Body physique and composition in premenarchal ballerinas and female athletes in aesthetic sports

BODY PHYSIQUE AND COMPOSITION IN YOUNG PREMENARCHEAL BALLERINAS AND FEMALE ATHLETES IN AESTHETIC SPORTS Prof. Marjeta Misigoj-Durakovic*, MD PhD FECSS, Vlatko Vucetic**, BA, Prof. Zijad Durakovic***, MD PhD FACP Prof. Jasenka Wolf-Cvitak**, PhD Prof. Branka Matkovic*, MD PhD Naima Corovic, MD PhD**** Aleksandra Bonevski*****, MD *Department of Kinesiological Anthropology and **Department of Sport Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia Department of Internal Medicine University Hospital Center “Rebro”Faculty of Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia **** Institute for Medical Researches and Occupational Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia *****Childrens Hospital , Zagreb, Croatia Corresponding author: Prof. Marjeta Misigoj-Durakovic*, MD PhD FECSS Department of Kinesiological Anthropology Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb Horvacanski zavoj 15, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia phone: +385 1 3658615; +385 1 3658666 fax: +385 1 3634146 e-mail: [email protected] Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Research Fund of The Ministery of Science, Education and Sport Of the Republic of Croatia, project number 0034207.

Transcript of Body physique and composition in premenarchal ballerinas and female athletes in aesthetic sports


Prof. Marjeta Misigoj-Durakovic*, MD PhD FECSS,

Vlatko Vucetic**, BA, Prof. Zijad Durakovic***, MD PhD FACP

Prof. Jasenka Wolf-Cvitak**, PhD Prof. Branka Matkovic*, MD PhD

Naima Corovic, MD PhD**** Aleksandra Bonevski*****, MD

*Department of Kinesiological Anthropology and **Department of Sport

Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia Department of Internal Medicine University Hospital Center “Rebro”Faculty of

Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia **** Institute for Medical Researches and Occupational Medicine, Zagreb,

Croatia *****Childrens Hospital , Zagreb, Croatia

Corresponding author: Prof. Marjeta Misigoj-Durakovic*, MD PhD FECSS Department of Kinesiological Anthropology Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb Horvacanski zavoj 15, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia phone: +385 1 3658615; +385 1 3658666 fax: +385 1 3634146 e-mail: [email protected] Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Research Fund of The Ministery of Science, Education and Sport Of the Republic of Croatia, project number 0034207.

Abstract Ballet, rhythmic gymnastics, and figure skating belong, along with female gymnastics, to the group of disciplines with high specific demands upon functional capacities and body physique and composition of female dancers and competitors. The aim of this work is to investigate the homogeneity/heterogeneity in the body physique and composition within this relatively homogeneous premenarcheal group of ballerinas and athletes in esthetic disciplines of the same age. Anthropometry encompassed 24 measures. Body mass index (BMI) and the body fat percentage (% fat) were calculated. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, univariate variance analysis (ANOVA) and canonic discriminative analysis. The results show that the groups of prermenarcheal ballerinas and athletes do not differ significantly in height, body mass and BMI. Dancers and athletes show similarity in skeletal measures, with the exception of the ankle diameter. In other measures sensitive to specific load requirements during training process heterogeneities are significant, with the highest values expressed in figure skaters. Skaters have markedly greater circumferences of upper extremities in regard to ballerinas and rhythmic gymnasts. Ballerinas and rhythmic gymnasts do not significantly differ in soft tissues measures. The only exception is the calf skinfold, which is significantly greater in ballerinas. Skaters significantly differ from ballerinas rhythmic in skinfolds thickness. The body fat percentage is thus significantly higher in skaters, while rhythmic gymnasts and ballerinas have on average lower percentage without significant mutual difference in the % fat and in BMI. The obtained heterogeneities are confirmed by the discriminative factors structures. The results show that ballerinas and rhythmic gymnasts are of gracile built with reduced skinfolds and circumfereces in comparison to skaters.

Introduction Ballet, rhythmic gymnastics, and figure skating belong, along with women’s gymnastics, to the group of the so-called esthetic disciplines with highly specific demands upon functional, energy and motor categories, as well as upon body composition and psychological capacities of athletes, particularly of the elite group in a very sensitive period of their growth and development. Esthetic disciplines include, besides technical elements of performing movements with body and a gymnastic apparatus, an artistic impression, because movements must be in accordance with music. Female gymnastics is a well investigated sport from anthropological, nutritional and health standpoint (Claessens et al, 1999; Caune et al, 2001; Sands, Caine and Borms, 2003). During the last decades the research of these aspects in ballet, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating and has been growing (Branda, 1994; Douda et al, 1998; Cupisti et al; 2000; Guidetti et al, 2000; Georgopulos et al; 1999, 2001; Fogelholm et al, 1995; Kjaer and Larsson, 1992; Lipetz and Kruse, 2000; Manix et al; 1996; Misigoj-Durakovic et al, 2001; Taylor and Ste-Maric, 2001; Vadocz et al, 2002; Ziegler et al, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002). Dancing and trainings start very early in pre-school age and soon become high intensity, frequent and long-lasting trainings with the demand of maintaining minimal subcutaneous body fat. Already at

the age of five to seven years, in girls engaged in esthetic disciplines the care about one’s own body mass is registered, what is not the case in other sports (Davison et al, 2002). This is because evaluation in rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating, and successful performance in ballet is based on the subjective estimation of efficiency in performing determined or obligatory elements and of the esthetic experience, to which body shape gives its contribution. Thus, ballerinas in whom successful performance is also influenced by esthetic impression strive towards slimness and lower body mass, as well as female athletes in esthetic sports. Such attitudes determine the way of nutrition with reduced energy intake, particularly with lower carbohydrate intake, but also with changed use of other nutritients as the result of body mass control, as has been shown in female skaters by Taylor and Ste-Maric (2001) and Ziegler et al. (1999, 2001, 2002). In adolescence, athletes in esthetic sports have significantly lower body mass index and fat mass in comparison to their peers who do not practice sports (Guerra et al, 2001; Georgopoulos et al, 2001). Nutritional habits of athletes in the so-called esthetic sports mostly do not follow actual energy needs imposed by the high volume and intensity training (Guerra et al, 2001; Cupisti et al, 2000). Young athletes belong to the risk group for qualitatively and quantitatively inadequate nutrition during the period of growth and development regarding the fact that special attention is being paid to body mass, i.e. often to its reduction. Ballerinas and female athletes in esthetic sports are recruited from the group of girls maturing later. An early commenced high volume intensive training of rhythmic gymnastics through many years with modified nutrition that does not follow energy requirements of training load process, along with stress, can reflect itself upon growth and sexual maturation. Despite this, body height in adult age is not jeopardized, as Georgopoulos et al. (2001) have proved for rhythmic gymnasts. It is even above expected values. Although in regard to dance structures and from the esthetic standpoint they have some similarities, each of the mentioned three sport/artistic disciplines poses very specific motor and functional requirements upon athletes. The basic structures of body movements in rhythmic gymnastics, the youngest discipline in the group, are: jumps, turns, balance and flexibility/wavelike movements. Ballet preparation is often a specific addition to body exercises. To other movement structures belong: hops, swings and circles, turns and diverse body shifts. They are connective elements among basic ones which are performed as “loads” of various degrees. The specificity of rhythmic gymnastics within the group of esthetic sports are apparatuses used by athletes in performing the elements. The shape of an apparatus determines movements performed on/with it. In rhythmic gymnastics anaerobic (lactic) system enables fulfillment of high energy demands (speed, explosive force, etc.) in a short period of a minute and a half, as one competition performance lasts. With intervals, each competitor has four high intensity performances. Due to that, and also because of the training program system of various intensity levels, it is necessary for gymnasts to optimally develop both systems of energy supply. Aerobic capacity is a significant energy source for gymnasts. The maximum oxygen intake amounts approx. over 50 ml x kg-1 x min-1, 52.7 ml x kg-1 x min-1 (according to Guidetti et al, 2000), 5.17±4.4 ml x kg-1 x min-1 (Baldari and Guidetti, 2000), and the anaerobic threshold over 84.4% (Guidetti et al. 2000). Ballet presents similar requirements upon morphological and functional characteristics of dancers, but with specificities, particularly with legs rotation and position in performing dance movements and characteristic demanded figures (like Grand jate, Pirouette, Plie, Arabesque, etc.). Aerobic capacity of adult ballerinas is about 51 ml x kg-1 x min-1 (Schanz and Astrand, 1989; Misigoj-Durakovic

et al, 2001). Figure skating, which uses both ballet and other dance movements, has specific requirements, being abundant with run-ups, powerful takeoffs, jumps (mostly with rotation), fast and multiple turns and figures, and landings on skates (Lockwood and Gervais, 1997). It develops and demands great aerobic strength. Maximal oxygen intake of top Danish figure skaters is 54.7 to 68 ml/kg x min-1, while the action intensity during competitive skating corresponds to the level of 89% VO2 max (Kjaer, Larsson 1992). The mentioned facts partly explain from the aspects of success and capability the advantages of later maturation in athletes of esthetic sports (low BMI, low percentage of body fat) (Klentrou and Plyley, 2003). Later maturation is mostly conditioned partly by selection, constitutionally, and partly by interaction of several factors: often reduced nutrition without following energy demands posed by high volume and intensity training in the period of energetically demanding process of growth and development, as well as the stress of scene performance or competitive sport. The aim of this work is to investigate the existence of homogeneity/heterogeneity in the structure of body physique and composition within this relatively homogeneous premenarcheal group of ballerinas and athletes in esthetic disciplines of the same age. Methods The sample consists of 57 premenarcheal ballerinas and athletes of two esthetic sports, i.e. 21 ballerinas (age 10.57±1.33 yrs), 24 rhytmic gymnasts (age 10.54±1.59 yrs) and 12 figure skaters (age 10.92±1.62) with an average dance or sport training period of 5-6 years and training volume of 20-24 hours per week. Anthropometric procedure encompassed 24 measures (Table 1), in order to get an insight into skeletal dimensions, body mass and volume, and subcutaneous fat tissue. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as the ratio of body mass and body height square, and the percentage of body fat (%fat) according to the formula for calculating body composition in children (Slaughter et al, 1988). The obtained data were first analyzed by descriptive statistic method. Significant differences in particular measures among the groups of ballerinas, rhythmic gymnasts and skaters were tested by univariate variance analysis (ANOVA). Student’s t-test for independent samples was used for the analysis of statistical significance in differences between each of the groups of young girls in each of the followed variables. The difference structure in the domain of particular morphological measures was assessed by discriminant analysis. All the analyses were performed by the statistic package for data processing Statistica for Windows 6.0 at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb.

Results The results of descriptive statistics and variance analysis for particular variables in ballet dancers and in athletes of two esthetic sports, and the difference significance in the measured morphological parameters are shown in Table 1.

- Table 1 –

The variance analysis results show that the groups of premenarcheal ballerinas and athletes of the same age do not differ significantly in body height and mass and in body mass index. The analysis of the difference among the tested dancers and athletes in skeletal measures points to the similarity of dimensions (Table 1), with exception of the ankle diameter (F=3.99%; p<0.05), which is the widest in skaters and significantly wider than in rhythmic gymnasts, who have the smallest average ankle diameter (t=2.74; p<0.05). In other measures sensitive to specific load requirements during training process – diameters, skinfolds and fat percentage - significant are heterogeneities with highest values found in figure skaters. Figure skaters have significantly greater circumferences of the upper extremities in comparison to rhythmic gymnasts and ballerinas (F=5.56; p<0.01). In the lower extremities circumferences they do not differ significantly, except in regard to rhythmic gymnasts, in comparison with whom they have significantly larger circumferences of the upper leg (t=2.25; p<0.05). Ballerinas and rhythmic gymnasts do not differ significantly either in circumferences or in skinfold measures. The only exception is the calf skinfold, which is significantly higher in ballerinas (t=2.14; p<0.05). Figure skaters differ significantly from ballerinas in the thigh skinfold (p<0.05) and abdomen (p<0.01), and from rhythmic gymnasts, who have significantly thinner skinfolds in all measured sites (p<0.01). The fat percentage is thus pronouncedly greater in figure skaters than in rhythmic gymnasts and ballerinas (Table 1), who do not present significant difference between themselves in this variable (t=1.88; p<0.05) and in BMI (t=0.65; p<0.05).

- Table 2 –

The obtained heterogeneities in the morphological domain are also confirmed by the structures of discrimination factors assessed in discriminative analysis (Table 2). The analysis is specifically performed in the group of skeletal dimensions, extremities circumferences and in skinfold measures (Tables 3, 4 and 5).

- Table 3 –

Circumferences (the canonic discrimination coefficient 0.64) and skinfold measures (coefficient 0.73) mostly contribute to the difference among ballerinas, rhythmic gymnasts and figure skaters (Tables 3 and 4). The results show that ballerinas and rhythmic gymnasts have gracile built with reduced circumferences in comparison to figure skaters. The differences are even more obvious in skinfold measures, which significantly contribute to the difference between figure skaters on the one hand, and ballerinas and rhythmic gymnasts on the other.

- Table 4 –

In the domain of circular measures, the upper extremities circumferences have the greatest impact upon the discriminative function difference. In the domain of the subcutaneous fat the greatest contribution to discriminative functions give thigh skinfolds and suprailiocristal ones.

- Table 5 –

- Table 6 –

The discriminant analysis in the space of skeletal dimensions (Table 5, Table 6) confirm earlier presented results showing that ankle diameter significantly contribute to the discrimination among the groups of young female dancers and athletes. Discussion The structure of body physique and composition was compared in young ballet dancers and in athletes in rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating,. The comparison shows that those are girls of similar chronological and physiological (premenarcheal) age, who have been for approx. 5.5 years involved in specific training loads of relatively high volume (20-24 hrs per week). Ballet as well as esthetic sports, as are rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating, very early pose on dancers/athletes the demand for limiting body mass. The tested girls did not differ significantly in body physique, body height and mass, BMI, or in longitudinal skeletal dimensions measures. The average height of the tested ballerinas and athletes was over 50th percentile for age, while their average mass was under 50th percentile for their age. Georgopoulos (1999 and 2001) found similar results for top rhythmic gymnasts. Obviously ballerinas and rhythmic gymnasts are more alike in body physique and composition. However, without significant declination in body linearity, figure skaters are in this group of athletes and ballerinas more voluminous and with grosser skeleton of the lower extremities. This corresponds and is modified by specific requirements of figure skating which is abundant with run-ups, powerful takeoffs, jumps with two or more turns and landings on skates. Young figure skaters also have significantly higher body fat percentage than ballerinas, and particularly in comparison to rhythmic gymnasts. Such differential structure in body composition significantly influences the results in their motor abilities. Generally, it is important in early selection, and particularly after the second year of training for rhythmic gymnasts and ballerinas to have smaller circumferences, while in figure skaters it is of no importance. The nuances present in ballerinas and gymnasts contribute to the differences in circumferences in comparison to figure skaters. For example, evident fine arm movements so characteristic for ballerinas and rhythmic gymnasts are not in the foreground in figure skaters from the kinesiological point of view. Constant control of reduced nutrition in rhythmic gymnasts and ballerinas also has a significant impact upon markedly reduced skinfold measures. Conclusion It is known that top athletes in rhythmic gymnastics have rigorous demands regarding food. The tested girls who train rhythmic gymnastic do not belong to top athletes. However, out of all the examinees in the research, they are the most gracile, with the smallest joint diameters and with the smallest circumferences and skinfolds. It is obviously the matter of demands in trainings of rhythmic gymnastics of anaerobic and aerobic type, where energy requirements are increased in comparison to the demands in the training of the closest to esthetic disciplines, ballerinas. The demands of powerful takeoffs, sprints and landings in figure skates on the ice in different microclimatic conditions of training make the group of figure skaters different. The demands of their sport early develop muscles of the lower extremities with keeping a large amount of body fat in comparison to other athletes in the group of esthetic disciplines and ballerinas.

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Table 1. Basic descriptive statistics (arithmetic mean X ± standard deviation SD) and results of variance analysis for anthropometric variables in the groups of young female ballet dancers and female athletes of two aestetic sports, rhytmic gymnastics and figure skating

Variables Total Sample

(N = 57) X ± SD

Ballerinas (N = 21) X ± SD

Rhythmic gymnasts (N = 24) X ± SD

Figure skaters(N = 12) X ± SD

F p

Age 10,61 ± 1,45 10,40 ± 1,33 10,54 ± 1,59 10,94 ± 1,62 0,32 0,72

Body height 146,22 ± 9,77 147,39 ± 7,81 145,05 ± 10,68 145,97 ± 11,46 0,41 0,66

Body mass 36,02 ± 7,28 36,08 ± 5,00 34,66 ± 7,82 37,67 ± 8,87 0,80 0,45

Leg length 83,14 ± 5,97 83,74 ± 5,36 82,43 ± 6,23 83,07 ± 6,77 0,37 0,69

Arm lenght 63,03 ± 4,57 63,31 ± 4,01 63,09 ± 4,77 62,35 ± 5,55 0,18 0,84

Arm span 146,17 ± 10,55 145,69 ± 8,33 146,64 ± 11,96 145,58 ± 11,98 0,05 0,96

Biacromial span 32,44 ± 2,11 32,16 ± 1,41 32,61 ± 2,39 32,38 ± 2,57 0,14 0,87

Bicristal span 22,58 ± 1,95 22,27 ± 1,30 22,67 ± 2,10 22,65 ± 2,63 0,29 0,75

Elbow diameter 5,60 ± 0,40 5,55 ± 0,29 5,59 ± 0,48 5,66 ± 0,39 0,19 0,83

Knee diameter 8,21 ± 0,48 8,33 ± 0,36 8,09 ± 0,56 8,20 ± 0,42 1,82 0,17

Ankle diameter 6,31 ± 0,36 6,35 ± 0,36 6,16 ± 0,36 6,48 ± 0,27 3,99 0,02 Upperarm circumf. (in extension) 20,46 ± 2,23 19,83 ± 1,90 20,03 ± 2,34 22,13 ± 1,64 4,83 0,01

Upperarm circumf. (in flexion) 21,64 ± 2,21 21,08 ± 1,96 21,30 ± 2,35 23,01 ± 1,74 3,16 0,05

Forearm circumf. 19,39 ± 1,68 19,08 ± 1,14 18,90 ± 1,63 20,70 ± 1,83 5,56 0,01

Thigh circumference 43,66 ± 4,40 43,68 ± 3,68 42,28 ± 4,45 45,81 ± 4,46 2,88 0,06

Calf circumference 29,25 ± 2,52 29,08 ± 1,70 28,76 ± 2,58 30,04 ± 3,01 1,07 0,35

Waist circumference 60,24 ± 5,74 59,00 ± 5,82 60,36 ± 6,45 60,92 ± 4,01 0,90 0,41

Triceps skinfold 10,16 ± 3,14 10,27 ± 3,98 8,94 ± 2,45 12,24 ± 1,46 5,13 0,01

Subscapular skinfold 6,76 ± 3,39 6,48 ± 4, 92 6,19 ± 2,24 8,35 ± 1,57 1,77 0,18

Abdominal skinfold 7,94 ± 5,04 7,15 ± 5,13 7,17 ± 5,49 10,83 ± 3,00 2,65 0,08 Suprailiocristal skinfold 6,69 ± 4,50 5,49 ± 3,98 5,91 ± 4,79 10,44 ± 2,88 6,35 0,00

Thigh skinfold 11,89 ± 6,53 11,37 ± 6,22 9,71 ± 6,76 17,29 ± 3,44 6,65 0,00

Calf skinfold 10,12 ± 3,72 11,01 ± 4,82 8,53 ± 3,14 12,11 ± 1,53 4,82 0,01

Biceps skinfold 5,47 ± 2,40 5,60 ± 3,74 4,91 ± 1,03 6,39 ± 1,12 1,61 0,21

Chest(axillar) skinfold 5,23 ± 3,57 5,09 ± 4,75 5,14 ± 2,44 3,37 ± 1,93 0,36 0,70

% masti 17,47 ± 3,95 15,26 ± 6,39 14,41 ± 3,84 19,32 ± 1,78 5,61 0,01

BMI 16,70 ± 1,93 16,64 ± 2,20 16,25 ± 1,75 17,41 ± 1,41 1,52 0,23

Tablice 2. Canonic discriminant analysis in the total anthropometric space of variables in the groups of young female ballet dancers and female athletes of two aestetic sports, rhytmic gymnastics and figure skating

Root 1 Root 2

Body height -0,04 -0,06

Body mass -0,08 0,00

Leg length -0,04 -0,05

Arm legth 0,01 -0,05

Arm span 0,01 0,00

Biacromial span 0,03 0,02

Biacristal span 0,03 0,05

Elbow diameter -0,03 0,04

Knee diameter -0,09 -0,12

Ankle diameter -0,18 0,00

Upperarm circumf.(in extension) -0,14 0,17

Upperarm circumf.(in flexion) -0,11 0,14

Lower arm circumference -0,18 0,14

Thigh circumference -0,15 0,03

Calf circumference -0,09 0,02

Waist circumference -0,02 0,10

Triceps skinfold -0,19 0,06

Subscapular skinfold -0,09 0,09

Abdominal skinfold -0,10 0,13

Suprailiocristal skinfold -0,14 0,22

Thigh skinfold -0,20 0,14

Calf skinfold -0,19 0,00

Biceps skinfold -0.11 0.03

Root 1 Root 2

Ballerinas -0,97 -2,04

Rhythmic gymnats 2,38 0,68

Figure skaters -2,88 2,27

Canonicl R 0,91 0,87

p-level 0,00 0,00

Tablica 3. . Canonic discriminant analysis in the space of body voluminosity and mass variables in in the groups of young female ballet dancers and female athletes of two aestetic sports, rhytmic gymnastics and figure skating

Tablica 4. Canonic discriminant analysis in the space of body fatness variables in in the groups of young female ballet dancers and female athletes of two aestetic sports, rhytmic gymnastics and figure skating

Root 1 Root 2 Upperarm circumf. (in extension) -0,69 0,44 Upperarm circumf. (in flexion)) -0,63 0,44 Lower arm circumf. -0,73 0,28 Thigh circumference -0,64 0,10 Calf circumference -0,54 0,18 Waist circumference -0,44 0,44 Body Mass -0,47 0,18 Root 1 Root 2 Ballerinas 0,26 -0,75 Rhythmic gymnasts 0,75 0,45

Figure skaters -1,19 0,19 Canonicl R 0,64 0,47 p-level 0,00 0,02

Root 1 Root 2 Triceps skinfold -0,25 0,43 Subscapular skinfold -0,24 0,12 Abdominal skinfold -0,25 0,06 Suprailiocristal skinfold -0,53 0,06 Thigh skinfold -0,56 0,42 Calf skinfold -0,24 0,60 Biceps skinfold -0,10 0,23 Chest (axillar) skinfold -0,24 0,06 Root 1 Root 2 Ballerinas 0,63 0,59 Rhythmic gymnasts 0,35 -0,55

Figure skaters -2,20 0,13

Canonicl R 0,73 0,47 p-level 0,00 0,09

Tablica 5. Canonic discriminant analysis in the space of skeletal length dimensions in in the groups of young female ballet dancers and female athletes of two aestetic sports, rhytmic gymnastics and figure skating Root 1 Root 2

Leg length -0,02 -0,88

Arm length 0,12 -0,81

Arm span 0,22 -0,89

Height -0,01 -0,97

Root 1 Root 2

Figure skaters 0,05 -0,33 Rhythmic gymnasts 0,54 0,16

Ballerinas -0,73 0,13

Canonicl R 0,47 0,22

p-level 0,01 0,38 Tablica 6. Canonic discriminant analysis in the space of skeletal width dimensions in in the groups of young female ballet dancers and female athletes of two aestetic sports, rhytmic gymnastics and figure skating Root 1 Root 2

Biacromial span 0,32 0,17

Bicristal span 0,51 0,14

Elbow diameter 0,44 0,01

Knee diameter 0,19 -0,41

Ankle diameter 0,62 -0,53

Root 1 Root 2

Ballerinas -0,61 -0,67 Rhythmic gymnasts -0,27 0,72

Figure skaters 0,93 -0,19

Canonicl R 0,55 0,52

p-level 0,00 0,00

STATEMENT In consideration of Medical Problems of Performing Artists’ taking action in reviewing and editing my submission, the authors undersigned hereby indicates their material participation in study and transfers, assigns, or otherwise conveys all copyright ownership to Science & Medicine , Inc., in the event that such work is published in Medical Problems of Performing Artists.

Prof. Marjeta Misigoj-Durakovic*, MD PhD FECSS,

Vlatko Vucetic**, BA,

Prof. Zijad Durakovic***, MD PhD FACP

Prof. Jasenka Wolf-Cvitak**, PhD

Prof. Branka Matkovic*, MD PhD

Naima Corovic, MD PhD

Aleksandra Bonevski****, MD