British Troops Lured In to. Arab

The Rancor Daily Time* ia the oldest Daily Newspaper in East- land County, the first edition appearing on June 1, 1919. RANGER D aily times Subscriljers to United Press Wire | Service which b'ings the latest world news to Times readers each day. 29th YEAR RANCEIt, TE.XAS, SL'.S'DAY, JANUARY 11, 1918 PRICE ElVK CENT’S No. 193 British Troops Lured In to. Arab Knoitta Freed From Communitts I . 11 INJURED IN ANNUAL MARCH 1WD ACCIDENTS OF DIMES TO AT SAME SPOT OPEN JAN. 15 Refugees who fled from, Greece, to outlyiaj; areas during the seigr hy ( om- munists force.H, carry their povM's.sion.s to mil itary trucks for return t<» the city as Govern ment troops drove off the Red attacks. (NE Radio-Telephoto). TRI-COUNTY LIVESTOCK I First Test Of SHOW CATALOGS READY CaUlogn conUlnlnf the program and list oI priiea offered during the Trt-County Livestock ihow to be hold in ganger, reb. 13 and 14 are off the press and ready for dutrlbution. The show ia being apoiuarcd hy the ganger Junior ■* Commerce and will .leldin their new native'atone -in bam adjacent to the rodeo arena. Caah prites in the amount of $800 will be awarded to exhibitors •and advance reports received by the Jayceei are that a large num her of exhibitors from Kastland. Stephens and Halo l*inlo counties will be on hand to compete. Following is the program for the show: ^ 11 a. m.. Friday, Feb 13. all animaU will be in their place*; 12 15 noon, Friday, Murray Cop. radio prtigram. I p. m. Friday »ift- Ing, 8 p. m., Friday poultry judu ing; 9 a. m. Saturday. Feb. 14, judging of horve clatM's; 10 a. m. Saturday, judging of goat claaae*. 1 p. m. Saturday, Judging of *heej» clataea; Dair^ Judi^lng 11 a. m. .Saturday; 2p .m., Saturday, judg ing of swine rla'*a*. 3 p m . Sat urday, judging of beef rattle clan- >ea; 4 p. m. Saturday, entric.% may Arraigned In Grable Extortion Case I be removed from kbow. Prite* in the difiurent classes will be as follow* Beef rattle div I iMun. total of $120, dairy cattle {division. $51.01); Swiiu, $110, ! Sheep. $95.80, guala, $V4 SO. puui Iiry, $65. Kxhibitora of horses will com- irete for ribbons only and the elaa- ' .*es include saddle pofiies under I two year* of age. both ai-xes; sad dle pomes two years old and over, both sexes, grand champion sadd Ir pony, reserve champion saddle Eisnehower Vote Getting Due Soon Jff tMmt rt.a* W.\SH1NOTON— The country today wa.% promised Its first test of lien I>wight D Fjsenhower's votrgrtting ability In the Repub lican primary in New llamp*hire where Sen Charles W Tebey will be boosting him for the presid ency Toby, who sometimes dewribes himself as a "maverirk" and dii- agree* with GOP Iradert, announ ced last night that hr has arre.ot pony, thoroughbreds under two ] „| , directorship in the Draft ' year olds both sexes: thorough- \Kisenhower league which has breds two years old and over, both [ bradquartrn in New York I sexes, grand champion thorough bred, reserve champion thorough ’ hrrd, draft horses, singles, all ag- est draft horses tr.mis. all ages. Horses Will be judged in the rod- ' ru arena. I The silting commlltee will be (umposed of J K Donley. K K Harrell, II C Wilkerson. and Dr Kuss Ilodge.* Judges lor the show are as ful lows. Beet cattle. A I Kdwards llurkett. Texas, dairy cattle <' II .lb'll, Druwnwuod. swine. W. W Ke«-d. John TarIrlon College -nrei>. I Kdwards. goaU. L. W Riddle, Linglevdle. horses. W .M Kuykendall. Clifton, poultry. Jim | Wilkerson. Hrrikenridge. i R H Thomsv. J r . Ranger, Is , cerrtary manager of the show . and arlditioiial iiilormaiioii ran I h' had by writing him. F.arller, Toby's son. Charles. Jr was listed on a complete slate of Kisenhower ih'legatcs fileil fur the March 9. New Hampshire Kepubli can primary. Petitions also were Hied for Republican convention lelegates pledged to Guv. Thom e, K iR'wey of New York and for- ner fiov Harold F Slaaien of Minnesota Small Boats fa k e Passengers From Stricken Ship Russian To Be On Palestine Commission 0/ rrvJB I.AKK .SllCt KSS N. Y Au ,thoritalivr sourcei disviosed today that the Russian member of the ' l'niti>d Nation* high command, as sistani Secretary • fieneral Arkady Sobolev, will accompany the UN commivsiuo to Palestine as top UN officer Sobolev. 44 year old veteran of the Moscow foreign office and a major figure in the UN Seeretar , lat will remain with Ihci Palestine commission fo* an indefinilr time : Permanent chief of the UN staff ^during the partitioning will 4>r Ralph Bunrhe of the United ; St.-lev. director of the UN tnulee . *hip division 'The United Nations Palestine TOKYO Small boats from two Soviet naval vessels shuttled bark jnd forth tielwcen their mother hips and the waterlogged Russian Molnrship Dvina under glaring I -earehlights tonight removing 780 ] ia‘.*-ngerv stranded on Hie help- ■esa shin more than three days. I>rtill* filtering into the Soviet -nisstnn here from the scene of the rescue 200 miles ea.*t r f north Tn Japan, wwre extremrtv mea ;er Russian olliciais nere indicat 'd that full Information of the makeup of the Dvina's passenger and grew and on the rescue one if the greatest In maritime hhi tory may not he made known for <ome time, if evar. Three Robbers, Part Of Bank Loot Are Taken Mr«. Jean Bran of Katifinati. aa, is unilrr arrmit in Loa ^■^iRrlra, (*alif., after ghr al- Itftetlly IhreatrnrH to kid- Akp Jraatca Jamra, 7-month- old younfrr daugrhter of Artreaa Brtty Grabir and Rand l>rad»r Harry Jamea. Invratliratnrs Mid Mrs. Bran ailmittrd aendiiiR thr letter, 'aplaiVlnir ahr was hiinfry ^ and Uftd of living in povar- ty. (NEA Telephoto). NKW ORLKANK Pnlire today warrhed for the remaining two I Commisoion went into cloaod arw members of a five man gang Uiol I Sion today to draft a lime table ■ n.-irher $130,000 from a midtown for the partition of Palestine , bank here yesterday The other three robbers werr arrested with I T .» I shout half the loot in their poo*- JdVCee ineei lO .esaton seven hours aner the then ' Moving rapidly on a tip from aa unldenllfied blonde, potlee arree- ' ted John Haaeelbaeh. 23 and Tom ' mjr Ricketts. 21. both of New Or- A oseellng of fhe Junior O imi - irana. asid ike lalten uncle, i her of C'ommeree will be held tivswfe W Rieketta, 0, htSod Monday nighl at 7 30 o'clock in f r « " Chalmetto. U the Blue Room of tlie Ghelsoo Ho- Police said Ihry recosersd from tel I the three men aboul $04000 of .Ml members are arsed la at ,the caah stalen from Ibo Hibernia . lend It important mtllera are to relational Bank's mldtowa braneh I bo broaghl before tbo groap | early yeslertlay. Meet To Be Monday NHe Make Hi$ Dreams Come True Klrv^n pepkonf Injur^tl ibtkout 9mi*X of Rm.grr on hl|r^«•)r ^0 two dr iK’cwlfiit* urrurred mi tht> am$e »{)«»< utiti within an h<»ur of *•( h oUi«*r Thr fii»t nrriUrnt or* uirriJ About 1 o'c.ock whrn m car drivrn by .M. I». K**y of Abitcnr rroah. nA hrndoii into o-cor m whirh Mr. ami Mr*. ttaroU IVUr* ami tb^ir o f hiNanatrillr, Indiana wrro ridiiu. 1 ha Kry car was hradrd ; wr4t and acrurdmic to Kdward W • iUirbi r o f Ohio who witnomavd th« accident BWcrvrd into thr path of thr ra.«t bound l>trr« car AU four avrr treated at thr W«^t Texaa Movpital f<»r cut*, and brui»> ea. I'rter» ret'eived a cruehrd cheat and the »on a compound fra< ture of thr lef. About an hour latrr firt men who had juit bern diamitard from the Navy and war* an rout* from the weal coaat to their homea in .Alabama and South Carolina were approarhinK the acene o f the acci dent. When they attempted to paai another rar, th* latter car atoppad Buddenly and the two rollidad The »aven injured in thia accident were a1»o treated at the Weat Tciaa Hoapilal. Moat serioualy injured o f thia aroup waa Lloyd Childera o f South t'arolma who euatained a broken leg along with cuta and bruiacK Othern involved in the aecident were \* IMtrhford, K l.uattr, H. T. W ’ hitaker and A K HimpiKm, all of Alabama and K O Webater of PaMa" and H P Harar of Ft Worth. The aailorii^ have alt been re moved to the Naval hoapital at Grand I'rairie, Webster ha- been removed t<> l^alias and Key to A htlene Traveler?: pa<^^ ng along ne«r the acene of the accident reported I that a little latrr a truck l<»ad of lumber had caught fire and hum ed. Chough the truck waa not in volved m the accident U. S. Marines May Go To Jerusalem hv f «s$v4 ' wo WASHINGTON Military and diplimiatir quarters reported lu >Uy that It may he nrre*sary tu ittspatrh a small gruup ul Marines tu Jerusalem to pruteet Amrrirsn pcrounnel and prui>erty there Agreement already lio* been ' rrarhed w.thin the government un the necessity I o r "Americtn guards" in Jerusalem during thr current wave ul Jew Arab fight ■iig. and ineirssed anti American feeling over the I N deeuiun tu paritiun the Huly Land Tne Am rrirsn nmsulatr general building there was bombed recently Hut a drrisiun has nut hern reaehrd os to whether the guards should be Marines ur rlvilians. thr state densrtnient -aid yeiter day. .Navy officials jKiinted uut that there ii ample precedent for os signing Marines to guard oHirial ■American pruperty uverseo* African Gold Supplies Above U. S. Per Capita JOHANNKSHURG. (UH| At though South Afrteana have been knnwn to deplore tbo onormoua gold hoard which tho Unite* .'-^loie* holds at For Knok and eloowherr, Uw I'ad is that Ihir liltla nation aloo haa a foir aup ply of th* proetous motal. In fact, .Hnoth Africa has more gold par rapttal of Its Kuropean populatt-Hi than America ran boost por rapiul * DuHn« llw past six montho, th# Baulh African Resensr Bank has ransistently roparted gold roaorvos af (tt7.0O«i,o«M> ar batter Thio work* out CT n (about Suit hi U B. rurreney) for ooeh of tlio t.SOO.- 0#A Kuropean Inhahttonta of Rnuth A f r i ^ Towards the middle of this month, tho golden stark pila of Ota Unitad Watas amount- ad to $21,708,d0a,n00, ar $1$7 ’ par capita. The annus) Uairn u. Dimi- .pearhrad of lh<- fight agaiiia' Infsniilo I', will be heU' 'brought th< nation January 1' tu .'10, It wa<i anuoun- *'d t<HUiy hy Carl Klliot. t-iunty .Hrh ■ - .''upnnlendent, Marrh of Dime haieman for F.a*tland t'nunty ■'The r»«t of figul'.ng ptrlio ‘'o.' 'kyrocketed. " Mr Klliol -aid in p<’lnting put that n-lng prire and mounting jMilia inci'lenre hsvi placed a tremendous huriten at th resourers of the National Kuo*- dstion for Infantile pamly.- whKh this year celehrale- thr Trnth Anniversary of It- foundiny by Franklin D Ro*..-».velt. Mr. Klliotl’ * Mairh of Dinie romniittces la rvrry community in th<- county are iwtting up th* machinery that will nsake the !'• . 4tt appeal a ree*ird demonstralu't' of this county’s active interetl in 'lelping the stnekon children of .Anlerica along the road to health "Kvery phs*o of community life fill participate In sanding a riiit ing me-sage of hope to the un fortunate victims of thi. mpp- ing disease, which has ,lro k«‘t an.OuO Americans in the past years," Mr Klimt said "Our con. mittee* in ew'iy community in the county are bringing into the fnrlit the able a**i*tace of the entirt population of that particular ."m munity, and we ask for these 'nr’ , mittes-s the unhestitaing coo,-i i stion of every eitiien " Chairman of tha vanaus - r mittr* ' in towns and community of i'histlan*l County are as fol- i lows, announce- Mr h.llutt' t'*—| demons. 1* K Clark; t a.tlamt >lr.,« Frank Hiphlower; Range- Mrs J I’ M'trris; Carhoa. W A i Tate; (.'I'rman, Ktigcnr llaker . P.oncer. Mi— M ldre*! Vd* ock .Scranton, K. T. Ktma; .Mortm Valley. Chas. Horns; Rising .h'ar K. H Howard; HuH'ok. Mrn (.aura \’ ii*len; Olilen. M“ Sie*.J larrett. Plan Quiz Of Two In Pauley Market Profits Itf ('««!#« •a-J$ I M'.VSHINGTON -r.epatr spreu lation Investigator* may quu Ag -icuHure Secretary Clinton I’ ; Viuteison and former poatmaslei general. Rrtbort K Hsnnrgan cm he sojourn at Kdwln W I’uuleyi Hawaiian retreat. Thi* wot disclosed today by hairman Humer Ferguson R Mich of the Senate ap,nropria | ion* *uhc*»mmittrc on specula ion The group's bearing was In ece** unlil Monday when thr lenatorv plan to call Hng Gen | Aallsce H Graham. W hite l!ou*e ] physician { lntere«t in what went on last- ; ummor at Pauley's Cocosnul l» i land estate ws.* slim'd up by ihc testimony of Harold E. Sloasen The Republican prevnlenlisl a* : plrant told investigator* yesterday ;bst Pauley msete nroflU of $;gl * « In hides and $4 HW in wheal while Anderson and Hannegsn were visiting him Hannegsn wst thim a member of President Tru man * cabinet Atlanta Puts In Her Bid To Be Flower City ATLANTA. Ga. tUP) Thi Georgia <-apital. famed for it* l>earh frees, now hopes to get a Ifg an the till* "Clt-. of Klotaars” whan I h e trtpple header flower event of Allanla is held here thi* year the Nalmnal roMWntion of th* Men's Garden Cluh, Ih* At lanta Talip Ktiaw and the Dog. | woad Festival. All thraa evrhts will bfing tkau- i imnda af viaitars hat* from many ^ aaettona a f tha country aaxt April. Tsreflty-flwa thousand tulip | bulbs hava baan nblalned from th* | Aaoneiatad Bulb Orewer* of Hall- i and and have baen baddad dawa j for winter, *' AT LEAST 5, MAYBE EIGHT ARABS KILLED IN BATTLE To- British ' that It.-- 11.’ < a pitched at li.tud Iasi Strike At Texas City Settled TKXA.S ( ITY A nine day old vtrikr at the huge Pan American refinery which idled 14<*) CIO r«- finery worker* and caused k ser lous shortage of furl rul on the east ruoat was settled early U dsi The ilrikr started New Year'- day when thr union member* widked off their jobs m vupport of demands lor a wage inerci*e totaling so rents snd hegr Agreement ul the strike come at 8 .4 M , alter sp all ni-hl ne* iitiating vrssion in C,»l*. don However the ssreemeni i* subject to rstilir.stion hy union mcniber -hip in Trxis City and Kilgore "The 250 un; in employe* of the Pan kmeiicaii Pilw C” , who li-.i went on *lnki acre inclioli-d m the srlllcncnt .M the same tuna, tne depart ment of lah..r m Washington an -.ouncfd that the company and un ion had agreed on a 12 cent* on lour p«i boott MKMk INJtRtU MWV Itti-iTi'N it r .\ novice en jine*'r wa- trapimd snd injured 'Mrh*|i* fala'iy and m oif than 60 ■>*.w'ni*ci* were- hurt today when , four c r Pri-videncr to Ibis'on ■onin.iiter train '■'.w del ailed at hr p. rk Bay dstion and Ih* lo- -omnlim civertumed RJC WINS ITS SECOND GAME IN CONFERENCE sliin:*K i hit • ,d i.:»!f-ranrr ^ ’ ‘ all :;smr o; llii* F-ldav n *♦)» ■■A‘ j$- ; lilt ItJ4Hi!*’■ ■■ (4 i* | • »f W I a U -tiiyrfi ( -4lr •« b « ir* •I ') to si2 XfTfr .1 nip MUl turit b«ttlr in thi* h t *. ifchirh U’ft the »corr Jxi tfr 19 RirhW' f t.-'r lo liti ^r-ii fJctroilf <1 W; -thrri. r ' th dr- 9$ r t I JKIM'ciAl KM 4*111- . ? -i tt* ' »p- arr irt- bnttir w Arial‘ lit «t 1* ♦ fivp m iM l p- ;b y a ifht wrra kiiUd 'I VI ‘ d*-id Jr" . it-\rd kilLad ,y isks.ihv ' •'-‘-rt- fouftii in iT. * »»n;. »r4a ttKiay T^• Hrttitk iiffarrd n-' lha •i fOjnt t'f thi fir>)tinr xaid. Tha I. ’ ’ i:i : juth l*AJa>tin« *"■ It -horii.* after Amb s, t . w**: - ki -’k In N«*fth K^'urtina *. a»**- J '“ ■• 't forr>«i -<.5 ifT” jnd nrtdl Th7 I ituikAt at indt i>«r»n vtlli M t batw»'a« Jaw from m ^iTarbjr ^ it and tha Arab t\mp in th* vi 1*$^ ' AfWr U»a Jawa bkiihdi- w, th** Aral nt out a hoax appaal t th* to rt*»*orr i;r:tar Rntish troo|H and poUao wh'* rarad to tha raa into a * iti rag^y of Ai^h f ‘ from acatw t»*rad p«»int« in thr sand duna- frrr.vT- Tha Bnti ■ tiaok - * »n naar* l»y Midi »at^ir: 'it untila they had - -8i'iir.?Tl l ‘ - •nr'-. Than thoy i*eacirii ’t. :•) iv batl^a that k'?n- far ml* th- m^ht . Forty :c. i.'< ' Arabs vi-ra d:r frcTi. •/■tftvfb and dufM . xftar whiah •iiCp^Y ■* ' 4? tl r Arab for* r which ii!f. Fa t-ii= y» -torday had i;.1 ■MW- ;4-:irr Tile Bftrrtt ■i to . 'tafi bill lha Kan^t- 8 n;»ri ^ .1 u’) m the V . -irul h..Jf a " ! »i*- ! a 'i ,i‘l thr If'■t fi1 thr i.idU} p' jnt m tH I*' thr H vith I't r*«»intfc ’spfjik'tii witf 10 j-linti w.f hij''h lt>r«'at h i; d Mriiirr’ for Kan.^rr wrra for w‘3'«K I’vtrkrf .^nd lilj'th nnir», Hon«-' andt i;xwh^ and SuhMitutg* arir HI m k aril. si.Ihxan b-y W nkir .Tl-*' - ai.! on, ‘■'I.Tti «• lor \SrithoH‘ i ’ v fi ■ 1vj sprsikltn aTKl K* hr’"- • 'iii'i E'ulttm and lm : .1 1. t'ros- it: F“o «T ^.lJh ' W€- m fti\ Mnll \tintfad. Pih hford ariG Vaharr- Now He’ll Write About It Steelworkers Look To Woman For Leadership Pt KF U O , \ Y :t Pi Whrn -1 1 rr* at the nufuTt?. iti r»l - Apn ar « hav<* !aL>* 1 *rn .hii- . thf > tv rn lo a . I ‘ hai» d a fur laadi r- -i ip ^ Hroim, fmr •if a fi V,r- f t: pFv •id^lVt* of vt. Mt f h a' tb#» t*nit*d c.'f , 'ha- I*-, )rr of thr < ’ |0 I I • .'tri ' Wm ki’r' I ah a! *hW>Tt If a ni : hrf*y way hi- handler .%1 l tit h 'j- ’ ' ha»ir-*’ niuf: and It# . V « f. iat :■ w Ih thr .‘mploirra. V" H»->w -H’ll • ‘H f ' fiQlV hr*- n .11 ; V ih iahor .*1 •'i‘ '4:'ia wher -hi b»’ramP a ' . I t ' vt ‘ hr W .’U. I (ill I hod t«i <hi atTiiv*tbinpr ifi'l 1 tiui* t ikf offut wutii.** f-hr* r-d. ' eM ')i«t of my iifr. Tva '•aichinff th# ct ni.'d b<'ta«'«'n v4oik«-nk rmd th‘ » ♦•mployfra/* ?hi -sti»J Tv. MAd « vf ‘ \!hinx on thi* »bM=,t I rotild find I li<l«*fird to h arjfutr* nt* «ii both Mdoi*, Vw 'wa; Wi.nfrfi t<i makn nor*? that wh ‘ ps*ot>la 4id mMt<*hod tbo Ftavator Man Gno# Uf» M W YORK (VV) Kodotph J 'rhf»ma^ »tari:'d a- an o)Mtat-ir for th* Hurlrrp hianrh t>f thr Vmuiu Mrn'- t'hriiitlHti .As '■ latniM in IliZo. An tKe yrnri 'll o i. t)»4' aU'.Jitor o|)orat«'r * to (4f»k rierk, the relief m-r- fiinry. thru buMin<*«« mana^rr. \'*w hr ha* tnftdr rk$* *u»vr di)-.!or hlrhopt pout at tho branch. The Weather iloutly. Slightly warmer. \i .iltlriih. I p D, g-tigrd w ith the profonaiiimil Wa-hington lli' n ;. '.cj|,, i ia n agi's th- l/cna I’ oik ' llomt’ in hnrl Wurth, Tt \tt* (hiring hin o ff «<'ab<in, han now- adiicd U» hin rtutir- Starting ( hi Jantiarj' 12. he’ll writ); a daily column for the Fort Worth rn-iia aporU pa«». Ki juat flnlahad his o«||gnn w jth the ni dkk.nt. Here, hr grix a bit of friend ly advMir fronji BlacVip Sherrod, one of tho Pro-* ajMirtn writora. (NKA Telephoto). WAKMn Trmparatura at I >a* e-o*. Maxiun 66 Minlmur.' 47 Hour's Roadlng Temparatup* tat tk* laat $4 haae* eniHat ■* *<M * *•- HidBy Maximum H Mlntnum .................. — ** J \ A I -I * t P* I

Transcript of British Troops Lured In to. Arab

The Rancor Daily T im e* ia the

oldest Daily New spaper in East-

land County, the first edition

appearing on June 1, 1919.

RANGER Da il y t im e sSubscriljers to United Press W ire |

Service which b 'in gs the latest

world news to Tim es readers

each day.

29th Y E A R R A N C E It, TE.XAS, SL'.S'DAY, J A N U A R Y 11, 1918 PR IC E E lV K CENT’S No. 193

British Troops Lured In to. ArabKnoitta Freed From Communitts

I .


Refugees who fled from, G reece, t o outlyia j; areas during the se igr hy ( om- munists force.H, carry their povM's.sion.s to mil itary trucks for return t<» the city as G overn ­ment troops drove o f f the Red attacks. (N E R ad io-Telephoto ).


CaUlogn conUlnlnf the program and list oI priiea offered during the Trt-County Livestock ihow to be hold in ganger, reb. 13 and 14 are off the press and ready for dutrlbution. The show ia being apoiuarcd hy the ganger Junior

■* Commerce and will .leldin their new native'atone

-in bam adjacent to the rodeo arena.

Caah prites in the amount of $800 will be awarded to exhibitors

•and advance reports received by the Jayceei are that a large num her of exhibitors from Kastland. Stephens and Halo l*inlo counties will be on hand to compete.

Following is the program for the show:

11 a. m.. Friday, Feb 13. allanimaU will be in their place*; 12 15 noon, Friday, Murray Cop. radio prtigram. I p. m. Friday »ift- Ing, 8 p. m., Friday poultry judu ing; 9 a. m. Saturday. Feb. 14, judging of horve clatM's; 10 a. m. Saturday, judging of goat claaae*. 1 p. m. Saturday, Judging of *heej» clataea; Dair^ Judi lng 11 a. m.

.Saturday; 2p .m., Saturday, judg­ing of swine rla'*a*. 3 p m . Sat­urday, judging of beef rattle clan- >ea; 4 p. m. Saturday, entric.% may

Arraigned In Grable Extortion Case

I be removed from kbow.Prite* in the difiurent classes

will be as follow* Beef rattle div I iMun. total of $120, dairy cattle {division. $51.01); Swiiu, $110, ! Sheep. $95.80, guala, $V4 SO. puui Iiry, $65.

Kxhibitora of horses will com- irete for ribbons only and the elaa-

' .*es include saddle pofiies under I two year* of age. both ai-xes; sad­dle pomes two years old and over, both sexes, grand champion sadd Ir pony, reserve champion saddle

Eisnehower Vote Getting Due Soon

Jff tMmt rt.a*W.\SH1NOTON— The country

today wa.% promised Its first test of lien I>wight D Fjsenhower's votrgrtting ability In the Repub­lican primary in New llamp*hire where Sen Charles W Tebey will be boosting him for the presid­ency

Toby, who sometimes dewribes himself as a "maverirk" and dii- agree* with GOP Iradert, announ­ced last night that hr has arre.ot

pony, thoroughbreds under two ] „| , directorship in the Draft ' year olds both sexes: thorough- \ Kisenhower league which has breds two years old and over, both [ bradquartrn in New York

I sexes, grand champion thorough bred, reserve champion thorough

’ hrrd, draft horses, singles, all ag- est draft horses tr.mis. all ages.Horses Will be judged in the rod-

' ru arena.I The silting commlltee will be (umposed of J K Donley. K K Harrell, II C Wilkerson. and Dr Kuss I lodge.*

Judges lor the show are as ful lows. Beet cattle. A I Kdwards llurkett. Texas, dairy cattle <' II

.lb'll, Druwnwuod. swine. W. W Ke«-d. John TarIrlon College -nrei>. I Kdwards. goaU. L. W Riddle, Linglevdle. horses. W .M Kuykendall. Clifton, poultry. Jim |Wilkerson. Hrrikenridge. i

R H Thomsv. J r . Ranger, Is , cerrtary manager of the show . and arlditioiial iiilormaiioii ran Ih' had by writing him.

F.arller, Toby's son. Charles. Jr was listed on a complete slate of Kisenhower ih'legatcs fileil fur the March 9. New Hampshire Kepubli can primary. Petitions also were Hied for Republican convention lelegates pledged to Guv. Thom e, K iR'wey of New York and for- ner fiov Harold F Slaaien of Minnesota

Small Boats fak e Passengers From Stricken Ship

Russian To Be On Palestine Commission

0/ rrvJBI.AKK .SllCt KSS N. Y Au

,thoritalivr sourcei disviosed today that the Russian member of the

' l'niti>d Nation* high command, as sistani Secretary • fieneral Arkady Sobolev, will accompany the UN commivsiuo to Palestine as top UN officer

Sobolev. 44 year old veteran of the Moscow foreign office and a major figure in the UN Seeretar

, lat will remain with Ihci Palestine commission fo* an indefinilr time

: Permanent chief of the UN staff during the partitioning will 4>r

Ralph Bunrhe of the United ; St.-lev. director of the UN tnulee . *hip division

'The United Nations Palestine

TOKYO Small boats from two Soviet naval vessels shuttled bark jnd forth tielwcen their mother hips and the waterlogged Russian

Molnrship Dvina under glaring I -earehlights tonight removing 780 ] ia‘.*-ngerv stranded on Hie help- ■esa shin more than three days.

I>rtill* filtering into the Soviet -nisstnn here from the scene of the rescue 200 miles ea.*t rf north Tn Japan, wwre extremrtv mea ;er

Russian olliciais nere indicat­'d that full Information of the makeup of the Dvina's passenger and grew and on the rescue one if the greatest In maritime hhi tory may not he made known for <ome time, if evar.

Three Robbers, Part Of Bank Loot Are Taken

Mr«. Jean Bran o f Katifinati.aa, is unilrr arrmit in Loa

^■^iRrlra, (*a lif., a fte r ghr al- Itftetlly IhreatrnrH to kid- Akp Jraatca Jamra, 7-month- old y o u n frr daugrhter o f Artreaa B rtty G rab ir and Rand l>rad»r H arry Jamea. Invratliratnrs M id Mrs. Bran ailm ittrd aendiiiR thr letter, 'ap la iV ln ir ahr was h iin fry

and U ftd o f liv ing in povar- ty. (N E A T e lep h o to ).

NKW ORLKANK Pnlire today warrhed for the remaining two

I Commisoion went into cloaod arw members of a five man gang Uiol I Sion today to draft a lime table ■ n.-irher $130,000 from a midtown for the partition of Palestine , bank here yesterday The other

three robbers werr arrested with I T . » I shout half the loot in their poo*-

J d V C e e i n e e i l O .esaton seven hours aner the then' Moving rapidly on a tip from aa

unldenllfied blonde, potlee arree- ' ted John Haaeelbaeh. 23 and Tom ' mjr Ricketts. 21. both of New Or-

A oseellng of fhe Junior O im i- irana. asid ike lalten uncle, i her of C'ommeree will be held tivswfe W Rieketta, 0 , htSod Monday nighl at 7 30 o'clock in f r « " Chalmetto. U the Blue Room of tlie Ghelsoo Ho- Police said Ihry recosersd from tel I the three men aboul $04000 of

.Ml members are arsed la at ,the caah stalen from Ibo Hibernia . lend It important mtllera are to relational Bank's mldtowa braneh I bo broaghl before tbo groap | early yeslertlay.

Meet To Be Monday NHe

Make Hi$ Dreams Come True

Klrv^n pepkonf Injur^tlibtkout 9mi*X o f

Rm.grr on hl|r^«•)r 0 twodr iK’cwlfiit* urrurred mi tht> am$e »{)«»< utiti within an h<»ur of *•( h oUi«*r

Thr fii»t nrriUrnt or* uirriJ About 1 o'c.ock whrn m car drivrn by .M. I». K**y of Abitcnr rroah. nA hrndoii into o-cor m whirh Mr. ami Mr*. ttaroU IVUr* ami tb^ir

of hiNanatrillr, Indiana wrro ridiiu. 1 ha Kry car was hradrd

; wr4t and acrurdmic to Kdward W • iUirbi r of Ohio who witnomavd th« accident BWcrvrd into thr path of thr ra.«t bound l>trr« car AU four avrr treated at thr W«^t Texaa Movpital f<»r cut*, and brui»> ea. I'rter» ret'eived a cruehrd cheat and the »on a compound fra< ture of thr lef.

About an hour latrr firt men who had juit bern diamitard from the Navy and war* an rout* from the weal coaat to their homea in .Alabama and South Carolina were approarhinK the acene of the acci­dent. When they attempted to paai another rar, th* latter car atoppad Buddenly and the tw o rollidad The »aven injured in thia accident were a1»o treated at the Weat Tciaa Hoapilal.

Moat serioualy injured of thia aroup waa Lloyd Childera of South t'arolma who euatained a broken leg along with cuta and bruiacK Othern involved in the aecident were \* IMtrhford, K l.uattr, H.T. W’hitaker and A K HimpiKm, all of Alabama and K O Webater of PaMa" and H P Harar of Ft Worth.

The aailorii have alt been re­moved to the Naval hoapital at Grand I'rairie, Webster ha- been removed t<> l^alias and Key to A htlene

Traveler?: pa< ng along ne«r the acene of the accident reported I that a little latrr a truck l<»ad of lumber had caught fire and hum ed. Chough the truck waa not in­volved m the accident

U. S. Marines May Go To Jerusalem

hv f «s$v4 ' woWASHINGTON Military and

diplimiatir quarters reported lu >Uy that It may he nrre*sary tu ittspatrh a small gruup ul Marines tu Jerusalem to pruteet Amrrirsn pcrounnel and prui>erty there

Agreement already lio* been ' rrarhed w.thin the government un the necessity I o r "Americtn guards" in Jerusalem during thr current wave ul Jew Arab fight ■iig. and ineirssed anti American feeling over the I N deeuiun tu paritiun the Huly Land Tne Am rrirsn nmsulatr general building there was bombed recently

Hut a drrisiun has nut hern reaehrd os to whether the guards should be Marines ur rlvilians. thr state densrtnient -aid yeiter day.

.Navy officials jKiinted uut that there ii ample precedent for os signing Marines to guard oHirial ■American pruperty uverseo*

African Gold Supplies Above U. S. Per Capita

JOHANNKSHURG. (UH| At though South Afrteana have been knnwn to deplore tbo onormoua gold hoard which tho Unite* .'- loie* holds at For Knok and eloowherr, Uw I'ad is that Ihir liltla nation aloo haa a foir aup ply of th* proetous motal.

In fact, .Hnoth Africa has more gold par rapttal of Its Kuropean populatt-Hi than America r a n boost por rapiul *

DuHn« llw past six montho, th# Baulh African Resensr Bank has ransistently roparted gold roaorvos af (tt7.0O«i,o«M> ar batter Thio work* out CTn (about Suit hi U B. rurreney) for ooeh of tlio t.SOO.- 0#A Kuropean Inhahttonta of Rnuth A fr i^ Towards the middle of this month, tho golden stark pila of Ota Unitad Wat as amount- ad to $21,708,d0a,n00, ar $1$7

’ par capita.

The annus) Uairn u. Dimi- .pearhrad of lh<- fight agaiiia' Infsniilo I', will be heU' 'brought th< nation January 1' tu .'10, It wa<i anuoun- *'d t<HUiy hy C arl Klliot. t-iunty .Hrh ■- .''upnnlendent, Marrh of Dime haieman for F.a*tland t'nunty

■'The r»«t of figul'.ng ptrlio ‘'o.' 'kyrocketed. " Mr Klliol -aid in p<’lnting put that n-lng prire and mounting jMilia inci'lenre hsvi placed a tremendous huriten at th resourers of the National Kuo*- dstion for Infantile pamly.- whKh this year celehrale- thr Trnth Anniversary of It- foundiny by Franklin D Ro*..-».velt.

Mr. Klliotl’ * Mairh of Dinie romniittces la rvrry community in th<- county are iwtting up th* machinery that will nsake the !'•

. 4tt appeal a ree*ird demonstralu't' of this county’s active interetl in 'lelping the stnekon children of .Anlerica along the road to health

"Kvery phs*o of community life fill participate In sanding a riiit ing me-sage of hope to the un fortunate victims of thi. mpp- ing disease, which has ,lro k«‘t an.OuO Americans in the past years," Mr Klimt said "Our con. mittee* in ew'iy community in the county are bringing into the fnrlit the able a**i*tace of the entirt population of that particular ."m munity, and we ask for these 'nr’ , mittes-s the unhestitaing coo,-i i stion of every eitiien "

Chairman of tha vanaus - r mittr* ' in towns and community of i'histlan*l County are as fol- i lows, announce- Mr h.llutt' t'*—| demons. 1* K Clark; t a.tlamt >lr.,« Frank Hiphlower; Range- Mrs J I’ M'trris; Carhoa. W A i Tate; (.'I'rman, Ktigcnr llaker . P.oncer. Mi— M ldre*! Vd* ock .Scranton, K. T. Ktma; .Mortm Valley. Chas. Horns; Rising .h'ar K. H Howard; HuH'ok. Mrn (.aura \’ ii*len; Olilen. M“ Sie*.J larrett.

Plan Quiz Of Two In Pauley Market Profits

Itf ('««!#« •a-J$ I

M'.VSHINGTON -r.epatr spreu lation Investigator* may quu Ag -icuHure Secretary Clinton I’ ; Viuteison and former poatmaslei general. Rrtbort K Hsnnrgan cm he sojourn at Kdwln W I’uuleyi Hawaiian retreat.

Thi* wot disclosed today by hairman Humer Ferguson R

Mich of the Senate ap,nropria | ion* *uhc*»mmittrc on specula ion The group's bearing was In ece** unlil Monday when thr lenatorv plan to call Hng Gen | Aallsce H Graham. W hite l!ou*e ] physician {

lntere«t in what went on last- ; ummor at Pauley's Cocosnul l» i

land estate ws.* slim'd up by ihc testimony of Harold E. Sloasen

The Republican prevnlenlisl a* : plrant told investigator* yesterday ;bst Pauley msete nroflU of $;gl * « In hides and $4 HW in wheal while Anderson and Hannegsn were visiting him Hannegsn wst thim a member of President Tru man * cabinet

Atlanta Puts In Her Bid To Be Flower City

ATLANTA. Ga. tUP) Thi Georgia <-apital. famed for it* l>earh frees, now hopes to get a Ifg an the till* "Clt-. of Klotaars” whan I h e trtpple header flower event of Allanla is held here thi* year the Nalmnal roMWntion of th* Men's Garden Cluh, Ih* At lanta Talip Ktiaw and the Dog. | woad Festival.

All thraa evrhts will bfing tkau- i imnda af viaitars hat* from many aaettona af tha country aaxt April.

Tsreflty-flwa thousand tulip | bulbs hava baan nblalned from th* | Aaoneiatad Bulb Orewer* of Hall- i and and have baen baddad dawa j for winter, *'


To- British' that It.-- 11.’ < a pitched at li.tud Iasi

Strike At Texas City Settled

TKXA.S ( ITY A nine day old vtrikr at the huge Pan American refinery which idled 14<*) CIO r«- finery worker* and caused k ser lous shortage of furl rul on the east ruoat was settled early U dsi

The ilrikr started New Year'- day when thr union member* widked off their jobs m vupport of demands lor a wage inerci*e totaling so rents snd hegr

Agreement ul the strike comeat 8 .4 M , alter sp all ni-hl ne* iitiating vrssion in C,»l*. don However the ssreemeni i* subject to rstilir.stion hy union mcniber -hip in Trxis City and Kilgore

"The 250 un; in employe* of the Pan kmeiicaii Pilw C” , who li-.i went on *lnki acre inclioli-d m the srlllcncnt

.M the same tuna, tne depart ment of lah..r m Washington an -.ouncfd that the company and un ion had agreed on a 12 cent* on lour p«i boott


Itti-iTi'N it r .\ novice en jine*'r wa- trapimd snd injured 'M rh*|i* fala'iy and moif than 60 ■>*.w'ni*ci* were- hurt today when , four c r Pri-videncr to Ibis'on ■onin.iiter train '■'.w del ailed at hr p. rk Bay dstion and Ih* lo- -omnlim civertumed


sliin:*K i hit• ,d i.:»!f-ranrr ’ ‘ all

:;smr o; llii* F-ldav n *♦)»■■A ‘ j$- ; lilt ItJ4Hi!*’ ■ ■■ ( 4 i * | • »f W I a U -tiiyrfi ( -4lr •« b « ir*•I ') to si2

XfTfr .1 nip MUl turit b«ttlr in thi* h t *. ifchirh U’ft the »corrJxi tfr 19 RirhW' f t . - ' r lo liti r-ii fJctroilf <1 W; -thrri. r ' th dr-

9$ r t IJKIM'ciAl KM

4*111- . ? -i tt* '»p- arr irt-

bnttir w Arial‘lit «t 1* ♦ fivp miMl

p- ;b y a ifht wrra kiiUd'I VI ‘ d*-id Jr" . it-\rd kilLad

,y isks.ihv ' •'-‘-rt- fouftii in iT. *»»n;. »r4a ttKiay T • Hrttitk iiffarrd n-' lha

•i fOjnt t'f thi fir>)tinr xaid.Tha I. ’ ’ i:i : juth l*AJa>tin«

*"■ It -horii.* after Ambs, t . w**: - ki -’k In

N«*fth K 'urtina ‘ *. a»**-J '“ ■•'t forr>«i -<.5 ifT” jnd nrtdl

Th7 I ituikAt at indt i>«r»n vtlli M t batw»'a« Jaw fromm iTarbjr it and tha Arabt\mp in th* vi 1*$ ' AfWr U»a

Jawa bkiihdi- w, th** Aral nt out a hoax appaal t th* tort*»*orr i;r:tar

Rntish troo|H and poUao wh'* rarad to tha raa into a* itiragy of Ai^h f ‘ from acatw t»*rad p«»int« in thr sand duna-


Tha Bnti ■ tiaok - * »n naar* l»y Midi »at^ir: 'it untila they had- -8i'iir.?Tl l‘ - •nr'-. Than thoyi*eacirii ’t. :•) iv batl^a that k'?n-

far ml* th- m^ht . Forty :c. i.'<' Arabs vi-ra d:r frcTi.

•/■tftvfb and dufM . xftar whiah

•iiCpY ■*' 4? tl r Arab for* r which

ii!f. Fa t-ii= y» -torday had i;.1

■MW- ;4-:irr

Tile Bftrrtt ■ i to . 'tafibill lha Kan t- 8 n;»ri .1 u’) m the V . -irul h..Jf a "! »i*- ! a 'i ,i‘l thr If'■t fi1 thr

i . i d U } p' jnt m tHI*' thr H vith I't r*«»intfc

’spfjik'tii witf 10 j-linti w.f hij''h lt>r «'at hi; d

Mriiirr’ for Kan. rr wrra forw‘3'«K I’vtrkrf . nd lilj'th nnir»,Hon«-' and t i;xwh and

SuhMitutg* arir HIm k aril. si.Ihxan b-y W nkir .Tl-*' - ai. ! on,

‘■'I.Tti «• lor \SrithoH‘ i ’ vfi ■ 1 vj sprsikltn aTKl K* hr’"-• 'iii'i E'ulttm and lm: .1 1. t'ros-it: F“o«T .lJh ' W€-m

fti\ Mnll \tintfad.Pih hford ariG Vaharr-

N ow H e ’ll W rite A bout It

Steelworkers Look To Woman For Leadership

Pt KF UO, \ Y :t Pi Whrn -1 • 1 rr* at the nufuTt?.

iti r»l - Apn ar « hav<* !aL>*■ 1 *rn .hii- . thf > tv rn lo a . I ‘ hai» d a fur laadi r-- i ip

^ Hroim, fmr •if afi V,r- f t: pFv • id lVt* ofvt. M t f h a' tb#» t*nit*dc . 'f , 'ha- I*-, )rr of thr <’ |0 I I • .'tri ' Wm ki’r' I ah a! *hW>Tt If a ni : hrf*y way hi- handler .%1l

tit h 'j- ’ ' ha»ir-*’niuf: and It#. V « f. iat :■ w Ih thr .‘mploirra.

V" H»->w -H’ll •‘Hf' fiQlV hr*-n .11 ; V ih iahor

.*1 •'i‘ '4:'ia wher -hi b»’ramP a' . I t ' vt ‘ hr W.’U.

I (ill I hod t«i <hi atTiiv*tbinprifi'l 1 tiui* t ikf offut wutii.** f-hr*• r-d.

' eM')i«t of my iifr. Tva '•aichinff th# ct ni.'d b<'ta«'«'n v4oik«-nk rmd th‘ » ♦•mployfra/* ?hi -sti»J Tv. MAd « vf ‘ \!hinx on thi*

»bM=,t I rotild find I li<l«*fird to h arjfutr* nt* «ii both Mdoi*, Vw 'wa; Wi.nfrfi t<i makn nor*? that

wh ‘ ps*ot>la 4id mMt<*hod tbo

Ftavator Man Gno# Uf»M W YORK ( VV ) Kodotph

J 'rhf»ma »tari:'d a- an o)Mtat-ir for th* Hurlrrp hianrh t>f thr Vmu’iu Mrn'- t'hriiitlHti .As

'■ latniM in IliZo. An tKe yrnri • 'll oi. t)»4' aU'.Jitor o|)orat«'r * to (4f»k rierk, the relief m-r-

fiinry. thru buMin<*«« mana^rr. \'*w hr ha* tnftdr rk$* *u»vrdi)-.!or hlrhopt pout at tho branch.

The Weather




\i .ilt lr iih . Ip D, g-tigrd w ith the profonaiiimil W a-hington lli' n ;. '.cj|,, i ianagi's th- l/cna I’oik ' llom t’ in hnrl Wurth, T t \tt* (hiring hin o f f «<'ab<in, han now- adiicd U» hin rtutir- Starting (hi Jantiarj' 12. he ’ll writ); a da ily column for the Fort W orth rn-iia aporU p a « » . K i juat flnlahad his

o«||gnn w jth the ni dkk.nt. Here, hr grix a bit o f fr iend ­ly advMir fronji BlacVip Sherrod, one o f tho Pro-* ajMirtn writora. (N K A T e lep h o to ).

WAKMnTrmparatura at I >a* e-o*.Maxiun 66Minlmur.' 47Hour's RoadlngTemparatup* tat tk* laat $4

haae* eniHat ■* *<M * *•- HidByMaximum HMlntnum ..................— **

J \


- I

* t P* I


rAGB rwo R A N G E R D A IL Y T IM ES. S l 'N D A Y , J A N U A R Y 11, 1948 R A N G E R , T E X A S

Ranger Dailv TimesJm Otoasia, Basiaa** M aai.^r Mr*. Ralk Da«ka». E^*a»

T IM ES PU BLISH IN G COMPANY d a Storaal. Baagar, Taaa, Talagkaa# 12

Entarad aa aacond rlaaa mattar at tha Foatoffica at Rangar, |Ttaaa, undar tka Act of Varck S, IkTS.Vubllfkad Daily Aftarnooiu ( Kxcapt Saturday! and Sunday morning

And Against Sin?

SU BSCRIPTIO N R A TES #.)n« .nr«k h i earner jn Ci\y One Month by <'err>»r in >'ity

|One Year by Mail in 9tnie One Year by .Mail Out of 8tale


N O TICE TO TH E PU B LIC^ n y erroneouA reflettion upon thr -hr - ^andinf orVvpvitathm of any per^o«i. ftrm or which may ap­pear la the column*! o f thia newspaper wil> be gladly cur* bected upon beinf brouebt to the attention of tbe publisher.

S MF.Mms RI'nited Preee Awoeiation. N.K.A SVwipaper Krature and A«aaciation. Teaaa I>aily Preen Leacue, Houtbem Newepaper I'ublubere AMiciation.

Engine 137 Years Old To Run Again

a^o and Vi.rthur.trrii •!i»kratii>n nf tka HWthof . i .1r.!ttdl'lg II! ! >■

t'B Il'A G O (V P Tna ef tka i r »ld angina h i ; -! tnation'* oldaat lacomotlvaa la go* Ch.-ag; in 184a liy iM>at aftar lav. ing to roll again. ar*' yaora' Mrrioa ui tha aait.

TIi-i pioiMor, a 10-tan wood- Tka railroad plan* to kulldburnor built 1ST yoan ago, i* ropliraa of oao tooth and tho Pio- uadorgotag a gonaral ooarhaullng B*ar*i toador, woodon towcatahar It wUI thaa ba a eontar of Intoroot and all, far tho tolobratlon.

it w / s ! : j i :c t o i 4 c o l u m n

« g PBTRB BOSON NBA WgaSlMlon Ca» t^ ia8 iB l

, A;SHINGT0 N. (N EA ).—Btg potlUcal rtddlo of 1048 >a how much woight labor unkmt will bo ablo to throw around tn tho oltctKin

Bayond quottMm, labor tuuk an awful pasting in IMS. InMaad ' tt bafiui a potant potuiaal Jarco. labor UaSr rt woro ritown up aa a

- - b u n c h of rank poliUcal amatourt. But now tho Taft-HarUoy Act hat tUrrod up tho animal*. T h m ara a half-duam political movotnonta within or- ganitad labor today Whether they aro iuat noiao, or wbothor they havo aomo political aubatanco. la what tho wiaoocroa aro trying to dopo ouL

Oldaal of tho lot It Labor'* Non-Partisan Laoguo, whoaa front man lo John T Jonoa In reality tha hood man la John L. Lowta of Unltad Mina Worhart. LowU stortad tho Laoguo whon ho wao hood man of C IO . R hod aomo Influanco in ItSS BuL irhon Lowia pullad away trosn RooaovolL and tho CIO puUod away fro*n Lowta, tho Loaguo began to do- Oitna. Whon Lawla twitched to Willklo in 1S40, h«

failed to dollvor the volsa of hts oRaora. Today the Laaguo la protty much of a political daad duck

Next In Una Is |b« C IO S PoliUckl Artlim Committor, now hooded hy Jack KroU. Thoro lo amplr ovidonc* that C IO -PA C loomed a lataon from the booUng it got In 1S«S Since that Umo, licking lU wounda, n O ^ A C ho* boon working quwtly but hard, out in tho country, to build o rool political organ Ration from the bottom up It baa tha making of a much moro potant poUtisal laroa la IS4S

A TH IR D pollUeal-labor movemont k backad by tho big. powrrfuL qatMorvatlvo. Indopondont Intomational Aaaocialton of MachiniaU.

It* now bUchlnkU Non-Partfaon M ik m l Loogu* wiU. during Jtn u a ry . hold a roomborahip campaign *nS ■ drivr to eolloct * milUon dullori

Prlmortly. tho Machmiat* **y thry or* inWrootwl to roolacing tb* prroont T»ft-Mortloy Congro** uddih, by it* ovary *cti<m laat yoar— on tanaa. prieo and rent rnnCmU. ao ivoll aa labor l*gi*l»tiun thawed lovorttlMn and ebodtonco to amptoyor*.

Blkhtoon sS the radroad brethorhoodii hove formod th* RoUway Lab S'a ^ fM ta l Laaguo, fourth .if th* mu.rmonta now ortivr It* choirtaon t* A E Lyon Ita obyortivoa ar* to inform thmr mlUion tnd • quarter mowib*** on the voUng raaerdi and qualiAcaUsn* of rai^ldalaa, from tho labor paint of v i**

Piqally, thor* m tho now A PL Lobar t BduraUonol and Politi:*! Loagu*, which la aaking ita aight million m*mb*r« lor ' volunUry" conirtbutiona of • dollar m Ananco aporationa Half of th* money will bo admit aotienally. half lorally

Tradittonolljr rvor tinco tho doya of Sam Gnmpara, A PL haa ttayud out gf pobdak Tbt* year the ^ do r at»on't IDS mtarnattonol umont ore In. Thofr mam aun ta U dolaat ovary cengroaoman who voted for t v Taft-Hartlcgr Adi In IMT

far, thoro k no control Sirrction and vary Utile eo-<ip*ratloa of thooe Avo political movomont* DaSaitrly. they ar* not ***kmg

to form a labor party Thar* la no truck with th* American Labet Party of Now York, which la th* Math of thoa* mevamanu

PotMitloUy, lh*T* at* «i*a* i s auMum momb*ri of labor unUm* That » aaKHigh bolonoo of potvor to Btrow any notional aloctlon tt ii can bo organlaod.

The Bo^bllcan attitude *o»m* to b* that It eonnot bo organla*i! and that labor'* polltleol power hot alwty* boon ovmwmphaattod rhoro la con**d»rabl* OOP taMimont that labor laadr * can't **U thou mew^enhip on the idao that th* Taft-HarU*y Act la antl-Ubor S. th* whole political rrutad* wfH Aop.

Prom tho Damocratlc politiciana' point of view, if lobur it la b, poUtlcaUy alTrctlvo tho union loader* muat set over th* id*o that wha they want hot priority ovor ovory eth*r tnteroat What they mu, looril to look out for la tho national Interoit

If the union labor looil ari ran got ovor their id** .'f htw runnlru 1 big publicity campaign, ond g*t down la working with rhalrmon and precinct eomml(to*m*n. then th* Oemacrali.' i*.litHv lagggra aa* tHev raw Aa aama aaoA


NBA Sport* Editorf 0 # AN OELSS. (N EA ) - C ompU lnta about playort evorloebod la th* ^ (SlocUea of NEA't IMT Junior Cellag* AU>Am*rlcan rtSorti th* iromondou* uit*r«*t tn th* «• groooly undarpubUctaod )*y«*o*. '* .

'Chaffoy Collog* of Ontario, Calif.. «ren th* national JC chompiccr-ship, and dofootad th# Camoron'* ---------- r—. . .AssiM of Lawton. O k l. . IS-IS. F n t I A Pumor. who la V ing con- brfort S5.SM poraent In th# LIttI* i™tul*t#d an aUrting hi* tOUi year Boa* Bowl gam*, yot didn't piaco ' JPorta


By R en e R yerson M a rt ,|M N» A M 1= . t 'T*t

Hcartst‘asehv EU«e CnIeM

T1i»*. Tee. Skell Fess AweyAh truly M the nicht followa tH«

t >> tht«. too. »h«U p*M away.may not be the aamr peraon

• »«n icr p.;ukA throuch the er«l#aU hRt r>>mtr our way , . . but thka,

•h»'! ]»a«ii aaay and we »ha)l fL'p ttrir vay or the other

I her*- • no fOinc bath, we c*me :rmi^h the fire, sinired ahd irasp I.' (wf^app. but we ( time throurh.

t ' ‘tufh Wf ma> t W;»r»l t«» •'iTifpjT at alt.

I a venr dear fr»rnflhad many trial# and tnbuU*

M'lr.g to beaf With’ii the |•sk't twenty years ef bar lifa. I knew

ht*r Tirv* tn th*: miiNt ef ihs-m . . . wh< n waa, at firat, dumb to all human reaction to thinjc* that v-- re riKht and «ana. She waa no longer able to think clearly for tf'r-s'tf. but «he did remembe- and

, kt pt rs'peati^irtoo. ahall pa - away*’

And It did pout.She IB not he Ran." There m a

• )Uiet strrntirh. a womneos about H« r now . . but there la peace witbiii her Aoul.

Sh*' rrmenibere<{ that. thiR, too, 'hall pans away and because ehe lirl.rved it . . . and ffropincly un- drnttfMkd it a . becauRt it w»« the «*ii v thih|f Rhe had to believe in

•he came throuifh.Ktf>erienceR chanfv ae hu-

Mian br nf. Wr> drop off the dead « Alt (if Iixmir e#4h day and ea h iijldit we bi“-nme more mi*

and.*.{»• =>r Wi retirat farther (arth! r into i. ii arM.I oblivion.

to belie V. in Romethink'

And -nf* of ihe truest and■'iikht comfoitinf belief* U :

* This, t«=o, »hatl |>- ' away*'. Kur ho‘.‘ could we live . , . with hope of tomorrow ?


B y B o y c e H ouao

OUT OUR W A Y By J. R. Williams


I II nrviT iniKrl «hrn I aan Ki«*n tn rnorlopcdia. a l 2 vol- ■Jim! «rl abfilutrly fr*r

It a a* hack a good many yrari! ago when I rdiUir u( a small town daily and frit a krrn srnsc of my own importance as (he lioltler A1 that rxaltrd position

On* day. a w rllcirttsrd man. a frw yrart older than I. cam* in aaid. I rrpr***nt th* world-

i famiu* Ulank Krcyrlopcdia and 1 ' want to give yoi' a set of the** . wonderful books. . baolutrly free.'

At my look of astonishment, hr continued. In each city, wc teicci rom* outstanding citizen and

' m tkr him a prcirnt of a set Th* only thing w* ask la that you

j pcrthil u* to us* your name at rn dorting th* encyclopedia "

Well, that sounded raatontbl* enough, to I agreed.

T h e re will be a small charge.

TNIt BToaVl It all u a .l .*• net I a*a aeee te Il• ll9w••a• are* eifp»iaR. wHIIw# <ae esable•rtle* fer ew* ***r sMtairryl#Ml»e JrttMklp see eel ever (ikeBr i rale- Jpa wasi airreiar aw asy e*«‘iMra aa# a kery aitrarMse maa. M kea I U I eyapM. aiy aaelraaeaf ralials- atalar. Iar*rmea asa *laa8eil«ply• kal ir# ka# k#«a asarrle# far asisae «las* la Asia taaeke. aer• lawar star. I waa ataaae# Jr#Ma# Wra aparrklaa far aa aetrraa «bka Ifpoikpa raaaak like Abto ta ^lay krr ktster la Ik* lliw. kat M»i taaiae a«p ka# eaat Asl* ta kalk ra*ra. Tkat 4ay‘a r«kkea kkawe# ktiaelayer MaAee karary la ke tkr a»aklp far A*ta.Mai Ik# alar aiAa'I Ilk# ikr lUea a a# tkrrairtipa traekle. Jeff bsalke# saa kark ta asy afBra aftrrwara*. aa«Bslti»a kl» Matrlaer, aal(i Abta refaara ta Aitssrea kite.• • •

IX' I IS vole* waa a monoton* ll<

daliberately aquecied all emo- ijon (rura It to keep It from be­traying him *11* hard to bcliev* buw," Jrff aaid. *l>ul I waa In love with Avia when 1 married her And 1 wanted to make out mar- (lagv lust 1 thought I knew how, too Th* bright boy from Brook­lyn, that waa ma. I knaw all th* tnawara. Work logatharl That waa IL Navar giv* ethar actrataaa J* diroetor* a ohanc* to com* ba- Iweon ua

"1 had an attorney trUnd draw up an agreement and Avia and 1 signed It. At long at w* war* marriad lo aach olhar. I waa to diract avery play th* tUrrod In; and sh* waa to havo th* faminin* lead In *v«ry play 1 directad. Fixad It ao that naither of ua lould aign a cootrart to work in any pictur* unleaa th* other was inrIuJrd to th* deal Any studio hi d U- taka both of ut—or neither. Or faco ai!m* pretty expenaiv* IIU- geli .n. It WAS an air-light agreo- nunt. all righL*

Jr(T laughed. T t ia t waa to keep ut together—and happy forever. It lasted three munllM. Our living togelhor. 1 mean.'*

t began to understand a lot of things. Jeff waa a good diractor. Hi* picture* mad* money. II* didn't havo to worry about whether or not hla contract was going to be renewed by th* studio. Wtiil* Avia would have hit th* skids long ago If her career hadn't been tied in with hla. Easy to so* why sha wouldn't divorco him. Aa long aa she was married to him, the studio had to give her the leading part in hu pictures. B u t . . .

“But you could divoec* her, Jrir." I coukln't keep t i l th* tagernea* out of my vole*. “You'd have plenty of grounds. . .

• • •l E F F Niook hit head. “I can't

divorco her. If aha want* to con- toit IL You aeo— I left her flrtt. And I haven l been an angel either."

I never answered that The door >f tb* ofllc* opened withoiih warn­ing and L u Leyden oozed into Ihc r< 'm. II* Ignored me and gave Jt'IT a duagreeubi* look.

“WelL you've luuled things up. haven't youf”

Jeff looked at him but didn't sntwar. H* eontimiad to look at him. It was as if bo didn't aao him ar hear him. althar. “Havo

' IT" ha mid Baaliy. “Hava 1T“ HU faco changed. H* got to hts ftol “It might bo.* b* said slowly, "that I'm Just gelUng thnigt itraightcnad ouL*

“Look her*. Havenon," L it de­cided to b* conciliatory. “ You know A vu was only bluffing."

For a moment Jeff hung on hit h**L “Wat thaT" ha said. “WtU. maybe th* bluffed one* too ofton. I'm tired of her pushing me tr >und. and I'm going to do tomo- tliing about IL“ l lu (sco was ugly and itubbom and deadly.

H* walked post me without a word and went out and tlammed the door. Hard. I guess It was th* way he looked that affected me. A littla chill played hi la-and-

up ngr apino.

Ua, at oouraa. waa imdUdwtfcaB by any such hypaaraaMlUTtty. Hg mid bluntly and mattar-od-taaMy, “WaU. n 't up to iM.'’

1 aakad him ahorUy trbal waa up to us.

H* sold to put OR (ho paaea making get.

I stUl didn’t gaa why it waa otn affair. This was strictly be­tween Jeff and AvU. And 1 waa beginning to get an Man. If AvI* stood pat on hor refusal to ploy tho part of tha wlf* unlam ah* playad tha slater also. It would mean th* brooking of tlw contract between her and Jaff; and If riia loti tha hold on him which mad* hLn her meal ticket, she'd divorco him fast enough. And Jeff would b* fico to marry again,

s e eI IZ load my mind as It tt ttaa

an open bixik.“And don't gat any arrowy

Ideas, o u t e r h a aaid. “AvU wtU never let thU part tn lachnlcolo* get away from her. Or Jaff althar. She'll stall and scrap and mak* dilBculUcs until avorybody la In an uproar, and then aliaH turn up at Ihit atudio sweat and roaak and ready to go on with her port. And th* contract will still bold, aao. Sho'a dona It baioro. And aha CMI sic her attorney* onto Jeff and cost him a lot of dough It ho doesn't 1st hor play tha part of th* sutar. loo. You asn It's *!• ready boon aaslgnad to hat.*

“ 1 stUl don’t am what w* am do about IL“

“I think wo eaa tta H ao thatAvU will 1st Jaff cast Namoy la th* alstor part—which U what ha raally wants. And than avorybody will b* happy again." Ha jauaad. thinking it out a* ha wont olonff. "What about you lavltlng Avia and Art out to your plac* tor a taw drinks thli ovaningT I ’ll coeM along and w a ll hash over th* script and mak* AvU think tva’v* ra-written tho part of th* wife tor har and built It way up lo hare—* L u aettured at hia chin. “Tha i way th* won't feel the't losing tac* whm th* agrees to 1st Jeff cool Namcy as the suter."

I was beginning to aao why tho studio heads valued L U Lcyd lie was llttlo Mr. FIx-iL

(To Ba Voatlaaad)

ul course, lor handling and ship-1 ,!ing he -a d

And naturally, you would want ihr de luxe edition in the special .luvkiam binding? "

' Aturally. "There ic au extra charge, a

ii-ry vnizll chaigo liu Inr tniik lam binding ' he said, "but you'll .M-icr ngiet your decision."

Then he continued, "Of course, thr lilA.ik K.ncycl.ipedia u up to the minute now but in this chang mg world, todays ftclt may be out of dstr tomorrow Ntlurally, you will want to receive our monthly looae leaf servlreT''

"Vrv. ntlurtlly.' 1 replied n th rr weakly

There will be a small service charge for that And nowf", he said briskly, "Just sign here"

I did and he shook hands and took a breezy itrparture at w rlTat my check for $22 H6 for a sot of books which 1 received absolutely free because I was an ouutanding cituen.


C iS TO N (I'F,! ITalinum blonde S illy Keith who made her fortune as a tsaacl dancer, drives a $6,000 platinum blonde Cadillac convertible with hbr autograph on the tide

’Thay’ r* your Itavaa, aren't thoy?”

FRECk LF-S a n d h is f r ie n d s

Buy United States Savings BondsBY, MERRUX BLOSSER





U. S. Congrtsiman

a maa oo th* list,'' myt aporta adt- tor Jo* Wimar a i Th* OnUrlo Daily Baport

Purnsr brek* In a* * aperU wrttar with a Ban Fraaelasa nawt- papor In i$06. Ho aevorod th*

8 "Sauthorn Callfomu hm thrm i

---------- a -a.--- BBa-wwA owasm. 1 afWi.raprqpontatlon. Naxt year, aeuW you IM tlw Jaysa* apotu winters at laoat suggaaf pUyartT*^^V B A 'S Junior' Cell*** All- Sitwriean was aaltztod by th*

eight roftonol vie* proaidoni* and th* caachm thasnsalvm

Nofet yaar wi*1l haya to twwulf th* apart* writers.

S t sIt's groM to ha bach at Santa

Anita, th* llnaat rae* track In th* world, wdth the Storra Madro* m • baahdrap.

'S *' It took a eno-tim* dantist and ktwahali own, Dr. Chariot Hanry SirwR to thaw th* turf hew an Rpasi ala SkmbUng eaatoe ahouM b* rtos.! Nam th* horsawwat's dream comto true with th* rkfwst pura* RiabrtoutlaR to h I a t a r y—fhroe H WJ W raaaa, nla* worth tM.«M and m — NRl puraa* up to I I 0.$M

a psriad af N day* ■tor a t Bw Lrm A»-

Club ereeiUeetto* I* Ito at puMli ralattoM,

HOBIZONTAL I Flcturod V S Cengrssaniaa,W illiam -----

l E y * squintI I R * I* I n -----

Houm at Rap- rasantailvo*

UCam lvoro I I Baeountarad liSutur*

(a h )I Knocks4 AdjoinI Tampa• Borr^ Rua-

aian rularTMytole

ejaeulotlosi• Without

taoiliM> Portion

RED RYDER" WE Li. mold up The -lRA'»iV Art CU(lve.'


Pumor organlaod tnd waa tae- rotary-tfoaeurar ef th* Cslltomla Indians, a stato-wld* mam bar ship ef trapahootors asid spertamon He waa morta maruigar at Dal Mont* aarving m diroetor of stato goU ehamplenahipa. pole and tonnt* tournamonta and swimming moots Ho was promotion manoftr of tho San Pranelaco Seals, buslnam man- agar ef tho Hollywood Stem H* wot public rolatlona man tor CM- cago'a Arlington ond Wathinglon Park moMlnffs ona aummor, hut I* * such on toswlo CaUtomlan that ho probably M t out at place.

Pumor haa boon M Santa Anita ' alneo the tobutouo layout epoiiod to IN4. . ____ ,

Pumor, who bollm hla yoar*. ■ ! handaomo man wttti a Sno hood of gray hair, haa boon around a ■ leng Umo, and baa anjoyad ovary minute af It You don't alart alna-

'Darling. I am growing oM“

Id Ona wba 10 Pabrt*(suAx) I I Rip

IT PBrahaad 14 Pedal digitsI t Haarliw nrgan 1$ Plae*

rueboe family M Pish muca n S ca lta r StTurhiali24 0 r«*k iMMr efflelalSOOwfia fOClimbliig2 *dg* plant» Wing-ahapad 41 African town SO Wm diUgont 42 Rapotltiaa 22 Okaasy goods 42 SUIn “ Atop 40 Iran (symbol}M Oraak tottar 41 Prapotitloti

KidIn hit delightful tamposiy. <

Ona of th* principal raaaena rat iMa undiubtadly la that Prod PuT'



S A N G K K . T E X A S KANGISK D A IL Y T IM E S , S U N D A Y , J A N U A R Y 11, 1948 p a g i t h b m h

By Rene Ryerson Mart Cm ,>.«Ii> k, NtA t f i v M . iMC

•TOMTt It mH •••ttr4 AtWr I hm4 b^m tm *4fkrr* MMMktt. as**!*mertmt l» f m « mt mf mpmirtw

4w0 ttmP wmmm m9 M l M s r ttsrst CvaIm-

J*0 mmm elreefe# mi mw pl»i«»v sitMiriH* « • « . It

*WBs • afcprfc !• Ip«r« ibai li# km4 W#4i MMifria Im — >» lla»p !•

• A<rta « « t ■l««M »r •••v.iS»4 tflAi t*’ Itiw. J9M mmmtrd Ha4»p Mavnpy. mbm M4» Avia. •• plap hvp

!• tAv aim. bmt la# alat V at#4 aa 4alaa Maik valaa a#r> r#9T|. Ma I^p4#a. tap aa»laa*aat •etle^areter, aiMavaira a aaiait IMrtp at aif alar* iMat a#»alaa

a# waalA tap ta lalA. Avia a Aav lalaC

M A IX light'* 1 Mil) tunrnly. I , ^ didn't like tti» ld«a o( play. |ttg up to Art*, but 1 knew bow iMT* haart was set on (riling rtd f4 that daublr rota busincat. “ It fBight work. I'll rail Avta, now, (Od tavMa brr . . .*

L ii ahouk hla hand. *t>aava that a ma. ru bava bar them UUs ovatilng.'*

1, That waa tha way « a piannad It I It waa wban I waa croaatng ■onpwraal Bvulavard on wy arajr hoata that I romambrrrd tbr Hp- idk'k Raiwlu araa to hava rrady

‘ to * IB*. 1 lookad at tba addret* om tb* card aha had givm mo. It was onljr^a abort diatanra awa^, *0 I Uunod down thr buuirvaiil and drova unUl I rama to I t ) It bappmrd to be closing time and Ravalla waa loi klag thr front dcKir of the shop when I ramr up to M. Sha rarogaiaed me. which was atmogl more than 1 did for

• her. She had chan|e<l Into a dark afreet auM and her hair waa alinpty dona under a plain but wnart little hatk **Ah.-Mlaa Denn.* a **Yea. I atopped to get my Up* gUrk. I'm afraid I'm a little lata." I 8he held the door open for me to antar. “That's all right It wilt only taka a momriil to gat It lor you.“' W* were alone in the shop. Shr latl aar waiting at the counter and dlsappcarad through a door at the

rear of the ahop and came bark in a moment with a tray holding a number of hpatUk molds. ea.h wie baaring a amall paper tag.

Shr kiokrd thrm ovrr. plrkrd onr out 'f'u w what kind of a caao do you want Mlaa l>onnT“ Shr bidU-ated thr lipstick casra on display undrr thr glass top of Uir counter. My eyesight Is very good and I read, the price tags plainly. I cboac a plain gold ana.

way. “No.“ I aald fhortly. **l doubt If ha'll etumga kis mind about that He's bran wanting anslher acOsas for the part <4 tha slater from the bsiguuitna, and now that he's td*u»l ufia pprfect tor tha part 1 don't think ha's gung to chsngt hia nipid. Wa'sa going to hava to corvinca Avis Vaughn that the part of Iho sister Isn't worth bk-ksrlng about It's unimportant really.”

“ I*- it? “

Leaning Tenement of Chicagor : • ■

“ liallultrly.”

v*I HEAR they’re making rbanges In the casting of your play,"

she said convcrutlnnally.The studhi grapevine rertalnly

worked last I thought. Mt idenUy everyone connerted with the slu* dio knew what bad happened that afternoon.

“ Mr. Hsversoe wants to,” I ad­mitted.

Ruvella's bright eyes lltrked over my face. “ Wants to—you mean, it Isn't ftnally docldcd than. I undersUwd . .

If this was gains to \m repeated sha might as well hava the Mralght of I t “ Avis Vaughn la kicking up a row about i t “ I as* plained. “NaturaHy sha doesn't want to give up the double role.All the big Stan have been jpiing

Davis.double rdrs lately. Ilrtte Utivla de HavlllsniL And list's Just tha raason llaveraon doesn’t want IL Hr thinks It has bean uverdsne and that tha public is tired of the trick.”

“Oh . . .”"We're having a Tittle ronfermre

at my house tonight. Avis and An and Mr. Haverson and LU Leyden. We're going to try and work out a comprurolse. Lc>dsn thinks wa can."*

“ You mean get Mr. Hsvrrsnn to give up tha idea of changing the cast—and having gomcHia elst play tha part of the alsterT" Ra- vella's face was bent as she Sited the mulued lipsUck into the can I bad selected.

There it eras again. Everyona so suro that Avis would got bor

AVEU-A had flnlsliad Inserting the lipstick Into the ease. Shs

wraived it now and handed it to me sad I paid her fur it. Then as I turned to go sha halted me.Walt lust a minut»—wuuld you

do a favie for mer**“ What U It’ ""1 have r ilpsllrV here for Mlw

Vaughn. Shr alwiiys wants a new one wtirn she slaits a plrture. Thinks it brum her lurk.* She laughed lightly. “ I supp<ae she IS blaming ma all today's troubla —because 1 was to haw had it trady for bar yaatardsy and didn't. It would u ve me a trip out to her apartment li you'd give It to bar. Tunlght. I mr.ia.“

•kjf course 1 win “Sha took a small parksga out

of her purse and gave It to aaa and thanked ma.

It was g o'rlork when I reached hueno. Witih.ut bothrrmg to change 1 went down to the kitchen and whl|>prd up an agg omelet and mwle a pot of coflea. I .-ila and baA a h it hath anil went ta bni. hoping to catch a Ultia •hut.aya before niv nirsti arn\a<1. t titi I had ua sniuaut avming shrsd.

I wuka up St ■ amt it didn't t^ka ma long to draas. That's tha only wlvantagr of not being beau­tiful—you don’t spend much tuna gUmoiuing your l.ira.

I was In the living mnm check- Ing to S'v that there was plenty of Ira In the (rcering unit of the bar when the door bel) rang.

It was L is lAyden.Since It was my hrsi«e. T tried

to be cordial. I said. “ Ilellu." and "Come or In." und led him d"wn the shallow steps into the bvuig roooL

(Te lie Coatlaaed)

Ford Trucks On Display At Open House Jane 16

The first publie showing in Kaiiger. Teuw. o f the new lk 4N model Knrd trucks will laks pisre January 16 at an "opan hvuas" to he rendurted by The* l.evetUe Muter Cumiiaiiy.

' said Morris l.eveille, prvoidant of the l>ev«ille Motor Company.

“ We are entering the greataat truck market o f all time, with the

' widaA range o f models and cap* sritias Kurd has ever pruducad. We espert t# receive trucks dur- ine the coming months in quanti­ties increased sufficiently ta per­

mit M ta moat tha m a n d h e added.

Ksavy da*

Aheot on* agg aut * f gaapy >0produced an the farm never gats on the tahla. About 2.0W .0O0 eggs annually spoil or are broken during the tri) fr«M produoar Ut-ustonser.

With the •iraamlirieo new trucks- the first poat.war pra- ducts of ttie Kurd Mutur I'umpiuiy wilt weircime the public la its sbawruamo, servita, ports a n d aciesaory, and used votocie de- twrlmenlv.

The trucks will tas isn display all 'fay Krtday, January IS, and all day Sslurdity, January 17. Don't oiuo waing thu new "llanus Built" Kord truck, odvisao th e f aaipany

"fVe arranged an 'open house' for the pubite dtowing o f the I'tSH track lino bocau>o we feel that •h»s ' the nwoi imponnol n e w track >hoaing In FOK|) kist..r,.-

Having Car TroubIe?Bring It Over For Expert Mechanical Advice & Work We Guarantee Our Work And You Can Put It On Your Budget Account & Pay Weekly Or Monthly. You Muat Be Pleased For Pleasing You Pleases Us Good Quality Gulf Products Tires, Tubes, Batteries Etc. Stop By

H. R. Hicks Motor Co,Y f f u r K H i s « * r - F r j i z f » r D e a l e r

Highway so S Tiffm Rood rhon. S3I Z4 Hoar Tow

Caught In Iho high laot i t the musing thnrtsaa. rtaidenU «>l Ihm U ’ -emenl must cvoi:y fsel like ll.ty're nut in a storm, eontiartmq the w jy tin build'xg llvi- It > niiChuwan t blue Island Averuso. aar| Its sag doesn't sesro to builMi- ciIImc Ibe tenaots or the Undior^

Call 224 l*or Classified Ad Service

Dawn Scavenger Buy United States Savings Bonds

Hurry! While they last!Kimi viir lim iti; tiiikv?

Krohsulgr tint - that u, not unlcu you have an io- dc|<rod<m iiKume.

W ill ytm he st>lc to retire in tea or twenty of tkiiiy year,' Af^iin the antwet u BO — unless yod have nude Jthniic pUiis fu( Ktumulaung a sotiK* of income

So that you may some day enjoy yean o f leiwre. find out ai-HM a Jolm Haavock Retirttnem InvuiB* i ’Ua today. Wrue or phooe ua f'd details.




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NOWH u : ! v ' H u r r y ' H u r r y ! Hnii ' l Tii: llirn r g roa t Havingn H rrp 'a

your ( ha llo to got (|ro.*» a fo o\cry occ anion nt acnantional

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ALL WANTED FABRICSran tc l rayon gabard in ca , plain and n o v c lt } w ooN , pn'nti'd

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FOR SALE. i ‘ 4 in » i r - T

'■?iorTy Sttort.for rout 214

ETIR SALE- Elrht aloco dininp a«ti.B> Mtit. larca tablo lap ranpo, •la dock, ila auaorad caica laa> tna broodar, au la govu -iobd>- uon Mrik J F Trott. Lon« Siar Caa I'laal No I

EOR RENT Sii roan modorn furni kod kauw Call 19RJ afUr 1 P ■

FOR RENT S rooai f'in«ic*‘od ija>. cnta, Ka« and wator, gar

ii-a ar-d chirkaii kouao |2t(M>.

ea a w . PrMa glM . Pkooo 17#-J

1"12 Doi^mana Bird. « l a

E. Mad-

• NOTICEfo r SALE — Oaad doan 1P4 ' nr*Mutk oodan. Caa kd aaaa at Raiaa Sarvioa Station Wadnoadayi and Tkorodaya i> sO'- W. ■'

W A Ilall -Ayrvico Station and —< i ran ku gkt and sold. Or Highway SR oast. Approciata allk-a:__

t w ly of Btco fryars far ,a.s at 1IHI4 Haig St. W M <;audla.

rOR kALE—Naw Electric Cak- laat Sawing Machlna Imaodlate Oalivary Bourlaad Muuc Ca

rvia long a^a 4om ona raaaa , .••o'-o aao PVwa r»->wn 'aau>o NaMaoial Saak. Kaallead T*aaa

f o b s a l e Ona I '- iia ply- wwod kwilding niUi 12 wiad»w«, also aaa SSi.ia T o army l>ar raoka aad throo > <nl hooirr*. la- qulra at Ponn Sorvioo .Suu»i

a :(4W «Y Rm v aadRfk* 9U

MUt ifiiv |'(4i tMftorlly a n a tt i. «!•«/», Of e 0^41 ft>«r door Plyiauatk. I»4 » fhoyrolrt all la good eoaditua. Ipg? tudor Ford, 1PS4 faar dear Ford, aa >a. H. E. Hicka Motor Co.. Ekot kiway M. PhoM M l.

NOTIt’L Ag»d> yoor tparr limr .iprrstiag tonvatianal \ r « Ruby V Hot Nu* Olachinr. Will ant in Irrfrro with proneni o«>pl«>>mrnl Inroao «tart> immtdiatoly ELVi 00 cask ro^lTod All appiictnti lattarvirwod priwmally Ciiv* phowo Duakor and Foirt Offico Nuabor Wnta a can of Foot Of flco Boa tlS

Throo-yoor-old Harkort David loada thooo throo pcoogaeUro war bhdw fnai ParU In aong In Philadalpitia, Pa., aftar iiftmigntion oAclala told tham thay could remain a AmarkA They wort givoa to-day parolaa a which to gal mamad aftor they mUaad too EUla Island daadlina barauaa Ikair plana couldn't tond a a Now Yurk aouwaturm. Saaird la Anua Stiria. SO. mgagrd to Frank Markar, of Fall Rivrr, Maaa. Standuig a t Martha DuoaA **. " l a will marry Roy Morruon. Atlanta, Ha, and Krrban a mothat; Farnanda David, ta. who la ufl to San Fraoelaco, CaliL, and liarvld 8koa~

flapa. Tkay flgura aoch automatic flight la Ika naat atop fur tko air- liava kovoral now ato toating and cspanmroilng with lha lyaUm.

taa war for naw navign- uoa motnudi la ono ui ino tasks of MuiheriD and tka g6 In- siwrtats, ur patrol<, who nurk lor in tko t'ivil Aoro- naul.r: Adni.ui tiauon' nine lo giuna Thr trrn uf roch rogion log about 2.00U hours in the air earh year. Moet of tho lime tht) er ' keeping free of doforts the mynad groundhaeod radio dsvk-c which tha airlinoe usa and contributa to the tafoty of your flighL

On our flight in Virginia and i'or.iisy'haii.a and around lh a Washington airport, Mulktr.n ai d R t rs oerr rheckirg federal air- wayi. aliport instrument landing tl- m. , now typot of radio range

siationc and damonsuating new nas'gatien te.hniituea.

Mulheria said Ito had been us- . e the Bendis automatic pilot r-jn>i>tently smeo Juno and has neter had aaything yew.eagwith it If soaMthing should, while in night, he would get ample warning 111 nir instrument board eo that ha could take cv.r eparatlon ef tha plsne

Block Jh a t Po itl—READ THE CEABMFllOB—

Colorado Dude Ranches Scent Banner Year

Ranger Roofing Co.


207 South Comotsrao St.

PHONE 572Kaagor

Year Laaai USRD-COW Doalm Ramooet Dead T



Improve Your H e^th Throu({liChiropractic




lO U K CHIKOPfCVCTONr *K o « . bS lU n g M

S,*dR roraedc just amvod Cur. rotil bite. Creaky, Fmnsost Tubb, Doatar. Doriay, Aulroy S atimr papular AniMa. Record playor a- vailabla far your coavonioaco. Shaitan's SS3 Main, Ranger


George, Robot Plane Pilot, Hailed As Means Of Making Flying Safer

' WE pay reek for lateCeeil Stewart.

model care.

Jereep and net evaistag gown siMK. for sale. M4 AUea.

WAStT to btiy 4 ar S reeai a n boasa. wrtto F O bos Ranger


FOR SALP One upright p«ar<' Mp« J. W Tibbels Ptsnne ind W

FOR .HAIJC lp:|f M'ide: A Ford Gaod eondlUOA N F Kt> hnni son. Adame tirorery

W ANTED at ossre Man or sra- man fur Rawleisb buaiimu Real oppurtungy for worktr. Espeti rnce profetrad but nal necessary Wnte RawWigk s. Dept TXA 1025 J.'Vi. Wrmphia. Tenn

FDR RENT Ternmani at Marston boildiag



FOE REN’S— Thfwa artmaat. Traealan Walaat RtroaC

FOE RENT - Cafa Hwhwi Faat eall S7S-W

S llla

ay to

The Ranger T^mri i» auihonsedle pull., n the fo.Uiwmg enni'..r-rt nwnls .,f rae.f -tales for pul « ef fii-e. ahii;»rt to Ike artien of the tV i— -aprtasarlas


• I navyrod term >H l' ■I'ari* E'l'Ull

Hy ‘ harlea CorddryI'l.itod I’lt .. Avatio^i Writer

' W A .S H I N i; T O .N i lT ’ i — Welch him' tekv cm In.**

Tk« rioRv iliufw»ii ei d « •a. ttird toward Wa»h »;irt *r

j ai Airpoif Thr I • .k.-l 4R 3'» ra*rd back ii»ilh*»ul vici-

b r aiilMt «a » iidrrd tak'^jr in to

iKr riiM«a>. aji K«7>dy Mu!hvrtn, > h i«f «tf thr t lYil .Aaroriautic'* Ad- 'umijitration • ficffht

a 'f . Naid ‘*he*’ would "H r " i» hrttor kn«>wn amanc

a> ” 4e^r^,** Ihr rlrctnc awkiwnatir ptlwL Thi* autopilot •tor m«irv than ftjr a r«»mpa«*

ij rmr to a dr*t 1 :-i'lon ran’ unrd a »rt> hirh fprfjumry

racita and will Ty arr«»ai««'«>untr> th a ilrairht Imr <lr*ptU* wind varialM»ri« T'-nn “ hr'* mill (ak«* (hr planr f »r a landinc

**Gaaryr‘< pfowr»> wat brin f drm«>n»tratrd b> Malh« r.n a* d h djfar R "r^r K « i»t nt T^* > do a •»! *»f thrir fl> * » wh^fi thr

m :svKR * r i > - i.., ..i..duda rancHara arc bafuit.i*jc ta plan for thi« yoar'a **t>inoat aaa

• -on in kiptory,'* bacauaa thc> Mid “ propta In all walk* o f lifa hava

^a «upprr-itrd drdro to ba cow

L«>nK Uland rnivcraitjr forward Lf U Lipman leapt and rUtUhra every im m lr atlefnpting to Mcnk an overhand pass ty John Stanich VCLsA ahades Black- biidi. 66*64. in o\xrtima in Aral half i f a double'header played bifora 16.647 at MaduoB Squatt j


16 ^ C A R S E X P C R IF N C Cla Sarriaa S la d »a O p*ra liaa


Cgr Asina. TiraR rpoi*lfb « fliBsiaaa* Carratlf A | p ro «ia lrd

Roy McCionkry S E K V Itfc S T A T IO N

Phone 567 Highyvay 80 CaaI

Dabb« Electric Service

W ir iiiE fo r light, pow tr.

Motor gad Ggngrator Repair

A ir Conditioning

ll(i'i*< hold p lertn cs l sp- liUnnce rapturing.

Appliancoa R Mxturos

207 S. Commeixg SCi'm C Nigiit ' Day PboM 77

birds ara ftt»ii?idod, ebockittf fed e i»I rM«>w and tOFt.r.g new dr* birrs o that air travel will br MAfer attd more reliabla.

When th^ weather pet* rsfic* Ciady bad. "<>rnrfe*' works mor** lhaa e>ar. Ib r autopilot, Mulhrrin •ay*, t* more rrltabie than humans C4n br, has quukrr rvactMiis and nrirr ireU iiervoua.

M 'lm ivri. th# device frees the humaii |»U»ts to supervieo th e plane'it pro|rr« -B in»tead of ccin gtantl) ti-riiing knoba and iexer-s Ire can ro\rr thr rwntrol surfaces and radio antruriae, turbulence ran t-ri m. btorm* ran blow up. and

ish I o n k out afid *‘<te«>rirr ' will ju<»t kurp flxinff th<* plafo- home

Mulhvnii sat in thr c«m kfut. •s<a»*»ii»ir the inNtrumrnta, alert f«»r •u> d« f r«ttnri !!• the < roRD |H»iiit- rr- wh.fh *(a* <1 at riirht ana vN on the ir»-*f‘ —-f* |»ane| when the j I- c.r. thr beam Koeei> had>ril) to hn* *f !ahdiii|r |,*('ar aiul

hiThe dude wrmnriert. who met

in r>enver. #t|>ert tho number of

people who find ranch life to In. reea>*r in lIMh. Some 60 ranrhr* in Colorado sroewd 12,•' 0,<>00 during the *47 se“ -«»f

Back-Stage Behind The Curtains-in every nFoamsed bwsii e«s. ibere is a mass o f prepara-

linn, w otli skill and rapense be fo re any tboogb l can be given le p re fils from tbe f.i-isKrd prt»do<t For eaancple, ibe cost o f typiwg a 100 p a te a b »ira c l is a Irib le rem pared lo Ika l o f aa* sembling. elasscfying and posliag ib e retards day a fle r day, year a fle r year, an prepora lion fe r your nest order Tb e nbw siracl. lber.*fere , can 'l be cheap like d ir l, bwl always ik ere is sa fe ly and a saviog in including tl in every real es ln le trana* aclion

EARL BENDER & C O M PANYFasitnnd A b s ir ■g e«eeo ItZJ


M n ilf w ith F leaa lu n algt;- and new Lcvo lo r hard­ware. W e al.- -> niake kteel and wood hlinda. W e re­paint and repa ir old blinds.

— For free rtlimate— Call 436 Eastlantl—

Eastlftitd Venetian Blind M fg. Co.405* it S. Seaman

Unusual Values Now Featured In Our

M AIL ORDER DEPARTMENTPepperell Sheets & Pillow Cases

Cannon Towels Pillow Tubing

Women A Misses Rubber Boots Nylon Hose

1 H. P. Electric Motor Electric A Oil Burning Hot Water

HeatersWool Rugs 9 a 12

Marbelized Linoleum 6ft. Aluminum & Wooden Venetian Blinds


F R F F T 0 0 1 3 W .» 4 » r l . l J .k Oipm***-"'’ ***Raemva Gevarwf»«'Wl Fay Wbil# Traiw m f*

West Texas Vocational InstituteJsm .s A Sm ilk . 0 « . * r

OM C i l , H . l l B . iM . . f F k . « » 202

Iwstrwc lera

Jee Cbambera —Cbwrba Werdaw

Dr. Carl Straley Jr.O PTO M E TRIST

V'iaual Analysis Lenses PrescribedO jirn D a ily— Iloura 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

107 N. Austin Phona 446

This Is Presidential Election Year



C .L IM IIII(l(ll(S S k ' VMarjorie Maddocks, Mgr.

Flstabliahed 1919 207 Main St.


Radio • Phonos

Moving? Packing? Storing?We are proud of our aenrice aa mentsonesJ above. When we move you— we move yiHi from the pic­ture! on the wall to the diihea in the cupboard. We have a complete van aervice, your sooda are pro­tected from weather........... ...................................




For Prompt

FJectrical Refrigerator Service

Ranger Transfer & StorageWe Repair Motors, Irons, or Anything


Alao Do House Wiring




FOR SALEModern hotiae, 1 acre of land, ftnetd for chickena, 8 miiea out on IIwy. 60 f'JSOO.OO,immediata poaaenaion.

2 bed room home, com er lota (2 ) , paved atreet, n icely fum iahed. near ward aehool ....... 13250.00

5 room houae, 4 i , acrea, down payment and reat •ike rent ..... 11000.00

, 6 room modtsm houae, 5 loU, F^tatland H ill |3500

And many more dwellinga. Alan have aotne buai fo r aale.

ram IISIJItMIX AGENCYComplete Insuranoe

Phone 33 208 Main St

SANGER. TBLA8 R A N G E R D A IL Y T IM ES, S U N D A Y , J A N U A R Y 11, 1948 r A G B f lV B


I .

Judge Hughes To j)peak Here Jan. 21

* Sarah T llii.bc> o( th«Kuurteaalh 0u4rt«l Coort In U«|. laa will be the (ilu t apraker in Manner Saturday January 24. when the Ronier branch ol the Amencan Aaociation o( Univer a,ly Women hold an open meetina

The metUng wUI be held in the Community Club Houne at S o‘> clock and the aaoociatiun baa ex­tended an invitation to Ranger wonaen to attend

Judge Hughes ia among the lew women lurista in Texoa and is widely known (or her ability in

, the court as well as a public rpeaher

Compliincnted At Party 1’huisday

Mnioa. Jao Qrohnin and Oorman Uortan entortnlned Thursday evening at Ti90 nt the Graham home artth a bunco party honoring Joanne Jackson.

Follawing the games, rvfrerh- , manta were aorved to Betty Reu-

wer, Joy Harper, Nancy Phillips. Juoe Ann Morton, Gloria Graham, Richard and Robert Martin. John-

, ny Marlow, Roy I.indaey, Jack Pob Waddingtnn, Jerry Page, and the honoiwe, Joanne Jackson.

O. K. S. TO M Et.T A T - 7;:»0 M O N D A Y N IT K

The regular meeting of the Rpnger chapter of the Order of (.10 iCamerii Star will be held Mon­day night at 7:Su o’clock at the Masonic Temple.

Officers are requested to at­tend in formal attire.

Visitors are welconse.

Kvanjrelistic Conference To ? He In Dallas

The First BspUat Church in HTili iMf host to s statewidi'

ciuiigelistic conference to be held Jaiiuury I2 .lt. i.^si o, ui« coo- ference will be lOU.nOU converts m ibth.

hou hern Usptist lesih-rs who will be present at the convention include Urs. K G. I ir . J- l>. l,iey, J tican Crsin,- W. /s. Criewell, u. II Jackson and others.

it has iK-ci aniio.,i,.d t.ia'. p.i vote honici s, we I us ho.rla and eouit. will be 4.S ., an e lor those who attend the conference. A- Biong those fiom karger who piaii to go are III. and Mrs. Bob Hodg.s, T. J. Anderson, Coy 8in s ana H«-v. and Mr>. David C. Ham

T o M K K T.\ i t l i L 'K L I I M O N D A Y

Mrs. E. r. Latham will ha load­er bi uv program takan from a kieUiodut publication when th« Womans b.i.ety cf CHnitian Ser- lice meets Monday afternoon at t 00 o'clock in the church

Alt members are urged to be present.

®t*rnm»r W hile H ouse Show n W 'n» f

i r . z

M l tiTk c i i . t

C i iirc libJ.' U V. JAN m b

Ib.otl A M

“ Jesus Te ching

7i3U i M

Y*u«-: P ic^ U '* C k c ii

“ Tert of L ife ’


E«v K. Kr«d NuU, paalor Kunday '’ chvol 10:00 a.m..Mi'itlMy E orm iif Harvica .... 11:00 ■ mSunday Evemnf Sarviaa for you%t

--- .... 7 :00'unday 7 :.iU



The Columbia Study Club will iiieet Tuesday afternoon at S o'-

I clock in the home of .Mrs. I.eilie Hagaman and .Mrs. J. R Mcluiugh lin will review the book, “The Tsmarack Tree" by Howard Hree- lin.

All members are urged to at- tend.

1 9 1 7 C L U B T O .M K ir r T U i : S D A Y E V E N I N G

President Trum an’s summer W hite House, i n iiiut’sieiiueiice, .iii>., i luka anything but stimniery a fte r n heavy snowstorm co ve red it wiUi signs o f w nter. Even the usually pre.sent S<»i’r«"t Servm * n im are not m evid 'iii .', ur> llie -iinw lilnnUi-ti'd the liuildiiig.


It was announced today that Max Diddley, an ex-eonvict. will

rpoak at the 11 o'clock aervire at ‘ the Mtrriwmn Baptist Church and the public If invited to attend.


' The regular meeting of th e I 1H47 Club will be held Tuesday ! night at 7:30 o'clock at the Com­munity Club House.

All members are requsstad to ; bring their contributions of fic- ' tion for the public library.

Ground Breaking eremonies Sun.

i iMiimuhity M u f •Nililmi Ad.«>n'«. U'd Mir am Study liurnrtt. .st#«aid- r litirr

Garden LoreBy Ethel BreokeS Gilmere

Tha Ranger Rebckah l-odge No.. •44 wil mact Monday afternoon 4 -•-•-Hi at the I.O.O.F. hall for

and to make Tinal plans. tha trip to Gorman on ‘Tues-1

ftay.All membors are asked to be




^ wmis ~Circles of the Woman’s Mission­

ary Union of the First Baptist Church will meet Monday after­noon at 3 e'eloek In the follow­ing homes: Floryne Miller Circle Mrs. O, L. Cantrell, 700 Cherry S t; Hosal Moon Circle, Mrs. J. D. Johnson, 818 E. Main St.* All members are urged to at. mnd their respective meetings.


! \Tbe Sub-Deb Club will meet at T M Tueeday evening. January IS. In the home of Joyce Cole.

All members are urged to at- And.


The ladies of the Altar Society of St. Rita's Catholic Church will entertain with a bingo narty at St. Rita'i hall on Thursday even­ing at > o'clock and the public is Invited te attend

N E W E R A CLUB TO m e e t o n W ED .

The New Era Club will meet Wednesday aftamoon at 4 o'clock in the home of Mrs Evis Landers

Mrs Vernon Deffebach will re­view the book “ King's Blood Roy­a l" by Sinclair Lawio.

There srv throe new roses this year, "Paace’’, “ Koat of Freedom” and the "Grace Moore’’, christen­ed in memory of the beloved American singer, who died in a plane crash last January in Hol­land.

“Grace Moore” is a hybrid tea rore of velvety red, that is almost crimson. It has long stems, pointe<l buds, and heavy foliage, which makfc it an ideal rose for indoor decoration.

“ Psaca,'* this rosa ia aa heart wanning as its name. It is called tha Star of Stars. The blooms are daep cream, in the All-American Rote Selection, “ Peace'' took the highest score.

The latest it the “ Roic of Free, dom” , it it also a red rosa, and recently won the Portland, Oregon Award, with a score of 83 points, which ia really an honor, Portland being a city with the most besuti- ful rosa gardans. The “ Rose of Freedom” has been given to s number o ' parks, but will not be offered to the general public un­til the fall of 1948

It it estimated that l,<0<l,hO<> saw the Pasadena't Tournament of Roses, Jan. I. It was probably the most lavish display of flowers ever seen.

T h r e e California Cantenial floats depicted the stale's hitter) in flowars. San Francisco's flor al cable car was sweepstakes win­ner. The Theme prise was won by Alhamra't “ Founding of the Gold­en West’ ’. Father Serra stood on a hill of flowers, at hit fret were floral repUras of three historic missions.

General Omar N. Bradley was Parades Marshall. 18 bands, all told, 1K»U musicians furnished marching time.

Copyrighted IW *By Ethel Brookes Gilmore

M Wildoii..-*i'*ns Slru.

C , - It b'e SluJi

eremonies un. ,J .20 IIu.-iiir-« S*. -=!on.

Immediately following services ; 2 .10 Adjournment.St 10 o'clock Sunday morning at | the .Majestic Theatre in Eastland,membs'cs ol Holy Trinity Epimi 'BRG.ADt .AST A T 7 .,5<l pal church will go lo the lot on South Seaman street lo break ground lor the church building which will be moved from Camp I Bowie to Eastland in the near future

Five people will participate in the ground breaking. Oscar Wil son of Eastland who has held membership in the parish the longest of any member. Mrs Joe Nurssle of Hanger, president of the ladies auxiliary. B o b b leVaught, the youngest confirmed' --------member of the church and the IKev James W McCleam. priest MOH-'.ND, Ma*«. ( l l ’ l - of the parish ' Though Holland is one of the

Following the ceremony at Uw »'•■**''** communities in the state, lot, a parish meeling will be held '* **•" moderuon the root o( (hr Connellee at ' »rhi>oU.

The new two-rnom etructure was built because the toum'a pre sent population af 28.’> it almost double that of IP.10——and provie-

j Ions have been made for an addi. ' tion should the population in­crease further.

The sehool ha.s flourescent I lighting, sound absetlient ceilings snd tiled floors.

PersonalsMl-.. Ili-ii^ Groves

her sls-er \lr: J I. and tjiiiili m Fort l.'u- w -I '. 1 iid

i: Visiting lli-ineinann Worth over

Dr Kyle M Yates will again sp- pear on the Baptist Hour Broad ast Sunday morning at 7 30 o'

clock on station W'FAA. Dallas

Dr Yates of Hou.>ton will speak in the subject laivr God to Man "

Town May Be Small : But It’s Modern

which members of the vestry will be selected and delegates to the diocesan convention In Dallas will be named Lunch will be served before the parish meeling

Eastland To Be Host To W.M.U. District Meeting

The Cisco Aasociwtional W.M 1' quarterly meeting will convene in Kartland Thursday, January IS, at 10:00 a m. The theme will be “ One World. One Saviour. Ons Task.” Following Is the program:

MOR.MNG SESSION lOrOO am Song and Devotional

Period — Mrs. H. F. Vermillion. 10'20 Review of work of loFal soc­

ieties for quarter-. 1 ocal I'rasi dents

11 :20 i'orresponding Serretarv Trees. Report — Mrs. John Alexander.

11 So Musical Meditation — Mrs. Donald KInnaid, Mrs. I C. Iniar,

11:3S Inspirational Address— Mrv. W B Atchison, Baird 18:18 Lunch- Bring Covered Dish

ALTKRNOO.V 8ES.SION 1:18 l'..M. Devotional Period —

Chalk Talk—Mrs. M. Chap man.

1:3.1 Itevlew and plant through phasss of our work - Program and literature — Mm Catroll Giudder, Benevolence — Mm. II.

Mrs Saunders Gregg Irtt Sat .. lay lt,r ll•-u•lon where she will jttend tnr viddng ol her son. 'lurch ' l.n is . Jr., and Mias "i!'.siii.i i:ir n. on January 17

Hospital NewsJ I Jon< *ern diomiHjieit

fr«ti;i th*' Wrwt Trxav Ho»pltal.

Mihf Ouida liniwn, « l io ha* >-vn a n'ftliual patient in thr

W« t Taxar llohpital. wa«• d Saturday

M I>. Kay, who was mjurad in an automobile aeeidant Kriday a i tranikfem'd to h ii horn# in Abilene .'•Saturday

JiM llourhton has ttoon a liatient In the We^t T^xa^ ITokpi- tal and has be«n diamijiaod.


Walaul aiad Morslon

"The Ck«r«h » f Cktntet'*

W ri.C O M F.SundsyMershiiif Wurskip rraioiMf Umoa Fvanm g W arskip

SFR M O N S U b J F C T S i F a ilk of Akrokaai

Ckrist'—Tko D iviao Kfiockor


Kov M. W . W iIroo, Poalor

M»rntnp Rerviec C.4&M ;0C a- m. Uo*'ninf wdr«hipSunday Kvrninc PYemne Sor\uo

Youny Ptopit Wednooday

iVayar Uaetinc______ 1:00You ara invitod to join witk aa

in Cbriatian faUowahip and aor ?»ed.

Vun iny S«*r% .'• •-ie# g;00 p.m.

Tueaday NiRhtPrayer MeoUng - 1:00 p.m.Friday NightYeung Poopto to Moot nt 8:00


Tke Re* Jemea W . M cClaiaPd s#*t ,

Mutmn;: Prayer and Holy Cofu niuh rit •’>«!> Nuiida,' al M Muiaalic Tk-siti*.


lgCf>N»» d.AT CIUNt.dlJ C n%as*«aee

) C P* .ZJo t’eael UiFe*'.** J |> Niak**!* .s*et4«* St k e «

S e e - .. •ilvfbaleat Ser«i«e»

' It da* .V ‘ ■ 4 m m1 raiMny Cn •*" ‘1 : 0 p ml>:verinp Worship 0 0<) pml*rayer Servp e, Wed I* ->0 p p*

C H U R C H O F C H F ST Mealt Wk H ifk Sc Immi Aadilariwas

Ea rl E . SaMtk, MiaiRtart 4a a m. btbla .study8U:;»0 a m. - WorakiptYenm i* S4«rv‘-a 7 p uMonday 3 pm. t.ndioa BibW C lam Wedtieaday Kvaning 7 p m

IM F. C H U R C H O F G ^ D Rav. C . F . M./adar, Paat«hr

Wa axtand n rordial wvirom# tn tha following aarviroa. dundatr School . ..^lOdW a m. r K flirkman, Superlntanda^t Maiwaga by Pnator » 11 :00 nm Evangelistic aarvica 7:30 p m. P •prayer sarvica. Wodnastlay, 7 :S( Y V K Frida y at 7 :30.

F IR S T C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H Fraak C'ow* pa«laa

7*00 ?^unday School . 9:48 am ._ _ 7:30 L N Bryan, Sn|d.

Morning Worahip — M Oo p.m.Evanmg Worahip 7-■OU pm.l>on’t mim tha Lhartplaa Ham for man and woman at 9:48. Taught hv tha oaator.

H ARM O NY U A P T IS r CHUR* HM«*r oe. fal'rr

* I 'll .«•«•(• Iiapti ». . t#, sii I ‘ ‘w •» m.

'Xka. 'em M |‘ -L, a l l ) S. n . i u i ? -•RU p . » r

.. I. ‘ e I ■ I to.X . . e l .s« « » - e M

I r„ .-I n ■ 'ig W ' ' wuS) a Milm

s'l.i'Oi wei> ni<- i.ufna Ai*swg .. III. > \s - , |Hi I ,ru MO-’d

J. . e h iaiiiee. t'astsig sa.l

9:48lliOA • i30 TiJC

..Rl'-r;/.' SUl.NCE hERVOT-

: ' - s - lit” I til .uiijagk I nt Ihv I. "n .s.-rr.-'e which will l*a

. , : U . J l live ot WM-Oi, ' II ta>, Jf - 'Jarjf 11-

Tl.. (. i ' ' " " Hifl fr * f*' thi I i.i : J-- I'hrist. and tha . . r f ' end ll.r lommuirlwn

h. IG -> <;hii<t, i « wHh yod . :i ( - »ii:t 'sGv

Am . . e l , '.iK-n W'lill'h coia-S;. I “ rm -* F .lIW

f-iiloviifi fj. Uihli-: “ Andlie ' oetl sr iie .’ 'te Mosasi axy-

:ng Tpaak unte all tha rongrq^ .. - f ih' rKI’d-en af laraal, and

say unta them, Ys shall ha hatfi»r.i ' -I.- ! —'1 e i'u r God amh- ’ v " ll.e v i:l-U 13 I, I ) .

7 h- I Ai-riaon ala# In-'i:d I'.ie fcU .eirg passogt from . I 'nrieiian I'c'enw taxthoah,

"S»tenoe and Haa'th with Kay to the .><eripturaa" by Mary Bakar F.ddy "We should striea t# fOaO

, the Horeh height where C<><) la r- - ra i d, and the rnmrr etoiia #f

:|iirlual building Is purity" lpa!;i 241).

Texans Asks To Draft New State Constitution

AUPTIN, Tax (UP) — Tax8* I'hsinher of Commerca through an aeeociatlon of throw ragional bad: I haa called up tha roM af TrxBi: to join In a eampaign far a modem .tale constitution.

They propoea that tha Btala legi.lsture which ronvanas In Jairuary, I'M:*, he raqiseskad Mr rail a constitutional ronventlan ta draft the iiew document. Gov, Besuford H Jaeter haa sneourag- rd the movement by saying tame parts of (he Texas eonalitittlsn are arrhaic. Ha said thgt gthtr parts are fundamental and ahaald be perpetuated

Mrr. WiHrew Marine of Ming- n l» a patient In th ' West Texa ITospital.

READ T lia

Fred O Wsh'ler. was taken to > f« home in Dallas Saturday from he We-t Texs. Hospital where he

------------- - s. treated fur Injuriei recr+vedl-Ahalfir.D ADS ' fn an automobile sceident Friday.

AnnounciiiK the opening o f the

Brown-Owen Clinicfo r the prartice o f General Medicine

and Surgery

111 N, E. 2nil St.— 2 Doors W est I ’ osto ffire

M ineral W clla, Texaa

J. O. Brawn, O. O. Formerty yith Norsroed

THnieMiners) Wells, Texas

K. H O W EN , D. O Formerly Owner Uwans

lloepitalMarriaenvllla, Mo.


DIAMONDSn i E ' ' . l l ' T T H A T . A . s r s


>(1 K (H ’ l{ S K LE T ^m N S

) S i 1.4(1 T o SI.SOT. OO

D. L PULLEYd i a m o n d s — W A TC H ES — JE W E IB Y

SILVERW AREPhone 3.1 203 M.-Mss Street


Monday, January 12, 1948, 7:30, American Legion

Hall. It it urged that all members and prospective

members be present to discuss future plans of the post.


Always Ready—

Always Prepared

At a moments notice to go anywhere. WeTc talking

about your wardrobe. Make It a regular practica to

let us clean year clothes whenever soiled. Thou,

they’ll always be fresh and ready to slip Into at a

moments notice.

Ranger Dry Cleaners"Everythiny You Wear Dry Cleaned With Care**

Uch-Vp And Oclipory Sendee


4§M a


IL/ ••••

I ^

ii- %

" '■»'

S tJ

? rzr " t- ;. ' V

rAill! SIX

tianni for sovrral montks.' • N E W S FR O MO L D E N June Mu'm hae j i .U M '■••J_______________________ f ■- W eo‘ h«*tfo> aitil F*. \V 'r*!*

01.1>FK. Jon. t — t .1 Hi- ‘ V , - •*'• hni been v i i . i i i j t h.-rJo . Stni’ *»-n ho- ------- rdR oul tJHf 4ji*i o.boi- ho Loo Oen -M nlht * rotoi.v^

n % V A * f h

Mra. WdUe Bookman boo boon■nv;".U iri'in lb' R u.ijer In -w r-

ii rv'. .Olu: ..1 Hit b'>m« O’ *1 onJa 1.,, "

Mr lliil U r O ' J H .i'N fi- \, .i I •. >1, oiiU Joy

a. ii-it of , d III Uo-r.Nkll '.• > O. II

R A N C F H ’ lA n .Y T I I I F K W ’ N D A Y . J A N U A R Y 11, 1!M8



H o u s i n g c x p n d i t a r

FRESH SEEDSEnglish Pens Scver>-\1 K.iiid^

Onion Sets V igoio

H A Yrco*< Gr:^cn Color Okla. Prairie.Good Green Color Peanut. sCtr^‘• .’ . G. an ’ Ba'ed Slrnw All kmd^ jc f fresh ground feeds.

%i J r G V «■‘i ‘ *•»J ' 'hf B-m* -I ■ ‘--I *rfti*'y J •

, , I .. ;.»»»»•> •• V i K s *1I%•.


. X'.th.. 1 I


heuiinc oapoctlMr

ISRopool IS Lined IS Death noUto IT Pul to (lishl IBlneart T S B ot SI Pr^eoiixn

v n iT I C A L1 Romp S Refund S T k rt S Spoi'k S K n ifh t (ab.) S Hint T Ritual • Half .am SEjrrn (Scot.)

S3 Franch plural lO lrW i artK la parUaincnt

34 Pronoun 11 Wetor35 Area meattire mamaaali35 Omimutiva IS ('etuaur

d fiu r» r M r

h.i- br.-n

s '

A .J . R a tliff.11 ' r :i rs'r-

- * ! V YV .


PHONE U)NA ' A * J IA * .S S ^ S S S S S S S S V .S S S * .S S * .S S S S S S S S V S S r .S S S S S S S S

ll *rr i »»h e JI ir1 tsf I ' . of

VI tr III r,*;., J* of I.

Announcing.W W W S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S ’

The Opening O f TKt'

Gbobon Hotel - Coffee • Shop

TWmrtday, Jam. t§ih Vnder The

Mamagement of W. M. RAMSEY

ProriMO mnnacer of ibo Paramount Coffeo Shop Wa havo addo.1 all now hiIcKon o v * 'P »» «^ " *docorntod Ilirmisbout. Wo cewdoMy .neit# yom to oonto IM and mapoct omr hiteben.

Sorvin t tbo boat fooda oStainablo and coobod to ynur laalo?

Home Mode Pastry - Good Coffee

Gholson Hotel - Coffee • Shopw . V R a m s e y . M t r

> -L • '■- i B e '" 7 f

5* ' M-■ H 'll■■f I l ‘a -• Mr. ajtd Mm. ('»rl

!■■ X- ■ « » ,■ 1 . , ■ .V’ 1 : M « tH B ; .

Mr. »D*I M»- '* r romh.4 Ilf1|< mI-iI, |r\i| \ ,* d Mrm Jrt*

i ; <!•, ‘ hr:« nd I t liiu r V"I t .r-'-i . -i> ;' |*.t» « « i.! ; ' ■ •■»r h . V n , p . t|

M- Xfitl* : t»u .-brs' '• '

: fr J i k CiirliPRn Rnd t'fv Tor n k MutbMk r«Hum« <1 (■» theif

,«i !*••• »rl* VrMT M» Yi «».? r* r ’ hey ‘ pent iK-

ho' d vt in At.d

~-~r ~ --M’ M X* o f thr pnpiiM ('hurrh

l«iM rn#r* Mottd-y at oViipek to r I « mtw iwt Mm. R iley willI If; t Karye ,if ih|4 p"f>rnim

* Mr' ! d'e IuhI rMutne<J ht>n r frrsm I >»!’•« where «he Ha< been I ‘Alt njr *'f. *f TKAnks£. k iitg Mr •rt| Mm. Ir s le « »*id liaughter r im * with her for A w eek^nil

’ •’ 1

Traditional I Parade To Open Fat Stock Show

J — .. 0 | .■ iS t- * r ,u lb «r .tn ii l;«

— . . u p-,i ; ; i— Sfto=. Jan.It ft 1*1 ,]■ ... . i

lu ltix35 Ro'dianknn

(lym bol) r tS to p 31 Hood .11 M aa'i aam t 34 Orraoa M P athert ST Fortification IC A n r 41 Taiiunttm

(aymbot) 43Dortiir of

DlvinHp (ab.) 4 S Y ta (Sp .)44 Followor 45Hnrata SIM m ile U B a fiM i M T tw rrfo rt U O f ttMoar M P uxbIh M Rtppod M F io o ch

archllart 11 M» oranti

mor# n». —

f H'llf .* ‘It " J' ' ■I. 'r ‘ W- I

rit , tlT^-ldaat r»f ‘ ht fi^rad*' ^l^ntmi'.tra i hut't*ui>cr4l

• ......... .. ' '«! I *1' :» i ..(1 f. m . ^ ‘l* n ••

' a* -! n rn . A?U»!j • i t i i i| i r f . 4‘\. ’ f>| '■/ho' nf Kf‘1 *C h M'k 4if

14 A mI I E i t h r r 21 roldi 2t M m utri

3$ Proparty Itam 45 Oaalle 3T Attcmplod e For t n « | n a S O S w Ita r ly w ‘ (ab .)S3 AfOd . S5 JuBO'bosS3 Wrirt by t l Typa od beaiib

itcamor S 3 S M35 Chaat M Ea r (c«5»b.35 Raoch toward form)35 Ralatlvot ST Wntton fotlB45 Bad of M M tr4TP alr of Iteraaa S t ExrUaM tloa

Pirate GWd Turns Up In Thimble

N K W O R I E ' f S »>'•’ » o"'B-inr guidon dobloona Into Ihimbler might appror to thr twrntleth era- ,

j tur>- miad to br an odd way to i rnako arwlof allroourr.

Bui a Juftica . thr rrarr | Mrrr d.'a A*.m< will Irll you. thr |

i thimbir making mrtaod aolvrd at |■ Wart two loot argumrnti for thr j nelurioua Gulf Coopt piratr, JranI rVlttr.

Judgr Adama rwna ono of two known thimbWa aolvagod from

' ihr UFittr gahg Arrordiog to hrr info^alion. ihr goldrn gad- j -n. which dnoan't fit. any of hrr

finr ra. praultrd from a divlaloa of piratical ppoUa

. I acb burcanrrr had to hovt !■ hi. riart pharr." ahr rxn'a nr«l ( "Ona timr, whrn rvrrylhing had horn diviilrd r^ually. two goldra UnnnI-h duhlaon* r«main"d lo- Fittr artt'rd thr r-pUrr b* h m mrrinr thr ro(ni Into a thimbir for tbr wifr of oar of hi# mra."

Sinrr thrrr la at Waat ono othrr auch thimblo to Judgr Ailam«* knawirdgr .ho aaauaara thr pirato arttlod all au«‘h ••gtmrpay” diffrr- rocr« th# aaaar wmy.

FOR SALE7 Room modern home and 7 lots 2 car

garage 2 room servants house

A Real HemeW ill stand inspection Located ir

Gholson Addition

C.E.MfY,.M .Real Estate rnd Insurance

Cal! 224 For Classified .Ad Service

Pff." I 'r* t ,V. ’ ht- Otit iM'cml tow- dfje

i ;r “* t|. wri "•* !show snd

ir n»M, .»

. . I >■ -'» pr*impthtatsd .All■i.i' . w ill .-.-.Tj- I'ra^M

r *»f »r*arv^I'k*

i»it ani'

Fx'Ballonist Wants Plane Ride

C ’ l ' . 'M It I t I’ l O o r of thr (ir.c to go aloft in a h«l-l.'ticn lo takr an airplanr n d r

>!•« I f ! . - C o ffr r , *0 . wjr< ahr' horn out of thr kv for tvorr than ; q u .r t r r of a crn lu ry and would lik r to go bark lo It.

.‘'pends Vacation Touring Pawnshops

M L X IC O , Mo. ( C P , — Dai-r Powrn. trooprr on tlio MiaaonrI highway patrol, ia bark at hia poat h rrr a f tr r a WTrlCt ruratton but rrpurta h r ’a ttill tirad

A Ih iaf hrokr into liowon't .a r and atoir hia riritian cloth­ing and two aultraara, valued at 15011 T h r vrtrran crim inal Invoa- tigator forgot about hU vacation and went on a tour of rv r ry pawn- ahop in kan iaa C ity , arrom panird b) a city drtoctivr.

'.i-fr-»m tow ’-- or .T-,-..’ '■ i-arric-i \'.i p. i f ‘ I r iy i t Ih r r-or.d

thr ra -k

Hal t ‘.f !!>03 d ir .a " a nrw« r . n r v . i< hM .fi‘‘iv K-rouP" a d vrrlirrm rn t which read

'Wanted. Young girl to makr bal-' loon aaroaaion.’


r»« nway home to M -!h* bth. Sho wm» tTi at tKa tima.

H rr ^r«« aarant waa far from rtamoroM!* She ro*a a iT>oHa*t 10 fi-at H tha old'fRAbtonad wrood*

uarr Hanre ^yrninc balloon and aatllad ill A .Mu*pK>»Hon»* III frtHT pond.

Hut pthar aM*anlii war* mor* •ji r* ful and bba ramainad in

Ih* •*bu*inwb'*’ for many yrara.**' manv -—-- * - — ~


A d C A D I Aoeatsa i «• m ctum a a ssS U N D A Y AM* M O N D AY

J hn* Allyaww . Patar Law fard G O O D N EW S

V mv • • h • . -5 f"'■ha«ili'5*d *'» '».if h rir Shf-tif'** Cf»m’K »d nf 1*0 f ’ .trwH.l Mder*. th !' r'W' M«»u? '.f'd

si ; n-tt»f».| Fnrn* High .N'tvM.' n Th«*M .rif-Y |4'’ gli«>r > * Ki'» »' aY|»rrtfd

• •• • tl rtutr v*-fit«' 1 •• T,.|rr-•*Wa wolSd I’hr * *

•‘4 * 4 - Yioiifb*, fa*T>il'r«.* fi tJb)F«ral '*n rt p«»’45l b •> I'l. IV !»■ tr • le fv.r ' ’* \ |V n

I V.*- vkt, Ifl nl i I t« h » '*'a nuiubar t»f iha» dv

Eyes Examined Glosses Fitted

Fraa pa«t*f* iwail brabaa Cappa StwAa

GOTHAM PATTERN Theodor* Havilcmd American Mad* QUna

1-Place Setting $10.25

cartaw* to fiaaaas ia. at

Drs. Film & Pifinla O ffiaa Eaary Tbursday

n o S R U S K



in REGISTRATIONS of con ond of frocks . . .

FIRST In Rm awM ' RfaduiNwn In IMF —•ecneAmi

FIRST in TnKh RvwAsettwn in 1^47 —nacaoMlny M $**•




S|»*vi4l »!,»v o thr'>ti F- h

*.‘ V ‘ -or r..- It •*' Xuir-nto, >a’ n 'iU v.* ■ * iX ..rth * ' ► 1.t^l ' . :h- t ’ < ' u’.

r - h W * .. F* h .*t I'Mewnn-Yl

f 4 W .v%4-.‘ .* k l ie T^. 1 fday.W ••*lhrrfr»n!. S' T.lF tndnv

r T . f i -'• X •*' •*»*'M'edlie-rlav .

,* ..nd . *< i‘lr.b a:.'lav. r<“b H

n o t ic e :W . oro plooMd lo aooooocr ibal wa havr .MWrad lha M rvica. ml Mr O B A h lr., ao . .p a r t aulo- •oobila aod tractor mackaoic H r

ckarga of oor rrp a ir do- ^ rtm ro l ood io v ilr . h i. ftiaod . lo bring lhair m rrko okal Iroo bU . la btm. at

Cosden Service Station

JIM Y O U N GHighway 50 F a .t Rangar

la Rwaaaagar Car Sataa la 1547 -wteardbag ta taaowaptaPa but eeeetwWve awtoa iwaarda.

la Trwrh Salaa la 1547 ar«ar*n g to Iwcaiwpiaaa but aaaaluaivu aatua aaaa^da.

fa ^ adufg svar a MNWoo Cara and Tfueba ha a paiTwur yMw, >547—aaaardiwg fa pubbahad pra>

R R S T bt TaAotf knaatstpae Cte Rsdaa FnaIa4nl IF-yenr pmtiod. Jnnaery, 1 ^ 1 M Jnnwnry,

FIRST la Torai Truth Fradatltaw and Sataa (ar lha fatal17-yaar pariad, January, >531 (a January, >545

fata l ttaaibar at Cara aad Traaba aa (ha raad(a atRcial aadaa vrida ragla a w w tar waM u ram, am> and

A N D E R 8 0 N - P R E U Tt l l So. Autlbi

Ranger, Texas

W e S a f e - C le a n P r e c io u s W o o le n s

When shopping for your new spring wardrode, give nary a thought to houf to clean U. You eon atmmya trust our modern dry cleaning plant attd experienced personnel with your fragile, dellcute, precious etotlr- Ing.

. ___________lidAantsy \nitdtUs 9 and

The Fashion Cleaners114 S*. AfMtm

T . C. 5B41 E V E R E T T W E A V E R

rich-Ur •tt DaliwMT r ik a a fa 4 0 1