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~aty1Jrit. m;de'grapR Ruh ~hhatate~ ' piation 'of our faults; by it are relieved the brat'e t~,e s'acrifice df the m,ass for the people mos~ holy sacrifice of the mass fQr the peo­souls of those who are dead; in union with confided to them,oli Sunday and on the other pie who are confid'ed to them, not only' on Christ, withouChaving I een fully purified; by days which continue to .be 'days or-obligation. all the Sandays and other days which obli· it also we receiv r. the temporal goods which But we also know that in a certain number gation obliges them t() p reserve, but also on are dot an obstacle to the goods oT a superior of localities this duty has ceased to be ful· the day,s which the Hqly . See 1)as cOnEimted


, JOHN P. WALSH, " . " ' b"! - orderj by it is, 'rendered to the ', ' saints, and filled by parish priests, on days which oUi!ht to retrench flom the 'number of (easts of "1M CalhoLiIl TeLe[J1'(tph Printing a. nd PltbLis;ting ~sta O\S. ""tel1 t ~

• , above' all to ' 'the ' 'Immaculate Most Holy to be observed as feasts of obligatiilh, accord· obliga,tion, and which have peen .transferred, 170 Sycamore S~reet, Cincinnati, Ohio, . Mary Mother of God, the greatest honor and ing to the constitl!tion of our predecessor, as all those ,-,:ho' ,have charge of 'wuls

jl j2 00 per annum. ~W" ... dtLivered by ourcarrierS,$250 'worship that she ca~ receive. ltis, therefore, Urban VIIL, of happy memory (6.) and for ' 'should be aware, since the time the constitu· _= . . that conrormably to the traditions of the Ap· which the Apost~dic ~ee, submitting to the tio!) of Urb1\.n VIII. was fully In vigor, before ~ e on Catholic 'Teleg-raph and Advoc}Lte ostles, we offer~, the ' divine sacrifice" of the var!ous. demand.s. of . thfil fi ,rst pastqrs, - and the feast aay s 9(obliga tion were diminished Pos g . mass" for the common peace of the churches, takmg mto consIderatIOn the reasons and mo· in number and transferred. 'Ve only except Wltbin RamiHon (Jaunty ....... , ............... , ............. :.: ..... . Free for the good order of the world, for Emperors, tives which they have explained , has notonly ope 'case-that in whi,ch tbe divine o'ffice WilbinOhio:per year .............................. :.: .. : ..... : ......... 13 cts for warriors, for those who. are united to us, permitted, in the number of feasts shall have been transferred 'with the solemni-,,&oy partafthe U~ited states, p.r year ... , .... " .... .. ..... 26c,ts ror 'those who labor under SIckness, for th'ose of oblign,tion, that. the .. people ma;y ' altend .to ty tb_the da y of'Sund~y; then the only :oDe

=Encycl1'cal Letter of Pope Pius the Ninth, who are ' oppressed wi~h grief, for "those in servile work" but it ·has granted to them , th~y mass shall be a·ppl.ied for ~he people by t11 ,\

general who are in want, and for the dead m,ay be dispensed with from he!iring the holy pa'rish priests, provided that the. mass, wh i~ h To all the Patria.rchs, Pl'il1tatCS, Archbislwps, detain~d in Purgatory, "believing that the mass. . Si nce these indulgence~ emanating is thl) 'pr- nc ipal part oJ the di vjn~ office, !3ishops and"olh~1' . O,:dinq1"ies of th~. Places g reatest succor which tli ose souls can receive rrom the Ho.!}:' See were puG Iis~ed" the ,par , onght' to be deemed· transfel;red 1"i t,h ' the"of-

' in Co.mmllntcatwn With the Apostolic See. is tbat which is here given tbem when we ish prie.sts of different countri'es b elieve,thum· fice itself: ' Wishing also in tbe love by H A pray fOl them at the moment that · the holy se,1ves ' also relieved frpm the o.blig.ation of whicl). our paterrial heart is al:i mated ",;,ith a

VENERABLE BRETHREN. Ul;TH AND p. and- formid ab'le-- victim is inlmolated before offering ,.t he holy s.acrifice lor their. parish· view to the tl'anquilitj of the pastors who, OS'rOLI~ :B~NEDI<::TION.-The :;;oodness and us" (3.) ' There is nothing; then, greater, (oners on the days 0( ' the suppressed feas'ts, ceding to the custom' that was i'ntroduced, ch a riW~'( ~'ur most ,dearly belove~ Redeem· more b oly, more divine, 'ih'an the._. unbIoody and have ceased com plelely to, (ulfiU , tnis have omitted to' apply mass for the peo· ;r,Jesus Ohrist, Son of God, towards sacrifice of the ,mhsR, by"wpich the same body, duty. Thence ,there has been established, in pIe on the days indic.ated, and in vi :tu l of mankind, has been so great, that y.ou· know, the same blood, the same Jesus , Obrist, our those countries ; among the parish priest~, the our apostolic a'uthority, we fully absolve

. God anil .Dord, is offered and i,mmoLated on practice of nol c~lebrating , at. all, on the those parish priests from all anterior orili : · \"ncrable brethren ; ha ving taken human na· h I f hi' f 11 bIb . . d h J h 1 , . . ~ _ t e :it tar, or t e sa vatIOn 0 a , y "tle a ove·named days, the holy sacrifice of the SlOns, an as, among t ose WIO ave clarge lure, He dew· ed . no;t only to su.frer for our priests; and it is for that r.easo.n ~hat the H?ly mass for Ihe .p.eople, and this ,custom '~asnot Qfsquls, there are those' w~o hav~ o,btained salvation th e mos t fnghtful torments and the Mothr!' the ' Ohurch, whIch 1S 111 possessIOn wanted apologIsts 'and de renders. . rrom the Holy See a partIcular m.dulgence ~orrible 4ead~ . of . the cross, but still more, .of this treasure: so peat, o~ her divine Spouse: Full o~ extreme soli~itude. ·fo.r fh~ entire f?r reducti~n I, we ,ag{ee that they .s,h.ould COi:I~ , . d' t 11 " t the right hand of h,\s never censed to elYlploy all her care, all flock, whIch the ' Lord has Hrniselfconfided tmue to t:nJoy the benefit of the rndu1gen<:.e,

reas~en !fl,g 0 , eav~n a . : , . . her zeal, all her Yigil a,nce ; in orde·r that this ·to us, and livelily afflicted at. the loss of'the on the conditi.ons which are here p.xpressed, tne Father, to d\Vell~ mea~:vhIle, WIth, u~ I.n grand-rhystery may be accomflljshed by the great spiritual 'advantages wnichresu'lt fro i'n and as lop.g as they fill . tne offic~ of. pari ~h the au&ust sacramen.t of HIS body and of ~IS priests with tre greatest interior . purity of the omission to the faithful of those countrie~, ,priests in the .parishes which ther: a'dmin~ ,stcr blood, and in,the ,exc.ess of His love to make tbe heart, 'and in order that it ~igh~ be cele· we have resol ~ ed to regulate a matter of rind gov~rn' at present. ~n .-giving tJlese el.e­itour fQod and our nourishmen t, for the pur· brated. with all t!le becoming'appUl:tenanceso f su'ch great " importan.ce, . we ' remembering ci sions ,and in usi ng . this indulgence', we hav'e

f. b'" ltd 0 worshl p acc6rdlllg to, the rules laid down by .ab·ove all, tha the A postotic See has always every reason to hope, venerable brethren, that

Pose 0 elDg a so our sus enance an ur I . I d h d .. I h h . I . \ t! I ' h . h' . d tl , '. ' ., . . '.. t le Iltua ,an ,t e sacre ceremOnIes m or- taug lt t at t e pans L priest ' ougut to ce e· t . e pans prIests, nmmat~ more ,. 1an eyer slr~pgth by the presepce of HIS dlVImty, the, der that the grandeur and the m~jesty of the brate the holy sacrifice for their parishioners, with ,zeal a.nd ch'a,ri(y, will hasten to satisfy mostassured safe·guard of spiritual life. And mystery itself ma:'y shinA in the exterior ap· '~ven on ' the days of the suppressed fe asts witb as much care as piety' the ' obligation not content ,with this signal and altogether pea!'ance ; and that thus th~ faithful maY,be Although, in fac!, the Roman Pontiffs, ?ur of arplyinq the I?ass for the people, and d" f f h 't add'ng benefits to eXCIted to the contemplatIOn of the dlvlOe predecessors, haVIng regard to the pressIng that they Will senously rellect on the abun· IVlqe ,proo, 0 .' c a:J y, : . I e richness, things. contain~d' a,nd hi~den i.n so venerabl,e solicitations?f the ~rst', pastors., · to. the differ · dance of th .~ spirit,aal at .,fi:st" thene ~ene.fits, a~ c: spreaulllg ~,el us th. ,. a sac-nfice. It 1S 'WIth the san.e ard~.r and tbe ent~and numerous wants of tire faltpful peo· on the multItude pf the gifts whIch tli.e, ap , of HIs -love; ' He has WIshed' to gIve us the saIn e solicitude that thispi'ous mother; address ' ple, and to 'the grave motives reoulting from pl J<:.,ation of the <).ivine and unblQodj sacri­full certainty. that those WHOri1 He has loved ing herself to those faithful children?neverceas. the in teres's of the' times and ' of the p races, ,fice causes to flo\v so lai'gely on the pepple Helove,d to. the e'ud~, It is on fhat ac'count, e'sto brinq;to theii-mind.s, ~o eXh.o. rt th~m, to i'll ' ha'd~udged i~ rigl~t . t? , nldu'c e t~e number of c~nfided t.o th,~i 'r care. ' But we ~re .~Ql un; J j .' H: ' If th t 1 . t ,) flame -theIr zeal, to bl'lng them frequently to the lea~ts of ,oblIgatIOn, and 'cons~nted at aware that partlc'lla'r cases may be presented uec a-nng l.mse , e e ema prIes accoru- h' d' . 'fi . h II ' h . " 11 h h ' . . '. I . hI ' . h I' h' h ff d' ' , , '. . " . .' t IS Ivme sacn ce Wit ate pIety, ate t e same tIme, t 1 at t e peop e mig t free y Yi IC ,on acc o.unt 0 .act.s an ·clrCul).1stances, m~ tothe order of Me.l~lllsedech, He has I~Sh. respe'ct, and an-the devotion which it deserves attend on those days to servi1e works, with· there is no reason' to grant to parish priest, luted in perp'etuity His pr\esthood' in the Oa· -ordaining that all 'IHe , absolutely held t.o out being obliged to ' a'ssist at the boly sac·ri· a d'isrensa'tion of this obligation:' \Ve' wi~h tholic:' church an'd decreed that the sacrifice, assist at ' it on feast days of obligation, at· fi'ce; neverth,eless, these ' same ' pontiffs, our that YOil should' Jmow that it is to .our :con­w~ ich he ,oire 'red once "by the eff~~i,on of His tending t~ it with, a religious attr.ntion or predec(>s~ors, i'n granti'ng these indtilgell ces" greg~t~on of .Souncil al?ne th.a~all : shQullJ ' . • . • r • eyes ,and of heart, In order that they may be have deSIred that the law shoui,-\ be fully anll' repalf to obtaIn these klO,d of Inr1ulgences.

precIOus blood .on the altai of the CI~SS, t.o happily enabled to obtain, by the value or faithrully obseivea; which enacts that' the're We dp .not IIXcept any but tht;l p,erson~ wHo redeem' ;he ,ent.Ire ~u~lil? race, t~ delIver It t~e mercy ~~ God; and abundanc~.of a'l1 should be, nothing of inn~,vaiion in, the dEi.pend ~ ~ ou.r C'ongl'~gayon of th'e f'ro?a­from the yoke of Sin, and from the slavery gIftS: , . ' churches, In all that appert'llllstothe ·r~gu . ganda, on whIch we 'haveconferred the same of the devil and to pacify all things i.n the Now; .it is in Javor of mahkInd that every lar order and rights of the_ divine offices, and l)owers in 'this rega1'4· _ t ' , d' 1 .,h ·1 II b ' . Pontiff taken from among men is constituted that all should 'be contin\led to lie done abso We entertain no,doubt at all, venerable neSlcnsan onile eal, , Sla e ' pelma-. h ' I ' I · t . Gd' I I t. f f h'" h . ' b h . h " I 1" d f ' .. , . . ' ,' . III t ose t Ill1gS t la appertain to 0,111 or·. ute y as ",e ore, rom t e tIme t e constttu· . ret i'en, t at 1fl t Ie so ICltu "e 0 your ems: nent uhto the consummatIOn ofage'siordam; der to offer for their sins gifts and sacrifices: tion df Urb"an VlI!., Of whicn we have ·spok· 'c opal zeal' you wil.l hasten to 'cause. it ;to 'bit iog tha.t this' sacrifice, in which th im is no Ii is then, y o ill' wisdom knows well, .vene~a· eli, was s~ill in vig!lr, and -which pre'scribed k n~Hvn without del ay to all ' and iq eacli 'o'f t~cryge except in the ma~ner of .offering it, ble b'r.ethren, t?e duty of p>\~tors ~o apply the tha.t tile fe,asts should ' be obse.rved ~s of obli· t~e ,parish p.rie sts ' qf y .o~r diocese, t1~at by sh\1l be Ip?,d e and 'offered each day by tJle most noly sacnfice of the mass -for the peopl~ gat~on. . F rom thence the pansh pnests coul,d !l.u,r prl'sen ~ , J~ttel:s, and In , v ,rtlle ;9f our s~­m" t f h' . . d ' . of whom they h,ave the charge. ; AccordIng easdy c'omprehend, tbat they were never, by: preme authOrIty, we 'confirm and declare ImnY, 0 : e pnersts;.In or' er to SOW among to the doctrine of the Oouncil of Trent this any means, freed 'from " the obiigation ' of or: ailew~ ' we wish, comm~~ld' , and ·' or~i ain,

men the frUIts, sovereIgnly· salutary .and so- obligation involves a divine precept. This fering on tho'se ' days for the peopl-c' the sac· touching the obligation in which they are. lerei9nly fruitful, of His pa ~sion: :Thus in council · teuches in effect, in ter~s the ,most rifice of the rn ass, which is . tbe most impor· to' apply . the ' holy s~c.ri fice of the ,mass fot: ilie unbloody sacri~Ge o'Y, the mass; uc .com~ p.roFouncl and th.e ,.most grave, "that by the . 'taut part of divine :vorship, 'aRd. they ought: ~hose '~ho , are' confidetl t.o the~., .'Ve are nlishedb ' th bl · ·· t· f th . t dlvlD~ precept It IS commanded to. all ,those. above nil, to 'observe that -the pontifical reo equally persuad!3d that you ,wIll carry the r y - e no e IDIllIS Iy Q • e pnes s, . I h fl" fid d' t k . ' I b ' . . f hf I ' I ' ~ sWor ' . """ ; ' . to :v lOll] t e care .o sou s IS CO? e, . 0 nq~, scnpts shou. de : UIl:derstood al togetli.eTIn greatest amount 0 wa tc u nesst~ t ~~~e; , ', ded thIS san~e vlctlm, the source o~ theIr flock and to. olie r the sacflfi c.; e. for them the sense whIch· t~ey offer tli.~mselves,. and ~vho have th~ charge of ~oul~ to a~qu~t life, ~ho has reconctled us to G o~ the Fat~er, (4.) , You also kn 0 w. the Ency clIcaLletter, that they must be m'terpreted m the stn ctest themsel ves wIth .. care of tIllS part of then Ind who; " ~~vi~g-ali virtue. to merit, to' ~p' dated 1he 9tho~f, of Aug-pst, 1744, ,0.£ our .pr.e ... sense .. Let'us ' add~that the H?l~ See, con· ' ~uty, and thatfh ~y will observe wit!l exitpt­,ease, to 0bta~~ and to sa"tisfy "repairs in dec.essor Ben~dICt XIV., Qf happy me~ory, 1\1 suIted m many eases on the dutIes. of pas· ness wh at we he ve regulated and laLd down· uS lh . . ! I b h' f 'I whIch ~peakmg at full length and, Wisely ,of tors, has never omitted to reply, by the dif· by these letters. We desi re also tha t _a ,

e rllIns of deat 1 }. t e mystery 0 t 1e) bl" . I . . . d t'l d . . hi " I I ' 11 b ' . onl ' " . . '. " t .le 0 IpatlQn, exp ~ll11llg more In e ~ I ,an ferent co~gregatlons,. w et ler It be that ~f copy of. t l~se etters. sha e prese~ved ' lllr y ~on, ' J!:Ilsen flom the dea~, the Gnly confinmng the sense of the ~I\~hers.of Tr,en,t; the counc'll, whet'lier It be ,that of the Propa· p.erpetmty: In the arcbleves of your

Son dIes no more, and death snaIl no more in order to erase all doubts, and do away ganda, whefh'er i-t be that of the holy rights, courts: And as you very well know; venera-, ~ale any power oY~r Him . .lIe lives by Hi'm· with all controversies, he d e cla.r~~ pJa.inly and also by the, sacre~ penite'ntiary ; and cle bl'.others :..t~at the ~ost holy ~acrince of t.h~, ulf an immortal and incorruptible life and and ope.nly, and enacts that th.e pansh prIests eyer and ' always has 1t declarIJd, that the mass IS a great scource of enhghtenment fo·t il isH h .. ' I df . h" (parachos) and all others havmg the pare pf parish priests ' continue Bnder tbe obligation the fai,th,fui,neYer cease ' to call attentio'h 'to" ~ e w. ,0 IS Immo ate or us III t JS ~ys- souls ought to Q.ffer the sacrifice of the mass 9f saying '~ass for the parisn'ion ers, even on andto exhort thepai-ish pri es t5,Jirin ~ ipally th'e ryofthe sacred oblation" (1.) Such' is' the for those who are confided to them, every Sun· the days which- have ceased to be counted preachers of the Divi ne. Word, and all those.

,ure oblation that no ull-worthin.ess, ilOper. day, ~nd o~ eve;y ~east of , oblig,ation. He among the numbe'r . of fea s ts of ob.1iga'tio'n. who are charged with instructing the «hris-. ler,ity in fhos'e who offer it can ever sur'ly) adds that thIS oblIga,tlolj extends f9r th ,~ days Afterhaving weighed and ' examined these lian people, that they' hav.e to expound and and whi h b h tl .' f M I I 'h in which he him~elf, diminishing the num· things 'with maturi'ty, and after having taken explain tb the faithful, with all the care anc~ LJrd ha c , .! t e ~~ou loa ac lY, t .e ber of .feasts of o?li.gation in c~rtain rlioces~s, the council of many of our ven erable broth. ~e a l pos~ible, · the necessity, the 9reatne~~',

s predIcted, . t at th~ glory of HIS h ad gIven p.eTll] ISI<IOn fo~ serVile work, stdl ers, .the CardInals of the Sacred Oongreo-a· and.efficacy, the end and . the frUIts of thJ!; nllIIe become great among ·the n~tions, it Ipaintaining for them the obligati,on.of assist· tion of Rites, who compose the" cQngrega. hol.fand adorable sacrifice; that ttiey m.ay rlau be o"ffered in its .purity in ' e·very .pI,ace ing on tho se, aays at the holy sacri~ce (5 .) tion charged with causing to be respected impress and e:x'c.ite t~ e . fa'i.thful t o assist at it (rom (h,e risin o- to the llet,t ing ot the sun" (2. , By the r~tur~s on th.e state: and the SItuatIOn and .with inte'rpr~ting the .decrees. o~ the f~e9uently, they' sl~all .he a~le with. faith, re : TMs obi f 0 f k bl ~ d't of your dIOceses willch, WIth a care worthy Oounc-il of Trent, we have Judged 1t fight, ltgLOn, and becommg pIety, In order tbat th ey embra . a Ion ~ ,an uI!sp~a a e. e~un l y o~ aJl p~aise,.lj-nd well has it filled our h ear'f yene.rable bret~re~, to write you this En. may call down on ,.,thems~lves th~ divine it , ,cesthe plesen~and the ,futUl e life. By WIth satIsfactIOn,you,veIjerable cychcal 'lett er, 'm order to trace out for your mercy, and all the good thll1gs wlllch they c'giVIng ~s tbe grace and gIft of penance, b:ethr en, us and the ApostolIc See, how you guidance a sure rule, and to fix for you a stand in need .. Do not cease lO:make use of tOil, wio IS appeased, t emits even the most dIscharged the duty of your charge,. we see law which must be observed with care and all the means tn your power in order th at ~onnou~ crimes ' a W sins, and, although with great joy the pastors of souls scrupul- vigilance by all parish priests. the priests of your dioceses should distin-. ~evousl;: offended\ by our prevarication. ously. fulfilling the obli.gation o~. which we It is, therefore, that we· declare by these guish themselves by this integrity and grav. Itep~sse's from anger to mercy, from a jUFt have Just spoken, and not neglectmg to cele· presents, we enact and decree that all parish ity of manners, by this innocence and this iI1~:~Ity to clemency; by it are equally re· (3) St. Cyril of Jerusalem, .Calholic mystagg. 5 de priests, .and also all others who have a perpetual holiness Of life which becc;>mes well ~temporal penalti~ s due for the ex· Sa?ra Lit. ~b. 23. . charge of souls, should offer and apply the tho~~ who have the rower of I ,4) Counc~l of Trent, Sess. ~3, cap. I.-de rp' f. . . cratmg the dIVIne host, a nd of cele bratlll 0'

tl), II' Gregory the Great-Dialogltes, \iv,., 4, ch. 58. (5) BenedIct XIV.-Encychcal Letter, Cflm Semper (6) ConsLltut of Urban VIII, u'nversa per <"'bem h ' h I d d df I' . fi D · o.-Il alnch .. ch 1. '. " Oblates, 19th August, 1744" ' decides of September, 1342. ·t e 0 y an rea u saCfl ceo eSIre

CltTHOLIC TELEGRAPH AND AJ)VOCATE. . . db I ~ free uentl to call the attention of. and wants, and who remained with bel', sitting by di sa ppeared in the t em p, st of. 17 ~3 . The co.nta.mlDate y t Je new an~ murderous doc. the~ re;s on ~ll those who are congregated tbe bed side and comfortin§!; her. The husband Bishops of Orleans possess a small country- tIlD es. She .has open?~. marJlfested her grati.

!o I~P d'· th od. ·n orde r that think· h ad not retu"ned when tbe child was born. seat a t La ChapelJe, where al~o tlle presen t tude by. mumficent chall ty to the poor eVer ~n t e .sacrel prltt1s o. 'S

ltl' which th~') have The mother D'oked the mme and abode of her ' able Prelate, has brough t to a hi gh degree or wh~re, and by J:e newed acts of devotion towaras'

109 senous y on Ie mIni Y J ' • h I r' h p, . S . . B 'E tho Holy V iro-in Her las t O"ift t th 'ved in ' the Lord th ey may be faithful visitor. · " r live," sbe repli ed, "In te p ace perlecllon t e ettt e7mnane, or oys . ~- ' v '" " , '"' 0 e shrines re~el , ,. a i , resent in s irit . where ou so of len 0'0 to pray to the lVhdonna : clesiastical Training School , un de r t he prr~I' of Our ~lessed .Mother was to ~hat of Toledo thO It 'h

and t? aj t ha\Ino a V\adYSt~e di "l~ity ~itb I tha n? you for al l y"our devotion to me." Shp. leges accorcl ed by the celebrated bill. of Llb- and whICh consisted of a magDlficent bracelet'

t e eaven y powe r an 0 - . . b A . d'E ' . 1 85 0 T (I' ot nd a pin set with rubies and brill" t ' . I . 1 hed th e ma shi ne by then gave ber some money and left er. e7· te ' llsetgnement 111 '. 0 liS sp . ' u . ' ' .. Ian s, togeth, ~bl~h.\J~y ale ~ o~l the .xrtue~th~ t thus neiohtor carn e in immedia.tely afterwards, to exceedingly beauti[ully and plcture9q ue III er wIth 5,000 rea ls to, the ~h an~le80fthetolVn t e ng I n.ctss r

O 1 ~ d trine the m ay de: wh~m tbe poor wom an toler in detail all that itself, the Bishop, on one of th e fi nest even· The Queen has receIved , In pr~vate aUdience'

by th~hm e Tl '~cslOe~tir~l to the ~ervice or had happened. She had hardly been left onoe in gs that ever n, in vited the whol e town ~r. Buch.anan, ~nvoy .Extraord l~arl and Min: vote hi e~;e~ ivine thina; and th e salvat ion more alonc with he~ new born infant, when the and ncighborhoo~ of 0 rl fans , as we ll as man y Isler Plempotcntl :l ry.of Great Bl'J~3IlJ"in order w?rs f' offe rin thems~ lv e s as a livina and husband retlll'lled . He was as brutal ~s usual, rriend~ from Pans, to be presen~ a t th~ con· t1~at ht: sho~ld gwe JOt:) Her Majesty shands o sou s, to thegLord and that carr i~g al . ar,d ou the point of' doing her some injury, but sec ratlOlJ of the chapel establI shed In t!lC hIS letters of credence, ,!nd whose ~nespeechcs holy I:osth . b d h' t' fi t'on oI J~suo was pacified at the sio-ht 'OF the money and tbe g rot to, and at the ceremony of Ihe ben eehc· to each other contrast sJOfl: ularly wIth the tele. ways In t elf 0 y t e mor I ca I c, , '"' . f hid Tl ' t m account of Lord 1\1almesbu' , Id ' tl ' J ff to God with pure account of the l ady's vi~it thoua h his wife tlOll 0 t e n ew y·erecte cross. Je pie y r:;ra · J. lY ,S Seo ing ~hee!rt~:~d ~~~d1~,~hoe e~Iost of ~al va(ion for Eaid noth ing to him 3S: to'who it ~~s. H e, ~~ok anel popul.arity of Mgr; Dupa,ntoup, and th e in t!le bowm of t~ e O"~ ll~Ii S!l Pa.rlia~ent, ahout 'wn sa lvation and for that of the entire the money, and went to briog some resto\'atlves fame of hiS oratory, combilled to ga ther to· SpallJ and .her d.Oln t:>~l ~ :1J c h, If report speak

o Id ' I Ii tl . . ore agreeabl e for her ' but before his departure at her ear· gether a v.ast co ncourse of all ran ks and pro tltUe, he stigma tIzed as profound and basely wor . n. ·bnl

e, nb~ tllh

ng Isthman to ta ke ad . oe' t req~ eot he baptised the infan't which ,she fessions. Besides the ,chief fun ctionaries of ungrateful" ,, !vI.

to us, vene1 a e 10 ers, . '- .' . " .' . . I ' . b d fl' hI" E ' , I t H' G . f th O . t e'xpress to you th ought not l ikely" to live. On hIS return, he the, City, t le entire 0 yo t le ~."rc · <eo ogl' La Sl JO[J1W sta tes t lR IS . aace tne Arch. va~t~ge 0 1\ occadsJol') ou

0 the testimony of ' fO~lld both moth er a·nd ~hild q~a.d-.her arm~, cal Sodet'· of, Orleans was pr.esent, toge ther bisbop of Sarae:ossa died on the 17th inst A.

ahn I? r1ne,wfl) °tar

s ~. I we bear lo~ard s they' sny crossed 'on ' he~' br'east and her looks with, not ~'few Aca.demiGians, members of th e Commission 'of the Cathedral Chapter' Was t e .Ive) ¥ La edc lond WI IC lto nco"rage y·ou almost ·sup'ernum'an ~London R e'gister Institute l and other personages. of the capita.l formed, an d assu\lled the' Ecclesiastical J'uris you In t.1C or an a so e . U · . • ,. • h ' Th I . . b f II' G . .

' . 'th' (Jl ater ardor to fulfill ' ' . , ' not oflen· seen on Ilu.c oc~aSlons. e sop· dICtIOn. The o,dy o · I S , ra.ce wIillie iB to. c~nt,llluea:~ll l~l~ d~:fe's of your as'toral " , FRANCE. .. . • ing banks ,or th~ Loir,~ wer~ lined with spec · state" during two days, . ~ndwill then be taken WIth CObra:! , h ' ' th ' fll afe r 'zeal rhe Most R everend Dr. DIxon, Cath olic tators on both SIdes of th e nver, and the cross to th e church" del P Ilar," aDd depO<ited in charge., an Ito ~vatc d

WI. S, I gt·

re for Archbishop of ArmaQ'h" has arrived in P aris and grotto gai ly decorated with ga rl a nd s and the vault uncler the Holy Chapel: His Grace over the sa vatlOn an ·pleserva Ion 0 y uri f ' ~ . . th f fl ~ d TI B' h . 8'"

- d fl k B ' d th t we ate al· lor t le purpo se 0 lllvestlgatJng e cause,s 0 ower,S, and .. ,ags an streamer~ . le IS, the late Archb ishop was 0 years old, and had own ear oc S' , k e assure a t h t 0' ( the occurrences which took place a month op iS8ued forth in process ion from the school· filled the Pont ifi ca l office for 2l'years. Don ways readv to ta -e to our neares ear . , . h · I ' ·1 E 1 • ,t' 'I C 11 . b I ' CI . I I . S ' , n' h ' 11 h 11 . d t be prop el' or two ,ago III t e" r'ls] 1 cc eS las Ica 0 ege home, acco J1Jp ar:; l ~d y, liS ergy wJtl ,cros~ Manuel Gomez de as B.lVa~, a eoato!" of the .h.earts a . : t at we S a. l .1

u ge dO t ' tl ,t of in this capital,. and of examining generally and banner displayed, b,y drputations, from , Kingdom . was born the 12th of October 1770

to contTibute to your utI Ity . an 0 I" I fIt I' h "1 ' t . . . . h 1 I . 1 , . . I . ,. . , . I h t' . e a 's 11e state 0 t le esta) IS ment WII J a vl'ew 0 the adJPlnlllg pans es, ly he young glr s His Grace was ellilnerit y remarkable for his Your dIOc eses n t e mean Ime, ,rece l v , r A I . hI f hI' I ' . b' 1 ·1' I . . . I . . ,

I ' f' III " r ' fR ' lin rcorms. genera assem yo t e n B ) from the newh onng ~.clooslnw1IteattIr!l, scientific 'knowledD"e , lJ'~- vlrtue,andhisevan the .p edge Of a I~ Je}gl t; °t: e~,:e.n· 'da n( ; 'Calholic' Prel~tes ' will 'be held at Maynooth and :th at' th~ 'great national' ~haracteJistic gelicitl charity. His Grace was much beloved testimony OJ' ourb Ive; a. ec lonh. °h~ar s y?~~ at the end~ of'the present month, when Dr. miO"ht not be absent even from thi s scene or in Sara<Yossa. ' . - , ~he Aposto IC 7e Ict~n t

W IC we ~~~ D ixon's minute-s \Vill be laid before them. pe~ceful and religious festi ~ ity" by the sapeurs · 0 GREAT BRITAIN.

frum thbe bOl ttom 0 °lul rh ealr s to YOdu

, tV 'the' The €(')nT""lai nts of the profe ~ sors and students pompiers in braz ~n heline ts, a nd a few h l able rollers to ate c ew] an ,0 I f' h h . I 'b l ' • . . : " l G d We heard 'a good · story ,t e other day, f· ' If II' ' -fid eft ~.' , a,swel ' as ,t ee 'arges agamstt1em · ytle compallJes .of grenadIers of tIe , fa .e, en whicllintimately concernsamostunci erical a,lt ~ u altyRcon e 0 YSoturp atre; th "d Superior: will 'then be rully go ne, and a gmnde temle. After 'the ceremony of ponse· d f

GIven at ome, near . e er s, e ... r . t I .: . .. . b h' . b f . I h I h B' h t ' k h' d but most excell en t (rien 0 our~ not very-far . . a . MDCCCLVIII., the twe.!(th pat len lea~lllg.glven to ot part ies e cratmg tlC c ap~ ,t e IS op 00 IS stan from this city. A more respectable brother

day o~ M YP ' fi t'· . any , re-solutiOn IS adopted as' to the future upon the bold pomt of rock below th e church f tl e cloth in th e country was ialking to y"~,.ar 0 our ontl ca e,' " ri1anage'm ~il t of ' the: Paris establishment.- le ~d:ing to the gro;tto, and thence" with th e 0 1 reant nlcnlbe r 01 his flock-who II d3

T · CY d ,. I . . I' f 1 I . b k poor rec a " i7neS o!"l'espon ent. >OIre l"unnmg ,at JIS eet, t Je s Oplllg an s d t d the church for ·the meetinfr.house_

FOREIGN NEWS. We take, ' rro,m the P~ris oorrespondence ~l~e~ with the muLt~t!lde, the bl:illiant sunset "e~;; ~ood woman," said the eam~st pasior, , of tbe G~!al'dian the ,followin cr interesting sl1l111ng full ~ pon the gar UnIform s 0[. t~e "consid er that I am your o~ly lawful \llinis.

, Rome. ' particulars 'of a "reli gious cere~ony in tbe g~ard an~ white. drcsse;s ot thde youni? gil" Sf' te r in this place"':'-we only h ave the aposjol. ' . ' D" f 0 I ' A I" f' 1 f and flashll1 g standards an d eCO Tations 0 , . . , tl' t "M :From our own COrJespondcnt.) lOcese 0 r eans:- re IglOus estlva 0 ' It' . _ IC suc cessIon In ll S coun ry-- ore

J UNE 18 1858 .--Hurnors had bec::n afloat no ' small iI:1terest 'and ', a ttrac tiveness took cburc¥. an~ ~ross and glro~bto-frdoml' t la dllll ' he would have doubtless added, when his " -' I I h d ' f h . que and stnkmg natura tn une e Iv ere an " 1 d . h tl d' ' ''y 11ere that in consequence of some Rpprehended p . ace, t le. ot e~ ay, at ~>ne ,0 t e mO ISt PIC' , ' d I . ' I 'I f ' h ' hI ears were assaI e WIt a lun enng ' o.

eme~ie amaDO- the disaffccted, His Holiness turesque spots on the river Loire, under the ~xte~po~e ,a e ~es~ .~f. ,t Jat stye? " It hicks! tally.ho! how a,re you, my ,hearty.?" would not tal;e' his p' lace in the procession on', auspices oCthe revered a nd eloquent ,Dupan. 1

1m ~glDatl ve anI ' All .Ilant °dratbo,ry borbl" . IC and turnin g rou nd, he disc ove red the vener.

' . . ' . 1 f 0 1 Th ' · f le 1S renownet . th a an te ar an ans ' . t '" t' f I ' the Octave of the Corpus DomlDl . The con- loup, Bls lOp 0 r ear)s. e occasIOn 0 b r I ' Jl f 0 1 h S . ated but most moppor une appall Ion 0 !IS . , . h' i' 1 ' . 1 . , f 11 e ore t le wa s 0 r eans t. e al acens . d 1 R f b It k .

t.rary was the case: the V!Car of C ns~ 10 the c,(; remollla m q.ue ~ tl.on was Il:s a o':s: [ driv en before the ~rms of Oharl es , Martel fn en t ~e fie cltdor 10 -. -, h e ell' . nowt,? lid I

lowed his Lord on foot, all round the pIazza In the course of theu labors for the repaIrs 0 J ' f A ., F f r' the huntmg' e t Ja n ' Ill t e pu pit, a tire '. . ' , f" d' loan 0 re emanclpatlng' rance 1"om ,a Jor·. h f ' 11 t th t f I of St Peter' s ' cunymo' ' It torch III on e hand, th.e ra;vages ° Inun atlpns, some wor ,men,' . k lIb" t In t e costume a a '- we ,no a 0 a c er.

and ~ith the.'other di;trihuting Benedictions, upon 'the sloping ' bal'\ks of tl~ e river, at the e~g~ YOh e'l werl~ t le nt~ra su J~ct~ su gj~~' gyman. "Has he got ,the ~posto.liG suc.::es. as usual : l • , little. village of La Chl1pelle Sf. Mesmin, just ,e. y t e oca ~ty an

h t e occaDslo~, a

l n . e sion, too?" said the chucklmg Dlssenter.-

'. ' I " · f vIew of the LOIre t e (lumen. e~ 11e nver ' d 'h' hid . h d The Church forbIds us to pronounce any below Or eans, came to a piece 0 groundh ' . h' F I" ll' F I Her p&stor turne on IS ee an vams e

fncts miraculous until they haye been exam- where the earth seemed suddenly to sound ' ~~ ~c I IS . r\l ne.l fa?' (xce l~~ceth ~~nc 1 into space.-Rochestel· and Chatham J01lr. in'~d and cOllfirm~d bv authority. I implicitly ho llow under the,blows of th eir pickaxes. On t rdoul~hl?ut It~ entldre. en gt:, ~n lee ~re The daily papers have published the fol. obey this rule bu.t it does not forbid my tellin/! further investigation, under the dire<;tion. of a.n lll\. s ~aFre In Phar bY strang?trs, le lowing '_" At a numerously attended meet. vou tbat the fblJowing stories are in everybody's a local antiquary, who had for many years fldver onf~ ItCh ITan

t cbe I as keenf ISO 0 et.ll savl' ing of I'aymen, communicants of the Ghurch

J . • ~ . d . b ' . ' h' , h b h e so 0 ten e as u w,ar 0 ler nil. IOna . ' h J mouth here If anyone thlnk fit to eny theIr een pursing IS researc ,es . a out t e spot.' h . St A' 1 d <itfl " d of St B a.rnaba!, held on the 17t of une, t~uth be is'at libertv to do so. ' Even h'e~ how· a subterranean grottp of vast extent was dis· ~y 'bw . ere i Igian t rI1S e d" \ \ :n" '1858' the followin g resoluti.ons were moved, eyer 'will admit th;t their being universa lly coverer!, supporteil, by t.wo_circular pil)a~s of Bart a~lsm, t oan, f th ngB~nh an f Os~rvI u e '

d and p'assed unanimously ' :-1. 'That wh ereas

st:it~d arid believed is a fact 'worthy of notice, colo::sal size, whosll ,qq'aint and coarsely.carv. I'u t bel.or& ory 0 . e IS op 0 trt eansh~nh the ' charcres lately ' made aga inst the Rev. . ' - ' . I - h" J1S su Ime peroratIOn are not ma ers' w Ie 0 . S J ' and which throws lwht upon the state of so- ed capita 8 denoted, to , t e mGst Ine.x;penenc· b d . d' f d b Alfred Poole, at: a meetlll'g held at t. ames

. "' , d h k f th M .. . d can e eplcte III a ew wor s, or even y , dId ciety in tll1S couptry. .t . . ;, I eY,e, t eldwobl 0 .\ e b erobvillgulm PreTio . ;ritten words at all . ' At the ciose of his fine Hall', June 11" 1858, are sc~n ~ OIlh~ an

Witbout further preface, thp.o, 1 IS stated Ihere cou e no aou t a out t l,e act- d <r' dd h : d 'ralso and are calculated to prejudICe IS ap. . b d 'r" I' hId th . d t' ' h dId an elLechve a ress, t e gay processIOn e· V" ' h hb ' I l' t" d I that iIi a vlllo D"e eyob .1 ~vo I, on t e moun - c lance an e. ,lDUl1 a IOns a rev.ea e d d' b' h'll d d ' I '. . peal to t e Arc IS lOp, t llS me e mg ec ares

' . ,., . . lId 1 'd h' scen e tel ,an trave rse t le nvel lD a , 1 -" d '" . h d tains there hved a very rICh an, a mIser, so W lat la , so. I)l'\g ,escay,e t e Prv Illg eyes I' I fI " 1l f b t b' It 'tl . its heartfelt sympathy With and un Imlllls e rich 'that he O"o~e orders to his sel:vants ' never and zeal 9f .the Mo~kbMnses of.~a: Chapelle; flltt e ~h a 0 tO~ ~ t~ 1 'd~~ .~ \~advl~~g confiden'ce in Mr. Poole, as ' their minister, 1'0 al~ii anY '~lle to his house, lest he sliould and loeality and 'date alike combined to prove balgs.. e rcs~ec e re a e dl~~1 u e 'd I~ who by his spotless lire and unceasing la. be mu;dered for his money. He b~d acted t!1a t the ne wly:discovcred grotto \V,as nothing h ess~g upo~ tIe ~fwS ~~oun m~, T~l1l1'lls bors' amongst them for seve,n years, has won ll,:ainst the Pope in the R eyolution 0(;48, and, else than the long.sought·for CEvpt or tomb t "e.c 'l- f~sl 0 It Je d ~n)e !n~l!a tn I e~! a the affection of all classes of his people. 2. w"'as said wholly. to have lost hi~ Faith, which" or the much·venerate<;l St. Me;min. ' This n g1sb w ~ICtl e~ lOe I ne y ~n j<i em n

l y r?:" That this meeting declares its aamiration of

he eertainlv di 'd not )practice: H;owe\'er, he per- hi ghly 'popular, a';ld see~'1ingly n; ostdeser;ved. Qn;l an f ~ t e ot ler, T~ : o~g t le WI e Mr. Poole's conduct, in the trying and dilli. petually illvoked the nevil; thouah, it was ly so, Saint or the Roma"n Calender (properlv va ~y 0 tl t e .sJrea:nci ' rein s?;ne [c rohss c'ult circumstances in ' which he has been said withou t beli eving in his existe;ce. About dc signate d S t. Maximin,. but by local usag~ °fd teo Hi

r Sl e, Illt~c a I~gl t J ~ Sl e 0 tt de pl aced' and that, to the best of his belief, the '27th of May last~ wh en he was shut in h~s contracte,d to St. M esw in), the , cli,scipl~ and o. d ~onastery, was e~ ~ % bcon se,cr,a 13 i 'during his seven years' ministra tion at St. room in the evenin/!, he saw age~tleman there, fri~ nd of St. Eqspiaius, a'nd. an Ornament of ~n t I~ / ll rel~o~y te~n~nat~ )' . 1If g~ne;a Barnabas, he has uniformly acted with dis. l\~d llsked him in /!reat. wmfh h·ow he Carne th,e Court of Clov is, wa;s ,the [o,u,ndc.r, and no ene( ~el?n es owe ~l e c lied atb°l' cretioTJ aJld not exceeded in his teaching or there The O"entlemaIJ·answered," that d'e~i l d6ub\ also the 1Hchite'ct, or' the , extremely uf, ponl~ ~ ssem age sprea 0)1 e- pra'ctic~ t be '\:loctrines or discip-line of the - " t:> . ' 'b . .,.' l' f 1\1 '.. . ' I' h L ore lIm 0 rece.lve It, , ., . I' t' g w.h01l1 you so contlIluaby ca)1." .. ~ e lIJan SaId. CUTIOUS re".c o. , erovln.glay, t,lme.s W, : . a Church of England. 3 'That tlls ,me.e 10 , lie not believe it, This happened three tiipes. Chapellr stIll bqasts or , 1(1 Its paIjl ~h church. SPAIN. consis~ing a.s it,doe.s'wllolly of The last time 'he dema'nd ed how' he, got in, al~ Bpt, besides th ll c!l urch, the Saint,' by the fa," (From a CO'l'respondent.)-The r~p" rati6ns at St. Barnabas, d istinctly denies. that It IS ~he doors beillg shut. He repli!)d, "I ca~ vor or the M·on 'arch. crea ted., about ~he y.ea r which the palace IS ' undergoing will prevent the practice of the clergy: to require Con!es. :pass aoy; where without opening doors; I want 508, the Abbey ~r 1!on,astery of MICY, Just the return of th 'e 'Roya l Family to M'aqrid' at sien as 'a p re paration' necessary to the reo y'eu to c(;me m~." U pQn t~I~S he , strat~- 0p' La ~hapelle on the other bank. of plesen t. ' The wish of her nbJesty' is' to .go to ception of the Hol,y Conm1union; hutitassel~s gled tb e !pan WIth hiS ,hand, ~hlcli burnt ,hIS th.e n,~er, whIch was ~ndowed by the E:,I.n g St. James of CompostelJo-, fo )lass th e remalIlder on the p a rt of the clergy and 0.1 the lalt),. throat, and turn ed tbe w?ole body as black as With all t.h e )4nds JYIn I? between. the Loue oftbe ~ummer. The arnval of the Royal,Fa!ll . th e ri ght or the l atte.r to th e practl~e of Con a cind~r. ' It , is· now lying where It fell, un- and the, LOIret, " and whJ(,h lands were first iJ.Y at 'I'c1edo was mad, ed by great e)l thusi~s\1l fession and the ben efit of AbsolutIOn, ~s 6e~ Luri(d, 3"nd people ~re flocking to see it; the cl'ear~ct and. brought into c\lltivatiorl by. the onthe' part of th e people. ' T'he .object of thc ' rorth in the service for' Orde rin g of Pnests, door toucb ed by the devil is 'al so burnt. A the n mcilJ st n ous brethren of the n7Vi commu· v·sit was ·the inuaguratio,n of a railroa d. The in the' Exhortat ion,' in' tne office of' ~.oly Priest or th e .order of St. Francis went to ex· ,nity. H ere .or hereabout,R, also, It had nee n Prince of- the Austrias 1S appointed a Marine Oommunion,'·and in t he 'Order fo r the VlSlta· ()r.cise the house, and a voice , came frOlu th e steadil:v h a nded down b,y: tr,adition ·that the Guard, tbe poor lirtle innocent, who sti ll needs tion of 'the Sick,' in. the book of Common body, saying, "~oq , can ' t ex ,orcip~, Qe.qaus,~, S~ipt, h:ad made his, gra.v,eQes~de hi~,:(lhurch himse!f dose guard.ianship: .:;180, he i-s. n:,imed Pr~y,er o~ the. Church of ~n gland. 4. T1~ a: 'you stole ; somethIn~ from you.!" Super.l~r." ~nd monaste~"y .. The, r,<j vag_e s oJ the 1ll,U?~a. CaptaJD . Gen'eral of Old Castr!e. ~he J our~ ey tl:is m~etlng has heard, WIth. the utm ost !fie •• Yes" said the Pnest., "but I restored It .. tlOns came 1n tl me 10 . P!ove that tradltlpn of the Queen h as been one successlvc ovatIOn, dJ<InatlOn,of the foul aspersIOns cast fit th A.Mtber CDme, and the ~a, !l.le .voice sa~d be may be, (rue as .'well as fa l se ; and the reall y and it has br'ought out the good old-fash ioned m~eting at St. J ames' Hall upon .the repula: Vlould not do, for Eome sir agilinst th e Si,Kth bea\lti,rul and TIIQ\lS ceremony abCi>ye alluded feeling of loyal ty 'whi'ch a Ca'tholic people is tion of of the most" unhlenllShe(1 char Gow·tn.andm~nt. "y ~s,,';J said he,:: b~t .th at to took. plac e to c,omiUern-0 ra te those a.ges ~a ugbt by th eir Church to cultivate. a,nd wli.icl,1 acter, wh.ose ~xer.tio~s and kindn~~s amo~g~~ was w,li.en I was, a chIld. "Tr.ue, SUld the and tb elr good works, when Monks and SaIn ts IS ever the· fi rst duty-tbat those who r~bel agaInst tbe poor JD thIS dls tp c t He held lD the h.g . 'V~ice, . ~' bU,t you SlJlst be without stain. to e,xor- ",:ere both more rire upon th e, ea·rth and more th e .Church endea.vor to ! a~ aside. In qathollc est estimation by everyone h.ere prese~~~ -t)'se thIS .house." So the matter. I:emal l1j3. vIrtuous than th ey seem always to · been SpalO the duty ot submlsslOll to ImperIal rule and' that thc greatest confidence IS felt by

The,oth er narrative is much more iut'eresting. in lo,ter days , and when ,!he world, and Fl'ance is pI'oportion eu to the degree of submission meeting that the Offertory alms h.~v~ ne~~~ }lEla!' thc Bocca de!la V.erit~ liv.ed a .1?oor woo espec.ially, was so lurg~ly inde~ted t.o ,.t~em which its inhabi~ants have preserve~ to Spiri- been misa~pl ied .by ,tile ~lergy or dlstrlct ~~;e m,an, w;ho was habltuaUy treated . WIth great (or the deve lop,men t of Its d a rklIng clvlhza· tual author ity, In a way yery c~nsohng to the tors. 5. lh~t tbls riII e.tmg cannot sepa .cruelty ,by her husband . ' t\he di'llwiug tion. The graHo, or cryp.t, has . been care · EnfYlish convert to Catholicity, proying, as i t without expressing its fervent attac.hment t~ ,nea;rber ,confinem(jnt, llnd ,th,e brulia l husbaI:1d fully and solidly r estore~ m eJi:cellent taste doe~, the perfectness of its" teachin"'. 'l'he tri- the Book of Common Prayer, and Its asse: or,epea.tedl.y threa,te ned .thut as soon as child by ~he ollic ial e ll l?inee r in ~h arge of the navi· bunals, no.w occupied. wi.tll tbe o~e<;lnce. of t? e to ~he r~llowing passage extrac~ed fro~r~h~ '\Yus ibol\n ,he would kIll botl!. her and It, o,r at g~tlOn of .the, LOIl'e. !>- fl li?\Jt of steps and late consp1racy, are bnnglllg out eVldenc~ of ItS ThHly ,sIXth Canon of the English eh d of d.east ,tutn them both out of doors. He al- rads now lead.s down mto It ,crom the rocks· havinO' been very widely spread . Itahan re o "That the Book of COl)1mon Prayer an If),w.ed h er ,no means to · pro v: id.,g for the care of. 1j pp.n which tile ~hurc h above is, c~nstructed . fugee~ it is believed, weI" '" i ts orip;inators, in t he ordering or' Bishops, Priests, and Deaco~S~ ,the ,ex,peated ~nfa nt . . The pOQr wOl1l,an ~as in Opon .the opposIte bank of the nver, a!so, hop~ of prop aga ting their odioua doct~i~es in cont~ineth in it. noth~ng contrary to setd.' ;the daily habIt -of gOlll g to a Modonna In thc where stood once the famous Abbey of MICY, Spalti. It 'IS calcula ted that all th e YIgllan.ce Word of God, anci th a tlt be lawfully sO u . ns ,beicr,hb@l'hood, ,to whom she repeated all her the original charte r of which in the shap e of of the police !lnd the Govel'llmen t will (1r~l y pr.e. 6. B.esol ved that a copy oJ these rcsolutl ~th

· 'tro~bles,and asked help under-them. She ~as a C.lovis to Euspic~u s and vent for a time a'n .o~tburst of thes.e wretc~Jed be forwarded to the Bish?p of LOl1doDl1r~e. Ithul! eng~ged one day las.t May._ when she fe lt MaXImIn IS stdl lU eXIs tence, Mgr,. Dupan~ outlaws, a·nd that It IS only a questIon of tIme an urgen t reque5t that hIS 1 0Idsh~ p w r' ,h~r time approaching, Sbe hl!st~lQed home loup has erected, at his 0Vin , in com· when sOl)1ething decided will be brougbt toI.ight instate the R,ev. A lrred poole in c~~~~ of Jull of tenor, but found th at her tyrant .husb,and memor-ation of the buj lding, a cross w.hose by them. The Queen had call;se, therefor-e, to 01" be pleased to state for the 5a tl s~a c. I.' ,was u-bsent, and in the house ,was . no~e but a ,pedestal !s eO~lposed o~ the few stones '~hich rejoice, as she h~s done, at the -f~ithfulness of the di stri ct, the grounds of his , dISJ~~~nl

IJltT3Dge:lady w.ho h,ad come to mq)lue.·,lutQ .hcr· yet rema l,n of Its materJals. The abbey, li~elf ;the rural pOEulatlOns, and at:fi.ndmg them un. 7. B.esolved that a copy of these resO



be{or~arded to the Archbishop of the Pro· village, and, amirlst the ch~ering ~t' a ,crowd/ral priv.ate mansio~s ofth~ usu~1 char· ~s 0: a ~ock "and valleys stretch­

liDee. who htld assembled to see a lIve PrInce aepaTt acter ale also proj ected In thIS VIClntty, so lUg In pensive qUIe tness between." There

The correspondence in the daily papers on for Kinsale. Proceedino- westward the Black that t'he apparent termination which the pon· were abrupt precipices and toppling crags

~e subject of the Con fessional at Belgravia Eau-le on Saturda entet~d Croukhaven h arbor derous walls of tbe reservoir seemed to make which overhung abysses which no plummet

continues. In Saturday's 'I1.mes we fin.d a " '" , . y'.., ' for the Avenue, will be ove rstepped, and the has yet suunded. Mosses and water plant~

leuer from the Hon. and Rev. F. BarIng, ."nd whde there pmfolmed an office, humble sect ion between th at and tbe entrance to the covered other plnces like turrets of ferns.-

bo says :- " I have not thought it fit to indeed for an Admiralty yacht, but useful and Central Park will be en t irely built up and They wayed their tops as if fanned by a ge n.

:ake a~y reply to tbe three letters that a~. kindly. Aftrr the pilot of the. barque Benin, became the most ~plendid portion of the city tie breeze. Ami there were vast troops of

paared Ill 'y 0ur paper from M~, Poo le and IllS of Liverpool, Tuze master, had caused the an . of New York.. . fiabe~ whose home·life .we could look in up.

woformer coll eagues , denYIng the ch a rges , . " ' . ·f The land. On wI1lch HIe cathedral wtIl on without breach of etIquette. They seem.

:bat have been brought against him, as he ha s chor,ofthat vesse!to be lIl ted, lU Old,er to S~l t stand c0n:tp.n ses an area of 200 feet front by ed entirely unconcerned, loo'kinO' up at us

8xpressei his determination to resort to the her from her prevIOus anchorage, she gnt adnft, ,4.00 feet d~ep, b eing emb raced between the wit? p erfect indifference ~nd movi~g sil ently

Civil C~urts fo~ redress . .I therefore await and wus getting fast towards the North shorl', lt~e s of the two.finest A~enues in tl:e city~ on Into the mossy forest beneatb . .A dozen

themdlctofa Jury, andnowplacemycase whenontberequestofthema.sterofthebarque Fifth and MadIson. 'lhe foundatlOns wIll yards di~tant wllsan ugly.1ookin g aligator

ntirely in the hands of my legal advi sers." d '1 t Ct' P tl t d d rest u'pon the rock su rface, which is sl ightly who eyed us wistfully. , On a ne'arer ap·

I p " ' " . an pI 0 ap am e ey 0'0 un er wayan . d b tl A h b'l' - h h

!t1onday's . . l1n;,S contaIns tne rejoInder of ",. ' ,",," "'" . , a ove le venue, t e Ul. (.Itng oce u· proac e gra'dually sank into the water and

"Pater,famtllas 'to a l eller of the Ron. and o'a,,~. the d.lfLlno ~11l p I~S ,lSslst ance to a safe p~ll~g th; cent~r of the lot, and ll1c!osed ,on di sappeared frol11 view in a bed of rushes.

Rev. Robert LiddelL" Aff.e r reca pitul ati ng holcllng ~round. 1 he pnnqe was on 'deck duro F~ftletl~ a.nd Flfty·first streets by a low wall Whi le skirti ng along the borders we came

tbesubsta nce of Mr. Liddell's acknowledg· iog the whole of the occurrence, and as a cor- With a ~alk a:n d ,parterre, to accommodate over the bones of a mastodon which we

ment, " Pate rfamilias" proreeds :-:' Mr. ' reRpondent informs us seeTll ed well pleased to p~ocessIOns, &c. The front of the edifice judged to be about eighty feet be~low the su t.

Liddell justifies this view of the cas'e by reo L • t d 'th ' f' I k n 7 wIll be approached by steps from the F ifth face. T.hey c'onsisted of portions of the J'aw-

b V " . "e con nee e WI so use u a wor ·.-!J01·/~ A h' h h' ' 11 b b

[erence to t e' ISltatlon Office.' But th e venue"on w .IC t ere WI e three en· one, .wlth several of the ~ eeth in good pre -.

Officeforthe Visitation of tile Siek can scarce· Examiner. trances. It WI~~ be, as us~nl with Goth ic ~erva.u0~' . ~everal years Sll1ce, a gentleman

Iy be interpreted , t~ conte~nplate habitual [It is said to be 'tlre ihtention of , his Royal cathedrals, crUCIform, and With transept and III thIS VIClOlty, by means of a marine armor, •

confess ion. However, as 1\1 r. Liddell very Hig hness to join the Atlantic Te!egnlph ·squad. rear entranc'es, so that its ven tila tion a'nd ab o succeeded in recovering a la-rge quantity of

leasona'bly decl ines a newspapet contmversy ron, for the purpose of witnessing th e p~ying sen ~e from damp may be all that could be th e ~ e bones,. They are ve ry calcareous, and

on adocitinal slJbject , J will say no more in out of the cable.] ' . desire?~ , Th e ~lain ele\'ati'On on Fifth Ave · crumble eaS Ily by exposure to the a ir, These

that direction ; but ~ will restrict myself to n~e Will com~nse a fine, 150 'feet high, Springs are 1)0 ordinary c uriosity . . To th,e

pDinting ou.t bow nec essa~y it .is , if auricu lar PERSIA . WIth ros? WID~OW . O~ the South corner natur~lis t and the man of science they afford

confession IS t.o be tolerated 111 the Protes· The Pay.~ ~nnOUll('es thut the Superior of th e (front) ~vlLI sprIng a spIre of open tracery a subject for iuvllstigation and interesting ex.

tant Church, that its practice should be re o Laza'rists in P ersia, the itt'v. Father Darnis, propbrtloned to the g'reat length of the ploration The son1ber forest the cloudless

duced to rulE', and su!Jjectrd, as among the has died of brain fever. This Ielil"ioU8 man, church, v/hilst,on th e North corner (front) a heavens, ~he strange '·ls associated

Roman Catho li cs, to very stringent autl:or it y. a native of l?rance, is univt1rsally regretted.- to,wer of nea.rly equn,[ .bulk. octRgonal\ a~d ,as tl?ey are with the enjoYl11ent~ and plea~.

The Protestant Glergy ou~bt tobe (ltstlnctly The Mis&iou, which has rendered great service a?out two·thrrds t he heIght of the spI.J"e"wtll ·antfles of a delightful pa1'hy, 'Will not soon

I a~d{ul~y instru~ted in, the mU?age01ent of to the country; is about to be re~rganisec! .- g.lve the who,~e , front .great bre.a(hh ~nd Im~s· fade from my memory.

confeSSIOns, otherWIse In cases III whIch the ~ome French Nuns a~e expecteLl, with the full siveness, wInlst their lofty dImenSIOns wtIl .'

SeventhCommandment has been tran sgressfld permission and approbation of the Persian ' Go · present. something iike the true scope whi,ch -7-~'""""" "'."i>-.-__ _

. d C h . f h 1 ~C'hOdl Exhibition.

they will be in constant donger 0 f di'ffic ul ties ve,rument, who have granted for their use 'a IS reqUIre Jbr t e aim ~ t is sty e of archi ·

similaI: to ,those under wrric h Mr, A lfred house and gardens , t~cture. The sid,e ele '0ations present 'splen. The annual distribution of premiums at

poole now labors. , CQnfessions should 00 :)' GREECE. ' did rangps .of windows and. buttresses, pin. the Academy of bhe Visitation in GeorO'e-

beperrnitte d, .to , tu,ke place at s,btcd times, nac led. and finely decorated, the ornamented to wn took plac e yesterday afternoon in the

1 Six b'rothers of' the "Christia.n Schol')ls" bl 01 b ' Id ' h

and wilhin the wa Is 01 ch urch es, alld on no transept gaes, with thei'r windows, entranc. ;< eon UI In gs, now inuc too small for

account at the private lodgings"of the confes. have taken pnssuge from i'IIarseilles for tbc es, nie-hes, &c., enriching and r elieving th e the nllmber~ whl'lTesol't tbith'er on these pop'

larS ' llnd prope,r confessionals, separatin" ?estin ntion ~f Syra (in .Greece), wher.e they g reat l ength of the side walk i !,ular o'ccasfons . , In CONseQUence or- this 'ive

the friest from the penitent, and enabling th~ }oten~ fO.l~ndl~g ~ boarding school, as also a The interior of the building wi ll be fully hea.r that anotber bUil(ling ~ill soon be com.

latter to r emain unkn own, ought to be im ·. ,ree clan y sc 100 . worthy of the ~xterior. It will be entered r~enced of much m,ore comprehensive dimen.

mediat~ly erected in convenient pJaces, An- New Ca tholic C·;thedl;~th Avenue. by a pon;:h eight~ feet to the c ro\vo of its slons.

otherddficulty also me III the cele· arch, ennched WIth coltlrrins, tracery, &c.· The distributiop to each young lady was

bration of the Sacrament of' Penance bv P ro · The contracts for grad in g and cleMing the The arrangements of the interior will be al. made by t he P re side'nt 'of the United State's

testants. Ma;'fiage ,' forbidd en' to the Roma,ll ground for the erection of th e new Roman toge ther unique i n this country . It will be the young lad.ies name and class beiFlO' an:

Catholic Pries!hood, is not forbidden to the Cathoii,c Cathedral of Saint Patrick, on Fifth 120 feet high in;the clear, in side , and com nounced by. the Rev. Mr, Maguire, President

Protestant ClercO'Y. In many parishes the Pro· prise. a nave, two side aisles , the transept of Georgetown College; Ilnd between each

Ave. nue, were given out a week or two since. ( d' . . . I d f '

testant ,Clergyman is a young ba'che lor, obvi · or WIngs of the cross ,) 176 feet" anci, th e LVlSJOn was an ~nt~r u e .o vocal and instru-

ously ,disposed to Matrimolly"an ~L ready to Bel· The preluminaries of plan, choice of nrchi· sanctuary fO'r the great a ltar at the upj)e·r s~rumeuta l :UUSIC, In whlch lflf ter. the harp

lecta wife from among his own p.arishione rs , tects, builc.lers, &c., aJ:e fully ,determined also; end. Th'e roof, rai·sed upon fifty one Gothic bore 'a,n emll1 ent part. The prin cipa l honO'r

Probably He is the best· lo oking, best educat· th ~ corner stone .win be laid probably in Au. columns, will support groi ned arches con · .. of the day, a gold meda I, was a wa rd-ed to

ed', arid most love:tble fman with whom structed, like the rest of the building, .of th~ queen of th e senior circle, Mis. sA. Fred-

gust next. , k fAG

many women of his conrrre"ation are ac· stone. In the side aislils there wilJ be t'welve erIC ,0 ugusta, ' eorgia. The second

quainted. Under such circ~mstances, any This new ecclesiastical structure will be small chapels, with at tars, making, with the hO!l'ors of the s al1'~ e circle we're awa rded to

space you cculd afford wou·ld scarcely BUt· by far the largest, most magnificent and cost · great. altar and an altar to the Virgin, four· Misses A. hey, 'Irene Godno\v, J . Potter, L.

ficeme to en,llmerate the various trials in ly ofth'e kind in North America. Although teen III all. De Lanney, K. l\!Jurphy,andJane TunnbulJ.

iIi w~ich both conressor and p'enitent not comparable to the first grade of 'Euro. . The building wiH be cOllstructp.(t und er ~he qUt;e ll of the junior circle was Miss M.

might reatlily be involved, even with the pean cathedrals ' in size or costliness, it will tbe ,stlpervision 9f.MessTs. Renwick &: Rodri ., E. SmIth. . . ,

very best and most legitimate intentions on . , gue'z, architects, in,the most substantial man · l.n the musl~al performances the leading '

both sides. W ithin a quarter of a mile from lank well up among those whIch come next net, five years being estimated as the proba. artistes wer~ MIsses Mary Forsyth and An ni'e

thespotjn which I am writi!)g this letter re o after the gr-an~est. The cost of t'he building Me period .for its completion. There will \Veakly, Misses Lec?myte, Emily Bramhall,

side three Clergymen who have made their above ground IS not expe'cted to fall short of be no curtaIlment of the plans for economi· Dou.9her~y, Hena P~l~l.lpS, and Kate Irving_

{ by marriage. Imagine the scandal three quarters of a million. Its d'imensions cal reasons . . Its details will exereise the. We thlll~ the exhIbitIOn of paintings, draw·

which wotild be created by a confessor lead· will pr'esen t a front of 140 fe t d d tl earnest attentIOn and stu!iy of the Archbishop, lUg, embrOIdery, and needle work fully. equa,1

inghis fair penitent to ,the al tar, especially ," . e an a ep I whose energy and ca re it is intended tb that of. a~'Y for~er year / and i~ pointing

if she were wealthy, a,nd the conoe.xion were of ~25 .Its loc,atl.on, IS on the block be· shall control every l ine and Block of its p ro. and.d;awlDg SUpllfI o'T. FulHifty pieces Were

distasteful to her family! The jealous wife tween FIftIeth and FIfty·first streets, front· gress. It will be a church for the whole dio· exhibIted" many of them exceedingly well '

of a young mar ri ed confessor would i1l bear ing on Fifth Avenue, and reaching back to cese, without pews, 'and but a limited ,number executed. Of these Miss Mabee presl\nts ~o

til see her spouse closeted day a ft (lrday wi,th where the line of Madison Avenue will run of chairs in the tramert, iri the mannel' of less th.a." fifteen, .several of them remarkable

the best-'dressed and best·looking of h tl t L eet 's 'la'd 0 t t't d the French cathed ral s.-'--N. Y Hera'ld. for Splrlt and fiOlsh. Her drawin c" of Kos·

h' . . w en 1a sri I u a I s upper en . k' " I d h Q '

IS par.lsilloners, ( whom. 'she might, . ' .. . '. . . , ••• , \ ~llIS 0 I ~ ca pIta, an t at of . ueen IsabeJla

justly or unjustly, c.onsicter to be schem. !hls posltlO~ ,I,S one of the most .command. Ponce de teon."s , ,Founta'in, of Youth.. IS. goO? We sh.oul d, however, give a very

ing flirts, prente nding penitence to ob· tDg and admIrable on tbe whole Island, and A c~rrespondent of th e Ne~v York (Jotm:e1',. I~, not fh~ hl ghesn, plac'e- to MISS Lihbie

tain private intervie:vs with her Husband? in in view of the - many other interesting and h 'd , ' . I " 1 Fl. P IZZ I?I S d'fawll1g or. He~e, and the cottage

order to tease her, If for hI') worse mot.lve, splendid improvements projected there, must ;a~ pal a. VISit a n:~st maacu ous 0 !Jy. MISS A. Frederick IS .scarcrly second'_

G-rave offenders taught that confesslO'n ~ 1 . . . h ,pd..lan· SprIng, which mlg,ht ,have been the .MJ~s Bell enger also excels In the same sty Ie.

n ' . . . ' form t\e most attractIve pomtm t e map of n \.,'. . .. A l"- t d . f .

I ougn'a commg ndab le practIce was III no de· . ' , one rance de Leon wa$ted hiS l ~re lookl ng - ,n e au?ra e , :a~Ing 0 a c.ountry mdl,

gree ess~n.~ial to ~a l valion, would probably, the CIty .. , for, though its you th.prese rvin g ,qualities ~houp;~ ~e.rhaps , lt IS ~o~ "?ry ~lctu~·es9u.e in

keep theIT~Il\s and repentance to themselves' StandIng on th a pl atform of rock upon hI' . l .1 u Itse lf, executed by IVIts3 Vlctorta PIZZ InI ' of

h'l h • C · . ' 1 " I ' t " ' . t ddt th h·" I h ave on" sIDee vallis Ie", . He says: 1{ic,hmond V ' d ' ' I f '

\V let e unha'ppy le rgyman's tIme would w IIC 1 I IS HI en e 0 rear e cat eura t e .' o . . . ; " " ' , " a" es~rve~ Warm y uvorable

be ftetted away in listening ta the trump~ ry view down Fifth Avenue presents a .fine visita .A few day s srnce I retu'rned iro'l1 a ":lBlt to. nOt-Ice. In. the paintings of Miss Mabee

peccadilloes of morbidly sensitive con· of the sumptllo~s arcbiteclUre of that magni. ~hls famous fountaIn. } can vouch for Its e:c stands prommeIit, her Ip'acling pie ce s beinO" '

SCiences. LasLIy-, th,l' Chu.rch of Rome visits ficent street. Looking up the Avenue the eye Istence . I s~ppose tliat t ile' . efficacy.of llS ~he N atuml Bridge, bi Virginia, Oi'd Dog

With its sevc res\ penalties a Co?fcssor ~ho will naturally re st upo~ the .entranc ~ of th e rtnr~.culous v:rtue's has' l~ng st n.c'e ~antshed rra~,.an~ ~?me on velvet; .t.!l~ general effect

betrays the. se cre ts orthe confeSSIOnal. V\ ha t new Central Park at Flfty,nll1th street. Half But Its beauties are· so extraordlnaIy, a~d 'l.tS of w'}lch IS not such as ~o mduce a belie-f

penaltie s await . the PHltestant Clergyplan way up to this ent.rance, above the site of the whole natl!ll'e' so .andma}o~s ~s .to exclt.e 111 that v'elvet ,i's' a g?od materia'! fOrthe purpose.

who should be gui lty of a simila,r crime, ~atl~edri1.l., stand ;he new. and ~p l endid buitd· t~e b,~ho~der nO,;iLthle. a~mlratlon and w,?nd. 'A ,Yery , thll1g"c,aIled Lit.tle Greda, ey

.and by \vha~ trib unal are th ey to be Ings of St, Luke s H ospital, Just completed.· er.. :Wahalla, SPf!~cS', for so the Indl~ns MISS ~ elestJe .Symmes, of Prince George 's

Inflicted." Columbia College, at present occupying th e chnstened them, are situated sIx teen mIles county . Md., IS genera lly· admired. The

old buil.dings of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Sou~h from Tallah~sse \ T,~ey form.the sour.ce crape flower work exh'ibited is a new affai;

Tour of Prince Alfred. milkes the south side of Fifteith street parallel of the Wa.kull~h Tl~er, w~l c h, flo~lI1'g dmct· to ollrexperien'ce, btlt surely most beautifully

Ireland appears (.0 be becoming a fuvorit.ecruis. with the catlledral ground, whilst the R'oman ly South twenty ~ lles, ?11l1g11lS \~Ith the wa· pu~ .out of hand. Collections of this ex.

in d j R 1 H' h T" d Catholic Orphan Asylum occupies the 'next ters of th'e great Gulf. tThe springs, cover· qUI s,te ly tUEteful and· delica te worl' by Miss '

ggrouD or oy a ' 10" nesses. uesecon ' .. ' f ' l · ct ·1 , .' . B I II 'f R "

R ' .., ,b lot above. In due t.ll1Ie the new buIldIngs of I~g ~n area. 0 sume, t,~'o lun ,reu }UlO~ . 1D ram l ,~ ,0 ahway, New Jersey; Miss

~n of he~ M"Jesty bs. followed the e~ample of Col!llllbia Co ll ege WJl1 be put up on the west, are ' ~nttrely embod ied 10 a F!ede\"lck, of ·Georgia ; Miss Emi ly Lon, elder .llro ther, and IS now proceedtng on an side of Fifth Avenue, ~pposite the cathedral. dense, forest of o~ws and cypresses, whose 01 Garysburg; N. C,; l\1i·~s M. Jones, ~f

aquatic tOllr a.round this country. On )Vednes- A block or tw o in the rear of the I'atter is the 'ar.e hung wllh banners of gay moss, Al ; and Miss L . De Laun oy , of

day las't the ~Iack Eagle steamer, Capt4in Pet- old Po~ter's Field, now bein,g dear~d for the whlc h' give a. solemn , ,somber appearancc to Ge orgIa, se?m ~o be unsurpa~sabl3,

Ie c1 . d t W f d f new buddlllg of the 'Woman s Hosp-Ita!. The the surwundll1gs. Tn embrOIderIes a great deal of work was

p~' cornman ~r, . a:,l'lve tl. ater ~.r, rom Ghil£t' s H~spi,tal, ~he~;ol~red.Orphan'sHorne, . From the shore 'you remark ,at ol1c·e ·t~le exl~d. The ch~a ir e.mbroid'eri'es, by Miss

ortsrnouth, h"VID t, on boald the p} tnce, the and other mterestlng tnstltutIOns, are all clus . smgular clearness of the waters an~l ,the dIS' C, Symmes, and MISS Llbb le Pizzini, cannot

Rev. Mr. Jolly, Chaplain, R.N., Dr. Winter, tered within a few blocks of each otherin this tinct colors. of blu'e' and green whIch cover be exce ll ed; whilst in the more use ful man.

Lieutenant Cuwe I, and other' gentlemen of his nei ghborhood, i.n the midst of which the mng in patches Its surface. By means of a rough ufacture of children's and otber dresGes. all

IIi<rhn ' 't 0 F'd th t nificentp roporuonsofthe new catliedral will scowandast!l.lwartnegrGatthe sweeps,our tastefully "llrnamented, Miss \ Vol l' e r of

bess s SUI e, n n ay e 8 'earner en· . . . . .. ' IJ Nt.' I I d •. . r' , • . , ,

tered Q ' , 'b ' . from a st rl kmg aud splendId, In· party was soon alJoat. loa lIrp e cur e lYJ emphls, Ienne~~ee, appeared to lead the

uee,lIstowl~ halbOl, 'l, out 0 clock, d,eed, the prospect from the ridge which Fifth the smooth surface. Stre tch e? at jeng~h up' vo n. Miss Josephine .\I10rse is al so quite

and after proceed'lOg up as far as P assage, so AV,enue attains at Fifteith street must affard 'on the boaTds ,'W'cgazed down mto the l ImpId successful. , Miss Julia Potter, of Cincinnati

~ to allow tbe Prince an opportuuityof on e of the finest architectural vistas of any deptns , By actual mea,~uiyement the bottom exhi?ite~l a sumptuous Indy's ope ra cloak:

seeing that por tion of our river, sailed for Kin. st ree t in the w'or!<l when the v~rious plains was two hundr~d. anr~ eIghty ~eet, a~d In uch aod highl;)' finis'hed roLes Misse~

sale 0 .. . I t P . Alf' d in progress and In contemplatIOn are real. yet we cl')uld d lstmgUlsh the mIDutest object Ddlard a·nd Dough6'rty merit notice Some

, n arnvtllO' n t \a por t nnce re h ' . h h t . . A b' f h d I ' . .

and . b" . :" I . ized. l ere Wit t e utmos rreCl ~ IO?, It 0 an. ~('me s 11rts for the rou ,!!,her sex were.

SUlte took tih~ ,outs-lde C~I, whICh seems .~m ong these, too, are still other ch urch es silv er, in gentle. u~d.u-!iltl~ns, .sllpped t~ the e.xtpblted as the hanJiwork or-Miss l\1 Erie.

to ~ave found f<!vor In royal slgbt, and, accolU· besides th e cathedral. Sixteen lots of tb e bottom, and undlllltnlshed I n s Ize: At tlr~es 1111, of \Vashin gton, Miss Cleme nts, of

panled by Captain St. Leger, RN., Inspecting College ground at Forty ·eight street have th'e white sandS were flocked WIth danctng Charles county , Maryland , and others. But·

Commander of C oast Guards journeyed alonO' !Jeen boug ht by the congregation of the old shadows, or when at rest were tresselated a 'truce to further descript ion of the admira _

the I I d' . I I 1 't I h 0 Dutch Reformed meetin rr house (Post Office) with hues of every variety of ~ h f de . She lls ble results of the inJus try and taste of the

ovey roa WliLOl eaa s 0 nnos annon,.. ." h . h' ' d fl. k f' d' t d..l'k . ' I 1 d' f h

A'r' . . . :& . ' . wllh the vIew ~f erect:l1g t ere, WIt. III fi~e an a es 0 ~Ica ra la e u e prIsms .. . n young ales 0 t. e A.caderny; to be esti .

. n~ed there, hlB Royal.Illohuess,proeured fOI years, a beautIful whIte marble edt/ice, In 80me places t~ees were recltn1l1& mated at a,ny thIng lIke t beir worth they

hIS c~ce1'ol1e Serge:l1It R mle of the Constabulary. t.h e manner or the one already located on I ~pon beels ~f moss· ltk,e ,glan~s at rest. There ,must .be seen by the eye itself.-National

At Clght o'clock the distinguished party left the Twenty.nin th street and Fifth Ayenue. Seve. were elevatIOns and depreSSIons, huge rang- Intell/gencer.



R.v. S. H. ROSECRANS, D. D., } . and . ................ .. ........ .. EDITORS


worse leprosy now, and will need blood iristead , (Communicated,) of water! Faith was swift in its work. Per- Rfmemb~r the House of the Gcod Shepherd

THE FOOT OF THE CROSS, OR THE SORROWS haps his heart was lik'e his mother's, and faith AccordIng to a short but pleasin a '


OF MARY. By Frederick Wm. Faber, D. D. a natural growth in the scene of the Crucifix- found in the Telegraph of I'ast we;kn~~ee, This last work of Father Faber has all his ion, t!le taunts, the outrages, the blasphemies, . ' ' ere

the silence, t4e prayer for his pardon, the balre at present slxty·one penitent& in this no. characteristics: brilliancy~ depth of devotion, wi shful look cast upon hilllself by the dying e asyl ,um.~ . 'Vhat!l. consoling thought fa

' Ci~cinnati, O'.,Saturday, July 17, 1858. passionate affectionateness, cal:elessness of style, Jesus. It is enougb. Then and there lIe must every Chnslian heart-especially f6r al over,familiarity of languagc and singular use p.r?fess his faith; -for the Mother'~ prayers nre thosc who so liberally contributed to h

The eatllolic Teleg1'aph and.A dvocate being published with my f . rlsmg from beneath, and the sinner is being [ 'approbat ion,and beiug the official 'Organ oftheDioceseofLaui s- a certam words. Sometimes this extreme fa- I d' ' erection of this excellent institution Ville, Istron~ly recommend it to the P!'tronage of the Catholic r' enve ope In a very cloud of mercy. Lord 1 . , and . :ergy and laity of Keutuck)'l mi lanty of language is very unpleasant to us-' remember me wben Tbou earnest i,nto Tby who now support It bOlh by kind present

t MARTH< Jam!, Bishop of Loui.villt. bl' . fl d b l' 8 LOUISVILLE,Aug.6,1853. resem mg, to our taste, Irreverence or ippan' kingdom! See how quickly he had outrun an Y supp ying its mmatcs with work_t - - cy, which ill ,beseems the treatment of such some of the apostles. He was fastened to the earn a scanty livelih00r/, that so many 'oul


autborized to publish ID} Rpprob:ttionofyour paper,!md to.tate hoI y subjects, and which has been hitherto, we cross to die, and he knew it was no earthly have bcen Ii berated Irom_ the grasp ~f V'I tbat I :tdopt it as the Organ of my diocese, May the Divine kingdom in which he could be remembered.- v C PI'ovidencocrown your labors Withs'tccess ! YouTif"b°std~V';icfd llelieve, confined to ' the camp-meeting and the Thi~ day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise! and ~epravity, now striving to reform thei friend, , __ . A., Bishop 0 leve" , t' I W h 'I t t d d If 1 I'

conven Ie e. e, owever, mere y no e our Paradise for thy cave's hospitality,', poor youn rr pas Isor ers. tIe .3nge s I'n heaven a e The Catholic TElegraph a'ld Advocate is recommended to the - '" r

Catholics of the Covington Diocese as an interesting and in- distaste' for this, and ,do not urge it as an ob. robber! And Jesus died, and the spear opened rejoicing at the repentance of one sinner structive paper , R.nd las the mC'dium by which official commmu- • H' h t d h d ' h nlcations will be m:tde to them, jectlOn, inasmuch as we are informed that it IS ear, an t e re stream sprilDg like a w 0 could refrain from giving away to feel.

tGEORGEALOYBIUSC,mRELL,BisllopofCovington, • t f th th' I't fresh fountain over the' limbs of the dyin.., rob , . f h . _ _ ' IS, one grea sour0e a e au or s popu an y, I:> mgs 0 t ,e greatest Joy-witnessing those Icotdi'allyrecommeudt:heCatho,lic'!"cleg?,aphto.t!leconfidence one means of t eachinrr minds which could not ber, and though his. mother from the ,cave was fIr " f

.ndsuPllortottheCatholles ofthlSDlOcese,andshnlIfeelperso- ' 0 , not there, his new Mother was beneath the ormer y , Ivwg In a state 0 the mos~de, ~t'~~ ?~~~~~~e7c;~c:~~~~:fthe clergy and laity to obtainfoT be toucled otherwise. Perhaps thi~ is the se- cress, and she sent him 'after h er Fir.stborn into pI o-rabl ~ degradation-now walking in tbe

., . tJ·B.,ArchbishopojCincinnati. cret of the success of Beecher, Chapin, the Paradise.. path of piety and virtue! Thi~ institutio CINCINNATI, Nov, 2, 1854. n

Mormon preachers and Elder Knapp, and if it A POOR FELLOW. By author of" Which ;_ IS certainly a very great blessing. to au Commencement Exercises at the Academy bc, we suppose that its mere unrefined ness is the Right or the Left." New York, Dick & populous ci ty. It is true, its i'nmqtes haTe

of 1he Sisters of Notre Dame, Sixth street, no reason why it should not be used to save the Fitzgerald, Cincinnati, Ricky, 1\1alJory &' Co so far -been able to support themselves b Cincinnati. • souls wbich the preachers above named are The POOl' Fellow is a poor thing. their labor, but there aTe still many othe;

Reader, had you eV,e.i: li~tened 't? a. Concert striving to destroy with it. The Foot of the BROWNSON'S QUARrERLY REVIEW, July, IS'58 expense8, nece1'sary, and con siderable debls of sweetest a~~ mos~ sC.lcntIfiC musIC, lQ a gal. Cross has some of this peculiarity, but ,far less The articles in this number of our" stand- .to be paid; Above all, the build,i,ng mustb Iery of exqUIsite pamtmg an~ sculpture, you than the All for J esus, .for i,n the -former of ard Review," are 1, ," Hevivals and Retreat~;" c'nlarged. , for even the passages of the would llave had YO,ur . attentIOn uttracted, or' these books it is necessarily checked by fIle 2 "Rome ilnd its Rule .' 3 "C ,t' house have been chanrrecl i'nto room d . . .. " r, , orVClsa IOns "s, an distracted.' by the pleaslDg, tbe lDstructIve and depth and 'mournfuln ess of the subject. It is or our Cluh;" 4, " Necessi,ty of' a Divine are blockaded with beds. How much more'

th~ beautiful, as ours was on Tbu~s~a! and a very wonderful book, breaking up, as it were, Revelation;" 5, "Clapp's Auto-biographical good could be effect~d if all ~pplications I

Friday of the past week, by th~ Exlllbltlon at the fountains of the great deep ,of our Lady~ s Sketches." The first is eX,tremely' interesting; couLd be attended to. What wou:d therefor Notre Da,me. The. uDpretend:ug, but. ml)~~ sorrow; fathoming, as far as mortal may, the it goes au fond of the matter and is the pro- be more desirable, than to find .some gener able [~nd devoted ~Isters, submitted. their fair profoundness of that unexampled woe, and duction of one wllo has evidently tried the ef. ous heart, to remove this 0 bst acl~, 'to aS1is cr:~tl.on~ of tb~ fig~re8. and the mmd, to the bringi?g up for us treas~res long hidden there, fects ot' both ,systems thorougbly. His con- the poor Sisters of the _ Good SQe~berd in cntI~l~m, or the admll:atJon, of the pa:ents and treasures of consolation and pearls of holy sequent deductions, -while unimpeachably fair c'xecuting what they are unable to aecom

the fm~ds of youth I.n tb~ Queen City; and th01,lght of great purity and value. Risin g are, therefore crushingly adverse to the reviva; plish- to ell large th,e institu ,tion~to extend tbe~ With one acclaim, lQ one loud burst som(>time~ into impassioned eloquence, and business, to its insane excesses and to its miser- the ' 'ne,ld ' of their high vocatio'n. What a

of 'praise, pronollD~~d ~hem worthy ~~ th,~ sorneti!Des a li:tle indistinct in following a train able imbecilJity as an influence fOF any good. no.ble, wha~ a Illerito,rious underta~in.g would civic c~own .. The. Naiads and the Dlpds of: thought to Its result, the current of the ~ook The article on Mr. Maguire'S 'book is as the thiS be! A FRIEND OF THE ASYLUM .. was,.a drama In wbl~h My:hol?gy, Poetry ~n.d is chiefly distinguishable for its great tender- signnture informs us is by Rev, Dr. Cummi'ngs ....... ~---J\IUEIC blended their fasclllatlOlls to exhibit ness NothinO' that can excite encoura"'e or T lV.'~ . Saint Vincent's Ac tlemy .

. ' II d" d "P I • o . " e HE ~ErROPOLITA~, for July. Avery ex- S V' 'A 1 C' d G I " lhe strDymg ones reca e j an a myrD create this sentiment IS necrlected. 'Vlnle pur- II . b W h ' . t. If)cent s caeemy, at e er ove, on

. F I I- , .". ce ent num er. e ave c~peclally to thank I h'11 " b I M'I k h b before and after Its a I, or the .JIghts and suiner anyone tOpIC and even while concen- h Ed ' f' h' ,' . t Ie I ' Just e ow I cree, as een bu

. . . . ' . ' . "", , t e i ItOI' or IS prompt and pO!Htlve rebuke I bI ' I , I b "II' I M Shades Qf politIcal VIClbltudes In the East, trated in meditation upon it tbe filaments or f " ,f Elh 'd' . recent y esta IS Ie", y mot l e I' argaret 0

. . ' . 0 l\'.1C i eran s Isgustlng and obs~ene volume, h d f h S' f Ch .. gave occasion for the utterance of sentlm e:nts tentacula of the writer's mind are incessantly db ' h h ' h k h' d t , e or er, o t e Isters 0 anty; and yet

. .. an t e more so t at e as ta ' en IS stan . I I 4' the most -sound and patnotlsm the most herOiC. busied in seeking for, catcbing and drawing in It las a ready acquired a ·wide-spre4d, an

with an honest and decent minority,' for we . bl . ' l [ , ~he "rendition" of these original, composi,- all beautiful or good ideas, no matter how mi. envla e r~putat!O!1 as a p £I ce 0 mstruction

have seen, with pain, that most improper work rId' 1\1 h M h tions reflected lllUC~ credit on pupils and nute to illustrate or adorn the main idea. The 61 young a [(38. ot er argaret as been

" ), , . , puffed by ill Cl~t of the so ~called Catholic papers. I h If . h teachers. ~h~y shewed that the hearts of the singularly beautiful ' e~tract below will iUus- near y a a century engaged In t e cause I

Sisters were in their work, and that their pu- trate what we mean. In this peculiarity lies 9;>-rALOGUES OF ST. LOUIS (Missouri) AND of education', having, while a lovely girl, 'OUT

pils were animated by the same spirit. The the great charm of Faber for us, and in it, this NOTRE DAMID (Indiana) .UNIVERSITIES, have rounded by affluence, lu xury and fri ends, [or institution of Notre Dame is onp. of the work, the Foot ~[the Uross, is especially rich, been received and sbow that both institutions saken the world and immured, herself within

crpwning glories of Cincinnati • . In its ,various We have no idea of c! iticising the book, and are in a flourishing condition. a cloister's walls; believing that the spiri

departments from fi,?e to six hundred of the have set down what is above written, merely THE FOUR LAST POPES. By H, E, Cardinal would be one day brighter and happier fo future wives and mothers of this community because it ha'ppened to present itself. Murphy Wis eman . Boston, Patrick Donahoe. Cin- its self.negation and rejection of the vanitie are educated. How well educatea, physically, & Co., of Baltimore, publish, and Mr. J. P. cinnati, J. P. Walsh: , of earth. . ' ,ir:tel,lect)lally, morally, the health, gl;,ce, intel- Walsh, of Cincinnati, sells, when that is 'prac. We are very mu~h obliged to the enterpris, MOlher , Margaret possesses p. min,d large licence, improvement, virtue, and lady-like ticable . the book: ing Boston publisher, for putting this interest- and liberal, natu,raLly strong and self-reJian,t,

m~nners of ' boardel:s and day->cholars, amply Old' tradition 'said that one night they rested ing work within the reach of a moderate purse. well tuhivated by'study and travel; a he'a! testifies. The Cincinnati Gazette of Saturday in a robber'.s cave. , They w~re . recreiv;ed there The London copy at $6,50 was a book to be {ull of thenbblesl impulses, ' most generou

, t' d the following matter·of.fact statement with a rO)lg~ but kmd hospitality by th~ Wife looked at from a respectable dista,nce; the purposes and warmest affections; and ~ sou con ame . . . ' of the captam of the band. Perhaps It was American reprint may be purch~sed, As a ,as .guileless as an infant's . yet firm as a Chris-of the exhibitIOn: her sorrow that made her kind; for it is often '

S 0 I WOI'Ie coming from the pen of the most I·llustrl·. , t' , ho Id b . I'n a 'wol'd she unl'tes tho<e I , SCUOOL OF THE ISTERS OF UR .JADY.- 'so with women. H er sorrow was a great one. ~ , Ian ,8 sue, , . ~h"re were, ye~terday aftcrnoon, at the Hall of Sbe had a fair child, ' the life of her soul, the ous prelate ,using our language, it disappoin:s quali ties tha t make h er respe cted, esteemed I

tbe School on 'Sixth_ str~et, v~ e~t of Broadwa,y, one gentle, spotless thing amid all the lawless us; for two re:J.sons. First, because , it occa- and loved, and rece ives all ample share of drama tical and mUSICal exercises by the pupils ness and savage life around. Alas! it was too sionally treats of matters which can neither the feelings she excites. W e wisl~ 1Viothe of'the Soett1's de Notre Dante. A large num- 'fair to leok at; for it was white leprosy. edify nor interesh us as the discussion Mareaa"et yet many years to do good in the ber of the patrons ot' the sch,ool were present. But she loved it , the 'more, and pressed it the ft' E I' h' C d' I '1' I

. . d f b d' . b' f' , ' '0 a cer am n"" IS ar Ina ate w lIC I ld lk' b"o wI'th fa,'ltll and hope ' The exerCises conslst~ ate. Istn utlOn 0 more fondly to her bosom, as m~thel's are wont .. ". . ' ,wor ' • wa mg as e1' re , ' cFowns', m:dals, i-ibb.ons, ,p~em,ums of books -to do. It was more th ?n ever her light and life has rmsed m the Bntlsh papers a serious ~nd love. and accesslts (or certificates,) to the young 1(1- now because of its misfortune. 1\1ary and Je, remonstrance which only the lofty runk , The exhibition ~r'St. Vincent's, yesterday dies, and music~l ,~erformances by t~em. The sus,' thc robber's wife and the leprous child, to- of . the writer prevents being disrespcGt- afternoon, was ,a very 'i nteresting occasion, rewaras were dlstnbuted by AIB'cblblshop Ptuhr- gether in the cave at nightfall! h0'Y fitting 11 fu\' Second, The singular and to us unpleas- and passed offrnost creditably to all concern·. cell, and were v.c~'y many. . e ow .are e place for the Redeemer! How fittIDg a type nameS of the quahtle1\ and studies whICh were of the Church which He has founded ·! Mary ing style, a mixture ot' . ess:!y and' narrative, in ed: The addresses, the compositions, the mu· rewarded: Good Conduct, ,Merit, Excellence, a~ked for water that she mi..,ht wash our bless- which the work is composed, The narrative sic and nlL else were comme il [ant. We Application, Christian Doctrine, Sacr~d Histo- ed Lord and tbe robber's °wife brouo-ht it to loses its continuity and simplicity, and therefore should be p'leased to particularize, had we ry, Profane ~listor!, ancient, universal ana her, and' Jesus was washed therein. Kindness, its force by the long meditative or didactic 's pace, 'but must rest content by -saying thaI. modern,.Englis.h Hlstory., .Mythology, G,eo.gra- when -it opens -the heart, opens th.e eyes of. the d' .' h'l th th b .J h t the exhibition was such as no one could cen-

RI d P E t IscurSlOn' w I e on · e 0 er anLi. w a. ' . lb' I t phYi Antbm,e~IC, letorlC an , . oetry, P"s 0- mind likewise. The robber's Wife perceived ' , . , . sure \11 the least partlcu aI', emg e egan, lary.composltlOns, Natural Phtlosophy, Che- somethino- remarkable about her guests. But ~ould mak.e , an ~dmJraQle essay or treatIse interesting and instructive in a completelY mistry, Astrqnomy and the use of the ~Iobes, whether it was that there,was a Iight' Found the IS rendered m effectlve by a constant, and some- proportionate degree.-Enqtp·7'e l·! French, German, N eedl~-W. ork, PolIteness, head of Jesus, or that the Holy Spirit spoke i~ tilI~es unexpected recurrence of historical facf~ •••• . Order and N.eatn~ss, M,USIC, Instrume~t;>l _and the toneR of Mary, or that ,the mere vicinity of or personal anecdotes which distract the mi.nd 'Ve are happy to hear that the examination vocal, J:>aintm~G DraWing, d ~lg~bra, ~ mted so much , holiness strangely affected her, we from the thought ' of the author. P erh aps .tqis of the schools uf St. Patrick's parish were States History, ram~a: an r.t ogra.r y. know not; but, in much love and some sort of k .. II . t d d' d 'tt hi' gh"ly credl'table, alike to teachers. and pu'pils.

An original, ~eSCrlptlveT ~uslcal . p~ece was, faith, the mother's heart divined-earth knows wor was OrlglDa y In en e an Wl'l en as a ~ sung as a valedictory. va~'lous sp~ClmenS?t that ~nternal divination well. She took away series of popular lectures; if so, that will explain The Right Rev. Bishop of Eri~ warmly com· the handiwork of. t.he . pupils-s.ewlllg, plam the water Mary had used in washing Jesus, the lack of unity, a quality !lot needed in alec , plimented the scholars, urging all to renewed and complex, kn,lttmg, .cr?tchetmg and .em- and washed her little leprous Dimas in it, and ture but essential in a book. It may not be exe,rtions in the future, and enforcing ~pOD the broidery, and various pam:l~gs and drawmgs straightway his flesh , became rosy an~ beauti- d d h t t port made by them, w~re exhibited and attracted ful as' 2. mother's eye could long to see It. Lon g deemed becoming in us to express a critical parents to lend a han an a ear ,0 sup much favorable notICe. . years passed. The child ou~grew it~ mother's thought about a book coming from so emi~ent Catholic 3chools, that th,ey might ~e, whnt they

In closing our too brief notiee of a Literary arms. It did feats of bOYish dann~ . on the a churchman; but we may as well ~ny here o';ght to \:i~, the leading schools of the c.ountry, Festival got up with so much art ItDd skiIl and sands of [he :v.:il.derness. At last Dimas w~s llnd now, that to us a book from a publi~hcr is where the youth might lea rn the dutIeS of a care we must express our regret at our inabili- old enough to 'Jam tllle band; ahnd

t tfholu,gh, It uniquely and without shadow of variatian good citizen~ At the close of the exerci3es the

, . . _ . seems he had to the ast somew a 0 )IS mo- , k f bl' • Wherc it is _~lI' ost Rev .. Archbishop expl'~ssed himself [lIuch ty to commend It as It deservcd. But to be h '1 t b t h'm he led a life of violence merely a boo rom a pu Isner- '~ nd t er s lear a au I, ' ." J . • I I ' h b . ., rt a prized it should have ' bean seen. Here, how- and crime, and at length J eru:salem saw him not .of eccle~l[),stlCal authon~y, we ~hall not Ill- pleased, particu ar y Wit t e SIllgIDo1

• ed ever, was the chief difficulty. The hall, though brougbt· within her gates ca~tlve .. Whe~ he quire, who IS he that has Written thiS book, but giving his paternal benediction, all retlr

ry long was not within a twentieth part hung upon the cross, burnlOg With fever, only what is the matter herein written and ~he much gratified. vc, . . h d ' th agony he was bad enourrh to -'" h h . . • •• larcre enouah for all who 80uo h t admlsslon.- parc e WI 'h h' I S ft' manner of wntlllg It. It IS true t at t e opllllon MARRIED,.

o " d 't . t £ thO speak words of scorn to' t e aim ess u erer db' I b t th t b . h t., We presume I, was, m par, or IS reason, b his side. The Sufferer was silent, and Di - expresse Y UR IS on yours j u a, elllg _By Archbishop Purcell, on the 13t Ilnls

tha~ t~e ~ood Sisters h~d. placedlon tbe car~s n~s looked at Him. He saw something heav- the only one possessed by us, is the only one CHARLES RAY to ELIZA MARCELLO, a of of lllvltatlOn the Medieval, at east to us It , h' I'k . . I bo t HI'm C . , d dd " I enlv somet Ill'" un I e a CrimIna, au, we can give. incin natl., . p t r looks a little o!~ a'~Tb 0 't '/ n~/oung fent e- oucb' perhaps ~s his motber had seen in the . ••• • A t Alton, IllinOIS, July 4th, ill St. e e men admitted. " , Y no, . ' tSheems 0 ud~ffi- ~ave three-and-thirty years ago. It was the Addition to Seminary Report for 1857. and St. Paul's, by Rev. John Me~ge, ~Rr:

d e make the suag' estlOn WI some I '. ' -h 'h' I W f G df t 1I11Ss M .. an w , " fIlth' child in the water of whose bat IS epros; H h $10 00 P ATRICI{ ALSH,O 0 rey, 0 lV,

dence and most respect u y- elr presence had been healed. Poor Dimas! thou hast a Rev. MI'. a ne, • :. GARET V.~HELAN, of Alton. would do no harm.


(Commumcated.) Temperance in Cleveland.

On St. Patrick's Festival, the Father Matthew Temperance Society, of Cleveland, after assisting at High Mass, formed a procession ' of over six hundred men, wi1h ,mnsic and banners, and after marching through the beautiful streets of this Forest Citv, they sat down to a cold water feast, had:i good time and went home sober-which, as all the world knows, is not the uniform custom on tbis National as weIl as religious holiday.

this is DO human enterprise, nor have human is DOt a case of acute disease, nor ODe person The E sperance of Nancy, France, publish .: agencies secured its success, How many social confined to his bed , There are no signs of es a letter from th e Bishop ,of Danzara, a

missionary in Cochin China, to his brother, experiments of communities and pbalanxte~ies, chills and fever; tIle children have bright eyes a priest, which says that in that country in

have been tried and falled utterly, 01' that and rosy cheeks. A few years ago there was February last" the perse cution of Christians scarcely their memory remains, since this com- an epidemic here, caused, in part at least, by was carried 011 with greater fury than ever, munity of Religious began their work. They the overflowing of the meadows, fi'om a dam, ond that blood of martyrs was being shed in ' have all failed-perished utterly, while this is built maliciously" it appears, by a man who floods." It adds that mandarins had been growing year by year, and is only in the germ tben owned the present domain of S . Mary's. specially nominated, in the different prov~n'-

ces (0 seek out European and native miS- I of the prosperity to which it is destined: So A number of tbe Fathers and Brothers died j sionar ie s, 1tnrl to make all con verter! natives, cialist" will succeed, when they become good but as soon as the dam was torn away 'On the and especial ly the wealt.hy, renounce the Catholics, and never till they do, Not only is purcbase of the property, tbe sickness ceased, Christian faith . Encouraged by the success of this noble demon­

stration, Father Hanpan, the able and enthusias­tic lie.utenant general of our good and Right Rev, Bi6hop of Cleveland, determined to make another and a still grander eff, ft, on the Fourth of' July, High Mass was1 there:ore, . celebrated at seven o'clock on the anniversary-on_ the Fifth-and at nine o'clock you might have .seen a solid, well formed, and orderly body of between nine hun­dred and a thousnnd men, all in green scarfs, marching under the banner of' Father Matthew

. and cold water, as the center of the procession of the day, 0 whicp it formed, if , not the most bril­liant, assured ly th!! most solid feature.

At three o'clock, the members of this Society, with their wiv(>s and children, were assembled around some scores of long tables set in .the 'spa­cious gardens of the Seminary, and when the edi­bles, coffee and lemonade, had been disposed of, they had another feast of toasts, appt:apriate ·to the day and occasion, and speeches from the Right Reverend' Bishop, Fath~r Hannan, Prof. Fitzgerald, lVIr. Harris, of the Cleveland" Lead­er," and Dr. Nichols"

the religious element neoessary to any high and the place has .ince been remarkably social organization, but religion itsclf, in its healthy. I see no reason why it should not be. highest development-in all its truth and all The ground is high, rolling' and sandy, the its power, With God, all things are possible, water soft ahd pure, the air delicious. but no success in social organization is possi- ' The Annual Commenceme'nt and Exhibitions bIe, if divorced from God, and. the Church He of the 'Collegiate and Academic Institutions has founded to be the medium of H is graces. take place on the last Wednesday in June, With the order of the Catholic Church, and and the day succeeding, which I hope to at- ' the graces of its Sacraments,-with Catholic tend, and giye you some account of,-fur I devotion, the highest success that Socialists would be very glad to be the means of extend­have eyer dreamed of is very posRible, and very ing the knowledge of such institutions as those certain. of Notre Dame du Lac. 1', L. N,

And Notre Dame du Lac is a practical de- ~ •• -monstration of this principle. Here are assem. Rev. J. Ambler Wee(l, late a cl.ergyman bled a community of five hundred pcrson~; ~!d of the Protestant Episcopal church, in the and yo.ung, male ~rid female, .teachers and pu. diocese of Virginia, was received ,into the pils, living in peacc, plenty, usefulness and Roman Catholic church, by Bishop McGill, happiness, with a large domain well culLivated, in St, Peter's cathe'dral, Ri chmond, on Tues­great orcbards, vineya;ds an'd gardens,-and a clay morning last, with the usual' ceremonies healthy industrial development, The brother~ of abjuration, &c. are not only skiilful in the departments of agri- --'-,-~.--•• 0 ... -,---

culture· and horticulture, but they carryon St, ~ary's Academy. brick kilns, supply the country with lime from 1\,r Wde had

t ththe pleal~ub:te. of fbetihn.g 'pret~t'ent~ on

, .. . , 11.0n ay a e 'eX11 I IOn 0 IS lIlS I U lOn, a marl depOSIt, whrch IS a mme of wealth, and and 'were hio-hly pleasea with the exercises. are blaCKsmiths, carpenters, tailors, and shoe- st. Mary's A~ademy is but recently located in makers, ' They made the bricks and lime alJd Dayton'. A litbl'e over a year ago, Archbishop prepared the lumber for their noble edific~s,- Purcell pU,rchased the ~ouse fo;merly occupied Th ' . . by the ThIrd P,esbytenan SOCIety, ,East of the

. ey m~ke the neat and lastl,ng lrO~ be.dsteds Canul, and fitted it up for a Young Lad ies WIth whIch all the cells and dormltopes are 'Academy under the charge of the Sisters of furnish ed. They have. built, and ornamented Charity, The flourishing condition of this

St. JOS. Calasanctius Library Ass:lciation. At the s~mi-anDual election for officers of this Association,

held at their hall, in the basement of tho Cathedral, on Suud;y July 11th, the foll owing pel'~ons "ere elected f!)r the ensuing term. ' .

President-John Purcell. Vicel'resident-Joseph Dowling. Recording Secretary-So M. Mackenzie. Corresponding Secretary- Phil. Dunn. l.'l'caslll'cr-A. n. 1\r,ils0t;. Librarian-D. Fsrrell. Assistant Librarian-Thomas Pervice •

do do Jvhn ~'. Hart. Trustees- John Purcell.

do Chas. Reynolds. do Pa.trick McC:.tbe.

Elective Committee-.John Rush. do M. Condron.

St . Xavier's Circulating Library Ass)cra'n. ,'11hc follow ing is the 'result of tHe lato ~l cction of oflicers l~r

this body: . rresigent-Daniel E. Doherty. Vice Prcsident-J. J. Gorman. Recording Seer,elary-Danil'} O'Connell. Correspopding Se~retnry-John McCormuck. Treasurer-'Villillm 1\faguire. Librarians-Thos. varney, James Doyle, and


li'imothy Maloney. Their terlllS of office, a~ prescribed by th~ Constitution, is six

months, commencing from July, included.


Found, • On .Smit,h s.t('~et bQtween Geo~ge and Seventh ' On Tuesday

mormng, lith lnstant, a large gold Breast Pin. 'j'ho owner can lla.yc it by pil.ying expenses ~tud making applictttion for the 'Pro-perty at ~lU George str:eet. ltpd .

(Auspice Marin.)


The Filther M.tthew Society of Cleveland con­sists of nearly one thousand male members, repre­senting a population of about five thousand tee­totalers. Judge what a blessing it must be in these hard tittleS, to have such a sober population. The whisky shoJls :· those fountains of mischief and misery , are dried up. These men meet regularly in their haJJ, Ileal' the Cathedra.!, they have a handsome library; they freql1ent the sacraments j they _huve commenced to build a new Orphan Asylum j and .give us but good times once more, and there is ' no work of Catholic charity which they will not be able to accomplish, I

the place, and their industry is daily enriphing young. i.nBtitutio.n shows with. what eargerness Of St, Thomas, it, so that th ey may more ' and more extend the CItIzens of I?f1yto avmI themselve~ of NEAR BARDSl'OWN, ·KENTUCKY.

tb . .k f" . every avenue I~adlllg to the pa~h of knowledge. The object of this I~'stitution, conducted by Clergymen of the

.eu WOI 0 chanty. u re were notl'n a posl't'lon to note wl'th any Diocese of Louisvme, is to alford to 8uch youthsasfeeliuclined n· for the Ecclesiastical State, nn o,pport,unity to ascertaiu and pur~ Father Hannan has made a calculation that the They have now a Seminary or Novitiate for deo"'ree of accuracy the I programme of the dif. sue I.heir vocation. The' Most liev. Archbisllop, and the Ri'"ht Dloney formerly sp('nt for' whisky, &c., will hand. Rev.llishop· of tl:!e Provinceof Cincinnati, When ns,embled"iu

Priests " a Novit . .iate of the Brothers of St. J.o . ferent exercises, the large room having been Council in Ma.y, 1854, ndopted it !IS the PIUlPARATORY SEMI-somaly support all our schools and the two Orphan dId d 1 b r. I h l'!ARY for the whole P,o,vioce It iR thereji,re und"r theil' spe-

seph " Noviti.ate of the Sisters of the Cross ," a ense y crow .e ong e ore t Ie our announc- Clal pntron:tge; nnd the l(ules, Plan ofInstruction,&c., are subject Asylulns. ' Stimulated by .these mathematical cal- ed for opening. We were, however, in a tol- to thei,' approbation.

I h · 1 I ' h . charter d U' 't 'tI'( C II 't . d The Course of Studies is n. full Classical one, embraCing Latin, ell ations, e IS now ca cu atlng ow many cIgars e · DlverSI y, WI · 1 IS . 0 egla e an erable good position to hear the soul-inspiring Greek, I"ngJish, (~erman, F'rench, (witll an Iho branchesc.onuected' and papers of tubacco it will take to put a sple. n- preparatory departments,-which affords also strains of music, wafted forth hy fairy fingers,' therewith,) MathematIcs, Mental and NlLtnral Philosophy, in­

cluding the Elements cf the other Natural Sci eDc~s.

did spire on the CathedraL t.he facilities of a common Enoolish education,' from one of Stoddord's best. \Ve should judge 'I'here is but On. Sesoi?n of 10 Months, boginning the First h f'· d"b d Monday of September. r ,he terms n·re at: follows: -- I " t ' I S b • l' bIt k from t e vast amount 0 premIUms 'Istn ute . NOTE.-Vve would also. t th b f an n"us na COOl lor oys, w )0 are a en as - Boar~, Tuito~, i~an t.he Brancos, Washing, Mending, Bedding,

sugges e num 'er 0 • fi f d I b tha.t the pupils had made great proficiency duo Boo". and datlOnery ................................ " .......... .. .. $80,OO. pinches of snuff a man may take in a year,' as a apprentICes, .. 01' a term 0 years, an YI 10, e- ring the past year, some of'them were literally rayments t<> bo made invariably h!l.!fye:lI'ly III advance.

f . I 1 l ' L'I . 1 SIdes a coui'se of reaular study from the beoin loaded down 'WI' '.h books and other testl'luon'lals Clothing will be furnishod to suoh students as will be author-matter a economlca ca cu atLOn, I ,ewlse t Ie ' 0 0 • u IZcd by their Bimops or p:lrents. Strict economy will be observ_ numb_er , of buttons ' absolutely necessary for a ning, have the privilege of one or two years in of ·mCl'it. We were favorably impressed with cd in that department. . " ~ E:or their ow~ bene.flt, nnd that of the Orphim Asylum, 'With mnn's coat- and whether a considerable saving College at the termination of their apprentice- the truth of the remarks of the Archbishop at whICh the Semm,,!y IS connected, the students will be employed

the. close of tIle exercl'ses, He said, that bis. one or two hours In teaching; or otherwise in the institution. may not be made by omitting altogether the two ship, Then there is the beautiful Female A-pplicltnts are received from alli)' part of the Union. In .1I

. " , ' . . . tory had done J'ustice to . . Or.ators, and S. tates- casosarccommend.tion (rom;thoirBishop, or theirimmedia.te hind ones; Academy of St. Mary's, with its COl'pS of ac- Pastor is rP.quired. . •

• • 0' " men j the Sculptor had h,IS III the .crelttLOns of ForfurthAr particuJ\l-l'sth,e public are refer~edtothe Ril!'ht , complished and devoted t.eachers. · Still another h' t The f· of Powers would live in Rev. B!shqp oflDoUlSVIlle, to tho Most Rev. A1'c\lllishop of Cin· No tre Dame du Lac. lS . ar ' . ..' ,cmnatI, and the other Prelates oflh. Province.

, depar'tment of Cath~lic eh'arity is being added. g'encrations to come. But who will trumpet • F. CIIAMBIGE, Superior. Messl·s. Editors : :"":1 can hardly be in errol' ' f . h I 1 h I July th.10th 1808. - .

, Si<ter AnO'ela the excellent IIi0tber SU "crior the fame 0 a poor sc 00 teac Ier, W 0 ta ces P SAt· th' I t·t t· ...., . . . h II d '11 bId . " "" . 1 t" • . . ' • ( . h h ' f' ..- gen s ,or e ns 1 u IOns :-",OUlsv,lle, F. ~Iereband, In SUppOSIng t at a your rea ers WI ega · h . t' fi -toh . ddt' f the younO' mInd, and trams It m t e pat 0 lI!llin street, betlveen 7th and 8th ,~Bardstown E B Stmth to have. a further account of the Catholic Insti- aVlllg avoca lOn or - e carean e uca LOn 0 duty he~e, and fits the soul for its high and Main skeet. .' , J;lly H·3t. ' tutions that are clustered in this beautiful 10.- deaf mutes, has been to Europe to learn th('\ holy destiny in heaven, . St. Mary's Boarding School.for Boys, Gleve-

call·ty. best method 'of education, and visited also the We take great pleasure in acknowledging land, (West Side) Ohl·O. How little idea had I, a week ago, of . ,

Ib' .. best Asylums , in this country. A beginninO' t.he kindness of the Lady Superior In furnIsh- UXDER THE DIRECTION OF THE BROTIIEUS OF MARY: IS place and thIS sOCIety. .. 0, 'th I' t f " b t d d th . . has been made already WIth a class of lIttle mg us WI a IS 0 pllzes es .owe ,an 0 el ,The design of tbis institution is to supply" want long felt The Congregation of the Priests of the Holy . I d ' 1 d f' ' I h b ' information from which we make the followin~ by t.he Catholic popul~tion of (he country, espec.ially those of

C ' gIl'S' an pIa e an lema e teac em are eID'" TI b 'h h' h' .' moderate means. It gIves tbenl an o~portunity to procure fo r

ross was founded III 1834,' by the Abbe ." . 0 extracts. Ie ranc es taug t III t e WStltU- their sons, at acompara,ively trifl ing expeuse,asolJd moral and t d fi th d t t P ents of d af iutcllpctual education, Euch as wBi fit th~m for commercial

'j , . ",r 'f F Th I I'alll e or IS epar men ,ar e tion are as follows' pursuits. " »oreau, m mens, a CIty 0 j rance. ere a . " .. r d

' d ' I h bl . t f . . mu tes eou~d not find a hetter place for them, Orthooo-rap' hy, 'Gram mar, CompOSItIOn, M y- To p\nce tb. benefits of th~ iustitution within the reach of the ea y eXIste . t Jere a um e socle y 0 pluUS . ' . I I I) d' G 'h D' d g"eater number, the cli.rge will bo ouly $80,00 persessian often

. , I am very certam than under the enhghtened t 10 o[!.y, .ea mg, eograp y, r.awlllg an month~ for boarding and tuition, payable in !,dY'LUce ; $4,00 j'o~ laymen, devoted to teachlllg and labors of chao . 'f h B h' f S' J h _" b S· Dainling Botany WritinO" Sacred History bed and beddin g, if furnished by I.he institution. Washing . ' . care 0 t e rot ers 0 t. osep arru t e IS- .;a. , '. 0.' . ,.' mendiug, and StationRl'ies form elOt"a charges. tlty, called the Brothers of St. Joseph, 'who £ h II 1 C ' . Profane do., RhetOriC, Ant.limetIC, Chl'Istllln· 'rho brotbers will take from farm.,·s; in payment for their

. . h C . . ters 0 teo y ross. D t' S' d T t boys, such products of the f,,,·w as can be used in the house. Were soon JOllled to t e ongregatJon of tbe .. ' . ' oc nne,. e~.lllg .an ap:~ r!. . . The first session will commence on tbe first Jllonday in-Holy Cross and later a number of women in Sl1ch IS N Otl e Dame du Lac, assuredly one The ,fil st pllzes, or the ~Ist crowns of dllI-';;'·the Rt. Rev. Dp. Rappe and the ReV'. Clergy of the th b bl ' lk 'f I'P Jr d d of tbc mo~t interesting places and institutions O'enee," were awarded to MISS Sarah l\1a~urk, city.

e urn est wa s o. Ile, oucre to evote l\iiss Isabella MarRh, and Miss i\1. Chambers. Clevel, nd, Ju!,e l~th, 1868. . th I 1 f h C an this continent. It has grown from. a little . emse ves to t Ie assistance 0 t e ongregn- The second prizes, being the "Recond crownR lion, and were incorporated in it, under the germ, transplanted from a distant land, into of ~iligence," were awarded to i\1iss M. Ma· name of th~ Sisters of the 'Holy Cross. In the midst of an American forest, and in this !?-u,rk, Miss .J. ~eenan, :Mis~ A, Helriggle, and 1842 F tI S ' tb F th S . . desert has blosomed as the rose. The Blessed MISS Martha Clegg, BeSIdes these general

Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers. JOHN CAHILL, dealer in Boots, Shoes, and nubbers, French

~lorocco, Slloe Drilliog, Shoe Tbread, Shoe Laces, Cork, soles, &c .. 3:25 Western Row, between Eighth and Kemble str eets, and 70 FifLh street, between Race and l'lm. apll

, ia leI' onn . e ja er upenor arnv- . . I d' ' b d ' dId' h ed " . " . ' , . .' , ' V " t f t' b '1 d pl'lzes t: 1er,e Ist.I'I,ute .me. a s, an ot er

Il1 the dlccese of Vmcennes, WIth hIS first lI'glll, pa roness 0 our coun ry, as. sml e on rewards ot ment conSIsting pl'lnClpally of books. Catholic Prayer and School Books COlony, nnd they sooh took possession of this this s'1'eet ,spot, dedicat~d to ~er service, You The music was of a high order and exhibited For sale by P. nERR, ~'ort W<fyne, IndIana. my1p,pd$I ampl e and beautiful domain North of the viI- shoul<1 see th~ beauty of the shrines, on- the a great degree of profieiE;ncy for pupils who, we lage of South Bend, on th: river St. Joseph. islands of' the lakelets, and in the gardens of ~~re inforll~ed , with few ex;e~tions, I~ad reo There was a .Iittle 100' cbureh a 100 house and St. Mary's; ' and it ~e€ms to me of a beautiful celved. not more than one. year S 1OstructlOn.-:-­t <:>, 0 , • 'fi I 'h' h' h' . The pIeces were all performed by the pupIls en acres of' c!eared ground in tHe midst of the slgm cance, tInt t. e nver w IC sweeps 10 a except one, by Miss Grogan, who was, however,

forest. Yet these heroic men went on to clear great. semicircle around it, should bear the a graduate of the school. We have only spnce the land, formed a University, built Novitiates name of St, Joseph. to mention one or two of the most interesting on the islands of their little lakes make a My visit here is' not only one of great use portions of the exercises. An address to the Manu I L b ~ hId fi 11 'c d' If b t '11 I t b Archbishop by Miss Isabella Marsh, was a for a . a or ",e 00, an na y a onvent an enJoyment to myse , u Wl, trus, e finely conceived, and well rendered production.

ih.e SIsters. And they were so poor that at of some benefit to others. I ha,\,e spoken to an The same lady delivered the valedictory ad­one tIme Father Sorin, . and the late zealous attentive, and in large part Protestant, audi, .dress, in which she 90ne herself and her in­Missionary, ' Father Cointett had but one hat ence at South Bend, and twice on Sunday to structers mucb ,credi.t, . . ' and pair of poots between them, so that when the community, students and cor.gregation, in- "'I.TheMfirstl pnzde fhor lDUSIC

d wtasJ',~~wa~~fed hto

a .,. "'. ISS ars 1, an t e secon a ~ISS!T. art a person saw one ot them gOIng off WIth a hat cluding many Protestants, at Notre Dame, I Cle nnd Miss Sarah Magurk. The school

on, he might be quite sure that the other was am also giving daily courses of lectures at the is ;ogw in \ a very flourishing condition, the at home. Cullege and at St. Mary's, and prescribing for young Ladie~ dep~rtrnent containinl? about one

What a work has- been done in these few a few who are sick. Notre Dame has been re- hundred pupIls) WIth from 50 to 60 III the boys. year I H '" J 'Id' f I d ,We omitted to mention a dialoO'ue entitled

Friel & McGuire, Merchant TailoT!!, NO. 256 W,\LNUT STREET, CINCINN AT I, .OHIO

NO.4 MAIN STREE'l', J,EXINGTON, KY., Rave iUl"t receiverl a. well selected and largeassol'tmen f of F!r'rlTlg ,\nd S urumer Goods. . mr22 .. .

Dr. Hoofland's Celebrated German Bitters, Prepared .bv Dr. ·C. M. Jackson, Phil.delphia, P~. , will.Jfectu­

ally cure 'Liver Complain t, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous D~bility, Dis~ascs of the Kidneys, and all diseascs arisir.g from a disordered Liver 01" Stomach.

'i'he proprietor, ip cuBing tbe attention of the puhli c to this prepar:ttion, docs so ~v ith a. foeliug o( the utmost confidence in its virtues and adaptation to the diseases fot' which it is re~ commended. •

It is uo new and untried artir.le, bu,t one that hns stood tbe test of tt 'ten years' t rietl before the American people~ and its re~ plltn tion and 5:lle is un::ivnlled by any !-iimH I\r prepnl'tltions ex­tant. The t estimony in He fa.vor given b,v 1hc "UlOf:t promi nent and wel1-known Physicians and individuals in nIl parts of the country is imm ense, nnda cll reful perusal of the Almannc~ pub­li!'bed annually by the proprietor, and to bt! bad g rlLtis of ~l1J y of his Ag.uts. canuot hut sati,fy (be most skeptical tbat this remedy is r enlly deserving the great celebrity it b as ecd.

Principal Office a.nd Manu factory, No. 96 .A.:tch street, Phila­delphia, Pa.

SUIRE ECKSTEIN & CO., Wholesale Agent., Cincinnati

Receipts from July 9, to July 15, 1858. s, ere are' the aDlple bUl lllgS 'O a ported as unhealthy; but 0 not find It so, , h I I " . h' h b t tOt fi f Univ' ) . . I h~ HI' fl' d' ' w at ove, 10 w 10 a ou wen y. ve 0

ersltYj a beautLful Churcl, t e oy 1here are a ,.few cases 0 Cll'ODlC Isease, of the smaller pupils took part the effect of OJCou~.' Fort'IJ.~ne, ................................................. ~Oi6 lIermit d Ch 1 f N' . h . l' I h . . . " James GII7'0Y. ClDCI'lnatl ....... .......................................... 0 M

ages an ap.e so two oVltlates, t e whICh all but two, so 10.1' as ave seen, may whwh was very pleaslllg-. ,Toh .. M Faber, ..... .... ...... .. .............................................. 1 00 shops d h h' d' f 1 I d . I . W h' k th f th . t't t' h Kruozburg, Nurre :tud Co., .... ... .. ................ .. .. ................ 12S a,D ot er Ull mgs 0 a ar~e n ustrIa be cured; I think there IS but one case of con. e t III e patro~s 0 e l,ns \ u IO~ ave K1'uozbul'1'! and NUI'r ... ... .. ; .................... .. ...................... ~ 5A Establ' h d' ff h d'fi f ' . h' 'II b bl reason to be pleased WIth the deO'ree ot profi Henry SmIt h, t<> Aprlll, 1808, ........................................ 2 50 IS ment, an a nllle 0 , tee I 'ces 0 sumptlOn, WhIch, thoug It WI pro a y ter- . . d b h '1 Tb

h J IT ~~oorm.un, t.oJanuary 1,1859, ........ ,,;: .................... . 200

the Si t C . h C d fl ' l' 11 . f ,. h h" Clency attallle y t e pUpl s, ose present Capt.n.lD C Wells, I~l1l'"I, 0., to January 1, 1~D9, .................. 2 00 '. s er ommumty-t e onvent nn OUr- m1Oute.lata y,' ls not one 0 genuIne p t ISIS. seemed hiO'hly pleased with all the exerci"es Rev .Jame;" Monaghan. Chapol hill, to Octobo; 7,1858, ......... 2 00 ISbing B d' S h I f S ]\'r , S 10f b t fi b d d h b 0 , Andrew lioeber, IlRrr,sbllrg, til ~ov.mberl, 58 · ............ .. 2"0 . Oar Ing c 00 0 t. hary s. ure y ut 0 a ou ve un re personll ere, ,t .· et0J,.M were we,-DalJton Gazette. nev L Navarron, New Doston,.tq A/-1..m.t.l. " -:: __ '~ •• - fl' ••

6 CATHOLIC TELEGRA PH AND ADVOCATE Th e " Autolllatic Oven" in the Mechanical E . R oberts, SliIperintendent;·George \V. Neff, in with the .ship ten miles east of Fire Island ' PROSPECTUS OF 25

, Bakery. and Wm. C. Vanderbilt. ,Thos. S. Royse, early yesterday morning. When spoken by the MT. ST. MARY'S ' OF · THE WEST Sonle months afrO --d.e allud'ell to' th'e or. E sq. , is bookkeeper. The Mechanical Bake· steamer the Capt I" 'Ii t d h . II t th . '" " . . ' a n s WI e s 00 erolCa y a e NEAR CINCINNATI, OHIO. . '

"'ani zatil)ll of the ~Ohio Farin a Company, ry i·s an experiment. Whether it will be suc· helm, dlfecllng the vessel toward Sandy f..Joo~, in D cessf I . t b 0. It t ' I This Institution was designed to .upply the want of W-e nd their con tern plated en terrr i se to esta b · u rem a'IDS 0 e prov e . c'er aID Y order ,to reach this port; her husband lay below ?rder of eduoation felt oy the Catholics of tho Great We~t ~~ II'sh a mal'llm oth JV"ecbanl' cal Bakel'y on tIl e starts under the fairest auspices. If success· . d' IS undert the control 01 the Secula,' Clergy, selected in th

j r l' '11 d f h' b h lD a yIng condition; the mates and all the erew, first ins ance, by the Most It ev. Archbishop Purcell ' ~f C' • Corner of -Elm street and the Miami canal. V, It WI 0 or t e Journeyman ~kers w .at ClD 'UltL ' In· , Arkwri ght's spl'nnl'n' y d 'd ro tl e av excepting two men, having died 'of 'yellow fever , 'l'he Course ofInstl'tlci>i.Oll is, eit,herCla8siml or Comme--.' Their c apital stock was $60,000. and th ey • g Jenn I l'r 1 we . acooralUg to the optlODol parent.or gu;rdillns. . 01 ....

erec ted a fine building, which we describe e rs, lind wJI,at the sewing mac hines are doin g . In one hour afte r the ship \vas taken in tow the 'I'he Classical Cbur.:ecompdse, the Greek, Latin, and Mod rO tl t 'J B t ' f B d ' "A t C"ptain also dl'ed l' I . th ~anguag~s; R~~torlCj LUgIC; Ma.thewaLics, IUld its apPliern

below. The estabvishment was ' opened 'P l 'o l' le al ors. u SIX 0 er on s . u o· ~ , . ,eavlng en y ree persons tlOns to ~urveyll1g. Astronomy,'lin1 Nlltur,,1 PhilosopHy- ~

j Ol ''I'IW on Thursday nioaht, in the presence of malic Ovens" a re in operation, to wit; two alive on board, the two foremast hands an'd the c~~hmisc·try. . I C ' an . PI 'I d I· h' ' B . B I .. ~ e OffiIDereta ourse embraces the lower Matheruati a large numb er of mi,scellaneo u.s gentlemen

l In II a e p la; two III oston; one III a:. , CaptaIn's wl fe, It seems the fever made ~ts ap- Smveying,CivilEngiueering,1l0ok.::eeping,llndall elseth;

b f h 1 timore and one here If they cheapen bread 1 pert"lOS toathorough Dusiness EducatIOn incluuing "mem ers 0 t e press," w 10 are ' : , . . ' . .. pear.ance .among t 1(' crew of the ill fated ship the ' 'Students iu eothor Dep<rCDleut ·i:tlayatt;nd the Classesof

vulorra rly presumed to' be a-nxious for in vita· for the mIlILon, th ey wl.I~ amply C!'llllpensate secondd~y after leavino- t" , t ·· I t n10dern!-'wglla~es,inwhichllarti cular attontion is given to f h d' d b h . ' b ' por , lD leS mos Vll u en · Ill structlOH III .1'Tench and Cerman. ' tions to al l'che ba n gs where th e n ecks of bot· ,or t e tempora:y Istre ss c ause y t ro ~- form. Th!J ordinary remedies were tried b t .'I!heDiscipliucofthe()ollege is Pat ,.rnal and -vigilant-the ti-lls are to be broken. The flour was pre IngacomparatIvefew outofemployment:- ' , ' ' U ob,)ett belng to GUJDE ratherthan to dnvethe pupils alonglh.

G" . Cy , • Z ' were found of h ttle effect to stay the progress of path of duty. . . . ,

P re .! I'n the four ' h story and' was bolted bv 1llCHlnat-z ommerctu . ' ' . The Domeslic Arrangements-Kitchen. Infirmary and"" ; a J l - ' . Ihe disease. One after another died, and their d~y, are undel·. the dir~ction oHhe Sisters of Charity. ""un· the company, after it came ou t brea I. It '.' . d I Ihe lUstltll llOUhas the cordial "pprobtltionoftheJ\1ostRe

then we nt into the knelldi.ngmachine-which The lAwful Tragedy at LexiDgton. l eIDams .were conslgnt to 11e deep by the sur· ~rcI, b i5hop ."d clel'g'y of the Diore •• Of CiucinD3ti andt;' vi vors. -~ M?st Hev. Arcpbispop of ~ew Orleans:. . , e

tloes not need much scientific a ttention, al · We hud a brief notice qf what is here more '. ' , . . . . l he u~ll1esof tho members.of its , Faculty ~r. a sufficient though it' kn eacJ s ten barr-e'is of flour in l ess fully detailed • .of a terr ibJe tragedy over at Lex- The first and second mates finally fell VlctlluS . gua,~u \J of 'vh. eX·cellonce 01 the Ed'ucatlOuH wili ll'li'ord t.

• • ,1 tl1 ~ J upIls.

than ten minutes, in &' very superior manner ington. Ky., on the 10th. It is from a correspon- and In TIl ne days there were nOtJ e left hut the FACuLTY. -hot and cold wa te r beinn· suppli ed b i.' a dent of Ille Loul'sv l'l le "Delnocrat·." Oapt-ain, his wife 'and'lWo of the crew. On the R ~ H . 5 ' - ~Y~,?, . Ros~cra~s, !J.D., Pl'esid'e llt~ ar.d Profes!'9r of DO!!-

tank at the side . This ne.\ldf)ll op erati o,n be· Mr, Joseph Beard. th e City MaIsh;1, a gentle. 1st of J, uly ' the Caplain was tallen dow·n wit;, ~~~~:~;,~eOIOgy .'n Mount ~t. Mary' •. l'rovineirtl 'J:heologicJt ing concluded, the comp·any, including the man es teemed', and ' dese rVedly so, by all parties, symptoms of the fev'er, aud the wife, who had ' l{eV. J . Quinlan, RectorofJlfount St.·Mary's Seminary and

d d 1 to the tl ' d floor vhe'J e the .Professor of Liturgy and l'IIo l'a'l 'l heolQgy. ' press, escen c( llr ' , \. was in the marl;et this motning i~ the discharge untilllolV been unremitting in her attentions to Ref: Francis 1'abi,ch, Frol;,ss"r of }j;ccleslll,tical History ih knead ed dough being needeJ below, was dis · the sick among the. officers and crew. was obliged Mount St. Mary:' ~cminary; Principa.l ofthe lierman D.~art_ charged into" provin g trou ,g hs." These are ()f his duties, when a man of the name of William I' ment. . - B . ffi b 11 d h' f d to nurse ' ler Sick husband, ·and also,'lonally, Prof. Charles O'Leary, A.lI1., (Author of "O'Lenv's Greek set on castors, and, by the aiel of an e levator, arker. a notoIlous ru an, u yan t Ie, force Crummar," .\Ud late l'rofessur ,.t Maunt I:t-. Mary's. ilnlIDltts. a re taken to an y part of the buildi ng w he re NJ r. John McChesney in to·a di·fficulty. 'M.r. Beard take her position at the. w,heel, ,while the surviv· ~~~~i,t~~i~~I~~~e~;~;?aSSital DepartllJent, aud 1'role850r of the temperature is su i.table for . raising. the interfereq, and told.Barker that he must go' to the ' lllg crew worked the shIp, T~e CaPtain had al- · PI·Of.~. 1'-. J, Scammon, A.M. , (Graduate of West· Point, and , d d " d d . N ' '-;r . for 'even years, AS.I.t,\nt·Profes,or. at t·he U.8. Military Ac.: d q ugh-lin op ~ ration much mor~ [ea~i ble in w1> Barker .walk~d oft~ some twellty I·ea y eel e to put mto • ~w J. ork, and w,us demy).; ~r i lldpal of the lIlathelllatical D"p"rC,~en( . . th is establishment than on Third street.- paces "VI'lll III',n, and th.en dl,a\vI'ng a' small. BewI'e . makino- the best of hi s way toward 8andy Hook .. 1'."ol' . A:'.m\e ~· vonald MncLe.o?, (Author of · ' lllood·S~one,". \' , 0 ., ' · "Ll tuof ;:)11' \' ulter ~cott, " '· I .Ife of :rtla I'Y, Qucun of Scots"

\Vhen rai sed, the uoug h ' is aga,in put into I,n ife, stabbed him,in the side, th lowing him o.ff ,. While he was yet able to <rive di reetwns he in- etc,); Priu?il'al6f.~~eD.JlartmOlltorHhetorican(j Belle Lettr;,. I k h

· d 1 ]' h . .' b , lJenr .. v :so1ge, (vl:g:UHst nt !:)t. l-'ct er's C8.lbtdrai) · 1!rolcs'>or tle neading mac lI1e, an um ergof's a s Ig t the curb. As he strug'gled to rise, his murderer structed hiS wJfe how to steer the ship. . '" Music. ' " . seeD d kneadin g for the purpose of refining '1' . . 'l'belllferiol" l'eachersnreful'nisbedfl'om. theStudeutsof1Ut-n, too~ his hond, and aSEisted him partly up to his he shIp was towed to the quaran tme, where' St. llIU ry'5 Seminary, with which the Colleg. is connected. .

it. The dou'gh then p ll-s,ses into the. upright she was boarded by Deputy Healtb. officer Dr, 'l'ERMS~PAYABLE HAL]' Y1;}ARLY IN A:DVA'ND.E. cyll'nder o.f the loaf cutler.' by .which I' t I'S di. feet. and then struck him again in the side witb . ~ . V\T II 'U I' d' " f h Classicfl]courseper se88ion,fromAug . ~4to ~lu ne24j $175' videO. into lo aves of unifonn \\, 'e ioaht , accord. the knife, turning it a;.ro.lmd ill the wound until it a er. ' pon , earning the. con ltIOn 0 t e ves- Commercial " " "" ., 150 '

• • ", • " ,I sel 1 h d tl Ct" . ~ . d I Music and Dra,vin g al'e 'extra ch arges ing to adjustment. A self.acting register on made a gash into which a man's fist might be " le' . a . 1e a:p 'mn s WI e an t Ie' two sur- Students remaiuillg at the College during -vacation will b.

th e loaf.cutter records the number of loaves thl'ust. Bar'ker was. imm, __ ed. iatel.y . arrested .and ,viving cr.ew removed tp cotJ)fortapl-e quarters i'n ch a~ged $25 foi·no/lid. ' . .llool\s and Stationery .ca,n he ohtained in the ColleO'e at the it de livers, up to a millioil. Th is "tell tale" convey-ed t~ jaiL In the cours~ of, Jrdlfan hour , the quarantine grounds; the body of Cruptain 'ordinal'yprices. . o.

k I k 1 ' d .. N' h I The Pocket Money of the Pupils lllllSt be deposited 'lith th.

eeps a c lec upon wor( In every epart· ,he city was i~ a ferme llt.~ . lC 0 s ,was removed ashpre for interment, and Treasurer, by whom itwi\l 'be dispensed aceordiligtoth.di· ment of the esta blishment. At aQout se~en o'clock, two hours and !L half the vess~l immedUl,t\31y towed down to .the lower rections oft!:_ pare_n-.ts:-.-:= ______ -c:,.-___ _

The cylinder of the loaf cutter is ,sunk after the murder, the Uourt·hou'sebelland allt·he quarantine anchorage . . ' . '. Commerc{a'l Insuran.ce Co .m:p ,any ' th

L h th O d fl d d l ' th . .. OF CINCINNATI. O. ' r ougll l e Ir . oor, an ' elvers e fi b II . 'h ' t TI . d b 'The crew origin\llly consisted of six seamen, P1 REA ND "IA !"INE. ]. , loaves on the second floor, from the zi nc 1\'e· .e s In t e C;I y rang. ) liS seeme · to. ' e • "' L'

tIll d bl fih f .first ·and ~'econd mates, cook - and the C\lptarn;s rolier, whic h performs . the opera tion of Je .slgna . n an mcre I y ort :space o . tIme


"scal i, ~o"" and cutting the loaves. Descend. the CO,urt,house and yllrd WaS fillea WIth people, wife; total, eleven persons, of whom only the erf:~t~~~~~~;t~~~~~~~f:;~r~,~;.e l .i.ks on all classesofproJ)-A t d d d d h h th·ree above named surVIve. ing to the mo I~n was rna e , an seeon e , to ang t e DI R.ECT ORS.

SECONP STO.R Y ' .\ murdere r immediately. ThJ,l response was a rush ·~.!!!t~~~!"!f~~~~~'~"~~""'E~~~!""""~~!E(e~ As th e lumps of dough come from the loaf· to the jaiL The ' j ailer, Mr, Blincoe, IVa!, se:zed . JAMES F. MELINE & ' CO.,

cutter on the second fibo:r, they fatl upon a.n and tbe ~lyS f9rc~d fro{I1 him', and Barker ,taken BANKERS, .

dl h I I bl h No. 17. WEsr THtlw I::lTRI!:ET, CINCINNATI. en ess apron, t at trave s a ong ta e, to t e Court-house. H ere ari effort was made by

0. b· h th 'k • d d" d EXCHANG]~ on New York, Phil'adclph ia and p rincipal cines

arou.n w IC e ,:vor men s,a.n an ro~n ' Mr. James O. Har,rison, J uilge. Thomas ·.and Mr. ,f the United States and C"Dada. , ' Up," as the operation of fOl'mmg the loaves Rbger Hanson to induce the mob to w3>iJ; ' and let SlGlIT Dla~·£s. :£1 and "p,vard, at $5 pel' :£ Sterling on for a slight second" proof," or risin,g" is .th,e prisoner ~e tried and hung by the ~ctioI\, af Royal Bank of · Ireland,· . call ed . the law; 'buttheir voices were drowned in shouts Spo'oner, iHtwoods .·& Go., ,London,

Vii hen the loaves ale so formed, they Are payalJleiu'tll theprineipaltownsofGI(ElA'£BltITA-IN!

Put in " .proving boxes," wher,e tr..ey rem a in of" Hung him! hung him!" A beam was thrown GoW and uucut'reut Dank. Notes bought and sold,

l' b t of lh s d tory . d 1 b . Inter.cst allowed all Deposites by special agr eement. S short time , and arc then ready loi aking. ou e econ s WIn ow, am, a rope elng . ltIlM1TTANCJJ:S to ]'JtAJIICE. GJ~I(\l.1ANY. SWITZERLA ND.

WM . WOOD, E.lVIUDGE, Fit!! ' }I' .UROOKS , J, B. CARP.EN'l'ER', JOHN A. SKll-' F, MA..RTIN" BA.RE,



L. G. E .. ,S'iO'iE ," ,

ISAAC C. COP JJ:LEN , Preside,,;. 3 . A. T OWXLEYj Secretary.

OJJice-N()'}·th~ Westco'rner Main and li'rontst1'eets , Oincinnati, O. TI .' KLD~IAJII, Agent.

Residence, North~East corner M·ain und Abigai\ ~trs .. ,near , a.KLEINE. feb14 ---------,~------~--------'--

.. ' J~st P1!bli'shed, Brownson's Quarterly Rev~ew, July.) 1858 ..


FIRST AND S.ECOND STORIES. placeq around their victim'S, neck, he was a§\ted )~OL I1AN lJ aud['l'&LY by. dlMts on the well known houses : .

. • .ottioguel' & 00., f'a.ris, I Urother s Bethmann . . Frank- I. ReTivals-and Retreats. , r if he diq not wish t9 pr.\lY. J;l:e replied with an 'ebel, ~on & ·Co ., Strasburg, . fort, O,lU. / . ' II. ROD,e and its Itulers.

Th.e oven is upright .; 'it has its 10undatLon . . .ope & Co., Amsterdam, . Westerkamp" Fortlnge Os. HI. Conversatidns o~' our Club. and heating furnaces in the basement, and oath, asking what he was ttl .pra,y: (OJ;, ,uttering ,nhalt&Witgner, norlin. I I\abruc\f; '.,' • . fV. Necessity of Divine Hevolation.

h t • h t' h h ' 1 d :nia:rCUllrd & Co., nel'ne ~ v; CJapp's Autobiographical Sketches.

l'tS dOOI'S l' n tIle- first and ~eco.nd s·toJ'I·es. TIle t rea s a. t e same Ime 'as to w at e wou d 0 ' ' . ~ ." . ld 'others o[Same standing. om- regular Correspondents. j26 . EDWARD DUNfG.'lN 4. BROTHER,. dough is' put into, a~d the bread discharged with the questioner i'f released. The rope .being (James B.Kil'k.r,) , from them on boththese:HooFswheninfuU a)tached to the beam, outside, he was tossed from St. John',s Ho~e) ' for Inv~lids, jy33t 371nroadway,~ewYork. operation. The, loaded 01)- the the. window, falling 'sorn,' e si", feet. The rope J1ND HOME FOR TH! SICK, ' 'John Keeshan, Druggist and ApotlJ.ecary.

fi fi d h h b d d· , .1l.sbeen ,l'emovedfrom thecorn.81'of Broadwu.yaodFranli1into .

rs.t oor, ascen t -roug t .e oven, an .' IS' br.ealling, 'he fell upon tb"1 pavement, fracturing Ie corner of 'Plu~ and Thit'd streets. th.e grounds extending Dealer in Drugs, hledicines, .P.aints"Oils, Varnishes, &c. charge the baked ,bread pn the second fioor" ' k" lr ' H . ' om l'lumtoMd'arlanstreets,Cincinnati,Ohio. ' N.W. corner Walnut and Sixth stn'ets. Cincinn.ti.

illS S u.- e. ,was agaiI) tak~ n u,p op a ladder, '" ~n(ieT .t"~ GaTe a~d j)i,..~t·io.', of the Hisi.en of, Charity. ' , and the cars load'ed ·on the second. floor. , de· thIS establIshment I" lal'~e :..,0. ' d' St Jose~h"~ College .' and tbrow,n, ,over.. This time "the l'ope h,eld, and . " .. commo JOus, sUlTounded by a i' ' . , '" , •

S' cend and d. ischa. rge on· the first floor , The . . .. ,r~e lawn . "'Ddshad.". trees, making a delightful Retl'eat and " . he wa!' left SWInging for two hours in the bro~ d, . ome for the SIck; WIth a beautiful view of the Ohio fiver NEAR"SOMERSE1; PERRY COUN2'Y, OHIO, oven cont-ain's twenty·six cars, th·i rteen 0 f ' ,.wport! Coviugton,. !,nd thc adjacent seenery .of Kentucky: This Institution, conducted·bv the Fathers of the Qrder of

whl'ch are a scending an(l thirtee n descend. brightlight.of l! July sun, in full view of the' most reetpalll!fand exertlOnsWlll be made t.omake fheplac" agree· St..Dom inic,. wasf~!' the fi rst timcopened fo,·the receptiono.

lIe and .All forID.s of dise~ses admitted tha.t are n ot studen'rs in September , 1851; ' A large, Dew , :lnd beautiful Col- ' the same time : Eaeh car passes tlbrough populous street, crowded with men, wpmenand ,ntagious, ' lege edifice h •• since been e!'ected, .and is now occupied, which,

h 'h' . I b k' h 'ld ' It . th . t . f h . 'rheatt~ndingPhysiciaus,.re :-DR.MuSSEY,DR, J.r: ,JUD.KINS, independently of the buildillg, hitl1eto in nse. \v ilI"ffordanipls

t e 0ven In t Ifty 'mmutes. · w len a Ing c I :ren. was e In entlon 0 te noters to •. ~J'E"'DWliALL, DR'. J. ~'. WHlTE,DR. ,JOllN DAI'IS, DR.;'MuRPHY',. accommodal ions for at least 150 boarde.Is, common si zed loa:ves .; btl~ the speed j·s re·gu . lea've ,him until six o'clock B. M., but he was cut. .. ,.COMEGYS .• P, R, ¥OOT};. an4 tw.o [{e~ident pltysicians. , The Colh·ge 'lin, lately 'beo11 ehar'teredwitb the power of eoh·

. 'ferring the u :,> ual Honorfi and Degrees, g,runted to Universities

lated by the size of the loaf, and 'the time down nt the' ehd of the time llra~e mentioned ,. R E 'M 0 V A L, ' , and College". . requ ired for baking. ' d . d The publica ... resjlectfuli'y lnform ~d th·at.",e have ro- l~ X P EN 11 E S:

an carrIe away,. moved our of stoel!: Al usic and 'M usical Iustruments Payable iuvAl'iap ly semi-annually il1l'ldvance, ·'rhe c flpacity of one "baking·c a,r" is sixty The crowd gener ally dispersed as . soon as the t;l'om No.8 East }'omth ~t reet,. to No. 76 )\'est ,1fomtb For 'fuition, Doard, Bed, Dedding, and Wllsbing, per

loaves, weighing 'about a pound and a half ·"t,·eet. between Walnut and Vme. annuUI ..... , ................................... ........................ ·1 50 00

h hanging was finishe1' In an hour e,'ery thing VlU' si?ck of Mu·ic and MUHieal n1el'chandi,e beiug one of the Music on' the l'iI11l0, pel"annumT ........ : .. ............ ,.. .. .... 3000

each, Tli e temperature oJ t e oven is un·i· 1" "rgest in the United States, w'e shal·1 be "~Ie to,fill 'all o·rdei·s Music on other lnstrllments, and Drawill~ ................. , 39 00

,. d'" d t d fl ?ias quitl~ as, usua ; as qu~et u, s If.,tWO gross vio- ILh prQIlJ ptness at theluwest cash rates, . ~'rench ,Germftn,Ifali.;n,audSp"n i sh-e:t chex!.J·a .... .. .. - ~O 00 ."orm, an ' IS a any e'o"t:ee 0 1e &t ' C t I . f . c . Lit ' ' th St t· DI M d' . & h f . 1 d t I'r,nt . lations or the law of God and man hlld no t occur. " !l! 0gU.~ 0 uur numerOllS tm and o' er musiclll publi· .u. IOnery, 00.<5, il~e !ClUes. c., w en unm 10 ,a cu necessary, hy cJ amp.ers; '. .. ,. ,tionsforward.~ gratis on,applicrt tion, prices.

Thermomer,o I'n the ol'en I"lldl'cate t'he te'ln. r ed within a few h9urs . ", ' \r~,lcUe.Sic .6eu.tbymail, freecifPostaie,on r, eceiPtof the marked' '£0 thosewhoremn in at the ImtHu tloD du ring pcatioD

, on, ,;I ~xtrR cbm'ge will be m:tde of '$25 00, a.nd for any, part more

Pel ature fo tlle ~ttelldan lS·. The I o.a ves' ·nr.e Very many of those who are considered our ~ PerSODS wishing to purchase P'anos, ,.m·do woll to examine than a weel< in proportioD. ,

. lestock ofSmitn a.nd Nixon, :wbo occupy a portion of tho same I ..ocir" Lettbrs of en quil'Y should be addi!essed to . all b a kell prq:isely alike, and never e ither best c~tizens are said to have beell engaged in i.,ui!ding wWh OUl's,," es -' . , . R EV. J. A. KI!I,LY, PRESIDENT.

b d d d . . W REPERENCF.8:-Most 'Re'V, 'Archbishop PUllCJo;Ll.; Very Rev. En·

urne or un er· one. Ihis. It was quietly a,nd quickly done. Immedl·· . • C. Peters & Sons, P Y G Rt n . J s'-' w' sepl2 WARD URCE,LL, } • • ; :\. J.L'ev. AME .1:' • • opn. The temperature for ba' i'n the, auto· t Iy a ntl~ . beI' of C'lt'lzens eng' aged' g tt' . NO. 76 WES'J' FOUR'£a Sl'Rml'J', CINCINNATI, 0., .... ~ . a e ~ . ' In e ' mg up l'i[:usfc P.ublishers aDd Importers of MUSICAL n'lER01H NDrSE.

matic oven is more than, two hun dc b" rees b' " ' r '1 b fi ' f h'd d ",' .' '. ' M '1 a su sCrIptIOn lor t le ene .t 0 t e WI ow im " St. Stanislas' Preparatory 'College, Time of AHival and Closing th e al s. higher th.a n can be used in the oo rnmon M ' B d I . ,- , baker

's ovc,n, wI'~hou, t burning tl.le b'I' e,ad to a children of r. ear ;. ~he on y part of the pro· S C O-T T eo U ,N T Y" Ie E N T U C T[ Y, New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Clevclnn'rl, ColumbuS d

· I ' d' 11 d . .L~ and Pittsburgh, arrive at ha lf' past eight a.m., and half cinder; b ecause the ho-t air in a chamber. cee mg, t lat one can cor la yan heilrtilyap· Is designed to.train audeducate Catholic bo),sfrom thea"e ·past five p.m.; close at olle 'Lm. and 8 p.m

h 1 f . d ' 0. prove , I .forbear to comment upon these ciT·cu.rn. of 8 to thllt of 12 years. All the branches of a t.h,irough 'J;JTI~ ' Boston , Ba ltimore. Washington , D.C .. Wheeling .and

wit out (ra t is strono" all pe netr,atll1g, an Iish and ().' lassical Educatiouwill be taught," - d hI d

· d d" " . Springfield , ar'rive 'at half·past eigh t n.m ., au · eig not ra w an d seorching like th.e hea t in an or. stanCts , an I'n ee It .IS unneeeSSar,11. aDd capacity .of the boys may require, -" T l!: It MS ': p.Il'-; cl OSe at one a.n!. dinary oven , whet'e th e fire is in tbe oven it .' ' RespectfuBy yeurs, X. Dbard,and T.{itiou in all the branches ta.u"l\t. including Chicago, Dubuque and Io\va, arrive at twelv.e .. p.m ;

self. and a c ts directly on the .bread while The mai ter contained in our ot her corresf!ond. · E~~~is~.P..~.~.~ .. ~e.r~.~,~::::::::::::::::::~ ::::::::::-: :::: :: ::::: ::: ~ :: . $l~g ~~ T~tZd~,a\:fft~oi;:n&cl ari'ive at: half.past eight p.m.; ' bakin g, , b'es !dcs , ~x posi ng it to tlte lim p_urilies ence iSITiven above except the follow in IT i re'TIs . Application must b~, mad~ at th.~ Cathedral, Oovington. Ky, ' close at one a.m. .

f d 1; & '" " '" . I . !'Io ?oy WIll· be admitted Into the Collegl! unless previous ap· St. Louis; Vincen;)cs and Independence, arrive at five oust, sma e, c. ., Mr. Beard was a very estimable citizen and phClltlOn be made by parents 0, guardians, stating thO age of a.m., and 3 p.m. ; close at eight a.m ., nnd.eight p.m.

The oven bein g upright, wi lh tIl e ear lQads the Democratic candidate for a re .election. ·' He th;,e~~~~s~: ~;~3~~es~:;\eon::'''~;esiden·t of Si. Sianislas' Pr:e. Indianapolis, arri ve at 01)e a.m, and seven p.m.; close of bread in it, one ab9ve a)1 other, alld hav· . ' Ii d fi I 'ld . ' i oaratoTY Lollege. W"it~ Sulp/lur P. O., 'ScottoOU rtty , Ky ." - at one a.m., and four p.m, ' . d ing no d raft through j t, ali the alcohol'i'c va. leayes a ' WI e an . ve C II ren to mOlp'n hIS 108s . ". , ' t UJJ:ORG'J;J ALOYSID 8,CAJ,tRELL, ,c Lonisville, Nashvi\le,N. Orleans; Cairo, MemphslJlan

Por ar.isin o" from th.e' fe Fmented dough is Gon -nearly or, entirely destitu·le. SUbsc;ri.ption p.a- ,1 ily25, tf . Dishop of Covington. Na lchez. arrive at two p.m.; cl051) at eight a.m,

CI 'UTION" Ha milton and Dayton, balf·past eleven a.m , and seven densed on', ,"n~ absol'b,ed by ,tIle cold douo"h, per3 are now in circulation, and I und:erstandthat .tl. J: . f I d 01 " (I p.m. ; close at hal ·past e even ~L m., an twO P'. ' whereby the bre ad i-s impro'ved in fiavo.r. and a thousand dollars are already raised. Ord Black Star Line ' of Liver:r>ool 'and PortsmoGth, Chilicolhe, Marietta. Wilmington, Clrclc'

I 1 d . N Y k P k "il,le and Zanesville, arr ive at five p.m.; close at ona

its nouris ling properties sensib y increase, "'llris has bee n a long s uffe ring community, eW 'or ' . ac ets. Th I

. h' I d It ' , . a.m. . . t half-e m ac , !Dery w Ie 1 pro uces t Je au o· but it is now fully aroused. Eome talK was had .As PasKe'ngersarrh'fngiu New York froJU the iute' Lexingtoli , I{;y., Maysvil1e anel Pans, arn ve n t

t' OVo ments'of tl c ca ' TI l a ed on the rior, wlth the in;tention of engagi ng PaSSll"e to Li' "ast eleven a.m .', and half-past se·ven p.m,; dose a

rna IC Ill ' v 1 ,rs, IS r G , of hanging th e whole gang, but they concluded to verpool, are da.ily , (;iudle,1 by 'rullner~andopl'Opri _ ,. . b k f t

'l db ' b to ' 'B .,. ha lf-past eleven a.m, and one p m. m ac 0 le oven', an' may e seen es n 't 1 '1 It' t b h d th tth f tQ~s, of ogqs'licl'~tOffices . t.h~y"re s lroD~ly re· [New po' rt Ulld Covingt!On, arrive uthalf' jJastsevena. '.

d fi wal aw 11 e. IS a e ope a e mnny ru commendea to engage their P"'"age before leav ing ,

the secol1' oor. fians hereabout will ' take .warning." ' hoLUe, oy WI!lch Ihey ,!,ould escape great aUDoyallce a:od oKten and two p.m.; close ~t one a.m" und tWO p,m. , m' BASEM EN.T. seJ-Inus loss; Hillsborough and Spring!1eld, arrive at eleven 3 •. ,

T h . u 1 th b I ,. • WiLLIAMS & GUIOr-r, No . 40 Fulton st., N . York close at two p.m, . ' close

. e y east I~ rna. e .lere; e .est ma,t A Scene at- Sea-A Woman' s and Ricl!mond, Ind .. , and Eaton, 0 ., arri ve at 8 p.m., and hops are used In Its pr.eparatIOn. No .- The fii'st 6lasi; P""ket Ship, OCEAN ~~ON:ARClf. leaves Ncw at one a.m. , d 've at .hemical pre,paratiQn& B.fe ever used in tile DevotlOn. ,1':or), fo)·Liv'e)'p~I, ~Veilnesday', Jl!-ly14. Seconflcapin,$l8;· Williamsuurg, Batavia and BrookVille, In '. arn

TI N Y k D ·, T ' "f agel $16, IDClud1ll81)l"Ovision.s. l., For passagoapply to ten a m close u L lwe lvep In d establishment. I.e e\v. aT. " aI<f, Imes 0 tne 5th Califor~ia~Tbtougb bags lea~e' at 'six a.m, tbe 3d an

The u.tmost atteyttion to cleanliness is c,hronicles tl£e following in'ci:dent in the history of JAMES F. MELINE & CO:, l7lb of each mOllth·, . Agen,Ls, No. 17 West 'l'h~rd Street. F M'I I d 'l t"

souITr..t to be observeu in every p al't of the an Americart woman. Goddesses have been made ~ . orei(7n al S c ose al ya SIX p.m, even o 11 I · J. "C. S 'P I l, L S, tI Officecopensat half.pastsevena .m.al1t1 closesat·pm

estab lishment, and visitors wi . aid materi· by poetic fancies of much inferior material: - p.lf!. Closes also at nine a.m., and opens at ten' 1'1 th Cl' t of the compally to <ecure tll1'S ". '1'"",,- P. D_ AND liUpS.!RCTIAIE~S,1i'OR FRIVATE ., 1, .,.,. f h d' t'b \' fthe Eastern mall f aye e llor s ' The Bri:ish ship" Grottn," Captliin Nichols; . """, '~ , "",or t e IS n u ·lon 0 • thal -

very (lesl'rable result, by cal'erul reolTard to ' d f S L R Sundays, Office opens at nine a.m, and closes a h· h '1 G d th 2r. h e$idence-256 Wat.nut, betwetm Six,th and Seventh streets. '

W IC sal e rom agua a ran e on e' ;;t nov~l,t.f . . pas t ten a,m. ' __ the rules. fJ 'h f bdL'

Th 0 .1' F ' 'na Company is .composed of 0 une, WIt a cargo 0 iugar, oun to lYer· e 110 art · . d d . . the follo wing gentlemen, viz; David Gibson, pool, was yester ay t9w.e lllt~ quarantHle by t/le President; Thomas Avery, Treasurer, David. stel.mtug "Huntress," Captalll Baggs, who felJ

" . PLAIN AND qRNAMENTAL B-o,OK ANp ' JQ:B '.'PRINTING) JNO. P: W ALSH, 170 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati

. , Wanted, i.-to'tlfent1 In a Grocery stor e, a German "Boy, from four ly tu Dianna

years of ag~, with sntisfact<..r y ~~ati, Ohio· 31:lEA, corner of Ludlow an d Front str~t;t s, ClDel

CATHOLIC TELEGRA PH AND ADVOCATE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. -~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Furnaces, A shes. rConected Weekly.] Fish. rner of Seventh and Syc, more streets, .. nd 106 Vine street, FOR HEATING PUBLIC AND PRIVA l'E DWELLINGS. Pots 'ijl1b., .................. $0 5~ Cod, D .. y, 'ijI Ib ............ $0 above . ·ifth, Cincinnati. Tbe subscribcrwouJdinforlll the Public that h t3 bas been get Pea.rls .. ... ... . ... ......... ... 0 5%_ Sha.d.:Balt.: ~barrel, ... 0 0 An assortment of Tin ",Yare kept on hand. Job work in


JOHN P. ;iog up a new J:!', superio l' t o auy u' ur uace eVer brougbt Boda Asb ..... ....... ..... .... 0 4 Salmon .. . ... .. ................. 0 0 n, Copper . Shee t Iron , a nd Zinc. mh29 12m before the Public, for burning Bituminous ,Coal or \Vood, :l.nd. SEllaeratus, city ......... 0 5 White E'ish .... .. ............ 0 0


170 SYCAMORE STREET, CINCINNATI. re wa.rranted in everyrt!spcct. 'l'b(:~e FUI:nacmi hnve given sat- Do. country .... .. 0 4 Mackerel, No. I. ......... .. 0 0 ~ faction wherever they wli're put u p, lmd particnlarly Beef>'1uux. Do. - No.2 ............ 0 0 J5dBp ted for heating Churches, St!ll1 inarics, Dwellings, &c.; allu yellow ................. ....... 0 24 Do. No.3 .. ........ .. 0 0 i tai<e pleasure in ref~rl'ing .to the Right H;ev. Bi :5h op ~palding Brpmns. Do. No. 1, ~h ...... 0 0 Itiaht Itev. Bil.hop It. V. \\ hela.n, and J{lght Hev . Ihshop. A. Common, ~1lb ............ 1 50 Do. No.2, do .. .... 0 0 Ca~reil. ADOLI'HUS LO'l.'ZE, E'aucy 0 0 Do. No.3, do ... ... 0 0

jly18 No. 219 Walnut street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Shaker:::: ::: :: : :::::~:: .. ::::: 2 50 Hel'ring, smoked. ~ box 0 7.0 - Walnut Street Bank, Oonpcl:age. Do. pick led. 'ill brl. 0 0

t '''h' d d II' It"" t· b • Pork Barrels .............. . 0 0 Do. Holland. 'ijI keg ... 1 75 North-Wes corner.L lr an a nut stree s, vlncmn& 1, uy 'Whisky do .. ........ . " ..... 0 90 Hides. . nd sells Eastern I~xcha.nge, Foreign alld American Gold and FI 1 0 :J4 \Vest Hint, ~ lb ............. 0 14

;UNr, (l,nd lla~urreDt mouoy; makes collections, aud discount 'M~~~~l~~ d~ .. ·~~::: ::::·:.:::: 1 10 Green ...... ..... ......... .. .. 0 5

Jj~~~~~i,f:!e~l!SlOeSS p~p~r. G. II. BUSSING & CO. ~l::~; J~o~.~~~~~~~ ... :: .. :: .. :: i ~g ~J!t_~~~llt~ :::::::::::::.:::: g I~J J.J. IIOGIIES. G. T. DORLAt.'D f. .. nrd Kegs ...... : ........ .. . 0 0 Spllnish .... ... .............. 0 0

Hughes & Dorland, Cotton. Calf ..... . ............ , ........ 0 0 Infe";or, 'ijllb ........... .. .. 0 0 Honey .

(Suocesso~s to Huglt~s & O'Hara,) Ord.inary ............ ......... 0 0 In COlll b, 'ill Ib ... ......... 025 Importers of Watcbdsand Jewelry, No. 19 Main street, Middlin~ ................... .. 0 0 Strained, ~ g~;.loO,~ ...... 0. 0

. (I n Madison House llni1din~ .) Good Mi~g):~,~'i,;;:;;;: .. 0 0 Pig, O. R. C. b.'ill ton .. . 31 0

Eagle Insurance CO., of Cincinnati, Ohio. Assorted Nos .... , ...... .... 0 21 Do. do. h. b ........... 28 0 A HOMB COMPANY W1TlIOU I' AGBNCUJS. Dozeu Yams, 500 .. ..... .. 0 0 Do. Teu n. C. b ......... 27 0

Offil!e, No.73 West Third street bet.ween Walnut and Vine" " .. 600 ......... 0 0 Blcoms do ........... . ~ ..... 70 0

s~~e;:~~s Property Ofnl1 ' descr~Ptions again~t Lo~s or !><1u.l.age Carpet 'Varp .:.~~ .. ~~:~::: g 2~ ~~~~leel~~n ~h~~t::::::·::.::: g ~ by .}I'ir~; also ~tgaiDst the' perIls of sea or llllalld naVlgatlDD. C dl . i O?t Huss iu.n do ............. 0 0 11.,11 risks t\oI:.ken at the usual rat~s. Can el Wt'yC ~ ....... . ....... 0 U Bar, Bloom, cash ........ . 0 3~

over I! urn .. .... ...... Do., puddled and boiled 0 2~ Authprized O~Pi~b'l~~,~~?·DrR,~cToRS. · Twine ........ : ..... .. ........ 0 i~ Lead.

J . W GARRISON, I S. H. 'f.UT, llattiug · .... (jl;~;;,~: .... · .. 0 .Pig, 'ill 100 lb ........... .. .. 0 6

H. KESSLER, G. ·W. 'i'OWNLEY Common, W.n. . ............ u . 0 g~~~t~ .~ .. :: : :: ~:: ~ ::::~:~ : :~: g ?~ R. CON.KLINGANTIIONY FAl. S. W.ll..EEDER, Selected do ................ .. 0 II Lime.

J . W. GARRISON, President. ]D,ngl ish DF"iry ............ 00 12 Louisville, 'ijI barre!.. .... 1 10 . urham arm ............ C ~ b h I 0 20 S. W'TR~EOER, Se.creta.rv. ("opper. . ommon, "lI" us e ..... .

J. B. LA WDER, Surveyor. Braziers, 'ijl1b ............... 0 Ced,,,·ville ............ .. .. ... 0 20 _Capt. Jos. S. R.oss, and Dav id Baker, S.olicitors. Sh th" ( 0 Springtield ..... : .. .. ........ 0 20


MATTRASS .AND BEDDING MAJ'WF ACTURER, No 67 Fifthst.reet, betweeu.Wa,lnut a.nd YiDe .st,s . ,Ciucinnat.i ~ O. lIft.~uti~tul'el's and keeps co~st~tntly on baud a large assol'tmen'" of well made t+'e:.t.:ther Beels, ll ... Lir: ~:Io;;s, CQtton. Husk, and sprille' llattl'esst!s, Pillows) llolster s, Comforts, Quilts1 Cu~hions, etc. • M;dttress Dealel!'.:iare respectfully inviteJ to call and examine. m; stock:. '

Ol~a ... ~~~ . ~:~:: : ::::::::: .. :: O· 0 Yellow Springs ............ 0 20 Cordage. Hy'lic Celllet~;,~e~~ .. rel 2 50

M&nilla, 'ijllb ............... 0 12 ,1,ogs, at River, 'ill c. foo~ 0 0 Ball! l{ op~ .................. o· 2 Hoards, do., clear, ~ M •. 0 0 H~mp. willte .. ....... .... .. 0 1", Do. do. , common, ... 0 0

Do.: tarred, .... .. .. ....... 0 15 ~h ' I d 4 50 Bed Cords. No. l 'ijI doz. 0 0 ~ ' Iog es, 0 .. ........... .

" " No.2 do .... 0'" 0 Do. , in Yard.; ......... 0 0 Castings. llO<lI'ds, do., clear, ......... . O 0

Ir 11 ' <;',Cl '"" 0 0 Do. do. , cOmmon ...... 0 0 . a ow·ware, " w......... . Staves, hhd . ............. ... 0 0

Furnace .... .. ....... . ... .. .. 0 0 D b 1 0 O' li'oundry ........... .. ........ 0 0 0., arre, ........... ..

C . J. KELLY. 'rea Kettle, ~ dnz .. .. ..... 5 0 Hoop Poles, hhd ...... ... 0 (J C'oa~. Do., bal'z el .. ........ : .. .. 0 0

B. BOEn.8TI~G .

Hoersting & Kelly, MARBLE WOUI{~, execute prOlljptlyall kinds of ~IARBT,E And E'I{.hlli:·srl'O _~E WOltK,CoILNER Ol"l~INN ,AND H011KINS S.TRE1;:r-S CIN'ClNNA'I'I, Jan16

. - Newman & M c Cabe, PLUMBERS, PUMP AND HYDRANT MAKERS, No.217 Eim street, two doors south of Sixth street, Cincinnati . 0 .: bil.Ve on ha.nd and: will furnish lead pipes !;heet iefld, Bathing tubs water closetB, Pump3, and Hydrants. All orders from the cou;try promptly attended ~o. decl F

Hauser & Merna,


Keep constantly on h a nd I" large a.nd well·assorted stock of BUILDERS' HAIWWAltE, HOOP, SHEBT, BAR, and BOLT IRON, PUM'P CllA,lj:N AND ~'rXl'Ult(j:S, G3!,deners,' ~'arm~rs,' and Mechauics' -rOOLS,. HOUSE E'U.ltN1Sm~G GOODS, &c • .

HAUSER & liERNA, 192 street, between Fourth- and Fifth. ma.r'!

,Patrick Sullivan, Undertake r, Respectfully. announces to t.bp citizens of Cincinnati and,

vicinity that be is now l'eady to fill all orders in his line, at tile new stl:md- on Weste,rn How, bdweeu ]'ourth and ]lifth BtI'eets west, side, No. loG; opposite Peny street.

Wood anc net:tllic Burial-Cases furnislH'!d and trimmed for transportat.ion to 4ny part of the U uion . II €al'ses and Carriages uruisbed. at the shCll'test noticH~ flU r~lIS{)n~tl" l~ t erms. sep30

, Ornaments! KRUEZBURG & NURR III have just received" new supply of Re·

monstrn.'nces, Candlesticks, Chalices, Cibol'iums, Censt!rs, CI'Psses, Vestments, Copes, Benediction Veils, StoleR, Oils-tocks, Pixes, Ho.1y Bread lrons, cloths, laces, frin ges, and Cil'Zlll.ums, etc; A~so, MIS· uhl,Bre"iaries, and H. greltt assol'tment of Germun, EnglIsh , and Ultin books. A shol't Catechism for the u se of the Al'chdioceseoI Ciucinnati bns just been published . A catalogut!will be sent, post p.'lld, to allY pereon by t\.pplying to the above firm, 000 Main. streeR overthe .Canal , C~nr.iunati ~ 0 Jan19

Poland & H e nry, WHOLES.~LE . G.ROCEltS·, Liquor and Commission ' Ierchant,., Nos. 60 and 62 Second street, bet. W wlnut lind • ine,

CINCTNN AT!. Agllllt, fo .. tbe 'sale of Bourbon Whisky.



Wood 1tnd Willow: 'Ware, Ft'ench, Germa.n, and English Fa-ncy Ware, Bt·o011l~. Mat~, J3rmibes, Cordage, ete. .

No. 49 .Mai·"- st''I'eel. one dam' f7'01n C{Jl1.(,1nbia~ r../inc:innati. O.

Kre nzburg, Nurre & 0'0., . Ma.nufactur.ers of Picture and LCloking Glass Frames

Lock street, between Fifth and Sixth. Cincinnati, O.

-New and F-ashionab~e Summer Goods.

Ailoat, 'ijI busbel .. .. ..... 0 8 Do., keg .................. 0 0 Youghiogheuy, in yard, 0 12 L 'iquors. Pomeroy .. " ........... .. .... 0 ] 0 nRA~mIEB . B .. ownsville .. ............... 0 0 Alcx. E'orignette, 'ill gal. 4 10 ' Vheeling ..................... 0 g Conice :Ml.trtin ...... .. .. .. 4 .10 Peach .Orchllrd ......... ... 0 Maglor.v ...... . , ... : ......... 6 0 " ' inut"fred .......... ........ 0 0 Y I . 4 10

Clwco·ate . G~~lC.~~~~.:::~:~~:::::::::: ~ ::: 1 '75 No. 1, 'ijl1b . .............. . ... 0 11 WINES.

Coffee. . Java, GoVel'Uln'ent, ~ lb 0 19 liadeira, ~ gallon ...... 3 0 Rio ... .............. " .... .... 0 12 Do. , Soulli side, ......... 0 0 'St D . 0 0 Burgundy' Port ...... ...... 1 75

'. ommgo .............. Portuguese Government 2 60 Havana ..................... 0 0 London Dock Port ......... 3 50 Lag.uayra ... .......... .. ... 0 0 'Vh ite 1Vine, ~. LalTel. .. 40 0 and ])yes. Claret, in boxes ........ .... 10 0 Aloes, India, 'ijllb ......... 0 18 Spa rk Catawb:t, III doz. 14 0

Do. Socotoriue .... ..... 0 50 Still do .................. .. .. . , 6 0 Alum . .. .. ....... .. .. .. ....... 0 .. SPIRITS. Arnotto .. ............ .. ..... 0 50 Al cobol , 70 and 98, pl'o'f 0 -!-6

±~~~i~tid~· :::: :: : :::::::::: : g ~~ Whisky, COMo%~~~~: ...... 0. 22 A:rrow Root .. ............. 0 12 New Orleans, 'ijI g:,llon .. O' 35 Aqu:lJor tis ............ .. ... 0 12 Sugar House, .............. : 0 44 Ddrax) crude ......... .. .... uope. Country ..................... 0 0

Do, refined ............... 0 30 NuUs1

<i'C. Balsam Copaiva ............ 0 70 Nails, 10d, ~ l~ag .... ..... 0 O~ .Bleaching Powders .... .. 0;1"f Do., Sd, ... ............... 3 60 lklmstone. roll ............ 0 4X Do. ) 6d, .................. 4 85-Flou~ Sulphur, ...... ...... 0 6 Do., 5d, ... .. .... ......... 0 0 ChalDph'ol' ................ .... 0 0 Do., 4d, .................. 0 0

Do. refined ............ .. . 0 45 Do., 3el, .. ................ 0 0 Cochineal ............ 1· .... 1 25 Spikes, Cast ............... 0 0 Coppera ... ................... 0 2 Do., Wrought, ......... 0 0 Cream "ral't!tl' ............... 0 36 Oils. Ginseng ..................... 0 50 Tann ers" ~ gaBon .. .... 0 0 Galls. Aleppo ....... ........ 0 40 :E' lorenr:e, SO, iJl flasks ... 0 0 Gum ' Cop!i.l ............. ... .. 0 70 French, 12 bottles ... .. ... 0 0

Do. Arabic, Indht ...... 0 40 Olive, ir, gnllon) .... ~ ....... 0 0 Do. 'l'u'·key ............... 0 '!O Linseed .................... 0 66 Do. 'I.·rugac.nih ......... 0 30 Uefined Wh&le .... ..... ... 0 90 Do. Shellac. I.iver ...... 0 22 Sperm, Winter ..... .. ..... 0 0 Do. Orange .. ............. 0 22 Do., Fall .. ..... ............ 0 0

Gamboge ...... ...... .. ..... 0 60 Neats' ]!loot .. ................ 0 0 Jalap Hoot. pulv'd ... .. . 0 90 Lard, NO.1 ............ ...... 0 0 Isinglass, Russia ......... 5 50 Do., No.2 ...... .... .... .... O' 70

Do. Americau ...... 0 70 Red, 'illlb .. ...... .. ......... 0 7 Ipecac Root, pulv'd ...... 1 75 'l'allow .. ..................... 0 0 Liquorice Paste ... ......... 0 31. Castor, III gallon ........... . 1 GO Lac D, e .................. ... 0 3i1,,(, P aints. iVfagnesia, Uarbonic ...... 0 2~ - White Lead, pur-e·, ....... 1 90 Ma.nna,F lake .............. 1 2a ned Lend .................... 0 H M".dder, Dutci> ............ 0 15 Litha"ge .. .. .. ............... 0 8

Do. COlllUlon .... .. 0 13 p .. tent Dr)'er ............... 0 12 Myrl'h, India ............... 0 0 l)J'ussian Blue .. .. ........ 0 65

Do. Turk.y ............ 0 0 Chinese mue ..... .. ........ 0 85 Oil of Vit·riol ............... 0 3 Chrome yellow ............ 0 ~5

Do. Casto .. , 'iil ~allon 1 60 Do. Green ............ 0 25 Do. Lemon, 'ijllb ...... 2 75 Do. Red .......... .. ... '025 Do. Peppermint ...... 3 2·5 Whiti ng .......... :: .... .. ... 0 2 Dq. Bergamot ........ 3 75 Pu.ris 'White .. ....... ...... 0 2

Ottnr of ltoses) per oz .... 6 50 Putly ... ................. .... 0 5 Opi·um. 'l'urkey. 1i1. 1b . .. ' 6 50 "~rj6 Green ..... . ...... . ... o. 38 Prussixte of Potash ... .. . I) 4D Spanish Brown ............ 0 3 QuickFii1vl'r· ..... : ........... 0 80 'Venetian n ed, ~ cwt: ... 4 0 Ithuba·rb, E. I. .. ... .. ..... 1 50 Ch alk .. ....... ... :.::: ........ 0 2 ::enu:1, AleJ\.1l.:udria. ...... 0 22 Yell ow Ochre .......... ~ .... 0 3

·Do. Eastlnd'ia ......... 0 14 Lamp Black paper's .: .... ·0 7 Snake Root, S.eneca ...... 0 75 Verdigl'is ....... . .. .. : .. .. . ; .. 075

~ ~



Do. Do., V <le., ........... 0 40 Rags. Y lumnowiu r.ocoipt ofn. large tlnd beautiful a "sortmen,tof Sponges: :Bahama ......... 0 5q Westel'n,"!.'l ib, cash ...... 0 3

Gentlemen's Fancy l!'urni~hing Ar ticles to which I would call D '.c. 1 1 ry V' ~ tbespeci~l attention of the public. Thez'e WIll be found in l!1'Y D~: }1:~~::yfi~·~::::: : 25g Rice ·

% ,lock alltho Dovelties Of the se Ison, together WIth every sIze SUglllC of bead ............ 0 ~O 'ijl1b ..... .... .. S~;d;: .. ...... 0 4 andqu.lity in I • ShlphateofQ,uillinc ...... 1 50 (i)lover, 'ijI bushel ......... 0 0

UNDER Cr,O;rHD!c1. GL1VF,S. HOSIERY, &c., &c. . Sal Ammoniac ... ... ...... 0 25' Timothy ........ .... .. ....... 0 - 0 Shil'{$ 'I1wde to l11easnrerncnt, Do. Do:, .. efined ...... 0 0 ned Top .............. ....... O· 0

tithalltqe m!)~t recent improve.ncnts, which I guarantee to Sar~A.paJ'nla, Hond., ...... (I 45 Ebxseed. ~ 56fb .. : ...... lO 0 dt,l1ndsuitin 9'i'ory pl.l.rticular, at .. Sa.l Soda ... .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. . 0 4 Cllnal'Y, '1;1 bushel~ ......... 5 25

No. 100 W1~ST ~OUR'fH STItEE'f, Tartaric Acid .... , .......... 0 5~ Mustard, 'illlb ...... .. ....... 0 0 • North side . opposite the Post-Office. Vitripl , mue .......... .... : 0 14 Hem p, 'ijI bushel, ......... 1 25

J [> Fruits. we. Steel. . . AMeS ,[CHARDSON. Ap!)les,Green, Iijl barrel 0 0 AOJe~ican , blistered,'i;1,lb 0 6

-- D d Do., Dried.1ijl bushel 1 10 B nglish,do ............. .. ... 017 ~

Commissioner of ee s. Peaclies, 'ijI bushel .... .. 3 50 Qrowley ..................... 0 17 Theunciersiao'ed is a Commissioner t o take the acknowlodq· Oran bel'ri es, ~ ba.rre\ ... 0 0 Gel'man ........... .. ........ 0 13

mentof Det>ds; &c.,fol' mos t of the Smtes a.ll?- Territories. J. A: Or-anges, 1i! box ............ 0 0 Ca::;t ........ . ................. . 0 18 LYNCH, Attorney-at-Law ':tncl Notn.ry Public, Hoom ..A, Selve~' MLe.mI?nl~'l':O.',:'n: ~. '.'.'.· '.'. '. '. '. '.'.'. '.'.'.'. 6_

0 ", ~ Shear ............ .. .. ........ . 0,19

Bnildinc, 'l'hirdsh'eet, betw:~n MaruA,ud W·alnat. d12,tti \. :\0 .., .. ... . Soap:

- ST. V· l ·r"""""".' N""'l!! A. (j".U)EM¥, Do. Do. half .10 ... ...... 1 40 CUftil o, 'ijl1b ...... , ....... 015 l"oJ·II.: .. 111:" ..... Layer Do., 't? box,' ..... .. .. 3 25 ~CiDcinnati) .... .. .... .. .. .. .. 0 6

Bloom ftn isins ............ 0 0 Palm, ......................... 0 5 ?6

CEDklt G1tO'VE, NEAR CINCINNATI. This InstitUtion, df;signed for the instruction of young larties

I~all the branche~ of a. pol ite education, is u ndor the care of! B.l!ters of Cqal·.ity; i.t is situated three miles Northwest of qm.

' thill asho:r:t distance of Mount St. Mary'S TheologIcal ,and is, at all ti, easily accessible fro D} the city. "on is retired Roud bea.utiful. A thick Gf"Q" '" of Cedar

'nd Trees separ~te 's the grounds. of the Tn!'ltir,u t ion frOID tbe pubhc roa4. Rscuring for it the en.Joyment of that pl'l which is,so favorable to study. Exte usi ve and pict.uresquc IlITns surround the building, and afford every facility to the P'piis lor pleasant aud he:tlthy exercise.

T·]'RM: BOllrd and Tuition, including all tb~ branches of an

Rnglish ed·acaUon, paya.hle semi an nually in advance, psr Session of ten and' a half months .. .. ........ $125 00

Washing, per annum........ ............... ............... 12 00 Beds and Bedding, per annum, (parents may provide it,

. If they prefer)..... .. .... ..... .. ........ ............ ...... 7 00 EXT .RA eHA l<G E:

Le8.1ions o:p. Piano and use of iostrument, upon ever:}" D day.' per q)larter ....... : ................... ..... .... .... .. ... $I2 00 ~Wlng and Paintina>, per quarter.................. 5 00

~u.tar, pe:-.qu.rter ... ~ ............. ".. .. ........... ....... 5 00 F coal MUSIC, per quarter.......... .............. ........... 5 00

N G~~!C~,p:~(~:~;~~~ .. :.~:::::::.::::.::::::::::::::::::: ::::;: g eg lMI~~tra cha.rge·is made for Plain and Fancy: Sewlllg and Ta rTi:t 1n aU its various branches. tf A. ides a complete cOll:l'se of Arithmo~ic~ th,~re is also a cl ~ss lh Igobr. for tho more a.dvanced pupIls. ~he y?ung to 8 reside io t he vicinity are permltted, If r eqUIred rttQ fil'St,.'J1h-ut'sday of each month at (home, but must

N, .he next day. 'lth deduc ion is to he mad,e for Vacation,. it. being optional I, . Parents t~ permit thciCJ1hildren to remam lD the Academy

ling th.t time. ( V

"'_ . D ~ Y SCHOOL. ~ I, a Day School a'tcached t o the Academy, for the conve· Ili.i; o~tho .. p~nts in the neighborhop d who IDay prefer th aI.

Children shoufd returu home every' day'. TERM:

mltlon, inoluding tbe same branches .. Iready. specifi~d, pa,yable semi·a.nnually in advance, per SeSSIOn of ten

J lnd Ii ha;lf.months ....................................... $25 00 lor U~lor OIass .................... ....... ...... .................... 20 00

l'IIII11" · p.rti~ul .. r8 .. pply to the Sisters residing in the

~ SR. MARGARE!l' C. GEORGE, Mother Supedor. J

Cluster , do .. .... .... .. ...... 0 0 Do., White .. ....... .. .... 0 0 Smyrna, do, 1:~ Ib ..... .... 0 0 Spices. Sultana. do, ............... 0 IS c..'lssia, in mats. ............ 0 46 blgs, '1l\ lb .. ,,: ............ 0 12 Cloves ........................ 0 20 Dates, '1l\ Ib ............. ..... 0 8 Ginger, ground ... ...... ... O. 10 Prunes ........................ 0 20 Do., race ................. 0 8 Cftron, Genoa, .. .......... 0 23 ~JHce ....................... .. .. 0 85 CurJ'ants ..................... 0 13 Nutmegs ...................... 0 9 ltali:tn Cbesuut .......... O. Q , Pepper .. ... .. .. .... ........... 0 1 Filberts, new ... 0 10 Pimento ..... ........ "l" ...... 0 1

0 2 1 .

Grenoble Walouts ...... 0 10 SaU. C .. eam Nuts ................ 0 10 Kanawha, 'ijI bush e!. .. ' .. 0 2 Texas Pecans .. ................. 0 ]3 Kanawha. Alum ......... 0 . Arkansas Do ..... .' ......... 0 12 Turk'. Island . .. ............ 0

6' 0 0

1'enn. Peanuts, 'ijI bush. 0 75 New York, 'ijI ba,ITE'!. ..... 1 8 lJry Da.tes, ......... ........ . 0 0 Liverpool: fi ne, ~ sack ... 0 'ral'r. A'lmonds .. " ....... . 0 20 Do. coarso' ... ...... 0

0 , 0 0

[,ang,uedoc Do ........ .. ... 0 I) SuUpetre. Barbary Do .................. 0 10 Crude, 'ijI fb .... . .... . ........ 0 1 Alicant·Do ................... 019 Itcfined .... ........ .... ..... 01

0 0

Sicily Do ..................... 0 14 Starch .Paper Shell Do ............ 0 23 'ijl1b ..................... ...... 0 ' Shelled Do ............. .. ... 0 25 Sugars. plain Pickles; III doz . ... !. 50 New Orloons, '!\ Ill ......... 0

Do. Do. 'ijI U doz ... 5 00 Havana, White ....... . .... O· Do. Do. 'iIlX doz ... 300 Do., y ellow .... .... .... 0

Tomato Cllt., '!\ q doz ... 2 00 Do., B,'own ........... 0 Do. Do., 'Ii\Yadoz ... 0 0 Loaf. Nos.lto 9 ............ 0

Pepper Sauce, do .......... 1 10 Crnl'hed ano Powdered .. 0 1 Sardines, qr., box ..... .. .. 0 50 Brazil .. · .... T~·il~~ ......... 0

Do. 1.-6 box: ......... 0 30


8 0 0 0 0 '0% 0

Do. Y. box ......... 0 J 6 Rendered, Ill lb ............. 0 SaJ.d Oil, 'ijI doz. quarts 5 50 Rough ......... ...... .. ....... 0

Do. Do, 'ijI doz. pints ... 3 0 . Vegetables. Macaron i, 'ijl1b ........... . 0 16 Potatoes, 'ijI bushel ...... 0 2 Vermicelli .................. 0 16 Turnips .. .. .. .............. . 0

0 5

6 0

'.r~lpi oca ............ ......... 0 0 Onions ...... . ......... .. .. .... 0 Pic. nnd ~p: Oys. ,'ijI doz. 8 0 Vineg(".. Fresh cooked, ............ 7 0 Cider, 'f.. gallon .. .......... 0 Lobsters, ....... .. ... .. ....... 5 50 MianufActured ... ; ........ O. Ind. Fire·crack., 'ijI box. 2 25 Woo! F leece.

Feathers. Extra Fine .............. .... 0 Live Geese, 'ijl1b .. ....... 0 40 Full Blood .................. 0

j ~ do ............ ......... 0

H emp. ~ do .. ................. .. 0

Mal'iIla, 'ijl1b ............... 0 11 Co~m .. modnO ::.';::.:::::::::::::: g Dew-rot. Ky., l\ ton ...... l00 0 DO; Uo •. ~ ...... : ... " .... 100 0 Unwashed ................ ~ 0 0


0 0

0 0 0 0 0 Ii


BARRY & HILL , Emi~I'ation and H etll it·

t nn ce Office, No. 72 're~t 'I'hird st.reet, Cincin nati, O. Sight Draft s on ENGLAJ(D, Il{ELAND and SCOTL.\lm.


0 • Doherty,

flice and Residence No . 228 Eust. side Broadway, between Sixth


\ and ;-:: venth streets. 12m ja.,n2


I'WI~EN RACE AND l~LM, (No. 1:::3 . .

P. Cody, Wholesale Grocer. P. CODY, dealer in choice family Flour, 'l'eas,Su gars, T~bacoo quors, &c. &c., Nos. 17 and 19 'Water street: between Malu"cDd

Walnut· ' t'eb·25


Bells! Bells! Bells! ' The subscriber is extensively engaged in m~nufacturing Belh every size used by Vh urches, Colleges} Public Buildings,Steam

Tile Hidden T?"eas'llre,. or the Value and E xcellencc of tbe HoJy ~J}\~S; with a Practical and Dev,out Method of beari ng, it with profit, &c. By the Blessed Ltw nnrd of P ort Maurice. 32D.!0; c10th plain, 20<:; full gilt, 50c.

A Vindication of Italy and the Papal Stat('s. Uy His Eminence Cardinal ' ·\iscman. 181:10, cloth 25c.

A Catholic's Apology for RefuS1.·ng to attend any Place of· vVorsbip but 11 " own, &c . 18mo cloth, 25c. .

T7L~ IJevot~01~ (if' the Holy V7ay of the Cross, to whIch IS appended the. ruan-ccr of erecting the Holy Way of the Cro ••. Flexiblc, 13c.

The Sacrarnentals of the Holy Catholic . Church,o: }'Iowors from the Garden of the Liturgy. By

Rev. . " Jllia~ .r. Parry. ]2lIl,0; doth plain. 75c: gilt sides, $1 dO; full gIl t, $1 25.

. bl lats, })la nt:-ltion R, etc. . . Life of tlle Rev. F. Cointet, Priest anti



t il H is Dells are constructed up9n true and correct prluclples it eirform and thickness,and in the proport!on andcombina.tiol1 metals; thus attaining the greatest.d.egrce of sonorOU8neSF. of

t he most melodious tone, and the re~ulsltc strength and dura bi ~~ ~.3:)ortment of medium sizes are kept on hand , enabli ll!:,

urchaser s to bear and judgt! of their quality for themselves. Largp-r sizes, and, if desired, of a particular tone a.nd key, and limcsof any number Ilr sizt! of Bells, cast at a sh(lrt {'otice. .Bells Cl1st at this foundery al'e-fu~llished wab spri~gs (to prp

eot the unpleasant sound produced by the clapper Jarrmg on he Bell) a nd th~ m~st approved plan of iro1' yokes, wheels, and n.mes.



v t fr

r a

A warrantee against brealcage of Dell ornang~gs (if properlJ ung) is given for oDcyear. Communicat.ions will rereiveprompt ttention by addressing GEORGE L. ~AN!{S , ap22 lYus. 1:lU and 122 E fl.3 t '&cond .<:;t.1'eet, Cinci nnati.

.l\iissionaI'Y ofthc Congregation of the B oly Cross . OctavO, paper, 25c.

Sacred History . . Use of Schools. 13c. .

AbTidged for tile

The G~~ide to .,S'alllJation, or the Prac-tice of Solid Piety. 32mo;' cloth 29c; full gilt, 38c.

Proselytising, .a S1cetc11, of. mlr own 'l'iJl1e~ , or n seflll and entertnining Scencs of Re:\l Lite in Cincinnati. l?oundcd on llfict.s. Papel', ]3c.

The Ckristmas Present, an . All;urfI,~ J

elegantly ill ustra.ted with copper plate and !'teel engrnvin.!!s, among 'Which i s:\ 1'i .. w (lJ St. Pet~r' s, Ciucinnati; quarto,

OB PUOR. W-M. KIn, cloth. gilt edges, $1.50 to $2.00. . Pugh & Kirk, Attorneys at .Law, T'] ° . t B Z 7 d if le' },LVES' BUILDING, Third street, between Mam and Walnut, Ile ).JOCM y OOIC,01" a 1netllQ 0 ,eep-

. CINCINNA'rI, O. ing t.h e Account, of Eocietifs that hold ll'IoolhlJ Meeting", S

0 Particular al.tention given to Conveyancing, making abstracb printed headillgs~ ruling for monthl'y dues. i nitiation fees,

:.,fT:.'i:.:t:.:le:.:s:.., =E.::.S.::',a:.:t.:.e_tr:...a:...n:...s::.a:...rt_io_u_s...:g::.e:...u_~:...r_!i.l...:lY:.... __ --:::...,.,..c::- back dues~ &c., indexed n.n thr'Jugh, in books of. 3) 4, 5 r..nd E T. A. NESlIITll. .6 quires . Cap, half calf, $1.00 per quil'e .


'T7le Pew Boole, 01· a Complete 8ysteJnt of keeping Pew Accounts, printed beadillgs, and I'ulin{!" in books of 3, 4, .. nd 6 quil·es. Folio Post, half Turl,ey, 1.50 per quire; Cup, half ca.l1~ 1.00 per quite.

NI.. REG AN, IJevout Practices in Honor oif tke EALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS', EMBROID ry Cloaks, Mantles, Shawls, &c., No 150 Jiifth st., between Race Sacred Heart o.f Jesus . . A. M. D G. 32mo, paper, 6~c;


, and Elm, Cincjnnati~ Ohio. cloth, flex. 13c.

A-r'-I~-~-AP-P-LE-;O-A-TE-"------'-----'~A-. n=:C::-pC::-OU=N=S=YO=I<I' Popular Hymn§, for Youtk . e


ft. P P LEG ATE &C 0 ., . Prayer ({nd Hymn Boole. 5.00 per hundred BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISIIEltS, STATIONERS, AND BLANE T _. • P B

BOOK MANUFACTUltllRS. litg~tO'l"l on J"ayer. ' cloth, fie~.20c. sep22 . No.33 Main street.

J(eatinge's Singing: 'ClClSS Manual. Octavo, paper, 25c; parlT 2d, 7 5c; cloth pl ain , 1.25.'

T 7t e N e ~V S 0 cl ali t y Man u a l, 32mo. sheep, sprinkled edges, ..... .. ........... .... .. .. .. .. 0 3S.

H 8t<lined sheep, gilt edges and sides; ...... . .. .. . 0 GQ)-im.mor. "" " . ..... .. .... 0 7li



P J , Richardson, mor." ............ 1 21> -

tlU·. mor. sup. ex, '. " ...... . j ..... 1 5<!,, ' DENTIST; Office ond residence No. 271. Walnut street, (op· fYoncd.ldocm· CdncdMMnt'''O'se' "P4"Ovo'nco'ale . posite the 'Valnut Street House,) Cincinnati. ' V1 t {IL fI UICJ/(,l,v 'CI 1 l/ I " (,-

~--~~L~a~r~d~Ol~·l~][~· ~~-n-uf:~a-c't~o~r-y-. --'----JOHN TOBIN,Factory on Seventh street , east ofBroadwR)

where orders wil l be thankfully r eceived and'punctually ftlttcndec.. 0, or at his residence, Np. 224, eastside of Broadway ~.afew door! uth of Seventh, Cincinnati ,O.

t 0

I., Rabitum Anno 1855. Paper, bO.

Jfar'l'iage ({nd Family Duties. Most Hev. J. B. Purcell, D.D., Paper,13c.

l'ke Religious Military Orden THE N E F F H (j USE, . the liost Rev. J. B.Purcell, D.D. Paper, 13c.



YF.LLOW SPRINGS. . Pastoral Letter of tke ,First P1YJ'lJin-This beautiful location is being fitted up, and is now read cial€ouncil of Cincinnati. May, 1855. '

01' any transient custom, and for tHe accommodation of Sum· ~

mer patronage. It is needless to ol).piate u pon thq be~uty of Pctstoral Letter oif the °econd Provn'n cenery, t he benefit to be derived from. the Chalrbeate water, 0 1' . ).JI . . _ < .-hemauv a.dvantages this Summer Retl'eat has o.ver any.~tber cial Council of Cincinnati. May, ]868.

s I.

t~e~:~ Wpst, as th Ciucinnati PUbliC, C311, ~lreadY testIly to Gospels,. S7/,e'ets of the Living Rosary ; 'rhe Propriet ress wi ll ensure bel' gues~s aU the comforts the I printed on fine paper. ' .


url'ounding country will afford, and wiU' sparc no painsin her 'A l 7 b t d S lZ' n d ndeavor.s to give satisfaction. . . pila e an pe ~n(J var s, 24 by 28 • e

ap17 E. W. GUILFORD. l!rinted on both sides: 50c.


81 Third stl'eet, between Walnut and.,.;Vine. may9


BY STATE AUTHORITY. PassaO'.-e and Draft Qffice , C hoi c e Fir s tel a 8·S Ins u ran c ~ Q Y t b !l





pay'able at sight in all the princip .. 1 cities' of ENGLAND, .


a!ld WALES. Persons living in tb~ country can remit him'money by cbeclts on SOllie bank or bl'oker, t ogether wi fh the leiter .they wish for· warded, giving the n:ame aud siruam ~ of the per'son to who~ it ls to be sent, f.he village or townland In which ha or she resJdes. and' the nearest Post Office, and a receipt for tb,e same will b (' mailed to them.

He is agent. and issues pa~snge certificates for The m,ck Star !.ine of Packets to: .............. New York. " E. 'J'ra in & Co. H .. . . ............ .. ... rtoston. ct· Liverpool ttnd Phihdelphia Line of Steamships.

Passages p~id from Liverpool to Oinclmiati by New York 0 : BostOll. · CHARLES CONAHAN.

, R EFERENCES. '{'he'Most Reverend Arch Bishop PORCF.T,L: and neverend Olergy W. O. W.G~no, Esq., Cr.Lsliie7' oflhe L aJayette.Bt'-nlci?'lg Company. Mossrs.Groesbeck & Co.,Banket·Sj l\·Tessr !-; .IJ.&J .. Sleviil,Merc"ant~. Samuel 'Yi .~gins , Esq .; George Carlisle. Esq . - 16

Charles J. Ray'. . , House and. Sign F ATN'fER, Gl'ilining, Glazing. &c .. ~o. 221 1-fest side of Elm sirC'et. opposite Sout.hgate nou~e beau Sixth st.

All orders promptly attended to. mylS

CINCINNATI AGENCY FOR THE Liverpool and New York Screw Steam

Ship Company. 'Jlhe weiI' known and popu

la.r Clyde. built iron steamel'E

City of Baltimore, . City of' WashingtoD,

&c., &c. I to Liver.pool, Dublin, Cork, Delfllst or

Lona'On(lel""V, p"o. found , .................... , ............. .... $30 ])'om any; of the' last ports to New York, ...... ..... 40 lle.turn ticketR to any of \;he la st namad ports and back, 60

Old B l ack Star Line of Liverp:lOl Packets , . Liverpool to New York, .................. ... .... ........ $18

Hamburg, Havre, London and ~outhampton Steamers .

The favorit~ Fit'st-Cl::tss and elegant iron Mail Stea.mers. Saxonia, Borl1ssia, Austria and HamlDonia, sailing 1st and 1bth of every mont.h.

]'irst C"bin , $100; Second, $55; Stcerage, $35. JAMES F. MEMNE & CO.,

jun19 Agents, No 17 West Third Skeet.

Mrs. Thornberry's Boarding·House, No. 46 VINE STREWl'.

St. Martin's Hotel, Brown County, Ohio.

OF' HARTF'ORD, C?NN' . T.KCORIlORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETU\AL Cash CapItal, _ . - - $1,000,000

(Ahsol1ttea7ld Un£mpaired.) . Insures against DlIllger~ of I"ire.and Pel'ils of Navigation,

as favcrable t erms as (:onsJstent wlth 5Glvency and fair prc'.fl t .

Losses Paid, $10,437,.3. _-'geo des in the principal towns and cities throughout the

Union. I.

p 'or,ICIES ISSUED WITHOUT DELAY' B¥ JAS. H. CAR'l'Blt, Esq., Ageut, No. 40 Main street. .r. W. G. SIMRALL, d.o.; pro .tem., No.H1 Vine street. J .• 1 HOOKER, do., Fulfon (17thWard .) P. S. BUSH, d!l. , Covjn~toD, Ky. ~ C . . 1'. Buohanlln, . do.. ' Newport, Ky.

Bra n c h" No .• , 171 Vi n est r e e t, · CINCINNA'fl.

The progress of thls Corporat.ion bas beli'n stable and uDlnt er­ru.p.t,ed through ~ea sonb of finllnc!al surisbilJ E! and 6t(rrm, o·r Va­l'ibd~ eventful in or exempt. from ,sweeping conflagrations and IDflritime dis!lstel'. Being long csbblishcd on n caFh basis, tbe present I ... oubles of ('redit s.)Cstero (October, 1867,) affect be in 1)0 material par.t.ic111ar. .

Doring :I hard times," the sec.urity of reliable insurance ill a imperative duty. 'The aLility 6fpropcrty owners to sustain los being then much lesl:ien ed. · r

.t. B. B'E~NRTT, General Agent'. 10' C. BENNETT,} .AdJ'uster • •

dee5 W. F. CHUllCH

Heller & Young's Premium Oooking H:mge of one: two, or mor~. Ov~ns' ffJt

Families. Boarding Houses. &c, f~r cotl-Ior WOOd, put' up and ~ual·fLnt.~f d . H]~LL]~~lt & Y,OUNG, No 292 l\fain, n en r Seyenth street.--Hefer to Sisters.Notl'e Dame, Cincl_Unl1.ti.


SIST]}RS OF N OTR-E D A],fE, Sixth S treet, between. Syca1n01'e &: B1·oadwaJl.

CINCIN N ATI, JULll' 9, 1858,

PREMIUMS OF THE BOARDEntS:. Sup e ri o r C I ass .

GOOD CONDUCT. crowns, 1st, ]lisfl. Philomena Leib..

2d, ... Lizzie ¥cCabe. 3d, ... Mary A. Dupler. 4th. ... II1Mthl' Jones. 6tll, ... Josepbine Dietrich. 6tb, ... Kate McCa!)e. 7th, ... Sa"ah M cMahon. 8th, ... 'Mal'ion 'ffLIlace.

access, ... Mary n . .Tones. '" Ag[]~s ' Vilson. ... Anna McA,·dle. . .. Alice McCom ns. ... Mary O'Donnell.

G r ad u .a t e C I ass.

MERIT. crowns, 18t, MissM. A. Dupler, llnd

... Josephine Dietl'iech. 2d, ... Maria Lavery.

This Hotel, which is &itllatcd in ono of tlie h ealthiest locations in the state, and convenient t o the Ursulin e Convent, ha~ been lately fitted up by the subsoriber ror the nccommodllbon of guests, avery atteotiQn will be paid to those who may fuvor the bouae with their pab::onage.

, junf>.:w.s . eo ..t'. SHEPHERD. 3d, ... .Agn~s Wilson.

! I



erown, ribbon, a ccess,

erown, ri bbon, n.:~ess,

r ibbo.o, acccs3,



crown, ribbon, access,


Sen i 0 reI ass. EXCELLENCE.

1st Division. , Miss Mai··tha .Jones.

Mason White. ... Anna McArdle.

2d Division. Miss Ali"" lIIcCom.s.

. .. Mary ll. J ones. ... Mnry O'Shaughnessy.

3d Division. Mi.s Alice ~lc)lulIen.

•.• Josephine Wood, •.• Marguret O'Neill.

APPLICA TION. 1st Division.

ltIis<:' Philomena L eib, and 1I111ry O'Donnell. Martha Jones, and

. .. Sarab McMahon. 2d Division.

Mi .. ~rary O'Sh"ngbnessy. ,., Lizzie McCabe.

Alice McComas, Mary H. J ones . .

3d Division. Miss Rosa Williamson,

•.. Mary Dumarin.


crOWD , ribbon, a ccess,

crown, acce~s,

premium, access,

p remium, access,

premium, Access,

Mis!! Mason W'hite. Sarah l\Jcl\lahon.

•.• Annn. McArdle.

2d Division. Miss Clementine Bohmer.

lVlary BODner. ... Philomena IUeine.

English Department. 1 sl Division.

Miss Annlt McArdle. ... ]lad.ha. Jones, •.• :M~lson White.

. 2d DiIJision. ~Ii," ~Iary H. Jones.

•.• Alice 'MaComa.s.

3d Division. Miss Alice ;\'fcMullen.

•. . Josephine Wood.

SACRED HISTORY. 2d Divis·ion.

..... minm, Miss Mary O'Snllugbnes.y. access, •.• Mary H. Jones.

. 3d Division . .. 1st premium, Miss Margaret O'Neill. 2d ... Emma' Germann, and

... . Mary Patridge . . access, ... Alice McMullen.


1st Division. premium, Miss Martha. Jones, and

Mason White. Access, •• , Anna. ?tlcArdle.

2a Divisi01l. 1s t premium, Miss Alice McComas. 2d ... Mary O'Shaughne.sey, and

... Mary H. Jones.

3d Division. 1st premium, Miss .Josephine " 'ood. 2d •.• #0' Alice l\1cMuJlen, and





p1'emium, access,

... l''glu :et O'Neill.

ENGLISH HISTORY. Miss Martha Jones, and

Musoll White. Anna McArdle, Mary O'Donnell.

MYTHOLOGY. Miss Alico McComas, a.nd

... ~lary O'Shaughnessy.

... Mary H. Jones.


Miss Mar tha Jones. ... Anna McArdle, •.. Mary O'Donnell.


2d Division. 1st preminm, Miss A,ice McComas. 2d ... ... Mary H. JoneFi. Mcess; ... , l'l:Ial'Y O'Sl;la.ughnessy.

3d Division. ' 1st premium, Miss M;wgrt.l'et. O'Neill. 2d ... .., Emma. Germann. a ccess" ... Alice Mc~1ul1en.

ARITHMETIC." 1 st .Divisioll.

1st premium, ltisB Anna. McArdle, and 2d ... ... Alic. lIlcMnllen. &OOess, .. . Martha J ones.

2d Division. 1st llreminm, Miss Josephine 'Vood, 2d ..• ... J osephine Maillot. ' access, ... Samb McMahon.

, ,


1st, premium, Miss Mason White. 2d ... .. . Mary O'Donnell . . access, ... Anna McAr~e,


premium, a.ccess,

2d DivitirYn. Miss Anna Bogers,

... Ma.ry H •• Jones,

... Alice McCoIDns.


1st premium, Miss Mar tha Jones, and ..• ... Mason White . .

2d ... Anna McArdle. a ccess, ... Philomena Leib.

2d D-ivision. 1st preminm, Miss Alice McComas. 2d .. , ... Mary H . • Tones. access, .. , Ma ry O!Shaughnessy.

premium, access,

3d Division. Miss Josepbine Wood,

... Alice M cJl!: ullen.

CHEMIS'FRY. 1st Division.

1st premium, Miss MaI·th" JODes. 2d Samh McMahon. access, ... Nason 'If hite.


]:remicm, access,

1st Division" Miss Anna McArdle.

... l\Iartbn .Jones, and ... Mason White.

2d Division. 1st premium, Miss Alice McComas. 2d ... ... Odilh, )leitricb. acces.~, ... Annt\. Rogers.

premium, acces8,

ri.bbon, access,


3d Div-ition. Miss J osephine Wood.

... Alic. McMullen.

French Department. J st DWition.

Miss Josephine Dietrich. . .. lIlary A.. Dupler, ... Agnes Wilson.

2d Division. Miss 1tIRrill Lavery. and

•. . Odilia Dietrich.


German Department. 1st Division.

ribbon, access,

Mias Josoplline Kruse. ... Kat.e Hirshaner, ... Louisa Ifakmann.

2d Division. ribbon, ac~ess

Miss Am cl in Leob Philomena Schaller.

NEEDLE-WORK. · 1st premium, Miss Philemena Leib, 2d blary " atrid"e , 3d Kate H ir shauer. 4th Anna Reu~s, access, J osephine Dieteich,

1I1"ry A. Dupler, lIIartha .J ones. Anna McArdle.

POLITENESS. lst. premium, IUiss Agnes 'filson, 2,1 Kate McCabe. access, Mary A, Dupler. ~

ORDER AND NEATNESS. 1st premium, Miss l>hilomenu Leib, 2d ... ... Mary A. Dnpler, 3d Lizzio ~rc.:Ci\be . access, Agnes'Vilson.


Supe)'io1' Class. 1st premium, Miss :i\Iary O'Donnall, 2d .. . Agnes Wilson , 3d '" Josephine Diet rich.

1st Division. 1st premium, Miss Maria Lavery, 2d Mary A. Dupler, and

... Anna Rogers, access, ... Elisa Lamb.

plemium, access,

2d Division. Miss Josl~phin e Maillot,

... Lizzie Ml'Cabe, ... Alice McComas.

VOCAL ,MUSIC. !Fit premium, Miss Ma.ry A. Dupler; 2d Agnes Wilson, access, Martha. Jones.


PAINTING. 1st Division.

MiBS 1\Iartha J ones, and Mary A. Dupler, Agnes '"filson, Josephine Dietrich.

DRAWIN~. 2d Di·vision.

Jst premium, Miss Anna ]\lcAr dle, 2d Eliza Lanlb, access, ." Anna. Rogers.

crown, r ibbon,


crown, ribbon, access,




crown, ribbons,




Elementlry Class . . 1

Ist 'Division. :Miss Philomena Klt:in,

Mary Bonner, and Clementin e Bop.mer,

... Josepbine I\:ruse,

... Aunn. .Johnston. 2d .Division.

Miss Regine ,"Vurmser, A delia Ra ndall, Emma Taft,

. .. Kate Hirshauer.

APPLICATION. Miss Josephine ~ruse:

Ella l'ounsford, and Anna J ohn ston, Marion 'Vall.a~e, and Anna ReuBs, Philomena Kleine, l\la.ry nonner, Clementine Bohmer. 2d Divl'sion.

Miss Tlouisa Uul;:mann, Kate l Uil'shaqer, EmmnTnft,

... R~giDe Wurmser,

... Adelia Randall.

SACRED HISTORY. 1st Dl:vl:sion. ~

Miss Philomena Kleine, Mary Uonnel', Clemeu tiue Bohmer, Josephine Kruse, Au na Johnston,

~d Divition. 1st premium, Miss Kate Nourse; 2d Adelia. Randall , access, ... J~ou i S;L Hakmann,

... Kate Hirsha uer.




premium, accet:s,

1st Dl:vision. Miss }1al'Y Bonner, and

Annn. .Johnston, CI l:!mentine Bohmer, J qsephine Kruse, Philomena Kl~ille, EUa Ponnsford.

2d Divisim. Miss Regina Wurmser,

A delia Randall, ... Kate Nourse, ... LQuisa Hn~mnnn,

GEOGRAPHY. 1st Divtsion.

1st premium, Miss Anna Reu ss, 2d ... ... Anna Johnston, access, Ma.ry Donne!',

• .. . Clementipe Bohmer, ... Ella Pun~ford.

2d Di1J1:.~ion. 1st premium, Miss Regina ',,"urmser, a.nd

. ... Adeiia Rand"n, . 2d Kate Hirsbauer, and

Louisa Hackmann, :lccc::s, Kale NourHe.


~ 1st Division. 1st premium, Miss 1\'hry Bon ner, and

Philomena Kleine. 2d Anna Heuss, and

Ella Pounsford. access, Josephine Kruse,

Anna. John ston, Clementine Bohmer.

premium, access,

premium, ncce~s .

pr emium, access,



pl'emium, :lccess,

GRAMMAR. 1st Division.

Miss Clementine Bohmer. ]}Iary Bonner, Josephine l{ruse, Ella Pounsford,. Philomena. Kleine; 2d Division.

Miss Regina Wurmser. ... Adelia Randall, :. . Emma Taft.

ORTHOGRAPHY. ]'Hss Ella Pounl5ford.

PhilomeuH. Kleine, -ementino Bohmer,

•... Emma r!'utt, Katy Jones.

READING. Miss J·oscpbine Marcello, and

... Emmn. 'l'aft. Kat,y N ourse1

Philomena Kleine, Ella Pounsford, Anna· J ohnstoD.

WRITING. Miss Ciementine Bohmor,

Mary Bonner, J osephine Marcell(\, Philomena, Kleine.

'~~====================~~~~ EPISTOLARY COMPOSITIONS. access, ... Helena Fitzgerald. 2d Division --=::::

premium, access,

pl'emium, access,

Miss Philomena Kleine, ... M:ny Bonner, ... Raty Nourse.

ARITHMETIC. Miss .To~epbine Kruse,

Philomena Kl~ine, CJementine Bohmer, E lla Pounsford, 0


P rim a r y CIa s s. GOOD CONDUCT.

crow'n, access,

orown, access,

cro,vn, ribbons,


Miss ADf!:elique Davis, ... Agnes Lavery, •.. Mary Pahls.

EXCELLENCE. Miss Aug-elique Davis,

... Agnes,IY, ... Geogianna Gill.

APPLICATION. Miss Agnes Lavel'Y,

Amelia Loeb, Georgianna Gill, .ksepbine Jones, Mary Pabls, Emma Darry, Mag~ie Hirsha.uor.

CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. medal, access,

Miss Agnes L avery, ... Angelique Davis;

SACRED HISTORY. premium, access,

premium, acccsit,

}1iss Georgianns. Gill, ... Agnes Lavery, ... Angelique Davis:

GRAMMAR. :rtliss Agnes Lavery.

... Angelique Davis,_ Georgianna Giil.

READING. 1st Division.

l ::;t premium, Miss Georgianna. Gill, 21.1 Emma Barry, :tccess, ... Philomena. Schaller,

... Ad, Smithe. 2d Division..

1st premium, Miss Louisa Hiller, 2d Alice- Anderson, access, 1tIary P iib Is,

Katy Darr.

premium, access,

GEOGRAPHY. :Miss Angeliq:ue Davis,

Ada Smithe, Agnes Lavery •

WRITING. 1st premium, Miss Ada Smitbe, 2d ... Philomena Schaller, access, ... Angeiique Davis.

ARITHMETIC. 1st Division.

l~t premium, ]}Iiss Angelique Davis. 2d ... ... Amelia Loeb. access, ... Agnes Lavery.

... Georgia-nna Gill.

premium, access,~

2d Division. Mi!::s l\faggie Hirsbauer. ... Emma Barry.

NEEDLE WORK. 1st preminm, Miss Ada Smilho. 2d Philomena Schall or. access, Maggie Hirsh l\.ucr.

... Georgianna Gill.


Lilly Smithe. Kilty Dan, and Jennie Pi"tt.


crOWDS. 1st: 2d,

ribbons. 1st ' 2d, 3d,


GOOD CONDUCT. Miss Mary McGuire.

Annetla Bellows. ].1ina ]·erneding. llizzie ~~ih e. Mary Easely. !t1ary A. McCabo. Helena Fitzgerald. Mary Bray.

Sen i 0 r CIa s s.

crOWD, ribbon, access,

crown, ribbon, access,

EXCELL·ENCE .. lIIiss I{ate McDonald.

;\1ary McGuire. •.. Helena ,Fit:r.g,era ld.. ... ~1ary-E. Walsh.

APPLICATION. Miss Helena Fitzgerald.

Mary]'}. vValsh . ... Kate ~lcDonllld. •.• Mary McGuire. ~

CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. crown, ncce~s,

Miss .Tnli" McManns . . Kate McDonald.

... Helena. }'itzgcl'ald.

.. . lIlary lIlcGuire.

ENGLISH DEPARTMENT. premium, nccess,

pl'dmium, llCCOSS,

pren1ium, access,

nIis. Kate McDonald. ' Mary McGuire. . Annett" Bellows.

..• lIlary E. Walsh.

ARITHMETIC. Miss Mary McGuire.

Paulina. Mack. Kate McDonald.

ALGEBRA. Miss !'[nry McGuire.

•. . Kate McDonald.

HISTORY-SACRED AND PROF ANE. premium, Miss H~lena Fitzgerald. 2d Mary E . Walsh. access, •.. Kate McDonald.

GEOGRAPHY-ANCIENT & MODERN. pr emium, access,

promium, access,

Miss Annetta Bellows. . Kate 11lcDonald.

... Mary JIlcGuire.

MYTHOLOGY. Miss Kate McDonald.

'" Mary E. Walsh.


premium, access,

Mis. K.te McDonald. ... Holena Fitzgerald. ... Mary }IcGuire.

N4TURAL PHILOSOPHY. premium, access,

Miss Kate McDonnld, •. . Helena Fitzgerald . ... Marj McGnire.

EPISTOLARY COMPOSITIONS. premium, Miss Mary~. W.lsh.

... Mary McGuire. cr own, Miss Doretta Hummel ribbons, " Isabella Quinn ~nd


Premium, p.ccess, ,

Miss HeleuR Fitzgerald. K"te McDonald. Annetta Renow!; Mar y E. Walsh.

NEEDLE· WORK. 1s t premium, Miss H elp-na Fitzgerald, and

Lizzie Fihe. 2d .. . 0 Li zzie Ost endorp. access, ... Paulina 1\:Iack.



Miss Annetta Bellows, and .. Emma Stadler. ... ]1:1.I'Y McGuire. I

Mary Easely.


Premium, Hccess,

PIANO. lIliss Mary A. McCabe.

Helen Cramsey. J~ll en Tobin. Mary E. Walsh.

VOCAL MUSIC. 1st premium, Miss Hetty Armstrong. 2d ... Ellen 'J.'ohin. access, l\:Inry E. Walsh.

... Mary A. McCabe.

E 1 e men tar y CIa s s.

CI'OWD, ribhon, llccess,

crOWD, ribbon, access,

cr own, ri bbon, access,

crown, ribbon,


EXCELLENCE. 1 st. D'i vision.

Miss Paulina :Mack . " ~hl'y Brlt.Y. " Mary A. McCabe. " Ha rriet Korte.

2d Division. Miss Fa.n ny 'Bamberger.

., Helen Cramsey. " :llia.ry Budke. " -Lizzie Hoffsh ul to. " Mary ·Wingbermuhle . , Mica Fel'neding.

AFPLIC:A TlON. ' lst Division.

Miss Mary A. Jlie-Cabe. ,; Harriet Korte. H Paulina Mack.

2d Division. Miss Mary Budke.

H rrIina Ferneding; " Mary WiogberUluble. " Fanny Bllmber .!.t'er. " Lizzie Hoffschulte.


,premium access,

promium access,

premium accoss,

1 st DiIJision. ~nss Mary A.. l\icC"be.

,. ]~aulina ~ l aclc

" Mary Bray.

2d Division . M iss Fanny Damberger.

~, Mary Bndke. " I relen Cramsey. " Lizzie Hoffschoutle.

SACRED HISTORY. . l si Division . . Miss Mary A McCabe.

" Mary Bray. 2d Division.

1st premium Miss Lizzie-Hoffschoulte: " Anna Bergin. 2d do


premium, access,

premium access,

" "Marl' Win germuble. " Mina Fel'lleaing.


Miss Paulilln Mack. " Mary A. McCabe. " Mary Bray. 2d Division.

Miss Fanny Bamberger. " Mary Budlw. ,. Lizzie Hoffschulte. " Helen Cramsey.

GEOGRAPHY. 1st Division.

1st premium, Miss Paulina Mack. " H arriet Korte. " l\'Iary Bray.

2d do access,

1st prem ium 2d


premium, accbss,

premium, access,

premium. access,

" Mary A. McCabe.

2i Division. ~Iiss Lizzie lIatIschulte.

" Mury Budke. " Helen Ct;amsey. " ranny Bamberger.

ARITHMETIC. ·lsl Division.

Mi'5 lIIary Bray. . " Mary A. )IcClibe. ,: HOarriet Korte.

2d D·ivis;on. Miss Fanny Bamberger.

" n1ary Dudke. " Llzzie Hoffscbulte. " Minoa Fernediog.

3d Division . Miss Bertha Hill.

" Lizzie Fihe. " Lizzie Ostendorf.

EPISTOLARY COMPOSITIONS. 1st premium Miss Helen Cramsey. 2d do " Mary Easely. aecess " Mary A. McCabe.


preminm. access,

premium, access

premium, access,

Miss Paulina Mack. " Mary A. McCahe. " Mary Bray.


1st Division. Miss Mary Bray.

" , Paulina Mack. " ' Harriet Korte.

2d Division. Miss Mary Budke.

" Lizzie Hoffschulte. " LI7;zie Fillo. " ]fary Easely .

Primary Class.

crown, ribbons,


crow·n, ribbons,


crOWD, ribbons,


GOOD CONDUCT. 1st Division.

Miss Ellen Gilligan, " Ros,e Foster, and " Anna Duffy, " Katy Qnigly, " Emm,.Drum.

2d Division. Miss Emma Simms,

" ?t1ary Ker"in, " Louisa Buttemiller,

Mary Flynn, " Katy Nugent,

Katy Kelly, " SarJ!.h:nr u1len, " Josephine Beck.

EXCELLENCE. 1st Divi.·ion.

Miss Helena Doherty, " J ano Bellows, " Louisa Mann, " Ellen Gilligan, " Ellen Topin.


crown, ribbon, access,


crown, ribbons,


" Annie BoyJe ' " Louisa Cran~sey " Sallie Rogers. '

3d Division . Miss ~!aggie McCabe.

., Emma Simms " Katy Onetto, ,

A~nes llefferns.n " Katy Nu~eut, ,

Madol'a Cu.meron.

APPLICA TION . 1 sl Divisiou.

Miss Emma Drum ~; - Eliza Kirche~ and " Ellen Gi1liga~ " H ehma Doherty " Jane Bellows . . J

2d Division. Miss J .. ouisa Cramsey,

" Katy But temiller " Sallip. Roger s, , " JsabelJa. Quinn

Katy Quigly. '

3d Division. lIIiss Katy Nu gent , crown,

ribbons, ., Agnes Heffernan ,; l\IargH.l'et McL:mghlin ,. Elizabet.h Walsh •

Knty Armstrong: " Mary Tobin

Emily Bfrg~r access, " Kllty Collins, '

Josepbi ne Beck " Mar y Anderell;.


medal, ribbon,


medal, ribbon, access,

I st Division. Miss Eliza Kircher,

" Ellen 'I'obin, and " Hetty Armstrong

EmmnDl'um, , " DIa.ry Q.u.estn. " Helena Doh erty.

2d Divis ion. lIIiss Jl'Ia,'y Caliaghan,

" _Madora GlimmeroD, " Mnggie i\rCabe, " Agut:s Heffercan.

GRAMMAR. 1st premium, Miss IIelenR Doherty 2d do H Emma Drum, ' access, llellows,

" Louisa Maul' , " Annie Doyle.

READING. 1st Viv·isio".

1st premium, Miss Hettie Armstrong 2d do . " Dl' l'et ta Hnmmel ' .access, " JJouisn, ~Iann, '

" .Ellen '.cobin, " Loui~a Ol'nmsey, " Isabella Quinu.

2d Division. promium, Miss Katy Collins,

" Mnggie Hogan, J osaphine Ueck, AnDi~ Dumphy,

nccess, Maggie McCabe, ., 1\1 adora Cameron,

Katy Ouelto.

ORTHOGRAPHY. lsi Division.

1st premium. Miss Dellows 2d do " Elizabt-!th S,;artz ~cecssr Eliza Kircher, ,

" Ellen Tobin, , Dorett. Hummol, '

" I~nbel1~ quinn. 2d DIVision.

1st premium, Miss Mary Cnll ttgbaD, 2d do <0 Mary A ndoroU" 3d do IJeonie Yanhovdu, Rcces,s, " Mary Dela.ny,

WRITING. 1st Di~'isio" .

1st premium, Miss Ellen 'l'oIHn, 2d do "Ma,'y Questa, access, " Helena. Doherty,

" Hettie Armstrong, c; Doretto Hummel, " Louisa CralDsey.

2d .Divi.idn. 1st premium, Miss Katy Nugen t, 2d do ' "Kat,y Onetto, accl'ss, " Madora Ca;mel'on,

,~, :Mary Calnghan, " Emma Simms.

ARITHM E;'fIC. 1 st Division. '

1st premium, Miss Louisa Mann. 2d do ~ . ,. Louisa Cl'amsey, 3d do " Bnrbara Glass, :Jccess, " J..,\DC Bellows,

" Ellen Gill ig-han, " I sa,bella Quinn, " Mary Questa.

2d Division. 1st premium, Miss Sarah Mullen, 2tl do •. Agnes Heffernan, 3d do " Katy Kelly, access, " Madora. Cllmeron,

" I\:aty Onet,to, " Emma Simms·

U. S. HISTORY. 1st premium, Miss Emma Dl'um, 2d do " DOl'ettu Hummel, acc~ssJ ., EllOl) Hill iga.n,

" Louisa Mann, " Louisa Cramsey.

GEOGRAPHY. 1st Di·vision.

l!;t premium, Miss Jane Bellow,'i, ~d do " Louisa Cramsey, 7,' D 3d do "Kate Ahlering, nccess, " Helena Doherty,

" Dor etta Hummel, " Annie Beylc.

, 2d D·iv1sion. 1st premium, Miss Emma Simms, 2d do ,; 1\Iaggic lYl cCabe, 3d do ,. Ka ty Onetto, access, :n14ry Callaghan,

" Kat,y Nugent, " Madora ClImeroD.

F r e n c h ' D epa r t m eD t. ribbon, access,

Miss He1ana Doherty, " Doret tu Hummel, " Hettie Armstrong.


premium, accesss,

1st Division. Miss Bosa Foster,

" Jsa.beJla Quin n, " Louisa Cramsey, " Katy QniglJ!

2d Divisio ... 1st premium, Miss TJo.uis:\ Buttemillcr, 2d do ,. Madora Cameron, access, " Katv Arulstrong,

" Mary CaJlnghan.

NEEDLE WORK. 1st premium, .&\1iss H elena Doberty, ~d do "Sallie Uogers, access, " J~I i za Kircber"

" nosa E'oster


'\ Louisa MHJer, " Mary Curroil,

Mal'Y 'l'empleton, ,; Lizzie Drucken,

u.tilda SwaJDbergon, " Mary SchatzD1an.
