1 ALL GLORY TO SHRI GURU AND SHRI GAURANGA THE ASTROLOGICAL NEWSLETTER Mithuna Twiins Astrological Services “Home of the Bhrigu Project” -His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada “Early Visit to Bhaktivedanta ManorHare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 1 November 2015 (#47) Kartika-masa krishna shasti, corresponding to the 6 th day of the waning Moon in the sacred Gaudiya month of Damodara.






Mithuna Twiins Astrological Services “Home of the Bhrigu Project”

-His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

“Early Visit to Bhaktivedanta Manor”

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

1 November 2015 (#47) Kartika-masa krishna shasti, corresponding to the 6th

day of the

waning Moon in the sacred Gaudiya month of Damodara.


In this issue:

The Left and Right Eyes of God

Secrets of Combinational Astrology


The Astrological Newsletter (Please e-share it with your friends)

Patita Pavana das Adhikary, Ed.

Abhaya Mudra Dasi

Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

Visit us at:

Letters, consultations: [email protected]

To peruse past issues:

In This Issue: Dear Prabhus……………………………………..……..…… page 2

The Left and Right Eyes of God.……………………………. page 5

Secrets of Combinational Astrology………………….….….. page 7

The Seasons Personified.……………………………………... page 9

Our Purpose in the Material World..……..…………..………page 10

The Seven Chakras and the Horoscope ………..…………..... page 16

Young Princess Rukmini Writes to Lord Krishna.…………. page 18

Ancient European Worship of Narada and Krishna...……… page 19

Letters to the Editor.…………………………………………… page 21

Dear Prabhus,

Dandavats to the Vaishnavas—and welcome to the issue. Well, what can I

say but, “Thanks to all of you for your patience.” It has been several long

months since the last edition of The Astrological Newsletter. And I must say

we had our fair share of adventures during that time. The Black Sea Sadhu

Sanga was a tremendous adventure in itself, staying with the Vishakha

Twins—Prabhus Nitai Chand and Gaura Chand—at New Madhuvan on the

coast. Then there were the trips up rivers, into caves and onto mountain tops,

and onto the borders with Turkey and Greece.


We have also been meeting new friends on Facebook, of course with our

hope that each of you can also join us there, too. Aside from that, Abhaya

and I have also organized, edited, laid out and sent off three books for the

Bhaktivedanta Archives. These three books include a volume of collected

articles by yours truly (called The Art of Spiritual Journalism) and Mother

Abhaya Mudra’s Concepts of Reality. The third book, which I have

organized and compiled, is a collection of fine literary and historical pieces

from the pens of some very talented ISKCON writers on the subject of

ISKCON Press. That book is called “This Is My Heart.” The title is the very

expression I heard Shrila Prabhupada declare proudly when he visited

ISKCON Press Boston in 1970. Incidentally, the downloads on all three

books will be free from the newest Vedabase when Eknath and Nitya Tripta

devi bring it out in a few weeks or so. Mother Abhaya and I do hope that you

will enjoy these modern additions to the growing world of Gaudiya

Vaishnava literature.

So-o-o-o, apart from the Black Sea Mela, traveling to all parts of beautiful

Bulgaria in our ongoing research into the links between Thracian and Vedic

culture, compiling three books, and of course taking care of our growing

family of dear clients, we have few other excuses for the lateness issue.

To entice you to join our Krishna conscious FB discussions, I am sharing in

this issue some posts that explain what we are about—Bhagavata Astrology.

These posts are from our page Mithuna Twiins Astrological Services, and are

a few recent ones from the past week.

In the first post, the entire foundation of genuine parampara astrology is

given in these two insights of Sage Vyasadeva. It was Vyasa who

compassionately built the underpinning for all Vedic arts and sciences

through his immortal Mahabharata and Puranas which culminate in the

crest jewel of all literature, the Bhagavata Purana. But it was the sire of

Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasadeva—Shri Parashara Muni the “Father of

Vedanga Jyotisha”—whose foundational Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

remains the greatest standard classic on the subject of a genuine conception

of jyotsha.

Daily, especially in the West, there are new converts to Vedic astrology—

and almost of them are mere memorizers of rules. Generally the rule

books—at least those written by traditional pandits—are also bona fide

generally. In other words, astrology (or any other limb of the Vedas) cannot

be understood without a basis in sanatana dharma. As the Supreme


Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna proclaimed to Arjuna at Kurukshetra,

“By all the Vedas am I to be known; indeed I am the compiler of Vedanta,

and I am the knower of the Vedas.” (Bg. 15.15)

Thus modern astrologers who claim to be Vedic but who are without a bona

fide spiritual master and the sanskaras of the twice born are not authorized to

enter into the secrets of jyotisha. That is because one who has not studied

Vaishnava literature culminating in Bhagavata Puranas under the guidance

of a bona fide guru cannot claim to be a proper astrologer. Such mundane

wranglers only serve to create an affront towards this science of light

(jyotisha) and directly offend Goddess Saraswati herself.

As I have stated on several occasions in discussions with modern “Vedic”

astrologers in America, “How can one who has not studied the Vedic

literature understand the secrets of Vedic astrology?” It is simply not


As Shrila Prabhupada used to say, “Vedic astrology is the subtlest of

material sciences.” That is because it is the only science that defines the

subtle differences and individual characteristics among each and every living

entity, who are all simultaneously one and different from Shri Krishna. And

it is Shri Krishna Who Himself is the father of all living entities (aham bija-

pradah pita).

The only way to understand that which is subtle is from above, by looking

down at it. Subtle energy is above gross energy, but higher still than subtle or

mental energy is spirit. And astrology like all Vedic arts must be seen from

the platform of spirit. It is this spiritual perspective that is given in the

Bhagavata, as well as the Vishnu, Padma and Brahmanada Puranas. Vedic

astrology is nothing less than the handwriting in the sky, an oracle of events

both past, present and future, that ultimately comes from the ink in the pen of

the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Himself.

For example, the open secret of Vedic astrology is that the Moon sign is

accepted first and foremost as one’s rashi or “sign.” But why should not the

Sun be one’s “sign” as in the concocted Western system? How many modern

converts to the Vedic way can answer this basic challenge? To understand

why the Moon sign is paramount requires a study of the Bhagavata version.

And it is precisely on this subject that we recently posted two items through

which the Bhagavata‟s version on this subject is evident. For without

understanding Vyasa, one cannot understand his father Parashara. And it is


Vyasa and not Parashara who explains this great open secret, this raison

d„etre of Moon sign versus Sun sign. The Sun is the father, time-keeper,

regulator, and his sign kingly Leo is the home of Makha or Regulus. The

Moon is the lord of Cancer the crab who lives always in the waters of life

The Moon is the mother, nourisher, detailer of individuality in all praja, life

force, differences in tastes and sustenance, fickle and ever changing—like a

mother who is always giving, sacrificing, devoted and affectionate despite

her own travails and changes. And to quote Shukracharya, “There is no

higher object of worship than one’s mother.”

Once you read the posts that follow, we hope that you will decide to join us at our

Mithuna Twiins page on Facebook.

The Left and Right

Eyes of God



From Shrimad Bhagavatam 8.5.34, the chapter

entitled “The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for


Here the devatas explain the Moon's function as sort of the “mother” of the Universe:

“Soma, the Moon, is the source of food grains, strength and longevity for all the

demigods. He is also the master of all vegetation and the source of generation for all

living entities. As stated by learned scholars, the Moon is the mind of the Supreme

Personality of Godhead. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all

opulence, be pleased with us.”

BHAKTIVEDANTA PURPORT: Soma, the predominating deity of the Moon, is

the source of food grains and therefore the source of strength even for the celestial

beings, the demigods. He is the vital force for all vegetation. Unfortunately, modern

so-called scientists, who do not fully understand the moon, describe the moon as

being full of deserts. Since the moon is the source for our vegetation, how can the

moon be a desert? The moonshine is the vital force for all vegetation, and therefore

we cannot possibly accept that the moon is a desert. End of Purport.


From Shrimad Bhagavatam 8.5.36, the demigods pray to the Supreme Lord

as follows:


“The Sun-god marks the path of liberation, which is called arcirādi-vartma. He is the

chief source for understanding of the Vedas, he is the abode where the Absolute Truth

can be worshiped, He is the gateway to liberation, and he is the source of eternal life

as well as the cause of death. The sun-god is the eye of the Lord. May that Supreme

Lord, who is supremely opulent, be pleased with us.”

BHAKTIVEDANTA PURPORT: The Sun-god is considered to be the chief of the

demigods. He is also considered to be the demigod who watches the northern side of

the universe. He gives help for understanding the Vedas. As confirmed in Brahma-

saṁhitā (5.52):

yac-cakṣur eṣa savitā sakala-grahāṇāṁ

rājā samasta-sura-mūrtir aśeṣa-tejāḥ

yasyājñayā bhramati saṁbhṛta-kāla-cakro

govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi

“The Sun, full of infinite

effulgence, is the king of all the

planets and the image of the good

soul. The Sun is like the eye of the

Supreme Lord. I adore the

primeval Lord Govinda, in

pursuance of whose order the sun

performs his journey, mounting the

wheel of time.” The Sun is actually

the eye of the Lord. In the Vedic

mantras it is said that unless the

Supreme Personality of Godhead sees, no one can see. Unless there is sunlight, no

living entity on any planet can see. Therefore the sun is considered to be the eye of

the Supreme Lord. That is confirmed here by the words yac-cakṣur āsīt and in the

Brahma-saṁhitā by the words yac-cakṣur eṣa savitā. The word savitā means the Sun-

god.” End of Purport.

To all of you who have asked for the next Newsletter, thanks for your

patience, a quality that Shrila Prabhupada demanded of his followers with

every darshan.

Yours at the lotus feet of the servants of Shrila Prabhupada,

Patita Pavana dasa Adhikary, Ed.


The material world is a very complicated place wherein the birth planets of each

individual’s horoscope are always affected by the horoscopes of everyone else. Abhaya

Mudra Dasi reveals the function of horoscope interaction and …

Secrets of Combinational Astrology

Abhaya Mudra Dasi

The branch of astrology in which the sum of all of the horoscopes in a

particular group is considered is called Combinational Astrology. Each one

of us is born with a unique horoscope. And though each entity’s stars are

unique, each embodied being’s stars can be influenced by the horoscopes of

others (and even objects), each one of which also carry their own horscopes.

This means that there is a constant

interaction between one’s own

horoscope and the planets of others.

This is the science of matching and

combining charts in a nutshell.

Astrologers are often asked to

prepare compatibility readings for

potential couples. From the

compatibility of charts of a husband

and a wife grow a family whose

individual planets are constantly

interacting back and forth from one

member to the other. In a group

setting or in a crowd there is constant movement of different Astrology.

Combinational Astrology examines the combined horoscopes of a unit, in

this case a family, and how they interact with one another. Although two

individuals may have been born at different times and under auspicious stars,

nonetheless a combined horoscope can be the road to heaven or it can create

disastrous consequences.

How do we judge the impact of another person’s horoscope upon us? First

we cast the person’s horoscope. Then, keeping our own planets in mind, we

take the other person’s planetary positions and place each one of them in our

own horoscope all the while keeping both rising signs in the same position

as birth. For example, if a person is born with Leo rising and his atmakaraka

Sun is in the 5th

house in Sagittarius, then he would be interested in self-

realization and introspection to the exclusion of almost everything else. But


if another person who has Sun in Leo interacts with him—and that person

was also born with Sun in Leo—then the second person projects his Sun in

Leo onto the fist person’s rising sign. Thus the person who projects his

Sun’s position may see the first person as proud due to this double effect of

the powerful Sun in Leo the lion. That is a possible situation, despite the fact

that the first person is really just interested in acquiring vidya—because in

his natal chart Sun is in Sagittarius, the 5th

house of learning or vidyastan.

From this crude example it becomes apparent that when people interact with

one another, they project their own natal planets onto the other person. And

for that reason it is difficult to interact with another’s essential individuality

because everyone views other individuals through the perspective of their

own natal stars. The “tint of the window” (our own planets) through which

we view the world is a compelling factor in all relationships.

The second thing that becomes obvious from the above example is that we

are surrounded with countless objects that also have beginnings—and since

everything here originates at a certain moment in time, each has a horoscope.

This includes even material things, animals and other creatures. We are

surrounded by countless projections upon our own individuality. But by

moving through space and time and contacting different environments, we

can experience the hotter or colder, benefic or malefic, influence of the nine

astrological planets.

The planets come under the three gunas of material nature: Sun, Moon and

Jupiter come under sattva-guna, Mercury and Venus sit under raja-guna and

Mars and Saturn fall under tama-guna. A person who is more influenced by

sattva-guna will try to surround himself with an environment and persons

who emanate hot sattva and cold raja and tama. A person in raja-guna will

try to surround himself with cold tama and sattva and hot raja. And the

person in tama guna will prefer cold sattva and raja and hot tama guna. In

all cases all gunas and planets are active because no place exists here in this

material world where merely one guna is active. But when a guna is called

cold it is less prominent. So a person in sattva guna should try to surround

himself with hot Sun, Jupiter and Moon. In other words, he should look for

places that emanate the qualities of these planets like duty (Sun), dharma

(Jupiter) and compassion (Moon). He should avoid too much sense

gratification (Venus) and speculative intellectual pursuits (Mercury) which

come under raja guna. He must avoid anger (Mars) and dullness (Saturn),

the influences of tama guna.


Due to the constant interactions of combinational astrology, conditioned

living entities are hard pressed to interact with each other—or even with

places—without personal projections. How we project our own stars onto

others necessarily has an inhibiting effect upon genuine personal interaction

because we prefer to see others according to our own modes of nature. Thus

only Shri Krishna can interact with each living entity directly, and He alone

knows the essence of each. Therefore, the Lord tells Arjuna (Bg. 10.8):

“I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates

from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional

service and worship Me with all their hearts.”

But these indications apply less to the devotee who is seated on the

transcendental platform above the rope-like gunas of material nature. Karma

is contagious. Therefore, to avoid the constant exchanges planetary

interactions, is best to seek out the association of pure devotees of the Lord.

As declared in all devotional scriptures, sadhu-sanga or devotee association

alone is the sole link to Shri Krishna Who is beyond the influence of the

planets (which indeed only He has created). He sees the living entity without

any projections of material nature or planetary influences. Thus, without

surrender to Shri Krishna it is impossible to transcend the imposition of

combinational astrology—the limitations of our own or others’ planets—and

arrive at the point of realizing our own individuality.

Presenting another FB post. One of the greatest gifts of Shrila Prabhupada to the world

is proof of the reality of eternal personality embedded within every atom of the Universe.

And that includes the individuality of …

The Seasons Personified

Since Krishna is a person, indeed He is the Supreme Person, therefore each

of the six seasons described in Vedic literature and in Jyotisha Shastra are

governed by specific personal deities. For evidence of this reference a verse

from Shrimad Bhagavatam (8.8.9). This verse describes the worship of

Goddess Lakshmiji, the loving wife of Lord Vishnu, as She appeared from

the ocean of milk during samudra-manthana.

abhishecanika bhumir aharat sakalaushadhih

gavah pancha pavitrani vasanto madhu-madhavau

“The land became a person and collected all the drugs and herbs needed for

installing the Deity. The cows delivered five products, namely milk, yogurt,


ghee, urine and cow dung, and Vasanta, spring personified, collected

everything produced in spring, during the months of Chaitra and Vaishakha

[or months of Vishnu and Madhusudana, which occur around April and


From our “Astrological Dictionary” of The Bhrigu Project we find the six

seasons (or ritus) listed as follows:

ritu: The shad-ritus or “six seasons.” Each is the one sixth part of a year or

two lunar cycles. They are vasant (spring), grishma (summer), varsha (rains),

sharad (autumn), hemant (winter) and shishir (deep winter).

When Mother Lakshmiji arose from the churning of the Milk Ocean, Vasanta (Spring personified)

collected articles from Nature for Her worship. In this picture the asuras are at the head of Vasuki, the

churning rope, and the demigods are at the tail. Lord Shiva quaffs halahala; Lord Kurma supports the

Mandara Mountain, and Goddess Lakshmi has arisen for Her swayamvara with Lord Vishnu.

From a talk delivered at Suhotra Sadan, Blagoevgrad, on 6 September 2015, Abhaya

Mudra lays bare the individuality on all sides as well as the livings entity’s…

Our Purpose in the Material World

Abhaya Mudra Dasi

Even though the relationship between the living entity and Shri Krishna is

always present, it remains beyond the control of this material world. Often

neophytes when coming in contact with Krishna consciousness ask, “How


can I be sure that Shri Krishna loves me?” The answer is that Shri Krishna is

not an ordinary man, even though He is called Purusha which literally

meanings man. Shri Krishna describes Himself in BG 9.11: avajananti mam muḍha manusim tanum ashriitam

param bhavam ajananto mama bhuta-maheshvaram

Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My

transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be.

In order to understand how Shri Krishna is

neither a material man nor even a human being,

although to the atheists He may appear to be so,

we need to understand the basic elements of

psychology that drive the material world. Then

we can move on to understanding Shri

Krishna’s loving relationships with each living


Here in this material world there are two basic

prototypes or personalities: male and female.

Although we all know that in reality all males

and females have their own distinctive

personalities, we disregard the personal

characteristics in favor of the prototypical characteristics. Thus, if some

living entity takes birth as a woman, she will have certain qualities of a

woman. And if one is born as a man, then he develops masculine traits. Even

so, people tend to generalize gender characteristics while disregarding the

personal individual’s own characteristics.

It is practically observed that unless one is a fully self realized soul he or she

is influenced by gender-based judgments—the first thing that registers in the

mind is whether one is male or female. Following that are certain embedded

reactions based upon gender generalizations. In this world only two

archetypes or “personalities” make the variety: male and female. Although it

is more or less obvious that under these twosome coverings everyone is an

individual, it is also obvious that everyone is conditioned to accept the body

as the self and hence act accordingly.

It may be speculated that there is no use of having two genders. After all,

Brahma, the first living entity secondary creator of the universe, was born

from Lord Vishnu. Many great sages were born solely from Brahma.

Although in this way Brahma is engaged in the design and construction of


the universe, he is not active in fulfilling the desires of all the conditioned

living entities, including their desire to procreate. It is said that Brahma can

create, Lord Shiva can destroy, but only Lord Vishnu can maintain.

Even when living entities harbor inimical desires towards Shri Krishna, He

satisfies them. Shri Krishna’s arrangement of male and female prototypes in

the material world creates an illusion of genuine relations between two

different energies. And through the interaction of male and female entities

other bodies take birth. The material world mimics (or reflects in a perverted

sense) the spiritual world wherein there is constant interaction of Shri

Krishna with His innumerable liberated servants, friends, mothers, fathers

and lovers. In the material world the variety of personal characteristics is

limited only to two. The material world does not have the facility to satisfy

the spiritual seeker who is after the unlimited variety of the spiritual world.

“The ambitious conditioned soul wants

to be very happy in this material world with his family, but he is compared to a

traveler in the forest who desires to

climb a hill full of thorns and small

stones. As stated in the previous verse,

the happiness derived from society,

friendship and love is like a drop of

water in the scorching heat of the

desert.” (SB 5.13.8 Purport)

Shri Krishna interacts with everyone whether they are conditioned or

liberated. He is not even slightly affected by the illusory bodily covering of

the conditional living entities. His perspective is vast. He is like a bee who

likes to taste the personalities of every living entity which for Him are like

flowers. But the living entity is small and his perspective is always limited

whether it is conditioned in the material world or liberated in the spiritual


The individual soul’s relationship with Shri Krishna is sufficient to

accommodate every one of his desires. The limited nature of the living entity

cannot contain a deep personal interaction with other living entities unless

those relationships are filtered through his bond with Shri Krishna. Thus, the

connection of the living entity with the Supreme Lord is always a unique and

one-on-one relationship. But when the rebellious entity seeks to falsely

disconnect from Lord Shri Krishna he falls down into this material world.

Here his one-on-one relationship with Shri Krishna is translated into the


relationship of male and female in this material world. This is actually

evidence that the living entity who needs reciprocation cannot exist without

Shri Krishna because he constantly reflects on the nature of his relationship

with the Supreme Lord.

In this reflective material world, the

characteristics of the female prototype are

linked to her body and the characteristics of the

male prototype are linked to his body. For the

purpose of reproduction a woman has a womb

while the man does not. A woman comes into

her body with a clear perspective of her role

and that her role is important. In the mind of

the conditioned entity, procreation is the actual

goal of existence because through reproduction

of the species the living entity falsely thinks

that he or she creates other individuals and in

this way somehow becomes equal to God.

For this reason a woman holds an important position in this world. A

conditioned man seeks to receive his share of credit as the creator and the

only way to achieve that is through union with the woman. Thus his

objective becomes sexual union and the woman an object of his desire. The

man does everything to show others that he is as multifaceted as the woman

is. The ego of the conditioned man is very fragile. He may try to flatter the

woman in order to receive her favor although ultimately what he desires is to

be recognized as a creator and to diminish the role of the woman as such.

This is one aspect of the never ending battle of the sexes.

On the other hand, the woman attracts a man to share in her great burden of

creation. She knows she is important and secretly regards the man as inferior.

She becomes bitter when she discovers that he is with her only because of

his own self-interest. This is the underlying principle of this material world,

that there is no real love between the man and the woman because both have

conditions that they place on the other person. Because both genders speak

different languages and they have different means of achieving what they

desire in life, nether understands the other. Therefore in this material world

there are innumerable misunderstandings going on between the man and the

woman. Neither has any genuine understanding that the other person

covered with an illusory material form is a spirit soul who has zero to do

with the demands and conditions of the body.


Offspring produced of the male and female are regarded as individuals only

for the short period of time until they also take their turns in the reproductive

cycle. The different personalities that the mother and father appreciate in the

individual children are only related to relative matter.

But the reflective prototypes of males and females do not tell us all about the

characteristics of Shri Krishna Who created them. Shri Krishna neither

reflects the man or woman in this material world. But from the angle of

limited, conditioned material understanding He may seem to possess trends

from both male and female prototypes. He has a position which cannot be

disputed just like the females in the material world are predestined as

prototypes to give birth. Shi Krishna’s position as the Supreme Lord cannot

be disputed. He is also the maintainer of the whole universe just like a man

maintains his family. Yet Shri Krishna does not have the limitation of the

woman for only one significant relationship because He relates always with

all of His parts and parcels. He is also neither like the man who is woven by

a fragile ego. Shri Krishna is called the Purush or the Supreme Man yet that

mainly serves to define the limited position of the living entity who has no

capacity to form a loving relationship with more than one individual.

Everyone knows that a woman would have a very hard time having more

than one husband at a time. Thus, the living entity may well be called

prakriti or female.

However, the relationship between the spirit soul and Shri Krishna

transcends the material subjective concept of gender because only the

personality traits play an important role in it. It is not that the spiritual

personality is not visible in the material world but it is covered by a body

and for a soul to be able to directly associate with Shri Krishna the gender

identity should completely be dropped off. A genuine devotee should

understand that the spiritual world has unlimited prototypes. In fact he is one

of them. Everyone has his own spiritual unique “gender” that relates in a

unique way with Shri Krishna. This is called rasa. And although there are

five basic rasas of neutrality, survivorship, friendship, parenthood and

conjugal love the variety in them is unlimited.

The personality of the living entity is ever present. Although covered in the

material world, the relationship between Shri Krishna and the living entity is

eternal. The love of Shri Krishna for the living entity is unconditional

because the only thing He gains from the living entity is the taste of his

personality and that is eternal and never diminishing. The living entity


cannot escape from the fact that he

is a person no matter how much he

is trying to hide under the cloth of

material genders. So, for Shri

Krishna who is ever aware of the

eternal nature and personality of

the living entity there is no

obstacles to love. There is not a

single moment when the Supreme

Lord does not love the

individuality of the living entity.

And because relationships are only

possible on equal footing, the

living enmity who desires to

restore his eternal relationship

with the Supreme Lord Shri

Krishna should start to understand

that Shri Krishna is the Supreme


Shri Krishna is dressed in a nice yellow dothi and has nice ornaments on His

dark blue body. His eyes a like lotus petals and his moonlike face is adored

by a nice smile. He plays His flute and is surrounded by His close associates

everyone also coming along with their eternal personal characteristics. In the

material world nobody wears the same cloths all the time because the cloths

are not part of the personality of the persona that wears them. The cloths are

just there to be created and destroyed or, in other words, enjoyed temporarily.

Everything in the material world carries this false desire to be God and enjoy

the creation created by other living entities. But because the material world

is in denial of its eternal spiritual origins nothing works properly. A man

who is undercover and has to play a different role not being able to show his

true identity is never truly satisfied. But that is the cost a person has to pay if

he wants to pretend being somebody else and not himself. This is the

position of the living entity pretending to be God. And the confusion in the

material world is great because everyone is undercover.

This material world may be a place for the enjoyment of the unintelligent,

but for Shri Krishna this place is a playground for His pastimes. This is a

place where some living entities come to become inimical to Him while

others stay on His side. Thus this world is a stage for battles and wars where


Shri Krishna is the ultimate winner. There are

always constant wars going on in this world and

peace is not possible due to the supreme dictum

of epic enjoyment of Shri Krishna carried by

Him personally in this world.

For example, the doorkeepers of Vaikuntha Jaya

and Vijaya prayed to Shri Krishna to make them

inimical to Him so his desire for fighting could

be satisfied. Thus the great demons

Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha were born and

then killed by Shri Krishna in a cosmic-scale battle. Shri Krishna likes to

fight and win as revealed in Bhagavad-gita (4.8):

paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam

dharma-samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge

“In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to

reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after


Therefore whoever understands Shri Krishna’s nature is eligible to go back

to His spiritual abode, for as the Lord tells Arjuna:

janma karma ca me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ

tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti so 'rjuna

“One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not,

upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My

eternal abode, O Arjuna.” (Bg. 4.9)

The yoga of astrology …

The Seven Chakras and the Horoscope

Abhaya Mudra Dasi

Each of the seven chakras have specific association with certain houses of

the horoscope. The horoscope can easily pinpoint which chakra in a person

is weak or strong depending on the malefic or benefic planets positioned in

those houses. A weak planet in particular house will shows that there is a


problems in the chakra associated with this house. For example a weak

Moon in the 8th

house shows a weakness in the 2nd


The chakras have a male and female side to

them as everything in the material world.

The affliction of weak planets in the male or

female side of the charka shows that either

ida or pingala is weak in this chakra. Ida is

the female while pingala is the male side of

the channel of kundalini. When afflicted in

the male side the charka can be too opened

and when afflicted on the female side too

closed. The first house is more male oriented

and more planets there would shows over

activity while no planet female influence and

possible under activity. The 7th house is the

opposite. If too many planets are there it will

show more female influence and possible

over activity while no planet or affliction in the 7th house possible under activity. The

goal is to bring the chakras in balance. For the devotee there are special affirmations that

can make the chakras work in a spiritual way. Chakra Muladhara











Ajna (to






Elevation Ananda Chit Sat Sat Chit Ananda


feeling Fear Guilt Shame Grief Lies Illusion Attachment






and I

should trust




service is


I am a


of Shri


I have



with the


Lord Shri


To always

act in the

best interest

of Shri



pray to




Shri Krishna

is all


The heart chakra is the center of all other chakras. The three lower

chakras below the heart charka deal with receiving the mercy of Shri

Krishna while the three upper chakras above the heart chakras deal with

giving our service to the Supreme Lord.


From Krishna Book, chapter 51, Princess Rukmini writes to Shri Krishna Who She

hopes will arrive at the last minute to rescue her …

Young Princess Rukmini

Writes to Lord Krishna

Queen Rukmini. She is an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi Devi who appeared on Vaishakha dwadashi shukla

paksha corresponding to the twelfth day of the waxing Moon of Madhusudana.

“My dear Kṛṣṇa, O infallible and most beautiful one, any human being who happens

to hear about Your transcendental form and pastimes immediately absorbs through

his ears Your name, fame and qualities; thus all his material pangs subside, and he

fixes Your form in his heart. Through such transcendental love for You, he sees You

always within himself; and by this process all his desires become fulfilled. Similarly,

I have heard of Your transcendental qualities. I may be shameless in expressing

myself so directly, but You have captivated me and taken my heart. You may suspect

that I am an unmarried girl, young in age, and may doubt my steadiness of character,

but my dear Mukunda, You are the supreme lion among the human beings, the

supreme person among persons. Any girl, although not yet out of her home, or any

woman who may be of the highest chastity, would desire to marry You, being

captivated by Your unprecedented character, knowledge, opulence and position. I

know that You are the husband of the goddess of fortune and that You are very kind

toward Your devotees; therefore I have decided to become Your eternal



Ancient European

Worship of Narada and Krishna

Abhaya Mudra Dasi

In the Greek language Orpheus (or Arnopei) means “a singer with a

beautiful voice.” As recorded

by Greek historians, Orpheus

was born in the Rhodope

Mountains in Thracia or

present-day Bulgaria. Modern

historians claim that the story

of Orpheus is merely a few

thousand years old.

Notwithstanding that, the

history of mankind is millions

and billions of years older

than whatever nonsense is

officially accepted by

“historians.” Some of the

ancient that parallel to the Old

Testament of the Bible (such

as the books of Enoch and

Yasher) mention the Thracian

or Bulgarian people living in the same lands as today.

The books of Enoch and Yasher which are studied and followed in Ethiopia

till today, colorfully depict the times that immediately follow the new

creation coming with Noah. Noah is also known in the Vedic literature as

our present Manu or Manvantara. This means that that the Thracian people

used to live in Europe millions of years ago. We know that Manu is now

middle aged, and there are 71 Yuga cycles each of 4,320,000 years in his life.

When we look at Orpheus from this perspective, we cannot but recognize the

similarities with the rishi of the devatas, Shri Narada Muni, the son of Lord

Brahma. Orpheus is always depicted carrying or playing upon his stringed

instrument. He is often surrounded by animals because he can tame them

with the divine melodies he plays his harp. He is often seen also surrounded


by people who carefully attend to his every word and instruction. Paintings

of Orpheus can be found all over Europe.

Orpheus propagated the

cult of Dionysus, the god

happiness and joy which

later was interpreted by

the Greeks as a god of

wine. It has been

postulated that the

Greeks originated from

Africa since many

distinct illustrations of

Africans appear on

Thracian artifacts. But

today there are no

Africans living on these

lands as they have been

assimilated into the

general population.

Genealogical research has also suggested that some Greeks have genes that

are similar to those of the Ethiopians. Thus evidence points to Greeks as the

invaders while the original European population is Thracian. In this group

are included the Goths, Celts and others that today go by the name of Slavic


Orpheus disseminated the cult of

devotion aimed at Dionysus who was

accepted as the Supreme Lord. Because

God was known as Dionysus, or

abbreviated Deo or Teo, the discipline

that studied God was known, and is still

known in the West, as theosophy (or later

as theology).

With the onslaught Kali Yuga the nature

of humans has become more base. started

showing and the Greeks became

prominent on the European subcontinent.

And as they lived on the lands of rich

Vedic heritage Greece became


erroneously known as the cradle of civilization. The Greeks were scoundrels

and fond of carnal pleasures and thus the Supreme Lord Dionysus became

the God of wine. The Greeks exaggerated and perverted everything

according to their pleasure-seeking attitude. Thus the Supreme Lord Shri

Krishna who was worshiped by Narada Muni and revered in all Europe

because of Narada Muni was turned into a legend.

The Greeks, and later the Romans, adopted the Greek pantheon of Gods and

worshipped the Supreme Lord just as one of the demigods with what they

enjoyed the best—wine. We can often see depiction of Dionysus especially

during the Renaissance as a young boy amongst grape vines or enjoying

wine. Just know next time that this actually is Shri Krishna but seen through

the mental speculation of drunkards. And that is the reason that maintaining

the purity of representing the disciplic succession is so important.


Letters to the Editor

(Edited for brevity)

“Wedding Bells”

Dear Patita Pavana Prabhuji,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri

Gauranga. I cannot thank you enough for this reading, and for your

powerful and merciful blessings. I am grateful beyond words. You

have instilled in me the confidence to continue. I have been convinced that this would be

pleasing to Sri Guru, to the Vaishnavas, and to Bhagavan.

We are proceeding with our plans for the wedding.

Aspiring humbly for your service,


“Astrology and Shastra”

Dear Patita Pavana Prabhu,

Dandavat pranams. Jai Sri Sri Guru Gauranga! Jai Srila Prabhupada! Thank you for your

e-mail, it is so very good to hear from you! I am glad to hear that you are now working

on my chart. This is very exciting news. Thanks also for the link to your newsletter, it

was really good to read, all your newsletters are so informative and full of knowledge. I

have already deepened my knowledge not only of astrology but also of shastras just by

reading what is in The Astrological Newsletter.

Your servant,

SD (Singapore)


“Immense Value of Jyotisha” Dear Prabhus,

I am so insignificant, and by your grace I am alive and well and still aspiring to serve

Guru and Gauranga. Kali Yuga is so heavily polluted that we are fooled into ignoring the

very wisdom which will protect us in the short term, and save us from this hellish

samsara in the long term. I pray that more and more souls take advantage of the hard

work and dedication of you and Shrimati Abhaya Mudra Dasi in revealing the immense

value of this great jyotisha science.

SD (Mauritius)

“Prabhupada Conscious”

Dear Prabhus,

You and Abhaya Mudra are the real astrologers.... very deep profound and Prabhupada

conscious. It's a great honour and privilege for me to know you. Jai Sri Radhe


“Adherent to the Practice and Tradition”

Haribol to both Prabhu and Mata ji who did my chart,

I am blessed to even know of devotees who have knowledge of these matters and are truly

adherent to the practice and tradition.



“Prabhupada Conscious”

Dear Patita Pavana and Abhaya Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Shrila Prabhupada. I am very

impressed and in awe of your masterful chart! It is so amazing! I plan on printing with a

professional in booklet form one to mail to my son and one I will keep.

Your fallen servant


“Complete and Well Presented” Dear Patita Pavana Prabhu, and also dear Abhaya devi,

Please accept my most humble obeisances, and all glories to our dear beloved Shrila

Prabhupada! Thank you for your extensive work on these two charts; the work is very

complete and also well presented, with pictures and descriptions. You are both very

great astrologers and a huge help to many devotees in the matter of navigating the tricky

waters of their lives. It also gives me a clearer picture of your Bhrigu Project that you

have been immersed in for several years and which is very important work for the future

of mankind! My love to you both,

Your servant, with much affection,