Casanova's Curse -

Casanova’s Curse Chapter 1 (Disclaimer: Hogwarts starts at the age of 13 making Harry 18 at the time this story takes place.) “Breakfast is ready!” Mrs. Weasley’s voice shouted through the Burrow, waking the residents to the familiar of an English breakfast. While the Weasley children and Hermione all hopped out of bed and quickly made their way downstairs to the kitchen, Harry remained in bed. With a groan, he rolled over in bed as a bead of sweat rolled down his temple. His chest felt tight, his body ached, and he had an erection that wouldn’t go away no matter what he thought about. Forcing himself out of bed, his body protesting every move he made, Harry trudged to the bathroom in the hope that a shower would help. He was glad everyone else was at breakfast as he walked down the hall with a large bulge in the front of his pajama pants. Climbing into the shower, he sighed as the hot water rushed over his body, soothing his aching muscles. Reaching down, he took his throbbing shaft in hand and closed his eye, stroking it rapidly. Images of Fleur Delacour in a silver swimsuit, Lavender Brown’s breasts bouncing as she ran down the girl’s staircase, Madam Rosmerta bending over as she served drinks and Hermione walking around in a white shirt while braless danced before his eyes. With his rigid shaft as hard as steel, Harry jerked himself furiously. His breathing grew hard but the tightness of his chest went unabated. After half an hour of jerking himself, and feeling no closer to reaching his climax, Harry growled in frustration as he let go of his cock. Reaching for the hot water knob, he turned it all the way off and let out an involuntary gasp as cold water rained down on his skin. Five minutes later, his

Transcript of Casanova's Curse -

Casanova’s Curse

Chapter 1

(Disclaimer: Hogwarts starts at the age of 13 making Harry 18 at the time this story takes place.)

“Breakfast is ready!” Mrs. Weasley’s voice shouted through the Burrow, waking the residents to

the familiar of an English breakfast.

While the Weasley children and Hermione all hopped out of bed and quickly made their way

downstairs to the kitchen, Harry remained in bed. With a groan, he rolled over in bed as a bead

of sweat rolled down his temple. His chest felt tight, his body ached, and he had an erection

that wouldn’t go away no matter what he thought about. Forcing himself out of bed, his body

protesting every move he made, Harry trudged to the bathroom in the hope that a shower

would help. He was glad everyone else was at breakfast as he walked down the hall with a large

bulge in the front of his pajama pants.

Climbing into the shower, he sighed as the hot water rushed over his body, soothing his aching

muscles. Reaching down, he took his throbbing shaft in hand and closed his eye, stroking it

rapidly. Images of Fleur Delacour in a silver swimsuit, Lavender Brown’s breasts bouncing as she

ran down the girl’s staircase, Madam Rosmerta bending over as she served drinks and

Hermione walking around in a white shirt while braless danced before his eyes. With his rigid

shaft as hard as steel, Harry jerked himself furiously. His breathing grew hard but the tightness

of his chest went unabated.

After half an hour of jerking himself, and feeling no closer to reaching his climax, Harry growled

in frustration as he let go of his cock. Reaching for the hot water knob, he turned it all the way

off and let out an involuntary gasp as cold water rained down on his skin. Five minutes later, his

erection still showed no signs of going away, despite the fact that his testicles had already

retreated. Shutting off the water, Harry dried himself off and got dressed, struggling to fit his

raging hard on into a pair of jeans. Giving up, he put his pajama pants back on.

Once he was dressed, he looked down and sighed at the sight of the massive, obvious bulge in

his right pant leg as his cock strained against the fabric. He knew there was no way he could

hide his erection. Opening the door to the bathroom, he poked his head out and looked both

ways down the hall to make sure it was empty before he made his way back to Fred and

George’s old room, where he was currently staying. Harry was really glad that he didn’t have to

share a room with Ron this summer.

Just as he sat down on the bed, there was a knock at the door and the door knob turned before

he could even open his mouth to speak. In a rush, he grabbed a pillow and laid it over his lap as

Hermione entered the room in a thin t-shirt and an even tighter pair of jeans. His cock gave a

throb and his chest twinged at the sight of her, and he did his best to hide a wince. While his

never ending erection was annoying and possibly embarrassing, the pain in his chest was really

beginning to worry him.

“Hey, Harry. Are you okay? You missed breakfast.” Hermione said, a concerned look on her face

as she looked at him intently.

Harry found his eyes unconsciously drifting to her breasts and hips while his mind brought up

images of what she would look like naked. It took a lot of focus just for him to listen to what she

was saying.

“I’m fine, just not feeling well.” He told her, not really paying attention to what he was saying as

he wondered she would look like on her knees, looking up at him as she sucked his-

Harry shook his head and looked down, wondering what the hell was wrong with him. It wasn’t

the thoughts themselves that were bothering him, he’d had them before. It was the fact that he

couldn’t stop them that had him feeling nervous. To him, it felt almost like he was under some

sort of spell or the effects of a potion. Maybe it was something that Fred and George had left in

their bedroom, he wondered to himself.

“Harry!” Hermione yelled.

His head jerked up to look at Hermione, now standing much closer to him and looking very

worried as she bit her lip in an oh so sexy-

“Sorry.” Harry said reflexively.

“Are you sick? Do you need me to go get Mrs. Weasley?” She asked in concern.

Before he could answer, she sat down next to him, their shoulders touching and place the palm

of her hand on his forehead. His cock jerked the moment she touched him, straining as if it

wanted to burst through his pants, and the pillow, so that he could bury it into Hermione’s tight

little puss-

Harry jerked away from her as if burned and his pulse race in panic. Taking several deep

breaths, he did his best to stay calm. His chest gave a twinge as if it was being squeezed by a

giant, and this time, he couldn’t hide his wince.

“Harry?” Hermione called out, a note of fear in her voice.

“I think you should go get Mrs. Weasley.” Harry told her, pinching his thigh in the hopes that

the pain would help ground him.

Harry knew that he was known for hiding minor injuries, but even he could admit that there

was something seriously wrong.

“Okay, I’ll be right back.” She said as she rushed out of the room.

Harry closed his eyes, taking several slow breaths as he tried to calm his racing heart. He stayed

like that until her heard Hermione came back into the room, followed closely by Mrs. Weasley.

He looked up in time to see Mrs. Weasley rush over to him, his eyes drawn to her massive tits

as the bounced in her thin dress. Harry closed his eyes and looked down again and groaned,

silently curing himself for looking at her that way as he pinched his leg harder.

“Harry, dear, what’s wrong? Hermione said you weren’t feeling well.” She said, placing her

palm on his forehead.

His cock lurched in his pants again, just as it had done when Hermione touched him. He opened

his eyes again, which proved to be a mistake. Mrs. Weasley was bent over in front of him,

looking at him worriedly. Harry, eyes, however, were drawn to the giant amount of cleavage

that was showing as her shirt fell forwards and her breasts swayed under her. He had never

really noticed before just how truly enormous her tits were. They were so big that they could

probably cover his whole face if he were to put his head between them and-

Harry slammed his eyes closed again, wondering how in the hell he was going to explain what

was wrong with him.

“My chest hurts.” He said, all of his focus on trying to get the words out. “It feels really tight,

like someone is squeezing it, and um...”

Turning his head away and slowly opening his eyes, he looked at Hermione out of the corner of

his eye, trying very hard not to look anywhere near Mrs. Weasley until she stood up straight.

Fortunately, she did a moment later as she followed his gaze.

“Hermione, dear, would you give us a few minutes.” She said, giving her a pointed look.

Hermione looked between the two of them before she gave a reluctant nod and left the room,

closing the door behind her. Once she was gone, Mrs. Weasley turned back to him and pulled

out her wand. She began talking to him while casting a series of what he assumed were

diagnostic spells.

“You said your chest hurts, do you feel pain anywhere else?” She asked.

“No, not pain but, um...” Harry trialed off and then took a deep breath, knowing that it was best

just to get it over with. “My, uh, my erection won’t go away.”

“Oh!” Mrs. Weasley said, her face turning pink. “Oh, my. Are you sure that you don’t just need


He was immensely glad that she trailed off and didn’t finish her sentence. He wasn’t sure what

reaction his demented mind would have had, and he didn’t want to find out.

“I tried and it didn’t work.” He said, feeling his face heat up. “And, I can’t control my thoughts.

It feels like I’m under a potion or spell or something.”

“Really?” she asked in surprise, her eyes narrowing a moment later as she looked around the

room. “Fred and George better not have left anything dangerous behind.”

After a couple of more minutes of casting spells with her wand, she sighed and put it back in

her pocket.

“I’m sorry dear, but I don’t see anything wrong with you. I’m good with bumps and bruises and

the odd spell gone wrong, but I'm afraid potions and curses are a bit beyond me.” She

admitted. “I’ll have to go Floo Madam Pomphrey, I’m sure she’ll be able to fix you right up. You

just wait here and rest, everything will be fine, dear.”

Giving him a reassuring smile, Mrs. Weasley turned and left the room, closing the door behind

her. Harry flopped backwards onto the bed and groaned while rubbing his face. Why did it

always have to be him, he wondered to himself. It was only a few minutes before he heard

footsteps coming up the stairs. A moment later, Madam Pomphrey entered the room, bag in

hand, and closed the door behind her.

“What have you gotten yourself into this time, Mr. Potter?” She asked as she set her bag on the

bed next to him and took out her wand.

“It’s not my fault this time, I swear.” Harry told her, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips at

the familiar banter.

“I’m sure it wasn’t.” She replied, amusement in her voice as she began casting spells on him.

“Now, what are your symptoms?”

Harry told her the same thing that he had told Mrs. Weasley, and she hummed in thought as

she listened to him. Madam Pomphrey spent another couple of minutes scanning him with her

wand before she reached into her bag and pulled out a corked vial filled with a light pink


“Here, drink this. It should clear your system of any potions you might have come into contact

with.” She told him, thrusting the vial into his hand.

Harry uncorked the vial and down the potion quickly, grimacing at the bitter taste of the potion.

“Anything?” she asked.

“I don’t feel any different.” He told her, feeling disappointed.

She hummed in thought again as she waved her wand at him. After a few more spells, there

was a flash of light and a bright blue glow surrounded his body for a moment before it


“Oh my.” Madam Pomphrey said in surprise.

“What!? What is it?” Harry asked in concern.

“Just a moment.” She told him, waving her wand in a much more intricate pattern.

After a few minutes and a dozen more spells, she finally put her wand away.

“Mr. Potter, you have a magical illness called Casanova’s curse.” She told him.

“What? What’s that?” He asked rapidly, anxious at finally getting some answers.

“Casanova’s curse effects wizards when their magic grows too much, too quickly. For reasons

that we still don’t understand, wizards react to this condition by funneling their excess magic

into their, libido, for lack of a better term.” Madam Pomphrey explained in a professional tone.

“While many students have joked about having this illness, I assure you this is quite serious.”

She gave him a stern look to make sure that he was taking this seriously, to which Harry nodded


“Casanova’s curse makes a wizard extremely aroused and unable to obtain gratification by their

own means. It’s also been known to cause heart attacks if left without treatment for too long.

It’s quite fortunate that we caught this so soon. Many wizards with Casanova’s curse have been

known to force themselves on women if the effects become too much for them. There is no

cure, but there are treatments that will ease the effects until your magic stops growing at such

an accelerated rate. While I wouldn’t normally say this, it’s my recommendation that you have

sexual relations with a woman at least once a day until the growth of your magic slows down.”

“What!?” Harry shouted. “You can’t be serious!”

Madam Pomphrey sighed and looked at him sympathetically.

“I know this has come as a surprise to you, Harry, but you will be fine. I’m sorry I don’t have

better answers for you, but very few witches and wizards have ever suffered from this curse, so

there is relatively little known about it.” She told him.

“But, where am I supposed to find a girl willing to sleep with me.” He asked, feeling completely


“I’ll speak with the Headmaster.” She said, hold up her hand to interrupt him when he tried to

speak, a panicked look on his face. “I have to tell him, Mr. Potter. Legally, he is your magical

guardian. Don’t worry, I'm sure he’ll think of something. Besides, from what I've heard, most of

the girls find you quite attractive.”

Madam Pomphrey smirked at his stunned expression and turned to leave the room as Harry

groaned and flopped backwards onto the bed with a muffled curse.

Poppy closed the door behind her and walked down the stairs to find Molly and Hermione

sitting on the couch, waiting for her to come down. The moment they saw her, Molly and

Hermione jumped up and rushed over to her.

“How is he?” Molly asked immediately, worrying her hands.

As Harry was staying at the burrow, Molly had a legal right to know of his condition. Grabbing

her arm, she led her into the kitchen and away from Hermione. While she felt bad for leaving

her out of the conversation, it wasn’t her place to tell her. Besides, she was certain that

Hermione would find out soon enough. Once they were in the kitchen, Poppy told Molly about

Harry’s condition and then excused herself to use the Floo to talk to Albus. Neither of them

noticed Fleur listening to them as she quietly slipped in the back door.

Fleur watched as the Healer left the kitchen. As soon as she left, Hermione rushed in and

started bombarding Molly with questions about Harry that she refused to answer. While they

were both distracted, Fleur made her way passed them and into the living room. She entered

just as the healer vanished into the Floo and walked over. Grabbing a handful of Floo powder,

she threw it into to fireplace.

“Gringotts, Curse Breaker’s office.” She called out, carefully enunciating the words.

Her vision swam as the grates passed by at high speed until it settled on a small office deep in

the bank, with a lone figure inside.

“Beel!” fleur called out.

Bill looked up and rushed over to the Floo, smiling at her as he approached.

“Fleur!” He greeted her happily, then frowned when he saw the worried look on her face.

“What’s wrong?”

“Eet’s ‘Arry, ‘e’s sick. ‘Ave you ‘eard of Casanova’s curse?” She asked.

“Yeah. Charlie used tell teel people he had it back at Hogwarts to get girls to sleep with him.”

Bill said, chuckling. “It never worked though. So, that’s what Harry has? Good for him. If anyone

deserves a good shag, it’s him.”

“Beel, zhis ees serious.” She reprimanded him. “Eef ‘Arry doesn’t find someone to sleep wiz ‘im

once a day, he could have a ‘eart attack or force ‘eemself on someone.”

“Really?” Bill asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise. “I guess we skipped over that part of it.”

“Beel, I want to ‘elp ‘im.” Fleur said quietly, hoping he didn’t get too angry at her.

“You want to sleep with Harry?” Bill asked in a surprisingly calm tone.

“I owe ‘im. ‘E saved Gabrielle during zhe Second Task, and me during zhe Zhird Task.” She

explained. “I love you, Beel, but I feel like I need to ‘elp ‘im eef I can.”

Bill sighed and sat down on a chair behind him, looking down at his hands for several long

seconds. Finally, he gave a short laugh that surprised her.

“I guess we have that in common. He saved my sister, too.” He admitted.

Fleur raised an eyebrow at him, not having heard about that before. Seeing her look, Bill


“Ginny’s first year, Lucius Malfoy slipped her a cursed diary. It possessed her and made her

release a Basilisk to attack the Muggleborns at school. We were lucky no one died, but several

students, including Hermione, were petrified.” He told her.

“Near the end of the year, the diary forced her into a secret part of the castle called the

Chamber of Secrets. It was going to suck out her soul and bring You-Know-Who back to life.

Harry figured out where the Chamber was, something no one else had been able to figure out

in over a thousand years, and he and Ron went down after her. A tunnel collapsed and Harry

and Ron got separated, so Harry went on ahead alone.”

Billed gave a mirthless laugh and shook his head, still looking down at his hands. Fleur listened

silently, stunned by what she was hearing.

“The kid fought and kill a one-thousand-year-old, sixty-foot-long Basilisk with nothing but a

sword. He destroyed the diary and then got Ginny out of there. I almost didn’t believe it when

Dad told me what happened. It wasn’t until Dumbledore hired us to clean up the Basilisk that I

really understood what he did for our family. I was terrified of that thing, and it was already


“You know what the craziest part is?” Bill asked rhetorically. “The damn thing bit him. He’s

sitting there, dying, and he knows it, probably in a lot of pain and scared as hell, and what does

he do? Tells Ginny he’s fine and that she should leave without him. Dumbledore’s phoenix

healed him and he survived, obviously. Still, to tell a little girl to leave so she doesn’t have to

watch her hero die after saving her life...”

Fleur had questions, but she knew now wasn’t the time to ask him. She had a great deal of

respect for Harry after what he had done during the Tournament, and this only made her

respect him more. This just gave her another reason to want to help him. She wondered if she

could get him to tell her the whole story. It would be tough, she thought, Harry didn’t like to

talk about himself much.

“Alright.” Bill said, startling her out of her thoughts. “If you want to help Harry, it’s fine with


“Really?” Fleur asked in surprise.

She hadn’t expected him to agree, even after telling her about Harry saving Ginny. In her

experience, most men were quite selfish when it came to sex.

“Yeah. Honestly, how can I say no after everything he’s done for us?” Bill asked, smiling at her


“Zhank you.” Fleur said, her voice full of emotion.

She smiled at him lovingly, feeling her heart swell at the fact that he was willing to trust her like

this. She would have to do something special to make it up to him, she decided. The sound of

knocking drew their attention to the door where a woman with long, black hair and pale skin

opened the door and poked her head inside.

“Bill, the Portkey leaves in fifteen minutes.” She told him.

“I’ll be there, thanks Amanda.” He responded.

Amanda nodded and backed out of the room, closing the door.

“Sorry, Fleur. I need to go.” He said, looking at her apologetically.

“When weel you be back?” She asked.

“A month, maybe longer if we find more rooms near the tomb.” He answered.

Fleur frowned unhappily, but knowing that she would be able to go with him once she finished

her training.

“Stay safe. I love you.” She said, blowing him a kiss.

“Love you, too.” He replied.

Fleur pulled her head out of the Floo and stood up. Just as she backed away, the flames sprang

to life and turned green again. A moment later, Albus Dumbledore stepped out of the grate.

“Ah, good morning, Ms. Delacour.” He greeted her, smiling.

“Good morning.” She replied.

“Is Molly around?” He asked, looking around the room.

“Oui. She ees een zhe kitchen.” She answered, gesturing to the door.

“Ah, thank you.” He said, giving her a small bow as her turned to go to the kitchen.

Fleur followed him. Molly and Hermione were sitting at the table, drinking tea as they waited.

When Dumbledore entered, they both stood up, with Molly pouring him a cup of tea.

“Thank you, Molly. Ms. Granger, Ms. Delacour, If you would excuse us for a few moments.” He

said politely.

“I already know what is wrong wiz ‘Arry.” Fleur said, taking a seat.

“You were eavesdropping?” Molly asked accusingly.

“Of course not, I just ‘appened to over’ear zhe ‘ealer.” Fleur said, bristling at the accusation.

It wasn’t her fault they didn’t take the time to make sure no one else was in the room.

Hermione glared at her for a moment, then folded her arms and looked at Dumbledore


“No. I have a right to know, he’s my best friend.” She told him.

Molly put her hands on her hips and opened her mouth to scold the younger girl when

Dumbledore stepped in.

“Very well, I suppose he will tell you himself soon enough.” He said calmly.

Fleur smirked as Molly dropped into her chair in a huff at being overruled. The woman really

was far too controlling of the people around her, she thought. Dumbledore cleared his throat to

get everyone’s attention.

“Ms. Granger, Harry has an illness called Casanova’s curse-” Before he could continue with his

explanation, Hermione gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “Ah, I take it you are

familiar with this particular malady?”

“I heard one of the older students joking about it and I got curious. Is he going to be alright?”

She asked, her voice laced with concern.

“Harry will be fine. I’ve called for a meeting of the Order to find some volunteers to help him.

Hopefully, with how fast his magic is growing, this will all be over by the time school begins. If

not, then we can make arrangements for him to continue getting the help he needs. I’m hoping

that we will be able to find all the assistance we need from the Order, but we may need to

recruit a few former students close to his age if it becomes necessary. I’m afraid that I didn’t

have this sort of thing in mind when I was looking for members.” He said with a chuckle.

“I’ll ‘elp.” Fleur volunteered.

“YOU WILL NOT!” Molly shouted, jumping to her feet. “You supposed to be marrying Bill, not-”

“I ‘ave already talked weeth Beel about eet” Fleur jumped in before Molly could say something

insulting. “’E ees fine wiz eet. We bozh owe ‘Arry too much to not ‘elp.”

Molly gaped at her in surprise, her mouth working silently.

“I’ll help, too.” Hermione said determinedly.

“You will not! You’re too young!” Molly yelled, though not as loudly.

“I’m of age.” Hermoine stated, crossing her arms.

“It doesn’t matter. You're still in school, and you parents would never approve.” Molly argued


“Ladies, please.” Dumbledore said, raising one hand into the air and stopping the brewing


Once everyone had calmed down and Molly had taken her seat again, he continued. “Ms.

Delacour, I thank you for your help-”

“But,” Molly interrupted.

“Molly, there are very few women even close to Harry’s age in the order and we need to keep

this as quiet as possible. So long as she and your son understand what is being asked of them,

and they are both agree to it, it’s not your place, or mine, to tell them otherwise.” Dumbledore

said in a stern parental tone.

Molly sank back into her chair, looking deflated.

“Now, then.” He continued. “Ms. Granger, I apologize, but I must ask you a rather delicate

question. Are you still a virgin?”

“Well, yes.” Hermione admitted, blushing lightly. “But what does that have to do with


“I’m sorry for embarrassing you, Ms. Granger. You see, with the state Harry is in, it’s likely that

he may not be fully able to control himself at the moment. I expect he will be a bit, aggressive,

at first. I would recommend you allow someone with a bit more experience to help him until he

is better able to control himself. No offense intended, Ms. Delacour.”

“None taken.” Fleur responded, unbothered.

“Albus, she’s too young.” Molly insisted.

“She is of age, and older than many witches when they first choose to become intimate.” He

said, giving he a pointed look that had her blushing and looking away. “She may be young, but

she has more than proven herself capable of making her own decisions. You should have more

faith in them, Molly.”

Reaching into his pocket, Dumbledore looked at his watch for a moment before snapping it

shut with a click.

“I must be going. The Order meeting is set to begin in just a few minutes. Molly, I’ll talk to

afterwards and let you know who volunteered so we can work out a schedule to ensure there is

someone here with Harry every night. Ms. Delacour, I would appreciate it if you could take care

of Harry while I'm gone, just to ensure he will be okay until we can get things figured out.” He

said, looking at her questioningly.

“Of course.” She replied.

Molly looked ready to interject again but managed to hold herself back. Fleur wondered, not

for the first time, how a woman with so many children could be so against sex. She knew the

English could be prude, but this was just ridiculous.

“Thank you. I would much rather have people Harry knows and trusts, and are trusted by the

Order, helping him, rather than bringing in someone who may pose as a security risk.” He said,

and though it wasn’t directed at her, this seemed to cause Molly to deflate even more. “I shall

take my leave, please let me know immediately if there are any problems.”

Standing up, Dumbledore made his way to the Floo and returned to Hogwarts. Before Molly

could start arguing with her again, Fleur quickly left the room and made her way up the stairs to

the room that she knew Harry was staying in. Raising a hand, she knocked on the door.

Harry panted as he jerked his cock furiously, desperate for some sort of relief. He didn’t know

how long he’d been at it by now, but it had been a lot longer than was normal for him. His

straining cock was starting to chafe and he wasn’t any closer to reaching his release. There was

a knock at the door and Harry bolted up right in surprise. Almost in a panic, Harry forced his

cock uncomfortably back into his pajama pants and then threw a pillow over his lap.

“Come in.” He called out.

He had expected Madam Pomphrey or Dumbledore to come talk to him. What he didn’t expect

was for Fleur Delacour to walk in, and then lock the door and silence the room. His gaze swept

over her body, taking in her gorgeous figure. She was wearing a light blue summer dress that

hugged her chest tightly, with the skirt portion ending just above her knees. He wondered what

her large tits would look like wrapped around his cock, or what her big, bubbly ass would look

like bent over the bed as he slammed into her-

“’Arry?” Fleur called out cautiously.

Harry forcibly torn his gaze from her body and up to her eyes, shaking himself from his lust

fueled visions. She seemed to relax a bit, and Harry hated himself for staring at her like one of

those Allure addled morons he knew she hated.

“Fleur, it’s not a good idea for you to be here.” He told her.

“Eet’s alright. I know about everyzhing. I'm ‘ere to ‘elp.” She said, giving him a reassuring smile.

Harry’s eyes widened and he looked at her in shock. Of all the girls he thought might be willing

to help him, Fleur Delacour was the last one he would have expected. His cock jerked in need as

she slowly moved closer.

“But, what about Bill?” He asked, struggling to keep his mind on task.

“‘E’s fine wiz eet. We bozh owe you too much not to ‘elp you.” She said, stopping just in front of


“But, but you don’t owe me anything.” Harry said slowly, losing the fight against the curse.

“Eet’s okay, ‘Arry. Let me ‘elp you.” She told him in a quiet affectionate tone.

She reached out and brushed the hair off of his sweaty brow in a surprisingly tender gesture.

Suddenly, Harry grabbed her around the waist and tossed her onto the bed, his mind lost to the

lust filled urge to find relief in her glorious body. Fleur yelped in shock as she hit the mattress.

Grabbing her dress, he ripped it in half right down the middle. Shoving her white bra over her

tits, Harry bent down and took her pink nipple into his mouth and sucked hard.

Fleur moaned as his hands ran over her body frantically, touching, grabbing and squeezing

everything that he could reach. Moving to lay on top of her, he pressed her into the mattress

with his weight. Fleur let out a loud, surprised gasp as he ground his throbbing erection into her

panty clad crotch. With a growl of frustration at the clothes still in his way. A tingle ran across

his skin like electricity before both of their clothes were torn from their bodies and sent flying

across the room.

A rumble left his throat as he pressed his throbbing length against her bare lips. Fleur grabbed

the back of his head roughly by the hair and pulled him into a hungry kiss. As their lips danced

and their tongues dueled, their hips moved in concert, the lips of her slit wrapping around his

shaft. He could feel her lips grow damp as the hugged his length. Reaching between their

bodies, Harry tried to blindly line his head up with her entrance. After blindly jabbing his head

against her a few times, Fleur reached down and guided him in, aiming his cock lower than he

had expected.

Growling in his throat as her hot, wet lips wrapped around the head of his throbbing cock, he

pulled his lips away from hers and arched his back as he drove his cock balls deep in a single

thrust. Fleur gasped and arched her back, thrusting her tits up into the air. Harry thrust into her

hard and fast, a slapping sound echoing around the room as their thighs collided. Panting

heavily with the effort of his thrusting. It wasn’t long before Harry felt his climax approach.

Fleur let out a long, continuous moan as he slammed into her over and over in a desperate

attempt to finish.

With a grunt, Harry came, holding his cock buried deep in her core as his cock exploded. White

lights burst behind his eyes as jet after jet of hot cum rocketed out of his tip to splash against

her walls. Fleur wrapped her arms and legs around him, moaning into his ear as she stroked the

hair at the back of his head. Flexing his muscles, Harry pushed his cock deeper into her body

with each pulse of his cock as he came and came. It was the longest climax of his life by far.

When it finally ended, his cock was still hard, but his mind felt clearer. Bending down, he kissed

Fleur on the lips and started thrust into her again, this time at a more controlled pace.

“Merde.” Fleur gasped when their lips separated. “You came much, and you’re steel so ‘ard.”

Harry growled against her neck and gave it a hard suck, intentionally trying to leave a mark. As

his hips picked up speed, Fleur moaned and thrust her large, perky tits up at him. Taking it as an

invitation, he took her pink, puffy nipple into his mouth and traced his tongue over the soft

areola and stiff nipple.

“You feel so good, mon ami.” Fleur whispered huskily into his ear. “Your cock ees so beeg. I ‘ave

nevair felt so full. I’m so close ‘Arry. Fuck me ‘arder. I’m so close to cumming on your beeg, fat


Fleur’s words clouded his mind in a fog of lust. Harry pulled his cock out of her and grabbed her

hips. With surprising strength, he flipped her over on to her stomach and then pulled her up

until she was on all fours. He easily slid his cock back into her dripping pussy, a stream of cum

running out around his shaft as he filled her. He felt her smooth, tight walls being forced apart

around his engorged head as he drove into her hot core. Holding her hips tightly, Harry pulled

out until just the head of his cock remained inside and then slammed his hips forward, groaning

as her tight cunt swallowed his length.

A wet slapping sound filled the room as he slammed into her over and over again, using her

hips to pull her wide bubble butt back against him where it rippled wildly as it impacted his


“OUI! OUI! OUI!” Fleur shouted as her walls spasmed around his length.

She no longer seemed capable of speaking English as a stream of French left her mouth. The

sexy language and desperate tone drove him to fuck her harder and faster. Suddenly, Fleur let

out a scream and the walls of her cunt spasmed around his shaft wildly. Her body went taught

and her legs shook uncontrollably as she came around him as he continued to thrust into her at

a furious pace. Fleur collapsed forward, almost like she was trying to get away from the

overwhelming pleasure as her arms gave out, leaving her prone on the bed. Harry followed her,

relentlessly slammed his swollen cock into her fluttering cunt.

Harry felt his second climax approaching as he brutally fucked her into the bed, her body

bouncing off of the mattress in time with his thrusts. Fleur’s orgasm had barely abated when

her body tightened and shook again as she let out another scream. Clear cum sprayed out

around his shaft, soaking his shaft and balls in her arousal. When her scream ended, she whined

and whimpered under the continued assault on her sensitive pussy. After several more thrusts,

Harry felt his second climax quickly approaching.

Grunting, Harry slammed his throbbing cock deep into her clutching pussy and came, more of

his hot cum splashing against her walls and filling her core. Fleur gave a contented moan as he

coated her walls. Groaning, he rolled off of her when he was finished, panting from the

exertion. Fleur rolled over and cuddled up to him, her head resting on his chest as her hand ran

up and down his chest. As they recovered, Harry realized that the tightness in his chest was

gone and that his head felt clear for the first time all morning. Looking down at the beautiful

blonde in his arms, he hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head.

“Thank you, Fleur.” He said sincerely.

“Mmh, feel better?” She asked.

“Yeah.” He answered, running his hand up and down the smooth skin of her back. “Never


Fleur giggled at him and draped her leg over his. As she did, his cock grew hard again as the

smooth skin of her thigh ran across his shaft. Fleur lifted her head up and looked down at his

rigid cock in surprise, then look up at him with a raised eyebrow.

“You’re steel ‘ard?” Shae asked with and incredulous note in her voice.

“Er, sorry.” He said awkwardly.

Fleur gave him a sexy, naughty smile as she sat up and straddled his waist, rubbing her

drenched lips along his slippery shaft.

“Does zhe patient need anozher treatment?” She asked teasingly.

An image of Fleur in a too small nurses' outfit had him pulsing against her slit.

“Yes nurse, Delacour. I think I do.”

Chapter 2

Dinner at the Burrow was incredibly awkward. Harry didn’t dare make eye contact with Mrs.

Weasley for fear of blushing so hard his head would explode. Apparently, he and Fleur had

forgotten to use silencing charms and the whole household had heard them going at it.

Fortunately, Ron and Ginny hadn’t come back from their trip into Ottery St. Catchpole, but Mrs.

Weasley and Hermione had definitely heard them. Mr. Weasley, who had just gotten home

from work, was too busy eating and telling them about his day to notice what was going on.

As they all sat around the table eating, Harry stared at his plate while Hermione tried to act as

normal as possible. Ron and Ginny could sense the tension in the room, but with their mother

sitting rigidly and silently in her chair, they didn’t dare ask while she was in the room. Fleur,

however, was a bright little ray of sunshine, smiling and humming happily as she picked at her

salad. He couldn’t help but feel quite smug at that. Harry had just finished his lunch and was

wondering if it would be worse to sit at the table longer, or go upstairs and be interrogated by

Ron and Ginny when bounded into the house like she owned the place.

“Wotcher Weasley’s, not Weasley’s.” She said, greeting them all with a big smile.

Mrs. Weasley jumped up from her chair and bustled about getting her a chair and a plate of

food, squeezing in between Harry and Hermione at the table.

“So, Tonks, what brings you by?” Mr. Weasley asked.

“Dumbledore asked me to stop by to help Harry with something.” She said, giving Harry a not

so discrete wink.

Harry’s eyes widened and he stared down at his plate again. Just the thought of getting to sleep

with the beautiful Auror had him hardening in his pants. It was actually a bit concerning that he

had just spent two hours with Fleur and he was already starting to feel the effects of the curse

again. He nearly jumped out of his seat when he suddenly felt Tonks’ hand rest on his knee and

start stroking his leg.

“With what?” Ron asked through a mouth full of chicken.

“Never you mind, young man.” Mrs. Weasley scolded him.

Harry tuned out the rest of the argument as Tonks moved her hand up his thigh until her fingers

brushed against the head of his now straining cock. With a light touch, her long nails traced a

random pattern over his erect tip through his jeans. Harry clenched his fists as his breathing

became harsh and his chest began to feel tight again. When she suddenly stopped, he looked

up to see Hermione had leaned over and was whispering harshly in her ear.

“Spoil sport.” Tonks muttered while pouting.

Running her hand further up his thigh, she squeezed his erection through his jeans and then

took her hand away completely.

“Tonks, why don’t you and Harry go upstairs and talk? Ron, Ginny, help me clean the table.”

Mrs. Weasley said, her tone brokering no argument.

Harry slid out of his chair and immediately turned his back to the table. He put his hands in his

pockets and used his hand to hold his straining shaft against his leg so it didn’t stick out. Tonks

snickered behind him as he rushed out of the kitchen and up the stairs. When he reached his

room, he sat down on the bed as Tonks entered the room, followed by Fleur and Hermione.

“Uh...” Was all Harry could get out as they filed into the room.

With all the teasing Tonks had done, Harry was hoping they could get right into things. With the

other girls in the room, it didn’t look like that was going to happen.

“So, you’re going to be helping Harry?” Hermione asked.

“Yup.” Tonks said brightly, plopping down on the bed and making it bounce as she leaned back

on her arms, pushing her large breasts against her Weird Sisters t-shirt. “Hestia and I

volunteers, but Hestia said she’ll only do it if no one else is available. Something about feeling

uncomfortable about the age difference. Fleur, you work the day shift, right?”

“Oui.” Fleur nodded.

“Good, I work nights. So, I’ll come over and take care of him in the morning after you go to

work and then you can take care of him at night. Sound good?” Tonks asked.

“Oui, zhat ees fine.” Fleur answered.

“I can help, too.” Hermione told them.

Harry cock gave a lurch against his pants at her offer, even as her cheeks went a bit pink.

“’Ave you and ‘Arry been togezher before?” Fleur asked.

“Well, no, but-” Hermione started.

“’Arry ees quite beeg, and ‘e was a leetle aggresseeve.”

“I don’t care!” Hermione barked. “He’s my best friend and if I can help him, then I will.”

“Well, no time like the present. Lock the door, Fleur.” Tonks told her.

Fleur turned around and waved her wand, locking the door and, thankfully, remembering to

silence the room this time. Sliding off the bed, Tonks knelt between his legs, opened his pants,

and fished out his rigid cock. Staring at it hungrily, Tonks licked her lips as she held his large,

throbbing cock in her hand. Behind her, Hermione gasped and covered her mouth with her

hand, but couldn’t take her eyes off of him.

“Wow! No wonder you were smiling so much, Fleur. This thing’s huge.” Tonks said as she

stroked his shaft.

A cloud of lust had fogged Harry's mind as she stroked him. He needed more than just the light

teasing and he could feel his magic building up in reaction to his desire. The hair on his arms

and the back of his neck stood up as his magic continued to build until, suddenly, it burst out of

him in a wave, ripping the clothes off of everyone in the room. Hermione shrieked and covered

herself as she was stripped naked, her perky, medium sized breasts on display for only a


“Merde.” Fleur gasped as his magic washed over her in a pleasurable tingling sensation. “’Is

magic ees so strong.”

Tonks looked down at her suddenly naked body in surprise. Harry bent down and lifted her up

with a growl and tossed her on the bed so that she was on her back, with her ass on the edge of

the mattress. Spreading her legs, he lined himself up with her entrance and sank into her

depths with one slow, relentless push.

“Holy shit!” Tonks exclaimed, arching her back and thrusts her big tits into the air.

Harry could feel her arousal coating his shaft as he bottomed out, grinding his hips against her.

Putting his hands on her shoulders, he pulled his cock half way out of her and then slammed

back in hard. Tonks gasped and clutched at the sheets as he set a hard, brutal pace from the

first thrust onwards, using his hands on her shoulders to pull her into his thrusts. Her breasts

shook wildly on her chest as each thrust rocked her body back and forth.

“Oh fuck, yes!” Tonks yelled as she bucked against him.

“Eet feels good, non?” Fleur asked, sitting on the bed next to Tonks and completely unbothered

by her nakedness.

Tonks couldn’t form the words to answer as Harry continued to plow into her mercilessly, only

grunts and gasps leaving her lips. Fleur gave a tinkling laugh and then leaned over and pressed

her lips to Tonks’ in a brief, light kiss. As she pulled back, Tonks grabbed the back of her head

and pulled her down again, moaning loudly into her mouth as she kissed her heatedly. Harry

cock throbbed at the sight and he rammed his cock into her even harder. Fleur reached over

and took one of Tonks’ bouncing breasts in her hand, kneading it roughly as their tongues

danced against each other. When Fleur took her nipple between her fingers and pinched it

hard, Tonks arched her back and came, her walls spasming and flexing around his thrusting


Harry was pushed over the edge and buried his length in her as his cock pulsed, spraying her

walls with hot jets of cum as he filled her. When his climax finished, he rolled over to the side

and collapsed onto his back next to Tonks. His cock was still hard, jutting straight up into the air

as a couple of drops of cum leaker from the swollen head. Before he could catch his breath,

Fleur crawled over to him and bent down to lick the remaining drops of cum from the tip of his

cock. He hissed as her tongue slid over the sensitive head of his cock, and then groaned as she

opened her mouth and bobbed her head up and down on him a few times.

Sitting up, she gave him and impish grin as she swung her leg over to straddle him. Grabbing his

still hard shaft, she lined him up with her entrance and then dropped down onto him. As she

started to ride him, Tonks hopped off of the bed and ran over to Hermione. Grabbing her hand,

she led her over to the bed and sat her down so that she could watch as Fleur bounced up and

down on his cock. Tonks sat behind Hermione and whispered into her ear as she rubbed her

hands over her body, caressing her stomach and breasts. Harry watched as one hand trailed

down her body and between her legs to tease her clit. While Fleur and Tonks were both bald,

Hermione had a small strip of curly brown hair above her slit.

Harry had always thought Hermione was beautiful, and watching her sit naked next to him

while Tonks played with her and Fleur Delacour rode his cock was like a dream come true. His

cock throbbed and his chest burned with need as he grabbed Fleur by the hips and helped her

move. Turning to look back at Fleur, her eyes were closed in pleasure as she bounced up and

down, her huge, perky tits bouncing and swaying hypnotically as she moved. Reaching up, Harry

grabbed her tits and groped them firmly in his hands, kneading the firm fleshy mounds. Fleur

moaned and leaned over him, her arms on either side of his head and her breasts dangling

above his face. Lifting his head, Harry took one of her stiff, pink nipples into his mouth and

sucked hard as he lashed at it with his tongue.

Hearing a moan to his left, he turned his head to look. Tonks now had two fingers buried in

Hermione’s moist lip, thrusting them in and out of her as her palm pressed down on her clit.

Hermione had her eyes lock on Harry and Fleur with a glassy stare as she panted and moaned.

“You want to ride Harry’s big, fat cock, don’t you?” Tonks whispered huskily into her ear,

pressing a kiss to her cheek. “I bet you’ve wanted to fuck him for years, haven’t you?”

“Yes.” Hemione hissed, thrusting his hips towards Tonks’ hands as her fingers pumped in and

out of her.

“You want to feel that huge cock stretch your tight little pussy as he slides it deep inside you,

don’t you?” Tonks whispered as her hand moved faster and faster.

“Oh, God! Yes!” Hermione yelled.

Turning her head, Hermione grabbed Tonks and kissed her hard on the lips as she squealed and

came, bucking her hips wildly against her hand. Harry tightened his grip and Fleur’s hips and

thrust up into her furiously as he felt cum boiling up his shaft. As his cum rocketed out of his tip

to splash hotly against her walls, Fleur moaned loudly and collapsed on top of him as she

reached her peak, shivering and shaking uncontrollably as pleasure wracked her body. Harry’s

cock still didn’t go soft as her walls continued to pulse around him after his climax had ended.

After a moment to catch her breath, Fleur kissed him tenderly on the lips and then rolled off of

him, leaving his still hard cock jutting into the air again.

Fleur was barely out of the way when Hermione took her place, with Tonks climbing on right

behind her, wrapping her arms around Hermione’s body. Tonks grabbed his cock and rubbed it

teasingly against Hermione’s drooling lips as she hovered over him, making both of them moan

at the sensation. Placing him at her entrance, Tonks slowly lowered her down until the fat head

of his cock forced her tight lips apart and his tip popped inside of her impossible tight pussy.

Harry fought to stop himself from thrusting up into her as Hermione slowly lowered herself

further down his shaft, biting her bottom lips as a low whine left her throat.

Her walls were so tight that it felt like she was deliberately squeezing down on him, gripping his

cock tightly with her walls. Running his hands up her body, he cupped her breasts, which were

the perfect size to fill his hands. He rubbed his thumbs over her light pink areola and hard, dark

pink nipples, drawing a louder moan from her lips. Halfway down his length, Hermione stopped

and panted lightly as his girth stretched her tight walls, reaching depths that nothing had ever

touched before. Slowly, she started raising and lowering herself on his cock, moving up just an

inch or two and then moving down and taking him just a bit deeper each time. It took a few

minutes for her to loosen up and start moving faster on him. Finally, after several minutes of

careful movement, she managed to take his entire length. Harry groaned when his cock was

buried in her tight pussy to the hilt, still overwhelmed by just how tight and hot she was.

Hermione sat still for a moment with her eyes closed once she had taken all of him, her lips

slightly parted as she panted lightly. Tonks reached down and rubbed her clit, making her walls

flutter around his cock like they were trying to grip him even more tightly. Hermione ground

her hips down on him and then started slowly and gently bouncing up and down on his shaft,

moving up just a couple of inches before dropping down. Tonks smiled at him and gave him a

wink as she kissed Hermione on the cheek and then climbed off of him and over to Fleur. Fleur

gave her a sultry smile as Tonks crawled over the top of her and kissed her hungrily on the lips.

When they broke apart, Tonks spun around and placed her knees on either side of her head.

Pressing her pussy against Fleur lips, she fell forward and kissed her way down Fleur’s stomach

until her face was buried between her legs.

“That’s so hot.” Hermione said, then blushed and buried her face in her hands when she

realized she said that out loud. “Oh God, I’m turning into a pervert.”

Harry chuckled at her and then reached up to pull her hands away from her face. “I like that

you’re a pervert.” Harry assured her with a smile.

Hermione giggled at him and leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. “Fuck me, Harry.”

Harry gave her a crooked smile and pulled out of her, her tight walls hugging his cock as if trying

to hold him in. Grabbing her hips, her rolled her over and then pulled her up on to all fours so

that she was facing Tonks and Fleur. Harry ran his hands over her round bubble butt and gave it

playful smack, making her squeak, as he lined his head up with her lips again. Giving a firm,

steady push, he watched in wonder as her small, tight lips managed to stretch wide enough to

take his big cock. Slowly, he sank his length into her, the smooth, hot walls of her pussy gripping

him tightly. Once he was buried to the hilt in her, he paused for a moment and looked over at

Tonks and Fleur.

“Tonks.” He called out loudly.

Tonks raised her head to look at him curiously. Gesturing with his hands to indicate what he

wanted, so as not to give it away to Hermione, Tonks smirked at him and nodded. She climbed

off of Fleur and leaned down to whisper in her ear. Fleur smiled and turned her body so her

legs were facing Hermione, and then scooted forward until her glistening pussy was right under

her face. Once she was in position, Tonks knelt over her face again, moaning as Fleur’s tongue

slithered out to tease her lips. Running his fingers through Hermione’s bushy hair, Harry gently

pushed her head down until her lips brushed against Fleur’s wet pussy. She looked nervously up

at Fleur, whose face was hidden by Tonks’ crotch, but she still reached up and ran her fingers

through her hair and pulled her down gently, just as he had done. Hesitantly at first, Hermione

tentatively kissed and licked at Fleur’s bald lips, slowly gaining confidence.

Letting go of her hair, Harry grabbed her hips and gently started thrusting in and out of her,

groaning at the feeling of her incredibly tight pussy grasping his shaft in a hot, wet grip.

Gradually, Harry increased his pace, but still wasn’t going as fast as he did with Tonks or Fleur. It

was an incredible moment for him that almost didn’t feel real. The three women he had lust

after the most were all in the same room having sex with not only him, but with each other. The

most enticing part for him, was being Hermione’s first, while getting to watch her have her first

lesbian experience. Watching her drive her tongue between Fleur’s lips and sucking on her clit

while he fucked her from behind had his cock harder than it had ever been in his life. Grabbing

a handful of Hermione’s bubbly cheeks, he groped them roughly and pulled them apart to

watch his rigid length spear into her again and again.

Tonks was the first to start moaning, bucking her hips against Fleur’s face as she reached her

climax and flooding her lips and chin in her arousal. Fleur reached her peak a moment later, her

hand tightening harshly in Hermione’s hair as she thrust her pussy against her lips, smearing her

face with the fluids of her climax. To his surprise, Hermione moaned at the rough treatment,

lashing Fleur’s clit wildly with her tongue. A moment later, like a chain reaction, Hermione’s

walls spasmed as they clamped down on his cock and her pussy drenched his thrusting shaft as

she came. The feeling was incredible, driving him to reach his own peak.

“I’m cumming.” Harry warned.

“Wait, pull out!” Tonks demanded, climbing off of Fleur and crawling over to him.

“It’s fine, I'm on the potion.” Hermione said, hugging Fleur’s stomach as she moaned.

“I have an idea, trust me.” Tonks said with and impish smile.

Harry groaned and yanked his cock out of Hermione just before he came. Tonks pushed him

down on his back, lowered her head, and swallowed his cock straight down her throat.

“Holy shit!” Harry exclaimed.

Tonks buried her nose in his pubes and then bobbed her head up and down rapidly, her tight

throat massaging his length while her impossibly long tongue swirled around his base. She

quickly drove him to orgasm, the first shot spraying down her throat and directly into her

stomach. Raising her head, she caught the rest in her mouth, sucking hard as he pulsed against

her tongue. When he was finally finished, Tonks pulled back, keeping her lips sealed. Turning to

Hermione and Fleur, she motioned them both over to her. Fleur was smiling seductively, but

Hermione looked confused.

Once they were gathered around her, Tonks grabbed Hermione by the cheeks and kissed her,

pushing some of his cum into her mouth with her tongue. Hermione’s eyes widened and she

moaned in surprise, but opened her mouth willingly. Pulling back after a moment, Tonks turned

to Fleur and they both met in a hungry kiss, sharing the rest of his cum in an incredibly raunchy

kiss, swirling their cum covered tongues against each other. Both of them reached over to pull

Hermione closer, all of them extending their tongues to meet in a steamy three-way kiss. Harry,

pushed up on his elbows, watched them with his cock, amazingly, still hard.

For the first time in his life, he was glad something incredibly rare and strange had happened to


Chapter 3

When Harry woke up the next morning, he was given some bad news. Tonks would be gone for

the whole day on an Order mission that they refused to tell him about. To make matters worse,

it was Hermione’s time of the month, meaning she wouldn’t be able to help him for a few days.

Thankfully, Fleur was still available, but her work schedule meant that she could only spend any

real time with him at night. After the night before with Fleur, Tonks, and Hermione, he assured

them that he would be fine until she got home from work. With Tonks having already left,

Hermine left to go to the library to research his curse some more, and Fleur left for work. At

first, Harry was grateful for Mrs. Weasley crusade to clean the house from top to bottom. The

work, while difficult and dirty, did keep his mind off of sex, at least for a little while.

As the morning went on, things quickly got more difficult. He couldn’t stop his gaze from

drifting over to Ginny time and time again, especially with the revealing shorts and V-neck shirt

she was wearing to combat the sweltering heat in the upper floor. Watching her reach up on

the tips of her toes to spray for Doxies at the top of the curtains, her long, pale legs and bum

flex with each movement while a drop of sweat fell down into the cleavage of her small, pert

breasts. It took him a supreme act of will to tear his eyes away from her lithe figure each time

he caught himself staring. By lunch, he knew he wasn’t going to be able to wait until Fleur got

home. He even found himself staring at Mrs. Weasley as bustled around the kitchen, her fat ass

jutting out every time she bent over and her massive tits wobbling under her dress. Harry

ended up pinching his thigh under the table, using the pain to try and clear his lust filled mind

as his cock strained against his jeans. As discretely as possible, he pulled out his wand and cast a

disillusionment charm on his pants to hide his bulging erection.

“Hello everyone.”

Harry looked up at the deep female voice to see Hestia Jones entering the kitchen. She had

short dark hair with a sharp featured, aristocratic face and stunning hazel eyes. She looked to

be in her mid-thirties, with a slim figure and small, perky breasts. As always, she was dressed in

fine robes and carried herself with an air of importance. Though she had never been anything

but kind to him, the way she carried herself reminded him of the way a lot of Slytherins acted.

Harry desperately wanted to see how her haughty attitude would change if he bent her over

the table and-

Harry shook his head, trying to clear his perverted thoughts. He had been thinking about going

to ask Hermione for a blowjob, just to tide him over until Fleur got home, but he didn’t want to

bother her when she was in the middle of her research. It was always a perilous endeavor to

get between Hermione and her books. He remembered Tonks telling him that Hestia was

willing to help him if no one else was available, but he still hesitated. Tonks was laid back and

easy to talk to, he’d known Fleur for almost a year, and Hermione was his best friend, but he

hardly knew Hestia at all. Essentially, it was like walking up to a complete stranger, one that was

much older at that, and asking them for sex. By the end of lunch, the needs of the curse

overpowered Harry’s innate shyness. As Hestia go up to leave, he followed her into the hall way

until they were far enough away from the kitchen that they wouldn’t be easily overheard.

“Hestia.” Harry called out in a near whisper, causing her to stop and turn around.

“Yes, Harry?” She asked, raising a rather regal looking eyebrow in curiosity.

“Er, well, Tonks said you would be able to help me if there wasn’t anyone else...” Harry said,

trailing off nervously.

“Oh!” She said, her eyes going wide. “I was under the impression that Fleur was helping you as


“She is, but she’s at work until six, and Tonks had to go on a mission for the Order before I woke

up.” He explained.

“I see.” Hestia said, looking as uncomfortable as he felt. “Well, if you really don’t think you can

wait until Fleur gets back.”

“I’m really sorry, I wouldn’t ask if I thought I could wait that long.” Harry said sincerely, getting a

nervous nod from Hestia.

“Shall we head upstairs then?” She asked, gesturing to the stairs.

Harry nodded and led the way up to the second floor. It was quite an uncomfortable situation

with the almost professional way Hestia was acting. It felt more like he was about to have a

medical procedure done than have sex with a beautiful woman. Even though it felt awkward to

him, the curse didn’t seem to care. He could feel his arousal building as they neared the door to

his room, his disillusioned cock staining hard against the front of his jeans. Just as he put his

hand on the door knob, she put her hand on his shoulder.

“Harry, I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone about this. My usefulness to the Order is

only as good as my reputation.” She told him.

“I won’t say anything, I promise.” Harry assured her.

A lust filled haze descended over his mind as he entered the room and she closed the door

behind her. The moment the door was locked and silenced, Harry was on her, pressing her

against the door and kissing her on the lips. Hestia squeaked in surprise, standing stock still for

moment in surprise. It was only a couple of seconds before she relaxed, kissing him back and

wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Sliding his hands inside of her robe, his hands glided

along the silk shirt she wore underneath. He rubbed his hands up and down her sides, getting

closer and closer to her breasts with each movement. Brushing the bottom of her bra, he

moved his hands up, enveloping her small breasts in his large hands. Hestia moaned into his

mouth as he cupped and squeezed her chest, parting her lips just far enough for him to slip his

tongue inside.

With a light pinch to the hard nipple poking up against the thin material of her bra, Harry slid

his hands back down her thin body until he was cupping her small, perky ass. Hestia felt

incredibly light as he lifted her into the air and pulled his lips away from hers, their eyes

meeting in a heated gaze. Her long, thin legs wrapped around his waist as he turned and carried

her over to the bed. As he crossed the room, he could feel his magic build up and release,

sending both of their clothes flying across the room. Hestia gasped as she stared at him, her

striking hazel eyes glittering excitedly.

“Wandless magic?” She gasped in an awe filled tone.

Harry smirked as he laid her on the bed with her ass hanging on the edge. Taking half a step

back, he lifted his rigid cock and laid it on top of the small, trimmed strip of dark hair between

her legs. Hestia stared with wide, lust filled eyes as she got her first look at his impressive size.

Grabbing his cock by the base, he raised it up and slapped it down on the slit like it was a club a

few times. Placing the head of his cock between her lips, he moved it up and down, sliding it

between her lips and rubbing her clit. Hestia panted as she stared down at his length, poised at

her slit and bucked her hips up at him every time he neared her entrance. Placing himself at her

entrance, he grabbed her legs and threw them over his shoulders before he leaned over her, his

hands on either side of her head. Hestia squirmed as he continued to hold still, a frustrated

groan leaving her lips.

“Is this what you want?” Harry teased her, twitching his hips forward and nudging her entrance

with the head of his cock.

“Yes.” She gasped, trying to push herself onto him.

Smirking at her, Harry pushed his hips forward, slipping the entire length of his rigid shaft into

her in one smooth thrust. Hestia threw her head back and let out a long, loud moan as he filled

her tight, smooth walls. Holding his length buried in her core, he slid his arms underneath her

and stood up, lifting her off the bed and holding her in the air. She was practically folded in half

with her knees over his shoulders as he started bouncing her on his cock.

“You just love this, don’t you? Being used as the cocksleeve for a big powerful wizard.” Harry

said as he raised and lowered her a bit more rapidly on his rigid shaft.

He didn’t know what made him say that, but if had a definite effect on her as she gasped in

outrage and tightened around him. It was like the curse was whispering to him, a voice in the

back of his mind that he couldn’t quite hear that was guiding his action. For reasons he couldn’t

explain, it didn’t worry him. It wasn’t like the voice he heard from the Imperius curse that was

demanding and forced your own consciousness to the background. This one was more like a

quiet, helpful voice whispering suggestions into his ear, giving him advice that he could easily

ignore. Harry’s thoughts were interrupted by Hestia’s nails digging into his shoulders, and he

decided to think more on it later.

“I asked you a question.” Harry growled, smacking her ass hard enough to leave a pink hand

print behind on her pale skin.

“Yes.” Hestia squeaked, closing her eyes as her cheeks turned pink and her walls spasmed

around his length.

Slamming up into her harder, Harry held her still by the hips as he picked up his pace. Within

moments, he had reached a blistering pace, his cock hammering in and out of her dripping slit.

Hestia dug her nails deeper into his shoulders, her nails leaving behind crescent shaped marks

in his skin as she let out a high-pitched keen. Her arousal drenched his shaft as she came, her

body tensing in his arms. Using her legs, she lifted herself off of his still thrusting cock when the

sensations became too overwhelming for her. Walking her back over to the bed, Harry laid her

down and rolled her over on to her stomach with her legs hanging off the edge of the bed.

Before she had even had a chance to recover, he grabbed her hips and sank his shaft back into

her, causing her to moan pitifully and quiver.

“Oh Merlin, Harry. I don’t know how much more I can take.” Hestia said, her hands gripping the

sheets tightly as he buried his full length into her once more.

Looking down as her pale cheeks, one decorated with a light pink hand print, he decided to

make them even and smacked the other one. Hestia grunted, her tight pussy clutching around

him at the impact. Smiling at the hand print that appeared a moment later, Harry grabbed her

thin waist and started fucking her again, gradually increasing his pace. Pinning her hips to the

mattress, he drilled into her tight core, jackhammering his large cock in and out of her. Hestia

buried her face in the bedding, muffling the gasps and moans that were being forced from her

lips by the rough pounding. Harry didn’t like that he could hear her anymore, so he grabbed a

handful of hair with one hand and pulled her head back. The moment he did, the room was

filled by the loud moan and chants that left her mouth.

With the brutal pace he set, it didn’t take long for Harry to feel his climax build to its peak.

Slamming into her a few more times, he grabbed the base of his cock hard and pulled out of her

suddenly. Using the hand holding her hair, he roughly pulled her off of the bed until she was

kneeling in front of him. Her eyes locked onto his wet, glistening shaft as he stroked himself

with his tip aimed at her face. Hestia closed her eyes right before the first jet of hot white cum

rocketed from his tip to splatter on her forehead, followed by another that hit her cheek, just

below her eye. Several more shots hit her face, hitting her nose cheeks and lips, but managing

to miss her eyes.

When he was done, she opened her eyes cautiously, her tongue peeking out to lick her cum

covered lips. Pressing the head of his cock against her lips, she looked up at him as she opened

her mouth to envelope his tip. Harry groaned as she sucked on his sensitive tip, swirling and

cleaning it with her tongue. When he pulled his cock out of her mouth, he ran the head of his

cock across her cheek, covering it in more of his cum.

“You missed a spot.” He said, a playful smirk on his lips.

Hestia glared at him, but cleaned off his cock again, drawing another hiss from him. Pulling his

cock out of her mouth again, he took a step back and helped her to her feet.

“You can use the bathroom to get cleaned up.” He told her, gesturing to the partially opened


“Thank you.” She said, turning and walking into the bathroom.

Harry sat on the bed, relaxing and savoring the sense of relief after hours of being aroused. A

few moments later, he heard the water in the bathroom shut off and Hestia walked out, her

face now clean. She looked quite awkward as she silently walked around the room, gathering

her clothes. Standing up, he walked over to her to give her a hug and gentle kiss.

“Thank you, Hestia. You’re a life saver.” He said, genuinely thankful.

“You’re welcome.” She replied, pulling back to finish gathering her clothes and get dressed.

With one last smile at him, she left, closing the door behind her. Harry fell back on the bed,

wondering just what in the name of Merlin’s balls this curse was doing to him.