Castes and Tribes - Forgotten Books


Transcript of Castes and Tribes - Forgotten Books




Sup e r in t enden t , M ad ras Governm en t Mus eum ; C o x respondan t E t rang er ,S ocné t é (I


An thropo log ie de P aris ; Soc io Corri spondan t e ,

Socne ta Rom ana d i An th x opo log ia .




of the Madras Governm ent Mu seum .


G O V E R N M E N T P R E S S ,M A D R A S




ANJ I (gruel ) . —An exogamous sept of Padma

Sale. Canj i i s the word “ i n use al l over Indiafor the water , i n whi ch r i ce has been boi led

I t also forms the usua l starch of Indian washermen.

As a sept of the Sale weavers,i t probab ly has reference

to t he gruel,or s ize

,which i s app l ied to the warp


Chacchadi . -Haddi s who do scavenging work,with

Whom other Haddi s do not free ly intermarry .

Chadarapu Dhompti (square space marr iage offering) .— A sub -divi s i on of Madigas , who , at marr iages ,offer food to the god i n a square space .

Chakala.—See Tsaka la .

Chakkan .—Recorded in the Madras Census Report


190 1 , as“ a Malabar caste of oi l-pressers (chakku means

an o il-mi l l ) . Fol lowers of thi s cal l ing are known a l so

as Vattakkadan s i n South Malabar , and as Van iyans in

North Malabar,but the former are the higher in soc ia l

status,the Nayars be ing pol luted by the touch of the

Van iyan s and Chakkans , but not by that of the

Vattakkadans . Chakkan s and Van iyans may not enter

Brahman temp les . Thei r customs and manners are

s im i lar to those of the Nayars , who wi l l not , however,

Yu le and Burnel l . Hobson -Jobson .


marry the ir women . Chakkingalavan appears as a

synonym for Chakkan .

Chakki liyan . The C hakkiliyans , Mr . H . A .

Stuart write s,

! 6 “ are the leather ~ workers of t he Tami l

d i str i cts,correspond ing to the Mad igas of t he Te lugu

country . The Chakkiliyans appear to be immigrants

from the Telugu or Canarese d i st r ict s, for no ment ion i s

made o f thi s caste e i ther in the early Tami l i n scr ipt ions,or i n early Tami l l i terature . Moreover, a very large pro

port i on of the Chakkiliyan s speak Telugu and Canarese .

In soc ial pos it i on the Chakkiliyan s occupy the lowest

rank,though there i s much di spute on thi s po int between

them and the Paraiyan s . Nominal ly they are Saivite s,

but in real ity devi l -worshippers . The avaram p lant


a aum'

eu lm‘a) i s he ld i n much venerat ion by them ,


and the tal i i s t i ed to a branch of i t as a pre l im inary to

marriage . Girl s are not u sua l ly married before puberty .

The br idegroom may be younger than the bride . The ir

widows may remarry . Divorce can be obta ined at the

p leasure of e ither party on payment of Rs . 1 2— 1 2—0 to

the other in the presence of the local head of the cas te .

Thei r women are cons idered to be very beaut i fu l,and i t

i s a woman of th i s caste who i s genera l ly se l ected for the

coarser form of Sakt i worship . They indulge very free ly

in intoxicat ing l iquors,and wi l l eat any fl esh , i nc luding

beef,pork , e tc . Hence they are cal led

, par ex cel lence,

the fl e sh -eaters (San skr i t shatkul i) . I t was noted by

S onnerat,i n the e ighteenth century

,1that the C hakki l i

yans are i n more contempt than the Pariahs,because

‘i ‘ Manual of the North Arcot d istrict .1? The bark of the avaram plan t is one o f the most valuable I nd ian tann ing

agen ts .

1 Voyage to the East I nd ies , 1774 and 1781 .


they use cow leather in making shoes . “ The Chucklers

or cobb lers,the Abbé Dubo i s writesfi‘?

“ are cons idered

infer iors to the Pariahs al l over the peninsula . They are

more addicted to drunkenness”

and debauchery . Thei r

orgie s take p lace pr inc ipal ly in the even ing,and the ir

vi l lages resound,far into the n ight

,wi th the yel l s and

quarre l s which re su l t from the ir intoxicat i on . The

very Pariahs refuse to have anything to do wi th the

Chucklers,and do not admi t them to any of their feasts .

In the Madura Manual,

1868,the C hakkil iyans are

summed up as “ dres sers of l eather, and makers of

s l i ppers , harnes s , and other leather art ic le s . They are

men of drunken and fi l t hy hab it s,and the ir moral s are

very bad . Cur ious ly enough,the ir women are he ld to

be of the Padman i kind, of pecul iar beauty of face

and form,and are al so said to be very virtuous . I t i s

we l l known,however

,t hat zamindars and other r ich

men are very fond of in tr igu ing with them , part icularly

in the ne ighbourhood of Paramagudi , where they l ive in

great numbers . There i s a Tami l proverb that even a

C hakkil i g ir l and the ears of the m i l let are beaut i ful

when mature . I n the Tanj ore d i str ict , the Chakkil iyars

are said T to be “ cons idered to be of the very lowest

status . I n some part s of the di str ict they speak Te lugu

and wear the namam (Vaishnav ite sect mark) and are

apparen t ly immigrant s from the Te lugu country .

Though they are Tami l—speak ing peop le , the Chakkili

yans,l ike the Te lugu Madigas

,have exogamous sept s

cal led gotra in the north ,and k i la i i n the south . Unl ike

the Mad igas , they do not carry out the pract ice of

making Basav is (dedicated prost itute s) .

H indu Manners, Custom s and C eremon ies .

1‘ Manual o f the Tan jore d istr ict , 1883.

1 1—1 B


The corre lat ion of the most important measurement s

of the Madigas of the Te lugu country,and so -ca l led

Chakkiliyans of the c ity of Madras , i s c lear ly brought

out by the fo l low ing figures

Statu reCephal ic length

b readthindex

Nasal heigh tb readthindex

The Chakkiliyan men in Madras are tattooed not

on ly on the forehead , but a l so with the ir name , conven

t ional devices , danc ing -g irl s,etc .

,on the chest and upper

extremit ie s .

I t has been not i ced as a curious fact that,in t he

Madura di str ict ,“ whi le the men be long to the r ight

hand fact i on,the women belong to and are most

energet ic supporters of the l eft . I t i s even said that,

during the ent ire per iod of a fact ion r iot , the Chakkili

women keep aloof from their husbands and deny them

the ir marital r ights . ” i s

I n a very interest ing note on the leather industry of

the Madras Pre s idency,Mr . A . Chatterton write s as

follows l‘ The pos i t ion o f t he C hakkil iyan i n the south

differs great ly from that of the Madiga of the north , and

many of his pr ivi leges are enj oyed by a sub - sect ’ of the

Pariahs cal led Ve t t iyans . These peop le posse ss the

r ight of removing dead catt le from vi l lages,and in return

Manual of the Madura d istr ict .1' M onograph of Tann ing and Working in Leather, 1904 .


have to supp ly leather for agri cultural purposes . Themajori ty of C hakkiliyans are not tanners , but leather

workers , and , in stead of gett ing the hide s or skin s direct

from the Vet t iyan , t hey prefer to purchase them ready

tanned from traders , who bring them from the large tan

n ing centres . When the Chuckler start s making shoesor sandal s , he purchases the leather and skin which he

requi re s i n the bazar , and , taking i t home , first proceeds

with a pre l im inary currying operat ion . The leather isdamped and wel l st retched , and dyed with an i l ine , the

usua l colour be ing scarlet R .R . of the Badi sche Ani l in

Soda Fabrik. Thi s i s purchased in the bazar in packets,

and is dissolved in water,to which a l i tt le oxal ic ac id

has been added . The dye i s app l ied with a p iece of rag

on the gra in s ide , and a l lowed to dry . After drying,

tamarind paste is app l ied to the flesh s ide of the skin,

and the latter i s then ro l led between the hands, so as to

produce a coarse grain ing on t he outer s ide . I n making

the shoes,the leather is usual ly wetted

,and moulded

into shape on wooden moulds or lasts . As a rule,

nothing but cotton i s used for sew ing,and the waxed

ends of the Engl i sh cob ler are ent ire ly unknown . The

largest consumpt ion of leather in thi s Pres idency i s for

water-bags or kavalais , which are used for rai s ing water

from wel l s,and for o i l and ghee (c lar ified but ter) pots , i n

which the l iqu ids are t ran sported from one p lace to

another . Of i rr igat ion we l l s there are in the Pres idency

more than and,though some of t hem are fitted

with i ron bucket s,nearly al l of them have leather bags

with leather di scharging trunks . The buckets hold from

ten to fifty gal lons of water,and are general ly made

from fa ir ly we ll tanned cow hides , though for very large

buckets buffal o hides are somet imes used . The number

of oil and ghee pots in use i n the country is very large .


The use of leather vesse l s for thi s purpose is on the

dec l ine,as i t i s found much cheaper and more conven ient

to store o il i n the ub iqu itous keros ine—o i l t in,and i t i s

not improbab le that eventual ly the industry wi l l d ie out,

as i t has done in other countr ie s . The range of work

of the coun try Chuckler is no t very extens ive . Bes ide s

leather s trap s for wooden sandals , he makes crude

harne ss for the ryot’

s catt le , i nc luding leather co l lars

from which numerous be lls are frequent ly suspended,

leather whip s for the cat t le driver s,ornamenta l fr inge s for

the bul l’s forehead , bel lows for the sm ith , and smal l boxes

for the barber,in wh ich to carry his razor s . I n some

p laces,leather rope s are used for var ious purposes


i t i s customary to attach b ig co ir (cocoanut fibre) rope sto the bodie s of the larger temp le cars by leather harne ss


when they are drawn in process ion through the streets.

Drum -heads and tom -toms are made from raw hides by

Ve tt iyans and Chucklers . The drums are often very

large,and are transported upon the back of e lephant s


horses,bul l s and camel s . For them raw hides are re

quired,but for the smal ler in strument s sheep -skin s are

suffi c ient . The raw hides are shaved on the flesh s ide,

and are then dr ied . The hair i s removed by rubbing

with wood -ashes . The use o f l ime in unhair ing i s'


permi ss ib le,as it material ly decrease s the e last i c i ty of

the parchmen t . The C hakkil iyans beat the tom - tom

for Kammalan s , Pal l i s and Kaikolan s,and for other

castes i f des ired to do so .

The Chakkil iyan s do not worship Matang i , who is

the spec ial de ity of t he Madigas . Thei r gods inc l ude

Madurai Vi ran , Mariamma,Mf meswara ,

D raupadi and

Gangamma . O f these,the last i s the most important ,

and her fe st ival is ce lebrated annual ly,i f poss ible . To

cover the expense s t hereof,a few Chakkiliyans dres s up


so as to represent men and women of the Marathi b ird

catching caste,and go about begging in the stree t s for

n ine days . On the tenth day the fest ival term inates .

Throughout i t,Gangamma

, represen ted by three deco

rated pots under a smal l pandal (booth) se t up on the

bank of a r iver or tank beneath a margosa (M elee

or pi pal (F icus tree , i s worshipped.

O n the last day , goat s and fowls are sacr ificed , and

l imes cut .

During the first menstrual per iod , the Chakki liyangirl i s kept under poll ut ion in a but made o f fre sh green

boughs,which i s erected by her husband or maternal

unc le . Meat,curds

,and mi lk are forb idden . O n the last

day,the hut i s burnt down . At marr iages a Chakkiliyan

usual ly officiate s as pr iest , or the services of a Valluvan

pr ie st may be en l i sted . The consent of the g ir l’s mater

nal unc l e to the marr iage i s e ssent ia l . The marr iage

ceremony c lose ly resemb les that of the Paraiyans . And,

at the fina l death ceremon ies of a Chakkil iyan ,as of a

Paraiyan, two br icks are worsh ipped , and thrown into a

tank or stream .

Lean chi ldren,espec ia l ly of the Mala , Madiga , and

C hakkiliyan c lasse s , are made to wear a leather strap ,spec ial ly made for them by a Chakkiliyan , which i s

be l i eved to he lp the ir growth .

At t imes of census,some C hakkiliyans have returned

themse lves as Pagadaiyar, Madar i (conce i t or arrogance) ,and Ranavi ran (brave warr ior) .

Chékkiyar.—The Chakkiyars are a c lass of Ambala

vas i s , of whom the fo l l owing account i s g iven in the

Travancore Census Report,190 1 . The name i s gener

al ly der ived from S laghyavakkukar (those wi th eloquen t

words) , and refers to the tradit ional funct i on o f the caste

in Malabar soc iety . Accord ing to the Jat in irnaya, t he


Chakkiyars represent a caste growth of the Ka l iyuga .

The offence to whi ch the fi r st C hakkiyar owes hi s pos i

t i on in soc iety was , i t wou ld appear , brought to l ight

after the due performance of t he upanayanasam skara .

Persons,in re spect of whom the lapse was detected

before that sp ir i t ua l i z ing ceremony took p lace , became

Namb iyars . Manu der ives S uta , whose funct ions are

ident ica l with the Malabar Chakkiyar, from a prat i loma

union , of a Brahman wife w i t h a Kshatr iya husbandfi"

The girl s e i ther marry into the ir own caste , or enter

into t he sambandham form of al l iance with Nambut iris .

They are cal led l llottammamar. The ir j ewe lry resem

bl es that of the Nambut iris . The Chakkiyar may choose

a wi fe for sambandham from among the Namb iyars .

They are the ir own pr iest s , but the Brahmans do the

pur ificat i on (punyaham ) of house and person after b irthor death pol l ut ion . The pol lut i on i t se l f lasts for e leven

days . The number of t imes the Gayatr i (hymn ) may

be repeated i s ten .

The tradit i onal occupat i on of the Chakkiyans i s

t he rec i tat ion of Puran ic storie s . The account s of the

Avataras have been con s idered the h ighest form of

scr ip ture of t he non -Brahman ical c las ses,and the ear ly

Brahmans ut i l i sed the interval s of thei r Védic r i tes ,the afternoons , for l i s ten ing to their rec i tat ion by castes

who could afford the lei sure to study and narrate t hem .

Spec ial adaptat ion s for t hi s purpose have been composed

by writers l ike Narayana Bhattapada,general ly known

as the Bhattat irippat , among whose works Dutavakya,

Panchal isvayamvara, S ubhadrahana and Kauntéyash taka

are the most popular . I n addi t i on to these , standard

works l i ke B hogachampu and Mahanataka are often

Prat i loma, as Opposed to an anu loma un ion , is the marr iage of a female of

a h igher caste w ith a man of a lower one.


pressed into the Chakkiyar’

s service .a N umerous upa

kathas or ep i sodes are brought in by way of i l lustrat ion,

and the marve l l ous flow of words,and the tel l ing humour

of t he utterances , keep the audience spel l -bound . On

the utsavam programme of every important temp le,

espec ial ly in North Travancore,the Chakkiyarkut tu


s performance) i s an essent ial i tem .A

spec ial bui ld ing , known as kut tampalam ,i s intended for

thi s purpose . Here the Chakkiyar i n struct s and regales

hi s hearers , ant iquely dressed , and seated on a three

legged stoo l . He wears a pecul iar t urban with go lden

r im and s i l k embossments . A long p iece of c l oth with

coloured edges , wrapped round the lo ins in innumerable

vert i cal fo lds wit h an e laborateness of detai l d i ffi cul t to

descr ibe,i s the Chakkiyar

s d i st inct ive apparel . Behind

him stands the Namb iyar, whose tradi t i onal kinship with

the Chakkiyar has been referred to , with a big jar - shaped

metal drum in front of him cal led m ilavu,whose bas s

sound resembles the echo of d i stan t thunder . The

Namb iyar i s ind ispensable for the Chakkiyarkut tu ,and

sounds hi s m ighty instrument at the beg inn ing,at the

end , and al so dur ing the course of h is rec i tat ion , when

the Chakkiyar arr ives at t he m iddle and end of a

Sanskr i t verse . The Nangayar, a female of the Nambi

yar caste,is another indi spensab le e l ement

,and s it s in

front of the Chakkiyar with a cymbal in hand , which

she sounds occas ional ly . I t i s interest i ng to note that,

amidst al l t he boi sterous merr iment i nto which the

audience may be thrown,there i s one person who has to

s it mot ion less l i ke a statue . I f the Nangayar i s moved

to a smi le,the kuttu must stop

,and there are cases

where , i n certa in temp l es , the ku t tu has thu s become a

thing of t he past . The Chakkiyar often makes a fe int

of represent ing some of hi s audience as h i s characters


for the scene under dep ictment . B ut he does i t in such

a gentee l way that rare ly is offence taken . I t is an

unwr i tten canon of C hakkiyarkuttu that the performance

should s top at once i f any of the audience so t reated

should speak out i n answer to the C hakkiyar, who , i t

may be added , would stare at an admir ing l i stener , and

thrust que st i on s on him with such direc tness and force

as to need an extraordinary effort to res i st a rep ly . And

so real i st i c i s hi s performance that a trag ic instance i s

sa id to have occurred when , by a crue l i rony of fate , hi s

superb ski l l cost a Chakkiyar h is l i fe . Whi l e he was

exp la in ing a port i on of the Mahabharata with in im itable

theatr ical effect , a desperate fr iend of the Pandavas

rose from hi s seat in a fi t o f uncontro l lab l e pass ion,

and actual ly knocked the Chakkiyar dead when ,i n an att it ude of unmi stakable though assumed heart

l e s sness,he , as personat ing Duryodhana , inhumanely

r efused to al low even a p in -po int of ground to hi s

ex i l ed cous in s . Thi s , i t i s be l i eved , occurred in a

pr ivate house , and thereafter kutt u was prohib ited except

at temp l es .

I t i s noted , i n the Gazetteer of Ma labar , that

C hakkiyars or S laghyar-vakukar are a caste fo l lowing

makkattayam (i nher i tance from father to son ), and wear

the pfi n t’

i l (thread) . They are recru ited from gir l s born

to a Nambud iri woman found gui l ty of adu l tery, after

the date at wh i ch such adul tery i s found to have

commenced,and boys of s imi lar or ig in , who have been

al ready invested wi th the sacred thread . Boys who have

not been invested with the punfi l when'

t heir mo ther is

declared an adulteress , jo in the c las s known as C hakkiyar

Namb iyars , who fol l ow m arumakkat tayam (inheri tance

in the female l ine ) , and do not wear the thread . The

g irl s j o in e ither caste ind ifferent ly . Chakkiyars may


marry Nangiyars , but Chakkiyar Namb iyars may not

marry I llotammamar .

Chaliyan .—The Chal iyans are a caste o f Malayalam

cotton weavers,concern ing whom Mr . Franc i s wr i tes as

fo llows’f" I n dres s and manners they resemble the

art i san castes of Malabar,but

,l ike the Pattar Brahmans


they l ive in street s,which fac t probab ly po ints to the ir

be ing comparat ive ly recent sett ler s from the east coas t .

They have the ir own barber s cal led Potuvans,who are

al so the ir puroh its . Th ey do not wear the sacred

thread,as the Sale weavers of the east coast do . They

pract i se ancestor worship,but wi thout the ass i stance of

Brahman pr iest s . Thi s is the only Malabar caste which

has anyth ing to do wi th the r ight and l eft-hand fact ion

d isp utes,and both d ivi s ions are represen ted in i t


left hand be ing cons idered the super ior . Apparently,

therefore,i t sett led in Malabar some t ime after the

beg inn ings of thi s d i spute on the east coast,t hat i s


after the el eventh century A .D . Some of them fol l ow

the m arumakkatayam and others the makkatayam law

of i nher itance,which l ooks as i f the former were earl ier

sett ler s than the latter .

The Chal iyans are so cal l ed because , un l ike most of

the west coast c lasses,t hey l ive in streets , and Teruvan

(teru, a s treet) occurs as a synonym for the caste name .

The right -hand sect ion are said to worship the elephant

god Ganesa , and the left Bhagavat i .

The fo l lowing account of the Chal iyans i s g iven in

the Gazetteer of t he Malabar di str i ct : Chaliyans are

almost certa in ly a c las s of immigrants from the east

coast . They l ive in regu lar s treet s , a c ircumstance

strongly support ing thi s view . The tradi t ional account

Madras Census Report , 190 1 .


i s to the same effect . I t is sa id that they were or ig inal ly

of a high caste , and were imported by one of t he

Zamorin s , who wi shed to introduce the wor ship of

Ganapath i , to which they are much addicted .The

latter’s m in i ster, the Mangatt Acchan,who was en trusted

w ith the enterta inment of the new arr ival s,and was

nett l ed by the ir fast id iou sness and constant comp laint s

about hi s cater ing , managed to degrade them in a body

by the tr i ck of secret ly m ix ing fi sh with their food.

They do not , l ike the i r counterpart s on t he east coast,wear the thread but i t i s not iceab le that t he i r pr iest s


who bel ong to their own caste,wear i t over the r ight

shou lder in stead of over the l eft l i ke the Brahman’s

punul , when perform ing certa in puj as (worship ) . I n

some part s , the p lace of the regular punfi l i s taken by a

red scarf or sash worn in the same manner . They are

remarkab le for being the on ly caste in Ma labar amongst

whom any trace of the fami l iar east coast d iv i s ion into

r ight -hand and left -hand fact ions is to be found . They

are so d iv ided ; and those bel ong ing to the r ight -hand

fact ion deem themselves po l l uted by the touch of those

be long ing to the left -hand sect,which i s numer ica l ly

very weak . They are much addicted to devi l -danc ing ,

which r ite i s performed by certa in of the ir numbers

cal led Komaram s i n honour of Bhagavath i and t he

minor de it ies Vettekkorumagan and Gul ikan (a demon) .

They appear to fo l low makkatayam (descent from father

to son) i n some p laces , and marumakkatayam (inher itance in the female l ine) i n other s . Their po l l ut ionper iod i s ten days

,and the ir pur ificat ion is performed by

the Tal ikunnavan (spr inkler) , who belongs to a some

what degraded sect ion of t he caste .

The affai rs of the caste are managed by headmen

ca l led Uralans, and the caste barber , or Pothuvan , act s as


On the day before the wedding -day the br idegroom,

accompan ied by h is male re lat ion s,proceeds to the

house o f the br ide , where a feast i s held . O n the

fo l l owing day the br ide i s bathed,and made to stand

before a l igh ted lamp p laced on the fl oor . The bride


s father or uncl e p laces two go ld fanam s (co ins)i n her hands , and a further feas t takes p lace .

I n the seventh mon th of pregnancy, the ceremony

cal l ed pul i kudi (or drink ing tamar ind) i s performed .

The woman’

s bro ther br ings a twig of a tamar ind tree,

and , after the leaves have been removed,p lants i t in the

yard of the house . The j u ice i s extracted from the

leaves , and mixed wi th the j u ice of seven cocoanut s .

The elderly femal e re lat i on s o f the woman give her a

l it t l e o f the mixture . The ceremony i s repeated dur ing

three days . B irth pol l ut ion i s removed by a barber

woman spr ink l ing water on the n inth day

The dead are bur ied . The son carr i es a pot of

water to the grave , round which he takes i t three t imes .The barber makes a ho le in the po t

,which i s then

thrown down a t the head of the grave . The barber al so

tears off a p iece o f the c loth,in which the corp se i s

wrapped . This i s , on the tenth day , taken by the son

and barber to the sea or a tank,and thrown into i t .

Three stones are set up over the grave .

Chal iyan al so occurs as an occupat i onal t it l e o r sub

d iv i s ion o f Nayars,and Chaliannaya as an exogamous

sept of Bant . I n the Madras Census Report , 190 1 ,

Chal iyan i s g iven as a sub—cas te o f Van iyan (o i l

p ressers) . Some Chaliyans are , however , o ilm ongers

by profess ion .

C ha l la.—Chal la

,mean ing apparent ly eaters o f refuse ,

occurs as a sub -d ivi s i on of Vanadi s , and mean ing butter

m i lk as an exogamous sep t o f Devanga . Challakut i,


mean ing those who eat o ld or co ld food,i s an exo

gamous sept of Kapus .

Chamar .—Near ly three hundred members o f thi s

Bengal caste of tanners and workers in leather were

returned at the cen sus , 190 1 . The equivalent C hamura

occurs as the name of l eather-workers from the Central

Provinces .

(mandala—At the census , 190 1 , more than a

thousand individual s returned themse lve s as Chandala,

which i s defined as a gener i c term , mean ing one who

pol l utes,to many low caste s .

“ I t i s ,” Surgeon-Major

W . R . Corn i sh writesfi"“ characteri st i c of the Brahma

n ical i nto lerance o f the comp i lers o f t he code that the

origin of the lowest caste of al l (the Chandala) should

be ascr ibed to the intercourse of a S fi dra man and a

Brahman woman,whi le the un ion of a Brahman male

w i th a Sadra woman i s said to have re su l ted in -one o f

the highest of the m ixed c las se s . By Manu i t was la id

down that the abode of t he Chandala and Swapaca must

be out of the town . They must not have the use of ent i re

vessel s . Their so le wealth must be dogs and asses .The ir c lothes must be the mant le s of the deceased ;t he i r d i she s for food broken pot s thei r ornament s rusty

iron ; cont inual ly must they roam from p lace to p lace .

Let no man who regards hi s duty , re l ig ious and c ivi l ,ho ld any intercourse with them

,and let food be g iven to

them in pot sherds,but not by the hand of the g iver .

Chandra (moon) .— An exogamous sept o f Kuruba .

The name Chandravam sapu (moon peop le ) is taken by

some Raz us, who c la im to be Kshatr iyas , and to be

descended from the lunar race of kings of the Maha

bharata .

Madras Census Report , 187 1 .


Chan ipoy ina (those who are dead) . -An exogamoussept of O rugunta Kapu .

Chapa (mat) . —An exogamous sept of Boya.

Chappadi (i n s ip id) . —An exogamous sept of jogi .Chapparam (a panda l or booth) .— An exogamous

sep t of Devanga.

Chapparband—The Chapparbands are manufac

turers of Spur ious co in , who hai l from the Bombay

Pres idency , and are watched for by the po l i ce . I t isnoted

,i n the Pol i ce Report , 1904 ,

that good work was

done in Ganjam in trac ing certain gangs of t hese co iners,

and bringing them to convict ion .

For t he fo l low ing note I am indebted to a report *

by Mr . H . N . Alexander of the Bombay Po l i ce Depart

ment . The name Chapparband refers to the ir ca l l ing ,chapa mean ing an impress i on or stamp .

“ Among

themse lves they are known as Bhadoos,but in H indu

stan,and among Thugs and cheat s genera l ly

,they are

known as Khoolsurrya, fal se co iners . Whi le in

the ir vi l lages,they cu lt ivate the fie lds

,rear pou l try and

breed sheep,whi le the women make qu i lts , which the

men sel l whi le on the ir tours . But the real bus iness of

thi s c lass i s to make and pass off fal se co in . Laying

as ide the ir ordinary Muhammadan dress,they assume

the dress and appearance of fakirs of the Muddar sect ion,

Muddar be ing the ir P ir, and , unaccompan ied by the ir

women,wander from vi l lage to v i l lage . Marathi i s t he ir


,i n add i t ion , they have a pecul iar s lang of

the ir own . Like al l peop le of th i s c lass , they are super

st it ious , and wi l l not proceed on an expedit i on un less a

favourab le omen i s obtained . The fol lowing account i s

g iven,showing how the fal se co in i s manufactured . A

Madras Pol ice Gazette, 1902 .


mould serves only once , a new one be ing requ ired for

every rupee or other co in . I t i s made of uns laked l ime

and a kind of ye l low earth cal l ed shedoo,finely powdered

and s i fted,and pat iently kneaded w i th water to about

the cons i stency of putty . One of the coin s to be

im itated i s then pre ssed wi th some of the preparat i on,

and covered over,and

,be ing cu t al l round

,i s p laced in

some embers . After becoming hardened , i t i s carefu l ly

laid open wi th a kn i fe,and

,the co in being taken out

,i t s

impress ion remains . The upper and lower p ieces are

then j o ined together w i th a k ind of gum ,and

,a smal l

hole be ing made on one s ide , molten t in i s poured in ,and thus an im itat i on of the co in i s obta ined , and i t only

remains to rub i t over with dirt to give i t the appear

ance of o ld money . The t in I S purchased in any bazaar ,and the fa lse money i s prepared on the road as the

gang travel s a long . Chapparbands adopt several ways

of gett ing ri d of the i r fa l se co in . They enter shop s

and make purchases,showing true rupees in the first

i n stance,and subst i tut ing fal se ones at the t ime of

payment . They change fal se rupees for copper money ,and al so in exchange for good rupees of other currenc ie s .

Natura l ly,they look ou t for women and s imp le peop le.

though the manner of pass ing off the base co in i s c lever,be ing done by sleight of hand . The fal se money i s kept

in pocket s formed within the fo lds of the ir langut is (lo in

cloths) , and al so hidden in the pr ivate part s .

The fol lowing addit i onal informat ion concern ing

C happarbands i s contained in the I l lustrated Criminal

I nvest igat i on and Law Digest * ' They trave l general ly

in smal l gangs,and their women never fo l low them .

They consul t omens before leav ing their vi l lages . They

I . N o . 4 . 1908, Vel lore .

1 1—2


do not leave their v i l lages dres sed as fak irs . They

general ly vi s i t some p lace far away from the i r res idence,

and there d i sgu i se themse lves as Madar i fakirs,adding

Shah to the ir names . They al so add the t i t l e Sahib ,and imi tate the Sawals

,a s ing - s ong begging tone of

t hei r c las s . Their l eader,Khagda,

i s imp l ic i t ly obeyed .

He i s the treasurer of t he gangs,and keep s with him

the inst rument s used in co in ing,and the necessary metal

p iece s . But the leader rarely keep s the co ins w ith him .

The duty of passi ng the fal se co ins belongs to t he

Bhondars . A boy general ly accompan ies a gang . He

i s cal led Handiwal . H e act s a s a handy chokra

(youngster) , and al so as a watch over the camp when

the fal se co in s are be i ng prepared . They genera l ly

camp on high ground in c l ose vic in i ty to water,which

serves to rece ive the fa l se co ins and imp lement s,should

danger be apprehended . When moving from one camp

to another , t he Khagda and hi s chokra travel al one , t he

former general ly r iding a smal l pony . The rest of t he

gang keep busy pas s ing the co in s in the neighbourhood ,and eventual ly j o in the pa ir i n the p lace pre -arranged .

I f t he p lace be found inconven ient for the ir purpose ,another i s se lected by the Khagda,

but suffi c ient indica

t i on i s given to the rest that the rendezvous might be

found out . Thi s i s done by making a mark on t he chief

pathway leading to the p lace sett led fi rst , at a spot

where another pathway leads from it i n the d irect ion he

i s go ing . The mark cons i st s of a mud heap on t he s ide

of the road,a foot in l ength

,s ix inches i n breadth , and

s ix in he ight,with an arrow mark point ing in the direc

t i on taken . The Khagda general ly makes three of these

marks at interva l s of a hundred yards , to avo id the

chance of any be ing effaced . Moulds are made of

Mu ltan i or some st icky clay . G0pichandan and badap


are also used . The c lay, after being powdered and

s i fted,i s m ixed with a l i tt l e water and o il

,and wel l

kneaded . The two halves of the mould are t hen roughly

shaped with the hand,and a genuine co in i s pressed

between them,so as t o obtain t he obverse on one hal f

and the reverse impress ion on the other . The who le i s

then hardened in an extempore oven,and the hole to

admit the metal i s bored,so as t o admit of i t s be ing

poured in from the edge . The ha lves are then separated ,and the genuine rupee is t i lted out the mo lten al loy o f

t in or pewter is poured in , and al lowed to cool . Accord

ing to the other method,badap c lay brought from the ir

own country i s considered the most suitab le for the

moulds,though Mu ltan i c lay may be u sed when they run

out of badap . Two di scs are made from c lay kneaded

with water . These di sc s are then h ighly po l i shed on

the inner surface with the top of a jvari stalk cal led

dan thal. A rupee,s l ight ly o i led

,i s then p laced between

the d i scs,which are firmly pre ssed over i t . The whole

i s then thorough ly hardened in the fire . The al loy u sed

in these mou lds d iffers from that used in the others , and

cons i st s of an al loy of lead and copper . I n both cases ,

the m i l l ing i s done by the hand with a kn ife or a p iece

of she l l . The Chapperbands se lect the ir v ictims care

ful ly . They seem to be fair ly clever j udges of personsfrom the ir phys iognomy

.They easi ly find out the

duffer and the gul l in both sexes,and take care to avoid

persons l ikely to prove too sharp for them . They

g ive preference to women over men . The commonest

method i s for the Bhondar t o show a quant i ty of copper

co l lected by him in hi s character of beggar , and ask for

s i lver in its p lace . The dupe produces a rupee , WhiCh

he l ooks at . He then shakes hi s head sadly , and hands

back a counterfe i t co in,say ing that such coms are not

l I- Z B


current in hi s country , and moves on to try the same tri ck

e l sewhere . Thei r dexteri ty in changing the rupee s i s

very great,the resul t of l ong pract ice when a Handiwal .

Further informat ion in connect i on with the Chappar

bands has recent ly been p ubl i shed by Mr . M . Panpa

Rao Naidu,from whose account ”

A the fol l owing extrac t

i s taken . C happerbands , as their name impl ie s , are

by profes s ion bu i lders o f roofs , or , i n a more general

te rm , bui lders of hut s . They are She ikh Muhammadans ,and original ly bel onged to t he Punjab . During the

Moghul invas ion of the Carnat i c,as far back as


, a large number of them fo l l owed the great

Moghul army as bui l der s of hut s for the men . They

appear to have fol l owed the Moghul army to Aurangabad,

Ahmednagar , and Ser ingapatam un t i l the year 1 7 14 ,

when B ijapur passed into the hands of t he Peshwas .

The Chapperbands t hen formed part of the Peshwa’


army in t he same capac ity,and remained as such t i l l t he

advent of t he Bri t i sh in the year 1818, when i t would

appear a maj or i ty of them,finding the ir pecul iar profes

s ion not much in demand,returned to the north . A part

of those who remained beh ind pas sed into t he N iz am ’


terr i tory , whi l e a part sett l ed down in t he Province of

Tal ikota . A l egendary tale , narrated before the Super

intenden t of Pol i ce,Raipur

,i n 1904 ,

by an inte l l igent

Chapperband,shows that they learnt th i s art of manu

facturing co in s dur ing the Moghu l peri od . He said In

t he t ime of t he Moghul Emp ire , C happerbands sett led in

the B ijapur d i stri ct . At that t ime , a faki r named Pir

Bhai P ir Makhan l ived in the same d istr i c t . O ne of t he

C happerbands went to thi s fakir , and asked him to

intercede with God,i n order that Chapperbands might be

4“ Cr im inal Tr i bes o f I nd ia, N o . I I I . [ 90 7 °


The fo l lowing case of swind l ing,which occurred in

t he Tanj ore d istr i ct , i s recorded in the Pol ice Report ,1903. A gang of Muhammadans professed to be ab le

to dup l icate currency notes . The method was to p lace

a note with some b lank sheets of paper between two

p ieces of glas s . The whole was then t ied round w i th

str ing and c loth , and smoked over a fi re . On Opening

the packet,two notes were found

,a second genu ine one

having been surrept i t i ous ly introduced . The success o f

the first Operat ion s w ith smal l notes soon attracted

c l ients,some of t hem wea l thy ; and , when the ba it had

had t ime to work,and some very large notes had been

submitted for operat ion,t he sw ind lers dec lared that

these large note s t ook longer to dup l icate,and that the

packet must not be Opened for several days . Before

the t ime appo inted for Open ing , they d i sappeared , and

the notes were natura l ly not found in the packet s . One

gent leman was fleeced i n th i s way to the value of

Rs . The admin i strat ion of an enema to a fa l se

co iner wi l l somet imes br ing to l ight hidden treasure .

Chaptégé ra.—The Chaptegaras or Cheptégaras

are descr ibed by Mr . H . A . Stuart * as carpenters who

speak Konkan i,and are be l ieved to have come from

the Konkan country . Caste affa irs are managed by a

Gurikar or headman , and the fines col lected are paid to

the Sringer i math . They wear the sacred thread, and

emp loy Karad i Brahmans as puroh its . I nfant marr iage

i s pract i sed,and widow marr iage i s not permitted . The

dead are burned i f means a l low ; otherwi se they are

bur ied . They are Saiv ite s,and worship Durga and

Ganapat i . They eat fl esh and drink l iquor . The ir t itles

are Na ik, S henai, etc . I t i s noted , in the Madras

Manual of the South Canara d istr ict .


Census Report , 190 1 , t hat Saraswat Brahmans wi l l eat

with them . C houtagara has been recorded as a corrup t

form of Chaptegara .

Charamfi rti .—A c las s of Jangam s,who go from

vi l lage to vi l lage preaching .

Charodi .—The Charodis have been descr ibed * as

Canarese carpenters corresp onding to the Konkan i

Cheptégaras (or Chaptegaras) , and there is very l it t le

d ifference in the customs and manners of the two castes ,except that the former emp loy S h ivalli and Konkanash ta

Brahmans in stead of Karadi s . Their t i t le i s Naika .

I n the Madras Census Report,190 1 , Mesta i s returned

as a Konkan i - speaking sub -caste of Charodi .

Chatla. (winnow) . -An exogamous sep t of Madiga .

Chat la Dhompt i occurs as a sub -d iv i s ion of Mad igas ,who

,at marriages

,p lace the offer ing of food , etc .

(dhompt i) , i n a w innow .

Chatri .—Recorded , i n the Madras Census Repor t,190 1 , as an equ ivalent of Kshatr iya . I t occurs a l so as

the name of an exogamous sep t , mean ing umbrel la, of

the H oleyas .

Chaturakshari .—A sub -divi s ion of Satan is , who

be l ieve in the efficacy of the four syl lab les Ra-ma-nu -ja .

Chaudari .—Chaudar i , or Chowdari, i s recorded as at i t l e of Haddi

,Kal ing i , and Komat i .

Chaya (co lour) K urup .—A c lass of Kol lans i n

Malabar, who work in lacquer .

Ché li (goat) .— An exogamous sep t of Bottada and

Matt iya .

Chelu (scorp ion) .— An exogamous sept of Kuruba .

The equ iva lent thelu occurs among the Padma Salé s .

Manual of the South Canara d istrict.


Chembad i .—The Chembadis are a Telugu caste,

the occupat i ons of which are fresh—water fi shing,and

rowing boats or corac les . I n fish ing,unl i ke the Besthas

who use a cast -net, they employ a large drag -net,ca l l ed

baith ivala, the two ends of wh ich are fastened to po les .

When a new net i s made , i t i s fo l ded up , and p laced on

the edge of a pond or tank . Mud is spread over i t,and

on i t are p laced three masse s of mud kneaded into a

con ica l shape . These repre sent the God,and cakes


cal led kudum ulu, are set before them . A male member

of the caste , b it ing one of the cakes and keep ing i t

between h i s teeth , goe s round the ne t , and then drags

i t to the water , i n which the con ical masse s become

di s in tegrated . Like the Besthas,they smear a new

net w ith the blood o f the first fi sh caught in i t,but they

do not burn a mesh of the net .

Some Chem badis regard Gurappa Gurunathadu as

their caste de i ty,and connect h im

,for some unknown

reason,wi th the jammi tree (P rosop z


s spz'

czgem ) . j ammi

occurs as the name of a gotra , and some chi ldren are

named Gurappa or Gurunathadu . When such ch i ldren

are five,seven

, or n ine years o ld,they are taken

on an ausp ic ious day to a jamm i tree and shaved , after

the tree has been worsh ip ped w ith offerings of cooked

food,e tc .

At the betro thal ceremony in th i s caste , immediate ly

after the gir l has taken up areca nuts,p laced them in her

l ap,and folded them in her c loth

,t he headman takes up

the betel l eave s and areca nut s (thambulam ) before himwith cro ssed hands . Thi s ceremony corresponds to the

thonuku thambulam of the l ower c lasses , e .g ., Malas and

Mangalas . Among the Mangalas and Tsakalas , the

thambulam i s sa id to be taken up by a Ba l ij a Set t i . For

the funeral ceremon ie s,the Chem bad is engage a Dasari


of the i r own caste . During the ir performances , fl esh and

toddy may not be offered to the deceased person .

Chembian .—A name assumed by some Pal l i s or

Vann iyan s , who c laim that they belong to the Chela

race,on the suppos i t i on that C hemb inadu i s a synonym

for Chela.

Chembi l lam (chembu , copper) . —An exogamous

sect ion of Mukkuvan .

Chembotti .—In t he Madras Census Report , 190 1 ,

i t i s stated that the name Chem bOt t i i s derived from“ chembu

,copper , and kott i , he who beat s . They

are coppersmi th s in Malabar , who are d i st inct from

the Malabar Kammalan s . They are supposed to be

descendant s of men who made copper idol s for temp les,

and so rank above the Kammalans in soc ia l pos i t ion,

and about equal ly wi th the l ower sect ion s of the Nayars .The name is al so u sed as an occupat i onal term by

the Konkan Nat ive C hri st ian coppersmi ths . I n the

Cochin and Travancore Cen sus Report s,Chembukot t i

i s recorded as an occupat ional t i t l e or sub—caste of

Nayars who work in copper , chiefly in temp les and

Brahman houses .

I n the Gazetteer of the Malabar d i strict,the Chem

bott i s are described as copper-workers , whose tradi t ional

bus iness i s the roofing o f the Sri -kovi l, or i nner sh r ine

of the temp le wi th that metal . They are said to have

or ig inal ly formed part of the Kammalan commun ity .

When the great temp le at Tal iparamba was comp leted ,i t was purified on a scal e of unprecedented grandeur , no

le ss than a thousand Brahmans be ing emp loyed . What

was thei r d i smay when the ceremony was wel l forward ,to see a C hem bott i coming from the Sri -kovi l , where he

had been putt ing fin i shing touches to the roof. Thi s

appeared to i nvo lve a recommencement of the whole



ted ious and cost ly ri tual , and the Brahmans gave vent tot he i r fee l i ngs of despair , when a v i s ion from heaven

reassured them , and thereafter the Chembett is have

been rai sed in the soc ial sca le,and are not regarded as

a pol lut i ng caste .

Chembett i , or Chemmatt i , mean ing hammer, occurs

as an exogamous sept o f the Telugu Vanadi s .

Chempakaraman .—Recorded

,i n the Travancore

Census Report , 190 1 . as an honorific t i t le of Nayars .Chenchu .

—The C henchus or Chen tsus are a Tel uguspeak ing j ung le tr ibe inhab i t ing the hi l l s of t he Kurnoo l

and Ne l l ore d i str icts . I n a l etter addres sed to the

Bengal As iat i c Soc iety , ”6 transm itt ing vocabular ie s of

var ious tr ibes inhab i t ing Vizagapatam,by Mr . Newi l l ,

i t i s stated that the Chenchu tr ibe,whose language

i s a lmost ent i re ly corrup t H indi and Urdu wi th a few

except i ons from Bengal i , affords one more example to

t he many forthcom ing of an uncu l tured abor ig inal race

having abandoned the ir own tongue .

” The comp i ler of

t he Kurnoo l Manual (1885) remarks that Mr . New ill’


vocabulary seems to bel ong to the d ialect spoken by

Lambadi s , who somet imes wander about the hi l l s , and

i t i s not un l ikely that he was mis led as to t he character

of t he person s from whom hi s l i s t was taken .


examp le s of the words given by Mr . Newi l l , t he

fol low ing may be quotedBone, had. One, yek.

Cat, bi l leyi . Ten , das.

Ear, kan . Far, dur.

E lephant, hate. Drink, p i .T iger, bag.

Sweet, m itha.

I t i s probab le that Mr . Newi l l confused the Chenchus

w i t h the Bon thuk Savaras (ya ) who speak corrup t

Journal As iat ic Society , ! ! V, 1857 .


Oriya,and are cal led Chenchu vandlu


,l ike the

Chenchus , bel ieve that t he god Naras im ha of Ahobi lam

marr ied a girl be longing to the i r tr ibe . As a further

example of t he confus ion concern ing the Chenchus,I

may quote the remarks of Buchanan about t he Irulas,

who are a Tami l -speaking j ung le tr ibe : “ I n thi s h i l ly

tract there i s a race of men cal led by the other nat ive s

Cad Eril igaru , but who cal l themse lves Cat Chensu .

The language of t he C hens u i s a d ialect of the Tami l,

with occas iona l ly a few Karnata or Tel inga words inter

mixed , but the ir accent i s so d i fferent from that of

Madras that my servant s d id not at fi rst understand

what they said . Thei r or ig inal country,they say ,

i s the

An imalaya fore st be low the ghat s , which is confirmed

by the ir dia lect . ” I n t he Census Report,190 1 , Chenchu

i s said to be the name by which Irulas of North Arcot

and the Mysore p lateau are cal led somet imes,and

,i n

the Census Report,189 1 , Chenchu is g iven as a sub

d iv i s ion of the Yanadis . There can be l i t t l e doubt that

the Chenchus and Yanadis are descended from the

same orig i nal s tock . Mackenz ie,in the local records

co l lected by h im,speaks of the Chenchus as being

cal led Yanad i Chenchus . The Chenchus themselve s

at the present day say that they and the Vanadi s are

one and the same,and that the tr ibe s intermarry .

I n Scott’s Ferish ta,

’ the Chenchus are described as

they appeared before Prince Muhammad Masum , a son

of Aurangz ib , who passed through the Kurnool d i str ict

in 1694 , as“ exceedingly black

,with long hair, and on

the ir heads wore cap s made of the l eaves of trees .

Each man had wi th h im unbarbed arrows and a bow for

hunting . They molest no one ,and l ive in caverns or

Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar.


under the shady branche s o f trees . The prince presen

ted some of them with gold and s i lver,but they d id not

seem to put any val ue on e ither,being qui te unconcerned

at rece iving i t . Upon the fir ing of a gun,they darted

up the mounta in s w ith a surpri s ing swiftness uncommon

to man . I n Taylor’

s Catal ogue rai sonné of O r ienta l

Manuscript s ,’

the Chenchus are descr ibed as peop le whol ive to the westward of Ah0balam

,Sri sa i lam

,and other

p laces , i n the woods or wi lds , and go about , constant ly

carry ing in their hands bows and arrows . They c l o the

themse lve s wi th l eaves , and l ive on the sago or r ice of

the bamboo . They rob t rave l ler s,ki l l ing them i f they

oppose . Thi s peop le affl ict every l iv ing creature (k i l lfor food i s supposed to be meant) . I t i s noted in the

Kurnool Manual that in former t imes the Chenchu

headman used to “ d ispose of murder case s,the murderer


on proof of gu i l t , be ing put to death with the same

weapons w i t h wh ich the murder was comm ittedfi’f

Capta in Newbold,wr it ing in 1846, says that , pass ing

through the j ungle near Pacharla,he observed a skul l

b leached by the sun dangl ing from the branch of a

tamar ind tree,which he was informed was that of a mur

derer and h i l l - robber p ut to death by the headman . I n

t he t ime of the Nabobs , some of the Chenchu murderers

were caught and pun i shed,but the pract i ce seems to

have preva i led among them more or le ss t i l l the i ntro

duct ion of the new pol ice in 1860 ,s ince which t ime al l

case s are sa id to be reported to the nearest p ol i ce

offi cer . ”

A Chenchu Tal iar i (vi l lage watchman) , who came to

see me at Nandyal , was wear ing a badge with h i s name

engraved on i t in Telugu,which had been presented to

Journal Royal As iat ic Soc iety , V I I I , 1846.


him by Government i n recogn it ion of h i s shoot ing w ith

a double -barre l led gun two Donga Oddes who had rob

bed a v i l lage . Another aged Tal iari had a s i lver bangle

bear ing a Telugu inscr ipt ion , which had been g iven

to him in acknowledgment of h is captur ing a murderer

who was wanted by the pol ice , and came to hi s but .

The casual v i s itor exp la ined that he was on hi s way

to Hyderabad , bu t the Chenchu , not i c i ng bl ood on hi s

cl othe s,t ied him to a post , and gave informat ion that he

had secured h im . The same man had al so rece ived

presents for report ing cases of i l l i c i t d i st i l lat ion under

the Abkar i Act .

I n recent accounts of the Chenchus of the Nal la

mala i h i l l s by a forest offi cer , i t i s noted that p i lgr ims , .

on the ir way to the Sr i sa i lam temp le ,“ are exp lo i ted at

every turn,the Chentz u be ing seen in hi s true colours at

thi s per iod,and , be ing among the most act ive agents

in the exact i ons , but not be ing by any means the on ly

p l underer . I n return for the protect ion,the Chentz u

levie s a to l l per head , and as much more as he can extor t .We had to interfere with t he perqu i s ites of one drugged

spec imen of th i s race , who drew a kn i fe on a peon

(order ly) , and had to be sent down under escort

I t i s commonly supposed that the Chentz us are a semi

w i ld,i nnocent

,inoffens ive h ill tr ibe , l iv ing on roots


honey, wi ld fruit s , and game . I f thi s was so,we should

have no d ifficul ty in contro l l ing them . They are actual ly

a semi -wi ld,lazy

,dr inking set of brigands . They levy

blackmai l from every v i l lage a long the foot of the h ills,

and,i f any ryo t (cult ivator) refuses to pay up , his crop

si lent ly d i sappears on some moon les s n igh t . They levy

blackmai l from every p i lgr im to the shr ines in the hi l l s .

They levy b lackmai l from the graz iers i n the h i l l s . They

borrow money from Kem at is and Bun iah s (merchant s


and money-lenders) , and repay i t i n kind— sto len t imber ,minor forest p roduce , etc . They are constant ly in debt

t o the Komat i s , and are p ract i cal ly the i r s lave s as

regards the supp ly of t imber and other forest p roduce .

They think nothing of fe l l ing a tree in order to col lec t

it s fru i ts , and they fi re m i l es of forest in order t o be ab le

to co l lect with ease certa i n m inor p roduce, or to trace

game . They po i son the streams throughout the hi l l s,

and i n short do exact ly as they p lease throughou t the

l ength and breadth of the Nallamalais . The Conser

vator of Forest s expressed h i s bel ief that th i s p i c ture

was not overdrawn , and added that the Chenchu s are“ a danger to the fore st in many ways

,and I have always

thought i t a p ity that they were given some of the

r ights at sett lement , which stand aga inst t he ir names .

These r ight s were

(1 ) Rights o f way, and to car ry torches.

(2) Righ ts to draw and dr ink water from ,wash or bathe in al l

streams, spr ings, wel ls and poo ls.

(3) Rights to forest p roduce for home use.

(4 ) Righ ts to fi sh and shoot,

(5 ) Righ ts to graz e a l im ited number of cattle, sheep and


(6) Righ ts to co l lect for sale or barter certain m inor p roduce,

I n connect i on with r ight t he D i str ict Forest

Officer suggested that “ the quant i ty to be taken annual ly

must be l imited,espec ia l ly in the case of wood , bamboos ,

fibre,fi rewood and honey . The qual i ty of the wood and

of other forest p roduce should be defined . Chenchus

do not requ ire teak or ebony beams or yegi (P l erom rpus

M arsupium ) spokes and fel l oe s for domest i c p urposes ;but

,as the right now stands

,they can fe l l whatever

t hey l ike,and

,t hough we may know it i s for sale to

merchants,the Chenchus have only to say i t i s for

domest i c use,and they cannot be puni shed . The wood


should be l im ited to po les and smal le r p ieces of th i rd

c lass and unc lass ified trees .

I n 1898 the Governor in Counc i l made the fo l l ow

ing rules for regulat ing t he exerc i se of the r ights

of the Chenchus l iv ing in the reserved forest s on the


1 . The carry ing of t orches , and the l ight ing of

fi re s in fire -protected blocks dur ing the fi re season are

prohib ited .

2 . There shal l be no r ight to wash or bathe i n

such spr ings , wel l s , poo l s or port i ons of streams as are

espec ia l ly set apart for drinking purposes by the Di str ict

Forest O ffi cer .

3. No more than the quant i ty which the Co l lector

may cons ider to be actual ly requ ired for domest ic use

shal l be removed in the exerc i se of the r ight to take

wood,bamboos , fibre , thatch ing grass , fi rewood



fru i t s , honey and other forest produce . The term“ other forest produce shal l be taken to mean other

minor forest produce , not i nc l ud ing tusks and horn s.

N0 wood other than po le s and smal ler p ieces of third

c lass and unc lass ified trees shal l be removed .

4 . N o gudem (Chenchu vi l lage) shal l , without the

spec ia l permi ss i on of the Col lector , be al lowed to keep a

larger number of guns than that for whi ch l i censes had

been taken out at the t ime of sett lement . Every gun

covered by a l icense shal l be stamped with a di st inct ive

mark or number . The u se of po i son and exp los ive s in

water,and the sett ing of cru ives or fixed engines


snares for the capture or destruct i on of fi sh,are str i ct ly

prohib ited .

5 . For purposes of reg enerat ion , a port i on of the

area set apart for the graz ing of catt le , not exceeding

one-fifth,may be c lo sed to graz ing at any t ime , and


for such length of t ime as the D i str ict Forest O ffi cer

deems fit .

6. The right o f pre -empt ion of al l m inor forest

produce co l lected by the C henchus for sal e or barter

shal l be re served to the Fores t department . The

exerc i se of the r ight o f col lect i ng wood and other pro

duce for domest ic u se , and of co l lec t ing m inor produce

for sale or barter , shal l be confined to natural growth ,and shal l not inc lude forest produce which i s the resu l t

of spec ial p lantat ion or protect ion on the part of the

Forest department .

I n connect ion wi th a scheme for deal i ng with the

m inor fore s t produce in the Nal lamalais,the Conserva

tor of Forests wrote as fo l lows in 1905 .

“ I bel i eve

that i t i s general ly recogn i sed that i t i s imperat ive to

obtain the good-wi l l of the Chenchus even at a cons ider

ab le l o ss,both from a pol i t i ca l and from a forest po int

of view ; the latter being that , i f we do not do so,the

who le of the Nallamalai fores ts w i l l,at a not very

remote date,be utter ly destroyed


by fi re . The Chen

chus,be ing a most abnormal type of men

,must be treated

in an abnormal way ; and the proposal s are based ,therefore

,on the fundamental pr inc ip le of al lowing the

two D istr ict Forest O ffi ce rs a very free hand in deal ing

with these p eop le . What i s main ly asked for i s to make

an exper iment, of endeavour ing to get the Chenchu s to

co l lect m inor produce for the department , the D i str ict

Forest Offi cer s be ing al l owed to fix the remunerat ion as

they l ike,in money or barter , as they may from t ime to

t ime find on the spot to be best . I n commenting on

the scheme,the Board of Revenue s tated that “ act ion

on the l ines proposed i s j ust ified by the presen t s tate o f

the Nallamalais . These valuab le fore sts certa in ly stand

in danger of rap id de struct i on by fi re,and , according to


the loca l offi cers , the Chench us are a lmos t en t i re ly

respons ib le . The department has at p re sent no means

of br ing ing in fl uence to bear on the Chenchus,or secur

ing the ir ass i stance in putt ing ou t fires . Repress ive

measures w i l l be worse than u se le s s,as the Chenchu s

wi l l mere ly hide themselve s , and do more damage than

ever . The on ly way of gett ing into touch with them i s

to enforce the r ight of pre -empt ion in the matter of

minor produce reserved to Government at the t ime of

fore st sett lement , and by deal ing with them in a j us t

and generous way to secure the ir confidence . I f th i s

i s achieved,the department may hope to secure the i r

co-operat i on and valuable ass i stance in preven t ing

jungle fires . The departmen t can certain ly afford to

se l l at a profit,and at the same t ime give the Chenchu s

better pr ices than the sowcars (money- lenders) , who aresa id i nvariab ly to cheat them . The Board bel ieves that

the ul t imate l oss from advance s wi l l no t be ser ious,as

advances wi l l ord inar i ly be smal l in amount, except in

cases where they may be requi red by Chenchus to pay

off sowcars . I t wi l l be wel l , therefore , i f the Col lector

and the Distr ict Fore s t Offi cers w i l l ascertain as soon as

possible how much the Chenchu s are indebted to the

sowcars,as i t wi l l p robab ly be necessary for the success

of the scheme to l iqu idate these debts .”

From a no te on the Chenchus of the Nallamalai

hi l l s,I gather that a s tr iking con trast i s afforded

between those who i nhabi t the be l t of fores t stretching

from Venkatapuram to Bairnu t i, and those who dwel l in

the j ung le on the ski rts of the great trunk road , which

formed the chi ef means of communi cat i on between the

pr inc ipa l town s un t i l the Sou thern Mahratta rai lway

diverted traffi c in to another channel . I n the former

we behold the Chenchu semi -c iv i l i sed and cl othed . He11—3


possesse s flocks and herds, sm i l ing fie lds and even gar

dens,and evince s an apt i tude for barter . The super ior i ty

o f the Bairnut i Chenchu has been brought about by the


,labours , and generos i ty of a s ingle

Engl i shman,who bui l t a substantial stone dwel l ing in

the dep th s of the great Bairnut i fore st . There a l so he

erected ind igo vats,and p lanted ind igo , and a grove o f

cho ice mango grafts,orange and l ime trees . He

bought buffaloes,and by carefu l se lect ion and breeding

evo lved a magn ificent type . These buffaloes have now

become a lmost en t i re ly fru i t -eaters , and are engaged in

seek ing for and devour ing the forest fru i ts , which— par

t icularly the m owhra and forest fig— l i t ter the ground in

vast quanti t ie s . This hab i t of fru i t-eat ing imparts to

the i r m i lk a pecu l iar ly r ich nutty flavour , and the cream

i s of abnormal ly r ich qual i ty . The Chenchus manufac

ture th i s into ghee (c lar ified butter) , which they turn to

p rofi tab l e account . The brethren of the Bairnut i Chen

chus dwe l l ing in the fore st of Pacherla pre sen t very

d ifferent cond it ion s of l i fe . They accentuate the ir naked

ness by a narrow bark thread bound round the wai st,

i nto which are thrust the i r arrows and kn i fe . Thi s i s

the i r fu l l dre ss . The hair, they aver, i s the great and

natura l cover ing of mankind . Why, therefore , vio late

the ord inary laws of nature by invent ing supererogatory

c l oth ing ? A miss ionary sport sman was fai r ly non

p lussed by these arguments,part icu lar ly when his

inter locutors po inted to a ce lebrated pass or gorge,

through which the amorous Kristna i s averred to have

pursued and cap tured a fasc inat ing Chenchu damse l .

You see,’

said the Chenchu logic ian,

‘ the beauty o f her

form was so man i fe s t i n i ts rude s imp li c i ty that even the

god could not re s i st i t . ’ E n passant i t may be no ted

that , when a Chenchu wi she s to expres s superlat ive



admirat ion of a be l le , he compares her to a monkey . I n

hi s eye s,the supremest beauty o f fem in in i ty i s agi l i ty


The gir l who can shin up a lofty tree,and bring him

down fru i t to eat i s the acme o f feminine perfect ion . Ah,

my sweet monkey gir l,

’ said a demora l i sed Chenchu,

who was too idle to c l imb up a tree himse l f,

‘she has

been c l imbing tree s al l day,and throwing me fru it .

There i s not a man in the forest who can c l imb l ike my

monkey gir l .’ The Chenchus are wi se ly emp loyed by

the author it ies as road-po l ice or Taliaris,to prevent

highway daco it ie s . Thi s i s an astute p iece of d ip l omacy .

The Chenchus themse lve s are the on ly daco it s there

abouts,and the salary paid them as road -pol ice i s

vi rtual ly b lackmai l to induce them to guarantee the

freedom of the forest highways . The Chenchu barters

the produce of the forest s in which he l ives,namely,

honey and wax,deer horns and h ides



app les (Fer/ on ia elepAan i am ) , and mowh ra (B assia lati

f o/ia) fru it and flowers,and real i ses a very considerable

income from these source s . He reap s annual ly a rich

harve st of hides and horns . The sambur (Cer t/as i mi

co/or ) and spotted deer (Cer t/as ax is) shed the ir horn sat certain seasons . The se horn s are h idden in the rank

l uxur iant grass . But,when the heat of the dry weather

has wi thered i t,the Chenchu app l ie s fi re to i t by rubbing

two dried st icks together,and

,walking in the wake of

the flames , p icks up the horns d i sc lo sed to view by the

reduct ion of the vegetat ion to ashes . He supp lements

th i s method wi th h i s bow and rifle , and by the latter

means alone obtains h i s h ides . The Chenchu i s every

b i t as bad a shot as the average abor ig inal . He rare ly

stalks , but , when he does, he makes up by hi s ski l l in

woodcraft for h i s inexpertness with hi s gun . He under

stands the importance of not giv ing the deer a slant o f1 1—3 13


hi s wind,and , i f they catch a g l imp se of him

,he wi l l

stand mot ion le ss and black as the tree trunks around .

The ambush by the sal t- l ick or water—hole,however

,i s

h i s favour i te method of sport . Here,fort ified w ith a

supp ly of the p ungent- sme l l ing l iquor which he i l l ic i t ly

d i st i l s from the m owh ra flower he wi l l l i e n ight and day

ruthle ssly murdering sambur , spotted deer , n i lga i (B ose

lap/z i /s tragoeamelas) , four-horned ante lope (TetraeerasTiger s often sta lk down

,and drink and

ro l l in the pool , but the Chenchu dares not draw a bead

on him . Perhap s the ind i fference of hi s shoot ing,of

which he i s consc io us , deters him . When in danger

from t igers or leopard s , the Chenchus c l imb a tree , and

shout . The Chench us recogn i se two d i st inct var ie t ie s

o f leopards cal led ch i rra pul i and ch irta pul i,concern ing

which B lanford wr i te s as fo llows .

”AQ Most o f the

sport smen who have hunted in Central I nd ia,and many

nat ive sh i kar i s (sportsmen) di st ingui sh two forms , and in

part s o f the country there i s some appearance of two

race s— a larger form that inhab i ts the hi l l s and forests,

and a smal ler form commonly occurr ing in patche s o f

gras s and bushe s amongst cul t ivated fie lds and gardens .

The larger form i s said to have a shorter ta i l,a longer

head with an occ ip i tal cre st , and c learly defined spots on

a pale r ground -colour . The smal ler form has a com

parat ive ly longer tai l , a rounder head , l ess c lear ly defined

spots,and rougher fur . I cannot he lp suspect ing that

the d i fference i s very often due to age .

A Chenchu who was asked by me whether they ki l l

wi ld beasts rep l ied that they are wi ld beas ts themse lves .

I n devour ing a feast of mutton provided for those who

were my guests in camp,they certa in ly behaved as such ,

Fauna, Bri t ish Ind ia, Mammal ia.



gnawing at the bones and tear ing off the fle sh . To the

Chenchus a feast, on however l iberal a sca le the food

may be,i s noth ing without a cop ious supp ly o f toddy

,o f

which even infants rece ive a smal l share . I n the absence

of toddy , they sometimes manufacture i l l i c i t l iquor from

the flower-buds of the mahua (or m owhra) tree . The

man who gained the pr ize (a coarse cotton c loth) i n a

shooting match with bow and arrow,wi th the head of a

straw scarecrow as bu l l’s -eye,was in an advanced s tage

of intox i cat ion,and used h is success as an argument

in favour of dr ink . I n a long d istance shoot ing match ,the pr ize was won w i th a carry o f 144 yards , the arrow

be ing shot high into the a ir . I t was noted by Captain

Newbo ld that the Chenchus are no t remarkab ly exper t

as archers,to j udge from the awkwardness they exhib ited

in d i spatching an unfortunate sheep p icke ted for them

at forty yards , which was he ld out to them as the pr ize for

the best marksman . Some t ime ago a Chenchu , who

was the bu l ly of h is sett lement,beat another Chenchu

and h is wife . The inj ured man appealed to the Dis tr ic t

Fore st Office r,and

,exp lain ing that he knew the law did

no t a l low him to kill h is enemy , app l ied for a wr i tten

permit to go after him wi th a bow and arrow .

Some Chenchus bear on the head a cap made o f

wax-c loth , deer or hare sk in . By the more fash ionable

the tufted ear or bushy tai l -end of the large I nd ian

squirre l (Sciaras I nd ians) i s way of ornament

to the str ing with which the hair of the head i s t ied in to

a bunch behind . Leafy garments have been rep laced by

white loin -c loths,and some of the women have adopted

the ravike (bod ice) , in im itat ion of the fema le co stume

in the p lains . Boys,girl s

,and women wear brace lets

made of P anama: or palmyra palm leaves . By some

p iece s of st ick strung on a thread , or seeds of Gi z/otia


rol l /enf orm is , are worn as a charm to ward off var ious

forms of pain . Some o f the women are tattooed on

the forehead , corners o f the eyes,and arms . And I

saw a few men tattooed on the shou lder as a cure forrheumat i sm .

The huts of which a present day gudem i s composed

are e ither in the shape of bee -hives l i ke those of the

Vanad i s , or ob long wi th S lop ing roof, and s ituated in a

grove near a pond or stream . The stap le food of the

Chenchu s cons i st s of cerea l s , supp lemented by yams

(D ioscorf ea) which are uprooted w i th a digg ing -st ick

t ipped with i ron,fore st fru i t s , and var iou s an ima l s such

as peacock,crow

,l i zard bear

,and black

monkey . They are very fond of the young flowers and

buds of the mahua tree , and tamarind fru it s , the ac id i ty of

which is removed by mixing with them the ashes of the

bark o f the same tree .

The fore st products co l lected by the Chenchus

i nc lude myrabolam s,fru i ts of the tamar ind

,S emecaifpas

anacaifaiam ,Safi i i ca

’as i i f if oZiac

as (soap -nut) , B acaanan ia

Zatifol ia,B acaaaam

a aagasi if ol ia ,and F icus glomeif aia

roots of A r is iolocaia [ aa’ica and H em ia’esmas [ na

’i cas ;

seeds of A er/ as precac‘or ias ; flowers of B assia Zacif ol ia ;

horns,and honey .

The Chenchus recogn i se two kinds of bees,large

and smal l,and gather honey from nest s in trees or

rocks . I t i s stated in the Cuddapah Manual that“ the Yenadis or Chenchus a lone are ab le to c l imb

miracu l ou s ly into d i ffi cu l t and apparently inaccess ibl e

p lace s,and over perpend icular c l i ffs in some p lace s

from a hundred to two hundred feet h igh . Thi s they

do by means of a p lai ted rope made of young bam

boos t ied together . Acc ident s somet imes happen by

the rope g iving way . I t i s a nervous s ight to watch


w ith cowdung. I n the centre a bow and arrow t ied

together are fixed in the ground , and the br ide and

bridegroom are made to move round i t,when the men

assemb led bless them by throw ing some r ice over them,

and the marr iage i s comp lete . Accord ing to the third

mode,a Brahm in is consul ted by the e lder s of the fami ly .

An ausp i c ious day i s fixed,and a rai sed p ial (p latform)

is formed,on wh ich the br ide and br idegroom be ing

seated,a tal i (marr iage badge ) is t ied , and ri ce poured

over the i r heads . The services of the Brahmin are

engaged for th ree or four days,and are rewarded with a

p iece of new c loth and some money . This ceremony

re semb les that of the ryot (cult ivat ing ) c l ass among the

H indus . I t i s evident ly a recent Brahmin i cal innovat ion .

O n marr iage occas ion s general ly tom -toms,i f ava i lab le ,

are beaten,and a dance takes p lace . I n the second

form of marriage , as descr i bed to me , t he br ide and

bridegroom s it oppos ite eac h other w it h four arrows

s tuck in the ground between them . I n Mackenz i e’s

record i t i s stated that the Chenchus make the brida l

pair s it with a s ing le arrow between them,and


there i s no shadow,some elder ly men and women throw

r ice over the i r heads . The importance of t he arrow

w ith the Chenchus,as with the Vanadi s , i s that the

moment when i t cast s no shadow is the ausp ic ious t ime

for t he comp let i on of the marr iage r i te . The remarr iage

of w idows i s perm i tted , and the second husband i s sa id

to be in most cases a brother of the deceased one .

As an example of the Chenchu songs , the fo l lowing

marr iage song , sung by two men and a woman , and

recorded by my phonograph,may be c ited

The tal i was of avaram leaves,Oh the lo rd of the Chenchus .

Cassi a aan calata .


Th e bash ingham was made of the leaf of a wild tree,Oh I the lo rd o f the Chenchus.

Wi ld tu rmeric was used for the kankanamOh I the lord of the Chenchus.

Wear ing a garment made of the leaves o f the palm tree ,Oh I the lord o f the Chenchus.

Wearing a bod ice made o f the leaves of the pann u tree,

Oh I the lo rd o f th e Chenchus.

Roam ing over inaccess ible h i l ls ,Oh I the lord of the Chenchus.

Wandering th rough dense forests,Oh I the lord .of the Chenchus .

Comm itting acts that ought not to be done,Oh I the lo rd of the Ch enchus.


s mar riage was ce leb rated,Oh I the lord of the Chenchus.

A fou r-cornered dais was made,Oh I the lord of th e Chenchus.

On the dais arrows were stuck ,Oh I the lord of the Chenchus.

Bamboo r ice was used to th row on the heads of the pai r,Oh I the lord of the Chenchus.

Cocoan ut cups were stuck on the po ints of the arrow,Oh I the lord of the Ch enchus.

The marriage was th us ce leb rated .

At a dance in my honour , men and women executed

a ser ie s of step dance s in t ime w i th a drum (thappata)re semb l ing a big tambour ine , which , at the conc lus ion

of each dance , was passed to and fro through a b laz ing

fire of cho l um straw to br ing i t up to the proper p itch .

An elder ly hag went through a var iety of gest i c u lat ions

l i ke those of a Deva-das i (danc ing -gir l) . A man dressed

up in straw and fragment s of mat s p icked up near my

camp,and another d isgu i sed as a woman

,with bel l s

round hi s ank les,supp l ied the comic bus iness .

Marr iage chap let worn on the forehead .

1 Wr ist-threads dyed Wi th turmer ic .


I n the Kurnoo l Manua l i t is stated that “ as soon as

a ch i l d i s born , the umbi l i cal cord i s cut (with a kn i fe orarrow) , and the ch i ld i s washed in co ld or hot water ,according as the season i s hot or co ld . O n the th ird

day,al l the women o f the tr ibe are i nvi ted

,and served

wi th bete l nut . On the fourth day,an o ld woman gives

a name to the chi ld . The baby i s genera l ly laid in a

cradle made of deer sk in s , and su spended from a bamboo

by means of str ings or dusara creepers .

The dead are carried to the buria l -p lace in a c loth

s l ung on a pole . The body , after i t has been laid in the

grave,i s covered over wi th leafy twigs , and the grave i s

fi l led in . The spot i s marked by a mound of earth and

stone s p i led up . O n the second or third day,some

cooked food i s offered to the sou l of the deceased

person,near the grave , and , after some of i t has been

set apart for the crows , the remainder is bur ied in the

mound or within the grave . The same ri te is repeated

after the e ighth day .

The Chenchus are said ”A, l ike the Yanadis

, to

worship a god cal led Chenchu Devata , t o whom offer ings

of honey and fru i t s are some t imes made . They be l ieve,

as has been ment ioned al ready, that the god Naras im ha

of Ahob i lam ,whom they cal l Obalé sudu

,carri ed off a

beaut i fu l Chenchu gi r l , named Chench ita,and marr ied

her . To prevent the occurrence of a s im i lar fate to

o ther fema le s of the t r ibe , C hench ita ordained that they

shou ld in future be born ugly , and be devo id of persona l

charm s . The Chenchus c laim Obalé sudu as the i r

brother-in - l aw,and

,when they go to the temple for the

annual fest ival,carry c loths as presen ts for the god and

goddess . The legend of the i r or igin is to ld as fo l low s

Madras Census Report , 1891 .


by Captain Newbold . Previous to the incarnat ion of

Sri Kri shna in the Dwapara Yug (the third of the great

ages ) , the Chenchwars were shepherds of the Yerra

Gol la caste . Obal I swara,the swami (de ity) of O balam ,

a ce lebrated hi l l shr ine in the Nal la Mal las,having

taken away and kept as a Chench ita a maid of the Yerra

Go l la fami ly,begat upon her chi ldren

, of whom they

are descendants . Among o ther m inor de it ie s,the

C henchus are said to worship Ankalamma,Potu Razu


Sunkalamm a,Mal lamma, and Guruppa .

I n the absence of luc i fer matches,the Chenchus

make fire w ith fl i nt and steel,and the sl ight ly charred

floss of the whi te cotton tree , E r ioa’eaa

’if oic aaf rf accaosam ,

I am informed that,l i ke the Pan iyans of Malabar


al so obtain fire by fr ic t i on , by means of the hor izontal or

sawing method,with two p ieces of sp l i t bamboo .

Some Chenchus st i l l exhib it the prim it ive short

stature and high nasal index,which are character i st i c of

otherljungle tr ibes such as the Kad irs , Pan iyan s , and

Kurumbas . But there i s a very consp icuous want of

un i form ity in the ir p hys i cal characters,and many indi

v iduals are to be met wi th ,above m iddle he ight or ta l l ,

with long narrow noses . A case i s noted in the Kurnool

Manual,in which a br ick -maker married a Chenchu gir l .

And I was told of a Boya man who had married in to the

tr ibe,and was l iv ing in a gudem . I n th i s way i s the

pure type of Chenchu metamorphosed .

S tature, cm . N asal index .

By the dol i chocephal i c type of head which has

pers i sted,and which the C henchus posses s in common


with var ious other j ungle tr ibe s , they are , as shown by

the fo l lowing table , at once d i fferent iated from the

mesat icephal ic dwel lers in the p lains near the foot of the


40 Chenchus60 Go l las50 Boyas

39 To ta Bal i jas49 Motat i Kapus

19 Upparas

16 Mangalas

1 7 Yerukalas

12 Medaras

The vi sual acui ty o f the C henchus was tested with

Cohn’s letter E ,No . 6. For c l in ica l purposes

,the vi sua l

acu ity wou ld be represented by a fract ion, of which 6 is

the denominator, and the number of metre s at which the

pos it ion of the letter was recogn i sed by the ind ividua l

tested i s the numerator , eg .

V.A .

The average di stances in metres,a t which the letter

was recogn i sed by the var ious castes and tribe s exam ined

by myse l f and Dr . W . H . R . R ivers,were as fo l lows

16 Shelagas (Rivers)94 Kotas 1 28

180 Badagas 1 26

50 Parai yans

58 Te lugu ryats 1 2 4

28 Chenchus

55 Ural is

30 Brahmans, Myso re

30 Non-Brahmans, Mysore 1


i n North Malabar . Even in South Ma labar where they

are cal led Cheruman,a large sub -divi s ion number ing

over i s ca l l ed Pula Cheruman . The most

important of t he sub -divi s ion s returned are Kanakkan,

Pula Cherum an,E ralan

,Kudan and Rolan . Kanakkan

and Pula C heruman are found in al l the southern taluks,

K t'

i dan a lmost who l ly in Walluvanad, and Eralan i n

Palghat and Walluvanad . I n the Census Report , 190 1 ,Alan (s lave) , and Paramban are given as sub -castes o f

Cherum an .

Accord ing to one vers ion,the name Cheruma or

Cheramakkal s ign ifie s son s of the so i l ; and , according

to another,Cheriamakkal means l i tt le chi ldren


Parasurama d i rected that they shou ld be cared for,and

treated as such . The word Pu layan i s said to be der ived

from pula,mean ing po l l ut ion .

Of the Cherumans, the fo l l owing account i s g iven in

the Gazetteer of Malabar . They are said to be divided

into 39 d ivi s ions , t he more important of which are the

Kanakka Cheruman s, t he Pula Cherumans or Pu layas


the E ra Cheruman s or Eralans,the Rol i Cheruman s or

Relans , and the K t'

i dans . Whether these sub -divi s ions

should be t reated as separate castes or not , i t i s hardly

poss ib l e to determine ; some of t hem at least are

endogamous group s , and some are st i l l further sub

divided . Thus the Pulayas of C h irakkal are said to be

divided into one endogamous and e leven exogamous

group s,cal led Mavadan ,

E lamanam, Tacchakudiyan ,

Kundaton ,C heruvulan

,Mulat tan




Eramalodiyan ,Mullaviriyan ,

Egudan ,and Kunden .

Some at least of these group names obvious ly denote

differences of occupat ion . The Kundot t i , or woman ofthe last group , act s as m idwi fe and in consequence the

group i s cons idered to convey po l l ut ion by touch to


members of the other gro up s,and they wi l l ne ither eat

nor marry with those be longing to i t . Death or birth

pol lut ion i s removed by a member of the Mavadan c lass

ca l led Maruttan,who spr inkle s cowdung mixed with

water on t he feet,and mi lk on the head o f t he person

to be purified . At weddings , the Maruttan receives 32

fanam s,the pre scr ibed pri ce of a br ide , from the bride

groom,and give s i t to the bride’s peop le . The Era

Cherumans and Kanakkans , who are found only in the

southern taluks of the di str i ct , appear to be divided into

exogamous groups ca l led Kfi ttam s,many of which seem

to be named after the house -name of th e masters whom

they serve . The Cheruman s are almost so lely emp loyed

as agricu l tura l labourers and coo l i e s but they a l so make

mats and basket s .

I t i s noted * by Mr . L . K . Anantha Kr i shna - I ye r

that “ from trad it i on s current among the Pulayas,i t

wou ld appear that,once upon a t ime

,they had dominion

over severa l part s of the coun try . A person cal led

A ikkara Yajaman,whose ancestors were Pulaya kings ,

i s st i l l held in considerab le re spect by the Pu layas of

North Travancore,and acknowledged as the ir ch ieftain

and lord , whi le the A ikkaranad i n the Kunnethnad taluk

st i l l remains to lend co lour to the tale . I n Tr ivandrum ,

on t he banks of the Vel l i lake,i s a h i l l cal led Pulayanar

Kotta, where i t i s be l ieved that a Pu laya king once ru led .

I n other p laces,they are al so sa id to have he ld sway .

As a Paraya found at Me lkota the image of Selvap illai ,as a Savara was or iginal ly in possess ion of the sacred

stone which became the ido l i n the temp l e of j aganath ,

so a l so i s the worship of Padmanabha at Trivandrum

int imately connected with a Pu layan . O nce a Pulaya

Monograph, E th . Survey of Coch in ,

No . 6, 1906.


woman, who was l iv ing wi th her husband in the Ananthan

kadu (jung le) , sudden ly heard the cry of a baby . She

rushed to t he spot , and saw to her surpri se a chi ld lyingon the ground , protected by a snake . She took p i ty on

i t,and nursed i t l ike her own chi ld . The appearance of

t he snake int imated to her the d ivine orig in of the

i nfant . This p roved to be true , for the chi ld was an

incarnat ion of Vishnu . As soon as the Raja of Travan

core heard of the wonderfu l event,he bu i l t a shrine on

the spot where the baby had been found,and ded icated

i t to Padmanabha . The Pu layas round Trivandrum

assert to th i s day that , i n former t imes , a Pu laya king

ru led,and had hi s cast le not far from the present cap i ta l

o f Travancore . The fo l low ing story i s al so current

among them . The Pulayas got from the god S iva a

boon,with spade and axe , to c lear forest s , own lands


and cu lt ivate th em . When other peop le took possess i on

of them ,they were advi sed to work under them .

According to Mr . Loganfif the Cheruman s are of two

sec t i on s,one o f which , the I raya , are of s l ight ly h igher

soc ial standing than the Pulayan .

“ As the names

denote,the former are permitted to come as far as the

eaves (i ra) of the i r employers’ hou ses

,whi le the latter

name denote s that they convey pol lut ion to al l whom

they meet or approach . The name Cheruman i s

supposed to be der ived from cheru , smal l , the Cheruman

be ing short of stature,or from chera

,a dam or l ow - lying

ri ce fie ld . Mr . Logan , however , was of op in ion that

there i s amp le evidence that the Malabar coast at one

t ime const i tuted the kingdom or Emp ire of Chera,and

the nad or county of Cheranad ly ing on the coast and

in land south -east of Cal icut remains to the pre sent day

Manual of Malabar .


to give a loca l habitat ion to the ancient name . More

over,the name of the great Emperor of Malabar

,who i s

known to every chi ld on the coast as C heraman Perumal,was undoubted ly the t it le and not the name of the

Emperor,and meant the ch ief (l i tera l ly, big man) of the

Chera peop le .

O f the h i story of s lavery in Malabar an admirable

account i s g iven by Mr . Logan , from which the fo l low

ing extracts are taken .

“ I n 1 79 2 , the year in whichBrit i sh rule commenced , a proc lamat ion was i ssued

again st deal ing in s laves . I n 1819 , the pr incipal Co l lector

wrote a report on the cond it ion of the Cherumar,and

rece ived orders that the pract ice of se l l ing slaves forarrear s of revenue be immed iately d i scont inued . I n

182 1,the Court of Directors expressed cons iderable

d i ssat i sfac t i on at the lack of prec i se informat ion wh i chhad been vouchsafed to them ,

and said ‘ We are to ld

that part of the cu l t ivators are he ld as s lave s that they

are attached to the so i l,and marketable property .

’ I n

1836, the Government ordered the rem i ss ion in the

Col lector’s accounts of Rs . 9 2 7—13—0 , which was the

annual revenue from slave s on the Government lands in

Ma labar , and the Government was at the same t ime‘ p leased to accede to the recommendat ion in favour of

emancipat ing the s laves on the Government lands i n

Ma labar . ’ I n 184 1 , Mr . E . B . Thomas , the J udge at

Cal i cut,wrote in strong terms a letter to the Sadr Adalat ,

in which he pointed out that women in some tal uks

(d ivi s ions) fetched higher pr ice s , i n order to breed slaves

that the average cos t of a young male under ten years

was about Rs . 3—8—0 ,

of a female somewhat less ; that

an infan t ten mon ths o ld was so ld in a court auct ion for

Rs . 1— 10- 6 i ndependen t of the pri ce of i t s mother and

that , in a recent su it, the r ight to twenty- seven s laves1 1-4


was the ‘ so le matter of l i t igat i on , and was di sposed of on

i t s meri t s .’ I n a further letter , Mr . Thomas po inted out

t hat the s laves had increased in numbers from at

t he Census,1835 , to at the Census

,184 2 . I t

was apparent ly these letters which dec ided the Board of

Directors t o send out orders to l eg i s late . And the

Government of I ndia passed Act V of 1843, of which

the provi s i on s were wide ly pub l i shed through Malabar .

The Co l lector exp lained to the Cherumar that i t was in

the i r interest , as wel l as the ir duty , to remain with the ir

masters , i f k ind ly treated . He proc la imed that t he

Government wi l l not order a s lave who is i n the emp loy

of an individua l t o forsake him and go to the servi ce of

another c laimant nor wi l l the Government interfere

with the s lave’s in c l inat ion as to Where he w i shes to

work .

And again,

‘ Any person c laim ing a s lave as

janmam, kanam or panayam ,

the r ight of such c la im or

c laim s wi l l not be invest igated into at any one of t he

pub l i c o ffi ces or court s . ’ I n 1852 , and again in 1855 , the

fact that traffi c in s laves st i l l cont inued was brought to

the not i c e of Government,but on ful l cons iderat ion no

further measures for the emanc ipat ion of the Cherumar

were deemed to be necessary . The Cherumar even yet

have not real i sed what pub l i c Op in ion in Eng land wou ld

probab ly have forced down the ir throat s fi fty years ago ,

and there i s reason to th ink that they are st i l l , even now ,

with th e i r fu l l con sent bought and so ld and hired out ,

al though , of course , the transact ion must be kept secret

for fear of the penal t ie s of the Penal Code , which came

into force in 1862,and was the real fina l blow at s lavery in

I ndia . The s laves,however

,as a caste wi l l never under

stand what real freedom means,unt i l measure s are adopted

to give them indefeas i b le r ight s in the smal l orchards

occup ied by them as house-s ites . I t i s noted by


Mr . Anantha Kri shna I yer that “ though slavery has been

abo l i shed many years ago , the name val liyal (a person

rece iving va l l i,i .e. , paddy given to a s lave) st i l l surv ives .

By the Pena l Code i t i s enacted that

Whoever import s,exports , removes , buys , se l l s , or

di sposes of any person as a s lave , or accept s,rece ives


or detain s against hi s wi l l any person as a s lave,sha l l

be puni shed with impri sonm ent for a term which may

extend to seven years,and shal l a l so be l iab le to a fine .

Whoever habi tua l ly imports,export s , removes , buys ,

se l l s, traffics or deal s in s laves

,shal l be puni shed with

t ransportat ion for l i fe,or with imprisonment for a term

not exceeding ten years , and sha l l be l iab le to a fine .

Whoever un lawful ly compe l s any person to labour

against the wi l l of that person,shal l be pun i shed with

impr i sonment for a term which may extend to one year,or with a fine

, or with both .

“ Very low indeed,Mr . S . Appadorai I yer wr ites , *

i s the soc ial p os it i on of these m i serab le beings .

When a Cherumar meet s a person of super ior caste,

he must stand at a d i stance of thi rty feet . I f he comes

wi thin th i s prohib i ted d i stance,hi s approach i s sa id to

cause pol lut ion , which is removed on ly by bathing in

water . A Cherumar cannot approach a Brahman vi l lageor temple , or tank . I f he does so ,

purificat ion becomes

necessary . Even wh i l e u s ing the publ ic road , i f he sees

hi s lord and master,he has to l eave the ordinary way

and walk , i t may be in the mud , to avo id h i s d i sp leasure

by acc identa l ly pol lut ing him . To avoid pol lut ing

the passer-by, he repeats the unp leasant sound O ,

oh, O [I n some p laces , e.g .

,Palghat , one may often

see a Cheruman with a dirty p iece of c l oth spread

Calcutta Review , 1900 .

1 1—4 2


on the roads ide , and ye l l i ng in a shr i l l vo i ce Ambr'

ane ,

Ambarane,give me some p ice

,and thr ow them on

the H i s pos i t ion i s into lerable in the Nat iveState s of Cochin and Travancore , where Brahman in

fluence i s i n the ascendant whi l e in the Palghat tal uk the

Cherumars cannot,even to th i s day , enter the bazaar .

A me lancholy p icture has been drawn of the Cheruman s

tramp ing a long the marshes in mud , often wet up t o

the ir waists,to avoid pol l ut ing the i r super iors . I n 1904 ,

a Cheruman came wi th i n po l l ut ing d istance of a Nayar,

and was struck with a st ick . The Cheruman went off

and fetched another , whereupon the Nayar ran away .

He was,however

,pursued by the Cherumans . I n

defend ing himse l f with a spade,the Nayar struck the

foremost Cheruman on t he head,and ki l l ed him .

* I n

another case,a Cheruman , who was the servant of a

Mappilla, was fetch ing grass for hi s master, when he

inadvertent ly approached some Tiyans , and thereby

po l luted them . The indignant T iyan s gave not only the

Cherum an,but h i s mas ter al so

,a sound beat ing by way

o f aveng ing the in su l t offered to them .

The status o f the Pulayas of the Cochin State i s

thus descr ibed by M r . Anantha Kri shna I yer . “ They

abstai n from eat ing food prepared by the Ve lakkathala

vans (barbers) , Mannan s (washermen) , Panan s , Vet tuvans

,Parayan s , Nayadis , U lladans



Kadars . The Pulayas in the southern part s of the S tate

have to stand at a di stance of 90 fee t from Brahmans

and 64 fee t from Nayars , and thi s d i stance gradual ly

dim in i she s toward s the l ower caste s . They are po l luted

by Pula Cherumas,Parayas , Nayadis , and U lladans .

[The Pula Cherumas are said to eat beef, and sel l the

t" Madras Po l ice Report , 1904 .


(unhusked r ice) i s d i str ibuted to them as wages . Both

theory and pract ice , i n the great maj or i ty of cases , are

that they are fed at the master’s cost the who le year

round , whether they work in the fie lds or not . But i t i s

very se ldom that they can have a ho l iday,regard being

had to the nature of agricul ture in Malabar . I t i s the

Cheruma that should p lough the land , sow the seed ,t ran sp lant the seedl i ngs

,regu late the flow of water in

the fields,uproot the weeds , and see that the crop s are

not des troyed by animal s , or sto len . When the crop s

r ipen,he has to keep watch at n ight . The sentry house

cons i st s of a smal l oval -shaped portable roof, constructed

of palmyra and cocoanut l eave s , supported by four post s ,across which are t ied bamboos

,which form the watch

man’s bed . Wive s somet imes accompany the ir husbands

in the i r watches . When the harve st season approaches ,the Cheruman

s hands are fu l l . He has to cut the crops ,carry them to the barn (kalam) , separate the corn fromthe stalk

,and winnow it . The second cr0p operat ion s

immed iate ly fo l l ow , and the Cheruma has to go through

al l these processe s again . I t i s in the summer season

that h i s work i s l ight , when he i s set to prepare

vegetable gardens,or some odd job i s found for h im by

h i s master . The old, infi rm ,and the chi ldren look after

the i r master’s catt l e . Rece iv ing hi s dai ly p i ttance of

paddy,the Cheruman enters h i s hut

,and reserves a

port i on of i t for the purchase of sa lt , chi l l ie s , toddy ,tobacco

,and dried fish . The other port ion i s reserved

for food . The Cheruman spends the greater part of h is

wages on toddy. I t i s a very common s ight in Malabar

to see a group of Cheruman s , inc l uding women and

ch i ldren,s i tt ing in front of a toddy shOp ,

the Cheruman

transferring the unfin i shed port ion of the toddy to hi s

w i fe,and the latter to the chi ldren . A Cheruman



however , rare ly gets intoxicated , or commits cr ime . No

reces s i s al lowed to the Cherumans,except on nat ional

ho l idays and ce lebrated temp le fest ival s observed in

honour of t he goddess Bhagavat i or Kal i , when they are

quite free to indulge in dr ink . On these days,the i r h ire i s

g iven in advance . With thi s they get intox icated , and

go to the poora -paramba or temp le premi ses , where the

fest iva l i s ce lebrated,i n batche s of four

,each one ty ing

hi s hands to another’s neck,and rec i t ing every two

seconds the pecul iar soundLal lé lal le lal lé ho.

Lal lé lal lé lal lé ho.

On the E uropean p lantat ion s in the Wynad theCherumans are in great request

,and many are to be seen

trave l l ing nowadays without fear i n ra i lway carr iages on

the ir way to the p lantat ion s . A few a l so work in the

go ld mines of Mysore

L ike other servi le c lasses,the Cherumans posses s

spec ia l pr ivi leges on spec ial occas ions . For example , at

the chal (furrow) ceremony in Malabar“ the master of

the hou se,the cu lt ivat ing agent

,and Cherumans assemb le

in the barn,a port ion of the yard i n front of the bu i lding

i s painted with r i ce -water,and a l ighted bel l - lamp

p laced near at hand with some paddy and r ice , and several

cup s made of the leaves of the kann iram (S t ifyc/mos m i x

vom ica) — as many cup s as there are var iet i e s of seed in

the barn . Then,p lac ing imp l ic i t fa i th i n hi s gods , and

deceased ancestors,the master of the house Opens the

barn door,fol lowed by the Cheruman with a new painted

baske t contain ing the leaf cup s . The master then takes

a handfu l of seed from a seed -basket,and fi l l s one of the

cup s,and the cu l t ivat ing agen t , head Cheruman

, and

other s who are interested in a good h arvest , fi l l t he cup s

t ill t he seeds are exhausted . The basket , with the CUPS.


is next taken to the decorated port ion of the yard . A

new p loughshare is fastened to a new p lough , and a pai r

of catt le are brought on to the scene . P lough,catt le , and

basket are a l l pain ted wi th rice -water . A process ion

proceeds to the fie lds , on reaching which the head

C heruman lays down the basket , and makes a mound of

earth wi th the spade . To th i s a l i tt l e manure i s added,

and the mas ter throws a handful of seed into i t . The

catt le are then yoked , and one turn i s p l oughed by the

head C heruman . I n s ide thi s at l eas t seven furrows are

made,and the p lough is dropped to the right . An offer ing

i s made to Ganapath i (the e lephant god) , and the masterth rows some seed into a furrow . Next the head Cheru

man cal l s out May the gods on high and the deceased

ancestors bl es s the seed,which has been thrown broad

cast , and the catt l e which are let loose ; the mother and

chi ldren of the hou se,the master

,and the s laves


they a l so vouchsafe to us a good crop , good sunshine , and

good harvest .’

A cocoanut i s then cut on t he p lough

share,and from the cut port ions severa l deduct ions are

m ade . I f the hinder part is larger than the front one , the

harvest wi l l be moderate . I f the cut passes through the

eye s of the nut , or i f no water i s l eft i n the cut port i on s ,certain mi sfortune i s foreboded . The cut fragments are

then taken w i th a l i t t le water ins ide them,and a leaf of

the tu l s i p lant (Ocimum sanctum ) dropped in . I f the leaf

turns to the right,a prosperous harvest is assured

whereas , if it turn s to the left , certain ca lam ity wi l l fo l low .

This ceremonia l concluded,there i s much shout ing , and

the names of al l the gods may be heard cal led out i n a

confused prayer . The party then breaks up , and the

unused seeds are d ivided among the workmen .


Karunakara Menon , Madras Mus . Bu l l . , V. 2 , 1906.


the ceremony in Malabar , when the transp lantat ion of

rice i s completed , during which a goat i s sacrificed to

Man i,the protector of catt l e and field labourers


offic iat i ng pries t i s genera lly the cult ivat ion agent of the

fami ly,who i s a Nayar

,or somet imes a Cheruman .

I n connect ion wi th the harvest ceremon ial i n Coch in,

Mr . Anantha Kr ishna I yer wri te s as fol lows . “ There

are some cur ious customs connected wi th the harvest,

prevai l ing among the Pu layas of the southern parts of the

S tate . Before reap ing , the Pulaya headman asks h ismaster whether he may begin to reap . With h is perm i s

s ion,he faces the east , and puts the s i ckle to the stalks .

The fir s t bundle he reserves for the gods o f h is master,

and the second for those of h is castemen . Before

thrashing,the same headman takes a few bund les of

corn from the sheaf intended for the ir gods,and spr inkles

toddy on them . Another Pulayan does the same for the

var ious reapers,and says , as he does so Come


corn,i ncrease .

’ This is ca l l ed fi l l ing the thrashing floor,

and each man thrashes h is own sheaves . When the

thrashing is over , the h eadman puts h is master’s sheaf

in the centre of the floor , and hi s own at a short d i stance

ou ts ide,i n order that the two se ts of gods may look

kind ly on them . The headman i s pr ivi leged to measure

the corn s i tt ing with h is two ass i stants , saying Come,



as he counts . H e a l so ca l l s out Good


,bad paddy , two

, and so on , unt i l he count s

ten . The e leventh i s the share for the reaper . He takes

a handful,and p laces i t i n a basket , ha l f of which fal l s to

him,h is ass i stant s and the watchman , whi le the other

ha lf i s g iven away in char i ty to the poor men that come

to the thrashing p lace . I n the northern part s o f t he

State,before reap ing

,offer ings of goats , fowl s , and

cocoanuts , are made to Mal lan and M i mi . The Cheruma


headman faces east, and app l i es hi s s ickle to the sta lks ,reserving the fi r st sta lk for the de i t ie s above ment ioned .

The corn i s thrashed and measured by one of them,and


as he does so , he says Labham’

(profit) for one,

‘ Chetham’

(los s) for two , and counts up to ten . The

eleventh goes to the share of the reapers . Thus they

get one para for every ten paras of corn . The poor

peopl e that attend are a l so g iven a handful of the grain .

After reap ing , the members of the caste s named in the

tab le be low rece ive a smal l port ion of the corn for the ir

services rendered to the farmers in the course of the

months during which cul t ivat ion has been carr ied on

is g iven .

Carpenters For mak ing and repai r ingp lough s, etc.

B lacksm ith s For mak ing s ick les, kn i ves,and other tools.

Parayan For l i fting and p lac ing the

loads of stalks on the headsof the Ch erumans, who car ryth em to the farmyard.

Wash erman or Man For keep ing off b irds, insects,nan . etc. ,

from the fields by mag ic.

Vilkurup For treating Cherumas du ringth ei r i l lness, and for sham

poo ing them .

Kan iyan or astrolo For g i v ing in formation of the

ger. ausp icious times for p loughing, sow ing, transp lantingand reap ing , and also of the

time for g iv ing r ice, vege

tab les, oi l , etc. , to the

Cherumas du ring the Onamfestival .


The Pulayans rece ive , i n return for watching ,a

sma l l port ion of the fie ld near the watchman ’s rest -hut,

which i s le ft unreaped for h im . I t fetches him a para

of paddy .

“ The Cherumas who are engaged in reap ing get two

bund les of corn each for every field . For measuring

the corn from the farmyard , a Cheruman get s an edan

gaz hy of paddy, i n addi t i on to hi s dai ly wage . Three

paras of paddy are set apart for the local vi l lage de ity .

Dur ing the m on th‘

of Karkadakam,the masters give

every Cheruman a fowl , some o il,garl i c


,an i se


,and turmer i c . They prepare a decoct ion

of seeds,and boi l the flesh of the fowl i n i t , which they

take for three days,duri ng which they are al lowed to take

rest . Three days’ wages are al so given in advance .

I n Travancore,a fest ival named Macam i s held , of

which the fol low ing account has been “ The

Macam (tenth conste l lat ion Regulus,which fol lows

Thi ru Onam in August) , i s regarded by H indus as a dayof great fest ivi ty. One must enj oy i t even at the cost of


s chi ldren,so runs an adage . The day is cons idered

to be so lucky that a gi r l born under the star Regul us i s

ver i ly born wi th a s i lver Spoon in her mouth . I t was

on Macam, some say, that the Devas , to free themselves

from the curse they were pu t under by a certai n sage ,had to churn the sea of mi lk to procure ambros ia . Be

the cause whi ch led to the cel ebrat i on what i t may , the

H indus of the present day have ever been enthus iast ic

i n i ts observance ; on ly some of the rude customs con

nected wi th i t have died out i n the course of t ime , or

were put a stop to by Governmen t . Sham fights were ,and are st i l l

,i n some p lace s a feature of the day . Such

Madras Mai l , 1908.


a sham fight used to be carr ied on at Pal lam unt i l,about

a hundred years ago , i t was stopped through the in ter

ven t ion o f Colonel Munro , the Bri t i sh Res iden t i n

Travancore . The p lace i s s t i l l ca l led Patan ilam (batt le

fie ld) , and the tank , on oppos i te s ides o f which the

con tend ing part ies assembled , C horaku lam (pool of

blood) . The s teel swords and spears , o f curi ous and

var ious shapes,and shie lds large enough to cover a man


are even now preserved i n the local temple . Many l ives

were los t i n these fights . I t i s not general ly known,

even to peop l e i n these parts , that a sham fight takes

p lace on Maeam and the previous day every year at a

p lace cal l ed Wez hapra , be tween the Changanacherry and

Ambalapuzha ta luks . Three banyan trees mark the

p lace . Peop le , espec ial ly Pu layas and Pariahs , to the

number of many thousands , col l ec t round the outs ide

trees w i th s teel swords , spears , and s l ings i n thei r hand .

A smal l bund (embankmen t) separates the two part i es .

They have to perform certain rel ig ious r i tes near the tree

wh ich stands i n the middle,and

,i n doing so ,

make some

movements w i th thei r swords and spears to the accom

pan imen t o f musi c . I f those stand ing on one s ide of the

bund cross i t , a regular fight is the resul t . I n order to

avoid such things,wi thout at the same t ime in terfer ing

wi th thei r l i berty to worsh i p at the spot , the Government

thi s year made al l the neces sary arrangements . The

Pol ice were sent for the purpose . Everything wen t off

smoothly but for one untoward even t . The peop le had

been told not to come armed wi th stee l weapons , but

wi th wooden ones . They had to pu t them down , and

were then al lowed to go and worship .

Of convers ion to Muhammadan i sm at the present

t ime,a good example is afforded by the Cherumans .

“ Thi s caste ,”

the Cen su s Super intendent , 1881 , wr i tes,


as cu l t ivat ion requ ired . The madams are very poor huts ,supported on four smal l posts

,and thatched with leaves .

The s ides are p rotected wi th the same kind of l eaves .

There is on ly one room,and the floor

,though s l ight ly

ra ised,i s very damp during the ra iny months . These

temporary bu i ld ings are removed after the harvest,and

put up in p laces where cul t ivat i on has to be carr ied on .

A ll the members of the fami ly s leep together in the same

hut . Smal l temporary huts are somet imes erected,which

are l itt le better than inverted baskets . These are p laced

in the r i ce field whi le the crop is on the ground , and near

the stacks whi l e i t i s be ing thrashed . I n the northern

parts of the State,the Pulaya huts are made ofmud wal l s ,

and provided wi th wooden doors . The roofs are of

bamboo framework thatched with pa lmyra palm leaves .

The floor i s raised,and the huts are p rovided w ith pyals

(ra ised p latforms ) on three s i des . They have al so smal l

compounds (grounds) around them . There i s on ly one

room ins ide,wh i ch is the s l eep ing apartment of the

newly marr ied youngsters . The others , I am told , s leep

on the verandahs . The utens i ls cons ist of a few earthen

po ts for cooking and keep ing water,and a few earthen

d ishes for tak ing food . I n add it ion to these,I found a

wooden mortar,a few pest les

,two pans

,two winnowing

pans , a fish basket for each woman,a few cocoanut she l l s

for keep ing sal t and other things,a few baskets of the i r

own making,i n one of which a few dirty c loths were

p laced,some mats of the i r own making , a bamboo vesse l

for measur ing corn,and a vesse l for contain ing toddy .

During the rainy season,the Cherumas i n the fie ld

wear a few green l eaves,espec ial ly those of the p lantain

tree , t ied round thei r wai sts , and a smal l cone -shaped

cap , made of plantain l eaf,i s worn on the head . This

pract ice , among the females, has fal l en into d isuse in


Malabar , though i t i s to some ex ten t s t ill found in the

Nat ive States . The Cherum i i s p rov ided with one l ong

p iece of thick cloth , wh ich she wraps round her waist,and which does not even reach the knees . She does not

cover the chest .” 6 The Cheruma femal es have been

descr ibed as wearing,when at work in the Open

,a b ig

oval -shaped handlel ess umbrel la covered with palm

leaves,which they p lace on the i r back , and which covers

the who le of the i r person in the stoop ing at t i tude . The

men use,during the rainy season , a short -handled palm

leaf umbre l la .

The women are profuse ly decorated with cheap j ewel ry

of which the fol l ow ing are examples

1 . Lobes of both ears widely d i lated by ro l led

leaden ornaments . Brass , and two glass bead neck lets ,str ing neck let w ith flat brass ornaments , the s ize of a

Venet ian sequ in,with dev ice as in old Travancore go ld

coins,with two brass cyl inders pendent beh ind


tassel s of red cotton . Three brass r ings on r ight l i tt l e

finger ; two on l eft r ing finger , one brass and two steel

bangles on left wri st .

2 . Several bead neckl ets , and a s ingl e necklet ofmany rows of beads . Brass neckl et l ike preceding


steel prong and scoop , for removing wax from the ears

and p icking teeth,t ied to one of the necklets . Attached

to, and pendent from one necklet , three pa lm leaf ro l l s

w ith symbo ls and Malayalam inscr ip t ion to act as a

charm in dr iving away devi ls . Three ornamenta l brass

bangl es on r ight forearm , two on l eft . I ron bang le

on l eft wrist . Thin brass r ing in hel ix of each ear .Seventy thin brass r ings (alandet i) with heavy brass

ornament (adikaya) in d i lated lobe of each ear .

Calcutta Review , 1900 .


3. I n add i t ion to glass bead neckl ets,a necklet

with heavy heart-shaped brass pendants . Str ing round

neck to ward off fever .

4 . Str ing necklet wi th five brass cyl i nders pendent

five brass bangles on r igh t wrist ; s ix brass and two i ron

bangl es on l eft wr i st .

Right hand,one copper and five brass r ings on

middle finger ; one i ron and three brass r ings on l i ttl e


Left hand,one copper and five brass r ings on

middle finger ; th ree brass and two copper r ings on r ing

finger ; one brass r ing on l i t tl e finger .

5 . Trouser bu tton i n hel ix of l eft ear .

6. Brass bead necklet with pendent brass ornament

with l egend “ Best superi o r umbrel la made in j apan ,made for Faz albhoy Peeroo Mahomed , Bombay .

A Ch eruman,at Cal i cu t , had h is hai r l ong and

unkempt,as he played the drum at the temp le . Another

had the hai r arranged in four matted p la i ts , for the cu re

of d i sease in performance of a vow . A man who wore a

copper cyl i nder on h is l o i n st r i ng , contain ing a brass

str i p with mantrams (consecrated formulae) engraved on

i t,sold i t to me for a rupee wi th the assurance that i t

would protect me from devi l s .

Concern i ng the marr iage ceremony of the Cherumans

i n Malabar,Mr . Appadorai I yer wri tes that the br ide

groom’s s i ster i s the ch ief perform er. I t i s sh e who pays

the bride’s p r ice,and carr ies her off. The consent of

the paren ts i s requ ired,and i s s ignified by an in terchange

of vi s i t s be tween the parents of the br ide and bridegroom .

During these vi s i t s,r i ce -water (conj i) i s s ipped . Before

tast i ng the conj i, they drop a fanam (l ocal co in) i nto the

vessel contain ing i t,as a token of assent to the marr iage .

When the wedding party sets out,a large congregati on


of Cherumans fol low ,and at interval s i ndulge in st i ck

p lay,the women s inging i n chorus to encourage them

‘ Let us see,l et us see the st ick p lay (vadi tal l u) , O h !

Cheruman .

’ The men and women mingle ind iscrim i

nately i n the dance during the wedding ceremony . O n

the return to the bridegroom’s hu t,the bride i s expected

to weep loud ly,and dep lore her fate . On entering the

br idegroom’s hu t,she must tread on a pest le p laced

across the threshold .

” During the dance,the women

have been descr ibed as lett i ng down the i r hai r , and

danc ing with a to lerab le amount of rhythmi c prec i s ion

amid vigorous drumming and s inging . Accord ing to

another account,the bridegroom rece ives from hi s

brother - in - l aw a kerchief,which the giver t i es round h is

wai st,and a bangl e whi ch i s p laced on hi s arm . The

bride rece ives a pewter vesse l from her brother . Next

her cou s in t i e s a kerchief round the groom ’s forehead ,and st i cks a betel leaf i n i t . The bride i s then h anded

over to the br idegroom .

O f the puberty and marr iage ceremon ies of the

Pulayas of Cochin,the fol l owi ng deta i led account


i s

given by Mr . Anantha Krishna I yer . “ When a Pulaya

girl comes of age , she i s located in a separate hut . F ive

Val lons (headmen) , and the castem en o f the kara (sett lemen t) , are inv ited to take part i n the performance of theceremony . A song

,cal led m alapattu ,

i s sung for an hour

by a Parayan to the accompan imen t of drum and p ipe .

The Parayan gets a para of paddy,and h is assi stant s

three annas each . As soon as this i s over , seven cocoa ~

nuts are broken,and the water thereof is poured over

the head of the gir l,and the broken halves are d i stri buted

among the five Val l ons and seven gi rl s who are al soinvi ted to be pre sen t . Some more water i s a l so poured

on the gi r l ’s head at the t ime . She i s lodged in aI I—5


temporary hut for seven days , during whi ch food i s served

to her at a d istance . She i s forb idden to go out and

p lay with her fr i ends . On the morn ing of the seventh

day,the Val lons of the kara and the castemen are again

inv i ted . The latter br ing w ith them some ri ce , vege

tab les,and toddy

,to defray the expenses of the feast .

At dawn,the mother of the gi r l gives o il to the seven

Pulaya maidens,and to her daughter for an oil-bath .

They then go to a ne ighbouring tank (pond) or stream tobathe

,and re turn home . The gir l i s t hen neat ly dressed


and adorned in her best . Her face i s painted ye l low,

and marked with spots of var ious co lours . She stands

before a few Parayas , who p lay on the i r flute and drum ,

to cast out the demons , i f any , from her body . The girl

leaps wi th frant i c movements , i f she i s posses sed by

them . I n that case , they transfer them to a tree c lose

by drivi ng a nai l i nto the trunk after due offerings . I f

she i s no t possessed , she remain s unmoved,and the

Parayas br ing the mus ic to a c lose . The gir l i s again

bathed with her compan ions,who are a l l t reated to a

d inner . The ceremony then comes to an end wi th a

feast to the castemen . The ceremony descr ibed i s

performed by the Valluva Pulayas i n the sou thern parts ,near and around the suburbs of Cochin , but is unknown

among other sub -tr ibes el sewhere . The devi l -dr iving

by the Parayas i s not attended to . Nor i s a temporary

hut erected for the g i rl to be l odged in . She i s al lowed

to remain in a corner of the hut,but i s not perm itted to

touch others . She i s bathed on the seventh day,and

the castemen,fr iends and re lat ion s

,are invited to a

feast .“ Marriage i s proh ib i ted among members of the same

koottam (fami ly group ) . I n the Ch itt t'

i r tal uk , members

of the same vi l lage do not intermarry,for they bel i eve


that thei r ancestors may have been t he s laves of some

local land lord,and

,as such , t he descendants of the same

parents . A young man may marry among the relat ions

of his father,but not among those of hi s mother . I n the

Palghat tal uk , the Kanakka Cherumas pride themselves

on the fact that they avo id gir l s w ith in seven degrees ofrelat ion ship . The marr iage cu stoms vary accord ing to

the sub -d ivis ion . I n the southern parts of the State,

Pulaya gir l s are marr ied before puberty, whi l e in other

p laces,among the Kanakka Ch erumas and other sub

tr ibes,they are marr ied both before and after p uberty .

I n the former case,when a gi r l has not been marr ied

before puberty,

she i s regarded as having become

pol l uted,and st igmat i sed as a woman whose age i s

known.Her parents and unc les lose al l c laim upon her .

They formal ly dr ive her out of the hut , and proceed to

pur i fy i t by spr inkl ing water mixed with cow -dung both

in s ide and outs ide,and al so with sand . She is thu s

turned out of cas te . She was , i n former t imes , handed

over to the Val lon , who e i ther marr ied her to h is own

son ,or sold her to a s lave master . I f a gi rl i s too

poor to be marr ied before puberty , the castem en of the

kara ra i se a subscr ipt ion , and marry her to one of

themselves .“ When a young Pu layan wishes to marry , he app l i es

to his master , who i s bound to defray the expenses . He

gives seven fanam si fto the br ide

s master, one fanam

worth of c loth to the br ide -elect , and about ten fanam s

for the marr iage feast . I n al l , hi s expenses amount to

ten rupees . The ceremony cons ists i n tying a r ing

attached to a thread round the neck of the br ide . This

i s provided by her parents . When he becomes t i red of

One fanam four annas e ight p ies.

11- 5 B


his wi fe,he may d ispose of her to any other person who

wi l l pay the expenses incurred at the marr iage . There

are even now p lace s where husband and wife serve

d i fferent masters,but more frequent ly th ey serve the

same master . The e ldes t mal e chi ld belongs to the

master of t he mother . The rest o f the fami ly remain

with the mother wh i l e young , but , be ing the p roperty

of the owner,revert to him when o f an age to be use fu l .

She also fo l lows them,i n the event o f her becoming a

widow . I n some p laces,a man brings a woman to h i s

master,and says that he w i she s to keep her as h is wife .

She rece ive s her al l owance of r i ce , bu t may leave her

h usband as she l i kes , and i s no t part i cular i n changing

one spouse for another . I n other p lace s,the marr iage

ceremon ies o f the E ra C herumas are more formal . The

b ridegroom’s party goes to the bride’s hu t,and presents

r ice and bete l leaf to the head o f the fami l y,and asks

for the br ide . Consent i s ind icated by the br ide’s

brother p lac ing some rice and cloth before the assembly,

and throwing r ice on the headman o f the caste,who i s

p resent . O n the appo inted day,the bridegroom goes

to the hut w i th two compan ions,and presen t s the g i rl

w i th c lo th and twe lve fanam s . From that day he i s

regarded as her husband,and cohabi tat i on begins at

once . But the bride cannot accompany him un t i l the

ceremony cal led mangalam i s performed . The bride

groom’s party goes in p roces s ion to the bride’s h ut ,wh ere a feas t await s them . The man give s sweetmeat s

to the girl’s bro ther . Th e caste priest rec i tes the fami ly

h i s tory o f the two persons , and the names of the i r

masters and de i t i e s . They are then seated before a

lamp and a heap o f r i ce i n a pandal (booth) . O ne o f

the assembly get s up,and del ivers a speech on the

du t ies of marr ied l i fe,touching on the evi l s of theft



and a sum of five fanam s i s paid as the bride’s p r i ce .

The members assembled are treated to a dinner . A

s im i lar entertainment i s held at the br idegroom’s hut to

the br ide’s parents,uncl es

,and others who come to see

the br idegroom . On the morn ing of the day fixed for the

wedding , the br idegroom and his party go to the br ide’s

hut , where they are we lcomed , and seated on mats i n a

smal l panda l put up in front of the hut . A muri (p iece

of c loth), and two sma l l mundu s (c loths) are the marr iagep resent s to the br ide . A vesse l ful l of paddy (unhuskedr ice) , a l ighted lamp , and a cocoanut are p laced in acon sp i cuous p lace there in . The br ide i s taken to the

booth,and seated by the s ide of the bridegroom . Before

she enters i t,she goes seven t imes round i t , with seven

vi rg ins before her . With prayer s to the ir god s for

ble ss ings on the couple,the tal i (marr iage badge) is

t ied round the br ide’s neck . The bridegroom’

s s i ster

comp l etes the knot . By a strange cu stom , the br ide’


mother does not approach the br idegroom,lest i t shou ld

cause a ceremon ia l po l lut ion . The ceremony i s brought

to a c lose with a feast to those assemb led . Toddy i s an

ind i spen sable i tem of the feast . During the n ight , they

amuse themse lves by danc ing a kind of wi ld dance , in

which both men and women j oyfu l ly take part . After

thi s , the br idegroom goes a long to hi s own hut , along

w ith hi s wi fe and h i s party,where al so they indu lge in

a feas t . After a week, two persons from the bride

s hut

come to invi te the marr ied coup le . The bride and

bridegroom stay at the bride’s hut for a few days , and

cannot retu rn to h i s hut un less an entertainment , ca l ledVathal Choru , i s g iven h im .

The marriage cu stoms o f the Valluva Pulayas in

the southern part s o f the State,e spec ia l ly i n the Coch in

and Kanayannfi r taluks , are more formal . The average


age of a young man for marr iage i s between fi fteen and

twenty,whi le that of a gir l is between ten and twe lve .

Before a young Pulayan thinks of marr iage,he has to

con tract a formal and volun tary fr iendship w ith another

young Pulayan of the same age and local i ty . I f he is

not soc iab ly incl ined,h is father se lects one for him from

a Pulaya of the same or higher status,but no t of the

same illam (fami ly group) . I f the two parents agree

among themse lves,they mee t i n the hut of e ither of

them to so l emn ise i t . They fix a day for the ceremony,

and invi te the i r Val lon and the castemen of the vi l lage .

The guests are treated to a feast in the u sua l Pu laya

fash ion . The chief guest and the host eat together

from the same di sh . After the feast,the father of the

boy,who has to obtain a fr iend for h i s son

,enqu ire s

of the Val lon and those assembled whether he may

be permitted to buy fr iendship by the payment of

money . They give the i r permi ss ion , and the boy’s

father g ives the money to the father of the se lected

fr iend . The two boys then clasp hands , and they are

never to quarre l . The new fr iend becomes from that

t ime a member of the boy’s fam i ly . H e comes in


and goes out of the i r but as he l ikes . There is no

ceremony performed at i t, or anything done wi thout

consu l t ing h im . He i s thus an inseparable factor in al l

ceremon ies,e spec ial ly in marr iages . I su spect that the

friend has some c laims on a man’

s w ife . The first

observance in marr iage cons i sts in see ing the gir l . The

br idegroom -e lect,hi s fr iend , father and maternal unc l e ,

go to the br ide’s hut , to be sat i sfied with the gi r l . I f

the wedding is no t to take p lace at an ear ly date , the

br idegroom’s parents have to keep up the c laim on the

bride - elect by sending presents to her guard ians . The

presents,which are genera l ly sweetmeats , are taken to


her hut by the bridegroom and h is fr iends,who are wel l

fed by the mother of the g irl , and are g iven a few necos

saries when they take leave of her the nex t morn ing .

The next observance i s the marr iage negocia t ion ,which

consi sts in g iving the br ide’s pr ice,and choo s ing an

ausp ic i ous day in consu l tat i on wi th the l ocal astro loger

(Kan iyan) . O n the even ing p revious to the wedding,

the fr iends and re lat ion s of the bridegroom are treated

to a feast in hi s hut . Next day at dawn,the br idegroom

and h is fr iend , pur ified by a bath , and neat ly dressed in

a whi te c loth with a handkerch ief t ied over i t,and wi th a

kn ife s tuck in thei r g irdle s,go to the h ut of the br ide

e lec t accompan ied by h is par ty,and are al l wel l rece ived


and seated on mats spread on the floor . O ver a mat

spec ial ly made by the br ide’s mother are p laced three

measures o f r i ce,some par t ic le s of gold

,a brass p late ,

and a p lank w i th a whi te and red cover on i t . The

br idegroom,after go ing seven t imes round the pandal ,

S tands on the p lank , and the br ide soon fo l lows making

three rounds,when four women hold a c l oth canopy

over her head,and seven vi rg ins go in fron t of her .

The bride then s tands by the s ide o f the bridegroom ,

and they face each o ther . Her guard ian puts on the

wedding necklace a go ld bead on a str ing . Music is

p layed,and prayers are offered up to the sun to b less

the neck lace which i s t ied round the neck of the g ir l .

The br idegroom ’s fr i end,stand ing behind , t ightens the

knot a lready made . The rel ig ious part of the ceremony

i s now over,and the br idegroom and br ide are taken

inside the hut,and food is served to them on the same

leaf. Nex t the gues ts are fed,and then they begin the

pol i or subscrip t i on . A p iece of s i l k,or any red c loth


i s spread on the floor, or a brass p late i s p laced before

the husband . The guests assembled put in a few annas,


and take leave of the chie f hos t as they depart . The

bride i s soon taken to the br idegroom’

s hut , and her

parents v i s i t her the nex t day,and ge t a cons iderat ion in

return . On the fourth day , the bridegroom and bride

bathe and worship the local de i ty,and , on the seventh

day,they return to the bride

s hut , where the tal i

(marr iage badge) i s formal ly removed from the neck of

the gir l,who i s bedecked w i th brass beads round her

neck,r ings on her ears , and armle ts . The nex t morn ing


the mother - ih - law presen ts her son -in - law and h is fr iend

with a few necessar ies Of life , and sends them home with

her daughter .During the seven th mon th of pregnancy

,the cere

mony of puli kut i , or tamarind ju ice drinking , i s performed

as among other cas tes . Thi s i s also an occas ion for

cast ing ou t devi ls , i f any , from the body . The pregnant

woman i s brought back to the hut of her own fami ly .

The devi l -dr iver erec ts a ten t - l i ke structure,and covers

i t wi th p lantain bark and leaves of the cocoanut palm .

The flower of an areca palm is fixed at the apex . A

cocoanut palm flower is cut ou t and covered w i th a p iece

of c loth,the cut port i on be ing exposed . The woman i s

seated in front of the tent- l i ke structure with the flower,

whi ch symbol i ses the yet unborn chi ld in the womb,i n

her lap . The water of a tender cocoanut in spoons

made o f the leaf of the jack tree (A r tocarpus in teg r ifol ia)i s poured over the cut end by the Val lon

,guard ian


bro thers and s i sters p resent . The devi l -driver then

breaks open the flower,and

,by looking at the fru i ts


predic t s the sex of the chi ld . I f there are frui ts at the

end nearest the stem,the chi ld w i l l l ive and

,i f t he

number of fru i ts i s even,there wi l l be twins . There

wi l l be deaths i f any fruit i s not wel l formed . The

devi l -driver repeats an incantat ion , whereby he invokes


the aid of Kal i , who i s bel i eved to be present i n the tent .He fans the woman with the flower

,and she th rows r ice

and a flower on i t . He repeats another incantat i on,

which i s a prayer to Kal i to cast out the devi l from her

body . Thi s magi cal ceremony is cal l ed Garbha Ba l i

(p regnancy offer ing) . The structure , with the offer ing ,i s taken up

,and p laced in a corner of the compound

reserved for gods . The devotee then goes through

the remain ing forms of the ceremony . She pours into

twen ty -one l eaf spoons p laced in front of the tent a

m ixtu re of cow’s m i l k

,water of the tender cocoanut


flower,and turmeri c powder . Then she walks round

the tent seven t imes,and spr ink les the mixture on i t

w i th a palm flower . Ne x r she throws a handful of r i ce

and paddy , after revolving each handful round her head ,and then covers the offer ing w i th a p iece of c loth .

She now return s,and her husband puts into her mouth

seven globules of prepared tamar ind . The devi l -dr iver

rubs her body with petal s and paddy,

and thereby finds out whether she i s posses sed or not .

I f she i s,the devi l is dr iven out with the usua l offer ings .

The devi l -dr iver gets for hi s service s twelve measure s

and a hal f of paddy,and two p ieces of c loth . The

husband shoul d not,during this per iod

,get shaved .

When a young woman is about to g ive b i rth to a

chi ld,she is l odged i n a smal l hu t near her dwel l ing , and

i s attended by her mother and a few e lder ly women of

the fami ly. After the chi ld is born , the mother and the

baby are bathed . The woman i s pur ified by a bath on

the seventh day . The woman who has acted as midwi fe

draws seven l ines on the ground at interval s of two feet

from one another , and spreads over them aloe l eaves

torn to shreds . Then , wi th burn ing st i cks in the hand ,the mother w i t h the baby goes seven t imes over the


leaves backwards and forwards , and i s pur ified . For

these seven days,the father should not eat anything

made of ri ce . He l ives on toddy , fru i t s , and other

things . The mother remain s with her baby in the hut

for s ixteen days , when she i s pur ified by a bath so as

to be free from pol l ut ion , after which she goes to the

main hut . Her enangath i (re lat ion by marriage) sweeps

the but and compound , and spr inkles water mixed wi th

cow-dung on her body as she retu rn s after the bath .

I n some p laces,the bark of athi (F icus g lom ezf ac

a ) and

i thi (F icus Tsie/a i swel l beaten and bru i sed,and mixed

with water . Some m i lk i s added to thi s mixture,which

i s spr inkl ed both in s ide and outs ide the hut . O n ly after

thi s do they think that th e hut and compound are puri

fied . Among the Cherumas of Palghat,the pol l ut ion

lasts for ten days .

The ear -boring ceremony is performed dur ing the

s ixth or seventh year . The Val lon , who i s invi ted , bores

the ears w i th a sharp needle . The wound is healed

by app ly ing cocoanut o il , and the hole i s gradual ly

widened by insert ing cork,a wooden p lug , or a rol l of

palm leaves . The castem en of the vi l lage are invited ,and fed . The landlord gives the parents of the g irl

three paras of paddy,and thi s

,together w ith what the

guests bring , goes to defray the expenses of the

ceremony . After the meal they go,with drum -beat ing


to the house of the landlord,and present him with a para

of beaten ri ce , which i s d i str i buted among h i s servan ts .

The ear-borer rece ives e ight edangaz h is of paddy, a

cocoanut , a vessel of r i ce , and four annas .“ A woman found to be having intercourse wi th a

Paraya i s outcasted . She becomes a convert to Christ ian ity or Mah omedan ism . I f the irregular i ty takes

p lace with i n the caste , she i s we l l thrashed , and prevented


from resor t ing to the bad prac t i ce . I n certain cases,

when the i l l i c i t connec t i on becomes publ i c,t he cas temen

meet wi th the ir Val l on , and conduc t a regular enquiry in to

the mat ter , and pronounce a verd ict upon the evidence.

I f a young woman becomes pregnan t before marriage,

her l over , should he be a Pulaya , i s compel led to marry

her , as o therwi se she would be placed under a ban .I f

both are marr ied , the lover is wel l thrashed,and fined


The woman is taken before a Thandan (I z huva head

man ) , who , after enqu iry , g ives her the water of a tender

cocoanut , which she is asked to drink,when she i s

be l i eved to be freed from the s in . Her husband may

take her back again as h is wi fe,or she i s at l i berty to

marry ano ther . The Thandan gets a few annas,bete l

l eaves and areca nuts , and tobacco . Both the woman’s

father and the lover are fined , and the fine is spent

in the purchase o f toddy , which is i ndu lged in by

those presen t at the t ime . I n the northern parts o f

t he S tate,there i s a c ustom tha t a young woman before

marr iage mates with one or two paramours wi th the

conn ivance o f her paren ts . Eventual ly one of them

marr ies her , but th is i l l i c i t un ion ceases at once on

marr iage .

O f the death ceremon ie s among the C herumas o f

South Malabar , I gather that“ as soon as a C heruman

dies, h is jenm i or land lord is appr i sed o f the fact

,and i s

by anc ient custom expected to send a fie ld spade,

a white c lo th,and some o il . The drummers of the

commun i ty are summoned to beat the i r drums i n

announcement of the sad event . Thi s drumming is

known as parayadikka . The body is bathed in o il, and

the near re lat ives cover i t over wi th whi te and red c loths,

and take i t to the fron t yard . Then the re lat i ves have

a bath,after whi ch the corp se is removed to the burying


elder . From hi s share of r i ce and paddy he gives a

l itt l e to be parched and pounded . Th i s i s g iven after

wards to the inmates . The vis i tors partake of bete l andd i sperse

,being informed that the Pol la or post -obi t uary

ceremony wi l l come off on the thi rteenth day . On the

forenoon of thi s day, the relat ives again gather at the

mourn ing place . The inmates of the house bathe,and

fish and ri ce are brought for a meal . A l i tt le of the fish

i s roasted over a fi re , and each one present j ust n ibble s

at i t . Thi s i s done to end pol l ut i on . After thi s the fi sh

may be freely eaten . Half a seer or a measure of r i ce

i s bo i l ed,reduced to a pulpy mass

,and mixed with

turmer i c powder . Parched r i ce and the powder that

remains after the r ice has been pounded,a cocoanut and

tender cocoanut , some turmer i c powder , p lantai n leaves ,and the r i ce that was boi l ed and coloured with turmer i c


are then taken to the bur ia l ground by the Avakas i,a

s inger known as a Ka l lad i or Moonpatkaren ,and one or

two close re lat ives of the departed . With the pu lpedr i ce the e lder mou lds the form of a human be ing . At

the h ead of the grave a l i t t l e mound is ra i sed,cabal ist i c

l ines are drawn across i t with tu rmer i c,and boi led r i ce

powder and a p lantain l eaf p laced over the l i nes . The

cocoanut i s broken,and its kerne l cut out i n rings


of which i s put over the effigy , which i s t hen p laced

recumbent on the p lanta in l eaf. Round the mound,

str ings of j ung le l eaves are p laced . Next the e lder

dr ives a pole into the spot where the chest of the dead

person wou ld be,and i t i s sa id that the pol e must touch

the chest . On one s ide of the pol e the tender cocoanut

i s cut and p laced,and on the other a shel l contain ing

some toddy . Then a l i tt l e copper r ing i s t ied on t o the

top of the pole , oi l from a she l l i s poured over the r ing ,and the water from the tender cocoanut and toddy are


i n t urn s imi larly poured . After thi s ' myst ic r i te,the

Kal ladi starts a mournful dirge in monotone,and the

other actors in the solemn ceremony jo in i n the chorus .

The chant tel l s of the darknes s and the nothingness that

were before the creat ion of the world,and unfolds a

fanc i ful ta le of how the world came to be created . The

chant has the we i rd refrain O h ! ho ! O h ! ho . O n i ts

conc lus ion,the effigy i s left at the head of the grave


but the Kal ladi takes away the pol e with him . The

performers bathe and return to the house of mourn ing,

where the Kal ladi gets into a state of afflat ion . The

sp i r i t of the departed enters into him ,and speaks through

him,tel l ing the mourners that he i s happy

,and does not

want them to gr i eve over much for him . The Kal ladi

then enters the house , and , putt ing a heap of earth in

the corner of the centre room,digs the pole into it . A

l ight i s brought and p laced there,as also some toddy


tender cocoanut,and parched r i ce . The sp ir i t of the

deceased,speaking agai n through the Kal lad i


hi s peop le for the ir gi fts,and beseeches them to th ink

occas ional ly of him ,and make him per iodical offer ings .

The assembly then indulge in a feed . R i ce and paddy

are mixed together and div ided into two port i ons,to

one of which eight quarter -annas,and to the other

twelve quarter -annas are added . The lat ter share fal l s

to the Avakas i, whi l e from the former the mixture and

one quarter -anna go to the Kal ladi , and a quarter -annato each of the nearest relat ives . The basket which had

been hung up ear l ier in the day i s taken down and

thrown away,and the jenm i

s spade i s returned to him .

” ”A"

I t i s noted by Mr . Logan that “ the Cherumans,l i ke

other c lasses,observe death pol l ut ion . But

,as they

Madras Ma i l , 1895 .


cannot at certain seasons afford to be idl e fo r fourteen

days consecut ively , they resort to an art ifice to obta in

th is end . They m ix cow -dung and paddy,and m ake i t

i nto a bal l,and place the bal l in an earthen pot , the

mouth o f wh i ch they careful ly cl ose wi th clay . The pot

i s l a id in a corner of the hut , and , as long as it remains

unopened,th ey remain free from pol lut ion , and can mix

among their’

fellows . On a conven ient day they open

th e pot , and are instant ly seized with pol l ut ion , which

cont inues for forty days . O therwi se fourteen days

consecut ive pol l ut ion i s al l that i s requ i red . On the

forty-first or fi fteenth day,as the case may be , r i ce i s

thrown to the ancestors , and a feast fol l ows .

The fol l owing account of the death ceremon ie s i s

g iven by M r . Ananth a Kri shna Iyer . “ When a Pulayan

i s dead,the castem en i n the ne ighbourhood are in formed .

An offer ing i s made to the Kodungallar Bhagavat i , who

i s bel ieved by the Pulayas to watch over the i r wel fare,

and i s regarded as thei r ancestral de ity . Dead bod ies

are general ly bur ied . The relat ives,one by one, bring

a new p iece of cl oth , with rice and paddy t ied at i t s four

corners,for th rowing over the corpse . The cl oth i s

p laced thereon,and they cry al oud three t imes

,beat ing

the i r breast s,after wh ich they ret i re . A few Parayas

are invited to beat drums,and p lay on the i r m us ical

i nst ruments— a performance which i s cont inued for an

h our or two . After thi s,a few b its of planta in leaves


with r ice flour and paddy , are p laced near the corpse ,to serve as food for the sp ir it of the dead . The b ier i s

carr i ed to the graveyard by six bearers , three on each

s ide . The p it i s dug , and the body covered with a p iece

o f c l oth . After i t has been l owered in to i t,the p it i s

fi l l ed i n with earth . Twenty-one smal l b its of l eaves are

p laced over the grave,above the spot where the mouth


of the dead man is , with a double -branched twig fixed

to the centre,a cocoanut i s cut Open

,and its water i s

al lowed to flow in the d i rect ion of the twig which

represents the dead man’

s mouth . Such of the members

of the fami ly as could not g ive h im kanj i (r ice grue l) or

boi led r ice before death , now give it to him . The s ix

coffin-bearers p rostrate themselves before the corpse,

three on each s ide of the grave . The pr iest then puts

on i t a r ipe and tender cocoanut for the sp ir it of the

dead man to eat and drink . Then a l l go home,and

indu lge i n toddy and aval (beaten r ice) . The priest getstwe lve measures of r ice , the grave -d iggers twelve annas ,the Val lon two annas , and the coffin -bearers each an

anna . The son or nephew is the chie f mourner,who

erects a mound of earth on the south s ide of t he hut,

and uses i t as a p lace of worship . For seven days,both

morn ing and even ing , he prost rates h imsel f before it ,and spr inkl es the water of a tender cocoanut on it . On

the eighth day, his relat ives , fr iends , the Val lon , and the

devi l—driver assemb le together . The devi l -dr iver turns

round and b lows hi s conch , and finds out the pos it ion of

the ghost,whether it has taken up i ts abode in the

mound,or i s kept under restraint by some deity . Should

the latter be the case, the ceremony of de l iverance has

to be performed , after which the sp ir i t i s set up as a

househo ld de ity . The chief mourner bathes early in

the morning,and offers a r ice-bal l (p inda ba l i) to the

departed sp ir it . This he cont inues for fifteen days . On

the morn ing of the s ixteenth day,the members of the

fami ly bathe to free themse lves from po l lut ion , and the i r

enangan cleans the but and the compound by sweep ing

and sprinkl ing water m ixed with cow-dung . He also

spr inkles the members of the fam i ly,as they return afte r

the bath . The chief mourner gets shaved , bathes , and11-6


returns to the hut . Some boi led r ice,paddy

,and p iece s

of cocoanut,are p laced on a p lantain l eaf

,and the chief

mourner,with the members of his fami ly , cal l s on the

sp i r i t of the dead to take them . Then they al l bathe ,and return home . The castem en , who have assembled

there by invi tat ion,are sumptuous ly fed . The chie f

mourner al lows hi s ha ir to grow as a s ign of mourn ing

(diksha) , and , after the exp i ry of the year , a s im i lar feast

i s g iven to the castemen .

The Cherum ans are said by M r . GOpal Pan ikkar to

worship certai n gods,who are rep resented by rude

stone images . What few ceremonies are in force

amongst them are performed by pri ests se lected from

thei r own ranks,and these pr i ests are held in great

venerat ion by them . They ki l l cocks as offer ings to

these de it i es , who are prop it iated by the pour ing on

s ome stones p laced near them of the fresh blood that

gushes from the necks of the b irds . The Cherumans

are further sai d to worship part i cu lar sylvan gods,garden

deit ies , and field goddesses . I n a note on cann ibalismfif

t he writer states that “ some s ixteen years ago a Nai r

was murdered in Malabar by some C herum ans . The

body was mut i lated,and

, on my asking the accused

(who free ly confessed thei r cr ime) why had th is beendone ? they answered ‘ T innal papam t i rum , i .e. ,

i f one

eats , the s in wi l l cease I t i s a common bel i ef among

various castes of H indus that one may k il l,provided it

i s done for food , and thi s i s expressed in the proverb

Konnapavam th innal th irum,or t he s in of ki l l ing is

wiped away by eat ing . The C heruman reply p robably

referred on ly to the wreaking of vengeance , and conse

quent sat i s fact ion,wh ich i s often expressed by the

Ind . An t . , V I I I , 1879 .


lower classes in the words pas i th irndadu ,or hunger i s

sat i sfied .

Concern ing the re l ig ion of the Pulayas,Mr . Anantha

Kri shna I yer wr ites as fol l ows . “ The Pulayas are

anim ists,but are s lowly coming on to the higher forms

of worship . Thei r gods are Parakutty, Karinkutty,

Chathan ,and the sp i r i ts of the ir ance stors . O ffer ings

to these gods are given on Karkadaka and Makara

Sankrant is,Onam


,and other ausp ic i ous days


when one of the Pulayas present turns Ve lichapad

(orac le) , and speaks to t he assembly as i f by insp i rat i on .

They are al so devout worshippers of Kal i or Bhagavat i ,whose aid i s i nvoked in al l t imes of danger and i l lness .

They take part i n the vi l lage fest ival s ce lebrated i n

honour of her . Kodunga l l u r Bhagavat i i s the i r guardian

de ity . The de i ty i s rep resented by an image or stone

on a rai sed p iece of ground in the open ai r . Their pr iest

i s one of the ir own castem en ,and

,at -the beginn ing of

the new year,he offers to t he goddess fowls

,fru it s


toddy . The Pulayas a l so be l ieve that Sp i r it s exerc i se

an infl uence over the members of the i r fami l i es,and

therefore regu lar offer i ngs are given to them every year

on Sankrant i days . The chief fest ival s in which the

Pulayas take part are the fol lowing

1 . P ooram Vela — This,whi ch may be described

as the Saturnal ia of Malabar , i s an important fest ival

he ld at the vi l lage Bhagavat i temp le . I t is a fest ival,i n

which the members of al l castes be low Brahmans take

part . I t takes p lace e ither in Kumbham (February

March) , or Meenam (March—Apri l) . The Cherumas of

the northern part , as wel l as the Pu layas of the southern

parts of the State,attend the fest ival after a sumptuous

meal and toddy drinking,and j oi n the process i on . Toy

horses are made , and attached to l ong bamboo poles,

11—6 B


whi ch are carr ied to the ne ighbourhood of the temp le .

AS t hey go,they leap and dance to t he accompan iment

of p ipe and drum . O ne among them who act s as a

Vel ichapad (devi l -dancer) goe s in fron t of them ,and


after a good deal of danc i ng and loud praying in honour

of the de ity , they return home .

2 . Vi l l a [ a’uka — This fest ival consi sts i n putti ng

seeds,or br inging paddy seeds to the temp le of the

vi l lage Bhagavat i . This al so i s an important fest ival ,which i s ce l ebrated on the day of Bharan i

,the second

lunar day in Kumbham . Standing at a d i stance

assigned to them by the vi l l age authori t ie s,where

they offer prayers to Kal i , they put the paddy gra ins ,which they have brought , on a bamboo mat spread in

front of them , after whi ch they return home . I n the

Ch itt t’

i r tal uk , there i s a fes t ival cal led Kath iru,cel e

brated i n honou r of the vi l lage goddess in the month of

Vrisch ikam (November—December) , when these peop le

start from the farms of the i r masters,and go in proces

s ion,accompan ied with the mus i c of p ipe and drum . A

spec ia l feature of the Kath iru fest ival i s the presence,at

the temp le of the vi l lage goddess , of a large number ofdome- l i ke structure s made of bamboo and p lantain

stems,r i chly ornamented

,and hung with flowers



and ears of corn . These structu res are cal led sara

kootam s,and are fixed on a pai r of paral l el bamboo

poles . These agrest i c serfs bear them in grand proces

s ions,start i ng from the i r respect ive farms , with p ipe and

drum ,shout ing and danc ing

,and with fi reworks . Sma l l

globular packets of palmyra leaves , i n which are packed

handfu l s of paddy rol led up in straw,are also carr ied by

them in huge bunches,al ong with the sarakootams .

These packets are cal l ed kath irkootoos (col l ect ion of

cars of corn) , and are thrown among the crowd of


brightly i l l um inated both ins ide and outs ide at n ight .

There i s much mus ic and drum -beat ing at n ight,and

offerings of cooked peas or Bengal gram,and cakes


made to the goddess,after which they are d istr ibuted

among those present . The forty -first day,on which the

fest ival term inates,i s one of great celebrat ion , when al l

castem en attend at the temp le . The Cherumas , Mala

yars,and E ravallars attend the fest iva l in Ch itt t


i r . They

also attend the Konga Pata fest ival t here . I n rural

parts of the State,a kind of puppet Show performance

(olapava koothu) i s acted by Kusavans (potters ) andTami l Chett is , i n honour of the v i l lage de ity , to which

they contr ibute thei r share of subscr ipt i on . They a lso

attend the cock fest ival of Cranganore , and offer sacr ifi ces

o f fow ls .

For t he fol low ing note on the rel igion of the Pulayas

of Travancore,I am indebted to Mr . N . Subramani

I yer . ' “ The Pu layas worship the sp ir i t s of deceased

ancestors,known as Chavars . The Matan , and the

Anchu Tamprakkal , bel i eved by the better i nformed

sect i on of the caste to be the five Pandavas , are spec ial ly

adored . The Pu layas have no temp les , but raise square s

in the m idst of groves,where publ i c worship i s offered .

Each Pulaya p laces three leaves near each other,

contain ing raw r ice,beaten ri ce

,and the puveri (flowers)

of the areca palm . He p laces a flower on each of these

leaves , and prays with j oined hands . Chavars are the

Sp i r i ts of in fants,who are be l i eved to haunt the earth


harassed by a number of unsat i sfied cravings . Thi s

spec ies of supernatural bei ng i s held i n mingled respect

and terror by Pulayas,and worshipped once a year with

d iverse offer ings . Another class o f dei t ies i s cal l ed

Tevaratumpuran , mean ing gods whom high caste H indus

are in the hab i t of worshipp ing at Parassalay ; the


Pulayas are given certain Spec ia l concess ion s on fest iva l

days . S imi lar instances may be’

noted at O ch ira ,

Kumaranallur, and Nedumangad . At the last ment ioned

shrine,Mat‘eer wri tes


it ‘ where two or three thousand

peop le,mostly Sudras and I z huvaS , attend for the annual

fest ival i n March,one -th i rd of the whole are Parayas ,

Kuravas , Vedars , Kan ikkars , and Pu layas , who come

from al l part s around . They bring with them wooden

model s of cows,neat ly hung over , and covered , in imita

t ion of Shaggy hai r,with cars of r i ce . Many of these

images are brought,e ach in a separate process ion from

it s own p lace . The headmen are finely dressed w ith

c loths stained purp le at the edge . The image i s borne

on a bamboo frame , accompan ied by a drum ,and men

and women in process ion , the latter wear ing quant it ies

of beads,such as several st r ings of red , then several of

white,or strings of beads , and then a row of brass

ornament s l ike rupees,and all utter ing the Kurava cry .

These images are carr ied round the temp le,and al l

amuse themselves for the day .

’ By far the most curi ous

of the rel ig iou s fest ival s of the Pulayas i s what i s known

as the Pula Saturday in Makaram (j anuary—February)at Sastamkotta i n t he ; Kunnattur tal uk . I t i s an o ld

observance,and i s most re l ig ious ly gone through by

the Pulayas every year . The Valluvan, or caste pr iest ,

l eads the assembled group to the v ic in i ty of the banyan

tree in front of the temp le , and offer ings of a d iverse

nature,such as paddy , roots , p lan tain fruit s , game , pu l se ,

coin s,and go lden th reads are most devoutly made .

Pulayas assembl e for thi s ceremony from comparat ive ly

d istant p laces . A deity, who i s bel ieved to be the most

important obj ect of worship among the Pulayas,i s Utaya

Nat ive L i fe in Travancore .


Tampuran ,by which name they des ignate the r i s i ng sun .

Exorc i sm and sp i r i t—danc ing are deep ly be l ieved in,and

credited wi th great remedia l v irtues . The Kokkara, or

i ron ratt le,i s an instrument t hat i s freely u sed to dr ive

out evi l sp i r i ts . The Valluvan who offers an imal sacr i

fices becomes immediate ly afterwards pos sessed , and

any enquir i es may be put to him without i t be ing at al l

d i ffi cul t for him to furn i sh a ready answer. I n North

Travancore,the Pulayas have certa in consecrated bu i ld

ings of the i r own , such as Kamancheri , Omkara

Bhagavath i, Yaksh i Ampa lam ,Pey Ko i l

,and Valiyapattu

Mut tan , where in t he Valluvan performs the funct ion s of

p r ie sthood . The Pu layas be l i eve i n omens . To see

another Pu laya,to encounter a Nat ive Chr i st ian

,to see

an I z huva with a vessel i n the hand,a cow beh ind , a

boat contain ing r i ce or paddy sacks , e tc.,are regarded

as good omens . On the other hand,to be crossed by a

cat,t o see a fight between an ima l s

,to be encountered by

a person w ith a bund le of c lothes , to meet peop l e carry

ing stee l in strument s, etc . ,

are looked upon as very bad

omens . The l i zard i s not be l i eved to be a p rophet , as

i t i s by members of the h igher castes .

Concern i ng the caste government of the Pu layas of

Travancore , Mr . Subraman ia I yer writes as fo l lows .“ The Ayikkara Yajamanan

,or Ayikkara Tamara (king) i s

the head of the Pu laya commun ity . He l ives at Vayalar

in the S hertalley tal uk in North Travancore , and takes

natural p ride in a lace cap,sa id to have been p resented

to one of hi s ancestors by the great Cheraman Perumal .

Even the Parayas of North Travancore look upon h im

as the i r leg it imate lord . Under the Tamara are two

nomina l headmen,known as Tatteri Achchan and

Mannat Koi l Val lon . I t i s the Ayikkara Tamara who

appo ints the Valluvans , or loca l p riests , for every kara,


menses . Adu l tery i s looked upon as the most he inous

of offences , and used to be met w ith cond ign pun i shment

i n t imes of old . The woman was requ i red to thrust her

hand into a vesse l of boi l ing o il,and the man was

compel led to pay a fine of 336 or 64 chuckram s,accord

ing as the woman with whom he connected himse l f was

marr ied or not , and was cast out of soc iety after a most

c ruel r i te cal l ed Ariyum P irayum T it tukka,the prec ise

nature of wh ich does not appear to be known . A marr ied

woman is t r ied by the Valluvan and other offi cers,when

she Shows d isobed ience to her husband .

I t is noted by Mr . Anantha Kr i shna Iyer,that

,i n

the Palghat tal uk of South Malabar,i t i s sa id that the

Cherumas i n former t imes used to hold grand meet ings

for cases of theft , adultery , divorce , etc .,at Kannat i

Kutt i Vattal . These assembl ie s cons i sted of the members

of the i r caste in local i t ie s between Valayar forest s and

Karimpuzh a (i n Valluvanad tal uk) , and in those between

the northern and southern h i l l s . I t i s a l so said that

the i r de l i berat i ons u sed to last for several days together.

I n the event of anybody committ ing a cr im e,the pun i sh

ment infl i cted on him was a fine of a few rupees, or

somet imes a sound thrashing . To prove hi s innocence,

a man had to swear By Kannat i Swarupam (assemb ly)I have not done i t . ’ I t was he ld so sacred that no

Cheruman who had commi tted a cr ime would swear

fal se ly by th i s assembly . A S t ime wen t on,they found

i t d i ffi cu l t to mee t , and so l e ft off assembl ing together. ”

I n connec t i on with the amusements of the Pu layas,

Mr . Anantha Kri shna I yer wri te s that “ the i r games

appear to be connected in some way with the i r rel igious

Observances . Thei r favour ite dance is the kole kal i , or

c l ub dance . A party of ten or twelve men , provided

with st icks,each a yard in length

,stand in a c i rc le , and


move round,striking at t he st i cks , keep ing t ime w ith

the i r feet,and s inging at the same t ime . The c ircl e i s

a l ternate ly widened and narrowed . Vatta kal i is another

wi ld dance . Thi s al so requ ires a party of ten or twelve

men,and somet imes young women j o in them . The

party move in a c i rc l e,c lapp ing the ir hands whi l e they

S i ng a kind of rude song . I n thatt inm el kal i , four

wooden pol es are firmly stuck in the ground , two of

which are connected by two hor izontal p ieces of wood ,over which p lanks are arranged . A party of Pulayas

dance on the top of t his , to the musi c of thei r p ipe and

drum . This i s general ly erec ted in front of the Bhaga

vat i temp le,and the danc i ng takes p lace immediate ly

after the harvest . Thi s i s i ntended to p rop it iate the

goddess . Women perform a c ircular dance on the

occas ion s of marri age cel ebrat ions .

The Cherumas and Pu layas are , l i ke the Koragas

of South Canara , Short of stature , and dark - sk inned .

The most importan t measurements of the Cheruman s

whom I invest igated at Cal icut were as fo l lows


Cheruppu-katti (Shoemaker) .— Said to be a Mala

yalam synonym for Madiga .

Chetti —I t i s noted in the Census Report , 189 1 , that

the name Chett i i s used both to denote a di st inct caste ,and also a t i t l e

,and peop l e beari ng thi s t i t le descr ibe

themselves loosely as be longing to the Chett i caste , i n

the same way as a Vel lal a wi l l say that he i s a Mudali .


Thi s use of Chett i has cau sed some confusion in the

retu rns,for the sub -d ivi s i ons Show that many other castes

have been incl uded as we l l as Chett i p roper . Agai n

i n the Censu s Report,190 1 , i t i s recorded that Chett i

means trader,and i s one of those t i tu lar or occupat iona l

terms,which are often looselv emp loyed as caste names .

The weavers, oil p ressers , and others u se i t as a t i t le ,

and many more tack it on to thei r names,to denote that

trade i s their occupat i on . Stri ct ly emp loyed,i t i s never

theles s , the name of a true caste . The Chett is are so

numerous,and so wide ly d i str ibuted

,that the i r many

sub-d iv i si ons d i ffer very great ly i n the i r ways . The best

known of them are the Ber i Chett is,the Nagarattu

Chett is , the Kasukkar Che tt is,and the Nattukettai

Chett is . Of these , the Ber i and Nattuk0ttai Chett is are

dealt with in spec ial art i c le s . The fo l lowing d ivi s ions

of Chett is , i nhab it ing the Madura d i str i ct , are recorded

in my notes

(a) Men with head c lean -shaved

I lavagai or ThedakOttai .

Karnakudi . Periyaké ttai-ve l lan .

Sundarath than . Pu l iyangud i .Ariyt


i r. Val lam or T iruvappur.

Malampatti . Kurungah'

i r.


(6) Men with kudumi (hair knot)Puvath thukudi or Marayakkara.

Mannagudi. Pandukud i or

K iramangalam . Manjapath thu.

Val lanattu.

Of these,the Puvaththukudi Chett is , who rece ive

thei r name from a vi l lage in the Tanjore di strict,are

most ly i t inerant petty t raders and money- lenders,who

trave l about the country . They carry on the i r shou lders

a bag contain ing the i r p ersonal effects, except when they


Chola king , says the legend , wanted to marry a Chett i

whereupon the caste set fi re to the town,and only these

e leven boys escaped . They rested on the Ratnagi r i hi l l

to d ivide thei r property ; but however they arranged

i t,i t always divided itse l f i nto twelve Shares i nstead of

e l even . The god of Ratnagi r i then appeared,and asked

them to g ive him one share in exchange for a part of hi s

car . They d id so, and they now cal l themse lves the

twelft h Chett is from the number of the shares,and at

t hei r marriages they carry the br idegroom rou nd i n a

car . They are said to be common in Co imbatore

d i str i ct .”

At the census , 187 1 , some of the less fortunate

traders returned themselves as “ bankrupt C hett is .

The fol lowing caste s and tr ibes are recorded as having

assumed the t it l e Chett i , or its equ ivalent Sett iBal ija. Telugu trad ing caste.

Bant. Tu l u cu ltivating caste.

B i l imagga, Devanga, Patnulkaran, Sal iyan , Sedan , Sen iyan .A l l

weav ing classes.

Dh0bi. O r iya wash ermen .

Gan iga. O i l p ressers.

Gamal la. Te lugu toddy-drawers.

Gauda. Canarese cu lti vators.

Gud igar. Canarese wood-carvers.

Jain .

Janappan . Said to have been or ig inal ly a section o f the Bal i jas,and manu factu re rs of gunny-bags.

Kavarai . Tam i l equ ivalent of Bal ija.

K émati . Telugu traders.

Koracha. A nomad t ribe.

Kudum i . A T ravancore caste, wh ich does serv ice in the housesof Konkan i B rahmans.

Mandadan Chetti .Medara. Te lugu cane sp l itte rs and mat makers.

Gazet teer o f the Tr ich inopo ly d i str i ct .


Nayar. Occupational title of some Nayars of Malabar.Pattanavan . Tam i l fishermen .

Pattapu . F ishermen in the Te lugu country .

Sénaikkudaiyan . Tam i l betel-v ine growers and traders.

Shanan . The g reat toddy-draw ing class of the Tam i l country .

Sonar. Goldsm ith s .

Toreya. Canarese fi shermen .

Uppi l iyan . Salt-wo rkers. Some sty le themselves Karp u ra

(camphor) Chetti , because they used to manu factu re campho r.Van iyan . Tam i l o i l-presse rs.

Wynaadan Chetti .

Of proverbs re lat ing to Chett isff the fol lowing may

be quotedH e who t hinks before he act s i s a Chett i

,but he

who act s without th inking i s a foo l .

When the Chett i d i es,h is affai rs wi l l become

pub l i c .

She keep s house l ike a merchant caste woman,i .e.


economical ly .

Though ru ined,a Chett i i s a Chett i



torn,S i l k i s st i l l S i l k .

The Chett i reduced the amount of advance,and

the weaver the quant i ty of s i l k i n the border of

the cl oth.

From hi s b i rth a Chett i i s at enm ity with agri

cu lture .

I n a note on secret trade languages M r . C . Haya

vadana Rao wr i tes as fo l l ows . i “ The most interest ing

of these , perhaps , i s that spoken by petty shopkeepers

and c loth merchants ofMadras , who are most ly Moode llys

and Chet t is by caste . Thei r bu si ness most ly cons i st s i n

ready-money transact i ons,and so we find that they have

Rev. H . Jensen ,C lass ified Co l lect ion o f Tam i l Proverbs , 1897 .

1“ Madras Ma i l

, 1904 .


a regular tabl e of numeral s . Numbers one to ten have

been given defin i te names , and they have been so l ong

in use that most of t hem do not understand the mean ing

of the terms they use . Thus madi (mind) stands for one ,

mind being always represented i n the H indu Shastras as

a s ingle thing . Vene (act or deed) stands for two, forvene i s of two kinds only, nalvene and th ivene or good

and bad acts . Konam (qual i ty) stands for three , S incethree d ifferent sort s of qual i t ie s are recogn i sed i n H indu

metaphys i cs . These are rajasam , thamasam,and Sath

m ikam . Shuruth i stands for fou r , for the S rut is or

Vedas are four in numbers . Sara (arrow) stands forfive

,after Panchasara,

the five-arrowed,a wel l -known

name of Manmatha , the I nd ian Cup id . Matha repre

sents s ix,afte r the Shan matham s or s ix systems of

H indu ph i losophy . There stands for seven , after the

seven ocean s recogni sed by the Sanskri t geographers .

Gir i (mountai n) rep resents e ight , s ince i t stands forash tagiri or the e ight mountains of the H indus . Mani

stands for n ine,after navaman i

,the n ine di fferent sorts

of prec ious stone s recogn i sed by the H indus . Th isai

represents ten,from the ten points of the compass . The

common name for rupee is ve l le or the white thing .

Thangam ve l le stands for hal f a rupee,p inj i vellé for

a quarter of a rupee , and p ii vel le for an e ighth of a

rupee . A fanam (or I i annas ) i s known as shu lai . The

princ ipa l obj ects wi th which those who use thi s language

have to deal w ith are padi or measure , vel le or rupee,

and madi ana, one anna , so that mad i padi means one

measure,madi ve l le one rupee

,and mad i ana one anna .

S imi larly with the rest of the numera ls . The merchants

of Trich inopoly have nearly the same table of numerals,but the names for the fract ions of a rupee vary cons ider

ab ly. Mt’

tndri ana i s,with them

,one anna e ana i s two


Ch ikka (smal l) . -A sub -divi sion of Kurn i .Chikkudu (D o/ic/zos L ab/ad) . -An exogamous sept

of Mfi ka Dora .

C h i lakala (paroquet) .— An exogamous sept of

Beya , Kap u and Yanadi .

Ch i l la (S i rycfiuos fi rearm/um : c l ear i ng—nut tree) .An exogamous sept of Kuruba

,and sub -d iv i s i on of

Tot t iyan .

Ch imala (ant) . —An exogamous sept of Boya and

Tsaka la .

Ch impiga (ta i lor) . —Recorded,i n the Madras

Census Report , 190 1 , as a Lingayat sub -caste of Rangar i .I n the Mysore Censu s Report

,190 1 , Darj is are c lass ified

as fol lows (1 ) Darj i , Ch ipp iga, or Namdev ; (2)Rangare .

” The fi rst three,known by the col lect ive

name of Darj i , are profe ss ional tai lors , wh i l e the Rangares

are al so dyers and ca l i co p r inters .

Chimp iri (rags) . -An exogamous sept of Beya .

Ch inérigadu .—A c lass of mendicants connected

with the Padma Sales . (See Devanga . )Ch inda.

—Recorded,i n the Madras Censu s Report


190 1 , as a smal l caste of Or iya cu l t ivators in Ganjam and

Vizagapatam .

Ch inese-Tam i l Cross .—Hal t ing in the course of

an anthropol og ical exped it ion on the western s ide of the

N i lg i r i p lateau , I came across a smal l sett lement of

Chinese,who have squatted for some t ime on the S l opes

of the hi l l s between Naduvatam and Gudal t'

i r and

developed,as the resul t of al l iances with Tami l Pariah

women,i nto a colony

,earn ing a modest l ivel ihood by

cul t ivat ing vegetab les and coffee .

The orig inal Chinese who arrived on the N i lgiris were

convicts from the Stra its S ett l ement , where there was

no suffi c ient pr i son accommodat ion,who were confined


i n the N i lg i r i j ai l . I t i s recorded i f that , in 1868,twe lve

of the Chinamen broke out dur ing a very stormy n ight,

and part ies of armed pol ice were sent out to Scour the

h i l l s for them . They were at last arrested in Malabar a

fortn ight later . Some po l ice weapons were found in

thei r possess ion,and one of the part ies of pol ice had

d isappeared— an ominous c i rc umstance . Search was

made al l over the country for the party,and at length

the i r four bod ies were found ly ing in the j ungle at

Walaghat , hal f way down the S ispara ghat path , neat ly

laid out i n a row with the ir Severed heads careful ly

p laced on the i r Shoulders .

The measurements of a s ingle fami ly are recorded in

the fol lowing tabl e

Tam i l Paraiyan . Mother of ch i ldren .

Ch inese Father o f ch i ldren .

Ch inese-Tam i l Girl , aged 18

Ch inese-Tam i l Boy, aged 10

Ch inese-Tam i l Boy, aged 9

Ch inese-Tam i l

The father was a typ ical Chinaman , whose only

gri evance was that , i n the process of convers ion to

Chri st ian ity,he had been obl iged to “

cut him tai l off. ”

The mother was a typ ical dark-sk inned Tami l Para iyan .

The colour of the chi ldren was more c losely al l ied to the

yel lowish t int of the father than to that of the mother

and the semi -Mongol parentage was betrayed in the

Gazetteer of the N i lg ir is .


s lant eyes,flat nose and (in one case) consp icuous ly

prominent cheek-bones .

To have recorded the ent i re ser ies of measurements

of the chi ldren wou ld have been usel ess for the purpose

of compari son with those of the parents,and I se lected

from my reperto i re the length and breadth of the head

and nose,which p la in ly ind icate the paternal influence

on the external anatomy of the offspr ing . The figures

g iven in the tabl e br ing out very cl early the great

breadth,as compared with the l ength

,of the heads of all

the ch i ldren,and the resu l tant high cephal i c index . I n

other words,i n one case a mesat icephal ic and , i n

the remain ing three cases,a sub -brachycephal ic head

(80 1 ; 80 1 ; 82 4 ) has resu lted from the un ion of a

mesat icephal ic Chinaman (785 ) with a sub -dol ichoce

phal ic Tami l Paraiyan H ow great i s the breadth

of the head in the ch i ldren may be emphas ised by

not ing that the average head -breadth of the adul t Tami l

Paraiyan man is only 137 cm .

,whereas that of the three

boys , aged ten , n ine , and five only,was 14 3, 14 , and

137 cm . respect ive ly .

Quite as strong ly marked is the effect of paterna l

i nfl uence on the character of the nose ; the nasal i ndex,i n the case of each ch i ld 7 1 7 7 2 7 ; bear ing

a much closer relat ion to that of the long -nosed father

(7 1 7 ) than to the typ ical Paraiyan nasal i ndex of thebroad -nosed mother

I t wi l l be interest ing to note hereafter what is the

future of the y ounger members of th is quaint l itt l e

colony, and to observe the phys ical characters , tempera

ment , fecund ity, and other po ints relat ing to the cross

breed result ing from the blend of Chinese and Tami l .

Ch inna (l i tt l e) .— A sub -d iv i s ion of Beya,Kunnu

van , Konda Dora, Pattanavan ,and Pattapu

,and an



l i tt l e r ice and a pot of l iquor to the home of the paternal

aunt . I f they are accepted , i t i s taken as a S ign that the

match is agreed to,and the jholla tonka (bride -pr ice) of

twe lve rupees is pa id . After some t ime has elapsed,the

br ide is conducted to the home of her future husband ,and the marr iage is there cel ebrated . A younger

brother may marry the widow of an elder brother,and ,

i f such a woman contracts a marriage w ith Some other

man,her second husband has to g ive a cow to the

younger brother who has been passed over . The dead

are burnt , and death pol l ut ion is observed for three days ,during which the caste occupat ion is not carr ied on . On

the th ird day , the ashes are col lected together , and a

fowl i s k i l led . The ashes are then buried,or thrown

into runn ing water .

Ch i trakara or Ch itrakaro .—The C h itrakaros of

Ganjam,who are a c lass of Or iya painters (chitra ,

paint ing), are returned in the Census Report , 190 1 , as

a sub -caste of Muchi . I n the Mysore Census Report ,189 1 , the Ch itragaras are sa id to be

“ al so cal l ed Ban

nagara of the ~ Rachevar (or Raj u) caste . They are

painters , decorators and gi lders , and make trunks , palanqu ins ,

‘ lacquer ’ toys and wooden images for temp les ,cars

,etc . At Channapatna in Mysore

,I interviewed a

Telugu Chitrakara,who was making toys out of the

wh ite wood of Wr ig/i tia i iuctor ia . The wood was turned

on a pr im it ive lathe,cons ist ing of two steel sp ikes fixed

into two logs of wood on the ground . Seated on thefloor i n front of his lathe

,the art i san chucked the wood

between the sp ikes,and rotated i t by means of a bow

held in the r ight hand,whereof the str ing was passed

round the wood . The chise l was held between the so le

of the r ight foot and palm of the l eft hand . Colours

and varn i sh were app l i ed to the rotat ing toy with st icks


of paint l i ke seal ing -wax , and str ips of palm leaf smeared

with varn ish. In addit ion to the turned toys,model s of

fru its were made from mud and sawdust,cane cradles

made by Medaras were painted and idol s manufactured

for the H ol i fest ival at Bangalore , and the figure of S id i

Vi ranna for the local pseudo-hooks winging ceremony.

The Ch itrakaras , whom I saw at Tumkfi r,had given

up making toys,as i t d id not pay. They manufacture

b ig wooden idol s (grama devata), e .g . , E llamma and

Mariamma,and veh ic les for var ious de it ies in the

shape of bul l s,snakes ,

peacocks , l ions , t igers , and horses .They further make painted figures of Lakshm i


heads of Gauri,the w ife of S iva , decorated with gold

leaf j ewe l s,which are worsh ipped by Brahmans


l igas,Kem at is , and others at the annual Gauri pfija ;

and mandahasa (god houses) with p i l lars carved with

figures of Naras imha and convent ional des igns . These

mandahasas Serve as a receptacl e for the household

gods (Salagrama stone , l ingam ,which are worship

ped dai ly by Smarta and Madhva Brahmans . These

Ch itrakaras claimed to be S uryavam sam,or of the l unar

race of Kshatr iyas,and wear the sacred thread .

Chitravaliar.—A synonym of Alavan .

Ch0gan .—See I z hava.

Cholapuram or S holavaram .—A sub -d ivis ion of

Chett i .

Ch é liya Pattar.—A name for Pattar Brahmans in

Malabar .

Chond i .—See Sondi .Ch éutagara .

—A corrupt form of Chaptegara .

Ch0vatt0n .—Pr iests of Mattans and Tarakans .

Chud itiya.—S ee Kevuto .

Chunam (l ime) .— A sub -d iv is ion of Toreyas , who

are manufacturers of l ime . Chunam ,made from calc ined


Shel l s , l imestone , etc . , i s l arge ly used for bu i ld ing

purposes , and the chunam plaster of Madras has been

long ce lebrated for its marble - l i ke po l i sh . Chunam is

al so chewed with betel .

Chuvan0.—Recorded , i n the Madras Census Report ,

190 1 , as a smal l Or iya cu l t ivat ing caste , supposed to be

of Kshatr iya parentage .

Daind la.—The name denot ing those who hid or

ran away,of a sub -d iv i s ion of Mala .

Daivampati .—Recorded in the Travancore Census

Report,190 1 , as a caste inc l uded among Ambalavas is ,

and a sub-d iv is ion of Nayar .

D akkala.—Dakkala or Dakkal i i s the name of a

c lass of mendicants who beg from Mad igas on ly . I n

the Kurnool d i st r ict they are ISaId to have d iv ided

the d istr ict w ith the Musht is , and not to beg except

within the i r own l im its .

The fo l l owing story i s to ld as regards the or ig in of

the Dakkalas . A smith was asked to m ake a bottu

(marr iage badge) for S iva’s wedd ing

,and for th is purpose

requ ired bel l ows,fire—pot , hammer, etc. jambuvadu

cal led h i s e ldest son ,and prepared the var ious imple

ments from sundry parts of the body, except the back

bone . Being h igh ly p leased at t h is , the gods endowed

the backbone w ith l i fe,and the son went to hi s father

jambuvadu, who fa i led to recogn ise h im , and refused toadmit h im . H e was to ld that he must l ive as a beggar

attached to the Madigas,and was cal l ed Dakkala because

he was brought to l i fe from a vertebra l co lumn (dakka) .The Dakkalas wander from p lace to p lace . They

may not enter Madiga houses , outs ide which mea ls are


wr ists of the br ide and br idegroom . On the fourth day,

the n ikka r ite i s cel ebrated,and the newly-marr ied

coup le s it together whi l e the nalagu ceremony of smear

ing them with sandal , and waving co loured water

(arat i) , i s performed . The two pots contain ing water

are kept for forty days , and then examined .I f the

water rema ins sweet , and does not “ teem with verm in,

i t i s regarded as a good omen . The seed gra ins,too


Should by thi s t ime have developed into heal thy

seedl ings .

Dammu la.—Recorded , i n the Madras Census Re

port , 190 1 , as a smal l c l ass of Te lugu beggars,and

pr iests in the temples of v i l lage goddes ses .

Dandas i .—The Dandas is are summed up in the

Ganjam Manual as be ing vi l lage watchmen,many of

whom are great th ieves . I t i s c ur ious,Mr . S . P . Rice

writesf"é to find that the word Naiko [mean ing leader or

chief] , which i s corrupted into the Tel ugu Naidu , i s the

caste di st inct ion of the l owest c lass,the v i l lage watcher

and profess ional thief. Thi s man,for al l that h i s cog

nomen is so lofty , goes by the gener i c name of Dandas i .

This word means worthy of pun ishment,and assured ly

no appe l lat ion ever fitted its owner more complete ly than

does th i s . He is the vi l lage pol iceman and the vi l lage

th ief, a cur ious m ixture of cal l ings . Accord ing to other

vers ions,the name is der ived from danda

,a St ick


as i, sword , from dandabad i, a stout bamboo st ick , or from

dandapas i , st i ck and rope , i n reference to the ins ign ia of

the Dandas i’

s office .

A large number of cr im inal s,undergoing pun ishment

in Ganjam for robbery and th ieving , are Dandas is .

The members of the caste,l i ke the Tami l Kallans

,bel ieve

Occas ional Essays on Native South Ind ian L i fe.


that thieving is the i r t rad it iona l occupat ion , and , as such ,regard it as j ust ifiable . There i s a l egend that they

adopted this occupat ion as the i r p rofess ion because the i r

ancestors ass i sted the Pandavas to escape from the lac

fort which was constructed by the Kurus with a v iew to

ki l l ing them,by d igg ing a secret subterranean passage .

Accord ing to another story,the Dandas is are descended

from the offspr ing of a c landest ine amour of Kr i shna

with D h t’

i th ika,Radha’s handmaid . The Dandas is

perform an interest ing ceremony of i n it iat ion into the

profess ion of th iev ing,when a chi l d i s born . When it

i s three or five days old , the headman (Behara) i sinv ited to attend . A breach is made in the wal l


beneath the door s i l l . Through th is the in fant i s passed

by the Behara three t imes , and rece ived by some

members of the fam i ly . Each t ime the Behara repeats

the words “ Enter , baby enter . May you exce l your

father ! ” The Dandas is , when quest ioned concern ing

this custom , den ied its ex i stence , but some adm itted

that i t was carr ied out in former days . An old woman

stated that her grandch i l d was pas sed through a breach

beneath the door , but was not in cl ined to enter i nto

detai ls .

A number of exogamous septs occur among the

Dandas is, of which the fol l ow ing may be noted . Mem

bers of the Santaras i sept must avo id us ing mats made

of the sedge which goes by th is name . K ilalend ias avoid

touch ing the bamboo posts used by washermen to sup

port the ropes on wh ich c loths are hung to dry . They

sacr ifice a p ig and seven fowl s to ‘ the i r gods on the new

moon day , on which the head of a male ch i l d i s fi rst

shaved . D iyas is Show spec ial reverence for the sun ,and

c loth s , mokkutos (forehead Chap lets) , garlands , and otherart ic l es to be used by the br ide and br idegroom at a


wedding,are p laced outs ide the house

,! so that they may

be exposed to i t . Members of the Ekopoth iriya sept are

regarded as l ow in the Soc ial scal e,and the fol lowing

legend i s narrated to account for th i s . A Dandas i went ,with his re lat ions and fr i ends , to the house of a Dandas i

of the Ek0poth ir iya sept , to arrange a marr iage . The

guests were hosp itab ly rece ived,and the prospect ive

br ide asked her father what kind of curry was going to

be served to them . H e rep l ied that barikolora (back

yard M om em’ica) was to be cooked . This aroused the

cur ios ity of some of the guests,who went to the backyard


where,i nstead of M omom

’i ca,they saw Severa l b lood

suckers (l i zards) runn ing about . They j umped to the

concl us ion that these were what the host referred to

as barikolora,and al l the guests took the i r departure .

Ekopoth iriyas wi l l not partake of food from the same

p late as thei r grown -up chi ldren , even i f a marr ied

daughter comes on a vi s it to them .

The Dandas is worship vari ous Takuran is (v i l lage

de it ie s) , e .g .,Sankaithun i , Kulladankun i

,Kombésari and

Kalimuki . The gods are e ither represented tempo

rarily by brass vessel s , or permanent ly by three masses

of c lay , into each of which a smal l b i t of gold i s thru st .

When B assia (mahua) buds or mangoes are fi rst eaten inthe i r season

,a sacr ifi ce i s made , and a goat and fow l

are ki l led before the produce of the harvest i s fi rst

partaken of.

The Dandas is have a headman , cal led Behara , who

exerc i ses author ity ove r several group s of vi l lages,and

each group i s under a Nayako , who i s ass i sted by a

Dondia . For every vi l lage there i s a Bholloboya,and


i n some p laces,there i s an officer, cal led Boda Mund i ,

The fru its of several species of Momercl ica are eaten by Nat ives.


bete l nut cutter,on ,

or with some r ice and bete l nut be

tween the un ited hands of the contract ing coup le,and

t ies them together with seven turns of a turmeric-dyed

thread . H e then announces t hat the grand

daugh ter of and daugh ter of i s

un ited to the grandson of and

son of The parents of t he br ide and br ide

groom pour turmeri c water from a chank (Turéiue/Za

rapa) Shel l or l eaf over the i r un i ted hands . The nutcutter i s removed by the bride

s brother,and


str iking the br idegroom,he goes away . The coup le

then p lay with cowry (Cg/p ica araéica) She l l s , and , whi l e

they are So engaged,the ends o f the i r c loths are t ied

together,and the r i ce which i s i n the i r hands i s t i ed i n a

knot . When the p lay i s fin i shed,t his knot i s unt ied


and the r ice i s measured i n a smal l earthen pot,fi rst

on behal f of the br ide , and i s pronounced to be a l l r ight .

I t i s then again measured,and said to have d imin i shed

in quant ity . Thi s g ive s r i se to jokes at the expense

of t he bridegroom ,who i s cal led a th ief

,and other

hard names . Those who im itate the ceremon ial of

the higher caste s make the bridegroom go away infe igned anger

,after he has broken the pot which i s

hanging over the da i s . He i s brought back by hi s

brother - in—law .

On the occas ion of the fi rst menstrual per iod,a gi rl

i s under po l lut ion for seven days . I f she i s engaged to

be marri ed,her future father - in - l aw makes her a present

of j ewel s and money on t he seventh day , and thereby

confi rms the marriage contract .

The dead are cremated . A widow accompanies the

corp se of her hu sband to the boundary of the vi l lage,

carry ing a ladle and pot,which she throws down at

the boundary,and return s home . On the day after the

1 1 1 DARA

funeral,the embers are ext ingu i shed

,and an effigy

of the deceased i s made on the spot where he was

cremated,and food offered to i t . Toddy i s d istr ibuted

among those who have assembled at the house . O n

the tenth day,food i s offered on ten fragments of pots .

On the eleventh day,i f the dead man was an important

personage in the commun i ty,a ceremony

,correspond ing

to the j ola j ola hand i of the higher caste s , i s performed .

A cloth i s spread on the ground,on the spot where the

corpse was cremated,and the ground round i t swept by

women , whose backs are turned towards the c loth , so

that they cannot See i t . Two men , with swords or b ig

kn ives , s it by the s ide of the c loth and wait t i l l an insect

set t l es on the c loth . They then at once put the swordsor knives on the c loth


,foldi ng it up

,p lace i t on a

new winnowing -basket . I t i s taken home,placed on

the floor, and connected by means of a long thread with

the household god (mass of clay or vessel) . I t i s then

Shaken near the god, so that the insect fal l s out .

Dandas i further occurs as a sub -div i s ion of the

Kondras , the members of which have taken to the

profess ion of vi l lage watchmen .

Dand i (a staff) . -A house name of Korava .

Dandu (army) . —A sub -div is ion of Idiga, and an

exogamous Sept of Boya and Kapu . I t has been

suggested that the name i s not Dandu but Dande,mean ing po le

,i n reference to the apparatus used by

the IdigaS i n c l imbing palm trees for the extract ion

of toddy . Dandu Agasa,indicat ing army washerman ,

occurs as a name for some Maratha Dhob is in Mysore ,whose forefathers probably accompan ied arm ies in t imes

of war .

Dara (stream of water).— An exogamous sept o f

Mal a .


Darabala.—Taken , i n the Madras Census Report ,

190 1 , as a sub -cas te of Mala . I t i s a common house

name among many Tel ugu castes .Darala (thread) .— An exogamous sept of Madiga .

D arz i .—Darz i or Darj i i s a Muhammadan occupa

t ional term , mean ing ta i l or .“ The cast ,

” i t has been

sa id , *“ now sews by machinery . The name of S inger

i s known from the Mediterranean to the Pac ific.I n

every bazaar i n I ndia one may See men— t hey are

always men,not women— in turban or Mussalman cap,

crouch ing over the needl e -plate , and work ing the

pedal s .

” The value of the imports of sewing-machines

rose,in Br it ish I nd ia , from RS . in 190 1—0 2

to Rs . i n 1904—05 .

DaS .—The t i t l e of J ain immigrants from Northern

I nd ia,most of whom are estab l i shed as merchants


a lso of the Mahan ts o f the Ti rumala (Tirupat i ) temp le ,e.g . ,

Balaram Das,Bhagavan Das

Dasari .—“ Dasar i or Tadan , Mr . H . A . Stuart

WI‘ ItCS , l i s a mend icant caste of Vaishnavas

,t he rep uted

descendants of a weal thy Sadra of one of the northern

d i str i ct s,who , being devo id of offspr ing , vowed that ,

Should he be blessed wi th chi ldren , he would devote one

t o the service of hi s god . He subsequent ly had many

sons, one of whom he named Dasan (servant) , and



ent i rely at the servi ce of the de i ty. Dasan forfe i ted

a l l c laim to part i c ipate i n his father’

s e state , and hi s

offspring are therefore al l beggars .

The caste,l i ke that of the Satan is , i s rein forced by

id le members of the lower Sadra c lasses , who , be ing

branded by the gurus of Tirupat i and other shr i nes,

become Dasaris thereby . They usual ly wander a bout,

S idney Low. A V is ion of I nd i a, 1906.

1 Manual of the N orth Arcot d i str ict .

DASAR I 1 14

not al lowed to d ine with the others . Al l Dasaris areVaishnav ites , and admi ss i on to the commun i ty i s obtained

by being branded by some Vaishnav ite guru . Thence

forward the novice becomes a Dasar i,and l ives by

begging from door to door . The profess ion i s almost

hered itary i n some fami l i es . The five ins ign ia of a

Dasar i are the conch she l l,which he b lows to announce

hi s arr ival ; the gong which he stri ke s as he goes h isrounds ; the tal l i ron lamp (wi th a cocoanut to hold the

o i l for rep len ishing i t) which he keep s l ighted as he

begs ; t he brass or copper vessel (Somet imes w ith thenamam painted on i t) suspended from h is shou lder

,i n

which he p laces the alms re ce ived ; and the smal l metal

image of Hanuman , which he hangs round hi s neck .

Of these,the i ron lamp i s at once the most consp icuous

and the mos t i nd i sp ensab le . I t i s said to represent

Venkatesa, and it must be burn ing , as an un l ighted lamp

i s i nausp ic i ous . Dasaris al so subs i st by do ing paja

(worsh ip) at ceremon ial and fest ival occasi ons for certa in

of the H indu castes . I n the Kurnool d ist r i ct , when a

g ir l i s ded icated as a Basavi (dedicated p ros t i tute) , Shei s not

,as i n some other parts of t he country, marr ied to

an idol,b ut t i ed by means of a garland of flowers to the

tal l standard lamp (garudakambham ) of a Dasar i , andre leased by the man who i s t o rece ive her first favours


or by her materna l uncl e .

The Dasaris i n Mysore are descr ibed in the Mysore

Census Report , 190 1 , as“ mend ican ts be longing to

d ifferent c lasses of Sudras . They become Dasas or

servant s ded icated to the God at Ti rupat i by v irtue of a

pecul iar vow,made e ither by themselves or their re la

t ives , at some moment of anxi ety or danger , and l ive

by begging in H is name . Dasaris are always Vai sh

nav ites , as the vows are taken only by those castes

1 15 DASAR I

which are worshippers of that de ity . Dasaris are inv ited

by S fidras on ceremon ial days , and feasted . Properly

speaking,Dasar i i s not a caste

,but s imply an occupa

t ional divi s i on . Among certa in castes , the custom of

taking a vow to become a Dasar i p revai l s . In fulfi lment

of that vow the person becomes a Dasari,and his eldes t

son i s bound to fol low su i t , the others taking to other

walks of l i fe . The fol lowing castes take the vow of

becoming Dasar i z— Telugu Banaj iga,H oleya , Tigala ,

and Vakkal iga . The duty of a Dasari requires that he

Should da i ly bathe his head , and take care that , whi le

eat ing with the profane , the i r v ictuals do not get m ixed

with his . Every Saturday , after bath ing and praying

for some hours,he must cook hi s own food in a c lean

pot . They go about the streets S i ng ing some Har i

Keerthanam s , with a gong and conch to rel ieve the du l l

monotony of t he i r mumbl ings .

Concern ing the synonym Tadan , this i s stated to be

a corrupt ion of the Sanskr it dasa wh ich , with the Tamil

terminat ion an,stands for dasan . The word is often

used in thi s form , but often as Dasar i . The word i s

app l ied to Vai shnava mendicants . They go out every

morn ing,begging for alms of uncooked r i ce , and S inging

bal lads or hymns . They play on a sma l l drum with thei r

fingers,and often carry a conch she l l

,which they b low .

They are given to dr inking . I n the Nel lore Manual,

the Dasrivandlu are summed up as being mendicants

and thieves in the Telugu and Canarese countr ies.

They usual ly pract i se what i s known as sc issor -theft.

The mend icant Dasaris,who are dealt with i n the present

note , are stated by Mr . S . M . Natesa Sastri lL to be

cal led Gud i Dasar i , as the gud i or temp le i s the ir home

4“ Manual of the Tanjore d istrict . 1 Calcutta Review, 1905 .

11—8 B

DASAR I 1 16

and to be a set of qu iet,i nnocent and s impl e peop l e

l eading a most id le and S t up id l i fe .

“ Quite opposed,

he adds ,“ to the Gud i Dasaris i n every way are the

Donga Dasaris or thieving Dasaris . They are the most

dreaded of the cr iminal c lasses in the Bel lary d i st r ict.

These Donga Dasaris are only Dasaris i n name . (S eeDonga Dasari . )Some Dasaris are servant s under Vaishnava Brah

mans , who act as gurus to var ious castes . I t i s the i r

duty to ac t as messengers to the guru,and carry the

news of hi s arr ival to h i s d i sc ip les . A t the t ime of

worship,and when the guru approaches a v i l lage


Dasari has to blow a long brass trumpet (tarai) . As the

B rahman may not approach or touch hi s Para iyan

d i sc ip les,i t i s the Dasar i who gives them the holy water

(th irtham ) . When a Paraiyan i s to be branded , theB rahman heats the i nstruments bear ing the devices

of the chank and chakaram , and hands them to the

Dasar i , who performs the Operat ion of brand ing . For

counc i ls,sett lement of marr iage , and the deci s ion of

other soc ial matters,the Dasaris meet , at t imes of

fest ival s,at wel l -known p laces such as T irutan i , Tirupat i

or T iruvalh'

i r.

At the annual fest ival at the temple at Karamadi i n

the Co imbatore d istr ict,which i s vi s i ted by very large

numbers,be longing for the most part to the lower orders


var ious vows are fu lfi l led . These i nc lude the giving of

kavalam to Dasaris . Kavalam cons ists of p lantain fru it s

cut up into smal l s l i ces,and mixed w i th sugar , jaggery

(crude sugar) , fr i ed grain , or beaten r i ce . The Dasaris

are attached to the temp le,and wear Short drawers , with

str ings of smal l brass bel l s t i ed to the i r wri st s and ankles .

Th ey appear to be possessed , and move wi ldly about to

the beating of drums . AS they go about , the devotee

1 1 7 DASAR I

puts some of the kavalam i nto the ir mouths . The

Dasaris eat a l itt le , and sp it out the remainder into the

hands of the devotees , who eat i t . This i s be l ieved to

cure al l d iseases,and to g ive chi ldren to those who

partake of i t . I n add it ion to kavalam ,some put bete l

leaves into the mouths of the Dasaris , who ,after chewing

them,sp it them into the mouths of the devotees . At

n ight the Dasaris carry large torches made of rags , on

which the devotees pour gh i (c lar ified butter) . Some

say that , many years ago , barren women used to take a

vow to vis it the temp le at the fest ival t ime,and

,after offer

ing kavalam,have Sexual i ntercourse with the Dasaris .

The temp le author it ies,however

,p rofess ignorance of

thi s pract i ce .

When proceeding on a p i lgr image to the temp le of

S ubramanya Swami at Pa ln i , some devotees p ierce the i r

cheeks with a long s i lver skewer,which traverses the

mouth cavity ; p ierce the tongue w ith a s i lver arrow ,

which i s p rotruded vert i cal ly through the protruded

organ and p lace a S i lver Shie ld (mouth- lock) i n front ofthe mouth . Some Dasaris have permanent ho les in

the i r cheeks,i nto which they insert skewers when they

go about the country i n pursu it o f the i r p rofess ion .

For the fol lowing note on Dasaris i n the Vizagapatam

distr i ct,I am indebted to Mr . C . Hayavadana Rao .

The caste i s an endogamous un it,the members cal l ing

themse lves Sankhu (or conch -b lowing) Dasaris , and i s

d iv ided into numerous exogamous septs . The menar i

kam custom , according to which a man shou ld marry hi s

maternal unc le’s daughter,i s fo l lowed . The remarr iage

of widows i s perm itted,but d ivorce i s forb idden . The

dead are cremated,and the chinna (smal l ) and pedda

rozu (b ig day) death ceremon ies are observed . TheseDasaris profess the Tengalai form of Vaishnavism ,



get themselves branded. The caste i s more secu lar,

and less rel ig i ous than i n the southern d istr ic ts . A

Dasar i of the North Arcot or Anantapur type,with

conch -She l l , metal gong ,i ron lamp

,copper vesse l


meta l image of H anuman on h is neck,is scarcely met

with . The V izagapatam Dasaris are the most popular

among bal lad -s ingers , and s ing songs about heroes

and hero ines,of which the fol lowing are the most

app rec iated

1 . Bobb il ipata ,which descr ibes the s iege and

conquest of Bobbi l i by Bussy in 1 75 7 .

2 . Ammi Nayudupata, which descr ibes the tyran

n ical behav iour of one Ammi Nayudu ,a vi l l age headman

in the Palkonda tal uk , who was eventual ly murdered , to

the great rel ief of t hose subj ect to him,by one o f hi s

dependents .

3. Lakshmammapata, which re lates the l i fe and

death of Lakshmamma, a Ve lama woman,who went

against the m enarikam custom o f the caste,and was put

to death by her husband .

4 . Y erakammaperantala-pata

,which recount s the

story of one Yerakamma,who commi t ted sat i .

Y erakamma is the local goddess at S rungavarapuketa

i n the Vizagapatam di str i ct . The bal lads sung about

her say that She was the chi ld of Dasar i parents,and

that her b irth was foreto ld by a Yerukala woman (whence

her name ) , who prophes ied that She would have the gi ft

of second s ight . She eventual ly marr ied , and one day

She begged her husband no t to go to hi s field , as sh e

was sure he wou ld be ki l l ed by a t iger i f he did . Her

hu sband went no twithstand ing,and was sla in as she

had foreseen . She committed sat i on the spot where

her shr ine st ill stands , and at th i s there i s a fest ival at

S ivaratri .


Hyderabad , st i l l reta in ing the name of I mam Mahadi .

Such pretens ions coul d not be to lerated by the great

mass of Muhammadans , and Sayad Ahmed , together

w ith h is d i sc ip l es , be ing wors ted in a great re l ig ious

controversy , was dr iven out of Hyderabad,and came

to Channapatna in the Bangalore d i st r ict,where they

sett led . The descendant s of these sett ler s bel i eve that

Sayad Ahmed was the Prophet I mam Mahadi p redi cted

in the Koran . They offer prayers in a masj id of the i r

own ,separate from o ther Muhammadans

,and do not

i n termarry with the re st . They are an enterpr i s i ng

body,and carry on a br i sk trade i n s i l k w ith the western

coast . They are most ly domic i led at Channapatna,

where a cons iderable industry in the cocoons of the

mu lberry s i l k -moth is carr i ed on .

When an adul t H indu j o in s the Dayaré s as a convert,

an interest ing mock r ite of c i rcumci s ion i s performed as

a subst i tute for the real operat ion . A stri p of bete l leaf

i s wrapped round the pen is ,3

5 0 that i t project s beyond

the glan s,and i s sn ipped instead o f the prepuce .

Like o ther M uhammadan c lasses o f Southern I nd ia,

the Dayarés are as a whole dol i chocepha l i c . But the

frequent occurrence of ind iv idual s with a high cepha l i c

i ndex would seem to po int to their recru i tment from the

mesat icephal ic or brachycepha l i c Canarese c lasses .

C lass .Local i ty .

1 2 1 DESAYI

Dayyalaku lam (devi l’

s —Recorded , at t imes

of census , as a sub -caste of Gol las,who are wre st l ers

and acrobats .

D edingi . -Recorded as a sub -d iv i s i on of Poroja .

D éra .—Dera , Dendra , and Devara occur as symo

nyms of DEVanga .

D esa.—A sub -divi s ion of Bal ij a . Desadh ipat i , de

not i ng ru ler of a country , i s a name assumed by some

Janappan s , who say that they are Bal ijas .

D é say i .—For t he fol lowing account of the Desayii n st i tut ion

,I am indebted to an exce l lent account t hereof

by Mr . S . M . Nate sa Sastrifi'

6 The word Desayi means

of the country . For almost every tal uk i n the North

Arcot d i str ict there i s a headman , cal led the DesayiChett i

, who may be said i n a manner to correspond toa J ust ice o f the Peace . The headmen belong to the

Kavarai or Bal ij a caste , the i r fam i ly name being Dhana

pala— a common name among the Kavarais— which may

be interpreted as the protector of wealth .

’ The Dhana

pala Desayi Chett i ho lds sway over e ighteen castes ,Kavarai , Uppara , Lambadi , Jogi , Id iga ,

Paraiyan,etc .

Al l those that are cal led valangai, or right -hand caste,

fal l w ith i n hi s j uri sd ict ion . He has an estab l i shmen t oftwo peons (order l i es) , who are cas tem en

,and another

men ial,a sort of bugler , who b lows the horn whenever

the Desayi Chett i goes on c ircu i t . When any deviat i on

in the mora l conduct of any man or woman occurs in a

vi l lage under the Desayi’

s j ur i sd i ct ion , a report of i t i s at

once sent to the Desayi Chett i , t hrough the Paraiya of

the vi l lage,by the Desayi

s representat ive in that v i l lage .

He has hi s loca l agent i n every vi l lage within hi s j uri s

dict ion . O n receipt of a report , he starts on c i rcu i t to the

Madras Mai l , 1901 .

DESAY I 1 22

vi l lage,with al l the qua int - l ooking parapherna l ia attached

to h is offi ce . H e moves about from p lace to p lace

i n hi s bul l ock coach , the i ns ide of which i s upho l stered

w ith a soft cu shion bed , with a profu sion of p i l lows

on al l s ides . The Para iya horn -blower runs in front of

t he carr iage b lowing the horn (bhamka) , which he carrie s

s uspended from hi s shou lder when i t i s not in use . On

the Desay i Chet t i arr iv ing at a vi l lage , the horn i s b lown

to announce h i s vi s i t on profess ional matters . Whi le he

camps at a vi l lage,peop le from the surround ing country

wi th in hi s j ur i sd i c t i on usual ly go to him wi th any repre

sen tat ions they may have to make to him as the head

of the i r caste . The DESayi genera l ly encamps in a tope

(grove ) adjoi n ing the v i l lage . At the sound of the born ,

the cas tem en on whose account the v i s i t is made assem

ble at the p lace of encampment,with the D ésayi

s l oca l

representat ive at the ir head . The personal comforts of

the D ésay i are fi rst attended to ,and he i s l i bera l ly sup

p l ied w i th art i c les of food by the party on whose account

the vi s i t has been undertaken . A large cup -shaped

spoon i s the ens ign of the Desayi . On the outer surface ,al l round its edge

,are carved i n rel i ef e igh teen figures ,

each one be ing typ ical of one of the castes of which the

Desay i i s the soc ial head . Under each figure i s i nscr ibed

in Tam i l the name of the cas te which that figure typ ifies .

The figures are smeared with red powder and sandal,and

decorated with fl owers . The menial , tak ing up the cup ,r ings the bel l attached to i t , to summon the part ie s . As

soon as the sound i s heard , the castem en amongst whom

any offence has occurred a ssembl e,each house i n the

vi l lage be ing represented by a member,so as to make

up a panchayat (counc i l ) . The Desayi'

s emblem i s then

p laced in front of him in the midst of the panchayat ,and a regular enqu i ry he ld . Suppos ing a per son stands

r23 DasavI

charged with adu l tery , the accused is brought before the

assembly , and the charge formal ly invest igated with the

advice of the panchayat,the Desayi declares the accused

gu i lty or not gu i l ty,as the case may be . I n the event

of a man be ing pronounced gui l ty,the panchayat di rects

him to pay the aggr ieved husband al l t he expenses he

had incurred in conne ct i on w i th hi s marr iage . I n add i

t ion to thi s , a fine ranging from ten to twenty rupees is

imposed on t he offender by the Desayi , and i s col l ected

at once . A smal l fract ion of th i s fine,never exceeding

four annas,i s pa id toevery representat ive who s its in the

panchayat , the balance going i nto the Desayi’

s pocket .

I f the del inquent refuses to pay the fine , a counc i l of

the same men i s held , and he i s excommuni cated . The

recal c i trant offender soon real i ses the horrors of ex

communi cat ion,and in a short t ime appears before the

Desay i , and fa l l s p rostrate at h i s feet , promi s ing to

obey h im . The Desayi then accompan ie s him to the

vi l lage , cal l s the panchayat aga in , and i n the i r p resence

removes the interd ic t . O n this occas ion,the ex com

mun icated person has to pay double the amount of the

or ig inal fine . But di sobed ience i s rare,as peop le are

al ive to the ser iou s consequences of excommunicat i on .

The Desayi mainta i ns a regular record of al l hi s enqu ir i es

and j udgments,and in the days of the Nawabs these

dec i s ions were,i t wou ld appear

,recogn i sed by the

Courts of J ust ice . The same respec t was , i t i s sa id ,also shown to the Desay i

s dec is ions by the early courtsof J ohn Company .


Every house be l onging to the e ighteen castes sends

to the v i l lage rep resentat ive of the D issayi , who i s cal ledPeriyatanakaran ,

a pagoda (Rs . 3-8) i n cash , bes ides

John Company, a corrupt ion of Company Jehan , a t it le of the Engl ish

East I nd ia Company.


r i ce,dhal (Caj m zus I ndians ) , and other art i c l es of food

for every marr iage that takes p lace,i n the vi l lage . The

representat ive reserves for himse l f al l the per ishabl e

art i c l es,sending only the cash to the Desayi . Thus ,

for every marriage w i thin hi s j ur i sd ict ion,the Desay i

ge ts one pagoda . Of late,i n the case of those Desayis

who have purchased the ir r ights as such from the old

Desayis , i nstead of a pagoda , a fee of two annas and a

hal f i s l evied on each marriage . Every death wh ich

occurs i n a v i l lage i s equal ly a source of i ncome to the

Desayi , who rece ives ar t i c l e s o f food , and fou r annas or

more,accord ing to the c i rcumstances of the part ies in

whose house the death has occurred . As i n the case of

marriage,the local rep resentat ive appropr iates to him

sel f t he art i cl es of food,and tran smit s the money to the

Desayi . The local agen t keeps a l i st of al l domest ic

occurrences that take p lace i n the vi l lage,and thi s l i st

i s most careful ly scrut in i sed and checked by the Desayi

during h i s tours,and any amount le ft unpaid i s then

col lected . Whenever a marr iage takes p lace in hi s own

house,al l the houses w ithi n h i s j uri sdic t i on are bound

to send him r ice,dhal , and other art i c les , and any money

they can afford to pay . Somet imes r i ch peop le send

large sums to the D é say i , to enable him to purchase the

c lothes,j ewel s

,etc .

,requ ired for the marr iage . When

a Desayi finds his work too heavy for him to attend

to s ingle -handed,he sel l s a port ion of hi s j ur i sdi ct ion

for some hundreds or thousands of rupees,according to

i ts extent,to some relat ion . A regular sale deed i s

execu ted and registered .

(S ee al so Samaya . )D es ikar.

—A sub -d iv i s i on and t i t l e of Pandaram .

D esur.—The name of a sub -div i s ion of Kapu


is e ither terr i tor ial , or poss i bly der ived from deha , body,and Sara, va lour .


subsi st by danc ing and musi c , and the pract ice of ‘


o ldes t profess ion i n the world .

’ The Das i s were probably

in the beginn ing the resul t of l eft -handed un ion s between

members of two d i fferent castes , but they are now part ly

recru i ted by admi ssions,and even purchases

,from other

c lasses . The profess i on i s not now held i n the cou s i

derat ion i t once enjoyed . Formerly they enjoyed a

considerable soc ial pos it ion . I t i s one of the many

inconsi stenc i es of the H indu re l ig i on that , though the i r

p rofess ion i s repeated ly and vehement ly condemned by

the Shastras , i t has always rece ived the countenance of

the church . The r i se of the caste , and i ts euphem ist i c

name,seem both of them to date from about the n in th

and tenth centuri es A .D . , during which much act iv ity

prevai l ed i n Southern I ndia in the matter of bu i lding

templ es,and e laborat ing the servi ces he ld i n them . The

danc ing -gi rl s’ dut ies,then as now,

were to fan the ido l

with chamaras (Tibetan ox tai l s ) , to carry the sacredl ight cal led kumbart i

,and to s ing and dance before the

god when he was carr ied i n process ion . I nscrip t ions *

show that,i n A .D . 1004 ,

the great temp le of the Chola

ki ng Rajaraja at Tanj ore had attached to i t four hundred

talic’ ché r i pendugal , or women of the temp le , who l ived

in free quarters i n the four street s round about i t,and

were al l owed tax-free land ou t of the endowment . Other

temp les had s imi lar arrangements . At the beginn ing

of t he last century there were a hundred danc ing-gir l s

attached to the temp l e at Conjeeveram,who were


Buchanan tel l s us,T

‘ kept for the honour of the de it ie s

and the amusement of the i r votarie s ; and any fami l iari ty

between these gi r l s and an infidel would occas ion scandal .’

At Madura,Conjeeveram

,and Tanjore there are st i l l

South I nd ian I nscr ipt ions , Vol . I I , part 3, p . 259 .

1' Journey from Madras through Mysore, Canara and Malabar, 1807 .


numbers of them, who rece ive al l owances from the

endowments of the b ig temples at these p laces . I n

former days,the p rofess ion was countenanced not only

by the church,but al so by the S tate . Abdur Raz aak, a

Turki sh ambassador at the court of Vijayanagar in the

fi fteenth century,describes women of thi s c lass as

l iv ing i n State -contro l led inst i tut i ons , the revenue of

which went towards the upkeep of the pol ice .

“ At the p resent day they form a regu lar caste,

having i t s own l aws of i nher i tance , i t s own customs and

ru les of et iquette , and i t s own panchayats (counc i ls) tosee that al l t hese are fo l l owed , and thus hold a posit i on ,which i s perhaps w ithout a paral le l in any other country .

Danc ing -g ir l s,dedicated to the usual profe ss ion of the

caste,are formal ly marr ied in a temp le to a sword or a

god ,the tal i (marr iage badge) being t ied round the i r

necks by some men of the i r caste . I t was a standing

puzz le to the censu s enumerators whether such women

shou ld be entered as marr ied i n the column referr ing toc ivi l condit ion .

Among the Das i s , sons and daughters inheri t

equa l ly,contrary to ord inary H indu usage . Some of the

sons remain in the cast e,and l ive by p laying musi c for

the women to dance to,and accompan iment s to the i r

songs, or by teach ing s inging and danc ing to the younger

gir l s,and mus ic to the boys . These are cal led Nattu

vans . Others marry some gi r l of the caste,who i s too

p lain to be l i kely to be a success in the profess i on,and

dri ft out of the commun ity . Some of these affix to thei r

names the terms P i l la i and Mudali,which are the usual

t it les of t he two castes (Vel lal a and Kaikola) from which

most of the Das i s are recru ited , and try to l ive down the

Ell iott . History of I nd ia.


st igma attaching to the i r b i rth . O thers j o i n the Mel ak

karan s or p rofess i ona l mus i c ians . Cases have occurred,

i n which weal thy sons of danc ing -women have been

al lowed to marry g i r l s o f respectable parentage of other

caste s,but they are very rare . The daughters o f the

cas te,who are brought up to fo l l ow the cas te p rofess ion ,

are carefu l ly taught danc ing,s ing i ng , the art of dress ing

wel l,and the am am or z

s,and thei r success in keep ing up

thei r c l ien tel e i s largely due to the contrast which they

thus p resent to the ordinary H indu housewife,whose

ideas are bounded by the day’s d inner and the bab ies .

The danc ing -gir l castes,and the ir al l ie s the Melakkaran s


are now pract ical ly the so l e repo s i tory of I ndian mus ic,

the system of which i s probab ly one of the o ldest in the

world . Besides them and the Brahmans,few study the

subj ect . The barbers’ bands of the vi l lages usual ly

d i sp lay more energy than sc ience . A notable excep tion,

however,ex i sts in Madras c i ty

,which has been known

to attemp t the Dead March in Saul at funera ls in the

Pariah quarters .

There are two d ivi s ion s among the Das i s,ca l l ed

Valangai (r ight -hand) and Idangai (left -hand) . The

chief d i st inct ion between them i s that the former w i l l

have noth ing to do wi th the Kammalan s (ar t i sans) or

any o ther of the l eft - hand caste s,or p lay or s ing in the i r

houses . The latter d ivi s ion i s no t so part icu lar , and i ts

members are consequently sometimes known as the

Kammal a Das i s . Ne i ther d ivi s ion,however , is a l lowed

to have any deal ings w ith men of the lowes t castes , and

v io lat ion of th i s ru l e of et iquette i s t r ied by a panchayat

of the caste , and vi s i ted with excommunicat ion .

“ I n the Tel ugu d i st r i c ts,the danc ing-gi rl s are

cal l ed Bogam s and San is . They are supposed to be

dedicated to the gods,j ust as the Das i s are , but there i s


marry w ithi n the i r own caste , without restr i ct i ons of

any kind .

I n Malabar there i s no regular community of

danci ng -gir l s ; nor i s there among the M ussalman s of

any part of the Pres idency .

No doubt,Monier Wi l l iams writesfii Das i s drive

a profitab l e trade under the sanct i on o f re l ig ion,and some

courtesans have been known to amass enormous fortunes .

Nor do they think i t i ncons i stent with the ir method of

making money to spend it i n works of p iety . Here and

there I ndian br idges and other usefu l publ ic works owe

the ir ex i stence to the l ibera l i ty of the fra i l s i sterhood .

The large tank (lake) at Channarayapatna in Mysorewas bu i l t by two danci ng -girl s .

I n the Travancore Census Report , 190 1 , the Das i s

of the Coromande l coast are compared , i n the words ofa Sanskr i t p oet , to wa lking fl esh -trees bear ing golden

fru it s . The observant Abbé Duboi s noticed that, of al l

the women in I nd ia , i t i s e spec ia l ly the courtesans who

are the most decent ly c lothed , as exper i ence has taught

them that for a woman to d i sp lay her charms damp s

sensua l ardour in stead of exc it ing it , and that the imag i

nat i on i s more eas i ly capt ivated than the eye .

I t was not iced by Lord Duffer in , on the occas ion of a

Viceregal vi s i t to Madura , that t he front part of the dress

of the danc ing -gir ls hangs in pett icoat s , but the back i s

on ly trou sers .

The Rev. A . Margosch is wri te s in connect ion with

the pract ice of di lat ing the lobes of t he ears i n Tinnevel ly,

that,as it was once the fash ion and a mark of respecta

b ility to have long ears , so now the converse i s true .

Unt i l a few years ago, i f a woman had short ears , she

Brahman i sm and H in du ism .


was asked i f she was a Deva -das i ,‘ because that c lass

kept thei r ears natural . Now,with the change of

customs al l round,even danc ing -girl s are found wi th

long ears . “ The danc ing -g irl s are,

” the Rev . M . Phi l l ip s

wr i te s !“ the most accomp l i shed women among the

H indus . They read , write , s ing and p lay as we l l as

dance . Hence one of the great obj ect i ons urged at fi rst

against the educat ion of gi rl s was ‘We don’t want our

daughters to become danc ing-gir l s

I t i s on record‘

i‘ that , i n 1 79 1 , the Nabob of the

Carnat i c di ned with the Governor of Madras,and that


after dinner,they were d iverted with the danc ing wenches


and the Nabob was presented with cord ia l waters,

French brandy and embro idered China qu i l ts . The

story i s to ld of a Governor of Madras in more recent

t imes,who

,ignorant of the inverse method of beckon ing

to a person to advance or retreat in the East,was

scandal i sed when a nautch gir l advanced rap idly,t i l l

he thought she was going to s i t in hi s lap . At a nautch

in the fort of the Mandasa Zemindar in honour of S ir

M . E . Grant Duff ]: the danc ing -girl s danced to the ai r

of Ma lbrook se va t’

en guerre . Bussy taught i t to the

danc ing-g ir l s , and they to the i r ne ighbours . I n the

Vizagapatam and Godavar i j ungl es , nat ives apostrophi se

t igers as Bussy . Whether the name i s connected with

Bussy I know not .

Of Deva-das i s at t he Court of Tippoo Su ltan , the

fol lowing account was publ i shed in “ Comme

Souvera in d’

une part ie du Visapour, T ippoo-Saib

Evo lut ion of Hindu ism , 1903.

1‘ J . T . “ Theeler. Madras in th e O lden T ime.

1 Notes from a D iary , 1881—86.

J . Michaud . H isto ire des Progres et de la Chfite de I ’Empire de Mysore,sons les Regnes d


-A ly et Tippoo Sa ib .

11- 9 B


jouissoit de la fac i l it é d’

avo ir parm i ses bayaderes ce l les

qu i éto ient l e s p l us renommées par l eurs talens,leurs

graces , l eur beauté , etc . Ces bayaderes sont des dan

s cuses supér ieures dans leur genre ; tout dan se et tout

j oue en meme - tems chez el l es ; leur tete , l eurs yeux ,l eurs bras , l eurs p ieds , tout leur corps , semblent ne se

mouvoi r que from enchanter ; e l les sont d’une incroyab le

legerete, e t ont le jarret auss i fort que soup l e ; leur ta i l le

est des p l u s sve lte s e t des p l u s é l égantes,et e l l es

m’ont pas un mouvement qu i ne so i t une grace . La p lus

agee de ces femmes n’

avo it pas p lus de se iz e a dix

sep t an s . Auss i tot qu’e l le s at te igno ient cet age ,on l e s

réformoit , et a lors e l l e s allo ien t cour i r les provinces , on


attachoien t ades pagodes,dan s lesque les el l es étoien t

entretenues,e t ou leurs charmes éto ien t un des mei l leurs

revenus des brames .

General Burton narrates 9“ how a c iv i l ian of the old

school bu i l t a house at Bhavan i , and es tabl i shed a £07 5

a’e éa/Zez

,i .e. ,a set of nautch girl s

,whose accomp l i sh

ments actual ly extended to s inging God save the King ,and thi s was kept up by the i r descendant s

,so that , when

he vi s i ted the p lace in 1852 ,he was “ greeted by the

Whole party , bed iz ened in al l the i r finery , and squal l ing

the nat ional anthem as i f they understood i t , whi ch they

d id not . With thi s may be contras ted a c i rcu lar from a

modern E uropean offi c ial,which s tates that “ during my

jamabandy (land revenue settl ement) tour, peop l e have

somet imes been k ind enough to arrange s inging or

dancing part i e s,and

,as it would have been d i scourteous

to dec l i ne to attend what had cost money to arrange ,I have accepted the compl iment in the sp i r i t in wh ich i t

was offered . I should,however, be glad i f you would

An I nd ian O l io .


them food , and not thei r w ive s . At Adon i I have seen

a Basavi,who was work ing at a cotton pres s for a dai ly

wage of three annas, i n fu l l dres s on a ho l iday in honour

of a local de ity, wear ing an elaborate ly chased s i lver

wais t be l t and abundant s i lver j ewel ry . The fo l low ing

are examp les of pet i t ions p resen ted to a E uropean

Mag i strate and Super in tendent of Po l i ce by gi r ls who

are about to become Basavis

P eti tion of aged about 17 or 18.

I have agreed to become a Basav i , and get mysel f stamped by myguru (priest) accord ing to the custom of my caste. I request that myproper age, wh ich entitles me to be stamped

, may be personal lyascertained, and perm ission g ranted to be stamped.

The stamp ing refers to brand ing with the emblems

of the chank and chakram .

P eti tion of

I have got two daughters, aged 15 and 1 2 respectively. As I haveno male issues, I have got to necessari ly celeb rate the ceremony inthe temp le in connection w ith the tying of the goddess’s tal i to mytwo daugh ters under the orders of the gu ru , in accordance w i th the

customs of my caste. I,therefore, subm it th is petition for fear that

the authorities may raise any objection (under the Age of ConsentAct) . I , therefo re, request that the Honou rable Cou rt may be p leasedto g i ve perm ission to the ty ing of the tal i to my daughters.

P eti tion of two girls, aged 1 7 to 1 9.

Ou r father and mother are dead. Now we w ish to be l ikeprostitutes, as we are not w i l l ing to be marr ied

,and th us estab l ish

our hou se-name. O u r mother also was of th is p rofess ion . We~


request perm iss ion to be prostitutes acco rd ing to our rel ig ion, afterwe are sent before the Med ical O fficer .The perm iss ion referred to in the above pet i t ion s

bears reference to a dec i s ion of the H igh Court that,a

g ir l who becomes a Basav i be ing incapable of contract

ing a lega l marr iage,her ded icat ion when a m inor i s an

offence under the Pena l Code .


At Adon i the dead body of a new -born in fan t was

found in a d i tch, and a Basavi , working w ith others in

a cotton factory, was suspected of fou l p lay. The

station -house officer announced hi s in tent ion of v i s it ing

the fac tory,and she who was in a state of lactat ion


cou ld produce no baby to account for her cond it ion,

would be the culpri t . Writ i ng concern ing the Basavis

of the Bel lary dis trictfilé Mr . W. Franc i s te l l s us that

parents w ithout male i ssue often,in stead of adop ting

a son i n the usual manner, ded icate a daughter by a

s imp le ceremony to the god of some temp le,and thence

forth,by immemor ial custom

,she may inher i t her parents

property,and perform the ir funeral r i tes as i f she was a

son . She does no t marry , but l ives i n her parents’ house

wi th any man of equa l or higher caste whom she may

select,and her chi ldren inheri t her father’s name and

bedagu (sep t) , and not those of the i r own father . I f she

has a son ,he inher i ts her property ; i f she has on ly

a daughter,that daughter again becomes a Basavi.

Parents des i r ing male i ssue of thei r own,cure from

s ickness in themselves or the i r ch i ldren,or re l ief from

some calam i ty,wi l l s im i lar ly ded icate the i r daugh ter.

The ch i ldren of a Basavi are leg it imate,and ne i ther they

nor the ir mo thers are t reated as being in any way

infer ior to the i r fe l lows . A Basavi,indeed

,from the

fact that she can never be a widow,i s a most we lcome

guest a t wedd ings . Basav is di ffer from the ord inary

danc ing—gir l s ded icated at temp les in that the i r dut ies in

the temp les (which are confined to the shrine of the i r

dedicat ion) are almos t nominal , and that they do no t

pros t i tute themselves promi scuously for hi re . A Basav i

very usual ly l ives fa i thful ly w i th one man,who al lows her

Manual of the Bel lary d istrict.


a fixed sum week ly for her maintenance , and a fixed

quant i ty of new ra iment annua l ly, and she works for her

fam i ly as hard as any other woman . Basavis are ou t

wardly i nd is t ingui shab le from other women , and are for

the most par t coo l i e s . I n p laces there i s a custom by

which they are cons idered free to change the i r protec tors

once a year at the v i l lage car- fest ival or some s im i lar

ann iversary,and they u sual ly se ize thi s oppo rtun i ty of

putt ing the i r partner’s affect ions to the test by suggest

ing that a new c lo th and bod ice wou ld be a we lcome

present . So poor , as a ru le, are the husbands that the

po l i ce aver that the ann iversar ies are p receded by an

unusual cr0p of petty thefts and burglar ies committed

by them in the i r effo rt s to provide the ir customary g i fts .

A recent report of a Po l i ce I nspector in the Be l lary

d i str ict states that “ cr imes are committed here and there,

as thi s i s Nagarapancham i t ime . Nagarapancham i

fest iva l i s to be ce lebrated at the next Ammavasya or

new-moon day . I t i s at that t ime the peop le keep ing

the p ro st i tutes shou ld pay the i r dues on that day ;otherwi se t hey w i l l have the ir new engagements .

I n the Kurnool d i str ict , the Basav i system i s

pract i sed by the Boyas,but d iffers from that in vogue

i n Be l lary and Mysore . The obj ect of making a Basav i ,in these two loca l i t i es , is to perpetuate the fami ly when

there i s no male he i r . I f the on ly i ssue in a fam i ly is a

female,the fam i ly becomes ext inct i f she marr ies , as by

marr iage she changes her sept . To p revent thi s , she i s

not marr ied,but ded i cated as a Basav i , and continues to

belong to her father’s sept,to which a l so any ma le issue

which is born to her be longs . I n the Kurnoo l di str ic t

the mot ive in making Basav is i s d ifferent . The g i r l i s

not wedded to an ido l,but

,on an ausp ic ious day, i s t i ed

by means ofa gar land of flowers to the garuda kambham


on which i s dep icted the namam of Vishnu,fastened to a

necklace o f black beads , i s t ied round her neck . S he i s

g iven by way of i n s ign ia a cane as a wand carr ied in the

r ight hand,and a gopalam or begg ing basket

,which i s

s lung on the le ft arm . She i s then branded with the

emblems of the chank and chakra . I n another account

of the marr iage ceremony among danc ing -gi r l s,i t i s

s tated that the Bogam s,who are wi thout except ion

p rost i tutes,though they are not al l owed to marry

, go

through a marriage ceremony,which i s rather a costly

one . Some t imes a wealthy Native bears the expense,

makes large p resents to the br ide,and rece ives her fi rs t

favours . Where no such Opportun ity offers i tsel f,a

sword or other weapon represents the br idegroom ,and

an imaginary nupt ial ceremony i s performed . Shou ld

the Bogam woman have no daughter,she i nvariably

adop ts one,usual ly paying a price for her

,the Kaikola

(weaver) caste being the ordinary one from wh ich to

take a chi ld .

Among the Kaikolan music ian s of Co imbatore,at

least one g i r l in every fam i ly should be set apart for the

temp le service,and she i s instructed i n mus ic and danc ing .

At the tal i -ty ing ceremony she i s decorated wi th j ewe l s ,and made to s tand on a heap of paddy (unhusked r ice) .A folded c loth i s held before her by two Das is , who al so

stand on heap s of paddy . The g ir l catches ho ld of the

c loth,and her dancing master , who is seated behind her ,

grasp ing her legs,moves them up and down in time with

the music which i s p layed . I n the even ing sh e i s taken,

astr ide a pony,to the temp le

,where a new c loth for the

idol,the tal i

,and o ther art ic les requ i red for do ing p t



(worship) have been got ready . The gir l i s seated fac ing

Manual of the North Arcot d istrict.


the idol,and the offi c iat ing Brahman g ives sandal and

flowers to her,and t ies the tali

,wh ich has been

ly ing at the feet of the idol,round her neck . The tal i

consi sts of a go lden d isc and b lack beads . She cont inues

to learn music and danc ing,and eventual ly goes through

the form of a nupt ia l ceremony . The re lat ions are

invi ted on an ausp ic ious day,and the materna l unc le


or hi s representat ive,t ie s a golden band on the g ir l’s

forehead , and , carrying her , p laces her on a p lank before

the assembled guests . A Brahman p r iest rec ite s man

trams (prayers) , and prepares the sacred fi re (homam) .For the actual nupt ial s a r ich B rahman

,i f po ss ib le



i f not,a Brahman of more l owly status i s invi ted . A

Brahman i s cal led in , as he i s next i n importance to , and

the representat ive of, the i do l . As a Das i can never

become a w idow , the beads in her tal i are cons idered t o

br ing good l uck to women who wear them . And some

peop le send the tal i requ i red for a marriage to a Das i , who

prepares the st r ing for it,and attaches to i t black beads

from her own tal i . A Das i i s a lso deputed to walk at

the head of H indu marr iage process i ons . Marr ied

women do not l ike to do th i s,as they are not p roof

against ev i l omens,which the process ion may meet .

And it i s be l i eved that Das i s , to whom widowhood i s

unknown,possess the power of ward ing off the effect s of

inausp ic ious omens . I t may be remarked,en passcm t,

that Das i s are not at the p resent day so much patron i sed

at H indu marr iages as i n o lden t imes . Much i s due in

thi s d irect ion to the progress of en l ightened ideas , which

have of l ate been strongly p ut forward by H indu soc ia l

reformers . When a Kaikolan Das i d ies, her body i s

covered wi th a new c l o th removed from the idol , and

flowers are supp l ied from the temp le,to which she

belonged . No paja is performed in the temp le t i l l the


corpse i s di sposed o f, as the idol , being her husband , has

to observe pol l ut ion .

I n former t imes , dancing ~

g irls used to s leep three

n ights at the commencement o f thei r career in the inner

shrine of the Koppesvara temple at Pal ive la i n the Godavari d i st ri c t , so as to be embraced by the god . But oneo f them , i t i s sa id , disappeared one n ight , and the pract ice

has ceased . The funeral pyre of every g i rl of the danc ing

g ir l (San i ) caste dying in the vi l lage should be l i t w i th

fi re brought from the temp le . The same p ract ice i s

found in the Sr i rangam temp le near

The fol l ow ing account of Das i s i n Travancore,where

the i r total s trength i s only about four hundred,i s taken

from a note by M r . N . Subraman i A iyer . Whil e the

Das i s of Kart ikappall i, Ambalapuzha, and S hertal lay

belonged original ly to the Konkan coast,those o f Shen

kottah belonged to the Pandian country . Bu t the South

Travancore Das i s are an ind igenous c lass . The female

members of the caste are,bes ides be ing known by the

ordinary name of Tévad iyal and Das i , both mean ing

servant of God,cal l ed Kud ikkar

, mean ing those bel ong

ing to the house g iven ren t free by the S irkar) ,and Pendukal , or women , the former o f the s e des ignat ion s be ing more popu lar than the latter . Males

are cal led Tevadiyan ,though many p refer to be known

as Nanch inat Ve llalas . Males,l ike these Ve llalas


the t i t l e of P i l la i . I n anc ient days Deva -das i s,who

became exper ts in s ing ing and danc ing , rece ived the

t i t l e of Rayar (king) which appears to have been las t

conferred in 184 7 A .D . The Sou th Travancore Das i s

ne ither interdine nor intermarry wi th the danc ing -gi r l s

of the Tami l -speak ing di str ict s . They adopt g i r ls on ly

Gazetteer of the Godavari d istrict .


Padmanabah swam i s t emp l e , and the Dusserah at the

cap i tal ; (2 ) to meet and escort members of the roya l

fami ly at the ir respect ive V i l lage l im it s ; (3) to under

take the prescr ibed fast s for the Apamargam ceremony

in connect i on with the annua l fest ival of the temp le . O n

t hese days str ic t cont inence i s enjo ined,and they are fed

at the temp le,and al lowed on ly one meal a day .

The p rinc ipal deit ie s of the dancing -girl s are those

to whom the temp les,i n which they are emp l oyed , are

ded icated . They observe the new and fu l l -moon days,

and the last Fr iday of every month as important . The

Onam,S ivaratri, Tye -Pongal , D i paval i , and Ch itrapur

nami are the best recogn i sed rel ig ious fest iva l s . M inor

de it i es,such as Bhadrakali


,and Ghandarva are

worsh ipped by the figure of a tr ident or sword be ing

drawn on the wal l of the house , to which food and sweet

meat s are offered on Fridays . The pr iests on t hese

occas i ons are Occhan s . There are no recognized head

men in the caste . The serv ice s of Brahmans are resorted

to for the purpose of pur ificat ion,of Namp iyans and

Saiva Ve llalas for the performance of funeral r ites,and

of Kurukkals on occas ions of marr iage , and for the final

ceremon ie s on the s ixteenth day after death .

“ Gir l s be longing to thi s caste may e ither be ded i

cated to temp l e service,or marr ied to a ma le member of

the caste . No woman can be dedi cated to the temp le

after she has reached puberty . On the occasion of

marr iage,a sum of from fi fty to a hundred and fi fty

rupees i s g iven to the br ide’s house, no t as a bride

price,but for defraying the marr iage expenses . There

i s a pre l im inary ceremony of betrothal,and the marr iage

i s celebrated at an ausp ic i ous hour. The Kurukkal

rec i tes a few hymns,and the ceremon ies, which inc lude

the tying of the tal i , continue for four days . The coup le


commence j o in t l ife on the s ixteenth day after the gi r l

has reached puberty . I t i s easy enough to get a divorce ,as thi s mere ly depends upon the w i l l of one of the two

part ies,and the woman becomes free to rece ive c lothes

from another person in token of her having entered into

a fresh matrimonia l al l iance .

Al l app l icati on s for the presentat ion of a gi rl to the

templ e are made to the temp le authori t ie s by the sen ior

danc ing -gi rl of the temp le , the g irl to be presented be ing

in al l cases from s ix to e ight years of age . I f she i s

c losely related to t he app l icant , no enqu i r ies regard ing

her statu s and c laim need be made . I n al l other cases ,formal invest igat ions are in st ituted , and the records taken

are submitted to the chief revenue offi cer of the divi s ion

for orders . Some paddy (r ice) and five fanam s are g iven

to the fami ly from the temp le funds towards the expenses

of the ceremony . The pract ice at the Such indrum temp le

i s to convene, on an ausp ic ious day, a yoga or meet ing


composed of the Valiya Sri -kariyakkar, the Yogatt il

Pott i , the Vattappalli Muttatu,and others

,at whi ch the

pre l im inar ies are arranged . The gi r l bathes , and goes

to the temp le on the morn ing of t he selected day withtwo new c loths

,betel l eaves and nut s . The temp l e

p riest p laces the c loth s and the tal i at the feet of the

image, and set s apart one for the d ivine u se . The tal i

cons i st s of a triangu lar bottu,bear ing the image of

Ganesa, with a go ld bead on e i ther s ide . Taking the

remain ing c loth and the tal i,and sitt ing c lose to the g ir l


the pr iest , fac ing to the north,p roceeds to officiate .

The gir l s i t s , fac ing the de ity, i n the inner sanctuary .

The pr iest kindles the fi re,and performs al l the marriage

ceremon ies, fol l ow ing the custom of the T irukkalyanam

fest ival , when S iva i s represented as marrying Parvat i .

He then teaches the gi rl the Panchakshara hymn i f the


templ e i s Saivi te,and Ash takshara i f i t i s Vaishnav ite ,

presents her w ith the cl o th,and t ies the tal i round her

neck . The Nat tuvan ,or dancing -master , i n structs her

for the fi rst t ime in h i s art,and a quant ity of raw rice i s

g iven to her by the temp le author i t i e s . The gi rl,thu s

marr ied,i s taken to her house

,where the marriage

fest iv i t i es are cel ebrated for two or three days . As in

Brahman i cal marr iages,the ro l l ing of a cocoanut to and

fro i s gone through ,the temp le p r iest or an elder ly Das i ,

dressed in ma le att i re,act ing the part of the bridegroom .

The gi rl i s taken in process ion th rough the streets .“ The b irth of ma le chi ldren i s not made an occas ion

for rej o ic ing,and

,as the proverb goes

,the lamp on these

occas ion s i s on ly d im ly“ l ighted . I nher i tance i s i n the

fema le l ine,and women are the abso lute owners of a l l

p roper ty earned . When a dancing -gir l d ies,some paddy

and five fanam s are g iven from the temp le to which she

was attached,to defray the funeral expenses . The

temp le p riest g ives a garland , and aquanti ty of ashes

for decorat ing the corpse . After thi s,a Namp iyan


Occhan,some Vel lal a headmen

,and a Kudikkari


no pol lut i on , assemb le at the house of the deceased . The

Nampiyan consecrates a pot of water w ith p rayers,the

Occhan p lays on hi s mus ica l i n strument,and the Vellalas

and Kudikkari powder the turmeri c to be smeared over

the corpse . I n the case of temp le devotees , the ir dead

bodies must be bathed wi th thi s substance by the pr iest,

after which alone the funeral ceremon ie s may p roceed .

The Karta (chief mourner) , who i s the nearest male

relative,has to get h i s who le head shaved . When a

templ e pr iest d ie s,though he i s a Brahman , the danc ing

g irl,on whom he has performed the vicar ious marriage

r ite,has to go to hi s dea th-bed

,and prepare the turmer ic

powder to be dusted over hi s corpse . The ann iversary


prost i tu tes . He added that the danc ing -gir l s get good

incomes by bring ing up g irl s in preference to boys .

Another w i tness s tated that danc ing -g ir l s,when they

grow old,obtain g irl s and bring them up to fo l low the ir

profess ion,and that good -look ing girl s are general ly

bought *

(o) The evidence showed that two of the pri soner s

were danc ing -girl s of a certa in temp le,that one of them

took the two daughters of the remain ing pri soner to the

pagoda,to be marked as danc ing -girls

,and that they

were so marked , and thei r names entered in the accounts

of the pagoda . The first pr i soner (the mother of theg irl s) di spo sed of the chi ldren to the thi rd pr i soner for

the cons iderat ion o f a neck ornament and thirty-five

rupees . The ch i ldren appeared to be of the ages of

seven and two years,re spect ively . Ev idence was taken ,

which tended to prove that danc ing -g ir l s ga in the ir l ive l i

hood by the performance of certain o ffices in pagodas ,by ass ist ing in the performance of ceremon ies in pr ivate

houses,by danc ing and s ing ing upon the occas ion of

marr iage,and by pro st itut ion .


(e) The fi rst pr i soner presented an appl icat ion for

the enrolment of his daughter as a danc ing -gir l at one

of the great pagodas . He stated her age to be th irteen .

She atta ined puberty a month or two after her enrolment .

Her father was the servant of a dancing-girl , the second

pr i soner,who had been teaching the minor danc ing for

some five years . The evidence showed that the second

prisoner brought the gir l to the pagoda , that both fi rst

and second pri soners were present when the bottu (or

tal i) was t ied , and other ceremon ies of the ded icat ion

performed that third prisoner,as Battar of the templ e ,

Ind ian Law Reports , Madras Series, XX I I I , 1900.

1 l ord , Vo l . V , 1869—70 .


was the person who actual ly t ied the bottu,which

denote s that the Das i i s wedded to the idol . There was

the usual ev idence that danc ing -g irl s l ive by prost itu

t ion , though occas iona l ly kept by the same man for a

year or more . *


) The p laint i ff, a Deva-das i , comp lained that ,when she brought offer ings accord ing to custom and

p laced them before the God at a certa in fest ival,and

asked the Archakas (offi c iat ing pr iests) to present theoffer ings to the God , burn incense , and then d ist r ibute

them,they refused to take the offer ings on the ground

that the D éva-das i had gone to a Komat i’s house to

dance . She claimed damages,Rs . 10 ,

for the rej ected

offerings , and Rs . 40 for l oss of honour , and a perpetual

inj unct ion to al low her to perform the mantapa had i

(sacr ifice) at the Ch ittrai Vasanta fest iva l . The prie stsp leaded that the danc ing -girl had

,for her bad conduct

in having danced at a Komat i’s house , and subsequently

refused to exp iate the deed by drinking panchagavyan

(five products of the cow) accord ing to the Shastras , been

expel led both from her caste and from the

(e) I n a certa in templ e two danc ing -girl s were

dedicated by the Dharmakarta to the services of the

temp le without the consent o f the ex i st ing body o f

danc ing-girl s,and the su it was inst ituted against the

Dharmakarta and these two Dava -das i s , ask ing that

the Court should ascerta in and declare the r ights of the

Deva -das i s of the pagoda in regard (1 ) to the dedicat ion

of Deva-das i s, (2 ) to the Dharmakarta

s power to b ind

and suspend them and that the Court should ascertain

and declare the r ights of the plaint i ff, the ex ist ing

Dava-das is,as to the excl us ion of al l other Deva -das i s ,

I bid . , Vo l . I , 1876-7 8. 1‘ m a ,

Vo l . VI , 1883.



save those who are re lated to or adopted by some oneof the Dava-das i s for the t ime being , or those who


being approved by al l , are e lected and proposed to the

Dharmakarta for ded icat ion . That the new Das is may

be dec lared to have been improperly dedicated,and not

ent it led to any of the r ights of Deva-das i s , and restrained

from attend ing the pagoda in that character,and from

interfer ing with the du ly dedicated Deva-das i s in the

exerc i se of the i r offi ce . That fi rst defendant be re

stra ined from stamp ing and ded icat ing other Deva -das i s

but such as are duly approved . The J udge d ism issed

the case on the ground that i t would be contrary to

publ ic pol icy to make the dec larat ion prayed for,as

,i n

so doing,the Court would be lend ing itse l f to bringing

the part ies under the cr im ina l law . In the appeal,

which was d ism issed,one of the J udges remarked that

the p laint iffs c laimed a r ight excl us ive to themse lves

and a few other danc ing -women,profess ional prost it utes


to present infant femal e ch i l dren for ded icat ion to the

templ e as danc ing -girl s to be stamped as such,and so

accred ited to b ecome at matur ity profess ional prost i

tutes , pr ivate or pub l icfil‘

(f A Dava-das i sued to estab l i sh her right to the

m iras i (fees) of danc ing -g ir ls in a certain pagoda, and to

be put in po ssess ion o f t he said miras i together w i th the

honours and perqu i s i tes attached thereto,and to recover

twenty -four rupees,being the value of sa id perqu is i tes

and honours for the year preceding . She al leged that

the Dharmakarta of the pagoda and h is agents wrong

fu l ly d ism i ssed her from the office because she had

refused to acquiesce in the admiss ion by the Dharma

karta of new danc ing -gir l s into the pagoda service , of

ma , Vo l . I , 1876-78.


the Bagam caste in the Godavar i d istr ict . The woman

p leaded that the property had been acquired by her

as a prost itute,and den ied her brother’s cla im to i t .

He obtained a decree for on ly Rs . 100 ,being a moiety

of the property le ft by the ir mother . The H igh Court

held,on the evidence as to the local custom of the caste


that the decree was r ight . ale

(j ) The accused , a Mad iga of the Be l lary d istr ict ,ded icated hi s m inor daughter as a Basavi by a form of

marr iage with an idol . I t appeared that a Basavi i s

incapable of contract ing a lawful marr iage,and ord i

narily pract ices prom iscuous intercourse with men , and

that her sons succeed to her father’s property . I t was

he ld that the accused had committed an offence under

the Penal Code , which lays down that “ whoever sel ls ,l ets to h ire , or otherwi se d isposes of any minor under

the age of s ixteen years,with intent that such m inor

shal l be emp loyed or used for the p urpose of prost i

tut ion,or for any unlawful and immoral purpose , shal l

be pun ished , etc .” The Sess ions j udge referred to

evidence that i t was not a matter of course for Basav is

to p rost itute themse lves for money,and added : “ The

evidence i s very c lear that Basav is are made in accord

ance with a custom of the Mad iga caste . I t i s al so in

evidence that one of the effects of making a g i r l Basav i

i s that her male i ssue becomes a son of her father , and

perpetuates h i s fam i ly,whereas i f she were marr ied , he

would perpetuate her husband s fam i ly . I n th is part i

cular case , the g irl was made a Basavi that she might

be he ir to her aunt,who was a Basavi

,but chi ldl ess .

S iddal ingana Gowd says that they and the i r i ssue inher i t

the parents’ property . There i s evidence that Basav is

115q Vol , ! IV, 189 1 .


are made on a very large scal e , and that they l ive in the i r


houses . There i s no evidence that they are

regarded otherw ise than as respectable members of the

caste . I t seems as i f the Basavi i s the Mad iga and

Bedar equ ivalent of the “ appointed daughter ”

of H indu

law (M itakshara , Chap . I , s . xi,

Upon the whole,

the evidence seems to establ ish that,among the Mad igas ,

there is a widespread custom of perform ing,in a templ e

at Uchangidurgam ,a marr iage ceremony

,the resul t of

whi ch i s that the g irl i s marr ied without poss ib i l i ty of

widowhood or d ivorce ; that she i s at l i berty to have

intercourse with men at her p leasure ; that her chi ldren

are he irs to her father,and keep up hi s fami ly ; and that

Basav i’

s n ieces,being made Basavis , become thei r hei rs .

The Basav is seem in some cases to become prost i tu tes ,bu t the language used by the wi tnesses general ly po ints

on ly to free in tercourse wi th men,and not necessar i ly

to rece ipt of payment for use of thei r bod ie s . I n fact ,they seem to acqu i re the r ight o f intercourse wi th

men without more d iscred it than accrues to the men of

thei r caste for intercourse with women who are not

the i r w ives . *

I t may be observed that Deva -das i s are the only

c lass of women , who are , under H indu law as adm in is

tered in the Br it i sh Courts , al lowed to adopt g ir l s to

themse lves . Amongst the o ther castes , a w idow , for

in stance,cannot adop t to herse l f

,but on ly to her husband ,

and she cannot adopt a daughter in stead of a son . A

recen t attemp t by a Brahman at Poona to adopt a

daughter,who should take the p lace o f a natural -born

daughter,was held to be inval id by genera l law , and not

sanct ioned by local usage . l‘ The same would be he ld in

I bid . , Vol . XV, 1892 . f Ganga Bai v. Anant. 13 Bom . , 690.


Madras “ But among danc ing -girl s,Mayne

“ i t i s customary in Madras and Western I nd ia to adop t

g ir l s to fo l low the ir adopt ive mother ’s profess ion,and

the g ir l s so adopted succeed to the ir prOpertyu No

part icu lar ceremon ies are necessary,recogn it ion a lone

be ing suffi c ien t . I n the absence , however, of a spec ia l

custom,and on the ana logy of an ord inary adop t ion


on ly one gir l can be adopted . I n Calcutta and Bombay

these adopt ion s by danc ing -g irl s have been he ld invalid J L

Of proverbs re lat ing to danc ing -girl s,the fo l lowing

may be quoted

(1 ) The danc ing -gir l who cou ld no t dance said that

the hal l was not b ig enough . The Rev . H . J ensen

gives i as an equ iva lent “ When the dev i l cou ld not

sw im,he la id the b lame on the water . ”

(2 ) I f the danc ing -g ir l be a l ive,and her mother

d ies,there w i l l be beat ing of drums ; but , i f the danc ing

girl d ies,there w i l l be no such d i sp lay . Thi s i s exp la ined

by J ensen as mean ing that,to secure the favour of a

danc ing -g irl,many men wi l l attend her mother

s funera l ;but

,i f the danc ing-g ir l herse l f d ies

,t here i s noth ing to

be ga ined by attend ing the funeral .

(3) Like a danc ing -gir l wip ing a chi ld . J ensen

remarks that a danc ing -g i r l i s supposed to have no

chi ldren,so she does not know how to keep them cl ean .

Said of one who tr ies to mend a matter, but lacks

exper ience,and makes th ings worse than they were

before .

(4 ) As when a boy i s born i n a danc ing-g ir l


house . J en sen notes that , i f danc ing -gir l s have chi ldren ,they des ire to have g i r l s

,that they may be brought up

to the i r own profess ion .

H indu Law and Usage. 1' Macnagh ten , D igest .1 Class ified Co l lect ion of Tam i l Proverbs, 1897.


déva or god) . A large number of them,both male . and

fema le,are engaged as domest ic servants . Like the

Bants,they fo l low the a l iya santana law of inher i tance

(i n the femal e l ine) , and they have the same bal i s (sept s)as the Bants and Billavas . I n the i r marr iage cere

mon ies,they c lose ly im i tate the Bants . An interest ing

feature in connect ion therewi th i s that,dur ing the dhare

ceremony,a screen i s i nterposed between the br ide and

bridegroom at the t ime when the dhare water i s poured .

As a s ign of betrothal,a r ing i s g iven to the bride -e lect


and she wears i t on the l i tt le finger . The caste is a

m ixed one,and here and there Devadigas are seen to

have the typ ica l prom inent cheek -bones and square face

of the J ains .

I n the Census Report,190 1 , Dakkera Daval i , Padart i,

and Valagadava are returned as sub -divi s ion s of

Devadiga .

D evala (be long ing to God) . —An exogamous sept of

Odde. The equivalent Deval i has been recorded as a

sub—caste of Devad iga, and Devalyal as a d ivi s ion of the

Todas .

9K A divi s ion of the Irulas of the N i lgiris , settled

near the v i l lage o f Dévala,i s known by that name .

D évé nga.—The Devangas are a caste of weavers


speaking Te lugu or Canarese , who are found a l l over

the Madras Pres idency . Those whom I studied in the

Be l lary d i stri c t connected my Operat ions in a vague

way wi th the p i lag (p lague) tax , and col l ect ion of

subscript ions for the Vic tor ia Memorial . They were

emp loyed in weaving women’s sar i s in pure cotton , or

wi th a s i l k border,which were sold to r ich merchants in

the l ocal bazaar,some of whom be long to the Devanga

caste . They laughingly sa id that , though they are

Breeks .Account of the Pr im it ive Tr ibes and M onuments of the N i lg iris.


Chaudeswari , who came r id ing on a l i on , and the Asuras

were ki l led off. The mighty Asuras who met the i r

death were Vajradantan (d iamond -toothed) , Pugainethran

(smoke -eyed) , Pugaimugan (smoke - faced) , Ch ithrasénan

(leader of arm ies) and Jeyadrathan (owner of a victory

securing car) . The blood of these five was co loured

respect ive ly ye l low,red



,and b lack . For

dye ing threads of different col ours,Devalan dipped them

i n the blood . The Davangas c la im to be the descendants

of Devalan , and say that they are Devanga Brahmans ,on the strength of the fol lowing stanza , which seems to

have been composed by a D évanga pries t, Sambalinga

Murt i by nameMan u was bo rn in the B rahman caste.

H e was su rely a B rahman in th e womb.

There is no Sudraism in th is caste.

Dévanga had the fo rm of B rahma.

The legendary or ig in of the Devangas i s g iven as

fo l lows in the Baramahal Recordsfi’

f “ When Brahma

the creator created the charam and acharam,or the

an imate and inan imate creat ion,the Devatas or gods


Rakshasas or ev i l demons,and the human race


without a cover ing for the i r bod ies,which d i sp leas ing

the god Narada or reason,he wa ited upon Paramesh

wara or the great Lord at hi s palace on the Kai lasa

Parvata or mount of parad i se,and represented the

indecent s tate of the inhab i tant s of the un iverse,and

prayed that he wou ld be p leased to devi se a cover ing

for the i r nakedness . Paraméshwara saw the propr iety

of Narada’

s request , and thought i t was p roper to grant

i t . Whi le he was so th ink ing,a mal e sprang into

ex i stence from his body, whom he named Deva angam

Sect ion I I I , Inhab i tants. Madras Government Press, 1907.


or the body of God , in a l lus ion to the manner of his

b irth . D éva angam i n stant ly asked h i s progen itor why

he had created him . The God answered Repai r to the

pal a samudram or sea of milk, where you wi l l find Sr i

Maha Vishnu or the august mighty god Vishnu , and

he wi l l te l l thee what to do .

’ Deva angam repaired tothe presence of Sr i Maha Vi shnu , and rep resented that

Paraméshwara had sent him , and begged to be favoured

w ith Vi shnu’s commands . Vishnu rep l ied ‘ Do you

weave c loth to serve as a covering to the inhab i tant s ofthe un iverse .

’ Vishnu then gave h im some of the fibres

of the lotu s flower that grew from hi s navel,and

taught h im how to make i t into c loth . Dava augam

wove a p iece of c lo th , and presented i t to Vishnu , whoaccepted it

,and ordered him to depart

,and to take the

fibres of trees,and make ra iment for the inhab i tants

of the Vi shnu loka or gods . Deva angam created ten

thousand weavers, who used to go to the forest and

co l lec t the fibre of trees,and make it into c loth for the

Davatas or gods and the human race . One day, Déva

angam and his tr ibe went to a forest i n the Bhuloka or

earthly world,i n order to co l lect the fibre of trees , when

he was attacked by a race o f Rakshasas or giant s,on

which he waxed wroth,and

,unbend ing hi s jata or long

p lai ted hair,gave i t a twi st

,and struck i t once on the

ground . I n that moment,a Shakt i

,or female goddess

having e ight hands,each grasp ing a war l i ke weapon ,

sprang from the earth,attacked the Rakshasas , and

defeated them . D éva anga named her Chudé shwari or

goddess of the hai r,and

,as she del ivered hi s tr ibe ou t

of the hands o f the Rakshasas, he made her hi s tute laryd ivin i ty .

The triba l goddess of the D évangas i s Chaudé swari,a form of Kal i or Durga

,who i s worshipped annual ly


at a fest ival , in wh ich the enti re commun ity takes part

e i ther at the temp le , or at a house or grove spec ial ly

prepared for the occas ion . During the fest ival weaving

operat ions cease and those who take a prominent part

in the r i tes fast, and avo id po l lut ion . The fi rst day

i s cal l ed alagu n ilupadam (erect ing , or fixing of t he

sword) . The goddess i s worshipped , and a sheep or

goat sacr ificed , un less the sett lement i s composed of

vegetar ian Devangas . One man at least from each sept

fasts,remains pure , and carr ies a sword . I ns ide the

temple,or at the spot se lected , the pajar i (pr iest ) tr i es

to balance a long sword on i t s p o in t on the edge o f the

mouth of a po t , whi l e the alagu men cut the i r chests

wi th the swords . Fai lure to ba lance the sword i s

be l i eved to be due to pol lut i on brought by somebody toget r id of which the alagu men bathe . Cow’s ur ine and

turmer ic water are spr inkled over those assemb led,and

women are kept at a di stance to prevent menstrua l or

other form of po l l ut ion . On the next day,ca l led joth i

arambam (jothi, l ight or sp lendour) as Chaudé swari i s

be l ieved to have sprung from jo th i, a big mass i s made

of r ice flour , and a wick , fed wi th gh i (clar ified butter)and l ighted

,i s p laced in a cavi ty scooped out there in .

Thi s flour lamp must be made by members of a pajari’


fami ly ass i sted sometimes by the alagu boys . I n i ts

manufacture , a quanti ty of r ice i s steeped in water,and

poured on a p lantain leaf. Jaggery (crude sugar) i sthen m ixed wi th i t , and , when i t i s o f the proper

cons is tency,i t i s shaped into a cone

,and placed on

a s i lver or bras s tray . On the th ird day,cal led panaka

paja or mahanévedyam ,jaggery water i s offered , and

cocoanuts,and o ther o fferings are la id before the

goddess . The rice mass i s d ivided up , and given to

the pajar i , set t i , alagu men and boys , and to the


omens are favourab le,the j ot i i s l ighted , sheep and

goat s are ki l led,and ponga l (r ice) i s offered to the j ot i .

The day c loses w ith worsh ip of the pot . On the last

day the r i ce mass i s d i s tr ibuted . A l l Davanga guest s

from other v i l lages have to be rece ived and treated with

respect accord ing to the loca l ru les , which are in

force . For th i s purpose,the commun ity d ivide the ir

set t lements in to S thalam s,Payakattulu, Galugramatulu ,

Peta lu, and Kurugramalu, wh ich have a defin ite order of

precedence .

Among the Devangas the fo l l owing endogamous

sect ion s occur Te lugu ; (2 ) Canarese ; (3) Hathinentu Manayavaru (e igh teen house pe0p1e) ; (4 ) S ivachara ; (5) Ariya ; (6) Kodeka l Hatakararu (weavers) .They are pract ica l ly div ided into two l ingu ist i c

sect ion s, Canarese and Telugu , of which the former

have adop ted the Brahman ical ceremon ia l s to a greater

extent than the latter,who are more conservat ive .

Those who wear the sacred thread seem to preponderate

over the non -thread weaver s in the Canarese sect ion .

To the thread i s sometimes attached meta l charm

cy l inder to ward off evi l sp ir it s .

The fo l l owing are examp les of exogamous septs in

the Te lugu sect ionAkasam , sky.

Anumala, seeds of D otie/zos

Boggula, charcoal .Bandla, rock or cart.Ch in takai, tamar ind fru it.Chal la, b utterm i lk .

Chapparam ,pandal or booth .

D hoddi,cattle-pen, or cou rt


Dhuggan i , money .

Yerra, red .

Konda, mountain .

Kath th i , kn i fe.

Bandari (treasu rer) .Basam ,

grain .

Dhondapu (Cep/za/ami ra

imz’iea) .

E lugoti, assemb ly .

Gattu, bank or mound.

Paidam ,money .

Gonapala, old p lough .


J igala, p ith .


Katta, a dam .

Kompala, houses .

Kanangi, bufiooxi .

Kat ikala, co l lyri um .

Kathth iri , scissors .

Méksham ,heaven .

Pasupala, tu rmer ic.

P idakala, dried cow-dung cakes.

Pathula, male .

Pach i powaku , g reen tobacco .

Padavala, boat.Pouzala, a b i rd .

Pamm i , c lay lamp .

Thalakoka, female cloth .

Thatla, hole.

Ut la, ropes for hang ing pots.

Vasth rala, cloth s.

The major ity of Dévangas are Saiv i tes , and wear the

l ingam . They do not , however , wash the stone l ingam

with water , in which the fee t of Jangam s have beenwashed . They are not part icu lar as to always keep ing

the l ingam on the body,and g ive as an exp lanat i on

that,when they are at work

,they have to touch al l

k inds o f peop le . Some said tha t merchant s,when

engaged in their bus iness,should not wear the l ingam


espec ial ly i f made of spat ikam (quartz) , as they haveto te l l untruths as regards the val ue and qual i ty of their

goods,and ru in would fo l low if these were to ld whi le

the l ingam was on the body .

I n some parts of Ganjam,the country fo lk keep

a large number of Brahmin i bul l s . When one of these

an imals d ies,very elaborate funeral ceremon ies take

p lace,and the dead beast i s carr ied in process ion by

Devangas , and buried by them . As the DEVangas are

Lingayats,they have a spec ial reverence for Basavanna


the sacred bul l,and the burying of the Brahmin i bu l l i s


Matam ,monastery .

Mad i ra, l iquor or heap of

earth .

Médam ,fight.

Masi la, d i rt.O l ikala, funeral pyre and


P rithv i,earth .

Peraka,ti le.

Puu jala, cock or male.

P injala, cotton-clean ing .

P ichch iga, sparrow .

S ika (kudum i : tu ft of hai r) .Sandala


San tha, a fai r.Sajje (Setaria i ta/iea) .


regarded by them as a sacred and mer itor ious act.

Other castes do not regard i t as such,though they often

set free sacred cows or ca lves .

Devangas and Padma Sales never l ive in the same

street,and do not draw water from the same we l l . Thi s

i s probab ly due to the fact that they be long to the left

and r ight—hand fact ions respect ive ly, and no love i s

l o st between them . Like other l eft -hand castes,Devan

gas have their own danc ing -gir l s , cal led Jathi -biddalu

(chi ldren of the castes) , whose male offspr ing do

achchupan i , prin t ing-work on c lo th , and occas ional ly go

about begging from Devangas . I n the Madras Cen sus

Report,190 1 , i t i s s tated that

“ i n Madura and Tinneve l ly,

the Devangas , or Sedans , cons ider themse lves a shade

super ior to the Brahmans , and never do namaskaram

(obe i sance or salutat ion) to them ,or emp loy them as

pr iests . I n Madura and Co imbatore , the Sedan s have

the ir own danc ing -g ir l s , who are ca l led Devanga or

Seda Das i s in the former , and Man ikkattal i n the lat ter,

and are str ict ly reserved for members of the caste under

pain of excommun icat ion or heavy fine .

Concern ing the or ig in o f the Devanga beggars ,ca l led S ingamvadu , the fo l lowing legend i s curren t .When Chaudeswari and Devalan were engaged in

combat with the Asuras , one of the Asuras hid himsel f

behind the ear of t he l ion , on which the goddes s was

seated . When the fight was over,he came out


asked for pardon . The goddess took p ity on him,and

ordered that hi s descendant s should be cal led S ingam

val l u,and asked Devalan to treat them as servants


support them . Devangas give money to these beggars ,who have the pr ivi lege of locking the door, and carrying

away the food,when the castemen take the ir meal s . I n

assemb l ie s of Devangas , the hand of the beggar serves


(giving away the bride) , and mangalyadharanam (tyingthe marr iage badge

,or bottu) . The proceedings con

clude with po t searching . A pap -bowl and r ing are put

in to a pot . I f the bride p icks out the bowl , her first

born wi l l be a g irl,and i f the bridegroom gets ho ld of

the r ing,i t w i l l be a boy . On the fifth day , a square

des ign i s made on the floor w ith co loured r ice grains .

Between the contract ing coup le and the square a row of

l ights i s p laced . Four pots are se t,one at each corner

o f the square , and eight pots arranged along each s ide

thereof. On the square itse l f, two pots represent ing

S iva and Uma,are placed , wi th a row of seed l ing pot s

near them . A thread i s wound n ine t imes round the

pots represent ing the god and goddess , and t ied above

to the panda l . After the pots have been worshipped ,the thread i s cut , and worn , with the sacred thread


for three months . This ceremony is ca l led Nagavali .

When a gir l reaches puberty,a twig o f A lang i zmz

L amarcki i i s p laced in the menstrual but to keep off

devi l s .

The dead are general ly buried in a s itt ing po sture .

Before the grave i s fi l l ed in,a str ing i s t i ed to the

kudumi (hair kno t) o f the corp se , and , by i t s means , the

head i s brought near the surface . Over i t a l ingam

i s set up , and worshipped dai ly throughout the death

ceremon ies .

The fol lowing curiou s custom i s descr ibed by Mr . C .

Hayavadana Rao . Once in twe lve years,a Devanga

l eaves h i s home , and j o ins the Padma Sales . He begs

from them , saying that he i s the son o f the i r caste,and

as such ent i tl ed to be supported by them . I f a lms

are not forthcom ing , he enters the house , and carr ies off

whatever he may be able to p ick up . Sometimes,i f he

can get noth ing el se , he has been known to se ize a


l ighted c igar in the mouth of a Sale,and run off wi th

i t . The or igin of thi s custom i s no t certa in,but i t

has been suggested that the Devangas and Sales were

or ig inal ly one caste , and that the former separated from

the latter when they became Lingayat s . A Devanga

only becomes a C h inerigadu when he is advanced in

years,and wi l l eat the remnants o f food left by Padma

Sales on the ir p lates . A Ch inerigadu i s , on hi s death,

buried by the Sales .

Many of the Devangas are short of stature , l ight

skinned,wi th sharp - cut features , l ight-brown ir i s , and

de l icate taper ing fingers . Those at H ospet,in the

Be l lary d i str ict,carr ied thorn tweezers (for removing

thorn s of A cacia am oiea from the feet) , tooth-p ickand ear-scoop

,suspended as a Chate laine from the lo in

str ing . The more we l l - to -do had these art ic l e s made ofs i lver

,wi th the add it ion of a s i lver saw for par ing the

nai l s and cutt ing cheroots . The name Pampanna,which

some of them bore , i s connected with the nymph Pampa,who res ides at Hamp i , and asked Parameswara to

become her husband . He accord ing ly assumed the

name of Pampapath i, in whose honour there i s a tank

at Anagt'

i ndi,and temp le at H amp i . He directed

Pampa to l ive in a pond , and pass by the name of

Pampasarovara .

The Sedan s of Co imbatore , at the t ime of my vi s i t

in O ctober,were hard at work making clo thes for the

D ipaval i fest ival . I t i s at t imes of fest ival s and

marr iages,i n years of pro sper i ty among the peop le , that

the weavers reap the ir r ichest harvest .

I n the Madras Census Report , 190 1 , B ilimagga

(white loom) and Atagara (weavers and exorc i st s) are

returned as sub -castes of Devanga . The usual t i t l e o f

the Devangas i s Chett i .


The shortnes s o f s tature of some o f the weav ing

c lasses which I have examined i s brought out by the

fo l lowing average measurementscm .

I S9°



160 5

D évendra.—A name assumed by some Pallans , who

c laim to be descended from the k ing of the gods


D habba (sp l i t bamboo) .— Dhabba or Dhabbai i s thename of a sub -div i s ion of Koravas

,who sp l i t bamboos ,

and make various art ic les therefrom .

Dhakkad0.—A sma l l mixed c lass of Oriya cu l t i

vators , concern ing whom there i s a proverb that a

Dhakkado does not know hi s father . They are descr ibed ,i n the Census Report

,189 1 , as

“ a caste of cu l t ivatorsfound in the J eypore agency tract s . They are said to be

the offspr ing of a Brahman and a Sadra girl,and


l iv ing on the hi l l s,they are not an unc iv i l i sed hi l l t r i be .

Some prepare and se l l the sacred thread,others are

Confect ioner s . They wear the sacred thread , and do not

dr ink water from the hands of any excep t Brahmans .Gir l s are marr ied before puberty

,and widow marr iage is

pract i ced . They are flesh-eaters,and the ir dead are

u sual ly bur i ed .

I n a note on the Dhakkados, Mr . C . Hayavadana

Rao wr ites that “ the i l leg i timate descendant of a

Brahman and a hi l l woman of the non -po l lut ing castes

i s sa id to be known as a Dhakkado . The Dhakkados

assume Brahman ica l names,but

,as regards marr iages


funera l s , etc . , fo l low the customs of the ir mother’s caste .

Her caste peop le intermarry with her chi ldren . A

DH I PPO 168

D h ippo (l ight) .— An exogamous sep t of Bhondari.The members thereof may not b low ou t l ights

,or ex tin

gu ish them in any o ther way . They wi l l not l ight lamps

withou t be ing mad i,i .e .

, wearing s i lk c loths , or c loths

washed and dr ied after bathing .

D hob i .—A name used for washe rman by AngloI nd ians al l over I ndia . The word i s sa id to be der ived

from dhoha,Sanskr it


,to wash . A whi t i sh grey

sandy effl orescence,found in many p laces

,from which


bo i l ing and the add i t ion o f qu ick l ime , an alkal i o f cons i

derab le strength i s obtai ned , i s ca l led Dhob i’s ear th .


The express ion dhobie i tch, Manson wr i tes, t al

though app l i ed to any itch ing r ingworm-l ike affect ion of

any part of the skin , most commonly refers to some form

o f ep iphyt ic d isease of the crutch or ax i l la (armp it) .The d isease i s very general ly supposed to be commun i

cated by c lo thes from the wash , but Manson i s of op in ion

that the bel i ef that i t i s contracted from clothes which

have been contaminated by the washerman i s probab ly

not very wel l founded .

Dhob i i s the name , by which the washerman caste

of the Or iyas i s known .

“ They are said , Mr . Franc i s


“ to have come orig i na l ly from Orissa . Gi r ls

are general ly marr ied before maturi ty , and , i f th is i s not

poss ib le,they have to be marr ied to a sword or a tree


before they can be wedded to a man . Their ordinary

marr iage ceremon ies are as fo l lows . The br idal pai r

bathe in water brought from seven d i fferent houses . The

br idegroom pu ts a bangle on the br ide’

s arm (thi s i s the

b inding part of the ceremony) the left and right wri st s

o f the br ide and br idegroom are t ied together bete l l eaf

and nut are t ied in a corner of the br ide’

s c l o th , and a

Yu le and Burnel l , Hobson-Jobson . 1' Tropical D iseases .

1 Madras Census Report , 190 1 .


myrabolam (Term inal /2a fru i t) i n that o f the br idegroom

and final ly the peopl e presen t in the pandal (booth)throw rice and saffron (turmer ic ) over them . Widows

and d ivorced women may marry again . They are Vai shnav ites , bu t s ome o f them also worship Kal i or Durga .

They emp loy Bairagis , and occas ional ly Brahmans , as

the ir pries ts . They burn thei r dead,and perform sraddha

(annual memoria l ceremony) . Thei r t i t l es are Chett i (or

Maha Chett i ) and Behara . The custom of the br ida l

pair bathing in water from seven d ifferen t houses obtains

among many Oriya cas tes,inc l uding Brahmans . I t i s

known by the name of pan i -tula . The water i s brought

by marri ed gir l s,who have not reached puberty

, on the

n ight preceding the wedding day,and the br ide and

bridegroom wash in i t before dawn . This bath i s cal led

ko i l i pan i snano,or cuckoo water -bath . The ko i l i s

the I ndian koel or cuckoo (E ita’

ynam is aonom ta) , whose

crescendo cry ku - il,ku -il

,i s try ing to the nerves dur ing

the hot season .

The fo l low ing proverbs 9“ re lat ing to washermen may

be quotedGet a new washerman, and an old barber.The washerman knows th e defects of the vi l lage he learns

a good deal about the private affai rs o f the various fam i l ies,when recei v ing and de l i ver ing the c lothes) .

When a washe rman gets sick , h is sickness m ust leave h im at

the stone. The stone referred to is the large stone, on wh ichthe washe rman cleans cloth s, and the proverb denotes that,however s ick a wash erman may be, h is work must be done.

D hoddi .—Dhodd i, mean ing a court or back-yard ,catt le -pen

,or sheep -fo ld

,has been recorded as an exo

gamon s sept of Devanga,Koppala Velama

, Kam a Sale,Mala, and Yanad i .

Rev. H . Jensen . Class ified Co l lect ion o f Tam i l Proverbs , 1897 .


D hoddiyan .—A name given by Tami l ians to Jog is .

D hol lo.—Dho llo i s recorded in the Madras Censu s

Report,190 1 , as the same as Do luva . A correspondent

informs me that D hollo i s sai d to be d ifferen t from

Do luva.

D h6ma (gnat or mosqu i to) . -An exogamous sep t

of Mal a .

D hondapu (Cep/zaiazza’m indica) . —An exogamous

sept o f Devanga. The fru it is one of the commonest of

nat ive vegetable s , and cooked in curri es .

D hen i (boat) .— An exogamous sep t of M i la and

O rugant i Kapu . I n a paper on the nat ive vessel s of

South I nd ia by M r . E dge , publ i shed in the J ournal of

the Royal As iat ic Soc iety,the dhen i i s de scr ibed as a

vesse l of ark- l i ke fo rm,about 70 feet long ,

20 feet broad ,and 1 1 feet deep

,with a flat bo ttom or kee l part, which

at the broadest p lace i s 7 feet .

The who le equ ipment of these rude vesse ls,as we l l

as the ir construct ion,i s the most coarse and unseaworthy

that I have ever seen .

” The dhen i,with masts

,i s

represented in the anc ient lead and copper co inage ofSouthern I ndia .

D hor.—In the Madras Census Report , 190 1 , a few

(164 ) i nd iv idua ls were returned as Dher,a low caste o f

Marath i leather workers .” They were

,I gather from the

Bombay Gazetteer , Dhors or tanners who dwe l l in vari ous

part s of the Bombay Pres idency,and whose home speech ,

names and surnames seem to show that they have come

from the Maratha country.

D hfi dala (ca lves) . —An exogamous sep t of Thamat i

Go l la .

B hudho (mi lk) .— A s ep t of Omanai to .

D huggani (money) . —An exogamous sept of


DOLUVA 1 7 2

sa id to be der ived from the Sanskr i t do la,mean ing army .

The Doluvas c la im to be descended from the Puri Rajahs

by the i r concubines , and say that some of them were

employed as s i rdars and paiks under these Raj ahs . They

are said to have accompan ied a cer tain Pur i Rajah whocame sou th to wage war

,and to have settled in Ganjam .

They are at the presen t day main ly engaged in agricul

ture,though some are traders

,brick layers

,cart -dr ivers


e tc . The caste seems to be d iv ided into five sect ions,

named Kondaiy ito ,Lenka


,Pot t ia,

and Beharan ia ,

of which the first two are numerical ly the strongest and

most widely d i s tr ibuted . Kondaiyito i s sa id to be der ived

from kondo,an arrow

,and to ind icate warr i or . The

Kondaiyitos somet imes styl e themselves Rajah D oluvas ,

and claim super io ri ty over the other sect ions . I t i s

noted,i n the Madras Census Report , 189 1 , that

“ Oriya

Zamindar s get wives from thi s sub -d iv is ion,but the men

o f i t cannot marry in to the Zam indar’

s fam i l ies . They

wear the sacred thread,and are writers . I n former days


the t i t l e wr i ter was app l ied to the j un ior grade of C ivi l

Servants of the East I nd ia Company . I t i s now used to

denote a copying cl erk in an office .

Variou s t i t l es occu r among members of the cas te,e .g . ,

B issoyi , B iswalo ,Dole i

,J enna

,Ko tt iya, Mahant i

,Maj hi


Nahako ,Porida ,


,and San i .

The ord inary caste counc i l system , wi th a hered i tary

headman,seems to be absent among the Doluvas

, and

the affa irs of the caste are sett led by lead ing members


The D oluvas are Paramarthos , fol l owing the Cha i

tanya form of Vai shnavism ,and wearing a rosary o f tul s i

(Oeimum sanctum ) beads . They further worship various

Takuran is (vi l lage de it ie s) , among which are Kalva ,Bagadev i, Kotari , Maheswari, and Man ickeswari . They

1 73 DOMB

are in some places very part icular regard ing the perform

ance of sradh (memoria l ceremony) ,’

which i s carr ied

out annual ly in the fol lowing manner . On the n ight

before the sradh day , a room i s prepared for the recept ion

of the sou l of the deceased . This room i s cal l ed p itru

bharano (reception of the ancestor) . The fl oor thereo f i s

cl eansed with cow -dung water,and a lamp fed with gh i

(clarified butter) i s p laced on i t by the s ide o f a p lank .

On thi s p lank a new cl o th is la id for the recep t i on of

various art icl es fo r worsh ip , e.g . , sacred grass , Z izyp/zus

j uj uba leaves , flowers , etc. I n fron t of the p lank a brass

vessel,contain ing water and a too th bru sh ofA eay uau taes

asfiem root , i s p laced . The dead person’

s son throws r ice

and Z i zyfi/zus l eaves in to the air , and cal l s on the deceased

to come and give a ble ss ing on the fol l owing day . The

room is then looked , and the lamp kept burn ing in i t

throughout the n ight . O n the fol lowing day,al l old pots

are thrown away and , after a smal l space has been

cleaned on the floor of the house,a pattern i s drawn

thereon wi th fl our in the form of a square or oblong with

twelve d iv i s ion s . On each divi s ion a jak (A utoeaupus

in tegr if otia) l eaf is placed , and on each leaf the son

puts cooked r ice and vegetab les . A vessel contain ing

A e/zyuau taes root , and a p lank wi th a new clo th on i t,are

set by the s ide of the pattern . After worship has been

performed and food offered , the c loth i s presented to a

Brahman,and the var ious art icl e s u sed in the ceremon ial

are thrown into water .

D emb .—The name Domb or Dombo i s said to

be derived from the word dumba , mean ing devi l,i n

reference to the thiev ing propensi t ies of the tr ibe . The

Dombas,Mr . H . A . Stuart writesfif

‘ “ are a Dravid ian

Madras Census Report , 189 1 .


caste of weavers and men ial s , found in the hi l l tracts

of Vizagapatam . This caste appears to be an offshoot

of the Dom caste of Bengal , Behar , and the North

Western Provinces . Like the Dems , the Dombas are

regarded with di sgust , becau se they eat bee f, pork , horse

fiesh,rat s

,and the fl esh of an imal s whi ch have died a

natural death,and both are cons idered to be Chandalas

or Pariahs by the Bengal i s and the Uriyas . The Dembs

weave the c l oths and b lankets worn by the hi l l peop le,

but,l ike the Pariahs of the p la in s , they are al so l abour

ers , scavengers , etc . Some of them are extens ive ly

engaged in trade , and they have , as a ru l e , more

knowledge of the wor ld than the ryots who desp i se

them . They are great drunkards .” I n the Census

Report,187 1 , i t was noted that

“ i n many v i l lages,t he

Dems carry on the occupat i on of weaving , but , i n and

around J aipur,they are emp loyed as horse -keepers

, tom

tom beaters , scavengers , and in other men ial dut ies .

Notwithstanding the ir abj ect p os it i on in the social scale,

some s igns of progress may be detected amongst them .

They are assuming the occupat ion,i n many instances


of petty hucksters , eking out a l ive l ihood by taking

advantage of the smal l d i fference i n rates between

market and market“ The Dembs , Mr . F . Fawcett wr i tes

,are an

outcast j ung le peop le,who inhab i t the forests on the h igh

lands fi fty to eighty or a hundred mi les from the east

coast,about Vizagapatam . Being outcast

,they are

never a l lowed to l ive wi thin a vi l lage,but have the i r own

l i tt le hamlet adjo in ing a v i l lage proper,i nhab ited by

peop l e of vari ous super i or castes . I t i s fai r to say

that the Dembs are akin to the Panos of the adjoin ing

Man . , 190 1 .

DOMB 1 76

I t i s noted by the M iss ionary C loyer * that the

co lour of the skin of the Dembs var ies from very dark to

yel low,and the i r he ight from that of an Aryan to the

short stature of an abor ig ina l , and that there i s a corre

spond ing var iat i on in fac ial type .

For t he fol l owing note on t he Dembs , I am indebted

to Mr . C . Hayavadana Rao . They are the weavers,

t raders,music ians , beggars , and money - l enders of the

hi l l s . Some own catt l e , and cul t ivate . The hi l l peop le

in the i n ter ior are ent i re ly dependent on them for

the i r c lothing . A few Demb fami l i e s are general ly

found to each vi l lage . They act as middlemen between

the hi l l peop le and the Komat i traders . Thei r profits

are said to be large , and thei r chi ldren are , i n some

p laces,found attending hi l l s chool s . As musi c ians


p lay on the drum and p ip e . They are the hereditary

mus ic ian s of the Maharaja of J eypore . A Domb beggar,

when engaged in his profess ional cal l ing,goes about

from door to door , p laying on a l i tt l e p ipe . Thei r

supposed powers over dev i l s and wi tches resu lt in

the i r being consul ted when troubles appear . Though

the Dembs are regarded as a low and po l l ut ing clas s,

they wi l l no t eat at the hands of Komatis,Bhondaris


or Ghas is . Some Dombas have become convert s to

Christian i ty through miss ionary influence .

I n the Madras Census Report , 189 1 , t he fo l lowing

sect ions of the Dembs are recorded z— Onom ia,Odia


Mandir i , M irgam ,and Kohara . The sub -divis i ons


ever,seem to be as fol l ows z— Mirigan i, Kobb iriya ,

Odiya,Sedabis iya ,

Mand i r i , and And in iya. There are

also various septs , of which the fol lowing have been

recorded among the Od iyas z— Bhag (t iger) , Bal u (bear) ,

Jeypore , Brek lum , 1901 .

I 77 DoMB

Nag (cobra) , Hanuman (the monkey god) , Kochch ipo

(torto i se) , Bengr i (frog) , Kukra (dog) , Surya (sun ) ,Matsya (fi sh) , and Jaikonda (l i zard) . I t i s noted by

M r . Fawcet t that monkeys,frogs

,and cobras are

taboo,and a l so the sunar i tree (Oe/zua squarrosa) . The

big l izard,cobras


,and the crabs which are found

in t he paddy fields,and are usual ly eaten by j ungle

people,may not be eaten .

\Vhen a gir l reaches puberty,she remain s ou tside

the hut for five days,and then bathes at the nearest

s tream,and i s presented with a new cl oth . I n honour

of the event . drink i s d istr ibuted among her relat ives .

Girl s are usual ly marr ied after puberty . A man can

cla im his paternal aunt ’s daughter in marriage . When

a proposal of marriage i s to be made,the su ito r carries

some pot s of l iquor,usual ly worth two rupees , to the

g ir l ’s house,and depos it s them in front of i t . I f her

parent s consent to the match,they take the pot s in s ide ,

and drink some of the l iquor . After some t ime has

elap sed,more l iquor

,worth five rupees

,i s taken to the

gir l’s house . A reduct ion in the quant i ty of l iquor

i s made when a man is propos ing for the hand of hi s

paternal aunt’s daugh ter,and

,on the second occas ion ,

the l iquor wi l l on ly be worth three rupees . A sim i lar

reduct ion i s made in the jho lla tonka , or bride pr i ce .

On the wedding day,the bridegroom goes , accompan ied

by hi s re lat ions,to the bride’s home , where , at the aus

p icious moment fixed by the Desar i , his father presents

new c loths to h imsel f and the br ide,which they pu t on .

They stand before the hu t,and on each is p laced a cloth

with a myrabolam (Term iuai ia) seed , r ice , and a fewcopper coins t ied up in i t . The bridegroom

’s right l i t t l e

finger i s l inked wi th the left l i t t l e finger of the bride , and

they enter the hut . On the fol l owing day , the newlyI I—I Z

DOMB 1 78

married coup le repai r t o the home of the br idegroom .

On the third day , they are bathed in turmer i c water ,a p ig i s ki l l ed , and a feast i s held . O n the n inth day


the knot s in the c loths,contain ing the myrabolam s

,r i ce


and co ins,are un t i ed , and the marr iage ceremonies

are at an end . The remarr iage of w idows i s permitted,

and a younger brother usual ly marr ies the widow of hi s

e lder brother .

I t i s noted in the Gazetteer of the Vizagapatam

distr i ct,that some o f the Dombus o f the Parvat ipur

Agency fol l ow many of the customs o f the low -country

castes,i nc l ud ing menarikam (marr iage with the maternal

unc le’sdaughter) , and say they are the same as the Paidis

(or Paid i Malas) of the p la in s adj oin ing , with whomthey intermarry .

The corp ses of the more prosperous Dembs are

u sual ly cremated . The wood of the sunar i tree and

rell i (Cassia fi stula ) may not be used for the pyre .

The son or husband of a deceased person has hi s head,

moustache,and armp i ts shaved on the tenth day .

Demb women , and women of other t r ibes i n the

J eypore Agency tract s , wear s i lver ear ornaments cal led

nagul , represent ing a cobra j ust about to str ike with

tongue p rot ruded . S imi lar ornaments of go ld,cal led

naga pogul u (cobra- shaped earr ings) , are worn by womenof some Te lugu castes in the p la in s of Vizagapatam .

The persona l names of the Dembs are,as among

other Oriya castes,often those of t h e day of the week

on which the ind ividual was born .

Concern ing the rel ig ion of the Dembs,Mr . Fawcett

notes that “ the i r ch ief god— probab ly an ancestral

sp i r i t— i s cal led Kaluga . There i s one in each vi l lage,

i n the headman’

s house . The deity i s rep resented by a

p ie p i ece (copper co in) , p laced in or over a new earthen

DOMB 180

s ign i fying one , dua two , and t ia three . Thi s number ofel l s must be added to the measurement of the house


Suppos ing that the length of the house i s twelve e l l s,

then i t wi l l be neces sary to add one e l l according to the

nand i system,so that the length amount s to th irteen e l l s

The number four can on ly be used for stables . ”

“ The Damas,

C loye r cont inues,

“ are repre sented

as sou l s of the deceased , which roam about without a

home,so as to cause to mankind a l l poss ib le harm . At

the b irth o f a ch i ld , the D rama must be inv ited in a

fr i endly manner to prov ide the chi ld with a sou l,and

protect i t against evi l . For thi s purpose,a fowl i s k i l led

on the n inth day , a bone (beinknochen ) detached , and

pressed in to the hand of the i nfant . The relat i ons are

seated in so lemn si l ence , and utter the formula — When



,or brother comes


away the bone,and we wi l l truly be l ieve it . No sooner

does the spraw l i ng and exc ited i nfant drop the bone,t han

the Damas are come , and bo i sterou s glee p revai l s . The

Damas occasional ly give vent to the i r ghost ly sounds ,and cause no l i tt le consternation among the inmates of a

house,who hide from fear . Cunn ing thieves know how

to rob the superst i t i ous by employing instrument s wi th

a subdued tone (dumpftenende) , or by emitt i ng deep

sounds from the chest . The year ly sacr ifice to a Dama

cons i st s of a black fowl and strong brandy . I f a member

o f a fami ly fal l s i l l,an extraordinary sacrifice has to be

offered up . The Dama is not regarded on ly as an evi l

sp i ri t,but al so as a tutelary de ity . He protect s one

against the treacherous at tacks of witches . A p lace i s

p repared for him in the door -hinge, or a fi sh ing-net


where in he l ives,i s p laced over the door . The witches

must count al l the knot s of the net,before they can enter .

Devi l worsh ip i s c l ose ly connected with that o f the

181 DOMB

Dama . The devi l’s pr iest s,and in rare cases priestesses


effect commun ion between the peop le and the Damas by

a sor t of possess ion,which the sp ir i t

,entering into them


i s said to g ive r i se to . Thi s cond i t ion,which i s produced

by in tox icat ing drink and the fumes of burn ing i ncen se ,gives r i se to revo l t ing cramp - l i ke contorti ons


muscular qu iver ings . I n this s tate,they are wont to

commun i cate what sacr ifices the sp ir i t s requ ire . On

spec ia l occas ions,they fal l into a frenz ied s tate

,i n which

they cut the i r flesh with sharp instruments , or pass long ,thin i ron bars through the tongue and cheeks


wh ich operat i on no blood must fl ow . For th is purpose,

the ins truments are rubbed al l over w ith some b lood

congeal ing mater ia l or sap . They a lso affect s it t ing on

a sacred swing,armed wi th long iron nai ls . [Mr . G . F

Paddison informs me that he once saw a v i l lager in the

Vizagapatam distr i ct,s i tt ing outs ide the hou se

,whi le

groans proceeded from within . H e explained that he

was i l l,and his wi fe was swing ing on na i l s wi th the ir

points upwards , to cure him .] The devi l cal l ed JomDuto

,ormessenger of the go ing , i s be l i eved to be a one

eyed,l imp ing

,b lack ind ividual , whose hair i s twisted

into a fr ightful ly l ong horn , whi le one foot i s very long,

and the other resembles the hoof of a buffalo . H e

makes hi s appearance at the death-bed,i n order to drag

his v ic t im to the realm of torture .

Chi ldren are supposed to be born wi thou t soul s,and

to be afterwards chosen as an abode by the soul of an

ancestor . The com ing of the ancestor is s ignal i sed by

the chi ld dropp ing a chicken bone which has been thrust

into i t s hand , and much rej o ic i ng fol lows among the

assembled relat ionsfi‘i

Gazetteer of the V izagapatam d istr ict .

DOMB 182

Mr . Paddison te l ls me that some Dembs are reputed

to be ab l e to pour blaz ing o il over the i r bodies,without

suffer ing any hurt and one man is sa id to have had a

mi raculous power of harden ing hi s skin,so that any one

coul d have a free shot at him,without hurt ing him . He

further narrates that,at S ujanakota i n the Vizagapatam

distr ict,the Dembs

,notwithstand ing frequent warn ings


put devi l s into two success ive schoo lmasters .

Various tattoo devices,borne by the Dembs examined

by Mr . Fawcett , are figured and descr ibed by him .

These patterns, he wr i tes , were said to be, one and

al l,pure ly ornamental , and not in any way connected

with totems , or tr ibal emb lems . ” Risl ey,however,

i f

regards four out of the twe lve des igns as pret ty c losely

re lated to the re l ig ion and mytho logy of t he tr ibe two

are totems and two have reference to the tradit ional

avocations . N05 . 1 1 and 1 2 represent a c lass ical scene

in Dom fo lk- l ore , the story of King Har i s-Chandra , who

was so generous that he gave al l he had to the poor and

sold himse l f to a Dem at Benares,who employed him

to watch hi s cremat ion ground at n ight . Whi le he

was thus engaged,hi s w i fe

,who had al so been sold for

char itab le p urposes,came to burn the body of her son .

She had no money to pay her fees,and Har i s-Chandra ,

not knowing her in the darkness , turned her away .

Fortunate ly the sun rose mutual recogn it ion fol lowed

the v ict ims of promi scuous largesse were at once

remarried,and Vishnu intervened to restore the son to

l i fe . Tatu No . 1 1 shows H ari s-Chandra watching the

burn ing-ground by moon l ight ; the wavy l ine i s the

Ganges the dot s are the tree s on t he other s ide the

strokes on e i ther s ide of the k ing are the logs of wood ,

Man .,1902 .

DOMB 184

had no Op in ion of the deterren t effect s ofmere impr i son

men t on the Dombus . You fa tten them,and send them

back ,’

they said , and suggested that a far be tter p lan

would be to cut off the ir r ight hands . [I t is noted , in the

Vizagapatam Manua l , 1869 , that in cases of murder, the

Rajah of J eypore general ly had the man ’s hands,nose


and ears cu t off, but , after al l that , he seldom escaped the


s re lat ives ] They eventual ly proposed a p lan

of check ing the catt l e - thefts,which i s now being fo l

lowed in much of that country . The Baranaiks,or heads

of group s of vi llages , were each g iven brands wi th

d i s t inct ive l etters and numbers,and required to ‘brand

the skin s of al l an ima l s which had d ied a natura l death

or been hones t ly k i l led and the possess ion by Dombus ,sk in merchants

,or others

,of unbranded sk ins i s now

cons idered a susp i c ious c i rcumstance,the burden o f

exp lain ing which l ie s upon the possesso r . Unle ss thi s,

or some other way of checking the Dombus’

depredat i ons

proves success fu l , ser iou s danger ex i sts that the rest of

the peop le w il l take the matter into thei r own hands and ,as the Dombus in the Agency number over thi s

would mean real troub le . I t i s further recorded 9“ that

the Paidis (Paidi Malas) , who often commi t dacoi t ies

on the roads ,“ are connected with the Dombus of the

Rayagada and Gunupur taluks , who are even worse .

These peop le daco i t houses at n ight in armed gangs of

fifty or more , wi th the ir faces b lacked to prevent recogn i

t ion.Terr i fying the vi l lagers into staying quiet in the i r

huts,they force the ir way into the house of some wea l thy

person (for cho i ce the l ocal Sond i , l iquor-se l ler and


r usual ly the on ly man worth looting in an

agency vi l lage,and a shark who gets l i tt le p i ty from hi s

l aid .

it Money-lender.




crows . When a fr iend was engaged in making ex peri

ments i n connect i on w ith snake venom , some Dommaras

asked for perm iss ion to unbury the corp ses of snakes

and mungooses for the purpose of food .

The Dommaras are , i n the Mysore Cen sus Report ,190 1 , summed up as be ing buffoons , tumblers , acrobats ,and snakecharm ers , who trave l from p lace to p lace , and

earn a precar i ous l iv ing by the i r exhibi t ion s . I n the

Madras Censu s Report , 190 1 , Domban , Kalaikfi ttadi

(pole -dancer) , and Arya Kfi ttadi, are given as synonyms

of Dommara . The Kfi t tad i are summed up , i n the

Tanjore Manua l,as vagabond dancer s , actors , panto

m im ists , and mar ionette exhib itors , who ho ld a very

l ow pos i t ion in t he soc ia l scal e,and always perform in

publ i c street s and bazaars .

By Mr . F . S . Mu llaly’if the Dommaras are divided

into Reddi or Kapu cult ivators) and Aray (Maratha) .“ The women ,

combs of horn and wood , and imp lements used by

weavers . These they hawk about from place to p lace,t o

supp lement the profi ts they der ive from the ir exhib it ions

of gymnast ic feats . I n addit ion to perform ing conj ur ing

tr icks,rope -danc ing and the l ike

,the Dommaras hunt


fi sh,make mats , and rear donkeys and p igs . The head

of the tr ibe i s cal l ed the Mutl i Guru . He is their high

pr iest,and exerc ises sup reme j ur i sdict ion over them both

he writes ,“ are p rofic ient in making

i n sp ir itual and temporal matters . H is h ead -quarters i s

Ch itvel i n the Cuddapah distr ict . The legend regarding

the offi ce of the Mut l i Guru is as fol lows . At Chi tvel ,or as i t was then known Mutl i

, there once l ived a king ,who cal l ed together a gather ing of a l l the gymnasts

among his subjects . Several c lasses were represented .

Notes on the Cr im inal Classes of the Madras Pres idency.


Pelerigadu ,a Reddi Dommara , so p leased the k ing that

he was presented with a r ing , and a royal edict was

passed that t he wearer of the r ing and h is descendants

shou ld be the head of the Dommara c lass . The r ing

then g iven i s said to be the same that i s now worn by the

head of the tr ibe at Chitvel , which bears an inscrip t ion

in Tel ugu declar ing that the wearer i s the high-priest

or guru of al l t he Dommaras . The offi ce i s hered itary .

The dwel l ings of the Dommaras are somewhat s im i lar

to those of the Koravars and Jogh is , made of palmyra

leaves p lai ted i nto mats with seven strands . These

huts,or gudisays , are located on the outskirts of vi l lages ,

and carri ed on the backs of donkeys when on the march .

S to len c loths,unless of value , are not as a ru l e sold , but

concea led in the packs of the i r donkeys , and after a

t ime worn . The D ommaras are add icted to daco i ty,

robbery,burglary , and thefts . The in strument u sed by

them i s unl ike those used by o ther cr im inal c lasses : i t

is of i ron , about a foot long , and with a chi se l - shaped

point . As catt l e and sheep l i fters they are expert,and

they have thei r regular rece ivers at most of t he catt l e

fai rs throughout the Pres idency .

I t is noted , i n the Nel l ore Manual , that the

Dommaras“ are stated by the Nel lore Tahs i ldar to

possess miras i r ights i n some vi l lages ; that I take

to mean that there i s , i n some vi l lages , a customary

contr ibut ion for tumblers and mendicants,which


ing to Wi l son , was made in Mysore the p retext for

a tax named Dombar- l ingada-v ira-kan iki . Thi s tax,

under the name Dombar tafrik, was levi ed in Venkatag ir i

in 180 1 . I n the Madura d i stri ct , Dommaras are found

in some vi l lage s former ly owned by zam indars , and they

cal l themse lves chi ldren of the zamindars , by whom they

were probably patron ised .


Be ing a crim inal c lass , the Dommaras have a thief’s

language of their own , of whic h the fol lowing are

examp lesB idam vadu , Dommara. Dasa-masa, p rostitute.

Pooth i , pol iceman . Kopparam , salt.Mai igam , p ig. Kaljodu, go ldsm ith .

Goparam ,seven .

The Dommaras are said to rece ive i n to the ir com

mun ity chi ldren of Other castes , and women of doubtfu l

morals,and to pract i ce the cus tom of making Basavis

(ded i cated pro st i tu te s ) .

The Tel ugu Dommaras give as thei r gotra Sa lava

patch i , the name o f a mytho log ical b ird . At t imes

of marr iage , they subst it ute a turmer ic -dyed str ing

cons ist ing of 10 1 threads , cal l ed bondhu ,for the golden

tal i or bottu . The marr iage ceremon ie s of the Are

Dommaras are superv i sed by an o ld Basav i woman , and

the golden marr iage badge is t ied round the br ide’s neck

by a Basavi .

A Dommara , whom I i nterviewed at Coimbatore ,carr ied a cotton bag conta in ing a m isce l laneous assort

men t o f rubbi sh used in hi s capac i ty as medic ine man and

snake -charmer,which inc l uded a col l ect ion of spurious

jackal horn s (nar i kompu ) , the ha irs round which were

s tained wi th turmeric . To p rove the genu ineness thereof,

he showed me not only the horn,but al so the feet w ith

nai l s comp lete,as evidence that the horns were not

made from the nai l s . Be ing charged with manufacturing

the horns,he swore

,by p lac ing hi s hand on the head of

a ch i ld who accompan ied him,that he was not dece iving

me . The largest of the horns in hi s bag , he grave ly

informed me,was from a jacka l which he dug out of

i ts ho le on the last new moon n ight . The possessors

of such horns , he assured me , do not go out with the


pack,and rarely l eave the ir hole s e x cept to feed on dew,

field rat s,etc . These spuri ous horns are regarded

as a tal i sman,and i t i s be l ieved that he who owns

one can command the real i sat ion o f every wi sh . (S ee

Kuruv ikkaran . ) An iron r ing ,which the Dommara was

wear ing on hi s wri st,was used as a cure for hern ia


being heated and app l ied as a brand ing agent over

the inguinal regi on . Lamp o il i s then rubbed over the

burn,and a secret med ic ine , mixed with fowl

’s egg ,

admin i stered . The ring was , he said , an ancestral hei r

loom,and as such h ighly pri zed . To cure rheumat i sm

in the b ig joi nt s , he re sorted to an ingeni ou s form o f dry

cupp ing . A smal l i nc i s ion i s made wi th a p iece of

broken g lass over the affected part,and the skin damped

wi th water . The distal end of a cow’s horn

,of which

the t ip has been removed,and p lugged with wax


duty for the cup . A hole i s p i erced through the wax

with an i ron need le,and , the horn be ing p laced over

the seat of d isease,the ai r i s wi thdrawn from i t by

suct ion with the mouth,and the hole in the wax stopped

up . As the ai r i s removed from the cavi ty of the born ,

the skin ri ses up wi th in i t . To remove the horn,i t i s

on ly necessary to readmit ai r by once more bor ing a hol e

through the wax . I n a bad case,as many as three horns

may be app l ied to the affected part . The Pi t t R ivers

Museum at Oxford possesses dry - cupp ing apparatus,

made of cow horn , from M irzapur in Northern I ndia and

from Natal,and of ante lope horn from an unrecorded

local ity in I nd ia . I n cases of scorp ion st ing the Dom

mara rubbed up patent bol u se s wi th human m i l k or

m i lk of the m i lk -hedge p lant (E upkoroia Ti zf ucatti ) ,and app l ied them to the part . For ches t pains he pre

scr ibed red ochre,and for infant i l e d i seases myrabolam

(Term z


uatia) fru i t s m ixed with water . I n cases of


snake -b ite,a b lack stone , sa id to be made of various

drugs m ixed together, and burnt , i s p laced over the seat

of the b ite , and wi l l , i t was stated , drop off of i t s own

accord as soon as it has absorbed al l the po i son . I t i s

then put i nto m i lk or water to extract the po i son,and

the fl uid i s thrown away as being dangerou s to l i fe i f

swal lowed . As a remedy for the b ite of a mad dog,a

p lant,wh ich i s kept a secret , i s m ixed with the mi lk of a

white goat,pepper , gar l i c , and other ingred ients, and

adm in i stered internal ly . A single dose i s sa id to effect

a cure .

At Tarikeri i n Mysore , a wander ing troupe of Are

(Maratha) Dommaras performed before me . The women

were decorated with j ewe l s and flowers , and carr ied bel l s

on the ir ankle s . The men had a row of bel ls attached

a l l round the lower edge of the ir short drawers . Before

the performance commenced,a Pillayar (Ganesa) was

made with cowdung, and sa luted . The enterta inment

took p lace in the open a ir am id t he beat ing of drums,

whi st l ing,s ing ing

,and d ialogue . The jests and ant i cs

of the equ ivalent of the c i rcus c lown were a source of

much joy to the throng of v i l lagers who col lected to

witness the tamasha (spectac le) . One of t he princ ipa l

performers,i n the wa its between hi s turns

,p layed the

drum, or took a suck at a hooka (tobacco p ipe) which was

passed round among the members of the troupe . The

enterta inment,i n whi ch both men and women took part


consi sted of various acrobat i c feats , turn ing summer

saults and cather i ne wheel s,st i l t -walking , and c lever

feats on the t ight rope . F inal ly a man,c l imb ing up a

l ofty bamboo pole,spun himsel f rap idly round and

round on the top of i t by means of a socket i n an iron

p late t ied to hi s l o in c loth,i nto which ar sp ike i n the

po le fitted .


Donga Dasaris . Somet imes Muhammadan budmashe s

(bad -mash , evi l means of l ive l i hood) and the worst

characte rs from other castes,al so become Donga

Dasar is . The way an a l ien i s made a Donga Dasar i i s

as fo l l ows . The regular Donga Dasar is take the party

who want s to en ter the ir brotherhood to the s ide o f a

r iver,make him bathe i n o il, give him a new cloth , hold

a counc i l , and give a feast . They burn a twig of the

sam i (P rosop is s/az'

czgem ) or margosa (M ei ia A z an’i

m c/zta) tree , and sl ightly burn the tongue of the party

who has jo ined them . This i s the way of pur ificat ion

and acceptance of every new member , who , soon after

the tongue—burn ing ceremony , i s g iven a seat in the

general company , and made to partake of the common

feast . The Donga Dasaris tal k both Tel ugu and

Kanarese . They have on ly two bedagas or fami ly

names,cal led Sunna Akki (thin r ice ) and Ghante lavaru

(men of the bel l) . As the l atter i s a fam i ly name of the

Kabberas , i t i s an evidence that members of the latter

commun ity have jo ined the DongaDasaris . Even now

Donga Dasaris i ntermarry w ith Kabberas , i .e.,they

accept any g i r l from a Kabbera fami ly in marr iage to

one of the ir son s , but do not give one of the ir daughters

i n marr iage to a Kabbera boy. Hanuman i s the i r ch ief

god . Venkatesa , an incarna t i on of Vishnu,i s al so

worshipped by many . But , i n every one of the i r vi l lages ,they have a temple ded icated to the i r v i l lage godde ss

H ul igavva or E llamma, and it i s only before these

goddesses that they sacr ifice sheep or fowl s . Vows are

undertaken for these vi l lage goddesses when chi ldren

fal l i l l . I n add it ion to th i s , these Donga Dasaris are

notor iou s for tak ing vows before start i ng on a thieving

exped it i on,and the way these ceremon ie s are gone

through i s as fo l lows . The gang,before start ing on a


th ieving exped it ion,proceed to a jungle near the ir v i l lage

in the ear ly part of the n ight , worship the i r favou r ite

goddesses H u l igavva or E llamma,and sacr ifice a sheep

or fowl before her . They p lace one of the i r turbans on

the head of the sheep or fowl that was sacr ificed,as soon

as the head fal l s on the ground . I f the turban turns tothe r ight

,i t i s cons i dered a good sign , the goddess

having perm itted them to proceed on the exped it ion ;i f to the left , they return home that n igh t . Hanuman i s

al so consu l ted in such exped it ions,and the way in which

it i s done i s as fol lows .’

They go to a Hanuman temp le

which i s near the ir v i l lage,and

,after worsh ipp ing him


gar land h im with a wreath of fl owers . The garland

hangs on both s ides of the neck . I f any flowers on

the right s ide drop down first,i t i s cons idered as a

perm i ss ion granted by the god to start on p l under ing

exped it ions , and , conversely, these exped i t ions are never

undertaken i f any flowers happen to drop from the left

s ide fir st . The Donga Dasaris start on the ir thiev ing

raids with the ir whole fam i ly,wife and chi ldren fol lowing .

They are the great experts in house-breaking and theft,

and chi ldren are taught th ieving by the ir mothers when

they are five or s ix years o ld . The mother takes her

boy or g ir l to the nearest market,and shows the ch i ld

some c loth or vesse l,and asks i t to br ing i t away .

When it fa i l s , i t i s thrashed , and , when stroke upon

stroke fal l s upon it s back,the only rep ly i t is taught to

g ive i s that i t knows nothing . Thi s i s cons idered to be

the rep ly which the chi ld,when i t grows up to be a man

or woman , has to g ive to the pol ice author it ies when it

is caught in some . cr ime and thrashed by them to

confess . Whenever the Donga Dasaris are caught by

the pol ice,they give fal se names and fal se castes . They

have a c ipher language among themse lves . The Donga11—13


Dasar i woman i s very l oose , bu t, i f she go astray w ith

a Brahman , Lingayat , Kabbera ,Kuruba



Rajput , her tongue i s burnt , and she i s taken back into

the commun i ty . Widow remarr iage free ly preva i l s .

They avo id eat ing beef and pork,but have no object ion

to other k inds of fl esh .

D onga Odde.—The name for Oddes who pract ice

th iev ing as a profess ion .

D ongayato.—A sub -d ivi s ion of Gaudo .

D 0ngrudiya.—A sub -div i s ion of Mal i .

D ora .-Dora , mean ing l ord , has been returned as

the t i t l e of numerous c lasses , wh ich inc l ude BOya,Ekar i ,

Jatapu , Konda Dora , Mutracha,Patra


,Ve lama

and Vanat i . The h i l l Ko i s or Koyis of the Godavar i

d i str i ct are known as Koi Dora or D oralu (lords) . I

am told that , i n some part s of the Tel ugu country, i f one

hears a nat ive referred to as Dora,he wi l l general ly turn

out to be a Ve lama ; and that there i s the fo l lowing

gradat ion in the soc ia l scaleVelama Dora Velama Esqu i re ,

Kamma Varu M r. Kamma.

Kapu Plain Kapu , w ithout an honorific su ffi x.

I n Southern I ndia , Dorai or Dura i (Master) i s theequ ivalent of the northern Sahib , and Dorasan i (M istre ss)of Memsah ib .

I t is noted by S ir A . J . Arbuthnot i f that “ the

appe l lat ion by which S ir Thomas Munro was most

commonly known i n the Ceded d i str i c ts was that of

Co lonel Dora . And to th i s day it i s cons idered a

su ffi c ient answer to enqu ir ies regard ing the reason forany Revenue Rule , that i t was la id down by the Colone l

Dora .

Memo ir o f Sir Thomas Munro.


some of them Speak H industan i a l so . The ir customs

are a m ixture of t hose of the Musalmans and the H indus .

I nher i tance i s apparent ly accord ing to Muhammadan law .

They pray in mosques,and c ircumc i se the i r boys


yet some of them observe the H indu fest ival s . They

worsh ip the i r tool s at Bakrid and not at the Dasara they

ra i se the azan or Muhammadan cal l to prayers at sunset ,and they pray at the tombs of Musalman sa in ts . I n the

Vizagapatam di str i ct,the Dadekulas are descr ibed as

beat ing cotton,and blow ing horns .

For the fol lowing note on the Dadekulas of the Ceded

D istr i ct s,I am indebted to Mr . Haj i Khaja H ussain .

They c la im Bava Faqrud -din P ir of Penukonda in the

Anantap ur di str ic t as the ir patron sa int . Large numbers

of Muhammadans,i nc l uding Dadeku las , col lect at the

annual fe st ival (mela) at hi s shr ine , and offer the ir

homage in the shape of a fat iha . Thi s, mean ing opener ,i s the name of the fi rst chap ter of the Koran , which i s

repeated when prayers are offered for the sou l s of the

departed . For th i s ceremony a p i lau,made of flesh

,r i c e

and gh i (c lar ified butter) i s prepared , and the Khaz i

repeats the chapter,and offers the food to the sou l of

the deceased saint or re lat ion .

The story of Faqrud -d in P ir i s as fol lows . He was

born i n A H . 564 (about A .D . and was K ing of

Se i stan in Pers ia . O ne day, wh i le he was admin i ster ing

j ust ice,a merchant brought some horses before him for

sale . H i s attent ion was d iverted,and he became for a

t ime absorbed in con templat ion of the beauty of one of

the horses . Awaken ing from hi s rever ie , he blamed

himse l f for al l ow ing hi s thoughts to wander when he

was engaged in the most sacred of hi s dut ies as a k ing .

He summoned a meet ing of al l the l earned moulv is i n

h i s k ingdom , and enqu ired of them what was the penalty


for h i s conduct . They unan imous ly,

decreed that he

shou ld abd icate . Accord ingly he p laced hi s brother on

the throne,and

,becom ing a dervi sh

,came to I ndia


wandered about in the j ungle s . E ventua l ly he arr ived

at Tr ich inopoly, and there met the ce lebrated sa in t Tabr i

Alam ,whose d i sc ip le he became . After hi s adm iss ion

into holy orders,he was told to t rave l about

,and p lant

h i s m iswak wherever he ha l ted , and regard the p lace

where it sprouted as h i s permanent res idence . The

m iswak,or tooth-brush , i s a p iece of the root of the p i l l]

tree (Satoaa’om pers i


ca) , which i s used by Muham

madans, and espec ia l l y Faki rs , fo r c l ean ing the teeth .

When Bava Faqrud -di’

n arr ived at Penukonda hi l l,he


as usual,p lanted the m iswak, which sp routed . He

according ly dec ided to make th i s Spot h is permanent

abode . But there was c l ose by an important H indu

temple,and the idea of a Muhammadan sett l ing c lose

to it enraged the H indus,who asked h im to leave . He

not only refused to do so,but a l lowed hi s d i sc ip les


whom a number had col lected,to slaughter a sacred bu l l

be longing to the temple . The H indus accordingly

dec ided to ki l l Faqrud-din and h i s d i sc ip les . The Raja

col l ected an armed force,and demanded the restorat ion

of the bul l . Faqrud-din ordered one of hi s d i sc ip les to

br ing before him the sk in,head

,feet and ta i l of the

an ima l,which had been preserved . Str ik ing the sk in

w ith hi s staff,he excla imed “ Rise

,O h ! bul l , at the

command of God. The an imal immediate ly rose in

a comp lete state of re storat i on , and would not leave the

presence of h is preserver . Alarmed at th i s m irac l e , the

H indus brand i shed the i r swords and spears,and were

about to fal l on the M uhammadans,when a dust -storm

arose and bl inded them . I n the i r confus ion,they began

to s lay each other , and left the spot in d i smay . The


Raj a then reso lved to k i l l the Muhammadans by po i son

i ng them . He prepared some cakes m ixed w ith po i son ,and sent them to Faqrud -din for d i str ibut ion among his

d i sc ip les . The sa int , though he knew that the cakes

were poi soned , partook thereof of himse l f, as a l so d id hi s

d i sc ip l es , without any evi l effect . A few days after

wards,the Raja was attacked with col i c , and his case was

g iven up by the court phys i c ians as hope le ss . As a last

resort, he was taken before Faqrud-din, who offered him

one of the po i soned cakes,which cured him . Fal l ing at

h is feet,t he Raj a begged for pardon , and offered the

v i l lage of Penukonda to Faqrud -din as a jaghi r (annu ity) .

Thi s offer was dec l i ned,and the sa int asked that the

temp le should be converted into a mosque . The Raja

granted th i s request,and it is sa id that large numbers of

H indus embraced the Muhammadan re l ig ion , and were

the ancestors of the Dadekulas .

The Dadekulas , l i ke the H indus , l i ke to possess

some v i s ible symbol for worship,and they enro l great

personages who have d ied among the number of those at

whose graves they worsh ip . S o essent ial i s th i s grave

worship that , i f a p lace i s wi thout one ,a grave is erected

in the name of some sa int . Such a th ing has happened

i n recent t imes i n Banganapal le . A Fakir,named A l la

Bakhsh, d ied at Kurnoo l . A Dadeku la of the Bangana

pal le State v i s ited hi s grave,took away a l ump of earth

from the ground near i t,and buried i t i n agv illage ten

m i le s from Banganapal le . A shr ine was erected over i t

i n the name of the sa int,and has become very famous

for the m iracl es wh ich are performed at i t . An annual

fest ival i s held , which i s attended by large numbers of

Muhammadans and D fidekulas .

Some D fideku las have names whi ch,though at first

s ight they seem to be H indu , are real ly Muhammadan .


two names are assumed by an ind ividual , one a H indu

name for every day use,the other Muhammadan for

ceremon ia l occas ions .

The Dadeku las depend for the performance of the i r

ceremon ies large ly on the Khaz i , by whom even the

k i l l ing of a fowl for domest i c purposes has t o be carr ied

ou t . The Dadeku la, l i ke other Muhammadans , i s aver se

to tak ing an imal l i fe without due re l ig i ous r i tes,and the

zahb,or ki l l i ng of an an imal for food

,i s an important

matter . O ne who i s about to do so should fi rst make

vaz u (abl ut ion) , by c lean ing h is teeth and washing hi s


,face , forearms , head and feet . He shou ld

then face the west , and an ass i stant ho lds the an imal to

be s laughtered up s ide down , and fac ing west . Water

i s poured in to i t s mouth, and the words B i sm i l la hi Al la

hu Akbar uttered . The Operator then cuts the throat,

tak ing care that the j ugu lar ve ins are d iv ided . I n

remote vi l lages , where a Khaz i is not avai lab le , t he

D t’

i dekulas keep a sacr ific ia l kn i fe , which has been

sanct ified by the Khaz i repeat ing over i t the same

words from the Koran as are used when an an imal i s

s laughtered .

The firs t words which a Muhammadan chi ld should

hear are those of the azan , or ca l l to prayer , which are

uttered in its ear immediate ly after b irth . Thi s ceremony

i s observed by those D t'

i dekulas who l ive in towns or big

vi l lages,or can afford the services of a Khaz i . I t i s

noted by Mr . Franc i s that the Dadekulas ra i se the azan

at sunset . A few, who have been thr ough a course of

re l ig ious i nstruct ion at a Madrasa (school) , may be ab leto do thi s . A Muhammadan i s supposed to rai se the

azan five t imes da i ly , v iz ., before sunr ise , between noon

and 3 P .M . , between 4 and 6 P .M. , at sunset , and between

8 P .M . and midn ight .

20 1 Dfi DEKULA

At the naming of an infant on the s ixth day,the

D t'

i dekulas do not , l i ke other Muhammadans , perform the

agu iga ceremony, which cons i st s of shav ing the chi ld’s

head,and sacr ific ing a he—goat . Children are c ircum

cised before the tenth year . On such occas ions the

Muhammadans general ly invi te the ir fr iends,and distri

bute sweet s and pan -supar i (bete l l eaf and areca nuts) .

The Dadekulas s imp ly send for a barber,H indu or

Muhammadan , who performs the operat ion i n the pres

ence of a Khaz i , i f one happens to be ava i labl e . When

a gir l reaches p uberty ,"

the D fi deku las i nvi te the i r fr i ends

to a feast . O ther Muhammadans,on the contrary


the fact a secret .

At the betrothal ceremony,when sweets and pan

supar i are taken by the future br idegroom and hi s party

to the house of the g i r l whom he seeks in marr iage,the

female members of both fami l i es,and the gir l her sel f


present . Thi s fact shows the absence of the Muham

madan gosha system among D t'

i deku las . A Muhamma

dan wedd ing lasts over five or s ix days,whereas the

ceremon ies are , among the Dadeku las , comp leted wi thin

twenty-four hours . O n the n ight p reced ing the n ikka

day, a p i lau i s prepared , and a feast i s held at the

br idegroom’

s house . O n the fo l lowing morn ing,when

i t i s st i l l dark , the br idegroom ,accompan ied by hi s

re lat ions , start s on horseback i n process ion , with beat ing

of drums and lett ing off of fi reworks . The process ion

arr ives at the br ide’

s house before sunr i se . The Khaz i

i s sent for, and the mahr i s sett led . This is a nomina l

g ift sett led on the wi fe before marriage by the br ide

groom . O n the death of a husband,a w idow has

prior ity of c laim on h is property to the p rom ised amountof the mahr . Two male witnesse s are sent to the br ide


to obtain her assent to the un ion,and to the amount of


the mahr . The Khaz i , be ing an orthodox Muhammadan ,t reats the D fidekula br ide as str ict ly gesha for the t ime

be ing,and


,se lect s two of her near relat ives as

w i tnesses . The lutcha (marr iage badge) , cons is t ing of

a s ingl e or doub le str ing of beads , i s brought i n a cup

fi l led with sandal paste .

The Khaz i chants the marr iage serv ice,and sends the

lutcha in to the br ide with hi s b less ing . I t is t ied round

her neck by the female re lat i on s of the br idegroom ,and

the marr iage r i te s are over .

The usual Muhammadan form of greet ing among

Muhammadans i s the fam i l iar “ Peace be with you .

And with you be peace .

” When a D fideku la greets a

Muhammadan , he s imply bows , and , with members of

hi s own commun ity , uses a Te lugu form of sa lutat ion ,e.g . ,

niku mokkutamu .

The D t'

idekulas,male and femal e

,dress exact ly l i ke

H indu s,but

,as a ru l e

,t he men do not shave the ir beard .

D isputes,and soc ial quest ions affec t ing the com

mun ity,are sett led by a Khaz i .

With the increase in cotton m i l l s , and the dec l ine

of the indigenous hand-weaving industry, the demand

for cotton-clean ing labour has d im in i shed , and some

D fideku las have , of necess i ty , taken to agricu l ture .

Land -owners are very scarce among them,but

some are abkar i (l iquor) contractors , vi l lage schoo l

masters,and quack doctors . I n the Ceded Distr ic ts


the cotton -c lean ing industry i s so le ly confined to the

Dadekulas .

The synonyms of Dadekula,Ladaf and Narbash,

recorded at t imes of census , are corrupt ions of Nad-daf

(a cotton dresser) and Nnrbaf (weaving) .

D fidi .—A t i tle of Kurumos , who offi ciate as pr iests

at the temp le s of vi l lage de it ie s .


be the case i f they were synonymous . Nor i s there anys im i lar i ty i n the sub -divi s i ons that are g iven . They are

sa id , i n the Nel l ore Manual , t o be hunters and merce

nar ies , and in Cuddapah , where they are known to some

as Boyas and K iratas , they are c lassed as a forest t r ibe .

I t i s c l ear , however , that they enjoyed some author i ty ,for several rose to be pol igars . Thus the pol igars of

Kall ii r,Tumba

,Pu l icherla

,Bangar i and Gud ipat i are of

this caste,and many of i t s members are vi l lage pol icemen .

They do not wear the sacred thread , bu t emp loy Brah

mans as the ir pr iest s . Their ceremon ies d iffer very l i tt le

from those of the Kapus. They are flesh-eate rs,and

the ir t i t les are Naidu and Dora . The caste possesses

some interest as be ing that which had,i n 189 1 , the

highest proport ion of widowed among females between

the age s of 15 and 39 . Litt l e i s known of the caste

h i story . Some assert that they were former ly H indu

cotton cleaner s , and that the i r name i s derived from the

verb yekuta,to c lean cotton . They returned 74 sub

d ivi s ions,of which the most important seem to be Dodda

(b ig) and Pa la .

There is ne ither i ntermarr iage,nor free interd in ing

between Ekaris and Mu trachas . By some,Kamp in ,

and Nagiripil la kayalu , and by others Kamm i and Verra i

were given as sub -d ivi s ions .

One of the recogn ised names of washermen i n Tami l

is Egal i or Ekal i .

E lakayan .—A sub -d iv is ion of Nayar . I t i s re

corded,i n the Madras Census Report , 190 1 , that

“ i ts

hered itary occupat ion is to get p lanta in leaves for the

use of the Cherukunnu temple , where travel lers are fed

dai ly by the Ch irakkal Raja .

E layad .—For the fol l owing note on the E layads or

I layatus I am indebted to Mr . N . Subraman i A iyar .


I layatu l i tera l ly means younger, and the name is

employed to denote a caste,which is supposed to be the

last among the numerous sub -d iv is ions of Malabar

Brahmans . The caste -men make use of two t it les ,I layatu and Namb iyat ir i, the latter of which has the

same orig in as Nambat iri,mean ing a person worthy of

worship . Women are general ly known as I layammas,

and,in some parts of North Travancore

,al so Kunjammas .

By the caste-men themselves the women are cal l ed

Akattulavar, or those ins ide , i n the same way as Nam

b t’

i t iri women . Chi ldren are cal led Kunjunn is . The

I layatus exact from the Nayars the name of I layachChan

, or l i tt l e father .

Accord ing to the Jat in irnaya,a work ascr ibed to

Parasurama,the I layatus were once Brahmans of

undimin ished pur ity,but became degraded owing to

the pr iest ly service wh ich was performed for a Nayar ser

vant attached to one of the i r househo lds . Two members

of the house of Az hvancheri Tamprakkal were brothers .The younger reso lved to go to a foreign country


could get no other Nayar servant than one who was

obl iged to perform his mother’s ann iversary ceremony on

the way . He promised to act as the priest on th is occa

s ion,and i s even bel ieved to have eaten the food prepared

by the Nayar . When the matter became known to h i s

elder brother,he assembl ed al l the Vaid ik Brahmans


and the younger brother was excommunicated . This

trad it ion,l ike the major ity of Malabar trad it ions

,has to

be accepted with reserve . The I layatus assert that ,unt i l interd icted by Rama Iyen Dalawa in revenge for a

supposed dishonour to h im , they had the pr ivi lege of

commensal ity with Nambat iri Brahmans ; but Rama


s author ity , large as i t was , did not extend to Cochin

and Brit ish Malabar,where too the I layatus appear to


labour under the same d i ffi cul ty . Those who encouraged

the higher c lasses of Nayars with r itual ist ic funct ions

became O nnam Parisha or the fi rst party of I layatus , the

remainder be ing grouped in another class known as

Randam or second party . The latter are l ower in the

soc ia l scal e than the former . The two sect ions do not

intermarry , and interd in ing is restr icted to the male sex .

The I layatus general ly have a dej ected appearance ,and the ir poverty i s p roverb ia l . Most of them earn on ly

a scanty l iv ing by the i r t rad it ional occupat ion,and yet it

i s notor ious that other wa lks of l i fe have abso lute ly no

attract ion for them . Not on ly is Engl i sh educat ion not

we l comed , but even the study of Sanskr it finds on ly

a few steadfast votar ies . The I layatus are , however , a

natura l ly c l ever , and inte l l igent commun ity , and , under

favourab le cond it ions , are found to take a more prominent

p lace in soc iety .

The house of an I layatu i s , l ike that of a Namb t’

i t iri,

cal led illam . I t i s general ly large,be ing the g i ft of some

p ious Nayar . Every I layatu house possesses a serpent

grove,where per iod ica l offerings are made . The dress

and ornaments of t he I layatus are exact ly l ike those of

the Nambr’

i t iris . The wedding ornament i s cal led kettu

tal i . Chi ldren wear a r ing t ied to a thread round the

neck from the moment of the fi rst feed ing ceremony.

The I layatus are str ict vegetar ians , and , though in some

of the i r temples they have to make offer ings of l iquor

to the de ity,they are str ict ly forb idden by caste ru les

from partak ing thereof.

The chief occupat ion o f the I layatus i s the pr iesthood

of the Nayars . The fi rst d ivis ion perform th is service

on ly for the Ilakkar or highest c lass of Nayars , whi l e the

second d ivi s ion do not decl ine to be the pr iests of any

sect ion of that community . I n performing such services ,

ELLA 208

The I layatus do not om it any of the s ixteen rel igi

ous ceremon ies of t he Brahmans . The rules of name

given are that the eldest son should be named after the

paternal grandfather , the second after the maternal

grandfather,and the th i rd after the father . A paral lel

ru l e obta ins i n g iv ing names to daughters .

The I layatus belong in the main to the white and

black branches of the Yajurveda,and observe the

sfi tras of Bodhayana and Asvalayana. They rec ite on ly

twenty -fou r Gayatr i hymns , thr ice a day . Women are

bel ieved to be pol l uted for n inety days after ch i ldb irth .

I t i s noted in the Coch in Census Report,190 1 , that

the Elayads are“ thei r own pr iests

,and for th i s reason


and from the fact that Nayars perform sradhas (memor ial

service) i n the houses of E layads , the Nambfidris do not

cook or take meal s i n the i r houses,nor do they


Kshatr iyas or Namp id is , take water from E layads . I n

former t imes , the Elayads used to take the i r meal s in

Nayar houses dur ing the performance of the sradha

ceremony of the Nayars,as Brahmans general ly do on

such ceremon ial occas ions amongst themselves,but they

now decl in e to do it , except in a few weal thy and

influent ial fami l ies . Mathads and Elayads wear the

sacred thread . Though in many respects the Elayads

are more B rahman ical than the Mathads , the major ity

of the Am balavas i castes do not take the food cooked or

touched by the E layads . There are some temples,i n

which they officiate as chief pr iests . The Mathad and

Elayad females are gOsha . They both pract ice po ly

gamy,and perform Sarvaswadanam marr iages l ike the

Nambadris .

E l la (boundary) . —Ah exogamous sept of Mutracha .

E lugoti (assembly ) .— An exogamous sept of



E lugu (bear) . —An exogamous sept of Yanadi .

E luttacchan .—E luttacchan or E z huttacchan ,


ing teacher or master o f learn ing,i s the name for

educated Kadupattans of Malabar employed as school

master s .

Eman .—A corrupt ion of Yajamanan ,

l ord,recorded


i n the Travancore Census Report,190 1 , as a t it l e of

Nayar .

Embrantiri .—Embrant iri or Embran i s “ a Mala

yalam name for Tul u Brahmans sett l ed in Malabar .They speak both Tulu and Malayalam . Some of them

cal l themse lves Namb frdris , but they never i ntermarry

with that class . 9" By Wigram they are defined Tas “ ac lass of sacr ific ing Brahmans , chiefly Tul u , who officiate

at Sadra ceremon ies .” I t i s a name for the Tulu S h ivalli

Brahmans .

Emme (buffalo) .— S ee Yemme.

E na K orava .—See Korava .

E nad i .—Recorded , i n the Madras Census Report ,190 1 , as a name for Shanans , der ived from Enadi

Nayanar, a Saiv ite saint . I t al so means Am battan,or

barber . The word denotes a chief, barber , or min ister.

E nangan .—E nangan or l nangan i s defined by Mr.

K.Kannan Nayar l as

“ a member of an Inangu ,this

be ing a community of a number of tarwads , the

members of which may interd ine or intermarry, and are

bound to ass ist one another , i f requ i red , i n the perform

ance of certain soc ia l and rel ig ious r ites . I t i s noted,

in the Gazetteer of Malabar, that“ an Enangan or

l nangan i s a man of the same caste and sub-div is ion or

marr iage groups . I t i s u sual ly translated kinsman,but

i s at once wider and narrower in it s connotat ion . My

Madras C ensus Report , 1901 . f Malabar Law and Custom .

I Malabar Quarterly Review , VI I , 3, 1908.

11- 1 4

ENET I 2 10

Enangans are al l who can marry the same peop le that

I can . An Enangatt i i s a female member of an Enan

gan’s fami ly .

Emeti .—Said to be mendicants , who beg fromGamallas . (See Vanat i . )E ntamara.

—See Yanat i .E ra—E ra Cheruman ,

or E ralan , i s a sub -d iv is ion

of Cheruman .

B radi . -E rad i has been defined * as mean ing a

cow-herd . A sub -divis ion of the Nayar caste,which

formerly rul ed in what i s now the E rnad taluk of

Malabar . I n the Malabar Manual , E rnad i s sa id to be

der ived from E radu , the bul lock country . E radi denotes,

accord ing to the Census Report , 189 1 , a settl ement in

E rnad .The caste of Samantas

, to which the Zamor in

of Cal icut belongs .

E ravallar.—The E ravallars are a smal l forest t r ibe

inhab it ing the Co imbatore d istr ict and Malabar . For

the fol lowing note on the E ravallars of Coch in,I am

indebted to Mr . L . K . Anantha Krishna Iy er ]E ravallars are a wi ld tr ibe of i noffens ive hi l l -men

found in the forests of the Cochin State,espec ial ly in the

Ch ittar tal uk . They are al so cal l ed Vi l lu Vedans

(hunters us ing bows ) . Their language is Tamil , though

some speak Malayalam . I n address ing the elderly

members of the caste,they use the t it les Muthan (elder)

and Pattan (grandfather) . Names in use for males are

Kannan (Krishna) , Otukan , Kothandan ,Kecharan


Attukaran ,whi l e females are cal l ed Kann i



kayi,O tuka, and Ramayi. These H indu divine names

are recent innovat ions after the names of members of

W i gram . Malabar Law and Custom ,

1 M onograph . E th . Survey o f Coch in , No . 9 , 1906.


to the i r master . They rai se some crops , and make

some saving to pay off the debt . Shou ld they be so

unfortunate as to fai l in the undertak ing , they w i l l ing ly

mortgage themselves to the i r master , or to some other ,for the wages above ment ioned , and wait for some

favourab le Opportun ity to pay off the debt . Women

never surrender themselves to work in a state of bondage,

but are independent day- labourers . The E ravallars are ,as cert ified by the i r masters , a lways t ruthfu l , honest ,faithful and god -fear ing

,and never

,l ike the Pulayas of

the northern parts of the State , ungratefu l ly run away

from the ir masters .

A gir l,when she comes of age , i s lodged in a separate

hut (m uttuchala) erected at a d istance of a fur long from

the main hut . Only a few gir l fr iends are al lowed to be

in company with her dur ing the per iod of her seclu

s ion,which is genera l ly seven days , during which food

i s served to her at a d istance , when she comes to take

it . No grown -up member approaches her , for fear of

pol l ut ion . She bathes on the morn ing of the seventh

day,and i s then a l l owed to enter the hut . The day i s

one of fest ivi ty to her fr iends and re lat ions . I f a g i r l i s

marr ied before she atta ins puberty,her husband contr i

b utes something for the expenses of the ceremony .

Should a woman cohab it with a man before marr iage

and become pregnant,sh e used , i n former t imes , to be

put to death,but i s now turned out of caste . I nstances

of the k ind are,they say, extreme ly rare .

An E raval lan who wishes to see h i s son marr ied

vis its the parents of a g i r l with his brother-in - law and a

few relat ives,who make the prOposal . I f the parents

agree,the wedd ing day i s fixed , and a l l the pre l im inary

arrangements are made at the hut of the br ide,where

the re lat ives assembled are t reated to a d inner. The


bride’s pr ice i s on ly a rupee . The parents of the br ide

and bridegroom vis i t the i r respect ive land lords with a

few packets of bete l leaves,areca nuts

,and tobacco


inform them of the marr iage prOposal. The land lords

g ive a few paras of paddy to defray a port ion of the

wedding expenses . They ce lebrate the i r wedd ings on

Mondays . O n a Monday previous to the wedding cere

mony,the s ister of the br idegroom

,with a few of her

relat ions and fr iends,goes to the br ide’s hut

,and presents

her parents with the br ide’s money,and a brass r ing for

the br ide . On the Monday chosen for the wedd ing , the

same company,and a few more

,go there

,and dress the

g ir l in the new garment brought by them . They are

treated to a d inner as on the previous occas ion . They

then return with the br ide to the hut of the br idegroom,

where a lso the part ies assembled are enterta ined . On

the Monday after this,the br idegroom and br ide are

taken to the br ide’s hut,where they stay for a week


then return to the br idegroom’s hut . Marr iage is now

formal ly over . The tal i (marr iage badge) tying is d is

pensed with . This custom of marr iage preva i ls among

the Iz huvas of the Ch itt fi r tal uk . The bridegroom gets

nothing as a present dur ing the wedd ing,but th is i s

reserved for the Karkadaka Sankranth i, when he is

invited by his father - in - law,and g iven two vesht is and a

turban , after sumptuous ly feed ing h im . A widow can

only marry a widower . I t i s cal l ed Mundakettuka

(marrying a widow) . When they both have chi ldren , the

widower must make a so lemn promise to hi s castem en that

he wi l l treat and support the ch i ld ren by both marr iages

impart ial ly . The present of a brass r ing and c loth is essen

t ial . A man can d ivorce h is wife , i f he i s not sat isfied with

her . The d ivorced wi fe can mate on ly with a widower .

Such cases , they say, are very rare among them .


No ceremony is performed for a pregnant woman

dur ing the fifth or seventh month . I f she dreams of

dogs , cats , or wi ld an imals com ing to threaten her , i t i s

be l ieved that she i s possessed of demons . Then a devi l

dr iver from th is or some other caste i s ca l led in . H e

draws a h ideous figure (kelam ) on the floor with pow

dered r ice,turmer ic

,and charcoa l , and the woman is

seated in front of i t . H e s ings and beats h i s sma l l drum,

or mutters h is mantram (consecrated formu la) . A lamp

is l ighted,and frank incense i s burned . A kaibali i s

waved round the woman’s face . She i s worked up to a

hyster ica l state,and makes frant ic movements . Boi led

r ice,flattened r ice

,p lanta ins


,and fow l are

offered to the demon . Quite sat isfied , the demon leaves

her,or offers to leave her on certai n cond it ions . I f the

woman remains s i lent and unmoved a l l the t ime,i t i s

supposed that no demon res ides i n her body . Very

often a yantram (charm) i s made on a p iece of cadjan

(pa lm) leaf, and ro l led . I t i s attached to a thread , and

worn round the neck .

A woman in chi ldbirth i s located in a separate sma l l

hut (muttuchala) erected at a d istance from the main hut .

Nobody attends upon her,except her mother or some old

woman to nurse her . As soon as de l ivery takes p lace ,the mother and ch i ld are bathed . H er po l lut ion is for

seven days,during which she stays in the hut . She then

bathes,and is removed to another hut c lose to the main

hut , and i s again under po l lut ion for five months . Her

d iet during thi s per iod is s imp le,and she i s st r ict ly for

b idden to take meat . The only medic ine admin istered to

her during the per iod is a mixture of pepper , dr ied g inger ,and pa lm sugar m ixed w i th toddy . She comes back to

the main but after pur i fying herse l f by a bath at the end

of the five months . The day i s one of fest iv ity .


occupat ions . Offer ings are made to Kal i and Mun i ,when they p lough

,sow, and reap . They are so pro

p it iated ,as they are supposed to protect the i r corn from

destruct ion by wi ld beasts . The E ravallers are sk i l fu l

hunters . Owing to the i r fami l iar ity and acquaintance

w ith the forests,they can point out p laces frequented by

wi ld beasts,which they can recogn ise by sme l l

,e ither to

warn trave l lers aga inst danger, or to gu ide sportsmen

to the game . Ten or fi fteen of them form a party,and

are armed with kn ives,bows and arrows . Some of them

act as beaters,and the an imal i s dr iven to a part icu lar

spot,where it i s caught in a large net a l ready spread ,

shot,or beaten to death . Animals hunted are hares ,

porcup ines,and wi ld p igs . The game is a lways equal ly

d iv ided . Being good marksmen , they take sk i l fu l a im

at b irds,and k i l l them when fly ing .

The ord inary d ietary is kanj i (grue l) of chama or

cho lam,mixed with tamar ind

,sa lt and chi l l i es


overn ight,and taken in the morn ing . The same i s

prepared for the midday mea l , with a vegetab le curry

cons i st ing of dhol l , horse gram (D oticaos oiftozf us) , and

oth er gra ins grown in the garden of the i r masters , which

they have to watch . They eat the flesh of s heep,

fow ls,p igs


,quai ls

,and doves . They take food

at the hands of Brahmans , Nayars , Kammalars , and

I z huvas . They refuse to take anything cooked by Man

nans,Panans , Parayans , and Cherumans . They bathe

when touched by a Chakkiliyan ,Parayan

,or Cheruman .

They stand a long way off from Brahmans and Nayars .

Both men and women are decent ly c lad . Males

wear vesh t is , one end of which hangs loose , and the other

i s tucked in between the legs . They have a shou lder

cloth,e i ther hang ing loose ly ove r the i r s houlders , or

somet imes t ied to the turban . They a l low the i r hair to


grow long , but do not , for want of means,ano int i t

with o il . They grow moustaches . They wear round

the neck a necklace of sma l l white beads to di st ingu ish

them from Malayars , who are a lways afra id of them .

Some wear brass finger r ings . Women wear a potava

(co loured c loth) , ha l f of which is worn round the loins ,whi le the other ha l f serves to cover the body . The hai r

i s not smoothed with o i l . I t i s tw isted into a knot on the

back . I t is said that they take an o il bath once a week .

Thei r ear ornament is made of a long palmyra leaf ro l led

into a d isc,and the ear lobes are suffic ient ly d i lated to

contain them .

E rkol lar.—A Tami l form of the Telugu Yerrago lla,

which i s sub-d ivi s ion of Tott iyan .

Ernadan .—In the Madras Census Report

,190 1 ,

the Aranadans are descr ibed as a hi l l tr ibe in Ma labar,

who k i l l pythons,and extract an o il from them


they se l l to peop le on the p la ins as a remedy for leprosy .

These are,I have no doubt

,the E rnadans

,concern ing

whom Mr . G . H adfield writes to me as fo l lows . They

are a sma l l j ungle tr ibe , found exc l us ive ly in Ma labar ,and are cons idered to be the lowest of the j ungle tr ibes

by the inhabitants of Ma labar, who cons ider themse lves

po l l uted i f an E rnadan approaches within a hundred

yards . Even Pan iyans and Par iah s g ive them a wide

berth,and they are prohib ited from coming with in four

hundred yards of a vi l lage . One of the i r customs i s very

s ingu lar,viz . ,

the father of a fami ly takes (or used to

take) his e ldest daughter as hi s second w ife . The

E rnadans use bows and arrows , pr inc ipa l ly for shoot ing

monkeys,to the flesh of which they are very part ia l .

They are not part icu lar as to what they eat,and are

,i n

fact , on a par with jackals in th i s respect , devouring

snakes and the putr id flesh of var ious an ima ls . They


RRA 2 18

are fond of co l lect ing the fat of snakes,and se l l ing it


Muhammadans emp loy them in fe l l ing t imber,and

cu lt ivat ing fields . Thei r c lothing is exceed ingly scanty,

and , when hard up , they use wi ld p lantain leaves for this

purpose .

Through Mr . Hadfield’

s i nfluence with the t r ibe,

Mr . F . Fawcett was ab l e to examine a few members

thereof, who appeared before him accompan ied by their

Mappilla master , at a s igna l from whom they ran off l ike

hares , to attend to the i r work in the fie lds . Thei r most

important measurements were as fo l lowsMax . M in . Av.

Statu re (cm . ) 1 566 1 506 1 54 5

Cephal ic index 85 7 7 81

Nasal index 88 4

The E rnadans , accord ing to these figures , are short of

stature , p latyrh ine , wi th an unusua l ly high cepha l i c i ndex .

Ema—See Yerra .

E rudand i .—S ee Gangeddu .

E rudukkaran .—See Gangeddu .

E rurnai (buffa lo) . —An exogamous sept of Toreya .

B ruman .—A sub -d iv is ion of Kelayan .

E ttarai (e ight and a ha l f) . —An exogamous sept of

Tami l go ldsmiths .

Ettuvi tan .—Recorded , i n the Travancore Census

Report,190 1 , as a sub -d iv is ion of Nayar .

E uras ian—Euras ian (Eur-asi an) may, after thedefin it ion in Hobson -J obson


’ 9“ be summed up as a

modern name for persons of mixed E uropean and I nd ian

b lood,devised as be ing more euphemist ic than ha l f-caste ,

and more prec ise than East-I ndian . When the European

an d Ang lo - I nd ian Defence Assoc iat ion was estab l i shed

Yule and Burnel l , 2nd cd . , 1903.


highest pos it ion in,and gained the bl ue r ibbon of


Government servi ce . Others have held , or st i l l hold ,pos it ions of d ist inct ion in the var ious learned profess ions ,legal


,educat ional , and ecc les iast ica l .

The influence of the var ious E uropean nat ions


,Brit i sh , Dan ish , and French— wh ich

have at d ifferent t imes acqui red terr i tory in pen insu lar

I nd ia,i s c l ear ly vis ib l e in the po lyglot med ley of E uras ian

surnames,e .g .


,Da Souza


,Rozar io


Cabral,Da Cruz

,Da Costa , Da S i lva , Da Souza ,



,Henr iquez , ! avier , Men

don z a,Rodriguez



,He ldt

,Van Spal l


J ansen,August ine


,Corne i l le

,La Grange


Lavocat , Pascal , D eVine, Aubert , Ryan , McKert ish ,

Macpherson,Harr i s

,J ohnson


,etc . Litt le d id the

ear ly adventurers,i n the dawn of the seventeenth cen

tury , th ink that , as the resu l t of the i r al l iances w ith the

nat ive women , with in three cen tur ies banns of marr iage

wou ld be declared weekly in Madras churches between,

for example,Ben J onson and Al ice Almeyda

,Emmanue l

H enr icus and Mary Smith,Augustus Rozar io and M inn ie

Fonseca , J ohn Harr i s and Clara Corne i l le . Yet th is has

come to pass,and the E uras ian ho lds a recogn ised p lace

among the hal f-breed races of the world .

The ped igree of the early Euras ian commun ity i s

ve i l ed in obscur i ty . But the var ious modes of creat ion

of a ha l f-breed,which were adopted in those early days


when the sturdy European p ioneers fi rst came in contact

with the nat ive females,were probably as fol lows

A . Eu ropean man (pu re) B . Nati ve woman (pu re) .C . Male o ffsp ring of A B(fi rst cross) D . Nati ve woman .

E . Female offsp ring of A B!E Eu ropean man.

(fi rst CTOSS) G. Native man .


( I . Cross— female offspring ofH . Male ofl

spring of C D A B .

L] . Nati ve woman .

(L. Cross— male offsp ring of

I A B1 f f DK Fema e o fsprmg o C (

l M . European man .

LN . Nati ve man .

The Euras ian hal f-breed,thus establ i shed , has been


by a var iety of poss ibl e combinat ionsEuras ian woman .European manNative woman .

Nati ve woman .

Euras ian man Eu rasian woman .

I European woman .

Eu rasian woman .

Native manEu ropean woman .

I n the early days of the Brit ish occupat ion of Madras,

the traders and sold iers , arr iving with an inadequate

equ ipment of females , contracted a l l iances, regular or

i rregu lar,with the women of the country . And in these

early days,when our terr itor ial possess ions were keenly

contested with both European and Nat ive enemies,an

attempt was made , under author ity from h igh p laces , to

obtain,through the medium of the Br it i sh sold ier


in accordance with the creed that cross ing is an essent ial

means of improving a race , and render ing i t V igorous

by the infus ion of fresh blood from a separate stock,

a good cross,which should be avai lable for m i l itary

purposes . Later on,as the number of the Brit i sh

sett l ers i ncreased,connex ions

,e ither with the Nat ive

women,or with the females of the recent ly establ ished

Euras ian type,were kept up owing to the d i ffi culty

of commun icat ion with the mother -country,and conse

quent d ifficu l ty i n securing Engl i sh br ides . O f these

barbar ic days the detached or Semi-detached bungalows

in the Spac ious grounds of the old pr ivate houses in


Madras remain as a memor ial . At the present day the

cond it ion s of l i fe in I nd ia are,as the resul t of steamer

traffi c, very d ifferent , and far more who lesome . TheE uras ian man seeks a w i fe as a r ul e among his own

commun ity ; and , i n th is manner , the race i s main ly

maintained .

The number of Euras ians with in the l im its of the

Madras Pres idency was returned , at the census , 189 1 , as

But on th is po int I must cal l Mr . H . A . Stuart ,the Census Commiss ioner

,i nto the witness box .

“ The

number of Euras ians,

” he wr ites,

“ i s which i s

per cent . more than the number returned in

The figures for the last three enumerat ions are g iven in

the fo l lowing statementYear . Total . Males . Females .

187 1


189 1

I t wi l l be seen that,between 187 1 and 1881


was a great decrease,and that the numbers in 189 1 are

s l ight ly highe r than they were twenty years ago . The

figures , however , are most untrustworthy . The cause i s

not far to seek ; many persons , who are real ly Nat ives ,c la im to be E uras ians

,and some who are Euras ians

return themselves as Europeans . I t m ight be thought

that the errors due to these c i rcumstances wou ld be

fair ly constant,but the d ist r ict figures Show that th is

cannot be the case . Take Ma labar , for examp le , which

has the largest number of E uras ians after Madras,and

where the d ivi s ion between Nat ive Chr ist ians with

E uropean names and peop le of rea l mixed race i s very

shadowy . I n 187 1 there were in th i s d i st r ict

Euras ians ; in 1881 the number had apparent ly fa l len to

whi le in 189 1 i t had again r i sen to or, i f we

inc lude South-east~

Wynaad , as we shou ld do, to


the major ity of them are c lerks , whi le very few obtain the i r

l ive l ihood by agr icu lture . I n the course of my invest i

gat ions i n the c ity of Madras , the fo l lowing occupat ions

were recordedAccountant.Attendant, LunaticAsy lum .

Baker.Bandmn an .

Bi l l col lector.B lacksm ith .

Board ing-house keeper.Boatswain .

Bo i ler sm ith .

Carpenter.Chem ist’s assi stant.Clerk , Government.Clerk , commercial .Comm i ss ion agent.Com posi tor.Compounder .Contractor.Coppersm ith .

C rane attendant, harbou r.Draftsman .

E lectric tram dr i ver.E lectric tram inspecto r.Eng ine-d river, ice facto ry.

IZvangeh sL

Ifi ler.

Fi reman .

Fi tter.Hammerer.I I arnessrnaker.

Jewel-sm ith .

Jo iner.Labou rer .Livery stab le-keeper .Mechan ic.

Mou lde r .

Painter .Petition writer.Po l ice I nspector .Porter.P rinter.P roof-reader.Rai lwayAud itor.Chargeman .

Eng ine-dr i ver .Eng ineer.Goods clerk .


Locomoti ve I nspector.Parce ls clerk .

P rosecuting I nspector.Sh unter.S ignal ler.Station-master .Storekeeper .T icket co l lecto r.Tool-keepe r.B lock S ignal ler.Carr iage exam iner.

Reporter.Rivette r.Saddler.Sch oo lmaster.Sexton .

Sp ring-sm ith .


Telegraph clerk .

Watchmake r.Watchman .


I n the Census Report,190 1 , the fo l lowing stat ist ics

of the occupat ion of Euras ians in Madras c ity

Malabar and Chingleput (486) are g iven .

Most of those i n the last of these three res ide in

Peramb t'

rr, j ust outs ide the Madras mun ic ipa l l im its


workers .

Endowments, scholarsh ips, etc. 813

Pens ioners 438

Rai lway clerks , station-masters, guards, etc. 4 2 7

Tai lors 378

Merchants’ and shop-keepers’ clerks 297

Rai lway operati ves 262

Teachers 243

P ub l ic serv ice 2 1 2

P r ivate c lerksMechan ics (not rai lway)CarpentersTe legraph departmentMed ical departmentCooks, grooms, etc.

P r inting presses : workmen and subord inates

I ndependent meansA l lowances from patrons, relatives and fr iends

S u rvey and Pub l ic Works departmen tCoffee and tea estate clerks and coo l ies

I nmates of asy lums

Rai lway po rters, etc.

Mus ician s and actors

Harbou r serv iceWorkmen , gun carr iage factor ies

Postal department

Non-comm issioned officers, Army

Mend icantsMidw ives11—1 5


P riests,m in isters

, etc.

T ramway officialsSe l lers of h ides and bones, shoe and boot makers,tanners, etc.

Local and Mun ici pal serv iceSh ipp ing clerks, etc.

Brokers and agentsLawyers’ clerksMerchants and shop-keepersLandholdersWatch and clock makersMoney-lenders, etc.

Mi l itary clerksB lacksm ith sChem ists and d rugg ists

P r isonersPleadersBrass and copper sm ith s

I nmates of convents, etc.

Sh ip’s o fficers, etc.

P rostitutesAuthors, ed itors, etc. 1 0

Cu ltivating tenants 8

Club managers, etc. 8

Hotel-keepers, etc. 7

Minor occupations 363

As bear ing on the subj ect of E uras ian marr iage,I am

enab led,through the courtesy of a ra i lway chap la in and

the chap lain of one of the pr inc ipa l churches in the c ity

of Madras,to p lace on record the fo l lowing stat i st ics

abstracted from the reg i sters . I t may,i n exp lanat ion


be noted that M indicates the br idegroom,F the br ide


and W widow or widower remarr iage


(o) MADRAS C ITY—cont.

Analys ing these figures, with the om iss ion of re

marr iages,we obta in the fol low ing resu l t s


Average age

Mean above averageMean below averageRange of age


Br idegroom . Br ide .

Average age 26—2 7 1 9—20

Mean above average 28- 29 2 1—2 2

Mean below average 23—24 1 7


Range of age 4 0—20 3 1


From the analys i s of a hundred male cases in Madras,

i n which enqu ir ies were made with reference to the

marr ied state , i n ind ividual s rang ing in age from 2 1 to

50 ,with an average age of 33, I learn that 74 were

marr ied that 14 1 male and 130 female chi ldren had been

born to them ; and that 26, whose average age was 25 ,were unmarr ied . The l im its of age of the men at the

t ime of marr iage were 32 and 16 of thei r w ives 2 5 and

13. The greatest number of chi ldren born to a s ing le


pair was 10 . I n on ly three cases,out of the seventy

four,was there no issue . I n fi fty cases

,which were

examined,of marr ied men , with an average age of 34 ,

207 chi ldren had been born , of whom 9 1 had d ied, for

the most part in early l i fe , from fever and other causes .The rac ia l pos it ion of E uras ians

,and the proport ion

of black blood in the ir ve ins,are commonly ind icated


by the terms mulatto , quadroon , octoroon , Sambo (orzambo) , etc .

,but in fract ions of a rupee . The European

pure breed be ing represented by Rs . 0—0- 0, and the

Nat ive pure breed by 16 annas 1 rupee) , the resu ltant

cross i s,by reference to colour and other tests


as being hal f an anna in the rupee (faint admixture of

black blood) , approaching European types e ight annas

(hal f and hal f) ; fifteen annas (predominant admixtureof black blood) , approaching Nat ive types , etc .

The Euras ian body being enve loped in c lothes , i t was

not t i l l they str ipped before me,for the purpose of

anthropometry,that I became aware how preva lent i s the

pract ice of tattoo ing among the ma le members of the

community . Near ly al l the hundred and th irty men

(of the lower c lasses) whom I examined were , in fact ,tattooed to a greater or less extent on the breasts , upper



,back of the hands , or shou lders .

The fo l lowing var ied se lect ion of devices in b lue , w i th

occas iona l red,i s recorded in my case-book

Anchor.Bal let g i r l w ith flag, stars and stripes.Bracelets round w rists.Burmese lady carry ing umb rel la.

B i rd.


Conventional artistic dev ices.

Cross and anchor.Crown and flags.


Crossed swords and p istols.Dancing-g i r l .Dancing-g i r l p laying w ith cob ras.

E lephant.F loral dev ices.

F lowers in pot.Hands jo ined in centre of a heart.Hands jo ined

,and clasp ing a flower .

Heart.Heart and cross.I n it ials of the ind i v idual, h is friends, relati ves, and inamorata,

sometimes w ith in a heart or lau rel wreath .


Mercy (word on left b reast).Mermaid .

Portraits of the man and h is lady-love.

Q ueen A lexandra.

Royal arms and banners.Sai l ing boat.Scorp ion .


s seal.Steam boat.Svastika (Buddh ist emblem ).Watteau shepherdess.

The most e laborate patterns were executed by

B urmese tattooers . The in it ia ls of the ind ividua l’s

Chr ist ian and surnames,which preponderated over other

dev ices , were , as a ru le , i n Roman , but occas iona l ly in

Tami l characters .

I n co lour the Euras ians afford examp les of the ent ire

co lour sca le,through sundry shades of brown and ye l low,

to pa le white,and even flor id or rosy . The p i lous or

hairy system was , i n the cases recorded by me , uni form ly

black . The co lour of the i r i s,l i ke that of the sk in , is

l iab le to great var iat ion,from lustrous b lack to l ight ,

with a predominance of dark t ints . B lue was observed

on ly in a so l i tary instance .


The breadth of the head i s very c lear ly brought "out

by the fol lowing analys i s of forty subj ects belong ing to

each of the above s ix c lasses , which shows at a g lance

the preponderance of heads exceed ing 14 cm . i n breadth

in E uras ians,Brahmans , and (to a l ess extent) i n


Eu rasiansB rahmans

MuhammadansVel lalas

ParaiyansPal l is

The head of a cross-breed,i t has been said, genera l ly

takes after the father,and the breadth of the Euras ian

head i s a pers ist ing resu l t of European ma le influence .

The effect of thi s infl uence i s c lear ly demonstrated i n

the fo l lowing cases , a l l the resu l t of re-cross ing between

Br it ish men and Euras ian women

Length .

cm .

AverageEu rasian average

The character of the nose i s,as those who have

stud ied ethno logy in I nd ia wi l l apprec iate,a most

important factor in the d ifferent iat ion of race, tr ibe , and

c lass , and in the determinat ion of ped igree . N0 one,


Mr . Ris ley wri tes ,“ can have glanced at the l i terature

of the subject , and in part i c ular , at the Véd ic accountsof the Aryan advance

,without be ing struck by the

frequent references to the noses of the peop le whomthe Aryans found in possess ion of the p la ins of I ndia .

So impressed were the Aryans with the shortcomings ofthei r enem ies

noses that they often spoke of them as‘ the noseless ones ,

’ and thei r keen percept ion of theimportance of thi s feature seems almost to ant ic ipate theOp in ion of Dr . Col l ignon that the nasal i ndex rankshigher as a d ist inct ive character than the stature

, or

even the cephal i c index itsel f. ”

I n the subjoined table,based on the exam inat ion of

forty members of each class,the high proport i on of

l eptorhine E uras ians , Muhammadans , and Vellalas, with

nasal ind ices ranging between 60 and 70mani fest , and requ ires no comment

is at once

60-70 . 70—80 . 80-90 . 90- 100 .

Euras ians 1 9 I 7 3 1

Muhammadans 1 7 18 4Vel lalas 1 4 2 2

3Pal l is 3 25 9

Paraiyans 2 1 7 1 9

from E urope to I ndia . Concern ing the or ig inof the

Indo-Portuguese half-breed,I l earn I that, on h is return

from the recapture of Goa,Albuquerque brought with

him the women he had carr ied away when the Portuguese

Journ . An th . Inst .

, ! ! , 189 1 .

t Danvers . The Portuguese in I nd ia, 1894 .


were driven out of the p lace . As soon as affai rs became

tol erably settl ed again at that port,he had them con

verted to Chr ist ian ity, and marr ied them to Portuguese

men . N0 l ess than 4 50 of his men were thus marr ied

in Goa, and others who des i red to fo l l ow the i r examp le

were so numerous that Albuquerque had great d i ffi cu l ty

i n grant ing the ir requests . The marr iage of Portuguese

men to nat ive women had al ready been sanct ioned by

Dom Manuel , but this pr iv i l ege was on ly to be conceded

to men of proved character, and who had rendered good

service . A lbuquerque , however , extended the permis

s ion to many far beyond what he was author i sed to do,

and he took care that the women so marr i ed were the

daughters of the pr inc ipa l men of the land . This he d id

in the hope of induc ing them to become Christ ians . To

those who were marr ied Albuquerque al lotted lands,houses and catt l e , so as to g ive them a start in l i fe , and

al l the landed property which had been in possess ion of

the Moor ish mosques and H indu pagodas he gave to

the pr inc ipal churches of the c ity,which he ded icated to

Santa Cather ina .

The names of some members of the commun ity at

Cal icut recal led to m ind Pedro A lvares Cabral, who

anchored before Cal icut in 1 500, and estab l i shed a

factory at Cochin ; the first Portuguese Governor , Dom

Franc iso de Almeida ; André Furtado de Mendonca,who conc luded a treaty with the k ing of Cal icut ; and

many others,whose exp lo its are handed down to poster ity

in the I ndo -Portuguese archives . Though Portuguese

names pers ist at the present day, i t does not fo l low of

necess i ty that the i r owners have any Portuguese blood

in thei r ve ins,for some are mere ly descendants of Nat ive

converts to Christ ian ity,or of household s laves of

Portuguese offi cers . “ I n Malabar,writes the Census


Coast into that country that has not got a Sea Coast

i s therefore cal l ed a Coaster . A very rude word .

Speaking in genera l terms , i t may be said that

E uras ians are of greater stature , and possess sk ins of

l ighter hue than the East I nd ians , who, as the resu l t

of intermarr iage with Nat ive Christ ian women,have

reverted in the d irect ion of the Nat ive type .

The Euras ians examined by me at Cal icut,nearly a l l

of whom were Roman Cathol ics,were earn ing a l ive l i

hood in the fo l lowing capac it ies

Bandsman . Mun ic ipal inspector.Boot-maker. Musician .

Bugler. Petition-wr iter.Carpenter. Po l ice constab le.

Clerk , Rai lway guard.

Co ffee estate w riter. Schoo lmaster.Composito r. Tai lor.Copyist. T in-sm i th .

Mechan ic. Weaver

As in Madras , so i n Malabar, tattoo ing is very preva

lent among the ma le members of the commun ity, and

the devices are character i sed by a predominance of

re l ig i ous emb lems and snakes . The fo l low ing patternsare recorded in my notes

Bangle on w rist. FishBoat. F lags.

B i rd (the Ho ly Ghost) . F lower.Chal ice. F lower and leaves.Ch rist crucified . I n itials .

Conventional and geo Ladder.metr ical designs. Sacred heart.

Cross. Snake enci rcl ing forearms.

C ross and crown . Snake co i led round foreC ross and heart. arm .

Cross and So lomon’s seal.

Crossed swords. Steam boat.


There are,in North Ma labar, many ind ividuals , whose

fathers were European . Writ ing , in 1887 , concern ing

the T iyan commun ity,Mr . Logan states * that “ the

women are not as a ru le excommun icated i f they l ive

with Europeans,and the consequence i s that there has

been among them a large admixture of E uropean b lood,

and the caste itse lf has been mater ial ly rai sed in the

soc ial sca le . I n appearance some of the women are

a lmost as fa i r as Europeans .”

On this po int , the Report

of the Ma labar Marr iage Commiss ion , 1894 , states that“ i n the ear ly days of Brit ish ru le , the Tiyan women

incurred no soc ia l d isgrace by consort ing with Europeans,

and,up to the last generat ion , i f the Sudra g ir l cou ld

boast of her Brahmin lover , the T iyan g i r l cou ld Show

more s ubstant ia l benefit s from her a l l iance with a white

man of the ru l ing race . Happ i ly the progress of educa

t ion,and the growth of a who lesome pub l ic Op in ion


made shamefu l the pos it ion of a E uropean’s concub ine ;and both races have thus been saved from a mode of l i fe

equal ly demora l i z ing to each .

During a vi s i t to Ootacamund on the N i lgir i h i l ls,

I was enab led to examine the phys ique of the e lder boys

at the Lawrence Asy lum , the object of which i s “ to

provide for chi ldren of European and East I nd ian offi cers

and so ld iers of Her Majesty’s Army (Brit ish and Nat ive) ,and of E uropeans and East I nd ians in the Med ica l

Service,mi l itary and c iv i l , who are serving , or have

served within the l im its of the Pres idency of Madras,a

refuge from the deb i l i tat ing effects of a trop ica l c l imate,

and from the ser ious drawbacks to the we l l -be ing of

chi ldren inc idental to a barrack l i fe ; to afford for them

a p lain,pract ica l

,and re l ig ious educat ion ; and to train

Manual of Malabar.


them for emp loyment in d i fferent trades,pursu its


industr i es . As the resu lt of examinat ion of th i rty-three

Euras ian boys,I was able to test i fy to the exce l lence of

thei r phys ica l condit ionfl‘ A good c l imate,with a mean

annua l temperature of good food,and phys ica l

t rain ing,have produced a set of boys we l l -nour ished and

muscu lar,with good chests , shou lders , and body weight .

Some fina l words are necessary on l iab i l ity to certain

d iseases , as a d i fferent iat ing character between E uras ians

and Europeans . The Census Commiss ioner,189 1 , states

that E uras ians seem to be pecu l iar ly l iab le to insan ity

and leprosy . To these shou ld be added e lephant ias i s

(fi larial d isease) , concern ing which Surgeon-Major J .

Mait land wr ites as “ A lmost a l l the o ld wr iters

on e lephant ias is be l i eved that the dark races were more

suscept ib l e to the d i sease than white peop le ; but i t i s

ext reme ly doubtful i f thi s i s the case . I t i s t rue that,i n

those countr ies where the d i sease is endem ic,the propor

t ion of persons affected is much g reater among the b lacks

than among the whites ; but i t has to be borne in m ind

that the hab its of the former render them much more

l iab le to the d isease than the latter . The major ity of the

white peop le,being more c iv i l i sed

,are more carefu l

regard ing the pur i ty of the i r drink ing water than the

Nat ives,who are proverb ia l ly care less in th is respect .

I n I nd ia,a l though it i s comparat ive ly rare to meet w ith

Europeans affected with the d isease,yet such cases are

from t ime to t ime recorded . Euras ians are proport ion

ate ly more l iab le to the d isease than pure Europeans ,but not so much so as Nat ives . Doctors Patterson and

H a l l of Bah ia i examined the b lood of 309 persons in

S ee Madras Museum Bu l let in , I I , 2 , Table XXV I , 1898.

1' Elephan t ias is and al l ied d isorders, Madras , 189 1 .

I Veterinarian , June, 1879.


feature akin to the b io logical phenomenon known as

atavism,but of perhaps doubtfu l ana logy

,for the

poss ib i l ity of a fresh infect ion or inocu lat ion has always

to be borne in mind . There are numerous instances ofsuch hered itary transmiss ion among the pat ients


Nat ive and Euras ian , i n the Leper H osp ital . The

spread of the d isease by contag ion is s low,the most

int imate contact even , such as that between parent and

chi ld,often fa i l ing to effect inocu lat ion . St i l l there is

much evidence in support of its be ing inocu labl e by

cohab itat ion,pro longed contact , wear ing the same

c lothing,shar ing the dwe l l ing , us ing the same cook ing

and eat ing utens i l s , and even by arm -to -arm vacc inat ion .

I nfluenced by a be l i ef i n the last ment ioned cause,

vacc inat ion was former ly regarded with much susp ic ion

and d is l ike by E uras ian s in Madras . But thei r appre

h ens ion s on thi s score have abated s ince an ima l vacc ine

was subst ituted for the human ised mater ia l . I t has

al so for long been a popular be l ief among the same

c lass that the suck l ing of thei r infant s by infected

Nat ive wet -nurses i s a common Source of the d isease .

Attempts to reproduce l eprosy from supposed pure

cu ltures of the leprosy bac i l l us have invar iab ly fai led,

and this st rengthens the bel ief that the d isease would

d ie out i f sufferers from the tubercu lar or mixed forms

were segregated , and intermarr iage wi th members of

known leprous fami l i es interd icted . Exper ience shows

that,where such marr iages are free ly entered into , a

notab le preva lence of the d isease resu lts,as at Pond i

cherry for examp le , where the so -cal led creo le popu lat ion

i s said to contain a large p roport ion of lepers from thi s

cause .

Writ ing concern ing the prevalence of i nsan ity i n

d ifferent c lasses,the Census Commiss ioner

,189 1 , states


that “ i t appears from the stat ist ics that insan ity i s far

more prevalent among the Euras ians than among any

other c lass . The proport ion i s 1 i nsane person in every

4 10 . For England and Wales the proport ion i s 1 i n

every 307 , and it i s s ign ificant that the sect ion of the

populat ion of Madras,which shows the greatest l iab i l i ty

to insan ity , i s that which has an admixture of E uropean

b lood . I have no informat ion regard ing the prevalence

of i nsan ity among E uras ians for any other province or

State in I nd ia except Mysore,and there the proport ion

i s 1 i n 306.

For the fol lowing tabu lar statement of admiss ions

into the Government Lunat ic Asyl um,Madras

,I am

indebted to Captain C . H . Leet -Pa lk,I .M .S

Leaving out of quest ion the Europeans,i n whom


owing to the preponderance of the ma le sex i n Madras,

a greater number of male than female lunat ics i s to be

expected,and cons ider ing on ly E uras ians and Nat ives


the far higher proport ion of female as compared with

male lunat ics in the Euras ian than in the Nat ive com ~

mun ity,i s very consp icuous . Taking , for examp le , the

numbers remain ing in the Asy lum in 1894 . Whereas

the proport ion of E uras ian males to fema les was 33 3 1 ,

that of Nat ives was 30 6 : 6 8 and the high proport ion11- 16

GABIT 24 2

of female Euras ian inmates was vis ib le in other years .

The subj ect seems to be one worthy of further study by

those competent to dea l with it .

Gah it .—A Bombay fi sh ing caste returned a t the

census,190 1 . To Ma lpe in the South Canara d i str ict


dur ing the fi sh ing season , come fi shermen w ith a flot i l l a

of keeled and outr igged sai l ing boats from Ratnag ir i i n

the Bombay Pres idency . H ither also come fi shermen from

Goa . The reasons g iven by the Ratnagi r i fi shermen

for coming southward are that fi sh are not so abundant

off the ir own coast , compet it ion i s keener , and sal t more

expens ive . Moreover , the crysta ls of Bombay sa l t are

too large for successfu l cur ing , and“ do not agree with

the fi sh,of which the flesh is turned b lack . I f


said contemptuously,they were to sun-dry fi sh


by the

loca l method,the i r peop le wou ld laugh at them for

br ing ing back,not fi sh

,but dr ied cow-dung for fuel .

The Ratnag ir i boat s go we l l out of s ight of land to the

fi shing ground,where they catch se i r


,cat -fish

(A r ius) , and other b ig fi sh near the surface,and sharks

i n deeper water . I f the fi shing is not good near Ma lpe,

t hey may go south as far as Manga lore . To the Ratna

g ir i fi shermen the seir (Cyéium ) i s the most va luab leand lucrat ive fi sh . Under ex i st ing arrangements


which c lashing of interest s i s avo ided,the fi shery at

Ma lpe is d ivided into two zones,viz .

,the deep sea fi shed

by the large Ratnag ir i boats,and the Shal low l i ttora l

water by the sma l ler loca l and Goa boats .

Gadaba.—The Gadabas are a tr ibe of agricu ltur ist s,

coo l i es , and hunters in the Vizagapatam distr ict .

H unt ing is sa id to be gradual ly decreas ing,as many of

the forests are now preserved,and shoot ing without a


I n the Madras Census Report,

187 1 , Mr . H . G .

Turner states that very much akin to the Gadabas are

a c lass ca l led Kerang Kapus . They wi l l not admit any

connex ion with them ; but , as the i r language is a lmost

ident i cal,such gainsay ing cannot be permitted them


They are cal led Kerang Kapu from the c i rcumstance of

thei r women weaving c loths , which they weave from

the fibre of a j ungle Shrub ca l led Kerang (Catotrofi is

g igan tea) . Mr . H . A . Stuart remarks that “ the Kapu

Gadabas are poss ib ly the Kerang Kapus ment ioned by

M r . Turner as akin to the Gadabas,for I find no ment ion

of the caste under the fu l l name of Kerang Kapu,nor

i s Kerang found as a sub -d iv i s ion of e ither Kapu or

Gadaba .

” Writ ing concern ing the numera l system of the

Kerang Kapu s , Mr . Turner observes that it runs thus


,J ug i


,Mallo i





Sant ing,Goa

,and for e leven (1 and fol lowing numbers) ,

they prefix the word Go,e.g .

,Gommo i


,etc .

The Kerang Kapus can count up to n ineteen,but have

no concept ion of twenty . Accord ing to M r . W . Franc is,

the on ly t ribe on the hi l l s wh ich has th i s system of

notat ion i s the Bonda Poraja. The Gadabas have very

s im i lar names for the fi rst five numeral s ; but , after that ,lapse i nto Or iya

,e.g .


,at , nO

, das , etc . The Bonda

Poraja numeral s recorded by Mr . Franc is are mayi ,baar

, gi i, oo ,mo lo i

,th iri, goo , thamam ,

and so on up to

n ineteen,after which they cannot count . This system ,

as he points out,agrees w ith the one descr ibed by

Mr . Turner as be longing to the Kerang Kapus . The

Guteb Gadaba numerals recorded by Mr . C . A .

H enderson inc lude mu it itt i (1 a hand) , and mart it t i

(2 a hand) .

Madras Census Report, 189 1 .


Some Gadaba women wear a bust le or dress

improver,cal led i rre or kitte. This art ic l e of att i re i s

accounted for by the fol lowing trad it ion .

“ A goddess

v is ited a Gadaba v i l lage incogn i to, and asked leave of

one of the women to rest on a cot . She was brusque ly

to ld that the proper seat for beggars was the floor,and

she consequent ly decreed that thenceforth a l l Gadaba

women should wear a bust le to remind them to avo id

The Gadaba fema le c loths are manu

factured by themse lves from cotton thread and the

fibre of s illo luvada o r ankudi chettu (H otaurfieua auti

dysenter ica) and bOda luvada or bodda chettu (F icus

gtom euata) . The fibre i s carefu l ly dr ied,and dyed b lue

or redd ish-brown . The edges of the c loth are white ,a blue str ip comes next

,whi le the m idd le port ion is

redd ish-brown with narrow st r ipes of white or b lue at

regu lar i nterva ls . The Gadabas account for the dress

of the i r women by the fol lowing legend . When Rama,

during his ban ishment,was wander ing in the forests of

Dandaka,his w ife Si ta accompan ied h im in sp ite of h is

entreat ies to the contrary . I t was one of the crue l

terms of his stepmother Kaika that Rama shou ld wear

on ly c lothing made from j ung le fibre,before leaving the

cap ita l . Accord ing to the H indu re l ig ion,a vi rtuou s

wife must share both the sorrows and joys of her lord .

Consequent ly S i ta fo l lowed the examp le of Rama,and

wore the same k ind of c lothing . They then left the

cap ital amidst the loud lamentat ion of the c it i zens .During thei r wander ings

,they met some Gadaba women


who mocked and laughed at S i ta . Whereupon she

cursed them , and condemned them to wear no other

dress but the c loth made of fibre . I n a note on the

Gazetteer of the V izagapatam d istrict.


Gadabasfi“ Mr . L . Lakshm inarayan wr i tes that

“ a lthough

mi l l -prepared c loths are fas t rep lac ing house-spunsclothsi n al l commun it ies


,i n the case of the Gadabas


i s a strong supers t it ion which prevents the use of c loths

p repared outs ide,part icu larly i n regard 11 0 the c loths

worn by thei r women . The legend (about S i ta) i s fu l lybe l ieved by the Gadabas

,and hence thei r re l ig ious

adherence to the ir part icu lar c loth . At the t ime of

marr iage,i t i s absolute that the Gadaba maiden Should

wear this fibre-made c loth,e lse m i sfortune wi l l ru in the

fami ly . A bundle of twigs i s brought,and the s tems

freed of leaves are bru i sed and twisted to loosen the

bark,and are then dr ied for two or three days


which the bark is r ipped out and beaten down smooth

w ith heavy st icks,to separate the bark from the fibre .

The fibre is then co l l ected , and combed down smooth,and spun into a to lerab ly fine twi st . I t i s th is twist that

the Gadaba maiden weaves i n her crude loom,and

prepares from it her marr iage Sar i . Accord ing to a

good custom among these peop le,a Gadaba maiden

must learn to weave her c loths before she becomes

e l ig ib le for marr iage . And no Gadaba ever thinks of

marrying a wife who cannot prepare her own c loths.

Men can use cotton and other c loths,whereas women

cannot do so,for they are under the curse of S i ta . But

the pass ion for fineries i n woman is natural ly So strong

that the modern Gadaba woman is now tak ing the

l iberty of putt ing cotton thread for the woof and ankudu

fibre for the warp,and thus i s able to turn out a more

comfortable and finer c loth . But some o ld crones

informed me that th i s m ixed c loth is not so ausp ic ious

as that prepared who l ly from the fibre .

Madras Ma i l , 1907.


man go to the gir l’

s house, and the match i s fixed up .

After a meal,they return to the i r homes . On the day

appo inted for the wedd ing ceremonies,the bridegroom’s

relat ions go to the home of the br ide,tak ing with them

a rupee towards the marr iage expenses,a new c loth for

the g ir l’

s mother, and ha l f a rupee for the fema les of the

br ide’s vi l lage , which i s regarded as compensat ion for

the loss of the g ir l . To the bride are g iven a g lass

bead neck lace,and bras s bang les to be worn on the

r ight wri st . A feast fo l lows . On the fo l lowing day,the

br ide is conducted to the v i l lage of the br idegroom,i n

front of whose home a panda l (booth) , made of four

bamboo poles,covered w ith green leaves

,has been

erected . Within the pandal , stems of the Sal (Sam/ea

roousta) , addagirli, and bamboo jo ined together , are set

up as the ausp ic ious post . Bes ide th i s a gr indstone i s

p laced,on which the br ide s i ts , with the br idegroom

seated on her thighs . The fema les present throw

turmer ic powder over them,and they are bathed with

turmeric-water kept ready in a new pot . They are then

presented with new c loths,and thei r hands are j o ined

together by the offi c iat ing D isari . A feast , with much

dr ink ing,fo l lows

,and the day’s proceed ings conc lude

with a dance . On the fo l lowing day , mud is heaped up

near the pandal,into which the D isari throws a handfu l

of i t . The remainder of the mud is carr ied i nto the

panda l by the contract ing coup le,who pour water over

i t,and throw it over those who are assemb led . A l l

then proceed to a stream,and bathe . A further feast

and dance fo l lows,of which the new ly marr ied coup le

are spectators,without tak ing part in i t .

I n a note on marr iage among the Parenga Gadabas ,Mr . G . F . Paddi son wr ites that they have two forms of

marr iage r ite,one of which (b iba) is accompan ied by


much feast ing,gifts of bul locks , toddy, r ice , etc . The

most interest ing feature is the fight for the br ide wi th

fi sts . A l l the men on each s ide fight , and the bridegroom

has to carry off the br ide by force . Then they al l s it

down,and feast together . I n the other form (lethulia) ,

the coup le go off together to the j ungle , and , when they

return,pay twenty rupees

,or whatever they can afford


to the g irl ’s father as a fine . A dinner and regular

marriage fo l low e lopement and payment of the fine .

The ghorojavai system ,accord ing to which a man

works for a stated per iod for hi s future father- in- law ,is

pract i ced by the Gadabas . But a cash payment i s sa id

to be now subst ituted for serv ice . The remarriage of

widows i s perm itted,and a younger brother may marry

the widow of his e lder brother . I f She does not marry

him,the second husband has to pay a sum of money


cal led in Or iya the rand tonka , to h im . When a man

d ivorces hi s wi fe,her re lat ions are summoned

,and he

pays her two rupees before send ing her away . Of this

sum,one rupee i s pa id as buchn i for susp ic ion regard

ing her chast ity,and the other as chatn i for dr iv ing her

away. A divorced woman may remarry .

I n the hi l ls,the vi l lage headman i s cal led J ann i or

Nayako,and in the p lains Naidado . H e is ass isted by

a K i rasan i,who i s a lso the caste pr iest .

Concerning the re l ig ion of the Gadabas , Mr. H . D .

Taylor writes i t that i t i s “ s imp le,and cons ists of feasts

at stated intervals . The chief fest iva l is I t takaparva, or

hunt ing feast,i n March and Apr i l . On thi s occasion


the who le male populat i on turns out to hunt,and , i f

they return unsuccessfu l , the women p e l t them with

cow-dung on the i r return to the v i l lage ; i f, however ,

Madras Census Report , 1891 .


success fu l , they have the i r revenge upon the women

in another way . The chief deit ie s (though spoken: of

general ly under the term Devata or Mahaprabhu) are

Ganga Dev i or Takuran i, I swara or Moul i , Bhai rava ,and Jhankara. I t i s I swara or Mou l i who i s worshipped

at Chaitra . Jhankara i s the god of land , ra infa l l and

crops,and a cow is sacr ificed to him . There are not ,

as a ru l e,temp les , but the p1

1ja (worship) p lace cons ist s

of a sacred grove surrounded with a c irc l e of stones ,which takes the name of J hankara from the god to

whom paja i s performed . Ganga Devi,I swara and

Moul i have temp les at certa in p laces,but as a ru le there

i s no bu i ld ing,and the S i te of paja i s marked by trees

and stones . To I swara a she—buffalo i s sacr ificed at

Chaitra . To t he other Devatas cocks and goats are

sacr ificed . Ganga Devi or Takuran i is the goddess of

l i fe and heal th,both of men and catt le ; to her p igs ,

goat s,and p igeons are sacr ificed . There are one or two

cur iou s superst it ions . I f a member of the caste i s

s upposed to be possessed of a devi l,he or sh e i s abused

and beaten by other members of the caste unt i l t he

dev i l i s cast out . I n some parts the superst it ion i s

that a p iece of wi ld buffa lo horn bur ied in the ground

of the v i l lage wi l l avert or cure catt l e d isease Some

t imes a sal or kasang i t ree i s p lanted,and surrounded

by a bamboo hedge . I t i s worshipped with an imal sacr i

fices at harvest t ime,and the K i rasan i acts as pr iest .

“ There i s,Mr . G . F . Padd ison wr ite s, rather a

cur ious custom in connect ion w ith a vi l lage goddess .

C lose to her Shr ine a swing i s kept . O n this Swing ,once a year at the great v i l lage fest ival , thorns are

p laced,and the v i l lage pr i es t or pr iestess s it s on them

without harm . I f the pfijari i s a male , he has been

made neuter . But,i f the vi l lage is not fortunate enough


both men and women dance to the mus ic o f a fi fe and

drum . Somet imes they form a r ing by jo in ing hands

al l round,and with a long hop spr ing towards the

centre,and then hOp back to the fu l l extent of the ir

arms,whi le they at the same time keep c i rc l ing round

and round . At other t imes , the women dance s ing ly or

i n pai rs,the i r hands rest ing on each other’s wri st s . When

fat igued,they cease danc ing

,and s ing . A man steps

out of the crowd , and s ings a verse or two imfi rf omptu .

One of the women rejo ins,and they s ing at each other

for a short t ime . The point of these songs appears to

cons ist i n g iving the sharpest rej o inder to each other .

The woman reflects upon the man’s ungainly appearance

and want of sk i l l as a cu lt ivator or huntsman , and

the man retorts by reproaching her with her ug l i ness

and s lattern ly habits . I n connect ion with danc ing ,Mr . H enderson wr ites that “ al l t he Gadaba danc ing

I have seen was the same as that of the Porjas , and

cons isted of a sort of women’s march,at t imes aecom

pan ied by a few men who wander round , and occas ional ly

form a r ing through which the l ine of women passes .

Somet imes the men get on each other’s shou lders,and

so form a sort of two -stor ied pyramid The women’s

song i s comparat ive ly qu ite melod ious .

I n recent years , some Gadabas have emigrated to

Assam , to work in the tea -gardens . But emigrat ion has

now stopped by ed ict .

For the informat ion contained in thi s art ic le,I am

main ly indebted to notes by Mr . C . A . Henderson ,Mr . W . Franc i s , Mr . C . H ayavadana Rao , and the

Kumara Raja of Bobb i l i .

Gad i (cart) .— An exogamous sept of Mala .

Gad idhé K and la (donkey’s eyes) .— An exogamous

sept of Boya .


Gadu .—A common suffix to the name of i nd ividual s

among various Te l ugu c lasses , e.g.,Ram igadu ,

Subb i

gadu .

Gaduge (throne) . —A got ra of Kurni .

Gaita.—A sub -divi s ion of Konda Raz u .

Gaj ja l (a smal l be l l) . —A sub -d ivis ion of Toreya .

Gal i .—Gal i or Galollu , mean ing wind , devi l , or

sp ir it,i s recorded as an exogamous sept of Kamma


Kuruba,and Mala .

Gamal la.—The Gamal las are a c lass of toddy

drawers,and d ist i l lers and vendors of arrack in the

Telugu country and are supposed to be Idigas who have

bettered themse lves,and separated from that caste .

Both Gamallas and Id igas worship the de ity Kattamayya.

At the census,189 1 , some returned Id iga as the i r sub

d iv is ion . I n the Cuddapah d istr ict some toddy-drawers

styl e themselves As ilivand lu . Poss ib ly the Idiga,

Gamalla,and Asi l i toddy-drawing classes only repre

sent three endogamous sect ions of a s ingle caste . I n

the Nel lore d istrict , the toddy-drawers style themse lves

Gamand la or Gavandlavand lu , and say that they have

one gOtra Kaum andlapu or Gaumand lapu . I t i s prob

able that the name Gamandla or Gavand la has been

co ined by Brahman puroh its , to connect the caste with

Kaumandala Mahar ish i of the Puranas . The Gamallas

say that they were created to draw toddy by the sage

Kavundinya ,and that they belong to the Gaundla

varnam (caste) . I am informed that a Puranam,cal led

Gamand la or Gam ud i Paranam ,has been created . I n

the soc ia l scal e,the toddy-drawers appear to occupy a

higher posit ion in the Telugu than i n the Tami l country,

and they are somet imes said to be Telagas or Bal ijas,who have adopted toddy-drawing as a profess ion . The

more prosperous members of the community are toddy


and arrack (l i quor) shop-keepers , and the poorer members extract toddy from the pa lm-t rees .

The Kapus of the Nel lore d istr ict emp loy Gamallas

as the ir cooks and domest ic servants,and a l l men ia l

serv ice and cook ing are done by Gamallas i n the houses

o f Kapus on the occas ion of fest iva ls and marr iages .

Concern ing the or ig in of the Gamallas,the fo l lowing

legend is current . A Rishi was doing penance by stand

ing on h is head , and , l i ke the chamaeleon , l iv ing on l ight

and air,i nstead of food . Accord ing to some

,the R ish i

was Kaumandla, whi l e others do not know his name .

An Idiga g ir l passed by the R ish i , carrying a pot fi l led

with toddy,which po l luted the a i r , so that the R ish i cou ld

not cont inue the penance . Being struck with the g i r l ’s

beauty,he fo l lowed her to her home

,and pointed out to

her that she was the cause of his m ishap . H e asked her

to become his wife , but she announced that she was

a l ready marr ied . Eventua l ly, however , they became

secret ly united,and, i n consequence, the who le town

caught fire . The gi r l’

s husband , return ing home with

some toddy,was amazed at the s ight

,and she, to protect

him,hid the R i sh i in a vat . I nto th i s vat the husband

poured the toddy,which made the R ish i breathe hard

, so

that the toddy,for the fi r st t ime on record

,began to

foam . Notic ing thi s,the husband found a l ingam

,i nto

which the Rish i had been transformed . This l ingam

was worshipped by the Gamand las , and they are at the

present day Saivites .

Like other Telugu castes,the Gamallas have exo

gamons septs,such as parvathala (hi l ls) , kudumalu

(a cake) , annam (cooked r ice) , and pandhi (p ig) . Among

getras , the fo l lowing may be noted z— kavund inya,karunya, vachalya,

and surapandesvara (sura panda,toddy pot) .


Marr iage is,as a ru le , adult ,


and remarriage of

widows i s perm itted,though the tendency at the present

day i s to abandon the pract ice . At the wedd ing of a

widow,the bottu (marr iage badge) is t ied round her

neck at n ight . Pr ior to the marr iage ceremony, the

worship of female ancestors must be performed . A new

fema le c loth,bete l

,and flowers , are p laced on a tray, and

worshipped by the mothers of the contract ing coup le .

The c loth i s g iven as a present to a s ister or other near

relat ion of the br ide or bridegroom .

The dead are cremated , and the widow breaks one

or two of her bang les . F ire must be carr ied to the

burn ing-ground by the father of the deceased,i f he i s

a l ive . On the day fo l lowing cremat ion , the hot embers

are ext inguished,and the ashes co l lected

,and shaped

into an effigy,near the head of which three con ica l masses

of mud and ashes are set up . To these rep resent

at ives of Rudra , Yama, and t he sp i r it of the departed ,cooked r ice and veget ab les are offered up on three

leaves . One of the l eaves is g iven to the J angam,who

officiates at the r ite , another to a washerman , and the

th i rd i s left,so that the food on i t may be eaten by

crows . A l l , who are assemb led , wait t i l l these birds

co l lect,and the ashes are final ly poured on a tree . On

the n inth,tenth

,or e leventh day after death , a ceremony

cal l ed the peddadinam (b ig day) i s performed . Cooked

r ice,curry


,and other th ings , are p laced on a leaf

ins ide the house. S itt ing near this leaf,the widow

weeps and breaks one or two of the glass bangles,which

She wears on the wrist . The food i s then taken to a

stream or tank (pond) , where the agnates , after Shaving ,bathing

,and purificat ion

,make an effigy of the dead

person on the ground . C l ose to th is cooked r ice and

vegetab les are p laced on three leaves , and offered to the


effigy. The widow'

s remain ing bang les are broken,and

she i s presented with a new c loth,ca l led munda koka

(widow’s c loth) as a S ign of her cond it ion . Al l Gamal las


r ich or poor , engage on this occas ion the services o f

Mal a Pambalas and Bainedus (music ians and story

tel lers) to rec ite the story of the goddess Ankamma.

The performance is ca l led Ankamma kolupu . Some of

the Malas make on the ground a des ign,ca l l ed m uggu ,

whi l e t he others p lay on the drum,and carry out the

rec itat ion . The des ign must be made in five co lours,

green (leaves of Cassia aur icutata) , white (r ice flour) ,red (turmer ic and l ime) , ye l l ow (t urmer ic) , and black

(burnt r ice-husk) . I t represent s a ma le and fema le

figure (Vi rulu , heroes) , who are s upposed to be the

person whose peddad inam i s being ce lebrat ed , and an

ancestor of the Oppos ite sex . I f the fami ly can afford it,

other des igns , for examp le of Ankamma,are a l so drawn .

O n the complet ion of the m uggu ,cocoanuts

,r ice


bete l are offered , and a fow l i s sacr ificed .

Like many other Telugu castes,the Gamallas have

a c lass of beggars , cal led Emet i , attached to them ,for

whom a subscr ipt ion i s ra i sed when they turn up .

The Gamallas are most ly Saivites,and the i r pr iest s

are Aradhya Brahmans , i .e.

, Telugu Brahmans , who

have adopted some of the customs of the L ingayat s .

They worship a var iety of gods and goddesses,who

inc lude POtharaju ,Katamayya, Gangamma



and Thallamma, or Thad lamma. Once or twice dur ing

the year,a pot of toddy is brought from every ho u se to

the shr ine of Thallamma, and the l iquor contained in

some of the pots i s poured on the floor,and the re

mainder g iven to those assembled , i rrespect ive of caste .

At the fest ival of D ipaval i, the ce lebrants bathe in

the ear ly morn ing,and go

,i n wet c lothes

,to an ant -hi l l ,


before which they prost rate themse lves , and pour a l itt le

water into one of the holes . Round the hi l l they wind

five turns of cotton thread , and return home . S ubse

quent ly they come once more to the ant -hi l l with a lamp

made of flour paste . Carrying the l ight,they go thr ice

or five t imes round the hi l l , and throw into a ho le

there in sp l it pu l se (P leaseotusM uugo) . During the whole

of thi s day they fast . O n the fo l lowing morning they

again go to the hi l l , pour m i lk into it , and snap the

threads wound round it .

At the fest iva l of S ankaranth i, the pr inc ipa l member

of every fami ly observes the worship of ancestors .Various art ic les are p laced in a room on leaf p lates

represent ing the ancestors,who are worshipped by the

ce lebrant after he has been pur ified by bathing . Taking

a l itt le of the food from each leaf, he p laces it on a s ing le

leaf,which i s worshipped

,and p laced in the court-yard


that the crows may partake thereof. The remainder of

the food i s d istr ibuted among the members of the fami ly .

At the census,190 1 , some Gamallas returned t hem

selves as Sett igadu (Chett i) .Gampa (basket) .— A sub -div is ion of Kamma and

Te laga,and an exogamous sept of Odde. The name


among the Kammas,refers to a dead ly strugg le at

Gand ikOta,i n which some escaped by hid ing in baskets .

Gampa dhempt i i s the name of a sub-d iv is ion of the

Madigas,whose marr iage offer ings to the god are p laced

in a basket .


,at t imes of census , as a sub

divi sion of Lingayat Jangam s i n the Nel lore , Cuddapah ,and Kurnool d istr icts . The Sanskr it word Ganam means

S iva’s attendants,

Gandham (sanda l paste) .— An exogamous sept of

Bal ijas,one sub-div is ion of whom is cal led Gandhavallu11—1 7


orGandhapod i (sanda l perfume se l ler s) . The paste madeby rubbing sandal (Sari ta/um atoum ) wood on a stone

with water i s wide ly used in connect ion with H indu

ceremon ia l observance . A Brahman , for examp le , after

worshipp ing,smears h i s body w ith the paste . At

fest ivals,and other ceremon ia l occas ions

,sanda l paste

i s d ist r ibuted to guests a long with betel leaves and

areca nuts (pan-supar i) . Gandhapod i al so occurs as an

exogamous sept of BOya.

Gand ikota .—A sub-d ivi s ion of Kamma . Gand i

Kettei i s recorded 9“ as a sub-d iv is ion of Kapu or Redd i,

“ found on ly in Madura and Tinnevel ly, and a lso known

S imp ly as Kettei Redd is . KOttei i s the Tami l for a fort,

the correspond ing Te lugu word being keta . Their

fema les do not appear in pub l i c . ”

Gandla.—See Gan iga.

Gangadikara.—Gangad ikara, sa id doubtfu l ly to

mean those who l ived on the banks of the Ganges,has

been recorded as a sub-d iv i s ion of the H oleyas ,

Okkil iyans , and Vakkal igas . The name probab ly refers

to Gangavad i, the country of the Gangas,a royal l ine

which ru led over the greater part of the modern Mysore

in former t imes .

Gangeddu .—The Gangeddulu are a c lass of mend i

cants,who trave l about the country exhib it ing performing

bu l l s . “ The exhib it ion of sacred bu l l s,known as

Gangeddulu (Ganga’s bu l ls) i s very common in the towns

and v i l lages of Southern I nd ia . The presence of the

Swami (god) bu l l , as he i s popularly ca l led , i s made known

by h is keeper p laying on a smal l drum,which emits a

d i sma l,booming sound

,in the interva ls of address ing his

dumb compan ion i n a p ierc ing vo ice . The bu l l i s led

Madras Census Report, 189 1 .


somet imes d i spose of the i r de formed calves in a s im i lar

manner . When the trained an imal s are exhibited in

publ ic,the deformi ty, which i s the hal l -mark of a

genu ine Gangeddu ,i s shown , usual ly at the commence

ment of the performance , or at any t ime at the bidd ing

of any of the spectators . I t i s only after the exhib it ion

of the deform i ty, which is usual ly conceal ed withi n the

trapp ings o f the an imal , that remunerat ion , general ly in

k ind,or in old rags and copper co ins

,i s do led out to them


Vil lagers worship the bu l l s , when they happen to pass

the i r houses,and , as soon as they enter a vi l lage , the

fema les wash the feet of the animal s with mi lk and water.

They then adorn the ir foreheads with kunkumam (an i l ine

powder) and turmeric paste , and burn incense and

camphor before them . Cocoanut s,plantains

,bete l l eaves

and areca nuts,and money are a l so offered in a p late


and are the perqu is ite of the Gangeddu . The bu l l s are

thus venerated,as they represent Basavanna

,the sacred

bu l l which i s the veh icl e of S iva .

The language of the Gangeddulu i s Te lugu , but those

who have migrated to the Tami l country al so speak

the language of the south . They profess the Vaishna

vite re l ig ion,and are of the Tengalai persuas ion . They

have Brahman gurus (re l ig ious preceptors ) , who res ide

at Sri rangam ,Tirupat i

,and other p laces . By them the

Gangeddu lu are branded on the shou lder with the

emb lems of the chank and chakram , and in it iated into

the myster ies of the Dasar i pr iesthood . But,though

they ca l l themse lves Dasaris,the Gangeddulu have no

marital or other connect i on with the Dasaris . I n add i

t ion to train ing and exhib it ing the performing bul ls

and cu l t ivat ing land,the Gangeddu lu officiate as Dasaris

i n the month of Peratas i (September-October) . Thei rpr inc ipa l i n s ign ia of office are the chank she l l

,which i s


blown to announce thei r arr iva l,and the i ron lamp

(cal led Garudasthambha) , which i s kept burn ing, and i s

said to represent Venkatesa, the pres id ing deity at

Tirupat i . As Dasaris , l i tt le i s expected of them , except

offer ing fru its to the god,and ass i st ing at funera ls .

Several proverbs,of which the fo l lowing are examp les ,

are current concern ing thi s aspect of the i r l i fe

The mist ake of a Dasar i i s excused with an apo logy .

The songs of a Dasar i are known only to the god ,i .e.

,they are un inte l l ig ib l e and unreal .

For the song of a '

Dasari a lms are the payment, i .e.,

that i s al l the song is worth .

S ing again what you have s ung,oh ! Dasar i w ith

d i rty teeth .

When a beggar was asked whether he was a

Dasar i or a J angam,he rep l ied that it depends on

the next v i l lage . This in reference to hi s be ing a

t ime-server .

A Gangeddu mendicant is , l i ke his bu l ls , p icturesque ly

att i red . He is very punct i l ious about having his sect

mark on the forehead,invar iab ly wears a turban

,and hi s

body is c lothed in a long white c loth robe . When go ing

about with the perform ing bu l l s,the Gangeddulu

general ly trave l in pai rs, one carrying a drum ,

and the

other a be l l -meta l gong . One of them holds in one

hand the nose- rope of the bul l,and in the other the

whip . The bu l l s are dressed up in a patch work qu i l t

with two eye -holes in it . Of names which are g iven to

the animals , Rama and Lakshmana are very popu lar .

The tameness of t he bul ls i s referred to in the proverbAs mi ld as a Gangeddu .

The Perumal Madukkarans , or Perumal Erudukka

rans , both of which names ind icate those who lead bu l l s

about , are found chiefly in the Ching leput , North and


South Arcot d ist r icts . “ Every now and then,Mr.

S . M . NatcsafSastri writesfif“ throughout Madras , a man

dressed up as a buffoon i s to be seen leading about a bu l l ,as fantast ica l ly got up as h imse l f w ith cowr ies (Cy/az a n

auaaica shel l s) and rags of many co lours , from door to

door . The bul l i s cal led in Tami l Perumal erudu , and

in Telugu Ganga eddu ,the former mean ing Vishnu


bu l l and the latter Ganga’s bu l l . The orig in of the fi rst

i s g iven in a legend,but that of the last i s not c l ear .

The conductors of these bu l ls are neatherds of h igh

caste,cal led P I

I Idaiyan ,i .e.

,flower neatherds (see I dai

yan) , and come from vi l lages in the North and SouthArcot d istr icts . They are a s imp le and ignorant set ,

who fi rm ly bel i eve that their occupat ion ar ises out of

a command from the great god Venkatachalapat i, the

lord of the Venkatachala near Tirupadd i (Tirupat i ) i n the

North Arcot d istr ict . Thei r legend i s as fo l lows . Among

the hab itua l gi fts to the Venkatachala temp le at T irup

pad i were al l the freaks of nature of the ne ighbourhood

as exhib ited in catt le, such as two- ta i led cows , five

legged bul l s,four-horned ca lves

,and so on . The PG

Idaiyans , whose orig ina l duty was to str ing flowers for

the temp le, were set to graze these abort ions . Now

t o graze cows i s an honour,but to tend such creatures

as these the P6 Idaiyans regarded as a s in . So they

prayed to Venkatachalapat i to show them how they

cou ld purge it away . On th is , t he god gave them a bu l l

cal led after himse l f the Perumal bu l l and said My sons,

i f you take as much care of thi s bu l l as you would of

your own chi ldren,and lead it from house to house


begging its food,your s in wi l l be washed away .

’ Ever

s ince then they have been purg ing themse lves of the i r

I nd . Ant . ! V I I I , 1889 .


mi l ls ; and Ont iyeddu Gan igas , who yoke on ly2:oneanimal to the mi l l . They are co l lect ive ly known as

Jet ipans or JOt inagaram s (peop le of the c ity of l ight) .I n add it ion to press ing o i l

,they a lso make palm- leaf

umbre l las, cu l t ivate land , and work as labourers . They

emp loy Brahmans to perform the i r ceremon ies . Thei r

guru is the head of the Vyasaraya mutt at Anegundi.Ear ly marr iage i s pract i ced . Widow remarr iage is not

al lowed . They eat fish , mutton , and fow l s , but do not

drink l iquor . Chett i i s thei r t it le . In the Madras

Census Report , 189 1 , i t i s stated that the guru of the

Gan igas i s the head of the mutt at S ringer i,and that

they emp loy H avig Brahmans for thei r ceremonies .

Sr inger i i s the name of a Smarta (Saivite) mutt or

re l ig ious inst itut ion at severa l p laces,such as Tanjore

and Kumbakonam ; and there i s a town of thi s name in

Mysore,from which the mutt der ives its name .

Concern ing the Gan igas of the Mysore Province,

Mr . V . N . Naras imm iyengar writes as fo l lows .ale “ The

account local ly obtained connects th i s caste with the

Nagartas , as forming the leading commun i t ies of the

left-hand fact ion,i n Oppos it ion to the L ingayat s and

other castes compos ing the r ight-hand fact ion . Caste

supremacy i s ever assoc iated i n I nd ia with preternatura l

mytho logy . I f the average Brahman traces hi s nob i l i ty

l i tera l ly to the face of Brahma,accord ing to the Ved i c

Purusha S t'

ikta,every other caste let c laims a patent



super ior i ty in a s im i lar m iracu lous orig in . The Gan igas

a l lege that they immigrated from the north at a t ime

beyond l iv ing memory. A Mysore noble, named Ma l la

raj e Ars,estab l i shed and fi rst peop led the pete (market

town) of Banga lore , when the Gan igas fi rst came there,

Mysore Census Report , 1891.


fol lowed by the Nagartas , who are said to have been coemigrants with the Gan igas . Mallaraj made Satt is and

Yajamans (headmen) of the pr inc ipal members of the twocastes , and ex empted them from the house-tax . The

Gan igas are both Vaishnav ites and Saivites . Thei r

guru i s known as D harmas ivacharsvam i i n the Madras

Pres idency,and certa in getras (fami ly names) are said

to be common to the Gan igas and Nagartas , but they

never eat together or i ntermarry . The Gan igas c laim

the pecu l iar p rivi lege of fo l lowing the Vishnu image orcar p rocess ions , throughout the p rovince, with flags

exhibit ing the figures of H anuman and Garuda,and

torches . These ins ignia are a l l eged to have been abo

riginally g iven to an ancestor, named S iriyala Satt i , by

Rama,as a reward for a val uab le gem presented by him


The Gan igas ca l l t hemse lves D harm as ivachar Vaisyas

l i ke the Nagartas, and the feud between them used

often to cu lminate in much b itter unp leasantness . The

order inc ludes a sma l l d ivi s ion of the l inga-wearing

oilmongers , known as Sajjana (good men) , whose pOpulat ion i s a smal l fract ion of the commun ity. The

Sajjanas , however , hold no soc ia l i ntercourse of any kind

with the other sub-divi s ions . ”

The Gan igas of Sandt’

I r, i n the l i tt le Maratha State

of that name,returned Yenne (oi l) and Ka l lu (stone) as

sub—divi s ions . The average cephal i c index of these

Gan igas was very high , being 80 5 as against 7 7 6 for

the Gan igas of Mysore c ity.

“ The o il-mi l l of the Gan igas i s , Mr . W. Franci s“ a sort of large wooden mortar

,usual ly formed

out of the heart of a tamarind t ree , and fi rm ly imbedded

in the ground . A wooden cy l inder, shod with i ron , fi t s

Gazetteer of the Bel lary d istr ict.


rough ly into the cavity . A cross beam i s lashed to thi s

in such a way that one end i s c lose to the ground,and

to thi s a pai r of bul locks or buffa loes are fastened . By

an arrangement of pu llies , the pressure of the cy l inder

can be increased at p leasure . As the bu l locks go round

the t rough,t he seeds are crushed by the act ion of the

cy l inder,so that the expressed o il fa l ls to the bottom


whi le the res iduum,as o il- cake, adheres to the s ide of the

mortar. ”

The fol lowing note refers to the Onteddu (s inglebu l lock) Gan igas , who c la im super ior ity over those whoemp loy two bu l locks in work ing thei r o il-mi l l s . The

former be long to the right -hand,and the latter to the

l eft -hand fact ion . Among them are var ious sub-div i

s ions,of which the Deva and Onteddu may intermarry


whi le the Kasi,Te l i (ginge l ly : S esamum ) , and Chan

danapu are endogamous . Like other Te lugu castes

they have gOtras , some of which are interest ing , as there

are certain prohib it ions connected with them . For

examp le,members of the Badranollu and Balanollu

gOtras may not cut the t ree E ry tarozy tou monogynum .

I n l i ke manner,members of the Vi ranollu and Vith tha

nollu getras are forb idden to cut F euou ia etepfiautum ,

and those of the Vedanollu getra to cut Ny ctaut/zes

aroor -tuistis . Members of certain other gOtras do not

cult ivate turmeri c , sugarcane , or the m i l let (P an icum

m itiare) .

The O nteddu Gan igas are Saiv ites , and d i sc ip les of

Lingayat Brahmans (Aradhyas) . Some,however


the sacred thread , and others bear on the forehead the

red st reak of the Vaishnav ites . I n some p laces,thei r

spec ia l deity i s Chaudeswara,who i s the god of some of

the weaving c lasses . I n the Kistna d i st r ict they c laim

Mallikarjunasvam i as thei r deity.


The i r pr imary occupat ion i s o il-press ing,but some

are t raders i n cotton,oi l -seeds , or cu lt ivators . I n

some local it ie s,the animal which works the o i l -mi l l i s

not b l indfolded,whi le it i s i n Others


,i t i s sa id


i t wou ld otherwise fal l down after a few revolut ions .

Crushing g inge l ly o il i s,accord ing to the Shast ras


S infu l act,but condoned inasmuch as Devatas use th i s

o il for lamps,and men in temp les . For the removal of

the o il-cake,or turn ing the seeds in the mi l l

,the left

hand on ly i s used . Burning the tongue with a p iece ofgo ld , as a means of purificat ion after some offence has

been committed,i s a common pract ice .

The marr iage r i tes conform , for the most part , to the

Telugu type . But,whi le the wri st thread i s being t ied

on ,common sal t i s he ld in the hand . A dagger (baku)

i s then g iven to the bridegroom , who keep s i t with him

t i l l the conc l us ion of the ceremon ies . O n the wedding

day,the bridegroom wears the sacred thread . The tal i

i s not an ord inary bottu,but a thread composed of 10 1

thin st r ings,which i s removed on the last day


rep laced by a bottu . O n the th i rd day , the br ide and

bridegroom worship a jammi t ree (P rosop is sfi iczgera) ,and the latter

,removing hi s sacred thread , throws i t on

the t ree . Five young men,cal l ed Bala Dasu lu

,al so

worship the t ree,and

,i f they are wearing the sacred

thread,throw it thereon . The dead are as a ru le bur ied


i n a s itt ing posture i f the deceased was an orthodox

Saivite . I f a young man d ies a bache lor,the corpse i s

marr ied to an arka p lant (Caiotr'

op is g igan tea) , and

decorated wi th a wreath made of the flowers thereof.

The final death ceremon ies are performed on the e leventh

day . Food i s offered to c rows and the sou l of the dead

person,who i s rep resented by a wooden post dressed

w i th hi s c lothes . The bang les of a widow are broken


near the post , which i s final ly thrown into a tank or

st ream .

Gan iga further occurs as an occupat iona l name forLingayat o i l—vendors , and for Mogers who are emp loyed

as o il-pressers .

Ganta .—Ganta or Gant la

, mean ing a bel l , has been

recorded as an exogamous sept of Kamma and Ba l ija.

Gantelavaru ,or men of the bel l , i s g iven by Mr . S . M .

Natesa Sastr i if as the fami ly name of one sect ion of the

Donga (th ieving) Dasaris , and of the Kabberas,who

are said to j o in t he ranks of thi s cr imi na l c lass . Gantu

gaz u la occurs , in the Mysore Census Report , 190 1 , as a

sub-div is ion of Koracha . I n the Vizagapatam Manua l,

the T iragat i Gan t lavallu are zdescribed as repair i ng

hand-mi l l s,catching ante lopes , and se l l i ng the i r sk ins .

Ganti (a hole p ierced in the ear- lobe) . -An

exogamous sept of Gadala .

Garadi .—Garad i or Garadiga i s the name of a c lass

of mendicants in the Te lugu country and Mysore who

are snake-charmers , pract ice s le ight of hand , and per

form var ious j ugg l ing and mountebank t r icks .

Garappa (dry land) .— A synonym of Cha l la Yanadi .Gatt i .—A sma l l caste of cu lt ivators , found chiefly

near Kumbla and Som eswara in the Kasaragod taluk of

South Canara . Other names for the caste are Po ladavaand Holadava, both s ign i fy ing men of the fie ld . Like

the Bants,they fo l low the al iya santana law of inheri

tance (in the fema le l ine) , have exogamous septs or

ba l i s,and

,on the day of t he fina l death ceremon ies


construct car- l i ke str uctures , i f t he deceased was an

important personage in the community. The Bants

and Gatt i s interd ine,but do not intermarry. The

Calcutta Review , 1905 .


The names of some of these are as fo l lows : Bangara

(gold) , Nandara, Malara (a bund le of g lass bangles,as

carr ied about for sal e) , Sal u , Hemmana (pride or conceit) ,Kabru

,Gol i (P or tu laca oteracea , a pot -herb) , Basruve

garu (basru ,bel ly) , Balasanna

,and Karmannaya.

Marriage i s usua l ly adu l t,and sexua l l i cen se before

marr iage with a member of the caste i s to lerated,t hough

nomina l ly condemned . The dhare form of marr iage (seeBant) i s u sed , but the brida l pai r ho ld in the i r j o ined

hands five bete l leaves,one areca nut and four annas


and,after the water has been poured

,the br idegroom

t ies a tal i to the neck of the br ide . Divorce i s perm itted

free ly,and divorced wives and widows can marry again .

A widow with chi ldren , however , shou ld marry on ly her

late husband’s e lder brother . I f she marr ies any one

e l se,t he members of her former husband’s fami ly wi l l not

even drink water that has been touched by her . They

burn the i r dead . On the thi rd day,the ashes are made

into the form of a man , which i s cut i n two,buried


a mound made over it . I n the house two p lanks are

p laced on the ground,and covered with a c loth . On one

of these , a vesse l contain ing mi lk i s p laced , and on t he

other a lamp,r ice



, etc.,are depos ited .

The agnates and some boys go round the p lank three

t imes,and afterwards go to the mound

,taking with them

the var ious art i c les in a c loth . Three p lantai n leaves

are spread in front of the mound , and cooked food , et c . ,p laced thereon . Four post s are set up round the mound ,and c loths st retched over them

,and p laced round the

s ides . O n the s ixteenth day,S i xteen p lantain leaves are

p laced in a row,and one leaf i s laid apart . Cakes , cooked

fowl’s flesh,toddy and arrack (l iquor) are p laced on the

l eaves in sma l l l eaf- cups . The assemb led agnates then

say We have done everything as we shou ld do , and SO

2 7 1 GAUDA

our ancestors who have d ied must take the man who i s

now dead to the i r regions . I put the leaf whi ch i s apart

i n the same row with the s ixteen leaves .

Once a year,i n the month of M ituna (J une-J u ly) , the

Gandas perform a ceremony for the prop it iat ion of al l

deceased ancestors . They have a spec ia l preference for

Venkataramaswam i, t o whom they make money offer ings

once a year in September . They employ Brahmins to

give them sacred water when they are under po l l ut ion,

but they do not seek thei r servi ces for ord inary cere

mon ies . They are , for the most part , farmers , but some

few are labourers . The latter rece ive three or four seers

of paddy a day as wages . Thei r house language i s Tu lu

in some p laces , and Canarese in others , but al l fo l low the

ord inary system of i nher i tance , and not the custom of

descent through females . Thei r t it le i s Gauda .

As bear ing on the superst it i ous be l i efs of t he peop le

of South Canara , the fo l lowing case, which was t r ied

before the Sess ions J udge in 1908, may be c ited .A

young Gauda gi r l became pregnant by her brother- inlaw . After three days’ labour , the chi ld was born . The

accused,who was the mother of the g i r l , was the m idwi fe .

Finding the de l ivery very d i fficult , she sent for a person

named Korapulu to come and he lp her . The ch i ld was ,as they thought

,st i l l-born . On it s head was a red

protuberance l ike a bal l round each of i t s forearms were

two or three red bands ; the eyes and ears were fixed

very high in the head ; and the eyes , nose , and mouth

were abnormal ly large . Korapulu and the gi r l’s younger

S i ster at once carr ied the mother out of the out -house

lest the devi l chi ld should do her harm or k i l l her . The

accused ca l led for a man named I suf Saiba, who was

stand ing in the yard outs ide . He came in , and She

asked him to cal l some of the neighbours, to dec ide

GAUD I 2 72

what to do . The chi ld , she sa id , was a devi l chi ld , and

must be cut and ki l l ed,l est i t shou ld devou r it s mother .

Whi le t hey were look ing at the chi ld,i t began to move

and rol l i t s eyes about , and tu rn on the ground . I t i s a

bel ief of the vi l lagers that such a devi l ch i ld,when born

and brough t in contact w ith the ai r , rap id ly grows , and

causes great t roubl e , usual ly ki l l i ng the mother , and

somet imes k i l l ing al l the inmates of the house . The

accused told I suf Saiba to cover the chi ld with a vessel,

which he d id . Then there was a sound from ins ide the

vessel,e ither of the chi ld moving or making some sound

with it s mouth . The accused then put he r hand under

the vesse l,dragged the chi ld hal f way out , and then , whi le

I suf Saiba p ressed the edge of the earthenware vesse l

on the abdomen of the chi ld , the accused took a kn i fe ,and cut the body in hal f. When the body was cut i n two


t here was no blood,but a mossy green l i qu id

,or a b lack

l iqu id,oozed out . The accused got two areca leaves


put one p iece of the chi ld on one, and one on the other,and to ld I suf Saiba to get a spade , and come and bury

them . So they went out i nto the j ungl e c lose to the

house,and I suf Saiba dug two ho les about ha l f a yard

deep,one on one hi l lock , and one on another . I n these

two ho les the two p ieces of the chi ld were separate ly

bur ied . The obj ect of th i s was to p revent the two p ieces

j o in ing together again,i n which case the un ited devi l chi ld

wou ld have come out of the grave,and gone to k i l l i t s

mother . The b i rth and death of th i s devi l ch i ld were

not kept secret,but were known throughout the vi l lage .

Gauda or Gaudu further occurs as a t it l e of Idiga,Kuruba

,and Vakka l iga

,an exogamous sept and getra of

Kuruba and Kurn i,and a sub -divi s ion of Go l la .

Gaudi .—It i s recorded,i n the Mysore Census

Report , 190 1 , that a Ma leru (temp le servant) woman ,


the legendary hi story of the orig in of the caste . The

Apoto and Bhatta Gaudos are somet imes emp loyed as

pa lanqu in-bearers . The Mogotho Gaudos , who l ive on

t he hi l l s,are regarded as an infer ior sect ion


they do not abstain from eat ing fowl s . The Sollokhondia

sect ion i s regarded as super ior,and consequent ly a l l

Oriya castes,Brahman and non-Brahman

,wi l l accept

water at the hands of members thereof. An orthodox

Or iya non- Brahman , and a l l Oriya Brahmans , wi l l not

rece ive water from Te l ug u or Tami l Brahmans,whom

they cal l Komma Brahmans,Komma being a corrupt

form of karma , i .e.,Brahmans who are str ict i n the

observance of the var ious karmas (ceremonia l r it es) .

The Sollokhondia Gaudos are agricu ltur i st s , rear

catt le and sheep,and somet imes earn a l iv ing by dr iv ing

carts . They have gotras , among which the most

common are Moi ro (peacock) , Nagas iro (cobra) , and

Koch imo (torto i se) . Thei r caste counc i l i s p res ided

over by a hereditary headman cal led Mahankudo ,who

i s ass i sted by a Bhollobaya,D es iya ,

and Khorsodha or

Dhondia . The Khorsodha i s the caste servant,and the

D es iya eat s with a de l i nquent who i s rece ived back into

the fold after he has been t r ied by the counc i l . The

Sol lokhond ias are for the most part Paramarthos , i .e.,

fol lowers of the Chaitanya form of Vai shnavi sm . They

show a part ial i ty for the worship of Jagannathaswam i, and

var ious Takuran is (vi l lage de it i es) are a l so reverenced .

Bairagis are the caste p ri est s .

The marriage prohib it ions among the S ollokhond ias

are t hose which hold good among many Or iya castes,

but marr iage with the maternal unc le’s daughter (menarikam ) i s somet imes pract iced . On the evening preced

ing the marriage day (bibha) , after a feast , the br ideand br idegroom

s part i es go to a temp le,tak ing w i t h

2 75 GAHDO

them a l l the art i c les which are to be used in connec

t ion with the marriage ceremon ia l . On thei r way back,

seven married g i r ls , carrying seven vessel s , go to

seven houses , and beg water , which i s u sed by the

br ida l coup le for the i r baths on the fo l lowing day.

E ither on the day before the wedding day,or on the

h i bba day , the bridegroom i s shaved , and the br ide’s

nai l s are pared . Somet imes a l itt le of the hai r of her

forehead i s a lso cut off. The marr iage r i tes do not

mater ia l ly d iffer from those of the Bhondaris (go ) .The dead , except ing young chi ldren , are burnt . The

e ldest son carr ies a pot of fi re to the burn ing ground.

On the day fo l lowing cremat ion , the mourners rev i s i t

the spot,and

,after the fi re has been ext ingui shed


an image of a man with the ashes on the spot where the

corpse was burnt . To thi s image food i s offered .

Seven smal l flags , made of c loths dyed with t urmer i c ,are stuck into the shou lders , abdomen , l egs , and head

of the image . A fragment of ca lc ined bone i s carr ied

away,put into a l ump of cow-dung , and kept near the

house of the deceased , or near a tank (pond) . On the

n inth day after death,towards even ing , a bamboo, sp l i t

or sp l i ced into four at one end , is set up in the ground

outs ide the house beneath the proj ect ing roof,and on i t

a pot fi l led with water i s p laced . On the spot where

the deceased breathed hi s last,a lamp i s kept . A ho le

i s made in the bottom of the pot , and , after food has

been offered to the dead man , the pot i s thrown into a

tank . On the tenth day,a ceremony i s performed on a

tank bund (embankment) . The p iece of bone , whi ch

has been preserved,i s removed from it s cow-dung case


and food,fru it s

,et c . ,

are offered to it , and thrown into

the tank . The bone i s taken home, and bur ied near the

house,food be ing offered to it unt i l the twe lfth day. On

11—18 B


t he e leventh day,al l the agnates bathe

,and are touched

wi th gh i (c lar ified butter) as a s ign of pur ifi cat ion .

S radh (memor ial servi ce) i s performed once a year onSankaran th i (Pongal ) day . Food

,i n the form of bal l s


i s p laced on leaves i n the backyard , and offered to the

ancestors . Some food i s al so thrown up into the ai r .

Al l sect ions of the Gaudos have adopted infant

marr iage . I f a gi r l fa i l s to secure a husband before she

attain s puberty,she has to go through a form of marr i

age ca l led dharma bibha,i n which the bridegroom i s


among the Sollokhond ias , represented by an o ld man ,preferably the g i r l’s grandfather

,and among the other

sect ions by a sahada or Shad i t ree (S treotus asper ) or an

arrow (khando) .Like various other Or iya castes, the Gaudos worship

the goddess Lakshmi on Thursdays i n the month of

November,which are cal led Lakshmi varam

,or Laksh


s day. The goddess i s rep resented by a basket

fi l led with grain,whereon some p lace a hai r bal l


has been vomited by a cow . The bal l i s cal led gaya

pangbu la, and i s usual ly one or two inches in d iameter .

The owner of a cow which has vomited such a ba l l

regards i t as a p rop it ious augury for the prosperi ty

of hi s fami ly. A feast i s he ld on the day on which the

bal l i s vomited,and

,after the ba l l has been worshipped ,

i t i s careful ly wrapped up,and kept in a box

,i n which

i t remains t i l l i t i s requ i red for further worship . Some

peop le be l i eve that the bal l cont inues to grow year by

year, and regard thi s as a very good s ign . Bu l l s are

said not to vomit the ba l l s,and on ly very few cows

do so .

Gau liar.—A synonym for Lingayat Go l las, or Kan

nadiyan s .

Gaundala.—A synonym of Gamalla.


Anakapalli taluk . Thence they marched as far as

Kondakirla, near which they founded the vi l lage of

Wadapalli or WOdapalli, mean ing t he vi l lage of the

peop le who came in boats . They then bu i l t another

vi l lage ca l led Gavarla Anakapall i . They rece ived an

invitat ion from king Payaka Rao,the founder of Anaka

pal l i,and

,moving northwards

,estab l i shed themse lves

at what i s now known as Gavarapeta i n the town of

Anakapall i. They began the foundat ion of the vi l lage

ausp ic ious ly by consecrat ing and p lant ing the sandra

karra (A cacia suua’ra) , which i s not affected by

‘ white

ant s,’

i nstead of the pala karra (M imusojos aex aua

’ra) ,

which i s genera l ly used for thi s purpose . Consequent ly,

Anakapall i has a lways flour i shed .

The Gavaras speak Te lugu,and

,l i ke other Telugu

castes , have variou s exogamous sept s or int iperulu .

Gi r l s are marr ied either before or after puberty . The

custom of menarikam,by which a man marr ies h is

materna l unc le’s daughter,i s i n force

,and i t i s sa id that

he may al so marry hi s s i ster’s daughter . The re

marr iage of widows i s perm itted,and a woman who has

had seven husbands i s known as Beth thamma, and i smuch respected .

Some Gavaras are Vaishnav ites , and others Saivites,but d ifference in re l ig i on i s no bar to i ntermarr iage .

Both sect ions worship the vi l lage de it ies,to whom

an ima l sacrifices are offered . The Vaishnav ites Show

spec ia l reverence to Jagganathaswam i of Orissa , whose

shr ine i s v i s ited by some,whi le others take vows in the

name of t hi s god . On the day on which the car fest iva l

i s ce lebrated at Par i,l oca l car fest iva l s are held in

Gavara vi l lages,and women carry out the performance

of thei r vows . A woman,for examp le

,who i s under a

vow , i n order that she may be cured of i l lness or bear


chi ldren , takes a big pot of water , and , p lac ing i t on

her head , dances frant i ca l ly before’ the god, through

whose influence the water , which r i ses out of the pot,

fa l l s back into i t,i nstead of being sp i lt .

The Vaishnav ites are burnt , and the Saivites bur ied

in a s itt ing posture . The usual chinna (l i tt le) andpedda rozu (big day) death ceremon ies are performed .

Men wear a go ld bangle on the left wri st,and

another on t he right arm . Women wear a s i lver bangle

on the r ight wr i st,and a brace let of rea l or imitat ion

coral , which i s fi rst worn at the t ime of marriage, on

the left wri st . They throw the end of thei r body-c loth

over the left shou lder . They do not , l ike women of

other non-Brahman castes i n the Vizagapatam di str ict,

smoke cigars .

The orig ina l occupat ion of the caste i s said to have

been trad ing,and thi s may account for the number of

exogamous septs which are named after Sett is (traders) .At the present day

,the Gavaras are agri cu ltur i st s


they have the reputat ion of be ing very hard-work ing,

and among the best agr icu ltur i sts i n the Vizagapatam

distr ict . The women trave l long d i stances i n order to

se l l vegetab les,mi lk


,and other produce .

The caste t i t les are Anna,Ayya, and occas ional ly

Nayudu .

Gaya (cow) . —An exogamous sept of Kondra .

Gay inta.—Recorded

,i n the Madras Census Report


190 1 , as a smal l caste of hi l l cult ivators , speak ing Oriya

and Telugu . The name i s said to be der ived from gayint i ,an i ron digging imp lement . Gay in ta i s reported to be

the same as Gain t ia,a name of Enet is or Entamaras .

Gaz u la.—Gaz u la or Gaz u l (glass bangle) has been

recorded as a sub-div i s ion of Bal ij a,Kapu

,and Toreya.

The Gaz u la Ba l ij as make glass bangles . The Toreyas


have a trad it ion that they orig inated from the bang les

of Machyagandh i , the daughter of a fi sherman on

the J umna,who was marr ied to k ing Shantanu of

Hast inapfi r.

C éda la (buffa loes) .— A sept of Bonthuk Savara .

Geddam (beard ) .— An exogamous sept of Beya and

Padma Sale.

Gejjala (be l l s t ied to the legs whi le danc ing) . -An

exogamous sept of Ba l ij a and Korava .

Gejjegara.—A sub -caste of the Canarese Panchalas .

They are descr ibed , i n the Mysore Censu s Report , 189 1 ,as makers of sma l l round be l l s (gungru) , which are used

for decorat ing the head or neck of bu l locks,and t ied by

dancing-gir l s round thei r ank les when danc ing .

Genneru (sweet -scented o leander) .— An exogamoussept of BOya.

Gent00.—Gentoo or Jentu , as returned at t imes of

census,i s stated to be a genera l term app l i ed to Ba l ijas

and Te lugu Speak ing Sadras genera l ly. The word i s

sa id by Yu le and B urnel l to be “ a corrupt ion of the

Portuguese Gent io,a gent i le or heathen

,which they

app l i ed to the H indus i n contrad i st inct ion to the Moros

or Moors,i .e.

,Mahomedans . The reason why the term

became Spec ifical ly app l ied to the Te lugu peop le i s

probab ly because,when the Portuguese arr ived


Te lugu monarchy of Vijayanagar was dominant over a

great part of the pen insu la .

” I n a letter wr it ten from

pr i son to S i r Phi l ip Franc i s , Raj ah Nuncomar referred

to the fact that “ among the Eng l i sh gentry,Armenians ,

Moores and Gentoos,few there i s who i s not against

me .

” Gentoo st i l l su rvives as a caste name in the

Madras Quarter ly C ivi l Li st



they accord ing ly brought up the meat and dr ink,whereon

God cursed them , saying Begone , you have eaten for

bidden food . They craved for forg iveness,but were

to ld in future to earn the i r l iv ing as bamboo-workers .

The custom of menarikam , accord ing to which a man

Should marry hi s materna l unc le’s daughter,i s so rig id ly

enforced that,i f the unc le refuses to give h i s daughter

in marriage,t he man has a r ight to carry h er off


then pay a fine,the amount of which i s fixed by the

caste counc i l . A port ion thereof i s g iven to the g i r l ’s

parent s,and the remainder spent on a caste feast . I f

the materna l unc le has no daughter , a man may ,according to the eduru (or reversed) menarikam cu stom ,

marry hi s paterna l aunt’s daughter . S ix months before

the marr iage ceremony takes p lace,t he pasupu

(t urmer ic) ceremony i s performed . The bridegroom’s

fami ly pay s ix rupees to the br ide’s fami ly

,to provide

the g i r l with turmer ic,wherewith s he adorns herse l f.

On the day fixed for the wedd ing , the parent s of the

brideg room go with a few of the e lders to the br ide’s

house , and coup le the request to take away the gi r l with

payment of n ine rupees and a new c loth . Of the money

thus g iven , e ight rupees go to the br ide’s parents


the remainder to the caste . The bride i s conducted

to the home of the br idegroom,who meet s her at the

panda l (booth) erected in front of hi s house . They are

bathed w ith turmeric wate r,and sacred threads are put

on thei r shou lders by the Ku la Maistri who Offi ciates

as p r iest . The coup le then p lay with seven cowry

(Cypre a araoica) Shel l s , and , i f the shel l s fa l l w ith thes l i t downwards

,the br ide i s said to have won ; other

wi se the br idegroom i s the winner . This i s fol lowed by

the madu aku la hOmam,or sacr ifice of three leaves . A

new pot , contain ing a l ighted wick , i s p laced before the

283 GODA-Poosn

couple. O n i t are thrown leaves of the rayi aku (F icus

rei ig iosa) , marr i aku (F icus B eugaieusis) , and juvv i aku

(F icus Ts ieta) . The Kula Maistri of the bridegroom’


party spreads out hi s r ight hand over the mouth of the

pot.On it the br ide places her hand . The bride

groom then p laces hi s hand on hers , and the Kula

Maistri of the br ide’s v i l lage put s hi s hand on that of

the br idegroom . The e lders then cal l out i n a loud

vo ice “ Know,caste peop le of Vaddadi Madugula ;

know,caste peopl e of Kimed i ; know , caste people of

Gunupuram and Godairi know, caste peop le of al l the

twelve countr i es,that th i s man and woman have become

husband and wife,and that the elders have rat ified

the ceremony . The cont ract ing coup le then throw

r ice over each other . O n the morning of t he fo l lowing

day,the saragatha ceremony i s performed . The br ide

groom ’s party repai r to the bank of the loca l stream,

where they are met by the caste people,who are

presented with betel , a cheroot , and a pot of jaggery

(crude sugar) water as coo l dr ink . The sacred threads

worn by the br ide and br idegroom are removed at the

conc lus ion of the marr iage ceremonies . The remarr iage

of widows i s permi tted , and a younger brother may

marry the widow of an e lder brother,or vice oer sci .

Divorce i s al so al l owed,and a divorcee may remarry .

Her new husband has to pay a sum of money,a port ion

of which goes to the fi rst husband , whi le the remainder

i s devoted to a caste feast . The dead are burnt,and the

chinna rozu (l i tt le day) death ceremony i s observed .

Geda-jati (wal l pe0p1e) .— A sub -divi s ion ofKammas .

The name has reference to a dead ly st rugg le at Gandi

keta,i n wh i ch some escaped by hid ing behind a wa l l .

Geda-poose (wal l po l i sh ing) . —An exogamous septof Tsakala .


Gedari .—Recorded , i n the Madras Census Report ,190 1 , as Telugu leather-workers i n Ganjam and Viz aga

patam . They are stated , i n the Vizagapatam Manual ,to make and se l l s l ippers i n t hat d i st r i ct . Godar i i s


gather,a synonym of Madiga

,and not a separate caste .

Goddali (Spade or axe) . —An exogamous Sept of

Odde and Panta Reddi .

Godomalia (belong ing to , or a group of fort s) . —Asub-d iv i s ion of Bhondari

,the members of which act as

barbers to Rajahs who res ide i n fort s .

G01aka.—Recorded in the Madras Censu s Report


190 1 , as a name mean ing bastard , and c lubbed with the

Moilis , or temp le servant s in South Canara descended

from danci ng -gi r l s . I n the Mysore Census Report,

190 1 , i t i s defined as a term app l i ed to t he chi ldren of

Brahmans by Malerus,or temp l e servants .

Goli (P or tu laca oieracea : a pot -herb) . —An ex oga

mous sept of Gauda .

Golkonda.—A sub -divi s ion of Tsaka la .

Gol la—“ The Go l las,

” Mr . H . A . Stuart writes,


are the great pastora l caste of the Te lugu peop le .

The trad i t ions of the caste g ive a descent from the god

Kri shna,whose Sport ings with the mi lk maids p lay a

prominent part i n H indu mytho logy . The hered itary

occupat ion of the Go l las i s tend ing sheep and catt le ,and se l l ing mi lk

,but many of them have now acqu i red

lands and are engaged i n farming,and some are i n

Government service . They are qu iet,i noffens ive


comparat ive ly honest . I n t he t ime of the Nabobs , thi s

last character i st i c secured to them the pr iv i lege of

guard ing and carry ing treasure,and one sub-div is ion ,

Bokhasa Go l las,owes it s or ig i n to th i s serv ice . Even

Manual of the North Arcot d istr ict.


gave thei r name to Golgonda, and bu i lt the fort s , of

which t races st i l l survive i n those part s ”

. Each Te lugu

New Year’s day , i t i s stated , Gol las come across from

Godavari,and go round the Gol la v i l lages

,rec i t ing the

names of the p rogenitors of the fal len l ine,and exhib it i ng

pa int ing s i l l ust rat ive of t he i r overthrow .

“ At Vajragada (diamond fort) are t he ru ins of a verylarge fort ress

,and local t rad it ion g ives the names of

seven fort s,by which it was once defended . These are

said to have been const ructed by the Gol la k ings . A

ta le i s to ld of the i r hav ing kidnapped a daughter of the

ru ler of Madgole , and he ld out here against hi s attacks

for months,unt i l they were bet rayed by a woman of the i r

own caste,who showed the enemy how to cut off thei r

water-supp ly . They then s lew thei r womenkind,says

t he story,dashed out against the bes iegers

,and fel l to a

man , fight ing to the last .”

Concern ing the Go l las of Mysore,I gather

“E t hat

there are two main d ivi s ions in th i s caste,v iz .


(vi l lage) and Kadu (forest ) . The two neither intermarry,nor eat together . A sect ion of t he Gol las , by guard ing

t reasure whi le on transit,have earned the name of

Dhanapala. I n fact,

one o f t he men ial offi ces i n

Government t reasur ies at the p resent day i s that o f

Go l la . The caste worsh ips Kr i shna,who was born in

t hi s caste . The Kadu Gol las are said to have or ig ina l ly

immigrated from Northern I nd ia and are st i l l a nomadic

tr ibe,l iv ing in thatched huts outs ide the vi l lages . Some

of the i r soc ia l c ustoms are ak in to those of the Kadu

Kurubas . I t i s said that,on the occurrence of a chi ld

b i rth,the mother with the babe remains unattended in a

sma l l shed outs ide the vi l lage from seven to th i rty days ,

Mysore Census Report , 1901.



out of the vi l lage for three months . The woman’s

husband general ly makes a l i tt l e hut about fi fty yards from

her,and watches over her but he may not go near her on

pain of being outcasted for three months . Food i s

p laced on the ground near the woman’s hut,and she

takes it . O n the fourth day after part urit i on,a woman

of the vi l lage goes to her , and pours water on her,but

she must not come i n contact with her . On the fi fth

day,the vi l lage peop l e c l ear of stones and thorny bushes

a l i tt le b i t of ground about ten yards on the vi l lage s ide

of the hut,and to thi s p lace the woman removes her hut .

No one can do i t for her,or he lp her . On the ninth


fi fteenth,and thi rt i eth days

,sh e removes the hut in the

same way nearer to t he vi l lage , and , again , once in each

of the two fo l lowing months . On the n inet ieth day,the

headman of the vi l lage cal l s the woman to come out

of the hut . The dhob i (washerman) then washes herc lothes . She put s on c lean c lothes

,and 3the headman

takes her to the temp le of the ir t ute lary deity Junjappa,where the caste pajar i breaks cocoanut s

,and then aecom

pan ies her to her house , where a purificatory ceremony

i s performed . J unjappa, i t i s said , takes good care of

t he mother and chi ld,

so that death i s sa id to be

unknown .

I t i s stated i f that,i n the Ch italdrfig d ist r i ct o f


“ the wi fe of the e ldest son in every fami ly i s

not permitted to c lean hersel f with water after obeying

the ca l l s of nature . I t i s an art ic l e of the i r bel ief that

thei r flocks wi l l otherwi se not p rosper . ”

Writ ing i n the ear ly part of the last cent ury about the

Go l las,Buchanan informs us that “ th i s caste has a part i

on lar duty, t he transport ing of money , both be longing

Mysore Census Report, 189 1 .


to the publ i c and to ind ividua ls . I t i s said that they

may be safe ly int rusted with any sum ; fo r, each man

carrying a certain val ue, t hey t rave l i n bod ies numerous

i n p roport ion to the sum put under t he i r charge ; and

they cons ider themselves bound in honour to d ie i n

defence of thei r t rust . Of course,they defend them

selves vigorously,and are al l armed ; so t hat robbers

never venture to attack them . They have hered itary

chiefs cal led Gotugaru ,who with the usual counc i l sett l e

al l d i sputes,and pun i sh al l t ransgress ions against the

rul es of caste . The most flagrant i s the embezz lement

of money ent rusted to the i r care . O n t his cr ime being

p roved against any of the caste,the Gotugaru app l i es to

Ami ldar,or c ivi l magist rate

,and hav ing obtained his

leave,immed iately causes the del inquent to be shot .

Smal ler offences are atoned for by the gu i lty person

giving an entertainment .

The Go l la caste has many sub -d ivis ions , of which

the fo l lowing are examp les

E rra or Yerra (red) . Said to be the descendants

of a Brahman by a Go l la woman .

Ala or Mekala , who tend sheep and goats .

Paj a or Pun i .

Gangeddu ,who exhibi t performing bu l ls .


,i n Vizagapatam , v is i t the western

part of the d ist r i ct dur ing the summer months , and

sett le outs ide the vi l lages . They tend thei r herds , and

sel l mi lk and curds to the v i l lagers .

Karna .

Pakanat i .

Racha (royal) .Peddet i . Most ly beggars

,and considered low in

the soc ial scal e,t hough when quest ioned concerning

themselves they say they are Yerra Go l las .I I- I g


At the census, 190 1 , the fo l lowing were returned as

sub-castes of the Gol las

Dayyalakulam (wrest lers) , Per ike Muggalu or

Mush t i Gol la (beggars and exorc ists) , PodapOtula (whobeg from Gol las) , Gavad i, and Vadugayan ,

a Tami l

synonym for Go l las in T innevel ly . Another Tamil

synonym for Go l la i s Bokhisha Vadugar (t reasury

northerners) . Gol la has been g iven as a sub -d iv is ion of

Dasaris and Chakkil iyans , and Gol la Woddar (O dde) asa synonym of a thief c lass i n the Te lugu count ry. I n a

v i l lage near Dummagudem in the Godavari d ist r i ct,t he

Rev . J . Cain wr ites , f are“ a few fami l i es of Basava

Gollalu . I find they are rea l ly Ko is,whose grandfathers

had a quarre l with,and separated from , the i r neighbours .

Some of t he present members of t he fam i l i es are anxious

to be re-admitted to the soc iety and p r ivi leges of the

ne ighbour ing Kois . The word Basava i s common ly

said to be der ived from bhasha , a language , and the

Go l las of th is c lass are sa id to have been so ca l led in

consequence of the i r speak ing a d i fferent language from

the rest of the Gol las .”

Like many other Te lugu castes , the Go l las have

exogamous sept s or int iperu , and getras . AS examp les

of the former , the fo l lowing may be quotedAgn i , fi re. KOkala, woman’

s cloth .

Avula, cows. Katari , dagger.Ch in thala, tamar ind. Mag i

,dumb .

Chevvula, ears. Nakkala, jackal .Gundala

,stones. Saddikfi du, cold r ice or food .

C u rram , horse. Sévala, serv ice.

Gorrela, sheep . Ul l ipeyala, on ion s.Gerantla, henna (Law Vankayala, b rinjal

souia atoa). melongena).

I nd . Ant . VI I I , 1879 .


Accord ing to another legend , t here were five

brothers,named Pol i Raj u , E rranoku Raj u , Katama

Raj u,Peddi Raj u , and E rrayya Raj u , who l ived at

Yel lamanchi l i,which

,as wel l as Sarvas iddh i

,they bu i l t .

The Rajas of Nel lore advanced against them , and ki l led

them,with al l t hei r sheep

,i n batt le . On th i s

,J anaga

mayya,the son of Pedd i Raj u

,who escaped the

general s laughter,made up hi s mind to go to Kas i

(Benares) , and offer oblat ions to h i s dead father andunc les . Thi s he d id

,andt the gods were so p leased with

him that they transported him in the ai r to h i s nat ive

p lace . H e was fol lowed by three persons , viz . , (1)Ku lagentadu ,

whose descendant s now rec i te the names

of the progen itors of t he caste ; (2 ) PodapOttu (or

j ugg ler) , whose descendant s carry meta l be l l s , s ing ,and

produce snakes by mag ic ; (3) Thevasiyadu ,whose

descendants paint the events which led to the destruct ion

of the Go l la roya l ty on large c loths,and exh ib it them to

the Gol las once a year . At the t ime when Janagamayya

was t rans lated to heaven,t hey asked him how they were

to earn the i r l iv ing,and he advi sed them to perform the

dut ies ind icated,and beg from the caste . Even at the

present day,the i r descendant s go round the country

once a year,after the Te lugu New Year’s day


co l lect the i r dues from Go l la v i l lages .

By re l ig ion the Gol las are both Vallam ulu (Vaishna

vites) and S triramanth ulu (Saiv ites) , between whom

marr iage i s perm iss ib le . They belong to the group of

castes who take part i n the worship of Ankamma. A

Spec ial feature of the i r worship i s that they p lace in a

bamboo or rattan box three or four long whip - l i ke ropes

made of cotton or Agave fibre,along with Swords ,

sandal s and idol s . The ropes are cal l ed Vi rathadlu , or


ropes . The content s of the box are set beneath



Three Pambalas , or Madigas sk i l led in thi s work , and

in rec it ing the stori es of var ious gods and goddesses,

commence thei r work on the afternoon of the thi rd day,

and use white powder (r ice flour) , and powders co louredye l low (turmer ic) , red (t urmer ic and chunam), green

(leaves of Cass ia aur icutata) , and b lack (charred r ice

husk) . On an occasion when my ass i stant was p resent,

the des igns were drawn on the floor of the courtyard

of the house,which was roofed over . During the

preparat ion of the des igns,peop l e were exc luded from

the yard,as some i l l - l uck

,espec ia l ly an attack of fever ,

wou ld befal l more part icu lar ly boys and those of

feeb le m ind , i f t hey caught s ight of the m uggu before

the dr i sht i th iyadam ,or ceremony for removing the evi l

eye has been performed . Near the head of the figure

of Ganga,when comp leted

,was p laced an old bamboo

box,regarded as a god

,conta in ing ido l s

,ropes , bete l ,

flowers,and sma l l swords . C lose to the box

,and on the

r ight s ide of the figure,an earthen t ray

,contain ing a

l ighted wick fed with gh i (c lar ified butter) was set . On

the left s ide were depos ited a kalasam (brass vesse l)represent ing S iva

,a row of chembus (vesse l s) ca l led

bOnalu (food vesse l s) , and a smal l empty box t ied up

in a c loth dyed with turmer ic,and cal led Brammayya.

Between these art ic les and the figure,a sword was la id .

Severa l heaps of food were p i led up on the figure , and

masses of r i ce p laced near the head and feet . I n add i

t ion,a con ica l mass of food was heaped up on the r ight s ide

of the figure,and cakes were stuck into i t . A l l round

thi s were p laced smal ler con ica l p i les of food , i nto which

broomst i cks decorated with betel leaves were thrust .

Masses of food,scooped out and converted into lamps,

were arranged in var ious p laces,and bete l leaves and

nuts scattered al l over the figure . Towards the feet


were set a chembu fi l led with water, a lump of food

co loured red,and incense . The preparat ions conc luded ,

three Go l las stood near the feet of the figure , and took

ho ld of the red food,over which water had been sprin

k led , the incense and a fowl . The food and incense were

then waved in front of the figure,and the fow l

,after i t

had been smoked by the incense,and waved over the

figure,had its neck wrung . Thi s was fol lowed by the

break ing of a cocoanut,and offering fru it s and other

th ings . The three men then fel l prost rate on the

ground before the figure,and sa luted the goddess . One

of them , an o ld man , t ied l i tt l e bel l s round his legs , and

stood mute for a t ime . Gradua l ly he began to persp ire ,and those present exc la imed that he was about to be

possessed by the sp i r i t of an ancestor . Taking up a

Sword , he began to cut himse l f w ith it , espec ia l ly in the

back, and then kept str ik ing h imse l f w ith the b lunt edge .

The sword was wrested from him,and p laced on the

figure . The o ld man then went severa l t imes round

the m uggu , Shaking and twi st ing hi s body into various

grotesque att it udes . Whi le th i s was go ing on,the br ide

groom appeared on the scene,and seated himse l f near

the feet of the figure . Throwing off h i s turban and

upper c loth , he fe l l on the floor,and proceeded to k ick

his legs about,and eventua l ly

,becoming calmer


m enced to cry . Being asked hi s name,he rep l ied that

he was Kariyavala Raj u . Further quest ions were putto him , to which he made no response , but cont inued

crying . I ncense and l ight s were then carr ied round the

image , and the old man announced that the marr iage

wou ld be ausp i c ious,and blessed the br ide and br ide

groom and the assembled Go l las . The ceremony con

c luded with the burn ing of camphor . The b ig mass of

food was eate n by Pan i Go l las .


I t i s stated in the Manual of the Nel lore d i st r ict that,

when a Gol la br idegroom set s out for the house of hi s

mother- in - law,he i s se ized on the way by hi s com

pan ions,who wi l l not re lease him unt i l he has paid a

p iece of gold .

The custom of illatom ,or app l i cat ion of a son - in- law


obtai ns among the Gol las , as among the Kapu s and

some other Te lugu classes fi'


I n connect ion with the death ceremon ies,i t may be

noted that the corpse , when it i s be ing washed , i s made

to rest on a mortar , and two pest les are p laced by it s

s ide,and a l ighted lamp near the head .

There i s a p roverb to the effect that a Gol la wi l l not

scrup le to water the m i lk which he sel l s to h is own father .

Another p roverb refers to the corrupt manner in whi ch

he speaks hi s mother-tongue .

The insigne of t he caste at Conj eeveram i s a s i lver

churn ing st i ckstGol lari (monkey) . —An exogamous sept of Gadaba .

G0mma.—Recorded by the Rev . J . Cain as the

name for Keyi s who l ive near the banks of the Goda

var i r iver . Vi l lages on the banks thereof are cal l ed

gommu fi l lu .

Genapala (o ld p lough) .— An exogamous Sept of


Gendaliga.—The GOndal igas are descr ibed , i n the

Mysore Census Report,190 1 , as be ing mendicants

“ of

Mahratta or ig in l ike the Badabud ikes , and may perhaps

be a sub—d ivi s ion of t hem . They are worshippers of

Durgi . Thei r occupat ion,as the name ind icates

,i s to

perform gondala,or a k ind of torch- l ight dance, usua l ly

Sec C . Ramchendrier, Co l lect ion o f decis ions o f H igh Courts and the Pr ivyCounci l appl icable to dancing -g irls , i l latom , etc. ,

Madras , 1892 .

r J . S . F. Mackenz ie , Ind . Ant IV, 1875.



performed in honour of Amba Bhavan i , espec ia l ly after

marr iages in Desastha Brahman’

s houses,or at other

t imes in fu lfi lment of any vow .

Gene (a sack) . —An exogamous sept of Mala . The

Gone Per ikes have been summed up as be ing a Telugu

caste of gunny -bag weavers , correspond ing to the Jamap

pans of the Tami l country . Gunny-bag i s t he popular

and t rad ing name for the coarse sack ing and sacks made

from j ute fibre , which are extens ively used in I ndian


6 Gone i s further an occupat i onal sub-div i s ion of

Komat i .

The GOn igas of Mysore are descr ibed , i n the Census

Report,190 1 , as sack-weavers and makers of gunny

bags,agri cultur ists , and grain porters a t Bangalore ; and

it i s noted that the abnormal fal l of 66 per cent . i n the

number of the caste was due to thei r be ing confounded

with Gan igas .

Gonjakari .—A t i t le of H add i .

Gonj i (Gly cosm is — An exogamous sept

of Mala .

Gepalam (a lms given to beggars) .— An exogamous

sept of Togata .

Gopalan (those who tend catt le) . -A synonym of

Idaiyan .

G0popuriya .—A sub -d ivi s ion of Gaudo .

Gorant la (L awson ia atoa henna) . —An ex oga

mous sept of Gol la and Padma Sale. The leaves of thi s

plant are wide ly used by Nat ives as an art i c l e of to i let

for sta in ing the nai ls,and by M uhammadans for dyeing

the hai r red .

Gorava .—A synonym of Kuruba .

G0ravaru .—A c lass of Canarese mend i can ts .

Yule and Burnel l . Hobson -Jobson .

GORE 298


,at t imes of census , as a synonym

of Lambad i . Gora means t rader or shOp-keeper, and

trad ing Lambad is may have assumed the name .

Gorige (Cyamopsis fisoratioicies) .— An exogamous

sept of Devanga .

Gorre la (sheep ) . —An exogamous sept of Go l la ,Kamma

,and Kap u . Konda gorr i (hi l l sheep) occurs as

an exogamous sept of Jatapu .

Gesangi . -A synonym for Madiga,recorded as

Kesangi , i n t he Madras Census Report , 190 1 . The

Gesangulu are descr ibed in the Vizagapatam Manual

as “ beggars who sty le themselves descendants of

Jambavanta, t he bear into wh ich B rahma t ransformed

himse l f,to ass i st Rama in destroy ing Ravana . The

Gesangis are cons idered to be i l leg i t imate descend

ants of Madigas,and a cur ious thing about them is that

the i r women dress up l ike men,and s ing songs when

begging . As mend i cants they are attached to the

Madigas .

Gfi sayi or GOSWam i .—The Gesayis are immigrantre l ig ious mendicant s from Northern and Western I nd ia .

I gather from the Mysore Census Report s that “ they

most ly be long to the Dand i sub -d ivi s ion . The Gesayi

i s no caste common ly any devotee i s ca l led a Gesayi,whether he l ives a l i fe of cel ibacy or not ; whether he

roams about the country co l lect ing a lms,or res ides i n

a house l ike the rest of the peop le ; whether he leads

an id le ex i stence, or emp loys himse l f i n t rade . The

mark , however, that d i st ingu ishes al l who bear thi s name

i s that they are devoted to a re l ig ious l i fe . Some

besmear thei r bod ies with ashes,wear the i r hai r d i s

bevel led and uncombed,and in some instances co i led

round the head l ike a snake or rope . They roam about

the country in every d i rect ion,v i s i t ing espec ial ly spot s


same process and i s bur ied,but never burned or thrown

into the r iver .

A few Gesay is , at the Mysore census , returned

getras , of which the chief were Ach fi ta and Daridra

(poverty- st r icken ) . I n the Madras Census Report,190 1 ,

Mandula (medic ine man) and Bavaj i are retu rned as a

sub -divi s ion and synonym of GOSay i . The name Gu se

or Guse i i s app l i ed to O r iya Brahmans owing to thei r

r ight of act ing as gurus or fami ly p riest s .

GOS U (pr ide) . —An exogamous sept of Devanga.

G0undan .—It i s noted

,i n the Salem Manual


some of the agr icu ltura l c lasses hab itua l ly append the

t it l e Goundam as a sort of caste nomenc lature after t he i r

names,but the word app l i es

,par excel lence

,t o the head

of the vi l lage , or U r Goundan as he i s cal l ed . As

examp les of castes which take Goundan as thei r t it le,the Pal l i s

, Okkil iyans , and Vellalas may be c ited . A

planter,or other

,when hai l i ng a Ma layal i of t he

Shevaroy hi l ls , a lways ca l l s h im Goundan .

Goy i (l i zard : Varanus) . —An exogamous sept of


Graman i .—The t it l e of some Shanans , and of t he

headman of the Khatris . I n Ma labar,t he name gramam

(a vi l lage) i s app l ied to a B rahman ical co lony , or col

lect i on of houses,as the equ iva lent of the agraharam of

the Tami l countryf’f

Gfi dala.—The Gadalas are a Te lugu caste of basket

makers in Vizagapatam and Ganj am . The name i s

der ived from gada,a basket for bal i ng water . For the

fo l l ow i ng note I am indebted to M r . C . Hayavadana Rao .

The orig inal occupat ion of the caste is sa id to have been

the co l l ect ion of medic ina l herbs and roots for nat ive

W igram . Malabar Law and Custom .


doctors and S i ck persons, which i s st i l l carr ied on by

some Gadalas at Salnru town . The’

principal occupa

t ions , however, are the manufacture of bamboo basket s ,and fi shing in fresh water .Like other Telugu castes

,t he Gadalas have

exogamous septs or int iperulu ,e.g .

,korra (Setar ia

i tatica) , path th i (cotton) , nakka (jackal) and gant i (holep ierced in the ear- lobe) .

The custom of menarikam,

whereby a man should marry hi s mate rnal unc le’s

daughter,i s p ract iced . Marr iage general ly takes p lace

before a g i r l reaches p uberty . A Brahman offi ciates at

wedd ings . The bride-p rice (vOli) cons ists of a new cloth

for the br ide,and seven rupees for her parents


are taken by the br idegroom’s party to the br ide’s house,

together with some O il and turmeri c for the br idal bath,

and the sathamanam (marr iage badge) . A feast i s

held , and the sathamanam i s t ied on the br ide’s neck .

The new ly marr ied pai r are conducted to the house of

the br idegroom,where a further feast takes p lace


which they retu rn to the br ide’s home,where they

remain for three days . Widows are perm itted to remarry

thr ice,and the vol i on each success ive occas ion i s Rs . 3,

Rs . 2,and Rs . 2—8—0 . When a widow is remarried


the sathamanam i s t ied on her neck near a mortar.

The members of the caste reverence a deity cal led

Ekkaladevata, who is said to have been left behind at

thei r original home . The dead are cremated,and the

chinna rozu (l i tt le day) death ceremony i s observed .

On the thi rd day,cooked r ice i s thrown over the spot

where the corpse was burnt .

Gfidavand lu .—Recorded

,i n the Nel lore Manual , as

Vaishnav ites, who earn the i r l ivel ihood by begging .

The name means basket peop le,and p robably refers to

Satan is,who carry a basket (gada) when begging.

GUD I 302

Gudi (temp le) .— A sub-d ivi s ion of Okkil iyan ,an

exogamous sept of Jogi , and a name for temp le Dasari s,

to d i st ingu i sh them from the Donga or thiev ing Dasaris .

Gudigara .—In the South Canara Manua l

,the Gudi

garas are summed up as fol lows . They are a Canarese

caste of wood ~ carvers and painters . They are H indus

of the Saivite sect , and wear the sacred thread . Sh ivalli

Brahmans officiate as the i r p r iests . Some fo l low the

al iya santana mode of inher i tance (i n the female l i ne) ,Others the ordinary law . They must marry within the

caste,but not with in the same gotra or fami ly . I nfant

marr iage i s not compu lso ry,and they have the dhare form

of marr iage . Among those who fol low the al iya santana

law,both widows and divorced women may marry again


but thi s i s not perm itted among the other sect ions . The

dead are e ither cremated or bur ied,the former being the

p referent ial mode . The use of a lcoho l i c l i quo r,and fi sh

and flesh i s perm itted . The i r ord inary t it l e i s Sett i .

The Gudigars , or sanda l -wood carvers , Mr . D’


writesfi" are reported to have come or ig ina l ly from Goa


the i r migrat i on to Mysore and Canara having been occa

s ioned by the attempts of the ear ly Portuguese invaders

to convert them to Chr i st ian ity. The fact that the i r

or ig inal language i s Konkan i corroborates the i r reputed

Konkanese or igin . They say that the der ivat ion of the

word Gudigara i s from gud i , a temp le , and that they

were so cal led because they were,i n thei r own country


emp loyed as carvers and painters in the ornamentat i on

of temp les . Another der ivat ion i s from the Sanskr it

kuttaka (a carver). They assert that the i r fel low

castem en are st i l l employed in t urn ing , paint ing , and

other decorat ive art s at Goa . Like the Ch itrakaras

Thurston . Monograph on Wood-carving in Southern Ind ia. 1903.


t urn ing . Others , having acqu i red land , are engaged in

cu lt ivat ion,and fast lo s ing al l touch with the art . At

Udip i i n South Canara , some Gud igars make for sal e

large wooden buffaloes and human figures,which are

presen ted as vot ive offer ings at the I swara templ e at

H iriadkap . They al so make wooden dol l s and painted

c lay figures .

The fol low ing ext ract s from Mr . L . Rice’s Mysore

Gazetteer’ may be app ropriately quoted .

“ The des igns

with which the Gud igars ent i rely cover the boxes , desks ,and other art ic les made

,are of an ext remely involved and

elaborate pattern,cons i st i ng for the most part of int r icate

in terlac ing fol iage and scrol l -work,completely envelop ing

medal l ions contain ing the rep resentat ion of some H indu

deity or subj ect of mythology, and here and there re l ieved

by the int roduct ion of an imal forms . The detai l s,though

in themselves often highly incongruous , a re grouped and

blended with a Ski l l that seems to be inst i nct ive in the

East,and form an exceed ing ly r ich and appropriate

ornamentat ion,dec idedly or iental i n styl e

,which leaves

not the smal l est port ion of the surface of the wood

untouched . The mater ia l i s hard , and the m inuteness of

the work demands the utmost care and pat ience . Hence

the carving of a desk or cab inet involves a labour of

many months,and the art i sts are sa id t o lose there eye

s ight at a comparat ively early age . E uropean designs

And again “ The art i c l es1t hey im itate to perfect ion .

of the Gud igar’

s manufacture ch iefly in demand are boxes,

caskets and cab inets . These are completely covered wi th

minute and del icate scrol l—work,interspersed with figures

from the H indu Pantheon,the general effect of the p ro

fuse deta i l being ext remely rich . The carving of Sorab

i s considered super io r to that of Bombay or Canton ,and , being a very ted ious p rocess requi r ing great care , i s


expens ive . The Gud igars wi l l im itate admi rably any

designs that may be furn ished them . Boards for album

covers,plates from Jorrock

s hunt,and cabinets su rrounded

with figu res,have t hus been produced for E uropean

gent l emen with great success . A gold medal was

awarded to the Gud igars at the Delh i Durbar Exhib it ion ,1903, for a magn ificent sandal -wood casket (now in theMadras Museum) , ornamented with panel s represent ing

hunt ing scenes .

When a marr iage i s contemplated,the parents of the

coup le,i n the absence of horoscopes

,go to a temple


rece ive from the priest some flowers which have been

used for worship . These are counted,and

,i f the i r num

ber i s even,the match i s arranged

,and an exchange of

betel l eaves and nuts takes p lace . O n the wedding day,

the br idegroom goes,accompan ied by hi s party

,to the

house of the br ide,taking with him a new cloth

,a female

jacket,and a st ring of black beads with a smal l gold

ornament . They are met en route by the bride’s party .

Each party has a t ray contain ing r ice,a cocoanut

,and a

looking -glass . The females of one party p lace kunkuma

(red powder) on the foreheads of those of t he other party ,and spr inkle r ice over each other . At the entrance to

the marr iage pandal (booth) , the br ide’s brother pou rs

water at the feet of the bridegroom,and her father leads

him into the pandal . The new c loth , and other art i c l es ,are taken ins ide the house

,and the mother or s ister of

the bridegroom,with the permiss ion of the headman

,t ies

the necklet of black beads on the br ide’s neck . Her

maternal uncle takes her up in hi s arms,and carries her

to the pandal . Thither the bridegroom i s conducted by

the bride’s brother . A cloth i s held as a screen between

the cont ract ing coup le,who p lace garlands of flowers

round each other’s necks . The screen i s then removed .

I I—20


A smal l vessel , contain ing mi lk and water, and decorated

with mango leaves , i s p laced in front of them ,and the

br ide’s mother, taking hold of the right hand of the bride,p laces i t in the right hand of the br idegroom . The

offi c iat ing Brahman places a bete l leaf and cocoanut on

the br ide’

s hand , and her parent s pou r water from a

vesse l thereon . The Brahman then t ies the kankanam s

(wrist - threads) on the wrists of the contract ing coup le,

and kind les the sacred fi re (hemam) . The guests presentthem with money, and l ights are waved before them by

elder ly females . The br idegroom,tak ing the bride by

hand,leads her into the house

,where they s it on a mat


and drink m i lk ou t of the same vesse l . A bed i s made

ready,and they s it on i t . wh i le the br ide g ives betel

to the br idegroom . On the second day , l ight s are waved ,i n the morning and even ing , i n front of them . On the

th i rd day,some red-colou red water i s p laced in a vessel


into which a r ing,an areca nut

,and r ice are dropped .

The couple search for the r ing,and

,when it has been

found,the bridegroom puts it on the finger of the bride .

They then bathe,and t ry to catch fi sh in a c loth . After

the bath,the wr ist -threads are removed .

Gudisa. (hut) . —An exogamous sept of BOya and

Kapu .

Gudiya.—The Gud iyas are the sweet-meat se l lers

of the O r iya count ry . They rank high in the soc ia l scale,

and some sect ions of Oriya Brahmans w i l l accept dr ink

ing water at the i r hands . Sweet—meat s p repared by them

are purchased for marr iage feast s by a l l castes,i nc lud ing

Brahmans . The caste name i s derived from gudo

(j aggery) . The caste i s d iv ided into two sect ions, one of

which i s engaged in se l l ing sweet-meats and crude sugar,and the other in agr icu l t ure . The former are ca l led

Gudiyas, and the latter Ko lata, H olodia, or Bolasi


NattukOttai Chett is , Gujarat i s, and other mercant i le

c lasses . The mover of the resol ut ion observed that

Gujarat i s were most anxious,on re l ig ious grounds

, to

save al l an imal s from pain,and i t was a rel ig ious

bel ie f w ith them that i t was s infu l to l ive in a town

where there was no p injrapole . A p injrapole i s p roper ly

a cage (p inj ra) for the sacred bul l (pola) re leased in the

name of S ivafif I t i s noted by M r . D rummond l t hat

every marr iage and mercant i le t ransact ion among the

Gujarat i s i s taxed with a cont r ibut ion ostens ibly for the

p injrapole . I n 1 9 0 1 , a prOposal was Set on foot to estab

l i sh a Gujarat i l ibrary and read ing - room in Madras,t o

commemorate the s i lver j ub i lee of the admin i st rat ion of

the Gaekwar of Baroda .

Gu l im i (p ickaxe) .— An exogamous sept of Kuruba .

Gu l lu (S otauuucf erooc) . —A getra of Kurn i .

Gulti .—A sect ion of BOya,members of which are to

be found i n Choolay, Madras C ity .

Gummad i (Cucurbi ta max ima) .— An exogamous

sept of Tsakalas,who wi l l not cul t ivate the p lant

,or eat

the pumpk in thereof.

Gfi na.—Gnna or Gani i s a sub-d ivi s ion of Ve lama.

The name i s der ived from the large pot (gfrna) , which

dyers use .

Gti na Tsakala (hunchbacked washerman) . —Said

to be a der is ive name given to Velamas by Bal ijas .

Gunda la (stones) .— An exogamous sept of Gol la .

Gundam (p it) . —An exogamous sept of Chenchu .

Gundu (cannon -bal l ) . -A got ra of Kurn i .

Guni .—Guni i s the name of Oriya dancing-gir l s and

prost i tutes . I t is der ived from the Sanskri t guna,mean

ing qual ificat ions or ski l l,i n reference to the i r possess i on

Yule and Burnel l . Hobson -Jobson .

1' I l lustrat ions o f the Guz arattee , Mah rattee, and Engl ish languages, 1808.


of qual ificat ion for , and sk i l l acqu i red by t ra in ing when

young in enchanting by mus ic,danc ing , etc .

Gunta (wel l) .— A sub—div is ion of Beyas , found in the


i r d ist r ict,the members of which are emp loyed

in d igging wel l s .

Guntaka (harrow) .— An exogamous sept of Kapu .

Guntala (pond) . —An exogamous sept of Beya .

Gupta.—A Va isya t it le assumed by some M t


i ttans

(trad ing caste) of Ma labar , and Tami l Pal l i s .

Guri .—Recorded , i n the Vizagapatam Manua l , asa caste of Paiks or fight ing men . Gurikala (marksman)occurs

,i n the Madras Census Report

,190 1 , as a sub

divis ion of Patra .

Gurram (horse) . -An exogamous sept of Chenchu,

Gol la,Mala

,Padma Sale

,and Togata . The Gurram

Togatas wi l l not r ide on horseback . Kudire,a lso

mean ing horse,occurs as a getra or exogamous sept of

Kurn i and Vakkal iga .

Gurukkal .—For the fol low ing note on the Guruk

ka l s or Kurukkals of Travancore , I am indebted to Mr .

N . Subraman i Aiyar . The Kurukkals are pri est s of

castes,whose rel ig ious r i tes are not pres ided over by

I layatus . They are p robably of Tami l or ig in . Ma les

are often cal led Nainar and females Nachch iyar, which

are the usual t it les of t he Tami l Kurukkals a lso . I n

the Keralolpatt i the caste men are descr ibed as Chi lam

pant is , who are the adiyars or hered itary servants of

Padmanabhaswam i i n Trivandrum . They seem to have

been once known also as Madam fi tal is or headmen of

matts,and Tevara Pandaram s

,or Pandaram s who ass isted

the Brahman pr iest i n the performance of re l ig ious r ites

i n the Maharaj a’s palace . I t i s said that the Kurukkals

orig inal ly belonged to the great Vaisya branch of Manu’


fourfo ld system of caste,and migrated from the Pandyan


count ry,and became the dependant s of the Kupakkara

fami ly of Pott is i n Tr ivandrum ,whose i nfluence


rel ig ious and secu lar,was of no mean order i n mediaeva l

t imes . These Pott is gave them perm iss ion to perform

al l the pr iest ly services of the Ambalavas i fami l i es,who

l ived to the south of Qui lon . I t wou ld appear from

the Keralolpatt i and other records that they had the

kaz hakam or sweep ing and other services at the inner

entrance of S ri Padmanabha’

s temp le t i l l the t ime of

Umayamma Ran i i n the e ighth century of the Ma la

bar era . AS,however

,during her re ign

,a Kurukkal

i n league with the Kupakkara Pott i handed over the

l etter of inv itat ion,entrusted to him as messenger


the annua l utsavam to the Tarnallur Namb fid iripad , the

chief ecc les iast ica l funct ionary of the temp le,much later

than was requ i red,t he Kurukkal was d i smi ssed from

the temp le serv ice,and ever afterwards the Kurukkals

had no kaz hakam r ight there . There are some temp les,where Kurukkals are the recogn ised pr iest s, and they are

free ly admitted for kaz hakam servi ce i n most South

Travancore temp les . To the north of Qu i lon , however,the Variyars and Pushpakan s enjoy thi s r ight i n prefer

ence to others . Some Kurukkals kept gymnasia i n

former t imes,and t ra ined young men in mi l i tary ex er

c i ses . At the present day,a few are ag r icu ltu ri sts .

The Kurukkals are general ly not so fai r i n comp lexion

as other sect ions of the Ambalavas is , Thei r houses are

known as bhavanams or vidus . They are str ict vege

tarians,and prohib ited from dr ink ing sp i r it uous l iquor.

The females (Kurukkatt is) t ry to im itate Namb ii t iri

Brahmans in the ir dress and ornaments . The aras ilattal i,which c lose ly resembles the cherutal i, i s worn round the

neck,and the chu ttu i n the ears . The m ukkutt i, but not

the gnattu, i s worn in the nose . The m innu or marr iage


sambandham , which invariab ly takes p lace after a g i r l has

reached puberty,the re lat i ons of the fu tu re husband vis it

her home,and

,if they are sat i sfied as to the des i rab i l i ty of

the match,inform her guard ians of the date on wh ich

they w i l l demand the horoscope . When it i s received 011the appo inted day , the ast ro loger is consu l ted , and , i f

he i s favou rab ly inc l i ned , a day i s fixed for the sambandham ceremony . The gi r l i s l ed forward by her maternal

aunt,who s it s among those who have assembled


formal ly rece ives c loths . C loths are also p resented to

the materna l unc le . Divorce i s common,and effected

with the consent of the Vadhyar. I nheri tance i s in the

female l ine (marumakkathayam ) . I t i s bel i eved that,at

the t ime of thei r migrat ion to Travancore,the Kurukkals

wore thei r tuft of hai r (kudumi) beh ind , and fo l lowed the

m akkathayam system of inher itance (in the ma le l ine) .

A change is sa id to have been effected in both these

customs by the Kupakkara Pott i in the years 1 752 and

1 7 7 7 of the Ma labar era .

The Ku rukkals observe most of the re l ig ious cere

monies of the Brahmans . No rec itat ion of hymns

accompan ies the r i tes of namakarana and annaprasana.

The chau la and upanayana are performed between the

n inth and twel fth years of age . On the p revi ous day ,the fami ly pr iest ce lebrates the purificatory r it e, and t ies

a consecrated thread round the r ight wr i st of the boy .

The tonsu re takes p lace on the second day, and on the

th i rd day the boy is invested with the sacred thread , and

the Gayatr i hymn rec ited . On the fourth day , the

Brahmacharya r ite i s c losed with a ceremony correspond

ing to the Samavartana. When a gi r l reaches puberty,some near female relat ion invi tes the women of the vi l lage ,who vi si t the house

,bring ing sweetmeats w ith them .

The g i r l bathes,and reappears in pub l ic on the fi fth day .

313 HADD I

Only the pu l ikud i or drinking tamarind ju ice , i s celebrated ,as among the Nayars

,during the fi rst pregnancy . The

sanchayana,or co l lect ion of bones after the cremat ion

of a corpse,i s observed on the th i rd

,fi fth

,or seventh

day after death . Death pol lut ion lasts for e leven days .

Tekketus are bu i l t i n memory of deceased ancestors .

These are smal l masonry st ructu res bu i l t over graves,i n

which a l ighted lamp is p laced,and at which worship i s

performed on ann iversary and other important occas ions

(S ee Brahman . )Guteb .

—A sub-d ivis ion of Gadaba .

Gutta K 0y i .—Recorded by the Rev . J . Cain as

a name for hi l l Keyis .

Guvvala (doves) .— An exogamous sept of Boya and

Mu tracha.

Hadd i .—The Haddis are a low class of Oriyas,

correspond ing to the Telugu Malas and Madigas,and the

Tami l Paraiyans . I t has been suggested that the name

i s der ived from haddi,a lat r ine

,or hada



members of the caste co l l ect a l l sort s of bones,and trade

in them . The Haddis p lay on drums for al l O riya

castes,except Khondras

, T iyoros , Tu labinas,and Sanis .

They consider the Khondras as a very low c lass,and wi l l

not purchase boi led rice so ld in the bazaar,i f i t has been

touched by them . Castes lower than the H addis are the

Khondras and Jaggalis of whom the latter are Te lugu

Madigas,who have sett led in the southern part of

.Ganjam ,

and l earnt the Oriya language .

The Hadd is may be d ivided into H addis p roper,Rellis , and Chachad is , which are endogamous d ivis ions .


The H add is p roper never do sweep ing or scavenging

work,which are , i n some p laces , done by Rell is . The

Re lli scavengers are often cal led Bhatta or Karuva

Hadd is . The Hadd is p roper go by var i ous names,e .g .


Sudha Hadd i,Godomal ia Haddi , etc .

,i n d i fferent loca l i

t i es . The H add is work as coo l i es and fie ld labou rers,

and the sel l ing of fru its , such as mango , tamarind ,Z i zyp/zus j uj uoa ,

etc ., i s a favou ri te occupat ion . I II

some p laces,the sel l ing of dri ed fish i s a monopo ly of

the Rellis . Somet imes H add is, espec ial ly the Karuva

Hadd is,se l l human or yak hai r for the pu rpose of

femal e to i lette . The Haddis have numerous septs or

bam sam s,one of which , hath i (e lephant) i s of spec ia l

interest,because members of th i s sept , when they see the

foot -print s of an e lephant , take some dust from the spot ,and make a mark on the forehead with i t . They a lso

draw the figu re of an e lephant , and worship i t when

they perform s radh (memoria l service for the dead) and

other ceremonies .

There are,among the H add i communit i es


caste offi cers ent i t led Behara and Nayako, and di fficu lt

quest ions which ar ise are sett led at a meet ing of the

offi cers of several vi l lages . I t i s said that somet imes,i f

a member of the caste i s known to have committed an

offence,the officers select some members of the caste

from h is vi l lage to attend the meet ing,and borrow money

from them . This i s spent on drink,and

,after the

meet ing, the amount i s recovered from the Offender . I f

he does not p lead gu i l ty at once,a quarre l ensues


more money is borrowed,so as to increase the debt .

I n add it ion to the Behara and Nayako,there are


some p laces,other offi c ial s ca l l ed Adhikar i or Chowdri,

or BodOporicha and Bhollobhaya. The caste t it le i s

Nayako . Members of higher castes are somet imes ,

HADD I 316

The bride’s brother arr ives on the scene,dressed up as

a woman,and st rikes the br idegroom . This i s cal led

so labidha,and i s p ract i ced by many Oriya castes . The

ends of the c loths of the br ide and bridegroom are t ied

together,and they are conducted ins ide the house


mother- in - law throwing Z iaypfius l eaves and r ice over

them .

Like other Oriya castes,the H addi s observe pol lut ion

for seven days on the occasion of the fi rst menstrua l

per iod . On the fi rst day,the girl ‘

is seated,and


She has been smeared with o il and tu rmeric paste , seven

women throw Z iayfi éus l eaves and r ice over her . She

i s kept e ither in a corner of the house,or in a separate

hut , and has by her a p iece of i ron and a gr ind ing-stone

wrapped up in a c loth . I f avai lab le,twigs of S try cauos

N ux -vom ica are p laced in a corner. Within t he room

or hut , a sma l l framework , made of broom-st icks and

p ieces of pa lmyra pa lm leaf, or a bow,

is p laced , and

worshipped dai ly . I f the girl i s engaged to be marr ied ,her futu re father-in - law i s expected to give her a new

c loth on the seventh day .

The H add is are worshippers of var iou s Takuran is

(vi l lage de it ies) , e.g.,Kalumuki

,Sathabavun i, and

Baidaro . Cremat ion of the dead is more common than

buria l . Food i s offered to the deceased on the day after

death,and al so on the tenth and e leventh days . Some

H addi s proceed,on the tenth day

,to the spot where the

corpse was cremated or bu ried,and

,after making an

effigy on the ground,offer food . Towards n ight , they

proceed to some d istance from the house,and p lace food

and fru it s on a c loth spread on the ground . They then

ca l l the dead man by hi s name,and eager ly wait t i l l

some insect sett les on the c loth . As soon as th i s happens,

the c loth i s fo lded up,carr ied home

,and shaken over the

31 7 HADD I

floor c lose t o the spot where the household gods are

kept,so that the insect fal l s on sand spread on the floor.

A l ight i s then p laced on the sanded floor,and covered

with a new pot . After some t ime , the pot i s removed ,and the sand examined for any marks wh i ch may be left

on i t . This ceremony seems to correspond to the j o la

j o la hand i (p ierced pot) ceremony of other castes (seeBhondari) .

“ The Rellis , Mr . H . A . Stuart wr i tes,

* “ are a

caste of gardeners and labou rers,found ch iefly in the

d ist r icts o f Ganjam and Vizagapatam . I n Telugu the

word relli or rel lis means grass,but whether there i s

any connect i on between thi s and the caste name I

cannot say . They general ly l ive at the foot of the h i l l s,

and sel l vegetab les,most ly of hi l l product ion .

For the fo l lowing note on the Rell is of Vizagapatam,

I am indebted to Mr . C . Hayavadana Rao . The Rell is

are also known as Sachchari,and they fu rther cal l

themse lves Sap i r i . The caste recogn ises the custom

of menarikam ,by which a man marr ies h i s maternal

unc le’s daughter . A girl i s u sual ly marr ied after

puberty . The bride-price i s paid somet ime before the

day fixed for the marr iage . O n that day,the br ide goes


with her parents,to the house of the br idegroom .


caste deit i es O dda Pelamma (commonly known as Sap i r iDaivam ) and Kanaka Durgalamma are invoked by the

elders , and a p ig and sheep are sacrificed to them .A

str ing of black beads i s t ied by the bridegroom round

the bride’

s neck , and a feast i s held , at which the sacr ificed animals are eaten , and much l iquor i s imb ibed .

On the fo l lowing morning , a new c loth , kunkumam (red

powder) , and a few p ieces of tu rmeric are p laced in a

Madras Census Report , 189 1 .

HADD I 318

smal l basket or winnow , and carried in p rocess ion , to the

accompaniment of music , through the streets by the

bride,with whom i s the bridegroom . The ceremony is

repeated on the th i rd day, when the marriage fest iv it i es

come to an end . I n a note on the Rellis of Ganjam,

Mr . S . P . Rice wr ites that “ the br idegroom,with the

permi ss ion of the Vi l lage Mag ist rate,marches st raight

into the bride’

s house , and t ies a wedd ing necklace

round her neck . A gift of seven and a hal f rupees

and a p ig to the castem en, and of five rupees to the

br ide’s father,comp letes th i s very prim it ive ceremony


Widows are al lowed to remarry,but the st ring of beads i s

not t ied round the neck . The caste deit ies are usual ly

represented by crude wooden do l l s , and an annual fest i

val in thei r honou r,with the sacrifice of p igs and sheep


i s held in March . The dead are usual ly buri ed,and


as a ru le,po l lut ion i s not observed . Some Rellis have


however,begun to observe the ch innarOz u (l i t t le day)

death ceremony,which corresponds to the ch innad inamu

ceremony of the Telugus . The main occupat ion of the

caste i s gardening,and se l l ing fru it s and vegetables .

The famine of 1875—76 reduced a large number of Rell is

to the verge of starvat ion , and they took to scavenging

as a means of earn ing a l iv ing . At the present day,the

gardeners look down on the scavengers , but a prosperous

scavenger can be admitted into the i r soc iety by paying

a sum of money,or g iving a feast . Pol lut ion attaches

on ly to the scavengers,and not to the gardening sect ion .

I n the Censu s Report,190 1 , the Pakais or sweepers

in the Godavar i d ist r ict , who have , i t i s said , gone

thither from Vizagapatam,are retu rned as a sub -caste of

Rell i . The usual t it le of the Rell is i s Gadu .

O ccasional Essays on Nat ive South I nd ian L i fe.


the main with that of the H add is e lsewhere,but has been

to some extent mod ified by the Telugu envi ronment .The custom

,referred to by M r . S . P . Rice

,of suspend ing

an earthen pot fi l led with water from the marr iage

booth i s a very general one,and not pecu l iar to the

Ghas is . I t i s an im itat ion of a custom observed by the

higher Oriya castes . The str ik ing of the br idegroom

on the back by the br ide’s brother i s the solab idha of

other castes,and the mock anger (rusyano) in which

the latter goes away corresponds to the alag i povadam

of Te lugu castes .

At the fi rst menst rua l ceremony of a Ghas i g i r l,she

s it s in a space enc losed by fou r arrows,round which a

thread i s passed seven t imes .

The name Odiya Tot i (Oriya scavenger) occu rs as aTami l synonym for H add is emp loyed as scavengers in

Munic ipal it i es in the Tami l country .

Hajam .—The H industan i name for a barber


used as a general p rofess ional t it le by barbers of var ious

c lasses . I t is noted , in the Census Reports , that on ly

fi fteen ou t of more than two thousand ind ividuals retu rned

as H ajam were Muhammadans , and that , in South

Canara,H ajam s are Konkan i Kelas is

,and of Marath i

descent .

Halaba.—See Pent iya.

Halavakki .—A Canarese synonym for Badu

budukala .

Halepaik.—The Halepaiks are Canarese toddy

drawers,who are found in the northern taluks of the

Sou th Canara d i st r ict . The name i s commonly derived

from hal e,old

,and paika

,a sold ier

,and it i s sa id that

they were formerly emp loyed as sold iers . There i s

a legend that one of the i r ancestors became commander

o f the Vijayanagar army, was made ru ler of a State ,


and g iven a vi l lage named Halepaikas as a jaghi r

(hered itary assignment of land) . So 'me Halepaiks say

that they be long t o the Tengina (cocoanut pa lm) sect ion ,because they are engaged in tapp ing that palm for toddy .

There i s intermarriage between the Canarese-speaking

Halepaiks and the Tu lu-speaking B illava toddy-drawers,

and,i n some p laces

,the Billavas also ca l l themse lves

Halepaiks . The Halepaiks have exogamous septs or

bal i s,which run in the fema le l ine . As examp les of

these,the fol lowing may be noted |Chend i (Ceroera Otto/tum ) , Honne (Ca/opAytium

Tolar (wol f) , Devana (god ) and Ganga . I t

i s recorded i t of the H alepaiks of the Canara d i st r ict i n

the Bombay Pres idency that “ each exogamous sect ion,

known as a ba l i (l i teral ly a creeper) , i s named after someanima l or t ree

,which is he ld sacred by the members of

the same . This an imal , t ree or flower, etc.

,Seems to

have been once considered the common ancestor of the

members of the ba l i , and to the present day it i s both

worshipped by them,and he ld sacred in the sense that they

wi l l not inj ure it . Thu s the members of the nagbali ,

named apparent ly after the nagchampa flower,wi l l not

wear thi s flower in thei r hai r , as th i s wou ld invo lve

inju ry to the p lant . The Kadavebal i wi l l not k i l l the

sambhar (deer : kadave) , from which they take the i r

name . The H alepaiks of South Canara seem to attach

no such importance to the sept names . Some, however,avo id eat ing a fish ca l l ed Sr in ivasa , because they fancy

that the st reaks on the body have a resemb lance to the

Vaishnav ite sectar ian mark (namam) .

Al l the Halepaiks of the Kundapt'

I r taluk profess

to be Vaishnav ites , and have become the d isc ip les of a

Monograph , Eth . Survey of Bombay, 12 , 1904 .

l I—Z I


Vaishnava Brahman sett led in the vi l lage o f Sankarappa

kOdlu near Woudse i n that tal uk . Though Venkata

ramana i s regarded as thei r ch ief de ity,they worsh ip

Baiderkulu ,Panju rli , and other bhfi thas (devi l s) . The

Pajaris (pr iest s) avoid eat ing new gra in , new arec a nut s ,new sugarcane

,cucumbers and pumpk ins

,unt i l a feast


ca l l ed kaidha paj a,has been held . This i s u sual ly

celebrated in November-December , and cons i st s in

offe ring food,etc .

,to Baiderkulu . Somebody gets

possessed by the bh fi tha,and p ierces hi s abdomen with

an arrow .

I n the i r caste organ isat ion,marr iage and death

ceremon ies,the Halepaiks c lose ly fol low the Billavas .

They do not,however

,con st ruct a car for the fina l death

ceremon ies . As they are Vaishnav ites , after pu rifica

t ion from death po l lu t ion by the i r own caste barber,a

Vaishnav ite mend icant,cal led Dassaya, i s cal led in , and

pu r ifies them by sprinkl ing ho ly water and putt ing the

namam on t he i r foreheads .

There are said to be some d ifferences between the

H alepaiks and Billavas i n the method of carrying out the

p rocess of drawing toddy . For examp le,the Halepaiks

general ly grasp the kn ife with the fingers d i rected

upwards and the thumb to the right,whi le the B illavas

hold the kn i fe w ith the fingers d i rected downwards and

the thumb to the left . For crush ing the flower-buds

within the spathe of the palm,Billavas genera l ly use a

stone,and the Halepaiks a bone . There i s a be l ief that ,

i f the spathe i s beaten with the bone of a buffalo which

has been ki l l ed by a t iger,the y ie ld of toddy wi l l , i f the

bone has not touched the ground,be greate r than i f an

ord inary bone i s used . The Billavas general ly carry a

long gou rd,and the Halepaiks a pot , for co l lect ing the

toddy in .

HAN I FI 324

known as H and i Jogi or Handich ikka, handi be ing the

Canarese fo r p ig .

Han ifi .—A sect o f Muhammadans

,named after Abfi

Hani fah Anhu fman ,the great Sunn i Imam and ju riscon

su l t,and the founder of the Han ifi sect

,who was born

A H . 80 (A .D .

Hanuman .—Hanuman

,or Hanumanta

,the monkey

god,has been recorded as a sept of Demb

,and gOtra of

Medara .

Hari S hetti .—A name fo r Konkani - speak ing Van is

(t raders) .

Harm an—A sub-d iv i s ion of the Badagas of the

N i lgi r i h i l l s .

Hasala.—Concern ing the H asalas or Hasu las


Lewis R ice wri tes that “ th i s t r i be resemb les the Sol iga

(or Shelagas) . They are met w i th a long the ghat s on

the north-western front ier of Mysore . They are a

short,th ick- set race

,very dark in colou r

,and with cu r led

hai r . Thei r ch ief employment i s fe l l ing t imber,but

they somet imes work in areca nut gardens and gather

wi ld cardamoms,pepper

, etc. They speak a d ialect of

Canarese .

I n the Mysore Census Report, 189 1 , i t i s stated that

“ the Hasalaru and Maleru are confined to the wi ld

reg ions of the Western Malnad . I n the caste generat ion,

they are said to rank above the Halepaikas, but above

the H oleyas and Madigas . They are a d iminut ive but

muscu lar race , with cu r ly hai r and dol ichocephal ous

head . Thei r mother-tongue i s Tu lu . Thei r numbers

are so ins ign ificant ly smal l as not to be separately defined .

They are immigrants from South Canara, and lead a l i fe

l itt l e e levated above that of p rimord ial barbar ism . They

l ive in smal l i so lated huts,wh ich are


,in the

case of the Hasalas,provided not onlygwith the usual


p rinc ipal ent rance , through which one has to craw l i n,

but al so with a hal f-concea led ho le in ' the rear,a k i nd of

postern,through which the shy i nmates steal out into the

j ungl e at the merest susp ic i on of danger,or the app roach

of a st ranger . They col lect the wi ld j ung le produce ,such as cardamoms

, etc.,for the i r customary emp loyers ,

whose agrest ic slaves they have vi rtual ly become . Thei r

huts are annual ly or period ical ly Shifted from p lace to

p lace,usual ly the most inaccess ib le and th ickest parts of

the wi lderness . They are sa id to be very part ial to toddy

and arrack (alcohol ic l iquor) . I t i s expected that these

savages smuggle across the front ier large quant it ies of

wi ld pepper and cardamoms from the ghat forests of the

p rovince . Thei r marr iage customs are character ised by

the utmost s imp l ic ity,and the part p layed there in by the

astro loger is not very ed i fying . Thei r rel ig ion does not

Seem to t ranscend dev i l worshi p . They bury the dead .

A very cu r ious obsequ ial custom prevai ls among the

Hasalas . When any one among them dies,somebody


dev i l i s c red ited with the m ishap,and the ast ro loger is

consu lted to ascerta i n i ts ident ity . The latter throws

cowries (she l l s of Cyp re a moueta) for d iv inat ion , and

ment ions some neighbou r as the owner of the devi l th ief.

Thereupon , the sp i r it of the dead i s redeemed by the he i ror relat ive by means of a p ig , fow l , or other guerdon .

The sp i r it i s then cons idered re leased,and i s thence for

ward domic i led in a pot,which i s supp l ied period ical ly

with water and nou rishment . This may be looked upon

as the elementary germ of the posthumous care-taking ,which finds art icu lat ion under the name of sradh in mu lt ifarious forms, accompan ied more or less with much

d isp lay in the more c ivi l i sed sect ions of the H indu

community . The Hasalaru are confined to T i rthahal l iand Madigere.


I t i s fu rther recorded in the Mysore Censu s Report,

189 1 , that“ i n most of the pu rely Malnad or h i l ly taluks


each vargdar, or prop rietor of landed estate , owns a set

of servants sty led H uttalu or H uttu -alu and Mannalu or

Mannu -alu . The former i s the hered itary serv itor of the

fami ly,born in servitude , and performing agricu l tu ra l work

for the landho lder from father to son . The Mannalu is

a serf attached to the so i l , and changes hands with it .They are usual ly of the H olaya c lass , but in some p laces,the Hasalar race have been enterta ined . (See H oleya.)

Concern ing the Hasalaru,Mr . H . V . Nanjundayya

writes to me that the i r marr iages take p lace at night,

a pujar i of the i r caste t ies the tal i,a golden d isc


the br ide’s neck . Being influenced by the su rround ing

castes,they have taken of late to the pract ice of inv it ing

the ast ro loger to be p resent . I n t he soc ial scale they

are a l i t t le super ior to Madigas and H oleyas , and , l ike

them,l ive outs ide the v i l lage

,but they do not eat beef.

Thei r approach i s cons idered to defi l e a Brahman,and

they do not enter the houses of non-Brahmans such as

Vakkal igas and Ku rubas . They have thei r own caste

barbers and washermen,and have separate we l ls to draw

water from .

Hasbe .—Hasbe or H asubu

,meaning a doub le pony

pack—sack,has been recorded as an exogamous sept of

H oleya and Vakka l iga .

Hastham (hand) .— An exogamous sep t of BOya.

Hatagar.—A sub-d ivi s ion of Devangas, who are also

cal led Kodeka l Hatagaru .

Hath i (e lephant) . —A sept of t he Oriya H add is .

When members of th i s sept see the foot-prints of an

e lephant,they take some dust from the spot , and make

a mark on the forehead with it . They also draw the

figu re of an e lephant,and worship it

,when they perform


the amusement of al l present that he is not the bride

groom . The bride’s party then , confess ing the i r inabi

l ity t o find the br ideg room , request the owner of t he

house to produce him . H e i s then produced , and

conducted in p rocess ion to the bride’s house .

Some Bants who u se the t it le Heggade wear the

sacred thread , fo l low the hered itary p rofess ion of temp le

funct ionar ies,and are keepers of the demon shrines

which are dotted al l over South Canara.

Of the H eggades who have sett led in the Coorg

count ry,the Rev . G . Richter states i t that they conform ,

i n superst it ions and fest iva l s,to Coorg custom ,

but are

exc luded from the community of the Coorgs , i n whose

p resence they are a l lowed to s it on ly on the floor , whi lst

the former occupy a chai r,or

,i f they are seated on a mat ,

the H eggades must not touch it . I n the Mysore and

Coorg Gazetteer,H eggade i s defined by M r . L . Rice as

the headman of a vi l lage,the head of t he vi l lage po l i ce ,

t o whom,in some part s of the Prov ince , rent-free lands

are ass igned for his support .H eggade i s somet imes used as a caste name by

Kurubas,and occu rs as an exogamous sept of S tan ikas .

Hegganiga.—A sub -d iv i s ion of Gan igas , who use

two oxen for t he i r o i l -press ing mi l ls .

Helava.—H elava

,mean ing lame person , i s the name

of a c lass of mendicants, who , i n Bel lary, Mysore, and

other loca l it ies,are the cu stod ians of vi l lage h istor ies .

They general ly arr ive at the v i l lages mounted on a

bu l lock,and with the i r legs concealed by woo l l en blankets .

They go from house to house,g iving the history of the

d i fferent fami l ies,the names of heroes who d ied in war,

and so forth .

Manual of Coorg .


H Ij ra (eunuchs) . -See Khoja .

H ire (big) .— A sub -d iv is ion of Kurn i .

H i ttu (flou r) . —A gOtra of Kurn i .

Holadava.—A synonym of Gatt i .

Holeya.—The bu lk of the H oleyas are, in the Madras

Pres idency,found in South Canara , but there are a con

s iderable number in Coimbatore and on the N i lgiris

(work ing on c inchona, tea, and coffee estates) . I n the

Manua l of the South Canara d ist r ict i t is noted that

Holeyas are the field labou rers,and former agrest ic

serfs of South Canara , Pu layan being the Ma layalam and

Paraiyan the Tami l form of the same word . The name

is derived by Brahmins from ho le, pol lut ion , and by others

from hola,land or so i l , in recognit ion of the fact that , as

in the case of the Paraiyan , there are customs remaining

which seem to indicate that the H oleyas were once

masters of the " land ; but , whatever the derivat ion may

be,i t is no doubt the same as that of Paraiyan and

Pu layan . The H oleyas are d ivided into many sub

d ivi s ions,but the most important are Mar i



Munda la or Bakuda . The Mera H o leyas are the most

numerous,and they fol low the ord inary law of inheritance

through males,as far as that can be said to be poss ib le

with a c lass of peop le who have absolute ly noth ing to

inher it . Of c ou rse,demon p rop it iat ion (bh t

I ta worship)is pract ical ly the exc lus ive idea of the H oleyas, and every

one of the above sub -d iv is ions has four or five demons to

wh ich fowls, beaten rice, cocoanuts and toddy, are offered

monthly and annua l ly. The H oleyas have , l i ke other

c lasses of South Canara,a number of ba l i s (exogamous

septs) , and persons of the same bal i cannot intermarry.

Though the marriage t i e i s as loose as is usual among the

depressed and low castes of Southern Ind ia,thei r marr iage

ceremony is somewhat e laborate . The br idegroom’s


party goes to the br ide’s house on a fixed day w i th ri ce,

bete l leaf and a few areca nuts,and wait s the who le n ight

outs ide the br ide’

s hut,the br idegroom be ing seated on

a mat spec ia l ly made by the bride . On the next morn ing

the bride is made to S i t Oppos it e the brideg room,with

a winnow i ng fan between them fi l led with bete l leaf, etc.

Meanwhi le the men and women present throw rice over

the heads of the coup le. The bride then accompan ies

the bridegroom to hi s hut,carrying the mat w i th her. On

the last day the coup le take the mat to a r iver or tank

where fish may be found,dip the mat into the water


catch some fi sh,which they let go afte r k iss ing them .

A grand feast comp letes the marr iage . Divorce i s easy ,and widow marr iage is free ly pract iced . Holeyas wi l l

eat flesh inc lud ing beef,and have no caste scrup les

regard ing the consumpt ion of sp i r ituous l i quor . Both

men and women wear a sma l l cap made of the leaf of the

areca palm . The H oleyas who were interviewed by us

a l l said that they do not go through the ceremony of

catching fish , which i s performed by Sh ivalli Brahmans

and Akkasales .

A l l Tu lu Brahmin chronic les, Mr . H . A . Stuart

writes i f “ agree in ascrib ing the c reat ion of Malabar

and Canara,or Kerala

,Tu luva

,and H aiga to Parasu

Rama,who rec laimed from the sea as much land as he

cou ld cover by hurl ing his batt le-axe from the top of the

Western Ghauts . A mod ified form of the t rad it ion

states that Parasu Rama gave the new ly rec laimed land

to Naga and Mach i B rahmins,who were not t rue

B rahmins,and were tu rned ou t or dest royed by fisher

men and Holeyas, who he ld the count ry t i l l the Tulu

Brahmins were int roduced by MayL'

I r Varma (of the

Manual of the South Canara d istrict.


whatever they can get , beef inc luded . Thei r worsh i p

is addressed to E iyappa Devaru and Chamund i , or Kal i

goddess once every month and once every year they

sacrifice a hog or a fowl .”

Of the H oleyas of the Mysore province , the fol low ing

account i s g iven in the Mysore Census Reports,189 1

and 190 1 .

“ The Ho leyas number persons,

be ing per cent . of the total popu lat ion . They

const itute,as the i r name imp l ies , the back-bone of

cu l t ivat ion in the country . Ho la i s the Kanarese name

for a dry-crop fie ld , and Holeya means the man of such

fie ld . The caste has numerous sub -d iv is i ons,among

which are Kannada , Gangad ikara,Maggada (loom) ,

and Morasu . The H oleyas are ch iefly emp loyed as

labourers in connect ion w ith agri c u ltu re,and manufac

tu re with hand - looms var ious k inds of coarse c loth or

home-spun,which are worn extens ive ly by the poorer

c lasses,notwithstand ing that they are be ing fast sup

planted by fore ign cheap fabr ics . I n some parts of t he

Mysore d ist r ict,cons iderable numbers o f the H oleyas are

spec ial ly engaged in betel -vine garden ing . As labourers

they are emp loyed in innumerable pursu its,i n which

manua l labou r p reponderates . The A leman sub-d iv is ion

furn ishes recruits as Barr sepoys . I t may not be amiss

to quote here some interest ing facts denot ing the measure

of mater ial wel l -be ing ach ieved by,and the re l ig ious

recogn it ion accorded to the outcastes at certain first -c lass

shr ines in Mysore . At Melkote in the Mysore d ist r ict ,the outcastes

,i .e.

,the H o leyas and Mad igs , are said

to have been granted by the great Vis ish tadvaita

reformer , Ramanujacharya, the p rivi lege of entering the

Vishnu temp le up to the sanctum sanctorum , a long with

B rahmans and others,to perform worsh ip there for three

days during the annua l car process ion . The fo l low ing


anecdote,recorded by Buchanan

,supp l ie s the raison



tre for the concess ion , wh ich i s said to have al so been

earned by the i r forebears having guarded the sacred

mart i o r ido l . O n Ramanujacharya go ing to MelkOta

to perform h is devot ions at that celebrated shrine , he

was informed that the p lace had been attacked by the

Turk K ing of Delh i , who had carried away the ido l .

The Brahman immediate ly se t out for that cap ital , and

on arr iva l found that the K ing had made a present o f

the image to h is daughter , fo r i t i s sa id to be very hand

some,and she asked for i t as a p layth ing . All day the

pr incess p layed with the image , and at n ight the god

assumed his own beaut i fu l form ,and enjoyed her bed


for Krishna i s add icted to such forms of adventu res .

Ramanujacharya, by vi rtue of certain mant ras , obtained

possession of the image , and wished to carry it off. He

asked the B rahmans to ass ist h im ,but they refused on

which the Ho leyas vo lunteered , p rovided the righ t of

entering the temple was granted to them . Ramanuja

charya accepted the i r p roposal , and the Holeyas, having

posted themse lves between Delh i and MelkOta, the

image of the god was carr ied down in twenty- fou r hou rs .The service also won for the outcastes the envied t it le ofTiru-kulam or the sacred race . I n 1 799 , however, when

the Dewan (pr ime min ister) Parnaiya vis ited the ho lyp lace

,the r ight of the ou tcastes to enter the temp le was

stopped at the dhvaja stambham ,the consecrated mono

l i th ic co lumn , from which po int alone can they now

obtain a view of the god . On the day of the car process ion , the Ti ru-ku lam people , men , women and chi ldren ,shave the i r heads and bathe with the h igher castes in the

kalyan i or large reservo i r,and carry on thei r head smal l

Journey through Mysore, Canara and Malabar.


earthen vessel s fi l led wit h r ice and o il,and enter the

temp le as far as the flagstaff refe rred to above,where

they de l iver thei r offerings,which are appropriated by

the Dasayyas , who resort s imu ltaneously as p i lgr ims to

the shrine . Besides the privi lege of enter ing the temp le,

the Ti ru -ku la H oleyas and Madigs have the right to

drag the car , for wh ich service they are requ ited by

gett ing from the temp le two hundred seers of ragi (grain) ,a quant i ty of jaggery (crude sugar) , and few b its of the

dyed cloth u sed for decorat ing the pandal (shed) wh ich i s

erected for the process ion . At the c lose of the proces

s ion,the representat ives of the aforesaid c lasses rece ive

each a flower garland at the hands of the S than ik or ch ief

worsh ipper,who manages to drop a garland synch ro

nously i nto each p late held by the rec ip ients, so as to avo id

any susp ic ion of undue preference . I n retu rn for these

p r iv i leges,the members of the Ti ru-ku lam used to render

gratu itous serv ices such as sweep ing the st reet s round

the temp le da i ly, and in the n ight pat ro l l ing the whole

p lace with drums dur ing the cont inuance of the annual

p rocess ion,etc . But these services are said to have

become much abridged and nearly obso lete under the

recent pol i ce and mun ic ipal regime . The privi lege of

enter ing the temp le dur ing the annua l car process ion i s

enjoyed also by the outcastes in the Vishnu temp le at

Belar in the H assan d ist r ict . I t i s,however

,s ignificant

that in both the shrines, as soon as the car fest ival i s over ,i .e. ,

on the l oth day , the concess ion ceases , and the

temples are ceremonial ly pu rified .

“ I n the pre -su rvey period,the H oleya or Mad ig

Ku lvad i , in the maidan or easte rn d ivi s ion , was so c lose ly

ident ified with the so i l that h is oath,accompanied by

certain formal it ies and awe- insp i r ing solemnit ies , was

cons idered to give the coup de grace to long exi st ing and


the t rad it ions of bi rth , immemor ia l custom ,ignorance

, and

never-to -be-paid-off loads of debt,tend to p reserve in

greater or less integr ity the condit ions of semi -slavery

under wh ich these agrest ic slaves l ive . I t i s local ly

considered the acme o f unwisdom to loosen the immemorial re lat ions between cap ita l and labou r

,espec ial ly

i n the remote backwoods , i n wh i ch free labou r does not

exi st,and the r i ch supar i cu lt ivat ion whereof wou ld be

ru ined otherw ise . I n order furthermore to r ivet the t ies

which b ind these hered itary labou rers to the soi l,i t i s

al leged that the local cap ital i st s have improvi sed a k ind

ofGretna Green marr iage among them . A legal marr iage

of the orthodox type contains the r i sk of a fema le servant

be ing lost to the fami ly in case the husband happened

not to be a Hu ttalu or Mannalu . So,i n o rder to obviate

the possi b le loss,a cu stom prevai ls accord ing to which a

fema le Huttalu or Mannalu i s espoused in what i s local ly

known as the m an ikattu form , wh i ch i s ne ither more nor

l ess than l icensed concub inage . She may be given up

after a t ime,subject to a sma l l fine to the caste

,and any

body else may then espouse her on l ike condit ions . Not

only does she t hen remain in the fam i ly,but her ch i ldren

w i l l also become the land lord’s servants . These peop le

are paid w i th a dai ly supp ly of paddy or cooked food , and

a yearly present of c lothing and b lanket s (kamblis) . On

spec ial occas ions,and at car feast s, they rece ive in

add it ion smal l money a l lowances .

I n ru ra l c i rc les,in wh ich the H oleyas and Madigs

are kept at arm’s length by the Braman ical bod ies, and

are not a l lowed to approach the sacerdotal c lasses beyond

a fixed l im it,the outcastes maintain a st r ict sem i-rel ig ious

ru le,whereby no Brahman can enter the Ho leya


quarters without necess itat i ng a pur ificat ion thereof.

They be l i eve that the d i rest calamit ies w i l l befal l them


and the i rs i f otherwise . The u l t raconservat ive sp i r it of

H indu pr iestcraft casts into the far d istance the real i zat ion

of the hope that the lower castes wi l l become soc ial ly

equal even with the c lasses usual ly termed Sadras . But

the t ime i s loom ing in the near d istance , i n which they

wi l l be on a leve l in temporal prosper ity with the soc ial

organ isms above them . Unl ike the land tenu res said to

prevai l in Chingleput or Madras , the Mysore system

ful ly permits the Holeyas and Madigs to ho ld land in

the i r own r ight , and as sub-tenants they are to be found

almost everywhere . The highest amount of land assess

ment paid by a s ing le H oleya is Rs . 2 79 in the Bangalore

di st r ict,and the lowest s ix p ies in the Ko lar and Mysore

d ist r icts . The quota paid by the outcastes towards the

land revenue of the country aggregates no less than

three lakhs of rupees,more than two-th i rds be ing paid by

t he H oleyas , and the remainder by the Madigs . These

facts speak for themselves,and afford a re l iab le index to

the comparat ive we l l -being of these peop le . I nstances

may a lso be read i ly quoted,i n which ind ividual Ho leyas ,

etc . , have r isen to be money- l enders , and enjoy compara

t ive affluence . Coffee cu lt ivat ion and al l ied indust r ies

have thrown much good fortune into the i r lap . Here

and there t hey have also establ ished bhajane or prayer

houses,i n which the ist ic prayers and psalms are rec ited

by period ical congregat ion . A beg inn ing has been made

towards p lac ing the fac i l i t ies of educat ion with in easy

reach of these depressed c lasses .

I n connect ion with the H oleyas of South Canara, i t

i s recorded *! that “ the ord inary agricu ltu ral labou rers

of th is d ist r ict are H oleyas or Par iahs of two classes,known as Malada H oleyas and Salada Ho leyas , the

Manual of the South Canara d istrict .I I-2 2


former be ing the old hered itary serfs attached to Mal i

wargs (estates) , and the latter labou rers bound to the i r

maste rs’ service by be ing in debt to them . Nowadays,

however,there i s a l i tt le d ifference between the two

c lasses . Neither are much g iven to chang ing masters ,and

,though a Malada Holeya i s no longer a s lave , he is

usual ly as much in debt as a Salada Holeya,and can

only change when h is new master takes the debt over .

To these labou rers cash payments are unknown , except

occas ional ly in the case of Salada Holeyas , where there

i s a nom inal annua l payment to be set off against interest

on the debt . I n other cases interest i s foregone , one or

other of the perqu is ites be ing somet imes docked as an

equ iva lent . The gra in wage cons ist s of r ice or paddy

(unhusked r ice) , and the loca l seer i s , on the average , asnear ly as poss ible one of 80 to las . The dai ly r ice pay

ments to men,women

,and ch i ldren vary as fo l lows

Men from I seer to 2 seers.Women 3 to 2

Ch i ldren 3 to 1 seer.

I n add it ion to the dai ly wages,and the m idday meal

of bo i led r ice which i s g iven in a lmost a l l parts,there are

annual perqu i s ites or priv i leges . Except on the coast ofthe Mangalore taluk and in the Coondapoor taluk


Holeya i s al lowed rent free from 3 to 3 acre of land , and

one or two cocoanut or palmyra t rees,with somet imes a

jack or mango t ree in add it ion . The money-va lue of thep roduce of th i s l itt le al lotment i s var ious ly est imated at

from I to 5 rupees per annum . Throughout the who le

d ist rict , c loths are g iven every year to each labourer, the

money va lue be ing est imated at I rupee per adu lt,and 6

annas for a ch i ld . I t i s al so customary to g ive a cumbly

(blanket) in the ne ighbourhood of the ghauts,where the

damp and cold render a warm cover ing necessary . On


care to tear the int ruder’

s c loth , t ie up some salt in one

corner of it,and tu rn h im out . This i s supposed to

neutral i ze al l the good luck wh ich might have accrued to

the t respasser,and avert any evi l which might have

befal len the owner of the house . A l l the thousand-and

one castes , whose members find a home in the vi l lage,

unhes itat ing ly admit tha t the Ku lwadi i s de j ure the

r ightfu l owner of the v i l lage . He who was i s st i l l,i n a

l im i ted sense,lord of the v i l lage manor.

I f there i s a

d ispute as to the vi l lage boundaries, the Ku lwadi i s the

on ly one competent to take the oath as to how the

boundary ought to run . The old custom for sett l ing such

d i sputes was as fo l lows . The Ku lwad i, carry ing on h is

head a bal l made of the vi l lage earth , i n the cent re of

which i s p laced some water, passes along the boundary .

I f he has kept the proper l ine , everything goes we l l but

shou ld he,by accident , even go beyond hi s own proper

boundary,then the bal l of earth

,of its own accord


to p ieces,the Ku lwad i d ies w ith in fi fteen days

,and his

house becomes a ru in . Such i s the popu lar be l ief.Again

,the sk ins of a l l an ima ls dying with in the vi l lage

boundari es are the property of the Ku lwad i, and a good

income he makes from th is sou rce . To thi s day a vi l lage

boundary d ispute is often dec ided by th is one fact . I f

the Ku lwad is agree , the other inhabitants of the vi l lages

can say no more . When— in our forefathers’ days,as

the nat ives say— a vi l lage was fi rst estab l i shed,a stone

cal led ‘ karu kal l u ’ i s set up . To thi s stone the Patel

once a year makes an offe ring . The Ku lwadi,after the

ceremony i s over,i s ent it led to carry off the r ice

,etc . ,

offered . I n cases where there i s no Pate l,the Kulwad i

goes through the year ly ceremony . But what I think

proves st rongly that the H ol ia was the fi rst to take

possess ion of the so i l i s that the Kulwad i rece ives, and i s

34 1 B OLEVA

ent i t led to rece ive,from the fr iends of any person who

dies in the vi l lage,a certa in fee or as my informant

forc ibly put it,

‘ They buy from him the ground for the

dead .

’ This fee i s st i l l cal led in Canarese ne la haga ,from nela earth

,and haga

,a co in worth 1 anna 2 p ies .

I n Munz erabad the Kulwadi does not receive th i s fee

from those ryots who are re lated to the headman . Here

the Kulwad i occup ies a h igher pos it ion . H e has,i n

fact , been adopted into the Pate l’s fam i ly


,on a death

occu rr ing in such fami ly,the Kulwadi goes into mourn

ing by Shaving h is head . He always rece ives from the

friends the c lothes the deceased wore,and a brass

bas in . The Kulwadi,however

,owns a superior in the

matter of buria l fees . He pays yearly a fowl,one

hana (4 annas 8 p ies) , and a handfu l of r ice to the

agent of the S udgadu Siddha, or lord of the bu rn ingground

A Kulwadi, whom I came across, was carrying a

brass ladle bearing the figure of a couchant bu l l (Basava)and a l ingam under a many-headed cobra canopy . This

lad le i s carr ied round,and fi l led with r ice



bete l , on the occasion of marr iages in those castes,of

which the ins ign ia are engraved on the hand le . These

insignia were as fo l lows

Weavers— Shutt le and brush .

Bestha— Fish .

Uppara— Spade and basket for co l lect ing salt .

Korama— Baskets and kni fe for Sp l i tt ing canesand bamboos


Idiga— Kni fe, and apparatus for c l imb ing pa lmtrees .

Hajam— Barber’s sc i ssors,razor

,and sharpening

stone .

Gah iga— Oi l-p ress .

B OLEVA 34 2

Madavali— Washerman’

s pot,fire-p lace

,ma l let


and stone .

Kumbara— Potter’

s whee l,pots

,and mal let .

Vakka l iga— P lough .

Chett i— Scales and basket .

Kuruba— Sheep -shears .

A smal l whist le,cal led kola-s inganatha, made of gold ,

s i lver , or Copper, i s t ied round the neck of some H oleyas ,

Vakkaligas , Besthas , Agasas and Kurubas , by means of

threads of sheep’s wool intertwined s ixteen t imes . Al l

these castes are supposed to belong to the fam i ly of

the God Bhai ra, in whose name the wh ist le i s t ied by

a Bairag i at Chunch ingiri near Nagamangala . I t is

usual ly t ied in fu lfi lment of a vow taken by the parents ,and the ceremony costs from a hundred to two hundred

rupees . Unt i l the vow is fu lfi l led,the person concerned

cannot marry . At the ceremony,the Bai rag i bores a

hole in the r ight ear- lobe of the ce lebrant with a need le

cal led d iksha chu ri,and from the wound ten drops of

blood fal l to the ground (cf . Jog i Pu rusha) . H e is then

bathed before the wh i st le i s t ied round h is neck . As the

resu l t of wearing the wh ist le,the man atta ins to the rank

of a priest in h is caste,and is ent it led to rece ive a lms

and meals on fest ive and ceremon ial occas ions . He

b lows h i s wh ist le,wh ich em its a th in squeak , before

partak ing of food,or perform ing h is dai ly worsh ip .

I t i s noted in the Mysore Census Report , 190 1 , that

the marr iage of the Holeyas is“ noth ing but a feast , at

which the bridegroom t ies the bottu (marriage badge)round the br ide’s neck . The wi fe cannot be d ivorced

except for adu l te ry . Widows are proh ib ited from re

marrying , but the caste w inks at a widow’s l iv ing with

a man .

I n an account g iven to me of marriage among

the Gangad ikara Holeyas, l was to ld that , i f a g i r l


Ane, e lephant. Hasubu,pack-sack .

Male, gar land . Mal ige,jasm ine.

Neral i , E ugen ia j ambotana . Tene, S etar ia i tatica.

Hutta, an t-h i l l. Chatri,umb re l la.

Halu , m i lk . Mo la, hare.

Kavane,sl ing. Jenn , honey .

I t is recorded i n the Mysore Censu s Report,190 1 ,

that “

35 1 ou t of the ent ire popu lat ion of have

retu rned gOtras , the names thereof be ing H arichandra,

Kal i,Yekke

,and Karad i . I n thu s doing

,i t i s evident

that they are learn ing to venerate themse lves,l ike others

in adm itted ly higher grades of soc iety .

Some Holeya fami l ies are cal led H ale Makkalu,or

old ch i ldren of the Gangad ikara Vakkal igas , and have

to do certa in services for the latter, such as carrying the

sandals of the br idegroom ,act ing as messenger in con

veying news from place to p lace,carrying fi re before

corpses to the burn ing-ground,and watch ing over the

bu rn ing body . I t i s said that,i n the performance of

these dut ies,the exogamous septs of the Holeya and

Vakka l iga must co inc ide .

I n the Census Report,190 1 , Balagai, Bakuda, Begara

or Byagara, Kasa (or Uppara) Mai la, and Ran ivaya

(be long ing to a queen) are recorded as sub-sects of the

Holeyas . Of these,Balagai i s a synonym , ind icat ing

that the H oleyas be long to the r ight-hand sect ion . The

Bakudas are said to resent the app l icat ion of that name

to them,and ca l l themselves A ipattukuladavaru ,

or the

peop le of fi fty fami l i es,presumab ly from the fact that

they are d ivided into fi fty ba l i s or fami l ie s . These ba l i s

are said to be named after deceased fema le ancestors .

Begara or Byagara i s a synonym ,app l ied to the Holeyas

by Kanarese Lingayats . Mai la means d i rt , and probably

refers to the washerman sect ion,j ust as Mailari (washer

man) occu rs among the Malas .


The Tulu -speak ing H oleyas must not be confounded

with the Canarese-speak ing H oleyas. I n South Canara,

H oleya i s a general name app l ied to the po l lut ing classes,Nalkes

,Koragas , and the th ree d ivis ions of H o leyas

p roper,which d iffer widely from each other in some

respects . These d ivi s ions are

(1 ) Bakuda or Mundala—A stranger, asking a woman i f herh u sband is at home, is expected to refer to h im as her Bakuda


not as her Mundala.

(2 ) Mera or Mugayaru, wh ich is also cal led Kaipuda.

(3) Mari or Mariman isaru .

Of these,the fi rst two sect ions abstain from beef


consequent ly cons ider themse lves super ior to the Mar i

sect ion .

The Bakudas fo l low the al iya santana law of succes

s ion (i n the fema le l ine) , and , i f a man leaves any property ,i t goes to h is nephew . They wi l l not touch dead cows or

calves,or remove the p lacenta when a cow calves . Nor

wi l l they touch leather, espec ial ly in the form of shoes .They wi l l not carry cots on which r ice sheaves are

thrashed,chai rs


,wh ich have fou r legs



ordered to do so , e ither break off one leg , or add an ext ra

leg by tying a st ick to the cot or cha i r. The women

always wear the i r c loth in one p iece,and are not al lowed


l ike other H oleyas, to have it made of two p ieces . The

Bakudas wi l l not eat food prepared or touched by B i l i


,Paravas or Nalkes . The headman is

cal led Mukhari . The offi ce is hered itary,and

,i n some

p laces,i s

,as with the Gutt inaya of the Bants


with h is house-S i te . This be ing fixed,he shou ld remain at

that house,or h is appo intment wi l l lapse

,except with the

genera l consent of the community to h is reta in ing it . I n

some places , the Mukhari has two assistants,cal led Jam

mana and Bondari , of whom the latter has to d ist r ibute


toddy at assemb l ies of the caste . On al l ceremon ia l

occas ions,the Mukhari has to be t reated with great

respect,and even an ind ividua l who gets possessed by the

bh t'

I tha (devi l) has to touch h im with h is kadasale (sword) .I n cases of adu ltery, a purificatofy ceremony, cal led gud i

suddha,i s performed . The err ing woman’s re lat ions

const ruct seven smal l huts, through which she has to

pass,and they are bu rned down . The fact of th i s purifi

catory ceremony taking p lace i s usual ly proc la imed by

the Bendar i , and the saying i s that 280 people shou ld

assemble . They spr inkle water brought from a temp le

or sthana (devi l shr ine) and cow’s u rine over the woman

j ust before she passes through the huts . A sma l l quant ity

of hai r from her head , a few hai rs from the eye l ids, and

nai ls from her fingers are thrown into the huts . I n some

p laces,the de l inquent has to dr ink a cons iderable quant i ty

of sa lt -water and cow-dung water .

Her relat ives have to pay a sma l l money fine to the

vi l lage de ity . The ordea l of pass ing through huts is

a lso p ract i ced by the Koragas of South Canara . The

suggest ion,

” Mr . R . E . Enthoven wr i tes ,“ seems to be a

rap id representat ion of seven ex i stences , the outcaste

regain ing h is (or her) statu s after seven generat ions havepassed without further t ransgress ion . The paral le l suggested is the law of Manu that seven generat ions are

necessary to efface a lapse from the law of endogamous

marriage .

The spec ial bh t'

I thas of the Bakudas are Kodababbu

and Kamberlu (or Kang ilu ) , but J umad i, Panjurli, andTan iman iya are also occas i onal ly worsh ipped . For the

p rop it iat ion of Kodababbu ,Nalkes are engaged to put

on the d isgu ise of th is bh t’

I tha, whereas Bakudas them

selves d ress up for the prop it iat ion of Kamberlu in

cocoanut leaves t ied round the head and wa ist . Thus


fin ished off by the bestman . The bridal coup le then

stand once more on the mat , and the Mukhari j o ins the i r

hands,saying No unlawfu l marriage Shou ld take p lace .

Prohib ited re lat ionsh ip must be avoided .

” He sprinkles

water from culms of Cy noa’on D acty lon over the un ited

hands .The body of a dead Bakuda i s washed with hot water


i n wh ich mango (M ang ifera ina’ica) bark i s steeped .

The dead are bur ied . The day for the final death

ceremon ies (bojja) i s u sual ly fixed by the Mukhari or

Jammana . On that day, cooked food is offered to the

deceased,and al l c ry “ muriyo,

m uriyo .

” The son,

after be ing shaved , and with h is face ve i led by a c loth,carr ies cooked r ice on his head to a smal l hut erected forthe occas ion . The food i s set down

,and al l present

throw some of i t into the hut .

The Mera or Mugayar Holeyas, l i ke the Bakudas,absta in from eat ing beef, and refuse to touch leather in

any form . They have no object ion to carrying fou r

legged art ic les . Though the i r mother tongue is Tu lu,

they seem to fol low the makkala santana law of inheritance

(in the male l ine) . The i r headman i s ent it led Kuruneru,

and he has , as the badge of offi ce,a cane with a s i lver

band . The offi ce of headman passes to the son i nstead

of to the nephew . Marr iage i s ca l led Badathana,and

the deta i ls of the ceremony are l ike those of the Mar i

Ho leyas . The dead are bu r ied, and the fina l death

ceremonies (bojja or savu) are performed on the twe l fth

or S ixteenth day . A feast is g iven to some members of

the community,and cooked food offered to the deceased

at the house and near the grave .

The Mar i or Mariman isaru Holeyas are somet imes

ca l led Karadh i by the Bakudas . Like certa in Malayalam

castes,the Holeyas have d ist inct names for the i r homes


accord ing to the sect ion . Thus , the huts o f the Mar i

Holeyas are cal led kelu , and those of the Mera Holeyas

patta . The headmen among the Mar i Holeyas are

cal led Mal ia,Bolt iyadi, and Kallali . The office of head

man fol lows in the fema le l ine of success ion . I n add it ion

to var ious bhfi thas , such as Panjurl i and Jumadi, the

Mar i H oleyas have two Spec ial bhathas , named Kattadhe

and Kanadhe , whom they regard as the i r ancestors . At

t imes of fest ivals,these ancestors are supposed to descend

on earth,and make the i r p resence known by tak ing pos

sess ion of some member of the community . Men who

are l iab le to be so possessed are cal led Dharipuneyi, and

have the pr iv i lege of tak ing up the sword and be l l

belong ing to the bhfi thasthana when under possess ion .

Marriage among the Mar i Holeyas i s cal led pora

thavu . At the betrothal ceremony , the headmen of the

cont ract ing part ies exchange bete l leaves and areca nuts .The br ide-pr ice usual ly cons ist s of two bund les of r ice

and a bundle of paddy (unhusked r ice) . On the wedd ing

day the br idegroom and h is party go to the home of the

bride,tak ing with them a basket conta in ing five seers of

r ice,two metal bangles

, one or two cocoanuts,a comb


and a white woman’s c loth,which are shown to the

headman of the br ide’s party . The two headmen order

bete l leaf and areca nuts to be d ist r ibuted among those

assemb led . After a mea l , a mat i s spread i n front of the

hut,and the br ide and br idegroom stand thereon . The

bridegroom has in h is hand a sword,and the br ide holds

some bete l leaves and areca nuts . Rice i s thrown over

the i r heads , and presents of money are g iven to them .

The two headmen l i ft up the hands of the contract ing

coup le , and they are jo ined together . The bride i s l i fted

up so as to be a l itt l e higher than the br idegroom,and

i s taken indoors . The bridegroom fol lows her,but is


p revented from enter ing by his brother-in - law,to whom

he g ives bete l leaves and areca nuts . H e then makes

a forc ib le ent rance into the hut .When a Mar i Ho leya gi rl reaches puberty , she i s

expected to remain with in a hut for twe lve days, at the

end of whi ch t ime the castem en are invited to a feast .

The gi rl i s seated on a patte rn drawn on the floor . At

the fou r corners thereof,vesse ls fi l l ed with water are

placed . The g irl’s mother ho lds over her head a p lanta in

leaf,and fou r women be long ing to d ifferent bal i s (septs)

pou r wate r thereon from the vesse ls . These women

and the g i r l then s it down to a mea l , and eat off the

same leaf.

Among the Mar i Holeyas , the dead are u sual ly bu ri ed ,and the fina l death ceremonies are performed on the

twel fth day . A pit i s dug near the grave , into wh ich an

image of the deceased,made of r ice st raw,

i s put . The

image is set on fi re by h is son or nephew . The ashes

are heaped up,and a rude hut i s erected round them by

fixing three st i cks in the ground,and cover ing them w i th

a c loth . Food i s offered on a leaf,and the dead person

i s asked to eat i t .

The Kasa H oleyas speak Canarese . They object to

carry ing art i c l es w ith fou r legs,unless the legs are

crossed . They do not eat beef, and wi l l not touch leathe r .They cons ider themselves to be super ior to the other

sect ions of H oleyas , and u se as an argument that the i r

caste name is Uppara,and not H oleya. Why they are

cal led Uppara i s not c lear , but some say that they are

the same as the Upparas (salt workers) of Mysore , who,in South Canara

,have descended in the soc ial sca le . The

hered i tary occupat ion of the Upparas i s making salt from

sa lt earth (ku ,earth ) . The headman of the Kasa

Holeyas i s cal led Buddivant . As they are d i sc ip les of a


Moger . The Halepaiks somet imes ca l l the sept Su ra

I i onne.

Honnungara (gold ring) . —Ah exogamous sept of

Kuruba .

Hu l i (t iger) . —An exogamous sub -sept of Kap

p iliyan .

Hul lu (grass) .— A gOtra of Kurn i .

Hunise (tamar ind) . —An exogamous sub -sept o f

Kapp iliyan .

Hu tta (ant -hi l l) . —An exogamous sept of Gangad i

kara Holeya .

Huvvina (flowers) . —An exogamous sept o f Odde

and Vakkal iga .

Ichcham (date -palm : Pacen ix sy tvestris) . —Ich

cham or Ichanjanar i s reco rded , i n the Tanjore Manual ,as a sect ion of Shanan . The equ iva lent Ichang occu rs

as a t ree or kothu of Kondaiyankettai Maravans .

Idach é r i .—An occupat ional name for a sect ion of

Nayars,who make and se l l dai ry produce . The word

corresponds to Idaiyan i n the Tam i l country .

I daiyan .—The Idaiyans are the great pastora l or

shepherd caste of the Tami l count ry, but some are land

owners,and a few are in Government emp loy . Those

whom I examined at Coimbatore were engaged as

m i lkmen,shepherds

,cu lt ivators , gardeners , cart-dr ivers,

shopkeepers,constab les , fam i ly doctors, and mend icants .

I t i s recorded in the Tanjore Manua l that “ the Rev .

Mr.Pope says that Ide ir are so-ca l led from ide i



being a k ind of intermed iate l ink between the farmers

and merchants .” Mr . Ne lson cons iders th i s derivat ion

Manual of the Madura d istr ict .


to be fanc i fu l,and th inks that “ perhaps they are so cal led

from orig inal ly inhabit ing the lands which lay midway

between the h i l l s and the arable lands,the jungly p lains


su ited for pastu rage the m idd le land out of the five

groups of land ment ioned in Tami l works,viz Kurinj i,

Palai,Mu l lai

, Marutam,Neytal] . The c lass consi sts

of several c lans,but they may be broadly d ivided into

two sect ions , the one more thoroughly organ ised , the

other retain ing most of the essent ial character ist i cs of an

aborig ina l race . The fi rst sect ion fol low the Vaishnava

sect,wear the namam

,and cal l themselves Yadavas .

Those be longing to the second sect ion st i ck to the i r

demon worsh ip,and make no pretens ions to a descent from

the Yadava race . They daub the i r foreheads with the

sacred cow-dung ashes,and are regarded

,apparent ly from

th i s c i rcumstance alone,to be long to the Saiva sect .

I n the Madras Census Report,187 1 , i t i s noted that

mi lkmen and cowherds appear to hold a soc ial pos it ion

of some importance , and even Brahmans do not d isdain

to dr ink mi lk or cu rds from the i r hands . Fu rther,the

Census Superintendent,190 1 , writes that the Idaiyans

take a h igher soc ial pos it ion than they would otherwise

do,owing to the t rad it ion that Kri shna was brough t up

by the i r caste,and to the fact that they are the only

pu rveyors of mi lk , gh i (c larified bu tter) , etc. ,and so are

ind i spensab le to the communi ty . Al l B rahmans,except

the most orthodox , wi l l accordingly eat butter-mi lk and

butter brough t by them . I n some p laces they have the

privi lege of break ing the butte r-pot on the GOku lashtam i,

or Krishna’s b i rthday

,and get a new c loth and some

money for doing it . They wi l l eat in the houses of

Ve llalas,Pal l i s

,and Nattamans .

Madras Census Report , 189 1 .


The Idaiyans c laim that Timma Raja,the p rime

min iste r of Krishna Deva Raya of Vijayanagar, who

executed various works in the Ching l eput d i st ri ct,was

an Idaiyan by caste .

The Idaiyans have retu rned a large number of

d ivi s ions,of whi ch the fol lowing may be noted

Kalkatt i and Pas i . The women,contrary to the

usual Tami l custom,have b lack beads in the i r tal i -st r ing .

The pract ice i s apparent ly due to the influence of Te lugu

Brahman pu rOh its , as var iou s Telugu castes have g lass

beads along with the bottu (marriage badge) . I n l ike

manner,the marr i ed Pandamut t i Pal l i women wear a

necklace of b lack beads . Accord ing to a legend , pas i i s

a pebble found in r ivers,from which beads are made .

A giant came to k i l l Krishna when he was p laying with

the shepherd boys on the banks of a r iver . He fought

the g iant with these pebb les,and ki l led h im .

Pal,mi lk . Corresponds to the Halu (mi lk) d iv is ion

of the Canarese Kuruba Shepherd caste .

Pendukkum ekki, denot ing those who are subserv ient

to the i r women . A man,on marr iage

,j o ins h is wi fe’s

fami ly,and he succeeds to the property

,not of h is father ,

but of his father - in - law .

S iv iyan or S ivala . An occupat iona l name , mean ing

palanqu in -bearer .

Sangukat t i, or those who t ie the conch or chank She l l

(Turbinetta rapa) . I t is narrated that Kr ishna wanted

to marry Rukmani,whose fami ly insi sted on marrying

her to S ishupalan . When the wedd ing was about to

take p lace,Krishna carr ied off Rukmani , and p laced a

bangle made of chank she l l on her wrist .

Samban,a name of S iva . Most members of th i s

d ivis ion put on the sacred ashes as a sectar ian mark . I t

i s sa id that the Yadavas were in the habit of making


Shel ia . Terr itor ial name denot ing inhabitant s of the

Chol a country .

Anaikombu,or elephant tusk

,which was the weapon

used by Krishna and the Yadavas to k i l l the giant

Sakatasura .

Karu tthakadu ,black cotton count ry . A sub -d ivis ion

found most ly in Madu ra and Tinneve l ly,where there i s a

cons iderable t ract of black cotton soi l .

The Perumal Madukkarans or Perumal E rudukkarans

(see Gangeddu ) , who t ravel about the country exh ib it ing

perform ing bu l l s , are sa id to be long to the PG (flower)Idaiyan sect ion of the Idaiyan caste . This i s so named

because the primary occupat ion thereof was,and in some

p laces st i l l i s , making garlands for temp les .

I n the Gazetteer of the Madura d ist r ict,i t i s recorded

that Podunattu (Pudunattu Idaiyans have a t rad it ion

that they original ly be longed to T inneve l ly , but fled to

th i s d ist r ict secret ly one n ight in a body in the t ime of

Tirumala Nayakkan , because the loca l ch ief oppressed

them . Tirumala welcomed them ,and put them under

the care of the Kal lan headman Piumai Devan,decree ing

that,to ensu re that th i s gent leman and h is successors

faithfu l ly observed the charge,they shou ld a lways be

appointed by an Idaiyan . That cond it ion i s Observed to

th i s day . I n th is sub -d iv i s ion a man has the same r ight

to marry h i s paternal aunt’s daughter as i s possessed by

the Kallans . But,i f the woman’s age i s much greater

than the boy’s,she i s usual ly marr ied instead to h is cousin


or some one e l se on that S ide of the fami ly . A Brah

man officiates at wedd ings , and the sacred fi re i s used , but

the br idegroom’s s i ster t ies the tal i (marr iage badge) .

Divorce and the remarr iage of widows are p roh ib ited .

The dead,except infant s

,are burnt . Caste affai rs are

sett led by a headman cal led the Nattanmaikaran , who is


assi sted by an a ccountant and a peon . A l l th ree are

e lected . The headman has the management of the caste

fund,wh ich i s ut i l i sed in the celebrat ion of fest ivals on

certa in days in some of the larger temples of the d is

t r iet . Among these Podunattus , an uncommon ru le of

i nher itance i s in force . A woman who has no male

i ssue at the t ime of her husband’s death has to return

hi s p roperty to h is brother, father , or maternal uncle , but

is al lotted maintenance , the amount of which is fixed by

a caste panchayat (counc i l) . Among the Valasu and

Pendukkum ekki sub -d ivi s ions , another odd form of main

tenance subs ists . A man’s p roperty descends to h is

sons- ih - law,who l ive with h im , and not to hi s sons


The sons merely get maintenance unt i l they are marr ied.

I n the Madras Census Report , 190 1 , Pendan or

Pegandan i s recorded as a sub -caste of Idaiyans , who are

palanqu in -bearers to the Zamorin of Ca l icut . I n th is

connect ion,i t i s noted by M r . K . Kannan Nayar that

“ among the Konar (cowherds) of Poondurai near E rode

(in the Coimbatore d i st r ict ) , who , accord ing to t radit ion ,original ly belonged to the same tr ibe as the GOpas l iv ing

in the southern part of Kerala,and now form ing a sect ion

of the Nayars,the former matr imon ial customs were

exact ly the same as those of the Nayars . They, too


celebrated tal i -kettu kalyanam , and , l ike the Nayars , d id

not make i t b inding on the br ide and bridegroom of the

ceremony to l ive as husband and wife . They have now,

however, abandoned the custom ,and have made the

tying of the tal i the actual marr iage ceremony .

The typ ical panchayat (vi l lage counc i l) system exists

among the Idaiyans , and the only di st ingu i sh ing feature

is the ex i stence of a headman , cal led K i thari or Ki lar i ,

Malabar Quart . Review, I I , 1903.


whose bus iness i t i s to look afte r the sheep of the vi l lage,

to arrange for penn ing them in the fie lds . I n some

p laces the headman i s ca l led Ambalakkaran . I n bygone

days,those who were convicted of adu ltery were t ied to

a post , and beaten .

I n some p laces,when a gir l reaches puberty


maternal unc le , or h is sons,bu i ld a hut with green

cocoanut leaves,which she occup ies for s ixteen days ,

when purificatory ceremon ies are performed .

The marr iage ceremon ies vary accord ing to loca l i ty,

and the fo l low ing detai ls of one form therefore,as carr ied

ou t at Co imbatore,may be c ited . When a marr iage

between two persons i s contemp lated,a red and white

flower , t ied up in separate bete l leaves , are thrown before

the ido l at a temp le . A l itt le ch i ld i s told to p ick up

one of the leaves,and

,i f she se lects the one contain ing

the wh ite flower,the omens are cons idered ausp ic ious,

and the marr iage wi l l be arranged . On the day of the

bet rothal,the futu re br idegroom ’s father and other re la

t ions go to the gi r l’s house with presents of a new c loth ,fru its , and ornaments . The br ide pr i ce (pariyam ) i s paid ,and betel exchanged . The bridegroom -e lect goes to the

g i r l’

s cous ins (materna l unc le’s sons) , who have a r ight

to marry her,and presents them with fou r annas and

bete l . The acceptance of these i s a S ign that they con

sent to the marr iage . On the marr iage day , the br ide

groom p lants the mi lk-post,after i t has been blessed by

a Brahman pureh it , and i s shaved by a barber . The

br ide and her female re lat ions fetch some earth,and a

p latform i s made out o f i t in the marr iage pandal (booth) .

The Brahman makes fi re (hemam) , and p laces a cowdungPillayar (Ganesa) i n the pandal . The bride then husks

some r ice there in . The re lat ions of the br ide and bride

groom fetch from the potter’s house seven pots ca l led


to ind icate the union between the two fami l ies . I nto one

of the large pots a go ld and s i lver r ing , and into the

other an i ron Sty le and p iece of palm leaf are dropped .


couple perform the pot -search ing ceremony , and

wh ichever gets ho ld of the go ld ring or style i s re

garded as the more c lever of the two . The br idegroom

p laces h i s r ight foot,and the bride her left foot on a

grindstone,and they look at the star Arundath i . The

stone represents Ahalliya, the wi fe of the sage Gautama ,who was cu rsed by her husband for her misconduct with

I ndra,and tu rned into a stone

,whereas Arundath i was

the wife of Vasi shta and a model of chast ity . The newly

marr ied couple , by plac ing the i r feet on the stone , i nd i

cate the i r intent ion of check ing unchaste desi res,and by

look ing at Arundath i,of remain ing fai thfu l to each other .

The br ide decorates a smal l gr indstone with a cloth and

ornaments,and takes i t round to al l her re lat ions who

are present,and who bless her with a hOpe that she wi l l

have many ch i ldren .

I n the Marava count ry, a grown-up Idaiyan g ir l i s

somet imes marr ied to a boy of ten or twelve . Among

some Idaiyans , i t i s cu stomary for the tal i to be t ied by

the s ister of the br idegroom , and not by the br idegroom ,

who must not be present when it is done .

I t i s sa id that , in some places , l i ke the Go l las , when

an Idaiyan bridegroom sets ou t for the house of his bride ,he i s se ized by his compan ions, who wi l l not re lease h im

t i l l he has paid a p iece of gold . I n the Madura Manual

i t is noted that “ at an Idaiyan wedd ing , on the th i rd day,when the favou ri te amusement of spr inkl ing tu rmeric

wate r over the guests i s conc luded,the who le party

betake themselves to the vi l lage tank (pond) . A friend

of the br idegroom br ings a hoe and a basket , and the

young husband fi l l s three baskets with earth from the


bottom of the tank , whi le the wie takes them away , and

throws the earth beh ind . They then’

say We have dug

a d itch for char i ty .

’ This pract ice may probably be

exp lained by remember ing that , i n ar id d i st r icts , where

the Idaiyans often tend the i r catt le , the tank is of the

greatest importance .

I t i s said that the S iv iyan and Pendukkumekki sub

dw i srons take low rank , as the remarr iage of widows is

freely permi tted among them . I n the Ramnad terr i tory

of the Madura d ist r ict , the marriage of widows i s at tri

buted to compu ls ion by a Zamindar . Accord ing to the

story,the Zamindar asked an Idaiyan whether he wou ld

marry a widow . The reply was that widows are aruthu

kattadhavar, i .e. , women who wi l l not t ie the tal i st r ing

again,after snapp ing it (on the husband

’s decease) . This

was cons idered impert inent by the Zamindar,as marr iage

of widows was common among the Maravars . To

compe l the Idaiyans to resort to widow marr iage , he took

advantage of the ambigu ity of the word aru thukatta

dhavar, which wou ld also mean those who do not t ie up

in a bundle after cutt ing or reap ing . At the t ime of the

harvest season , the Zamindar sent h i s servants to the

Idaiyans with orders that they were not to t ie up the

r ice p lants in sheaves . This led to severe monetary

loss,and the Idaiyans consented re luctant ly to widow

remarriage .

On the death of a married Idaiyan ,at Coimbatore ,

the corpse i s p laced in a seated postu re . A measu re of

r ice,a l ighted lamp

,and a cocoanut are p laced near

i t , and burn ing fire -wood i s laid at the door of the house .

When the relat ions and friends have arr ived,the body

i s removed from the house,and p laced in a pandal


ported behind by a mortar . The male re lat ions put on

the sacred thread , and each brings a pot of water from


a tank . The widow rubs o il over the head of the corpse ,and some one , p lac ing a l i tt le o i l i n the hands thereof,rubs i t over her head . On the way to the bu rn ing

ground,a barber carr ies a fire-brand and a pot , and

a washerman carr ies the mat , c loths , and other art ic les

u sed by the deceased . When the idukadu,a Spot made

to rep resent the shr ine of Arichandra who is in charge of

the burial or burn ing ground , i s reached , the pol luted

art ic les are thrown away, and the b ier i s p laced on the

ground . A Paraiyan makes a cross-mark at the fou r

corners of the b ier,and the son

, who is ch ief mourner,p laces a smal l co in on three of the marks

,leaving out

the one at the north -east corner . The Paraiyan takes

these co ins and tears a b it of c loth from the wind ing-sheet,

which i s sent to the widow . At the bu rning-ground,

the relat ions p lace r ice , water, and smal l co ins in the

mouth of the corpse . The coins are the perqu is ite of

the Paraiyan . The son, who i s c lean -shaved , carr ies

a pot of water on h i s shou lder thr ice round the pyre,

and,at each tu rn , the barber makes a ho le in i t w i th

a chank She l l,when the head is reached . Final ly the

pot i s broken near the head . The sacred threads are

thrown by those who wear them on the pyre,and the

son sets fi re to i t,and goes away without looking back.

The widow meanwhi le has broken her tal i st r ing,and

thrown it into a vesse l of mi lk, whi ch i s set on the

spot where the deceased breathed h i s last . The son,

on his retu rn home after bath ing, steps across a pest le

p laced at the threshold . Arath i (wave offer ing) is per

formed,and he worsh ips a l ighted lamp with in the house .

On the fo l lowing day,r ice and S esoan ia g rana

’iftora a re

cooked,and served to the re lat ives by the widow’s

brothers . Next day,mi lk

, gh i (clar ified butter) , curds,tender cocoanuts

,n ine kinds of grain , water , and other


o f Krishna’

s b i rthday . They Show spec ial reverence for

the vesse ls u sed in dai ry operat ions .

The proverb that the sense of an Idaiyan i s on the

back of his neck , fo r i t was there that he rece ived the

blows,refers to “ the story of the shepherd enter ing the

gate of hi s house w ith a crook p laced hor izontal ly on his

shoulders,and find ing himse l f unable to get in

,and his

be ing made able to do so by a coup le of blows on his

back,and the removal of the c rook at the same t ime .

Another p roverb i s that there i s ne ither an And i among

Idaiyans , nor a Tadan among the potters . The And i i s

a lways a Saiv ite beggar , and , the Idaiyans being always

Vaishnav ites , they can never have in the i r m idst a

beggar of the Sa iv ite sect , or vice versei . Being ex

t rem ely stup id , whenever any d i spute ar i ses among

them,they can never come to any defin ite sett lement


or, as the p roverb says , the d isputes between Ida iyans

are never eas i ly sett led . Keep ing and rear ing catt le,

graz ing and mi lking them , and l iv ing thereby, are the i r

al lotted task in l i fe , and so they are never good agr i

cu ltu r i sts . This defect i s al luded to in the proverb that

the field watered by the Idaiyan , or by a member of the

Pal l i caste,must ever remain a waste .

” i t

Other p roverbs,quoted by the Rev . H . J ensenn

L are

as fol lows

The shepherd can get some foo l to serve h im .

Like a sheph erd who wou ld not g i ve anyth ing , but showed an

ewe b ig w ith young.

The shepherd destroyed hal f, and the foo l hal f.

I n 1904 , an elementary school for Ida iyans , cal led the

Yadava school , was establ i shed at Madura .

Madras Ma i l , 1904 .

t Class ified Co l lect ion o f Tam i l Proverbs , 1897.


The usua l t it le of the Idaiyan s i s Kenan or Ken

meaning King , but , i n the Census Report , 190 1 , the

t it les P i l la i and Kariyalan are also recorded . I n the

Census Report,189 1 , Idaiya i s g iven as a sub-d iv is ion

of Vakkal iga ; and , i n the Salem Manual , Idaiyan appears

as a synonym of Shanan .

For the fol lowing note on the Idaiyans who have

sett led in Travancore,I am indebted to Mr . N . Subra

mani A iyar . They consi st of two wel l -defined sect ions,

namely,the Tami l -speaking Idaiyans , who are but recent

immigrants,and large ly found in Tevala, Agast isvaram

and Shenkotta,and the Malayalam - speaking branch


are early sett le rs res id ing ch iefly in Kart ikapalli and

other taluks of Central Travancore . The Idaiyans are

not large ly found in Travancore , because a branch of

the indigenou s Sadra commun ity , the Idacheri Nayars ,are engaged in the same occupat ion . They are divided

into two c lasses,viz . ,

Kangayan (shepherds) and Puvan

dans,who neither i nterd ine nor intermarry . The latter

appear to be d ivided into fou r c lasses,Pas i



Nambi,and Valayitayan . Puvandan i s another form of

the word Pendan,which means a palanqu in -bearer . I t

i s we l l known that,i n the Tami l country , th i s was one of

the dut ies of the Idaiyans , as i s evident from a sub

d ivi s ion cal led S ivi or S iv iyar (palanqu in) exist ing among

them . I n the early sett lement records of Travancore ,they are referred to as S ibis . Many fancy


incorrect ly , that the word means one who col lects flowers .

As the S ib is were expert s in palanqu in-bear ing,they

must have been brought from the Tami l count ry to serve

the med iaeva l Rajas . At the present day , besides pu r

su ing the i r t radit ional occupat ion,they al so engage in

agricu ltu re and trade . The posit ion of the Puvandans i n

soc iety is not low . They are ent it led to the serv ices of


the Brahman’

s washerman and barber,and they may

enter temples , and advance as far as the place to which

Nayars go , excep t i n some parts of Cent ral Travancore .

They are flesh - eaters , and the dr inking of intox icat ing

l iquor i s not p roh ib ited . On ceremonia l occasions,

women wear the Tami l Idaiya dress , whi le at other t imes

they adopt the att i re of Nayar women . Thei r ornaments

are foreign , and c lear ly indicate that they are a Tami l

caste . The marr iage badge i s cal led sankhu tal i,and a

smal l conch -shaped ornament forms its most conspicu

ous featu re . Besides the ord inary H indu de it ies,they

worship Matam , Yaksh i , and Maruta . At wedd ings,

the Idaiyan bridegroom holds a sword in h i s left hand ,whi le he takes ho ld of the br ide by the right hand .

Funeral ceremon ies are supervi sed by a barber,who

officiates as p r iest . Corpses are either bu rnt or bur ied .

Though they appear to observe on ly e leven days’ death

pol lut ion,they cannot enter a temp le unt i l t he exp i ry

of s ixteen days . An ann iversary ceremony in memory of

the deceased i s performed on the new-moon day in the

month of Karkatakam (J u ly—August ) , and , on this day,most members of the caste go to Varkalai to perform the

r ite . Many pure ly Tami l names are st i l l p reserved in the

caste , such as Tambi , Chami , Bhagavat i , and Chattu .

Idakottu (those who break) . -An exogamous sept of

Oddes , who , du ring the i r work as navvies, break stones .

Idangai (left -hand ) . —Recorded,at t imes of censu s,

as a d iv is ion of Devadasis,who do service for castes

belonging to the left -hand sect ion .

Id iga .—The Te lugu toddy-drawers

,whose hered itary

occupat ion i s the ext ract ion of the ju ice of the date and

palmyra palms,go by d i fferent names in d ifferent

local it ies . Those , for example , who l ive in the Salem ,

North Arcot and Ch ingleput d ist r icts,are cal led Id igas

iD IGA 368

Brahmans are rece ived on terms of equal i ty by other

Brahmans . They bury the i r dead , and observe pol lut ion

for twelve days,dur ing wh ich they absta in from eat ing

flesh . The consumpt ion of al coho l i s St r ict ly proh ib ited,

and i s severe ly pun ished by the headman of the caste .

They eat with al l Bal ij as, except the Gaz u lu sect ion .

Thei r t it les are Aiya , Appa , and Gandu .

I t i s noted by M r . F . Fawcett that in the northern

d i st r i ct s,among the Te lugu popu lat ion the toddy-drawers

u se a ladder about e ight or n ine feet In length,which i s

p laced against the t ree , to avo id c l imbing a th i rd or fou rth

of i t . Whi le in the act of c l imbing up or down , they

make use of a wide band,wh ich i s passed round the body

at the smal l of the back , and round the t ree . This band

i s easi ly fastened with a togg le and eye . The back i s

p rotected by a p iece of thick soft leather . I t g ives great

ass i stance in cl imb ing, which it makes easy . Al l ove r

the southernmost port ion of the pen insu la,among the

Shanans and Tiyans , the ladder and wai st-band are

unknown . They cl imb up and down with the i r hands

and arms,u sing on ly a soft grummel of co i r (cocoanut

fibre) to keep the feet near together .The Id igas c laim to be descended from Vyasa, the

t radit iona l comp i ler of the Mahabharata . I n a note by

M r . F . R . Hemingway on the Id igas of the Godavar i

d ist r i ct,they are said to worsh ip a de ity

,to whom they

annual ly offer fow l s on New Year’s day , and make dai ly

offer ings of a few drops of toddy from the fi rst pot taken

from the t ree . I n th i s d ist r i ct they are commonly cal led

Chett i .

The insigne of the Id igas , as recorded at Conjeeveram ,

i s a ladderfi’"

J . S . F .Mackenz ie , I nd . Ant., IV,



I diya (pounder) .— Recorded , i n the Travancore

Censu s Report,190 1 , as a d ivi s ion of Konkan i S t


Idras .

The Id iyans prepare r i ce in a spec ial manner . Paddy is

soaked in water,and roasted over a fi re . While hot , i t

i s p laced in a mortar,and pounded with a pest le . This

r ice i s cal led avi l,which i s said to be large ly used as a

de l i cacy in Travancore,and to be employed in certa in

re l igious ceremonies .

The Idiyans are stated to have left the i r nat ive land

near Cochin,and sett led in Travancore at the invitat ion of

a former sovere ign . On arr ival in the land of the i r

adopt ion,they were given

,free of tax

,cocoanut gardens

and r ice land . I n retu rn,they were requ i red to supp ly


free of charge , the palace of the Maharaj ah and the

temp le of Sr i Padmanabhaswam i at Tr ivandrum with

as much beaten r i ce (avi l) as might be requ i red from

t ime to t ime .

Iga (fly) .— An exogamous sept of Mutracha . The

equ ivalent Igala occu rs as an exogamous sept of Yanad i .I lai (leaf) .— I la i or Ele has been recorded as a sub

d ivi s ion of T igalas and Toreyas who cu lt ivate the bete l

v ine (P ip er oette) . E la i Van iyan occu rs as a synonym

of Senaikkudaiyans, who are bete l leaf se l lers in Tinne

ve l ly .

I laiyattakudi .—A sub-d ivi s ion of Nattukettai

Chett i .

I lakutiyan .—Recorded

,in the Travancore Census

Report,190 1 , as a sub-d ivi s ion of Nayar .

I lamagan—The I lamagans are descr ibed by Mr .Franc i s * as a cu lt ivat ing caste found ch iefly in the

Zamindar i taluk of Tiruppat tfi r i n Madura . The word

l iteral ly means a young man,but the young i s

Madras Cen sus Report , 1901 .

11- 24


i nterp reted by other castes in the sense of i nfer ior . One

says that i t i s made up of the sons of Vallamban females

and Vel lala males, another that it i s a m ixtu re of outcasted Valaiyans, Kallans and Maravans

,and a thi rd that

i t i s descended from i l leg i t imate ch i ldren of the Vellalas

and Pa l l i s . Like the Kallans and Valaiyans , the members

of the caste st retch the lobes of the i r ears,and leave the i r

heads unshaven . The caste i s d ivided into two or three

endogamous sect ions of terr itor ial or ig in . They do not

employ Brahmans as purOh its the i r w idows may marry

again ; the i r dead are u sual ly bu ried and they wi l l eat



,and fi sh . They are thus not high

in the soc ia l scale , and are , i n fact , about on a par with the

Kallans . The headmen of the caste are ca l led Ambalam .

I t i s suggested,i n the Census Report , 189 1 , that , from

the fact that I lamagan appears as a sub-d ivi s ion of the

Maravans , i t may perhaps be inferred that the two castes

are c losely a l l i ed .

Hamp i .—Recorded , in the Travancore Census

Report,190 1 , as a sub -d iv is ion of Nayar .

I layatu .—See Elayad .

I lla (of a hou se) . —An exogamous sept of Yanad i .

I l lam .—Defined by M r . Wigram as meaning the

house of an ord inary Nambfi dri Brahman . I t i s recorded,

i n the Travancore Censu s Report , 190 1 , as a sub-d iv i s ion

of Nayar . The name I llam Ve l lala has been assumed by

some Pan ikkans i n the Tami l country , whose exogamous

septs are cal led I llam . I n Travancore , I lakkar or I llathu ,

mean ing those attached to Brahman houses,i s said to be

an occupat iona l sub -d iv i s ion of Nayars . I lakkar further

occu rs as an exogamous sept of Mala Arayans, known as

the Three Thousand .

Malabar Law and Custom .


Thei r camp general ly cons ists of a few smal l tents,a

few pon ies , pack saddles to secu re the i r cu l inary uten

si l s , the i r d i rty c lothes, the leather or gunny bags contain

ing the i r art ic les of merchand ise,a few fight ing cocks ,

and cages of bi rds . They are very fond of cock fight ing,

even on wagers of 10 to 50 rupees on each . They tra in

these cocks spec ia l ly brough t up to fight . For infor

mat ion concern ing the cr im inal methods of the I ran is,

I wou ld refer the reader to Mr . Panpa Rao Naidu’


account thereof.

Iranyavarma.—The name of one of the ear ly Pallava

kings,retu rned at t imes of census as a caste name by

some wealthy Pal l i s,who also gave themselves the t it le

of Selakanar, or descendants of Chola K ings .

Irattai S ekkan .—A sub-div i s ion of Van iyans , who

use two bu l locks for the i r o il-mi l ls .

Iraya.—A name for Cherumans

,i n Malabar, who

are perm itted to come as far as the eaves (i ra) of the i remployers’ houses .

Irchakkol lan (t imber sawyer) . —A synonym , i n

Travancore,of Tacchan (carpenter) Kammal an .

Irku li .—Irku l i or Irangoll i Ve l lala, said to mean

Vellalas who k i l led dampness,i s a name assumed by

some Vannans .

Irp ina (comb) . —An exogamous sept of Kamma .

Iru las of the N i lg i r i s . I n the Kotagi r i bazaar ,which i s an excel lent hunt ing-ground for the anthro

polog ist , may be seen gathered together on market-day




,Kurumbas , and an

occasional Toda from the Kodanad mand . A tr ibal

photograph was taken there,with the resu lt that a depu

tat ion subsequent ly waited on me with a pet i t ion to the

effect that “ We,t he unders igned

,beg to submit that

your honour made botos of u s,and has paid us noth ing .



,beg you to do th is common act of j ust ice .

The deputat ion was made happy w ith a pourooire.

I n my hunt after Iru las , which ended in an attack

of malar ial fever,i t was necessary to invoke the assi stance

and proverbial hosp ital i ty of var ious p lanters . On oneoccasion news reached me that a gang of Iru las

,col lected

for my benefit under a promise of substant ial remunera

t ion,had arr ived at a p lanter’s bungalow

,whither I

proceeded . The party inc luded a man who had been

wanted for some t ime in connect ion with the shoot ing

of an elephant on forb idden ground . He,suspect ing me

of base designs , refused to be measured , on the p lea that

he was afraid the he ight-measur ing standard was the

gal lows . Nor would he let me take h i s photograph ,

fear ing (though he had never heard of Bert i l lonage) lest

i t shou ld be used for the pu rpose of cr im inal ident ifica

t ion . Unhapp i ly a mischievous rumou r had been circu

lated that I had in my t rain a wizard Kurumba,who wou ld

bewitch the Irulas,in order that I m ight abduct them

(for what purpose was not stated ) .As the Badagas are the fai rest

,so the Iru las are the

darkest-sk inned of the N i lgir i t r i bes , on some of whom,

as has been said,charcoal wou ld leave a white mark .

The name I ru la,in fact

,means darkness or b lackness

(irn l) , whether in re ference to the dark jungles in which

the Iru las,who have not become domest i cated by work

ing as contractors or coo l i es on planters’ estates,dwe l l ,

or to the darkness of the i r sk in , is doubtful . Though the

typ ica l I ru la i s dark-sk inned and p latyrh ine,I have noted

some who,as the result of contact metamorphos is , pos

sessed skins of marked ly paler hue , and lep torhine noses .

The language of the Iru las i s a corrupt form of Tami l .

In the i r rel ig ion they are worsh ippers of Vishnu under

the name of Rangasvam i, to whom they do paj a

I RULA 374

(worsh ip) at the i r own rude shr ines, or at the H indutemple at Karaimadai

,where Brahman pr iests officrate .

An I ru la pajar i,Breeks wr ites ,

“ l ives near the

I ru la temp les,and r ings a be l l when he performs paja to

the gods . He wears the Vishnu mark on his forehead .

H is office i s hered itary,and he i s remunerated by offer

ings of fru i t and m i lk from I ru la worshippers . Each

I ru la vi l lage pays about two annas to the pajar i about

May or J une . They say that there i s a temp le at

Kallampalla i n the Satt iyamangalam taluk,north of

Rangasvam i’

s peak . This i s a S iva temp le,at wh ich

sheep are sacr ificed . The pajar i wears the S iva mark .

They don’t know the d i fference between S iva and Vishnu .

At Kallampalla temp le i s a thatched bu i lding , conta in ing

a stone cal led Mariamma,the wel l-known goddess of

smal l -pox,worshipped in thi s capac ity by the Irulas . A

Sheep is led to thi s temp le , and those who offer the

sacr ifice Sprinkle water over it,and cut i t s throat . The

pajar i S it s by,but takes no part in the ceremony . The

body i s cut up,and d ist r ibuted among the Iru las p resent ,

i nc lud ing the pajar i .

I n connect i on with the shr ine on Rangasvam i peak ,the fo l lowing note i s recorded in the Gazetteer of the

N i lg i r i s . I t i s the most sacred h i l l on al l the p lateau .

H indu legend says that the god Rangasvam i used to

l ive at Karaimadai on the p lains between Mettupalaiyam

and Co imbatore , but quarre l led w i th hi s wi fe , and so

came and l ived here alone . I n p roof of the story , two

footpr ints on the rock not far from Araked vi l lage be low

the peak are pointed out . This, however , i s probab ly an

invent ion designed to save the hi l l fo lk the to i lsome

journey to Rangasvam i’

s car fest iva l at Karaimadai,

‘l Pr im it ive Tr ibes of the Nilg ir is .



which u sed once to be cons idered incumbent upon them .

I n some places,the Badagas and Kotas have gone even

further,and estab l i shed Rangasvam i Bettus of the i r own ,

handy for the i r own part icular v i l lages . On the rea l

Rangasvam i peak are two rude wa l led enc losures sacred

to the god Ranga and hi s consort,and with in these are

vot ive offer ings (chiefly i ron lamps and the notched

st i cks used as we ighing machines) , and two stones to

represent the de it ies . The hered itary puj ar i I S an I ru la ,and

, on the day fixed by the Badagas for t he annual feast,

he arr ives from h is hamlet near Nand ipuram ,bathes in a

poo l be low the summit,and marches to the top Shout ing

Govinda ! Govinda ’

! The cry i s taken up with wi ld

enthus iasm by a l l t hose p resent,and the who le crowd


which inc ludes Badagas,Iru las

,and Kurumbas

,su r

rounds the enc losu res,whi le the I ru la pr iest i nvokes the

de it ies by b lowing his conch and beat ing h is drum,and

pou rs ob lat ions over , and decorates w ith flowers,the

two stones which rep resent them . That n ight,two stone

basins on the summit are fi l led with ghee and l ighted,and

the glare is vis ib le for mi les around . The ceremon ies

c lose with prayers for good rai n and fru it fu lness among

the flocks and herds,a wi ld dance by the I ru la

,and the

bo i l ing (ca l led pongal , the same word as ponga l the Tami l

agricu ltural feast) of much r ice in m i lk . About a m i le

from Arakod i s an overhanging rock ca l led the kodai -kalor umbre l la stone

,under which i s found a whit i sh c lay .

This c lay i s used by the Iru las for making the Vaishnava

marks on the i r foreheads at th is fest ival .

The fol lowing account of an I ru la temp le fest ival i s

given by Harkness . * “ The hai r of the men,as we l l

as of the women and chi ldren,was bound up in a fantast i c

Description of a s ingu lar Abor ig inal Race inhab it ing the Neilgherry Hi l ls,

I RULA 376

manner with wreaths of p lai ted straw . Thei r necks,ears


and ank les were decorated with ornaments formed of the

same mater ia l,and they carr i ed l itt l e d ried gourds


wh i ch nuts or smal l stones had been inserted . They ratt led

them as they moved,and

,with the rust l ing of the i r ru ra l

ornaments,gave a sort o f rhythm to the i r mot ion . The

dance was performed in front of a l i tt le thatched shed,

wh ich,we learnt

,was the i r temp le . When it was con

c luded,they commenced a sacr ifice to the i r de ity


rather de it ies,of a he -goat and three cocks . This was

done by cutt ing the th roats of the v ict ims,and throwing

them down at the feet of the ido l,the who le assembly

at the same t ime prostrat ing themse lves . With in the

temple there was a winnow, or fan , which they cal led

Mahri— evident ly the emblem of Ceres ; and at a short

d i stance,i n front of the former

,and some paces in

advance one of the other , were two rude stones , which they

cal l,the one Moshan i , the other Kouad i Mari , but which

are subord inate to the fan occupying the inter ior of the

temple .

A vi l lage near a coffee estate , which I inspected ,was

,at the t ime of my vis it , in the possess ion of pariah

dogs and nude chi ld ren , the e lder ch i ld ren and adu l ts

be ing away at work . The v i l lage was protected against

noctu rnal fe l ine and other feral marauders by a rude fence ,and consi sted of rows of s ingle -storied huts , with verandah

in front,made of sp l it bamboo and thatched , detached

huts,an abundance of fowl -houses , and cucu rb i taceous

p lants twin ing up rough stages . Surround ing the vi l lage

were a dense grove of p lanta in t rees , castor-o il bushes ,

and catt le pens .When not engaged at work on estates or i n the forest ,

the Iru las cu lt ivate , for the i r own consumpt ion , rag i

(E teusine Coracana) , samai (P an icum m itiaro) , tenai


kind le a fi re upon the nearest la rge stone or fragment of


,when it i s we l l heated , bru sh away the embers,

and scatte r the grain upon i t , which , soon becoming

parched and dry, is read i ly reduced to mea l , which i s

made into cakes . The stone i s now heated a second

t ime,and the cakes are put on i t to bake . Or


they have met wi th a stone which has a l i t t le concavity,

they wi l l,after heat ing it , fi l l the ho l low w i th water , and ,

with the meal,form a sort of porr idge . I n th i s way the

who le fami ly,the i r fr iends , and ne ighbours , wi l l l ive t i l l

the grain has been consumed . The who le per iod i s one

of merry-making . They celebrate Mahri,and invite a l l

who may be pass ing by to jo in in the fest iv it ies . These

fami l ie s w i l l , i n retu rn , be invited to l ive on the fie lds of

the i r ne ighbours . Many of them l ive for the remainder

of the year on a k ind of yarn,wh ich grows wi ld

,and i s

ca l led E ru la root . To the use of th is they accustom the i r

chi ldren from infancy .

Some I rulas now work for the Forest Department ,which al lows them to l ive on the borders of the forest ,grant ing them sites free

,and other concess ions . Among

the minor forest produce,which they co l lect

,are myra

bolam s , bees-wax , honey, vembadam bark (Ven ti iago

M adraspatana) , avaram bark (Cassia aur icutata) , deer’s



,soapnu ts , and sheekoy (A cacia

concinna) . The forests have been d iv ided into b locks,and a certa in p lace w i th in each block has been se lected

for the forest depot . To th is p lace the co l lect ing agents

most ly Shelagars and I ru las— br ing the produce , and

then it i s sorted,and pa id for by spec ial superv isorsfi

The co l lect i on of honey i s a dangerou s occupat ion . A

man,with a torch in h i s hand , and a number of bamboo

A . W. Lush ing ton, I nd ian Fo res ter, 1902 .

379 I RULA

tubes suspended from h is shou lders,descends by means

of ropes or creepers to the vic in ity of the comb . The

s igh t of the torch drives away the bees , and he proceeds

to fi l l the bamboos with the comb , and then ascends to

the top of the rock .

The Iru las wi l l not (so they say) eat the flesh of

buffaloes or catt le,but wi l l eat sheep and goat

,fie ld-rats



,p ig (which they shoot) , hares (which they

snare with sk i lfu l ly made nets) , j ungle- fowl , p igeons , andquai l (which they knock over with stones) .They informed Mr . Harkness that ,

“ they have no

marriage contract,the sexes cohab it ing a lmost ind is

crim inately ; t he opt ion of remaining in un ion,or of

separat ing,rest ing pr inc ipa l ly with the female . Some

among them,the favou r i tes of fortune , who can afford to

spend four or five rupees on fest iv it ies, wi l l ce lebrate

the i r un ion by giving a feast to a l l the i r fr iends and

ne ighbours ; and , i nvit ing the Kurum bars to attend with

the i r p ipe and tabor,spend the n ight in dance and

merr iment . This,however

,i s a rare occu rrence . The

marr iage ceremony,as descr ibed to me

,i s a very s imp le

affai r . A feast i s held , at which a Sheep is ki l led, and the

guests make a present of a few annas to the br idegroom ,

who t ies up the money in a c loth , and , go ing to the

br ide’s hut,conducts her to her futu re home . Widows

are permitted to marry again .

When an I ru la dies,two Kur umbas come to the

vi l lage,and one shaves the head of the other . The shorn

man i s fed,and presented with a c loth

,which he wraps

round h is head . This quaint ceremo n ial i s supposed ,i n some way

,to br ing good luck to the departed .

Outs ide the house of the deceased , i n which the corpse

Agricul tural Ledger Series, 1904 .

I RULA 380

is kept t i l l the t ime of the funeral,men and women

dance to the mus ic of the I ru la band . The dead are

bu ried in a s itt ing postu re , with the legs c rossed

tai lorwise . Each vi l lage has it s own bu r ial -ground . A

ci rcu lar p i t i s dug , from the lower end of wh ich a

chamber is excavated,i n which the corpse

,c lad in it s

own c lothes,jewe lry , and a new cloth , is p laced with

a lamp and grain . The p it i s then fi l led in,and the

pos it ion of the grave marked by a stone . On the th i rd

day a sheep i s said to be k i l led,and a feast he ld . The

fol lowing descr ipt ion of an annual ceremony was given to

me . A lamp and o il are pu rchased,and r ice i s cooked

in the vi l lage . They are then taken to the shr ine at the

bu r ial -ground , offered up on stones , on wh ich some of the

o il i s poured,and paj a i s done . At the Shrine

,a pt


Ijari,with three white marks on the forehead

,officiates . Like

the Badaga Devadari,the I ru la pajar i at t imes becomes

insp i red by the god .

Writ ing concern ing the Ku rumbas and Iru las , Mr .

Walhouse says if that “ after every death among them ,

they br ing a long water-worn stone (devva kotta kal lu) ,and put it into one of the old crom lechs spr ink led over

the N ilgiri p lateau . Some of the larger of these have

been found p i led up to the cap-stone with such pebb les ,which must have been the work of generat ions . Occa

s ionally, too , the t r ibes ment ioned make sma l l cromlechs

for bur ia l purposes,and p lace the long water-worn

pe bb les in them .

The fo l lowing sub-d iv is ions of the tr ibe have been

descr ibed to me — Poongkaru,Kudagar (peop le of

C oorg) , Kalkatt i (those who t ie stone) , Vellaka, Devala,and Kopp ilingam . Of these , the fi rst five are cons idered

Ind . VI , 1877 .



to be in the relat ion of brothers , so far as marr iage i s

concerned , and do not intermarry .

Members o f these

five c lasses must marry into the KOppilingam sub

d ivision . At the census , 190 1 , Kasuva or Kasuba was

retu rned as a sub -caste . The word means workmen,i n

a l lus ion to the abandonment of j ungle l i fe in favou r of

working on p lanters’ estates , and elsewhere .

I t i s recorded by H arkness that “ dur ing the winter,

or whi le they are wander ing about the forest s in search

of food , dr iven by hunger , the fam i l ie s or part ie s separate

from one another . On these occas ions the women and

young ch i ldren are often left alone,and the mothe r


no longer any nour i shment for her infant , ant ic ipates i t s

final m isery by burying it al ive . The account here given

was in every instance corroborated,and in such a manner

as to leave no doubt in our minds of i t s correctness . ”

The fo l lowing notes are abst racted from my case

book .

Man,set . 30 . Somet imes works on a coffee estate .

At present engaged in the cu lt ivat ion of gra ins,pumpkins


jak- fru it,and p lanta ins . Goes to the bazaar at Mettu ~

pa laiyam to buy rice,salt

,ch i l l ies

,o il

,etc. Acqu ires

agricu ltu ra l imp lement s from Kotas,to whom he pays

annual t r ibute in grains or money . Wears brass ear

rings obtained from Kotas in exchange for vegetables

and fru it . Wears tu rban and plain lo in-cloth , wrapped

round body and reach ing be low the knees . Bag con

ta in ing tobacco and bete l sl ung over shou lder . Skin

very dark

Woman,se t . 30 . Hai r cur ly

,t ied in a bunch beh ind

round a b lack cotton swab . Wears a p lain waist -cloth ,and print body-c loth worn square across breast s and

reach ing below the knees . Tattooed on forehead . A

mass of glass bead necklaces . Gold ornament in left

I RULA 382

nostr i l . Brass ornament in lobe of each ear . E igh t brass

bangle s on r ight wr i st two brass and s ix glass bang les

on left wr ist . Five brass r ings on r ight fi rst finger ;fou r brass and one t in r ing on r ight forefinger .

Woman,set . 2 5 . Red cadjan (palm leaf) ro l l i n d i lated

lobes of ears . B rass and g lass bead ornament in he l ix

of r ight ear . Brass ornament in left nost r i l . A number

of bead neck lets,one with young cowry she l l s pendent


another cons i st ing of a heavy rol l of black beads . The

latter i s very character i st ic of I ru la fema le adornment .

One stee l bangle,e ight brass bang les

,and one chank

she l l bang le on r ight wr i st three lead , s ix g lass bang les,and one g lass bead bangle on left wri st . One stee l and

one brass r ing on left l i tt le finger .

Woman,se t . 35 . Wears loin-c loth only . Breasts

fu l ly exposed . Cap of Badaga pattern on head .

Girl,set . 8. Lobe of each ear be ing d i lated by a

number of wooden st i cks l i ke matches .

Average statu re 159 8 cm . nasal index 85 (max .

Iru las of Ching leput , North and South Arcot . The

Irulas , or Villiyans (bowmen) , who have sett led in the

town of Chingleput , about fi fty m i les d i stant from Madras,have atta ined to a h igher degree of c iv i l i sat ion than the

j ungle I rulas of the N i lgiris , and are defined , in the Census

Report, 190 1 , as a sem i -Brahman ised forest t r ibe


Speak a corrupt Tami l .

I n a note on the Iru las,Mackenz ie wr ites as follows .

i é

After the Yuga Pralayam (de luge , or change from one

Yuga to another) the Vi l lars or Irulans , Ma layans, andVedans

,supposed to be descendants of a R ish i under the

i nfl uence of a mal ignant curse,were l iv ing in the forest s

in a state of nat ure,though they have now taken to

Or iental Manuscr ipts .


i s kept by the highe r c lasses for catt l e . This grue l i s

a l so h ighly apprec iated by the Yanad is . Whi le husk ing

r ice,they eat the bran


,i f not carefu l ly watched

,wi l l

stea l as much of the r ice as they can manage to secrete

about themse lves . As an addit ion to the i r p lain d ietary

they catch field (J erboa) rat s, which they d ig out with

long st icks,after they have been asphyx iated with smoke

b lown into the i r tunnel s through a smal l hole i n an

earthen pot fi l led with dr ied leaves,which are set on

fi re . When the nest i s dug out , they find materia l for a

meat and vegetable curry i n the dead rats,with the

hoarded store of r ice or other gra in . They feast on the

bod ies of winged wh ite -ants (Term i tes) , which theysearch with torch - l igh t s at the t ime of the i r seasona l

ep idem ic appearance . Some years ago a theft occurred

in my house at n ight , and it was proved by a p laster

cast of a foot -pr int in the mud p roduced by a nocturnal

shower that one of my gardeners,who d id not l ive

on the spot , had been on the prow l . The exp lanat i on

was that he had been col lect i ng as a food -stuff the

carcases of the wi nged ant s , which had that evening

appeared in myr iads .

Some Iru las are herbal i st s , and are be l ieved to have

the powers of cu ring certa in d i seases , snake—poi son ing ,and the b ites of rat s and insects .

O ccasional ly the I ru las co l lect the leaves of the

banyan,B utea f rona

’osa, or lotu s, for sal e as food

p latters,and they wi l l eat the refu se food left on

the p latters by Brahmans and other h igher c lasses .

They free ly enter the houses of Brahmans and non

Brahman castes,and are not considered as carrying

pol lut ion .

They have no fixed p lace of abode , which they

often change . Some l ive in low,palmyra—thatched

385 I RULA

hut s of smal l d imens ions ; others under a t ree , in an

Open p lace,i n ru ined bu i ld ings , Or the st reet pials

(verandah) of houses . Thei r domest ic utens i l s cons ist

of a few pots , one or two winnows , scythes , a crow-bar ,a p iece of fl int and stee l for mak ing fi re

,and a d irty

bag for tobacco and betel . I n making fi re,an angu lar

fragment of quartz i s he ld against a smal l p iece of

p ith,and dexterously st ruck with an i ron implement

so that the spark fal l s on the p ith , which can be rap id ly

b lown into a blaze . To keep the ch i ldren warm i n

the so-cal led cold season (with a min imum o f 58° to

they put the i r bab ies near the fi re in p its dug i n

the ground .

For mar ital pu rposes they recognise t ribal sub

d ivi s ions i n a very vague way . Marriage i s not a

very impressive ceremon ial . The br idegroom has to

present new cloths to the br ide , and his futu re father and

mother- in - law . The cloth g iven to the last—named is cal led

the pal ku l i (mi lk money) for having nursed the br ide .

Marriage i s ce lebrated on any day , except Satu rday .

A very modest banquet , i n p roport ion to thei r s lender

means,i s he ld

,and toddy provided , i f the state of

the finances wi l l run to i t . Towards evening the

br ide and bridegroom stand in front of the house,

and the latter t ies the tal i , which cons ist s of a bead

necklace with a round brass disc . I n the case of a

marriage which took p lace du ring my vis it,the bride

had been,wearing her new bridal c loth for a month

before the event .

The Irulas worsh ip per iod ical ly Kann iamma,the i r

t r ibal de i ty,and Mar i

,the general goddess of ep idemic

d isease . The deity i s represented by five pots arranged

in the form of a square,with a s ing le pot in the cent re


fi l led w ith tu rmeri c water . C lose to these a lamp11- 25

I RULA 386

i s l ighted , and raw rice , j aggery (crude sugar) , r iceflou r , betel leaves and areca nuts are offered before it .Mar i i s rep resented by a wh ite rag flag dyed with

tu rmeric , hoi sted on a bamboo in an Open space near

thei r dwe l l i ngs , to which fowls, sheep , and other cookedart ic les

,are offered .

The dead are bu ried lying flat on the face,with

the head to the north,and the face tu rned towards

the east . When the grave has been hal f fi l led in,

t hey throw i nto i t a pr ick ly-pear (Qonn tia D itten i i )shrub , and make a mound over i t . Around th is they

p lace a row or two of prick ly-pear stems to keep

off j acka ls . No monumenta l stone i s p laced over thegrave .

By means of the fo l lowing tab le a compari son can be

read i ly made between the statu re and nasal i ndexof t he jung le Shelagas and N i lg i r i Iru las , and of

the more c iv i l i sed Iru las of Chingleput and Ural i s of



I rulas , N i l g ir is

I rulas , Ch ingleput

Ural is

The table shows c lear ly that,whi le a l l the fou r

t r ibes are of short and un i form statu re,the nasal

i ndex,both as regards average

,maximum and m in imum ,

i s h igher in the Sholagas and Iru las of t he N i lgiri jungles

than in the more domest icated Irulas of Chingleput


387 I RULA

and Ural i s . I n brief, the two former , who have ming led

less with the outs ide world,retain


the archaic type

of p latyrhine nose to a greater extent than t he two

latter . The reduct ion of platyrh iny, as the resu l t of

c ivi l i sat ion and emergence from the jungle to the vic in ityof towns

,i s st i l l fu rther brought out by the fol lowing

figures relat ing to the two c lasses of I ru las,and the

Kan ikars of Travancore,who st i l l l ive a jungle l i fe


and those who have removed to the outski rts of a

popu lou s town

Nasal index .

I rulas , j ungle

Kan ikars , j ungle

Kan ikars , domest icated

The I ru las o f North Arcot are c lose ly re lated to

those of Ching leput . Concern ing them,Mr . H . A .

Stuart wr ites as fol lows . * “ Many members of th i s

forest t ribe have taken to agricu l tu re in the neigh

bouring vi l lages , but the majori ty st i l l keep to the

h i l l s,l iv ing upon roots and wi ld an imals

,and bartering

forest produce for a few rags or a smal l quant ity o f

grain . When Opportunity offers,they indu lge in catt le

theft and robbery . They d isc laim any connect ion with

the Yanadis , whom they hate . Thei r avers ion i s such

that they wi l l not even al low a Yanadi to see t hem eat ing .

They offer worship to the Sapta Kann ikais or seven

vi rg ins, whom they represent in the form of an earthenware

Manual of the North Arcot d istrict .

11—2 5 B

I RULA 388

o il- lamp , wh i ch they often p lace under the bandar i

(D oa’oncea viscosa which i s regarded by them as

sac red . These lamps are made by ord inary vi l lage

potters , who , however , are obl iged to knead the clay

with the i r hands , and not w ith the i r feet . Somet imes

they p lace these rep resentat ives of the i r goddess in


,wherever they place them

,no Pariah or

Yanad i can be al lowed to approach . The ch ief occas ion

of worship,as w ith the Kurumbas and Yanadis

,i s at the

head- shaving ceremony of ch i ldren . Al l ch i ldren at

these t imes,who are less than ten years old

,are co l lected


and the maternal uncle of each cuts off one lock of hai r,

whi ch i s fastened to a rag i (F icus rel igiosa) bough .

They rare ly cont ract marr i ages,the voluntary assoc iat ion

of men and women being term inable at the wi l l of e ither .The more c ivi l i sed


,im itate the H indu cu l t i

vat ing castes by tying a gold bead , stuck on a thread,

round the br ide’s neck , but the marriage t ie thu s formed

i s eas i ly broken . They always bu ry the i r dead . Some

Iru las are cred ited with supernatu ral powers , and are

app l ied to by low Sadras for advi ce . The ceremony i s

cal led suth i or rangam . The med ium affe cts to be

possessed by the goddess,and utters unmean ing sounds


be ing,they say, unconsc ious al l the wh i le . A few of

hi s compan ions p retend to understand with d i ffi cu lty the

mean ing of h i s words,and interpret them to the inqu i rer .

The Iru las never al low any sort of musi c du ring the i r

ceremonies,nor wi l l they wear shoes , or cover the i r body

wi th more than the scant iest rag . Even in the coldest

and dampest weather,they prefe r the warmth of a fi re to

that of a cumbly (blanket ) . They refuse even to cover

an infant wi th a cloth,but d ig a smal l ho l low in the

ground,and lay the newly-born babe in it upon a few

leaves of the bandar i . "



There are two classes of Iru las in the North Arcot

d i st r ict,of which one l ives in towns and vi l lages , and the

other leads a jungle l i fe . Among the latter, as found

near Kuppam,there are two d ist inct d ivi s ions, cal led

Iswaran Vagaira and Dharmaraja . The former set up

a stone beneath a temporary hut,and worsh ip i t by

offer ing cooked r ice and cocoanuts on unam (L ettsom ia

eti ifi tica) leaves . The god D harmaraja is represented

by a vesse l i nstead of a stone , and the offer ings are

p laced in a basket . I n the jungle sect ion,a woman may

marry her deceased hu sband’s brother . The dead are

bu ried face upwards,and three stones are set up over

the grave .

The Iru las of South Arcot , Mr . Franc i s wr ites, are

ch iefly found about the G ingee h i l ls,talk a corrupt Tami l


are very dark Skinned,have very cu r ly hai r, never Shave

the ir heads,and never wear tu rbans or sandals . They

dwel l in scattered huts— never more than two or th ree

in one place —which are l i tt le,round

,thatched hove ls ,

w i th a low doorway through which one can j ust craw l ,bu i lt among the fie lds . They subsi st by watch ing crops ,bal ing water from we l ls


,when t imes are hard


cr ime of a mi ld k ind . I n Vi l l upu ram and Tirukkeyilfi r

taluks , and round Gingee , they commit bu rg lar ies in a

mi ld and unsc ient ifi c manner i f the season i s bad,and they

are p ressed by want , but , i f the ground-nut crop i s a

good one , they behave themselves . They are perhapsthe poorest and most m iserable communi ty in the d ist r ict .On ly one or two of them own any land

,and that i s on ly

dry land . They snare hares now and again,and col lect

the honey of the wi ld bees by lett ing themselves down

the face of c l i ffs at n ight by ladders made of tw i sted

Gazetteer of the South Arcot d istrict .


creepers . Some of them are p rost i tutes,and used to

d isp lay the i r charms in a shame less manner at the Chett i

palaiyam market near G ingee,decked out i n quant it ies

o f cheap jewel le ry,and with the i r eye l ids darkened in

c lumsy im itat ion of the i r s isters of the same profess ion

in other castes . There is l i tt le ceremony at a wedd ing .

The old men of the caste fix the ausp ic ious day,the

br idegroom br ings a few presents,a pandal (booth) i s

made , a tal i i s t ied , and there i s a feast to the re lat ions .

The r ites at bi rths and deaths are equal ly s imp le . The

dead are usual ly bu r ied , ly ing face upwards , a stone and

some thorns be ing p laced over the grave to keep off

j ackal s . On the e leventh day after the death,the e ldest

son t ies a cloth round h is head— a th ing which i s other

w ise never worn— and a l itt le r i ce i s co lou red with

saffron (tu rmer ic) and then thrown into water . This i s

cal led cast ing away the s in,and i l l- luck wou ld befa l l the

e ldest son i f the ceremony were om itted . The Iru lans

pay homage to almost al l the gramadevatas (vi l lagede it ies) , but probably the seven Kann imars are the i r

favour ite de it ies .

As a l ready ind icated , the Iru las , l i ke the Yerukalas,

i ndu lge in soothsaying . The Yerukala fortune-te l ler

goes about with her basket,cowry She l ls

,and rod


wi l l carry out the work of her p rofess ion anywhere,at

any t ime,and any number of t imes i n a clay . The I ru la


on the contrary , remains at h i s home , and wi l l on ly te l l

fortunes close to h i s hut,or near the hut where h is gods

are kept . I n case of s ickness,peop le of al l c lasses come

to consu l t the I ru la fortune -te l ler,whose occupat ion i s

known as Kann imar varn iththal . Taking up h is d rum ,

he warms it over the fi re , or exposes i t to the heat of the

sun . When it i s su ffi c ient ly dry to vibrate to h is sat i s

fact ion,Kannimar is worsh ipped by break ing a cocoanut ,


and burn ing camphor and incense . C los ing h is eyes ,the I ru la beats the drum ,

and shakes h i s head about,

whi le h is w i fe,who Stands near him

,spr ink les tu rmer ic

water over h im . After a few minutes , be l ls are t ied to

h is r ight wr i st . I n about a quarter of an hour he beg ins

to Shiver,and breaks out in a profuse persp i rat ion . Thi s

i s a su re s ign that he i s possessed by Kann iamman .

H is wi fe unt ies his kudumi (tu ft of hai r) , the shak ing

of the head becomes more violent,he breathes rap id ly,

and hisses l ike a snake . H is wife pra i ses Kann imar.

Gradual ly the man becomes calmer,and addresses those

around h im as i f he were the goddess,saying


“ Oh !

ch i ldren . I have come down on my car,which is

decorated with mango flowers,margosa and jasm ine .

You need fear noth ing so l ong as I ex ist,and you

worsh ip me . This country wi l l be prosperous,and the

peop le wi l l cont inue to be happy . E re l ong my prec iou s

car,immersed in the tank (pond) on the h il l

,wi l l be

taken ou t , and afte r that the country wi l l become more

p rosperous,

” and so on . Quest ions are genera l ly put to

the insp i red man,not d i rect ly

,but through his wi fe .

Occas ional ly,even when no c l ient has come to consu l t

h im,the I ru la wi l l take up his drum towards dusk


chant the p rai ses of Kann imar, somet imes for hours at a

st retch , with a crowd of I ru las col lected round him .

The name Sh ikar i (hunter) i s occas ional ly adopted as a

synonym for I ru la . And , in South Arcot , some Iru las cal l

themse lves Ten (honey) Vann iyans or Vana (forest ) Pa l l i s .

I ru la (darkness or n ight) .— An exogamous sept of

Kuruba .

Irumpu (i ron) Kol lan .

—A sub -d ivi s ion of Ko l lan .

Irun ti l (two str ings) . —A d ivi s ion of Marans i n

Travancore , i n which the remarr iage of widows i s

permitted .

IRUVU 39 2

Iruvu (b lack ant) . —An exogamous sept of Kuruba .

I san (god) . —A t it le of Kel iyan .

Iswaran Vagaira—A d ivi s ion of the Irulas of

North Arcot . The name denotes that they be long to the

Iswara (S iva) sect ion .

Ite .—The ltevandlu are a c lass of Telugu j ugg lers

and acrobats,who “ exh ib it shows

,such as wrest l ing


c l imb ing high posts,rope-walking

,etc . The women


l i ke Dommara females,act as common prost it utes . ” ale

I tattara.—Recorded

,i n the Travancore Census

Report , 190 1 , as a sub—d iv i s ion of Nayar .

I z hava .—The I z havans or I lavans

,and T iyans , are

the Malayalam toddy-draw ing caste s of Malabar,Coch in

and Travancore . The etymo logy of the name I z havan

i s deal t w ith in the art i c le on Tiyans .

For the fo l lowing note on the I z havas of Travan

core,I am

, when not otherwi se recorded , indebted to

M r . N . Subraman i A iyar . These peop le are known

as I z havas i n South and part s of Centra l Travancore,

and Chovas in part s of Centra l and North Travancore .

They const it ute 1 7 per cent . of the tota l populat ion of

the State . Iz hava i s said to mean those be longing to

I z ham,a corrupt ion of S imhalam ,

one of the old names

of Cey lon . J affna,i n the north of that i s land , appears

to have been spec ial ly known by the name of I z ham ,

and from th i s p lace the I z havas are be l i eved to have

or ig ina l ly proceeded to Malabar . Chova i s supposed to

be a corrupt ion of Sevaka, or servant . I n some old

boat songs current in Malabar,i t occurs in the less

corrupt form of Chevaka. Accord ing to a legend , a

Pandyan pr incess named Al l i marr i ed Naras imha, a

Raj ah of the Carnat i c . The royal coup le m igrated to

Manual of the Nel lore d istr ict .


Porkkad has not many Nayars,in the p lace of whom he

is served by Chegos ,”

and that in t imes of c iv i l war orrebel l ion , the Chegos are bound to take up arms forthei r lawful sovere ign .

” The Pan ikkans of Ambanat

house in the Amba lapuzha tal uk were the leaders of the

I z hava force , and many powers and pr ivi leges were

conferred upon thi s fam i ly by the Chembakasseri

(Ambalapuzha) pr inces . Even so late as the days of

Maharaja Rama Verma , who d ied in 9 73 M .E . ,large

numbers of I z havas were emp loyed as so ld iers of the

State,i f we may be l ieve the account of Fr iar Bartolomeofi


who i s general ly a very accurate wr iter . The South

Travancore Iz havas used to d iv ide themse lves i nto two

part ies on the occas ion of the Onam fest iva l,and fight at

Kaithamukku near Trivandrum . Any young man who

did not attend thi s camp of exerc i se had a p iece of wood

t ied as a wedding ornament round hi s neck,was led in

process ion thr ice round the vi l lage,and transported to

the sea-coast .

The I z havas proper are d iv ided into three sub

sect ions cal led Pachch ili, Pand i , and Malayalam . The

Pachch il is l ive in the t ract of land cal led Pachchalfi ri n the Neyyatt inkara tal uk between Tiruve llam and

Kova lam . They are on ly a handfu l i n number . The

Pandis are large ly found in Tr ivandrum and Ch irayinkil .

Most of them take the t it le of Pan ikkan . The Malayala

I z havas are sub -d ivided into fou r exogamous groups or

illam s,named Mutt i llam ,

Madamp i or Pallichal,Mayan

att i,and Chozh i . Pallichal i s a p lace i n the Neyyatt in

kara tal uk,and Mayannat i n O u ilon . The members of

the Chozhi illam are be l ieved to have been later sett lers .

There i s another d iv is ion of these I z havas cal led

Voyage to the Eas t I nd ies . Translat ion , 1800 .


Pat ikramam s,based on a more or l ess geograph ica l

d ist inct ion . These are also four in number , and cal led

Pallikkattara,Palat tara

,Irunku lamgara, and Tenganad ,

the i r soc ia l p recedence be ing in thi s order . Pallikkattara

i s i n Ch irayinkil, Palattara i n Qui lon , Irunku lamgara i n

Tr ivandrum,and Tenganad i n Neyyatt inkara . The

Palat tara sect ion is the most orthodox , and rigorously

preserves it s endogamous character, though some of the

t i tular d ign i taries among the Chovas of Central Travancore have found i t poss ible to contract al l iances w i th

them . The d ivi s ions of the I llam and Pat ikkramam are

absent among the Chovas . Among these,however


there is a d ivis ion in to Sthan i or Me lkudi , Tan ikudi,and

K iz hkudi, the fi rst denot ing the t itu lar head,the

second the ord inary c lass , and the thi rd those under

communal degradat ion . Among the last are inc luded

the toddy-drawing fam i l ies , Vaduvans,and Nad is


Vaduvans are the slaves of the I z havas,and

,i n anc ient

days,cou ld be regularly bought and sold by them .

Nadis l ive in Kart ikapalli and some other parts of

Central Travancore . They are peop le who have been

outcasted from the community for various offences by the

headmen,and cannot enter the kitchen of the ord inary

I z havas . They are served for ceremon ial purposes not

by the regular priests of the I z havas,but by a d ist inct

outcaste sect l ike themselves,known as Nadikuruppus .

The I z havat t is,who are the pr iests of the caste , form a

dist inct sect with Spec ial manners and customs . Channan ,a corrupt ion of the Tami l word

, Chanror or ch iefmen,is

the most important of the t i t l es of the I z havas . This

t i t le was conferred upon d i st ingu i shed members of the

caste as a fami ly honour by some of the anc ient

sovere igns of the count ry . Pan ikkan comes next in

rank,and i s der ived from pan i , work . Tantan , from


danda meaning p unishment or cont rol , i s a popu lar t it le

in some parts . Asan,from Acharya , a teacher , i s

ext remely common . The rec ip ient s o f thi s honour were

inst ructors in gymnast ics and mi l i tary exerc i ses to Nayar

and I z hava sold iers in bygone t imes, and even now ruins

of ol d kalaris or exerc i se grounds attached to the i r

houses are di scern ible i n many p laces . Some I z havas

i n South Travancore appear to be honoured with the

t it l e of Mudal iyar . Many fami l ies were invested with

s imi lar honours by the anc ient ru l ing houses of Ambala

pu z ha ,Kayenkulam ,

and Jayas imhanad (Qui lon) . Even

now,some t i t l es are conferred by the Rajah of Idappall i .

The wives of these d ign itar ies are respect ive ly known as

Channat t i , Pan ikkat t i, etc .

The houses'

O f the I z havas resemb le those of the

Nayars in form . Each house i s a group of bu i ld ings,

the most substant ial of which , known as the arappu ra,

stands in the centre . On the left s ide i s the vadakkettu

or woman’s apartment , inc lud ing the k it chen . There i s

a cou rt -yard in front of the arappura, and a l itt le bu i ld

ing cal led kizhakkettu enc los ing it on the eastern s ide .

H ouses invar iably face the east . The main entrance

stands a l itt l e to the sou th of the kiz hakkettu,to the

sou th of which again i s the toz hut tu or cow-shed . These

bu i ld ings,of cou rse , are found only in r ich houses , the

poor sat i sfying themselves wi th an arappura, a vatakketu ,

and a toz hu ttu . A tekketu i s to be seen to the south of

the arappura in some cases . This i s erected mainly to

perpetuate the memory of some deceased member of

the fami ly known for learn ing , p iety, or bravery . A p i tha

or seat , a conch , a cane , and a smal l bag contain ing ashes,are secu red with in . I t i s kept scrupu lou sly free from

po l lut ion,and worsh ip is offered on fixed days to the

ancestors . The tekketu i s enc losed on al l the three s ides,


los ing favou r . I t was never in vogue in North

Travancore .

The I z havas eat both fi sh and flesh . Rabbits,deer


p igs , sheep , porcup ines , fowls , doves , gu inea-fowls , pea

cocks,and owls are bel ieved to make popu lar d ishes


The sweetmeat cal led ariyunta , and the cu rry known as

mu t irakkary, are pecu l iar to the Iz havas , and prepared

best by them .

The most important occupat ion of the Iz havas t i l l

recent ly was the cu lt ivat ion o f palm t rees,and the

p reparat ion of toddy and arrack . Barbosa,writ ing in

the s ixteenth century,states that “ the i r p rinc ipal employ

ment i s to t i l l the palm t rees , and gather the i r fru it s ;and to carry everyth ing for h i re from one point to another


because they are not in the habit of t ransport ing them

with beasts of bu rden,as there are none and they hew

stone,and gain the i r l ive l ihood by al l k inds of labou r .

Some of them bear the use of arms,and fight in the wars

when it i s necessary . They carry a staff in the i r hand of

a fathom’s length as a s ign of the i r l ineage . With the

progress of cu l tu re and enl ightenment,the oc cupat ion of

ext ract ing l i quor from the cocoanut palm has ceased to

be looked upon with favou r,and such fami l ies as are

now given to that pursu it have come to be regarded as a

low d iv is ion of the Chovas . I n some part s of Travancore,

the latte r do not even enjoy the p riv i lege of commensal ity

with the other Iz havas . Agr icu ltu re i s a prom inent

p rofess ion,and there are severa l wealthy and influent ial

land lords in the community . There i s al so a fai r percent

age of agricu l tu ral labou rers . A pre l im inary ri te , cal led

poz hutana sowing , i s performed by farmers , who throw

three handfu l s of r ice seed on a clay image represent i ng

Ganesa , and pray that the i r fie lds may yield a good

harvest . Before the t ime o f reap ing , on an ausp ic ious


morn ing , a few sheaves are brought , and hung up in

some prominent p lace in the house .

’ This ceremony i s

known as ni ra , and i s common to al l H indu castes . At

the end of i t , the inmates of the house partake of put tarior new r i ce .

There are a few other customary ri tes observed by

agricu ltu ri sts,v iz .

(I ) Met iyittu-varuka

,or throwing the gra ins o f the

fi rst sheaf upon another,and cover ing i t with it s st raw


th is be ing afterwards appropr iated by the chie f agri

cu ltu ra l labourer present .

(2 ) Koytu -

p it ichcha-katta-kotukkuka

, or hand ing

over the fi rst sheaves of grain fastened together with

S try cknos N uoc-vom ica l eaves to the owner of the fie ld,who

is obl iged to p reserve them t i l l the next harvest season.

(3) Kotut i, or offering of oblat ions of a few grains

d ipped in toddy to the sp i r i t s of agr i cu ltu ral fie lds,the

Pu laya pr iest crying aloud Pol i,Va

,po l i


’ mean ing

l ite ral ly May good harvest come .

AS manufactu rers,the Iz havas occupy a posit ion in

Travancore . They p rodu ce several k inds of cloth,for

local consumpt ion in the main,and make mats

,t i les


ropes,with remarkab le sk i l l . They are also the ch ief

lemon -grass O i l d ist i l lers of Travancore . I n the pro

fess ions of med ic ine and ast rology , the I z havas have

large ly engaged themselves . Whi le i t must be confessed

that many of them are utter st rangers to cu ltu re , there

are several who have rece ived a sound educat ion ,espec ial ly in Sanskr it . On the whole , the I z havas may

be said to be one of the most i ndustr i ous and prosperou s

communit ies on the west coast .

The I z havas form a p ious and orthodox H indu caste .

Though they cannot enter the inner court -yard of

temples,they attend there in considerable numbers , and


make the ir p ious offer ings . Over several temp les theTravancore I z havas have a jo int r igh t w ith the Nayars .I n i l l ust rat ion

,the sh r ines of Sakt iku lamgara i n Karu

nagappal i , and Chett ikulangara in Mavel ikara , may be

ment ioned . Over these and other temples,the rights

that have been enjoyed from t ime immemoria l by certain

I z hava fami l ies are respected even at the present day .

I n most p laces,the Iz havas have the i r own temples


a member of the ir own or the Iz havatt i caste as pr iest .As no provis ion had been made in them for dai ly worship


t here was no necess i ty in early t imes for the regu lar

emp loyment of pr iest s . The de ity usua l ly worsh ipped

was Bhadrakal i , who was bel ieved to he lp them‘ i n the i r

m i l i tary undertakings . The offerings made to her

i nvo lved anima l sacr ifi ces . The temp les are general ly

low thatched bu i ld ings with a front porch,an enc losure

wal l,and a grove of t rees . There are many instances


i n wh ich the enclosure wal l i s absent . The Bhadrakali

cu l t i s gradual ly los ing favou r under the teaching of a

Vedant i c scho lar and re l ig ious reformer named Nanan

Asan . I n many Centra l and South Travancore shr ines,

images of Subraman ia have been set up at hi s instance,

and dai ly worship i s offered by bachelor pr iest s appo inted

by the castem en . An assoc iat ion for the soc ial,material


and re l ig iou s amel iorat ion of t he commun ity,cal led

Narayana Dharma Paripalana Vogam ,has been started .

I t s head-quarters i s at Aruv ippuram in the Nayyat inkara

taluk . Every morn ing,the sun i s spec ial ly worsh ipped

by the cu ltu red c lass . I n anc ient t imes,the adorat ion

o f Anchu Tampurakkal or the five de it ies , now ident ified

wi th the Pandavas of the Mahabharata,prevai led among

these people . This worsh ip i s found among the Pulayas

al so . At Mayyanad in Q u i lon , there i s st i l l an I zhava

temp le ded icated to these five lords . Women vis i t


I n connect ion with the t fikkam ceremony,Mr . L . K .

Anantha Kri shna Aiyar wr ites as fol lows . * There are

two kinds of hook -swinging,namely Garuda (Brahmin i

k ite) and thon i (boat) t fi kkam . The ceremony is per

formed in fu lfi lment of a vow ,to obtain some favou r of

the de i ty Kal i,before whose presence it i s carried out .

The performer of the ceremony shou ld bathe early in the

morning,and be in a state of preparat ion e ither for a

year or for forty -one days by worshipp ing the de ity

Bhagavat i . He must st r ict ly abstain from meat , al l

k inds of intoxi cat ing l iquors,and assoc iat ion with women .

During the morn ing hou rs,the performer dresses h imsel f

in a garment tu cked into the waist -band,ru bs h i s body

with O il,and i s shampooed part icu lar ly on the back , a

port ion of the flesh in the midd le of which i s st retched

for the insert ion of a hook . He i s al so taught by h is

i n st ructor to perform various feat s cal led payit ta . This

he cont inues t i l l the fest ival,when he has to sw ing in

fu lfi lment of the vow . I n k ite swing ing,a k ind of car ,

rest ing on two axles provided with four whee ls,i s

emp loyed . On i t,there i s a horizontal beam rest ing on

two vert i cal supports . A strong rope t ied to a r ing

attached to the beam i s connected with the hook which

passes through the flesh of the back . Over the beam

there i s a ku taram (tent) , whi ch i s tasteful ly decorated .

I ns ide it , two or three persons can swing at a t ime .

There i s a different arrangement in some places . I nstead

of the beam and the supports,there i s a smal l pole , on

which rests a hor izontal beam provided with a metal l i c

r ing at one end . The beam acts as a lever,so that one

end of i t can be e ither raised or l owered , so as to g ive

some rest to the swinger . The rope t ied to the r ing i s

Monograph Ethnograph Survey of Coch in ,N o . 10 ,

I zhavas , 1905


connected with the hook and the wai st-band . For boat

swinging,the same kind of vehicle

,.without wheel s

,i s

in use . For kite swinging,the performer has hi s face

painted green . He has to put on art ific ial l ip s and wings

in imitat ion of those of the kite,and wears long locks of

hai r l ike those of an actor in a Kathakal i . As he swings,

the car i s taken three , five , seven , nine , or eleven t imes

round the temp le . I n boat swinging , the car i s l ikew ise

carr ied round the temple,wi th the swinger perform ing

hi s feats,as in the case of kite swinging

,to the aecom

pan im ent of music . He has to put on the same kind

of dress,except the l ips and wings . I n p illayeduthu

t t’

i kkam ,or swinging with a ch i ld in fu lfi lment of a

vow,the chi ld i s taken to the temple by h i s parents


who pay to the temple author it ies th i rty- four chuckram s

in Travancore,and s ixty-four puthans * in Coch in . The

ch i ld i s then handed over to the swinger,who carries the

chi ld as he swings . These performances are somet imes

made at the expense of the temple , but more general ly of

persons who make the out lay in fu lfi lment of a vow . In

the latter case,i t cost s as much as Rs . 150 for the kite

swinger,but only Rs . 30 for the boat swinger . During

the fest ival,they are fed in the temple

,owing to the i r

be ing in a state of vow . I t i s the Nayars , Kammalars,

Kuruppans , and Iz havas , who perform the swing ing in

fulfi lment of a vow . I n the fight between the goddess

Kal i and the demon Darika,the latte r was comp lete ly

defeated,and the former

,bit ing him on the back


his bl ood to grat i fy her feel ings of an imos ity . Hook

swinging symbol ises th is inc ident,and the bloodshed by

the insert ion of the hook through the flesh i s intended

as an offer ing to the goddess . ”

Chuckram s and puthans are co ins.

11—26 B


Of the hook -swinging ce remony as performed a few

years ago at the Kollangadu temple i n Travancore , an

excel lent account i s g iven by the Rev . T . Know les,

* from

which the fo l l owing p réc is has been comp i led . I n front

of the temp le was a booth contain ing the image of the

goddess Bhadrakal i,a crue l de ity

,who is supposed to

de l ight in b lood . At a l i tt l e d i stance was the car . The

bottom part of th i s was very much l ike a lorry used when

t ransport ing large logs of t imber by means of e lephants .

There were four sol id whee l s of t h ick t imber,with

a frame work , l ike a ra i lway waggon on a smal l scale .

To thi s were at tached two thick cab le ropes . J o ined to

the S ides of the car were two upr ight post s,about 1 5 feet

high,st rengthened w ith stays and cross -p ieces . On the

top was a p iece o f th ick t imber with a hole in i t,and the

bottom rounded , whi ch fi tted into a cross -p iece,and

al lowed the long beam on which the men were swung to

move up or down . Thi s beam was 35 or 40 feet long ,and about 9 i nches i n diameter . I t was placed t hrough

the ho le in the p iece of t imber on the top of the up right

frame,and ba lanced in the m iddle l ike a huge see—saw .

At one end of the ho le was a covered canopy , and at the

other long ropes were fastened,which t rai l ed on t he

ground . The whole arrangement of the car was such

that,by lowering one end of the long beam to t he ground


and fasten ing a man to it,and then pu l l ing down the

other end by the ropes,the man cou ld be ra i sed into

the a i r to a he ight of some 40 feet or more . The who le

car could then be dragged by the thick cable ropes round

the temp le . While the subject was be ing prepared for

swing ing,a mat was st retched above hi s head

,part ly to

do him honour,part ly to protect h im from the sun . H is

Wide_World Magaz ine , September 1899 .


I n connec t ion wi th the re l ig ion of the I lavars,the

Rev . S . Mateer wri te s as “ Demon worship,

espec ia l ly that of Bhadrakali,a female demon descr ibed

as a mixture of mischi ef and crue l ty,i s the customary

cu l tus of the caste , wi th sacr ifices and offer ings and

devi l -danc ing l ike the Shanars . Shastavu and Vi ra

bhadran are al so venerated , and the ghosts of ancestors .

Groves of trees stand near the temp l es,and serpent

images are common , these creatu res be i ng accounted

favouri tes of Kal i . They carry the ir superst it i ons and

fear of the demons into every department and inc ident

of life . I n some temp les and ceremon ies,as at Paroor,

Sarkare i,etc . ,

they c losely assoc iate w ith the Sadras .

The I lavar temp les are general ly low ,thatched bu i ld ings


with front porch,a good deal o f wooden rai l ing and

carving about them,an enclo sure wa l l , and a grove or

a few trees,such as F icus rel igiosa,

P tumer ia,and B ass ia .

At the I lavar temp le near Chakk i i n the outsk irts o f

Trevandrum ,the goddes s Bhadrakal i i s represented as

a female seated on an image , having two wings , g i l t and

covered wi th serpents . Tw i ce a year , fowl s and sheep

are sacr ificed by an Ilavan pr iest , and offerings of gra in ,fru i t

,and fl owers are presented . The s ide -p ie rc ing

ceremony i s al so performed here . A temple at Manga

lattukenam ,about ten m i le s south of Trevandrum

, at

which I witnessed the ce lebrat ion of the annua l fest iva l

on the day fol low ing Meena Bharan i , i n March or Apr i l ,may be taken as a fai r example of the who le . I n

connect ion w ith this temple may be seen a pecu l iar

wooden p i l lar and smal l shr ine at the top , Somewhat l ike

a p igeon -house . This i s cal led a tan i maram , and i s a k ind

of al tar , or res idence , for the demon Madan , resembl ing

Nat ive L i fe in Travancore, 1883.


the temporary shr ines on st icks or plat forms erected bythe Pulayars . O n i t are carv ings of many -headed serpents ,et c . ,

and a project ing lamp for o i l . For the fest ival,the

ground around the temple was c leared of weeds , the

outhouses and sheds decorated with flowers,and on the

tan i maram were p laced two bunches of p lanta ins,at i t s

foot a number of devi l -danc ing st i cks . C lose by were

five or s ix framework shr ines , const ructed of soft palm

leaves and p i th of p lanta in t ree , and ornamented with

flowers . These were supposed to be the res idence of

some minor powers,and in them were p laced , towards

n ight,offer ings of flowers , r i ce , plantains , cocoanuts , and

blood . The I lavars who assembl e for the fest iva l wear

the marks of S iva,a dot and hor izon tal l ines on the

forehead,and three hor izon tal l ines of yel low turmeric on

the chest . They beg in to gather at the temp le from noon,

and return home at n ight . The fest ival lasts for five

days . Some of the neighbouring Sadras and Shanars

also attend,and some Pulayars , who pay one chuckram

for two shots of fi rework guns in fulfi lmen t of the i r vows .

O ffer ings here are general ly made in retu rn for re l ief from

s ickness or troub le of some kind . The pajar i , or prie st ,i s an I lavan , who rece ives donat ions of money , r ice, e tc .

A kind of mi ld hook-swing ing ceremony is p ract i sed .

On the occas ion referred to,fou r boys

,about fi fteen or

s ixteen years of age , were brought . They mus t part l y

fast for five days p revious ly on p lain rice and vegetable

curry , and are induced to consen t to the Operat ion,

par t ly by supers t i t ious fear,and part ly by br ibes . O n

the one hand they are threatened wi th worse danger i f

they do no t fu lfi l the vows made by the i r parents to the

devi (dei ty) on the other hand,i f obed ient

,they rece ive

presen ts o f fine c lo thes and money . Dressed in hand ‘

some c loths and turbans,and adorned with go ld brace lets


and arm lets,and gar lands of flowers

,the poor boys

are brought to p resent a l i ttl e of the i r b l ood to the

sanguinary goddess . Three t imes they march round the

temp le then an i ron i s run through the musc les of each

s ide , and sma l l rattans inserted through the wounds .

Four men se ize the ends of the canes , and al l go round

in p roces s ion,with music and s inging and c lapp ing of

hands, five or seven t imes , accord ing to the ir endurance ,t i l l qu ite exhausted . The pajar i now dre sses in a red

c loth, with t in se l border, l i ke a B rahman , takes the

danc ing -c lub i n hand,and dances before the demon .

Cocks are sacrificed,water be i ng first poured upon the

head ; when the b ird shakes i t se l f, the head i s cut off,

and the b lood poured round the temp le . Rice i s bo i led

in one of the sheds i n a new pot,and taken home with

the fowl s by the peop le for a feast in the house . At

Mayanadu , the Bhagavath i of the sma l l temp le be longing

to the I lavars i s regarded as the s i ster of the one

worshipped in the larger temp le used by the Sadras,

and served by a Brahman p rie st ; and the cars of the

latte r are brought annual ly to the I lavar’

s temp le,and

around i t three t imes before return ing to the i r own

temp le . At the I lavar’

s temp le,the same n ight


women bo i l r i ce i n new earthen pots,and the men offer

Sheep and fow l s in sacr ifice . I n further i l lustrat ion of

the strange superst i t i ous p ract ices of thi s tr ibe,two more

inc idents may be ment ioned . An I lavatt i, whose chi ld

was unwe l l , went to consu l t an astro loger , who informed

her that the d i sease was cau sed by the sp ir i t of the

ch i ld’s deceased grandmother . For i t s remova l he wou ld

perform var ious i ncantat ions,for which he requi red the

fo l low i ng,v iz .

—water from seven we l l s , dung from five

cowsheds,a larva of the myrme leon, a crab, a frog, a

green snake,a vi ral fish , parched rice, ada cake,

I ZHAVA 4 10

be g iven by h im to the v il lagers . I n cases of fai l ure,the

se rv i ces of the vi l lage pr i est and washerman,and al so the

barber,are refu sed

,and the cu lpri t becomes ostrac ised

from soc iety . The headman has to be paid a sum of ten

chuckram s on al l occas ions of ceremon ies,and the Nalu

v itanmar fou r chuckram s each . There i s a movement

in favou r of educat ing the pri es ts , and delegat ing some of

the above powers to them .

Three forms of inher i tance may be said to prevai l

among the I z havas of Travancore,v iz . (I ) makkathayam

(inher i tance from father to son) i n the ext reme south ;

(2) m arumakkatayam (through the female l i ne) i n al l

tal uks to the north o f Qui lon (3) a mixture o f the twobetween N eyyat inkara and that tal uk . Accord ing to the

m ixed mode,one’s own chi ldren are not left abso lute ly

dest i tute,but some port ion of the property i s g iven them

for maintenance,i n no case


,exceeding a hal f.

I n fam il ie s observ ing the marumakkatayam law , male

and female he i rs own equal r ights . Part i t ion,though

possib le when al l consent,rare ly take s p lace in p ract ice


the e ldest male member ho ld ing in his hands the manage

ment o f the who le p roperty . I n O u ilon and othe r

p laces,the widow and her chi ldren are p r iv i leged to

remain in her husband’s house for ful l one year after hi s

death,and enj oy al l the property be long ing to him .

On the subj ect o f inher i tance,the Rev . S . Mateer

writes as fo l lows . The nepot i s t i c law of inh eritance i s ,to a cons iderable exten t

,fo l lowed by thi s caste . Those

in the far south be ing more c lose ly connec ted with the

Tam i l peop le,t he i r chi ldren inher i t . Amongst the

I lavars i n Trevandrum d istr i c t,a cur ious attempt i s made

to un ite both systems of inheri tance , hal f the property

acqu i red by a man after hi s marriage , and during the

l i fet ime of hi s wi fe,go ing to the i ssue of such marr iage


4 1 1 IZHAVA

and hal f to the man’

s nepot i st ic hei r s . I n a case dec ided

by the Sadr Court , i n 1872 , the daugh ter of an I lavanc laimed her share in the movab le and immovable

p roperty of her deceased father , and to have a sale made

by him whi le al ive dec lared nul l and void to the extent

o f her share . As there was ano ther s imi lar he i r,the

Court awarded the c laimant a hal f share,and to thi s

exten t the c la im was inval idated . The i r rule s are thus

stated by G . Kerala Varman Tirumu lpad : I f one

marr ie s and give s c lo th to an I lavat t i (female) , and hasi ssue

,of the property acqu i red by him and her from the

t ime of the un ion , one - tenth is deducted for the

husband’s labou r or i nd ividual p rofi t ; of the remainder,hal f goes to the woman and her chi ldren , and hal f to the

husband and h is hei rs (anandaravans ) . The property

whi ch an I lavan has inheri ted o r earned before hi s

marr iage devolves so le ly to his anandaravans,not to hi s

ch i ldren . I f an I lavatt i has continued to l ive with her

husband,and she has no i ssue , or her chi ldren d ie before

obtain ing any Share of the property,when the husband

d ies possess ing property earned by bo th,hi s he irs and

she must mutual ly agree , or the castem en dec ide what i s

fai r for her support and the husband’

s he i r take s the

remainder . ’

The marr iage o f I z hava girl s consi s ts o f two di st inc t

r i tes, one before they at ta in puberty cal led tal i -kettu


and the other general ly after that period , bu t i n some

cases before,cal led sam bandham . I t i s , however , neces

sary that the gi r l must have her tal i t ied befo re some one

contrac ts sam bandham wi th her . The tal i - t ier may be,

bu t often i s no t,as among the Nayars , the futu re husband

of the gir l . But,even for him ,

the re lat ion wi l l no t be

complete wi thout a formal c lo th presentat ion . The

leg it imate un ion for a person i s wi th hi s maternal unc le’s


or paterna l aunt’s daughter . Genera l ly there i s a separate

ceremony cal led Grihapravesam , or en trance into the

house of the bridegroom after sambandham . Widows

may cont ract a l l iances w i th other person s after the death

of the fi rst husband . I n al l cases , the I z hava husband

takes hi s w i fe home , and cons iders it inf ra a’ig. to stay in

the house of hi s father—in - law .

The method of ce lebrat ing the tal i -kettu di ffers in

d ifferent part s ofTravancore . The fol lowing i s the form

popu lar in Cent ral Travancore . Al l the e lder ly members

of the vi l lage assemb le at the house of the g i r l,and fix

a p i l lar of jack (A r tocarpus in tegr if otia) wood at the

south -east corner . On the Kan iyan (astro loger) be ingthree t imes loudly consu lted as to the ausp ic iousness of

the house he g ives an affi rmat ive rep ly, and the guard ian

of the g i rl , rece iv ing a s i lver r ing from the goldsm ith ,hands i t over to the Vatt i (priest) , who t ies i t on thewooden post . The carpenter

,Kan iyan ,

and go ldsmith

rece ive some l i t t le p re sents . The next it em in the

p rogramme i s the p reparat ion of the r ice necessary for

the marr iage,and a quant i ty of paddy (unhusked r ice)

is brought by the g ir l to the panda l ground, and

formal ly bo i led in a pot . The panda l (booth) is general lyerected on the south s ide of the house . The chartu

, or

a chi t from the Kan iyan ,certi fy ing the ausp ic iou sness of

the match and the su i tabl e date for i ts forma l adopt ion,

i s taken by the guard ian and four Machchamp is or

Inangans to the headman of the latter . These Mach

champ is are Iz havas of the v i l lage,equa l i n stat us to the

guardian of the g i rl . A l l the pre l im inary arrangements

are now over,and

,on the day previous to the marr iage ,

the g i r l bathes,and

,wear ing the bleached c loths supp l ied

by the Mannan (washerman) , worships the loca l deity,and await s the arr ival of t he br idegroom . I n the

I ZHAVA 4 14

re spect s . I n the former, on the appo inted day,the

br idegroom , who i s a d i fferent person from the tal i - t ier,accompan ied by h i s re l at i on s and fr iends

,arr ive s at the

br ide’s hou se,and the guard ian of the former offers a

sum of money to the guard ian of the latter . A su it ofc lothes

,with ten chuckram s or ten rasi s (co ins ) , i s

p resented by the br idegroom to the br ide,who stands in

a room with in and rece ives it,be ing afterwards dressed

by hi s s i ster . The money goes by r ight to her mother ,and i s known as Ammay ippanam . Now comes the t ime

for t he departure of the br ide to her husband’

s house,

when she rece ive s from her guard ian a nut -cracker,l ime

can,a di sh fi l led with r ice , and a mat . A red c loth i s

thrown over her head,and a few members accompany

the party for some di stance . In South Travancore, the

br idegroom i s accompanied , bes ide s others , by a com

pan ion, who asks i n the m idst o f the assembly whether

they assent to the proposed al l iance , and , on the ir

favourable rep ly , hands over a sum of money as an

offer ing to the l ocal shrine . Another sum i s g iven for

the maintenance of the bride , and , i n the presence of the

guard ian,a sui t of c lothes i s given to her by the br ide

groom . The w i fe i s , as el sewhere , immediate ly taken

to the husband’s house . Thi s i s cal led Kud ivaippu ,

and corre sponds to the Grahapravesam ce l ebrated by

Brahmans .The fo l low ing account of marr iage among the I z havas

of Malabar i s given i n the Gazetteer of that d ist r i ct .“ A gir l may be marri ed before puberty , but the con

summat ion i s not supposed to be effected t i l l a fter

puberty,though the g i r l may l ive wi th her husband at

once . I f the marriage i s performed before p uberty,the

ceremony i s apparent ly combined with the tal i -kettu

kalyanam . The bride i s fetched from the devapura or


fami ly chapel w i th a si lk ve i l over her head , and holdi ng

a betel leaf i n her r ight hand in front of her face . She

stands in the pandal on a plank , on wh ich there i s some

r ice.On her r ight stand fou r enangans o f the bride

groom,and on her left four of her own . The elder of

the bridegroom’s enangans hands one of the br ide’s

enangans a bundle contain ing the tal i , a mundu and pava

(c loths) , some ri ce , bete l leaves , and a co in cal led

meymelkanam ,which should be o f gold and worth at

least one rupee . Al l these are p rovided by the br ide

groom.He next hands the tal i to the bridegroom’s

s i ster,who t i es it . After th is , al l the enangans scat ter

r ice and flowers over the br ide . I n th is caste,the c la im

of a man to the hand of h i s paternal aunt’

s daughter

i s recognised in the ceremony cal led padikkal tada

(obstruct i on at the gate) , which cons i st s of a formal

obstruct ion offered by eleven ne ighbours to the bride’s

removal,when she i s not so re lated to her husband


They are bought off by a fee of two fanam s,and a

packet of betel leaf. The girl i s then taken to the

br idegroom’s house . I f very young,she i s chaperoned

by a female re lat ive . On the fourth day there i s a feast

at the br idegroom’s house cal led nalam kalyanam ,and

thi s conc l ude s the ceremon ies . Marriage after puber ty

i s cal led Pudamari . The ceremon ial i s the same,but

there i s no padikkal tada .

When an I z hava g i rl reaches puberty,the occas ion

i s one for a fou r days’ re l ig ious ceremon ial . O n the fi rst

day,the Vatt i p r iestess ano ints the g i rl w i th oi l



after a bath,dresses her in the c loth supp l ied by the

Mannatt i (washerwoman) . She i s then laid on a broad

wooden p lank,and i s supposed not to go out unt i l she

bathes on the fourth day . Al l the female relat ions of the

fami ly present her wi th sweetmeats . On the seventh


day,she i s again taken to and from the v i l lage tank

(pond) wi th much éclat , and , on her return , she e ither

t reads on cloths sp read on the floor,or i s carr ied by an

e lderly woman . After thi s , she husks a quant ity of

paddy,and cooks the rice obtained thence . I f th i s

ceremony takes p lace at the house of a headman,the

vi l lagers present h im with a vesse l fu l l of sugared r ice.

A two days’

ce remonia l , cal led Pulikudi i n north

Travancore,and Vayattu Pongala i n the south , which

corresponds to the Pum savana of Brahmans,i s observed

at the seventh month of p regnancy . On the fi rst day,

at twi l ight in the even ing , the pregnant woman , p receded

by the pr iestess, proceeds to the foot of a tamarind t ree

on the southern s ide of the compound . Arr iving there,

She rece ives a thread seven yards in length ,t o wh ich a

S i lver r ing is attached at one end,and

,by means of

c i rcumambulat ion , entwines t he t ree with the thread .

I f the thread i s by chance or inadvertence broken dur ing

th i s p rocess,the popu lar bel ie f i s that e it her the mother

or the chi ld wi l l d ie soon . Next day,t he thread i s

unwound from the tree , and a handfu l of tamarind leaves

i s g iven to the woman by her husband . On re-entering

the house,tamar ind j u ice i s poured through the hands

of the husband into those of the wi fe,who drinks it .

The priestess then pours a quant i ty of o il on the nave l

of the woman from a bete l leaf, and , from the manner in

which it flows down , i t i s be l ieved that she i s ab le to

determ ine the sex of the unborn chi ld . The woman has

to lean against a cutt ing of an ambaz ham (Spona’ias

mang ifera) t ree whi le she is dr ink ing the j ui ce,and this

cutt ing has to be p lanted i n some part of the compound .

I f i t does not grow properly,the advers ity of the

progeny i s cons idered to be sealed . The husband i s

g iven a r ing and other p resents on th is occasion .

JADA 4 18

t hr i ce round the corp se . As he does so,the p r iest

p r icks the pot thr i ce with an i ron instrument . F inal ly,

the pot i s broken on the pyre , and the ch ief mourner

ret urns home wi thout turn ing back and l ook ing at the

corp se . O n the se cond day, an oblat i on of food (p inda)i s offered to the depar ted . The i nmates of the house

are fed with conj i (r ice grue l ) on thi s day by t he

relat ives . The Sanchayana, or col lec t i on of bones,

takes p lace on the fi fth day . Pol l ut i on las ts for fi fteen

days i n Centra l and Nort h Travancore,but only for ten

days i n t he south . There are some r i tes,no t observed

necessar i ly by al l member s of the caste,on the forty

fi rst day,and at t he end of the first year . Persons who

have d ied of contagi ous di seases , women who die after

concep t ion or on del ivery,and ch i ldren under five years

of age,are bur ied . Pol lut ion i s observed only for n ine

days when chi ldren d ie and,i n the case of men who die

of contagious d i sease,a spec ial group of ceremon ies i s

performed by the sorcerer . Those who are under pol l u

t ion , bes ides be ing forb idden to enter shr ines and o ther

sanctuar ies , may not read or wri te , or partake of l iquor ,butter , mi lk , gh i , dhal , or jaggery .

Jada.—Jada or Jandra

,mean ing great men , has

been reco rded as a synonym of Devanga and Kurn i .

J aggali .—The Jaggal is are defined , in the Manualo f the Ganjam di str ic t

,as Ur iya workers in leather in

Ganjam . I t i s recorded,i n the Madras Census Repor t ,

190 1 , that “ the trad i t i onal occupat i on o f thi s caste was

apparent ly leatherworking,but now it i s engaged in

cu l t ivat ion and m i sce l laneous labour . I t s members

4 19 JAIN

speak both Oriya and Te lugu . They admit outcaste s

from other communit ie s to the i r ranks on payment of a

smal l fee.Marriage i s e i ther in fant or adu lt, and widows

and d ivorcées may remarry . Satan is are emp loyed as

p r iest s . They eat bee f and pork , and drink alcoho l .

They bury their dead . I n some p laces they work as

syces (grooms) , and in others as firewood- se l lers and as

labourers . Patro and Behara are thei r t i t les . I t may,

I think,be accepted that the Jaggal is are Telugu

Madigas , who have sett led in Ganjam , and learnt the

O r iya language . I t i s suggested that the name i s

der ived from the Oriya jagiba, watching , as some are

vi l l age crop -watchers .

J aikonda (l i zard). —A sept of Demb .

J ain . Few,

” Mr . T . A . G0p inatha Rao writesfi‘i

even among educated persons , are aware of the ex ist

ence of J ainas and Ja ina centres in Southern I nd ia.The Madras Pre s idency d i sc l o ses vest iges of J a ina

domin ion almost everywhere , and on many a roadside

a stone Ti rthankara , stand ing or s i tt ing cro ss- legged,i s

a common enough s ight . The present day interpreta

t ion s of these images are the same al l over the Pres i

deney . I f the images are two,one rep resents a debtor

and the other a cred itor,both having met on the road


and wa it ing to get thei r accoun ts sett led and c leared .

I f it i s on ly one image,i t rep resents a debtor paying

pena l ty for not having squared up h i s accounts wi th hi s

cred itor .

I t i s recorded , in the Madras Census Report , 189 1 ,that “

ou t of a total o f J ains,as many as

have returned both caste and sub -d iv i s ion as J ain . The

remainder have returned 2 2 sub -d ivi s ions,o f which some


‘i ‘ Malabar Quart . Review , IV, 3, 1905 . S ee also T . C . R ice . Jain Sett lem en ts in Katmata . I I I , 4 , 1904 .

11-2 7 B

JAI N 4 20

such as Digambara and Swetambara,are sectar ian rather

than caste d ivi s ion s,but others l i ke Marvadi

, O sval,

Ve llalan, etc .

, are d i st inct castes . And the return s a l so

show that some Jains have returned we l l -known caste s

as the i r main caste s, for we have J ain B rahmans ,

Kshatriyas , Gandas , Vellalas, etc. The J ain Bant s

however, have a l l re turned J a in as the i r main caste .

At the Madras census,190 1 , J a ins were returned .

Though they are found in nearly every d i str ict of the

Madras Pres idency , they occur in the largest number

in the fo l lowing

South CanaraNorth ArcotSouth Arcot

At the Mysore census,

190 1 , Ja in s were

returned . t i s recorded in the report that “ the D igam

baras and Swe tambaras are the two main d ivi s ion s of

the Jain fai th . The roo t of the word D igambara means

space c lad or sky c lad ,i .e. ,

nude,whi le Swetambara

mean s c lad in white . The Swe tambaras are found more

in Northern I nd ia , and are rep re sented but by a smal l

number in Mysore . The Digambaras are sa id to l ive

abso lute ly separated from soc iety,and from a l l wordly

t ies . These are genera l ly engaged in trade,se l l ing

most ly brass and copper vesse l s,and are scattered al l over

the country,the largest number of t hem be ing found

in Shimoga,Mysore

,and Hassan di s tr ic ts . Sravana

Be lagola,in the H assan d i s tr ic t

,i s a chief seat of the

J ains of the province . T i rthankaras are the p r iests of

the J ain rel ig ion,and are al so known as Pitambaras .

The Jain Yat is or c lergy here belong to the D igambara

sect,and cover themse lves wi th a ye l low robe , and

hence the name Pithambara .

” The Dasa Banaj igas

o f Mysore style themselves Ja ina Kshatr iya Ramanujas .

JA IN 4 22

he ight of the figure may be stated at 5 7 feet , thoughhigher est imates have been g iven— 60 feet 3 i nches by

S i r Arthur Wel les ley (afterwards Duke of Wel l ington) ,and 70 feet 3 i nches by Buchanan . Of thi s figure


Fergusson wr ites * t hat “ nothing grander or more

impos ing ex i sts anywhere out of Egypt,and even there

no known statue surpasses i t in he ight , t hough , i t must

he confessed,they do exce l i t in the perfect ion of art

they exhib it . ”

Other col ossa l statue s of Gummata are s i tuated on the

summit of hi l l s out s ide the towns of Karka l and Venfi r

or Yen t'

Ir i n South Canara . Concern ing the former,

Dr . E . Hult z sch wr ite s as follows .

r“ I t i s a mono

l i t h cons i st ing of the figure it se l f, of a s lab against

which it l ean s,and which reaches up to the wrist s


of a round pedestal which i s sunk into a thousand

peta l led lotus flower . The legs and arms of the figure

are entwined w ith vines (draksha) . On both s ides of the

feet,a number of snakes are cut out of the S lab aga in st

which the image leans . Two inscript ion s l; on the S i de s

of t he same S lab state that th i s image of Bahubalin

or Gummata J inapati was set up by a chief named

Vira-Pandya,the son of Bhai rava

,i n A .D . 1431

—32 . An

inscr ip t i on of the same chief i s engraved on a graceful

stone p i l lar in front of the outer gateway . Thi s p i l lar

bears a seated figure of Brahmadeva,a chief of Patt i

pombuchcha, the modern H umcha in Mysore , who , l i ke

Vi ra-Pandya , bel onged to the fam i ly of J inadatta, bui l t

the Chaturmukha bast i i n A .D . 1586—87 . A s its name

(chaturm ukha,the fou r-faced) imp l ie s , thi s temp le has

History of I nd ian and Eastern Arch itecture.

1" Annual Report on Epigraphy , Madras , 1900—1901 .

I The inscri pt ions on the three Ja ina Co loss i o f Southern Ind ia have beenpub l ished by D r. Hul tz sch in Epigraph ia I nd ica, VI I , 1902- 1903.


4 24

The high pr iest of the J ain bast i at Karka l in 1907

gave as hi s name Lal itha K irth i Bhattaraka Pattacharya

Variya J iyaswam igalu . H i s fu l l-dress consi sted of a

red and gold-embro idered Benares body-c loth , red and

go ld turban,and

,as a badge of offi ce

,a brush of

peacock ’s feathers mounted in a go ld handle,carr ied i n

hi s hand . O n ord inary occasion s , he carr ied a s imi lar

brush mounted in a s i lver handle . The abh ishekam

ceremony i s performed at Karkal at interva l s of many

years . A scaffold i s erected , and over the co lossa l

stat ue are pou red water , mi lk , flowers , cocoanuts , sugar ,j aggery

,sugar-candy , gold and s i lver flowers

,fr i ed

r ice,beans

,gram , sanda l paste , n ine k inds of prec iou s

stones , etc.

Concern ing the statue at Yent'

I r, Mr . Walhouse

writes that i t i s lower than the Karkala statue (4 1—5feet ) , apparent ly by three or fou r feet . I t resemb les

i t s brother co loss i in al l e ssent ial part i cu lars,but has the

spec ial pecu l iar ity of the cheeks being dimp led with a

deep grave smi le . The sa l i ent character i st i cs of al l these

co loss i are the broad square shou lders,and the thi ckness

and remarkable length of t he arms,the t ip s of the

fingers,l ike Rob Roy’s

,near ly reaching the knees .

[One of S i r Thomas Munro’s good qual i t ies was that ,

l i ke Rama,hi s arms reached to hi s knees or

,i n other

words,he possessed the qua l i ty of an Ajanubahu ,


i s the her itage of k ings,or those who have blue b lood

in them .] Like the others , thi s statue has the lot us

enwreath ing the legs and arms, or

,as Dr . Burnel l

s uggests,i t may be j ung le creepers

,typ ica l of wrap t

med itat i on . [There is a legend that Bahubal in was so

absorbed in med itat i on in a forest that c l imbing p lant s

Loc. ci t .

JA IN 4 26

band o f scu lptures,among wh i ch the figure of a g i raffe

deserves to be noted . The idol in the dark innermost

shr ine i s sa id to cons ist of five metal s (pancha- t a) ,among which s i lver predominates . The bast i next in

importance i s the Gurugalabast i , where two anc ient

tal ipot (sri talam ) cop ies of t he J a ina S iddhanta arep reserved in a box with three locks

,the keys of whi ch

are in charge of three d i fferent persons . The m inor

bast i s conta in three rooms , viz .

,the Garbhagriha,


T irthakaramandapa , and the Namaskaramandapa .One

of the s ights of Mfidab id ire i s the ru ined palace of

the Chautar . a loca l ch ief who fol lows the Ja ina creed,

and i s in rece ipt of a pension from the Government .The pr inc ipal object s of i n terest at the palace are a

few n icely -carved wooden p i l lars . Two of them

bear representat i on s of the pancha -nari turaga,i .e.


horse composed of five women,and the nava-nar i -kunjara


i .e.,the e lephant composed of n ine women . These are

fantast ic an imal s , which are formed by the bod ies of a

number of shepherde sse s for the amusement of the irLord Kri shna . The Jains are d iv ided into two c lasses


viz .,priest s (indra) and laymen (srivaka) . The former

cons ider themse lves as Brahmanas by caste . Al l t he

J a inas wear the sacred thread . The pr ie st s d ine with the

laymen,but do not intermarry with them . The former

pract ice the makkalasan tana,i .e.

,the inher i tance through

sons,and the latte r al iya- santana, i .e .

, the inheri tance

through nephews . The J ainas are carefu l to avo id

pol lut ion from contact w ith outcastes , who have to get

out of their way in the road , as I not iced myse l f. A

Jaina marr iage process ion,which I saw pass ing


accompan ied by H indu dancing-gir l s . Near the western

end o f t he street in wh ich most of the J ainas l ive , a cur ious

spectac le present s it se l f. From a number of high trees,

JAI N 4 28

ghee (c larified but ter) or jaggery (crude sugar) , e tc . ,from any bu t those o f the i r own caste . They are defi led

by en tering a Pariah vi l l age , and have to puri fy them

selves by bathing and assum ing a new thread . The

usual caste affix is Nainar , bu t a few ,general ly strangers

from other d i str icts , are cal led Rao , Chett i , Das , or


At Pillapalaiyam , a suburb o f Conj eeveram in the

Ching lepu t d i s tr ict , i s a J a in temp le of cons iderab le

art i st i c beauty . I t i s noted by S i r M . E . Grant Duff I

that thi s i s le ft unfin ished , as i t would seem ,by the

o rig inal bu i lders , and adapted later to the Sh iv iteworship . Now i t i s abandoned by al l i t s worshippers


but on i t s front stands the censu s number 9 -A

emblemat i c of the new order o f things . ”

Concern ing the Jains of the South Arcot d i st r i ct,

Mr . W . Franc i s wr i tes 1" that “ there i s no doubt that i n

anc ient days the J ain fait h was powerfu l i n thi s d i str ict .

The Periya Puranam says that there was once a Ja in

monastery and co l lege at Patal iputra, the old name forthe modern T irupapul iyar, and remains o f J ain images

and sculptures are comparat ive ly common in the d istr ic t.

The influence of the rel ig ion doubtless waned in cou se

quence of the great Saivi te revival,which took p lace in

the early centur ies of the p resent era,and the Per iya

Puranam gives a story in connect ion therewith , which i s

of local i nteres t . I t says that the Saivite poet - sa in t

Appar was at one t ime a student in the J a in co l l ege at

Patal iputra,but was converted to Saivi sm in consequence

of the p rayers of hi s s i ster , who was a devotee of the

dei ty in the temp le at Ti ruvadi near Panrut i . The loca l

king was a Ja in , and was at fi rst enraged with Appar

Notes from 3. D iary , 1881- 86 1‘ Gazetteer of the South Arco t d istr ict .

4 29 JAI N

for hi s fervent support of hi s new faith . But eventual ly

he was h imsel f induced by Appar to b ecome a Saivi te,

and he then tu rned the Pal ipu tra monastery into a temple

t o S iva,and ordered the ext irpat ion of al l J a ins . Later

on there was a j a in rev ival , but thi s i n i ts turn was

fo l l owed by another persecut ion of the adheren ts of that

fa ith . The fol l owing story connected wi th thi s latter

occu rs in one of the Mackenz ie Manuscr ipts , and i s

supported by ex i st ing t rad it ion . I n 14 78 A .D . ,the ruler

of Gingee was one Venkatampettai , Venkatapat ifif who

bel onged to the comparat ively low caste of t he Kavarais .

H e asked the l oca l B rahmans to g ive h im one of the i r

daughters to wi fe . They said that , i f the J a ins wou ld do

so,they would fo l low su it . Venkatapat i told the J ains

of thi s answer , and asked for one of the i r g irl s as a br ide .

They took counsel among themselves how they might

avo id the di sgrace of connect ing themse lve s by marriage

with a man of such a caste , and at last pretended to agree

to the king’s proposal , and sa id that the daughter of a

cer ta in prominent J ai n wou ld be given him . On the day

fixed for the marr iage , Venkatapat i went in state to the

gi r l’s house for t he ceremony , but found i t deserted and

emp ty,except for a b itch t ied to one of the posts of t he

verandah . Fu r ious at the insul t,he i ssued orders to

behead al l J a ins . Some of the fai th were accordingly

decap itated , others fled , others again were forced to pract i ce the ir r i tes secret ly, and yet others became Saivi te s toescape death . Not long afterwards , some of the king


offi cers saw a Jain named Virasénacharya performing the

ri te s pecu l iar to hi s faith in a wel l in Velur near Tind i

vanam,and hai led him before the ir master . The latter,

however,had j ust had a chi ld born to him

,was in a good

Local oral trad it ion gives h is name as D apala Kis tnappa Nayak .

JAI N 430

temper,and let the accused go free and Virasénacharya,

sobered by h i s narrow escape from death, reso lved to

become an ascet ic,went to Sravana Belgola , and there

studied the holy books of the J ai n rel ig ion . Meanwhi le

another J ain of the Gingee country , Gangayya Udaiyar

o f Tayanur i n the Tindivanam ta luk , had fl ed to the

p rotect ion o f the Zamindar of Udaiyarpal aiyam in Tr ichi

nOpoly, who befr i ended him and gave h im some land .

Thus assured of protect ion , he went t o Sravana Be lgo la ,fetched back Vi rasenacharya, and with h im made a tour

through the G ingee country, to cal l upon the Ja ins who

remained there to return to the i r anc ient fai th . These

peop le had most ly become Saivites , taken off the ir

sacred threads and put holy ashes on the ir foreheads,and

the name N i rpus i Ve llalas , or the Ve llalas who put on

holy ash,i s st i l l reta ined . The m iss ion was success fu l


and Jain i sm rev ived . Vi rasénacharya eventual ly d ied at

Velur,and there

,i t i s sa id , i s kept in a temp le 3. meta l

image of Parsvanatha, one of t he twenty- four Ti rthan

karas,which he brought from Sravana Belgo la . The

descendants of Gangayya Udaiyar st i l l l ive in Tayanur,and

,i n memory of the serv ice s of the i r ancesto r to the Jain

cause,they are g iven the fi rst betel and leaf on fest ive

occas ion s,and have a leading voice in thee lect ion of the

high -pr ie st at S ittamur i n the Tind ivanam taluk . Thi s

high-priest,who i s cal led Mahadh ipat i, i s e l ec ted by

representat ives from the ch ief J a in v i l lages . These

are,i n Tind ivanam ta luk

,S ittamur i t se l f

,Vi ranamur


Vilukkam ,Peramandur

, A lagramam,and the Velu r

and Tayam‘

i r a l ready ment ioned . The high -priest has

supreme author ity over al l j ains south of Madras , but not

over those i n Mysore or South Canara,with whom the

South Arcot communi ty have no relat ions . He trave l s

round in a palanqu in w i th a su ite of fo l lowers to the

JAIN 432

playing of music , and rec i t ing of sacred verses . These

ceremon ie s are performed by members of the Archaka

or pri e st c las s . The dai ly private worship in the houses

i s done by the laymen themse lves before a smal l image

o f one of the Ti rthankaras , and dai ly ceremon ie s

resemb l ing those of the Brahmans , such as the pronoun

c ing of t he sacred mantram at daybreak , and the rec i ta l

o f forms of prayer thr ice da i ly , are observed . The j ain s

bel ieve in the doctrine of re-b i rths,and hold t hat the

end of al l i s N i rvana . They keep the S ivaratri and

D ipavali feast s , but say that they do so,not for the

reasons which lead H indus to revere these dates,but

because on them the fi rst and the last of the twenty- four

T i rthankaras atta ined beat i tude . S im i lar ly they observe

Pongal and the Ayudha p uj a day . They adhere c lose ly

to the inj unct ions of the i r fa ith proh ib it ing the taking

of l i fe,and

,to guard themse lves from unwitt ingly

infr ing ing them , they do not eat or drink at n ight lest

they might thereby destroy smal l i n sec ts which had got

unseen into the i r food . For the same reason,they fi lter

through a c loth al l m i lk or water which they use,eat

on ly curds , ghee and o il which they have made them

selve s with due precaut ions against the taking of i n sect

l i fe , or known to have been s imi larly made by other J ain s ,and even avo id the use of she l l chunam (l ime) . The

Vedakkarans (Shikar i or hunt ing caste) trade on these

scrup le s by catch i ng smal l b i rds,bring ing them to j ain

houses,and demand ing money to spare the i r l ives .

The Jain s have fou r sub -divi s ions,namely

,the ord inary

laymen , and three pr i es t ly c lasses , Of the latte r,the

most numerous are the Archakas (or Vadyars) . Theydo the worship in the temples . An ord inary layman

canno t become an Archaka ; i t i s a c las s apart . An

Archaka can , however , r i se to the next higher o f the

433 JAIN

pries t l y c lasses , and become what i s cal led an Annam

or Annuvrit i,a kind of monk who i s a l lowed to marry


bu t has to l ive according to certa in spec ial ru les of conduct . These Annams can again r i se to the highest of

the three c lasses,and become N irvan is or Mun i s


who lead a ce l ibate l i fe apar t from the wor ld . There

i s al so a s i sterhood of nuns , ca l l ed Aryanganais , who

are sometimes maidens , and somet imes women who

have left thei r husbands,but must in e ither case take a

vow of chast ity. The monks shave thei r heads,and

dres s in red the nuns s im i lar ly shave,but wear whi te .

Both of t hem carry as marks of the ir condit ion a bras s

vesse l and a bunch of peacock’s feathers , with which

latter they sweep c lean any p lace on which they s it

down , l est any insect should be there . To both c lasses

the other j ains make namaskaram (re spectfu l sa lutat i on)when they meet them

,and both are maintained at the

cost of the rest of t he community . The laymen among

the j ain s wi l l not intermarry , though they wi l l d ine with

the Archakas,and these latter consequent ly have the

greatest trouble in p rocuring br ides for the ir son s,and

often pay Rs . 200 or Rs . 300 to secure a sui table match .

Otherwi se there are no marr iage sub -d ivi s ions among

the commun ity,all J ains south of Madras free ly inter

marrying . Marr iage takes p lace e ither before or after

puberty . Widows are not al lowed to remarry, but are

not required to shave the i r heads unt i l t hey are m iddle

aged . The dead are burnt , and the death pol l ut ion

lasts for twe lve days , after whic h per iod pur ificat i on i sperformed

,and the part ie s must go to the temp le .

j ain s wi l l not eat with H indus . The ir domest i c

ceremonies,such as those of bir th, marr iage , death and

so on resemble general ly those of the B rahmans . A

cur ious difference i s that,t hough the gir l s never wear


JAIN 434

t he thread,t hey are taught the thread -wearing mantram ,

amid al l t he ceremon ies usual in the case of boys , when

they are about e ight year s old .

I t i s recorded,i n the report on E p igraphy , 1906

1907 , that at Ey il i n the South Arcot d ist r ict the J ains

asked the Co l lector for perm i ss i on to use the stone s of

t he S iva temp le for repair ing the ir own . The Co l lector

cal led upon t he H indus to put the S iva temp le in order

wi thin a year,on pai n of i t s be ing treated as an e scheat .

Near the town of Madura i s a large i so lated mass

of naked rock , which i s known as Anaimala i (e lephant

hi l l ) .“ The Madura S thala Purana says i t i s a petr ified

e lephant . The Ja in s of Conj eeveram ,says t h i s chro

n ic le,tr ied to convert the Saiv i te peop le of Madura to

.he J a i n fa i th . Find ing the task diffi cul t,t hey had

recourse to magic . They dug a great p it ten m i les l ong,

performed a sacr ifice t hereon,and thus caused a huge

e l ephant to ar i se from it . Thi s beast they sent against

Madura . I t advanced towards the town,shak ing the

whol e earth at every step , with the j a in s marching

c lo se behind i t . But the Pandya king invoked the a id

of S iva, and the god aro se and s lew the e lephant with

hi s arrow at the spot where i t now l ie s petrified.

” 6

I n connect ion with the long barren rock near

Madura cal led Nagamalai (snake hi l l) ,“ l ocal legends

dec lare that it i s the remains of a huge serpent , brought

into ex i stence by the magic art s of t he Ja ins,which was

on ly prevented by the grace of S iva from devour ing t he

fervent ly Saiv ite c i ty i t so near ly approaches . T Two

miles south of Madura is a smal l hi l l of rock named

Pasumalai . “ The name means cow hi l l , and the legend

in the Madura S thala Purana says that the J a ins , be ing

Gazetteer of the Madura. d istr ict. 1 M i d .

JAI N 436

i nfluence,and he and a l l h i s subjects had become con

vert s to the new fai th . The queen and the pr ime

min i ster,however , were secret adherent s t o the cu l t of

S iva,whose temp le was deserted and closed . They

secret ly inv ited S ri Gnana Sammandha to the cap ital,

i n t he hope that he m ight he lp in ext i rpat ing the

fol l owers of the obnoxious J a in re l ig ion . H e accord

ingly arr ived w i t h t housands of fo l lowers , and took up

hi s abode in a mutt or monastery on t he north s ide of

the Vaigai r iver . When the J ain pr ie st s,who were

e ight thousand i n number,found thi s out , they se t fi re

to hi s re s idence with a view to destroying him . H is

d i sc ip les,however

,extingu i shed the fl ames . The saint


re sent ing the comp l i c i ty of the k ing in the plo t,wi l led

that the fi re should turn on him,and burn him in the

form of a v iru lent feve r . Al l the endeavours of the J ain

p r iests to cure him with medic ines and incantat ion s

fa i led . The queen and the p r ime -min i ster impressed

on the roya l pat ient the vi rtues of the Saiva saint,and

p rocured hi s admi ss ion into the pa lace . When Sam

mandha Swami offered to cure the king by s imp ly

throwing sacred ashes on him , the j a in pr iest s who

were present contended that they must st i l l be g iven a

chance . So it was mutual ly agreed between them that

each party shou ld undertake to cure hal f the body ofthe pat ient . The hal f a l lotted to Sammandha was at

once cured , whi le the fever raged wi th redoub led sever

ity i n the other hal f. The king acco rd ing ly requested

Sammandha to t reat the rest of hi s body, and ordered

the J a ina priests to w ithdraw from h is p resence . The

touch of Sammandha’

s hand , when rubb ing the sacred

ashes over him,cured not on ly the fever , but a l so the

hunched back . The king now looked so gracefu l that

he was thenceforward cal led Sundara (beaut i fu l) Pandyan .

437 JAIN

He was re -converted to Saiv i sm , the doors of the S iva

temple were re-opened,and the wo rsh ip of S iva therei n

was restored . The j ain p riest s , not sat i sfied with their

d iscomfiture , offered to establ i sh the mer its of thei r

re l ig ion in other ways . They suggested that each party

shou ld throw the cadjan (palm - leaf) books contain ing

the doctr ines o f their respec t ive re l ig ions into a big fi re,

and that the party whose books were burnt to ashe s

shou ld be cons idered defeated . The saint acced ing to the

proposal,the books were thrown into the fi re , with the

resu l t that those fl ung by Samm andha were un inj ured,

while no t race of the J a in books remained . St i l l not

sat i sfied,the J ains p roposed that the rel ig ious books

of both part ies should be cast into the flooded Vaigai

r ive r,and that the party whose books trave l led against

the curren t shou ld be regarded as victor ious . The

Jains promi sed Samm andha that , i f they fai led in this

tr ial,they wou ld become h i s s laves , and serve him in

any manner he p leased . But Sammandha rep l ied :“ We have al ready got s ixteen thousand d i sc ip les to

serve us . You have p rofaned the name of the supreme

S iva,and commi tted sacr i lege by your avers ion to the

use of h is emb lems , such as sacred ashes and beads .

So your pun ishment shou ld be commensurate with your

vi le deeds . ” Confident of succes s,the Ja ins offered to

be impa led on stakes i f they lost . The tria l took p lace,

and the books of the Sa ivi tes t rave l led up stream .

Sammandha then gave the J ain s a chance of escape by

embrac ing the Saiva fai th , to which some of them

became convert s . The number thereo f was so great

that the avai labl e supply of sacred ashes was exhaus ted .

Such of the Jains as remained unconverted were impaled

on stakes resembl ing a su la or t ri dent . I t may be noted

that , i n the Mahabharata , R i sh i Mandav iar i s said to


have been impa led on a stake on a fa l se charge of theft .And Ramanuja, t he Guru of the Vaishnav ites

,i s also

said to have impaled heret ic s on stake s i n the Mysore

p rovince . The event s recorded in the narrat ive of

S ammandha and the j ains are gone through at five of

the twelve annua l fe st ival s at the Madura temp le . On

these occas ions , which are known as impa l ing fest iva l

days,an image represent ing a j ain impaled on a stake

is carried i n process ion . According to a trad it ion the

vi l lages of Mela K i lavu and K i ] K i lavu near Solavandan

are so named because the stakes (ki lavu) p lanted fort he destruct ion of the j ains i n the t ime of Tirugnana

extended so far from the town of Madura .

For detai l s of the l iterature re lat ing to the J ains , I

wou ld refer the reader to A . Guérinot’

s‘ Essa i de

B ib l i ographie J aina,

’ Anna les du Musée Gu imet,Pari s



J ain Vaisya .—The name assumed by a sma l l co lony

of Ban ians,who have sett l ed in Nat ive Cochin . They

are sai d * to frequent the kal l i (s tone) pagoda in the

Kannuthnad taluk of North Travancore,and be l i eve

t hat he who p roceeds th ither a suffic ient ly large number

of t imes obta in s sa lvat i on . Of recent years,a figure of

Brahma i s said to have sp rung up of i t se l f on the topo f the rock , on which the pagoda i s s i tuated .

J akku la.-Descr ibed Tas an infer ior c lass of prost i

tutes , most ly of the Bal ij a caste and as wizards and a

danc ing and theat r ical caste . At Tena l i,i n the K i stna

di str ic t,i t was cu stomary for each fami ly to give up one

g i r l for p rost i tut i on . She was “ marr ied to any chance

comer for one n ight with the usual ceremon ie s . Under

the influence of soc ial reform , the members of the caste ,

N . Sunkun i Wariar. I nd . An t. , ! ! I , 1892 .

f Madras Census Report , 1901 Nel lore Manual .


and in the sweep ings of go ldsmi ths’ shop s . A modest

l ivel ihood i s a lso obta ined,in some p laces

,by extract ing

gold from the bed of r ivers or nu l lahs (water-courses) .The name i s der ived from ja la


, gadugu ,wash .

The equ ivalent Jalakara i s reco rded , i n the Be l lary

Gazet teer,as a sub -divi s ion of Kabbéra .

I n the c ity of Madras , go ld-washers are to be found

work ing in the fou l s ide drain s in front of j ewe l lers’ shops .

The Hea l th O fficer to the Corporat ion in forms me that

he often chases them,and breaks the ir


pots for obstruct

ing publ i c drain s in the ir hunt for p ieces of go ld and

ot her metal s .

For t he fo l lowing note on t he go ld-washers of

Madras,I am indebted to Dr . K . T . Mathew :

“ Thi s

industry i s carr ied on in t he c i ty by the Oddars , and was

pract ical ly monopo l i sed by them t i l l a few years back,

when other caste s,most ly of the lower orders , stepped in .

The Oddars now form a popu lat ion of severa l thousands

in the c ity,the i r chief occupat ion be ing conservancy

coo ly work . The process of gold wash ing i s carr ied out

by women at home , and by the aged and adu l t s in the ir

spare hours . The ashes,sweep ings

,and refuse from the

go ldsmiths’

shop s are co l lected on payment of a sum

rang ing from one rupee to ten rupees per mensem ,and

are brought in baskets to a conven ient p lace a longs ide

the ir huts , where. they are stored for a var iab le t ime .

The drain s i l ts from street s where there are a large

number of j ewe l lers’

shops are s im i lar ly co l lected,but


thi s case the on ly payment to be made i s a present to

the Mun ic ipal peon . The materia l s so co l lected are left

undi sturbed for a few days or several months,and thi s

storing away for a t ime i s said to be necessary to fac i l i tate

the extract i on of the gold,as any immediate attempt to

wash the stuff re su l t s in great loss in the quant ity


obtained . From the heap as much as can b e taken on

an ord inary spade i s pu t into a boat -shaped tub open at

one end,p laced c l o se to the heap , and so arranged tha t

the waste water from the tub flows away from the heap

behind,and co l lect s in a sha l low poo l in front . The

water from the pool i s co l l ected in a smal l chatty (earthenvesse l ), and poured over the heap in the tub , which i s

cont inua l ly st irred up with the other hand . A l l the

l ighter stuff in thi s way flows out of the tub,and a l l the

hard stones are every now and then p icked out and

thrown away . Thi s process goes on unt i l about a coup le

of handfu ls of dark sand , etc.,are left in the tub . To

this a sma l l quant i ty of mercury i s added , bri sk ly rubbed

for a minute or two,and the process of washing goes

on , cons iderab le care be ing taken to see t hat no part ic le

of mercury e scapes,unt i l at last the mercury, with a great

many part ic les of meta l l i c dust attached , i s co l lec ted in

a smal l chatty— often a broken p iece of a pot . The

mercury, with the meta l l ic part ic l e s in i t , i s then we l l

washed with c lean water , and put into a t iny bag formed

of two layer s of a p iece of rag . The mass i s then gent ly

pressed unt i l al l the mercury fa l l s into a chatty be low,

leaving a smal l flattened mass of dark substance in the

bag,which i s carefu l ly co l lected , and kept i n another dry

chatty . The washing process i s repeated unt i l enough

of the dark substance— about a third of a teaspoonful

i s co l le c ted . Thi s sub stance is then mixed w ith powdered common sa l t and br i ck-dust

,put into a broken p iece

of a pot , and covered with another p iece . The whole i s

p laced in a large earthen vessel,with cow-dung cakes

wel l packed above and below . A b laz ing fire i s soon

produced,and kept up t i l l the mass i s mel ted . This

mass is careful ly removed , and again me lted with borax

in a hole made in a p iece of good charcoal,by b lowing


through a reed or ho l low bamboo,un ti l t he gold separates

from the mass . The fi re is t hen sudden ly quenched,and

the p iece of go ld i s separated and removed.

Jalari .—The Jalaris are Te lugu fi shermen , palanquinbearers , and cul t ivators in Ganjam and Vizagapatam .

The name , Mr. C . Hayavadana Rao wr ites,i s derived

from jala , a net . Some are fresh -water fi shermen,whi le

others fi sh with a cas t -net (v isuru valalu) from the sea

shore , or on the Open sea . They bear the name Ganga

vam sam u,or peop le of Ganga , i n the same way that a

d ivi s i on of the Kabbéra fi shing caste is ca l l ed Gangi

makkalu . I n caste organ i sat ion,ceremon ia l



Jalaris co inc ide wi th the M i las . They are ca l led No l i

ya s by the Oriyas of Ganjam . They have house-names

l ike other Te lugus , and the i r fema les do not wear brass

bangle s,as low-caste O r iya women do .

The Jalaris have two endogamous d ivi s i ons , ca l led

panrendu kot la (twelve pos ts) , and edu kot la (seven

posts) , i n reference to the number of posts for the booth.

The former c la im super ior i ty over the latter, on the

ground that they are i l legit imate Jalaris , or recent ly

admitted into the caste .

Like o ther Te l ugu castes , t he Jalaris have a caste

counc i l under the control of a headman cal l ed Pi l la.I n

im itat ion o f the O r iyas , t hey have created an ass i stan t

headman cal led Do lobehara, and they have the usual

caste servant .

I n t he ir p uberty,marr iage and death ceremon ies


t hey clo se ly fo l l ow the Vadas and Fal le s . The proh ib i

t ion s regard ing marriage are of the Te lugu form,but


l ike the O r iya castes , the Jalaris al l ow a widow to marry

her deceased hu sband’s younger brother . The marr iage

ceremon ie s las t fo r three days . O n the firs t day,the

panda l (booth) , with the usua l mi lk -post , is erected . For


d igamet lu (shou lder-po le) , with two baskets t ied to theends

,i s carr ied . I n one of the basket s a number of s ieve s

and smal l baskets are p laced , and in the other one or more

cat s . Thi s digame tlu i s a lways referred to by the Vadas

when they are quest ioned as to t he d ifference between

the ir marr iage ceremon ie s and those of the Jalaris .

Other caste s laugh at th i s custom,and it i s consequent ly

dying out .

The Jalaris always marry young gir l s . One reason

ass igned for th i s i s t he i ncome to marr ied young g i r l s

at the t ime of the marriage ceremon ies . Two or more

marr ied coup les are i nv ited to remain at the house i n

which the marriage takes p lace,to he lp the bridal coup le

in the ir to i lette,and ass i st at the nalagu , evi l eye waving ,

and other r i tes . They are rewarded for t he ir serv i ce s

w ith present s . Another in stance of in fant marr iage

be ing the ru le on account of pecun iary ga in i s found

among t he D iksh itar Brahmans of Chidambaram . Only

marr ied ma les have a vo ice in temp le affa irs,and rece ive

a share of the temp l e income . Consequent ly , boys are

somet imes marr ied when they are seven or e ight years

old . At every Jalari marr iage , meal s must be g iven to

the castemen ,a rupee to t he representat ives of the

patnam s , twe lve annas to the headman and h is as s i stant ,and three rupees to the Malas .

Like other Te lugu caste s , t he Jalaris have int ipérus

(sept s) , which resemble those of the Vadas . Amongthem

,J onna and Bugur i are common . I n the i r re l ig i ous

Observances,the Jalaris c l o se ly fo l low the Vadas .

The Madras Museum possesse s a co l lect ion of c lay

and wooden figure s,such as are worshipped by the

fi shing caste s at Gopa lpur,and other p lace s on the

Ganjam coast . Concern ing these , Mr . J . D’A . C . Rei l ly

wr ites to me as fo l lows . The spec imens represent the


chief gods worshipped by the fi shermen . The Tahs i ldar

of Berhampu r got them made by'

the potters and

carpenters,who usual ly make such figures for the

GOpalp t'

I r fi shermen . I have found fi sherm en’

s shrine s

at several p laces . Separate fami l ie s appear to have

separate shrines , some cons i st ing of large chatt ie s

(earthen pot s) , occasional ly ornamented , and turnedup side down

,with an Open ing on one s ide . O thers

are made of bri cks and chunam (l ime) . A l l that I haveseen had thei r opening towards the sea . Two c lasses

of figures are p laced in these shr ine s , viz .,c lay figures o f

gods,which are worshipped before fi sh ing expedit ions


and when there i s danger from a part icu lar d i sease which

they prevent and wooden figures of deceased re lat ions,

which are quite as imaginat ive as the c lay figures.

Figure s of gods and re lat ions are p laced in the same fami ly

shr ine . There are hundreds of gods to choose from,and

the se lect ion appears to be a matter of fami ly taste and

tradi t ion . The figure s which I have sent were made by

a potter at Venkatarayapalle ,and painted by a carpenter

at Uppulapat t i , both vi l lages near GOpalp r. The

Tahsi ldar te l ls me that , when he was inspect ing them

at the Gopalpur trave l ler’

s bunga low, s ixty or seventy

firshermen objected to thei r gods be ing taken away . H e

pac ified them by tel l ing them that i t was because the

Government had heard of the i r devoti on to the i r gods

that they wanted to have some of t hem in Madras . The

co l lect ion of c lay figures inc ludes the fo l lowing

Benga l i Babu .

—Wears a hat , and rides on a b lack

horse . He b lesses the fi shermen , secures large hau l s

of fish for them,and guards them aga inst danger when

out fi shing .

Samalamma .

—Wears a red skirt and green coat

and protect s the fi shermen from fever .


Rajamma, a female figure , with a sword in her r ight

hand,r id ing on a black e lephan t . She b lesse s barren

women with chi ldren,and favours her devotee s with

b ig catche s when they go out fi sh ing .

Yerenamma,r id ing on a white horse

,with a sword

in her right hand . She protect s fi shermen from drown

ing,and from be ing caught by b ig fi sh .

Bhagi rathamma,r id ing on an elephant

,and having

e ight or twe lve hands . She help s fi shermen when

fi shing at n ight,and protects them against chole ra


dysentery,and other i nte st inal d i sorders .

Nukalamma .

—Wears a red jacket and green skirt,

and protect s the fi shing commun ity again st smal l -pox .

O rosondi Ammavaru .

-Prevents the boats from

be ing sunk or damaged .

Bhagadev i .— Rides on a t iger

,and protects the

commun ity from cho lera .

Veyyi Kannula Ammavaru , or the goddes s of a

thousand eyes , represented by a pot p ierced w ith holes ,i n which a g inge l ly (S esamum ) o il l ight i s burnt . She

attends to the genera l wel fare of the fi sher fo lk .

J é li (A cacia am éz'

ca) . -A gotra of Kurn i .

J alli .—J al l i , mean ing palm tasse l s put round theneck and horn s of bul l s

,occurs as an exogamous sept

of Jogi . The name occurs further as a sub -divi s ion of

Kevuto .

J émbava .—A synonym of the Madigas , who c laim

descent from the r i sh i Aud i Jambavadu .

J ambu (E ugen ia j ambo/cm a) . —An exogamous sept

of Odde.

J émbuvar (a monkey king with a bear’s face) . -An

exogamou s sep t of Kondaiyamkottai Maravan .

J amkhanvala (carpet -maker) .— An occupat ional

name for Patnulkarans and Patvégars .


(j anapa , Cram/ar ia f um ed ) , and so obta ined the i r name .

But they are now met wi th as Dasaris or re l ig iou s

beggars , sweetmeat -se l l e rs , and hawkers of Engl i sh

c loths and other goods . By the t ime they have obtained

to the last honourabl e p rofess ion,they assume to be

Bal ijas . Telugu i s the i r vernacu lar,and Chett i the ir

usua l caste name . Accord ing to the i r own trad it i on,

they sprung from a yagam (sacr ifi c ia l r i t e) made byB rahma

,and the ir remote ancestor thu s produced was


they say,asked by the merchants of the country to

inven t some means for carry ing about the i r wares. H e

obtained some seeds from the ashes of Brahma’s yagam,

which he sowed,and the p lant which sprang up was the

country hemp,which he manu factu red into a gunny-bag .

The Janapa Chet t is are enterpr i s ing men in the ir way,

and are much emp loyed at the fai rs at Gud iyattam and

other p laces as catt le -brokers .”

The Saluppans say that they have twenty-fou r

gotras , which are d ivided into group s of s ixteen and

e ight . Marriage i s forb idden between members of

the same group,bu t perm itted between members of the

s ixteen and e ight gotras . Among the names of the

gotras , are the fo l lowing




P i l l i Vankaravan .

Makkiduvan .

Thal lelan .


The Janappans of the Telugu country a lso say that

they have on ly twenty-fou r gotras . Some of these are

totemi st i c i n character . Thus , members of the Kappala

(frog) gotra owe thei r name to a trad it ion that on one


occas ion,when some of the fam i ly were fi sh ing


caugh t a hau l of big frogs in stead of fi sh . Consequently,

members of thi s gotra do not inj ure frogs . Members of

the Thonda or Thonda Maha R i sh i got ra abstain from

using the fru it or leaves of the thonda p lant (Crap/Ia

l andm The fru i ts of th i s p lant are among

the commonest of nat ive vegetables . I n l ike manner,

members of the Mukkanda sept may not u se the fru i t of

M omordz’

m Ckam n tz’

a . Those o f the Vamme got ra

abs tain from eat ing the fi sh cal led bombadai,because


when some of the i r ancestors went to fetch water in

the marriage pot , they found a number of th i s fi sh in

the water col lected in the po t . So,too

,i n the Kola

gotra, the eat ing of the fi sh cal l ed kolas i i s forb idden .

I n thei r marriage cu stoms , those who l ive in the

Telugu country fo l low the Telugu Puran ic form ,whi le

those who have sett l ed i n the Tami l country have

adopted some of the marriage r i tes thereof. There are,

however , some po int s of i nterest i n the i r marr iage

ceremonies . On the day fixed for the betrothal,tho se

assembled wait s i lent ly l i s ten ing for the chi rp ing of a

l izard , which i s an au sp ic ious s ign . I t i s sa id that the

match i s broken off, i f the ch i rp ing i s not heard . I f the

omen proves au sp ic ious , a smal l bund le of n ine to twe lve

kinds of pul ses and gra in i s g i ven by the br idegroom’s

father to the father of the br ide . This i s p reserved,and

exam ined severa l days after the marr iage . I f the grain

and pu lses are in good condi t i on,i t i s a s ign that the

newly marr ied coup le w i l l have a prosperous career.There are both Saiv i tes and Vaishnav ites among

these people, and the former predom inate in the

sou thern d i str ict s . Most of the Vaishnav ites are

d i sc ip l es of Bhatraz us . The Bhatraz u pr iest goesround per iodical ly

,co l l ect i ng h i s fees . Those among

I r—29


the Saiv i tes who are rel ig ious ly incl ined are d i sc ip les o fPandaram s of mu t t s (re l ig ious inst itut ions) . Those

who have sett led in the Salem dist r i ct seem to consider

Damayant i and Kamatch i as the caste de it ie s .The manufacture of gunny-bags i s s t i l l carr ied on

by some members of the caste,but they are main ly

engaged in trade and agr icu ltu re . I n the c ity of

Madras,the sa le of var iou s kinds of fru it s i s large ly in

the hands of the Janappan s .

Sat hu vand lu , mean ing a company of merchants or

t ravel lers , occurs as a synonym of Janappan .

I n the Mysore Census Report , 190 1 , Janappa i s

returned as a sub -d iv i s ion of the Gon igas , who are

sack -weavers,and maker s of gunny-bags .

J anday i (flag) .— An exogamous sept of Yanadi .

J anga (ca l f of the leg) . —An exogamous sept of

Mala .

J angal Jati .—A synonym , denot ing j ung le fo lk , ofthe Kuriv ikaran s or Kattu Marathi s .

J angam .—It i s noted , i n the Madras Census Report ,

190 1 , that“ str i ct ly Speaking , a Jangam i s a priest to the

re l ig i ous sect of Lingayats , but the term i s frequent ly

l oose ly app l ied to any Lingayat , which accounts for the

large numbers under th i s head Jangam s

proper are said to be of two c las se s , Pat tadikaris , who

have a defin ite head -quarters , and Charamurt is , who go

from v i l lage to v i l lage , p reaching the pr inc ip les of the

Lingayat sect . Many Jangam s are pr iests to Sudras

who are not Lingayats , others are mere ly re l ig ious

beggars,and others of them go in fo r trade . I n the

Census Report,189 1 , i t i s further recorded that

“ the

fu l l name i s Jangama Lingayat, mean ing those who

always worship a moveable l ingam , i n contrad i st inct ion

to the S thavara (immoveable ) l ingam of the temp le s .

JANMI 4 52

Janman denotes (I ) b irth , b irthright , p roprietorship (2 )freeho ld property

,which i t was cons idered d i sgracefu l to

a l ienate . Janmabhogam i s the share in the produce ofthe land , which i s due to the I n 1805


the Co l lecto r of Malabar obta ined , for the purpose of

carry ing out a scheme of assessment approved by

Government,a return from al l p rop r ietors of the

seed,p roduce

,etc .

,of al l the ir fie lds . This ret urn i s

usual ly known as the Janm i pymaish of 981 ME .

(Malabar era) . lL

Writ ing to me concern ing Ma labar at the present

day,a correspondent state s that “ i n almost every tal uk

we have j ungle tr ibes , who cal l t hemse lves the men of

Janm is . I n the o ld days , when forest s were so ld , thei nhab itants were actual ly entered in the contract as part

of the effects , as , i n former t imes , the landlord so ld the

aa’scmjfi z

or ascm’

fi z‘


g leéx with the land . Now that i s

not done . However , the re lat ion ship ex i st s to the fol

lowing extent,accord i ng to what a Tahs i ldar (nat ive

mag i st rate) te l l s me . The t ribesmen roam about the

forest s at wi l l,and each year select a p lace , whi ch has

lain fa l l ow for five years o r more for a l l k inds of cul t i

vat ion .Somet imes they inform the Janm is t hat they

have done so ,somet imes they do not . Then , at harvest

t ime,the Janm i , or h i s agent , goes up and takes hi s

share of the p roduce . They never try to dece ive the

Janm i . He i s asked to sett le the i r d ispute s , but these

are rare.They never go to law . The Janm i can ca l l

on them for labour, and they give i t wi l l ingly . I f bad ly

treated,as they have been at t imes by encroaching

p lainsmen,they run off to another fore st

,and serve

another Janm i . At the Onam fest iva l they come with

W igram ,Malabar Law and Custom .

1‘ Logan ,

Manual of Malabar, wh ich contains fu l l detai ls concern ing J anm is.


gifts for the Janm i, who stands them a feast . The

re lat ion between the j ungle folk and the Janm i showsthe inst inc t in a pr imit ive peop l e to have a lord . There

seems to be no gain in having a Janm i . H is p rotect ion

i s not needed , and he i s hardly ever ca l led in to interfere .

I f they refused to pay the Janm i h i s dues , he wou ld

find it very hard to ge t them . St i l l they keep him . I n

the m iddle of the last century,when p lanters fi rst began

to sett le in t he Malabar Wynad , they purchased theland from the Janm is with t he Pan iyans l iv ing on i t,who were pract ical ly slaves of the landowners .

The hered itary r ights and perqu i s ite s c la imed,i n the i r

v i l lages,by the astro loger


,go ldsmith


man , barber , etc .,are cal led Cherujanmam .

J anni .—The name of t he caste pr iest s of Jatapus .

J apanese .—At the Mysore censu s , 190 1 , two

J apanese were retu rned . They were managers of the

s i l k farm inst ituted on J apanese methods by Mr . Tata

of Bombay in the vi c in i ty o f Bangalo re .

J i m—A few members o f thi s North I ndian c lass ofMuhammadans

,engaged in trade

,have been returned at

t imes of census i n Mysore .

Jatapu .—The Jatapus are defined , i n the Madras

Census Report , 190 1 , as“ a c ivi l i sed sect ion of the

Khonds,who speak Khond on the hi l l s and Telugu

on the p la in s,and are now pract i cal ly a d ist inct caste .

They con sider themse lves super ior to those Khonds

who st i l l eat beef and snakes,and have taken to some

of the ways o f the castes of the p la ins . ”

For the fol lowing note,I am indebted to Mr . C .

Hayavadana Rao . The name Jatapu i s popu lar ly be

l ieved to be an abbrev iated form of Konda Jatapu

Doralu,or l ords of t he Khond caste . To t h i s caste the

old chiefs of the Palkonda Zamindar i are said to have


be longed . I t is d iv ided into a number o f septs,such


for examp le , as

Thor ika or Thoyika, who revere t he thor ika kodi ,a spec ie s of wi ld fowl .

Kadrika,who revere another spec ies of fow l .

Mamdangi , who revere the bu l l or cow .

Addaku , who revere the addaku (B atu /t im er m ae

mosa) , which i s u sed by low-country peop le for eat ing

p latters .

Konda Gorre, who revere a certa in breed of sheep .

Naval ip itta , who revere the peacock .

Arika, who revere the arika (P asfi al zzm scroéz


latum ) .

Other sept s,recorded in the Census Report

, 190 1 ,

are Koalaka (arrow) , Kutraki (wi ld goat) , and Vinka

(white ant , T

Marr iage is ce lebrated e ither before or after a g ir l

reaches puberty . A man may c la im hi s paterna l aunt’s

daughter as hi s w ife . The marr iage ceremon ies c losely

re semble those of the low—country Telugu type . The

br ide-pr i ce,cal led vol i , i s a new c loth for the bride


mother,r i ce

,var iou s k inds of grain , and l iquor . The br ide

i s conducted to t he house of the br idegroom , and a

feast i s he ld . On the fo l lowing morn ing , the kallagolla

sambramam (toe-nai l cutt ing) ceremony takes p lace ,and

,later on

,at an ausp ic i ou s hour

,the wri st threads

(kankanam ) are t ied on t he wr i sts of the contract ing

coup le,and the ir hands j o ined together . They then

bathe , and another feast i s he ld . The remarr iage of

widows i s a l l owed,and a younger brother may marry

the widow of hi s e lder brother . Divorce i s perm itted ,and divorcées may remarry .

The dead are u sual ly buried,but those who d ie from

snake -b ite are said to be burnt . Death po l lut ion last s


I t i s recorded by Mr . M . Paupa Rao Naidu’l< that

some Koravas, who go by the name o f Jat ipall i Kora

vas, are prevalen t in the southern d i str ict s of the Madras

Pres idency,moving always in gangs

,and giving much

troub le . Thei r women tat too in retu rn for gra in,money


or c loths , and he lp their men in gett ing acqua inted with

the nature and conten ts o f the houses .

J aura .—The J auras are a smal l O r iya caste

,c lose ly

a l l ied to the Khoduras , the members of which manufac

t ure lac (j au) bangles and o ther art ic les . Lac,i t may be

noted , i s large ly used in I nd ia for the manufactu re of

bang l es,r ings

,beads , and o the r tr inkets worn as orna

ments by women of the poorer c lasses . Dh ippo (l ight)and moh iro (peacock) occur as common exogamous

septs among the J auras, and are objects of reverence .

The J auras are main ly Sa iv ites , and Suramangala and

Bimmala are the caste de i t ie s . Tit le s used by members

of the caste are Dansé,Sahu


, and Mahapatro .

J avvé di (c ivet -cat) .— An exogamous sep t of Medara .

J e lakuppa (a fish) . —An exogamous sep t of Kuruba .

J én (honey) .— A sub-d ivi s ion of Kurumba .

J enna .-A t i t le of Oriya castes , e.g . , Bolasi and

Kalinj i.

J erribé tula (cent ipedes) . —An exogamous sep t ofBoya .

J etti .—A Te lugu caste of p rofe ss iona l wrest lers andgymnasts


,i n the Te l ugu d i str ic ts

,shampoo and rub

in o intments to cure nerve pains and other d i sorders .

I n Tanj ore,though l iving i n a Tami l envi ronment, they

speak Telugu . They wear the sacred thread, and

cons ider themse lves to be of super ior caste , never

descending to any degrad ing work . During the days

History of Korawars, Erukalas, or Kaikaries . Madras, 1905 .

457 I ETTI

of the Rajas of Tanjore , they were emp loyed in guarding

the treasury and j ewe l rooms . But , s ince the death of

the late Raj a,mos t of them have emigrated to Mysore

and other . Nat ive States , a few only remain ing in

Tanj ore,and res iding in the fort .

The J et t is , i n Mysore , are said to have been some

t imes emp loyed as execut ioners , and to have despatched

the ir v i ct im by a twi s t of the neck.T Thus, i n the last

war against Tipu Su l tan , Genera l Matthews had hi s head

wrung from hi s body by the “ t iger fangs of the J ett ies ,a se t of s lave s trained up to grat i fy the ir master wi th

the i r inferna l spec ie s of dex terity .


They are st i l l cons idered ski l fu l i n sett ing d is located

jo ints . I n a note regard ing them in the ear ly part o f

the last century,Wilks wr i te s as fo l lows . “ These

persons const i tute a di st i nct caste,tra ined from the i r

in fancy in da i ly exerc i se s fo r the expre ss pu rpose of

exhib it ions ; and perhaps the whol e wor ld does not

produce more perfect forms than those which are

exhib ited at these interest ing but crue l sports . The

combatants,c lad in a s ing le garment of l ight orange

co loured drawers extend ing hal f-way down the thigh,

have the i r r ight arm furn ished w ith a weapon,which


want of a more approp r iate term,we sha l l name a caestus


a lthough d ifferen t from the Roman in struments of that

name . It is composed of buffa lo horn,fi t ted to the

hand , and po inted w ith four knobs , re semb l ing very

sharp knuck les,and correspond ing to the i r s i t uat ion


with a fifth of greater p rominence at the end nearest the

l i tt le finger,and at r ight ang les with the other four .

This instrument,p roper ly p laced , wou ld enab le a man

R ice, Mysore and Coorg Gazetteer .1‘ Narrat ive Sketches of the Conquest of Mysore, 1800.

I Wi lks’H i stor ical Sketches Mysore, 1810- 17 .


o f ord inary strength to c leave Open the head of h is

adversary at a blow ; bu t , the fingers be ing introduced

through the weapon , i t i s fastened across them at an

equa l d i stance between the fi rst and second lower j o int s ,in a s i tuat ion , i t w i l l be observed , which does not admit

of attempt ing a severe b low , withou t the r i sk of d islocat

i ng the fi rs t j o ints of a l l the fingers . Thus armed , and

adorned wi th gar lands of flowers,the success ive pai rs of

combatants , previou s ly matched by the maste rs of the

feas t,are led into the arena ; the i r names and abodes are

proc la imed ; and , after making the i r prostrat ions , fi rst

to the Raj a seated on hi s ivo ry throne , and then to the

latt ice s behind which the lad ies of the court are seated,

they p roceed to the combat , fi rst d ive st ing themse lves

o f the gar lands , and st rewing the flowers graceful ly over

the arena . The combat i s a m ixture of wrest l ing and

boxing,i f t he latter may be so named . The head i s the

exc lus ive obj ect perm itted to be st ruck . Before the end

of the contest , both of the combatants may frequent ly be

observed st ream ing with b lood from the crown of the

head down to the sand of t he arena . When victo ry

seems to have dec lared itse l f, or t he contest i s too

severe ly maintained , t he moderators in at tendance on

the Raja make a signal for i t s cessat ion by throwing

down tu rbans and robes , to be presented to the combat

ants . The victor frequent ly goes off the arena in fou r

or five somersau lts,to denote that he ret i res fresh from

the contest . The Jett is are d ivided into five classes, and

the ord inary pr ice of victory is promot ion to a higher

c lass . There are d ist inct rewards for the fi rst c lass,

and in the i r o ld age they are promoted to be masters o f

the feast .I n an account of sport s held before Tipu Su ltan

at Ser ingapatam,J ames Scu rry

, who was one of h is


The Jett is of Mysore st i l l have in the i r possess ion

knuck le-dusters of the type descr ibed above , and take

part annua l ly in matches dur i ng the Dasara fest iva l . A

J et t i pol ice constable , whom I saw at Channapatna , had

wrest led at Baroda,and at the cou rt of Nepal


narrated to me with pr ide how a wrest l er came from

Madras to Bangalore,and chal lenged any one to a

match . A J et t i engaged to meet h im in two matches

for Rs . 500 each ,and

,after going in for a short cou rse of

t ra in ing,walked round him in each encounte r

,and won

the money eas i ly .

The Mysore Jett is are said to be cal led , i n some

places,Mush t igas . And some are stated to use a jargon

cal led Mallabasha .


Jett i further occurs as the name of an exogamous

sept of the Kavarais .

J ew .—I t has been said by a recent wr iter that there

is hard ly a more curious , and in some respects one

might a lmost say a more we i rd s ight than the J ew town ,which l ie s beyond the Br it i sh Sett lement at Cochin .

C ro ss ing over the lagoon from the beaut i fu l l i tt l e i s land

o f Bolghotty, where the Br it i s h Res idency for the

Coch in State nest les in a bower of trop ica l vegeta

t ion , one lands amidst cocoanut trees,Oppos ite to

one of the o ld palace s of the Cochin Rajahs , and ,pass ing through a nat ive bazaar crowded with dark

skinned Malayalis , one ! turns O ff abrupt ly into a long

narrow street , where faces as wh i te as those of any

northern E uropean race,but Sem i t i c in every feature


transport one sudden ly in m ind to the J ewi sh quarter

in J eru sa lem , or rather perhaps to some gfietto i n a

Po l i sh c i ty .

Manual of the Bel lary d istrict .

461 JEW

I n the preparat ion of the fol lowing note,I have been

much indebted to the Cochi n Censu3 '

Report , 190 1 ,

and to a ser ies of art i c l e s pub l i shed by Mr . E lkan

N . Adler in the J ewi sh Chron ic le .


The c i rcumstance s under which , and the t ime when

the J ews migrated to the Malabar Coast,are wrapped

in obscuri ty . They themse lves are able to g ive accounts

of only i so lated in c idents , s ince whatever records they

had were lost at the des truct ion by the Portuguese O f

thei r or ig inal sett lement at C ranganur in 1565 , and by

the destruc t ion at a later - per iod of such fragment s as

remained in the ir po ssess ion in the s truggle between

the Portuguese and the Dutch , for the Portuguese , sus

pect ing that the J ews had he lped the Dutch , p lundered

the i r synagogue in Cochin .

I t i s recorded by the Dutch Governor Moens 1' thatwhen Heer van Goen s bes ieged Coch i n

,t he J ews

were qu i te eager to provide the troop s of the Dutch

Company with v ict ual s , and to afford them al l the

ass i stance they could , hOp ing that they would enjoy

under thi s Company the greatest poss ib le c iv i l and

re l ig ious l iberty but , when the above -ment ioned t roops

were compe l led t o leave th i s coast before t he end of

the good monsoon , without having been ab le t o take

Cochin , the Portuguese did not fa i l to make the J ews

fee l the terr ible consequences o f the i r revenge . For,

no soone r had the Dutch retreated , than a detachment

of sold iers was sent to the J ewish quarters , which were

p i l laged and set fi re to , whi l s t the inhab itants fl ed to the

high - lands,and returned only after Cochin was taken by

the Dutch .

May r1th , June I st and 29th , 1906.

1 For th e translat ions from the Dutch I am indebted to the k indness of the

Rev. P . Grote ,


The J ews,who st i l l hold that the Ma labar I srae l

i te s were i n po ssess ion of an o ld copy of t he Sepher

Thora,say that t hi s c opy , and al l other documents ,

got l o st on the occas ion when the Portuguese destroyed

t he J ewi sh quarte rs , but th i s i s not l i kely . For, whereas

they had t ime to save the i r most va luab le property

accord ing to the ir own te st imony, and to take it to

t he mountains , they wou ld not have fa i l ed to take along

with them these documents , whi ch were to t hem of

i ne st imab le value . For it i s re lated t hat for a new copy

of the Pentateuch which at that t ime was i n the ir

synagogue they had so much respect,and took such

great care of i t,that they even secu red thi s Copy


and took i t a long , and (when they returned) carr ied

i t back w ith great rej oic ing , as i t was done in o lden

t imes with the Ark of the Covenant .

Writ ing i n the e ighteenth century,Captain H ami l

t on state s that the J ews “ have a synagogue at Coch in ,not far from the King

’s Palace,i n which are carefu l ly

kept the i r Records,engraven on copper p late s in

Hebrew characters and when any of t he characters

decay,they are new cut

,so that they can show the ir

own H istory from the Re ign o f Nebuchadnez z ar to th i s

present t ime . Myn H eer Van Reeda,about t he year

169 5 , had an Abstract of the i r H i story t rans lated from

the H ebrew into low Dutch . They dec lare themselves

to be of the Tr ibe of Manasseh , a Part whereof was , by

order of that haughty Conqueror Nebuchadnezzar ,carr ied to the easternmost Province of hi s large Emp ire ,which

,i t seems

,reached as far as Cape Comerin ,


j ou rney of them trave l led in three years from

the ir sett ing out of Baby lon .

4“ A new account of th e East I nd ies , 1744 .

JEW 464

We have given to Isuppu Irabban " Ansuvannam (as

a pr incipal i ty ) , and seventy-two proprietary r ights

(apfi cr tain i flg to ! li e diga ic‘

y of a f eaa’ai Zom

) also

tr ibute by reverence and offer ings , and the profit s

of An suvannam ,and day- lamps , and broad garments

(as opposed fa Me cascam of M alabar ) , and palankins ,and umbre l las

,and large drums , and trumpets , and smal l

drums and garlands,and garlands across st reets , etc .


and the l i ke,and seventy -two free houses . Moreover ,

we have granted by th i s document on copper t hat he

shal l not pay the taxes paid by the houses of t he c ity

into the royal treasury , and t he (aaoae-saia’

) priv i leges

to hold To I suppu Irabban, prince of Ansu

vannam ,and to hi s descendants , hi s sons and daughters ,

and to hi s nephews,and to (the nephews) of his

daughters in natura l success ion , Ansuvannam (i s) an

hereditary e state,as long as the world and moon ex i st .

S ri . The charter i s w itnessed by various local ch iefs .

A somewhat d ifferent read ing i s g iven by Dr . G .

Oppert i’ who renders the t ranslat ion as fo l l ows

“ Hai l and happ iness ! The K ing of K ings , H is

H ol iness S ri Bhaskara Ravi Varma , who wie lds t he

scep tre i n many hundred thousand p laces,has made

th i s decree on the day that he was p leased to dwe l li n Muy irikodu i n t he thi rty-s ixt h year o f hi s re ign .

We have granted unto J oseph Rabban Anjavannant he [dign ity of] Pr ince , with al l the seventy-two r ight s

of ownersh ip . He shal l [enjoy] the revenues from

fema le elephants and r id ing an imal s,and the income

of Anjavannan . He i s ent it led to be honoured by

lamps by day,and to u se broad-c l oth and sedan chairs


1 .e. , Yusuf Rabban .

f Ueber d ie J udischen Co lon ien in Ind ien . Kohut Memor ial Vo lume,Sem it ic S tud ies, Ber l in, 189 7 .

465 JEW

and the umbre l la and the drums of the north and

trumpet s,and l i tt le drums , and gates , and garlands

over the s treets,and wreaths , and so on . We have

gran ted unto h im the land tax and we ight tax . More

over,we have by these copper tablets sanct ioned that


when the houses of the c i ty have to pay taxes to the

palace,he need not pay , and he shal l enj oy o ther

priv i leges l ike unto these . To J oseph Rabban,the

pr ince of Anjavannam , and to hi s descendants , and to

h i s sons and daughter s , and to the nep hews and

sons- in - law of hi s daughters,i n natural success ion


l ong as t he world and moon exi s t, Anjuvannam shal l

be hi s hered i tary possess ion . I t i s suggested by Dr.

Oppert that Anjuvannam is i dent ical w i th the fi fth or

fore ign caste .

Dr . E . H ultz sch, the late s t au thor i ty on the subj ec t

of the Copper p la tes,g ives the fo l lowing translat ion :ale

Hai l Pro sper i ty (The fo l l ow ing) g ift (prasada) was

grac iously made by him who had assumed the t i t le‘ King of K ings ’

(Kogon) , H is Majes ty (t i ruvad i) the

King (kO) , the glo r io us Bhaskara Rav ivarman,i n the

t ime dur ing which (he) was wie ld ing the scep tre andrul ing over many hundred thousands of p lace s

,i n the

thi r ty- s ixth year after the second year,on the day on

which (he) was p leased to stay at Muyi r ikkodu . We

have given to Issuppu I rappan (the v i l lage of) Anjuvan

nam,toge ther with the seven ty-two proprie tary r ights

the to l l s on femal e e lephants and o ther r id ing

an imals,the revenue of Anjuvannam ,

a lamp in day-t ime,

a clo th spread (in fron t to walk on) , a palanquin , a

paraso l,a Vaduga Telugu ?) drum , a large trumpe t ,

a gateway,an arch

,a canopy (in the shape) of an arch ,

Epigraph ia I nd i ca, I I I , 1894—95.

JEW 466

a gar land,and so forth . We have rem i tted to l l s and the

tax on balances . Moreover, we have granted with

(these) Copper- leaves that he need not pay (the dues)which the (other) i nhab i tants of the c i ty pay to the roya l

pa lace (kOyil), and that (he) may enj oy (the benefit s)which (they) enjoy . To Issuppu Irappan ofAnjuvannam ,

to the ma le ch i ldren and to the fema le chi ldren born of

him,to hi s nephews , and to the sons - in -law who have

marr ied (hi s) daughters (we have g iven) Anjuvannam

(as) an hered i tary estate for as long as the wor ld and the

moon shal l ex i st . Hai l ! Thus do I know, GOvardhana

Martandan of Venadu . Thus do I know ,Kodai

S rikan than of Vénapalinadu . Thus do I know , Mana

vépala-Manavyan of Eralanadu. Thus do I know


Irayiram of Valluvanadu . Thus do I know,Kodai Ravi

of Nedumpuraiyurnadu . Thus do I know,Markham

Sattam,who ho lds the o ffi ce of sub -commander of the

forces . The wr it ing of the Under ~ Secretary Van

Talaiséri— Gandan KunrappOlan .

“ The date of the inscr ip t ion , Dr . H ultz sch adds,

was the thi rty - s ixth year Oppos ite to the second year.

As I have shown on a previous occas ionff the mean ing

of th i s myste r ious phrase i s p robab ly ‘ the thi rty-s ixth

year (of the king’

s coronat ion , which took p lace) after the

second year (of the king’

s The inscrip t ion

records a grant whi ch the king made to Issuppu I rappan ,

i .a. , J o seph Rabban . The occurrence of thi s Sem it ic

name , combined with the two facts that the p lates are

st i l l w i th the Coch in J ews , and that the latte r po ssess a

H ebrew trans lat ion of the document,proves that the

donee was a member of the anc ient J ew i sh co lony on

the weste rn coast . The grant was made at Muriyikkodu .

o I nd . Ant . , x x , 189 1 .

JEW 468

the town (of Ko l lam P) . From these extract s,and from

the reference i n the Payyanu r Pat tola,i t appears that

Anjuvannam and Man igramam were sem i - independent

t rad ing corporat ions . The ep i thet Sett i (merchant)given to Rav ikkorran , the trade r ight s granted to h im ,

and the sources of revenue thrown Open to h im as head

of Man igram am, confirm the view that the lat ter was a

trad ing corporat ion . There i s no thing ei ther in the

Cochin grant,or i n the subj o ined in scr ip t ion to show

that Anjuvannam and Man igramam were,as be l ieved by

Dr . Gundert and others , J ewi sh and Chri st ian pr inc i

pal it ie s , respect ive ly . I t was supposed by Dr . Burne l l

that the p late o f Vi ra -Raghava creaz‘ea

’ the pr inci pa l i ty

of Man igramam,and the Cochin p lates that of Anjuvan

nam,and tha t , consequent ly, the ex i stence o f these two

grants i s p resupposed by t he p late s of S thanu Rav i ,which men t ion both Anjuvannam and Man igram am very

often . The Coch in p late s d id no t create Anjuvannam ,

but confe rred the honours and p riv i lege s connected

therewi th to a J ew named J oseph Rabban . S imi larly ,the rights and honours assoc iated wi th the o ther

corpo ra t ion,Man igramam

,was bestowed at a later

per iod on Rav ikkorran . Therefore,Anjuvannam and

Man igramam mus t have exi s ted as inst i tut ions even

before the earl iest of these three copper -p lates was

i ssued . I t i s j ust pos s ib le t hat Rav ikkorran was a

Chr i st ian by rel ig ion . But hi s name and t i t l e give

no cl ue in thi s d i rec t i on,and there i s noth ing Chr i st ian

in the document,except i t s po ssession by the p resent

owners .

I t i s recorded by Mr . Franc i s Day that Governor

Moens obtained three di fferent tran s lat ions of the p late s ,

The Land of the Permauls, or Coch in , i ts past and i ts present , 1863.

469 JEW

and gave as the most correct vers ion one , i n which

the fo l lowing words occur ' We , E raw i, Wanwara,

Emperor of Malabar g ive th i s deed of

r ights to the good J oseph Rabban , that he may use the

five co lour s,spread h is re l ig ion among the five castes . ”

Mr . Burnel l , however , notes that Dr . Gundert has ascer

tained beyond doubt that Anjuvannan (l i tera l ly five

colours) does not mean some pr ivi lege , but is the name

of a p lace .

Concern ing the copper -p late s , Governor Moens

wr ites thus . “ The fol low ing translat ion i s by the

J ewish merchant E zechie l Rabby, who was an earne st

exp lorer of anything that had any connect i on w ith hi s

nat ion . After th i s I w i l l g ive another trans lat ion , which

I got from our second interpreter Barend Deventer, who

was ass i sted by an o ld and l i terary inhab itant of Malabar

and last ly I w i l l add a th ird one,which I obta ined from

our first interpreter S imon of Tongeren,ass i sted by a

heathen scr ibe of Cal icut , i n order thu s not to al low the

J ews to be the j udges i n the i r own affa ir,but rather

to enable the reader to j udge for himsel f i n th i s doubtfu l

matter . The fi rst translat ion runs thus

By the help of God,who created the un iverse

and appo int s the k ings,and whom I honour


Wanwara,Emperor of Malabar, grant i n the 36th year

of our happy re ign at the court of Moydiricotta— al ias

Cranganore— th i s Act of Pr ivi lege s to the J ew J osep

Rabaan,v iz . , that he may make use of the five col ours ,

spread h i s re l ig ion among the five castes or dynast ie s ,fire salute s on all so lemn it ie s

,r ide on e lephants and

horses,hold state ly process ions

,make use of cr ie s of

honour , and in the day- t ime of torches , di fferent mus ica l

i nstruments , bes ides a b ig drum ; that he may walk on

roads sp read with white l inen,ho ld tournaments with

JEW 4 70

st icks , and s it under a state ly curta in . These pr iv i leges

we give to J osep Rabaan and to the 72 househo lds ,provided that the others of thi s nat i on must obey the

orders of hi s and the i r descendants so l ong as the

sun sha l l sh ine on the earth . Thi s Act i s granted in

the p resence of the K ings of Trevancore ,Tekkenkore ,

Baddenkenkore , Cal ico ilan ,Aringut , Sammoryn ,


chery,and Colastry ; wr itten by the secretary Ca lembi

Ke lapen i n the year 3481 Kal ijogam .

“ ‘ The second translat ion d iffers in important

statements from the fir st,and would deserve more

attent ion when neutra l peop le o f Malabar cou ld be found,

who cou ld test i fy to the cred ib i l i ty of the same ; but ,notwithstand ing the troub le I have taken to find such

persons,i t has been hit herto i n vain . The second

translat ion runs thus

I n the quiet and happy t ime o f our re ign,we


ErawiWanwara, im i tator of (successor to P) the sceptres,which fo r many hundreds of thousands of years have

re igned in j ust i ce and r ighteousness,the g lor ious foot

step s of whom we fo l low , now i n the second year of our

re ign,be ing the 36th year of our re s idence in the town

of Moyd irico tta, gran t hereby , on the obtained good

test imony of the great exper ience of J oseph Rabaan ,that the said person is al lowed to wear long dresses of

five co lours , t hat he may use carr iages together w ith the ir

appurtenances,and fan s which are used by the nobi l i ty .

He sha l l have precedence to the five castes , be a l lowed

to burn day- lamps , to walk on spread out l inen , to make

use of palanquins , Payeng umbre l las , large bent trum



,and covered seat s . We give him

charge ove r the 72 fami l ie s and the i r temp le s , which are

found both here and e lsewhere,and we renounce our

r ights on a l l taxes and dut ies on both houses . H e sha l l

J EW 4 72

have to pay h im the to l l s and taxes of the coun try,no

matter in what par t of the country they are l iving these

pr iv i l ege s I g ive to J oseph Raban and hi s descendants,

be they male s or females,as long as any one of them

i s a l ive , and the sun and moon shine on the earth ; fo r

thi s reason I have the same engraved on a copper-p late

as an everlas t i ng remembrance . Witnesses are the

K ings of Travancore,Berkenkore , Sammorin ,

Arangol la,

Palcatchery , Co llas try, and Coram benaddo ; wr itten by

the secretary Ke llapen .

The aforesaid Copper-p late is wr itten in the O ld

broken Northern Tami l language,but w i th different kinds

o f charac ter s,viz .

,San skri t and Tami l

,and i s now read

and trans lated by a heathen scr ibe named Callut il Atsja ,

who was born at Cal icut,and who

,dur ing the war


from that p lace,and stays at presen t on the hi l l s .

When these translat ion s are compared w ith one

another,i t w i l l be observed at once that

,in the fi rst


pr ivi lege s are granted to the J ew J oseph Rabban,and

to the 7 2 J ewi sh fam i l ie s , whereas , i n the second , no

trace i s found of the word J ew ; and J oseph Rabban i s ,i n the third

,not cal led a J ew

,but t he m in ister of t he

king,a l though he may be taken for a J ew from the

context in the course of the trans lat ion , for he is there

appo inted as f l eaaI of al l cli e ol /cer j ews to Me aameei f of

72 aoases . I t is equal ly certain that the name of Rabaan

i s no t exclus ive ly proper to the J ews on ly . Further

more,the fi rst and last t rans lat i on s grant the above

ment ioned pr iv i leges not on ly to J o seph Rabaan , but a lso

to t he 7 2 J ewi sh fami l i es , whereas , accord ing to the

second translat ion,the same are g iven to J oseph Rabaan ,

hi s fami ly and Offspr ing on ly . The second tran slat ion ,bes ides

,does not a t a l l ment ion the freedom granted ,

and the consent to spread the J ew i sh re l ig ion among

4 73 J EW

the five castes . Thus , i t i s obviou s that these three

trans lat i on s do not agree , that the fi rs t and thi rd

co inc ide more wi th each other than they do wi th the

second ; that , for that reason , the fi r st and last trans

lat ions deserve more to be be l ieved than the second ,which stands a lone ; but that th i s , fo r that very reason ,does not prove wha t i t , properly speaking , ought to


,whereas I am not acquainted wi th the

Malabar language,I p refer to refra in from giving my

Op in ion on the subject . For hitherto l have been unable

to come acro ss,e ither among the peop le of Ma labar

and Canara,or among the l ite rary pr ies ts and nat ives


any one who was c lever enough to trans la te these o ld

characters for the fourth t ime , no twithstanding the fact

that I had sent a Copy o f these charac ters to the nor th

and south of Cochin,in order to have them deciphered .

The witnesses who were pre sent at the grant ing

of thi s charter d iffer al so . The first and third tran s la

t ions , however , seem al so to concur more with each

other than wi th the second one . But the di screpancy of

the second trans lat ion l ie s in th i s,that in i t not the

personal names of the witnesses are recorded , but on ly

the ir o ffi ces or d ign it ies , i n whic h they offi c iated at that

t ime whereas the m i stake i n the fi rst and third trans la

t ion s cons i st s here in,t hat the witnes se s are cal led k ings


and more so of those p lace s by which name s these p laces

were cal l ed some t ime after and subsequent ly when

t imes had changed,and by which names they are st i l l

known . The second translat ion,however

,ca l l s them

mere ly heads of the countr ies , i n the same manner as

they were known at the t ime of the Emperor , when

these heads were not as yet k ings,because these heads

bore the t i t l e of k ing and ru ler on ly after the we l l -known

d ivi s ion of the Malabar Emp ire into four chief k ingdoms ,

4 74

and severa l sma l ler k ingdoms and pr inc ipa l i t ie s . I t must

be adm it ted,however , that the head of the country of

Coch in i s,i n the first and third tran slat ions , not ment ioned

by that name , al though the k ingdom of Cochin i s i n

rea l i ty one of t he four ch ief k ingdoms of Ma labar . I

add thi s here for e l uc idat ion , i n order t hat one shou ld

not wonder,when read ing thi s charter

,that infer ior heads

o f countr ie s and d i str i ct s of the Malabar Emp ire cou ld

be ca l led kings , because the Emp ire be ing at that t ime

not as yet divided , they were not kings . I t seems,

therefore,t o have been a free translat ion , of which the

translator s of the first and third tran slat i ons have made

use ,and which has been po inted out i n the second

trans lat ion .

‘ The o ther statements of th i s charter,espec ial ly

the author ity over the five caste s , must be exp la ined

according to the anc ient t imes , cu stom s , and hab it s of

the peop le of Malabar , and need not be taken into cons iderat i on here . Whether th i s c harter has in real i ty

been granted to the J ews or not , i t i s cer ta in that notat any t ime has a J ew had great author i ty over h i s

co - re l ig ion i sts,and st i l l le ss over the so -ca l l ed five castes .

Moreover,the p roperty of the J ews has never been free

from taxes,notw ithstanding the fact that the kings to

whom they were subject appo inted as a ru le as heads of

the J ews men of the i r own nat ional i ty . They were

known by the name of Moodil iars , who had no other

author ity than to d i spo se of smal l c i vi l d i sputes,and to

impose smal l fines of money .

There i s,however

,a pecu l iar i ty

,whi ch deserves

to be ment ioned . Al though,i n the charter

,some pr i

v ileges are granted , which were al so g iven to othe r

peop le,yet to no one was i t ever perm itted to fi re three

sa lutes at the break of day, or on the day of a marr iage

JEW 4 76

Governor Moens , the fo l low ing words appear : Writ

ten by the Secretary Calemb i Ke lapoor, i n the year

3481 of the Kal i ' yuga 379 Thi s date doesno t appear , howeve r , i n the trans lat i on s of Gundert


E l l i s , Burne l l and Oppert . The charte r was g iven in

the thirty-s ixth year of the re ign of the donor Bhaskara

Ravi Varma . And , as a l l , excep t the last of the fore ign

Viceroys of Kera la , are said to have been e lected for

twe lve years on ly , C heruman Perumal, reputed to be the

last of Perumals,who under excep t i onal c i rcumstance s

had h is term extended,accord ing to Malabar trad it ion

, to

thi rty-s ix years , may be iden t ical w i th Bhaskara Ravi


,Mr . Day says

,re igned t i l l 378 A .D . Mr .

C . M . Whish g ives a st i l l earl ier date,for he fixes 231

A .D . as the probable date of the gran t . I n connect ion

with the c laim to the ant iqu i ty o f the set t lement o f the

J ews in Malabar,it i s s e t forth in the Cochin Census

Report that they are supposed to have fi r st come in

contact w ith a Drav id ian peop le as early as the t ime of

Solomon about B C . 1000 ,for ‘ phi l o l ogy proves that the

prec iou s cargoes of So lomon’s merchant sh ip s came

from the anc ient coast o f Ma labar .’ I t i s poss ibl e that

such vi s it s were frequent enough in the years that

fo l lowed . But the ac tual sett l ement of the J ews on the

Malabar coast m ight no t have taken p lace un t i l l ong

afterwards . Mr . Logan , i n the Manual of Malabar,write s that ‘ the J ews have t rad i t ions

,which carry back

the i r arr ival on the coast to the t ime of the ir escape

from serv itude under Cyrus in the s ixth century

and the same fact is referred to by S i r W . H unter i n hi s‘ H i story of Brit i sh I nd ia .

’ Thi s em inent hi storian ,i n h i s I nd ian Emp i re ’ speaks of J ewish sett lements i n

Malabar long before the second century A .D . A Roman

merchant sh ip,that sa i l ed regularly from Myos H ormuz

4 77 JEw

on the Red Sea to Arab ia , Ceylon , and Malabar , i s

reported to have found a J ewi sh colony in Malabar

in the second century A .D . I n regard to the se tt l ement

of the J ews in Malabar , Mr . Whish observes t hat‘ the

Jews themselves say that Mar Thomas , the apost l e ,arr ived i n I nd ia in the year of ou r Lord 5 2 ,

and them

selves,the J ews

,in t he year In v iew of the

commerc ial in tercourse between the J ews and the peop l e

of the Malabar coas t l ong before the Chri s t ian era , i t

seems highly probable that Chri st ian i ty but fo l lowed in

the wake of J udaism . The above fact s seem to j us t i fy

the concl us ion that t he J ews mu st have set t led i n

Malabar a t l east as early as the fi rst cen tury A .D .

At Cochin the J ews enjoyed fu l l p r ivi leges of c it iz en

sh ip,and were able to p reserve the best part of the i r

rel ig i ous and c iv i l l iberty,and to remain here for

centurie s unseen,unknown

,and unsearched by the i r

persecutors . Bu t,i n the s ixteen th century

,they fe l l vic

t ims by turns to the Oppress ion of fanat i cal Moors and

over-zealous Chr i st ians .

“ I n 1 524 ,the Mahom edan s

made an ons laugh t on the Cranganu r J ews,s lew a

great number,and drove out the res t to a vi l lage to the

east but,when they attacked the Chri st ians

,the Nayars

o f the p lace re tal iated , and in turn drove al l the Maho

medans out of Cranganur . The Portuguese en larged

and s trengthened the i r Cranganur fort,and compe l led

the J ews final ly to de sert th e i r anci ent sett l ement o f

Anjuvannam . Thu s,wi th the appearance of a powerfu l

Chr i stian nat ion on the scene , the J ews experienced the

terrors of a new ex i le and a new di spers ion , the deso la

t i on of Cranganu r being l ikened by them to t he deso lat ion

of J eru salem in m in iatu re . Some of them were driven

to vi l lages adjo in ing the i r ru ined p r inc ipal i ty, whi le

others seem to have taken she lter in Cochin and

JEW 4 78

Ernaku lam .

“ C ranganore , Mr . Ad le r wri tes,was

captured by the Mah om edan She ikh or Zamor in in1524 , and razed to the ground . The Rajah Dan ie l

seems to have prev iou s ly sent hi s b rother David to

Europe to negoc iate with the Pope and the Portuguese for

an offensive and defens ive al l iance aga in st the Zamor in .

Anyhow ,a myster i ou s stranger

,who ca l l ed himsel f

David Rubben i , appeared in Rome in March , 1524 , and ,produc ing credent ia l s from the Portuguese authorit ies

in I nd ia and Egyp t , was rece ived with much honour by

the Pope , King J ohn o f Portugal , and the Emperor

Charles t he F ifth i n turn . After some years he fe l l

a v ict im to the inqui s i t i on , but hi s fai l ure and non -retu rn

to I nd ia are more eas i ly exp lained by the fact that

he was too late , and that the State he represented

was no longer ex i stent , than by the cheap assumpt ion

of a l l our historians , i nc l uding Graetz , t hat he was an

impostor w ith a cock -and-bu l l story . Whether the

famous d iary of David Rubben i i s genu ine or not i s le s s

ce rta in . But I have e l sewhere sought to re -e stab l i sh

th i s long-d iscredi ted ambassado r,and here l im i t myse l f

to drawing attent ion to hi s name , which seems to have

been David Rabban i . To thi s day David i s one of the

commonest names among the Coch in J ews , as wel l

as the E’

ne i I srael,and Rabban i is the name of the

ru l ing fami ly under the copper grant . I t s a l te rat ion

into Ruben i was due to s ixteenth century interest in the

lo st ten tr ibe s , and a consequent des i re of i dent i fying

the Roya l fam i ly as sprung from Reuben,the first-born

of I srae l . Reuben , too ,i s a favouri te name among the


ne i I srae l . With the destruct ion of the i r cap i ta l , the

J ews left and migrated,though to no great d i stance .

Within 20 mi le s south of Cranganore are fou r othe r

p lace s,al l on the Cochin back -water

,where the B lack

JEW 486

l ived formerly some J ews , who even now have a

synagogue allow’

d them wi thout the Fort ificat ions they

are ne i ther White nor B rown , but qu ite black . The

Portuguese H i stor ie s ment ion that at a certa in t ime

certa in bla sphemous papers aga in st our Savio ur,with

some severe reflec t ion s against the J e su it Gonsalvus

Pere ira (who afterwards suffer’

d Martyrdom at MonOpa

tapa) be ing found in a box set i n the Great Church for

the gather ing of A lms ; and the same be ing supposed

to be laid there by some European J ews, who now and

then used to re sor t thi ther p r ivate ly,thi s gave occas ion

to introduce the I nqu i s i t ion into Goa . I t i s noted by

the Rev . J . H . Lord * tha t “ J acob Saphir,a J ewi sh

trave l le r , who v i s i ted hi s co - re l ig ion i st s i n Cochin i n

recent years,hav ing descr ibed some of the J ews res ident

there as black , hasten s to tone down h is words , and

adds,th ey are not black l ike the raven

,or as the

Nub ians,but on ly as the appearance of copper . Bu t

Hagim J acob Ha Cohen , ano ther modern J ewi sh tra

ve l ler,chas t iz ing the latter for cal l ing them black at a l l ,

dec lare s that he wi l l wr i te of th is c lass everywhere as

the non -whi te , and never anywhere (God forb id as the

B lack . The B lack J ews c la im to have been the ear l iest

sett lers,whi le the Whi te J ews came later . Bu t the

latte r assert that the former are pure nat ive s converted

to the J ew i sh fai th . These two di ffi cu l t , yet important ,i ssue s of pr ior i ty of sett l ement and pur i ty of race have

d iv ided ant iquar ian s and hi stor ian s quite as much as

they have estranged the two c lasse s of J ews themselves

from one another . Accord ing to the Rev . C . Buchanan , ]L

t he White J ews dwel l ing in J ews’ town in Mattancher i

are later sett l ers than the B lack J ews . They had on ly

The Jews in I nd ia and th e Far East , 1907 .

1' Chri st ian Researches in I nd ia, 1840 .


the B ib le wr itten on parchment , and of modern appear

ance,i n the ir synagogue , but he managed to get from

the B lack Jews much older manuscr ipt s wr it ten on

parchment,goat ’s sk in

,and cotton paper . He says that

i t i s on ly nece ssary to look at the ir countenances to be

sat i sfied that the i r ancestors mus t have arrived in I ndia

many years before the White J ews . Their H indu com

plex ion,and the ir very imperfect re semblance to the

E uropean J ews , i nd icate that they had been detached

from the parent stocks in J udea many ages before the

J ews in the West , and that there have been marriages

wi th fam i l ies no t I srae l i t i sh . The Rev . J . H ough

observes i'

f that the B lack J ews “ appear so much l ike

the nat ive s of I ndia , that i t i s d i fficul t at fir st s ight to

d i st ingui sh them from the H indu . By a l it t le c l oser

observat ion,however , the J ewi sh contour of the i r

countenances cannot be m i staken . I n the l ecture

al ready referred to,Dr. Wil son states that “ the ir fam i ly

names,such as David Cast i l e (David the Cast i l ian) go

to prove that they (the White J ews) are descended of

t he J ews of Spain,probably of those dr iven from that

country in the re ign of Ferd inand and I sabe l la,and of

German and Egypt ian J ews . The real anc ient J ews ofCoch in are the B lack J ews

descendants,we bel ieve


of J udea-Arab ian s and I ndian prose lyte s . Some rather

obscure reference s t o the J ews of Cochin and Qui lon are

made by Benjamin of Tude la , who returned to Spain

from hi s easte rn voyage in 1 1 73. He found no Whi te

J ews in I ndia . Speaking of t hose in the pepper country

near Chu lam (Qui lon) , he says that al l t he c it ie s and

coun tr ie s inhabi ted by these peop le contain on ly about100 J ews (members of the synagogue) , who are of b lack

H isto ry of Chr is t ian i ty in I nd ia,I , 4 70—7 1 , 1839 .

1 1—3 1

J EW 482

col our as wel l as t he other inhab itant s . Referring to

J an L in schoten’

s‘ I t inerary ,

’ pub l i shed in H ol land in

1 596, Mr . Adle r observes that the J ews who interested

our t rave l ler were the ‘ r ich merchant s and of t he king

of Coch in’s neares t counse llers, who are most white of

colour l i ke men of E urope , and have many fair women .

There are many of them that came of t he country

Palest i ne and J erusa lem thither,and spoke over al l the

exchange verie perfect and good Span i sh .

’ Thi s di rect ly

confi rms the V i ew that t he White J ews were new comers

from fore ign lands . Their knowledge O f Spani sh i s now

quite a thing of t he past,but i t proves that they were

Sephardim .

I n regard to t he c la im of t he White J ews to be ing

the on ly genu ine J ews,i t may be of intere st to record

the op in ion O f a J ew,Rabb i David D ’

Beth H ithel,who

trave l led in Cochin i n 1832 . H e says that “ t he White

J ews say of t hem (the B lack J ews) that they are de

scendant s of numerous s laves who were purchased and

converted to J uda i sm , set free and careful ly instructed

by a rich White J ew some centur ies ago . At h is cost,

they say,were al l the i r o ld synagogues erected . The

B lack J ews bel ieve themse lves to be the descendant s of

the fi rst capt ivity , who were brought to I ndia , and did

not ret urn with the I srae l ite s who bui lt the second

temp le . Thi s account I am inc l ined to be l ieve correct .

Though cal led B lack J ews —they are of somewhat darker

comp lexion than the White J ews— yet they are not of

the colour of the nat ives of the country , or of persons

descended from I nd ian slaves .

” Thi s passage bears

reference to a tradit ion current among the B lack J ews

that they are the descendant s of the J ews who were

driven out of the land of I srae l th i rteen years before the

destruct ion of t he fi rst temple bu i lt by Solomon . They

new 484

r i tual , and re l ig ious Observances are the same .Their

synagogue s are so al ike that i t needs some keenness

o f eyes ight to detect that two p icture s are not o f thei dent i cal bu i ld ing . The only great (P ) d ifference i st hat the White J ews have the ir s t i led with rare old

blue t i le s,over wh ich newspaper correspondent s wax

e loquent . They say the t i le s are o ld Dutch,but real ly

they are genu ine Chinese [blue and white CantonC h ina] ,

i f whereby hangs a tal e . The synagogue was

bui l t nearly 200 years ago i n a corner of the Raj ah’s

palace -yard . A t t hat t ime , the Dutch were in posses s ion

o f what i s now Bri t i sh Cochin , and they were the on ly

peop le trading with China . The Rajah,t hrough hi s

a l l ie s the Dutch , had imported a large quant i ty of the

bes t China t i les to pave hi s Darbar hal l,but the J ews


says Mr . Thurs ton , thought t hey would j ust do for t he

s ynagogue they were bui ld ing ,so they to ld the Rajah

t hat he could not pos s ib ly use them ,inasmuch as

bu l lock’s blood had been emp loyed in the ir manufacture .

H i s H ighnes s , much perturbed at the indign i ty to so

s acred an an ima l , bade them take the t i le s away, and

never l et him see them again . Hence the ir presence

i n the synagogue . The other synagogue has t i le s al so,

b ut they are of gleaming white .

” The synagogues , i t

may be added,are square whitewashed bu i ld ings , sur

moun ted by a bel l -tower . I t i s sa id that the Kadya

b agan synagogue of the B lack J ews i s adm i tted by the

White J ews to be the oldest at present exist ing, having

b een bu i l t i n the 1 2 th cen tu ry .

I t i s recorded by Governor Moens that in t he J ew i sh

q uarters (s i tuated) next to the palace of the k ing of

C ochin at Coch in de S ima there are two synagogues,

J . Sp l in ter S tavorinus . Voyages to the East I nd ies , 17 74- 78.

485 J EW

v iz .,one for the White J ews , and the other for the

B lack J ews . The lat ter have readers of the ir own tr ibe,

who hold the serv i ces,but , when a Whi te Rabb i comes

to the i r synagogue,the honour of conduct ing the service

mus t be given to him .

“ The dates,the Rev . J . H . Lord writes ,

“ Of the

synagogues of the B lack J ews altogether antedate those

of the White . Thus, t he date on the mural s lab of the

now d i sused and di lap idated Cochin Angad i synagogue

i s A .D . 1344 563 years ago . That of the Kadavam ba

gom synagogue in Cochin i s A .D . 1639 , or = z 68 years

ago . That of the Cochin Theckumbagom synagogue

is A .D . 1586, or : 32 1 years ago whi l e that of the syna

gogue of the White J ews i s A .D . 1666 or = z 4 1 years

ago . Hence the inst i tut ion s of the B lack J ews are

the more anc ient . The tomb - stone date s of the B lack

J ews are al so far more ancient than those of the

White J ews . The ear l ie st date of any tomb - stone of

the B lack J ews i s s ix hundred years old .

I t i s further noted by the Rev . J . H . Lord that “ the

B lack J ews are st i l l the ones who make use of the

privi leges granted in the copper -p late charter . They

s t i l l carry a s i lk umbrel la,and lamp s l i t at day-t ime ,

when proceed ing to their synagogue on the 8th day after

b irth of sons . They spread a c l oth on the ground , and

p lace ornament s of l eaves across the road on occas ion s

when the ir br ides and br idegrooms go to get married.and use then cadanan s (mortars which are charged

w i th gunpowder,and fi red) , and trumpet s . After the

wedding i s over,four s i l k sunshades , each supported on

four pole s,are borne

,with lamp s burn ing in front , as

the br idal par ty goes home . The B lack J ews say that

the White J ews use none of these , and never have done

so . The White J ews aver that they were accustomed

new 486

formerly to use such pr iv i lege s , but have d i scont inued

them .

There i s record of d i sputes between the White and

B lack J ews for as early a t ime as that of the Dutch

sett lement, or even ear l ier . J ea lousy and str i fe between

the two sec t ion s on matters of i ntermarr iage and equal

pr iv i l eges seem to have ex i sted even dur ing the t ime of

the Port uguese . Canter Vis scher, i n h i s ‘ Letter s from

refers to these party fee l ings . The blacks,

he wr ite s,

“ have a dark co loured Rabb i,who must

stand back i f a white one enters,and must re s ign to him

the honour of perform ing the d iv i ne service i n the

synagogue . On the other hand,when the black Rabb is

enter the synagogue ofWhites , they must only be hearers .

There has late ly been a great d i spute be tween the two

races the B lack w ish ing to compel the White J ewesse s

to keep the i r heads uncovered,l i ke the i r own women ,

and trying to persuade the Rajah to enforce such a ru le .

The d isp ute ended,however

,with perm i ss ion g iven to

every one , both men and women , to wear what they

chose .

More than once,J ewish Rabb i s have been appealed

to on t he subj ect of rac ia l pur i ty,and they have on al l

occas ion s upheld the c la im s of a sect ion of the B lack

J ews to be ing J ews,and the White J ews have as often

repud iated such dec is ions , and quest ioned thei r va l id ity .

The weight of author ity,and the ev idence of local facts ,

seem to m i l i tate aga inst the content ion of the White

J ews that the B lack J ews do not belong to theI srae l i t i shcommun ity , but are the descendants of emanc ipated

slaves and hal f castes . The White J ews appear to

have maintained the pur ity of the i r race by decl in ing

Ed it ion by Major Heber Drury , 1862 . Letter XV I I I .

JEW 488

the ir number,who took us round the synagogues

, pro

fe ssed to th ink such exc l us iveness exaggerated and

unfa ir,and admitted that the i r own grandfathers had

l ived w ith B lack J ewesse s i n a more or less b ind ing

mar i ta l re lat i on,and i t i s abundant ly c lear that

,t i l l

recent ly,the B lack and White J ews were qu ite fr iendly


and the very fact o f t he White J ews hold ing the t it le

deeds mere ly proves that they were trusted by the true

owners to keep them for safe cu stody , as they were r icher

and possessed safes . I n an art ic le in the ‘ Revue des

Deux Mondes ,” f P ierre Lot i , writ i ng of the B lack J ews ,

says that “ le rabb in me fa i t d’

ameres doléances sur la

fierté de s r ivaux de la rue p roche , qu i ne veulent jama i s

consent ir a contracter marr iage , n i meme a frayer avec

ses paro i ss iens . E t,pour comb le , me d it-il, le grand

rabb in de Jerusa lem ,a qu i on ava it adressé une p la inte

co l lect ive,le pr iant d

interven ir, s’

est contenté d’émettre,

en réponse,cette généra l i té p lutOt Offensante : Pour

n icher ensemble , il faut etre des moineaux de meme

p lumage .

I n recent years , a d i st i nct ion appears to have grown

up among the B lack J ews , so that they now want to be

d i st ingu i shed as Brown J ews and B lack J ews,the former

cla iming to be Meyookhas im or genuine J ews . I n this

connect ion,Mr . Adler wr ites that “ the Black J ews are

themselve s d ivided into two c lasses , the B lack J ews

proper,who are darker

,and have no surnames

,and the

noble,who have fam i ly names and legit imate descent ,

and cla im to be the true descendants of the Crangan fi r

or S ingil i J ews .

The White J ews are general ly known by the name

of Paradé s is (fore igner s) . Thi s de s ignat ion i s found in

July , 1902 .

489 new

some of the S irkar (State) account s, and al so in a few

Theetooram s or Royal writ s granted to them . I t i s

argued that they must have been so cal led at first to

d i st ingui sh them from the more anc ient I srae l ites . The

exi stence for centur ie s of three smal l colon ie s of B lack

J ews at Chennamangalam and Mala i n the Coch in

State,and Parur in Travancore

,at a d i stance of five

or s ix mi les from Cranganfi r, shows that they must

have sought refuge in those p laces on be ing hard

pressed by the Moors and the Portuguese . There are

no White J ews in any of these stat ions,nor can they

po int to any vested interest s i n the t ract s about

Crangan fi r, the most anc ient J ewi sh set tlement in the

State .

The J ews wear a l ong tun ic of r ich colour,a wai st

coat buttoned up to the neck , and ful l whi te trousers .

They go about wearing a sku l l cap,and put on a turban

when they go to the synagogue . The B lack J ews dress

more or less l i ke the nat ive Mahom edans . Many of

them put on sh irts,and have sku l l cap s l ike the JOnaka

Mapp i las . They general ly wear coloured cloths . The

J ews invariably use wooden sandal s . These,and the ir

locks brought down in fron t of the ears , dist ingu ish them

from other sect ions of the populat i on . The J ewesses

a lways wear coloured c loths . H ebrew i s st i l l the

l iturgical language,and i s studied as a c lass ic by a few ,

but the home language i s Malayalam . The White J ews

celebrate the ir marr iages on Sundays , but the B lack J ews

st i l l retain the anc ien t custom of ce lebrat ing them on

Tuesdays after sunset . Though polygamy i s not proh ib ited, monogamy i s the ru l e . The males general ly

marry at the age of 20 ,wh i le the marr iageable age for

girl s i s 14 or 15 . Marr iages are genera l ly celebrated on

a grand scale . The fest iv i t ies continue for seven days11—33 1


JEw 490

i n the case o f the Whi te J ews , and for fi fteen days among

the B lack J ews , who st i l l make use of some of the anc ient

priv i leges granted by the charter of Cheraman Perumal .The J ews o f al l sect ion s have adop ted a few H indu

customs . Thus,before go ing to th e synagogue for

marriage , a tal i (marr iage badge ) i s t ied round the br ide’s

neck by some near female re lat ive of the br idegroom

(general ly hi s s i s ter) i n im i tat ion of the H indu custom,

amidst the j oyful shou ts (kurava) of women . Divorce

i s not effected by a c ivi l tr ibunal . Marr iages are

d isso lved by the mak ing good the amount mentioned in

the kethuba or marr iage documen t . I n regard to the i r

funeral s , the corp se is washed , but not ano inted , and i s

depos i ted in the burial -ground,which i s cal led Beth

H aim,the house o f the l iv ing .

Like the ir brethren in other parts o f the world , the

Cochin J ews observe the Sabbat h feasts and fasts

blended int imately wi th the i r re l ig i on,and pract i ce the

r i te of c i rcumcis ion on t he e ighth day , when the chi ld

is a lso named . The Passover i s ce lebrated by the

di str ibut ion of un leavened bread,but no kid i s k i l l ed , nor

i s b l ood spr inkled upon the door -post and l i nte l . The

other feasts are the feast of Penteco st , feast of Trumpets,and feast of Tabernac les . The day of atonement , and

the ann iversary of the destruct ion of J eru salem , are

observed as fasts . O n the day of atonement , the J ews

pray in the synagogue from 5 A M . t i l l 7 P .M . The J ewi sh

fasts commence from 5 P .M . on the day p revious to the

fast,and end at 7 P .M . next day . The i r days beg in and

end with sunset . The feast o f Tabernac les i s observed

wi th more pomp and ceremony than other feast s . A

panda l,or temporary shed

,with a flat roof

,covered over

w ith p laited leave s of the cocoanut palm ,and decorated

with festoons,i s put up in the court -yard of, or near

JHOD IA 49 2

i ntend to app ly to the Cochin Darbar for a grant under

the Educat i onal

I was p resent at the Convocation of the Madras

Un ivers i ty in 1903, when the Chance l lor conferred the

degree of Bache lor o f Arts on the fi rst J ew who had

passed the exam inat ion .

Accord ing to the Cochin Census,190 1 , there were

180 White , and 95 7 B lack J ews .

J hodia.—A sub -d iv i s ion of Poroja .

J horia.—A sub-divi s i on of Gaudo .

J i laga (p ith) . -An exogamous sept of Davanga .

J i lakara (cumin seeds : Cam im cm cym immc) . An

exogamous sept of Ba l ij a and Togata .

J in igar.—“ There are


” Mr . H . A . Stuart writes , JL

a few members of thi s caste , ch iefly in the Chendragiri

tal uk , whose ordinary occupation i t now i s to paint

p ic tures . They were,however


,i t is said

,art ificers ,

and the account g iven of them i s as fol lows . They were

or iginal ly Raz us from the Northern C ircars , who , coming

to the Chendragiri Raj a for emp loyment , were set to

watch members of the Kammala caste who served the

Raja,i n order to p revent idleness or fraud . After some

t ime,the Kammalans fin i shed an ido l ’s car , and , be ing

i nfl ated with pr ide,demanded to be al lowed to s it i n i t

before the swami was h imsel f p laced there . For the i r

arrogance they were expe l led,and the Raz us , having by

observat i on l earnt something of the ir craft , discharged

the i r dut ies to the commun ity . Under the Nabobs they

abandoned thi s walk of l i fe , and took to saddlery, whence

came their name from j i n i a saddle , and now they are

merely much is .

Madras Mai l , 1907. 1' Manual of the North Arcot d istr ict.


Mr . W . Franc is informs us if that “ i n Bel lary wood

carving i s done by J in igaras , who have'

taught the art to

some Muhammadans , who are now often more ski l fu l

than the i r teachers . Two of them made a teak doorway,

carved in the Chal ukyan style,which obtai ned a medal

at the Arts Exhib i t ion at the Delh i Darbar,and is now

in the Madras Museum .

At Nandyal in the Kurnoo l d i str ict , I recent ly saw a

J in igar, who makes lacquer ”

(gesso) fans , trays , large

c ircu lar table tops,etc .

,and paint ings of H indu de i t ie s

and mytho log ical subje cts . H e made a number of

panel s used in th e dado of Lady Curz on’

s boudo ir at

the c ircu it house,Delhi . A medal was awarded to him

for hi s gesso ware at the Delh i E xh i b i t i on,but i t was


i n co lour ing , in fer ior to that of the co l lec t ion which

was sent to the I ndo -Colon ia l Exhibit ion in 1886. The

lacquer ware of Kurnoo l has been sa id to be perhap s

the finest I ndian gesso work produced anywhe r e . The

work turned out at Mandasa in Ganjam is much bolder,

and su itab le for decorat ion on a large scal e . A sim i lar

method of decorat i on was former ly large ly used in

Saracen ic archi tectural decorat ion of in terio rs in various

countr ies . The pattern s of the Kurnoo l ware are floral ,and in s l ight re l ief

,and the co lours are very bright with

much gi ld ing . At Nossam,i n Ganjam

,l eather d i sh

mats are painted w ith p ic tures o f de i t i e s and floral

designs . Nat ive c ircular p laying -cards,and fan s made

of palmyra leave s or paper and c loth lacquered and

painted in bri l l iant co lours,are al so made here .

I n the Nel lore d i str ic t,the J in iga—vandlu make

toys,p ictures

,and mode l s in paper and p ith . At

Trichinopo ly,very e laborate and accurate mode l s of the

3“ Gazetteer of the Bel lary d istr ict .

J INKA 494

great H indu temp les,art ific ia l fl owers

,bul lock coaches


etc . ,are made of the p i th o f sola (d i sc/zy ii omene aspei

f a) ,wh ich i s al so used in the construct ion of sola top i s

(sun -hats) . The Madras Museum possesse s a very

qua int p i th mode l o f the Raj a of Tanjore in darbar,

with perform ing wrest lers and Deva -das i s, made many

years ago .

J inka .—(I ndian

gazel le,Gaz el la aemcetl i ) .— Ah ex

ogam ous sept of Padma Sale. The equ ivalent J inkala

is a sept of BOya .

J ira.—In the Be l lary d i st r ict

,a L ingayat who se l l s

fl owers ca l l s h imsel f a J i ra,and h is caste J i ra kula .

J irige (cumin Cam inam cym imcm ) . —An exogamous

sep t of Kuruba,and got ra o f Kurn i .

J ivala (an insect) .— An exogamous sept o f Kuruba .

J ogi .—The Jog is , who are a caste of Te lugu mend icants , are summed up by Mr . H . A . S tuart le as be ing“ l ike the Dasaris , i t inerant j ugglers and beggars .

They are d iv ided into those who sel l beads,and tho se

who keep p igs . They are dexte rous snake -charmers ,and pretend to a profound knowledge of charms and

medic ine . They are very fi l thy i n the i r hab it s . They

have no re str i ct i ons regard ing food,may eat in the

house of any Sudra , and al low widows to l ive in con

cub inage ,on ly exact ing a smal l money penalty , and

proh ib it i ng her from wash ing herse l f w i th turmeri c

water . ” I n addi t i on to begging and p ig -breed ing,the

Jog is are emp loyed in the cu l t ivat i on of land , i n the

destruct ion o f pariah dogs,scaveng ing

,robbery and

daco i ty . Some of the women,ca l l ed K illekyata, are

profe ss ional tattooers . The Jog i s wander abou t the

country,tak ing wi th them (some t imes on donkeys) the

Manual of the North Arcot d istr ict .




w »

495 JOGI

mater ial s for the i r rude huts . The packs of the donkeys

are,Mr . F . S . Mul laly informs u sed as recep tacle s

for storing c loths obta ined in predatory excurs ion s .

Jog is encamp on the outskirts o f vi l lage s , u sua l ly on a

p lain or dry bed of a tank . The i r hut s or gud isays are

made of palmyra leave s (or sedge) p laited w i th five

s trands form ing an arch . The huts are complete ly

Open in front .

I n the Tami l country , the Jogi s are cal led D hoddiyan

or Tott iyan (7 7A ) , and those who are emp loyed as

scavengers are known as Koravas or Oddans . The

scavengers do not m ix wi th the rest of the commun ity .

Some Jogi s assert that t hey have to l ive by begging in

consequence of a cur se brought on t hem by Parvat i,

concern ing whose breasts one of the i r ancestors made

some indi screet remarks . They cons ider themse lve s

super ior to Mal as and Madigas , but an Oddan (navvy

caste) wi l l not eat in the hou se of a Jog i . They are

said to eat crocod i les,fie ld rat s

,and cats . There i s a

trad it i on that a Jog i br idegroom,before ty ing the bottu

(marr iage badge) on hi s br ide’s neck , had to t ie i t by

means of a str ing dyed with turmeri c round the neck of

a female cat . Peop le somet imes object to the catching

o f cats by Jog i s for food,as the detachment of a s ing l e

ha ir from the body of a cat i s cons idered a heinous

offence . To overcome the object ion,the Jogi says that

he want s the an imal for a marr iage ceremony . On one

occasion,I saw a Madiga carrying home a bag fu l l of


,he said

,he was go ing to eat .

The Jog i mend ican ts go about , c lad in a dirty lo in

cloth (often red in co lour) and a str ip of c lo th over the

shou lders,with cobras


, or rat snakes in baskets ,

Notes on Cr im inal C lasses of the Madras Presidency .


and carrying a bag slung over t he shou lder . The

contents of one of these bags,which was exam ined


were fru i t s of M imasofi s lcex am l if a and fl ower - sp ike s ofL ifip ia nocl ifl ora (used for medic ine) , a snake -charm ing

reed in st rument , a p iece of cutt l e -fish she l l,porcup ine

qui l l s (so ld to go ldsm iths fo r brushes) , a cocoanu t she l l

contain ing a powder , narrikombu (spurious jackals’horn s)

such as are al so manufactured by Kuruv ikarans,and

two p ieces of wood supposed to be an ant idote for snake

po ison ing . The women go about the street s decorated

w ith bangles and necklaces of beads,sharks vertebrae


and cowry she l l s,bawl ing out Subbamma


chamma ,” etc .

, and wi l l not move on t i l l a lm s are g iven

to them . They carry a capac iou s gourd , wh ich serve s

as a conven ient receptac l e for sto len art ic les .

Like other Te lugu caste s,the Jog is have ex oga

mous sept s or int iperu,of wh ich the fo l lowing are

examp lesVag iti , cou rt—yard . B indhol lu, b rass water-pot .

U luvala, h orse-gram . Cheruku , sugar-cane .

Jal l i , tasse ls of palmyra leaves Chappad i , in sip id.

put round the necks of b u l ls. Boda Dasiri , bald-headed menVavati (re lationsh ip ) . dicant .

Gund ra, round . Gud i , temp le.

At the Myso re census,

190 1 , K illekyata, H elava,

Jangal iga,and Pakanat i were retu rned as be ing Jog i s .

A few ind iv idual s returned gOtras , such as Vrishabha,Kaverimatha

,and Khedrum aku la. At the Madras

census,S iddaru ,

and Pamula (snake) were returned as

sub -caste s . Pamula i s app l ied as a synonym for Jogi ,i nasmuch as snake -charm ing i s one of the i r occupat ions .

The women of the caste are said to be depraved,

and prost itut ion i s common . As a p roof of chast ity, the

ordea l of drink ing a potfu l of cow-dung water or ch i l ly

water has to be undergone . I f a man, proved gui l ty of

J OG I 498

l owered into the grave,al l present throw r ice over the

eyes,and a man o f a di ffe rent sept to the deceased

p laces fou r annas in the mou th . \Vith in the grave the

head i s turned on one s ide,and a cavi ty scooped out


which var ious art i c le s of food are p laced . Though the

body i s not burn t,fi re i s carr ied to the grave by the

son . Among the J al l i -val lu,a chi cken and smal l

quan t i ty of salt are p laced in the armp it of the corpse .

O n the karmandh iram,

or day of t he final death

ceremon ie s,cooked r i ce

,vegetab le s

,fru i t

,and arrack

are offered to the deceased . A c loth i s sp read near

t he grave,and the son

,and other agnates

,p lace food

thereon,whi le naming

,one after t he other

,the ir deceased

ancestors . The food i s eaten by Jogi s of sept s other

than the J al l i -val l u, wh o throw i t i n to water . I f septs

other than the J al l i were to do thi s , they wou ld be fined .

Those assembled proceed to a tank or r iver,and make

an effigy in mud,by the s ide o f which an earthen lamp

i s p laced . After the offer ing of cooked r i ce,etc .


lamp and effigy are thrown in to the water . A man who

is celebrat ing h is wi fe’

s death - ri te s then has h i s wai st

thread cut by ano ther w i dower whi le bathing .

The Jogis worsh ip Peddavadu ,Malalamm a


amma,Ayyavaru ,

Rudramma,and Madura Vi rudu .

Some women wear,i n add it i on to the marr iage bo t tu


a spec ial bott u in honour of one of their gods . This i s

p laced before the god and worn by the e ldest female ofa fam i ly

,pass ing on a t her death to the next e ldest .

As regards the crim inal p ropens i t ie s o f the Jogi s ,Mr . Mul laly wr i tes as fo llows .

i f “ O n an excurs i on

be ing agreed upon by members of a J ogh i gang,others

of the fratern i ty encamped in the vi c in ity are consu l ted .

ci t .


I n some i solated spot a n im t ree (M el ia A earl irac/cta) i s

chosen as a mee t ing p lace . Here the p re l iminar ies are

se tt led,and the i r god Perumal i s i nvoked . They se t

out in bands of from twe lve to fifteen,armed wi th stout

bamboo st icks . Scan t i ly c lad,and with the i r heads

muffl ed up,they awai t the arr ival of the carts pass ing

the ir p lace of h id ing . I n twos and threes they at tack

the carts,which are u sual ly driven off the road

,and no t

unfrequently upse t,and the trave l lers are made to g ive

al l they posses s . The property is then given to the

headman of the gang for safe—kee p ing,and he secretes

i t in the vic in i ty of hi s hut , and set s about the d i spo sal

of i t . Thei r rece ive rs are to be found among the

respectable ’

O il—mongers of 1 1 vi l lages in the v ic in i ty

o f the i r encampments , whi le p roperty no t d i spo sed of

local ly i s taken to Madras . Readmiss ion to caste

after convict ion,when impri sonment i s invo lved

,i s an

easy matter . A feed and drink at the expense of the‘ unfortunate


’ general ly de frayed from the share of

property which i s kept by hi s more for tunate kinsfo lk,

are al l that i s necessary,except the ceremony common

to other c lasses of having the tongue s l ightly burnt by

a p iece of hot go ld . Thi s i s always performed by the

J angam (headman) of the gang . The boys of the c las s

are emp loyed by the ir e lders in steal ing grain stored at

kalams (thresh ing -fl oors) , and , as Opportun i ty offers ,by s l i t t ing grain bags loaded in carts .

J Ggi .—A sub -divi s ion of Kudubi .

Jogi Gurukka1.—S ee Yog i Gurukkal .

J ogi P uru sha .—The Purushas or Jog i Purushas

seem to have come into exi stence in recent t imes , and

to be divided into two di st inct c las ses,one of which has

crystal l i sed into a caste,whi l e the o ther merely fo l lows

a cu lt pract iced by several o ther caste s . Those in South


Canara, who speak Marathi and Tu l u , say that they

form a caste , which wi l l not admi t members of other

caste s into i t s ranks . There i s a head mutt (re l ig io us

inst itut i on) at Kadir i , wi th subordinate mutt s at Halori

and Bhuvarasu,al l i n South Canara . The Jog i Purushas

are d i sc ip le s o f one or other of these mutts . Thei r

Spec ial de i ty i s Bairava,but some regard Gorakshanath

as the i r god . They are in it iated into the Bai rava cu lt

by the i r p riest . They may lead e ither a ce l ibate or

marr ied l i fe . The ce l ibates shou ld have a ho le bored

in the m idd le of the ear,and wear there in a r ing o f

rh inoceros horn or ch ina-c lay . Those who wi sh to lead

a marr ied l i fe need not have a hole in the ear,but


the t ime of the i r in it iat ion,a p iece of c lay i s p re ssed over

the spot where the hole should be . Al l Jog i Purushas

who have become the d i sc ip l e s of a guru (sp iri tua l

i n structor) of the i r cu l t ought to have a brass , copper ,or s i lve r p ipe

,ca l led s inganatha, t i ed on a thread round

the neck . Before taking the i r meal s,they are expected

to pray to Bairava,and blow the p ipe .

The Jog i Puru shas fo l low the Makkalakattu system

o f i nher itance (i n the male l ine) , and , for the i r marr iage

ceremon ies,engage a Karad i B rahman . The dead are

buried in a s i tt ing posture . The bojja,or fina l death

ceremony,i s usual ly performed on the twe l fth day , and

a Brahman pr ie st officiates thereat . The ceremony

consi sts i n offering food to the crows,making pre sents

to Brahmans,and undergo ing purificatory r i tes for the

removal of death po l l ut ion . I f the deceased has been

in i t iated into the Bairava cul t , puj a (worsh ip ) must be

done at the grave every al ternate day from the th i rd day

t i l l the bojja day .

Some Jog i Puru shas are p rofess ional mendicants,

wh i l e o thers work as coo l i e s,peons

,etc .