝偉 and 嘉玲 sitting a on tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G... hehehe

Elizabeth (blushes): 17你們不要欺負人家啦... 人家也會哭哭(hugs the kids)


(giggles away with the kids)

< The two are indulged in each other's presence. They are unaware that there is a limo stopping not too far away.

A well dressed young lady has been watching all along. She is Miranda, who clinches her fists tightly at the sight>

Miranda (thinking): You... Not ever a month since you broke up with Hermioné, and you are onto someone else


< Miranda observes carefully. Erik and Elizabeth seem to be genuinely happy, and the kids seem to be enjoying

their presence. Miranda's mind flashes back to a charity event with Erik in the improvised village of Nundah:

It was a hot day. There were lots of poor children running towards Erik and Miranda as they were handing out

food and clothings as representatives of Leo's Charity Fund. As the cameras were rolling, Erik pretended to be

happy - hugging kids, rubbing their hair and wiping sweat off the kids. As the cameras stopped, Erik was

complaining with comments like "get these dirty kids off me, hey watch my Armani suit, why do I have to do

be here" and headed straight back to his limo....

Miranda's mind returns to present time. She blinks, and a drop of tear comes down her cheek which she quickly

wipes off. As Erik, Elizabeth and the kids are playing games around the bush, Miranda watches and occasionally

nods and smiles appreciatively. Minutes later, she turns around, gets back into the limo and signals the driver to

drive off. >

Miranda (thinks in her mind): She must be truly special for you to change for the better. I am happy that you have

found her.

< Miranda puts her sunglasses on, rolls down the window and starts humming>

Miranda (sings with a shaken voice):

...This is the way you left me,

I'm not pretending.


“You two are such a cute couple, so happy together. Brad and Angie sitting on a tree… ” 17

“Stop picking on Angie Baby you guys. Angie will cry cry sob sob.” 18

“We all have to be happy and joyous forever aw~”

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


No hope, no love, no glory,

No Happy Ending.

This is the way that we love,

Like it's forever.

Then live the rest of our life,

But not together....

Miranda (to the driver): Airport.

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Chapter 13 – 7 Dancing in the Moonlight

<It is a cold, starry night at the village of Nepal. After getting the children to sleep, Elizabeth and Erik go out for a

stroll. The road is quiet, with moonlight reflecting off the tree branches creating a mysterious yet mesmerising

scene. The two enjoy the presence of each other, not much word has been said, the two just keep walking. Erik

glances at Elizabeth, who keeps her head down, smiling and blushing at the same time. >

Elizabeth (whispers): 19這裡好黑黑哦, 人家會怕怕~ ♥

< Erik is scared of the dark himself too, but he gathers the courage to hold her hand. Elizabeth looks at him

surprised, but she smiles and leans towards Erik as they keep on walking. >

Elizabeth (whispers): 20好甜蜜哦~ ♥

Erik (whispers): 21嘉玲姐

Elizabeth (whispers): 22討厭小猴子 ♥

Erik : 23怎麼了嘉玲姐?

Elizabeth: 24小猴子好壞, 一直這樣看著人家, 人家會羞羞 ♥

<They smile at each other, then they stop at a warmer spot behind a large rock. They sit down leaning on the rock,

starring at the stars>

Erik (pointing up to the sky): Hey! Shooting star! Hurry make a wish!

Elizabeth (eyes closed, hands together, whispering but Erik can hear): 25我希望永遠都幸福滿滿, 浪漫滿屋... just

like this moment... monkey bun and Lizzy bear ~ ♥ ... (blushes)


“This place is so dark dark, Angie scare scare♥…” 20

“Aww~ That is awfully sweet my honey bun bun ♥ ~” 21

“Angie baby” 22

“Cheeky monkey bun♥~” 23

“What’s wrong Angie Baby?” 24

“Little monkey is so naughty, keeps looking at Angie like this, Angie Baby will be shy shy♥~” 25

“I hope our lives will be filled with happiness forever, our home filled with romance~”

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Erik (starts singing F4’s 26流星雨): 陪你去看流星雨落在這地球上 , 讓你的淚落在我肩膀 要你相信我的愛只肯為你勇敢 , 你會看見幸福的所在...

Elizabeth (smiling at Erik sweetly): 27好幸福哦~ ♥

<Elizabeth closes her eyes looking like she is making a wish. Erik is mesmerized by the sight of starlight shinning

off her delicate yet innocent face. Elizabeth opens her eyes, winks at Erik and goes back to leaning on his shoulder.

Erik wraps his arm around Elizabeth. Erik can hear his heart pounding; he looks at Elizabeth, who is looking back

at him. Their eyes meet, and they move their lips closer and closer to each other. Just as their lips are about to

touch, Elizabeth backs off. >

Elizabeth (puts her index finger onto Erik’s lips and whispers): Sssshhh….. Don’t speak…♥

< She stands up and seductively and slowly takes off her furry coat, revealing a black tight dress underneath. Erik

sits back and enjoys the eye candy. Elizabeth continues to dance, circling around Erik and teasing him with the

provocative moves. Her hands slowly crawl up Erik's chest, and starts unbuttoning his shirt. >


Song by Taiwanese boy band “F4”, called “Meteor Shower”. Lyrics can be translated into “I will watch the

meteor shower with you, let your tears flow down my shoulder. I’ll let you believe that my love is only strong for

you, and you will find the source of happiness.” 27

“So much happiness aw~”

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


Elizabeth (sings a mash up of “28脫掉” by “杜德偉” and “I like you so much better when you're naked” by Ida

Maria ):

29外套脫掉 脫掉 外套脫掉, 上衣脫掉 脫掉 上衣脫掉 通通脫掉 脫 掉

I won't mind if you take off all your clothes. Come on, take them off

... Na Na Na Na Na~ 30通通脫掉 脫 掉

'Cause I like you so much better when you're naked

I like me so much better when you're naked ... ♥ (as she helps Erik to take off his clothes one by one)

< Erik is now in nothing but his underpants. He cannot hold it any longer. He stands up and gets hold of Elizabeth.

The two's hearts pound hard and their breathes become heavy. Erik strokes Elizabeth’s long silky hair as Elizabeth

leans towards Erik’s wide chest. Their lips are getting closer and closer to each others... >


The song is called “Take the clothes off” by Taiwanese singer Alex To 29

“Take off your jacket, take them off, take off your jumper, take them all… Take them all off, take them off” 30

‘Take them all off, take them off”

Meet Joe Black © The J.E.W Press


TBC in Chapter 14 – MJB Grand Finale

Lust Caution staring Asian Brad Pitt (梁朝偉梁朝偉梁朝偉梁朝偉)