REG. NUM. 16.1300.100










REG. NUM. 16.1300.100

Submitted to the English Education Program of Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic

Institute of Parepare in Partial of Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)









As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree

Of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)

English Education Program

Submitted by:


Reg. Num. 16.1300.100










Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the

universe, master of the day of judgment, God all mighty, for all blessings and mercies

so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled “Students’ Skill in Writing

Summary of Narrative Text at The Eleventh Grade of MA DDI Lil-Banat Parepare”.

Shalawat and Salam to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW as greatest man, the

greatest leader and good inspiration of world revolution.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the

helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like

to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and

suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan, M.Si. as the Rector of IAIN Parepare for his

kindness and help during her study.

2. Dr. H. Saepudin, S.Ag., M.Pd. as Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN

Parepare, who has given the writer guideline in writing the research.

3. Mujahidah, M.Pd. as the Chairman of English Study Program at IAIN

Parepare, who has given her great motivation during the period of this


4. Drs. Amzah Selle, M.Pd. as the writer’s first consultant and Dra. Hj.

Nanning, M.Pd. as the writer’s second consultant, who has taught the

previous knowledge, giving suggestion and guidance to complete the






Wildayati. Students’ Skill in Writing Summary of Narrative Text at the Eleventh Grade MA DDI Lil-Banat PArepare (Supervised by Amzah and Hj. Nanning).

The objectives of the research is: to find out the students’ skill in writing summary of narrative text.

The research applied the descriptive quantitative design to answer the problem

of this thesis. The research took place at MA DDI Lil-Banat Parepare. The population was the eleventh grade MA DDI Lil-Banat, the samples of this research were 20 students of MA DDI Lil-Banat who is in the eleventh MIA2 grade by used random sampling technique. The researcher used test as instrument for this research.

Then the researcher used the scoring rubric to find out the students' skills in

summarizing the narrative text where by looking at the five components, from the first text the students 'average score 69,85 it can be concluded that the students' skill to summarize narrative text was included in the low category, and from the second text the average 73,85 it can be concluded that the students skill to summarize narrative text was included good category. The result of this research find that the students skill in writing summary of the both the text were they have different category from the average. Which the first text the writing skill was still low and the second text the writing skill was good. It is be because the students make a lot of mistakes in certain indicators.

Keywords: Writing Skill, Summary Narrative text



COVER ............................................................................................................... i

PAGE OF TITLE ................................................................................................ ii

SUBMISSION PAGE ......................................................................................... iii

ENDORSMENT OF CONSULTANT COMMISSIONS ................................... iv

APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT COMMISSIONS ......................................... v

ENDORSMENT OF EXAMINER COMMISSIONS ........................................ vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................... vii


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ x

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... xi

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 1

A. Background ............................................................... 1

B. Research Questions ................................................... 5

C. Objective of the Research ......................................... 5

D. Significance of the Research ..................................... 5


A. Previous Related Research Finding .......................... 6

B. Some Partinent Ideas ................................................. 7

C. Conceptual Framework ............................................. 27

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD................................................... 28

A. Research Design ........................................................ 28

B. Location and Time of the Research .......................... 28

C. Population and Sample of the Research .................... 28


D. Procedure of Collecting Data .................................... 29

E. Operational Definition of Variable ........................... 29

F. Instrument of The Reseaech ...................................... 29

G. Technique Data Analysis .......................................... 30

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ........................................ 34

A. Research Finding ....................................................... 34

B. Discussion ................................................................. 47

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................ 50

A. Conclusion................................................................. 50

B. Suggestion ................................................................. 51

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 52

APPENDICES..................................................................................................... 55






Name of Tables Page

2.1 Analytic Scoring Language Assessment 16

2.2 Difficulties in Writing Summary 25

3.1 The Population of The Students Eleventh Grade MA DDI Lil-

Banat Parepare


3.2 The Formula of to Process The Data 30

3.3 The Criteria of The Students Score Classification 33

4.1 The Students Individual Score in Writing Summary of Narrative

Text “The Ant and The Grasshopper”


4.2 The Students Individual Score in Writing Summary of Narrative

Text “The Beauty and The Beast”


4.3 The Students Score in Writing Summary of Narrative Text 39

4.4 The Category Students Skill in Writing Content 40

4.5 The Category Students Skill in Writing Organization 41

4.6 The Category Students Skill in Writing Grammar 43

4.7 The Category Students Skill in Writing Mechanic 44

4.8 The Category Students Skill in Writing Vocabulary 45



Number The Title of Appendices

1 Instruments

2 Students’ Sheet Answer

3 Research Allowance

4 Documentation

5 Curriculum Vitae




A. Background

In this era information and technology, English has become vital as the

international or global language. Most of countries over the world are trying to raise

the skill of their people use English effectively. Moreover, mastering English

language is being a requirement in several companies.

Language is an important tool to communicate, to communicate means to

understand to express many ideas. Writing is one aspect that should be owned by

students, they used to communicate to other people, as means of ideas and emotional

expression, arguments in the form of words in sentence, because when they write

their ideas and emotion creatively, they are communicating on paper on their very

best way and purpose. In writing students have to know about grammar, vocabulary,

and sentence structure. Sometimes most of students could speak English fluently but

they did not definite understand in writing or making summary.

Nowadays, Indonesian students learn English from elementary school, junior

high school, senior high school level or vocation school, university because it is

important in this globalization era. However, they do not use English in their daily

life. In the learning process, Indonesian students still mistake. It commonly happen

because the rule of Bahasa Indonesia and English is different.

The objective of the English teaching programs is to equip students with the

four basic language skills that people use to increase their knowledge about foreign

language namely, speaking, reading, listening, and writing.


Writing is one of skill that people use to communicate with the other people

used in daily life, such as writing a letter to friend, writing story, and writing diary.

Which someone can express his or her ideas in written from by mastering writing

narrative text, student are able to write or to apply English in every opportunity.

There are many definition stated by experts ; Raymond states one of them, he

say that writing is more than medium of communication1. It means that writing is not

just the way to communicate to each other but also as means of ideas and emotional


Curriculum 2013 is for guiding the teacher English that enable the students in

communicating and constructing the written text and also becomes the ultimate goal

of the students to communicate in write genre of text fluently and accurately like in

narrative, descriptive and recount.

In reality, most of students get difficult in writing a good text in English. The

problem may be caused by some aspects. The first is opportunity to use English

because the status of English as a foreign language, not as main daily communication.

And the students think that writing is boring subject because he teacher lack of the

strategies while teaching. A strategy is a tool to demonstrate and ease transferring

ideas in teaching and learning process. The teacher occasionally did intricate way to

cover the material to the students.

The second is the students were lack motivation in study writing because they

hard to thought the great idea to make a good writing and also make the reader feel

curiously to finish reading, because of that the students felt hard to catch the good

ideas to make good sentences to create a good writing.

1James C Raymond. Writing is Unnatural act. (The Murray printing company; 1980), p. 2


The third is students get problems in writing academically for their writing

task in order to produce a good writing, and it was not easy to produce a piece of an

academic writing. They were only transfer the ideas in their mind to the written from

but the students did notice the crucial aspect in their writing such as content,

organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanic. Therefore, the students need to

understand the aspect of writing like the content, organization, should have enough

vocabulary language use and mechanic.

In fact, Indonesian students could not learn English well, especially in writing.

It is usually indicated when they write paper or making summary. Many students

make mistake when they write summary. The students get problems like above when

they write something.

Writing summary is important skill for students. It is important because to

enable students to demonstrate their understanding of reading material to their

teachers. Summary writing also can help the students to write easily. It is a kind of

writing technique were students write the point of something. Summary writing can

help students to get ideas to write, because they will easily get idea from they read

first. In other words, students just restate what they read. They do not need to get the

idea by themselves. The important in this research in MA DDI Lil-Banat parepare to

know how students can summarize the text after understanding the reading text.

Students can write the summary by using their own words. This activity will know

the students ability in writing summary whether their ability is high, fair and low.

A summary is brief restatement, in someone own words, of the main ideas of

a reading passage or other type of source. For a paragraph in article or a book, the

restatement might be only a sentences for a whole work, a paragraph, condensing


information and ideas will help someone to understand the content of the sources,

convey someone’s understanding to someone’s audience, and establish the ideas

someone’s will explore in someone’s paper. When writing a summary, include only

the author’s ideas and not someone’s own opinions and judgments also don’t just

copy statements from the original source and put the together.2 To summarize

effectively, someone need to restate the min ideas in someone’s own words and to

synthezise the material to combine information and to group ideas in a way that

shows the relationship among them.

Comprehension of the original text, condensation of the thoughts and ideas in

the original text, and production of the ideas in one’s own words were the thee

processes involved in the production of an acceptable summary. Getting a full

appreciation of the text, selecting and identifying important information, uniting

similar ideas into categories, and writing in one’s own words were essential

requirements for developing a good summary.

The best writing teacher is help the students realize many ways to solve the

problems or the difficulties in writing. Therefore an English teacher has to use the

right method based on the situation of the classroom. Even though principally the

successful of teaching and learning process is not only determined by approach and

method but also technique. Technique is the way that the teacher carries out method

or in the other word.

In connection with the description above, the researcher focus his research of

Students’ Skill in Writing Summary of Narrative Text At The Eleventh Grade of MA

DDI Lil-Banat Parepare”

2 Peter S. Gardner, Cambridge Academic Writing (United States of America: Cambridge

University, 2009), p. 141


B. Research Question

Based on the background above the researcher formulated research question

of this research as follows : How is the students’ skill in writing summary of narrative

text at the eleventh grade students of MA DDI LIL-Banat parepare?

C. Objective of the Research

In line with the problem statement above, the objective of this research is the

Researcher want to know students skill in writing summary of narrative text at The

Eleventh Grade of MA DDI Lil-Banat Parepare.

D. Significance of the Research

1) For the students of MA DDI Lil-Banat, as the information to help them to

solve their problems in writing summary of narrative text

2) For the English teachers of MA DDI Lil-Banat, it can be used as a

reference in terms of increasing the students’ skill in mastering writing

summary of narrative text.

3) For the principal of MA DDI Lil-Banat, to improve the teachers‟

competence in teaching writing

4) For other researchers, as references to do further research in the same

subject in various topic in the different context.




A. Previous Research Finding

There some researchers which are related about students’ ability in writing

summary of narrative text :

“An Analysis Of Student’s Ability In Writing Narrative Text (A Study At The

Eight Grade Of SMP Negeri 2 Tambangan In 2018/2019 Academic Year”). Written

by Asriani Hasibuan concluded that the students are still confused in writing narrative

text, because the students low in the lesson vocabulary and grammar. This is because

of the students are not serious if study about vocabulary and grammar, they get

difficult how to construct a good sentence to be expressed, and also their less

vocabulary can influence their writing ability.3

Devigantari Agusta in her skripsi entitle “Improving Student’s Ability in

Writing Narrative Text Using Short Animated Stories At Class VIII.C Of SMPN 2

SANDEN, BANTUL In The Academic Year Pf 2013/2014. The research findings

showed that the use of short animated stories combined with the use of some

supporting activities and classroom was proven to be effective to improve the

students’ writing ability. It could get students’ attention and increased their learning

motivation. It can help the students understand the story better as the video content

visual or moving images that can help imagining the real situation in the story.4

3Asriani Hasibuan “An Analysis Of Student’s Ability In Writing Narrative Text (A Study At

The Eight Grade Of SMP Negeri 2 Tambangan In 2018/2019 Academic Year”). 4Devigantari Agusta“ Improving Student’s Ability in Writing Narrative Text Using Short

Animated Stories At Class VIII.C Of SMPN 2 SANDEN, BANTUL In The Academic Year 3013/2014

(English Education Department. Faculty of Language and Arts, state University of Yogyakarta, 2015),



Triswandi, Febriana in his skripsi entitle “ Improving Students’ Summary

Writing Ability Through The Use of Story Pyramid at SMAN 1 Tegaldlimo in

2014/2015 Academic Years” the researcher can conclude that the using story pyramid

can improve the students’ summary writing ability in teaching learning English

because story pyramid serve the outline of the point of the text which makes it easy

for the students to write or summarize a text.5

Based on the previous research findings above, the researcher can conclude

that there are many research about students ability in writing, the first and the second

research had the same research object, it was writing ability. The difference between

this research and previous research above, this research has interest to research the

summarizing of narrative text, it same object with the third previous research findings


B. Some Pertinent Ideas

In this part, there are some pertinent ideas is presented in order to give some

clearer concept going applied in this study that is the students’ skill in writing

summary of narrative text. To support the ideas of this research, some theories and

some information will be included to help the writer design this research.

1. Concept of Writing

a. Definition of Writing

Writing is one of the human’s ways to communicate. Communication is not

only achieved through speaking, but it can also be obtained through writing. Writing

is something that people needed to share what they have in their mind, that can

5Triswandi, Febriana “ Improving Students’ Summary Writing Ability Through The Use of

Story Pyramid at SMAN 1 Tegaldlimo in 2014/2015 Academic Years”( English Education Program,

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University: Jember, 2015.), p.1


express their idea, feeling, opinion, and knowledge. And also one of important thing

to able to help the students improve their skills in writing especially writing


According to Oxford, writing is activity of writing, written words of an

author and handwriting. 6

According to Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue writing is a progressive activity.7

It means that when someone first write something down, it has already been thinking

about what are going to say and how are going to say it. Then after finishing it, read

over what have written and make changes and corrections. Therefore, writing is never

a one-step action, it is a process that has several steps.

According to Monaghan writing is thinking on paper8. It means, the important

thing of writing for the students is to express feelings and produce in their own

language on the paper. The students hopefully can convey ideas, feelings, desires and

knowledge by writing

According to Harmer writing is frequently useful as preparation for some

other activity, in particular when students write sentences as a preamble to discussion

activities. This gives students time to think up ideas rather than having to come up

with instant fluent opinions, something that many, especially at lower levels, find

difficult and awkward.9 it means, writing is an activity to make students creative and

6 Oxford University Press, Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary, Third Edition, (Prited on

China,2003). P. 502 7Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Introduction to Academic Writing (Wesley : Longman, 1997),

p.2. 8 Connie Monaghan, Effective Strategies for Teaching Writing (Evergreen: The Faculty of

The Evergreen State College, 2007),p.1-2 9 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education Limited,

2004), p.33.


it makes students able to think up ideas that it can be implemented in writing. It can

help and improve students writing.

Richard states that writing is a way of expressing though from mind to

printing materials. We can state that writing is a kind of activity where writer puts all

the idea in her mind to a paper from words to sentence, sentences to paragraph to


Nura said that writing is an activity. Writing is not merely symbolize spoken

language. Writing is a person’s to express him/herself and to addapt with the

society. Through writing, readers will understand the writer’s ways of thinking. It

means that writing can be reflection of the writer’s mind.11

In addition Bowker said writing is a skill that is required in many contexts

throughout life. For instance, you can write an email to a friend or reflect on what

happened during the day in your personal diary.12

It means that if someone has many

problems or tell what happened, writing an email or in diary book is solution for

telling their activity or problems

Depend on definition above, the writer concludes that writing is complicated

activity which needs full of concentration and knowledge about what we are going to

write. Writing has the most difficult, since writing needs more accuracy for instance

in spelling, grammar, and appropriate expression. However, writing can be learnt by

everyone by much practicing and reading a lot of books to get inspiration to write.

Writing is a way to develop an idea, express arguments, feeling and thoughts in the


Richard, J. 1997, Approach and Method in Languangee Teaching. (London: Cambridge

University Press. Unpublished). P.98 11

A. Nura, “Problematik Pengajaran Keterampilan Menulis lanjut: Upayah Menumbuh

Kembangkan Minat Menulis di UsiaDini, “komposisi 4, No. 1, 2003), p. 71 12

Natilene Bowker, Academic Writing: A Guide to Tertiary Level Writing (Palmerston North:

Massey University, 2007), p.2.


form of word in sentences. This language skill is used to communicate with others by


b. Process of Writing

Process of writing as a classroom activity incorporates the four basic writing

stages that are: planning, drafting, revising and editing and final version.

1) Planning

Planning is the process of writers’ plan what they are going to write. Before

starting to write, they try and decide what is they are going to say. For some

writers this my involve making detailed notes as their structure in writing. In

planning, there are three items who has to be considered by the writers, the

purpose of their writing which consist of it’s language whom they use, and the

information whom they choose, the writers have to consider the audience they

are writing for (how it is laid out, how the paragraphs are structured), and

content structure talk about how best to sequence the fact, ideas or


It m eans that students have to planning before writing to get

ideas before gathering information writing. In this step students gather ideas to

write about.

2) Drafting

After making a planning, the first steps that have to do is drafting. According

to the dictionary of the indonesia, drafting is design or the concept. Drafting to

br made because it will be more ease in writing. Draft of the basic ideas or the

idea of basic is still a great line. Sdraft of this is then have develop be writing.

The most important thing in drafting is to get words into a paper. In this


Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach Writing, (England: Pearson Educaion Limited, 2001), p. 4.


process there is no the time to worry about the spelling, grammar, punctuation

or the best wording.14

3) Editing

Editing is another aspect of writing and need to checking, correcting

mechanical errors such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalizion and

checking format and design. Actually writing is not problematic in the way in

revising, because some of styudents are willing to work hard at editing their


4) Final Version

Final version.If writershave edited thier draft then they make a change by they

considered to be necessary, they produce their final version. This my look

considerably different from both the original plan and the first draft, because

things have changed in the editing process. Even when they get to what they

think is their final draft they may find themselves changing their mind and re

planning, drafting, or editing.16

Based on the explanation about the types of writing above, the researcher will

conclude that before making it. We have to know that at times we may have to back

up and repeat the stages. But it does not mean that we have to focus on all four stages

at the same time, in fact , trying to do too much at one time is very difficult and we

have to know the basic, first. We have to do it step by step. Especially for the students


Kristine Brown and Susan Hood, Writing Matters writing Skills and strategies for Students

of English (Cambridge University Press. 1989), p. 14. 15

Jerry G. Gebhard, Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Languange (United States of

Amerika: The University of Michigan, 1996), p. 228-230. 16

Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach Writing, (England: Pearson Educaion Limited, 2001), p. 5.


in particular eight grades. The researcher will teach them, how the planning in writing

summary of narrative text.

c. Difficult of Writing

Difficult of writing a foreign language, we shall look at the problems which

are caused by writing under three headings psychological, linguistic and cognitive

although these inevitably overlap to some extent.

1) Psychological Problem

Speech is the natural and normal medium of communication for us in most

circumstances and accustoms us both to having someone physically present when the

people use language and to getting feedback of some kind. Writing, on the other

hand, is essentially a solitary activity and the fact that we are required to write on our

own, without the possibility of interaction or the benefit of feedback, in itself makes

the act of writing difficult

2) Linguistic Problems

Oral communication is sustained through a process of interaction and, except

in special circumstances, such as lecture, the participants help to keep it going.

Because speech is normally spontaneous, we have little time to pay attention either to

organizing our sentence structure or to connecting our sentences. To some extent the

letter is maintained through the process of interaction. The people repeat, backtrack,

expand and so on depending on how people react to what we say.

3) Cognitive problems

The people grow up learning to speak and in normal circumstances spend

much of our time doing it. We also appear to speak without much conscious effort of

thought and generally the people talk because they want to know about matters which


are interesting or relevant to the people especially the people’s professionally in

writing. On the other hand, in learning through a process of instruction: the students

have to master the writing from of the language and the students have to learn certain

structure which are less used in speech, or perhaps not used at all, but which are

important for effective communication in writing.17

Based on the explanation above the researcher can conclude that another

problems are the psychological, linguistic and cognitive problems become the

dominant factors which is make the students find out difficulties to write English


d. Component of Writing

The good writing skill can be analyzed to group and variable varied skills. The

components of writing divides into five main areas. They are grammar, mechanics,

vocabulary, content and organization. 18

1.) grammar

Grammar concerns about the ability to write correct and appropriate

sentences. The writer has to give attention for preposition, tenses such as using of

verbs, nouns, adjective, also conjunction and article. Grammar is a description the

rules that govern how a language’s sentence are formed19


2.) Mechanics

It is related with the ability to use correctly words to the written language such

as using of a capitalization, punctuation and spelling. It is very important to lead the

readers to understand or recognize what the written means to express, the use of


Byrne Donn, Teaching Writing Skills.(FE: Loungman Group. LTD, 1988), p.4.

18 George E. Wilson, Leats Write English., p. 128-129 19

Scott Thonbury, How To Teach Grammar, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 1999),



favorable mechanic in writing will make the readers easy to the group to conveying

ideas or message of writing. The explanation as follows :

a.) Capitalization, the use of capitalization can clarify the ideas, if the

sentences are not capitalized correctly, ambiguous and misunderstanding

will appear, the words which are capitalized and beginning of: the name of

people, organization, first and last word of title.

b.) Punctuation, punctuation can help the readers to identify should be taken

as a unit of meaning and suggest how the units of it relate to each other.

c.) Spelling, using of spelling has three rules: they are suffixes addition,

plural formation and the change of certain words.

3.) Vocabulary

In order to convey thought a feeling is possible, we do several things, we

arrange our ideas in sentence, we construct whole essay, story, etc. the special things

are needed that using special words, phrase, sentence and paragraph that can be

related in each other. In addition the students need to learn what words mean and how

they are used20


4.) Content

The content of writing should be clear to readers so that the readers can

understand the message conveyed and again information from it. In order to have a

good content of writing, the content should be well, unfilled and complements which

become the characteristic of good writing as follow.


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, ( New York : Longman

Group. 1991), p. 23.


5.) Organization

The organization of the writing is concerned with the ways the writer

arranges. Arrange and organizes the ideas or message in the writing. The purpose of

the organize material involves coherence order of important, general to specific,

chronological order and special order of pattern when writing, the learner should

arrange their writing chronologically.

According to Brown, there are three scoring methods for responsive and

extensive writing. They are, holistic scoring, primary trait scoring and analytic

scoring. In holistic scoring, each point on a holistic scale is given a systematic set of

descriptors, and the reader-evaluator matches an overall impression with the

descriptors to arrive at a score. It means that the teacher makes a table of scores with

the description.21


Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Principle and Classroom Practices


Table 2.1 Analytic Scoring (Language Assessment: Principle and Classroom


No Categories Maximal score

1 Content 30

2 Organization 20

3 Vocabulary 20

4 Grammar 25

5 Mechanic 5

Total 100

In this research, the researcher will use analytic scoring to assess students’

writing skills especially in writing narrative texts. It is because this type of

assessment is thee asiest and the most practical

2. Concept of Narrative Text

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is text tell something imaginative or something that is just

imaginary and the goal is only to entertainer readers.

Narrative text is a text about story that can be in the formof: folklore, animal

story, legend or short story, novel, etc. There are some kind of conflictt social

problems amusement in narrative text. So readers would be amused or tense when


reading them. Narrative has dealing with social problematic events or that has to find

solution besides amusement.22

Narrative text is defined as a text which function to amuse, entertain, and to

deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deals with

problematic even lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind in turn finds a


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson state that “narratives are usually told by

story teller”23

. To make it interesting, a good story must have interesting content. It

should tell about an event or audience would find engaging. We might even think of

our narrative as a movie in which the audience see people in action and hear them.

Therefore, it should be detailed and clear, with event arranged in the order in some

other effective way.

Based on the above explanation narrative can be defined as a form of plant in

the main target of the doing of the braided and woven into an event that occured in a

u nit time. It can also be formulated in another way. The narrative text is a form of

discourse that attemped to describe very clearly to the reader of an even that occured.

In short, any time you “tell what happened” you are using narrative text.

Although a narrative text may be written for its own sake-that is simply to recount

events in most college writing narrative text is used for purpose, and a sequence of

events is presented to prove a point. The social purpose of this type the text is

entertaining because they deal with the unusual and unexpected development of

events. It also instruct because they teach readers and listeners that problems patterns


Silvina, An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties In Translating Narrative Text (A Case Study of

Eleventh Grade of SMK Hass Ashabulyamin Cianjur in the academic year 2007/2009), p. 2. 23

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Type in English (Sydney: Macmillan Educational

Pty Ltd, 1997), p. 8.


of behavior that re generally highly valued.24

For instance, a narrative essay about

first date, your purpose may be to show your readers that dating as a bizarre and often

unpleasant ritual. Accordingly, you select and arrange details of the evening that

show your readers why dating is bizarre and unpleasant.

Therefore, narrative text is tried to answer the question: what had happened?”

Narrative text as a story, so it is should have the element that makes the story more

interesting to the reader such a conflict and conclusion of the story.

Based on the above description, it can be concluded that narrative text is

storytelling. When we write a narrative essay, we can essentially telling a story,

whether we are relating a single story of several related ones, and we can tell it in the

first person and third person. Through narration we make statements clear by relating

in detail something that has happened. We can develop the story in chronological


b. Types of Narrative Text

Narrative text has a scorestory that is usually only in the form of the author’s

imagination or a real incident that was captured by the author or even a combination

of both. Narrative text in a variety of sources can be found in the form:

1.) Legend. A legend is a narrative of human action that are perceived both by

teller and listener to take place within human story. Typically, a legend is a

short, traditional and historicized narrative performed in a conversational

mode. The examples of legend i narrative text are: Sangkuriang, Maling

Kundang, The story of Toba lake, etc.


Joko Priiyana and Anita Prasetyo, (2008).Interl angauge: Science and Social Study

Programme. (Jakarta: PT Grasindo), p. 94


2.) Fable is a short allegorical; narrative making a moral point, traditionally by

means of animal characters who speak and act like human being the example

of fable in narrativetext are: The Ants and grasshopper, The story of monkey

and crocodile, etc.

3.) Fair Tale is an english term for a type of short narrative corresponding to the

French phrase “Conte de fee”. A fair tale typically features such folkloric

characters as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls dwarves and usually magic or

enchanments. The examples of fair tale in narrative text are: Cinderella,

Pinochio, Snow White, etc.

4.) Science Fiction is a fiction based upon some imagined development of

science or upon the extrapolation of a tendency in society. Science fiction is

that class of prose narrative treating of situation that could not arise in the

world we know. Some examples of science fiction are: To the moon from the

earth by Jules Verne, Starship trooper by Robert Heinlein, etc.25

c. The Generic Structure narrative Text

The generic narrative text structure focuses on a series a proposed stages to

build a story. In narrative text the stage covers, they are orientation, complication,

resolution and reorientation

The first is orientation this part is the opening of story, orientation is a

background or a preliminary part in a text narrative that serves to introduce to the

reader the character of the characters, the time and setting of the story. Orientation is

usually written briefly and can answer the question who?, what?, where?, and when?.

These answer will set the orientation of story.


Fitri, The Analysis of Students; Ability In Idenglish Program Tarbiyah And Adab

Departement State islamic Collage (STAIN) parepare, 2016. P25.


The second is complication. This is the main body of the story. Complication

is the next part after orientation in narrative text. The section is most eagerly awaited

by readers and listener because it is in this section that issue are raised that will make

this story interesting to read. Usually the issue raised will involve the min character


The third is resolution. Resolution is the part that gives problem solving.

Solution that are given should not end happily, sometimes end up miserable and

sometimes not resolved thoroughly. The resolution of this incomplete problem aims

to keep the readers interest in the story.

The last is reorientation. Reorientation is the end of a narrative text that is

usually located at the end of the story. This section usually contains a moral teaching

message that the author wants to give to the reader. This section is the choice of the

narrative text writers, may use reorientation.26

Based on the explanation about the structure of narrative text the researcher

can conclude that in generic structure of narrative text orientation, cimplication, its

composition can resolution converted the most important thing the parts above were

still occuring. In writing of narrative is fluency to make a story must to understand

parts of orientation, complication, resolution. Before we are going to write a narrative

text, there are some to understand consist of orientation, complication, resolution and

reorientation this part important to make a narrative text.


Nurmala, Improving Student’s Reading Comprehension In Narrative Text At the Eight

Grade Of MTs Al-QamarKassa Through Jigsaw Sraegy (English Program Tarbiyah and Adab

Departement State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare 2018. P28.


Example of narrative text


In the past, there was a puppeteer whose name is Geppetto. He eager to have a

son very much but his wife passed away several years ago. One day, he got an idea to

make a puppet in order not to be lonely again. He made a puppet all day long. Finally,

in the morning he had finished his work and he named the puppet Pinocchio. Soon he

felt lonely again since Pinocchio couldn’t walk or talk by itself. One night, Geppetto

prayed to the God to become a real boy. He always thought it on his mind in his


In the next morning, he was surprised that Pinocchio was alive. He taught

Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as human.

He then studied at an elementary school. One day, Pinocchio felt bored and it made

him go home late. When Pinocchio finally came home, Geppetto asked him. He said

that he was on school but he wasn’t. Instantly, Pinocchio’s nose grew longer and

longer and it meant that Pinocchio has lied.

The next morning, Pinocchio was kidnaped by the owner of circus. Pinocchio

soon became a slave for the circus. He was so famous because he was a puppet which

can talk. Geppetto worried about him because Pinocchio had not been going home for

almost two days. He tried to find Pinocchio everywhere but he found nothing. When


he searched him on the sea, big wave smashed him. He was then in whale’s stomach

when he awoke. He couldn’t find the way to go out.

In the other side, Pinocchio finally could escape out from the circus. He came

home but nobody was there. Latter on, he searched Geppetto in the sea. He got the

same accident like Geppetto and he met Geppetto in whale’s stomach. Both of them

got out from its stomach by making a fire. In the end of the story, they went home

together and lived happily ever after.

3. Concept of Summary

a. Definition of summary

Summary is a shortened version of a text. It contain the main point in the text

and is written our own sentences. Moreover, it reduces a long text to a short and

select relevant information and we have to compress the information into the fewest

possible sentences, Normally, one paragraph is enough if summarizing from short

works. Summary is a short-ened version or condensation of a longer article or text. 27

Summary is a shortened version of another author’s writing. It is includes

only the most important information. Summary also can be any length depending on

the amount of information from the original text that is included. Summary is written

in someone’s responses to those ideas.28

The goal of summarizing material is to pass along the ideas belonging to

another, and summarizing as the ability to write short as the students must write

precisely, choosing their word carefully to convey the central themes without

compromising the integrity of the original work.


Sutantoleo, dkk. English for Academic Purpose: Essay Writing. (yogyakarta:ANDI) 2007,

2013 28

Theresa D. O’conel and Judith L Paiva, Independent Writing (Boston: northern Virginia

community college, 1993), p. 22.


b. Types of Summary

some of the type classification of summary that has been put word by experts.

It seem that each expert has own classification that is different from the others.

Another set of categories to show the various purpose of summary. Who classifies

into five types as follow :

type one is Précis or full length summary. Précis is a synonym for

„summary‟. The word „précis‟ came into the English language from French. It is

useful to bear in mind that, in French, when précis is used as a noun it means „

summary‟, and when it is used as an adjective. It means “precise, accurate, definite”

When précis is required in the examination the instruction generally follow a

well-established pattern. A separate passage is usually set and the candidate is

instructed to reduce that passage to a third of its length (in the case of shorter

passage). Usually, the permitted number of words is stated: the length is about200-

300 word.

Type two selective summary, instead of being asked to summarize a whole

passage the candidate is instructed to select form it contents the items that bear upon a

specified subject and to summarize those.

The set passage may deal with two main themes, and the instruction may

require a summary of one the two. A less straightforward exercise will involve the

selection and summarizing of material that is found here and there through the set

passage. and the material for selective summarizing may not be a single passage of

continuous prose. It may take the form of a conversation, or a series of letters, or of

notes or memoranda. But, whatever the form, the candidates will be clearly instructed

what aspect of the subject matter to select and how many words to use.


Type third is short summary question, These are a particular kind of selective

summary. They occur among and as part of the comprehension question set on the

given passage. They do not differ in kind from any other exercises in summary, for

they involve the same kind of mental process and the application of the same skills.

But they do not always contain the instruction „summarize‟, and this can confuse an

ill prepared candidate.

Type fourth , main point summary is reads much like an article abstract,

giving the most important “fact” of the text. It should identify the title, author, and

main point or argument. When relevant, it can also include the text source (book,

essay, journal etc). This type of summary might also use a quote from the text, but the

quote should be representative of the text’s main idea or point. A main point

summary is often used when writing academic papers as a way to place the main

point of that source into the context of an argument or discussion of an issue.

Type fifth key point summary, this type of summary will have all the same

features as a main point summary, but also includes the reason and evidence (key

points) the author uses to support the text main idea. This type of summary will also

use direct quotes of key words, phrases, or sentences from the text. This summary is

used when it is necessary for the summary writer to fully explain an author’s idea to

the reader.29

c. Difficulties in Writing Summary

According to kareivati there are some the difficulties about students

difficulties in writing summary.30


Moh. Maghfur, “A Case Study on Student Ability in Reading Summary of Descriptive

Text” Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam Vol.17, no. 2, 2019, p. 30

Kareivati, Exploring Students’ Difficulties in Writing Academic Paper, unublished

academic paper. Bandung: indonesia, 2004


Table 2.2 difficulties in writing summary

A Language Aspect Vocabulary and Grammar

B Summary Writing Procedure Determining idea, using own words,

making a sentence

C Steps on Writing Summary Direction on Writing Summary

D Time for Summarizing Time for Summarizing

E Intention Less intention and forgetfulness

1.) students admitted that difficulties on writing summary of English text are

caused by language aspect. The students faced the difficulties in summarizing

the text because of the problems in vocabulary and grammar. The problems and

grammar and vocabulary makes them difficult to understand the content of the

source text.

2.) Students has difficulties on summary writing procedure, as like: comprehending

the text, determining main idea, using own words, making sentences. Actually,

the students have difficulties in comprehending the text. Because of that, they

had the difficulties in summarizing the text. Most of te students spent more time

in comprehending the source the text. They need more then two times for

comprehending the text.

3.) Lack of knowledge about the steps on writing a summary was procedural factors

that cause the difficulties for all students. Students lack of knowledge about the

steps in summarizing as like read the original text and try to understand is main

purpose, reread it again to understand the text in more detail, underline the

sentences expressing the main issues, search any words that we don’t know and

remember that the purpose of a paragraph is dealing with one topic.


4.) They did not understand the steps or directions on writing a summary whereas

the steps in summary writing very important.

5.) Time for summarizing the text was one of the factor that causes the difficulties

for all students. The students needs time about two hours to summarize the text,

more over until one day, in other words, the students needs a long time to finish a

summary. It happens because they have difficulties in summarizing.

6.) Students were also influenced by their intention such as forgetfulness in the

process of summary writing. Students realize that their mistakes are caused by

their intention such as forgetfulness in the process of summary writing. They did

not careful in writing a summary.

C. Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework of the research as follow:


Narrative Text


The researcher has conducted research at eleventh grade. They were given

a text of narrative text. The text was objective text. Then, the students summary the

text after that the researcher correct the text.



A. The Research Design


This research used descriptive quantitative design. The purpose is to correct

the students skill in writing summary of narrative text. Because this research wants to

know about students’ skill in writing summary and need a description so researcher

decides was use the method. It aims to describe the students’ in writing skill summary

of narrative text.

B. Location and Time of Research

The location and duration of research will take place at MA DDI Lil-Banat

on Jl. Abu bakar Lambogo No.53 Ujung Lare, Kec. Soreang, Parepare. This research

focuses at the eleventh grade students. Then, the duration of this research will use one

months. for this research because need several times to collect and analyze data.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was the eleventh grade students of MA DDI

Lil-Banat Parepare. The totals number of them can be seen in the following table:

Table 3.1Population of the Students at the Eleventh Grade of MA DDI Lil-Banat

No. Class XI Total

1. XI MIA 1 20


2. XI MIA 2 18

3. XI IPS1 20

Total 58

Source : MA DDI Lil-Banat Parepare

2. Sample

From three classes as population, the researcher was random sampling by using

lottery technique and took one class as a samples. In this study the researcher took

one classes as a sample namely XI MIA 1 which there are 20 students.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data

1) The researcher gave the narrative text to the students. Then, the students

read the narrative text

2) After the students finished to read all the text. Then, the students was wrote

a summary of narrative text.

3) finally, the researcher correct the students skill in writing summary and got

conclusion based on the text.

E. Operational Definition of Variable

Students skill in writing summary was the students of MA DDI Lil-Banat

Parepare skill in summary a narrative text without changing its meaning but the

people by using different words, proper grammar, good order and correct mechanic.

F. Instruments of the Research

In this research. The researcher gave narrative text as the instrument. As one

of two data collection technique engaged by this research, a writing test was

distributed to the students. The students were directed to perform their writing skill

on a specific topic of narrative text. The text was formed in summary text that they


are going to do. This text helped the students to rewrite more and restate some

important information by using their own words and ideas that they have but still

related with the topic. The provided text that has been given by the researcher is the

story tales to rewrite the text.

G. Technique Data Analysis

Table 3.2 The Formula of to Process the Data from C. Tribble.31

Aspect Score Category Performance description

Content 30-27







Very Poor

The topic is complete and clear and the

details are relating to the topic

The topic is complete and clear but details

are almost relating to the topic

The topic is complete clear but the details

are not relating to the topic

The topic is not clear and the details are not

relating to the topic

Organization 20-18






Identification is complete and description

are arranged with proper connectives

Identification is almost complete and

description are arranged with almost proper


Identification is not complete and

description are arranged with few misses of



C Tribble, Writing, ( Oxford: Oxford Universitu Press, 1996 ), p. 130


9-7 Very Poor Identification is not complete and

description are not arranged with


Grammar 25-22







Very Poor

Very few grammatical or agreement


Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies

but not effect on meaning

Numerous grammatical or agreement


Frequent grammatical or agreement


Mechanics 5







Very Poor

It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and


It has occasional errors of spelling ,

punctuation and capitalization

It has frequent errors of spelling,

punctuation and capitalization

It is dominated by errors of spelling,

punctuation and capitalization

Vocabulary 20-18




Effectives choice of words and word forms

Few misuse vocabularies, word forms, but

not change the meaning





Very Poor

Limiting range confusing words and words


Very poor knowledge of word, word from,

and not understandable

(Source : Assessing writing narrative text)

The primary data was correct statistically in the form of percentage by used the

following formula:

1. Scoring the students correct answer

2. Classifying the students’ score used the following five level classification

classifying based on the following criteria:

Table 3.3 The Criteria of the Students Score Classification

No Classification Score

1 Excellent 86 – 100

2 Good 71 – 85

3 Fair 56 – 70

4 Poor 41 -55

The students final Score: students gained score

maximum score x 100%


5 Very poor ≤ 40

3. Concluding the mean score of the students’ writing test used this formula:

Notation :

X = The mean score

∑𝑥 = Total number of students score

𝑁 = Total number of the students.32

31 L. R. Gay, Educatioal Research Competencies for Analysis and Applications, Second Edi

tion (Columbus Ohio: Person Merrill Prentice Hall, 1981), p. 282

X = ∑𝑥





A. Research Finding

This chapter consist of two sections, namely the finding and discussion of the

research. The finding deals data analysis as stated that in the previous chapter, this

research use one only instrument that is a text.

1. The Students’ skill in Writing Summary of Narrative Text

To know the students skill in writing summary of narrative text of MA DDI

Lil-banat parepare, the researcher used a text. A writing text was distributed to the

students. The students was directed to perform their writing skill on a specific topic

of a narrative text. The text consist of two text it is “The Ant and The Grasshopper”

and “The Beauty and The Beast” the text was formed in summary text that they were

going to do. The students will write the summary of the text.

The text helped the students to rewrite more and restate some important

information by using their own word and ideas that they have but still related with the

topic. The score of the students writing skill obtained through tabulating the five

indicator of writing, those are contents, organization, grammar, mechanic and

vocabulary. Based on the result of students written summary text scores, the students’

score individually will be presented as follows :


Table 4.1. Students’ Individual Score in Writing Summary of Narrative Text.

Text 1. The Ant and The Grasshopper


The Students Rate




S1 18 14 10 3 10 55 Very Poor

S2 30 18 18 4 17 87 Excellent

S3 21 10 15 3 13 62 Fair

S4 22 18 17 3 12 72 Good

S5 24 18 15 4 10 71 Good

S6 21 13 21 2 14 71 Good

S7 17 14 17 4 10 62 Fair

S8 26 14 21 3 9 73 Good

S9 26 16 16 3 10 71 Good

S10 28 19 18 4 17 86 Excellent

S11 27 17 13 4 14 75 Good

S12 23 15 18 3 13 72 Good

S13 20 17 18 3 13 71 Good

S14 17 14 17 3 13 64 Fair

S15 17 13 18 2 7 53 Very Poor

S16 17 14 17 3 13 64 Fair

S17 20 17 18 3 13 71 Good

S18 25 17 21 3 13 79 Good

S19 17 14 17 3 13 64 Fair

S20 26 17 17 4 10 74 Good

Total 442 309 342 64 244 1.397 -

Average 22,1 15,45 17,1 3,2 12,2 69,85 Fair

C=Content, O=Organization, G=Grammar, M=Mechanic, V=Vocabulary

a. The mean score of the students from the text “The Ant and The Grasshopper”

X = ∑𝑥

𝑁 =


20 = 69,85

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the students who got the KKM

(Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) is only 4 students , it can be seen from the student’s


score includes from 20 students: S2 got score 87 (excellent category), S10 got score

86 (excellent category ), S11 got score 75( good category ), the last S18 got score 79 (

good category). they got same category but different score range. Where S1 got score

55 (very poor category) and S15 got score 53 (very poor category) also got the same

category, that is 53 by category of “low”. So it can be conclude that highest score that

achieved by the students was 87, while the lowest achievement, that is 55.

From data above the researcher can conclude that the result of the data the

students skill in writing summary at eleventh grade especially in the first text “The

Ant and The Grasshopper it can be conclude that the students have low skill in

writing summary of narrative text.

Table 4.2 Students’ Individual Score in Writing Summary of Narrative Text.

Text 2. The Beauty and The Beast


The Students Rate


Category C O G M V

S1 17 14 11 2 10 54 Very Poor

S2 30 18 21 3 15 87 Excellent

S3 26 10 15 3 13 62 Fair

S4 28 18 21 2 10 79 Good

S5 25 17 22 4 10 78 Good

S6 25 15 22 3 10 75 Good

S7 22 14 21 3 10 70 Fair

S8 27 18 21 2 10 78 Good


S9 25 17 21 2 13 78 Good

S10 28 18 21 3 16 86 Excellent

S11 21 17 21 3 9 71 Good

S12 24 17 20 3 13 77 Good

S13 22 16 21 3 13 75 Good

S14 22 14 20 3 10 69 Fair

S15 15 14 11 4 7 55 Very Poor

S16 22 14 20 3 10 69 Fair

S17 22 16 21 3 13 75 Good

S18 27 18 21 3 16 85 Good

S19 12 14 20 3 10 69 Fair

S20 26 17 20 3 14 80 Good

Total 476 316 391 58 235 1.477 -

Average 23,8 15,8 19,5 2,9 11,7 73,85 Good

C=Content, O=Organization, G=Grammar, M=Mechanic, V=Vocabulary

b. The mean score of the students from the text “The Beauty and The Beast”

X = ∑𝑥

𝑁 =


20 = 73,85

Based on the table above, it can be known the students who got the KKM

(Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) was there were 7 students , it can be seen from the

student’s score includes: S2 got score 87 (excellent category), S4 got score 79 (good

category), S5 got score 78 (good category), S6 got score 75 (good), S8 got score 78

(good), S9 got score 78 (good category), S10 got score 86 (excellent category ), S11

got score 75( good category ), S13 got score 75 (good category), S17 got score 75

(good category), S18 got score 79 ( good category), and the last S20 got score 80

(good category). the students got same category but different score range. Where S1

got score 54 (very poor category) and S15 got score 55 (very poor category) also got

the same category, that is 54 by category of “low”. So it can be conclude that highest

score that achieved by the students was 87, while the lowest achievement, that is 54.


From data above the researcher can conclude that the result of the data the

students skill in writing summary at eleventh grade especially in the second text “The

Beauty and The Beast” it can be conclude that the students have good skill in writing

summary of narrative text.

From the result of the two text, It can conclude that the students skill in

writing summary of the both the text were they have different category from the

average. Which the first text the writing skill was still low and the second text the

writing skill was good. It might be because the students make a lot of mistakes in

certain indicator.

Table 4.3 The Students Score in Writing Summary of Narrative Text

No Score range Category Frequency Percentage

1 86-100 Excellent 2 10%

2 71-85 Good 11 55%

3 56-70 Fair 5 25%

4 41-45 Very Poor 2 10%

Total 20 100%

c. Calculating the students score percentage :

P = 𝐹

𝑁 x 100% =


20 x 100% = 55%

The table above describes of the both the text, which they have the same

category but different score range. From 20 students that have done the writing

summary of narrative text. there were 2 students (10%) got score 41-45 (very poor),

11 students (55%) got score 71-85 (good), 5 students ( (25%) got score 56-70 (fair)

and 2 students (10%) got score 86-100 (excellent).


From the data above, it can be seen that the average of students’ skill in

writing summary of narrative text from the first text “The Ant and The Grasshopper”

was most of them regarded as fair category or in the other word their skill in writing

summary was still low.

Then, the data from the second text “ The Beauty and The Beast” it can be

seen the average of students skill in writing summary of narrative text the data was

shows that the result of the all indicator of the students writing skill especially in the

second text, was generally increase too good to average level from 20 students.

Meanwhile, result of students’ category on each aspect of writing are :


2. The Students Result of the Indicator Category in Writing Skill

Table 4.4 The Category of Students Skill in Writing Content


Score Range


Frequency Percentage

T1 T2 T1 T2

2 30-27 Excellent 3 5 15% 25%

3 26-22 Good 7 12 35% 60%

4 21-17 Fair 10 2 50% 10%

16-13 Very Poor - 1 5%

Total 20 100%

T1 : Text 1 (The Ant and The Grasshopper)

T2 : Text 2 (The Beauty and The Beast)

Based on the table above, of the two text we can conclude that in this

research most of the students have enough skill in writing summary especially in

writing the content of the text, which there were 3 students or (15%) got excellent

category in the first text, 5 students or (25%) got excellent category in the second

text, then 7 students or (35%) got good category in the first text and there were 12

students or (60%) got good category in the second text, 10 students or (50%) got fair

category in the first text, and only 2 students or (50%) got fair category in the second

text and then only 1 student or (5%) got very poor category in the second text.

Table 4.5 The Category of Students Skill in Writing Organization


Score Range


Frequency Percentage

T1 T2 T1 T2


2 20-18 Excellent 4 5 20% 25%

3 17-14 Good 14 13 70% 65%

4 13-10 Fair 2 2 10% 10%

5 9-7 Very Poor - - - -

Total 20 100%

T1 : Text 1 (The Ant and The Grasshopper)

T2 : Text 2 (The Beauty and The Beast)

Based on the table in this research, most of the students have enough skill in

writing especially in writing organization.

From the text first “The ant and The Grasshopper” in this aspect of writing,

most of the students were in good category, it is show that from 20 samples of this

research, there were 14 students or 70% were categorized good, 4 students or 20%

were categorized excellent and 2 students or 10% were categorized fair category.

And from the second text “The Beauty and The Beast” in this aspect of

writing same with the second text, which most of the students were in good category

from 20 samples, there were 13 students or 65% are categorized good, 5 students or

25% are categorized excellent and 2 students or 10% are categorized fair. the students

who got fair category are balance with the students who got good and excellent

category. Its means that most of the students have enough skill indicator in


Table 4.6 The Category of Students Skill in Writing Grammar


Score Range


Frequency Percentage

T1 T2 T1 T2

2 30-27 Excellent - 2 - 10%


3 26-22 Good 8 14 40% 70%

4 21-17 Fair 11 4 55% 20%

16-13 Very Poor 1 - 5% -

Total 20 100%

T1 : Text 1 (The Ant and The Grasshopper)

T2 : Text 2 (The Beauty and The Beast)

The researcher can conclude that the two texts there were a few mistakes

found in grammar component, namely 11 students or (55%) got fair category in first

text, 4 students or (55%) got fair category in the second text, then 8 students (40%)

got good category in first text, 14 students or (70%) got good category in second text

and there were 2 students or (10%) who got excellent category in the second text. but

in the first text there was 1 student or (5%) who got very poor category.

Seeing their skill of the students, its means that the students were not have

enough skill in writing summary especially in writing the grammar of the text. The

students still need more knowledge and practice to improve their skill in writing

especially about grammar, because most of the students still make mistakes in

grammatical especially in the use of simple past in narrative text.

Table 4.7 The Category of Students Skill in Writing Mechanic


Score Range


Frequency Percentage

T1 T2 T1 T2

2 5 Excellent - - - -

3 4 Good 7 1 35% 5%

4 3 Fair 13 13 65% 65%

2 Very Poor - 6 - 30%


Total 20 100%

T1 : Text 1 (The Ant and The Grasshopper)

T2 : Text 2 (The Beauty and The Beast)

From in both the text, the researcher can conclude that, there were some

students who put punctuation and capitalization in writing incorrectly, but there were

also students who sometimes had difficulty spelling. they were misspelled because it's

different between pronunciation and written form of a word. It is reflected in written

text in their narrative text. They only had a few error mechanics, we can see from the

table above, In both texts, there were no students who got the excellent category. 13

students or (65%) got fair category in firs text, 13 students or (65%) got fair category

also in second text , 7 students or (35%) got good category in first text and only 1

student or (5%) got good category in second text and there were 6 students or (30%)

got poor category in second text .

It means that their skill in writing summary of narrative text have not

enough skill so the students still need more improvement.

Table 4.8 The Category of Students Skill in Writing Vocabulary


Score Range


Frequency Percentage

T1 T2 T1 T2

2 20-18 Excellent - - - -

3 17-14 Good 4 4 20% 20%

4 13-10 Fair 14 14 70% 70%

9-7 Very Poor 2 2 10% 10%

Total 20 100%

T1 : Text 1 (The Ant and The Grasshopper)

T2 : Text 2 (The Beauty and The Beast)


From the table above the researcher can conclude that many of the students

have basic choice of words. The ideas of the students were too general. It might be

because the students did not know many vocabularies in English. For more details

we can saw the table which there are 14 students or (70%) got fair category in both

the ext. 4 students or (20%) got good category in both the text also and 2 students or

(10%) got very poor category in both the text.

The problem of the students were the students know vocabulary but

sometimes they do not how to make a good sentence by using a suitable word in

appropriate sentence. That is why, most of the students still need to improvement and

practice to make a sentences or paragraph in order to make them more perfect in


B. Discussion

In this part the researcher would like to describe the discussion of the result

from the data analysis in line with scope of the research that had been previously

discussed. This discussion was I tended to describe the students writing skill of

narrative text.

Parera states that a narrative is one of the forms of developing writing, for

example characters told the history of something based on the development of writing

from time to time.33

Based on the findings above, the researcher used two narrative texts that were

distributed to students to summarize them into 3 paragraphs, and there were


Devigantari Agusta “ Improving Students Ability in Writing Narrative Text Using Short

Animated stories at Class VIII C of AMPN 2 Sanden, Bantul In the Academic Year of 2013)2014


approximately twenty sheets of narrative text for students which were used as data in

this study.

The researcher presents those findings by reflecting on some theories related

to the students’ writing skill. Alan Mayers says that Good writing in any language

involves knowledge the conventional of written discourse in culture as well as the

ability to choose the precise word that convey one’s meaning. To write an interesting

text and a good paragraph, we should know what a paragraph is. “ A paragraph is a

group of sentences that discuss a smaller idea furthermore, paragraph like an essay, it

is generally contains of introduction a body and a conclusion.

The researcher then used the scoring rubric to find out the students' skills in

summarizing the narrative text where by looking at the indicator of writing like

George Wishon and Burks said that The indicator of writing divides into five main

areas . They are content, organization, grammar, mechanic and vocabulary.34

First the researcher correct the first indicator in the scoring rubric. It is the

students skill to write the content of the summary. The content here how the students

write the content of summary of narrative text but still related to the topic and has a

clear explanation in order to make the readers understand with their writing. The

researcher found that most of the students in that class have good category. It means

that the students have enough skill in writing summary especially in indicator of the


The next indicator of scoring rubric that were going to correct by the

researcher are organization. Writing organization the students have to write sentence

by sentence or paragraph by paragraph in good arranging, and also with proper


George Wishon and Burks, Lets Write English. (New York: Litton Education Publishing.

Inc, 19809, p 128-129


connectives to a create a good text. After correct the students skill in writing

organization, the students who got good category are balance with the students who

got fair category and excellent category. That is why, after the researcher correct their

skill in writing summary of indicator vocabulary, most of the students have enough

skill in writing summary in organization component but still need to improvement

and practice to make a sentences or paragraph in order to make them more perfect in


After that the researcher then correct the skill of students in grammar

indicator. In writing grammar is one of the important indicator that is much needed

because if someone make mistakes in grammatical the reader will not understanding

the text. And also making mistakes in grammatical will change the meaning of the

sentence or paragraph of the text. Seeing their skill from the both the text of the

students. The researcher can conclude that the students have not enough skill in

writing especially in grammar indicator, and the students make more mistake in the

first text , namely “The Ant and The Grasshopper” Based on the theory Keariveti said

that the students faced the difficulties in summarizing the text because of the

problems in vocabulary and grammar. The problem makes them difficult to

understand the content of the source text.35

that’s why the students still need more

knowledge and practice to improve their skill in writing especially about grammar,

because most of the students still make mistakes in grammatical especially in the use

of simple present in narrative text.

The next indicator was correct is mechanic. George E. Wishon said that it is

related with the ability to use correctly words to the written language such as using of


Kareivati, Exploring Students’ Difficulties in Writing Academic Paper, unublished

academic paper. Bandung: indonesia, 2004


a capitalization, punctuation and spelling. It is very important to lead the readers to

understand or recognize what the written means to express.36

In mechanic the

students have to write correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization. the researcher

result that most of the students in the both of the text got fair category and there were

no students who got excellent category and the students also got poor category of the

second text. It means that their skill in writing summary of narrative text have not

enough skill especially in mechanic indicator. And the students make more mistake

mechanic in the second text, namely “The Beauty and The Beast” that’s why the

students still need more improvement to make their writing skill more perfect than


The last indicator is vocabulary, as we know that vocabulary is one of the

important component in writing because without enough vocabulary someone cannot

writing anything. After the researcher correct their skill in writing summary

especially in component vocabulary, the students who got fair category are balance

with the students who got good and very poor category. The problem of the students

is the students know vocabulary but sometimes they do not how to make a good

sentence by using a suitable word in appropriate sentence. That is why, Jeremy

Harmer said that the students need to learn what words mean and how they are



36 Scott Thonbury, How To Teach Grammar, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 1999),



Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman Group,

1991), p. 23.




This chapter consist of two section, they are conclusion and suggestion.

Conclusion covers statement to answer the previous problem statements while

suggestion cover.

A. Conclusions

Based on the research above, from 20 students who successfully completed

the narrative text summary from the two text. Then the researcher used the scoring

rubric to find out the students' skills in summarizing the narrative text where by

looking at the five indicators, from the first text the students 'average score 69,85 it

can be concluded that the students' skill to summarize narrative text was included in

the low category, and from the second text the average 73,85 it can be concluded that

the students skill to summarize narrative text was included good category.

It can conclude that the students skill in writing summary of the both the text

were they have different category from the average. Which the first text the writing

skill was still low and the second text the writing skill was good. It might be because

the students make a lot of mistakes in certain indicators.


There were some students in the first text in the preparation of the content that

is correct, but in the second text the composition of the content is still incorrect, this

is why the first text and the second text have different categories. Overall, the

researcher can conclude that the student’s skill to summarize narrative text is

included in the good category based on the five indicators, namely there were some

students whose grammar is correct in the first text but in the second text there are

mistakes in the grammar.

B. Suggestion

Finding out that the students have low skill in writing summary of narrative text.

The researcher gave some suggestion for the sake improvement of the students as


1. For the English Teacher

The English teacher of the eleventh grade in MA DDI Lil-Banat parepare

should give the material about writing especially the material of writing

summary. The purpose of writing summary could make the students trying to

understand the text, got some information and also the students able to find

the main ide of the text.

2. For the students

to keep learning and practicing in summarizing narrative text and always

trying to improve the existing component components in writing assessment

so that it can make it easier to develop students' writing skills

3. For the Other Researcher

The weakness of this research is the limitation in meeting the students

directly. because it is still in a Covid pandemic situation 19. It is


recommended for other researchers who are interested in the same field, to

pay more attention to their students in summarizing narrative text and paying

attention to the component components in writing assessments so that they get

maximum results.


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NIM/ PRODI : 16.1300.100/ PBI





Instrumen penelitian

Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti akan menggunakan test dengan instruksi pada

instrumen sebagai berikut:

Instrument test

Writing Test

Pentunjuk Pengisian

1. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah alat yang digunakan untuk meganalisis kesulitan

saudara (i) dalam menulis ringkasan teks narrative

2. Hasil tes ini tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai saudara(i) dalam mata pelajaran bahasa

Inggris karena hasil tes ini semata-mata digunakan untuk kepentingan penelitian.

3. Atas partisipasi, dukungan dan kerja samanya, peneliti mengucapkan banyak

terima kasih.

4. Isilah identitas anda sesuai yang telah disediakan !





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6. Anda di berikan waktu 40 menit untuk mengerjakan tes ini.

Name :

kelas :

Reconstruction The Narrative Text by Summary at Least 3 Paragraph!

1. The Ant and The Grasshopper

In a faraway grassy land, there were an ant and a grasshopper who were talking to

each other.

The ant was working and the grasshopper was enjoying his time did nothing and

making mock to the ant who never stopped working all the day.

The grasshopper said, “Hi, you poor small ant, why don’t you sit behind me and

sing together. This is beautiful day right?”

The ant said, “I’m so sorry I can do that because I still have a lot of work to do.”

The grasshopper said, “I see you every day do the same thing collecting food.

How much food you can eat in a day so you never stop collecting food? You better

play with me here now and forget about the food. There are a lot of foods here that

you can eat alone a long your age.”

The ant said, ”I’m so sorry I can’t do that. I eat only a few foods but have to

collect food as much as I can to be kept when the winter coming. I do not eat this

food alone because I have to share this food for all of the members of my family.”

The grasshopper said, “I think you all are stupid. You can eat all of this food here

every day without collect it first. Okay, just do your job and I will just enjoy my day

every day.”

One day, the winter was coming. All grass and plants were covered with snow.

The ant and his family enjoy their food in their home along that season and they have


no need to get out finding any food because they have enough food to be eaten until

the next season.

How about the grasshopper?

Because the grasshopper had no food and home like the ant, the grasshopper

could not stand living in the snow in which the snow was covering all of the grass

and plants.

The grasshopper was frozen and dying in hunger.

2. The Beauty and The Beast


Once upon a time, there lived a merchant and his beautiful daughter named

Beauty. One day, the merchant got lost in the forest and arrived at a palace. He went

inside and did not see anyone inside, so he finally decided to spend the night there.

The next morning, when the merchant left, he saw a beautiful rose in the

garden. He thought of Beauty and picked it up. Suddenly, a terrible beast approached

him and screamed at him for stealing in his garden. The merchant was frightened and

explained that he picked the rose for Beauty, his daughter.

The Beast said that he would let him go if he chose to send Beauty to stay

with him. Fearfully, the merchant finally agreed.

At home, he sadly told it all to Beauty. The Beauty understood and made the

decision to go to the palace. Initially, she was afraid of the Beast but within a few

days she realized that the Beast was kind and gentle. One day in the magic mirror the

Beast had given her, Beauty saw that his father was ill. Unable to see his grief, the

Beast allowed her to go home. Beauty was happy to be back again. Under Beauty's

care, his father was able to heal quickly.

One day, Beauty thought of the Beast and looks into the mirror miraculously.

She saw the Beast was also sick. She went to the palace to meet him. Beauty saw the

Beast groaning in pain and dying.


The Beast was sick because he loved and missed Beauty to much. Beauty then

embraced him and told him that she loved him and kissed him gently. At that

moment, the Beast transformed into a handsome prince. Beauty was shocked, the

prince explained that her sweet words had destroyed the spell given by a witch to

him. They soon get married and lived happily ever after.

Setelah mencermati instrumen dalam penelitian penyusunan skripsi

mahasiswa sesuai dengan judul tersebut maka pada dasarnya di pandang telah

memenuhi kelayakan untuk digunakan dalam penelitian yang bersangkutan.



















Wildayati, she was born in Pinrang, South Sulawesi on April 04

th 1998. She is the last child from five children in her

family, she is a daughter from couple Wati and Jafar. She started her formal education at SDN 118 Patampanua Pinrang and graduated in 2010. After that, she continued her study at SMPN 2 Patampanua Pinrang and graduated in 2013. In the same year she continued her study at Boarding School MA DDI Lil-Banat Parepare and graduated on 2016.

In 2016, she decided to continue her study at the State Islamic Collage ( STAIN) Parepare, but now become State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare and take focus in English Education program, and completed her skripsi on 2021with the tittle “Students’ Skill in Writing Summary of Narrative Text at The Eleventh Grade in MA DDI Lil-Banat Paepare. While during his study, she had joined in some organization. She had participate in PMII (Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam ), DEMA-F Tarbiyah 2018-2019.