Catalogue of the Mabathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya ...


Transcript of Catalogue of the Mabathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya ...












B R I T I S H M U S E U M .










,D RYDEN House,



[All rights r eserved ]




P R E F A C E .

THE Catalogues, h ere printed , of Marathi,Gu jarati , Bengal i , Assamese , Oriya, P ushtu

and Sindhi MSS. have been compiled by Mr. J . F . Blumhardt , thus completing theCatalogues of MSS . and Printed Books in the North Indian L anguages in theBritish Museum .

Though comparatively few in number,th e MSS. here d escribed have consid erabl e

value . In the Pu shtu series are several important and unpublished works, ch ieflyfrom the collections of Maj or Raverty and the late Professor Darmesteter ; and

the fact that the maj ority of the Sindhi , Marath i and Gujarati MSS . are from th eL ibrary o f the late Mr. W ill iam Erskine is a guaran tee of their interest.

ROBERT K. DOUGLAS,Keeper of the D epartmen t of Orien tal

Prin ted Books and MSS .


March 2nd , 1905 .



THE manu scripts in the various languages comprised in this work , though com

parat ively few in number, are, n evertheless , fai rly represen tative of the literatu re

of th ose languages . Some of them are of cons id erable in terest and importance .The Marath i manuscripts are mostly from the collection of Mr. W illiam Erskine ;

while some few are from that of the Rev . Ben j am in W ebb . Of the h ithertounpubl ished works the m ost important are four chron icles o f the Bho nsla Familyd own to the d eath of S

'ivaj i (nos . 4 all w ritten in Mod i characters ; an historicalaccount o f the kings of the Yadava Dynasty o f Devag iri (no . and of the

Gaikwars of Barod a (nos . 1 1 and There are al so an interesting w ork con tain ingpriva te correspond en ce w i th th e Peshwa Baj i R50 II. (no . and a valuab le grammarof the sou thern d ialect o f Konkan i (no . w ritten for Mr. Burnell by th e Rev . PioNoronh a

,a Roman Cathol ic priest at Mangalore .

The maj ority o f the manu scripts in the Gu j arati Catalogu e are also fromMr . Erskine’s collect ion . More than half of them are w orks on the Ja in religion ,

the m ost important being Gu jarat i commen taries accompanying th e text of w ellknown Prakrit work s . A Pattavali of the V eshadhara branch of the L umpaka secto f Jains (no . 36 ) is particu larly w orthy of notice .

There are on ly a few Bengal i an d Oriya manu scripts , non e being of any importance .Two excellent specimens of the d ial ect of Eastern Bengal , a m ix ture of Bengal i w i thP ersian an d Arab ic w ord s , w ritten in a corrupt and strictly phonetic form o f spell ing,

w i ll be found in n os . 3 and 37 I I I the first contain ing a m etrical life o f Muhammad ,

the other an accoun t of the Ca l iph ‘Ali .Of the Assam ese w orks , two , w ritten on leaves of bark , are particularly valuable .

The first (no . 1 ) conta ins an historical account of Rud ra Simha , Raja o f T ipperah .



The other (no . 20) is a very fine copy , consisting o f 29 1 leaves , each 27 inches long ,of a metrica l translation of the Bhagavatapurana, by the famou s S’

ankara Deva and

other poets . It conta ins a translation o f the w hole o f the tw elve Skandhas, c om

prising that Puri na , o f which only two or three have as yet been pub l ished . TheMS . is d ated Saka 1 702 (A.D .

The Pushtu manu scripts , sixty in number, are ch iefly f rom the collection s of

Maj or H . G . Raverty, Dr . Darmesteter , and the Rev . T . P . Hughes . There are two

importan t histories of the Afghans , m ore particularly o f the Yusu fz a i clan , whichhave no t been publ ished , viz . : Tarikh i murassa

(no s . 9 by Afzal Khan _K_li atak ,

and Tawari k_h i Hafiz Rahmatli iani (no . by Pi r Mu‘az z am Shah . The extens ive

w orks on Pushtu grammar and lexicography , v iz . : Riyaz al-mahabbat , and ‘Aja’ibal-lughfit (nos . 14 and w ri tten , the o ne by Mahabbat the other by Ilahyz‘ i rKh an , sons of th e Rohilla ch iefta in Hz

i fiz Rahma t Khan ,are also u npubl ished .

There are five redactions o f the Mak hz an al- islam o f Aki n-

i nd Darwez ah

( nos . 2 each possessing a Special interest of i ts own as regard s the con ten ts of

the work and the arrangemen t o f the variou s subj ects comprised in i t . There isalso an excel len t col lection o f poems by som e of the best Push tu au thors , includ ingseveral u npub l ished works , notably th e Diwan of Ahmad Shah Durran i (no .

also a translation of a portion o f the Fables of Bidpai by Afz al Kh an ,m ad e from

the Pers ian ‘Iyfir i dan ish ; and two translations o f the Gu l istan o f Sa ‘d i

, one,

in prose and verse , by ‘Abd al-Kad ir Khan (nos . 4 6 and the other , in verse,by Ami r Muhammad An sari (no . of the former only the fi rst Bz


ib h as beenpub l ished in the Gulsli an -i-roh .

There are on ly eleven S indhi manuscripts . They con sist of a w ell-w rittencopy of th e works of the renowned poet Shah ‘Abd al-L atif

, and religiou s treatisesin verse , most of which have been publ ished . These manu scripts have been arranged ,as far as possible , in chronologi cal ord er . The last manuscript is particu larlyinteresting from a philological poin t o f view . It conta ins a collection o f rel igiou sworks in a form o f S indhi in which there is a large admixtu re o f Persian and Arabi cwords , written in a type o f the K_ hwaj ah character, which i t has been impossible toreproduce in type . The Gujarati character h as therefore been employed .

The names o f the works , o f thei r au th ors , and of other persons mentioned intheir descriptions, have been transcribed according to the method s and system o f



transl i teration generally ad opted in the preparation o f Catalogues o f Oriental Booksand Manuscripts in the British Museum . Tables of the tran sl i teration o f the d ifferentalphabets are prefixed for the gu idance of readers .

Quotations fromthe manuscripts have been printed exactly a s they w ere wri tten ,retaining the m istakes and pecu l iarities of the scribes .

I am indebted to Mr . A. G . Ellis and Dr . L . D . Barnett for much valuabl e help,which they have read ily given ,

in the elucidation of i llegible or obscure passages , andin research for b iographical and other information .



lst March , 1 905 .




The signs K, 8, and are represented by m,h, and 13 respectively .




1 . HINDU I SM .



IV . PHIL OL OGYA . Grammar .

B . L exicography













1 .

Ad d .— Foll . 30 ; 7% in . by 14 to

18 l ines , 4% in . long ; w ri tten on Eu ropeanpaper , water-marked Jo s . Em . Raph Az u

lay .


1 . F0 11. 1—23 .

éfiunm Emm a

Bau ddhama td ehezz vyd khydna .

Fou r all eged Pauran ic accoun ts of the origino f Bud d hism .

The fi rst accou nt (foll . 1—14 ) is given o n

the authority o f t he Ganeéapurfina , Ad hy .

4 4—4 8 , and begin sw nwn fz zfizm nfi m tm m m n mi

W i m m fi n gra ffi m m l W mFrra mf tm u

'ia l m

“33 ma gnum m am

fift fi m vi {Twi t l

The story is briefly as follows —There wasa certain d evou t prince , n amed D ivodasa ,

w ho,as a rew ard for h is piety , Obtained f rom

Brahma the kingd om of li fts} (Benares) . In

See the artic le Dhundh iraja in the Bengali V iévakos

a , vol. vii . , p. 45 6 .

course of time, Siva , being envious o f h is

greatness , d etermined to secure the kingd omfor him self . For this purpose he sent fromtim e to time many god s , the 8 Bh airavas , the12 Ad ityas , 64 Yogini s , and oth ers to d iscoverany ac t of irrel igion in the conduct of k ingDivodasa , or to tempt h im to commi t sin ,

but i t was all in vain . At last he sen tDhundhi ,

*a famou s astrologer . He foretold

the future , cured Si cknesses , and prac tisedh is magic art w i th su ch e ffect that all thepeople o f Benares , even King D ivodasa h imself , became infatuated , and forsook th eirreligious d uties . The king further pledgedhim self to follow the teach ings o f a Yogi whowas shortly to come . This Yogi was Vishnuin d isgu ise . He taught the folly o f worshipping god s o f wood and stone , con sid eringthat Bhagavfin pervad ed all creation ; heshowed the absurd i ty o f m ak ing sacrifices ,and of absta ining from an imal food , and thefutili ty o f o ther Hind u ceremon ies . Thu s


King Divodasa d eparted from the tru e rel igion ,

and was d ethroned by Si va . Th en , havinggain ed h is purpose , Siva abolished the falseteach ings , and restored the true Hind u wo rship . Thu s , says the writer in conclu sion ,d id Vishnu propagate the Baudha ten ets inorder to further the d esigns o f Siva .

The second accoun t (foll . l4b basedo n Adhy. 20 o f the Sivapu rana, is s imi lar insubstance . Tripu rasura , the king of th e

D aityas , obtained possess ion o f the threew orld s ( tr ibhuvana ) , and m astery over thegod s , by virtu e o f h is ex traord inary devotionto Siva . They implored Vishnu to h elp th em .

He sent a d evotee w ith books containing false d octrines . The d aityas forsook th ew orsh ip o f Siva , and followed the teach ings o f

the d evotee . Then Vishnu s lew Tripurasura ,restored the Hindu rel igion ,

and reinstatedthe god s to their orig inal pos ition .

The third and fourth accoun ts of th e introd uction of false teach ings ( foll . 21—23 ) are

b riefly tak en from the Bhagavatapurana , theone from Skandh a iv . . Ad hy . 1 9 , the otherfrom Sk and ha v . Adhy . 6 .

II. Fol ] . 24—28 . A trad itional accoun to f Sankaracharya

s d iscussi on on the art o f

lov e w i th Mandana Misra , an d o f his refutation o f the false teach ings o f the Ja ins .

The au thor commences w i th an account o fthe m iracu lous b irth o f Sankarfichfirya froma mass o f flow ers off ered to Siva by a Brahman in the Karna tik .

W fi m m i fafi ifi m3 aim? in .

m u m m z‘

m i are? n i m vt‘

m wint

w anmm are amen nfw fzsffi as! Na zi

m am m a mfi mfé fm fié fi wfi m wh

fafiw m fi a nnfi a m m afi i

Sank aracharya , so the story goes , becameproficient in all the Sastras , and set forthtravell ing throughout Ind ia , preaching the

Hind u religion . Arriving at Benares , he pu tu p at the house o f a gr ihastha named Man

dana Misra, and w as chall enged by h im to a

d iscussion on the Kamasastra , or art of love .


stipulation was that if Sankarfichfirya

was d efeated he Shou ld become a grihastha ,

but if he proved victoriou s , Mandana Misrashould become a sannya

si . Sankarficharyaw as on ly 12 or 14 years old at the time .The contest was at h is requ est pos tponed for7 mon th s . Then , travell ing sou thward s , h eentered the d ead body Of a king of the Deccanin ord er to gain a practical ex perien ce o f theart o f love . The king was restored to l ife ,and Sankaracharya enj oyed through h im thecompany of h is numerous w ives . W i th theknowledge thus gained he had no diffi cu ltyin d efeating Mand ana Misra

, and making h ima d evotee .After this Sank arach z‘ i rya entered in to a

relig ious d iscu ssion w ith a Jain ,cal led Amara

charya , o f Uj jain , wh o , w i th the a id o f thegod d ess Sarasvati , was mak ing converts o f

many Hind u pand i ts. After 21 days d isputation , Sarasvati , w ho spake from w i thin an .

earthen jar, was d efeated in argument , andthe false teach ings of Jain ism were d on e awayw i th .

There are various vers ions o f this s tory .

Pand i t D urgaprasi da and Kasmatha P i nduranga Parab , ed itors o f the Kavyamala, s tatein a San skri t preface to the Amaruéataka ’“

that,accord ing to popular trad i tion , that work

w as composed by Sank aracharya after entering t he body of a d ead king cal led Amaru ,


ord er to be abl e to answer questions o n eroticsubj ects propounded by sarada, the w ife o f

Mandana MiSra o f Kashmi r,d etai ls o f which

are given by Madhava D igvijaya ,’

sargu s


Accord ing to‘

GaneSa Sastri L ele Tryambakakar , the ed i tor an d Marathi translatoro f another ed i tion o f t he AmaruSataka ,+ thework was composed in answer to questions o nthe Sr ifigdm rasa asked by Sarasvati .III. Fol] . 29b—30a . Eighteen religiou sterms appl icable to Jains and Bud dhists


San sk rit and Marath i .

Vol. 18 , Bombay , 18 8 9 . 1'Poona, 18 8 1 .


The w riter u sual ly employs ”

a for v in c on

j unction w ith n, as W for limit . There

are several other pecul iari ties o f Spell ing , as

fo r instance, W for {a t (fo l. 9a ) .

2 .

Add . D .—Foll . 32—37 (q—g) 4 in .

by l 1g ; 6 to 10 l ines , 9 in . long , w i th ruledmargins ; 19 th centu ry . [W I L L IAM ERSK INE.]

fi remanN d falcad ipaj .

A translation ( filed ) of the tenth chapter o fthe Pafi chadaéi o f sayanach i rya , by Pand i tRamak rishna . See the San skrit Cata logue ,no . 305 , p . 1 27 61 .

The tran slat ion accompan ies each Sloka, o f

th e San skrit original . The translator in trod u ces h is nam e in a brief exord ium


follows3?n W m m N i afififi a im

fife-a Em iaft sham? SIGn

Th en follows the tran slation o f the fi rstfiloka

Z i a-Im SIS-m m qfi fi q fi fi m fifi z


Ri ta m u afar z? i n: SW II a II

3 .

Ad d . and —Foll . 15 ] and 98 ;1 8% in . by 6 ; 18 to 20 l ines , 5written in large clear Mod iapparently in the 18 th century .


in . longchara cters ,


4 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 124 ; cons isting o f longslips o f paper, 21% in . by 55, w i th 22 to 30l ines , w ritten in Mod i on o ne S id e only ( th elast slip e xcepted ) , a nd d ated Saka 1 73 1


sm earEmmettBh onsalyd zrchi vamédva lfi.

History o f th e Bhonsla fam i ly f rom thetime o f its found er Babaj i , to the d eath of

S ivfiji .

An anonymou s prose translation o f thefirst, second , and fourth chapters (skandha )of the Bhagavatapurana .

Begins .In? W mi ni um! arm? Irma-d i n?

nfrmsmg swam after? w ar wfmfi a a ?

fm fi i meta fes an an fl ail? arm z‘

nfi “it

mum an Sam 53 aah m af i a? IIThe translation is w ritten on one s id e on ly

of each slip of paper , the three chapters beingseparately numbered ( 104 , 4 7 and 98 s lips) .Several o f the Sheets are d amaged in place s .

The name of the scribe and d ate o f copy areno t given .

Begins . m a Erma m 535 gm Nfi rvfi

Nine? [was ] «is m a ram ? a win fi i

Irni [Lu ngs ] m III-Ir gi t arm team are w


W mafia Ifie mafi a? rim-é mm a

w y am nfi a

mm "

( I-3 I

affair ga fega’t w

mfi mm t m fia‘

fi i

data ? U ?! IBabaj i Bhonsla. w as the Patel , or h ead -man

o f Devalgaon ,Hingn i , Bared i , and other

v illages in th e Patas taluk o f the Dis trict o fB 2


Poona . He had two sons , the elder Maloji ,the younger V ithoji . The former h ad two

sons , Shahaj i , b orn in Saka 15 16 (A.D .

and Sharafji , born the year after . V ith oji

had eigh t sons , o f whom the names o f on lytwo , Kheloji and Mambaji , are given .

Shahaj i married Jijibai, th e d aughter o f

Jad hava (more properly Yad ava ) Rae , a

Marath i chief at the cou rt o f Bahad ur NizamShah o f Ahmad nagar . His son was thefamous Sivaj i

,found er o f th e Maratha empire

in the Deccan .

Th is ch ron icle d eals chiefly w i th the l ife ,exploi ts , and admin istration o f Shahaj i and

h is son Sivaj i . A complete accoun t o f thisimportan t peri od o fMarath a history , in whichis traced the career o f Sivaj i , w i l l be fou ndin Grant Du ff’

s His tory o f the Mahrattas .

See a lso no . 8 , and a Mara thi bet /char c om

piled by KaSirava Rajeévara Gupta , entitledNagparkar Bh onsalyanchi bakhar (NW

NW ? W ) , which appeared in vols . vi .v iii . o f the Kavyetihasa

-sangraba .

This copy was w r i tten by Amand a Rao

Sankara Ch in ch vadkar, at Bhajyapuri in theDistrict of Poona , and completed on W ed nes

d ay ,th e 13 th d ay o f Cha itra-sud i , Saka 1 731 ,

t he Sukla samva tsara , t.e. 29th February ,l8 09 .

Coloph on : ma: m a 33mm Sem i mi: 3 3

v3 II as award 3 II [i .e. germ] m gr? Ina gui i t?

m m was? Sm ear snag ( I? start fawn-art I

5 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 101 9 in . by 7 ; abou t12 l i nes , 6 in . long ; wri tten in the 1 9 thcentury .


A S im ilar work , w ritten inMod i characters ,and in substance closely resembl ing the preced ing . It is und ated , and h as no scribe’


coloph on .

6 .

Add .—Fol l . 62 ; 94 in . by 7 ; lOlines ,

5 in . long writ ten in the 19 th centu ry .


A s im i lar w ork , writ ten inMod i characters ,but con tain ing only a portion o f the history ,an d end ing w i tho ut d ate or colophon .

7 .

Ad d .—Foll . 27 ; 1 2; in . by 94 ; 16

to 19 l ines , 8 % in . long w ri tte n in the 1 9 thcen tury . [W I LL IAM EESKIN E. ]

The pen has been d rawn IlClOe S th is weld .

A S imi lar w ork, w ritten in Mod i characters .

The au th or,or more probably the scribe


sta tes in the follow ing sen tence prefatory tothe history , that the d escendan ts o f Trimbak ,son o f Sharafji , t he second son o f Shahaj i ,are now a t Ch andaval [t. e. Tanjorc] .

m i ai t ri wh é msn 33 site m W ni

g i a rh fi fi nfi gs fi wfi tfi mm fi n

stem m i m? I

8 .

Ad d .—Foll . 122 ; 9 i in . by 7 ; 10

l ines,5% and 6 in . long ; w ri t ten in Mod i

characters on European paper o f the 1 9 thcen tury . [W IL L IAM ERSK INE.]

An h isto rical account o f the l ife and c o n

quests o f S ivaj i , fou nd er o f the Maratha em

pire in the Deccan .

Begins : aria-

II mama m m? mum Emmi

mfiafi 135m? Iffi i fi an gamer

? m m u m Saar m are

gnaw m [m ] asafl ffi a’t fam m w eRafi

11123? RSI-«Ta? man aim s gfs é’

a ? w as? as


( Ii m i m t arms i n mmmm am


to Saka 1668 . It Sh ould be Ak shaya , and

no t Subhana (Le. Svabhanu ) , w hich is theequ ivalen t for the Saka year 168 5 , or A.D .

1 7 63 . It is noti ceable also that the Diwano f Kolhapu r , to whom this commun ication isaddressed , is n ot m entioned by name .

10 .

Add . B.

—Fol l . 26—40 ; 5; in . by 8 ;

12 to 1 5 l ines , 65} in . long ; w ritten on European paper, in the 19 th century .


A b rief accoun t o f Ramad eva and otherkings of the Yadava Dynasty of Devagiri . *Begin s : WW th a n IIOII II ah a afi

zm mi m gmvgz q w i t afi n i aiwmi ma

t m fi z m m wfi tfi w’tfl z zfi

nh m m‘

g'asim umw

’t m m nd I

Accord ing to th e writer of these annals ,Ramadeva w as the sixth in d i rect lineald escen t from Ramaraja , th e original fou nd ero f t he dynasty , the intermed iate kings b eingTripala , son o f Ramaraja , Bhan Raja , Trimbak Raja , Govind a Raj a , and Krishn a Raja ,t he father o f Ramad eva . The au thor thennarrates the fol low ing h istorical even ts

.Ramad eva selected Pai than as h is capital ,having placed h is eld est son ,

Keéava Rao ,

o n the throne at Devagir i, his second son ,

Bimba , b eing mad e Raja o f Ud aipur , and h isth ird son ,

Pratap Shahu, Obtain ing possess iono f Aland apur .

ln Saka 1210 (A.D . 128 8 ) Ramadeva was

d efeated by Sul tan ‘Alau ’

d -d in at Paithanxf

Now called D aulatabad , in the d ominion o f the N iz amo fHaid arabad . See 2nd cd .

,vol. i v. ,

1'The d efeat of Ramad eva and th e capture of Devagiri

by Sultan‘Alau

d -d in occ urred in A .D . 1296 . See

Elliot ’

s“History of Ind ia ,” vol. iii . , p. 1 49 . In Hunter’


Gazetteer,”an d Balfour


“Encyclopaad ia,”the date 129 4

is given .

a “ Early History of the Bek ken, 2nd cd ., pp. 115

His son Bimba , on hearing the new s , set outfor Gu jarat , from whence he return ed in

Saka 1216 (A.D . and settled at Pra

tappur in the Konkan . He h ad two sons ,Pra tap Shaha and Tripur Shahfi

,the latter

being born at Pratappur by h is second w i feGi ri ja. Subord inate to B imba Raja were 12Ch and ravaméi and 3 1 S I

IryavamSi m i li taryChiefta in s (Prabhu rajas ) , of whom the au thorgi ves a d etail ed list , w i th the nam es o f thei rw ives , l ineage (gotm ) , and fam ily nam es(apenama ) . He then enum erates 15 Mahals ,

or d istricts , over w h ich B imba exercisedSovereignty , stating the number o f v il lages(444 in all) , the m il itary forces , revenues ,and other particulars o f each . Two of theseMahals , v iz . Marol and Malad , the formercontain ing 6 6 , the latter 59 villages , remainedund er the d irect m anagem en t o f Bimba Raja ,an d figures are g iven show ing the variouskind s o f revenue d erived from each .

Having th us settled the adm inistration o f

the kingdom , B imba d ied after a reign o f 9

years, L m onth , and 1 8 days , and was suc

c eed ed by h is eld est son , Pratap Shah I’I , inSaka 1225 (A.D . who reigned 23 yearsand 3 mon ths .

D uring the reign of Pratap Shahfi ,Nagar

Shah I'

I, son of KeSava Rao , Raj a o f Champa

vati,la id claim to certai n fortresses , which

led to hostil ities between them. Nagar Shahfiwas aided by Tripur Shah I


I, whilst Raj a

Ramadeva sen t h is general Jivan Na ik w i tha force in support o f Pratap Shah I’I. The

contend ing parties encountered one an other atthe foot o f moun t Mahol i . The all ied forceso f Pratap Shah I’I and Raja Ramadeva wered efeated , and Nagar Shahu took possess ion o f

the kingd om in Saka 1254 (A .D .

The writer of this work d oes not state thesource from which he obtain ed his informa

tion,so that n o rel iance can be placed on i t

as an historical record . Accord ing to D r.

Bhandarkarf Ramadeva , a lso called Rama


Chandra, ascended the throne of the Yad avaso f Devagiri in Saka 1 193 (A.D . and

d ied in Saka 1231 (A.D . and was suc

c eed ed by h is son Sankara, wh o was Slain in

A .D . 1312. No reference whatever is mad eto Keéava Rao , Bimba , or Pratap ShahI'I , theal leged sons o f Ramadeva, no r are theirnames , or the particulars g iven in this manu

script, to be found in any historical w ork .

1 1 .

Ad d .—Foll . 40 ; 22 in . by 654

1; abou t

25 l ines , 64 in . long ; carelessly written Na

gari of the 19 th centu ry .


m ean-

ma amass-”

tGdyakavddd chi vamédva li .

A short accoun t o f the Gaikwars of Barod a,

from the foundation of th e State up to thecomm encemen t o f the tim e o f Anand a Rao .


Head ing m ? m IIW IEmm i IBegin s : m w fi fia

‘l m fi fi fi m

3m majS tfi mm i fl g W M fi i m

‘H afi m mfi i m y m fi fi sfi‘

o im fi m fifi fi wwfi h Iz’m fi mama rfi

wm a‘

ta nfi nwi 'fiamin aigrm i h w Ed am

W W W 'fiafi fi m "

3 111116 W IS E“ ?

i sn’t 3533: was? 3 1111133 3 3 1“ IIThe au thor commences by stating that the

foun d er o f the Gaikwar family was Jh ingoji ,Patel o f the village o f Bhare in the Konkan .

Historians , however, generally agree in

ascribing that d istinction to h is broth erDamaj i , the Patel o f Davad i , a village nearPoona . He was an ofli cer in the Marathaa rmy u nd er the Senapati Khanderao Da

bhade , and greatly d istingu ished h imself a t

th e battle of Balapur (4 11 in wh ichAd d . 26 ,48 1 A.


’Fol l . 26 ; 91m. by 7‘Alam ‘Ali Khan , supported by the Maratha

20 l ines ,See “Rulers o f Barod a, Bombay, 18 7 9 , p. 1 47 ;

Ind ian Ch iefs ,” by L ok e Nath Ghose, pt . i .

, p. 140 ;


“ Gaz etteer (2nd vol. ii ., p. 160 .

1 2 .

about5} in . long ; n eatly written in the

1 9 th centu ry . [W I LLIAM ERSK INE.)

A fai r copy o f the preced ing manu script.

forces , encountered the invad ing army o f

Asaf Jah , the found er o f the Ninam dynastyat Ha id arabad . As a reward fo r h is Serv icesin th is engagement , Raja Shahu o f Sataraconferred on h im the ti tle o f ShamsherBahadu r, and mad e h im second in command

o f th e army .

Shortly a fter Damaj i Gaikwar d ied , an d ,

having no male issue , was succeed ed by h isnephew Pilaj i , the eld est son o f Jh ingoji .The author of these annals states that Pilaj iwas specially favou red by the god d ess Bhavani . She appeared to h im in a d ream , as

he lay asleep un der a tree tend ing cattle , at

the age of 7 , and foretold that he,and his

d escend an ts for seven generations Should beru lers of Baroda. Pilaj i , was assassinated inA.D . 1 732, having establ ished the power o fthe Gaikwar fam i ly at Baroda on a firm

footing .

The author recoun ts su ccinc t ly the fortuneso f Damaj i , the son o f Pi laj i , and o f thesucceed ing Gaikwar chiefs o f Barod a . The

h istory closes w ith the access ion o f Anand a

Rao on th e d eath o f h is father , Govinda Rao(A.D . and a brief account of the revol tand d efeat o f h is il legitim ate half-brotherKanhoji Rao , who h ad aspired to the throne ,and conclud es w i th the d eath o f the Marathagen eral Ravaji Apaj i , which even t took placein A.D . 18 03 .

A list of the Gaikwars , up to Anan da Rae,

w ith the nam es o f th eir m ale offspring ,is

append ed . The manu script cons ists o f 40

separate leaves , bound in ob long fol io , andw ritten on one s id e on ly , th e last leaf onlyexcepted . No name of author, or scribe , isgiven .


1 3 .

Ad d . B.—Foll . 69—79 ; 84 in . by 6

20 to 22 l ines , 5 -1 in . long ; wri tten on European paper , dated Saka 1 730 (A .D .


A short account in verse o f Naraya na RaoPeshwa, son o f Balaj i Baj i Rao .

Begin sd i mfv nwmw u sim fami fi ua u

d i st am wanna II man I ft fain: II a IIEmmi we felt II Seminar in : ( unfi t IIm firflt fl t u mfa fi—Ss’ wfi fi u a u

The poem begins w i th a no t-ice o f Balaj iBaj i Ra

o ( son o f Baj i Rao Peshwa I. ,w hom

he succeed ed in A .D . the d eath of his

eld est son V isIrasa Rao on the battle-field o f

Pan ipat , in fighting aga in st Ahmad ShahAbdal i (A.D . the accession o f h is

second son Mad ho Rao I. , who was succeed edby h is third son , Narayan a Rao (A .D .

The author briefly recounts t he principalevents in the short rul e o f Narayana Rao ,and conclud esw ith an account of h is assass ination (A .D . w hich he attribu tes to themachinations o f h is aun t, Anand i Bai , thew ife o f Raghunatha Rao , wh o is commonlykn own as Raghoba.

Th e poem is anonymou s and w i thou t d ate .It consists o f 236 verses w ritten in the Ovi

m etre .The scribe’

s c o lophon is d ated Poona , Satu rd ay , the 5 th ASvina-su d i , Saka 1 730, theV ibh ava samva tsara (A .D .

Colophon : q a mi: ease fans am am ?

wfw az u fizm t gm gfi m m fa wfi u

'1 4 .

Add . B.—Foll . 15—4 1 ; in . by

I8 l ines , 63 in . long ; neatly w ri tten in Mod icharac ters in the 19 th cen tury .


1 5 .

Ad d . B.

—Foll . 28—56 ; in by15 l ines , 65 in . long ; w ri tten inModi characters in the 19 th cen tury .


A Copy o f the preced ing, w ritten apparen tlyby t he sam e hand .

am transit a am enRajyd p chi Iva. Peshwydnchi bakhar .

A brief account of the Marath i rulers and

Peshwas from the tim e of Sivaj i to theappointmen t o f Mad ho Rao 11 . as Peshwa(A.D .

Begins : wi th Inert ia mm? m i m m

tum? w as? “ W h am -«vi e 113 iwas mm W via mgr saw? fw rt



a i m m fl fim m a idw m ari a m mw as! i faé m i w ad ga ges gr imm t fi m mé m qam a

tm m m a fi n

This account appears to be a mod erncom position ,

probably w ri tten specia lly forMr. Erskin e . It pro fesses in the prologueto have b een compiled by the ofli c ials in the

service o f Mad ho Rao in accord ance w ith h isrequest fo r information regard ing the life andexploits o f the former Marath i ru lers .

1 6 .

Or . 26 65 .

—Foll . 4 ; 12 l ines , 8 in . by 9

transcribed in A .D . 1 8 74 , o n thin Europeanpaper, by one V inayaka Raghunatha Kale , atKolhapu r .Transcript of the Kau them copper-plate .

See the Sansk ri t MS . Catal ogu e, n o . 529 ,

p. 221a .

The transcription of the Sanskrit origina linscription ,

which is a rough and unskil ledeye -copy


”is f ollowed by a Marathi transla

tion and a brief accoun t o f the inscription by


the transcriber . The translation beginss i enna: fang? m m fis i m s tfi Mf t t i ni f

Ifi m sfifi m m‘fi new age m ags dar n

It is head ed,Transcription into Marath i of

an an cient copper plate in Sanscrit containingan accou nt o f the Chalukya Dynasty by Vinayaka Raghunath Kale , Sadar Amina Kolepu r.

1 8 74 A.D .


1 7 .

Ad d .—Foll . 22. A coll ect-ion o f

papers relating to the d ispu ted possession of

certain villages in the Ratnagiri District o fthe Konkan . [W I LL IAM ERSK INE .]

It appears from the d ocuments contai nedin this volume that , d uring the reign of

Muhammad‘Ad i l Shah o f the Bijapn r

Dynasty (A.D . 1 626 twelve villages inthe District o f Ratnagi ri had been assignedas a jyotirvr itti , or grant for the m a intenanceo f a fam i ly o f astrologers . W hen Ta laj iAngre succeed ed the pirate adm iral Kanh ojiAngre (A.D . 1 74 5) in possession of the stripo f coun try on the sea-board o f the Konkan ,

includ ing Ratnagiri , these vi llages were inthe possession of Ballala Panvask ar , son o f

GaneSa . After th e d efeat of Tulaji Angre ,and the recovery of this tract of cou ntry(A.D . Khandoji Mankar , a general inthe army o f the Peshwa Balaj i Baj i Rao ,c ommonlyk nown as Nana Sahib (A.D . 1 740

d ispossessed Ballala of four of th e

v i llages , viz . Golap , Vaingi , Kolembe, and

Phansap,and gave th em to D inkar Varva

d ek ar , the son o f Mahad eva . ThereuponBallala Panvaskar sought red ress from theMarathi ru ler SadaSIva Bhau . The d isputew as referred for ad jud ication to Naro Apaj i ,and , after five years of unsuccessfu l l itigation ,

was mad e over to a court o f arb i tratorspres id ed over by Balakrishn a Sastri , and

after h im by Rama sastri . Th is able counc illor and ad viser o f the Peshwa took u p thecase in the Pramad i samvatsam , i .e . A .D .

1 758 -59 . The d ispute went on year afteryear , and in A.D . 17 73 Rama Sastri , d isgu sted at th e assassination o f Narayan Rao(A D . the brother and su ccessor o f

the PeshwaMadho Rao I. , son of Balaj i Baj iRao , who was slain on the battle-field o t


Panipat (A.D . left the service o f the

Maratha governmen t , and retired to Benares ,w i th ou t h aving arrived at any d ecision in thecase .Matters rema ined in this unsettled state

for many years , ti ll at last Vasud eva ,the son

o f SadaSiva , Josi o f Panvas , strenuouslypro secu ted the claim o f Ballala Panvaskar,

and in Saka 1 725 (A.D . 18 03 ) u rged t he

settlemen t o f th e d iSpIIte before the PeshwaBaj i Rao Il. , w ho h ad succeed ed MadhoRao 11 . in A.D . 1 795 . The year follow ingmatters came to a climax by the confiscationof the remain ing eigh t vi llages by ord er o f

Balaj i Rama , Sabedar o f Ra tnagiri . The

case was th en thoroughly investigated at

Poona by the Peshwa, and term inated in t here- instatement o f the fam i ly o f Panvaskar toth e possess ion o f th e w hole o f their ancestra lproperty o f 12 villages in Saka 1 727 , the

Krodhana samra lsara=A.D . 18 05 .


The papers contained in this volume are

briefly as follows1 . F0 11. 1— 6 . A poetical account o f th e

h istory of the case , in 3 chapters (udayaya ),entitled Vritt ivijaya , by Pand uranga.

Begins :Efren 811 fa t


: team II 10151131711 3 W W IIfigm ar W W II m m? “

6 16m? II a IIIII; 38 23 3 73m II U

Ifim ’t i s? what II“

sum fain aga r II fai nt ”

Gi fasn II a IIImam 333 mm II m aw ?! Eth an IIw e mm 3mm II tufts I? ilm II 3 IIrm gt m5 m II ( fi ffl t

’lmm min IIafi mfi fm m u mw fi m m‘d u s u

Colophon to th e last chaptergfafm fiv gzt u fina fm m rt u

fl i n gi get u nniu‘

twm gmzr n ta u

The poem has been corrected in severalplaces , and appears to be a d raft w ritten bythe au thor , j ust after the final d isposa l ofthe lawsu i t . Appended to the poem are

som e roughly scribbled ad d itional verses , inwh i ch appears the d ate of the d ecision


14 th d ay of MargaSIrsha-bad i , Saka 1 727 ,the Krodhana sameatsara (A.D .

1 1. F011. 7—1 5 . Copies o f two metricalaccoun ts o f the case

,en titled Vadamartanda .

The first is imperfect , beginn ing at verse 12.

It was w ri tten by an anonymou s m ember o fthe family o f astrologers .

* The d ate of

composition , the Pramoda sam'va tsam (A.D .

1 8 10 is given in verse 8 7 .

The scribe , Chintaman i Yajneévara Sarma,completed the transcription in the monthPhalguna o f the Bah ud banya samva tsara

(A.D .

III. Foll . 1 6 Another poem,cal led

V rittiv ijaya , also by Panduranga , and in 3

chapters (serge ) . It appears to be the



Wfi fi m m§ mw fm fi é

00 V .

au thor’s d raft of another and more d eta i ledaccount o f the case , w ritten probably in

supersessi on o f the poem con tained in fol l .1—6 . The d ate o f final d ecisi on is given inv . 43, (fol.

m m ngln’

t u M a m ami fi n

m m mu fi m mfa z‘

tfa ufi u ss u

IV . Fol. 19 . A copy o f an undatedpetition

,in verse , subm i tted by the plain tiff

to the PeshwaMadho Rao 11 .

Head ingMIMI


g guts w e 133 i ts ? as: fsswm IIW M m m m amm mi ufim "

Beginsfarm W t

i iftfafiemfi rfi IIa s flfafiegfi m eat? II a IIa? man arti st's gn u I rwin Ifi s ite? IIflam fi

i fi w {firm 111323 8 31 ? u s "

The poem ,cal led in the colophon Vad a

chintaman i , is in 4 4 verses . In i t BellalaPanvaskar complains of the mann er in whichthe case was being cond ucted by Rama

Sastri and h is “ evi l ad viser ”(TI

-e d) Moro

hari . As Rama sastri ret ired in A .D . 17 73 ,

th is peti tion was probably w ritten shortlyafter the accession o f Madho Rao in A .D .

17 72 .

V . FO] . 20. A copy o f the same petition ,

contain ing several ad d itional verses, 8 6 in all.

End ing {fa Eli mirs'l SSW Na ra W i fafqm

“mi m ffiwmt‘maw ays : II

VI. FO11. 21 . A copy of a petition by

Bal lale (m isspelt Bala m ) Panvaskar , ad

d ressed to Ravaji Svami , and dated the 7 thASvina-badi , Saka 1 68 4 , the Ch itrabhanu

samvatsara (A .D . This was the yearafter the d eath o f th e Peshwa Balaj i Baj iRao , who was su cceed ed by Madho Rao I. ,

and appears to_

have been known as Ravaj i

Svam i . The plain t iff gi ves a short accounto f his having been d ispossessed o f fou r


v illages , and of the prolonged trial beforethe appoin ted adj ud icators . He is doubtfu lo f ob tain ing red ress at the hand s of Rama

Sastri , and requests that the case may be

tried by another court o f arb itrators , or bythe Peshwa himself , and agrees to ab id e bythei r d ecision .

VII. Fol. 22. A copy of a statemen t ofcla im by the plainti ff, in verse . It bears no

d ate , but appears to have been w ri tten j ustafter the case was transferred from the courtpresid ed over by Balakrishn a Sastri to thead j ud ication of Rama sastri . An end orsem en t on the back o f the d ocument statesthat in th e Sak a year 1 680, the Pramad isamva tsam (A.D . Dinker Pan t Varvad ekar (the d efend an t) stated h is casebefore Rama Sastri and other arb itrators .

1 8 .

Ad d .

—A number of sheets pastedtogeth er , 21 feet in length , by 55 1m ; w rittenin Mod i characters on both sid es o f t he paper ,d ated Saka 1 730 (A.D .

A petition add ressed to Mr. Jonathan Duncan , Governor o f Bombay (Dec . 1795by Malhar Rao Gaikwar, Jagi rdar o f Kad i inGujarat .Head ing : mm m i te mama Sam {Edi t


II rhea-

gi t m v i i gut swim mi en

m "

( Ia min im Pena m t S erena we? infra;

mafia IIBegins : wi th tgmwm i ( Is i n “ In ertia ?

mm n a mam m aé im m’m tm

m a m m m m ak fi m w m i fi w‘t

71m m "

Mr. F . A . H . Ell iot,in h is Ru lers o f

Barod a (Bombay , has written a ful lacco un t of the hostili ties between Malhar RaoGa ikwar o f Kad i an d Govind a Rao , the recogn iz ed Maharaja of Gu jarat , the in terventiono f th e Bri t ish Governmen t d ur iug the governor

1 1

ship of Mr. Duncan,th e d efeat o f the Jfigird fi r

at Kad i (A.D . h is escape , and sub

sequen t capture and exile as a prisoner a t

large at Bombay in A.D . 18 02.

In t he presen t petition the ex iled prisonerlays before Mr. Duncan a long s tatemen t o fh is claims , w ritten apparen tly at h is d ictation .

The date is given at the end in the Saka,

Samva t , and Sfi l’ or Arabi c years , as follows$f

ga’t fwfir mm 3 " as m? «n o mm m

W m attu g fi m w fi a a m "

1 9 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 4 9 ; a col lection o f privateletters to and from the Peshwa Baj i Rao 11w ith oth er papers . [W ILLIAM ERSKINE. ]

Baj i Rao II. succeed ed Mad h o Rao II. as

Peshwa in Saka 16 94 (A.D . and was

d eposed in Saka 1 740 (A.D . He wasmarried to V aranasibai, t he d aughter of Bari

Rfi mach and ra Devadhara , or Dhamad here, by

which name the fam i ly is best known . Heappears to have incu rred the d ispleasure o f

the Peshwa, and was obliged to leave Poonaand res id e at Benares . His wife , L ak shmi bai,his brother , Pand uranga Ramachand ra , general ly called Anna I) .hamad here , h is bro ther’sw i fe

, Sngun i bai , and other relatives w erel iving w ith h im at Benares . There are severall etters w ritten from that c ity by members o f

th e Dh amadh ere fam ily , requ es ting , amongs tother d omestic matters , that the Peshwa]w ou ld restore them to favour once more .Two l etters , one from Jiubai Chapekar ,

the other from Parva tibfii Paranjapi , alsowritten from Benares , congratulate Baj i Raoon the b irth o f a d augh ter, called Krishna—t hin.

There is also a let ter from N i rt’

tbai, a ladyres id ing at Poona ,

who had attend ed Varanasibfii d uring an illn ess . It d oes no t appearwho these lad ies were , bu t i t is evid en t theywere in timate friend s o f the Peshwa.

The most interes t ing letters in th is col leec 2


t ion are those o f V aranfisibai , her daughterKrishnabai, and her sister V enfi bai , familiarlyknown as Kusi , who had no t gone with herfather to Benares . These are in the lad i es’

own handwriting . They are no t o nlyexc ellentspecimens o f epistolary com posi tion , but are

also very neatly written in a large an d clearMod i hand . The paper on w h ich they are

w ritten is sprinkled and d ecorated w i th goldpaint .There are on ly 3 l etters from th e Peshwa,

w ritten apparently by his secretary . O ne

is ad d ressed to Satyabhamabai Dhamad here,


20 .

Ad d .- Foll . 9 1 1 3% in . by Si

w ri tten on Eu ropean paper , water -markedCurteis Son ,

1 8 06 . [W I LL IAM ERSK INE.]A grammar o f the Marathi language , byDr. J . L eyd en .

The grammar is elementary , and , m ore orless , in an unfin ished state . There is no

special chapter on Syntax , bu t the latter parto f the work con ta ins a large numb er of u sefu land id iomati c phrases , ch iefly on th e syntaxo f the tenses and parti ciples . There are alsolong l ists of Adverbs and Ad verb ia l phrases .

2 1 .

Or . 2730.

—Foll . 553 ; 8 in . by 6 ; w rittenon thin European paper , stamped 1 8 72 in

the corn er . [A. C . BURNE LLJA Konkan i Grammar , by the Rev . PioNoronha .

Mr. A . C . B urnell, for whom this grammarw as composed , has furn ished som e u seful

th e other two to L ak shmibai , his motherin -law .

The day o f the month o n w hich the lettersw ere w ritten is stated , bu t no t the year .Th ere are, how ever, w i th the letters , severa lm em os referring to matters of business ,w ritten apparen tly about the sam e time .These are variously dated from Saka 1 736 to1 738 (A.D . 1 8 14

A note in Engl ish at th e head o f eachletter

,probably w ritten byMr. Erskine, gi ves

the nam e of the w riter and o f the person towhom the letter is ad d ressed .

particulars on the Konkan i language and

l iteratu re in No . 1 of his “ Specimens o f

S . Ind ian Dialects (Mangalore ,He says , “ But l i ttle troub le is su ffi cient tocon vince a phil olog ist that Konkan i is a

s ister language to Mah rath i , and th at i t hasclaim s to be cons id ered a d istinct Neo -aryanlanguage , bu t mu ch influence d by the so

cal led Dravid ian languag es . It a lso has a.

large l iteratu re , mostly d ating from thegloriou s t imes of th e early Portuguese rul eat Goa , and d ue to the su rprising z eal andab il i ties o f the former Jesu i ts Th islanguage h as three principal d ialects ; theNorthern (now almost m erged in Mahrathi ) ,that o f Goa , and the sou th ern or Canarad ialect .Father Thomas Estevao (Stephen s , a

stud en t of New College , Oxford ) is the

au thor of a gramm ar o f the Goanese d ialecto f Konkan i , written in Portuguese, w hichappears to have been originally prin ted aboutA.D . 1640. A second ed ition , enlarged byFather Diogo Ribeiro , and en titled Arte d eL ingoa Canarin, was publ ish ed at Go a in

18 57 , w i th a Portuguese translation of a.


3 31mm w n fat-mu h a res! u


vm gmae‘

r u gm gw iua u

afafgm f‘smm n fafifl fwfi

‘mr u

3013" 8 m m " 5m?l muffi n n 3 n

Mukundaraja , the old est Marath i poet ,fl ourished in the latter part o f the 12thcentury . Vamana Daj i Ok , the ed i tor o f

the Kavyasangraha ,* has pub l ish ed two

padas by th is poet , in a footnote to which h estates that Muknnd araja w as a Desasth a

Brahman o f Ambe (wind s? the presen tMominabad , in th e d omin ions o f the N iz am of

Haid arabad . This city was formerly thecapi tal of the Yad ava Jayan tapala , for wh oseinstruction this work was composed .

The au th or stat es, in verse 55 o f theseventh chapter (fol. 51b) , that he w rote thisw ork a t the instance of Jaitpala , the son o f

Ballala , and grand son of Narasimha .

fl t fsizfi n m inm m W fiwm n

351 m f srat {1 in n w n

Ballala was the son of the Hoysala

Yadava Narasimha , w ho encoun tered and

d efeated Bh illama , king o f Devagiri , and

becam e sovereign of Kun tala in Saka 1 1 14(A.D . Dr . Bhand ark ar , w ho h as

furn ished th ese partic ularsd’ makes no men

tion of Jaitpala , the son o f Ballala . Heevidently d id n o t succeed to the k ingd omconquered by h is father, as Ballala was

subsequ ently d efeated by Singhana , son o f

Jaitrapala and grand son of Bh illama , and

d eprived of h is d om in ions , abou t the Sakayear 1 135 (A.D .

Mr. Molesworth i assigns the 14th cen turyto Muk und araja , and places h im afterJuanadeva in poin t of time ; b ut that poetcame qu i te a cen tu ry after Muk und araja , andl ived d uring the reign of Ramad eva . His

V ol. xi ii . , Collec tion of Marath i Padas, Bombay ,1 8 94 , p. l .

f Eai ly History o f the D ekkau,

”2nd cd .,


18 95 , pp. 106 108 .

I Marath i D ic tionary, Preface, p. xxvii .


2 5 .

Ad d .—Foll . 1 8 1 ; 3% in . by 8 ; 7

l ines, 5 to 5; in . long ; neatly w ritten , w ith

ruled margins ; d ated Saka 1 7 1 7 (A .D .


Another copy o f the preced ing .

The colophon gi ves the d ate o f transcription

,Thursd ay, the 5 th Bhad ra -bad i


17 17 , the Rakshasa samva tsam .

313: «was n drfi m fiw i m fi 35mmmgw dv i m i afxfi figflfi u

Ed ited , with a glossary , by Ravaj i S'i id hara Gond halc kar, Poona , 18 7 5 .

f Printed at Poona, 18 7 7 .

comm en tary to the Bhagavadgita bears thed ate Saka- 1212 (A.D . See no . 52.

The V ivekasind hu is written in the formo f a d ia logu e between the author and h is

d isciples on the nature of the soul, based o n

the teachings o f the Upan ishad s . It con sistso f 18 chapters (adhydg/a , or prakamwa )d ivid ed i nto two parts , the first (pze e dha )contain ing 7 , the lat ter (u ttm'd rdha ) 1 1

chapters . This copy agrees in the mainw i th the printed ed iti on ,

* except that emen l

d ations have been mad e in the Spelling o f

word s , an d archai c form s , o f th e original .Muk und araja is a lso the auth or o f anotherphilosoph ical w ork , entitled Paramamrit a ,

the teachings of which are those of th e Saivaschool of Sankara Ach z‘ irya: He is also saidto have w ri tten a Tantric treatise in verse ,called PavanavxjayastColophon : {firwinfzaafifdfi W NW ? {ream

“ 13 W m M m fi rearm s} m inim n

The follow ing note , referring to the costof transcription , occurs on the last page“ 18 adyas , 2250 slok s

,at 35 Rs . p . 1000.



2 6 .

Ad d . C .

—Foll . 72—92 ; 8 } in . by 6 ;

1 5 lines , 5 in . long ; careless mod ern hand .

[W I LL IAM Easxm s




The Sanskrit text of the Ved antic poem o f

Sankara Acharya , accompan ied by a Marathim etrical vers ion , entitled Sa-maslok i

, byVamana .

égfa W I? ma fim fafa in

m in"? af t-flit 2h “

! 835 W nrf‘

t fis n a u

Vamana , the son o f N rihari Pan d i ta,was

a Desas tha Brahman , o f th e Si nd ilya gotra ,a worshipper o f Vishnu ,

and a Josi o f thev i llage o f Kore , in the District o f Satara .

He w as w ell versed in San sk rit , and h is

compositions includ e several version s of

Sanskrit Vedanta tex ts . He is said to h avebeen the first to in trod uce the San skrit s’lolmm etre in Marath i . Accord ing to A. K.

Kher ,“E he d ied in A.D . 16 73 . An excellent

collection o f h is works,w i th cri tical and

upxplanatory notes , is in cou rse o f pub l icationby the ed itors of the Kavyasangraha .

The present Marath i version was l ithographed w ith the text at Bombay in Saka1 7 78 (A.D . See also Vamani grantha ,vol. i v . , pp . 18 1—200.

2 7 .

Add .

—Foll . 94 ; 4 in . by 9 l ines,6% in . long ; n eatly w ri tten , bu t w ith manym istakes in spell ing , w i th ru led margins , o nEuropean paper, water-marked “ J . W hatman , 1 801 d ated Saka 1 732 (A.D .

[W I LL IAM Easxmmj“ Higher Anglo -Marath i Grammar, Poona

, 1 8 95,

p. 450. See also “ Selec tions from Ma iath i Poets, by

Parshuram Pant God bole, Bombay, 1 8 78 , p. 60.

28 .

Or . 48 50.

—Foll . 346 ; 6 in . by 12 ; 12 lines,95 in . long ; carelessly w ri tten , dated Saka1 7 1 7 (A.D .


N igamasd ra .

A Vedantic metaphys ical treatise in verse ,by Vamana.


in an wa rm inan a h ]m ats-mam u

m m mfim n W rmfiai u a n

5m m: wmavfiv u n at: an mifam u

5mW ain inW ar ina n

The work is written in the Ovi metre, and

is d ivid ed into 9 chapters (adhydya) . It has

been printed in the Vamani grantha, orW orks of Vamana , vol . iv. , pp . 1—56 .

Colophon : {fir vh f-i nne r? " a qfasmwfirami u

( sol. a qfavamfiraw i ] daimm m ri in wai t

m z u e u wfi w i wfm m’m aw fi rm “? 1mm

an? vga ufimer firm? thaw ing {pie


q n

An exposi tion of the teachings of Vedantaphilosophy in verse , by Ramadasa Svami .Begins

fi gfi w fi mfiv n m fi fa‘é fl i fi u

m fifa mfi m u m wré n q u


aw tw irl 11 W W m53 11W fai rs u M u a u

Ramadasa Svami , the found er of theRamadasi sect of Vaishnavas , w as born in

Saka 1 530 (A.D . He is one o f them ost popu lar w riters on the teachings of

Vedanta philosophy , and was the spiritua lpreceptor

, as well as the favourite compan ionand ad viser, of Sir-Fi j i . It is said that on

1 6

one occasion that mon arch , in appreciat iono f the m ental superiority o f Ramadasa , proposed to make over h is kingd om to him ,

bu t

the poet d ecl ined to ac c ept so onerous a chargeMr. A . K. Kher , in a short notice o f

Ramadasa appended to h is High er Angl oMarath i Grammar

, says that he was theson o f a Deshastha Rigwed i Brahmin nam edSuryopant , a resid en t o f the v illage Jam on

the God avari . His original name was

Narayan , but he was afterward s calledRamdas on accoun t o f h is d isinterestedd evotion toward s Rama . His eld er brotherwas Gangadhar, popularly know n as RamiRamdas , who is the au thor o f a w ork namedBhac t i Rahasya . He wand ered as a

pilgrim for a greater part o f h is l ife , and

u l timately resid ed a t the fort o f Paral i,near

Satara ,” where he d ied in Saka 1603 (A .D .

at the age of 73 , a year after thed ea t h o f h is royal master .An extensive b iography o f Ramadasa ,

d eal ing m ore part i cularly w i th the h istory o fthe Marathas d uring his l i fetime , and theexploits of Sivaj i , has been published byGovardhanadasa L ak shmidasa .

* The au thoro f this w ork ascribes the b irth o f Gangadhara

(Saka 1527=A.D . and of h is youngerb rother Ramadasa , to the effi cacy o f a boongranted by the su n-

god Sfiryanarayana totheir father Suryaji Pan ta , as a rewardfor h is stead fast d evotion to that d eity .

Gangadhara is popu larly regard ed as an

in carnation o f Sfiryanarayan a , and Ramadasa

of the w ind -go d Md ru t i .The presen t manuscript agrees closely w iththe prin ted ed it ions o f th is w ork . It is

w ritten in the Ovi metre , in the form of a

d ialogue between a Guru and h is d isciple,

and is d ivid ed into 20 Can tos (duse t a ) , whichare subd ivid ed into chapters (samd sa) , aggregating 200 in all.

Ramadasa Svami che ch ari tragch i bakhar, Bombay ,18 8 9 (2md See also an ac co unt of Ramadasa by

Mr. H. A. Acworth in h is L ecture on Marath i Poets ,

wh ich appeared in the“ Times o f Ind ia


”26 Dee , 18 9 1 ,

p. 8 .


The copy was mad e by an anonymou sscribe , and completed on Thu rsday , the 1 1thPansha -bad i , Saka 1 7 1 7 , the Rakshasa 3am

ra tsara .

ColoPh on : m? w as Um semi vi a gwu

as ire-"

ramW m? R iv? i n rhythm

2 9 .

Add .

—Foll . 78 ; in . by 61 22 to

24 l ines , 5% in. long , in d ouble columns ;

w ritten in a c lear Nagari hand d ated Saka1 729 (A.D . [W I LL I A M ERSK INE. ]

EETQEE ( 1mmKautuhala Rdmdyana .

The history o f Rama in verse . An abridgedmetri cal version o f the Sanskrit Ramayana ,by Muk tesvara .


at: M a W 1 m 8 T?I arm in printed ed ition .

f“ Selec tions from the Marath i Poets ,

p. 1 15 (Bom


W m mfi afi i l

fm fim m fl fi w i i n

m p w fi n’t gfs ffim m a

’t i

vm fir Ema? gfm W’k u a u

Muk tesvara fl ourished in th e early part o fthe 17th cen tu ry . Accord ing to Parasurama

Panta Godbolefi he was a Desastha Brahman

of Paithan , the son o f V isvambh ara by L i laBat, the daughter of th e poet Ekanatha . Hewas born in Saka 1 53 1 (A.D . He issaid to have been d umb from h is birth to alate age, b ut eventual ly recovered the powero f speech by the favour o f the god Ekanatha .

This Ramayana of Muk tesvara has beenprinted at Bombay , 18 9 1 , w i th critical andexplanatory notes by Janard ana Balaj iMod ak ,and Vamana Di j i Ok , the ed i tors of the

“ Kavyasangraha .

”The poem is in seven

kand as , named after those o f the Sanskrit

POETRY . 1 7

epic . The first verse in the presen t copy isthe fifth in the printed ed ition .

Muk tesvara h as also wri tten an abridgedmetrical version o f theMahabharata , which isin cou rse of publ ication by the ed itors o f theKavyasangrah a.

This copy was made by Vishnu Bhat taJambhekara, and completed on the 1 1 th d ayof Bhad ra-sudi , Saka 1 729 , the Prabhavasamva tsam (A.D .

Colophon : {fit W1 am m vm fi figfif u

fi qs i ‘l m i x-trans flammw’i zéw m i s


fem; H‘

Ea fatten u


Ad d . A .

—Foll . 68 (original foliation9 in . by 7 ; 22 to 24 l ines , 6 in . long ,

in d oub le columns wri tten on Engl ish paper,w ater-mark ed H . W illmott, 1 8 10 d atedSaka 1 735 (A.D .


Another copy .

This copy is d efective , foll . R and as beingm iss ing . It was completed on the 2md of

Pausha-sud i , Saka 1 735 , the Srimukh a sam

ra tsam (A.D .

Colophon : {fir‘Efi 3 5W m at? Ibiza

vyin g u afi wan 31131! m i 1113 “351 53W ?

t fii fa rm? 11116115111 giant ma n fiw mfi u afi

m fiwfi‘

lfi n

131 .

Ad d .—Foll . 293 5% in . by 9 10 to

20 lines , 6 and 7 in . long ; d ated Saka 1 7 12(A.D . [W I LL IAM ERSKIN E.]


d iparva .

A metrical translation o f the Ad iparva , orfirst book o f theMahabharata, byMuk tesvara .

Efl3 .

Ad d .—Fo]1. 103 4 in . by 6 ; w ritten

by several hand s in 18 th centu ry Devanagari .[W I LL IAM ERsmNn.]


A fter two verses of invocation the textbegins

33 an} tavam m f‘

q 11“

gm lam in a te: n

tim e 116 71161 u w h at? W n a u

fi fm a’t ffi m afi u fm fim a u

m am film 11 am 71) arts mfat‘

t n a n

The translation is in 50 adhydyas , eachhaving a separate nati ve foliation .

Muk tesvara’

s complete tran slation o f theMahabharata is being publ ished in theKavyasangraba . TheAd iparva , ed ited with criticaland explanatory notes by vamana Daj i 0k ,was printed at Bombay in 1 8 93 .

This copy was completed on Mond ay,the

2md Kartika-bad i , Saka 1 7 12, the sad baranasamva tsam ( the Slst October

, for

Krishnarava and V ithth alarava , sons o f

Sivarama Josi , Ku lakarn i o f the village o f

Vagh ol i , in the talitk Junnar o f the Districtof Poona .

Colophon sli t «m a mart in at new ? 3i1 d

w as: f‘

z a‘tm u a n igi tfi wfaffi ii gem 1136 n

i’ gar-os 351mm far

-«m a tan t ra fm tm sfif’a

5 5 3 6 ? viii mates m 3111 an: grates arm gar

mi writ u g rew 11

3 2 .

Ad d . A.—Foll . 18 ; 5 in . by 13

l ines, 6 to 7 in . long , w i th r u led marg ins ,written apparently in the 19 th cen tury .


A fragmen t, con tain ing the 30th and 3 lst

Adhyayas o f the Ad iparva o f Muk tesvara’


trans lation o f the Mahabharata .

Th e manuscript is imperfect ; the first twoleaves , also e, 1° and the last leaf of the30th Ad hyaya are missing . The3 lstAd hyaya,

in 10 leaves,is complete .


A m iscellaneous collection o f relig iou spoems and Abh angas , wri tten mostly on one

sid e only o f each leaf.The Abhangas are chiefly by Tukarama ,

one of th e most distingu ish ed and popular o fthe Marath i poets . Pan d it Vi shnu Parasurama sastri has ed ited a complete collectiono f h is poem s, in two volumes , con tain ingbetween 4000 and 5000 Abh afigas .

if To i tis prefixed an introd uction in Engl ish byJanardana Sakharama Gadgil, giving an

account of the l ife and works of the poet .In i t he states that Tukarama was by castea Sli d ra and by profess ion a van i or cornchand ler and reta i l d ealer . He was born ,

and li ved , in the v illage o f Deh t'i , abou t sixteenm i les north-west of Papa. The correct d ateo f h is bi rth appears to be the year of Sal ivahana 1 530, or the year of Christ 1608The d ate of his d eath , or rather d isappearancefrom Deb i’i , has been accurately men t ioned inthe follow ing Collection to be the 2md of

Phalgun ,Monday morn ing , Sake 1 57 1 , the

name of th e year being V irod hi . The correspond ing year of C hrist is 1 649 . See alsoMoleswo rth

s Marath i Dict ionary , preface ,p . xxvii . Accord ing to Parasurama Pan taGodbolefr Tu karama was born in Saka 1 510(A.D . 158 8 ) and d ied in Saka 1 55 1 (A.D .

1 629)

3 4 .

Ad d . A.—Foll . 62 8 in . by 6 ; abou t

22 lines, 5; in . long ; d ated Saka [elapsed]1 692 (A.D .


nasti nessBha f

rtr ihari-éataka .

The Sanskrit tex t o f the Satak as o f Bhar

Bombay, 1 8 69 and 18 73 . Another collec tion of the

poems of Tukarani a,ed ited by Tukarama Tatya, was

published in Bombay, 18 8 9 .

1‘ Selections from th eMarath i Poets, Bombay, 1 8 7 8 ,

p. 26 .

3 5 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 60 ; 4 in . by 7 ; 7 to 9lines , 54; in . long, w i th ru led margins , apparen tly w ritten in the 1 9 th cen tury .


trihari , here cal led Subhash itaratnavali , ac

compan ied by a Marathi m etrical version bya poet cal led Tuka. See the Sk t . Cat . n o . 256 ,

p . 9 96.

Each verse o f the text is followed by itsMarathi tran slation (tikd ) . The first verseo f N itisatakabegins

in mas wi m ma iz wfiw a‘

i n

m wt m m t m w n q n

The tran slator Tuka is in all probabil i tythe celebrated poet Tukarama . See the preced ing.

Colophon : gt‘

a fl aw gmfifi rm m

sum 11 ini ts gmfim sm

afi fi fi'a‘t fi m gm wfi u n afi ataa fa

ffi i fim“

551? as! man? xfi'w rt afgfifafi vjmt 3m m?

m min

A . Foll . 1— 25 .

513 531W ?

L ahu -d khyd na .

A poem by Anan ta Kavi , on the story ofLava and Kusa , the tw in son s of Rama .

Begin sW mm tg? t um ? in

51311 am m a ?! in

{fif th {aft t i tan m i nn

m% ”

( Ed W ilt? 3 1813 131 11 a n

The Poem s o f Anan ta Kavi have beened ited w ith critical and explanatory n otesby Vamana Daj i Ok , Bombay , 1 8 9 6 , forming no . 1 7 o f the Kavyasangraha. In h is

pre fatory noti ce of th e poet the ed itor statesthat Ananta Kavi was a Ramabhak ta , orworshipper of the Rama cul t, and was proba-bly the same person as Ananta Gosvami , a

POETRY . l 9

pu pil of Ramadasa (wh o died A.D .

who was an inhab i tan t of a vi llage calledMethavad (Sivan) in the District o f Satara .

He w as born abou t Saka 1580—158 5 , i .e.

A .D . 1 6 58—1 663 . The Saka years 1643 and1 645 appear at the con clus ion of Su lochana'gah imvara , and Sulo chanakhyana , as the dateof composit ion o f two of Ananta’

s poems .

This poem g ives the Ramayana story o f

the capture o f Rama’

s sacrificial horse by h isunknown twin sons L ava and Kusa , whils tthey were dwel ling in exile w ith their motherS i ta at the h erm i tage of the sage Valm i ki ,resu lting in the father’s discovery o f h is

child ren and the recal l o f Si ta from ban ishment. It is w ritten in various metres, andis d ivid ed into three adhydyas , contain ing 70,53 , and 35 verses respectively . In the printeded ition o f the w orks o f Ananta Kavi (p .

this poem is entitled Kusalavakhyana , and is

d ivid ed into two chapters (prasmiga ) o f 75

and 98 verses . The present copy begins at

t he four th verse of the printed ed ition .

213—43 (H e) .

meamam ama .

A mythologi cal poem , byMuk teévara . See

no . 29 .

Beginsnfi vwfi arm war it 3 13 m in z i t i 1131 ii

i ii 3m fafif’qm u fm am a sffi u a in

fi tnes s} m rfawfz 11 am wafer ga 1?n it

fast: aim} arg‘

m fa t‘

t t‘

z 11 varfif‘

z lunarua n

The poem is in 1 8 1 verses in the Ovi metre .L eaf (a i s want ing .

The mytholog ica l story forming the subj ecto f th is poem is taken from chapter 262 of theVanaparva o f the Mahabharata . D raupad i ,

the w ife of the five Pandu princes , had obtaineda boon from the Sun -

god by virtue o f whichsh e h ad the m i racu lous power of cooking andsupplying food d aily to as many as should

claim her hospi tal ity,provid ed only she d id

so before she hersel f partook o f her even ingmeal , after which the power l eft her till thefollow ing d ay. Duryodhana , the lead er o fthe Kaurava princes , ind uced the irascibl esage Darvasa to repa ir to the camp o f thePandavas, accompanied by an immense number of h is d isciples

,late at n ight , after Drau

pad i had taken her even ing meal . He hopedto provoke the anger of the sage against h ishated rivals , through D raupad i

s inability toobserve the rites o f hospital i ty, and thus tobring about their destruction . D raupad i ,

however , invoked the aid o f Krishna , whom iracu lously appeased the hunger o f herguests . They retired to rest w ithou t re

qu i ring any food,and at d awn next d ay

D raupad i had no difficul ty in provid ing forthei r physi cal wants.

COIOphon : {FRm e farm m i

m: anew? am en“

anM u

C . Fol l . 44—60 (z—QO ) . A s ingle chapterfrom the second Stavaka o f the Kathakalpa

taru . See no . 50.

There is no ind ication o f the number of thechapter . It is in 137 verses , and containsthe story o f Rukmangada , king o f Kantika ,taken from the Narad iya u papurana , i l lustrating the effi cacy o f ekd dafi -um ta , or theobservance o f the eleventh d ay after each new

and ful l moon as a fast-d ay.

For an account of this story , see Eggeling’


Catalogu e of Sanskrit MSS . in th e Ind iaOffi ce , p . 1209 (no . also Aufrecht’sCat . Bodl. , p . 8 3a .

Beginsin“w rist u

Efi h t trrfli nM 3 71515 " a u

an an? 331mm 11 am gfnzarf‘

a W n

i n? i f “? 3113 ? u 11 a IIan?“ m gr? n m m rm: a ft 11

afi sfi gm fifa n W 11 3 "


3 6 .

Ad d . and —Foll . 245 and

25 1 ; 7% in . by 1 1 lines , 95 in . long ;w ritten in a bold hand , and dated Saka 1 69 1(A.D . [W I LL IAM ERSK INE .]

a fifasmHarivijaya .

An account of the life and exploits of

Krishna , in verse , by Sridhara .

Beginsat? wit a? W 3 3m 11 vh f? t fm t fl ‘


gm 11q 113m 11 m inimums? ll a u

Sridhara , one of the most popu lar of theMarath i poets , was born in Saka 1 600 (A.D .

and d ied at the age o f 50, in Saka16 50 (A.D . In th e conclud ingverses o f this , as w ell as in oth er works o f

h is , the poet states that he was the son of

Brahmananda, a Deéalekhak a , i .e. Kulak arn i,

or District accountan t , o f N ajhar (mart ) , a

town s i tuated two or three yojanas southw est o f Pand hari (Pandharpur) . Hismother’s name was savitri . He became a

d evotee at the age of 1 4, and took up h is

abod e at Pandharpur, n ear th e temple of h istutelary god V ith thala .

The poem is w ritten in the Ovi metre,and

is d ivid ed into 36 chapters (adhydya) . It

was completed on the 22nd day of Margasi rsha-su d i , Saka 1624 , the Ch itrabhanu

samvatsam (A.D . the date beingrecord ed in verse 205 of the last ch apter, asfollowsmas an


than? an“ n faawrg th a t m u

fla m wfi m m u a fqai an mmfi aqrw nu n

In the epi logu e Sri dh ara ascribes the


ltfira fl in th e printed ed i . ion of Bombay ,1 8 80.

1' Selec tions from'

theMarath i Poets , by Paras’


Panta Godbole, Bombay, 18 7 8 , p. 257 . See also an ao

count of th is poet in a L ec ture on Marath i Poets,


Mr. H. A. Acwo rth , d el ivered at th e Elph instone CollegeUnion, wh ich appeared in the Times of Ind ia


”26 D ee ,

18 9 1 , p. 8 .

3 7 .

Ad d . and —Foll . 200 and 18 2 ;

5 in . by abou t 1 1 l ines , 9 to 9% in .

long ; w ri tten apparently early in the 1 9thcen tury . [W I LL IAM Easmnn ]

Marath i Dic tionary, Preface, p. xxvn .

auth orship of the poem to V ith thala, and

states that he m erely wrote d own what th ego d d icta ted in h is ear , and that the w orkcon tains the substan ce (W ) o f the ten thchapter o f th e Bhagavatapurana , the Harivamsa, an d the Padmapurana . He concludesw ith a summary o f the con tents of eachchapte r .Of h is other w orks the most importan t

are Ramavijaya (no . wri tten in Saka 1625(A.D . Pan d avapratapa (no . 39) inSaka 1 634 (A.D . an d Sivalilamrita

(no . 4 1 ) in Saka 1 640 (A.D . Hispoems have been frequently printed at

Bombay and at Poona , and,as Mr . Moles

w orth remarks ,* “ have , to a great extent ,in pub lic read ings a t least , superseded theSanskrit Epics and Pu ranas .

An abridged Engl ish translation o f theHarivijaya h as been publ ished by D ubh ash i

and CO ., Bombay 1 8 9 1 .

This copy was w ritten at Amdapuri

(w ai t) , by Balirama Kshatri , a follower o fthe Nanakpanth i sect , and was completed onthe 1 st d ay o f Vaiéakha-badi , Saka 1 69 1 , theVirodh i saw ua-tsam It is

w ritten in two volumes , each contain ing 18chapters . The n umber of verses in eachch apter is n o t always the same as in theprinted ed itions , an d cons id erab l e verbalalterations are to be found in the text . Eachchapter h as a separate native fol iation .

Several pencil led notes appear on the m argin .

Colophon ”a re


than? m n f‘

q'fN ’

h m

W 35118 w ntauzrfiza nwa s? m a y ? in: age"

g fifm mm art-

353 11 m t 3 5 1m as ? 115

max“? 11

s ) :

The copy was made by Atmarama

Syamaraja on Thursday, the loth Phalgunax ltd i , Saka 1 698

,the Durmukh a samva tsam

(A.D .

Colophon an? ass t gi t? m semi 115183111 m

i mmigran t W t fi gfi w“mm mm fl ag? sham after 37? fli nt


zrfiam w: n

4 0 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 331 8 4 ih . by 12 ; 1 7

to 20 l ines , 9 ; in . long ; d ated Saka 1 730


Another copy .Begins

ufi fi ffl fzfiw n anfi mfi fii‘am n

ga ng‘

s-murmu r n “ Wa rra nts n q n

In th is copy the number of each chapterin regu lar sequence , and the number o f

verses in each , is stated in the 0010phon .

The parvas are not ind icated , or th e numberso f the chapters given , as u sual , on the margin so f each leaf , bu t the leaves o f each chapterare separately numbered . An ind ex givingthe contents of each of the 64 chapters isappend ed to the w ork .

The copy was mad e on Friday , the 5thCha i tra-bad t


, Saka 1 730, the V ibhava sam

fra tsara (A.D .

Colophon a far “f rat: artisans? mi? «mo fm

m fiw i w m fi v ia an? mgr sh earer mam

mi aa w ufi w afai a’tmgwm nn fi tfi afi n

4 1 .

Add . A.—Foll . 1 66 ; 55 in by

1 1 l ines , 7 in . long ; written on Engl ishpaper, water-marked J . W hatman




Siva lildmr i ta .

4 2 .

Add .—Foll . 32 ; 6 in . by 35 ; 10 to

1 5 lines, 34 in . long ; w ritten apparently inthe 1 8 th centu ry .



? 55116 11171

d ito'i -dkhydna .

The Mahabharata story of the restorationto life of Satyavan , through the d evotion of

h is w ife savitri . By Sridhara .

A poem in glorification o f the god Siva , bySri dhara .

Beginsfi mfi fwa wvt fm n mfawmfa wm fflm u

W m u Si am W igs II a IIThe poem is in fou rteen chapters , wri tten

in the Ovi metre . It con tains marvel lou slegends , show ing the wond erfu l power of

Siva in answer to the prayers of h is

devotees , and treats more especially on ltagaworship .

It was completed on Sunday , the d ay o f

the ful l moon of Pau sh a , Saka 1 6 40, theV ilamba samva tsara (A.D . The d ateassigned to it in this copy is S . 1624 , in

verse 12 o f the last chapter .513 11135 51 11? a fafi fa m fim n u

“33 616 1111 magm a

“( fa nt as i a


5 1 1mm

This is clearly a m istake of the scribe . In

all the p rin ted editions the year is said to beS . 1 640 (1513 731 w as ) , wh ich agrees w ithV ilamba samb a tsw a

, whereas the year S .

1 624 d oes n o t .All English abridgm en t of th e Sivalilamrita was pub l ished , together w i th that o f theHarivijaya , by D ubhashi and CO .

, Bombay ,18 91 .


6517151 and m Imam W n

118 m 38 1 s fm g? u

m afia ? vid aft ? 11

win uni 3 1111 136 11 a n

The poem contains 148 verses in the Ovimetre . The presen t copy d iffers slightlyfrom the prin ted ed i tion o f Bombay , 18 5 7 .

It is carelessly written , and full o f m isspeltw ord s and false quan titi es .

Prefixed to the poem (foll . 1—5 ) are a few

m iscellaneous verses written by anotherband .

4 3 .

Add .—Foll . 57 ; 32 in by 9 and

10 l ines , abou t 4% in . long ; d ated Saka 1 648(A.D . [W ILLIAM ERSKINECI

fam e?Vi rd taparva .

The V irataparva of the Mahabharata ,tran slated into Ovi verse by Vishn u Dasa .

The poem con tains 606 verses, an d is

divid ed into five chapters (prasanga ) , theverses being numbered consecutively througho ut . Th e author’s name occurs in the conclud ing verses of each chapter . He isprobably the same Vishnu Dasa wh o has

made a metrical translation of. the Ekad aSimahatmya, and is the author o f the Chakravibhu ,

Rasakrida, and Tulasi akhyana .


Th e manu script is imperfect . The firstfol io (vrs . 1 to 5 ) is m iss ing ,

also fol ios ( t(vrs . 73 to 8 2) an d ex (vrs . 23 to The

native numbering of the fol ios is fau l ty .

No . 23 is repeated , and both 55 and 56

appear on one leaf .The date o f transcription ,

Monday , the 4 thAshadha , Saka 1 648 , the Parabh ava samvat

3am appears at the endfi fi ab m w ém i m w s n

tm afiam n

See the British Museum Catalogue o f Marath i PrintedBook s .

4 5 .

Ad d . to —F011. and

1 65 ; 8 % in . by 13 to 1 6 l ines , 9 ; in .

long ; n eatly w ritten , w ith ru l ed margins ;d ated Saka 1 728 (A.D .

[W ILLIAM Easmna ]

Bhaktimj aya .

L ives o f Vaishnava devotees, in verse, byMah ipati

4 4 .

Add .- Foll . 33 ; in . by 52 1 8

lines, 5 in . long ; carelessly w ri tten in Mod icharacters , apparently in the 1 8 th cen tury .

[W ILL IAM Easxms]


N dradani ti .

A Hindu philosophi cal poem , by AmritaRaya .

Beg insm that m saw was “? warren

t’m’t gfi

w t w ffl fiafi vfi fi u a u

Emaamen fi‘Ilfi an

“? was an? an?

fi m fi gt fim fiw mfi fi u w

The poem is in 75 verses , w ritten in the

form of a d ialogue between the sage Naradaand h is disciple Dh armaraja , or Yudhishtbira ,the Pand ava prince . It appears to be inim itation of the Bhagavadgi ta .

The au thor, Amrita Raya , is probably thepoet of Au rangabad (see no . wh o diedabou t A .D . 1 753 . His name occurs in thelast verse , as followsm a w n wa

fl s fa mi w w’t g's m t fi


zfi mfi w fifit z fi wfi m


After ascriptions o f praise to Ganesa ,Sarasvati , and other Hindu d eiti es , the tex tbegins

an an wh isk-

413m u m m 3mm 11

W W W u m fi fi w’t Hamli n a n

Mahipati w as the son o f Dad opan ta , a

DeSastha Brahman , and Kulakarn i of Taharabad , a village abou t 40 m il es d istan t fromAhmadnagar . He was born in Saka 1 637(A.D . and died at the age o f 7 5 in

Saka 1 7 12 (A.D .

In the prologu e th e poet invokes divineaid in the composi tion o f the work . Hetrusts that the power that was gran ted toEkanath a in the preparation of h is Ramayan a ,to Namad eva and Muk teévara , to Sridharathe au thor of Harivijaya, to Ramadasa ,

Ganeéanatha, KeSava Svam i , Kab i r, and

other poets , may be extended to h im also .He then proceed s to state that, w ith th e aid

of “ the l over o f Rukmini , who d wells on thebank o f the Bhima river ”

( 151i ?


i .e. the god V iththala o f Pan

d hu rpur), he und ertook to w rite the l ives ofthe sain ts from a w ork wri tten in the Northcountry by Nabhaj‘

t, + and another in h is own

country by Ud d hava Ch idghanagtTh is w ork w as completed on the 12th

vaieakha-badt, Saka 1 68 4 , the Chitrabhanusamva tsam (A.D . The date is givenin the 1 5th verse§ of the last chapter, as

followsmi lama ai m s ? in fl aw dawns ? n

3m Em 2 138 11 6 a 15131 11136 1 11 at! n

The poem is in the Ovi metre . It is in 57

cantos (pm safiga ) , subd ivid ed into chapters

See Paras’

urama Panta Godbole’

s“ Selec tions from

the Marath i Poets ,”

p. 29 1 (Bombay,f Allud ing to the Bhak tamala written by Nabbaji in

the Braj -bhasha d ialec t in the 17 th century . See the

Hind i Cat ,110 . 102, p. 6 7 .

I Probably the same as th e au thor of a version of th e

Bhagavadgi taand other poems wh ich have been publishedin the Kavyetibasa-sangraba, vols . iv.

—viii .V . 12 in th e prin ted ed i tions.

4 6 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 357 ; 74 in . by 145; 13

to 1 7 l ines , 1 15 in . long ; d ated Saka 1 735(A.D . [REv. BENJAMIN W EBB. )

(adhydya) . The total number o f chaptersin this copy is 223, or 3 more than in th e

printed ed i tions . Each canto h as a separaten ative fol iation , bu t th eir consecu tivenumbers are no t always noted on the margin .

An Engl ish version , mu ch abridged , o f

some of the legend ary stories con tained in

this w ork has been publ ished by Dubhash ian d CO . , Bombay , 1 8 92.

Mah ipat i has w ritten two other works on

th e l ives an d m i racles o f Vaishnava saintsand d evotees , viz . , Santalilamrita, composed ,

anterior to the present work , in Saka 1679(A.D . and Bhak talilamrita in Saka1 696 (A.D . He is also the author o fa l ife of Tukarama , in verse , and severalm inor poems .

This copy was mad e at a village call edGanvgir , near Bombay , by Mahadaji Bhagavanta JoSi , the Kulak arn i of the village o f

Kanersar in the Junnar subd ivision o f theDistrict of Poona . It is in three parts, thefirst end ing w i th can to 1 6 , th e second w ithcanto 37 , an d was completed on the 10thd ay o f Magha- swd i , Saka 1 728 , the Kshaya

samb a tsartt (A.D .

Colophon 21mm 3 18 11 Ingram? mm i ts ?

gra nd fl it 3 3m m flaunt {fat tfia’t slit m t:

m flaw”? afi m fis ao enfi am’

t Marmara?

m i gma gwi mafi t rfia i i nq a w mfi u

Another copy .

The ch apters are numbered consecu tivelyon the margin , and also the number of theleaves of each chapter . The first 12 verseso f the first chapter are repeated on a d ifferentleaf . There are several notes in Engl ish toth e first five chapters .

The copy was written at Bombay, and


completed on Thursd ay , the 3rd of MargaSi rsha-su d i , Saka 1735 , the Srimukha samfvatsam (A.D .

Colophon : an? «saw3113’s flai r} mfisfié v3: 3

rye-M ust ( It

s “t w at -8133 1111111 11 erratu

vfim n n

4 7 .

Ad d .

—Fol l . 4 9 ; in . by 18 to22 l ines , 6 in . long ; w ritten on Engl ish paper ,w ater-marked I. Ping, the outer leafmarked Gurts i-s Son ,

18 04



chandm bodha .

An allegory in verse , d escrib ing th e struggl ebetween the


w orld ly and th e spiritual tend enc ies of the m ind .

Begins“ mi ni m " m aimnfw flzm n

“i t


dzi W fi m fim’m u 1 m muffi ns "

i m m isru W‘


f mfi'mfism

ga w fam fliwn wf’tI fi-d


tv mi n a n

The poem appears to be based on the Sanskrit Prabod hachand rod aya nataka , w rittenby Krishn a Misra in the 1 1 th cen tu ry . It is

d ivid ed into 12 chapters , and has been publish ed at Bombay , in 18 55 , 1 8 73 , and 1 8 8 6 .

The first chapter in the printed ed i tion s c ontains 39 verses , against 1 3 in th is manu script .There

,is l ittle variation in t he other chapters .

There is much amb igu ity as to the n ame o fthe poet . In th e presen t manu script SripatiDasa is mentioned as being the au thor in theconclud ing l ines of most o f the ch apters , bu tthe name Ramaraman a Dasa occurs in chapters 5 , 7 , and 9 , and Ramapati Dasa in chapter10. These are probably on ly epi thets . In

the printed ed i tions the work is ascribed toSrinatha Dasa in chapters 1 to 9 , and toHaridasa in the three conclud ing chapters .

4 9 .

Ad d . B.—Foll . 19— 3 1 (z—Qe ) ; 44 in .

by 8 l ines , 55 in . lon o' w ritten probablyin the 1 8 th century . [W ILL IAM EItSKINE. ]

See Hunter’

s Gazetteer (2nd ed ) , Pand harpur, vo l.

xi. , p. 36.

4 8 .

Ad d . 26M494 A—Foll . 24 ; 8 in . by 54 ; 13l ines , 64 m . long appareritly written i n thelatter half o f the 1 8 th centu ry .

[ W I LL I AM Baw ns .]

uigi fl emmPand arm

zgamdhd tmya .

A poem in praise o f the god Pi

anduranga ,and o f h is temple at Pan d harpur.


The poem , cal led also Pandharimahatmyain the colophon , is in five chapters (adhyd ya ) ,and is said to have been taken from the

Skand apurana. It is anonymous , and

w ritten in the Ovi metre . It is in glorific a

tion of Panduranga , more common ly knownas V iththala, or V ithoba, a popu lar form o f

Vish n u , In h is incarnation as Krishna.

The first page is partly illegible ow ing toan ink -blot . After a verse of invocation toHindu d eities the tex t begins

4 min i W W II Pan ni er m i ni II. wgtn n a ft i

‘fim flwaft n s u

saim i a z gm

m g m m u W W fl fi i n fi u s u

11m m II 3 6m m am IImm w as?

s tr ew nW m s t un aw a it s“

Colophon in? “13 3311131 II im wfi fi fimé IIW Iz Im II m un W W II E1W II asi tem $18 " II 211W II a ffirm R imes ? IIW h am mm! II q‘

nfi datum; IIAnother copy o f this work , w ri tten in

Mod i characters , und er the name Pand harimahatmya , w i ll be found in no . 74 .


A fragmen t , containing an imperfect copyo f the 9 th chapter (prasa izga ) of an uniden ti

fied Pauran ic poem .

The nam e and authorship o f the poem d o

no t appear on the manu script . On the lefthan d corner o f each leaf appears the w ord was ,and on the right-hand corn er m , w ith thenumber o f the leaf w ritten below i t . It is

poss ible that th e poem is w ritten on themod el o f the Ramayan a , this fragmen t c ontain ing a portion of the Balakanda , or firs tcanto .This 9 th chapter , breaking off at the 9 8 thverse

,contains a d iscou rse between the Rishi

V iSvamitra and Rama on the van ity of humanexistence , the pollu tions o f th e flesh

,and th e

ills th at attend the human body from b irthto old age . It is written in the Ovi m etre ,and begins

mega ie‘


a mi t ts II fW It‘

fi Im was?! IIgamma m in II and? are $3 ? II a IIm i and; ari a II aim? mas 1mmv5! IIa re ) mg 3111 a re II t fiItant ra its" FateW W I

5 0 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 232 ; 9 in . by 6 ; 10 to13 l ines , 7 to 74 in . long ; w ritten by d ifferen tband s

,apparently in th e 1 9 th century .


A . Foll . 1—1 8 1 .

w ag ?“Ka thd kalprt taru .

A collection of Paura-n ic tales in verse .This w ork , of u nknown au thorship , is

w ritten in the Ovi metre . It is d ivid ed in tocantos (stavaka ) , subd ivid ed into chapters(adhya

ya , or prasanga ) . The stories , takenfrom the Puran as and Mahabharata , are re

lated in the form of a d ialogue betweenKrishna and the sage Yajnavalkya .

The presen t m anuscript is imperfect . It

contains the fol low ing portions onlyFol ] . 1—43 (i i —N ) . Adhyay as 7 to 1 1 of

5 1 .

Add . B.

—Foll . 1 67—207 ; 54 in . by

9 1 ; 1 1 l in es , 7 in . long ; wri tten on nativepaper in the i 9 th century .


Stavak a II. The 7 th ad hyaya is fragmentary .

The manuscript begins in the m id d l e of verse38 , and leaves as to ac , con ta ining vrs . 5 1

145 , are wanting . L eaf {c also,con taining

part o f Stavak a IL , is m iss ing .

Foll . 44—1 69 . Ad hyayas 3 to 8 , and 13

to 1 6 , o f Stavak a IV . This portion o f th e

w ork is w ritten by another hand . The leavesare on ly occasionally numbered .


Foll. 1 70—1 73 . Four leaves , conta ining43 verses o f a chapter marked 0 o n the lefthand corner o f each leaf. There is no ind ication as to what Stavaka i t belongs to .Fol l . 1 75—1 80. Six leaves , con taining 68verses . There is no mention o f either chapteror canto . This fragment an d the preced ingare w ritten in different hand s from those o f

the rest o f the man uscript .Another portion o f this work will be found

in n o . 35 , art . C .

B . Foll . 1 8 2—232.

new?Sabhdparva .

Sabhaparva (Ad hyayas 1 , 2, 6 , and 9) o fthe Mahabharata , tran slated into verse byMuk teSvara . See n o . 29 .

Beginsward i tem? name" I arm a

i m35 413 111 IEfren; rim m m am I mamas 3 111a II a II3 3 I 3? instead stew ard I3 1am any? I an d am t? II a II

T here are sl ight variation s between th isman uscript a nd the annotated ed ition p f the

text of Muk teévara’

s Mahabharata , now in

cou rse o f publ icat ion in the Kavyasangraha ,Bombay , 1 8 93 , etc .


scamL dvanyd .

A collection o f L avan is , or popular bal lads .

The col lection is in two parts , each w ith a

separate native foliation , one o f 35 , the othero f 6 leaves . They are w ritten by th e sam ehand , and appear to be cop ies of poems of

two d ifferent poets , the latter col lection beingu nfin ished , w i thout d ate or 0010phon .

5 2 .

Ad d .—Foll . 94 ; 54 in . by 12 ; 1 1

l ines,9 in . long ; n eatly written in the 19 th

centu ry . [REv . BENJAMIN W ane ]

A collection of poems by various Marathipoets , in clud ing a few Hind i poems .

The volume is imperfect . The leaves are

n umb ered I to <0 ,of w hich i , 0

, i i , and R0

are wanting .

The poem s are no t arranged in any systematic ord er . They appear to have been copiedprom iscuou sly from several collections ; poem sby d iff eren t au thors are not grouped togetherseparately

, bu t are scattered about througho ut the volum e .The maj ority of the poem s are Abhangas

and Pad as by Tukarama (see no . F011.

76 to the end of the manuscript contain a

connected series o f h is w orks .

There are al so a large n umber of poem s

by Namad eva interspersed througho ut thecollection . This poet , who u su ally styles himself Nama, or Vishnudasa Nama, t .e. Nama,the slave o f Vishnu ,

”was contemporary w i th

Jfianadeva (noticed below) . A lengthy biography of this d istingu ished poet , w ith a

critica l exam ination of h is work s , has beenw ritten by Madhavarava Appaji Mule .* Ac

cord ing to th is au th or , Namadeva was theson of DamaSet and Gonabai , and was bornin the Saka year 1 192 (A.D . Balavan ta Khand oji Parakh , the b iographer o f

Namadevacharitra , Poona , 18 9 2.

Jfianes'vara Maharajachen c haritra (Bombay,

p. 1 17 .

1‘ Kavyasangraha, vol. 13,

“A Collec tion o f Marath i

Padas ,”pt . i . , p. 1 5 , foot-note.

1 Ibid ., p. 143 , foot-note.

Jflanad evaf how ever , states that Namadeva

was born at Pandharpur in Saka 1200 (A .D .

whilst Vamana Daj i Ok,the ed ito r o f

the Kavyasangrahad‘

gives Gokul, a vil lagenear Pand harpur , as h is native place , th eyear Samvat 1278 (A.D . 1221 ) as that o f h isb irth , an d Samvat 1 328 (A.D . 127 1 ) o f h isdeath . See also Molesworth

’s Dictionary ,

pre face,p . xxv .

Namadeva w as a tai lor by pro fession , and

an arden t worshipper o f Viththala (otherwisecal led Vith oba) , at the temple at Pand harpu rd ed icated to that d eity . He is regard ed as

an in carnation of Ud dhava, and is said tohave composed 100 crores ( 1000 m i ll ion )abhangas , of which 4 lacs werew ritten by h im when he became incarnate asTukarama .

Bes id es Tukarama and Namadeva , thefollow ing Marathi poets are represented inth is an thology1 . KeSava Svami ; foil. llb, 37a , 52—54 ,

63a , 7011 . Accord ing to Vamana Daj i Ok , ¢KeSava was a Maratha Brahman , and followero f Ramadasa . He was a native o f Bhaganagar in Haidarabad , born in Saka 1 550

(A.D . the pupil of KaSiraja Svami ,and au thor of Ekad aSicharitra , a poem in theOvi m etre , and also of several Pad as and

Abhanges .

2. Gonai,or GonabaI, the mother o f Nama

d eva ; foll . l lb, 1 5a .

3 . Parsa (P) ; fol. 12b.

4 . KacheSvara ; fol. This poet isprobably the sam e as the au thor o f Gaj end ramoksha and Sudamacharitra . See Kavyasangraba , vol . 14 , “ A Collection o f Marath iPoems ,

” pt . i . , p . 17 , and pt . i ii . , p . 7 .

5 . Jfianad eva , also ca lled Jfianoba or JnaneSvara ; foll . 1 7a ,

18 a , 6411 , 765. In


h is notice o f Marath i poets ,"sMr. A . K. Kherstates that Jfianadeva w as born at Aland iin Shaka 1 197 (A.D . 1275 ) of parents nam edV ittalpant and Rakhamabai He w as a

Brahm in of extraordinary talents . He livedon the earth only for a period of s ixteenyears , and has bequ eathed to posterity an

invaluable treasure of more than elevent housand verses .

”According to V'amana

Daji Okd‘ mah ad eva d ied in Saka 121 8 (A.D .

A fu l l account o f h is l ife and worksh as been w ritten by Balavanta KhandojiI’arakh .I See also Molesworth

s Grammar ,preface, p . xxvi . Jfianad eva’

s most celebratedw ork

, a m etrica l commentary on the Bhagavadgita, was written in Saka 1212 (A.D .

d uring th e reign of Ramad eva (also cal ledRamachand ra) , the Yadava king o f Devagiri. §

6 . Naganath a ; fol. 1 7a .

7 . Ekanatha foll . 1 7— 19

Ek anath a, a Rigved i DeSastha Brahman o f

Pai than , the son of SI'

Iryanar-ayan a, was born

in Saka 1480 (A .D . an d d ied in Saka153 1 (A.D . His Guru ’

s nam e wasJanard aua Pan ta , and thus he frequentlystyles himsel f Eka Janard ana in h is poem s .

See A . K . Kher’s Anglo-Marathi Grammar ,App. p . 4 48 , Kavyasangrah a , vol . 13 , p . 26 ,

also “ The L ife and Poems of Ekanath , by

Dhond o Balakrishna Sah asrabud dh e, Bom

bay , 18 8 3 .

8 . Ganeéanatha ; foll . 4 5a .

9 . Samvata ; foll . 196, 50a .

10. Ud dhava Ch idgh ana ; fol. 20a .

1 1 . Jani , the slave -girl o f Namadeva

foll . 28 8 , 42a ,506

,5 101

, 5 5—57 , 6 1 11 .

12. Ramadasa (see no . 420, 6 1 ,

1 3 . KaSinath a ; foll . 455,48 a .

Higher Anglo-Marath i Grammar, App. p. 447 .

1’ Kavyasangrah a, vol. 13,

“A Collection o f MaIatlIi

Pad as ,”

pt . i ., p. 2, foot-no te.

I Bombay, 1 8 8 6 .

Bhandark ar’

s History of the D ehk an , p. 11 7 (2nd

cd . ,Bombay,

1 4 . Sivad ina ; fol. 48 a .

15 . Rankas iva ; fol. 49a .

1 6 . Amritaraya (see no . 53) fol.

1 7 . Anan ta Kavi (see n o . 35 ) fol.

1 8 . Bhanu dasa ; fol. 67a .

1 9 . Basvalinga ; fol. 730.

There are a few Hind i poems includ ed inthis collection , viz . foll . 20—23

,m ostly by

Kab i r, and fol. 500, a Pad a byMadhava Dasa .

5 3 .

Add . an d —Foll . 1 1 1 and 73 ;

124 in . by 74 and 8 ; w ritten o n d iff erentkin d s of European paper, bearing variouswater-marks as follows I . Ping,

1 8 02

G . R. , C . W ilmott,18 10 and

Jos . Em . Raph Az u lay ,” w i th an anchoron one sid e , and on the other a circle w ithAll Inglese w i thin i t

[W ILL IAM ERSKINEJTwo volumes o f Marath i songs and bal lad s .

This large collection of L avan i s , Abha-ngas ,Padas and other poems has been mad e a t

d ifferent t imes and places , and has beenw ritten by various hand s . They a re mostlyin the Devanagari characters , some few on lybeing in Mod i . Notes have been suppliedby Mr . Erskin e , stating th e authorsh ip o f

some of the poem s , the sources wh en ce theyhave been obta ined , w i th d ates ranging from1806 to 1 8 14 .

The first volume con tains a large numbero f poems , chiefly Lavan i s, Copied “ from a

col lection belonging to Ketee Kushin, a

d an cing gi rl o f Poona .

”They are chiefly

the compos itions of Honaji Bala, a coll ectiono f whose poems w i ll be fou nd in the secondvolume o f this MS .

There are also poems by1 . Gopala Bhandari , who died A.D . 18 1 1

fol. 10a .

2. Amrita Raya foll . 20—23, 30, 31 .

He was a Deéasth a Brahman of Au rangabad ,


5 7 .

Ad d .

—Fol] . 1 19 ; 5; in . by 1 1 ; 8 in .

long ; dated Saka 1 735 (A.D .


11511116 1113

Pa ii chopalrhydna .

An anonymous vers ion o f the Paficha

tantra , or Sanskrit tales ascribed to VishnuSarman .

Head ing M ariam“ ? was W e mi n: 11

In trod uction begin s : 113 sta i r-“

It‘s vi a? m

m w as an summi ts M t mu 11’


firm n fasi m danfa 65m i nni t ags am an

th aw s ma fafzfi swi ft! W i fz In} ? warm s

sné m ? an farm? m s} Nam i ts mfz’

$18 ?


s: 11 m W W art's i s9m? 11

The PanchOpakbyana is a consid erablyabridged prose v ers ion o f the Sanskritoriginal . The tal es , several o f which are

om i tted , are n ot n umbered . The five Books,

or Tantras , are named as follow sI. Mitrabh eda . Fol l . 20.II. Su hrillabha . Fol] . 235—38 a .

III. Sand hivigraha . Fel l . 38 b—70b.

IV . Lubdhahfini . Fell. 706—95a .

V . Samprekshyak fi ritva . Foll. 95b—1 1 9a .

The first Tantra ,begins a s follow s ( fol. 2a ,

last l in e)ami iw m fi fi s s fia m sm sn sfimn

wi g film a snare an”

? aim? anagrams mfiwa'r wit

ammfi w fi s m ga gfi amé fl‘

fi fi fimm II



5 8 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 62 ; 7% in . by 1 2 ; 1 6 to1 8 l ines , 95 in . long ; w rit ten on Engl ishpaper , water-marked “ J . W hatman Balsto nCO . , [W IL L IAM ERSK INE . ]

The copy in the British Museum L ibrary has no

title-page .

The w ork was publish ed , w ith severa lcorrections and variations , at Bombay abou tthe yearIn a th ird ed ition ,

printed in 1 8 5 8 , th efirst Tan tra , w rongly head ed Mi tralabha ,com es after the second .

This copy was completed at Bombay, on

Friday n ight , the 14 th of Va isakh a-bad i ,

Saka 1 735 , the Srimukha samvatsara (A.D .

Colophon : ma ass“ wigs: sem i 3m Era

w i w t m ah m w m ifi uv fafm

The follow ing note appears on fol. 1a“ Pun ch opakhyan . Dialogues betw een five .

A Mahratta version o f the Hi tOpad es .

Copied from a copy in the Mod i character inthe collection of Mr. Erskine . Bombay , June

A note is also append ed show ing the costof copying ,

as fol lows1 1 8 l eaves, or gh u ts-pu tr .

3000 gruntha , or slok s of 32 l ettersat 3 Rs . p . 1000 Rs . 9

Cost o f paper


Another copy, slightly varying from the

preceding .

Begins : m : w ri s ts? $33 : 1mm aim w as

anma s-“fits M ir a ss fia

tm mfifia mg?

3 m 133 13 g ram“l? “ am Is?! area fit s-ai i ts

-hm ?

resrarw finMari s? shi ats u a nfiafsfi ain’t art


ufirm was m 1 mt »: wfta’t n

The copy is n eatly w ritten, bu t w i thou tany pauses or d iv is ion s o f any kind betweenthe d ifferent tales , or even d ivid ing one

chapter from another . The scribe has alsonot supplied any colophon .

5 9 .

Ad d .—Foll . 26 ; 165 in . by 52 ; 24

l ines,5% in . long ; written in the 1 9th

cen tury . [WIL LIAM Es sxmn ]

Pafichopakhyana . Tan tras I. and II. ,

w ritten in Mod i characters .

Th is appears to be a portion of the copyof th e Pafi chopakhyana referred to by Mr.

W ebb , from wh i ch he obtained a transcriptionin Devanagari characters . See No . 57 .

6 0 .

Add .

—Foll . 222 ; 5 in . by 10 ; 9

l ines , 8 in . long {w ritten on native paper,apparently early in the 1 9 th century .


An anonymous m etrical vers ion of thePanchOpakhyana, written in the Ovi m etre .Beginsé sfi m fafimn fl i n t-«3 3m m 1 "

m faft vra‘

m‘lm u W inn-3 aim-Fa n s "

Tantra I. begins on fol. 4a , verse 37 , as

followsfi z m y mfifimfi u m m ’

tfl’l fisw ‘

l u

W tfi w‘

efim fi‘

gfa nm fimm uss n

3 1

The poem is written in a d ialec tic form o f

Marath i m ixed w i th Hind i w ords and inflec

tional terminations . Sanskrit s’

loka s w ithdefective orthography are occasionally quoted ,

but they d iffer considerably from those inprinted ed i tion s of the Panchatantra . Theseslokas are separately numbered .

The con tents and names o f the B ooks are

as followsTantra I. Mitrabheda , in 943 slokas .

F011. 1—8 0b.

II. Mitrasamprfipti , in 243 slokas .

Foll . 8 06—1015 .

III. Kakolka , in 501 slokas . Foll .l02a —l42a .

IV . L ubd hapranasaka , in 505 slokas ,Fol] . 1 42b—1 8 3b.

V . Aparik sh ita, in 4 93 sloka s .

Foll. l8 4a—222.

6 1 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 55 84 in . by 14 to20 lin es , w ritten in d oubl e columns , abou t5ain . long ; dated Saka 1 729 (A .D .



aam afaafi

Vetd lapafichavwz.

An anonymou s metrical version of theSanskrit Vetalapafich avimsat i, or Twentyfive Tal es of a Demon .

Begin sfi a

i ma mfi u m fam t fi n mu a t ? "

fi mfmut‘

mnfi u nt gzmhm u <1 11

W fl fi m ll gr a t ? urs‘

tfa ( tam u

fi m wfi'fit u m mfi afi u a u

W mi fi fiwt u W W W "

m a fi awfi u W fis s ‘lé n a u

fafifi m m u m w fi qé‘tfi m u

w wfi afi fa m n mm sum


The first tale begins at verse 25 as

followsQM Q fi m am ll 8 1 6 1?! t

W W W " w a fi m n su u

M ari am " m fagmn

W m m u m afi afi u at n

This translation of the popu lar San skrittales , w ri tten in the Ovi metre , is taken fromthe recension o f Sivadasa .

“E The tal es , h owever

, are no t exactly in the same ord er ofsequ ence as in th e orig ina l , and th e names ofthe persons and places are frequently al tered ,probably in ord er to meet the exigencies o f

the metre . Thus, the first tal e related bythe d emon ,

as given in this translation ,is

that o f Gunasatyak a, king of Dharmapuri ,and Amaravati , the d augh ter o f the BrahmanKesavasrama. This is the second story of

the San skrit original , in which the king iscall ed Gun asekhara o f Dharmasthala ,


the nam e o f th e Brahman ’

s d aughter is

Mandaravati . The first tale in Sivadasa’


recension is the fou rth in this version .

The Marath i prose translation of th esetales bySadasiva Kasi nathaChhatre, publishedt B ombay in 1 8 62, appears to have beenmad e from th e popu lar Hin d i versi on , en titledBaital—pachi si , taken from a Northern re

c ension .

The present copy w as mad e by Pand i tBapuji Anan ta, on the 6 th of Jyeshtha—sa d i ,Saka 1 729 , the Prabhava samva fsara (A.D .

as stated in th e colophon{firfi n es


safari? mm: m m any ? as: fish

artis t fan? i s as? sir} w as mm m th at?

m : u

6 2 .

Ad d . A.

—'Foll . 1—38 ; 8 in . by

14 to 1 7 l ines , 94 in . long, w ritten apparen tlyin the latter part of th e 1 8 th centu ry .

See L as sen’s

“Anth ologia Sansc ritics ,” Bonn , 18 38 ,

contain ing the text o f the firs t five tales.


x x

m z'smm u

Another,and somewhat abridged , version

o f the same tales, written in Mod i characters .

Another m etrical version o f the sam e tale sfrom the recensi on of Sivadasa .

Beg insfi wfi m

’t m ii gm a fi w

‘mm i m n

fi sfitfi m m sfi n m a’tfi m im'fi n a u

mm wgm flft u M flfifi fi w n

si m i a’rmtwfc u mafi ai mi

'z t n s n

The introdu ctory accoun t of the YogiDigambara presenting th e fru i t to kingVikrama begins at the 4 th verse .

mi sm’t m m n fi atm tmm u

“W W W " ffl ‘lfim fifi iwl tl ll

arw fim fi u vfi fim m n

fizh i fi'm am t u m gfiv m u q n

The tales are arranged in the ord er o f th eSanskri t original , bu t , as in the preced ingw ork , th e names are occas ional ly altered .

The first tal e begins at verse 35 as follow s“ (m i n i v a n W W W

-fra t "

y m i srfi gmm t n m a m é wfi u 311 11

zfi i fi fa fim f’s u m afi mw ’m‘l n

M ud flats ? " umi zfit rfa mf’tEEu QQ n

The stori es are mu ch abridged , and are

w ritten in a d ial ect o f Marath i con tain ing a

large adm ixture o f Hindi w ord s .

The manu script con tains on ly 23 o f the 25tales . The first few leaves are annotated .

Colophon to the 23rd story

6 3 .

Ad d .-Foll . 101 ; 81 in . by 6 ; 8

lines , 5 in . l ong w ri tten on Eu ropean paper ,water-marked Gier Magnan i , ”

and a lsoJo s . Em . Raph Azu lay .

[W I L L IAM Bask u nj


Begins : m a? ma ant i fem um rm: m in

m m w m am m fi mfi mfi 1m m

im a‘

fiz m w é snfams fizmwnfi m taé a‘



fa fam'i am tm fin

’tfisa m m fm

h a mm m m ’r t fi nm fzw

‘i u

In the preambl e to th is version also themagic fru i t is given to V ikramad itya , king of

Ujjayini by a Brahman cal led Digambar .The above is a l iteral reproduction o f theMod i into Devanagari characters, show ingthe pecu l iari t ies of spelling noticeab le inmanuscripts of the early part of the 19 thcentu ry.

6 4 .

Ad d . B.—Foll . 39—6 6 (g—gc ) ; 8 in .

by 124 ; 1 7 l ines , 10 in . long ; w ritten in the19 th century .

fasten afasfiSim /Lasana -ba ttis

i .

A Marath i vers ion o f the Sanskrit S imhasana dvfi trimsat , al so cal led V ikramach arita,or Thirty-two Tales concern ingVikramad itya .

Begins : 21171? fi e Human? sfi‘

zifi thfi ‘fi {mfg

gmfimfwa z fiu‘

mtm ms? mis t at? as h 3m m

mfg fam firw W 19I fi erfirf‘

q {mafi a 7?

ah a fi m ufi s s fi fists-

3 m wfi ufi s fin

fa“ ? m rfi ii i


em aim? 52mm fat-é mfin uh

rmmrs an? m are“

: n

The prologu e to these popular tal es de

scribes the extraord inary mann er in whichking Bh oja o f Ujj ain found the thron e of

king V ikramaditya buried in the earth . It

was m ad e o f gold , stud d ed w ith j ewels , andw as supported by eight statues on each o f

its four s id es . The king h ad i t remo ved toh is palace , an d whenever he attempted to siton i t the th i rty-two statu es , one after theother

, preven ted h im and narrated a story o fking V ik ramad itya , i llu strative o f his manyvirtues

,an d su periori ty in w isd om and

ab i lity .

6 5 .

Add .—Foll . 79 75 in . by abou t

9 l ines, 53


3 in . long w ritten in Mod i characters , in the beginn ing o f the 19th centu ry .


A . Foll . 1—29 .

fam afi s

Vikrama -charitra .

The tales are considerably abridged , and

are entirely d ifferen t from the two printedMarathi versi ons, both anonymou s

,one o f

which was published at Serampur in 18 14 ,

the other at Bombay in 1 8 55 . The latter isthe common ly accepted version , and has beenfrequently publ ished both at Bombay and

at Poona . Som e of the original Sanskrits’

lokas are introd uced in i t, as also in th istran slation . Of the thi rty-two tal es


n ine are in this manuscript written in prose,th e rest in verse .The m ost popu lar vers ion of these tales

is the one in Hindi , translated by Mim iKaz im ‘Ali , Jawfin, and L allfi Lala, at Calcu ttain 18 05

,from the Braj -bhasha of Sund ara

Dasa Kavis’

va ra , taken probably from a d if

ferent recension from the one from which theMarathi translation s are mad e . In the Hind iversion the tales are narrated at mu ch greaterlength , and are d ifferently arranged,

A legend ary account of king V ikramad ityao f Ujjayin i (Ujjain ) .The work is prefaced by a form of letter


u sually ad opted in epistolary correspond ence,

which purports to have been w ri tten by one

Krishnaji Sadasiva , to h is friend JanardanaPanta Svami , supplying h im w ith requ iredd etai ls con cern ing the life of king V ikrama .

These are doubtless fictitiou s names . Thework is clearly qu i te a mod ern prod uction,and no t a copy of any old manuscript . It

contains fabulous stories of the v irtues ,prowess and adventures of th is cel ebrated



m onarch , such as are to be found in th eSimhasana-bat tisi ,

” or Thirty-two Taleso f king V ikramad itya, ad apted from theSanskrit

,the V ikrama-charitra ,

”a Marath i

poem in 1 8 chapters , by Haridasaf and

s imi lar composi tions . For an account of

V ik rama , see W i lford’

s Essays in AsiaticResearches ,” vols . 9 and 10.

Begins z fin fi rfm‘

wfmm w‘twméa fiwm flfi


serfs? 3117119135 s i n [12a m ]

swam fawn? s qft inna zines 3 11113 8 3515 W

am fi wfsfi fs‘fis

The accoun t begins (fol. 2b, 1. 3 )gaff m s? W m i vfia rim fem um

um "TE! W 5 35 at? “ m m ? uni} m

t i afi a mgfi atm mfi m m am fiti gsmém

m s fi mfi fi a m fi m wfi m m fiafi m m im m w rwmfi m fi aftfi ga


m ai m nfis afim m m’

fi wm fi u

B . F011. 30—79 .

was ter-ra ft s

Sd livd hana -charitm .

An account of the life of king Salivahana .

This work is written apparently by thesam e han d as the preceding . It commen cesw ith an accoun t o f the m i raculous b irth of

Salivahana. The w ife of Bhaskara Bhatta ,an Agn ihotri Brahman of Paithan , w ent tothe Godavari w i th her young unmarriedd aughter to wash some clothes . As the childwas playing abou t, the serpen t-king Seshabreathed on her face , and sh e becamepregnant . Seeing her cond ition , her parentsaband oned her in the forest . She was foun dby a potter, who adopted her as h is d aughter ,and in his house Salivahana was born . Th e

w riter goes on to'relate the fabu lous stories

popu larly cu rrent regarding Salivahana and

his battles with Vikrama.

An English translation of th is poem, by Ragh oba

Moroba, was published at Bombay in 18 55.


Begins wfigm’

as mi wrath W ars mi:m

fizm finmh fii nm fifi fi ifi fizm m m ’

qmmar wi gfi smm m im m m m

313 3 m fsw fmi‘ a ? 2mi 11

6 6 .

Ad d .—Foll . 20 ; 1 8 in . by 54 ; abou t

20 lin es, 5 in . long , w ritten in Modi characters, in the 19 th cen tury

6 7 .

Add .—Foll . 37 1 74 in . by 64; abou t

24 l ines , 64 in . long ; neatly wr i tten in Modicharacters , 19th century .

[W I L L IAM Es sxmn ]

Sukabdha ttafl .

An abridged prose translation of the Sanskrit Sukasaptati, or Seven ty Tales of a Parrot .

[W ILL IAM ERSK INE.)Another accoun t of king V ikramad itya ,

also in the form of a l etter,purporting to be

wri tten by Vishn u Jagannath a, and add ressedto Sadasiva Pandit .Heading ftfi

cfim f’m‘

wfm53m m term? {a

aw W {11111 W U fl flfi serfs ? fifsa ermfi


Begin s : aim fsug anm gmfiw swa m

ferns ? W t ifi a W ei s s m h w ié vrf’


fairs m um m aga f’

qss w i as afims m

m i mi i fi w fi nfi n gfi fm tm m fi a

( Ta t a t h z‘

m ans} smi t e! W T i nfant‘

s ? Fag}!

m iss ? an? 7? was "

arm ? its? a s s fm agar

W fi ia i y gi w w m‘l m i w n

Then follow s the commencement of theaccoun t of king V ikrama and h is adventures ,which is in substan ce th e sam e as in the preceding manu script . The work is written byan il li terate scribe on long s l ips o f paper ,numbered Q to at , of which no . (a is m iss ing.


Begins : mu Fesfs fiH3 smurf-d v 1mm ans

fm i uifir ws aafi gmfi mm ufi m wu

fasten? wfm n‘mfi 's‘

ta m am mé i s m wé

fates? as? as fawn i ts me? i n? arts fi rst was

mu mi n was W W rip“

? m m mm W

wf m m amh i zfi fm i s tm nw wfm

m m { figs an? m u 31m man a ?

W ? a gar?! m new 11

The work is anonymou s. In the aboveshort prologue , the translator , after d oingobeisan ce to the sages Mann , Vachaspat i,

Suka , Parasara , Vyasa , Chanakya , and otherw riters on ethics (ni tiéd stra ) , assures h is

read ers that they need not be afraid that heis abou t to weary them with any lengthenedversion o f the Suk asaptati . He states thathe h as thought fit to retain th e San skrit.s‘

lokas (which are written in Balbodh characters) , giving a Marath i ren d ering o f each ,and t hen proceed s at once w ith h is abridgedtranslation .

The tales are seventy-two in number , twobeing add ed to the original seventy.The prin ted ed i tion o f the Sukabah attari ,prin ted anonymously at Bombay in 18 55


appears to be a revised vers ion of th e translation of which th is is a copy .

6 8 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 8 2 ; 84 in . by 54 ; 7 to9 l in es , 5 in . long written in Mod i charac ters ,

in the 1 9 th century . [W ILL IAM ERSK INE.]

A legend ary accoun t of Vi jaya and Jaya ,twin son s o f Bhima Sena , king of Kashm i r .Head ing mm? tn fat rfsm ( m m mm?

fam sfi fs srm mé m g u aura-

523 3 1111 11

Begin s : its? an“

! m gm glfizgwfi w furnish !

m fafiafi afi t m fia m a a m fi a

gangs m u fawn a nd

ga m m w fafsé fi i fl wh fim tm fi

W Hm fab—g? ! semi ms

“3 i t wi vm s

mi n ma wftm mm fates? an? 11

The work is a m od ern invention, based no

d oubt on tradition , and contains an accou nto f the m iraculous b irth and adventures o f

Vijaya and Jaya , two legendary sons of an

ancien t king o f Kashm ir . It seems to haveno historical basis . It is written in the formof a letter from Naro Bhaskara of Poona toBh ikaji Sivarama Bhal e Rao of Bagalkot , thewriter stating in the prologu e that MalharRao Tukoji Holkar had written to h im for

this information (I) , and , as he was then at :

Maheswar, he trusted the account would besent on to h im .

6 9 .

Ad d . A.—Foll . 1 -13 ; 94 in . by 74 ;

about 1 5 l ines, 54 in . long ; w ritten on Eu ropean paper, water-marked I. Ping,

[W IL L IAM Es samn ]A legen dary account of the foundation of

the town of Bed ar . By L ingoji MudgalRao .

Begins : waster m? R m aims fi frfi fl

W m h fwfia‘l gaa t fi wfi wm s afes

m w m m z‘

tt z sii mm m a as miN ew minfi fi m ’m fl m m wfi

fm m t ufifi w mfifimr fi mfl azfl ?

m w ms’t fl t m sfie m a m a ?“

mi tt“

an d swi mW fi rfsar mm ) ? 21 «at

W mafi a? an? n

The town of Bedar (or Bidar) , s ituated inthe Dom in ions of the Niz am of Haidarabadin Central Ind ia , was in former times thecapital of the Bahman i Dynasty, which ru ledup to the m idd le of the 1 6 th cen tury.

This w ork is written in reply to a letterreceived by L ingoj i Mudgal Rao from someEuropean o ffi cial (presumably Mr. Erskine) ,requ esting him to furn ish some particularsregard ing the early histo ry o f Bed ar. It is

wri tten in a s imple style of Marathi , contain


ing a large adm ixtu re of Persian and Arab icwords and phrases, borrowed from the Hind ustan i .The account here given seems to have noparticu lar basis of fact . It is pu rely trad itional, and is too fabu lous to be o f any

historical value . Briefly , the story runs as

followsA wand ering devotee (fakir) from Northern

India cam e to a village in the Deccan , and ,

having ob tain ed a gran t of two bighas of landfrom Gangadhar Pant (also called GangaresaPan t) , the Deshpand e of that place , he settledthere

,married, and had a son and a d aughter .

W hen he died , Gangadhar Pant took chargeof th e boy , then 5 or 6 years of age, an d

employed h im as his cowherd . One d ay hew as found asl eep u nd er a bush , und er theprotecting care of a huge cobra . Regard ingth is as an auspiciou s omen , Gangadhar h adthe boy carefu l ly ed ucated , and ad opted h imas h is son und er the name of Hasan Gangu.

Hasan even tual ly obtained service in thearmy of the Muhammadan ru ler of thatprovin ce , and , after a while, was sent w ith anexped ition again st a neighbou ring prin ce wh oh ad incurred the displeasure o f h is royalm aster. A battle ensu ed , an d the army of

the Sul tan was on the point o f being routed ,when Hasan ral l ied the d isorganiz ed troopsand succeeded in gaining a signal victory .

For this act o f bravery the Su l tan promotedhim to a high rank and loaded h im w ithpresen ts , a list of which is g iven . In cou rseof time , the Su ltan , being d angerou sly ill , andhaving no offspring, resolved to appoint ash is heir and successor that person on whomone of h is favourite elephan ts shou ld bestowa garland of flowers from off its n eck . The

elephant , thu s ad orned , was let loose , and ,

wandering at w il l for three days throughou tthe town

,selec ted'Hasan Gangu, and , placing

the garland on h im , bore h im in triumph tothe palace . He was accord ingly placed on

the throne , and mad e king under the name ofSultan Ahmad Shah .

Some years afterwards Ahmad Shah went

w ith a large retinu e to hu nt deer in the Eastcountry . In pursu i t o f a s tag , the hun terscam e to a spot where no water w as to befound . A herd sman

, seeing their pl igh t,d irected the Su ltan to a miracu lous wel l o fwater. He had a fortress bu i lt there

, whichwas called Bedar

,and mad e it h is resid en ce .

On h is death , h is son , who is also call edSu l tan Ahmad Shah , succeed ed to the throne .Several o ther marvellous incid ents are

introdu ced in the history, wh i ch con clud esw i th an account as to h ow t he Sultanaendeavoured u nsuccessfu lly to carry on an

intrigue w ith the D iwan Sabaji Anan ta . The

qu een , baffled in her i llic it d esign , falselyaccused the Diwan o f an attemp t on herhonou r , and caused h im to be slain . Hergu i lt and treachery w ere clearly proved .

The enraged Sul tan thereupon shot her , andshortly afterward s became insane.

7 0 .

O r. 2697 .—~Foll . 6 7 ; 64 in . by 54 ; 15 l ines,

34 in . long ; neatly w ritten on Europeanpaper, w ater-marked Allee

, 1 824 .

A collection of one hun d red oriental an eod otes , mostly in exemplification of popularsayings and proverbs .

The first anecd ote is as followsm m fi m w m fl gaé fl mfii wflx

Emm i tri tiumm m 17mm? m 35? W t

m m mfl s fim n fi gm nm mfi i‘


as s 11

The 100Marathi anecd otes are w ritten on

foll . 1—33 . The latter part o f the volume(fol l . 34—65) conta ins a Gujarati vers ion of

them . At the end are append ed two notes ,the first o f which (fol. signed by H . D .

Haskins,” undated , d escribes the work as

being “ A Manuscript o f Popu lar Mahratta


IX. F011. 101—104 . Rama avatara yachfi

katha. The story of Rama and the rescu eo f h is w ife Si ta from the d emon Ravan a .

This piece is incomplete . There are 4 b lankleaves lef t for its completion .

X . Foll . 109—1 1 8 . Three tal es in prose .XI. Fell. 1 19—122. Kaliyamard ana

katha. The story of Krishn a’

s confl ict w i thand d efeat of Kaliya , th e serpen t king of theYamuna.

XII. Fol l . 1 23—1 27 . Chakravindu katha.

The Mahabharata story o f the prowess of

Arj una in h is battles w i th the Kauravas, ando f h is slaughter of Jayadrath a .

XIII. Foll . 128—13 1 . A l etter contain inganother account of the assass ination of Af z a lMi nn by Sivaj i . See no . 9 . The letterb ears no date . It is ad d ressed to Krishn ajiPan ta Subedar, and purports to have beenw ritten by Apaj i Narah ari, Diwan o f theBijapu r State . Th e writer begins w ith an

accoun t of Sivaji ’

s incu rsion in to Sou thernInd ia , and gives a list of 40 hill forts whichh e h ad captured in the Bombay Pres id ency ,and o f 52 Thanas , or m i l itary stations , thathe had estab li shed to secure the occupationo f the conquered territories , and the colleetion of the chau th , or one- fourth share o f therevenu es from the Muhammadan ru l ers . Hethen relates h ow the Bijapu r prince ( ‘Ali‘Ad il Shah d espatched his general Afz alKhan (m isnamed ‘Abd al-Khan in his narrative)to effect the capture of Sivaj i , how he wasinvited to a friendly conference by theMahratta chief , entrapped , and treacherouslystabbed by Sway“

. whilst in the ac t of em

bracing h im , resul ting in the total d efeat ofthe Muhammadan army .

XIV. Fol . 132. Archasud dhivid hi . Then ecess ity of the p urification of an image(here especially referring to the liaga ,

orphal lic representation of Si va) , after pollu tionby the tou ch of a Chanda] , or low-casteHindu , or loss of d ivine pow er by l ongcontinued neglect o f worship . The paper is


under the signature o f Pandit AnantaKrishna , and is dated the loth o f Sravanasud i , Saka 1 730 (1 st August,XV . Foll . 134—137 . Mod i letters , w ithvow el comb inations , show ing their equ ivalentforms in Persian characters .

7 3 .

Ad d .—Foll . 163 ; 13 in . by 8 ; a

volum e of m iscellaneou s con ten ts , w rittenon Eu ropean paper , water-marked “ Thos .

Edmond s , [W IL LI AM EBSKlNEJThe volume con tains 1 8 articles, chiefly onthe Marathi


, and other languages ,w ritten by various native hand s , w ith tran sl iterations in Roman characters

,translation s ,

notes , and som e original articles by Dr . J .

L eyd en . The follow ing only are in MarathiI. Fell. 2-3 . The Modi Alphabet

, w i thvowel combinations .

II. F0 ] . 6 . A list of 23 Marathi works .

III. Foll . 7 -8 . Another Modi Alphab et ,show ing some form s o f conjunct letters .

IV . Foll . 1 7—4 1 . A grammar o f th eMarathi language , written in Modi

, w i thinterlin ear translations and transl iteration sby Dr. J . L eyden .

V . Fol] . 42—57 . An al phabetical l ist o fMarathi verbs , w ri tten in Mod i , w ith transl iterations, mean ings , Hind ustan i , and , occasionally , San skrit equ ival ents .

VI. F011. 58—69 . The story of the friendship o f a Prince and a Viz ier’s son ,

in Modi ,w ith a short vocabulary and Hind u stan iequival ents .

VII. Fol . 94 . Specimens of Marath iletters , in Mod i .VIII. Foll . 95-96 . Short notes by Dr.

L eyd en on the gender and d eclens ion of

noun s in Marathi .IX. F011. 9 7—101 . Marathi stories trans

l ite rated in Roman characters .


X . Fol. 102. Marath i phrases .

XI. Fol . 103 . Shor t Marathi extracts ,w ritten on the back of an invitation to d innerfrom “ Mr . and Mrs . Sm i th , ” ad d ressed toDoctor L eyd en , and dated Ch owringhee,

the 2d April

7 4 .

Ad d .—Foll . 103 ; 13 in . by 8 ; a

col lection of m iscellaneou s articles, w rittenby various hand s , on European paper, watermarked Hooke Sen


[W ILL IAM Es sxmn ]

I. Foll . 1—13 . A brief accoun t o f theh istory o f Mysore from A .D . 1 535 to 1 799 ,carelessly w ritten in Mod i ch aracters .

Beg . mis ts w afl ? ) 811m m i ll [i .a.m ]

st W “3" h is? swea rs 8mm mam a em s

m m fm m fis m i a a as fia n’rgt

These chron i cles are w ritten in a dialecto f Marath i in termixed w ith Arab i c and

Persian word s and phrases . They embracethe period o f the history of Mysore from th e

conqu est o f Vijanagar, by the fou r al liedMuhammad an kings of Bijapu r , Golconda,Ahm ed nagar, and Bidar , up to the d efeatand d eath of Tipu Su ltan at Seringapatan in

1 799 . The events here briefly narrated are

ful ly d escribed in the histories o f Mysore byL ew is Rice

,and Mark W ilks .

II. Foll. 14—24 .

III. Foll. 25—45.

Md nasabodha .

Didacti c verses , w ritten for the instructiono f Sivaj


l by Ramadasa . See no . 28 .


? in «imam

55 1i »! mi x: inffifi‘

lm? ! 11

mi? W t 53 Ha rri-cum 11

runan was m m afi a it

These verses are exceed ingly popular , andare considered to be the best o f Ramadasa’


compositions . The printed ed it ion s contain210 verses

,or five more than in this copy .

Pand hafl mdhd tmya .

A copy , In Mod i characters , o f the Pand arangamahatmya . See no . 48 .

Beginss was ? m l“ 11 fm amran swi m in

fantas ia? m i n: 11 Gi f t afar w af t 11 q u

wgfim 11 wart nfsm fami liar 11

W 21 W W " wai t? ! w ar fa? wi ll ? "

afi m i m z tm n m arin ar a

waft a ft m " gaff!"1amm 333 71 11 3 11

IV . Fell. 4 7—103 . Prahlada-charitra .

A mythological story in Guj arati verse . See

the Gujarati Catalogue .


THE referen ces are to the n umbers und er wh ich th e MSS . are d esc ri bed . W ork s wh ich are onlyinc id en tally m entioned are d istingu ished by figures of ligh ter type in th e reference .

Abh angs , 33 , 524 54 .

Ad iparva , 3 1 , 32 .

Apa rok sh anu bh d ti , 26 .

Archas'u d d hi vidh i

, 7 2 XIV .

Ba ud d ham a taeh en vyakhyana, 1 .

Bh agavadg i ta, 52.

Bhagava tapu ran a (Sk . i . , i i . , 3

Bhak talilamri ta,4 5 . 35 A.

Bhak tamftla, 45 .

Bhak tirah asya , 28 .

Bhak t ivijaya , 4 5 ,4 6 .

Bh artrihari-satak a

,3 4 .

Bh on salyanch i vamsavali , 4—7 .

Ch ak rav ibh u, 43 .

Ch ak ravind u k atha, 72 XII .

Dasab od ha, 28 .

Ekad as'i ch ari tra , 52.

Ekad as'imahatmya , 43 .

Ganeéapurana , 1 .

Gayak avadach i vaméd vali , 1 1 , 12 .

Gajend ram ok sh a , 52.

Gopi ch and Rajach i k atha, 7 2 V I I I .Gorak hmachh in dar-ch ari tra

, 53 v.

Gosh ti -s’

a tak a, 70 .

Harivarns'a,37 .

Hari V Ij aya , 3 6 .

Ki liyamard ana k a th é, 7 2 x1 .

Kathak alpataru, 35 C , 50 A .

Kau tuhala Ramayana, 29 , 3 0 .

Krishnachari tra , 7 2 V .

Krishnach i rasak ri dd , 7 2 VI.

Ku s’

alavei khyana (Lg. L ahu -fik hyftna) ,

L ah u - ii khyana, 3 5 A .

L i vanya, 5 1 , 53—5 6 .

Mahabharata (abrid ged ) , 3 9 , 4 0 .

Ad iparva, 31 , 32 .

Sabhaparva, 50 B.

V an aparva , 35 B.

V irataparva , 4 3 .

Ménasabodha, 7 4 I I .


ch and rab o d ha,4 7 .

Narad i ya upapu rana, 35 C .

Ni tak ad ipa , 2 .

Néradan i t i,4 4 .

N igama sfira,27 .

Padm apuréna , 8 6 .

Pafi ch ad as’

i (Adh . 2 .

Pafichopfik hyana, 57 , 5 8 , 59 .


Pafiehopak hyana (in verse) , 6 0 .

Pandavapratdpa, 3 9 , 4 0 .

Pandhar i (or Pand uranga) nlahatmya , 4 8 , 7 4 I I I .Paramamrita , 24 .

Pavfidé s'ri manta SavaiMad hava Ravavfich fi , 72VII .

Pavanavijaya , 24 .

Prabodh acllan d rodaya natak a , 4 7 .

Rajyan ch i wa Peshwyanch i b ak llar , 14 ,15 .

Ram a ava tars yach t-1 k atha, 7 2 Ix .

Ramaw j aya, 37 , 3 8 .


,30 , 3 7 , 3 8 .

Ri sak rida, 4 3 .

Sabhéparva (Adh . 1 , 2, 6 , and 50 B.

S'alivahana - ch ar itra , 6 5 B.

Sam as'lok i , 26 .

San talilamri ta , 4 5 .

Sévitr i -ékhyana , 4 2 .

Simhasana -bat ti si , 6 4 .

S'ivachh a trapa t i ch en chari tra , 8 .

S'ivali lamri ta, 4 1 .

S'ivapurana, l .

Sk and apurfi na , 4 8 .

Subh é sh i taratnavali (i f ) . Bh ar trih ari

Sudam ach ari tra , 52.

S'uk abah at tar i , 6 7 .

Suloch anagah imvara , 35 A .

Su loch anfikhyi na, 35 A .

Thalipak a , 3 5 B.

ulasi - ftkhyfina , 4 3 .

V i d ach in tamani, 17 IV . an d V .

V i d am firtanda, 17 I I .V anaparva, 35 B.

V e tzi lapafi ch avis'i,6 1 , 6 2 , 6 3 .

V ik rama-ch ari tra, 6 5 A .

V ik rama Réjyach i k atha, 72 1 1 1 .

V irataparva , 4 3 .

V ivekasindh u , 24 ,25 .

V ri t tiw j aya , 17 I . and III .



N UMERALS c oming after a name are prec ise, or approx imate,ob i tuary d ates , but in th e ease of

scribes they refer t o th e d ate of transc ripti on ; wh en fo llow ing th e ti tle o f a w ork , th eyind icate the d ate of c ompo sit ion . The references are to th e numbers under wh ich the MSS .

are d escribed .

AbbaGosvam i , of Mahar . See Gajftn ana Ballftla

L oh ank ar i .

Afnal Khan ,of Bij apu r . Assassination ,

9,72 XI I I .

Ahmad Sh zi h , Sultan, 69 .

Amaréch érya , of Ujj ain , 1 .

Am ri ta R5ya, of Au rangabacl (S ’ak a Narad a

n i t i, 44 . Poem s

,52, 53 .

Anand a Rao S ’ank ara Ch inchvadk ar , sc ribe (S'ak a

4 .

Anan ta Kav i . L ah u -ék hyana, 35 A . Sulo c h an é

gah imvara (S’ak a 35 A . Sulo ch ané

k hyi na (S'ak a 35 A . Poem s, 52.

Ananta Krishna , Pand it . Archas'ud dh ivid hi (S

’ak a

72 XIV .

Ananta Ph an d i (S'ak a Poem s, 53 .

AnnaDhamadh ere. SeePanduranga Ri machand ra

D evadh ara .

Apéji Narahari, D iwan of Biyapu r . Ac coun t o f the

assassination o f Afnal Q an, 72 XI I I .

Baj i R5 0 II. ,Peshwa (A.D . 17 . Corre

sponden c e, 19 .

Balfiji Baj i Rao , Peshwa (A.D . 13 , 1 7 .

Balaj l Rama, S i bedfi fr qf Ra tnagir i, 1 7 .

Bi lak ri sh na S'é stri , 1 7 .

Balirfima Kshatri,scr ibe (S’

ak a 36 .

Ballala, son of N arast'mha , 24 .

Balls-11a Panvask ar, son of Ga-neéa . Papers regarding a law suit, 1 7 .

Bzi pfl An toha. Co llec tion o f poems, 53 .

Bapuji Anan ta, scribe (S’ak a 6 1 .

Basvalinga . Poem s, 52.

Bhénud i sa . Poem s, 52.

Bhartrihari . S’atak a, 34 .


i u Sei h ib . S ee Sad i s’

iva Bh f w.

Bh im a Sena, king of Kashm ir, 6 8 .

Bimba, Rajd of Ud a ipu r (S'ak a 10.

Ch intamani Yajfiesivara S’armfi

, sc r ibe (A .D .

17 I I .D evanéth a Go svfimi . Poem s, 53 .

Dhamadhere Fam ily . Correspondenc e w i th Baj iRao II.

, 19 .

Dink ar V arvadek ar, son of Mahd deva . Papersregard ing a law su i t , 1 7 .

D unc an (Jonath an) , Governor of Bom bay, 1 8 .

o 2


Ek an ft tha (S’ak a 29 . Poem s, 52.

Gajfinana Ballala L oh ank ari , of Mahar . Poems, 53 .


anfi th a . Poem s,52.

Gangad hara, c alled Ri m i Ram adasa, 28 .

Gonai . Poems, 52.

Gopftla Bhanddri (A.D . Poem s, 53 .

Gopi ch and , Rdjd of Kan chanpur, 72 V I I I .Haridasa , 4 7 .

Hari Rfimach and ra Devadh ara . L etters t o Baj iRao II . ,

19 .

Hasan Gangu, 69 .

Hask ins (H. 70.

Honéj i Bali . Poem s, 53 .

Jai tpfi la , son of Ba llala , 24 .

Jan i , slave-girl of Namad efva . Poem s, 52.

Jaya, son of Bh ima Sena , 68 .

J i ubéi Chapek ar . L etter to Baj i R50 II., 19 .

Jfianad eva , or Jfiai nes'vara (o. S

'ak a Poem s,


Kab i r. Poem s (Hin d i) , 52.

Kach es’

vara . Poem s , 52.

Kasinétha . Poem s, 52.

Kfis'i raja Svém i , 52.

7 "

Kes'ava R5 0 , son of Ramadeva

, 10.

Kesava Svam i (c . S'ak a Poems, 52 .

Keti Kasb in , of Poona . Collec tion of poem s, 53 .

Krishnabai . L etter to h er fath er Baj i Rao II.

, 19 .

Kri shnadasa . Gorakhmachh ind ar-ch aritra, 53 V .

Kri shnéji Anan ta . S’ivac hh atrapat i ch en chari tra

(S'ak a 8 .

Krish na Mis'ra , 4 5 .

Kfi s'i . See V enfibfi i .

L ak shm i béi Devad hara . Correspond ence w ithBaj i Rao II. , 19 .

L eyd en (J Dr. Marath i Gramm ar,20, 73 IV . and

V I I IL ingoj 1 Mudgal R50 . Acc ount of Bed ar, 6 9 .

Madh ava Dasa . Pad a (Hind i ) , 52.

Mad ho Rao I. , Peshwa (A.D . 13, 1 7 VI.

Mfidh o E50 Peshwa (A.D . 14 , 15 , 1 7 IV .,

72 V II.

Mah édéiji Bhagavanta Jos'i'

,of Kanersar, scribe

(S’ak a 45 .

Mah ipa ti (S'ak a Bh ak tivnaya (S


45 , 46 .

Malhar Rii o Ga ikw ar, Jagirda

'r of Kad ri . Peti tionto Mr . Jonathan D unc an (S'ak a 1 8 .

Mandana Misra, l .Muk tes

'vara (c . A .D . Kau tuh ala Ramayana


29 , 30. Mahabharata (Adiparva) , 3 1, 32.

Thalipak a, 35B. Mahabharata (Sabhaparva)50 B.

Muk und araja (c .A .D . V ivek asind h u, 24 , 25 .

Nébh éj i , 45 .

Néganath a . Poem s, 52.

Nagar Shah d , son of Keéava Rao, 10.

Namad eva (c . S’ak a Poem s, 52 .


1 sah ib,Peshwa. See Bélaj I Baj i Rao .

Néréyana Rao , Peshwa (A .D . 13 .

N i r ii bal . L etter to Baj i Rao II. , 19 .

N oronh a (Pio ) , Rev. Konk an i Grammar (A.D .

1 8 73 21,22.

Panduranga . V rit tivnaya (o . S'ak a 17 I .

and I I I .Pand ura

'nga Ramachan d ra Devad hara

,c alled Anna

Dh amadh ere . L et ters to Ban R50 II. ,19 .

Parsa. Poem s, 52 .

Parvat ibai Paranjapi . L etter to Bay Rao II ., 19 .

Pratzi p Shéh fi,son of Bimba Rdja , 10.

Pratép Shah d , son of Ramad eva , 10.

Ragh unath a Ni na. Go sh ti -s'atak a ,

Ramadasa Svam i (S'ak a Dasabod ha

, 28 .

Poem s,52. Mi na sabodh a, 74 I I .

Ram ad eva, of D evagim’

, 10, 24 , 52.

Ram ak rishna . N i tak ad ipa, 2.

Ramépat i Dasa , 4 7 .

Ramaramana Dasa, 4 7 .

Rama S’astri , 1 7 .

Ram i Ramad ésa . See Gangadhara .

Rank és'iva . Poem s, 52.

Ravaj l Svi mi , 1 7 v i .

Rukmangad a ,king of Kanti ka , 35 C .

Si bzi j i An anta, D iwan ,69 .

Sad z'

ls'iva Bhéu , Mara thi rule/r , 17 .

S'éli thana, 6 5 B.

Sémvaté . Poem s, 52.


NumERALs in parentheses ind ic ate th e d ate of c omposition of the w ork , or o f th e death of th e

author .


Drawings o f arti z an s, servants,and offi c ials, 7 1 .


Konk an i Gramm ar (A .D : 1 8 73 by the Rev .

Pio Noronha , 21 , 22.

Marath i Grammar, by D r. J . L eyd en , 20, 73 IV .

Marath i ph rases, 73 X.

Mod i Alph ab et, 72 I . and XV ., 73 I . and I I I .

No tes on th e gend er an d d ec len sion o f n o un s,

by D r . J . L eyden , 73 V I I I .


Acc oun t of Néréyana R5 0 Peshwa, 13 .

Ac count o f Ramadeva and o ther k ings o f th e

Yédava Dyna sty o f Devagiri , 10.

Assassination of Afnal K_ _hén by S

'ivéji , 9 ,

72 X I I I .Bh onsalyfinch i vam s

'zi vali , a

Bh on sla Fam i ly, 4—7 .

Géyak avadach i

h istory of th e


an ac c ount o f th e

Gaikwars o f Barod a

Anan d a Rao, 1 1 , 12.

History of Mysore from A.D . 1535 to 1 799 , 74 I .L ife of S

’ivéj i , c omposed (S

’ak a by Krish

néj i Anan ta, 8 .

up to th e tim e of

The referen ces are to the numbers un der wh ich the MSS. are d escribed .

Réjyén ch i w a Peshwyénch i bak har, an ac c ountof th e Marath i ru lers and Peshwas to the

time of Madh o R5 0 II.


,1 5 .


Tran script of th e Kau them c opper-plate, w ith a

tran sla t ion (A .D . by V in fi yak a

Ragh unath a Ki le, 16 .


Form s o f epistolary and offi c ial correspond en c e ,72 I I . and 1v. ,

73 V II.

L et ters to an d from th e Peshwa Baj i B50 II.



Comparative vocabu lary of Marath i , Guj arati an dHind i word s, 23 .

L i st o f Marath i verb s, 73 V .

19 .

Papers relat ing to a d i spu te between Ballala

Panvask ar and D ink ar V arvacjek ar for

po ssess ion o f c ertain v illages in the

Ratnagiri D istric t, 1 7 .

Petition by Malhar R50 Gaikwar of Kad i to Mr.

J. Dunc an, Governor of Bombay (S’ak a

1 8 .



Ad iparva o f the Mahabhara ta,translated by

Muk tes‘

vara (c . A .D . 31 , 32.

Bhak tivijaya (S'ak a by Mah ipati , 45 , 46 .

Bh artrihari-s‘

atak a, San sk rit tex t, w i th a Mara th i

translat ion , c alled Subh ésh i tara tnévali , by

Tuk ft Tuk i rfi ma) , 34 .

D i sabodh a, by Rém ad ésa Svém i (S’ak a

28 .

Gorakhmachh ind ar- ch ari tra,

by Krishnad fisa,

53 v.

Harivijaya (S'ak a by S

'r i d hara

,36 .

Ka th ékalpa taru (fragm ents) , 35 C, 50 A .

Kau tuh ala Ramayana, by Muk tes’

vara (c . A .D .

29 , 30.

L ahu -ak h yftna , by Anan ta Kav i (c . S'aka

35 A .

L i vanya, 5 1 .

Ménasabodh a , by R5 m ad5 5a Svém i , 74 I I .

Manaschandrabodh a, by S'ripati Dai sa, 4 7 .

Nérad an i ti, by Amrita Rfiya (S'ak a 4 4 .

Nigam asfira , by V émana (A.D . 27 .

Pandavapratépa (S’ak a. by S

'r i dh ara

, 39 ,


Pandh ari (or Pénduranga) m éhatmya , 4 8 , 74 I I I .Pau ran ic poem (fragm ent) , 4 9 .

Pavédfi sri m anta Savai Mi dh ava , 72 V II.

Poem s by various au th ors , 32, 52, 53—56 .

Ramavijaya (S’ak a by S

’ri dh ara

, 3 7 , 38 .

sabbsparvo (ad h . 1 , 2, 6 and 9 ) o f th e Mnba

bharata , tran slated byMuk tes’

vara (c . A .D .

50 B.


lok i , a translat ion o f the Aparok shénu

bh u ti,by V ém ana (A.D . 26 .

Si vi tri -akhyéna, by S’ri dhara (S

'ak a 42.

S'ivali ld mri ta (S

'ak a by S

'ri dh ara

, 4 1 .

Subhésh i tara tnavali . See Bhartrih ari - s'atak e .

Th i lipék a, by Muk tes’

vara (c . A .D . 35 B.

V i dac hin tfimani (c . A .D . by Ballala

Panvask ar, 1 7 IV . and V .

V i d amartand a (A.D . 1 7 I I .


V irataparva of the Mahabharata, translated by

Vish nu Dasa, 43.

V ivek as indhu,by Muk und araja (c . A .D .

24 , 25 .

V rit tivijaya (c . S'ak a by Panduranga , 17 I .

and I I I .

RELIGION —Hindu . See also under POETRY.

Archasu d d hiv idh i, 72 XIV .

Baud dh amatachen vyak hyéna , 1 I . Religiousterm s applicable to Jain s an d Bud dh ists, 1 I I I .

Bhagavatapurana (sk . I ., I I . and Iv. in prose) , 3 .

Ch ak ravin d u k atha, 72 XII.

Kaliyamard ana k atha, 72 X I .

Kri sh nach ari tra , 7 2 v .

Kri sh nach i rasak r ida, 72 V I.

Natakad ipa , a transla t ion o f ch . x. o f th e

Pafi chad as’

i o f sayanacharya , by Pand i tRamakrish na , 2.

Rama avatara yacha k a tha, 72 III.

S’ank aracharya

s d iscu ssion w i th Mandana Mis’ra,

1 I I .


Ac c o un t of k ing V ik ramad i tya , 66 .

Ac c oun t o f the found a tion o f th e town o f Bedar,by L ingoj I Mu dgal Rao , 69 .

Ac co un t of V iJaya and Jaya, son s o f Bh ima

Sena, k ing of Kashm ir, 68 .

Gopi chand Rajach i k atha, 72 V I I I .Go sh ti -s

atak a , by Ragh unatha Nan i , 70.

Marath i s tor ies in Rom an ch arac ters , 73 IX .Pafi ch opakhyana, 57


S'alivéh ana-ch aritra

,6 5 B.

Simhasana -ba tt i si , 6 4 .

Story of a Princ e and the son o f a Vi z ier, 73 V I.

S'uk abah a t tari , 6 7 .

Three tales in pro se, 72 x .V etélapafi chavis

i, 6 1—63 .

V ikrama-ch aritra, 65 A .

V ikram a Rajyach'i katha, 72 I I I .













A . MathematicsIX MISCELLANEOUSB . Med i ci n eINDEX o r T ITL ES



2 GUJARATIw e sh rew s Wfimfi i w a s aim s

gas m uffi n s t a a m a s s

m ark up

2 .

Ad d . 26 ,4 54B.-Foll . 36—8 9 (Re—m) 45 in .

by 10 ; 5 and 6 l ines , 8 } in . long ; d atedSamvat 1 7 71 (A.D .



mm w

Ji i d td dharmaka thd .

The Prakrit text of the Sixth Anga o f theJa ins , ascribed to Ganad hara Sudharma

Svami , w i th in terl inear Gujarati notes .

The Jfiatadh armakatha con tains a c ollec

tion of n in eteen stories , parables , and legend sillustrative of the ph ilosophy and morali ty ofthe Jain relig ion . The text

, w i th a Sanskritcommentary by Abh ayadeva Sfiri,

”sand a

Hindi vers ion , w as printed at Calcu tta , 1 8 7 7 ,form ing vol . vi . o f a series entitled Agam a

sangraba , ’ publish ed under the patronage o fRaya Dhanapat i Simha Bahadur of Az imganj ,in the d istrict o f Murshidabad .

In the presen t copy the text is d iv id edin to five chapters , b ut in the printed ed i tioni t i s in ten chapters . The first 68 leavesof th is man uscript are m issing ,

contain ingn early the whole o f the first chapter . It

begins W i th the w ord s um m mfi refii qf

grd fl in page 38 8 , line 3 , of the printeded i ti on .

The copy was mad e by Rishi Rajadhara ,and was completed on Saturday , t he 1 l thKartika-sud i , Sarnvat 1 771 .

Colophonm fa

m 8m? FEM Sm ar? fan? RIPS-ema afar? R: l

[i .e . 5163] m u

Completed in Samvat 1120. See the Bikaner Cu t.

of p. 68 2.

Ring m um any? item was at?”


3 .

Ad d . 26 ,453 A .—Foll . 1—107 (i—guu ) ; 10 in .

by 4 l ines , 7% in . long ; w ritten aboutthe 1 7 th century . [VVIL L IAM ERSK INE .]

D ied “ in Gujarat , in Samvat 1 135 , or, ac cord ing to

o ther au thorities , Samvat 1 139: Peterson’

s ForumReport, p. iv.

1’ The Lumpaka sec t, wh ich was founded in Samvat

Bhandarkar's Report, 18 8 38 4, p. 153 . See also

no . 36 .

s aaé cgs (mumfaaigfi')

Uvavaz-szltm (Aupapd tika-s zltra) .

The first Upanga o f the Ja in C anon .

Prakri t text, w i th an interlinear comm entary(bd labodha ) by Rajachan d ra .

Text b egins : Timmaid i ll! Emmi W EIR ?


mn‘ ftz i fmfiw fin er 11n mm W W W

w as; i ts : f’afi fl m axim

Comm en tary -beg ins éq r winwfifi rfi Imi

ai v Ra's snafu (m : m am mfaafi: u

77m: m fg : wa‘

efim fi W W W I: fan: m m

m i n 7in: arms i s W m W m my?

Sme ars"

fl at ? i z1m a fgm g‘

a‘rzn wf

zaa u

The text o f th e Uvava I-sutra, w i th thiscommen tary , and a Sanskrit fi led by Abhayad eva Suri ’“ o f the Kharatara-

gach chha , was

printed at Calcutta in 1 8 79 , form ing vol . XII.of the ‘Agamasangrah a ,

’ or collection o f

Jain sacred w orks , publish ed und er th epatronage of Raya Dh anapati Simh a . The

ed i tor at tribu tes the tex t of th is Upanga toSudharmfi Ganadhara , who , he states , hasrecord ed in i t w hat had been commun i catedto h im by Vardhamana Svam i , the last o f

the Tirth ankaras. In the title-page he ascribesth is Gu jarat i bd labodha to Amritach andra

Sari o f the Lumpaka-

gac hc hhast

The m anuscript is imperfect . L eaves( hl—R? and as to a are m iss ing.


4 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 157 ; 10 in . by 6

l ines , 7a to 8 in . long ; d ated Samvat 1 794(A .D . [W I LL IAM ERSKINE.]

Rd yapasezzi -sfitra. (Rdjapra s’

n iya-s zltra) .

The second Upanga o f the Jain Canon,

w ith an interlinear Gujarati comm entary .

The Prakrit text an d commen tary are preced ed by a short prologue by the comm entator,in which he states that th is w ork contain srepl ies on the natu re of Jiva. given by Kesikumara Gan ad hara to a certain king Pradeéi ,hen ce its title o f RajaprasD iya .

Begins : x5? mfi m : II W W II u

iaiafafi am fafm : t ri mara n :

fau nas a Hausa? w in“ER-II m3 Riva? a

’m U s"?

W m fi afi m vfiw n a fi m i fiamfi fizm m am Nimi tm g

i m am RR


I afi iaa’fié gfm nqqmTex t begins : W it fi ftfi

rl’hfi W IT m

fi'ami mfi wm fi a

mva mgtfim‘

t fi ngam‘


Ra m am a? anemia 11511 Rafi as? five? a i n?

ran 5mi mm} m m an ? aim safzfivfim

wfimm m ‘mw arm affirm ti t n

Commentary begins : M tgwft éfi i m u;fag? m g m a g

S tznaartfa=

m gvi Effi e “! qtfifefi nam rg aé mtfii a fa

awash m i atfz gw m m imfifi wi ' gv fi f

m fg a‘

m m fi‘

a? ifi f mm am i fifi wm m

at? m i 113


afi a ? W ar“

safaris?“a far

i f n m as} ain ‘t-3] Ruin m 3 shat s11 m “3 Era-


$1711 “3 n

The text o f th e Rayapasc ni -sfitra , w i th a

San skrit comm entary (fi led ) by Malayagiri,

and a Gujarati bd labodha by Megharaja , waspub l ished at Calcu tta in Samvat 1 936 (A.D .

The text is th ere attributed toSudh arma Gan ad hara , i .e . Sud harmz

i Svami .

This copy was written at the village Men ,

by Rishi Rahiya, pupil of Rish i Meghaji , who

was the pu pi l of Rishi Khemaji ; the pupil ofRishi Keéavaji . It is d ated W ednesday, th e12th MargaSIrsha-badi , Samvat 1 794 .

Colophon : {fa wh m fi mfi firyfia mw as a? SIS sane nfi flfi efamwmi M d?


m m’mm gnm fc arfifai f an? gammam ? fan?

gmmi fis ufi m fi a wfi u i wfl’t m wflz

wi n infi afmw a ffl a‘l n wfim wfmw wfit

( s Fests ?! ism-

q u

5 .

Ad d . A.—Foll . 1—8 ; 9% in . by 4 3

15 ,

5 lines , 7} in . long ; w ri tten abou t the 1 7thcentury . [W ILL IAM ERSK INE.]

Ream Rm (agmrm $13 )

Chausam zm-pm kam zza (Chatu/Léam na -saim ) .

The fou r essentials of Jain emancipation ,the Prakrit text of the first Pa i nna , w ith aGujarati interlinear gloss ( jaw) .Tex t begins

Ran: n mafi a a‘

mfat ‘

i l a ffi rmw as as was ? l

fa f'm Glam l faf

rra m afi a nan

m fram tank ? I 3511 1 am : w h en an Imas—sin t a

tmm am rEm a u a u

Gloss begins : a am: u m i mflraz fans

finah ai m fifi R‘s-amt 7? 3176 1356 “5! t,

a mahnlaz

“fa l lfm amm m m fi n wfzm mq ufzw

smut if: afi t fir a fa r t1? e afa’tfl sic] 35m

an aim mgai nf‘

fi ma law a a 33 : “3 :

ma? a far. afar? a fgat arm W W I am ants-«I

i n ? filer n

The w ork is in 62 Slokas . A copy o f i t ,in 8 8 Slokas , is d escribed in Rajend ralala

Mi tra’

s‘ Notices


’ vol . x . , p . 1 1 . The Gu jaraticomm en tary was w ri tten for th e edificat ion

of Ratnaham sa Gan i , the pupi l o f . Vinayahamsa Gan i , d u ring the pont ific ate of Ud ayavimala Suri , and is d ated W ed nesd ay, the8 th Sravana-su d i, Samvat 1 735 .


Colophon : {fa ‘afi m m W it Ralf! n masau

afi m gf’

q wm g'fi w i u nfmu

'i t’érm

ah gfam m rfi u

The comm en tary end s : {fam m m n

m fl u fl m afi nfi m w’t w

“ fin fi m mm f’

qi gam aga n aw n

M urmn sriw nfmwi t fi u fa ww mw

m m fiwfi n

6 .

Or. 2105 B.—Foll . 2—54 ( tr 4—


1~ in . by 10

1 6 lin es , 8 % in . long ; apparently w ritten inthe 18 th century.

m amasShadcivaéyaka-szltm .

The Prakrit text of the second Mfilasutra

Of the Ja in Canon ,accompan ied by a. Gu jarati

commentary (bd ldvabodha) by Nemiham sa (P)Gan i .The m anu script is imperfect , the first leaf

being wanting. Th e text of the originalsfitra is in six chapters , of which the fi rstand fif th are not includ ed in this w ork , v iz .


imayika , or th e equal ity o f created beings ,and KayotSarga , or the separation o f the sou lfrom th e body .

The remain ing four chapters , con tained inthis w ork, are as follows1 . Devavan d ana, al so cal led Chaityavan

d anfi,in praise of the 24 Tirthankaras ; end ing

at fol. 23a , 1. 10.

2. Guruvand ana, on the salutation and

respect to be pai d to Sadhu s, or holy men ;

end ing at fol. 29a , 1. 12.

3 . Pratikramana,on confess ion o f evil

actions ; end ing at fol. 50a , 1. 4 .

4 . Pratyakhyana , on the renunciation of

word ly pleasu res , and 'the observance of the12 mu rals.

In the colophon the au thor of the com

mentary is said to be Temahamsa Gan i (probably a scribe’s error for Nemihamsa) , the

7 .

O r. 4 531 .—Foll . 57 ; 4—2in . by 10 ; 5 and 6

l ines , abou t in . long ; w ritten in Nagariof the 1 8 th cen tury . [COL . S. B . MIL-ES ]

afi am‘a a as

Daéava ikd lika-sd tm .

The Prakrit text o f the third Mulasfitra ,by Sayyambh ava , w ith an interl inear Gujaratigloss.

BeginsSufi Ragga ? I Gloss : gfia Rem i ts? R I ( I?

v fz‘

m fimfi mfi l

im fa a aaafir l

m afi w m‘

n lau

wafi wrfm t fi i

a u gta faafi r u

Int ui t: w as nan

pupil of Somasundara Suri (Samvat 1430and of Jayachand ra Sari (pupil o f

Somasundara) , of the Tapa-gach chha .

End s : a im “ s tarf i sh as g? u a u

R afi? smft W I stag e awfm in t-

em s

av s m g namm a n


a YET-«m a m m gf‘sf

fi rg't WW aft

W t «m axi/far fsm i fs-fr Rafi


a nfiim

31m Gym m m maintain: m a

Ram\[sic] u

a n m a o u

3 3 3 2 3 71 3 111 !

18 ° wh i flzm w afi fla

m afi fi nwm l

éw m w ifi w m

a n :

fi wh am vfiii ffi wa

gr n a n


im i gafi ffi l

s at m i: ffi m? it

w in

a W I? 3657? faawm

m i ni s”

if m aufir w fi mw’t

am t-

fl u e "

The last lea f o f the manuscript,contain ing

the three conclud ing verses, is wanting .


8 .

Ad d .—Foll . 18 2 ; 10 in . by

abou t 14 l ines , 7} in . long ; dated Samvat1 78 7 (A .D . [W ILL IAMERSKINE.]


Kalpaszltm .

The Prakrit text of the first two books o f

theKalpasfitra o fBhad rabahu ,w i th a Gujaraticommentary by Sukh asagara Gani , pupil ofDipasagara Gan i .The Kalpasutra cons ists of three distinct

w orks attribu ted to Bhad rabahu ,v iz . : 1 .

J inach aritra,or L ives of Jinas

,2. Sth avira

vali,or L ist o f the Sthaviras, and 3 . Sam

chari,or Ru les of cond u c t for Yat is .

* The

present manu script con tains th e text of thefirst two parts on ly

,d ivid ed into eight chapters

(vydkhydna), w ith an extens ive commentary ,partly in terlineary .

The w ork begins w i th 7 leaves of in troduction by the commen tator, o f whi ch thefirst is m issing, and the three follow ing are

somewhat d amaged .

Text begin s ( fol. 6b) : ‘


flfi Mi a mi W ITfi lm7051 mufnmi at?! s eem as? am as?

W W II”! “ Em m i strains Hfiffi was {at

we " a m a m w m m a a

z avjai f irmm man ta3 11 vi a" an ? Sufi u

Commentary : mfi 3 ° W t 33 $1e 3 °

M u m m m fi m éa m w fi m r .

m i fi m m i ’cit h tz

amm sw a m-atri a

amfi s faamy m am m fi m aw fim a

W a sm s wfi m ufim zfi aa fifm i fatma’m z m waai wfi i

m gs M a O fafi w’a m a fi-fl m

fi m fi a fazm em m fn m wfi m

gi i fm flmfl dzc .

See Jacobi’s ed ition

,w i th in troduc tion and no tes


Band v ii . of theAbhand lungen fur d ieKwnd e d esMorgen

land es.


9 .

Ad d . B . Foll . 108—1 1 5 (z—t ) ; 95—ih .

by 44; 5 lines , 7 in . long ; d ated Samvat 18 21(A.D .

Bhalatdmam stotm .

A hymn of praise to Ad inath a, in 48 verses ,by Manatungac harya . San skrit text

,w ith

an in terl inear Gujarati commentary by RishiDayarama .

Text begins : Ram m fii famflrw un gainf

This Copy w as made by Ratnasaubhagya ,pupi l o f Devasaubhagya Mun i

,and completed

on Mon day,the 10th Cha itra-sud i , Samvat

1 78 5 .

ColoPh on : {faM fm fl vfi flfi mw m

110mm ntu ata wgfsm 11° m m a t far

fsni m amm al Pa gans? 755 m 3111! m m1111131 " lie


( saw‘


éa sjfi: so Rai n”8 358

fifn f’


mfm fifsa afi sob wh im} in fim gt“


fart : W W W fafqgran

afiwfi éw n’fimfi l ua n

Comm entary begins : £31 Bfi“m fg“ m

aw aw q fa m mafi fi a ew a w

Ruffian! " fi i w im fi W W Ra fa“mm

S h fi w fi fi Ri te s "gm 713 1111?

afm i zai i nm i gfi fm fi i wm fl fi u

At the conclusion o f the w ork th e c om


,states that he is the

pupil o f Sujanaj l, and that he w rote it fo rthe peru sal o f h is pupil Raych and , d uring thepont ificate of Bhima Sena .

fas t w ith asa iwufi mfizt wiRfi a sim

m i Efi sot 3 121130) fem

m m fim “ 31 W “ v erm i n

man ti s“ N i am ‘i sfinfimfia w u zin

t h w éfa sw am? faw az l M i m i -«1m


This copy was mad e at Bagsarpur* in

Eath iawar,and is d ated the first day o f

ASvina-bad i,Samvat 1 8 21 .

a ates m f‘


rafi: nfauf’

ei “am am ?

mm in an} n

Colophon : {fit in? v itamin tram ) ? mafiamama fan

s-Etim e agai n fes t 1

1mm ti tan

sob vi i m afi fm i fi u

10 .

Or . 51 8 6 .—Foll . 43 42

1 in . by 104 ; 1 5 l ines ,84 in . long ; dated Samvat 1 556 (A.D .

[DR. H . JACOBI .]fiIn‘miaYogas

d stra .

The Prakrit text of th e first fou r chapters(prakd s

a ) o f Hemach and raAcharya’

s exposi

tion o f the Yoga aphorisms o f Patafijali, w i tha Gujarati gloss .

Begins 62 mm Rfi'a'ésnmaz u WW W


ma: n as? u N i fl gfi‘ltm fl : u 7m? gi iv u

are: m y u geranium: n W ai t 33 ( a? m

g? n fists-farm agrari an gain m ute Ei ft m f‘


fair l gain“enft ai mm ( mm: Elfin unfit Stat ing

—( I

Em ma was tam : Ni ii

Hemach and ra, the celebrated Jain writerand gramm arian ,

and au thor o f this w ork,

was born in Samvat 1 14 5 , and d i ed in

SamvatThe text in W ind isch ’

s prin ted ed ition, in

Roman ch arac tersfi begins w ith the word sTw

i gi i t tvnffi ftm fam fi .

In the preced ing namaskdm s the c ommen

tator offers salutations to h is guru S id dhan tasagara Suri , wh o l ived Samvat 1506

Probably th e Bagasra of Hunter's Gaz etteer.

1‘ See W eber , ii . , p. 1006 .

I Z eilschnf t d er D . Alorg . Gea ,Bd . xxviii . , p. 192.

L eipz ig, 1 8 74 .

See Peterson’

s Fourth Report, p. cxxxii .

1 1 .

Or . 21 16 C .—Foll . 5 1—93 (q—ea) ; mm. by

44 ; 4 to 7 l in es , abou t 84 in . long ; w ri ttenabout the 1 7 th century .

in fan t was we’re is mm ? was : th i s aim a

W 3m rat-“

fang in

gr ammar 33 l i wm m i w ga fairs:

mmafaa g n

Professor Peterson no tices a copy o f a work by

Hemachand ra, wri tten with h is own hand , Samvat

l l64,”Fourth Report,

p. cxl.

T Jama -onomasticon, p. 14 .

$311a (eu—ems )

Sa feghayrmi (Sangm hazzi -sd tra ) .

A work on Ja in cosmography , in Prakrit,by Chand ra Suri , w i th a Gu jarati oommentary ( jubé ) .Th e text w i th commen ts b egins711°“ q m rt m n fiaa f


z ms ummrfizm n

was: fifiis mm m g at ? n

Chand ra Suri belonged to the Harsora(st rum) i .e . Harshapnriya


gach chha . He wasa pupil o f Hemachand ra Suri , found er o f theMalad hari l ine , wh o fl ourished abou t thelatter part of the 1 1 th centu ry A.D .


The Sangrah an i -sutra is an abridgmentof a larger w ork (Brihat sangrahani

-sutra) ,w ritten by Jinabhad ra Gan i Kshamaéramana,

whose pon t ificate d ates , accord ing to Klattfifrom Samvat 58 5 to 64 -5 .

This copy contain s 291 gathas . The'Gu jarati commen tary is anonymou s


consists ch iefly o f interl inear annotations ,w ith explanatory tab les . There are alsoseveral roughly execu ted coloured d iagramsan d i l lustrations .

The w ork has been publ ished in vol . iv. of

the Prak arana-ratnfikara,w ith a commentary


(bfildvabodha) in modern Gujarati by Sivan id hana . The text is in 318 gathas . Thecommen tator states that the Brihat sangrahan i-sutra of Jinabhad ra Gan i is in 500

ga b A copy o f this larger work , w ith acommen tary by Malayagiri , is noticed by S.

R . Bh andarkar f as consisting o f 5000 slokas ,the'commentary being in 4500 versesj

1 2 .

Add .—Foll . 53 ; in . by 5

l ines , abou t 8 in . long ; apparen tly w rittenin the 1 7 th century . [W I LLIAM ERSK INE .]

Another copy of the Prakrit text , w ithGuj arati comments .

The text in this copy is in 337 verses .

The interl inear and marg ina l notes an d

comments d iffer from those in the preced ingmanuscript , and occasionally bear someresemb lance to the commentary o f Sivanidhana .

There are no d iagrams or illu strat ions.

The first few l eaves are damaged at theedges .

1 3 .

Or. 21 17 13.

—F011. 1 9—40 (q—ai ) ; 454 11



abou t 9 l ines , 9& in . long ; datedSamvat 1 7 18 (A .D .

6 13, as sa ianmmL aghu

-kshetrasamd sai-

pm kam zm .

A system of geography accord ing to theJains , in Prakrit verse , by Ratnaéekhara

Sh ri , w ith n otes in Guj arati .Tex t begins

si t v i st as 1mm mnfirm 1315‘s:

tiara m m fm fiz‘

um tggarb!

See P rakarazza -ra ind kara, vol. i v.

, p. 34, also p. 18 3.

1“ Deccan Ca talogue , p. 333

, no . 336.

1 Ibid . , p. 335, no . 352.


fatten-(affine? anem ia} as? ! if 8 5


53K W “Fifi WW I a? m at a

Ratnasek hara S ii ri belonged to the Nagpurbranch o f the Tapa-gaoh chha . He was the

pupil of Vajrasena , and is the au thor o f

Sripalacharitra, which he d ictated , “ in Samvat1428

,to h is pupil

Th e work is in 26 7 gathas . It h as beenpubl ish ed in 263 gathas , w i th a Gu jaraticommentary , in the ‘ Prakarana-ratnfikara ,

vol . iv . , pp . 18 5—299 .

Th e Gujarati annotation s are w ritten in a

small hand between the lines o f the tex t, andon the margin . Th ere are also explanatorytables and coloured d iagrams .

This copy was mad e by Harivamsa Rishi ,the pupil of Devidasa Rishi and o f h is preceptor Gokuladasa Svfimi , on Frid ay

, the

first d ay of the dark half of Asvina , Samvat1 7 18 .

ColOphon : :fi m m fi mm! fem

gm airm en? a rfim’

t a “a flaw imam safe as :

film fem ? Eft fl‘

fl safer m l i n«m t: fi m

fi 3 1?

arse" smart W mf‘

aa st uns} 7m tr?! team


1 4 .

Or . 21 1 8 .

—Fol1. 1—154 . Two Copies of

Ratnasekha ra S ti ri’

s L aghu -k sh etrasamasa

prakarana, w i th Gujarati commentari es .

Peterson , Fourth Repon , p. c iii .

A . F011. 1—33 ; 95} in . by 5 l ines,7% in . long ; w ritten abou t the 17 t h cen tury .

A copy o f the Prakrit text , in 265 gathas ,w ith an interl inear Guj arati commentary( ( abd ) by Parsvac han d ra Suri , pupil o f


i d hu ratna Pand i t of the Nagpu riya Tapigach chha.

Comm en tary on the first gathas i t sma sh sires

-s m i stw vzf

zd an ? aim

ah a? an: a n 51 um first 11m ”

as ale ?


wm z na am m mm amfi a qa ags

fim faw i m tfi w fi t m m ew‘t sfi m

as m h i fiaas faw im i

W m m fam fsram? vf‘


t fl i

W fi m wim s w’m fm

'fl fii m

agfa i z m fi gfizfi g z z m’rm ma wfi wg a

Colophon to the comm en tary

cams-ea {t i-

{at i n an anagram rmstain xfirW W W anti I

B . Fol] . 34—154 (tr —N ) ; in . by 41

13 l ines , 8 in . l ong ; d ated Samvat 1 668(A.D .

An extens ive Gu jarati commen tary (od ldvabodha ) on Ratnasekhara

s w ork,by Day]

Simha Gan i, w i th the Prakri t text in 262

In a short prologu e , commencing w i th a

San skrit invocation , the commentator statesthat the Kshetrasamasa was originally composed by Jinabhad ra Gan i Ksh amasraman a

(Samvat 58 5 an d comm en ted on byMalayagiri .

* Several Acharyas h ad subse

quently w ritten w orks (sfitras) and explanations (vr itti ) on the same subj ect

,of whom

w as Ratnasekhara , in elu cid ation of whosew ork the presen t commen tary is w ri tten .

Daya Simha informs u s that he was th epupil of Jayat ilaka Gan i , ’rand that h e wrotethis w ork under the patronage of Ratnas imhaS i


ir i , wh o had succeed ed Jayatilaka . Hefurther states , in a colophon to the firstchapter (fol. 1 28 b) , that he compiled i t w i ththe approva l of Ud ayavallabha Sari , who

succeed ed Ratnasimha S i'l ri .Begins : as wi fi fif m qéwwfwwm un


a m anage? “ mm i s I

Bhima Simha Manaka, ed itor of the Prakaragza

ratnd kara , states that it consists of more than

slokas . See Preface to vol. iv.

1‘ “Of the Tapa-gach chha. Th ird in ascent from the

L abdhisfigara wh o wrote,in Samvat 1 557

, the S'ripala


” Peterson,Fourth Report, p. xxxi .

w fi fi fi m fm gm i flm wfi'fi

t i m m w mm m i mfafia f

a i m fi i fi f’

ifilw t’

a i

Commentary begins : g a} ? saw i ts sir-1

m w m wg m fi ufiw fiq m m

W faa fiafl fi m ag wi fa fi a fw fw

afi fi s‘k m m mfim v ufi fim fag

m m a vfi gfi w nfims fa i

ColOph on : {fa wh im m sfi Insist li ft f a

W 3 starfi sh u‘

m mama

afi qfiamwi fafa fim‘

fi faf’s fi u

1 5 .

Add .—Foll . 46 ; 5 in . by 1 2 4 lines


9 in . long ; d ated Samvat 1 8 26 (A.D .


Another Copy of the text (265 gathfis) , w ithParévach and ra Suri’s interl inear commentary .

On the first leaf is a colou red representation of Mahavi ra , or Vardhamana, the last ofthe 24s Jain Ti rthankaras . There are alsoseveral colou red d iagrams and il lustrations ,w i th geographical tabl es , and marginal notes .

Colophon to the comm en tary

m ini sfimgm steam rash w w? swi sh

W fi w fi afiam fi zm atat mm

git? t“

( i i fa?! fa ts? fain u nits in

The copy was w ritten at Mabayan Tol i inMak sudabad [i . e. Murshid abad], by Pand i tMan ikasagara , pupil of V iseshasagara, w i ththe h elp of Sugalchand , and was completedon W ednesd ay , the 3rd of Asvina-bad i , Sam

vat 1 826 , i .e. 18 th October, 1 769 A.D .

Colophon to the text{fitm m fityii u M ama with

afg fxqvwi gvm f ffi'fl fi g m fii gfam vfi fw

E'G fi w ant a u m a m? mew?! WW W :mi

mm z‘

ia‘l mi snafu

-«35 W fa f’qm d fain:

m k ] nfm faéi n wtfim m im fe‘fm m fif

331m fvtsfitnam u


Head ing w? 3M W W n

mi te assent was 3 3 I

Tex t begin sfi fifim fi mafii i 33m m faa

’mgg I

aw fm t fi I W e Q's-

w in u s u

Comm entary ffi fi ? n'fi im W RIT : E1

71 6 3 1 s qi f


a “ in m i mm35 n faafi z faifimr

xi l is m i f g rm fi Tiara si nass? fanfm ant i

fagaaai as 33’

n s in

m arri age w e) s if t faa‘


aft faa s I

v ii entries ) mi! are; fagm m n s u

anmm far: gr 552 w e get I an

emai l faw n? aw‘iwi faa as m iss i i I m sfi

smears aim 113 w e l was as wi ser-

fi t fag

aawi (as ? m an ua

The tex t is in 544 slokas . Rajend ralala

Mitra n otices two cop ies , one in 69 1 slokas

(vi i i . , p . the oth er in 7 6 7 (x . , p .

It is stated in the colophon that this c om

m en tary was m ade in Samvat 1543 , by NannaSuri , the pu pil o f Savad eva (t. e. Sarvadeva) ,t he h ead o f the Koran ta-

gach chh a, and was

Cop ied that same year by Gun avard hana Gan i ,pupi l of Nanna Suri , for the ed ification of thew ife of Shah Rupch and , a Sravika.

Coloph on {fa aft s ci-W m mama

1 1651 3 3011: $161: in an fi tmmfi maft 3 11111323 136f

sm z i (sw ag? fat-«gra f t! sues as


m figm: l

m m mama‘


mi I i f"?Ha ifa t fi agfi : n a g7a in m fi

amt ? insets u

was starsa? W 110 aft: so ( a? I 3 1t anw aft

fsm nfmgmfi fia fa tten? u are Ewemin gmfam

semi m m u

1 9 .

Ad d . A .

— Foll . 1—26 (z-Ro ) ; 10 in . by5 ; 3 l ines , in . long ; w ri tten abou t t he18 th century . [W I L L IAM ERSK INE. ]


Nava ta ttva .

An exposi tion of the Nine Principles o f

Jain philosophy. Prakrit tex t, wi th a Gujarati

interlinear commentary (bald vabodha) by Jnanavim ala Suri .The w ork begins w i th an ascription o f

praise to Parsvanatha , and a few remarks bythe comm en tator .5 an: u i qrv

im wm tm n i 7m: uranium sil3va

(m i te! faa ifa gnaw W EIR! fi m fi na i tg

fi mm a m q 71 m in ? fas t-( W E?


m am an m 3 31 in

Text begin s : aim s aim s 3d 3 W 8 wa s

fl ai r”. fem ur s-«N i t gw

mq 3 5 3 5 33 1 nm ll 9 ll

Commentary b egins : m 3 1mm s 5mm

m m fimm s u s’hj m i sm a i smm rfl’w

as" % ? T as? " ari a; w as ? ! get w a s" singw arm s wgw gw afifi s um m s fifi m i

w w w wfi m i n ngm a t sjmsy a s?

m ini i s signi fies? " mag fwfi t nm .9 mmW ? m i min i Sfi‘fi i Irma? w ign

The N avatattva has been tran slated by theRev . J . Stevenson , append ed to his tran slation of th e Kalpasutra . See also Colebrooke’


Essays ,” vol. i . , pp . 405 and 4 44, and

W ilson ’

s Sects o f the Hin d us, vol . i .( Lon d on, pp . 306 , et seq.

The Prakrit text , in 59 verses,w i th a

mod ern Gujarati commen tary , was publ ish edat Bombay (2nd ed i tion ) in 18 8 4 . It is ,

w ith the except ion of one or two verses ,a lmost id entical w i th the tex t in the presentcopy as far as verse 55 , where this manu

script en d s .

There is con s id erab le confus ion in thenumbering o f th e gd thas. The one follow ing33 (fol. 13b) i s n umbered 3 6 ; then com esanother 33 up to 40, fol lowed by 36 to 4 7 ,the n ex t , and final , verse being n umbered 50 .

So als o , number it has been om i tted in theenumeration o f th e l eaves

,the tex t follow ing

o n from leaf i t : w i thou t a break .

In the colophon to the tex t , a s also in thecommentary thereon , the au thorsh ip o f t he

w ork is attributed to Man iratna Suri o f theTapa-gachchha . The commen tary , written by


Jnanav imaia Sii ri,and revised by Sukha

sagara, is d ated Taranipur , Samvat 1 7 73(A.D . the year being expressed bythe chronogram W ig.

Colophon {firam farm“

! fates um mum

fates lifts? ) s i ft ? fat-fez 31m u as u

Comm en tary : {FM flame? warm Brad RH:

m ini mum fafisa”was ? mmarég a nus semi

faigf‘aa at?! w e Bi I am W e m7: mm in}:


m at ? fairs mmi ant i fam‘

r Bi n

swim warn am In; feet inrm fafm‘

l rainfa

fW E'S i t W gi antess“ s mean Egfi n fmgi

fafa fi i W W ? wfaaim sum in {fa W infi e

m ss‘

m 11153 in

20 .

O r. 21 12 A. Foll . 1—16 ; in . by 44 ;1 5 lines , 9 71 in . l ong ; Jain Nagari o f 1 7 thto 18 th centu ry .

An abridged copy o f the tex t,w i th a

Gujarati comm en tary (balavabodha ) by Mun iRatnas imha , pupil o f Mun i Ratnasnri o f t heAgam a-gach ch h a .

The man uscript begin s w i th a c ow o f

26 verses o f th e Navatat tva , the last beingt he 53rd in t he prin ted ed i tion of Bombay ,1 8 8 4 . The verses of th e text are a lso introd u c ed in the course of the comm entary


wh ich beginsVirgi nia

-m l aim s wai s t s“ s i s-

S am a r

w as W I sins-

3 m as-ita l a s? fiat


ria l

m as fafi m a l w as M a n was? shama n

r m anta arms? in fearas m am n‘

m {ass i stant


a': u

Colophon i f? W W faf’sfi fiié

:fa amm m tfi v vm fi n w’t W anam

tm ift : fim 36 1mm : n

Probably th e Pars'vach and ra no ticed in Peterson


Fo urth Report , p. lxxvi i , the “au thor

,in Samvat 1597


of a vartt i k a on the Chatuhs’

a i anaprak i rnaka of V i ra

bhad rasadhu .

21 .

Ad d . C .—Foll . 21—30 10 in .

byZi i ; 5 l ines

,8% in . long d ated Samvat

1 793 (A .D . [W I LL IAM ERSKINE.]

EMF-4 3 1133Jiravichd o'asfitfra .

A Prakrit treatise in 5 1 verses on l ife inall its man ifestations , w i th an interlin earG uj arati commentary . Follow ed by theN avatat tva (see no . w i th a Guj arati commentary by Parsvac hand ra S ti ri .*Text begins gamuiafi t

Hfifi m was


tglzmi ai r-ms ? fafifa fa T s: wfmi 33 qfi fi i n q u

aim gm w anna 7m W W fimfi 33 3 ? was 3 55m

am ammi man i a“ n a n

Commentary beg ins : g m ti ger? f‘


Iraq 313 1 mm W W ai t nfi n m mfi‘

wxzm’n W a ? star: 3531? m 53 mm

3 1111315? W3 n 15m: “m am fairs te an ? an:

m gq m safes? as: am: fan “gm mg"

gi vafil aim THINK i i i fan m y; first u

sfi sm i Ga: 2 35 gs arm fuam ah ah ! amt ?

ah ( 3°

313 3 1mm n mm? $3 3 1 5 53 m an ?

93 wfi a‘

vzm fii fiz u W W W i f: 35? 33’

an ?

m i s aa m i a m w fii ama m a s mum:

m a? mfit u E 111? Get it

The tex t o f the Navatat tva (fol. 26a) isin 44 verses

,the las t verse being the 54 th

in the prin ted ed i tion o f Bombay,1 8 8 4 . The

comm entary , by Parsvachand ra Sfi ri, is interlineary

, and beginssfi am q a sth m a 3mm 3 unma sk m am a

li3 t fa'r-imwa s M ar t ina

-Ja e m m

m q

3isi 31 m m " m u


as 3 3 3 53

m am as W W Ear-(3 1a mm? 9ms i ta h igh 53 3 1613 3 1 8a W arm ? 33 as


wi t h fafi nm an antiw a r-( k s HW EHI H? afi afi é w

‘t i‘

afi m fi t fi W W W

q m m m h m fi n

This copy, w ritten byRatnasaubhagya Gan iat Darbhavati , is d ated Thursd ay, th e 8 th o fJyeshtha -sud i

,Samvat 1 793 , Saka 1659

A .D . 1 737 .

M ama fi sm? <1q H‘

T sfiv vgfq t gfi nfm

m efflfl zfm- fi afit gfiw g: m m

22 .

Ad d .—Foll . 38 ; 12% in by 8

1; 12

to 1 4 l ines,abou t 8 in . l ong ; w ritten on

European paper , water-marked Jos . Em .

Ralph Az ulay d ated Bombay , Samvat1 8 64 (A.D . [W ILL IAM ERSK INE . ]

Samyaktvakaumu (ii .

A collection o f eight stories , in Ja inaSan skri t, i llu strating the eight principaldu ties of the Jains , w ith an in terl in ear Gujarati tran slation . See Rajend ralala Mitra’


Notices of Sanskrit vol . vi ii .,p . 231 ,

no . 2790.

Textzfifsrahfi w

CommentaryHim in

m rt wft i

M d fi ‘ fi fi ffi W fi m i fi

563 g m m m fi w

“is ?si mt

fl gffl m fi h‘


fi i

fi mmfi i fam nm fi iié

wa s h am ai fim mi fi

m uffin ia'u

Colophon : m at§8 a? at ? ! W}: “in ?

fi t zvn m m? fl atm a‘

iwfq af‘

afi m W t 13n

W m

{aa m rfi zfi gfam q mw fiw fam ine

W fi t‘l f

amm fi ifi fl i t fim fm fi n n i fn

ffln fi fl f‘t ‘

t u

23 .

Ad d . 13.—F011. 45-46 (z—R) ; 9—5; in .

by 45 ; 5 l ines , 7} in . long ; Jain Nagari ,abou t the 18 th cen tury

24 .

Or. 2109 C .

—Foll. 75—9 1 ( i—gb ) ; 4} in . by

10 ; 6 l in es , Si in . long ; w ritten in Nagar iof the 1 7 th or 18 th cen tu ry .

Vandanaka -sfitm .

A Prakrit work on the du ties of

laymen (Sravakas) , w i th an interlinearrati commentary .


San thdrd vidhi .

A Prakrit poem, in 1 4 verses, on th ed eliveran ce o f the sou l from 1 8 dead ly s ins ,w i th an in terlinear Gu jarati vers ion .

Text b egin s : 63 an: n fHW fi Q wh a t""


mmi arm -rimW m ma arti sans

-m a fi fin fi

M an am a fafm G) m mW as”

( W 311 afi u a‘

g uf’zg'm tx1t m :

awfw a

Gu jarati version beginsam mfin W fafimv m fi m m

3mm Wh W fii 113m aim wfii in g? mum

m i m m m m a a i fii fi mm mm am i m v w

’t am flank s : m vf‘


111mm {15 a re-fa stain affirm afar: swim s

w a n W k 3 l fiz wfi m m i i w gs

m i m fz‘

s w gc mfi w fi rfi i i gsn

gs m gmm’mm ini m iw mh m i zm u


Text begins : W W W ! ml)

afi m m l al afi m l s i an“


angi n am fiw wgmfl l t l “ W anna !

W ufif‘a l t l W m m u a u “3 ° 6,t

wing t I a n {3 16m m m i fifaé wwfmm fwfl i

Pa rr! mum ms: “n u 3 3 an {rs-

a n al: W

W i ll! fifm m u

Commen tary begins : m u! m W ftz'w

ing m a m a fas gfazgm 533 1 “ few wren

tmai ir mvfi gi a amm gi m z s wzi zh if mfz

mi nim al!” “ h ath -

g m a firm

m fi mm fimmmm s afi h shaft-

ar i a?

wish fizm vfie’



W e“! finc h fi gh t was ?

ammmfz imi t t wm m ai n 313 3 ? mseamen mag


{ atta i n m m wa ufzw

mm mid a'fi I muffin fain: a t ? n

Th e 0010phon to the tex t is dated Thursd ay, the 7th Pau sha-sud i , Samvat 1 6 1 1 (A.D .

n o d oub t the d ate o f the manuscriptfrom which th is copy was mad e . At th econclu s ion of the commentary the w ork iscalled Srad dhapratikramana-sutra. (gfirurg

Colophon : {fa W ar n 3 n m ai m

a? i ts at? 8 q t? W t fasf‘

mi u

2 5 .

Ad d .—Foll . 1 80 ; in . by 8

w ritten on European paper , water-markedJos . Em . Ralph Az u lay .



«fi st

Jambucharitm .

An accoun t o f the life and previous ex istences o f Jambfi svami

,the last Kevali ,

In th e printed ed ition of the Rdyapa segzi -sfl tra (see

no . 4) th e Prakrit Eh ! F!”8 71531? is explained in th e

commentary as W “

R5 mg.


2 6 .

Ad d . F.—Foll . 4 7—59 ; 9% in . by

1 1 to 15 l ines , 8 in . long . Two Jainreligiou s poems , wri tten in Nagari o f t he

1 7th or 18 th century.[W I LL IAM Easxm rj

together wi th a number of Jain moral stories .

Prakrit text by Padmasundara , w i th a Gujarat i commentary . See Peterson’

s‘ Fou rth

Report, ’ p . 1xxv .

Text beg ins (fol. 3a) : ihli fi ll? mm

fi’ fl tfi m ’i fi w w e M m i’

i w w

Qffi m m w nif’

dmk mfi m fi m fifa

M y fi fl fi fi fm ’l n

Commen tary begins : 3 a re; 3 ffi if "


Pfi tmq afi m ft k fn tm afla m wfim

fi a tw ui fiat m k h‘nm i m ii ffi gm iat

ma m a fwa wgm sa a s w e w e

W imh ms nm fi fi wfzwfiw "

si ng“

s f’

sw 3 31agfi fi a m t afi m fi w '

ga i fi

The manuscript is clearly w ritten , but

incomplete . Th ere are no d ivisions for thechapters of the text, nor are the versesnumbered . The Gu jarati commen tary isanonymou s , w rit ten partly as an interl in earygloss , and partly in several pages o f lengthycommen t . A large n umber of Hindustan iw ord s are u sed , su ch as , m lashkar ‘


W mulk coun try , ’ fist shahr town .

It is

therefore evidently qui te a mod ern prod uction

,probably the work of the scribe wh o

was copying the tex t for Mr. Erskine .The work is pre faced by Gujarati notes ,

w ritten over an introdu ctory tex t o f m ixedSanskri t , Prakrit and Gujarati , concern ingSren ik a

,king of Rajagriha , d uring whose

reign Jambusvami was born in his fifthex istence , and to whom Mahavi ra Svami

here recounts t he story of h is l ife.


1 . F011. 47—51

3 13333113 3 1



a-bhd t ‘

anfi .

A poem by Sakalachand ra Gan i " on theNavatattva , or Nine Principles o f rel igion .

Begin s : m twfirfi n infi ll wi Pana mnasm £ 8 1 W W w as! a? fawn ? si tar a? «aW W W irfu atmfi wfm i rf

z a ft u q u

WE i t‘

u w as}? t it ? W nfi r sags-ri fife aren


faw nfirm ’t fat fi m ’tafi gwfa nfam i sfi t

ru m? m W ar d u a u

Copyist — Pand i t Sfiryavijava .

Colophon {fa M m w’hwm fiwrfw r

m anna? ! 11116 11 110 {W ah i agm wfi fi u

II. Foll . 52ma ri a? a


Bha ld ini chopd i .

A poem ,in 132 verses , on the practice of

a rel igious l ife . By Bhimaji Bharati , son

and pupil of Gu n anidhi Bharati , the pupil ofGovind a Bharati .Begin s

s t a ts {mm 3 111tuft: l nfa are? aarm

i mfu l

m i r ag fi fi m i fl m fam faw n q n

m afi am ug i mk fi m m m i

at? that: a? W mi s fi tm i s tun 1 5 3 ? strain s"

L ast versewash 3 337" m i than ? mfin I

m fsm gmafu m i “

aim l mfin

m m g? m in? sfi fi‘i uaau {fa train? u

2 7 .

Or . 4533 .—Foll . 30 ; 10 in . by 13 to 20

l ines , 8 in . long ; w ritten apparen tly in the19 th century . [Con S . B . Mu s s ]

Th is is probably the‘

same au th or as the Sak alat h and ra Gani, pupil of Jinachand ragan z‘i d h ipa and guru

o f Samayasundara (Samvat noticed by Peterson ,

Fourth Report, p. 125 .


farm-c w fi gfi m m fi am

wa s "

2 8 .

Or. 2137 C .

—Foll . 55—70 (z—Qi ) ; 47} in . b y

9 l ines, 85 in . long ; w ri tten in Nagariof the 18 th cen tury .

3133 7: amt

Sa trufijaya-ud dhdm .

A poem ,in 148 verses , in glorification o f

the Sat runjaya Hill , sacred to the worsh ip ofAd inathafi“ By Premavijaya .


s Ga zetteer, und er“ Pfiliténa , vol. xi.

, p. 4 .

W ufimfir rm

D i'avyaguzzaparyd ya-no ra

s .

A Ja in metaphys i ca l t reatise in Marwariverse , by Yaéovijaya Gan i , accompan ied byan anonymous Gu jarati commen tary (bd lévabodha ) . See the Hind i MSS . Cat . , p . 5a .

The work is prefaced by a Sanskrit stolenan d Gujarati commen t , as follow sW W nfiifi wmmwémfi

wfvzgmirm r fm m flfi m mfi trui sm

11 s with in! ésrsi vi stag “3 TEtin-

65m m ism;W t amnir a “m artin {at wfm i a iri s/t m afia

ma m m m‘

mwz gun? w h it -

{a m t

min i afa r“

s ta in! Emmi 3? n

The commentary on the tex t , publ ished inthe Prakaran a-ratnakara ,

’ vol . i . , pp . 337

4 12 (Bombay , beginsW W fifn wfl i W W fifn z irg g


fe fz m i m s! wh en am fii i

gamma femur are g warn" a far 155m?! Emm a

“Ream w fi m fi as ia m mafl n m

m W e.afar-drawn W W ang“


Begins : t ru ism“ m m " ( 11s

fawn um seria l M m i fi rs t" ?

fi z‘

g flé'fl l rea m in g ” w m n m

{FU N 1m m “ W i m m i fm w mi n!“ finffi fi i fl m l i m m uw

The d ate o f composi tion is expressed in thelast verse o f the poem by the chronogramW N W? ( “

a 538 1! R 3. Here W is apparen tlyid en tica l w i th naps, which , being the name ofo ne o f th e eigh t V asus , would stand for then umber 8 ; and firm is probably 1 , being u sedby Jain authors in the sense o f arm} whichw ou ld no d oubt have t he same numericalvalue as W fiwfim t.e. Thu s , w ith ( a : 6 ,

and the Samvat year appears to be1 768 , or A .D . 1 7 1 1 .

29 .

Or . 2105 G.

—Foll . 1 38—16 1 (t—i s) ; 4%by 10 ; 1 7 l ines , 8 in . long ; d ated Samvat1 7 96 (A .D .


gamasdfrodd hdm .

A digest of Jain metaphysi cs, by Devachand ra Gan t i

Begin s z ffi w a’ffi ufi fiw fafi é s

remfi fi

m 65? Br; In first man aria W m i

Fauna ? “ W W W ?"

wh m fi fi ffi

m m fm s sfi ufi m a fi h ’t wfmfs

m u s "

Devachand ra belonged to the Kharataragach chh a , an d w as th e pupi l o f D ipachand ra .

See W eber, 1 . S .,x .

, p. 28 1 .

1 See the Bengali Koshachand riké, by GOpi ramana

Tarkaratna, p. 53 , und er the ch apter called Alikébhid hd na .

I s end ralala Mitra notices a copy of thi s work

(vol. vi1 i . , p. 7 6 , no . but erroneously attributes

t he au th orsh ip to Parmananda .


3m m im am u s in

W W a nd thig h aim via l fa “ It

s fa m fa i zafi am’rm m w i “ fi fe

Cha turavims’

u ti Jina stavana , Bombay , 18 8 4 .

In a dohd at t he conclusion of the w ork hestates tha t i t was completed in the yearSamvat 1 7 76 (A .D . It h as beenprin ted in vol . i . of the ‘Prakarana-rat nak ara

(Bombay , and also in the Ja inakavya

si rasangraha’

(Ahmad abad , and in

the ‘ Jainasas tra kathasangrah a’


abad ,

Devach andra also w rote a bélabodha to a

Sanskrit m etaphys ical w ork en t itled ‘ Nayachak rasara ,

’also printed in vol . i . o f the

Prakaran a-ratnak ara ,’

and is th e au thor of

severa l poems in praise o f the 24 Tirthankaras .

* At the con clusion of these compos itions , as also in this w ork , he traces h is

su ccess ion ,through Rajasagara and Sumati

sagara , to Jinachand ra Suri .Copyist —Vimalasagara Gan i .Colophon : {fa a ? m m 161 1

am m ass t,“fi M gfi e t a? fate s

3 0 .

Or . 2133 B.

—Foll . 37—53 ; 4% in . by 10 ;

13 l ines , abou t 7% in . long ; d ated Samvat1 8 21 (A.D .

fla sh-

snare s? “

D ivd lika lpa-bd iabodha .

An anonymous Gujarati commen tary on

the D ivalikalpa .

The w ork begins w ith an invocation,and

the first verse o f the texta? an: wi fsrm

ian: W igwam : u smash


fm w m n fi w’rfi wfirwfl h m afi fwt nfi

33771 3 73 61113 wi res: fi st-

g: sim i an? ! gm avg ?

im m imm fa’

fi mi wits W ? um i si-gs?“a ims ? aimi wm fa


ia m’t m i fi iufi fi rst

m fi finfa rgf‘

a mf‘a tm nw mf t fa vfiu i tm

fi fa fiam fir a t ? a?! xii i-66 7i "

The comm entary closely resembl es those inno s . 1 6 and 1 7 d escribed above . The c om

m en ta tor states at the end o f the w ork.

thatthis is a va

rtika,or explanation , of the Dival i

kalpa o f Jinasund ara ,pupil o f Somasun d ara

Suri . He quotes the chronogram arfmfsufssa ,

which gives the d ate of compos ition of theD i valikalpa, b ut takes i t to represen t 138 3(raw) , assum ing fan to stand for 13, its u sualn umeri cal value

,whereas i t was intend ed to

represent 1 4 , being synonymous w ith ash .

See no . 1 6 .

The colophon is d ated Tu esd ay , th e 5 thCha itra -sud i , Samvat 1 8 21 , the copy beingmad e at the instance of PunyasagaraSfi ri, wh o

su cceed ed Kalyanasagara S i'l ri . Append edto the colophon is a l ist of 14 n ames bywhich a virtuou s m an is known .

Colophon : :frr 311 313 3 13 3 1m in with

flair am n un i : n z fi Eli ‘s?

m m {fl airvrfz aft er? anW at ? m i“

afi sfmuiafi w gma’

rm qe ai ms fi aw.

3 1 .

Or . 2137 A.—Foll . 1—1 5 (z—r ) ; 4 7} in . by

15 lines , 8 } in . long w ritten in Nagario f the 18 th cen tury .

S id dhdntd ldpaka .

A d igest o f Jain teach ings for the gu idan ceof Sravakas , in 36 chapters (adhikdm ), w ithoccasi onal Prakri t ga‘

thd s .

Begins : s um fears inw e m firm

afl firi c] W 11735 farmrmiq mm i nf h ummus

liam as wars-dun q erratum ? mmm i

W m m‘

g i “ s a murai-

grai n ?

get s-

gms gg fimt w mgz n

The manu script is incomplete ; leaves Q to iand being w an ting . The w ork terminateson fol. 13a, und er the titl e Sid d hantav ic harabatrisi . {firW ? m u A Prakritpoem is append ed , cal l ed in the colophonKalpasamacbari

-sangraba , the leaves of th emanuscript having the t itle Sid d hantalapak aon the margin throughout .

3 2 .

Ad d . F.—Foll . 45 and 4 6 (as , at ) 5

in . by 1 6 l ines,82in long ; d ated Kad i ,

Samvat 1 8 23 (A .D .


A fragmen t of a Ja in work (leaves 37 and

38 ) contain ing l egend ary stories il lu strativeof Jain virtu es . It consists -

oi the latter parto f a story , numb ered 22, regard ing Ashadhacharya , and conclud es the second chapter o fthe work .

3 8 .

Ad d . H.

—Fol . 4 8 ; 45 in . by 94 ; 12l in es

,75 in . l ong ; apparently w ritten in the

19 th centu ry . [W I L L IAM Erasmu s ]

The first leaf of a work on Jain cosmography .

Begins : afi w fi 'fifl m gfi w’tufisfl

W fi fi fig m‘t w

‘m sfim h w i gfi m fi

w i fi rn z’tq

t wfi i z vfi am m i z w i

aw : m am “I n


{Iran a’nfi ua n i fs Efi xfimvfi v im and

mm m hh m sa a i m ma amtann in“ wfir ufi q m m mm anfi mat

M arvi n ? afia m n‘

fi gt rm wfir 36 6m

W vfi m faf‘

z mmt na nw

The follow ing is the ord er of su ccession ,

and other par ti cu lars gi ven in th ispatta‘

m li

1 . Bhana , of Arhatvada in S i roh i , castePorvfida , became th e self-elected head of thesect “ at Ahmad abad in S . 1533 .

2. Bhada, of Siroh i , caste Oswal , gotraS-Zigh ariya, son o f Vi tola S ingh , d iksha fromBhan a at Bhad rapur .3 . Nunad

r d iksha from Bhada.

4 . Bhima , o f Paligam ,caste Oswal, gotra

L od ha, d iksha from Nuna .

5 . Jagmfil, o f Sarvar, caste Oswal , gotra

Suran i , d iksha from Bh ima , at Jhaj har .6 . Sarva , of Dh ili

,caste Srimali , gotra

Sidhada, d i ksha from Jagmal S. 1554 .

7 . Rupa , of Patan , caste Oswal , gotraVaid a , born S . 1 544, d iksha S . 1 569 , d ied

S . 1595, having appointed Jiva as h is

su ccessor, self-elected at Patan (as head o f

an ind epend en t branch ) in S . 1565 .

Th is is the Rupa mentioned by Dr . Bhandarkar as being the originator o f the Gu j aratiV eshad haras , wh o becam e a Veshadh ara o f

himself w ithou t being converted .

”The year

S . 1565 , here g iven as that in which hestarted an ind epend ent branch

, appears to bea m istake , for , if correct , i t is d iffi cul t tou nd erstand w hat is m eant by h is obta iningd i ksha fou r years afterward s in S . 1569 .

Th ere is in Dr . Hoernle’

s possess ion an

elaborately prepared gen ealogi cal chart of

the su ccessive pont ifi s o f the various Jain

The term s t ayamera -d ikshd’is used h ere

, and else'where in th is work

,to'ind i cate the found ing of an

ind epend ent branch o f the sec t by a self-imposed con

sec ration to the o ffice of pastor.

1: In Bhand arkar’

s pa ttfiva li Nuns comes after Bhima,

the latter being said to be a pupil of Pfina,the d isc iple

o f Bhanaka .

sects , wri tten in Hindi . This was speciallyw ritten for Dr . Hoernle by the late Atmarama V ijayaji of the Tapa-

gac hchha . The

information and d ates given in this chart byth is d istinguished Jain priest w ere no d oub tobtained by a personal in spection o f trustworthy record s , and may therefore be rel iedupon . In it the L umpaka sect , by reason o f

its having adopted heretical tenets , w ithoutthe san ction of any priest in d irect pont ificald escen t from Mahad eva

,are shown as a

branch o f the genea logica l tree , bu t w ithou tany conn ection w ith i t . Atmarama has mad ethe follow ing entry w ith reference to Rupam aqaa fi m fiz afi fifi m fia h m fi aunt ?

{gm win-ran

“ In the year Samvat 1 572Rupchand Sarona pu t on a pecu liar d ress ,chosen by h imself, and brough t out th e

Nagori L umpakamata .

The w riter o f th is pattavali follows up

this branch of the Vesh ad haras w ith Jiva ,the successor o f Rupa .

8 . J iva , the son of Tejpal, of Surat , casteOswal , gotra Deslahra, born S . 1 55 1 , d iksh z



at the age of 28 a t Surat on Th ursd ay , the5 th Magha-sud i , S . 1 578 , self-constitutedAcharya at Patan , S . 1595 , d ied at Jhaveri

vad a in Ahmad abad on Mond ay n ight, thel0th Jyeshth a-bad i , S . 16 13 , at th e age of 63 .

9 . Kuyar , caste Srimali , d iksha from Jiva ,on the 6 th Jyesh th a-sud i , S . 1 602.

10. Srimalla , o f Ahmadabad , caste Porvada , son o f Saghavar , d iksha from Jiva at

Ahmad abad , on the 5th Margasirsha-sud i,

S . 1606 .

1 1 . Ratna S imha , of Navi nagar, casteSrimali , gotra Olhan i , son of Shah Sfira


d iksha from Srimalla a t Ahmad abad , on the13 th Vaisakha-bad i , S . 1648 .

12. Keéava , o f Dunada in Marwar, casteSrimali , son of Shah Vija, d iksha fromAcharya Ratna Simha at D unada, o n the 5thPhalguna

-bad i , S . 1 696 .

13 . Sivaj i , of Navanagar , caste Srimfili ,

son of Shah Amarsi , born on Saturd ay , the


2ud Magha-sud i, S. 16 54 , diksha fromAcharya Ratna Simha on the 2nd Phalguna ,S . 1 669 , d ied S . 1 733 .

14 . Singh araj , of Siddhapur in Gujarat ,caste Porvada , son of Bish ivasa , d iksha fromSivaj i on the loth V aiéakha-bad ii, s. 1 7 18 ,

d ied in Agra, S . 1 755 .

1 5 . Suk hamalla , caste Oswal , gotra San

khawala, of Bramsar in Marwar, who hadreceived d iksha from Singh araja , was electedby the commun i ty in S . 1 756 , d ied on thelath Asvina-bad i

, S . 1 763 .

16 . Bhagch an d was elected at Navanagarto succeed Sukh amalla in S . 1763 , and was in

office when this pagfd rali was wri tten .

III . S C IE N C E S .


3 7 .

Add . B.

—Foll . 9—20 (z—ga) ; 10 in .

by 411; w ritten abou t the 1 7 th cen tu ry .

[W ILL IAM ERSKINEJAri thmetical tables and calcu lation s , and

method s o f explain ing the permu tations andcombinat ions of figures .

L eaves a and t are wanting .

3 8 .

Ad d .—Foll . 74 ; 7% in . by as; 5

l ines , abo u t 3% in . long ; apparently o f the1 8 th century . [W ILL I AM Erasmus ]

3m a

Vaidyafivana .

A Sanskrit work on th e practice of med icine,

by L olimbaraja , or L olimmaraja , w i th an

anonymous interlinear Gujarati gloss .

Text beg ins

mmm iat m m‘

t an?

m m ’tm ’


m tfi u q u

Gloss begins fin ite? m m W wfii


mi fi z tfin‘

w wf t t fan'ow 33 : W m a


fi m fi ag

’mm w ami am fina wt i fq

W m w fiM m q-az gwuimm }

th a n—«fem “ fl m wmé m am m m


m ~fafifi fwm a§m aw itm m swi m m

m m m w a r fim nfim i w fi n fu t

ig wfi i ’fl m fax? m i n”

? m in fm fi s smfif‘


fmm fi fim fiafi fivmw m fim fm am tm.

C010ph c3n {fir sus tainin g-jm am a farts }

33mm? m tfimnn fq am W h ee ls :

3 9 .

Ad d . D .

—Foll . 39—4 1 (Qt 7

lin es , 4 in . by 9 ; Jain Nagari of 1 7 th to 1 8 thcentury . [W ILL I AM ERSK INE . ]Fragment o f V aidyavallabha , a Sanskrit

med ica l w ork , w i th an in terl inear gloss inGujarati . See the Sanskrit Catalogu e, No . 5 15 .

D 2




4 0 .

Add .—Foll . 70—93 ; 13 in . by 8 ;

w ri tten on European paper, water-markedThos . Edmond s,

[W ILLIAM ERSKINEJA grammar o f the Gujarati language, w ithinterlinear transl iterations in Rom an ch a

rac ters , and occasional notes in Engl ish , byDr. J . L eyden .



4 2 .

Ad d . F011. 35 (e—ao ) ; 4g in . by

8 l ines , 8 in . long ; w ritten apparentlyin the 18 th century . [W ILL IAM ERSK INE .)

t fswfm

Rasikapr iyii .

A Braj -bhasha metrical treatise on rhetorical compos ition , by Kesava Dasa of

4 1 .

Ad d .

— Foll . 1—1 8 ; 10 in . by

w ritten on European paper, water-markedJ . Ruse, [W ILL IAM ERSK IN E.]

A comparative vocabu lary of Marathi ,Gujarati , and Hind i word s, in u se in ord inaryconversation .

Orchha , w i th an interlinear Gujarati vers ion(vd

frttika) by Kusalad h ira Upadhyaya . See

the Hind i MSS . Cat .,p . 26 .

The manu script is imperfect . The firsttwo leaves , contain ing n early the W hole o f

the first chapter, are m iss ing , as also all

after leaf 6 7 , the copy en d ing in the m id d l eof the ten th chapter . The verses of the textare numbered con secu tively throughou t thework , the last verse in th is copy being 37 5 .



4 3 .

Ad d .-Foll . 1 39 ; 75 in . by 12 to

14 l ines , 4} in . long ; d ated Samvat 18 69(A.D . [W I L L I AM ERSK INE .]

m z v i s efi a n vi l .

Char khazzdan'


vdrtd .

A romance , in verse, by Sivadasa .

Beginssana -m gal

«12 u

”t h aw 6 mm 98 n

wfi t 9.11m i rab i d em in

a 41211 91331 «th a t in«m i d i £ 7

. as{lath 2m n

°1 ©1231 51 25 au rflcfl. “ mn

m il 92l Pi a n 701 q 11

$ 1 am a i a wh om «9 51 n

ma a asa i efi am n

awn aioii a vile) . am. u

7313 {la-u mun 37 1 11 I:on! «ll-ni lvu act wh e n u

Sivadasa w as a Nagar Brahman of Khambhat , and a d isciple o f Bhudhara Vyasa . Hew rote th is poem in Samvat 1 69 6 (Qif ld 94 17.

and is also the au thor of ParasuIfimakhyana (S . Dafigavakhyana (S .

and Draupad i- svayamvara (S .

Colophon : aff ll 80 al l). “i541 a li en

sin gi nga sa m am ane w a na51 am saw «11 m ama

. as ‘13 cm.

0136 531 6 4 11 1 52w anna chat m9. an

eraPL W ad i c fl iii Qua.

Copy completed on Thursday,the 13th

Margasirsha-bad i , Samvat 1 8 69, t.e. the

3 1st December, 18 12.

Prdchinakd vya , vol. vu . , no . 4 .

21331 0? “i 621 Egalq n


a fi rst wh at 36124 ”1 0l u

30412 sh alt as. i ts u

v im.“120. 31W "

Bombay,18 8 8 , vol. 11 .


4 4 .

Ad d .—Foll . 4 7—103 ; 13 in . by 73

15 ;

1 7 to 23 lines , abou t 7 in . l ong ; written on

European paper water-marked “ W . Sharp ,“ J . Budgen ,

1 8 05 “ J . Ruse ,S . W ise Patch , 1 805 , and “ Edmead sPine, d ated Samvat 1 8 64 (A.D .


‘A 6, £4 1 Q I. “at l ‘ l .

Prahld dékhydna .

The Pauran ic story of Prahlada , in verse .By Bhanadasa .

The poem is taken from the7 th chapter o fthe Bhagavatapurana . Prahlada

,son o f th e

Dai tya king Hiranyakasipu , w as an ardentw orshipper of Vishnu . Th is so incensed h isfather that he ord ered h im to be pu t to d eath .

Vishnu befriend ed Prahlada, and , b ec om ingin carnate as Narasimha , the ‘ man-l ion ,

’ heslew Hiranyakasipu , and mad e h is son kingof the Daityas .

The w ork is in 21 chapters , each chapterhav ing a poem in the dohard , followed byone in the chopa

'b metre . It has been

publ ish ed , und er the ed itorship o f GattfilalaGhanaéyamaji , in the ‘ Aryasamu daya,


mon thly literaryThe presen t copy is imperfect , beginn ing

wi th the 5th verse of the chopd i o f the firstchapter, a s follow s




343. ail°ll


s=1 1was) 5 k u

as m et nawq i i ga} Zia n

”PULQ MLM1 (“2gu

413 aili i l ugfl n

The verses o f the dohard s and clacpd is are

numbered together in each chapter , and no t

separately , as in the prin ted ed iti on . The

d ate of composition is given in the lastchapter o f th is copy to be Samvat l6 76 , * bu tin the printed ed it ion it is Samvat 1 77 6 .

This latter appears to be th e correct date ,tal lying w ith the Cyclic year V ikari spec ifiedin the text .Bhanadasa has also written a metricalversion of the Hastamalaka , d ated th e

Sarvari samva tsam , SamvatThis copy was made_by Pand it Balamu

kund a from a manu script belonging toRajarama Manakj i , and is d ated Sund ay , th e8 th Ashad ha-sw i'i

, Samvat 18 64 .

ColOPh 0n =:Jdl fill«mu m. q alum

a t? aga te m u llet. un well emu;fl ag a th at a m) m aternal

M1211 aq uaam23; ma ma lain Du el

mesa a i m ? ) Rama da iii aim <1cmums {3‘s 4 a

ofla fi gm; EMii, in

Ad d .—Foll . 120 ; 9% in by 21

l ines , in . long ; w ritten on European paperwater-marked G . Jon es ,


S'uka-bohoteri .

A metrical vers ion of the Sanskrit Sukasaptat i , or Seven ty Tal es of a Parrot . BySamala Bhata .

oxeu m cfl ollall'4153.

41m slam (4 91 n

elem me email am. u

w anna anon”160. can an nat; n

1'Briha t kd vyad ohana , vol. iv. , p. 7 40.


4 6 .

Ad d .—Foll . 1 18 ; in . by 29

lines , 4% in . long ; w ritten in Jain N agari o fth e 1 7 th or 18 th century

Head ing : W wigm‘

rffi t’mi

W m fi m ’rfi m wfi zfi zfi a fi irm nw


316 m 11

Begin saim wigs 33 m i

'm h lm wh en

sw im dam ? than gt: q

t a xm an? 3m W m

as? gzi mm 3m? m m a

stat ?! th is as“? aw fawn;

fm fi fl m wi i w’mmn m z

m is s? amfi «mats“

GEM a f t: m ists

m s? w as wi t a tam-emit arena 8

Samala Bhata , son o f Viresvara,was born

at Veganpur, the present Gom tipnr , a villagen ear Ahmad abad in Samvat 1 78 0 (A.D .

He was a Srigod Malvi Brahman,

bu t h is patron w as Rakh iyal, a great landhold er of the Kunb i caste , w ho l ived in a

village in what is n ow the district ofThis copy con tains on ly the first 13 tales

o f Szi mala Bh ata’

s translation . The entirew ork conta ins 73 tales , or three more thanin the Sansk rit original . It was prin ted at

Ahmadabad in 1 8 80, the date of composition ,

Samva t 1 821 (A.D . appearing at th eend of the w ork .

[W ILLIAM Ensmns ]A metrical version of the San skrit Suka

saptat i , or Seven ty Tales o f a Parrot, w i thoccas ional Prakrit verses .

The work begins w ith a verse in San skrit ,in w hich the auth or sa lutes h is gu ru Gunam eru .

W 1 M li\

€fi fl i ll

ga m m i m‘

t i m gémmfis ua fi i

m m m fiw i m‘

tfi m lfim nw

The Cla ssi ca l Poets of Guj ara t, by Govard hanram

Madhavram Tripathi (Bombay , p. 45.


Then follow 2 Prakrit verses , one of four ,the other o f six l ines , after which theGujarati text begins w ith a personal desc ription of the goddess Sarasvati in chopd i metre .sm m m i m t l zgfigfi m m m l

gwm w m m lm amm uen

wtzfi m fi fi w ufi m fi afi n fl u

m a m m i m mw gfi i m uw

m m m‘t flm i w t fl wtm faffl l

W W W H I ga‘

t fi i‘

dawfl i fiw uz u

The first tale commences at verse 4 7(fol. Sb) .

famm aq fia l wfmm i w wfim i

m i m fi m i fiz vfi m m m uss u

w i m ft irmi m i f‘

z lm m u fi n i t‘

z i

m a wfr gwm lm m mfi m ust u

The w ork contains 24 63 verses , and h as

been copied by two d iff erent hands . Thefirst scribe h as copied as far as the m id d l e o fthe 55th story (foll . 1—66a ) , a colophon inred ink marking th e termination of each .

He has fin ished off at verse 16 14,the second

scribe t aking up the poem at verse 1627 .

The latter part is more carelessly w ri tten,

w ithou t any break or ind ication of theconclusion of th e several stories . Th ere isno colophon a t the end of the manu script .Append ed to the work ( fo l. is a

Marw ari stavana in .n ine verses by Ramavijaya . There are also five colou red i llustrations o f Ti rthankaras withou t any d escriptions(foll . 103A med ical prescription for the cu re o f

constipation , in Sanskrit verse , is w ri tten on

foll . 1 12 and 1 13 , en titled W ang fslfirrm .

4 7 .

Ad d .—Foll . 216 ; 7% in by 54 ; 12to 23 l ines , 4} in . long ; written in the begin

n ing o f the 1 9th century .

II. F011. 28b—53b.

a rm «ll«ll a 1 3. a l.

The titlePadm ’inini vd rta


is tak en from the ind ex o f

[W IL L IAM ERSK INE . ] conten ts on the fly-leaf of th is manuscript .

Five tal es from Samala Bhata’

s Gu jaratim etrical adaptation of the Sanskrit S imhasanadvatrimsat , or Tal es of the thirty-twoimages o f the throne of king Vikramad itya .

The complete text o f Samala Bhata’


version of t he Sanskrit tales was publ ishedat Ahmadabad in 1 8 78 , u nd er th e t i tle ‘Batris

pu talioni varta.

Some of the more populstories have been publ ished separately .

The tales con tained in this volume are verycarelessly w ritten

,w i th a. total d isregard to

correct spell ing. They d iffer cons id erablyfrom the tex t in the printed edition , and , in

fact , appear to be merely abridged copies o f

the original .1 . F011. 2—28 a .

vi ii -vi al l l fi ‘

l'ffl fl l l d }

Gadhesangfrdj dni od rta


Th is appears to be the l0th story in theprinted ed ition (pp . 134 and is therecalled ai zfiailavfl aw n .

Begins :Materi el 3311 3 63 unfit n

alg a i n0 [1m 1 191 n

91 5 91131 30. oil sv l 13 mu

«anush a s. 7 3mn

Fm 5 1911 ‘lfld alQll n

was a i z’

l its oY C‘

lQll n

3513. am eflfi. n

wasmen 0164 21 4121cm. are

all a imwas in

th ud 6 7 19. 321 cflilw a

sin t St Eu ta t tag it


a? QLQ n

31531? on e? am «ll-t i im .

“lac/ fl sir ORR °llwiq n


The story is the 4th in the prin ted edition V. Foll . 1 636—21 6 .

(pp . 4 8 and 18 there cal l ed Qfl alaQ ifl d l fl fi l ‘fl.

allaell a tom .

Sukasd rikdni vd rtd .

Beginsaloh ov L413 440 1 («MR a

fish aim.”11q 51 6m lmm in

alga mm m eta MED) .i

9mm fillet «LEO. u

{tilt Miami 016 7 114 n

2k ugh t ier n

enova ME; 01 101. in

m i d i vi m/«i w h im in

ai d ain i Qu e an ti n

Ed win {5L saw 01 i u

III. E0 11. 54a—1 1 6a .

a01 «(l a 1 7. ( 1 L

Thaga i fvdr td .

This is the 12th story in the printeded i tion (pp . 18 3 there called rei gnarz q cll aw n .

Beginsm am a erq a lg a u 7 1104 Gan 1

32i u

«a n ail w ai l one. u 011 23, v i va 4521 ncu nts;

cam -ilah. u git Ri el

anal .

si n tail 013 6 ao? n not fi na l

IV . Foll . 1 1 6b—163a .

vi a t s «rll a l D. a l

Pafi cha, da/gzdani fud r ta‘


This popu lar story is the 5th in the printeded iti on (pp . 6 7

Begins”ltd II 3 63 316 in

sig nan } 6341 m il n 345 aria/m 21971. in

«nor am “31 41 ezvflv fl n ngm a; am

911511 ”i t 36 6 inmen 0134131 4131 n

The first two pages of this story , the 28 thin the printed ed ition (pp . 4 95 are in

this Copy almost id en tical w ith those ofno . I I I .Begins

sa c/ trad d awn cu nts; in1 111134ofina asu

ci t-n a nd invilg v im . as u

1 7.ncum in. in«N I21

74 are 21 131 "

4 8 .

Ad d .

— Foll . 52 ; 4 in . by 75 ; 9 l ines,5% in . long ; w ritten apparently in the 18 thcen tu ry . [W ILL IAM ERSKINE.]

m amaUdyamakarma -samvd da .

A poem on Fatal ism , w ritten in the formo f a con troversy between Human Effort andDestiny . By Samala Bhata .

The poem has been prin ted in the Brihatkavyadohana ,

vol. pp . 339—375 . The

presen t Copy begin s on fol. 3a. ( leaf 2) w i thline 28 of the printed ed i tion , as follow s

W am w wn i vfi m h n qs n

m i i t vtfi sw m‘

h mn

W am m i i n’mmi wm uauu

The verses w ri tten on the first leaf (fol. 2)d o not belong to the poem . They are writtenby an other hand , evid en tly at a later period ,as a false beginn ing in place of the m iss ingverses of the original first leaf o f the manu

script .This copy d ifiers occasi onal ly from th e

text of the printed ed i tion , and has severalad d itional verses at the end .

Colophon : W ? W W fi t fi w'h i

3 3a W m m a ss? i s $l u


i sm 3151 v ii hah aa‘Ild l‘dl ”lQflg.

23. Qlfi ‘llfl 04101 41614 6 11 in

«mm«1l v i ta l aisll'i u a. n

Premananda,the son o f Krishnarama

Upad hyaya, was a Chauvisa Brahman o f

Barod a,and the au thor of numerou s popu lar

metrical versions o f Pauran ic stories . Theyear of h is b irth is uncertain . Most o f h ispoems are dated , ranging from S . 1 720

(Lak shmanaharana) to S . 1 7 76 (Nalakhyana) .These d ates


,are no t always rel iable


and vary consid erably in d ifferent Copies of

the sam e w ork . Thu s,of the two printed IV' FOH'35a_ 62b'

ed i tions of the Nalakhyana one bears th e °1 € 01 4 191141 q R ( l l.d ate S . 1 776

,the oth er S . 1 742, and the

ed itors o f th e Prachinakavyamala’

(vol .in their b iographical sketch of th i s poet’

s The story o f Baj i Nand a and h is m in isterl ife , notice a manuscript in their possession Vilochana , by Samala Bhata . See no . 4 5 .

d ated S . 1 773 . See also Narmadaéankara’

s Beg insaccoun t o f Premananda and h is works .


Nanda ba trismi od ria’


III. F011. 1617—34 .

i i an, Ltd 0it sa I.

Chandrahasani [cat/i d .

The story of king Chand rahasa , takenprobably from the Jaiminibharata

,or the


vamedh ikaparva o f the Mahabharata . ByV ishnudasa .

Beg inswan n l. an Olfl i l‘ll 0“l u

siege ch 95 4 533w ell u

51 3 gt«flame in

mm 511 “

go/ Fi Z a QW‘lLC'lQD n

c an inarm new/3. u

cv-Ql {N9 2} . d lté l. L10. 5 "

53; 135

7 14130

Na In

n fl ummd nw a u

V ishnudasa was a native of Khambhat,

but resid ed at a neighbou ring vil lage calledSupplied from


the prin ted ed ition in P ré ch inak d vya ,

N armagadya (2md ed ition) , p. 56 . vol. i i . , no . 2.

Khanpur . He was a Nagar Brahman, and

stud ied poetry und er Bh fid hara Vyasa . Ashort sketch of h is life is given by the ed itorsof the Prach inakavya (vol . vii . , no .

The date of composi tion of th is poemappears in this copy as S . 1 624 . Hehas also written Rukmangadanun akhyana(S . translation s .o f portions of theMahabharata and Ramayana (S . 1 644

and Harischand rapuri (S .

The manuscript is d ated Thursd ay , the 5thPau sha-sud i , S . 1 8 69

,t.e. the 7 th January ,

18 13 .

[30.-mafi a.«ufi all-nm

w a s Qvflvwm an u

3 63 az ii avs u “1071 u

5221 3m 94 01 an} . in

was te as.wi oi ia’

ls n”U l la331 8 9. n

(Jugsmama m ei z w“

ga mmaa} .mu ch 2 1 t n

This story is ex tremely popu lar amongstw omen of Gujarat . Raja Nand a falls in lovew i th the w ife o f h is m in ister V ilochana , andattempts to lead her from the path of virtu e .She reasons w ith the king, and su cceed s ind issuading him from h is s inful pu rpose .The m in ister , su specting that h is w ife hadbeen dishonoured , slays the king, whereuponthe accu sed wom‘

an invokes the aid of thegod s to testify to her innocence , wh ich appealis answered by the king’

s restoration to l ife .The Copy is dated Sund ay, the 1 5th

Pansha-sud i,S . 1 8 69 , i .a. 1 7th January , 18 13 .


v. FOII. 625

wen l a rflefi a i z m

Padmdvatini vdrtd .

The roman ce of Pushpa Sena, son of

Champaka Sena, Raja o f Champavati . BySama la Bhata .

Begins9.n n

m a, i s an ti u

s i t as azei i gfl n

lgill i i i i i i n

«2101331. “Fifi 4 73 it

s igned ]. 23 37. i s n

QLQ 84131 si‘fl ‘ k fl in

i i 3 11 “as n

The poem is d ated S. 1 7 74 . The copywas completed on Tu esday , th e 9 th Bau sharbad i

, S. 1 8 69 , t .e. 26th January,18 13 .

V I. Foll . 95a—l08 a .

:g em L 21F3. 6 1

Sud dmd charitm .

The story of Sudama, the poor Brahman ,

wh o was bounteously reward ed by Krishnafo r h is d evotion to him . By PremanandaBhatta.

Beg ins2131333 1 alQlN Cfl um i ssi on 2123 14111

2 0190 16 11 «Qu iet atoll Liw a i'i u

l i l tfl lfi tQLl 33. l l‘j uma i lman efia i

m magi m g far t m sfli

i n

eia uflxu’gwm vfiigm i en2 16m qa

3.1a n

t an galli ’ai n 5g

The story is taken from the Bhagavatapuran a, Sk . x . Ad h . 8 0 and 8 1 . The poemb ears the date S. 1 738 , and the copy wascompleted on Saturd ay, the 13th Paushabad i , S . 1 8 69 .


VII. Foll. lo8 b—1 14a .

24. Lg fl l i st up «ll

Chd turi Rddhdj ini .

A collection of songs on the Sportsof Rad ha and Krishn a . By Ranchhod

Bhakat .Begins

i smi Gawa in 011 514 u

as were qfitfl i i u

ai illsiell a‘

iai v i a l n

i nli v i al afilzfl i i u

i ma i ig012m in

i sasi i ts ). 311 in

mm i n nail. in

cran i a l ensi gn and n

The poems have been printed in theBrihat kavyadohana ,

vol. i ii . , p . 8 21 .

The editor mention s other poems of a similarnature composed by the au thor, but gives nodates, or account o f h is l ife.VIII. Foll. 1 146

a s, ella l

Snehalild .

An anonymou s poem, in 136 verses, on thelove of Krishna .

Beginsw e can v i cu}? in

( P ia.”11531. “It; in

(ii am 3299 3. u

”fiGYQLQ l‘flfl fl n Q u

i s genmi Et ch «ell3. u

v i gil w as“ n

m et an an“.

«m i g {161 it n

IX. Foll . 1 19b—18 9 .

°1 a c. 7 1 i i all sa l.

Nala D amayafntini [ca t/id .

A metrica l version o f the story of kingNala and Damayanti

,tak en from the Vana

parva of the Mahabharata. By Premananda .

E 2


80.2 51n21161 its "

ail -214131 llam as Sign

”1 & 1 c mull-mi d s t u«lla

i eu i dl i s; sa t ina?) gel ” mi/ il k xi i u

fl i lfl ‘l lfi a ”a? “ fi lQfl u

i zglls am i élm i n

l uv 01‘4 L ‘t l5‘ l u

i sm.clot fi lm in

i i eil r i 9. 6c 312113

32!w ill u

i lz laa i (4132 0. in

The poem is in 64 chapters,and bears

d ate o f compos ition . The year Samvat 1 7 76(Qt 3113 1 ) appears in the lith ographeded i tion o f Bombay , 1 8 58 , and S . 1 742

Elen i/fl ) in the Stu d ents’ ed ition (2nd

ed i tion) of Bombay , 1 8 8 03"The copy was completed on Sund ay , the

7 th V aisakha-badi,S . 18 69 , t.e. 23rd May,

1 8 13 .

Colophon : J cfl fillaeterlli cllcll

amniw as! Q n Ql’

fl d<1c «u

as o cm. i 91 °1 3 iill in

5 0 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 1 92 ; 10—3 in . by

1 8 l ines , 4 lf m. l ong ; dated Samvat 1 8 70(A.D . [W I LL IAM E



I. Foll . 1—49 .

7. Q at

Ranayaj fia .

A poem in 26 chapters , contain ing an

account o f the battles betw een Rama an d

Ravana, taken from the Yud d hakand a of theRamayan a . By Premananda .

Premdnand’s N ala

khydn . Students’ed ition

, pre

pared by Kavi N armadashankar Lélashankar.

II. F011. 49b—79a .

01 <3 a i s, a all a 81. l.

Babhru vdhanant ka thd .

A poem in 22 ch apters,contain ing the

Mahabharata story o f the combat betweenBabhruvah ana and h is father Arj una. ByHarirama.

mammal xi 1i (4 104 11

ems 31114 161 1 aa ivll 11l1 1i w alla 8ll c1 19. 1531Q 1 11

amt a i n 11

«l ie n11 31 13 elk/ 11 «all awn417 1 14 ma rt i al alall 1.

01d :gQ a? ou s -g 11

Ela 2131 wall P1153. 11

07 15} gull 3211 ii i 11

‘lél. 41211 3. 26; Q 11

i ii 013 i n fill 1

overalls; 11

l in em en 21m a élm i 1 11


“1 37 1 11

The poem was completed on Sunday , the2nd Cha i tra-sud i

,Samvat 1 74 1 (A .D .

The copy w as m ad e on Tuesday, the 7 thChaitra-bad i , S . 1 8 70, i .e. 12th April

,1 8 14 .

Beginsalumni gu algmvllam. 11

fl aws] 221 1.

”1 51 911191 11

Q‘t l‘ fl ”V ii. “19h 3: 11

w e aim§=1 1zll 3. Qu art ? 11

Q fi t ‘ i f flu d l 0 1 31°1cll 11

Si fl ffl allQ “Iii 3: 11

em 11 7 1 1a 1 nan d 11

i igll i n ”h e 1-21 11eagerwe 36 7 1 11211 1 vi ewi ng 11

i 111 ai 33101 1 701 1-11 1.


i n W 31 11

newt ii 1i 11

a’i l‘d la’t lfl 5g”tut i fi le‘l Si n

i 1i1 i algaan i 11

Harirama is probably the poet of thatname noticed by the ed itors of the Brihatkavyad ohana (vol . ii i . , p . a resid en t ofSu rat , and au thor o f Si tasvayamvara , Ruk

m in i svayamvara , and Krish navirah anan

pad a . He is said to have been l iving inS. 18 80, but th is is clearly a m istake , perhapsa typographica l error for S . 1 770, as thepoet’s Si tasvayamvara is dated S . 1 703 .

III. Foll . 796—1386.

s 0 1 a1 s z a

Subhadrdharana .

The Mahabharata accoun t,in verse , of the

elopemen t and marriage of Subhadra, sisterof Krishna , w i th Arj una . By Premanand a .

Beg in sallaiw acllsign v

. 1i 111

m ag Jan 3113111 01 :1 1i 11

ollt l v. 1i alga ( 121 911w?

é91 a 1@«fl 91 296 141 11

22a h ell gzn cll 11

5 535 QlSOLCfl 11

7 1 16 11 i n “. c1231 11

13 111 1 11 « 1 w? 1513,a £ 119. 11

{lei MQfii ai 1 i lall 11

a m i .7 1 1113 111 L1 1.11 11

15,-ma gi a ll 1.

i n c1 1g1s-11‘

a1 5’

1g11 11

Q2. $12 K’ l Qll itfl f fl 11

5395mg (35am.

m gm ufil 11a 19, 11

11 19 16 11 a i lq 11

QBi i i allfl fi'ii 11

(fl QLfl l 911571. "1 4161 11

5 1 .

Add .—Foll . 256 ; 931, in . by 55 ; 15

to 1 7 l ines , 4% in . long ; d ated Samvat 1 8 70(A.D . [W ILLI AM Es sxnxnj

The poem was completed on Thursd ay ,the l0th Phalguna-sudi , S. 1 758 .

ems i sm} . 11

{LOlQl 7 1 1-11 41111q 11

Q i él 1m m6 l1i 13. 11

gas; 216 i im i iam 11

The scribe’s colophon is d ated W ednesday ,the 6th V aisakha-sud i , S . 1 8 70, t.e. 1 1th May,

1 8 14 .

IV . F011. 139—192.

i ri n a gdfl i m a m

Abhimanyuni d kliydna .

A poem describing the val ou r of Abhimanyu , the son o f Arjuna, in the warsbetween the Pandavas and Kau ravas , takenfrom the D ron aparva o f the Mahabharata .

By Premananda .

Begins31113 111 313 1611 a1r1i 1 a? 11

9 114 15116 1611 gm fl 11

cu d -“

ra i l °lls 1i 1 géll 118 31 11

cam/ 1 11 av? °fl€ lv ll an «llavwi 11oi mata rd (i i gam m 11

l14. 1»"

1211r1 saq i 5 1g as 11

i ellvi oig i 1i 1i 1°1 11


1 111i ?1 i gll Q9. 1111 14 1 11

94g swim ? 11

i s q u ell 2193 1 11211 ii 11

3 13 n élm i 11

The manuscript is d efective ; breaking o ff

at the commencemen t of chapter 4 6 . The

poem is in 50 chapters, and h as beenpubl ished in the ‘ Brihat kavyad ohana ,

vol . i i . , p . 127 . It is there d ated Samvat1 727 .


I. Foll . 1—1 026.

51 6, Q4. 1 i l “31 l °1

Prahldd dkhyd na .

A poem on the legend of Prahlada , the sonof the da i tya. Hiranyakasipu , d escribed inno . 44 . By Kalidasa of W assawad .

Begins$11 3135114 111414 a nd a 4 11; all-11 11

952134214 1543Maillu i s 11

4 4 3 4 6 4 194 1 11

sew/ 9. 9341m s

lmei i s 11

4 9 124 84 91 53. 11

94 41 {it s 11

«111gu sh 9. 11

”1i 701 019. W IQQ L(a

v ian11

391191413. 9 1 14 11

”li 4 4 31139. 231114 11

9 13411 21134 (4 144 11

This poem is pub l ished in the ‘ Brihat

kavyad ohana,’

vol. i . , p . 503 . Noth ingappears to be known of Kal idasa beyondthe fact that he was a Nagar Brahman o f

W assawad . His Si tasvayamvara was com

posed in and this poem in S . 1 8 33 ,

the date being expressed (fol. 102a , l . 6 ) inthe lin e awn said 11 314 13111 6

[i .e. {1:1q 91 3, i . s . the Samvat yeard enoted by the number o f the Pu ranasand one ad ded to the number of Srifigdm s

11. F011. 103—200a .

9111 v1 1 (s, 9. u;

Olchd haragza .

The Paurani c story, in verse , of Usha, th edaughter of Bana , and o f her rescu e fromcaptivity and marriage w i th Anirud d ha ,

grandson of Krishna . By Premanand a.

Prd ch inakd t ‘

y a, vol. v.,no . 1 .


Supplied from the printed ed ition in Br ihat lrd vya

d ohana , vol. i . , p. 33.

Begins311911 9114114 QRQ (4 104 so 11

[aiq arfl 4 141 9 1 111, an9 1 1131 1111 1 914 11 so 11

fu ll 01 1151113911 8 116 111131 4 4 1 so 11

agave («14 s 5174 9 1 14 99 11

91411 93 14 1 11194 11 14 119 11

6 14 11 1114 («14 1 64 i 4 61 11411 114 91 4 1 21191 1312 19 1 11

1 1314 319 m 21131 11 14 11

(i i 17 14 1 4 19 1 11

The date of composi tion is not given .

The scribe’s colophon is dated Saturday , the8 th Phalguna

-sud i , S. 1 8 70, i .e.26 th February18 14 .

III. Foll . 200b—244a .

4 9. 1?11e i @ 4 1 4 1 [31 4 1 s

N a rasimha. Mehetd nd pu trano—viva'

ha .

An accoun t , in verse , of the'fest ivit ies at

the marriage of the son of the poet Narasimha Meheta. By Haridasa .

Begins6419 1 14 4 so 11

94 1114 9. 5531 9 11 1 1 9 1 1154 114 so 11

1114 1-1111394 41 93 11

41114 11411 331 o 11

4 101 1 41014 1314 1 114 13514 1 11

aW ‘h ”101 12 11

1114 1012 4 i 162114 11

Qfil'gsl Qél cd.t 11

The poem is in 22 cantos,and has been

published in the Prfichinakavyamfila,vol . ix .

The ed i tors h ave g iven a short b iographicalsketch o f the au thor . Haridasa was a

merchan t of Baroda , and was employed bythe poet Premananda as his agent in themanagement of h is hou sehold affai rs . In


S . 1 721 Haridasa began to study poetry 7 14 411 7 1 °11 4 91 Q1s4'1 21 151 11 67 3116fl ‘flq a11

under the tu torship of Premananda. He 11 31 11 ”16 11

composed several poems , and d ied du ring P1 91201 311 £1 ”i 3 1the lifetime of h is master. 1 5 a 53 QKL

In the printed edition of this work thed ate of composi tion is stated to be S . 1 725 ,

bu t the li nes con tain ing that date d o not

appear in the presen t Copy .

The scribe’s colophon is d ated Thu rsd ay ,the 13th Phalguna

-sud i , S . 18 70, t.e. 3rd

March , 18 14 .

IV . Foll . 2445—249 .

191 1 11 1 44 13 1 1 9 14

l rvi bhdshdno Suddmo.

A poem on the story o f Sudama and

Krishna. By Narayan a .

Begins611114 9 9 1194 1 11

64 ? 91 4 114 11

42? o1 114 4191141? 11

419114 1 4 1113 11? mi 11


‘li l‘ li “1. 3 19, 11

111331 (9 11i gi n 11

64 51 9 1614 1 911 91 121 11

gs9114 9. 11

The poem is w ritten in an Eastern d ial ectof Hind i in term ixed w ith Gujarati . The

au thor states at the conclu s ion of the w orkthat he is a resid en t of Junnar, and gives thed ate S . 1 803 .

v . F011. 250—256 .

11 2 01 1 419 1 1

Suddmdmi prabhd tiyd .

Songs on the story o f Sud -Ema,and the

favours granted h im by Krishna .

Begin s1173

11 41 4 121 531 11 4 9 14 41 11

3131 5111 All 11 21411 11

53 11

‘fl ‘ l 113.31 61l 11 6 11 11

5 2 .

Add .—Foll. 96 ; 95 in . by 55 ; 1 7

l ines , 4 5 in . long ; d ated Samvat 18 70 (A.D .


I. FOII. 1—69a .

F4 9 1 4 9 1 1 113 1 3 91

Vimalamdhd tmya

A poem in glorification of Paraéurama , thesixth incarn ation o f Vishnu . By Kalyana .

BeginsL191919 1 4 1i 4 116 91194 14 4 11


ga-111 0114 4 14 11

4 41-11 14 5 9 1 1g 304 i 11

«119 114 41914 414 11411 9l1i 11

1914 4 4 419 11 1 5 14 11 11

9116 1 (3114 4 9 1 11s, 1 41114 11 1

4 4 1g1 14 s 1101 13, 51n 1 11

411 1 51411 044 1 11

1114 1 5111 9 11 1111 15111 1 141 1.

991919 1 9116 «1 4 141 11

The au thor states at the con clusion of thepoem that he is by caste an Ud ichya (Brahman ) , the son o f Visvambh ara Sukla, a

resid ent o f Palgam in the Pargana Daman

in Ramak shetra , or the coun try along theMalabar coast , and that he completed t he

w ork on Thursd ay , the 7 th day o f the lighthalf o f Margaéirsha , Samvat 1 808 .

The copy was completed on Satu rd ay , the13th Phalguna

-bad i , S . 18 70, i .e. 1 9 thMarch ,18 14 .

Colophon : 114 18 11419 14 9 1 1113 14 91 411 11211

119 131 4 1 1 19 1 111 4 1 1111 £31 1 1 11 1 4

1419 11 4 1 {111411 4 4 1 3 4 19. 1 14 6 i

51151 {Q1 Civil. $513 1 11


11 . F011. 696—8 7 . pub l ished in the Prach inakavya ,’ vol . vn .



3. q

no . 4 . The poem is d ated S . 1 667 .

11 53; l’

fl l’

W -l l The scribe’s colophon is dated Tuesd ay ,Paraéarémdkhycina . the 1st Chai tra-sud i , S . 18 70, the 22nd March ,

Another accoun t , in verse , of Paraéurama, 1 8 14'

taken from the Vanaparva o f the Mahabharata . By Sivadasa . See no . 43 .

III F011° 8 8—9 6Beg ins91819 1 1

1141193 914 11141 11

$19 1 4114 ss 414 4'1 11

$4 4 41 94 1111 4 1114 91 4 1 11

911414 4 1 119 11 4 14 11

(33 1 14 14 4 4194 9 1 14 11

{1 9 14 613121“

gov 10.-11 sss 1 1 11 11

4 014 1 1 11 14 sss l"

4 19 01 14 11 6 111 11

m 14 4’

k 1 1 14 19 11 11

5911 5 13,9 11 1 19113 11 1 4 41 11

51317 1 “It‘ ll. 11

The poem is in 12 can tos , an d has been


5 3 .

Head ing i 1 4 1014 4 191 91 s1§ 99314

Ad d . 26,520.

—Fol l . 325 ; 81 111 . by an 12“it”

211 9 <1 ”1 13144 °llf l ”1411

lines , 3 1 m . long ; d ated the 5th May, 1 8 1 1 .4 3 at

[W ILL I AM Es sxmn ]

a 11 s 9 1 <1 11 C101

M gfarrilz al-Icu lfib.

A Gu jarati vers ion o f the Mufarrih al

ku lub , or Pers ian versi on of the Hitopadesa ,by Taj ibn Mu


'al-Dln Malki . See the

Persian Cat ., p . 7576.

4 1 0 1 1 4 11 11 1

P rabhd tiyd .

A collection of Hindu songs in honour o fKrishn a .

Begins4 1 191 14 1 11112 4 181414 1 3151 11

31113 4 1 1 14 fi g “1 11

4 4 1 all 1 19 1 1 4 1 811 11

5318 21113. Qufl 31124 11

1 152 041 94 33131 11

The manu script is in complete , breakingoff in th e m id d l e o f the 1 8 th pada .

Begin s : 931 34 1014 1 5 154 11 1141 1154 1

14 14 1 51119 1 11 1131 14 1 53 £31 11 Q 41 4 14 1

4 1 4 9 1191 011 1144 211 4 1311

9 1 1 4 139 11 142111 1 114 9 11 4 14 1 614 14 4 1 1311

(9114 4 1514 1 3 QCR 4 134 311 111: 521, P114 34 4 1514 1

1 11 11 9 11141 4 1 111 4 1 511 6 9 4 4

1 11 11 903 41 4 1 111 6 4 1 94 514 F4 1 1 4141



5 6 .

Add .

—Foll . 1 17 ; in . by 20 to24 lines , abou t 4 in . l ong ; w ritten in JainNagari o f the . l 7 th or 1 8 th centu ry .


A collection of works in San skrit , Prakrit ,and Gujarati , mostly wri tten by the samehand , in a manu script the leaves o f whichare n umbered as to 1 51. The follow ing are

in GujaratiI. F011. 6—6 1 (181

714 4 14 611 1?

Nava tattva - 071019415.

A metrical paraphrase o f the Navatattva ,

or Nine Principles of Jain ph ilosophy . See

no . 1 9 .

Begin s : wigsw’mw: u

m fg w i th 1 fi fW TESiC] 135 m m aft 1

mfi m m n m i m afi é ag afif q fam t na n

mmz j fi fi aa m afi m fm fi wfi i 7114 1

W ard fan afa fifi ‘ift m 1 “ W W m m

4 11 4 1514 14 1 32 1 3 Fa rm 11 1 q 1 1 1 1 943 1

u m a 1

1 4 1: £14 1 1 4 1 71 13 4 111! 1 1 31 1 31 {ii {fi wi fmuw

m u m m h i wmi gm fii m h l

W m u w m i n nfm igs i m fiu uau

The author’s name is no t men tion ed . Heded icates the w ork in the open ing verse , andalso at the conclu sion of each chapter, to h isGuru Bhavasagara Suri of th e Anchalagach chh a (Samvat 1 510

See Peterson’

s Fourth Report, p. lxxxvi.

Th e work is w ritten in chopa i verse, ina style of language closely resembl ing theMarwari d ialect of Hin d i .The Nin e Principles are explain ed in

separate chapters , as follows1 . Jivatattva foll . 6 6— 3361 , vrs . 4 8 4 .

2. Ajivatattva 336—3766 , 6 7 .

3 . Pu nyatat tva 37 66—38 6 25 .

4 . Pfipatat tva 38 6—4066 27 .

5 . Asravatat tva 4061—426 4 6 .

6 . Samvaratattva 426—4 66, 6 5 .

7 . N irjaratattva 4 66— 4 8 66 29 .

8 . Bandhatattva 4 8 6—54q 101 .

9 . Mok shatat tva 5466—576, 53 .

The d ate of composi tion , Samvat 1 575(A .D . 1632) is g iven at the conclusion of an

epilogue o f 59 verses .

End s : i n W tin-

gar? 1 1 h 3 1111561 32M FR:

zt fu wh im arm‘s a aqé 4 1111mtai unfai wi nnt u


8134 get 1111 311 1 memmt {fl W mm?

m m m mu m gfm fi wm mm amfai wmi gmi W W ?! W W W

fig ? fame 33 1 Farm 11 111 11 {fir M ags?mm: 11 um 1514 1118171 431 0 “ 4 1m 8 144

m fi ww mgfim :

II. F011. 62—93 (we

4 14 11 4


mudrika .

A San skrit metrical t reatise on d ivination ,

w i th an anonymou s Gujarati vers ion .

Begins wfi'firtmm

q im wm‘

t 1 114 1117311314 1

W 4 1 gwfigt véfl :


sa fe-4 1 8 4 111 4 111 3 1?

4 13114 74 1 11 75: afi zfafinfiwfi 11 1 11

M m h é wh i m u

W W 1 afiafigw 1


m m w aw afi m fm m

W W é i fl ti‘E flgflfi i

M M I fafiwfi mmfi u s n

434 7 11 1 14 afi a’twi a

rii 4 1111 313 W a‘


vfl w ms‘

tii ufi u

The w ork contains ru les for determ in inga man

s d uration of l ife , h is characteristictemperament or h is futu re cond ition , rich orpoor

, lucky or un lucky , by m eans of palm istry,bu t more particu larly by a study o f thep ecu l iarities of form , siz e or colou r of thevariou s parts of the human body . It is

d ivid ed into two parts , the first , in 1 55

verses (end ing at fol. 78 a) , relates to men ;

the second , in 123 verses , to w om en , c on

clud ing w i th a description of the fou r classeso f females , known as Padm ini

,Chitrini ,

Sankh ini , and Bastini .Each verse o f th e Sanskrit text is followed

by its Gu jarati tran slation bearing the samenumber . At the end of the w ork is an

i l lu stration of the palm of the left hand w i themblematical figures .

III. Foll . 94—10661 . (Rat

fntmt a'fi is imfgm

Girndr-tirthoddhdm -mahimd .

A metri cal account of th e restorationth e tem ple an d w orship o f Nem inatha

Girnar . By N ayasund ara .

Begins : m m m w i fe: 11

W fafi t wfaw nfif ammw m fwm u

W W a'um fim ggm l

Mis take for 8 .


Hg swim: my th l nfzm firft fiiftmft l

ufz 'fi m faf‘

wft l am Hfdf‘

am t us

rm wmfi u m am nan


ffifim mgm t fig‘

lW l m ar?

33m W W II]? l ummfmnmri‘

rfi u a n

flash m isfi ts;

I m fzfa 3 3 1m ?

«first m um i sm : I m m m ? nan

fa i n-

{n m a: first l finmim mh h

via”33 firfiu gfi Efm

’t I m mmmh

’t ueu

The poem is in 18 5 verses,w ritten in a

form o f Marwar i . It recoun ts h ow RatanSeth , the eld est of the three son s of Chand raSeth the proprietor o f the v illage of Navahalapattan , a pious Jain Sravaka and d eacon(sanghapa ti ) , d evoted h is w ealth on therestoration of the temple at Girnar sacred toN eminatha

,in which holy deed he w as

ass isted by his w ife Silavati and h is son

Komala . This occupied eighteen years ,"E andwas completed in Samvat 1449 (A .D . 1392) . i


Dr . James Fergusson , in h is description o f

the ru in ed temples on the sacred hill of

Girnar ,$states that the templ e to Neminathais the largest an d old est . “ An inscriptionupon i t record s that it was repaired inA.D . 127 8 , and unfortunately a subsequ en trestorer h as laid h is h eavy hand upon i t , sothat i t is difficult now to realise what itsoriginal appearan ce may have been .

IV . F011. 1066—109a . (Ray—R80.

fi a t m a

Sankheévam -s tavana .

A poem in praise o f Sankeswar, a townin the Belgaum Distri ct o f the BombayPresid ency .

* V . 16 7 .

m m fi m a fi a m‘t ufi m u

J e 72 .

fm m wi afi um fiaflmfivfi i

w affl l m fi wfit fi'fi uoa n

I History of Ind ian and Eastern Archi tecture, L ond on ,

18 76 , p. 230.


Begins3m : u m in

i} W W mfi tfiz I

M ch i W e ina in

mm } ! w ri st? m l

am mfifa m 3 3W ? ua n

The poem is in 46 verses , and was w rittend uring the t ime o f king Aévasena in Samvat1 672* (A .D . This copy was mad efor Shah Hirach andra on W ednesday, the9 th Vaiéakh a-bad i

,Samvat 1 737 (A.D .

1 680)

V . 45 . the; mfi f‘

t z


5 7 .

Ad d .—Foll . 36 . Strips of paper

about 18 in . by w ritten betw een Samvat1 848 and 18 63 (A.D .


Coloph on : {fa d i nt m $1115: in liars «was

fi'fiq'm afa Q

'gfi fivgm

'aw 33m m "

V . F011. 109b—1 1 7 . (RN—Ki ? )A col lection of Jain hymns in praise ofthe Tirthankaras , con clud ing wi th two shortpoems on poin ts o f recital , partly in Prakri t ,partly in Gu jarati .These also w ere copied for Shah Hirachand ra , as in IV . above , the manu scriptbeing d ated Tuesday , the 8 th Pau sh a—bad i ,Samvat 1 733 (A .D .

Colophon : {firm fi fafv:wharf: u m «wasa?

i n: m?! f u nd W favfi'fl aw ? testis?" u

w e: m°m m u? u

A collection o f papers contain ing accountswritten by Narayanadasa Balakrishn a Dasaand other gumash tas of Bagalkot and otherv illages in the Patan subd ivis ion o f theBombay Presid en cy , respecting mon ey d uefrom tenants as ren t , or on transactions ingrain , cloth , and other articles .


Padmavati ni varta, 4 9 v .

Padmini n i varta, 4 7 n .

Pafi cha d andani varta, 4 7 Iv .

Para s‘

u ramak hyana , 52 1 1, 43 .

Pattavali , 3 6 .

Prabhat iya, 52 I I I .Prahladak hyana, by Bhanadasa , 4 4 .

by Kal idasa , 51 I .Purvi bhashano Sudam o , 5 1 IV .


- sfi tra, 4 .

Ramayana,by V i shn udasa, 49 m .

RanayaJna, 50 I .Rasik apriya, 4 2 .

Rayapasen i- sutra , 4 .

Rukmangad anun ak hyana, 49 I I I .Rukmin i svayamvara, 50 11 .

Samud rik a, 5 6 u .

Samyak tvak aumu d i , 22 .

Sangh ayan i , 11 , 12 .

Safigrahan i-sutra, 1 1 , 12 .


'vara-stavana , 5 6 IV .

San th éravidhi , 23 .

S'atrufijaya-ud dhara, 28 .

V and anak a

Shadavas'yak a

-sutra,6 .

Sidd han talapak a, 3 1 .

Si tasvayam vara , by Harirama, 50

by Kal idasa , 5 1 I .Snehalila, 4 9 V I I I .S

’rad dhapratik raman a-sfi tra

sutra) , 24 .

S'ripalach aritra, 13 .

Subh adrah arana, 50 I I I .Sudamachari tra , 4 9 VI .

Su damana prabhatiya, 5 1 V .

S’uk aboh o teri , 4 5 .

S'uk a saptat i , 4 6 .

S'uk asarikan i varta

,4 7 v .

Th agni varta, 4 7 I I I .Udyam ak arma-sam vad a , 4 8 .


amala-prak arana, 1 8 .

Uvava I- sfi tra, 3 .

V aidyaJIvan a, 3 8 .

V aidyavallabh a (fragment ) , 3 9 .

V an d anak a- sfi tra, 24 .

V imalamahatmya, 52 I .Yogasastra, 10 .

( 39 )


N UMERALS in parenth eses ind ic ate th e d ate o f c omposi tion of the work,or o f the d eath o f th e

a uthor . Th e referenc es are to th e numbers under wh ich th e MSS. are d esc ribed .


Village rent and o th er ac c oun ts, 57 .


L i fe of Mahav i ra, 35 .

Pattavali of th e V esh adh ara branch o f L um

pak as, 36 .


Sfimu d rik a, 56 II.


Gujarati grammar, by D r. J. L eyd en,40.


Acharanga-sfi tra. Prak rit text, and commen

tary by Pars’vac hand ra Suri , l .Agamasarod dhara (S . by Devachand ra

Gani , pupil o f D ipachan d ra , 29 .

Aupapatik a-s ii tra, Prak rit text

,and c ommen

tary, 3 .

Bhak tamarasto tra , Sansk ri t text, an d c ommen

tary byRish i Dayaram‘


Bhalai ni empat hy Bh imaJI Bharati , 26 n .

Chatuh s’

arana-sfi tra, Prak rit text, and glo ss, 5 .

Chau sarana-

prak arana . S ee Ch a tuh s’

arana - sutra .

D asavaikalik a-sutra, Prakrit text, and glo ss, 7 .

D ipalikak alpa, San sk rit text, w i th n o tes, 16 , 1 7 .

D ivalik alpa . See D ipalikak alpa .

D ivalik alpa-balabodha (S . 30.

D ravyagu n aparyaya-no ras, 27

D vad as'a-bhavana, by Sakalach andra Gan i , 26 I .

Jain c o sm ograph y (fragmen t) , 33 .

Ja in hymns , 56 V .

Jain legend s (fragm en t) , 32.

Jain relig iou s poem s, 34 .

Jambu ch aritra,Prak rit text

,an d c ommen tary

,25 .

Jivavichara-sfi tra, Prak ri t text, and c ommentary,

21 .

Jna tadh armak atha,Prak ri t tex t, and c omm em


Kalpasfi tra, Prak ri t tex t,and c ommentary by

Suk ha sagara Gan i , 8 .

L agh u-k sh etra samasa-prak arana, Prak rit tex t ,and notes, 13 . W i th c ommen tary by

Parévach and ra Suri,

14 A, 15 . W i th

c omm entary by Dayasimh a Gani , 14 B.


Nava tattva , Prak rit text, an d c ommentary(S. 17 73) by Jfianavimala Suri , 19 . W i thc omm entary by Mun i Ra tnasimh a, 20.

W i th commentary by Pars'vachandra SiIri ,

21 .

Navatattva- chopai , 56 I .Rajapras

'n iya

- sutra, Prak rit text, and oommentary

,4 .

Rfiyapasen i-sutra . S ee Rajapras

'n iya

- sutra .

Samyak tvak aum ud i , San sk rit text, and transla


Sanghayani . See Sangrahani-sfi tra .

Sangrah an i- sutra , Prakri t text, and c ommen tary,

1 1,12.

San tharavidh i , Prak rit text, and tran slation 23 .

S'a trufijaya -ud dhara (S. by PremavIJaya ,

28 .


- sutra, Prak ri t text, and c ommen

tary by Nemiham sa (f) Gan i , 6 .

Siddhantalapaka , 31 .

S'rad dh aprat ik ramana-su tra . See V andanaka

sfi tra .



prak arana, Prak ri t text, and com

m en tary (S . 1543) by Nanna Suri, 1 8 .

UVavai -sutra . See Aupapatika-sutra .

V andanak a- sutra,Prak ri t text, and commentary,

24 .

Yogas'astra, Prak rit text, and gloss, 10.


Vocabulary of Gujarati,Marath i and Hind i

w ord s, 4 1


Arithmetical tab les and calc u lations, 37 .


V aidyajivana , Sansk rit text, and gloss, 38 .

V aidyavallabh a (fragment) , Sanskrit text, and

glos s, 39 .



(S. 49 I .Chat uri Radhaji n i , by Ranch od Bh ak at, 49 V II.

Bhata ,Gad hesang rajan i varta,by S


Abh imanyun i akh yana (S. by Premanan d a , 50 IV .

Babh ruvah anan i k atha, by Harirama, 50 I I .Bhramara-

pach i s’

i,by Premananda , 49 I I .

Chan d rahasan i k atha (S. by V i sh n udésa ,

49 I I I .Char k h andan i varta (S . by S

'ivadasa ,

43 .

Ghaturi manasamani , by Narasimha Meheta

4 7 I .Girnar-t i rthod dhara-mah ima, by Nayasun dara,

56 I I I .Nala Damayant i n i k atha, by Premanand a, 49 III.

Nand a batri s'in i

,Varta, by S

'am ala Bhata,

49 Iv.

N ara simha Meh etana pu tran o v ivah a (S.

by Hari dasa , 5 1 I I I .Okhah arana, by Premanand a, 5 1 I I .Padmava t i ni varta (S. by S

'amala Bhata,

49 v .Padmin i ni varta, by S'am ala Bhata, 4 7 I I .Pafi ch a dandan i varta, by S’

amala Bhata, 4 7 IV .


uramak hyana (S. by S’ivadasa ,

52 I I .Prabhatiya, 52 I I I .Prahladak hyana (S. by Bhanadasa, 44 .

Prahladakhyana (S . by Kalidasa of W as

sawad, 5 1 I .

Pfirvi bhashano Sudamo (S. by Narayana 5 1 IV .

Rauayayna (S . by Premananda, 50 I .S'ank h esvara -s tavana (S. 56 IV .

Snehalila, 49 V I I I .Subhad rah ara ija (S. by Premfinand a


50 I I I .

( 42 )



NUMERALS c oming after a name are prec ise, or approxim ate, ob ituary d ates , bu t, in th e case o f

scribes th ey refer to th e d ate o f transcription ; when fo llow ing th e ti tle o f a w ork , th eyind ic ate th e d ate of c ompo sition . The referen ces are t o th e n umbers un der wh ich the MSS .

are described .

Abh ayad eva S l-

I l‘l, 2, 3 .

Amri tach andra Sfiri,of the L umpaka -

gachchha , 3 .

Ashadhacharya , 32.

Atmarama V ijayaj i , 36 .

Balamuk und a,Pand it, sc ribe (S . 44 .

Bh ada,son of Vitold Singh , 36 .

Bh adrabahu . Kalpa sfi tra , 8 .

Bhagchand , Bislw'

, 36 .

Bhana , f onn (ler of the Veshadhara. sect (S.

36 .

Bhauadasa . Prahladakhyana (S. 44 .

Bhavasagara Suri , 56 I .Bh ima

, Bis/ti , of P d l'z


gcim ,36 .

Bh i maji Bharati , son q f Gunanid h i Bhéra ti .

Bhalai n i ch opi i , 26 I I .Bh i ma Sen a, 9 .

Bh fi dhara V yasa , 49 I I I .Chan dra Sfiri . San

'grah ani

-sutra, 1 1 , 12.

Darab b . Manek , scribe, 53, 54 .

Dayarama, Rislu’

, pupil of Sujdnaj e. Commen

tary on th e Bhak ti marasto tra, 9 .

Dayasimha Gan i , pupil of Jaya tila ka Gani .

Commentary on th e L aghu-k shetrasamasa

prak arana, 14 B.

D evach and ra Gani, pupi lof D ipachand ra , Agama

sarod d hara (S . 29 .

Devasaubhégya Mu n i,8 .

D ev i dasa, Bishi , 13 .

Dh armadasa Gan i . Upades’


prakarana , 18 .

D ipachand ra , 2-9 .

D ipasagara Gani , 8 .

Gokuladasa Svam i , 13 .

Govinda Bharati , 26 I I .Gunameru , 46 .

Gunanid h i Bharati , 26 I I .Gunavard hana Gani , pupil of Nanna S i m'i, scribe

(S . 1 8 .

Hari dasa, of Barod a . Nara simha Meh etdna

pu trano vivaha (S . 5 1 I I I .Harirama . Babh ruv i h an an i k a tha, 50 I I .Harivamsa, Rishi , scribe (S. 13 .

Hemachandra. Yogas’

éstra, 10.


Hirachandra, Sheik, 56 IV . V .

Jagmal, Biehi, of Sarvar, 36 .

Jayachand ra S i ri, pupil of Somasund ara , 6 .

Jayatilak a Gan i, 14 B.

Jinabhadra Gani Kshamfisramana, 1 1 , 14 B.

Jinach and ra Suri , 29 .

Jinaham sa sum, 1 .

Jinasundara S i r i , pupil of Somasund ara , D ipé

lik ék alpa, 16 , 1 7 , 30.

Jiva son of Tejpd l (S . 36 .

Jnanavimala Sfi ri . Commentary on the Nava

tattva (S. 19 .


of W assawad . Prahladakh yana (S .

51 I .Kalyéna . V imalamahatmya (S . 52 I .Kalyauaségara sum, 30.

Kes'ava, son of Shah Vija, 36 .


ava Dasa , of Orchha, . Rasik apriya, 4 2.


avaji , Rish i , 5 .

Khemaji , Bis hi , 5 .

Ku s’

aladh ira Upadhyaya . Translation of Basik apriyé, 42.

Ku yar, Bi shi , 36 .

L i laV Ij aya Gan i, 16 . Commentary on the

L eyden (J. ) Dr. Gujarati grammar, 40.

L olimbaraja . V aidyaji vana , 38 .

Mahavi ra . L ife, 35 .

Malayagiri, 4 , 1 1 .

Manatungacharya . Bhak tamarasto tra, 9 .

Man ik asagara, pupil of Vi seshasfigam , scribe(S . 15 .

Maniratna Sfiri,19 .

Megh a i , Bishi , 4 .

Megharaja , 4 .

N anna Sur i, of theKorantat—gachchha . Commentary



on the Upades‘


prak arana (S . 18 . L aghu k shetrasamasa

Narasimh a Meheta (S . Ghaturi manasami n i

,49 I .

Narayana . P ii rvi bhashano Sudamo (S .

5 1 IV .

Narayanadasa Balakrishna Dasa, 57 .Nayasund ara . Girnarti rthoddhara-mah ima

, 56 I I I .Nemiham sa ( i’) Gani . Commentary on the


yak a-sfi tra

, 6 .

Neryosangh Dhaval, 53 .

Nuna, Bi shi , 36 .

Padmasund ara . Jambu chari tra , 25 .

Pars'vachand ra S i ri , pupil of Sri dhura tnu . Com

men tary on th e Ach ii ranga-sfi tra, l . Com

m en tary on th e L agh u-k sh etrasamasa

prak arana, 14 A,15 . Commen tary on the

Navatat tva , 21 .

Premananda Bhata . Abh im anyun i akhyana(S. 5G IV . Bhramara -

pach isi , 4 9 I I .Na la Damayan t i n i k atha, 4 9 IX. Okha

h arana,5 1 I I . Ranayajfia (S. 50 1 .

Subh ad raharan a (S. 50 I I I . Suda

mach aritra (S . 49 V I .

Premav1j aya . S'atrufijaya - ud d hara (S.

28 .

Punyasagari Sh ri , 30.

Rah iya, Rishi , pup il of Meghaj i , scribe (S .

4 .

Rajach andra .

sfi tra , 3 .

Raj ad hara , Bishi, scribe (S . 2.

Rajfirama Manakj l , 44 .

Rajasagara , 29 .

Ramavrj aya .

Ma rwari poem ,4 6 .

Ran chh od Bh ak at . Chatur i Radhaj i n i , 49 V II.

Ratan Seth , of Navahullapattan, 56 I I I .Ra tnah am sa Gani , pupil of Vinayahani sa. Gani , 5 .

Ratnasaubhagya Gan i, pupil of D evasau bhagyu

Mun i , sc ribe (S. 8 ; and (S .

21 .

Ra tnasek hara Sfiri .

prak arana, 13, 14 .

Ratnasimh a, Mu ni, pupil of Ra tna g i r i . Com

men tary on th e N av a tat tva, 20.

Ra tnasimha , son of Shah Sei ru, 36 .


Ra tna simli a SI'

Iri , 14 B.

Ratnasfiri , Muni,of the zfgama


gachchha , 20.

Raychand , pupil o f Dayarama , 9 .

It id dh iv ijaya Gan i , 16 .

Rfipa , Bish i (S . 36 .

Rfipcli an d , Sheih , 18 .

Si dh ura tna , of the n pu riya Tami—gach chha , 1 ,

14 .

Sak alachandra Gan i . D vad as'a

-bhavana, 26 I .S'amala Bhata . Gad h esang rajan i varta, 4 7 I .Nanda batri sin i varta

,4 9 Iv. Padm zi va

ti n i varta (S . 4 9 V . Padm in ini

varta, 4 7 I I . Pafi cha dandan i varta, 4 7 IV .

S'uk aboh o teri (S. 4 5 . S’

uk asarikan i varta, 47 V. Th agn i varta, 4 7 I I I .U dyamak arma-sam vad a

,48 .

Sarva, Bishi , of p h i li , 36 .

Sarvad eva, 1 8 .

Sid d h fin tasagara Sfiri (S . 10.

S’ilangacb i rya , 1 .

Singharaj , son of Rishivfisa (S. 36 .



of If hambhat. Char k han dan i varta(S . 43 . Parasu l'amakliy

'ana (S . 16 .

52 I I . Yaéov ijaya Gan i . Dravyagu naparyayano ras, 27 .

S'ivaj i , Rish i (S . 36 .

S'ivan idhana, 1 1 .

Somasund ara S i ri (S . 6 , 16 , 30.


,s on of Séghd var, 36 .

Sugalch and , 15 .

Sujén aji , 9 .

Sukh amalla, Bishi (S . 36 .

Suk h aségara Gani, pupil of D ipasfiga/ra, Gan i .

Commentary on th e Kalpas ii tra, 8 .

Revised c ommen tary on the Navatat tva,

19 .

Sum at i sagara , 29 .

Sfi ryaw j aya, Pund it, scr ibe, 26 i .

U d ayavallabha S iIri, 14 B.

U d ayavimala 8 13m 5 .

V ajrasena , 13 .

V imalasagara Gan i , scribe, 29 .

V inayaham sa Gan i, 5 .

V i sesh asagara, 15 .

V i shnu dasa . Chan d rahasan i k a thé (S .

4 9 I I IV ivek aV Ij aya , pupi l of Bidd h imyaya Ga n i , scribe,






M A U S C R I P T S .

I . H I S T ORY .

1 .

Ad d . B.—147 leaves of bark ; 4 in . by

1 6331

; 5 l ines , 12% in . long ; written apparentlyin the 18 th cen tury .

An h istorical account of Rud ra Simha ,Raja of Tipperah , w ritten in Assamese .Begins$171 13125 Vfl atsfl W e) m anw it? a? W W

frifi e m5 39 13713 m iss misfits “TW IN s istera nt i

Eta Gri z: ( Riv a align“ fasci sm mm s s

£ 1971 075133 3 12971 safifl s z W 5 6 3 efima am ass

Emula te s tatus a? w as h i s w, W

t um V isa «a s h i m ! W13 9: <6:i we saw

m afia-

IS malais e s is fi xes 31332119712!

h i s W I? 1

Accord ing to Assamese h istorians’“RudraSee fIsdm-burafiy i in Bengali by Baliram Dh ek iyal

(Calcutta, also in Assamese by Gunabhiram Baruya(Calc utta , and Aadmar buraiij i by PadmanathaBaruya (Tezpur,

Simha , or k ing Ch ukhrangpha (33 2251) of theAhom dynasty o f rulers of Assam , succeed edh is father Gadadhara Simha , or Chupfitphfi

(mis s-

i) , in Saka 1 6 1 7 and d iedat Gauhati in Saka 1 636 (A.D . Hefound ed the city of Rangpur an d mad e it h iscapital in Saka 1 620. He was an equ itab l eruler

,and a patron o f arts and scien ces.

After a sh ort exped ition against t he turbu lentru ler of the neighbouring state of Jaintia , inwhich he was aid ed by the rul er of Cach ar,the cou ntry en j oyed the bl essings of peaceand prosperity throughou t h is reign, and

every effort was mad e to establ ish and

maintain friend ly relations w ith the ru l ers o fBengal and other parts o f Ind ia.

Th is history contains an accoun t of th isinterchange of pacific relations w i th othernations by the agency of Ranga Kand al i andother ambassad ors , after th e subj ugation o f

Jaintia , in Saka 1 632. An ind ex o f thecontents of the work is append ed . L eaf 108is missing .



2 .

Or. 336 1 .

—Foll . 1 75 ; 4 in . by 14 ; 8 or 9l ines , 12 in . long ; d ated R S . 1 132 (A.D .



Chaitanyachar itfimg'ita .

A life o f Chaitanya , in verse . By Krish

nadasa Kavirfija Gosvfimi .

Th is popu lar b iography o f the famousVaishnava reform er h as been frequ en tlypublished . Th is copy contains on ly the first21 ou t of 25 chapters (par ichchhedu) of theMadhyama

-khanda, or second book . It

beg ins w i th five San skrit Slokasm S lammer fasmm) fl C'JZlIWCE)( 4mm qfl azsfi fstai 71cm s wam) ua

The Bengal i text beg ins (1. 5 )car

as mum as setting I

w m fam sw su its—e ta

m afi fl fl lffi as 6 52:s u

an? safari wn’

véfiaw am ? I

wlfwfaalfi s i fss im W I {W W II

wa s“

6 151 726 11135h e I

ca fi g fare-m G li l an Em ? asfqa

Pand i t Ramagat i Nyfiyaratna states,in h is

short account of the l i fe o f the author,

* thatKrishnadasa Kaviraja , a Va idya by caste ,was born at Jhamatpur , a vi llage in thed istrict o f Bard wan . The au thor says o f

himself , in chap . 5 of the Ad ikhanda o f th isw ork , that N ityananda appeared to h im in a

d ream ,and ordered h im to go to Brind aban .

4'Bangd ld bhc‘

rshd,Hughli, 1 8 72, pt. i. , p. 6 7 .

He accord ingly dwelt there in compan ionshipw i th Rfipa , Sanatana , Ragh unfi tha D5 53 , and

other famou s Vaishnava tea chers . It is veryprobabl e that he wrote th is b iography o f

Chai tanya at that pl ace .The au thor has taken th e Chaitanyabhfi

gavata o f Vrindavana Dasa ( see no . 1 1 ) as

h is model , supplying ,as he tel ls u s , a ful ler

and more detailed accoun t o f the life o f

Chai tanya . It is simi larly d ivided in to threeparts (hhandu ) , viz .

1 . Ad ik hand a , in 1 7 chapters . The b irth ,boyhood , ed ucation ,

and marriage of Cha itanya, and an accoun t o f h is j ourney toGaya .

2. Mad hyamakhand a , in 25 chapters .


s return to N avadvipa (Nad iya) ,his native place , h is z eal ous preaching o f theworship o f Krishn a , and an accoun t o f h isband of d evoted followers

,N ityanand a ,

Ad vaita, Srin ivasa, Haridasa , and others .

3 . An takh and a, in 20 chapters . Chaitanya’

s becom ing a Sannyasi at the age of 25,

h is d eparture from h is native place , and h iswand erings to L ilach ala (Jagannath ) and

oth er sacred places as an apostle of the

Krishn a-cult.Krishn adasa was an excellen t Sanskri t

scholar . Each chapter o f this work is

prefaced by a few Sanskrit verses of h is o wn

composi ti on . He h as also quoted largelyfrom th e Pu ri n as , and also from the V idagd hamfid hava o f Rfi pa Go svami , the Hari~bh ak tivilasa o f Gopala Bhatta , the Bilva

mangala , the Ch aitanyachand rodaya o f Kavikarnapura , and other Sanskrit works . The

last-named San skri t d rama was composed inSaka 1495 (A.D . so that the presen t



4 .

Or . 5060.—Fol l . 24 ; 13 in . by 4 and 5

l ines , 105 in. long ; d ated Saka 1 732 (A.D .

18 10)

A series o f med ical prescriptions and

mantras .

The manuscript begins w ith three Sanskritslokas , more or less corrupt . It is writtenin Assamese interspersed w i th Sanskrit, andis dated Saka 1 732 on fol. 236.

Begins : aaw d iadw z fiwwrm f rm fi

[ajm a l gas 6. t 9 13m m f e fm rdm


5 .

Ad d . 5661A.—Foll . 50 ; 9% in . by 6 ; 1 3

to 1 5 l ines , w ritten in two col umn s , in th e

18 th centu ry . [N . B . Hu man ]A Bengal i -Persian vocabu lary , arranged

accord ing to the letters o f the Sanskritalphabet .

6 .

Ad d .—Foll . 8 1—8 9 ; 9 7} in . by

w ri tten on red -coloured native paper, in the19 th century. [W ILL IAM ERSK INE.]

A vocabu lary o f Bengal i words, w ith Kukiequ ivalents .

7 .

Add .—Foll . 1 60 ; 10 in . by 7g; a

collection o f vocabularies and gramma rs ,w ritten on Engl ish paper , w ater-marked J .


I. Foll . 128—146 . A vocabulary o f

Bengal i word s w i th their equ ival en ts in th eTipperah d ialect .II. Foll . 147—1 60. A comparative voca

bulary of San skrit , Bengali , and Oriya words .

The w ord s in these two v ocabu laries are

no t written alphabetically. They are arrangedaccording to d ifferent subj ects .

8 .

Add . Foll . 60—67 ; 13 in . by 72;written on European paper , water-marked“ S . W ise Patch , 1 8 05 dated B S . 1214


A vocabulary of Bengal i w ord s w ith Khasiequ ivalents . The name o f th is hil l d ial ect isnowhere men tioned . A note is append ed inBengal i stating that the inhabi tan ts o f themountains have no id ea of any d ivis ions o f

time . The d ay is reckon ed tabegin at cock


crow ing, and the n ight at sunset . The noteis dated Sylhet, the 15th Agrahayana , B S .


W W W fi e ? m su e sum m s am e 1

9 .

Ad d .

—Foll . 105 ; 8 in . by 4 1 6

l ines to the page , mod ern writing o f the18 th century .Notes on the m ean ing of word s and

passages of some unmen tioned Bengal i work .

The notes are numbered , and in 28 chapters.

V . P O E T R Y .

10 .

Or . 3362.

—Foll . 1 72 (w as) ; 1 4 in . by 4 ;

7 to 9 l ines ; 12 in .

‘ l ong ; w ritten abou t thebeginn ing of the 1 8 th cen tury .



Kr ishnamjaya .

A l i fe o f Krishna , be ing a metrical versionof the l0th and 1 lth chapters o f the Bhagavatapurana. By Gun arfija Khan .

Beginsand em : aim


amW W W l

w mag ma: auti s mw W n

m mm m W fl ffifi fan I

Y IE fists c lawW W was nas G iza am t i ts: eff: am, as: I

They are written on one side only o f eachfol io , and appear to be annotations on an

ancient work , probably in verse , on the l i feo f Chai tanya .

The first page is wanting. The notes on

the seco nd page relating to the second chapterbegin as fol lows

5 . arm afi eld wai ts a? an I

a. w sufaemuW cm was: am a m

31W s tars aura 711 1

o . a? W GIW awnafar! Cfi ifi i‘lf Tim 6425

W a sM ari ta arms ? I

s warm

The Krishn avq aya was publ ished at

Calcu tta in 18 8 7 , from a m anuscript byDevananda Vasu ,

w ri tten in Saka 1405 (A.D .

th ree years a fter i ts composition .

The ed i tor , Rad hikaprasad a Datta , has givena short accoun t of the au thor in h is in trodu ction to that work . He states that the poet’sreal name was Maladhara Vasu , but he isgenerally known by the title Gunaraja Lhan ,

which w as conferred on h im by the Muham

mad an ruler und er whom he l ived . His

genealogy is given , by which it appears thathe was the th irteen th l ineal d escen dan t o fDasarath a Vasu ,

one o f the five Kayasthaswh o accompan i ed the five Brahmans broughtfrom Kanauj by Raj-Ii Ad isura .

Pand it Haraprasad a Sastri says that Gunaraja Khan belonged “ to the Basu fam i ly o f

Kulinagram . The family was an extremelyinfl uen tial one ; the place was a fortified


town and , I bel ieve , lay on th e an cient roadto Jagann ath , as w i thou t d uri or cord fromthe Basus of Kulinagram no one was allowedto proceed to that holyGunaraja _

K_h_an h ad 14 sons , o f wh om th e

second , L ak shmi nath a Vasu , known as Satyaraja E ri n , was the father o f Ramanand aVasu , one o f the compan ions o f Chai tanya .

Th e w ork was commenced in Saka 1395

(A.D . and completed in Saka 1402(A.D . as stated in the follow ing verset ak en from the printed ed ition , but whichd oes not appear in this copy .

cw ==rsins ? “W e at? w as I

was? a?t rans h e mas ts n

The presen t copy , of wh ich fol l . no and w e

are m issing , is no t d ivid ed in to chapters , norare the verses numbered . It appears to havebeen wri tten by Nand arama Dasa , the copyisto f nos. 2

,1 1 , and 12. An incomplete copy

o f this w ork , in slokas , said to bemuch more extens ive than the printed ed i tion ,

is n oted in the Sah itya-

parish at

vol . iv. , no . 4 , p . 308 (no . Two othercopies , one d ated B S . 1013 (A.D . in

abou t slokas , the otherin abou t slokas , are noted in

vol . vi . , no . 1 , pp . 7 4 , 75 (nos . 334 ,

The same j ourna l noti ces copies o f two otherpoem s by Gun araja Khan

, viz . :—Syamantakaharanakatha (vol. v . ,

no . 4 , p . and

Man iharana (vol . vi . , no . 3 , p .

EndsW W 6m mw e a? 4

1323 at ?

i n 25K» W ma m mmm? uas a W lt i a ? s i g na s m lElia-fl aw w a s an: 6 m 11

i ts m ammile : 259“W ilma?

1 1 .

Or. 3363A.—Foll . 1—21 ; 1 4

—5; in . by 4 ; 9

to 13 l eaves , 1 2 in . long ; d ated R S . 1 128

(A.D . [C .

Verna cula r L i tera ture of Bengal, p. 6 .



A Vaishnava poem on bhakti as a m eanso f salvati on . By V rindavana Dasa.

Begins W’



lfifx—zx afa'gmGKfi i‘i ’r‘fl i WRET


x53 mustn ‘t m fi

efaq m6 3 E 15

mansesam e 6 2m a faafirmm nas a s um cans 23W }matrix I


u? war-na was?! maria fl

aerat or caarm" afaa W W W i

am m w tfwwa s fi rm u6 & e Wm Masai flaw aw I

s t i gma? m wrafw w ncanary wax

—e ta CW W


lfaw I

m fi ffifaa W lfi? Gm ll

V rindavana Dasa was the son o f Nfirayan i ,

the d aughter of a brother of Srivasa .

“E Hewas born d u ring the l i fetime o f Chaitanya ,probably abou t Sak a 1430 (A.D . and

is best known as the au thor o f Chaitanyabhagavata , a m etri cal accou nt o f the life o f

the famous Hind u reformer , which formedthe basis o f a more extens ive b i ography byKrishnadasa Kaviraja , en ti tled Chaitanyacharitamri ta (no . Accord ing to Achyutacharana Chaudhu ri ,1'the Chaitanyabhagavatawas written in Saka 1 457 (A.D . i .a.

two years after the d eath o f Chai tanya , andKrish n adasa

s b iography in Saka 1503 (A.D .

1 58 1 ) bu t Pan dit Ra

imagati Nyayara tna i is

o f Opin ion that Vrindavana Dilsa was probablyon ly 12 years old at the tim e o f Chaitanya’


d eath , and may have w ritten th is b iographyo f h is l ife 15 or 1 6 years after that even t


abou t Saka 1470.

The present w ork contains an expositiono f the true m eans o f salvation

,in the form

o f answers given by Cha itanya to questionsasked by h is favourite d isciple N ityanand a.

Swims (51W a awm ach,as stated by the

auth or in h is Cha itanyabhdgava ta , Calcutta ed ition,

18 8 6, p. 123 .

1'S 6 hitya -

parisha t-patrikd , vol. iv., no . 4 , p. 202.

I Bd figdld bhfiskd (Hughli, pt. i . , p. 60.


hou se o f h is pupil Ganganarayana Chakraverti at a village called Gambhila, where hefel l ill and d ied .

The above particu lars h ave been takenfrom b iographies w ritten by Narahari Dasa ,


Sisirak umz‘

i ra Gho shafir and Achyutacharan a

Cbaud huri j who has also includ ed in h is

b iography a copy o f Narot tama’

s Deha-karcha ,a catechism in prose on Vaishnava teachings , printed from a manuscript d ated Saka1 603 .

Accord ing to Pand i t Haraprasada Sastrithe presen t poem “ is a metrical and explanatory tran slation o f Rup Gosvam i

s shortw ork entitled the Smarana

N aro ttama Dasa is th e author of severalpoems , of which h is Premabh ak tich and rika,a brief expos i tion o f the natu re of bhakti , is

one of th e most popu lar o f the many treatiseson the Vaishnava fa i th . This work , as alsothe poet’s Prarth ana and Hatapattana , haveb een frequ en tly publ ished . Copies o f the

Smaran amangala , as well as o f several otheru npub l ished poem s by Narottama, are notedin a catalogue of the Royal As iatic Society ofBengal ,”and in the l ists o f Bengal i MSS.

g iven in the “ Sah itya-



i v . et seq )The poem end s

i nteres ts masterat? W W I

m m“

safari W T; 2am W W W u5751wars wamm «at sa w

“ 3 31375 1 3°C? W W Wl’l llC opyist Nandarama Dasa Khand a .

0010p110n : W W H vanes organ

m ed i a [ i llegibl e] W13 1 7 M n ab ma W132 b

e en: as wa s i nn—sun W T she ] a as

mm mm II

N a rottamavild sa , Calcutta, 1 8 90.

1'Naro ttama char itra , Calcutta, 1 8 9 1 .

I Sd lu'tya


par isha t-

pa trikd , vol. iv. ,no . 1 , pp. 31—46 .

Vernacular L itera ture of Bengal, p. 9 .

I] Pro ceed ings , 18 65, pp. 1 38—140.

1 3 .

Ad d . 5590 and 5591 .—Foll . 263 and 350 ; 9

in . by 645 ; 1 7 and 1 8 l ines , 4 in. long ; Bengal i w riting of the 1 8 th century .

[N . B . HALHED .)

fi lm s I

Ré-mdyagza .

A metrical version o f th e San skrit epic o f

Valm iki . By Kr ittivasa , or , as i t is sometimes spelt, Kirttivasa .

The poem is prefaced by the two slokaswhich appear at th e commen cement o f eachkrind a, in Cal cu tta prin ted ed i tion s , as followsaim w asnew saw {de fame w e

a li as«Fatw aa flfi fira fza fa aa infan t n

mamaHGI’T‘ER m am as : arms : mwféa I

W cateifs awasari s-

item sw as suaaifaa uAfter a concise d escription of the con tents

of each of the seven lacinglas , as the poem beginsat on ce w i th the story o f king Dasarath a ,

and the b i rth o f Rama, w i thou t any of th eintrod uctory myth ological legend s which o cc upy some 30 or 40 pages of the printeded it ions .

W WI afi zilal 7a? ca m an? n

Th is d oes not occur in any of the prin ted ed itions.

mamas aim we flmmaa fanwmmfie ice camam {mi ni

aim {mi s taim m ama aim

m amas ifimarm fi e warm11

si ze sate m ara i m warm 1

131°o t h iatus 217325 7199? uw art ime meg a was h e 1

amm o am meanwas W nm W f’ffll aria


1aimseam s l

a? ram are W e fi esta gm 11

file was swame mu simme rs lwere sage and W m are u


i nt? aim W antece W 1?! I

warm 75W W as aim u

Irma d iam fi e efie aut ismI

{newmm 9116 an as W n

w as aim arma s: gamer I

W 623 “rite: affee'ca W e ate : fi lm It

7267 6 i W as a n et a-as l

31 9 17 11 Fufi s ta ts 6 1? mama uarmne w

“team I

fi e—4 W w as ale !fw i an?

aca u2m am {i s 6132‘s 1

mm aimmm W W W

Krittivfi sa h as given no account O f himsel fb eyond stating that he w as a Brahman bycaste , a resid ent o f Ph uliya (near Santipu r,in the District of Nad iya) , and the grand sono f Mu rari t a. There is noth ing certain as

to when he composed this epic . Praphulla

Chan d ra V andyopadhyaya , in an article in theSill) itya



patrika,”l is o f Opin ion

that Krittivasa flourish ed abou t 150 yearsbefore Chai tanya , i .e. about Saka 1257 (A.D .

whilst th e ed itor , in the sam e numbero f that magaz ine , endeavou rs to prove thath is time was abou t Saka 1330 (A.D .

Accord ing to Pand it Ramagat i Nyfiyan*

atna,$the Ramayana was composed som ewh ereabou t Saka 14 60 (A.D . Harimohana

Mukh opad hyaya also , in his b iography of th ispoet

,§ is o f Opin ion th at th is work was w rittenin the sixteenth centu ry , and th at the au thorw as sti l l al ive when the emperor Akbar d ied(A.D .

The Ramayana o fKrittivfisa cannot be saidto be a trans lation of the San skrit poem , bu t ,

as shown by Mr. Romesh Chund er Dutt,“is

“ merely a new narration of th e story Of the

See p. 1 1 8 of th e Serampur ed ition of 18 02, and

p. 38 of the Calc utta ed ition o f 128 6

1'V ol. iv.

,no . 2, pp. 1 17—149 .

I Bd fzgdld bhd shd , pt . i . , p. 75 .

Kam'cha rita


“L ives of the Bengali Poets (Calcu tta,pt. i . , pp. 25—43 .

IIL iterature of Bengal, 2md cd .,18 95, p. 50.

was W e aki n sum afiffwr lwq

'e v‘aramine! ansa {ffimw n

straw s s afaris em ca? a s

watee fi fe was"

amaze an n

«as T‘

s—e tamca re a s wus s l

mi ca lms em wiser] W i t It

i ts weav e mama: w as it

1 4 .

Add . 5592 .

—Foll . 3 17 ; 9 in . by 1 7 l ines,4 in . long ; w ritten in the latter par t o f the18 th century . [N . B . H u man ]

5 61

C'hcma'i .

The poetical w orks o f Mukundarama Cha

kravarti , commonly cal led Kavikankana .

The Bengali title-page is d ated 1 803.

1'See an article on th is subjec t by Hi rend ranz


i tha

D atta in the S ti llitga .

pa risha t-

patrikd , vol. i . , no . 2,

pp. 65 - 80.

ancient ep ic in h is own way . There is con

siderable d ivergen ce in the arrangement o fthe matter ; mu ch o f the con ten ts in theoriginal h as been om i tted ,

and many new

in cid ents and stories have been introd uced .

In fact, i t is very l ikely that Kritt iva‘

i sa wa s

unacqua inted w i th Sanskrit , an d simply pu tinto verse the stories that he had heard fromthe lips o f the bard s

,for he frequently mak es

u se o f the phrase ‘

Ii i‘ i {9131311 Th i s

afba fi ltzt ai .

Th is w ork was first publ ished at Serampu rin In th is , and more particularly inthe many ed iti ons that have been printed at

Cal cutta,the original text h as been very c on

siderably al tered , revised , and en larged bymodern ed itorsfi

Pan d i t Ramagati says that he has seenmanu scripts o f two other composit ions of

Krittivasa , one ca lled Yogad hyar vandana,the other Sivaramer yud dha .

There is no d ate to this copy . It is in thehand writing o f the scribe o f nos . 14 and 1 9 .

End s


Begins :came warm 3 51i trim mum

wine are i n arm I

faces 9 mm arts W W W rife

Ell? C’Tl? any: 9 13 °t ll

W M ariette“

fax—51 ins d ents

51 : 5a cam came 1

aria sana ns eta «aim w e! cater

m tfira wh o: start it

Mukund arama h as given some account o fhimsel f and h is work in the commencemen to f his poem . He was a Rfirhiya Brahman ,

son o f Hrid ayaMisra , an d grand son o f Jagannath a Misra , an d was born in the v i llage o fD amunya , near Sal imabad , in th e District o fBard wan . He had an eld er broth er o f thenam e of Kavic hand ra , an d also anotherbrother cal led Raman fi tha .

"e Owing to theoppressions o f the Muhammad an officerss ubord inate to Baj a Man Sing-h , governor o fBengal , he left his native place w ith h is w ifeand infan t child , an d h is brother Ramanatha .

After wand ering abou t in a state o f ex tremepoverty he came to th e village o f Goth ra ,w here , he tel ls u s , the god d ess C hand iappeared before h im in a d ream

, and c om

m and ed h im to compose this poem . A fterth is he travelled on to Anrara (firwm) in th ed istrict o f Midnapur , and was hospitablyreceived by B i nka ya Deva , son o f Mad hava ,th e z emind ar of that place

, w ho gave h im a

gran t o f land , an d appointed h im tutor toh is son Ragh unatha .

The poem contains tw o stories , one of

Kalaketu , a mighty hunter , and his w i fePh ullara ; the other o f the merchant Dhanapati , and h is son Srimanta. These are prefaced by hymns in praise o f severa l d ei ties


the poet ’s d escription o f himself and th e

origin o f the w ork , and a mythologicalaccoun to f the godd ess Chand i , whose supernatu ralpowers a re brought o ut prominen tly in thenarration o f these stories . A full d escriptiono f the work , w i th a b iograph ical account o f

In some manuscripts and printed ed i tions lie is

called Rainanauda .


enter a! inwife fag am

vile ai a I n? {i ces s wam?

i ts sfa re 7135: came in

Bd iigdld bhd shd‘

, pt . i . , pp. 90—1 14 . See also a

c ritical no tice '

o i Mukundai ama by Mahend ranatha

V idyftnid h i in the S ci hilya-

parisha t-

pa triké , vol. ii . ,

no . 2.

the au thor , w il l be found in Romesh Chund erD utt’s L iterature of Bengal , ” pp . 95—1 1 7

(2nd ed i tion ,

There appears to be consid erable variationo f the tex t in d ifferen t m anu scripts and

printed ed ition s o f th is work . The ed i tionprin ted at Calcutta in 1 8 51

,and that

o f Yad unatha Nyayapanchanana (Calcu tta ,conta in a large n umber o f ad d it ional

verses at the end , which d o no t appear inth is Copy , or in the ed ition of Ak shayachand ra

Sarkar printed at Ch insurah in 18 78 . In

these the d ate of composi tion , B S . 1466

(A.D . is given in the follow ing élokaace aman can

arm’s arise nI


fine fi a t 516 m maffi l u

Pand i t Rama-gat i Nyayaratna states , in h isbiography of Mukund arama


ale that th is s’


d oes not occu r in the m anuscript in thepossession o f the d escendants of the poet atBainan , said to be in h is own handw riting ,

or in one at Senapate , the residence o f the

d escend ants o f h is patron Raghunatha , orind eed in any m anu script he h as had accessto . The poet d istinctly states that h e w rotethis work d uring the t ime of Ragh unfitha

Raya . It is proved by fam ily record s thathe su cceed ed h is father in the estate in B S .

1495 (A.D . and d ied in 1 525 (A.D .

The Pand i t therefore d oubts t he

genu ineness o f this s’

loka . In any case hesuggests that the word W T may stand for 9 ,in which case the d ate of compos i tion wou ldbe 1499 (A.D . But th is also seemsincorrect , becau se Man S ingh was no t ap

pointed Raj a o f Bengal til l A .D . 158 9 .

End s


IV . F011. 135—1 53 (s-m ) . San t iparva .

Beginssis szs

vi sa jam—s W W I

a ifs arssT U s ena s as las n

mi s s s °fs s fs s ifs sfas ms 1

caW ists stai rs sas s srs us trai t s its Ess ears a

rfs ats I

as ifw s its eta s fss a s s i

Ends :fas s rues s at W W W 1 I

i i cs is ascs is fi s ss s is

i s is arses s s as sss as

s ifs fa arias as st a ts sas us ifas ia aka s t i amiss as I

as i t s ai fs s sssi s as terllThe scribe , Jamal Muhammad , states inthe colophon that he copi ed i t for him self ,and completed i t on the 1 1 th Magh , B S .

1 1 80 (A.D .

i fs fi iaifes ss as s sa te”

si s i fs as

w h o s nail ats s irsa n s is as s s 3) cas

s lats a li as as as s fszs s s rss fs fss ts i fs H

V . Foll . 1 54—1 8 1 (s- i v) . Asramaparva .

Beginss zs s s scs s tasi s as as


ss s cs is si s 2155 sisvats u

Pas tas sawss s ass sfss

cs is is «s ana vats i i s ai ss u

s acs s assist s fafs is i as

is s s’

r s isss ass i s cams u

End s

i fs s at s lfs al

ts firs caa ins I

«s tats grids i i s sas s s is u

ai issst as s ari vas ts aiss

s tats cast s fsr s irf i s s s 11

as s s tats are s cs fass s is

s ifa s t i s teamers si s asm‘


The copy is w ritten by th e same handthe two preced ing parvas , but the name

4" V ol. vi .,no . 2, pp. 17 1—17 7 .

1 Bd aigald bhd shd (Hughli, pt. i . , p. 120.

Hari rnohan Mook erjea , in h is L ives of Bengali Peels

(Calcutta, pp. 68—92, gives D evaraja as the

name o f th e fourth broth er. He places Ind rani , the poets ’

birth -

place, in the Hughli d istric t, but Pandit Ramagatish ows clearly that th is is a mistake.

the scribe , Jamal Muhammad , d oes no t

appear. It is d ated Frid ay , the 29thAshad ha,R S . 1 1 80 (A.D .

i ts ss n a e sis miss a» W W W,ms

w m i ts nThe on ly account that Kfisirama Dasa gives

o f himself is th at he was a Kayastha bycaste , a native o f Singi , a village in i nd ran i(pargana of the d is trict o f Bardwan ) , an d

the second son of Kamalakan ta . His gran dfath er Gadadhara Dasa was the son o f

Priyankara Dasa . He had two bro thers ,Krishna Dasa th e eld est son , and Gad z

id hara

Dasa th e youngest .The ed itor of the Sz


i h itya-


pat i'ika

”* h as contribu ted an interestingarticl e in that magaz ine on the poet’s fam ilyhistory and genealogy, based on informationobtained from th e Jaganna‘ i th amangala , a poemw ritten by Gadadhara Dasa, the youngerbroth er o f Kasirama Dasa, in the 1 5th year o fthe reign of Baja N arasimh a Deva o f Orissa ,t.e. in A .D . 1 643 , or B S . 1050. Referen ceis mad e in this poem to Kfisirama

s Maha

bharata , w hich w as probably w ritten in thebeg inn ing of the 1 7 th cen tury .

Accord ing to Pand itRamagat i NyayaratnajKamalak-Ztnta had four son s , o f whom Kasi

rama was the thi rd . He m ention s the find ingo f a d ocum en t execu ted by Kfisirama

s son

(nam e unknown ) in B S . 108 5 , conveying a

plot of land by gif t to certa in Brahmanpriests .

Copies o f several parvas o f Kasirama’


Mahabharata are noticed in the Sz‘

ih itya


,vol. vii . , n o . 2, pp . 123—1 25 .

One is a man uscript of the V irataparva , d atedB S. 1226 (A.D . the conclud ing verseof which con tains the d ate of composi tion


expressed by the words BE s is W 211g , t.e.

Saka 1526=A.D . 1 604. or B.S . 1011 . Thelines d o not occu r in the printed ed i tion , orin any other copy of this parva .

Th ere is a popu lar trad i tion that Kasirfimad ied after w rit ing the Ad i, Sabha, Vana , andpart of the V irataparva,”e and that h is son

ia -law completed the work in h is name .There does no t appear to be any found ationfor th is suppos ition . Kasirama mu st havebeen al ive in B.S . 1050, the year when his

brother Gad z’i d hara wrote the Jagannathamangala , for the word a is invariably u sedbefore h is name , an d a complete manuscrip to f the Mahabharata , d ated B.S . 1039 , existsin the Raipu r palace libraryfir

Ki s'irama h as consid erably condensed the

Sansk rit epi c in his translation . The printeded itions d iffer consid erably from the au thor’soriginal text, ow ing, as in the case of


s Ramayana , to the many alteration s and ad d ition s mad e by modern revisersand editors .

1 6 .

Or. 474 1 .—Foll . 4 7 ; 4 in . by 9 and 10

l ines , 9% in . long ; Bengal i writing o f theearly 1 9 th century.

[PROR MAXMULLER ]The Dron aparva of the Mahabharata


the Bengal i vers ion of Kfi s'irama .


rss sts m sscs s W lwis ts aft-as s f? fes s si iss u

ss fi s qs s fs s fss i ssms l

s ts s i sms T's—Ci t f i st W

fs s s twsfiss sass Muss l

W is s fs W saw mi ss u

s its ss i ss mit ts s s l i ii fs fs s sWi’f ( 917511 fi fi ’

Ifi ll W ith reference to th is saying,Pand it Balmag ati states that th e people of Singi interpretthe poet

’s go ing to svarga as meaning h is d eparture on

a pilgrimage to Benares.1

‘ S dh [tya-

par isha t-pa trika, vol. v i . , no . 2, p. 17 3 .

The ed itor quo tes from D i ues’

achand i a Sena’s Variga

11746 8 716. 0 sd lzitya .


The copy is - incomplete . It breaks o ff

abruptly in the beg inn ing of the last pay/ (Zrof the parva

swims si ts s its s is ass is ts

Essi s t airwi tss mas w as u

as s its i s fss fss s s ssis i l

w s fi si s is s sm‘sr si si u

firs ts fours cats i s s fss

csit s s a s s si s s s ssi slfirs uari a


s s its s s‘

i fat-as rsas I

s i tar-

it s

The handwriting is that o f a careless , illiterate scribe , as is evid enced by th e manym isspel t word s in the above quotations .

Endssas s ss tst s cs is s cs ts { its l

s is !s fsm cs sfs s s is sfsts u


1 7 .

Ad d . 38 5 leaves o f yellow paperencased in a covering mad e o f bark , o f which58 and 59 are m issing ; in . by 9 l ines,13 in . long ; d ated Saka 1 637 (A.D .

A metrical tran slation of the Vanaparva of

the Mahabharata . By Jagannatha , wh o iscal led Kavivallabha .

Beg in sw a s s is sis ti s «i ts srs I

s ti rss s fas s Ess i's ‘

iss zs ii

s s is rs ti rs i i {W i s ts I

s at aris ing sfs sh i ts ss t s i i

The poet calls himself Kavivallabh a in therefra in (dhuyd ) at the end of each chapter ,his real nam e appearing at the end of thepoem . This copy is in the hand writing o f an

Assamese scribe ; the poem also con tainsseveral Assamese forms o f w ord s . Theverses o f each chapter are numbered c on

sec ut ively throughou t, aggregating 5360.



isrsis s iscs cs s cac ii s ists I

a s a t ? ! fi fe—N i CS?

sis s i W IFE ll

s zs cs si s ii i ss vis

aiss I

s emis s is s issscs sis—s ii c as e ii

i i i s w am s si s z ii s is w a s i

1 8 .

Ad d . 5660A.—Foll . 34 ; 1 7 in . by 5s ; 10

l ines , in . long ; dated B S. 1 1 8 3 (A D .

[N . B . HALHED .]

s iis s iss s i

Kfi likdmaizgala .

The roman ce of Vidyaand Sun dara. A portion of th e poetical work s o f Bharatach and ra

Raya , Gunakara , wh ich are popularly knownby the titl e Annadamangala .

Th e m anuscript begins w i th the accoun to f th e god d ess Uma going to the house o f

Bhavanand a Maj umdar, n oticed below . See

p . 203 o f the Cal cu tta ed i tion o f t‘

i ratachan d ra’

s poem s , B.S . 1293 .

cs s iiszs s i cs is is s iss i I is s ism-3 s its iss i ii

s safii ssiss i a iis iss iss s l

s is s s sis s is iss i s it iscs ii

cs i s ic? css i css i s is s it f‘


ssia s iiss s is s is is s is s is ii

The story of Vidya and Sundara begins onfol. 2a , 1. 10, as follows

s is iszs MG M s iiscs rs ass I

s ss sas sis taxi-

s is s iiss i s is

s s is is i ss s s itas I

s iii s it s s ix—fi ns csi si ii s ic? 6 31

s a sis ssis sass ii

The following particulars of the l i fe of

Bharatach andra Raya are taken from a bio

graphy of th e poet by Pand i t Ramagat iNyzlyaratna .


d igd ld bhasha (IIughli, pt . 1L , pp. 1 72- 193.

Romcsh Chunder D utt’

s L itera ture of Bengal, 18 95,p. 124.

Bh firatac hand ra Raya was the fourth an d

you ngest son o f Raja Narend ranarayanaRaya , z amindar o f Penro (or Pan d ua) , a v il

lage in th e Bhursut pargana of the Districto f Bard wan . His father incu rred the d ispleasure of the moth er of Kirttich andra Raya ,the Raj a ofBardwan ,

an d was , in consequence ,d eprived o f h is property. N arend ranarayan a

was red uced to penury , and h is son Bharatachan d ra took refuge w i th h is maternal uncleat Nawapara , near Gaz i pu r , in the Pargana

o f Man d algh at . There he stud ied gramm arand d i ctionary , and a t th e age o f fourteenreturned to h is native v il lage , and marrieda girl of th e village Shortlyafterwards h e w ent to Devanand apu r, n earHughli, where h e stu d ied Pers ian , and beganto compose verses , when only 15 years of


At the age o f 20 Bharatach an d ra return edh ome

, and became agent for his eld er brother’sestate . He was cast into prison by the Raj afor d efau l t o f paymen t of revenu e, b ut man

aged to escape , and fled to C uttack , where h ewas befri end ed by Siva Bhatta ,

the MarathaSubedar . He there becam e a Vaish n ava , andpassed about 1 5 years o f h is l ife as an asceti c .After that he w en t to Farasd anga (Chand ranagar) and was wel l received byIn d ranarayan aPala Ohaud huri , Diwan und er the Fren chGovernmen t , who , recogn is ing h is poeti calab il iti es , sen t h im to Krish n achan d ra

,Raj a

o f Krishnaghar. Bharatach and ra was then40 years o f age. He became a Pand it o f thecou rt on a m onthly stipen d o f 40 rupees , andhad the title o f Gunakara conferred on h im

by the Raja. At Krishnachan d ra’

s requesthe composed h is famou s Annadamangala inim i tation o f Muk und arama

s Chandi (no .

This w ork was completed in Saka 1 6 7 i

(A.D . He ob tained a l ease of the village o fMulajor, w h ere h e d i ed in Saka 1 68 2

(A.D . at the age o f 4 8 .

The Annadamangala is in three parts . It



1 1 . F011. 10—21 (a—w ) ; 102 in . by 4 ; 6

and 7 l ines,9 in . l ong.

ss s uits WW W I

Ky'ishzza -Aiju na -scmwd fht .

A d ialogue betw een Krishn a an d Arj u naon the means of obtaining salvation . The

fi rst leaf of th is m anuscript also is m issing .

It end sass—s W Kss s ass

—s i

r ivers sss s i cs is is s is aiss ii

ai aim s ig i erg s cs iscsss i

isss is si s ih—s ssass

c i ii

i ia sss s sss sasi s ss ies

Add .

—29 1 leaves o f bark ; 8% in . by

27 ; 20 l ines , 23 in . l ong ; dated Saka 1 702(A.D .

am as s I

Bhdgavatapurd zm.

A metrical translation in Assamese. BySankara Deva an d others .

Sankara Deva , the son of Ku suma , is

the m ost popu lar of Assam ese poets . Heflourished in the fi fteenth cen tury

, and w as

con temporary w i th Cha itanya , the famou sapostle of V aish navism in Bengal . An ac

count o f his l ife h as been written by M. N .

Ghosh in h is “ Brief sketch o f the religiousbel iefs o f th e Assamese people ,” in wh ich hestates that “ Sankar, the found er o f theMahapu rus iya sect , was born at Ali Pukhariclose by the s ite o f the present Bord uar .

He was o f the Bhuyan fam ily an d a Kaisth a

by b irth . Mahend ra Kund al i was h is tutor.D uring h is early


years he showed a lovefor religi on and at a tend er age und ertook a

pilgrimage to the sacred places o f Benga l .”On h is return from pilgrimage he married

Calcutta,18 96 . S anka ra Derar ywauacharitra , Goalpara, 18 77 .

and had a daughter . His w ife d ied shortlya fterward s , and Sankara took a second w ife ,and l ived for twelve years a t Bord uar .

After th is he w en t to Bengal with h is c om

pan ion s Hari Deva an d Damod ara Deva,and , i t is said , had an interview w ith Chaitanya . Returning to Assam , he formed an

intimate acquaintancesh ip w i th MadhavaDeva, and

,after much persecu tion at the

hand s o f.

Ch uh amang, the reigning kingof the Ahom dynasty , he went w i th Mad havato Barpeta , wh ere he began to preach theBhagvat relig ion , and set himsel f up both as

a religiou s and social reformer .”After six mon ths res id ence at Barpeta ,

Sankara finally took up h is abod e at Pat

baush i , where he l ived for eighteen years . The

Raja o f Kuch Behar , hearing o f h is fame,sen t frequently for h im to d iscourse on re

ligiou s m atters . Mr . Ghosh tells u s that “ i twas d uring a v is i t

_of the kind referred to

that h e d ied at a place cal led Kakat-Katain Ku ch Behar . He was born in the year1 449 A .D . ,

corresponding to the year 1 37 1 o fthe Sak era, and d ied in 1 568 A.D . ( 1490 Sak ) .It is sa id he l ived altogether for 1 19 years ,o f which he d evoted 60 years to the cau se ofreligion .

Kanthabhush an a Sarma has w ri tten a bio

graphy of Sankara Deva in Assamese verse ,“sw ith many stories o f a m i racu lou s naturein connection w i th h is l i fe and teaching .

Accord ing to th is au thor, Sankara wrote

his version o f the Bhagavatapurana whilston a pilgrimage to Jagannatha, at the hou seo f Jagannz‘ i tha Misra .

Th is m agnificen t manu scrip t contains a

tran slation of th e entire Pu ri na, o f which

only two or three skand has have a s yetbeen publ ished . It is copied w ith all thepecu l iari ties of Bengal i script of the 1 7 thand 1 8 th centu ries . The n inth skand ha is

dated Monday , the 22md Chai tra, Saka 1 701,and the last skand ha is d ated Saka 1 702.


The follow ing are the beginn ings of thetwelve skan d has :1 . F011. 1—9 , in 445 verses . By SankaraDeva .

w w as? 339mmarm!

W : W W Tm am amw a s it

W Tf fi W lfif a s: was <5:lcm ? w asm t? cant? Rfl ’

ifia u u

11. F011. 10—15a ,in 262 verses . By Sari

kara Deva .

w m we Pi ta W mm

ma mantr a!vi ta aim W n( W W W ai m fi ts I

w armas form «5 fat s u a u111 . Full. l5a—20, in 298 verses .

Sankara Deva .

m si enna am wifa i n I

mars? w as a im W W (was uv iz W W 3 am 712l 9 m I

ca n saws can? casifi? s imi lar u uIV . Foil. 21—7 1 , in 74 1


verses . By Ralakara Misra .

M W s lams are: s ac—s 1

mm W e as i ts a mi s ucan

famiz a s itarc m: erasingb

lfa arias i t s {a fafirfip a las u u

i f ( fi lms saw sum Wm mcvs «ifs n ice 2sm2& 1t Q ua u

End s

sa lsa Turret fi z fsa l i fs ma rses awnnature 11 [cm ] itfi ts .fi s j fi

dm mu Esra

S ili ca! t ri mg ms tunts Ze—c i in

9371713 711991 To a? as a

W W ? 3mm mmarm n«on

V . Fol ] . 72—8 9,in 8 70 verses. By

kara Deva .

w W was erg firm

fem z fem m l0 1? s u

gm W inW 2m!M ia’


W W W 1 31 v iruses 11 t ll

1 7

V I. Foll . 90—1 13, in 422 and 6 70 verses.

By Sankara Deva .

W m mi m ew s; sir M aia amI

s ite s rus fis war cmfi rmmacs wis h m uMaiamam; firm «3 summari a aw are i

cm W rawmarital vim cant? m ite ll llV II. Foll . 1 14—135

,in 1075 verses . By

Keéava Dasa .

W w N ew fi ETfaw n i

as m m an can eta—é? u

mi fi vflw m m trams?w w 9mm as: main ? ll ucm af firm? ( si ft: Eras main i

am! t am 7 m “mi z iz siz uVisa was: on? «a faavfie I

am rm! fva cw ? rats na ll

VIII. F011. 136—175 , in 424, 765 , 677 ,

and 130 verses . By Sankara Deva .

W {W m as ? S W v i z-i l

mu flirt-

W mum atr ia llm lu se 7 1l am { 7113 l

T2657 (wife we? arm a s W n 5 ii

lX. Fol l . 1 76—204,in 1319 verses . By

Keéava Dasa .

a s m ‘

qi z i‘ifi s5il I

( s tain 5m can? cwifi award u

bu tt s i nm i trim Hi i fi ffl I

mafi a 6 3 13 33 h i s afac—i i ll 5 ll

ass ! fl aw firs 215521 caviarvia

cam fauna wlv l

mu? ! an? r ift am amma tW ifiis

W m? vai nwarns ll w » 11

Date : a ims n o » 25m m ca imi ta R as

rat s was as 4

12325 H‘Tw i ll

X. Foll . 205—259 , in 2476 verses . BySankara Deva .

w am mm 1mmw iw’

a I

mi nfm a‘

W lf‘ f? W n

«a re T513 4 mam fi lm-

la I

aream «sift cant? am ia l! u uD

1 8

Thi s copy agrees w i th the printed text o fCal cutta BS . 1 28 8 (A.D . It is a

tran slation o f on ly the first part of the 10thskandh a , t.e. up to Ud d hava’

s leav ing theGopis (Adhy . The latter part , composedby Ananta Kand al i , was published in

XI. Fol ] . 260—279 , in 8 8 0 verses .

Sankara Deva .

W W wfi m si s W l

sne fm n ER maxEs ta W W W u

Grim W i fe mu W W W W W

C5 71?! was ca n? m t? W atts i ii

Scribe : Jayanand a . W W W {Q TW ‘R

XII. Fol] . 280—29 1 , in 540 verses .

W W aimeig Eif‘

s isii iw l

firm fa irs as 147a ll

w w fifi f’sfi': mi fi rm ; I

ma ntra firs vim 7 13 135 “ u “is > fi ° 2 u

Sankara Deva is no d oub t the au thor of th issk andha also , al though h is name d oes not

o ccu r in it . It h as been ed ited by Pan ind ranath a C aga i (Cal cu tta , He assumes i tto be the composition o f Sankara , becau se , ashe says , no other poet calls him self by theph rase 3 2153 h as servan t o f Krishn a bu t

in th is he is m istaken ,for Kcsava Dasa , the

au thor of th e seven th and n in th skandhas ,u ses the same appellation , as shown above .The ed itor h ad access to two manuscripts ,one ( in complete in 5 1 7 verses) d ated Saka1 623 , the latter Saka 1 728 . The former h asthe name i ffi fl flfi facets 151W : WW: w rittenat the end . Th is m igh t be eith er an a uthoror a scribe

, but the style of the poem is thato f Sankara Deva .

Th e twelve skandhas are enumerated on th eouter cover o f the manuscript, beginn ing w i th1 0 to 12

,then 2 to'9 , and lastly 1 . Th e total

number o f padas is roughly stated to bebu t in real i ty comes to

E. A. Gait’

s Report, Shillong, 18 97 , p. 43 .


22 .

Or . 4 780—124 l eaves o f bark , 4% in . by 185;8 l ines , abou t 14 in . long ; d ated Saka 1653(A.D .

23 .

Ad d .

—103 l eaves o f bark (o f wh ich48 and 4 9 are m issing) ; 182 in . by 6 ; 14

l ines , 1 5 in . long ; d ated Saka 1 68 6 (A.D .

Gim me I

Bhdgava tapurd na .

An Assamese m etrical tran slation o f

skand has i . an d 11. o f the Bliagavatapurana .

The first sk and h a is anonymous ; the secondby Sankara Deva .

The first sk andh a (foll. 1 in 421

verses , beginas we 7

333 323m N W :

w e‘

e fa fi rms: aims inwere} :m W 173? Iram

w ormW W W «3 1m us t!

mmW m feaw Rama 1

W W cameras cvrrfi’fe atta in u

si ts aim 375 1”TM arm vnza fi fe I

can 25mm 3am mmviz-ate u a nThe second skandha (foll. 57 in 749

verses , begin sm w {as are W ew e I

ma m antrammmy new u

ca n W vim fi re I

fl ame tam m nefm n 1!”

greenW 36 3? femmaxim I

asfimnw e win as 5 1m. mm 1!

awn—s wit ? s tasis». we 07W

Q UEER? aim as ! f li t {fi'fi rwua ll

Th e Copy is d a ted N oe: m W e; { a ffl

were w as newm e n

Accompanying the manuscript is a sheetof paper ( fol. 125) con tain ing a Persian ab

stract of the contents of these two skand has .


w ork (Barpeta , 1 901 ) ascribes i t to the j oin tau thorsh ip of Sankara Deva and Srid hara

Kandal i .

”2741new? as s is as its 1

i s ms casts cs isrs Tests 11

am Ci tes"

!W W W W s iv l

9 11 63 35 53cm s its Cas i s is s in naw in

II. Foll . 256—76 . A dial ogu e betweenSiva and Parvati on yoga , and the means of

obtain ing salvation . The poem is anonymou s .

It end s abruptly in th e m id d le o f verse 36 6 ,followed by the title Karmaphala .

earm lfast? ersv 3m efs l

es ifa cs iff; Izr'ifitessw as s tats in

fi s ts ? 6 s {H’

s was sas s I

ens fi ts-

i ce sfi eras ens ? ! nb uw s st s waters snr s ts

s ites as s fe mTan i wsix—sfs u

i s ? W‘

s sis Tali ] s cs 1

fas ismW W s fs cs lW W ns 11

fire as aria warnaffi rmW is tsfirs mmmm s acs {151 Ham

's." 11

W W mi le 11

III. Fol ] . 7 7—84 . A poem , in 48 verses ,on proper behaviour (n i ti) . By Rama Chakravarti .

W walnuts an d e ss fists Ie mi t ?”s traw or? ! fs qs lawfs uearems ienna ass saw


ss i tres i am as 716mm u 11

cans s is Bre st? m1 i 3

s iwis sins i s mm are u

ers tfe wars ate cs scs waits I

s ta ts )"

awfs s is af ia/

fe cvfimfi ns ll

EndsMa sts fsm’


fs t fem fs I

i ns st irs fees ] smarts; 1s nwas h is gea rs we? s is I

i s ti ts fsssts mms is sis in8 17 n

The three poem s are all written by thesame hand , th e m an uscript being d ated at

th e end W ednesd ay , the 7 th Bhad ra, Saka1666 .

w as wrs s s ins s firs wists {ask s ti es

m is s u

2 5 .

O r . 12.—Palm -l eaf ; foll . 279 ; in by 14 ;

4 l ines,1 1 in . long ; d ated 1239 B.S . (A.D .

£11 $2ISt 9 o

Bhdgava tapura na .

An Oriya metrical translation of the 1 1thskan d ha . By Jagannatha Dasa .

Th is line has been omitted by the sc ribe .

1’ L anguage and L i terature of Orissa , J vol.

lxvii . pt . i . , p. 341 .

Beginsalalga aaagaq

o aealoee seamencom seam eq |<a

° aeaweggalaego u s n

swag) geo

goaa 8mm ease-metnimmaa g en e-a see alaee scales) II 0 II[anal aoaiee we mm anwe as sess Gae l | |l*e imeete game aaa on 391 else nm llea adage males 91 amen ege ieea u

can euaea as ea” Ceca age d eem u s n

The poet Jagannatha Dasa fl ou rished in th esecon d 'quarter o f t he sixteen th cen tury .

Babu M. M. Chak ravarti states , + o n theau thority of th e Jagann z

i th acharitamrita , an

unpubl ish ed poem by Divakara Kara , that h ewas born at Kapilécvarapura Sei sana


District Puri . His father was Bhagabana[sic] Dasa Parana Panda (read er o f Paranas) ,


and h is mother was named Padma. He wasthe favourite d isciple and compan ion of Chaitanya (who vis i ted Orissa in 1510 and

after his d eath converted king Pratapa Rud rato Vedantism .

This manu script agrees w i th the prin teded ition . It is d ivid ed into 32 adhyd yas , theSanskri t original havi ng only 3 1 . The

Copy w as mad e by GOpinatha Nayaka , and

w as completed on the 4 th Kanya (Asviua) ,1239

,t.e. the 1 8 th May, 18 32.

ColophonQ6 aiaoolaeea sweaters: d eseos ao

ae |g|

acumen g] games gee 3211963 cage; aaealeee

am salsano snag: er a U N aleas ana 3 ca cs eaieae are} ; GQIQM can

some eeagfl can an aoao salaala alges l

sale w e 9 ads

2 6 .

Or. 1257 .—Palm l eaf ; fol] . 190 9% in . by 14 ;

3 to 6 l ines , 7 and 8 in. long ; wri t ten in the

1 9 th century.

Anoth er copy .

Th is copy begin s w ith th e con clud ing l inesof the Sansk ri t introd uctory verses , as in theprinted ed ition s , as followsfiaaea

aaeaiagao are a




59 a alaeao m ang


gametes} ! exams llThe verses are no t numbered , and the

manu script is w ith out d ate o f copy.

2 7 .

Or. 57 12.

—Palm-l eaf ; fol] . 1 48 ; 14 in . by ll

4 an d 5 lines , about [ 2 in . long ; w ritten inthe 1 9 th century .

Anoth er copy .

This copy is similar to the above , and isalso w ithout date .

2 8 .

Or . 454 1 .—Palm-leaf ; fol] . 129 ; 1 1 in . by

5 and 6 l in es , 9% in . l ong ; dated 1279 BS .

(A.D .

Another copy.This copy h as twelve in troductory versespreceding the text, and a few after its complet ion . Th e colophon is d ated the 39 th wh im

of Padmalabha Deva Maharaja , BS . 1 279 .

name ec-e Galelelelg me 815: s aw

2 9 .

Or 3365 .—Palm-leaf ; fol] . 204 ; 1 2 in . by

ll ; 4 and 5 lines , 10 111 . long ; d ated 128 4 B .S .


Another copy .

The verses are numbered throughout . Themanu script is d ated the 9 th Dhan u (Pau sha)128 4

,i .e. the 23rd December 1 8 77s ag a g; Q 9 r8 alea my ame

3 0 .

Or . 476 6 .—Pa]m -leaf ; fol] . 50 ; 10 in . by

6 and 7 l ines ; d ated BS . 1259 (A .D .

[SIR W . FRANKS . ]a e e 0 qBandhoday/a .

Oriya songs on the story o f Rama and Si te] .

By Upendra Bh afija .

Begins9 9 9 9 69 5 Gas Q9 easelfi ale ns n

ne igoaaliega see saw canoe u 9 n

nalgoaaliaga salt-male gas 9

g amer: egg s em ageeea egaa uf" u

eaalaaaiafin aoéeae i came u8 H

gene o le s tale edema sale ll bf IIOn the n ex t leaf these verses are repeated ,


the w ord o f two syllab l es comm encing eachl ine being placed at the end

,th us conveying

d ifferent m ean ings.

as 6a8 alaeg 5059 15 aieag us u

fla ming am c ame an seen ua u

QIS-DC.‘ CflGs Q IQQQ (39 8 9 0 954GQ QQ II ll

alaaelaiiaea l gleam smegma IIb”n

69 0 161 elemed 53165 sawed n 9? n

Upend ra Bhafija , th e most famous o f Oriyapoets , fl ou rish ed in the beginn ing o f th e

eighteenth cen tury . He was the eld est sono f N ilak antha , Raja o f Gumsur , a td luk in

the Ganjam District o f theMad ras Presid en cy .

An accoun t o f the au thor an d h is works w i llbe found in Babu M. M. Chak ravat i

s L an

guage and L i terature o f Orissa .


The w ork con sists o f eleven chhandas , w i tha total of 6 13 verses . Nearly every leaf c onta ins one or two i l lustrations , chiefly o f Ramaand Si ta, besid es mystic d iagram s . The titleof th e work and the name of the auth or appearo n the margin o f the first and second leaves ,as follow s

aeag 5 532a s eems;sana n

It is no t mention ed in Babu M. M. Chakravart i

s l ist o f 42 works w ritten by Upend raBhafija .

Th is Copy was completed o n W ednesday,

the 29 th Chai tra , in th e 43rd year of the ru leo f Ramach and ra Deva , B. S. 1259 .

£11511 alsag eoe amalgam ass an Q ICSN

sang; a5 m Q; amate snag 9c ea 9 63

alga an men can 693 see 0 16 62 s w e 8 19.

g?) seem ll

3 1 .

Ad d . 5033 . fol] . 48 4 ; 202 in . by15 ; 4 and 5 lines , 18 in . long ; w ritten apparen tly in the 1 8 th century ; en cased in d eerskin . [COLONEL SMITHJ

vol. lxvii ., pt. i . , p. 362.

An O riya m etrical tran slation o f the L ankakand a . By Balarama Dasa .

Begi n s :

M. M. Cliak i ava lti's L anguage and L itera ture of

Orissa , J .A.S .E vol. lxvii . pt . i ., p. 345 .

1'Ori ssa, vol. ii . , p. 199 .

I Ibz'd .

, vol. ii . , p. 1 90.

as name: 9 am sees) an n

gs QQ Q Q§ IQG 8 Q 9 9 9 9 0 II

nae as 9 6 6am 9 16 9 191 u

51919 9 9 9 535119 95191 II

aa |€z 916msea as Gil? ! ll915282 ellfl fi‘ {ma agree, Q lill ll

Balaram a D i sa , Vaishnava poet of Puri ,was the “

son of an Orira m in ister nam edSamanath a He flou rished some300 years ago , and is the au thor of numerou sworks , o f which Sir W il l iam Hun ter has givena l ist of 23 principal ones . +

End s

91 gamma enemaGala ens llgi aaaia see as ea s lams n

It is stated in the colophon that the copywas comple ted on Tu esday , the 1 8 th o f

Bhad ra-s'ulfla

,in the 3 lst wit /ca o f the reign

of Maharaja V irakesari Deva,who reigned

1 736

£11 66 mg ?) sea animals ace sq cac tisag; mQ are; 210 31 er $9 n gen nae"nameless)sea 66 age sale ll QIQGI mg saleare?) n

3 2 .

Or . 5447 .

—Palm-leaf ; fol] . 1 48 ; 145 in . byIi ; 4 and 5 l ines, 125 in . long .

An Oriya metrical t ranslation o f the Kishkind hya, or 4 th k i nd a o f the Ramayana . ByKrishnach aran a Pattanfiyaka.


3 5 .

Sloane 3201 .—Several paper rolls en closed

in a box , amongst which the follow ing are

Bengal iA . 28 sheets, sewn together , 23 in . by 65.

A cloth m erchan t’s d ay-b ook of sales o f

cloth from Thu rsd ay , the 1 3th Pansha , BS .

1 135 (A.D . 1 728 ) to the 30th Asvina fol

l owing .

B . A singl e sheet, 1 74 in . by 1 34.

A few memorand a o f bu siness transactionsw ith a money-l end er , and scribbled arithm eti cal cal culation s .

G . A s ingl e sheet , 85 in . by 6 .

A letter w ri tten by Krishn akanta Sarmato a Captain W ilson , inform ing h im that SibiPhat-Fi j i (Pff lfd was going to Cal cu ttato have an in terview w i th h im

,and ad vising

the Captain to pay specia l attention to whath e h ad to say . In a postscript

, w ri ttencrossw ise on the top o f the l etter , th e w ritersays that Basika L i la h ad asked h im to sendh is compliments . Th e l etter is d ated the8 th Sravana , probably abou t the beg inn ingo f th e 19 th century .

3 6 .

Sl oan e 4090.

—Fo] l . 25 . Miscellaneous Oriental papers of which the follow ing are

Bengal iI. Fe] . 1 9 . A single sheet , 1 4% in . by 7 .

A copy of a letter d ated W ednesday , the25 th Magha , BS . 1 133 (February ,w ri tten at Bhagalpur, by Gurbakhsh Rot-a


Mr. E. S tephenson w as appo inted Ch ief of th e

Kasimbazar fac tory of th e East Ind ia Company on th e

30th Jan .,1727 ; Mr. C . Hampton was the storekeeper.

and ad d ressed to Mr. C . Hampton ,Mr.

Brad d on (flmfi fl ) , Mr. E . Carteret , and

Captain G . Borlace .The W riter states that he h ad alreadyreported abou t the C hobdars o f Bh agal pur .He now begs to report that on Sun day,th e 22nd Magha , a m ounted offi cer w i th a

company o f sold iers of the Nawab h ad ar

rived from Murshid abad , and had claimedcerta in good s belonging to the Engl ish . Heth erefore requ ests that a l etter shou ld be

written toMr. Stephenson* at Kas imbaz ar fo rh is instructions , and also that the Nawabshou ld be asked n o t to interfere in the pur

chase and sale o f good s by the gomash tas o f

Bhagal pur .II. Fol . 20. A single sheet , 7% in . by

An agreemen t executed in favou r of Mr.

Gay (5T? ) and Mr. Garbell (Pmam ) byKrishn a Dasa and Naras imha Dasa , s tipalating not to charge more th an 2 per cen t .brokerage . The d ocument is d ated the 14 thAgrahayan a , B.S . 1 103 (A.D .

3 7 .

Ad d . 5660 13 .

—F011. 4 7 . A collection o f

four man u scripts , w ritten by d i fferent hand sabou t th e end of th e 1 8 th cen tury . The

first is in Sansk rit , th e remain ing three inBengal i . [N . B . HALHEDJ

1 . F011. 1 7—26 ; 9 } in . by 6 ; 1 7 l ines ,4 i n . l ong.


sm fw l 1

Gurudakshind .

A legend , in verse , of the reward givenKrishn a to h is guru for the ed ucationh ad received . By Sankara .


d t fl'afi a w1

21W wens: I

W W I N W 6471 3. W are n

tam W ? erfis‘

wry war

a‘fi w as?!w am? are u

m a? W granvim 9 mm

The au thor gives no account of h imself ,but simply m ention s h is name at the c on

elu sion o f the poem . The l egend runsbriefly as follow s —After the return o f thetwo brothers Krishn a an d Balarama fromGo kula to their hom e at Mathu ra

,and the

slaughter of the d emon Kamsa , their fatherVasud eva held a m eeting o f all the learnedPand i ts of the place . Krishn a felt so

ash amed in thei r society at h is lack o f

education that he d etermined to go to somed istan t coun try to study . Arriving at Avanti


h e placed himsel f und er th e tu ition o f th e

Rish i Santapan a , and in 64 d ays becameproficient in th e 64 principa l branches o f

know led ge . On his asking h is preceptor howhe cou ld repay h im for h is services

, Santapana , perceiving that his pupil was o f d ivin eorigin , begged h im to restore to l ife h is son

wh o h ad been d rowned whilst bath ing in thesea . Accord ingly Krishn a d escend ed intothe d epth s of the ocean and killed the Dai tyaSankha ,

th ink ing that he had swallowed upthe sage’

s son . It appeared,however , that

the you th had been taken to the abod e o f

Yam a,the god o f d eath . Krishna wen t

th i ther,and su cceed ed in rescu ing the sage’


son , and restored h im in safety to h is hereaved parents .

Ends :a? 315 7 refi t“m 5361 ease 1

«is m w art-cu1325 : arms in

11 . F011. 27—38 ; grby 5g.

Specimens of bond s , leases , and otherd ocumen ts in u se by land lord s and tenants ,one o f which is in Pers ian . Interl inearann otation s in L atin occu r throughout .

III. Foll . 39—47 ; 9} in . by 6 ; 9 and 10

l ines , 33; in . long .

A story in verse of the generosity o f th eCaliph ‘Ali .Beginsmanmanmm a ? «aw as an I

m Z’

c‘W m y 3 1 { i t s W is it

v iewm aim am agarafae 1 e

smart calmness WW ce nts; am a mll

W m as new

9amW e fan] as? 1171 ? {via u

as? fi fe cu? film« is 6 m8 1 I

warnE lm fawnwarwe as: n

was? was“

<e m 7 warm? I

awnw mid wi fe fi r mW e 11

t lfi cam eragffr W e W NW

gfir 711 w ri te wt? E lfi ca W a s

w e w as”

i f? was awnI

6 2: em erg waft: afaaw a mIt

The poem is unfin i shed , and is w rittenin the Muhammad an Bengal i style, abounding in Hind ustan i word s gross ly m isspel t .The au thor d escribes h ow the archangelGabriel was sen t to test the generosity o f ‘Ali

by appearing before h im in the garb of a

m end icant , and begging alms o f a thousandrupees .

‘Ali was no t possessed o f so la rge asum o f money, so ,

in ord er no t to d isappoin tt he f akir , he , at t he suggestion o f h is son sHasan and Hu sa in ,

was compelled to obtainth e sum requ ired by sel ling them to a

w eal thy merchant o f Med ina . Af ter th is h isw ife Fatimah ad vised ‘Ali to go to her father,Muhammad , an d implore h is aid

,wh i ch he

accord ingly d id . The story end s unfin ishedat th is point .


3 8 .

Ad d . 5660 F.—A collection o f m iscellaneou s

papers , of wh ich the follow ing are in Bengal i .[N . B . Hu man ]

I. F0 11. 1 and 2 ; 15% in . by 10 ; abou t 4 5l ines , 45> in . long ; w ritten on the righ t halfo f each page .Instructions t o the Amin and Gomashta

at Haripal .Begins

an: swarmW W W e came l 1

CirW m t iara w e w as as { i t s Ottawa

semi i sm {mafi a ai ls? w as: emits

wim ffl aa Esra m m i fw ts mi enW ffitfl

6 9m ca m e m at ters e minim 0

cvtfw W W { ma are we w e re aimw a s

si ft rf t a th at? fez? wms aims 6Wi ts =n l

The d ocum en t contains a Bengal i tran slation o f ord ers i ssu ed by an offi cer of th e EastInd ia Company con cern ing the collection o f

revenues d erived from th e manu facture of

cloth at Haripal . It beg in s by stating th atth e Dallals , or brokers , w h o had been ap

poin ted some years previou sly , w ere in th eh ab i t o f oppressing the w eavers , and , beingin collu s ion w ith the Gomash ta , or agen t , an doth er offi cials , h ad become lax in the colleet ion o f m on ey d ue to th e Company . Theyh ad accord ingly been d ism issed

,and th ese

ru l es had been d rawn up fo r th e gu id ance o f.the Am in and Gomashta w ith respect to theird u ties , and the supervis ion to be ex ercised bythem over the n ew ly appoin ted Dallals in the

m anagemen t o f th e cotton trad e,and the

collection o f revenu es . The d ocumen t isincomplete .II. F011. 3 an d -4 . One sheet 20 in . by 15 .

A legendary a ccou nt o f the ma rriage o f

king V ik ramad itya w i th the d aughter of kingBhoja .

Beginsa ims fw wfiw state I 7mwaters 1

on: fi sts-

aim e ta-

ta a nmg rafts a dmi ts cam afafl rlW , W 3 113: m ay

m m w w w wwi afim zfi fi a a trams

fl aw s t stem as’

as 9mm {ester s t: rift s $6

25” a rm? was Efi sets W m W i ts? ! «as

W T? 01 i tems fi x? ! 53 ! i ts?“

Maunavati , th e d augh ter o f king Bhoja ,s ixteen years of age , and very beau tifu l , w as

d eterm ined no t to m arry any aspiring su itorun less he cou ld m anage to indu ce h er to speakat n ight . Many princes came in hOpe o f gaining her . One by one they occupied th e sameroom w i th her at n igh t on separate cou ch es ,and tried their best to extract even a s ingl eword from her l ips , b ut all in va in . KingV ikramad itya , hearing of her beau ty , cam ealso unattend ed an d unknown . He also cou ldn o t m ake her u tter a w ord . Then , summ on ingtwo o f h is gob l in attend an ts , Tala and V itz

d a ,

he ord ered them to sit on the prin cess’bed

stead , and reply to h is question s . In thecou rse of conversat ion w ith them the kingcunn ingly narrated tw o amu sing stories ,wh ic h

proved so in teresting to th e prin cess that sh ecou ld n o t refrain from laughing , and makingsome remark , and thus becam e wed d ed toV ikramad itya .

III. Foll . 1 1 and 12.

A poem in 6 verses d escrip tive o f femal ebeau ty . By N an d alala .

Begins 1

e fit W ‘i fiifl’

cats at: fat-

cm was irate

aft ? flea trfi mi

wa s cag e w a s fi ve f‘ rfG ffl fl mlvtfifs

The poem is followed by an Engl ish tran slat ion

,probably by Mr. Halhed .

IV . F011. 1 3—1 5 .

“ d id I

Bémmd sa .

A poetical d escription o f the m on ths . ByBharatach andra Raya . See no . 1 8 .

Begins :h arm ca [i .a. an? ) CW ! W was was 1

a mas at ? W W wi ser 11

w in was aw 71m

m fem wire fm as wri ts ant s u

( 23 )


P . 2a . D inesach andra Sena , in h is valuablew ork on the Bengal i language and l iteratu re ,"iquotes a Sanskri t verse wh ich is


found insevera l old and reliableCopies of the Chaitanyacharitamrita

,which gives Saka 1 537

(A.D . 1 6 1 5) as the d ate of it s compos ition .

P . The three Sanskrit stanz as are

borrowed from Pu ru sho ttama’

s grammar,entitled Prayogaratnamala.

P . 6b. Vr indavana Dasa is also the au thoro f Bhajanan irnaya , a treatise on Vaishnavad evo t ion and religiou s obligations , publ ishedat Calcutta , 1 901 , und er the ed i torship o f

{ad hesach and ra Dasa .

P . Sb. Dinesachand ra Sena has publ isheda l ong extract from an old fam ily man uscript

a; Vq figabhd shd o sciTn'tya (2nd ed it ) , Calc utta, 1 902,

p. 332. zbfd, pp. 107-4 13.

o f th e Ramayana of Krittivasa—not to befound in the printed ed itions—m in which thepoet has given an extens ive genealogica laccoun t of From th is i t appearsthat Kritt ivasa was the 7th in lineal descen tfrom Udho t a

, wh o was a m in ister at thecourt of D anaujaMadh ava (A.D . 1280

His great-grand fa th er, Nrisimha t a, settled

at Phuliya probably abou t A .D . 134 8 . Kritti

vasa was at th e cou rt o f Kamsanarayana ,Raja o f Tahirpu r, who ru led abou t the m idd leo f the 1 5 th cen tury . It is probable


fore, that he w as born som ewhere abou tA.D . 1 440.

P. 106, 1. 1 3 . For a s . 1466 read Saka14 66 . Also , 1. 28 , f or B S 1495 read Saka149 5 .


THE references are to the numbers under wh ich the MSS. are d escribed . W ork s wh ich are onlyinc id entally m en t ioned are d is tingu ished by figures of l igh ter type in th e referen ce . Assamese

w ork s are ind icated by an asterisk , Oriya work s by a d agger.

Annadamangala, 18—20 .

1Bandhodaya , 30 .

Baramasa, 3 8 IV .

Bhagava tapurana . Sk . x . and x i . , 10 .

*Bhagavatapurana, 21 .

Sk . i . and 22.

TBhagavatapu rana . Sk . x i . 25—29 .

Bhak tich in tam ani , 11 .

Bilvam angala, 2.

Ch ai tanyabhagavata, 2, 1 1 .

Chai tanyach androd aya, 2.

Chai tanyach aritamri ta, 2 , 1 1 .

Chand i , 14 ,18 .

Chandinatak a, 1 8 .

TDardhyatabhak tirasamri ta, 33 .

Deh ak archa , 12.

Gangash tak a, 1 8 .

Gurud ak sh ina, 37 .

Haribh ak tivi lasa, 2.

Hatapa ttana , 12.

TJagannathachari tamrita, 25 .

Jagannathamangala, 15 .

TJaimin i Bharata (the beginn ing only) ,Kalikamangala, 1 8

—20 I .

*Kan khoya, 24 .

*Karm aphala, 24 I I .

*Ki rtan-

gh o sha, 23 .

Krishna-Arjuna-samvad a, 20 I I .Krishnav ijaya , 10 .

Mahabharata (Sabha, Bh i shma, Sm,

As'ram a parva s) , 15 .

(Van a-

parva ) , 17 .

(Drona-parva) , 16 , 3 8 V .

Man iharana, 10.

Nagash tak a, 18 .


Premabhak t i ch andrika, 12.

Ramayan a,13 .

TRamayana (Kishk indhya-kandal, 32.

(L anka-kanda) , 3 1 .

Ra sam afijari , 18 .

Ra timafijar i , 18 .

Sivaramer yud d ha, 13 .

Smaranamangala , 12 .

Syaman tak aharanakatha, 10.

V id agd hamadh ava , 2.

V idyasu nd ara, 1 8—20 I .

Yogadh yar vandana, 13 .

( 30 )



NUMERALS coming af ter a name are prec i se, o r appro x imate, ob ituary d ate s, bu t, in the case o f

s cr ibes th ey refer to th e d ate o f transc ription ; wh en follow ing th e t i tle o f a w ork, th ey

i nd ic at e th e d a te o f c ompo si tion . Th e referenc es are to th e n umbers und er wh ich the MSS.

are described .


Ali , the Ca liph , 37 I I I .An an ta Kand ali

,21 .

Atmarama Dasa, sc ribe. Kalikamangala (BS .

1 8 .

Balarama Dasa . Ramayana, 3 1 .

Bank ura Deva , of Midmtpu r, 14 .

Bh agavan Dasa, 25 .

Bharatach and ra Raya, Gu nfi kam (S’ak a

Kalikam angala , 1 8—20. Baramasa, 38 IV .

Borlac e Capta in , 36 I .

Brad d on , M12,36 I .

C arteret 36 I .Chai tanya , the Ref ormer (S

'aka 12, 25 .

L ife (Chai tanyachari tamrita ) by Kri shnadasa Kaviraja , 2 .

Ch uhamang , King of Assam, 2l.

Ch uk h rangpha. Sec Rudra Simh a, Raj a. of

Tipperah .

Chupatpha. See Gadadh ara Simh a, Rajw ofTipperah .

Dam od ara Deva, 21 .

Bana ujaMadhava, 13 (Add ) .

D ivak ara Kara, 25 .

D ivyasimh a D eva, Raj a of Khu rdka , 32.

Gadadhara Dasa,

Gadadhara Simh a, Raja of Tipperah (A.D .

1 .

Ganganarayana Ch ak ravarti , 12.

Gopala Bhatta, 2.

Gopinatha Navak a, scri be. Bhagava tapu rana

(BS . 25 .

Gov ind a Dasa, the poet, 12.

Gunak ara . See Bharatach an dra Raye .

Gunaraja K_han . Kri shnavijaya (S’ak a 1395


Gurbakh sh Rota . L etter to Mr . C . Hampton ,

d ated B S . 1 133, 36 1 .

Hari D eva , 21 .

Hampton S torekeeper of Kas imbaz ar f a ctory,

36 I .Hrid aya Mis'ra, 14 .

Indranarayana Pala Ch au dh uri , 1 8 .

Jagannath a, ca lled Kaviva lla bha . V anaparva, 1 7 .

Jagannath a Dasa . Bhagavatapuran a , Sk . x i .,

25—29 .

Jagannatha Mis'ra, 14 .

Jamal Muh amm ad, of Kalinga, sc ribe . S

'an ti

parva (BS . 15 w . S triparva

(B S . 15 m .

Jayan and a, sc ribe . Bhagavatapu rana, Sk . x i .,

21 .

Jiva Go svam i , 12.

Kam alakan ta, 15 .

Kam sanaray ana, Ra-jw of Tahirpur, 13 (Add ) .

Kas'i rama Dasa . Mahabharata (portion s) , 151 6 , 38 v .

Kavich and ra , 14 .

v ik ank an a . See Muk und arama Chak ravart i .

( 32 )


NUMERALS in paren th eses ind ic ate th e d ate o f c ompo si tion o f th e work,or o f the d eath o f th e

au thor.


Chaitanyach ari tamrita (S’ak a life o f

Ch a i tanya (S'ak a by Kri shnadasa

Kaviraja, 2.

L ife o f Muh ammad , by Saiy id Sultan , 3 .


L i sts o f Hindu castes and pro fession s, 39 I .L i st o f Muh ammad an tri bes and pro fession s ,

39 1 1 .


No tes on Oriya grammar, 40 v .


Historic al ac c oun t of Rud ra Simh a, Raja of

Tipperah , 1 .


Cloth merchants’ d ay-bo

ok o f sales (B S .

35 A.

Con trac t regard ing , brok erage agreed to by

Krishna Dasa and Narasimh a Dasa (B S .

36 11 .

Form s of d o c uments in use by land lord s and

tenants , 3 7 1 1 .

Th e referenc es are to th e n umbers un der wh ich th e MSS. are desc ribed .


in th e

Bengali ,



Bengal i annotations , 9 .

L i st o f sev en Bengal i poets, and their princ ipalw ork s

,38 VI.

Instru c tion s t o th e Am i n an d Gomash ta a t

Har ipal regard ing the c o llec tion of reven u esfor the E. I. Company, 38 I .

L etter w ri tten by Gu rbakh sh Rota to Mr . C .

Hampton and o th ers (B S . 36 1 .

L etter w rit ten to Captain W ilson by Kri shnak an ta S’

arma, 35 G.

Money- lend er’s business memorand a, 35 B.

Notes on the system of arithmetic al c ompu tation ,39 IV .

Bengal i-Khas i vo c abulary, 8 .

Bengali -Kuk i vo cabu lary , 6 .

Bengal i n ames o f rela t ion sh ip, 39 m .

Bengal i-Persian vocabu lary, 5 .

Bengali vocab u lary, w i th equ ivalentsTipperah d ialec t, 7 I .

Comparat ive vo c abu lary o f San sk ri t,

and Oriya w ord s,7 1 1 .

Vo cabu lary o f Oriya w ord s, 40m .


L ist of seventy Oriya c ompo s i tion s, 40 I .Spec imens o f Oriya l i terature, 40 u .


Med ical prescriptions and m antras, 4 .


Bandh odaya, by Upendra Rhanja, 30.

Baramasa,by Bhara tachandra Raya , 38 IV .

Bhagava tapurana . An Assam ese tran slation by

S'ankara Deva (S’

aka 1490) and others,21, 22.

Bhagava tapurana (Sk . An Oriya transla

tion by Jagannath a/ Das a, 253—29 .

Bh ak tich in tamani, by V rindavan a Dasa, 1 1 .

Ch aitanyacharitamri ta (S'ak a. by Krishna.

dasa Kaviraja , 2.

Ch and i , by Muk und arama Chak ravarti, 14 .

Dardhyatabhak tirasamri ta, by Ramadasa, 33 .

Gurudak sli ina, by S'ank ara

, 3 7 I .Ja imin i Bharata . An Oriya transla t ion o f the

c omm encement, by N i lambara Dasa , 40 1V .

Kalik amangala , by Bhara tachand ra Raya (S’ak a

18—20 I .Karmaph ala, a poem on yoga , 24 I I .Ki rtan -

gho sha, by S'ank ara Deva (S'ak a



(n i ti) , by Rama

K!ishna-Arj una - sam vad a,20 n .

Krishnavijaya (S'ak a 1395 by Gunarz


Khan ,10.

Mahabharata (Sabha, Bh i slima, Stri, S

'anti , and

As’rama parvas) , by Ka'i rama Bd sa , 15 .

(Dronaparva) , 16 , 38 I .Mahabharata (V anaparva ) , by Jagannath a , 1 7 .

Myth o logical poem , by S’ri dli ara Kand a li , 24 1 .

Poem d escriptive o f female beau ty, by Nandalala, 38 m .

Poem on proper beh aviourCh ak ravarti , 24 i i i .

Ramayana (c . S'ak a in Bengal i verse by

Kri t tivasa, 13 .

Ramayana (Kishk indhydk find a) , in Oriya verse,

by Kri shnaoharana Pattanayak a, 32.

Ramayana (L anka—kanda) , in Oriya verse, byBalarama Dasa, 3 1 .

Religiou s poem s, in Oriya , 34 .

Smaranamangala, by Naro t tam a Dasa (c . S'ak a



L egendary ac c ount o f th e marriage o f k ingV ik ramad i tya, 38 1 1 .

Story in verse of the genero sity o f th e Cal iph‘

Ali , 37 m .

( 34 )






ADD l'l‘








PERS. HIND . Pnsm'nz S I ND H I. PERs . HI ND . Pnsnrn. SIND III .

w, v

Hamzah in the mid d le of a word

The Push tu letters 3 and u-‘

P have been represented by the so fter sound s of ‘

j’and ‘

sll ,’

pecu liar to theKhataks and Afghans of th e W estern tribes, rather than by th e harder soun d s of g and k k h


’as pronounced

by th e YI’

Isufzais and Eastern tr‘


In Hindustani word s only . In S indh i words only. W hen correspond ing to the Sansk rit a, and in S indhi.



Gada N ingarhari .1 He resided chiefly at

Banher , in the country o f the Yfi sufz ais , and

w as a d isciple of Mir Saiyid ‘Ali Gh awwfis,


Tirmiz i . He d ied in A .H . 104 8 (A.D . 1638

gh t years after the d eath o f hi s religiousp receptor.Besid es the Makhz an al-islam, Darwez ah

has w ritten the following Persian works1 . Ta zk irat al-ah rar, published at Pesha

war , 1 8 9 1 , an d Delh i , 1 8 92. In this workw ritten in A .H . 1021 (A.D . 1 6 12-3)—Darwez ah gives an accoun t of theAfghan s and th eirorigin , w ith notices o f certain orthod ox and

h eretical sects. See the Persian Catalogue ,p . 28 a .

2. Irshad al-talibin ,a work on Muhamma

dan ethics , publ ished at L ahore, A.H. 1310

(A .D .

3 . A commen tary on the Arab i c Bad ’al

amal i o f ‘Ali ibn‘Usman al-Ushi , pub lished

at L ahore , 1 8 91 , and 1900 . See the Arab i cCatalogue, p . 966.

The Makh z an al- islam w as w ritten w ithth e Special obj ect of refuting the heretica lteach ing of Bayaz i d Ansari , the son of ‘Abd

Allah ,a learned Afgh an o f the tribe of V ar

m ud , w ho l ived in the d ist rict of Kan igu ramon th e bord ers o f Kand ahar . Bayaz id h adimb ibed u northod ox relig iou s bel iefs byc ompan ionsh ip w i th a Mulh id cal led Mul li Sulaiman . He took up h is ab od e at N ingarhar,

wh ere he became th e found er o f t he Rosh an iyeh sect . He was bi tterly opposed by theorth od ox Sunni s , and m ore particu larly byAkhund D arwez ah , w h o gave h im the t itle ofPi r i tarik , “ the father o f darkness ,” whilst

1 There appears to be some uncertainty as to th e correc tspelling Of the name of th is town . In Macgregor

's N .W .

Frontier, vol. i . , p. 532, it is spelt Nangrahar, and in

Beale ’

s Buddh ist Record s, vol. i . , p. 9 1,Nagarah ara .

2 See the Q az inat al-asfiya of (fl i ulam Sarwar, Cawn

pore, 1 8 94 , p. 4 7 1 . Muhammad‘Abd al-Shakfir

,th e

author of th e Tezk irah i‘ulama i Hind

,Lucknow, 18 94 ,

p. 59 , calls h im‘Ali al-Mawwas.

1 The Roshem’

ah Sec t and its Founder Bayez id Ansdri ,Asiatic Researches, vol. Xi . , L ondon , 1 8 12.

2 See the colophon to MS . no . 5 .

3 Ca talogue of Persian Manuscripts by H. Ethe’

, nos .

2632—38 .

he ascribes to himself that of Pir i roshan ,

the father o f l ight .”Dr . L eyd en has w ritten a complete history

o f the l ife o f Bayaz i d , and an account o f theRosh aniyah sec t

l—taken ch iefly from theDab istan i mazahib—w ith remarks on thehostile attacks ofAkhund Darwez ah . Speaking o f the presen t work , he says The

Makhzan Afghan/1, of which he [t.e. Darwezah ]

is th e principal au thor , is a m iscellaneouscompi lation on the ritual and m oral practiceof Islam , composed in the Pashta or Afghanlanguage , in a style o f measured prose . TheteXture o f the work is of a very loose and

u nconn ected natu re ; SO that the d ifferentchapters Of which it consists adm i t Of easytran spos i tion a circum stance which h as

given rise to great d ivers ity o f arrangem entand vari ety of read ings .

The Makh z an al- islam appears to havebeen originally composed by Darwez ah in 9

section s , or Bayams , w i th Pers ian prefaces ,and an introdu ctory chapter con tain ing an

expos ition o f verses from the Koran and

Arab ic prayers . It was sub sequently en

larged by ad d i tional matter con tribu ted byKarimdad , the son of Darwez ah , Mul laAsghar, the au thor ’

s b rother, and Muham

mad ‘Abd al-Halim , the son of ‘Abd Allah,

and gran d son o f Darwez ah . Finally thewhol e was compiled , revised , and re-arrangedin its presen t popu lar form in A .H . 1024

(A.D . by‘Abd al-Karim , another son

of Darwez ah . In the presen t copy thisadd i tional matter appears as a supplement atthe conclus ion of Darwez ah

s eight Bay-Pi ns ;

in the follow ing copies , an d also in themanu scripts in the Ind ia Office L ibrary , 3 i tis incorporated in the origina l work , w i thalterations , ad d ition s or abbreviations , and

under variou s method s of arrangemen t .


ContentsI. Foll . 2b—8a . The Sd rah Fatihah and

Snrab 11311515 (SI’Irah s 1 and 1 12 o f theKoran) ,and Arabic prayers , w i th Pu shtu vers ions o fthe sam e .Begins : [N ] J > a M 11

05 d y


j u yl‘c [Alb a M b g d fiifa q g


J) , 45}

11 . F011. 8 a—15a . Bayan I. A com

pend ium o f th e Muhammadan belief , b eing a

m etrical paraphrase o f the Bad ’al-amal i , an

Arab ic Kasi d ah by S iraj al-D in ‘Ali ibn‘Usman al—Ushi al-Farghan i .The Persian preface begins w i th an Arabi cp reambl eonrefit w b

'lfi s


gal at


r? Lil? ) u


FM flail!

spo ol), ul‘a s w e

}!M: at} ! fi lm


Th e Pu shtu paraphrase beg insnu r

J ; du alr; j

LfiTJ_ > e ML L 3





ff d~e g o glaa



A lacuna occurs after fol. 9 .

III. Foll . l5a—37a . Bayan II. A paraphrase Of the Arab i c Kasidat al- burdah , ,


poem in praise of Muh ammad , by‘Abd Allah

Muhammad ibn Sa ‘id al-Bus iri .

Pers ian preface begins : M JQ( 50uh"?

all) 24 07 r

ues[.l m ay be: alu o . af so

) ,saw

Pushtu begins 6 } o as .

r’iifi C5” 0 M

'i g

IV . Fol . 37a—48 a . Bayan III. An

accou nt of 72 u north od ox sects , w ithparti cu lars o f the heretical tenets of each .

Persian preface begins : u) ? aQbaJl uh )

” 0

an, u tm i l[.ld f

jb,u p »

)ruf f .) Allah

Pu shtu begins : a ; bu g‘s d fl lfi


fi a

V . Fol . 4 8 a - 58 b. Bayan IV . An abstractof the Kh ulasah o f L utf Allah Kaidani , an

Arabic manu al of instruction on ceremon ialab lu tions and prayer, in eight Babs .

Begins so lsunfilM (”

LR u)”



U“ ;

153 1; a gorib. JS a j ay! g o

V I. Foll . 58 b—76a . Bayan V .,d ivid ed

into three Fasls .

Fasl 1 . A translation of four articles o f

bel ief (mafia ) from the Arab i c o f Z iya al-D in

Imam Muhammad Shami .

Begins : in) 1 ° J) d o ; M rfl

wrai wagg ing. , Ia g


um , u s;


e'l Hall; 5 4 5313} d


waltz-95 ; o fi fi fi dj l su i c w t za iB


'm li

CL “M y


'u o l ¢i > ~

Fasl 2. A tran s lation o f an Arabi c treatiseby Najm al-D in ‘ Umar ibn Muhammad al

Nasafi on heretical sects , in twelve Firkah s .

Persian preface beg ins :F7

“) M

r"L513} . r

unrm cu


ojs Anita

/ j.) ask: All! it»

) v ial ),

P ushtu translation begins : J» :

rte )

49 w} Q

's A“: r

This section h as been printed in theGu lshan i roh , pp . 135—140, and in

Dorn ’

s Chrestomathy, pp . 24—33 .


Fasl 3 . A treatise on the correct readingo f th e Koran .

Persian preface b egins : Jo ;

( j awq13 1 11g 9

5105 JR ES”)Law -1 w


'w j


.5 1}; J ”:

P ushtu begins : uh: r);ri iJ

‘? to as. 3

4 5° Jr ‘

fi . Jr“) $55

q ”if.“

wa tt; g )

VIII. Foll . 76a—92b. Bayan VI. An

explanation o f the correct interpretation of

religiou s terms arranged accord ing to th eArabi c alphabet .Pers ian preface begins : 5.15s 1

ram Jet?

wfi w fl r “ 15,-f ) wt)

"elk “

g" ?


Pushtu b egins : gal4° fin .5

«31 c h a ins aw. “i ma ge

VIII. Foll . 92b—1 1 7b . Bayan VII. An

exposi tion o f the Sunn i bel ief , and religiou sObservances , in 23 Nuktah s .

Persian preface begins OAR /0 lee


Pu shtu beg ins : J} 3 3) Old 3

uh“ 3 «i sup)

» a;u'm l A>

IX. Foll . 1 1 76 Bayan VIII. An

accoun t o f Baya z i d Ansari and h is sons,up

to the d eath o f Jalal al-D in , and th e accessiono f Ali d ad as head o f th e Roshan iyah sect .This chapter is w ritten in Persian and alsoin Pushtu .

Persian begins : 41543 5 “



)3 AQLB 1


:U§ 51 b log's)» M 1 8M w

(U £11 3 5: ad 4

101A; f?


orb/3 w as

Pushtu begins : W gt: c g Q5 ,9


g fif lw A; u

‘s lrs‘

gs s

is—I ail

These eight Bayans and in troductoryprayers compri se the originalwork o fAfl find

Darwez ah .

End s : d .) “250


r uh .)Jlgl

Is i a

‘i p d'doglj j aih

rkirdfi M IB-




MU é lm mgd u ij $ M é



Appended to the work are two Pers ianepilogues , the latter con tain ing n otes on

particu lar letters o f th e Pu sh tu alphabet .‘Abd al-Karim , the son of Darwez ah , is

stated in the colophon to be the compi ler .Colophon : 3 b

ula i l Lu .) 1) ca

t? 1}

The following add itional matter h as beenappended °

X . Foll. 135b —152. Another alphabeticall ist of relig ious term s w i th explanat ions afterthe mod el of Bayan VI , by Karimdad , theson of Darwez ah , to w hich is append ed a

supplemen t (w ha le ) by ‘Abd al-Halim, son

of ‘Abd Allah , and grand son o f Darwez ah ,

contain ing religiou s ad vice and an invectiveagainst the heretical teaching o f Bayaz id .

0 b 1 3Begins . aefi

as WJu g / L b as

”)a. A? Li


The alphabet is abridged ; the completetext w i ll be found in the follow ing copy . It

ex tend s as far as the letter in clu sive , followed by f’ an d

5. To i t is add ed a portion

on ly o f ‘Abd al-Halim’

s supplement , beginn ing w ith the letter 5 (fol. fol. l58 a

o f no .

XI. FOII. 1323—1 73 . Articles of fai th , andceremon ial Observances , by Karimdad . A


The work concludes w ith the two epilogues ,as in the preced ing copy, bu t the nam e of

Karimdad appears , in stead of that o f ‘Abd

al-Karim , as the redactor .Colophon : ISM 1 M 1 M

gra il e“ M th an um, r

u nw-

a d l regal

“f l

“tel? rJ

a j J‘

JJJ-ll w as

1 35 4 1 if “ “U1”35


we 01“ l £4 56

The scribe has added to th e w ork a colleetion of in structive verses from the poem s o f‘Abd al-Rahman and Sher Muhammad (foll .14 5

4 .

Or . 396 .—Foll . 1 76 ; 1 1 in . by 7 ; 1 4 l in es ,

4% in . long, w ell wri tten , early 19 th century .

[GEO. W M. HAMI LTON ]Another copy

, sim ilar in arrangemen t tothe preceding.

The section contain ingKarimdad’s religiou s

Observan ces (foll . 21a—36b) is somewhatabbreviated . The portions com ing after th econfession of fai th (All? u s ua l) , and theMulghammas, are om itted .To Karimdad

s alphabet (foll. .l34b - l57b)is appended the supplement (w hi s k ) of Mn

h ammad Halim , the grand son of Darwez ah,

Of which the first few verses only are foundin the preceding copy.The Persian portion of Baya'n VIII. h as

been om itted .Th e colophon is the same as in no . 2, th e

name o f ‘Abd al-Karim appearing as thered actor.

5 .

Ad d . 27312.—Foll . 290 ; 8—5 in . by 511 10

and 12 lines , 3% in . long ; 18 th cen tury .


Ma w U" 65, 06

1 ?) l 41110

4 3


Asb l 3 w e


s uns c anal

M wfi ‘fit ’vlr —‘m5“



Several folios , chiefly at the beginn ing and

end of the volume , have been w ritten by a

later hand . There is a note on the marginof the first page stating that the manu scriptw as sold to Sahib Khan Marhatte on the 5thJumada I. ,

A .H . 1 18 6 (A.D . 1 7 72) for fou rrupees.

Or. 28 31 .

—Foll. 15 1 1 1 in. by 7% 15 l in es ,5 in . long ; carefully w ritten ; dated 5 Nov . ,18 74 . [REv. T . P . HUGHES ]

An other copy of the Mak_h z an al-islam .

Begins z fi J > a mug} ? d i p o j'tél

g d fi u jlu m

jsgo w to

gd gflk kf é


This copy begins w ith th e second Fasl ofBayan V . , preceded by a few introdu ctoryverses . The Arab i c prayers , which are

u sually placed first , com e immed iately beforeBayan I. (foll . 63a—7 1a ) , after Karimdad


religi ou s Observances (foll . 24a—63a) .

Bayan III. (fol. 1 1 8 6) is cal led Fas land the fifth and sixth Bayans are calledBabs .

Muhammad Halim’s supplement occu rs in

fu l l (foll . 259a append ed toKarimdfid’


alphabet, as in the preced ing copy. A lacunaoccurs after fol. 262.

The Persian portion of Bayan VIII. (fol.272a ) has been omi tted .

It is stated in the colophon that ‘Abd al

Karim completed this redaction on Friday,

the 21 Muh arram,A .H. 1024

,t.e. 20 Pebru

ary, A .D . 16 15 .

Colophon : 4 558 mi l 3 1> 5 M L.» cob


Another copy o f the same work .

M laJ

In this copy the Persian head ings, and

introduction s to the d ifferen t parts of thew orks , are en tirely om i tted . It beg in s w ithth e Pu shtu text of Bayan I.

, to which are

ad d ed the Arab i c prayers , and the two Faslsof Bayan V . ,

the third being placed beforethe second . These are followed by Karimdad

s ceremonial Observances and Mukh am

mas w ith Pushtu head ings .


s alphabet (fol l . 1216, l ine 9143a) is not as exten si ve as in the two preced ing manu scripts . Muhammad Halim’


supplemen t , and the two epilogu es at thecon clu s ion of th e work , have been om itted .

The printed ed i tion o f Delhi , 1 8 8 5 (P)agrees w ith this copy , except that the Pers ianportion s and epilogues have been retain ed ,bu t w ithou t stating the name of any redactor .

Or . 448 9 .

—Foll . 200 ; 1 1 in . by 7 ; 17 l ines ,4 % in . long ; written abou t the 1 8 th century .



id i shari ‘a t.

A manualo fMuhammad an relig ious Obl igation s , in 82 chapters (BC-lb) . ByMuhammad

Kfisim ,Aki n


i nd of Swat .Begin s : ad ‘

s; o x) ”3 ga s

pu lfi ub

c 9 at" 1

)cf d


Q' é ‘


‘ p u s-ma g ma } , g

a l/a i ms

. sfis]

[w a use. )

Maj or Raverty states in the Introd uctionto h is Grammar that the Fawa’

id i shari ‘atis a very valuab le w ork , w ritten in the yearA .H. 1 125, A .D . 1 713, by Ak_ hund Kasim ,

Or . 58 8 8 .-Foll . 6 1 ; 9 in . by 6 ; 1 1 lines ,

3 in . long w ritten circa A .D . 1 800.


g )0rum

u v‘

who was the chief prelate and the head of alltheMuhammadan ec clesiastic s o fHash t-nagarand Peshawer, which places , in those days,rival led Bokhara i tself in l earn ing .

In the prologue the author calls h imselfAbfi al-Kasim ibn ‘Abd Allah . The workhas been frequ en tly published at Delhi andPeshawar . Selections are printed in the“Gu lshan -i-roh ,” and Dorn’

s“ Chrestomathy.”

Copyist : Haidar Shah .

u.) a



rm M

”Lg/AP Q

Rash id al-bayd u .

A manual of instruction on religiou s duties ,in verse . By ‘Abd al-Rashid .

Begins : curb a. ) M s



qoUs) (

la a 9 119

U5) fi ll

rt: O

f u'tt? v i" Lg

“ N )” “3

ICutm l

g" 9L,»

The w ork is w ri tten in s imple language ,su itabl e for the comprehension of w om en and

child ren . It'

h as frequently been pub l ished .

‘Abd ai-Rashid states at the conclusi onthat h e was the son of Sultan Hu sain , of theFarruki sect of the Kuraish i clan , and a

resid ent o f L angarko t . His ancestors l ivedat Mu ltan . He composed the work in A .H .

1 1 69 (A.D .

End s : fia

é j k g orég

q ti ?



9 .

Or . 28 93.—Foll . 740 ; 13 in . by 8 1 3 l ines

in a page dated Peshaw ar , April , 18 8 5 .

[Ram T . P . HUGHES .]

T5 7 25]: i murassa‘.

A History of the Afghans . ByMuhammadAfz al Khan .

Begins : w a s.)All Afillhfl m b

ojlj gls l o sg r

uq ) 91's :

glas du

zb d

Uli s ao w ill} a 7

s5.l was !

g o ”L; 9k :

,S'a tt ob l alslw e;

Muhammad Afz al Khan was the son of

Ashraf Khan , and grand son o f the famou sKhu shhal _


~Igll atak . W h en h is father

w as betrayed by themachination s of his un cl eBahrain in to th e han d s o f the Moguls in

A .H . 1095 (A.D . and sen t as a stateprisoner to the fortress of Bij apu r , Afz alK_han w as on ly 1 7 years of age, and unableto take h is rightfu l position as head o f theK_h_atak clan , bu t , after th e d eath of h is father

in captivity in A .H . 1 105 (A.D . hesucceed ed to the chiefta insh ip .

The Tarikh i m urassa‘ con tains a Pu shtu

translation of th e Makh z an i Afghani , oth erw ise call ed Tami l; i Kli finjahan i , a Persianhistory o f the Afghans , w ritten by Ni ‘matAllah in A .H . 1020 (A.D . described inthe Persian Catal ogu e , p . 210a , et seq. AfzalMan h as ad d ed to h is trans lation of thisw ork a special accoun t Of the Yfi sufz ais , and

an ex ten s ive history o f the Khatak fam i ly ,more parti cu larly of h is renowned grand fatherKhu shhal Khan .

After a long preface, in which are intro 1 Hi story of the Afghans, Lond on , 18 36 .

d uc ed several poeticalcomposi tion s in Persianand Pushtu , the au thor divid es the w ork into3 Babs and 7 Daftars ( fol. to which isappend ed a Khatimah . The contents are as

followsBab I. Foll . 1 6a—23a . History of Mih

tar Ya ‘kfib Isra’i l Allah (Jacob ) , from whomthe Afgh ans trace their d escen t .Bab II. Foll . 23a—42b. History of kingTalat (Sau l ) , an d an accou nt o f the m igrationof the Afghan s to the mountainous countryof Ghor , and the Su laiman range .Bab III. Foll . 426—65a . History of

Khalid ibn Val id , to the end of the Cal iph ateOf ‘Umar .Dafta r I. Foll. 656 History o f

Su l tan Bahlol L od i , Su l tan Sikan d ar L od i ,an d Su ltan Ibrahim .

Daftar II. Foll . 1 19a—237a . History ofthe reigns o f Sher Shah Sar, Islam Shah , and‘Ad i l Shah , called ‘Ad li .Thu s far th e Tarili h i murassa

‘ is on ly a

tran slation o f the first port ion o f Ni ‘matAllah’

s Makh z an i Afghani . See Dorn’


translation ,

‘ pt . i . , pp . 1—1 8 4 .

Daftar III. Foll . 237a—27 la . An accountof d istingu ished Afghan chiefs . Th is chapteralso is translated from Ni ‘mat Allah’

s his tory,

but d oes n ot appear in Dorn’

s tran slation,

which w as mad e from a shorter recens ion o f

the Persian work . It con ta ins an accoun t o fKhanjahan L od i , Diler K_ han , Bahad ur Khan ,Purd i l Khan , and Darya K_ han .

Daftar IV . An account o f events wh ichoccu rred at Kabul . This chapter is so d e

scribed in the preface , but is not found inth is or follow ing copies of the w ork .


Foll . 21 8—235 . Daftar VII. Fol . 6 9 1b 27 1 7a 10.

F011. 236—243 . Khatimah . Fol. 7 171) 5

73m 10.

FO11. 244—247 . Kilatimah . Fol . 7341) 2740

,the end .

1 1 .

Or. 448 7 .—Foll . 765 ; 13 in . by 1 5 l ines,

45 in . l ong ; d ated A .H. 1272 (A.D . 1 8 56 )bound in stamped leather .


An other copy , agreeing w i th Hughes’ copy,

n o . 9 , bu t incompl ete . The whole of th e

Matimah, con tain ing the genealogy o f the

Afghans , is wanting ; the manuscrip t endingin the m id d le o f the accoun t of Rawal Fakir


at the end Of Daftar VII. on fol. 7 151) o f no . 9 .

Copyist : N i'

i r Muhammad,o f Kand ahar .

The copy w as made at Mu l tan for Maj orRaverty , th en Assistan t Commissioner, and

was completed in A .H. 1272, as stated in a

pencilled note at th e end .

The b ind er’s name, Muhammad Sa‘ id


Pashawari , is stamped on the m idd l e of eachcover, w ith the date A .H . 1274 .

1 2 .

Or . 423 1 .—Foll . 124 ; 9 in . by 5

1 1 5 l ines,3 in . long ; 1 8 th centu ry .


M llalfi:

Sli d hndmah .

A hi story in verse of Ahmad Shah Durran ifrom h is rise to power in the service of Nad irShah to the commen cemen t o f h is campaignagainst the Marathas at Pan ipat . By Hafiz .

Begins :Jr ? O

4° smut, L ?

Jr? A r”

J; ‘i

b ill) 9543 la; “5


olug) as


Con tents Praisep

o f God , Muhammad andh is compan ions , fol. 1 . In trod uction

, fol. 70 .

Accoun t o f Nad i r Shah , fol. 12a . Departureo f Cham kan i to L ahore , and d eath of Nad irShah , fol. 146. Coronation of Ahmad ShahD urrani , as king o f Afghan istan (A.D .

fol. 1 8a . Defeat and fl ight o f Nawab NasirKh an ,

fol. 22a . March of Ahmad Shah toL ahore , fol. 25a . Nawab Shahnawaz 191mmak es ready to oppose him, fol. 29a . Battleat Shahlimar, near L ahore , fol. 31 6. Arriva lo f th e Moghul forces w ith the W az i r Kamaral-Din Khan from Jah anabad , fol. 36a . Ahmad Shah assures himself of the fid elity ofh is Chieftains , fol. 38 a . March to Si rhind ,fol. 4 la . Battle at Sirh ind (A.D . fol.

43a . Arrival o f Nawab Mu ‘in al-Mu lk as

governor of Lahore on the d eath of h is fatherat the battle-field o f Sirhind , fol. 496 .

All ian ce w ith the Emperor o f Delh i , broughtabout by the interven tion of Nawab Mu

‘ inal-Mu lk, fol. 546 . Return o f Ahmad 8 11 2111to Kabu l , fol. 59a . Battle w i th NawabMu

‘ inal-Mu lk , fol. 626 . Sack ofDelh i (A.D .

fol. 75a . March to Jainagar , fol. 7 7a . Marchfrom Anupshahr toward s Shahdara , fol. 8 66 .

Crossing t he river Jumna,fol. 90a . Nawab

Naj ib al-D aulah opposes the Maratha forcesat Pan ipat , fol. 926. Despatch of BahuAdamto Naj ib al-Banlah , fol. 96a . S t0ppage of

grain supplies to the Marathas , fol. 9 76.

Ahmad Shah opposes the Marathas at Pan ipat , fol. 1006. Q atimah , fol. 1216.

The poem bears the d ate A .H . 1 172, i .a.

A.D . 1 7 59 -60, and w as therefore w rittend uring th e con tinuance of the w ars w i th theMarathas , in which they were finally d efeateda t Pan ipat in January 1 76 1 . This manu

scr ip t appears to be the author’s au tograph ,and h as many corrections , and ad d itionalverses on the margin .

For an account of the life of Ahmad Shah ,

see Tawarifi i Khwu rshi d i Jahan, by SherMuhammad K_ han ,

L ahore , 1 8 94 , p . 148

also Tang i Sul tan i , by Su l tan Muhammadfihan , Bombay , 1 298


1 3 .

O r. 44 8 8 .

—Foll . 1 52 12 in . by 7g; 1 5 lines ,4 ; in . lon 0

”n eatly written , d ated 26 Ju ly,

C ,

1 8 64 . [MAJOR H . G . RAVERTY.

Tawd rilL/z i Hdfiz Rakma tlcj zdni .

A history o f the Y i'

i sufz ai Afghans . ByPir Mu

‘az z am Shah .

Begins : ij gx afkth a n

[fl at


(Jab) ! M 36 W IJl u

i ‘lfio .

g bfi f f aé'


dug; 4

2a A» )A353 ph

‘3 w t“;


U ?” 2s t? ! a

te). af W Tj l

The au thor states in a Persian preface thathe w as the son o f Pir Muhammad Faz il , a

resid en t of the villag e o f Pir Sahbak in thePesh awar District, and in the service of

Hafiz Rahmat Khan , the Rohi lla Chieftain(wh o d ied A .H . 1 18 8 , i .e. A.D . His

royal m aster chan ced to see a m anu scriptcopy of the Tawarikh i Afaggghinah l in thelibrary o f Khan Bahad u r Khan , an Afghano f th e Ghoriakhel, Da’

ud z ai , at Shahjahanpu r(Delh i) . In i t was a history of th e Khak h ian d fl ori clan s, w ith a special accoun t ofthe Yfi su fz ais, written in Pushtu m ixed w i thPersian , after the style of the Tazk irah of

Afl iund Darwez ah (i .e. theMak_h z an al- islam ) .

PirMu‘azzam Shah

,at the command of Hafiz

Rahmat K_ han , re-wrote that h istory in an

easier and m ore readable style .

By Husain fl an Afgh an , wri tten about A.D . 1622.

See Eth é’

s Ca talogue of Persian MSS . in the Ind ia Ofiice,no . 5 8 1 , p. 233 , also Rieu

s Catalogue, p. 230a.

Q J‘aw d ef-LANA M 33 54 : h iya

”M K

w as m zsLa

1 1

The work is d ivided into seven chapters(Maham ) . The d ate o f composition , A .H .

1 18 1 , i .e. A.D . 1 7 67-68 , is given in a con

clud ing poem .

1 . Fol . 4a . The original hab i tation o f th eKhakh i and Ghori clan s, thei r settlemen t inthe country of Kabu l , and d isagreements w iththe governor, Mi rza ‘Ulugh Beg.

2 . Fol . 226. Migration of the Yasu fz aisto Peshawar , battles w i th the D alazak s , theconquest o f the Doab , and Bajawar, and

occupation of the city o f Hash tnagar.

3 . Fol . 496. Invasion of Swat und er thelead ership of Mal ik Ahmad , and the ad van ceof the Emperor Babar for the subjugation o f

the Yfi su fz ais.

4 . FO] . 8 5a . The settlemen t of th e Gagian i s in the Doab

,the arriva l of Babar Shah

from Kabul at Peshawar, and h is defeat o fthe Dalazaks

5 . Fol . 97a . The wars between the Gagiani s and the Dalazak s .

6 . F0 ] . 1 136 . The d ivision of the con

qu ered territories amongst th e various clans,mad e u nd er the d irection o f Sh aikh Malithe d eath of Shaikh Mali and Mal ik Ahmad

the su ccession of Khan Kaj o to the chiefta insh ip, and the commencement o f a feud w i ththe fi oriakj el.

7 . Fol . 1346. The exped ition o f the Yasu fz ais against the Gh oriali i el, their d efeat an dthe occupation o f their land s by Khan Kaj o .

The w ork is stated in the coloph on tohave been composed byMiyanMu

‘az z am Shah

d uring the ru le of Muhammad‘Agim Allah

Khan , the son o f Dilawar al-mu lk ‘Iz z at ald anlah Dand i Khan Bahad ur Bahram i jang .

Copyis t : Mirza Muhammad Isma‘ i l, o f

Kand ahar .



1 4 .

Or . 4490.—Foll . 724 ; 12% in . by 8 ; 1 7 l ines ,

4% in . long ; written on European paperstamped on the corner “ Rolland Freres ,Bord eaux .


Rig/d z al-mahabba-t.

A Pushtu grammar and vocabulary , w rittenin Pers ian . By Nawab Mahabbat K

_han .

Begins : dés' u h!) UM

?“J Ohi o u

z fltlm


5'v 1

) uh? J i l ‘b “5 A’L’ l) hi “?

6”MM; 9

41mm“ u );US); As JLH


Mahabbat K_ han w as the eldest son of Hafi zRahmat Kh an , the famou s Rohilla Chieftain


wh o d ied in battle in A .H . 1 1 8 8 (A.D .

He composed thiswork for Sir Charles Barlowin A .H . 1221 (A.D . whilst living inretirem en t at L ucknow as a pension er und erthe British Governmen t . He h as also w rittenthree Diwans , one in Persian , one in Hindustan i , and one in Pushtu , and also a Hind ustan i Masnaw i , en titled Asrar i m ahabbat ,containing the story of Sass] an d Pann fi . See


s Cat ., pp . 251 and 620, Garcin deTassy

s L itt vol. ii . , p . 349 , and E the’


Persian Cat . , no . 2452.

The author’s younger brother Ilahyar K_ hanh as w ritten a s im ilar work , ca l led ‘Aja’ib al

lughat (no . in the preface to which hestates th at Mahabbat Khan d ied in A .H . 1223

(A .D .

The work‘

is d ivid ed into two chapters(Bab) . The fi rst (foll . 6a—595a) treats of

{AM T -

r” ) l

jj l Jim [

.Ld l

c a ir n M7, w ho J


8UKdd ; “h i s“ ” lrfil;

L’lLJ All

gulf ")The w ork is preceded by a Mukad d imah

conta ining notes on Pushtu grammar (fol.The d i ct ionary is d ivid ed into 28 Babs , beginning at fol. 1 16. The Hindustan i word s

the conjugation of P ushtu verbs , in alphabetical arrangement ; the second (foll . 595a,—724) contains a dictionary o f Pushtu word s ,explained in Persian .

A Persian chronogram at th e end givesthe date of composi tion , A .H . 1 221 , expressedby the phrase k w



1 5 .

Or . 399 .

—Foll . 274 ; log in by 17 l ines ,3g in . l ong written in Nestalik ; d ated RajabA .H . 1234 (A.D .

[GEO . W M. HAMILTON ]um g a i t?

‘Aj d’

ib d l- lu'gjzd t.

A Hindustan i-Pushtu d ictionary explain edin Pers ian . By Ilahyar _K_ han , son o f HafizRahm at Khan . See the Pers ian Catalogue ,p. 51 7a .

Begins : “Eda/ 6 u h» .

ub 'm A»

u slu allw u le La u g hs ) ;


notoriou s Bayaz i d Ansari The Ak_l_i andDarwez ah says respecting h im : Arzani , thepoet

, was one of three brothers o f the Afghantribe of Khesh ki ; Arz ani , ’Umar and

Ali .

They cam e into these parts from Hind , andthere they had al ready becom e tainted w i thh eresy and when in this part they met w ithBayaz i d An sari they became perfect infid els

l ike himself. Arzan i was an eloqu en t poet ,and a man of qu ick intellect and he turnedall the tenets o f the new faith into poetry ,and the poems were inserted in Bayaz id


book .

1 9 .

Or . 4228 .-Foll . 1 18 8% in . by 6 ; 1 5 lin es,

3% in . long ; dated A .H . 1 101 (A.D .


lb s“ c)lfi "

D iwan i Mfirm“


The poet ical w orks o f Mirz aKhan Ansari .5 aBeg i ns . u se ”;



o 0

g‘ g f-J g

) b d . ”1b


‘3 ”1 1



nu } mafi


” It ;

.G A

s f"I

‘ M cs’

u yi "

q Ul mag“






M 5),q fi

-it} if ?

Mi rza K_ _han Ansari was a descendant alllflu j w


iw i $1 ,1s

probably a grand son—o f Bayaz id Ansari,

comm on ly call ed Pir i roshan , the found er ofthe Ro sh aniah sect , and flou rished in them id d le of the 1 7 th centu ry . See Raverty


Coloph on : L5 01;g

a l/ f . Ca li f


M b J'VJ id

's im w

L uck now ed ition, A.H. 1299 (A.D . p. 31 1 .

Selections from th e Poetry of the Afghan s ,L ond on , 1 8 62, pp. 51—55 .

The au thor of the Dabistan i mag-ah ibl

states that Mi rzawas the son of Nfir al-D in,

Bayaz id’

s third son , and that he l ived in thereign of Aurangz eb , and was killed at Dau

latabad .

The odes are collected together in two

parts , in the fi rst of which (foll . 1—326) theyare not in the same strict sequence of a lphabetical arrangement as in the second part .There are several ad d itional poems on themargin , and Persian annotations .

A selection from Mi rza’

s poem s h as beenprinted in th e “ Gu lshan i roh


” pp. 1 1 9

1 32, and in Dorn’

s Chrestomathy,

” pp. 28 5

—303 .

Copyist : Muhammad Muhsin , son of

Mu lla Ahmad Kuraish i .Colophon :

gi t-s ! u h?! a


(1A ;

Jj w w

fi w lfl fij p fl w u g l) ”

” d at u m “

20 .

Or. 4497 .-Foll . 139 ; 93, in . by 55 ; 1 3 l in es ,

4 in . long ; written apparently in the beginn ing of the 18 th centu ry .


Another copy .This copy agrees w i th the preced ing ,

exceptfor occasional al teration s in the arrangemen to f the od es . It was w ri tten byMu llaKamalfor Muhammad Nasi r Allah K

_han .


Some Arab i c verses are scribbled on the0 h, JL‘

J'J5, . l 3

last fol io by another hand , and a note of the U J

b irth of a son o f Kunhar ‘Ali _K_ han in the D iwan i Kh zi shhd l Khan.

beginn ing of Rab i ‘ I. , A.H. 1 126 (A.D .

21 .

Or . 2803 .—Foll . 1 18 ; 1 1% in . by 1 5 lines ,

5} in . long ; dated A .D . 1 8 8 1 .

[Rsv. T . P. Humans ]Another copy .

The od es in th is neatly-w ri tten copy are

arranged qu ite d ifferen tly from those in thetwo preced ing manu scripts . There is n o

attempt at any regular al phabeti ca l arrangem ent . The firs t o de (m d if ll, see fol. 1 16a of

the preced ing) begin s

qsp d yw u

w smm11? ef



JS" of “J

Mr . Hughes has appended the follow ingn ote Mirz a Khan Ansari . One o f theearl iest of Afghan Poets . He is supposedto have lived in Tirah ,

a valley in the Peshawar Frontier . The d ate is un certain , b ut is

supposed to have been abou t A.D . 1600. AllA fghan scholars adm i t that th e language o fh is poem is very an cient , and there is a freeu se of Sanscrit w ord s . Mirz a is supposed tohave been d escend ed from Pir Roshan , but

this is uncertain .

COIOphon : aim M l oC)

’ W" a”



at. a[gs-9, 0

[59119 4 v i-f d ra g: 39. u


lU )

o“i f ?



I. Foll . 36—65a . A D iwan poem .

Beg ins : L535 a“! (has . a? usl

22 .

Or. 4229 .—1 1 in . by 6 ; 1 7 l in es , 4 in . long ; 0

w i th ru led margins , wel l wri tten , apparen tly i

iL i” 8

4 } UL”39° 9 d

in the 1 8 th century . [J DARMESTETERJ M a ),KA: a La;

The poetical w orks of K_ hashhalKhan .

Khashhal Ighan ,the celebrated chieftain of

th e Khatak tribe of Afghans , son of ShahbKhan , was born A .H . 1022 (A.D .

d uring the reign of the emperor Shahj ahan .

Some time after the access ion of Aurangz eb(A.D . Kh ashhal was imprisoned in

the fortress of Gwalior,through the machina

tions of Ami r Khan ,Sabedar of Kabu l , and

others . Many of h is poems were writtend u ring h is seven years’ captivity . On h is

release he carri ed on a su ccessfu l warfarew ith theMogu ls for several years . At lengthhe resigned the ch ieftainship o f the Q atak

tribe in favou r of h is eld est son Ashraf, hopingto end h is days in peaceful retirem en t ; bu t ,ow ing to fam i ly feud s created by Bahram ,

another o f h is sons , he took refuge in thecountry of the Afrid is, and d ied there A.D .

1 691 , in the 78 th year o f h is l ife .These particulars are taken from a sketch

o f the life of this famous warrior-poet byMaj or Raverty in h is Selections from thePoetry o f t he Afghans . The same au th orstat es in the in trod uction to h is Pu shtugrammar th at Khfi shhal

“was a most volu

m inous writer , and composed no less ( it issaid by h is family) than three hund red and

sixty w orks, both in the Afghan and thePersian language .The poems are d iv id ed in to four parts , as

in the ed i tion l i th ograph ed at the PeshawarJa il Press, A.D . 18 69 , u nd er the superintend en ce of Dr . H . W . Bellew .


11 . F011. 656—306 . A second Diwan Beginspoem .

Ki t» ; JBM} (is “4 97 6«x4 3


Kj lj e ul’j W a,

Kl oJ U

tm le b éi k‘

s ai al az

III. Foll. 307—38 1 . A third collectiono f od es .


( all) w ; u



3u h) w e“: u

~>l F

r” “3

LS, w

19l . m as;

wette v el

e j e l af o

IV . Foll. 38 2—51 1 . A collection o f

Buha‘i s .


‘élb e Lfi J



joe u


KQ Q Q L'GNSEQ Q ty ) ;

Copyist : Muhammad ‘Al im,Kashmi ri .

Colophon : mi ss,”a ll.urn? u tifl l

2 3 .

Or. 4492.—Foll. 262 ; 135m. by S ; 15 1ines ,

45 to 5 in . l ong fairly w ell w ritten on thinpaper , stamped Rollan d Freres , Bord eaux ,

[MAJOR H . G .

Ashraf K_ h an, the eld est son of K_ _l_1ashhal

Khan K_hatak , was born in A .H. 1044 (A.D .

A copy o f the second Diwan of Kh fishhal He su cceed ed h is fath er in the ch ieftainship o f the Khatak tribe in A.D . 1 68 1 ,

t ow a » .u s e I. e }Kj lj e J? ) M (5

If e


f e’


'w a c

an a s a

Kjljlo, u

i i i lo bgi i ki a alaa.

The od es are no t in the same ord er as inthe printed ed ition . Appended are a few

Mul<_hammas , Mu saddas , Tax-k ib—band and

other short verses . There are numerou scorrections th roughou t , apparen tly made byMaj or Raverty .

Colophon : L; J's “

[9l w e

[.LJ Q 4 ];

12) elf


w J)


g)“ M o

bj ? c i t s

1 sé Am x

24 .

Or. 2800.—Foll . 1 19 1 1 in . by 15 l ines ,

5 in . long ; w ell wr itten on European paperwater-m arked “ Sm i th Meyn ier, ,Fiume, ”and C . Mil l ington , L ond on , 1 8 69 datedA .D . 18 73 . [REv. T . P . HUGHES . ]

D iwdn i Htj ri .

Th e poem s o f Ashraf ILhan K_ _h atakcal l ed Hij ri .Begins

K”15 49 1

) i “ 5:


3G) /K a“

.“m u d


K m y” as

agg aljs o o

éo as as

‘i b


of h is Mnli i ammas are w ritten before theDiwan poem , which begin s o n fol. 7a .

The follow ing poems by oth er au th ors are

appended to the Diwan ( foll . 62-77 )1 . Fol . 62a . Gh az al by Fai z Muhammad .

2. 626. Ghaz al by Ashraf .3 . 626. Gh az al by Faki r Afz al .4 . 63a . Mu lghammas by SadrKhan ,

5 . F011. 65a . Muk_l_1ammas by _K_hushhal

Khan , K_ ,

hatak , in two parts . The fi rst partis erron eously head ed w as t

/Ge .

Th e poems in this collection w i l l be found inthe Diwan of Khu shhal , Peshawar ed i tion ,

1 8 69, pp. 4 63—4 67 .

6 . Fol . 68a . Ghaz al by Nawab ‘Ali Mu

hammad Khan .

7 . F0 11. 69a. Gh az al by Miskin .

8 . 70a . Elegy on the d eath of Na

wab ‘Ali Muhammad Khan,

.by Muhammad

Kag im Q atak . The d ate of the d eatho f th e Nawab is g i ven as A .H. 1 1 62 (A.D .

9 . F011. 72a . Mukh amma s by Saiyid‘Abd

al~Samad , Pirzad ah .

10. F0 11. 75a . Mulmammas by Hafiz.Rahmat Khan .

2 7 .

Or . 393 .—Foll. 134 ; 105 in . by 65 ; 14 l ines ,

55 in . long ; written abou t the end o f the

1 8 th century . [GEO. W I LL IAM HAMI LTON .]

D iwd n 15Rahmd n .

The poetica l works o f ‘Abd al-Rahman .

Beginsu ;

(AA. alm s

[ 55 ab

h i



éwjmai g


elj fl as;

“f, o'od

g ? e lfjm


[.M as.“ d o

g ; ,3'

Selections f rom the Poetry of the Afghans , p. 1 .

Mul la ‘Abd al-Rahman , commonly knownas Rahman ,

is perhaps the m ost popular o fAfghan poets, and is sa id to have flou rish edd uring the reign o f the emperor Aurangz eb(A .D . 1 658 Maj or Raverty says o f

h im 1 Rahman belonged to the Gh oriahKh el clan or subd ivision of the Mohman dtribe of the Afghan s , and dwelt in the vil lageo f Hazar-K

_han i , in the tapah or d istrict o f the

Mohmand s,one of the five d ivision s of the

province of Peshawar . He was a m an of

considerabl e learn ing , but l ived the l ife of aDarwes.

_h , absorbed in relig i ou s contemplation ,

and separated from the w orld .

The Rev. T . P . Hughes h as supplied somenotes on the poet in h is copy of the Diwan(no . in which he says that ‘Abd al-Rahman belonged to the Ibrahim Kh eyl of theMomund s . He was a native of the village ofBahadur Kilai ,” bu t resid ed for som e t ime atHaz arkhan i , and is buried there . His d ateis un certain , but supposed to be abou t A .D .

1 6 13 to He is said to have been a

young man when Khu shhal Khan was an

aged Chieftain .

The odes of Rahman are arranged in th isand two follow ing manu scripts in the formo f two separate Diwan poems

,and are so

printed in the various Delhi ed itions , and inMr. Hughes’ ed i tion of Lah ore , 1 8 7 7 bu t in

the Bombay ed ition o f 1 8 8 3 , as also inMaj orRaverty

s manu script (no . they are all

collected together in alphabetical ord er .In this copy the first Diwan is the second

in the p rin ted ed i tion s . Th ere is som e variation in the sequ ence of the od es , the firstbeing th e seventh in Hughes’ edition . Append ed (fol. 746) is a poem in pra ise of

Khu shhal Khan Khatak , which d oes not

appear to have been prin ted , and does no t

occur in any of the follow ing Copies o f th iswork . There are several pencilled emendations .


Copyist : Saiyid Ghulam ‘Ali of Sonpat .Colophon : w

i sp]! A}: u

lfi e a t



u‘b d t

rnc w

ru h i j

lw u f

2 8 .

Or . 28 29 .—Foll . 1 64 ; 1 15 in . by 75 ; 13 l ines ,

5 in . long w ritten on European paper w atermarked Mo iniers , and W i l liam s

Kent,1 8 59 dated th e 1 7 th June , 18 6 1 .

[a . T . P . Humans ]Another copy.

The arrangement o f the two Diwan s agreesw ith that of the prin ted ed i tion of L ahore ,1 8 77 .

Copyist Mi rz a Isma‘il .Colophon

ulfi e u


d as



wa rm s m . a

s h a.

rats [19]


2 9 .

Or . 28 30.

—Foll . 139 ; 1 1 in . by 75 ; 1 5 l in es ,55 in . long ; excel lently written on Europeanpaper water-marked Sm ith Meyn ier ,Fiume d ated the 1 5 th May , 1 8 72.


Another copy .

This copy agrees w ith the preced ing manuscript . Mr. Hughes says in a note append edto the volume d ated Dec . 18 th , 1 8 8 4 : “ Thismanuscript is a very careful collation from a

number o f m anu scripts by th e poet Ahmad

o f Hash tnaggar , carried on und er th e

careful superintend ence of the Rev . T . P .

Hughes , and is su pposed to be the only caref u lly collated manuscript in existence . It

w as written by the calligraphist Gholam

Jalan i , May 15th , 1 8 72. There are also a

few n otes regard ing the au thor written byMr. Hughes on March 26

,18 8 3 .

Colophon c i ts aN}

; 0 113 as.

rt» ;

gab r

hfl b fi fl.’ 0 19 5 o JM t Av r

3 0 .

Or . 4493 .—Foll. 1 1 1 135 in . by 8 ; 18 l ines ,

55 in . long ; beautifu lly w ri tten on Europeanpaper water-marked Sm ith 85 Son ,

and “ T . H . Saund ers CO.,1 8 50 d ated

A .H . 127 1 (A.D .


Another copy .

In this copy the odes , which appear as twoseparate Diwans in the preced ing manu scripts ,are arranged together in alphabetical ord er inone volume , as in the Bombay ed i tion of 18 83 .

Copyist Siraj al-Din, Mu l tan i .Colophon 2 W )

“M u “ “( aHA ;l I‘ V | M M ’ 824

fi ni sh é j

ll)kfij ‘x ’

3 1 .

Or. 4501 .—Foll . 93 ; 8 5 in . by 6 ; 1 5 l ines ,

32 in . lone" w ritten apparen tly in the 18 thC ,

centu ry . [MAJOR H . G . RAVERTY.]

O kr a )”

Burr 22marj dn .

A Diwan poem . By ‘Abd al-Ham id .

Begins-la} , w o

li u


gm o his


135: A“


éf 0JM u



’Ln ;

) )L3 u hfi


if) “a n

”j’ij i J

L’ Kj “ g‘ “5

bf ? ” oga s s'ss p. a


» d at

a a in

KS L i’s? (L l


lJ J


J ) ”153“J JKW 0

‘Abd al-Hami d,cal l ed Ham id , w as a native

o f Mash ukhel, a village n ear Peshawar, andflou rish ed d u ring the latter part o f the 17thcentu ry

, d u ring the reign o f th e emperorAu rangz eb . His od es are arranged in alphabet ical ord er, and are followed by a few

Mukh ammas . Th e Diwan h as been l ithographed a t Bombay in 129 5 A .H. The

Gulshan i roh ” contains a select ion fromh is od es .

Ham id is also the au thor o f tw o romancestran slated from the Pers ian , viz Nairang i

ishk , an d Shah gada (no . He issupposed to have d ied about the y ear A.D .

1 732. See Raverty’

s“ Selections ,” p . 8 5 .

3 2 .

Or. 4 498 .

—Foll . 1 8 8 8 in . by 55 ; 13 l ines ,35 in . long ; d ated A.H. 1 108 (A.D .

[MAJOR H . G .

w as-4 0 5-23

D iwan i N aj ib.

The poem s o f Naj ib .

Begins7 LS

’ i

9 ? r” “

fi e- f

wgfi fi ccw u

lm g

Lee la w Us er;

a? 91)as as

99”vi» 4 °


‘1 10

l g

w e le zsq gfi e ww

q a

Nothing is known concern ing th is poet .Accord ing to a note by Maj or Baverty heappears to have been a Yasufz ai Afghan .

The od es comprising the Diwan are followedby a collection o f Buha‘ is (foll . 1 74

“ M al.“

The poems of Ahmad Shah , Abdali .Begins

Copyist : GulMuh ammad, o f Peshawar .

Coloph on M wulfi e as.


muta te » up d u

bg ar

. we} (11A; obi


M fl fl w w o jlglw afllm fi g


jolo ALA

CL“ m x 0 JS

3 3 .

Or. 4495 .

—Foll . 120 ; 95 in by 65 ; 12 lines ,4 in . long ; apparen tly w ritten in the 1 9thcen tury . [MAJOR H . G . RAVER’

IY. ]

D iwd n i Ahmad Shd h .


94 ;-lam

new L? u v


g_ l

[gs—Alam o




fi t) W

34 ) “



if “; Jr“


9- 534 “ L)



Ahmad Shah , Abdal i , Du rr i Durran ,

comm on ly cal led Shah D urran i , was the sono f Z aman Kh an ,

sometim e ru ler o f Herat .On the invasion of Afghan istan by Nad irShah in A .D . 1 737 -38 , Ahmad Shah was

appointed an offi cer in his army,and

, as a

reward for h is d istinguished services , th ePersian monarch gave h im a tract o f coun trynear Kand aha r, which is stil l in the possess iono f the D urran i tribe .W hen Nad ir Shah was assassinated in A.D .

1 747 , Ahmad Shah , th en on ly 23 years o f

age, was crowned at Kandahar as King of

Afghan istan . After he had brought thevarious Afghan tribes into subm iss ion , and


Begins : u ai.l(1514 als o

W 9 Sr”)


ué m o u


Q fl fi fi fifi f ‘sd u w

0 ” 015 “ b

.“13 ;

bef f

“) v



) ;

L? " “a? oi “

Kamm K han was the son of Muhammad

Afz al Khan , and great-grandson of theIg i atak Ch ieftain KLh u shhal Khan . He wasborn abou t A .H . 1 1 40 (A.D . On thed eath o f h is father , h is eld er broth er , AsadAllah Khan , su cceed ed to the chieftainship ,and Kagim K

_11an , being d istru stfu l of h is

brother’s in tentions toward s h im , fled fromhome


“and spen t several years in Kashm ir ,

w h ere he acqu ired con s id erab l e learn ing.

He subsequ en tly l ived a long time at S irh ind ,in Upper Ind ia, but afterward s proceed ed tothe Afghan prin cipal i ty of Hampar in thatcountry , where he took up h is resid ence ;and th ere he pa ssed the greater par t of h isl ife .The manu script begin s w ith a preface bythe au thor , in wh ich he states that the severalod es composed by h im w ere alphabeticallyarranged in to one volum e in A .H . 1 1 8 1 (A.D .

Th is is fol lowed by several intro d u ctory poem s (foll . 10 in clud ing eu l ogieso f Muhammad , the Cal iphs S id d ik ,

‘Umar,‘Usman and ‘Ali , o f Baha al-Din N ak sha

ban d i , Shaifli Ahmad , and Gh ulam Ma‘sam ,

the au th or’s preceptor , conclud ing w ith a

d issertation on Pu shtu poetry .

The Diwan begin s on fol. 301) as fol lowsb u


ojo g ¢ m o

g ,ll

‘J um? 91

5 0J“0

4 “ “3.



. o w uge aa .

b u tane. Obie» w if

evi i)»

The poet’s Kasidah s , Buha‘ is , Kit ‘ah s and

oth er m iscellaneou s pieces are append ed tothe Diwan ( foll . 106

Raverty’s Selections

, p. 306 .

3 6 .

Ad d .—Foll . 1 58 ; 10 in . by 6 1 1

l ines , 4 % in . long ; n eatly written, apparen tlyin the 19 th century . [L EW IN BOW RING .]

Another copy of Shaida’

s poems, w ithou tthe preface and introdu ctory poems . Severaladd i tional odes .are w ritten on the marg in byan oth er band .

Copyist : Fa iz ‘Ali .COIOph on : ail!

“flag U.


‘z’f ’ A


;rug (


A large number o f ad ditional od es are in

serted on the margin s of several of the pages ,wi th occasional notes .

This manuscript is , no d oubt , the Copy ofShaida’

s poems which Maj or Raverty hadprocured at L ahore , and w hich

,he in forms

u s,had been sent by the poet to “Mi’an

Muhammad i , son o fMi’

an Z Eabd -u llah o f Sir

hind , who belonged to the fam i ly of Shaida’


spiritual gu id e ,” and was the only copy thenextan t .The d ate o f copy is w ritten in a n ote on

the ou tside of the first fol io of the m anu script .

3 7 .

Or . 2801 .—Foll . 200 1 02in . by 7 15 l ines ,

5 in . long careful ly wri tten on paper w atermark ed Sm ith Meyn ier, Fiume d atedA.D . 18 72. [REV . T . P . Hog ans ]

Another copy o f the Diwan of Shaida,fol lowed by the Diwan of Kamgar Khan .

I. Foll . 1—146 .

ulfi o

Mr. H ughes states in a note a ttached tothis copy that i twas mad e “ from the orig inal , ”referring no d oubt to the Raverty manu script


no . 35 . Anoth er Copy,a lso w ritten for Mr .

Hughes by th e same scribe , together w iththe Diwans o f Kamgar and Mirz a, is in the


L ibrary o f the Ind ia Offi ce . It is dated the10th Augu st , 1 8 76 .

Copyist : Qh ulam Ji lan i , Of Peshawar.

alAv l'd im O

rwjit'z tiewe

[.LJ M

G35) 7L“ 3 g

i lls} ; (it: 0 Ess i e-u.) Q

The Diwan of Kamgar Khan .


“f w ; o an. » L3 Q

mm, 1 w J a?


bfi g é w ‘w m d é a

The follow ing note by Mr. Hughes , d atedNov . 21 , 18 8 4 , is append ed

“ Pushto poem s by Khan z ad a KamgarKhan , a son Of the renowned Khatak Chief ,born abou tA.D . 1 6 53 . Th is w ork was copiedfrom the origi nal o f Kamgar now in thepossession o f Afz al Khan Khatak Of Jamalghari in the Peshawar D istrict , und er thesuperintend ence o f the Rev . T . P . Hughes of

Peshawar . The existence of th is poem was

unknow n unti l Mr. Hughes d iscovered i tamongst some old volumes in Afz al Khan ’


possession .

Copyist : Gh u lam Jilani , of Peshawar .m u s t an g)

; a, a



g j fvée, rh


fi o bfi m o g in v r

3 8 .

Or. 394 .—Foll . 146 ; 9 in . by 53 ; 8 lines ,

4 in. long ; dated A .H . 1209 (A.D .





on» 151 cube:

D iwan i Afr id i .

The poems o f Kasim ‘Ali K__han , Afrid i .The Diwan is preced ed by Shajarah i

Kad iriyah , a l ist in verse o f th e su ccessiveKh alifahs o f the Kadiri sect . It b egins

Lats] , Owlf .

“tau -or

do g o rm ) Lo

rmgun.» j

“5vhf ? dag .



‘Mué-( e. w 9 7


9 . JW aahr

Colophon : 155 i M,


The Diwan begins on fol. 61)M u

j gouk fi o d fiu ?

be“. b y) U


“5143 o


“fl“ “3

J P fi r;

Lax; d o) 4° db» : U


Kasim ‘Ali Kh an , Afrid i , Of the Kad i r isect , was a native o f Farukhabad . Saiy idKalam al-D in

,one o f h is immed iate followers ,

the scribe Of the following Oopy (no . 39 ) Ofthis Diwan , h as stated in h is colophon thatKasim ‘Ali K

_han h as also w ritten severa l

Diwan s in Persian and Hind i (i .e.Hind ustan i) ,and had some acquain tan ce w ith Eng lish ,

Kashm iri , an d Tu rk i . The au thor states inthe K hatimah ( fol. that h is verses w erecollected and arranged w ith th e help o f Hafiz.

Ghulam Muhamm ad , in the year A .H . 1 206

(A.D .

Colophon :flu : fi n s “j og

s!uh" )

13> Q; ra ti we [sicj fl

flzfil u p .“

J)”can j ‘f

‘z Mays: M um 4

49 3"

r~1 aft »U go . 53”H1: lvd (Kim


Copied on Thu rsday , the 20th d ay O f

Rabi ‘ I. , A .H . 1 209 , in the 36 th year Of th ereign of th e blind sovereign Shah ‘Alam ,


th e l6th Oct . 1 794 . This manu script appearsto be in the au thor’s own handw rit ing . Thereare many correction s and ad d i tions thr oughou t w rit ten by the sam e hand , and the volumehas the impress Of th e au thor’s seal . TheDiwan i s head ed as being the first rough copy

t o) “ J) . The l ines of

each Ode are separated by carefu l ly ru l ed red

ink l ines , som e Of the w ord s being writtenw i th b lack , others w ith red ink .

Append ed to the Diwan ( foll . 134—1 43) isa poem , also by Kasim ‘Ali Kh an , entitledKli wabnamah . It begin

cfi " d d W ) “ ”T WU

M Li l 3L 5 .) j



d eg}: OS O

JJJ «M L; w

Ja ug


MU my ? ai m su )

Qal XAn

'U zs

'éj u ps .)


sw as lfll b subb e d :

515 A» a?) u ”1 4

.39 519L

8}f i b 'A N ML; u ?


Colophon : fl»

flu : as.

rm $ 45

1 7 0 8 m J) 1n

3 9 .

Or . 395 .

—Foll . 1 49 ; 6 in . by 4 ; 14 l ines ,3 in. long d ated A .H . 1 231 (A.D .

[GEO . W m. HAMI LTON ]Another copy of the D iwan and K_hwab

namah Of Kas im ‘Ali Kh an , w i thou t theShajarah i Kad iriyah .

This is a carefully revised copy , contain ing

the corrected text Of the preced ing manu

script , w i th sun d ry other al terations and

ad d it ions .

Copyist . Saiyid Kalam al-D in, Kad i ri , a

di sciple of Kasim ‘Ali Khan who had g ivenh im the title of Pir i ‘

ash i k .

Colophon to the Diwan (fol. 142b)“ 3's .

q w jél Jr.

" AA

rluw Q 6

p lPlc-3. laS ‘

as)? In“ ! d o» M l Jaz z.

j l v al ALI9 7

019u gallPM


ulfi'e) M )

nu bUL.

’L il;rmlfs'

1" “ A” 3

Q wr a“? fl ”

ulf f’

w )“w'a’j ? u

lf .

" “5 tfl ’ W W W J? ) “i f“

fi n q ijfi l “ L5

16“ AL? ) ai m )

4 0 .

Or . 4230.

—Foll . 101 ; in . by w rittenabou t the en d o f the 1 8 th cen tu ry .


J ’S l

u h”D iwan i Akbar .

The poetical works o f Akbar.BeginsJfil

j j jf m

jfia ad

ro : o a?

u gl o fi jb .

03) 1 7) “3 L? 0

1 34 ° J i

b “a" a:


gd‘lw. a} : if “ ? g u t““W U ‘3.

d i lj i o

g sofl

al g u llél ail Q

” buo w d

w fi b wflw ° w

Oi l; l"j


9“ “ i t”:


.‘0 “3.

Not-hing appears to be known Of the poet,

or h is date . The poem s are carel essly w rittenin an unmethod ical mann er. Some are w ri ttentransversely down the page , others across i tor round the margin , so as to make u se of

every avai labl e space . The m anuscript isprobab ly the author’s au tograph copy .

if. d )S‘


Smi th Meynier, Fiume 1 5 lin es, 5 in .

l ong ; d ated A.D . 18 72.

[REV . T . P . HUGHES.]

L9 13; Alli . “ b wlfi b

D iwan i Mn‘iz z Alld h Khan .

A Diwan poem by Mu‘ iz z Allah K han .

Begins :tac i t—J

) gag-r

he a } s.) also «19 ;

K4 ? 1“


as“ 5 w k"



O d d j ou

fi lo l b

q w’

fi d fl “n


Accord ing to a note by Mr. Hughes thepoet was a mative Of Kotah , a village tw om i les from Peshawar in British Afghan istan .

The d ate o f the au thor is un certain .

Copyist : Ghu lam Ji lani Of Peshawar .

wi ll

,» PM o as ?“ a

s. 5i m

e mf i t. a

2 944 3

4 4 .

Or . 28 26 .—Foll . 79 ; 1 1 in . by 74 ; n eatly

w ri tten ; 1 5 lines, 5 in . long ; d ated A.D .

1 8 82. [REV . T . P . HUGHES .]

(A isha 3 golf ,


D iwan i Abzl ( Ll-Keisha .

The Diwan o f Aha al-Kas im .

Beg ins‘A j fi uh) a


Ad M d y

L6 .

JK a

r am) ; j fi:i

f“: AK as

9 255

t ria l V i 3“ M )g


4 5 .

Or. 28 74 .—Foll . 1 19 ; in by w ritten

in the 1 9 th century . [Ram T . P . Humans ]Selections from th e w ri tings o f Afghanpoets, beginn ing w ith an Od e by

‘Abd al

Rahman .

1 Spelt Ju .

Spelt (all) ; and also

3 Occasionally spelt L» . The Ode on fol. 5 1a has

rLa c in the head ing, and FL ” in the text.

g; u“ <


“fr /l)

“1 6” 294-4 3) “


‘ é l

Nothing appears to be known Of this poet .He is n o t m ent ion ed by Maj or Raverty, andthe on ly information g iven byMr . Hughes isthat he was a native of Peshawar , Of nu

certain date .Copyist : Muhamm ad Hasan Of Peshawar .

56> seasM“

if )“



1“ ‘S

3 At las . al55 ; M l

); Lm

gm 13 0


“ ww

r”ef f wi fe

”as » ? g fi


The follow ing is a l ist of the poets, andthe number o f Odes o f each

‘Abd al 4 (foll . 22a , 526, 63a,‘Abd al-Hamid , 33 ;

‘Abd al-Kad ir ,25 ‘Abd Allah , 1 12 ; ‘Abd al-Rahman


Afz al , 2 ( foll . 98 a ,996)

‘Al im, 4 (foll . 236,

28 a , 606, Ash raf , 1 9 ; Ashraf K_ han ,

Kh atak , called Hij ri , 2 (foll . 53a , Dan

lat , 7 ; Dost Muhammad , 3 (foll . 29a , 8 56,8 8 6) Faz i l , 24 ; Faz i l , 1 (fol. 8 46) Hu sa in ,

2 (foll . 646, Ibrahim ,

2 2 (foll . 66a ,

‘Isam ,

3 4 (foll . l4a ,51 a

,56a ,

Kaland ar , 6 ; Kamgar , Khatak , 29 ; Kagim ,

3 (foll . 1 6a , 1 76, K_hu shhal Khan ,

4 ; Mahin,3 ( foll . 566, 596, 8 4a ) ;

Mi rza Khan , Ansari , 2 (foll . 25a , 50a ) ;


Mu‘ iz z Allah , 3 (foll. 216 , 7 1a , Sad r

Q an, K_h atak, 12 ; Samad

,6 ; Sid d i k, 1 7 ;

S ikandar, 4 (foll . 1 66, 58 6, 6 16, 108 6) ‘Us

man , 5 Yunas, 38 .

The volume is lettered ou tside Chaman

i benaz ir,”but this ti t le does not appear in


the work itself . The Odes contained in

the an thology entitled “ Chaman i be-naz i r,”which forms a portion of the “ Kal id iAfghan i ,” appear to have been selected byMr . Hughes from this more extensi ve collection .


4 6 .

Or . 4504 .—Foll . 129 9 7} in . by 54 ; 14 l ines ,

34 in . long ; dated A.H . 1271 (A.D .


Gu ldastah .

A translation Of the Persian Gu l istan Of

Shaik_ h, Sa ‘d i , in prose and verse . By ‘Abd

al-Kadir K_han , K_hatak . See no . 25 .

Begin s : ,l gi lt: A: a


gs.) wa le

s i s al-3.

vi i

/9 ,25

0 w ag”)m ob) V J

“P alsf" W LP ‘) “ r


M fi ‘s w q d w lé ag



fl w fi q o ap r w xjd wV a l:

After translating the preamble of theGu l istan ‘Abd al-Kad ir has substi tu ted h isown preface , in prose and verse , for that ofSa ‘d i (fol. 5a) . In i t he states that , throughth e viciss i tud es o f fate , he was l iving in A .H .

1 124 (A.D . 1 712) at Nau shahra, in a bu t of

sorrow , w ith ou t a friend or sympathiser , l ikean an imal of the d esert in i ts cave . In ord er ,therefore

,to bring solace to h is affl icted

heart,and to cease repin ing over h is unhappylot , he was indu ced to make this translation

Of the Gu l istan , to which he gave the nameOf Guld astah . The w ork was completedthat same year , accord ing to a ch ronogramat the end Of h is preamb le .The work was therefore written after thedeath of Ashraf Khan (A.D . and

du ring the chieftainship of h is son Afz alK_ han . The unfortunate au thor

,then s ixty

years of age, was l iving in exile n ear Peshawar, d oubtless in dread an ticipation of thecru el fate that was in store for h im at the

hand s of h is m ercil ess n ephew .

The translation Of the text,

is resumed o nfol. 156 w ith Sa ‘d i

s enumeration o f the 8Babs and their contents . The en tire workd oes no t appear to have been published .

The first Bab w i ll be found in the “ Gu lsh ani-roh , ” pp . 15 1—1 8 6 .

Copyist . Saiyid ‘Agim .

COIOphon :um u

'LiS lo a? a)!

“slas zso ll?

Ls. ag :) J

oLBJlm a 4 511: m

I“ 4 ?v i; half . u

Jy’ w “3 ”J

,irun so 0 ) .l a

ha.)aflag (

is u gly:


4 7 .

Or . 2828 .—Foll . 1 1 8 ; 1 14 in . by 75 ; 1 5

l ines , 54 in . long ; dated A.D . 1 8 72.

[REv. T . P . HUGHEsJ

Another copy , beau tifu l ly w ritten byGh u lam mam, of Peshawar . The textd iffers somewhat from tha t in the preced ingmanuscript .COlOph on : L im

j tkcjs o

rsl a

f ut; a, “



(AA ;

$1131 }

[. ll: Q

ti n / r

4 8 .

O r. 4 503 .—Foll . 202 ; 8 in . by 55 ; 1 1 lines ,

3% in . l ong ; beau tifu lly w ritten , w i th ru l edmargins , and ru les between each verse ;d ated Kashm i r , A.H. 1217 (A.D .


Yzlsuf Z u la ikh d .

The story of Joseph and Z u laikha, translated into verse from Jam i ’

s Persian roman ce .By ‘Abd al-Kad ir K han , K_h atak .

Begins : 2515 b y)

M u;

ag h w aaa xu u

if “A c b w ‘

2515 LA ; EL M O J

h m

W & 3 wiwium

515 w dak


'q u

The w ork is very popu lar, an d h as beenfrequ en tly l ithographed . Selection s are

printed in Dorn’

s“ Chrestomathy ,” pp .

1 74—28 2. It end s w ith a eu logy o f theEmperor Aurangz eb , d u ring whose reign i twas composed , the d ate , A .H . 1 1 12 (A.D .

being expressed by l etters Of thea bj ad , vi z .

q t ) W 1» : i.)r);


J“ J ’

g lu su



riu ,

Siq u

p ufi fi ° w


OAKvi i "

f; aSl

The copy was mad e at Kashm ir for Mau laDad Khan by Mul la W a l i Muhammad , andwas compl eted on the 4 th Shawwal , A.H.

121 7 .

Colophon : W 12s g imp"

c iS as


M by.) we

. oh: if . muses) u

se ) ”

tau, u s


g, L lak im m jailo fi

b a , »

554 5 5 4“

J“A“ J‘i fl



4 9 .

Or . 4239 .-Foll . 151 ; 8 in . by 5 ; 1 8 l ines,

in . l ong ; apparen tly w ritten in the 1 8 thcentu ry. [J DARMESTETER. ]

Another copy . The first fol io is wan ting,and th e m anu script end s at fol. l90a o f thepreced ing copy (Peshawar ed 1 8 70, p .

5 0 .

Or . 4502.—Foll . 70 ; 8 9, in .

by 6 ; n eatlyw ritten in the 1 9 th cen tury ; 1 7 l ines , 4} in .

long . [MAJOR H . G . RAVERTYJ


Ad am Khd n 72D urkhdna’i .

A romance , in verse . By Sadr Khan ,

Kilatak .


Copyist : Ghu lam Jilan i , of Peshawar .Colophon : zska a

él Q at



$5) »t $3135} f

l: d log li

m dal fw i

5 2 .

Or. 4 506 .—Foll . 90 ; 1 2i in . by 7 ; 19 l ines ,

4; in . long ; n eatly written ,1 9th centu ry ,

bound in stamped leather .[MAJOR H . G . Ru ss ian]

ga b s c


‘Ilm-khd nah i ddnish .

The Fables of Bid pai , translated from thePersian ‘Iyar i dan ish . ByMuhammad Afz alQ ui n . See no . 9 .

Beginsh ima an , gay


40 w a s

,a? 84" ,


goat} ? MUM Q ‘s


J; rs

fi o whatnot,» u lu lo nli

Afz al K_han was the son of Ash raf K_han ,

and g rand son of K_hushhal Khan K_hatak .

He states in the preface that he mad e thistran slation , in the 53rd year of h is l ife , fromthe ‘Iyar i dan ish ofAbs al-Fazl , a modern isedversion o f th e Persian Anvar i suhaili o f

Husa in Va‘ig Kash ifi .

The manu script extends on ly as far as them idd l e of the fou rth chapter . Selectionsfrom i t are prin ted in Dorn’

s Chresto

mathy , the translation being erroneouslystated in the preface to have been made byMalik t lshhal.

5 3 .

Or . 2804 .

—Foll . 1 19 1 1 in . by 1 5 lines ,5 in . long w ritten on European paperwater marked Sm ith andMeynier, Fiumed ated A .D . 1 8 7 1 and 18 72.

[REV . T . .P. Humans ]

W x,o d,mj a g o w

j> g

W P “5as} “J


/ r J'W) Q

‘v’; as

‘ 5) W


J" “3. u

h} ? 0

“ U lxj

o u/ Q fi

ls p o

Two tales in verse . By ‘Abd al-Hamid .

See no . 31 .

1 . F011. 1—61 . 03A:

N airang i‘ishlc.

The roman ce of Shahid and ‘Az i z , translated from the Persian Masnavi , composed inA .D . 1096 by Muhammad Akram , su rnam edGh animat . See Rieu

s Persian Catalogue ,p . 7006.

Begin slo ad a. »

un i

infi g w o

jo g lo

b isufi Tsw a b) 0 u )


9 144. A71

}. w is h a M d

JSJJl 59 “

f“ “1533 “J


afnf ‘s 8

1) 0 i i) “ 0sews 9



o w l.)

g ; 2515HS! W M .)

11 . FO11. 62—1 1 7 . bs‘

a a n"

Kiasah d a Shdh gad d .

The story o f the King and the Darwesh ,translated from the Pers ian roman ce o f

Hilali . See the Persian Catalogue, p . 656a .

Begins :g o as.» 0 ML; 43 ”Q T I.)

g o “351.3f 2

; A LM sJS'ry


95 as]

J ill ai mf f


L 3 31” 0

ga dglL

i—ouf xfi ag dfl s b

K m id ai m L 3 mu u .) a t .)

K u ujk fl a

genit al;

g‘ g fi b


n l s,cg fl

a¢ w w o

g q sjoq ja g

a s pmk o

These two roman ces have been pub lishedat Delhi in 1 8 8 2. The end ing of the latterd iffers from that in the printed ed ition .

Th e copies w ere made by Gh u lam Ji lan i ofPeshawar , the former in September 1 8 71 ,the latter in January 1 8 72.

5 4 .

Or . 4505 .—Foll . 129 12; in by 73 ; 15

lines, 5% in . long ; dated Calcu tta, A .H . 1 227


Gu listén .

The Gu l istan of Sa‘di , tran slated in proseand verse by Ami r Muhamm ad Ansari'.Begin s : who

!(14 W J

R as) , an :

gu lb a


is) M jou d j

l m w

o é bj w fl m u gjs o w

919 15 55 9



‘3’ “x

x“:lg0 “9 9>

ag gj su xfi j

s ai w gouks o

gi q u lé o


(1 5W

do ofi r


Noth ing appears to be known of theau thor, nor h as be given any accoun t of

himself. Maj or Raverty states in a note tothis manuscript This is a rare work . I

know of bu t one other copy in existence .COIOph on :

u ?M W

‘ was ; mi l f f )“

$533 lrrv m a“

5 5 .

Or . 398 .—Foll. 1 1 1 ; 10 in . by 1 41 lines ,

55 in . long abou t A.D . 1 800.


5) p

l 343 8K 15K doub

/J u

as) r

: Q 5 01) t a 111m

M S ”

[a ll-El L? (l

gfi fl o


3 1

Kisaah i Saif a l-muld l

The roman ce o f Saif al-muli’

i k and Bad i ‘al-jamal

,in verse . Translated from the

Persian by Qh ulam Muhammad .

Begins :

l- oJ-j W k ? a

rm o

a) ; aim ljl

of w a


tub-U: m “:

“3J) Vie w s -5 “ 3.

Xfis xj g

f d hjm d

é j j jm d


a - o lg- q fi fw dx o b

The tran slation is mad e from th e'


romance , a manu script copy of which isd escribed in the Pers ian Catalogue , p . 764b.

It does not appear to have been published .

Another Pushtu version o f the romance,written by Ahmad, has been frequ en tly l ithographed .

End s

5 6 .

Or. 44 99 .—Fol l . 1 12 ; 13 in . by 8 ; 18l ines

,5% in . long ; dated A .H. 1 27 1 (A .D .


I. F011. 1—8 6 . was ! Kissahi-Sa if al-mu luk

,by Ghu lam Muhammad .

Another copy of no . 55 .

II. F011. 8 7—1 12. in Kissah iBahramgor. The story o f Prince Bahrainand Gulandfim

, Princess o f China, in verse .By Faiyaz .


BeginsulJL-i Jr“ “J M b)

mid “4 8 41

;M 9




The poem has been frequ ently publ ished .

It is printed in Hughes “ Ka l id - i Afghan i ”(Peshawar , a translation of which wasmad e by T . C . Plowd en (L ahore ,End s :



h » ! ans -31 of ; u):ué'gu a

S iraj al-D in , of Mu ltan .

. d lo yé l:

CopyistColophon :

u ifi'lfl p


M y ,


hid Irv lby)

aka(A? )

vulv a

ufl “ u pg et;

u p”(if / M i ;

5 7 .

Or. 4500.—Foll . 93 9 in . by 65 ; i s lines ,

zloi in . long ; d ated A.D . 18 41 .


‘Azra? W'amfle.

The roman ce of ‘Agra and W am ik , translated by Mu

‘in al-D in from the Pers ianMasuavi by Haji Muhammad Husain , Shiraz i .See the Persian Catal ogue , p . 7216.


[ ,1LA cJ

'w MU.»



o l) ,lj




uan a {13

5 58 -511 01

era-QM g


5 5155

L 531“


5 Ow a drs'fl d g L3

14“ ?



figrd : F4 0

1) (Kl

A s ia gum

, u ,L,,AA



M l si fi‘woj aé[cs do

uh) “


M f r-U (”q W “u i

‘M b. (L‘s


”M 3555 “LU" W JJJ ? M (f) w r


mus A A.(.LJ A: an

The work was composed in A .H . 1256

(A.D . It appears to be in the translator’s own handwri ting , and has severalcorrections . Mu

‘in al-D in states in a Persian

colophon tha t he is a resident of Chah z’irsadain Hashtnagar, and completed the work at a

village cal led ‘

Inman (P) in the m on th o f

Z u lka‘d ah .

End s

u .) AW

7 L u ;

W “G i g i: j

“sf )

“ 8)

‘Uj fi .


W'J‘ x ”re?

Colophon : jld

eal) u “ al


5 8 .

Or . 28 27 B.—Foll . 8 1—1 13 ; 1051

”L in by 7 ;

beautifully w ritten on paper water-markedSm ith and Meyn ier, Fium e ”

; 1 5 l in es, 5in . long ; d ated A .D . 1 8 71 .

[REV . T . P . HUGHES . ]

wa s dé

Ghal 1067 2 5.

The story o f the thief and the j udge , inverse . See the Persian Catalogu e , p . 7736.

By Maulavi Ahmad of Tangi in Hash tnagar .

Begins : so and ml, at !)

w $75 0 «Lea

gai t? o

7‘ 51‘0 ‘


Jmfl'w w f w w as


w ; “3 L373; sf ”

ag o? 805 Jl a ,

g al

LJ'WJ-im a

l«fix u


Mr. Hughes h as supplied the follow ingnote

Six hund red and seven ty-n in e AfghanProverbs . Collected and alphabetically ar

ranged by MaulaV ie.

Saiyyid Ahmad a bene' Probably allud ing to Ak_ hund Muhammad Kasim ,

ficed Imam in the V i l lage of Kotah Yu safz ai the author"

of Fawd’

id i shari ‘at, no. 7 .

and a son o f the celebrated Mulla of Kotah ,the great opponen t o f the renowned Akhundo f Swat . l This collection of proverbs isentirely original . ”Copyist Gh u lam Jilani , o f Peshawar.Colophon {

IUe M c “:


55d ? " (

ll: (isatw o at,“


1 .

Ad d .-Foll . 243 ; 8 in . by 13 to

1 6 l ines , 3 in . long carelessly w ritten , d atedA .H. 1 152 (A .D .

[W IL L IAM ERSKINEJTwo religiou s treatises in S indhi verse .By Makhd flm Muh ammad Hashim .

I. F011. 5—1 72.

(m i


5 115.

Fa rc? zz al- islam.

A manu al o f Muhammad an fai th , an d

ceremon ial Observan ces , translated and com

piled from various Arabic sou rces .

Beg insQ

‘s Jo . is

) ? gfib l

qo (I; xij

'u . w

lAA l

“i f - Zi ng

Law.” 1104g M‘

s/4 3 la n d . )

sag {s is U




The Fara’iz al- islam was origina lly w rittenin Arabic , by Malfi d fim Hash im

,in two books

con tain ing 1272 rel igious d u ties (fare ) . The

presen t w ork is a Sind hi m etrica l translation ,

by the au thor , o f the first book (ki td b) , wh ichcomprises 332 religiou s d uties , in tw o

sections (Mb) , viz . 1 . W w


‘u gl; 2. (fol. Il la ) W w w ho

'i k l

A K_hatimah is ad ded (fol. 1 67a ) ,con ta in ing the Muhammad an creed w i th a

Sindhi paraphrase , con clud ing w i th theau th or’s epilogu e , in which he states that heis the son o f ‘Abd al-Ghaffi r, and completedthis work in A .H . 1 143 (A.D . 1 730

Muhammad Hashim was a learned Mul laof Tatta , in the Karachi d istrict of Sind h , anda popu lar w riter of religi ous treatises . He .is the au thor of a work on the m i racles o f

Muhammad , en titled Kat al- ‘ash ikin , which

w as publ ish ed at Bombay in 1 8 73 . His z ad


aki r,w ritten in A .H. 1 125 (see below) ,

and a treatise on the law regard ing theslaughter o f an imal s o f th e chase (f i t:L5

A ) , en titled Rahat al-mfiminim , composedih A .H . 1 130, w ere publ ished at Bombay ,1 8 73 , togeth er w i th Matlab al-mumini n by‘Abd al-Khal ik .

Copyist : Miyan Hafiz. Mih tah , son o f ‘AliMuhammad Su inrah , o f Bh ij .

Oomph“ : j » J,‘M


M lJam

fl fi b fi m(i i) , N o r a


) ?

ji g<2)L



H. Foll . 1 73—242. M l c l)

d al-f alci r.

Religious d uties o fMuhammad an d evotees ,in verse .



jimljiw q ‘h Jet s -


"a “P L3“ ef f” w “

1 S !

The work was completed in A .H . 1 125

(A .D . It has b een pub l ished at

Bombay , 18 73 , w ith th e au thor’s Rabat al

mum in in , and the Mat lub al-mfiminin o f‘Abd al-K_ halik . In the scribe’

s colophon itis call ed Z ad al-m iskin .

Copyis t : Miyan Hafiz Mihtah , son of‘Ali Muhammad Sum rah , of Bhij .Colophon : M l cl



a “ 1552:uié‘ l A

-J-W lfi fl d

;j gfi

bfii s A5?

”o r m “ bf / S

2 .

Ad d .—Foll . 4 53 ; SEin . by 1 3

l ines , 3} in . long ; w el l w ritten , apparen tlyin the beginn ing o f the 19 th centu ry .



iz al-isldm.

Anoth er vers ion o f the preced ing , being a

com plete S in dh i translati on of the Arab i coriginal of Muhammad Hashim . By ‘Abd

al-L atif .

Begin sof“? 9 5

”V“ “r


‘M T

t ea ii if ? u



us); gte

-aft 3

j‘s w as

gi ifii

l 0 ol 6 9'

uwe) u


8 d u t—JR 7 h og iAf -fl

‘Abd al-L at if cannot be th e same as Shah‘Abd al-L ati f, the popu lar poet of Sindh , andau thor o f the Shaha jo ris’

alo (see no .

The latter d ied in A .H . 1 1 6 5 , wh ereas thepresent w ork was completed in A .H . 1 18 1

(A.D . 1 76 7 as stated in the follow ingcouplet at the conclu sion

lj é ”La: g u t/s o l x} ;

a s “

Th e first book— in two Babs—closelyresemb les a Sindhi version o f this part o fth e w ork mad e by Mag i dflm ‘Abd Allah(see no . which was publ ish ed at Bombayin 18 74 .

‘Abd al-L ati f h as apparentlyrevised that vers ion , an d completed the workby ad d ing a tran slation of the second book .

An enumeration of the 1272 religiousd u ties (fm'z ) d eal t w ith in th is work is givenat the conclusion (fol. 4 4m), as followsoj ‘i z 332. These occupy the first book ( foll .

1 uj'ah 240 ; J

'hu'326 ; £

115) includ

ing jlai

gu t /o 8 2 ; and J 'a u l 74 ;

614 1 ; As k}; us ; 71 ; and c u te , 1 6 .

O r . 298 7 .—Foll. 28 4 ; 6 in . by 4 ; 1 1 l ines ,

in . long n eatly written ,19 th cen tury .

[COL . T . M.

J? A“

Shd ha. j o r isd lo .

The poems of Shah ‘Abd al-L at i f.

Beg insl" w? 1 ? ”313

15's” id

} 9217 a? 1T

MT“? “:J F

mfi i ”313

F LflL fé


M l) g

j'é -f




“ ”b e.‘ 1 f l1


Hid w e » l x; Au g ”;


ulwr P f x l? L?“

u ?“ “i

f“ m“ V-

f ‘é “r

“ bl? ”

Or . 6 535 .—Foll . 1 35 ; 75 in . by 3g ; 1 1

l ines , 3 in . l ong ; carelessly wri tten , 18 thcen tury .

Ranz a t a l-shahid .

A martyrology o f the Imams Hasan and

H usain ,in Sindhi verse .

M g ift

mcf" 9

55um) ” $5

05“ ff ) ? wi ly“4 75“ g s

) r"


as”J“ “

Jra? “$4? aw

l)“ “ is

6 .

Ad d .—Foll . 123 ; 9 in . by 5

3; 1 3

l ines , 3 3191 in . lon e: w ritten apparently in theC) ,

beginn ing o f the 19 th centu ry .

[W ILLIAM ERSKINEJReligi ou s admon i tions and ceremon ial

Observances , in S ind hi verse .Begins :

suj “


.-g fla k ? b


L5)” lou s


If“gm W ilt .

a) ? i s 4 5 ./c l JTg

sl 33, f

Copyist Hafiz ‘Abd al-Rahim.

Append ed to the poem (foll . 1 1 6—122) is a

copy o f a f ragmentary portion o f a work onreligiou s d uties , wri tten by the same hand .

7 .

Ad d .—Foll . 1 8 1 ; 9% in . by 1 5

l ines , 3% in . long ; apparently written in thelgth century . [W I LLIAM ERSK INE.]

Bombay , 18 7 1 .

Two religious treatises in S ind hi verse .I. Foll . 3—1 56 . MU"?

Badr al-muni r .A m etrical accoun t of d eath and the resu rrection . By Mak hd am

‘Abd Allah .

Beginsc hu te

-army) d ? [5 & 1n

an i nt

) ,

as :. .i s

l l

Um U fi

i L‘

r—e—e 9 -1

The work was composed in A.H. 1 18 4

(A.D . 1 7 7 as stated in the prologue . It is

in 8 chapters (bab) , and agrees w ith theprinted ed i t ion l

as far as th e end of the 7 thbab (fol. 1 1 7b) . Instead of the panegyric onImam A ‘

z am , w hich forms the subj ect of the8 th bab in theprinted ed iti on , this Copy h asa poem con tain ing religiou s ad vice , eachsection of whi ch begins w i th a letter of theArab ic alphabet (foll . 1 1 8 end ingw i th a short poem in praise o f God (foll .153 —1 56 )Besid es the Bad r al-muni r, Mafi d fim ‘Abd

Al lah is the au thor of the follow ing religi ou sworks — Gh az awat and fou r other poems ,Bombay , 18 72. Fara’iz al- islam (see no .

Bombay , 1 8 74 . Kanz al-‘ ibrat (A.H.


Bombay, 18 74 . Nar al-absar (A .H . A collection o f five Sindh i poems .

Bombay , 1 8 99 ; and S ifat i b ihisht (no . 10, I. Foll . 1—30. A poem in praise o fart . i ”) Muhammad .

II. F011. 157 —1 8 1 . A poem on the Beginsacceptabi l ity of prayer offered up und er 6

7 ,

-l Mil 41? gibo

vagous cond i t10ns of place and w orshi pper .

a[ 25i [ 53° f


eglns a A

OL;1? w“

n) Mi15 'l

J gd r'u ~ J

1:1 ..s M3C: Uta e :

“ble fi ub -

j flp re?


II. Foll . 31—46 . An account of the birthy

n s “ l i . “

.3”j "“i f ” N

‘5 3 ‘Jo f Muhammad .


‘f w ig ’g ‘M ”L3 9 5

'sfits 7 ? r


9 & 4? i fi x} w fi

lélL0 2 3 ? )

8 .

Ad d .—Foll . 90 ; 85 in . by 41

14 13

l ines, 31} in . long, apparently w ritten in thebeginn ing of the 19th century .


fi ifi w lfll b

i legs ? W


Religious instru ction in S indhi verse , c ompiled from various Arab ic sources . By ‘Abd

Allah .

‘Abd Allah is probab ly the Makhdam‘Abd Allah (see no . au thor of the Bad ral-muni r and other religi ous poems .

Beg insJLfi u

Lu LEJfi n hLJ

'UU Alld l

A“ 5 “ fir r“ F 5


15 5


Pfilgs rj

e[ 31 1.


fi ne.)“5AP W

g ?" d r

Copyist : Hafiz Ghaz i Muhammad .

9 .

Or. 6533 .—Foll . 127 ; 7% in . by 41 ; 1 1

l ines , 3 in . long ; early part of the 18 th

III. Foll . 4 7—102. An accoun t o f themarriage ofMuhammad and K_ had ijah .

Beginsgi n:


13° “M3 JL‘"u s we ; w

a llele.Jam

uh :

IV . Foll. 103—1 10. The L egend o f KingJam jamah .

Beginsbljlw e


j ? J.)


ail-J cr


b—f f: 1, 53 l

gs0 pm? u

ls y» v?W

U s) eta jlg

j'é :

V . Foll . 1 1 1—127 . An account of thed ea th of ‘Ali Akbar, son of Imam H usa in .

Beginsfill“ a: g

'j ij ) z


Jg i 2g ; ,1 £314 4 T

95 0°u

“ we? FF ‘ du a l"if d-‘r—‘

r vim .»


The Copy end s abruptly at the beginn ingo f a new canto to the poem . The name o fthe copyist


‘Abd al-W asi ‘ , appears at the endof the third poem (fol.


The poem s

bear the seal o f a former owner , having thedate A.H. 1 197 (A.D .

1 0 .

Ad d .—Foll . 1 8 9 ; 8 in . and 7 in . by

4 ; 1 1 and 12 l ines , 2% in . long ; early 1 8 thcen tury. [W I L LIAM ERSKIN E.]

A collection of fou r relig ious poem s in

S ind hi .I. Fol ] . 1—49 . w ?

» w

Sifat i bihisht.

A tradi tional account o f Heaven , compiledfrom Arab ic sources . By Makhdum ‘Abd

Allah .

Beginsin “

3» as “? a t

rhe a .


‘w i r. U

zu lAJ J L L Q

ice :

up) u} .

“$1i ! M

COpyist : Hafiz ‘Abd al-Rahim of Bh 1]

II. Fol] . 50—120. An accoun t of K_had i

jah ’

s d ream of the v is ion o f Muhammad inthe form o f a shin ing l ight ; together w ithlegend s o f the Prophet . Translated fromArab ic sources by Gh ulam Muhammad .

Beginsf ”


{w g alsb is»

)ob !


w,» w e a» , u) ;


‘s fin”



u"? a t "

Append ed to the poem are 7 ba i ts by Shah‘Abd al-L ati f.


5t u w

III. Fol] . 121—1 73 . h is

Another copy of the Mukad damat al-salat o f


Abu al-Hasan (no . 4 , art . w i thout theintrodu ctory trad i tions .

IV . Foll. 1 74—1 8 9 . w k

Chau-‘ilmi .

A m etrical treatise on the Muhammadancreed , and prayer. By Abu al-Hasan .

Begi ns1.


r? 9”r'



3139 ? wl

All LESrib: stash bhl w ]

The Chau -‘ilmi has been published at

Bombay , 1 8 69 , and at Karachi , 18 70, togetherw i th the Mukad d amat al-salat an d threeother religious treat ises by Ab i'i al-Hasan .

1 1 .

Or . 1238 .—Foll . 4 7 7 ; 10 in . by 7

1; 1 1 to

18 l in es, 5 11; in . l ong ; written in a characterof the type o f Ii hwajah S indhi , here tran sliterated in the Gu jarati character ; d atedSamvat 1909 and 1 910 (A.D . 18 52 and

A collection o f religious treatises in verse .The volume begins w ith a preface by the

scribe , Dahyasfirji , who states that he c om

men c ed copying these treatises for ‘Abd

Al lah Hamaj i in Chaitra, Samvat 1 909March , A .D . 18 52.

Begins : Raw 311 21 at 221a gov Qua

a t om/ u ”(M ia 7m m wu gllwi e i wi lls?

(4 51 q ai’

azfla li ov ( 161 um?

wa i t i t (4 91 mu ral new w ay 3 m a t 1

(4 91 ”um. azfié any. 419. a? a i l 69 01

vu z ev ch um a? 35 1 ‘llitlLd vu rfi

an anv il”W i t t/ ll ”aw e. mu

n t s'fi QIN QD m ist ail (4 914 61 met

r ug sn a i lmile“ 23293“

mmmmetc .

( 43 )


TuE references are to th e numbers u nder wh ich th e MSS . are d escribed . W ork s wh ich are onlyinc id entally mentioned are d istin gu i sh ed by figures o f l igh ter type in th e referen c e.


was!» cu.) 33 .

3 8 , 3 9 .

9—11 . 22 , 23 .

27—30 ,

3 5—37 .

25 , 26

37 I I .

19—21 .

8, 17 1 .

M S 8L»:


15 , 16 .

do?) bk 2 m .

, 4 1 .

us e au

ra 4 6 , 4 7 .

umj'auz 4 6 , 4 7 , 54 .

9, 5b 5 59 .

2—6 , 17

5 6 n . M ‘

53 n . 4 8,4 9 .

5 5 , 56 1 .


01 A T 10 1 .

J ain .“ A; 7 I .

10 IV .

73. 1 I .

, 2, 4 111 .

4 10 I I I .9L») j ? " 8L?» 7 I.


Az im, Sa iyid , scribe 46 .

Babu Jan . Religio us poem ,42.

Bayaz i d,An gfi l i , 2.

D arw ez ah , Jfl find Makh z an al-islam ,

2—6 , 1 7 (2,D aulat . Qh az als , 45 .

Do st Muh ammad . G_ haz als, 4 5 .

Faiyaz . Kissah i Bahramgor, 56 1 1 .

Faiz (

Ali , scribe, 36 .

Fa iz Muh ammad . Qhaz al , 26 .

Falfii r al- D in , Sd h ibz d d ah , 50.

Faz i l . G_ h az al , 45 .

Faz il . Qh az als, 45 .

Gada, fI/rlzfind . Nafi‘al-mu slim i n, 1 .

(j h an imat . See Muh amm ad Ak ram .

(fl i ulam‘

Ali,of Sonpa t, scribe, 27 .

G_hu lam Husain , sc ribe 15 .

Q ulam Ji lan i , of Peshawa r, scribe (A.D . 18 7 1

1 8 75) 24 , 29 , 37 , 4 3, 4 7 , 5 1 , 53, 58 , 60.

(3 111115 111 Ma sum, 35 .

g nulam Muh ammad . K i ssah i Saif al-mu luk ,55, 56 1 .

G_h u lam Muh ammad,Hafi z

, 38 .

Hafiz . Shahnamah 12.

Ha id ar Shah , scribe, 7 .

HIJI‘I. Sec Ash raf Khan, Q apa k .

Hi llali, 53 I I .

Hu sain . G_h az al s, 4 5 .

Ibrah im, Qh az als , 45 .

Ilahyar K_han , son of Hdfiz Rahma t K/ad'n .

Aja’ibal-lughat 15 , 16 .



1m . G_haz als, 4 5 .


i l, Mi rza, scribe 28 .

Jam i , 48 .

Kalam al-D i n, Kfid i-ri

,scribe 39 .

Kaland ar . (fl az als,45 .

Kama],Mu lla

, scribe, 20.

Kamgar K_han ,son of: Khu shh d l Khan . D iwan


37 I I . G_haz als, 45 .

Karimdad , son of A-

éj find D a rwez ah, 2—6 .

Kasim (

Ali K_ han , called Afrid i . D iwan , 38 , 39 .

ILhwébn frmah, 38 .


Kaz im . G_h a z als, 4 5 .

Kaz im ILhan , fl nfak,called Shaida. Elegy, 26 .

D iwan,35—3 7 .

IQ mshhal Khan , _K_ha{ak Historical

ac count, 9 . D iwan,22, 23 . Mukhamm as


26 . Eu logy, 27 . Q haz als , 4 5 .

L u tf Allah Kai dan i , 2 V .

Mah abbat Khan ,Nawab Riyaa al

mah abbat 14 .

Mah in . G_ haz al s, 45 .

Mirz aK_han , Ansari . D iwan , 19—2 1 . G_h az als, 45 .

Misk in . GLhaz al, 26 .


azzam Shah . Tawarilgh i Hafiz Rahmatkhani ,


Muh amm ad ibn Sa‘

id , al-Bas iri , 2 I I I , 4 1 .

Muhammad Afzal Q ui n . See Afzal K_ han .

Muh ammad Ak ram, c alled Qh animat

, 53 I .


Ali , sc ribe,34 .


,of Kashm ir, sc ribe, 22.

Muhammad Halim . See‘

Abd al-Hali in .

Muh amm ad Hasan , of Peshaw ar, scribe (A.D .

9 ; (A .D . 44 .

Muhamm ad Hu sa in,Haj z, Shi raz i , 57 .

Muhammad Isma‘

i l, of Kand ahar, scribe (A.D .

13 .

Muh ammad Kasim ,Jfi and of Swat. Fawa

’id ish ari

at 7 .

Muh amm ad Ka z im K_ h an . See Kaaim K_han .

Muh amm ad Muh sin,son of Mu lla Ahmad , scribe

19 .


in al-D i n .

Azra W am ik 5 7 .

Mu‘iz a Allah K_han . D i wan

,4 3 . G

_h az als

,4 5 .

Mustafa Muh ammad ibn Miyan Nar Muham

mad , 3 .

Mu ti ‘

Allah . Munajat, 34 .

Naj ib . D i wan,3°

N ajm al-D in‘

Umar ibn Muh ammad,al-N asaf Z,

2 v1 .

Ni ‘mat Allah , au thor of Makh z an i Afghan i , 9 .

Ni ‘

mat Allah,Mulla. Kissah i Fath Khan , 59 .

Nfir Muh ammad, of Kand ahar, scribe 1 1 .

Rahman . See‘

Abd al-Rahman .


Rahmat L han, Hafiz, Rohilla Chief ta in 13 .

Muk_hammas, 26 .


d i , the Persian poet, 46 , 54 .

Sad r Khan, fi a ta k. Muk_hamm as, 26 . G_ haz als,

45 . Adam K_han a Burk

_han a


Kissah d a D il i 11 d a Shah i , 51 .

Samad . fl i az als, 4 5 .

Shah D urran i . S ee Ahmad Shah , Abd d lz’


Sh a ida. S ee Kaz im Kh an , Q apak.


Abd Allah , Ma kh dam . Bad r al-m un ir7 I . Religiou s in s tru c tion , 8 . Sifat ibih i sh t, 10 I .

Abd Allah Ramaji , 1 1 .

Abd al-L ati f. Fara’iz al-islam 2.

Abd al-L ati f, Shah Shaha jo ri salo , 3 .

Bai ts, 10 I I .‘

Abd al-Karim Shah , 3 .

Abd al-Rah i m ,Hafiz

, sc ribe, 6 , 10 I .‘

Abd al-W asi‘ , sc ribe,9 .

Abfi aloHasan . Muk ad d amat al-‘

salat , 4 1 1,10 11 1 .

Chau -‘

ilmi,10 IV .

4 7

Sh araf al-D i n,of Mu ltan, sc ribe 16 .

Sher Muh ammad . Qh az al s, 3 .

Sid d ik. Qhaz als, 4 5 .

Sik and ar. G_ haz als, 45 .

Siraj al-D i n, of Multan , scr ibe 30, 56 .

Usman . Qh a-z als, 4 5 .

W al i Muh ammad , Mu lla, scribe 4 8 .

Yunas . Qh az als, 4 5 .

Z iya al-D i n Imam Muh amm ad Sham i , 2 VI.

Dahyasfi ryi , scribe (A.D . 1852, 1 1 .

G_haz i Muh ammad, Hafiz

, scribe, 8 .

Qh ulam Muh ammad . Khad ijah’s d ream ,

10 1 1 .

Hab ib Allah Shah , 3 .

Imam Ja‘

far Sad ik 1 1 .

L at i f, Shah . See Abd al-L at i f, Shah .

Mih tah , Miyan Hafiz,of t j , scribe 1 .

Muh ammad Hash im,Makhdam . Fara

’ia al-i slaml I, 4 I I I . z ad al-faki r 1 1 1 .

Martyrd om of Hasan and Hu sain , 4 Iv.

Shah Hab ib . See Hab ib Allah Shah .

Shah Karim . See‘

Abd al-Karim Shah .

( 4 8 )


NUMERALS in paren th eses are HlJl‘

ah d a tes,except wh en noted oth erwi se

,and ind ica te th e d ate of

c ompo sition o f the work,or o f the d eath o f th e author . Th e referenc es are to th e numbers und er

wh ich th e MSS . are d escribed .

A .




L ist o f Pu sh tu verbs , etc . , 17

Notes on Push tu gramm ar,17


Shahnamah by Hafiz , 12.

Tarik h i murassa‘

, by Afzal K_ han , K_h atak , 9—1 1 .

Tawarik h i Hafi z Rahm a tk hani,by Pi r Mu

a zz am

Shah , 1 3 .


Aja’ib al-lugh at by Ilahyar Khan ,son

of Hafi z Rahma t K_han , 15, 16 .

Push tu vocabu lary, w ith tran sl i terations, 1 7Riyaz al-mahabbat by N awab Mah abbat

K_han 14 .


Chaman i benaz i r, 45 .

D iwan o f‘

Abd al-Ham id , 3 1 .

D iwan of‘

Abd al-Kad ir K_han , Khatak , 25, 26 .

Diwan of‘

Abd al-Rahman,27—30.

D iwan o f Aba al-Kasim , 44 .


D iwan of Ahmad Shah , Abdal i (A . D. 33 . Afghan Proverbs, compi led by Saiy id Ahmad, of

D iwan o f Akbar, 40. Ko tah , 60.

D i wan of Ashraf K_han

, ILh atak , c alled HIJI‘ I

24 .

D iwan of Kamgar K_ han , K_ h atak , 37 I I .Di wan of Kas im ‘

Ali Khan , c alled Afri d i , 38 , 39 .

D i wan o f Kaz u n K_ han , c alled Shaida, 35—37 .

D i wan of 15 11 11 11 , K_h atak 22, 23 .

D iwan of Mirza Khan ,An sari , 19—21 .

D iwan of Mu‘

i z z Allah ILhan , 43 .

D iwan o f Mulla Arzan i,18 .

D iwan o f Naj i b , 32.

D urr a m arjan, by

Abd al-Hami d , 3 1 .

Qh az als and oth er poems by variou s au thors, 26 ,45 .

Kasi dah burd ah , by ‘

Abd al-Kad ir, 4 1 .

K_ hwabnamah,by Kasim (

Ali Khan , c alled Afrid i ,38 .


j i z at by Hafiz Abd al-Kabir, 34 .

Munajat,by Muti

Allah , 34 .

Religiou s poem, by Babfi Jan , 42.

Selec tions from the work s o f Afghan poets, 45 .

( 50 )





S ind h i work s are ind icated by an asterisk .