Anne Lister Astrology -

The Astrology Charts of ANNE LISTER & ANN WALKER charts & notes by cecelia collins

Transcript of Anne Lister Astrology -

The Astrology Charts of

ANNE LISTER & ANN WALKER charts & notes by cecelia collins

The Planetary Placements at the Birth of Anne Lister

APRIL 3, 1791 Ms. Anne Lister’s natal astrology chart is simply fascinating in its accuracy according to what we now

know about her. Only a quadruple Aries could have done what she did. Amazingly, immaturity was mitigated somehow, and though she was perceived as “different”, she was honored as strong and

powerful. Not only was Ms. Lister born during an annular lunar eclipse, she was also born in a Void-of-

Course moon. A highly unusual occurrence when combined. The eclipse of the feminine celestial energy

at her birth is eerily metaphorical for her life path as “Fred” or “Gentleman Jack.” Further, the bizarre

occurrences in her life seem perfectly appropriate for someone born in Void-of-Course…she didn’t fit in, and she was capable of anything she chose to do.


☼ Sun ♈︎13°10’34 Aries

She embodies singleness of purpose, determination, strength, and one-track-mindedness. She’s passionate, aggressive, bold, youthful, active, and in the moment. Masculine and direct energy.

☾ Moon ♈︎7°15 Aries

Moon usually tempers sun, here both are Aries so emotionally strong with very intense feelings, black/white emotions, and feels a passionate sense of direction, bursts of fiery feelings (can show as having a temper) and then die down quickly. No grudges held. Emotionally inflexible.

☿ Mercury ♈︎ 1°56 Aries

Third planet in Aries, communication style will match true self and emotions will be communicated instantly & bluntly with little forethought.

♀ Venus ♉︎

5° 6 Taurus

Venus is home in Taurus. A love of beautiful, refined things, and of beauty itself. Sense of home important. An odd softness juxtaposed with all the bluntness and power of Aries. Still a determination in a more solid and grounded sense, steady, and willing to work or wait to have beautiful things. Plodding, relentless, and stubborn in a strangely soft way.

♂ Mars ♈︎

7°39 Aries

This makes Anne a triple Aries. Mars is home in Aries. Her actions will be strong, powerful, to the point, and passionate. Aggressive and forceful to an extent to get whatever she’s set her mind on that day/week/month. Passionate in love and in making love. She both decides & acts instantly and does not give up until she’s achieved her goal. Instant gratification is her favorite, but with this Mars and her Taurus in Venus, she’ll not give up if she doesn’t get it.

♃ Jupiter ♍︎

24°31 Scorpio

Scorpio in the career planet coupled with triple Aries means she will go undercover and discover mysteries and secrets, and the inner workings of others she meets, in order to succeed. Spirituality will play a role in her career choices. She is determined, and Scorpio here gives her an under-the-surface interest which serves her. Without this water quenching some of her fire, she’d likely be too gung-ho and opinionated without having sought out the deeper causes and meanings behind situations and behaviors. This combination with her Aries makes her unstoppable.


♄ Saturn ♈︎ 9°20 Aries

Now, a Quadruple Aries including Saturn, she will get knocked down, a lot, due to her single mindedness and relentless pursuit of her goals, but she will not stay down for a second. She will bounce right back and be even more bent on succeeding. Prone to head injuries or headaches, though those wouldn’t stop her either. Efficient, organized, aware, she knows what limits are set for her, and what tools she has to break them down. Saturn may be the planet of structure & boundaries, but this Ram simply pushes until she is well through those. Luckily her Scorpio Jupiter and Taurus Venus lend her the tenacity, staying power, and deep curiosity about what is causing her obstacles to successfully break any barriers she encounters.

♅ Uranus ♌︎ 10°14 Leo

Uranus being the planet of societal expression, rebellion & freedom, in the fire sign of Leo is highly dynamic. Leo here adds an eccentricity, a passionate freedom of self-expression, likely to exude and create radical changes in style, behavior, and appearance. Leo is self-focused so her free and avant-garde expression will likely end with her—it won’t be focused on the greater good of humanity as an Aquarius Uranus’s might. She may be seen as odd, dramatic, or extravagant in her demeanor and appearance, but she is so generous with her magnetic energy that most will find themselves inexplicably captivated by her anyway.

♆ Neptune ♎︎ 26°39 Libra

Finally, some balance with Libra in the planet of Illusion, dreams, & inclusion…though this wisp of it may cause her unexpected diplomatic bouts of seeing both sides, thus eliciting uncertainty at times—likely with great discomfort for this 4xAries. It does give her a dream of unity, of righteousness, and a romanticized ideal of partnership. It imbues her generation with a sense of balance and justice. And her fiery chart with a mental diplomacy. The irony here would be that anything societally different often causes discomfort in the masses, and can throw them off balance; Thus she would feel moved to defend her right to be who she is—defending against judgement of differences. Being surrounded by others of the Libran Neptune generation, after the fight, she’d likely be surprised to find much more acceptance than expected. Libran Neptunes are known for their artistic creativity, often in writing poetry, and their charismatic energy. This likely instilled a deep value of true partnership in her—the idea that partnerships should be balanced in sharing responsibilities equally, each person’s strengths complementing and making a union all the more viable and fulfilling.

♇ Pluto ♒︎ 21°35 Aquarius

Pluto is the planet of intensity and transformation—the cycle of metaphorical death & rebirth. The generation of Pluto in Aquarius was a time when groundbreaking ideas entered society. During this period the ideal of Freedom and the rights of the individual were championed. Anne truly was a revolutionary in every sense of the word. Her Leo in Uranus and sometimes youthful Aries ways perhaps kept her from being a celebrated pioneer in her time…however isn’t it interesting that in 2019 we are on the cusp of the next Age of Aquarius? And this is when she has finally come to light as a true pioneer of lesbian rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, and human rights. Aquarius is the sign of humanity as a collective. Likely the first dubbed humanitarian was an Aquarius. Anne is in every way the personification of an Aquarian generation; her deep resolution and belief in herself, her spiritual assignment, and her dedication to her lofty goals provided by her Aries passion and staying power allowed her to conquer a world of her own…a world never before conquered in this way by a woman. Thus she quietly, in such expansive inner passion & intensity, wrote her way through the most mountainous of obstacles in her time, prevailing as a true heroine of history.


ASC Ascendant, Rising ? Unknown time of birth

I cannot know her rising sign (which would indicate outward personality or how she presented herself to the world) as it requires the time of birth. If the time of day she was born is recorded anywhere, we could find this piece of her chart and discover her planetary aspects and houses. Guesses?

One idea is Aries Rising. Ms. Lister really seemed to present herself almost exactly as she was inside. Aries rising are known for outwardly being opinionated and dynamic—Bo Derek, Bette Midler, Barbara Streisand. They are passionate and stand out creatively in some way. They’re private about their personal lives, though. They became artists, not business people or politicians for the most part. I think Anne Lister seemed like an Aries because she had so many planets in Aries, though, not because she was Aries rising. Further, immaturity and childish behavior is a hallmark of Aries, the youngest of the Zodiac signs, and she didn’t exhibit this at all.

I would say then, Leo, only because she seems to have come off as a bit more cosmopolitan and sophisticatedly dramatic than an Ares rising would usually. Leo is a fire sign and masculine in its actions, bold, and stylish. They don’t mind being the center of attention, and they are generous in nature. Famous Leo Rising women since Ms. Lister: Marilyn Monroe, Demi Lovato, Celine Dion, Eva Joly, and Tina Turner. With the latter two, I feel the power that Ms. Lister seemed to exude.

My second guess would be Aquarius. Aquarians are eccentrics, sometimes more solitary than social, and more diplomatic. Aquarian Risings include Obama, Niki Minaj, Jim Morrison, Audrey Hepburn, & JK Rowling. Unique, and private. Aquarian women are highly intelligent and are most interested in expanding humanity into a more open, evolved, and fulfilling existence where everyone’s uniqueness & strengths are utilized and lauded. Aquarian women have a deep sense of integrity and purpose, but aren’t opposed to using manipulation to achieve their lofty goals (especially when it comes to men). It takes a rare and exceptional man of deep power to capture an Aquarius female (sometimes it is done through power ill-used, other times not). Many Aquarian females are comfortable sexually with men and women because they are expansive thinkers who truly see the human being in front of them, not the gender. However, while Aquarians are quirky and pride themselves in that, they are not usually outgoing or boisterous. They usually dislike exercise as well, so, this is why I believe she likely had the external personality indicated more by a fire sign as opposed to Aquarius.

I suppose then that Sagittarius rising would be plausible, as her love of travel was predominant in her character. Sag’s are often regarded as free spirits. However, most Sag Risings are not eccentric or dramatic per se. They’re difference-makers in a big way, while being less opinionated and dramatic—more diplomatic: Princess Diana, Mother Theresa, Jodie Foster, Ellen, Oprah. Besides Oprah (who is an Aquarius) most Sag risings are not business people, and they are people loved by the masses despite being “different” or a minority or not of noble birth. Ms. Lister was thought odd by the masses, and did not hold the kind of admiration by those identifying with her, or the kind of followers of these women. Interestingly Marlon Brando has Sag Rising and almost the same rest of the chart as Anne Lister. He came off very differently than she did (he was definitely manly, but not exceedingly masculine) from what I have read. Sag rising simply doesn’t exude a masculine personality, and Anne did. That evidence leads me away from Sag Rising for Anne Lister and back to Aries, Leo or Aquarius.

☊ True Node ♎︎ 21°51 Libra

Again this matches up with her Neptune and adds that balance and sense of partnership as her ultimate calling.

MCMidheaven ? Unknown

time of birth

Without knowing the time she was born, the Mc is unchartable.

Lilith ♉︎ 19°25 Taurus

The wild side, the feminine rising, the spending feminine energy in a masculine projectional way…all of this is Lilith. Anne’s balancing in Taurus here likely is what kept her from getting burned at the stake or ostracized. Her plodding determination to be herself, and her willingness to do it elegantly and quietly when necessary, was truly her signature.

Chiron ♋︎ 2°47 Cancer

As the Universal Fulfillment celestial body, the one which is our path to the divine, to enlightenment, Cancer is most fitting for Ms. Lister here in Chiron. Cancer is the sign of family, of home, of partnership…especially emotionally speaking. In her passion for her cause, for getting to live as her inner being felt most connected, for her truth, and for the ideal partnership—gender regardless—she was fulfilled. Her role as co-partner in the first lesbian marriage in England is so specific and evolved for her time…despite the years without her, her memory, or her journals being in the public eye, she truly was still paving the way for later generations, even in death. Her ability to supersede humanity’s shortsightedness and judgement, and follow her truth anyway, is the epitome of Chiron, and even moreso of it in Cancer: the feminine sign symbolized by two of the same entities in perfect balance.

The Planetary Positions at Birth for Ms. Anne Walker

MAY 28, 1803

Ms. Walker’s chart shows how maddening it must have been to be who she was at the time she lived.

The triple scorpio certainly leant her to deeply pondering life’s mysteries, and to getting very lost down

that rabbit hole if not grounded sufficiently. Her double Gemini would have been maddening with all the information gained in her Scorpio wisdom. Her only grounding would have been her Virgo, and half her

Gemini (the half that was acting logically and rationally).

☼ ☾ ☿ ♀ ♂ ♃ ♄ ♅ ♆ ♇ ☊

♊ ♍ ♊ ♈ ♌ ♍ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♋︎ ♒ ♎ ♑

Gemini Scorpio Gemini Aries Leo Scorpio Scorpio Libra Virgo Cancer AquariusLibra | Cap

Geminis are known for their twin personalities …for the separation of their masculine and feminine sides. And Ann Walker was clearly torn down the middle between her love for Ms. Lister and having societal

and spiritual approval and acceptance. Sadly, the only grounding being in Virgo or Gemini, this would

elicit intense mental cycles and definite downward spirals considering her emotional Scorpio moon.

Interestingly her Venus and Mars are both in masculine fire signs of power and passion, so she had a

drive to handle things, to find the beauty, and she had a secondary foundation of power. This would likely have been her attraction with Ms. Lister, the fiery passionate connection, and Ms. Lister’s ability to

move forward and act on her values. And Ms. Walker’s depth of character and emotion would likely have

been unparalleled—something Ms. Lister would have highly prized. I expected to see more Libra with all

Ms. Walker’s vacillation mentioned in the journals. However, clearly the wavering comes from the

arguing sides of Gemini and the deep dives into the abyss provided by her three planets in scorpio.

Knowing how Ms. Walker carried on after Ms. Lister passed away, when I saw this chart come together, I

actually cried. I could feel how devastating her loss would have been, and what would happen with these

aspects and planets going back and forth in one’s head and emotions without the directional strength

Ms. Lister’s Aries was providing as a bannister. Had I done the chart before I knew the two womens’

fates, I would have easily said what would have happened to Ann Walker after Ms. Lister died.

The charts of these two women are exceptional and rare. Both clearly with the capacity for not just inner

brilliance but the ability to act on it. And when you put them together, it is overwhelming, the strength of

their almost opposite energies, and how they intertwine. Anne Lister and Ann Walker truly lived beyond

their years in wisdom and evolution; they lived the ultimate love story…one scrawled elegantly and

heart-wrenchingly in a script infinitely intertwined across their stars.