Catalogue of a Collection of Early Printed Books in the Library of the ...


Transcript of Catalogue of a Collection of Early Printed Books in the Library of the ...


THE col lection of which the majority of the books dealt with in the

fol lowing pages origina l ly formed a part, was presented to the Roya lSociety in January 1 667 by Henry Howard (afterwards sixth Duke of

Norfolk), whose grandfather, the Earl of Arundel , had purchased a great

portion of it in Vienna during his embassy there in 1 636 . A number ofthe books so purchased are said to have come from the library formed at

B uda by Matthi as Corvinus,King of Hungary, after whose death they

passed , in the last years of the fi fteenth or early in the sixteenth century,into the possession of B ilibaldus Pirckheimer of Nuremberg, whosebookp late is affixed in many of them.

John Eve lyn ,in his

“ Diary,

”states that it was at his instigation

that Henry Howard presented the collection to the Roya l Society .

“ This gentleman,

as Eve lyn says,

“ had so little inclination to books,

that it was the preservation of them from embezz lement.

”A further

entry of Evelyn’

s,dated 29 August 1678, gives an account of his

receipt of the col lection on behalf of the Society.

“I procu red for our


”he says

,besides printed books, near one hundred MS S .


in Greek of great concernment. The printed books being of the o ldestimpressions, are not the less valuab le ; I esteem them almost equa l toMSS . Many of these books had been presented by Popes, Cardina ls,and great persons, to the Earls of Arunde l and the Dukes of Norfolk ;and the late magnificent E arl of Arunde l bought a nob le library in

Germany,which is in this col lection . I shou ld not

,for the honour I

bear the fami ly,have persuaded the Duke to part with these , had I not

seen how negligent he was of them,suffering the priests and everybody

to carry away and dispose of What they pleased so that abundance of

rare things areirrecoverably gone.

I n 1830 the Roya l Society, w ith a view to increasing the scientific

resources of their library, disposed of the greater part of the MSS . in

the co l lection to the Trustees of the B ritish Museum.

The. col lection now cata logued consists of 396 volumes, comprisingB 2

6 8 3 8 0 6

981 works, many of the vo lumes containing a number of separateworks. I t is special ly rich in tracts of the Reformation period ; thereare in the col lection 144 separate works by Martin Lu ther, and a largenumber of tracts from other hands (such as those of E rasmus


Melanchthon and others) which have reference to Luther and to

questions concerned wi th the Reformation .

The Society possesses, in a translation made into the MassachusettsI ndian language from Ri chard B axter’s “

A Ca l l to the Unconverted,”a

book which (so far as can be ascertained) is unique . The translation isby John E liot, an English minister who from 1 646 to 1690 was engagedin missionary labours among the Massachusetts I ndians. Of a thousandcopies of this work that are known to have been printed at Cambridge ,Mass

,in 1 664, no other examp le is known to exist

,the fact of their

disappearance being probab ly accounted for by their being printed fordistribution among E liot

s I ndian discip les and pupi ls. The Society’


copy is in the origina l boards.

Another very rare work of E liot’s,which is in this col lecti on

,1s his

translation of the B ible into Massachusetts I ndian . This was the firstB ible printed on the American continent, and was issued at Cambr idge ,Mass ,

1 6 6 1—63 .

The Society’

s copies of the second edition of Chaucer’s CanterburyTales

, printed by Caxton (1484 and the edition printed by Pynson

( 1493 are both imperfect. On ly one perfect Copy of the former isknown ,

and only three of the latter. The copy of the S econd Folio

edition of Shakespeare’

s plays lacks the leaf w ith B en Jonson’

s versesand two of the unnumbered leaves that shou ld fol low the title -

page .

Among other rare works in the col lection the fol low ing may be

noted : Joannes Naso’

s“De Spectaculis a Panhormit-anis in A ragonei

regis landsm editis,

”of which only two other copies are known ; the

work of Hartmannus Schedel known as the“ Nuremberg Chronic le ”

B artholomaeus de proprietatibus rerum”

(1495 a fine

Specimen of Wynken cle Worde’

s printing ; a col lection of 49 scarce

I tal ian tracts, most ly bal lads and poems printed at V enice early in the

sixteenth century and illustrated with woodcu ts ; Pope B oniface V I I I .


L iber Sextus Decretalium ”

( 1465) and Cicero’

s“ De Officiis

two books printed on ve l lum and fine ly i l luminated,both from the press

of Johannes Fust and Peter Gernsshem at Maintz .

Albrecht D in‘

er is represented by a volume containing three sets o f

biblical i l lustrations in woodcut : the “Epitome in Divae Parthenic es

Mariae H istoriam,

”Passio Domini


and Apoca l ipsis.

The present catalogue is arranged under the names of the authors of


the works, wherever it has been possible to ascertain them. Anonymous books are entered under the heading most convenient for reference


as well as (when possib le) under their au tliors’

names. Notes have

been appended to the entries,mentioning any particu lar features that

the individua l copies may present— such as imperfections, or the

presence of engravings, woodcuts, or the Pirckheimer bookplates. The

letters 33. 3L. and 3L , appended to certain entries,indicate that the

books in question are printed in“ B lack Letter ”

or“Gothi c Letter

respective ly. The letters ED. PR.,simi larly used

,indicate that a work

is an Editio Princeps.

The preparation of the Catalogue was begun by Mr. Henry M .

Mayhew,my col league in the Department of Printed B ooks

,B ritish

Museum. He unfortunate ly died after accomp lishing about a third of

the work ; whereupon I undertook the comp letion of the catalogue, therevision of the whole

,and the passing of the sheets through the press.



Abrah am .

4 leaves .

[ Veniee,] P er Francesco B indom'

, ct Mapheo F asim'

,comp ag'


[ 1525With a woodcut.

A ccu rsius (B onus)I ndex locorum in Commentarios Caesaris B elli Gallici descriptorum ,

etc. 60 leaves.

[ 1475 1]Wi th the bookp late L iber B iliba ldi P irckheimer.

S vggestio deliberandi svp er prOpositione H adriani pontificis Roman i

Nerobergae fa cta ,ad Principes Germaniae scripta , etc. 4 leaves.

[B asle ? Va lentin Curio 1522.

WithMS . notes.

JE ne as S y lv iu s .

S ee P IUS I I .,P op e .

E sch y lus .

A tok ov TpaywSca t e'

f. [E dited by Franciscus A sulanus.] ED . PR .


. 1 14 .

Venetu s, in a edz’

bus Aldz'

et Andred e Soceri , 15 18 .

I’Vith two P irchheimer bookp lates : B iliba ldz’

P irkeymheri efiigiand Sp es, tn

bula tio, invidia , tolerantiu .

Agrico‘a (Rudolphus)

H abes lector : hoc libello : R . A gricolae ad J . V ad ianum

Epistolam, qua. de locoz; non nu llorum obscurita te quaestio fitpercontatio J . V adiani epistola, qua eoz; quae priori epistolaquaesita sunt, ratio explicaf. 1 6 leaves.

4° Viennae, Aust‘

riae, Joa nnes S ingrenius, 15 15 .


Agustin (A ntonio) Archbishop of Ta rrayana .

I d iscorsi (lel S . Don A ntonio Agostini sopra lo Medaglie et altreanticaglie tradot ti da lla lingua spagnuola nell

’I ta liana , etc .

pp . 7 2 . 239 .

Wi th engra ved titlep age a nd p la tes .

A lbergat i (Fabio)Del Ca rd inale libri tre . pp. 198 .

Roma , Ad instantia di Gio. Angelo Rufiinelti, stamp a to p erF acciotto, 1598 .

Albericus, de Rosa te .

A lfabetum iu ris civilis . Q5 . 11 . 274 leaves.

fol. 1490 .

With the bookpla te : L iber B iliba ldi P irchheimer .

Albertinus (Franciscus)Opusculfi d

mirabilibus none 7 veteris u rbis Rome . ff. 103 .

Romae, p er I acobum Mazoehium,15 15 .

[A nother edition ] fi‘

. 99 .

I n incl ta B as ila eor um Urbe , T. Wol 15 19 .yWi th woodcuts on the titlep age and last leaf.

A lb erto,Neap olitano.

P ronosticho de maestro A lberto Neapolitano s0 pra lanno M illecento v inti

noue . Con el Taou ia dela L una intitulato al

Christiano . 4 leaves.

[Venice, 1529 ]With a woodcut.

A lb ertus (L eo B aptista )L eon is B aptistae A lberti L ibri De re aedificatoria decé, etc.

if. 174 .

P arrhisiis, Op era B ertholdi R cmbolt d" L udou ici B eruhen, 15 12 .

A lb re ch t,Meister .

Roszertzneybiechle in . A uch w ie man a in yekliches pferd erkennen un

probieren soll. (5 . ii . ff. 15 .

A ugsp urg, Hanns S cho'

nsp erger, 1513 .

I'Vith a woodcut on the titlep age .

Alc iatus (A ndreas)Emblematum D . A ndreas A lcia ti libri I I additzxa sunt aliquot ina ltero libro figu res . pp . 3 16 .

Antverp iee , ea; oflicina Christophori P lantini, 1567 .

Wi th woodcuts.

A lc i atus (A ndreas)A nd . A lciati L ibellus de ponderibus et mensuris . I tem B udazi de

eadem re , adhuc non v isa . I tem Philippi Melanchthon is de iisdem

sententia . A lciati quoq Philippi Melanchthonis in laudem J u risCivilis orationes duae elegant issimse .

Haganoae, Ap ud Joha n. S ec[erium] , 1530 .

A lexand er, Gramma ticus.

A lexander gramma ticus cum brev i et u tili expositione . IL.

73 leaves .

fol. B asilee, [Johann of Amorba ch,] 1486 .

notes. I mp erfect ; wanting sig . f. i . and p a rt of sig . f. i ii .

The title is taken from the colophon.

Alph ab etum .

A lphabetum A rabicum . pp . 64 .

Romae,I n Typ ographia Medicea , 1592 .

Alt (Georgius)Das buch von den geschichten der alter der werlt vnd von beschreybung der berfimbtisten vud namhaftigisten stett . ff. 286 ;

fol . [Nuremberg, A . Koberger,] 1493 .

Wi th woodcu ts . The t itle is taken from the colophon onfol. 262 verso.

Imp erfect ; wanting a ll before fol. 3 and after fol. 2 75 .

Alth amer (A ndreas)A nzeygfig warumb Got die wellt so lang hab lassen jrrhen . Q5 . it .

1 2 lea ves .

[Nuremberg, 1526

Ammanns (J odocus)J odoci Ammann i Cha rta Lusoria , tetrast ichis illustrata per J anumH einricum S croterum Kunstliebe ufi wolgerissene FigurenMit kurtzen lateinischen und teutschen V ersslein illustrirt, etc. ff. 60 .

Nurnberg, L eonha rdt H eussler, 1588 .

I nterleaved. I mp erfect ; wanting sig. L . iv. and P . i . S ig . M . i . is

mu tila ted .

Andrelinus (Publius Faustus)P . F avsti A ndrelini E pistolae proverb iales dz morales longe lepidissimenec minus sententiosae. E x secvnda recognitione . 14 lea ves .

A rgentora ti, ex aedibus Ma thias S churerij S elesta tini, 1513 .

R . Patris F ratris I oannis Nannis de Monarchia Papw disputatio ,

scripta anno M .CCCC .LXXX I . Cum postfatione Mar . Lutheri, in tam

solennem d isputationem . 8 leaves.

[Wittenbcrg t 1536 l]


Ant i thesi s.

A ntithesis figvra ta v itae Christi et Anthichristi , etc . 14 lea ves .

[Wi ttenberg, Joha nn Rha u,Wi th woodcu ts.

Anton inus,S a int, A rchbishop of F lorence.

B egi n. [FOL 1 . recto I ncipifit Rubrice super Tracta tfi de instruct ionssen directione simplicium confessorum . Q5 . 1L. 143 leaves .

[Cologne, Ulrich Ze ll, 1469Rubrica ‘

ed throughout. Wi th a few llI S . notes, and the bookp la teL iber B iliba ldus P irckheimer.

App ianus, A lexandrinus.

The H istories of A ppianus, translated by P . Candidus.] B egin.

Candidi in libros A ppiani sophiste A le‘

xandrini ad N icolaum quintu

summfi pontificem prefatio incipit felicissime . 2 vol.

Venetijs, p er B e*

nardup ictorem et E rhardum ra tdolt,1477 .

Wi th the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irchheimer

Arculanus (Joannes)Practica J oannis A renlani . ff. 179 .

fol. Venetzj’

s,P er B ernardinum Uercellensein


A rdoyn is (S antes de)B egin. [sig . A . ii . recto I ncipit liber de venenis quam magistersantes de ardoyn is de pésauro phisicus saluatoris nostri c5fisus aux ilioedere cepit venetiis die octano nouébris 1424, etc. if. 10 1.

fol. Veneti is, op era B erna rdini ricij de nouaria,1492 .

A retino (Leona rdo)S ee B RUNI (Leona rdo) Aretino .

A rgellata. (Petrus de)Cirurgia magistri Petri de largelata . 6 . ii . if. 13 1 .

fol. Venetiis, 1499 .

Ariosto (Lodovico)Orlando Furioso di M . L odovico A riosto . Ornato di varie figure con

alcune stanze et cinque Canti d ’ un nuovo libro del medesimo nuovamente aggiunti et ricorretti , etc. 2 pts .

Vinegia'Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari



A risteae, de legis Divinae ex H ebra ica lingua. in Grsecam transla tior e ,

pe r S eptuaginta interpretes absoluta , H istoria , nun c primt mGreece ed ita Cum conversione La tina , autore Matthia Ga rbitio .

[E dited by S imon S ahardius .] pp . 86 . 98 .

B asileae , p er Joannem Op orinum, [ l5 6 l .]

1 1

A ristoph anes.

xwpwbia i e'

w e'

a . [Edited by Marcus t surusJ ED . PR .

348 leaves.

fol. Venetiis, ap ud A ldum, 1498 .

A ristot le .

[V ols 2 and 3 of the five - volume edition ,by A . Manutius, of A ristotle


Works ]fol. Veneti i s

,in demo Aldi manuti i Romani , 1497 .

A ristotelis va ria Ope ra nouissime traducta : 7 Rhetorices Hermogen is

Compendium . 142 leaves

fol. Venetiis, p er B ernardinum Venetum de Vi ta libus, 1504.

Meteorologia A ristotelis, E leganti Jacobi Fabri S tapulensis Paraphra siE xplanata . Cfimentarioq; J oannis Coclaei Norici declarata , etc. f f. 94.

Norinbergae, I n ofiicina Fr iderici P eypusz. 15 12 .

With woodcuts.

Api o"rorehovs HOALT tKwV BLBA. dx‘

rw . pp . 240 .

P a risiis,Ap ud . Gail. Morelium,

1556 .

Wi thMS . notes.

Prepositiones ex omnibus A ristotelis libris diligéti‘

ssime excerptc

dz ad certa rerfi capita pulcherimo ordine per tabellam additam reda cte .

288 leaves, the la st blank.

Venetiis, p er I oannem ct Gregorium de gregari i s, 1493 .

A rna ldus,de Vi lla Nova .

H ec sunt opera A rnaldi de villa Nova que in hoc volumine cotinentur.

é . 3L. ff. 398 .

fol. L ugduni , p er F ranciscumfradin, 1504.

With the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irchheimer .

Arn ob ius.

A rnobu Disputationum adversus Gentes libri septem . M . Minuet)F elicis Octavius . E ditio nova , ad editionem Romanam expressa , quibusdam tamem in locis e ms. R eg . aucta dz emendata . Desideri iHeraldi ad A rnobii libros v ii A nimadversiones, dz castigationes . 2 pts .

P a risiis, Ap ud Ma rcum Orry , 1605 .

Arsenius, Archbishop ofMonembasia .

dukoo q wv Ka i 6nrdpwv 7-2 Ka i 7rocrrrdw. Ec yé

/ ‘


n apdi

Apa eviov’

Apxi emm<67rov Movepfla o ia s. 2 pts .

[Rome, 152 1 1]B y a n error of binding, pt. 2 p recedes p t. 1


A rthus (Gotardus)H istoria I ndies Orientalis , ex va rns auctoribus collecta et j uxta Seriemtopographicam regnorum , prov inciarum et insularum , pa r A fricze A siaeque

littora , ad ext remos usque J aponios deducta , etc. pp. 6 16 , and a map .

Colonies Agripp inas, S unip tibus Wilhelmi L utzenl irch, 1608 .

A ttavanti (Paulo)Q uesta sie la legenda de la Na t iv ita d i Christo, etc. [I n vers e]4 leaves .

Wi th a woodcut.

Augustine , S a int.

A in andechtiger und zu besserung sundigs lebens, nutzlicher Tractat des

ha iligen und Christenlichen lerers A urelii A ugustini , von iippigka it der

w elt,ne ii lich ausz L atein in Te ii tsch gebracht . (5 . ii . 6 leaves.

Augspurg, p er S iluanum Otni-ar, 15 19 .

Aussch re ibung.

A uschreibunge eines heiligen frey en Christlichen Concilii A nno 1535 .

(h. 3L. 8 leaves, the la st two blank.

[ lVittenberg, Nicolas S chgrlentz, 1535 ]

A zp i l cueta (Martino de)A pologia libri de reditibus ecclesiasticis, a Martino ab A zpilcueta .

compositi Cui nunc accessit e iusdem A pologies Propugnacu lum .

pp. 222 .

Antvcrp iae , E x ofiicina Christopher i P lantini , 15 74.

B a c c i (A ndrea)L e x11 . P ietre Pretiose, le quali per ord ine di Dio ne lla santa legge ,adornavano i vestimenti del sommo Sacerdote , etc. pp . 130 .

Roma , Vicenzo Accolti, 1587 .

B ad ins (J odocus) Ascensius.

Nav is stultifere Collectanea J odoco B ad io A scensio va rio Carm inu

genere D5 sine eorfidem‘

familiari explanatione conflata . (5 . ii . ff. 107 .

P arisi is, G. de Ma rnef , 1507 .

Wi th woodcuts. The ti tlep age and most of the leaves are mut ila ted, andhave been rep a ired .

B allanus,llI a ntuanus.

[ 10 leaves, conta in ing poems in MS ,headed : “ Sequit

" B allanusMantuanus de gestis


B arberi i s (Philippus de)Q uatuor hic c6pressa opuscula.

! —1 . Discordfitie sanctorum doctorum

J eronymi A ugustin i . [B y Philippus de B arberiis .] 2 . S iby llaru ; ( le

Christo vaticinia cfi appropriatis singularii figuris. 3 . V a ria Judeoruet Gentilium de Christo testimonia . 4 . Centones P robe F a lconie, etc.

(5 . 11. Pts . 1—3 .

Opp enheim, [J acob Kobcl,

Wi th woodcuts in p t. 2 . I mp erfect ; wanting p t. 4.

B argagl i (S cipione)Dell’ Imprese di S cipione B a rgagli a lla prima parte , la seconda , e late rza nuovamente aggiunte , etc. pp . 5 73 .

Vene tia , App resso Francesco de’ Franceschi Senese, 1594.

Wi th engraved i llustra tions.

B arth olinus (R ichardus)Responsio Principum German iae da ta . . L egatls L eonis X . dz cseteris

Ora toribus in A ugusta V indelicorum A nno M .D .XVI I I . Per . .R ichardum

B artholinum . . in literas relata . pp . 1 1 .


B arth olomaeus,Anglicus.

B a rtholomaeus de proprietatibus rerum . 353 . 31 . 478 leaves.

fol . [Westminster, B y W'

ynken de Worde a t p rayer and desyre ofRoger Thorney , mercer ,Wi th woodcuts . I mp erfect, wanting 6 leaves : sig . a 6 , f 6 , m 2

, A 1 ,00 5 , 00 6 . The titlep age is mutila ted .

B axter (Richa rd)\Vehkomaonganoo asquam Peantogig . Kah asquam Q uinnuppegig , etc .

[B axter’

s A Ca ll to the Un converted , transla ted into the Massa chusettsI ndian language by J ohn E liot] pp . 1 28 .

Cambridge, S amuel Green hahMa rmaduke Johnson, 1 664 .

I n the origina l boa rds. No other copy of this work is known to exis t .

B ee lzebub .

B eelzebub an die H eilige B epstliche K irche . M . D .XXXVI I . Q5 . 71 .

4 leaves.

[Wi t tenberg,] 1537 .

Wi th‘

a woodcu t on the ti tlep age.

B egn ins (S imon) B ishop ofModrusch.

S imo B egnu . . Oratio S ex ta L aterafi C50 ilii Sessione Q uinto Kalefi .

Ma ias habita . M .D .X I I I . 8 leaves, the last blank.

[15 13

B elcari (Feo)L a R epresentatione di Abraam 7 I saac . [I n verse . B y F eo B elcari ]4 leaves.

[Venice ,] P er Francesco B indoni,

tf' M’

aphco P asini , comp agni ,[15 25 l]lVith a woodcut .


B erosus, th‘

e Cha ldean, p seud.

B erosus B abilonicus De his quae praecesserunt inunda tionem terrarum

etc. ff. 28 .

[Pa ris,] G. De Marnef,Imp erfect , wantingfol. 1 .

B ertrand (Nicolas)L es gestes des tholosa is et daultres Nations de lenviron . Premierement

escriptz en langa ige L a tin par . .ma istre N ichole B ertrand i . . et aprestranslates en francoys . I tem L es ordonnances Royau lx du pay s dclaguedoc semblablemét en langa ige francoy s. 6 . i . 74 leaves.

fol. L yon, Olivier Arnollet, 15 17 .

Wi th woodcuts.

B ertrHCius (N icolaus)Nusq; antea impressum Collectorium totius fere medicine B ertrucn

B ononiensis , etc . 6 . ii . if. 254 .

Imp ressum L ugd . p er Claudio} dauost a l’

s de troys, 1509 .

B eschw erungen .

Die beschwerungen des hayligen Ro . R ey . vnd besonderlich gfitz Teutscher Nation ,

vom S tul zu R om v ii seiner anhagende Gay stlicha it , zu

Worms ifn Reychsstag , des 152 1 jars, R 0 . Kay . May . von den Chu rfii rsten , Fursté vn S tendé des Reychs ernstlich fiir pracht. 6 . 31.34 leaves.

[Augsburg, S igismund Grimm and Ma rcus Wirsung,

B etbu chle in .

E in B etbii chlin beyde dem alter und der jugent nutzbar . I tem ein

Spruchbii chlin , den wa ren Christen gar hey lsam [Ma rt . Luth. 6 . it.5 1 leaves.

[Augsburg 1536 .

With woodcu ts on the first and last leaves. The t itlep age is mutila ted .

E in nutzh'

chs B etbiichlein sambt andern hey lsaw en leeren ein Christlich leben z ii unterrichten see r dienstlich, etc. [B y Ma rtin L uther]6 . 11. 184 leaves.

Nurnberg, durch J eronimum F ormschneyder,With woodcuts by H . S . B eham.

B eza (Theodorus)Theodori B ezae pro Corporis Christi V eritate , adversus Ubiqu itatiscommetum , et G . H olderi convitia , responsio . A ddita est responsio a ltera ,adversus putidissimas J a cobi A ndreas ca lumnias . pp . 127 .

Genevas, apud E usta thium Vignon, 158 1 .

Imperfect, want ing pp. 1—4 .

B ian ca (L eonora)L e R isposte della S ignora L eonora B ianca , etc. ff. 38 .

Vene tia,Francesco Rampazetto, 1565 .

Wi th woodcu ts .


B ib le . [L a tin ]B iblia Latina . 6 . 11. 2 vols.

fol . [B asle,B erthold Rupp el, 1473 1]

With MS . ne tt s .

B iblia . H abes in hoc libro movam tranlatione seditam a Sanots

pagnino , etc . 3 pts.

fol . L ugduni, p er Antenium da Ry , 1527—28 .

The ea rliest B ible in which the verses a re numbered,

B ib le . [I ta lian ]L a B ibbia . Cioe, i libri del V ecchio 6 del Nuovo Testamento .

Nuovamente traslatati in lingua I ta liana da Giovanni Diodat. 3 pts .

A Geneve , P our P ierre Aubert, 1607 .

B ib le . [Ma ssachusetts I ndia n L anguaga ]Mamusse VV

unneetupanatamwe Up—B iblum God , Naneeswe Nukkone

Testament kah w onk VVusku Testament . Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe

Wuttinneumoh Christ noh asoowesit J ohn E liot . 2 pt .

Cambridge , Samue l Green kahMa rmaduke Johnson, 16 6 1- 63 .

I mp erfect, wanting four lea ves, sig . Cc . 1—4 . The first B ible p rinted on

the American Cont inent.

B ib le . Old Testament . [Hebrew and L a t in ]En tibi lector H ebra ici B iblia , latina planeq ; noua S chast. Munsteri

tralatione euulgata A ccesserunt in hac secunda aeditione

multaa nouae annotationes, etc. pp . 1601

fol. B asilese, E x ofii cinis Micha elis I singrini i ct H enrici P etri,1546 .

B ound in two volumes. The L a tin title is p receded by one in Hebrew.

B ib le . Genesis. [Hebrew, Cha ldeea n, Greek, L a tin and German ]Geneseos Patriarchae sex Cum translationibus fontis H ebra icr

Chalda ica , Graeca , L a tina , Germanica . A c explicatione gramma ticaDoctor J oannes Dra conites . 56 leaves .

fol. Vitebergae, Joannes Cra te , 15 63 .

The L a t in title is p receded by one in Hebrew.

B ib le . Psalms. [Hebrew]Psalterium Hebra icum .

B asilea e, in a edibus I oanni s F rebeni i , 1523 .

With MS . notes. The L a tin title is p receded by one in Hebrew.

[A nother edi tion ]B asilea e, Ap ud H ieronymum Frebenium d: Nicolaum Ep iscOp ium

1538 .

[The B ook of Psa lms w ith the Commenta ry of David K imchi .]fo l . [I sny , l 541 .]

1 7

B i b le . Psa lms. [Hebrew,Greek

,Arabic a nd Cha ld -

oean]Psalterium H ebreum , Grecfi , A rabicii dc Chaldefi , cu tr ibus la tinis


erptatbibus dz‘

glossis. 220 leaves .

fol. Gc '

nuse , P e trus P aul/us P e rm s,15 16 .

Wi th the bookp la te L iber B iliba lcli P irckhe imer.

[A nother copy .]I mp erfect ; want ing the ti tlep age.

B ib le . Psalms. [Hebrew, Greek, Cha ldaean and L a tin ]P salterium in quatuor linguis, H ebraea , Graec a , Chaldaea , L atina .

144 lea ves, the la st blank.

fol. Celeniae, [J . P otken and J . S e ter,] 15 18 .

B ible . Psalms. [Hebrew,L a tin and German ]

S eptem Psa lmi poeniten tia les ex H ebraeo ad verbum L atine German

iceque translati a J c anne boeschensta in . 6 . it. 7 2 leaves, the last


Augus tee Vindelicerum,in ofi cina S igismundi Gryni , 1520 .

B ib le . Psalms. [L a tin ]P sa lter ium ex hebreo diligentissime ad verbfi fere tra la tfi : fratre Feliceordinis H erem itarfi sancti A ugustini interprets , etc. pp . 74.

H aganeae, in aedibus Themes A nshelmi B adensis, 1522.

B ib le . Psalms. [L a tin a nd Arabia ]L iber Psa lmorum Davidis Regis e t Prophetae . E x A rabico I diomate in

L atinum translatus . A Gabriele S ionita E deniensi et V ictorio S cia la cA ccurensi Maroni tis

,etc. pp . 474 .

Roma,E a; Typographia S a naria na , 16 14 .

I'Vith the a rms of P ep e Pa ul V. on the binding.

[Another copy .]

B ib le . P sa lms. [L a tin and S axon ]Psa lterium Davidis L at in o- S axonicum vetus . A J channe Spelmanno

ed itu in,etc. if. 182 .

L endini , E avcudeba t B . B adger imp ensis Phi . S tepha ni d} Ch.

JiI eredith,1640 .

B ible . Psa lms. [Greek]WaArrip i ov npocprj'rov Ka i Ba irtkéws 7 0 5 AaBiB. if. 198 .

Argentora ti, Ap ud Vuo lf . Cep hal, 15 24.

B ib le . Psa lms. [German ]Psa lmen Davids, na ch frantziisicher Melodey in Deutsche reimengebracht , durch D . Ambrosium L ohwasser. 234 leaves .

Dantzig, Andreas H iinefeldt, 16 27 .

With a second t itlep age , engra ved, a nd a n engraved frontisp iece bea ringa p ortra i t of L obzva sser .


B ib le . P roverbs . [Hebrew, Cha ldaean,Greek

,L a t in and Ge rma n ]

Proverb ia Solomonis . Cnm translationibus fon tis E bra ici : Chalda ica,Graeca , L a tina

,Germanica . A c explica tione vulga ri, linguse et

scriptures Doctor J ohannes Draconi tes. ff. 1 18 .

fol. Vitebergas, Johannes Cra te .

Wi th a MS . note on the ti tlep age : Cla rissimo Viro Domino Declor iGeorgie F orstero fra tri suo P a ulus d d .

”The L a tin t itle is

p receded by one in Hebrew.

B ib le . I saiah. [Hebrew,Greek a nd L a tin ]

I sa ias Propheta , H ebra ice,G reece et L atine . A dd ita est autem duplex

L atina interpre tatio , H ieronymi dz Munsteri . A ccessit succincta

difficiliorum H ebraicorum vocabulorum expositio , collecta per S ebas

t ianum Munsterum ex Dav idis K imhi commentario . pp . 345 , followedby tw enty

- eight unnumbered leaves.

B a sileae, p er Henrichum P etrum,

B ib le . J oel. [Hebrew, Cha ldae an, Greek, L a tin and German ]J oel P rophets . Cum translationibus fontis E bra ici Cha lda ica , Graeca ,L a tina

, Germanica . A c explica tione prophetize Doctor J ohannesDra conites . ff. 20 .

fol. Vitebergae, Johannes Cra te , 1565 .

The L a tin title is p receded by one in Hebrew.

B ib le . Micah . [Hebrew,Cha ldaoan, Greek, L a tin and German ]

M icheas Propheta . Cum translation ibus fontis E bra ici : Cha lda ica ,Graeca , Latina


, ac explicatione prophetiseJ ohannes Dra conites . if. 30 .

fol . Vitebergae, Johannes Cra te , 1565 .

The L a tin ti tle is preceded by one in Hebrew.

B ib le . Zacha rias. [Hebrew, Cha ldaean, Greek, L a t in and German ]Za cha rias P ropheta . Cum transla tionibus fontis E bra ici : Cha lda ica ,Graeca , L atina , Gernia na ac explicatione prophetise DoctorJ ohannes Dra conites . fi

. 7 7 .

fol. Vitebergae, Joannes Cra te, 1565 .

The L a tin title is p receded by one in Hebrew.

B ib le . Malachi . [Hebrew, Cha ldae an, Greek, L a tin and German ]Malachias Propheta : cum translationibus font is E bra ici : Chalda ica ,Graeca , L atina , Germanica . A c exPlicatione grammatica linguae e t

prophetiae Doctor J ohannes Dracon ites. if. 26 .

fol. L ip siae, Johannes B hamba ,15 64.

The L a t in t itle is p receded by one in H ebrew.

B ib le . New Testament . [Greek ]N ovum Testamen tum Greece . [E dited by N icolaus Gerbelius. ] fl

. 280 .

Hagenoae, in wd ibus Thomae Anshelmi B adensis,152 1 .

The ea rliest edition of the Greek tea't a lone .


B ib le . New Testament . [P olyglot]Novum Testamentum Dfi i : Ni


i : J esu Christi . Sy ria ce, Ebra ice,Greece, L at ine, Germanica, B ohemice, I ta lice, H ispanics, Gallice,A nglice, Dani ce, Polon ice. S tudio dz labore E lise Hutteri. 2 tom.

fol. Noribergae, 1599 .

B ib le . New Testament . [L a tin ]Nov i Testamenti, aeditio postrema

, per D . E rasmum Roterodamum .

3 60 leaves .

B asi lew,apud Jo. F robenium,

1523 .

Wi th a few MS . notes.

Nov i Testamenti totius editio d ivo H ieronymo interprete una

cum utriusque inst rumenti concordantiis, ad singula capita j usto ordinedigestis . 6 . 71. if. 243 .

Coloniw Agripp inas, p er E ucharid Ceruicornum, 1525 .

B ib le. New Testament . [Syria c]L iber Sacrosancti E vangelii de J esu Christo characteribus dz

lingua Sy ra expressa .

Viennae Austr iacas, [in oflicina Michaelis Cymbermanni ] 1555 .

I mp erfect ; containing only the four Gosp els and the Ep istles of S t. P a ul.The L a tin title is p receded by one in Syriac.

B ible . Gospels . [Arabic and L a tin][The Gospels in A rab ic

,w ith an interlinear L atin translation by

J oannes B apt ista Raymundus] pp . 462 .

fol. B omae,I n Typographia bl edicea , 159 1 .

The book begins, without titlep age , a t p . 9 , the intended p reface and

dedica tion never having been wri t ten. With woodcuts.

B ible . Matthew . [Hebrew and L a tin ]E vangelivm S ecvndvm Matthaevm in lingva H ebraica , cum uersione

latina atqg succinctis annotat ionibus S ebastiani Munsteri , etc. pp . 154.

fol. B asilese,apud Henricvm P etrvm,

1537 .

The L a tin ti t le is p receded by one in H ebrew.

E vangelium Secundum Matthaeum in lingua H ebra ica, cum versione

L atina , atque annotationibus S eb . Munsteri Una cum EpistolaD . Pauli ad H ebraeos, H ebra ice dz La tine. pp . 396 , followed by 30

unnumbered leaves .

B asi lese, Ap ud Henrichum P etri , 1557 .

The L a tin t itle is preceded by one in H ebrew.

B ib le . Peter .'

[German]Die czwo Epistelu S . Peters, un eyne J ude . V erdeutscht durch Mart .

L u ther czu w i ttemberg . 6 . 71 . 16 leaves.

E rfl'

urdt,czum S chwartzen Horn, 1522 .

B ib le . Concordance .

Concordantiarvm H ebra icarvm capita ,quae sunt de V ocum E xposi

t ionibus, a Ma rdocha i Nathan conscr ipta , nunc vero ad

v erbum translata per A nton ium Reuchlinum . col. 980 .

fol. B asi lese,P er Henrichum P e tr i

,1556 .

The L a tin t i t le is p receded by one in H ebrew.

B ie (J acques de)L a France Méta lliqve . Contenant les actions célebres tantqve privées des R ois et Re ines, rema rqvées en levrs

d ’a rgent et de bronze . Tirées des plus cvrievx cabinets, eta — Explicat ion ou descript ion somma ire des méda illes, etc. vols . 1 , 2 .

fol. P a ris, Chez Jean Camvsa t, 1636 .

Wi th a second, engraved, t i tlep age, on the verse of which is an engravedp ortra it of L ouis XI I I . a nd engraved p la tes. The colophon to vol. 2 ,which conta ins the “ E xp lica tion,

”bea rs the imp rint :

“ A P a ris,De


I mp rimerie de J ean B essie ,”and the da te

1635 . Imp erfect, want ingvol. 3 : L es F amilies de la France, etc .

Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata A urea a J ulio Czesare ad

H eraclium continua serie collecta et ex archetypis expressa , etc .

A ntverp iae, Typ is Gera rdi Wolsscha tzj et Henr ici Aertsij , 16 15 .

lVith engra ved p la tes .

B londus (Flavius)B londi F lavn F orliv iensis H istoriarum ab inclinatione R omanorum

imperii liber . 302 leaves .

fol. Venetiis, p er Thomum Alexandrinum,1484 .

The t itle is takenfrom sig. a . i i recto.

B o c ca c c io (Giovann i)[I 1 Decamerone] fi

. 137

fol. Vene t ia, p er Gioudni d

' Gregorio de Gregor“ fra telli , 1492 .

I mp erfect ; want ing the titlep age and sig. a , i . lVith woodcuts.

I l Decamerone di M . Giovan B occaccio,nuovamente alla sua intera

perfettione ridotto per Girolamo R uscelli . Con le dichiara tion i ,annota tion i et avvertimenti del medesimo et con figure nuove , etc.

pp. 487 .

Vene tia , Vicenzo Va lgrisio , 1552 .

I l Decameron ricorretto in R oma et emendato secondo l’ordinedel Sa cro Cone . d i Trento , etc . pp . 580 .

Fiorenza , Nella S tamp er ia do i Giunti, 1573 .

B od en ste in (A ndreas )A uszlegung unnd L ew terung etzlicher hey ligenn geschriflten . So dem

Menschen d ienstlich se int zu Christlichen lebe I n sonderhe itDes creutzes , tzu welchem unser goth und herr den menschen berufl


etc. 6 . it. 26 leaves .

[L e ip si c ? Melchior L otther ?

B o emus (J oannes) Anba nas .

Omni um Gentium Mores , L eges et R itu s ex multis cla rissirnis rerumscriptoribus nuper collecti , etc. pp . 304 .

Ap ud F riburgum B risgoiae, E xcudeba t Joannes Faber Emmeus I uliacensis, 1536 .

B oesch en sta in (J ohann )Contenta in hoc libe llo E lementa le introductori u i n H ebreaslitteras teutonice dz hebraice legendas, etc.

- 6 . 51. 12 leaves .

Auguste, E a: ofiicina E rha rdi Oeglin, 15 14 .

last four leaves of this work have been bound up be tweenthe two t ra cts tha t p recede it in the volume . The L a tin ti tle is p receded byone in Hebrew.

H ebraicas Grammatices I nstitutiones in gratiam Sanctae linguae studiosorum ab J eanne B eschensta in collecte

,e tc . 6 . 71. 16 leaves .

Ap ud I nclytam Coloniam Jo . S oter excudeba t, 1521 .

T he L a t in ti tle is p receded by one in Hebrew.

B oeth ius (H ector)Seotorum H istories a prima gentis origine , cum aliarum dz rerum dz

gen tium illustratione Praemissa epistola nficupa toria dz non

poen itenda I sagoge, etc. 42 unnumbered leaves, the fi rst blank ; if. 2 1and one unnumbered leaf ; ff. 368 and one unnumbered leaf, whi ch isb lank . E D . PR .

fol . [P a ris,] Typ is Jodoci B adzi Ascensii , 1526 .

With a woodcut on the tit lep age.

I nstitutiones Grae cae Gramma ticae . E D . PR . 208 leaves.

Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi Manutu R oma ni,149 7 .

Wi th the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irckheimer .

L iber sextus decretalium . 12 1 leaves .

fol. A lma in vrbe magdtina , p er Joha nne fus t cine cl P etra? scho ifi'

er do

gernsshem,1465 .

P rinted on vellum. The first p age a nd init ia l letters are i llumina ted.

B ordinus (J oannes Fran ciscus) A rchbishop of Avignon .

De rebus praec lare gest is a S ixto V . Pon . Max . I o . F rancisci B ordini .

Ca rminum li be r primus . pp . 63 .

Roma e, Ap ud F ranciscum Zanettum,1588 .

Wi th engraved p la tes.

11 R iposo di R affae llo B orghin i . I n cui della pittu ra e della sculturasi fa vella

,etc . pp . 648 .

Fiorenza , Giorgio Ma rescotti , 1584 .


B ugenh agen (J ohann)Epist ola de Pecca to in spiritum sanctfi ,

V u ittembergae edita . 8 leave s .

Wlt te-mbergae, [Johann Rhan,V on der E vagelischen Messz . A ueh w ie man Messz soll horen . Eyn

R atschlag herr J . Pommer, etc. (5 . 1L. 14 leaves.

[Wittenberg 1524 ]B urckard (Georg) Sp a la tinus .

E ttliche Christliche gebett und untterwey ssung . Die MagisterGeorgius Spa la tinus seym bruder anzceyg t und uberschickt hat .

Kurtzer auszug ausz D . Martin i L uther b ii chle . (b . 11 . 8 leaves .

E rfi'

ordt,ecum S ehwartzenn Ho run, 15 22 .

B u rgo (L ucas de)S ee PACCIOL I (Luca)

B ut ige lla (H ieronymus)H ieronymi B utigelle.

J . U . doc. p . . J o Phi . Gabaloita Ora tio . Q5 . ll .

6 leaves .


C aedmon .

Cecdrnonis Mona chi Pa raphrasis Poetica Genesios ac proecipuarum S aorgepaginae H istoriarum,

abbino anuos M .Lxx . A nglo - S axon ice conscripta , etnunc primum edita a Francisco J unio . pp. 106 .

Amstelodam i , Apud Christopherum Cunradi . 1655 .

Cwsar (Cains J ulius)I Commentari d i C . Giulio Cesa re , con le figu re in rame . . fatte da

A ndrea Palladio,etc. pp . 407 .

Vene tia , App resso Girolamo Foglietti , 16 18 . [ 1598 l]The da te is given on the titlep age as 16 18

,but in the colop hon it is

given as 1598 . The la tter is p robably correct .

[A nother edition ] pp . 407 .

Venetia ,App resso Nicola Misserini , 1 6 1 9 .

[Pla tes illustrating Caesa r’s Campaigns ; w ith descriptive letterpress

in I talian,and a map of Spa in . Pa rt of a la rger work ]

C alderinu s (Domitius)Domitii Calderini V eronensis Commenta ru in M . V a lerium Mart ialem ,

e tc. 2 18 leaves .

fol. I nclyta in Venetia rum Ciuita te imp ressum,cnra d? diligent ia Thomas

A lexandr ini cf: sociorum eins, 148 2 .

Wi th the bookp la te“ L iber B iliba ldi P irckheimer. The title is taken

from sig . a . i i .

C a lepinus (Ambrosius)Ambrosii Ca lepin i D ictionarium . .A dditamenta Pauli Manutij , etc.

45 7 lea ves .

fo l. Venwtu s,Apml P a nlmn Manntinm, 156 4.


Ca llim a chus (Philippus)P . Ca llimachi Ge rminianensis H istoria de Rege V lad islao seu cladeV arnensi . 58 leaves .

A ugusta? Vindelieornm, I n ojfir ini S igisnzundi Gr im,a tqg .Ma rci

Va irsung, 15 18 .

lVith a woodcut. I n the colop hon the da te is given a s 15 19 .

C amd en (William)A nglica , H ibernica , Normann ica , Cambrica , a veteribus scripta ex

qu ibus A sser Menevensis, A nonymus de v ita Gulielmi Conquesto i'is,

Thoma s W'

a lsingham ,Thomas


de la More,Gu lielmus Gemiticensis,

Giraldus Cambrensis plerique nunc primum in lucem ed iti ex B ibliotheca Guilielmi Gamdeni , etc pp . 898 .

fol. F rancofurti, I mp ensis Cla ndzj 111mm] , d} heerednm Johannis Aubry ,

1602 .

Pp . 893— 6 are misnumbered 889—92 .

[A nother ed it ion 898 .

fol. F ranhafnrti , is Claudz] Ma rni] , d: haeredum J ohannis Aubrzj ,1603 .

A nnales rerum A nglicarum et H ibernicarum regnan te E lizabetha .

pp . xxv i . 908 .

Amstelodami, apud Dan . E lzevir,1677 .

lVith engra ved ti tlep age and frontisp iece, the la t ter bea r ing a portra itof Q ueen E lizabe th.

Camp o (A ntonio)Cremona fedelissima Citta

,et nobilissima Colon ia de R omani rappre

senta ta in disegno col suo contado,et i llustra ta d ’vma breve historia

delle cose piv notabile appa rtenenti ad essa : et (lei ritra tti natvrali de(lvchi et dvchesse de M ilano

,e compendio delle lor v ite . ED . PR .

pp . 1 20 . lxxviii .

fol. Cremona , p er H ipp olito Tromba ,d' H ercoliano B artoli

, 1585 .

The t i tlep age is engra ved, and eachp age has a woodcut hordern

Can ibu s (J oannes J acobus a )Connpendiolfi breu i ss1mu 1n libros I nstitutionu; dhi J ustiniani August i .

65. 31 . fi“

. 16 .

P adae , p er magistrl ana theft eerdonis dc v-

nindisch greez, 1485 .

D . J oann is J a cob i Ca n is pro iurisconsultog colleg io in aduGtu .D .

Petri B a rocci ep i Pa tauini ” (b. 31 . 10 lea ves .

[P adua ,Fl a tthaeus Cerdonzs, 1487

C an isio (E gidio) Ca rdina l.Ora t io prima Synod i L ateranensis habita per Egidium V iterb iensemA ugustin ian i ord in is Genera lem. 6 leaves .

Nuremberg/e, p er Joa nnem S tuchs,

Canones Apostolorum. V eterum Conciliorum constitutiones. DecretaPontificum antiqu iora . De primatu Romanae E cclesiae , etc. if. 170 .

fol. lll ojuntiae, I n aedibus Joa n. S choefl'

er,1525 .

Wi th a JVI S . note on the ti tlepage Dii o B iliba ldo P irckheyrner S ena tor iP a tritio Nurnbergae .

Capa c c io (Giulio Cesare)Delle imprese . Tra ttato di Giu lio Cesa re Capa ccio , etc. 3 pts .

Nap oli, Gio. Gia como Ca rlino, d} Antonio P a ce , 15 92 .

Wi th woodcu ts .

Cap i to (Wolfgang Fabricius)V . F abritii Capitonis H ebra icarum I nstitutionum libri duo . 130

leaves .

B asileae,Ap ud Jo. F robenivm,

15 18 .

Carion (J ohann)B edeutnus vfi offenbarung warer himliseher infiuentz . von jarn zu jarnwerende

,B iss man schrey bt , 1550 , etc . (5. 31. ff. 28 .

Nurenberg, F riderich P eg/pus, 153 1 .

B eudeutnus unnd ofi'

enbarung warer himliseher influentz, A lle

Landtschafi t, S tendt and einfi ii sz klerlich betrefi'

endt, und von dem

1540 jar z ii ja rn werendt, b iss man schreibt 1550 jar etc. (5. i .

1 6 leav es .

Nurenberg, L eonhart Milchta ler, 1540 .

Prognosticatio und E rklerung der grossen Wesserung : A uch anderererschrockenlichen w ii rckungen ,

so sich begebe na ch Christi unsers

lieben hern gebu rt funfi’

tzehenhundert un xxii ij jar, etc. 3L.8 leaves .

L eyp ssgh, Wolf gang S tocke l, 1522 .

Wi th a woodcut on the titlep age.

Caro (A nnibale)De le L ettere Familia ri del Commendatore A nn iba l Ca ro volume

primo . Di nuovo . . ristampate , etc.—De le lettere . . volume secondo ,

etc. 2 vol. [in one] .Venetia , App resso P a ulo Vgolino, 1 603 .

Carolostad ius (A ndreas)S ee B ODENSTE IN (A ndreas)

C ast iglione (B a lcla ssare) Count.The Cou rtier . . Done into E nglish by Thomas H obby . I ta l , F r . cf:

E ng. ff. 307 .

L ondon, John lVolfe, 1588 .


C atech ismus .

Ca techismus odor Kurtzer unterricht Christlicher L ehr wie der in Kirchen11nd S chulen der Churfurstlichen Pfalz getrieben w ird

,e tc. 72 leaves .

[Da ntz ig 16 27 .

C ellarius (J oannes)A d Wolphgangum Fabricivm Capitonem . . I oan . Cellarn . . de vera et

constanti se rie tl1e0 10g icze dispvtationis L ipsicse epistola , etc . 18 leaves,

the last blank.

[ 15 19

I sagogicon J oann is Cella ru Gnostopolitze in H ebrzea s literas,leaves.

Hag/chose , E a: Neocademia Anshelmiana ,15 18 .

J udicium J oannis Cellarij de Martino L uthero . 4 leaves .

[L eip sic, JlI elchior L ot ter the elder ,

Nullus L ipsiensis [i .e . J oannes Cellarius ’

t] respondet Nemin i

be rgensi . (5. it. 4 lea ves .

L ip siae, Vuolfigangus Mona cen, 15 19 .

Wi th a woodcut on the ti tlep age .

C e l l ini (B envenuto)Due trattati , uno intorno a lle otto principa l i a rti dell

Oreficeria .

in ma teria dell’ A rte de lla S cultura , etc. if. 47 , follow ed byunnumbered leaves .

Fiorenza , P er Va lente P anizz ig, d’ llI a rco Per i

,1568 .

Ce lsus (A urelius Cornelius)A urelii cornelii celsi medicine libr i octo moniter emEda t i, etc . ( 15. 11.if. 106 .

L ugduni, S imon beuelaqua , 15 16 .

Ce ltes (Conradus)OGradi Ce ltis E conomia . 45. if. 4 leaves.

J ohann of Winterburg , 1495 ]

Conradi Celtis Panegy ris ad duces bauarie . (25. fi . 1 1 leaves.

[Augsburg, E rha rd Ra tdolt,

I n hoc libello Continentur : S eptena ria sodalitas lit tera ria Germanic ;A usonij S ente nt ie septem S apientum septenis vers ibus explica te ;E iusdem A uson ij ad d repanum de ludo septem sapien tum ; Epistolasaneti H ieronymi ad magnfi Ora torem v rbis de legvnd is 7 audiEdis

poetis . 8 leaves.

Vienne,ductn. C

'onrad i Celt is , [Joha nn of lVinterlurg,] 1500 .

Wi th MS . notes .

[O ‘


Charles I .,Kingof E ngla nd .

The K ing’

s Majesties Declara tion to H is S ubjects concerning lawfullSports to bee used . pp . 1 7 .

L ondon, Robert B a rker, 1633 .

Ch a rles IX .,King of France.

L i grandissimi apparati e reali Trionfi fatti per il B e it Regina di

Franza nel la Citta di B a iona , nell’

abboccamento della R egina Ca tholica

de Spagna , etc. 4 leaves .

P adova , 1565 .

Ch arles Emanu e l I .,Dulce of Sa voy .

I l Magnifico ot eccellente Appara to fatto in Tu rino per il ba ttegiamentodell’ illustrissimo Prencipe Cha rles figliuolo del seremss. Emanuel

Filiberto Duca di Savoia,l’anno 156 7 a lli 9 d i Marzo

,etc. 4 leaves .

Venet ia , 1567 .

Chau cer (Geoffrey)[The Canterbury Tales. E dited by William Caxton . S econd edition]3 12 leaves, of which the first is blank . 33 , 31.fol. [Westminster, William Cax ton,Wi th woodcuts. Imp erfect, wanting 28 leaves, viz . sig a . i—vii i b.

i,i i

,vi i

, vi i i ; aa . vii i ; cc . i , viii ; I . i,vi i i ; K . i—viii ; L . i—iv. llI any

of the leaves a re mutila ted and soiled. Only one p erfect copy of this isknown.

The B oke of the Tales of Canterburie , etc. 33. 11. 324 leaves, of

which the last is blank .

fol. [L ondon,] R ichard P ynson, [1493Wi th woodcuts. I mp erfect, want ing two leaves : sig . d a . iv, v. Only

three p erfect cop ies of this a re known.

The w erkes of our A ntient and learned E nglish Poet , Gefl'

rey Chaucer ,newly printed . [E dited by Thomas Speght] The S tory of Thebescompiled by J ohn L idgate, Monke of E v ry . 33 . 11 . H. 394

fol. L ondon, P rinted by Adam [ slip a t the Cha rges of Thomas ”l ight,1598 .

Ch ry sos tom ,S a int.

D ivi J oann is Chry sostomi Conciunculae . . sex de fa te prouidetia De i .

[E dited by E rasmus] 32 leaves.

B asilese, Apud Joannem F robenium, 1526 .

M issa D . J oannis Chrysostomi secundum veterem usum E cclesive

Constantinopolitanse . . A h E rasmo Rote rodamo tralata , etc . 48 leaves .

Colmaria e, p er B arp tholomeum Gryeningerum,1540 .

D ivina ac S a cra L iturgia Sanct i I oann is Chry sostom i . l nterprete

Ambrosio Pelargo . .A djecta est doxologia Greece simul L a t ine .

A djectze sunt annotationes . . eodem autore . 24 leaves.

Vorma tise, S eba stia nns lVagner, 1541 .


Ci c carel l i (Anton io)L e Vite de

pontefici di A ntonio Ciccarelli con 1’

efii gie di Gio van

battista de Ca vallieri . if. 286 .

Romae, E a: typ ographia Dominici B asw,1588 .

lVith engraved t itlep age and p la tes.

C i cero (Ma rcus Tullius)Ciceronis Opera . . i quatuor volumina digesta . E D . PR . 4 vols .

fol. Mediolani, [A . Ill inuticmus,] 1498—99 .

The title is takenfrom the six teenthp age of the p relimina ry ma tter to

M . T . Ciceronis Opera . E x Petri V ietoru codicibus max ima ex

deseripta , etc. 5 pt .

fol. P a r isiis, E a: ofiicina Roberti S tephani, 1538—39 .

B ound in 4 vols.

Opera . 8 vols .

P a risiis, E a: ofii cina Roberti S tep hani , 1543—50 .

Ma rci Tulij Ciceronis Ofii cioz; liber [I . and Ma rci TulijCiceronis paradoxa . 88 leaves.

fol. [Ma inte, J ohannes Fust (t P eter Gernsshem] , 146 6 .

P r inted on vellum the ini t ia l le tters to the three books are i llumina ted .

[De Officns . Translated into German by J . N euber .] pp . 182 .

fol. F ranchfurt am JlI ayn, bey Christian E genollfs E rben, 15 65 .

I mp erfect , wanting the t itlep age and pp . 1 75—17 6 . Pp . 957—9 6 and

18 1—182 a re mutila ted . Wi th woodcuts .

Somnium S cipionis ex Ciceronis libro de R epublica excerptum,

If. 90 .

fol. Venetzi s, 1492 .

Cie co (Francesco)S ee B E LLo (Francesco) called Cieco.

C ip elli (Giovanni B attista)S ee E GNAT IUS (J oannes B aptista) p seud .

C leon i d as.

H oe in uolumine hsec opera continentur . Cleonidae harmonicum introductorium interprete Georgie V a lla Placentino . L . V itruu ii Pollionisde A rchitectura libri decem . S exti J ulii Front ini de A quzeductibusliber unus . A ngeli polician i opusculum quod Panepistemon inscribitur.

A ngeli Policiani in priora ana ly tica prselectio , cu i titulus est L amia .

fol. Venetiis, P er S . P ap ienscm,1497 .

The imp rint occurs on sig . L . iv.

CleOph i lus (Octav ius)Octau ii Cleophili F anensis L ibellus . De Coetu Poeta ram .

— Octau11

Cleophili E pistolarfi libellus— Octau ii Cleo Fa . epi . ad libellum . 3 pts.

30 leaves, of which two are blank .

[Rome E ucha rius S ilber ? 1480 1]

Coch laeus (J oannes)S ee DOB NECK (J oannes) Cochlseus.

Cogelerus (J ohannes)Imagines elegantissimse

,quse multum lucis ad intelligendos doetrinse

Christianee locos adferre possunt , collect-

se, pa rtim ex prze lectionibus

Dom ini Philippi Melanchthon , partim ex scriptis Patrum , etc. 5 6 leaves .

Vi tebergse , E xcudeba t J ohannes Cra to . 15 6 1 .

[With woodcuts]The last leaf, bea ring the p rinter

s device,is mutila ted .

Collenu cc io (Pandolfo)Pandulphi Collenu tn . .H istorize Neapolitanze ad H erculem I . F errarize

Ducem L ibri V I . . Omnia ex I talico sermone in L atinum conve rsa ,J . N . S tupano Rheto interprete , etc . pp . 325 .

B asilese, Ap ud P etrum P ernam,157 2 .

Colonna (Francisco)Hypnerotomachia Poliphili , etc . ED . PR . 234 leaves.

fol. Venetiis, in aedibus A ldi Manutii,1499 .

Con clave .

S ee R OME, Church of .— Conclave.

C onest aggio (Girolamo)De Portugallise conjunctione cum reguo Castellze H istor i a ex I ta licosermone in L atinum conversa . pp . 502 .

E rancofurti , Typ is Weckelianis, apud Cla udium Jlla rnium d}

heredes J o. Aubrii , 1602 .

Consent inu s (A nton ius Thy lesius)S ee THY L ES IUS (A ntonius)

Constant ine,E mp eror of Rome .

Donat io Constantin i B artholomei picerni de Montea rduo ad J ulium I I .

pontificem maximum prsefatio ed icti sive dona tion is d ivi Constantiniquam e gracco in latinu convertit fueliciter . 8 leaves .

[Rome S tephan P lanck ? 15 10

[A nother copy.]

E iner aus den hohen A rtikeln des A llerhe iligesten B epstlichen glaubens,genant , Donatio Constantin i . Durch D . Mart i . L uther verdeudscht

inn das auffgesehobene Concilium von Mantua . W’

ittemberg 153 7 .

(b. if. 24 leaves .

l’Vitemberg , Ha ns L uf t , 1537 .

3 1

Corv in -u s (L au rentius)Cosmographia dans manuductionem in tabulas P tholomei . 56 leaves,

the last blank.

[B asle f 1496

C ostantino , da S iena , Misser .H istoria bellissima d i misser Costfitine da S iena e de misser Georgie daGenoua li quali si acopagnorono in viaggio p anda re a l ba ron misse r sanJ acomo

,etc. [A poem 3 followed by “ L a expositione del pater nester

in prose] 4 leaves

[Venice] 1522

H ortulus A n imse M it seh6nen lieblichen Figu ren [by L ucas Cranach] .(5. if. 1 24 leav es , the last blank.

Wi ttemberg, Georg Rhaw,1558 .

Crassu s (N icolaus)N icola i Crassi Junieris E logia Patritiorum V enetorum,

belli, pacisque

artibus illustrium . pp . 107 .

Venetiis, Ap ud E vangelistam Deuchinum,16 12 .

C roke (Richa rd)R . Croci B ritanni , A chademie L ipsensis E ncomivm congratvlatorivm .

8 leaves, the last blank.

[L eipsic ? 15 16 2]

S ee Corallus (A bydenus) Germanus, p seud.

S ee Eubulus (Constantinus) Moventinus, p seud .

Cu sanu s (N icolaus)S ee Khrypffs (Nicolaus) de Cusa .

D anaeu s (L ambertus)A d L ibellum ab anonyme quedam libertine recens editum , hec titulo, De

E xterne seu visibili Dei E cclesia ,etc. pp . 95 .

[Geneva ] Apud E usta thium Vignon, 1582 .

D an te A ligh ieri .

Dante , con 1’

espesitione di Christoforo L andino et di A lessandro V ellu

tello Con t avole,argomenti ! it a llegorie riueduto per Francesco

Sansovino Fiorentino. fi’

. 392 .

fol. Venetia , Giouamba tt-ista , Marchzo S essa , d} fra telli, 1564.

Wi th woodcuts .

[A nother copy .]

David B en Joseph K im ch i .

B ook of Psalms w ith the commenta ry of Da vid B en Joseph K im-chi]

fo l. [I sny , 154 1 ]

Commentarium H ebra icum R abbi Dav id K imbi in decem primes

Psa lme s Davidicos ; c um versione latina per Pau lum F agi‘

um .

pp. 6 5 .

fo l. Consta ntia e , 1544.

The L a t in t itle is p receded by one in .Hebrew.

D e cius (J odocus L udovicus)Diarii et ca rum q uze memera tu d igna in S igismund i

,Polonize R egis

et B enze Mediolani,B aricB Duc is Principis B e ssami nuptiis gesta

Descriptio . 34 leaves .

Gra ccouise, per H ieronymu Vietcré P hiloua llcn'

,15 18 .

D i alogu s .

D ialogus von der zw i trachtung (les hey ligen Christen lichen

neulich entstanden,da rin der mensch vnderricht w irt , w ie e

denen vnd andern y rthumben ha lten sol. “liderumb fley ssig fiberlesen

gebessert vud gemeret . 4 leaves . (5 . it.

40 . [ 1522 1]

D idymu s,Eaventinus, p seud .

S ee Melanchthon (Philipp)

Di etri ch (V eit)W


ie die Christen zur ze it der verfolgung sich trosten sollen . (5. if .

72 leaves , the last two blank.

Nzirmberg, Johan, vom B erg und Ulr ich Newbcr, 1548 .

B egin. [S ig A . ii] Dio non inuoco quel che 1a V ittoria . [A poem]20 leav es .

Venet ia , p er B erna rdino de Viano de L emona Vercellese , 1527 .

Wi th woodcuts . I mp erfect , want ing sigs. A . i,B . i a nd B . iv.

Diogenes L aert iu s.

De u ita moribus philosophorum . 1 12 leaves .

Venetiis , imp ens is nobilis uir i Octa uia ni S coti c inis lllodoetifi sis, 1490 .

D iom ed es .

B eg in . [fol. i . v erso] I n hoe volumine continentur . D iomedes De

structuris d ifferentia sermon is , etc . 170 leaves .

fol. [Venice] Nicola us Tenson Ga llicus, [ 1480 t]

D ion Cass iu s .

To w A lon/0 9c

Ponti a umwc

l a repcwv flifihi a Ka t. ( lKOO‘

t . D ionis CassuRomanarvm H istoriarvm libri xxv .

, ex G .Xylandri interpretatiene ;

Grk. (f: L a t. pp . 79 2 .

fol. [Geneva 9] Henr icus S tepha nus, 1592 .


D ion Cassius.

E K rwv A tont esi

lwaw ev rev E LqSi’

Xwov. E . Dione E xcerptae

historiae ab J eanne X iphilino . E x interpretatione Guilielmi B lanci , a

Guilielmo Xy landro recognita . Grk. (15 L a t. pp . 375 , followed by e leven

unnumbered leaves .

fol. [Geneva Henricus S tephanus, 1592 .

Diony sius, of Ha licarnassus.

A i evva i ov r evc

A itmapva (f o etust

F eynman;’

Apxa i ohoy i as Bifihca 86 1m,etc.

ED . PR . pp . 542 .

fol. L utetia e, E a: ojficina R ob. S tephani , 1546 .

With a few MS . notes.



U revc

Ahump /a c tre s s I I ept. 2 111/96 0 c’

Ovop.arwv, etc. E D . PR .

pp . 128 .

fol. L utetia e , E r ofiicina Rob. S tephani , 1547 .

With a few MS . notes.

Dobneck (Joannes) Cochlseus.

H istoria J oannis Cochleei de actis et scriptis Martini Lutheri S axon is,chrongraphice, ex ordine ab A nno Domini M .D . XVI I . usq ad A nnum

M .D . XLV I . inclusiue, fideliter conscripta Cui nun c recens adiecimus

A ntidotum contra veneficium Sectarum hu ius temporis, B onifa cioB ritann o autore, etc . pp . 72 , ff. 322 , 30 .

P a risiis, Apud Nicolaum Chesneau, 1565 .

Q uadriuium Grammatices J oannis Ceclaei Nerici Compendiosa brevitateperspicvvm ,

velox ad manseuetieres literas cvrriculum pro iuuentuteNurenbergensi inprimis elucubratum, etc. 84 leaves.

Tubingw, in aedibus Thomas Anshelmi B adensis, 15 13 .

Wi thMS . notes and the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irckheimer.

Tetrachordfi Nusices Joannis Goelei Neric1 nuper contextfi iuu'

étutisL aurentiane E ruditione , etc. 31. 30 leaves.

Nurnberge, in ofiicino Joanni s Weyssen, 15 1 1 .

Doglion i (Giovanni N iccolo)L

’A nno, dove si ha perfetto, et pieno raguaglio , di quanto puo

’ c iascundesidera re , si d

intorno a lle cose del Mondo Celeste,E lementa re

, comed ’ inte rna a quelle de ’ Tempi , del Ca lenda ri o

,etc. if. 49 .

Venetia , Gio. Antonia R amp azetto, 1587 .

With woodcuts.

Dondis (J acebus de)[A ggregatio Medicamentorum ] B egin. [fol. i . recto] F ructiferummedicis acturus opus . . ego . . aggregabo etc. 45. IL. 284 leaves

, thelast blank .

fol. [W'

eidenbach 1470 7]With the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irckhcimer.


Doni (Antonio Francesco)I nferni del Deni , A cademico Pellegrino . L ibro secondo de mondi .pp 224.

Vinegia , Francesco Ma rcolini, 1553 .

With woodcuts.

Dubravius (Joannes)Theriobulia J oannis Dubrauu de Regus praeceptis . 38 leaves .

Nurnbergse, p er Fwdericai P eypus, 15 20 .

Du P rat Antoine) Ca rd i .na lOratio habita B enoie ce r


a L eone X . Pent. max . i frequeti Cardinaliu

Concilio ipso Rege Cli 1 lst1a n1ss1me presen te : a . A n ton ie Pra tomagne Gallie Cancellario Tertio I dus Doc ris M.D. xv1 . 4 lea ves .


D iirer (A lbrecht)A pocalipsis c ii figuris. 16 leaves.

fol. Nurnberge, p Albertum Durer, 15 1 1 .

E pitome in Divae Parthenices Ma riae H istoriam ,ab A lberto Durero

Ne rico per figuras digestam ,cum versibus annex is Che lidonii . 20 leaves.

fol. Nurnberge, p er A lbertum Durer, 15 1 1.

Passio domini nostri J esu , ex hierenymo paduano , Dominico Manci‘no ,S edulio, et B aptista Mantuano , per fra tem Chelidonium collecta , cum

nga ris A lberti Dureri Norici P ictoris. 12 leaves,fol. Nurnberge , p er Albertum Durer, 15 1 1 .

E b er le in (J ohann)Das lob der Pfa rrer von dem unnutzen kesten der gelegt w irtgema inen unverstend igen volck a u tf mesz lesen , etc . [B yE be1 le in ] (5. it. 6 leaves, the last blank.

[Ulm f

E ek (Johann von)S ee J OHANN , von E ek.

E gid ius, l i terbz‘


S ee CAN I S IO (E gidio) Ca rdina l.

E ginh ardus, Abbot of S eligenstadt.V ita et Gesta Ka re li Magni . pp . 1 69 .

Apud inclytam Germa niac Coloniam, Jo . S oter,The titlep age, which has a woodcut , is mut ila ted .


E gnat ius (J oannes B aptista) p seud . [i .e . Giovanni B attista Cipelli]I n hoe volumine centinentur Jeannis B aptistse Egnatii V eneti de

Cze sa ribus libri I I I . E j usdem in Spa rtiani, L amprid iiq ; u itas,reliquorum anno tationes. Neruse Trajan i atq A driani principum uitse

ex Dione, Georgie Merula interprete , etc. 2 pts .

Venetiis, in a edibus Aldi et Andreae S oceri , 15 16 .

E i chm ann (Jodocus) de Ca lws .

[V ocabularius Predicantium] V ariloquus . . e'

5pilatus p . .mgrm l ehan'


melber de geroltzhefen ex sermonibus auditis . . sub venerado viro .

J odoce ey chman de k'

a lw . Q5. 31. fi‘

. 172 .

A rgit. p Johanne P russ, 1488 .

I mp erfect, wanting the ti tlep age .

E lij ah B en Ash er, the L evite.

Opusculum recens H ebra icum a doctissime hebraeo E lna L evita Ge rmanogrammat ico elabora tum

, cui t itulum fecit . .Thisbites, in que 7 12 nocumque su nt pa rtim H ebraicg, Cha ldaicae, A rab ice, Greecse (it La tinze

, queiBin Dictionarijs non fa cile inveniuntur . . orige , etymon ,

(it uerus usus

explicatur, per Paulum Faglum . latin itate donatum. Heb. (t L a t.

pp . 27 1 .

I snae in A lgauia , 1541 .

E l iot (J ohn)Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe U f- B iblum God, etc. [John E liot’st ranslation of the B ible into the Massa chusetts I ndian language] 2 pts.

Cambridge, Green kahMa rmaduke Johnson, 1 6 6 1—63 .

I mp erfect ; wanting 4 leaves, sig . Cc. i—iv. The first B ible p rinted on theAmerican Continent.Wehkemaonganoo asquam Peantogig, etc. [E liot

s translation intoMassachusetts I ndian language of R ichard B a xter’s “ A Call


to the

pp . 128 .

Cambridge, [Mass ] S amuel Green kahMa rmaduke Johnson, 1 664.

I n the origina l boa rds. No other copy of this work is known to ex ist.

Emser (H ieronymus)A V enatione Lu tet iana A egocerotis assertio . Emser . N ester hic

A egoceren sine culpa non sine feeno : L ud it Venantis R etia tgla canes .

22 leaves .

[L eipsic, Melchior L e tter the E lder , 1 57 9 Z]W’

i th a woodcu t of the a rms of Emser on the ti tlep age.

De disputatiGe L ipsicensi quantum ad Roemos obiter deflexa est

E pistola H ieronym i Emser . 6 leaves .

[L eip sic Melchior L e tter the elder ?Wi th a woodcut of the a rms of Emser on the ti t lep age.

S ee L UTHER (M .) A dn ecerotem Emserianvm M . L vtheri additio.

[I n answ er to Emser’

s De disputatiene

1 5 19 .

S ee L UTHER (M .) A n den B ock zu L eyptzck [i .e . tha t of Emser] ,etc.


E rasmus (Desiderius)E rasmi Roterodami A dagiorum Chiliades tres, ac centuriae fere totidem.


. 249 .

fol. Venetu s, in a edibus Aldi , 1508 .

With the bookp la te“ B iliba ldi P irkeymheri efiigies.

A liquot Epistolze sane q; elegantes E rasmi Roteredami , ad hunc

a liorum eruditissimorum hominum , etc. pp. 270,followed by one

unnumbered leaf.Apud inclytam Germanise B asileam, I n aedibus F robenianis, 15 18 .

Antibarbarorum D . E rasmi Rote rodami liber unus, etc. pp . 150.

B asileae, apud I 0 . F robenium, 1520 .

A pologia E rasmi Reterodami refellens quorfidam seditiosos clamoresapud populum , qui velut impium insectabatur, qued verterit, I n principioerat sermo, etc. pp . 24.

B asilea e, apud I 0 . F robenium,1520 .

E rasmi R eterodami A pologia ,refellens suspicienes querundam dictitantiudialegum D . Ja cobi L a tomi de tribus lingu is ratione studii Theologici ,coscriptum fu isse adversus ipsum, etc. pp . 72.

[B asle, J . F robenius,

A uctarium selectarum aliquot Epistolarum E rasmi Reterodami ad

E ruditos et horum ad illum. pp. 223 .

B asilea e, apud I o. Erobenium, 15 18 .

[Colloquia ] I R agionamenti , evero Colloqu i Famiglia ri di DesiderioE rasmo R oterodamo . Di L a tino 111 volga re gia tradotti , etc. pp . 547 .

Vinegia , nella bottega d’

E rasmo di Vincenzo Va lgrisi, 1549 .

Des. E rasmi Reterodami De duplici Copia verborum ,a c re rum

Cofii entarij duo . E rasmi de rat ione studij de (3 pueris instituendis

CGmentariolus . . E rasmi de laudibus literarias societatis, etc. pp . 295 .

B asilea e, ap ud I o. F robenium, 152 1 .

E rasmi Roterodami Dve Epistelia de Cavsa Lvterana . 2 leaves .


Contenta in hec L ibello E rasmi Rete rodami E pistola , ad illustriss.

P rincip’

e ac Duce'

S axonise di e . F ridericfi . Positiones I oann is E ckii,

scholast icve . Posi tiones Martini L uthern theologicae . Caclusi5es

A ndresa Carolostadii , theologicee . 6 leaves.

[L eip sic, Melchior L etter,


E rasmus (D'

esiderius)L ibellus nevus et elegans D . E rasm1 Roterodami de Pueris statim ac

libera liter instituendis, etc. pp . 487 .

49 . B asi lea e, p er H ieronymum Erobenium, Joannem Heruagium, o


Nicolaum Ep isc0p ium,15 29.

D . E rasmi Roterodami Opus de conscribendis epistehs Parabolarumsive S imilium liber ab autore recognitus . 2 pts .

B asileae, apud Io . E rob[enium] , 1522 .

The second p art has been, in error, bound up to p recede the first.

Opvs Epistolarvm Des. E rasmi Roterodami , per A v terem diligenter

recognitvm et adjectis innumeris nou is, feread trientem auctum. pp . 1010 .

fol. B asileae, ea: ofi cina F robeniana , 1529 .

Des. E rasmi Roterodami R esponsie ad epistolam parseneticam A lbertiP ii

, Carporum Principis, etc. pp . 127 .

B asilea e, Froben[ ius], 1529 .

E rizzo (Sebastiano)D iscorso di M . S ebastiano E rizzo . S opra le Medaglie degli A nt ichi .Con la Dichiara tione delle Monete Consulari , delle Medaglie de gliImperadcri R omani . Di nuoue in questa quarta E ditione dall’ istessoA nthere rcu isto , ampliate . pp . 572 .

Vinegia , Gio. Va risco Cf? P aganino P aganini , [ 157 1]

E tum ologikon .

E rv,u.ohoy txov ueya Kara dhgbaflnrov, 1ra 1/v (iiqfiehq . [B y Marcus Musurus]

224 leaves .

fol. [Venice 2] 1 499 .

[A nother edition] Mey a etc . ff. 175 .

fol. Venetijs, ap ud F edericum Turrisanum,1549 .

E ubulus (Constantius) Moventinus, p seud . [i .e . J oannes Crotus]Oratio Constantn E ubuli Mouentini , de u irtute Clau ifi ,

! it B ulla con

demnationis L eoni s Decimi, Contra Ma rtinum L utherum ,etc. 14


[1521 7]

E u c l id .

L iber elementorum . ED PR . (5. if. 137 leaves.

fol. Venetijs, E rhardus ra tdolt, 1482 .

The title is takenfrom sig. a . i i .

E lementale geometricum , ex E uclidis Geometria a J ohanne Vmgelin .

[Vienna ] in aedibus Joanie S ingrenig, 1528 .

3 9

F agins (Paulus)Libe r Fide i ,preciosus bonus et jucundus, quem aediditv ir qu idam I srae lites

. ad docendfi dz comprobandum . . quod fides Christianorum quamhabent in Deum patrem,

fi lium spiri tum sanctum . . perfecta rectaindubitata sit . l deo vocav it nomen ejus S epher A emana . Transla tus

ex lingua H ebrea . . opera P . F agii . Heb. d‘ L a t. 2 pts .

I snae, 1542 .

The L a tin title is p receded by one in Hebrew.

S ententiae vere elegantes, piae , miréque , cum ad linguam discendam ,

tum animum pietate excolendum utiles, veterum sapientum H ebraeorum

Capitula , aut si mau is Apophtegmata Pa t rum nominant in L a t inum

uersee, scholiisq; illustrates per Paulum F agium, etc. pp . 134, followedby one unnumbered leaf.

I snae in Algauia , 1541 .

F aventinu s (Didymus) p seud .

S ee MELANCHTHON (Philipp)

F eneste lla (Lu cius) p seud . [i .e . Andreas Domm icus Floccus .]L . Fenestellae de Magistratibus, S acerdotiisll Romanorum libellus

Pomponii L eeti itidem de magistra tibus (S: sacerdotiis, praeterea de

diversis legibus Rom. I tem V alerii Probi grammatici de literis antiqu is

Opusculum. pp . 92 .

B asi lese, Apud Va lentinum Ourionem, 1523 .

F ey rab end (S igmund)[Wapen und S tammbuch darinnen der Keys. Ma iest . Chu r und

F ii rsten , Grafi'

en,F reyherrn deren von A del

,&c . Mit Figuren

durch J . A fii en gerissen , etc ] (5. 31 . 87 lea ves.

fol. Gedruckt zit F ranckfurt am llfayn, durch J ohannem S chmidt , 1579 .

Imp erfect ; wanting the titlep age and sig. F . i i, H . ii , I . i—iv, Q . i i , i i i .

S ig. a). i i and in are muti la ted.

F i c ino (Ma rsiglio)Epistola V eritatis : de institutione principis ad Cardinalem Riarium

Oratio Christ iani gregis ad X istum Pontificum Romanorum . Declama

tiuncula ad genus humanum de V itae inst itutione . De Officiis . Ora tioad Deum Theologica . ff. 15 , and one unnumbered leaf.

B asilee, op era Thomas wolfi 15 19 .

The last leaf bea rs a woodcu t and the p rinter’s device.

Tra ctatus S ingularis Marsilij F icini de epidemise morbo , ex I talicoin L atinum versus. ff. 30 .


Augustee Vindelicon,in S igismundi GrimMedici it Ma rci Vuyrsimg

ofiicina ,15 18 .

With a woodcu t on the titlep age.

F i le lfo (Fran cesco)B egin. Franciscus Philelfus D . B enedicto A liprando Canonico S zeculariS . Q5. 3L. 2 leaves.

40 . [ 15 10 1]

F i le l fo (Francesco)Fabule clarissimi poete Philelphi . (b. it. 23 lea ves.

Veneci is, 1480 .

T he title is takenfrom the colophon.

F io rent ino (Christoforo)La S ala d i Malagigi. [I n verse ] 4 leaves .

[Venice ,] P er F rdcesco B indoni, 1526 .

With a woodcut.

F ioren tino (J oannes)Hystoria di La zaro Martha 1 Magdalena . [I n verse ] 4 leaves.

[Venice , 1525 1]W’i th a woodcut.

F ioretti .Fiorett i di Palaclini . [I n verse ] (5. It. 4 leaves.

4° [Venice,] 1524.

With a woodcut.

F i renzuo la (Agnolo)P rose . fi


. 1 12 .

Fiorenza , [B erna rdo di Giunta ,] 1548 .

Ragionamenti . if. 96 .

Fiorenza,B erna rdo di Giunta , 1548 .

F irmi cus M aternus (J ulius)I ulii F irmici A stronomicorum libri octo Marci Manilii

corum libri quinque . A rati Phaenomenain A rati phaenomena . Procli D iadochi Sphaera , etc. ED. PR .

376 leaves .

fol. Veneti i s, cura ct diligentia Aldi R0 . ,1499 .

With the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irclcheimer .

F lac iu s (Matthias)De I esv nomine Christ i serva toris nostri proprio contra Osiandrum.

De J chova nomine ueri De i proprio . 14 leaves .

Wi ttebergae, ex ofi cina I ohannis C’ra tonis, 1552 .

F lo c cus (Andreas domin icus)S ee FENESTELLA (Lucius) p seud.

F loren t ina , von Ober Weima r .E yn geschicht W ie Got eyner E rbarn kloster Jungfrawen aussgeholfl



hat , etc. [W'

ritten in the name of Florentina von Ober Weima r,but

probably by L u ther . ] (b. 11 . 8 leaves.

[Nuremberg f’] 1524 .


F on te ius (J oannes B aptista)De Prisca Caesiorvm Gente Gommentariorvm libr i dvo . Cum

I a cobinii Appendice . 2 pts.,

Apud Joannem Rosium, 1582 , 83 .

The titlep age is engraved.

F on tius (B artholomeus)Orationes. 5 2 leaves.

[F lorence S . J . de R ip olis 1478

Wi th the bookp la te B -iliba ldi P irkeymheri efiigies.

F ortunati anus (Chirius)Consulti Chirii F ortunatiani artis Rhetoricee scoliose liber, etc.

[1450 l]Wi th the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irckheimer.

”The title is taken

F racan (Monta lboddo)I tinerarifi Portugalle


sifi e Lusitania in I ndia 7 inde in occidentem 7

demum ad aquilonem ; fi'

. 88 followed by the I ndex , the two leaves of

which are duplicated in this copy .

an, J . A . S cinzenzeler,] 1508 .

woodcut map on the titlep age.

E in frage des gantzen heiligen Ordens der Ka rtenspieler vom Karnofi'


an das Concilium zu Mantua gebessert 1537 . Q5. it. 4 leaves.

[ 1537 ]

Fragmenta vetustissimorum autorfi, summo studio ac diligentia nuncrecognita . pp . 102 .

B asileae, Apud Jo. B eb[elium] , 1530.

F ranc is, of Assisi, S a int.

L a V ita del glorioso S anto Francesco da scesi . [I n verse ] 4 leaves .

[Venice, 1525With a woodcut.

F rontinus (S extus J ulius)S extus I ulius F rontinus de re militari . Flavius V egetius de

re militari . A elianus de instruendis aciebus. Modesti libellus de

uocabulis rei milita ris . 98 leaves .

fol. B ononiae, Pla to de B enedictis, 1496 .

F rotto la .

F rotola d’

un v ilan dal B ouden che se voleua far Cittadin in Forrara .

[A ballad ] 4 leaves .

[Venice , 1525 2]With a woodcu t .


F rotto la .

F rotola nova dc uno B ergamasco che domanda a corte done so hanodeb isogno de uno fameglio . ca certe a ltre ge tileze . [I n verse ]4 lea ves .

[Venice , F rancesco B indoni,] 1527 .

Wi th a woodcut.

F rotto le .

F rotole noue composte da plu autori,cioe Tu te pa rti o cor mic ca ro :

con la risposta . Che fera dela mia v ita, etc . 2 leaves.

[Venice, Francesco B indoni , 1525Wi th a woodcut.

F rugo l i (A nton io)P ratica e S calcaria d’ A ntonio Frugoli Lucchese . I ntitolata Pianta ( liDelicati Frutti da seruirsi a qualsi glia Mensa d i Prencipi e granS ignori , etc. pp . 464 .

Roma , Francesco Ca ua lli , 163 1 .

G a lenus (Claudius)Galeni exhortatio ad bonas arteis

3 2 leaves.

B asileae, Apud I oan. Frob., 1526 .

G a l lo (Pa olo)I esu Maria . Modello b reve di contempla re il Rosa rio di Maria V ergine .

10 lea ves .

Venetia ,i Guerra fra telli , 1586 .

With woodcuts.

G amucci (B ernardo)L ibri quattro dell’ A ntichita della Citta di R oma , ra ccolte sotto brevitada diversi antichi et moderni S crittori , etc. pp . 200 .

Venetia , p er Gio . Va risco, e Comp agni , 15 65 .

With woodcuts.

G angra , Council of.

E in A lt Christlich Concilium, fur zwelfi'

hunclert ja ren zu Gangra innPaphlagoni a geha lten ,

w ide r die hoch genante he iligkeit der Monchenund Widerteufi


er Du rch J . Kymeus verdeudscht und

ausgelegt . M it einer V orrhede D . M . L utheri . 65. it . 38 leaves, ofwhich the fourth is blank.

Wittemberg, JosephKlug, 1537 .

G arland i a (J oannes de)S ee HORTUL ANUS , p seud.


M isnae, et Lusatiae , libri duo . pp . 60 .

B asileae, apud I o. F robenium, 15 18 .

G au ri cus (Pomponius)Pompon ii Gavrici Neapolitani de c lptvra , etc . pp . 47 .

Norimbergse, Ap ud Johan . P etreium, [ 1542 2]

Theodori Gazee L iber de Mensibus A tticis, Joanne Perrello interprete ,etc. Grk. ct L a t. pp . 15 1 .

B asilese , P er B a lthasarem L asium if Thomam P la tterum,1536 .

G azius (A ntonius)De Conservatione Sanitatis. 1 18 leaves, the last blank.

fol. Venetiis, p er I ohannem de forliuio d Gregoriumfra tres, 149 1 .

With the bookpla te L iber B iliba ldi P irclcheimer.

Gebetlein .

S chene Trestliche und einbrfinstige Gebettlein auss H . t'

tlieher schrifi'


.genomen , ete. Q5. 51. 48 leaves.

[Dantzig, Andreas Hiinefeldt, 1627 1]

G enesi s; B ook ofS ee B ible — Genesis.

G eorgius, Trapesuntius.

Georgn Trapesuntii Rhetorieorum liber primus, etc. 100 leaves, the

first blank.

fol . Med[iolani] , in L ibra ria L eona rdi P achel ofi cina , 1493 .

i thMS . notes. The title is takenfrom sig. a i i.

G erman R equ iem .

Das Te ii tsch R equ iem der verbranten B ullen und B apstliehen .Rechten .

[B y Ma rt in L uther .] 1 . 4 leaves .

[Augsburg 2 S igismund Grimm and llI arcus W'

irsung 2 1520 l]

G i ambu llari (Pier Francesco)H istoria della E uropa . 166 .

Vene tia , appresso Francesco S enese, 1566 .

Wi th a woodcut p ortra it of the author on the verso of the titlep age.

G iraldu s (Lilius Gregorius)L ilii Graegorii Ziralcli F errariensis Syntagma de Musis. 16 leaves

Argantora t. , Ma tthias S churerius, 15 11 .

l’Vith woodcuts.


G iustini an i (Leonardo)Q uesti strambotti scrisse di sua mane in preposito d i ciascaduno amate re11 mobile M isser L eonardo J ustiniane . 2 lea ves.

[Venice , 1525 7]With a woodcut.

Glareanus (H enricus)S ee Loritus (Henricus) Glareanus.

Gni d ius (Ma tthew s)Defensie Christianorum de Cruce , id est , Lutherane rum. Cum p1a

admonitiene F . Thomas Murnar, etc. 12 leaves, the last blank.

[S trasburg, Johann S chott ,

G overno .

Geverno de - fameglia . H istoria noua a preposito de ciascaduno padreouer gouernadore de fameglia , etc. [I n verse ] 4 leaves .

[Venice,With a woodcut.

G rego ry , Sa int.D ivini Gregory Nyssae E piscopi L ibri Oete . I . De Hemine . I I . De

A nima . I I I . De E lementis. I V . De V iribus animse. V . De V elii tarie e t

invelfitarie . VI . De Fate . V I I . De L ibero a rbitrio . V I I I . De P revidentia . if. 60 .

fel. Argentora ti , ea: ofii cina libra ria Ma tthias S chureri] S elestens is, 1512.

With the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irclcheimer.

I n E eclesiastem Selemenis metaphrasis D ivi Gregorn neecsesariensis

Episcopi . I nterprete (E ce lampadie , etc. 1 6 leaves .

[Augustee Vindesung,

Imp erfect, wanting a ll excep t the firstfour leaves.

Gretser (Jaceh)J acob i Gretsen B av ius et Maevius ille , ut delirus A lchymista ,antimonio , hie tanquam insipiens prsedicans, hellebore nigre curatus


etc. pp . 387 .

I ngolstadi i , E a; Typographia Adami S artoru ,1605 .

Wi th the a rms of Henry Howa rd, first E a rl of Northamp ton, on the

binding .

G retz inger (B ened ict)E in vn iiberwindtlich B eschirm b iichlein von R aubt A rt ickeln


fiirnemliehen puncten der getliehen geschrifi'

t . A uss dem A lten vnnd

Nowen Testament . 11. 44 leaves.

8° [1523 2]


G rey fi‘

enberger (H ans)D ieWelt sagt sy sehe ka in besserung venn den, die sy L uteriseh mennetwas besserung sey , ein wenig hierin begriffen. Q5. 3L. 4 leaves, the last

blank .

1523 .

Gu agn inus (A lexander)S arma tise E '

urepese descriptio, quse regnum Pelenise, L ituaniam , S ame

gitiam,B a ssiam,

Masseviam, Prussiam ,Pemcraniam

, L iven iam, et

Meschev iae Tartariseque partem cemplectitur, etc. ff. 1 19 .

fol. Sp ires, Ap ud B ernardumA lbinum,158 1 .

Wi th woodcuts.

Gu aineriu s (A nton ius)P ractica A ntoni) GuaineriJ papiensis doctoris clarissimi . E t omnia

opera . ff. 146 .

fel. Venetiis, p er Joannem hertzog, 1500.

Gualtieri , Ma rquis of S a luzzo.H istoria celeberrima di Gualtieri Marchese di Sa luzzo, il quale elesse di

ma rita rsi in Griselda , etc. [ I n verse ] 4 leaves .

[ Venice, 1525With a woodcut.

Gualtieri , Misser.E gloga pastorale 1 moralissima composta per i l clarissimo poeta M isserGua ltieri . 4 leaves.

[ Venice, 1525 2]With woodcuts.

Guarini (Giovanni B attista)I l Pastor F ido, tragicommedia pastorale . .Ora in questa xxvu impressione di curiose dz dette A nnetatieni arrichite , di belissime Figure inrame ornate . Con nu Cempendie di Poesia tratte da i due V erati,etc. 2 pts.

Vene tia , App resso Gio. B a ttista C’iotti , 1602 .

IVith engraved p la tes, and engraved p ortra it of the author.

Guerra .

L a guerra del Turche e la presa de Medene . [I n verse ] 4 leaves.

[Venice 2] 1526 .

With a woodcut.

Gueth el (Caspar)S ehuczrede w idder eczliche ungetzembdte freche Clamanten ,

w ilehe die

E vangelischen lerer S chuldigen w ie das sie eynen newou Glawben

predigen , etc. (5 . it . 16 leaves.

[Wittenberg, Johann Rhau,


H enry V I I I , King of E ngland .

S erenissimi ac potentissimi Regis A nglie . . A d clarissimos S axonieprin cipes, de ceercenda abigendaq; Lutherana fact ione , dz L uthero ipso ,E pistola . I tem “ .Ducis Georg i i ad eundem R egem rescriptie . 10 leaves .

L ip sie , excussit Wolf gangus Monacensis, [10

523 ]Wi th a MS . note on the titlep age : “ I ll’”0 Dno ac p rincip i Dita

Frederico Duci S axonis, etc.

A ssertio S eptem Sacramentorum adversus Martinum Lutherum ,sedita

ab inuictissimo A ngliae (it Fran cise Rege (it Do . Hyberni se H enrico eius

nomin is e ctauo . 76 leaves , the last blank.

Ap ud Antuerpiam,in aedibus M ichaelis H illenig, 1522

S ee L UTHER (M .) Contra H enricvm Regem A ngliae M . Luther, etc.

S ee L UTHER (M .) A ntworth deutsch auff K6nig H einrichsbuch.

1522 .

S ee LUTHER (M .) Epistola M . Lutheri ad D . H enricum

A ngliae . .Regem. E jusdem Regis Responsie , etc.


H ermes T rismegistus.

Mercvrii Trismegisti L iber de pestestate et sapientia Dei per Marsilivm

F icinvm tradvctvs, etc. 3 2 leaves .

Venetiis, per Damianum de Mediolano, 1493 .

H ero, of Alexandria .

Di H erons A lessandrine de gli A utomati, ouere machine se moventilibri due . Tradotti dal Grece da B erna 1 dine B a ldi .

Venetia , Gio. B a ttista B ertoni, 1601 .

Wi th engraved ti tlep age and illustra tions.

H erenis A lexandrini Spiritalium liber , a. F . Commandino . . ex Grzece

nuper in L atinum conversus. pp . 163 .

P a risiis, apud E gidium Gorbinum, 1583 .

H erodotus .

H eredoti H alicarnasei libri nevem. (Laurentii V allen . cenuersio de

Greece in L atinum .) if. 134 .

fol. Venetiis, p er I oannem ct Gregori ti de Gregoru s Fra tres, 1494.

Wi th the bookp la te.

“ L iber B iliba ldi P irchheimer ” (mutila ted). The

firstp age of the text has a fine woodcut border.

H esiod .

B egin. Donnini Mombritii Mediolanensm przefatio m hesiedi A scrari

theogen iam . 24 leaves.

Ferra r i'

s, P er Andred Ga llii, 1474.


H essus (Symon)A rgument dises biechleins. Symon Hessus zeigt an D . Martino Lutherursach ,

warumb die L utherische biecher vo den Coleniensern umL evan

iensern verbrent werden sein . . Frag und antwort Symonis H essi und

Martini Lutheri newlich mite inander z ii “forms gehalten, etc. (5. it.

30 leaves .

[F rankfort on the Ma in 2

H esy ch ius.


vxiov A eftxev. 198 leaves .

fol. Venetiis, in E dibus A ldi ct Andrew S oceri , 15 14With the bookp la te :

“ L iber B iliba ldi P irckheimer.

H eve l iu s (Joannes)De I neendie H eveliano Gedanensi qued A . C. MDCLXXIX . 73—8 S eptembris

prG dolor ! centingit, Epistola Dantisco Hamburgum missa , compendiarium ejus narrationem centinens : ex germanice


in latinum translataS ermonem . pp . 5

Hamburgi, typ is Rebenlini Gymnasu Typ ogr.,1679 .


H iereclis philoSOphi ln A ureos V ersus Py thagoras Opusculum, etc.

9 1 lea ves.

Pa te en , B a rtholomaeus de Va l de Zecche , 1474.

H immelw agen .

Der H imelwagen . I n welchem angezeygt w irt das gleich als der wagon


v ier redern geet, etc. (b. it. 6 leaves.

Nurnberg Jobst Gutknecht, 15 19 .

H ippo crates.

Pa rva H ippocratis Tabula per . .Petrii B urckhard . . qu ibusda familia ribus Scholiis 117. aucta dz illustrata , etc. 18 leaves .

Vui ttenberge, in oflicina Joannis Grunenbergii , 15 19 .

With a woodcut on the titlep age .

H istori a .

H istoria celeberrima di Gualtieri Ma rchesi di Sa luzzo, il qualema rita rsi in Griselda , etc. [I n verse ] 4 leaves .

[Venice, 1525 7]With a woodcut .

La historia de Florindo 7 Chia rastella . [I n verse ] 4 leaves .

[Venice, 15 10 1]lVith a woodcu t .

Hy ste ria de la Re gina Oliua . [I n verse ] 4 lea ves.

[ Venice, 15 25 7]With a woodcut.


H istoria de L iembruno . [ In verse ] 4 leaves .

[Venice, 1525 1]Wi th a woodcut.

Hy ste ria de Orphee . [I n verse ] 6 . it. 4 leaves.

[Venice, 15 10Wi th a woodcu t .

L a hysteria de tutte lo Guerre fa tte : e del fa tto darme fatto in

Geredada col nome de tutti li condutteri Fat ta neuamete . [I n verse ]4 lea ves .

[Venice ,] P er F rancesche B indoni , 15 25 .

Wi th woodcuts .

Hy steria del Geloso da Fiorenza . [I n verse ] 6 . it. 4 leaves .

[Venice , 1525 1]Wi th a woodcut.

L a hy ste ria d i Gineura dc Glia lmieri che fu sotterrata per morta , etc.

[ In verse ] 4 leaves .

[Venice , 1525Wi th a woodcut.

Hy ste ria d i L azaro Martha 7 Magdalena . [ I n verse . B y J oannesF lorentine ] .4 leaves

[Venice, 1525 7]With a woodcut.

L a hy steria di M ilen 7 B erta mar ito e moglie 7 del nascimento doOrlando sue figlie . [I n verse ] 6 leaves .

[Venice,Wi th a woodcu t

L a hy steria 7 il Paternoster 7 il prego de sanoto zuliano . [I n verse ]4 leaves .

[Venice , 1525Wi th woodcuts .

H istory .

H istory of the Works of the Learned , or an impart ial a ccount of bookslately printed in all parts of E urope , J anuary

1700 .

L ondon. P rinted for H . Rhodes, 1700 .

This is Vol. I I ., pt i . of a p er iodica l publica tion issued dur ing the yea rs16 99 to 17 1 1 .

H o ly Gh ost .

Des hey lgen Gey sts defitlicher warnungbriefi'

e unnd B randtzey chen ,

dabey die teii fi‘

els lerer &c . ufi'

s allerkiirtzest uund gew ieszlichst

czuerkennen sindt, etc. (lb, 11. 18 leaves

,of which the last is blank.


Wi th two woodcuts .


H omer.


orke ] B egin. [sig . A . I . B ernardus Nerlius Petre Medicae

L au rent ii filio S . ED . PR . 439 leaves .

fol. [Florence B . and N. T. Nerlius,] 1488 .

lVith the bookp la tes :“L iber B iliba ldi P irchheimer ” a nd ‘ B iliba ldi

P irkeymheri I‘lfigies.

H emeri poetae B athrachomiomachia per karolum A retinfi traducta .

8 leaves .

[Venice ,? 1490 l]

Homerus de B elle Tre iane . [Translated by Thebanus P indarus.]24 leaves .

[Venice , Fi lippo di Pietro,

Eve radcov n apexfloha t sis T 17Vc

Ounpov Th e da. Ka t’

0 3ve e'


2 vols .

‘fol. B asilese, Froben[ius] , 1559—60 .

H orapol lo .

Ori Apellinis . .H ieroglyphiea , per B . Trebatium . de Graecis transla ta .

pp . 54.

B asi leus ap ud I oannem F robenivm, 151 8 .

H oratius F laecus (Q uintus)H oratius. [Edited by A . P . Manutius.] 144 leaves, the last blank.

8 Venetiis, apud A ldum Romanum, 15 01 .

Hortu lus.

H ortulus A nimas . L ustgarten der S eelen M it sehbnen lieblichenFiguren . 6 . it. 124 leaves, the last blank.

Wittemberg , Georg Rhaw,1558 .

The woodcuts a re by L uca s Grana ch.

Huarte N avarro (J uan de D ios)E ssame de gl

’ingegni de gl

’huomini , pe r apprender le scienze .

Tradetto dalla lingua spagnuola da M . Camille Camilli , etc. pp . 367 .

Venetia , P resso A ldo, 1586 .

Hume (Tobia s)Captains v es Poeticall Musiche . Principally made for two B asse

V iels, yet so contriued,that it may be pla ied 8 seuerall wa ies upon

sundry I nstruments w ith much facilitie . 26 leaves .

fol. L ondon. P rinted by John Windet , 1607 .

I mp erfect, wanting twelve leaves, sig . A to F .

H utten (U lrich von)V lrichi de H vtten . . ad B ilibaldum Pirckheymer . Epistola vitae suse

ra t ionem expenens, etc. 12 leaves.

4° .


Augustse Vindelicon,in ofi cina S ig ismundi Griiii d: Marci Vuyrsung,

15 8 .

5 1

Hutten (Ulrich ven)H oe in volumine haec continentur . Vlr . de H vtten E q . A d CassaremMaximil. v t bellum in V enetos ceeptum prosequatur E xhorta torium.

Ej usdem ad Cses. Max imil. E pigram. liber I . De pisca tura V enetorum

H eroicfi ejusdem . E jusdem Marcus H ero icum . De non degeneriGerman. sta tu H eroic . ej us. B edem autore ad Maximil. Cses . Epl

a I talize .

A u te re H elio E ebano H esse Max imi liani ad I ta liam responsoria . I tem

v aria H utteni epigram. ejus apud H adrianfi Ca rd . pro Capniene

intercessie , etc. 7 6 leaves .

[Augsburg,] I n oj icina excusoria Joannis Miller , 15 19 .

Wi th woodcu ts.

Vlrichi de H vtten . . ad P rincipes Germanise , ut . bellum Turcis

inuehant E xhortatoria , etc. 20 leaves.

Auguste, in ofi cina excusoria S igismundi Gri iii cf: Ma rci Vugrsung,15 18

V lrichi de H vtten . D ia10gvs. 16 leaves.

[Augsburg,] I n ojficina excusoria S igismundi Grimm d’

: Ma rciVuyrsung, 15 18 .

Wi th MS . note on the ti t lep age :“ B ilibaldo P irckheymer Norimbemgén

viro forti et amicofideliss.

V lrichi ab Hvtten cum E rasmo Reteredame . . expestulatio . 36 16 aves ,

the last blank.

[S trasburg, Johann S chott,Wi th a woodcut on the ti t lep age and one onfol. 35 .

Vlrici de Hvtten E q . de Gvaici Medicina et Morbe Galli co liber vnus44 leaves.

Mogvntiw, in sedibvs I oannis S chefi’

er, 15 19 .

Wi th woodcu ts on the first and last leaves.

Contenta . U lrichi ab H utton E xclamatio in incendium Lutheranum .

Chunradi S arctoris . . de eadem re ad Germanes Oratio . Ca rmenelegans . . in H ieronymfi A leandrum . . Conclusiones decem Christianissime per A ndrea B odenstein , de Carlostad . V uittenbergse disputate.

10 leaves.

[S trasburg, Johann S chott,

A in elag iiber den brandt der L uterischen bucher zu Mentz . 6 . it .

4 leaves.

Febris ; dialegvs H vttenicvs . 4 leaves .

[Ma inz, Johann S chofi erj 15 19 .

H vlderichi ab H vtten in H ieronymum A leandrfi , Ma rinumCaraeciolum I nvectiuesmgule. I n Cardinales E piscope s S acerdotesL utherum V uermacie impugnantes I nvectiva . A d Ca ro lum

Impera terem, pro L uthero E xhort a tie . 32 leaves .

[S tra sburg 2 Johann S chot t ? 15 2 1 1]Wi th a woodcu t on the first leaf .

Hu tten (U lrich ven)0 177 19 . Nemo . 12 leaves .

Augustin, in oflicina Millerana ,

With a woodcut t itlep age, coloured by hand .

Pha la 1 ismvs,dia leg vs H vttenicvs . 6 leaves .

[Ma i,

nz Johann S chofi'

er,] 15 17 .

With woodcuts on the ti tlep age and the last leaf.

H ec in velvmine haec continentvr. V lrichi Hutteni Super interfectione propinqu i su i J can . H utteni Depleratie . A d L .

Huttenum super interemptiene fi lii Consolatoria . I n V lriehum V u irten

pergensem orat iones v . I n eundem Dialogus cui titulus Phalarismus .

A pologia pro Phalarismo a liquot ad amicus epistolw. A d F ranciscumGa lliarum regem epistola ne causam V u irtenpergen tue

atur,exhortatoria . 106 leaves.

I n a rce S telcelberh, [M'

a inz, Johann S choferj 15 19 .

The tit lep age bea rs a MS . note :“ D . H ieronymo f iichs Canonico Amieo

egmere Ulrichus de Hutten dona t. With woodcuts on sigs. D . vi . and

U lrichs von H utten verteutseht clag an Hertzog F riderich zu Sac’hsen ,

etc. 6 . 3L. 8 leaves .

[Augsburg 2

Huttich ius (Joannes)Collectanea A ntiquitatum in u rbe atque agro Moguntine repertarum.

22 leaves .

fol . Moguntiaz, E a: ae dibus I oannis S cltoefier Moguntini , 1520 .

With woodcuts .

H y lacomy lus (Ma rtinus)I nstructio manuductionem prestans in Cm tem I tinerariam Ma rtin iH ilacomili : Cum luculentimi 1psius E urepae E na1 ra tione a R ingmanne

Philesie censm ipta . ff. 2 1 .

Argentora ti , E a; Ofiicina Impressoria I oannis Gruninger, 15 1 1 .

I nsonnie .

I nsonnie de Daniel. Q uesto sie el mode de veder le significatione de

Daniel propheta secondo li di de la L una . 4 leaves.

[Veni ,ce

Wi th a woodcut .

I nte ri ano (Paolo)R istrette delle H istor ic Genovesi . if. 233 .

L ucca , p er lo B usdrago, 155 1.

With engra ved titlepage.


I socrates .

I socratis Oratio .de Pa ce,Honefrio B arthelino A rchiepiscopo P isane

interprete . L a t. d: Gr . 48 leaves, the first and last blank.

[ 15 25 1]I mp erfect, wanting the first bla nk leaf.

Graece et L atine . I socrat i s oratoris d isertissimi ParaenesisDemon icfi . Ejusdem praecepta qbus melior evasurus sit princepsA gapeti ad J ustin ianii Impera terem de eadem re sermo exhort-a torius .

A djee ta sunt hiis apendicis u ice Graecerum que runda illustriumepigramma ta Ottoma ro Luscin ie interprete . 80 leaves.

Augustae, P er S imp ertum raj'

, emp eneis D . S igismundi grim,1523 .

Wi th MS . notes .

I ta l ian Tracts.

[A collec tion of 49 I talian tra cts , chiefly ballads and poems, illustra tedw ith w oodcuts for the most pa rt printed in V enice in the first quarterof the 16 th century. The v olume is in the origina l boards of an

embossed leather bind ing , probably of E nglish w orkmanship , bea ringthe binder’s initials : T . P . E ach tra ct w ill be found sepa ra telyentered in this ca talogue ]

J a cobus, P aduanus.

S ee DONDI S (J acebus do).

Jerome,S a int.

Epistola Sancti H ieronymi ad E vagrium de potestate Papae Cum

prsefa tiene D . Martini Lu theri . 8 leaves , the last blank.

Vi tebergae , ap ud Nicola um S chirlentz , 1538 .

E xposic5 Symboli Gloriosi J eronimi contra J eu 1n1anu hereticum .

[B y Tyrannius Rufinus] 6 . it . 30 leaves, the la st blank.

[Cologne Ulrich Zell, 1470 2]Rubrica ted throughou t .

Jerang (H enricus)B egin [fol . I ncipit E lucidarius scripturaru feliciter . 6 . 31. 201

leaves , the la st blank .

fol. I n regia ciuita te Nurmberge'h.

, p er F ridericum Greussncr, 1476 .

Wi th the initia l let ters i llumina ted .

J esu its .

Tres-Humble R emonstrance et Requests des R eligieux de la Compagniede J esus , presentee au Tres -Chrestien B oy H enry I I I I . A vecl’

attestatien de M essieu rs l’E veSque Mag istrats de la v ille d’

A nvers

contre la ca lomn ie (111 libelle d ifl'

amate ire cy de vant publié seubs ti ltre

de l’H isto ire Notable da Pere H enry b rusle, etc . if. 6 4.

Jourcte la Copp ie I mp r imée , [B ordeanw 1603 .


Joh ann ,von E ek.

Die verdeutscht antwort der die Doctor E ek in se inem S endbrieff an

den B ischofi'

zu Meyssen hat die vngelarten L utherischen Thamberagenand t. A nn e M .D .XX . 6 . It . 8 leaves.

[Nuremburg, Jobst Gutknecht,

John XXL,P op e .

Tesaurus Pauperum. 68 leaves .

S tamp a ta in Venecia ,1500.

Jonas (J ustus)A dversvs J oannem Fabrum Constantiefi . V icarium scerta tionis pat renum

pro coniugio sa cerdotali I usti I onse defensio . 34 leaves, the last blank.

Tigari , [Christoph F roschauer,] 15 23 .

Jorn and es.

J ernandes de Rebus Ge thorum . Paulus D ia conus Foriuliensis de GestisL angobardorum . 2 pts.

fol. Augustae Vindelicorum, solert i Op era I oannis Miller, 15 15 .

Wi th the bookp la te :“ L iber B iliba ldi P irclcheimer.

”B y a n error of

binding in this copy , p t. 2 p recedes p t. 1 . The t1 tlep age is woodcut.

Joseph b en G e rion .

J osephus H ebra icus ex Constantinopolitano exemplari j ux taH ebra ismum opera S . Munsteri versus annota t ion ibus

i llustratus, etc. L a t. dz Heb. 2 pts .

fol. B asilese,Ap ud Henricum P etrum,

1541 .

Josippus de B elle J uda ice . Deinde decem J udze orum captivitates

Decalogus cum eleganti cemmentarielo Rabbi A ben E sra . [W ith a

L atin translation by S . Munster] H isce a ccesserunt Collectanea aliquotquse Sebastianus L epuscu lus B asiliensis colligeba t OmniaH ebra icola tina . pp . 23 . 96 . 342 .

B as i leae, P er Nenrichvm P e tri,1559.

Josephu s (Flavius)J esephi Machaciae filii H ebra ei genere sacerde tis ex H ierese lymis de

B elle J uda ico , etc . 2 13 leaves .

fol. Verona '

, p er Magistrum P etruz Ma ufer Ge llicum,1480 .

Wi th the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P iu -lche imer .

Josippus .

S ee J OS E P I I BEN GemoN.

Ju d as N az are i .

S ee NA ZARE I (J udas)


J ulius I I .,P op e .

B ulla Tertio S essienis habits in Sacrosancte Concilie L a teranen TertioNoii Decebris M .D .Xl l . pentifieatus S . D . N . Dhi J ulij (linina prou it ia

Pape S ecundi A nne Deeimo . 6 leaves .

[B a sle

Jun ius (A drianus)H adriani Jun11 B atav ia . I n qua preeter gentis insulae antiquatatem

originem ahaque ad cam historiam pertinentia , declaratur qusefuerit vetus B atav ia , etc. pp . 18

,41 1 .

[Antwerp ,] E re ofi cina P la ntinia na, Ap ud F ranciscum Raphelengium.

1588 .

Two leaves, conta ining the Auctorum Ca ta logus, have been, in binding,misp laced be tween pp . 4 10 and 41 1 .

Just in i ano (Leonardo)S ee G IUST 1N 1AN 1 (Leona rdo)

Juveneus (Ca ius Vettius A qualinus)J vvenci Presbiteri H ispani . . de E vangelica histo ria libri quatu

or , etc.

60 leaves.

Viennse P annoniw, p er I oannem S ingrenium,15 19 .

Keth am (J oannes de)Fasciculus medicine cempositus p . . J eannem de Ketham A lamanumtractans de anothomia 7 diuersis infirmitatibus , etc. 33. it . 34 leaves.

fol. Venetiis, p er Joannem 7 Gregorid de Gregorijsfra t res, 1500 .

With woodcuts. The ti tle is takenfrom the verse of the second

Khry pfi s (N icelaus) de Cusa .

Prepositiones Domini Card inalis N icolai Cuse de li non aliud .

Cfltis [i .e . Celtis] Carmen seculare . 4 leaves .

[ 1500

Q uadratu ra Circuli . pp . 93 .

fol . Norimbergae, p er I oh. P etreium,1533 .

K imh i (David)S ee DAVID BEN J OSEPH c m .

Kimb i (Moses)S ee MOS E S BEN J OSEPH K IMCH I .


E yn Clag und b itt der deutschE Na tion an den almeeht igcn gott umb

erlosz i i g ausz dem gefencknis dos A ntichrist . 6 . it. 4 lea ves .

[ l/Vittenbt rg 2 1520 7]

With a woodcut by L uca s Cra na ch.


Kan igsp erg (J ohan ve'

n).S ee MUELLER (J ohann) R egiomontanus .

Krantz ius (A lbertus)A lberti Krant zn

, rerum Germanicarum historiei clariss . Saxonia .

Denuo, qu idem,

accuratius emendatiusq quam ante, edita . Cum

przefa tione D . N icolai Cisneri,etc. pp . 354 .

fol. F rancofurti ad llI eenum,Apud A . lVechelum

,1575 .

L a frerius (A nton ius)I nlustrium V irorum,

u t exstant in urbe expressi vultus . [52 engravedplates, w ith engraved titlepage .]fol . Romeo

, formis Antonij L afrerj , 1569 .

Speculum R omanao magnificentiae, omn ia fere qusecunq . in urbemonumenta extant

, partim juxta an tiquam pa rtim juxta hodiernam

formam aecura tiss . delinea ta reprsesentans, etc.

fol . Roma},Antonius L afreri ,

L ambertus (Franc iscus)F . L ambert1 Commentarn de cansis exceecationis multorfi stecu lorum,

ac verita te,denuo (St n ovissime Dei misericordia revelata , etc. if. 96 .

[S t rasburg ,? 1530 1]

L and i (Ortensio)Commenta rio delle piu notabili et mostruose cese d ’ I talia , (it altriluoghi , di lingua A ramea in I taliano trade tte . . V i si e poi aggiento

un brene catalogo delli inuentori delle ce se , che S l mangiano, etc. ff. 75 .

Vinegia ,1548 .

L ettere de melte valorose donne , etc. [B y Ortensio- L andi .] if. 16 1 .

Vinegia , Gabriel Giolito de Ferra ri , 1548 .

The da te in the colop hon is 1549 .

L au gia s (J oannes)Ora tio I oannis L angij Lamberg ig, E ncomium theologicse disputatienis ,Docte rum I oann is E ckij , A ndreae Carelestadij , ac Martini Lutherijc6plectens , etc. 8 leaves .

L ip siee , apud Melchiorem L ottherum, 15 19 .

L argelata (Petrus de)S ee A RGEL LA



A (Petrus de )


L ascaris (Constantinus)B eg in [sig . a . i recto I n hec l ibro haec continentur. Constantini

L asearis E rotemata cii interpretatione latina . De li is graecis ac

diphth5gis et quéadmedfi ad nos uenifit . A bbreviatienes quibusfrequentissime grseci u tuntur. Oratio Dominica duplex salutatie

B eatse V irg inis. Symbolum Apestelorum . E vangelium d ini Joann isE uangelistse . Ca rmina A urea Pythagoras . Phocilidis uiri sapientissimi

mora lia . Omnia suprascripta habente regione interpretationB L atina

de uerbo ad ue rbii . 2 pts .

Venetiis, L itteris ac imp ensis A . Manuczi Romani , 1494, 95 .

Wi th the bookp la te :“ L iber B iliba ldi P irckheirner.

”S ig. G. i . i s

muti la ted,and ha s been restored in MS .

L atomu s (J acobus)De Trium L inguarum,

! it S tud ij Theelogici R atione Dia logus. 6 . 11.

pp . 39 .

[Antwerp ?

L egend a .

L egenda delli sette dormienti li quali dormirono ann i trecento settanta

tre, etc. 13. it. 4 leaves.

[Venice] , P er Francesco B indoni , 1524.

Wi th a woodcut.

L eo X .,P op e .

B ulla A postolica Contra E rrores Martine L vtheri S equacm . [ 15 J uly,8 lea ves .

Antuerp iae, p Guilhelmd Vorsterman, [ 1520 1]

[A nother edition ] B vlla Decimi L eonis , contra errores MartiniL utheri , ! it sequacium . [W ith notes by U lrich ven Hu tten ] 2 2 leaves ,the last blank.

[S trasburg, Johann S chott ,

S ee E UBULUS (C.)Moventinus . Ora tlo de u irtute Clauifi ! it B u lla

cendemna tionis L eonis Decimi contra M . L utherum , etc.

152 1 .

S ee L UTHER (M .) A dversus execrabilem A ntichristi B ullam , etc.

[1520]B ulla sive Cedula materia uniuersa lis Pa cis 7 destina tionis L ega toz;de latere : per S . d i


im nostrum d fim L eonem X . Pent . Max . sacroapprobante Concilie edita . L e cta per R everefi . P atrem dom inii

A rchiepm S enefi in Octaua S essione in L a terafi . basilica celebrata .

4 lea ves .


[A nother edi tion ] B ulla seu Cedula in materia fide i : edita per .

L eenem X . . Sacro approbante Concilie . L eeta . . in Octa va sessione ,4 leaves

,the last blank .


L eo X. P op e.

S anctissimi domini nostri Papac Leonis decimi vna cum cectu cardinalium

Chrlstiamss1merumque regum principfi era torum c6sultat iones pro

exped itiBe 05tra Thurcfi , premissa . .A . Puccii apostolico sedis legatiexhorta tione . 10 leaves.

[ 15 18]

L eon i (Giovanni B attista)Considera t ion i di G io . B att ista L eoni sopra l

H istoria d’ I talia di M .

Fran cesco Guicciardini , etc . pp . 180 .

Venetia , Gio. B a ttista C’iotti S enese, l 599 .

L eon ieenus (Nicolaus)S ee N ICOLAUS , L eonicenus.

L eon i eenus (Omnibenus)S ee OMNI B ONUS , L eonieenus.

L eonrod t (Hans ven)Hymelwagen . A ufi


dem,wer wol lebt und wol stirbt, fert in das ewig

laben . H ellwagen . A u if dem,w er iibel lebt und iibel stirb t, fert in

die ewigen verdamnuss, etc. 6 . 11 . 88 leaves.

Augspurg, durch S i lvanum Otma r ,Wi th woodcuts by H . L . S chaufi



L ettere .

L ettere di melte valorose donne , nelle qu a li chiaramente appare non

esser me di eloquentia me di dottrina alli li uomini inferiori . [B yOrtensie L andi ] if. 16 1 .

Vinegia , Gabriel Giolito de Ferra ri , 1548 .

The da te in the colophon is 1549 .

Lettere di P rincipi , le quali 5 S i scrivono da principi , b a principi , éragionan di prin cipi , etc . 3 vols .

Venetia ,Giordano Ziletti , 1562—77 .

L evita (E lias)S ee E LIJAH BEN A SHER , the L evite.

L ew enklaw (Hans)Nenwe Chron ica Tiirckischer na tion ,

ven Thrcken selbs beschrieben .

Durch H ansen L ewenklaw . . gefasst , etc. pp . 535 .

fol. F ranchfurt am Mayn, bey Andres Wechsels seligen E rben, nemlich,Claud i de Ma rne und Johan Aubri , 1590 .

Neuwer Musulman ischer H istori , T ii rckischer Nat ion, ven ihrem

H erkommen ,Geschichten ,

und Thaton ,drey B iicher, etc. pp . 104.

fol. F ranchfurt am Meyn, bey Andres Wechse ls seligen E rben, nemlich,

Cla udi de Ma rne und Johann A ubri, 1590 .


L iber F id e i .S ee FAGI US (Paulus)

L ibro .

L ibro de la na tura di caua lli : 31 el mode di releuarli : medicarli : dz

domarli, etc. ff. 44.

Vene t ia , p er I ohane B ap tiste S essa , 1502 .

Wi th woodcuts.

L in ck (VVenceslaus)E in hailsame lere w ie das hertz Oder gew issen durch die sibena ls siben sewlen des gey stlichenn hawes auf das w ort gottesw irdt, etc . 6 . it . 5 6 leaves .

Nitrnberg, J obst Gutknecht, 15 19 .

I mp erfect, wa nting the last leaf.

VVie (ler g rebe m e : ch unse ro herren E sel sein sol : in tragE

jm e ingecngen H ierusalé zu beschawen fruchtparliehen das

christi . Nach lere des hey ligé B ernha rd i gepred ige t zu

A ugust iner closter A nne M .D .XVI I I . 6 . it . 4 leaves, the last

Nu' rnberg, Jobst Gutknecht, 15 19 .

Wi th a woodtut on the t itlep age .

L i turgy .

A ecrevpy ia t r iim dy iwv n a répwif,etc. pp . 1 79 .

fol. P a risi is, Ap ud Gi ul. Morelium, 1560 .

L iutpran du s, Ticinensis.

L iutpradi Ticinensis ecclesiae L euitse R erum gestarum per Eurepam

ipsius praesertim temporibus L ibri S ex . if. 42 .

fol. [P aris,] ab Jodeco B adio Ascensio d' Joanne Pa rvo, 15 14.

L iv iu s (Titus) P a tavinus.

[H istoria rum De cades I .

,I I I . , IV .] 419 leaves .

fo l. [Venice,] Vindelinus [de Sp ira ] , 1470 .

[H istoriarum De cades ] B egin. [sig . a . Jo . A n . EpiscopiE nd. H as Titi L ivii Decades a Lu ca pe rro !j

d iligen tissime recognitas, etc. 328 lea ves, the last blank.

fol . Ta ru isii, I oannes Vercellius, 1482 .

With the bookp la te L iber B ilil a ldi P irehheimer .

Titi L ivn Pa tav in i , Romanw H istories Principis, libricum de ctissimerum v irorum in eos lucubra tion ibus post omnes a lierum

dz artificiosis ete.—Chronolegia

in Titi L iv ii H istoriam, etc. 2 tom .

fo l . F ra ncofurti ad Moenum, impensis et op era Georg i e Corvini , S igismundiF e ierabenti , et ha eredum Wigandi Ga lli , 15 68 .

6 1

L ivius (Titus) P a tartnus.

[Les Tite L ive mises en langue franqe ise] Vol. 11 .

L a Treisiesme la secondo guerre punique , mise en

Francois par J ehan H amelin do Sa rlat, et depuis resuyv ie presquetout a neuf par B .D .V .

— L a Q uatriesme la guerreMacedonique ; et cc qu i reste de la cinquiesme , de la traduction (le

A ntoine de la Faye .

fol. Paris, J aqves Du P -

vis, 1580 .

Imp erfect ; wanting Vol. I . The binding bears the device of .Mary ,Q ueen of S cotland, when she was Q ueen Consort of Francis I I . of France.

I n the cypher, M s tandsfor Ma rie,(1) for Francis. The motto S a vertu

ma tire ” is an anagram on the name “ Ma rie S tuuarte .

Di T . L ivio Padovano delle H istoric de R emani dall’ edificatiene dellaCitta , libri xxxv , etc. [Translated by Francesco Sansovino .] 2 vols .

Venetia ,1567 .

Das lob der Pfarrer ven dem unnutzen kesten der gelegt w irt ven dem

germa inen unverstendigen volck auff mesz lesen,etc . [ By J . E berlein .]

6 . it . 6 leaves, of which the last is blank.

[Ulm ?

L obgesang.

E tlich Cristlich lider Lobesang , un Psa lm , dem ra inen wort Gottesgemesz

,ausz der hey lig


é schrifi'

t, durch mancherley hochgelerter

gema cht, in der K irchen zu singen ,w ie es dann zum tay l berayt zii

W ittenberg in iibung ist . 6 . it . 12 leaves.

[Nuremberg ? Jobst Gutknecht ?

L onicerus (Joannes)Contra Romanistam fratrem A ugustinii A lveldefi . F ranciscanii L ipsicfi

Canon is B iblici publici lectere 7 tortore ejusdem . F . Joanes Lonicerus

A ugustinianus. 22 leaves .

Wittenbergw,apud Collegium Novum, [Johann Rhau,] 1520.

L op is S tun i e a (J acobus)Conclusiones Principa liter Suspecte scadalose quaa reperi utur in librisE rasmi Roterodami , etc. 6 leaves .

[ 1524 1]

E rasmi Roterodami B lasphemies et Impietates per I ecobum Lopidem

S tunicam, nun c primum propalatw,ac proprio volumine alias redargutze

28 unnumbered leaves, the last blank.

Romee, p er Antonium B ladum de Asula ,1522 .

L oritus (Henricus) Glareanus.

D . Henrici Geegraphia liber unus. fi'

. 35 .

4° B a silew, Joannes Faber Emmeus I ulia censis, 1527 .

Wi th woodcu ts .

6 3

L uther (Martin)A d DN . Carolum V . A ustrium Imp . Ces . A ug . doctoris Ma rtini

post abitionem ex cenuentu Imperia li VVormaciae

M.D .XX I . etc. 4 leaves.

[Wi ttenberg ? 152 1 2]

A d J ehannem E ccifi Martini L utheri Epistola super expurgatiGc

E cciana . 4 leaves .

Vuittenberge, L G. [i .s. Johann Grunenberg] , 15 19 .

A d librvm ex imn magistri nostri mag istri Ambrosii Catharini

defensoris S ilvestri P rierat is a cerrim i. R esponsie Martini L utheri .

W ittenbergse . Mense A prili . Cum exposita visione Danielis. vu x. De

A nt ichristo . 52 leaves , the last two blank .

Ofiinbarung des E ndchrists aus dem P ropheten Daniel wydde

Catharinum . Ma rtinus Luther . W ittemberg . M .D .XXI I I I . [Translatedfrom “ A d librum . .Ambrosii 6 . it . 102 leaves

, the

last blank.

[Wittenberg ? Micha el L etter the younger ?

Ad S chedulam inhib itiGis sub nomine E piscopi M isnefi editam supsermone de S acramento E ucharistic Ma rtini L utheri A ugusti R esponsie .

8 leaves .

[Wittenberg 2

A dversus execrabilem A ntichrist i B ullam, Mar. L vthervs, Wittembergse . Anne , M .D .XX . 10 leaves.

[Wi ttenberg, Melchior L etter the younger,

S ee L EO X . , P ep e. B ulla A postolica Contra E rrores MartiniL vtheri, etc. [ 1520 l]

A liqvet nomina propria Germanerum ad Priscam etymolog iam restituta ,per quendem antiqu itat is studiesum [

“ i .e M . L uther ,”

according to a

MS . note in the handwriting of Melanchthon] . 16 leaves .

Vi tembergee , p er Nicolaum S chirlentz , 1537 .

An den B e ck zu Leyptzck [i .s . that of H Emser] Doctor Ma rtinusL uther . V uittemberg . M .D .XX I . 6 . it . 4 leaves.

[Wittenberg, Melchior L etter the younger,Wi th a MS . note on the titlep age : Dno etp a tri sue B iliba ldo p irclcei

mer ,

S ee E MSER (H . ) De disputa ti5e L ipsieensi, etc.

A n den Christlichen A del deutscher Nation ; ven des Christlichenstandes besserung : D . Martinus L uther . V u ittenberg . 47 leaves.

[Wittenberg, Melchior L etter the Young er,

6 4

L uther (Martin)A n d ie Radherrn aller stedte deutsches lands : das sie Christliche

schulen aufi'

richtcn u nd ha llten se llen . Mart inus Luther . VVittem

berg . M.D .xxm l . 6 . ii . 20 leaves , the last blank.

[Wi ttenberg, Lucus Cranach and Christia n Doring,

De Constituendis S cholis Mar . Lutheri L iber donatus latinitate

[Translated from A n d ie R adherrn a lle r stedte deutsches land'

s .

With a preface by Melanchthon ] 3 2 leaves .

Haganoee, p er Johannem S ecerium. [ 1525

Die ander Epistel S . Pe tri und eyne S . J udas gepred igt und ausgelegt

durch Mart . Lu ther W ittemberg . M .D .XX I I I I . 6 . it . 47 leaves , the

last blank.

Wittemberg, Ha ns L uflt, 1524.

A ntwortt deutsch Mart. Luthers aud'

Kdn ig H enr ichs ven Engelland

buch [“ A ssertio septem S acramentorum Lugen thun my r ni cht,

Warhey t schow ich nicht . 6 . It . 24 leaves .

Wittemberg, Nichell S chyrlentz , 1522 .

S ee H ENRY v111 . , King of E ngland . A ssortie S eptem S a cramentorum adversus Martinum L utherum, etc .

1522 .

Appellatio D . Martini L vtheri ad Concilivm a L eone Decime,denuo

repetita dz innouata . VV ittembergse . 6 leaves .

[Wi ttenberg , Melchior L e tter the younger]

A rtickel, so da he tten sollen aufl‘

s Concilium zu Mantua , Oder we es

w iirde sein ,uberantwe rtet w erden ven unsers Te ils Mart .

Luth. Wittemberg . M .D .XXXVI I I . 32 leaves .

Wittemberg , Hans L uf t , 1538 .

A ssortie omnivm articvlerum M . L utheri , per B ullam L eonis X .

nouissima damna torii . VVittembergse . A nne M .D .xx. 34 leaves .


ittenberg, lltelchior L etter the younger ,

[A nother copy .]

A uslegung deutsch des V a ter unnser fuer dye einfeltigen leyen DoctorMa rtini Luther A ugustiner tzu W itt


ébergk. N icht fur d ie gelerten .

6 . it . 36 leaves .

A us Melchiar L etters druclcerey tzu L eyp tzlc,

[A nothe r copy . ]

[A nother ed ition ] A uszlegunge deutsch des vater unnser feur dyeeynfelt igen loyen Doctoris Ma rtini L uther A ugust iner tz u w ittenbergk.

6 . it. 38 lea ves.

L eyp tzlc, llfelchior L otther , 1520 .

6 5

L u th e r (Martin)Den auszerwelten lieben Gottes, allen gelydern Christi zii A ugspurg,seynen lieben herren u 1i br iidern Martinus L uther. W ittemberg.

M .D .XXI I I I . 6 . it. 4 leaves, the last blank.

[S t rasburg 2 Johann Knobla uch ? 1524 l]

E in Be tbiichlin beyde dem alter und der jugent nutzbar . I tem ein

Spruchb iiehlin den waren christen gar hey lsam [Mart Luth . M .D .XXXVI .6 . if. 5 1 leaves.

[Augsburg 1536 .

Wi th woodcuts on the first and last leaves. The titlep age i s mutila ted.

Eyn briefi'

an die Christen zu S traspurg w idder den schwermer geyst.

Martini Luther Wittemberg . 6 . it . 6 leaves.

[Wittenberg, L ucas Cranach and Christian Daring,

Eyn briefi'

an die F ursten zu Sachsen von dem aufi'

rurischen geyst. M .

Luther , Wittemberg , M .D.xxun . 6 . it. 8 leaves .

[Wittenberg J oseph King ?

[A nother copy .]

Dec. Marti . L uther . Christiana inc ternata R espos1o Csesare'

emajestati, Principibus db Dominis Wermatie fa cta A nne M.V .xx1 . etc . 6

[S trasburg, Ma rtin F lach,

I mp erfect ; wanting if. 3 , 4.

A in Christlicher trestbriefi an die M illtenberger, Wie sy sich an irenseynden reehen sollen , ausz dem 1 19 Psalm . Doctor Martinus Luther,Wittembe rg . M.D.XXI I I I . 6 . it. 8 leaves.

[Augsburg ?

Confitendi R atio . 8 leaves.

Vuittenberge, in edib. I oan Grunenbcrg iy , 1520 .

E in hey lsams B uchlein ven doctor Martinus L u ther vo der

B eicht gemacht durch Geergiii spa latinu geteutscht. [Translated fromConfi tendi 6 . 3L. 12 leaves.

Wi ttenberglc, durch I ohan Grunen , 1520 .

Contra H enrievm Regem A ngliae Martinvs L uther, VV ittembergac ,1522 . 24 leaves.

[Wi ttenberg, Johann Rha u,

S ee H ENRY V I I I , King of England. A ssertio S eptem Sa crament

orum adversus M . L utherum,etc.

15 22 .

6 6

L u th er (Ma rtin)Contra ni a lignum J ohann is E cc 11 j ud icium

,supe r a liquot articulis , a

fratribus qu ibusdam c i supposit is Ma rtini Lu theri defens io . E rroresi tem hac ret ic i xx1 111 ex B ocii fra trumque dogmat ibus consectanci . 16lea ves

,the last blank.

[L e ip sic, Mechior L otter the elder,15 19

Wi th a hIS . note on the ti tlepage Magna nimo i lli B iliba ldop irckaymer , etc .

[A nother copy . ]Wi th a MS . note on the t i tlep age Nobili dno lViliba ldo P irckhe imer

Norimbgen, etc .

Da s E ltern die K inder zii der Ehe n ichts zw inge ne ch hinde rn . Und

d ie kinder on der a llte rn w illen sich n icht verloben se llG. M . Lu ther .6 . 11 . fl

. 4.

[ 15 24]

De A broganda M issa P riva ta Martini L utheri sentent ia . 44 leaves,

the last blank .

[ lVittenberg ff 1522

De Captivita te B aby lonica E cclesiae , Praelud ium Ma rtini L utheri .44 leav es .

Vuittembergee, [Melchior L e tter the younger,With a MS . note on the titlepage : Cla rissimo ct p ra estdtissimo

vire , B iliba ldo p ircha imero Norimberge ii . sena tori , suo denuo obstrudd is’


Ambrosius R e iter,dd .

[A nother edition] De Capt iv itate B abylonica ecclesize , Prielvd‘

ivmMa r tini Lutheri . 58 lea ves the last blank.

[ 1520]Wi th a woodcut portra it of L uther .

De servo a rbitrio Ma r. Lutheri ad D . E rasmum R oterodamum,

lVittembergee, 15 25 . 192 lea ves .

lVittembergse, apud Joha nnem L ug'

t , 1525 .

Das der freie w ille n ichts sey ,A ntwor t D . Ma rtini L uther an E ra smum

Re terdam : V e rdeu tscht durch J ustum Jenam . W ittemberg . [Translated from “ De serv o 6 . 31. 188 leaves .

Wittemberg, Hans L ug'

t,1526 .

De V e tis Monasticis Martini L vtheri jvd icivm ,V V ittembergze .

60 leaves .

[ 17Vi t tenberg, .Melchior L etter the younger, 1522

S ee B RI ESSMANN (J ) A d Gasparis S catzgey ri . . respensio . . pro

L v therano libello de V e tis Monasticis, etc.

1523 .


L u ther (Martin)Decem Praecepta V uittenbergensi predicata populo per P . MartinumLuther A ugustianum . 52 leaves

,the last blank.

L ip siae, ea: aedibus Va lentini S chumafi, 15 18 .

Wi th a woodcut on the verso of the ti tlep age.

Deutsch A uszlegiig des sieben ufi sechtzigste Psalme, vo dem Ostertag ,Hymelfart und Pfingsten, D . Martinus L [uther] . (h. 11. 18 leaves.

[Wi ttenberg Johann Rhau ?With a woodcut on the ti tlep age.

Deii tung der grew lich'

é Figur desMunchkalbs z ii Freyberg inn Mey ssen

gefunden . D . Martin i Luther . 6 . JL. 4 leaves.

[E rfurt 1523

Wi th a woodcut on the ti t lep age .

Disputatio domini Johannis E ccu et Pa . Martini Luther in studioL ipsensi futura . it. 4 lea ves .

[L eip sic, Ma rtin L andsberg,Wi th a woodcut on the ti t lep age .

D ispvtatio D . Martini L vther Theologi , pro declaratione virtvtis

indvlgentiarvm. 4 leaves.

[15 17 2]The origina l edition in bookform of the Ninetgfi ve Theses which L uther

afi xed to the ga te of the University of Wittenberg.

[A nother copy .]

Disputatio et excusatio F ratris Martini Luther adversus CriminationesD . Johannis E ccij . it. 4 leaves.

[L eip sic, Ma rtin L andsberg,Wi th a woodcut on the ti tlep age.

S ee JOHANN, von E ek. Disputa tio et excusatio Domlm J . E conadversus criminationes F. Martini Lutter, etc.

15 19 .

Drey schon S erm'

ogepredigt zu B orn durch Doctor Martinum Luther ,etc. 6 . it. 14 leaves.

S traszburg, durch J ohannem S chwan, 1524.

Epistel Sanct Petri gepredigt und ausgelegt durch Mart . Luther .Vuittemberg. M . D .XXI I I . 331. 104 leaves.

Wi ttemberg, Nickel S chyrlentz, 1523 .

S equit Epistola illa, qua M . Lutherns, ad V incilaum Lyncum

Normbergam, scripsit, q in libello suo . . est omissa , etc. 4 leaves, the

last blank.

[ 1528 ]

E pistola L vtheri ad Wolfgangum Fabricium Capitonem Theologu in

utilissima . 4 leaves.



L u ther (Ma rtin)E pistola L vtheriana ad L eonem decimvm svmmvm Pontificem .

Tracta tvs de liberta te Christiana . 18 leaves, the last blank.


, [Johann l u,] 1520 .

[A nother copy which is imperfect, wanting the lower half of the firstleaf and a ll after the fourth lea f.]

V on der F reyhey t eynisz Christen menschen,Martinus Luther .

V u ittembergae . 15 20 . [Translated from Epistola L utheriana ad

Q9 . 31 . 12 leaves.

[Wittenberg, Johann Rhau,

Epistola Ma rtini Lutheri ad H enricum V 111 . A ngliae ac Franc izeRegem, &c . I n qua veniam petit corum quae prius stultus ac prieceps in

eundem Regcm efl'

uderit, oflerens palinodiam se cantaturum . Responsio

d iot i . . R egis . . ad singula praefatae Ep istolae capita . 1527 . 24 leaves,

of which the last is blank.

[Wi ttenberg

Epistola Martini L vtheri ad illvstrissimum Principem ac Dominvm

D . H enricum,hujus nominis octavum A ngliae F ranciee Regem .

Ej vsdem . Regis . .Responsio . A dmon itio J ohannis Coclsei in utranqgE pistolam . Responsio item Lvtheri contra R egis epistolam , cum ejusdemJ ohannis Coclsei annotationibus, etc . 26 leaves.

Colonies, in aedibus honesti cinis P etri Q uentell, 1527 .

Martini Lutheri E pistolarum fa rrago . . cum Psalmorum aliquot interpretatione , etc. 144 leaves .

Haganoae, Johan S ecer, 1525 .

E rklerung Doctoris Martin i L uther etlicher A rtickcl : in seinem

S ermon von dem hey ligen sacrament . a . it. 4 leaves.

[Nurcni bcrg, Jobst Gutlcnecht,

E xustionis A ntichristianorum decretalium a cta . A n a ccount of the

bu rning by Ma rtin Luther, at W'

ittenberg , 10 Dec . 1520 , of the Papa l

Decreta ls and the B ulla contra errores M . 4 leaves.

[L e ip sic, Va lentin S chumann,t lt a MS . note on the titlep age :

“ Dulci suo p a renti Ouiliba ldP irclcamer


E vangelium V on den tzehen auszsetzigen vordeutscht und auszgelegtt

M . L u th. W ittenberg . (b. it. 44 leaves,the last blank.

[ l/Vittenberg ? Melchior L otter the younger ? 152 1 l]

The ti tlep age has a woodcut border by Hans Cranach.

Formula Missae et Communionis pro E cclesia V uittembergensi .

8 lea ves , the la st blank.

[ l/Vittenbcrg, Nickel Schirlenz,


L u th er (Ma rtin)E in w cy se Christlich Moss zu halten vud zum tisch Got tes zu gehcn .

Martinus Luthe r. [Transla ted from “ Formula (b . 31 .

16 leaves .

[ l/Vittcnherg, L ucas Crana ch and Christ ian Daring ,

E in freyhey t des Se rmons B ebstlichen ablasz vnd gna rl belangendDoctoris Martin i L uthe r w ider die vorlegfig . so zu schma ch se in

vnd desselben S ermons erdichtet. (33. ii . 8 leaves,the last blank.

[Nuremberg, Jobst Gutlcnecht, 15 18 7]

D . Martin Lu thers und anderer gottseligen L euthe Geistliche L iederund Kirchengesiinge . pp . 280 .

Dantzig, Andrea s H itaefeldt, [ 162 7 7]

Eyn geschieht w ie Got eyner E rbarn kloster J ungfraw en aussgeholffen

[Written in the name of Florent ina von Obe r-We ima r, but

probably by Lu ther .] M it eynem S endebriefi’

M . L u thers an die


en zu Manszfelt . GE. it. 8 leaves,the last blank.

Das Gloria in ex celsis deo . A nno 1524 . Do . Mar . Luth. W ittenberg .

31. 4 leaves .

[Nuremberg, Hermann Hamsing,

D ie H errliche A u slegung fiber das E rste B uch Mosi,etc.

fol . Wittemberg, Thomas King, 1 558 .

Vol. 10 of the ten- volume edi tion of L u ther’

s works p ublished 1539 58 .

Der hundert nu xxvn Psa lmen aussgelegt ; an d ie Christen l R igen ,

in L ifli andt, im J ar 1524 . Do . Mart . L uth . Wittenberg . (El) . 11.

16 leaves, the last two blank.

[Augsburg t 1524 l]Judicium D . Martini Lutheri de E rasmo Roterodamo . Philippi Me

lanchthon is de E ra smo , ! it Lu thero E logion . Ratio d iscendi , per eundemt radita . E jusdem

, Q uo judicio A ugustinus, Ambrosius, Orig ines, a c

reliqu i Doctores legendi sint . D . Ma rtini L u the ri ad V uolfga ngum

F abritium Capi tonem theologum ,epistola utilissima . 1 1 leaves .

[ 1522J’

Judicium Martini L utheri de V otis, scriptum ad E piscopos Diaconos

V u ittembergefi E cclesiae . 8 leaves.

Vuittembergee, [Melchior L ot ter the younger,

Ka rrjxnm s M aprewo il o de‘

pofi KaAOUp G’


r) ni kpa'

, éhhn'txoha ‘

r im. Catc

chesis Martini Lutheri pa rva , Grae co - latina a M ichae la Neandro

Sora viensi edita . pp . 243 .

B asileae, P er J oannem Op orinum,1558 .

E yn Ku rtz form da s Pa te r n oster tzu vorsteen l 1nd tzu hethcn . F ur

( ly e J ungen kinder im Christengla ub en . M . L . ill) . 31 . 10 lea ves.

L eip ssgls, Woljj'

gdg S toclccl, 15 19 .

7 1

L u th er (Ma rtin)Ordenfig eyns gemeynen Kastens . Radschlag w ie d ie geystlichen

gutter zu handeln sind Martinus L uther M .D .XX I I I . it . 16 leaves .

[Wittenberg, L ucas Cranach a nd Christia n Do'ring,

E yn predigt vnd wa rnung , sich zu bu ten fur falschen Propheten ,au ll


das E vangelion Matthei v ii . Ma rt . Luther . W ittemberg . 1525 .

(5 . it . 14 leaves, the last blank.

Wittemberg, Jorg Hkaw, 1525 .

Der Prophet Jona , ausgelegt durch Mart . L uth. 45 . ll . 46 leaves.

Wittemberg, Michel L otterus, 15 26 .

R ationis L a tomianse pro I ncendiarns L ouaniensis S cholae S ophistisredditse , L utheriana Confutat io . Vu ittembergee . 7 6 leaves.

[Wi ttenberg, Melchior L ot ter the younger ,

R esolutibes d isputationum F. Martini L uther A ugustiniani, de indul

ge nt iaz; v irtute , ab ipso ea rn autore,a pluribus mendis repurga tae .

V uittenbergae . 60 leaves, the last blank.

L ip siee, apud Melchiorem L ottherum, 15 19 .

Wi th a woodcut on the ti tlep age .

R esolutiones Lutheriane super PropositiGibus suis L ipsie d isputatis .

26 lea ves.

lVittenbergse, [J ohann Rhau,] 15 19 .

[A nother edit ion ] Resolutiones lutherianae super propositionib’ su is.lipsiae disputatis : om


edatae . ff. 22 .

L ip siae , ap ud Melchiorem L ottherum, 1520 .

A in schoner newer Passion . [A n a ccount,in B iblica l language , of

L u ther ’s treatment at the diet of Worms ] (25 . ii . 4 leaves .

[ 152 1’


E in schoner S ermon ,vfi


S ontag na ch deg Christag gepred igt z u

W ittenbe rg . 45 . 31 . 4 leaves .

Jheu, Michell B uchfurer, 1524 .

Eyn S chrecklich geschieht l i nd gericht Go ttes uber Thomas M iintzer,daryn Gott ofl


entlich desselbigen gey st lii genstrafi‘

t und v e rdamnet .

Q5 . 31 . 6 leaves .

[ 15 25

E ynu sehr gu te Pred ig Doct. Martinus L uther A ugust . v5 czwcyerley

gerecht ickey t . (5 . it . 8 leaves .

L eyp czig, durch Va lter S clummTi , 15 20 .

l'Vith a woodcut on the t i tlep age .

E in S endbrieff an d ie ersamen und weysen l lc rrn B urgc rmey ste r ,

B ha tt und gantze Gomeyn dor stadt M iilhauscn . M . L uthe r . M .D .XXI I IJ .

(5 . it . 2 lea ves .

[ l 524j

7 2

L uther (Ma rtin)E in sendebriefi

' D . Mart . L ut . an Jhan von sehleynitz 2 11 J anszhauszen

eyner hey rath halben . V u ittemberg . 6 . 3L. 4 leaves, the las t blank .

[Wittenberg ? N ickel S hirlcntz,

E yn sendebriefi‘

von dem ha rten biiehli‘

n w ide r die B awrn . 6 . 31 .

1 2 leaves .

[ lVittenberg ? Nickel S chirlentz ? 1525 ]

S ermo de digna Pra eparatione cordis pro susc ipiendo S acramentoE ucharist iae. 4 leaves .

[L eip sic, Va lentin S chumann, 15 18’


Eyn gutto trostliehe predig v5 der w irdigen berey tfig zu dem hoehw i-r

d igen sacram’

ét . D . Martini L uthe r A ugustiner zu w ittenbergk I tem

w ie das leyden Christi betra chtet sol werden . [Translated from S ermocle d igna Prsepara tione , 6 . 51. 6 leaves.

[Nureniberg, Jobst Guthnecht,With a woodcut on the titlep age.

[A nother edition ] Eyn gutte trostliehe predig v6 der w irdigen berey tiigzu (15 hochw irdigen Sa crament Doctor Ma rtini L uther A ugustiner tzuW ittenberg . I tem w ie das le iden Christi betra chtet soll werdenn . 6 . it.8 leaves, the last blank .

[L e ip sic, Va lentin S chumann, 15 18With a woodcut on the t i t lep age .

[A nother copy .]

Sermo Doet . Ma rtin i L utheri NVittembergensis de Meditatione

Dominice Passionis e vernaculo in lat infi versus. 4 leaves .

W’i ttcmberge, 152 1 .

Wi th a woodcut on the t i tlep age .

Sermo de Penitentia . 6 . it . 4 leaves.

L ip sie, in edibus Vuolj gangi Monacenss. , 15 18 .

S ermo de Triplici iustic ia . 4 leaves.

L ip siaa, cu: aedibus .Mclchioris L ottheri, 15 19 .

S ermo de u irtute exc uniea tion is F ratri Martino L uther A ugustiniano

a lingu is te rtijs tandem euerberatus. 4 leaves.

L ip s ia'

,ea: aedibus Va lentini S chuma '

n, 15 18 .

lVith a woodcut on the titlep age .

[A nother edition ] S e rmo do v irtute ec mun ica tion is F ratri Ma rtinoL u the r A ugustiniano a lingu is terc iis ta ndem e uerbera tus . M .D .xvu l .

6 leaves,the la st blank.

[Augsburg , S ilra nus Otma r ,lVith a AIS . note on the ti tlep age :

“ Mit to tibi sermonE de que tibi

scrip si T.B .A .


L uther (Ma rtin)A in S ermon am xxi Sontag nach dem Pfingstag , von der rechten artdes glaubens. V on der art vnd bosshay t des te ii ffels unsers widersa chers

.Martinus Luther . M .D .XXVI . 6 . ii . 8 leaves.

[Augsburg ? 1526 ]The t i tlep age has a woodcut border, by Holbein.

A in S erm5 , an dem tag des ha iligen S ant J ohanes des Ta fl'ers JhesuChristi , geprediget v5 D . M . L [utber] . E cclesi . VVitten . A nno . 1522 .

6 . it. 4 leaves.

[Augsburg t Heinrich S teyner

Eynu Sermon durch Doctor Martinus L uther, E cclesia z ii W ittemberg .

Geprediget von dem E vange : Jhesus wart vom geyst yhu dy e w ilsten

gefurt . 6 . ii . 4 leaves.

[E rfurt‘

f2 1524 l]Wi th a woodcut on the titlep age .

A in serm5 durch Ma rti . Luth . E cclesia . zu Witten . Geprediget von

den B ildtnussen . Im I ar M .D .XX I I . Witenberg . 6 .4 leaves.

[Augsburg, Melchior Ramminger,

E yn S ermon gepredigt an S ant S tephans tag durch M . Luther.6 . 31. 6 leavesf

[S trasburg Johann Knoblouch

E in Sermon geprediget zu Le ipssgk vfi'

m S chloss am tag Petri vnd

Pauli ym . XVI I I I . J ar , etc. 6 . 31 . 4 leaves .

L eyp ssglc, Wolfigdg S tockel, 1520 .

Wi th a woodcutp ortra it of L uther on the titlepage.

E in sermon von dem ablasz vud gnade , dureh den Wirdigen Doctorem

Ma rtina Luther A ugustiner zu Wittenbergk gemacht. 6 . it.4 leaves.

[Nuremberg, Jobst Gutknecht,15 18 1]

[A nother edit ion ] E yn S ermon von dem A blass und gnade , durchden w irdigefi doctorn Martinfi Lu ther A ugustiner zu Wittenburggema cht . 6 . 31. 4 leaves .

L cyp szgk, Wolfgang S to'

clcel,15 19 .

Eyn Sermon von dem bann Docto . Martini Luther A ugustiner tzuVuittenbergk. 6 . it. 12 leaves, the last blank.

L eyp tlc, Melchior L otther, 1 520.

E in S ermon von dem elichen staudt Doctoris Martini LutterA ugustiner zu w ittenburgk gepredigt im tausen t funt hundert u



neuntzehenden J ar . 6 . 31 . 4 leaves .

L eypszglc, W'

olf gang S tochel, 15 19 .

[A nother ed ition ] E yn S ermon von dem E lichen standt . vorendert

und corrigiret (lurch D . Mart inii Lu the r A ugus tiner tzu “l ittenbergk .

6 . 31. 4 leaves .

lVittenburglc, [Joha nn Rhau,] 15 19 .


L uther (Ma rtin)Eyn Sermon von dem gepeet unnd procession . yn der Creutzwochen

.Ma rtinus L uther . 6 . it. 4 leaves .

L eyp ssglc, Wolf ga ng S tdclccl, 1520 .

l Vith a woodcut on the ti tlep age .

[A nother edition ] E yn S ermon von dem gepee t un procession ,in de r

Creutz- w .oehen Doctoris Martini L uthe r A ugustine r zu “f itte nbergk.

6 . 31 . 4 leaves .

Wittenberglc, durch Joan. Grunnenbcrglc, 1520 .

E in sermon von dem hey ligen hochw ird igen S a crament der Taufl'


Doctoris Ma rtini Luther A ugustiner zu VVittenbergk. 6 . it . 8 leaves .

[Nuremberg , Jobst Gutlcnecht, 15 20]

E yn S ermon von dem H ochw irdigen S acrament des heyligen wa renL ey chnamsz Christi . Und von den B ruderschafl


ten D . M . L . A . F ur

d ie L oy en . 6 . 31. 12 leaves .

lVittenberglc, durch Johannem Grunenberg, 15 19 .

lVith woodcuts on the ti tlep age a nd last leaf :

Eyn S ermon von dem sacrament der pusz . D . M . Lu . A ug . czu

VuittE. 6 . 3L. 8 leaves .

L eip siclc, Me lchior L otther,15 19 .

[A nother edition ] E yn S ermon von dem Sa crament der pusz . D . M . L .

6 . 31. 8 leaves.

Wi ttenberg, [Joha nn Rhau 15 19 .

[A nother edition ] E in sermon von dem S a crament der busz DoctorisMa rtin i L uther A ugustiner zu W'

ittenburgk. 6 . it. 8 leaves,the

last blank.

[Nuremberg, Jobst Gu tknecht ,

Eyn S ermon von de \Vucher. D . M . L [uther .] 6 . 11. 4 leaves.

lVittenberg, [J ohann Rha u] 15 19 .

With a woodcut on the ti tlep age.

[ Another edit ion ] Eyn Sermon von dem \Vucher Doctoris Ma rtin iLuther , A ugustiner zu VV ittembergk. 6 . 31. 16 lea ves.

lV'ittenberglc, durch J oan. Gritnenberglc, 15 20 .

Wi th a woodcu t on the titlep age .

[A nother edition] E in S ermon von dem w ucher . Doctoris Ma rtiniL uther A ugustiner zu w i ttenbergk. 6 . it. 14 leaves .

[Nuremberg , J obst Gutknecht,1 5 20]

Eyn Sermon von der bereytung ozum sterben Doctoris Ma rtin i L uthe riA ugu . 6 it. 10 lea ves .

4 . [L e!ip z ig ? llI e lchior L ottcr the elder 15 19 l]


L u th e r (Martin)[A nother ed ition ] E in nutzlich and fast t restlich predig oder underrichtung w ie sich e in chr isten mensch mit fre ii den berey ten sol zu

sterben . B eschriben durch Doctor Ma rtinfi L uthe r A ugustine r. 6 . it.12 leaves .

B asel,Adam P etri, 1520 .

Wi th woodcuts.

E yn S ermon von der B eycht und dem S acrament. I tem vom brauchund bekentnis christlicher freyheit Martinus Luther . V vittemberg ,1 524. 6 . it. 18 leaves

,the last blank.

[Wi t tenberg,] Hans L aj't, 1524.

E in S ermon von der beschneydung , am Neuwen ja rs tag . I tem ein

gey stliche auszlegung der Zeichen in S onn,Mon vnnd gestirn . D . M.

L u ther . W ittemberg M.D .XXI I I I . 6 . it. 4 leaves .


Eyn S ermon von der B etra chtung des heyligen leydens Christi D .

Ma rtini Luther zu Wittenberg . 6 . it . 6 leaves, the last blank .

Wittenberg, [Johann Rhau] 15 19 .

Wi th a woodcut on the ti tlep age .

[A nother edition ] E yn Sermon von der B etrachtung des hey ligenleydens Christi D . Mar . L u ther zu W itte


berg . 6 . 31 . 6 leaves .

L eyp czyglc, [Melchior L ot ter the elder] 15 19 .

Wi th a woodcut on the ti tlep age .

[A nother copy .]

[A nother edition ] Eyn sermon von der betrachtug dcs heyligen

leydens christi . 6 . it. 4 lea ves.

[Nuremberg, J obst Gutknecht , 15 19 7]With a woodcut on the titlepage .

A in sermon von der w irdigen empfahung des ha iligen wa ren ley chnam s

Christi , gethon am gr ii ndonerstag z ii W i ttenberg . D . M . Luther .M .D .xx i . 6 . ii . 6 leaves, the last blank.

[Augsburg Sylvan Otma r ? 152 1]

[A nother edition] Eyn S ermon . V on der E ntpfahung und z iiberey t

tung , desz hochw irdigen fron ley chnams J esu Christi, etc. 6 . 31 .

4 lea ves .

Zwichaw, Jdrg Gastel, [ 1524 7]With a woodcut on the t itlepage , a nd one a t the end, by Ha ns lVeiditz .

E yn S ermon von sanct Pete r uund Paul den hey ligenn tzwolfi'

boten vom

vortraWG. Geprecligt z u U u ittembe rg (lurch D . Ma rtinum L u ther.6 . it. 4 leaves .

[E rfurt il hi atthes .Ma lcr


Luther (Martin)Die S ieben buszpsa lm mit deustcher auszlegung na ch dem schrifftlichen

synne tzu Christ i vud gottes gnaden , neben seyns selben . wa re erkentnissgrundlich gerichte t. 6 .

‘ iL. 44 leaves, the last bla nk.

L eyp tzlc, durch den vorsichtigen ma n Jacobum Thanner,15 19 .

Wi th a woodcut on the t itlep age.

Das Taufi'

bii chlin verteutschet durch Ma rtinum L u the r. 6 . it.8 leaves, the last blank.

[Augsburg ? 1523

Tessaradecas Consolatoria pro laboratibus 5 oneratis M . Lu theri Aug .

V u ittenbergefi . 18 leaves, the last blank.

Vuittenbergzj , p er Johannem Grunenbcrgh, 15 20 .

Wi th a MS . note on the titlep age :“ Her Williba lden P irclcheymci .

I n Nurmberg,

E in trostlichs buchleim Doc. Mart ini Lu theri A ugustiners : in allerw iderwertigkey t eynes ygliche Christglaubigen menschen : new lich

gedeutscht durch Magistrum Georgium Spa lat inum . [TranslTessaradecas Consola toria .

”6 . it . 36 leaves

,the last blank.

L eyp tzlc, JlI elchior L otther, 1520 .

Das Te ii tsch R equ iem der verbranten B ullen und B apstliében Rechten .

[B y Ma rtin L uther . ] 6 . it. 4 leaves.

[A ugsburg ? S igismund Grimm and Ma rcus Wirsung ? 1 520 l]

Eyn trew vormanung Ma rtini L uther tzu allen Christen . S ich tzu

vorhuten fur aufi'

ruhr uund Emporung . V u ittemberg . 6 . it.10 leaves.

[Wi t tenberg Melchior L otter the younger .9 1522]

E yn trost briefi'

an die Christen zu A ugspurg Ma rtinus L uthe r\Vittemberg . M.D .XX I I I I . 6 . it . 4 leaves.

Wittemberg, Hans L ufi t,

Doctor Ma rtinus L uther A ugustiners V nterricht auff etlich a rtickel d ie

im von seymen abgunnern aufi'

gelegth und tzu gemessen w erden . 6 . it.4 leaves .

L eyp szglc, Wolf gang S toclcel, 15 19 .

[Another copy .]

U rteil D . Ma rtin Luthers und Philippi Me lanchthon is von E rasmoR oterdarn . E in Christlicher sendtbriefi

' D . Ma rt in L uthers an

D . \Volfgang F abritium Capitonem Christus A bla ssz brie fl'


6 . ii . 8 lea ves, the last blank .

[S tra sburg ? Johann S chott ?

Doctor Ma rtinus Lu tthers verteutschte schrifi'

t an das Capitel z ii

WVitt erg w ie man d ie Ceremon iGder K irchE bessern soll allen H ohenvn nd Nydern S tifften ser d ienstlich , 6 . it. 4 lea ves .

[Augsburg ? 15 24]


L uth er (Ma rtin)A in volkomne uund Grunndtliche vndterricht. W ie man sich gegenY ederman

, der E rgernus halben, hallte soll uund sonderlich in fastenunnd flayschessen , etc. 6 . 1L. 6 leaves.

[Altenburg ?V on dem aller nhttigisten . Wie man diener der kirchen welen vnd

eynsetzen sol. Ma rt . L uther . 6 . ll . 36 leaves,the last blank.

Wittemberg, Melchior L otter,’

der J ii nger, 1524.

V enn dem hailigen leyden Christi w ie w ir das z ii der zeit unsers

sterbens sollen brau chen, etc. [E xtra cted and translated by N . M a ir ,from L uther’s Lucubrat iones in Psa lmum xx1 .] 6 . it. 28 leaves.


f2 J . Ramminger 1524.

V on den Conciliis und Kirchen . D . Mart . Luth . 1Vittemberg .

1539 . 6 . it. 132 leaves.

Wittemberg, Hans L uft, 1539 .

V on den guten werckenn : D . M . L . V u ittenberg . 6 . IL. 58 lea ves .

Wittenberg, bey dem iungen Melchior L otther, 1520 .

Wi th a woodcut.V on der Christlichen hoffnung , e in trostlich leer fur die kleinmutigen

Martin luthers tiber on ein de'

letsten versz des fii nfi ten Psa lmen,V erba

mea auribus, etc. 6 . 31 . 24 leaves.

[Nuremberg ? 1525 l]V on der frucht un nutzpa rkay t des hey ligen Sacra ine


ts. Do . Mart .

Luth. A nno M .D .XX I I I I . 6 . it. 6 leaves .

[Nuremberg, H ermann Hamsing,

V on der heiligen Tauffe : predigten . D . Ma rt . Luth. W ittemberg .

M .D .xxxv . 6 . it. 5 8 leaves, the fou rth blank.


ittemberg, durch Georgen Rhaw,153 5 .

V on kaufi'

shandlung vud wu cher . M artinus Luther . V u ittemberg .

1524. 6 . 51 . 36 leaves .

Wittemberg, Hans Lujft,

V on mennsehenn lere zu meyden . A nttwortt aufi'

spra che szo man

furet menschen lere tzu sterckenn. D . Marti . Luther . W ittemberg .

6 . 31 . 12 leaves .

[Wi t tenberg, Johann Rhau ,V on ordenung gottis dienst y i i der gemeyne . Doctor Martin ’

L uthe r .

W i ttemberg . M .D.xxm . 6 . 31. 4 leaves .

[Wi t tenberg ,? L ucas Cranach and Christ ian Doring 1523]

[A nother copy .]V 6 Rey che GottisWas es sey und Wie 1 6 . D . Mart . Luther . 6 . it .

8 leaves, the last blank.

Aldenburglc, Gabriel Kantz,

V on zwey erley menschen w ie sie sich, in dem Gelawben ha lden solle ,umnd was der seybo . [B y Ma rtin Luther .] 6 . it . 8 lea ves .

[ 1523

L u th er (Martin)S ee DOBNECK (J .) Cochlseus. H istoria de A ct is et S criptis Mart in iLu theri, etc.

1565 .

S ee E RASMUS (D .) E rasmi Roterodami Dvo Episte lia de cavsa Lvterana .

[ 15 25 2]

S ee‘

H ENRY v111. , King of E ngland . Serenissimi Regis A nglic

ad clarismmos S axon ie principes, de coercenda abigendaq; L utheranafact i one dz Luthero ipso .


S ee H E SSUS (S .) A rgumentum dises biechle ins . Symon H essus zeigt

an D . Ma rtino L uther ursach,w arumb d ie Lu therische biecher vo den

Colon iensern uh L ovaniensern verbrent w orden sein , etc.

S ee H UTTEN (U . von .) A in clag uber den brandt der Luterischen bucherzu Mentz .

[ 152 14

S ee HUTTEN (U . von). Contenta . U lrichi ab Hutten E xclamatio ,in incendium Lutheranum

, etc.

[152 1 ]

S ee MAZZOLIN I (S .) da P riorio. R . P . Fratris S . Prieratis in

M . L uther c501usi5es de ptate pape d ialog’.

S ee MAZZOLINI (S .) da P riorio. E pi toma R esponsion is ad M . Lvther.

[ 1520]

S ee OECOLAMPADIUS (J .) Oecolapadij iudiciii de doctore M . Luthero .

[ 1520 1]

S ee PAR ls. Universi ty . Determinatio theologicse facvltatis Pa risien .

S vper doctrina Lutheriana hactenus per eam visa , etc.

[152 1 ]

S ee PARIS . Universi ty . Determinatio secunda a lme faculta tis TheologieParisiefi . Super A pologiam P . Melanchthonis pro Luthero S criptam , etc .

[ 152 1]

S ee RHADINUS Tomscnus (T.) Thome Rhadini : Todischi ad I llus

tries. et invictiss. P rincipes . . in M . L u therii V uittenbergosem H ere .

Nationis gloria violi tem Oratio .


S ee S PENGLER (L .) S chutzred ufi christenliebe antwurt . .Mit antza i

gunge warfib Doctor Ma rtin i Luthers leer n it sa ii i unchristélich

verworfien . .werden $611, etc.

15 19 .


M ac ch iave l li (Niccolo)H istoric Fiorentine . ff. 224.

F irenze, B erna rdino di Giunta , 1532 .

I mp erfect ; wanting the leaves (after sig . E E .) which conta in the L ist ofE rra ta a nd the p r inter

s device.

M acedon ia (L adislaus de)Oratio habita Norimbergae coram S ema tu Principum et omnifi OrdinumS a cri R 0 . Imperii, pro exped itione in Turcos suseipienda , i ij Ca l


Decembr. MDXX I I .[Nuremberg F r iedrich P eypus 15 22

I mp erfect, wanting a ll excep t the firstfour leaves.

M a crob ius.

Somnium S cipionis ex Ciceronis libro de R epublica excerptum .-Macrobii

. in Somnium S cipionis expositionis liber.— Macrobii . . Convi‘


primi diei Saturna tiorum liber . ff. 90 .

fol. Venetiis, 1492 .

M ago (Agogo)Opera nobilissima composta per lo excellente Maestro A gogo Mago . De

tutte le passion vien a Falconi A stori e Sparaueri . 4 leaves.

[Venice,] 1523 .

M a ino (J ason de)R epertorium D . I asonis de Ma ine . . Summa diligentia ac fide .

recognitfi , etc. 195 leaves.

fol. Venetiis, 1560 .

I mp erfect , wanting a ll after sig. 2 . vi .

M aius (Junianus)B egin. [S ig a . i . verso J uniani Mar] parthenopei . . in librum de

priscorum proprietate verborii prologus foeliciter incipit . 6 .

330 leaves.

fol. Tarnisidae , p er B ernard i'

t dc Colonia , 1477 .

WithMS . notes.

[A nother edition] 348 leaves.

fol . [Venice , Johannes Rubens] 1490 .

Wi th the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irckhe imer .

M a la ch i , B ook of.

S ee B I BLE — Ma lachi .

M alac iola (T . Curtius)Dialogvs, E vlla ,

T . Curtio Malaciola . Equit . B urlassio . A utore, etc.

4 leaves,the last blank .

Ca llyrius Trulla ,ap ud B urlassiam Ca tadupp se regis S tra tiota rum

Metrop olini , Excudeba t, [1520 l]

8 1

M alh erio (Petrus A lfonsus)Gesta prox ime per Portuga lenses in I nd ia E thi opia 7 aliis orinetalibus

[sic] terris . 6 . It .

Rome, p er Joannem B esiclcen, 1506 .

M ali c ie.

L e malicie 7 sagacita de le donne Narrando tutti li lor bellett1 che

usano per farse‘

belle . E t el consiglio de nu Philos0 pho date a que lliche se veleno maridare . . Con un capitolo de una Cortisana tira ta in

caretta . [ I n verse ] 4 leaves.

[Venice, 1525 7]Wi th a woodcut.

L e malitie de V ilani 06 aliquanti S tramotti alla B ergamascha . E t uno

contrasto de uno Fiorentino ! it uno B ergamascho . [B a llads] 4 leaves .

[Venice,With a woodcut .

M an ardus (Joannes)E pistolae Medicinales in qu ibus multa recentiorum errata et antiquorum

decreta reserantur , etc. if. 72 .

Ferra rias , B erna rdinas de Odonino, 152 1.

M anfredus (H ieronymus)De Medicis et infirmis collectanea in ord inem centiloquij congesta .

I nsuper in viginti octo mansiones L unae . . I oannis S chiineri Mathematici

collectanea . 24 leaves, the last blank.

Nuremberga e, Sump tu Georgii Vuachter , 1530.

M an iliu s (Ma rcus)B egin. [fol. 1 . recto Ma rci Manilii astronomicon liber primus incipit.

78 leaves .

[1480 1]

M anli i s (J oannes J acobus de) de B osco.

Lumina re maius. ff. 98 [of which only 1—9 4 are foliated] .

fol. Venetiis, p er Mgi uz a lbertinuvercellc’sé’

, [ 15 10

M antuanu s (B apt ista)S ee S PAGNUOL I (B aptista)

M anu z io (Paolo)De gli elementi , e di molti loro notabili efi


etti . if. 34.

Venetia , A ldus, 1557 .

M arcellinus (Ammianus)Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestarfi libri xv iii

,a deeimo qua rto ad

trigesimum primum nam xiii priores desiderantur, etc. pp . 5 13 .

P a risi is, Ex ofiicina Rob. S tepha ni , 15 44.

8 2

M argare t , Q ueen Consort of H enry I I . ,King of Nava rre .

L’H eptameron ,

ou H istoires dos A i’

nans fortunez des nouvelles de

tres i llustre . . P rincesse , Ma rguerite de Va lo is R oyne de Nava rre , etc .

pp . 8 12 .

A L yon, P our L oys Cloquemin, 1572 .

[A nother edition] pp . 80 1.

A P a r i s, Chez Gabr iel B uon

,158 1 .

M arinello (Giovanni)La prima pa rte della Copia delle Pa role scritta per M . Giovann iMa rinello : oue si mostra una muona a rte di diuenire i l piueloquente dicitore nella lingua uolgare , eta

— L a seconda parte ,Venet ia , Vincenzo Va lgrisi , 1562 .

M arti a lis (Marcus V alerius)Domitii Calderini V eronensis Commentarn m M . V alerium Martialem ,

etc . 2 18 leaves.

fol. I nclyta in Venetia rum Ciu ita te imp ressum,cura d: diligentia

Thomas Alexandrini ct 8 0 6 10 7 71771, e ius, 1482 .

lVi th the bookp la te : L iber B iliba ldi P i i chhctmer. The tit le is takenfrom sig . a . i i .

M a scard i (V itale)Festa fatta in Roma . A lli 2 5 . di F ebra io , MDCXXX IV . [on the

a rrival of P rince Charles of Poland] . E data in luce da V itale Masca rdi .pp . 135

Roma, [ 1635 ]

lVith engra ved t i tlep age and p la tes .

M atth aeus,Westmonasteriensis.

Flores H istoriarum per Matthseum NVestmonasteriensem collectipraecipue de R ebus B ritannicis ab exordio mundi usque ad annumDomini MCCCV11 . ; et Chronicon ex chronicis ab initio mundi u

squead a nnum Domini MCXVI I I deductum , auctore F lorent io \Vigorniensi

monacho cu i a ccessit continuatio usque ad annum Christi MCXLI .per quendam ejusdem ccenobii eruditum ,

etc. pp . 69 . 6 .

fol . F ra ncofurti, Typ is Wechelianis ap ud Cla udium llI a rnium and heredesI oannis Aubrij , 160 1 .

M atth ew , Gosp el of.

S ee B IBLE — Ma t thew.

M a zzoch ius (Jacobus)Epigrammata A ntiquze U rbis . 11. 189 .

fo l. Roman,in a cd ib. I a cobi Jl

’I a zochi i,152 1 .

lVith woodcuts .


M a zzo l in i (S ilvestro) da P riorio .

Epitoma Responsionis ad Martinvm L vther V uittenbergze , ad laudem ! it

gloriam omnium hostium Christianse ueritatis . A nno,M

.D .XX

. [Witha preface by Luther .] 14 leaves, the last blank.

[Wit tenberg, Melchior L ot ter the younger ,R . P . F ratris S iluestri Prieratis . . in psumptuosas Ma rtini Luther

cficlusiSes de ptate pape dialog’. 6 . 3L. 12 leaves .

[L eip sic, Melchior L ot ter the elder,1520

Wi th two MS . notes on the ti tlep age “ Dees t res io ad p rierat. , a ndConsultiss . P a tritio B i liba ldo P irckheymer .

M ed i c i (L orenzo de’

)B allatette del Magnifico Lorezo de medi ci di messere A gnolo Politian idi B erna rdo giaburlari dz d i molti altri . 36 leaves.

[Florence ? 15 10 7]Wi th a woodcut on sig . a . i . The ti tle is ta lcenfrom sig . a . i i .

!M edi ci (S isto de’

)De L atinis Numerorum notis . if. 24.

Veneti is, ] 557 .

T he above da te is on the titlep age . Tha t given in the colophon is

November 1556 .

M e la (Pomponius)Cosmographia . Compendio J oannis Cocle i Norici adaucta , etc. ii . 27 ,followed by 32 unnumbered leaves, the last blank.

[Nuremberg, Johann c yssenburger,

M e lan ch th on (Philipp)A nnotationes Philippi Melanchthonis in E pistolas Pauli Ad Rhomanos

E t Corinthios. [With a preface by Luther]Norimbergae, p er Johannem S tuchs, 1522 .

Ph . Melanchthonis de a rte dicendi declamatio . Ejusdem de corrigendis

studiis sermo . R . A gricolae de formandis studiis epistola . L ucian i inCa lumn iam oratio . . I tem Luciani Opusculum ad indoctum multos

libros ementem. 60 leaves, the la st blank.

E a: l icissima Haganoa , p er Joha n. S ecerium, [ 1536Imp erfect , wanting the blanle leaf a t the end .

De a rtibus liberalibus oratio a Philippe Melanchthone Tubingse habita .

10 leaves.

[Hagenau] E x Cha r isio Thoma e Anshelmi , [15 17

Declama tivnevla in D . Pauli Doctrinam E pistola ad I ohannem

H essum Theologum Philippi Melanchthon is. 14 leaves .

Vuittenbergee , ap ud Melchiorem L ottherum,1520 .

With a woodcut on the t itlep age .

Defensio Philippi Mela nchthon is contra I ohannem E kivm Theologis eP rofessorem . 6 lea ves .

[Wi t tenberg, Joha nn Rhau] 15 19 .

8 4

M e lanch th on (Philipp)Didymi F aventini adversvs Thomam P lacent

invm [i .e . H . Emser] , proMa rtino L v thero theologico , oratio . Philippe Melanchthone avclore .

A nno M .D .XX I . 42 leaves .

[B asle , Adam Petri] 152 1

S ee R ims — University . Determinat io S ecunda alme fa cuTheologie Pa r18 1en . super A pologiam P . Melanchthonis

Luthero S criptam, etc.

E pistola (le L ipsica Dispvtatione . 4 leaves .

[Wittenberg ? Johann Grilnenberg ?With a MS . note

,in the handwriting of Jlfelanchthon, on the titlep age

S ummo viro D . B illiba ldo P irca imer Noricae urbis Decori .”

Philipps Melanchthons H andtbu chlein,w ie man die kinder z ii der

geschrifft und lere ha lten sol. W ittenberg M.D.XXI I I J . 6 . if. 24 leaves.

[ 1524

Lypsicaz D ispv ta tionis Epitome , cvm defensione D . E ccn adversvs

Me lanchthonem ,e t Melanchthonis modestiss . responsione . 16 leaves,

the last blank.

[Augsburg, S igismund Grim and Marcus Wirsung] , 15 19 .

S ee J OHANN von E ek. E xcusatio E ckii ad ea que falso sibi p .

Melanchton S uper Theologica disputatione L ipsica adscripsit.

[ 15 19 ]

S ententise Sanctorum Pa trum de Coena Domi ni , bona fide recita tze ,dz editae V u itebergae a P . Melanchthone anno 1530 . Nunc iterumexcusse . 24 leaves .

156 1 .

Unterricht der V isitatoren an die Pfarhern im Kurfurstenthum z ii

Sa chsen . W ittemberg M .D .XXVI I I . [B y Melanchthon . W ith a prefa ceby Luther .] 6 . it .

[ 1528Imp erfect ; want ing a ll after sig . C.

U rte il D . Martin L uthers und Philippi Melanchthonis von E rasmoRoterdam,

etc. 6 . 31 . 8 leaves, the last blank.

[S trasburg ? Johann S chott 1523 ]

V ocabula Mensura rum et R ei N uma riae . 8 leaves (the last blank) andone plate .

Norimbergae, Joachimas P etreius,1529 .

V on E rgern is des glawbens vnnd der liebc Philippus Melanchthon .

I tem vom gehorsam und gewa lt (les sollwerts . 6 . 31 . 16 lea ves .

1524 .


V on zw-ey erley . menschen w ie sie sich, in dem Gelawben halden solle ,

umnd was der seyhe . [By Martin Luther .] 6 . it . 8 leaves .

[15 23 t]

M eru la (Georgius)B egin. Georgius Merula A lexandrinus B a rtholomeo Chalco Duca liS ecreta rio sa . d icit . 10 leaves .

[ 15 15

Omnia opera D ini J oannis mesue cum expositione Mondin i super

canones universales, etc. ff. 355 .

fol. Venetiis, 1502 .

The title is taken from the colophon. With the bookp la te :“ L iber

B iliba ld i P irclcheimer .

M ezler (B a rtholomeus)M inistrorum verbi apud


Constantiam, etc .

S ee VANN iUs VVi NDNER (J .) and M E ZLER (B .)

M i cah,B ook of.

S ee B I BLE — Micah.

M i lton (J ohn)Pa radise L ost . A Poem in twelve books . The A uthor J ohn M ilton .

The second edition,revised and augmented by the same A uthor . pp . 333 .

L ondon, P rinted by S . S immons, 1674 .

With a n engraved p ortra i t ofMilton, by W. Dolle , asfrontisp iece.

M inado i (Giovanni Tomma so)H istoria della guerra fra Turchi et Persian i, di G io . Thomaso M inado i

da Rouigo . .Da ll’ istesso nouamente riformata , dz aggiun tini i successi

dell’ anno etc. [With an engra ved map ] pp . 383 .

Vene t ia , App resso Andrea llI uschio d} B a rczzo B a rczzi , 1588 .

[Another copy .]

M irab e lla e Alagon a (V incenzo)D ichia razioni della P ianta dell’ antiche S ira cuse, e (l

’alcune sce lto

Medaglie d’esse

,e de

P rincipi che quelle possedettero . 2 pts.

fol. Nap oli , L a zza ro S coriggio, 16 13Wi th engraved p la tes and t i tlep age .

[A nother copy of pt . 2]

8 7

Ad L ectorem . Dialogus festina s in quo medicaster qu idam a Philosophode ma la medendi ratioe coram Prestore postulatur, multiplicibusq;erroribus cfiuencit, etc. 16 leaves .

[Nuremberg,] F . P . [i .e . Friedrich P eg/pus, 1525Wi th a Woodcut.

More (S ir Thoma s)De optimo reip . statu deque noua insu la U topia libe llus uere aureus .

E pigrammata . . Thomae Mori , plera tg e Graecis. nersa Epigrammata Des .

E rasmi . pp . 355 .

4 . B asileae,Ap ud I o . F robenium, 15 18 .

Wi th woodcuts.

M o reau (Philippe)L e Tableau des A rmoiries de France . A uquel sont representees lesorigines !St ra isons cles A rmoiries, H erauts d

A rmes, (les marques de

N oblesse . pp . 444 .

P aris, Chez Rober t Fouet, 1609 .

M osellanus (Petrus)S ee S CHADE (Petrus) llI osella nus .

M o ses b en Joseph Kim ch i .R abi Mose K imb i in I ntroductorio Grammaticae . Heb. if. 78 .


,E a; Ofiicina Thomae Anshelmi , 15 19 .

Wi th a woodcut .

M os-es M a imon i d es .

[The Thirteen A rticles of the J ew ish Fa ith ] H eb. 10 leaves, the

last blank.

[I sng‘


M oses of Cou cy .

[The Great B ook of Commandments, composed by Moses of Coucy .] 248

leaves. H eb.

fol. [Venice, Daniel B omberg,

M u e ller (J ohann) R egiomontanus .

Canon J oannis de monteregio in Eph-

emerides. 6 . IL. 4 leaves .

[Venice ? 15 10 l]

Doctissimi vim I oannis cle Regio Monte de Triangulis omn imod is

libri qu inque . .A ccesserunt hue in ca lce plera tB D . N icola i Cusani deQ uadratura circuli , etc. pp . 137 , 93 .

fol. Norimbergae, aedibus I o. P et re i, 1533 .

Ka lendar . [For 1475—15 13 . E clipses for 1475—1530 ] E ndsKa lenders nucz vud tbglicha it na ch me ine slechten tew tsche vud

chlainem ve rmbgen . M . J oha n von kongsperg . 6 . 31 . 30 leaves .

[Nuremberg, I”. Johan von hbngsp erg, 1474

Coloured by ha nd, throughout.


M uenster (Sebastian)Cha lda ica Gramma tica , Heb. 11: L a t.

B asilea e, Apud Jo . 1527 .

The L a tin

Kalendari ii H ebra icum,etc. pp . 200 , followed by fourteen unnumbered

pav es .

B asilea e, Apud Jo. 1527 .

Wi thwoodcuts. The L a tin title is p receded by one in Hebrew.

M u surus (Marcus)i

E rvnohoy tKov ueya Kara dkcfiaflnrov, 1ra 1/v (bcbei uuov. 224 leaves.

fol. [Venice 1] 1499 .

With the bookp la te :“ L iber B iliba ldi P irehheimer.

”The second leaf

is illumina ted .

[A nother edition .] Meya‘

Ervuohoy i xov. ff. 175 .

fol. Venetiis, apud F edericum Turrisanum, 1549 .

N a ch t iga l l (Ottma r)Graece et L atine . Moralia queedam instituta , ex va rijs authoribus ,etc. 164 leaves .

Augusta? Vindelieorum, p er S imp ertum ruf ,E xp ensis D . S igismundi

Grim,1523 .

N ann in i (Remigio) Fiorentino .

Orationi M ilita ri . R accolte per R emigio F iorentino, da tutti gli

historiei greci e la t ini , antichi e moderni . Con gli effe tti, in questaseconda edit ione, che elle fecero negli an imi di coloroetc. pp . 1004.

Vinegia ,Gabr iel Gioli to de ’ Ferra r i , 1560 .

N ann ius (J o a nnes)S ee A NNIUS (J oannes)

N aso (J oannes)I oannis Nasonis S iculi Panhormis de specta culis a

A ragonei regis laudem ed itis B archi non ia in fidem eius recepta . 24

leaves,the fi rst and last blank.

[Nap les 3) 1473 1]Only two other cep ies of this work are known.

N atali s (H ieronymus)A dnotationes et Meditationes in E vangelia quse in sacrosancto missse

sacrlfi cio toto anno leguntur, etc . pp . 5 95 .

fo l. A ntnerp iae Ma rtinus Nutius , 159 4 .


Natalis (H ieronymus)A dnotationes et Meditationes in ed itio . pp . 636 .

fol. Antuerp ioe, Ma rtinus Nutius,1595 .

E vangelicae H istoriae Imagines ex ordine E vangeliorum ,quae toto anno

in Missee sacrificio recitantur, in ordinem temporis v itae Christi digest is .

[153 engraved plates, preceded by an engraved titlepage and five

unnumbered leaves, of which the last is blank ]fol. Anteerp iae, [Ma rtinus Nutius,] 1593 .

[A nother copy.]Without the blank leaffollowing the p relimina ry ma tter .

N azare i (J udas) p seud . [i .e . J oachim von Watt .]V om alten und n ii en Gott, Glauben , und L er. 6 . if . 40 leaves, of

which the last is blank.

[B asle, A . P etri ,] 152 1 .

With a woodcut on the titlep age.

De veteri et novicio Deo , de veteri et nova fide , sive Origo idolatriae .

[Translated by H artmannus Dulichius .] 34 leaves, the fourth and the

last blank.

Wittembergse , [Melchior L otter the younger .9 1522

N i co lau s, B ishop of Modrusch.

Oracio in funere Reuerendissimi domini dil i Petri Cardinalis, sanctisixti . 6 . 3L. ff. 8 .

P adue, p . ma thezl cerdonis, 1482 .

N i colau s, Ca rdina l.S ee KHRYPF F S (N icolaus) dc Cusa .

N i co laus, L eonieenus.

N icola i Plinn et aliorum medicorum erroribus liber , etc.

pp . 3 18 .

B asileus,H enri cus P etrus, 1529 .

N iger (Franciscus)P . F rancisci N igr i, a . V eneti . Sacerdotis artiuc doctoris : breuis

gramat ica, etc . 145 leaves.

Venetiis, 1492 .

The ti tle is taken from sig. a . ii i .

F rancisci N igri :‘

V eneti : doctoris : I n faustiss1mu pr1nc1pem S igis

mundfi p foelicissimo nouae sposae epi tha lamio : carmmu libellus,

etc . 14 leaves . 6 . 31 .


Opusculum epistolarum familiari ii a rtis eorudem scr1bcnd1 , etc.

37 leaves .

Veneti i s, a rte d‘ imp ensis H ermdni L i echtenstein 1488 .


N iphu s (A ugustinus)A ugustini N iphi Med icis libri duo . De Pulchro

, primus . De Amore ,secundus . pp. 277 .

L ugduni, Apud Godefridum,d} Ma rcollum, B eringos, fra tres, 1549 .

N on

N6 expetto gia ma i c6 molte altre cazone . 6 . 1L. 4 leaves.

Venetia , p er F rancesco B indoni, 1527 .

With a woodcut

N ori cus (J oannes Cocleus)S ee DOBNECK (Joannes) C


N otitia D ign i tatum

Notitia vtraqve digni tatvm, cvm Orientis, tvm Occidentis vltra A rcadii

Honoriiqve tempora . E t in eam Guidi Panciroli Commentarium .

E jusdem authoris de Magistratibus Municipalibus edi tio,auctior et correctior. 2 pts.

fol. L ugduni , ere Ofi c. Q . H . aP orta : Ap ud I o . de Gabiano, 1608 .

Wi th woodcuts.

Nu l lus,L ip siens is.

Nullus L ipsensis [Joannes Cellarius respondet Nemini Wittenbergensi

[J oannes Montano l] . 6 . 3L. 4 lea ves.

L ipsiw, Vuolfigangus Mona cen, 15 19 .

With a woodcut on the ti t lep age.

Nuremb erg Ch roni cle .

S ee S CH E B E L (Hartmannus)

Odassi (Tifi)[La Macharonea .] B egin. E st au ctor tiphis, leon icus, atque parenzus,Flora leon icfi ,

retinet phrosina tiphetum . 6 . it . 10 lea ves .

[Mi lan, 1490

Odon i (R inaldo)D iscorso di R inaldo Odoni

, per uia Peripatetica , oue si dimostra , se


anima , secondo A ristotele , emorta le , o immortale . fi‘

. 36 .

Venetia , A ldus, 1557 .

Oecolamp ad ius (J oannes)Oecolapadij iudicifi de doctore Martino L uthero . 4 leaves .

[Wi t tenberg 1520

Oecolampadij iudicifi de doctore Ma rtino L uthero . I tem responsumFriderici , ducis Saxonie datum L egatis Roma : Pontificis apud Coloma

A grippina. 4 leaves .

15 21 .

9 1

O ecolamp ad ius (J oannes)Dragmata Greecae L iteratures, a I o . Oecolampadio congesta . pp . 253 .

B asiliae,E x E dibus Andreae Cratandri et S erva tii Cruft, 15 18 .

lVith the p ortra i t by A lbrecht D iirer of B iliba ldus P irckheimer, and the

la tter’s bookp la te designed by D itrer and engraved by the llI a ster I . B . ,

1529 . On the titlep age, which has a woodcu t border is a MS . note as

follows : “ D . B illiba ldo P yrckaymer, p a tritio et sena tori Norinberge'

n,dito suo (E colamp adius dono mittit.

Ofii cio della gloriosa Ft sempre vergine Ma ria , tradotto in lingua

toscana per A ntonio B ruccioli . ff. 192 .

Vinegia , p er Francesco B indoni et Mapheo P asini , 1539 .

Omnibonu s,L eonieenus.

Clarissin i Omniboni L eoniceni de V incentia libellus de arte metrica .

12 leaves.


Opp i anus .

O7rm avov Biflhta 7T€VT€. ED . PR . 72 leaves .

Florentias , in E dibus P hilipp i I untae, 15 15 .

Osi and er (A ndreas)Conjectvree de ultimis temporibus, ac de fine mvndi

, ex sacris literis .

36 leaves .

Norimbergae, ap ud Johan. P e treium,1544.

.O strofrancu s (Christophorus)De Ratisbona Metropoli B oioariae e t subita ibidem J udseorum

proscriptione . 2 1 leaves .

Auguste, in edibus S iluani Otma r, 15 19 .

Ov id ius N aso (Publius)Opera . 2 pts.

fol. [Venice,] A Ma theo Cap casa ,1489 .

With MS . notes .

Publii Ovidii Nasonis Epistolarum H eroidum liber primus, etc. 66

leaves, the first blank.

fol. Venetiis, p Thoma de A lexandria ,1485 .

The title is taken from sig. a . ii .

Metamorphoseon Pub . Ov idii Nason is libri X V . R aphaelis R egii

V olterrani luculentissima explanatio, cum nouis J acobiadd itionibus, etc . pp . 340 .

fol. Venetiis, Apud ha eredes P etri R avani et socios, 1549 .

[A nother edition ] pp . 342 .

fol. Venetiis, I oan. Gryp hus , 1556 .

P accio l i (Luca)S iima de A rithmetica Geometria PrOportioni 7 PrOportionalita . 6 . it .

2 pts.

fol. Veneti is, P aganinus de P aga nino , 1494.

Pa ce (Richa rd) Dean of S t. P a ul’

s .

Richardi F ructu qu i ex doctrina percipitur liber . pp. 1 14.

B asileae, Apud I o. F robenium,15 17 .

P adovan i (Giovanni)Della Computatione de

’dal Reuer . S ig . D . Giouanni

Padouiano , 65 di nono da lui tradotta in lingua I taliana . pp . 97 .

.40 . Verona , Girolamo D iscep olo , 1590 .

Pa ltz (Johann von)D iss b iiechl in w irt genant die hymelisch Fundtgrfib . Das gar nutzlich

ist zii lesen vn betrachten das ley den Christi vnsers herzen . 6 . 11 .

24 leaves .

S trassburg, Cunra t Kerner, 15 17 .

With a woodcut on the titlep age.

P amph ilus, Ma urelianus.

Panphy lus de amore . 6 . it . 18 leaves, the first and last blank.


P anvin ius (Onuphrius)Fasti et Triumphi Rom . a Romulo Rege usque ad Carolum V Cass .

A ug . .A dditae sunt . . uerissimze I cones, ex vetustissimis numismatis .

delineates, etc . pp . 228 , follow ed by 101 leaves conta ining the I ndex,etc,

fol. Veneti is, I mp ensis I a cobi S tradec Mantuani , 1557 .

V ete rum Rom . ornatissimi amplissimig; Thriumphi ,L ibrorfi , L apidfi, nummoru monumentis desumpti , etc. pp . 19 , and

an engraved plate .

fol. Antverp iae S umtibus Corneli i de J udwis, 15 96 .

On the tit lep age, which is engraved, is a MS . note : Cla rissimo viro ,Dho Abrahamo Ortelio . Cornelius dc J uda eis D .D . a .

P ap a l R igh ts.

Die verte ii tschte Tex t aus den B ebstlichen Rechten und v il andrenglaubw irdigen geschrifi


é, etc. 6 . 31 . 26 leaves.

[S trasburg, J. Knoblouch,

P arabosco (Girolamo)Delle Lettere Amorose di M . Girolamo Parabosco . L ibro se condo con

alcune sue Novelle et rime . ff. 55 .

Vincgia , per F a nole Ghera rdo, 1548 .

9 3

P aris Un iversi ty .

Appellatio Universita[ 15 17

Determina tio theologicse Facvltatis Parisien . SVper doctrina L vtherianaha ctenus per eam v isa . A pologia [by Melanchthon] pro L vtheroadversus Decretfi Parisiensum . VVittembergae. A n . M .D . xxx.

20 leaves .

[Hagena u, Thomas Anshelm,

Determinatio secunda alme facultatis Theologie Parisie ii . super A pologiam Philippi Melanchthonis pro Luthero scriptum . L ibe r primus .

A nnexa est ratio determinationis prime. L iber secundus . TErtiusL iber habet quasdam' regulas intelligendi scripturas . 10 leaves, the last


[Wittenberg] ? J ohann Rhau ?

Passion .

A in schoner new e r Pa ssion . [An a ccount in B iblical language , of

L uther’s treatment at the D iet of Worms ] 6 . 32 . 4 leaves.

[152 1 2]

Pa ssione .

L a Passione del nostro Signore in stanze . 4 leaves .

[Venice, 1525 1]With a woodcut.

Patricius (Fran ciscus) B ishop of Ga eta .

Francisci Patricii Egloga de Cristi Nativ itate,etc. 4 leaves.

[Vicenza L eona rdus Acha tes ? 1490

Pau lo , Fiorentino .

S ee A TTAVANTI (Paulus)

Pau lus, E gineta .

Pauli A eginetae salubria de tuenda ualetudine praecepta , Guilielmo

Copo B asileiensi interprete . 80 leaves, the last blank.

Norimbergae, Ap ud Joannem P etreium, 1525 .

Pau lus, de Middeburgo, B ishop of Fossombrone.

Paulina de Recta Paschae Celebratione : et de die Passionis DominiNostri J esu Christi . 2 pts.

fol. F orosempronii , p er sp ectabilé Octauianii p etruti ii , 15 13 .

P au lus,Diaconus.

S ee WARNE FR IDUS (Paulus)

P au lus, P ergulensis.

Compendium perclarum ad introductione 1uuenum in faculta te Log ico,etc . 60 leaves .

Veneti is,'

148 1 .


Ph i lo Judaeus.

Philonis Judasi libri quatuor quorum primum est , De mundi fabr1catione , quse est aMoy se descripta secundus, De decem prseceptis, qusecapita legum sunt tertius, De magistratu seu pr incipe d eligendo ;quartus, De officio Indicis iam primum de Gracco in L atinum conversiI oanne Christophorsono A nglo interprete . pp . 149 .

Antverp iae, Joannes Verwithagen, 15 53 .

P i ccolomini (A lessandro)Della grandezza della terra et dell’ acqua . ff. 43 .

Venetia , App resso Giordano Ziletti , 1558 .

Ff . 41 and 43 a re misnumbered 42 and 41 resp ectively .

P imenta (Nicolaus)Nova relatio historica de rebus in I ndi a Orientali a Patribus S ocietatisJ esu A nno 1598 1599 gestis . pp . 200.

Moguntiae, E x Ofiicina Typ ographica Joannis A lbini , 1601 .

P irckh e imer (B ilibaldus)P riscorum Numismatum ad Nurenbergensis Monetse valorem factasestimatio , etc. ff. 36 .

Tubingae, p er Huldenrichum Morhardum,1533 .

P irckhe imer (B ilibaldus) and S p engler (L azarus)B egin. H ochw irdige fu rst uh herr, etc. [A letter to the B ishop of

B amberg , signed by P irckheimer and Spengler] 6 . 31 . 2 leaves.

40 .

Pith op cnus (Lambertus Ludolphus)L . L . P ithopoei . .de studio poetices, oratio 1 , etc. if. 52 .

E itelbergee, typ is J acobi llI ylii , 1586 .

P i ttoni (B attista)Imprese nobili et ingeniose de diuersi Prencipi et d’ altri personagg iillustri nell’ arme et nelle lettere . Con le dichiarationi in uersi di M .

L odovico Dolce e d’ a ltri . 7 1 lea ves.

Venetia , Girolamo P orro , 1578 .

E ngraved throughout.

Imprese di diversi Principi, Duchi , S ignori , e d ’ altri personaggi, et

huomini illustri . Nouamente ristampate. Con a lcune stanze, S onett idi M . L odouico Dolce . 48 leaves .

Venet ia,Gio . B a t tista B er toni

,1602 .

E ngraved throughout with the excep tion of the leaf conta ining the

dedica tion.


P ius I L,P op e .

[Cosmographia pt . B eg in. Pii . I I . Pontificis Max imi . H istoriarerum ubique gestarum cum locorum descriptione non finita A sia M inorincipit . ED . PR . 105 leaves .

fol. Venetiis, p er J oha nnem dc colonia sociumg; ej us Johannem Manthen

de Gherretzen, 1477 .

La discrittione de 1’A sia et E u ropa di Papa Pio I I . , e 1

historia de locose memorabili fatte in quelle , con 1

aggionta de 1’

A frica , etc. if. 380 .

Vinegia , Vincenzo Va ugris, 1544 .

L e historie costumi et successi della nobilissima Prou incia delli B oemi ,composti da Pio I I . .Nouamente di Latino in I taliano tradotti

,.etc .

if. 1 10 .

Vinegia , p er B a rtholomeo detto l’ Imp erador , 1545 .

Tractatul9 p E nea S ilv iii editus ad R egem bohemie Ladislaum . [Onthe education of boys ] 6 . 31 . 44 leaves .

[Cologne, Ulrich Zell, 1475 l]Rubrica ted throughout . lfVith a few MS . notes.

P lacen tinus (Gulielmus) de S a liceto.

S ee GUL I E LMUS , de Sa lice to .

Placentinus (Thomas) p seud .

S ee E MSER (H ieronymus)

P lague .

E in kurtze underrichtfig heilbarer krefi‘

tiger ertzeney , mit w elchen sichder mensch ,

w ider die pestilentz bewaren , auch die ienigen die do mit


en hulfi'

zureychen mag . 6 leaves , the last blank.

L eiptzck, Melchior L otther, [1500

E in ku rtz Regiment auss v il trefi'

enlichen zusamen geprachten tractaten

verstendiger a rzt gezogen w ie sich zu zeit'

é der pestilenz zuhalten sey .

6 . it . 8 leaves.

Nurmberg, durch F ryderichen P eyp us, 1520 .

Planudes (Maximus)’



,etc. ED . PR . 272 leaves .

F lorentiae , p er L aurentium F raczscz de A lop a Venetum, 1494.

One of the ea rliest Greek books p rinted in cap ita l letters.

P lato .


An aw a 7 6. 7 0 9 I lhof‘rwvos. ED . PR . pp . 502 , 439 .

fol. Veneti is, I n aedib. Ald i et Andrea e S oceri , 15 13 .

Wi th the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irckheimer .

Platyna. (B artholomaeus)S ee SACCH I (B artholomaeus) de Pla tina .


P lautus (Titus Maccius)Plantinae u iginti comoediae . .magna ex parte itez; emendatae perGeorgium A lexandrinum . 243 leaves, the first blank.

fol. Tarvisi i , op era d‘ imp endio P auli de F eraria ; a tq; Dionysi z dcB ononia , 1482 .

Imp erfect, wanting the blank leaf at the beginning. Wi th MS . no tes.

The ti t le is takenfrom the colophon.

M . Plauti linguae latinae Principis comoediae xx . recens ex collatione

multorum codicum . . recognitae . I tem eaedem comoediae oibus ferelocis cbmentationibus ornantur : quas B erna rdus S aracenus adq; J oannesPetrus V alla scriptas olim reliquere . Nee desunt quog; observatiGes

quaepiam Pii B ononi ensis spa rsim colloca tae , etc. if. ccxxv111 . ,CLXXX IX .

fol. Venetiis, per L aza rum soa rdum,15 1 1 .

With woodcuts.

P lin i‘

us Caec ilius S e cundus (Ca ins)Hoe in V olumine haec continentur . C . Plin ii Secund i E pistolarum

L ibri octo . . Panaegyricus Neruae Imperatori d ictus De V iris I llustribus L iber . 108 leaves.

[Venice f 1450 l]The ti tle is takenfrom sig . n . vi . verso .

P rima (S ecunda) pars P lyniani I ndicis editi per Joanné Camerté,etc.

226 leaves, of which the last is blank.

Viennae P annoniee, p er H ieronymum Vietorem J oannemq; S igreni ii ,15 14.

Wi th the bookp la te : L iber B iliba ldi P irckheimer.

P lutarch .

[Moralia ] Plutarchi Opuscula LXXXI I . ED . PR . pp . 1050 .

fol. Venetiis, I n aedibus A ldi d} Andreae Asulani Soceri , 1509 .

Tov o oqbw'


rov Hitov‘

rapxov ll apahtxnhov. B LOL¢

Paipto uo w Ka t.

ff. 344.

fol. F lorentias , in aedibus P hilipp i iuntee, 15 17 .

P lutarchi V itae . ff. 145 , 144 .

fol. Venetiis, p er Joannem R iga tium de Monteferra to, 149 1 .

With woodcu ts and MS . notes.

The lives of the noble Grecians and out of

Greeke into French by J ames Amiot . and out of French into E nglishby Thomas North . pp . 1 173 .

fol. L ondon, R icha rd Field for B onham Norton, 1595 .

S itne rationi s aliqua in bestiis vis, tum utro animan tifi plus hujushabeant, terrestriane , an aquati ca , Plutarchi libellus S imone Grynseointerprete , etc. 1 12 leaves . Grk. (f‘ L a t.

B asileae, Apud J o. B ebelium,1 534.


P ossevino (A nton io)A nton ii Possevim Mescev

ia, et a lia Opera de statu hujus secu li


adversus Cathelicse E cclesise hestes,etc. pp . 392 .

fol. [Cologne,] I n ofiicina B irckmannica ,1587 .

L a Moscevia d’ A ntonie di Latino in volga re daG iovambattista Possevino . if. 295 .

Ferra ra ,B enedet to Mammarelli

, 1592 .

The first eight leaves are mutila ted .

Potho , a B enedictine, of P rilfiling .

D . Pothonis. De S tatu Demus De i,libri quincB. Ej usdem

, de Magna

Demo S apientiee, liber unus , etc. ff. 88 .

Haganoae, p er J oan. S ecerium, 1532 .

F ratus (Antonius) Ca rdina l.S ee DU PRAT (A ntoine) Ca rdina l.

P ri eras (Sy lvester)S ee MAZZOLINI (S ilvestre ) de P rierio.

P robus (Marcus V a lerius)V alerii Probi Grammatici de L iteris A ntiqu is Opusculum . 24 leaves.

[Ma inz, J ohann S chof er, 1520 1]

Hec in volumine haec continentur. M . V a l. P robus De Notis R oma .

E x cod ice manuscripto castigatior, auctierque , quam unquam antea ,fa ctus. Petrus D iaconus de eadem Demetrius A lab‘

aldus de M inutiis.

I dem de Ponderibus . I dem de Mensuris. V en . B eda de compute perGestum digitorum . I dem de L oquela . I dem de Ratione vnciarum, etc.

if. 8 1 .

Veneti i s, I n aedibus I oannis Tacuini Tridinensis , 1525 .

F ol. 8 1 is misnumbered 79 .

P roclus, Diadochus .

de Metu disputatio , etc. pp . 47

B asilew,P er I o . B ebclium et Mich. Ysingrininm,

153 1 .

Proph eti a .

Prephetia tronata in R oma intagliata in marme ro : in versi Latini .Trata in v olga r sentimGto Con una ltra prephetia la tina . 6 . it . 2 leaves .

Roma , p er Ma es tro Fra ncesco da Udcnc, [ 152 5 7]With a woodcut .

P roverb s,B ook of .

S ee B I BLE — P roverbs.

P salm s , B ook of.

S ee B I BLE — P sa lms .

l 00

P sa lte r.

‘l’aATfip lOV. [Ed ited by J ustinus Deeady us .] 150 leaves .

E y p ci¢n e’

v éver ia t s e’

v o ix e iaa'

A )\8 0 v r e i) p a vo v‘

r i o v, [ 1497 7]P rinted in red and black. The woodcut border to sig . a . i ii , and the initia lle tter, ha ve been coloured by hand .

P tolemwu s (Claudius)I n hec epere haec continentur. Neua translatio primi libri geographizeCl. V ernero Nuremberge


fi . interprete , etc. 68 leaves .

fol. Nurembcrgee, a I oanne S tuchs, 15 14.

Pu lc i (B ernardo)L a vendetta che fece Tito 7 V espasiano contra la citta di H ierosa lemela morte di J esu Christo . [I n verse . B y B ernardo Pulci . ] 4 leaves.

Venegia , p er Francesco di Alessandro B indoni , 1526 .

With a woodcu t .

Pu l ci (Luigi )S tramotti 7 Fieretti mobilissimi dame re . I n ciaschadun verso e canto

al sue preposite . Neuamente tronati 7 composti per el nobile homoA luise pulci F irentino . 4 leaves.

[Venice ,] P er Francesco B indoni , [ 1525Wi th a woodcut.

Q uerimon ia .

Q uerimonia E cclesiae , pp . 235 .

L endini, E a: Typographia I . Winde t p ro R icha rdo Wa tkins

,1592 .

Q u int ilianus (Marcus Fabius)B egin [sig . a . ii , after three leaves conta in ing the Table and Dedica tionM . Celius Fabius Q uintilianus Tripheni B ibliopolle sa lutem . E nd [sig .

D . iii .] M F abii Q uintiliani Oratoriarum I nst itutienu in libri duodecimiet ultimi finis . 200 leaves .

fol. [Treviso t Johannes Rubens ?

Wi th lil S . notes and add itions.

R ecept .E yn bewert Recept w ie man das he ltz Ch agaca fur d ie F rantzescn

b rauchen sol. 6 . 11 . 4 leaves .

[Nuremberg, J . Gu tknecht ,] 15 18 .

A in Recept ven a inem heltz l brauchen fii r d ie kranckha it der

F rantzesen auf hispanischer sprach Teu tseh gema cht, etc.

6 . 11. 6 lea ves , the last blank.

A ngpurg , Hanns von 1519 .

10 1


egius (Raphael)R aphaelis R egu epistola; Plynu : qua libri na tura lis historiae Tito Vespasiano ded icantur enarratienes

,etc. 37 leaves.

Vene tiis, Gulielmus Tridinensis cognomcnto Anima mia ,1 490 .

R e isch (Gregorius)Margarita Philesephiea . 300 leaves, the last blank.

[S trasburg ,] Joa nnis S chott i, 1504.

Wi th woodcuts. rfect, wanting sig . d. vii i . Willi the bookp la te ofH . Dircks.

R -

em igio ,Fiorentino .

S ee NANN IN I (R emigio)R eu ch linu s (A ntonius)

Tabvlse v iginti, institvtienes in lingvam sanctam absolvtas complectentes ,ex selectissimis H ebreerum Grama ticis

, priesertim ex libris , q ues de re

Grammatica scripsit E lias L enites ce llectse A ccessit his exeges is

dictionvm in Psa lmes sex , etc. 2 pt .

fol. B asileae, p er Henrichum P e tri , 1554.

The L a tin ti tle is p receded by one in Hebrew.

R euch linus (J oann es)De accentibu

s et orthographia linguae H ebraicae libri tres, etc.

ff. 83 and five unnumbered leaves .

Hugeness, I n aedibus Thomae Anshelmi B adensis,15 18 .

With a woodcu t on the ti tlep age .

J eann is R euchlin De Rudimentis Hebraicis libe r. pp . 620 .

fol . P horce,I n a edib. Tho . Anselmi , 1506 .

R eu sch iu s (J oannes)Deelamat io de vere philosophe , et de philosophies origine, ac partitione ,etc. 10 leaves .

L ip siee, ex aedibus Va lentini S chumaii , 15 18 .

Praeeavendae et evrandae pestilitatis methodus. 1 6 leaves.

Lyp siae, Nicolaus Fabri , 1527 .

Rh ad inus Todisehus (Thomas)Theme Rhadini Todischi ad I llustriss. et invictiss. P rincipes e t

populos Germanic , in Martinfi Lutherii V u ittenbergesem or . H ere .

Nation is gloria V iolatem : Oratio . 34 leaves .

L ip siee, apud Melchiorem L ottherum seni ore , 15 20.

Rhodiginus (Ludovicus Caelius)S ee R ICI I E RIUS (L . C.) Rhodiginus.

R ich eome (Louys)Pla inte apologétique au Roy pour la Compagnie de J esus . Contra

le libelle de l’

A utheur sans nem [i .e . A ntoine A rnaulcl] intitulé Le Franc(it veritable D iscou rs

,&c . A ve c quelques notes sur un autre libelle (li t

L e Catechisme des J esu ites [by E tienne Pasqu ier] . ff. 178 .

[B ordeaux Jouxte la Copp ie I mp rimce , 1603 .


.Paruulus Philosophies moralis, ad Philesophi aemulat1ene exaratus

, etc .

68 leaves.

Nurnbergse, F redericus P eyp us, 15 16 .

R ossi (Octavio) .

L e Memorie B resciane . Opera iste rica e simbolica . pp. 340 .

B rescia , P er B a rtolomeo Fontana,1 6 16 .

With engraved i llust ra tions .

Roy al S o c i ety of L ond on .

Philosophica l Collections . N e s . 1 —7 .

L ondon, P rintedfor John llI artyn [no . for Moses P i t t [110 . forR icha rd Chiswel [nos . 3 1679—8 2 .

Wi th engraved p la tes. A note,signed J . West , on the flyleaf of the

volume sta tes This is the origina l set of Transa ctions p resented to KingCha rles the S econd .

The H istory of the R oy al S ociety . . B y Thomas Sprat , B ishop of

Rochester . pp . 438 .

L ondon,16 6 7 .

With a n engra ved front isp i ece by Holla r, and two p la tes.

[A nother copy .]

[A nother copy .]Wi th a MS . note on the frontisp iece

“ P resented to the R . Society fromthe au thor by the ha nds of Dr . John lVi lkins, Oct. 10 ,

R e zonus (Marcus A ntonius)M . A . Rezeni C6pendium de leuitate V a t icinatium futu re s rexu euetus.

vanitate pnosticatium diluuium . fi‘

. 32 .

Norimberge, p er F ridericum p eypus, 15 24.

Rub e ls (Josephus de)I nsignieres sta tuarum u rbis R emse icenes . 49 pla tes.

Romse, 16 19 .

E ngraved throughout .

Rub ins (J oannes)E ncemifi Rubi] L ongipelli apud L ipsim in errores ques pueriliter

cSmisit adversus V uittenbergen N eme dictav it . 6 . 11 . 8 leaves,the la st blank.

L ip si , Wolfgangus Monacen, 15 19 .

S elutiones a c responsa w it. Dectorum in publica disputatifie L ipsicac


5tra fulmia E ckiana pa ril pfutura tumorqg adve t us et hhilitas eorurecessus. Per J o . Ru . L engi . cbpe rta ta . 6 . 11 . 10 leaves .

[L eip sic, JlI artin L andsberg,

[Another copy .]

10 l

Ruscel l i (Girolamo)L e Imprese illustri del S or J eronimo Ruscelli . A ggiuntovi nuova1n'° ilquarto libro (1a V in cenzo Ruscelli da V iterbo . 2 pts.

Venet ia , Francesco de fraceschi S enesi , 1584 .

Wi th engra ved titlep ages and illustra tions. The titlep age to p t. 2 bea rsthe da te 1583 .

Lettere d i Principi , lo quali 6 S i scrivono da principi oragienan di principiRuscelli . 3 vols .

Venet ia , 1562—7 7

Rusins (L auren tius)L iber Marescaleie copes1tus a L aurentio d icto Rusie . 6 . 11. fl. 99 .

[Sp eier Conrad H ist ? 1485 l]

S ac ch i (B artholomseus) de P la tina .

B artholemaei P latynae Dialogus de fiesculis qu ibusdam linguae Latinae

a d L aelium . 52 leaves .

4 0 . [1500 i]

S a la .

L a S ala di M a lagigi . [I n verse . B y Christ-efe re Fiorentino ] 4 leaves ,

[Venice ,] P er F rdcesco B indoni , 1526 .

Wi th a woodcut.

S allustius Crispus (Cains)L

’H isteria di C. Crispo S allustio nuovamente per L elie Carani tradotta .

pp . 281 .

Fiore-nza , L orenzo Torrentine , 1550 .

The titlep age is mutila ted .

L a cenjuracien de Catilina y la guerra de Jugurta . pp . 395 .

fol. Madrid, Joachin I ba rra , 177 2 .

S ambu cus (J oannes)Emblemata et a liquot nummi antiqu i Q uarta edit io

, etc. pp . 352 .

Antverp iae, E a; ofiicina Christophori P lautini , 157 6 .

Wi th woodcuts.

S anoto G eorgie (B envenutus de)De origine Guelpherum et Gibellinerum

,quibus elim Germania ,

I talia exardet,libellus eruditus, etc. 6 leaves .

B asilese, Ap ud Andream Cra tandrum. 15 19 .

S ap i a. (S ebastianus)S . S apie Oratio in funere J asonis maini habita . V I I . Calen . Ma ias

M .D .Xlx. 6 . 1L. 8 leaves, the last blank.

Ticini,cessa p er J acob dc B urgofranco, 15 19 .


S auromannu s Georgius)H ispanise Conselatio .

— A d H ispanos pest A ug . principis Ca re li Re .

R egis E 1. discessum oratio . 24 leaves.

[ 1520]Wi thMS . note on the titlep age Dno B ijliba ldo P g rchkefgmero .

(Giovanni Michele)De Gotta la preservatione e eu ra , etc . 6 . it . 40 leaves, of which thelast is blank.

P auia , Jacob da l B orgofrdcho, 1505 .

S avonarola de omnibus mundi ba lne is . ff. xxxv .

fol. Venetiis, p er Cristoferd de P ensis de Mandello , [ 149 7

Practica J eann is Michaelis S auenarele . ff. 277 .

fol. Venetiis, p er B ernardin tl Uercelle’sez, 1502 .

The last leaf is not numbered .

S camoz z i (V icenzo)Discorsi s0pra l

A ntichita di Roma Con XL Tauele in Rame .

54 leaves .

fol. Venetia , Francesco Ziletti , 1583 .

Wi th engraved titlep age.

S ch ade (Petrus) Mosellanus .

De Ratione disputandi , pr'

aesertim in re Theologica , Petri Mosellani


fe . Epistola quaedam E rasmi ad Petrum Mosellanum , mire festina .

E pistola item E rasmica ad (1. doctorem Martinum Lutherium. 16 leaves .

[L eip sic, Melchior L etter the elder,

Oratio de variarum linguarum cognitiene pa randa , etc. pp . 67 .

B asileae, Apud I oannem F robenium,15 19 .

S chedel (H artmannus)B egin . R egistrum huius open s libri crenicarum cu figuris et ymagibus

ab inicie mfidi . fol. 299 .

fol. Nur'embergs, Anthonins Koberger, 1493 .

The work known as the “ Nuremberg Chronicle . Imp erfect ; wantingthe five leaves after the colophon. F ol. 1 is illumina ted . Cop iously i llustra ted with woodcuts

,and wi th a woodcut map at. the end .

S che iner (Christophorus)R efractienes ceelestes, sive selis elliptici phaenomenon illustratum,


pp . 132 .

I ngoldstadi i , ea: Ofiicina E deriana , apud E lisabetham Angermariam,

16 17 .

S 0 1 elliptic : hec est novum dz perpetuum S olis centrahi S oliti Phwnemenen moniter inventum, etc . pp . 34.

A ugustee Vindelicorum,typ is Christop hori Mangzg, 16 15 .


S ervius M aurus H onoratu s.

[15 10’


[Commentaries on V irgil ] B egin [fel. 1 . recte z] V irgilius Mareparentibus medicis fuit , etc. 344 leaves .

fol. [Venice, C. Va lda rfer,] 147 1 .

S even S leepers .

L egenda delli sette dormienti : li quali dormirono anni trecento settantatre, etc . 33 .

ill . 4 leaves.

[ Venice,] P er Francesco B indoni,1524 .

Wi th a woodcu t .

S h ake spe are (William)Mr . William Shakespea res Comedies, H istories, and Tragedies . Published a ccording to the true Origina ll Coppies . The second Impression .

3 pt .

fol. L ondon, P rin ted by The . Cotes, for Rober t Allot, 1 632 .

The “ S econd F olio . I mp erfect ; wanting the p relimina ry leaf con

ta ining B en J onson’

s verses To the R eader and f . 6, 7 of the eight

unnumbered lea ves whichfollow the ti tlep age.

S icu lus (Philippus)S ee B ARB ER I I S (Philippus de).

S i lvat ious (Matthaeus)L iber pandectaru ; medicine : omnia medicine simplicia c6tines, etc .

6 . ll . 232 leaves.

fol . Venetiis, ip fidio J ohdnis Colonic agripp inésis Johani sg3 nia then

gheretzen socion,1480 .

Wi th the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irckheimer .

S imlerus (J osias)R espublica Helvetierum . .A ccesserunt X I I I . Pagerum principum

H elvetise icones. pp . 207 .

Tiguri , I n Ofiicina Wolphiana , 1608 .

S lusius (R ena tus Franciscus)R . F . Slusii Mese labum seu duse mediee proportionales inter extremas

datas per circulum et per infinitas hyperbe las , etc. pp . 18 1 .

L eodii E buronum,apud Guilielmum Henricum S t reel, 16 68 .

Smith (J ohn) Governor of Virginia .

The Genera ll H istorie of V irginia , New E ngland, and the S ummerI sles w ith the names of the A dventurers, Planters and Governeurs .

from ‘

1584 to this present 1626 . .A lso the Maps . . Of all these

Countreys, etc. pp .


248 .

fol . London, P rinted by I . D . and I . H . for E dwa rd B lackmore , 1632 .

Wi th engra ved ti tlep age and four map s. S hee t 0 , conta ini ngpp . 9 7—104,was supp ressed and is want ing in this and a ll other cop i es.


Smi th (S ir Thomas)Thomae Smithi A ngli de Republics. A nglorum libri tres. I tem varna lle rum Discu rsus Politici de Regne A ngliae ejusqg A dministratiene .

pp. 239 .

L ug . B a tavorum,E x qfi cina E lzeviriana , 16 25 .

The ti tlep age is engraved .

S o l is (Giulio Cesare de)L

’ Origine di molte citta del monde , et pa rticolarmente di tutta I ta lia ,etc . pp . 75 .

B ologna , p er A lessandro B enacci , 1589 .

S pagnuo li (B aptista) Mantuanus.

F ratris B aptistse Mant. Ca rmelitas . de suorum tempern Calamitat ibusL ibe r feliciter incipit . 64 leaves.

B on[oniae] , Franciscus P la te do B encdictis, 1489 .

With the bookp la te L iber B ilibaldi P irckhe imer.

”The title is taken

F ratris B aptistas Mantuam Parthenice . 70 leaves.

B ononise, Franciscus P la to de B encdictis, 1488 .

The ti t le is takenfrom sig . c . i .

S p alat inus (Georgius)S ee B URCKARD (Georg)

S p engler (L azarus)B egin. [sig . a . l recte z] H e chwurdige fu rst, etc. [A letterB ishop of B amberg , signed by P irckhe imer and Spengler]2 lea ves .

[ 15204

E in Ku rtzer begrifi'

w ie sich ein warhafi'

ter Christi,in a llem se inem

w esen und wandel, gegen Got und seinem nechsten halten sol.

16 leaves.


S ehutzred nu christenliehe antwui t ains erbarn liebhabe i s ge tt

lieher warha it der ha iligen geschrifi‘

t aufi'

ettlicher w idersprechen,m it antzaigunge, warub Doctor Martini L uthers leer n itt sa In

unchristélich verworfi'

en , sender mer als Christenlich gehatten werdenS611

, 7 5 . A pologia . 6 . 3L. 9 leaves.

[Augsburg, Sylvanus Otma r,

[A nother edition ] S ehutzred unnd christe liche antq t a ins erbern

liebhabers getlicher w arhay t der hey ligen sehrifi’

t ” .mit an zaygugw arumb D . Ma rtini Luthers leer n it als unchristenlich verwerffen “

w erd'

é sol . . A pologia . Dya legus Defenserius. 6 . it . 8 leaves.

[Nuremberg, Jobst Gutlcnecht, 1520 l]


S penser (Edmund)The Shepherd

s Calenda r containing twelve aeglogues, etc.— Calendarium

pastora le . .Carmine donatas a Theodore B athurst. pp. 147 . E ng .

d: L a t.

L ondon, p rinted for M. M. T. C. and Gabriell B edell, 1653 .

S perlingius (Ottho)Otthonis Sperlingu . . B e reas ejusd; laudes. pp . 264.

Havniw, E a: R eg. Maj est. cf: Universit. Typographéo, 1707 .

S peron i degl i Alvarotti (Sperone)D iscorsi del S ig . Sperone Sperem della Prece denza de

’P rincipi , e

della Militia . pt . 1 .

Venetia , Giouanni A lberti , 1598 .

Wanting p t. 2 , conta ining the “Mi litia .

S ponton e (Ciro)A ttieni de

’Re dell’ Ungaria , etc. pp . 140 .

fol. B ologna , p er Vi t torio B ena cci, 16 20 .

Wi th a woodcut of the genea logica l tree of the Hungarian kings

descended from A t tila .

S p rat (Thomas), B ishop of Rochester .The H istory of the R oyal S ociety of L ondon,

for improving of Natura lKnow ledge . pp . 438 .

L ondon, p rinted by T. R . for J . Ma rtyn, 16 67 .

With an engraved frontisp iece by Holla r, and two p la tes.

[A nother copy .]

[A nothe r copy.]Wi th a MS . note on the frontisp iece

“ P resented to the R . S ocie ty fromthe author by the hands of D r. John Wilkins, Octob. 10. 16 67 .

S prigge (Joshua)A nglia Rediviva England

’s Recovery being the H istory of the

motions , a ctions, and successes of the A rmy under S r Thomas Fa irfax,

K ‘, Capta in

-Genera l of a ll the Pa rliaments forces in E ngland . pp . 335 .

fol. L ondon,P rin ted by R . W. for John P a rtridge, 1647 .

With two engraved p ortra i ts of Fa irfax (one inserted) and a. p lan ofthe ba ttle of Naseby .

S tatius (Publius Papinius)[Works ] B egin. [sig . a . 11 recto Theba idos liber primus

,etc .

2 10 leaves.

fol. Veneti i s, P er Magistrh J acobum dc paganinis brisiensis, 1490 .

S ta ll p i tz (J ohann ven)A in seligs newes jar. V on der lieb gottes. 6 . ii . 32 lea ves , the

last blank.

[ 15 18]Wi th a woodcut on the ti tlep age .

1 1 1

S u lpi c ius (J eannes) Verulanus .

I o . Sulpitii uerulani de octo partibus erationis libellus utilissimus ,

etc. 85 leaves.

Venetiis, p er Christoforum de p ensis de mandello, 1489 .

o r ecba'

wov rei) ue’

havos. [S ig a . iii To “Ev5 10 leaves.

dexteri ta te D . Demetri i Cha lcondyli I oannisrp ensium, 1498 .

S ig. 01. ii i is wanting, and has been supp lied in MS .

S ymeoni (Gabriele)I llustratiene de gli epitaffi et medaglie antiche . pp . 174.

I n L ione, P er Giovan di Tournes , 1558 .

L es I llustres Observations A ntiques du S eigneu r Gabriel SymeonFlorentin, en son dernier voyage d

l talie l’

an 1557 . pp . 134 .

A Lyon, P ar I an de Tournes. 1558 .

T a ci tus (Publius Cornelius)C . Cornelii Ta citi et C. V ellen Patercvli scripta quze exstant

additique Commentarii cepiosissimi Notse non antea editus, etc. 3 pt .

fol. P a risiis, E . Typographici P e tri Cheva lier,1608 .

L e H istorie A uguste di Cornelio Taeite . Neuellamente fatt e I taliane .

if. 422 .

Vinegia , Vincenzo Vaugris, 1544.

The ti tlep age and last leaf are mutila ted .

T agene , Decanas B a tha uensis.

Clarissimo Domino A rien iste dedicatum . E xpeditie A sia ticaaduersus Turcas dz S aracene s Imperatoris Fride rici P rimi Caesa risA ugusti , ex S uev ia oriundi Tagene Deeanns B a thauésis

scripsit, etc. 10 leaves .

1522 .

T annstetter Collimitius (Georgius)A ndree S tiborii et Georgii Tannstetter Collimitii de Remani

Calendarii corrections Consilium,etc. if. 10 .

Viennae , Joannes S ingrenius ,

T aranta (V alescus de)P ractica valesci de Thar


ata . que alias philonium die itur vua cu domin iJoannis de tornam ira indreducterio . 6 . ii . if. CC IX .

fol. Venetiis, [P eter L iechtenste in,] 1502 .

1 12

T errac ina (Laura)D iscorso sopra tutti li primi canti d



Furieso. fi'

. 83 .

Vinetia , Gabriel Giolito di F errarii , 1550 .

With woodcut illustra tions and p ortra it of the author .

T ertulli anu s (Q uintus Septimius Flerens)Q . S eptimi i F lerentis Tertulliani Apelegeticus aduersus gentes.


fol. Venetiis, p er B ernardinum B ena lium, [1485 1]

Th eocritu s.

[Seven I dyls, translated into L atin hexameters by Martinus Phileticus.

B egin. 1 . recto Phileticus de v ita Theecriti in libro deantiquis. 20 leaves.

[Rome, E ucharius S ilber, 1480


Theodosii de Sphaericis libri tres, a J . Vfigelin restituti et scholiis

illustrati . fi'

. 52 .

Viennse , in ofiicina J oannis S ingrenu ,1529 .

With a woodcut on the titlep age.

Th eophy lact, A rchbishop of Achrida .

Theephylaeti in quatuor E vangelia enarratienes, J eanne (E celampadie interprete . if. 22 1 .

fol. Apud inclytam B asileam, I n ofiicina Andreae Cra tandri , 1524 .

With a MS . note on the titlep age“ D . B iliba ldo P yrckheimero dr

i o utq .

p atrono suo And . Cra tander. D .D .

Thomas,P lacentinus, p seud.

S ee E MSER (H ieronymus)

Thu cy d ides.

B egin. [sig . a I I :] L aurentu V a llensis in Thueydidis historieitranslatienem prooemium . [S ig a . iii Thueydidis H istoriarum Pele

pennensium liber primus. ED . PR . 134 leaves .

fol. [Venice, J ohannes Rubens, 1485 2]Wi th the bookp la te L iber B iliba ldi P irckheimer.

[Thueydidis A th. de B elle Peleponnesiorum V I I I e Graece S ermone inlatinam lingnam conv . a V ite W insemio, patre , eta ] pp . 848 , precededby 42 unnumbered pages .

[Vuitebergae,I mp erfect, wanting the ti tlep age and following leaf. S ig . a . i ii , a . i i ii,

and pp . 847 d} 848 are mutila ted .

Thucidide H istorice Grece delle guerre fatte frai pepeli della Morea et

gli A theniesi . Tradetto dal Grece per Fran cesco di S elde S trozzi, etc .

pp . 463 .

Vineg ia , App resso Gabrie l Giolito da Ferra ri , 15 64.

1 13

Thumm a i er (J ohann) A ventinus .

D ivis Dieny sie A reopagites H emerane,B e lfgange , tutela ribus B oiarize

princibibus [sic] be ioz; V ilelmie L itanico,

u ric i quarti cze s . A ug . duc is vere B ole rumseptimi v ita . E iusdem episte lze , etc. 32 lea ves, the last blank.

Augustse Vindelicoru, i n s ig ismundi Grimm lll ed ici d' Ma rci Vui rsungoflicina , 15 18 .

Thy lesius (A ntonius)De Ce leribus. A nthonu Thy lesu Cosentini libellus Cum ali is

qu ibusdam eiusdem a rgumenti au teribus . pp . 35 .

[Cologne, Joannes Gymnicus ? 1530 22]

A . Thy lesn Consentini Oratio : qvam habvit in fvnere illvstrissiui iI oannes I acobi Trivultii . 8 leaves .

Med iolani , p er Augustinum de Vicomerca to, 15 19 .

T i ssardus (Franciscus)D ialogus npodvuon


oi‘rpts Ka i ppm/que s. 90 leaves .

P arrhisiis, Op eroso huic op uscule ewtrcmam imp osuit manum E .

Gourmontius, 1 508 .

The ti tle is takenfrom s ig . a . iii .

T od isehus (Thomas Rhadinus)S ee RHAD INUS Tomscnus (Thomas).

To ledo (Gendisalvus de)Epistola astrologie defensiva .

— Amicus medicerum magistri J ehann is

Ganiueti A strologia Y pecratis, etc . 6 . ii . 64 leaves.

I n civi ta te L ugdunen, a rte 7 industria JII ag istri Johannis Cleyn, 1503 .

V on dem Osterlemlen vnd Testament Jhesu Christi , aus dem tzwolfi‘


Capittel des andern buchs Mosi . J eha . The ltz 15 26 . 6 . it . 16 leaves.

[L e ipsic, 15 26 ]

Tomma i (Petrus)Ca rmina Petri de R auenna recitata '

p ipsu ; in fune rePetri de fe rtiguerris, etc . 6 . 31 . 1 1 lea ves .

[P adua , llI a tthz—eus Cerdonis do I/Vind ischgretz , 1485 1]

Torn iellus (A ugustinus)Annales S acri dz Profan i ab orbe condito , ad eundem Christi passieneredemptum cum figuris seneis. 2 tom . [in one] .fol. F rancofurti, ap ud Joannem Theoba ldum S chon lVetterum, 16 1 1 .

Wi th a DI S . note on the t i tlep age I llust rissimo viro Henrico Howa rdo

Comiti Nortlumnp tonio Robertus Cottonus .

wanting a ll after sig . C.

Urb anu s .

S ee B OLZAN I US (U rbanus).

Ursinus (F ulv ius)Fami liae Romanae quae reperiuntur in A n

tiq—uis N omismatibus ab U rbeCondita ad tempera Div i A ugusti, ex B ibliotheca Fulvi U rsini . A d

ntoni A ugustini, .e tc. pp . 403 .


Ursinu s V elius (Caspar)Casparis V i sini V elii S ilesn Epistelarum !it epigrammatum liber

,etc .

34 leaves .

Vienna? Austrian, p er Joannem S ingreni ii , [ 15 17 l] .

Y e ll (Georgius)Georgii E xpetendis et F ug iendis Rebus opus . 630 leaves.

fol. Venetiis, in a ed ibus A ld i Romani , 150 1 .

Georgie V alla P lacentino I nterprete . H ec in volumine hec centinentur,

etc . [A collection of trea t ises by N icepherus, E uclid , A ristotle, Galen ,

and others, translated by V a lla ] 200 leaves.

fol . Venetiis, p er S imone P ap iensem dictum B eu ilaguam,1498 .

V alla (L aurentius)L aurenti i Ad B reue Q uoddam A c Perutile

R edactse Compend ium . 84 leaves, the last four blank.

[P a ris,F i liw B a ligault, 1495 2]

Four blank leaves a t the end of the book are occzlp ied by verses in AIS ,

headed : Ca rmina mea t} P ada e composa i , Aiio dTi i, 149 1 .

I n A nton ium raudensem L aurentn V a llensis Opuscu lum . fi'

. 106 .

Venetiis, I mp ressa mira L ucas hunc a rte lebe lium, 148 1.

Wi th the bookpla te L iber B ili ba ldi P irckhe ini c r .

V altz (J ohann ven)S e e PA LTZ (J ohann ven)

1 1 6

Vannius (J ohannes), Windner (J acebus) and M ozler (B artholomeus)M in istrorum ve rb i apud Constantiam ,

ad P . A ntonium Py ratfi, V ica rium

F ra trfi Domin ica li fi ,Epistola . 20 lea ves , the last blank.

Wi th the P irckhe ime r bookp la tes B iliba ldi P irkeymher i elligies”a nd

Sp es, tribula tio , invidia tolera ntia .

V arch i (B enedetto)L

H ercolano . qual si ragiona genera lmente delle lingue ,i t in pa rticola re della Toscana ,

e della Florentina , etc . pp . 339 .

Fiorenza ,Filippo Giiuti e Fra telli , 1570 .

V arign ana (Gui lielmus)G . V arignane secreta sublimia curiidos morbos verissini is autoritatibus

illustra ta addition ibus nennu llis fieseulis , etc . 6 . 3L. if. 56 .

L ugduni , imp ressum per Jo . de Cambrey , 1522 .

With woodcut on the t itlepage .

Varro (Ma rcus Terentius)M . Terentii V a rronia De L ingua L a tina . 8 1 leaves .

[Rome ? 1472 l]The title is takenfromfol . 10 .

V ega (Diego de la )L e Paradis de la Gl oire des S aincts, et Triomphe d I eeux , sur les prin cipales festes de un tra icté de la Gloire dz Triomphe deJ esus Christ en sa en Francois par G . Chappuis, etc.

2 tom.

P a ris,Chez R egna uld C haudiere, 1606 .

S ermons et E xercices S a incts , sur les E vangiles des dimanches detoute en Francois par G . Chappu is , etc. 2 tom .

P a ris, Chez Regnauld Chaudiere , 1608 .

V elius (Caspar U rsinus)S ee URS INUS V E L IUs (Caspar)

V endetta .

L a vendetta che fece Tito 7 V espasiano contra la citta di H ierusalemela mo rte d i J esu Christo . [I n verse . B y B erna rdo Pulci .] 4 leaves.

Vinegia , p er Francesco di A lessandro B indoni , 1526 .

Wi th a woodcu t .

V ergi lius (Polydorus)P olidori I nventoribus Rerum libr i tres, e tc . if. 66 pre

ceded by 6 unnumbe red leaves .

A rgentora ci , I n og’i c ina Ma t thia ' S chu rer i i , 1509 .

1 17


e scriptorum luculentissima enarratiene'

explicantur. ii"

. 50 , precededby 8 unnumbered leaves of which the last is blank

, and follow ed by one

unnumbered leaf.

Argentora ti , Ma tthias S churerius,15 10 .

Fols. 40 cf 42 a re misnumbered 41 d 43 .

V ern eru s (J oannes)S eeWERNER (J oannes)

V espu cc i (Amerigo)Q uattuor Americi V esputu Na viga tiones . 32 leaves.

[Sa int Die’

, Gua lterus L ud,] 1507 .

Discorsi de M . Enea V ice Parmig iane sopra le medaglie de gli antichi,

etc. pp . 1 12 .

Vinegia , App resso Gabriel Gio'

lito de Ferra ri, 1558 .

With an engraved p ortra it of Cosmo de’ Medici on the verse of the second

V i lla N ova (A rnaldus de)S ee A RNALDUS, dc Villa Nova .

La prima parte delle H istorie un iversali de ’ suoi tempi di Gienau

V illani C ittadino Fiorentino . Nnouamente ristampata con tanele fa tte

per M . R emigio Fiorentino— L a seconda parte , etc. 2 pts .

Vene tia , p er Nicole B euilacgua Trentino, 1559 .

V i l lan i (Ma tteo)H istoria di Ma tteo V illam 11 qua le con tinua 1’ H istoric di GiovanV illan i sue fratello , etc. pp . 55 2 .

Venet ia , p er Domenico Guerra ,cf: Gio . B at tista suo fra tello, 15 62 .

V in-

sternaw (J oannes)Orat io per Joanné Vinsternaw A bbatb in Nereszha in facta in capituleprov inciali V uerdee celebrate

,Dfi ica I ubilate . A nne a . M .D .XX I .

10 leaves, the last blank.

[Nuremberg f Friedrich P eypus 15 2 1

Virgi lius M are (Publius)L a Georg ica di V irgilio , nuovamen te di L a tina in Tboscana fa ue lla perB erna rdino Danie lle tradetta , e cemmcnta ta . II . 105 .

Vene t ia ,appresso Giena u . Gryhio, 15 49 .

1 19

Werner (Jeannes)cGtinentur. Nou


a transla tio primi libri‘


eanne V ernero Nurenbergefi interprete . L ibellus de

quatuor terrarum orb is in plane figurationibus ab eedem I eanne

V ernero,etc. 68 leaves .

fol. Nurenbergee, a. I oanne S tuchs, 15 14 .

Wi dmanstadius (J oannes A lbertus)Sy riacze linguae . . prima E lementa , etc. 28 leaves

, the last blank .

Viennse A ustriacw, I n Officina Micha elis Ggmbermanni , 1 5 55 .

The da te in the colophon is 1556 . The L a tin title is p receded by one in

Windner (J acobus)Ministrorum verbi apud Constantiam, etc.

S ee VANNIUS (J W INDNE R (J and ME ZL ER (B . )

Wiseman (S ir William)The Christian Knight compiled . . for the publike weale and happinesse

of E ngland , S cotland, and I reland . pp . 39,41

, 7 5 , 83, followed by seven

unnumbered leaves.

L ondon, John L ega tt, 16 19 .

With er (George)The B ritish A ppeals, w ith Gods Mercifull R eplies, on the behalfe of

the Commonw ealth of E ngland, contained in a brief commemorativepoem,

etc . pp . 64

P rinted for the A uthor, and a re to be sold by Na thaniel B rooks, a t

the Angel in Corn-hill, 1 65 1 .

Imp erfect, wanting pp . 63 and 6 4.

Worms .

Off dem Ry chstag in Anne domini XV°XX I zu worms gehalten sind in

eygner personen gewesen . 6 leaves, the last blank.

[ 152 1Wi th a woodcut on the ti tlep age.

Xiph ilinus (J oannes)’

E K T o w AUDI/OS'

I oavvov TOU E L¢LALVOYL E D ione excerptae H istoriae

ab J eanne X iph iline , etc. Grk. (f? L a t. pp . 375 , followed by eleven

unnumbered leaves.

fol. [Geneva Henricus S tepha nus, 1592 .

Za ch ari as , B oole of.

S ee B I BLE— Za cha r ias.


Zarlino (Giosefib )Resolutieni de alcuni dubi'i sopra la ce rrettione dell’ A nne

Cesare , etc . pp . 35 .

Vinetia ,Girolamo P olo, 1 583 .

Zeno (N iccolo)Dell’ origine de

B arba ri , che distrussero per tutte’

1 —monde 1’

pp . 2 10 . followed by 23 unnumbered leaves.

Venetia , p er P linio Pietrasanta ,1557 .

Ziraldus (L ilius Gregorius)S ee G I RALDUS (L ilius Gregorius)

Zenara (Giovanni)

parti notitia delle cese piu memorabili a v venute in spatio de 662Nuevamente tradotta dal Grece per Marco Emilio

Vinegia , App resso L odoa ico de gli Aa anzi, 1560.

Zw ingli (U lrich)A d Matthaeum A lberum Rutlingensium E eclesiasten, do

Tigari, in aedibus Christophori F roschouer, 1525 .

With a woodcut on the titlep age.

Tiga ri, in wdibus Christophori F roschauer, 1525 ,