Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Acquire Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Program

of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo











ᴥ. Something that we get is the best,because Alloh always gives us what we

need. ( The Researcher )

ᴥ. You can do anything you wish to do,have anything you wish to have, be

anything you wish to be.

( Robert Collier )



With a great of love, this thesis is especially dedicated to:

Allah SWT, The Almighty and The Merciful, because of His blessing the

researcher can finished this research.

My beloved father and mother, Sutarto and Marjani who gave me a great love

and support. Both of you is everything for me and thanks for your support,

advice, love and prays for my success.

My beloved brother, Sigit Sulistiarto and My Sister, Yulia Gerhana

Wulandari,thank for your love, care and support.

All of the members of my big family and all my friends wherever you are.

Mrs.Zulia Chasanah,S.S,M.Pd., Abdul Ngafif,M.Pd.B.I. ,and Tusino,M.Pd.B.I

, who give me support,advice for my success.

Thank you for all the Lecturer and staffs in English Education Program of


Thank you for all of my friends in class B


n,etc)of English Education Program.

All of my friends in English Education Program of UMP thanks for your




Praise and gratitude always be to Allah SWT. Just because of His blessing,

finally the researcher could finish in writing this thesis entitled An Error Analysis on

The Grammar of Test Item Sentences on Language Testing II at The Sixth Semester

Students of E Class of English Education Program Teacher Training and Education

Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo In The Academic Year 2012/2013

as a requirement for obtaining the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree from English

Education Program of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

Writing this thesis is not simple because the researcher definitely found her

time for this. However, it has given her invaluable experiences. This study would not

have been completed without contributions and supports from some peoples.

The researcher would like to express her greatest gratitude and appreciation


1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd, as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of


2. Drs. H. Hartono, M.M, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education






Title page ................................................................................................. i

Approval Sheet ........................................................................................ ii

Ratification Sheet .................................................................................... iii

Mottos ..................................................................................................... iv

Dedications ............................................................................................ v

Acknowledgements ............................................................................... vi

Statements ............................................................................................. viii

Table of Contents .................................................................................. ix

Abstract ................................................................................................. xi

List of Tables ......................................................................................... xii


A. Background of the Study ........................................ 1

B. Identification of the Problem .................................. 3

C. Statement of the Problem ........................................ 3

D. Limitation of the Study ………………………….... 3

E. Objective of the Study ............................................. 4

F. Significance of the Study ......................................... 5


A. Previous Study ......................................................... 7

B. Error ……............................................................... 9

C. Test Item ................................................................ 14

D. Sentences ............................................................... 18

E. Language Testing…….............................................. 26



A. Research Design ................................................... 31

B. Object of the Study .............................................. 32

C. Source of Data ..................................................... 32

D. Research Instrument ............................................ 31

E. Technique of Collecting the Data ....................... 32

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data ....................... 33


A. Research Finding ............................................... 40

B. Discussion ......................................................... 38


A. Conclusions ....................................................... 67

B. Suggestions ....................................................... 68

References ........................................................................................ 69

Appendices ...................................................................................... 70




In this chapter,the researcher wants to explain about introduction. The

introduction covers seven parts.They are background of the study, identification of

the problem, limitation of the study, statements of the problem, objectives of the

study, and significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Learners generally bring their Indonesian competence of language to

construct the second language. Language is a complex, specialized skill, which

develops in the child spontaneously, without conscious effort or formal

instruction, is deployed without awareness of its underlying logic, is qualitatively

the same in every individual, and is distinct from more general abilities to

process information or behave intelligently. Besides that, other experts tried to

define what the language is in different context but that can be a completer for

other definitions. So, language is as a system and a tool which is really useful for

communicating each other and language is not only focused on speaking, but also

on listening, reading and writing. Language is not a practical science only,but

also theoritical science.Studying a language means to study how the language

works,either in theoritically or in practically.Language will be useful for persons

learning he language,if the persons can use the language as it be.


As we know, English is a foreign language in Indonesia, so, the

Indonesian people are seldom to use it in the daily life. Therefore, the learners

should give all of their best effort in learning English.

The skills of language consist of listening, speaking, reading and writing;

meanwhile, the components of language consist of vocabulary, pronunciation,

grammar and spelling. Those skills and components of language are related each

other. As an example, when someone wants to convey his thought or his feeling

by writing, he has to pay attention to not only the vocabulary and spelling, but

also the grammar. It is because grammar is a rule to arrange the words into

understandable sentence. So, we should also pay attention to the grammar in

writing the sentence in order to carry the meaning and understandable to read.

Unfortunately, in mastering those skills and components of language,

there are some people who make the error, especially in grammar. Moreover,

writing ability is one of the subjects that must be studied by the students. They are

expected to be able to express their ideas in both spoken and written forms. The

skills are very important for them as a means of communication to convey

information effectively. The existenc e of a language can’t easily be separated

with the grammar. Without grammar, there is no control when people make a

phrase, clause or even sentence although it is acceptable by emphasizing the

important words only in this thesis, the researcher is interested in Analyzing on

the Grammar of Test Item Sentences on Language Testing II at the Sixth

Semester Student of E Class of English Education Program Teacher Training and


Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo In the Academic

Year 2012/2013.

B. Identification of the problem

Researcher interested in Analysing the error as the focus of this research.

The researcher wants to find the type of error,dominant of error, and sourch of

error that is done by the students of the sixth semester students of E.

C. Limitation of the Study

In this research,researcher will not investigate the student in the class ,but

the researcher just analyze test item document on Language Testing II . The

researcher will give limitation of the problem in the types ,dominant, and source

of error in Analyzing on the Grammar of Test Item Sentences on Language

Testing II at the Sixth Semester Student of E Class of English Education Program

Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo

In the Academic Year 2012/2013.

D. Statements of the Problem

Problem is the gap between what is hoped and what the fact is. Here, the

research is done in order to solve the problem. The problems that will be

analyzed by the researcher are formulated in the following question :


1. What are the types of error in Analyzing on the Grammar of Test Item

Sentences on Language Testing II at the Sixth Semester Student of E

Class of English Education Program Teacher Training and Education

Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo In the Academic Year


2. What are the dominant of error in Analyzing on the Grammar of Test Item

Sentences on Language Testing II at the Sixth Semester Student of E

Class of English Education Program Teacher Training and Education

Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo In the Academic Year


3. What are the sources of errors in Analyzing on the Grammar of Test Item

Sentences on Language Testing II at the Sixth Semester Student of E

Class of English Education Program Teacher Training and Education

Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo In the Academic Year


E. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this research are :

1. To find out the type of error in Analyzing on the Grammar of Test Item

Sentences on Language Testing II at the Sixth Semester Student of E

Class of English Education Program Teacher Training and Education


Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo In the Academic Year


2. To identify the Dominant ofEerror in Analyzing on the Grammar of Test

Item Sentences on Language Testing II at the Sixth Semester Student of E

Class of English Education Program Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo In the Academic Year 2012/2013.

3. To identify the Source of Errors in Analyzing on the Grammar of Test Item

Sentences on Language Testing II at the Sixth Semester Student of E Class of

English Education Program Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo In the Academic Year 2012/2013.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of this research hopefully be useful for many people especially

for those who are closely related to English eduacation. The significant of this

reserach are :

1. For the English Teacher

For the teachers,he will pay more attention on the use good rule writing

when the students writing a sententes.


2. For Teacher Training and Educational Faculty

English teachers may use the result of this study as a reference helping

them improve the skill writing. Teacher is a transfering knowledge and

after the teacher knowing the causes of error through this research,

occurring to the students, it is really hoped that the teacher pay more

attentions and take the solutions soon.

3. For the Students

The students will be motivated to increase their english ability in writing

and fix their errors made in writing a sentences; therefore the mistake can

be minimize.

4. For the Readers

The significant of the study is also expected that the result of this study

can be use as the guide in doing the research for the other

researcher,especially about Error Analysis Test Item On Language Testing


5. For other researcher

From this research, the researcher can know the error on the Test Item

Sentences On Language Testing II. The finding of this research will be

useful for other researcher to give reference to conduct further research.




In this chapter, the researcher will explain his bases to analyze the error. It

will be the researcher’s secondary data, and the literature can be the guideline to

enter to core of the this research problem further. The existence of secondary data is

very helpful, for the researcher will get an additional description to predict the the

errors, which may appear in the analysis process.

A. Previous Study

In previous study, the researcher presents the thesis with the same theme

as the other researchers that is written by Wiwin Miatun. In her thesis An Error

Analysis On The Use Grammar In Indonesian Into English Translation Text : A

Case Study at The Fifth Semestet students Of I Class of English Department Of

Purworejo Muhammadiyah University in The Academic year 2012/2013.

The writer is interested in studying about error made by the stsudents in

Indonesian Into English Translation,and intends to know about: (1) What type

of errors made by students on the use of grammar in Indonesian into English

translation text ?. (2) What cause of errors made by students on the use of

grammar in Indonesian into English translation text?. The purpose of the study


is to investigate the type of errors on the use of grammar in Indonesian into

English translation.

The writer uses documentation of the students translating Indonesian into

English assignment for getting data,and then analyzes them. The result of the

analysis,the researcher find some kinds of errors,such

as,omission,adition,misinformation,misordering. There were 14.29% of

omission, 12.00%of additions, 68.00% of misinformations, 5.71%of

misorderings. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative method. In

collecting data,the researcher analyses students Indonesian into English

translation text.

There are similarities between Budi’s research and this research. The

similarities are analysis error and use qualitative as a method. There is

difference too. In Budi’s research,the researcher give the test in the class,in this

research,the researcher just analyses the documention of the students test item

sentences on Language testing II at the sixth semester students of English

Department of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University in the Academic year

2012/3013,especially Class E.

There are similarities between Wiwin’s research and this research. The

similarity is analyses errors. There is difference too. In Wiwin’s research the

object of the research is the fifth semester students I ,meanwhile in this

research,the object of this research is Analyzing on the Grammar of Test Item

Sentences on Language Testing II at the Sixth Semester Student of E Class of


English Education Program Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo In the Academic Year 2012/2013. .

B. Error

1. Definition of Errors

Since English is introduced to Indonesians, English grammar is

learned deeply before entering to two English basic skills, productive and

receptive skills. Grammar is considered important to learn first because

error always appears on speaking process in language teaching. When their

productive skill is influenced by error, other people are transferred the

same error unconsciously through daily conversation (negative transfer).

That is why error is also defined as a part of conversation or composition

that deviates from selected norm of mature language performance (Dulay,

Burt and Krashen, 2002:138).

The word error is derived from Latin word error that means

wandering or straying; however, in this case, the word wandering or

straying means that the process when the students learn new things, they

must take trial and error or make a deviation from accuracy or correctness

during the processes.

According to Brown (2007:257) errors cannot be self-corrected by

the learners. Brown also states that especially in the early stages of

learning, a second language, before the system of the second language is


familiar. The native language is the only previous linguistic system upon

which the learner can draw. Learners errors to be of particular importance

because the making of errors is a device the learners’ use in order to learn.

Here, the learner is making use of a previously acquired rule in a

new situation. It can be as a term of analogy that causes overgeneralization.

For incomplete application of rules' category, redundancy may be an

explanatory factor (Richard,1974:177). Finally, the category of false

concepts hypothesized, the errors are produced when the learner uses false

or wrong concept of grammar as in tense. The learners usually think those

are similar or synonyms; however, they have different meaning and

expression (Richard, 1974:178).

Harmer in by Brown (2007:258) states that errors are part of the

students interlingua, that is the version of the languagebwhich a learners

has at any one stages of development,and which as continually reshaped as

he or she aims toward full mastery. The L2 learner’s errors are potentially

important for the understanding of the processes of SLA.

Therefore, it is expected that students can correct themselves when

they commit errors. The learner's errors are indicative both of the states of

the learner's knowledge, and of the ways in which a second language is

learned. It means that errors, he learners commit are the clearest evidence

for their developing system.


2. The Differences between Error and Mistake

Error and mistake are not same, it is crucial to make distinction

between error and mistake and most of people still misunderstand about the

definition of both. To get clear understanding about error,it is better for the

researcher to explain the distinction between mistake and error.

A mistake refers to a error performance, it is a failure to make use

of a known system. Everybody makes mistakes in both native and second

language situations. According to Dictionary of Language Teaching and

Applied Linguistics (1992) a learner makes a mistake when writing or

speaking because of lack of attention, fatigue, carelessness, or some other

aspects of performance. Mistakes can be self-corrected when attention is

called. Normally, native speakers are able to recognize and correct such

lapses or mistakes which are not the result of a deficiency in competence,

but it is the result of imperfection in the process of producing speech

(Brown, 2007:257).

Errors are deviances that are due to deficient competence, such as

knowledge of the language, which may or may not be conscious. On the

other hand, an error is the use of linguistic item in a way that a fluent or

native speaker of the language regards it as showing faulty or incomplete

learning. In other words, it occurs because the learner does not know what

is correct, and thus it cannot be self-corrected.


3. The Sources of Errors

There are sources of error that is indicated the learners errors.

According to Brown (2007:263) the sources of error can be describe as


a. Interlingual Transfer

Interlingual transfer is a significant source of error for all

learners. The beginning stages of learning a second language are

especially vulnerable to interlingual transfer.

b. Intralingual Transfer

Intralingual transfer is a major factor in second language

learning. Overgeneralization is the negative counterpart of intralingual


c. Context of Learning

Students sometimes make errors by misleading teacher

explanation or the teacher may provide the incorrect information.

d. Communication Strategies

Comunication strategies were defined and related to learning

styles. Learners obviously use production strategies in order to

enhance getting their messages across, but at times these techniques

can themselves become a source of errors.


4. Types of Error

According to James (1999: 114), errors are to be categorized according

to certain observable criteria, and the surface strategy taxonomy has been

already developed and modified as written below:

1) Omission

Ungrammatical while ellipsis and zero elements are allowed by the

grammar. Example: He'll pass his exam and I'll too.

2) Addition

The result of all-too-faithful use of certain rules

3) Misformation (mis-selection)

The usage of the wrong form of a structure or morpheme. Example: I seen

him yesterday. for I saw him yesterday.

5. Error Analysis

The study of learners error is called by the linguist as error analysis.

It is a way of looking at errors made by the learners of the target language.

Error Analysis is an independent source of valid data. It provides

information on students error, which in turn help teachers to correct

students error.

According to Brown (2007:259) error analysis showed that

contrastive analysis was unable to predict a great majority of errors,

although its more valuable aspects have been incorporated into the study of

language transfer. A key finding of error analysis has been that many


learner errors are produced by learners making faulty inferences about the

rules of the new language. Error analysis distinguish between errors, which

are systematic, and mistakes, which are not. Also, error analysis can deal

effectively only with learner production (speaking and writing) and not

with learner reception (listening and reading).

C. Test Item

A. Definition of Test Item

Test item is the individual element to be tested. There are basically

many test items in a test object which actually is a component/subsystem to

be tested. (Brown, 2003: 67) An item or event of a component or system

that could be verified by one or more test cases, e.g. a function, transaction,

feature, quality attribute, or structural element.

According to Brown (2003: 68) every test should fulfil some

criteria to be useful and full-value, the basic ones are validity and


a. Reliability

This means that a test is reliable when the results do not differ at

different times of doing. To be more specific, the result of the test

should be more or less the same no matter if students are taking it on

Monday morning or Friday afternoon. Moreover, the reliability is also

guaranteed by the fair marking of the examiner. This could be a


problem when writing, for example, an essay. Such tests are very

subjective and it is almost impossible that two or even more people

would have exactly the same view on a particular composition.

Heaton in Brown (2003: 70) adds that examiners can be also

influenced by comparing essays with one another. For instance, he has

just marked an excellent essay and now he is correcting rather an

average one,as a result,he can give it worse mark than it really

deserves.This disunity can be seen also at the school where I teach

when students are passing their school-leaving exams. Sometimes

teachers cannot agree on a mark because each of them has its own

scale of assessment. While one consider students´s performance very

good, the other one sees it as an average performance. This problem

may be partly solved by the new school-leaving exam because we will

have rubrics with descriptors of what should a student know when he

or she wants to achieve mark one, mark two etc.

b. Validity

A test should measure whatever it is supposed to measure and

nothing else”. Every test should really test the things which are

expected to be tested, for instance, a test on listening about English

literature should test only students´ listening skills based hear and not

to test their real knowledge of English literature. Validity is quite a


complicated principle of the test, there are several aspects how to

measure it.

c. Content validity

The test will be relevant for particular group of people

containing particular structures:

1. Just what are the relevant structures will depend, of course upon

the purpose of the test. We would not expect an achievement test

for intermediate learners to contain just the same set of structures

as one for advanced learners. In order to judge whether or not a

test has content validity, we need a specification of the skills or

structures etc. that it is meant to cover. Such a specification should

be made at a very early stage in test.

2. A comparison of test specification and test content is the basis for

judgements as to content validity. All the things we set in the

specification should be incorporated into the test.In the

specification teachers must put the things which are important to

test. Hughes points out that teachers sometimes try to avoid testing

things which are hard to test in order to simplify their job but

writing the specification should prevent it.


D. Types of tests

Brown (2003: 43) distinguishes between types of tests and types of tasks.

He presents four types of tests which are a language aptitude test, a proficiency

test, an achievement test, a placement test, a diagnostic tes and prognostic test.

1. Language aptitude test

Language aptitude test is designed to measure capacity or general

ability to learn foreign language and ultimate success in that undertaking.

This tests are designed to apply to the classroom learning language.

2. Proficiency test

Proficiency test is not limited to any course, curriculum, or single

skill in the language. It tests overall ability. It has consisted of standardized

multiple choice items on grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension,

and aural comprehension. This test are almos always summative and non-


3. Achievement tests

An achievement test is related directly to classroom lessons, units,

or even a total curriculum.

4. Placement tests

The purpose of placement test is to place the students into a particular

level or section of a language curriculum or school. This tests includes a

sampling of the material neither too easy nor too difficult but appropriate



5. Diagnostic tests

It analyses what the learners are good at and bad at. In compliance

with this information, the teacher adapts her teaching strategy. Diagnostice

test is designed specified aspects of a language.

6. Prognostic tests

It discover how a learner will be successful in a course or if he or

she is able to attend such a course.

E. Sentence

According to Alice (1999:219) a sentence is a group of words that

contains at least one subject and one verb. In simple terms, a sentence is a set of

words that contain a subject (what the sentence is about, the topic of the

sentce), and a predicate (what is said about the subject).

1. Kinds of Sentences

Accroding to Frank (2000: 1-30) there are three kinds of sentences

in English. They are simple sentences, compound sentences and complex

sentences. They are as follows:

a. Simple sentence

A simple sentence is a sentence which has only one full

predication in the form of independent clauses. Simple sentence can be

the form of a statement, a question, a request, and a exclamation.



1) I go to the school..

2) How are you?

b. Compound sentence

A Compound sentence is a sentence which has only have two

or more full predications in the form of independent clause.


The weather was very bad; all classes were canceled.

c. Complex sentence

A complex sentence is a sentence which has two or more full

predications. One of these is an independent clause (or, main clause)

and one or more of these are dependent clause. Example:

1) The man who is sitting under the tree is my uncle.

2) The woman who is wearing the blue skirt is my mother.

Independent clause

An independent clause is a clause (A group of words with a

subject and a verb) that expresses a complete thought and can stand

alone. In independent clause, there are several types of substitution

are possible if the predicate of the second clause parallels the

predicate of the first clause.

i. An auxiliary may represent the second predicate


ii. To may represent the balance of the second predicate after

verbs taking the infinitive.

iii. So not may substitute for the balance of the second predicate

after verbs like think, believe, and hope.

For example:

- She sends him a message

- The boy is thinking of his girlfriend.

Dependent clause

A dependent clause is clause that does not express a complete

thought and cannot stand alone. In a dependent clause, the full

prediction is altered in such a way that the clause must be attached to

another. There are three types of dependent clause, relating with their

function in the sentence, they are:

Adverbial Clause

In adverbial clause, a special introductory word is added to a

full subject-predicate structure. This introductory word requires the

clause to be attached to another full predication. Most types of

adverbial clause are considered as modifying the verb of the main

clause, some more loosely than others. A few types, such as clauses of

place, are sometimes interpreted as modifiers of the entire sentences.

Adverbial clause is usually classified according to the meaning of the

conjunctions that introduce them.


These are the examples:

(a) When(ever)

You may begin when (ever) you are ready.

Whenever has a greater generalizing force than when, it is

equivalent to at any time that.

(b) Till, Until

We will do nothing further in the matter till we hear from you.

Until Mr. Smith got a promotion in our company, I had ever

noticed them.

Till, a synonym for until, is probably less common in the written

language than until is. Till offer has a literary or poetic.

(c) As long as

You may keep my book as long as you need it.

You may keep my book for as long as you need it.

Sometimes as long as is preceded by for

(d) Now (that)

Now ( that ) the time has arrived for his vacation, he doesn’t

want to leave.

Now ( that ) may also express cause, or both time and cause


(e) Once

Once she makes up her mind, she never changes it.


Once is synonymous with after.

Adjective Clause

In adjective clause, a full subject and predicate is changed

by means of a special introductory word which has the same

referent as the proceeding noun or pronoun. The form and the

position of this introductory word subordinate the adjectives

clause to a main clause. The adjective clause modifies a

preceding noun or pronoun being modified is called the

antecedent. An adjective clause may be classified according to

the antecedent that the introductory word refers to:

Table 1. The examples of adjective clause





word Example

A person

*relative Pronoun

who or


F. whom


Introductory word

functioning as:

Subject- He paid the

money to the man

who (or that) had

done the work.

Object of verb- He

paid the man whom

(or that) he had


Object of

preposition- He paid

the man from whom

he had borrowed the



Possessive adjective-

This is the girl

whose picture you


A thing Which or


Subject- Here is a

book which (or that)

describes animals.

Object of a verb-

The chair which (or

that) he broke is

being repaired.

Object of

preposition-She was

wearing the coast for

which she had paid


Noun Clause

In a noun clause, the full subject and predicate are

retained, but the structure is changed by the addition of a

special introductory word, by a special word order, or by both.

These changes permit the nou clause to fill the same positions

and to serve the same functions as nouns. Noun clause may be

classified according to the kinds of sentences; the following

table is the examples of their uses in different functions.


Table 2. the examples of noun clause

Noun Clause

Derived From:



Function of




A statements

Jepara is


g city



Subject after




Object of




Jepara is


ving city is well

known to


It is well



Jepara is


ving city



nding is


Jepara is


ving city.

I know


Jepara is


ving city.




Jepara is


ving city


A question

a. Expecting

yes or no


Will he

get the




ive word


How will

he get the


Whether (or

not) also if











Object Of


Object Of






(or not)

he gets










he will

get the


Do you



(or if) he

will get



We were


d about


he would

get the


How he

gets the

money is

his own




is how


Object Of


Object Of


he will

get the


I don’t


how he

will get



We were


d about

how he


get the


G. Language Testing

1. Definition of test

According to Brown (2003: 4) a test, in simple terms, is a method of

measuring a person's abillty knowledge, or performance in a given domain.

A test is first a method. It is an instrument or a set of techniques,

procedures, or items. lt requires performance on the part of the test-taker.

There are the qualifies of tests. They are as a test, the method must be

explicit and structured, multiple-choice questions with prescribed correct

show a kind of ability. We need tests to find out the level of some

knowledge of something. We cannot avoid testing almost anywhere. For


teachers the reason for testing is clear as they need to find out about their

students progress.

By testing the students, teacher will know the ability of the students.

Then, they also know the level of some knowledge of something. Knowing

students progress also become the reason why the teacher should test their


2. Principles of tests

According to Brown (2003: 68) every test should fulfil some

criteria to be useful and full-value, the basic ones are validity and


a. Reliability

This means that a test is reliable when the results do not differ at

different times of doing. To be more specific, the result of the test should

be more or less the same no matter if students are taking it on Monday

morning or Friday afternoon. Moreover, the reliability is also guaranteed

by the fair marking of the examiner. This could be a problem when

writing, for example, an essay. Such tests are very subjective and it is

almost impossible that two or even more people would have exactly the

same view on a particular composition.

Heaton in Brown (2003: 70) adds that examiners can be also

influenced by comparing essays with one another. For instance, he has

just marked an excellent essay and now he is correcting rather an average


one,as a result,he can give it worse mark than it really deserves.This

disunity can be seen also at the school where I teach when students are

passing their school-leaving exams. Sometimes teachers cannot agree on

a mark because each of them has its own scale of assessment. While one

consider students´s performance very good, the other one sees it as an

average performance. This problem may be partly solved by the new

school-leaving exam because we will have rubrics with descriptors of

what should a student know when he or she wants to achieve mark one,

mark two etc.

b. Validity

A test should measure whatever it is supposed to measure and

nothing else”. Every test should really test the things which are expected

to be tested, for instance, a test on listening about English literature

should test only students´ listening skills based hear and not to test their

real knowledge of English literature. Validity is quite a complicated

principle of the test, there are several aspects how to measure it.

c. Content validity

The test will be relevant for particular group of people containing

particular structures:

i. Just what are the relevant structures will depend, of course upon the

purpose of the test. We would not expect an achievement test for

intermediate learners to contain just the same set of structures as one


for advanced learners. In order to judge whether or not a test has

content validity, we need a specification of the skills or structures etc.

that it is meant to cover. Such a specification should be made at a

very early stage in test.

ii. A comparison of test specification and test content is the basis for

judgements as to content validity. All the things we set in the

specification should be incorporated into the test.In the specification

teachers must put the things which are important to test. Hughes

points out that teachers sometimes try to avoid testing things which

are hard to test in order to simplify their job but writing the

specification should prevent it.




In this chapter, the method of the research will be clearly discussed below.

A. Research Design

In this research the researcher used the descriptive qualitative of research. It

means collecting, analyzing, and interpreting the primary data and supporting

data in as much detail as possible to draw conclusion. Sugiyono (2009:306)

states that qualitative research is as human instrument. One of the characteristic

of qualitative research is researcher as key instrument.

B. Object of the study

Dealing with this study, the researcher attempts to present object of the study.

The object of the study is Test Item Sentences on Lsngusge Testing II.

C. Source of the Data

Data is also one of the important components that can’t be just left. The

research can’t be carried out either if there is no data or if the data is collected

but using wrong method. Arikunto (2006: 129) states that source of data is the

subject in which the data can be collected; however, the person, giving response


or answer the researcher’s questions, is called an informant. In this research, the

sources data of data involves:

1. Primary data

Primary data is data which is gained from the subject. The primary data is

collected from the final test of the sixth semester students of

Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo in the Academic year 2012/2013

and a questionare to show the source of Errors.

2. Secondary data

The secondary data is collected from some literatures related to the study

which is researched.

D. Research Instrument

After determining the all aspects above, the researcher will decide to use

a test as his research instrument to collect primary data, because the test is

considered as a set of questions which is used to measure skill, intelligence

knowledge and talent, owned by an individual or a group (Arikunto, 2006:150).

The students’ wrong sentences, which may appear, will be taken as errors. This

instrument is considered proper to test one’s competence .

The researcher, in this case, uses their final assignment from their

lecture to be her research instrument. Those options are the analysis result of

the researcher as human instrument where in qualitative study; the researcher


must give the informants some stimulus if he wants to get more detailed

information. The students will be presented five error sentences and a correct

one per number in a row. They can choose one of the alternatives by putting a

cross to the alternative, they consider correct. The test has been arranged in

such a way, so the researcher can automatically maximize the information as

the demand in his qualitative study.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

To collect the data, the researcher follows these five steps:

1. Collecting the students’ assignment sheets

The researcher took the students’ Language Testing II from sixth semester of

class VI. E. Then, she try to study those assignments.

2. Analyzing the result of the test.

The researcher analyzed the data. The data has been taken from sixth

semester of class VI. E.

3. Classifying the test.

The researcher classifies the error based on the types of error

4. Identify the test

The researcher identifies the dominant error

5. Identify the error cause of the test

The researcher identifies the source of error.


F. Data Analyzing Technique

According to Arikunto (2006: 244) data analysis is a process of

gathering, modeling, and transforming data with the goal of highlighting useful

information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. Because

some data, the researcher got are in quantitative one, the researcher will use

descriptive data analysis of percentage in order to describe the fact in the field.

Therefore, the researcher will take some simple formulas through these

following steps:

1. Making the percentage of each level of conjunction by using the formula

(Sugiyono, 2008: 49)

% =yn


. x 100%


% = percentage

x = total number of correct or wrong answers in certain level of


n = total number of informants

y = total number of items in certain level of conjunction

2. Making the proficiency percentage of each informants, using this formula:

% = %100n




% = level of conjunction mastery

f = total of informants’ scores

N = the highest score which might be reached (Sugiyono, 2008: 49)

3. Finding mean (average) of the percentage, using this formula:

x = N

X (Sugiyono, 2008: 49)

Note :

x = Mean (average)

X = total of scores observed

N = number of informants

4. Finding standard of deviation (SD)

SD = )1(

)( 2


xxf ii (Sugiyono, 2008: 59)

Note :

f1 = frequency

x1 = the median for each interval

n = total number of informant

x = the mean

5. Determining the level of students in the group

Menik (2006:26) states that the level of students in the group is:


a. upper group )%1( SDxP

b. intermediate group )%1()%1( SDxPSDx

c. lower group )%1( SDxP

In order to explain the process of analysis descriptively, the researcher will

also divide the process of analyzing the data into two following steps (Sugiyono,

2009: 245-259), namely:

a. Data analysis before going to the field

In this step, Sugiyono (2009: 245) states that the researcher must

analyze the secondary data and beginning study, he has got before going to the

field. The purpose of this analysis is that the researcher must make sure if

there will be possible errors, that will appear in the field.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the researcher must give his

prediction about error types and its causes before going to the field in order to

maximize the data and to make the analysis process more systematic. The

researcher‘s prediction as the result of this analysis will be a guideline to

make the test items. The researcher, in addition, gets other benefit. Through

this prediction as a result of an analysis from the secondary data, he can

minimize the student’s avoidance as minimal as possible he can.




This chapter will discuss about the research finding, discussion, and the

interpretation of the research results. Research finding explains of the finding of the

research about the error in test item sentences. Discussion contains of the analysis of

research finding and the interpretation of the research results contains of the briefly

interpretation of research result about the analysis of error in test item sentences.

A. Research Finding

1. Type of Errors

In this research, the researcher used descriptive method as a method

that researcher applied in this research. The researcher has 24 students to be

analyzed in this study. It has been taken from class E of the sixth semester.

The researcher then analyzed their final assignment from their lecturer. They

must make 50 test items for theis final assginment that contained of 4 skills,

there are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. After that, the researcher

put the finding of error in test item sentences.

Table 1. Students’ errors in making Sentences

No Students

Type of errors


Omissions Additions



1. Anggun Setyawati 3 - - 3

2. Dyah Paramartha P 2 - - 2


3. Heni Lustirofah 1 1 - 2

4. Nafiah Tri Handayani - - - 0

5. Priyatun Rukiyah 5 3 - 8

6. Siti Aniroh - - - 0

7. Bulan Titis Pribadi 3 - 2 5

8. Eri Novianto 3 - - 3

9. Hesti Dwi A 2 7 - 9

10. Ning Adiyati 4 2 - 6

11. Riyani - - - 0

12. Siti Munawaroh 1 1 1 3

13. Canthing Nadia 4 - - 4

14. Fadlan Ridho S 4 - - 4

15. Muhammada Prasojo 5 - - 5

16. Siti Munawaroh - - - 0

17. Rokhmat Setyono 3 - - 3

18. Tri Handayani 3 2 - 5

19. Dian Puisi - - - 0

20. Faizatul Laila 2 - - 2

21. Murniati 2 1 - 3

22. Prima Bhakti P - - - 0

23. Rochyati - - - 0

Total 48 17 3 67

Percentage 71.64% 26.56% 4.48% 100%


From the table above, there are 71.64% of omissions that was made by the

students. The omissions happened because they did not know the grammatical

rule in making sentences. They omitted noun, article, etc that should be available

in correcr sentence. Omissions is the largest number of errors that was made by

the students.

There were 23.88% of additions that was made by the students. Students

made additions who were students that translated the rule of Indonesian’s

sentence into English sentence without considered the rule of English sentence.

They made a sentence carefully to avoid a mistake but in fact they used wrong

rule of English sentence. It because they added unimportant thing in that


Lastly, there were 4.48% of misinformation that was made by the students.

Students ignored the tenses of that sentences. They were wrong to combine the

sentence. They used present tense to write pas experience, therefore they should

use past tense to write past experience. It was the lowest number of errors that

was made by the students.

2. Questionnaire Result

The questionnaire has been given to class E that contain of 24 students.

Here is the result of that questionnaire:


No Questionnaire

Yes No

Number of


1. Basicly, I like to learn English 22 2

2. I feel that there are difficulties in learning English. 21 3


I have different learning style from other students to

learn English. 12 12


I have strategy to communicate with others in

English. 15 9


I think that the structure and rule in English are

same from Indonesian. 11 13


I always attend and listen the material when my

lecture explains. 17 7


My lecture do not explain the material clearly, so I

cannot understdand the material well. 9 15


I often have errors in communiacating using

English. 18 6


I have special strategy to understand the English

material. 12 12


I always generate all of grammatical structure in

English sentences. 8 16


B. Dicussion of Research Finding

The sources of students’ errors in writing sentences were ignorance of rule

restrictions, incomplete application of rules, and language transfer. To know how

the sources of errors caused the students to make errors in their writing, the

writer presents discussions about the students’ errors and its making processes. In

this part, the researcher wants to explain about the discussion on the research


1. Type of errors

a. Omissions

According to James (1999: 114), omission is ungrammatical while

ellipsis and zero elements are allowed by the grammar. In this type of

error, the learner omit one of the elements in the correct sentences. Any

morpheme or word in a sentence is potential for omission. In this research,

researcher found omissions that were made by students. They are:

1) Chicken family very close with the cat

In that sentence, student made omissions. He omit to be in that

sentence, it should be added to be are in the sentence after the subject.

The student omitted to add to be in that sentence. Then, the researcher

makes correction of that sentence. It should be:

Chicken family are very close with the cat


2) The arrogant cat live a dence forest

The student want to explain the location. The student omit the

preposition that shows the location. Then, the researcher makes

correction of that sentence by adding preposition in. It should be:

The arrogant cat live in a dence forest

3) What did the structure of hammer?

In the question, the student omit the auxulary to make a correct

sentence. The student want to ask the structure of hammer. The

researcher make correction in that sentence by changing the auxulary

into was. It should be:

What was the structure of hammer?

4) Why the hammer a great tool?

In the question, the student omit the auxulary and verb to make a

correct sentence. The student want to ask why the hammer became a

great tool. The researcher make correction in that sentence by adding

the auxulary did and verb become. It should be:

Why did the hammer become a great tool?

5) When I was 2nd grade of Senior High school, my friend and I went to


In that sentence, the student omit the article the. He also omit the

preposition in, in that sentence. The student want to say the grade of

hs school, so the researcher has correction:


When I was in the 2nd grade of Senior High school, my friend and I

went to Bali.

6) How about the feelings after all?

In the question above, the student omit the auxulary to make a

correct sentence. The student want to ask the feelings of someone.

The researcher make correction in that sentence by changing the

auxulary into was. It should be:

How was about the feelings after all?

7) What did the man feel met women?

In the question, the student omit the auxulary to make a correct

sentence. The student want to ask the feeling of the man when he met

women. The researcher make correction in that sentence by changing

the auxulary into was and also by adding –ing in the word feel. It

because feel is verb, it should be gerund for being noun. It should be:

What was the man feeling when he met women?

8) Hank going to visit Lisa after work.

In that sentence, student made omissions. He omit going in that

sentence, it should be change into verb 2 = went in the sentence after

the subject. The student omitted to change the verb into verb 2

because its uses past experience. Then, the researcher makes

correction of that sentence. It should be:

Hank went to visit Lisa after work.


9) There are some students in the class.

In the sentence above, the student omit s in singular meaning to

make a correct sentence. The student want to write the number of

student, but the student use some to show the number of student. The

researcher make correction in that sentence by changing the word

students into student. The researcher also make correction in the use

of to be, because the student uses are to show the singular meaning. It

should be:

There is some student in the class.

10) My mother washing her clothes use washing machine.

In the sentence above, the student omit to be to make a correct

sentence. The sentence uses present continuous form. The student

want to write the activity of mother, but the student omit the use of to

be is. The researcher make correction in that sentence by adding is.

The researcher also make correction in the use passive form. It should


My mother is washing her clothes by using washing machine.

In this area, the errors made by the students were the use of

auxulary in making questions. It perhaps are caused by the differences of

the constructions and structures of the native and foreign language. The

errors made by the students in this area may be caused by interference of

their native language. Since they do not have auxulary. The students


ignore the rule of English grammar. In addition, in the Indonesian

language there is no auxulary or similar word accompanying any subjects.

For example, I am so happy, in Bahasa Indonesia becomes Saya bahagia

without adalah. The question form is are you so happy?

b. Additions

According to Dulay in Ellis (1994: 56), additions are the presence of

an item that must not appear in well-formed utterances. Additions are the

opposite of omission. It occurs when the learners add one or more

elements which should not exixt in a correct sentence. This error happens

because the learners are too careful in using the rule of the target language

in this type of error.

In this research, the researcher found the error that were made by

students. They have been given the assignment from their lecture to make

questions, but the researcher found that there were many students making

errors. They are:

a. Where is Ted and Amber will go?

In that sentence, students added an unnecessary element that

should not available in a correct sentence. When student want to write

will, it was quite to ask the place that want to arrive the subject. The

student also added go in that sentence. The question above used is and

will. It is not grammatical correct, the correct one is use of will for

being its auxulary. Then, the researcher make correction:


Where will Ted and Amber go?

b. What do have Mr.Sasaki wants?

The student wants to make question to ask what Mr. Sasaki

wants. He/she added the wrong auxulary. The student should not add

have in that sentence. It is unnecessary element to be added in that

sentence. Mr. Sasaki is 3rd singular person, it must use auxulary does

to make correct question. It should be:

What does Mr.Sasaki want?

c. Why did we were have an extra hand?

The student added unnecessary element in that sentence.

He/she added were and have in a sentence. It is not appropriate to be

added. The student want to write the past sentence, and he/she added

were. In the question above, have is as Verb1, have is do not need to

use were. The student makes sentence carefully, but he produce

incorrect production. The correct sentence should be:

Why did we have an extra hand?

d. What is the mother’s Jack ordered?

The student makes that sentence by adding the unnecessary

element. He added to be is to be its auxulary. It is uncorrcect

grammatical rule, because there was verb ordered. The student should

pay attention in the rule of past tense: S + V2 (sentence), and the


interrogative form is Aux + S + V1? (Murphy, 1990: 18). The the

correction for that sentence is:

What did the mother’s Jack order?

e. What is the Jack saw while he reach the sky?

In that sentence, students added an unnecessary element that

should not available in a correct sentence. The student added saw in

that sentence. The question above used is and saw. It is not

grammatical correct, the correct aux to be used in that sentence is did.

Then, the researcher make correction:

What did the Jack see while he reach the sky?

f. What is the Jack did see?

In that sentence, students added an uncorrect element that should

not available in a correct sentence. The student added is to be its aux.

It is not grammatical correct, the correct aux to be used in that

sentence is did.

The student place the aux did in wrong place. Then, the

researcher make correction:

What did the Jack see?

g. What did Retno feels?

In that sentence, students added an uncorrect element that should

not available in a correct sentence. The student added did to be its aux.

It is not grammatical correct, because the student added verb feel in


the sentence. He/she want to ask past experience. So, the aux should

be past too and it uses verb 1 without adding s in verb. Then, the

researcher make correction:

What did Retno feel?

h. Where was Retno went on her vacation?

In that sentence, students added an uncorrect element. The

student added was to be its auxulary. It is not grammatical correct,

because the student added uncorrect auxulary in the sentence. He/she

want to ask past experience. So, the auxulary should be past too and it

uses verb 1. Then, the researcher make correction:

Where did Retno go on her vacation?

i. Why is the man wants to join the basketball club?

In that sentence, students added an uncorrect element. The

student added is to be its auxulary. It is not grammatical correct,

because the student added uncorrect auxulary in the sentence. He/she

want to ask present tense. So, the auxulary should be does and it uses

verb 1 without adding s again.

Then, the researcher make correction:

Why does the man want to join the basketball club?

j. Why is the woman says Humph to all the man?

In that sentence, students added an uncorrect element. The

student added is to be its auxulary. It is not grammatical correct,


because the student added uncorrect auxulary in the sentence. He/she

want to ask present tense. So, the auxulary should be does and it uses

verb 1 without adding s again. The researcher also found that there

was unnecessary element, it is the. The student does not need to add

the to show the man. Then, the researcher make correction:

Why does the woman say Humph t o all man?

In this area, the errors made by the students were the over use of

auxulary in making questions. It perhaps are caused by carefulness of

students, they add many auxularies. The students give over attention in

writing sentence, so they ignore the correct grammatical rule in making


c. Misinformation

According to Dulay in Ellis (1994: 56), misinformation is the

usage of the wrong form of a structure or morpheme. This error occur

when the learners apply the grammatical rules of the target language

incorrectly. The students also made misinformations, there are the errors

that were made by students:

a. With whom the writer spend the holiday?

In that sentence, student want to write past sentence. Then, he/she

ignore the rule of past tense. Past tense has a rule “S+V2” (Murphy,

1990: 18). In that case, student do not change the tense. It should use

Verb 2. Here is the correction:


With whom the writer spent the holiday?

b. Mother give a chocolate cookies to cheer Nicole up.

Student in that sentence wants to make a sentence that explain

plural cookie. However, he cannot differentiate the use of article a, and

an. He cannot use article a to explain plural meaning. Then, the

researcher also found the uncorrect grammatical rule. Student wrote

give to explain past event. It should be Verb 2. The researcher make


Mother gave chocolate cookies to cheer Nicole up.

c. Many tourist go to that cave yesterday.

In that sentence, student wants to make a sentence that explain

plural tourist. However, he ignore to add s in plural noun. Then, the

researcher also found the uncorrect grammatical rule. Student wrote go

to explain past event. It should be Verb 2 went. The researcher make


Many tourists went to that cave yesterday.

The errors made by the students in this area may be caused by the

difference of structure of English from the structure of language. In

Bahasa Indonesia, there are no differences of tenses to show an activity

happens in the present or past. The students were careless in writing verbs.

The most of them did not pay attention to the verbs, for example; in past

tense and present tense.


2. Students’ Dominant Type of Errors

a. Errors in omission are 48 errors

There were 71.64% of omissions that was made by the students. The

omissions happened because they did not know the grammatical rule in

making sentences. They omitted noun, article, etc that should be available

in correcr sentence. Omissions is the largest number of errors that was

made by the students.

b. Errors in addition are 17 errors

There were 23.88% of additions that was made by the students.

Students made additions who were students that translated the rule of

Indonesian’s sentence into English sentence without considered the rule

of English sentence. They made a sentence carefully to avoid a mistake

but in fact they used wrong rule of English sentence. It because they

added unimportant thing in that sentences.

c. Error in misinformation is 3 errors.

There were 4.48% of misinformation that was made by the students.

Students ignored the tenses of that sentences. They were wrong to

combine the sentence. They used present tense to write pas experience,

therefore they should use past tense to wri

te past experience. It was the lowest number of errors that was made

by the students.


Based on the result of the research, the greatest number of errors

made by the students in writing English sentences is errors in omission

that are 48 errors. The percentage of this type errors is 71.64%. Due to the

fact that there is the greatest number, errors in omission become the

dominant errors made by the students in writing sentences.

3. The Sources of Errors

The researcher studied the source of errors from the students in class E.

From the questionnaire that has been given to students fron class E, it can be

concluded that:

a. Interlingual Transfer

Interlingual transfer is a significant source of error for all learners.

The beginning stages of learning a second language are especially

vulnerable to interlingual transfer.

1) Students basicly like to learn English

Students basicly like to learn English who can be showed in the



From the chart, the students who like to learn English are

91.67% or 22 students. It can be said that most of students in class

E like to learn English. Then, the students do not like to learn

English are 8.33% or 2 students.

2) I feel that there are difficulties in learning English.

Students feel that there are difficulties in learning English can

be showed in the chart:



Number of Students

Like Do not like



Number of Students

difficult easy


From the chart above, the students feel that there were

difficulties in learning English are 87.5% or 21 students. It can be

said that most of students in class E have difficulties to learn

English. Then, the other students 12.5% or 3 students feel that

learning English is easy.

3) I have different learning style from other students to learn English.

Students who have different learning style from other students to

learn English can be showed in the chart:

From the chart above, the students who have different learning

style from other students to learn English are 50% or 12 students.

Then, the other students 50% or 12 students do not have different

learning style from other students to learn English. It can be said

that half of students in class E have different learning style to learn



Number of Students

have different learning style do not have different learning style


4) I have strategy to communicate with others in English.

Students who have strategy to communicate with others in

English can be showed in the chart:

From the chart above, the students who have strategy to

communicate with others in English are 62.5% or 15 students.

Then, the other students 37.5% or 9 students do not have strategy to

communicate with others in English. It can be said that most of

students in class E have strategy to communicate with others in


5) I have special strategy to understand the English material.

Students who have special strategy to understand the English

material can be showed in the chart:



Number of Students

have strategy do not have strategy


From the chart above, the students who have special strategy to

understand the English material are 50% or 12 students. Then, the

other students 50% or 12 students do not have special strategy to

understand the English material. It can be said that half of students

in class E have special strategy to understand the English material.

b. Intralingual Transfer

Intralingual transfer is a major factor in second language learning.

Overgeneralization is the negative counterpart of intralingual transfer.

1) I think that the structure and rule in English are same from


Students think that the structure and rule in English are same

from Indonesian can be showed in the chart:


Number of Students

have special strategy do not have special strategy


From the chart above, the students who think that the structure

and rule in English are same from Indonesian are 45.83% or 11

students. Then, the other students 54.17% or 13 students think that

the structure and rule in English are different from Indonesian. It

can be said that half of students in class E think that the structure

and rule in English are same from Indonesian.

2) I always generate all of grammatical structure in English sentences.

Students who always generate all of grammatical structure in

English sentences can be showed in the chart:



Number of Students

Same different


From the chart above, the students who always generate all of

grammatical structure in English sentences. are 33.33% or 8

students. Then, the other students are 66.67% or 16 who never

generate all of grammatical structure in English sentences. It can be

said that little students in class E always generate all of grammatical

structure in English sentences.

c. Context of Learning

Students sometimes make errors by misleading teacher explanation

or the teacher may provide the incorrect information.

1) I always attend and listen the material when my lecture explains.

Students who always attend and listen the material when the

lecture explains can be showed in the chart:



Number of Students

generate do not generate


From the chart above, the students who always attend and listen

the material when the lecture explains are 70.83% or 17 students.

Then, the other students are 29.17% or 7 who do not always attend

and listen the material when the lecture explains. It can be said that

most of students in class E always attend and listen the material

when the lecture explains.

2) My lecture do not explain the material clearly, so I cannot

understand the material well.

Students’ lecture do not explain the material clearly, so they

cannot understand the material well, then it can be showed in the




Number of Students

attend and listen do not attend and listen


From the chart above, the students who cannot understand the

material well because of the unclear explanation from the lecture

are 37.5% or 9 students. Then, the other students are 62.5% or 15

who understand the material well because of the unclear

explanation from the lecture. It can be said that most of students in

class E understand the material well because of the unclear

explanation from the lecture.

d. Communication Strategies

Communication strategies were defined and related to learning

styles. Learners obviously use production strategies in order to enhance

getting their messages across, but at times these techniques can

themselves become a source of errors.

1) I often have errors in communicating using English.



Number of Students

do not understand understand


Students who often have errors in communicating using English

can be showed in the chart:

From the chart above, the students who often have errors in

communicating using English are 75% or 18 students. Then, the

other students are 25% or 6 who often have errors in

communicating using English. It can be said that most of students in

class E often have errors in communicating using English.



Number of Students

have errors do not have errors




A. Conclusion

After the study had been conducted and the data needed had been gained

and processed, the researcher makes some conclusion from the error analysis of

test item test item sentence On Language Testing II of the sixth semester

students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo in

the academic year of 2012/2013.

1. The type of error in test item sentences On Language Testing II of the sixth

semester students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of

Purworejo in the academic year of 2012/2013 are omission, addition, and


2. The dominant Error Of Test Item Sentences On Language Testing II of the

sixth semester students of English Department of Muhammadiyah

University of Purworejo in the academic year of 2012/2013 is omission.

3. The sources of Error in Test Item Sentences On Language Testing II of the

sixth semester students of English Department of Muhammadiyah

University of Purworejo in the academic year of 2012/2013 are intralingual

transfer, interlingual transfer, context of learning, and communication



B. Suggestion

The finding of this research are hoped to give some advantages to the

English teaching and learning.

1. For Teacher Training and Educational Faculty

English teachers may use the result of this study as a reference

helping them improve the skill writing. Teacher is a transfering

knowledge and after the teacher knowing the causes of error through this

research, occurring to the students, it is really hoped that the teacher pay

more attentions in the students’ errors in making test item sentences and

take the solutions soon.

2. For the students

The students will be motivated to increase their english ability in

writing and fix their errors made in writing a sentences.

3. For the other researcher

The significant of the study is also expected that the result of this

study can be use as the guide in doing the research for the other

researcher,especially about error analysis test item in Language Testing




Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian: Sebuah Pendekatan Praktek.

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Dulay, H, Burt, M, and Krashen, S. 1982. Language Two. New York: Oxford

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English Translation Text : A case Study At The Fifth Semester Students : Of

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Sanal, Fahrettin, 2007. Error Analysis Based on Second Language Teaching


Sugiyono. 2008. Statistika untuk Penelitian. Bandung: Alfa Betta.

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Name : Murniati

No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak

1 Pada dasarnya saya seneng mempelajari bahasa Inggris ya

2 Saya merasakan ada kesulitan dalam proses

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dalam mempelajari bahasa

Indonesia dengan Bahasa Asing


3 Saya mempunyai gaya belajar yang berbeda dengan

mahasiswa lain untuk mempelajari bahsa inggris


4 Saya mempunyai strategi dalam berkomunikasi

menggunakan bahasa Inggris


5 Saya selalu menganggap semua struktur dan aturan-

aturan dalam bahsa Inggris sama dengan bahasa



6 Saya selalu mengikuti dan mendengarkan materi ketika

dosen saya menjelaskan


7 Dosen saya kurang bisa menjelaskan materi dengan

jelas,sehingga saya kurang paham dengan materi



8 Saya melakukan sering kesalahan yang tidak bisa sya ya


benarkan sendiri dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan

bahasa Inggris

9 Saya mempunyai strategi sendiri untuk memahami

materi dalam bahasa Inggris


10 Saya selalu menyamaratakan tata kalimat dalam bahasa



Table 1. Students’ errors in making Sentences

No Students

Type of errors


Omissions Additions



1. Anggun Setyawati 3 - - 3

2. Dyah Paramartha P 2 - - 2

3. Heni Lustirofah 1 1 - 2

4. Nafiah Tri Handayani - - - 0

5. Priyatun Rukiyah 5 3 - 8

6. Siti Aniroh - - - 0

7. Bulan Titis Pribadi 3 - 2 5

8. Eri Novianto 3 - - 3

9. Hesti Dwi A 2 7 - 9


10. Ning Adiyati 4 2 - 6

11. Riyani - - - 0

12. Siti Munawaroh 1 1 1 3

13. Canthing Nadia 4 - - 4

14. Fadlan Ridho S 4 - - 4

15. Muhammada Prasojo 5 - - 5

16. Siti Munawaroh - - - 0

17. Rokhmat Setyono 3 - - 3

18. Tri Handayani 3 2 - 5

19. Dian Puisi - - - 0

20. Faizatul Laila 2 - - 2

21. Murniati 2 1 - 3

22. Prima Bhakti P - - - 0

23. Rochyati - - - 0

Total 48 17 3 67

Percentage 71.64% 26.56% 4.48% 100%



Nama : Anggun Setiyawati

Nim : 102120144

Kelas : VIE




A long time ago, in a dense forest lies the are very much. Among the animals, which

live there is a cat arrogant very clean, hairy and smooth white. So many animals who

liked it, but she was to proud and arrogant to excess.

One day, the cat wants to live alone without family cat, because she felt it was great

to rend for themselves without the help of her family.

On her way she’s resting adjacent to the family chickens. Sunny morning, when the

cat is angry because her voice has awakened chickens, “hi chicken presumptuous of

you to wake coupled with your son, your son is ugly” said the cat. Chicken family

very angry, they repel cats, with feeling annoyed cat it.


With feeling so tired cat sleeping in the shoulders of an elephant, When elephant was

about to wake up the elephant accidentally dropped the cat “ hi you fool elephant,

why you dropped me,, you want to kill me?” elephant closer and said “oh you’re so

beautiful”. Cat scratches elephant, rampage elephants make that cat darted him.

Cats are very upset and hungry, she tried to look for food on the ground. She met

worm “you are a beautiful cat but why did you take my food.” The cat said “all

animals are well aware of my beauty because I was entitled to do as I please”. And

worm said “bask cat snob, what you can survive in the soil”. “hahaha it’s the little

things” said the cat. They also made a deal.

Eventually, after a day on the ground cat worm group tried to see, but the cat was

already dead. Some worm told this to the cat family, but when her family until the cat

arrogant who had died, had been in the eating lions.


A. Kategori vocabulary

Find the similiar meaning from underlined word below .Choose the correct

alternative of A, B, C, D or E

1. there is a cat arrogant very clean, hairy and smooth white

a. proud

b. selfish

c. furious

d. heated

e. piqued

2. One day, the cat wants to live alone without family cat.


a. Isolated

b. Unaccompanied

c. Solitary

d. Lonesome

e. Accompanied

3. she felt it was great to rend for themselves without the help of her family.

a. Enermous

b. Tiny

c. Large

d. Skilful

e. heroic

4. With feeling so tired cat sleeping in the shoulders of an elephant

a. Exhausted

b. Jaded

c. Corny

d. Energetic

e. Drowsy

5. The cat is angry because her voice has awakened chickens

a. Calm

b. Furious

c. Disgust

d. Abhorrence

e. Loathe

6. Chicken family repel cats, with feeling annoyed cat it.

a. Keep away

b. Attract

c. Sicken


d. Hold off

e. Prevent

7. The elephant closer and said “oh you’re so beautiful

a. Secure

b. Slam

c. Intimate

d. Denouement

e. Meticulous

8. the elephant accidentally dropped the cat

a. declined

b. crashed

c. crambed

d. catched

e. poured

9. The cat said “all animals are well aware of my beauty because I was

entitled to do as I please”

a. Conscious

b. Unconcerned

c. Discerning

d. Interest

e. Sentient

10. The Cat scratches elephant, rampage elephants make that cat darted him.

a. Scrapes

b. Cuts

c. Nicks

d. Marks

e. Scores

11. worm said “bask cat snob, what you can survive in the so”

a. go on


b. stay alive

c. endure

d. perist

e. succed

B. Kategori Grammar

Complete the sentences below with approriate preposition (in, to, of, for, on

etc) based on the text above

12. A long time ago........ a dense forest lies the are very much (in)

13. The cat felt it was great to rend ........themselves without the help of her

family (for)

14. On her way she’s resting adjacent ........the family chickens (to)

15. With feeling so tired cat sleeping in the shoulders ........ an elephant (of)

16. The cat tried to look for food ........ the ground. (on)

17. worm said “bask cat snob”, what you can survive ........the soil (in)

18. Eventually, after a day on the ground ,worm group tried ........see the cat


19. Some worm told that the cat already dead........ the cat family (to)

20. The cat was too proud and arrogant ........excess (to)

21. The cat can’t survive........ the soil (in)

C. Kategori reading

Identify the statement. Put accros on letter T if true and put F if false in

the brackets.

22. ( T / F ) The cat arrogant was live in a dence forest (T)

23. ( T / F ) the arrogant cat has clean, hairy and smooth white ( T)

24. ( T / F ) There are so many animals who liked her ( T)

25. ( T / F ) almost animal said that the cat was very beautiful ( T)

26. ( T / F ) the cat leave her family because she can’t survive without them

( F)


27. ( T / F ) on her way , the cat met family chicken, worm and elephant (T


28. ( T / F ) Chicken family very love with the cat ( F)

29. ( T / F ) Chicken family repel cat, with feeling annoyed cat it. ( T)

30. ( T / F ) Sunday morning, the cat is angry because her voice has awakened

chickens ( F)

31. ( T / F ) when the cat tried to look for food on the ground, She met worm

( T)

32. ( T / F ) the worm cleverer than the cat ( T)

33. ( T / F ) finally the cat already dead on the ground ( T)

34. ( T / F ) cat family didn’t know that the cat already dead ( F)

35. ( T / F ) Some worm told that the cat was dead to the cat family (


36. ( T / F ) when cat family arrived the cat arrogant who had died, had been

eaten by the lion ( T)

D. Kategori writing

Complete the paragraph with approriate word which is available

Presumptuous forest

Cat liked

Wants without

Resting angry

Awakened ugly

Repel annoyed

Great roud

Conscious Intimate

Keep away scrapes

Exhausted Furious


A long time ago, in a dense (37) ............. lies the are very much.

Among the animals, which live there is a (38) .............arrogant very clean,

hairy and smooth white. So many animals who (39) ............. it, but she was to

(40) ..........and arrogant to excess.

One day, the cat (41) ............. to live alone (42) ............. family cat,

because she felt it was (43) ............. to rend for themselves without the help of

her family.

On her way she’s (44) ..............adjacent to the family chickens. Sunny

morning, when the cat is (45) because her voice has (46) .............chickens, “hi

chicken (47) ............. of you to wake coupled with your son, your son is (48)

.............” said the cat. Chicken family very angry, they (49) ............. cats, with

feeling (50) ............. cat it.

With feeling so tired cat sleeping in the shoulders of an elephant,

When elephant was about to wake up the elephant accidentally dropped the

cat “ hi you fool elephant, why you dropped me,, you want to kill me?”

elephant closer and said “oh you’re so beautiful”. Cat scratches elephant,

rampage elephants make that cat darted him.

Cats are very upset and hungry, she tried to look for food on the

ground. She met worm “you are a beautiful cat but why did you take my

food.” The cat said “all animals are well aware of my beauty because I was

entitled to do as I please”. And worm said “bask cat snob, what you can

survive in the soil”. “hahaha it’s the little things” said the cat. They also made

a deal.

Eventually, after a day on the ground cat worm group tried to see, but

the cat was already dead. Some worm told this to the cat family, but when her

family until the cat arrogant who had died, had been in the eating lions.

DIAN PUISI_ VIE_ 102120151Reading

A. Choose the best answer based on the text by crossing A, B, C, D, or E.

1. The followings are the ways to reduce the energy requirements of a building, except ...

a. Using recycled materials

b. Providing non-polluting energy source

c. Developing solar power as alternative energy source

d. Using a technology namely geothermal heating

e. Reducing the amount of energy required in a building

2. What do builders plant trees for?

a. To cover from the sun rays

b. To protect in winter

c. To supply shadow in sunny weather

d. To take advantage of natural heating

e. To lower the temperature in sunny weather

3. Which of the following statement is true about The green building of Genzyme Center of

Cambridge ...

a. It was the best examples of advanced green building.

b. Genzyme Company produced houses in America.

c. More than half of the building materials were recycled.

d. Building materials came from nearby, less than 500 miles away.

e. In order to lessen energy, most of building material came from nearby.

4. Here are the main materials used in construction, except ...

a. steel c. cement e. lumber

b. wood d. iron

5. What will not include in the first phase of the project in a small village in China?

a. houses for 400 families

b. House built with solar power

c. Nonpolluting brick

d. Recycled wall insulation

e. Recycled materials buildings

Nama : Eri Novianto

NIM : 102120223

Kelas : VI/E



A. vocabulary


Earthquake often happens around us. It brings great damages. Earthquake is hard

to be predicted and that makes lot victims.

Actually there are three kinds of earthquake. This kinds of earthquake are

commonly base on the factor and geological area where the earthquakes happen.

These three kinds of earthquake are tectonic, volcanic and explosion.

Tectonic earthquakes is most common one. This kind of earthquake happens

while earth's crust rocks break because of the geological strength created by

moving of the earth's plates.

Volcanic earthquakes happen exactly with volcanic activity. Volcanic earthquakes

are when the volcano produces acidic lava, which drys quickly, when it drys

quickly it blocks the top of the volcano. This make no more magma can escape.

Pressure starts to build up and eventually the acidic lava can no longer stand the

pressure. So the volcano is free to explode, the pressure is released so fast that an

earthquake is caused. A volcanic earthquake is usually kept within 10-20 miles of

the volcano.

Explosion earthquakes are the result of the collapse earthquakes that are small

earthquakes occurring in underground mines and caverns.


B. Reading

Transjakarta could lose yet more passengers

The Jakarta Post | Jakarta | Wed, May 08 2013, 12:22 PM

A- A A+

Paper Edition | Page: 9

The number of passengers leaving the Transjakarta bus rapid transit may continue

to rise, with the city administration yet to improve its declining services.

Wahyuni Sari, who used to drive to work in Kuningan, South Jakarta, said she

started to use Transjakarta buses in April as she could not stand the daily traffic


“On the bus, it is common to see water dripping from the roof, while the air

conditioning doesn’t work and the back door cannot be closed properly,” she said

recently. “If the services remain the same, I will drive to the office again.”

Heru said some buses were not well-maintained on his daily commute from

Grogol in West Jakarta to Semanggi in Central Jakarta.

“The floor of the Semanggi Transjakarta crossing bridge is also not maintained.

It’s been months now and the bolts of the floor haven’t been tightened,” he said.

University of Indonesia transportation expert Tri Tjahjono said Transjakarta’s

poor services could be seen through poor infrastructure and the unpredictable

travel times of buses.

“Transjakarta crossing bridges, stops and lanes are poorly maintained, with lanes

illegally occupied by other vehicles,” he said.

The administration is aiming at procuring 1,000 new buses this year to improve


But Tri said procurement should be carried out before the administration’s

existing contracts with operators expired, “so by the time the contracts are

finished, the new buses are ready to operate”.

Transjakarta management body (BLU) chief Muhammad Akbar said maintenance

of the buses was the responsibility of the bus operators. “BLU pays some money

to the operators for every kilometer their bus travels. The fee includes operational

and maintenance costs,” he said, adding the Transportation Agency, the Public

Works Agency and the Parks and Cemetery Agency shared the responsibility of

maintaining infrastructure.

He also said unpredictable travel times were caused by the illegal use of

Transjakarta’s exclusive lanes by other vehicles, and it was the Jakarta Police’s

duty to keep them

exclusive. — JP/hr

Read the text above, and then Complete the statement by writing down the correct

answer on the answer sheet.

1. Wahyuni started to use Transjakarta in.......

2. It is common to see the water fall from......on the.....

3. The back door of the bus is can not be.......and the air conditioning .....

4. Tri Tjachyono said that.....

5. The administration of Transjakarta is......about 1000 new buses to......

6. The pessengers of transjakarta were manitained because of ......... occupied

the lane illegally.

7. The operators is paid some money for every kilometer their bus travels


8. Muhammad Akbar said maintenance of the buses was ................of the bus


9. The fee that is given includes.............. and..............

10. The illegal use of Transjakarta’s exclusive lanes by other vehicles was the


Nama : Fadlan Ridho Sabili

Kelas : E

Semester : VI

NIM : 102120153



The Story of Lake Toba

Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple hut in a farmingfield. The did some gardening and fishing for his daily life.

One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catchwhich he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with herand proposed her to be his wife. She said; "Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about thesecret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster". The man made the deal and theygot married, lived happily and had a daughter.

Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, hisdaughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, andshouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The motherstarted crying, felt sad that her husband had broke his promise.

Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When herdaughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The wholearea got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island ofSamosir.

Source: www.lalanews.net/2013/02/narrative-text-story-of-lake-toba.html?m=1

A. Kategory VocabularyFind the similar meaning From underlined words below. Choose the correct answer!1. He lived in simple hut in a farming field

a. Houseb. Hospitalc. Shackd. Librarye. School

2. Once a upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra.a. Todayb. Alivec. Allianced. Staye. Yesterday

3. He caught a big golden fish in his trap.a. Grabb. Move outc. Move ond. Releasee. Handicap

4. Fish turned into a beautiful princess.a. Maleb. Boyc. Uncled. Grandmothere. Female

5. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife.a. Opinionb. Decidedc. Suggestd. Suprisinge. Giving

6. There will be a huge disaster.a. Earthquakeb. Havocc. Fire Forestd. Happilye. Sadness

7. The man made the deal.a. Loan

b. Savagec. Applyd. Transactione. Mobility

8. Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields.a. Carryb. Hang outc. Hamstringd. Cariouse. Adjustment

9. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious.a. Happyb. Sadc. Angryd. Extremely angrye. Wise

10. Her husband had broke his promise.a. Polliteb. Hardc. Celebrated. Functione. Defiance

11. Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come.a. Bigb. Extremely bigc. Smalld. Shorte. Run away

12. A big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain.a. Waterb. Moldc. Coldd. Bige. Cloud

B. KATEGORY GRAMMARComplete the sentences bellow and put into, a, while, and, of, for, and others in the spaceof the sentences below where necessary!

13. There was a man who was living.......north Sumatra. (in)14. He lived in a simple hut.......a farming field. (in)15. The did some gardening and fishing....... his daily life. (for)16. One day, ........ the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. (while)17. Surprisingly, this fish turned.......a beautiful princess. (into)18. He felt in love with her......proposed her to be his wife. (and)19. The man made the deal......they got married. (and)20. They lived happily.......had a daughter. (and)21. He caught......big golden fish in his trap. (a)22. It was the biggest catch which he ever had......his life. (in)23. She said; "Yes, ...... you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a

fish” (but)24. This daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out......the fields. (in)25. His daughter was so hungry......she ate his father’s lunch. (and)26. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, .......shouted. (and)27. The daughter ran home.......asked her mother. (and)28. The whole area got flooded......became Toba Lake. (and)29. She turned into a fish again.......the man became the island of Samosir. (and)

C. KATEGORI READINGAfter you look the statement, choose correct answer put (T) if the answer true and put(F) if the answer false, in below sentences!

30. The man lived in South Sumatra. (F)31. He lived in a simple hut in a farming field. (T)32. The man did some gardening and fishing not everyday. (F)33. He caught a big golden fish in his trap. (T)34. This fish turned into an old woman. (F)35. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife. (T)36. The man did not the deal with the princess. (F)37. His daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. (T)38. His daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. (T)39. Unfortunately, he found out and got happy. (F)40. A big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. (T)

D. KATEGORI WRITINGComplete the paragraph with approriate word which is available!

a. Gardening

b. Disaster

c. Golden

d. Princess

e. Married

f. Furious

g. Earthquake

h. Unfortunately

i. Secret

j. Crying

Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple hut in a farmingfield. The did some ...A........ (1) and fishing for his daily life.

One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big ...C.... (2) fish in his trap. It was the biggest catchwhich he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful ...D....(4). He felt in love with herand proposed her to be his wife. She said; "Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the...I..... (5) that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge ....B......(6)". The man made the deal andthey got ......E..........(7), lived happily and had a daughter.

Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, hisdaughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. (8)....H......., he found out and got ...F.....(9), andshouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The motherstarted crying, felt sad that her husband had broke his promise.

Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When herdaughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big ...G..... (10) followed by non-stop pouring rain. The wholearea got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island ofSamosir.

Nama : Faizatul laila

NIM : 102120154

Kelas : VI E



Robert Pattinson

Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson (born 13 May 1986) is an English actor,

model, musician and producer. Pattinson started his career by playing Cedric Diggory

in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He later landed the leading role of Edward

Cullen in the film adaptations of the Twilight novels by Stephenie Meyer, and came to

worldwide fame, thus establishing himself among the highest paid and most bankable

actors in Hollywood. In 2010, Pattinson was named one of TIME magazine's 100 Most

Influential People in The World, and also in the same year Forbes ranked him as one

of the most powerful celebrities in the world in the Forbes Celebrity 100. Since the

Twilight series ended in 2012, Pattinson has ventured into doing small independent


Pattinson was born in London, England. His father, Richard, imported vintage

cars from America, and his mother, Clare, worked for a modelling agency. Pattinson

has two elder sisters, singer Lizzy Pattinson, and Victoria Pattinson. Growing up in the

Barnes suburb of London,] he attended Tower House School until he was 12, and then

The Harrodian School. He became involved in amateur theatre at the Barnes Theatre

Company. He auditioned and was cast in a small role in Guys and Dolls. He next

auditioned for Thornton Wilder's Our Town and was cast as George Gibbs. He also

played in Anything Goes and Macbeth. He caught the attention of an acting agent in a

production of Tess of the d'Urbervilles and began looking for professional roles.

Pattinson began modelling at the age of 12, but his workload began to decrease

four years later. In December 2008, he blamed the lack of modelling work on his

masculine appearance: "When I first started I was quite tall and looked like a girl, so I

got lots of jobs, because it was during that period where the androgynous look was

cool. Then, I guess, I became too much of a guy, so I never got any more jobs. I had

the most unsuccessful modelling career." Pattinson appeared in the advertising

campaign for Hackett's autumn 2007 collection.

In June 2013, Pattinson was announced as the new face of Dior Homme

fragrance and featured in the advertising campaign titled 1000 LIVES, directed by

Romain Gavras and photographed by Nan Goldin. This campaign has also featured the

track Whole Lotta Love by English rock band Led Zeppelin.

In 2008 Pattinson landed the coveted role of Edward Cullen in the film Twilight,

based on Stephenie Meyer's best-selling novel of the same name. According to TV

Guide, Pattinson was initially apprehensive about auditioning for the role of Edward

Cullen, fearful that he would not be able to live up to the "perfection" expected from

the character. The film was released on 21 November 2008 and turned Pattinson into a

moviestar overnight. Though the film received mixed reviews, critics praised his and

co-star Kristen Stewart's chemistry in the film. The New York Times called Pattinson a

"capable and exotically beautiful" actor and Roger Ebert said he was "well-chosen" for

the role.

His another release of 2008, How to Be a low-budget comedy drama film

written and directed by Oliver Irving. It screened at number of film festivals, earned

mixed reviews from critics. Pattinson then starred as Salvador Dalí in the film Little

Ashes a Spanish-British drama Directed by Paul Morrison. He also starred in a short

film The Summer House directed by Daisy Gili. This short film later re-released as a

part of an anthology film titled Love & Distrust, comprising 5 short films following

eight individuals from diverse backgrounds on their quest for true contentment.

He reprised his role as Edward Cullen in the Twilight sequel The Twilight Saga:

New Moon which was released on 20 November 2009. The film earned a record-

breaking $142,839,137 opening weekend and an overall run of $709,827,462

worldwide. Though the film received negative reviews, film critic Michael Phillips

from the Chicago Tribune said that Pattinson was still "interesting to watch" despite

the bad makeup. Bill GoodyKoontz from the Arizona Republic said that "Pattinson's

actually not in the film that much, but he does his best when he's around" and Michael

O'Sullivan of the Washington Post noted that his acting was "uniformly strong".

[Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Pattinson]

READING (15 soal)


Instruction : Complete the sentence below based on the text above!

1. Robert Pattinson is an _______actor, model, musician and producer.

2. Robert landed the leading role of _______ in the film adaptations of the

Twilight novels by Stephenie Meyer

3. In 2010, Pattinson was named one of TIME magazine's 100 Most _______

in The World.

4. Robert was born in _______, England

5. In June 2013, Robert was announced as _______of Dior Homme


6. Robert’s another release of 2008, How to Be a low-budget _______ drama

film written and directed by Oliver Irving

7. Robert reprised his role as Edward Cullen in the Twilight sequel The

Twilight Saga: New Moon which was _______ on 20 November 2009.

8. Robert’s actually not in the film that much, but he does his _______ when

he's around.

9. Since the Twilight series ended in 2012, Robert has ventured into doing

small independent films.

10. The author of the Twilight novels is Stephenie Meyer.

11. Daisy Gili directed the short film entitled The Summer House.

12. On 21 November 2008 and turned Pattinson into a moviestar overnight.

13. The New York Times called Pattinson a "capable and exotically beautiful"


14. The Twilight sequel The Twilight Saga: New Moon which was released on

20 November 2009.

15. The Twilight sequel The Twilight Saga: New Moon earned $142,839,137

opening weekend and an overall run of $709,827,462 worldwide.

LISTENING (15 soal)

Souce : Bimbel UN Bahasa Inggris by Pak Anang (http://pak-



Part I

Instruction : complete the sentences below based on the record!

This animal have a pair of [1]_______. It is active at night. And it’s sleep during the

day. People [2] _______ the animal as a [3] _______ of Dracula. It has broad-round

eyes and sharp fangs. This animal can be found in[4] _______hanging upside down.

Nama : Heni Lustirofah

NIM : 102120156

Kelas : VI/E



Materi :

Jack and the beanstalk

Once upon a time there was a poor widow who had an only son named Jack.

They were so poor that they didn’t have anything except a cow. When the cow had

grown too old, his mother sent Jack to the market to sell it. On the way to the market,

Jack met a butcher who had some beautiful beans in his hand. The butcher told the boy

that the beans were of great value and persuaded the silly fad to sell the cow for the


Jack brought them happily. When he told his mother about this, his mother

became so angry that she threw the beans out of the window.

When Jack woke up in the morning, he felt the sun shining into a part of his

room but all the rest was quite dark and shady.

So he jumped to the window. What did he see? The beanstalk grew up quite

close past Jack’s window. He opened the window and jumped to the beanstalk which

ran up just like a big ladder.

He climbed … and climbed till at last he reached the sky. While looking around,

he saw a very huge castle. He was very amazed.

Then Jack walked along the path leading to the castle. There was a big tall

woman on the doorstep. Jack greeted her and asked for the giantess mercy to give him

breakfast, because he felt very hungry. Although the giantess grumbled at first, finally

she gave Jack a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of milk.

Jack hadn’t finished when the whole house, began to tremble with the noise of

someone’s coming. “Oh! It’s my husband!” cried the giantess. “What on earth shall I


Hastily the giantess opened a very big cupboard and hid Jack there.

A. Kategori Reading

Read and Answer the questions below by crossing A,B,C,D or E

1. What is the mother’s Jack ordered?

A. Sell her cow

B. Buy something in the market

C. Buy something to jack

D. Sell something to jack

E. Sell his son

2. What is the Jack saw while he reach the sky?

A. He saw a Beautiful girl

B. He saw a very huge castle

C. He saw a birds

D. He saw his mother

E. He saw his cow

3. What is the Jack see?

A. He see his beanstalk grew up quite close past Jack’s window.

B. He see his beanstalk dead

C. He see a girl

D. He see a window

E. He see a sunny day

4. Why the Jack greeted her and asked for the giantess mercy to give him


A. Because he felt angry

B. Because he felt tired

C. Because he felt very hungry

D. Because he felt exhausted

E. Because he felt hungry

5. What happened after the Jack greeted her and asked for the giantess mercy to

give him breakfast?

A. She gave jack a cow

B. She gave jack a beans

C. She angry

D. She gave Jack a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of milk.

E. She gave jack a drink

Read the questions and complete the blank spaces !

6. They were so poor that they didn’t have anything except......

7. He climbed and climbed till at last he ......

8. He felt the sun shining into a part of his room but all the rest was.....

9. On the way to the market, Jack met ....

10. There was a big tall woman on ....

Read and answer the questins below with short answer “true or false “ !

11. When the cow had grown too old, his mother sent Jack to the market to

butchered it.

12. Then Jack walked along the path leading to the castle.

13. There was a big tall woman in his home.

14. He climbed and climbed till at last he reached the tree.

15. Jack greeted her and asked for the giantess mercy to give him breakfast.

B. Kategori Listening

Read and Answer the questions below by crossing A,B,C,D or E

16. Why does hank have to work late ?

A. He has to attend aa meeting

B. He has play a game

C. He has to write a report

D. He has to close the office

E. He has to go

17. What will take place at Bill's house tomorrow?

A. A party

B. A game

C. A dance

D. A play

E. A meeting

18. Why is Hank going to visit Lisa after work?

A. Because she is sick in bed

B. Because he has to return something

C. Because he is going to take her to bill’s house

D. Because she is sick

E. Because she went play

19. Where is Hank going to get the snacks to take to Bill’s house?

A. From his house

B. From the store

C. From his work

D. From his office

E. From the mall

20. What time will Hank most likely arrive at Bill’s house ?

A. 06.00 pm

B. 08.00 pm

C. 09.00 pm

D. 10.00 pm

E. 11.00 pm

Read the questions and complete the blank spaces!

21. I'm just calling to let you know that I'll ......to the game tomorrow night.

22. I have to work a few extra hours to finish a ....

23. I should wrap things up sometime between..... and... though

24. Then I'm planning on..... Lisa's house for about an hour since she's been sick


25. I'll swing by my house to....... some food for the game.

Read and answer the questins below with short answer “true or false “ !

26. Hank going to visit Lisa after work.

27. Hank most likely arrive at Bill’s house at 10.00 pm.

28. Hank going to get the report to take to Bill’s house.

29. Hank have to work late because he was sick

30. Lisa is hank’s wife.

C. Kategori vocabulary

Read and choose the corect synonim from the underline words by crossing

A,B,C,D or E

31. There are some students in the class.

A. Teacher D. Chilhod

B. Pupils E. Young men

C. Kid

32. She invite her friends to come in her birthday party.

A. Declined D. Suggested

B. Called E. Accompany

C. Convoced

33. My mother washing her clothes use washing machine.

A. Apparel D. Veil

B. Jacket E. trousers

C. Shirt

34. When i go to the jakarta i saw a luxurious edifice as a long way.

A. Beach D. Park

B. Building E. Tower

C. Zoo

35. I will purchase some fruits in the market.

A. Sell D. Buy

B. Give E. Eat

C. Bring

Match the words in the right side to the left side !

36. A person who believes in or

support democracyy.


37. Thing given willingly without

payment, a present.


38. Taking place by a series of

small changes over a long



39. A Person , or sometimes a

country or an organozation ,

belonging to agroup, club or



40. Anger caused by something

that one consedirers unfair or








D. Kategori grammar

Match the prepositions “in, on, at” in the blank of the sentences. !

41. I will take my book..... your home this night

42. I saw the thief .....the bus yesterday.

43. She has been studying...... the class when i came.

44. I will visite my friend ..... seven A’clock

Changed the words in the blanket appropriate with grammer !

45. She has been (eat)...... when i gone.

46. I will ( brought)..... an umbrella if the rain came.

47. I (buy)... some fruits for my grandmother yesterday.

Complete the sentences below with the sentences appropriate !

48. When I was child, I..........

49. I want to........ in the mAarket

50. I will......... if you are succes on final exaamination.

Nama : Hesti Dwi Anggraeni

NIM : 102120157

Kelas : 6 E




Rumah Gadang ( Big House) is a traditional house of the Minang Kabau people.

Usually Rumah Gadang has three small buildings in front of it. People call them “

Rangkiang”. The name of each building are Sitinjau Laut, Sibayan-Bayan, and

Sitangka Lapa. Each buildings has different function but the main function is to save

the rice.

People also use Rumah Gadang to conduct family meeting. They also use

Rumah gadang to conduct a wedding party or any ceremonial party.

The construction of Rumah Gadang is unique. They don’t need nails and

foundation. They just simply build on the building on several stones. Most of the

materials are wood. So, the first enemy of Rumah Gadang is only fire.



A . Kategori Vocabulary

Question 1- 5 refer to the following information, then answer the question by

selecting options A, B, C, D or E. Put a cross on the suitable letter for the correct


1. People call them “ Rangkiang”........ ( paragraph 1 ) ‘ them ‘ refer to ………..

a. Rumah Gadang

b. Big House

c. Three small buildings

d. Traditional house

e. People

Answer : C

2. Paragraph two is talking about …………..

a. The function of Rumah Gadang

b. conduct a wedding party or any ceremonial party

c. The people who use Rumah Gadang

d. Many kind of Rumah Gadang

e. The people who had family meeting

Answer : A

3. The construction of Rumah Gadang is unique..... ’ (paragraph III ). The opposite of

the underlined word is ….

a. Single

b. Inimitable

c. Sole

d. Common

e. Distinctive

Answer : D

4. Each buildings has different function but the main.... ( paragraph 1). The synonim

of the underlined word except ….

a. Behave

b. Malfunction

c. Occupation

d. Meaning

e. Utility

Answer : B

5. Most of the materials of Rumah Gadang are ....

a. Nails

b. Stone

c. Fire

d. Land

e. Wood

Answer : E

Based on the text , decided if the following statements are true or false .

6. Rumah Gadang is a traditional house of the Minang Kabau people.

7. Rumah Gadang has two small buildings in front of it.

8. The function of Rumah Gadang is to conduct a wedding ceremony.

9. Wood is the only material which Rumah Gadang needs.

10. Fire is the first enemy of Rumah Gadang.

Key Answer :

6. T

7. F

8. T

9. F

10. T

B . Kategory Reading


Rumah Gadang ( Big House ) is a traditional house of the Minang Kabau people.

Usually Rumah Gadang has three small buildings in front of it. People call them “

Rangkiang”. The name of each building are Sitinjau Laut, Sibayan-Bayan, and

Sitangka Lapa. Each buildings has different function but the main function is to save

the rice.

People also use Rumah Gadang to conduct family meeting. They also use

Rumah gadang to conduct a wedding party or any ceremonial party.

The construction of Rumah Gadang is unique. They don’t need nails and

foundation. They just simply build on the building on several stones. Most of the

materials are wood. So, the first enemy of Rumah Gadang is only fire.



Read and complete the following sentences based on the text above !

11. The main function of Sitinjau Laut, Sibayan-Bayan, and Sitangka Lapa is to . . . .

the rice.

Key Answer : Save

12. Rumah Gadang has . . . . construction.

Key Answer : Unique

13. Wood are the most of the . . . . of Rumah Gadang.

Key Answer : Materials

14. The building of Rumah Gadang is only on . . . . stones.

Key Answer : Several

15. Fire is the first . . . . of Rumah Gadang.

Key Answer : Enemy

C . Kategory Grammar

Complete the following paragraph with the suitable verbs !

Rumah Gadang ( Big House ) is a traditional house of the Minang Kabau people.

Usually Rumah Gadang (21)..... three small buildings in front of it. People call them “

Rangkiang”. The name of each building (22)..... Sitinjau Laut, Sibayan-Bayan, and

Sitangka Lapa. Each (23).... has different function but the main function is to save the


People also use Rumah Gadang to conduct family meeting. They also use

Rumah gadang to conduct a wedding party or any ceremonial party.

The construction of Rumah Gadang is unique. They (24)..... need nails and

foundation. They just simply build on the building on several stones. (25)..... the

materials (26)..... wood. So, (27)..... enemy of Rumah Gadang is only fire.

Key Answer :

21. has

22. are

23. buildings

24. don’t

25. Most of

26. are

27. the first


Nama : Muhammad Prasojo

NIM : 102120159

Kelas : VIE




New York City

New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New

York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.

The city is referred to as New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it

from the State of New York, of which it is a part. A global power city, New York exerts

a significant impact upon commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology,

education, and entertainment. The home of the United Nations Headquarters, New

York is an important center for international diplomacy and has been described as the

cultural capital of the world.

Located on one of the world's largest natural harbors, New York City consists of five

boroughs, each of which is a county of New York State. The five boroughs—The

Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island—were consolidated into a

single city in 1898. With a census-estimated 2012 population of 8,336,697 distributed

over a land area of just 302.64 square miles (783.8 km2), New York is the most densely

populated major city in the United States.As many as 800 languages are spoken in New

York, making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world. The New York City

Metropolitan Area's population is the United States' largest, with 18.9 million people

distributed over 6,720 square miles (17,400 km2), and is also part of the most populous

combined statistical area in the United States, containing 22.2 million people as of


New York traces its roots to its 1624 founding as a trading post by colonists of the

Dutch Republic, and was named New Amsterdam in 1626. The city and its


surroundings came under English control in 1664 and were renamed New York after

King Charles II of England granted the lands to his brother, the Duke of York. New

York served as the capital of the United States from 1785 until 1790. It has been the

country's largest city since 1790. The Statue of Liberty greeted millions of immigrants

as they came to America by ship in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and is a

globally recognized symbol of the United States and its democracy.

Many districts and landmarks in New York City have become well known to its

approximately 50 million annual visitors. Times Square, confide as "The Crossroads

of the World", is the brightly illuminated hub of the Broadway theatre district, one of

the world's busiest pedestrian intersections, and a major center of the world's

entertainment industry. The city hosts many world renowned bridges, skyscrapers, and

parks. New York City's financial district, anchored by Wall Street in Lower Manhattan,

has been called the world's leading financial center and is home to the New York Stock

Exchange, the world's largest stock exchange by total market capitalization of its listed

companies. Manhattan's real estate market is among the most expensive in the world.

Manhattan's Chinatown incorporates the highest concentration of Chinese people in the

Western Hemisphere. Providing continuous 24/7 service, the New York City Subway

is one of the most extensive rapid transit systems worldwide. Numerous colleges and

universities are located in New York, including Columbia University, New York

University, and Rockefeller University, which have been ranked among the top 50 in

the world.



Complete the statement below according to the text above!

1. New York is the most … city in the United States.

2. The location of New York is in …

3. The impact of global power city are …

4. New York City consists of five boroughs, they are …

5. … languages are spoken in New York.

6. In 1626, … was named New Amsterdam.

7. From 1785 until 1790, New York served as … of the USA.

8. New York has been the … since 1790.


9. United States has a statue, it is …

10. In 19th and early 20th centuries, … is transportation when immigrants came to


11. Every year, New York has … visitors.

12. The crossroads of the world is …

13. … is New York City’s financial district.

14. In New York, … is the most extensive rapid transit systems worldwide.

15. The universities that located in New York are …


Match the words between column A and B which are synonym!


16. Populous a. Student

17. Urban b. College

18. Impact c. Business

19. Center d. Supply

20. Major e. Walker

21. Capital f. Wealth

22. Pedestrian g. Main

23. Stock h. Midpoint

24. Company i. Influence

25. University j. City

k. Crowded


Match the word in column A and B which are definition!


26. Areaa. a structure that is built over a river, road or

railway to allow people and vehicles to cross

from one side to the other

27. Exerts b. an area of a country or town which has fixed

borders that are used for official purposes

28. Fashion c. o use something such as authority, power,

influence, etc.

29. District d. a style that is popular at a particular time,

especially in clothes, hair, make-up, etc.

30. Bridge e. a particular part of a place, piece of land or


f. a person with a high level of knowledge or skill;

a specialist


Complete the statement below by selecting the best word of option A, B, C, D,


31. New York … the most populous city in the US.

a. Is

b. Are

c. Has

d. Have

e. Which

32. New York is … important center for international diplomacy and has been

described as the cultural capital of the world.

a. a

b. an

c. the

d. that

e. most

33. Located on one of the world's largest … harbors, New York City consists of five

boroughs, each of which is a county of New York State.


a. Naturalization

b. Naturalize

c. Natural

d. Neutral

e. Neutralization

34. New York served as the capital of the United States … 1785 until 1790.

a. Between

b. For

c. Among

d. From

e. Since

35. United States has been the country's largest city … 1790.

a. Between

b. For

c. Among

d. From

e. Since

36. Many districts and landmarks in New York City … become well known to its

approximately 50 million annual visitors.

a. Is

b. Are

c. That

d. Have

e. Has

37. King Charles II of England granted the lands to … brother.

a. He

b. She

c. His

d. Her

e. Their

38. Manhattan's Chinatown incorporates the highest … of Chinese people in the

Western Hemisphere.

a. Concentrate

b. Concentration

c. Concentrated

d. Concentrically

e. Concern

39. New York City's financial district, anchored by Wall Street in Lower Manhattan,

has been … the world's leading financial center.

a. Called

b. Call

c. Calling

d. Get

e. Getting


Name : Murniati

Class : VI E

NIM : 102120160



Sound Recordings and Reproduction

Sound recording and reproduction are two separate processes used to record, store,

and play back sounds. Sound recording use microphones to pick up sound waves in

the air. The pressure changes associated with the waves are converted into electrical

signals, which can be coded and stored for future access. Sound reproduction, or

playback, uses additional devices to retrieve the stored information and convert it

back into electrical signals. The signals are then sent to a loudspeaker, which converts

them back into sound.

To record sound, a microphone changes the acoustic energy of sound waves in the air

into electrical signals. Inside a microphone is a thin, flat, metallic surface, called a

diaphragm, that is suspended in a magnetic field. When a sound wave reaches the

microphone, the air pressure changes around the diaphragm, causing the diaphragm to

move. This movement within a magnetic field creates an electrical signal. The signal

is then transferred to a storage medium, such as a cassette tape, a compact disc (CD),

or a phonograph record.

To reproduce sound, a playing device such as a CD player, cassette deck, or

phonograph accesses the stored data. The playing device reads the data and converts

the information back into electrical energy. The electrical signal is sent to a

loudspeaker, which has a diaphragm housed in a magnetic field in much the same

way as a microphone’s diaphragm is housed. The electrical signal creates a

disturbance in the magnetic field. These resultant variations in the magnetic field

cause the diaphragm to move. As the diaphragm moves, it pushes out and pulls in,

creating changes in air pressure to recreate the sound that was originally recorded.

Sound recordings and reproduction form the foundation of many industries, including

entertainment, and multimedia businesses. Recording and reproduction of sound

allow people to play their favorite music, whether it was recorded yesterday or many

years ago. Radio networks rely on sound recording and reproduction for storing news

and other types of programming. Television and motion pictures combine images

with music, speech, and sound effects to provide the viewer with an enriched

experience. Computer programs, multimedia software, and video games also use

sound to make programs more engaging.

Source : Look Ahead 3



Decide if the following statements are true or false according to the text above.

1. Sound recordings are process used to pick up sound waves in the air. (T)

2. Sound recordings use additional devices to retrieve stored information and

change it back into electrical signals. (T)

3. A microphone is used in sound reproduction to read and change the data. (T)

4. A diaphragm is a thin, flat, metallic surface found inside a microphone. (T)

5. The electrical signal created by movement within a magnetic field can be

transferred to a compact disc. (T)

6. A loudspeaker is able to read the data and change the information back into

electrical energy. (T)

7. In sound recordings, the diaphragm moves because the air pressure changes

around the diaphragm. (T)

8. A CD player and cassette deck are not used to reproduce sound. (F)

9. Radio networks never depend on sound recordings and reproduction for

storing news and other types of programming. (T)

10. The foundation of entertainment, communication, and multimedia business

industries has a very close relation with sound recordings and reproduction.


11. The signal is then transferred to a storage medium, such as a cassette tape, a

compact disc (CD), or a phonograph record. (T)

12. Computer programs, multimedia software, and video games also use sound

to make programs more engaging. (T)

13. As the diaphragm moves, it pushes out and pulls in, creating changes in air

pressure to recreate the sound that was originally recorded. (T)

14. These resultant variations in the magnetic field cause the diaphragm to move.


15. The signals are then sent to a loudspeaker, which converts them back into

sound. (T)


NIM : 102120161

Kelas : VI / E



A. Kategori (Vocabulary)

Multiple Choice

Choose the questions below by cross a, b, c, d or e!

1. The new accounts offered by the bank are compounded semi-annually.

A. Every year

B. Every six months

C. Every two years

D. Every half

E. Every six years

2. The conference is governed by its newly elected board.

A. Ruled

B. Chosen

C. Advised

D. Watched

E. Influenced

3. According to scientists, it is possible that another Ice Age will soon be upon us.

A. Someday

B. Now

C. In the near future

D. Undoubtedly

E. In the past time

4. The young cancer victim was the most cheerful and most outgoing on the ward.

A. Frankest

B. Lightest

C. Loudest

D. Happiest

E. Happiness

5. The members of the committee were assembled quickly.

A. Advised

B. Informed

C. Gathered

D. Consulted

E. Joined

6. The first recognized Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C.

A. Celebrated

B. Viewed

C. Cheered

D. Ignored

E. Acknowledged

B. Kategori (Reading)

Multiple Choice

This text is for questions number 13-18!

The next famous woman writer to be considered is Dorothy Parker, an American

poet, short story writer, and literacy critic who became famous in the early twentieth

century for her witty but cynical observations on life. She got her first paying job as a

writer in 1916 at the age of twenty-three when she began working for a women’s

magazine, and nine years later she became a contributor to The New Yorker and

regularly had her book reviews appear in “Constant Reader,” a column in that


In addition to her magazine work, she published volumes of poetry and short

stories with the recurrent themes of disappointment with life and the loss of idealism;

these pessimistic themes, however, were presented with biting wit. One of her most

famous observations, “Men seldom make passes/At girls who wear glasses,” came

from the poem “News Item,” which was published in the volume Enough Rope (1926).

This volume of poetry was followed by the Sunset Gun (1928), Death and Taxes

(1931), and a collection of short stories, Here Lies (1939). Her book reviews were

published in 1970 in a volume entitled “Constant Reader”.

13. What topic does the paragraph preceding the passage most likely discuss?

A. Dorothy Parker’s early childhood.

B. American literature of the nineteenth century.

C. An introduction to literary criticism.

D. A well-known female author other than Dorothy Parker.

E. An introduction to magazine work.

14. According to the passage, Dorothy Parker was NOT famous for........

A. Poetry

B. Humor

C. Book reviews

D. Autobiography

E. Short stories

15. The word “pessimistic” in paragraph two, first sentence, is closest in meaning


A. Negative

B. Impractical

C. Forgotten

D. Unattained

E. Positive

16. Dorothy Parker’s first job was..........

A. For a women’s magazine

B. As a literary critic

C. For The New Yorker

D. As a short story writer

E. As an actress

17. In what year did “News Item” appear?

A. 1916

B. 1926

C. 1928

D. 1931

E. 1939

18. The expression “biting wit” in the second paragraph could be best replaced by

which of the following?

A. Intelligence

B. Sadness

C. Sharp humor

D. Hunger

E. Happiness


Read the text carefully, then answerthe following questions.

IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is defined as the ratio of a person’s mental age to

chronological age, with the ratio multiplied by 100 to remove the decimal.

Chronological age is easily determined; mental age is generally measured by some kind

of standard test and is not so simple to define. In theory, a standardized IQ test is set

up to measure an individual’s ability to perform intellectual operations such as

reasoning and problem solving. These intellectual operations are considered to

represent intelligence. In practice, it has been impossible to arrive at consensus as to

which types of intellectual operations demonstrate intelligence. Furthermore, it has

been impossible to devise a test without cultural bias, which is to say that any IQ tests

so far proposed have been shown to reflect the culture of the test markers. Test takers

from that culture would, it follows, score higher on such a test than the takers from a

different culture with equal intelligence.

State these statements whether they are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.

No. Statement T/F

19. Chronological age is easily determined; mental age is generally measured

by some kind of standard test and is not so simple to define.



20. Almost IQ tests so far proposed have been shown to reflect the culture of

the test markers.



21. A standardized IQ test is set up to measure an individual’s ability to

perform intellectual operations.



22. IQ tests has been possible to devise a test without cultural bias. ..........


23. Reasoning and problem solving is theory a standardized IQ test. ..........


24. The ratio multiplied is generally measured by some kind of standard test

and is not so simple to define.




13. A

14. D

15. A

16. A

17. B

18. C

19. T

20. F

21. T

22. F

23. T

24. F

Nama : Ning Adiati

Kelas : VI-E

No : 102120162



Source: http://www.texascherokees.org/rabbit.html


An Ani-Tsalagi Story about the Trickster Rabbit and how he got started.


Chief D. L. "Utsidihi" HicksThis is what the old people told me when I was a boy.In the old days, animals were larger and more intelligent than the ones we have nowdays. They all could speak the same language, and they held council, just like man today.One time in the old days, when there were no men, no rains came. The world wasdry. Creeks and rivers dried up. Only the largest lakes held water.The mountains were so hot and dry that all were suffering. Many animals died from lack ofwater.The animals decided to hold council to decide what to do.All the animals met. These were the Great Animals, the huge animals of old, and not likethe puny little animals of today. These were smart animals and all could speak the samelanguage.Qualugv (Frog), as Marshal of the Council, called all the animals together. Every animalfamily was represented at the Council.Yona (Bear), Speaker of the Council, called the meeting to order, and told the Council,"These are desperate times. Soon we will all die from thirst if we do not find water."This was an understatement to all present."Down, down, down. Dig down. There is water there," Tsisdvna (Crawfish), informed hisfriends."In the earth?" asked Saloli (Squirrel)."Dig down," repeated Crawfish."I agree. Ywvi Gvnahita (Long Man), the river, flows beneath our feet, deep down in Grandmother earth," said Tukaski (Turtle)."I agree," said Dayunisi (Water Beetle)."Then we will dig," ordered Yona."We must have rules," said Frog, ever on the alert for breakers of laws."Only those who help dig the hole will get use of our labors," said Awi (Deer).All voiced agreement. No work, no drink was the rule."So be it. This will be our agreement with each other," said Yona. "Only those who help digthe well will get water from that source."They all agreed by cheering the announcement.Each animal went to his home and returned with his shovel and other digging instruments.Only Tsisdu (Rabbit) refused to dig. He ran and played, chasing the female rabbits aroundthe town."Hey, Rabbit, if you do not dig, then you do not get water," announced Frog."Oh, I don't need to dig for water," said Rabbit. "I will take care of myself."

The animals warned Rabbit not to come near their water. If he was caught stealing water,then they would punish him. They would punish him severely as a thief."Yes, a lazy thief," put in Yona.He hopped off, happy to be free of the labor.And the rest of the animals? They worked day and night. They sweated. They hurt. Theyate very little, because it increased their thirst. The animals became weak and they werevery thirsty, but they worked on.After days of hot, dry, hard work, they finally found water. At that moment, they wouldgladly take hot, muddy water. But this was good, cool, clear, sweet water.Dry of throat, they cheered. They were saved!They gave thanks to their little brother, Crawfish for his guidance. Everyone brought theirwater bowls and filled them with the precious liquid.With fresh water in their systems, all returned to their normal self. Their fur, hair, andscales became bright and shiny. There was a new step of life in everyone's movements.After a while, they became suspicious of Rabbit, for he always seemed to look as healthy aseveryone else. How could this be, when he had no water to drink. When he was asked howhe fared so well, he told them, "I get my water from morning dew on the grass."No one believed him, but they knew no difference.Every evening, Rabbit watched from a hill side as the others carried water to theirhomes. He was thirsty. There was no dew on the grass, it was so dry. He had to havewater!Rabbit turned to theft to survive. He stole precious water from the public well.But some of the animals, those of the suspicious sort, still wondered how Rabbit lived sowell. They suspected that Rabbit lived by stealing water from their well.The animals chose two of the wisest of them all, Waya (Wolf), and Tsulv (Fox), to beassigned the duty of learning Rabbit's secret. He had to have a source of water and theywanted to know his source. Did he have a secret pool of water he hid from all? Or, was hissecret source from their well?The two animals searched the area around the well. They found cleverly hidden rabbittracks. Now they had him. All they had to do was stand watch around the well and springupon him when he came for water. For days they watched the well day and night, but theywere never able to catch the deceitful Rabbit.The wise Wolf and Fox were not going to concede defeat to the Rabbit."There ain't no Rabbit as wise as a Wolf," grumbled Wolf."Nor as wise as a fox," said the wily Fox.These two wise animals needed a plan. They knew that if they didn't find Rabbit's secret,they'd be the laughing stock of the forest.The two sly friends came up with a plan. It was a sticky plan, but they were sure it wouldwork. They went and found a pit of sticky tar. They dipped a stake into the pit, rolled oneend around and took out a gob of tar. It was a sticky mess. And sticky enough to hold anyRabbit.That night when all had gotten their water and left the well, the two guards took the staketo the water's edge and stuck the sharpened end into the ground. The tar wolf was now inthe narrow pass to the water and would crowd anyone trying to get to the water. The twodidn't stay the night to guard the water well. They left and went home to their families.Rabbit waited until all were asleep before he went to the well. He hopped down the trail tothe water. He stopped when he saw the outline of the tar wolf in the dim light. Notknowing what it was, he waited. This strange figure seemed unfriendly and would not evenspeak. Rabbit hopped up next to the tar wolf. The tar wolf was blocking his way to thewater.The tar wolf was small. Rabbit was bold. He took one paw and pushed the tar wolf aside,and ordered, "Move to one side."His paw became stuck and he could not remove it. Rabbit put his other front paw againstthe tar wolf and pushed. Now both paws were stuck to the tar wolf. He pushed the tar wolfwith his back paw and it became stuck. He kicked it with his free paw and it became

stuck. No matter how hard he struggled he couldn't break loose. He was caught fast. Therehe remained, stuck to the tar wolf, all night long.The next morning the animals came to get their morning water. They found Rabbit stuck tothe tar wolf. There was great laughter and pointing at the hapless Rabbit.Wolf and Fox went forth and pulled up the stake. They brought it in, with Rabbit still stuckto it, and stuck it in the ground before the circle of animals. Council was held."What shall we do?" demanded the Wolf."Let's cut off his feet," announced Fox.The other animals agreed and cheered."That's okay with me. I can hop around on my nubs," Rabbit laughed."Then we must do something horrible," said Wolf."I agree," said Fox.The other animals nodded in agreement.My paws are blistered and fur ruffled because I worked while this lazy fellow played andchased girls," grumbled Dili (Skunk). "I am mad. I demand justice. Justice will be servedwhen Rabbit is severly punished.""We could pull off his head," announced Bear.Rabbit laughed and laughed. "What a punishment! I won't feel a thing.""Then we'll cut off his ears," said Wolf."As well as I can hear? As long as my ears are, I have more than enough ears. That will be asmall thing," Rabbit said, laughing so hard he nearly shook himself loose from the tar wolf.Wolf looked around. He saw a briar patch with thick undergrowth. It was thick andinhospitable with long, sharp thorns and no green plants to eat. "This is what we willdo. We will throw this worthless fellow into the briar patch."Rabbit suddenly started crying. He sobbed loudly and begged, "Please don't throw me intosuch an awful place. The torns will prick me and cover my fluffy fur with my own blood. Iwill not be able to forage for food and will die."The other animals laughed.Rabbit cried louder, shaking with fright.That's what we'll do," said Wolf.The other animals agreed with a cheer.Fox held the stake while Wolf pulled Rabbit loose. He cast Rabbit into the briarpatch. Rabbit hit the ground running, dodging the trunks of the brush and finding holesthrough the maze of the underbrush. The rest of the animals watched the frolicking Rabbitin amazement. This trickster Rabbit had found him a home."Ha, ha! This is where I will live. It is a fine place," cried the delighted Rabbit.Rabbit has lived in the thick undergrowth and briars of the forest ever since. He has been inthe thickets so long that he cannot run a straight line, always running one way and thenanother. It is hard to catch Rabbit.

The End




Match the words in column A with their synonyms or meaning in column B

No A B





















a. cheerful

b. amplified

c. chastise

d. leadership

e. clever

f. willingly

g. waves

h. trick

i. dishonest

j. hesitantly

k. genius

l. Commend

m. valuable

n. supposed

o. doubtful


Find the antonym of underline word in this sentence! Choose the correct

answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e.

11. There was great laughter and pointing at the hapless Rabbit.

a. Miserable

b. Unfortunate

c. Ill Fated

d. Fortunate

e. Unlucky

12. They would punish him severely as a thief.

a. Harshly

b. Sternly

c. Gently

d. Strictly

e. Ruthlessly

13. The wise Wolf and Fox were not going to concede defeat to the Rabbit.

a. Maintain

b. Grant

c. Give In

d. Give Up

e. Admit

14. The Torn will prick me and cover my fluffy fur with my own blood.

a. Expose

b. Wrap

c. Mask

d. Envelop

e. Coat

15. "Then we must do something horrible," said Wolf.

a. Pleasant

b. Awful

c. Upsetting

d. Dreadful

e. Unspeakable



Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement false in the spaces


16. Animals in the hills are lack of water.__

17. The Rabbit and The Tar Wolf are close friend.__

18. Almost all of animals support the Rabbit to dig a well.__

19. The Rabbit didn’t felt guilty to other animals with his attitude.__

20. The rules are work to all animals.__


Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e.

21. When did the story happen?

a. Last year

b. Two years ago

c. Once upon a time

d. Subsequent

e. Later

22. Where did the story take place?

a. Hill

b. Jungle

c. Mountains

d. Cave

e. Valley

23. Why were they lack of water?

a. Because of global warming

b. Because of dryness

c. Because of the animals too much

d. Because they didn’t make well

e. Because they get curse from the hare

24. How is the character of the hare?

a. Indolent

b. Patient

c. Humble

d. Generous

e. Friendly

25. Why did the hare refuse to dig a well?

a. Because he can get water without dig a well

b. Because he have a secret stream

c. Because he can get water from haze of grass

d. Because without him the well will be done

e. Because he didn’t want his fur will be dirty



Complete the sentences with, about, to, at, of in the spaces of the sentences!

26. The Rabbit tried...solve the problem by himself.

27. We arrived…the jungle.

28. He is afraid …living alone.

29. He is popular…a group of friends.

30. We can work with him if you are certain…his character.

Change the word in the blanket, to complete the sentences in the spaces of the


31. I…(go) to the market last night.

32. She…(walk) across the road.

33. When I go to the market, I…(see) him last night.

34. The police are…(look) into the case.

35. I remember…(meet) him a year ago.



Man: Honey, the basketball game is about to start.

And could you bring some chips and a bowl of ice cream? And . . . uh . . . a slice ofpizza from the fridge.Woman: Anything else?Man:Nope, that's all for now. Hey, hon, you know, they're organizing a companybasketball team, and I'm thinking about joining. What do you think?Woman: HumphMan: "Humph" What do you mean "Humph." I was the star player in high school.Woman: Yeah, twenty-five years ago. Look, I just don't want you having a heartattack running up and down the court.Man:So, what are you suggesting? Should I just abandon the idea? I'm not that out ofshape.Woman: Well . . . you ought to at least have a physical before you begin. I mean, ithas been at least five years since you played at all.Man:Well, okay, but . . .Woman: And you need to watch your diet and cut back on the fatty foods, like icecream. And you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.Man: Yeah, you're probably right.Woman: And you should take up a little weight training to strengthen your musclesor perhaps try cycling to build up your cardiovascular system. Oh, and you need to goto bed early instead of watching TV half the night.Man: Hey, you're starting to sound like my personal fitness instructor!Woman: No, I just love you, and I want you to be around for a long, long time.


Listen to the recording. Then choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,

b, c, d, or e.

36. How old is the man?

a. 25

b. 26

c. 30

d. 40

e. 50

37. What is the relationship of them?

a. Friend

b. Family

c. Couple

d. Workmate

e. Enemy

38. What is the physical appearance of the man?

a. Thin

b. Fat

c. Obesity

d. Pale

e. Fit

39. What is the man hobby at night?

a. Playing basketball

b. Playing football

c. Eating

d. Fitness

e. Watching television

40. What does the man do?

a. Employer

b. Fitness instructor

c. Personal fitness instructor

d. Doctor

e. Teacher

41. Where does the conversation take place?

a. Home

b. Villa

c. Office

d. Gym

e. Hospital

42. Why is the man want to join the basketball club?

a. Because he bore to play football.

b. Because he want to get a shape body.

c. Because he want to be a star basketball player.

d. Because his friend joining the team.

e. Because basketball can make his body fit.

43. Why the woman didn’t support the man joining the club?

a. Because the man is too thin.

b. Because the man is too old.

c. Because the man is too fat.

d. Because the man is too obesity.

e. Because the man is too busy.

44. How is the woman expressing her care to the man?

a. By giving advice

b. By giving information

c. By giving warning

d. By giving request

e. By giving some of foods

45. Why is the woman say “Humph” to the man?

a. Because the woman angry to the man.

b. Because the woman didn’t agree to the man.

c. Because the woman disappointed to the man.

d. Because the woman didn’t like to the man.

e. Because the woman underestimate to the man.

Nama : Nurul Hidayati

NIM : 102120163

Kelas : VI / E



A . Kategori Vocabulary

Question 1- 5 refer to the following information


Facsimile machines only came into widespread use in the late 1970s when

International standards were set by Comite Consultatif International

Telegraphicque et Telephontque ( CCITT ) , a body based in France . Before this

the machines could only communicate with those made by the same manufacturer


Since then , facsimile technology has been increasingly sophisticated . The

latest machines , which must be linked to a special digital phone line , can send a

document to several places at once for the price of one phone call .

Facsimile transmission involves sending a document through telephone

line and converting

The received signals into reproduction of the original . ‘ Fax ‘ machines can now

send a A4 document , containing images as well as words in less than a minute .

( Resource from LKS Bahasa Inggris KTSP X a standar isi 2006 )

1 . ‘ Before this , the machine could only communicate with those made by ……

( paragraph 1 ) ‘ those ‘ refer to ………..

a . received signals

b . several places

c . machines

d . standarts

e .telegraphs

Key Answer : c

2 . Paragraph two is talking about …………..

a . facsimile technology that has become increasingly sophisticated

b . facsimile that can send a document to several places

c . the latest machines that must be linked to a special digital phone line

d . sending document that costs the price of one phone call

e . the received signals into reproduction of the original

Key Answer : a

3 . ‘ Facsimile transmission involve sending …………’ (paragraph III )

The synonim of the underlined word is ….

a . exclude

b . includes

c . takes

d . inivites

e . insert

Key Answer : b

4 .Since then , facsimile technology has been increasingly sophisticated .

The antonym of the underlined word is …….






Key Answer : a

5 . Now fax machine can send A4 document that contains ……………

a . images

b . words

c . images and words

d . no images and words

e . documents

Key Answer : a

Based on the text , decided if the following statements are true or false .

6 . Facsimile machine used in the late 1970s .

Key Answer : true

7 . Facsimile technology has increasingly sophisticated .

Key Answer : false

8 . The latest machines can send a document to several places .

Prima Baktiputri/102120164

Nama : Prima Baktiputri

NIM : 102120164

Kelas : VI. E




Rural Poverty in Indonesia

More than half of Indonesia’s 235 million people are poor. Most struggle to

survive on less than US$2 a day, and are at risk of even more severe poverty.

Approximately 60 per cent of the populations live in rural areas where agriculture is

the main source of livelihood.

Poverty has always been a concern in Indonesia. First, in the 1970s the country

entered a period of steady economic growth, accompanied by progressive social

development. Then in 1997 and 1998 the Indonesian economy came close to collapse,

when a financial crisis swept through South-Eastern Asia. Before the crisis, 16.8 per

cent of the country’s families were officially classified as poor. At the height of the

financial upheaval, the proportion of poor households in the country doubled. Although

the crisis hit harder in urban areas, recovery was also more rapid in the cities and towns.

Instead, in rural areas, poverty is greater than it was before the financial crisis. Millions

of small farmers, farm workers and fishers are materially and financially unable to tap

into the opportunities offered by years of economic growth. Is It True that Poverty is

Caused by Unemployment?

Then, the financial crisis also took a heavy toll on the government’s budget. At

a time when government spending was needed to help reduce economic hardships

weighing on poor people, social expenditures such as spending for health and education

had to be cut. Even today, the government’s heavy debt burden means that there are

few resources to help finance poverty reduction programmes.

Adapted from: http://www.ruralpovertyportal.org

Prima Baktiputri/102120164

A. Kategori Reading


State whether the statements below are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) according to the


No Statement T F

1. More than half of Indonesia’s 235 million people are poor. T

2. Most Indonesians live in urban areas where agriculture is the main

source of livelihood.


3. In the 1970s the country entered a period of steady economic growth,

accompanied by reductive social development.


4. After the crisis, 16.8% of the country’s families were officially


as rich.


5. Poverty is greater than the financial crisis. F

6. The financial crisis took a heavy toll on the government’s financial





7. A person in charge of a particular political unit (B)

8. The system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a

country is made and used (C)

9. All the people living in a particular country, area or place


10. The science of the cultivation of land; farming (I)

11. The condition of being extremely poor (A)

12. The process of teaching or learning in a school or college,

or the knowledge that you get from this (J)

13. Relating to money or how money is managed (H)

14. (the way someone earns) the money people need to pay for

food, a place to live, clothing, etc (D)

15. A situation that has reached an extremely difficult or

dangerous point; a time of great disagreement, uncertainty or

suffering. (F)

A. Poverty

B. Governor

C. Economy

D. Livelihood

E. Reductive

F. Crisis

G. Population

H. Financial

I. Agriculture

J. Education

K. Money

Prima Baktiputri/102120164

Prima Baktiputri/102120164

B. Kategori Vocabulary (Soal 16-27)

Find the words in the text which have similar meanings to the following

words! The first letter is already given.

16. Deficiency = s________ (scarcity)

17. About, around = s________ (surrounding)

18. Occupation, source of revenue = j________ (job)

19. Fall down, end = d________ (death)

20. Quantity, percentage, amount = w________ (weight)

21. Fast, quick, swift = s________ (short time)

22. Development, increase = g________ (growth)

23. Decrease = l________ (lessen)

Find the category of the word in the brucket!

24. Destitute poor pity unemployed (=……………….)

Key answer: Poverty

25. Book pencil teacher student (=………………)

Key answer: school

Choose the correct answer that is suitable with the meaning of the term


26. A person who is the head of a state.

A. The governor

B. The teacher

C. The leader

D. The headmaster

E. The developer. Key answer: A

27. The department of an organization that deals with finding new employees,

keeping records about all the organization's employees, and helping them

with any problems

A. Resources

B. Government

C. Human Resources

D. Poverty

E. Department key answer: C

Prima Baktiputri/102120164

C. Kategori Grammar


Put a cross on the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected!

28. I would like to stays here, so you should be here on 07.00 pm

A B C D E key answer (B)

29. Poverty have always been a concern in Indonesia.

A B C D E Key answer (B)

Fill in the blank word with the correct answer then mark the letter A, B,

C, D, E in your answer sheet!

30. Poverty in Indonesia is the serious problems, and the governor ……… to

dispatch it.

A. try

B. trying

C. has tried

D. tries

E. are trying key answer (D)

31. My father ………….in the living room, and my mother is cooking in the


A. is reading

B. read

C. reads

D. was reading

E. are reading key answer: A

32. I want to …………….in the market, but you always disturb me.

A. studies

B. studying

C. is studying

D. study

E. was studying key answer: D

33. Tina is the ……. beautiful student in the school.

A. more

B. very

C. quite

D. pretty

Nama :Priyatun Rukiyah

NIM : 102120165

Kelas :VI / E





By Rosie

One day, I was ata party when somebody dared me to go into the bedroom in

the basement, turn off the light, and close the door. I had stayed there for five

minutes. After about a minute, the lights started flicker on and off. I was sure it was

one of my friend playing a trick on me. About the third time the light flickered, I

noticed a beautiful girlin the mirror and her hand was reachinng toward me. I heard a

voice but I had a hard timeto undersatand. I finally realized that the girl was uttering,

“Beware, he’s coming”. I felt a tap on my back and all of a sudden, she was gone. I

ran out screaming and my friends made fun of me. The next night when family was

asleep, it rained so heavily andmy cat, Rosie, was dead.

(source “Look Ahead An English Course 2, for Senior High School Students

Year XI, page 67 )


Complete the paragraph with determiner and preposition to be a good


(for number 1- 5).

I was at (1)........ party when somebody dared me to go into bedroom (2)..........

the dark night, turn off (3)......... light, and close the door. The lights started

flicker (4)........... and off. I was sure it was one (5)........... my friend playing a

trick on me.

Analysis the sentence below by selecting F if the sentence have a errors

grammar, and T for the good sentence.

6. She fell a tap on her back and sudden gone.

7. Her cat were die so yesterday she don’t go to school.

8. The girl in the mirror was go when Rosie felt her tap.

9. Rosie ran out screaming from the bedroom.

10. She had stay on the bedroom for five minutes.

B. Vocabulary

Read the statement in coloumn I. Choose the best meaning from coloumn II.


11. The place under the land.

12. Be on and off.

13. Invite someone to compete.

14. Something used to see the

appearance of.

15. A loud of sound as shocked.

16. Something that make


17. Try to get something.

a. Tap.

b. Dared.

c. Flicker.

d. Mirror.

e. Screaming.

f. Beware.

g. Basement.

h. Reaching.

18. My friend dared me to go into the bedroom in the basement.

What is the synonim of the underline word?

a. Chalenge

b. Dream

c. Asking

d. Challenge

e. Request

19. I had stayed there for five minute.

What is the antonym of the italic word.

a. Leave

b. Come

c. Arrive

d. Remain

e. Keep

20. The girl was uttering, “ Beware, he’s coming”

What is the synonym of the bold word?

a. Dangerous

b. Carefull

c. Calm

d. Quite

e. Composed

21. I ran out screaming and my riends made fun of me.

What is the antonym of the underline word?

a. Yell

b. Whoop

c. Silent

d. Shout

e. Shriek

C. Reading

Read the text above and answer the question below by selecting options A, B,

C, D, and E.

22. Who is Rosie?

a. The girl in the mirror

b. Student

c. Teacher

d. Mother

e. The cat

23. Why she want to go into the basement?

a. Because she sleepy

b. Because she felt anxious

c. Because a friends dared her.

d. Because the party will be doing in basement.

e. Because she felt urinate.

24. Why she screaming when come out of basement?

a. Because she feel afraid

b. Because she happy

c. Because within basement is dark

d. Because her friend calling.

e. Because she sultry

25. What is her feeling when she in basement before five minute?

a. So-so

b. Afraid

c. Happy

d. Sad

e. Tragic

26. Who is clap the writer back?

a. Her friend

b. The girl in the mirror

c. Her mother

d. The cat

e. Rosie

Read the sentence below and analysis by selecting T or F appropriate with the


27. The writer don’t afraid in the basement.

28. Her friend played the electric switch.

29. The girl in the mirror is her friends.

30. She stay in the basement for fiveteen minute.

31. She ran out whoop out of the basement.

Complethe the pagaraph below.

I was sure it was one of my friend (32).............. a trick on me. About

the third time the (33).......... flickered, I noticed a beautiful girl in the

mirror (34)......... her hand was reachinng toward me. I heard a (35).........

but I had a hard timeto undersatand. I (36)......... realized that the girl was

uttering, “Beware, he’s coming”.

Nama : Riyani

NIM : 102120168

Kelas : 6 E




A Short Biography: Michael Jackson, King of Pop

Born on 29th August 1958, Michael Jackson started his entertainment career as

the lead singer of the Jackson5. The bands comprised of his brothers who were all older

than him, and was run by his father Joseph. The group did very well and the star of the

band was undoubtedly little Michael at eleven years of age.

He started singing solo two years later and pioneered the entry of African

Americans in to the world of pop and ensured a vast following that gave him instant

success. His fans numbered in the millions even though he was just in his teens.

Record breaking

Three of his album which broke records are"Bad", "Thriller" and "Off the

Wall", sold millions of copies worldwide and gave him an entry into the record books.

Guinness World of Records listed him as the entertainer who was the most successful.

During his career he got 13 Grammys with singles that remained on the music charts

for a very long time.

Changing his appearance

Michael Jackson's fame and fortune caused him to be the cynosure of billions

of people and also led to his being hounded by the paparazzi and his exploitation by

the press and media. He was sensitive about is appearance and constantly distressed by

his nose which had caused him to be teased about it as a teen, and led him to opt for

surgery on it. This surgery was the first of many that he underwent throughout his life.

He had changed his appearance to appear as a white man even though his being

a black American had in no way stopped him being the idol of many millions of people,

not limited to the United States. His reasons for doing this are a mystery and it is said

that if he had kept the looks he was born with he would have gone much further as an

entertainer. In spite of the cosmetic changes that he did make to himself, Michael

Jackson continued to be considered the greatest entertainer in the world.

Dark period of his life

His life took an unfortunate turn when he was accused of child molestation. He

was hounded by the media who continued to dwell on the topic even though his

innocence was proved. His image in public eyes was destroyed and Michael Jackson

legion of devoted fans could not prevent this damage to his reputation.

His dancing skills have led to many entertainers being inspired to imitate him

and his added singing skills made him unique. Michael was of a philanthropic bent of

mind and his charities have helped millions worldwide. His death is a huge loss to the

entertainment industry and the world at large. He will always be remembered and will

be in the hearts of his fans, forever.

His best works

His best works included "For you and for Me", "There Are People Dying",

"Make It A Better Place". His works "If You Care Enough", "For The Living", "Heal

the World", "And The Entire Human Race", "Make A Better Place" were equally


Michael Jackson was called King of Pop and will always be in our hearts. May his God

rest his soul?

Source: Michael Jackson Biography

Source : www.voices.yahoo.com/a-short biography-Michael Jackson-king- pop-


A. Reading

Read the above text. Choose A, B, C, D or e the correct answer.

1. When was Michael Jackson born?

a. August 29th 1958 c. May 29th 1958

b. 29th August 1958 d. June 29 , 1958

e. August 29 , 1958

2. What kind of music did Jackson sing?

a. a & b c. hip hop

b. Jazz d. rock

e. pop

3. How do Jackson Started his career?

a. As the lead singer of Jackson 5

b. He started solo singer

c. Singing on café

d. As a dancer

e. Make a group band

4. When did Jackson singing solo?

a. Eleven year c. thirteen year

b. Thirty year d. five year

e. twelve year

5. What is Michael Jackson?

a. dancer c. actor

b. entertainer d. singer

e. producer

6. How many he got Grammys award?

a. Eleven c. thirteen

b. Thirty d. five

e. twelve

7. Who is Jackson 5?

a. The Jackson band

b. The band comprised of his brothers who were all older than him, and was

run by his father Joseph.

c. The group did very well

d. The group dancer of Jackson

e. The bands his brother

8. Who is Michael Jackson?

a. As the lead singer of Jackson 5

b. King of pop

c. solo singer

d. Singing on café

e. As a dancer

9. What’s his skill?

a. Acting

b. Dancing

c. Singing

d. Dancing and singing

e. Make a group band

10. Why did he was sensitive about his appearance?

a. He is black man.

b. He changed her appearance.

c. About surgery.

d. The paparazzi and his exploitation by press and media.

e. His node which had him to be teased about it as a teen.

Based on the text, decided the following statements are True or False.

11. Michael Jackson as the lead singer of the Jackson 5.

12. As the lead singer of the Jackson 5 has made Michael Jackson popular.

13. Michael Jackson started his career become solo career.

14. Michael Jackson has a few albums.

15. He was changed his appearance.

Nama : Rohmat Setiyono

NIM : 102120169

Kelas : VI E



Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time in a large forest, close to a village, stood the cottage where the

Teddy Bear family lived. They were not really proper Teddy Bears, for Father Bear

was very big, Mother Bear was middling in size, and only Baby Bear could be described

as a Teddy Bear.

Each bear had its own size of bed. Father Bear's was large and nice and comfy.

Mother Bear's bed was middling in size, while Baby Bear had a fine little cherry wood

bed that Father Bear had ordered from a couple of beaver friends.

Beside the fireplace, around which the family sat in the evenings, stood a large

carved chair for the head of the house, a delightful blue velvet armchair for Mother

Bear, and a very little chair for Baby Bear.

Neatly laid out on the kitchen table stood three china bowls. A large one for Father

Bear, a smaller one for Mother Bear, and a little bowl for Baby Bear.

The neighbors were all very respectful to Father Bear and people raised their hats

when he went by. Father Bear liked that and he always politely replied to their

greetings. Mother Bear had lots of friends. She visited them in the afternoons to

exchange good advice and recipes for jam and bottled fruit. Baby Bear, however, had

hardly any friends. This was partly because he was rather a bully and liked to win

games and arguments. He was a pest too and always getting into mischief. Not far

away, lived a fair-haired little girl who had a similar nature to Baby Bear, only she was

haughty and stuck-up as well, and though Baby Bear often asked her to come and play

at his house, she always said no.

One day, Mother Bear made a nice pudding. It was a new recipe, with blueberries

and other crushed berries. Her friends told her it was delicious. When it was ready, she

said to the family:

"It has to be left to cool now, otherwise it won't taste nice. That will take at least

an hour. Why don't we go and visit the Beavers' new baby? Mummy Beaver will be

pleased to see us." Father Bear and Baby Bear would much rather have tucked into the

pudding, warm or not, but they liked the thought of visiting the new baby.

'We must wear our best clothes, even for such a short visit. Everyone at the

Beavers' will be very busy now, and we must not stay too long!" And so they set off

along the pathway towards the river bank. A short time later, the stuck-up little girl,

whose name was Goldilocks, passed by the Bears' house as she picked flowers.

"Oh, what an ugly house the Bears have!" said Goldilocks to herself as she went

down the hill. "I'm going to peep inside! It won't be beautiful like my house, but I'm

dying to see where Baby Bear lives.' Knock! Knock! The little girl tapped on the door.

Knock! Knock! Not a sound...

"Surely someone will hear me knocking," Goldilocks said herself, impatiently.

"Anyone at home?" she called, peering round the door. Then she went into the empty

house and started to explore the kitchen.

"A pudding!" she cried, dipping her finger into the pudding Mother Bear had left

to cool. "Quite nice!" she murmured, spooning it from Baby Bear's bowl. In a

twinkling, the bowl lay empty on a messy table. With a full tummy, Goldilocks went

on exploring.

"Now then, this must be Father Bear's chair, this will be Mother Bear's, and this

one must belong to my friend, Baby Bear. I'll just sit on it a while!" With these words,

Goldilocks sat herself down onto the little chair which, quite unused to such a sudden

weight, promptly broke a leg. Goldilocks crashed to the floor, but not in the least

dismayed by the damage she had done, she went upstairs.

There was no mistaking which was Baby Bear's bed.

"Mm! Quite comfy!" she said, I bouncing on it. "Not as nice as mine, but nearly!

Then she yawned. I think I'll lie down, only for a minute just to try the bed." And in

next to no time, Goldilocks lay fast asleep in Baby Bear's bed. In the meantime, the

Bears were on their way home.

"Wasn't the new Beaver baby ever so small?" said Baby Bear to his mother. Was

I as tiny as that when I was born?"

"Not quite, but almost," came the reply, with a fond caress. From a distance, Father

Bear noticed the door was ajar.

"Hurry!" he cried. "Someone is in our house . . ." Was Father Bear hungry or did

a thought strike him? Anyway, he dashed into the kitchen. "I knew it! Somebody has

gobbled up the pudding."

"Someone has been jumping up and down on my armchair!" complained Mother


"and somebody's broken my chair!" wailed Baby Bear.

Where could the culprit be? They all ran upstairs and tiptoed in amazement over

to Baby Bear's bed. In it lay Goldilocks, sound asleep. Baby Bear prodded her toe.

"Who's that? Where am I?" shrieked the little girl, waking with a start. Taking

fright at the scowling faces bending over her, she clutched the bedclothes up to her

chin. Then she jumped out of bed and fled down the stairs.

"Get away! Away from that house!" she told herself as she ran, forgetful of all the

trouble she had so unkindly caused. But Baby Bear called from the door, waving his


"Don't run away! Come back! I forgive you, come and play with me!"

And this is how it all ended. From that day onwards, haughty rude Goldilocks

became a pleasant little girl. She made friends with Baby Bear and often went to his

house. She invited him to her house too, and they remained good friends, always.

A. Vocabulary

a) Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

16. Once upon a time in a large forest, close to a village, stood the cottage

where the Teddy Bear family lived. The synonym of the underlined word is

…. (Except).

a. bungalow

b. chalet

c. lodge

d. small house

e. big house

17. The neighbors were all very respectful to Father Bear and people raised

their hats when he went by. What is the antonym of the underlined word?

a. disrespectful

b. deferential

c. reverential

d. humble

e. courteous

18. "Oh, what an ugly house the Bears have!" What is the antonym of the

underlined word?

a. Amusing

b. Unpleasant

c. Horrible

d. Dreadful

e. Disagreeable

19. Father Bear's was large and nice and comfy. What is the antonym of the

underlined word?

a. cozy

b. snug

c. painful

d. restful

e. secure

20. Goldilocks crashed to the floor, … What is the antonym of the underlined


a. packed up

b. worn-out

c. gone down

d. fine

e. stopped

21. …, she went upstairs. What is the underlined word mean?

a. pass on

b. came

c. come back

d. run out

e. work

22. "Who's that? Where am I?" shrieked the little girl, … What is the underlined

word mean?

a. whispered

b. supposed

c. thought

d. held

e. yelled

23. He was a pest too and always getting into mischief. What is the underlined

word mean?

a. annoyance

b. desire

c. pleasure

d. wish

e. inclination

24. He was a pest too and always getting into mischief. The synonym of the

underlined word is …. Except

a. harm

b. damage

c. trouble

d. disruption

e. kindness

25. ' Knock! Knock! The little girl tapped on the door. The underlined word has

the same meaning with …. Except

a. pass over

b. appointed

c. hit

d. thump

e. bash

Nama : Rohyati

NIM : 102120170

Kelas : V1/ E



Red Onion and Garlic

Time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful

teenage girl named garlic. They are a happy family. Although garlic dad just ordinary traders,

but they live in harmony and peace. But one day garlic mother was seriously ill and eventually

died. Garlic is very sad as well as his father.

In the village lived a widow who also has a son named Onion. Since the mother died

Garlic, Shallots mother often visited the house of Garlic. He often brought food, helped clean

the house or garlic Garlic and only accompany his father to talk. Garlic father finally thought

that maybe it's better if he had married only with the mother Onion, Garlic not so lonely


With consideration of garlic, then the father is married to the mother Garlic onion.

Originally maternal red onion and red onion to the garlic is very good. But over time their true

nature began to appear. They often berated garlic and gave him a job if the father Garlic weight

is going to trade. Garlic should be doing all the housework, while the red onion and her mother

sitting alone. Of course Garlic father did not know it, because garlic is never told.

One day Garlic father fell ill and later died. Since then the red onion and mother

increasingly powerful and persecution of Garlic. Garlic is almost never at rest. He had to get

up before dawn, to prepare the water bath and breakfast for the red onion and mother. Then he

had to feed livestock, watering gardens and washing clothes into a river. Then she still has to

ironing, cleaning the house, and many other jobs. However Garlic always do their work with

joy, because he hopes one day her stepmother would love him like his own biological child.

This morning as usual Garlic carrying baskets of clothes to be washed in a river.

With little singing him down a path at the edge of an ordinary small forest path. The day was

very sunny weather. Garlic immediately wash all dirty clothes he was carrying. Because of too

much fun, Garlic does not realize that one of the clothes have been washed away. Unfortunately

the clothes are washed favorite shirt stepmother. When he realized it, clothes have been washed

away stepmother too far. Garlic try down the river to look for him, but could not find it. In

desperation, he returned home and told his mother.

"Basic careless!" Snapped her stepmother. "I do not want to know, anyway you should find

that outfit! And do not dare go home if you have not found it. Understand? "

Garlic is forced to obey the wishes ibun stepfather. He quickly washed down the

river where he was. The sun had started rising, but the Garlic is yet to find his mother's clothes.

He put his eye, carefully examining each overhung root that juts into the river, who knows his

mother's clothes caught there. After a long walk and the sun was already leaning to the west,

Garlic saw a shepherd who was bathing buffalo. Garlic then asked: "O my good uncle, if uncle

saw the red dress who float through here? Because I had to find and bring him home. "" Yes I

had seen my son. If you catch quickly, maybe you can catch him, "said the uncle.

"Well uncle, thank you!" Said Garlic and immediately ran back down. It was getting

dark, Garlic is getting desperate. Soon night will come, and Garlic. From a distance looks light

coming from a shack on the riverbank. Garlic immediately went to the house and knocked.

"Excuse me ...!" Said Garlic. An old woman opened the door. "Who are you boy?" Asked the

old woman. "My Grandma Garlic. Just now I'm looking for my mother who washed clothes.

And now benighted. Can I stay here tonight? "Asked Garlic. "May my son. Are you looking

for clothes that are red? "Asked grandma. "Yes Grandma. What ... grandmother found her?

"Asked Garlic.

"Yes. Earlier dress snagged in front of my house. Unfortunately, though I liked the

clothes, "said the grandmother. "Well I'll return it, but first you must accompany me here for a

week. I have not talked with anyone, how? "Pleaded white nenek.Bawang thought for a

moment. My grandmother looked lonely. Garlic also feel pity. "Okay Grandma, I'll stay with

grandma for a week, from grandmothers do not get bored with me," said Garlic with a smile.

During the week Garlic stay with the grandmother. Garlic each day helps with

homework grandmother. Of course, the old woman feel good. Until eventually even been a

week, my grandmother was summoned garlic. "Son, have you lived here a week. And I'm glad

that you are a diligent and dutiful. For that according to my promise you can take your mother's

clothes to go home. And another thing, you may choose one of two this pumpkin as a gift!

"Said the grandmother. Garlic initially refused to be rewarded but still forced her grandmother.

Finally Garlic select the smallest pumpkin. "I'm afraid not bring a big strong," he said. Grandma

smiled and Garlic deliver up to the front of the house.

At home, Garlic handed his stepmother's red shirt as he went into the kitchen to split

the pumpkin yellow. Garlic surprise when the pumpkin was cut, turned out to contain gold

jewelry in it very much. He screamed so happy and gave this magic to his stepmother and red

onion with langsun greedy grab the gold and jewels. They forced the garlic to tell how he could

get the prize. Garlic also told the truth.

Hear stories garlic, onion and her mother plan to do the same thing but this time the

red onion will do it. In short, onion finally arrived at the old house on the edge of river. Like

garlic, red onion was asked to accompany him for a week. Unlike an avid garlic, red onions for

a week was just being lazy. If anything is done then the result is never good because it is always

done poorly. Finally after a week's grandmother was allowed to leave the red onion. "Is not it

supposed to be grandmother gave me a pumpkin as a gift because it keep you company for a

week?" Asked a red onion. My grandmother was forced to send onions to choose one of two

offered pumpkin. With the quick red onion take a big pumpkin and without saying thank you

he walked away.

Arriving at the house red onion soon meet his mother and happily shows gourd he

was carrying. For fear of garlic will ask for parts, they sent garlic to go into a river. Then they

split impatiently these pumpkins. But it was not gold jewels out of these pumpkins, but

venomous animals such as snakes, scorpions, and others. The animals were immediately

attacked the red onion and his mother to death. That is the reward of those who get greedy.


Read the text then answer the questions by crossing a,b,c,d, or e

1. What is the story about?

a. Malin Kundang

b. Bawang Putih & Bawang merah

c. Sangkuriang

d. Tangkuban Perahu

e. Like a Toba

2. What kind of text the story above?

a. Recount

b. Descriptive

c. Procedure

d. Narrative

e. News item

3. Who is Bawang Merah?

a. Bawang Putih’s mother

b. Bawang Putih’s step sister

c. The old woman

d. The pumpkin’s owner

e. The grand mother

4. Who gave the clothes back to Bawang Putih

a. The old woman

b. Bawang merah

c. Her Step mother

d. River

e. The father

5. Why were Bawang Merah and mother screaming?

a. They found jewelries

b. Mother’s clothes fell down to the river

c. Both of them realized their mistakes

d. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin

e. Bawanmg merah’s clothes fell down to the river

6. Why did Bawang Merah and mother say apologize to Bawang Putih?

a. They found jewelries

b. Mother’s clothes fell down to the river

c. Both of them realized their mistakes

d. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin

e. The were aware

State true or false based on the text above.

7. Garlic’s father is married to the mother Garlic onion ( T / F )

8. One day Garlic’S father sick then die (T / F )

9. clothes which washed away were found by grand father (T / F )

10. During the week Garlic stay with the grandmother (T / F )

11. red onion take a big pumpkin and without saying thank you he walked way


12.One week onion stay with the grandmother. (T/ F )

Name : Siti Aniroh

NIM : 102120171

Class : VI E



Extreme weather, water shortage impede fire extinguishing efforts in Riau

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Archipelago | Wed, June 19 2013, 5:13 PM



Manggala Agni fire-fighting team from the Riau Natural Resource Conservation

Center (BBKSDA) has been overwhelmed in attempts to prevent raging peat land

fires across some areas in Riau province, due to extreme weather and lack of water.

“The most we can do is to prevent the fires from spreading. But to fully extinguish

the fires, it is very difficult as there are many challenges in the field,” said the head of

BBKSDA Riau’s forest fire control division, Isbanu, on Wednesday as quoted by

Antara news agency.

He said two Manggala Agni teams had been deployed to help extinguish peat land

fires in Sepahat in Bengkalis regency and Pelintung in Dumai City. Two other groups

were being prepared in anticipation of fires in conservation areas.

“Two other groups will be deployed to anticipate fires in conservation areas,” he said.

Isbanu said that fire extinguishing efforts in Sepahat and Pelintung had involved

many institutions, which included the Manggala Agni, the Society Concerned about

Fires (MPA), the local fire-fighting teams and companies in nearby areas.

He said the available human resources were not enough because extinguishing fires in

peat lands was exceptionally difficult.

Currently, the peat land fires in Pelintung and Sepahat cover around 550 hectares.

The fires in the three-meter-deep peat lands, which had been used previously for palm

oil plantations owned by local people, started last weekend.

Very hot and dry weather has aggravated the situation and complicated the fire

extinguishing as water sources have gone dry.

“The peatland fires can be fully extinguished only if rains fall,” said Isbanu.

I. Reading

A. Multiple Choice

Instruction: read the passage above than choose a, b, c, d, or e if it is the correct


1. What happen to Riau according to the news?

a. Extreme hot weather.

b. Long dry season

c. Fighting team supporter

d. Extreme natural disaster

e. Forest on Fire

2. What is the most difficult obstacle in preventing fire spreading?

a. Lack of human resources

b. Lack of accessible area

c. Lack of water supply

d. Extreme fire spreading

e. Un-sufficient firefighting unit

3. What is the most probably solution to overcome the problem?

a. Wind splash to hit the fire

b. Huge amount of co2 gas

c. Rain

d. Human resources

e. Access point

Answer : e

Answer : c

Answer : c

4. Why might the fire stop in spreading?

a. To prevent more victim

b. To help the civilization from danger

c. To save the conversation are

d. To stop the destruction

e. To make the area safe

5. What was the burned area in the forest?

a. the conservation plant

b. the peat land

c. the plantation

d. the outline of the forest

e. the center of the forest

B. True – False

Instruction: Read the text, and then choose whether the statement is TRUE or


6. The area was easy to conduct the action. (F)

7. Extra efforts have been spent to take the fire down. (T)

8. The weather was support to make the action easy. (F)

9. Water supply was far in range. (T)

10. The team was forced to give extra struggle because the unfriendly area. (T)

Answer : c

Answer : b

Nama : Tri Handayani

NIM : 102120175

Kelas : VI E



Text 1

The Sinking of Titanic

In 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg on its first trip across the Atlantic, and it

sank for hours later. At that time, the Titanic was the largest ship that had ever

travelled on the sea. It was carrying 2207 people, but it has taken on enough lifeboats

for only 651 of them were able to get into lifeboats.

The Carpathia was 58 miles away when the Titanic called on its radio for

help. It arrived two hours after the great ship had gone down, and it saved 705 people.

Some of the survivors had been in the icy water for hours were they were saved. Most

of the passangers had not lived that long; 1502 people had lost their lives.

Through the whole tragedy, the Californian was only ten miles away. Its

officers were close enough to see the Titanic, but they did not understand the

situation. They never received the Titanic’s call for help, and they did not come to the

rescue until too late.

(Source : Intensive Reading Book, by Titi Rokhayati M. Pd. )

A. Kategori ( READING )


Reading the text above, then choose the best answer by circle a, b, c or d!

1. Which sea that acrossed by Titanic in 1912 ?

a. Atlantic

b. Hindia

c. Pasific

d. China selatan

e. Merah

2. What is the condition of the sea water where the Titanic sank ?

a. High temperature

b. Low temperature

c. Too cold

d. Big wave

e. Middle temperature

3. Many people lost their lives, because .........

a. The sea was too cold like icy

b. The temperature is too hot

c. The people were sank

d. The ship was sank

e. There was no people who knowing about the tragedy

4. Why did many people cannot get into lifeboats ?

a. Because there many lifeboats which cannot to used

b. Because many lifeboats was lost

c. Because the lifeboats were not enough

d. Because many people who cannot to swim

e. Many passangers were not know if there is lifeboats

5. Where is the located of atlantic sea ?

a. India

b. Brazil

c. Belanda

d. Inggris

e. America

6. Why californian officers did not come to help the Titanic ?

a. The information was too late

b. They were stuck in big wave

c. They didn’t have a ship to help

d. They didn’t understand about the sutuation

e. They were frightened

7. Why the californian officers didn’t understand about the situation of Titanic ?

a. They didn’t received a letter

b. They never received the Titanic’s call for help

c. They never contact to Titanic

d. They didn’t care about Titanic

e. They were busy

By: Wtrie.pts23_June2013


NIM : 102120176

Kelas : VI E



A. Kategori (VOCABULARY)

Text 1

Elisabeth was very prettygirl and her parrents were rich. Quite a lot of the young men in

the town wanted to marry her, but she was not wanted with any them.

One evening, the handsome of the young men who wanted to marry Elisabeth came to

visit her in her parrent’s house and asked her to become his wife. She answered, “No,William,

I won’t marry you, I want to marry a man who is famous who can play music, sing and dance

very well, who can tell really interesting stories, who doesn’t smoke and drink, who stays at

home in the evenings and who stops talking when I’m tired of listening.”

The young man got up, took his coat and went to the door, but before he left the house, he

turned to Elisabeth and said, “It’s a not a man you are looking for. It’s a television set.”

(Source: Intensive Reading book, by Mrs. Titi Rokhayati M. Pd.)


Complete the statement bellow into good sentences with appropriate verb.

1. Elisabeth ________ very popular and she is pretty one.

2. Elisabet want to mary man who can singing, _________ and dancing very well.

3. William ______ with Elisabeth, because she was refused his urge.

4. A man who stops talking when she’s tired of listening ________ Elisabeth want.

5. He _______ his coat, before he left the house.

By: Wtrie.pts23_June2013


Match the contrary verb coloum A into coloum B with the suitable verb


6. Came

7. Remarry

8. Took

9. Stoped

10. Approve



One married




Get married again



B. Kategori (GRAMMAR)


Choose the best answer by crossing the a, b, c, d or e.

1. The field wiil be _________ by my father.

a. Plough

b. Plouging

c. Ploughed

d. Ploughs

e. In plough

2. The kites have ______ by the boy.

a. Been make

b. Makes

c. Been made

d. Been makes

e. Made

3. The boys ______ football every Sunday.

a. Play

b. Played

c. Is playing

d. Were played

By: Wtrie.pts23_June2013

e. Plays

4. She asked someone to ______ the bananas.

a. Eat

b. Ate

c. Eating

d. Bought

e. Took

5. Sadam : Why do you come late?

Rere : My mother had me _________ him.

a. Wait for

b. Waited for

c. Waiting

d. To wait for

e. To be waited for

6. Widy : The floor looks very clean.

Jimmy : Of course. It _________ twice a day.

a. Is swept

b. Swept

c. Is sweep

d. Is being swept

e. was sweep.

7. Weny : What were you doing when my mother came to your house, Ra?

Rara : I ...... my little sister a story.

a. Was telling

b. Tell

c. Told

d. Tells

e. Were tells


State the following statement True (T) or False (F)

8. My mother cooks fried rice every evening.

9. Neither of the students knows the answer.

10. My little son play football on Sunday.

11. I read novel twice a week.

12. The people wait for the Pramex train.

13. The cats are being fed by Laras.

14. She had got up before I came.