Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results May 2005 Office of Mayor Tom Potter Contained within this document are the employee responses to 1 of 10 questions from the Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey, completed by almost 2,000 employees in March 2005. *Comments have only been edited to preserve the anonymity of employees. Comments are arranged by bureau. EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION “My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by…”*

Transcript of Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results

May 2005

Office of Mayor Tom Potter

Contained within this document are the employee responses to 1 of 10 questions from the Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey, completed by almost 2,000 employees in March 2005.

*Comments have only been edited to preserve the anonymity of employees. Comments are arranged by bureau.


“My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by…”*

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 1

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Because of budgetary constraints the office uses most of the additional resources to hire new attorneys. This is reasonable because we usually have a backlog of work for the attorney. However, attorneys need a legal assistant and paralegal to make him/her work effectively. The office needs more funding to add administrative staff to the office. Overworking the support staff is not the answer, not to mention the costly errors that can happen when work is being done in a hurry.


Being able to reward outstanding work. AttorneyCommunicating more. Listening more - and clarifying where changes can be realistically expected - and what cannot.


Having a systematic performance review system. AttorneyHiring a higher ration of staff to attorneys in order to spread out the workload, which is particularly high currently.


Hiring more people so we don't have to work so many weekends and evenings. Otherwise, it is a great place to work.


Holding employees (management and non-management) accountable for job performance. Attorneyimplementing a one-tier employment culture where all employees are considered equal professionals and by hiring sufficient support staff to reduce the work loads of the non-attorneys in the office. Our bureau should be encouraged to move away from the culture of a private law firm (an atmosphere where only the attorneys are perceived to have "status") and instead, become a team of professionals in the service of the city. For example, currently only the attorneys do a performance review on non-attorney staff. A less traditional and more productive role would be for the non-attorney staff to also do performance reviews on the attorneys they work with...


...These staff are amply qualified to provide important feedback on the attorney's ability to meet deadlines, utilize resources, write clearly, etc. Presently, this imput is not sought. During each budget process, additional attorney positions are added to the bureau but rarely are additional legal assistant and paralegal positions included. As a result, these support staff receive increased assignments to support these new attorney positions. (Many legal assistants currently support as many as 4 attorneys and many of the paralegals provide support to as many as 5-6 attorneys.) Ours is a very stressful, deadline driven work environment!Involving the employees in the day-to-day decision making process including work distribution, employee hiring and firing, etc.


It's a great place, keep it that way. I am privilged to work for this wonderful city. Attorneymore evenly apportioning work rseponsibilities AttorneyMore staff so we can spend more time on each issue. AttorneyNo suggestions. I think employee satisfaction is pretty high. AttorneyNot aware of anything my bureau could do it is not doing. AttorneyPromote increased voluntary transfers of work and subject areas within positions in the office. AttorneyProviding occasional complimentary donuts and coffee AttorneyThe yearly budget cuts have caused great stress on employee satisfaction. It appears the budget process doesn't understand the needs of our office. Everyone has too much work with very little city-wide support.


a better organizational relationship with BTS. AuditorApplying more respect, courtesy and consideration for assisting-manager, staff, and outside contractors, through genuine actions, not simply with words. Not overloading staff with immediate, special projects, on top of regular, time-sensitive work load.


doing what they are doing. My bureau seems to have a high level of employee satisfaction. AuditorEncouragement and incentives of doing a good job. Allow for proper meetings when issues arise... so "we're not the last one to know bit."


I think it's good now. AuditorImproving management's communication and personal skills. Auditor

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 2

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

keeping us all here at City Hall AuditorMore involvement by staff in decision-making. Auditorseeking input AuditorSharing more information with all employees - not just supervisors. I have no idea how to answer some of the questions above because I don't have any information.


(1) creating an environment of support from the Commissioner's Office. (2) selecting a temporary/permanent director that is fully qualified to lead the City in meeting its goals for life safety, housing, economic development, investment and preservation (natural resources, historic buildings, safe and livable neighborhoods, etc).


1) Managers and supervisors need training in how to be managers and supervisors. They need more than the City's 32-hour "Supervision Series", which is very basic. They should be on some sort of standardized professional development plan that requires things like training in: communication, conflict resolution, leadership, values/ethics, performance management, etc. 2) Don't promote people into supervisory or management positions just because they are technically experienced at the work of the division or workgroup. There should be NO expectation of being promoted just because one has worked in a position for a long time. No one should be promoted to supervisor/manager until they have proven that they show strong abilities in communication, conflict resolution, leadership, values/ethics, teamwork, customer service, etc. You can train folks in technical skills, but you CANNOT train for attitude or ability.


1. Aiding the flow of information throughout the organization - could include more frequent meetings of work groups, cross-training, etc.


Acknowledging the work of city employees both internally and externally. It has seemed that it was not politically correct for commissioners or the mayor to say positive supportive things about city employees or to request respect for employees. Employees need to be recognized for their efforts and good work.


Allowing us to fill our vacant positions, so our workload would be more manageable. BDSassisting employees who would like to advance in their careers the opportunity to do so. BDSbeing clear about the expectations we have of employees. Offering more career counseling. Giving them an opportunity to participate in decisions that affect them.


Being firm with employees that break the city policies, the bureau policies, and the union policies. Too many times I have heard people complain about having to pull someone elses weight because she has the union behind her when she is absent more that 60% of the time. That sucks the morale out of everyone. Commend employees for doing their jobs. Allow them the chance to move up in classification.


Being fully staffed. BDSbetter communication. When there is a legitimate concern from a co-worker, the situation isn't handled to a resolution. It seems to be 'swept under the carpet' and the management hopes the problem will just 'go away'. It creates hard feelings towards each other and people end up transfering out of the section or quitting the City.


Better consulting with employees about methods for increasing customer satisfaction instead of telling us what they think the customer wants.


Brief monthy recognition feedback from Management on Deliverables acomplished that month. 1 - Very Satisfied or 2- Good result and/or 3 -A goal for improving this kind of deliverable in the future would be to __________ (i.e. mention earlier that the scheduled delivery date is impossible)




Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 3

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Communicating better - feedback and/or constructive criticism and focusing on ways to improve. Emphasise working together as a team while recognising that we are all individuals


Communication and consistancy. BDSCompenstion BDSDeveloping a more hospitable work environment. One that emphasises the elements of respect, fairness and sincere caring. ---allowing communication in a non-threatening climate. Coordination among line staff is key since they are the point people that customers interact with. --keeping promises and following through with the mission and goals of the LMC.


Employees need recongnition for the things they do right and less for the things they do wrong. It seems like there are a few bad apples that ruin it for the rest of us that work very hard and never get reconized. People like to know that others appreciate their hard work. We get very little of that. When we do get it, it doesn't seem very sincere.


Encouraging council members to treat city staff in a spirit of respect and collaboration, instead of starting out a term of office with hostile language and sending personally-signed, threatening letters to each employee's home address.


Ending the nepotism and good old girl/ boy insider hiring practices. Stop Raising Management pay levels!!!!! We should not be paying Compliance Services manager and the Development Services Manager and all similar positions at 85,000 dollars a year. This is more then most attorneys make working for non profits, it is far too high of pay for the level of responsibility.


Fair and equal treatment. Don't allow staff to 'work the system'. If someone abuses their priveledges, and doesn't care enough about the blessing that is their job, they need to move on and let someone who would actually do the job effectively & appreciate the opportunity, have the position. Using up sick time as you accrue it, coming in late and leaving early does not show the respect a job with the City of Portland deserves.


Fixing the attitude towards employees--especially from HR--enter into contract negotiations with a positive attitude and try to get things done, instead of cancelling sessions and ignoring requests for information. Talk to the employees, don't keep us in the dark. Get more realistic about the staffing levels that are needed to achieve the type of service that we are striving to give to our "customers," but remember that this IS a government and that we are not looking at a bottom line of dollars, we are out to protect the public good. We have to serve all interests equally, so the idea of customers and using business training practices are sometime ludicrous


Following through on what they say. For more than three years I've heard the same song and dance about holding people accountable. It's a joke, since the same people are allowed to continue to sleep, read, make personal calls and surf the net for hours daily. Co-workers are allowed to refuse to do their assigned work, come in late and leave early, abuse sick leave and nothing is ever done about it. The office joke stops being funny when you can't complete your work because your co-workers don't do theirs.


giving current bureau employees a better shot at being promoted and getting the training needed to be promoted. Also reward (maybe only verbally or in writing) good work. Many times the supervisor only says something to employees when they screw up.


Have managers that are competent in the fields they manage. Let employees know where strategies come from; let them know that innovative ideas fromoutide the city are being reviewed.


Having all plans examiners/inspectors on the same page. Unfortunately, Interpreting the building code can mean different interpretations.


Having leadership that respects its employees. Creating a culture where employees are not afraid to speak up for fear of being fired, disciplined, or transfered.


having more realistic expectations BDS

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 4

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Having the director be more involved in ALL aspects of the bureau and by communicating more with Staff. I see that many planners in BDS feel that the directors have not been at all interested in planning and that BDS is the "Building Bureau" with a few planners thrown in. Many of us planners feel pretty demoralized when our work is not appreciated and we are criticized for being slow or difficult when we are implementing a cumbersome zoning code that another bureau writes. Incidently, if we could have more authority over writing the code that we implement I think we could effectively streamline the code because, after all, we are the planners who know how things are working. Many of the planners in BOP have not EVER worked in current planning, or if they have it has been many years.


Hiring more employees. Look at workload and hire accordingly. BDSHiring more staff. Workloads are overbearing and staff morale is quite low. Top that with daily requests to reduce staff to cut the budget.


Hiring the very best qualified person to be the new director ... and by not limiting the recruitment pool. Thanking staff more often and recognizing our accomplishments, frequently achieved under the duress of short staffing and constrained budget... and with an ambiance of a lot of negative press.


I think this differs for different people. For me, it is helpful to provide opportunities to learn new things, do new tasks, change focus. So for a while, it's great to work "at the counter," but then good to do case work, then maybe focus on some longer-range issues. I think that the proposal to do "conception to construction" projects - i.e., for the same staff people to work on a project from beginning to end - creates opportunities for variety and greater job satisfaction.


I think this differs for different people. For me, it is helpful to provide opportunities to learn new things, do new tasks, change focus. So for a while, it's great to work "at the counter," but then good to do case work, then maybe focus on some longer-range issues. I think that the proposal to do "conception to construction" projects - i.e., for the same staff people to work on a project from beginning to end - creates opportunities for variety and greater job satisfaction.


In my division, staffing. We are chronically understaffed, though through the good work of Kovatch/Leonard, help is on the way !!


Increase positive feedback directly from the managers to supervisors to the front line workers by openly recognizing excellent service for specific reasons. Instead of "Good job, everyone!" say directly to the individual, "Joe, thanks for getting that project done on time!" Establish clear performance standards and conduct regular periodic reviews. Reward excellence.


listening to employees and actually consider our ideas instead of blowing us off like some managers ----- do


Looking at the distribution of work loads. The City tends to say the level of difficulty is how pay grade & classification are determined, but if one employee is doning the equivalent of 2 jobs, and another has time to spare, then the work load is not right somewhere, and classifications, distribution of work and/or number of employees needs to be addressed.


management commuincating with line staff not solely through the labor management committee. managers do not communicate with line staff in staff meetings re: current issues. They are updates vs. dialogues.


Morale among planning staff in both BDS and BOP is very low. Upper management and City Council could do more to show that they value the contribution that the planning profession makes to the City. Measure 37, recent press reports, and the budget process have all made many of the professional planners here feel that the City Council does not value the work we do. Many people are looking for other work. Morale could be improved if people in leadership roles were more proactive in defending the need for good city planning.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 5

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Open communications between line level staff and management. Put the rumour mill to rest, especially if it is getting totally blown out of proportion. Update technological/systematic requirements necessary to perform our jobs such as laptops in inspector cars to enter info on the spot (such as police vehicles) Get bureau wide policy & procedures up to date, and cross train employees better.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE develop a culture that includes a humane HR that is a RESOURCE for employees struggling with burnout.. If not for the help of co-workers who offered a hand after recognizing my frazzled look and demeanor, there was nowhere to turn for advice or relief. Impromptu peer support has sprung up, but cannot undo bruising experiences with an unsympathetic HR and with supervisors who played a crucial role (for better or worse) in how / WHETHER an employee got through their crisis and remmained productive.


promoting from within. BDSProvide technical training & career path job training BDSProviding additional help to individuals who are already overworked due to time constraints due to lack of funding/budget cuts, etc.


Providing consistent answers to employees. For instance HR in our bureau does not give the same information to employees regarding FMLA leave and other information is often hard to obtain and may be incorrect. Also, it is often hard to do our jobs when City Hall overrides the code/policies on an inconsistent basis. One gets frustrated when that happens a lot and one does not know when it is going to happen and the chaos that it can cause. Also employee satisfaction could be better if there were fewer "chiefs" making the decisions and they usually don't get input from the the line staff who actually do the work and have to deal with the customers regarding the decision.


Providing regular training to managers and supervisors on administrative, communication, human resources, cultural awareness, and leadership issues.


Regular, Periodic and candid discussions of issues and possible solutions within the Periodic Employee Review, Peer Reviews and Staff Meeting processes.


Removing bad supervisors and managers - not promoting them. BDSSet goals, give direction to achieve set goals and honestly pursue and achieve needed change. Not change just for change sake.


The most important factor in maintaining employee satisfaction is making sure that all levels of bureau management - from section supervisors to division managers to bureau directors to commissioners-in-charge - ALL support and back up their employees. Nothing undermines employee morale more than not knowing whether or not your supervisors will support the work and decisions that you make. Currently, it seems that our elected officials are more likely to support a citizen complaint (valid or not) and let the employee take the fall, just to score political points with voters. NO decision should be made until all parties are heard and a clear understanding of how and why a decision was made has been vetted.


Treating employees as an asset, rather than a liability. Making sure management is willing to do their jobs, and not beat the desk at staff meetings saying that they don't want phone calls. Treating employees as if they are doiung something wrong when they have done it right is horrible.


Treating us as the intelligent adults that we re instead of degrading and humiliating us. All employees should be treated equally and have the same standards of performance put upon them.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 6

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Unfortunately it seesm to have become a fact of working for government, but when each budget cycle occurs, and there is talk of cutting back and laying off, it has a great impact on employee morale. Also, my sense is that most Portland employees do try hard to be good at what they do, and go out of their way to provide customer service, but what keeps coming back is that we aren't doing enough, or that things have to change for the better. That may be the result of a few employees who aren't making the grade, but all get punished. The never ending, "You're not doing enough, you have to improve, the public doesn't like what you (the bureau) is doing" is not a morale booster. Someone, sometime needs to defend all those employees who do a good job.


working on their internal customer service and not treating their fellow employees as the enemy--less gossip and more cooperation.


... respect and value the contribution of each employee, no matter what their position. Commit to providing all the personnel, tools and resources they require to do their jobs. Ensure consultants and contractors provide the best design and construction of equipment and facilities. Poorly engineered systems and shoddy workmanship provided by outside contractors are a major cause of employee dissatisfaction.


...requiring employees to work in the private sector for 5 years with low pay, no benefits, and no job security. You would see employee satisfaction with their City job skyrocket. Serious.


A- Making City Employees realize they aren't owed everything, that in a lot of ways they have it easy when compared to positions in the public sector. B- Simple recognition. There is some but it is always a little too little too late. Managers should provide more positive feedback in addition to the negative. I have never heard a manager say "Good Job, Thanks for Everything you did today." Something like that can make a whole week easier.


addressing labor-managment relations, creating a 360 review of the managers by the employees on a yearly basis and being required to address issues raised in those reviews. the "worker bees" are held to their performance reviews and managers should also be held to theirs. Most upper managment have no idea how managers are treating their staff. Thus, they need to know from the employees how they are being treated! If employee satisfaction is addressed and improved, especially in those parts of the bureau that are face to face with the bureaus customers everyday, this would help customer satisfaction as well...


...When you have happy employees, then that carrys on into their work ethic, which in turn would improve their customer service ethic. Discrimination against labor unions should be stopped. The City likes to discriminate against represented employees. Managers will treat you differently if you are represented and especially if you are an officer in the union. WE are all people and we need to act like civil human beings. If there is a concern raised, the outcome or hearing of that concern should not be based on if you are a represented employee or not. (I noticed this survey even asks if represented or not!)Annual surveys show BES employees are pretty satisfied. BESAppreciating the efforts of those that perform at high levels and find way that saves the city money. BES

Asking more of them and stop making excuses for average and worse performance. I have never worked anywhere that asked less of their staff.


Be fair and equitable in work loads and pay. BESbeing a real leader in the field of environmental protection. Preparing plans just does not cut it. BESBeing more appreciative. Award job reclassification/promotions by preformance, NOT the "good old boy senerio" or length of service.


being more clear about our joint goals and the importance of the role each employee plays in bringing us towards those goals.


Being more flexible. BES

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 7

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Better prioritization and succession planning. That means that everything can not be the highest priority and we ned to recognize it. With finite resources--budget and labor--we can not always deliver on-time and under budget. Sometimes things may have to slip; don't beat your staff up so hard if all goals are not met if everybody is working at or above capacity. Plan better for retirement; it's no mystery when some persons want to retire; start planning for a replacement or continuity of operations.


Better recognition BESBy opening up decisions...By finding solutions to the problems that drive state and federal regulations instead of complaining about regulations...by embracing it's stated mission that is far broader than pipes (they say it but don't act on it)...By embracing its role as part of the larger city instead of as an independent utility.


Communications BESContinuing to provide good mentorship to younger employees. This includes annual reviews, personal and professional goal settting, and opportunities for education and advancement. Identifying clear bureau priorities and seeing them through. Conducting detailed surveys and assessments to know the problems and social terrain. But then ultimately getting to implementation so that all of us feel that we solved the problem, rather than creating a plan that sits on a shelf, and feeling as though we put the hard work off for another day.


Cutting out retired management.Stop target severence, And get rid of the good ole boy system. BESdefending our benifits. Many of us accepted public services because we where willing to make less money in exchange for exceptional benifits. Reduce those benifits and you reduce a major motivation for working for the City.


Developing a rotational program for technical professionals like Engineering. Professionals need to continue growing and a rotation would help this.


Disiplining those who need it, Rewarding those that deserve it. By actually managing the bureau like a buissness. We need managers with grit, please no more fluff.


employee satisfaction is dependent on each employee. each person has potential to change his or her situation, but must make a personal decision to do so.


Empowering employees in their work and reducing management personnel BESEmpowering employess to do their jobs. Eliminating the current climate of fear that encourages micro-management by senior and middle management.


Encouraging managers to realize and communicate to those under their supervision that their job isn't any more important or prestigious than any other employee. There seems to be a large gap in compensation between the skilled laborer and management. Both jobs require skills and knowledge, but the laborer feels disrespected by not being compensated as adequately as management. A person who works hard physically all day in poor conditions doesn't understand how someone who sits in an office should be considered more important (based on wages). These comments are not my personal feelings, but what I have heard communicated frequently amongst employees.


Enhancing recognition and reward programs. Making it easier to promote staff. BESEnsuring that job expectations are clear. And that employees get regular opportunities to be heard. BES

Ensuring that work loads are distributed evenly. Busy employees are generally more satisfied than under utilized ones. It would be ideal if managers could offer the services of their employees who may be temporarily under utilized, to other groups or bureaus.


Firing the above. Try not punishing employee by shift bidding by cutting their hours of work. We hired as full time, don't dock employees 2 days work just because they bid a different job on our open bid. This was very mean and degrading thing to do to poeple who had to bid. What kind of work/ and employement ethics has this City stumped to anyway. What's with repermanding employees for work accidents by giving them time off with pay?


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 8

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Getting the budget under control so people don't worry about losing their jobs. BESGiving us a better sense of being part of a team working on meaningful tasks. Making sure that managers actually know how to effectively manage people and their feelings, concerns and work habits. many managers are good at mananging their work, but they don't have people managment skills, particularly the engineers. They are good folks, but they need more managment training.


Having increased recognition of accomplishments of people in areas that aren't in the lime light. Also showing commitment to the workforce by offering in house and external opportunities for training and education for everything from professional training and conferences and the persoanl development mentioned above. The Mayor should expect Bureaus to submit budgets with adequate $'s for training and learning. Training is always cut in the City budget process. Employees see this as a demonstrationof a lack of support and caring for the individual and the professional development of the individual not to mention giving the individual the tools to better do their job.




Having recognition of the real inspectors, in stead of the butt kissers. BESI have a large staff and I am impressed with thier committment to the job. The staff need to be recognized in front of the group when they do something good and held accountable during performance evaluations when they need to improve in different areas. I think we need to send a strong and consistent message to the staff and be honest with them and treat each like an adult with respect. Support for the staff is key to them and giving them a safe place to work is a priority.


I think there's a "new" (coming from someone who's been here for many years) aura of secrecy that is an inhibitor to employees feeling that they're fully contributing members of the bureau. In other words, when employees don't feel "in on" events and decisions happening in the bureau they're less inclined to feel any ownership or satisfaction with those decisions that are made. My impression is that there are just a few pertinent employees (in management) that are the driving forces in this area of "need to know" or "none of your business" or "I know something you don't know" that is prevalent - even when decisions and discussions should involve everyone in areas affected by those decisions. I don't necessarily feel this personally - but as an EEO rep other employees come to me to discuss some of these types of things and this seems to be a big one right now that is leading to employees feeling disenfranchised from the bureau.


implementing a solid performance management system BESImplementing performance appraisals immediately and provide better training opportunities. At other places I have worked, facililities provided "cash awards" to employees who were high contributors in terms of production and teamwork. In sum "blue herrings" in the end, many times become "red herrings".


implementing policies that focus on equity, establishing criteria for rewards/promotions, emphasizing the public service aspect of our work, letting employees know the value of their work.


In general I feel many employees are stressed because we continue to be asked to achieve more and more with less and less resource. The city needs to prioritize what is most important to be done, focus on doing that well and identify the things it cannot do with the restricted resources available. Continuing to nibble around the edges of all program areas ends up meaning that nothing is done all that well


Increasing the wage of "entry level" employees, and providing more promotion opportunities. BESKnowing what each other do. BES

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 9

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Leading by example and following through. Being clear about expectations and directions. Fostering team work and the idea of working together for common goals.


Let go of the information so we all understand why we are doing specific tasks or where we are going. BES

Making it a bureau expectation that managers will coach teams - not devle into project details or micromanage. We hore very intellegent and sharp individuals and then have 4 managers wordsmith every item they create. Also consider adopting liberal policies about leave and moving to part time - not prejudicing toward only full time workers.


Management here continues to create a hostile work environment by supervising represented employee’s lunch periods. (Which are the employee’s personal time, not The City’s). We are contractually obligated not to conduct union business on The City’s time. However with our personal time being supervised it is impossible!!


money is always good. Treating employees like assets, rather than adversaries is another. BESMore employee recognition events; recognize working staff level folks for accomplishments; etc. BESMore recognition both on a bureau level and on a city level. BESMore recognition. Better definition of vision, better leadership. BESMy bureaau could develop clearly delineated career ladders and an understanding about the opportunities and limitations of career advancement within the Bueau. In addition, the Bureau could provide internal and inter-bureau opportunities for employees to broader their areas of expertise and involvement, and in so doing, increase the cross-fertilization of experienced employees in City bureaus.


My bureau is trying to improve employee satisfaction. They could follow up on in-process work to identify ways to recognize good work and to improve conflict resolution.


No improvement needed. BESNot assume the us vs. them attitude. BESNot being so bureaucratic about how a succesful results is accomplished. BESnot being so hostile. the supervisors do not listen nor do they care about opinions/ideas from employees unless the opinions/ideas fit their agenda, right or wrong.


Not supervise employees during their breaks and lunch periods.And again,treat everybody the same.Favortism does not belong in the work place.


Not that it's possible, but the Portland Building is not conducive to healthy work. It's lack of natural light, dependence on bad neon lighting and cramped quarters do not promote productivity, happiness or collaboration.


Noticing the employees for what they contribute instead of rewarding managers for what goes well and Blaming employees for what goes poorly.


Practicing a fair and equal attitude towards ALL employees. BESPromoting from within. MAke managers responsible for bad decisions. Not do class studies that claim there is no money for raises for labor and then give them to management. Tell folks that the rivers are cleaner, the water is purer, our strrets are safe and our kids are getting good educations and we owe it to our public employees. Stop accepting that the private sector does better when there is no evidence that is true for almost all our core funcitons.


Promoting from within. Train and encourage employees to improve and learn. The process to qualify for a job is sometimes overwhelming. When you have to spend several days writing answers to questions and then having somebody who is not familiar with the employees work judge the test and determine who is qualified to interview. Many times employees will not even try because the test is so inimidating.


Provide more opportunities for advancement (horizontal or vertical), professional development. BESproviding better leadership that reflects the bureau and City mission of making Portland a better place to live and work


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 10

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Providing challenging work, variety. Opportunities to learn new things. Letting people take pride and ownership of their projects.


providing more incentives such as annual bonuses or raises based on merit and excellent job performance.


providing more reward and incentive for productive, long-time employees. Promoting employees from within.


Providing on-going recognition and celebrate successes and milestone. Promote and allow employees to be accoutable and responsible for their actions. Eliminate process!


Providing regular feedback to their employees Acknowledging good work with some type of recignition Acknowledging years of service in more frequent intervals (5, 10, 15, 20, etc) Keep childcare in Portland Building. This has been a big plus to my satisfaction with my employeement. Develop an exam, rating and selection process for hiring that is non-bias. Currently hiring managers are part of this process and can manipulate the system to grade their "preferred" candidate higher than those theydo not want. This is prejudgement in my opinion and keeps others out that may be better qualified. Ensure that graders are from multiple bureaus.


Providing sincere and frequent recognition of employees BESRecent surveys gave the Bureau pretty high marks when it comes to employee overall satisfaction with working for BES. However, employees seem to continue to want more flexibility in work and schedules, more information about and clarity of mission, vision and goals, more recognition -- both monetary and non-monetary, and more expedient, successful conflict resolution.


recognition that while rules are there for good order, they can also be used to provide favoritism either negative or positive.


Recognizing individual performance better and perhaps rewarding employees with additional time off or cash awards when possible.


Recongnition BESrequiring more idividual accountability. This is a serisuous issue from top management all the way down. We have a wide spectrum of ineffecient and counter productive managers... from the absentee Superfund Manager to decision/conflict-adverse Planning Group Manager to the out-of-touch-with-what-Portland-needs ESA Manager. Without mangement accountabilbity and a lack of clarity re what is important - employees flounder.


Respecting the abilities and performance of all employees. Providing opertunity for advancement from within instead of by racial quota. White men have value and a culture too.


Resurrecting the picnic and a more social employee recognition. I think a celebration of all groups is key in the continuing success of our bureau. We give out the blue heron and other awards but those seems to exclude so many folks and we are all working hard so lets open it up.


Rewarding employees who do good work and show initaitive instead of penalizing them. It is discouraging that finding and fixing mistakes or doing work that no one else is doing can get people upset or make them feel thereatend to the point that they make you stop doing that work. I like my job very much but this can be a hard place to stay modivated. Many people are more concerned with building a fiefdom than with doing any work. When people are caught doing this they should be removed. Honestly, it's as if I am being encouraged to keep my head down and do the minimum. I don't like it and know its wrong. Help.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 11

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

See above. If they can't pay us what we're worth, then they need to do more to recognize our accomplishments. Each group manager needs to do more (and more often!) to recognize his/her employees; even a simple thank-you or a small card/certificate works wonders. I work for the City because I know I am doing honest work and the people of Portland need me. The bureaus/mayor need to recognize that we could all go elsewhere if we wanted to, so they need to thank us for the hard work we do. It would be nice to have the mayor say it directly to each of us, but there are 8000 of us, so that seems far-fetched. It would be great for each of us to get a certificate from the commissioner or even our bureau director once in awhile. Our bureau has recognition programs, but the categories are awkward and don't recognize enough people every year. Finally, we need to know that our leaders are listening to us and care about what we have to say. I often feel that my opinions are not valued, and that demoralizes me faster than anything else.


Sharing some success stories of other programs. Better benchmarking. BESShowing appreciation for work done BESSmall, more frequent rewards for "Job well done". BESSupporting cross-training and other professional development opportunities. Clarifying roles and responsibilities for the Endangered Species Act Program as it relates to the broader watershed team within BES. Ensuring that the talents and skills of employees are fully utilized.


Teaching managers to communicate regularly with employees...even the not-so-good news. BESThe bureau now, and in the past, asks for employee imput on bureau goals and work projects, however, there is little to no follow through or expalnation on these sugestions. (lip service only). There needs to be an effort on the bureau part to follow through on sugestions with recognition to the employee or at least explain the reasons to the employee why the sugestion was reviewed but not adopted.


There needs to be a greater sense of mission and what our ultimate goals are, and how that relates to what we do in our daily duties. Management also needs to let us know what our successes are more often.


Training managers in customer service. Managers should be there to support the employees as much as employees should be there to support the managers.


transparency and fairness BEStreating employees well, including allowing flexible schedules (which also cuts down on commuting), keeping health benefits at at least the level they are now, and making an effort to make sure work groups get along well.


Treating us as the college-educated, mature individuals we are. By not making demeaning statements like "trained chimps could do your job." There is a theory that if you treat a person the way you want him to be, he WILL become that . The "act as if" principle. Treat people as through they have no common sense and no initative - and they will sink to that level - or find employment where there is more job satisfaction and respect.


upper management becoming more involved or at least informed with the "day to day" activities of the staff. Regular visits from upper management and the commissioner, so that employees know who they are.


While I understand we work under a civil service program and structure, the City has not supplied any incentive for employees to go the extra mile for the ratepayers or the City in general. While I think City pay is good pay it is based on time put in and not on performance. It ends up that there is no distiction between quality workers and ineffective workers. Perhaps the City as a whole should consider some sort of accolade for employees that provide exceptional service and dedication to the City. Something a little more tangible than an atta boy.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 12

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

1) Stop Commissioners trying to curry favor with voters by bashing City employees. It hurts us all in many many ways. Not the least of which, does he think he is inspiring citizens to vote for any public funding of anything by bashing public employees? 2) Develop real incentives/rewards for topped out employees and those in small Bureaus where there is little upward mobility possible.


Conducting an anonymous survey to better understand the issues and levels of satisfaction/disatisfaction lurking. - Recognizing and acknowledging that the rant of some public figures and the media about "bloated government" and expendable jobs against the backdrop of health care and PERs cuts, proposed hiring freezes, budget cuts and understaffing does a disservice to public servants and creates huge morale issues among a staff that routinely works tirelessly long hours to accomplish our work.


Encouraging greater interaction amongst employees, both at work and then out of work. At work brownbags, out of work social events, will help very busy employees to interact with each other more.


Having open communication, however, having a strong leader is key. My bureau does a rather good job of acknowledging and thanking people for their hard work. That is key to employee satisfaction.


Hiring managers who are trained and skilled in management. This seems to be a City wide issue from what I hear. See above recommendations Recruit and hire staff who are qualified (vs. highly over qualified) for positions and ensure that work activities match skills and talents Use administrative staff more effectively Reduce tendency to equate pessimism with maturity. Reduce tendency to equate constructive criticism and statements that we can and should do better - with negativity.


Increasing staffing levels to support the ambitious agenda we have undertaken. Allowing more employee recognition for outstanding work. We are not allowed to use federal funds for this. Increasing training opportunities. Our programs are natianally reknowned, and we need to attend national conferences and trainings to keep up our game.


pay increase and ability to go to various conferences BHCDplacing staff in the correct classification level. BHCDReducing workload stress. Everyone has far too much to do, and standards are set very high. BHCDSincerity and collaboration w/ all employees. Involve others at all levels in larger bureau projects. Lose the defensiveness. Be more open to change. Need more effective management of bureau managers.


Understanding the need for support at the administrative and fiscal level. BHCDBy being honest and forthright in conversations with the employees. BOECIncreasing minimum staffing numbers to approve more overtime so employees don't feel so overworked during long busy summer months


increasing our overtime budget, letting managment hire abouve minimum staffing for our workload and to prevent burn out. We should come first - the operations floor, need to find cuts somewhere else but not in 911 dispatchers.


Listen to and act upon input given by employees. Involve more employees in decisionmaking. BOEClistening and actually acting on decision BOECListening to employees and not seeing every suggestion as a threat to mngmt. BOEClistening to the employees more often. being consistent. BOEC

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 13

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

MAKE EMPLOYEES FEEL VALUED INSTEAD OF JUST ANOTHER NUMBER! Employees here for the most part do not feel valued. They are asked to continually do more with less, while management is focused on the new Hom Security Trailer they are getting. Employees work hard and long hours answering call after call because we are so short, and our management is taking educational courses, attending in-state and out-of-state APCO or NENA conferences (all management up to 6 or 7 people every month), or completing their degrees on Bureau time. They also telework so much that most of the employees rarely see them which increases the belief that no one cares and we are alone working our behinds off. It often seems that the Director, HR rep, and Administration in general forgets this is a 24 hour/7 days a week operation. If it doesn't occur between 9 am to 5 pm during the week, it doesn't happen. Employees who have SMT off, and have a question on Friday evening, do not get an answer until they return to work on Thursday. This feeds the belief that no one knows this is a 24/7 operation. We need to quit hiring administration people and/or increasing their pay grade out of funding for floor op


More emphasis on positive, less emphasis on negative. BOECObviously, I'm in management, we do what we can - but we are NOT miracle workers. We have time and money limitations. Also, this work force doesn't seem to realize that this IS work - it's not leisure time and there are expectations. I guess we could be more consistent in our expectations.


Open communication at all levels of the bureau BOECSee above. Also, voluntarily paying more for ** forced ** overtime than for regular overtime. Doing so makes a statement to our (long-suffering) employees that their continued sacrifice is valued. Also, we currently assign our shifts on a seniority basis. So an employee here for many years gets a great shift, and the junior employees gets the least desirable shift. Which right now is working 9 PM to 7 AM, with Tuesday/Wed/Thursday as days off. That must be a factor in why we have trouble attracting (and retaining) new employees. A 4 days on, 4 days off shift would do much to "even out" the inconsistency in shift assignment, and would allow newer employees to (occasionally) get a weekend off.


Staffing is such a huge issue right now. We do not have enough employees to do the job. Our bureau has mandatory forced overtime. 1 minute before you go home, you can be forced by a manager to stay for 2 additional hours (after your 10 hour shift) This is espicially hard on parents and those dealing with families and daycare. Lack of staffing also makes it hard to get some if any time off in the summer, the busiest time of the year. Some employees must wait years before they can take a vacation in the summer with their kids. I think the biggest hit to employee satisfaction in the past year has been the enforcement of the sick time rules. Nearly 50% of our bureau employees received a warning letter about their sick time this past year. Most of them on or near christmas. It was insulting and frustrating. There was no previous enforcement, and no warning that it would start. So many people are angry. I think if those letters could be removed, and everyone given a clean slate and a warning, I think it would do wonders.


Staffing. The job has a tendency to be stressful in and of itself, but as stated above, without appropriate staffing levels, this job can really wear someone down to the point of no longer being able to care or to the point of choosing to simply leave. Inter-bureau communication and understanding. The user agencies we dispatch for are, for the most part, completely unaware of what we are and are not able to do for them. This causes many harsh words, tones of voice and flat out rudeness over the air on dispatch channels. Dispatchers are often treated rudely and w/out even the smallest amount of respect one should afford to any other human much less a co-worker.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 14

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

This is a difficult question to answer because I feel our employees (myself included) are paid well, have fairly good benefits, retirement benefits, etc ... yet many employees are unsatisfied and almost feel like they're owed something. Honestly, I don't feel they are owed anything more then they already receive so I don't really have any ideas for this. People will complain they cannot get a day off, yet a large majority of our employees have nearly no vacation time left. They're obviously using it somewhere. Sick time use is incredible as well. I don't know why people can't come to work and do their job. I believe our bureau's average sick time use is quite a bit higher then the city's average sick time useage.


we have a fairly engaged group, with committees for many functions of our work. BOEC...allowing ample time to clearly articulate project scope, objectives, timeline, and resources needed to carry them out. ...allocating more resources to fewer projects. Most of the projects in my bureau are understaffed. If we worked on fewer projects, we'd not only do a better job, but employees would garner more satisfaction from their work.


1. As part of the BOP strategic plan, conduct exit interviews with staff who have left in the last four years. Was morale a factor in leaving the bureau? What steps should we consider to improve staff morale? 2. Encourage/facilitate staff exercise, to promote healthier lifestyles. Negotiate low membership rates with health clubs and clarify access to PSU facilities (which is close to 1900 Building). Encourage staff to participate in stretching and walking clubs (lend out pedometers and recognize X-mile accomplishments). Our work involves extensive computer work, with due dates that extend days and weeks out. Conscientious staff tend to work on without break. Does management allow/encourage flexing work schedules to allow for mid-day exercises (health club workouts, long walks and bike rides)? The City would benefit from fewer/less serious medical claims, more fit and happier staff.


Being more responsive to the concerns of workers. ------ BOPBetter matching city wide expectations with adequate staffing and work load balance. Uniform and blanket budget cuts without understanding function and needs renders entire groups ineffective and stresses remaining employees.


Creat an employee recognition system. BOPEnsuring adequate resources to get the projects done, and continuing to provide reources to monitor and track the success of those projects.


Establish a clear short term list of priorities and assign teams of professionals to work on highest priority projects. Other projects can wait.


Focussing on things that make us feel like highly valued professionals, not micromanaging us. All decisions about rules and such that apply to employees should be accompanied by the question: Will this contribute to or support the work of the Bureau? If it won't, don't do it.


Following up on promises made, and doing a better job of consistent, and clear communicaiton. BOPIncreased management skills, more opportunities for Administration to improve day-to-day functions. BOP

indication that top management doesn't ignore lower level issues in the office, that some administrative input filters its way to the top.


Making decisions or rules based on need instead of reactions or personal opinion or preference. Communication of rules/decisions in a clear manner. Many times rules/decisions are made or changed, but no one ever bothers to communicate those rules or decisions to staff.


Not eliminating any more positions. Increasing our budget. BOPReduce the number of specialists who are called managers in name only. Trust and rely on staff. Give staff support, both with clerical help but also by grouping staff into real teams. Don't make one planner responsible for movement on each issue. Current teams don't really work together, but just meet once a week or so to hear management announcements.


Resolving conflicts quicker,and spreading the work load among more employees. BOP

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 15

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

See comments under customer service. Having open conversations about our goals for the bureau's work, how we are doing and how we can improve. Assist us in managing huge public and political expectations on sometimes contentious projects with the realities of staffing resources (this includes saying no to City Council or the public).


The Bureau gives additional responsibilities without due compensation. It would be helpful to provide clear career advancement paths and to explain mechanisms for advancement. The complexity of the HR process is mind boggling and if employees are not given recognition for the level of work performed - we will go elsewhere.


valuing employees more alleviating stress in this workplace treating planners and admin staff equally not micromanaging


A 95/5 medical plan with sunset clause. FireA level playing field. No special interests. FireAbiding by the rules and regulations that they have set. FireAccountability measures put in place to hold city and fire accountable for waste and mismanagement of finances.


Acknowldege accomplishments regularly. FireAdd more Kelley Days and increase pay/benefits. I think people are VERY happy with our career at PFB.


Adequately staffing our bureau to meet our response time goals. Maintaining health care benefits at/or near there current level.


Allow us to make educated choices using common sense. FireAllowing more opportunity for overtime. This improves morale and makes workers happier, which reflects in one's work. Quit cutting our budget.


Allowing our management more authority in making personal discisions and eliminating HR from the process. I have personally seen several apoointments or raises put on hold for literally monthes because they have been submitted to HR, never to be seen again.


Already very high. FireApply all rules evenly to all members fairly. Require all to do their jobs completely, including officers to other officers.


Apply all rules the same! The whole chain of command. FireBacking off on the whole diverse and cultural awareness drive. FireBe willing to listen to ideas from the bottom of the "food chain." There are many talented people in this Bureau with different backgrounds that could offer viable solutions and ideas to city and Bureau problems.


Being aware of bureau's goals. FireBetter communication FireBetter communication of information throughout. NEED to answer questions and not ignore them. Fire

Better pay and benefits. FireBetter working relationships between the city officials and the employees. FireBy being concerned about ALL employees. FireBy being less adversarial and telling employees more that they are doing a job well, not only pointing out deficiencies.


By not giving out this survey. FireCarry out disciplinary action for employees who REPEATEDLY and INTENTIONALLY violate the rules. Fire

Compensation for additional certifications. FireContinue improving communication. Let employees know what's going on right, wrong or indifferent. Fire

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 16

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Creating an equal work environment - fireman/nonsworn personnel. There is definitely a double standard. Example: civilians no light duty allowed. Fireman - light duty allowed. Educational opportunities, promotional opportunities are almost nil compared with sworn personnel.


Creating only one hiring list giving employees a sense of fairness. FireCrisis management seems to be the prevailing style. Administrations seem content to sit back when no demands are placed on them and live day to day. Then the annual budget crisis comes along and huge amounts of time are wasted trying to explain why we do what we do. Administrations should be taught effective strategic planning. Our bureau has developed a strategic plan in the past but there was no allowance for updating it year to year. Not a great concept.


Current employee satisfaction is high. FireDeal with problem employees - but don't tell me or imply that this bureau as a whole has a "diversity deficit" or "cultural insensitivity." Get real, get informal, get going.


Develop better career development programs. FireDiscontinue cutting an already thin budget and realize what the fire service needs, and its importance in the community.


discontinue cutting benefits, keep pay comperable to like sized cities FireEliminate redundant non-emergency calls, modify EMS system to a true first responder system, not a bandaid/bellyache system.


Employee input. FireEmployee satisfaction is good within the fire bureau. It would be better if the city did not put everyone in this bureau and all others through a high amount of stress by always claiming to have no money left to fund the bureaus. This gets to be like "the boy who cried wolf." This is the 11th year in a row. The city has lost all credibility. It is totally void of credibility.


Employees already putting out a very high effort and performance. Leave alone a bureau who very effectively and efficiently delivers service. Placing more burdens on employees only slows down an already overloaded system. Higher expectation = smaller measureable results.


Employees in this Bureau are not only proud to be here, but we have an extremely high level of job satisfaction. This is a great organization to work for.


encouraging participation in the decision making process FireEnforcing abuse of sick leave and disability with all employees. FireEnforcing all rules and regulation and General Orders equally at all times. FireEqual pay for like comparison positions bureau-wide. FireFinishing the contract negotiations. FireFiring people in training that can't do the job and stop promoting people just because they're women. Fire

Focus effots on improving the employee through career develoment opportunitie; rather than the view that diversity through the ranks is management's main goal. Creating a negative perception that skin color and gender supercedes merit and training for promotions. The fire bureau does not have a clear career path between rank. Establishing a viable promotional track would encourage members to seek advancement through education.


Focusing more on work performance issues and less on small things like facial hair grooming standards.


Focusing training on emergency operations and hiring new employees through one competitive process.


Getting a better medical insurance plan. FireGetting back to the mission. FireGetting rid of the trainee list. Decreasing nepotism within the bureau. FireGiving us a substantial raise and 100% medical coverage because of all the crap we are exposed to. Fire

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 17

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Giving us more time to train for emergency operations and using less time for feel-good classes. FireGo back to a single hiring list. Use a competitive physical agility test. Cut back on EMS responses. Provide more 40 hour uniform positions, i.e. dispatching.


Having "City Hall" understand more about the bureau they are in charge of. What their charges have to deal with during their work day. Give some indication that the workers are no so dispencible.


Having a better appreciation for the employee. FireHaving chiefs and upper management that support firefighters not try to find ways to express authority. Fire

Having the fire bureau not be continuously being cut in size. Less personnel from when I was hired doing much more.


Health insurance after retirement. FireHelping develop the careers, and career interests, of non-sworn employees. At this time in our bureau the only employees authorized specialized training are sworn members. They are also the only ones authorized to participate in career development groups and committees. Nonsworn members have no support for participating in NW Leadership Conference, Career Conferences for Women, etc.


Hiring and retaining the most qualified and capable employee's FireHiring less, allowing more callshifts. FF's generally like to work more and like more money. FireHiring more homosexuals. FireHiring people that are capable of doing the job, not just filling quotas. FireHiring people who are able to do the job and not just those who make up the demographic that the Mayor's office feels important.


Hiring practices based solely on merit, not race or sex. Use one list to hire from. FireHiring quality employees and not lowering standards. We can get quality minority applicants without lowering standards and having two "lists."


Holding bureau heads accountable - demanding integrity. FireHonest communication between management and subordinates. FireHonest dialogue with employees. FireI don't really know if we do this well. FireI love my job. FireI think employee satisfaction is high, but we'll wait and see how the contract comes out. FireI think most employees are satisfied. No one ever leaves. So this departent can't be bad. FireI think our bureau is pretty satisfied. The overemphasis about how "bad" on diversity we are is causing some angst and dividing members, not bringing them together.


I think that every bureau experiences dissastifaction between those with decision making power and those without. How can the Mayor better work with the Chief?..How can City Council actually understand the issues of the Bureaus? How can the lowest member of the Fire Bureau really understand that the Chief is making decisions that are good for him/her? I think this is an age old problem.....that can only get better with VISIBILITY....and accountability..


Identifying those stations with high call volumes and lessening the load. Also, keep the emergency operations personnel focused on just that - emergency response. We are spending too much time on inspections, community outreach and not enough training.




If management would finally recognize that on every call we perform at our best. Management has never taken the time to say thanks for a job well done. Instead, management tries to screw us over every chance they get.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 18

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Improving communication between management/employees. FireIn my opinion, employee satisifaction is very good. FireIncreased wages, better health care and dental, less hours working. FireIncreasing leadership training. FireInforming the public what constitutes a 911 response and working towards reducing 911 responses to non-emergency calls - i.e. transport onlys.


Keep employee involved in direction and functions of his job. FireKeeping employees focused on what they were hired to do! Enforcement and inspection of fire/building codes is not something a line firefighter should be doing. We want to do the job we were hired to do.


Keeping health insurance coverage at current levels with no increased cost to employee! FireKeeping upper management out of everyday decision making. FireLess "nickel and diming" at contract negotiation time. FireLetting the individual firehouses develop its identity and personalities. FireLetting us do our jobs and provide better and continuing training and stop cutting essential programs and positions.


Letting us do our jobs. FireListen to our ranks and make our satisfaction a priority. Stop trying to undermine our jobs and benefits at every turn.




Listen to what we need. Then do something about it. FireListening from employees. FireListening to all employees, not just the most vocal. FireListening to employees who have good ideas, not give lip service then do what was going to be done anyway.


Listening to them, and by ending the atmosphere of fear and reprisals; and by replacing obsolete/unreliable/unsafe equipment.


Listening. FireListening. FireMaintaining fair and open communications. FireMake decisions based on employee's interests. FireMake it easier to get needed equipment. More support for the job we do. FireMaking ALL EMPLOYEES acocuntable, from the supervisors down. FireMaking one list and hiring solid individuals. FireMaking the employees feel like the city leaders stand behind our needs. FireMore carefully tracking station workload issues. FireMore input from the line on decisions affecting us - i.e. equipment, SOPs FireMore money for raises and healthcare. FireMore money, better health insurance, more time off. FireMore money, less hours. FireMore supervision of people. FireMore time off or more money. FireNo more cuts! FireNon going after small issues and focusing on important issues that deal with safety and improving working conditions.


not changing anything. FireNot cutting health benefits. Fire

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 19

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Not cutting our budget every step of the way., decreasing our staffing levels to unsafe levels. Not cutting all of our benefits and health coverage. Not worrying about small, petty and non-important issues - like mustache grooming - when there are much more important issues to focus on rather than personal agendas. Letting people do their intended jobs - i.e. training chiefs not being able to fire incompetent recruits because we have to meet certain quotas, affecting our safety on the line. I wonder if it will take killing someone because of an incompetent person on the line that should have been fired?


Not having to do surveys to justify our jobs. FireNot hiding behind open forums for decision making when an outcome is already decided. When decisions are made by "management", own them, communicate why and that nothing is ever final, but it might be a while before things are changed.


Not recruiting, and hiring the best person for the job. FireNot robbing employees of benefits for them and family; especially after the service we (employees) give to others.


Not worrying so much about things like diversity and cultural awareness. FireOffering incentives for good job performance. FireOpen communication. FirePay raise and not just CPI. FirePaying employees a comparable wage as same size cities on the west coast. FirePaying for medical insurance and lowering hours. FirePerformance evaluations scheduled a couple of times a year. FirePressuring the protential retirees to take their complaints away with them. FireProviding character training. Not just for specific employees, but for all. A strong and virtuous character is what gives us the strength to recognize and support others when they do things right. Trust, encouragement and support of each other result in a better working environment.


Providing complete and total medical insurance to employees. You take care of your people!!! Period. 100% paid.


Providing consistent scheduled time for fitness. Not just by saying we provide you an hour to workout. Make it a priority like other training and block it out in outlook.


Providing good benefits and good training. FireProviding more man power and money. Since we are trying to give more with less so the tax payer gets more bang for their buck. We are suffering with more work and more vending out. I think we could be saving the tax payers money if we had more man power to help prevent vending out which cost the city more.


Providing more participation in decisionmaking. FireProviding retirement medical benefits like the TriMet bus drivers get. FireQuiting the inspection program. We are busy enough without inspections. FireRealizing that employees are willing to work hard for decent wages and benefits and that they can be trusted.


Receiving support from city council. I feel the new mayor used an attack on police/fire pensions to improve his election chances. I feel council uses media to gather support against pensions.


Recognizing accomplishments/promotions of all employees, not just sworn employees. FireRecognizing and appreciating the job the employees do for the city. FireResolving labor agreements favorably. FireRetaining the good medical coverage we have had up to this point, rather than taking them away as has been the recent trend.


Rewards and acknowledgement. FireSettling the contract. FireShowing equal respect to all individuals including new hires. Fire

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 20

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Stabilizing the work environment. Personnel are constantly detailed to save dollars in staffing. OT opportunities are reduced only to see the police bureau's increased. Redirect our focus to training and emergecy response. Shift inspections back to trained inspectors.


Start moving towards the true ideal of a "first responder" medical system. Take back control of the bureau from Dr. J and the county.


Stop cutting the fire for the last 15 years and adding that money to the Police Bureau. FireStop forcefeeding us views of a differing opinion than our own and expecting us to accept them as ours.


Stop making changes to a good system just to make changes. Tradition is a good thing we do not want to destroy for ideas that do not help the PUBLIC.


Stop treating us like the "Sword of Damoclece" is hanging over our heads all the time. FireStop with these silly surveys. FireSubmitting an acceptable contract to us for the first time. FireSupport current budget with no cuts. FireSupporting. FireTake the time to say thank you for smaller things. FireTelling employees what's happening, instead of trying to hide things. FireTraining dispatchers to correctly triage calls so that the calls are correctly coded. FireTreating all employees with dignity and respect. Not allowing upper level managers to play favorites and use vengeance and personal grudges to assign work place assignments.


Treating employees as humans. FireTreating employees equally. This is not being done. Some are singled out and some are allowed to get away with anything. Lack of performance, late for work, abuse of city policy. Working on personal on city time. This known by management, but nothing is ever done. This is frustrating to the employees that DO work.


Treating employees fairly. FireTreating everyone as equals. Because of the push for affirmative action, I have seen opportunities given or a lack of discipline based on gender and race.


Treating us with the respect we deserve. Make healthcare a priority for police and fire. FireTrust us and support us. If we make a mistake, sometimes a strong finger is all we need, instead of a hammer.


Trust us. Allow for more input from lower levels/non-management towards policymaking/quality of life issues.


Trusting us to do our jobs without second guessing what we do. Allow us to hear what the superiors want done and then allowing us to do that task as our training and common sense tells us to do. Trust us, trust us, trust us.


Understanding that lowering employment standards and having special consideration for certain groups causes friction and resentment within our work force.


Union is doing what they can already. Bureau just needs to listen to its employees. FireUnknown - most employees (that I know) enjoy their job. FireUp grading positions that are out data by the type of work that is now performed Firevisiting stations and asking. FireWages, healthcare improvements, enough with extreme discipline for unextreme situations! Don't sit around looking for way to "hang" the employees. We are supposed to be here for a common goal! Analyze complaints before convicting! Sometimes the source fo the complaints is the problem!


We are the premier fire department on the west coast. Our pay should reflect that. Right now we are 8% behind the average pay of our real comparables. We should be close to the top.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 21

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

We have high loyalty toward each other. This is born out of our rich tradition of public service. Our workers have pride in being members of our bureau and the kind of service we provide. This pride has nothing to do with city awareness training or city manufacture programs. The way to build on our high degree of moral is to allow bureau managers to lead and direct operation free of constant city medaling. The constant budget dance of justifing our very existance time and time again is dabilitating and detracts from our mission, energy and our leaders ability to lead...


...We have suffered consistant cuts over the last 12 years yet we are the cities highest rated bureau. Seem the city values poor service and low customer satisfaction more. Stop the budget maddness where unders knoledgable commisioners and aids direct bureau managers on where to cut and where to spend. Let the highly paud expert bureau manager lead. If you are going to cut just doso by giving us a stated dollar or budget amount to lve within and let the bureau heads and their team decide how to spend it. The past and current budget processes have been giant sink holes for money time and energy.Withdraw company based inspection with fees attached. Reduce number of surveys required for bureau.


Work load equal to the hours in a day, so you could accomplish high quality work. FireWorking harder toward a FAIR labor agreement. Fireacknowledging them LicensesAppreciating the talent that exists within the work force. Impression being given to staff is that they are all dispensable, just like any fry cook.


being consistent LicensesDiluting the power based in our Operations/Policy manager by creating a management team based upon collegiality. When over one third of the workforce has more experience, education, etc than all of management combined there can be no improvement. Our bureau management operates in secret and has control/authoritarian based world view. The workers of this bureau have not been allowed to do their jobs for about 5 years. Why? because management must micro-manage and only managers have knowledge enough to rule the bureau.


Don't keep screwing with us. And don't give hard-working employees acknowledgement (through a promotion or reclassification upgrade) and then take it away and still expect them to do the same work (or even more). That still sickens me. With all the cuts I didn't see certain upper management offering to take any paycuts. DO NOT CUT THE STAFF IN THE FILE ROOM AS STATED IN THIS BUDGET CUT!!! WRONG, WRONG MOVE AND IT'S APPALLING. RECTIFY THIS ASAP. THIS IS THE LAST PLACE THAT SHOULD BE CUT FROM AND I'D WAGER MOST OF THE STAFF AT LICENSES WOULD CONCUR.


Giving us more feedback on a regular basis on how we are doing with specific information on our performance on a daily or weekly basis. Also we should be given the opportunity to explain or talk about difficulties we might have in obtaining performance goals or quotas.


hiring a leader who is not demonstrating age discrimination and who wants to connect with his workers. Isolation and inappropriate reprimands in meetings does not do wonders for the workplace.


Just by saying to someone that the're doing a good job once in awhile. You don't have to make fancy placques or awards.


Letting us do our job, many of us have been doing it for a number of years. With the increase in automatic billing the bureau has changed. However no input was allowed from the people who dealt with the public for years, and knew most of there accounts. Now we do not even go out and check. Just phone calls, but these are all collection calls. Decisions are made for us. with little or no regard to what we know is needed to help them stay in business. Which should be the main goal of the City, no business no City.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 22

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

listening to what we say, Not making so many changes, without first thinking the process clear through and getting our input and not throwing it aside. Be more one of us, Not like a drill sargent. Not having so many meetings, and give the employees more personal attention.


Maintaining current staffing levels. We are already at a point where no back up exists when an individual is ill or takes a vacation. Cross-training has become virtually non-existent because no one has the time to fill the necessary functions for another employee during that employee's absence-- because his/her own responsibilities are more than enough.


No suggestions. Morale is as low as it has ever been. LicensesOur bureau needs to be consistent in employee discipline. We have 3 office bullies who seem to run the show. These 3 people constantly keep turmoil roiling in our office. Hopefully, our line supervisors are trying to handle this problem.


providing the tools and support to do the job. LicensesReasonably priced parking. For people who commute from outside the Portland area, the extra time involved in the commute is valuable enough to make it worth driving straight to work, then instead of paying in valuable time, you pay outrageous parking costs.


Setting clear standards...written with exact job expectations. LicensesStop using fear as a motivator. Stop demanding instantaneous results. It shows a lack of appreciation for the complexity of what staff does.


There is too much in-fighting and personality conflicts that have been alloed to escalate into "turf wars". This is not only lowering morale and satisfaction but causing an aura of a hostile work environment. To date, this has not truly reached critical mass but the possibility is ever-present.


Treating each employee as a person of value whose contribution is appreciated. Management seems to regard staff as interchangeable, easily replaceable drones.


Working on inproving the tools that we have to work with ie: computer programs, collection tracking system. More outreach to business in Portland.


: training supervisors to show appreciation to their employees for their work efforts. This happens sometimes, but not often enough.


1. Eliminate concrete thinking. If a manager decides that an employee is worthless, it will not matter what that employee does to improve because concrete thinking will not allow those improvements to be realized. 2. Acknowledge all employees, not just favorites. 3. Allow equal opportunity to all employees, not just to favorites. This involves projects, information, training, promotions. 4. Eliminate process tracking as it creates non-teamwork amongst co-worker and departments, places employees in position of supervising co-workers work. Can easily be used to single out and cause abuse to an employee by other employees.


1. providing employees with training to improve their skills. 2. Fair compensation to employees compared to employees of other bureaus.


1. Quality support, where there is trust generated between both parties. 2. Making the work-environment safer than the level it is currently at, right now. 3. Holding people accountable for their actions, or lack of actions taken. From the top to the bottom.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 23

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Accepting consolidation is hard. Accepting change is hard. Agreeing on "new" standards and practices is hard. Not everyone will be happy. Not everyone will agree. There is less ability to manage day-to-dayactivities and resources as a result of fewer managers and creates resulting problems. For example, Joe Smith (is unhappy about consolidation) sits at his desk all day now and does little or nothing. He is located on the 8th floor. His manager is on the 4th floor and also manages 35-40 people who are spread out geographically. This same manager is responsible for organizing and managing the changes that go along with consolidation. This manager doesn't have the time or the ability to manage the people issues. So, Joe Smith continues to do nothing and get paid. His co-workers see this, they are unhappy and frustrated because they carry the burden of the work. There is no resolution to the problem. The problem spreads (as more and more employees become disillusioned with consolidation). Morale and motivation go down.


acknowledement of accomplishments OMFAcknowledging the dedication, resourcefulness and loyalty of the staff. However, this must be done in a sincere manner and not in a contrived or 'blanket' type way. The ZAPP program is really good at this, especially with peer to peer acknowledgement. However, I would like to see supervisors get coaching/training on recognizing individual's performance successes and honestly demonstrating gratitude.


actually making changes and asking the departments for improvements, instead of just guessing for what looks right on the outside.


Addressing employee concerns as they come up and not let them fester. OMFAllowing alternate workplaces field trips spread over one year where everyone is given two hours to be onsite with different bureaus than their own.


Allowing for personal growth (training opportunities) - open management style - individual kudos for a job well done - some departments in our area are not as flexible in that area - rigid managment syle - we are lucky - we have that in our department.


an occasional thank you can make a world of difference. OMFAsking us questions like these - what are the ways we can improve our bureau? Improve custerom relations? Intra-bureau communication? Have an annual facilitated discussion.


Being a little more decisive in times of change. I think right now we're too worried about making a decision and as a result we spin our wheels and waste time instead of moving forward and focusing on customer service.


Being fair and giving equal justice to all instead of the "Good Old Boys Club" method. OMFBeing honest, direct and straight-forward. OMFbeing more aware of employee needs and the extra workload everyone has assumed after years of cuts in lower level staff while adding additional layers of management. not to mention the extreme gap between management and lower level staff in compensation


Being more employee "life outside of work" focused. Deadlines are important, but when deadlines become the focus of everyday work, something is wrong.


Being more inclusive and forthcoming on bureau decisions. Asking for and considering employee feedback.


Being more responsive to dealing with issues, rather than waiting for things to "blow up", or hoping that the issues will "go away". Taking an interest and understanding the bureaus work load and then deciding on the scheduling. priorities, and resource needs of the work to be done. Being more supportive of employees and their efforts. Focusing on planning, recource management, communicating with employees, and how all of these fit into our current work load, financial situation, and most importantly City goals.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 24

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Better supervisors would help: folks who address problems promptly, uphold standards uniformly, coach for success and train effectively. Dealing with employee behaviors which make the work environment difficult for others. Using employee suggestions as often as possible. (Note: did you notice that your Q & A on how you will use this information didn't answer the question at all? Not encouraging.)


By allowing people to take a vacation and if they don't have the time, let them take it without pay. As well as cut the sick leave policy off by allowing each individual a flex day.


By allowing us to develop more efficient practices, so we can do a better job instead of thinking status quo & politics should be the focus instead of getting the job done with fairness to the customer. A simple and sincere thank you would go along way.


By continuing to listen, support and aknowledge individual and group accomplishments. OMFby enorcing employees who do not follow policy and procedures to do so and hold them accountable. That way we are all on the same page providing excellent customer service


By including in the equasion, workibility issues with productivity. OMFby listening and implementing good ideas and changes. OMFCOMMUNICATE. In a timely manner. It always seems that the important email is delivered at 4:30pm on Friday. Many members of the staff work earlier shifts and are gone and consequently don't learn of an important change until Monday--unless it appears on the news that night.


Complex problem OMFConstant communications on current and emerging issues, surveying employees about their needs and responding positively, encouraging and supporting some on-site social events (potlucks, holiday party, etc.)


Continuing to communicate and manage the workforce for success, through training and performance expectations.


continuing to provide training and career advancement opportunities. OMFCreting more flexibility City HR rules OMFDeveloping a strategic plan and communicating the plan to employees along with an explanation of what kind of role staff will have in executing the plan


developing career path/training programs OMFEmpowering workers to say “no” to work that will require more than eight hours a day to complete. Happy employees have a balance between work, play and rest.


Ensuring that employees are classified and compensated properly and encouraging a greater sense that employee concerns are valid and will be heard. Management has also done a very poor job of designing an organizational structure for my bureau. The bureau has been structured to have a "proactive" and "reactive" group, which is absolutely unfeasible given our current employee skill sets. In this case, management does not have the technical or organizational understanding to realize that only a few employees possess the training necessary to work on portions of our physical and logical infrastructure...


...Employees who support and troubleshoot the deployed projects must have the same skill sets as those who designed them. Unfortunately, those that devise the organizational structure don't have the technical knowledge to understand this very basic point. Currently there is no outlet for employees to express concern with this organizational design and feel that they will be heard. Furthermore, those employees forced to scramble to work both sides of the organizational structure are not compensated appropriately since they technically aren't supposed to be helping the other side of the organization.

Expecting all employees to use good work ethics and abide by the rules. Standing up to the employeeswhen they don't. IE, tardiness, sitting on the phone, using the internet on work time. Everyone should be treated the same and no special treatment for those that can't do their jobs.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 25

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Fixing the problem with the ACT/CT positions and restoring a career path. Additionally, it appears that no matter how well you do a job, promotions are not available to "some" people, if they are generally not well liked by a manager. It does not matter if you are respected by other bureaus and have received a lot of attention and praise from them.


Flex-Time, even having an opportunity to work a reduced week would be great. As a parent. full-time exempt employee I would love to work a 35 hour week, even knowing that I wouldn't get paid for the extra time, etc. I put in, I would jump at the opportunity to work from 8:30 to 4:30 to ensure I get my kids to where they need to go and that I am home to have some quality time with them while still providing great service to City employees and their families.


Following through and if enough people complaiin about something to then do something about the problem.


following through on stated plans. We have consistently undergone various studies, etc. only to have no changes in the end. It seems that a great deal of time and money is spent on researching various things for various reasons, only to have no action in the end. It is frustrating for employees to hear that consultants have been hired to assist with process improvements (or other such things), only to have absolute inaction in the end.


fostering better communication among managers and between managers and employees so that projects are not done without overview to completion.


fostering the philosphy that happy employees are productive employees! OMFGetting updated equipment to hire more people to create a less stressful environment. OMFGive clear signals on what is expected in the way of performance, again for each individual and work units. Give people the training and freedom to accomplish their work. Call them up short if they are not performing and give them due recognition when they do a good job. Don't ask people to do anything that you would not do your self. When crunch time hits, as it alway does, be there willing and able to work with employees. Be able to get your hands dirty. This advice is for management.


Giving BTS Operations management more support in their efforts to organize and implement centralization of staff and resources within BTS. The more organized this part of OMF becomes, the happier their employees will be. Defining "re-defined" job responsibilities and descriptions is important for employee satisfaction.


Going through a discipline process for people who have attendance problems. Staff are frustrated with picking up extra work on a regular basis because coworkers are not here. Also, by improving the relationships between staff and their supervisor. Many staff do not respect their supervisor.


Having a trustworthy manager, clear and concise information on what's happening with our division. Fair, non-harrassing treatment to all employees. No more favoritism. Someone who actually knows what they are doing.


Having clear objectives and improving poor communications. OMFhaving more resources so we were not spreading ourselves so thin. OMFHaving Positive Recognition. We receive very little recognition for the daily tasks that we accomplish. Granted, these tasks are expected, but it would boost moral & productivity to be shown that our work is appreciated.


Having upper management clearly state what the goals & objectives of the Bureau and the Divisions are. We get little or no input in this area. Our bureau also used to have an annual 'employee recognition' lunch, which has been discontinued.


Hearing more positve feedback from our customers and the City Council. Our folks get weary of always being seen as the "fluff" though each is a committed and professional public servant. We also have to balance regulation and customer service all the time in our work. More training and support around the client focused consultative model of providing service would help folks feel more confident in their work.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 26

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Hold employees accountable to meet stated goals. It kills the joy in so many employees to work hard, do a good job, and be treated the same as an employee who coasts. End the practice of relocating managers that fail to 'special projects'. Entitlement must end. Hire labor relations staff who have sole responsibility to support managers who supervise represented staff. Their mission would be to maintain productive relationships with labor and management and assist in the details of supervising these employees under the contract. Specifically assisting departments with performance measurements. Supervisors do not have the time to effectively follow the contract and progressive discipline confidently, and therefore when in doubt many times do not act.


honoring families of whatever type the employee has created, treating us as adults, and allowing us to work flexible schedules as long as the work gets done so we can be there for our families.


I believe employee satisfaction begins in the Council chamber. I've been watching Council dump City money all over the place while cutting bureau budgets over the last ten years. Benefits have been cut, and now there's talk of freezing merit increases and COLA. If the employees feel that Council is punishing them, why should they be motivated to meet Council goals?


I think we try to do a very good job in this area too. OMFImproved communication channels to surface issues to an appropriate level where action will be taken to achieve resolution. Reduce employee frustration by including staff in strategic planning and decision-making processes, then FOLLOW-UP on how their contributions are being incorporated or not. Implement methods to recognize employees' contributions. Support collaboration between teams when it increases efficiencies overall for the bureau, rather than staying trapped in proprietary boundaries for projects. For instance, allocating resources to projects based on skills, rather than simply team affiliation.


Improving communication, respecting workers and flexiblity being a two way street. Listen to what they have to say, treat them with dignity and respect.


Improving employee satisfaction would require making the employees feel as if they have a voice. OMF

Improving its internal communications and supervisory practices. OMFImproving long-term budget stability, and create additional post-retirement health care savings programs.


Improving performance expectations. Unproductive teams are unhappy teams. OMFIncreased awareness and participation in goals of Bureau. Have open discussions with employees and middle managers rather than rely on assumptions and hidden agendas.


Increased communication between decision makers and those behind the scenes who are doing the work.


Involving the employees that do the work in process improvement conversations, and policy making decisions. Please do not take one more group of employees into a room and ask input on a "cooked deal" That has been transparent enough. Employee Reviews of Supervisors/Leads perfomance before or at the same time of the employee's "review". A review process to hold these Supervisors accountable.


Keeping in touch more with personnel--how can management improve job satisfaction OMFletting all employees feel as if they are an important part of important work. OMFletting employees know that they are of valued. The value I mention is self worth and value to an organization (not financial value).


Letting systems settle down before encorporating additional changes. Management could have a much greater understanding of sophisticated systems before demanding increased performance while threatening use of "at will" employment solutions. Management could evidence greater empathy for employees working with very difficult systems demanding the contradictory goals of both customer service and increased efficiency.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 27

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Letting us do our jobs and to not think they know how to better serve our customers by restricting our ability to think on our feet.


Listening and hearing what is being said about concerns, and seeking to understand the true challenges of any given position by taking the time to learn the job of their subordinates. Maybe by spending a few hours (or a couple of days or a week) actually doing the job and seeing first hand what doing the job entails (this is mainly directed at the Call Center and Service Center areas). Also, finding out from employees what motivates them to do a good job.


Listening to employees and hearing their concerns and suggestions would help. OMFListening, being fair OMFMaintaining a stable yet efficient and effective work force and working environment. OMFMaking decisions based upon a process that involves research and investigation. It seems that decisions get made based on a certain politcal outcomes and then justified later.


Making it mandatory for managers, supervisors, lead workers and the like attend supervisory training. I've found that most supervisors in the administrative end of our work do not have the people skills to go with the technical or educational skills they have to do their jobs. This can create problems when the managerial skills are non-existent, due to miscommunication, misunderstanding, and/or no communication at all, until a problem is out of control.


Management change - style. Not interpreting the contract to meet their own goals. Not be so argumentative and hanging upon specific words under the contract.


Morale in BTS is at an all time low. 3 years ago a consolidation of IT staff was approved by council. I think the consolidation was a good idea. However its implementation leaves alot to be desired. Basically there wasn't and never has been a plan. Users (our customers!) have suffered while we kludge our way towards a consolidated future. The current BTS model "Proactive team" and "Reactive Team" is very confusing, doesn't make much sense to many of the support staff


More communication and more acknowledgement. OMFMore flexibility in work schedules. OMFMore flexibility in work schedules. Not use sick leave as a form of punishment and the threat of losing flex time as a weapon.


More hands on supervisors who know about the work, and can interact with individual employees about their dailly work.


More opportunities for internal morale building events...people are too swamped and scattered to do much.


More responsive management. Questions are forwarded and if an answer isn't received within five minutes, you know you're going to have to keep bugging them.


My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by reducing the number of managers and increasing the number of workers.


New blood. OMFNot being so critical when employees are putting their fullest efforts into acheiving their performance standards; consistent application of the personnel rules; More participation in the day-to-day workload from upper management and less "delegation"; Hiring adequate staffing or redistributing the work loads.


offering all employees in all divisions the same opportunities for flextime, management leave, etc. OMF

Offering flexible schedules OMFOpen Communication Better pay scale and compensation Flexible schedules OMF

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 28

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

People seem pretty happy although the work load is increasing without any more resources. The Hawthorne Effect says that the most important thing to increase productivity is simply to let employees know that you are trying to really make their jobs better. Give them some kudos and quit acting like there are big problems. Stating the four goals indicates that the mayor thinks we are not aware of these factors. Why tell employees they are not doing a good job in these areas, especially when there is not reason to think we are not already working at it? Tell the mayor to rethink this and let the employees know they are one of the best workforces in the nation; that would be a good start rather than saying we are deficient.


Place supervisors who really care about their people in the right positions. OMFPlacing an emphasis on good moral in the workplace. OMFPostive feedback. Treat all employees equally and with respect. Support growth and training. Share information/updates with all. State expectations up front. Train Managers/Supervisors on how to most effectively do the above.


Pretty basic concept-treat employees with respect. There is a lot of favoritism, which determines who gets promoted, rather that promotion based on experience and skill level.


Primarily - recognizing individuality - differing strengths, abilities, needs. Dealing with individuals - especially regarding disciplinary issues. Not use union as excuse not to deal with disciplinary needs. Not punish group - laze management style.


Promoting a friendlier work atmosphere between the divisions of the bureau. Some employees avoid other offices within the bureau as much as possible simply because of unapproachability and unfriendliness. City employees do not always treat other City employees with respect.


proper motivation, providing a good working environment, giving due respect, provide needed training to make them more efficient and effective, pay commensurate to work responsibilities.


Providing a more positive attitude between management and employees - very poor. Need to be more encouraging and positive.


Providing more opportunity for bureau employees to get together so people will know what others responsibility are.


providing more opportunity for employees to be contributors and be successful members of the team. Acknowledge employee contributions. Review compensation plans to be reflective of the work the employees are really performing.


PROVIDING ONGOING TRAINING! It costs significant money to hire new employees and train them in the procedures and knowledge base of the specific workplace. The cost of training an existing worker who has learned the procedures and gained knowledge of "the way things are done around here" is significantly less than the cost of hiring a new person who has the latest technological skills, and it increases worker satisfaction by a larger margin than almost any other method.


Providing some investment by the employees in the success of the operations they participate in. If the goal is to improve a customer service rating from 60% "excellent" to 75% in a given year, provide regular status reports to let folks know how they are doing and celebrate the success. If success is not attained, make sure the employees are heavily involved in the process improvement effort to design the next year's plan. If individuals go above and beyond, make sure that effort gets recognized. Even a mention at a staff meeting can be a great morale boost. If the bureaus all report their teams' successes to the Council and Council recognizes both the organizational and individual achievements, employees might just start to feel like they are part of a Citywide team instead of just an anonymous drone.


providing some kind of team building or have Divisions get togethers. Have regular leadership meetings with Managers. Develop inner office communiques to circulate information. Add a type of employee recognition like we had in the past. Positve feedback, timely reviews, and develop a sense of community and respect within groups.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 29

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Providing training for professional development. Unfortunately, with limited resources and continuous budget cuts we are very little money for training.


Providing training to keep employee's professional skills up-to-date. OMFproviding us information about our bureau's business directions and decisions, budgeting news, and other newsworthy information that affect us rather than leaving us guessing about our future.


Quit threatening us with privatization and give us the employees needed to provide quality service to our customers.


realizing that they did not hire people with super-human abilities who can assume an infinite amount of additional tasks to cover for lack of sufficient workforce.


Recognition, soliciting opinions, training, communication OMFrecognize performance above and beyond normal with money or time off. OMFRecognizing employee achievements on a more regular basis. Improve attitude by more evenly distributing work-load. Improve overall attitude by having mangers, etc. lead by example (display positive attitude - sincerely). Providing higher-quality work environments (more natural light, improve indoor air quality, more control of environment (i.e. being able to open windows, turn on fans, etc.)) Make access to gym facilities in Portland Building free to full-time employees. Switch to four-day work week for "non-essential" employees (keeping current level of pay).


Recognizing employees when they do a good job and thank you once in awhile. OMFReducing uneeded levels of management. Right now we have approximately 36 employees. Why do we need 1 Director, 2 Managers, and 5 Supervisors?


Respecting all employees and their opinions. Our last Manager did not. OMFrewarding superior performance and taking immediate action to correct inferior performance. Incorporate a "bonus" system into our compensation for superior work.


rewards and compliments ....being customer service in a public utilities is tough because some people feels the city charges high riate and some feels the service should be free because they are paying tax


Same as above in regards to evaluation accounting position Also any allowance for rewards and incentives. This is especially important when job requirements increase and overtime becomes regular because of other positions cut from the budget


Satisfaction is allready high OMFsharing information and investing via training opportunities and recognition programs; must be provided citywide to ensure against "have" and/or "have not" bureaus.


Sharing information more openly and more quickly. There haven't been newsletter updates in quite some time. Is this because top management is too busy or because they're working on projects that they don't want folks to know any details about?


Showing more appreciation for what employees accomplish. -Being a more family friendly organization OMF

Showing that they respect and value their employees. Reward employees who make suggestions that improve the values you are trying to promote diversity, customer service, and collaboration. Asking for and implement ideas that employees present to them. Build into the process ways for employees to learn from each other.


Stop ignoring the cries for work related relief. Improve relationships between supervisors and their teams. Follow-up on situations that have been previously addressed but had no immediate solution available. Support your support staff through education and opportunity.


strong at expressing to Council what Council says and does impacts employee satisfaction and productivity. Increase training in specific fields and allow for cross-collogue exchanges through conferences.


Take more of an interest in peoples lives and what makes them tick..... OMF

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 30

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Taking a more active role in building new technology skills. Many IT employees thrive on new skills and technology, which is good for the organization as well. Requiring all IS Analysts and Applications Analysts to submit a document describing their 1 or 2-year technology skill building plan at the same time that they do reviews would be a good way for the organization to find out what skills people want to learn, and help coordinate skill building to technology initiatives. Also, satisfaction could be greatly increased by enforcing annual (or more frequent) employee reviews. I know several folks in BTS who have not had an employee review in several years--that is not fair to the employee, or the employer.


Team building OMFThanking employees and showing appreciation. And not taking away pay increases,benefits and pension.


There is an overall feeling that even if an employree does a great job there is no more recogniton then there is for the Rep that does the bare minimum, which leads to "why bother" mentality. More positive reinforcement would be a huge improvement. Also, the lack of comprhensive training & ongoing training leads to Reps feeling they don't "get it" and this causes high levels of frustration. Continuing Education training is the norm in most call center/custoemr service enviroments, and in an atmosphere of continual change is key to insuring employees comfort with their job & theri confidence level, which in turn impacts employee satisfaction.


There needs to be more detailed and continuing training in all areas. There should be policies in place so employees have set guidelines to follow. Right now there policies are in limbo since we have been assigned to the OMF department. Different departments are applying policies differently as illustrated in the case of leak adj policy. Employees need leadership and clear guidelines to follow. This uncertainty makes it extremely difficult and stressful for those of us talking and explaining policies to the customer. Also, there needs to be some form of incentive. I am the last person hired and will be the first one laid off, no matter how hard I work...


...I realize this is a labor issue and I understand the principle behing it. However, I have worked under similar contracts and have not experienced the same level of dissatisfaction. I find the flex schedule in place provides some form of reward, this could be supplemented with "earning" a chance for special days off (day after a holiday). if the contract allows, or work on special projects. Also, I think it would be important to require performance reviews on a regular basis. This would provide a recognition for a job well done and goals to work towards. I'm not sure if it is possible currently as the workload is overwhelming at the management level as they deal with the politics and constant changes of a city position......Every decision made takes too much time and energy away from the department. It seems, even though I've only been here a year, that changing policies are causing constant disruptions in the flow ofthe workplace. However, these added stresses often created by our political environment, does not appear to be taken into account when our department is being evaluated. Our feedback is usually in regards to what we need to do to improve. Our supervisor is good at providing positive feedback. But, the fact that empty positions are not filled, indicates that the upper management is not concerned with improving work conditions. We don't even have permanent leads for our department. The message to the employees is that our concerns and needs are not important. This is also evident in our workplace situation in the service center. Many angry people come into the service center and they are in close proximity to us, sitting right next to us, and we are not provided adequate protection. I have dealt with many outraged customers in these situations...

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 31

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

...The political nature of our job creates an escalated situation where our customers anger is often more frustration against the city in general than anything our department has done. The service center often provides an outlet for some customer's anger and the customer service reps need more protection. In general, the employees feel that the city often ignores their concerns and are more concerned with politics. Customer service should be important for both the external (customers) and internal (employees) customers. These two are tied together and both need to be addressed to provide a optimum workplace and quality customer service. Another area that needs improvement is training, it should be on-going and more structured. Employees need to be experts that the customers can trust. Yet, with the low staffing I don't see that happening soon.

Training (for things like Excel and IBIS and general government classes) should be more promoted and maybe incorporated into performance goals. It would be great if the city could offer tuition reimbursement, too. I want to get my master's and if a job came up somewhere else that offered tuition reimbursement, I would take it. Maybe something can be provided that would connect people to the city workplace as a whole. I feel totally disconnected from the rest of the departments, which to a large degree can't be helped since the city is so big. But, I used to work at a city that had a monthly managers meeting where all managers/supervisors would gather to hear presentations on different topics from upper management.


Treating all emplyees fairly and not showing favortism to certain ones. OMFtreating employees like people and not like robots. OMFTreating support staff with more respect and as part of a larger team; doing more to diminish elitist attitudes held by management. Doing regular performance reviews so that employees know (1) there are expectations held of them, and (2) what those expectations are. Including staff in the process more often so that employees are not always running in crisis mode; asking for and valuing employees' suggestions.


treating us like adults. Communicating instead of keeping everything behind closed doors. Not fostering an environment of fear and mistrust. Encouraging accountability for all, not just lower level employees. A little recognition wouldn't hurt either.


understanding the Procurement Section is greatly understaffed in Goods & Services. I have worked in Operations within this bureau and Contract Development within this bureau and the workload in my current position leaves me with the feeling of being undervalued and overworked in comparison to the other positions I have held in this bureau


Use praise for work well done and show respect for all levels of employee status. OMFUtilize the talent that is working now, advance/reward those individuals. Evaluate and don't be affraid to eliminate the dead weight, quit shuffling/promoting and accommodating those who cannot perform. Hold people accountable for their actions. If you give a person responsibility, they should also have the authority necessary to exercise their resopnsibilities. Too many times the 'perceived authority' is undermined and meaningless.


valuing each employee for their worth and input. I find OMF to be very hierachial. "I'm your boss therefore I am smarter."


We're coming to the end of the previously published 5-year plan. It's time to publish a new one. New programs replace old, but the people in those old programs are not clear on what their next role will be.


We've done quite a bit in the last few years. I'd almost say we're a bit spoiled. I would say keep a close eye on the private sector and what they're doing about it and learn from that.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 32

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

1. instituting staff recommendations from the all-staff retreat. 2. treating staff fairly and equitaby. We have about 20 people who work in offices that are not traditional City offices, i.e. coalition offices. Staff in these offices do not have the same level of or access to resources, i.e. computers, computer connectivity, City transportation (motor pool and flex car) as do downtown staff. By not addressing this issues, management perpetuates an advesarial relationship within Bureau staff. 3. increased communication


Again, listening and not being "blind" to issues for years. ONIBetter advancement path within the Bureau. ONIBetter communication from top management down. Allowing opportunities for advancement, i.e. senior/lead positions, cross training, better functioning of internal committes and better involvement from employees, i.e. EMBAC, having regular staff meetings, improving wireless capabilities for field staff.


By actually listening to the employees and not just pretending to listen. By this I mean they listen but disregard everything they hear or at least it appears that way. Communication needs to be greatly improved. Also by having a commissioner that listen and talks not dictates like Leonard.


By promoting from within. ONIclearly laying out expectations and performance measurements and then letting individuals and work units work together to find ways to make improvements.


Communicating issues, changes, etc more often and more clearly. By engaging staff in decision-making more consistently. This year's city-wide budget process has been brutal - more so than any other I can recall. Employee morale is lower than I've ever seen it. Some kind of healing has to happen after this is all over.


Giving staff the freedom to design their workplan to meet the priorities and needs of their work area. They know what the issues are. Also give freedom to be creative and think outside the box. Even if it seems odd.


Hiring managers and directors that really know what they are doing, know the City, and know community outreach and involvement. Hiring managers and directors that not just talk the talk but know how to walk the walk, and do. We've had too many that just hide in thier offices, or do the bare minimum, but can say the right thing to a commissioner.


Holding regular staff meetings. Less lip-service & more real movement toward respecting employees on all levels; there's no system for rewarding employees for doing good work or going above and beyond the call of duty. Insiders tend to get promoted, rarely the rank and file. Holding an annual picnic, or some kind of event where we could get to know each other better


Improving communication between decision makers and employees. If people don't know what is going on and why they will make something up and that is usually worse than the truth.


Keeping staff informed of issues and involved in planning and decision making. ONILabor Management Committee could help. Unfortunately I think both our Bureau Director and Business Operations Supervisor will either have to undergo a significant personal change of management style or move on for our bureau morale to improve. I believe everyone likes our Director as a person. He is a very good guy. Unfortunately he provides little leadership and many seem to think he lacks the ability to make tough decisions and do what is right. He allows the Business Operations Supervisor to more or less run the show and she is not competent to act in this capacity. She lacks leadership skills and program knowledge and staff will not follow her lead as she does not instill a sense of confidence and pride in them.


Making sure all employees are team players and doing their part, not leaving some to pick up burden of others.


Making the bureau more effective so more people can make more substantive contributions to the community and see how much their work means to the community.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 33

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Meeting regurlarly with staff. Provide meaningful staff contributions. Provide more immediate feedback and recognition. Be more transparent. Train managers to involve employees in decision making policies of the bureau.


More communication and contact with the day to day staff. ONIMore realistic expectations. ONINot treating employees as lesser than upper management. Upper management seems to view employees as less important than themselves. Upper management needs to remember that employees are the ones doing the work and without the employees, there would be no need for upper management. Open communication is also needed. Upper management wants all suggestions to come through them. If they were truly open to suggestions, then the person who made the suggestion should be able to present their own ideas to whomever the employee thought would benefit from the idea. The hiring process needs to be open and fair. Management should also be held to the same standards as employees. In my bureau, some managers work fewer than 40 hours a week on a consistent basis, yet are paid for full-time work and receive full-time benefits. This has been brought to the attention of the bureau director without result. As a taxpayer, if I am paying someone to work 40 hours, I expect them to work at least that amount of time, not fewer hours with full benefits.


Offering overtime compensation and spending more $ on employee training. New employee training should also be evaluated and improved.


Operating more transparently to the employees. Promoting within. Providing career ladders and mentorship programs. Honor senority. Acknowledge seniority. Actually ALLOW folks to utilize flexible schedules e.g. 4-1o's, 5-9's, etc... Provide better perks - such as increased transportation subsidies. Multnomah County and OHSU pay 100% of bus passes for their employees - the City pays only 25%. It's a huge out of pocket expense. Bring back wellness programs/benefits. Instill a program to convert unused annaul sick time into vacation days. Provide resources and opportunities for training. making right the classification/ compensation/promotion disparity between men & women.


Restructuring the bureau, and holding all employees accountable in similar ways. Right now, the employees have to account for each half hour of their day on their Outlook calendars. This process is time-consuming and detracts from time that could be spent working with our community partners to address problems. There seems to be a disparity between trust levels among management, and between management and employees. I am a professional, and I am accountable. The design of documenting my time is ill-suited to my actual work. Ask me, instead, what projects I'm working on and how they are progressing...


being given the freedom to provide monetary incentives or extra paid time off for good work. Due to where I work and who I work with, I'm already a satisfied employee.


Better communication, more freqent contact between Director and staff OSDBy accolades and recognition for work well done and effort that goes beyond the expected. There are very few "thank yous" in this bureau. So incentives to work hard. Glass ceilings, no promotion possibilities.


Celebrating successful completion of projects would give more positive feedback. OSDEmployees in my bureau are pretty satisfied...they are challenged, empowered and get to work on exciting and creative programs.


encouraging volunteerism and supporting it via flex-time or paid time; the majority of our employees already work more than 80-hour pay periods and are active in the community. to add more outreach components within our work plans would generate more connections that are vital to reaching diverse audiences.


Establishing a system by which employees are given the opportunity to further their career with timely and appropriate training.


having an employee recognition program. OSD

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 34

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Personally, I am very satisfied with my work, my workplace and my co-workers. One frustration is loss of productive work time spent dealing with PC issues. I do some of my work on my personal laptop, an Apple PowerBook, because it is easy and trouble-free.


promoting within, not just the select few they choose to do over and over again. OSDPutting more uniforms on the street. OSDRecognizing the hard work of all employees and not picking choice people all the time for appreciations. Otherwise I think overall employees are satisified and we have a very relaxing work environment.


...(where to start) recognizing and commending good work; having consistent expectations amongst ALL employees; following through with discipline procedures (its a waste of time & money to create Policies & Procedures for staff & public, if management is not going to follow through on discipline when rules are broken); listening to ALL employees (part-time & full-time) concerns and taking them seriously; develop some sort of employee development program to help employees learn and progress to the next level; less "movement for the sake of movement"; match-up employees to create highly functional work teams/units, promote/encourage bonding and teamwork amongst these units; match employees to their position; hire employees on the basis of all-around qualifications and experince, not gender or race...


1- supporting your staff. Have faith in people. Understand that there is more than one way to accomplish a goal. Do not Micro-manage. 2- Fair & equal treatment of employees. Consistent use of discipline procedures across the board. It's hard to see two people make the same mistake and only one receives a consequence. Sometimes racism is subconcious and unintentional. We don't always know we are doing anything wrong. 3- listening and responding to concerns. I have seen many co-workers bring up concerns. Sadly, management often says comforting things to the employee and procedes to not take any action. When the situation arises a second, third or fourth time and the employee continues to become frustrated, many managers become irritated that the employee won't just ignore the problem that the manager has failed to resolve. The employee that was once a hard working, honest individual then becomes dis-heartened and less likely to preform as well at work while the managers label the complaining individual as a problem employee instead of taking care of the real issue.


Acknowledgment of a job well done. At previous jobs I have had they have handed out awards for jobs that were completed under budget/on time. These we Federal jobs so they were under much of the same scrutiny that we are. Right now there is no real incentive to try extra hard to turn out a great product or manage it in a way that we can save time and money.


Act like our director values what we do. The recreation staff quietly jokes about our new name "Portland Parks & Planning"......Recreation seems to be being dismantled. Planning has expanded a great deal, and we're being cut. Our director knows nothing about recreation services. Not all of our services can be measured in dollars and cents. The benefits of what we do are endless....they are part of people's lives for their entire life. It's all about the quality of life the we cna give to our citizens.


Although communication is there it isn't complete and many questions are not answered ParksAt this time of budget cuts, not possible. Satisfaction has to come from within. ParksBeing honest. Zari is a big improvement! ParksBeing more generous to the electric shop and electricians. ParksBetter communication between employees and supervisor. Involve employees in budget process. Parks

Better communication from upper management. ParksBetter incentives, better work environment, treating employees better than just so political, they need to treat like family.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 35

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Bringing the pay scale and up to or close to national standards and paying for National and State Professional registration fees. It costs me $500 a year to call myself a Landscape Architect. Otherwise I'm a "Landscape Designer" same as any Joe with a truck and a shovel. I have a Masters Degree that qualified me for my job but the City is unwilling to pay the $500 necessary to make the distinction? The City clearly benefits from the distinction with the public and other professionals! Why would the City want the impression of park design and planning done by the average Joe.


Communicating better... ParksCOMMUNICATION! Not everything has to be a big secret. That just leads to mistrust and low morale. With budget cuts, we wonder why they're getting paid so much! STOP CUTTING US! Yes, the supervisors need to be leaned out abit, or at least have expectations raised, (only a few), but most work very hard and employee's are always feeling overwhelmed with work loads!


Creating an environment where employees feel ownership at work. ParksDoing a better job of presenting change. We are currently trying to understand the potential ramifications of a huge parks reorganization plan topped only by the FY 2006 budget proposal. They have issued memos and met with us, but should have tried to present the changes in a POSITIVE light and how they can help us and parks grow, rather than the confused and stress-producing series of "unknowns" and uncertainties.


Doing a better job of promoting from inside the bureau from all job classifications and races (the last supervisors hired were all minorities - diverse means white males also).


Doing a better job of training and permoting from within. By recognizing in a meaningfull way when a person goes above and beyond the call of duty. Maybe a week off with pay, or maybe a family pass to some of our recreational facilities. By rewarding for money saving ideas.


Doing away with affirmative action and sexual harrasment handouts (2.2)!. Let people be free to speak their mind.


Eliminating sub-standard employees of ANY rank. Show employees that performance is the way to get ahead and eliminate employees (of any rank) who fail to perform up to set standards. Having longevity of service should be no guarantee of advancement or job security.(like the real world)


Encouraging / training managers in methods of individual appreciation for work well done. Some divisions do well, others need help. Plaques and 'stuff' aren't required; but sincere one-on-one communication acknowledging effort goes a long way to foster 'espirit de corps' and renewed effort in hard times. This goes not just within a bureau, but should be City-wide. The 'squeaky' wheel may get the grease, but there several other wheels that just keep working and don't squeak, but are about to expire for lack of grease.


Getting rid of marginal performers. Our employees are generally great. They want to do a ggod job, be respected for their sskills, contributions, productivity. We're thin at supervisory levels and that makes it difficult to manage performance, especiallly when other admin responsibilities get added with regularity.


give recognition to full time employees when they give ideas on improvements, etc ParksGiving more recognition to individual accomplishment. More training in job-related areas. Parksgiving us understandable justification for the reorganization. None of us line workers really understand the justification we have been given. It wasn't broken and the "fix" just seems like an unneccesary change.


Good customer service should not only be for the customer. Any one in a supervisory position should show some of the same consideration t


Have a plan in place before starting a re-organizeation, better working conditions in the maintenance facilities, filling needed vacant positions.


Have more of recognition for employees. It is always nice to have some recognition for the job that we are doing.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 36

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Having a few years without budget cuts would help. Our restructure will help because service delivery will include others who are providing different services and there will be a lot of collaboration and exchange of knowledge.


Having clear performance goals and measurement so it didn't matter what a person looked like, but what they accomplished.


having management develop basic skills, i.e., creating a positive workplace -- say: "good morning, thank you, that looks nice, do you need any help with that?, we appreciate you," etc.


Having upper management fully interact with those of us running their facilities, parks, etc. We rarely see our director, one 30 minute meeting a year with our entire community center staff is insufficient for her to understand the work we are doing for PP&R with the community. To have someone from her staff come out every other month for an hour would be more effective. Also, end the continual transfer of the community center staff. Changing your work site is stressful and quite disruptive to the public. How do you develop a relationship with the community if you only work with them for a year. I have been transferred 7 times in 10 years!


Highlighting the positive efforts of individuals, work units and the Bureau and the city. ParksHiring a new director, one with the ability to connect with people. The current parks administration has grievously damaged ralationships with some of the city's best friends.


Hurrying up our current reorganization efforts. Right now, this is stalled while we grapple with budget challenges.


improved communication and occasional acknowledgement by administration. ParksImproving communication to staff. Recognizing that when there is a supervisor that does not get along with his/her staff that this could indicate that they are not supervisor material. When there is constant turn over in a unit, managers should communicate with the employees in that unit to find out where the dissatisfaction is coming from. Bureaus should have a neutral person within their bureau that they can report rude behavior to.


improving its leadership. The people who run this bureau lately have been making poor descision and many employees have lost faith in them.


Increasing communication, increased recognition to all employees, and emphasis on safety issues and mutual respect.


It is not necessarily up to the bureau to improve the employee satisfaction, however accountability is important.


I've worked in Parks for over 15 years and employees have NEVER received a raise except for cost of living. My understanding is that it's been over 25 years. Meanwhile management has received at least TWO substantial raises in Parks in that time. This last negotiating session the union requested an additional day off. The City wouldn't even talk about it. The negotiators for the City appear to be arrogant. This lack of a raise has been true in good economic times and bad. Using a poor economy (at present) is no excuse, since a raise is not offered in a good economy, either. The employees might feel a higher level of satisfaction if they felt appreciated. Occasional pins and knick-knacks do not fool employees into feeling appreciated. Offer something real. AT LEAST EVERY TWENTY YEARS!! I don't know if anyone else will mention this as it's considered hopeless. But it's a pervasive feeling among employees. Management will spend inordinate amounts of money on planners, consultants and themselves (the managers) but never offer a raise to the employees they CLAIM to appreciate.


Just having a Mayor and a Commissioner who supports us would be a good start. Vera Katz never said a decent thing about City employees. Jim Francesconi was too worried about his political career to support Parks either. As for Parks itself, Zari Santer seems only to willing to rip Parks apart and has repeated said she knows it causes anxiety, but that's unavoidable. In other words, she doesn't really care. Fear never leads to satisfaction


Listen to us, don't over wheelm us with too much work. We are trying to do more with less and people are getting sick. I had cancer. How mush is stress related to the work enviornment?


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 37

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Listening to Employee problems. ParksListening to them more. Giving more time to have one-on-one meetings when the employees ask. Informing employees more about what the management is doing/thinking.


Making sure that there is equitable pay. Providing true support (funding, staffing, etc) if a functional unit is important. Not complicating processes - such as obtaining outside funding. If bureau management okays grant, why should an ordinance be written to even apply for funding. One accepting grant funding should be enough!


Move out of the building, there is a direct correlation to the amount of natural light and air that one gets and the health and happiness of a person. The building has no light and few windows and is possibly the worst building I has ever worked in. On another note there is a lack of information sharing and I think that employees would benefit from better employee training as to what resources are out there and how to access them.


Moving carefully and openly, not rushing changes. By seeking out our insights, experiences and suggestions throughout any planning or evaluation process. This survey is an example of that search for input.


Not balancing the city's budget by gutting staff positions. Eliminating planners and park designers is a foolish way to try to save money. The result will be increased costs from having to use consultants (who are not passionate about Parks like our employees), less timely responses, and huge losses of important contacts and relationships built over the years with citizens, friends groups and business supporters.


Not playing favorites and dealing with problem employees who don't go by the rules. ParksNot proposing 100% budget cuts at facilities when the Mayor has asked for 5% reduction. Hiring expensive consultants has proven imprudent.


Not threatening budget cuts. Recognizing the good work employees do. ParksOffering employee discounts on classes. ParksOnce again, communication. People in my bureau work very, very hard and for the most art, love the work they do. But they are feeling used and mistreated. Make them feel valuable again and I suspect emloyee satisfaction will increase dramatically.


Our bureau of employees have lost a lot of trust since Zari was hired. How does a planner of 20 years get job in one of the most respected recreation department in the United States. How does someone like that get appointed with the job being opened up across the nation. Survey results and organizational considerations ahve been scued to support her ideas for changes. This was said by the person who actually managed the survey. We were told by Zari to try not to be emotional in cutting positions. Recreation people are a special breed. We can make things work with very little. We do it every day. We love to serve our community. We want to touch people's lives in a positive way. There are other bureau's that have an emotioanl piece, but not like us...


...Even though we are compensated well, it's more than a job...we become part of the community that we're assigned to. Now, because of reorg and budget, we are being told NOT to be emotional.....it's probaly the reason we're here. Our understanding of the benefits that we provide and the impact that we have on people naturally has an emotional foundation. So, if were told not to be emotional about possible program and facility reductions and closures....it says that what we do is not important. The extra heart we've put into our jobs doesn't feel like it's worth much.

Paying us that big money managers get. ParksProvide me with accurate information in a timely manner. Give us the personal touch so that we can explain to other staff particulars of various changes. Use the resources they have of the employees to help determine goals, problem areas, and efficiencies. when we have ideas that are implemented reward us for them.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 38

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

providing better working environments - more connected to nature! Make it less bureaucratic in look; provide a more friendly and creative atmosphere to work under and people will be happier to do their work! (less artificial lighting)


providing lifestyle choices that coorporations do for their employees. Offering fitness/workout options at a low cost show that the upper management/mayor cares about their health (the more we take care of our employees health now the less benefits will cost in the long run). Talking to employees about their concerns before big budget issues happen. The only time we get visits or questionaires is when there are big problems on the way.


Realizing stable funding. We need to be allowed to move forward with our reorganization, establish a functional, goal oriented bureau, and do our jobs without the threat of budget cuts continually looming in our future. It's incredibly disheartening.


Resolution to situations and conflicts. ParksResolving budget issues. Less distrust between supervisors and subordinates. ParksRewarding and recognizing employee contributions on a more frequent basis. Sticking to acheivable goals central to the mission of the organization. Stop changing the mission and the targets....


Rewarding employees that do good work and monitoring quality, efficiency, contributions, effort, etc. Use private sector models. Get away from stagnange government model of management.


See answer above. Bad Moral and they lie to us. ParksSee customer service, above. Also, not overloading any employee with reporting requirements and additional non-customer-related work.


They could settle our union contact, so that we can recieve our cost of living increase. They have been cancelling meeting with the union left and right and so our contract is not settled yet and it's been 8 months, since the new contract should of been in effect. Our Benefits are coming out of our check for the new propsed contract, but we aren't being compensated for that by our cost of living rasie. By actually knowing who we are and what we actually do. It seems like the Director and her staff, doesn't really know who we really are and how and /or what our facility needs to run. If I walked by the director or her staff they act like we aren't even her employee or that we work for her. When our old director was here he knew at least that you work for our Burueau, if not your name.


Tired of managers, directors, supervisors not realizing all that the staff do. We make the bureau look good and appreciated by the general public. Director/managers all out of touch with general public and line staff.


Training management in sensitivity, diversity, and respect. Respect begats respect. In addition, if supervison would listen more effectively, they may find that their employees have some very good ideas. Once again, deal with problems in a timely manner.


Treat "part-time" employees better. I have been a part-time employee for the Parks bureau for over 6 years. During this time I have worked all year round for 40 hrs/wk. I have had a wide range of duties that include management positions. I am very knowledgeable and am often looked to to help train new part time employees. One would think that with the stellar evaluations I have received from supervisors I would soon have a full-time position. Instead, I was told that I have worked too many hours in one year and that I need to be "laid off" for a little while so that when I return I will no longer be a city employee...


...I returned to work through a temporary agency where I (and the rest of my co-workers) aren't treated well. The city goes with different agencies every year to save money which in return means that we do not get any vacation time and barely any vacation. The vacations we get paid for are Christmas day and New Years day. To save a little bit of money (not paying benefits to part time employees that are actually working like full time employees) the city takes advantage of it's "part time" employees. I think that the City should set a good example for other businesses and not have shady business practices such as this.

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 39

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

we are currently in a reorg transition at parks and just keeping everyone informed of the changes is so important to settle people.


We have the most dedicated employees of any Bureau. They love their work and want to do their jobs. The Bureau/City could help by securing stable funding so that their efforts can focus on service delivery.


We need to see real cuts in management, rather than very questionable organizations that demolish morale and aren't guaranteed to improve our funding situation. Let recreation coordinators bid for the center they work at like operations does - more control over who/where we work would help a lot.


"Truing-up" job descriptions so that an administrative assistant (6), who is an admin. to the executive assistant isn't paid more than senior administrative specialists (4). Upgrading positions that really aren't sr. admin. specialists when they are doing higher level work instead of using the 4 as a catch all. Not having people with manager pay and title who supervise one person. Especially when they don't really "manage" a department or task. They don't make the decisions. Holding every employee to the same basic standards.


1.Identify clear job descriptions and competencies for each position with staff input, first by assessing how the positions function in reality, and then define what is desired. 2. Reduce management (overhead) staff and enhance staffing levels of professionals who get the external work of the organization done. 3. Develop work-life and training programs. 4. Create REAL opportunities for career growth and advancement. Don't let hiring decisions be political or subjective. 5. Reward staff based on performance as judged by those who actually know what the performance is.


acknowledging the good work with recognition and monitary raises based on individual/agency measures.


Allow more budget decisions to be influenced more by those who actually have to implement the program and deal face-to-face with the public.


Allowing for increased control/decision-making at the project staff level. A very centralized, top heavy decision-making structure has increased the amount of internal process and policy to navigate, slowing and frequently jeapordizing projects that are of critical importance to our communities and stakeholders. Productivity has decreased overall and employee morale is alarmingly low.


allowing staff to voice opinions and concerns freely about what we as an organization can do to improve. having more struture retreats focusing on team bulding and working together.


Being upfront with employees earlier about any changes. Give as much information as possible so the appearance of secrets and pending doom doesn't accelerate. There should be no surprises. Incorporate more organizational development tools and activities into changes so people become familiar with change (like diversity).


Better communication, follow through, treating the employee as a human not just a worker. The directors should know people, who they are and what they do.


Better wage compensation. Not overwhelm employees by putting so much work on one person and expect them to exceed expectations.


better, stronger communication systems PDCCommunication, communication, communication. We are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on designing processes for everything. We now have a mandate to return calls to oursiders within a certain period of time, yet we have no rule about returning internal calls or passing internal information along to the teams. Communication is the key to making a strong team.


Completing internal intiatiatives consistently and successfully. Promptly addressing all personnel issues such as reclass requests. Developing a grievance policy that allows grievances rather than stating that most of the issues one would grieve are not grievable.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 40

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

cutting down internal red tape and answering e-mail and phone calls from both internal and external constiuents


emphasizing the importance of balance in one's life; not operating by crisis management; creating a more positive work environment


Employee satisfaction is a person goal, not the company's responsibility to make me happy. PDCFirst, have strong leadership in place. Second, provide training and development. Third, support employees in their ability to make decisions. Fourth, PDC has too many levels of management--too many hierarchies. Fifth, provide consistent direction to the organization. Currently, top leadership focuses on building personal empires, not organizational strength. Sixth, PDC's leadership is very weak in the area of implementation. The leadership spends more time talking, talking about what they can't do, as opposed to finding solutions to getting the work done and building relationships with our external stakeholders.


Having sufficient staff to match the work load expectations PDCHire and compensate employees based on experience and education and abilities, not for appearance or age. Equity in compensation. Work/Life balance and fairness in treatment. For example, some employees work the equivalent of 2-3 jobs while others are rarely busy. Fairness in treatment of employees. For example, one employee has approx 40 days of unexecused absenses, and is not held accountable while another employee doing the same would be held accountable. Provide training for opportunities for advancement or acquiring new skills.


Honest communication. PDCImproving communication within the agency and making the agency less hierarchical and more horizontal.


Increasing role in what they own. Reduce upper management staff (too top heavy). Get Exec Dir that directs the organization, and does not rule with an iron fist. Remove excutive officers that people are afraid of. Develop an atmosphere of collaboration and inclusion.


Leadership needs to listen and respect departmental managers regarding human resources. There needs to be open, two way and honest communication. Better definition of what is expected/desired for cross departmental collaboration. Have 'partnering sessions' between departments. (This is not in reference to the departing executive director).


listening to employees more, making sure they are involved in everything we do. PDCMaking sure all employees are informed on isues that effect our bureau PDCMaking the positions achievable. The work load is so high that we can't meet minimal standards. Improved access to fitness facilities would also benefit employees health and abilities to successfully complete tasks.


Moral is very bad. The new systems they are trying to put in place are causing staff to spend more time filling out forms (which are seldom explained and when you fill them out, you're told it's been changed or you aren't even told you there is a new form to fill out). There seems to be a disconnect between the management team and the reality of what support employees actually need to be productive. This has just happened over recent months. It wasn't that way before.


More face time with staff. PDCMore money. PDCMore recognitition for work done well. PDCmore upper management interaction PDCNot undertaking so many internal organizational intiatives. We have had so many internal organizational changes in the last three-four years that staff is very cynical about whether they are effective. Also, it has become much harder to do our jobs efficiently because of the all the internal processes and paperwork we now must undertaken. We used to be a very nimble organization, but that has changed dramatically.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 41

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

not using temporary service (those hired from temp agencies) for longer than six months (we currently have one temp service employee who has been here over two years...isn't there a law against public agencies doing that?). It would also benefit employee satisfaction if the lower level (administrative assistants, etc) employees were not used for higher level functions without the benefit of payment for the higher level function. Our organization constantly places a good deal of responsibility on the heads of lower level employees without recognizing that the work they are completing on a regular basis doesnot fit within the realm of their assigned job description. All of the above actions cause a lot of strain on employee satisfaction.


offering better career paths; broadening the percentage range of possible salary increases; being unafraid to cut dead wood employees who are basically "phoning it in" because they know they can getaway with it due to either longevity, race or a combination.


Offering praise for suceeding rather than only recognizing failures. PDCOverhaul the top management! With Don Mazziotti's resignation, it seems that this is the appropriate time to make needed changes. We are hopeful that the new Executive Director will help to bring about needed changes in this regard.


provide admin staff to allow adequate monitoring, tracking and evaluation (to maintain compliance) of our existing portfolio of projects and loans. Staffing on a support and analyical level is thin.


Providing better communication to the staff regarding organizational changes, updates, etc. Also, training is needed to not only inform managers and employees, but also to maintain consistency throughout the organization.


Providing more opportunity for professional development. More training to address individual strengths and weakness.


providing the resources to implement the adopted goals. The expectation that the latest hot issue is the most important diverts attention to do the work we are suppose to do.


removing the unmotivators - barriers to successful work day. Management could communicate better down the ladder and loosen up the reins of decision-making - everything is being funneled through the top. Cherish a fun workplace again. Management should acknowledge and show support to staff for the things we are doing right - do't always hammer on the things we aren't doing right. It's not motivating to get beat up all the time.


respecting employees PDCSame as above. Manage work load with existing FTE resources. Can't keep doing more with less... PDC

See above. I believe some employees would like to have flex time. Many would like more vacation. I think employees should be encouraged to take appropriate vacation, lunches and breaks to which they are entitled. They're not actively discouraged, but they feel they shouldn't take them because they haveso much to do. This may backfire in regards to their health. Employees sacrifice a great deal for this Bureau.


Setting stronger boundaries with employees. I think too often people feel that they are entitled to much more freedom and the ability to be accountable only when explicitly stated than is beneficial for the business. Furthermore, I feel that if people understood how businesses run and the expectations of them, they would appreciate far more the freedoms they have rather than always complaining when they are asked to show the work they have produced. Perhaps the organization has been much too lenient in its expectations of employee accountability. This is not an issue with individuals knowing theirjob duties and responsibilities, but more a work culture issue that has run ramped as employees have been with the organization over a long period of time.


Spending a bit of money sending us around the country more so we can showcase what Portland is doing and more importantly, learn what other people are doing.


Staff need to feel of value more PDC

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 42

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Staffing adequately to meet commitments and aspirations PDCStronger mentoring programs would be excellent idea. PDCSupport employee training and professional certification efforts in action (as opposed to talk). PDCSupporting employee training and development, and recognition. Also holding Leadership to standards for behavior and appropriate practice/process. Our leadership team does not communicate effectively and are usually putting their own needs for power and control before the needs of the organization and employees. Timely, logical, collaborative decisions that follow established practice are not as prevalent as they should be.


The entire semi-annual performance evaluation, self-assessment and goal-setting is very time consuming and is a make-work program. (Average time per employee dedicated to the process is about 24 hours) This agency is stretched for time to complete work assignments. The review process could be streamlined and still be able to measure employee achievements and performance.


There is a lot of turmoil at PDC right now. Tough time to ask this questions. Too much change going on. I would dare say that employees are pretty depressed right now and uninspired.


Treating us with respect. Management barks at us and yet expects staff to perform like nothing is wrong. Continual "nasty directors" are very detremental to moral and staff. No one should be treated the way we have been. This is the main reason for turnover in staff and not management. Who's watching???


We need a major house cleaning at the Executive Level: Get rid of all incompetant/unethical leadership including the CFO and Deputy Director. Get rid of the massive high paid management level staff hired during the past three years and replace with staff that are actually doing the work. (we have approximately 1 manager for every 5 staff here and many of them are paid over %85k per year!) Hire appropriate HR or allow HR to have authority, Have training plans in place for staff and provide staff training (we currently do not have any training plans or training!). Stop unethical/illegal/unprofessional behaviors from leadership, management and staff.


Working out a process for internal promotions, rather than making current employees wait for a job opening and reapplying to move up. This does not help to support and promote the good workers from within the agency, who deserve the oppotunity to move up and stay with the agency.


1) Instituting accountability from the top down: managers need to walk their talk, not just talk. For example, showing up on time, ready to work, holding subordinates accountable, conducting performance reviews that result in increases/demotions, rather than lateral transfers to another bureau to solve discipline problems. 2) Allow flexible scheduling, even for fairly senior managers. Time is as much or more valuable than money. Use this in an auditable way (e.g., time tracking). 3) Honoring the policy underpinnings of our city services, rather than dishonoring the rationale for why these government services were put in our charter and code. We seem to react to business mandates and the wealthier, more vocal communities needs, rather than measure and report on the equity of service provision. Results of our services should be tracked geographically an be based on the community-set policies that cause us to provide the service.


a longevity and pay incentive PDOTAdmitting mistakes when they occur. Acknowlege employees for their "above and beyond" work not their "daily" work. Have people whom they think make bad decision (Council, Bureau Directors, Dept Directors) visit the field and see what they are actully doing to the morale. Cutting on paper is much easier than cutting the person, job or actitivity when you see it in action, and you might realize just whatexactly the job is and why it shouldn't be cut.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 43

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

As the City continues to see experienced personnel retire, new opportunities to shape city staff culture will arise. Allowing, empowering staff at the lowest possible levels along with involvement of staff in policy and procedure discussions may give a better level of satisfaction through participation and understanding.


Asking what personally motivates each employee and doing their best to provide that. PDOTbeing better organized PDOTBeing fair to all employees; recognizing peoples strengths and weaknesses. PDOTbeing fair, honest and appreciative, but not patronizing. we consist of unequal classes, castes, them and us.


Being more open to flexible schedules and supportive of the 36 hour work week (us working mom's would really appreciate it). Currently, working this schedule is per manager approval, and not all managers are open to this schedule. This is unfortunate, esp since working mom's make up a large percent of the diverse work force.


better communications between management and employees PDOTBetter management. Get HR out of the picture. PDOTBetter raises, more overtime, less rules and regulations, grading supervisors. Follow senior qualified rules and do what's right - no favoritism!!


better teambuilding, fair and consistent treatment of all, ongoing evaluation of performance, and recognition / reward for good work.


better teamwork, less cliquish. Perhaps notice how the supervisor uses seniority to make a favored team . . It's all diversified, other supervisor is all Caucasian male. It's not even hidden.


Better training (in house). Use the expereince we do have left to educate and train new people. Be consistent with upgrades and promotions. Perception can really hurt employee satisfaction.


Better uniformity in application of rules. Using employee input better in all divisions. PDOTBi-annual surveys an summary bureau wide meetings to dicuss the results allows for a forum to voice concerns.


Bock Bock. [referencing a chicken sound]. PDOTBoosting morale with rewards/incentives to work long hours and BE available through weekends/holidays/weather conditions - beyond t-shirts and jackets.


By listening to us. We know more about the work we do daily. Management is just that - management, and partial.


By simply demonstrating some leadership! It's utterly that simple. PDOTCeasing random drug testing. PDOTcommunications PDOTConducting performance reviews. PDOTcontinue the breakfast that Jennie had. PDOTCreating a fair playing field for everyone. In their pursuit for a diverse workplace, they have done damage. Integrity and accountability - follow them.


Developing better communication. PDOTDoing a better job of communicating and listening to employees. Take that silly slogan off our trucks. Its degrading and invites negative comments from the public!


Each and every person in the bureau who has completed his/her probationary period should be responsible for *honestly* helping someone else in the bureau develop his/her career potential.


each person in a department having input and ownership in project work and planning PDOTequally-enforced work rules. PDOTFiring management that are not qualified. Most have position because they won't be able to work in the field.


Focusing on improving our work environment. Fresh air, day light, communal areas (that are actually inviting), greenery


Get rid of some of the upper management. PDOT

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 44

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

getting manager to listen to the line staff. We have good and efficient ideas that get put down for no reason.


Getting rid of the centralized systems/bureaus established in the last administration. Trying to get our work done in an efficient manner is slowed by dealing with centralized HR and IT functions. It is very frustrating when the problem of getting your work done is not due to your bureau or your employees, but trying to get through the paperwork and labored processes of these centralized service bureaus. We were much better off 3 years before centralized processes were implemented. We were certainly more satisfied.


Give people more control of their proffessional development (training and conferences). Transparency in the level of funding and allocation of those funds would be great. An allowance to spend as is agreed to by worker and manager is one idea.


Giving more notices of appreciation of a job well done. PDOTGiving recognition Creating a family friendly work environment Using flex-time to balance work and family demands


Having flex time and listening to the employees. Do not dismiss an employee suggestion off hand just because it does not fit what you want to hear. Be flexible.


Having managers and supervisors that know what their being the boss of, and caring about the department they are in ( and the workers).


Having managers that understand the work they are supposed to be overseeing. PDOThaving some more gift give aways for some of the big jobs well done. PDOTHaving weekly meetings. PDOTHire a bureau manager who is a leader. We need leadership. We don't have it at the top of PDOT or at the top of BTSM. We have such strong community partnerships and strong relationships with key stakeholders we provide services to. It's frustrating that our top managers don't really get how well positioned we are to be national leaders in the work we're doing, how very excited the community is about our work, and how motivated we employees are to succeed. I sometimes feel we succeed in spite of our top managers.


Hire fair. PDOTI do not here the grumbling of employees. However, I am not so naïve to think we don't need to improve.


I don't see how they could make it any better. PDOTI have a great feeling of employee satisfaction. My supervisors have been very good to me. PDOTI think most of us feel satisfied because we feel appreciated PDOTI wish my supervisor use was at work more often. PDOTIf each person knows what they want to do, who they want to be and who they would like to work with, let them. You'll create happier workers and more productivitity.


Improved communication of goals/benchmarks for success, improved communication between divisions, managers and staff on projects, goals and objectives. More open discussion and avenues for employee input.


Improving communication channels - both ways. PDOTimproving management/represented employee communication. PDOTimproving opportunities for promotion..at this piont I've been with the city for 3 years and the only opportunities I have are lateral changes.


improving overall bureau methods and operations PDOTIn the past there has been little accountiblity, I believe this is now changing. Safety is not just a word now but a way of doing business. This is the first time in 6 years that I have seen the Director come to one of the bureau saftey meetings. I believe that this new director will do good things.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 45

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Involving professional employees in management decisions that affect them. All too often, the professional staff are presented with a fait accompli management decision, without an opportunity to participate or have any input whatsoever in the decision itself. This failure to elicit participation and make unilateral decisions that might receive negative feedback from experienced professionals results in frustration, a feeling of exclusion and no commitment to or interest in the success of the program.


keep recognizing good work by a group of employees or an individual PDOTKeeping us more informed. PDOTLess meetings, better feed back. PDOTLetting employee's work where they want to work if opening and situation dictates. Instead of putting someone in position just to mess with person.




listening to employees PDOTLISTENING to employees PDOTlistening to employees better, treating them with respect and dignity. PDOTLoose favoritism. Don't cover for management that harasses employees. Cross train for everyone - not just favorites.


Maintaining a standard operating policy across the board. PDOTMaking it fair for all people to advance in the bureau no matter what color a person's skin is. I don't mean to seem like I am constantly harping on this subject, but there was a survey taken in PDOT that revealed that among African-Americans, there is a 90% result that says that there are communication problems b/t Caucasian & African-Americans in the work place. Also, I have asked how do I advance in my work and I am told to "keep working" while my caucasian counterpart can ask the same question and they are told how to advance and what classes to take. Their is also favoritism and more room for advancement if you "play by the rules" no matter what your skills, qualifications, or background is. Also employees are not listened to when they have concerns or complaints or just general questions about the duties they need to perform. Supervisor's also need to learn how to assert themselves instead of aggress their authority. My supervisor has issues with saying "I am your supervisor and you work for me"...


...This makes it seem like he owns me and I am slightly more sensitive to this type of comment being that I am African-American and that kind of verbiage has been used against Blacks during times of slavery. I also don't like the fact that my supervisor made a racist comment to me and then denied it when it was mentioned to him by another co worker. My supervisor and I were talking about a co-worker who was out sick because of an allergic reaction to shell fish so she had to take codene. I then said I just had surgery and I had to take Vicodin for pain afterwards, but I flushed it because I don't like taking medicine. He then told me that I shouldn't flush medicine down the toilet because it is bad for the H20. I should have taken it to MLK and sold it. I then told my supervisor that I was leaving and I walked away. These kinds of statements shouldn't be tolarated at all in the workplace. Supervisors need cultural sensitivity training.Making more of an effort to explain how their tasks are an important part of the Bureau's efforts to fulfill the Bureau's mission.


Making overtime (i.e. weekends, nights) and upgrade in to other jobs less difficult. PDOTMaking people accountable for their work. PDOTMaking sure employees feel valued. More training to become masters of their jobs. Feedback - both good and bad.


Managers/Supervisors quit bickering amongst themselves. Then they would have more time to concentrate on employees for such mundane tasks as actually supervising or even training.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 46

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Modifying their dictatorial style. It would help to be open to input from the people who know the job (not just their favorites). Disciplining on a fair and equal basis. Actually disciplining non-productive employees instead of letting them goof off while the worker they are partnered with does most of the work. (I think that not rocking the boat is overvalued in this particular culture--it seems to rank above knowing anything about the job.) Actually planning something for crews to do. Only a few are guilty of neglecting this, but there are some who send crews out with little direction. Not doing the same streets or sewer lines over and over. Pay more attention to what has really been done before. For example clean sewer lines are cleaned over and over, while those that need to be TV-ed are left dirty until after they are Tv-ed. Vancouver sends their tv truck BEHIND their jet. They are actually assigned together. Its not too easy to get a camera up a line filled with "detritus" and if you can get it in there, its usually filled with water and you can't see anything but water and detritus swirling around the camera lens.


More feedbak about performance and not just about issues that arise. More coaching and mentoring for people that want to move up or learn more about what other divisions or sections in a bureau are doing or even between bureaus to see what they do.


more in classification - longevity pay increases PDOTMore money. Talk to us more. PDOTMore opportunities for training and advancement. My job classification is underpaid. PDOTMore pay for CSE team since we are the only city on the west coast to have one. PDOTmore realistic opportunity for advancement of career. Have more training opportunities. Have training for jobs in other bureaus to possibly further you city career.


More recognition when a job is well done. PDOTmore support for professional development PDOTNegotiating in good faith. Treat the workers with respect and listen to what they say. The workers are the people who know what needs to be done. Get out of their way and let them do their job.


No favortism and better communication PDOTNot making up rules as they go. PDOTNot rewarding those who stir discontent for their own poer purposes. Rewarding knowledge, effort and customer service. Dealing with dishonest or inconsistent or ineffective managers. Provide more in-house educational opportunities instead of spending money for a few elite to do the travel/training.


Not showing favoritism by supervisors. Being more efficient with handling employee disputes. PDOTNot taking a year to negotiate our contract! PDOTnot threatening to fire them and wanting to bring in outiside workers at BOM PDOTnot trying to save money by taking it from the employees. But that's almost universal now, isn't it? I see that we are thinly spread already, and the prospect of losing some jobs here is very discouraging. It is discouraging because it means we cannot totally concentrate on our jobs because we're afraid they may disappear. It is also discouraging because our fellow employees have the same worry, and all of us wonder how we could continue to get the work done with fewer people.


Not wasting tax dollars on these surveys. PDOTOffer some type of reward for doing a good job. Currently, if you do your work efficiently, the only reward you get is more work. If you are inefficent, you get overtime. Rewarding people who do a good job with additional leave or compensation would increase employee satisfaction and probably increase productivity.


Offering more OT or upgrade. PDOTOne of the biggest morale issues at BOM revolves around the rumor mill. Nullifying the bad information that comes out of the rumor mill could help in improving morale.


open forums for employees dealing with hot bed issues. PDOT

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 47

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Paying the hard workers more, and fire the lay workers. PDOTProbation-performance of new employees shouldn't be only up to management. Management is in office most of time. What about workers opinions? We see and know skills and habits of safety. I'm talking about job transfers or upgrades. Too many auto accidents and habits I don't care.


Provide incentives. PDOTProviding a better method of "vertical" feedback. Information sharing and communication throughout the labor-management hierarchy needs to improve.


Providing a training money fund again, having a more structured mentoring program for jobs such as CEO.


Providing feedback instead of assigning blame. Not finding fault with employees as their default judgement. Performance reviews. More respect from management. More chances for advancement.


Providing lateral transfer and promotional opportunities between Bureaus and not building walls to stymie growth of employees.


Providing more promotion opportunities PDOTProviding training and career development programs. Supporting PERS. Get a handle on BHR - they should not be running the City, but supporting bureaus.


recognizing those who really do the work instead of those who take credit for doing the work. PDOTRewarding good performance and behavior PDOTRewarding outstanding achievements. PDOTSame as above: ten-fold. By listening, HEARING & observing what each other says, does & wants to do. By giving constant feedback. By being friendly rather than dictatorial. There are lots of ways to show sensitivity & caring about people, performance & issues. Motivating others to perform to their best is often defeated by PDOT managers' attempts to 'tighten down' on employees without giving them the flexibility, credence and respect to do their job well. For example, I've seen an employee receive an 'employee of the month' award one month, then stripped of her control of her job the next month due to a 'lack of skill sets needed to do her job'. At that point she is ostracized from her coworkers for fear of 'catching' the same 'disease' or perceived as such by managers and staff. How can that happen? It's frustrating, it's demeaning, it's insulting and it's definitely NOT productive to a motivated workforce. And, it's rampant in PDOT.


satisfaction of employees is overrated. This is a place of business and some employees if allowed will take advantage of situations until someone puts a foot down


See above. Also, make sure all employees get equal access to training. PDOTShape up. PDOTsharing accurate information PDOTStopping favoritism and doing the work instead of asking other people to do their work. PDOTtaking a look at individual employees and making sure they are being classified accordingly to there assigned duties, and not adding things that are not within there classification without giving them due credit and compinsation


Talking more to employees. PDOTThe City and City Council should recognize the value of their employees contributions to our community. I see the Council more as CEO's than Legislators. They need to provide positive leadership to the work force.


the city could improve employee satisfaction by treating employees as a valuable resource and not making us feel like we're the enemy.


through specific training and fair management practices PDOTTraining for advancement. PDOTTreating all people equally. PDOT

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 48

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Treating workers consistently. Currently, some workers are coddled, upgraded, mentored while others with better credentials are held back. Too much nepotism here has created a special class of "golden boys" who get all kinds of special treatment. Discipline is not meted out consistently. Morale is very low & things are not getting better. Last week 2 employees actually got in a fist fight on the street & the next day 1 was being investigated & the other upgraded (both should be off pending investigation). Many times workers do stuff for which they should be fired & are not-MORALE BUSTER. Managers so far gone they don't know what's right anymore. Bad culture here.


Understanding what the employee wants to do in the bureau. PDOTValuing the employees as human beings with strengths and weaknesses. Not only the job goals and equipment.


When all managers and supervisors are reviewed ask people they supervise how they are doing - - great big resource overlooked.


working with peopel PDOTAcknowledgement of a job well done, would be a start. Also, when a mistake is made, an apology would be nice, too. I have personal experience w/Steve Duins column and an oversight by the Chief's Office. No apology was made to me about the fact it wasn't my fault.


Acknowledging a job well done. When an issue is brought to managements attention there should be some kind of small investigation done outside of the immediate division to determine if it is a valid complaint. Also there should be some negative outcome if a manager does not report the complaint. All division rules should apply to all employees not just the least favorites.


Aggressive hiring; public, management and city council support for labor. PoliceAs much as you like to think the employees are kept up to date on things that still is not happening. Treat non-sworn like they are really part of this bureau instead of just staff. I've seen non-sworn go above and beyond their jobs continually, yet they do not get commendations or any other recognition and yet officers get them constantly for doing thier job.


Asking employees what they want from their careers/individual goals for career direction. Encouraging individuals and new ideas. Acknowledge and thank employees. Hire managers or supervisors because of their skills with people/management--not just because seniority. Or offer management/people skills to management and supervisory level staff.


At this point, employees need hope of a better future. The message currently circulating is that things are bad and they are going to get worse. This is a defeatist message and counter-productive to the goals of the city. The message must change and a clear, positive, vision needs to be broadcast.


being adequately staffed for the work volume. Policebeing open to more flexible work schedules, ease in getting time off and a cleaner work environment. Police

Better communications, more regular and more transparent. PoliceBetter work hours bureau-wide, instead of just part of the bureau. Positive instead of negative feedback.


By treating employees with respect, instead of making rules and policies and that are de-humanizing. Address the problem employees, instead of making blanket rules that harm everyone. Reduce management, and hold them accountable for employee satisfaction.


By using each employee as a resource. By giving every bureau the tools needed to do the job right. We provide a service to the community, nobody should have to "wing it" to do the job right. Pay competitively. If we want the best working for the community, we need to pay for it. Thats all job classes, not just management.


Decreasing the neverending adversarial relationship with the City Council. Police

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 49

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Don't sweat the small stuff. Work WITH people to solve minor issues rather than using minor issues to take a "mgt" stand. A large number of employees are uncomfortable in bringing issues forward. Intimidation in the work place is hard to prove, but it exists. If an employee is made to feel uncomfortable or "outside the loop" by co-workers, especially those without assertive personalities or those in a probationary status, they lack a secure avenue to discuss it along with the knowledge that their discussion won't be taken lightly. We're seeing more employee "burnout" than ever before. Staffing issues are taking their toll both professionally and personally. "Employee Questionnaires" are too specific and often drive employee responses in specific directions. A generic questionnaire would allow employees to address those issues that are discussed behind the scenes and often away from mgt ears.


Educate employees about their own awareness of the power of how they think and process information. More specifically, educate employees on how pessimistic and negative thinking styles lead toward an overall view of powerlessness and negativity directed toward the workplace. It is for the individual to change his/her outlook. It is in my opinion the main reason why management's attempts to improve things fail. Of course there are many, many other factors, but this one will hold back a majority of employees and nobody realizes it.


Employees feel unempowered. Risk taking is discouraged. Employees need to feel they have some degree of control over their work. There is (genreally, not universally) a lack of vision and guidance.


employees need to recognized that they the most valuable asset and treated as such. PoliceEverything I stated above along with: incentives for jobs well done. allowing decisions to be made without being second guessed. an occasional break from the day to day tasks. the ability to learn and grow.


Explain to me (and others) why I can win the Chiefs Forum Problem Solving award at the same time that my (former) precinct is threatening to put me on a double secret informal work plan to quit spending so much time on followup. I will do whatever my bureau asks of me. I truely don't know what the real message the bureau is sending me any more.


finding a way to empower each other, at all levels. This goes back to the "bigger picture" training - add an empowerment piece to that.


Finding ways to boost morale where it is low. PoliceFollowing thru with what is already in place. PoliceGive training to people which enables them to take a larger role in overall activities in Records, let them get involved in seeing the advantages of promoting to higher job classifications. As it is now, very & I mean very few people are interested in promotion to Police Record's Training Coordinator. Why is that??? (Also see above section on labor-management section)


Giving credit where it is due, and by following the union contract. PoliceHaving a better testing process for promotions. Not ordering people to alter shifts so much. Stop the "good old boy" system!!! It's all too often who you know when it comes to assignments and promotions. Stop the gossip. Stop judging people too much by what others say about them. If you wantto do that, then look to more than one source for the opinion. Ask co-workers and subordinates, not just management.


Having more employees consequently giving the current employees more flexibility for time off etc. Police

Having more street officers - we have too many "specialty unit officers". PoliceHire more officers so we are not so DANGEROUSLY thin! We can't take vacation or sick leave without feeling guilty of abandoning our co-workers. Often times, vacation requests are also denied.


Honoring its employees and making community policing principles just as important inside the bureau as they are outside. Walking our talk inside and out.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 50

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

I find this question funny. Does anyone in my management really care is I'm satisfied? Not from my perspective. Make widgets and don't rock the boat is the message I get.


I love my job, but if my division were appropriately staffed, I would certainly feel less stress. PoliceIf the city treated us with respect instead as if we were the problem PoliceImprove communication between management and staff. Too often decisions are made and not shared with staff members as to circumstances surrounding the decision. Staff is left feeling unimportant, unworthy and in some cases fearful of taking the necessary steps to achieve clarification. Non-rep and rep positions are clearly divided in allowable timeclock issues. Take time to listen to staff complaints and act upon to rectify before having to notify Unions. Internal customer service seems to be only important if it relates to Management.


Include labor in discussions as issues come up. We talk about being collaborative, but we do not act that way.


Increasing staffing levels (lower stress, allow for more time off requests to be accommodated, do a better job) Recognizing performance through regular employee evaluations and other options. Helping employees have more realistic expectations about their job in general. (Some employees don't get it that the job isn't just about them.)


LISTENING to the employees! Support the work and protect our benefits. Make promotions fair and unbiased and create a structured system of reward...too many people get promoted for knowing the right people instead of what they know. Create some type of longevity pay incentive for non-sworn members.


Listening to their employees and respecting them instead of having the attitude that the bosses know all. Many bosses are good about this, but many are not!


Moving quicker in Internal Affairs investigations. 2 years is too long after an incident to get punished forit. Relaxing dress standards in areas where the public cannot view us.


Much of the low employee morale in this bureau is directly related to negative media coverage and negative City Hall attitudes. The bureau has no ability to change bad press and opportunistic, unsupportive attacks from City Hall.


new management. management training about the union contract. real respect from management, not a signed document that management doesn't follow, but hypocritically expects the employees to.


Not "soft toeing" around situations/people who have negative and destructive effects. Some situations(no matter how small they may seem) never get rectified. Over a period of time it does have a grave effect on the bureau as a whole. Take into consideration those who are at the bottom by listening, investigating and reflecting on what they have experienced/witnessed. Take into consideration and possibly act/implement. It is very disheartening when valid points/solutions are shared and absolutely no action is ever taken. Or the information is given back to the person who is or part of the problem.("fox gaurding the hen house" effect)


Not just the above, but by concentrating on what is important. By setting clear expectations and enforcing what is expected. My bureau spends way too much time on what our dress code should be and a lot less time on what our goals should be. We need a strong leader who can lead by example, set specific guidelines and rules that are good for the direction of the division. A division head is only as good as those who work for them, let's have those people have a good work ethic, be open to change, part of the solution.


Not showing favoritism towards certain people or groups. Being honest and truthful. Management following the same values that the employees are required to follow.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 51

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

offering continued education, either by in-service classes or city trainings, even community college courses. Even if there is no place for advancement in the employees current position continued education keeps them engaged. Consistant hiring practices and reasonably increased staffing. If an office becomes short staffed, the employees morale overall with be impacting greatly, fewer people doing more work tends to generate demoralized employees, who feel helpless. In turn they tend to take their work frustrations out on each other and citizens.


On the same note as above. I doubt that there are very many command staff that could describe what each non-sworn person under their command does.


Promoting employee satisfaction in the work place instead of looking for ways to document and penalize poor work habits.


Providing an environment where there is no fear of retaliation when someone disagrees with management. Having a support system for employees, outside the chain of command. Having top managers who will listen to their employees and not just their surrounding managers. Giving rights to nonrepresented employees.


Providing monthly recognition. PoliceProviding positive feedback on work well done. PoliceRealizing we are all individuals. We come to work to earn a living to provide for our families and hopefully to enjoy what life has to offer. Treat us like the adults we are. Quit screwing with people just because of some past deed. Take care of the problems at there root, not make a blanket statement chastizing everyone for one persons mistake.


Really focusing on the negative attitudes that exist and supporting people who want to effect change in that area. It seems gossip and discontent spreads like wildfire regularly and there is little that is done about it. Also, spending more time really listening to those on the front lines in a non-condescending and real way. They do it, but it seems to me that most concerns are dismissed out of hand and no real inspection is done.


RESPECTING US AND THE WORK THAT WE ACCOMPLISH Policesame as above....too many people in mgmt just doing time and not trying to improve the quality in this division, too much negative and absolutely no positive


See above Decreasing supervisors. Our division seems to be top heavy with at least one too many supervisors. Not only are they not doing their job, but they are costing the bureau money that could be used elsewhere.


Set and fund priorities at 100% It is crazy to have teams that used to be 100% staffed now stafeed at 25% to 50% and at the same time raising expewctations. Treat employees as humans and not numbers. This is primarily applied to the overall city (BHS Labor Relations, City Council) Have and LISTEN to employee boards implement their suggestions. Value risk takers and not squash them


showing more appreciation for all personnel wherther this is through awards or just taking the time to say thanks! Provide employees with an opportunity to participate in different projects (when the same people get to participate every time, others do not gain experience).


Some people will never be happy, no matter what you do. PoliceStop micro managing. Trust Bureaus and mangers with their budget. If they don't manage it properly then hold them accountable. The city is too much of a bureaucracy. We are bogged down with process which impedes efficiency. Paperwork passes through too many hands.


Taking more of an individual's work history and reputation into account when selecting people for promotion or specialty assignments. Why should someone who is demoted be allowed to test again at the next opportunity? Why should they then be promoted? Why should someone very qualified be passed over via the "rule of 5" then be promotable at the next opportunity?


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 52

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

The biggest detriment to employee satisfaction currently is the way the City is perceived as not supporting officers who are involved in critical incidents. If the officer acted appropriately, the City government needs to publicly support him/her, instead of calling for more review or remaining silent. Leadership is never easy, but we need more of it from our elected officials on this issue.


The bureau has people in supervisory postions that have no business leading or supervising people. Just because people have seniority doesn't mean they are qualified for a supervisory position. I have seen and continue to see very questionable behavior by some of these overpaid individuals. Their insecurity, jealousy, malicious and deliberate actions cause undermining of perfectly good dedicated loyal employees.


The shore answer to this is replace much of the management personnel in this division. There are too many managers and people who think they are management personnel when in fact they are not. Someone has to realize when employees are treated as second class citizens with no rights, not even the right to free speech there will be monumental morale issues.


Thinking of its employees first, and the loud vocal citizens who will never be happy with my bureau second


Thinking outside the box. We subscribe too much to continuing to do business as usual. Our employees who think of unique ways to solve problems are often punished for trying something new. Drive out fear. Encourage our employees.


Training and development. We need a training facility. We continue to provide training but have restrictions put upon us by not having our own place to design and implement training based on our community and PPB needs. A training site would increase accountablility, service and excellence. The training site would create jobs in our community and money to community's businesses.


Treat all employess equal and with dignity. The good will stand out. PoliceTreat employees like you would like to be treated. PoliceTreating all employees with respect and fairness. Providing equal opportunity and mentoring. Eliminate using the promotion lists to retaliate. Leading by example.


Using common sense. Removing a manager that micro-manages everything and everyone. He has gone out of his way to create difficulties for any and all employees he does not like, and continues to do so repeatedly. His reputation is such that his mere assignment to a high managerial position, such as assistant chief, makes a mockery of all of the lofty words in our statements of Values, Organizational goals, and Human goals. He should be placed in a position where he is not in charge of anything, until he obtains the assistance he needs with his issues.


When people are not required to be accountable to work performance and relationships with their co-workers there is never any employee satisfaction. There is only back stabbing. The employees must be held accountable at every step and every level. Although this would probably make things worse at first it would eventually turn around to where people realized that they had to do a good day's work for a good day's pay. Hopefully they would also learn that they didn't have to like or socialize with their co-workers they simply had to work with them on a professional level.


> greater bureau-based "business" environment to encourage and reward innovation and efficiency > improved accountablity of all employees


Actually utilizing civil service procedures and providing equal opportunity based on qualifications and not on favoritism.


Addressing rumors and/or hearsay at Tuesday-Thursday meetings immediately. Water

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 53

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Allow the crew that starts a job to finish the job. Mid-stream changes take away the satisfaction that comes with completing a job. Demand higher standards of all employees. Do not lower standards to admit lowest common denominator employees. Publish clear, high performance standards. Weed out or reassign poor performing employees to produce high performance units. Heap accolades on high performers and reward them with OT (when it is called for.) Provide training and counseling for under performers until their options have been exhausted, then either find menial work for them or let them go. Those who remain will be motivated.


Being consistant......Everytime some upper-level manager reads a new book we seem to need to change our direction and invent some new buzzwords. This seems to be very expensive to the citizens of Portland.


better communication and listening. As budget drives more and more of the decisions, there is less communication on the needs of others throughout the Bureau and decisions that affect multiple groups are being made without thoroughly looking at the "big picture".


Better communication. Better starting pay. WaterBetter upgrade money - not just 3%. WaterBringing back our benefits. It used to be a great place to work, not it is an "ok" place to work. WaterBy continuing to remain flexible with respect to scheduling. Waterclearly assigning responsibilities for bureau functions, and holding managers accountable. WaterComing down among us and finding out what is really happening on the ground instead maintaining the barrier that seems to exist between the average worker and upper management. You see President Bush going to visit the troops or kids in hospitals or farmers in the fields, but I rarely see a Bureau manager coming to our Thursday trough or walking around the Bureau just asking people how things are going. They will never gain the insight they need to manage things well and the support they need to execute new ideas unless the come out of the ivory tower and mingle amoung the minions a little.


Communicating more, looking for mistakes less. Focusing on daily productivity in a positive way. Making people feel worthy, not robots racking up stats.


Communication! Simplified employee reviews. Soliciting employee input. WaterComunication of expectations and letting employee's give imput. WaterConsistent leadership tethered to accountability for all layers of personnel. The opinion of most workers is that the Water bureau is adrift without a rudder, at the whim of any small gust of wind.


Creating opportunities for advancement. Making training and cross-training a priority. Realigning the job class structure occassionally so people are rewarded by receiving raises instead of being stuck at the top of their job class and salary cap.


Delegating decision making to the level of performance. Reducing bureaucratic controls on work processes. Providing leadership in the community, and walking the talk with regard to using participative management.


Do a better job of communicating. Distribute high level meeting minutes. Don't be so 'secret' or afraid to communicte possible reductions


Doing well. WaterEmpowering the workforce using teams. I am having a hard time understanding the current management philosophy. How are we encouraging the workforce to participate? How are improving efficiency? How are we putting decision making closer to the work where the rubber meets the road?


encouraging staff; - supporting them in thier decisions (this also goes up to the Mayors office) - providing them the tools they need to perform well; - reward good behaviour and good work, etc.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 54

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Evaluations have always been a one way street, that is supervisors evaluate employees. Most of the supervisors that I have had direct knowledge of over the years have been fair and good/great supervisors. A few, however, have been poor or inadequate, bordering on the abusive,and when this happens it affects the morale and production of workers. When most employees in a work group have a similiar (bad opinion) about a common supervisor, and have left, in part, because of it, there should be some City sanctioned procedure by which employees on a regular basis can provide evaluative feedback to a supervisor or to the individual who manages that supervisor...


...Evaluation is a one way street in the City, i.e. Supervisors evaluate employees, but not the other way around. I know some private corporations provide employees the opportunity to evaluate their supervisors. Having a two way, city sanctioned evaluative process, will provide a means for employees to offer feedback without fear, will keep the poor or inadequate supervisors in check (for the few that exist), will be appreciated by the majority of good supervisors who do appreciate praise and constructive feedback, and should help labor-management relations if executed correctly.

Forgoing blatant favoritism and treating employees equally throughout the bureau. Waterhearing from City leadership (Council members) on a regular basis about some of the "good news" and accomplishments of city employees; providing incentives for innovative ideas, such as comp time rewards or other kinds of recognition.


Hiring new management. Making sure that their current managers and supervisors take classes on how to effectively manage. Providing mentoring and promotional opportunities to internal employees first.


I have no idea. Morale is horrible. The bureau is extremely dysfunctional. Starting over? New director, definitely would help.


I think one of the problems here is the inequallity of shared work in the field. There are folks who consistently don't carry their share of the load. The crew leaders I think have given up making an issue of it because in the past nothing has been done. There needs to be a more effective system for periodic preformance evaluations with input from the crew leaders, who need to be reminded to be fair and honest whether it be good or bad. There are some people out there who are a danger to themselves and others.


Improve Accountability. Our Balanced Scorecard initiative will have many performance measures to monitor our performance. The Scorecard has been completed and we expect to kick it off 1 July with the new fiscal year. Presently we are doing implementation planning.


In general, more internal communications would help, but we need to find out what our employees think rather than guess. We should conduct a formal assessment to find out. There are very good firms that can do this work for us. A couple of recent negatives you should know about: 1. Processing all Council actions and normal Commissioner-in-Charge actions through the Mayor's office has become a burden for staff and is materially slowing down routine work. It's pretty clear that the workload is too much for a staff unfamilier with how the city's administrative processes work. 2. The budget review process being used this year seems very unplanned and unsystematic. In addition, questions and issues are being raised that, in my opinion, have nothing to do with review of next year's budget...


...There is clearly some political grandstanding going on by certain commissioners. Making the bureaus the "wipping boys" may play well with the public and the media, but does not foster employee morale or their trust in the city's political leadership. 3. Recent discussion between OMF and the Council about a potential Non-Rep merit pay freeze is not helpful to employee morale among Non-Reps. Since represented employees get automatic raises per the union contracts, it appears distinctly unfair. You should not assume Non-Reps are all highly compensated managers ... many Non-Reps are much lower paid employees. I think there is room to improve the system of awarding merit pay, but I don't see it as a budget issue.Keeping concerns from employees to management in a more confidential manner. Water

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 55

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Less micromanagement. Fair and equitable treatment to each employee the same. Have one rule/standard and each dept adhere to it.


Listening and working with employees when things are not working well. If there is an issue, management should not only be willing to listen but make POSITIVE changes that help all employees involved move forward and take pride in their jobs. Create problem solving teams or something with a mix of all positions and discourage the management "I'm greater than you attitude" when being approached by a "lesser position" employee. Could even encourage City sports team events for employees to interact on a relaxed level with each other.


Listening to comments. WaterListening to employee input. WaterListening to employees. WaterListening to the men and women who work in the field and their ideas. WaterLooking at how work is configured - your duties, ownership. WaterMake it a Goal No Accidents. Reward employees that set a good examples Watermakng sure communication takes place from the top down. WaterManagement needs to talk to staff. There shouldn't be so much decision-making happening behind closed doors. The processes for decision-making need to be more transparent. People need to talk to each other and not be afraid of losing their jobs for speaking their minds if done so in an informed and polite manner. Decisions that affect staff should be made in concert with staff, not behind their backs.


Many Bureau mangers have an "us vs. them" attitude. Many managers seem to have nothing better to do with their time than to antagonize employees. Rumor has it 50% of the Water Bureau is management. That is very top heavy - part of the problem above could be solved by reducing the amount management.


Morale is pretty low, we are attacked a lot in the press, it would be nice if someone could say something nice about us, the service we provide is taken for granted.


More communication at all levels, we have had a bad time in the last few years. City needs to stop pulling the Bureau apart and give it a chance to recover. Constant feeling of doing things wrong in the press and by Council doesn't help employee morale. Concentrate on the things we do right as well as what we do wrong. We deliver one of the City's most important services 24/7 and do it pretty well I think.


More flexable hours. WaterMore meaningful performance evaluations and reward systems. Periodic perception surveys and then really do something anout the results!


most complaints I hear are about managment not being able to cut through the red tape to get what we need to do an outstanding job... we hear that training has budget yet are denied travel money. We work with sub standard equipment and are told there is no budget to replace computers [100% our job]


Most employees dissatisfaction seems to stem from a general dissatisfaction with the City as a whole rather than the individual Bureau. However, I think our Bureau as well as most others would benefit from a greater emphasis on the development of managers and supervisors, particularly those related to leadership and performance management. We are currently in the process of rolling out a 4 part performance management training series. In the pilot sessions the response has been very positive. I also think that employees are dissatisfied by a lack of opportunity for growth; I certainly know that I am. This is exacerbated by lack of the availability of quality training. We have done away with City-wide tuition reimbursement and now must rely on the individual bureaus to fund training. When we are constantly being asked to cut our budgets training is the first thing to go even though we know that dissatisfaction among employees creates less efficiency and less effective service.


Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 56

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Not centralize all activity downtown. Have Bureau and City information, classes and events at other locations. Improving and expanding customer service and public involvement so that Bureau employees do not become punching bags. Stretching and fitness classes on site (other than downtown)


Not requiring time sheets to be submitted 2 days before the end of a weekly time sheet period. WaterNoticing who performs well or gives extra effort to get things done. WaterOffering flexible work hours. Ending sick leave reviews - have more paid time off for either sick leave or vacation leave, no questions. Reserve sick leave for illensses/absences over 5 days. Providing training funds for represented employees.


Personally, I would like to see a budget for training with Kinetics or City offerred workshops in my department. We are told that there is no money for us to take classes, even in Excel or Access . Both programs that are used every day. OR, have an explanation why other departments in our Bureau can send many people to these trainings in addition to conferences, and we can't.


Provide professional development/training opportunities so that employees can build on work skills. Make new employees feel welcome by having a clean desk, computer, and phone set up BEFORE they arrive.


Providing a way for promotions to happen. Waterproviding leadership. One thing that I've seen during my career at the city is a definite lack of leadership and folks not being held accoutable for their work or lack of work.


Raising the bar for all of the employees to have enough of a challenge to experience self satisfaction, followed by rewarding the efforts of employees who sucessfully meet those challenges.


Rather than attacking things like PERS and hastling people for taking there sick time when they feel a need (sick time monitoring and abuse policies) They start providing incentives to not use sick time(if that is the goal for instance) That way a person could use their Benefits as needed (It is part of our compensation and how we use it should be at our discretion) Short form, read"7 Habits of highly effective people"


Recognizing the positive and not just the negative WaterRemoving the "Hammer" that Human Resources has created and ending the rule by intimidation. Empower the workforce, allow them to be creative, do not rule them.


Requesting regular feedback about obstacles to satisfaction (e.g., annual bureau-wide surveys). Watersharing more information about what the bureau is doing WaterShowing more respect. WaterStop cutting positions in one area to feed other areas. Look at what certain positions have as work loads and be realistic about expectations. Don't keep piling on work, tasks, etc without any additional employees or salary. Provide evenhanded support when employees are criticized by outside forces.


Team building exercises. WaterThis is a huge issue, encompassing almost all facets of the bureau. Incosistancies and lack of good decision making are 2 topics. Involving all employees in decision making or at least keeping them in the know, would help. Planning and coordination of projects are not well thought out. Involement of all pertinent individuals, doesn't usually happen. Contracting services instead of using the Professional resources ( which we have ) to study or complete a project. There are more issues but I need to move on.


Treat employees like people, not numbers. Water...having top managers take training for supervisors.1. Showing respect for present employees. 2. Make promotion and transfer policies more transparent. 3. Stop hiring consultants to analyze and attempt to fix our problems. That money can be better used in-house and we can solve our problems ourselves.

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 57

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

A solid connection between City Hall and individual bureaus. That would help commissioners better understand the service employees give. They feel politics and not good management practices are driving policy. That leads to disolution on our part.Allowing employees to work flexible shifts.ALLOWING FLEX TIME FOR ALL EMPLOYEES INSTEAD OF JUST A FEW.Being open and honest.Better hiring practices. The tests are joke. They hire who they want or the test is so poor that the people they hire on the list can't do the work.By allowing individuality to shine through and quit try to pigeon hole employees by having them take "personality" tests; and by having actual one-on-one discussions with individuals as to what they want to achieve in their job; what kind of advancement they actually can obtain; what further education they will need to obtain a realistic goal.By having someone who pretends to care and pretends to listen to what is said.by the bureau and supervisor and directors paying more attention to what is going on.Ceasing attempts to gut the retirement system.changing the management personnel; create a positive workplace; include all employees in matters concerning employees.Clarifying goals, objectives, the bureau's focus. Setting clear guidelines on decision making and work expectations.Communicating how difficult it is to do business effectively when there is not the understanding, respect or integrity for the professional work you perform.Communication between upper management and eomployees. We are in a situation that has been termed "you will be informed on a needs to know basis".Effectively address poor management style of utility program manager.Employees sometimes feel frenzied by deadlines and overload. Additional resources would reduce this problem, though everyone recognizes the City's financial situation and accepts that resources are scarce.Ensuring work rules are followed. Recognize positives.Following up on the areas that are very out of control in our department. Workerse feel that nothing will change and no one cares. We have a lack of urgency and professionalism with this bureau, mainly customer service departments.Giving credit to employees as deserved.Have one hire list and hire the most qualified people. Instead of passing up people that scored high on the list and going below them 50 or 100 spots to hire a minority or protected class person in attempts to diversify.Having employees provide more input on the direction of the organization.Hiring the most qualified people.I believe most employee dissatisfaction stems from job insecurity. Having to deal with reduced budgets year after year -- especially to see Police and Fire receive preferrential treatment with other bureaus shouldering the cuts -- is draining and leads to dissatisfaction. A no layoff policy would be nice, but I realize this is not practical. There is no easy solution.I feel like I'm repeating myself here, sorry. Respect from management (to all employees), fairness, improve morale, remove favortism, evenly distributed discipline (same rules apply to all), evenly distributed recognition (somehow only a select few get appreciations?). Not being a target or being retaliated against, just for voicing an opinion or questioning a management decision.

if they hired people that could do there job physically. Not hire people based on test, just because they can drive truck or operate machines according to paper doesn't mean they are qualified

I'm satisfied.

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 58

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Improved employee communication. Actually we're a pretty happy bunch, and the grapevine works very well =) .Improving communication and information sharing within the organization and having the training and travel resources necessary to meet employee needs (current resources aren't adequate)Increasing labor relations. Increase in pay and benefits.Involving employees in decisions, planning more fun events and when it comes to reductions try to address them by attrition.Kill the reorganization plan that is such a boondoggle. Not planned and no clear direction given. The money spent on this is shameful. Unions and managers hate it! Parks has succeeded for 100 years as is - why does this new director think her ill thought reorganization will work?Less harrassment over sick leave. Better screening on job position.letting crew leaders choose their people. Put all cry babies on same crew.Listening to our needs.Looking out for our best interest, making our health and safety a priority.Management being required to follow the code of ethics and city policies. The Code of Ethics include the statement that employees are to follow policy set by the mayor and city council. Their personal opinion is not to be acted on. My experience is that ny direct management mainly operates on their personal opinion not city policy. There is no way for employees to express concerns or compliants without retaliation. Once I did and then my manager started harrasing me and when I went to HR about being HR I was told that that was just that person's personality and I just need to accept that. It would be nice to be treated fairly. It would also be nice to have my director acknowledge me when he does see me in the hall instead of being ignored.

Many things can be said here. Employee satisfaction is not just my bureau's responsibility but should be one for the COP as a whole. Workplace rules that have been made recently have been overly-restrictive, seem to imply that city employees are liars and cheats and cannot be trusted. This is very insulting. Most city employees are hard working and conscientious and go the extra mile. This should be recognized. BHR seems to have assumed a great deal of power that is not generally seen on the outside (I have worked in the private sector for 20+ years.) Their way of doing business lately seems harsh, cold, and impersonal.Meeting training and equipment needs. Stop the budget cuts! Fund basic services and then play the political game.My bureau gives supervisors opportunities to evaluate employee performance in annual performance review. However, there is no opportunity for employees to review their direct supervisor's performance. Everyone in our office seems awfully stressed and unhappy about our manager, yet we dont' know how to communicate this to him/her without fear of retaliation. His/her manager is unaware of the situation.Not aware of anything my bureau could do or is not doing.Not treating us as enemies while union negotiations are taking place. We are just now getting over the last union negotiations.Paying us what we are worth.Providing more promotional opportunities...i.e. level 1, 2, 3.Quit blaming people, less focus on "C.Y.A." and documentation and let us do our job.recognizing those who do good work and eliminating those that do not.

Bureau Innovation Project Employee Survey Results 59

My bureau could improve employee satisfaction by: Bureau

Require the managers to be involved with their team, but not micromanagers. And, not social butterflies. Since the hiring process is SO painfully long and drawn out, and qualifications are so above and beyond what the jobs actually require, why not TRUST the employees that have been hired? And if they can't do the job and don't meet performance standards, document and get rid of dead wood. Employees who DO the job, have a good work ethic and can THINK wouldn't have to pick up the slack for the ones who can't or won't. Gossip, 2.2 violations and "conduct unbecoming" should result in termination! But they don't, they're overlooked.Satisfaction will be improved when the City Council understands that financial distress can't be eliminated by consolidation. The drive to consolidate everything from planning to maintenance to engineering is headed in the wrong direction, and it is based on unsubstantiated claims of savings. The prior ASR consolidation process was a total failure, but no one is willing to admit it publicly. Service levels have fallen dramatically, but costs have not been reduced materially. The current consolidation push is again headed down the wrong path. Satisfaction would be substantially enhanced if the Council would get off of this mythical idea and let bureaus do their work rather than expend energy dealing with addressing superficial and potentially harmful budget cutting ideas of this sort. Conversely, the Council needs to let bureaus eliminate certain low-priority services to address budget problems instead of trying to keep doing everything for less and less budget. Once that occurs, satisfaction in all bureaus will start to improve.Stay in touch with what the labor side of the bureau does each day.Stop cutting our medical!Stop playing political games. Stop the self-contratulations and back-handed complements to employees. Be trustworthy and earn trust of employees.The City of Portland could improve employee satisfaction by not threatening to cut jobs because Commissioners don't understand what certain job classification do. They could also improve employee satisfaction by not threatening to eliminate a COLA increase and the recent discussions about freezing merit pay.This isn't a bureau problem, its a citywide problem that starts from the top. Since Potter has been elected, the problem has become even more serious. He seems to have forgotten that the employees are serving the citizens of Portland. His lack of concern for the employee's well-being has never been more evident than through this budget process, or should I say lack of process. There appears to be no clear direction and the lack of communication is a serious problem in the city.

Training supervisors and managers to empower decision making at lower levels in the organization. (i.e., Discourage micromanagement) -Providing an effective mechanism for employees to evaluate their supervisors without fear of retaliation.Trusting the dedication of the adults that work in the bureau. Giving them credit for the hours they work and are on call rather than micromanaging their time. It is difficult to answer this question. It is out of my control and HR has already been notified.Using golden rule.Well, I think it will be hard to improve employee satisfaction much until the bureau directors are replaced. This bureau needs, more than anything else, some leaders. Unfortuately, our current bureau directors are much more skilled at not rocking the boat then having a vision for where the bureau should go in the future.