"BORN WOMAN" - FMPB | Youth Ministry

Woman "BORN WOMAN" (Gal 4:4) who thou art ... of a

Transcript of "BORN WOMAN" - FMPB | Youth Ministry


(Gal 4:4)

who thou art...

of a

- V.Selwyn FMPB Kerith 02 March 2019

It says “When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his son born of woman”, born under the law” What does this term refer to? We might have a thought that we too were born of a women rite? By the end of this article we will understand why Paul called Jesus “Born of a woman” We read in Genesis chapter 3 Adam & Eve sinned by doing things against the will of God. In verses 3 God Said “I will put enemity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers....” Accord-ing to this verse the enmity will be between His offspring and has because of this woman are a victim to many problems. So God in His Salvation plan, had planned to include woman in redeeming the humanity. Satan deceived the woman and brought the downfall of the humanity. But God used the same womenkind to bring about salvation to the mankind. When Paul wrote to Timothy he writes that it was not Adam who was deceived But it was the women who was deceived and became a sinner (1 Tim 2:14) God is looking for one Mary who kept herself holy so that she could be used by God. God was looking for one woman who was God fearing clear in spirit, Faith, a virgin waiting for the mes-siah to be born through her, who had kept herself pure and who has guarded her virginity. So He was born of a women (Mary) who had no union with any man (Joseph),but concived by the help of the Holy spirit. This was the reason Paul addresses Jesus “born of a Woman” We write our fathers name as our initial. Because we were born with the help of our father. But Jesus Christ alone was born of a woman”. We read the Genealogy of Jesus in Mathew Chapter 1. Mat 1:16 Says "and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of Whom Jesus was born....” So the genealogy also confirms that “He was born of a woman” the Jews when they give birth to a boy child they anticipated the child to be the Messiah if it was a girl child they expected the Messiah to be born through her. There is no difference as male or female in God’s plan. Both are equal at the Sight of God 1 Cor 11:11 we lead that .... in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman” God was in seach for a woman who can be used in the redemption of this world A woman who was godly, holy humble and a virgin. He found Mary to be that perfect vessel to be used in this divine purpose. Born of this woman only brought about the salvation to this world. Dear women only when you adorn yourself with holiness can God use you as a peace maker, a bondage breaker and to introduce Him to the others. You need to take a stand on Holiness in this in holy world. Women are looked upon with lust. Women themselves have given in to lead a fifthly life. This is the reason for woman being displayed in an obscene way in the medias. This is also a vile act of Satan. Therefore you woman of God you play a great role in the salvation to this world only through


of a“Born of a woman”

is a term used by Paul to address Jesus in Gal 4:4.

you can the world enjoy the peace of God. This is the reason God choose women as mighty weapon against Satan and his schemes. It is our desire that you too may be used as a mighty weapon at the hands of God, God has not created you to be trapped in Satan’s schemes but to create History. Being aware of this let’s yield to the will of God you too have great part in spreading the Love of God to this Nation. Know His will and give yourself to be fulfilled through you.

"We wish you to be a woman among them that have committed to redeemed this Nation"

In His MissionV.Selwyn

FMPB Kerith 03 March 2019

To honour the women of this nation our nation is personified as a women and it is called “Barath Matha”. But it is also a shame to know that the same country which is called the Barath Matha is first in the list of countries where women are not safe. The main reason for this is because the Big screen and the small screen portraits woman as obscene objects. The social media has uploaded enormous videos which have trained the young minds to see their mothers and sisters with a lustful eye. The number of rapes, sexual tortures etc have increased a mound level and it still keeps increasing. But even now we praise our nation telling that “women are the eye of this na-tion”, which according to me is only a hypocritical statement. At one side we had the women president and have governors, women shine in the IT sectors, as police officers etc. but the other side the crimes against women keep increasing each day. Each year around 15 million baby girls are being born. But it is sad but true that even 25% of these girls don’t live to see their 15th birthday. The women and the girl children are treated as second class citizens in many parts of our nation. I don’t exaggerate if I say that that the crime against women especially at home keeps increasing day by day. Our former Prime Minister Pandit. Jawaharlal Nehru said “you can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of a woman”. It is our duty to encourage women to rise up in the society. For this we need to help them explore the hidden skills within them. when that is done we can find women shining in Evangelizing the Nation, in church planting, school ministries, running children homes, hospital ministries, translations, mobilization etc. let’s also praise God for the woman who are in the government and for those who have evolved to be strong women in various fields and in our homes. The government has worked out several schemes for the upliftment of the women. Let’s pray that these schemes must reach girls and women of this nation. As these things happen we will realize the potential of women in our churches, our organization and at home and encourage them to take up leaderships where ever possible. This month’s Magazine will throw some light on who the women are in God’s plan “Woman who thou art”. This will enable us to know what the Lord is doing through the women, women – the bible perspective, women in ministry etc. Let us read prayerfully. And as we read we need to remember and thank God for all the pioneer missionaries who gave their life on this land to uplift the women by giving them education and Gospel. Let’s also pray for the women and for the ministry among the women of this nation.

Barath matha

- KTM FMPB Kerith 04 March 2019


Lot’s Wife:Lot’s wife looked back, and turned

into a pillar of salt when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

by burning surface.An elder woman in the church:

II John – The only new testament epistle which was addressed to a

woman by John.Pilate’s Wife:

Pilate’s wife requested her husband to leave Jesus alone

because she had nightmare about Jesus being righteous man the


Japheth’s Daughter: She encouraged her father to keep the vow he made to the

Lord. Judges 11:7Naaman’s Slave Girl:

She asked her Master to meet the prophet in Israel so that he may

be cured of Leprosy.Shunammite Women:

This Shunammite woman offered a small room in upstairs to the

prophet Elisha. This Shunammite woman’s son was raised alive

from the death. (2Kings 4:8,37) Widow – A Prophet’s Wife:

Elisha performed great Miracle with the help of little oil in this widow’s house. (2 Kings 4:1-7)

Woman with Hemorrhage: This woman touched the end of

Jesus’ robe and she was healed of her chronic Hemorrhage which she

suffered for twelve years. (Mark 5:25-34)

Joanna: She was wife of Coosa served

the Lord with other women. (Luka 8:3; 24:10)

Lois: Timothy’s Grandmother who

possessed honest faith.Rahab:

Eventhough she was a Haiolt in Jericho, she welcomed and

protected Hebrew spies. By her act of faith she was considered

righteous. Her name is written in the genealogy of Jesus. (Hebrews

11:31; James 2:25)Achsah:

Caleb’s daughter. Life a wise woman she asked her father for

the fertile land. (1Chro 2:49)Dinah:

Jacob’s only Daughter. She was raped by Shechem which finally

led to great blood shed and fight. (Genesis 34)

Eunice:Timothy’s mother. A woman of

faith. (2 Timothy 1:5)Tamar

She was Judah’s daughter-inlaw. Her name is mentioned in

genealogy of Jesus. (Mat.1:3)Sapphira

She along with her husband lied to the Apostles and kept the

part of the money to herself. As a result she fell dead and was

buried beside her husband. (Acts 5:1-10)

Vasthi :King xerxes’ wife. She was extremely good looking. Due to her disobedience she

was permanently dethroned from royal position. (Esther 1:1-32)

Zeresh: Haman’s wife. She advised

her husband to build gallows to hang Mordecai. She lost

her husband due to her false guidance. (Esther 5:9-14)

Delilah: She found out the secret

of Samson’s great strength by seducing him. She sold

Samson to philistines. (Judges 16:1-31)Herodias:

She was Herod’s grand daughter, Philip’s wife. John told Herod that it was not lawful for Herod to have

Herodias. This had angered Herodias and she prompted her daughter to ask for the head of

John. (Matthew 14:3-9)Chloe:

She gave report to Paul regarding the church of God

in Corinth. Paul wrote I Corinthians due to Chole’s


Peter raised Tabitha alive.Tabitha was well known for

doing good deeds and helping the poor.(Acts 9:36-42)

Michal: She was David’s wife and

Saul’s daughter. She despised David in her heart when she

saw David leaping and dancing before the Lord. As a result

she was barren for the rest of her life.

Zippo rah: Moses’ wife. A wise lady who

saved her husband’s life by cutting off her son’s foreskin.

(Exo.2:21; 4:25)Leah:

Although she was not loved by her husband, she remained faithful and built her house.

Lydia: She was dealer in Purple cloth.

She heard and responded to Paul’s message. She helped to

start church in Phillipi. (Acts 16:13-15)

Known Incidents,Unknown Names

Important Women in the Bible whose names remain unknown

Known Incidents,Unknown Names

FMPB Kerith 05 March 2019

Jezebel: King Ahab’s wife. She planned to kill Elijah and take the vineyard

of Naboth and as a result she led her family to destruction. (1Kings 21) \Jael: Most blessed of tent dwelling woman. Jael means mountain Goat.

(Judges 5:24)Milcah: She was one of Zelophehad’s daughter. As Zelophehad did not have

son, when the land was divided the inheritance was handed over to Milcah.

(Numbers 26:33)Martha: Martha served the Lord.

Hephzibah: Isaiah called Zion by this name. Hephzibah means “The Lord will

take delight in you”.( Isaiah 62:4)Virgin Mary:

Most blessed among women. Through the power of Holy Spirit,she became

pregnant and gave birth to Jesus ChristMagdalene Mary:

Jesus cast away the evil spirits (Seven Spirits) in her. When Jesus rose from the death he appeared first to Mary

Magdalene. (Luke 8:3; Mark 16:9-11)Mary of Bethany:

Who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said who choose what was

better (Luke 10:38-42). She poured a Jar of very expensive perfume on his head

and feet and wiped his feet with her hair. (Mark 14:1-9)

Mary- The wife of Clopas: She was the mother of the younger James and of Jesus. Clopas was brother of Joseph the husband of virgin Mary. (Mark 15:40/

John 19:25)Mark’s Mother Mary:

Jesus celebrated his last the Passover and the feast of unleavened bread

in their house.Another Mary: Who worked very hard

in Paul’s Ministry. (Romans 16:6)Priscilla: Priscilla and her husband Aquila were Good Christians. Paul

stayed in their house in Corinth and worked with them. (Acts 18:1-3)

Noah: One of Zelophedad’s daughters She was from the clan of Manasseh.

Because of her a law was made that a girl can gain inheritance when

there are no sons.Deborah:

She was Israel’s fourth Judge. She was considered as the Mother of Israel.

Deborah means Honey. (Judges 5:7)

Let me start the women’s day special article with the quote that Billy Graham shared about women in one of his sermons. His idea was not to criticize but to highlight the truth.

“Too many women have too much leisure time for their own good. They have time for criticism, gossip, and fault finding and complaining. They have time for idle games and lay too much attention to things of the flesh. There are other women who have too little time for the enduring things of life. They have great activity and much doing, but they lack time for building Christian characters”. Hello! Is there anything that you could identify yourself with? If not go through it once more and keenly see if you can identify yourself with any of the above said qualities about women.

Proverb 18:22 says that “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favour from the Lord”. Are you and will you be a favour? A good wife is compared to be more precious than rubies. Are you grooming yourself to be of that worth? Being faithful to God is very rewarding and when a women is faithful to God She transcends all expectations. Both kinds of women - the too idle and the too busy need to take time for meditation and quiet response in prayer to God. Today’s girls are tomorrow’s women and you need time to cultivate your soul. So that in turn you will be able to cultivate your children’s lives. Charles Spurgeon once said, “I cannot explain how much I owe to the blessings of my mother” There are certain things that as girls of today and women of tomorrow you need to equip yourself with:

1. Should be aware of current events and should be able to engage in conversation on many topics. This will be possible when you keep up with current events and know what is happening around you.

2. Read books of personal interest, because this will enhance your critical thinking and analytical skills. Becoming a well-read woman will make you a well-spoken.

3. Mind the language you use, be it in English or in your vernacular. It influences life to a great extent. Keep away from vulgar language. You should not hurt others.

4. Be industrious, do not use the word “bordem” in your life, engage in activity and causes that you are passionate about, be it tailoring, sports, writing, reading, helping, cooking or whatever.

5. Integrity or honesty, trust and good character should be developed. Being trust worthy is very essential for a woman. Character is defined as moral excellent, or as who you are, when no one is looking at you. Integrity is steadfast adherence to a strict moral and ethical code. It is behaving morally across situation. Trust worthiness means being dependable.

As a young girl of today and a woman of tomorrow adhere to moral guidelines and behave that way regardless of the circumstances. A good women stays to herself and is consistent in her behaviour. As older among the young you, having a consistent behaviour should teach the younger women the skills and disciplines needed to have a successful home and marriage. The greatest of ministry is in teaching younger girls and women what they need to know to be effective daughter, Wives, mothers and home makers.

Women’s Special

Proverb 18:22

Known Incidents, known Names in BibleKnown Incidents,Unknown Names

- Mr Selwyn

1st Week Message

Women in Christian ministry is no more a very sensitive concept in the Christian Church. Long time since, diverse efforts were made through many conferences, consultations, discus-sions, etc. Most denominations agree that women are allowed to minister. However, there is con-fusion and disagreement between – and within- denominations on whether women are allowed to teach (and if so, whether they are allowed to teach both man and women); whether women they are allowed to be in positions of leadership; and if so, whether that includes the office of pastor, priest, bishop (or whichever terminology is used within a particular denomination to indicate the main person in charge of leading the congregation). There is still many questions are being asked in this concern. Here are some of the most complex and controversial questions on women’s ministry! Does God choose only men to lead, teach and preach? What is God’s vision for women in min-istry? What do the Bible, the Jewish Talmud and early Christian writings really mean about wom-en in ministry? Did the Apostle Paul and the early Christians dismiss the spiritual gifting of women? Are women today defying Scripture? Was Paul wrong when he wrote in I Corinthians 14:34, “Let your women keep silent in the churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speak?”

Traditional viewGod created men and women in his image. They are, therefore, equal in dignity and worth. But women are subordinate to their husbands tradi-tionally and barred from holding offices in the church of leadership over men. This is view of a large number of conservative evangelicals and Roman Catholics.

Egalitarian ViewMan and women should be regarded as equals in authority in the home and given equal access to all positions of leadership in the church. This view is held by some evangelicals.


Through some scholars blame the old Testament accounts as patriarchal, the Hebrew scriptures re-

veal how a large number of women were recog-nized for great faith and faithfulness in fulfilling their part in the eternal plan of God. Sarah, the wife of Abraham, is mentioned at least 35times in the Book of Genesis alone. The heir through whom all the families of the earth shall be bless-ed (Gen 12:3) comes equally through Abraham and Sarah. Through the promise was given to Abraham that ‘promised miracle son’ was born through Sarah. Both Abraham and Sarah are eulogized by Paul and the author of Hebrews as model of faith (Rom. 4; Heb 11) Both Rebecca and Rachel are shown not as passive personali-ties but as ones who actively involved in carrying out the purposes of God through His people; they both are honored in the New testament also. Miriam, the elder Rahab, an Amorite har-lot, in saving the two spies sent by Joshua was a remarkable one and that paved the way for Josh-ua’s victory over Jericho. Through her, Boaz, who married Ruth, was born. Deborah, a prophetess and poet, become the first female ruler in Israel’s history the Lord used her to remove the fear of Barak. She judged Israel so well for 40 full years and was honoured with the title “a mother in Is-rael”. Jael, the Jewish maiden’s boldness in Kill-ing Sisera using a tent spike is well appreciated. Huldah, a later prophetess, was consulted when the lost look of the Law of God was found in the Temple. She was the one, whom Josiah sought out, rather than any male priest or prophet, to validate the authenticity of the scroll. Her pro-phetic message and the public reading of the Law initiated the first great spiritual revival and social reform in Israel’s history. The early church recog-nized her greatness. The prayer for the ordination of a deaconess in the Apostolic constitutions (4th Century AD) has the beginning as follows: “Oh eternal God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the creator of man and of women, who didst re-plenish with the sprit Miriam and Deborah, and Anna, and Huldah”. Many other women played key roles in Is-rael’s salvation history, such as Hannah, Samuel’s mother, and Esther, whose devotion to her people and personal heroism averted the total destruc-tion of her people.


FMPB Kerith 06 March 2019

- Mr Selwyn

Women are the source of sacrifice. When the father of our nation mahatma Gandhi was talking about women he mentioned that “Women when disrcefed in a right in able to move even maintains.” We can see an example in the scriptures too. It is Jael means (Mountain goat) or daring. We read about Jael in the 4-5th Chapters of Judges. Since the people of Israel sinned against God, He sold them into the hands of Jabin king of Canaan. His commander was sisera king Jobin had 900 Chariots and he oppressed the people of Israel for 20 years.



Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite. Now Heber had an alliance with Jabin. But Jael was with the Israelites Jael lived in tents. She lived a nomadic life. Her family lived near the war primises, So that they could collect the broken Iron and reform it into vessels or weapons. They moved their tents now and then. But she was concern about the God of Israel and the people of Israel.

We see the fulfilment of prophecy regarding sisera that he would be handed over to a women (Jud 4:9 Jael welcomed sisera into his house voluntarily. When she found him running. She was aware that sisera was a great warrior and that he was a notaries man (Because she has seen him apprising Israelites for 20 years) She had no belief that when sisera has refreshed that he would leave her alive or without raping her she never knew that God would we her. But she did not fear her circumstances or wait for a favourable one she made the best use of the opportunity she got.

Sisera the commander of Jabin was welcomed into the house of Jael by her and was killrf while he was fast asleep. along pointed pegs were driven into the ground to keep the tents in place. The women too called do this job those days. Jael drove a peg into the forehead of the sleeping sisera By this Jael won the ma-jor part 8 the battle for Israel. Jael hand only a hammer and a peg in her hands with it she got the victory for Israel risking her own life. Ordinary peg and hammer becomes extra ordinary in simple women’s hand used by God even the time, talent, treasure in your hands will be made into blessing for many when used for God. What is in your hands? Are you willing to place at in the hand of God.

Jael committed to the will of God. And so was able to redeem the nation. She did not under es-timate what was in her hands and her ability she only had a desire that the nation must be delivered, the women of the land to be freed and wished to do some-thing for the women of her land. She acted wisely It only sisera should have got the victory then he should have misused the women in Israel. Dear child of God if you have an urge to do something great for the Lord do not wait fill a favour-able time comes look at God who has every circum-stances under His consol. Don’t give excuses about your situation for not doing God’s will in your life. See how you could make the best use of the small opportu-nities that come your way you can start a small prayer cell in your home, or can come as a fulltime mission-ary after your studies to share the love of God to those who are perishing. A nation full of opportunities is giving you a call. Will you come?We have only one life and it will soon pass away. But we do for Christ alone will remain. Are you ready to do something for the Lord. God never expects beyond your ability what only what you are able to do. You too can become a powerful tool for this nation let’s rise like Jael for the redemption of our nation!


FMPB Kerith 07 March 2019

Jael Used her opportunity:

Jael at the hands of a powerful God:

Jael fulfilled the Lord’s desire:

Tamar -Canaanite (Genesis 38:1-30)Rahab -Canaanite (Joshua 6:22-25)Ruth -Moabite (Ruth 4:13-22)Bathsheba-Israelite (2Samuel 12:24,25)


- Mrs.Vasanthi Emmanuel

Who was Jael?


When we think of hill stations we always think of Ooty, Kodaikanal or Yercaud. We will never get tired of visiting these places where it is filled with beau-ty and luxury. However hill stations like Kollimalai, Patchaimalai, Kalvarayan-


malaietc are places where the people are un educated and there are no proper facilities. There are villages with no electricity even today. If it is like this today then imagine how it would have been before 130 years. But for a young girl this was her dream place. When we are forced to stay in such a place with our family then what would we do? Think about it… Evelyn was the 9th daughter of a wealthy merchant. She had a luxurious and complete life. Her father Harris did not want to leave his daughters and therefore postponed her marriage also. But she lacked nothing and was involved in the ministry as a family. Evelyn was a good painter and looked beautiful. After God’s intervention in her life she conveyed her vision to her father. Her father af-ter much hesitation finally agreed and a send off party was arranged. At her farewell party, she wore her usual finery. “She looks more like an actress than a missionary,” said someone. But Evelyn did not consider beauty and luxury important when compared to God’s will. What are you giving importance to in your life? She arrived in the year 1912 to serve in the hills of India. She had studied Homeopathy. In the year 1917, Dr. Jessie Brand had arrived in India and was involved in the ministry. He was a mentor to Evelyn in her missionary work. Though she had many options for marriage, she married Jessie Brand, who had similar callings and mission in the year 1913 and started their missionary work in Kollimalai. (Choosing the right partner for marriage is important in spiritual life. Their life is an example to that.) They did healing, educating, teaching handicrafts, ran a home for the children and widows. They also

started 12 schools in this area. They taught the gospel with a lot of love and they experienced a lot of troubles. Evelyn’s wedding ring had “Trust and Triumph” inscribed in it and it was their desire. After 16 years, in the year 1929 Jessie Brand died due to Malaria. After that Evie Brand was denied permission to go and cont inue the missionary work alone. Evelyn’s heart was burdened to go and preach the Gospel in Kollimalai, Kalvarayanmalai, Patchaimalai, Periyamalai and Chitteri Malai as her husband Jessie Brand had also desired. She was transferred to Chennai and during her holidays she camped at these hills and ministered to the young children through her paintings, did medical mission and taught scriptures in these villages. Her leg was broken and she was old, yet she used crutches to walk and go around to these hills to preach the Gospel and harvested many souls for the Lord. Her children Paul Wilson and Connie grew up with Evelyn’s sister. Though there were 7000 miles between her and her children she considered her home to be in the hills and considered these people as her own children and preached the Gospel. Her sacrifice took the Gospel beyond these five hills to other places also. She slept in the Lord at the age of 95, on December 18, 1974. She was considered old by others yet she still carried on her mission work for another 24 years till she met death and she is rightfully called the “Mother of the hill people”. She gave her youth, her wealth, her life and all she had to the Lord and she is a beautiful flower that blossomed in the desert.

Dear youngsters, your youthful days are not to be spent as you desire but it is for you

to cling to the Lord who died for you.

FMPB Kerith 08 March 2019

Yield yourself to the Lord’s will and give life to it.

It is surely a fact of inexhaustible significance that “when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a women” (Gal 4:4), Entirely without the participation of a man. God created the first Adam out of the dust of the earth but brought forth the second Adam out of the living flesh of the women (Romans 5:12-21) The curse upon Eve and her daughters was lifted through the obedience

2nd Week Message

FMPB Kerith 09 March 2019

- Mrs.Mercy Selwyn

of Mary and her son. The seed of the women, Eve had come to smash the head of the serpent and deliver all humankind from the tyranny of the law of sin and death.Women whom Jesus met: Jesus met many women during His ministry. He hot only met, He also transformed them some imprisons women are Jesus scandalized His own disciples by spending a lunch hour talking to a woman, a despised Samaritan women, and a morally disreputable women. Yet it was to this most unlikely of all women that Jesus first disclosed himself as the messiah of God. He spoke of truth vast and profound, such as women’s ears never before heard from the lips of a man. A gentile woman become the first preacher of the gospel. Through this woman’s witness, Samaria was opened up to the ministry of Jesus, which in turn, probably prepared the way for a great revival under the post-Pentecost preaching of Philip, Peter and John (Acts 8:12-17)Woman in Jesus teaching: Jesus accommodated his teaching to women by referring to objects and situations with which they were most familiar, such as, wedding feasts, lost coins, grinding corn, putting yeast in bread, bearing children By taking children into His arms and blessing them, He was assuming more of a maternal than a paternal role as it was practiced in that day.Woman who received healing from Jesus: We need in scriptures that a great multitude followed him. Some for food some for fame some to fine fault with him. But Jesus know their motivates (Ps 139:12) He even know that these that received healing from His lands would betray Him to Crucify But still he healed them. a). Jesus broke protocol by freely conversing with women. His healing touch brought release to a woman crippled for 18 years. In a religious culture where Jewish males were regularly indentified as “Sons of Abraham,” Jesus calls her a “daughter of Abraham,” much to the indignation of the synagogue official (Luke 13:10-17) Jesus did not recoil in horror when a ceremonially unclean woman touched the hem of his garment. b). On another occasion, Jesus shocked his host, a Pharisee, and the other male guests by allowing a woman of disrepute to anoint his feet with perfume and wipe them with her hair. Rathar than rebuke her, Jesus turned the occasion into an opportunity to teach a wonderful lesson about the grace of God. In so doing, Jesus broke the chains of social isolation that had cut them off from respectable society, and gave back to them dignity and respect as “children of God,” a right that was theirs by election, creation, and redemption. c). In the case of the woman taken in adultery (John 8:1-11), Jesus sets Himself against not only the male chauvinists of His day but the law of Moses itself. By saving this woman’s life, Jesus laid down the radically new principle that women are more important than the mosaic law! Furthermore, when He said, “Go, and sin no more” (V 11), He thereby declared that she had the potential of living a holy life and of fully reflecting the beautiful face of God in whose image she was created. “She whom the son sets free shall be free indeed” (John 8:32) When God created man He created male and female. Even though He created Adam first, He in all His activity showed that both male and female are equal. So God loves us, He meet us and He transforms our lives too. Have you ever met this Jesus anytime in your life? He is ready to heal yours physical and your spiritual ailment to equip you and to use you. Are you ready to meet Him?

What makes a strong woman? Is she a woman who speaks her mind freely? I’m not sure–some women who speak too much cause frustration to those around them. Is she a woman marked by her independence? Maybe, as long as her dependence is focused on God and not herself. Is she a woman who is successful in her career and home? Perhaps, if the fruit of her work can stand the test of fire from God. In the world’s view, a strong woman may not always match what God has described as a strong woman. The strongest women of faith aren’t always recognized for their sacrifices, prayers, and service to the kingdom of God. These women aren’t necessar-ily the CEOs, politicians, and activists hailed and admired by the world. Many of these women forsook earthly treasures and fame in order to do accomplish the good work of God.


FMPB Kerith 10 March 2019

- Mrs.Mercy Selwyn



She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong. proverbs 31:17

We become women of strength when we trust in God in spite of life’s problems. Strong wom-en of faith don’t waiver when it gets hard. In fact, we seem to get more spiritually driven when the odds are stacked against us. Our faith and trust in God is continually strength-ened because of our commitment to the study and meditation of the Holy Scriptures.We become women of strength when we hold onto a consistent prayer life. Praying to God isn’t just over our meals or before we go to bed. We are in constant conversation with God

all day. We seek His wisdom and discernment right in the moment.Strong woman of prayer have no problem praying for others openly and immediately rather than waiting for later.We become women of strength when we re-fuse to allow the devil room in our lives. When we recognize the flesh or sin in our lives, we don’t make excuses. We women of strength confess and repent our sins to the Lord and to those we may have offended. We forgive just as we want to be forgiven.

Dear Lord, I want to be a woman of strength. Give me insight into how to deepen my walk with You so that I will be found faithful in your eyes. Amen.


How do we become women of strength?


Helen Roseveare was born in 1925 at Haileybury College (Hertfordshire, England), where her father taught mathematics. Raised in a high Anglican church, Helen’s Sunday school teacher once told their class about India, and Helen resolved to herself that she would one day be a missionary. Despite the Christian heritage of her family, and faithful attendance at church, Helen sensed a void in her life and distance from God. She enrolled in Newnham College at Cambridge University to study medicine. There she joined the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union (CICCU) through the invitation of a student named Dorothy. She became an active participant in the prayer meetings and Bible studies, reading the New Testament for the first time. But she later said that her understanding of Christianity was more head knowledge than heart en-gagement. In the winter of 1945, the Lord seemed to have met her in a personal way during a student retreat. She gave her testimony on the final evening, and Bible teacher Graham Scroggie wrote Philippians 3:10 in her new Bible, and told her: Tonight you’ve entered into the first part of the verse, “That I may know Him.” This is only the beginning, and there’s a long journey ahead. After graduating from Cambridge with her doctorate in medicine, Helen studied for six months at the Worldwide Evangelization Crusade college at Crystal Palace. From there she went to Belgium to study French and Holland to take a course on tropical medicine as she prepared for her appointment as a medical missionary in the Congo. In mid-March of 1953, at the age of 28, she arrived at the North Eastern region of the Congo (later named Zaire). In the first two years, she founded a training school for nurses, training women to serve as nurse-evangelists, who in turn would run clin-ics and dispensaries in different regions. In October 1955, she was asked to transfer seven miles away to run an abandoned maternity and leprosy center in Nebobongo. Working with local Africans, Helen helped to trans-form the center into a hospital with 100 beds, serving mothers, lepers, and children, along with a training school for paramedics and 48 rural clinics. Outside of these facilities, there was no other medical help for 150 miles in any direction. Exhausted, Helen returned to England in 1958 for a furlough, during which she received further medical training. The Congo became in-dependent from Belgium in 1960, and civil war broke out in 1964. All of the medical facilities they had established were destroyed. Helen was among ten Protestant missionaries put under house arrest by the rebel forces for several weeks, after which they were moved and imprisoned. She describes the horror of what happened after she tried to escape: They found me, dragged me to my feet, struck me over head and shoulders, flung me on the ground, kicked me, dragged me to my feet only to strike me again the sickening searing pain of a broken tooth, a mouth full of sticky blood, my glasses gone. Beyond sense, numb with horror and unknown fear, driven, dragged, pushed back to my own houseyelled at, insulted, cursed.Her captors, she wrote, “were brutal and drunken. They cursed and swore, they struck and kicked, they used the butt-end of rifles and rubber truncheons. We were roughly taken, thrown in prisons, humil-iated, threatened.” On October 29, 1964, Helen Roseveare was brutally raped. She later recounted: On that dreadful night, beaten and bruised, terrified and tormented, unutterably alone, I had felt at last God had failed me. Surely He could have stepped in earlier, surely things need not have gone that far. I had reached what seemed to be the ultimate depth of despairing nothingness. In this darkness, however, she sensed the Lord saying to her: You asked Me, when you were first converted, for the privilege of being a missionary. This is it. Don’t you want it? . . . These are not your sufferings. They’re Mine. All I ask of you is the loan of your body. She later pointed to God’s goodness despite this great evil: Through the brutal heartbreaking experience of rape, God met with me with out-stretched arms of love. It was an unbelievable experience: He was so

utterly there, so totally understanding, his comfort was so complete and suddenly I knew I really knew that his love was unutterably sufficient. He did love me! He did understand!

In the weeks of imprisonment that followed and in the subsequent years of continued service, looking back, one has tried to “count the cost,” but I find it all swallowed up in privilege. The cost suddenly seems very small and transient in the greatness and permanence of the privilege. After returning to Africa in 1966, she soon left Nebobongo to establish a new medical center in Nyankunde in North Eastern Zaire, producing a 250-bed hospital, maternity ward, training college for doctors, a center for leprosy, and other endeavours.

There, too, she experienced several trials and rela-tional difficulties. She never claimed to see visions or hear the voice of the Lord, but she did sense him rebuking her attitude. In 1973, Helen returned to the UK for health reasons, settling in Northern Ireland. She travelled, wrote several books, and served as a missionary advocate. She went to be with her Lord, from whom she counted it a privilege to suffer, on December 7, 2016, at the age of 91.

“God never uses a person greatly until He has wounded him deeply.

The privilege He offers you is greater than the price you have to pay.

The privilege is greater than the price.”

FMPB Kerith 11 March 2019- Mrs.Angel



A Woman of Whom the World Was Not Worthy

1. been appointed as CEO for three Government Banks.2. Let us pray for the social equality to balance the sex ratio which is currently 1000 males : 914 females.3. About 12 lakhs of baby girls die within a month of their birth. May we pray against the girl child massacre.4. There is a law that allows girls to get married after the age of 18. But 35% of the girls are married of before they attain 18. Let’s pray for this state to change.5. Every 10 minutes, somewhere in India, dowry harassment occurs. Every 75 minutes, a murder due to dowry harassment occurs in India.6. Everyday there are 56 suicides due to violence. Let’s pray for the violence to end.7. Let us intercede for the young school going girls who yield them-selves to the lust of the flesh and involve in adultery and abortion.8. Statistics say that 1 in every 100 couples file for divorce in India. Though this is a small figure compared to other countries, it is a major weapon of the enemy to destroy families. Let us pray for this state to change.9. Let us intercede for good nursing homes with adequate facilities to prevent mother-child deaths during delivery.10. Lancet says around 1 million girl fetuses were destroyed in the last 20 years. Let us pray for true repentance in the hearts of the doctors, parents involved in killing the girl fetus.11. 6.44 crore girls are raped in a year, 20% of which comprises of girls below 15. Let us pray for God’s protection on our girls.12. Every 43 minutes, a girl is kidnapped in India. 15000 girls are kid-napped nationwide annually in India. Let us pray that the offenders be brought to the light of the Law.13. In Mumbai, girls below 9 years are sold for Rs.60000 to 1, 00,000 every year for sex trade. Pray for the redemption of these girls.14. In India 58% of the users of smoking products are women. Let us pray for this state to change.15. In the state of Karnataka, 50, 000 girls have given themselves up











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FMPB Kerith 12 March 2019- Mrs.Mervin

as virgin servants of their gods. They indulge in adultery at the temple gates. They are highly prone to HIV infection. Let us pray for a stringent Law to be introduced to ban such acts.16. In India, around 25 Lakh women involve in adultery, 25% of which are girls under 18 years. Let us pray for their salvation.17. There are 3.5 crore widows in India. Most of them are abandoned by their children. Pray that they find refuge in the LORD in their old age.18. Around 66% of the women in India suffer from sexual harassment at home and outside. Pray for their peace and deliverance.19. These days women offenders are on the increase. In the year 2011, about 15,046 women offenders were remanded in jail.20. We find lot of superstitious beliefs followed by women in India. Let us pray for their spiritual eyes to be opened.21. P ray for the girl orphans who beg in the street corners.22. P ray for the girl laborers who are em-ployed in small scaled industries like fire crackers industry, candle manufacturing in-dustries, etc.

23. For the college going girls to study with all their might..24. Let us intercede for the women doctors and nurses for GOD to use them in bringing healing to the people.25. P ray for the women affected with HIV.26. Intercede for the girls who are forced into child marriage.27. For the women who are waiting to attain motherhood. God to bless them with a baby.28. For all those girls who became mothers at very early age. For their good health.29. For the protection of girl children living on the platforms.30. For the problems faced by women in higher cadre. For them to be truthful in their duties.31. Equal rights to be given to women in all sorts of works.

















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Even our Missionaries’ children are getting ready to appear for their exams. Among them most of them study in a residential school situated in Dohnavur. Let us pray fervently to God to provide wisdom to these children who stay far away from their parents, and for all those who stay with their Parents Let us uphold the below mentioned missionary children in our

personal and group prayers..

Mr.Joel Lal Muvani SingsitMs.HepzibaMs.Evangelin BlessyMr.UnisonMs.FannyMs.KethyMs.SnekaMr.John PaulMs.Nahaliel Nancy BebarthaMs.Angelin Rosy NarzaryMs.Epikk SophiMs.AnigragaMs.BlessyMr.Anish SamuelMs.Phe SnekaMs.HannahMr.Ebinezer RaniusMs.EvangelineMr.RevanthMr.Jebarose SamuelMs.Priyanka

Ms.Lemula SatchiMr.Joshpher JesudasanMr.Jeno Ebenezer SamMr.Chrisley John WisebellMr.Sena Benny SamMr.Jeremiah BranaiodMr.Evans David SamMr.Davidson MahapathraMr.Stains JeyarajMr.David AshishMr.Justan SamuelrajMr.Ronald Franklin

Mr.John TitusMs.Sona SuganthiMs.SusannaMs.Reshmi NirmalMs.Ponsega PrincessMr.Adithi DantiMr.Eliyesar Jeba VijayasinghMs.CarolineMr.James TitusMr.Jim J.CarlsonMr.Kamalesh Moses PaikMr.Samuel Ragland KavakinMr.Richa Mushakare

Mr.EbenezerMs.MercyMs.GracyMs.Jesi K.BabuMr.Janas K.BabuMr.Shalon AthikariMs.Tribina Blessy RebeccaMs.Rose Prakasa Luthar MesalaMr.Sinnihoi KipsonMr.Jet J.Williamº

Ms.Gracy NayakMs.Blessy Sunder SamMs.Mercy PeparthaMs.Nalatham Narseithi MalarMs.Sneha D.GladisMr.Joshua DanielMr.Kulsana BansinghMr.Shalom Subrath AndropMs.Chrisolight JoyMr.Sathya David DevadossMs.Prasan Kistha Jothi

Ms.BetsithaMr.Hudson PowasMs.Emima Santha ZioneeMs.Nithi SnehaMr.Josekutty ManojMs.Glara RuthMr.Zebaniah JosephrajMr.Joel JosephMs.AromaMr.Abeshek Stephen Harris

Ms.Mahima NirmalMr.Stephen JustinrajMr.Gladson BebarthaMr.RajuMs.RachelMr.Alwin PatchiyabayMs.Shanthi PriyaMs.PriyaMs.Mercy Graclin GansalvasMs.Keerthana




For the children of missionaries who are appearing for the exams Many of you

might be getting ready to appear for 10th

and 12th Exams this month. May God be with your and grant

you wisdom and good health during

this time.



1) God to grant wisdom to our missionaries children.2) God to grant them good health and protect them from all illness caused by weather changes.3) God to grant each child’s heart desire according to His will4) God to bless all the hard work and preparation they have undertaken to appear for the exam.5) God to strengthen and encourage each of these children who are staying far away from their parents and for all those who stay with their Parents6) For all our Teen prayer group members & PG leaders children who are appearing for their exams.


FMPB Kerith 13 March 2019

- Mrs.Mervin















- -Ms.Emi Backya











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“Me Too” or Even I am affected is a movement with a large variety of local and international names is movement against sexual harassment and assault, especially in workplace. Its main aim is to expose the crime to the entire world through social media like twitter.

Tarana Burke, an American social activist and community organizer, lugan using the phease “Me too” as early as 2006. This helped her to bring out the sexual harassment against women through social media. Pilono and Michael Baker encouraged the women to report about how and through whom they were sexually assaulted at work place using twitter. They said that through this people were aware of the impact of this issue.

Then on October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano encouraged spreading the hash tag # Me too, with the attempt to draw attention to sexual assault which was followed by many other women, actresses, background singers began to share in twitter. Nearly 45% of the women using social media began to use metho Hash tag to share about this experience.

Due to this “Me too” movement, Social awareness is created among people. Men are afraid to frighten the women. Men who are affected by women share the Hash Tag “We too”. In thes 1600 men have registered that they were sexually abused by women. Through me too has many benefits, it too has its own drawbacks, this is a fact. Due to this many men are angry of the women. Men also think that not everyone is like that.

Therefore it is obvious that though there might he many movements like this only our Lord can change all this and cuate a holy nation without any sexual harassment. Therefore is where pray sincerely, he is able to change this. “Me too” or Even I am affected is a movement with a large variety of local and international names is a movement against sexual harassment the crime to the entire world through social media like twitter.


1.Though this has evolved like Tsunami we will not forget to remember all those were really a victim of this Me too crime. For them to come out of the effects of the crime they underwent.

2.For the men to treat the women colleagues like their own sisters and to overcome the temptation of looking at them lustfully.

3.For the Christian youth not to be victimized by such crimes. And the Christian men to be a witness where ever they are placed

4.Every 26 minute a girl is being abused.

5.Every 34 minute a girl is being raped

6.Every 42 minutes a girl is sexually assaulted.

7.Every 43 minutes a girl is trafficked

8.Every 93 minutes a girl is torched to death.

9.In 25% of the rapes the victim is below 16 years.

10.Let’s pray that India should be free from all these crimes against women. For all women to be safe at home, at work or o the roads.

11.For God to grant wisdom to keep oneself pure and to flee from all youthful lust.


FMPB Kerith 14 March 2019




























- Mrs.Aniya Josphine




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Ahom people are found mostly in the states like Assam and Arunachal Pradesh which are considered to be the 7 Sister states in India. Ahom means protected or selected.One of the noble royal families in India was Ahom Royal family. According to Thai Archieves, in 568 BC there was king called Lesten and the people of Ahom are the descendants of his daughter. King Lesten sent his son khun-Lai to role over Mung-Ri-Ram. They travelled through the Jungle of Nagaland established this as their head quarters. Its name was Sethai Toi. In 1374, they moved their head quarters to shiv sagar but still Sethai Toi continued to be their holy land. They were following Buddhism when they moved in late lugan to follow Hinduism. Still they did not Stop eating Beef or Pork and their burying the dead, which were their Tradition.

Even today the Ahoms are the higher class people in Assam. It was they who created the Assamese culture that they follow today. There were many invasions in India at that time. but none of them ruled over Assam till the invasion of British. In 1826 After the Anglo-Burmese war the British East India company won the war and took over them. The majestic Brahmaputra priceless herbs, animals, evangelic life style these are all the blessing of this people. They believe that their ancestors become God, and they worship them. They speak Assamese. Most of them live in Assam.




FMPB Kerith 15 March 2019

1. To break the bonds of tradition and culture.

2. Let their eyes be opened to see the true Lord

3. The Name sake Christians to have the burden for gospel and to lead a witnessing life.

4. Deliverance of the youngsters of Ahom from alcoholism and drugs.

5. For an open door to gospel among the people of Ahom who are high class people.

6. Protection of the natural resources from evil people from taking them away.

7.Pray for the Youth & teens in Assam and for their Spritual life


1. Pray for all the people with disabilities in our country that they should accept the Creator God2. Pray that they should know that God has a purpose in creating them that way3. Pray that God should give them confidence and hope for all those who have lost hope in their lives because of their disability4. Pray that the parents should be willing to take care of children with disabilities sometimes they are joined in orphanages5. Pray for all the disabled people on the road sides and platforms who have none to take care of them.6. Pray for all the Social Welfare Organisations which are in the act of protecting & caring for disabled people7. Pray for all the missionary organizations which are involved in ministry among the disabled8. Pray that God should provide healing to all those disabled people who are crying for a healing9. Pray that there should be no discrimination in the society for the disabled10. Pray that God should bless and do mighty wonders in the ministries done by and among the disabled













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- Mrs.Christy Rajan








FMPB Women's Wing was basically started to involve the women in ministry and to nurture their spiritual life. This women's wing was initiated in 1979 and currently headed by Mrs. Chris-ty Rajan is the Secretery of the wing. various types of ministries are happening through FMPB and Women's Wing is also involved in various activities. Their main responsibil-ities includes praying individually, getting awareness on various ministerial activities happening throughout the country supporters to support the ministry financially teaching the word of God to their children leading a witnessing life in the society. It is a known fact that the women become busy after the marriage, doing house hold work, taking care children etc. They find it difficult to spend

time with the Lord. It will be difficult to balance life between prayer and family. The women's wing help the other women in our Christian homes to balance between prayer and family give them burden or praying for ministry and support them etc. Every year women camps are organized in around 120 areas where the promotional ministry is going on. This is called as Women's Wing Meetings. New Women are added to these camps and women's wing. Every year apart from these activities, they mostly gather in group and pray together in prayer group cells. The offertory col-lected in these cells are collected and given for ministry. These women's wing members also collects offertory for seek-ers camp, Baptism, Ceremony, Village Ministries, Bike Project programme and hand it over for ministry purpose.

As a part of FMPB's Women's Wing they also visit the mission fields with their families, in groups and encourage the missionaries and believers there. Inspite of their works and schedule, they go for Christmas Carol rounds regularly.

1. The initiatives taken by the Women's Wing, should focus to fulfill the core objective of its formation. 2. Women's Wing meetings in 120 areas of promotional ministry should be conducted annually without any barriers.3. Identify and bring in many women to the knowledge of Christ.4. To form new prayer cells formed; Existing prayer groups should gather regularly without barrier.5. Married women should allocate their time for the Lord. 6. Voluntary activities initiated by them should continue to grow.7. Women in this groups should continue living a witnessing life in their family and for the Lord. 8. For the of the wing; for all the other activities associated with the wing.



FMPB Kerith 16 March 2019



















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Karur is a district in Tamilnadu. It is situated on the banks of Amaravathy. It is the centre districts of Tamilnadu. It is 78 Km from Trichy and 68 km from Erode.... It is 2000 years old It was previously reigned by Cheran, Chozan, Pandian, Mysore kings, Vijaya Nagar Naikers and the Britishers. It was one of the main trading city for the foreign business people. During excavations Roman coin were found in the district of karur.


More than 1500 Greek poets have mentioned the name of Karur as “Koruvaura” in their writings as the best Trading cities in Tamilnadu. Trichy which was the centre districts of Tamilnadu was divided into 3 separate districts as karur Trichy and perambalur on 30th September 1995.

According to the censes in 2011 Karur had 2,33,000 as its population. There are around 85.48% are literates. This is 75.98% more than the total literacy rates in India. Around 11.22% are below the age of 6. Karur has 48 wards and it is governed by the munical secretary and the commissioner. It has 338 parliamentary constituencies. The municipal of karur takes care of the property tax, portable water tax, distribution of drinking water to the people, health care, maintenance of road, drainage of the rain water, Street light maintenance. NH 7 and 67 goes through karur.



FMPB Kerith 17 March 2019

- Ms.Hepzi Sheela



1. Let’s remember all mission organisations that minister in different parts of karur.

2. Let’s pray that many new missionaries may go into karur and evangelise the nooks and corners of karur. Also more mission supports to rise.

3. God to bless the mobilisation ministry going on in karur.

4. More fulltime missionaries to come up from karur.

5. For the people who are in the municipality offices to deliver their duties with diligence.

6. For the poor and down trodden to be cared for by the people in power.

7. For good rain in this district specially during the summer for a good yield.

8. For a revival among the youth & Teens in karur.

The Hindu population in Karur is 993,666 (93.35%) Christians 16,483 (1.55%) Muslims 53,292 (5.01%) others 0.10%.

Karur has people who speak Tamil, Telugu & Kanadam.

We are leaning about King Solomon from a very young age. The words that he has written are still a treasure to us. When we refer to him as the wise King we remember him very well. He excelled in everything. His specialty was to govern his kingdom and to care and protect the people of his kingdom. The words that King Solomon spoke are true and are very practical. He has said many things about women. He has also compared women to many things. In some places he has praised them and in others he has put them down. King Solomon was sur-rounded by women. We read in the Bible that he had many wives and concubines. An average man, who has one wife, can write pages and pages of good and bad things about her. So we do not have to be surprised about the volumes that King Solomon has written about women. King Solomon has written elaborately about the virtuous woman.

“Who can find a virtuous woman?” is a challenging question but he also gives an explanation for it. Just as King Solomon said, it is very difficult to find a virtuous woman in this age. When he says that she will be worth more than Rubies, he has emphasized on her characteristics. Health, wealth and prosperity may not be last-ing. But having an excellent character is not a gift to all. The foundation for good characteristics is good thoughts. Women who think only good things and do not think of any harm to others will have an inward beauty. Just as King Solomon said, the virtuous woman will be hard working and she will be very careful in her work, she will know a lot of hand work, will not be lazy, will rise early in the morning, will earn, she will strengthen herself, will help others, will be concerned about the poor, will be careful about her house, will be responsible etc. If such a woman is also walking with the Lord then she will be more precious than a virtuous woman.

When we seek the Lord, he will teach us a lot of things and also pour his grace on us. A responsible woman should posses all the characteristics said by King Solomon.

All these could not be said by anyone except by the wise King Solomon. Probably he would have searched for a virtuous Woman! The fine woman of this age should learn to sit at the feet of the Lord and also behave like a responsible person.

When a woman is filled with love and concern then they will appear as priceless

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” – Proverbs 31:10

FMPB Kerith 18 March 2019

Virtuous Woman

Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?A mother took her daughter to the kitchen to teach

her a lesson for a successful life. She took three vessels and dropped a carrot in one vessel, egg and

coffee bean in the other two vessels. The girl was looking anxiously at the vessels being heated. All three began to boil.

After a few minutes the mother took out the carrot to her daughter’s surprise the hard carrot had become soft, the hard egg

had become hard and the bean had imparted its color, aroma and the flavor all through the water. She lovingly told her

daughter that during times of adversities you should not become soft like carrot and weep nor like the egg that

became hard but should become like the coffee that gave out all that it had within to make others feel happy.

Naaman was the captain of the army under the King of Syria. He was a valiant warrior and Syria found victory through him. A little girl, who was caught to be a captive from Israel, was the maid to Naaman’s wife. We read this in II Kings 5th chapter. This little girl was caught as a captive from Israel. Her parents might have been killed in the battle. Anyway, this was a place she would have never liked. There would have been lot of hatred, grief and disappointments in her heart: new place, new culture, and new undesirable environment. At this juncture, Naaman’s wife was sharing her grief to this little girl. She understood the grief of her mistress and gave her the right counsel. Surprisingly, her mistress accepted counsel of a maid. The reason behind this is the little girl’s good behavior and the way she could adapt to this new environment.We can never change the circumstances around us. At least from now, shall we stop praying for a change in the harsh environment and rather ask HIM to change ourselves to adapt to the changing environ-ment? Instead of praying that the LORD should move away the person who troubles you, pray that the LORD will help you learn lessons, being with such tough people and to mould your character pleasing to GOD. GOD wants us to grow spiritually; to see a change in our attributes and character, sometimes the LORD allows some tough people to come our way. My dear child of GOD, do you feel disgusted about your work spot, educational place or your family? If you are a child of GOD, you should accept GOD’s will for your life for leading you to such a place. The LORD says this is my doing (I Kings 12:24). You did not land into this place accidentally but by GOD’s divine will Since this little girl won her master’s favor, her mistress came down to share her pain of her hus-band’s illness. The little girl should have done the following: 1) she should have done all the household chores sincerely 2) she should have been happy amidst the inconvenience in the new place 3) she should have shown love and care on all around her despite being a little child 4) she had a heart to return good for evil to the captain who brought her to be a captive, far from her hometown. GOD wants to see all these four attributes in HIS children. By this we reflect HIS attributes. We should walk in the path of ho-liness as HE desires. GOD not only moulds us by taking us to tough places, HE has kept many Naamans for us to bring into HIS fold. Sin is contagious as leprosy. It has power to destroy us in eternal death. In these last days, there are many Namaans struggling with the leprosy of sin and addictions that cannot be openly revealed; there are many like Naaman’s wife with great burdens in their hearts longing to share them with us. Do you have concern for such people? Are you praying for them? When they see Christ’s love in you and joy even in unfavorable situations, they will start sharing their burdens and problems with us. This will help us lead them to our Elisha- our LORD Jesus Christ. Just one immersion in the blood of Jesus Christ will set them free from the leprosy of sin. Their life will never be the same.

Teens Page

FMPB Kerith 19 March 2019

Virtuous Woman

Naaman’s maid girl


Maid Girl

Are you ready to be like this little girl?

Interviewer: - Hello Queen Esther really I would like to thank you for agree to have a meet with us this evening especially in your beauti-ful garden.Queen Esther: Though the Lord has placed me in such a great position, I consider it a pure joy to proclaim to the world what the Lord has to me and people. Interviewer: Queen if u don’t take me wrong your original name is Hadassah and not Esther rite? Also you are a Jew and have no parents? Are these true?Queen Esther: yes you are right. There was a period when I was really afraid to disclose my nationality but now I’m not.Interviewer: oh is it! Quiet interesting! Can you tell more about this?Queen Esther: Oh sure! With pleasure! It was that time when I became the queen of this land. My cousin Mr. Mordecai took great care of me since I had no parents. We too were captured by the Babylonians as slaves and were brought to Persia. But we longed to be delivered and to go back to where we came from to worship the Lord. Do you know how painful it was to stay in an enemy nation and unable to worship the Lord? Interviewer: oh is it! How sad to hear this. Queen Esther: Right at this situation I got an opportunity to become the queen. My intention was right and so I didn’t have to be too anxious much. So that paved the way for me to become the queen. Since it was the will of the Lord I could find favour in the eyes of the King. Interviewer: You became the queen already and why were you

not happy and you began to worry even after that?Queen Esther: How would you think I should have been happy when my people’s lives were at a risk? My people’s problem isn’t it mine too?Interviewer: Sorry I dint get you. Can you explain a little?Queen Esther: This evil man Haman cast a lot (Pur) to set a date to finish us from the little ones to the elderly. The lot fell on Adar the twelfth month of the year.Interviewer: Oh Haman! I read in papers few days back that the noto-rious man was hanged. How did that happen?Queen Esther: Yes he is the same person when my cousin Mordecai came to meet me the other day He informed me that the Jews were in trouble and that Haman had pre-destined a date to wipe us out. I was panic stricken. But my cousin got angry with me and he told me something that made that made me think. He said “the Lord would have made you a queen at this particular period may to deliver His people out this wicked man’s hand. So if you remain silent now the deliver-ance may come from some other place”. But I was in a situation were I wasn’t allowed to go to the presence of the king unless he had called me. Interviewer: what did you decide in this critical situation?Queen Esther: I prayed. Yes I fasted three days along with my maids. Then I went to the king’s presence on the third day. Interviewer: How did you feel when you were standing at the presence your husband? Did he accept you?Queen Esther: I took small steps towards the king. My heart was pound-ing quickly. I couldn’t concentrate on the palace ambience or the people present there. My eyes were totally on the one who had to pity my people.

Because, it was a life and death situation for our people. I was surprised to see the king stretch out the scepter towards me. I thankfully touched the edge of it. His look had a thousand loving messages to commu nicate to me. I felt at ease when he promised to give even a half of his kingdom. Interviewer: Wow superb! Did you tell your plea at once? Queen Esther: No! I dint. I was waiting for the right opportu nity to prove that his advisor was a wrong person with a wrong motive. I didn’t tell him anything there. I just invited the king for the banquet and requested Haman to join too. Interviewer: Did the king and Haman come for the banquet. Did you tell him your plea?Queen Esther: No. I impressed him so much with different dishes that the king usually relishes on. I invited them for the second day too. Interviewer: You are the best example for the women in handling a stressful situation so patiently.Queen Esther: Yes Patience is a valuable character that must be practiced in one’s life. Though I was anxious and just wanted to pour out all that was burdening me to the king I dint react. But I felt I need to handle the situa-tion with utmost care. Because it was life for a great comm unity.

Yes dear readers Prov; 25 :15 say “with patience a ruler

may be persuaded…” let’s find whether GOd blessed Esther’s

wisdom and patience. To be continued…

Interview with

FMPB Kerith 20 March 2019

- Angel

Queen Esther

In the Book of Acts, Luke explains the role and importance of women in his account of the Early Church, often links women together with men (Acts 1:12-14) Women waited with the men in Jerusalem for the promised Holy Spirit (Acts 1:12-14) Peter proclaims that the promised sprit will be poured out upon men and women and that both shall prophesy (Acts 2:17-18) The tragic story of Anania’s and Shapphira’s deception is told, with the husband succumbing to the some judgment as his wife (Acts 5:1-11) Luke is careful to point out that great numbers of both men and women were being constantly added to the church (Acts 14) Women must have been effective evangelists, for Luke records that Saul of tarsus pursued and persecuted both “Men and Women” (Acts 8:3, 9:2), Phillip baptized men and women believers in Samaria(Acts 8:12) Peter preached at Antioch in Asia Minor, not only did leading men of the city rise up to throw him out, but devout Jewish women did as well (Acts 13:50) Paul began his ministry in Lystra by healing a lame man, and Philippi by curing a demon-possessed girl (Acts 14:8-18, 16:16-34), In Thessalonica, a great number of the Greek men and leading women were persuaded to join Paul (Acts 17: 1-4). Likewise, in Berea, both Greek men and women examined the scriptures daily to see whether Paul’s message was true, and they become believers(Acts 17:10-12) In Athens, Dionysius the Areopagite and a women named Damaris were among the believers (Acts 17:34) Aquila, and his wife, Priscilla, become his hosts and coworkers at Corinth (Acts 18:1-4). Not only is Agabus the prophet mentioned, but also mentioned are Philip’s four daughters who were prophetesses (Acts 21:9-10) Luke is careful to note that after his imprisonment, Paul makes his defense and shares his testimony with both Felix and Drusilla, and later with both Agrippa and Bernice (Acts 24:24; 25:13;23; 26:30).



Luke makes it abundantly clear that, because of Christ, all walls separating race, social class, and gender are being torn down within the Body of Christ. Women, as well as men, are recipients of the grace of God and equally share in all aspects of life together in the church. So when Paul wrote that “there is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male nor female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28) The first Christian preachers of the Resurrection were not men, but women! To the women who had come to the tomb early on that historic first day of the week that the angels first appeared. It was these women who first heard the good news, “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He has been raised, as He said” (Matthew 28:5-6). It was to these women that the first expression of the Great Commission was given: “Go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead”(28:7) The disciples responded with disbelief at first and wrote the Resurrection proclamation off as “an idle tale” (Luke 24:11) Not so the women; they not only believed without doubting but immediately began to broadcast the good news of the resurrected Christ (Matthew 28:8) One may ask the question, “Why, then did Jesus choose and send out on preaching missions only male apostles?” the answer is clear that the limitations women faced in the 1st century world. Limitations related to the cultural, social and religious context of that time. However, the predominance of male leaders in the community of disciples represented God’s gracious accommodation of Himself inspite of the social structures and conventions of the world into which the Gospel originally come.

FMPB Kerith 21 March 2019

3rd Week Message Mrs.Baby Nathaniel- Angel

The languages spoken in India belong to four major language families. About 143 languages belong to the Indo-Aryan language family, about 72 languages to the Dravidian family, about 153 to the Tibeto-Burman family and about 35 languages to the Afro-Asiatic family. In India, the whole Bible has been translated into 70 Indian languages and the New Testament alone into 63 languages. The Bible translation work is in progress in about 129 languag-es. A socio linguistic survey has to be done for about 30 languages to decide whether Bible translation is needed in those languages.

Bible Translation Ministry in FMPBThe Friends Missionary Prayer Band is presently working with the vision to engage in a total of 20 different translation projects including those ones currently in progress. Already the Bible translation work is going on in fourteen languages. Some of these are multiple dialects of the same language requiring separate translations owing to significant differences among them. The New Testament has been translated and published in 8 languages while the Old Testament translation is in progress in 5 languages. Our vision is to start translation work in 6 more languages soon. The details of the translation work going on in 14 languages/dialects

1.Chodri languageTranslators: Christopher Thomas & Vasantha Vembu The translators lived in an interior village called Padamdungri in Vyara district in South Gujarat and were doing New Testament translation. Now they are living in Vyara, doing the Old Testament translation.Chodri language belongs to the Indo-Aryan family. It is a tribal language. New Testament was published in January 2016. More than 65% of the Old Testament translation is completed so far. Completed books are: Psalms, Genesis, Joshua, Malachi, Zachariah, Haggai, Zephaniah, Hosea, Obadiah, Habakkuk, Micah, Nahum, Joel, Amos, Exodus, Nehemiah, Daniel, Judges21chapters, Ezra, 1Chronicles, Ecclesiastes, 1 Samuel & II Samuel, Deuteronomy 11 chapters, Jeremiah and Lamentations. Also Jesus film dubbing work has been completed.

Vasavi LanguageTranslators: Rajendran & Leelabhai (Retd.), Deborah

Vijayarani Rajendran and Leelabai lived in Jargam, Dediapada and Ankleshwar and

began the translation ministry in Vasavi. They retired in July 2015 and then moved to Attoor in Kanya-kumari district. Deborah Vijayarani, one of our missionaries staying in Fokdi village, Bharuch district, Gujarat has now joined in the Vasavi translation team in April 2015. She has been a missionary among the Vasava people for more than 30 years. After 3 months of training in Translation’s Theory & Practice and Basic Computer. She does this work. Vasava people belong to Bhil family. Vasavi, is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in Gujarat and Maharashtra. Vasavi has 5 major dialects namely, Amburi, Dehwali, Dungri, Khatali and Dubli. Translation work is going on Amburi, Dehwali and Kandeshi languages only.

2.Vasavi AmburiThis language is spoken in Narmada, and Surat districts. There are about 10 lacs people speaking this language. Including FMPB and other believers there are more than lacs of believers in this language group. New Testament was published in 2006. Now Old Testament translation is in progress.

3.Vasavi DehwaliDehwali is spoken in Narmada and Tapi districts in Gujarat and in Nandurbar district in Maharashtra. About one lacs people speak this language. Including FMPB and other believers there are more than 10,000 believers (FMPB and others) in this language group. New Testament was published in January 2011.

4.Vasavi KandeshiAbout ten lacs people speak this language. Including FMPB and other believers there are more than 10,000 believers in this language group. Now Rajendran is re-vising this New Testament with the help of Yogeshbhai and Kikabhai.

Malto LanguageTranslators: George Edward & Pramila Edward

The translators lived in Debrigol, a village in Sahibganj district of Jharkhand state. These languages belong to the Dravidian language family. These are tribal languages. Translation work is going on Malto Sauriya Pahadia and Malto Kumar Pahadia dialects.

5.Malto Sauriya Pahariya More than 2 lakh people speak this language. They live in Jharkhand and Bangladesh. There are about 67,000 believers in this language group. New Testament was published in 2001. In Old Testament consistency check and spell check are going on. It is expected to be printed in June 2017.

Women in Bible Translation Ministry

FMPB Kerith 22 March 2019

6.Malto Kumar PahadiaAbout 20,000 people speak this language. There are about 12,000 believers approximately in this language group. It is mainly spoken in Jharkhand state. New Testament translation is in progress. 60% of the trans-lation is over. Old Testament translation is in progress. In Old Testament Jonah and Ruth has been completed.

Varli LanguageTranslators: Abraham. G & Hemalatha

They started this ministry along with church plant-ing ministry being in the villages called Khedpa and Khanvel of Dadra Nagar Haveli in Gujarat. It belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family. It is a tribal language. Their total population is about 10 lacs. Varlis are living in Valsad district of Gujarat, Thane and Nashik districts of Maharashtra and Dadra Nagar Haveli of Gujarat. Over all in Varli we have about 80,000 believers. Varlis speak three dialects namely Nihiri, Dogri and Davari. The translation work is going on in these three dialects. In Varli Nihiri language Jesus film has been prepared.

7.Varli NihiriPeople who speak this dialect live in Daman Ganga region and Dahanu region. New Testament transla-tion was published in May 2011 in Gujarati script. Old Testament translation is in progress. Completed books are Psalm, Proverb, Ruth, Hosea, Jonah, Obadiah, Haggai, Joel, Habakkuk, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther.

8.Varli DogriDogri speaking people live in Peint region where we have many churches. New Testament was published in 2012 in Gujarati script. Old Testament translation is in progress. The Completed books are Psalm, Proverb, Ruth, Hosea, Jonah, Obadiah, Haggai, Joel, Habakkuk, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther.

9.Varli DavariThis dialect speaking people are living in

Daman Ganga region. In this dialect Mark gospel has been translated in Gujarati script.

10.HaryanviTranslators: Sudarshan Thomas & Lydia

The translators were living in a village called Madina in Rohtak district of Central Haryana and were doing the translation. Now the translators are in Chennai and doing the translation because of their new respon sibility. It is an Indo-Aryan language.This is a non- tribal language. More than 2 crores of people speak this language. New Testament is in progress. The books of Mark, Philippians and James are ready for printing.

11.Dungra BhilTranslators: Sunil K. Mathew & Maya

The translators stayed in Kawant village in Chotta

Udeipur district of Gujarat and translated the scriptures. At present they are staying in Kerala and continue their ministry. This language belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family. It is a tribal language. Two lacs people speak this language. Dungra Bhils live in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra states. There are about 10,000 believers in this lan-guage group. New Testament was published in 2009. Old Testament is in progress. Translation is going on in Psalms, Genesis and Proverbs.

12.PawriTranslators: Immanuel Iraipitchai & Jane Amutha Kirubai The translators stayed in Mandana village in Nandurbar district in Maharashtra state and were do-ing translation along with church planting ministry. Now they live in Shirpur, doing translation ministry along with taking care of Sitara region. This is the In-do-Aryan tribal language. It is spoken in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh states. There are about 2,00,000 Pawri speakers in these states. About 2,000 believers are speaking this language. In New Testament final revision and Spell check are going on. New Testament is published within 6 months.

13.Khandeshi BhiliTranslators: Ajay Kumar Lima & Pratyasini

The translators stayed in Pimpalner, Dhulia district in Maharashtra. This is an Indo-Aryan tribal language. These people live in three districts of Maharashtra namely Dhule, Nandurbar and Maharashtra. Approx-imately 20 lakh people speak this language. There are 5000 believers in the FMPB fields and another 5000 believers from other ministries speak this language. Now the NT translation has been completed and the final consultant check is over. Pray that the Khandeshi Bhili New Testament should be printed before the end of this year. Pray for our planning to dub 3 Christian movies in Khandeshi Bhili language to be successful.

14.KuruxTranslators: Thomas. R & Regini

The translators stay in Ambikapur town in Surguja district in Chhattisgarh state. This language belongs to Northern Dravidian language family. It is spoken in Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Bangladesh and Nepal. There are 45 lakh peo-ple speak this language. There are about 12,000 Ku-rux speaking believers in our fields in Chhattisgarh. New Testament was published in May 2014. From November 2014 onwards this Kurux New Testament is available in Audio Bible format too. Old Testament translation work is in progress.

Women in Bible Translation Ministry

FMPB Kerith 23 March 2019

- Mrs.Lydia Sudarshan

The first woman missionary sent by FMPB was Mrs. Padma Hilton. She is very special to us. She was born in a humble family and took up teaching as her profession. She consecrated her life to be missionary when she attended the Gideonite camp organized by FMPB in1967. She began her ministry with her husband. She is the one who turned challenges into victories: Mrs. Padma Hilton did not have a place to stay when she began her ministry in the hilly region of Peri-yamalai. So, she stayed in Bethel, Danishpet and worked as a teacher involving herself in children’s ministry. Even now in the year 2012, it requires a strenuous journey of 31 Km from Periyamalai to Thenkanikottai to get any form of medical aid. It’s amazing to see the boldness of heart of this dear sister who was rearing her second son in such a lonely place 45 years back. There are many untold miseries she had undergone, solved only by leaning on GOD. How are you? We see that our dear sister prayed fervently to the LORD to receive grace from HIM and won the battles she faced. In 1967, the salary received by every missionary was Rs. 50. They lived a life of content with the money they received. How about you?: Mrs. Padma Hilton lived in the deserted places of Periyamalai. It’s a place where elephants haunt now and then. Periyamalai was void of current supply, bus facility, hospitals, telephone, facilities like cycles or bikes. Mrs. Padma Hilton prayerfully brought up all her four children. All her children are involved in ministry in propagating HIS Word. In these days where people go af-ter hoarding wealth for their children, this dear sister has grown up children who seek GOD’s will and abide by HIS Word. There was a time when Sis. Padma Hilton gave her gold chain to her husband to sell it out to meet the needs in the ministry. Her testimonial life literally shook me. What is your sacrifice for GOD?

Mrs. Padma Hilton



FMPB Kerith 24 March 2019



This is how she lived a life of sacrifice, giving up all her pleasures to take the Word of GOD to the unreached. She

chose the portion that will not be taken from her. What is your decision?

Though raised and educated in a Jewish society that treated women as subhuman, he makes a radical departure from the narrow limits of his rabbinic training as “a Pharisee” (Phil 3:5) It is astonishing to see how often Paul did refer to women and in what high esteem he held them. Both Abraham and Sarah were equally impotent. Yet both equally believed the promise of God and equally shared in the subsequent joy over the birth of their son, Isaac (4:19-21). Along with the author of Hebrews, Paul celebrates Sarah as model of great faith (Heb 11:8-12) Most revealing is Paul’s long list of greetings and commendations in the last chapter. First mentioned is not a man but a woman, Phoebe, to whom he entrusted the delivery of the letter to the Romans. He gives her an official recommendation as well as an endorsement of her ministry. (2 Cor. 3:1-2), by addressing her as “our sister.... a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea” (Romans 16:1) Paul wants to communicate that phoebe is more than someone who waits on tables. Neither is she a “deaconess,” but just as much a full and respected minister of the word as, for instance, Timothy or Titus, or even Paul himself Paul greets “Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus” (Rom 16:3) He does not greets them as “my fellow worker and his good wife, Prisca.” Paul mentions prisca (Priscilla) first, this may indicate that she was the stronger leader of the two. Both equally shared in ministerial leadership of “the church that is in their house” (V5) Paul greets “Mary who was worked very hard among you” (16:6) The verb “work” or “labour,” which he uses of Mary is the same used elsewhere to speak of ministerial labor in the gospel. Mary may well have had oversight of some important ministry in the church at Rome.

Paul greets “Andronicus and Junia (Not “Junias,” I, my relatives who were in prison with me; they are prominent among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was” (16:7) this may well have been another husband-and-wife team. What is of special interest is to note that both Andronicus and Junia were “in Christ” before Paul and “are prominent among the apostles.” This is solid evidence that women were included in the wider apostolic circle by virtue of having seen the Lord, and Junia was prominent among them. “Greet Tryphaena and Tryphos, workers in the Lord. Greet Persis the beloved, who has worked hard in the Lord” (16:12, NASB). As with Mary in verse 6, all three of these women were engaged in ministerial activity. Paul is not afraid to express deep-felt emotions of appreciation to women who he speaks of persis as “beloved” that verse also indicates his warm relations with women when he says, “Greet Rufus, a choice man in the Lord, also his mother and mine” (v. 13, NASB). Since Paul does not identify Rufus as his physical brother, he is probably indicating that Rufus’ Mother was like a mother to him.Paul’s attitude toward women in Romans: 1. First, men and women alike are under the sway of sin and the wrath of God, and both are equal recipients of the grace of salvation. 2. Second, women as well as men have been chosen by God to play key roles in the unfolding of salvation history. 3. Third, Women shared equally, with men, in the work of Christian ministry. They exercised leadership roles in the earliest Church and may have even been numbered among the original apostolic circle. In this view of women, Paul distanced himself radically from the traditional bias of his Jewish upbringing.



4th Week Message

FMPB Kerith 25 March 2019 - Mrs.Baby Nathaniel


Kaizen means improvement. This is a Japanese word. This denotes the continuous improvement in our personal life, family life, social life, work life, or industrial life and spiritual life. That is it denotes the various dimensions and the continuous improvement in our life. There is no body who does not like to have improvement is in his life. But those who plan and improve are only a handful. Japanese tremendous economical growth‘s secret is kai-zen. This word is often used in Japan. Everywhere and in everything Kaizen is there. Japanese find ways of continuous improvement in their work, like how easily could it be done, how to reduce the time consumed, and how to do the work with less expense. Most of you wash your clothes on Saturdays and Sundays. Let us think that on an average atleast one hour to do this work. But if you follow Kaizen you can save up to 15 minutes How to do Kaizen? To do Kaizen you have to think how you are doing that work. You have to make a note of all the work that you are doing. Then you ask the question. That is 5W and 1H

does that work?

is being done?

is it done?

is it done? is it done?

If you ask questions like this in our day to day life, we come up with new ideas for (eg) Who would do that work? The answer could be, we will do it or we can ask someone to do it or two people can do it together or my friend would do it for a week and my brother for one week etc.

Let us see another example. Before you wash your vessels ask questions like, how am I going to do it? What cleaning powder would I use? Where will I get the water and how much water will I need to rinse the vessels? At the end you would be spending less time since you have already planned the work. We can also think about our spiritual life? How is my spiritual life now? How is my relationship with God? How can I make it more meaningful? Can I allot some time to pray with my friends? Can I get up half an hour early and spend my time with God? Can I watch CDs of God’s people’s messages? What Kaizen can I do. If you do like this you will see improvement in your spiritual life. If the Japanese economy increased because of Kaizen, our quality of life will also improve.


FMPB Kerith 26 March 2019


There is a new feature that is introduced in KERITH - Explaining biblical truths on the basis of today’s science and research and learning new things. The Biblical truths

are printed in black and white and the explanation is printed in colour. We believe that it would help you understand the state of affairs in the nation today and

pray for the causes that needs our prayers.


FMPB Kerith 27 March 2019



FMPB Kerith 28 March 2019