American Heritage Girls Troop FL1512 Policy and Guidelines ...

American Heritage Girls Troop FL1512 Policy and Guidelines 2019/2020 Troop Verse: This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. John 15:12 Troop email: [email protected] Troop Coordinator: Christine Lobetti Troop Vice Coordinator: Ashley Hirt Chartered by Christian Family Chapel Jacksonville, Florida

Transcript of American Heritage Girls Troop FL1512 Policy and Guidelines ...

American Heritage Girls Troop FL1512

Policy and Guidelines 2019/2020

Troop Verse: This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

John 15:12

Troop email: [email protected] Troop Coordinator: Christine Lobetti Troop Vice Coordinator: Ashley Hirt

Chartered by Christian Family Chapel Jacksonville, Florida

Table of Contents AHG Mission Statement 3 AHG Oath 3 AHG Creed 3 Statement of Faith 3 Girl Membership 4 Helping AHG Girls Live a Life of Virtue 4 The AHG Program 7 Uniforms 9

Awards and Recognition 12

Finances Error! Bookmark not defined.5 Meeting Procedures 17 Health & Safety 20 Troop Communication 22 Parent Responsibilities 23 Conflict Resolution 267

Troop Policy & Guidelines

AHG Mission Statement Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.

AHG Oath “I promise to love God, Cherish my family, Honor my country, And Serve in my community.”

AHG Creed As an American Heritage Girl, I promise to be: Compassionate Understanding others in fellowship, empathy, kindness, and caring. Respect others’ opinions and emotions. Helpful Willingly serve others. Honest Always tell the truth and keep my promises. Loyal True to God, family, friends, community and country. Perseverant Continuing to strive toward a goal despite obstacles. Pure Keep my mind and body pure. Resourceful Wisely use my time, materials and talents. Respectful Honor my country, be obedient to those in authority, and courteous to all. Responsible Accountable for my own actions. Reliable in all situations. Reverent Faithful and honoring to God. Respectful to the beliefs of others.

Statement of Faith American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered leadership and character development ministry. The following Statement of Faith applies to all American Heritage Girls Charter Organizations and Adult Members. "We believe that there is one Triune God – Father; Jesus Christ, His one and only Son; and the Holy Spirit – Creator of the universe and eternally existent. We believe the Holy Scriptures (Old and New Testaments) to be the inspired and authoritative Word of God. We believe each person is created in His image for the purpose of communing with and worshipping God. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit, who enables us to live Godly lives. We believe that each of us as an individual is called to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength; and collectively to love our neighbors as ourselves. We believe God calls us to lives of purity, service, stewardship, and integrity." Clarity is further provided to the following terms: Purity - God calls us to lives of holiness, being pure of heart, mind, word, and deed. We are to reserve sexual activity to the sanctity of marriage, a lifelong commitment before God between a man and a woman. Service - God calls us to become responsible members of our community and the world through selfless acts that contribute to the welfare of others. Stewardship - God calls us to use our God-given time, talents, and money wisely. Integrity - God calls us to live moral lives that demonstrate an inward motivation to do what is right, regardless of the cost.

Girl Membership Girl membership is defined as young women five (5) to eighteen (18) years of age who are registered and who meet all other qualifications prescribed in the policies of the Organization. American Heritage Girls’ Inclusion Policy states: All biological girls of any color, creed, race, national origin and socioeconomic status who agree to live according to the standards of the AHG Oath and the AHG Creed are invited to be a member of American Heritage Girls.

● AHG unashamedly believes, teaches, and practices Biblical principles throughout its Program.

● AHG is committed not only to developing girls’ character, but also to teaching girls how to apply the truths of God’s Word to every aspect of life.

Helping AHG Girls Live a Life of Virtue It is the expectation of AHG, Inc. that girl members not only subscribe to, but strive to live according to the values represented in the AHG Oath and Creed, to which they agreed when they became a member. With this expectation, it is also understood that, just like adults, girls face temptation and are not without sin. Because we all fall short from time to time, it is important that the AHG Troop remain a place of grace and truth. Girls, especially during their adolescent years, are trying to determine who they are and how their faith and the culture play into that identity. AHG can serve a critical role in guiding girls toward their identity in Christ. AHG is meant to be a ministry of transformation—a ministry which surrounds girls with godly adults that will offer them sound Biblical advice, encouragement, grace and truth. AHG should be a safe place for girls to navigate the confusion that is today’s moral landscape. When a girl falls short of living up to the AHG Oath and Creed, it is not a time for her immediate dismissal from the Troop. It is a time when a girl needs the Christ-centered program of AHG, her parents, her church and the faith-filled adults of her Troop the most. When a girl engages in behavior which contradicts the Oath or Creed, it is important that she understands her error and is given an opportunity to change. These behaviors might include, but are not limited to gossip, bullying, stealing, sexual activity outside the context of marriage (opposite-sex or same-sex*), illegal use of drugs or alcohol, etc. When Troop Leadership becomes aware that a girl is engaging in such behavior, there are a number of steps that must precede dismissal from the program.

1. Depending on the level of severity of the behavior, the parents of the girl should be notified and included in the process. If the Charter Organization has policies regarding the behaviors being addressed, please refer to the Charter Organization for input, if agreeable to the parent. With parent approval, the trusted Unit Leader and/or Troop Shepherd plus one other adult (maintaining two-deep-leadership) should discuss their concerns with the girl in a loving manner. “Here is why we are concerned. Here is why this behavior contradicts the Oath/Creed.” Share the Scriptural references regarding these behaviors. Girls should be given an opportunity to show remorse, repent and determine a plan for changed behavior. Accountability should be established in a manner which preserves confidentiality and promotes youth safety as described in AHG’s KEYS to Child Safety Training.

2. If the girl member does not show remorse, does not agree to a plan of action, or repeats the behavior of concern, Troop Leadership should meet with the girl’s parents/guardians as soon as possible, no matter how small the infraction. Troop Leadership should explain in a loving manner why the behavior is of concern; why it contradicts the AHG Oath/Creed; and what steps have been taken to assist the girl in addressing the issue. Following this meeting, girls should be given another opportunity to show remorse, repent and determine a plan for changed behavior. Accountability should be established in a manner which preserves confidentiality and promotes youth safety as described in AHG’s KEYS to Child Safety Training.

3. If the girl member denies the behavior while the evidence is overwhelming, Troop Leadership must stand for truth and challenge the girl member to be truthful. Troop Leadership should explain that grace is available to all, but where truth cannot be found, grace will not be applied. If the girl member refuses to be truthful, then Troop Leadership should meet with her parents/guardians to explain the evidence, to describe the consequences that are available dependent upon the girl member’s

willingness/unwillingness to be truthful, and to request that the parents/guardians counsel their girl member. Troop Leadership should offer the parents/guardian and the girl member 24 to 48 hours to respond to the evidence and the possible consequences.

4. If the girl member continues to not accept responsibility for the behavior, does not show remorse, does not agree to a plan of action, or repeats the behavior of concern, Troop Leadership should again meet with the girl and her parents/guardians. At this meeting, discussions should be had around engaging a pastor, priest or other church leader within the girl’s preferred denomination. Outside ministries that specialize in the issue at hand may also be engaged at this time. The object of this meeting is to again work on a plan of action in order to assist the girl in understanding her behavior, its consequences and work to overcome it. If the parents and girl understand the concern around the behavior and are willing to implement a plan for change, then the girl should be allowed to remain in the Troop. The Troop Volunteers are not expected to provide counsel, which is the job of the parents, but rather show support and acknowledgement of the worth of the girl.

5. If the above avenues have all been exhausted and the girl continues her behavior, refuses to recognize the behavior as contradictory to the Oath/Creed, and/or poses a threat to other girls in the Troop, she may be asked to terminate her membership in American Heritage Girls. The goal for every Troop should be to keep the girl in the Troop. The decision to ask a girl to leave a Troop should be one covered in prayer and discernment and in which counsel of the Charter Rep and the Member Services Coach is sought.

*Scripture addresses the issues of sin: homosexuality, adultery, fornication, lust, pornography, lying, stealing, etc. Sin is contrary to God’s design and purposes (Romans 1:1, 1 Corinthians 6:1, 1 Timothy 1, and Leviticus 18). While AHG is well aware that the culture may promote various sins as natural and people are “born that way,” AHG defers to the truth of Scripture that states that these behaviors are “sin” and an “abomination.” AHG Leaders should communicate that God’s grace extends to every form of sin when there is confession, repentance, and dependence on Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). As girls are maturing, there will be natural questions about same-gender attraction and the development of healthy relationships. Parents should also engage these matters with grace, truth, courage and understanding. As adult members, we also take responsibility for the girls in our troop. We know that the best way to help lead girls to a more Christ centered life, is by doing so ourselves and being the example. It is the expectation of AHG, Inc. that adult members not only subscribe to, but strive to live according to the values represented in the AHG Oath and Creed, to which they agreed when they became a member as well. While the troop understands that we have many different outlooks on how each of us is called to live our life for Christ, we agree that some behaviors should not be permitted, in any way, at troop meetings, events, or gatherings where girl members are present. FL1512 provides this list of behavior we consider to be inappropriate at these meetings/events:

● Gossip, bullying, ● Illegal use of drugs or alcohol ● Cursing or foul language ● Stealing ● Conversation involving adult topics

It is vital for the protection of the girls and Leaders, that “two-deep leadership” is maintained at all times. It is also important the girl/Leader’s ratios be maintained. It is the expectation of AHG, Inc. that adult members not only subscribe to, but strive to live according to the values represented in the AHG Oath and Creed, to which they agreed when they became a member.

Appropriate girl/Leader ratios are: Pathfinder 6 girls per 1 registered leader

Tenderheart 6 girls per 1 registered leader Explorers 8 girls per 1 registered leader Pioneers 10 girls per 1 registered leader Patriots 12 girls per 1 registered leader Levels may be broken into Squads according to size and the development stages of the girl members. It is very typical that the Tenderheart Level may be sub-divided into Squads based on grade level (i.e. 1st grade, 2nd and 3rd grade.) Pioneer and Patriot Levels may join together while the girls work on their age appropriate Program work, depending on the number of girls in each unit.

The AHG Program Our Troop provides a well-balanced Program that includes activities based on all six parts of the AHG Program. Program Emphases -Life Skills -Girl Leadership -Developing Teamwork and Building Confidence -Character Development -Social Development -Spiritual Development Life Skills These experiences range in topic through AHG’s six Frontiers: Heritage, Family Living, Arts, Outdoor Skills, Personal Well-Being, and Science Technology. The Badges are progressive so the girls will learn new skills at each Level, building on previous levels.

Badge Program- The Troop budgets for 3-4 Badges per girl to be implemented during Troop meetings. Unit Leaders help the girls plan their activities to revolve around their AHG Badge Requirements. If girls are absent from a Troop meeting where AHG Badge Requirements are being met, it is up to the girl member and/or parent to make sure she fulfills those requirements on her own time if she wants to receive the badge along with girls in her Unit. Girls may earn badges outside of the Troop setting. Summer months are a great opportunity for girls to earn badges in the Outdoor Skills Frontier as well as the other Frontiers. The individual must pay for all badges earned outside of the Troop meeting ($3.50 each). AHG Badge Requirements earned outside of Troop meetings must be recorded and approved by the Unit Leader or Advancement Manager. Unit Leaders have the right to question any AHG Badge Requirements fulfilled outside of the Troop meeting. Girls will be required to bring a display specific to the badge they earned outside of the Troop meeting or make a short presentation to the large group or their Unit at a scheduled time. Please set up this time with your Unit Leader. If there is a dispute regarding requirements, it will be brought to the attention of the Troop Board for rectification, after the Unit Leader and Advancement Managers have reviewed the situation and sought advice for a decision. All badges are ordered three times per year through the Advancement Manager. Individuals will be invoiced for their individual badges. Individuals may not purchase badges or insignia through the AHGstore.

Leadership Girl Leadership skills are encouraged at all Levels of AHG. AHG Troop FL1512 will offer many leadership opportunities throughout the year. Through many successful experiences, leadership becomes a lifestyle to the AHG members. Some of these opportunities may include: Girl Leadership positions, Badge Requirements, and planning events for Level Awards. Developing Teamwork and Building Confidence It is our Troop’s hope that the girls will take part in exciting outdoor opportunities. Outdoor Experiences- Providing outdoor experiences to our Troop members is very important. Our Troop will sponsor or provide several opportunities annually for the girls. Please see the Special Event Calendar for specific information. From time to time, the Troop or Units will also make available overnight activities. Parent involvement is encouraged at all Levels but is most essential for Kindergarten and 1st grade girls. Girl members that are in Kindergarten or 1st grade may not participate in overnight camping trips without a registered parent but may participate in Unit/Troop day programs. Unit Leaders may request parent involvement for overnight activities. Character Development Girls develop character through community service and citizenship activities.

HUGS (Heritage Girls United Giving Service) is the service arm of American Heritage Girls. Community service is a key component of the AHG Program. Each Troop is asked to participate in at least three service projects a year. Units may do additional projects if there is interest from the girls. Girls earn Service Stars based on the number of service hours they log. All service projects completed at the Troop level will be logged by the Advancement Manager of their Unit. Girls may earn additional service hours outside of the Troop setting. Parents and girls will be notified through the Troop newsletter as to when to turn in those hours. Each girl will be supplied a Service Hour Tally Sheet at the beginning of the year to log personal hours of service. Unused service hours may be carried over from year to year until used. Each Advancement Chair will review all service hours and has the right to question service hours that do not fit within the service guidelines of American Heritage Girls. Any disputes on service will first be addressed by the Unit Leader and Advancement Manager. If not resolved, it may be taken to the Troop Board for a final decision. In order for an act to be considered service in AHG, girls must not be reimbursed in any way. As we are called to love our neighbor, AHG does not count family service as service hours. For those older girls participating in long term mission trips, please consult with your Unit Leader as to what can be counted on a mission trip prior to submitting those hours. Only hours “serving” may be counted. Preparation time and planning time may not be counted. Please refer to page 41 of the Girl Handbook for more information. Social Social activities for girls are an integral and important part of AHG. The Troop offers many activities for girls and their families. These events have a separate charge and are not included in the Troop budget. It is important that girls try to attend 2-3 events per year in order to earn their Level Award at the end of their Level. The Troop will provide a Special Event Activities Calendar at the beginning of the year to help with setting your calendar. Faith Each girl is encouraged through the AHG Program to grow her faith and relationship with God. Whether through meeting prayer, Unit Bible studies, or modeling Christ-like behavior, AHG Volunteers can have an eternal impact on the lives of girls. Each AHG Troop has a special Troop Shepherd who seeks to get to know each girl and pray for each girl. Girls at all Levels are encouraged to participate in the AHG Religious Award Program. Our Troop also emphasizes the value of the Religious Recognition Program offered to Protestant girls through PRAY and to the Catholic girls through the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministries.

Pioneer -AHG Blue Sash -AHG Polo Shirt, White -Khaki or Navy pants, capris, skirt or modest shorts

Uniforms The AHG Official Uniform is to be worn to all meetings and ceremonies. It can be worn to service projects, fundraising activities and Troop activities that do not require more casual dress. While the girls are in uniform they are to be very conscious of the fact that they are representing AHG and the Charter Organization and making lasting impressions on those around them. AHG Class B T-shirts and spirit wear can be purchased through the AHG online store at AHG Class B T-shirts or Troop spirit wear can be worn, when appropriate, to AHG activities that are more casual in nature or an outdoor type event. When events are created, troop leadership will communicate what uniform should be worn. It is our desire that requiring a girl to wear a uniform should in no way hinder her from joining the organization. If obtaining an AHG Official Uniform for your daughter is difficult, please speak with the Uniform Manager or Troop Coordinator about your need. For any concerns regarding uniforms please see the AHG Uniform FAQ. The AHG Official Girl & Adult Uniforms consist of the following items:

Tenderheart -AHG Red Vest -Blue Neckerchief -AHG Polo Shirt, white -Navy skirt, skort, pants, capris or modest shorts

Explorer -AHG Blue Vest -Red Neckerchief -AHG Polo Shirt, white -Navy or Khaki skirt, skort, pants, capris or modest shorts

Pathfinder -AHG Pathfinder T-shirt -AHG Necklace Kit -Navy skirt, skort, pants, capris or modest shorts

Patriot -AHG Blue Sash -AHG Polo Shirt, Red -Khaki or Navy pants, capris, skirt or modest shorts

Class B Uniform (Girls and Adults)

The official AHG T-shirt, with khaki, black, or jean pants, or shorts, skirts of modest length. This uniform is meant to be worn at events where you would not want your dress uniform to be damaged or dirtied. Purchasing Girl Uniforms AHG Official Uniform packages may be purchased individually at the AHGstore or through the Troop. AHGstore also carries the official polos for girls and leaders and AHG Class B T-shirts. Orders may be placed at the Parent’s Registration Night or by contacting the Troop Coordinator. FL1512 does allow girls to wear un-official polo shirts with their girl uniform. They must be the correct color. For placement of the badges and insignia on vests and sashes, please refer to the American Heritage Girl Handbook on pages 26 and 27. Leader’s Uniforms/Adult Recognition All registered parents are required to wear the adult uniform, and lanyard to all troop meetings and events. The uniform options are shown on the following page.

Red or Navy blue Polo shirt AHG Official button down dress blouse Khaki, Navy blue, or black pants, capris, Khaki, navy blue, or black slacks. or modest length skirts or Shorts.

*Polos do not have to be official AHG polos, but they must be a matching color. The red AHG lanyard can be purchased from the troop or from the AHG Store, and must be worn at all events, to help the girls know who is a registered adult. It must also be worn at events where a class B uniform is worn.

New Unit Leaders will receive the AHG Membership Pin at the annual Joining Award ceremony. The AHG Membership Pin is to be worn on the right lapel. Unit Leaders also may earn the Gem of a Leader Pin (at 2, 4, 6, or 8 years of service) and the Religious Award Mentor Pin which may be placed on the AHG official polo as well. See the Leader Handbook for placement.

All Uniforms (Class A and B, Girl and adult) are to be worn with closed toed shoes.

Awards and Recognition Joining Award This is the first award an American Heritage Girl (except for a Pathfinder, whose first award is the Fanny Crosby) earns, despite her age. The Joining Award can be earned within a Troop/Unit or independently. If a girl joins, and the majority of her Troop has already earned their Joining Award, her Unit Leader, along with the parent, can assist the girl in completing the requirements within the first quarter of her membership. New members will need to complete the Joining Award section in the Girl Handbook and have the Unit Leader sign off on the requirements before the Joining Award may be presented. All girls must wear their “Official” Uniform to receive the Joining Award. Girls may be recognized at the mid-year or end of year ceremony or may be recognized during a Troop meeting flag ceremony. The troop leadership will make every attempt to meet with your girl to help her achieve her Joining award. Sports Pins AHG hopes that this Program will encourage life-long health through exercise. Sports Pins are designed to introduce AHG Members to both group and individual sports and to encourage teamwork, respect for authority, goal setting and good sportsmanship. Girls can work together on these pins or can participate individually through community and church teams or clubs. Parents can find Sports Pin Requirements on pages 341-356 of the AHG Girl Handbook and pages 69-81 of the Girl Handbook Supplement. Level Awards Level Awards are available at all Levels of AHG. It is highly recommended that each girl earns her Level Award, however, she is not required to earn it in order to continue in the AHG Program. The steps towards the Level Awards include badge work, leadership opportunities, special event participation and service. This award is earned at the end of each Level. Because earning Level Awards usually takes work over a couple of years, girls joining AHG in the 3rd or 6th grade may choose to earn their Level Awards; however, parent involvement outside of regular Troop Meetings may be needed to complete necessary work. Girls receiving their Level Awards will need to participate in a Board of Review. Once the girl has participated in her Board of Review and she has been approved to receive her Level Award, she will receive this recognition at the End of the Year Recognition Ceremony. The Level Award Tracking Sheets can be found in the Girl Handbook on pages 64-67. Board of Review Each girl member completing her Level Award must participate in a Board of Review, at the end of their Level, and prior to the End of the Year Recognition Ceremony. The purpose of a Board of Review is to make sure the American Heritage girl has completed all of her requirements for her Level Award. The Board of Review provides the girls with the opportunity to develop and practice skills needed in an interview situation and is an opportunity for the girl to review her accomplishments. The troop Advancement chair will assist the girl and parents with getting prepared for the BOR. Typically, the Board of Review will take place in late spring. The Board of Review will be offered during a regular Troop meeting and girls will be notified prior to the meeting of their required attendance. Girls must be dressed in full Uniform with badges and insignia. Girls should wear the Official AHG Uniform appropriate to their level. Awards that require troop leadership approval Troop leadership will make every attempt to assist your girl in earning her Joining or level up award. We actively keep a record of all of the girl’s achievement status. However, we are a large troop. Please take the time to review the requirements of these awards with your girl, and actively work on them throughout your girl’s time in the troop. The troop leadership will send out emails letting you know when opportunities for board of reviews for these awards will take place. It is the responsibility of the parent, and/or girl to ensure that the girl notifies the troop leadership, when she is ready. Failure to do so may result in the girl not officially earning her joining or level up award. If you need assistance with a requirement, please reach out to the Advancement Coordinator, or troop leadership.

Award Ceremonies The Troop plans three Award Ceremonies per year so those girls may receive their Badges, Joining Awards, Level Awards, Service and Religious Recognitions. You will receive a calendar in the fall for all of these important dates.

● Joining Award Ceremony (or Dedication ceremony) when girls are ready to receive their Joining Awards

● Mid-year ceremony to recognize achievements from the Fall ● End of Year Court of Awards Ceremony where the remaining badges, service starts, Level Awards, and

other achievements may be recognized Award Ceremonies are open to parents, family and relatives to attend. It is important to the girls that they have at least one parent/family member in attendance for these Award Ceremonies. If a girl is unable to attend the ceremony, her recognition will be given to her during an opening ceremony at the next available Troop meeting. When scheduling your family calendar, please make these ceremonies a priority. Additional Award Opportunities Presidential Service Award The Presidential Service Award was put in place to honor Americans that use their time, energy, talents, and compassion for others to make a difference in the world through volunteering. To earn an award, individuals, must keep a record of volunteer activities and hours served. Individuals must submit their records to the troop PVSA mentor. Troop FL1512 is a “certifying organization” registered with the President’s Volunteer Service Awards. To be recognized, service activities should meet national or community needs in the areas of youth achievement, parks and open spaces, healthy communities, and public safety and emergency response. Time spent teaching religious classes can not be counted for PVSA (VBS, Sunday School, Church discipleship). April 1st- March 31st is troop FL1512’s calendar for PVSA. The troop board will review all applications submitted for this award. Those wishing to nominate a member for this award will need to submit a log to the troop in April. (This date may adjust each year due to weekends) The log must include a Daily Account of the service performed, including the name of the organization the service was performed for, The activities or type of service that was performed, and the amount of service time. PVSA also requires the recipient to perform service that is ‘Outward Focused”. In addition to the services listed for service stars, the following service is eligible for the PVSA award:

● Fundraising for another organization (i.e. Red Cross, Shelter). ● Setting up and cleaning up for troop activities, or service to the troop. ● Performances of talents to the community, where no admission is charged.(School chorus and band

concerts that are for community outreach, not just parents or school.) ● Level award project service time, over and above what is required for the level award. (If the award

requires a min of 10 hours, anything over 10 can be used as service for PVSA.) ● Service to ones school, outside of class time, and not required for school participation. (School grounds

clean up, school lunchroom clean up, Classroom set up that is not for the girls class.) ● Some activities performed by a girl for a school club or organization may also meet PVSA guidelines.

These activities will need to be reviewed by troop leadership for clarification as to if it meets the PVSA guidelines of service.

Youth Patriotism Award This legacy has afforded every person in the United States abounding freedoms that are often taken for granted. These awards present the youth an opportunity to receive recognition for learning, working with family, working with people of varied race, creed, and gender, and experiencing the Heritage, Freedom, Citizenship, and Service of the United States of America. By completing each segment of the Patriot Awards, the youth earns a medal signifying their accomplishment and encouraging others to do the same. All requirements can be done with a unit, group, family, or individually. The awards can be earned at three levels: Silver (ages 6-10), Gold (ages 11-18) and Adult.

Stars & Stripes Patriot girls may go above and beyond and earn American Heritage Girls’ highest recognition, the Stars & Stripes Award. Girls must have earned the Dolley Madison Level Award in order to earn the Stars & Stripes Award. The award honors girls who epitomize the Oath, Creed, and mission of AHG. Stars & Stripes incorporates badges, service, and leadership. This award takes a great deal of hard work, and may take a few years to achieve. [Patriot girls interested in earning the Stars & Stripes Award should ask their Unit Leader to go to the AHGsource and locate more information about the Stars & Stripes process.]

Finances Member Costs The following is a breakdown of initial and annual costs. (Please note these costs are subject to change annually.) Girl National Registration $26.00 (annual) AHG Membership Registration; $60 “sister cap” (Paid through AHG Connect) Troop Dues $45.00 (annual) – Helps cover Troop budget Program Support Fee $20.00 (annual) per girl member, to be covered with fundraising Fundraising Obligation See Fundraising Policy and guidelines below. All girls are expected to participate in the Fundraising Activities of the Troop. Adult Member Registration $26.00 (annual) – Annual membership registration with AHG, Inc. (Paid to the troop) Girl Handbook $18.00 (one time purchase), $10 supplement book Special Events (optional) Additional charges vary. Registration forms delivered through the Troop and in the mail. See special event calendar. Troop Dues The Troop Board annually determines the amount of “dues” to be assessed each girl member to operate a Troop Budget. This budget includes badges, unit supplies, camping supplies, refreshments for ceremonies, crafts and school supplies, girl and leader recognitions, general office supplies (copies etc.), and charter fee. A Troop Budget is given annually to parents at the beginning of the Program Year. The Troop’s source of income is from dues and fundraising by all its members. If you should have any questions regarding the Troop Budget, please contact the Troop Coordinator. Annual Stewardship Campaign (ASC) The Annual Stewardship Campaign is an annual family donation drive. Each registered family receives information about this stewardship campaign and how to participate. Each Troop is asked to promote and encourage Troop Family participation, as this campaign is crucial to the health and growth of the American Heritage Girls ministry. Program Support Fee American Heritage Girls spends far more than $26 per member annually to provide the AHG Program. The annual registration fee covers the processing of member registrations, background checks for adult members, and group liability coverage provided for both girl and adult members. The remaining cost to provide the AHG Program comes from the assessment of the Program Support Fee which is $20 per registered girl paid to AHG, Inc. annually by the Troop. (This fee is assessed annually during the Troop’s year 2 and after). The Program Support Fee covers the development of new badges and Program relationships, the maintenance of AHG’s website and AHGconnect online registration system, as well as the Member Services provided each Troop through the AHG, Inc. office. The recommended way to raise this money is through fundraising. Fundraising Policy Fundraising is an essential activity for the success of a Troop. Funds earned support the Troop Budget, provide for the AHG Program Support Fee obligation and enable girls and their families to lessen the out of pocket costs of the Program. Therefore, each American Heritage girl member is expected to participate in this effort. Participation in fundraising provides an intrinsic value to each girl member. She will develop her leadership skills and marketing experience as well as life skill development. Each year, the Troop Board reviews the Troop Budget and sets the fundraising goals for the coming year. The Troop may fundraise as a whole for the operational budget and/or Units may raise funds for a particular project

or trip. AHG’s fundraising guidelines allow for a Troop to fundraise up to three times per year. It is the goal of the Troop Board to keep fundraising to a minimum. If girl goals are met with the first fundraiser of the year, additional fundraisers may not be needed. All families will be notified of the financial status of the Troop on a regular basis. American Heritage Girls has been granted a 501(c)3 -public charity status. Fundraising using a girl account system is considered a private benefit (inurement) and not acceptable for a public charity. Private benefit (Girl Accounts) creates a risk for both American Heritage Girls and the Charter Organization. The IRS could decide that either group is in violation of its public charity status and that all fundraising is taxable. Benevolence Funds Benevolence funds are available from time to time for Program related issues on a case by case study. Please submit your request in writing to your Troop Coordinator for Troop Board approval. Benevolence Funds are typically not available until after the fall fundraiser is complete. Also the granting of funds from the Benevolence Fund is not a total coverage benefit, but an assist to aid in the specified need. If a family is granted funds, a portion of the event expense is expected to be paid by the individual. A Troop Member who registers in the fall must participate in the fall fundraiser to seek money for a special event activity.

Meeting Procedures Permission Slips When girls will be participating in a field trip or activity, outside of the Troop meeting, they must have a permission slip, even if the girl’s parent is attending the trip. This is an AHG requirement. Forms must be filled out and returned to the trip/activity coordinator on or before the day of the trip/activity. Girl Drop of Policy Girl participation and behavior is greatly influenced by parent participation. With this in mind, FL1512 has the following guidelines regarding youth members attending meetings, without a parent/family member. These policies have been put into place to ensure proper supervision of all the girls in the troop, but to also ensure the safety of all adult members as well.

1. Girls in the pathfinder and tenderheart level MUST have a registered parent/family member attend meetings with them. If a girl needs to attend, without a registered parent/family member, the parent must notify troop leadership, at least 24 hours before the meeting, as troop leadership may be able to offer the family options on how to allow the girl to attend, or approve any guest adults that may be filling the role of the missing registered parent/family member.

2. Girls in the Explorer and PiPa level are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to have a registered parent/family member attend with them. If a registered parent/family member will not be attending with the girl, the troop asks to be notified at least 24 hours in advance, in order to plan accordingly.

3. A registered parent/family member must attend all troop field trips, non-meeting events, camp day, or outside events with girls in the Pathfinder and 1st year (1st Grade) Tenderhearts..

4. A registered parent/family member must attend with a girl for all overnight camping and lock in events for girls at the Pathfinder or 1st Year (1st Grade) Tenderheart level. If sleeping accommodations do not allow for males (ie, dads), the registered adult/family member must be female. *****The troop leadership understands that there may be times where this policy may cause a hardship with families that have other outside commitments (ei, Trail Life families, single parents, illness, etc.) or with unforeseen issues. Please reach out to the troop coordinator or vice coordinator as soon as an issue comes up so that the board can review these, on a case by case basis. AHG is a ministry and wants to work with you and your family to allow your girls to be involved in our program. The troop leadership will attempt to work with you to try and find a compromise.************************* If a girl member who has been allowed to attend meetings without a registered parent/family member (Explorer and PiPa’s only), acts in a manner that is found to be disruptive to the troop, disrespectful to troop leadership or other members, or poses a behavior problem, The parent will be asked to meet with troop leadership about the problem. This will result in a plan to help the girl member to act accordingly at meetings, that may include a registered parent/family member being required to attend meetings with the girl member.

Troop Trips A Troop Trip Notification Form must be completed for all Troop/Unit/Squad trips that are planning a camping trip, overnight or a trip that exceeds 400 miles away from the Charter Organization. All trips must be approved by the Charter Representative and reviewed by the AHG, Inc. office at least three weeks prior to the activity. Appropriate levels of certified First Aid/CPR adults must be present at all activities of the Troop. Along with this form Troops must also submit a roster of all girls and adults that will be attending this activity. Any activity that involves a High Risk Activity (horseback riding, rappelling, canoeing, etc.) must have Charter Representative approval prior to the activity and a High Adventure Notification Form must be completed and sent to the AHG, Inc. office for review at least three weeks prior to the activity. Girl or adult members participating in a High Adventure activity (see health and safety section of Troop Coordinator & Unit Leader Handbooks), must complete the High Adventure Health and Medical Form which includes a doctor’s signature. These must be provided before leaving for the activity. It is the responsibility of the family to make sure that this information is provided. See your Unit Leader for the necessary forms. High Adventure Health and Medical Forms are good for one year.

Transportation for Troop Activities All potential drivers for Troop activities must complete a “Troop Transport Form,” verifying auto insurance, seatbelts and driver’s license. This form must be on file with the Troop Coordinator and the Unit Leader, in charge of the activity. Typically, these forms are available for completion at the Parent/Girl Registration Night. Parents choosing not to complete this form may not transport girls other than their own daughter on a Troop-related activity. This form must be updated annually. Automobile Insurance Policy: American Heritage Girls requires drivers to adhere to the following requirements for public liability insurance on vehicles used to transport members. Drivers maintain the following coverage unless your state requires a higher standard: 100,000/$300,000 public liability per accident and $50,000 property damage Appropriate girl/Leader ratios and two-deep leadership should be present during transportation. All drivers must be licensed and at least 21 years of age. The AHG Troop Board/Leadership reserves the right to deny a driver based on automobile safety or driving record. The driver’s motor vehicle record may be randomly checked. When a Unit/Squad of the Troop travels for an activity of the Troop, each car will be provided with a Troop Trip packet, directions, maps, and contact information. Vehicles traveling more than 75 miles should each have a first-aid kit available. Release of Troop Members If a parent is unable to provide transportation to/from a Troop meeting or event, or attend a meeting with a girl, an authorized adult/family member may attend the meeting/transport that girl. The authorized adult must be listed on the girl’s “Pick up and Drop of” form or must provide written approval to the troop leadership. The parent must also inform troop leadership, in advance, so as to ensure proper procedure is followed and the troop leadership is aware of the guest. Inclement Weather Cancellation A Troop meeting may be cancelled by the Troop Coordinator/Troop leadership team if there is inclement weather. If a Troop meeting is cancelled, Unit Leaders will notify all Troop members, by telephone, of the cancellation. A Troop meeting or Unit meeting may also be cancelled if 50% of its members are absent due to illness. Again, if there is a Unit meeting cancellation, the Unit Leader will notify the Troop Coordinator and Unit members of such cancellation. If both Unit Leaders are unable to attend a meeting and no adult volunteers are able to assist, that Unit meeting may also be cancelled or rescheduled for another date and time. It is up to the Unit Leader as to how the unit will function under an emergency situation. As the troop is located in Duval County, if Duval County cancels school, or after school activities, due to weather related issues, the troop will also cancel meetings and events for those same days. Girl Visitors From time to time, girls may like to invite a friend to visit a Troop meeting. The following procedure must be followed when inviting a guest(s):

1. The Troop Coordinator/ Troop leadership team should be notified at least one week in advance of a girl visit.

2. Pathfinder and 1st and 2nd grade Tenderheart parents must accompany the girl and remain with the girl during the Troop meeting or activity.

3. A permission slip should be submitted with vital parent information provided. The Troop Coordinator should be notified if a parent is not attending, explaining the lack of parental attendance.

4. A new girl and their parent may visit one time before registering as a Troop member. 5. All non-member “visitors” attending a “Bring a Friend” Activity sponsored by the Troop must provide

a completed permission slip with emergency contact information.

6. All other visitation situations must be communicated with the Troop Coordinator/ Troop Leadership team, in advance, and approved on a case by case basis.

7. Young siblings who are not old enough to join the troop, or are boys are not considered “Visitors” Adult Visitors Any Person Not an AHG Member is Considered a Visitor and the troop must be given advance notification of their attendance. Visitors must be chaperoned and proper 2 deep leadership must be maintained. Visitors may not, for any reason, be left alone with any girl members, unless they are the children of the visitor. Adult visitors must present their ID upon arrival, sign in, and wear a name tag. Sibling Policy AHG Troop Leadership recognizes the fact that parents may sometimes need to bring children who are not AHG participants to Troop meetings and events. This is permissible provided the parents strictly adhered to following rules:

1. Children must remain at their parent’s side, or at the side of an adult designated by the child’s parent, at all times during the meeting or activity. Children must never be unattended.

2. Children may not be unsupervised in the hallways at any time. 3. Siblings may not participate in AHG activities, as this may create logistical problems for those

organizing the meetings and it may cause distractions. 4. Parents are to remove disruptive children. 5. Siblings are not covered under AHG Group liability policy, parents will be advised that they are

allowing the sibling to attend “At Their Own Risk” 6. Siblings are not allowed at overnight camping or lock in’s.

Health & Safety Knife Policy Knives can be an important and exciting piece of equipment for outdoor adventures, but they also bring with them an inherent increased risk. Knives may only be brought to an AHG activity when deemed appropriate by chaperoning AHG Adult Leaders and included on a packing list for the AHG activity. For activities when knives (or other equipment, such as cell phones, electronic devices, etc.) are not appropriate, they should be included on the activity pack list under a “do not bring/leave at home” category. If pocketknives will be permitted at a Troop activity, Troop Leadership must train girls about safe and appropriate use of a pocket knife. AHG Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm Policy As the use of alcohol has been proven to be a significant health hazard, it is not permitted at any AHG function or activity. Tobacco has also been proven to pose serious health risks. Since the adult leaders serve as examples for the girl members, smoking is not allowed in the presence of girls at AHG activities or events. Use of alcohol or tobacco by an AHG member should be reported to the girl’s parents. Use of alcohol or tobacco by an AHG adult member during an AHG event should be referred to the Charter Organization Representative. Persons using or possessing firearms must comply with all local, state and federal laws during all AHG activities. Controlled Substances Policy: AHG Adult Members serve as examples to girls of healthy lifestyles and stewardship of the body God has given us as His creation. Adherence to the following policies enhance the protection of AHG Members, provide a healthy and safe environment, and ensure the core values of AHG. Troops are to apply the most restrictive law (federal, state or local) in considering the use or possession of a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia at AHG Troop Meetings, trips, activities and events. For example, use of marijuana is forbidden as it is illegal under federal law, regardless of state laws that permit its usage. Any person under the influence of illegal or controlled substances, unless legally prescribed by a physician, are prohibited from participating in the meeting, trip, activity or event. Use of an illegal or controlled substance by an AHG Girl Member is reported to the girl's parent/guardian. Use of an illegal or controlled substance by an AHG Adult Member while at an AHG meeting, trip, activity or event is reported to the Charter Organization by contacting the Charter Representative and/or appropriate Charter Organization staff person and reported to AHG, Inc. through the AHG Incident Report Form. Adult Members who smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco or smoking products are not to do so in the presence of Girl Members. Tobacco products are stored in a secure location, out of reach of girls. Electronics Policy Girls may not have mobile phones, beepers, pagers, tablets or any other related electronic communication, or gaming devices on or visible during meeting or activity time. Please consult with your Unit Leader or Troop Coordinator for permission to call out to a parent or guardian when needed. Other electronic devices, music players, gaming systems etc. are not to be brought to Troop meetings or activities. Parents and leaders are to have their phone on silent and put away during meeting or unit times. If a parent or unit leader needs to use their phone or device while at a meeting, they are asked to excuse themselves from the meeting, and go to another room, or outside. Unit leaders are required to have their devices put away while they are leading a meeting or unit time, unless they are using it for meeting purposes. Troop Photo Policy Any photos taken during troop activities may not be posted online to members personal, public accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Etc.) or passed along in emails without the direct consent (including a signed media release,) of all families included. Any personal photos taken at troop events/meetings that include other members, not in your immediate family, must have the faces of these members blocked out or covered up, before you can post them to your personal Facebook page. The troop Facebook page is the exception to this rule, as it is a private Facebook group, that the troop leadership team only allows access to approved registered members. Administration of Medication Policy 1. AHG members are discouraged from taking medication at AHG events unless absolutely necessary.

2. No AHG girl member is allowed to self-medicate while participating in an AHG event. Exceptions include inhalers and EpiPen’s, which may be kept on a girl’s person for emergency use. Parents must indicate in writing that the girl is in possession of this medication and possesses the knowledge and ability to administer.

3. The AHG Unit Leader fulfilling the Troop Health and Safety Lead role can accept the responsibility of medicating or making sure an AHG member takes the necessary medication at the appropriate time. The Unit Leader must first receive a completed medical form and Request for Medication Administration Form.

4. AHG policy does not mandate, nor encourage, the Unit Leader to dispense medication. If a Leader is uncomfortable administering medications, efforts should be made to make it possible for the girl to still attend the function. If all ideas are exhausted with no resolve, in an effort to keep the AHG Program available to all girls, please contact your Member Services Coach to further problem solve.

5. No AHG girls may bring over-the-counter medications for self-administration. Over-the-counter medications may be administered by the Health and Safety Lead on an as-needed basis. Parents must include these over-the-counter medications on the Request for Medication Administration Form. These are kept in the possession of the Health and Safety Lead for the duration of the event.

6. Administration of all medication will be done per the instructions provided on the Request for Medication Administration Form.

Sick Policy Your daughter should be 24 hours fever-free in order to attend any AHG event. Any girl who has an unknown rash will be unable to stay for a meeting. If any medication must be given during an event, the request for Administration of Medication must be provided to the Unit Leader before the event. A First Aid and CPR certified adult will be present at all activities. The Troop has a first-aid kit at all meetings and activities. Each girl’s health and medical information will always be readily available at all meetings. If your child contracts head lice, we ask that you notify troop leadership, and keep your child home until she is lice free. Troop leadership will announce that there has been an issue, anonymously, to allow other parents to be on the lookout for lice.

Troop Communication Emergency Numbers – if you have an emergency and need to contact your daughter during a meeting, call the Troop Coordinator’s (Christine Lobetti) cell phone at 904-405-0151 or Vice Coordinator (Ashley Hirt) 904-705-5299. Facebook Page- This is the troops primary means of communication. It is the best way to provide current, up to date information, and last-minute changes. Upon joining the troop, you will be added to the troop Facebook page. It is a private page that only approved parents are allowed to access. Some families may choose not to use Facebook. There is a Non-Facebook email list that we will send out updates to at least once a week for these families. Please let the leadership team know if you do not use Facebook. E-Mail – Troop e-mails will typically be sent out the week prior to a meeting. You may receive updates from your Unit Leader, Troop Coordinator and as appropriate from your Troop Treasurer. Website – the development of a website is an item on our wish list. If you or someone you know possesses this talent, please inform the Troop Coordinator. For more information, please review the Marketing and Promotion section of AHG source. We will be using Troop Track this year for planning, events and calendar updates. Check this site for up-to-date information. Family Folders – Each family will have a unique folder located in a Troop Bin to be found in the foyer near the sign-in and sign out sheet. It is the responsibility of each family to check in the “bin” before and after each meeting to receive necessary handouts. Special Event Announcement Flyers – These will be emailed or handed out at Troop meetings to keep parents informed of current activities. Most special events have deadlines. Payment and reservation form will be due on a particular due date.

Parent Responsibilities The girls should be at the meetings and events in the full required uniform; they should arrive before the starting time and after a visit to the bathroom. Parents are also required to obtain information at check-in for upcoming events, monitor e-mails and make sure the girls remember to bring their AHG Handbooks or other necessary information to each meeting. Parent Participation Pledge Providing a quality Program for girl members requires a commitment from all families involved. Each family must agree to actively participate in the Troop to ensure the success of the group as a whole. Each family must have 1 parent/family member, register with the troop. The registered adult must also serve the troop by joining either the troop leadership, a committee, or fill another troop need, throughout the troop year. This can include any of the below listed positions, or a job/title agreed upon by the troop board. Troop Coordinator/Vice Coordinator Committee lead/member Troop Treasure Troop Photographer Troop Shepherd Security team Unit leader/asst. leader Unit Parent Support Team Unit Parent leader Public Relations Coordinator Other troop created position Volunteer Position Selection Based on Gifts American Heritage Girls is a family-supported Program that encourages both girl and adult involvement. Our Troop will benefit most when we can utilize gifts from all our members. We, the Board Members of AHG Troop FL1512, recognize that each of you has been given different gifts by God and is called to use these gifts for His glory. Although we have been very blessed with many wonderful volunteers who have given their time and talent, we are in need of more. Our Troop cannot exist without those who give themselves for others. Volunteering for a position should be done with discernment. Prayer and ones’ circumstances in life should be weighed when considering a position within the Troop. Please do not think that if you are unable to volunteer that your daughter will not be able to participate with our troop, but we do ask that you pray for guidance in helping our troop in any way possible. The following Spiritual Gift list may help you determine what position you may be called to volunteer for: Title Position Description Kingdom Goal Kingdom Result

Administrative Roles: establishing integrity in the ministry by demonstrating an inward motivation to do what is right regardless of the cost Troop Coordinator Supervise the running of

the chartered AHG Troop by providing leadership, administration and support to the Unit & Asst. Unit Leaders and by being the Troop’s liaison with AHG, Inc. and the charter organization. May have the gifts of Teaching, Shepherding and Administration.

To create unity within the Troop and lead families to deeper relationships with God

Bringing Girls and Volunteers closer to God in their spiritual walk, taking a stand for biblical principles, and making their responsibility for the body of believers known.

Vice Coordinator Assists in supervising the running of the chartered AHG Troop by providing leadership, administration and support to the Unit & Asst. Unit Leaders. Duties should be divided with Troop Coordinator as

To create unity within the Troop and lead families to deeper relationships with God

spiritual gifts and personalities dictate. May have the gifts of Teaching, Shepherding, Helping or Administration.

Unit & Asst. Unit Leaders

Works directly with girl members in implementing the AHG program based on their interest while inspiring and facilitating them to achieve all six Program Emphases. May have the gifts of Teaching and Leadership.

To inspire Girls to grow in their relationship with Christ through modeling biblical character; direct responsibility to girls and families as a voice of the Troops vision and witness to the Great Commission

Unit Parent Leader Works as a team with the unit leader and Asst. leader, directly with girl members in implementing the AHG program based on their interest while inspiring and facilitating them to achieve all six Program Emphases. May have the gifts of Teaching and Leadership.

To inspire Girls to grow in their relationship with Christ through modeling biblical character; direct responsibility to girls and families as a voice of the Troops vision and witness to the Great Commission

Registrar Responsible for all registration paperwork, fees and final submission to AHG, Inc. May have the gift of Helping.

To be an example to families as to how to integrate integrity into the financial and organizational workings of the Troop

Advancement Manager Responsible for maintaining each girl’s advancement achievements, as well as working with the Unit Leaders to keep girls informed of badge &/or level status, noting requirements to be met for completion. Usually serves as Board of Review Chair. May have the gift of Administration.

To promote Girls achievements, skills, and gifts in light of their growth in Christ

Training Coordinator Responsible for training other adult volunteers to become trainers within the Troop to ensure that the mission and ministry of AHG are applied in a consistent and positive manner. May have the gift of Teaching.

To take a holistic approach to insure each Girl and Volunteer in the Troop is growing in knowledge and biblical truth

Uniform Manager Responsible for ordering uniforms, badges, service stars and other insignia. Works with Advancement Manager to determine specific badges that will be earned throughout the year. May have the gift of Administration.

To bring unity to the Girls showing God's love is equal for all and also make the Girls aware of their individual uniqueness

Secretary Responsible for taking minutes at Troop Board meetings, creating and maintaining a Troop roster and phone tree; responsible for creating monthly/quarterly communication of Troop’s activities with families. May have the gift of Administration or Helping.

To keep the Troop on task with the goals and vision of the Troop in order to see Kingdom results

Historian Responsible for taking pictures of Troop activities and events throughout the year; responsible for creating a yearly scrapbook or photo album, as well as, collecting articles of Troop activities that were published, Troop newsletters, or other news-worthy events. May have the gift of Helping.

To inspire the Troop by reminding them how God has worked through the service of the Troop to make a difference for Christ

Hospitality Roles: Serving the Members of the Troop by contributing to the welfare of others in order to show God's love and the value of each individual involved in the Troop Charter Rep

Responsible for being the primary liaison between the Troop and Charter organization. This position communicates the value of the AHG Troop to the overall ministry of the church/school and will be able to assist the Troop when his/her help is needed. May have the gift of helping and administration.

To act as the relationship builder focusing on unity and spiritual growth by providing an open connection between the Troop and Charter Organization

Bringing Girls and Volunteers closer to God in their spiritual walk, taking a stand for biblical principles, and making their responsibility for the body of believers known.

Troop Shepherd Responsible for the “care and feeding” of the Troop’s members, encouraging each one in their spiritual walk. Gathers understanding of girl absences and is Troop Prayer Warrior; develops a prayer team. May have the gifts of Shepherding and Evangelism.

To draw upon each girl and Volunteer's spiritual gifts and show them how to better apply their gifts and talents within biblical principles

Refreshments Coordinator

Responsible for overseeing refreshment schedule whether it is rotated, assigned or purchased with Troop dues. Responsible for obtaining and adhering to Troop Budget if Troop monies are used. May have the gift of hospitality.

To meet the physical needs of the girls in order to meet their spiritual needs

Recruitment Coordinator

Responsible for developing and implementing a year-round recruitment plan, organizing information sessions, and providing other recruitment opportunities throughout the year. May have the gift of hospitality, administration and helping.

To facilitate Volunteers’' growth in Christ as they use their gifts to see the Troop accomplish the God-given vision of the Troop

Events Coordinator Responsible for coordinating the Troop’s activities, service projects, ceremonies and/or summer programs. May have the gift of hospitality and administration.

To host events that support faith, service, and fun through unity and advancement of the ministry

Financial Roles: To instill good stewardship practices of wisely using time, talent and money within the Troop in order to biblically model for families the way to wisely uses resources we are given.

Troop Treasurer Responsible for the financial standing of the AHG Troop. Also, responsible for Troop’s financial records, budget, checkbook and expenses. May have the gift of giving and administration.

To serve the Troop wisely by tracking resources available and using them to further the ministry outreach for Christ

Bringing Girls and Volunteers closer to God in their spiritual walk, taking a stand for biblical principles, and making their responsibility for the body of believers known.

Fundraising Manager Helps to establish fundraising goals, research & select appropriate products and companies as well as implement sale. May have the gift of giving and administration.

To make the best use of God's resources and helping families to be able to grow stronger spiritually through participating in the Troop

ASC (Annual Stewardship Campaign) Coordinator

Responsible for overseeing the Annual Stewardship Campaign. May have the gift of administration and giving.

To encourage Troop goal- setting and family involvement by adhering to the bigger picture of God's Kingdom

Your participation is vital to our success. An AHG Troop Board member will be in contact with you to help you choose a position, and to provide you a job description and timetable for the selected position. AHG Troop FL1512 thanks you for helping enhance the lives of these young girls through your participation in the Parent Participation Pledge

Conflict Resolution Steps to Conflict Resolution

1) Seek Biblical guidance- humble yourself- The Bible addresses conflict consistently. Some verses that you may reflect upon include: Galatians 6:1 “Brethren even if a man is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted.” Colossians 3:12 “And so, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience bearing with one another and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone, just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.”

2) Understand the uniqueness of each volunteer- Identifying personality traits, spiritual gifts and preferred management styles will help the Coordinator understand the motivators each Volunteer possesses. Most conflict is a result of a lack of understanding. The conflict may arise from a lack of understanding of the personality of the volunteer, a lack of understanding of a process or a lack of understanding of the “why” behind the “what.”

3) Honor the feelings of each volunteer- Their concerns are real to them, whether you feel they were right or not. Seeking to truly understand their reasons and perspective is key to successful conflict resolution. Helping each other understand perspective, but reiterating the concerns of another, honors the Volunteer and helps you know that you have an understanding of their feelings. Start your conversation with, “Help me understand….” and remember not to be so busy trying to be understood as to understand.

4) Retrace the Loop- As mentioned earlier most conflict comes from a lack of understanding. Determine how this lack of understanding came to be.

5) Deal with the conflict in a timely manner- Allowing conflict to fester only makes it worse. Using the Biblical approach found in Matthew 18, meet with the person who has the conflict with you as soon as possible.

6) Do not let the conflict steal your joy of serving- Nothing will burn out a Volunteer quicker than unresolved or continued conflict. Pray for the armor of God to surround you and take control of the situation. Remember you cannot make others do what you want them to do; you can only make choices to which others respond and create an environment where others can make choices, too.

Conflict Management Strategy: LOVE L – Look for the good. It takes a special effort to look for the Good and not the Bad. Assume good intentions. Love is Kind. Love Hopes. O – Only talk to people who are related to the problem and will be able to help solve the problem. Otherwise, it is gossip and destructive. Love always protects. V – Value one another. Christ did! He gave His life for each of us. Surely, we can hold our tongues and communicate in love with each other. Love leads to Trust. E – Enjoy the differences. God made each of us unique. We all have different talents, gifts, and abilities. None of us do things the same way. Love is Patient. Keep in mind; it is the goal of the Troop to resolve all conflict. However, if the conflict cannot be resolved amicably, the adult and/or girl involved may be asked to leave the Troop or step down in leadership, if applicable.

Suggestion Policy The Troop Board welcomes all constructive suggestions for improvement. Suggestions should describe the problem and recommend a solution. They are to be submitted to the Troop Board or Unit Leader by email, mail, or can be dropped in the red “Troop Board” folder, in the family mail boxes. Complaints and concerns should be signed in order to provide the troop board with a way to follow up with your concerns. Thinking through the problem and coming up with a possible solution allows criticism to be constructive. If you are emotionally upset about something, it is advisable to take time to pray and weigh options before addressing the concern with the Troop Board or Unit Leader. If you’re unable to find a solution, the process may lead you to the realization that the Troop is handling the situation in the best way possible--there may not be a better way to do it. The Troop Board will consider your suggestion and implement the changes if deemed beneficial to the entire AHG Program.