

Student Number: 1601070076




1442 H/2020 M





Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd)

in English Education Department

By :


Students Number.1601070076

Tarbiyah and Teacher‘s Training Faculty

English Education Department

Sponsor: Drs. Kuryani Utih, M.P.d

Co-Sponsor: Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.P.d


1442 H/2020 M










By: Della Berliani Riantiarno

The objectives of this research were to investigate the students‘ difficulties

in usingphotograph,to know the cause of students‘ difficulties in using

photograph, and to investigate the solution to overcome the difficulties in using

photograph to encourage writing skill. The researcher analyzed those phenomenon

based on the consideration of the students‘ problem in writing investigated in the

process of pre-survey. Therefore, it is hoped that this research is beneficial in

illustrating the phenomena of using photograph media to encourage writing skill.

The method of this research was qualitative research in the form of a case study carried out atSMAN 1 Pekalongan. The primary sources of this research weretheeleventh graders students‘ of SMAN 1 Pekalongan that consists of 12 students. The researcher used observationandinterview in collecting the data. The observation was conducted to know difficulties in using photograph to encourage writing skill. The interview was conducted to investigate the factors and the solutions to overcome the students difficulties in photograph of the research objectives.

The research results show that the students‘ difficulties in photograph to encourage writing skill that consist of difficulty in seeing the relationship between words and the photograph, difficulty to elaborate the insight meaning of photograph without disrupt the narrative continuity of the piece and difficulty in absorb a lot of factual detail of photograph. In addition, the second research results are about the factors that cause the students‘ difficulties in photograph caused by only one factor, namely lack of support of oral teaching of written materials. Furthermore, another research result is about the solutions to overcome the students‘ difficulties in photograph including selecting instructional materials that consists of photograph to give the subject matter clarity, constructing a lesson plan which moves logically by inserting the use of photograph clearly, executing the student involved activity interestingly by involving the use of photograph, evaluating the behavioral objectives

Keywords: analysis, photograph, qualitative research, writing skill.





Oleh: Della Berliani Riantiarno

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki kesulitan siswa dalam

menggunakan foto, untuk mengetahui penyebab kesulitan siswa dalam

menggunakan foto, dan menyelidiki solusi untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam

menggunakan foto untuk mendorong keterampilan menulis. Peneliti menganalisis

fenomena tersebut berdasarkan pertimbangan masalah siswa secara tertulis yang

diselidiki dalam proses pra-survei. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan penelitian ini

bermanfaat dalam menggambarkan fenomena penggunaan media foto untuk

mendorong keterampilan menulis.

Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif berupa studi kasus yang

dilakukan di SMAN 1 Pekalongan. Sumber utama penelitian ini adalah siswa

kelas sebelas SMAN 1 Pekalongan yang terdiri dari 12 siswa. Peneliti

menggunakan observasi dan wawancara dalam mengumpulkan data. Pengamatan

dilakukan untuk mengetahui kesulitan dalam menggunakan foto untuk mendorong

keterampilan menulis. Wawancara dilakukan untuk menyelidiki faktor-faktor dan

solusi untuk mengatasi kesulitan siswa dalam foto tujuan penelitian.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kesulitan siswa dalam fotografi untuk

mendorong keterampilan menulis yang terdiri dari kesulitan dalam melihat

hubungan antara kata-kata dan foto, kesulitan untuk menguraikan makna wawasan

foto tanpa mengganggu kelangsungan narasi potongan dan kesulitan dalam

menyerap banyak detail faktual foto. Selain itu, hasil penelitian kedua adalah

tentang faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kesulitan siswa dalam foto yang

disebabkan oleh hanya satu faktor, yaitu kurangnya dukungan pengajaran lisan

dari materi tertulis. Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian lainnya adalah tentang solusi

untuk mengatasi kesulitan siswa dalam memotret termasuk memilih materi

instruksional yang terdiri dari foto untuk memberikan kejelasan materi pelajaran,

menyusun rencana pelajaran yang bergerak logis dengan menyisipkan

penggunaan foto dengan jelas, mengeksekusi siswa yang terlibat aktivitas menarik

dengan melibatkan penggunaan foto, mengevaluasi tujuan perilaku

Kata Kunci: Analisis, Foto, Keterampilan Menulis, Penelitian Kualitatif.







I dedicate this undergraduate thesis to:

1. My beloved parents, Mr. Nano Riharno, and Mrs. Tuti Watifor material and

spirit support.

2. My best friend, Dwi Cahyani Apriliantiwho always helps me in finishing this


3. My best friend Melisa Nurhidayah and all of my C classmate English

Education 2016.

4. My almamater IAIN Metro.



Thanks to Allah SWT who has been giving the researcher mercies and

blessing so that the she can complete this undergraduate thesis. It is entitled

―An Analysis of The use of Photograph in Writing of Eleventh Graders at

SMAN 1 Pekalongan, East lampung‖. Salutation is intended to theprophet,

Muhammad SAW who guided us from the darkness until the lightness.

Furthermore, this research could not be successful without support,

guidance, advice, help, and encouragement. Regarding to the undergraduate

thesis, the researcher offers big thanks for:

1. Dr. Hj. Akla, M.Pd, the dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of

State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro.

2. Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Pd, the head of English Education Department.

3. Drs. Kuryani Utih, M.Pd, the sponsor who givesthe researcher, advice and

suggestion for this undergraduate thesis.

4. Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Pd, who gives the knowledge to complete this

undergraduate thesis.

5. All lectures of English Education Department, who always give knowledge

and information.

6. All of the staff of English Education Department who helped the researcher in

processing of administration.

7. All of the teachers of SMAN 1 Pekalongan who give the researcher

opportunity to conduct this research.



COVER............................................................................................................ i

TITTLE PAGE ............................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................ iii

NOTTIFICATION LETTER ........................................................................ iv

NOTA DINAS ................................................................................................. v

RATTIFICATION LETTER ........................................................................ vi

ABSTARCT .................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... viii

STATEMENT OF RESEARCH ORIGINALITY ...................................... ix

ORISINALITAS PENELITIAN ................................................................... x

MOTTOS ........................................................................................................ xi

DEDICATION PAGE .................................................................................... xii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. xiii

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. xiv

LIST OF TABLE............................................................................................ xv

LIST OF FIGURE.......................................................................................... xvi

LIST OF APPENDIX .................................................................................... xvii


A. Background of Study ...................................................... 1

B. Research Questions ......................................................... 5

C. Objectives and Benefits of the research ......................... 6

D. Prior Research ............................................................... 7


A. Concept of writing .......................................................... 12

1. Definition of writing ................................................ 12

2. Process of writing .................................................... 13

3. Components of writing ............................................ 14


4. Writing assesment .................................................. 15

5. A measurement of writing ........................................ 16

6. Concept of teaching writing ..................................... 17

B. Concept of Photograph .................................................. 18

1. Definition of Photograph ............................................ 18

2. Purpose of Photograph ........................................... 18

3. Principle of Photograph .......................................... 19

4. Kinds of Photograph ................................................ 20

5. Benefits of Photograph ............................................ 21

6. Advantages of Photograph ...................................... 22

7. Procedures of Using Photograph in Teaching

Writing ................................................................... 22

8. The Factors in using photograph to encouraging in

writing skill. ............................................................... 23

9. The Solution in using photograph to encouraging

in writing skill. ........................................................... 23


A. The Caracteristics and Types of the Reaserch ................. 25

B. Data Resources ................................................................ 26

C. Data Collection Technique ............................................. 27

D. Data Analysis Technique ................................................ 28

E. Approach ........................................................................ 30


A. Result of the Research ...................................................... 32

1. The History of SMA N 1 Pekalongan ....................... 32

2. School Vision, Mission, and Purpose ........................ 34

3. School Objectives ...................................................... 35

4. School organizational structure .................................. 36

5. The Location Sketch of SMAN 1 Pekalongan ........... 39


B. Description of Research Result ........................................ 40

1. The Students‘ Difficulties in Using Photograph in

writing ........................................................................ 40

2. The Factors that Cause the Students‘ Difficulties in

Using Photograph to Encourage Writing ................... 43

3. The Solution to Overcome Difficulties in Using

Photograph in writing ................................................. 48

C. Discussions ....................................................................... 50

1. The Students‘ Difficulties in Using Photograph in

writing ....................................................................... 50

2. The Factors that Cause Difficulties in using

Photograph in writing ................................................. 51

3. The Solution to Overcome Difficulties in Using

Photograph in writing ................................................. 53


A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 57

B. Suggestion ........................................................................ 58






Table 1. The Students Writing Assignment Scores of the Eleventh Graders at

SMA N I Pekalongan

Table 2. The Data Categorization of The Studenrs Writing Skill of Scores among

the Eleventh Graders at SMA N I Pekalongan

Table 3. School Profile

Table 4. List of educators

Table 5. The number of students of SMA N 1 Pekalongan in the

Academic Year 2020/2021

Table 6. Difficulties in Using Photograph in writing

Table.7 Factors in Using Photograph in writing

Table.8 Solution to overcome difficulties in using photograph



Figure 1. Data Analysis Technique

Figure 2.The Location Sketch of SMAN 1 Pekalongan in the

academic year 2020/2021

Figure 3. Diagram of difficulties in using photograph in writing

Figure 4. Diagram of solution in using photograph in writing



1. Blue Print of Interview Sheet

2. Blue Print of Observation Sheet

3. List of Educators of the Teachers at SMAN 1 Pekalongan

4. The Location Sketch of SMAN 1 Pekalongan

5. The Documentation of Research at the XI Class in SMAN 1


6. Lesson Plan

7. Student‘s Assignment

8. Interview Sheet

9. Surat izin pra-survey

10. Surat Balasan Pra-survey

11. ACC Kartu Konsultasi Bimbingan Proposal

12. Approval Page Seminar Proposal

13. Nota Dinas Seminar Proposal

14. Notification Letter Seminar Proposal

15. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi

16. Surat Tugas

17. Surat Izin Skripsi

18. Surat Balasan Izin Research

19. ACC Kartu Konsultasi Bimbingan Skripsi

20. Surat Keterangan Bebas Pustaka IAIN METRO

21. Surat Keterangan Bebas Pustaka Jurusan

22. Curiculum Vitae




A. Background of Study

English is an international language that is used in almost all parts of

the world. English has a very important role in the process of communication

both written and oral. It is important for people to master English orally and

in writing in order to be able to communicate and to socialize with the world

community. The Indonesian government chooses English as the first foreign

language to be taught in schools and as a major subject for the students from

elementary school to university students. Indonesian people realize how

important English in their life, so they intend to master it, in such as way that

they can use that language to communicate with other people in the world.

Students should master four language skills,listening, speaking, reading and


Moreover, as one of the skills of English, writing is a knowledge,

namely knowing what is in the mind then developed into the form of writing.

Knowledge here is not only word or prase but also a picture, a combination of

ideas and images, and everything that is in mind. Writing a text in English has

a very important role that can reveal the mind and can communicate the ideas

and views to others. By accustomed to writing in English, people are trained

to think in English. Therefore, it is important to encourage the writers to

develop a personal writing style and to find out appropriate organizing with

their own ideas.


However, writing is not an easy language skill. There are many

problems in writing got by the students. Writing skill is complex and difficult

to teach, requiring the mastery not only the grammatical and theoretically

devices but also the conceptual and judgment. The main problem is the

limitation of English vocabulary. In addition, the low English grammar

mastery is also a barrier for students to write an English text. Other problems

in the writing process are the low implementation of the punctuation and

difficulty writing mechanisms in the development of writing ideas. The

unsatisfied writing quality is also caused by low motivation, interest and

environmental support in the writing process.

In connection with the common problems in writing, the researcher

had conducted a presurvey to know the problem of students in writing

English text. PreSurvey was conducted on November 18th

, 2019 of the

eleventh graders at SMA N 1 Pekalongan. In the process of pre-survey, the

researcher got the students‘ writing assignment result from the English

teacher. The pre-survey results are illustrated in the following table :

Table 1

The Students Writing Assignment Scores of the Eleventh Graders

at SMA N I Pekalongan

No. Student’s

Name Scores Criteria

1. AS 75 Good

2. AP 76 Good

3. AE 0 Bad

4. AR 75 Good

5. AR 0 Bad

6. AF 74 Fair

7. BA 0 Bad

8. BP 0 Bad

9. BO 77 Good

10. CM 80 Good

11. CN 0 Bad

12. DE 0 Bad


No. Student’s

Name Scores Criteria

13. DM 0 Bad

14. DK 75 Good

15. DA 74 Fair

16. FI 74 Fair

17. PT 77 Good

18. AR 77 Good

19. SY 76 Good

20. YP 70 Fair

21. SH 0 Bad

22. RD 73 Fair

23. LD 72 Fair

24. TN 72 Fair

The scores of the students ' writing skills are categorized into 3 criteria

namely Good, Fair and Bad by the guidance of the Minimum Mastery

Criteria (MMC) of English subject in the eleventh grade at SMA N I

Pekalongan that is 75. The results of categorization of writing skills are

explained in the following table :

Table 2

The Data Categorization of The Studenrs Writing Skill of Scores among

the Eleventh Graders at SMA N I Pekalongan

No. Grade Frequency Percentage Criteria

1. ≥ 75 9 Students 37 % Good

2. < 75 7 Students 30 % Fair

3. < 75 8 Students 33 % Bad

Based on the results of the pre-survey, it is known that the number of

students whose writing skill belong to the bad criteria is 8 students 33%, fair

criteria is 7 students 30%, and good criteria is 9 students 37%. It means that

those who reach MMC is lower than those who are not able to reach the

MMC. Therefore, it can be concluded that the writing ability of the eleventh

grade at SMA N 1 Pekalongan is low.


From the results of interviews with the teachers also the students

conducted in the pre-survey, it is known that the main problem in writing is

due to the limited English vocabulary. In addition, the problem in writing is

caused by the low grammar mastery. Students are also difficult to develop the

writing ideas. Writing problems are caused by the weakness of motivation

and interest of students to write English text. In relation to the writing

problem, there are efforts to influence the quality of students.

Moreover, one of efforts to overcome the writing problem is by

implement the effective teaching media. Photograph is one of the teaching

media that can be used in teaching recount text writing. Photograph is a

learning media in writing. Photo Media is one of the communication media,

the media that can be used to convey the message or idea to others.

In addition, photograph media or terms of use with photography is a

medium that can be used to document a significant moment or event. A

photograph or photo is an image created by light falling on a light-sensitive

surface, usually photographic film or an electronic image. Most photographs

are created using a camera, which uses a lens to focus the scene's visible

wavelengths of light into a reproduction of what the human eye would see.

Furthermore, photograph has significant benefits in teaching writing

as the media used to make the students easier to develop their writing

potential. The development of technology through the use of photograph is a

unique media used in learning. By the use of photograph, learning process

becomes more enjoyable and will not get bored for the students.


Based on the above explanation, teaching and writing efforts should

be done with the proper use of media. Photograph is one of the media to use

in teaching writing. In this case, they researcher tried to analyze the use of

photograph in writing among the eleventh graders at SMA N 1 Pekalongan,

east Lampung. Therefore, the researcher conducted a quanlitative study

entitled An analysis of use of photograph in writing among the eleventh

graders at SMA N 1 Pekalongan, east Lampung.

B. Research Questions

Based on the information provided in the background of the study, the

researcher formulated the research question :

1. What are the student‘s difficulties in use of photograph in writing among

the eleventh graders at SMA N 1 Pekalongan, east Lampung ?

2. Why do the student‘s get difficulties in use of photograph in writing

among the eleventh graders a SMA N 1 Pekalongan, east Lampung ?

3. How to overcome the student‘s difficulties in use of photograph in

writing among the eleventh graders at SMA N 1 Pekalongan, east

Lampung ?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Research

1. Objectives of the research

Based on the research questions, the researcher determines the

objectives of research, as follows :


a. To investigate the difficulties of use of photograph in writing among

the eleventh graders at SMA N 1 Pekalongan, east Lampung

b. To analize the causes of students difficulties in use of photograph in

writing among the eleventh graders at SMA N 1 Pekalongan, east


c. To explore the solution to overcome the students difficulties in use

of photograph in writing among the eleventh graders at SMA N 1

Pekalongan, east Lampung

2. Benefits of the Study

This research is expected to provide benefits not only for students

but also for teachers and other researchers :

a. For the students

As the guidens for the students to be more enthusiastic and

motivated in the process of writing English text. This is because the

use of photograph makes the students easy to develop ideas for

writing topics with the help of all elements contained in photograph.

The implementation of this research is expected to reduce the

problems in writing English text because of the effect of interesting

elements of photograph.

b. For the teacher

As an inspiration for the teacher to teach the students by

using photograph. It can motivate the teachers so that students are


not bored when studying in the classroom. It can also be an

alternative media used by the teacher in teaching writing.

c. For the Other Researchers

As an inspiration for the other researchers who conduct the

research on the same topic of research that is the influence of

photograph on teaching writing. Other researchers can benefit from

this research not only the concept of photograph theory on teaching

writing but also about the implementation procedure of the use of

photograph in teaching writing. Therefore, this research can be used

as one of the basic foundations for other researchers.

D. Prior Research

This research was conducted taking into consideration the important

things contained in the three prior research. The first prior research is

conducted by Hidayati, Apriliaswati.1 The purpose of their research is to

know whether or not the use of personal photograph is effective to teach

student's ability in descriptive text writing and how effective the use of

personal photograph to teach student's ability in descriptive text writing at the

Seventh grade student's of MTsN Jongkong in academic year 2015/2016. The

research method used by the first prior research is preexperimental study

consists of pre – test and post-test. The sample of their research is class VII

and consists of 40 students. The result of prior research is 33.91 and the

students mean score in post-test is 56.52. The interval score from pre-test and

1 Reski Hidayati, Rahayu Apriliaswati, Wardah, ―The use of personal photograph in

teaching descriptive text writing in MTsN‖ no. 10 ( 2016) : 1.


posttest is 22.61. It means that the students ' score increased from pre-test to

post-test. Based on the computation of T-test it showed that T-test is higher

that T-table (3.29 > 2.074). Besides that, based on the computation of the

effect size, it showed that the effect of the treatment is 0658 this score

categorized as moderate. It means that personal photograph is average for

teaching descriptive text writing of MTsN Jongkong in academic year


This research has similarities and differences with the first prior

research. The similarity lies in the similarity of language skills and teaching

media used is the use of photograph in teaching writing. Another similarity is

the method of research that is the quantitative research method. While the

first difference lies in the research objectives. This is because the first prior

research objectives are covered in two objectives namely to know whether or

not the use of personal photograph is effective to teach students ' ability in

descriptive text writing and how effective the use of personal photograph to

teach students ' Ability in descriptive text writing at the seventh grade

students of MTsN Jongkong in academic year 2015/2016. While this research

has only one objective is to make the students easy to develop ideas for

writing topics with the help of all elements contained in photograph. The

other difference lies in the research sample. Sample the first prior research is

Class VII and consists of 40 students. While the sample research is Class XI

MIA 1 and consist of 24 students.


The second prior research is conducted by Asmayanti, Hajarud2. Their

research objectives are to find out the students improvement of writing

descripctive paragraph in term of organization and content; to explain

whether or not using personal photograph can increase the students ' writing

in descriptive paragraph. The research method used by the second prior

research is used Classroom Action Research that consisted of two cycles. The

sample of their research is consisted of 23 students. The result of prior

research is (1) The students ' sentence organization Achievment is increased

3.6% from pre test to cycle 1 and is increased 8.8% from cycle 1 to cycle 2.

(2) The students ' sentence content achievement the students easy to develop

ideas for writig topics with the help of all elements contained in photograph.

The other difference lies in the research sample. Sample the first prior

research is consisted of 23 students. While the sample research is Class XI

MIA 1 and consist of 24 students.

The third prior research is conducted by Lifatur Rohmah Yunita,

Kusumarasdyati3. The purpose of their research is to find out the significant

differences between seventh graders who are taught by using personal

photographs as a media and those who are not in SMP Negeri 2 Madiun in

writing descriptive text. The research method used by the third prior research

is experimental research. The sample of their research is into 9 classes, such

as: VII A, VII B, VII C, VII D, VII E, VII F, VII G, VII H, and VII I. The


St. Asmayanti, Ardi Hajaruddin, ― The students writing profiency in descriptive

paragraph with personal photograph‖ Exposure Journal 50 : 6 no. 1 (2017) : 1. 3

Lifatur Rohmah Yunita, Kusumarasdyati Ph. D, ―The Effectiveness of Personal


As Media to Enhance The Writing Ability of Descriptive Text of The Seventh Graders‖

no. 1 (2012) : 1.


result of prior research is significant difference in the experimental group

students after the researcher applied personal photographs as a media in

writing descriptive text with the magnitude of difference (. 52) that indicates

a very large effect than the Control group who are not taught by using

personal photographs as a media in writing descriptive text. It can also be

seen from the analysis of independent sample T-Test on SPSS 16.00 which

indicates that the control group had a mean score of 77.38, while the

experimental group had a mean score of 84.58 with the Sig (2-tailed). 000. is

increased 4.3% from pre test to cycle 1 and is increased 8.9% from Cycle 1 to

cycle 2. From The finding of the research, it indicated that using personal

photograph can increase the students ' writing proficiency.

This research has similarities and differences with the second prior

research. The similarity lies in the similarity of language skills and teaching

media used is the use of photograph in teaching writing. Another similarity is

the method of research that is the quantitative research method. While the

first difference lies in the research objectives. This is because the purpose of

the second prior research is to find out the students improvement of writing

descripctive paragraph in term of organization and content; To explain wheter

or not using personal photograph can increase the students ' writing in

descriptive paragraph. While this research has only one objective is to make

writing descriptive text with the magnitude of difference (. 52) that indicates

a very large effect than the Control group who are not taught by using

personal photographs as a media in writing descriptive text. It can also be

seen from the analysis of independent sample TTest on SPSS 16.00 which


indicates that the control group had a mean score of 77.38, while the

experimental group had a mean score of 84.58 with the Sig (2-tailed). 000.

This research has similarities and differences with the third prior

research. The similarity lies in the similarity of language skills and teaching

media used is the use of photograph in teaching writing. Another similarity is

the method of research that is the quantitative research method. While the

first difference lies in the research objectives. This is because the purpose of

the third prior research is to find out the significant differences between

seventh graders who are taught by using personal photographs as a media and

those who are not in SMP Negeri 2 Madiun in writing descriptive text. While

this research has only one objective is to make the students easy to develop

ideas for writing topics with the help of all elements contained in photograph.

The other difference lies in the research sample. Sample of the third prior

research is into 9 classes, such as: VII A, VII B, VII C, VII D, VII E, VII F,

VII G, VII H, and VII I. While the sample research is Class XI MIA 1 and

consist of 24 students




A. Concept of writing

1. Definition of writing

Writing is a part of the process of negotiating what is to be taken

as accepted knowledge within a discipline and this is best achieved

through modes of expression that have become conventionalised through

the particular social and cultural contexts in which they arise,1 This

means, writing is a complex process of acquiring the input of science

from social culture in accordance with its context. Writing is a process of

exploration that offers benefits to students and content area teachers


As students write to make their ideas clear and comprehensible,

they experience the fun of discovery, and so do their teachers,2 In other

words, writing is a meaningful process that is very beneficial for students

as well as teachers. Writing is a very important part of the university

study. To the write assignments that may range from one paragraph to

several pages long, and write answers on tests and exams that may be a

1 Martin Hewings, Academic Writing in Context ( London : Continuum),10.

2 Vicki Urquhart, Monette Mclver, Teaching Writing in the Content Areas ( America :



few sentences long or a complete essay,3 Writing is very useful also at a

college level that leads them to write essays in the realm of their special

academic writing.

In education, writing has a very important role for learners

because by writing they can pour out important ideas and information to

transfer to readers

2. Process of writing

There are three steps of writing process, as follows :4

a. Preparing to write

In the process of preparing the writing, the author should

consider the reader, objectives, content and situations that support

the topic of writing.

b. Drafting

The drafting stage is characterized by the contents of the

paper's mind in the form of a series of words in the form of a scheme

so that what is in the writing mind can be poured in concrete form of

writing on the writing.

c. Revising

The revising stage is where you check that :

Revising might take place while the writers are drafting or after

they have finished a draft. This unit look at some of the changes you

might make and suggest ways to make your revising more effective.

3 Dorothy E Zemach, Lisa A Rumisek, Academic Writing From Paragraph to essay

(Spain : MacMillan),1. 4 Kristien Brown, Susan Hood, Writing matters : writing skill and strategies for students

of english (Hongkong : Press syndicate ),7-20.


Futhermore, there are some process of writing is preparing to

write, drafting, and revising. In process of writing should be more noted

in write to produce a good and correct writing. Ideas that are in mind

people are very useful and beneficial if from the beginning there is

already preparation in writing.

3. Components of writing

Heaton states that there are five significant components of

writing, they are content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and


a. Content

Kane emphasizes that content should be clear so that the

readers can understand the message conveyed and get information

from it. A good content should be well unified and completed.

b. Organization

Heaton maintains that organization is the ability to develop

ideas and topic which relevant in a united form. Organization writing

involves coherence, order of importance, general to specific, specific

to general, chronological order and spatial pattern.

c. Vocabulary

Hughes states that vocabularies are collection of words that

are arranged into a sentences, paragraph, or essay. Good writing

consists of appropriatewords in order that there is no

misunderstanding from the audiences when they read his writing.


d. Grammar

Harmer states that writer should master grammar in order that

she can result good writing. Good writing is writing that has correct

sentences, using appropriate tenses, words, and others.

e. Mechanics

Kane urge that mechanics refers to the appearance of words,

to how they are spelled or arranged on paper. Mechanics consists of

capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.5

4. Writing assesment

Measurement of the quality of writing ability is very important to

know the application of aspects of writing that includecontent,

organization, vocabulary, mechanics.6

5 Hilda Safitri,‖ The use of personal photograph as media in teaching writing desriptive

text to the second grade students of Mts Gowa‖,(2017) : 1. 6 Anabela Reis Alves,‖ Centre for English Language Studies‖,(2008) : 6.


5. A measurement of writing7

Grade Categories Mechanics

5 Excellent to very good Demonstrates mastery of

conventions – etc.

4 Good to average Occasional mastery of

spelling, punctuation – etc


Fair to poor Frequent mastery of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization –



Very poor No mastery of conventions –

dominated by errors of

spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing

– etc

6. Concept of teaching writing

7 Jeremy Harmer, How to teach writing ( Malaysia : Longman),31.


When helping students to become better writers, teacher have

number of crucial tasks to perform. This is especially true when students

aee doing ‗writing – for – writing‘ activies.

Among the tasks which teachers have to perform before, during,

and after students writing are the following :

a Demosntrating: students need to be aware of writing conventions and

genre constraint in specific types of writing, teachers have to be able

to draw these feature to their attention.

b Motivating and provoking: this is where the teachers can help,

provoking the students into having ideas, enthusing them with the

value of the tasks and the persuading them what fun it can be.

c Supporting: closely aliied to the teacher role as motivator and

provoker is that of supporting. Teachers need to be extremely

supportive when students are writing in class, always available (

except during exam writing of course), and prepared to help students

overcome diffilcuties.

d Responding: the way we react to students written work can be

divided into two main categories, that responding and and that the

evaluating. When the responding, we react to the content and

construstion of a piece supportively and often ( but not always) make

suggestion for its improvement.

e Evaluating: when evaluating the student writing test purpose, we can

indicate where they wrote well and where they mistakes, and we

may awards grades ; but, although test-marking is different from


responding, we can still use it not just to grade students but also as a

learning opportunity.8

B. Concept of Photograph

1. Definition of Photograph

Photograph is not only related to the image taken by the

photographer but also the use of the content of the image to be taken

content that is important to draw as a conclusion and to ignore the

insanity of the photograph.9 Photograph is subject to the photographer‘s

selection of subject, framing, lens and personal regard for the subject, as

well as the institutional and broader historical or cultural context—what

do we mean if we describe the photographic record as ‗documentary‘10


Photography is such a part of our lives now that it would be

incomprehensible to think of a world without it.11

2. Purpose of Photograph12

a. Photograph‘s purpose is to recreate outer reality. The truth is that all

images are make-believe –impressions that point to an original

experience, and once let loose in the world generate their own


8 J.B Heaton, writing English language tests ( New York : Longman ),146.

9 Susan Sontag, On Photography ( New York : Roseeta Book),8.

10 Terence Wright, The Photography Handbook (London & New York : Routledge),118.

11 Michael Langford, Anna Fox, Richard Sawdon Smith, Langford’s Basic Photography (

China : Focal Press ),1. 12

Robert Hirsch, Photographic Possibilities The Expressive Use of Equipment Ideas,

Material , and Processes ( USA : Focal Press ),35


b. Photograph has aim to provide the majority of information is

designed to let people discover both their own and the medium‘s


c. Photograph serves the data that can help people to bring into

existence that which never is.

3. Principle of Photograph13

a. Photography is fairly simple; there are only a few basic controls on a

camera. But seeing well is the tough part. It‘s the biggest challenge

for anyone with a camera.

b. ―Seeing well‖ means pulling together the various elements that

combine cleanly to make an image. It starts with the subject and

includes the light on the subject, the background, and the space

around the subject. Each element works both separately and in

concert with the others to create good pictures.

c. The primary tools for seeing well are people eyes and people brain.

People ‘ll need to master a few camera settings, but unless people

can see well, the fanciest camera in the world won‘t give people the

pictures people want.

d. People train the eyes and the brain to look for three elements: great

light, good composition, and an interesting subject. Two out of the

three can create a good lyrical picture, and even just one of the three

works sometimes, but a good photographer is always aware of all



Joel Sartore, Fundamentals of Photography ( USA : The Great Courses ),4


e. Keep the camera look for soft light, compositional elements that give

a sense of place, and a subject that goes beyond the obvious, such as

a fierce dog or a toddler throwing a fit.

4. Kinds of Photograph

a. Architecture

This is one of several categories that seems resistant to the

create images of custom houses, office buildings, public structures,

and interiors of all kinds.

b. Product and Still Life Photography

If people love problem solving and design, you might be a

candidate for still life and product photography. While shots of

beautiful models fire up the general public, really good product

photography is a vibrant part of commercial photography and in

many ways is more fun than the other categories.

c. Food Photography.

Food photography is to people the most interesting sub

category of still life and product photography, and when done well,

the results can be amazing. There are two general categories (and

numerous sub categories) in the realm of food photography: editorial

and advertising.

d. Fashion Photography

Fashion is the category of commercial photography that

dreams and movies are made about. It‘s a field in which it seems, to

the outside observer, that anything goes.


e. Retail Photography

The nuts and bolts of actually taking photographs is

technically the same whether you photograph skateboarders for in-

flight magazines or screws and fasteners for a hardware


f. Wedding Photography.

In years past photographers in other specialties looked down

on wedding and consumer portrait shooters.

Eventoday‘sorganizations like the ASMP only consider as general

members those photographers who routinely ―publish‖ their work.14

5. Benefits of Photograph

The benefits of photograph are, as follows :

a. A photograph that brings news of some unsuspected zone of misery

cannot make a dent in public opinion unless there is an appropriate

context of feeling and attitude15

b. Photograph has become a household word and a household want; it

is used alike by art and science, by love, business, and justice; is

found in the most sumptuous saloon, and in the dingiest attic—in the

solitude of the Highland cottage, and in the glare of the London gin-

palace—in the pocket of the detective, in the cell of the convict, in

the folio of the painter and architect, among the papers and patterns


Kirk Tuck, Commercial Photography Handbook ( Korea : Amherst Media),23-38. 15

Susan Sontag, On Photography ( New York : Roseeta Book),12.


of the mill-owner and manufacturer, and on the cold brave breast on

the battlefield16

c. Photography can provide information in the kind of pictures used for

training, medicine, and various forms of scientific evidence.17

6. Advantages of Photograph

a. A photograph can intrigue through its posing of questions, keeping

the viewer returning to read new things from the image.18

b. Photography has become one of the principal devices for

experiencing something, for giving an appearance of participation.19

c. Photographs may be more memorable than moving images, because

they are a neat slice of time, not a flow.20

7. Procedures of Using Photograph in Teaching Writing

The Procedures of Using Potograph in Teaching Writing are, as


a. The teacher asks students to write down a list of key point notes

taken from the photographs. After a few minutes, the teacher stops

the students‘ writing activity and discusses their findings with the

whole class.

b. The teacher explains that photographs are an amazingly good way to

evoke a memory. In this exercise the students are to imagine the


Terence Wright, The Photography Handbook (London & New York : Routledge),5. 17

Michael Langford, Anna Fox, Richard Sawdon Smith, Langford’s Basic Photography (

China : Focal Press ),13. 18

Michael Langford, Anna Fox, Richard Sawdon Smith, Langford’s Basic Photography (

China : Focal Press ),2. 19

Susan Sontag, On Photography ( New York : Roseeta Book),7. 20

Susan Sontag, On Photography ( New York : Roseeta Book),13. 21

Johnnie Young, Resources for Teaching Creative Writing ( New York : Continuum),28.


contents of a photograph and then write what they have

comprehended about the content of photograph in to a written text.

c. The students read through the example in the worksheet that contains

the brief descriptions of the photographs and the suggestions for

writing which could arise.

d. The teacher asks students to continue the process of writing in the

written text form in the style of the example.

e. The students read their work to each other and discuss what images

came to mind as they were being read.

8. The Factors in using photograph to encouraging in writing skill.

a The inadequate support of oral teaching because of the lack of

written materials.

b The exclusive limitation to dialogues in beginner classes.

c The neglect of writing skills.

d The failure to develop grammatical awareness in learners.22

9. The Solution in using photograph to encouraging in writing skill.

a Clearly defining purpose of learning to decide the kind of


b Selecting instructional materials including photograph to give the

subject matter clarity, provide reality, and achieve the stated

behavioral learning objectives.

c Constructing a lesson plan which moves logically and smoothly from

one point to the next by inserting the use of photograph clearly.


Bryam Michael and Adelheid Hu. Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and

Learning Second Edition, New York: Routledge, 2013, p.69


d Executing the student involved activity interestingly by involving the

use of photograph.

e Evaluating the behavioral objectives have been achieved to evaluate

the strength and the drawback of photograph. 23

Then, writing is a process of exploration that offers benefits to

students, In this process which produces many very interesting ideas. In

writing also have to practice a lot continuously. In writing is not origin, but

there are also certain components that are very important that there is

content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, mechanics.


Beatty Lamond F, The Instructional Media Library, New Jersey: Educational

Technology Publications, 1981, p. 14-19.




A. The Caracteristics and Types of the Reaserch

The researcher intends to explore phenomena the use of photograph in

writing.Therefore, the researcher decides to choose qualitative method to

knowthe students‘ difficulties in use of photograph in writing, causes of the

students‘ difficulties in use of photograph in writing, and the solution to

overcome the students‘ difficulties in use of photograph in writing among the

eleventh graders at SMA N 1 Pekalongan, east Lampung. Qualitative research

is a type of research that aims to explore cases of phenomena that occur both

theoretically and in the field.

However, Creswell states the cases where some various data

collection procedures are gathered to gain detail information in bounded of

time and activity. Tellins indicates that case study data is collected by various

approaches based on some sources. It could be said that using various data

make clear the aspect of validity and realibity of the research.1

B. Data Resources

For gathering information for reseacher needs accurate data, in this

research theresearcherused some data research. Therefore, the researcher

offered data resource gathering the data are, as follows:

1. Primary Resource

1 John W Creswell.., Research Design Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methods

Approach, Second Edtion, America: Sage Publication , 2003, p. 17


In the primary resource is original materials on which research is

based. The primary resource is the data source that provided to the

researcher directly such as documentation and archive. That is first

testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under consideration.

They present information in its original form, neither interpreted nor

condented nor evaluated by other writers. The primary resource in this

reseach is the document of students writing, the interview result about the

causes and solution to overcome the students difficulties in using

photograph in writing among the eleventh graders at SMA N 1

Pekalongan,east Lampung.

2. Secondary Resource

In secondary resource, it offers an interpretation or analysis based

on primary resource. They may explain primary resourced and often use

them to support a specific thesis or argument or to persuade the reader to

accept a certain point of view. The secondary resource is data resource

that provided the data to researcher indirectly such as English literature

about the use of photograph in teaching writing.

C. Data Collection Technique

In collecting data, the researcher needs to use some techniques. The

techniques that were used by the researcherfor collecting data research, as


1. Observation

Creswell said that observation is one of method to collect of data.

The way of the method is researcher take field notes on the behavior and


activities of individuals at the research site2. In the context of science,

observation means more than just observing the world around us to get

ideas for research. This strategy is hoped that to get information about the

learning process, the facilities of there and the other.

2. Documentation

Documnetation is a way that used a written source such as public

documentation (such as: magazines, official report, news paper) or

privated documentation (such as: journal, diaries, latters, email and blog).

The researcher used documentation as the tehnique of data collection by

documentingstudents writing by using photograph.

2 John W Creswell, Research Design., 181


D. Data Analysis Technique

Here the reasercher have the figure that include the data analysis


Figure. 1


In qualitative research analysis process and interpretation data need

creative thinking, critical and careful. Data analysis is a process to get pattern

or reguler from. Whereas interpretation data is a process giving a meaning

towrd pattern of regularity which be find research.

The process analysis data can be begin with beating whole data, that

succesed be gather from source various in interview, observation, and

document. And than the next is abstraction, abstraction is efort to make

summarize from anything data. Creswell mentiond that there are six steps in

analyzing data :

1. Organize and prepare the data for analysis.

Has been collected from the process of collecting data compiled

and dissiped to achieve research objectives by describing the results of

the interview sorting and compiling the data based on the order of the

research answers.

2. Read through all the data.

After the data is compiled and prepared the way researchers read

in detail the data by sorting and compiling based on the types of research


3. Begin detailed analysis with a coding process.

Coding is the process of sorting and drafting data according to the

material based on the important moments in the research.

4. Use the coding process to generate a description of the setting or people

as well as categories or themes for analysis.


Coding process results must be descriptively defined according to

the category of research objectives in order to get an accurate


5. Advance how the description and themes represented in the qualitative


This might be a discussuin that mentions a chronology of events,

the detailed discussion of several themes (complete with

subthemes,specific illustrations, multiple perspectives from individuals,

and quotations) or a discussion with interconnecting themes

6. A final step in data analysis involves making an interpretation or

meaning of the data.

These lessons could be the researcher‘s personal interpretation,

couched in the undestanding that the inquirer brings to the study from her

or his own culture,history, and experiences. It could also be a meaning

derived from a comparison of the findings with information gleaned from

the literature or theoris

E. Approach

In this research, the researcher applied a case study because the

researcher wants to explore the an analysis of the use of photograph in

writing among the eleventh graders at sma n 1 pekalongan, east lampung.

The researcher wants to help other researcher to know deeply about the an

analysis of the use of photograph in writing among the eleventh graders at

sma n 1 pekalongan, east lampung .


Research approach has definition as the problem solving strategy of

the account and accurate observation which conducted to organize the fact

and summary of the field to gain an understanding, managing, predicting, and

explaining the condition.

The following are several steps to conduct this approach in the research:

1. Organize and prepare. Researcher prepared the data to be used. In this step,

researcher organized the data and select data from the data source so that the

data to be need and discussed is ready for research.

2. Read through all the data. This activity means reading the entire data for the

purpose of obtaining the general idea to further begin to note the intent of the

material. So, the step makes researcher know about what the data is.

3. Begin detailed analysis with a coding process. Coding is the way to develop

data. In this case researcher marked and retrieved the text or data that needs to

be researched, dividing sentences or words according to the data source


4. Further categorized data was processed into a description that corresponds to

its category. The description means creating data in more detail in explaining

it. In this case researcher categorizes the research in the content analysis of a


5. From the description, researcher analyzed and interpreted the data finding. In

this case, researcher analyzedof use of photograph in writing.

6. Making interpretation or meaning of data. This step suggests that what the

data gets. Therefore, so that the data can be obtained easily, then researcher

interpreted and gave a description of the meaning or category of the word


after all the procedures are done. This phase also makes researcher should see

the validity of the research.3

3 John W. Creswell, Research Design., 186



A.Result of the Research

1.The History of SMA N 1 Pekalongan

SMA N 1 Pekalongan was established on July 18, 1997. The

establishment of this school is caused by the desire of the

community who want a public school around Pekalongan. The

land location of SMA N 1 Pekalongan is a grant land from the

community around Pekalongan that is an area of 20,059 M2. This

location was first built as many as 9 rooms, consisting of 6

Classrooms, 1 Principal Room, 1 Teacher Room, 1

Admisnistration Staff Room, 1 Biology Laboratory Room, 1

Chemical Laboratory Room and 1 Library Room, 1 Warehouse

Unit. In addition, development has been gradually continued to

this day. SMA N 1 Pekalongan is geographically located on the

road of Cambodia Kalibening district pekalongan East Lampung

Regency. Transportation to SMAN 1 Pekalongan is very smooth

because it is located on the edge of Pekalongan traffic to Metro

city. In addition, SMA N 1 Pekalongan has the rapid

development, although its age is not long enough. This

development is demonstrated by some achievements achieved so

far, including achievements in the Right Fast Race (LCT),

Olympics, sports and so on.

This caused the public's interest to send their children to Sma Negeri 1

Pekalongan very high, even exceeding the capacity available

Community support in building and developing schools is also very high.

The economic condition of Pekalongan and surrounding communities

is quite heterogeneous, but still dominated by farmers, there are also

approximately 26% of the population who are relatively underable,

but it is not a barrier for them to send their children. Following up on

the rapid global development and growing challenges for future

generations as well as the community's desire to have quality schools

recognized at the regional, national and even international level, for

that, Sma Negeri 1 Pekalongan Kabupaten Lampung Timur is

expected to realize the output of students who are responsive and able

to overcome various challenges in global competition. One of the

efforts that will be considered to be able to realize this is by

projecting themselves on a change of vision and mission that will be

developed towards a national school of international standards.

To get towards the mission vision there needs to be

support especially in the government c/q Education Office as

well as local governments and communities that care about

schools in accelerating the achievement of 8 educational

standards set by BNSP and improving the direction of

achieving international standards. The leadership of SMAN 1

Pekalongan since its establishment has undergone several

leadership changes, namely:

a. Drs.Sudharto period 15-07-2001 to 30-01-


bDrs. Emrizal period 30-1-2004 to 02-07-2009

cDrs. Suprapto,M.A period 03-07-2009 to 31-


dEko Yuanto,S.Pd period 01-02-2011 to 2012

eDrs. I Nengah Surata period 2012 to 29-08-


f Drs.Budi Rahayu,M.M.Pd. period 29-08-2013 to 19-05-


g Drs.Mujiono,M.Pd period 19-05-2014 to 14-08-2017

hDrs. Trisno Wiweko. period 2017 to present

2. School Vision, Mission, and Purpose

a. Vision

The vision of SMAN 1 Pekalongan is "Achievement, Skill

and Faith"

b. Mission

The missions of SMAN 1 Pekalongan are, as follow:

1) Carrying out learning and guidance effectively, so that

students can develop and excel in knowledge, skills and


according to their potential.

2) Fostering an intensive spirit of achievement, to all

school residents.

3) Encouraging and helping each student to recognize his

or her potential so that it can be developed optimally,

both his knowledge, skills and attitude.

4) Cultivating the delusion of the teachings of religion that

is embraced and also the culture of the nation so that it

becomes a source of wisdom in acting in accordance

with the faith and taqwa.

5) Implementing participatory management by involving

all school residents and school committees.

3. School Objectives

The objectives of SMAN 1 Pekalongan are, as follow:

a) Having 70% students graduate with average grades above

6.50 in T.P.


b) Becoming lct olympiade champion at both district and

provincial level in T.P. 2007/2008,

c) Becoming a champion in the field of sports both district and

provincial level,

d) Improving the achievement of teacher complementary and

the capacity in the framework of ICT-based learning.

e) Becoming a champion in the field of art, both district and

provincial level,

f) Having a group of students who are able to develop skills in


g) Creating the regular and continuous worship activities so

that there is a high atmosphere of religious life in the school

4. School organizational structure

Table 3

School Profile

1. School Name : SMAN 1 PEKALONGAN

2. NPSN : 10814053

3. Education Level : SMA

4. School Status : State

5. School Address : JL. KAMBOJA

RT / RW : 06/03

Postal Code : 34391

Village : Kali Bening

Sub-district : Pekalongan District

Regency/City : East Lampung Regency

Province : Prov. Lampung

Country : Indonesia

6. Geographic Position : -4,9737 Latitude

105,3279 Longitude

7. School



: B.205/15/SK/2003

8. Establishment Decree Date : 2003-05-12

9. Ownership Status : Local Goverment

10. Operational License : B.205/15/SK/2003

11. Date of Operational License : 2003-05-12

12. Account Number : 0297333858

13. Bank Name : BNI

14. KCP Branch/Unit : TANJUNG KARANG

15. Account in Name : SMAN 1 PEKALONGAN

16. MBS : No

17. Land Area (m2) : 15675

18. Taxpayer Name : SMAN 1 PEKALONGAN

Table 4

List of educators


1 Andi Fitra Af 1339761662200023

2 Andi Novian 0454752654200023

3 Deni Permana 1358755655110003

4 Dwi Yulianita 3035761662230143

5 Ediyanto 1435742652200003

6 Eka Wahyuningsih 6548752654300043

7 Endang Sukaesih 6337751653300083

8 Ernani Yuningsih 0756762663300112

9 Fatimah Nofita 1454745649300013

10 Hari Minandar 7655758660200012

11 Harini Suprapti 4643742644300002

12 HastiniWulandari 7340750652300073

13 Hendro Hartono 0444752654200033

14 HeniSuswantari 0550749652300043

15 HermawanDwi 4648752653200012

16 Iin Nurhidayati

17 IkaSepti Setiawati 10814053192001

18 Lilik Masdiana 8939742646300012

19 Lindasari 6242746648300003

20 Mas'at 1552737641200013

21 RianWidiantoro 10814053185001

22 Riana 5059765666210133

23 Riyanto

24 Rusilawati 4054741642200013

25 Samsul Hadi 7545747649200042

26 Sarjuri 8452746648200032

27 Satriyo Adji 0441744646200032

28 Setio Widodo 9335747648200003

29 Siti Nuryani 7049750651300023

30 SitiSuparwati 7435748650200023

41 Sri Ramyati 2141739641300033

32 Sri Widiyati 0061754656300063

43 Subagiyo 9740745648200042

44 Sukiyem 2039740643300003

45 Sumedi 5442751653200002

46 Suparjono

47 Suprianto 9039746651200003

48 Suratno 8858741643200022

49 Suyanto 1555750653200012

50 Suyatno 0252739641200043

5. The Location Sketch of SMAN 1 Pekalongan

Figure 2

The Location Sketch of SMAN 1

Pekalongan in the academic year


Table 5

The number of students of SMA N 1

Pekalongan in the Academic Year


No Class Male Female Total

1 X IPA 1 14 11 25

X IPA 2 13 11 24

X IPA 3 15 9 24

X IIS 1 16 9 25

X IIS 2 16 8 24

2 XI MIA 1 14 10 24

XI MIA 2 9 15 24

XI IIS 1 13 13 26

XI IIS 2 23 4 27

XI IIS 3 18 7 25

3 XII MIA1 10 14 24

XII MIA2 9 16 25

XII MIA3 17 6 23

XII IIS 1 10 16 26

XII IIS 2 11 15 26

Total 372

B.Description of Research Result

Description of research result refers to the research

question includimg ofThe students difficulties in use of

photograph in writing among the eleventh graders at SMA N 1

Pekalongan, east Lampung, the students get difficulties in use of

photograph in writing among the eleventh graders a SMA N 1

Pekalongan, east Lampung, and the students difficulties in use of

photograph in writing among the eleventh graders at SMA N 1

Pekalongan, east Lampung.

1.The Students’ Difficulties in Using Photograph in writing

In collecting the data of the first research question,

the researcher used the techniques of observation.

Therefore, the instruments are observation sheet. The data

result of documentation sheet related with the students‘

difficulties in using photograph in writing is provided in

Appendix 9. The data analysis is illustrated in the following


a) Being Difficulty of Describing Photograph in to a Writen


None of the students get difficulty in describing

photograph in to a written text.

b) Being Difficulty to Elaborate the Insight Meaning of


Without Disrupt the Narrative Continuity of the Piece

Based on the result of documentation, it is

investigated that there are 5 students of 12 students who

are not able to to elaborate the insight meaning of

photograph without disrupt the narrative continuity of

the piece. It means that most of the students (7 students)

do not get difficulty to elaborate the insight meaning of

photograph without disrupt the narrative continuity of

the piece.

c) Being Difficulty in Seeing the Relationship Between Words

on a Page and the Photograph.

Based on the result of documentation, it is

investigated that there are4 students of 12 students who

are not able to Being Difficulty in Seeing the

Relationship Between Words on a Page and the

Photograph.It means that most of the students (8

students) get difficulty in translate a Visual Concept of

Photograph into a

Descriptive Language.

d) Being Difficulty in Translate a Visual Concept of

Photograph into a

Descriptive Language.

None of the students get difficulty in translating a

visual concept of photograph into a descriptive language.

e) Being Difficulty in Follow, Absorb and Retain a lot of


Detail of Photograph.

Based on the result of documentation, it is

investigated that there are 5 students of 12 students who are

not able to Not being

Difficulty in Follow, Absorb and Retain a lot of Factual

Detail of Photograph. It means that most of the students

(7 students) get difficulty in Being Difficulty in Follow,

Absorb and Retain a lot of Factual Detail of Photograph.

Based on thedocumentation data above, there are three

kinds of students‘ difficulties in using photograph in writing that

are, as follows:

a) Being Difficulty in Seeing the Relationship Between Words

on a Page and the Photograph.

b) Being Difficulty to Elaborate the Insight Meaning of

Photograph Without Disrupt the Narrative Continuity of the


c) Being Difficulty in Follow, Absorb and Retain a lot of


Detail of Photograph.

In addition, it was investigated that the most difficulty

that students got in seeing the relationship between words on a

page and the photograph. It is because the highest percentage (66

%) belongs to that difficulty.

Table 6.

Difficulties in Using Photograph in writing

No Difficulties in Using Photograph in writing Frequency Percentage

1 Being Difficulty to Elaborate the Insight Meaning of Photograph Without

Disrupt the Narrative Continuity of the


7 students 58 %

2 Being Difficulty in Seeing the

Relationship Between Words on a Page

and the Photograph.

8 students 66 %

3 Being Difficulty in Follow, Absorb and Retain a lot of Factual Detail of Photograph.

7 students 58 %

2.The Factors that Cause the Students’ Difficulties in Using Photograph to

Encourage Writing

To find out the factors that cause students 'difficulties

in using photograph in encouraging students' writing, the

researcher used the instrument of interview with Students

and observation of students writing assignment.These

questions are developed from theories taken from Bryam

Michael and Adelheid Hu1.In this study to analyze the

factors that cause students difficulty in using photographs on

writing, researchers used interview data collection

techniques and

documentation. Interviews are conducted by giving questions to

students or SMA N 1 Pekalongan by online.

1 Bryam Michael and Adelheid Hu. Routledge Encyclopedia of Language

Teaching and Learning Second Edition, New York: Routledge, 2013, p.69

Meanwhile, the documentation data collection

technique is done by collecting the child's assignment

documents provided by their English teacher related to the

student's writing document about the report text.

1) The result of interview

Based on the result of interview, the researcher

analyzed the factors that cause the students‘ difficulties

in using photograph to encourage writing, including the


a)The inadequate support of oral teaching because of the

lack of written materials

Ten out of 12 students explained that their

English teacher gave an oral explanation to help them

understand the image during the writing learning

process. That means that 83% of students state that

there is an oral explanation online in the process of

writing the report text in English. That means that the

majority of students ( 17%) whether the process of

writing report text using photograph is not supported

by oral explanation. This causes students to have

difficulty pouring or describing the information

contained in the image into the form of writing. The

results of the student interview explained that oral

explanations are necessary especially if they have

difficulty understanding an image in the process of

writing the report text.

2) The exclusive limitation to dialogues in beginner

classes. Five out of 12 students explained that their English

teacher had to provide intensive dialogue while in class in

the writing process to help their understanding of images

during the writing learning process.

That means that 41% of students state that there is

intensive dialogue in the process of writing the report text

in English. This means that the majority of students (

59%) writing report text using photograph does not have

to be supported by intensive dialogue. This causes

students to have difficulty pouring or describing the

information contained in the image into the form of

writing. The results of the student interview explain that

intensive dialogue is necessary especially if they have

difficulty understanding an image in the process of writing

the report


3) The result of obsrvation

In addition the observation of students English

Assignment documentation in the form of student

handwriting in the form of text writing report researchers

can capture or analyze the factors that cause students to

have difficulty in using photograph writing process among


a) The neglect of writing skills.

Based on the results of the student's English

assignment documentation in the form of a text report,

it is known that students have different writing skills –

different reviewed from components – writing

components according to JB heaton namely content,

organization, vocabulary, language use, mechanics.

Based on the results of the documentation of

children's English assignments in the form of text

report, (1) in the content section there are 0% students

classified as excellent, 58% of students are classified

as good to average, 41% of students are classified in

fair to poor category, 0% students are classified as

very poor, (2) in the organization there are 0%

students classified in excellent category, 91% students

are classified in the category of good to average , 8%

of students fall into the fair to poor category and 0%

of students fall into the category of very poor, (3) in

the vocabulary section there are 8% of students

classified in the excellent category, 83% of students

are classified in the good to average category, 8% of

students are classified as fair to poor and 0% students

are classified as very poor, (4) in mechanics there are

0% students classified as excellent , 41% of students

fall into the good to average category, 50% of

students fall into the fair to poor category, and 8% of

students fall into the very poor category. Reviewed

from the writing component according to JB heaton

namely content, organization, vocabulary, language

use, mechanics2

Therefore, it can be analyzed that, most

students 91% fall into the category of good on their

writing skills. If it is associated with the theory of the

causes of students' difficulty in photographing the

writing then the fact found in high school is not found

that students have weak writing skills. In other words,

the writing condition of SMAN 1 Pekalongan students

is not bad so the cause of students' difficulty in using

photographs is not caused by their low writing ability.

b) The failure to develop grammatical awareness in


Sevenstudents are 58% classified in the

criteria good to average on their grammar mastery in a

writing judging by the use of language in the

2 J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Tests, New York: Longman, 1988, p.146

procedural text. Meanwhile, 41% of students with

excellent, fair and very poor criteria for their use of

language or grammatical. In other words, most

students have good English language mastery when

viewed from their report text documents. This means

that students in the process of writing the report text

are not due to their lack of mastery of grammar

3.The Solution to Overcome Difficulties in Using Photograph in writing

To analize the solution to overcome difficulties in

using photograph to encourage writing, the researcher used

interview with English teacher. These questions are

developed from theories taken from Beatty Lamond Fbased

on the result of interview, the researcher analyzed the

solution to overcome difficulties in using photograph to

encourage writing skill, including the following:3

1) Clearly defining purpose of learning to decide the kind of


Based on the result of interview, the English

teacher stated that the students did not get difficulties in

using photograph in the process of writing. She said that

3The Instructional Media Library, New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications,

1981, p. 14-19

the students like to learn with photograph and they are

very interest, so there are no difficulties in using it.

2) Selecting instructional materials including photograph to

give the subject matter clarity, provide reality, and achieve

the stated behavioral learning objectives.

Based on the result of interview, it is important

to consider the subject clarity and photograph content in

selecting the instructional materials include

photograph.They tend to like media, especially social

media. Therefore, the teacher must be creative and

critical to understand this situation. One of learning

media is photograph. By using the photograph, they will

be focus, and enthusiastic to learn writing.

3) Constructing a lesson plan which moves logically and

smoothly from one point to the next by inserting the use of

photograph clearly.

The interview result informed us that it is

important to construct a lesson plan which moves

logically and smoothly from one point to the next by

inserting the use of photograph clearly. Lesson plan is

the main step when teacher wants to teach because it

will decide whether the learning is succesful or not. In

addiction, photograph is a good way to convey the

objectives stated in the lesson plan.

4) Executing the student involved activity interestingly by

involving the use of photograph.

The interview result did give any information

about the urgency of executing the student involved

activity interestingly by involving the use of photograph.

5) Evaluating the behavioral objectives have been achieved to

evaluate the strength and the drawback of photograph.

Based on the result of interview, evaluating the

behavioral objectives that have been achieved is

important to evaluate the strength and the drawback of

photograph. The English teacher stated that evaluation is

important because it is related with scoring, assessment,

and what step taken on the next learning.


There are three research results that include of the students‘

difficulties of using photograph in writing, the factors that cause

difficulties in using photograph in writing, and the solution to

overcome difficulties in using photograph in writing.

The discussion of the research results is as follows:

1.The Students’ Difficulties in Using Photograph in writing

The first research result is the students‘ difficulties in using

photograph in writing. The theory of difficulties got by the

students in using photograph to encourage writing was adopted

from Karen Hess and Christine Hess Orthman including ofbeing

difficult in describing photograph in to a writen text, being

difficult in elaborate the insight meaning of photograph without

disrupt the narrative continuity of the piece, being difficult in

elaborate the insight meaning of photograph without disrupt the

narrative continuity of the piece, being difficult in seeing the

relationship between words on a page and the photograph, being

difficult in translate a visual concept of photograph into a

descriptive language, and being difficult in follow, absorb and

retain a lot of factual detail of photograph.4

Based on result , each percentage of students‘ difficulties

in using photograph in writing is, as follows:

a. The percentage of difficulty of describ photograph in to a

writen text is


b. The percentage of difficulty to elaborate the insight

meaning of photograph without disrupt the narrative

continuity of the piece is 58%

4 Karen Hess M and Christine Hess Orthman. Criminal Investigation, London: Delmar

Cengage Learning, 2010, p.44

c. The percentage of difficulty in seeing the relationship

between words on a page and the photograph is 66%

d. The percentage of difficulty in translate a visual concept of

photograph into a descriptive language is 0%

e. The percentage of difficulty in follow, absorb and retain a

lot of factual detail of photograph is 58%

Therefore, there are three of five difficulties derived

from the theory of Karen Hess and Christine Hess

Orthman found as students‘ difficulties in using

photograph to encourage writing, as follows:

a. Being Difficulty in seeing the relationship between words on

a page and the photograph.

b. Being Difficulty to elaborate the insight meaning of

photograph without disrupt the narrative continuity of the


c. Being Difficulty in follow, absorb and retain a lot of factual

detail of photograph.

Table.7 Factors in Using Photograph in writing

No Factors in Using Photograph in


Frequency Percentage

1. Being Difficulty in Seeing the Relationship Between Words on a Page and the Photograph.

8 students 66%

2. Being Difficulty to Elaborate the Insight Meaning of Photograph Without Disrupt the Narrative Continuity of the Piece

7 students 58%

3. Being Difficulty in Follow, Absorb and Retain a lot of Factual Detail of Photograph.

7 students 58 %

The second research result is about the factors that cause

difficulties in using photograph in writing. According toBryam

Michael and Adelheid

Hu, that explain the factors that become the cause of students‘

difficulties in using photograph to encourage writing:5

a. The inadequate support of oral teaching of written materials.

b. The exclusive limitation to dialogues in beginner classes.

c. The neglect of writing skills.

d. The failure to develop grammatical awareness in learners.

Based on the research result of interview and

observation sheet, the researcher investigated the factors that

cause the students‘ difficulties in using photograph to

encourage writing, including the following:

5 Bryam Michael and Adelheid Hu. Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and

Learning Second Edition, New York: Routledge, 2013, p.69

2. The Factors that Cause Difficulties in using Photograph in writing

66 %

58 %

58 % 0 %

Difficulties in Using Photograph in writing

Being Difficulty in Seeing the Relationship Between Words on a Page and the Photograph.

Being Difficulty to Elaborate the Insight Meaning of Photograph Without Disrupt the Narrative Continuity of the Piece

Being Difficulty in Follow, Absorb and Retain a lot of Factual Detail of Photograph.

a. The inadequate support of oral teaching of written materials.

The research results got from the student writing

documentation are mostly 83% state that there is an oral

explanation online in the process of writing the report text

in English.

b. The exclusive limitation to dialogues in beginner classes.

41% of students said that intensive dialogue in

the process of writing report texts in English. While,

59% of students stated that writing report text using

photograph should not be supported by intensive


c. The neglect of writing skills.

91% of writing documentation was not found to

have low writing skills. In other words, the writing

condition of SMAN 1 Pekalongan students is not bad so

the cause of students' difficulty in using photographs is

not caused by their low writing ability.

d. The failure to develop grammatical awareness in learners.

This means that students in using photographs in

the process of writing the text of the report are not due

to their lack of mastery of grammar.

In conclusion, the students' difficulties in using

photograph in the writing process, after being reviewed between

several theories expressed by Michael and Adelheid Hu and the

results of interviews and student documentation, found only one

factor that manifestly caused difficulty in students using

photographs on students' writings, namely lack of support of oral

teaching of written materials.

3.The Solution to Overcome Difficulties in Using Photograph in writing

The third research result is about the solution to

overcome difficulties in using photograph in writing.

According to Beatty Lamond F, there are some solutions to

overcome difficulties in using photograph to encourage


a. Clearly defining purpose of learning to decide the kind of


b. Selecting instructional materials including photograph to

give the subject matter clarity, provide reality, and achieve

the stated behavioral learning objectives.

c. Constructing a lesson plan which moves logically and

smoothly from one point to the next by inserting the use of

photograph clearly.

6 Beatty Lamond F, The Instructional Media Library, New Jersey: Educational

TechnologyPublications, 1981, p. 14-19

d. Executing the student involved activity interestingly by

involving the use of photograph.

e. Evaluating the behavioral objectives have been achieved to

evaluate the strength and the drawback of photograph.

Based on the research result got from interview with

Englih teacher, the researcher investigated the solution to

overcome difficulties in using photograph to encourage

writing, including the following:

a. Clearly defining purpose of learning to decide the kind

of photograph

The English teacher stated that the students did not

get difficulties in using photograph in the process of writing.

b. Selecting instructional materials including photograph to

give the subject matter clarity, provide reality, and

achieve the stated behavioral learning objectives.

Based on the research result got from interview,

it is important to consider the subject clarity and

photograph content in selecting the instructional

materials include photograph.

1) Constructing a lesson plan which moves logically and

smoothly from one point to the next by inserting the use

of photograph clearly.

The research result informed us that it is

important to construct a lesson plan which moves

logically and smoothly from one point to the next by

inserting the use of photograph clearly.

2) Executing the student involved activity interestingly by

involving the use of photograph.

The research result did give any information

about the urgency of executing the student involved

activity interestingly by involving the use of


3) Evaluating the behavioral objectives have been

achieved to evaluate the strength and the drawback of


Based on the research result, evaluating the

behavioral objectives that have been achieved is

important to evaluate the strength and the drawback

of photograph.

In conclusion, based on the research results of

the discussion between the theory and the results of the

interview. There are 5 solutions presented by the

English teacher, namely Clearly Selecting instructional

materials including photograph to give the subject

matter clarity, provide reality, and achieve the stated

behavioral learning objectives, constructing a lesson

plan which moves logically and smoothly from one

point to the next by inserting the use of photograph

clearly, executing the student involved activity

interestingly by involving the use of photograph,

evaluating the behavioral objectives have been achieved

to evaluate the strength and the drawback of photograph

Table.8 Solution to overcome difficulties in using


No The Solution to Overcome

Difficulties in Using Photograph in


Frequency Percentage

1 Clearly defining purpose of

learning to decide the kind of


12students 100 %

2 Selecting instructional materials

including photograph to give the

subject mater clarity, provide

reality, and achieve the stated

behavioral learning objectives.

12 students 100 %

3 Constructing a lesson plan which

moves logically and smoothly from

one point to the next by inserting the

use of photograph clearly.

12 students 100 %

4 Executing the student involved

activity interestingly by involving

the use of photograph.

12 students 100 %

5 Evaluating the behavioral objectives

have been achieved to evaluate the

strength and the drawback of


12 students 100 %

Figure. 4



A. Conclusion

In this chapter, the researcher briefly illustrates the conclusion

of the research that provides the research results. The first one is about

students‘ difficulties in using photograph to encourage writing skill

that consist of Being Difficulty in seeing the relationship between

words on a page and the photograph, Being Difficulty to elaborate the

insight meaning of photograph without disrupt the narrative continuity

of the piece and Being Difficulty in follow, absorb and retain a lot of

factual detail of photograph.

In addition, the second research result is about the factors that

cause the students‘ difficulties in using photograph in the writing

process caused by being reviewed between several theories expressed

by Michael and Adelheid Hu and the results of interviews and

student documentation, found only one factor that manifestly caused

difficulty in students using photographs on students' writings, namely

lack of support of oral teaching of written materials.

Furthermore, the third research result is about the solutions to

overcome the students‘ difficulties in using photograph in encouraging

writing skill including five solutions presented by the English teacher,

namely clearly selecting instructional materials including photograph

to give the subject matter clarity, providing reality, and achieving the

stated behavioral learning objectives, constructing a lesson plan which

moves logically and smoothly from one point to the next by inserting

the use of photograph clearly, executing the student involved activity

interestingly by involving the use of photograph, and evaluating the

behavioral objectives have been achieved to evaluate the strength and

the drawback of photograph.

B. Suggestion

The researcher provides some suggestion for the writer, the

students, the teacher and the headmaster, as follows:

1. For the Students:

It is suggested that the students to use the photograph in

encouraging their writing skill. In order to get more interest in using

the photograph, it is suggested to use colorful and attractive


2. For the Teacher

It is recommended that the English teachers to assist the

students in using the photograph by giving oral explanation, and to

cincronize the lesson plan and the photograph.

3. For the Headmaster

It is suggested that the headmaster to provide the source the

local photograph included in the workbook, and to motivate the

teachers in using the photograph in the process of teaching writing.


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essay. Oxford: MacMillan).

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Understanding and applying Multiple Strategies. St. Louis: Elsevier

Henning Kagermann, William Kinney, Kharlheinz Kuiting, Claus-Peter Weber,

2008. Internal Audit Handbook. Berlin: Springer

Hilda Safitri. 2017.The use of personal photograph as media in teaching writing

desriptive text to the second grade students of Mts Gowa: 1.

J.B Heaton.1998 .Writing English language tests. New York : Longman. Jeremy

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Joel Sartore. 2012. Fundamentals of Photography . USA : The Great Courses.

John W Creswell.2003. Research Design Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed

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Johnnie Young. 2009. Resources for Teaching Creative Writing. New York :


Kirk Tuck. 2010. Commercial Photography Handbook. Korea : Amherst Media.

Kristien Brown, Susan Hood, Writing matters : writing skill and strategies for

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1. Blue Print of Interview Sheet

No Aspect Sub Aspect References

1. Factors in using

photograph to

encouraging in

writing skill

The inadequate support of oral

teaching because of the lack of

written materials.

Bryam Michael and Adelheid Hu.


Encyclopedia of

Language Teaching

The exclusive limitation to

dialogues in beginner classes.

and Learning Second Edition, New York:

Routledge, 2013, p.69

The neglect of writing skills.

The failure to develop grammatical awareness in learners.

2. Solution in using

photograph to

encouraging in

writing skill

Clearly defining purpose of

learning to decide the kind of


Beatty Lamond F,

The Instructional

Media Library, New Jersey: Educational Technology

Publications, 1981, p.


Selecting instructional materials

including photograph to give the

subject matter clarity, provide

reality, and achieve the stated

behavioral learning objectives.

Constructing a lesson plan

which moves logically and

smoothly from one point to the

next by inserting the use of

photograph clearly.

Executing the student involved activity

interestingly by involving the

use of photograph.

Evaluating the behavioral objectives have been achieved to evaluate the strength and the drawback of photograph.

2. Blue Print Observation Sheet

No Aspect Sub Aspect References

1. Difficulties in using

photograph to

encouraging in

writing skill

The quality of photograph

that do not show actual

distances and may be

distorted and damaged by

mechanical errors in

shooting or processing.

Karen Hess M and

Christine Hess Orthman.

Criminal Investigation,

London: Delmar Cengage

Learning, 2010, p.44

The difficulty of describing

photograph in to a written


Friedmann Anthony.

Writing for Visual Media,

Oxford: Focal Press,

2010, p.71-255

The difficulty to make up

good metaphors of

photograph and the

difficulty to elaborate them

without disrupting the

narrative continuity of the


The difficulty seeing the

relationship between words

on a page and the


The difficulty in translating

a visual concept of a

photograph into a

descriptive language.

The difficulty in following,

absorbing, and retaining a

lot of factual detail of


2. Factors in using

photograph to

encouraging in

writing skill

The neglect of writing skills.

Bryam Michael and

Adelheid Hu. Routledge

Encyclopedia of

Language Teaching and

Learning Second Edition,

New York: Routledge,

2013, p.69

The failure to develop

grammatical awareness in


3. The List of Educators of the Teacher at SMAN 1 Pekalongan

The list of educators of the Teacher at SMAN 1 Pekalongan, the numbers of

teacher and list of educators in SMAN 1 Pekalongan in the academic year of

2020/2021 are that can be identified as follows:


1 Andi Fitra Af 1339761662200023 31 Rian

Widiantoro 10814053185001

2 Andi Novian 0454752654200023 32 Riana 5059765666210133

3 Deni Permana 1358755655110003 33 Riyanto

4 Dwi Yulianita 3035761662230143 34 Rusilawati 4054741642200013

5 Ediyanto 1435742652200003 35 Samsul Hadi 7545747649200042

6 Eka

Wahyuningsih 6548752654300043 36 Sarjuri 8452746648200032

7 Endang Sukaesih 6337751653300083 37 Satriyo Adji 0441744646200032

8 Ernani

Yuningsih 0756762663300112 38 Setio Widodo 9335747648200003

9 Fatimah Nofita 1454745649300013 39 Siti Nuryani 7049750651300023

10 Hari Minandar 7655758660200012 40 Siti

Suparwati 7435748650200023

11 Harini Suprapti 4643742644300002 41 Sri Ramyati 2141739641300033

12 Hastini

Wulandari 7340750652300073 42 Sri Widiyati 0061754656300063

13 Hendro Hartono 0444752654200033 43 Subagiyo 9740745648200042

14 Heni

Suswantari 0550749652300043 44 Sukiyem 2039740643300003

15 Hermawan

Dwi 4648752653200012 45 Sumedi 5442751653200002

16 Iin Nurhidayati 46 Suparjono

17 IkaSepti Setiawati 10814053192001 47 Suprianto 9039746651200003

18 Lilik Masdiana 8939742646300012 48 Suratno 8858741643200022

19 Lindasari 6242746648300003 49 Suyanto 1555750653200012

20 Mas'at 1552737641200013 50 Suyatno 0252739641200043

5.The Location Sketch of SMAN 1 Pekalongan

The Location Sketch of SMAN 1 Pekalongan in the academic year 2020/2021

that can be seen on the figure below:

6.The Documentation of Research at the XI Class in SMAN 1 Pekalongan

The researcher interviewed the teacher

The result documentation of the students

SILABUS SMA/MA Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS-WAJIB Kelas : XI Kompetensi Inti : KI 1: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya KI 2:Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah. KI 4:Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok

Pembelajaran Penilaian



Sumber Belajar

1.1Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi International yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar 2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional 3.9 Menganalisis struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial teks ilmiah faktual (factual report) dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang teks ilmiah faktual tentang orang, binatang, benda, gejala dan peristiwa alam dan sosial, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks pembelajaran di pelajaran lain di Kelas XI

Teks ilmiah faktual (factualreport) lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang benda, binatang dan gejala/peristiwa alam, Fungsi sosial

- Mengamati alam

- Menulis paparan ilmiah mengenai benda,binatang dan gejal/ peristiwa alam

Struktur - Klasifik

asi Umum tentang binatang/ benda yang ditulis, e.g.

Slow loris is a mammal. It is found in ... It is a nocturnal animal. It is very small with ....

- Penggambaran mengenai bagian, sifat


Siswa menyimak berbagai contoh/ film ilmiah pendek yang disediakan

Siswa mengamati fungsi sosial, struktur dan unsur kebahasaan teks ilmiah faktual

Siswa berlatih menentukan gagasan utama, dan informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu



Dengan pertanyaan pengarah dari guru, siswa terpancing untuk mempertanyakan tujuan, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam paparan tersebut.

Siswa mempertanyakan cara menemukan gagasan pokok, informasi rinci dari teks faktual report.

Mengeksplorasi Siswa mendengarkan/membaca/membacakan teks ilmiah faktual dengan membandingkan berbagai teks report dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai dengan

konteks. Mengasosiasi

Dalam kerja kelompok terbimbing siswa menganalisis struktur dan unsur bahasa yang ada dalam beberapa teks report.

Siswa mengelompokkan struktur, fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan teks berdasarkan penggunaannya.

Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru dan teman tentang hasil analis

Kriteria penilaian:

Pencapaian fungsi sosial

Kelengkapan dan keruntutan struktur teks ilmiah faktual

Ketepatan unsur kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa kata, ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, dan tulisan tangan

Kesesuaian format

penulisan/ penyampaian

Pengamatan (observations): Bukan penilaian formal seperti tes, tetapi untuk tujuan memberi balikan.

Berperilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai,dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

Ketepatan dan kesesuaian dalam menyampaikan dan menulis teks ilmiah faktual

Kesungguhan siswa dalam proses pembelajara

Student’s Assignment

Name :

Student‘s Number :

Please write a factual report text based on the following photograph!


















Good Luck ☺

Interview Sheet

A. The Factors that Cause Difficulties of Using Photograph in

Encouraging Writing Skill

The question that are given to the students, as follow :

1. Is there any oral explanation to support your comprehension toward

the photograph?

Answer : 1. Yes

2, No

2. Is there any intensive dialogue in the classroom in the process of

writing by using photograph?

Answer : 1. The action we can take is to only coordinate, both

between classroom agencies and with the school so that all can be

properly synchronized.

2, None

(Source : Bryam Michael and Adelheid Hu. Routledge Encyclopedia of

Language Teaching and Learning Second Edition, New York:

Routledge, 2013, p.69)

B.The Solution to Overcome Difficulties in Using Photograph in

Encouraging Writing Skill

The question that are given to the teacher, as follow :

1. Do the students get difficulties in using photograph in the process of


Answer : that the students like to learn with photograph and they are

very interest, so there are no difficulties in using it.

2. How to overcome the students‘ difficulties in using photograph in the

process of writing?

Answer : They tend to like media, especially social media. Therefore,

the teacher must be creative and critical to understand this situation. One

of learning media is photograph. By using the photograph, they will be

focus, and enthusiastic to learn writing.

3. Is it important to clearly define purpose of learning to decide the kind of


Answer : that it is important to construct a lesson plan which moves

logically and smoothly from one point to the next by inserting the use of

photograph clearly.

4. What is the urgency of selecting instructional materials completed by the

use of photograph to achieve the stated behavioral learning objectives?

Answer : did give any information about the urgency of executing the

student involved activity interestingly by involving the use of photograph.

5. Why is it important to construct a lesson plan which moves logically and

smoothly from one point to the next by inserting the use of photograph


Answer : Lesson plan is the main step when teacher wants to teach because it

will decide whether the learning is succesful or not. In addiction, photograph

is a good way to convey the objectives stated in the lesson plan.

6. How if there is a process of executing the student involved activity

interesting by involving the use of photograph?

Answer : The interview result did give any information about the urgency of

executing the student involved activity interestingly by involving the use of


7. What is the importance of evaluating the behavioral objectives that have

been achieved to evaluate the strenght and the drawback of photograph?

Answer : evaluating the behavioral objectives that have been achieved is

important to evaluate the strength and the drawback of photograph. The

English teacher stated that evaluation is important because it is related with

scoring, assessment, and what step taken on the next learning.

(Source : Beatty Lamond F, The Instructional Media Library, New Jersey:

Educational Technology Publications, 1981, p. 14-19)

Documentation Sheet



The Students‘ Writing Assignment given by English

Not being

Difficulty of Describ Photograph in to a Writen Text.

Not being

Difficulty to

Elaborate the


Meaning of



Disrupt the


Continuity of

the Piece.

Not being

Difficulty in

Seeing the



Words on a

Page and the


Not being

Difficulty in Translate a Visual

Concept of


into a



Not being

Difficulty in


and Retain a lot of

Factual Detail of


Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

1 KF

2 FS

3 MA

4 FN

5 RA

6 A

7 DH

8 DS

9 PR

10 D

11 NR

12 BR

(Source: Friedmann Anthony. Writing for Visual Media, Oxford: Focal Press,

2010, p.71-255)


The name of writer is Della Berliani Riantiarno. She was born in Pangkajene,

South Sulawesi, August 09, 1998. She is the second child of married couple Mr.

Nano Riharno and Mrs. Tuti Wati.

She was enrolled her study at TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal, Pekalongan, East

Lampung 2003-2004. She continued her study at SDN 02 Tulus Rejo on 2004-

2010. She continued her study at SMP N 01 Pekalongan on 2010-2013. She

contined her study at SMAN 1 Pekalongan on 2013 and completed in 2016.

After graduating of SMAN 1 Pekalongan, the writer continued her study at Metro

City. In 2016, she was registered as a student of S1 English Education Department

State Institute for Islamic (IAIN) Metro. Then, the writer takes study as an S1

Students of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic (IAIN)
