Bibliography for "Prehistory of Agriculture: New Experimental and Ethnographic Approaches" edited by...

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Transcript of Bibliography for "Prehistory of Agriculture: New Experimental and Ethnographic Approaches" edited by...


Abate Tedla 1993 Personal communication

Adams, M.M., and J.J. Pipoly 1980 Biological structure, classification and distribution of

économie légumes. In Advances in Légume Science, edited by R.J. Summerfïeld and A.H. Bunting, 1-16. Kew, Richmond, Surrey: MAFF, Royal Botanic Gardens.

Adams, R. McC. 1975 An ancient Uruk threshing sledge or harrow? Sumer 3:17-20.

Agostini, B.B., and D. Khan 1988 Trends, situation and outlook for the world puise economy. In

World crops: Cool seasonfood légumes, edited by R.J. Summerfïeld, 217-228. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Al-Mouayad Al Azem, A.N. 1991 Crop storage in ancient Syria: A functional analysis using

ethnographie modelling. Ph.D. dissertation, University of London.

Aldenderfer, M. , L. Kimball, and A. Sievert 1989 Microwear analysis in the Maya lowlands: The use of

functional data in a complex society setting. Journal of Field Archaeology 15(4).

Alexander, G.B., W.M. Heston, and R.K. lier 1954 The solubility of amorphous silica in water. Journal of Physical

Chemistry 58:453-455. Allen, H.

1974 The Bagundji of the Darling Basin: Cereal gatherers in an uncertain environment. World Archaeology 6:309-322.

Allen, J. 1969 Archaeology, and the history of Port Essington. Ph.D.

dissertation, Department of Prehistory, Australian National University, Canberra.

Alon, D., and T.E. Levy 1989 The archaeology of cuit and the Chalcolithic sanctuary at Gilat.

Journal ofMediterranean Archaeology 2:163-221. Amirkhanov, A. A.

1982 Stanovlenie proizvodjaschego khozjaistva na Severnom Kavkaze /po raskopkam Chokhe (Establishing a production economy in N. Caucasus: Chok excavations). Kul'turnyj progress v epokhu bronzy i rannego zheleza, 145-147. Erevan.

1985 Tchokhskaya arkheologiya kultura i problema kulturnykh arealov rannego golotsena kurokaspiskoj oblasti (Chokh archaeological culture and problem of the cultural areas of the Early Holocene in the Kourocaspian région). Drevnie kuliury Severo-Vostochnogo Kavkaza. Makhachkala.

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Europe. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Andersen, H.H,. and H.J. Whitlow

1983 Wear traces and patination on Danish flint artifacts. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics 218:468-474.

Andersen, S.T. 1979 Identification of wild grasses and cereal pollen. Danmarks

Geologiske Undersogelse, Arbog 1978:69-92. Anderson, P.C.

1980 A testimony of prehistoric tasks: Diagnostic residues on stone tool working edges. World Archaeology 12(2):181—194.

1991 Harvesting of wild cereals during the Natufian as seen from expérimental cultivation and harvest of wild einkorn wheat and microwear analysis of stone tools. In The Natufian Culture of the Levant, edited by 0. Bar-Yosef and F. Valla. Ann Arbor, MI : International Monographs in Prehistory.

1994a Insights into plant harvesting and other activities at Hatoula, as revealed by microscopic functional analysis of selected chipped stone tools. In Le gisement de Hatoula en Judée occidentale, Israël, edited by M. Lechevallier and A. Ronen, 277-293. Mémoires et travaux du Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem 8. Paris: Association Paléorient.

1994b Interpreting traces of Near Eastern Neolithic craft activities: An ancestor of the threshing sledge for processing domestic crops? In The use oflithic tools in Neolithic craft activities, edited by A. van Giln. Helinium XX/VU):306-321.

1994c Reflections on the significance of two PPN typological classes in light of expérimentation and microwear analysis: Flint "sickles" and obsidian "Cayonu tools." In Neolithic chipped

J n 1


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